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we have selected a sample of 43 galaxies with fuv detections or upper limits and h@xmath0 luminosities from the sample of spiral galaxies imaged using the ultraviolet imaging telescope ( uit ) . magnitudes at an effective wavelength of 1567 were derived ; from external comparisons , we estimate that our magnitudes are accurate to at worst 0.4 mag , and typically 0.2 mag . magnitudes for a further 33 galaxies observed by faust ( deharveng et al . 1994 ) at 1650 were also included in the analysis as a check . h@xmath0 luminosities are primarily taken from the literature , with the addition of some unpublished ccd data taken by the authors . when appropriate , the total flux was corrected for @xmath2nii@xmath3 $ ] following kennicutt ( 1983 ) . to determine the importance of dust , we also examined far - infrared ( fir ) and thermal radio continuum luminosities . the fuv to fir ratio is a rough probe of dust attenuation . the h@xmath0 to thermal radio ratio is a direct probe of the attenuation of the h@xmath0 light as the two radiations are produced by the same thermal electrons : the only disadvantage is that the thermal radio luminosity is difficult to measure accurately in most cases . in panels a and b of fig . 1 , we can see that the h@xmath0 sfrs are a factor of @xmath41.5 larger than the fuv sfrs for high luminosity galaxies , and comparable for lower luminosity galaxies . this is consistent with a scenario in which both the h@xmath0 and fuv radiation suffer attenuation ( where the fuv attenuation is larger than the h@xmath0 attenuation ) , and that the overall amount of attenuation varies as a function of galaxy luminosity ( e.g. tully et al . 1998 ) . we explore the attenuation more directly in panel c , where we plot the h@xmath0 attenuation determined from the h@xmath0 to thermal radio ratio against the fir to fuv luminosity ratio ( a tracer of fuv attenuation , modulo uncertainties from older stellar population heating of the dust ) . the h@xmath0 attenuations are clearly correlated with the fuv attenuations , indicating a real spread in overall spiral galaxy attenuation . furthermore , the data are consistent with a h@xmath0 attenuation @xmath4 12 times lower than the fuv attenuation ( simple models predict a factor of 4 offset : models that take into account the different distribution of fuv and h@xmath0 emitting sources predict a factor of 2 offset ) . a more thorough discussion of these results is presented by bell & kennicutt ( 2000 ) . bell , e. f. & kennicutt , r. c. , jr . 2000 , submitted to apj deharveng , j. m. , et al . 1994 , a&a , 289 , 715 kennicutt , r. c. , jr . 1983 , apj , 272 , 54 kennicutt , r. c. , jr . 1998 , ara&a , 36 , 189 tully r. b. , et al . 1998 , aj , 115 , 2264 | we have used a sample of 43 star - forming galaxies imaged in the far - ultraviolet ( fuv ) by the uit supplemented with 33 galaxies observed by faust , to explore the consistency of uv and h@xmath0 derived star formation rates ( sfrs ) .
we find , even before correction for dust , that uv and h@xmath0 sfrs are quantitatively consistent for low - luminosity galaxies , and that higher luminosity galaxies have h@xmath0 sfrs a factor of 1.5 higher than their uv sfrs : this reflects the influence of dust .
our results are consistent with a scenario where the uv dust extinction is a factor of @xmath12 larger than the h@xmath0 dust extinction in a given galaxy , and that there is over a 4 magnitude range of h@xmath0 dust extinctions which correlate loosely with galaxy luminosity such that low luminosity galaxies tend to have lower extinctions than their higher luminosity counterparts . |
relativistic jets from supermassive black holes hosted within the bulges of spirals and nuclei of early - type galaxies inject significant amounts of energy into the medium within which they propagate , , and the ism density is : @xmath0 . ] creating an extended , underdense and hot cocoon . we have performed a series of simulations of these jets and cocoons using an amr code , flash 2.5 : a typical output is shown in fig . [ fig : cocoon ] . + we find that a slight modification of the exact models of @xcite and @xcite , approximates well the simulations . we can use the exact solutions to develop a model of _ negative feedback _ of the agn on the host galaxy . within the cocoon star formation is strongly suppressed , and at any time we which intersects the cocoon._right _ : suppression of the sfr , for a m=@xmath1 m@xmath2 host halo.,title="fig : " ] which intersects the cocoon._right _ : suppression of the sfr , for a m=@xmath1 m@xmath2 host halo.,title="fig : " ] know the extent of the region occupied by the cocoon ( fig . [ fig : model ] , _ left _ ) . we show in fig . [ fig : model ] ( _ right _ ) the results of this model for agn feedback . the rapid decrease of stellar formation is a consequence of the high ism density in the central regions , which are the first to be efficiently depleted by the jet . + a more detailed analysis will be presented in a subsequent paper ( antonuccio - delogu & silk , submitted ) v.a .- d . has been supported by ec contract mtkd - ct-002995 . flash v. 2.5 was partly developed by the doe - supported asc / alliance center for astrophysical thermonuclear flashes at the university of chicago . | we study the propagation of relativistic jets originating from agns within the interstellar / intergalactic medium of their host galaxies , and use it to build a model for the suppression of stellar formation within the expanding cocoon . |
from iue spectra of the yz cas primary , [ lm83 ] found that the metals add up to a z value of over 0.03 ( z@xmath30.036@xmath40.005 ) . we try to assess to what extent this high z - value has to be revised . it is well known that the abundance of iron is enhanced in am stars with respect to normal a - f stars . [ lm83 ] found for yz cas a that fe is @xmath56 times overabundant , which implies that fe contributes to @xmath543% of z. in order to update the [ lm83 ] study , we applied two corrections to this value : 1 ) they assumed an iron solar abundance a@xmath6@xmath37.60 . more detailed studies give a@xmath6 @xmath3 7.50@xmath40.05 ( [ gs99 ] ) implying that fe contributes to @xmath557% of z. 2 ) their analysis assumed t@xmath7@xmath310,300k . recent determinations give 9100@xmath4300k ( [ r00 ] ) . this would reduce the [ lm83 ] s iron abundance by about 0.15 - 0.20 dex , and then imply that fe contributes to @xmath533% of z. both corrections are opposite and imply altogether that fe contributes to @xmath540% of z. hence , our attempt to update some of the [ lm83 ] assumptions does not change their high - z conclusion . since @xmath8 strmgren colours are available for both components of yz cas ( [ l81 ] , [ j97 ] ) , it is possible to derive [ fe / h ] from existing calibrations . the [ j97 ] photometric indices do not suggest a metallic behaviour of the am star atmosphere : [ fe / h ] is @xmath90.02@xmath40.22 ( [ j00 ] ) , i.e z@xmath30.017@xmath10 ( assuming z@xmath0@xmath30.018 ) . the upper limit is only marginally compatible with the z derived from the iue spectra . assuming the individual photometric indices from [ l81 ] , the derived atmospheric [ fe / h ] is 0.12@xmath40.05 , i.e. z@xmath30.024@xmath40.003 , again only marginally compatible with the iue determination . using strmgren photometry from [ j97 ] and accurate gravities , [ l99 ] derived simultaneous t@xmath7-[fe / h ] estimates from the basel photometric calibrations ( [ l98 ] ) . they obtain [ fe / h ] strictly lower than 0.1 for yz cas a , i.e z@xmath110.022 . this result assumes no reddening which is justified by experiments we performed with the basel models ( see [ l99 ] for details on the method ) for e(b@xmath9y ) ranging from @xmath90.034 ( _ negative _ value of [ l81 ] ) to 0.09 ( maximum value quoted by [ lm83 ] ) . in summary , even if the results of [ j00 ] and [ l99 ] are not completely independent because based on the same colour indices , they suggest that the atmospheric metallicity of yz cas a is solar or sub - solar , and exclude z - values greater than 0.03 . de landtsheer a.c . , mulder p.s . 1983 , a&a 127 , 297 [ lm83 ] grevesse n. , sauval a.j . 1999 , a&a 347 , 348 [ gs99 ] jordi c. , ribas i. , torra j. , gimnez a. 1997 , a&a 326 , 1044 [ j97 ] jordi c. , 2000 , private communication [ j00 ] lacy c.h . 1981 , apj 251 , 591 [ l81 ] lastennet e. , lejeune th . , westera p. , buser r. 1999 , a&a 341 , 857 [ l99 ] lejeune th . , cuisinier f. , buser r. 1998 , a&as 130 , 65 [ l98 ] ribas i. , jordi c. , torra j. , gimnez a. 2000 , mnras 313 , 99 [ r00 ] | we review current and new estimates of the eclipsing binary yz cassiopeiae metallicity ( z ) .
since the individual components cover a quite large range of mass ( 1.35 - 2.31m@xmath0 ) , yz cas is potentially one of the best stellar laboratories to understand the structure and evolution of 1 to 2 m@xmath0 stars .
the derivation of z from iue spectra , as well as from photometric indices , provides the chemical composition of the atmosphere ( z@xmath1 ) , while the fit of evolutionary tracks provides the initial chemical composition ( z@xmath2 ) . while a disagreement is expected between z@xmath1 and z@xmath2 because the primary component is an am star ( one expects z@xmath1 to be larger ) , we find some unexpected discrepancy between atmospheric determinations of z for this star . |
we are interested in _ excellent _ morse functions @xmath0 , where the attribute excellent signifies that no two critical points lie on the same level set of @xmath1 . two such morse functions @xmath2 are called geometrically equivalent if there exist orientation preserving diffeomorphisms @xmath3 and @xmath4 such that @xmath5 . we denote by @xmath6 the number of equivalence classes of morse functions with @xmath7 critical points . arnold suggested in @xcite that @xmath8 the goal of this note is to establish the validity of arnold s prediction . * acknowledgment . * i want to thank francesca aicardi for drawing my attention to arnold s question . we define @xmath9 in @xcite we have embedded @xmath10 in a @xmath11-parameter family @xmath12 which satisfies a nonlinear recurrence relation , @xcite . * a. * @xmath13 . @xmath14 @xmath15 where @xmath16 and for every @xmath17 we denoted by @xmath18 the symmetric of @xmath19 with respect to the center of the rectangle @xmath20 . * b. * @xmath21 . @xmath22 observe that if we let @xmath23 in * a * we deduce @xmath24 so that @xmath25 . in @xcite we proved that these recurrence relations imply that the function @xmath26 satisfies the quasilinear pde @xmath27 and inverse function @xmath28 is defined by the elliptic integral @xmath29 using the recurrence formula * b * we deduce that for every @xmath30 we have @xmath31 we multiply this equality with @xmath32 and we deduce @xmath33 @xmath34 @xmath35 this implies that the taylor coefficients of @xmath36 are bounded from below by the taylor coefficients of the solution of the initial value problem @xmath37 the last initial value problem can be solved by separation of variables @xmath38 the function @xmath39 has the taylor series ( see @xcite ) @xmath40 where @xmath41 denote the bernoulli numbers generated by @xmath42 the bernoulli numbers have the asymptotic behavior , ( * ? ? ? 6.2 ) @xmath43 if @xmath44 denotes the coefficient of @xmath45 in @xmath46 we deduce that @xmath47 thus the coefficient @xmath48 of @xmath49 in @xmath50 has the asymptotic behavior @xmath51 we deduce that @xmath52 let us produce upper bounds for @xmath53 . we will give a combinatorial argument showing that @xmath54 where @xmath55 is the @xmath56-th catalan number . as explained in @xcite , a geometric equivalence class of a morse function on @xmath57 with @xmath7 critical points is completely described by a certain labelled tree , dubbed morse tree in @xcite ( see figure [ fig : 1 ] , where the morse function is the height function ) . for the reader s convenience we recall that a morse tree ( with @xmath7 vertices ) is tree with vertices labelled with labels @xmath58 with the following two properties . we will produce an injection from the set @xmath60 of morse functions with @xmath7 critical points to the set @xmath61 where @xmath62 denotes the set of planted , trivalent , planar trees ( ptpt ) with @xmath7-vertices , and @xmath63 denotes the group of permutations of @xmath64-objects . as explained in ( 6.1 ) , to a morse tree we can canonically associate a ptpt with @xmath7-vertices . the number of such ptpt - s is @xmath65 , ( * ? ? ? 6.19.f , p.220 ) . the tree in figure [ fig : 1 ] is already a @xmath66 . the non - root vertices of such a tree can be labelled in a canonical way with labels @xmath67 ( see the explanation in ( * ? ? ? * figure 5.14 , p. 34 ) ) . more precisely , consider a very thin tubular neighborhood @xmath68 of such a tree in the plane . its boundary is a circle . to label the vertices , walk along @xmath69 in a counterclockwise fashion and label the non - root vertices in the order they were first encountered ( such a walk passes three times near each node ) . in figure [ fig : 2 ] , this labelling is indicated along the points marked @xmath70 . the morse function then defines another bijection from the set of non - root vertices to the same label set . in figure [ fig : 2 ] this labelling is indicated along the vertices marked @xmath59 . we have thus associated to a morse tree a pair , @xmath71 , where @xmath72 is a ptpt and @xmath73 is a permutation of its non - root vertices . in figure [ fig : 2 ] this permutation is @xmath74 the morse tree is uniquely determined by this pair . we deduce that @xmath75 @xmath76 hence @xmath77 the estimates ( [ tag : dag ] ) and ( [ tag : ddag ] ) coupled with stirling s formula show that @xmath78 which is arnold s prediction , ( [ eq : asympt ] ) . the refined stirling s formula @xmath81 implies that @xmath82 @xmath83 @xmath84 hence @xmath85 we deduce that @xmath86 here are the results of some numerical experiments . @xmath87 this suggests @xmath88 . | we answer a question of v.i . arnold concerning the growth rate of the number of morse functions on the two sphere . |
the standard - model extension@xcite ( sme ) consists of the most general observer - independent effective field theory incorporating lorentz violation . it is routinely used by both theorists and experimentalists to study and obtain bounds on possible forms of lorentz violation.@xcite as an effective field theory , the sme can accommodate both explicit and spontaneous lorentz breaking . however , there are differences in these two forms of symmetry breaking that arise in the context of gravity . this overview looks at these differences and what their primary consequences are . in a gravitational theory with lorentz violation it is useful to use a vierbein formalism . in this approach , both the local lorentz frames and spacetime frames are accessible and linkage between the symmetries in these frames can be examined . the vierbein provides the connection between tensor components in local lorentz frames and tensor components in the spacetime frame . the lagrangian in the sme is formed as the most general scalar function ( under both local lorentz and diffeomorphism transformations ) using gravitational fields , particle fields , and lorentz - violating sme coefficients . when the lorentz breaking is explicit , the sme coefficients are viewed as fixed background fields . however , when the lorentz breaking is spontaneous , the sme coefficients are vacuum expectation values ( vevs ) of dynamical tensor fields . in the gravity sector of the sme , a no - go theorem shows that with explicit lorentz breaking an inconsistency can occur between conditions stemming from the field variations and symmetry considerations with geometrical constraints that must hold , such as the bianchi identities.@xcite in contrast , the case of spontaneous lorentz breaking was found to evade the no - go theorem . the main difference is that in a theory with explicit breaking the sme coefficients are not associated with dynamical fields , while with spontaneous lorentz breaking they are , which creates a difference in the conditions that must hold . an important consequence of the no - go theorem is that the gravity sector of the sme can only avoid incompatibility with conventional geometrical constraints if the symmetry breaking is spontaneous . the fact that the sme coefficients must be associated with vevs of dynamical fields that undergo spontaneous lorentz violation leads to a number of effects that must be accounted for in the gravity sector of the sme . for example , when lorentz symmetry is spontaneously broken , there is also spontaneous breaking of diffeomorphism symmetry . the spontaneous lorentz breaking occurs when a nonzero tensor - valued vacuum occurs in the local lorentz frames , which is necessarily accompanied by a vacuum value for the vierbein . when products of the vierbein vev act on the local tensor vevs , the result is that tensor vevs also appear in the spacetime frame . these tensor vevs spontaneously break local diffeomorphisms in the spacetime frame . conversely , if a vev in the spacetime frame spontaneously breaks diffeomorphisms , then the inverse vierbein acting on it gives rise to vevs in the local frames . consequently , spontaneous local lorentz breaking implies spontaneous diffeomorphism breaking and vice versa.@xcite with spontaneous symmetry breaking of both lorentz and diffeomorphism symmetry , there are standard features in particle physics that need to be investigated . these include the possible appearance of massless nambu - goldstone ( ng ) modes and massive higgs modes , or there is the possibility of a higgs mechanism in which the ng modes are reinterpreted as additional degrees of freedom in a theory with massive gauge fields . in the absence of a higgs mechanism , there can be up to as many ng modes as there are broken spacetime symmetries . since the maximal symmetry - breaking case would yield six broken lorentz generators and four broken diffeomorphisms , there can be as many as ten ng modes . a natural gauge choice puts all of the ng modes into the vierbein . however , this will in general lead to the appearance of ghosts , and it is for this reason that most models involve breaking fewer than ten of the spacetime symmetries . spontaneous symmetry breaking is usually induced by a potential term in the lagrangian that has a degenerate minimum space . the ng modes appear as excitations away from the vacuum that stay in the minimum space , while massive higgs modes are excitations that go up the potential well away from the minimum . in conventional gauge theory , the potential involves only scalar fields , and the massive higgs modes are independent of the gauge fields . however , with spontaneous lorentz breaking , the metric typically appears in the potential along with the tensor fields , and for this reason massive higgs modes can occur that include metric excitations . this is an effect that has no analog in the case of conventional gauge theory . in a higgs mechanism , the would - be ng modes become additional degrees of freedom for massive gauge fields . the gauge fields associated with diffeomorphisms are the metric excitations . however , a higgs mechanism involving the metric has been shown not to occur.@xcite this is because the mass term that is generated by covariant derivatives involves the connection , which consists of derivatives of the metric and not the metric itself . however , for the broken lorentz symmetry , where the relevant gauge fields are the spin connection , a conventional higgs mechanism can occur.@xcite this is because the spin connection appears directly in covariant derivatives acting on local tensor components , and when the local tensors acquire a vev , quadratic mass terms for the spin connection can be generated . note , however , a viable higgs mechanism involving the spin connection can only occur if the spin connection is a dynamical field , which requires nonzero torsion and that the geometry be riemann - cartan . | gravitational theories with lorentz violation must account for a number of possible features in order to be consistent theoretically and phenomenologically .
a brief summary of these features is given here .
they include evasion of a no - go theorem , connections between spontaneous lorentz breaking and diffeomorphism breaking , the appearance of massless nambu - goldstone modes and massive higgs modes , and the possibility of a higgs mechanism in gravity . |
for particles with sufficiently high energies the transition layer between the jet and the ambient medium can be approximated as a surface of discontinuous velocity change , a tangential discontinuity ( ` td ' ) . if particles gyroradia ( or mean free paths normal to the jet boundary ) are comparable to the actual thickness of this shear - layer interface it becomes an efficient cosmic ray acceleration site provided the considered velocity difference , @xmath0 , is relativistic and the sufficient amount of turbulence is present in the medium . the problem was extensively discussed in early eighties by berezhko with collaborators ( see the review by berezhko 1990 ) and in the diffusive limit by earl et al . ( 1988 ) and jokipii et al . the case of a relativistic jet velocity was considered by ostrowski ( 1990 , 1998 , 2000 ) . the simulations ( ostrowski 1990 , cf . bednarz & ostrowski 1996 for shock acceleration ) show that in favorable conditions the acceleration process acting at relativistic tangential discontinuity of the velocity field can be very rapid , with the time scale @xmath1 where @xmath2 is a particle gyroradius in the ambient medium and for efficient particle scattering the numerical factor @xmath3 can be as small as @xmath4 . the introduced acceleration time is coupled to the ` acceleration length ' @xmath5 due to particle advection in the jet flow . in the case of a non - relativistic jet or a small velocity gradient in the boundary shear layer the acceleration process is of the second - order in velocity and a rather slow one . then , the ordinary second - order fermi process in the turbulent medium can play a significant , or even a dominant role in the acceleration . the acceleration time scales can be evaluated only approximately for these processes , and - for particles residing within the considered layer - we can give an acceleration time scale estimate @xmath6 where @xmath7 is a turbulence velocity ( @xmath8 the alfvn velocity for subsonic turbulence ) , @xmath9 is a mean particle free path normal to the jet axis and @xmath10 is a shear layer thickness . the first term in the denominator represents the second - order fermi process , while the second term is for the viscous cosmic ray acceleration . one expects that the first term dominates at low particle energies , while the second at larger energies , with @xmath11 approaching the value given in eq . ( 1 ) for @xmath12 and @xmath13 . conditions within the large scale jets of frii radio sources allow for acceleration of cosmic ray protons up to energies @xmath14 ev ( e.g. rachen & biermann 1993 , ostrowski 1998 ) . a characteristic feature of the boundary acceleration process in a simple considered model is formation of very flat spectrum of _ escaping particles_. it is due to the on average parallel magnetic field configuration within the shear layer , limiting the low cosmic rays escape . such particles residing within the shear layer volume can more efficiently stream to higher energies due to acting the acceleration process than to escape diffusively off the jet . at some higher energies escape becomes substantial , leading to the spectrum cut - off formation . in the considered conditions radiative losses are insignificant for protons . acting of the above mentioned processes can have pronounced consequences for the jet propagation if the seed particle injection at ` low energies ' is efficient . accelerated particles provide a viscous agent slowing down the jet movement . because the jet energy is transmitted mostly to high energy nuclei , this dissipative process can occur without significant radiative effects . if a jet appearing from the central source with the lorentz factor @xmath8 a few slows down to mildly relativistic velocities at large distances , the dissipated jet kinetic energy can be several times larger than the one available in terminal shocks . this amount is sufficient to explain additional pressure component providing stability of radio lobes against pressure of the x - ray emitting gas . if the above interpretation is true , then some further consequences of the discussed accelerating process may arise . in particular acceleration of nuclei could be energetically inefficient in purely electron - positron jets , leading to less efficient jet breaking at large scales . also , if the considered energetic particles escape from the radio lobes too fast , the required internal pressure component could not be sustained . a series of such problems are under study now . | recently hardcastle & worrall ( 2000 ) analyzed 63 frii radio galaxies imbedded in the x - ray radiating gas in galaxy clusters and concluded , that pressures inside its lobes seem to be a factor of a few lower than in the surrounding gas .
one of explanations of the existing ` blown up ' radio lobes is the existence of invisible internal pressure component due to energetic cosmic ray nuclei ( protons ) .
here we discuss a possible mechanism providing these particles in the acceleration processes acting at side boundaries of relativistic jets .
the process can accelerate particles to ultra high energies with possibly a very hard spectrum .
its action provides also an additional viscous jet breaking mechanism .
the work is still in progress . |
big detectors at high energy colliders require the detection of electrons ( @xmath2 ) and muons ( @xmath3 ) with high efficiency , high purity and high precision for the reconstruction of the decays @xmath4 , @xmath5 , @xmath6 , @xmath7 , for the identification of @xmath8 lepton decays to @xmath2 and @xmath3 , for searches for lepton number violation , for the positive tagging of events with missing neutrinos , and for the isolation of event samples with supposed decays of supersymmetric or other massive states decaying partly to leptons . the muon system of the 4th concept , fig . [ fig:4th ] , achieves almost absolute muon identification for isolated tracks . we achieve excellent @xmath11 separation using three independent measurements : ( a ) energy balance from the tracker through the calorimeter into the muon spectrometer , ( b ) a unique separation of the radiative component from the ionization component in the dual - readout calorimeter ; and , ( c ) a measurement of the neutron content in the dual - readout fiber calorimeter . the central tracking system has a resolution of about @xmath12 ( @xmath13 ( gev / c)@xmath14 ) and the muons spectrometer in the annulus between the solenoids with a b=1.5 t field has resolution of about @xmath15 ( @xmath16 ( gev / c)@xmath14 ) . a muon of momentum @xmath17 which radiates energy @xmath18 in the volume of the calorimeter that is measured with a resolution of @xmath19 will have a momentum - energy balance constraint of @xmath20/p$ ] which yields a rejection of about 30 for a 100 gev muon radiating 20 gev . a non - radiating muon penetrating the mass of a fiber dual readout calorimeter will leave a signal in the scintillating fibers equivalent to the @xmath21 of the muon , which in dream is about 1.1 gev . there will be no erenkov signal since the erenkov angle is larger than the capture cone angle of the fiber . a radiating muon will add equal signals to both the scintillating and erenkov fibers and , therefore , the difference of the scintillating @xmath22 and erenkov @xmath23 signals is @xmath24 independent of the degree of radiation . the distributions of @xmath25 _ vs. _ @xmath26 for 20 gev left in the h4 beam at 20 gev / c , so these data are from 40 gev / c @xmath27 . ] and 200 gev @xmath28 and @xmath27 are shown in fig . [ fig : mu - pi ] in which for an isolated track the @xmath10 rejection against @xmath3 is about @xmath0 at 20 gev and @xmath29 at 200 gev . the distribution of @xmath25 as a mean that is very nearly 1.1 gev as expected , and the radiative events are evident at larger @xmath26 . r0.7 the dream collaboration has succeeded in the measurement of neutron content in hadronic showers event - by - event in the dream module by summing the scintillating channels of the module in three radial rings and digitizing the pmt output at 1.25 ghz . these data , now being analyzed , show clearly the long - time neutron component in hadron showers that is absent in electromagnetic showers ( and also absent in the erenkov fibers of the dream module for both @xmath2 and @xmath30 ) . we expect to estimate a neutron fraction , @xmath31 , each event the same way we estimate @xmath32 each event , and be able to reject localized hadronic activity in the calorimeter with factors of 10 - 50 . any simple product of these three rejection factors , or any estimate of the muon efficiency and purity , gives an optimistic result that will clearly be limited by tracking efficiencies , overlapping shower debris in the calorimeter , or track confusion either in the main tracker or the muon spectrometer before these beam test numbers are reached . nevertheless , we expect excellent muon identification . | muons can be identified with high efficiency and purity and reconstructed with high precision is a detector with a dual readout calorimeter and a dual solenoid to return the flux without iron .
we shown cern test beam data for the calorimeter and calculations for the magnetic fields and the track reconstruction . for isolated tracks ,
the rejection of pions against muons ranges from @xmath0 at 20 gev / c to @xmath1 at 300 gev / c . |
the main sequence of metal - poor gcs exhibits a bend in the two color diagram(s ) . analysis of the multicolor yale isochrones of demarque et al . ( 1996 ) shows that color width of such a bend , i.e. , a color difference between the turnoff point and main sequence at the same level of the @xmath0 , is * a function of age at a given metallicity*. hence age of a gc can be derived by fitting isochrones of appropriate metallicity to the cluster two color diagram(s ) . the best fit isochrone must show the most adequate reproduction of fiducial line of the sequence ( mainly in its upper part ) and location of its three basic points : points of the turnoff and main sequence at the same level of the @xmath0 , and point of the extremum . multicolor photometry by alcaino et al . ( 1997 ) of ngc 6397 has been used to apply this approach . the densest part of the cluster field and stars above the turnoff level were excluded from consideration . since the most probable cluster metallicity ( see gratton et al . 2000 ; castilho et al . 2000 ) is close to @xmath1=-2.0 $ ] , the set of isochrones of appropriate metallicity was used . panels of fig . 1 show that the fitting criteria described above are best met by isochrone for 16 gyr age in each diagram presented . a fitting accuracy is of order @xmath2 gyr , taking into account that result of the best fit is approximately the same in all the diagrams . however , real error in age may be as large as a few gyr ( vandenberg 1999 , private communication ) even if a photometry is precise , with no systematic effects . that may be due to incertaincy in the parameters of theoretical calculations such as @xmath3 , or to the problems of transformation of isochrones to the colors used , etc . ( e.g. , see , for details , grundahl et al . note that change of 0.1 dex in @xmath1 $ ] causes change in age estimate @xmath4 gyr so that say for @xmath1=-1.9 $ ] the age derived for ngc 6397 is @xmath5 gyr . | i propose and apply a method for deriving ages of the metal - poor globular clusters ( gcs ) in a distance - independent way , which is based on age indicator related to the main sequence in the two color diagrams with @xmath0 index .
age of the metal - poor gc ngc 6397 has been estimated , using yale isochrones of demarque et al .
( 1996 ) , to be close to 16 gyr provided the cluster metallicity is near @xmath1=-2.0 $ ] .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
metal line absorption in the intergalactic medium ( igm , i.e. ly@xmath0 forest clouds ) is astrophysically interesting because the absorption properties can be exploited to reveal the chemical enrichment and ionization histories of the universe . at all redshifts , forest clouds far from bright galaxies may sample igm chemical enrichment from the first generation of stars . at low redshifts , they may trace a population of low surface brightness and/or dwarf galaxies . cowie et al . @xcite detected high ionization c iv and si iv in the forest at @xmath6 , where the uv background ( uvb ) is likely dominated by `` hard '' radiation from quasars and active galactic nuclei . at @xmath7 , the uvb intensity is reduced by a factor of @xmath8 and its shape may be softened by bright field galaxies . in short , the igm ionization conditions may have evolved so that low ionization species , i.e. mg ii and fe ii , are detectable in `` forest '' clouds . we searched a hires / keck spectrum of pks @xmath1 for mg ii absorption in the ly@xmath0 clouds reported by boiss et al . the success rate was 2/28 , or @xmath9% . the upper limits are @xmath1011.06 @xmath5 for @xmath11 h i clouds . the two discovered systems , at @xmath12 0.6248 and 0.9315 , have @xmath13 and @xmath14 , respectively . in figure 1 , the 0.93 system is presented . the unresolved metal lines were fitted with voigt profiles and extensive monte carlo simulations were performed to obtain the column densities and @xmath15 parameters . we obtained @xmath16 @xmath5 for both mg ii and fe ii , with @xmath17 km s@xmath18 . we assumed the cloud is thermally broadened and used the curve of growth to estimate @xmath19 @xmath5 . we then used cloudy @xcite , once with a @xmath20 uv continuum slope and once with @xmath21 k blackbody spectrum [ cool stars are suggested by @xmath22 , to explore the cloud chemical and ionization conditions . for the power law uvb with @xmath23 , the cloud properties are @xmath24 @xmath25 , @xmath26 pc , and @xmath27 m@xmath28 , with ionization parameter @xmath29 . this cloud is inferred to have super solar metallicity , @xmath30 < 1.5 $ ] ! in a f702w wfpc / hst image of the @xmath1 field @xcite there are a few diffuse extended lsb galaxies over the impact parameter range @xmath31 kpc , if they have @xmath32 . however , it is difficult to understand how extended super solar gas could arise from such diffuse galaxies . for the blackbody `` cool stars '' uv continuum , the inferred cloud properties are @xmath33 @xmath25 , @xmath34 pc , and @xmath35 m@xmath28 , with @xmath36 . the inferred metallicity is @xmath37 \sim - 1.2 $ ] . this scenario models a dwarf like galaxy with a late type stellar population . the value of @xmath38 implies an extreme number of stars ; this scenario is astrophysically implausible @xcite . we thus conclude that the absorber is metal rich and ionized by the uvb . it may be that systems like the one presented here are fairly common and comprise a yet to be explored class of absorber . a sensitive search for mg ii systems in the forests along the lines of sight to other qsos is in progress . 99 boiss , p. , bergeron , j. , le brun , v. , & deharveng , j.m . 1997 , apj , submitted churchill , c.w . , & le brun , v. 1997 , apj , submitted cowie , l.,l . , songaila , a. , kim , t.s . , & 1995 , aj , 109 , 1522 ferland , g. , 1996 , _ hazy _ , university of kentucky internal report le brun , v. , bergeron , j. , boiss , p. , & deharveng , j.m . 1997 , a&a , 321 , 733 | we report the detection of mg ii absorption in two ly@xmath0 forest clouds along the line of sight to pks @xmath1 . these clouds , at redshifts @xmath2 and @xmath3 , respectively , also have strong fe ii absorption .
we present results on the @xmath3 cloud .
the upper limit on @xmath4(h i ) is 16.5 @xmath5 . based upon uv background photoionization models
, we infer that the cloud has super solar metallicity .
photoionization by a late type stellar population is ruled out .
# 1#2#3#4#5#6#7 to#2 ' '' '' |
the shapley concentration stands out as the richest system of abell clusters in the list of zucca et al . ( 1993 ) , at every density excess . in particular , at a density contrast of @xmath2 , it has 25 members ( at mean velocity @xmath3 km / s ) , while at the same density contrast the great attractor , which is the largest mass condensation within @xmath4 h@xmath5 mpc , has only 6 members and the corona borealis and hercules superclusters are formed by 10 and 8 clusters , respectively . while the cluster distribution in the shapley concentration has been well studied , little is known about the distribution of the galaxies . determining the properties of these galaxies is very important in order to assess the physical reality and extension of the structure and to determine if galaxies and clusters trace the matter distribution in the same way . with the use of the optopus and mefos multifibre spectrographs at the 3.6 m eso telescope we performed a redshift survey of galaxies in the two cluster complexes ( dominated by a3528 and a3558 ; bardelli et al . 1994 , 1998a , 1998b ) at the center of the supercluster and of galaxies between clusters ( the inter cluster galaxies ; bardelli et al . the sampled area is contained in the ukstj plates 443 , 444 and 509 , corresponding to a scale of @xmath6 h@xmath5 mpc at the distance of the shapley concentration , and our total sample contains 2057 velocities . in fig.1 we show the observing strategy for the inter cluster galaxies survey in plates 443 and 444 , while in fig.2 we report the wedge diagrams of the galaxy distribution . in the upper panel of fig.2 , it is clear the presence of the two cluster complexes dominated by a3558 ( on the left ) and by a3528 ( on the right ) . these two structures appear to be connected by a bridge of galaxies , resembling the coma - a1367 system in the central part of the great wall . the scale of this system is @xmath7 h@xmath5 mpc and it is similar to that of coma - a1367 ( @xmath8 h@xmath5 mpc ) . note also the presence of two voids at @xmath9 km / s and @xmath1 km / s in the easternmost half of the wedge . other two voids are visible in the westernmost part of the sample , delimiting two filamentary structures at @xmath1 km / s and @xmath10 km / s , which connect each other at right ascension of @xmath11 . knowing the incompleteness of the sample and using the luminosity function of field galaxies ( from the esp survey , zucca et al . 1997 ) , it is possible to reconstruct the density profile . in fig.3 the histogram and the density profile of the 512 inter cluster galaxies are shown . in the lower panel it appears clearly the presence of the large overdensity at @xmath12 km / s . note however that in this plot the shapley concentration is not fully represented , lacking the large contribution of cluster galaxies . the same analysis has been done for the cluster complexes surveys and then the total density excess has been calculated . the total overdensity in galaxies of this supercluster is @xmath13 on a scale of @xmath14 h@xmath5 mpc of radius , corresponding to a mass of @xmath15 h@xmath5 @xmath16 if light traces mass and @xmath17 . if the light is more clustered than the mass and considering reasonable bias factors in the range @xmath18 $ ] ( hudson 1993 ) , we find that the mass could lie in the range @xmath19\times 10^{15}$ ] h@xmath5 @xmath16 . if light traces mass and @xmath17 , the shapley concentration already stopped its expansion due to the hubble flow and started to grow . moreover , the central cluster complexes result to be in the collapse phase . the predicted peculiar velocities inside the shapley concentration are @xmath20 km / s in the light traces mass case or in the range @xmath21 $ ] km / s in the case of biased galaxy formation . for what concerns the structure at @xmath1 km / s , its estimated overdensity is @xmath22 on scales of @xmath6 h@xmath5 mpc , corresponding to a mass of @xmath23 h@xmath5 @xmath16 if the light is an unbiased tracer of the underlying mass . | we present the results of a galaxy redshift survey in the central region of the shapley concentration .
our total sample contains @xmath0 radial velocities of galaxies both in the clusters and in the inter - cluster field .
we reconstruct the density profile of this supercluster , calculate its overdensity and total mass .
moreover we detect a massive structure behind the shapley concentration , at @xmath1 km / s . |
ucds are a new type of galaxy recently discovered in the center of the fornax , virgo , and other clusters of galaxies ( ( * ? ? ? * hilker et al . 1999 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * drinkwater et al . 2003),@xcite ; ( * ? ? ? * jones et al . possible origins of ucds include the following hypotheses : 1 ) they are luminous intra - cluster globular clusters ; 2 ) they are extremely luminous star clusters formed from the amalgamation of stellar super - clusters that were created in galaxy interactions ; 3 ) they are the remnant nuclei of stripped dwarf galaxies which have lost their outer parts in the course of tidal interaction with the galaxy cluster potential ; 4 ) they are highly compact galaxies formed in the early universe . here we present new results of the spectroscopic analysis from the keck ii telescope for six virgo ucds ( table 1 ) to explore and test hypotheses of their formation . _ figure 1 _ compares ucds to other types of stellar systems , on the luminosity - velocity dispersion plane . the internal velocity dispersions for the ucds ( and gcs ) were measured from cat region ( @xmath0 ) using the direct - fitting method ( ( * ? ? ? * van der marel 1994 ) ) . we include the most massive and luminous known gcs : g1 , @xmath1 cen , and ngc5128 gcs as well as gcs in the milky way and m31 , de , ns and their nuclei , and giant ellipticals . we find : 1 ) the virgo ucds have the same dynamical properties as the fornax ones ( ( * ? ? ? * drinkwater et al . 2003 ) ) . 2 ) there is no gap between luminous gcs and ucds in this plot . we obtained velocity dispersions for the two brightest m87 gcs from ( * ? ? ? * hanes et al . ( 2001 ) ) list : they lie in the same part of @xmath2 plane as ucds . 3 ) the ucds follow approximately the same relation between luminosity and velocity dispersion as gcs , except for the two brightest ones . more data on the velocity dispersions for bright gcs or fainter ucds are required to confirm this . 4 ) there is an overlap in luminosities and velocity dispersions of the nuclei of de , ns and the properties of bright gcs and ucds . it supports the de , n tidal stripping hypothesis for ucd and gc formation . .targets . @xmath3 the v band absolute magnitude . strom547 and strom417 are the two brightest globular clusters in m87 ( the central galaxy in virgo ) according to ( * ? ? ? * hanes et al . ( 2001 ) ) list . strom547 has luminosity comparable to that of ucds and was therefore included into ucd list . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] we estimate ages , metallicities , and abundances of ucds using lick / ids indices ( ( * ? ? ? * worthey et al . 1994 ) ) and single - aged stellar population models of ( * ? ? ? * thomas et al . ( 2003 ) ) . in _ figure 2a _ we plot abundance ratios of the virgo ucds . to estimate [ @xmath4/fe ] , we plot mgb ( an indicator of @xmath4-elements ) versus @xmath5fe@xmath6 ( an average of the indices fe5270 and fe5335 ) . [ @xmath4/fe ] traces the timescale of star formation activity in galaxies . most @xmath4-elements are produced rapidly by type ii supernovae , while fe is produced by type ia sne on longer timescales . we find : 1 ) four ucds and strom417 ( gc ) have super - solar abundance ratio , [ @xmath4/fe ] @xmath7 + 0.3 - + 0.5 , and two ucds appear to have solar abundances , [ @xmath4/fe ] @xmath7 0.0 . the super - solar abundances are typical for old stellar populations ( in globular clusters and elliptical galaxies ) . 2 ) virgo de , ns ( ( * ? ? ? * geha et al . 2003 ) ) are also shown in the same plot . the majority of de , ns are consistent with solar abundance ratios , while the majority of ucds have super - solar abundances . this can be the evidence that ucds and de , ns have different star formation histories . _ figure 2b _ shows ages and metallicities of the virgo ucds . we plot the age - sensitive h@xmath8 index versus the metallicity sensitive [ mgfe] index ( ( * ? ? ? * thomas et al . 2003 ) ) . we find : 1 ) the ucds are old and metal - poor , except ucd1 which appears to be intermediate - aged and metal - rich . 2 ) the ages and metallicities of ucds ( except ucd1 ) are similar to strom417 ( gc ) and to those found for m87 globular clusters by ( * ? ? ? * cohen et al . ( 1998 ) ) . 3 ) the ucds have older integrated stellar populations than present - day de , ns . it is consistent with the stripping formation scenario , when the ism is removed from the ucd progenitor and star formation activity ceases . | we present the internal velocity dispersions and spectral line indices for six virgo ultra - compact dwarf ( ucd ) galaxies obtained from spectroscopy with the keck ii 10-m telescope .
we use these results : 1 ) to compare the virgo ucds with the fornax ucd population ; 2 ) to compare ucds with globular clusters ( gcs ) to determine if ucds and the most luminous gcs are the same or distinct systems ; 3 ) to further test the nucleated dwarf elliptical ( de , n ) stripping hypothesis for ucd formation . |
the main mission of the virtual observatory is to increase efficiency of scientific usage of astronomical data . international virtual observatory alliance ( ivoa ) is a large international collaboration of national vo projects . its main responsibility is to develop standards within ivoa working groups for the interoperability of archives , tools , services , and software , and to propose them to the corresponding division of iau for further approval and recommendation . presently , the virtual observatory comprises : * archives and collections of science - ready astronomical data * data access services and analysis tools * resource registries to discover them * client software ( interactive tools as well as client api ) * set of standards used by all these resources to achieve interoperability establishing standards for accessing theory data is one of the cornerstones of present vo development . here we present two possible approaches of accessing ssp models . the pegase.hr package ( le borgne et al . 2004 ) is taken as an example . both methods of accessing pegase.hr are implemented in a frame of the vo paris project ( simon et al . 2006 ) by the author . * tsap access * : a subset of the ivoa simple spectral access protocol ( ssap , tody et al . parameters are passed in the http - get query . interface is easy to implement . interactive clients , such as esa vospec ( http://esavo.esa.int/vospec/ ) are able to build user interface dynamically , based on the response of the server providing capabilities ( e.g. allowed query parameters ) . direct download links to the fits files , containing spectral models are provided . scripting access is available using standard libraries dealing with http protocol . * cea application access * : ivoa common execution architecture is a standard way of accessing generic `` legacy '' applications and codes having cgi or command - line interfaces . cea is based on the webservice access interface , thus parameters of the models and possible additional data are passed as a part of soap message , and no limitation on a number of parameters exists . output is saved to the interoperable online storage : vostore . interactive client , astrogrid workbench is available as well as the client library , astrogrid acr library , providing scripting level access from various programming languages , such as java , c / c++ , perl , python . easy integration into workflows is a valuable advantage of this approach . [ cols="^,^ " , ] cea access is more versatile than tsap , but more expensive in terms of infrastructure . it is preferable in case of complex models and if used in a workflow construction | a great effort is being made by the international virtual observatory community to build tools ready to be used by scientists .
presently , providing access to theoretical spectra in general , and synthetic spectra of galaxies in particular , is a matter of current interest in the virtual observatory .
several ways of accessing such spectra are available .
we present two of them for accessing pegase.hr evolutionary synthesis models : http - access to a limited number of parameters using simple spectral access protocol ( ssap ) , and full - featured web - service based access using common execution architecture ( cea ) . |
fig . [ aatoaarhorho ] shows the basic mechanism of the exclusive electromagnetic meson pair production . two neutral @xmath5 mesons are produced in coherent photon - photon processes in ultrarelativistic heavy - ion collisions . so far only @xmath6 was measured @xcite and estimeted in the literature . we consider collisions at rhic and at lhc , where rhic collides gold ions at the energy of 200 gev and lhc will collide soon lead nuclei at the energy of 5.5 tev per nucleon . epa is very often used for calculating cross sections for electromagnetic interactions . due to the coherent action of all the protons in the nucleus , the ions are surrounded by a strong electromagnetic field . this field can be viewed as a cloud of virtual photons which can collide with each other . this approach allows to consider production of mesons in peripheral ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions . `` peripheral '' means that the distance between the nuclei is in practice bigger than the sum of the radii of the two nuclei ( @xmath7 fm ) . the total cross section in epa takes the form of the convolution of the elementary cross section ( @xmath4 ) and the equivalent photon fluxes : @xmath8 we have introduced a new kinematical variable : @xmath9 , where @xmath10 is the energy of the photon and the denominator is the energy of the nucleus . after several transformation , we obtain the final form for the nuclear cross section in epa : @xmath11 here we put the @xmath12 function which assures only peripheral collisions . in addition we define : @xmath13 , @xmath14 and @xmath15 . the details of the derivation of eq . ( [ epa_end ] ) can be found in our recent paper @xcite on the muon pair production in the same approach . the elementary cross section is divided into two components @xcite . the low - energy part is parametrized and the parameter are fitted to the @xmath16 data @xcite while the high - energy part is obtained with the help of the vector - dominance regge type model with the parameters @xcite which are used to descibed other hadronic processes . the equivalent photon spectra ( see eq . ( [ epa_end ] ) depend on the charge form factor of nuclei . the realistic form factor is the fourier transform of the realistic charge distribution : @xmath17 in the literature often a monopole form factor is used : @xmath18 the two form factors coincide only in a very limited range of @xmath19 . with a larger value of the momentum transfer the difference between them becomes larger and larger . inclusion of the realistic form factor becomes particularly important at large meson pair rapidities @xcite . fig . [ ds_dw ] shows the distribution of the cross section for the nucleus - nucleus scattering in the photon - photon center of mass energy @xmath20 ( i.e. the pair invariant mass ) for both the low - energy component and high - energy vdm - regge component . this distribution should be relatively easy to measure . the distributions in the impact parameter or in the rapidity of the pair ( not shown here ) also show that the low - energy component is the dominant one . the cross section obtained with the help of the monopole form factor is larger than that obtained from the realistic charge form factor . in addition we have observed that for smaller center - of - mass energy the difference between the realistic and monopole form factor is bigger . + + this work was partially supported by the polish grant n n202 078735 . | we disuss exclusive electromagnetic production of two neutral @xmath0 mesons and show the predictions for the @xmath1 reactions for gold - gold collisions at the energy of @xmath2 = 200 gev ( rhic ) and for lead - lead collisions at the energy of @xmath2 = 5.5 tev ( lhc ) .
