a certain part of me was unafraid certain secure and content at the same time my mortal consciousness felt an almost overwhelming sense of fear .
all mean egotism vanishes . i become a transparent eyeball i am nothing i see all the currents of the universal being circulate through me i am part or particle of god .
never in my life has anything had such an effect upon me . he was right referring to his brother 's words when he said to me there is nothing worse than death and if you remember that death is the inevitable goal of all that lives then it must be confessed that there is nothing poorer than life . why should we be so careful when at the end of all things nothing remains of what was once nicolai tolstoi ? suddenly he started up and murmured in alarm 'what is this ? ' he saw that he was passing into nothingness .
he saw that he was passing into nothingness
when we consider the antagonistic attitude of so many of the great cases toward this relation gautama jesus paul whitman etc . there seems little doubt that anything like general possession of cosmic consciousness must abolish marriage as we know it today .
louis lambert
have you no soul that you are not seduced by the prospect of consoling a great man who will sacrifice all to live with you in a little house by the border of a lake ?
but i am loved with a love without bounds .
god .
i can love nothing here on earth .
what dost thou love then ?
the music of the spheres
poets are the trumpets which sing to battle . poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world
swiftly arose and spread around me the peace and joy and knowledge that pass all the art and argument of earth and i know that the hand of god is the elder hand of my own and i know that the spirit of god is the eldest brother of my own and that all the men ever born are also my brothers and the women my sisters and lovers and that a kelson of creation is love .
askers embody themselves in me and i am embodied in them i project my hat sit shamefaced and beg .
i say that no man has ever yet been half devout enough none has ever yet adored or worshipped half enough none has begun to think how divine he himself is and how certain the future is .
ancient sage
more than once when i sat all alone revolving in myself the word that is the symbol of myself the mortal limit of the self was loosed and passed into the nameless as a cloud melts into heaven . i touched my limbs the limbs were strange not mine and yet no shade of doubt but utter clearness and thro ' loss of self the gain of such large life as matched with ours were sun to sparkunshadowable in words . themselves but shadows of a shadowworld .
underneath the shade of the trees myself passed into somewhere as a cloud . i see my soul floating upon the face of the deep nay the faceless face of the deepless deep ah the seas of loneliness . the silencewaving waters ever shoreless bottomless colorless have no shadow of my passing soul . i without wisdom without foolishness without goodness without badnessam like god a negative god at least .
when i am lost in the deep body of the mist on a hill the universe seems built with me as its pillar . am i the god upon the face of the deep nay the deepless deepness in the beginning ?
the life of william sharp divides itself naturally into two halves the first ends with the publication by william sharp of 'vistas ' and the second begins with 'pharais ' the first book signed fiona macleod .
now truly is dreamland no longer a phantasy of sleep but a loveliness so great that like deep music there could be no words wherewith to measure it but only the breathless unspoken speech of the soul upon whom has fallen the secret dews .
i write not because i know a mystery and would reveal it but because i have known a mystery and am today as a child before it and can neither reveal nor interpret it .
farewell to the known and exhausted welcome the unknown and illimitable .
love is more great than we conceive and death is the keeper of unknown redemptions .
dominion of dreams .
work as those work who are ambitious
knowledge is power
fire burns it not water wets it not the sword cleaves it not dry winds parch it not . it is unassailable .
for him who discerns between the mind and the spiritual man the self there comes perfect fruition of the longing after the real being .
love is higher than work than yoga than knowledge . day and night think of god in the midst of all your activities . the daily necessary thoughts can all be thought through god . eat to him drink to him sleep to him see him in all . let us open ourselves to the one divine actor and let him act and do nothing ourselves . complete selfsurrender is the only way . put out self lose it forget it .
god him
he who would scale the heights of understanding from whence the soul looks out forever free must falter not nor fail all truth demanding though he bear the cross and know gethsemane .
