This made me LOL because I totally overuse commas 😂
Turns out there’s no such thing as good and bad person! Living, breathing entities are fluid. But we don’t have unlimited time. It’s a good time to check the harmful thoughts are exercise compassion, first with ourselves.
ADHD is brutal. Much love to you and your friend. May he rest in peace.
That is well put together lovely outfit. You should see how I dress - one hot mess lol
Seriously? These people have no idea of what they're talking about.
I’ve had very few fellow ADHDers in my life, but lots of friends and family with Depression, GAD, and ASD, and a difference I’ve noticed is that unlike those 3, ADHD doesn’t change your perspective of reality as strongly. Maybe the emotional disregulation gets close, but in general having ADHD doesn’t paint my perception of the events occurring in my life, I just... lack the tools to actually manage my intentions. It also means that I’m fully aware of the non-neurotypical shit I’m doing which is making my life worse, which is both a blessing and a curse I guess. It’s nice to be able to notice how and why my brain is fucking up so I can attempt to manage my symptoms, but on the other hand, I NOTICE WHEN MY BRAIN IS FUCKING UP. Ignorance is bliss
Yeah, but I don't think of intrusive thoughts as thinking too much. It's more like having really bad images pop into my head that ruin my vibe.
Amazing work!!! When I was in my teenage years, hand washing was my main obsession and people used to ask if I had gotten into a fight because my hands were so red and cracked. My hands are much better now but they do get itchy when triggered by stress/anxiety. Do you have any hand creams you would recommend btw?
Hahaha yes this is me also, I have an alarm that goes off twice a day that says “BRUSH YOUR FUCKING TEETH” Surprisingly I finally have the right combination of meds and for the last 15 days straight I have been using a habit tracker, there were only 2 days that I neglected to floss and brush. That might still sound gross to some people, but it’s a big improvement for me! That self monitoring/visual feedback can work really well if you have enough motivation to do things.
I’m the opposite. I get OCD about bleach fumes killing my brain cells. I went from fearing germs to fearing the cleaning chemicals used to kill them.
My house is so dirty, I can’t pick things up or put things down or even touch things without counting so even walking is hard at times so I can’t really tiday anyway I have a really bad and illogical habit of pouring bleach all over things that are mine that people touched. Like my brother came in my room and sat on my bed and so I poured bleach all over my bed, now my bed looks stained and dirty from the bleach lol. and my door
You’re highkey super attractive. And it’s amazing how much you’re thriving!!
Shoot, thanks for reminding me to go brush my teeth.
I've always wondered. Got over 1k at one point. Currently under 800 atm and hoping I can get lower.
No, but i constantly worry if i don't have an actual OCD, but some degenerative brain disease instead and my symptoms just seem like an OCD. My brain don't fucking register anything. Closing a toothpaste can, closing anything, moving a fucking bag of bread from point A to point B doesn't feel like i did anything. Oh and just passing from room to room, because i feel like i did something wrong, so i walk back to the room i left and repeat multiple times. Constantly paranoid that i touched something, short term memory loss at times, and no amount of logic gets through my skull. I'm not even joking when i say this, my palms are sweating and i feel like i'm about to get a panic attack right now, because i need to wash my hands and brush my teeth, and i already feel like i fucked up by rubbing soap into my chest or head, or sprayed it to walls or ground and same thing with tooth paste. Then comes the ever lasting rinsing of tooth brush and hands, which takes like 15min or more, and i get my body sweating from anxiety, because i can't stop.
For me it’s usually making weird sounds and spastic movements...
Yes. I get very stressed out when I can’t remember something, especially things about my personal life. I’m about to graduate college and I’m freaking out bc I feel like I should know so much more about my field.
I know this was meant to be funny but my guilt actually comes from feeling like a burden to others because of my ocd. I feel extremely guilty for the things I can’t feel comfortable doing or the things I ask my husband to do to make me feel comfortable etc... Especially with Covid. Stupid Covid. Stupid ocd.
the lessons the child can take can be all of those along with: their emotions don't matter to adults so it's gonna be this way when I'm adult...might as well get used to it
This is a wonderful thing to do; it's also good that they responded in the way that they did. Stuff like this really does benefit all of us. Good work!