the elementary cross section is calculated with the help of the vector - dominance - model ( vdm)-regge approach which usually very well describes the experimental data at large @xmath3 energy .
the low - energy @xmath4 cross section is parametrized .
the cross section for nuclear process is calculated by means of the equivalent photon approximation ( epa ) .
we compare the results with realistic charge density with the results for monopole form factor . |
while great effort is expended on the experiments on which cosmic - ray science is based , not much attention has been given ( as far as we know ) to the collection of such data in a convenient format . the result is that everyone makes their own compilation , which seems to us a waste of effort , also leading to possibly incomplete and/or error - prone values . therefore we decided to initiate a simple database project for gcr measurements , with the idea that it would grow to become of real use to the community . the project actually began while writing the review @xcite , which included a representative set of plots from the literature , but not in the uniform style which is now possible with this database . we restrict our data to galactic cr at energies below about @xmath0 ev , excluding air - shower data ( which is beyond our scope but could be considered if supported by the relevant experts ) . it includes nuclei - elemental and isotopic , electrons , positrons and antiprotons . both flux spectra and ratios like b / c are supported . the database is developed in association with the galprop code for which more details can be found in @xcite . in many cases data are provided in published papers in the form of tables . in this case only a conversion of units to a standard form is required . in other cases only plots are presented , in which case the authors are contacted for a tabular version , which has always been provided so far . the reference is included in the database , including a note on the form in which the data were obtained . the experiments currently represented with data include : ace - cris , ams01 , atic1 + 2 , bess , bets , caprice , crn , fermi - lat , heao3 , heat , hess , imax , imp , jacee , mubee , pamela , ppb - bets , runjob , sanriku , sokol , tiger , voyager . the format is simple ascii ( i.e. it is not a database in the technical sense ) . results are grouped according to the reference used , identified by a character string , while the experiment is identified by another string . entries contain the kinetic energy ( per nucleon for nuclei ) , units , a flag to indicate a flux or a ratio , error bars ( upper and lower if appropriate ) , z and a of the species , and comments . elements are flagged as all a for a given z. up to 3 nuclei can be combined by a list of z and a. some flexibility in the units is allowed ( mev or gev , @xmath1 or m@xmath2 ) for convenience of checking against the original data used , but these are converted into user - required units by the software interface provided . the volume of data is easily accomodated in a small file . a c++ class is provided which allows spectra to be extracted for a given cr element or isotope , combination of species , or electrons , positrons or antiprotons . for ratios , the ` primary ' and ` secondary ' species must be specified ( including combinations like the sub - fe isotopes ) . a python interface has also been provided , an example of a user s contribution to the project . the data are maintained on the website http://www.mpe.mpg.de/@xmath3aws/propagate.html and via the galprop website . updates are made as required , when new data becomes available or improvements are made . changes are documented at the end of the file . the forum on the galprop website includes a section related to this database . the reaction so far from those who have made use of these data has been enthusiastic . we intend to continue to add data , relying on users inputs to find errors , make suggestions for improvements and especially for new data . while the ascii format is simple , more flexibility would be provided by a fits table , and this is foreseen as an alternative in future . extension to higher energies will be considered . suggestions are welcome . i. v. moskalenko acknowledges support from nasa grant nnx09ac15 g . | despite a century of cosmic - ray measurements there seems to have been no attempt to collect these data systematically for use by the cr community .
the result is that everyone makes their own collection as required , a large duplication of effort .
therefore we have started a project to place published galactic cr measurements in a database available online .
it currently addresses energies up to 100 tev , including elemental spectra , secondary / primary nuclei ratios , antiprotons , electrons and positrons .
it is updated regularly as data appears in the literature .
it is supported by access software .
the community is encouraged to participate by providing data , pointing out errors or omissions , and suggestions for improvements .
data database measurements |
an assembly of hard squares in two dimensions presents a variety of potential spatial orders . hard particles form thermodynamic phases dictated solely by the entropy of their geometric packing ; temperature is irrelevant as the interaction potential has no finite energy scale . particles with asymmetric shapes have anisotropic constraints of self - avoidance and therefore pack in complex phases . squares are an obvious point of entry into this complexity because they can tile the plane without frustration . however , there has been relatively little investigation into the phases formed by this simple shape as a function of density , and still less of the dynamics within these phases . the phase diagram of isotropic hard disks [ 13 ] offers a context for the ordering of asymmetric particles . a two - dimensional crystal of disks has correlations in particle positions with algebraic ( power - law ) decay . as density is decreased the crystal melts into the hexatic phase in which the orientation of `` bonds '' between neighboring particles has algebraic correlations , which finally melts into an isotropic liquid phase . anisotropic particles have both translational and rotational degrees of freedom , each of which may order independently or become coupled , providing the possibility of new classes of order . for example , particle ( or `` molecular '' ) orientations may order independently of their locations , giving rise to phases with global orientational order in the absence of translational order , e.g. the nematic liquid crystal phase . these phases in two dimensions have been explored using various rigid shapes with a two - fold rotational symmetry , such as rectangles [ 4,5 ] , ellipses [ 6 ] , or rods [ 79 ] . some of these two - fold symmetric particles yield phases with four - fold symmetry . this has also been demonstrated by density functional theories [ 10,11 ] . minor differences in shape can have drastic effects on the phase diagram of such systems in two dimensions [ 1214 ] , and three dimensions [ 1517 ] . existing work on shapes with four - fold symmetry such as squares is limited , but raises interesting questions about the phase diagram . monte carlo simulations of an equilibrium hard - square system by wojciechowski and frenkel suggest a four - fold tetratic phase with longer - range orientational order than translational order [ 18 ] . by contrast , in experiments on a colloidal suspension of square - shaped tiles osmotically constrained to a surface , zhao _ et al . _ found no evidence of an orientationally ordered state [ 19 ] . at densities above that of the isotropic phase , they instead observed a `` hexagonal rotator '' phase where particles form a plastic crystal with hexagonal bond - orientational order but no molecular - orientational order . at higher densities , the system enters a rhombic phase with a lattice angle that continuously approaches the 90 angle of a square crystal at full packing . .potential phases from combinations of translational , bond- , and molecular - orientational order . `` '' indicates short - range order with exponentially decaying spatial correlations ; `` x '' indicates quasi - long - range order with algebraic decay . [ cols="^,^,^,<",options="header " , ] bond - orientational order , determined by particle positions alone , increases in the same density range where molecular - orientational order sets in , though with smaller amplitude and shorter - ranged correlations . though these are distinct kinds of order in independent degrees of freedom , their coexistence is not surprising because position and orientation are not separable in the pair interaction [ 23,24 ] . to our knowledge , this is the first experimental study of the hard - square limit . this granular system displays a sequence of phases consistent with equilibrium monte carlo simulations reported in [ 12 ] and [ 18 ] . as in those studies , the limited system size restricts structural analysis and smooths out transitions , making it difficult to pinpoint transition densities or study critical behaviour . however , measurements of the dynamics of the system inaccessible by monte carlo strengthen the evidence for the sequence of phases . in particular , the ratio of translational and rotational diffusion constants serves as a useful tool to show that orientational freezing precedes translational freezing . | we study an experimental system of hard granular squares in two dimensions , energized by vibration .
the interplay of order in the orientations and positions of anisotropic particles allows for a rich set of phases .
we measure the structure and dynamics of steady states as a function of particle density .
this allows us to identify a progression of phases in which a low density isotropic fluid gives way to a phase with tetratic orientational order , short - range translational correlations , and slowed rotational dynamics . in this range of density
we also observe a coupling between the molecular orientational order and bond - orientational order . at higher densities ,
the particles freeze into a translationally and orientationally ordered square crystalline phase in which translational diffusion is suppressed .
* keywords : * |
a reliable determination of the @xmath0 meson decay constant is a subject yet to be completed in lattice qcd . we have been pursuing this goal employing the relativistic formalism for heavy quark . our results for the wilson action has been reported in refs . since lattice96 we have carried out a parallel set of simulations with the @xmath6-improved clover action . we have analyzed the results for the two actions within the fermilab non - relativistic formalism@xcite with the view to understand the systematic error due to a large value of @xmath2-quark mass . in this article we report a summary of results from the simulations and analyses . .simulation parameters . the lattice scale quoted is fixed by the string tension @xmath7=427 mev@xcite . [ cols="<,<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] this work is supported by the supercomputer project ( no . 97 - 15 ) of high energy accelerator research organization ( kek ) , and also in part by the grants - in - aid of the ministry of education ( nos . 08640349 , 08640350 , 08640404 , 09246206 , 09304029 , 09740226 ) . 99 jlqcd collaboration ( s. aoki _ et al . _ ) , nucl . phys . ( proc . suppl . ) * 47 * ( 1996 ) 433 . jlqcd collaboration ( s. aoki _ et al . _ ) , nucl . phys . ( proc . suppl . ) * 53 * ( 1997 ) 355 . el - khadra _ et al . * d55 * ( 1997 ) 3933 . g. s. balli and k. schilling , phys . rev . * d46 * ( 1992 ) 2636 . m. lscher and p. weisz , nucl . phys . * b479 * ( 1996 ) 429 . s. aoki , s. hashimoto , k .- ishikawa and t. onogi , in preparation . kronfeld and b.p . mertens , nucl . b ( proc . suppl . ) * 34 * ( 1994 ) 495 . y. kuramashi , hep - lat/9705036 . bernard , j.n . labrenz and a. soni , phys . rev . * d49 * ( 1994 ) 2536 . s. collins _ et al . b ( proc . suppl . ) * 47 * ( 1996 ) 455 . kronfeld , nucl . ( proc . suppl . ) * 53 * ( 1997 ) 401 . a. duncan _ et . phys . rev . * d51 * ( 1995 ) 5101 . | we present results of our quenched study of the @xmath0 meson decay constant obtained with a parallel set of simulations with the wilson and clover actions at @xmath1=5.9 , 6.1 and 6.3 .
systematic errors associated with the large @xmath2-quark mass are analyzed within the fermilab non - relativistic formalism .
as our best estimate in the continuum limit we obtain @xmath3=163@xmath416 mev and @xmath5=175@xmath418 mev with the clover action . |
we have imaged the close environment of grs1915 + 105 with isocam at two epochs , on 1996 april 28 and on 1997 october 24 . the binary system appears in mid - infrared wavelengths as a faint point source , globally brighter in our 1997 observations than in the 1996 ones . no elongated structure was observed with 1.5@xmath1 pixel field of view , the best isocam resolution . we obtained the photometry with several large - band filters between 4 and 18@xmath0 m , and have compared it to simultaneous observations at near - infrared , radio and x - ray wavelengths . on 1996 april 28 grs1915 + 105 was in a high / soft state , with nearly constant rxte / asm flux ( @xmath2 90counts / s ) , no significant batse flux , and @xmath23mjy at 15ghz ( ryle telescope ) few days before and after . on 1997 october 24 , 5 days before a major radio and x - ray flare , the compact source was in a plateau state with @xmath2 50mjy at 2.25 & 8ghz ( gbi ) giving a radio spectral index @xmath3 , with low constant rxte / asm flux ( @xmath2 20counts / s ) and baste photon flux @xmath2 0.06 . the ir data have been de - reddened according to the law from lutz et al.(1996 ) . we used very simple models combining a hot black body emission or a hot synchrotron one to fit the near infrared data , with a cold black body emission ( for a dust envelope heated by the binary ) and a synchrotron emission extrapolated from radio wavelengths . we conclude that synchrotron emission alone is not sufficient to explain the mid - infrared flux of grs1915 + 105 , and that an additional contribution , which could be dust emission around the binary , is needed . ss433 is a high mass x - ray binary surrounded by the supernova remnant w50 , a bright radio nebula with a @xmath21@xmath4 unusual ellipsoidal morphology . ss433 produces relativistic jets at subarcsec scales and large scale lobes ( @xmath2 90pc at a distance of 5kpc ) . we have imaged the large scale west radio lobe with the isocam 14 - 16@xmath0 m filter and a @xmath5 pixel field of view resolution in september - october 1997 . dubner g.m . , et al . , 1998 , _ apj _ * 116 * , 18421855 lutz d. , et al . , 1996 , _ a&a _ * 315 * , l269l272 mahoney w.a . , et al . , 1997 , proc . of the fourth compton symp . _ aip conf . proc . _ * 410 * , pp.-912916 margon b. , 1984 , _ annu . astrophys . _ * 22 * , 507536 mirabel i.f . & rodrguez l.f . , 1999 , _ annu . rev . astrophys . _ * 37 * , 409443 | we have observed in the mid - infrared ( 4 - 18@xmath0 m ) the counterpart of the compact object grs1915 + 105 , and the western jet of ss433 .
the images were carried out with the isocam infrared camera on board of the infrared space observatory ( iso ) .
the mid - infrared photometry of grs1915 + 105 shows the presence of an additional contribution besides the synchrotron emission .
the 15@xmath0 m images of the large - scale western lobe of the ss433/w50 nebula are compared to the radio and x - ray ones .
they show infrared synchrotron emission on the western edge of ss433/w50 lobe . |
extraction of correct mass splittings between vector and pseudoscalar mesons remains a challenging problem in lattice qcd . while quenched lattice qcd has been unable to extract correct mass splittings @xcite , so far this problem persists even with full lattice qcd @xcite . one may thus ask whether lattice results for baryon mass splittings exhibit similar suppression compared to experimental numbers . so far , only a few lattice qcd results have been reported for heavy baryons @xcite , and there are only two works @xcite where heavy quarks are treated nonrelativistically . in this work we report heavy baryon results by using a nonrelativistic heavy quark action and an improved light quark action on anisotropic lattices . for light quarks we use a dirac - wilson action of the d234 type @xcite , which has been used previously and detailed in refs . @xcite . its leading classical errors are _ cubic _ in lattice spacing . the gauge action as well as the heavy quark nrqcd action is detailed in ref . the gauge action is tadpole improved and the leading classical error is _ quartic _ in lattice spacing . the hamiltonian corresponding to the nrqcd action is complete to @xmath0 in the classical continuum limit . this work is done with two sets of quenched gauge configurations on anisotropic lattices ( lattice sizes @xmath1 and @xmath2 at @xmath3 and @xmath4 respectively ) with a bare aspect ratio @xmath5 . for @xmath3 , we use 720 configurations and for @xmath6 , the number of configurations is 442 . two sets of bare masses are used for heavy quarks while four sets of hopping parameters are used for light quarks and they are listed in table 1 . interpolating operators used here are same as in ref . @xcite , and correlation functions are calculated using both local and smeared ( gauge invariant smearing at the sink @xcite ) propagators . the time window to extract mass is chosen in a way such that the ending time is large and the fit is stable with variation of both starting and ending time by a few time steps . the fit corresponding to lowest @xmath7 is considered in this window - span . the temporal lattice spacing and correspondingly the scale is fixed by extracting the @xmath8-meson mass and the strange mass is fixed from the @xmath9-meson mass @xcite . the charm mass is fixed by extracting the @xmath10 mass , whereas @xmath11 mass is used to fix the bottom mass . as in ref . @xcite , light quark extrapolation is done by extrapolating the hadron masses as a function of @xmath12 , where @xmath13 is the pion mass . .summary of lattice parameters . [ cols= " < " , ] the mass spectrum and spin splittings of heavy quark baryons have been computed on anisotropic lattices using an nrqcd heavy quark action . results are summarized in table 2 , whereas in table 3 we have compared our results with those obtained by using a relativistic heavy quark ( d234 action , @xcite ) and experimental numbers ( where available ) . one can notice nrqcd results and d234 results are consistent with each other . results are also consistent with a previous nrqcd calculation @xcite . in fig . 1 , we plot meson and baryon spin splittings respectively . there is a clear suppression in meson sector ( top fig ) which is not present in baryon sector ( bottom fig ) . experimental measurement of spin splittings in bottom baryons as well as for doubly heavy baryons will be very useful to check if this is true indeed . 99 for a review see c. bernard , nucl . b(proc . suppl . ) * 94 * , 159(2001 ) . c. stewart and r. koniuk , phys . d * 63 * , 054503(2001 ) ; t. manke _ et al . _ , phys . d * 62 * , 114508(2000 ) ; s. collins _ et al . d * 60 * , 074504(1999 ) . ukqcd collaboration , k.c . et al_. , phys . d * 54 * , 3619(1996 ) . a. ali khan _ et al . _ , phys . rev . d * 62 * , 054505(2000 ) . woloshyn , phys . lett . b * 476 * , 309(2000 ) . randy lewis , nilmani mathur and r.m . woloshyn , hep - ph/*0107037*. randy lewis , nilmani mathur and r.m . woloshyn , hep - lat/*0109014*. m. alford , t.r . klassen , and g.p . lepage , nucl.phys . * b496 * , 377(1997 ) . r. lewis and r.m . woloshyn , phys . d * 62 * , 114507(2000 ) . d.e . groom _ et al_. , eur . j. c * 15 * , 1(2000 ) ; cleo collaboration , c.p . jessop _ et al_. , phys . lett . * 82 * , 492(1999 ) . | the mass spectrum of heavy quark baryons has been computed on anisotropic lattices using quenched lattice nonrelativistic qcd .
the mass splittings between spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 baryons are also calculated .
results are compared to those obtained by using a dirac - wilson action of the d234 type .
color hyperfine effects in heavy baryons are also discussed . |
diffuse interstellar bands ( dibs ) are absorption features seen abundantly in the galaxy towards highly reddened stars , implying that dibs exist in dusty environments . the current belief is that the majority of the several hundred dib lines discovered so far are due to organic molecules such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( pahs ) . due to the possible connection to the building blocks of life , dibs have experienced an enhanced level of interest in the last several years . because of the difficulty in detecting their relatively weak spectral features , extragalactic searches for dibs using qso absorption - lines are more rare ; however , there is one detection of the @xmath04428 dib line in a dla at @xmath1 toward ao 0235 + 164 ( ( * ? ? ? * junkkarinen 2004 ) ) . it would be desirable to put dibs on the same statistical grounds as metal line systems typically seen in qso absorption - line studies . in our search for extragalactic sources of dibs , we are investigating the feasibility of using the redshift path density ( @xmath2 ) to constrain the evolution of organic molecules through cosmic time and of using dibs as a proxy for finding dlas with @xmath3 . in this article we examine six dlas for the five strongest dib lines ( @xmath04428 , @xmath05780 , @xmath05797 , @xmath06284 , and @xmath06613 ) and place upper - limits on their strengths relative to galactic dibs . .equivalent width limits of dibs in dlas [ cols="^,^,^ , < , < , < , < , < , < " , ] the results for our observations and predictions are presented in table 1 ; the observations are in bold . to arrive at our `` mw predicted '' limits for dib strengths we use a known correlation where the @xmath05780 equivalent width ( ew ) is proportional to the neutral hydrogen column density , @xmath4 , in milky way clouds ( ( * ? ? * herbig 1993 ) ; ) . we use this relation to scale the milky way values to the observed @xmath4 of the dlas . our results are plotted in the left panel of figure 1 for the @xmath05780 dib line . presented are observed limits on the dla dib strength versus expected milky way dib strength for a cloud with the dla @xmath4 . those points below the 1:1 correlation line correspond to dlas that are deficient in the @xmath05780 dib based purely on milky way expectations . four of our six dlas have @xmath05780 dib strengths at least 0.5 dex below milky way strengths . points above the 1:1 correlation line are unconstrained and additional data are required to obtain meaningful limits on the dib strengths . for our entries in table 1 , we applied a similar scaling to the other dib lines using their relative strengths in the milky way ( ( * ? ? ? * jenniskens & desert 1994 ) ) . the @xmath04428 dib line is scaled by an additional factor of 25% based on the dla at @xmath1 towards the qso ao 0235 + 164 ( ( * ? ? ? * junkkarinen 2004 ) ) . including the dla metallicity , we estimate the dib strengths by @xmath5 \mbox { m{\aa}},\ ] ] where ew@xmath6 is the ew of the particular dib line in the milky way at log @xmath720.3 , the second factor is due to the slope of the known milky way relation between the log ew of the @xmath05780 dib line and the log @xmath4 of the cloud , and a linear relationship with metallicity is assumed . a [ zn / h ] of @xmath8 is applied when metallicity is not known ( standard dla metallicity ) . as done with the `` milky way '' predicted dib strengths , all of the dib lines are scaled by their relative strengths in the milky way , and the @xmath04428 dib line is further scaled by a factor of 25% . these results are noted as `` z@xmath9scaled '' in table 1 . the right panel of figure 1 shows our predictions of the expected @xmath05780 dib strength using eq 2.1 . the data all lie above the 1:1 correlation line . to find if metallicity is responsible for the dib deficiency we require additional data to adequately constrain our limits . there are several potential scenarios that can inhibit dib strength in dlas . if dib strength scales with metallicity , we would expect to detect them with higher s / n data . perhaps the ionizing radiation field in regions probed by qso sightlines destroy these molecules . another possibility is that the covering factor of dib absorbing gas is much smaller than the covering factor in dla regions in which case the qso `` pencil - beam '' technique is truly hit or miss . also , it may be that our dlas are not dusty enough to contain dibs . in conclusion , placing dib absorbers on a substantial statistical footing may be a difficult goal to realize , and using dib strengths as a proxy for @xmath4 to find intermediate redshift dlas does not hold much promise . b.l . would like to acknowledge a small grant from the iau and support from nasa s gsrp . we would like to thank michael murphy , wal sargent , michael rauch for contributing the uves and hires spectra to the new work presented herein . we would also like to thank chris benn for assisting with the wht data . | there has been a renewed interest in searching for diffuse interstellar bands ( dibs ) due to their probable connection to organic molecules and , thus , their possible link to life in the universe .
our group is undertaking an extensive search for dibs in dlas via qso absorption - line systems .
six of our dla targets are presented here .
our equivalent width ( ew ) limits for the @xmath05780 dib line strongly suggests that dib abundance is below the milky way expected value or that metallicity plays a large role in dib strengths . |
neutrinos are convenient for studying lorentz violation due to their small mass and high velocities . previous research has considered neutrino oscillations with short@xcite and long@xcite baselines , but mostly zero or constant matter effects . very little has been done with variable matter effects , such as those in the sun . we attempt to develop a perturbative technique for easily calculating lorentz - violating effects in solar - neutrino oscillations . we assume neutrinos have the standard mass differences , and treat lorentz violation as a perturbative effect . the neutrino hamiltonian thus has three terms @xmath0 where the first term on the right - hand side is the standard vacuum hamiltonian , @xmath1 is the sun s matter potential , and @xmath2 is a small lorentz - violating hamiltonian . the diagonal mass squared matrix @xmath3 and the unitary mixing matrix @xmath4 take the standard form , using the approximate observed values @xmath5 since @xmath6 and @xmath7 , muon and tau neutrinos mix equally and @xmath8 . given this similarity , it is convenient to group muon and tau together and consider only two flavors . in this case , there are only two parameters : a mixing angle @xmath9 and a mass difference @xmath3 , equivalent to @xmath10 and @xmath11 , respectively , in the three - generation case . this significantly simplifies many calculations . the two - generation case will be considered for the remainder of this work . the sun produces very large quantities of electron neutrinos in its core . as they propagate to the surface , they interact with matter . this effect can be described by the sun s matter potential @xmath1 , given approximately by @xmath12 where @xmath13 is the fermi coupling constant , @xmath14 is the number density of electrons in the sun , and @xmath15 is the solar radius.@xcite the variable matter potential precludes an exact solution ; however , provided the hamiltonian changes sufficiently slowly , approximate analytic expressions can be obtained using the adiabatic approximation . this approximation assumes energy eigenstates change slowly enough that neutrinos do not transition between them as they propagate . high - frequency oscillations between flavors can then be averaged away , resulting in simpler expressions than in previous work , such as reference . the averages can be calculated from @xmath16 where the superscript ( 0 ) indicates that these are zeroth - order ( lorentz - invariant ) probabilities , @xmath4 is the vacuum mixing matrix , and @xmath17 is the effective mixing matrix at @xmath18 . this evaluates to @xmath19 where @xmath20 , @xmath21 , @xmath9 is the vacuum mixing angle , and @xmath22 is the effective mixing angle at @xmath18 . note that the matter potential only needs to be known at the center and surface of the sun . shows the electron neutrino survival probability as a function of energy . the adiabatic approximation agrees with the numerical solution almost exactly . lorentz violation is a natural extension to the theory . assuming lorentz violation is sufficiently small , it can be treated as a first - order perturbation to the zeroth - order probabilities from . the lorentz - violating term has the form@xcite @xmath23_{ab}\ ] ] where @xmath24 , @xmath25 are complex lorentz - violating coefficients and @xmath26 is the neutrino energy - momentum four - vector , @xmath27 . the coefficients @xmath28 , @xmath29 are isotropic and hence introduce changes to energy dependence , while the remaining coefficients are anisotropic and cause annual variations . the cpt - odd @xmath24 are constant with energy ; the cpt - even @xmath25 are linear . the probabilities from the adiabatic approximation become @xmath30 where @xmath31 is a unitless , order one effective scale factor for @xmath2 , used to calculate perturbed probabilities via simple linear combinations of coefficients . it is determined by expanding the lorentz - violating sine and cosine to leading order , which gives @xmath32 and @xmath33 , where @xmath34 is the difference between the two eigenvalues at @xmath18 . shows the effects of the isotropic coefficients on the energy dependence of the electron neutrino survival probability . the first - order expansion is effective with nonzero @xmath35 , especially at low energies . it begins to fail with nonzero @xmath36 at high energies , since these effects grow with energy . however , the sun does not produce neutrinos with energies higher than approximately 10 mev , so this shortcoming is of limited relevance . solar neutrinos are convenient for the study of lorentz violation due to the large quantities and significantly lower energy and longer baseline than accelerator experiments . the adiabatic approximation allows simple and accurate calculations of lorentz - violating effects in solar - neutrino oscillations . further work will generalize the analysis to the three - generation case and explore additional consequences of lorentz violation , such as annual variations caused by nonzero anisotropic coefficients and neutrino - antineutrino mixing | solar - neutrino oscillations are considered using a massive model with perturbative lorentz violation .
the adiabatic approximation is used to calculate the effects of lorentz violation to leading order .
the results are more compact than previous work involving vacuum oscillations , and are accurate for small lorentz - violating coefficients . |
_ treewidth _ and _ pathwidth _ are one of the basic parameters in graph algorithms and they play an important role in structural graph theory . numerous problems which are np - hard on general graphs , have been shown to be solvable in polynomial time on graphs of bounded treewidth @xcite . courcelle @xcite provided a celebrated algorithmic meta - theorem which states that every graph property expressible in monadic second - order logic formulas ( @xmath3 ) can be decided in linear time on graphs of bounded treewidth . in this paper , we discuss a relatively new notion of _ special treewidth _ , introduced by courcelle @xcite . a special tree decomposition is a tree decomposition where for each vertex of a given graph , the bags containing this vertex form a rooted path in the tree . courcelle developed this parameter to reduce the difficulty in representing tree decompositions algebraically . the monadic second - order logic ( @xmath3 ) checking algorithm for treewidth in the meta - theorem is based on the constructions of finite automata , and he observed that these constructions become much simpler when working with special tree decompositions compared to standard tree decompositions . courcelle asked several questions on properties of special treewidth . one of the questions was how to characterize the class of graphs of special treewidth at most @xmath2 by forbidden configurations . in this context , he showed that the graphs of special treewidth one are exactly the forests , but if @xmath4 , then the class of graphs of special treewidth at most @xmath2 is not closed under taking minors . in this paper , we prove that the class of graphs of special treewidth at most two is closed under taking minors , and provide the minor obstruction set . we also sharpen coucelle s bound , and show that for @xmath5 , the class of graphs of special treewidth at most @xmath2 is not closed under taking minors . the graph @xmath6 denotes the complete graph on four vertices , and the other five graphs are depicted in figure [ fig : pw2 ] and figure [ figure : forbidden ] . to show this , we first prove that every block of special treewidth at most two must have pathwidth at most two . but it is not a sufficient condition for having special treewidth two , and we establish a precise condition how those blocks can be attached to obtain a graph of special treewidth two . we expect that similar characterizations are hard or impossible to obtain for values larger than two . for instance , we see in section [ section : width3 ] that the classes of graphs of special treewidth , spaghetti treewidth , directed spaghetti treewidth , or strongly chordal treewidth at most @xmath2 , for @xmath1 are not closed under taking minors . it may be interesting to pursue a similar investigation for parameters that are defined in a similar way by other subclasses of chordal graphs . bodlaender , kratsch and kreuzen @xcite showed that special treewidth and spaghetti treewidth are fixed parameter tractable ; an adaptation of the algorithms by bodlaender and kloks @xcite or lagergren and arnborg @xcite gives linear time decision algorithms for each fixed bound on the width . we conjecture that in a similar way , it can be shown that directed spaghetti treewidth is fixed parameter tractable . whether strongly chordal treewidth is fixed parameter tractable , we leave as an open problem . h. l. bodlaender , s. kratsch , and v. j. c. kreuzen . fixed - parameter tractability and characterizations of small special treewidth . in a. brandstdt , k. jansen , and r. reischuk , editors , _ proceedings of the 39th international workshop on graph - theoretic concepts in computer science , wg 2013 _ , volume 8165 of _ lecture notes in computer science _ , pages 8899 . springer verlag , 2013 . j. lagergren and s. arnborg . finding minimal forbidden minors using a finite congruence . in j. l. albert , b. monien , and m. rodrguez - artalejo , editors , _ proceedings of the 18th international colloquium on automata , languages and programming , icalp91 _ , pages 532543 . springer verlag , lecture notes in computer science , vol . 510 , 1991 . | in this paper , we consider the notion of _ special treewidth _
, recently introduced by courcelle @xcite . in a special tree decomposition , for each vertex @xmath0 in a given graph , the bags containing @xmath0 form a rooted path .
we show that the class of graphs of special treewidth at most two is closed under taking minors , and give the complete list of the six minor obstructions . as an intermediate result
, we prove that every connected graph of special treewidth at most two can be constructed by arranging blocks of special treewidth at most two in a specific tree - like fashion .
inspired from the notion of special treewidth , we introduce three natural variants of treewidth , namely _ spaghetti treewidth _ , _ strongly chordal treewidth _ and _ directed spaghetti treewidth_. all these parameters lie between pathwidth and treewidth , and we provide common structural properties on these parameters . for each parameter
, we prove that the class of graphs having the parameter at most two is minor closed , and we characterize those classes in terms of a _ tree of cycles _ with additional conditions .
finally , we show that for each @xmath1 , the class of graphs with special treewidth , spaghetti treewidth , directed spaghetti treewidth , or strongly chordal treewidth , respectively at most @xmath2 , is not closed under taking minors . |
more than 30 years after the november revolution , charmonium spectroscopy continues to surprise and challenge . a new era began in april of 2003 when babar announced the discovery of the enigmatic @xmath3 . since then cleo , belle , fermilab , and bes have joined the scrum , and the number of new states has risen to the double digits . the formerly comfortable world of heavy quark spectroscopy is being severely tested by new experiment@xcite . this report summarises the experimental status of eleven new open and hidden charm mesons , @xmath10 , and @xmath11 , and baryons . ] , the challenges these make to our understanding of strong qcd , and the theoretical attempts to meet these challenges . this report begins with a summary of the new eleven and a review of what is expected in charmonium spectroscopy . for the latter , several models ( new and old ) are compared to the data , and three models of strong decays are examined . this serves to illustrate what is known ( and not known ) before examining the new charmonia states . a similar introduction to heavy - light systems is made in sections iv.a and iv.b . table [ summarytab ] summarises the contents of this report for the impatient . a selection of interpretations and theoretical ideas are listed in the ` comments ' column . theory and more experimental detail can be found in the main text . | a survey of the experimental , phenomenological , and theoretical status of the new heavy mesons is presented .
states discussed are the @xmath0 , @xmath1 , @xmath2 , @xmath3 , @xmath4 , @xmath5 , @xmath6 , @xmath7 , @xmath8 , and @xmath9 .
quark models for spectra , strong decays , and hadronic interactions are reviewed and used to interpret the new states .
new results for strong decay models , bound state decays , mesonic molecules , properties of the x(3872 ) , and the chiral doublet model are also presented .
= 0.3 true in = -1.0 true in |
from the dry taps of mumbai to the dusty reservoirs of so paolo , urban water scarcity is a common condition of the present , and a likely feature of the future . hundreds of millions of people worldwide are connected to water distribution systems subject to intermittency . this intermittent water supply may take many forms , from unexpected disruptions to planned supply cycles where pipes are filled and emptied regularly to shift water between different parts of the network at different times @xcite . in mumbai , for example , vaivaramoorthy @xcite reports that on average , residents have water flowing from their taps less than 8 out of 24 hours . intermittent supply is often inequitable , with low - income neighborhoods experiencing lower water pressure and shorter supply durations than high - income ones @xcite . intermittent supply not only limits water availability , but also compromises water quality and damages infrastructure . with field data from urban india , kumpel and nelson @xcite quantified the deleterious effect of intermittency on water quality , showing that both the initial flushing of water through empty pipes as well as periods of low pressure corresponded with periods of increased turbidity and bacterial contamination . christodoulou @xcite observed when that a drought in cypress ushered in two years of intermittent supply , pipe ruptures increased by 30%70% per year . whereas intermittent water supply creates challenges for water managers and water users , the phenomenon creates opportunities for applied mathematics . it is an interesting and difficult mathematical problem to efficiently model transient pipe flow in networks including transitions to and from pressurized states with uncertain or complex boundary conditions . in this work we introduce a framework to not only describe intermittent water supply , but also use optimization to improve either our description of the system , or the operation of the described system in order to reduce risks such as infrastructure damage . intermittent supply falls in somewhat of a modeling gap . water distribution software abounds , including the free and open source software epanet @xcite produced by the us government , as well as many commercial packages @xcite . yet , to the authors knowledge , all these fail to account for filling , emptying , and instances of subatmospheric pressure phenomena that are vitally important for users and managers dealing with intermittent supply . sewer system software such as the storm water management model ( swmm ) @xcite and illinois transient model ( itm ) @xcite to some extent handle the physics of interest , but are packaged in elaborate graphical user interfaces and are not readily amenable to model improvements or optimization . furthermore , the authors have encountered a relative paucity of research work dealing with modeling intermittent supply . the work of de marchis @xcite explicitly studies filling and emptying in a water distribution system in palermo , italy , but with a method of characteristics implementation of the classical water hammer equations . this treatment assumes pipes are either entirely dry or entirely full , and that air pressure inside the pipes is always atmospheric . after calibrating a friction parameter , they found about 5% agreement with empirical data . subsequent work reported by de marchis @xcite uses the same model to assess losses in the distribution system . freni @xcite , uses this model to determine pressure valve settings to reduce distribution inequality , but through scenario comparison rather than optimization . for sewer flow , sanders @xcite presents a network implementation of the two - component pressure approach ( tpa ) of vasconcelos @xcite . the modeling for itm was published by len in @xcite . urban water drainage is coupled to free surface flow by borsche and klaar @xcite . note that buosso et al . @xcite give a general review of the storm water drainage literature with more details than we have provided here . the present work comprises an effort to address the scarcity of tools available for those interested in modeling the details of intermittent supply , and to specifically incorporate such tools within an optimization framework . we use an underlying model of coupled systems of one - dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws that strikes a balance between real - world relevance and both computational and theoretical tractability . our computational framework will allow for straightforward implementation of alternative physical models in future studies . the preissman slot formulation @xcite is used to describe flow within each pipe , building on existing literature for transient , transition flow in closed conduits . the flow is assumed to be inviscid and incompressible . the dynamical description considers depth - averaged flow within a modified geometry that permits a single set of equations to describe both free - surface and pressurized flow . consideration of one - dimensional dynamics is a reasonable approximation given that the ratio of pipe diameter @xmath0 to pipe length @xmath1 is 1% or smaller in realistic scenarios . | in many urban areas of the developing world , piped water is supplied only intermittently , as valves direct water to different parts of the water distribution system at different times .
the flow is transient , and may transition between free - surface and pressurized , resulting in complex dynamical features with important consequences for water suppliers and users . here
, we develop a computational model of transition , transient pipe flow in a network , accounting for a wide variety of realistic boundary conditions .
we validate the model against several published data sets , and demonstrate its use on a real pipe network .
the model is extended to consider several optimization problems motivated by realistic scenarios .
we demonstrate how to infer water flow in a small pipe network from a single pressure sensor , and show how to control water inflow to minimize damaging pressure transients .
= 1 |
the study of the ism and its kinematics enables us to address one of the more interesting questions in galactic evolution : by what mechanism or mechanisms is the optical appearance of a galaxy related to the evolution of its spiral or barred structure in response to the underlying dynamics of its stellar and gaseous components , and what is the role of such evolution on star formation in the host galaxy ? at a distance of 5.5 mpc , ngc 6946 provides us with a good opportunity to study and characterize the properties of interstellar gas and dust in detail . the observations were taken with the fabry - perot interferometer fantomm ( hernandez , gach , carignan & boulesteix 2003 ) at the 1.6-m telescope at the observatoire du mont m@xmath1gantic , qu@xmath1bec , canada . the resulting data cube of 40 planes separated by 0.21 @xmath2 was used to derive flux , line - of - sight velocity and velocity dispersion for each position . the radial velocity map shows the presence of a small , asymmetrically extended , inner bar - like system embedded in a large - scale rotating structure . [ cols="^,^ " , ] the tremaine & weinberg method ( 1984 ) makes it possible to measure the pattern speed of a barred disk galaxy without adopting a particular dynamical model . it is based on the ratio of measurements of the distribution of intensityweighted velocity and position of a component that reacts to the density wave . we use this method with the refinement of merrifield & kuijken ( 1995 ) . the distribution of the measurements along two lines in fig . 1a suggests not one , but _ two _ distinct pattern speeds for measurements including and excluding the central regions . this observational result suggests the presence of an additional , inner pattern that rotates at a different pattern speed roughly inside the oilr . the outer pattern rotates at 21.7 ( + 0.5,-0.5 ) km / s / kpc and the inner pattern rotates at 47.0 ( + 1.4,-1.4 ) km / s / kpc . we use the epicycle approximation to deduce the location of the lindblad resonance radii ( ilr ) and the corotation radius . 1b shows the ( @xmath3)-curve . this indicates two ilrs ; an iilr and oilr . as described by maciejewski ( 2004 ) , the curve can be interpreted as representing a galaxy without a central mass concentration or density cusp . 1b also indicates that a bar - like system with solid - body rotation has evolved inside the iilr as confirmed by the steeply rising rotation curve in this galaxy.in a forthcoming paper , we will present an extended analysis of the pattern speeds and a diagnosis of the resonance radii , within the framework of epicycle approximation , in ngc 6946 . hernandez , o. , gach , j. , carignan , c. , & boulesteix , j. 2003 , spie , 4841 , 1472 maciejewski , w. 2004 , mnras , 354 , 892 merrifield , m. r. , & kuijken , k. 1995 , mnras , 274 , 933 tremaine , s. , & weinberg , m.d . 1984 , apj , 282 , l5 | we study the kinematics of the barred spiral galaxy ngc 6946 by investigating the velocity field from h@xmath0 fabry - perot observations , determined the pattern speed of the bar by using the tremaine - weinberg method , and find a main pattern speed of 21.7 ( + 4.0,-0.8 ) km / s / kpc .
our data clearly suggest the presence of an additional pattern with a pattern speed more than twice that of the large pattern in this galaxy .
we use the epicycle approximation to deduce the location of the resonance radii and subsequently determine the pattern speed between the radii , and find that inside the inner inner lindblad resonance radius , a bar - like system has evolved . |
the hermes instrument on the 1.2 m mercator telescope at la palma ( ( * ? ? ? * raskin & van winckel 2008 ) ) is a new high - efficiency fiber - fed bench - mounted cross - dispersed echelle spectrograph that observes the complete wavelength range from 420 nm to 900 nm in a single exposure with @xmath0=80,000 . tac reviewed hermes observation programs of the contributing research institutions started mid 2009 . we present first results of a long - term high - resolution spectroscopic monitoring program of 3 lbvs and 2 lbv candidates ( up to @xmath6=@xmath7 ) . the hermes monitoring program will provide invaluable new clues about the structure and dynamics of lbv atmospheres , the physics of their extended winds , and the strong line broadening mechanisms in these rare massive hot stars near the eddington luminosity limit . the monitoring program will be crucial for documenting the enigmatic lbv outburst events , for detecting new long - period lbv binaries and the reliable determination of the orbital parameters . 33 @xmath3 observed in s ii lines of mwc 314 over 5 days with mercator - hermes confirm its lbv binary nature ( _ see text _ ) . , width=518 ] mwc 314 was observed with hermes on 5 and 10 sep 2009 , and on 6 april 2010 . * muratorio et al . ( 2008 ) ) found evidence for a @xmath530 day orbital period and proposed that its double - peaked permitted and forbidden ionic emission lines ( fe ii , cr ii , ti ii ) are formed in a warm disk rotating around the star . its orbital parameters are however still unknown at present . we observe with hermes many broad and double - peaked optical emission lines ( i.e. , fe ii @xmath45657 ) reminiscent of a be - star spectrum . the emission line flux maxima are strongly variable due to wind opacity changes in the emission line formation region . the radial velocities of these optical emission lines are however invariable , signaling a stable circumstellar or circumbinary ( disc ) envelope . we observe large changes in the radial velocity centroid of photospheric s ii absorption lines from 37 @xmath3 ( _ blue curve in the right - hand panel of fig.[fig1 ] _ ) to 70 @xmath3 ( _ red curve _ ) in only 5 days . our short - term spectroscopic observations with hermes hence confirm the binarity of mwc 314 . we observe many strong optical p cygni profiles in the lbv candidate mwc 930 in sep 2009 ( _ magenta curve in fig.[fig1 ] _ ) signaling the wind properties of a massive hot star . long - term monitoring with mercator - hermes of the optical spectrum of the prototypical lbv p cyg reveals variability at the base of its supersonic wind that can be linked to moderate @xmath6-changes ( of @xmath8 to @xmath9 ) over a period of @xmath54 months . we find strong indications for the binary nature of mwc 314 from large radial velocity changes observed in photospheric absorption lines during less than one week . we observe prominent p cygni profiles in the optical spectrum of lbv candidate mwc 930 , signaling the presence of a central massive hot star . the optical spectral lines of lbv candidate hd 168625 are less variable , although we also observe clear signatures of expanding h@xmath1 wind variability on short time - scales of @xmath51 month . the optical spectrum of hd 168607 reveals large line profile changes over the past 12 years confirming its lbv designation . | we present results of a long - term spectroscopic monitoring program ( since mid 2009 ) of luminous blue variables with the new hermes echelle spectrograph on the 1.2 m mercator telescope at la palma ( spain ) .
we investigate high - resolution ( @xmath0=80,000 ) optical spectra of two lbvs , p cyg and hd 168607 , the lbv candidates mwc 930 and hd 168625 , and the lbv binary mwc 314 . in p cyg
we observe flux changes in the violet wings of the balmer h@xmath1 , h@xmath2 , and he i lines between may and sep 2009 .
the changes around 200 to 300 @xmath3 are caused by variable opacity at the base of the supersonic wind from the blue supergiant .
