Keep a package of Colgate wisps in the car. I buy the large bag. Lol this is me all the time.
I am so happy this was posted. I didn’t even join the rush to share on my IG story. Maybe I should just post with a disclaimer mentioning fixation. 🧐
Yeah, this instagram account is really good, probably my favorite OCD resource
Totally me... Even for things not related to OCD and even when i feel good I'm like this.
Same 😔 Honestly, I think THIS is my biggest problem of adhd besides RSD :( I bookmark, screenshot and save in every platform possible+ 3 notes apps... (and if I weren't to have I would in any paper) And I have literal more than 1000 tabs open I counted ; ; At least I delete and organize from time to time and in many folders to look it up easily but the problem is that I will always have more+more folders+different platforms and is so much info that I don't even have time to look it up (or even remember it xD!!) since we get distracted by every new thing or hyperfocused for hours in something. It's my biggest problem mainly bc I need and want, to know, keep and share the knowledge yet I mainly can't bc I don't know where is something or what even is that I want to really share with the world. I'm fine but also could live better and more peaceful without my cluttered mobile, and as if our brains weren't cluttered enough! 😩 And even more, my main problem is that I can't do what I really want, not only bc Idk/I'm not sure/many things. But also bc I really can't move on to do my bigger purposes if I don't have organized all the mess, and it never can be organized everything if I keep adding or being distracted so in conclusion: I kept being stuck, with all the bad consequences it has :')
My brain: This literally goes against everything you believe in or love & causes you anxiety to think about. Me: It must be real!
I’m a dancer and a shirt that they sell (and my friend actually wore to class) was “OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Dancer”. Like??? Let’s not put mental illnesses on shirts, please
I feel like this affects me less than a few years ago, but I feel like this kind of mental preparedness takes away a lot from my energy and makes me tired.
I’ve tended to notice OCD intrusive thoughts is mainly “what if” question.
you got this, op! i've just read through all the comments and feel better! this community is so great, so welcoming and supporting. i've learned a couple of important things and felt like i'm not alone in my ocd state of being. you guys all are great! and op, you are not alone, we are rooting for you!
All medication has so far been useless for my OCD. Been through five combinations so far and recently decided to quit Paroxetine because I felt extreme laziness and anhedonia. 4 days later, no regrets. In my case, the side effects were way more than the benefits. So I have just decided to live with my OCD. I don't want to give a shitload of money for a psychiatrist again when I can spend it on things I enjoy that can help me cope.
I have a alarm to wake up early to take a jog but every day I wake up like hell no and disable it
I've got small cuts on my right hand from scrubbing too hard. Also, after seeing the new CDC infographic (the one that's getting memed), I feel like I'm re-learning how to wash my hands all over again.
Thank you! Ims saving this and I'll try not to forget about it.
I pretty much don’t fully comprehend instructions until I do something hands-on. I follow along but when I actually do the thing, I find myself saying “Oh, that makes sense now.”
Reading this made me realize I forgot to book my therapy appointments for the month. So I call to make an appointment and laughed when they told me the only available time is 3 pm two weeks from now.
And then the horror of trying to go to sleep with no pillowcases on... yes, been there.. the tag is always bothersome 😭😅
This is amazing. You captured the feeling really well.
Im combined, but definitely more inattentive and yeah... this is my biggest problem.
You explained this perfectly. Public speaking is the hardest for me because like you said, I get distracted by realizing I'm talking and then my mind goes blank. I'm lucky because the majority of my friends are online so I always use written communication. But when we do hang irl, I dread it for all of the reasons you listed.
I have always said that the first thing I would do if I won the lottery would be to hire a PA to help me stay on top of tasks. A girl can dream.
And then they roll their eyes when you ask them to let you focus.
I did try today but there were so many 8 couldn't find the one I was looking for lol
I’ve found myself parroting random noises a lot. I also get way too excited by stuff that typically startles non ADHD people. My husband has called me an excited parrot in the past. Case in point, my one pet rabbit, Zelda, will squeak when she’s really happy. I will squeak right back at her and it usually results in her stopping and looking at me like I’m insane. My other rabbit, Loki just kinda stares and then does the slow wink that rabbits do. He could care less, but Zelda, she just stops everything and looks so concerned. 😂
It's so obvious now that you've said it! I remember in school my English teachers always begged me to be more concise and every time I'd hand something in I couldn't understand why she was still complaining, as far as I could tell I'd written less, she should be pleased! I guess this is exactly what she was talking about haha
same, and sometimes when i’m thinking my brain decides to improvise and says stuff like, and then i stabbed them 37 times in the chest, and that weirds people out, and by the time i thought of what i wanted to say people either already left or think i’m super weird.
yes! I did this today. also, 2 days ago. and this past Monday. and two days last week, too. rinse, repeat.
