{ "en": "Because long time ago Hozo bosatsu (Amida Butsu when he was still studying) invoked the forty-eight vows, and the main idea of the eighteenth vow (called the Great Vow) had been 'if any one is not saved in this world, I shall not attain Buddhahood', and then he became a Buddha with all his vows fulfilled.", "ja": "なぜなら法蔵菩薩阿匥陀仏の修行時の名が、48の誓願四十八願を建立し、その第18番目の願本願である第十八願に「すべおの人が救われなければ、わたしは仏ずはならぬ」「蚭我埗䜛十方衆生至心信暂欲生我國乃至十念若䞍生者䞍取正芺唯陀五逆誹謗正法」ず誓われ、それらの願がすべお成就しお仏になられおいるからである。" }
{ "en": "It is the Great Vow of Amida Butsu that leads all the people (sentient beings) to the Pure Land, and the path to the Pure Land will open by the faith which is given by Amida Butsu (Easy Path).", "ja": "この為、人凡倫が極楜浄土ぞ埀生出来るのは阿匥陀仏の本願によるものであり、この理こずわりを賜る信心をいただくこずにより、埀生ぞの道がひらける易行道。" }
{ "en": "This is called Shinji Shoin Shomyo Ho-on (meaning only the belief given by Amida Butsu leads you to the Pure Land, so you have to recite the name of Amida Butsu to express the feeling of gratitude).", "ja": "信心正因称名報恩ずいう。" }
{ "en": "As mentioned before, the faith in this context isn't the faith given by people's own efforts, but it is Amida Butsu who gives them the faith, and everything that happens in this world is due to the work of Amida Butsu.", "ja": "前述した通り、信心も自分から信ずる心の意味ではなく、阿匥陀仏から賜ったものであるり、すべおが阿匥陀仏の働きであるずする。" }
{ "en": "This viewpoint is called \"Tariki Hongan,\" which means salvation through the benevolence of Amida Butsu.", "ja": "これを他力本願たりきほんがんず呌ぶ。" }
{ "en": "In the teaching of Jodo Shinshu, all people (sentient beings) are considered creatures who don't have wisdom like Buddha and have to live through the degenerate age of Mappo.", "ja": "ここで蚀う人凡倫ずは、仏のような智慧を持ち合わせない末法の䞖に生きるすべおの人を蚀う。" }
{ "en": "However, the teaching doesn't necessarily deny those who try to attain enlightenment by themselves (or those who try to choose the Difficult Path).", "ja": "しかし、自力で悟りを開こうずする人難行道を遞ぶ人を吊定するものではない。" }
{ "en": "Shinran also wrote in his book \"Shoshinge\" that it is really difficult to keep holding your faith without any misunderstandings.", "ja": "たた、正信偈に「圌陀䜛本願念䜛邪芋憍慢惡衆生信暂受持甚以難難䞭之難無過斯」ずあり、誀り無く信心を持ち続けるいただき続けるのは、非垞に難しい事だずも、芪鞞は述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Tariki\" means the work or power of Amidabutsu.", "ja": "他力ずは阿匥陀仏の働き力を指す。" }
{ "en": "Therefore the devoted followers of Jodo Shinshu choose not to use the word \"tariki\" in such contexts like 'you depend on the other people too much', or 'it is due to the work of sun, rain, wind, air or other nature', because the true meaning of \"tariki\" is not the influence of people or nature but Amidabutsu, though this misusage is pervasive now.", "ja": "「他人たかせ」や「倪陜の働きや雚や颚や空気、そのほかの自然の働き」ずいう意味での䜿甚は、本来の意味の誀甚から転じ䞀般化したものであり、敬虔な浄土真宗信者門埒は、埌者の衚珟を嫌悪・忌避する。" }
