sequence | label
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"winter has cold temperatures & temperature is a property of the environment -> winter means cold environmental temperature",
" winter means cold environmental temperature & an animal requires warmth for survival -> animals must move to a warmer environment during the winter",
" animals must move to a warmer environment during the winter & migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter -> an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter",
" an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter & birds fly south for the winter -> an example of migration is birds flying south in the winter",
" "
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"climate means the average temperature / weather in an area & winter has cold temperatures / weather -> winter can cause the climate in an area to become cold",
" winter can cause the climate in an area to become cold & an animal requires warmth for survival -> some animals must move to warmer climates in the winter",
" some animals must move to warmer climates in the winter & migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter -> an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter",
" an example of migration is moving to a warmer climate in the winter & some birds fly south for the winter -> an example of migration is birds flying south in the winter",
" an example of migration is birds flying south in the winter & migration is a kind of adaptation -> an example of an adaptation is birds migrating south in the winter",
" "
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"an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation & migrating is an instinctive behavior -> migration is a kind of behavioral adaptation",
" "
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"winter has cold temperatures & temperature is a property of the environment -> an environment is cold in the winter",
" an environment is cold in the winter & cold environments usually have little food for animals -> an environment usually has little food for animals in the winter",
" an environment usually has little food for animals in the winter & animals require food to survive -> animals must move to an environment with more food in the winter",
" animals must move to an environment with more food in the winter & a warm environment usually has more food than a cold environment -> animals must move to a warmer environment during the winter to find food",
" "
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"an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation & migrating is an instinctive behavior -> migration is a kind of behavioral adaptation",
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"nest building is a kind of adaptation & adaptation has a positive impact on the survival of a species -> nest building has a positive impact on the survival of a species",
" nest building has a positive impact on the survival of a species & a nest is a kind of resource for a bird -> nest building has a positive impact on the survival of birds",
" young animals are born as a result of reproduction & a bird is a kind of animal -> young birds are born as a result of reproduction",
" young birds are born as a result of reproduction & many birds reproduce during spring -> many young birds are born during spring",
" many young birds are born during spring & birds build nests in the spring -> birds build nests when many young birds are born",
" birds build nests when many young birds are born & a nest is used for protecting young by birds -> birds build nests to protect young birds",
" nest building has a positive impact on the survival of birds & birds build nests to protect young birds -> nest building has a positive impact on the survival of birds by protecting young birds",
" "
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"a behavior is a kind of characteristic & an instinctive behavior is a kind of inherited characteristic -> an instinctive behavior is a kind of inherited behavior",
" an instinctive behavior is a kind of inherited behavior & an example of an inherited behavior is a bird building a nest -> an example of an instinctive behavior is a bird building a nest",
" an example of an instinctive behavior is a bird building a nest & an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation -> an example of an behavioral adaptation is a bird building a nest",
" ash from a volcano is warm in temperature & a volcano changes the environment around it by covering the environment in ash -> a volcano changes the environment around it by covering the environment in warm ash",
" something that animals require has a positive impact on that animal's survival & animals require warmth for survival -> warmth has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" a volcano changes the environment around it by covering the environment in warm ash & warmth has a positive impact on an animal's survival -> living in the warm ash from a volcano can have a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" living in the warm ash from a volcano can have a positive impact on an animal's survival & behavioral adaptation has a positive impact on the population / the survival / the reproduction of a species / of individual organisms -> an example of a behavioral adaptation is living in the warm ash from a volcano",
" an example of an behavioral adaptation is a bird building a nest & an example of a behavioral adaptation is living in the warm ash from a volcano -> an example of a behavioral adaptation is a bird building a nest in the warm ash from a volcano",
" "
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"an animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce & in order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate -> an animal needs to let other animals know that it is a potential mate to reproduce",
" an animal needs to let other animals know that it is a potential mate to reproduce & communication can be used to let other animals know things -> communication can be used by animals to let other animals know that it is a potential mate",
" communication can be used by animals to let other animals know that it is a potential mate & coloration can be used for communication by animals -> coloration can be used to let other animals know that an animal is a potential mate",
" an animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce & in order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate -> letting other animals know that an animal is a potential mate has a positive impact on that animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce",
" coloration can be used to let other animals know that an animal is a potential mate & letting other animals know that an animal is a potential mate has a positive impact on that animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce -> coloration has a positive impact on an animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce",
" coloration has a positive impact on an animal's ability to attract a mate / reproduce & an adaptation has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to reproduce -> coloration is a kind of adaptation for attracting a mate / reproduction",
" "
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"a shell is a covering around the body of a shelled animal & covering something is a kind of protection -> a shell is a kind of protection for some animals",
" a shell is a kind of protection for some animals -> the shell of an animal is used to protect the animal",
" a shell is a part of a snail & a snail is a kind of animal -> a snail is a kind of animal that has a shell",
" the shell of an animal is used to protect the animal & a snail is a kind of animal that has a shell -> a shell is a part of a snail for protecting the snail",
" "
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"wasp 's stinger contains poison & poison causes harm to living things -> a wasp's stinger can be used to cause harm to living things",
" a wasp's stinger can be used to cause harm to living things & harming is a kind of defense -> a stinger is used for defense by a wasp",
" "
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"an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment & color is a property of an organism that describes what it looks like -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment",
" an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & if an animal 's skin is a certain color then that animal is that color -> an example of camouflage is an animal's skin having the same color as its environment",
" an example of camouflage is an animal's skin having the same color as its environment & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment -> an animal having the same skin color as its environment is an adaptation for hiding in an environment",
" predators usually must see their prey in order to catch them & hiding means visibility / ability to be seen decreases for camouflage -> hiding can be used to avoid being seen by predators",
" hiding can be used to avoid being seen by predators & not being seen by predators is a kind of protection against predators -> hiding is a kind of protection against predators",
" an animal having the same skin color as its environment is an adaptation for hiding in an environment & hiding is a kind of protection against predators -> an animal having the same skin color as its environment is a kind of protection against predators",
" "
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"white fur is white in color & snow is white in color -> white fur and snow are the same color",
" white fur and snow are the same color & fur is often a part of an animal -> an animal with white fur and snow are the same color",
" an animal is a kind of organism & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment -> an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment",
" an animal with white fur and snow are the same color & an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment -> an example of camouflage is an animal with white fur in the snow",
" an example of camouflage is an animal with white fur in the snow & camouflage is used for protection by animals against predators -> white fur is used for protection by animals against predators in the snow",
" white fur is used for protection by animals against predators in the snow & something that is protected against something else is safe from that something else -> animals with white fur are safe from predators in the snow",
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"snow is white in color & white fur is white in color -> white fur and snow are the same color",
" white fur and snow are the same color & fur is often part of an animal -> an animal with white fur and snow are the same color",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment & an animal is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment",
" an animal with white fur and snow are the same color & an example of camouflage is an animal having the same color as its environment -> an example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow",
" an example of camouflage is an animal having white fur in the snow & camouflage is a kind of protection against predators -> white fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow",
" snowy means a large amount of snow & snowy is a kind of property of some environments -> snowy environments have a large amount of snow",
" white fur is a kind of protection against predators in the snow & snowy environments have a large amount of snow -> white fur is a kind of protection against predators in a snowy environment",
" "
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"a leaf is often green in color & a green tree frog is green in color -> a green tree frog and a leaf are the same color",
" a green tree frog and a leaf are the same color & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment -> an example of camouflage is an organism looking like leaves",
" an example of camouflage is an organism looking like leaves & an animal is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves",
" hiding means ability to be seen decreases & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment -> camouflage is a kind of adaptation for decreasing something's ability to be seen in an environment",
" an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for decreasing something's ability to be seen in an environment -> looking like leaves can decrease an organism's ability to be seen in an environment",
" a forest contains lots of trees & a forest is a kind of environment -> a forest environment contains lots of trees",
" a forest environment contains lots of trees & a leaf is a part of a tree -> forest environmnet contains lots of leaves",
" looking like leaves can decrease an organism's ability to be seen in an environment & forest environmnet contains lots of leaves -> looking like leaves can decrease an animal's ability to bee seen in a forest environment",
" "
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"hiding can be used for avoiding predators & avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival -> hiding has a positive impact on an organism's survival",
" hiding has a positive impact on an organism's survival & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment -> camouflage has a positive impact on an organism's survival",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment & some environments change color -> an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment",
" an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment & if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color -> an example of camouflage is an animal's fur changing into the color of the environment",
" camouflage has a positive impact on an organism's survival & an example of camouflage is an animal's fur changing into the color of the environment -> changing fur color to the environment's color has a positive impact on an organism's survival",
" the arctic is white in color & the arctic is a kind of environment -> the arctic is an environment that is white in color",
" changing fur color to the environment's color has a positive impact on an organism's survival & the arctic is an environment that is white in color -> changing fur color to white has a positive impact on an organism's survival in the arctic",
" "
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"to blend into something means ability to be seen decreases when around that something & hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage -> to blend into something means to hide in something",
" to blend into something means to hide in something & white fur blends into snow -> an example of hiding is white fur blending in with snow",
" snow falls during the winter in some environments & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment -> camouflage can be a kind of adaptation for hiding in snow in winter environments",
" an example of hiding is white fur blending in with snow & camouflage can be a kind of adaptation for hiding in snow in winter environments -> an example of camouflage is white fur blending in with snow",
" "
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"an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment & color is a property of something that describes how that something looks -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment",
" an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & some environments change color -> an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment",
" an arctic fox is a kind of animal & an animal is a kind of organism -> an arctic fox is a kind of organism",
" an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment & an arctic fox is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of its environment",