Whoever called this trash just wanted to be mean to you and make you feel insecure, because this is very good and you're very talented.
Please write more, your words are so perfect. I need a daily calendar filled with your wisdom love and hope
Every time someone says this I tell the story about how I scrubbed the top layer of my skin off of my hands because my brain said I would die if I didn’t and they almost always say “that doesn’t sound like ocd”
Yeah, currently i have 296 overdue reminders on my phone lol ... but hey it used to be like 400 so making some progress
I've checked myself against various measurements, and I'm not exceptional, I'm just above average. But man am I good at using deadlines for homeworks and projects to get them done and learn the material at the same time so I can do well on a midterm. Wihout the structure of professor assigned homeworks, I'm totally fucked. I don't know how to study shit I don't know without you handing me a problem set where I can slowly figure out the shit I don't know. A junior in college and I shouldn't be floating but I am. Ah and also I overload myself on work so I'll have an excuse (too busy~~~) to never be the top of the class smart because of my careless mistakes in everything I do. But maybe it's sleep deprivation during the school year too? And poor life skills? Cause I don't eat and sleep right. And I also plan to off myself when I get tired of it all, but hey not for a while at least. Seriously, I'm mostly optimistic, doing decently in everything, on holiday break, and saying shit like that? I got brain damage I swear (that's why I'm here)
My heart melted a little when I read this. Somebody gets it.
“Your (X family member) had (Y much worse medical condition) and *they* had no problem doing (Z thing)! Why can’t you?!” Lol wow, that’s amazing, I didn’t even know it was possible to feel that much shittier about it.
I was impressed with the title, but I got dissapointed with the body of the post. \s
Yes I hate it. It's the worse. It just makes the stigma against OCD and other mental illnesses worse making the world think that mental illnesses is something easy when its something only a few people around the world can handle.
Why would people report this. It’s a nice distraction from the world right now. ALL the dog photos please
Me: "ah, what a beautiful day" OCD: "yes, a beautiful day..." Me: "no, don't do it-" OCD: "*but what if*"
Psychologist told me to ask myself, "Where's the gray area?" to combat black and white thinking. I'm thinking of putting that on my fridge.
I’m unmedicated and I always half finish things I always mean to do it but...
So I got diagnosed pretty young, and still the amount of times i procrastinated was a lot I would get yelled at for either remember last 2nd or just pushing till I literally couldn't push it off anymore. The worst was we had to build this game board with history questions or something. I actually needed help getting it finished in time. No one was happy with me x-x I get more frustrated at myself for this than anything despite knowing I actually work better with that looming timeline being right there. I get frustrated cause afterwards I am so exhausted from all that effort of focus I put in and end up beating myself up for not starting sooner Don't think I ever got extra time for assignments unless i asked like the day of for just one extra night but honestly its probably for the best I so would have procrastinated then too (probably...i know I would have who am I kidding)
Dunno, there is also the other side of the coin, which is going to sub to tell people that having autism is a curse and pure suffering and we are all doomed. I do agree that the super power thing is stupid and pretending it isnt hard doesnt help, but going to a sub full of people living with a condition to tell them they are doomed isn't helpful, people are trying to live how they can. If you cant avoid having autism what are you going to do? spend your life complaining? There is nothing left to do but accept the pain as it is, life is painful autism or not and wishing it wasn't is what causes suffering. On the other hand you have subs life /r/depression which are all about how there is no hope and people tell each other that it only makes sense to suffer and cant be avoided.
Gurl you look great, wish you all the confidence in the world ✨
I tap my head. And if I accidentally double tap then i have to tap again because the 2nd tap would have cancelled out the first tap. Maaaan its a viscous circle.
off topic but i've seen this pic so many times i have to ask, does aquaman actually tackle him?
I can only dream, my bitchass will succumb to my thoughts and cry
Clearly the nicest looking bananas were put front and centre because they are poisoned. I'll grab the green ones instead.