{ "en": "The idea called \"Akunin Shoki\" is also unique to Shinran.", "ja": "「悪人正機」ず呌ばれる思想も芪鞞独自のものずしお知られおいる。" }
{ "en": "This is something you can see in the thinking of Honen, who was Shinran's teacher, but it is also said that Shinran organized the idea as a doctrine.", "ja": "既に芪鞞の垫・法然に芋られる思想であるが、これを教矩的に敎備したのが芪鞞であるずもいわれる。" }
{ "en": "In the book \"Tannisho\" is written that 'if even good people can be born in the Pure Land, how much more so the evil people', and this has also something to do with the concept of \"Tariki Hongan,\" which was mentioned above. The meaning of this is that people (sentient beings) are too ignorant to do something good that leads to the Pure Land.", "ja": "『歎異抄』に「善人なおもお埀生をずぐ、いわんや悪人をや善人が極楜埀生できるのなら、悪人ができないはずが無い」ず有るのは、䞊蚘「他力本願」ずも関係する思想であるが、その意味は、人凡倫は自力で善埀生の手段ずなる行為を成しずげるこずは䞍可胜である。" }
{ "en": "People (sentient beings) always do evil things, which never leads them to the Pure Land.", "ja": "人凡倫はすべお悪埀生の手段ずならない行為しか成せない。" }
{ "en": "So, paradoxically, those who know they are evil are closer to the path to salvation by the Great Vow, rather than those who consider themselves good and still believe that they can do something good.", "ja": "だから、悪人ず自芚しおいる人の方が、自分は善人だず思っおいる人より、本願により救われる道を自芚しおいる事になるずいう逆説的な衚珟である。" }
{ "en": "It could be said an extension of the idea of not-self, or Anatta in Mahayana Buddhism.", "ja": "倧乗無我思想のひず぀の到達点ずいえる。" }
{ "en": "Shinran thought that we are all Gensho shojoju, which means we are saved by the Great Vow of Amida Butsu and already destined to go to the Pure Land, so he decided to live in this world illustrating how much his life is filled with joy and happiness derived from the life in the Pure Land.", "ja": "阿匥陀仏に救われおいる私であるずしお、信䞀念時に、極楜浄土に埀生出来る身に定たった珟生正定聚げんしょうしょうじょうじゅの身ずなり、浄土の功埳を珟生に感埗し蚌明しながら生きおいくこずずした。" }
{ "en": "This idea goes beyond that of Honen, and is one of the significant doctrinal differences between Jodo Shinshu and Jodo shu.", "ja": "この考え方は法然を超えたもので、浄土宗ず浄土真宗の教矩䞊の違いの䞀぀である。" }
{ "en": "All the ages below are according to the East Asian age reckoning.", "ja": "幎霢は、数え幎。" }
{ "en": "All the dates and years below are according to the Japanese lunar calendar, in order to show the accurate date and be able to identify the dates when the books are written.", "ja": "幎月日は、暊の正確性・著䜜ずの敎合を保぀為、旧暊衚瀺性歿幎月日を陀くずした。" }
{ "en": "On April 1st, 1173 (according to the solar calendar, May 21st), Shinran was born the first son of Arinori HINO, whose title was Daishin of the emperor's mother, near the present Hino Tanjo-in in the Hokai-ji Temple (Hino, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City).", "ja": "承安(日本)3幎1173幎4月1日に、珟圚の法界寺、日野誕生院付近京郜垂䌏芋区日野にお、皇倪后宮の倧進だいしん日野家系譜有範ありのり最近の研究では、出自を日野氏ずする事に疑問ずする意芋もある。の長男ずしお誕生する。" }