" an arctic fox is a kind of animal & if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color -> if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color",
" if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color & an arctic fox turns from brown to white for the winter -> an arctic fox's fur turns from brown to white for the winter",
" snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment & when snow falls in an environment , that environment will become white -> an arctic environment becomes white during the winter",
" an arctic fox's fur turns from brown to white for the winter & an arctic environment becomes white during the winter -> a arctic fox's fur and an arctic environment both become white in the winter",
" an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of its environment & a arctic fox's fur and an arctic environment both become white in the winter -> an example of camouflage is an arctic fox's fur becoming white in the winter in an arctic environment",
" "
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"an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment & color is a property of something that describes what that something looks like -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment",
" an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & some environments change color -> an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment",
" when the snow in an environment melts, that environment will become brown & snow melts in the summer in an arctic environment -> an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer",
" snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment & when snow falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white -> the arctic environment becomes white in the winter",
" an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer & the arctic environment becomes white in the winter -> the color of an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer and white in the winter",
" the color of an arctic environment becomes brown in the summer and white in the winter & the fur color of the arctic hare changes from brown in the summer to white in the winter -> a hare and an arctic environment change to the same color during the summer and winter",
" an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment & a hare and an arctic environment change to the same color during the summer and winter -> an example of camouflage is a hare's fur changing to the color of an arctic environment",
" "
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"color is a property of something that describes how that something looks & an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment",
" an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & some environments can change color -> an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment",
" some speciallized cells cause an animal to change color rapidly & a certain animal has specialized cells -> a certain animal is able to change color rapidly",
" an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment & a certain animal is able to change color rapidly -> an example of camouflage is an animal rapidly changing into the color of the environment",
" an example of camouflage is an animal rapidly changing into the color of the environment & camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators -> rapidly changing into the color of the environment is used by animals to hide from predators",
" "
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"camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment & an adaptation has a positive impact on an animal 's survival -> camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" an animal is a kind of organism & an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment -> an exmple of camouflage is an animal looking like its environment",
" leaves are a part of trees & a forest environment contains many trees -> a forest environment contains many leaves",
" a forest environment contains many leaves & an environment looks like the things it contains -> a forest environment looks like leaves",
" an exmple of camouflage is an animal looking like its environment & a forest environment looks like leaves -> an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves",
" camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival & an example of camouflage is an animal looking like leaves -> looking like leaves can have a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" "
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"an animal is a kind of organism & a rabbit is a kind of animal -> a rabbit is a kind of organism",
" a rabbit is a kind of organism & an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment -> an example of camouflage is a rabbit having the same color as its environment",
" snow falls during the winter in some environments & when snow falls in an environment, the environment becomes white in color -> a winter environment may be white in color",
" a winter environment may be white in color & a rabbit may be white in color -> a white rabbit and a winter environment may have the same color",
" an example of camouflage is a rabbit having the same color as its environment & a white rabbit and a winter environment may have the same color -> an example of camouflage is a rabbit being white in color in a winter environment",
" protecting a living thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival & an animal is a kind of living thing -> protecting an animal has a postive impact on that animal's survival",
" protecting an animal has a postive impact on that animal's survival & camouflage is used for protection by animals against predators -> camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival & a rabbit is a kind of animal -> camouflage has a positive impact on a rabbit's survival",
" an example of camouflage is a rabbit being white in color in a winter environment & camouflage has a positive impact on a rabbit's survival -> camouflage has a positive impact on a rabbit's survival in a winter environment",
" "
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"some leaves have a speckled brown color & some birds have a speckled brown color -> some birds look like leaves",
" a bird is a kind of thing & things that looks like other things are difficult to distinguish from that other thing -> birds that look like other things are difficult to distinguish from that other thing",
" some birds look like leaves & birds that look like other things are difficult to distinguish from that other thing -> some birds are difficult to distinguish from leaves",
" some birds are difficult to distinguish from leaves & difficult to distinguish can mean difficult to see in something else -> some birds are difficult to see in leaves",
" some birds are difficult to see in leaves & hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage -> an example of camouflage is a bird looking like leaves",
" an example of camouflage is a bird looking like leaves & camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators -> looking like leaves can be used by birds for hiding from predators",
" looking like leaves can be used by birds for hiding from predators & hiding can be used to avoid something -> looking like leaves can be used by birds for avoiding predators",
" "
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"color is a property of something that describes how that something looks & an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment -> an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment",
" some environments change colors & a chameleon can change colors -> a chameleon and its environment can change colors",
" an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment & a chameleon and its environment can change colors -> an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment",
" an example of camouflage is an organism changing into the color of the environment & an animal is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an animal changing into the color of its environment",
" an example of camouflage is an animal changing into the color of its environment & camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators -> changing colors can be used by animals to hide from predators",
" changing colors can be used by animals to hide from predators & hiding can be used to avoid something -> changing colors can be used by animals to avoid predators",
" avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival & an animal is a kind of organism -> avoiding predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" changing colors can be used by animals to avoid predators & avoiding predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival -> changing colors can have a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" "
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"an arctic fox is a kind of animal2 & color is a property of something that describes how that something looks -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment & some environments change color -> an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment",
" an arctic fox is a kind of animal & an arctic fox is a kind of animal1 -> an arctic fox is a kind of organism",
" an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment & an arctic fox is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of the environment",
" an arctic fox is a kind of animal6 & an arctic fox's fur is dark gray or brown in the summer -> an arctic fox's fur is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter",
" an arctic fox is a kind of animal & if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color -> if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color",
" an arctic fox's fur is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter & if an arctic fox's fur is a color then that arctic fox is that color -> an arctic fox is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter",
" an arctic fox is a kind of animal0 & an arctic fox is a kind of animal5 -> an arctic environment is dark gray or brown in the summer",
" when snow falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white & snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment -> an arctic environment is white in the winter",
" an arctic environment is dark gray or brown in the summer & an arctic environment is white in the winter -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment0: an arctic environment is dark gray or brown in the summer and white in the winter",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment0 & an arctic fox is dark grey or brown in the summer and white in the winter -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment1: an arctic fox and arctic environment are both dark gray or brown in the summer and white in the winter",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment1 & if something is one color during one time and another color during another time, then at something changes color -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment2: an arctic fox and arctic environment are both change color to dark gray or brown in the summer and white in the winter",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment2 & an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of the environment -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment3: an example of camouflage is an arctic fox changing into the color of an arctic environment in the summer and winter",
" an arctic fox is a kind of animal & an arctic fox is a kind of animal4 -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment4: camouflage is used for hiding by arctic foxes from predators",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment3 & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment4 -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment5: changing into the color of an arctic environment in the summer and winter is used for hiding by arctic foxes",
" an arctic fox is a kind of animal3 & hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment6: to hide in something can mean to blend in with something",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment5 & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment6 -> changing into the color of an arctic environment in the summer and winter is used for blending in with an environment by arctic foxes",
" "
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"an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment & color is a property of something that describes what that something looks like -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment",
" an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment & if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color0 -> an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment",
" a hare is a kind of animal & an animal is a kind of organism -> a hare is a kind of organism",
" an example of camouflage is organism changing into the color of the environment & a hare is a kind of organism -> an example of camouflage is a hare changing into the color of its environment",
" if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color & a hare is a kind of animal -> if a hare's fur is a color then that hare is that color",
" if a hare's fur is a color then that hare is that color & an arctic hare's fur turns white in the winter -> an arctic hare turns white in the winter",
" when snow falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white & snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment -> an arctic environment becomes white in the winter",
" an arctic hare turns white in the winter & an arctic environment becomes white in the winter -> an arctic hare and an arctic environment both change color to white in the winter",
" an example of camouflage is a hare changing into the color of its environment & an arctic hare and an arctic environment both change color to white in the winter -> an example of camouflage is an arctic hare changing into the color of an arctic environment in the winter",
" an example of camouflage is an arctic hare changing into the color of an arctic environment in the winter & camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators -> changing into the color of an arctic environment is used for hiding from predators by an arctic hare",
" "
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"things that are the same color blend into each other1 & things that are the same color blend into each other4 -> a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray",
" an adaptation is a kind of inherited charactersitic that helps an animal survive / reproduce & the coloration of parts of an animals are inherited characteristics -> coloration is a kind of adaptation",
" things that are the same color blend into each other & to blend into something means to be difficult to see in something -> if a thing is the same color as another thing then that thing is difficult to see in that other thing",
" if a thing is the same color as another thing then that thing is difficult to see in that other thing & things that are the same color blend into each other5 -> a thing having the same color as another thing is used for hiding",
" things that are the same color blend into each other2 & things that are the same color blend into each other7 -> an animal and an environment are kinds of things",
" a thing having the same color as another thing is used for hiding & an animal and an environment are kinds of things -> an animal having the same color as its environment is used for hiding",
" coloration is a kind of adaptation & an animal having the same color as its environment is used for hiding -> coloration is a kind of adaptation for hiding",
" coloration is a kind of adaptation for hiding & animals adapt to their environment -> coloration is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment",