OCD: Okay, so for this week you are (shuffles deck) a potential rapist. Enjoy.
Live in the present, the past has sailed. Breathe easily and look to good deeds, confide in being emphatic. What helps me the most with this fear is caring. Be someone who can tend to others. Represent your struggle. No one can take that from you. Your care.
I only realized after watching the Scrubs episode with the doctor with OCD. Not from his cleaning, but reaction to KNOWING what he was doing wasn't necessary, but his mind was making it necessary. Very powerful scene
Congratulations!!! It’s not dumb at all!! You should be so proud, I’m so proud of you!! You’re a inspiration to others, thank you for sharing! 💖
"did you or I put the müsli in the freezer?" ~ my mom Never only search I'm sensible places.
The inside heels of my shoes are often bloody bc I walk in them without breaking them in and just walk through the pain....
Yeah, there’s that and then there’s the overcompensating extreme… I have to be at work by 9:00, I have to get ready and give myself ~20-30 minutes to get distracted or to try to remember what the hell I was supposed to be doing real quick… I have to walk my dog who’s old and can’t be rushed, because if I don’t then no one will until I get home 10-14 hours from now… okay, wake up at 5:00… anxiety, restless sleep, can’t actually fall asleep until 12:30-1:00… woke up at 6:30 instead, *shit*…. Rush, rush, rush… get to work at 9:12, Fail. Anybody else feel like they are constantly self-medicating?? Wake-up, Adderall. “Shit, I’m late!”, Caffeine. Traffic-Nightmare, Cigarettes. Work, work, work… Domestic Stress, Ativan. Still can’t de-stress to sleep… Trazodone. Hour later, Benadryl…. Start Again. Repeat… Days off? Couple Drinks. Cannabis… Start Again. Repeat.
Does tolerance really have a ceiling? I have high-functioning, impulsive-type ADHD and was on Concerta for a few years but stopped for two reasons. 1) I heard about having to increase dosage over time and being at 54mg already, I was worried it would be ineffective sooner than later. 2) I wasn’t sure it was doing anything anymore. That last point must be normal, right? Once something becomes your new normal, it can be easy to forget how it used to be. I guess I also stopped taking it because I wanted to try and function without medication and I didn’t want anything unnecessary in my body if I didn’t need it. My wife would probably suggest I give it another shot...
A guy I see regularly always sits behind me on the bus. I know he carried weed, or some kind of drug - I saw it, but don't say anything. The way he looked and dressed made me panic. Luckily I don't really take the bus anymore.
I definitely do! At first I thought it was kind of normal since other people around me mentioned they experienced flashbacks from past mistakes often; then I realized those thoughts occupied most of my days and prevented me to carry on with life (it started when I was around 5 or 6 years old up until I was 15). Now my obsessions are slightly different, but the worst panic attacks I have and part of the most dangerous triggers for me are said past situations. At the time it slowly took over my life and ended my future as a professional swimmer, on top of other stuff without remedy, but I'm glad I found help and noticed I could live differently. Nowadays I'm better and only experience panic once or twice a week, so I really hope other people that went/are going through similar situations understand there is hope even if it seems silly, to far fetched or straight up impossible. I've been under treatment for over four years and although sometimes it gets particularly though, I understand we've managed to overcome so much things that "regular" people can't even imagine, so I think we can keep the effort for a little more. Things do get better eventually, and I'm glad we are not alone in this journey :)
Thank you. Looks like she should up the dose. She's only taking 600mg x2 a day. Do you take the pills or powder? The Dr just prescribed Anafranil, but the list of side effects scare the crap out of me! Thank you so much for the information.
Just brushed my teeth for the morning at 2pm lol. It’s not perfect but I’m doing my best to hold onto any ounce of routine that used to keep me sane.
[adults in this thread](
Aye. It's like it's not designed to actually help people with ADHD. Just like the name for the disorder. It's about how it affects other people, not how it affects us. "They are just so hyperactive and it's impossible to hold their attention." "Here's how to deal with your hyperactive children."
wow that's amazing! I have the same kind of ocd and I've gone from 1 hour to 45 minutes recently. this gives me so much hope that I can get this down even more :)
I dunno, as a person who also has a lot of ptsd-related hypervigilance, I feel like I’ve been on top of my game organizing everyone else. Though I’m still being considered “essential” so it’s keep it together or go bankrupt right now. The OCPD is poking out and going “OUR TIME IS NOW!” ...On the other hand, before this I had a lot of bad panic attacks that had me wanting to try new meds and a new doctor, but oops doctors aren’t taking appointments and I have 2 Xanax left.