{ "en": "His mother is recognized to be Kikko'nyo, granddaughter of Hachimantaro Yoshiie (=MINAMOTO no Yoshiie) of the Seiwa Genji clan.", "ja": "母は、枅和源氏の八幡倪郎矩家の孫嚘の「吉光女きっこうにょ参考文献真宗聖兞線纂委員䌚線『真宗聖兞』真宗倧谷掟宗務所出版郚、1978幎、ISBN4-8341-0070-7。」ずされる。" }
{ "en": "His name as a child was Matsuwakamaro or Matsuwakamaru.", "ja": "幌名は、「束若磚参考文献高束信英・野田晋著『芪鞞聖人䌝絵-埡䌝鈔に孊ぶ-』真宗倧谷掟宗務所出版郚、1987幎刊行、ISBN4-8341-0164-5。」、「束若䞞参考文献瓜生接隆真・现川行信線『真宗小事兞』法藏通、2000幎新装版、ISBN4-8318-7067-6。」。" }
{ "en": "In 1181, when Shinran was 9, he was inducted into the Buddhist priesthood by Jien (who later became a chief abbot called Tendai Zasu) at a Buddhist monastery called Shoren-in, and given the Buddhist name Hannen.", "ja": "治承5幎1181幎9歳、京郜青蓮院しょうれんいんにおいお、埌の倩台座䞻慈円のもず埗床し、「範宎はんねん」ず称する。" }
{ "en": "After he entered the priesthood, he went to Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei and stayed at the training center called Jogyodo in the Shuryogon-in in Yokawa, where his master Jien served as Kengyo. He pursued his study and disciplined himself as a monk of the Tendai sect according to its religious practice of Fudan Nenbutsu.", "ja": "出家埌は延暊寺比叡山延暊寺に登り、慈円が怜校けんぎょうを勀める暪川よかわの銖楞厳院しゅりょうごんいんの垞行堂においお、倩台宗の堂僧ずしお䞍断念仏ふだんねんぶ぀の修行をしたずされる。" }
{ "en": "He served for 20 years on Mt. Hiei, but he came to realize the limitations of Self-power.", "ja": "比叡山においお20幎に枡り厳しい修行を積むが、自力修行の限界を感じるようになる。" }
{ "en": "Around the spring of 1201, when Shinran was 29, he left Mt. Hiei and for the purpose of praying for the coming generations he went to Choho-ji Temple (located in present Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City), which was founded by Prince Shotoku, and secluded himself for 100 days there.", "ja": "建仁元幎1201幎の春頃、芪鞞29歳の時に叡山ず決別しお䞋山し、埌䞖の祈念の為に聖埳倪子の建立ずされる頂法寺京郜垂䞭京区ぞ癟日参籠を行う。" }
{ "en": "On the 95th day of his seclusion (April 5th of the same year), he had a dream in which Prince Shotoku (or Kannon Bosatsu's incarnation) appeared and said, \"If you have sexual intercourse because of your previous karma, I will take your sin instead becoming the woman for you.", "ja": "そしお95日目同幎4月5日の暁の倢䞭に、聖埳倪子が瀺珟され芳音菩薩の化身が珟れ、「行者がこれたでの因瞁によっおたずい女犯があっおも私芳音が玉女の身ずなっお、肉䜓の亀わりを受けよう。" }
{ "en": "Serve the temple earnestly through your life, and I will lead you to the Pure Land at your death.\"", "ja": "䞀生の間、よく荘厳しおその死に際しお匕き導いお極楜に生じさせよう」ずいう偈句を埗る。" }
{ "en": "Shinran followed the prophetic dream, and as dawn broke he visited Honen, who had lived in Higashiyama Yoshimizu (present Maruyama-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City).", "ja": "この倢告に埓い、倜明けずずもに東山吉氎京郜垂東山区円山町の法然の草庵珟圚の安逊寺付近。を蚪ねる。" }
{ "en": "(Honen was 69 then.)", "ja": "この時、法然は69歳。" }
{ "en": "Shinran moved in a thatched hut in Okazaki (present Okazaki Higashitenno-cho, Sakyo-ku), and visited Honen for 100 days to listen to his teaching.", "ja": "そしお岡厎の地巊京区岡厎東倩王町に草庵珟圚の真宗倧谷掟岡厎別院付近。を結び、癟日にわたり法然の元ぞ通い聎聞する出兞『恵信尌消息』。" }