" coloration is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment & things that are the same color blend into each other0 & camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment -> an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment",
" being protected from predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival & camouflage is used for protection by animals against predators -> a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray0: camouflage has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray0 & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment -> a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray1: an animal having the same color as its environment has a positive impact on that animal's survival",
" a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray1 & things that are the same color blend into each other3 -> a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray2: animals are likely to have the same color as their environment",
" a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray & a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray2 -> a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray3: a gray rat snake is likely to be in a gray environment",
" things that are the same color blend into each other6 & gravel is usually gray in color -> a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray4: a gravel pit is usually gray in color",
" a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray3 & a rat snake is a kind of animal that is gray4 -> a gray rat snake is likely to be in a gravel pit",
" "
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"camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment & an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment -> an organism having the same color as its environment is a kind of adaptation for hiding in that environment",
" an organism having the same color as its environment is a kind of adaptation for hiding in that environment & white fur is white in color -> an organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in white environments",
" an organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in white environments & the arctic environment is white in color from being covered in snow -> an organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in arctic environments",
" an organism having white fur is an adaptation for hiding in arctic environments & adaptation has a positive impact on the survival of individual organisms -> an organism having white fur has a positive impact on that organism's survival in arctic environments",
" "
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"living underground can be used for hiding from predators & hiding can be used for avoiding predators -> living underground can be used for avoiding predators",
" living underground can be used for avoiding predators & a predator eats other animals for food -> living underground can be used for avoiding being eaten by predators",
" a hawk is a kind of predator & an owl is a kind of predator -> hawks and owls are kinds of predators",
" living underground can be used for avoiding being eaten by predators & hawks and owls are kinds of predators -> living underground can be used for avoiding being eaten by hawks and owls",
" "
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"most animals avoid bad odors & a predator is a kind of animal -> a predator may avoid bad odors",
" a predator may avoid bad odors & some animals produce bad odors -> predators may avoid animals that produce bad odors",
" predators may avoid animals that produce bad odors & causing predators to avoid you is a kind of method for avoiding predators -> producing a bad odor is a kind of method for avoiding predators",
" producing a bad odor is a kind of method for avoiding predators & avoiding is a kind of defense -> producing bad odors is a kind of defense against predators",
" producing bad odors is a kind of defense against predators & a skunk produces a bad odor -> a skunk produces a bad ordor as a defense against predators",
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"covering something is a kind of protection & a shell is a covering around the body of a shelled animal -> the shell of an animal is used to protect the animal",
" the shell of an animal is used to protect the animal & a shell is a part of a turtle -> a shell is a part of a turtle for protecting the turtle",
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"black ink in water causes animals to have difficulty seeing & a predator is a kind of animal -> black ink in water causes predators to have difficulty seeing",
" black ink in water causes predators to have difficulty seeing & octopuses release black ink into water -> octopuses releasing ink into the water causes predators to have difficulty seeing the octopus",
" octopuses releasing ink into the water causes predators to have difficulty seeing the octopus & hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage -> ink is used for hiding from predators by octopuses",
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"predators usually need to be as fast as their prey to catch their prey & some animals move quickly to escape predators -> animals that can move quickly will be able to escape a predator",
" animals that can move quickly will be able to escape a predator & prarie dogs can run very quickly -> running very quickly helps a prarie dog be able to escape a predator",
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"predators threaten the existance of other animals & threatening the existence of an animal has a negative impact on that animal -> predators have a negative impact on an animal's survival",
" predators have a negative impact on an animal's survival & avoiding something with a negative impact has a positive impact -> avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival",
" avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival & defenses can help animals avoid predators -> organisms will use defenses as a reseponse to predators",
" quills are a kind of defense mechanism & quills are part of a porcupine -> quills are part of a porcupine used for defense",
" organisms will use defenses as a reseponse to predators & quills are part of a porcupine used for defense -> a porcupine will use quills as a response to predators",
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"to blend into something means to be difficult to see in something & things that are the same coloration blend into each other -> coloration can make an something diffucult to see",
" coloration can make an something diffucult to see & to hide means ability to be seen decreases -> coloration is a kind of adaptation for hiding / camouflage",
" coloration is a kind of adaptation for hiding / camouflage & hiding is a kind of protection against predators -> coloration is a kind of protection against predators",
" spotted is a kind of coloration & a spotted means having spots -> spots are a kind of coloration",
" coloration is a kind of protection against predators & spots are a kind of coloration -> spots are a kind of protection against predators",
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"sensing is performed by specialized body parts & radial symmetry means an animal has similar body parts dispersed in all directions around a central axis -> an animal with radial symmetry has specialized body parts for sensing dispersed in all directions around a central axis",
" an animal with radial symmetry has specialized body parts for sensing dispersed in all directions around a central axis & an animal can sense things in the direction that their specialized body parts for sensing are facing -> an animal with radial symmetry can sense predators / food from all directions",
" avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival & avoiding something requires sensing that something -> sensing predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" an animal needs to eat food for nutrients & sensing food has a positive impact on finding food -> sensing food has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" sensing predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival & sensing food has a positive impact on an animal's survival -> better senses have a positive impact on an animal 's survival",
" better senses have a positive impact on an animal 's survival & being able to sense things from all directions improves something's senses -> being able to sense things from all directions has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" an animal with radial symmetry can sense predators / food from all directions & being able to sense things from all directions has a positive impact on an animal's survival -> radial symmetry has a positive impact on an animal's survival by allowing it to sense predators / food from all directions",
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"an animal can survive in an environment with little food by storing fat & cold environments usually have little food for animals -> an animal can survive in a cold environment by storing fat",
" if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die & an animal is a kind of living thing -> if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die",
" if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die & an animal can survive in an environment with little food by storing fat0 -> an animal requires warmth for survival",
" an animal requires warmth for survival & if the environmental temperature / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival in a cold environment",
" an animal requires warmth for survival in a cold environment & layers of fat are used to keep animals warm -> layers of fat are used by animals to survive in a cold environment by keeping warm",
" an animal can survive in a cold environment by storing fat & layers of fat are used by animals to survive in a cold environment by keeping warm -> layers of fat are used by animals to survive in a cold environment",
" layers of fat are used by animals to survive in a cold environment & traits that help animals survive in a certain kind of environment are often found in animals in that environment -> layers of fat are often a part of animals that live in cold environments",
" cold environments have cold weather / temperatures & climate is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time -> a cold environment means a cold climate",
" layers of fat are often a part of animals that live in cold environments & a cold environment means a cold climate -> layers of fat are often a part of animals that live in cold climates",
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"if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die & an animal is a kind of living thing -> if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die",
" if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die & keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival",
" an animal requires warmth for survival & if the environmental temperature / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival in cold environments",
" cold environments have cold temperatures / weather & climate is the average weather / temperature in an area -> a cold environment means a cold climate",
" an animal requires warmth for survival in cold environments & layers of fat are used to keep animals warm -> layers of fat are used by animals to survive in cold environments by keeping warm",
" layers of fat are used by animals to survive in cold environments by keeping warm & traits that help animals survive in a certain kind of environment are often found in animals in that environment -> layers of fat are often a part of animals that live in cold climates",
" layers of fat are often a part of animals that live in cold climates & blubber is a kind of fat -> blubber is often a part of animals that live in cold climates",
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"keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold & if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die -> animals require warmth for survival",
" animals require warmth for survival & if the environmental temperature / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold -> animals require warmth for survival in cold environments",
" blubber is a kind of fat & fat is used to keep animals warm -> blubber is used to keep animals warm",
" blubber is used to keep animals warm & fur is a part of skin for keeping warm -> blubber and fur are used by animals for keeping warm",
" animals require warmth for survival in cold environments & blubber and fur are used by animals for keeping warm -> blubber and fur are used for survival in cold environments",
" blubber and fur are used for survival in cold environments & antarctica is extremely cold in temperature -> blubber and fur are used for survival in antarctica",
" blubber and fur are used for survival in antarctica & seals are able to live off the coast of antarctica while frogs, snakes, and pathers are not -> seals are able to live off the coast of antarctica because they have fur and blubber",
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"an animal is a kind of living thing & if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die -> if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die",
" if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die & keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival",
" an animal requires warmth for survival & if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures",
" an animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures & thick fur can be used for keeping warm -> thick fur can be used for survival in cold temperatures by keeping warm",
" thick fur can be used for survival in cold temperatures by keeping warm & winter has cold temperatures -> thick fur can be used for survival in winter by keeping warm",
" thick fur can be used for survival in winter by keeping warm & when fur grows it becomes thicker -> some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter",
" some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter & a rabbit is a kind of animal -> a rabbit's fur grows thicker in the winter",
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"if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die & keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold -> an animal usually requires warmth for survival",
" an animal usually requires warmth for survival & if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold -> an animal requires warmth in cold temperatures",
" an animal requires warmth in cold temperatures & thick fur can be used for keeping warm -> thick fur can be used by animals for survival in cold temperatures",
" thick fur can be used by animals for survival in cold temperatures & winter has cold temperatures -> thick fur can be used by animals for survival survival during winter",
" thick fur can be used by animals for survival survival during winter & a bear is a kind of animal -> thick fur can be used by bears for survival during winter",
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"thick fur is a kind of fur & fur is a part of skin for keeping warm -> thick fur can be used for keeping warm",
" an animal is a kind of living thing & if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die -> if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die",
" if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die & keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival",
" an animal requires warmth for survival & if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures",
" thick fur can be used for keeping warm & an animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures -> thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in cold temperatures",
" thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in cold temperatures & winter has cold temperatures -> thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in winter",