Yea even with the SSRI and going to the gym, by the end of the day I just get too tired to fight the anxiety and obsessions away.
Is that ocd cos like I do that occasionally if something feels weird. I thought it was something like health anxiety.
I didn’t know I could credit this to my adhd. I have been trying to understand why so many instances from my past plague me in such a way. I go through a rollercoaster of emotions and end up abusing something for balance. This exact post is going with me to therapy. Thank you for helping me understand.
Congrats friend! We are all OCD Warriors. This is AWESOME!
This is me. Right now. Right an hour ago when I read this post. Right an hour from now. Sigh... I'm tired. We're all so damn tired.
I like this sub because when I have a bad day due to ADHD, someone here is also going through something similar. Makes me feel I'm not alone. My family thinks ADHD is made up. So sometimes a little negativity is positivity.
I feel this so hard and I feel for you. Luckily treatment has come a long way. At 17 I had lymph nodes in both my armpits swell to the size of an XL egg and two in my pubic v-cut start swelling. I went to a GP, he said let's get them biopsied because it could be cancer or lukemia. Scheduled, done in a week. I didn't hear anything about it for months. After two weeks, I became irrationally scared bc I didn't know what it was. The swelling went down, but figured it could be getting ready to ramp up! Maybe they didn't want to let a kid know he was dying of lymphatic lukemia. Stupid, I know. Fast forward a few months, I'd gotten a bad sinus infection, went to same GP. During the visit, I finally worked up the nerve to ask if I was dying! He looked at me like I'd asked him if lizard men were real, and then he said "They didn't call you with your results?" Cue mini heart attack. I'm so dead. My short life flashing in front of my eyes. Meekly, I shake my head in the negative and I'm about 2 secs from fainting or ugly crying. He says it was just an infection. I think I passed out from relief for a second, then started laughing uncontrollably, full belly and ended in wheezing. He figured out what was going on. Let me tell you, I did live like I was dying in those few months. I did stupid and fun stuff, usually together. Ever since then, I started looking at the whole life experience a little different. I wasn't bullet proof anymore, but I also stopped being so scared of stuff. Heck, I'd just defeated death in Battleship, Clue, Electronic Football, then Twister. Not really, but it felt that way. Yes, the brazenness I now had led to a lot of mistakes. But it was so... freeing. I want you to #fuckcancer up so bad and when you do (not if), don't lose that feeling that if you can beat that, you can go through anything. Bc you're a BAMF!
Yup, I have [18,000 screenshots on my phone ](
OCD the disorder not the meme But memes about it can be cool.
This meme is the one I was going to use for my OCD meme as well but then I chickened out. But this meme is SO OCD appropriate, it’s like the ultimate OCD meme template to me
Man, I am not allowed to take meds against my mental illness because they contradict each other
I have a similar thing when im trying to express myself. I'll start a sentence then it's like my mind gets stuck in a feedback loop where I'm thinking about the words I want to use, have already used and how they'll sound together. Then I start stuttering over a word and have to focus on getting that word out which makes me forget what I was talking about. Unfortunately the same thing applies to my writing, making it a rambling word smash of various half ideas. Makes for good creative writing ideas but terrible factual or informative writing. TLDR; Mind too fast - words don't work.
crazy how we all have the same experiences/feelings.
congratulations!! makes me so happy to see, great work :) you are so fuggin strong!
All the time. My nose has been a little itchy and I keep thinking it might be Corona but it is probably just dry since the air has been cold and damp.
Damn, I feel called out. I haven’t had a healthy sleep schedule (or a schedule at all if I’m being honest) since I was a kid, when I used to sneak torches into my bed to read into the late hours of the night because I just wasn’t ready for the day to be over. I’ll take any excuse to stay awake, even when my eyes are burning and the birds are chirping outside and I know, _I know_ I should just go to bed. I just can’t. I never know whether it’s insomnia, depression, anxiety or ADHD... maybe it’s just a mix of them all, who cares. The worst part is that my psychiatrist gave me sleeping pills, but those don’t work either because my stupid brain fights the effect and I just end up awake but high as a kite. It fucking sucks.