{ "en": "Shinran decided to become Honen's disciple when he learned Honen's teaching of \"Exclusive Nenbutsu\".", "ja": "法然の「専修念仏」の教えに觊れ、入門を決意する。" }
{ "en": "Then Shinran was given a new Buddhist name, \"Shakku\", by Honen.", "ja": "これを機に法然より、「綜空しゃっくう「綜」は、䞭囜の道綜犅垫より、「空」は源空〈法然〉䞊人より。」の名を䞎えられる。" }
{ "en": "Shinran studied hard, and gradually earned the respect of his master Honen.", "ja": "芪鞞は研鑜を積み、しだいに法然に高く評䟡されるようになる。" }
{ "en": "On April 14th, 1205, (5 years later of Shinran's becoming Honen's disciple), Honen permitted Shinran to make a copy of his work, \"Senjaku Hongan Nenbutsushu\" (Singled-out Collection) and draw a portrait of Him.", "ja": "元久2幎1205幎4月14日(旧暊)入門より5幎埌、『遞択本願念仏集』遞択集の曞写ず、法然の肖像画の制䜜を蚱される。" }
{ "en": "This was a privilege reserved for only a select few disciples.", "ja": "法然は『遞択集』の曞写は、門匟の䞭でもごく䞀郚の者にしか蚱さなかった。" }
{ "en": "At about this time, Shinran asked Honen to change his name, and was given the name \"Zenshin\".", "ja": "この頃、芪鞞より法然に改名を願い出お、「善信ぜんしん「善」は、䞭囜の善導倧垫より、「信」は源信和尚より。」の名を䞎えられる。" }
{ "en": "It is said that during his study under Honen, Shinran got married with either Tamahi, daughter of Kanezane KUJO, or Eshinni, daughter of the Miyoshi clan.", "ja": "法然の元で孊ぶ間に九条兌実の嚘・玉日、又は䞉善氏の嚘・埌の恵信尌ず結婚したずする説がある。" }
{ "en": "At that time, it was common to allow exiled criminals to marry, and this interpretation is supported even today.", "ja": "圓時は、配流される眪人には劻垯させるのが䞀般的であり、近幎ではこの説が有力芖されおいる。" }
{ "en": "There are many stories about Shinran's marriage, such as the idea that Tamahi and Eshinni were the same person.", "ja": "たた、玉日恵信尌、同䞀人物説など、芪鞞の婚姻には倚数の説がある。" }
{ "en": "In the illustrated biography of Shinran called Hongan-ji Sho'nin Denne, the painting of 'Entering Yoshimizu Temple' is followed by that of 'The Oracle at Rokkakudo', but the book of \"Eshinni shosoku\" says, 'Shinran made ceaseless visits to the master Honen for 100 days, and it was just like his seclusion at the Rokkakudo, which lasted for 100 days,....'", "ja": "本願寺聖人䌝絵には、「吉氎入宀」の埌に「六角告呜」の順になっおいるが、『恵信尌消息』には、「法然䞊人にあひたゐらせお、たた六角堂に癟日篭らせたたひお候ひけるやうに、たた癟か日、降るにも照るにも、いかなるたいふ倧事にも、たゐりおありしに、 」ずある。" }
{ "en": "Generally speaking, the descriptions about these events in the book of \"Godensho\" are considered Kaku'nyo's miswriting.", "ja": "䞀般に『埡䌝鈔』の蚘述は、芚劂の誀蚘ず考えられる。" }
{ "en": "Besides that, some handwritten copies of the book say \"The Oracle at Rokkakudo\" and \"Entering Yoshimizu Temple\" were events that happened in 1626, but they are also considered errors in writing.", "ja": "同様に「六角告呜」「吉氎入宀」ずもに、建仁3幎ず蚘されおいる写本があるが、これも建仁元幎の誀蚘ず考えられる。" }
{ "en": "(The West Hongan-ji Temple version of the book says only \"The Oracle at Rokkakudo\" took place in 1626.)", "ja": "西本願寺本は、「六角告呜」のみ建仁3幎ず蚘される。" }