" thick fur is used by animals for keeping warm in winter & when fur grows it becomes thicker -> some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm in the winter",
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"a fox is a kind of animal & a fox grows thick fur as the seasons change -> a fox is a kind of animal that grows thick fur as the seasons change",
" if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold & an animal requires warmth for survival -> an animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures",
" temperature is a property of weather & weather changes from seasons to seasons -> temperature changes from seasons to seasons",
" temperature changes from seasons to seasons & winter is a kind of season -> temperature changes from another season to winter",
" temperature changes from another season to winter & winter has cold temperatures -> temperatures become cold as the season changes to winter",
" an animal requires warmth for survival in cold temperatures & temperatures become cold as the season changes to winter -> an animal requires warmth for survival as the season changes to winter",
" an animal requires warmth for survival as the season changes to winter & thick fur can be used for keeping warm -> thick fur can be used for keeping warm as the season changes to winter",
" thick fur can be used for keeping warm as the season changes to winter & a fox is a kind of animal0 -> some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm as the season changes to winter",
" a fox is a kind of animal that grows thick fur as the seasons change & some animals' fur grows thicker for staying warm as the season changes to winter -> a fox grows thick fur to keep warm as the season changes to winter",
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"a covering can be used as a kind of protection against cold weather & fur is a covering around the body of an animal -> thick fur can be used for keeping warm",
" an animal is a kind of living thing & if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die -> if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die",
" if an animal becomes too cold then that animal will die & keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival",
" an animal requires warmth for survival & if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold -> an animal requires warmth for survival in a cold environment",
" thick fur can be used for keeping warm & an animal requires warmth for survival in a cold environment -> thick fur is used for survival in a cold environment by keeping warm",
" thick fur is used for survival in a cold environment by keeping warm & the arctic environment usually is cold in temperature from being at a northern lattitude -> thick fur is used for survival in an arctic environment by keeping warm",
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"fur is a covering around the body of an animal & a covering can be used as protection against cold weather -> thick fur can be used for keeping warm",
" thick fur can be used for keeping warm & an animal requires warmth for survival in a cold environment -> thick fur can be used for survival in a cold environment by keeping warm",
" snow is cold & snowy means a large amount of snow -> a snowy environment is a cold environment",
" thick fur can be used for survival in a cold environment by keeping warm & a snowy environment is a cold environment -> thick fur can be used for survival in a snowy environment by keeping warm",
" thick fur can be used for survival in a snowy environment by keeping warm & something that is used for survival has a positive impact on survival -> thick fur has a positive impact on an animal's survival in a snowy environment",
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"different birds have different shaped beaks & different birds eat different foods -> different birds have different shaped beaks and eat different foods",
" a beak is used for catching food by some birds & eating food requires catching food -> a beak is used for eating food by some birds",
" different birds have different shaped beaks and eat different foods & a beak is used for eating food by some birds -> birds with beaks of different shapes eat different foods",
" smaller means less / lower in size & skinny means small in size -> small and skinny describe similar sizes",
" small and skinny describe similar sizes & in order to go inside place, something must be smaller than or similar in size to that place -> something that is skinny can go in something that is small",
" something that is skinny can go in something that is small & in order to obtain something from a place, you must be able to go inside of that place -> something skinny can obtain something from a small place",
" birds with beaks of different shapes eat different foods & something skinny can obtain something from a small place -> a skinny beak is used for obtaining food by a bird from small spaces",
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"frogs catch flying insects with their tongues & salamanders catch flying insects with their tongues -> frogs and salamanders catch flying insects with their tongues",
" if something is stuck then it can be caught more easily & if somthing is sticky then other things will become stuck to it -> stickyness can be used for catching things",
" predators eat prey & eating prey requires catching prey -> predators must catch prey to eat prey",
" predators must catch prey to eat prey & a predator is a kind of animal -> some animals must catch prey to eat",
" some animals must catch prey to eat & animals must eat to survive -> some animals must catch prey to survive",
" stickyness can be used for catching things & some animals must catch prey to survive -> stickyness can be used for survival by catching things",
" stickyness can be used for survival by catching things & adaptations are used for survival -> stickyness is a kind of adaptation for catching things",
" frogs and salamanders catch flying insects with their tongues & stickyness is a kind of adaptation for catching things -> a sticky tongue is a kind of adaptation for catching flying insects",
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"in order to eat food an animal must find food & eating food is used to get nutrients / energy by animals -> animals must find food to get nutrients / energy",
" animals must find food to get nutrients / energy & finding something requires sensing that something -> animals must sense food to find food",
" animals must sense food to find food & feeling is when a living thing senses through touch -> feeling can be used for finding food",
" feeling can be used for finding food & whiskers are a part of some fish for feeling -> whiskers are part of a fish used for finding food",
" an animal needs to eat food for nutrients & an animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival -> an animal requires food for survival",
" an animal requires food for survival & a resource is something that is required for survival -> food is a resource for animals",
" food is a resource for animals & the ability to find resources has a positive impact on an animal 's survival -> the ability to find food has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" whiskers are part of a fish used for finding food & the ability to find food has a positive impact on an animal's survival -> whiskers have a positive impact on a fish's survival by helping it find food",
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"a something becomes larger it is able to act upon more of something else & fins move animals through water by pushing against water -> the larger and animal's fin is, the more water it can push against",
" the larger and animal's fin is, the more water it can push against & the more water an animal's fin pushes against, the faster that animal will move through water -> the larger an animal's fin is, the faster it can move through water",
" the larger an animal's fin is, the faster it can move through water & fins are a part of aquatic animals used for moving through water -> large fins can be used to move quickly through water",
" if an organism 's prey moves quickly then that organism may need to move quickly to catch its prey & a predator is a kind of organism -> if a predator's prey moves quickly then that predator may need to move quickly to catch its prey",
" if a predator's prey moves quickly then that predator may need to move quickly to catch its prey & eating prey requires catching prey -> some predators move quickly to catch prey",
" large fins can be used to move quickly through water & some predators move quickly to catch prey -> large fins can be used to move quickly through water in order to catch prey",
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"animals require food for survival & hunting is a kind of method for obtaining food -> some animals must hunt to survive",
" some animals must hunt to survive & hunting requires sensing prey -> some animals must sense prey to survive",
" if a living thing must do something to survive, then doing that something better has a positive impact on that living thing's survival & an animal is a kind of living thing -> if an animal must do something to survive, then doing that something better has a positive impact on that animal's survival",
" some animals must sense prey to survive & if an animal must do something to survive, then doing that something better has a positive impact on that animal's survival -> better senses have a positive impact on an animal 's survival",
" better senses have a positive impact on an animal 's survival & hearing is used for sensing sound by animals -> better hearing has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna & senses are passed down from parent to offspring -> senses are an inherited characteristic",
" senses are an inherited characteristic & hearing is used for sensing sound by animals -> hearing is an inherited characteristic",
" better hearing has a positive impact on an animal's survival & hearing is an inherited characteristic -> better hearing is an inherited characteristic that has a positive impact on an animal's survival",
" as the ability of a living thing to survive / to reproduce increases , the likelihood of passing on its traits to its decendents will increase & as the ability of a living thing to survive / to reproduce increases , the likelihood of passing on its traits to its decendents will increase0 -> the decendants of an animal with traits that positively impacted their survival will also have traits that positivley impact their survival",
" better hearing is an inherited characteristic that has a positive impact on an animal's survival & the decendants of an animal with traits that positively impacted their survival will also have traits that positivley impact their survival -> the decendants of an animal with better hearing will also have better hearing",
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"animals are a source of carbon dioxide by exhaling & mosquitos can sense carbon dioxide in the air -> mosquitos sense animals by sensing their carbon dioxide emissions",
" an animal is a kind of living thing & a mosquito is a kind of animal -> a mosquito is a kind of living thing",
" a mosquito is a kind of living thing & living things eat their food source -> mosquitos eat their food source",
" mosquitos eat their food source & mosquitos eat blood of animals -> animals are a source of food for mosquitos",
" animals are a source of food for mosquitos & sensing food has a positive impact on finding food -> sensing animals has a positive impact on a mosquito's ability to find food",
" mosquitos sense animals by sensing their carbon dioxide emissions & sensing animals has a positive impact on a mosquito's ability to find food -> sensing carbon dioxide has a positive impact on a mosquito's ability to find food",
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"food can be a source of an odor & smell is used for detecting odor -> smell can be used to detect food odors",
" sense is a kind of characteristic of an animal & smell is a kind of sense -> smell is a kind of characteristic of some animals",
" smell can be used to detect food odors & smell is a kind of characteristic of some animals -> smell is used for finding food by some animals",
" smell is used for finding food by some animals & a fox is a kind of animal -> smell is used for finding food by foxes",
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"echo is when sound reflects off of a surface & a sound must first be emitted before it can reflect off of a surface -> a sound must be emitted for an echo to occur",
" echolocation is when some animals detect objects by hearing echoes by emitting sound & an echo must occur in order to be heard -> echolocation requires echos to occur",
" a sound must be emitted for an echo to occur & echolocation requires echos to occur -> a sound must be emitted in order for an animal to echolocate",
" a bat is a kind of animal & bats find their prey by sensing echos -> bats are a kind of animal that finds their prey by sensing echos",
" bats are a kind of animal that finds their prey by sensing echos & echolocation is when some animals detect objects by hearing echoes by emitting sound -> bats find their prey by using echolocation",
" a sound must be emitted in order for an animal to echolocate & bats find their prey by using echolocation -> bats must emit sound in order to echolocate",
" hearing is a kind of sense & hunting requires sensing prey -> hearing can be used for hunting prey",
" hearing can be used for hunting prey & hearing is used for sensing sounds by animals -> sensing sounds can be used for hunting prey",
" sensing sounds can be used for hunting prey & a bat is a kind of animal0 -> sensing echos can be used for hunting prey",
" sensing echos can be used for hunting prey & echolocation is when some animals detect objects by hearing echoes by emitting sound -> a sound must be emitted for an echo to occur0: echolocation can be used for hunting prey",
" a sound must be emitted for an echo to occur0 & bats must emit sound in order to echolocate -> bats must emit sound in order to hunt their prey",
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"large canopies / trees block sunlight from reaching the ground & tropical rainforests contain many large trees -> sunlight is blocked by large canopies / trees in rainforests",
" sunlight is blocked by large canopies / trees in rainforests & forest canopies blocking sunlight decreases the availability of sunlight on the forest floor -> tropical rainforest floors are low in availability of sunlight",
" as the size of a leaf increases , the amount of sunlight absorbed by that leaf will increase1 & a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis -> a low availability of sunlight has a negative impact on plants",
" tropical rainforest floors are low in availability of sunlight & a low availability of sunlight has a negative impact on plants -> low availability of sunlight has a negative impact on plants in tropical rainforest floors",
" as the size of a leaf increases , the amount of sunlight absorbed by that leaf will increase & larger means greater / higher / more / increase in size -> large leaves increase a plant's ability to absorb sunlight",
" a leaf is a part of a green plant & a leaf absorbs sunlight to perform photosynthesis -> a plant absorbs sunlight with its leaves to perform photosynthesis",
" a plant absorbs sunlight with its leaves to perform photosynthesis & as the size of a leaf increases , the amount of sunlight absorbed by that leaf will increase2 -> a plant must absorb sunlight with its leaves to survive",
" as the size of a leaf increases , the amount of sunlight absorbed by that leaf will increase0 & as the size of a leaf increases , the amount of sunlight absorbed by that leaf will increase3 -> if a plant must do something to survive, then increasing that plant's ability to do that something has a positive impact on that plant's survival",