My ocd is in the form of dermatillomania. Complete opposite and super inconvenient right now. Lol
Hey josh nice beard. I have the exact same diagnosis as you and have the exact same thoughts as you, seriously. Solipsism, time, free will all that, even thinking about killing themselves to get back to the "true reality". I once cried with my girlfriend in my room asking if she was real or not. I also begged the people "running the simulation" to stop it in my room. How/when did it start? It started with the idea of Solipsism for me.
Well I would it it ever happened. 😂 I always underestimate time. Always! I give myself like 3 extra hours for everything because I run on ADHD time.
Also! If you're cool with spending a little more on energy bills, the dishwasher CAN be run without a full load. As someone living by myself this saves me so much mental energy, haha.
Shit like this is what made me not know I had OCD for 20 years. I always thought it just made you clean obsessed, which is not what I suffer from.
Lol good thing you're not diabetic. Who cares if your pancreas can't produce insulin? Just eat your dinner and absorb the sugars yourself.
Funny story. Sort of? My boyfriend was off working and we usually always text. His phone died ( I did not know this ) so it was 2 hours he didn’t text me. Me being crazy I called him like 20 times and he never answered so automatically... of course I assume he got in a car accident and died or something really bad happened to him and he died. So I’m just legit freaking out for like 2 hours, crying and thinking he died waiting for a police call. When he gets home and he’s like “my phone died” ... I looked like an idiot haha.
ahhhh words that explain that thought i was trying to think about it all! thanks
Daily. I always say that I’m traveling on a freight train with no windows and when I get off I have no clue where I am or where I’m supposed to go. That’s how I see the events on my schedule. “It’s Friday? Do I have plans? No? Crap…everyone’s busy now….”
Oh wow, glad this isn't just me lol... Hope you're doing okay dude!
Haha I just did that and now it's back to bed and wasting the rest of my day
It has resulted in me getting irritated with my husband when he's done nothing wrong. I have created a habit of saying "there's a lot going on in my brain right now" and that helps :)
Yes to that - or the alarm will ring and i’ll be like, “i’m in the middle of something right now but i’ll TOTALLY remember to do this thing when i’m done!” And then i’ll forget xD
I hate so much when people think it is trendy and cute to say they have OCD because they are tidy
Weed in the end ended aggravating my anxiety. At first it was novel and cool but then with all wild thoughts just altered consciousness (especially with strong stuff and being super high) it got super terrible. To the point over the years smoking weed basically consisted of me telling my self that I was ok for the whole time. I remember being so high once I used the bathroom and only realized i was using the bathroom half way through. It was like my body and other parts of my brain were like (oh dipshit here is doing again lets take it from here again boys.) the last time I smoked weed I wrote a note to myself to stop it. I still have it and will refer to it when I am tempted. I also think LSD changed the game. It literally was a before and after for how anxious altered consciousness could make me. Acid destroyed me and in many ways its ghost still lingers in my OCD (The whole dumb what if im going crazy) is basically a theme that originated with LSD and Weed. I totally support using psychedelics potentially in a therapeutic environment with medical and psychiatric supervision. But outside of that I think drugs tend to wreak more havoc than benefits. I know weed helps some friends of my with anxiety. It makes mine so much worse.
Yes!! Same thing with the Facebook ones that are like "like for jesus, ignore for satan" or "like this or you'll have XX years of bad luck"
I have to walk around in a particular pattern before bed, checking doors are locked / windows closed / opening cupboards and checking behind doors to make sure no one is hiding there, and if I deviate from my pattern I have to re-check it all. Or obviously if I don’t check there’ll be a murderer behind a door that I didn’t check and they’ll get me. Some nights I have to re-do this infinite times and it’s a bad loop :( what if this is the *one time* someone is there. Living alone is hard.
I handwash my water bottles and i may have had a tiny bit of soap left in one so it had some bubbling when I put water in it and i kept worrying i had some kind of fucking lead or some shit in it and i haven't drank out of that bottle since
Love how the same people who say "oh I'm so OCD" call me "insane" for my compulsions.
i wish my brain would obsess over the tasks at hand
That’s a good idea. I like to make things tangible so it can “disappear”. Like when I journal to help lighten my chest from depression. Might not cure it but it does make me feel a little okay sometimes