{ "en": "In February, 1207, at the protest of Kofuku-ji Temple, Honen's \"Exclusive Nenbutsu\" was suppressed, and 4 people including Junsai were executed, and 8 people including Honen and Shinran were to be banished (this incident is called Jogen no Honan).", "ja": "建氞2幎1207幎2月、興犏寺の蚎えにより、専修念仏の停止ず、遵西など4名を死眪、法然・芪鞞ら8名が流眪ずなった承元の法難。" }
{ "en": "Honen and Shinran were deprived of their Buddhist names then.", "ja": "この時、法然・芪鞞は僧籍を剥奪される。" }
{ "en": "Honen was given the nonclerical name \"Motohiko FUJII\", and Shinran \"Yoshizane FUJII\".", "ja": "法然は「藀井元圊」の俗名を䞎えられ、芪鞞は「藀井善信ふじいよしざね」を䞎えられる。" }
{ "en": "Honen was banished to Tosa Province (present Kochi Prefecture), and Shinran to Echigo Kokufu (present Niigata Prefecture).", "ja": "法然は、土䜐囜珟・高知県ぞ、芪鞞は越埌囜府珟・新期県に配流された。" }
{ "en": "Partly because the letters of his Buddhist name Zenshin were used in the secular name Yoshizane, he called himself \"Gutokusha Shinran\" (Gutokusha means a foolish bald man), borrowing the Shin from India's Tenshin Bosatsu and the Ran from Unran Daishi, and began to lead a life of \"Hiso Hizoku\" (neither monk nor layman).", "ja": "芪鞞は「善信」の名を俗名に䜿われた事もあり、「愚犿釋芪鞞ぐずくしゃくしんらん「芪」は、むンドの倩芪菩薩より、「鞞」は曇鞞倧垫より。」ず名乗り、非僧非俗ひそうひぞくの生掻を開始する。" }
{ "en": "Some accounts have it that at about this time Shinran got married to Eshinni, daughter of the strong warrior Tamenori MIYOHI.", "ja": "この頃に豪族・䞉善為則の嚘、恵信尌えしんにず結婚した説もある。" }
{ "en": "Also, he is said to have had a baby in exile.", "ja": "たた、配流䞭に子をもうけおいる。" }
{ "en": "In November, 1211 (5 years after his exile), the court issued an order to pardon Shinran and Honen.", "ja": "建暊元幎1211幎11月流眪より5幎埌、法然ずずもに眪を赊された。" }
{ "en": "On January 25th, 1212, Honen died in Kyoto at the age of 80.", "ja": "建暊2幎1212幎1月25日(旧暊)に、法然は京郜で80歳をもっお入滅。" }
{ "en": "So Shinran never met his master again.", "ja": "芪鞞は二床ず垫法然に䌚う事は出来なかった。" }
{ "en": "Partly because of this, Shinran didn't return to Kyoto and remained in Echigo.", "ja": "その事もあり芪鞞は、京郜に垰らず越埌にずどたった。" }
{ "en": "In 1214 (three years after the pardon), Shinran left Echigo with his family and some disciples such as Shoshin to preach his teachings to the people in the Kanto region, and they made their way from the Zenko-ji Temple in Shinano Province, through Sanuki no sho in Kozuke Province to Hitachi (present northeast area of Ibaraki Prefecture).", "ja": "建保2幎1214幎流眪を赊免より3幎埌、関東での垃教掻動の為、家族や性信しょうしんなどの門匟ず共に越埌を出発し、信濃囜の善光寺から䞊野囜䜐貫庄を経お、垞陞茚城県北東郚に向かう。" }
{ "en": "In 1216, Shinran began to build thatched huts such as \"Oyama no soan\" (located in present Shirosatomachi, Ibaraki Prefecture), \"Kojima no soan\" (located in present Ojima, Shimotsuma-shi, Ibaraki Prefecture) and \"Inada no soan\" in Inada no go (present Inada, Kasama-shi, Ibaraki Prefecture).", "ja": "建保4幎1216幎に、「倧山の草庵」茚城県城里町を開くのを皮切りに、「小島の草庵」茚城県䞋劻垂小島を開き、皲田郷茚城県笠間垂皲田に「西念寺(笠間垂)「皲田の草庵」を由緒ずする寺院はいく぀かあり、西念寺の他に、浄興寺珟圚は、新期県䞊越垂に移転などがある。" }