" a plant must absorb sunlight with its leaves to survive & if a plant must do something to survive, then increasing that plant's ability to do that something has a positive impact on that plant's survival -> increasing a plant's ability to absorb sunlight with its leaves has a positive impact on that plant's survival",
" large leaves increase a plant's ability to absorb sunlight & increasing a plant's ability to absorb sunlight with its leaves has a positive impact on that plant's survival -> sunlight is blocked by large canopies / trees in rainforests0: large leaves have a positive impact on a plant's survival by increasing that plant's ability to absorb sunlight",
" sunlight is blocked by large canopies / trees in rainforests0 & an adaptation / an ability has a positive impact on an animal 's / living thing 's survival / health / ability to reproduce -> sunlight is blocked by large canopies / trees in rainforests1: large leaves are a kind of adaptation for absorbing sunlight",
" sunlight is blocked by large canopies / trees in rainforests1 & low availability of sunlight has a negative impact on plants in tropical rainforest floors -> plants on tropical rainforest floors grow large leaves due to the low availability of sunlight",
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"eating something has a negative impact on that something & animals eat cacti -> animals have a negative impact on cacti",
" animals have a negative impact on cacti & if something has a negative impact on an organism then that organism must protect itself from that something -> a cactus must protect itself from animals",
" a spine is a part of a cactus that is hard and located on the outside of the cactus & something hard / something strong can be used for protection -> a spine is a part of a cactus used for protection",
" a cactus must protect itself from animals & a spine is a part of a cactus used for protection -> a cactus spine is a part of a cactus for protecting the cactus from animals",
" a cactus spine is a part of a cactus for protecting the cactus from animals & protecting a living thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival -> a cactus spine has a positive impact on a cactus's survival by protecting the cactus from animals",
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"bark is a protective covering around the trunk of / branches of a tree & as the thickness of something increases , the resistance of that something to damage will increase -> thick bark protects a tree from damage",
" fire causes burning & burning a living thing usually causes harm to that living thing -> fire causes harm to living things",
" thick bark protects a tree from damage & fire causes harm to living things -> thick bark protects a tree from damage caused by fire",
" thick bark protects a tree from damage caused by fire & protecting a living thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival -> thick bark has a positive impact on a tree's survival in a fire",
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"fragrance means smell & flowers often have a sweet smell to attract pollinators -> flowers use fragrance to attract pollinators",
" flowers use fragrance to attract pollinators & increasing the amount of something used by an organism to perform a process increases that organism's ability to perform that process -> as the amount of fragrance of a flower increases , the number of pollinators it will attract increases",
" as the amount of fragrance of a flower increases , the number of pollinators it will attract increases & as the size of a flower increases , the number of pollinators it will attract increases -> as the size and amount of fragrance of a flower increases, the number of pollinators it will attract increases",
" pollination requires pollinators & plant reproduction requires pollination -> plant reproduction requires pollinators",
" increasing the amount of something used by an organism to perform a process increases that organism's ability to perform that process & a plant is a kind of organism -> increasing the amount of something used by a plant to perform a process increases that plant's ability to perform that process",
" plant reproduction requires pollinators & increasing the amount of something used by a plant to perform a process increases that plant's ability to perform that process -> as the number of pollinators attracted to a plant increases , the ability of that plant to reproduce will increase",
" increasing an organism's ability to reproduce has a positive impact on that organism & a plant is a kind of organism -> increasing a plant's ability to reproduce has a positive impact on that plant",
" as the number of pollinators attracted to a plant increases , the ability of that plant to reproduce will increase & increasing a plant's ability to reproduce has a positive impact on that plant -> increasing the number of pollinators attracted to a plant has a positive impact on that plant",
" as the size and amount of fragrance of a flower increases, the number of pollinators it will attract increases & increasing the number of pollinators attracted to a plant has a positive impact on that plant -> increasing the size and amount of fragrance of a flower has a positive impact on that flower by increasing the number of pollinators it will attract",
" increasing the size and amount of fragrance of a flower has a positive impact on that flower by increasing the number of pollinators it will attract & a bee is a pollinating animal -> increasing the size and amount of fragrance of a flower has a positive impact on that flower by increasing the number of bees it will attract",
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"starlings take nests from other birds & a nest is a kind of resource for a bird -> starlings take resources from other birds by taking nests from other birds",
" starlings take resources from other birds by taking nests from other birds & if a starling takes a resource from another animal then that starling competes for resources sucessfully -> starlings successfully compete for resources by taking over the nests of other birds",
" a starling is a kind of animal -> a starling is a kind of organism",
" a starling is a kind of organism & if an organism can compete for resources then more resources will become available to that organism -> if a starling can compete for resources then more resources will become available to that starling",
" starlings successfully compete for resources by taking over the nests of other birds & if a starling can compete for resources then more resources will become available to that starling -> more resources become available to starlings as they sucessfully compete for resources",
" a starling is a kind of organism & as available resources increases , the population of an organism using those resources will increase -> as available resources increase, the population of starlings using those resources will increase",
" more resources become available to starlings as they sucessfully compete for resources & as available resources increase, the population of starlings using those resources will increase -> as starlings sucessfully compete for resources, the population of starlings increases",
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"competition may cause animals to fight / to make threatening sounds / to act aggressively towards members of their own species & if two animals have the same food source then those two animals compete for food -> competition for food may cause animals to display threatening behavior towards each other",
" competition for food may cause animals to display threatening behavior towards each other & threatening behavior causes a fight-or-flight response in animals -> competition for food may cause a fight-or-flight response in animals",
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"when an organism reproduces they pass their traits to their offspring & if an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection -> if an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection and pass their traits to their offspring",
" if an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection and pass their traits to their offspring & beneficial traits allow organisms to survive competition for resources -> natural selection is when organisms with beneficial traits survive competition to reproduce and pass their beneficial traits onto their offispring",
" a generation is a group of organisms who are born and live at relatively the same time & an organism and it's offspring are born and live at relatively different times -> an organism and its offspring are part of different generations",
" an organism and its offspring are part of different generations & an organism passsing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process -> an organism passing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process that involves organisms from different generations",
" an organism passing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process that involves organisms from different generations & processes that involve organisms from different generations take place over a period of at least 1 to many generations -> the process of an organism passing traits to offspring occurs over a period of at least 1 generation to many generations",
" natural selection is when organisms with beneficial traits survive competition to reproduce and pass their beneficial traits onto their offispring & the process of an organism passing traits to offspring occurs over a period of at least 1 generation to many generations -> natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations",
" natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations & to a human a time period of 1 generation to many generations is considered very long -> natural selection occurs over a period of 1 to many generations which is considered a very long time to a human",
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"as the ability of a living thing to survive / to reproduce increases , the likelihood of passing on its traits to its decendents will increase & reproduction increases the number of a living thing -> if living things with one trait outnumber those living things with a different trait in a population then the living things with that one trait probably have a better chance of surviving and reproducing",
" if living things with one trait outnumber those living things with a different trait in a population then the living things with that one trait probably have a better chance of surviving and reproducing & a sheep is a kind of living thing -> if sheep with one trait outnumber those sheep with a different trait in a population then the sheep with that one trait probably have a better chance at surviving and reproducing",
" if sheep with one trait outnumber those sheep with a different trait in a population then the sheep with that one trait probably have a better chance at surviving and reproducing & sheep with light wool outnumber sheep with dark wool in the sheep population on hirta -> sheep with light wool have a better chance of surviving and reproducing than sheep with black wool on hirta",
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"an animal requires a mate to fertilize an egg & coloration is used to find a mate by some animals -> coloration can can be used by an animal find a mate to fertilize an egg",
" coloration can can be used by an animal find a mate to fertilize an egg & if something can be used for a process then that something can have a positive impact on that process -> coloration can have a positive impact on an animal's ability to fertilize an egg",
" coloration can have a positive impact on an animal's ability to fertilize an egg & animals require fertilization to reproduce -> coloration can have a positive impact on an animal's ability to reproduce",
" coloration can have a positive impact on an animal's ability to reproduce & an adaptation has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to reproduce -> coloration is an adaptation for reproduction for animals",
" brook trout have bright orange bellies & having an orange belly is a kind of coloration -> brook trout have a bright orange coloration on their bellies",
" coloration is an adaptation for reproduction for animals & brook trout have a bright orange coloration on their bellies -> bright orange bellies are an adaptation for reproduction for brook trout",
" bright orange bellies are an adaptation for reproduction for brook trout & adaptation is when an organism develops a trait over time for survival -> brook trout developed bright orange bellies over time to help them reproduce",
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"to do something forcibly can mean to do something rapidly & a disruption of an ecosystem can cause an extinction -> a forcible disruption of an ecosystem can cause a rapid extinction",
" an asteroid is a kind of object & an impact can mean the result of two objects forcibly colliding -> an impact can mean the result of an asteroid and another object forcibly colliding",
" an impact can mean the result of an asteroid and another object forcibly colliding & an asteroid impact is a kind of event -> an asteroid impact is a kind of event where an asteriod forcibly collides with another object",
" an asteroid impact is a kind of event where an asteriod forcibly collides with another object & an ecosystem is a kind of object -> an asteriod impact can be a kind of event where an asteroid forcibly collides with an ecosystem",
" objects colliding can cause changes to those objects & a disruption is a kind of change -> objects colliding can disrupt those objects",
" an ecosystem is a kind of object & an asteroid is a kind of object -> an asteriod and an ecosystem are kinds of objects",
" objects colliding can disrupt those objects & an asteriod and an ecosystem are kinds of objects -> an asteroid and an ecosystem colliding can disrupt that asteroid and ecosystem",
" an asteriod impact can be a kind of event where an asteroid forcibly collides with an ecosystem & an asteroid and an ecosystem colliding can disrupt that asteroid and ecosystem -> an asteriod impact can be a kind of event where an asteroid forcibly disrupts an ecosystem",
" an asteriod impact can be a kind of event where an asteroid forcibly disrupts an ecosystem & an ecosystem contains large numbers of living organisms -> an asteroid impact can be a kind of event where an asteroid forcibly disrupts an ecosystem and the organisms in it",
" a forcible disruption of an ecosystem can cause a rapid extinction & an asteroid impact can be a kind of event where an asteroid forcibly disrupts an ecosystem and the organisms in it -> an asteroid impact would cause a rapid extinction of organisms",
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"if a habitat can no longer support animals then those animals will move to another area0 & if an animal 's habitat no longer exists then that animal will die -> if an animal's habitat no longer exists then that habitat can not support that animal",
" if an animal's habitat no longer exists then that habitat can not support that animal & if something is destroyed then that something no longer exists -> if a habitat is destroyed then that habitat can not support animals",
" if a habitat is destroyed then that habitat can not support animals & if a habitat can no longer support animals then those animals will move to another area -> habitat destruction causes animals to move to another habitat",
" if a habitat can no longer support animals then those animals will move to another area1 & animals live in their habitat -> animals' shelters are in their habitats",
" habitat destruction causes animals to move to another habitat & animals' shelters are in their habitats -> habitat destruction causes animals to move to find shelter in another habitat",
" cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest & cutting down a forest means cutting down trees in a forest -> cutting down a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest",