+ we observe in mwc 314 broad double - peaked metal emission lines with invariable radial velocities over time . on the other hand , we measure in the photospheric s ii @xmath45647 absorption line , with lower excitation energy of @xmath514 ev , an increase of the heliocentric radial velocity centroid from 37 @xmath3 to 70 @xmath3 between 5 and 10 sep 2009 ( and 43 @xmath3 on 6 apr 2010 ) .
the increase of radial velocity of @xmath533 @xmath3 in only 5 days can confirm the binary nature of this lbv close to the eddington luminosity limit . + a comparison with vlt - uves and keck - hires spectra observed over the past 13 years reveals strong flux variability in the violet wing of the h@xmath1 emission line of hd 168625 and in the absorption portion of the h@xmath2 line of hd 168607 . in hd 168625
we observe h@xmath1 wind absorption at velocities exceeding 200 @xmath3 which develops between apr and june 2010 . |
the system was observed during 5 nights from october 2008 to january 2009 at the athens university observatory , using a 40-cm cassegrain telescope equipped with the ccd camera st-8xmei and b , v , r , i bessell filters . the light curves ( hereafter lcs ) were analysed with the @xmath0 software @xcite which uses the 2003 version of the wd code @xcite . due to the lack of spectroscopic mass ratio of the system , the q - search method was applied in mode 2 , 4 and 5 in order to find the most probable value of the ( photometric ) mass ratio ( q ) . the least squares method with statistical weights has been used for the analysis of the o - c diagram . the current o - c diagram of x tri includes 572 times of minima taken from the literature . the following ephemeris : @xmath1 @xcite was used as the initial one for the o - c analysis of the compiled times of minima . the results of the lcs solution ( see figure 1 and table 1 ) show that x tri is a semi - detached system with the secondary star filling its roche lobe . the periodic variations of the orbital period of the system could be explained by adopting the existence of three additional components , which were found to have minimal masses 0.18 , 0.24 and 0.22 , respectively ( see figure 1 and table 2 ) . an extra light contribution to the luminosity of the eb was taken into account in the lcs solution but it was found to be less than 1% . such a small extra luminosity could be explained by the small values of the minimal masses of the possible additional components found . the steady decrease rate of its period is probably due to angular momentum loss , since the direction of the flow ( from the more massive to the less massive component ) , revealed from the o - c diagram analysis , comes in disagreement with the one derived from the lcs analysis . | ccd photometric observations of the algol - type eclipsing binary x tri have been obtained .
the light curves are analyzed with the wilson - devinney ( wd ) code and new geometric and photometric elements are derived .
a new o - c analysis of the system , based on the most reliable timings of minima found in the literature , is presented and apparent period changes are discussed with respect to possible and multiple light - time effect ( lite ) in the system . moreover , the results for the existence of additional bodies around the eclipsing pair , derived from the period study , are compared with those for extra luminosity , derived from the light curve analysis . |
the global , disk - averaged star formation rate @xmath4 and gas density @xmath5 in nearby galaxies are known to be well correlated , producing a simple power law called the schmidt law ; @xmath6 @xcite . the determination of the index @xmath7 has been extensively studied , producing values between 1 and 2 . however , the density range at which this law holds for normal galaxies has not been studied as much . the lower density cutoff for the schmidt law has been argued by @xcite based on gravitational instability , giving a critical gas density of @xmath8 to @xmath9 @xmath10 where star formation is strongly suppressed below this limit . on the other hand , there has been only marginal success for the observational consideration of the schmidt law at higher densities . this is primarily due to the limit in spatial resolution of co observations , where the @xmath1(j=1 - 0 ) emission at @xmath11=2.6 mm is used as a tracer of molecular gas . high molecular density regions are spatially small in general , owing to the molecular cloud s patchy structure and central condensation @xcite . therefore , it is essential to make co observations with smaller beam sizes ( higher resolution ) . @xcite have shown that the schmidt law holds better when sampled within galaxies , using 45 arcsecond resolution data at the center of over 100 nearby galaxies ( see figure 11 in @xcite ) . however , the densest gas in galaxies is normally confined to within a few hundred parsecs of the nucleus ( e.g. , @xcite , @xcite ) . therefore , 45 arcsecond resolution , which corresponds to kpc scales in nearby galaxies , is too large to consider the validity of the schmidt law at the highest densities . @xcite has shown that the schmidt law holds at higher densities if we include a sample of ir luminous starburst galaxies with @xmath12 to @xmath13 at high molecular densities . including this sample has extended the schmidt law up to an unchallenged value of @xmath14 ( see figure 6 in @xcite ) . however , ir luminous starbursts represent special physical conditions which display a systematic difference from normal spirals , and including this sample in considering the validity of the schmidt law may lead us to a misunderstanding of the physical properties which underly the poorly understood power law . @xcite have indeed found that the ir luminous galaxies with @xmath15 do display a systematic difference from normal galaxies in view of the schmidt law , in that the ratio of hcn to co rises abruptly for ir luminous galaxies compared to normal galaxies . exclusion of these ir luminous samples from kennicutt(1998 ) and the consideration of only normal spirals reveal that the law is only valid up to @xmath16 . other studies of the schmidt law at high densities involve hcn @xcite and higher transition emission such as @xmath1 ( j=2 - 1 ) as probes of hydrogen at higher densities , but the weakness of this emission and the difficulty in comparing @xmath5 derived from these probes and others of lower density ( such as co(j=1 - 0 ) and hi ) has limited the consistent consideration of the schmidt law s validity at a wide density range . in order to approach to a more fundamental understanding of the relation between gas content and star formation , it is essential to know to what density the schmidt law holds for normal galaxies , or whether the simple power - law formulation of the schmidt law is valid at all . this will require that we use a consistent probe of the gas , at a wide density range . in this study , we consider the validity of the schmidt law including densities above this limit by using recent high resolution single dish and interferometry observations . section 2 provides information on co and h@xmath0 data , and the procedures for calculating @xmath5 and @xmath4 . in section 3 we show the result , and in section 4 we discuss the various uncertainties which relate to the schmidt law , and the validity of the schmidt law at high densities . conclusions will be given in section 5 . | we have combined h@xmath0 and recent high resolution @xmath1 ( j=1 - 0 ) data to consider the quantitative relation between gas mass and star formation rate , or the so - called schmidt law in nearby spiral galaxies at regions of high molecular density .
the relation between gas quantity and star formation rate has not been previously studied for high density regions , but using high resolution co data obtained at the nma(nobeyama millimeter array ) , we have found that the schmidt law is valid at densities as high as @xmath2 for the sample spiral galaxies , which is an order of magnitude denser than what has been known to be the maximum density at which the empirical law holds for non - starburst galaxies .
furthermore , we obtain a schmidt law index of @xmath3 and roughly constant star formation efficiency over the entire disk , even within the several hundred parsecs of the nucleus .
these results imply that the physics of star formation does not change in the central regions of spiral galaxies .
comparisons with starburst galaxies are also given .
we find a possible discontinuity in the schmidt law between normal and starburst galaxies . |
the vepp-4 m collider @xcite with the kedr detector @xcite can operate in the wide range of beam energy from 1 to 6 gev . the luminosity is quite modest , but vepp-4 m is equipped with two independent systems for precise energy determination @xcite : the resonant depolarization facility and infrared light compton backscattering one . the @xmath1 and @xmath2 masses were measured using additional statistics . systematic errors in mass measurements are the main issue . more than 20 different effects were considered : energy spread , energy assignment , energy difference of @xmath5 and @xmath6 , beam misalignment , luminosity etc . new mass measurements will supersede the old results @xcite . the final mass values obtained are : @xmath7 a comparison with other measurements is presented in figs . [ fig : mjpsi ] and [ fig : mpsi2s ] for the @xmath1 and @xmath2 masses , respectively . the position and width of the bar correspond to the pdg2012 fit @xcite . the ratio of the electron and muon widths of the @xmath1 meson has been measured at the kedr detector using direct @xmath1 decays . the result @xmath8 is in good agreement with the lepton universality . the experience collected during this analysis will be used for a @xmath1 lepton width determination with up to 1% accuracy . a comparison with other measurements is presented in fig . [ fig : geevsgmumu ] . the position and width of the bar correspond to the pdg2012 fit @xcite . currently the world average value of the @xmath1 meson lepton width is completely dominated by the cleo results obtained in 2005 @xcite . recently the besiii collaboration announced the most precise measurement of the ratio of the electron and meson widths @xcite . for that analysis both experiments used the @xmath9 , @xmath10 decay chain ( @xmath11 ) . since 2004 kedr has been taking data at the vepp-4 m collider in the @xmath2 region and acquired a total luminosity of about 7 pb@xmath13 , which corresponds to more than @xmath14 @xmath2 . we report the preliminary value of @xmath15 no direct measurement of this quantity is listed in the pdg tables . for comparison ( the position and width of the bar in fig . [ fig : gbmumupsi2s ] ) we use the product of the two world average values @xmath16and @xmath17 . for the @xmath3 mass measurement the joint @xmath2 and @xmath3 scans were performed . data analysis takes into account interference between the resonant and nonresonant @xmath18 production . our final results for mass and width are @xcite : @xmath19 when a resonance interferes with a variable continuum , the ambiguity appears . figure [ fig : twofitdp2012 ] illustrates two solutions corresponding to vdm . the resulting cross sections , mass and width are almost indistinguishable , but for the lepton width and phase we have two solutions : @xmath20 recently the vdm approach was applied for the joint analysis of babar , belle , bes , cleo and kedr data on @xmath21 and inclusive hadronic cross sections @xcite : [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] the results of kedr were confirmed at the much better level of accuracy . the @xmath23 mass , width and branching fraction of @xmath4 decay have been measured in the inclusive photon spectrum of multihadron @xmath1 decays ( fig . [ fig : fitgnfixedhint2 ] ) , using a sample of about 6 million @xmath1 mesons . @xmath4 decay is an m1 transition between the 1s states of charmonium , so its rate can be easily calculated in potential models in the limit of a zero width of the resonance . for this decay , the resonance width to transition energy ratio is about @xmath24 , thus the photon line shape deviates from the breit - wigner . during the analysis the @xmath25 factor near the @xmath23 resonance and interference effects were taken into account . our final result for the branching fraction of @xmath4 is : @xmath26 most of the results are in good agreement with the world average values if they exist and have comparable or better accuracy . the results of the kedr detector on @xmath3 are confirmed by joint analysis of data published by 5 experiments at a better accuracy level . this work is supported by the ministry of education and science of the russian federation , the rfbr grants , 11 - 02 - 00112 , 11 - 02 - 00558 , the sci . school nsh-5320.2012.2 grant and the dfg grant ha 1457/7 - 2 . | we report results of experiments performed with the kedr detector at the @xmath0 collider . they include final results for the mass and other parameters of the @xmath1 , @xmath2 and @xmath3 and @xmath4 branching fraction determination .
detector , charmonium , collider 13.20.gd,13.66.de,14.40.gx |
the dynamical systems approach @xcite has been used with great success over the last 30 years , to a gain ( qualitative ) description of the global dynamics of cosmological models . this method provides a useful tool for finding exact solutions which correspond to fixed points of the system . carloni _ et al _ @xcite have recently used this method to study the dynamics of @xmath0-theories in friedmann - lematre - robertson - walker ( flrw ) universes . clifton and barrow @xcite used the dynamical systems approach to determine the extent to which exact solutions can be considered as attractors of spatially flat universes at late times . they compared the predictions of these results with a range of observations and argued that the parameter @xmath1 in flrw may only deviate from gr by a very small amount ( @xmath2 ) . the main aim of this paper @xcite is to see how the shear behaves in lrs bianchi i cosmologies in @xmath0- gravity and whether these models isotropises at early and late times . to achieve this goal we use the theory of dynamical systems @xcite to analyse the system of equations governing the evolution of this model with and without matter the cosmological equations that we require for our analysis are : @xmath3 where @xmath4 is the volume expansion and @xmath5 is the shear ( @xmath6 ) . in order to convert the above equations into a system of autonomous first order differential equations , we define the following set of expansion normalised variables ; @xmath7 whose equations are @xmath8 , \nonumber \\ & & z ' = z\left [ 2z-(1 + 3w)-3x-\frac{2y}{n-1}+4\sigma\right ] , \nonumber\\ & & 1-\sigma+x - y - z=0 , \nonumber\end{aligned}\ ] ] where primes denote derivatives with respect to a new time variable @xmath9 . the solutions associated to the fixed points can be obtained from : @xmath10 under the condition that @xmath11 and the terms inside the brackets of , do not add up to zero , these equations may be integrated to give the following solutions @xmath12 in terms of our expansion normalised variables , the energy density is given by @xmath13 from this relation it can be seen that when @xmath14 and @xmath15 the energy density is zero . however when @xmath16 and @xmath17 the behaviour of @xmath18 does depend on the value of @xmath1 . in this case the energy density is zero when @xmath19 but is divergent when @xmath20 . when both @xmath21 and @xmath22 are equal to zero and @xmath20 , one can only determine the behaviour of @xmath18 by direct substitution into the cosmological equations . the vacuum case is characterised by @xmath14 . in this case we can obtain the fixed points of by setting @xmath23 and @xmath24 . we find one isotropic fixed point ( @xmath25 and a line of fixed points ( @xmath26 , with non - vanishing shear . the isotropic fixed point is an attractor ( stable node ) for values of the parameter @xmath1 in the ranges @xmath27 , @xmath28 and @xmath29 . in the range @xmath30 this point is a repeller ( unstable node ) and therefore may be seen as a past attractor . however , we also have attractors for @xmath31 on @xmath32 . therefore inflation may not be needed since the shear anisotropy approaches a constant value which may be chosen as the expansion normalised shear observed today@xcite ( @xmath33 ) , provided that other observational constraints such as nucleosynthesis are satisfied . the phase space is divided into two regions by the line @xmath34 , which represents all points for which the shear dissipate at the same rate as in gr . the region @xmath35 represents a _ fast shear dissipation _ ( fsd ) regime where shear dissipates faster than in gr , and the region @xmath36 , is a _ slow shear dissipation _ ( ssd ) regime where the shear dissipates slower than in gr ( see figure 1 ) . # 1 ( # 1 ) setting @xmath23 , @xmath24 and @xmath37 we obtain three isotropic fixed points and a line of fixed points with non - vanishing shear . we observe the same kind of behaviour as in the vacuum case ; the phase space is however 3-dimensional , but is similarly divided into two regions , by the plane @xmath38 . the space above the plane is a ssd region and below a fsd region . in conclusion we have shown that @xmath0- gravity modifies the dynamics of the shear in lrs bianchi i cosmologies by altering the rate at which the shear dissipates . there are cases in which the shear always dissipates slower or faster than in gr , and there are ones which make the transition from first evolving faster and then slower ( and _ vice versa _ ) than in gr . | we consider the case of @xmath0-gravity and perform a detailed analysis of the dynamics in bianchi i cosmologies which exhibit _ local rotational symmetry _
( lrs ) .
we find exact solutions and study their behaviour and stability in terms of the values of the parameter @xmath1 .
in particular , we found a set of cosmic histories in which the universe is initially isotropic , then develops shear anisotropies which approaches a constant value . |
intrabeam scattering ( ibs ) , an effect that tends to increase the beam emittance , is important in hadronic@xcite and heavy ion@xcite circular machines , as well as in low emittance electron storage rings@xcite . in the former type of machines it results in emittances that continually increase with time ; in the latter type , in steady - state emittances that are larger than those given by quantum excitation / synchrotron radiation alone . the theory of intrabeam scattering for accelerators was first developed by piwinski@xcite , a result that was extended by martini@xcite , to give a formulation that we call here the standard piwinski ( p ) method@xcite ; this was followed by the equally detailed bjorken and mtingwa ( b - m ) result@xcite . both approaches solve the local , two - particle coulomb scattering problem for ( six - dimensional ) gaussian , uncoupled beams , but the two results appear to be different ; of the two , the b - m result is thought to be the more general@xcite . for both the p and the b - m methods solving for the ibs growth rates is time consuming , involving , at each time ( or iteration ) step , a numerical integration at every lattice element . therefore , simpler , more approximate formulations of ibs have been developed over the years : there are approximate solutions of parzen@xcite , le duff@xcite , raubenheimer@xcite , and wei@xcite . in the present report we derive starting with the general b - m formalism another approximation , one valid for high energy beams and more accurate than raubenheimer s approximation . we , in addition , demonstrate that under these same conditions a modified version of piwinski s ibs formulation asymptotically becomes equal to this result . let us consider bunched beams that are uncoupled , and include vertical dispersion due to _ e.g. _ orbit errors . let the intrabeam scattering growth rates be @xmath2 with @xmath3 the relative energy spread , @xmath4 the horizontal emittance , and @xmath5 the vertical emittance . the growth rates according to bjorken - mtingwa ( including a @xmath6 correction factor@xcite , and including vertical dispersion ) are @xmath7^{1/2}}\bigg\ { \nonumber\\ & & \hspace{-8pt } trl^{(i)}tr\left({1\over l+\lambda i}\right ) -\ 3trl^{(i ) } \left({1\over l+\lambda i}\right)\bigg\}\bigg>\quad\ \ \label{bm_eq}\end{aligned}\ ] ] where @xmath8 represents @xmath9 , @xmath10 , or @xmath11 ; @xmath12 with @xmath13 the classical particle radius , @xmath14 the speed of light , @xmath15 the bunch population , @xmath16 the velocity over @xmath14 , @xmath17 the lorentz energy factor , and @xmath18 the bunch length ; @xmath19 represents the coulomb log factor , @xmath20 means that the enclosed quantities , combinations of beam parameters and lattice properties , are averaged around the entire ring ; @xmath21 and @xmath22 signify , respectively , the determinant and the trace of a matrix , and @xmath23 is the unit matrix . auxiliary matrices are defined as @xmath24 @xmath25 @xmath26 @xmath27 the dispersion invariant is @xmath28/\beta$ ] , and @xmath29 , where @xmath30 and @xmath31 are the beta and dispersion lattice functions . let us first consider @xmath32 as given by eq . [ bm_eq ] . note that if we change the integration variable to @xmath33 then @xmath34 with @xmath35 @xmath36 note that , other than a multiplicative factor , there are only 4 parameters in this matrix : @xmath37 , @xmath38 , @xmath39 , @xmath39 . note that , since @xmath40 , the parameters @xmath41 ; and that if @xmath42 then @xmath43 is small . we give , in table 1 , average values of @xmath37 , @xmath38 , @xmath39 , in selected electron rings . the author thanks a. piwinski , k. kubo and other coauthors of ref . @xcite for help in understanding ibs theory ; k. kubo , a. wolski , c. steier , for supplying the lattices of the atf , nlc , als rings , respectively . | beginning with the general bjorken - mtingwa solution , we derive a simplified model of intrabeam scattering ( ibs ) , one valid for high energy beams in normal storage rings ; our result is similar , though more accurate than a model due to raubenheimer . in addition , we show that a modified version of piwinski s ibs formulation ( where @xmath0 has been replaced by @xmath1 ) at high energies asymptotically approaches the same result .
slac - pub-9226 + arxiv : physics/0206002 + june 2002 * a simplified model of intrabeam scattering * k.l.f .
bane + _ stanford linear accelerator center , stanford university , _ + _ stanford , ca 94309 usa _ _ presented at the _ _ eighth european particle accelerator conference ( epac02 ) , _ + _ paris , france _ + _ june 3 - 7 , 2002 _ |
bl lac objects are highly variable sources characterised by non thermal emission that dominates from the radio to the @xmath0-rays . the overall spectral energy distribution ( sed ) is dominated by two broad emission peaks : the lower frequency peak is believed to be produced by synchrotron emission , while the higher frequency peak is probably due to inverse compton process . the variability for these sources is more pronounced at higher energies and the overall sed can change drammatically during strong flare events ( e.g. mkn501 , pian et al . 1997 ; 1es 2344 + 514 , giommi et al . 1997 ) . here we report on the two _ beppo_sax observations of bl lac itself , during a campaign aiming to study other bl lac objects while in a flaring state . bl lac x - ray spectrum is quite hard with an energy spectral index of @xmath1 ( sambruna et al . 1999 ; madejski et al . it has already been observed by _ beppo_sax , in november 1997 , with a 2 - 10 kev flux of @xmath2 ( padovani et al . in preparation ) . this is comparable to the level observed by _ rossi_xte during the 1997 , july outburst . beppo_sax observations were triggered by two optical flare events ( r magnitude brighter than 13 mag ) , although when the source was actually observed by _ beppo_sax the optical flux was lower ( r=13.4 - 13.6 mag ) . [ cols="<,<,<,<,<,^ " , ] n@xmath3 fixed at the value @xmath4 . the two power laws cross at @xmath5 kev . on may , 1999 , bl lac was reported to be again in an optically bright state , thus we triggered our _ beppo_sax too and bllac was observed the 5 - 7 of june , 1999 . however , the source was about a factor of two weaker than the first _ beppo_sax observation . the 0.1 - 100 kev x - ray spectrum can not be fitted by a single power law . a broken power law gives a better fit with a concave shape ( see table 1 ) . for the interstellar absorption we find a value of n@xmath6 , consistent with the values found in previous works ( see sambruna et al . 1999 ; madejski et al . thus , we probably detected both the synchrotron and the inverse compton components . during this observation we also find very short time scale variability , with the * 0.1 - 10 kev flux increasing by a factor of two in about 20 minutes*. this variation was not detected in the simultaneous r band light curve . this variability is seen only in the synchrotron part of the spectrum . in fact , both the lecs and the mecs instruments detect this variability only below the break , @xmath7 kev ( see fig . 1 in tagliaferri et al . 2000a ) . this result is similar to what we observed during another _ beppo_sax too observation of the bl lac object on231 ( tagliaferri et al . 2000b ) . after the _ beppo_sax observation , the source remained active in optical with the r magnitude ranging between @xmath8 mag . at the end of november , it brightened again to r@xmath9 , thus we triggered a second _ beppo_sax too observation . however , again , when the source was observed in x - ray the r magnitude was down to r@xmath10 . this time the 0.1 - 100 kev x - ray spectrum is well fitted by a single power law , with a flat energy index @xmath11 . the total flux in the 2 - 10 kev energy band is about a factor of two higher , however the two spectra cross at about 1.5 kev , thus the flux in the softer x - ray energy band is actually lower . clearly , the overall shape of the sed changed between the two observations and during the second one we detected only the compton component . during this observation we did not detect fast variability . we plot in fig . 1 four different seds corresponding to the multi - wavelength campaigns carried out during november 1995 , during july 1997 , when the source was in a very high state and during the two _ beppo_sax observations . this figure clearly shows the high degree of variability and complexity of the bl lac s sed . probably different emission mechanisms are working at different times . here we propose the presence of a blob moving along a jet , responsible for the ssc emission . if the moving blob is outside the broad line region ( blr ) , there will not be an extra compton component . if instead the blob is inside the blr , then there will also be external seed photons coming from the blr that can be compton scattered . these will be even more numerous if one or more clouds were inside the jet itself . the various scenarios are sketched in fig . 2 . in fig . 1 the labels out / in mean that the model that better represents the data is the one with the blob inside or outside the blr . | we present the results of two too _ beppo_sax observations of bllac . during the first observation we detected both the synchrotron and the compton components .
fast time variability was present , but * only * for the synchrotron component . during the second observation the spectrum was flatter and only the compton component was present .
four different sed are presented and can be described by a blob moving along a jet and responsible for the ssc emission .
the seed photons for the compton scattering are the synchrotron photons themself plus possibly external photons coming from the broad line region . |
a long time ago , beckenstein and mukhanov @xcite conjectured that the area spectrum of quantum black holes should be discrete and equispaced . this was then confirmed by several authors using different approaches . for example barvinsky et.al . @xcite performed a collective coordinate quantisation of a classical black hole , obtaining a schrodinger eigenvalue equation for the black hole area spectrum , @xmath0 since the area operator @xmath1 has the form of the hamiltonian for a one dimensional simple harmonic oscillator , @xmath2 , the spectrum is discrete and equispaced . the approach of ref.@xcite has the advantage of being quite general , independent of any microscopic model of the quantum black hole , see further discussion and references in ref.@xcite . but one may then wonder if the result represents an approximate picture , with some fine structure having been averaged over . let us investigate potential corrections to the above results using information - theoretic arguments . it is known @xcite that the structure of the usual schrodinger equation may be motivated , starting from classical ensemble dynamics , using the maximum uncertainty ( entropy ) method @xcite . the maximum uncertainty approach is used in many disciplines ; its basic philosophy being to minimise any bias ( maximise uncertainty ) when choosing probability distributions . in this approach the uncertainty is quantified by a measure which can be derived axiomatically ; the simplest such measure for the present context has the form of the fisher measure @xcite . deformations of the fisher measure then lead to nonlinear generalisations of the schrodinger equation which presumably model effects of shorter distance physics . in ref.@xcite it was argued that the kullback - liebler measure was the most natural generalisation of the fisher measure and the corresponding nonlinear schrodinger equation constructed . mathematical properties of that equation have been investigated in several papers @xcite and it has also been used in the context of quantum cosmology where it was shown that the nonlinearity can help avoid big bang singularities in some simple cosmologies , replacing them with a bounce for the evolution of the universe @xcite . using the nonlinear equation of ref.@xcite one may determine corrections to the area spectrum ( [ lab ] ) . for weak nonlinearity , the perturbative result is @xcite @xmath3 where @xmath4 is the simple harmonic oscillator quantum number and @xmath5 a free parameter . how may one test the above suggested correction ? well , the area of a quantum black hole has been investigated using the methods of loop quantum gravity ( lqg ) . in this nonperturbative approach to quantum gravity , discreteness arises in the area and volume elements of space . although the area spectrum is discrete , it is not equidistant , but the degeneracies are clustered and the spectrum is effectively equidistant @xcite . since the lqg approach seems to be revealing a fine structure not seen using the approach of ref.@xcite , one may speculate that the difference is due , to leading order , to the correction ( [ epx ] ) : that is , the distance between the peaks of the clusters deviates from equidistance by an amount given by eq.([epx ] ) . in principle one may test this suggestion using the data of ref.@xcite but this has not yet been done . if one further assumes that the entropy of the black hole is still proportional to its area , even with the perturbative correction ( [ epx ] ) , then the entropy of the black hole would be discrete but not equispaced , @xmath6 with the constant @xmath7 dependent on @xmath8 . indeed in ref.@xcite the entropy of black holes was calculated within lqg by counting quantum microstates and it was found to have an effective band structure , with also an approximately equidistant spacing . however it was noticed that , for small black holes at least , the change in entropy increased as the black holes grew @xcite . note that one may test the @xmath4 dependence in ( [ epx ] ) eventhough the parameter @xmath9 would need to be adjusted to fit the data . furthermore one may differentiate the information - theoretically motivated nonlinearity from other nonlinearities because of the different @xmath4 dependence they predict @xcite . in summary , an information - theoretic framework has been used to model the new physics that is generally believed to exist in the quantum gravity regime . this approach was previously used to study the evolution of cosmologies near the big bang @xcite . in the present paper a similar approach has been proposed for black holes . there are some potentially interesting quantitative comparisons that remain to be performed between this approach and that of loop quantum gravity . it would also be useful to obtain non - perturbative corrections to the spectrum ( [ lab ] ) due to the proposed nonlinearity , going beyond the perturbative calculation of ref.@xcite that yielded ( [ epx ] ) . i thank the organisers for the opportunity to present this work and to saurya das for helpful correspondence . | nonlinear corrections are proposed to the discrete equispaced area spectrum of quantum black holes obtained previously in some quantisation schemes .
it is speculated that such a modified spectrum might be related to the fine structure found using the loop quantum gravity approach . |
during winter , the stratospheric circulation at both poles is characterized by a large cyclonic vortex centered in a region close to the pole ( haynes @xcite ) . extended climatology of the polar vortex have been already conducted , using ecmwf or ncar - cep data set ( karpetchko et al . @xcite ; waugh et al . @xcite ) with methods based on potential vorticity to define the vortex . it is well known that the vortices are much more stronger in mid - winter than in summer ( waugh et al . @xcite ; harvey et al . @xcite ) . in this study we want to determine the minimum speed of the high altitude wind above the antarctica continent . this might help us in identifying the center of the polar vortex and we could use this information to qualify the sites for astronomical applications . indeed , during a previous study about site characterization for optical turbulence above the internal antarctic plateau using ecmwf analysis , our group investigated four different sites ( hagelin et al . @xcite ) : dome a , c and f and south pole . one of the conclusions was that in the free atmosphere , above around 10 km , the wind speed increased monotonically in winter proportionally to the distance to the center of the polar high . thus dome c was the site showing the highest wind speed above 10 km . we propose in this study to confirm this hypothesis looking at a climatology of the high altitude wind speed and the corresponding vortex above the antarctica continent for winter 2005 . due to the weak variability of the antarctica vortex proved in other studies , we can deduce that this one - year study can provide a quantitative estimate with a good accuracy about the position of the minimum wind speed in altitude . we used the ecmwf analyses from mars catalog for every day between may 1st and september 30th , 2005 , at 00 utc . the analysis employs the 4d - var assimilation scheme to assimilate a wide number of observations , including in - situ conventional data and synthetic data from satellites . the averaged distance between two horizontal grid points is of the order of @xmath040 km . to perform our study , we focused on the wind speed at two different altitudes , 15 km and 20 km from may 1st and september 30th , every 24 hours at 00 utc . we computed the monthly medians of the wind speed and deduced a preferential position for the minimum of wind speed in altitude for winter 2005 . fig.[fig : median ] shows the monthly median of the wind velocity at two different heights , 15 and 20 km , computed from may 2005 to september 2005 . . isocontours starting from 1 m.s@xmath1 with an increment of 1 m.s@xmath1.,scaledwidth=90.0% ] [ fig : median ] the minimum of the median wind is clearly identified at 20 km . the median polar vortex center ( corresponding to the minimum wind speed ) remains in a area between south pole and dome a. between the four sites investigated by hagelin ( @xcite ) , dome c is the farthest away from the polar vortex center , and by consequence the one with the highest wind speed in altitude . this study confirms he conclusion regarding the `` position space '' of the polar high deduced by hagelin ( @xcite ) , and the link between the position of an antarctic site with respect to this center and the wind speed in altitude . dome c appears to have in winter a wind speed in altitude much higher than other sites like south pole and dome a , closer to the center of the vortex . such a quantitative information should be considered by astronomers as a key issue in future plans for astronomical facilities to be set - up in different sites of the internal antarctic plateau . this study has been funded by the marie curie excellence grant ( forot ) - mext - ct-2005 - 023878 . 99 hagelin , s. , masciadri , e. , lascaux , f. and stoesz , j. 2008 , mnras , 387 , 1499 haynes , p.h . 2005 , arfm , 37 , 263 karpetchko , a. , kyro , e. and knudsen , e. 2005 , jgr , 110 - d21109 waugh , d.w . and randel , w.j . 1999a , jas , 56 , 1594 waugh , d.w . , randel , w.j . , pawson , s. , newman , p.a . and nash , e.r . 1999b , jgr , 104 , 27191 harvey , v.l . , pierce , r.b . , fairlie , t.d . and hitchman , m.h . 2002 , jgr , 107 ( d20 ) , 4442 | during winter and springtime , the flow above antarctica at high altitude ( upper troposphere and stratosphere ) is dominated by the presence of a vortex centered above the continent .
it lasts typically from august to november .
this vortex is characterized by a strong cyclonic jet centered above the polar high . in a recent study of our group ( hagelin @xcite ) of four different sites in the antarctic internal plateau ( south pole , dome c , dome a and dome f )
, it was made the hypothesis that the wind speed strength in the upper atmosphere should be related to the distance of the site to the center of the antarctic polar vortex .
this high altitude wind is very important from an astronomical point of view since it might trigger the onset of the optical turbulence and strongly affect other optical turbulence parameters . what we are interested in here is to localize the position of the minimum value of the wind speed at high altitude in order to confirm the hypothesis of hagelin ( @xcite ) |
the aim of this paper is to study the influence of the additional @xmath1 meson and nonlinear vector meson interactions on neutron star parameters . the considered model comprises : nucleons , mesons and leptons . the starting point is the construction of the effective lagrangian intended for application to the model described @xmath2 the scalar sector consists of two isoscalar ( @xmath3 and @xmath4 ) and two isovector ( @xmath5 and @xmath1 ) mesons , denoted by @xmath6 , @xmath7 , @xmath8 and @xmath9 respectively . meson @xmath1 has to be included as the model describes highly asymmetric neutron star matter . @xmath10 , @xmath11 , @xmath12 are the field tensors , the covariant derivative is given by @xmath13 . the potential function has the form @xmath14 the nucleon masses are denoted by @xmath15 whereas @xmath16 , @xmath17 , @xmath18 and @xmath19 are masses assigned to the meson fields . + the parameters entering the lagrangian function ( [ lag ] ) have been chosen to reproduce the equilibrium properties of symmetric nuclear matter . as it is usually assumed in quantum hadrodynamics @xcite the mean field approximation is adopted and for the ground state of homogeneous infinite matter , quantum fields operators are replaced by their classical expectation values . thus mesonic fields can be separated into classical mean field values and quantum fluctuations which are not included in the ground state : @xmath20 the field equations derived from the lagrangian function at the mean field level are @xmath21 @xmath22 @xmath23 @xmath24 their forms indicate the in - medium modification of meson and nucleon masses @xcite,@xcite . the function @xmath25 is expressed with the use of fermi integrals @xmath26 where @xmath27 and @xmath28 are the spin and isospin projection , @xmath29 is the fermi momentum of species n ( @xmath30 ) , @xmath31 denotes the baryon density . the effective nucleon mass which follows from the dirac equation has the form @xmath32 the analyzed form of the equation of state leads to the conclusion that the inclusion of @xmath1 meson and nonlinear vector meson interactions causes the softening of the equation of state and in the result the decrease of the neutron star parameters ( fig.3 ) . of special interest is the case which includes @xmath1 meson , the quartic @xmath5 meson term and nonlinear vector meson interactions ( set iii in table i ) . this case leads to the neutron star model with the value of the maximum radius @xmath33 km . this result is consistent with recent observations @xcite of rx j185635 - 3754 . 1 serot b.d . , walecka j.d . 1997 _ recent progress in quantum hadrodynamics _ _ int . phys . _ * e6 * 515 horowitz c. j. and piekarewicz j. , phys . lett . , 2001 * 86 * , 5647 maka r. , bednarek i. 2001 , _ j.phys.g._,*27 * , 1975 , bednarek i. , maka r. , 2001 , _ int.j.mod.phys.d._ , * 10 * , 607 maka r. , bednarek i. and przybya 2000 _ phys . rev . _ * c62 * 015802 prakash m. , lattimer j.m . , steiner a.w . , page d. _ astro - ph _ 0209122 | the neutron star parameters in the model extended by the inclusion of @xmath0 meson and additional nonlinear vector meson interactions are studied . |
the discovery of sdss j123813.73 - 033933.0 ( sdss1238 ) was announced in the second cv release of the sdss ( szkody et al . the optical spectrum shows a blue continuum with broad absorption around double peaked balmer emission lines . from its highly doubled lines , the inclination of the system was suspected to be high . here we present simultaneous time resolved spectral and photometric observations of sdss1238 obtained during april and may 2004 at spm observatory , mexico . spectral observations were done in four consecutive nights in april and one night in may 2004 with a total coverage of 21h . differential photometry was done in v and r bands in long time series ( 3 nights in april and 4 nights in may ) . the spectrum of sdss1238 shows features characteristic of short - period , low mass transfer , high inclination cvs like wz sge & rz leo . the fit by a wd model of the balmer absorption features shows that the balmer decrement is probably produced by a wd rather than an accretion disc . best fit model solutions correspond to high gravity , indicating a high wd mass ( @xmath2 ) . the power spectrum of rv variations of the h@xmath0 emission line peaks at a 17.88218 day@xmath3 , corresponding to an orbital period @xmath4 days , about 4 min longer than that recently reported by szkody et al . the period analysis shows that the period and phase of the absorption feature coincide with the emission component . photometrically , sdss1238 shows two types of variability : a long - term one ( 7 - 12h ) with an amplitude @xmath50.45 mag and a short - term one ( @xmath50.35 mag ) at half the orbital period , more visible in the bright part of the long - term variability . the maxima of the short - time photometric variability are at orbital phases 0.375 and 0.875 . long - term variability ( ltv ) detected during april showed a distinct periodic ( 7.9h ) pattern . a month later , we confirmed the existence of a ltv but found that its period changed from about 9h to about 12h . the doppler maps constructed with the bright and faint phases of the ltv cycle show different states of the accretion flows in the system . the photometric behavior of the system is complex and so far incomprehensible . the half - orbital ( spectral ) period photometric variations , usually attributed to the elliptically distorted secondary , do not make sense in this case when coupled with the absence of any sign of the secondary in the spectrum , the fact that they become significantly stronger at brighter phases of ltv and their phasing with the spectral data . another rather unusual explanation includes radiation from _ symmetric _ hot spots in the disc or at the surface of wd . a double - hump modulation of the light curve has been observed by rogoziecki & schwarzenberg - czerny ( 2001 ) in a quiescent state of the short period ( 0.05827d ) wz sge -type system wx cet in oct . 1998 and by kafka & honeycutt , ( 2003 ) in the am her system qq vul at some observational runs . we interpret the ltv and the difference of the doppler maps in bright and faint parts of the light curve of sdss1238 as a result of changes of the accretion rate in the system with the quasi - period 7 - 12h . this quasi - periodic brightening is by no means outburst - like and the intervals are much shorter than the shortest known cycles ( 3 - 4 days ) of er uma type outbursts . one can speculate that increased mass - transfer at bright phases of ltv increases the intensity of the spots causing the half - orbital period short term variability . the system certainly requires close monitoring . | we present simultaneous spectral and photometric observations of sdss j123813.73 - 033933.0 . from h@xmath0 radial velocity measurements we determined the orbital period of the system to be @xmath1 days ( 80.53 min ) .
the spectrum shows double balmer emission lines flanked by strong , broad absorption , indicating a dominant contribution from the white dwarf .
the photometric light curve shows complex variability .
the system undergoes cyclic brightening up to 0.4 mag which are semi - periodical on short time scales with periods of the order of 7 - 12 hours .
we also detect 40.25 min variability ( 0.15 mag ) in the light curve , that corresponds to half the orbital period .
its amplitude increases with the cyclic brightening of the system . |
oscillations in red giants are driven by turbulent motions in the outermost layers of their convective envelopes ( for a review , see ( * ? ? ? * chaplin & miglio 2013 ) ) , this being the same mechanism responsible for the oscillations observed in the sun and other solar - type stars . but unlike main - sequence stars , red giants have an interior characterized by a high density contrast between core and envelope . this density contrast leads to mixed modes of oscillation that behave as gravity modes in the core and as acoustic modes in the envelope . over the 4-year nominal mission , _ kepler _ ( ( * * borucki et al . 2010 ) ) detected oscillations in more than ten thousand red giants up to distances of @xmath0 , a fraction of which reside in open clusters . this is the case of ngc 6791 , which at roughly 8 billion years old ( ( * ? ? ? * brogaard et al . 2012 ) ) should be populated by a large number of degenerate stars and hence possible sources of gws . the development of high - precision asteroseismology has opened the possibility of using pulsating stars in the search for gws ( ( * ? ? ? * lopes & silk 2015 ) ) . just like with experimental spherical detectors , the impact of a gw will produce a change in the star s size . as a consequence , one or more modes of oscillation may be affected , resulting in tiny variations of their surface velocity amplitudes . by monitoring such variations it is in principle possible to measure the imprint of a gw on the stellar frequency - power spectrum . current models predict that , for the sun , the surface velocity amplitudes will vary from @xmath1 to @xmath2 for gws with local strains of @xmath3 to @xmath4 ( ( * ? ? ? * lopes & silk 2014 ) ) , still below current detectability thresholds . we propose using red - giant stars in stellar clusters to search for gws . when such stars are located near gw sources ( e.g. , an ultra - compact binary a few au away ) , quadrupole mixed modes may be stimulated above the threshold of detectability . mode excitation by an external source depends on the internal structure of the star , and in particular on how modes are damped . mixed modes are characterized by smaller damping rates than those of purely acoustic modes observed in solar - type stars . moreover , the mean separation between red giants in clusters is small ( a few ly ) . this can be used to look for the same gw imprint on quadrupole modes of different stars . the time lag between the excitation of quadrupole modes of two different stars could be approximately determined from their plane - of - the - sky projected locations and the fact that gws propagate at the speed of light . finally , these stars can probe the @xmath1@xmath5 spectral window ( see fig . [ fig : strain ] ) , which can not be fully probed by conventional gw detectors such as the square kilometre array ( ska ) or the evolved laser interferometer space antenna ( _ elisa _ ) . | stars are massive resonators that may be used as gravitational - wave ( gw ) detectors with isotropic sensitivity .
new insights on stellar physics are being made possible by asteroseismology , the study of stars by the observation of their natural oscillations .
the continuous monitoring of oscillation modes in stars of different masses and sizes ( e.g. , as carried out by nasa s _ kepler _ mission ) opens the possibility of surveying the local universe for gw radiation .
red - giant stars are of particular interest in this regard . since the mean separation between red giants in open clusters is small ( a few light years ) , this can in principle be used to look for the same gw imprint on the oscillation modes of different stars as a gw propagates across the cluster .
furthermore , the frequency range probed by oscillations in red giants complements the capabilities of the planned _ elisa _ space interferometer .
we propose asteroseismology of red giants as a novel approach in the search for gravitational waves . |
micro pattern gas detectors ( mpgd ) were conceived and built as a consequence of natural evolution from the gas detectors of the earlier generation , namely the multiple wire proportional chambers ( mwpc ) and its many variants . the purpose was to achieve higher resolution , better stability and higher rate capability than the earlier detectors . a fairly large number of mpgds have been developed and used since the advent of the micro strip gas chamber ( msgc ) in 1988 by oed @xcite . importance of detailed detector simulation in general , and electrostatics in particular , for understanding the advantages as well as the disadvantages , becomes quite apparent if we consider the operating principle of the mpgds many of which also have complicated multiple dielectric configuration . in this work , we will deal with mpgds of three popular types , namely msgc , micro mesh gaseous structure ( micromegas ) @xcite , and micro wire detector ( mwd ) @xcite . at present , different steps are undertaken to carry out detailed simulation of gas detectors . among these , we will discuss about the very first crucial step of computing the electrostatic field which , in the high energy physics ( hep ) community , is mostly carried out using commercial package such as maxwell @xcite that uses the finite element method ( fem ) to solve for the electrostatic field for any given geometry and dielectric combination . in the present work , we present the nebem solver which uses a completely new formulation and foundation expressions for implementing the bie of electrostatics @xcite . through the use of exact analytic expressions for evaluating the influence of boundary elements , most of the drawbacks of conventional bem have been removed . we hope to show that the solver can be used very effectively to solve problems related to estimating the electrostatic configuration of gas detectors , in general and mpgd - s , in paritcular . towards this end , we will present line and surface plots of potential and field and compare them with available results . to demonstrate the advantages of the nebem solver , we are presenting results that have been obtained with very coarse discretization , the maximum number of elements considered being less than 3500 . here , in order to present the results in the most general terms possible , we have neither evoked symmetry , nor used any other memory or computation time saving technique . it may be noted here that , in the following , our results have been compared with both 2d bem results ( msgc ) and 3d fem results obtained using maxwell ( mwd and micromegas ) . r0.5 the surface plot of electrostatic potential for a typical msgc has been presented in fig.[fig : msgcpotsurf ] . qualitatively , the comparison is found to be acceptable with @xcite . in order to carry out quantitative comparison , we have computed electric field on the anode for msgc - s as presented in table i of @xcite ( cases ( a ) and ( b ) corresponding to vacuum and dielectric substrates , respectively ) . as in @xcite , the computations have been done for two thicknesses of the substrate , namely , 100@xmath0 m and 500@xmath0 m . the electric fields on the anode turn out to be 32.88kv / mm and 35.76kv / mm for a vacuum substrate as the thickness is reduced from 500@xmath0 m to 100@xmath0 m which according to @xcite varied from 32.7kv / mm to 36.6kv / mm . similarly , for a dielectric substrate , the values according to the present computations are 32.8kv / mm and 37.85kv / mm while those in @xcite are 32.5kv / mm and 36.9kv / mm . it may be said that the trend of the variation is well represented and the numerical values are reasonably close . the small differences can be attributed to several reasons , the most important being the fact that the present computations are 3d in nature , while those in @xcite were 2d . here we have considered a typical mwd having the dimensions as in @xcite . in the following figs.[fig : mwdecontour ] and [ fig : mwdtotale ] , we have presented the contours of the electric field on the plane perpendicular to the anode axis and the electric field variation along the hole axis of a typical microwire detector . once again , the comparison with @xcite is found to be satisfactory both qualitatively and quantitatively . this part of the computation has been carried out in relatively more detail . we have considered several micromegas having geometry as discussed in @xcite for easy comparison . in figs.[fig : esurfmicromegas ] and [ fig : comparemicromegas ] , we have presented the computed electric field surface and contours and the change in the electric field along the center of a mesh hole . these results once again agree with those in @xcite reasonably well . using the nebem solver , it has been possible for us to estimate the three - dimensional electric field in several micro pattern gas detectors . the accuracy of the obtained results have been confirmed by comparing them with existing 2d bem and 3d fem results . despite having a large length scale variation ( 1:200 ) and the use of extremely coarse discretization , the solver has yielded results that are precise and reliable using little computational resource . since detailed simulation of gas detectors begins with the computation of electrostatic configuration within the device , and depends very critically on the accuracy of the estimated electric field at any arbitrary point within a given device , the nebem solver is expected to become an important tool in carrying out thorough analysis of gas detectors . this is more true for the new generation detectors since the length scales of these detectors vary widely from component to component . | simulation of new generation gas detectors is rendered complicated due to the non - trivial nature of the electric field and simultaneous presence of several length - scales .
computation of the electrostatic field , however , is extremely important since streamers in gas volume and streamers across the dielectric surfaces are known to cause serious damage to micro pattern gas detectors ( mpgd ) and are the main factors in limiting their gain . in this paper , we present the use of a nearly exact boundary element method ( nebem ) solver that overcomes most of the limitations of fem packages and is capable of producing accurate results . |
in this paper we present a semiclassical theory of the interaction of a single two - level atom with a single mode of the field in which the atom is treated as a quantum two - level system and the field is treated classically . + we will use a simple physical model in order to define the goals , terminology , and methodology of applied control theory . + we propose a simple model of feedforward ( open - loop ) control for two - level atom in the external one - dimensional optical field . + we use the so - called `` semi - classical model '' of the atom - field interaction that describes a single quantum two - level atomic system ( all other levels are neglected ) with classical electromagnetic field . we use the standard notation following @xcite , but in our model the optical field plays the role of a control signal @xmath1 for open - loop ( feedforward ) control scheme @xcite . recently other authors studied the control of two - level atoms in the frame of open - loop ideology when the controlling field was known a priori . it allowed to get the different forms of atomic energy spectra , producing @xmath2- and @xmath3- pulses @xcite , taking special non - constant shapes of external field @xcite etc . we consider the quantum two - level atomic system in the classical optical field @xmath4 . let @xmath5 and @xmath6 represent the upper and lower level states of the atom , i.e. , they are eigenstates of the unperturbed part of the hamiltonian @xmath7 with the eigenvalues : @xmath8 and @xmath9 . + the equations of motion for the density matrix elements are given by @xcite : @xmath10 where @xmath11 ; @xmath12 is the matrix element of the electric dipole moment , @xmath13 and @xmath14 are the decay constants , @xmath15 is a decay rate including elastic collisions between atoms , and @xmath16 is the atomic transition frequency . + let s denote @xmath17 and @xmath18.\end{aligned}\ ] ] using ( 2 ) we can re - write the system ( 1 ) in the real form : @xmath19 for further calculation we put @xmath20 . + then @xmath21 the first two equations of system ( 3 ) can be combined together . + we put : @xmath22 substituting ( 5 ) in ( 3 ) we eliminate the decay @xmath23-containing terms . + finally , re - scaling the time by @xmath24 : @xmath25 , and denoting the dimensionless control signal by @xmath26 and @xmath27 , we get the simplified system : @xmath28 here the dot means the derivative with respect to the new dimensionless time @xmath29 . + we remind that @xmath30 $ ] , since @xmath31 $ ] , and @xmath32 as @xmath33 . we mention here the special ( particular ) case of @xmath34 and thus , @xmath35 . + then the system ( 6 ) has the integral of motion : @xmath36 now in the spherical coordinates : @xmath37 then @xmath38 if @xmath39 , @xmath40 , then @xmath41 and @xmath42 . to solve ( 6 ) numerically we will use maple . + let s apply the initial conditions @xmath43 corresponding to the ground level of the atom . + here we put @xmath44 and @xmath45 . + the result is presented on fig.1 ( left ) . + another case corresponds to the increasing signal @xmath46 . + the result is presented on fig.1 ( right ) . + and the control signal @xmath47 ( left ) and @xmath48 ( right).,title="fig:",width=11 ] + + from fig.1 we can conclude that the shape of the control field ( i.e. the optical field @xmath49 ) influences drastically on the present state of two - level atoms . in this paper we studied the techniques to control the behavior of the two - level quantum particles by the modulated external optical field . + we conclude that the semi - classical model of interaction between two - level quantum particle system and classical optical field can be successfully applied to describe the control process of the particle energy stabilization . | the methods of mathematical control theory are widely used in the modern physics , but still they are less popular in quantum science .