if truth demands such sorrow and sacrifice as this i will not serve her . it is a false god that would so try his devotees .
love and service to my fellow beings dieu et mon droit
in the heart of today is the word of tomorrow . the builders of joy are the children of sorrow .
dr . lavendar some time when goliath is doing his 2 . 40 on a plank road do n't you want to pull him up at that house on the perryville pike where the grays used to live and make a call ? an old fellow called roberts has taken it he is a
teach your grandmother he is an irvingite . he comes from lower ripple down on the ohio and he has a daughter philippa .
oh you know 'em do you ?
know them ? of course i know them ! do you think you are the only man who tries to enlarge his business ? but i was not successful in my efforts . the old gentleman does n't go to any church and the young lady inclines to the perryville meetinghousethe parson there is a nice boy .
she is an attractive young creature the kind of girl a man would like to have for a daughter . but did you ever know such an oldfashioned little thing !
well she 's like the girls i knew when i was the age of the perryville parson so i suppose you 'd call her oldfashioned there are n't many such girls nowadays sweettempered and sensible and with some fun in 'em .
why do n't you say 'good ' too ?
unnecessary anybody who is amiable sensible and humorous is good . ca n't help it .
the father is good but he is certainly not sensible . he 's an old donkey with his tongues and his voice !
no he may be an irvingite but he is n't a donkey .
what on earth is an irvingite anyhow ?
william you are so ridiculously young ! well i suppose you ca n't help it . my boy about the time you were born there was a man in londonsome folks called him a saint and some folks called him a fool it 's a way folks have had ever since our lord came into this world . his name was irving and he started a new sect . sect
does n't mr . roberts 's everlasting arguing about it tire you out ?
oh no when he talks too long i just shut my eyes he never notices it ! he 's a gentle old soul . when i answer backonce in a while i really have to speak up for the protestant episcopal churchi feel as if i had kicked danny . oh well of course it 's all bosh i was on a case till four o'clock this morning
william what an advantage you fellows have over us poor parsons ! everything a medical man does n't understand is 'bosh ' ! now we ca n't classify things as easily as that .
well i do n't care from my point of view
from your point of view st . paul was an epileptic because he heard a voice ?
if you really want to know what i think
pretty creature . wish i had a daughter just like her irvingite wo n't you give me some of your apple blossoms ?
it is a dangerous thing to neglect the means of grace
surely it is danger
i love dr . lavendar
i am obliged to mr . fenn the youth cares for my soul . i am obliged to any one who cares for my soul .
the child ought to be married and have a dozen children although fenn 's little sister will do to begin onshe needs mothering badly enough . yes miss philly ought to be making smearkase and applebutter for that pale and excellent young man . he intimated that i was a follower of the scarlet woman because i wore a surplice .
now look here ! i draw the line at that sort of talk he can lay down the law to me all he wants to but when it comes to instructing you
oh well he 's young you ca n't expect him not to know everything at his age .
he 's a squirt
we were all squirts once and very nice boys we were tooat least i was . yes i hope the youngster will see what a sweet creature old roberts 's philippa is .
i like to come to your church because you do n't preach quite such long sermons as mr . fenn does . deal let him alone for the believing daughter may sanctify the unbelieving father !
but do you know what the believing daughter believes ? i thinki hope that she is sound . she comes to my church quite regularly . but she comes to my church quite irregularly
i still believe that she is sound
well perhaps she is perhaps she is perhaps believing daughter . irregularly for brother talks so much brother
i do not mean to speak uncharitably but we all know that episcopacy is the handmaid of papistry .
do we ?
yes but even if dr . lavendar 's teachings are defective no mary ! even if his teachings are defective he is a good man according to his lights i am sure of that . still do you think it well to attend a place of worship when you can not follow the pastor 's teachings ?
i love him . and i do n't listen to what he says
but you should listen to what ministers say at least to ministers of the right faith . but you should not go to church because you love ministers .
i do not lovemost of them .