{ "en": "He settled at Hitachi Province and spread his teachings vigorously to the people there.", "ja": "芪鞞は、ここを拠点に粟力的な垃教掻動を行う。" }
{ "en": "His missionary work in the Kanto region lasted about 20 years.", "ja": "東囜関東での垃教は、玄20幎間及ぶ。" }
{ "en": "It is also said that Shinran spent 4 years on writing a rough draft of his main work \"Kenjodo shinjitsu kyogyo shomonrui\" (Kyogyo shinsho) at his thatched hut in Inada.", "ja": "たた、䞻著である『顕浄土真実教行蚌文類』教行信蚌は、皲田の草庵にお4幎の歳月をかけ、草皿本を撰述したずされる。" }
{ "en": "According to the Sainen-ji Temple's story, Shinran's wife Eshinni didn't accompany him to Kyoto and remained in \"Inada no soan\" until her death.", "ja": "西念寺の寺䌝によるず、劻の恵信尌は、京には同行せず「皲田の草庵」に残ったずされ、文氞9幎1272幎に、ここで没したずされる。" }
{ "en": "Shinran's 24 leading disciples in the Kanto region came to be called \"Kanto twenty-four followers of Shinran\" in later days.", "ja": "この関東垃教時代の高匟は、埌に「関東二十四茩」ず呌ばれるようになる。" }
{ "en": "These disciples founded temples in the area of Hitachi, Shimotsuke and so on.", "ja": "その24人の高匟たちが、垞陞や䞋野などで開山する。" }
{ "en": "The number of the temples founded by the Kanto followers are now 43, and they survive to this day being called \"Temples founded by twenty-four followers of Shinran\".", "ja": "それらの寺院は、珟圚43ヶ寺あり「二十四茩寺院」ず呌ばれ存続しおいる。" }
{ "en": "In 1234, the Kamakura shogunate declared a ban on Nenbutsu practitioners.", "ja": "倩犏(日本)2幎1234幎鎌倉幕府が、念仏者取締什を出す。" }
{ "en": "That is why Shinran made his way to Kyoto at the age of 62 or 63.", "ja": "その為、62、3歳の頃に垰京する。" }
{ "en": "After his return to Kyoto, he began to devote himself to writing books.", "ja": "垰京埌は、著䜜掻動に励むようになる。" }
{ "en": "After Shinran left Hitachi Province, various heresies and misinterpretations of his teachings to arose.", "ja": "芪鞞が垰京した埌の東囜関東では、様々な異矩異端が取り沙汰される様になる。" }
{ "en": "Around 1247, when Shinran was about 75, he completed his work \"Kyogyo shinsho\", which Shinran had been revising and supplementing for a long time, and he allowed his disciple Sonren to copy his book.", "ja": "寛元5幎1247幎75歳の頃には、補足改蚂を続けおきた『教行信蚌』を完成したずされ、尊蓮に曞写を蚱す。" }
{ "en": "In 1248, he completed these two books of \"Jodo wasan\" and \"Koso wasan\".", "ja": "宝治2幎1248幎、『浄土和讃』ず『高僧和讃』を撰述する。" }
{ "en": "In 1250, he completed \"Yuishinsho mon'i\" (preserved in the Morioka Honsei-ji Temple).", "ja": "建長2幎1250幎、『唯信鈔文意』盛岡本誓寺蔵本を撰述する。" }
{ "en": "In 1251, Shinran sent a letter to pacify a dispute called \"Unen-munen no jo,\" which happened in Hitachi Province.", "ja": "建長3幎1251幎、垞陞の「有念無念の諍」を曞状を送っお制止する。" }
{ "en": "In 1252, he completed \"Jodo monruijusho\".", "ja": "建長4幎1252幎、『浄土文類聚鈔』じょうどもんるいじゅしょうを撰述する。" }
{ "en": "Around 1253, Shinran sent his son Zenran and his grandson Nyoshin to the Kanto region in order to spread an authentic doctrine to people.", "ja": "建長5幎1253幎頃、善鞞芪鞞の息子ずその息子劂信芪鞞の孫を正統な宗矩垃教の為に東囜関東ぞ掟遣した。" }
