Kamtsang Dargye Choekhorling Monastery, known locally as Sambha (Samba, Sampa) gompa (goenpa), is situated in Mustang district, Tukuche Village development committee (VDC), in the Western Development Region, Nepal. It is about within Tukuche town on the Annapurna trekking route/ gravel road from Pokhara to Jomsom in the Dhaulagiri zone. In 2013 the local higher secondary school, Shree Yogendra HSS was being expanded, and the entrance to the gompa is within the school site; off the main Beni Jomson road, west of the Kali Gandaki river.
The founder of Sambha gompa is understood to have come from the DoKham area of Tibet, but his name is unknown. He lived in the village of Tukuche for some time and died during a period of mediation. Seven days after his death he became a rainbow body confirming his achievement of enlightenment. In 1935 the gompa was re-established by members of the Tulachan family.
The first and second incarnations (tulku) are understood to have been born into the Kharghar caste and came from Tibet.
3rd incarnation: Bhattachan family
During the tenure of the third incarnation the location of the gompa was moved to its current location. At the time there was no bridge and the river was difficult to cross. Therefore the villagers offered land to the monks to relocate the gompa within Tukuche village to ease their access.
4th incarnation: Was from the Tulachan family based in Tukuche, whose given name was Karma Tashi Singye, but known locally as Dr Mangal Singh, having gained a medical doctorate in Switzerland. He died aged 49.
5th incarnation: Born 28 years after the death of the previous incarnation, also from the Tulachan family in Tukuche has the monastic name Karma Dhomchhe Norbu Tenpi Gyaltshen Palsamgpo Rinpoche. He is the nephew of current head lama (2016) of Chhairo gompa Shashi Dhoj Tulachan. He was recognised by three senior rinpoches including Tai Situpa Rinpoche. He was enthroned aged 8 in 2004 in India.
He is currently studying at Palpung Monastery in Himachal Pradesh under Kenting Tai Situpa. In order for the young tulku to be accepted by the thakali community, he needs to be enthroned in Sambha gompa, requiring extensive reconstruction of the residential quarters of the monastery.
Lama Chh'eon-che, of the Gtsag Bris school of painting, was responsible for paintings on the wall behind the altar c. 1994.
Other frescoes in the gompa depicting the sixteen Arhat on the south, north and eastern walls are by Khaipa Chhogyal, a distant relative of Kamal Dhoj Tulachan, Shashi Dhoj Tulachan's late father.
Khaipa of Lupra is believed to have painted the Sin-yeb, but this painting no longer remains.
Damaged roof timbers mean that water ingress has damaged many paintings in recent years. Although roof repairs commenced in 2015, this has yet to be completed due to lack of funds.
In 2013 there was very limited monastic activity. Tukuche has lost much of its population due to changes in trade routes and rural urban migration suffered by many small villages. This first occurred in the 1960s when China tried to restrict movement of Tibetans and most recently during the 2008 Olympics.
Lama Shashi Dhoj Tulachan an artist from Tukuche village, is responsible for the continued management of the gompa and is seeking support for its physical and spiritual renovation, in addition to the restoration work at Chhairo gompa which he is also responsible for.
A nun (anim) who also takes care of Rani gompa, looks after the site.
There is a part time monk sponsored by the current Ven Gyalpo Rinpoche who undertakes monastic rituals as required.
To the south of the monastery are the historical residential quarters for the monk body.
These facilities are not currently habitable and the courtyard is used for general storage from the gompa next door.
The gompa was restored in the 2000s.
A stupa was constructed in the courtyard in memory of a Japanese man, married to a local Nepali, who was a donor for the reconstruction works.
Water ingress and damaged roof timbers required roof repairs to be started in 2015, however this has stalled due to lack of funds.
Reconstruction of the tulku and lama quarters is planned to enable enthronement of the current tulku, who is studying in India. Funding limitations have delayed this work and the frescoes continue to be affected by rain water.
Shrine imagery was removed whilst the roof was replaced. A number of items remain with individual villagers until the work is completed.
= = = Life Sciences Switzerland = = =
Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) is the Swiss federation of scientific societies for life sciences. It was formerly known as the Union of the Swiss Societies for Experimental Biology (USGEB).
