no did you ?
no .
what do you mean then ?
oh you know the stories that the peasants tell about a phantom hound and so on . it is said to be heard at night upon the moor . i was wondering if there were any evidence of such a sound tonight .
we heard nothing of the kind
and what is your theory of this poor fellows death ?
i have no doubt that anxiety and exposure have driven him off his head . he has rushed about the moor in a crazy state and eventually fallen over here and broken his neck .
that seems the most reasonable theory what do you think about it mr . sherlock holmes ?
you are quick at identification
we have been expecting you in these parts since dr . watson came down . you are in time to see a tragedy .
yes indeed . i have no doubt that my friends explanation will cover the facts . i will take an unpleasant remembrance back to london with me tomorrow .
oh you return tomorrow ?
that is my intention .
i hope your visit has cast some light upon those occurrences which have puzzled us ?
one can not always have the success for which one hopes . an investigator needs facts and not legends or rumours . it has not been a satisfactory case .
i would suggest carrying this poor fellow to my house but it would give my sister such a fright that i do not feel justified in doing it . i think that if we put something over his face he will be safe until morning .
were at close grips at last what a nerve the fellow has ! how he pulled himself together in the face of what must have been a paralyzing shock when he found that the wrong man had fallen a victim to his plot . i told you in london watson and i tell you now again that we have never had a foeman more worthy of our steel .
i am sorry that he has seen you .
and so was i at first . but there was no getting out of it .
what effect do you think it will have upon his plans now that he knows you are here ?
it may cause him to be more cautious or it may drive him to desperate measures at once . like most clever criminals he may be too confident in his own cleverness and imagine that he has completely deceived us .
why should we not arrest him at once ?
my dear watson you were born to be a man of action . your instinct is always to do something energetic . but supposing for arguments sake that we had him arrested tonight what on earth the better off should we be for that ? we could prove nothing against him . theres the devilish cunning of it ! if he were acting through a human agent we could get some evidence but if we were to drag this great dog to the light of day it would not help us in putting a rope round the neck of its master .
surely we have a case .
not a shadow of oneonly surmise and conjecture . we should be laughed out of court if we came with such a story and such evidence .
there is sir charless death .
found dead without a mark upon him . you and i know that he died of sheer fright and we know also what frightened him but how are we to get twelve stolid jurymen to know it ? what signs are there of a hound ? where are the marks of its fangs ? of course we know that a hound does not bite a dead body and that sir charles was dead before ever the brute overtook him . but we have to prove all this and we are not in a position to do it .
well then tonight ?
we are not much better off tonight . again there was no direct connection between the hound and the mans death . we never saw the hound . we heard it but we could not prove that it was running upon this mans trail . there is a complete absence of motive . no my dear fellow we must reconcile ourselves to the fact that we have no case at present and that it is worth our while to run any risk in order to establish one .
and how do you propose to do so ?
i have great hopes of what mrs . laura lyons may do for us when the position of affairs is made clear to her . and i have my own plan as well . sufficient for tomorrow is the evil thereof but i hope before the day is past to have the upper hand at last .
are you coming up ?
yes i see no reason for further concealment . but one last word watson . say nothing of the hound to sir henry . let him think that seldens death was as stapleton would have us believe . he will have a better nerve for the ordeal which he will have to undergo tomorrow when he is engaged if i remember your report aright to dine with these people .
and so am i .
then you must excuse yourself and he must go alone . that will be easily arranged . and now if we are too late for dinner i think that we are both ready for our suppers .
ive been moping in the house all day since watson went off in the morning i guess i should have some credit for i have kept my promise . if i hadnt sworn not to go about alone i might have had a more lively evening for i had a message from stapleton asking me over there .
i have no doubt that you would have had a more lively evening by the way i dont suppose you appreciate that we have been mourning over you as having broken your neck ?
how was that ?
this poor wretch was dressed in your clothes . i fear your servant who gave them to him may get into trouble with the police .
that is unlikely . there was no mark on any of them as far as i know .
thats lucky for himin fact its lucky for all of you since you are all on the wrong side of the law in this matter . i am not sure that as a conscientious detective my first duty is not to arrest the whole household . watsons reports are most incriminating documents .
but how about the case ? have you made anything out of the tangle ? i dont know that watson and i are much the wiser since we came down .