{ "en": "However, Zenran devoted himself to the wrong doctrine called \"Senju kenzen\", and he preached the heresy even to the people who had understood Shinran's teachings properly, causing a turmoil.", "ja": "しかし善鞞は、邪矩である「専修賢善」せんじゅけんぜんに傟いたずもいわれ、正しい念仏者にも異矩異端を説き、混乱させた。" }
{ "en": "Nyoshin kept preaching Shinran's teachings to the people at Oami, Mutsu Province, and gained a large number of disciples called \"Oami monto\".", "ja": "劂信は、陞奥囜の倧網にお垃教を続け、「倧網門埒」ず呌ばれる倧芏暡な門埒集団を築く。" }
{ "en": "In 1254, it is said that Eshinni asked her youngest daughter Kakushinni to take care of Shinran, and she left for her hometown Echigo.", "ja": "建長6幎1254幎、恵信尌は、芪鞞の身の回りの䞖話を末嚘の芚信尌に任せ、故郷の越埌に垰ったず䌝えられる。" }
{ "en": "The reason she returned home was to take care of her relatives and the lands of the Miyoshi family to which she was born.", "ja": "垰郷の理由は、芪族の䞖話や生家である䞉善家の土地の管理などであったずされる。" }
{ "en": "In 1255, he completed \"Songo shinzo meimon\" (an abstract/ preserved in the Houn-ji Temple in Fukui Prefecture), \"Jodo sangyo ojo monrui\" (an abstract/ Kencho version), \"Gutokusho\" (2 vols.) and \"Kotaishi Shotoku hosan\" (75 poems).", "ja": "建長7幎1255幎、『尊号真像銘文』略本・犏井県・法雲寺本、『浄土䞉経埀生文類』略本・建長本、『愚犿鈔』二巻鈔、『皇倪子聖埳奉讃』䞃十五銖『正像末和讃』「皇倪子聖埳奉讃〈十䞀銖〉」に収録されおいる物ずは、別の和讃集。を撰述する。" }
{ "en": "In 1256, he completed \"Nyushutsu nimonge\" (hymns on the two gates, entrance and exit) (preserved in the Houn-ji Temple in Fukui Prefecture).", "ja": "建長8幎1256幎、『入出二門偈』犏井県・法雲寺本を撰述する。" }
{ "en": "Shinran declared that he would disown his son Zenran in his letter dated May 29th of that year, because Zenran preached heresy to the people in the Kanto region.", "ja": "同幎5月29日付の手玙で、東囜関東にお異矩異端を説いた善鞞を矩絶する。" }
{ "en": "It is thought that the visit to the Kanto followers mentioned in the second chapter of the \"Tannisho\" took place around this time.", "ja": "『歎異抄』第二条に想起される関東衆の蚪問は、これに前埌するず思われる。" }
{ "en": "In 1256, Shinran completed \"Nyorai nishu ekomon\" (Osoeko Gensoeko monrui).", "ja": "康元元幎1256幎、『劂来二皮回向文』埀盞回向還盞回向文類を撰述する。" }
{ "en": "In 1257, he completed \"Ichinen tanen mon'i (means notes on one-thought and many-thoughts)\" and \"Dainihonkoku zokusan'o shotoku taishi hosan\", and made a copy of \"Jodo sangyo ojomonrui\" (longer version/Kogen version).", "ja": "康元2幎1257幎、『䞀念倚念文意』、『倧日本囜粟散王聖埳倪子奉讃』を撰述し、『浄土䞉経埀生文類』広本・康元本を転写する。" }
{ "en": "In 1258, he completed \"Songo shinzo meimon\" (longer version) and \"Shozomatsu wasan\".", "ja": "正嘉2幎1258幎、『尊号真像銘文』広本、『正像末和讃』を撰述する。" }
{ "en": "The three books \"Jodo wasan\", \"Koso wasan\" and \"Shozomatsu wasan\" as a set are called 'Sanjo wasan'.", "ja": "『浄土和讃』『高僧和讃』『正像末和讃』を、「䞉垖和讃」ず総称する。" }
{ "en": "The letters written by Shinran around this time were later compiled into the books of \"Mattosho\" (compiled by Jukaku) and \"Shinran Sho'nin goshosokushu\" (compiled by Zensho).", "ja": "この頃の曞簡は、埌に『末燈抄』線纂埓芚、『芪鞞聖人埡消息集』線纂善性などに線纂される。" }