" cutting down a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest & if a habitat can no longer support animals then those animals will move to another area2 -> cutting down a forest is a kind of method for removing a forest",
" cutting down a forest is a kind of method for removing a forest & if a habitat is removed then that habitat is destroyed -> cutting down a forest will destroy a forest",
" habitat destruction causes animals to move to find shelter in another habitat & cutting down a forest will destroy a forest -> cutting down a forest causes animals that live in that forest to move to find shelter in another habitat",
" a deer lives in a forest & a deer is a kind of animal -> if an animal's habitat no longer exists then that habitat can not support that animal0: deer are a kind of animal that live in a forest",
" if an animal's habitat no longer exists then that habitat can not support that animal0 & cutting down a forest causes animals that live in that forest to move to find shelter in another habitat -> cutting down a forest causes deer to move to find shelter in another habitat",
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"if an organism requires something to perform a process, then increasing that something increases that organism's ability to perform that process & an aquatic animal is a kind of organism -> if an aquatic animal requires something to perform a process, then increasing that something increases that aquatic animal's ability to perform that process",
" if an aquatic animal requires something to perform a process, then increasing that something increases that aquatic animal's ability to perform that process & an aquatic animal requires great amounts of water to thrive -> increasing the amount of water in an environment increases aquatic animals' ability to thrive in that environment",
" increasing the amount of water in an environment increases aquatic animals' ability to thrive in that environment & if a species of animal is able to thrive in an environment, then the population of that animal will increase -> as water increases in an environment , the population of aquatic animals will increase",
" as water increases in an environment , the population of aquatic animals will increase & an otter is a kind of aquatic animal -> as water increases in an environment, the population of otters will increase",
" when a body of water receives more water than it can hold , a flood occurs & as the amount of rainfall increases in an area , the amount of available water in that area will increase -> heavy rains cause flooding",
" heavy rains cause flooding & floods are a source of water -> flooding increases the amount of water in an environment",
" as water increases in an environment, the population of otters will increase & flooding increases the amount of water in an environment -> a flood will cause the population of otters to increase in an environment",
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"harming an organism can cause that organism to die & fire causes harm to organisms -> fire can cause organisms to die",
" fire can cause organisms to die & wildfire is when a forest catches fire -> a wildfire can cause organisms to die",
" a wildfire can cause organisms to die & an animal is a kind of organism -> a wildfire can cause an animal to die",
" a wildfire is a kind of natural disaster & natural disasters can cause animals to leave an environment -> a wildfire can cause an animal to leave their environment",
" a wildfire can cause an animal to die & a wildfire can cause an animal to leave their environment -> a wildfire can cause an animal to die or leave their environment",
" a wildfire can cause an animal to die or leave their environment & a wildfire can mean a forest fire -> a forest fire can cause an animal to die or leave their environment",
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"drier means lower in amount of water & a dry environment is low in availability of water -> as dryness increases in an environment , the available water in that environment will decrease",
" as dryness increases in an environment , the available water in that environment will decrease & living things require water for survival -> as dryness in an environment increases, the ability of living things to survive in that environment decreases due to a lack of available water",
" as dryness in an environment increases, the ability of living things to survive in that environment decreases due to a lack of available water & storing water increases the water available to organisms in a dry environment -> as a living thing's ability to store water increases, that living thing's ability to survive in a dry environment increases",
" as a living thing's ability to store water increases, that living thing's ability to survive in a dry environment increases & if something increases something else then that something has a positive impact on that something else -> ability to store water has a positive impact on an living thing's survival in a dry environment",
" ability to store water has a positive impact on an living thing's survival in a dry environment & an adaptation has a positive impact on a living thing 's survival -> ability to store water is a kind of adaptation to a dry environment",
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"if a body of water loses all water then that body of water does not exist any more & a pond is a kind of body of water -> if a pond loses all water then that pond does not exist any more",
" if a pond loses all water then that pond does not exist any more & drought is when available water decreases in an environment -> a drought can cause a pond to no longer exist",
" a drought can cause a pond to no longer exist & if an animal 's habitat no longer exists then that animal will die -> a drought can cause animals that live in ponds to die",
" aquatic animals live in bodies of water & a pond is a kind of body of water -> aquatic animals live in ponds",
" aquatic animals live in ponds & a frog is a kind of aquatic animal -> a frog is a kind of aquatic animal that lives in ponds",
" a frog is a kind of aquatic animal that lives in ponds & an aquatic animal is a kind of animal -> a frog is a kind of animal that lives in ponds",
" a drought can cause animals that live in ponds to die & a frog is a kind of animal that lives in ponds -> a drought can cause frogs to die",
" causing an animal to die has a negative effect on that animal & a frog is a kind of animal -> causing a frog to die has a negative effect on that frog",
" a drought can cause frogs to die & causing a frog to die has a negative effect on that frog -> droughts have a negative effect on frogs",
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"organisms are biotic factors of an environment & natural resources can be abiotic factors of an environment -> resources are generally abiotic factors of an environment and organisms are biotic features of an environment",
" resources are generally abiotic factors of an environment and organisms are biotic features of an environment & changes to abiotic factors in an environment affect biotic factors in that environment -> changes to resources in an environment affect organsims in that environment",
" changes to resources in an environment affect organsims in that environment & a decrease is a kind of change -> a decrease in resources in an environment affects organisms in that environment",
" a decrease in resources in an environment affects organisms in that environment & organisms compete for resources in an environment -> as a resource required by an organism decreases , the competition among organisms that require that resource will increase",
" as a resource required by an organism decreases , the competition among organisms that require that resource will increase & a living thing is an organism -> as a resource required by a living thing decreases, the competition among living things that require that resource will increase",
" changes to abiotic factors in an environment affect biotic factors in that environment0 & living things require water for survival -> water is a kind of resource that is required by living things",
" as a resource required by a living thing decreases, the competition among living things that require that resource will increase & water is a kind of resource that is required by living things -> as water in an evironment decreases, the competition among living things increases",
" as water in an evironment decreases, the competition among living things increases & a consumer is a kind of living thing -> as water in an evironment decreases, the competition among consumers increases",
" as water in an evironment decreases, the competition among consumers increases & drought is when available water decreases in an environment -> a drought causes competition among consumers to increase",
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"alligators eat frogs / turtles / fish / mice / birds & frogs / turtles / fish / mice / birds are kinds of animals -> alligators eat animals",
" alligators eat animals & a predator eats other animals for food -> alligators are a kind of predator",
" alligators are a kind of predator & as the population of prey decreases , competition between predators will increase -> as the population of prey decreases , competition between alligators will increase",
" an animal is a kind of organism & a species means a group of a certain kind of organism -> a species means a group of a certain kind of animal",
" a species means a group of a certain kind of animal & an alligator is a kind of animal -> an alligator is a kind of species of animal",
" an alligator is a kind of species of animal & competition may cause animals to act aggressively towards members of their own species -> competition may cause alligators to act agressively towards members of their own species",
" as the population of prey decreases , competition between alligators will increase & competition may cause alligators to act agressively towards members of their own species -> as the population of prey decreases , agression between alligators will increase",
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"rainfall is the amount of rain an area receives & rain is a source of water -> as the amount of rainfall increases in an area , the amount of available water in that area will increase",
" as the amount of rainfall increases in an area , the amount of available water in that area will increase & as the available water in an environment increases , the populations of organisms in that environment will increase -> as the amount of rainfall in an environment increases, the populations of organisms in that environment will increase",
" as the amount of rainfall in an environment increases, the populations of organisms in that environment will increase & a plant is a kind of organism -> as the amount of rainfall in an environment increases, the populations of plants in that environment will increase",
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"an organism 's environment affects that organism 's acquired characteristics & inherited characteristics are the opposite of acquired characteristics -> an organism's environment does not affect that organism's inherited characteristics",
" an organism's environment does not affect that organism's inherited characteristics & a plant is a kind of organism -> an plant's environment does not affect that plant's inherited characteristics",
" plants of the same species have the same type of seed & species is an inherited characteristic -> the type of seed of a plant is an inherited characteristic",
" an plant's environment does not affect that plant's inherited characteristics & the type of seed of a plant is an inherited characteristic -> a plant's environment does not affect that plant's seed type",
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"a lack of something that a living thing requires prevents the survival of that living thing & a plant is a kind of living thing -> a lack of something that a plant requires prevents the survival of that plant",
" a lack of something that a plant requires prevents the survival of that plant & plants require water for survival -> a lack of water prevents the survival of plants",
" a lack of water prevents the survival of plants & a desert environment is low in availability of water -> a lack of water prevents the survival of plants in the desert",
" a lack of water prevents the survival of plants in the desert & moisture is a form of water -> a lack of moisture prevents the survival of plants in the desert",
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"a drought occurs over a period of months / years & drought is when available water decreases in an environment -> drought is when available water decreases in an environment over a period of months / years",
" drought is when available water decreases in an environment over a period of months / years & as available water decreases , the population of plants will decrease -> a drought that occurs over a period of months / years may cause the population of plants in an environment to decrease",
" a drought that occurs over a period of months / years may cause the population of plants in an environment to decrease & a marsh willow herb is a kind of plant -> a drought that occurs over a period of months / years may cause the population of marsh willow herb in an environment to decrease",
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"if an organism requires something then that something is a resource for that organism3 & climate is a property of environment -> an environment's climate is the usual kind of weather in that environment over a period of time",
" precipitation is a property of weather & temperature is a property of weather -> temperature and precipitation are properties of weather",
" temperature and precipitation are properties of weather & if an organism requires something then that something is a resource for that organism1 -> weather determines temperature and precipitation",
" an environment's climate is the usual kind of weather in that environment over a period of time & weather determines temperature and precipitation -> an environment's climate determines the temperature and precipitation of a location",
" clouds can block sunlight & precipitation is water that falls to the ground from clouds -> precipitation can affect the amount of water and sunlight in an environment",
" an environment's climate determines the temperature and precipitation of a location & precipitation can affect the amount of water and sunlight in an environment -> an environment's climate determines the temperature and amount of water and sunlight in a location",
" if an organism requires something then that something is a resource for that organism2 & a plant requires photosynthesis to grow / survive -> a plant requires sunlight to grow / survive",
" a plant requires sunlight to grow / survive & if an organism requires something then that something is a resource for that organism0 -> plants require water and sunlight to grow / survive",
" if an organism requires something then that something is a resource for that organism & a plant is a kind of organism -> if a plant requires something then that something is a resource for that plant",
" plants require water and sunlight to grow / survive & if a plant requires something then that something is a resource for that plant -> an environment's climate is the usual kind of weather in that environment over a period of time0: water and sunlight are resources for plants",
" an environment's climate is the usual kind of weather in that environment over a period of time0 & different plants require different amounts of certain resources to grow / survive -> an environment's climate is the usual kind of weather in that environment over a period of time1: different plants require different amounts of water and sunlight to grow / survive",