Life Sciences Switzerland is a member of the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (SCNAT).
Its members are:
= = = Fluroxypyr = = =
Fluroxypyr is an herbicide in the class of synthetic auxins. It is used to control broadleaf weeds and woody brush. It is formulated as the 1-methylheptyl ester (fluroxypyr-MHE).
= = = Rineloricaria lanceolata = = =
Rineloricaria lanceolata (chocolate-colored catfish) is a very common species of suckermouth (family Loricariidae). It rasps algae off river rocks, and with its suction-cup like mouth it sticks to them, even in the most oxygenated, fast-flowing mountain streams. It sometimes even resides in Iguazú Falls in the Misiones Province, Argentina. It will also take small aquatic isopods, amphipods and even takes parasitic ostracods off other fish (preferably characins') bodies. It ranges from Mexico south to Chile. This species is very easy to keep in captivity. It will take live brine shrimp, freeze-dried bloodworms and algae flakes and pellets.
= = = Taxonomic contributions of Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton = = =
This is a list of the taxonomic contributions of Major Percy Horace Gordon Powell-Cotton.
The natural history specimens and cultural objects collected by Major Powell-Cotton (1866–1940) on his expeditions to Africa and Asia are finely preserved in the Powell-Cotton Museum. According to the Mammal Catalogue produced by the Powell-Cotton Museum, the species of over 6400 specimens (more than 230 species) preserved in the Museum belong to the following 42 families and 149 genera:
The majority of the specimens fall within the scope of the genera Alcelaphus, Anomalurus, Cephalophus, Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, Colobus, Euoticus, Felis, Gazella, Gorilla, Kobus, Pan, Redunca, Sylvicapra, Syncerus and Tragelaphuse (number of the specimens exceeds 100). And, except the two presented specimens of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) collected in Swiss Alps in 1905, all the mammal specimens in the Powell-Cotton Museum were collected in Africa and Asia at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, which came from the following countries or regions: Abyssinia, Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea, India, Kashmir, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Ogaden, Pakistan, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tibet, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The large mammal specimen collection was built up on the basis of Powell-Cotton's forty years’ exploration in Africa and the Indian subcontinent, which is helpful in conducting taxonomic, zoological, ethnobiological/ethnomedical and ethnographic studies. The mammal type specimens identified from the total specimens are listed as follows:
The mammal species named after Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton can be distinguished by the subspecies name “cottoni” or “powelli”. The specimens collected by Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton play an important role in scientific studies because the existence of some of the cottoni species are in danger now, for example, the B/W Colobus (Colobus angolensis cottoni) was rated “Least Concern” in The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species published in 2008. The accounts of Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton's specimen collection activities can be found in his books and articles. And, there is no difference between some of his writings and adventure stories. For example, in Black rhinoceros hunting which is included in Big Game Shooting in Africa, he vividly recorded the hunting of a black Rhino:
Aside from the two books titled “A Sporting Trip through Abyssinia” (1902) and “In Unknown Africa” (1904) and the book chapter titled “Black rhinoceros hunting”, his writings were published in journals and magazines, including The Antiquaries Journal (e.g. vol. 4, no. 3, 1924), The Geographical Journal (vol. 30, 1907), Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire (e.g. Jan. 1937), Journal of the Royal African Society (e.g. vol. 7, 1907), The Wide World Magazine (e.g. Feb. 1904) and Man (e.g. vol. 29, 1929). The content of these writings includes the records of mammal hunting, accounts of the biological characteristics of mammals and descriptions of local (primarily African) culture and nature.