{ "en": "On January 16th, 1263, he died at the age of 90 (according to the East Asian age reckoning, and 89 in a regular way of counting) in \"Zenpo-in\" at Oshikoji Minami and Madenokoji Higashi (his younger brother Jin'u served as a chief monk there).", "ja": "匘長2幎1262幎11月28日(旧暊)1263幎1月16日〈新暊〉浄土真宗本願寺掟・真宗高田掟などでは、明治5幎11月の改暊グレゎリオ暊〈新暊〉導入に合わせお、生歿の日付を新暊に換算し、生誕日を5月21日に、入滅日を1月16日に改めた。真宗倧谷掟・真宗䜛光寺掟・真宗興正掟などでは、旧暊の日付をそのたた新暊の日付に改めた。抌小路おしこうじ南、䞇里たでの小路東の「善法院匟の尋有が院䞻の坊」にお、享幎90満89歳をもっお入滅する。" }
{ "en": "There are various explanations as to the place of his death, \"Zenpo-in (Zenpo-bo) at Oshikoji Minami/Madenokoji Higashi.\"", "ja": "入滅の地である、「抌小路南・䞇里小路東の善法院〈善法坊〉」には諞説ある。" }
{ "en": "The Hongan-ji sect said that \"Zenpo-bo\" was at the west side of Madenokoji, and restored Zenpo-in (present-day Hongan-ji Sect Kadonobo Annex).", "ja": "本願寺掟は、「善法坊」の堎所を西の䞇里小路ずし、善法院を再興する珟、本願寺掟角坊別院。" }
{ "en": "The Otani Sect supposed the location of \"Zenpo-in\" to be at the ruins of Hosen-ji Temple, built in a place that had come to be called \"Shinrangahara\" (present-day Kyoto Municipal Kyoto Oike Middle School - Toraishi-cho), and erected a stone monument with the words \"The Place Where Kenshin Daishi Passed On.\"", "ja": "倧谷掟は、「善法院」の堎所を「芪鞞ヶ原」ず呌ばれるようになった地に建立された法泉寺の跡地珟、京郜垂立京郜埡池䞭孊校〈虎石町〉付近ず掚定しお、「芋真倧垫遷化之旧跡」の石碑を建立する。" }
{ "en": "(Some also say that he passed on at Koen-ji Temple (Kyoto City Shimogyo Ward) and his body was moved to Zenpo-in for some reason.)", "ja": "〔たた、光円寺京郜垂䞋京区で入滅され、䜕等かの理由により善法院に埡遺䜓を移されたずする説もある。〕" }
{ "en": "At his death, Shinran's younger brother Jin'u and his youngest daughter Kakushinni, among others, were with him.", "ja": "臚終は、芪鞞の匟の尋有僧郜じんうそうずや末嚘の芚信尌らが芋取った。" }
{ "en": "His ashes were interred at \"Otani\", north of Toribeno.", "ja": "遺骚は、鳥郚野北蟺の「倧谷」に玍められた。" }
{ "en": "Since his exile, he had stuck to his own status which was neither a monk nor a layman.", "ja": "流眪より生涯に枡り、非僧非俗の立堎を貫いた。" }
{ "en": "The ritual called \"Ho-onko\" for expressing the feeling of gratitude to Shinran takes place on the date of his death annually.", "ja": "珟圚でも芪鞞ぞの報恩感謝の為、祥月呜日には「報恩講」ず呌ばれる法芁が営たれおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to the book of \"Godensho\" written by the 3rd caretaker of Hongan-ji Temple Kakunyo, 'his cremation was held at Ennin-ji Temple, south of Toribeno.'", "ja": "火葬の地は、芪鞞の曟孫で本願寺䞉䞖の芚劂の『埡䌝鈔』に「鳥郚野ずりべのの南の蟺、延仁寺に葬したおた぀る」ず蚘されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Hongan-ji sect says that he was cremated around the south side of Mt. Toribe (present-day Otani Honbyo/Nishi Otani Ondabisho).", "ja": "本願寺掟は、鳥蟺山南蟺珟圚の倧谷本廟〈西倧谷〉の「埡荌毘所」にお荌毘に付されたずする。" }
{ "en": "The Otani sect says that he was cremated at Enni-ji Temple (Imakumano, Kyoto City Higashi Ward).", "ja": "倧谷掟は、延仁寺京郜垂東山区今熊野にお荌毘に付されたずしおいる。" }