" an environment's climate is the usual kind of weather in that environment over a period of time1 & an environment's climate determines the temperature and amount of water and sunlight in a location -> a plant requires a specific climate to grow and survive",
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"a hole is a kind of opening0 & sunlight is a kind of light -> sunlight can not travel through an opaque object",
" light can travel through an opening & sunlight is a kind of light -> sunlight can travel through an opening",
" sunlight can travel through an opening & a hole is a kind of opening -> sunlight can travel through a hole",
" sunlight can not travel through an opaque object & sunlight can travel through a hole -> sunlight can travel through a hole in an opaque object",
" sunlight can travel through a hole in an opaque object & a forest canopy is a kind of opaque object -> sunlight can travel through a hole in a forest canopy",
" sunlight can travel through a hole in a forest canopy & a tree falling in a forest creates a hole in a forest canopy -> a tree falling in a forest allows sunlight to travel through that forest's canopy",
" a tree falling in a forest allows sunlight to travel through that forest's canopy & large canopies / trees block sunlight from reaching the ground -> a tree falling in a forest allows sunlight to reach the ground in some areas",
" if a living thing dies then the resources used by that living thing will become available & if a tree falls then that tree is dead -> if a tree falls then the resources used by that tree will become available",
" if a tree falls then the resources used by that tree will become available & a tree requires sunlight to grow -> if a tree falls then the sunlight that was used by that tree will become available",
" a tree falling in a forest allows sunlight to reach the ground in some areas & if a tree falls then the sunlight that was used by that tree will become available -> if a tree falls then sunlight becomes available to the surrounding plants",
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"algae are often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean & if an organism is restricted to an area then that organism can only live in that area -> algae often can only live in the top 100 meters of the ocean",
" algae often can only live in the top 100 meters of the ocean & sunlight can be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean -> algae an sunlight often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean",
" solar energy is a kind of light & sunlight is a kind of light -> sunlight is a kind of solar energy",
" sunlight is a kind of solar energy & photosynthesis means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves -> a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis",
" a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis & algae is a kind of plant -> algae requires sunlight for photosynthesis",
" algae an sunlight often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean & algae requires sunlight for photosynthesis -> algae often can only be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean because they require sunlight",
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"rain is a kind of precipitation & precipitation is a kind of weather -> rain is a kind of weather",
" rain is a kind of weather & shelter can protect animals from weather -> shelter can protect animals from rain",
" shelter can protect animals from rain & an animal needs to move to find shelter -> moving to find shelter can protect an animal from rain",
" moving to find shelter can protect an animal from rain & protecting an animal has a positive impact on that animal -> moving to find shelter can have a positive impact on an animal in the rain",
" moving to find shelter can have a positive impact on an animal in the rain & if performing an action has a positive impact on an animal, then that animal will likely perform that action -> some animals will likely move to find shelter in the rain",
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"as temperature in the environment increases , the body temperature of a reptile in that environment will increase & as temperature during the day increases , the temperature in an environment will increase -> as the temperature during the day increases, the body temperature of a reptile in a given environment will increase",
" reptiles become more active as the day gets warmer & warmer means greater / higher in temperature / warmth -> reptiles become more active as the day gets warmer in temperature",
" temperature is a measure of heat energy & warmer means greater / higher in temperature -> warmer temperatures means greater heat energy",
" warmer temperatures means greater heat energy & being active requires energy -> being active requires a warmer temperature",
" reptiles become more active as the day gets warmer in temperature & being active requires a warmer temperature -> warmer temperatures cause reptiles to become more active",
" as the temperature during the day increases, the body temperature of a reptile in a given environment will increase & warmer temperatures cause reptiles to become more active -> reptiles become more active on warmer days because their body temperature increases along with the temperature of their environment",
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"sweat cools a body & sweat is used for adjusting to hot temperatures by some animals -> when the body is hot , sweat is used to cool the body",
" when the body is hot , sweat is used to cool the body & panting is when an animal 's body is cooled by hanging out their tongue -> panting and sweating are used to cool the body",
" cooling means decreasing heat / temperature & if an animal becomes too hot then that animal may die -> cooling can be used by an animal for survival",
" cooling can be used by an animal for survival & if the environmental temperature is too hot then an animal in that environment may become hot -> if the temperature of an animal's environment becomes too hot then that animal must cool itself",
" if the temperature of an animal's environment becomes too hot then that animal must cool itself & adapting is when a living thing responds to a change in an environment -> an animal cooling itself is an adaptation to hot temperatures",
" panting and sweating are used to cool the body & an animal cooling itself is an adaptation to hot temperatures -> an example of adaptations to hot temperatures are panting and sweating",
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"a cat is startled by a loud noise & a cat is a kind of animal -> loud noises can cause animals to startle",
" objects in an environment are a part of that environment & objects in an environment may produce loud noises -> an environment may produce loud noises",
" loud noises can cause animals to startle & an environment may produce loud noises -> an environment may cause animals to startle",
" a cat is a kind of animal & a cat jumps when startled -> some animals jump when startled",
" an environment may cause animals to startle & some animals jump when startled -> an environment may cause animals to startle and jump",
" an environment may cause animals to startle and jump & an animal is a kind of organism -> an environment may cause organisms such as animals to startle and jump",
" an environment may cause organisms such as animals to startle and jump & if something causes something else, then that something else is a response to that something -> an example of an organism responding to its external environment is an animal jumping when startled",
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"heart pumps blood to the rest of the body & blood is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body -> the heart pumping blood transports oxygen to the rest of the body",
" the heart pumping blood transports oxygen to the rest of the body & if something is transported to something else then that something else receives that something -> the heart pumping blood causes the rest of the body to recive oxygen",
" the heart pumping blood causes the rest of the body to recive oxygen & as the rate of a heart beating increases , the rate of the blood traveling to the rest of the body will increase -> as the rate of heart beating increases, the amount of oxygen being recived by the rest of the body increases",
" muscle cells are a part of muscles & muscels are a part of the body -> muscle cells are a part of the body",
" as the rate of heart beating increases, the amount of oxygen being recived by the rest of the body increases & muscle cells are a part of the body -> as the rate of heart beating increases, the amount of oxygen being recived by muscle cells increases",
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"sweat is used for adjusting to hot temperatures by some animals & heat means temperature increases -> when the body is hot , sweat is produced to cool the body",
" sweat is a kind of liquid & to sweat means to discharge sweat from the skin -> to sweat means to discharge liquid from the skin",
" to sweat means to discharge liquid from the skin & water is a kind of liquid at room temperature -> sweat is a discharge of water from the skin",
" when the body is hot , sweat is produced to cool the body & sweat is a discharge of water from the skin -> when the body is hot, water is discharged from the skin to cool the body",
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"a cell nucleus is a kind of organelle & the cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell -> the cell nucleus is a kind of organelle that controls many of the functions of the cell",
" the cell nucleus is a kind of organelle that controls many of the functions of the cell & special molecules carry messages from the cell membrane to the cell nucleus -> special molecules carry messages from the rest of the cell to the organelle that controls the cell",
" an animal 's brain controls that animal & the endocrine system carries messages from the body to the brain -> the endocrine system carries messages from the body to the organ that controls the body",
" the endocrine system carries messages from the body to the organ that controls the body & the body is a part of an organism -> the endocrine system carries messages from a part of an organism to the organ that controls that part of the organism",
" special molecules carry messages from the rest of the cell to the organelle that controls the cell & the endocrine system carries messages from a part of an organism to the organ that controls that part of the organism -> special molecules in cells and the endocrine system both carry messages through parts of an organism to the structure that controls that part of the organism",
" special molecules in cells and the endocrine system both carry messages through parts of an organism to the structure that controls that part of the organism & if two things perform the same function then those two things are similar -> the endocrine system is similar to special molecules in the cells",
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"cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy & living things require respiration to use energy -> living things must convert oxygen into carbon dioxide to use energy",
" living things must convert oxygen into carbon dioxide to use energy & breathing is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide -> living things must breathe to use energy",
" breathing out is when animals exhale carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air & animals are a source of carbon dioxide by exhaling -> animals are a source of carbon dioxide by breathing",
" animals are a source of carbon dioxide by breathing & a source of something produces that something -> animals produce carbon dioxide by breathing",
" living things must breathe to use energy & animals produce carbon dioxide by breathing -> animals produce carbon dioxide by using energy",
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"a fish is a kind of aquatic animal & gills are used for breathing water by aquatic animals -> gills are a part of a fish used for breathing water",
" water contains dissolved oxygen & water is a part of an environment -> water is a part of an environment that contains dissolved oxygen",
" water is a part of an environment that contains dissolved oxygen & breathing is when an animal converts oxygen in their environment into oxygen in blood -> breathing is when an animal converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood",
" gills are a part of a fish used for breathing water & breathing is when an animal converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood -> breathing is when a gill converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood",
" breathing is when a gill converts dissolved oxygen in water into oxygen in blood & in order to convert oxygen in water into oxygen in blood, fish must take in oxygen from water -> fish use gills to take in oxygen that is dissolved in water",
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"a fish is a kind of aquatic animal & gills are used for breathing water by aquatic animals -> gills are a part of a fish used for breathing water",
" gills are a part of a fish used for breathing water & breathing is when a gill converts from oxygen in water into oxygen in blood -> gills are a part of a fish used for breathing oxygen in water",
" gills are a part of a fish used for breathing oxygen in water & in water means underwater -> gills are a part of a fish used for breathing oxygen underwater",
" an animal requires oxygen for survival & adaptations are used for survival -> an example of an adaptation is something that is used for getting oxygen",
" gills are a part of a fish used for breathing oxygen underwater & an example of an adaptation is something that is used for getting oxygen -> gills are a kind of adaptation for getting oxygen underwater",
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"a lung is a kind of organ for breathing air & in order to breath air you must take in air -> a lung is a kind of organ for taking in air",
" a lung is a kind of organ for taking in air & the lungs are a part of the respiratory system -> the respiratory system takes in oxygen from the air",
" converting oxygen from air into oxygen from blood means absorbing oxygen from air into the blood & breathing is when a lung converts from oxygen in air into oxygen in blood -> blood absorbs oxygen in the lungs",
" blood absorbs oxygen in the lungs & if something is absorbed by something else, then that something is transferred to that something else -> the lungs transfer oxygen to the blood",
" the lungs transfer oxygen to the blood & the lungs are a part of the respiratory system -> the respiratory system transfers oxygen to the blood",
" the respiratory system transfers oxygen to the blood & blood is a part of the circulatory system -> the respiratory system transfers oxygen to the circulatory system",
" the respiratory system transfers oxygen to the circulatory system & to transfer can mean to move -> the respiratory system moves oxygen to the circulatory system",
" the respiratory system takes in oxygen from the air & the respiratory system moves oxygen to the circulatory system -> the respiratory system takes in oxygen from the air to be moved by the circulatory system",
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"air is a kind of gas0 & something exchanging things with something else means that something taking one kind of thing from that something else and giving off another kind of thing to that something else -> an example of an animal exchanging things with something else is that animal inhaling one kind of thing from that something else and giving off another kind of thing to that something else",