we will discuss the aspects of control theory , which are the most useful in applications to the real problems of quantum optics .
we apply this technique to control the behavior of the two - level quantum particles ( atoms ) in the modulated external optical field in the frame of the so called `` semi classical model '' , where quantum two - level atomic system ( all other levels are neglected ) interacts with classical electromagnetic field . in this paper
we propose a simple model of feedforward ( open loop ) control for the quantum particle system , which is a basement for further investigation of two - level quantum particle in the external one - dimensional optical field . + @xmath0 deptt . of physics , herzen state pedagogical university + 48 moika river ,
191186 st .
petersburg , russia + email : sebori@mail.ru |
the black hole accretion disk is subject to the thermal and viscous instability if the radiation pressure dominates over the gas pressure . if the accretion rate outside the unstable region ( i.e. the mean accretion rate ) is such that the disk is unstable , the source enters a cycle of bright , hot states , separated by the cold , low luminosity states . the outburst amplitudes and durations are sensitive to black hole mass , viscosity and the mean accretion rate . if the viscous heating is proportional to the total pressure , the outburst amplitudes are very large - they can be reduced if the heating is proportional to the square root of the gas times the total pressure . . another type of the thermal - viscous instability is due to the partial hydrogen ionization . the disk also cycles between the two states : a hot and mostly ionized state with a large local accretion rate and a cold , neutral state with a low accretion rate . this instability has originally been proposed to explain the luminosity variations observed in cataclysmic variables . the same mechanism is responsible for the eruptions in soft x - ray transients ( see e.g. , @xcite for review ) as well as may operate in active galactic nuclei ( e.g. , @xcite ) . . as studied by @xcite , the acoustic instabilities of the papaloizou - pringle type can arise in the supersonic inner parts of the accretion flow . the azimuthal modes of such instabilities will lead to the tilt of the disk and its precession . we speculate that in the hot state , the luminous core will power a radio jet , while during the cold state the radio activity ceases . in case of the regular periodic outbursts of grs 1915 + 105 ( see e.g. @xcite ) , lasting from @xmath0 to @xmath1 s , this approach is successful ( e.g. @xcite ) . only the limit cycle mechanism ( likely driven by the radiation pressure instability ) explains the absence of the direct transitions from its state c to the state b , as well as the observed qpo oscillations . scaling the timescale with the black hole mass by a factor @xmath2 gives the outbursts durations of @xmath3 yrs , and amplitudes are sensitive to the energy fraction deposited in the jet ( see fig . [ fig : fig1 ] ) . the radiation pressure instability operating above @xmath4 may be responsible for very short ages of compact symmetric objects ( @xcite ) . the radiostructures may be influenced by jet precession ( @xcite ) . in the ionization instability , the derived separations between outbursts are on order of @xmath5yrs for a @xmath6 black hole , while the outburst duration is an order of magnitude shorter . the location of the unstable zone is sensitive to the black hole mass ( see fig . [ fig : fig1 ] ) . for an x - ray binary , the disk maximum radius is limited by the roche - lobe size and might be too small for an appropriate temperature range to appear . in agn , the partly ionized zone is much closer to the black hole . if the two unstable zones are very close to each other , the rate of supply of material to the radiation pressure dominated region may be modulated on long timescales , independently of the environment in the host galaxy . * acknowledgments * this work was supported in part by grant nn 203 512638 from the polish ministry of science . | we present various instability mechanisms in the accreting black hole systems which might indicate at the connection between the accretion disk and jet .
the jets observed in microquasars can have a peristent or blobby morphology .
correlated with the accretion luminosity , this might provide a link to the cyclic outbursts of the disk .
such duty - cycle type of behaviour on short timescales results from the thermal instability caused by the radiation pressure domination .
the same type of instability may explain the cyclic radioactivity of the supermassive black hole systems .
the somewhat longer timescales are characteristic for the instability caused by the partial hydrogen ionization .
the distortions of the jet direction and complex morphology of the sources can be caused by precesion of the disk - jet axis . |
deep extragalactic radio surveys have largely remained under - exploited due to the difficulty in discriminating between agn and sfgs at the faintest flux densities . this situation is now ameliorated by deep multi - wavelength surveys where we can begin to separate these populations for the first time . obtaining large samples of radio - selected sfgs and agn is very important for our understanding of galaxy evolution . whereas most tracers of star formation may be obscured by gas or dust , radio emission is a direct tracer of sfr and the ska , for example , will be able to detect @xmath2 galaxies , like the milky way , out to the era of reionization . radio - selected agn are also important as they are an unobscured marker of accretion onto a super - massive black hole . either radio - loud agn have exactly the same properties as radio - quiet agn ( bar the radio jets , urry & padovani 1992 ) and hence can be an unbiased measure of agn properties and activity , or the radio jets play an important role in the evolution of the agn ( saunders et al . 1999 ) and well selected samples of radio - loud and radio - quiet agn are needed to understand the role of radio jets in agn evolution . we have previously used the radio - selected sfg population to derive the comoving sfr density of the universe up to @xmath3 . this result agrees well with those measurements at other wavelengths ( seymour et al . 2008 ) . using the radio / total - ir luminosity relation ( bell 2003 ) we can convert the radio luminosity to ir luminosity and calculate the ir luminosity density if the universe as a function of redshift . we compare our result to that of le floch et al . ( 2005 ) in figure [ fig1 ] , but extend our results to higher redshifts . we are also able to determine the contribution by luminosity bin at each epoch and find that more luminous sources continue to dominate more at higher redshifts . bell , e. f. 2003 , , 586 , 794 hopkins , a. m. 2004 , , 615 , 209 le floch , e. , et al . 2005 , , 632 , 169 sanders , d. b. , soifer , b. t. , elias , j. h , et al . 1988 , , 328 , l35 seymour , n. , et al . 2008 , mnras , in press , arxiv:0802.4105 urry , c. m. , & padovani , p. 1995 , , 107 , 803 | we have used several different methods ( radio morphology , radio spectral index , mid - ir to radio and near - ir to radio flux density ratios ) to discriminate between agn and sfgs in faint , sub - mjy radio surveys .
we find that the latter two methods are the most powerful with current multi - wavelength data , but that future radio surveys with emerlin , lofar etc .
( and ultimately the ska ) will greatly increase the power of the morphology and spectral index methods . as an example of the science possible we derive the ir luminosity density from the radio - selected sfgs using the radio / ir luminosity correlation .
we also examine the contribution by luminosity to the total ir luminosity density and find evidence that fraction of lirgs remains constant or decreases above @xmath0 while the relative fraction of ulirgs continues to increase up to @xmath1 . |
part of the interest in molecule - based magnets arises from the potential for forming low - dimensional structures with anisotropic physical properties . in this paper , we report on the magnetic behavior of quasi - two - dimensional ( 2d ) fe - cn - ni grid networks , in which each magnetic layer is both structurally and magnetically isolated . et al . _ have developed a unique langmuir - blodgett ( lb ) synthesis method to transfer monolayers of a 2d fe - cn - ni grid network , formed at the air - water interface , as thin films onto various substrates @xcite . this technique generates a new low - dimensional network which can not be formed from homogeneous reaction conditions . the structure of the resulting assemblies of mixed - spin fe - cn - ni bilayers transferred as thin films onto mylar is shown schematically in fig . 1 . each deposition cycle produces a bilayer of the inorganic grid network sandwiched between an organic layer . the lb films have been structurally characterized by x - ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( xps ) , ft - ir spectroscopy , x - ray absorption fine structure ( xafs ) , and grazing incidence synchrotron x - ray diffraction ( gixd ) . these probes have allowed for the identification of a face - centered square grid structure with an fe@xmath0@xmath4ni@xmath2 separation of 5.1 , and an average structural domain size of 3600 @xmath5 @xcite . adjacent bilayers are separated by @xmath6 50 , and are effectively isolated from each other . the existence of ferromagnetic exchange between the low spin fe@xmath0 ( @xmath1 ) and ni@xmath2 ( @xmath3 ) ions is expected after consideration of the exchange interaction in other cyanide bridged fe@xmath0@xmath4ni@xmath2 systems @xcite . the ferromagnetic behavior in these and other metal cyanides has been rationalized by considering the d - orbital symmetries for the unpaired electrons in the respective metal centers . the magnetic orbital on the fe@xmath0 center is of t@xmath7 symmetry while the two ni@xmath2 spins are in orbitals of e@xmath8 symmetry . the different symmetry orbitals do not overlap via the cyanide ligand , thereby resulting in the parallel alignment of the spins according to hund s rule @xcite . the magnetic properties of a sample containing 150 bilayers of the fe - cn - ni network on each side of a mylar film ( 10 cm@xmath5 ) were investigated using squid magnetometry . measurements were performed with the applied magnetic field oriented either parallel or perpendicular to the plane of the film . the field cooled ( fc ) magnetization versus temperature for both orientations , measured in a field of 2 mt , are shown in fig . 2 . both orientations show a break at a t@xmath10 of 10 k , and the saturated behavior below 5 k indicates the presence of magnetically ordered domains . the presence of long - range magnetic order at 2 k was verified by the measurements shown in fig . the material shows clear hysteresis loops with coercive fields of 14 mt ( parallel orientation ) and 11 mt ( perpendicular orientation ) . the assignment of a ferromagnetic state was made based on high field magnetization studies performed at the national high magnetic field laboratory , tallahassee ( nhmfl ) . the magnetization of the film was measured up to 30 t using a vibrating sample magnetometer ( vsm ) . as shown in fig . 2 ( inset ) , the magnetization of the sample saturates around 20 t without evidence for a spin - flop transition . the increased noise above 15 t is due to the addition of a second dc power supply generating the magnetic field . the absence of a spin flop discriminates against antiferromagnetic coupling and the presence of a ferrimagnetic state . a stronger magnetization measured in the parallel orientation in the m _ vs. _ t plot in fig . 2 indicates that the magnetic easy axis is within the xy directions parallel to the film planes . consistently , in the low field limit ( b @xmath11 b@xmath12 , where b@xmath12 is the applied filed at which m saturates , m@xmath12 ) , the magnetization in the parallel orientation changes more rapidly than in the perpendicular orientation with respect to changes in the external field . this behavior is most likely due to a combination of the single ion anisotropies of the metal centers and the reduced symmetry of the low - dimensional material . in summary , a 2d fe - ni cyanide - bridged network with a face - centered square grid structure has been generated using a langmuir - blodgett ( lb ) synthesis method , and the magnetic study on this film shows the presence of ferromagnetism . 9 j. t. culp _ et al . _ , j. am . chem . soc . to appear ( 2002 ) . et al . _ , j. am . * 119 * ( 1997 ) 1011 . s. juszczyk _ et al . _ , j. phys . : matter * 6 * ( 1994 ) 5697 . o. kahn _ et al . _ , j. am . * 104 * ( 1982 ) 2165 . | using a langmuir - blodgett ( lb ) synthesis method , novel two - dimensional ( 2d ) mixed - spin magnetic systems , in which each magnetic layer is both structurally and magnetically isolated , have been generated .
specifically , a 2d fe - ni cyanide - bridged network with a face - centered square grid structure has been magnetically and structurally characterized .
the results indicate the presence of ferromagnetic exchange interactions between the fe@xmath0 ( @xmath1 ) and ni@xmath2 ( @xmath3 ) centers . , , , , two - dimensional magnetism ; mixed - spin ; langmuir - boldgett film |
one current limitation of the ssp models that are based on empirical stellar specta is that they rely on galactic stars whose detailed chemical properties are not well known . for example , the stars in the different components of the galaxy show distinct patterns of alpha - elements reflecting different star formation histories . the models usually only take into account the iron abundance , but stellar spectra may change considerably if the ratios between other elements and fe are different . accounting for well known element abundances will make an empirical spectral stellar library particularly useful for modeling stellar populations with different formations . in this work , we present mg / fe ratios for 758 miles ( * ? ? ? * snchez - blzquez _ et al . _ ( 2006 ) ) s stars . the values are a combination of a literature compilation and our own measurements . in a first step , we obtained published mg abundances from high resolution spectra of the miles s stars . we adopted the ( * ? ? ? * borkova & marsakov ( 2005 ) ) s compilation for defining a consistent scale of [ mg / fe ] that was based on weighted averages . calibration of the ratios from a given work to this scale relies on a statistically representative linear relation by using stars in common between two samples . we used 219 stars from that compilation and also collected abundance ratios for another 89 stars from high resolution analyses , thus covering @xmath11/3 of the library having 248 dwarfs and 60 giants . sixteen stars from duplicated sources helped us to evaluate the calibration process as well as estimate the final errors of [ mg / fe ] , which are around 0.06 dex . this step was extremely useful in defining a representative reference sample for calibrating our measurements . our mg abundance measurements were based on a spectral synthesis computed with the moog lte code ( sneden 2002 , http://verdi.as.utexas.edu/ ) applied to miles spectra through an automatic process using both pseudo equivalent widths and line profile fits of two mg features ( mgi@xmath25528.40 and the mg b triplet ) . we adopted linearly interpolated model atmospheres over the most recent marcs grid ( * ? ? ? * ( gustafsson _ et al . _ 2008 ) ) and accurate atomic / molecular line lists in order to compute a reliable set of synthetic spectra for five values of [ @xmath0/fe ] , for each star . our measured [ mg / fe ] values cover about 46% of the miles stars ( 152 dwarfs and 298 giants ) , with errors ranging from 0.08 to 0.15 dex ( weighted average of 0.12 dex ) . see them as a function of [ fe / h ] in figure 1 . we have obtained [ mg / fe ] for @xmath13/4 of miles ( 400 dwarfs and 358 giants , respectively 74% and 82% of them ) . the results cover the miles s parameter space quite well . specifically , we recovered at medium resolution the mg abundances for a lot of sub - giants and red giants although a lack still remains on the stars cooler than 3500 k. | we have obtained [ mg / fe ] for around 77% of the stars of the miles library of stellar spectra in order to include this important information into simple stellar population ( ssp ) models .
the abundance ratios , which were carefully calibrated to a single uniform scale , were obtained through a compilation from high spectral resolution works plus robust spectroscopic analysis at medium resolution .
the high resolution data provided an extensive control sample .
average uncertainties ( 0.06 and 0.12 dex for the high and medium resolution samples respectively ) and the good coverage of the stars with [ mg / fe ] over the miles s parameter space will permit us to semi - empirically build up new ssp models with accurate @xmath0-enhancements for ages older than 1 gyr . this will open new prospects for evolutionary stellar population synthesis . |
the lowest order cross section for @xmath2 in units of the lowest - order qed cross section for @xmath3 is defined as @xmath1 , namely @xmath4 , where @xmath5 . presently the uncertainty in @xmath1 in the energy region below 5 gev dominates the uncertainties in both @xmath6 , the qed running coupling constant evaluated at the z pole , and @xmath7 , the value of @xmath8 based on the standard model calculation @xcite . hadron production from @xmath9 annihilation is one of the most valuable testing grounds for quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) . particularly , it is interesting and important to analyze low energy @xmath9 collision data , for example , the inclusive momentum spectrum , defined as @xmath10 , where @xmath11 and @xmath12 are the momentum of the charged particles and center - of - mass ( c.m . ) energy respectively , with today s knowledge . a purely analytical approach giving quantitative predictions for @xmath13 is the qcd calculation using the so - called modified leading logarithmic approximation ( mlla ) @xcite under the assumption of local parton hadron duality ( lphd ) @xcite , which expresses the limiting spectrum for hadrons as @xmath14 where @xmath15 is an overall normalization factor describing hadronization and @xmath16 is a complex function of @xmath13 and effective scale parameter @xmath17 @xcite . 1 . is valid in the range of @xmath18 . another example is the second binomial moments , which is a measure of the strength of hadron - hadron correlations and a sensitive probe for higher order qcd or non - perturbative effect . it is defined as @xmath19 , where @xmath20 is the charged particle multiplicity . according to the next leading order qcd calculation ( nlo ) , @xmath21 is given by @xmath22 with @xmath23 for five ( three ) active flavors . there has been a long standing discrepancy between the value of @xmath21 calculated by nlo and that measured with @xmath9 , @xmath24 and @xmath25 experiments . in addition , there is relatively little data in the energy region below 5 gev to compare with qcd calculations . this paper presents the final results of the @xmath1 values measured with besii @xcite at bepc in the energy region from 2 - 5 gev . we also report preliminary results on the inclusive momentum spectra , the momentum distribution of charged particles , and second binomial moments @xmath21 obtained from the analysis of @xmath1 scan data . refs . @xcite describe in detail the @xmath1 scan performed by bes at 91 energy points between 2 - 5 gev , and the experimental study of the background , particularly the beam associated background . the triggers and the determination of the trigger efficiency ; the measurement of luminosity ; the hadronic event selection and background subtraction ; the determination of the detection efficiency for hadronic events ; and the initial state radiative correction can be also found in refs . @xcite . in the cm energy range from 1.4 to 5 gev . ( b ) @xmath1 values from this experiment in the resonance region between 3.75 and 4.6 gev.,title="fig : " ] -0.8 cm -0.4 cm the final @xmath1 values measured by bes in this experiment are displayed in fig . [ fig : besr ] , together with those measured by marki @xcite , @xmath26 @xcite and pluto @xcite . the @xmath1 values from besii have an average uncertainty of about 6.6% , which represents a factor of two to three improvement in precision in the 2 to 5 gev energy region . these improved measurements have a significant impact on the global fit to the electroweak data and the determination of the sm prediction for the mass of the higgs particle @xcite . in addition , they are expected to provide an improvement in the precision of the calculated value of @xmath7 , and test the qcd sum rules down to 2 gev @xcite . the measured @xmath13 spectrum at five different energies between 2.6 and 4.8 gev are shown in figure [ comxi ] . the errors in the spectrum include errors from hadronic event selection and uncertainties from the event generators . the momentum spectra at the five energy points are shown in figure [ dnall ] , together with those measured at higher energy up to 130 gev in other experiments . the momentum spectra show that hadron production at very small momentum @xmath27 gev is approximately energy independent . this behavior has been explained in ref . @xcite to be due to the coherent emission of low energetic ( i. e. long wavelength ) gluons by the total color current . correspondingly the number of produced hadrons at small momentum is approximately constant . based on the multiplicity measured , we can obtain the second binomial moment @xmath21 . the results are displayed in figure [ r2bes ] , together with both nlo calculations and published data at higher energies up to 100 gev from @xmath9 , @xmath24 and @xmath25 experiments @xcite . our measured @xmath21 , although with large errors , are consistent with those of other measurements done at higher energies . it s interesting to see that @xmath21 predicted by lo qcd are significantly higher than the measured data , while the nlo calculation comes closer to the data , although disagreement ( @xmath28 in @xmath21 ) remains sizeable . | final results of the measurement of @xmath0 in the energy region from 2 to 5 gev with the upgraded beijing spectrometer ( besii ) at the beijing electron positron collider ( bepc ) are presented .
preliminary results of the inclusive momentum spectra and second binomial moment measured with the @xmath1 scan data at 2.2 , 2.6 , 3.0 , 3.2 , 4.6 and 4.8 gev are reported . |
the technique of discovering planets from their photometric transits enables us to probe fainter stars for planetary companions than are accessible to radial velocity surveys . this allows us to probe a wider variety of stellar environments . the technique also offers us the possibility of discovering statistically significant numbers of hot jupiter planets from the ground within a relatively short timescale . such a sample could be used to establish the relationships between planetary formation and key properties such as metallicity , age , etc . janes ( 1996 ) suggested that clusters would be ideal targets for a transit search . they provide large numbers of stars within a relatively small area , the ages and metallicities of which can be determined . radial velocity ( rv ) surveys have indicated that stellar metallicity in particular seems to be correlated with the presence of planets . brown et al . ( 2001 ) reported surveying the globular cluster 47 tuc with the hubble space telescope , but interestingly found no transits . in the light of the rv results , this raises the question of whether and how this deficit is related to the low metallicity of the cluster and/or star / radiation density . to address this question , we are surveying a number of open clusters with a range of ages / metallicities . open clusters do not suffer from the dense crowding of stars present in globulars and so can be studied with ground - based telescopes . they are also generally younger and higher in metallicity . we were awarded 30 nights of bright time on 2.5 m isaac newton telescope ( int ) in 1999/06 - 07 and 2000/09 . the @xmath0 field of view of the wide field camera ( wfc ) is ideal for transit searches . we observed 3 clusters for the first 20 nights , and one cluster continuously for a further 10 nights . psf photometry was carried out using _ daophot _ ( stetson 1987 ) while post - processing software was written in - house . further details of these observations and our data reduction procedures can be found in street et al . ( 2002 ) and street ( 2002 ) . the 20 nights of data on ngc 6819 have been fully reduced for all 4 ccds , including over 38,000 stars . figure [ fig : rmsfigures ] illustrates that we have reached the photometric precision required to detect hot jupiter transits . brown , t. m. , 2001 , apj , 552 , p. 699 - 709 . janes , k. , 1996 , jgr , 101 , iss . e6 , p. 14853 - 14860 . street , r. a. et al . , 2002 , mnras , 330 , p. 737 - 754 . street , r. a. , 2002 , phd thesis . , university st . stetson , p. b. , 1987 , pasp , 99 , p. 191 | we are using the isaac newton telescope wide field camera to survey open cluster fields for transiting hot jupiter planets .
clusters were selected on the basis of visibility , richness of stars , age and metallicity .
observations of ngc 6819 , 6940 and 7789 began in 1999 and continued in 2000 .
we have developed an effective matched - filter transit - detection algorithm which has proved its ability to identify very low amplitude eclipse events in real data .
here we present our results for ngc 6819 .
we have identified 7 candidates showing transit - like events .
colour information suggests that most of the companion bodies are likely to be very - low - mass stars or brown dwarfs , intrinsically interesting objects in their own right . |
a fundamental prediction of the cosmological ( @xmath1 ) cold dark matter ( @xmath1cdm ) theory is that virialized dark matter halos should have universal density profiles , such as the navarro , frenk & white ( 1996 , nfw ) halo . these cdm predictions have been confronted with observations , and numerous mass models of spiral , dwarf and lsb galaxies have shown that in a large number of cases the inferred cores of dark matter halos are much shallower than expected from the nfw - fit ( e.g. , de blok et al . 2001 , gentile et al . we have used ddo 47 to explore the possibility that solid - body rotation curves ( usually interpreted as a signature of constant density cores ) would arise naturally also in nfw halos as a result of a triaxial dark matter mass distribution that hides the steep central density cusp through deviations from axial symmetry in the disk . ddo 47 is one of the most clear cases with kinematical properties that are inconsistent with nfw ( fig . 1 , left panel ) . in order to better investigate the kinematic properties of ddo 47 , we have fitted the velocity field in terms of harmonic coefficients ( e.g. schoenmakers , franx and de zeeuw 1997 ) , with terms up to third order ( fig . 1 , right panel ) . a global elongation of the potential would cause the @xmath2 term to be approximately constant and non - zero , while wiggles could be explained by the presence of spiral structure . in ddo 47 the latter case applies , we find no evidence for a global elongation of the potential and the amplitude of the oscillations is much smaller ( a factor 5 - 10 ) than the discrepancy with the @xmath1cdm predictions . we can conclude that the non - circular motions in ddo 47 are at a level of at most 3 km s@xmath0 and that they are not associated with a global elongation of the potential , therefore the dark matter halo around the dwarf galaxy ddo 47 is truly cored and that a cusp can not be hidden by non - circular motions . de blok , w. j. g. , mcgaugh , s. s. , rubin , v. c. , 2001 , aj , 122 , 2396 gentile , g. , salucci , p. , klein , u. , vergani , d. , kalberla , p. , 2004 , mnras , 351 , 903 gentile , g. , burkert , a. , salucci , p. , klein , u. , walter , f. , 2006 , apjl in press , astro - ph/0506538 navarro , j. f. , frenk , c. s. , white , s. d. m. , 1996 , apj , 462 , 563 schoenmakers , r. h. m. , franx , m. , de zeeuw , p. t. , 1997 , mnras , 292 , 349 | we present hi data of the dwarf galaxy ddo 47 , aimed at testing the hypothesis that dark halo triaxiality might induce non - circular motions resulting in rotation curves best fitted by cored halos , even if the dark matter halo is intrinsically cuspy .
we performed a harmonic decomposition of the velocity field in order to search for alleged non - circular motions needed to `` hide '' a cusp : in ddo 47 non - circular motions are globally at a level of 2 - 3 km s@xmath0 , far from being sufficient to reconcile the observed rotation curve with the @xmath1cdm predictions .
we conclude that the dark matter halo around ddo 47 is truly cored and that a cusp can not be hidden by non - circular motions .
more details are shown in gentile et al .
( 2006 , apjl in press , astro - ph/0506538 ) . |
i am measuring the equivalent widths of emission lines in the @xmath0600 galaxies from the sample of cohen _ et al . _ ( 2000 ) and cohen ( 2001 ) in the region of the hdf - north with @xmath1 . this redshift survey , based on spectra from lris at the keck observatory , is more than 93% complete for @xmath2 in the hdf itself and for @xmath3 in the flanking fields , comprising a circle 8 arcmin in diameter centered on the hdf . while all the measurements are carried out automatically with a script , they must be checked by hand . so far i ve completed checking the results for 254 galaxies , all with spectra taken by me . the analysis of these emission line strengths is in progress . equivalent widths have been measured both using a feature and blue and red continua bandpasses defined in the rest frame as well as using gaussian fitting . we adopt the emitted luminosity in the 3727 line of [ oii ] as our primary indicator of the star formation rate because of the wider redshift range over which it can be detected , given that at present we are restricted only to optical spectra for galaxies in our sample . all luminosities are given in the rest frame , unless otherwise specified . the sed formalism of cohen ( 2001 ) is used to derive all continuum luminosities . emission line luminosities are calculated using the measured equivalent width and the inferred continuum luminosity deduced from broad band large aperture photometry . we are thus assuming that the 1 arc - sec wide slit passes a reasonable sample of the total galaxy light , i.e. that emission is not concentrated just in the region of the galactic nucleus . as an example of the analyses that can be carried out with this data , figure 1 shows @xmath4 ( luminosity of the [ oii ] emission line in the rest frame ) as a function of redshift . an arrow indicates the luminosity in this emission line corresponding to a sfr of 100 @xmath5/yr . the mean local star formation rate for emission line galaxies from the universidad complutense de madrid survey ( gil de paz _ et al . 2000 ) is indicated as well . these local sfr measures include reddening corrections , while our data do not . the effect of a reddening correction corresponding to the mean adopted @xmath6 of 0.5 mag is indicated on the figure . adopting this value as a typical reddening , we find sfr rates among the galaxies in this distant sample which cover approximately the same range as in local samples of emission line galaxies . in figure 2 we show the star formation rate per unit mass ( sfr/_m _ ) for these 254 galaxies . this parameter is an indicator of the current sfr divided by the mean sfr over the lifetime of the galaxy . we use the rest frame luminosity emitted in the 3727 emission line divided by the rest frame luminosity at @xmath7 as a measure of the specific sfr . the former is dominated by emission from the youngest stars in a galaxy , with high luminosity per unit mass , while the latter is dominated by the light from any older population that may be present , and is much less affected by the possible presence of luminous young stars . the specific star formation rate parameter is plotted as a function of redshift . as suggested by guzman _ et al . _ ( 1997 ) based on a much smaller sample of galaxies , the upper bound of the specific sfr is independent of redshift . however , the luminosity of those galaxies with the highest specific sfr increases with redshift . at the present epoch , high specific sfr is associated primarily with low luminosity ( presumably low mass ) galaxies , but at @xmath8 , the most luminous galaxies show this high specific sfr . to summarize the results we have found thus far , our data in the hdf demonstrate that star formation in distant galaxies is quite similar to that in the local universe . the range of equivalent widths of the most common diagnostic lines is similar over the full range of redshift probed here , @xmath9 . we define the specific sfr as the star formation rate per unit luminosity ( equivalent to sfr per unit mass for a constant @xmath10 ratio , a reasonable approximation for luminosity at rest frame @xmath7 ) . this ratio is effectively the current sfr divided by the mean sfr over the lifetime of the galaxy . the maximum specific sfr over the full range of redshift probed here is similar to that of local star forming galaxies . however , the most massive galaxies seen at @xmath11 are forming stars at this rate while locally , high specific star formation rates are seen mostly in low mass galaxies . it appears that the high specific sfr seen in galaxies at @xmath11 is associated with a mode of star formation in which the whole galaxy , not just the nucleus or a few isolated hii regions , participates . | i am currently analyzing the emission line spectra of the @xmath0600 galaxies from the sample of cohen _ et al .
_ ( 2000 ) and cohen ( 2001 ) in the region of the hdf - north with @xmath1 . a progress report on this effort of the caltech faint galaxy redshift survey is presented . |
despite intensive search efforts over the last several decades the galactic luminous blue variable ( lbv ) population has remained sparse . this paucity is difficult to reconcile with our understanding of stellar evolution of the most massive stars . until the last year or two there were only 12 confirmed galactic lbvs known , and 23 candidate - lbvs ( ( * ? ? ? * clark et al . lbvs display rather unique rich infrared emission line spectra , including contributions from h , he , mgii , nai , and feii . visual inspection of the _ spitzer _ glimpse ( ( * ? ? ? * benjamin et al . 2003 ) ) and mipsgal ( ( * ? ? ? * carey et al . 2009 ) ) galactic plane surveys have produced catalogues of previously unknown 8 @xmath0 m and 24 @xmath0 m nebulae with concentric point sources that can be traced back to 2mass @xmath1-band or even optical sources as possible progenitors of the associated nebulae ( ( * ? ? ? * gvaramadze et al . 2010a ) , ( * ? ? ? * wachter et al . 2010 ) ) , especially with new imaging ( ( * ? ? ? * stringfellow et al . 2012 ) ) . we are conducting a near - ir spectral survey to identify new clbvs and wrs that produced these shells . -band spectra of newly identified clbvs and wrs . see figure 1 of ( * ? ? ? * stringfellow et al . 2012 ) for images identifying mn 96 , including optical recovery in the @xmath2-band.,width=480 ] we have obtained spectra of @xmath350 stars associated with newly discovered mid - ir nebulae using spex on the nasa irtf 3 m , triplespec on apo 3.5 m and palomar hale 5 m , and isaac on the eso - vlt . a few of the @xmath1-band spectra are shown in figure 1 . the left panel shows three newly identified clbvs that have feii emission absent in their ir spectra . prominent line emission arise from hei , br@xmath4 , and mgii . a spectrum of mn 96 ( wmd 54 , ( * ? ? ? * wachter et al . 2010 ) ) , is discussed in ( * ? ? ? * wachter et al . ( 2011 ) ) , who notes the similarity between both lbv and wr late - type wn spectra for this particular star . our spectrum clearly indicates the absence of any heii 2.189 @xmath0 m line emission . comparison of an optical spectrum of mn 112 with that of p cyg rendered classification as a clbv ( ( * ? ? ? * gvaramadze et al . 2010b ) ) ; both spectra display numerous optical feiii lines , but no feii line emission . the absence of the 2.089 @xmath0 m feii line in the mn 112 @xmath1-band spectrum is consistent with a higher temperature in this line emitting region . mn 76 ( wmd 38 ) was classified as a be star ( ( * ? ? ? * wachter et al . 2011 ) ) , though no spectrum was shown . clearly the @xmath1-band spectra for these three stars - mn 96 , mn 112 , and mn 76 - are nearly identical ( barring small differences in line widths and strengths ) , and should render the same ir spectral classification . these stars could be transitional between the lbv and late - wn stars , or have spectral types varying between minimum contraction to maximum expansion , corresponding to hot and cool temperature phases , respectively . vlt spectra for two wrs , wmd 41 ( wn8 - 9h ) and mn 9 ( wn7 - 9h ) , are displayed in the right panel of figure 1 along with the vlt spectrum for the clbv mn 42 ( wmd 15 ) . the wr spectra lack mg ii emission and display broader h and he lines than the clbvs . mn 42 was classified as b[e]/lbv by wachter et al . ( 2011 ) though no spectrum was shown . mn 42 resembles those clbvs shown in the left panel , lacking feii emission , strengthening the case that the feii - deficient clbvs may be transitioning to late - wn stars . we designate mn 42 , mn 76 , mn 96 , and mn 112 as currently feii - deficient clbvs . | we have undertaken a near - infrared spectral survey of stars associated with compact mid - ir shells recently revealed by the mipsgal ( 24 @xmath0 m ) and glimpse ( 8 @xmath0 m ) _ spitzer _ surveys , whose morphologies are typical of circumstellar shells produced by massive evolved stars . through spectral similarity with known luminous blue variable ( lbv ) and wolf - rayet ( wr ) stars , a large population of candidate lbvs ( clbvs ) and a smaller number of new wr stars are being discovered .
this significantly increases the galactic clbv population and confirms that nebulae are inherent to most ( if not all ) objects of this class . |
with the relativistic heavy ion collider ( rhic ) now producing data , it has become even more important to understand the phase diagram of qcd at finite temperature , and to determine properties of the high temperature quark - gluon - plasma phase with confidence , _ i.e. _ with controlled lattice spacing errors . it is fairly well established that qcd with two flavors of massless quarks has a second order finite temperature , chiral symmetry restoring phase transition . this transition is washed out as soon as the quarks become massive . qcd with three flavors of massless quarks has a first order finite temperature , chiral symmetry restoring phase transition , which is stable for small quark masses . not well known is how large the quark masses can be before the phase transition turns second order and then into a crossover , both for degenerate quarks and especially for the physically relevant case of two light and one heavier strange quark . in previous studies , the second question is particularly badly answered due to the flavor symmetry breaking in kogut - susskind quarks , usually used for this purpose : how can one study the influence of the strange quark when most of the ( non - goldstone ) pions are heavier than the ( goldstone ) kaon ? adding a few terms to the conventional kogut - susskind action , namely three - link , five - link and seven - link staples and a third - neighbor coupling , removes all tree - level @xmath5 errors @xcite . this `` asqtad '' action shows improved flavor and rotational symmetry @xcite , and , at least in quenched qcd , good scaling properties @xcite . this is illustrated in fig . [ fig : pi05_rho_vs_a ] . there , and in other figures below , we plot results in units of @xmath6 , a scale defined in terms of the static @xmath7 potential by @xmath8 , which leads to @xmath9 fm @xcite . [ cols="^,^ " , ] we have also preliminary results from simulations with 2 + 1 dynamical flavors , with the heavier quark kept at the strange quark mass , and the lighter masses at @xmath10 and @xmath11 . the real part of the polyakov line and the light quark condensate from these simulations are shown in fig . [ fig : polr_pbp_f21 ] . again we see a crossover behavior , particularly for the polyakov line . for these simulations we do not have the data yet to compute the chiral susceptibility . we have made first simulations to explore the finite temperature phase diagram with an improved staggered fermion action , the `` asqtad '' action , which reduces flavor symmetry breaking so that all pions are lighter than the kaon already at larger lattice spacing , and which improves rotational symmetry and the dispersion relation , leading to diminished lattice artifacts in energy density and pressure . for three flavor simulations down to quark mass @xmath12 , and for 2 + 1 flavor simulations with the light quark masses down to @xmath13 while the heavier quark is kept at the strange quark mass , we observed finite temperature crossover behavior , but so far no sign of a genuine phase transition . this result is compatible with other recent simulations @xcite which found phase transitions only at quark masses lighter than those studied by us so far . the temperature at the crossover , with the scale set by @xmath6 , @xmath14 200 mev , is a little higher than expected from previous determinations @xcite . this is presumably also due to our quark masses still being rather high . this work is supported by the us national science foundation and department of energy and used computer resources at florida state university ( sp ) , nersc , npaci , fnal , and the university of utah ( chpc ) . k. orginos , d. toussaint and r.l . sugar , phys . d * 60 * ( 1999 ) 054503 ; nucl . . suppl . ) * 83 * ( 2000 ) 878 . lepage , phys . d * 59 * ( 1999 ) 074501 . c. bernard _ et al . _ ( the milc collaboration ) , phys . rev . d * 64 * , ( 2001 ) 054506 . c. bernard _ et al . _ ( the milc collaboration ) , phys . d * 61 * , ( 2000 ) 111502 . c. bernard _ et al . _ ( the milc collaboration ) , phys . d * 62 * , ( 2000 ) 034503 . f. karsch , e. laermann and a. peikert , nucl . * b605 * , ( 2001 ) 579 . e.g. _ , s. ejiri , nucl . suppl ) * 94 * , ( 2001 ) 19 ; f. karsch , hep - lat/0106019 . | we present preliminary results from exploring the phase diagram of finite temperature qcd with three degenerate flavors and with two light flavors and the mass of the third held approximately at the strange quark mass .
we use an order @xmath0 symanzik improved gauge action and an order @xmath1 improved staggered quark action .
the improved staggered action leads to a dispersion relation with diminished lattice artifacts , and hence better thermodynamic properties .
it decreases the flavor symmetry breaking of staggered quarks substantially , and we estimate that at the transition temperature for an @xmath2 to @xmath3 lattice _ all _ pions will be lighter than the lightest kaon . preliminary results on lattices with @xmath4 , 6 and 8 are presented . |
compact symmetric objects are distinguished from other classes of compact radio sources by their striking degree of symmetry . this is due to the fact that csos tend to lie close to the plane of the sky , and so relativistic beaming plays a very minor role in their observed properties . they usually have well - defined lobes and edge - brightened hotspots on either side of an active core , often exhibiting an `` s '' shaped symmetry @xcite . csos are @xmath2 kpc in size , and usually have high intrinsic radio luminosities and low levels of polarization . their small physical size is thought to be attributable to the youth of the sources , rather than to confinement by a dense medium @xcite . it is likely that these sources will evolve into compact steep spectrum sources , and then into the large classical doubles @xcite . the advance speeds of the hotspots have been measured for a few csos , using data taken over @xmath010 years @xcite , and yield kinematic ages of 10@xmath3 to 10@xmath1 years . one of the most important properties of csos for studies of galaxy evolution is the very high rate of detection of absorption lines @xcite . in many cases , this appears to be part of a circumnuclear structure which is thought to be feeding and obscuring the central engine @xcite . for this reason , we have undertaken a survey to identify new csos from the vlba calibrator survey ( vcs ) . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] the sources in this study were selected from images of positive declination sources in the vcs . negative dec . sources will be added at a later date . the cso candidates were identified based on at least one of the following criteria : a ) double structure at 2 ghz , 8 ghz or both , where `` double structure '' is considered to mean having two distinct components with an intensity ratio @xmath4 ; b ) a strong central component with possible extended structure on both sides at one or both frequencies ; c ) possible edge - brightening of one or more components . positive classification of csos requires multifrequency observations in order to identify the expected steep spectrum hotspots and a flat or inverted spectrum core . the @xmath040 selected sources were observed with the vlba at 2 frequencies in addition to the discovery frequency . details of these follow - up observations are reported in . images of the most promising cso candidates are shown in figure [ peckb_fig1 ] . the frequency of the image shown is indicated in the upper right corner of each plot , and the beam is displayed in the lower left . table [ peck_tab1 ] lists the flux densities of each component at all frequencies at which follow - up observations were made . columns 6 and 7 list the spectral indices of the components . the spectral index distribution for sources in which such an image was feasible are shown in figure [ peckb_fig2 ] . vlba imaging of absorption in csos provides an unparalleled means of determining the kinematics of neutral gas within 100 pc of an active nucleus @xcite . vlba imaging of free - free absorption in csos is also possible , and allows us to probe the region of ionized gas surrounding the central engine @xcite . a complete sample of such sources will yield unique information about accretion processes and the fueling mechanism by which these young radio galaxies might evolve into much larger frii type sources . peck , a. b. & beasley , a. j. 1998 , in _ iau colloquium 164 : radio emission from galactic and extragalactic compact sources _ eds . j. a. zensus , g. b. taylor and j. m. wrobel ( pasp : san francisco ) , vol . 144 , p. 155 | the class of radio sources known as compact symmetric objects ( csos ) is of particular interest in the study of the evolution of radio galaxies .
csos are thought to be young ( probably @xmath010@xmath1 years ) , and a very high fraction of them exhibit absorption toward the central parsecs .
the , which is thought to be part of a circumnuclear torus of accreting gas , can be observed using the vlba with high enough angular resolution to map the velocity field of the gas .
this velocity field provides new information on the accretion process in the central engines of these young sources .
we have identified 9 new csos from radio continuum observations for the vlba calibrator survey , increasing the number of known csos by almost 50% . , |
due to the crowdedness of and heavy absorption to the galactic center ( hereafter , gc ) region , the information , including the distances , on the x - ray sources there has been limited . if the spectra of the sources are examined , the obtained column density can be a good indicator of the distance . for the _ asca _ gc survey data , we have made point - source search , spectral fitting for the detected sources , and identification , combining past references ( sakano et al . we hence could determine their spectral parameters , including the column density , for the bright sources ( sakano et al . 2001 ) . we here investigate what determines the column density to bright x - ray sources , and then estimate the distribution of cold interstellar matter in the gc region . we study and discuss the statistical property of the x - ray sources in the gc region . we assume the distance to the gc to be 8.5 kpc . we found a good correlation of the column densities of bright sources to the absolute galactic latitudes ( fig . 1 ) , whereas they are not constrained from the source category . these suggest that the large part of the source column densities are probably the cold ism distributed along the plane and in the gc region . in addition , the little scatter implies that most of the sources are distributed in the special site , definitely near the gc . this relation reflects the cold ism distribution in and in front of the gc region . from fig . 1 , we thus estimate the scale length of the cold ism density in the gc region for the perpendicular direction from the plane to be 20 pc , whereas the total cold ism mass is calculated to be @xmath2 m@xmath3 , assuming the solar abundance and a simple radially - symmetrical shape for the cold ism distribution . .x - ray source population [ tbl : popu ] [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,<",options="header " , ] our results strongly confirmed the population of late - type objects in the gc region ( table 1 ) . note that we classified pulsars to high - mass x - ray binaries ( hmxbs ) and bursters to low - mass x - ray binaries ( lmxbs ) because the companion stars are not identified for most of the sources . since the companions of hmxbs are considered to have been born @xmath5 years ago , the number of hmxbs or the ratio of hmxbs to lmxbs is a good indicator for the past star formation activity in the observed region ; our result suggests rather quiet star formation activity @xmath5 years ago in the gc region . van paradijs 1995 , in `` x - ray binaries '' ( cambridge : up ) sakano , m. , koyama , k. , murakami , h. , maeda , y. , & yamauchi , s. 2001 , , submitted yokogawa , j. , imanishi , k. , tsujimoto , m. , nishiuchi , m. , koyama , k. , nagase , f. , & corbet , r. h. d. 2000 , apjs , 128 , 491 | from the _ asca _ x - ray point - source list in the galactic center @xmath0 degree@xmath1 region , we found the clear correlation between the position of the sources and the absorption .
this fact implies that the major part of the absorption is due to the cold interstellar matter ( ism ) in the line of sight . using the correlation
, we estimate the distribution of the cold ism .
