"I have some concerns regarding their method and the experiments which are brought up in the following: Method: In a non-fully-cooperative environment, sharing hidden state entirely as the only option for communicate is not very reasonable ; I think something like sending a message is a better option and more realistic (e.g., something like the work of Mordatch & Abbeel, 2017) Experiment: The experiment ""StarCraft explore"" is similar to predator-prey; therefore, instead of explaining StarCraft explore, I would like to see how the model works in StarCraft combat" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"Does their model outperform a model which has global communication with IR" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"In my opinion this paper is generally of good quality and clarity, modest originality and significance" "['pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro']" "paper quality"
"Strengths: - The experiments are very thorough" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro']" "paper quality"
"Hyperparameters were honestly optimized" "['pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro']" "paper quality"
"The authors claim the formalization of the problem to be one of their contributions." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"It is difficult for me to accept it" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"The proposed method introduces a lot of complexity for very small gains" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"It looks to me the better generalization comes from more complicated data augmentation, not from the proposed large batch training" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"It is unclear to me what is the benefit of the proposed method" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"The improvement on test errors does not look significant" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"For example, a simple thing to do is t0 separately train networks with standard setting and then ensemble trained networks." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Or apply distributed knowledge distillation like in (Anil 2018 Large scale distributed neural network training through online distillation) 3." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"The experiments are not strong" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"In figure 1 (b), the results of M=4,8,16,32 are very similar, and it looks unstable" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"However, the proposed method use a N times larger batch and same number of iterations, and hence N times more computation resources." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"The proposed method looks unstable" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"Regarding the theoretical part, I still do not follow the authors' explanation" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"This paper presents CoDraw, a grounded and goal-driven dialogue environment for collaborative drawing." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Im not sure how impressed I should be by these results" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"The humanhuman similarity score is pretty far above those of the best models , even though MTurkers are not optimized (and likely not as motivated as an NN) to solve this task." "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Are the machinemachine pairs consistently performing well together" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"The red one!" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Overview: The authors aim at finding and investigating criteria that allow to determine whether a deep (convolutional) model overfits the training data without using a hold-out data set." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Instead of using a hold-out set they propose to randomly flip the labels of certain amounts of training data and inspect the corresponding 'accuracy vs. randomization curves." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Because of that, the experimental evaluation remains vague as well, as the criteria are tested on one data set by visual inspection" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"As in that case correlation in the data can be destroyed by the introduction of randomness making the data easier to learn." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Is that an assumption?" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Instead, you present vague of sharp drops and two modes but do not present rigorous definitions" "['non', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"In my view, this evaluation of the (vague) criteria is not fit for showing their possible merit ." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'non']" "paper quality"
"This paper generalizes basic policy gradient methods by replacing the original Gaussian or Gaussian mixture policy with a normalizing flow policy, which is defined by a sequence of invertible transformations from a base policy." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"and why one needs to compute gradients of the entropy (Section 4.1)?" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"BTW, in the Section 4.3, what does [-1, 1]^2 mean" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"Maybe they can uniformly outperform Gaussian policy?" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"My main concern about the paper is the time cost." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"The second module is responsible for mapping goals from this embedding space to control policies." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"A contrastive loss would seemingly be more appropriate for learning the instruction-goal distance function" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"Are they free-form instructions" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"The proposed method is evaluated on object classification and object alignment tasks." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"It would be better to compare the proposed method to the existing multi-objective methods in terms of classification accuracy and other objectives" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"This paper argues that the choice of the number of parameters is sub-optimal and ineffective in terms of computational complexity." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Text contradicting the equation : ""In order to balance the individual loss terms, we normalize according to dimensions and weight the KL divergence with a constant of 0.1""." "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Tables and figures are inconveniently far from where they are referenced in the text" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"This is not true in a beta-VAE" "['con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"The weighting of the KL that the authors introduce is going to bias the learned generator towards the high probability regions." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"3) Experiments Finally, the experimental results do not look very compelling , it seems to be overall worse than the baselines in the two image datasets and slightly better in the audio dataset, so it's unclear that this approach is superior" "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'non', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con', 'con']" "paper quality"
"They construct a pair of synthetic but somewhat realistic datasetsin one case, the Bayes-optimal classifier is *not* robust, demonstrating that the Bayes-optimal classifier may not be robust for real-world datasets." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"The paper also definitively proves that there are realistic datasets where the Bayes-optimal classifier is non-robust, which goes against quite a bit of conventional wisdom in the field and opens up many new paths for research" "['pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro', 'pro']" "paper quality"
"A Discussion of Adversarial Examples are not Bugs they are Features (pseudo-url): Nakkiran (2019) actually constructs a dataset (called adversarial squares) where the Bayes-optimal classifier is robust but neural networks learn a non-robust classifier due to label noise and overfitting." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"
"Adversarially robust generalization requires more data (pseudo-url): Schmidt et al show a setup where many more samples are required for adversarial robustness than for standard classification error." "['non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non', 'non']" "paper quality"