my dear little girl the best thing to do is to forget it . it was a foolish thing to dothat charm business but happily no harm is done . now say nothing about it and never do it again .
do it again ? oh !
it was just tomfoolery there was no sin about it so confession would n't do her any good on the contrary it would hurt a girl 's selfrespect to have a man know she had tried to catch him . but what a donkey he was not to see . . . . oh yes i 'm sure i 'm right i wonder how dr . lavendar would look at it ?
the voice !
you should not be grateful
perhaps god will forgive me .
he moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform !
i heard you call upon god for forgiveness the lord is merciful and gracious !
yes oh yes . that is what she meant ! she wanted me to care for her before i cared for her soul .
no .
no mary . not now . go away .
the lord is unwilling that my thoughts should be diverted from his service by my own personal happiness .
love one another . i certainly thought she loved me .
marvel not my brethren if the world hate you . i am perhaps personally unattractive to her and yet i wonder why ? marvel marvel
men in our profession sir must not expect personal happiness .
well perhaps if we do n't expect it the surprise of getting it makes it all the better . i expected it but i 've exceeded my expectations !
but you are not married
i hope you will marry fenn i am married to my profession that is enough for any minister .
you 'll find your profession a mighty poor housekeeper
i must speak to you alone sir
he is a worthy young man my philippa . why do you dislike him ?
i do not dislike him .
then why ?
you 'll get a crooked stick at the end if you do n't look out !
i sha ' n't have any stick ever !
i wonder if i was wise to tell that child to hold her tongue ? perhaps they might have straightened it out between 'em before this if she had told him and been done with it . i 've a great mind to ask dr . lavendar .
you are talking about young philippa roberts ?
how did you guess it ? oh well yes i am . i guess there 's no harm telling you not the slightest especially as i knew it already from the young mani mean i knew she would n't have him . but i did n't know why until your story dovetailed with his . william the thing has festered in her ! the lancet ought to have been used the next day . i believe she 'd have been married by this time if she 'd spoken out then and there .
i thought being a girl you know her pride her selfrespect
oh yes the lancet hurts but it 's better thanwell i do n't know the terms of your trade willybut i guess you know what i mean ?
i guess i do do you suppose it 's too late now ?
it will be more of an operation
could i tell him ?
i do n't see why not
i suppose i 'd have to ask her permission ?
nonsense !
it 's nonsense you know that philly does n't take that boy . he 's head over heels in love with her .
she is not attached to him in any such manner i wonder a little at it myself . he is a good youth .
i think the child cares for him i suppose you know about it ?
do n't you think you might try to make her feel that she is wrong not to accept him now that the charm has worked so to speak ?
the charm ?
i thought you understood
so great a sinmy little philly !
my dear sir do n't talk about sin in connection with that child . i wish i 'd held my tongue !
there can be no good reason if it is a bad reason i will overcome it ! tell me why ?
come it is my due philippa . i will know !
you must tell me beloved
never mind philly never mind ! if you do n't want to tell me
i do want to tell you . i will tell you ! you will despise me . but i will tell you . i did a wicked deed . it was this very planthere where we stand monk'shood ! it was poison . i did n't knowoh i did n't know . the book said monk'shoodit was a mistake . but i did a wicked deed . i tried to kill you
philly ! we will not speak of it
i murdered you i put the charm into your tea to make you . . . love me . you did n't die . but it was murder . i meanti meant no harm
why ! whybut philly ! you loved me !
what difference does that make ?
it makes much difference to me
no no .
love you loved me ! you will marry me .
no i am a wicked girlaaan immodest girl
my beloved you meant no wrong
doctor ! tell her for heaven 's sake tell her that it was nothingthat charm ! tell her she did no wrong .
no one can do that it was a sin .
now look here
it was a sin to try to move by foolish arts the will of god .
you see ?
no ! no i do n't seeor if i do never mind .
oh father i am a great sinner
no you 're not !
yes my philippa you are
doctor king ! tell her 'no ! ' 'no ! '
yes it was a sin . therefore philippa sin no more . did you pray that this young man 's love might be given to you ?
yes .
and it was given to you ?
yes .
philippa was it the foolish weed that moved him to love ? my child my philly it was your saviour who moved the heart of this youth because you asked him . will you do such despite to your lord as to reject the gift he has given in answer to your prayer ? the gift he had given !
oh philippa ! oh philippa ! i do requirei do require that you accept your saviour 's gift . add not sin to sin . oh add not sin to sin by making prayer of no avail ! behold he has set before thee an open door . oh let no man shut it . oh let no man shut it . . . .
the voice of god .
my dear william the most beautiful thing in the world is the knowledge that comes to you when you get to be as old as i am that they are the same thing .
with my hands
we must take no risks whatever helen .
where 's your father rosalind ?
ijima !
order the double trap and tell them to hurry .
mr . donovanmr . laurance donovani am sure of it !