This subreddit is giving me mixed emotions, on one hand, I'm relieved I'm not the only one and on the other, I am sad I'm not the only one because OCD sucks!
That was beautiful thank you, made me cry 😭❤ Sorry you lost your friend 🙏🏼💫
Yeah it was hard. I guess I sort of had to be okay with not having a total empty bladder, as well as reminding myself that if I really have to pee, my body will wake me up. And then I will pee, and go back to bed, and the sun will still rise. Way easier said than done. But honestly, accepting that my body will wake me helped a lot.
Opening and closing my backpack multiple times to ensure I have everything and still worrying that I forgot something on the drive to school.
This is why I took time off. I was sneaking an AirPod in my ear to keep me calm at work with my fav podcasts but then I’d start crying ahhhh!
I have a feeling of misanthropic quite often. Its never to devastating and extreme degree, just to the point where I dont want to talk to anyone, and become emotionally wrapped up in my own head. Theres so many times where Im A. Tryin to explain something and someone just isn’t understanding no matter how hard I try to say it. B. Im not understanding them, just being un-able to process the information going to my brain. C. Working slow at my job. And being essentially bashed for it. Even kinda small things like “Why isnt this fan up yet?” Or “You gonna take all day?” just start getting to me. Its not that I try to, I try to get things done in a timely manner, but it just seems like theres so much at play and I cant control it. Just the other week, I was told to do something and I wasnt picking up much on what, just looking between my co workers and they had just been bashing me, and were now telling me to go do something else, and one ended up saying in a pretty rude way “You just gonna stand there with a dumb ass look on your face?” And I still didnt even know what I was really supposed to do. And stuff from over years start coming back in waves in waves of the same type of comments. I had ended up walking away with ear buds in as the thoughts just berated around in my head, and nothing I could do about. I didn’t try to really start crying, but a few tears did shed. Like, I dunno where the problem lies to start targeting it, because it seems its always shifting around and never staying consistent
I definitely do this too. I don’t know if I have OCD, but I also will sometimes go through the entire pile to find a box that is “perfect,” with no blemishes or squished corners or anything.
It's a place where you learn how to switch your focus. How Switch Concentration Camp
I am both. There's one side where I am quiet and smart and generous and kind and then there's the flip side where I am extremely aggressive and can't control my emotions or myself :(
Look into the book Atomic Habits. It may help change your perspective about how to bring about the change you want in your life.
You did this to me you told coach Sylvester about my summer surgery
I think that God reads my mind and I sin by thinkong about bad stuff and I apologize inside my mind but I think that im lying and that God knows that I'm lying
This is why I don’t plan anything more than the minimum. Study plans can be a trap for some of us.
I tend to do the opposite and I know it can't be healthy. I find things to remind myself of all the ways a person hurt me because I can forget so easily, so I keep little reminders and tell myself it's so I can remember who I'm actually dealing with when the dopamine starts flowing again. It's kind of like a crazy backdoor so I can escape back to depression if I start to believe my SO actually likes me. I always need a lot of time to process every situation to see if I'm accurately understanding reality and my biggest issue with this is that we "speak" different love languages and my love language of touch and closeness causes her irritation and annoyance so I have very few memories over the last 20 years where I can actually recall "feeling" loved so all my pictures etc just ends up bringing me more pain cause when I'm having an episode I just see them all as reminders of how stupid I was for believing someone really loved or even liked me.
I have entire days like this. Sometimes I can force myself to take a walk, or do a load of laundry, and it helps a lot. But there are times when I can't and I just sit there and be nervous.
This really cured me. Thanks bro, gotta tell all my friends.
I always hated those “if you don’t ___ then ___” comments. They destroy me
Put everything, and I mean abso-fucking-lutely everything (all your due dates, paper timelines, tests, quizzes, estimated chapter completion dates, other priorities, fun times, workouts, etc...) nothing is too much or too small, on a calendar (I use Excel) and look at it at least 5 times a day. Go through those syllabuses with a fine tooth comb, then do it 3 more times. Then take all that info and input it into your phone calendar and make alarms with multiple alerts for each event with reasonable reminders. It’ll suck, it’ll take a good 3/4 hours but it’ll do wonders. I haven’t missed a damn thing yet since doing this (only took me 5 years of struggle-busing to figure it out). There’s a reason so many ADHD people don’t graduate from college, it’s literally rigged against us. Balance the scales back in your favor my friend!