i think that i shall be in a position to make the situation rather more clear to you before long . it has been an exceedingly difficult and most complicated business . there are several points upon which we still want lightbut it is coming all the same .
weve had one experience as watson has no doubt told you . we heard the hound on the moor so i can swear that it is not all empty superstition . i had something to do with dogs when i was out west and i know one when i hear one . if you can muzzle that one and put him on a chain ill be ready to swear you are the greatest detective of all time .
i think i will muzzle him and chain him all right if you will give me your help .
whatever you tell me to do i will do .
very good and i will ask you also to do it blindly without always asking the reason .
just as you like .
if you will do this i think the chances are that our little problem will soon be solved . i have no doubt
excuse the admiration of a connoisseur watson wont allow that i know anything of art but that is mere jealousy because our views upon the subject differ . now these are a really very fine series of portraits .
well im glad to hear you say so i dont pretend to know much about these things and id be a better judge of a horse or a steer than of a picture . i didnt know that you found time for such things .
i know what is good when i see it and i see it now . thats a kneller ill swear that lady in the blue silk over yonder and the stout gentleman with the wig ought to be a reynolds . they are all family portraits i presume ?
every one .
do you know the names ?
barrymore has been coaching me in them and i think i can say my lessons fairly well .
who is the gentleman with the telescope ?
that is rearadmiral baskerville who served under rodney in the west indies . the man with the blue coat and the roll of paper is sir william baskerville who was chairman of committees of the house of commons under pitt .
and this cavalier opposite to methe one with the black velvet and the lace ?
ah you have a right to know about him . that is the cause of all the mischief the wicked hugo who started the hound of the baskervilles . were not likely to forget him .
dear me ! he seems a quiet meekmannered man enough but i dare say that there was a lurking devil in his eyes . i had pictured him as a more robust and ruffianly person .
theres no doubt about the authenticity for the name and the date 1647 are on the back of the canvas .
is it like anyone you know ?
there is something of sir henry about the jaw .
just a suggestion perhaps . but wait an instant !
good heavens !
ha you see it now . my eyes have been trained to examine faces and not their trimmings . it is the first quality of a criminal investigator that he should see through a disguise .
but this is marvellous . it might be his portrait .
yes it is an interesting instance of a throwback which appears to be both physical and spiritual . a study of family portraits is enough to convert a man to the doctrine of reincarnation . the fellow is a baskervillethat is evident .
with designs upon the succession .
exactly . this chance of the picture has supplied us with one of our most obvious missing links . we have him watson we have him and i dare swear that before tomorrow night he will be fluttering in our net as helpless as one of his own butterflies . a pin a cork and a card and we add him to the baker street collection !
yes we should have a full day today the nets are all in place and the drag is about to begin . well know before the day is out whether we have caught our big leanjawed pike or whether he has got through the meshes .
have you been on the moor already ?
i have sent a report from grimpen to princetown as to the death of selden . i think i can promise that none of you will be troubled in the matter . and i have also communicated with my faithful cartwright who would certainly have pined away at the door of my hut as a dog does at his masters grave if i had not set his mind at rest about my safety .
what is the next move ?
to see sir henry . ah here he is !
goodmorning holmes you look like a general who is planning a battle with his chief of the staff .
that is the exact situation . watson was asking for orders .
and so do i .
very good . you are engaged as i understand to dine with our friends the stapletons tonight .
i hope that you will come also . they are very hospitable people and i am sure that they would be very glad to see you .
i fear that watson and i must go to london .
to london ?
yes i think that we should be more useful there at the present juncture .
i hoped that you were going to see me through this business . the hall and the moor are not very pleasant places when one is alone .
my dear fellow you must trust me implicitly and do exactly what i tell you . you can tell your friends that we should have been happy to have come with you but that urgent business required us to be in town . we hope very soon to return to devonshire . will you remember to give them that message ?
if you insist upon it .
there is no alternative i assure you .
when do you desire to go ?
immediately after breakfast . we will drive in to coombe tracey but watson will leave his things as a pledge that he will come back to you . watson you will send a note to stapleton to tell him that you regret that you can not come .
i have a good mind to go to london with you why should i stay here alone ?
because it is your post of duty . because you gave me your word that you would do as you were told and i tell you to stay .
all right then ill stay .
one more direction ! i wish you to drive to merripit house . send back your trap however and let them know that you intend to walk home .
to walk across the moor ?