we also found that the ratio of high mass binaries to low mass binaries is significantly smaller than that in the whole galaxy or smc , which implies that the past starburst activity in the galactic center region was rather quiet .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
main - sequence a stars have shallow surface convection zones , therefore their composition responds sensitively to any ` contamination ' by processes of diffusion or accretion . for example , the metal deficiency of the @xmath0bootis stars indicates accretion of depleted gas after separation of gas and dust in the stellar environment . yet not all a stars with circumstellar ( cs ) matter show chemical anomalies indicative of accretion . a prominent example is @xmath1pictoris . however , in most cases nothing is known about their composition and the presence of cs gas . accurate surface abundances of a stars that are positive or negative iras detections and a sensitive search for cs lines permit to trace the signature of accretion differentially and with a high sensitivity . table 1 provides some data of our programme stars . spectral types and rotational velocities are adapted from holweger & rentzsch - holm ( 1995 ) or , if not available , from the bright star catalogue ( hoffleit & jaschek 1982 ) . a detailed spectrum synthesis will be carried out to improve the @xmath2 values and to determine the calcium abundances . the parallaxes and the visual magnitudes have been obtained from the hipparcos catalogue . the version of the uvbybeta code ( moon & dworetsky 1985 ) modified by napiwotzki et al . ( 1993 ) was used to determine @xmath3 and @xmath4 from strmgren photometry ( hauck & mermilliod 1990 ) . stars marked as ` dusty ' are iras sources whose infrared excesses are attributed to circumstellar dust ( cheng et al . 1991 , 1992 ) . the other stars are negative iras detections . the last column indicates preliminary detections of narrow absorption components in the ca k lines . obviously stars with detectable cs gas are found preferably among rapid rotators . this strengthens the findings of holweger & rentzsch - holm ( 1995 ) and their supposition that @xmath2 is the prime factor responsible for the presence , or absence , of cs absorption in ca k. hauck et al . ( preprint 1997 ) provide additional evidence for this conclusion from an independent study of a different sample of @xmath0 bootis stars . the lack of stars with cs lines and small @xmath2 values is interpreted tentatively by holweger & rentzsch - holm ( 1995 ) : for stars with cs gas concentrated in a disk - like structure the column density of absorbing gas along the line of sight will be at its maximum if the disk is viewed edge - on . therefore cs lines should be detected preferably in objects with @xmath5 . hence the chance to find a rapid rotator with cs lines in the lower part of the diagram is small . figure 2 is an hr diagram . the symbols are the same as in figure 1 . the absolute magnitudes have been calculated using the parallaxes found by hipparcos . the solid line represents the zams ( vandenberg 1985 ) . stars with cs gas are found both near and above the zams . | we present preliminary results of our search for circumstellar absorption features in the ca k lines based on high s / n observations obtained with the eso cat / ces system . |
charm production in deep inelastic scattering ( dis ) at hera has been shown in previous studies to be consistent with purely dynamic boson - gluon fusion ( bgf ) production @xcite . this agreement has now been tested with a larger data sample than the previous zeus measurements , and @xmath2 as well as @xmath1 cross sections have been calculated . the charmed mesons were identified using the decay @xmath5 with @xmath8 and corresponding antiparticle processes , where @xmath9 refers to a low momentum pion accompanying the @xmath10 . the differential cross sections are measured as functions of @xmath11 and bjorken @xmath12 , defined as @xmath13 and @xmath14 , where @xmath15 and @xmath16 are the four - momenta of the initial and final state lepton , and p is the four - momentum of the proton . the zeus detector is described in detail elsewhere @xcite . the @xmath12 and @xmath11 variables were reconstructed by the @xmath17-method , which uses both the scattered lepton and the hadronic system measurements @xcite . standard cuts were imposed to select neutral current dis events @xcite . the @xmath18 mesons were selected in the range @xmath19 gev , @xmath20 gev , @xmath21 gev , and @xmath22 . the number of @xmath23 events determined from a 5 parameter fit @xmath24 \cdot exp[0.5 \cdot ( \delta m - p2)^2 / p3 ] + p4 \cdot ( \delta m - m_{\pi } ) ^{p5}$ ] where @xmath25 - @xmath26 are free parameters is @xmath27 in the @xmath2 data , and @xmath28 in the @xmath1 data . the number of @xmath29 mesons extracted from empirical wrong charge background subtraction within the signal region @xmath30 mev , is @xmath31 and @xmath32 in the @xmath2 and @xmath1 data respectively . the @xmath33 distributions are shown in figure 1 , for @xmath2 and @xmath1 data separately . the systematic uncertainties on the measured @xmath18 cross sections were determined by changing the selection cuts or analysis procedure . these uncertainties are divided into three groups . + event reconstruction and selection : * the cuts on @xmath34 . @xmath35 , @xmath36 , and the vertex position were varied @xcite . * the cut on the position of the scattered lepton in the rcal was raised . * the minimum energy of the scattered lepton was raised . * the electron method or double angle method @xcite was used to reconstruct the kinematics . @xmath18 reconstruction : * a higher track quality was required ( restriction on the polar angle of the track ) . * the transverse momentum requirement of the @xmath37 and @xmath38 candidates was varied . * the signal region for @xmath39 and @xmath33 were varied . monte carlo : * the acceptance was calculated using herwig @xcite instead of rapgap @xcite . the overall systematic uncertainty was determined by adding the above uncertainties in quadrature . the normalisation uncertainties due to the luminosity measurement error , and those due to the @xmath18 and @xmath10 branching ratios were not included . in the kinematic region @xmath40 gev@xmath41 , @xmath42 and the selected @xmath23 region , the cross sections calculated are the @xmath1 cross section is consistent with that previously published @xcite , allowing for the increase in proton beam energy @xcite , while the @xmath2 cross section is slightly higher . figure 2 shows the differential cross sections as a function of @xmath11 and @xmath12 compared to the nlo calculation implemented in the hvqdis program @xcite . this program is based on the bgf mechanism , and uses the peterson fragmentation function @xcite , with @xmath45 = 0.035 , to hadronise the charm quark to a @xmath23 . the mass and renormalisation scales were set to @xmath46 . the hadronisation fraction @xmath47 was set to 0.235 @xcite . the boundaries of the shaded band indicate two extreme values of hvqdis predictions , from changing the charm mass between @xmath48 to @xmath49 gev , and using different sets of structure functions , grv98ho @xcite , cteq5f3 @xcite and a zeus nlo fit @xcite . the nlo calculations based on bgf give a good description of the measured @xmath18 cross section over the full range of @xmath11 and @xmath12 . for @xmath50 gev@xmath41 , the @xmath18 cross sections in @xmath2 and @xmath1 differ slightly , while conventional charm production mechanisms contain no charge dependence on the lepton in these interactions . more @xmath2 data is essential to investigate whether this is a statistical fluctuation . | inclusive production of @xmath0 mesons in deep inelastic scattering has been measured using @xmath1 and @xmath2 data obtained with the zeus detector at hera using integrated luminosities of @xmath3 and @xmath4 , respectively .
the decay channel @xmath5 with @xmath6 and corresponding antiparticle decays were used to identify @xmath7 mesons .
the @xmath7 cross sections in @xmath2 and @xmath1 interactions agree with nlo qcd predictions , although the @xmath7 cross section in @xmath2 is slightly higher than that in @xmath1 . |
extensive air shower ( eas ) is a multifractal process because of multiplicative nature of bremsstrahlung and pair production . it has been shown that eas products like cherenkov photons , electron density distribution etc are multifractal in nature [ 2,3 ] . in this paper we search for multifractal features in the temporal character of eas . cherenkov arrival time of a 2 tev proton initiated shower.,scaledwidth=80.0% ] fractals are self - similar objects which look same on many different scales of observations . fractals are defined in terms of hausdroff - bescovitch dimensions . fractal dimensions characterize the geometric support of a structure but can not provide any information about a possible distribution or a probability that may be part of a given structure . this problem has been solved by defining an infinite set of dimensions known as generalized dimensions which are achieved by dividing the object under study into pieces , each piece is labelled by an index i=0,1,2 .... n . if we associate a probability @xmath0 with each piece of size @xmath1 than partition function is obtained which permits to define generalized dimension @xmath2 @xmath3 here q is a parameter which can take all values between -@xmath4 to @xmath4 . @xmath5 is obtained from scaling properties of the partition function . this formalism is called as multi - fractal formalism which characterizes both the geometry of a given structure and the probability measure associated with it . there are infinite set of other exponents from which information can be obtained by constructing an equivalent picture of the system in terms of scaling indices @xmath6 for the probability measure defined on a support of fractal dimension f(@xmath6 ) . this is achieved by defining probability measure @xmath0 in terms of @xmath6 . @xmath6(q ) ) is the fractal dimension of the set . in this approach suggested by chhabra et al [ 3 ] whole experimental /simulation measure is covered with boxes of size l and probability @xmath7 is computed . from this probability construct a one parameter family of normalized measure @xmath8 @xmath9^q } { \sum_{j}[p_j(l)]^q}\ ] ] the hausdroff dimension of this measure is given as @xmath10 the corresponding singularity strength @xmath6 is given as @xmath11 as in the case of generalized dimensions , parameter q here also works as a microscope to explore different regions of singular measure [ 3 ] . for q @xmath121 , @xmath13 amplifies the singular regions of the measure . for q @xmath14 , @xmath13 accentuates the lesser regions of singular measure . for q=1 , the measure @xmath15 replicates the original measure . cherenkov arrival time of 1 tev @xmath16-ray initiated shower.,scaledwidth=80.0% ] in the present studies simulations were carried out using corsika ( version 5.6211 ) along with egs4 , venus , gheisha codes for cherenkov option . simulated data is generated for tactic [ 2 ] like configuration , each element of the size 4 m x 4 m . simulated data corresponds to mt.abu altitude ( 1300 m ) and appropriate magnetic field . cherenkov arrival time data corresponds to wavelength band of 300 - 450 nm . multifractal spectrum of cherenkov arrival times , scaledwidth=80.0% ] cherenkov arrival time data for @xmath16-rays and protons were generated for energies of 1 tev and 2 tev respectively . it is observed that there are lot of fluctuations from shower to shower basis . to do multifractal analysis we choose only that @xmath16-ray and proton showers where number of photons generated were roughly same . in cherenkov arrival times of @xmath16-rays and protons probability @xmath7 was calculated for various box sizes . by calculating @xmath17 in each box hausdroff dimension and singularity strength was computed . it is clear from figure 3 that for both @xmath16-ray and proton initiated showers we obtain multifractal spectrum . f(@xmath6(q ) ) is the fractal dimension of the set . in this paper it is shown that temporal character of eas is multifractal in nature . earlier we had shown that spatial character of eas is multifractal [ 1,2 ] . so it can be concluded that eas is a multifractal process both in spatial and temporal manifestation . 99 a.haungs,a.razdan,c.l.bhat,r.c.rannot and h.rebel , astroparticle physics 12(1999)145 a. razdan , a. haungs , h. rebel and c. l. bhat , astroparticle physics 17(2002)497 a.b.chhabra et . physical review a 40(1989 ) 5284 | extensive air shower products are fractal in nature .
both simulated and experimental cherenkov images display multifractal properties . in this paper
we explore the possibility of searching multifractal features in cherenkov arrival times . |
recently @xcite , it has been found that the helical convective motions and the helical turbulent magnetic fields interacting with large - scale magnetic fields and differential rotation can produce effective pumping in the direction of the large - scale vorticity vector . figure [ fig : the - field - line ] illustrates the principal processes that induce the helicity vorticity pumping effect . a comprehensive study of the linear helicity vorticity pumping effect for the case of weak shear and slow rotation was given by @xcite and their results were extended by the direct numerical simulations ( dns ) with a more general test - field method @xcite . a)the time - latitude diagrams for the toroidal and radial magnetic fields for the models d1 and d2 : a ) the model d1 , the toroidal field ( iso - contours , @xmath7 ) near the surface and the radial field ( gray - scale density plot ) ; b ) the model d1 , the toroidal field at the bottom of the solar convection zone , the contours drawn in the range @xmath8 ; c ) the same as for item a ) for the model d2 ; d ) the same as for item b ) for the model d2.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=85.0% ] b)the time - latitude diagrams for the toroidal and radial magnetic fields for the models d1 and d2 : a ) the model d1 , the toroidal field ( iso - contours , @xmath7 ) near the surface and the radial field ( gray - scale density plot ) ; b ) the model d1 , the toroidal field at the bottom of the solar convection zone , the contours drawn in the range @xmath8 ; c ) the same as for item a ) for the model d2 ; d ) the same as for item b ) for the model d2.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=80.0% ] c)the time - latitude diagrams for the toroidal and radial magnetic fields for the models d1 and d2 : a ) the model d1 , the toroidal field ( iso - contours , @xmath7 ) near the surface and the radial field ( gray - scale density plot ) ; b ) the model d1 , the toroidal field at the bottom of the solar convection zone , the contours drawn in the range @xmath8 ; c ) the same as for item a ) for the model d2 ; d ) the same as for item b ) for the model d2.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=85.0% ] d)the time - latitude diagrams for the toroidal and radial magnetic fields for the models d1 and d2 : a ) the model d1 , the toroidal field ( iso - contours , @xmath7 ) near the surface and the radial field ( gray - scale density plot ) ; b ) the model d1 , the toroidal field at the bottom of the solar convection zone , the contours drawn in the range @xmath8 ; c ) the same as for item a ) for the model d2 ; d ) the same as for item b ) for the model d2.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=80.0% ] it is found that the magnetic helicity contribution of the pumping effect can be important for explaining the fine structure of the sunspot butterfly diagram . in particular , the magnetic helicity contribution results in a slow - down of equatorial propagation of the dynamo wave . the slow - down starts just before the maximum of the cycle . for the time being it is unclear what are the differences in predictions between different dynamo models and how well do they reproduce the observations . a more detailed analysis is needed . * acknowledgments * i thank for the support the rfbr grants 12 - 02 - 00170-a , 10 - 02 - 00148-a and 10 - 02 - 00960 , the support of the integration project of sb ras n 34 , and support of the state contracts 02.740.11.0576 , 16.518.11.7065 of the ministry of education and science of russian federation . | the interaction of helical convective motions and differential rotation in the solar convection zone results in turbulent drift of a large - scale magnetic field .
we discuss the pumping mechanism and its impact on the solar dynamo .
= 1 the field lines of the large - scale magnetic field , @xmath0 , are transformed by the helical motions to a twisted @xmath1-like shape .
this loop is folded by the large - scale shear , @xmath2 , into the direction of the background large - scale magnetic field , @xmath0 .
the induced electromotive force has a component , @xmath3 , which is perpendicular to the field @xmath0 .
the resulting effect is identical to the effective drift of the large - scale magnetic field along the @xmath4-axis , in the direction opposite to the large - scale vorticity vector @xmath5 , i.e. , @xmath6.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=40.0% ] the field lines of the large - scale magnetic field , @xmath0 , are transformed by the helical motions to a twisted @xmath1-like shape .
this loop is folded by the large - scale shear , @xmath2 , into the direction of the background large - scale magnetic field , @xmath0 .
the induced electromotive force has a component , @xmath3 , which is perpendicular to the field @xmath0 .
the resulting effect is identical to the effective drift of the large - scale magnetic field along the @xmath4-axis , in the direction opposite to the large - scale vorticity vector @xmath5 , i.e. , @xmath6.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=40.0% ] |
observation of weakly interacting massive particles ( wimps ) may require a good background rejection and a correlation of the wimp direction with the galactic motion through the dark matter halo . both requirements can be accomplished with detectors using low - pressure gas as the target material . however , the low density of gaseous detectors requires large detector volumes , and the shortness of signal tracks necessitate fine detector granularities . in the case of cf@xmath0 as the detector material , one ton of gas occupies a volume of approximately @xmath1 m@xmath2 at 50 torr of pressure , and a 50 kev fluorine recoil travels 1.5 mm . therefore , a multi - cubic meter detector with resolution of the order of hundreds of micrometers is needed for a directional dark matter experiment . a schematic of the dmtpc detector is shown in figure [ vessel ] . a stainless steel vessel is filled with 50 - 100 torr of cf@xmath0 gas and holds two back - to - back time - projection - chambers ( tpc s ) . ionization electrons that are created by recoiling nucleus are drifted in an electric field ( @xmath3 v / cm ) toward the amplification region so they can be detected . each drift cage is made of stainless steel rings with the inner diameter of 25 cm and a total height of 25 cm . the separation and the width of the rings are optimized using a calculation based on the finite elements method in order to achieve uniform electric field in the vertical direction with a minimum number of drift rings . the perpendicular ( radial ) component of the electric field is less than 1% in the entire fiducial volume . the height of the drift region is limited by the electron diffusion @xcite . a double - sided amplification region uses a solid copper for the anode and a stainless steel mesh with 256 @xmath4 m pitch as the grounded electrode . a detailed description and performance evaluation of such amplification system is given in ref . scintillation photons created during the avalanche charge multiplication are collected by nikon photographic lens with f - stop ratio of 1.2 and focal distance of 55 mm , and are recorded with apogee u6 cameras using a kodak 1001e ccd chip . the total area imaged by each ccd is @xmath5 @xmath6 so the total active volume is approximately 10 liters . the avalanche creates approximately 3 electrons for each scintillation photon with the wavelength between 200 - 800 nm , or approximately an order of magnitude more electrons than photons in the wavelength range that is accessible to ccd detectors @xcite . we use the charge readout to improve the energy resolution of low - momentum nuclear recoils . the signal is collected from the anode and passed through a charge - sensitive preamplifier ( ortec pc109 ) and shaping amplifier ( ortec 485 ) before being recorded with a digitizer ( tek 1002 ) . we demonstrate the ability to determine the directional sense of low - momentum recoils , the ` head - tail ' effect , by exposing the detectors to neutrons from a @xmath7cf source . the ionization rate of a low - momentum nuclear recoil decreases as it slows down in the detector gas , and the sense of its direction can be deduced from the scintillation profile along the track . an image of the recoil track is shown in the left plot of figure [ fg::recoil ] . neutrons are incident from the right , and the nuclear recoil also propagates from the right , which is evident from a decreasing light intensity . the sense of direction in single events can be reconstructed down to approximately 100 kev of recoil energy @xcite , but a larger data sample is needed to determine the full potential of the detector . in order to measure the energy resolution , we expose the detector to x - rays from @xmath8fe source . a histogram of amplitudes of signal pulses is shown in the right plot in figure [ fg::xray ] . the peak corresponds to 5.9 kev x - rays from k-@xmath9 lines , and its width gives the energy resolution of approximately 19% . directional detection of dark matter requires large detector volumes with fine granularities . we have built a prototype detector consisting of two tpc modules filled with low - pressure cf@xmath0 gas , and demonstrated reconstruction of the directionality and directional sense . a detector system based on this technology can improve current limits on spin - dependent dark matter interactions with approximately @xmath10 of cf@xmath0 exposure , and test new physics models with approximately @xmath11 @xcite . we are currently taking data with the 10-liter prototype at the surface laboratory , and making preparations for operation in an underground laboratory . completion of these tests will allows us to design a cubic - meter module that will be a building block of a ton - scale detector . we wish to thank hayk yegorian for his valuable help in electric field calculation and charge readout tests , and timur sahin for creation of geant4 simulation of the detector . we also wish to thank the office of environment , health & safety and the laboratory for nuclear science mit for technical support . we acknowledge support by the advanced detector research program of the u.s . department of energy ( contract number 6916448 ) , the reed award program , the ferry fund , the pappalardo fellowship program , the mit kavli institute for astrophysics and space research , and the physics department at the mit . | the known direction of motion of dark matter particles relative to the earth may be a key for their unambiguous identification even in the presence of backgrounds .
we describe a prototype detector that is able to reconstruct direction vectors of weakly interacting massive particles that may the dominant constituent of the dark matter in our galaxy .
the detector uses a low - density gas ( cf@xmath0 ) in a 10liter time - projection chamber with mesh - based electrodes and optical and charge readout .
initial results confirm good performance in the reconstruction of direction angle and sense ( head - tail ) for low - momentum nuclear recoils . |
a _ mass _ in our sense is a finite measure on the borel @xmath5-algebra on @xmath2 for which hyperplanes are zero - sets . it is _ cut by @xmath3 hyperplanes into @xmath4 equal pieces _ if all the @xmath4 orthants given by the hyperplanes have the same measure . a triple of positive integers @xmath0 is _ admissible _ if for any @xmath1 given masses in @xmath2 there exist @xmath3 hyperplanes that cut each of these masses into @xmath4 equal pieces . the famous ham sandwich theorem states that @xmath6 is admissible , which is due to banach @xcite . the problem of finding other admissible tripes arose in the sixties . grnbaum @xcite asked which triples of the form @xmath7 are admissible , and hadwiger @xcite showed the admissibility of the triples @xmath8 and @xmath9 . the general problem was posed by ramos @xcite . it admits interesting topological approaches , see e. g. @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , ( * ? ? ? it is seen as one of the prime model problems for equivariant algebraic topology ; compare ( * ? ? ? if @xmath0 is admissible then so is @xmath10 : project the masses from @xmath11 to @xmath2 , find cutting hyperplanes , and take their pre - image under the projection . hence , let @xmath12 be the smallest dimension @xmath13 such that @xmath0 is admissible . the famous ham sandwich theorem states @xmath14 . here we present a new reduction , lemma [ lemmasspartinductiononmfordelta ] . the idea of the following lemma [ lemmasspartinductiononhfordelta ] was already used by hadwiger @xcite and by ramos @xcite . [ lemmasspartinductiononhfordelta ] @xmath15 , for all @xmath16 , @xmath17 . that is , if @xmath18 is admissible then so is @xmath0 . suppose that @xmath18 is admissible and we are given @xmath1 masses in @xmath2 . we can first bisect them with one hyperplane using the ham sandwich theorem , since @xmath19 . the resulting @xmath20 masses can then be cut into equal parts using @xmath21 further hyperplanes , by the definition of @xmath22 . the next reduction will give new admissible triples . [ lemmasspartinductiononmfordelta ] @xmath23 , for all @xmath24 . that is , if @xmath25 is admissible then so is @xmath0 . assume we are given @xmath1 masses in @xmath26 , which is embedded in @xmath27 with last coordinate equal to zero . add a ball with radius @xmath28 at the point @xmath29 and view it as another mass . thicken the first @xmath1 masses by an @xmath30 into the direction of the last coordinate , such that they are now actually masses in @xmath27 ( the thickened masses have in fact the property that hyperplanes are zero - sets ) . + an example for @xmath31 and @xmath32 . we then find an equipartition of the @xmath33 masses by @xmath3 hyperplanes . all of the hyperplanes go through the point @xmath34 , therefore they intersect @xmath26 in hyperplanes of @xmath26 . these yield an equipartition of the given @xmath1 masses up to a small error which depends on the chosen @xmath35 . a limit argument finishes the proof ( take a convergent subsequence ) . e. ramos @xcite has shown among other things the following inequalities ( @xmath36 ) : @xmath37 , @xmath38 , @xmath39 , @xmath40 , @xmath41 . note that the factors in front of @xmath42 are of the form @xmath43 , except for @xmath44 it is @xmath45 . his formula @xmath41 gives together with the above lemmas new admissible triples . [ cornewresults ] let @xmath46 , @xmath47 and write @xmath48 @xmath49 . then @xmath50 first verify the inequality for @xmath44 with lemma [ lemmasspartinductiononmfordelta ] , then prove it for larger @xmath3 with lemma [ lemmasspartinductiononhfordelta ] . we note that ramos mentioned results together with the above reduction lemmas give all known admissible triples , except for one , @xmath51 , which is due to mani - levitska , vreica , and ivaljevi @xcite . i thank julia ruscher and gnter ziegler for their support . | a triple of positive integers @xmath0 is _ admissible _ if for any @xmath1 given masses in @xmath2 there exist @xmath3 hyperplanes that cut each of these masses into @xmath4 equal pieces .
we present an elementary reduction which combined with results by ramos ( 1996 ) yields all the admissible triples that were known up to now ( with one exception ) as well as new ones . |
as in schnbucher ( 2003 ) , in the following we refer to a cds as a stylized transaction with a simplified payoff , in particular * we ignore the mismatch between the default and the settlement times ; * we ignore the `` cheapest to deliver '' option ; * we assume that the cds is triggered by all and only the defaults of the issuer . moreover , we assume the same payment dates @xmath0 , @xmath1 for all the instruments that we will consider in the following . an asset swap is an interest rate swap in which the party that is long some bond ( and , by convention , the swap ) settles upfront the pull - to - par of the price of the bond , and pays the fixed coupon of the bond in exchange for the risk free rate ( we assume the euribor with the according tenor i.e. @xmath2 fixed at @xmath0 and payed at @xmath3 ) plus a spread . such spread is therefore equal to the difference , expressed in terms of the annuity , between the prices at inception of the equivalent risk - free and the risky bond . , scaledwidth=50.0% ] now , a portfolio like the one in figure [ fig1 ] , in which a bond is bought and financed with a repo transaction ( i.e. the sale of protection without the need of extra liquidity ) and the interest rate risk is hedged by entering the asset swap , seems a good candidate to replicate the sale of a cds , if one takes into account that the portfolio must be unwound immediately after the default of the issuer . in other words , it seems that the following no - arbitrage relationship holds : @xmath4 however , this formula is only an approximation . indeed , it easy to see that the only way to match all the cashflows both on survival and on default of the issuer is to include in the asset swap an early termination clause triggered by the default of the issuer , with a close out amount equal to zero . if this clause is not included , the unwind of the asset swap will imply a non - replicable cashflow equal to @xmath5 i.e. the mark - to - market on the time of default , as shown in table [ tab1 ] . .cashflows of the candidate replica portfolio vs the cds [ cols="^,^,^,^,^ " , ] we have introduced a cds replica strategy that involves an asset swap equipped with an early termination clause triggered by the default of the issuer . the resulting formula defines an asset swap par spread that takes into account such clause , which present value formally resembles a unilateral credit / debit valuation adjustments ( it is the difference between a unilateral dva and a unilateral cva both computed with the default probability of the issuer , see eq . [ upfront ] ) . the results obtained above may be applied when addressing the risks related to a structured repo ( a banking book transaction elsewhere called term repo , or repo to maturity ) or to compute a standard repo or reverse repo spread implied by other market observables like cds spread , asset swap spread and default probabilities . in fact , we observe that ( [ arbc ] ) implies , for repo or reverse repo to maturity : @xmath6 we are grateful to carlo palego for encouraging our research . | _ in this note we show how to replicate a stylized cds with a repurchase agreement and an asset swap .
the latter must be designed in such a way that , on default of the issuer , it is terminated with a zero close - out amount .
this break clause can be priced using the well known unilateral credit / debit valuation adjustment formulas . _ working paper * jel * classification codes : * ams * classification codes : * keywords : * credit default swap , repurchase agreement , structured repo , term repo , repo to maturity , asset swap , early termination , break clause , close - out amount , credit valuation adjustment , debit valuation adjustment , cva , dva . |
we present the preliminary decomposition results for the johnson - cousins @xmath0 surface brightness profiles of seyfert galaxies . observations and data reduction were described in slavcheva - mihova et al.@xcite , the decomposition procedure was presented in slavcheva - mihova et al.@xcite . the data were obtained at the rozhen national astronomical observatory of bulgaria using the 2.0-m telescope and the photometrics at200 model ccd camera . data reduction was done via eso - midas package and profiles were extracted by means of the modified version of fit / ell3 ellipse fitting command . decompositions were done using unweighted non - linear least - squares method for the simultaneous fitting of the composite model profile to the observed one . the model profiles library includes a gaussian law for nuclei and rings , a srsic law for bulges , pure and truncated exponent laws for disks and a flat bar profile for bars ( see prieto et al . @xcite ; prieto et al . @xcite ; aguerri et al . @xcite ) . spiral arms appear as bumps onto the disk - dominated part of surface brightness profiles . the data points corresponding to them were excluded from the fit through assigning zero weights . different combinations of model profiles were used for the individual galaxies in order to get satisfactory fits to the observational profiles . the surface brightness profiles of mrk 79 were decomposed into a gaussian nucleus , a srsic bulge , an exponent disk and a flat bar ( see fig . [ decres1 ] ) . the fitted model parameters and their errors are listed in table [ fitpar ] and in table [ barpar ] ; in all tables the errors of the parameters are listed next to their values . the total magnitudes of the structural components and their errors are listed in table [ totmag ] ( total bar magnitude is not listed ) . two regions of the profiles were excluded from the fit these regions reflect the galaxy two - arm spiral structure . the spiral arms start from the bar end and for a half revolution pass close to the bar producing the first bump of the surface brightness profiles around @xmath1 = 30 arcsec next to the bar end and then open through the disk producing the second bump around @xmath1 = 40 45 arcsec . the surface brightness profiles of ngc 5548 were decomposed into a gaussian nucleus , a srsic bulge and an exponent disk ( see fig . [ decres2 ] ) . the region of the surface brightness profiles around @xmath1 = 35 arcsec is influenced by the galaxy spiral arms and was excluded from the fit . the fitted model parameters and their errors are listed in table [ fitpar ] . the total magnitudes of the structural components and their errors are listed in table [ totmag ] . .fitted parameters of the bulge ( effective surface brightness , @xmath2 , effective radius , @xmath3 , and srsic power - law index , @xmath4 ) and of the disk ( central surface brightness , @xmath5 , and scale length , @xmath6 ) components of mrk 79 and ngc 5548 . [ cols="<,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] | we present preliminary results of the johnson - cousins @xmath0 surface brightness profile decompositions of the seyfert galaxies mrk 79 and ngc 5548 .
the profiles were modelled as a sum of a gaussian law for the nucleus , a srsic law for the bulge and an exponent law for the disk .
a flat bar was added to the model profile of mrk 79 .
the parameters and the total magnitudes of the structural components were derived . |
the goal of our open cluster observations and modeling is to improve the precision of white dwarf cosmochronology by comparing white dwarf ( wd ) cooling ages to main sequence turn - off ( msto ) ages in open clusters spanning a wide range of age and metallicity . cluster observations to date demonstrate a good overall agreement between wd and msto ages for clusters spanning the age range of @xmath0160 myr to @xmath04 gyr ( von hippel 2005 ) . our future work will focus on pushing the well observed cluster sample to greater ages , to a wider metallicity range , and to increasing the precision for the cluster wd and msto age determinations . here we focus on our approach to increasing the precision of the age determinations . we apply a new modeling plus bayesian technique to determine precise white dwarf cooling ages and standard stellar evolutionary ages . for the examples here , the ingredients are a miller & scalo ( 1979 ) initial mass function , girardi et al . ( 2000 ) stellar evolution time scales , the initial - final mass relation of weidemann ( 2000 ) , wd cooling time scales of wood ( 1992 ) , and the wd atmosphere colors of bergeron et al . other variants on these modeling ingredients will be incorporated in the future . our bayesian approach uses a markov chain monte carlo scheme to recover the distribution in the parameters of interest , which include masses for every cluster star , as well as the cluster - wide properties of age , distance , metallicity , and reddening . in figures 13 we present internal validation studies of our technique , in which simulated clusters with different , but known , parameters are presented to the bayesian code for analysis . in figure 1 we present a simulated 2 gyr old star cluster as it might be observed with hst . the location of each star in the color - magnitude diagram is determined by randomly drawing it from the imf , assigning it the properties according to the model ingredients discussed above , then scattering its photometry based on the assumed errors as a function of depth . the number of stars and the errors are set to match those of a good target open cluster in one or two hst / acs fields . we have not yet incorporated field stars , but this will be done in the future . for some clusters , field stars are not a problem as they can be removed by proper motions and/or radial velocities . for other clusters this will not be possible , and our technique will incorporate the probability of a star being a field star as a function of its location in the color - magnitude diagram . our bayesian approach recovers the probability distributions for the masses of every cluster star . five representative examples are presented in figure 2 . note the very high precision ( probability distributions with widths of only a few thousandths of a solar mass ) in the masses for the main sequence and red giant stars . these are internal measurements of precision , of course , and do not represent the differences between different model isochrones , i.e. , these precisions do not represent the external uncertainties in the mass - luminosity relation . the white dwarf masses , particularly as we plot them here , are much less precise , because we plot their zero age main sequence mass and because a wide range in initial masses becomes a narrow range in white dwarf mass . the goal of our bayesian analysis is to recover the probability distributions for the cluster ages , and these are presented in figure 3 . for this internal precision study , for the number of cluster stars simulated ( 400 ) , and for the assumed photometric error bars , the ages are highly precise , with typical age distributions having a width of only 15% of the cluster age . | we present an update of our on - going effort to improve the precision of white dwarf cosmochronology via careful analyses of white dwarf photometry in open clusters . to improve the precision of white dwarf and main sequence age analysis
, we are developing a new interpretative scheme using a bayesian statistical approach that matches observations to simulated stellar clusters . here
we present our first tests of the bayesian approach with simulated stellar clusters with ages of 1 , 2 , and 4 billion years . |
white dwarf envelope models with steady hydrogen burning have been calculated for realistic compositions of white dwarf envelopes in classical novae , and their evolution has been approximated as a sequence of steady states . three chemical compositions for one novae have been considered , corresponding to models from @xcite with 25% , 50% and 75% mixing between the solar accreted matter and the degenerate core . results show that , for a given white dwarf mass and composition , the envelope evolves in the hr diagram increasing its effective temperature along a plateau of quasi - constant luminosity , while its mass slowly decreases due to hydrogen burning . when the envelope mass is reduced to the minimum value for steady hydrogen burning , the source turns - off . this occurs just when the maximum effective temperature is reached . both the luminosity and the envelope mass during the plateau depend on the white dwarf mass and hydrogen mass fraction . the behaviors of luminosity and envelope mass as a function of white dwarf mass and hydrogen mass fraction can be approximated by the expressions @xmath0 @xmath1 we have compared @xcite results on the soft component of v1974 cyg ( nova cygni 1992 ) during the plateau phase with our steady hydrogen burning white dwarf envelope models . in fig . [ figures ] , the @xmath2 contours of the spectral parameters found by balman , krautter , & gelman ( 1998 ) are plotted over the photospheric radius - effective temperature results from our envelope models with 25% and 50% mixing . for each model , the lower panels show the corresponding envelope mass with the time intervals ( in days ) for quasi - static evolution . it is clear that the large error bars on the photospheric radius , due to the uncertainty on the distance , prevent any clear comparison with the value predicted by the models . nevertheless , the comparison of the observed evolution of the effective temperature alone with the models indicates that the soft x - ray emission of v1974 cyg is compatible with the evolution of an envelope with steady hydrogen burning , on either a 0.9 m@xmath3 white dwarf with 50% mixing , or 1.0 m@xmath3 with 25% mixing . note that this comparison based on the effective temperature is independent from the distance determination . in any case , the envelope mass for stable hydrogen burning ( @xmath4 m@xmath3 ) is much smaller than the mass needed to trigger the nova outburst for these masses and compositions ( @xmath5 m@xmath3 , jos & hernanz 1998 ) . as the ejected fraction , according to hydrodynamical models , is not sufficient to reduce the envelope mass down to the values for stable hydrogen burning , it is clear that some extra mass loss mechanism must be present after the outburst . | detection of x - ray emission from classical novae in their post - outburst stages provides crucial information about the nova phenomenon .
the soft x - ray emission gives a direct insight into the remaining hot nuclear burning shell .
a numerical model for steady h - burning white dwarf envelopes has been developed to study the post - outburst phases of classical novae .
properties of the x - ray emission of the post - nova white dwarf are obtained , and the results are compared to rosat observations of v1974 cyg . |
the census of supermassive black holes ( smbhs ) is large enough to probe the links between mass of smbhs and the global properties of the host galaxies ( see for a review ( * ? ? ? * ferrarese & ford 2005 ) ) . however , accurate measurements of masses of smbhs are available for a few tens of galaxies and the addition of new determinations is highly desirable . to this purpose we started a project aimed at measuring upper limits on of smbhs that can be present in the center of all the nearby galaxies ( @xmath0 mpc ) for which stis / g750 m spectra are available in the hst archive . we retrieved data for 182 galaxies spanning over all the morphological types . this will extend previous works by @xcite and @xcite . here , we show the preliminary results for a subsample of 76 bulges with stellar velocity dispersion available in literature . the stis / g750 m spectra were obtained with either the 02 @xmath4 52 or 01 @xmath4 52slit crossing the galaxy nucleus along a random position angle . the observed spectral region includes the , , emission lines . routine data reduction was performed . for each galaxy we obtained the nuclear spectrum by extracting a 025-wide aperture centered on the continuum peak . the ionized - gas velocity dispersion was measured by fitting gaussians to the broad and narrow components of the observed lines . we assumed that the ionized gas resides in a thin disk and moves into circular orbits . the local circular velocity is dictated by the gravitational influence of the putative smbh . in our model we neglected non - gravitational forces as well as the mass contribution of the stellar component . by taking into account for these effects , we would obtain tighter upper limits on . to derive the upper limits on we first built the gaseous velocity field and projected it onto the sky plane according to the disk orientation . then we observed it by simulating the actual setup of stis as done by @xcite . we have no information on the orientation of the gaseous disk within the central aperture . therefore , to reproduce the observed line width and flux radial profile we adopted two different inclinations of the gaseous disk that correspond to 68% upper and lower confidence limits for the for randomly orientated disks ( figure [ ms ] ) . and @xmath5 , respectively . , height=226 ] for some galaxies of the sample , either upper limits ( ( * ? ? ? * sarzi et al . 2002 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * coccato et al . 2006 ) ) or accurate measurements of ( ( * ? ? ? * ferrarese & ford 2005 ) ) were available . they are consistent with our measurements in that our upper limits always exceed the corresponding determinations . therefore , we are confident to obtain reliable estimates of the upper limit on for all the remaining galaxies of our sample . this method will allow to increase the statistical significance of the relationships between and galaxy properties . adding new masses in both the upper and lower ends of will allow to identify peculiar objects worthy of further investigations . the resulting upper limits are close to the by @xcite . at small most of are above . this can be explained in term of non - gravitational forces ( ( * ? ? ? * sarzi et al . 2002 ) ) . at larger some of fall below the relation . they could be the laggard smbhs discussed by @xcite . | the growth of supermassive black holes ( smbhs ) appears to be closely linked with the formation of spheroids .
there is a pressing need to acquire better statistics on smbh masses , since the existing samples are preferentially weighted toward early - type galaxies with very massive smbhs . with this motivation
we started a project aimed at measuring upper limits on the mass of the smbhs that can be present in the center of all the nearby galaxies ( @xmath0 mpc ) for which stis / g750 m spectra are available in the hst archive .
these upper limits will be derived by modeling the central emission - line widths ( , and ) observed over an aperture of @xmath101 ( @xmath2 pc ) .
here we present our preliminary results for a subsample of 76 bulges . |
the understanding of warped galaxies has been enriched those last years by ideas such as galactic infall ( ostriker & binney 1989 ; jiang & binney 1999 ) or dynamical friction between the halo and the disk ( debattista & sellwood 1999 ) . in spite of the fact that the evidences for non - self - gravitating hi disks are actually weak ( arnaboldi et al . 1997 ; becquaert & combes 1997 ) , most of works on the subject are built on the assumption of a disk embedded in a fat spheroidal or triaxial halo . through n - body simulations , this work presents two methods of getting warped self - gravitating galactic disks . the first one imports inclined angular momentum through material accretion and the second one uses an outer warped potential . the n - body disk is based on a superposition of three miyamoto - nagai potentials : @xmath0 with the components representing a bulge , a visible disk and a gas disk . in order to warp the galaxy , an initially flat disk is embedded in a non - rotating warped potential . this outer potential whith a mass equivalent to the disk is obtained by replacing @xmath1 by @xmath2 in the disk potential of equation [ miyam ] . @xmath3 is a parameter determining the amplitude of the warp . to drive adiabatically the disk , the outer potential is flat at the beginning of the simulation and warps slowly during the perturbation time . afterwards , the potential is removed and the disk evolves freely . after a few tens of myr , the inner part of the disk tilts while the outer remains flat . at @xmath4 the whole disk has warped in order to follow the outer potential and the lon is observable as a leading spiral . the maximum amplitude of the warp at @xmath5 is about @xmath6 . after the perturbation , the deformation of the isolated disk decreases from the center to the outside and the lon becomes straight . this last step needs about @xmath7 . in this simulation , the warp is generated by material accretion . this idea has been suggested by ostriker & binney ( 1989 ) and tested by jiang & binney ( 1999 ) . the originality of our simulation is the absence of halo . the infall of material is obtained by injecting particles in an inclined tork . its velocity corresponds to the velocity of the rotation curve at an equivalent radius . the total injected mass represent 100% of the mass of the initial galactic disk . the disk needs about @xmath7 in order to react to the accretion and the deformation will need one more gyr to propagate from the outside to the center . the maximum amplitude of the warp at @xmath5 is about @xmath8 . a straight retrograde rotating lon is associated to the warp . once the accretion is ended the disk needs about @xmath9 to become flat again . the perturbation type determines strongly the evolution and shape of the warped disk . in the first simulation , the deformation occurs from the inner regions to the outer whereas it occurs from the outer to the inner in the second one . this has two observed effects : the shape of the lon is significantly different . a * leading lon * is generated in presence of an outer potential , which can be assimilated to a warped heavy dm disk . a similar result has been found by debattista & sellwood ( 1999 ) in the case of dynamical friction between a spherical misaligned rotating halo and a disk . in contrary , a * straight rotating lon * is generated with accretion . the birth of the warp is also quite different . in case of our outer potential , the inner regions feel its gravity faster and tip before the outer ones . a large abrupt warp can be quickly observed , even if the outer regions lie always on the initial plane . this effect is not present in case of accretion , where the inner regions remain flat while the outer ones tip slowly . | two methods generating warped galaxies with n - body simulations are presented .
one uses an external potential as a disturber while the other is based on material accretion .
the results of both methods are compared .
a particular attention is given on the shape of the line of node ( lon ) . |
the crab pulsar was discovered through detection of its giant pulses ( @xcite ) . observations of giant pulses from the crab pulsar provide a good possibility for investigation of interstellar medium . observed profile of giant pulse is the convolution of intrinsic pulse profile , function of scattering in interstellar medium and functions related with instrumental broadening of the profile ( dispersion broadening and time integration ) . scattering in interstellar medium ( 10 to 15 ms at the frequency of 111 mhz ) leaves only millisecond time scale for investigations at low frequencies , and in this case intrinsic profile of giant pulse from the crab pulsar may be considered as a delta - function . therefore , at minimization of instrumental broadening an observed giant pulse profile will be function of scattering . to determine function of scattering ( scattering on a thin or a thick screen , in particular ) simultaneous dual - frequency observations of giant pulses from the crab pulsar were performed . the observations were performed since april 1 to april 7 2007 ( five observing sessions ) with bsa radio telescope ( at 111 mhz ) and dkr-1000 radio telescope ( at 61 mhz ) of pushchino radio astronomy observatory . one linear polarization was received . i used pulsar machine with fast fourier transform ( 512 channels in 2.5 mhz band and a central frequency of 110.83 mhz ) and 128-channel receiver with a channel bandwidth of 20 khz and a center frequency of 61.39 mhz . the sampling intervals were 1.024 and 8.192 ms ; durations of one observing session were 3.4 min and 16.6 min ; dispersion broadenings in one channel band for a dispersion measure of @xmath0 were 1.69 ms and 40.7 ms for 111 and 61 mhz frequencies , respectively . dispersion measure is as referred in jodrell bank crab pulsar monthly ephemeris pulsar / crab.html ] . upon observations at low frequencies with linear polarized antennae effect of rotation of radio emission polarization plane ( faraday effect ) should be considered . the rotation measure of the crab pulsar is @xmath1 and this causes periodic modulation of a signal with periods of 563 and 95.6 khz at the frequencies of 111 and 61 mhz respectively . therefore , at building of giant pulse profiles not all frequency channels were used , but 461 channels at 111 mhz and 125 channels at 61 mhz , only ; this corresponds to 4 and 26 full periods of faraday modulation . thus , though observations were performed on linearly polarized antennae , resulting profiles of giant pulses are equivalent to those , obtained at total power mode . 1 presents profiles of 14 giant pulses at 111 mhz . signal to noise ratios of all these pulses are 20 or higher . the strongest pulse had a signal - to - noise ratio about of 150 . exponential tail , resulting scattering of emission in interstellar medium is distinctly seen in all profiles . difference between scattering on thin and thick screens is demonstrated by two effects : duration of front edge ( zero for a thin screen ) and additional delay of pulse maximum at lower frequencies in case of a thick screen . 2 presents fine structure of front edge for 14 giant pulses , full profiles of which are presented at the fig.1 . mean duration of front edge of these 14 pulses is approximately 6 ms . instrumental broadening at this frequency is distinctly less , and it equals to 2.0 ms ( two points on a figure ) . thus , duration of front edge of scattering function ( rise time ) is not zero one . 3 presents profiles of 15 giant pulses at the frequency of 61 mhz . the scattering tails are also clearly visible . preliminary results of processing of the observations of giant pulses result as follows : scatter broadening values @xmath2 are 12 and 200 ms ; durations of front edges are 6 and 50 ms at 111 and 61 mhz frequencies , respectively . additional delay of giant pulse profile maximum at 61 mhz from 111 mhz is 70 ms ( additional delay of low frequency giant pulses was revealed by @xcite as well , but it was interpreted in other way ) . according to the theoretical approach , developed by @xcite for multiple scattering , it means that scattering of giant pulses from the crab pulsar occurs at thick , and not at thin screen . simultaneous dual - frequency observations of giant pulses from the crab pulsar were performed . it is shown that scattering of giant pulses from the crab pulsar occurs at thick , and not at thin screen . i am grateful to the staff of the pushchino radio astronomy observatory for help in preparation and performing of observations . i am grateful to s. v. logvinenko for the development of pulsar machine with fast fourier transform . this paper was submitted as a poster for the 40 years of pulsars conference . but because of non - arrival of the author the conference organizers would not let another person to mount this poster , unfortunately . | simultaneous dual - frequency observations of giant pulses from the crab pulsar were performed at the frequencies of 61 and 111 mhz .
