thrown there by stapleton in his flight .
exactly . he retained it in his hand after using it to set the hound upon the track . he fled when he knew the game was up still clutching it . and he hurled it away at this point of his flight . we know at least that he came so far in safety .
we had an example of his readiness of resource that morning when he got away from us so successfully and also of his audacity in sending back my own name to me through the cabman . from that moment he understood that i had taken over the case in london and that therefore there was no chance for him there . he returned to dartmoor and awaited the arrival of the baronet .
one moment ! you have no doubt described the sequence of events correctly but there is one point which you have left unexplained . what became of the hound when its master was in london ?
he could not hope to frighten sir henry to death as he had done the old uncle with his bogie hound .
the beast was savage and halfstarved . if its appearance did not frighten its victim to death at least it would paralyze the resistance which might be offered .
no doubt . there only remains one difficulty . if stapleton came into the succession how could he explain the fact that he the heir had been living unannounced under another name so close to the property ? how could he claim it without causing suspicion and inquiry ?
texts of taoism
he whose mind is thus grandly fixed emits a heavenly light . in him who emits this heavenly light men see the true man i . e . the atman the self . when a man has cultivated himself to this point thenceforth he remains constant in himself . when he is thus constant in himself what is merely the human element will leave him but heaven will help him . those whom heaven helps we call the sons of heaven . those who would by learning attain to this seek for what they can not learn .
the spiritual maxims
you must realize that you reach god through the heart and not through the mind .
stupidity is closer to deliverance than intellect which innovates
o saint how great is thy selfabnegation .
thine is greater . thou dost but jest nay not so great caliph i do but make abnegation of this world which is transitory and thou makest abnegation of the next which will last forever .
go sweep out the chamber of your heart make it ready to be the dwellingplace of the beloved . when you depart out he will enter in in you void of yourself will he display his beauty .
song of solomon
let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for his love is better than wine .
behold thou art fair my love behold thou art fair thou hast dove 's eyes .
desire is the bird that carries the soul to the object in which his mind is immersed and thus his future actions are the result .
no man is born into the world whose work is not born with him .
i do not recollect ever to have been conversant with any one who had more of that silent and subtle power which we call personal presence than this woman . in the modern spiritualistic phraseology she would be described as having a 'strong sphere . '
sojourner truth
the value of saintliness
now in the matter of intellectual standards we must bear in mind that it is unfair where we find narrowness of mind always to impute it as a vice to the individual for in religious and theological matters he probably absorbs his narrowness from his generation . moreover we must not confound the essentials of saintliness with its accidents which are the special determination of these passions at any historical moment . in these determinations the saints will usually be loyal to the temporary idols of their tribe .
sojourner truth bigness
if you would worship god as the giver of bounties then shall the prayer be answered and further connection cut off god having answered the demand . so if you would worship god in simple love he will send love . the real devotee seeks to establish a relationship with god which will endure . he will ask only to worship and love god and pray that his soul may cling to god in divine reverence and love . god serves as he is served in absolute justice .
the sage whose mind by the grace of his blessed guru is merged in his own true nature existence intelligence and bliss absolute that great illumined one wise with all egotism suppressed and extremely delighted within himself sports in joy .
he who is himself alone who has known the secret of bliss who has firmly embraced peace who is magnanimous and whose feelings other than those of the atman have been allayed that person sports on his pleasant couch of selfbliss .
the pure moon of the prince of recluses who is fit to be worshipped by gods and whose moonlight of intelligence that dispels the darkness of ignorance causes the lily of the earth to blossom shines forth in the abode of the allpervading essence of light .
it is not that i am careless about beauty or am ignorant of human joys but only that i see on all the impress of change therefore my heart is sad and heavy .
a hollow compliance and a protesting heart such method is not for me to follow i now will seek a noble law unlike the worldly methods known to men . i will oppose disease and change and death and strive against the mischief wrought by these on men .
on name and form depends the six organs of sense .
thus does this entire aggregation of misery arise .
on the cessation of birth cease old age and death sorrow lamentation misery grief and despair . thus does the entire aggregation of misery cease .
ye must rely upon the truth this is your highest strongest vantage ground the foolish masters practicing superficial wisdom grasp not the meaning of the truth but to receive the law not skillfully to handle words and sentences the meaning then is hard to know as in the nighttime if traveling and seeking for a house if all be dark within how difficult to find .
mind is the root of evil actions proceed from the mind . if anyone speak or act from a corrupt mind suffering will follow as the dust follows the rolling wheel .
first cause .
the virtuous man rejoices in this world and he will rejoice in the next in both worlds has he joy . he rejoices he exults seeing the purity of his deed .
he is indeed blest having conquered all his passions and attained the state of nirvana .
it is easier for a camel to go through the needle 's eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven .
needle 's eye
when ye return to the state of innocence which existed before the fall
i am come to end the sacrifices and if ye cease not from sacrificing the wrath shall not cease from you .
they who use the sword shall perish by the sword .
when will thou be manifest to us and when shall we see thee ?
when ye shall be stripped and not be ashamed .
how long shall death reign ?
as long as ye women give birth . for i am come to make an end to the works of the woman .
then have i done well that i have not given birth ?
eat of every herb but of the bitter one eat not .
when you tread under foot the covering of shame and when two is made one and the male with the female neither male nor female .
how be it he who longs to be rich is like a man who drinketh sea water the more he drinketh the more thirsty he becomes and never leaves off drinking till he perish .
blessed is he who also fasts that he may feed the poor for it is more blessed to give than to receive .
let thy alms sweat in thy hand until thou knowest to whom thou givest .
love covereth a multitude of sins so be not joyful save when you look upon your brother 's countenance in love .
let not the sun go down upon your wrath for the greatest of crimes is this if a man shall sadden his brother 's spirit .
for our possessions are in heaven therefore sons of men purchase unto yourselves by these transitory things which are not yours what is yours and shall not pass away .
unless ye make the right as the left the left as the right the top as the bottom and the front as the backward ye shall not know the kingdom of god .
keep the flesh holy and the seal undented that ye may receive eternal life .
if a man shall sadden his brother 's spirit .
unless ye make the right as the left the top as the bottom the front as the backward .
my and mine thee and thine . mine
for our possessions are in heaven . use therefore the things of earth while ye are living in the flesh sons of men in such a way and to such purpose that they will not enchain you in the maze of manifestation and thereby require that you postpone your claim to immortality .
he who longs to be rich is like a man drinking sea water . the more he drinketh the more thirsty he becomes and never leaves off drinking until he perisheth .
and then come to the end when he shall deliver up the kingdom to god even the father when he shall have abolished all rule all authority and all power .
love never faileth .
cry cry aloud . what shall i cry ?
cry in the name of thy lord who hath created he hath created man from a clot of blood . cryand thy lord is the most bountiful who hath taught by the pen he hath taught man that which he knew not .
in the name of god the compassionatethe merciful . praise be to god the lord of the worlds the compassionate the merciful . the king of the day of judgment . thee do we worship and of thee do we beg assistance . guide us in the right way the way of those to whom thou hast been gracious not of those with whom thou art wroth nor of the erring .
the veryforgiving .
turn away evil by that which is better and lo he between whom and thyself was enmity shall become as though he were a warm friend .
but none is endowed with this except those who have been patient and none is endowed with it except he who is greatly favored .