I have delusions of making a video game in the future and I save anything that gives me concept ideas. I’ve been doing this for like 4 years now across YouTube, Twitter and Reddit and honestly I should probably stop.
OCD isn't all contamination OCD and cleaning.... that's an assumption that a lot of people make, especially those not in this community. I am very messy and don't feel the need to obsessively clean (though with the virus stuff I am washing my hands more). I keep things because I'm afraid of getting rid of them. My OCD attacks my relationship and is mostly mental obsessions, rituals, and compulsions right now. I'm sure there are a ton of people with OCD who are messy.
Going through this right now. Started a new antidepressant recently, fingers crossed. It has been a rough couple of months.
I literally *just* talked about this with my friends haha.
My mom has always done that to me, always punishing me or giving me shit for not getting shit done quick enough or getting distracted. Basically now I can somewhat do that (I'm not on medicine) due to IDK what but probably some form of fear or some shit and not giving a care to my health because "It just needs to get done" and when I can't get it done I break because of it. I FUCKING LOVE IT!
I don’t think any post on here has ever called me out as much as this one
Lol I actually laughed out loud so hard. I was expecting some deep life wisedom
I’ve got 3 spots on my skin that I keep meaning to reach out to a dermatologist about. This is going to be the factor that actually forces me to make the call. Thank you for this post. I hope you are doing well.
Yep, this symptom of ADHD is commonly referred to as “brain fog”. I get it so bad lol. It’s different than tiredness in that if I switch to a more interesting/stimulating task the fog immediately lifts. I try to combat it by adding stimulation, like a random podcast playing in the background or switching to a more stimulating environment (in pandemic times this means going outside to work if possible). Also, if it’s a really bad day or a really boring task, I will literally set a timer for 5-10 minutes and try to push through just for that short time. Then, take a 5 minute break and repeat. If your timer goes off for the break to start and you’re on a roll/the brain fog is gone, absolutely keep going! Double also, every once in awhile I just give in and take a nap. I think that solution is perfectly fine too ha
This is one of the things that I thought only I did 😂.
That's me when I get seen doing something senseless over and over again because a voice in my head told me to do so.
Thanks, that was great though I'm pretty sure I didn't read every word sorry. One fascinating irony about my condition is that reading can be excruciating yet I really enjoy writing and I tend to be really verbose making reading back my own work sometimes impossible.
Yep, can relate OP. Just curious, you in uni? If so what major? I am a chemical engineering major
Mindfulness meditation helps me! I'm able to realize what's my ego and what's my true self more effectively. That way I can shut off the intrusive thoughts that come from my ego and recognize them more efficiently. I really do recommend mindfulness meditation. Although if it makes you feel bad, (I've heard of that happening with some people) take note of that and maybe try something else.
So eloquently said. Good on you! We all deserve help when it's needed.
That is so upseting. I have ocd and I don't care how my family members cut the cake... Unless I get the smaller slice... Jokes aside, it's so odd to see posts like this. Why do people want to have OCD? It's hell! Plus, it upsets me the misinformation it exists regarding OCD
Hahahah this is oddly relatable. I stole pennies from my parents when I was younger and the guilt suffocates me sometimes.
high five, but wash your hand before. i dont wanna catch anything and then worry not to touch my face and eyes so i wouldn't go blind or die.
I don’t have OCD, but it always annoys the fuck out of me when someone says something to make OCD seem quirky/funny. Though I get that many people just don’t understand at all.
* Immediately after right back where you were before **for the rest of the day.**
My college is doing a stress test tomorrow and announcing Friday if it’s permanent. I really fucking hope they don’t move all online because it would completely tank my grades.
Sometimes I wonder if I actually have ADHD. Diagnosed with it but mine seems to manifest differently than a lot of the ways people describe it here.