it is shown that scattering of giant pulses from the crab pulsar occurs at thick , and not at thin screen . |
we study the general properties of the kinematics of the low and high ionization phases in a large sample of 26 damped ly@xmath0 systems ( hereafter dlas ) covering the redshift range 1.17@xmath24.38 . it has been argued that high - redshift dlas could represent a population of large , fast rotating disks mainly on the basis of the asymmetric shape of their low ionization species absorption lines @xcite@xcite . we note a strong correlation between the velocity broadenings of the si ii@xmath11808 and fe ii@xmath11608 transition lines for apparent optical depths of 0.1 and 0.7 respectively ( see fig . 1 , left panel ) . this shows that the physical conditions are quite homogeneous in the neutral gas and that large variations of abundance ratios and thus large depletions onto dust grains in dlas are unlikely . since the fe ii transitions are easier to detect , we are able to compare velocities measured on _ the same ion_. we define an asymmetry parameter @xmath3 = @xmath4 that is close to zero for a symmetric profile and close to one for a one - sided profile . it can be seen on fig . 1 ( right panel ) that the fe ii line asymmetry is correlated with the velocity broadening up to @xmath5 @xmath6 120 km s@xmath7 . for larger velocity broadenings however this correlation disappears . the systems with large @xmath8 , such as the system at @xmath9 = 3.151 toward q 2233 + 131 , are indeed very peculiar , with kinematics much more consistent with random motions than ordered disks . they show sub - systems as those expected if the objects are in the process of merging . therefore the claim that cdm models should be rejected has to be considered with caution . indeed using hydro - simulations , haehnelt et al . ( 1997 ) @xcite have reached the same conclusion . although more work has to be done especially investigating comparisons with simple kinematical models , the overall picture seems to be more in favor of the dlas to be aggregates of dense knots with complex kinematics rather than ordered disks . this does not rule out however the possibility that part of the kinematics could be due to rotation . the correlation shown in fig . 1 ( right panel ) is suggestive of rotational motions in sub - systems on scales smaller than @xmath5 @xmath10 120 km s@xmath7 . the kinematics of the low and high ionization species themselves is found to be statistically correlated though the high ionization phase has a much more disturbed kinematical field than low ions . this should be taken into account in any model of high - redshift damped ly@xmath0 systems . 99 haehnelt m.g . , steinmetz m. , rauch m. , 1997 , astro - ph/9706201 prochaska j.x . , wolfe a.m. , 1997 , astro - ph/9704169 wolfe a.m. , 1995 , eds meylan g. , in _ qso absorption lines_. springer editions , berlin , p. 13 | we report on high spectral resolution observations of five damped ly@xmath0 systems whose line velocity profiles and abundances are analyzed . by combining these data with information from the literature , we study the kinematics of the low and high ionization phases of damped systems and discuss the possibility that part of the motions is due to rotation . |
the mass determination of central cluster galaxies based on kinematical data normally uses simplified assumptions of virial equilibrium and spherical symmetry . the round appearance of these galaxies and the smooth distribution of hot x - ray emitting gas might suggest that these assumptions are justified . on the other hand , it has been shown that the halos of massive ellipticals grow by a factor of about 4 in mass since z@xmath02 ( van dokkum et al . 2010 ) . the mass growth is dominated by the accretion of low mass systems ( minor mergers ) . thus , one might expect that accretion events leave kinematical signatures in the phase space of the outer stellar population especially of central cluster galaxies . here we present the vivid case of the central giant elliptical of the hydrai cluster , ngc3311 . this early - type galaxy dominated cluster is regarded as dynamically evolved . recent photometric and kinematical studies of the diffuse stellar light , planetary nebulae and globular clusters in the core of hydrai , however , have shown that 1 ) ngc3311 exhibits a steeply rising velocity dispersion profile ( ventimiglia et al . 2010 , richtler et al . 2011 ) , 2 ) the velocity dispersion profiles differ from each other in different azimuthal directions , as judged from longslit analyses ( ventimiglia et al . 2011 , richtler et al . 2011 ) , and 3 ) the diffuse light is not centered around ngc3311 s main spheroid , but it is displaced towards the north - east by about 15 kpc ( arnaboldi et al . 2012 ) . in order to find kinematic signatures of these substructures and to disentangle the past and present active assembly history of the hydrai cluster core , we used fors2 in mxu mode ( eso programme 088.b-0448 , pi : t.richtler ) to mimic a coarse ` ifu ' . our novel approach is to place short slits in an onion shell - like pattern around ngc3311 to measure its 3d large scale kinematics out to 3 effective radii . sky slits were positioned far outside of ngc3311 s main body and bright halo . the borders of the ` ifu ' spaxels were defined via voronoi tesselation to create kinematic maps ( see fig.1 ) . the s / n of our final spectra ranges from @xmath120 to 2 from the inner to the outer radii . -band light between 19 and 23.5 mag / arcsec@xmath2 in steps of 0.5 mag . ] the main results of our analysis , shown in fig.1 , are : 1 ) there are pronounced azimuthal variations both in radial velocity and velocity dispersion as a function of galactocentric distance , explaining the above mentioned discrepancies from previous longslit results ; 2 ) in the north - east there are significant small scale variations in both radial velocity and velocity dispersion data points ; 3 ) the very large velocity dispersion values in some parts of the cluster core ( @xmath3 km / s ) probably point to a superposition of kinematical substructures ; and 4 ) the displaced diffuse stellar halo around ngc3311 coincides with regions of positive h3 and h4 values , also evidence for more than one velocity component in the stellar halo . we conclude that the stellar halo around ngc3311 in the core of hydrai is still forming and is not in dynamical equilibrium . probably , a group of infalling dwarf galaxies and their tails are responsible for the kinematical substructures . the general lesson is that one has to take care when inferring the properties of the central dark matter halo around ngc3311 from kinematical data . | we used fors2 in mxu mode to mimic a coarse ifu in order to measure the 3d large - scale kinematics around the central hydrai cluster galaxy ngc3311 .
our data show that the velocity dispersion field varies as a function of radius and azimuthal angle and violates point symmetry .
also , the velocity field shows similar dependence , hence the stellar halo of ngc3311 is a dynamically young structure .
the kinematic irregularities coincide in position with a displaced diffuse halo north - east of ngc3311 and with tidal features of a group of disrupting dwarf galaxies .
this suggests that the superposition of different velocity components is responsible for the kinematic substructure in the hydrai cluster core . |
traditionally , blazar samples are selected using methods that can introduce severe selection effects . this makes it hard to distinguish between intrinsic sample properties and trends that have been induced by the selection process . selection effects can therefore lead to erroneous conclusions being drawn about a sample that will hinder progress in understanding the physics of blazars . we have compiled a new redshift - limited sample of `` blazars '' , designed to be free from many of the biases that blazar samples tend to incur . the sense sample contains 160 objects , selected following the method used by @xcite for the @xmath0 sample . radio and optical data were used to select all sources in the sdss imaging area that satisfy the selection criteria : * compact radio core , @xmath1 . * redshift @xmath2 . * sdss optical magnitude @xmath3 . the sense sample is therefore a volume - limited sample of sources chosen primarily on the strength of their nuclear emission . this selection method avoids many of the selection effects that have plagued past blazar samples . it also means that the sense sample contains sources that might not normally be found in blazar samples . in terms of conventional definitions , the sample contains 110 galaxies , 33 bl lacs , 15 optical agn and 2 unclassified sources . the @xmath4 test @xcite probes the spatial distribution and hence cosmological evolution of a sample . for the sense sample , this test yields the result @xmath5 . this implies negative cosmological evolution at the 2@xmath6 level ; there are more sources nearby than at larger distances , implying that sources meeting the sense selection criteria are more numerous now compared to the past . previous studies have found different cosmological evolution scenarios for blazars , depending on the selection method and waveband . the negative evolution of our radio selected sample is consistent with that reported for previous x - ray selected bl lac samples ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ) but at odds with the slightly positive evolution presented in other radio selected samples ( e.g. * ? ? ? it is possible that the different @xmath4 results for x - ray and radio selected bl lacs could arise from selection effects , as the majority of samples studied so far are small and contain only the strongest sources @xcite . this is an area of ongoing research for the sense sample . radio observations have been made of several sense sources at 610 mhz with the gmrt and at 30 ghz with ocra - p . the gmrt observations will provide information about the extended emission of these sources which will give a measurement of the intrinsic luminosity . both sets of observations will also give flux density measurements for the compact cores . these flux densities can be combined with data at other wavelengths ( e.g. first , sdss , fermi ) to plot broadband seds . an online database is being developed containing all available data for each source . the minimal selection effects present in the sense sample are well understood , so it can be used to study the statistics of the blazar population . a simple jet model comprising of a fast spine and a slower sheath has been developed . the predictions of this model will be compared to the sense sample properties to test if it can explain trends observed in other samples , such as the blazar sequence . jg acknowledges financial support through an stfc studentship . bp acknowledges financial support from the european social fund and polish government . the members of the sense collaboration are s. antn , i. w. a. browne , a. caccianiga , m. gawronski , j. a. gupta , n. jackson , m. j. m. march and b. m. pazderska . march , m. j. m. , & browne , i. w. a. 1995 , , 275 , 951 march , m. j. m. , browne , i. w. a. , impey , c. d. , & smith , p. s. 1996 , , 281 , 425 rector , t. a. , & stocke , j. t. 2001 , , 122 , 565 rector , t. a. , stocke , j. t. , perlman , e. s. , morris , s. l. , & gioia , i. m. 2000 , , 120 , 1626 schmidt , m. 1968 , , 151 , 393 | we present the first results from the new survey of extragalactic nuclear spectral energies ( sense ) sample of `` blazars '' .
the sample has been chosen with minimal selection effects and is therefore ideal to probe the intrinsic properties of the blazar population .
we report evidence for negative cosmological evolution in this radio selected sample and give an outline of future work related to the sense sample . |
an atlas of o - g0 stars in the infrared spectral region was presented by andrillat et al . ( 1995 ) , but no systematic attempt has been undertaken so far to investigate the spectra of be stars in the rvs domain of gaia . therefore , we decided to carry out a large scale documentation project on be stars . a very brief description of the ca ii ir lines in be stars can be found in jaschek et al . the aim of the project was to compare h@xmath0 and paschen spectra of be stars and exploit the possibility to derive the properties of h@xmath0 from the observations of higher members of the paschen series , as gaia instrumentation will complement the medium resolution ir spectra by very poor spectral resolution for h@xmath0 line . in addition , one can study the behaviour of the calcium triplet in early - type emission stars and interacting binaries . for the survey , we used the ondejov 2-m telescope equipped with a coud spectrograph . pairs of spectra covering h@xmath0 and gaia rvs region have been so far obtained for about 150 be stars . the spectra were secured with the ondejov single order spectrograph + site 2000x800 chip ( r=12700 , 6250 - 6750 and 8392 - 8900 ) . the stellar and calibration spectra ( th - ar and tungsten lamps ) were reduced using iraf . * calcium triplet emission in interacting binary be stars . * the ca ii triplet lines coincide with paschen p16 , 15 , and 13 . for a strong emission object like @xmath1 oph , the contribution of calcium to the paschen emission is marginal , if any ( no difference in intensity between p14 and p15/p16 ) . however , in normal " be stars ( e.g. v731 tau or @xmath2 cas ) the calcium emission is growing with the decreasing strength of h@xmath0 emission . it is very pronounced in interacting binaries ax mon , kx and , br cmi , but not visible in systems like rx cas , cx dra or even @xmath3 lyr . spectra of binaries hr 2142 , 59 cyg or @xmath4 per mimic rather normal " be stars in the infrared , while @xmath5 per resembles kx and . thus , after 35 years , the suggested connection between the behaviour of calcium emission and interacting binaries is still open . = @xmath6 . the radial - velocity curve of the secondary is clearly defined by the motion of the ca ii 8498 line which shows an emission component too . the emission is moving in anti - phase ( possible disc around the primary ? ) . the spectra were secured at ondejov during march 2011 - april 2012.,width=364,height=174 ] * hd 81357 new ( interacting ? ) be binary . * in the course of our survey of be stars in h@xmath0 and rvs regions , an interesting object hd 81357 was discovered . its red and infrared spectrum closely resembles br cmi , an interacting be binary ( royer et al . , 2007 ) . we derived the first orbital elements : @xmath7=@xmath6 , @xmath8=79 km s@xmath9 , @xmath10=0 . trailed spectra are shown in figure 1 . the orbital period applied on hipparcos photometric data gives double - wave curve , while the 25.7-day period suggested by koen and eyer ( 2002 ) yields simple curve . the semi - amplitude of the secondary ( cool ) star is based on the measurements of fe i and ca ii absorption lines . as in case of br cmi , the lines of primary component are not readily seen . the estimated semi - amplitude of the primary ( hot ) star is in the range of 515 km s@xmath9 ( from the motion of h@xmath0 and ca ii emission ) . _ _ this research was supported by grants esa pecs 98058 , gar p209/10/0715 , p205/09/p476 , and by the agreement between sav and avcr . these results were presented at iau symposium 282 `` from interacting binaries to exoplanets : essential modelling tools '' in slovakia . we aknowledge the use of one spectrum kindly secured by dr . a. aret . 1995 , _ a&a _ , 112 , 475 1988 , _ a&a _ , 192 , 285 2002 _ mnras _ , 331 , 45 1976 , in _ be and shell stars _ , proc . iau symposium no . a. slettebak , ( dordrecht , boston : d. reidel pub . co. ) , p. 401 2007 , in _ binary stars as critical tools and tests in contemporary astrophysics _ , proc . iau symposium no . 240 , eds . w. i. hartkopf , e. f. guinan , & p. harmanec , ( cambridge : cup ) , p.211 | polidan ( 1976 ) suggested that be stars showing the caii ir triplet in emission are interacting binaries . with the advent of the gaia satellite , which will host a spectrometer to observe stars in the range 84708750
, we carried out a spectroscopic survey of 150 be stars , including be binaries .
we show that the ca ii triplet in emission , often connected with emission in paschen lines , is an indicator of a peculiar environment in a be star disc rather than a signature of an interacting binary be star .
however , ca ii emission without visible emission in paschen lines is observed in interacting binary stars , as well as in peculiar objects . during the survey , a new interacting
be binary - hd 81357 - was discovered . |
there is considerable interest in modeling traffic behavior via one - dimensional cellular automata ( cas ) . the original models by nagel and schreckenberg@xcite and fukui and ishibashi@xcite are analyzed in e.g. , and the more general behavior of sum - conserving cas is considered in . in @xcite , fuk and boccara introduced an interesting class of generalized deterministic traffic rules @xmath0 , which display a surprising steady - state behavior : the expected flow of the cars never exceeds one regardless of the constraint values @xmath2 and @xmath3 . in these rules , as is usual for traffic rules , the road is represented as a one - dimensional lattice where each site has as its value either @xmath4 ( empty ) or @xmath5 ( car ) . under @xmath0 , a block of cars ( ones ) at most @xmath3 units long moves right at most @xmath2 units , or to the beginning of the next group . the same rule can also be expressed as follows : at each turn , each maximal match of @xmath6 is replaced ( see fig . [ fig - evolution ] ) : @xmath7 where @xmath8 and @xmath9 . from this representation , the dualism between the motion of the cars under the rule @xmath0 and the motion of the empty sites under rule @xmath10 in the opposite direction , as mentioned in @xcite , is obvious . the `` physical '' quantities of interest in systems that obey these rules are @xmath11 , the density of ones , and @xmath12 , the flow , defined as @xmath13 , where @xmath14 is the average velocity of the cars . for finite - length systems , we write @xmath12 for the time - averaged steady - state flow from a single state and @xmath15 for the average of @xmath12 over all states . for infinite - length systems , @xmath12 is the steady - state flow . the equation @xmath16 expresses one consequence of the dualism discussed above . there are also other quantities such as acceleration , but these are outside the scope of this article . in this article , we examine the steady - state flow of @xmath0 , obtaining an exact polynomial equation in the infinite case . in the following sections , we first develop a formalism based on representing the road as a sequence of blocks rather than single sites . we show that the average flow is fully determined by the number of these blocks in the steady state . in sections [ sec - simple - limits ] and [ sec - algorithm ] , we use this fact to obtain simple upper and lower limits for the average flow and present an efficient algorithm for calculating the steady - state flow from a given finite initial state . in section [ sec - exact - solution ] , we consider the behavior of the algorithm in the infinite limit and derive a steady - state condition , which we then solve in section [ sec - genfunc ] , yielding an analytical solution in the case of an infinite space . finally , in section [ sec - finite ] , we obtain a non - trivial upper limit for the expected average flow in a finite space . the flow of cars under rule @xmath0 is easier to understand if the state of the road is considered as a sequence of blocks instead of single cars . as we shall see later , it is practical to distinguish between _ short _ , _ just _ , and _ long _ blocks , comparing the length of a block with @xmath2 or @xmath3 as follows : a block of zeroes less than @xmath2 sites long is a short block , more than @xmath2 sites long is a long block , and exactly @xmath2 sites long is a just block . for blocks of ones , the length is compared with @xmath3 in a similar fashion . we say that a pair of a @xmath4-block and a @xmath5-block is a _ group _ and define @xmath17 as the density of these groups . we also define @xmath18 and @xmath19 as the densities of long and short @xmath4-blocks , respectively , and similar symbols for the @xmath5-blocks . the states of the system can be divided into nine different categories by the existence of short and long blocks , see table [ tab - states ] . in the following , we will consider the three cyclic types of states separately . to verify that these are the only cyclic states we first show that the following two cases are unstable : long and short blocks of one kind , @xmath20 and @xmath21 , and long blocks of both kinds , @xmath20 and @xmath22 . the other cases follow from the same proofs by duality . . [ tab - states ] the different types of states in the system . as discussed in the text , the existence of short and long blocks distinguishes the different types of states . [ cols="<,^,^,^",options="header " , ] | we analyze the steady - state flow as a function of the initial density for a class of deterministic cellular automata rules ( `` traffic rules '' ) with periodic boundary conditions [ h. fuk and n. boccara , int .
j. mod .
phys .
c * 9 * , 1 ( 1998 ) ] .
we are able to predict from simple considerations the observed , unexpected cutoff of the average flow at unity .
we also present an efficient algorithm for determining the exact final flow from a given finite initial state .
we analyze the behavior of this algorithm in the infinite limit to obtain for @xmath0 an exact polynomial equation maximally of @xmath1th degree in the flow and density .
* keywords : * cellular automata , traffic modeling , generating functions + * ams subject classification : * 37b15 , 68q80 + * pacs : * 45.70.vn # 1#1 # 1,#2r_#1,#2 # 1,#2f_#1,#2 # 1,#2s_#1,#2 [ prop ] |
in cluster populations with a power law cluster initial mass function ( cimf ) the highest appearing mass in a sample is determined by the number of clusters ( besides statistical fluctuations ) . this is no longer true if there exists a physical upper mass limit for clusters . information about the cimf can be derived from the present day luminosity function ( lf ) . although there is not a one - to - one relation between the cimf and the lf , modeling the lf with an artificial cluster population with varying cimf parameters can aid the interpretation of the lf . according to the models of @xcite , a bend in the lf ( i.e. a double power law distribution function ) may be the signature of a cimf , truncated at the high mass end . the ( filter dependent ) location of the bend is intimately connected to the value of the upper mass limit ( brighter bends correspond to higher possible cluster masses ) . bends in the lf are observed in ngc 6946 , m51 @xcite and ngc 4038/4039 @xcite . here we again examine the cluster population of m51 , dividing it in subsamples at different galactocentric radii . by comparing to the artificial populations we draw conclusions on the cimf and cluster disruption parameters across the disk . we use the hubble heritage acs mosaic of m51 in the passbands _ f435w _ , _ f555w _ and _ f814w _ , covering the complete system of m51 and its companion @xcite . point sources are extracted and qualified as a cluster if ( 1 ) the source is detected in all three broadband filters , ( 2 ) the radius of the source was fit better with an extended cluster profile than with a delta function ( using the _ ishape _ algorithm @xcite ) ( 3 ) the cluster has a radius of at least 0.5 pc ( the resolution of the _ ishape _ routine ) , and ( 4 ) the nearest neighbouring source is at least 5 pixels away . after performing aperture photometry on all sources , the lf can be constructed for the population brighter than the 95% completeness limit ( -6.3 abs mag _ f435w _ and _ f555w _ and -6.0 abs mag for _ f814w _ ) and for three galactocentric distance intervals . results can be seen in table [ tab : fits ] . [ cols="<,<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] although more detailed modeling is necessary for quantitative results , the conclusions following the models of @xcite for the galactocentric dependence of the upper mass limit and disruption parameters are : 1 . subsets closer to the center have their bends at brighter magnitudes , suggesting higher possible cluster masses . subsets closer to the center have shallower faint - end slopes , indicating faster disruption . the two effects are not to be seen separately though . faster disruption alters the location of the bend in the same direction as a higher upper mass limit . in a follow up study the statistical significance of the results will be further investigated and a more quantitative analysis will be given @xcite . gieles , m. , larsen , s. s. , anders , p. , bastian , n. , & stein , i. t. 2006 , , 450 , 129 gieles , m. , larsen , s. s. , scheepmaker , r. a. , bastian , n. , haas , m. r. , & lamers , h. j. g. l. m. 2006 , , 446 , l9 haas , m.r . , gieles , m. , scheepmaker , r.a . , larsen , s.s . , lamers , h.j.g.l.m . , & bastian , n. 2006 , , in prep . larsen , s. s. 1999 , , 139 , 393 , m. , beckwith , s. v. w. , bond , h. , et al . , 2005 american astronomical society meeting abstracts , 206 whitmore , b. c. , zhang , q. , leitherer , c. , fall , s. m. , schweizer , f. , & miller , b. w. 1999 , , 118 , 1551 | we study the luminosity function ( lf ) of the star clusters in m51 . comparing
the observed lf with the lf resulting from artificial cluster populations suggests that there exists an upper mass limit for clusters and that this limit and/or the cluster disruption varies with galactocentric distance . |
twelve m6- to m8-type objects called cha h@xmath0 1 to 12 were found in deep infrared , h@xmath0 , and x - ray surveys ( comern et al . 2000 ) . to search for faint visual companions around these bona - fide and candidate brown dwarfs , we have taken deep images with hst wfpc2 ( r , i , h@xmath0 ) , vlt fors1 ( vri ) , and ntt sofi ( jhk@xmath1 ) and detected one particulary promising companion candidate : cha h@xmath0 5/cc 1 , a companion candidate 1.5 arc sec off cha h@xmath0 1 , is 3.8 to 4.7 mag fainter than the primary and its colors are consistent with an early- to mid - l spectral type . assuming the same distance , absorption , and age as for the primary , the faint object would have a mass of 3 to 15 jupiters according to burrows et al . ( 1997 ) and chabrier & baraffe ( 2000 ) models . the probability for this companion candidate to be an unrelated fore- or background object is @xmath2 , its vrijhk colors are marginally consistent with a strongly reddened background k giant . these results are published in neuhuser et al . ( 2002 ) . even with the best currently achievable astrometric precision ( few mas ) , we would have to wait several years for checking whether this visual pair is a common proper motion pair . alternativelly , and faster , one can check by spectroscopy whether the faint companion candidate is either an l - type companion or a reddened k - type background giant . spectra were taken with isaac and fors1 at the vlt in early 2002 . the h- and k - band spectra show that the companion candidate is as red as concluded before from its vrijhk colors . however , in the k - band spectrum of the companion candidate , the sharp drop of the quasi - continuum at @xmath3 due to co lines is not present . this drop and the co lines can be seen in the spectrum of cha h@xmath0 5 , but should be even stronger in an l - type object . in the optical spectrum , the three caii lines at 8661.7 , 8541.7 , and 8497.6 , which are typical for k stars , but are not present in l - dwarfs , are detected . also , the typical features of l - dwarfs , like k , rb , cs , feh , and crh lines are not detected . in fig . 1 , we compare the companion candidate s spectrum with a typical k - type giant star showing the similarities in absorption lines and their relative strength ( companion candidate not corrected for strong reddening ) . from the previous imaging data , we concluded that the companion candidate is either an unabsorbed l - type companion or a reddened k - type background giant , with the former alternative being much more likely ( @xmath4 ) . from the follow - up spectra , we conclude that this candidate is a background star , probably a k - type giant . burrows a. , marley m. , hubbard w.b . , et al . , 1997 , apj 491 , 856 chabrier g. & baraffe i. , 2000 , ara&a 38 , 337 comern f. , neuhuser r. & kaas a.a . , 2000 , a&a 359 , 269 neuhuser r. , brandner w. , alves j. , joergens v. , comern f. , 2002 , a&a 384 , 999 | we obtained optical and infrared spectra of cha h@xmath0 5/cc 1 , a faint possibly sub - stellar companion candidate next to the m6-type brown dwarf candidate cha h@xmath0 1 in cha i , using fors1 and isaac at the vlt .
the vrijhk colors of cha h@xmath0 5/cc 1 are consistent with either an l - type companion or a k - type background giant .
our spectra show that the companion candidate actually is a background star .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
in the rosat all - sky survey x - ray emission was detected in 11 hgmn stars ( 5 spectroscopic binaries , 4 double - lined spectroscopic binaries , and 2 hgmn stars without available radial velocity data ) . for 2 of 3 spectroscopic binaries ( sb ) additional observations obtained with the rosat high - resolution imager ( spatial resolution of @xmath0 5 arcsec ) confirmed x - ray sources at the position of two systems ( berghfer & schmitt 1994 ) . known visual companions could be discarded as most likely x - ray emitters . previous x - ray observations ( by the _ einstein observatory _ ) had suggested that stars in the spectral range b5a7 are devoid of x - ray emission . since there is no x - ray emitting mechanism available for these stars , the usual argument in the case of an x - ray detection is the existence of an unseen low - mass companion which is responsible for the x - ray emission . however , this hypothesis is not easily testable . for our sample of x - ray detected hgmn stars we used all available data to conclude on the nature of the companion . we emphasize that some of our sample stars consist of two nearly equal b stars . the observed x - ray emission in these systems is also inconsistent with the secondary star and , thus , a third component must exist to explain the x - ray emission by a low - mass companion . some of our sample stars show x - ray luminosities that exceed the x - ray output of normal late - type stars and , therefore , an active pre - main sequence companion ( pms ) is required . this hypothesis is supported by the fact that a significant fraction of the hgmn stars found in the rosat survey belong to rather young stellar groups like the pleiades supercluster or the sco - cen association . recently , it has been shown that there is a population of pre - main sequence stars in the pleiades supercluster , and that both cluster and non - cluster members range in age from about @xmath1 to @xmath2 yrs ( eggen 1995 ; oppenheimer et al . many of these stars exhibit high levels of stellar activity and strong lithium lines . if there is ongoing star formation in these regions , the phenomenon demands further study and the possibility of protostars in multiple star systems has wide - ranging implications . here we describe our method to conclude on the nature of possible low - mass companions . in a first step stellar masses and ages were derived for our sample of hgmn stars . for this we used the stellar model grids provided by schaller et al . ( 1992 ) ; the stellar distances were taken from the recently released hipparcos catalog and the effective temperatures were compiled from the literature . we then assumed that the absence of a secondary in the optical spectrum implies a mass ration of m@xmath3/m@xmath4 for the two binary components and all systems are formed coeval . a further criterion was the saturation limit of @xmath5 known for late - type star x - ray emission ( cf . schmitt 1997 ) ; for the observed x - ray luminosities this relation provides upper limits for the bolometric luminosities of the possible secondaries . together with these limits for the companions masses , luminosities , and ages , we used the pre - main - sequence evolutionary tracks provided by dantona and mazzitelli ( 1994 ) to limit the range of possible companions of the 11 hgmn stars . for all of our sample hgmn stars detected in the rosat all - sky survey we find that a companion of lower mass can provide a natural explanation for the observed x - ray emission . in 7 cases ( hd 32964 , hd 33904 , hd 35497 , hd 75333 , hd 110073 , hd 141556 , and hd 173524 ) the detected x - ray emission can be explained by a main - sequence late - type star , whereas for the stars hd 27295 , hd 27376 , hd 29589 , and hd 221507 a pms star is required . further investigations by means of radial velocity studies and high - resolution imaging ( e.g. , in the near ir ) are needed to detect the predicted companions . according to the lower mass limits derived for possible companions in our sample of hgmn stars , spectral types are in the range late k - m4 . | in the rosat all - sky survey 11 hgmn stars were detected as soft x - ray emitters ( berghfer , schmitt & cassinelli 1996 ) .
prior to rosat , x - ray observations with the _ einstein observatory _ had suggested that stars in the spectral range b5a7 are devoid of x - ray emission .
since there is no x - ray emitting mechanism available for these stars ( also not for hgmn stars ) , the usual argument in the case of an x - ray detected star of this spectral type is the existence of an unseen low - mass companion which is responsible for the x - ray emission .
the purpose of the present work is to use all available data for our sample of x - ray detected hgmn stars and conclude on the nature of possible companions . |
scalars are very controversial mesonic states . their internal structure is not yet understood . there are different models in which the scalars are treated as simple @xmath4 mesons , @xmath5 states , @xmath3 bound states or mixed states including glueballs . two scalar - isovector resonances @xmath0 and @xmath1 have been observed experimentally . the @xmath0 mass is close to the @xmath3 threshold so one should check whether the @xmath0 is a @xmath3 quasi - bound state . we study the properties of the @xmath6 s within the @xmath2 and @xmath3 coupled channel model described in ref . . it is based on the separable interactions between mesons : @xmath7 where @xmath8 , @xmath9 are the c. m. momenta , @xmath10 are the coupling constants , @xmath11 are the form factors and @xmath12 are the range parameters . we fix four parameters @xmath13 , @xmath14 , @xmath15 and @xmath16 by choosing the @xmath17-matrix poles related to both @xmath0 and @xmath1 resonances and the fifth parameter @xmath18 by comparing the @xmath19 branching ratio for the @xmath0 with the experimental value.@xcite below we present some of our results . more of them can be found in refs . . and @xmath3 channels , height=166 ] in fig . [ fig : distrib ] the effective mass distributions obtained in the flatt parametrisation of the crystal barrel collaboration data @xcite and in the coupled channel model @xcite are compared . the phase space factors are defined as @xmath20 and the production amplitudes are given by @xmath21 where @xmath22 are the effective masses , @xmath23 are the channel momenta , @xmath24 are the coupling constants , @xmath25 is the mass parameter and @xmath26 is the normalization constant . the production amplitudes are related to the elastic and the transition cross sections by : @xmath27 and @xmath28 the flatt formula describes only a range of the mass distributions near the @xmath0 resonance while our coupled channel model describes both the @xmath0 and the @xmath1 resonances . for example , we can predict the @xmath19 branching ratio in the @xmath1 mass range . we have calculated it in two mass ranges . for a typical range , between @xmath29 and @xmath30 , where @xmath31 mev and @xmath32 mev one obtains a value of @xmath33 . the branching ratio is equal to @xmath34 if @xmath35 mev and @xmath36 mev . our predictions are in a good agreement with the experimental value @xmath37 given by the crystal barrel collaboration.@xcite each resonance decaying in two channels is related to two poles of the @xmath17-matrix in the complex momentum planes . the @xmath0 resonance lies close to the @xmath3 threshold . both poles corresponding to this state are close to the physical region and influence strongly the @xmath2 and @xmath3 amplitudes . having fixed all the model parameters we have obtained an attractive force in the @xmath3 channel . now the question is whether a strength of the @xmath3 force is sufficient to create a kaon - antikaon bound state . a pole position in the @xmath3 _ uncoupled _ channel gives us some information about the nature of the @xmath0 state . if a bound state exist then it is connected with a pole on the positive part of the imaginary axis in the complex momentum plane . to arrive to a conclusion we have gradually _ reduced _ the interchannel coupling from its value down to zero and studied the pole trajectories . in fig . [ fig : traj ] the trajectories of two @xmath0 poles and two zeros are shown . in the uncoupled case the pole @xmath38 meets the zero related to the pole @xmath39 and is cancelled by it . in the same way the pole @xmath39 is cancelled by the zero related to the pole @xmath38 . it means that in this limit both poles disappear from the @xmath3 channel so the @xmath0 resonance can not be interpreted as a @xmath3 bound state . we have constructed the @xmath40 and @xmath3 coupled channel model . this five - parameter unitary model allows one to describe simultaneously both the @xmath0 and @xmath1 states . all the parameters have been fitted to experimental values of the masses and widths of both @xmath6 s and to the @xmath41 branching ratio measured near the @xmath3 threshold . the production amplitudes near the @xmath0 resonance and the @xmath41 branching ratio for the @xmath1 resonance , predicted by us , are in good agreement with the crystal barrel collaboration results . within our model and taking into account the existing experimental data the @xmath0 resonance can not be interpreted as a @xmath3 bound state . 9 l. leniak , _ acta phys . pol . _ * b27 * , 1835 ( 1996 ) . a. abele _ at al . _ , crystal barrel coll . , rev . _ * d57 * , 3860 ( 1998 ) . a. furman , l. leniak , _ phys . lett . _ * b538 * , 266 ( 2002 ) . a. furman , l. leniak , _ nucl . _ * b(proc . suppl.)121 * , 127 ( 2003 ) . | we have analysed properties of two resonances @xmath0 and @xmath1 using the @xmath2 and @xmath3 coupled channel model .
although the forces in the scalar - isovector @xmath3 channel are attractive the @xmath0 resonance can not be interpreted as a kaon - antikaon bound state within our model . |
let us start assuming that two point particles with masses @xmath1 and @xmath2 located at positions @xmath3 and @xmath4 attract each other with a force @xmath5 : @xmath6 where @xmath7 , @xmath8 is newton s constant and @xmath9 is a free positive physical constant with dimensions m@xmath10l@xmath11t@xmath12 . this law of attraction has been considered , more or less directly , as a candidate to solve what is known today as the dark mass problem ( more on that below ) . in considering this new law of force it is important to keep in mind that space has three dimensions and not two , and as a consequence of this only the newtonian component of ( [ force ] ) is solenoidal . since : @xmath13 introducing the potential function @xmath14 defined by : @xmath15 from ( [ force ] ) there follows that : @xmath16 let us assume that the point particle with mass @xmath2 is kept fixed at the location @xmath4 and that the particle @xmath1 is free to move under its attraction . this simple formula above tells us that this particle will move without friction as it would do across a cloud of dark matter with an always positive effective density @xmath17 , while obeying a potential theory formally identical to newton s one . if instead of a point particle with mass @xmath2 we consider a continuous distribution of mass with density @xmath18 then we shall have : @xmath19 where @xmath20 is the domain where @xmath21 , and : @xmath22 from where we get : @xmath23 let us consider in particular the case where the density @xmath24 is constant inside a sphere of radius @xmath25 and zero otherwise ( figure 1 ) . in this case , @xmath26 being now @xmath27 , the effective density @xmath17 will be : @xmath28 @xmath29 being the heaviside function ; or : @xmath30 with : @xmath31 from where , to calculate the central potential or the force , we could proceed as usual integrating the poisson s equation ( [ extended ] ) , or use their corresponding integral definitions . if instead we have an spherical sector with inner radius @xmath32 ( figure 2 ) then the effective density @xmath33 is : @xmath34 notice that in the cavity defined by @xmath35 , where the raw matter density is zero , the effective density remains positive and therefore the force remains attractive towards the center . this means that it is a legitimate speculation to point out that if gravity includes a contribution of the type that i have considered here , then we could sometimes be fooled to believe that a massive object gravitates around a source that actually does not exists at all . notable consequences of the proposed new law are : \i ) if @xmath36 and there is ordinary matter somewhere then there is dark matter everywhere . therefore this new law has a lot to say about the rotation curves of spiral galaxies as well as micro and macro lensing . the price that we pay for it is the non locality of the theory since the effective density is not a point function . \ii ) it predicts new surprising effects like massive bodies orbiting central un - existing matter sources in empty cavities ( empty cavity effect ) , and beyond that it promises an interesting development of the physics of voids in cosmology .. \iii ) last but not least , the transport of this proposal to general relativity is quite natural . it suffices to use the effective density @xmath37 instead of the pure matter one @xmath24 in the source energy - momentum tensor of einstein s equations . the first conceptually important implications are : 1 ) that the gravitational field of a point particle becomes more singular than what it is in einstein s theory and 2 ) that , so to speak , all exact vacuum solutions become approximate approximate solutions of the modified theory . on the other hand cosmology only needs to sort out what part of the total density is matter density and what part it is dark matter . they claim that this potential can be approximated by a @xmath40 or a @xmath0 one depending on the scale of distances . they also note `` that from a dynamical point of view the modification of the newton s law of gravity can be interpreted as if point sources lose their point - like character and acquire an additional distribution in space '' . this is also the main point in my very much simpler proposition . reference @xcite starts with the introduction of the potential function ( [ mu ] ) but the only source model that is considered is that of a thin disk of matter that can be dealt with in the framework of potential theory in dimension 2 . w. h. kinney and m. brisudova , arxiv : astro - ph/0006453v1 a. a. kirillov , d. turaev , physics letters b 532 , 185 - 192 ( 2002 ) a. a. kirillov , arxiv : astro - ph/0405623v1 j. c. fabris and j. pereira campos , arxiv:0710.3683v1 [ astro - ph ] | i discuss some of the basic properties of a potential theory derived from a modified newton s law of action at a distance that includes a @xmath0 attractive force . |
atacama large millimeter / submillimeter array ( alma)@xcite has recently become the world s largest millimeter-/submillimeter - wave ( mm-/submm - wave ) interferometer , and currently commissioning and early science observations are ongoing in parallel . one of the most important commissioning items before the full science operation of alma is the commissioning of long baselines . the difficulty of long baseline interferometry in mm-/submm - wave comes mainly from the large phase fluctuation caused by water vapor in the atmosphere . refraction of water vapor causes the change of phase ( and amplitude ) of electromagnetic wave . water vapor is believed to be distributed as clumps that have a power - law size distribution and an upper limit of size at some point . the difference of path lengths through water vapor clumps in the line - of - sight between two antennas causes a phase difference , and the change of this difference caused by the flow of water vapor clumps creates phase fluctuation . due to the power - law size distribution and the upper limit of the size of the water vapor clumps , the phase fluctuation is expected to increase with baseline length , and at some point , phase fluctuation does not become larger any more ( see ref . for more details ) . this phase fluctuation can be reduced using the 183 ghz water vapor radiometer ( wvr)@xcite . wvrs are installed in each of the 12-m diameter alma antennas , and they measure the line - of - sight atmospheric water vapor content precisely . the difference of the water vapor content between antennas corresponds to the difference of path lengths due to the water vapor clumps , and therefore it is possible to estimate the phase difference between antennas . correcting this estimated phase difference will correct the phase fluctuation caused by water vapor in the atmosphere . this phase correction method using wvrs has been shown to work successfully on the past shorter baseline alma data@xcite . for the commissioning of alma long baseline , it is important to know how large the phase fluctuation can be as a function of baseline length , at which baseline length the phase fluctuation turns over ( i.e. , stops increasing ) , and whether the wvr phase correction works well even at the long baseline . in this paper , we discuss these topics . [ cols="^ " , ] for bands 6 and 7 , the average coherence time is 108 and 57 seconds , respectively , for the raw data and @xmath1 and 125 seconds for the wvr corrected data . this tells that for these higher frequency observations , especially for band 7 ( or higher frequency bands ) , it is better to observe with fast switching calibration technique to keep coherence loss less than 10% . this results do not reject to observe slow switching observation , but the data taken with the slow switching will have some degree ( more than 10% ) of coherence loss . it is obvious that the wvr phase correction extends the coherence time significantly ( more than a factor of 2 ) from the non - wvr corrected data . this also suggests that the wvr phase correction helps a lot for vlbi observations . but still it is better to operate with fast switching calibration , especially for higher frequency bands ( higher than band 7 ) to have low coherence loss data . s. matsushita , k .- morita , d. barkats , r. e. hills , e. b. fomalont , and b. nikolic , `` alma temporal phase stability and the effectiveness of water vapor radiometer , '' _ proc . spie _ * 8444 * , pp . 84443e-84443e-7 , 2012 . | we present the phase characteristics study of the atacama large millimeter / submillimeter array ( alma ) long ( up to 3 km ) baseline , which is the longest baseline tested so far using alma .
the data consist of long time - scale ( 10 20 minutes ) measurements on a strong point source ( i.e. , bright quasar ) at various frequency bands ( bands 3 , 6 , and 7 , which correspond to the frequencies of about 88 ghz , 232 ghz , and 336 ghz ) .
water vapor radiometer ( wvr ) phase correction works well even at long baselines , and the efficiency is better at higher pwv ( @xmath0 mm ) condition , consistent with the past studies .
we calculate the spatial structure function of phase fluctuation , and display that the phase fluctuation ( i.e. , rms phase ) increases as a function of baseline length , and some data sets show turn - over around several hundred meters to 1 km and being almost constant at longer baselines .
this is the first millimeter / submillimeter structure function at this long baseline length , and to show the turn - over of the structure function .
furthermore , the observation of the turn - over indicates that even if the alma baseline length extends to the planned longest baseline of 15 km , fringes will be detected at a similar rms phase fluctuation as that at a few km baseline lengths .
we also calculate the coherence time using the 3 km baseline data , and the results indicate that the coherence time for band 3 is longer than 400 seconds in most of the data ( both in the raw and wvr - corrected data ) . for bands 6 and 7 ,
wvr - corrected data have about twice longer coherence time , but it is better to use fast switching method to avoid the coherence loss . |
the ngc 128 group ( d=57 mpc ) includes ( spectroscopically confirmed ) : giant gas - rich s0 ngc 128 with a peanut - shaped bulge , giant sa ngc 125 , 3 low - luminosity s0 closer than 100 kpc in projection to ngc 128 : ngc 126 ( m@xmath0=-18.5 , 61 kpc ) , ngc 127 ( m@xmath0=-18.6 , 14 kpc ) , and ngc 130 ( m@xmath0=-19.0 , 16 kpc ) , and several late - type spirals beyond 300 kpc . ngc 128 is known to have a gaseous disc counter - rotating to the stars ( emsellem & arsenault , 1997 ) . we have obtained observations for ngc 126 , 127 , and 130 in 2005 and 2006 with the mpfs ifu spectrograph at the 6-m telescope of sao ras . using a novel stellar population fitting technique ( chilingarian et al . 2005 , 2006 , 2007a , prugniel et al . 2005 ) we have derived maps of the stellar population parameters ( age and metallicity ) and internal kinematics of stars and ionised gas . * ngc 126 * contains a prominent bar seen on direct images . it appears as a s - shaped structure on the velocity field . no emission lines are seen in the fitting residuals . * ngc 127 * is a gas - rich object with early - type morphology and ongoing star formation : strong emission lines are observed . h@xmath1 has been used to recover velocity field of the ionised gas showing faster rotation ( @xmath2100 km / s ) than stars ( @xmath250 km / s ) , and asymmetry on the se part of ngc 127 ( direction of ngc 128 ) that may be caused by perturbed motions of the gas near the region , where the accreting flow reaches ngc 127 . * ngc 130 * located at nearly the same projected distance is very different . relatively old stellar population , regular kinematics and absence of ionised gas suggest it is located much further from ngc 128 . ngc 130 exhibits a spatially unresolved young nucleus ( @xmath3t=4 gyr ) reminiscent of young central structures observed in bright virgo cluster de galaxies ( chilingarian et al . 2007b ) . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] while ngc 126 and 130 look similar to cluster ds0/s0 s , ngc 127 is a star - forming galaxy with unusual kinematics of gas and a bridge connecting it to ngc 128 . we propose the following scenario : ngc 127 has recently passed its pericentre , and now we observe an infall of gas from ngc 128 onto ngc 127 . after gas removal and several gyr of passive evolution it will fade down and would be indistinctive from normal de galaxies by morphology and luminosity . chilingarian i. , prugniel ph . , silchenko o. , afanasiev v. ; proceedings of the iauc 198 , eds : jerjen , h. ; binggeli , b. ; cambridge university press , 2005 . , p.105 chilingarian , 2006 , phd thesis , msu ( russia ) , ucbl ( france ) , astro - ph/0611893 chilingarian i. , prugniel ph . , silchenko o. , afanasiev v. ; 2007 , mnras , 376 , 1033 chilingarian i. , silchenko o. , afanasiev v. , prugniel ph . ; 2007 , astl , 33 , 292 emsellem & arsenault , 1997 , a&a , 318 , l39 prugniel ph . , chilingarian i. , silchenko o. , afanasiev v. ; proceedings of the iauc 198 , eds : jerjen , h. ; binggeli , b. ; cambridge university press , 2005 . , p.105 | we present spatially resolved kinematics and stellar population parameters for three low - luminosity galaxies in the ngc 128 group obtained by means of 3d spectroscopy .