" an example of an animal exchanging things with something else is that animal inhaling one kind of thing from that something else and giving off another kind of thing to that something else & an example of giving something off is an animal exhaling -> an example of an animal exchanging things with something else is that animal inhaling one kind of thing from that something else and exhaling another kind of thing to that something else",
" breathing in is when animals inhale air into their lungs & breathing out is when animals exhale / expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air -> breathing is when animals inhale air and exhale carbon dioxide into the air",
" breathing is when animals inhale air and exhale carbon dioxide into the air & air is a part of the environment -> breathing is when animals inhale air from the environment and exhale carbon dioxide into the environment",
" air is a kind of gas & carbon dioxide is a kind of gas -> air and carbon dioxide are both kinds of gasses",
" breathing is when animals inhale air from the environment and exhale carbon dioxide into the environment & air and carbon dioxide are both kinds of gasses -> breathing is when an animal inhales one kind of gas from the environment and exhales another kind of gas into the environment",
" an example of an animal exchanging things with something else is that animal inhaling one kind of thing from that something else and exhaling another kind of thing to that something else & breathing is when an animal inhales one kind of gas from the environment and exhales another kind of gas into the environment -> an example of an animal exchanging gasses with the environment is an animal breathing",
" an example of an animal exchanging gasses with the environment is an animal breathing & a lung is a kind of organ for breathing air -> a lung is a kind of organ for exchanging gasses with the environment",
" a lung is a kind of organ for exchanging gasses with the environment & the lungs are a part of the respiratory system -> the respiratory system is used for exchanging gasses with the environment",
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"the respiratory system takes in oxygen from the air & the respiratory system is a part of the body -> the respiratory system takes oxygen from the air into the body",
" the respiratory system takes oxygen from the air into the body & air is a part of the environment -> the respiratory system takes oxygen from the environment into the body",
" the lungs are a part of the respiratory system & the lungs are a part of the body of an animal used for breathing air -> the respiratory system is used for breathing",
" the respiratory system is used for breathing & breathing is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide -> the respiratory system is used for converting oxygen into carbon dioxide by breathing",
" the respiratory system takes oxygen from the environment into the body & the respiratory system is used for converting oxygen into carbon dioxide by breathing -> the respiratory system takes oxygen from the environment into the body and converts it to carbon dioxide by breathing",
" breathing out is when animals exhale / expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air & air is a part of the environment -> breathing out is when animals expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the environment",
" breathing out is when animals expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the environment & lungs are a part of the body -> breathing out is when animals expel carbon dioxide from their body into the environment",
" the respiratory system takes oxygen from the environment into the body and converts it to carbon dioxide by breathing & breathing out is when animals expel carbon dioxide from their body into the environment -> the respiratory system takes oxygen from the environment into the body and expels carbon dioxide from the body into the environment by breathing",
" the respiratory system takes oxygen from the environment into the body and expels carbon dioxide from the body into the environment by breathing & to exchange things between something and something else means that something takes in one kind of thing from that something else and expels another kind of thing into that something else -> the respiratory system is used for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment",
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"breathing is a process in animal respiration & animals require respiration to survive / use energy -> animals must breath to survive",
" animals must breath to survive & breathing is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide -> an animal requires oxygen for survival / to breathe",
" an animal requires oxygen for survival / to breathe & if something is required by something else then that something must be provided to that somethign else -> oxygen must be provided to animals in order for them to breathe / survive",
" some environments contain waste & waste must be removed -> waste must be removed from environments that contain waste",
" breathing out is when animals expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air & if something is expelled in a process, then that something is a waste product of that process -> carbon dioxide is a waste product of the breathing process",
" carbon dioxide is a waste product of the breathing process & breathing is a process in animal respiration -> in the animal respiration process carbon dioxide is a waste product",
" waste must be removed from environments that contain waste & in the animal respiration process carbon dioxide is a waste product -> carbon dioxide must be removed from an environment where animals are performing respiration",
" oxygen must be provided to animals in order for them to breathe / survive & carbon dioxide must be removed from an environment where animals are performing respiration -> in an environment where animals are breathing / performing respiration, oxygen must be provided and carbon dioxide must be removed",
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"the respiratory system takes in oxygen from the air & the respiratory system transfers oxygen to the circulatory system -> the respiratory system transports oxygen from the air to the circulatory system",
" blood is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body & circulation the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body -> the circulatory system brings oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body",
" the respiratory system transports oxygen from the air to the circulatory system & the circulatory system brings oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body -> the respiratory system and circulatory system bring oxygen from the air to the rest of the body",
" the respiratory system and circulatory system bring oxygen from the air to the rest of the body & cells are a part of the body -> the respiratory system and circulatory system bring oxygen from the air to the cells of a body",
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"maintaining homeostasis requires respiration & the respiratory system performs respiration -> respiration performed by the respiratory system is required for maintaining homeostasis",
" the lungs are a part of the respiratory system & the lungs are a part of the body of an animal used for breathing air -> the respiratory system is used for breathing air",
" respiration performed by the respiratory system is required for maintaining homeostasis & the respiratory system is used for breathing air -> breathing air performed by the respiratory system is required for maintaining homeostasis",
" breathing out is when animals exhale carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air & tightening muscles in the chest can be used to exhale -> tightening of the muscles of the chest is used for exhaling carbon dioxide out of the lungs when breathing",
" tightening of the muscles of the chest is used for exhaling carbon dioxide out of the lungs when breathing & the muscular system contains muscles -> tightening of the muscles of the chest performed by the muscular system is used for exhaling carbon dioxide out of the lungs when breathing",
" breathing air performed by the respiratory system is required for maintaining homeostasis & tightening of the muscles of the chest performed by the muscular system is used for exhaling carbon dioxide out of the lungs when breathing -> the muscular system tightens the muscles of the chest to help the respiratory system exhale carbon dioxide out of the lungs when breathing in order to maintain homeostasis",
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"photosynthesis makes energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates & carbohydrates are used for storing energy -> photosynthesis stores energy",
" living things require respiration to use energy & if something is required to use something else then that something is a source of that something else -> respiration is a source of energy for living things",
" respiration is a source of energy for living things & if something releases something else then that something is the source of that something else -> respiration releases energy",
" photosynthesis stores energy & respiration releases energy -> photosynthesis stores energy and respiration releases energy",
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"a lung is a kind of internal organ & internal organs are a part of the body -> lungs are a part of the body",
" lungs are a part of the body & if something harms something else, then that something also harms the parts of that something else -> if something harms the body, then that something also harms the lungs",
" if something harms the body, then that something also harms the lungs & smoking is a kind of method for inhaling smoke0 -> smoking harms the lungs",
" smoking harms the lungs & smoking is a kind of method for inhaling smoke -> inhaling smoke by smoking harms the lungs",
" harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something & damage has a negative impact on a thing -> damage can mean harm",
" inhaling smoke by smoking harms the lungs & damage can mean harm -> inhaling smoke by smoking causes damage to the lungs",
" smoking is a kind of method for inhaling smoke2 & when a lung breathes in air the air goes directly to the lungs -> a lung is a kind of organ for directly breathing in air",
" a lung is a kind of organ for directly breathing in air & smoking is a kind of method for inhaling smoke1 -> a lung is a kind of organ for directly breathing in gasses",
" a lung is a kind of organ for directly breathing in gasses & smoke is a kind of gas -> lungs can be used for directly breathing in smoke",
" lungs can be used for directly breathing in smoke & to inhale means to breathe in -> lungs are a part of the body0: lungs can be used for directly inhaling smoke",
" lungs are a part of the body0 & inhaling smoke by smoking causes damage to the lungs -> smoking causes direct damage to the lungs",
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"blood is made up of blood cells & blood is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body -> blood cells carry oxygen to the body",
" red blood cells contain hemoglobin & red blood cells are a kind of blood cell -> red blood cells are a kind of blood cell that contain hemoglobin",
" red blood cells are a kind of blood cell that contain hemoglobin & hemoglobin is a kind of protein that carries oxygen -> red blood cells are a kind of blood cell that contain a protein that carries oxygen",
" blood cells carry oxygen to the body & red blood cells are a kind of blood cell that contain a protein that carries oxygen -> red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body",
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"to transport can mean to carry & transporting is a kind of function -> carrying is a kind of function",
" carrying is a kind of function & red blood cells carry oxygen -> the function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen",
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"the circulatory system carries food from the digestive systems to the whole body & food contains nutrients for living things -> the circulatory system carries nutrients from the digestive systems to the whole body",
" veins carry blood from the body to the heart & arteries carry blood from the heart to the body -> veins and arteries carry blood throughtout the body",
" veins and arteries carry blood throughtout the body & the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body -> veins / arteries are a part of the circulatory system",
" the circulatory system carries nutrients from the digestive systems to the whole body & veins / arteries are a part of the circulatory system -> arteries / veins transport nutrients to the whole body",
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"blood is a part of the circulatory system & digestion is when food is absorbed into the blood stream -> food is absorbed into the circulatory system through the blood",
" food is absorbed into the circulatory system through the blood & the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body -> the circulatory system carries food from the digestive systems to the rest of the body",
" the circulatory system carries food from the digestive systems to the rest of the body & food contains nutrients for living things -> the circulatory system carries nutrients from the digestive systems to the rest of the body",
" the circulatory system carries nutrients from the digestive systems to the rest of the body & cells are a part of the body -> the circulatory system carries nutrients from the digestive system to the body's cells",
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"digestion is when food is absorbed into the blood stream & the digestive system digests food for the body -> the digestive system absorbs food into the blood stream",
" the digestive system absorbs food into the blood stream & blood is a part of the circulatory system -> food is absorbed into the circulatory system through blood",
" food is absorbed into the circulatory system through blood & the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body -> the circulatory system carries food from the digestive systems to the rest of the body using blood",
" the circulatory system carries food from the digestive systems to the rest of the body using blood & food contains nutrients for living things -> the circulatory system carries nutrients from the digestive system to the rest of the body using blood",
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"nutrients are a kind of simple substance & food contains nutrients for living things -> food contains simple substances in the form of nutrients",
" food contains simple substances in the form of nutrients & the breaking down of food into simple substances occurs in the digestive system -> the digestive system breaks down food into nutrients for the body",
" food is a kind of substance & digestion is when food is absorbed into the blood stream -> food is a kind of substance that is absorbed into the blood stream",
" food is a kind of substance that is absorbed into the blood stream & blood is a vehicle for carrying substances -> blood is a vehicle for carrying food",
" blood is a vehicle for carrying food & the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body -> the circulatory system carries food from the digestive systems throughout the body",
" the digestive system breaks down food into nutrients for the body & the circulatory system carries food from the digestive systems throughout the body -> the digestive system and the circulatory system help to break down food and carry it throughout the body",
" the digestive system and the circulatory system help to break down food and carry it throughout the body & cells are a part of the body -> the digestive system and the circulatory system help to break down food and carry it to the body's cells",
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