Yep. The way I’ve started to view it is I’m internalizing other people’s negative perceptions of me. I’m so worried about always being a “good person” in the eyes of others that I can’t handle ambiguity in a healthy way. Guilt and shame are two of society’s control mechanisms to keep me in line, and I way overdo it. I’m getting better at accepting my faults and growing from that, or owning my actions and words and not letting other people’s reactions bother me if I was acting or speaking in good faith, but the struggle never really ends. Meditation helps a ton, specifically focusing on my breath. Makes it much easier to watch these types of thoughts like a movie instead of becoming swept up in the current and having my head bashed against the bottom.
Everything, including the edit. Especially the edit.
All the time. I have alarms that are still on my phone after a year and I still have to do them. Any day now.
Oh yes! This is accurate. I feel like this all the time. Especially on my day off. Makes me mad every time I do this. Just sitting around all day, avoiding the one thing I need to do. Procrastination is a bitch!
Happy cake day! And oh god the feels. I go into auto mode of 'this is what a human being does, oh god they're looking at me, remember to smile'
I had to do an essay and I was so scared I laid in my bed and cried for a bit and just hid from my parents for a few days (pretty easy cuz I have a loft bed and don’t eat ever so i just snuck down to get snacks here and there) they then got pissed when it was late and it was so hard for me
I’ll buy it as well, I’m willing to try anything at this point, even if it’s meant for kids.
I’m glad I no longer have this issue. IIRC this was my first sign of having OCD thought patterns as a kid, started around 9 years old and only lasted a couple years. Unfortunately OCD still affects me in other shitty ways..
I just saw the Spotify wrap up of mine and judged my past self heavily for my poor taste and opened Reddit to this....
I need this but it needs to say estrogen on the bottle. It’s super cute tho and I Love it.
Please watch this and if you find it of benefit share it - Completely healing your anxiety and ocd is possible with the right information and guidance - I’ve been there and have come out the other side - if you don’t want to watch the vid just google Dr.Claire Weekes - trust you won’t be disappointed 😊💯
I don't know if this is a sign, I have contamination ocd too and have been putting off going to the the dentist
This looks amazing. How did you paint this? Did you look at a reference?
Especially as of late, I relate to this so damn hard.
Lmao I don’t actually mind ADHD that much because I do a lot more dumb shit than my friends and thus i’m seen as a madlad in school, and also when going to parties and singing along to MAMA LAUDAAA! max volume
Only until I take a day off and then I’m back to reading and absorbing whatever I can to feed the dopamine addiction. Change is my addiction and a fast-paced world/environment keeps the adrenaline pumping. I’d like to slow down, but every time I do I’m back to restless, bored, or depressed in no time.
Very well done. Sorry for you and all of us that the comments from "loved ones" are so familiar.
Is this why I can picture people being bald sometimes?
i've been struggling with this myself, but you know what? it's 11:30 pm and this post just reminded me to go brush my teeth, so i'm gonna go do that now
It’s tough because anytime I’m super productive, I forget to eat. So I feel good and then really really bad. But if I put time and effort into making something fancy to eat I feel good at first and then I don’t feel like putting energy towards anything else that day, and end up feeling guilty. Plus I’m always afraid people secretly hate me
Thanks for this! I’m still not going to get up but thanks. Lol.
How do I get them to take my picture of me out of this book?
OCD in its bag tryin to make me have an aneurysm at 22 from all this fuckin overthinkin &perfectionism goddamn
The brain on your father is just so huge I too have been cured of my adhd just from reading those wise words of wisdom and for that I thank you
I’ve seen a few people with the semi colon tattooed, what does it symbolize?
Congratulations!! Proud to see someone with my affliction achieving their goals and winning at life.
ok but what was the name of the album not that I want to listen to it but I just reallyy wanna know
Respect and love (= I too have a past with OCD that used to be debilitating. It still surfaces sometimes and its lonely because so few people understand the immense pain, distress, and suffering it causes at times. ​ I'm going to graduate school next year too. Wish me luck. I'll keep you in my prayers tonight.