we briefly discuss their evolutionary scenarii . |
a typical galaxy remains in a quasi - equilibrium configuration during the secular evolution process . from the virial theorem relation @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is the dynamical mass of the galaxy . and the definition of average surface brightness @xmath2 , where l is the luminosity , it follows that @xmath3 in order to have a tight tully - fisher relation @xmath4 ( tully & fisher 1977 ) , we must have @xmath5 . the secular evolution process maintains the scaling relations by a decrease in galaxy s dynamical - mass - to - light ratio as the surface brightness of the galaxy increases during its hubble type transformation ( zhang 2003b ) . the fundamental plane relation for spirals can likewise be derived from the virial theorem , resulting in @xmath6 where @xmath7 is the absolute magnitude and @xmath8 is the average surface brightness in magnitude / arcsec@xmath9 , and where @xmath1/l @xmath10 . pharasyn et al . ( 1997 ) found that fitting i band and k band data of a sample of spiral galaxies to this relation resulted in @xmath11 . one of the many forms of the elliptical galaxy fundamental plane relation can be expressed as @xmath12 or @xmath13 ( djorgovski & davis 1987 ) , where @xmath14 refers to the absolute magnitude inside effective radius @xmath15 . a slight rearrangement of the terms in this equation leads to @xmath16 we see that apart from the constant term , the only difference between the spiral and elliptical fundamental plane relations is in the different signs of the mass - to - light ratio exponent @xmath17 : @xmath18 for spirals and @xmath19 for ellipticals and bulges . as the secular evolution proceeds ( which generally leads to an increase in l ) , the dynamical mass - to - light ratio of a spiral galaxy decreases because a larger fraction of the baryonic dark matter becomes luminous . on the other hand , elliptical galaxies are in more advanced stages of evolution and will experience greater degree of dimming , which is reflected in the increase of dynamical mass - to - light ratio with l. from the above three types of scaling relations , we can easily derive the following variations of the dependence of m@xmath20/l on mass and on light , and the inter - dependence of m@xmath20 and l : a gradual evolution trend of galaxy properties is thus implied in the three types of scaling relations . the fact that the m@xmath20/l ratio obtained from the spiral galaxy fundamental plane relation lies intermediate between that given by the spiral galaxy tully - fisher relation and the elliptical galaxy fundamental plane relation is apparently due to the fact that within the spiral fundamental plane relation there is the additional surface brightness parameter . the spiral fundamental plane effectively samples disk galaxy properties further inward , compared to the tully - fisher relation which samples characteristics averaged over the whole disk . more detailed discussion of the relation of the secular evolution process to the generation of galaxy structural properties and scaling relations can be found in zhang ( 2003b ) . djorgovski , s. & davis , m. 1987 , , 313 , 59 pharasyn , a. , simien , f. , & heraudeau , ph . 1997 , in dark and visible matter in galaxies , eds m. persic & p salucci ( san francisco : asp ) , 180 tully , r.b . , & fisher , j.r . 1977 , , 54 , 661 zhang , x. 1996 , , 457 , 125 ; 1998 , , 499 , 93 ; 1999 , , 518 , 613 zhang , x. 2003a , astro - ph/0301655 zhang , x. 2003b , submitted for publication to the | the secular evolution process which slowly transforms the morphology of a given galaxy over its lifetime through mostly internal dynamical mechanisms could naturally account for most of the observed properties of physical galaxies ( zhang 2003a ) . as an emerging paradigm for galaxy evolution ,
its dynamical foundations had been established in the past few years ( zhang 1996 , 1998 , 1999 ) . in this paper , we explore further implications of the secular morphological evolution process in reproducing the well - known scaling relations of galaxies . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
the concept of intracluster starlight ( icl ) , or stars between the galaxies in galaxy clusters is not a new one : it was first proposed over 50 years ago ( zwicky 1951 ) . however , progress in studying icl has been slow due to its low surface brightness , which is less than 1% of the brightness of the night sky . this is unfortunate , because icl is a powerful probe of the evolution of galaxies in clusters ( dressler 1984 ) , and of cluster evolution overall . it is also an important part of the ejection of matter out of galaxies discussed at this conference . we have undertaken a deep imaging survey of galaxy clusters , intended to quantify the properties of icl as a function of environment , and overall galaxy cluster properties . from our deep imaging , with careful attention to systematic errors ( morrison , boroson , & harding 1994 ) , we are able to measure the icl to faint surface brightnesses many magnitudes below that of the night sky ( @xmath0 @xmath1 2628 ) . in tandem with the observations , we are constructing numerical simulations of galaxy clusters in a cosmological context , similar to those of dubinski ( 1998 ) . here we summarize some recent results : previous results can be found in feldmeier ( 2002 ) . models of intracluster star production predict that intracluster light may not always be in a smooth , elliptically symmetric , component but instead can be in tidal tails and arcs ( moore 1996 ; napolitano 2003 ) . in our deep imaging survey , we have found intracluster tidal debris in almost every cluster we have surveyed ( see figure 1 for one of the most striking examples ) . however , at this time , we have detected more plume - like structures than the long arcs originally predicted by the models . since only half of the survey has been completely reduced , the significance of this result is unclear . determining the amount of icl from our imaging observations is non - trivial because it is difficult to separate the outer edges of galaxies from the underlying background icl . to make a model - independent estimate of icl fraction in the clusters observed , we used an isophotal cutoff . the exact value of the cutoff is problematic , so we have adopted a range of values to set reasonable limits . we find that for the clusters surveyed thus far , the amount of icl is 1020% , including a correction for the edges of galaxies still unmasked . this is similar to the amount of intracluster light found in the nearby virgo and fornax clusters ( see arnaboldi , this volume ) . dressler , a. 1984 , , 22 , 185 dubinski , j. 1998 , , 502 , 141 feldmeier , j. j. , 2002 , , 575 , 779 morrison , h. l. , boroson , t. a. & harding p. , 1994 , , 108 , 1191 napolitano , n.r . , 2003 , , 594 , 172 zwicky , f. 1951 , , 63 , 61 | we give an update of our ongoing survey for intracluster light ( icl ) , in a sample of distant abell clusters .
we find that the amount of intracluster starlight is comparable to that seen in nearby clusters , and that tidal debris appears to be common .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
here we present a primarily self - contained review of the inverse - scattering transform theory necessary for the construction of semiclassical soliton ensembles . starting from the basic framework constructed by zakharov and manakov @xcite and kaup @xcite , we review the general approaches developed by beals and coifman @xcite and zhou @xcite as applied to the twri equations . in appendices [ subapp : direct - scattering1][subapp : time - dependence ] we set up the direct - scattering transformation mapping the initial data to the scattering data . in appendices [ appb5-inverse - scattering ] and [ subapp - zhou - transform ] we formulate the inverse map as a riemann - hilbert problem . finally , as our focus is on pure - soliton solutions , in appendix [ sec : solitons ] we detail the construction of these functions from the riemann - hilbert problem and discuss some of their relevant properties . 9 f. baronio , m. conforti , m. andreana , v. couderc , c. de angelis , s. wabnitz , a. barthlmy , and a. degasperis , `` frequency generation and solitonic decay in three - wave interactions , '' _ opt . express _ * 17 * , 1388913894 , 2009 . m. bertola and a. tovbis , `` universality in the profile of the semiclassical limit solutions to the focusing nonlinear schrdinger equation at the first breaking curve , '' _ int . res . not . _ * 2010 * , 21192167 , 2010 . m. bertola and a. tovbis , `` universality for the focusing nonlinear schrdinger equation at the gradient catastrophe point : rational breathers and poles of the tritronque solution to painlev i , '' _ comm . pure appl . _ * 66 * , 678752 , 2013 . t. claeys and t. grava , `` painlev ii asymptotics near the leading edge of the oscillatory zone for the korteweg - de vries equation in the small - dispersion limit , '' _ comm . pure appl . _ * 63 * , 203232 , 2010 . j. difranco , p. miller , and b. muite , `` on the modified nonlinear schrdinger equation in the semiclassical limit : supersonic , subsonic , and transsonic behavior , '' _ acta math . ed . _ * 31 * , 23432377 , 2011 . j. difranco and p. miller , `` the semiclassical modified nonlinear schrdinger equation ii : asymptotic analysis of the cauchy problem . the elliptic region for transsonic initial data , '' _ contemp . math . _ * 593 * , 2981 , 2013 . s. kamvissis , k. mclaughlin , and p. miller , _ semiclassical soliton ensembles for the focusing nonlinear schrdinger equation _ , annals of mathematics studies * 154 * , princeton university press , princeton , nj , 2003 . v. zakharov and a. shabat , `` exact theory of two - dimensional self - focusing and one - dimensional self - modulation of waves in nonlinear media , '' _ soviet physics jetp _ * 34 * , 6269 , 1972 . translated from _ fiz . _ * 61 * , 118134 , 1971 . | the three - wave resonant interaction equations are a non - dispersive system of partial differential equations with quadratic coupling describing the time evolution of the complex amplitudes of three resonant wave modes .
collisions of wave packets induce energy transfer between different modes via pumping and decay .
we analyze the collision of two or three packets in the semiclassical limit by applying the inverse - scattering transform . using wkb analysis
, we construct an associated semiclassical soliton ensemble , a family of reflectionless solutions defined through their scattering data , intended to accurately approximate the initial data in the semiclassical limit .
the map from the initial packets to the soliton ensemble is explicit and amenable to asymptotic and numerical analysis .
plots of the soliton ensembles indicate the space - time plane is partitioned into regions containing either quiescent , slowly varying , or rapidly oscillatory waves .
this behavior resembles the well - known generation of dispersive shock waves in equations such as the korteweg - de vries and nonlinear schrdinger equations , although the physical mechanism must be different in the absence of dispersion . |
this paper is the second in a series describing the observations of `` young massive star clusters '' ( ymcs ) in a number of nearby spiral and irregular galaxies . a general outline of the project was given by larsen & richtler ( @xcite , paper1 ) , and some first results were presented there . in this paper the data reductions are discussed in more detail , with special emphasis on two software tools developed as part of the project , which may be of general use to the astronomical community . these tools are * mksynth * , a programme which generates synthetic images with realistic noise characteristics , and * ishape * which derives intrinsic shape parameters for compact objects in a digital image by convolving an analytic model profile with the psf and matching the result to the observed profile . by ymcs we mean objects of the same type as e.g. the cluster ngc 1866 in the large magellanic cloud ( fischer et al . they are characterised by being similar ( with respect to mass and morphology ) to globular clusters seen in the milky way , but of much lower ages - in fact , the lower age limit of the clusters in our sample is set only by the fact that we avoid objects located within hii regions . the paper is organised as follows : the observations are described in sect . [ sec : obs ] , and sect . [ sec : red ] is a discussion of the basic data reduction procedure including the standard calibrations . in sect . [ sec : tools ] the tools * mksynth * and * ishape * are introduced , and sect . [ sec : compl ] gives a discussion of the completeness corrections used in paper1 . finally , in sect . [ sec : resolv ] * ishape * is used to derive radii of the clusters , and some implications of the results are discussed . observations of 21 nearby galaxies , listed in table 1 of paper1 , were carried out with the danish 1.54 m. telescope and dfosc ( danish faint object spectrograph and camera ) at the european southern observatory ( eso ) at la silla , chile , and with the 2.56 m. nordic optical telescope and alfosc ( a dfosc twin instrument ) , situated at la palma , canary islands . the data consist of ccd images in the filters u , b , v , r , i and h@xmath0 . in the filters bvri and h@xmath0 we typically made 3 exposures per galaxy of 5 minutes each , and 3 exposures of 20 minutes each in the u band . v - band images of the galaxies are shown in figs . [ fig : im1 ] and [ fig : im2 ] . both the alfosc and dfosc were equipped with thinned , backside - illuminated 2 k@xmath1 loral - lesser ccds . the pixel scale in the alfosc is 0.189/pixel and the scale in the dfosc is 0.40/pixel , giving field sizes of @xmath2 and @xmath3 , respectively . the seeing during the observations at la silla was typically around 1.5 arcseconds as measured on v - band frames . on the images taken with the not the seeing was usually about 0.8 arcseconds . all observations used in this paper were conducted under photometric conditions . during each observing run , photometric standard stars in the landolt ( @xcite ) fields were observed for calibration of the photometry . care was taken to include standard stars over as a wide a range in colours as possible , usually from @xmath4 to @xmath5 . some of the landolt fields were observed several times during the night at different airmass in order to measure the atmospheric extinction coefficients . for the flatfielding we used skyflats exposed to about half the dynamic range of the ccd , and in general each flatfield used in the reductions was constructed as an average of about 5 individual integrations , slightly offset with respect to each other in order to eliminate any stars . the initial reductions of all ccd images ( bias subtraction , flatfield correction , removal of bad columns ) were done using the standard tools in iraf . the instrumental magnitudes for the standard stars were obtained on the ccd images using the * phot * task in daophot ( stetson @xcite ) with an aperture radius of 20 pixels . the extinction correction was then applied directly to the raw instrumental magnitudes . the standard calibrations were carried out using the * photcal * package in iraf with the transformation equations assumed to be of the linear form . the standard transformation coefficients for each of the four observing runs . @xmath7 is the total number of observations of individual stars used for the transformations . the number of stars @xmath8 actually involved is always smaller , some of the fields being observed several times . the rms values refer to the scatter around the standard transformations . [ tab : stdtrans ] [ cols= " < , > , > , > , > " , ] | is also available in electronic form at the cds via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/abstract.html ] a detailed description is given of the data analysis leading to the discovery of young massive star clusters ( ymcs ) in a sample of 21 nearby galaxies .
a new useful tool , * ishape * , for the derivation of intrinsic shape parameters of compact objects is presented , and some test results are shown .
completeness tests for the cluster samples are discussed , and * ishape * is used to estimate cluster sizes .
half - light radii of 0 - 20 pc are derived for clusters in 2 of the most cluster - rich galaxies , ngc 1313 and ngc 5236 , which is within the range spanned by globular clusters in the milky way and by ymcs in the lmc and some starburst galaxies .
photometric data for all clusters , along with positions and estimated half - light radii , are tabulated . |
the jodrell - bank vla astrometric survey ( jvas ) and the cosmic lens all sky survey ( class ) samples together comprise @xmath2 radio sources in the northern sky selected to be flat - spectrum between 1.4 ghz and 5 ghz ( see the contribution by browne & myers ) . the simple compact structures of such sources ease the task of identifying potential gravitational lensing events . so far , a search for @xmath3 to @xmath0 scale lensing ( produced by galaxy - scale masses ) has been particularly fruitful , with at least 18 gravitational lens systems found within the two samples . this poster describes a search for further lensing events on larger angular scales , corresponding to lensing by groups and clusters of galaxies . statistics on the prevalence of galaxy lensing events relate to the clumpiness of matter in the universe and provide constraints on the cosmological parameters . the frequency of lensing by galaxy - sized masses is dominated by the cosmological constant rather than the density parameter , because the number density of lensing masses is assumed to be constant . searching for lensing by groups and clusters provides a different perspective on these parameters because the relevant mass scales are evolving at redshifts where lensing is most probable . a systematic search for lensing has the advantage of tracing not only visible matter , but also dark matter . hawkins ( 1997 ) suggested that there is a significant proportion of dark galaxies producing image splittings as large as @xmath4 . however , jackson et al . ( 1998 ) have detected all the lensing galaxies within a sample of 12 lenses from jvas and class , although the image separation upper limit of @xmath0 would have selected against * massive * dark galaxies . kochanek et al . ( 1999 ) also argue against hawkins based on the number of radio and optical pairs seen , and suggest that these ` large ' separation pairs are binary quasars . the result of an extended search of jvas and class will provide a clean sample to test these hypotheses . the jvas / class data consist of vla a - configuration 8.4 ghz snapshot observations . the data were systematically calibrated and automapped , and candidate lens systems were chosen with component separations between @xmath0 and @xmath1 using the same methodology as the @xmath3 to @xmath0 lens search ; i.e. only systems with multiple compact components were selected . a total of 10 systems met these initial selection criteria . the vla was again used in a - configuration , this time at 1.4 ghz and 15 ghz in order to reveal any low surface brightness emission which could allow the identification of intrinsic double sources ( i.e. agns ) , and to provide higher resolution images . the combined flux density information from these two frequencies and the original 8.4 ghz observations provided spectral information for each component which could also be used to reject a system as a lens candidate . a total of 3 candidates remained after this stage . higher resolution radio maps of the three remaining candidates were obtained with merlin at 1.6 ghz . one candidate could be rejected based on morphological grounds , whilst another was found to have a significantly different percentage polarisation and surface brightness between each component and so could also be rejected . only one candidate remains after this stage . we have recently obtained wht service time observations of the remaining candidate . a preliminary analysis suggests that each component is detected , although the optical component flux density ratio is markedly different from the radio , and the weaker component appears to be slightly extended . if it is shown not to be a lens system , the fact that no @xmath0 to @xmath1 scale lensing events are found from @xmath2 background sources may rule out the standard cold dark matter model , however more realistic simulations of mass distributions on these scales must be made before significant constraints can be placed on the cosmological parameters . the vla is the very large array and is operated by the national radio astronomy observatory which is a facility of the national science foundation operated under cooperative agreement by associated universities , inc . merlin is the multi - element radio linked interferometer network and is a national facility operated by the university of manchester on behalf of pparc . this research was supported in part by european commission , tmr programme , research network contract erbfmrxct96 - 0034 `` ceres '' . m. phillips would also like to thank pparc for the support of a studentship award . | we present the strategy and status of a gravitational lens search for multiple imaging with angular separations between @xmath0 and @xmath1 within the combined jvas and class dataset of @xmath2 flat - spectrum radio sources . currently all but one lens candidate have been rejected .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
blazars are active galactic nuclei with a relativistic jet pointing in the observer direction . they are highly variable in all spectral bands ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ) , and periodicities for these sorces have been hypothesized since the discovery of the first members of the class . yet , no fully convincing case has been identified , with the possible exception of oj287 , with a reported 12 year period ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ) that appears rather robust , but not uncontroversial ( e.g. * ? ? ? in recent years it has become also clear that blazars are the main constituents of the extragalactic @xmath0-ray sky and the _ fermi _ mission since its launch has monitored the entire celestial sphere every 3 hours . therefore , @xmath0-ray light curves of blazars are becoming easily available @xcite , opening the possibility to look for periodicities in multiple and independent bands . in addition , robotic telescopes often developed for the monitorig of high - energy transients as gamma - ray bursts , are now operational since almost a decade , providing a large amount of homogeneous data that can fruitfully be analyzed for identifying long - term oscillations . one of these small - size robotic facilities is the rapid eye mount ( rem , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ) telescope ( fig.[figrem ] ) located at the eso premise of la silla since 2004 and since then devoting a large fraction of the available observing time to blazar monitoring in the southern hemisphere ( fig.[figlc ] ) . our team derived and analyzed the rem data for six bl lac objects : pks0537 - 441 , pks0735 + 17 , oj287 , pks2005 - 489 , pks2155 - 304 , and wcomae , and of the flat spectrum radio quasar pks1510 - 089 @xcite . for some of the monitored sources , a search for periodicity has been carried out with optical , from rem and other facilities , and high - energy _ data @xcite . we recently also performed analogous analyses on three bl lac objects in the northen sky ( 0716 + 714 , mrk421 and bllac , * ? ? ? * ) and similar investigations have been proposed by other teams ( e.g. * ? ? ? generally speaking , in a fair fraction of the analyzed sources , possible periodicities at year time - scale have been singled out ( fig.[figper ] ) . days is indicated . 95% and 99% significance curves derived from the local noise model ( dashed line ) are also shown . ] the proposed quasi - periodicities correspond to peaks in the power density spectra that stand out of the local structured noise rather clearly . however , once a correction for the `` trial - factors '' due to the large number of frequencies analyzed is applied , the global significance of the periods turns out to be rather low . the whole subject is rather complex and widely discussed in the literature ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ) , and a proper treatment of the statistical significance of the discussed quasi - periodicities will be subject of a forthcoming paper . at this stage it is enough to consider that , beyond any correct evaluation of the chance probabilities for these findings , we observe that in several cases there is a coincidence , within the errors , of the same periods in independent bands as the optical and gamma - rays . this suggests that there could be a physical meaning associated to these periods worth discussing in some detail . for a few sources low - significance periodicities simultaneously present in the optical and in the gamma - rays have been identified , enforcing their possible physical relevance . the convincing cases are pks2155 - 304 @xcite , pg1553 + 11 @xcite , pks0537 - 447 @xcite and bllac @xcite . these oscillations could be directly related to a real periodicity , as the orbital one of a system of two binary supermassive black holes , or indirectly as being due to an accretion disc / jet precession . blazar emissions are characterized by a chaotic component with superimposed a possible periodicity , which is therefore possibly hidden and difficult to single out if , as it is typically the case , the data are unevenly sampled and the time - series have of course a finite length . furthermore , the fact that optical observation campaigns on a blazar are basically activated in case of a high state of the source introduces another complicating factor . recently , year - like periodicities have been searched for quasars starting from various surveys , detecting several positive candidate cases among hundred thousands objects ( * ? ? ? * and references therein ) . therefore , there could be a remarkable difference with respect to bright _ fermi _ blazars in terms of fraction of quasi - periodicity detections with roughly a year time - scale . if this will be proved to be true it could be related with the main characteristic that distinguishes them from quasars , the presence of a relativistic jet pointing in the observer direction . the net effect would be to obviously amplify the visibility of the oscillations , since it can magnify the variability through known relativistic effects . furthermore , as already mentioned , it is possible that the oscillations are due to jet instabilities , independent of the presence of a binary companion . | we examine the 2008 - 2016 gamma - ray and optical light curves of a number of bright fermi blazars . in a fraction of them ,
the periodograms show possible evidence of quasi - periodicities related in the two bands .
this coincidence strengthens their physical meaning . comparing with results from the periodicity search of quasars
, the presence of quasi - periodicities in blazars suggests that the basic condition for its observability is related to the relativistic jet in the observer direction , but the overall picture remains uncertain . |
the mid - ir spectra of many sources are dominated by emission bands at 3.3 , 6.2 , 7.7 , 8.6 , and 11.2 , generally attributed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( pahs ) . it is now firmly established that the characteristics of the pah bands vary from source to source and spatially within sources revealing much about the carrier and the local physical conditions ( for a review see * ? ? ? * atb ) pointed out that objects showing pah bands are expected to show emission at wavelengths longer than @xmath015 arising from their ccc out - of - plane bending vibrations . this was confirmed by iso observations . new features were reported at 16.4 ( @xcite @xcite ; @xcite @xcite , vhp ) and 17.4 @xcite while vhp present evidence for a variable 1521 plateau . these authors interpreted the plateau as `` a collection of blended emission features '' . using spitzer further details about this variable plateau were revealed ( spitzer special issue , apjs ) . vhp showed that there are significant variations in the 15 - 21 pah emission . [ obs ] shows their two most extreme cases : while the emission in cd -42 11721 is dominated by bands at 16.4 and 17.4 , s 106 shows a broad , nearly flat - topped plateau between 15 to 21 with a secondary 16.4 band ( vhp ) . in addition , there is much observational evidence of discrete emission features at 15.8 , 16.4 , 17.4 and 19.0 ( see e.g. vhp ; * ? ? ? * pmh , and references therein ) which can vary spatially as observed for ngc 7023 @xcite . emission in this region is thus comprised of at least two classes of independent components : distinct , narrow features and broad variable plateaus . in addition , regions seem to show the broad variable plateau while yso s and reflection nebulae show a complex of narrow features . [ obs ] shows spitzer - irs observations of 2 positions in the orion bar . clearly , within the orion bar , both the broad plateau and the complex of features are observed . the broad plateau is located closer to the ionizing stars compared to the complex of features . combined with the dependence of the emission on object type ( see above ) , this suggests that either the carrier of the broad plateau is more stable against uv photons than the carrier of the complex of features or the ionization state of the carrier of both features is different . most spectra in the ames pah database have bands in the 1521 range arising from out - of - plane skeletal vibrations . fig.[obs ] compares the astronomical spectra with different pah mixtures . note that these mixtures are not unique . the principle purpose here is to demonstrate that band blending from different pahs in a mixture can readily produce these features ( atb , moutou et al . 2000 , vhp , pmh ) . the discrete narrow bands are likely due to gas - phase pah molecules while emission from larger pahs , pah clusters etc . likely blend and primarily contribute to the broad , somewhat structureless underlying plateau . | we present 1421 emission spectra of star forming regions and compare them with the pah spectra from the ames pah database .
we show that while the emission in this region can be quite variable , the bulk of these variations can be accommodated by variations in the is pah population . |
elements heavier than the iron group are mostly synthesized by neutron - capture processes , which are distinguished into the rapid ( r- ) and slow ( s- ) processes by the reaction time scale ( e.g. burbidge et al . 1957 ) . the s - process fraction in solar - system material is estimated by the classical or stellar s - process models calibrated for the nuclei that are yielded only by the s - process ( e.g. kppeler et al . 1989 , arlandini et al . the r - process component is derived by subtracting the s - process one from the solar - system isotopic abundances . the contributions of the s- and r - processes to galactic objects are estimated from the abundance ratios of elements that represent the two processes ( e.g. ba / eu , la / eu ; truran et al . 1981 ; mcwilliam et al . 1998 ; burris et al . 2000 ) . @xcite investigated the la / eu ratio for a large sample of metal - poor stars , and concluded that the contribution of the s - process , with respect to the r - process , increases with increasing metallicity , but large scatter of [ la / eu ] exists among stars having similar metallicity = @xmath4 , and @xmath5 for elements a and b. ] . another good probe of the s - process at low metallicity is pb , one of the heaviest elements including the isotope with magic numbers for proton and neutron ( @xmath6pb ) . the pb abundances have been measured for many carbon - enhanced objects , which are believed to be affected by mass transfer across binary systems from asymptotic giant branch ( agb ) stars , and have been providing a useful constraint on the s - process in low metallicity agb stars . in contrast , measurements of pb abundances for normal ( non - carbon - enhanced ) stars are quite limited . @xcite argued enrichment of pb in the galactic halo , thick and thin disks , reporting the pb abundances for several stars . their sample , however , includes a star possibly classified as a ch star , and the results for some objects are quite uncertain . @xcite studied the heavy elements , including pb , for hd 221170 ( [ fe / h]@xmath7 ) in detail . pb abundances of stars in globular clusters were recently determined by @xcite and @xcite . this letter reports our abundance measurements of pb and other elements for bright metal - poor red giants , which would belong to the galactic halo . the results are compared with the solar - system s- and r - process abundance ratios as well as that of r - process - enhanced , extremely metal - poor stars . the sample of this study is selected from the list of @xcite , who determined abundances of neutron - capture elements like la and eu , and that of @xcite , who studied metallicity and kinematics of metal - poor stars . bright stars ( @xmath8 ) were selected for our purpose . lccccc object & ref . & [ pb / fe ] & [ pb / la ] & [ pb / eu ] & [ la / eu ] + field stars ( 12 objects ) & 1 & @xmath90.27 ( 0.12 ) & @xmath90.18 ( 0.15 ) & @xmath90.59 ( 0.20 ) & @xmath90.41 ( 0.09 ) + m 4 stars ( 12 objects ) & 2 & 0.30 ( 0.07 ) & @xmath90.18 ( 0.06 ) & @xmath90.09 ( 0.09 ) & 0.08 ( 0.06 ) + s - process ( solar - system ) & 3 & & 0.022 & 1.471 & 1.449 + r - process ( solar - system ) & 3 & & @xmath90.057 & @xmath90.650 & @xmath90.593 + cs 31082001 & 4 & 0.35 & @xmath90.76 & @xmath91.28 & @xmath90.52 + + | we have determined lead ( pb ) abundances for twelve red giants having [ fe / h ] between @xmath0 and @xmath1 , and its upper - limits for two lower metallicity objects , as well as the abundances of lanthanum ( la ) and europium ( eu ) .
the averages of [ pb / fe ] and [ pb / eu ] are @xmath2 and @xmath3 , respectively , and no clear increase of these ratios with increasing metallicity is found .
the [ la / eu ] values are only slightly higher than that of the r - process component in solar - system material . combining the previous studies for globular clusters , these results suggest little contribution of the s - process to pb of the field stars studied here , supporting the estimate of pb production by the r - process from the solar - system abundances . |
hot star winds are accelerated mainly by absorption of radiation in resonance lines . this process can be divided into two steps : 1 . transfer of light momentum to c , n , o , fe , etc . , by absorption of radiation , and by thomson scattering to free electrons , 2 . transfer of obtained momentum to predominant wind component ( h , he ) . since the acceleration of different wind species may be different , their wind velocities may differ and so hot star winds have a multicomponent nature . for _ high density _ winds ( e.g. of galactic o stars ) this multicomponent nature does not influence the wind structure , however for _ low density _ winds multicomponent effects occur , for example frictional heating , decoupling of wind components , etc . ( see krtika & kubt 2001 ) . to estimate the importance of multicomponent effects for the winds of central stars of planetary nebulae we calculate multicomponent wind models for these stars . basic assumptions of our models are the following : * we assume a stationary spherically - symmetric flow , * we solve the continuity , momentum and energy equations for each component of the flow , namely for absorbing ions , nonabsorbing ions ( hydrogen and helium ) , and electrons ( see krtika & kubt 2001 ) , * we assume solar chemical composition , * line radiative force is calculated in the cak approximation ( castor , abbott & klein 1975 ) , we neglect wind instabilities and magnetic fields . for each component @xmath0 of the flow ( i.e. accelerated ions , passive component ( hydrogen and helium ) and electrons ) we solve continuity , momentum and energy equations in the form of @xmath1 where @xmath2 is the density of a component @xmath0 , @xmath3 is radial velocity , @xmath4 is the isothermal sound speed , @xmath5 is the radiative acceleration either due to the line - transitions or due to the electron scattering , @xmath6 is the electric polarisation field , @xmath7 is the frictional acceleration , @xmath8 is the temperature , @xmath9 is the radiative heating / cooling term ( calculated using electron thermal balance method , kubt et al . 1999 ) , @xmath10 is the heat exchange and @xmath11 is the frictional heating . the frictional acceleration @xmath7 depends on the velocity difference via the chandrasekhar function ( @xmath12 ) , @xmath13 where @xmath14 is the error - function and the relative velocity difference between wind components @xmath0 and @xmath15 is @xmath16 for small relative velocity differences , @xmath17 , the chandrasekhar function @xmath18 is increasing , the flow is stable in this case , however for larger velocity differences , @xmath19 , @xmath18 is decreasing ( see fig.[chandra ] ) . the latter behaviour enables _ decoupling _ of wind components , the flow is unstable for larger velocity differences ( owocki & puls 2002 , krtika & kub ' at 2002 ) . _ frictional heating _ is important if the velocity difference is comparable with averaged thermal speed , @xmath17 . an example of frictionally heated wind model is given in fig.[ohrev ] . if the relative velocity difference between wind components is higher than the averaged thermal speed , @xmath19 , _ the wind components may decouple_. an example of model with hydrogen decoupling is given in fig.[hoddel ] . using our wind models , for stars with @xmath21 we have derived regions in the @xmath22 diagram with different types of stellar winds ( see fig.[trpaslici ] ) . corresponding evolutionary track by blcker ( 1995 ) of a post - agb stage is also plotted in this figure . apparently , in the course of the post - agb evolution also the stellar wind evolves . at the initial stages the stellar wind can be regarded as a one - component . during the subsequent stellar cooling the stellar wind becomes frictionally heated and subsequently either hydrogen falls back onto the stellar surface or pure metallic wind exists . the coolest stars do not have any wind . blcker , t. 1995 , , 299 , 755 castor , j. i. , abbott , d. c. , & klein , r. i. 1975 , , 195 , 157 krtika , j. , & kub ' at , j. 2001 , , 377 , 175 krtika , j. , & kub ' at , j. 2002 , , 388 , 531 kubt , j. , puls , j. , & pauldrach , a. w. a. 1999 , , 341 , 587 owocki , s. p. , & puls , j. 2002 , , 568 , 965 porter , j. m. , & skouza , b. a. 1999 , , 344 , 205 | we calculate multicomponent radiatively driven stellar wind models suitable for central stars of planetary nebulae .
some of these stellar winds may be adequately modelled using one - component models , however for some of them multicomponent models are necessary .
we obtain a range of stellar parameters for different types of mass - loss . |
the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) @xcite has been in operation for over a decade , and through three separate phases ( sdss i , ii , and iii ) has accumulated an extensive archive of photometric and spectroscopic astrophysical observations . here we describe a newly - formed data mining collaboration , the ` detection of spectroscopic differences over time ' or ds / dt project , to search for variability in the sdss spectra . though cadences and exposure times varied , the sdss spectra were generally observed in three or more exposures , with exposure times of at least 900s . these individual exposures were combined to produce the final spectra released to the community . only a handful of groups have examined the sub - spectra for evidence of variability : @xcite examined flaring in m - dwarfs , while @xcite and @xcite used radial velocity shifts to identify wd - wd binaries . radial velocities have also been used by @xcite to identify binaries . with such an enormous diversity of objects , from qsos and agns , to stars of all spectral types ; there is a vast amount of time variable data which has never been evaluated . the primary objective of our work is to produce a uniformly - processed archive of the individual sub - spectra for all sdss spectroscopic observations . we are developing a data mining pipeline targeting some specific forms of variability ( radial velocities , flaring , etc ) , and also serendipitous anomalous variability . our pipeline is an extension of the sdss spectroscopic pipeline , spectro , used to produce seventh data release of the sloan digital sky survey @xcite . the original spectro pipe consists of three principle stages for ( 1 ) extraction and calibration of the raw spectroscopic traces , ( 2 ) stacking of the sub - spectra and stitching of the data from the red and blue cameras , and ( 3 ) object classification and redshift determination . we have written a modified 2nd stage to perform only the red / blue stitching for the individual exposures . our new combine step generates individual per - object output files containing the full co - added spectra and their associated sub - spectra . during the sdss observing program , a wide range of time baselines were sampled . a given plate ( 640 fibers ) was typically observed in three back - to - back 900s exposures , and in most cases the baseline is therefore @xmath030 minutes . however , plates which were incomplete at the end of an observing session were continued on the following night , giving many plates a baseline of @xmath112 hours . in some cases , previously - observed plates were later replugged for further observation , providing baselines of several weeks or sometimes much longer . finally , some targets were observed on multiple plates , again providing baselines from weeks to months . figure [ fig : baselines ] shows histograms of the time baselines sampled ( measured between the mid - points of the first and last available exposures ) and the number of exposures . the sample includes the sdss i and ii spectra , and the segue - ii subset of the sdss iii spectra . the ds / dt project is a newly - formed data mining project to explore time variability in the sub - spectra of the sdss spectroscopic archive . we have developed a branch pipeline to process and collate the sub - spectra for each target into individual fits files . it is our intention to make our full data set available . those interested in testing and providing feedback on our preliminary data are invited to contact us . | we present a brief technical outline of the newly - formed ` detection of spectroscopic differences over time ' ( ds / dt ) project .
our collaboration is using the individual exposures from the sdss spectroscopic archive to produce a uniformly - processed set of time - resolved spectra .
here we provide an overview of the properties and processing of the available data , and highlight the wide range of time baselines present in the archive . |
parallel programming is a very new tool using multiple computing cores for a given program , increasing the speedup in the parallelized instructions of the program . in this article we are particularly interested to test the performance of a cluster using the @xmath0 file given by mpi . the cluster is based on the debian distribution named pelicanhpc @xcite ( for high performance clusters ) with xfce desktop environment which is lightweight ( version used is pelicanhpc 3.1 @xcite ) . pelican is a live cd distribution that provides the ability to boot a full linux operating system and access many software from the media ( cd , dvd or usb stick ) without installation on the hard disk , and without altering its content . note that this system has great potential thanks to its support for parallel computing based on mpi using fortran ( 77 , 90 , 95 ) , c , c + + , but also interpreted languages such as gnu octave or semi - interpreted as phyton . the pxe boot ( acronym for pre - boot execution environment ) allows a workstation to boot from the network by recovering an operating system image that is on a server @xcite . this system image could be a gross operating system or an operating system with custom personal software components this cluster in picture [ fig : figure1 ] has a master node that manages the startup by pxe boot other the network of two slave nodes . as was said earlier , the pelicanhpc system is only live version , that is to say all data and configuration made on the live partition is deleted when the cluster is shutdown or restarted . note that all nodes must be in the same subnet ( see picture [ fig : figure2 ] ) to allow starting and they must have pxe option enabled in their bios . it may be noted that it is strongly recommended to leave pelicanhpc manage his own dhcp server to avoid conflicts . this calculation system have a hybrid memory since each of the cores of the apu amd a8 6600k share the same memory ( ram ) , but the memories are different from one processor to another . now look at the expected maximum theoretical performance : @xmath1 this theoretical performance is upper than the reality . in this calculation we have taken 4 @xmath2 per cycle . it is really important to control the cooling of each processors to avoid bios maximum temperature during important calculations . each processors are well - equipped by a lm35dz temperature sensor in their heatsinks , thereafter a resolution of an unstationary differential equation of thermal conduction give the real temperature of cores . these sensors are connected to a microcontroller chip atmega328p - pu with arduino uno bootloader for an easily acces to the open source project . an arduino sketch is uploaded on this chip to control on / off of additional fans . a sim800l module is connected to the mcu for sending processors temperatures by short message service to directors numbers . a serial communication beetween this additional module and atmega328p - pu using gsm at commands allows the microcontroller chip to control sms data . this chip run 350 lines of code in loop all twenty seconds . an lcd light screen shows informations about sensors . we can have more information of arduino project by surfing on their website @xcite . we will analyse quickly the results we can show on picture [ fig : figure3 ] . there is three different cluster including our homemade pelicanhpc high performance cluster . two others are cluster from nuclear physics institute of lyon ( ipnl ) respectively with 16 and 24 cores . in our small network architecture with three motherboards , we can notice that performance is almost a linear function of the number of cores . moreover , thanks to this results , homemade 12 cores assembly appears to be more efficient than other clusters of ipnl . we will highlight that this test is running on @xmath0 file given by mpi and it s not the real performance of your personnal parallelized code because each mpi codes uses differents physically part of clusters . however , this gives an overall idea of performance and quality of communication between computing cores . table [ table : table1 ] lists physically description of clusters . ' '' '' + * clusters quick description * ' '' '' + .clusters quick description [ cols="^,^,^ " , ] ' '' '' + it is important to know the performance of a cluster in order to adapt a parallel code . based on certain formulations using differents parts of the cluster , the resolution will be slowest in some cases , that s why it s important to adjust code to the considered cluster configurations . to talk about price of this installation , we can have 4 * 3 cores clocked at 4,2 ghz for less than 650 euros ( including motherboards and network installations ) . the price and simplicity of implementation of this debian distribution in a compute cluster is a real benefit not to ignore . a single cluster like this may prove more efficient than industrial cluster nodes with 16 cores or more . 1 _ http://pelicanhpc.awict.net/_ , website , pelicanhpc official website . _ http://pareto.uab.es/mcreel/pelicanhpc/_ , website , pelicanhpc tutorial from autonomous university of barcelona . _ http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=pelicanhpc_ , website , pelicanhpc distribution download . _ https://www.arduino.cc/_ , website , arduino official website . | this article shows a lower cost realization of a compute cluster using debian distribution such as pelicanhpc .
we will explain parameterization and network configuration for master and compute slave nodes .
performance testing will take place using @xmath0 file given by mpi .
the results will be compared between differents clusters .
we will explain quickly how the temperature is controlled by a microcontroller unit . + + * keywords * pelicanhpc , high performance cluster , parallel programming , message passing interface , homemade , arduino project . |
many ( or all ! ) of the radio sources related with x - ray binaries have been resolved into relativistic jets , often with detectable proper motion of the radio - emitting blobs . we present results of long - term daily monitoring of a sample of these rjxrbs with the ratan-600 radio telescope at 0.96 , 2.3 , 3.9 , 7.7 , 11.2 and 21.7 ghz . many strong optically thin and thick flares were detected during the monitoring period ( see bursov and trushkin , 1996 ; trushkin , 1998 ) . the basic model of the flares is the synchrotron emission evolution of two relativistic jets with conical geometry and an adiabatic expansion of the blobs , which are composed of relativistic electrons embedded in magnetic fields , moving away from the central source ( shklovskii , 1960 ; van der laan , 1966 ; hjellming and johnston , 1988 ; marti et al . , 1992 ) . the flare decay law is determined by the geometry of the conical hollow jets . the jet velocity , thermal and relativistic electron densities , and magnetic field intensity within the blobs can be derived from the fits . our monitoring of radio variability of rjxrb shows that the decay of a flare follows a power law , @xmath0 , as predicted by the shklovskii and van der laan models , or an exponential law @xmath1 ( fig.1 ) , which is due to the initial exponential increase of the jet cone radius . often @xmath2 , where @xmath3 ranged from @xmath4 to @xmath5 ; these flares decay faster at higher frequencies ( see current light curves and the spectra animation at ` http://cats.sao.ru/~satr/xb/ ` ) . we computed the power spectra of the daily light curves of ss433 in the 2.322 ghz range during the long quiescent periods may july 1997 and may august 1999 . both spectra show a mean harmonic at @xmath6 , which corresponds to a period of @xmath7 days . we propose that doppler boosting of the jet radiation could explain such modulation . the 5-elements kinematical model of the jets and ephemerides proposed by vermeulen ( 1989 ) for the nodding motion of the jets and common formulas for boosting produce a modulation similar to the observed one . thus we detect a 6-day modulation at the 1015% level in the quiescent flux density , which is @xmath8 = 1.2 \ \nu_{\rm ghz } ^{-0.6}$ ] . three powerful flaring events ( up to 13 jy ) from cyg x-3 were detected in april 2000 . the daily spectra clearly show two components : i ) a quasi - stable steep spectrum and ii ) a very unstable flat spectrum . | we present results of long - term daily monitoring of a sample of galactic radio - emitting x - ray binaries showing relativistic jets ( rjxrb ) : ss433 , cyg x-3 , and grs 1915 + 105 , with the ratan-600 radio telescope in the 0.622 ghz range .
we carried out the modeling calculations to understand the temporal ( 1100 days ) and spectral ( 122 ghz ) dependence .
we tested the finite jet segment models and we found that the geometry of the conical hollow jets is responsible for either a power law or an exponential decay of the flares .
ss433 was monitored for 100 days in 1997 and 120 days in 1999 . from the quiescent radio light curves
, we obtained clear evidence of a 6.04-day 1015% modulation . three powerful flares ( up to 13 jy ) from cyg x-3 were detected in april 2000 . |
pyheadtail is a program currently under development at cern @xcite designed for the simulation of the interaction of particle beams with electron clouds , the impact of impedance and space charge effects . it is used to study beam instabilities and emittance growth induced by the afore - mentioned collective effects . the code itself is written in python : various modules covering different physical aspects allow the user to choose a particular combination of what he wants to incorporate into his simulation script . pyheadtail is a python port from the program headtail written in c and fortran , which has been successfully employed in the world - wide beam dynamics community since at least 2002 . since pyheadtail is still at an early stage of development , the current version does not exhibit any parallelised parts yet , it runs fully sequentially . this is where the actual project comes into play , it poses the starting point for future parallelisation efforts of pyheadtail . pyheadtail is a macro - particle simulation , i.e. the code pushes particles described by their 3d spatial positions and momenta from one interaction point to another , cf . figure [ fig : pushing ] . at the interaction points depending on what type of interactions the user has included , the fields of the particle distribution are constructed and act back on the particle distribution . one essential part of pyheadtail is the tracking engine which transports the macro - particles . one distinguishes between the transverse plane ( perpendicular to the direction of motion within the accelerator ring ) and the longitudinal direction ( along the direction of motion ) . the macro - particle movement in the transverse plane is approximately described by linear transfer matrices , i.e. the same matrix is repeatedly acting on the typically @xmath3 to @xmath4 macro - particles state vectors ( to give an order of magnitude , this depends on the resolution that the physics requires to be noiselessly described and be properly reproduced ) . currently this is done with sequential vectorised matrix multiplication on a single core . the macro - particles longitudinal motion is taken into account via various different integration algorithms , which allow for different levels of accuracy in exchange for computation time . to be more specific , the particles motion in longitudinal phase space which comprises two coordinates , the spatial location @xmath5 and the corresponding ( dimensionless ) conjugate momentum @xmath6 is integrated turn by turn . integration is performed via either the euler - cromer ( first order ) , leap - frog ( second order verlet ) or runge - kutta resp . ruth ( fourth order ) numerical integration algorithms . these heavy calculations are independently done for each particle s entry in the @xmath5 and @xmath6 arrays , i.e. they are destined to be parallelised and outsourced to the gpu . the machine on which the testing is conducted runs the linux distribution ubuntu 12.04 . table [ tab : specs ] summarises the most relevant machine parameters and specifications . .relevant machine specifications [ cols=">,<",options="header " , ] due to the overhead caused by the gpu cuda device initiation , the use of the concurrent calculations on the gpu only pays off from a magnitude of @xmath7 to @xmath8 macro - particles on . as the usual setting in headtail / pyheadtail is @xmath3 to @xmath4 macro - particles , a speedup of @xmath9 can be expected by using a parallelised version on the gpu . however , for more memory - bound applications such as calculating space charge effects between the particles or including impedance effects , the real speedup will be strongly affected by the large memory latency on the gpu . the next steps include porting the parallelised version into pycuda and integrating the parallelised tracking into pyheadtail . for now , the strongly computation - bound tracking promises a large speedup , this will have to be analysed in greater detail for the more memory - bound physical effects that comprise the core part of ( py-)headtail and make it such a useful tool in the accelerator physics community . | the longitudinal tracking engine of the particle accelerator simulation application pyheadtail shows a heavy potential for parallelisation . for basic beam circulation ,
the tracking functionality with the leap - frog algorithm is extracted and compared between a sequential c and a concurrent cuda c api implementation for @xmath0 revolutions . including the sequential data i / o in both versions , a pure speedup of up to @xmath1 is observed which is in the order of magnitude of what is expected from amdahl s law . from @xmath2 macro - particles on the overhead of initialising the gpu cuda device
appears outweighed by the concurrent computations on the 448 available cuda cores . |
studying the role of phase in quantum mechanics has a long history ( for a review on the phase concepts , see , e.g. , @xcite ) . its importance in today s problems is also apparent . for example , phase in atomic systems has recently been used for storing quantum information @xcite , and phase and photon number measurements have been considered as a basis in some quantum teleportation schemes @xcite . notwithstanding the various phase - dependent effects in quantum physics , phase itself has not been uniquely measured and its very definition as physical quantity has been subject to many disputes . whereas for highly excited ( quasi - classical ) states different approaches give similar results , the various concepts differ in the phase properties of quantum states close to vacuum . therefore the question has been arisen of what are the differences between these approaches and how relevant are they experimentally . in this paper we concentrate on the canonical phase and its relation to @xmath0-parametrized phase - space functions , with special emphasis on the measurability of its exponential moments by `` weighted '' averaging of measured phase space functions . the canonical phase distribution @xmath5 of a radiation field mode ( harmonic oscillator ) prepared in a quantum state described by a density operator @xmath6 is defined by @xmath7 where the fock state expansion of the ( unnormalizable ) phase states @xmath8 reads latexmath:[\ ] ] for small @xmath43 , the dominant contribution to this integral comes from large @xmath90 . we can replace @xmath153 by the asymptotic formula ( [ omegaas ] ) and absorb the prefactors into @xmath198 , @xmath199 . \label{kasint}\ ] ] change of the variable according to @xmath200 yields @xmath201 the integration region of ( [ b9 ] ) can be divided in two parts , @xmath202 @xmath203 and @xmath202 @xmath204 , with @xmath205 @xmath184 @xmath206 . for small @xmath43 , the dominant contribution stems from the latter part where the approximation @xmath207 can be used , and we find that @xmath208 the integral is finite for @xmath43 @xmath46 @xmath23 , and thus @xmath209 the logarithm singularity in the denominator is very weak in comparison to the polynomial one in the numerator . only the polynomial divergence is relevant in eq . ( [ psi ] ) , because it determines whether the integral is convergent or not . thus we need not consider the logarithmic part , so that eq . ( [ kfulldiver ] ) simplifies to @xmath210 a. luk and v. peinov , quantum opt . * 6 * , 125 ( 1994 ) ; r. lynch , phys . rep . * 256 * , 367 ( 1995 ) ; a. royer , phys . a * 53 * , 70 ( 1996 ) ; r. tana , a. miranowicz , and ts . gantsog , in : progress in optics , vol . xxxv , ed . : e. wolf , ( elsevier , amsterdam , 1996 ) , p. 355 ; d.t . pegg and s.m . barnett , j. mod . optics * 44 * , 225 ( 1997 ) ; v. peinov , a. luk , and j. peina , _ phase in optics , _ world scientific , singapore 1998 . m. freyberger and w. schleich , phys . a * 47 * , r30 ( 1993 ) ; for determining the @xmath4-function by balanced six - port homodyning , see a. zucchetti , w. vogel , and d.g . welsch , phys . a * 54 * , 856 ( 1996 ) , m. paris , a. chizhov , and o. steuernagel , opt . commun . * 134 * , 117 ( 1997 ) . alternatively , @xmath121 with a fixed @xmath99 can be treated as a generalized phase space function based on scalar product of the signal state with a displaced fock state . such a function is another representation of the signal state . | we discuss the possibility of sampling exponential moments of the canonical phase from the @xmath0-parametrized phase space functions .