The mammal specimens (skulls, skeletons, skin, horns, etc.) in the Powell-Cotton Museum are exhibits as well as objects of study. Some academics from universities and research institutes such as University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Sheffield, University of Kent, University of Exeter, The University of Bradford, University of the Witwatersrand, University of California, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III, University of Melbourne, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Canterbury Christchurch University, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna used to visit this museum in order to obtain skeletal data, collect samples for DNA or dietary analysis and so on. One of the famous academic visitors is Professor Colin Groves of the Australian National University, whose research interests include but are not limited to mammalian taxonomy (especially primate taxonomy), human evolution and taxonomic history of mammals. In addition to the specimens preserved in the museums such as Natural History Museum (London), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris), Museum voor Middenafrika (Tervuren), Naturalis (Leiden), Musée Royale d’Histoire Naturelle (Brussels), Kenya National Museums (Nairobi), Zoologisches Museum A. Humboldt (Berlin) and Museum A. Koenig (Bonn), he also utilized the mammal specimens provided by the Powell-Cotton Museum and hence conducted many comparative studies, for example, he used to measure the skulls of Northern White Rhinoceros, and examine the colobus material and the specimens of musk-deer at the Museum. Some of these studies can be found in his noted book “Primate Taxonomy” which is considered to relabel museum cabinets. And, he thought highly of the Powell-Cotton Museum.
Under the joint effort of Bernard Wood, University Professor of Human Origins at The George Washington University, Adam D. Gordon, an anthropologist and assistant professor at the University at Albany, State University of New York and Malcolm Harman, curator of the Powell-Cotton Museum, the “Human Origin Database” project, which is funded by The G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Foundation and aims to provide information about fossil hominin specimens and extant hominoid specimens, has been developed. In addition to the measurements and skeletal element information in Professor Wood's 1991 book Koobi Fora Research Project. Volume 4: Hominid Cranial Remains, the complete skeletal element inventory of the chimpanzee and gorilla collections preserved in the Powell-Cotton Museum is also included in this database.
= = = Steve McMahon (consultant) = = =
Steve McMahon is an American lawyer and media consultant who has worked on political campaigns for Democratic candidates including Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, and Dick Gephardt, in addition to his work with elected officials. He is a founding partner of Purple Strategies, a bipartisan communications firm located in Alexandria, Virginia, and McMahon Squier and Associates, a media consulting firm.
Steve McMahon trained as an attorney and helped with Senator Ted Kennedy's 1980 presidential campaign before starting his professional career as an assistant press secretary in Kennedy's Senate office. He later became a deputy director of Kennedy's political action committee, the Fund for a Democratic Majority. In 1987, he transitioned into media consulting when he was hired as a vice president at Doak, Shrum and Associates, an Arlington, Virginia-based media consulting firm. While at the firm his notable work included consulting for Dick Gephardt's 1988 presidential campaign and other political campaigns.
In 1991, McMahon co-founded the media consulting firm Trippi McMahon and Squier with Mark Squier and Joe Trippi. McMahon's early work for the firm included a role as media strategist for California governor Jerry Brown's 1992 presidential campaign. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, McMahon and his partners worked on all five of Howard Dean's gubernatorial campaigns. McMahon was also a strategist and consultant for Dean's 2004 campaign for the US presidency. Following Dean's departure from the race, McMahon's firm served as the lead advertising partner for the Media Fund, which produced ads in support of then-Senator John Kerry's presidential campaign. After the 2004 presidential election, McMahon worked on Dean's successful 2005 campaign for chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
In addition to leading Trippi McMahon and Squier, in 1999 McMahon and his partners also established a second company, Issue & Image, which focused on advocacy advertising.
During the 2008 election cycle, McMahon produced advertisements for the Democratic National Committee in support of Barack Obama's presidential campaign. He also worked as a senior media consultant for the 2008 Democratic National Convention, which was co-produced by his partner Mark Squier.
McMahon's firm went through several name changes in the mid to late 2000s, including following the departure of Joe Trippi in 2004. From 2009 onwards, the firm has been called McMahon Squier and Associates.
In 2008, McMahon merged Issue & Image, the advocacy advertising firm established in 1999, with Republican Alex Castellanos' firm National Media Public Affairs, to form the communications firm Purple Strategies. McMahon and Castellanos had often met each other while pitching to clients and decided to form Purple Strategies as a bipartisan consultancy, blending their "blue" and "red" political backgrounds. Other founding partners of the Alexandria, Virginia-based firm include Bruce Haynes and Mark Squier. At Purple Strategies, McMahon has worked with BP, PhRMA and the United States Chamber of Commerce. Other clients of the firm include Time Warner Cable, Coca-Cola and McDonald's.