I love being told I don’t have OCD because I don’t touch a doorknob, flick a light, or compulsively wash my hands. People can be so ignorant that I don’t even think of telling people anymore. It’s a waste of my soul.
I wanna directly respond to this, but it’s a long text and I can’t sleep (took my meds too late), so lemme respond, bit by bit. Firstly, would you mind sharing the playlist? From the way you described things, I’m thinking the Flaming Lips, maybe “Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space” by Spiritualized? I’m curious, and sharing would help commiserate your friends’ memory, stranger or no stranger! Also, one thing about growing up with, maybe it’s ADHD or maybe it’s just me, is that I kind of always feel like a stranger to myself. I’m kind of just existing, and whatever thoughts and emotions hit at the moment are what’s there— it’s like I’m just terrible at remembering or having a sense of continuity of self over time. So i think it’s fine to be strangers, since I’m basically a stranger with myself most of my life, anyway. Anyway, I reverberate a lot with the way your post reads like a somewhat variable and disjoint word salad, that somehow makes sense as you read through it all. What, though, did you mean by your CV looking more and more like a comic book? Is that not a good thing? Too puffed up, too many masculine figures in tight tights? Kinda curious what you were conveying by that. The general vibe of this post reminded me a lot of this book I read, “The Magic Mountain,” by Thomas Mann. I was living in Philly and going through some shit, and had read a Murakami book where the main character drank a shit ton of whisky and read this book, in the book itself. That, weirdly, inspired me to go buy the book, and I made some friends by reading The Magic Mountain and going out to bars, which eventually got me out of my funk. Something about reading books and talking to strangers feels V ADHD or ADD to me. I can get to know a completely stranger hella well for no real reason or even without really trying, at some random CVS or dollar store or local college coffee shop, but struggle to do shit like remember to show up to my psychiatrists’ appointments on time or remember where I put my keys/glasses. Just last week, the dude at the Trader Joes’ checkout was impressed since I remembered this random, specific Killers’ lyric (not Mister Bright Side, ha)—in my head, it seemed not so out of place, since the Killers are a pretty popular band from the early 2000s, and the cashier and me were just randomly chatting and both seemed in our 20s. Just made me think in retrospect now, damn, I guess most people throughout the day don’t actually know most of the bands as associated with the early 2000s, like the Killers, Panic at the Disco, as grouped by a general pattern or vibe of music. Meanwhile, on that same grocery trip, I’d thrown away my fucking car keys along with my facemask walking out; and had to go back and dig through the trash to get it. I don’t know if there’s any generic outliers for childhood stuff that immediately makes me go “this dude or person has ADHD and they’re my kin,” but books and stranger-talk is probably it.
It should be named “literally everything about my brain is fucked up disorder”
Didn’t even realize I was like this/had these symptoms until I tried dating for the first time, just another thing I have to work on and manage.
Damn this is spot-on for me. It is so exhausting. Wish I could turn it off. I always thought this was normal though.
Your tldr is so spot on. It’s like limbo. I just want to freeze time and take a goddamn nap forever.
I do! Or, I did. Not sure what happened to them, but, yeah, for a long time there it was like every 10 or so seconds a thought would pop into my head like, "Remember that time in 1993 when someone pointed out you were being racist because you were, and then you got mad at them? What a dumbshit you are." My therapist told me that thoughts like that were "not helpful," and somehow that worked. That might have been it, anyway.
My brother, mother, grandmother, and further back from what I hear, all have some form of moderate-severe OCD. I have severe ocd as well. I worry so much about my future children, but I really want a big family and have wanted kids since I was like 12. Hopefully, by the time they're my age we'll have cured OCD or have some brain chip to regulate it.
Once I had a therapist that told me I'm not ocd because I didn't take any sanitizer from her desk, and when I tried to explain her I didn't take any because the handle is dirty from everyone else also putting sanitizer on their hands she said oh well you would still find a way if you were ocd. Ocd is not clean or dirty, it's obsessive ideas that eat your brain and torture your soul
Haven't read the other replies, but yes. And many people seem to view "why?" as a childish or irritating question.
Ok , quick fucking poll right now, did anyone here read the whole thing?!
Laughing so much at this it’s so nice to see some relatable content