we show that the sampling kernels exist and are well - behaved for any @xmath0 @xmath1 @xmath2 , whereas for @xmath0 @xmath3 @xmath2 the kernels diverge in the origin . in spite of
that we show that the phase space moments can be sampled with any predefined accuracy from the @xmath4-function measured in the double - homodyne scheme with perfect detectors .
we discuss the effect of imperfect detection and address sampling schemes using other measurable phase - space functions .
finally , we discuss the problem of sampling the canonical phase distribution itself . |
the introduction was set equal to the abstract the software algorithm we are describing is named spinning pipeline ( spipi ) and is based on the concept that measurement data recorded by a detection system mounted on a spinning satellite contain data related to different portions of the field of view that cyclically return to be pointed . for our example the satellite is spinning around his axis with an angular velocity of 0.8per second . the total measurement data set is divided both in a temporary grid and in a spatial grid . the spatial grid is composed by slices , of square shape each of them with the angular dimension of some degrees in the field of view ( e.g. 6 ) . the data related on a given slice is considered during the ( short ) time intervals where the pointing is relatively stable , and then merged into temporary event lists related to each given slice . for every eventlist related to a given slice of the grid , the attitude correction procedure is applied , and then all the imaging procedure is performed . we designed and implemented the spipi software system to analyse data acquired by an instrument in spinning mode : the superagile instrument ( sa ) of the italian space agency agile mission , although the instrument was mainly designed and optimized to work in pointing mode , with the nominal attitude control system ( acs ) that could maintain attitude stability better than 0.1 degrees / s ( see [ 5 ] ) . the agile acs went out of order in autumn 2009 due to a failure of the momentum wheel . all time related data is represented following the iso 8601 standard ( see [ 1 ] ) , for the software requirements specifications we used the format suggested by the ieee standard 830 - 199 ( see [ 2 ] ) . all the log messages generated by the spipi software are handled using the syslog standard utilities , this opens a lot of possible counteractions to logged events [ 8 ] . the saspin procedures was developed to handle the i / o for the spipi software and to allow processing to be run interactively by scientific users and to be automatically scheduled by processing work stations . specifically is possible to run the software in source / field mode , run daily / threely / weekly ... dataset integrations , log all the events and errors . all processing steps , scheduling events , processing status and the final detection infos are saved on a mysql database . * * what does the spipi analysis software take as input ? * + satellite attitude data , satellite ephemerides data , photons event lists ; * * what the program does ? * + extracts images of the sky to detect sources , dividing the field of view in a grid where the pointing can be acceptable for analysis ; * * what does the program produce as output ? * + tables and maps of the detected sky sources , with their positions ( ra , dec ) coordinates and flux [ @xmath0 . the main results due to the analysis of sa data products generated by the spipi software is mainly reported in [ 1 ] . a future improvement can be to rewrite some procedures in a way to output data lists directly on socket streams in order to pipe most of them without using temporary files , and complete the error control system with more recovery functionalities . the main results due to the analysis of sa data products generated by the spipi software is mainly reported in [ 1 ] . a future improvement can be to rewrite some procedures in a way to output data lists directly on socket streams in order to pipe most of them without using temporary files , and complete the error control system with more recovery functionalities . del monte , e. , second author , b.x . , & third author , proceedings of spie , 2010 . tavani et al , `` the agile mission '' , astronomy & astrophysics , 502 , 9951013 ( 2009 ) lazzarotto , f. di persio , g , del monte , e. et al `` superagile software on - line documentation '' , 2007 - 2010 http://bigfoot.iasf-roma.inaf.it/\textasciitilde agile / sa / web / usermanual[http://bigfoot.iasf - roma.inaf.it/~agile / sa / web / usermanual ] international organization for standardization [ iso ] `` international standard iso 8601 , data elements and interchange formats information interchange representation of dates and times '' , 2004 ieee the institute of electrical and electronics engineers , inc . , `` recommended practice for software requirements specifications '' , ieee standard 830 - 1998 , 1998 lazzarotto et al , `` data processing operations for sa in spinning '' , iasf inaf rome technical report , 2010 iasf inaf rome technical report , 2010 di persio et al , `` software requirement specifications(srs ) document for the data storage of superagile in spinning mode '' . iasf inaf rome technical report , 2010 . `` guide to computer security log management '' , 2006 | modern satellite based experiments are often very complex real - time systems , composed by flight and ground segments , that have challenging resource related constraints , in terms of size , weight , power , requirements for real - time response , fault tolerance , and specialized input / output hardware - software , and they must be certified to high levels of assurance .
hardware - software data processing systems have to be responsive to system degradation and to changes in the data acquisition modes , and actions have to be taken to change the organization of the mission operations .
a big research & develop effort in a team composed by scientists and technologists can lead to produce software systems able to optimize the hardware to reach very high levels of performance or to pull degraded hardware to maintain satisfactory features .
we ll show real - life examples describing a system , processing the data of a x - ray detector on satellite - based mission in spinning mode .
satellite data processing , reliability , spinning mode 07.87.+v , 95.40.+s , 95.55.pe = 0.5 cm |
astrophysical black holes with masses in the @xmath4@xmath1 range ( intermediate - mass black hole , imbh ) are of significant implications to black hole research and cosmology . the search for imbhs turns out to be a difficult task , however , since imbhs are beyond the reach of direct dynamical measurement . the most promising approach is to search for dwarf agns hosted in small galaxies . so far , convincing evidence for the existence of imbhs has been found in only a dozen agns ( ngc4395 , filippenko & ho 2003 ; pox52 , barth et al . 2004 ; greene & ho 2006 ; sdssj1605 + 1748 , dong et al . greene & ho ( 2004 , hereafter gh04 ) have conducted a pioneering systematic search for imbh agns from the sdss dr1 over a sky area of 1360 deg@xmath5 , yielding 19 candidates that are preferentially accreting close to the eddington limit ( mainly due to their selection method ) . a fundamental question remains open whether imbhs are truly rare or they are just mostly quiescent . to address this and other related questions we have conducted a thorough search for imbh agns using data from the sdss dr4 . we performed spectral analysis for all the galaxies and qsos with redshift @xmath6 from the sdss dr4 spectroscopic database covering 4783 deg@xmath5 . starlight and nuclear continuum were subtracted from sdss spectra using the method as described in zhou et al . emission line spectra were fitted using the code as described in dong et al . ( 2005 ) . based on fitted line parameters , we culled broad - line agns following the criterion as described in dong et al . black hole masses were estimated from the luminosity and width of a broad h@xmath2 component ( greene & ho 2005 ; greene & ho 2006 ) . finally , we found 245 broad - line agn with candidate imbhs , sampling the ranges of @xmath7@xmath1 , @xmath8 and @xmath9 ( see figure 1 ) . as noted by gh04 , for imbh agns whose spectrum are dominated by narrow emission lines or which are embedded in a much more luminous host galaxy , weak broad lines are hard to discern ; this is especially true for those in a low accretion state . for the recovery of weak broad lines , accurate decomposition of agn galaxy spectra is essential , as well as careful fitting of the lines . resulting from our algorithms improved in both aspects , we found 36 candidate imbhs with @xmath3 . figure 2 shows such an example , sdssj112628.73 + 472453.8 ( @xmath10 ) that has @xmath11@xmath1 and @xmath12 . considering the selection effects that is seriously against finding such objects , we suggest that there might exist a large fraction of imbhs with weak or no agn activity . this can be examined in future via deriving the @xmath13 distribution of imbh agns ( dong et al . , in prep . ) using monte - carlo simulations to handle the various selection effects ( the sdss magnitude limit , starlight dilution , and the broad - line criterion , etc . ) . | we have conducted a systematic search of agns with imbhs from the sdss dr4 . as results we found 245 candidates of broad - line agn with m@xmath0@xmath1 estimated from the luminosity and width of the broad h@xmath2 component .
compared to the pioneer greene & ho ( 2004 ) sample of 19 imbh agns , our sample has improved in covering a larger range of the eddington ratio , as well as black hole mass and redshift , taking the advantage of our agn - galaxy spectral decomposition algorithm . among these ,
thirty - six have @xmath3 , hinting that a significant fraction of imbhs might exist with weak or no nuclear activity . |
the ultimate aim of the next generation of neutrino experiments has to be the measurement of the cp phase of the mns mixing matrix , @xmath3 . assuming that high - energy electrons and positrons can not be distinguished by detectors , our only source of information in a neutrino factory experiment is the number of wrong- and right - sign muons , corresponding ( for neutrinos from muon decay ) to oscillation of @xmath8 and no oscillation of @xmath9 respectively . it has recently been realised that uncertainties in the electron density along the neutrino flight path may be sufficient to cause problems at long baselines and high energies . this talk is a summary of our recent work towards resolving the issue of optimal baseline and muon energy for the measurement of @xmath3 at a neutrino factory @xcite . we considered an indirect cp - violation experiment with @xmath10 useful muon decays and @xmath10 antimuon decays . taking into account all of the channels @xmath11 , @xmath12 , @xmath13 and @xmath14 , we examined whether or not a hypothesis of cp phase equal to @xmath15 is rejected when the true value is @xmath3 . to test this hypothesis , we used a parameter @xmath16 as defined in @xcite . the electron number density as a function of distance from the source , @xmath17 , is an input for the oscillation probabilities but is not known exactly . the current best estimate of the density of the earth as a function of radius is the preliminary reference earth model , derived from seismological data @xcite . however , it is known that there are sizeable latitude - longitude dependent fluctuations in matter density and composition in the crust and upper mantle @xcite , so local deviations from this spherically - symmetric model may be considerable . to investigate the effect of the uncertainty in electron number density on the usefulness of an experiment , we introduced a parameter @xmath0 , the overall normalisation of the prem . hence @xmath16 is a function of six oscillation parameters ( 3 times @xmath18 , 2 times @xmath19 and @xmath3 ) , as well as @xmath0 , where @xmath20 corresponds to the model as given and fluctuations away from the prem can be represented by changing the value of @xmath0 . the background rate @xmath21 and systematic error on the background @xmath22 were also included in the analysis . to find the optimum energy and baseline , we used the quantity @xmath23 , defined as the minimum of @xmath16 when we simultaneously vary the mixing angles and mass - squared differences within the region allowed at the 90% confidence level by the atmospheric and solar neutrino data @xcite . the matter effect normalisation @xmath0 was varied by 5% between 0.95 and 1.05 . this minimum was found numerically using a ` downhill simplex ' method @xcite . using @xmath23 , we found the minimum data size @xmath24 , expressed in kt@xmath25yr , which is needed to reject a hypothesis @xmath26 at the 3@xmath27 confidence level when the true value of @xmath3 is @xmath28 . 1.0 cm 1.0 cm the necessary data size as a function of @xmath29 and @xmath30 was found to have a minimum of around 60 kt@xmath25yr , but the optimal baseline and muon energy varied considerably with the values of @xmath3 , @xmath1 , @xmath21 and the threshold energy for neutrino detection , @xmath31 . at very high energies , the contribution of the systematic error to the total error becomes large , and sensitivity is lost . also , the correlation ( @xmath32 ) becomes strong at long baselines , so the optimal @xmath29 is shorter than might otherwise be expected . the set of parameters @xmath332000 km , @xmath620gev gave the largest range of sensitivity to @xmath3 , down to @xmath7 for @xmath34 , @xmath35gev and a 500kt detector , as shown in fig . . 00 j. pinney and o. yasuda , hep - ph/0105087 . f. stacey , _ physics of the earth , 2nd ed . _ ( j. wiley and sons , chichester , 1977 ) . r. geller , _ density distribution in the earth s interior _ , in these proceedings . w. press , s. teukolsky , w. vetterling , b. flannery , _ numerical recipes in fortran , 2nd ed . _ ( cambridge , 1992 ) . | an indirect cp - violation neutrino factory experiment is studied , including simultaneous correlations of errors of the six oscillation parameters and a matter effect normalisation parameter , @xmath0 .
it is found that for larger values of @xmath1 ( @xmath2 ) , an uncertainty on the matter effect of the order 5% means that the optimal baseline for measurement of @xmath3 is reduced from 3000 km to 2000 km . when the background fraction is assumed to be @xmath4 the optimal muon energy
is also reduced from 50gev to around 20gev . an experiment with @xmath5 km , @xmath620gev is found to be sensitive to non - zero @xmath3 down to around @xmath7 . |
motivated by ideas about quantum gravity , a tremendous amount of efforts over the past decade has gone into testing local lorentz invariance ( lli ) in various regimes @xcite . this paper summarizes the framework allowing one to test lli using high - accuracy astrometric observations . the basic idea is that the usual special - relativistic aberrational formulas used in the corresponding relativistic models is a direct consequence of the lorentz transformations @xcite . a generalization of that aberrational formula obtained with generalized lorentz transformation contains parameters ( similar to the mansouri - sexl ones ) and can be directly used to test lli @xcite . especially the future esa mission gaia @xcite will provide a lot of high - accuracy astrometric data that will be used to make independent tests of lli . the transformation between preferred coordinates @xmath0 and non - preferred ones @xmath1 read @xcite : @xmath2 where @xmath3 here , @xmath4 , @xmath5 is the velocity of the origin of the system @xmath6 with respect to @xmath0 , and @xmath7 , @xmath8 , @xmath9 , and @xmath10 are arbitrary functions of @xmath11 . let us consider the relation between directions of light propagation of a given light ray in the preferred frame @xmath12 and that in the non - preferred one @xmath13 . here we consider the same light ray as seen by an observer at rest relative to @xmath14 and another observer ( co - located with the first one ) at rest relative to @xmath6 . taking the differentials along the light ray we have @xmath15 for the preferred frame ( @xmath16 ) and @xmath17 for the non - preferred frame . the last normalization is needed since the light velocity is not equal to @xmath18 in the non - preferred frames and therefore vector @xmath19 is not an euclidean unit vector . using the coordinate transformations between @xmath0 and @xmath6 given above we get the transformations between @xmath20 and @xmath21 in closed form : @xmath22 @xmath23 where @xmath24 . in the limit of special relativity one gets the normal special - relativistic aberrational formulas . note that the transformation between @xmath20 and @xmath21 depends only on @xmath25 and does not depend on @xmath7 and @xmath26 . this demonstrates that the aberrational formula tests the same properties of the lorentz transformation as the michelson - morley experiment , that is , the isotropy of light velocity . in practice the aberrational formula entering relativistic models @xcite corrects for aberration due to the velocity of the observer relative to the barycenter of the solar system . the solar system barycentric reference system is not usually assumed to be the preferred system in the sense of the lli . therefore , we have to consider three reference systems : one preferred system @xmath0 , two non - preferred ones system @xmath6 attached to the barycenter of the solar system , and one more system @xmath27 attached to the observer . the transformation between the preferred and non - preferred coordinates are given above . the only parameter of the transformations is the velocity of the origin of the non - preferred coordinates in the preferred ones . the velocity of the origin of @xmath6 relative to @xmath0 is @xmath5 . the velocity of the origin of @xmath27 relative to @xmath0 is @xmath28 and relative to @xmath6 is @xmath29 . the relation between these three velocities follows from the coordinate transformations and reads ( @xmath30 , @xmath31 ) @xmath32 finally , denoting @xmath33 the direction of light relative to @xmath27 , combining ( [ s - s])([s - s ] ) written for two non - preferred coordinate systems and using ( [ velocity_90 ] ) one gets @xmath34 where @xmath35 is an orthogonal matrix of the thomas - like precession , and @xmath36 , where @xmath37 and @xmath38 are the usual mansouri - sexl parameters ( @xmath39 , @xmath40 in special relativity ) . the thomas precession plays no role here since pure rotation can not be observed in astrometry ( can not be distinguish from the local rotation of the observer ) and the operational reference system attached to the observer is chosen not to rotate with respect to the barycentric reference system . ( [ final ] ) gives the generalized aberrational formula . in addition to the barycentric velocity of the observer @xmath41 , this formula contains the parameter @xmath42 and the velocity of the solar system barycenter relative to the preferred frame @xmath43 . taking the value of @xmath5 from the dipole of the cosmic microwave background , one can determine @xmath42 . alternatively , both @xmath42 and @xmath5 can be determined from astrometric observations . more details on the derivation and interpretation of this formula will be given elsewhere @xcite . this work was partially supported by the bmwi grants 50qg0601 and 50qg0901 awarded by the deutsche zentrum fr luft- und raumfahrt e.v . | this paper summarizes the analysis of the consequences of the violation of the local lorentz invariance ( lli ) on astrometric observations .
we demonstrate that from the point of view of the lli astrometric observations represent an experiment of michelson - morley type .
the future high - accuracy astrometric projects ( e.g. , gaia ) will be used to test the lli . |
r - process is considered to be a leading candidate responsible for the synthesis of elements heavier than a@xmath070 @xcite . since the study of r - process involves many kinds of nuclei which extend to the neutron - rich region , one often has to predict theoretically their masses and beta - decay rates . although the recent experimental exploration to nuclei close to neutron- ( proton- ) drip line will make the study of r - process more reliable , a part of heavy neutron - rich nuclei produced by r - process are still difficult to examine experimentally . notice that those heavy nuclei have a characteristic decay channel , that is fission . r - process with fission of heavy neutron - rich nuclei has been discussed and considered to explain the formation of elements with a@xmath0130@xcite . one of the important quantities which govern the fission process is a fission barrier . so far , the theoretical study of fission barrier height has been limited to the zero - temperature @xcite . this is justified if the excitation energy is not so high and the corresponding temperature is much lower than the critical temperature @xmath1 , at which pairing correlations vanish ( the critical temperature may be approximated with @xmath2 @xcite ) . the pairing gap parameter for heavy nuclei is relatively small . in addition , heavy neutron - rich nuclei involved in the r - process may have a high excitation energy , leading to the pairing phase transition , as a consequence of the beta - decay or the neutron - capture . the highly excited state may decay via fission . the neutron - induced fission has a significant role in the environment of high neutron density , while the beta - delayed fission is important when the neutron density is lower than about @xmath3@xcite . if the pairing phase transition occurs , the fission probability will be considerably affected . the aim of this work is to assess the sensitivity of fission barrier height and fission probability of hot neutron - rich nuclei to the temperature . we study @xmath4u , which is close to the stability line , as well as @xmath5fm , which is neutron - rich nucleus relevant to the r - process . in this work , we use the finite temperature skyrme - hartree - fock - bogoliubov ( fthfb ) method @xcite with a zero - range pairing force . the framework is the same as the zero - temperature hfb except for the particle density and pairing tensor . they are modified according to the fermi - dirac distribution of quasi - particle occupancy . the thermal averaged particle density and pairing field are given as , @xmath6 @xmath7 where @xmath8 is the quasi - particle occupation probability defined by @xmath9 , @xmath10 being @xmath11 . we have assumed the volume - type pairing interaction , @xmath12 , where @xmath13 corresponds to proton and @xmath14 neutron . @xmath15 and @xmath16 are the quasi - particle wave functions , which are the solution of the fthfb equation given by , @xmath17 where @xmath18 and @xmath19 are the thermal averaged mean field hamiltonian and pairing field , respectively , and @xmath20 is the quasi - particle energy . in this work , we use the quadrupole operator @xmath21 as a constraining operator . for simplicity , we assume the reflection and axially symmetric nuclear shapes . deformation parameter used here is defined by @xmath22 , where @xmath23 is the nuclear radius parameter given by @xmath24 ( fm ) . figure [ barrier - height ] shows the total energy @xmath25 at temperatures from @xmath26 to @xmath27 mev . we use sly4 for the skyrme parameter set and @xmath28 , @xmath29 mev for the pairing strength , which are determined so as to reproduce the ground state energy of @xmath4u . we determine the fission barrier height from the difference between the highest and the lowest energy in the potential energy surface . 1 indicates that the barrier height of @xmath4u continuously increases with temperature , while that of @xmath5fm first increases but begins to decrease at t=0.6 mev . this feature is due to the difference in the behavior of the pairing energy between the two nuclei at the maximum and minimum points , where the energy is the highest and lowest , respectively . the pairing energy at the minimum and maximum points as a function of temperature is shown in figure [ epair ] . the pairing energy at the mimimum point is larger than that at the maximum point for @xmath4u , while it is opposite for @xmath5fm . moreover , the pairing energy at the minimum for @xmath5fm has much weaker temperature dependence than that at the maximum point . all of these features lead to the behaviors shown in figure [ barrier - height ] . in summary , we have calculated the temperature dependence of the fission barrier for neutron - rich nucleus @xmath5fm and the @xmath4u nucleus near the stability line . for this purpose , we used the finite - temperature hartree - fock - bogoliubov with a zero - range pairing interaction . we found that the fission barrier height of @xmath4u becomes large at a high temperature and that that of @xmath5fm shows a decrease at t=0.6 mev because of the temperature dependence of the pairing energy . we used the bohr - wheeler formula in order to calculate the fission rate . by taking into account the temperature dependence of fission barrier , the decay widths is suppressed by a facotr of @xmath30 to @xmath31 . | we discuss the fission barrier height of neutron - rich nuclei in a r - process site at highly excited state , which is resulted from the beta - decay or the neutron - capture processes .
we particularly investigate the sensitivity of the fission barrier height to the temperature , including the effect of pairing phase transition from superfluid to normal fluid phases . to this end
, we use the finite - temperature skyrme - hartree - fock - bogolubov method with a zero - range pairing interaction .
we also discuss the temperature dependence of the fission decay rate .
address = department of physics , tohoku university , sendai 980 - 8578 , japan address = department of physics , tohoku university , sendai 980 - 8578 , japan |
preferential attachment @xcite is the archetypal growth mechanism for scale - free networks . asymptotically , under certain circumstances , such network produce a degree distribution which converges asymptotically to a power law with exponent @xmath7 . but this is not true in general , and it is not true for arbitrary finite networks generated along the way . in this note we derive straightforward analytic results for the expected exponent @xmath5 of a scale free network with power law degree distribution @xmath8 . we assume that the network is grown with a barabsi - albert attachment process as described in @xcite . with each new node we add @xmath0 links and the growth process is terminated when the network has @xmath2 nodes . we make the approximation that the degree distribution of this finite networks follows a truncated power - law with some exponent @xmath5 . hence , a preferential attachment ( pa ) network with minimum degree @xmath0 will add exactly @xmath0 new links for each new node . the expected degree @xmath9 ( since each link has two ends and contributed to the degree of two nodes ) . conversely , the probability that a node has degree @xmath1 is given by @xmath10 where the normalization factor @xmath11 is inconvenient . however @xmath12 and hence it is easily computable . [ cols="^,^ " , ] the expected degree is @xmath13 equating ( [ spower2 ] ) and ( [ egam ] ) , we have that the asymptotic value of @xmath5 satisfies @xmath14 replacing the rhs of ( [ mgamm ] ) with the corresponding infinite sum and cancelling identical terms we obtain @xmath15 solving ( [ mgamm2 ] ) allows us to determine the expected value of @xmath16 for the pa algorithm with a particular choice of minimum degree @xmath17 . in particular , for @xmath18 we recover @xmath19 in fig . [ fig_gd ] we illustrate the agreement between sample preferential attachment networks of various sizes and the prediction of ( [ mgamm2 ] ) . the curve appears to be asymptotic to @xmath20 and so we fit a function of the form @xmath21 to the solution of the series ( [ mgamm2 ] ) . we obtain that @xmath22 these results are required to explain expected degree distributions observed in a related work @xcite , and in that case also show excellent agreement . ms is supported by an australian research council future fellowship ( ft110100896 ) 2ifxundefined [ 1 ] ifx#1 ifnum [ 1 ] # 1firstoftwo secondoftwo ifx [ 1 ] # 1firstoftwo secondoftwo `` `` # 1''''@noop [ 0]secondoftwosanitize@url [ 0 ] + 12$12 & 12#1212_12%12@startlink[1]@endlink[0]@bib@innerbibempty @noop * * , ( ) @noop * * ( ) | we provide an analytic expression for the quantity described in the title .
namely , we perform a preferential attachment growth process to generate a scale - free network . at each stage
we add a new node with @xmath0 new links .
let @xmath1 denote the degree of a node , and @xmath2 the number of nodes in the network . the degree distribution is assumed to converge to a power - law ( for @xmath3 ) of the form @xmath4 and we obtain an exact implicit relationship for @xmath5 , @xmath0 and @xmath2 .
we verify this with numerical calculations over several orders of magnitude .
although this expression is exact , it provides only an implicit expression for @xmath6 .
nonetheless , we provide a reasonable guess as to the form of this curve and perform curve fitting to estimate the parameters of that curve demonstrating excellent agreement between numerical fit , theory , and simulation . |
lhc computing grid ( lcg ) is one of the five cern projects at the moment . the main goal of the project is is to prepare the computing infrastructure for the simulation , processing and analysis of lhc data for all four of the lhc collaborations . this infrastructure is based on the grid model of distributed computing @xcite . in general lcg is the _ middleware _ project , which means that it will hide much of the complexity of the environment from the end user . lcg is based on the software developed in the eu - datagrid project @xcite and vdt @xcite which trace their roots back to the globus toolkit @xcite . the deployment model for the lcg-1 includes a central cvs repository which stores the recommended configuration templates for the current lcg-1 release . the main deployment platform at the moment is redhat linux 7.3 . lcg-1 deployment team provides binary rpm packages for all lcg-1 middleware and lhc experiments software . the recommended installation procedure for the lcg-1 is the following . the lcfgng configuration server is installed on the site , and the hosts running lcg-1 services are configured automatically from the lcfgng server . the configuration for the site should be based on the current lcg-1 release version , obtained from the central cvs . for each of the sites from the official deployment list a module in cvs is created , and the site configuration is then uploaded to cvs ( see fig . [ fig : cvs ] ) . as a part of the deployment test lcg-1 software was installed on the sinp msu pc farm ( lcg-1 site name for the site is moscow ) . the farm has 20 dual - cpu nodes and two 1.2 tb fileservers . the fileservers have gigabit ethernet uplinks and the nodes are connected with the fastethernet network . at the moment of the lcg-1 deployment the was an automatic software installation system running on our pc farm . it is based on etherboot network boot package and anaconda kickstart technology . there is a configuration server running dhcp and tftp services , which stores different network boot images with preconfigured kickstart scripts for anaconda . there is also a possibility not to use a kickstart script and to install the node manually . in general an installation of a node from scratch requires a boot rom on the node , but for the nodes without a boot rom there is a possibility to boot from a special boot disk which will emulate the boot rom . another possibility is to install a fake linux kernel which also emulates a network boot . for the lcg-1 deployment installation system was modified in the following way . the lcfgng server software was installed on the node running dhcp and tftp services , and a new network boot image for lcfgng was added . this image is based on the standard lcfgng boot disk provided with the lcfgng software . during the installation process the lcfgng managed node obtains the configuration information from the server using http and lcfg protocols and than installs and configures the software packages shared on the nfs server . only a part of the sinp msu pc farm was configured for lcg-1 tests . the nodes selected for the lcg-1 were disconnected from the main farm . the following lcg-1 components were installed : computing element , worker node , storage element , resource broker , bdii and user interface . the mds and myproxy nodes will be installed in the nearest future . we also had some experience installing lcg-1 software on other pc farms in the msu . first of all , srcc msu parallel cluster runs its own batch system developed by srcc msu and cmc msu . the interface between lcg middleware and this batch system was done through the extra package to the globus toolkit , but this interfaces is not yet completely tested . other general differences between a plain lcg-1 installation and installation on this cluster are : * manual node configuration only . the lcfgng can not be installed on this cluster due to some technical limitations . * middleware for the worker nodes is installed on the shared file system . in the nearest future we are going to install lcg middleware on the physical faculty and the faculty of computing mathematics and cybernetics clusters in the msu and connect these clusters to the sinp msu resource broker . however , installation on these clusters has the similar limitations as the installation on the srcc msu parallel cluster . at present installation of lcg-1 middleware has both big advantages and disadvantages . one of the main difficulties with the lcg-1 installation for now is the lack of available documentation . the only well - documented way to install lcg software requires using of the lcfgng configuration server . this method is not applicable in a number of cases . another issue is that the minimal standalone site must be running a big number of nodes just for supporting the infrastructure . the minimal set of nodes required for a standalone site is a resource broker , bdii & mds , computing element with at least one worker node , at least one storage element , and the myproxy server if long - time jobs support is required . this gives us at least five nodes supporting the infrastructure which can not be used for other needs such as running jobs for example . the summary of the features provided by the lcg-1 for now is the following : * convenient way for job balancing between several sites . * common way of user authentication and authorization for job submission . * some basic accounting over different sites . * data replication . the work was partially supported by cern - intas grant 00 - 0440 . | lcg-1 is the second release of the software framework for the lhc computing grid project . in our work
we describe the installation process , arising problems and their solutions , and configuration tuning details of the complete lcg-1 site , including all lcg elements required for the self - sufficient site . |
cluster environmental interactions ( see boselli & gavazzi 2006 for a review ) can produce tails of gas and stars . the arecibo legacy fast alfa ( alfalfa ) survey , a sensitive blind survey of the arecibo sky ( giovanelli 2005 and these proceedings ) , has revealed several hi clouds without optical components ( kent 2007 and these proceedings ) and a 250 kpc tidal arc emerging from the sc galaxy ngc 4254 ( haynes 2007 and giovanelli in these proceedings ) . alfalfa has recently detected an even larger tidal feature associated with the virgo cluster sm pair ngc 4532/ddo 137 . this system was already known to be peculiar : both galaxies have extended hi disks and share a common hi envelope extended over 150 kpc ( hoffman et al . 1993 , 1999 ) . alfalfa observations of the ngc 4532/ddo 137 tail structure are shown in figure [ fig1 ] . the hi envelope containing and within the immediate vicinity of the pair ( black contour ) has an hi mass of 6.2 x 10@xmath3 , consistent with that of hoffman ( 1999 ) . all of the emission in the tail is blueshifted with respect to the pair hi envelope . the total mass contained within discrete clumps in the tail is 4.0 x 10@xmath1 . the total mass of the tail , including an upper limit for emission below the alfalfa limiting column density , is @xmath07 x 10@xmath1 , or @xmath010% of the pair hi mass . r imaging of the tail system was carried out at wise observatory and the wiyn 0.9-m telescope in may 2007 . no optical counterparts for the main hi clumps have been found to a limiting r magnitude of 26.5 mag arcsec@xmath2 . further results are presented in koopmann ( 2007 , in preparation . ) vla syntheis observations of the system are planned . the observations of ngc 4532/ddo 137 are consistent with several predictions from the simulations of high speed hyperbolic encounters between cluster galaxies by bekki , koribalski & kilborn ( 2005 ) and duc ( these proceedings ) : ( a ) gas tails that are stretched over several hundred kpc , ( b ) double tails or tails that span a large spatial area , ( c ) formation of relatively isolated clumps within the tail , and ( d ) stellar tails fainter than 30 mag arcsec@xmath2 . the discovery of an extended tail with discrete clumps so distant from the parent galaxy suggests a tidal explanation for at least some isolated hi clouds with no optical counterparts , such as those recently discovered in the virgo cluster ( kent 2007 and these proceedings ) . km s@xmath4 , integrated over 1956 - 2139 km s@xmath4 , encompasses the approximate area of the hi envelope detected by hoffman ( 1993 ) . blue contours show tail emission integrated over 1784 - 1836 km s@xmath4 , with contours at 0.17 , 0.25 , 0.35 , 0.45 , 0.55 , 0.7 , 0.9 jy beam@xmath4 km s@xmath4 . red contours show tail emission integrated over 1868 and 1930 km@xmath4 , with contours at 0.23 , 0.4 , 0.6 , 0.9 , 1.2 , 1.7 , and 2.5 jy beam@xmath4 km s@xmath4 . | hi observations of the virgo cluster pair ngc 4532/ddo 137 , conducted as part of the arecibo legacy fast alfa survey , reveal an hi feature extending @xmath0500kpc to the southwest .
the structure has a total mass of up to 7 x 10@xmath1 , equivalent to 10% of the pair hi mass .
optical r imaging reveals no counterparts to a level of 26.5 mag arcsec@xmath2 .
the structure is likely the result of galaxy harassment . |
the detected gravitationally lensed quasar images have a separation which is smaller than the resolution of current gamma - ray detectors . the time resolution of gamma - ray instruments however is superior in many aspects to the optical instruments . the time - delays we are looking for , come in two flavours that define two types of searches . we can compare the shape and spectra of two bursts coming from the same part of the sky or we can look for similarly shaped pulses in a single grb s stream of photons . in this work we focus on the first scenario . we just mention the second case for its simplicity . the equation from @xcite defines the characteristic mass scale of the point lens up to a factor @xmath0 . @xmath1 @xmath2 is the time delay between the pulses , @xmath3 is the ratio of the peak counts . this model is deemed accurate for time delays of @xmath4 to @xmath5 s with lens masses ranging from @xmath6 to @xmath7 . for time delays of days to months we use the a single isothermal sphere model . in this case it is impossible to ascertain the lens mass , only a combination if the angular diameter distances ( lens - source ( @xmath8 ) , observer - lens ( @xmath9 ) and observer - source ( @xmath10 ) ) and the velocity dispersion ( @xmath11 ) : @xmath12 in this work we will be searching for bursts from the same part of the sky . we used the bursts in the fermi / gbm burst table . we imposed an upper limit on the error radius of @xmath13 . we selected pairs of bursts closer than two - times their positional errors ( @xmath14 ) . the next step was creating pairs of lightcurves and their cross - correlation curve on the same timescale for comparison . each of the resulting @xmath15 figures was inspected for similarities with the aid of the cross - correlation curve at two timescales ( @xmath16 and @xmath17 s ) . if the burst was deemed interesting , we proceeded to compare the spectral parameters by fitting for the spectrum . simultaneously we check if the early burst is brighter than the later . this is a necessary condition for the time delays @xcite . the typical echo timescale is from days to months but no longer than @xmath18 months ( the elapsed time from the first fermi trigger ) . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] + as in @xcite , a list of close calls was established . examples can be seen in the table below . none of these pairs passed the spectral inspection convincingly . we have relaxed our @xmath14 criterion to @xmath19 and checked the resulting @xmath20 pairs , but found no additional candidates . + both of these bursts have three peaks , with roughly the same time between them . it is curious that the elapsed time between them is roughly one year . we fitted a band spectrum for the first two peaks . we compare the low - energy spectral indices(@xmath21 ) as both bursts have most of their emission in this range and not all of the other spectral parameters could be constrained . while for 080730 @xmath21 decreases slightly from @xmath22 to @xmath23 , for 090730 @xmath21 decreases ( from @xmath24 to @xmath25 ) . even though the indices have some overlap , we feel it is hard to put forward convincing arguments for a lensing scenario in this pair . + s.,title="fig : " ] + these short bursts were also put forward as worthy for a spectral inspection . it turned out that 090429 has a significantly higher peak energy ( @xmath26 kev _ vs. _ @xmath27 kev ) , though the spectral indices agree fairly well ( @xmath28 , @xmath29 and @xmath30 , @xmath31 ) @xcite + s.,title="fig : " ] + there is no detector response matrix ( drm ) available for 090516.853 and no gcn was published for this trigger . this prevented us from spectral fitting and from determining the burst - detector angle , hence the uncertainty on @xmath32 . in spite of a visible extended emission region unique to the lightcurve of 090514.006 , we considered this a good candidate based on the similarities of the profile of the main event . we are waiting for the release of the drms complete the analysis . s.,title="fig : " ] + we carried out a search for lensing signatures in an up - to - date burst sample . we selected bursts closer than @xmath33 and found three presentable candidates for a lensing events that occurred at long timescales ( days to months ) . inspection of the spectra casted doubts on the viability of the lensing scenario in two cases and we need more data to decide in a third case . this research is supported by hungarian otka grant k077795 , by the bolyai scholarship ( i. h. ) , by the gauk grant no . 46307 , and by the research program msm0021620860 of the ministry of education of the czech republic ( a.m. ) . | as grbs trace the high - z universe , there is a non - negligible probability of a lensing effect being imprinted on the lightcurves of the bursts .
we propose to search for lensed candidates with a cross - correlation method , by looking at bursts days to years apart coming from the same part of the sky .
we look for similarities and hypothesize a singular isothermal sphere ( sis ) model for the lens .
a lensed pair would enable us to constrain the mass of the lensing object .
our search did not reveal any gravitationally lensed events . |
the development of general - purpose gpus , able to perform tasks done previously by central processing units ( cpus ) offers an attractive alternative for radio - astronomical applications . because the storage and off - line processing of such a vast amount of data is difficult and costly , the new generation of radio telescopes , such as lofar , requires high performance computing ( hpc ) solutions to process the enormous volumes of data that are typically produced during a survey for fast radio transients ( ( * ? ? ? * jones et al . 2012 ) ) . real - time searches for radio transients , which use gpu technology to remove interstellar dispersion and detect radio bursts from astronomical sources in real - time are now possible . also it is important to note that real - time processing offers the chance to react as fast as possible and to conduct follow - up observations of any event . we report here on the installation of a new backend which can be used with a single international lofar station . the details of the lofar and pulsar observations with lofar can be found in @xcite and in kondratiev et al . ( these proceedings ) . artemis is a combined hardware / software backend , which attaches in a non - disruptive way to the lofar station hardware . the hardware consists of 4 12-core servers hosting high - end nvidia gpu cards . these servers are all fed data through a broadband ( 10 gigabit ethernet ) switch , which is also responsible for sending the data back to the netherlands during the normal international lofar telescope ( ilt ) operations . the data being processed adds up to a stream of 3.2 gbits / s , which consists of a sky bandwidth of approximately 48 mhz , sampled at 5 @xmath0 intervals , in two polarisations . real - time processing generally ensures that the 400 mb of data per second are reduced to manageable rates both for storage and further processing . the artemis servers can perform in real - time all the operations necessary to discover short duration radio pulses from pulsars and fast transients , thanks to a modular software structure operating in a c++ scalable framework developed at the university of oxford . artemis includes processing modules for receiving the data , further channelisation in finer frequency channels using a polyphase filter , generation of stokes parameters , excision of terrestrial radio frequency interference , temporal integration , real - time brute force de - dispersion using typically at least 2000 trial dispersion measure ( dm ) values and detection of interesting signals , in high - throughput cpu and gpu code . the gpu processing allows a full search in dm space up to a maximum dm as defined by arguments related to interstellar scattering and with the necessary dm resolution ( ( * ? ? ? * armour et al . 2012 ) ) . simulations show that typically a few thousand trial dms are sufficient to optimally sample the dm range within all lofar bands . at present , gpu based artemis hardware exists at the international stations in the uk and france ( chilbolton and nanay ) . this allows these stations to take advantage of the most powerful technique of rejecting signals of terrestrial origin : the direct comparison of detections between distant sites , also referred to as anti - coincidence testing . both these stations can process the full available 48 mhz of beamformed data . in addition two test installations exist at the stations in jlich ( germany ) and onsala ( sweden ) , each able to process 12 mhz of sky bandwidth . the first gpu project with artemis has been to focus on the de - dispersion step in the transients pipeline . this is clearly the most computationally intensive part of the pipeline and a preliminary study of different technologies has proved gpus to be the most suitable accelerators for de - dispersion . figure[fig2 ] illustrates the speed - up that has been achieved using gpus and compares the fastest gpu algorithm on nvidia fermi and kepler based hardware . this work has led to development of the fastest de - dispersion code in the world , with rough estimation that the new kepler algorithm is over 2.5 times faster than previous fermi code . the shared memory algorithm in figure[fig2 ] has a maximum dm limit of 100 . with this limit a throughput of approximately 12 gb / s of lofar data can be achieved by the de - dispersion algorithm on a kepler k10 gpu . this dm limit can be relaxed by using a different algorithm , called the l1 algorithm , which can still comfortably process a 3.2 gb / s single station lofar data stream up to a dm of 500 on a k10 . it is estimated that with 10 nvidia k10 gpus the l1 algorithm could process a 127-beam tied - array with 2000 channels in each pencil beam to a maximum dm of 250 . | the low frequency array lofar is a new radio interferometer designed with emphasis on flexible digital hardware instead of mechanical solutions .
the array elements , so - called stations , are located in the netherlands and in neighbouring countries .
the design of lofar allows independent use of its international stations , which , coupled with a dedicated backend , makes them very powerful telescopes in their own right .
this backend is called the advanced radio transient event monitor and identification system ( artemis ) .
it is a combined software / hardware solution for both targeted observations and real - time searches for millisecond radio transients which uses graphical processing unit ( gpu ) technology to remove interstellar dispersion and detect millisecond radio bursts from astronomical sources in real - time . |
due to their high surface gravity , the atmospheres of white dwarfs exhibit a quasi - monoelemental composition : a large fraction of all heavy elements has disappeared from the outer layers due to gravitational sedimentation . traces of metals may however be sustained by radiative levitation . the radiative acceleration is exerted on trace elements by a non - lte radiation field through the element s local opacity and therefore can vary strongly with depth , which results in a chemically stratified atmospheric stucture . in an attempt to describe the chemically stratified atmospheres of hot white dwarfs , modifications to our model atmosphere program have been implemented to allow the self - consistent prediction of depth dependent abundance profiles . balancing the radiative acceleration and the effective gravitational acceleration ( including the effects of the electrical field that builds up through diffusion of electrons ) yields an equilibrium condition for each atomic species . its solution yields equilibrium abundances . we present theoretical predictions from our model grid in comparison to previous calculations as well as to abundances measured from iue and hst spectra . self - consistent nlte diffusion models are available in a @xmath0 range from @xmath1k to @xmath2k for @xmath3 between @xmath4 and @xmath5 . from the full depth - dependent abundance stratification patterns , only the @xmath6 values are used in fig.[fig : schuhposter1 ] . full abundance tables , as well as high - resolution optical , uv , and far - uv spectra ( not shown here ) are also available . equilibrium abundances for @xmath6 published by ( * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * lte , no iteration ; no data for nickel ) are shown for comparison using small dark grey symbols . in terms of evolution of diffusion codes , the systematic effects from one generation to the next are still considerable . for carbon , both and are consistently over - predicted . theory and observations follow the same general temperature dependency but although theory runs in parallel to the observations its level is too high . nitrogen , although not as clearly as for carbon , is also over - predicted at higher temperatures ; towards lower temperatures , the models follow the lower branch of the observed dichotomy . for an earlier discussion of one of the nitrogen - rich objects ( rej1032@xmath7535 ) see @xcite ( besides b03 ) . silicon , in contrast to c and n , shows opposite gradients with respect to temperature in theory and observation , effectively leading to a similarly good agreement as for o in the cross - over area but to under - predictions at higher temperatures and over - predictions below @xmath8k . the only exception is gd394 , considered to show an anomalously high silicon abundance , for which the absolute value is approximately reproduced by the models . iron is consistent with observations on a star by star basis over the full temperature range . this is in agreement with euv observations ( where fe is the most important source of opacity ) which can successfully be reproduced with the stratified diffusion models . on average across all stars however , the predicted iron abundance remains about a factor 2 higher than observed , a value of the order of the systematic error expected for the models . nickel should behave similarly to fe within the framework of radiative levitation theory , which it effectively does , but this predicted behaviour is in disagreement with observations . the observed ni is well below the prediction so that instead of @xmath9 , fe and ni are present in a roughly cosmic ratio ( as already stated in b03 ) . with very few exceptions ( objects belonging to the upper branch of nitrogen dichotomy , iron and nickel in ) , all photospheric abundances seem to respect cosmic abundances as an upper limit . given that equilibrium radiative levitation theory ignores any evolutionary constraints , this may be indicative of a reservoir problem ( no unlimited supply of all elements available ) in the real stars . , p. , oliveira , c. , dupuis , j. , moos , h. w. , & welsh , b. 2003 , in nato science series ii vol . 105 , the 13@xmath10 european workshop on white dwarfs , ed . d. de martino , r. silvotti , j .- e . solheim , & r. kalytis ( dordrecht : kluwer ) , 127 | we compare measured element abundances in hot da white dwarfs from uv observations to predictions from our self - consistent non - lte model atmosphere diffusion calculations . |