In addition to his role as a consultant, McMahon is a regular guest commentator on television and has appeared on "Today", "Good Morning America", "Meet the Press", MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" and "Andrea Mitchell Reports" not to mention frequent appearances on C-SPAN's morning call-in show, Washington Journal.
= = = Duncan Taylor (rugby union) = = =
Duncan Taylor (born 5 September 1989) is a Scottish Rugby Union player. His regular playing position is centre. He plays for Saracens in the English Premiership.
Taylor travelled extensively during his childhood and lived in England, Scotland and Australia. He qualifies for Scotland through his Scottish parents.
Taylor first earned international honours representing Scotland A during their 2013 campaign. He scored a famous try in their first ever victory away to England Saxons at the sixth time of trying.
His impressive performances during the 2012–2013 season were rewarded when he was called up the senior Scotland squad for their Summer tour to South Africa.
Taylor has suffered from concussion injuries.
= = = Habertürk TV = = =
Habertürk TV is a Turkish nationwide TV channel established in 2001 by Turkish journalist Ufuk Güldemir. It is owned by the Ciner Media Group (since 2007). In 2009 Ciner created the "Habertürk" newspaper, drawing on Habertürk TV's brand.
In June 2013, Habertürk TV's relative lack of coverage of the 2013–14 protests in Turkey saw hundreds of protestors gather in front of its head office in Istanbul.
= = = Willer Bordon = = =
Willer Bordon (16 January 1949 – 14 July 2015) was an Italian, academic, businessman and former politician who served in different cabinet posts at the end of the 1990s and 2000s.
Bordon was born in Muggia, Trieste, on 16 January 1949.
Bordon was the mayor of Muggia for eleven years. In 1987, he was elected to the Italian parliament, being a deputy for Trieste. He founded Democratic Alliance, a small centre-left party, in 1992. He resigned from the party in June 1994 following the poor achievement in the general election. Later he joined the Margherita party. From 1998 to 1999 he served as the minister for public works. He was appointed minister of environment to the cabinet led by Prime Minister Giuliano Amato in April 2000. Bordon replaced Edo Ronchi as minister of environment.
Bordon also served as the member of the Italian senate. In 2008 Bordon retired from the Senate. After leaving politics, he became the president of the Enalg SpA. In addition, he also began to work as a professor of political science at La Sapienza University.
Bordon died at the age of 66 on 14 July 2015.
= = = Man Without a Name (1932 film) = = =
Man Without a Name () is a 1932 German drama film directed by Gustav Ucicky and starring Werner Krauss, Helene Thimig and Mathias Wieman. It premiered on 1 July 1932. It was based on a novel by Honoré de Balzac. A separate French-language version " Un homme sans nom" was also produced.
= = = 2010 FC Anzhi Makhachkala season = = =
The 2010 FC Anzhi Makhachkala season was the 1st season that the club played in the Russian Premier League, the highest tier of football in Russia since their relegation in 2002. They finished 11th in the league and also took part in the 2010–11 Russian Cup, exiting at the round of 16 stage.
Reserves are eligible to play in the league.
"Round 16" took place during the 2011–12 season.
= = = Condesa por amor = = =
Condesa por Amor is a 2009 telenovela produced by Venevisión International. It is a remake of the 1997 telenovela Girasoles para Lucía. This new version stars Eileen Abad and Gerónimo Gil as the main protagonists with the antagonistic participation of Bernie Paz and Michelle Vargas.
This telenovela was filmed in the Dominican Republic.
Ana Paula Treviño dreams of falling in love with Aníbal Paz-Soldán, one of the richest millionaires in the country. One day while walking in the streets, Ana Paula's purse is snatched, and she unfortunately mistakes a witness by-stander, Fernando, to be the thief. Fernando is captivated by Ana Paula's beauty and charm, and he is instantly attracted to her. Fernando later discovers that Ana Paula is poor and must work hard in her father's boarding house in order to try to pay their debts. So, he decides to conquer Ana Paula's heart by omitting that he is a Paz-Soldán, and lying that he is merely an employee at the Paz-Soldán company.