miss holbrooki am equally confident ! i am sorry to be late but father stoddard 's message was delayed .
you are kind to respond at all but father stoddard said you would not fail me .
he is a man of great faith ! but i have a trap waiting . we can talk more comfortably at st . agatha 's .
yes we are to go to the school . father stoddard kindly arranged it . it is quite secluded he assured me .
you will not be disappointed miss holbrook if seclusion is what you seek .
oh helen my niece helen holbrook is with me . i wished to wire some instructions to my housekeeper at home . father stoddard may not have explainedthat it is partly on helen 's account that i am coming here .
no he explained nothingmerely gave me my instructions he gives orders in a most militant fashion .
there 's a summer resort somewhere on the lake how far is that from the school ?
that 's port annandale . it 's two or three miles from st . agatha 's on this side and all the way to the school there are farms . the lake looks like an oval pond as we see it here but there are several long arms that creep off into the woods and there 's another lake of considerable size to the north . port annandale lies yonder .
of course we shall see nothing of it
you are an irishman mr . donovan and pat must sound natural .
oh all who love aunt patricia call her aunt pat !
then miss holbrook undoubtedly hears it often
helen if you will see our things disposed of i will detain mr . donovan a few minutes
or i can come again in an houri am your near neighbor
i am quite ready
father stoddard thought it best that i should explain the necessity that brings us here but the place is so quiet that it seems absurd to think that our troubles could follow us .
watch the hands of the guest in the tent
will you please close the door ?
if is not pleasant as you must understand to explain to a stranger an intimate and painful family trouble . but father stoddard advised me to be quite frank with you .
that is the best way if there is a possibility that i may be of service but tell me no more than you wish . i am wholly at your service without explanations .
and better than that she is a very lovely character .
yes it is a sad story miss holbrook . but you are not likely to be molested here . you have a lake on one side a high wall shuts off the road and i beg you to accept me as your near neighbor and protector . the servants at mr . glenarm 's house have been with him for several years and are undoubtedly trustworthy . it is not likely that your brother will find you here but if he shouldwe will deal with that situation when the time comes !
you are very reassuring no doubt we shall not need to call on you . and i hope you understand that it is not to keep the money that i wish to avoid my brother that if it were wise to make this further division at this time and it were for his good i should be glad to give him allevery penny of it .
pardon me but the other brotherhe has not made similar demandsyou do not fear him ?
tono ! poor arthur ! he must be dead . he ran away after the bank failure and i have never heard from him since . he and henry were very unlike and i always felt more closely attached to arthur . he was not brilliant like henry he was gentle and quiet in his ways and father was often impatient with him . henry has been very bitter toward arthur and has appealed to me on the score of arthur 's illdoing . it took all his own fortune he says to save arthur and the family name from dishonor .
we have been annoyed in another way . it is so ridiculous that i hesitate to tell you of it
pray do notyou need tell me nothing more miss holbrook .
it is best for you to know . my niece has been annoyed the past year by the attentions of a young man whom she greatly dislikes and whose persistence distresses her very much indeed .
well he can hardly find her here and if he should
oh ! he is n't a violent person mr . donovan . he 's silly absurd idiotic ! you need fear no violence from him .
and of course your niece is not interestedhe 's not a fellow to appeal to her imagination .
if a strange knight in quest of a lady comes riding through the wood how shall i know him ? what valorous words are written on his shield and does he carry a lance or a suitcase ?
he is the knight of the sorrowful countenance you would know him anywhere by his clothes and the remarkable language he uses . he is not to be taken very seriouslythat 's the trouble with him ! but i have been afraid that he and my brother might join hands in the pursuit of us .
but the sorrowful knight would not advance his interests by thathe could only injure his cause !
oh he has no subtlety he 's a very foolish person he blunders at windmills with quixotic ardor . you understand of course that our troubles are not known widely . we used to be a family of some dignity and i hope still for happier years .
wo n't you please say good night to miss holbrook for me ?
it is good of you to come . helen will be here presently . she went for a walk on the shore .
you must both of you make free of the glenarm preserve . do n't consider the wall over there a barricade it 's merely to add to the picturesqueness of the landscape .
sheathe it sir laurance nor draw it save in honorable cause
sister margaret is most kind in every way she seems wholly discreet and has assured me of her interest and sympathy
there 's no manner of doubt of it . she is sister theresa 's assistant . it is inconceivable that she could possibly interfere in your affairs . i believe you are perfectly safe here in every way miss holbrook . if at the end of a week your brother has made no sign we shall be reasonably certain that he has lost the trail .
i believe that is true and i thank you very much .
oh mr . donovan there are some letters i should like to write and i wish you would tell me whether it is safe to have letters come for us to annandale or would it be better to send nothing from here at all ? it does seem odd to have to ask such a question
we must take no risks whatever helen
we must take no risks whatever helen .
does no one know where you are ?
my lawyer in new york has the name of this place sealed and he put it away in a safety box and promised not to open it unless something of very great importance happened .
it is best to take no chances so i should answer your question in the negative miss holbrook . in the course of a few weeks everything may seem much clearer and in the meantime it will be wiser not to communicate with the outer world .
they deliver mail through the country here do n't they ? it must be a great luxury for the farmers to have the postoffice at their very doors .
yes but the school and mr . glenarm always send for their own mail to annandale .
our mail is all going to my lawyer and it must wait until we can have it sent to us without danger .
certainly aunt pat i did n't mean to give mr . donovan the impression that my correspondence was enormous but it is odd to be shut up in this way and not to be able to do as one likes in such little matters .
if any difficulty should arise here if my poor father should find out where we are i trust that you may be able to save my aunt anxiety and pain . that is what i wished to say to you mr . donovan .
i had not thought of quite following you home ! here is glenarm gateand there lie your battlements and towers .
rather they belong to my old friend john glenarm . in his goodness of heart he gave me the use of the place for the summer and as generosity with another 's property is very easy i hereby tender you our fleetcanoes boats steam launchand the stable which contains a variety of traps and a good ridinghorse or two . they are all at your service . i hope that you and your aunt will not fail to avail yourselves of each and all . do you ride ? i was specially charged to give the horses exercise .
thank you very much when we are well settled and feel more secure we shall be glad to call on you . father stoddard certainly served us well in sending us to you mr . donovan .
aunt pat may have spoken of another difficultya mere annoyance really
oh yes of the youngster who has been troubling you . your father and he have of course no connection .
no decidedly not . but he is a very offensive person mr . donovan . it would be a matter of great distress to me if he should pursue us to this place .
it is inconceivable that a gentlemanif he is a gentlemanshould follow you merely for the purpose of annoying you . i have heard that young ladies usually know how to get rid of importunate suitors .
i have heard that they have that reputation but mr . gillespie
that 's the name is it ? your aunt did not mention it .
yes he lives quite near us at stamford . aunt pat disliked his father before him and now that he is dead she visits her displeasure on the son but she is quite right about it . he is a singularly unattractive and uninteresting person and i trust that he will not find us .
that is quite unlikely . you will do well to forget all about himforget all your troubles and enjoy the beauty of these june days .
i must go back
you will warn me mr . donovan of the first approach of trouble . i wish to save my aunt in every way possibleshe means so much to me she has made life easy for me where it would have been hard .
there will be no trouble miss holbrook . you are as safe as though you were hidden in a cave in the apennines but i shall give you warning at the first sign of danger .
my father isis quite relentless
a man has been rowing up and down the shore for an hour . when he came in close here i asked him what he wanted and he rowed away without answering . he is now off there by the school .
probably a summer boarder from across the lake .
hardly sir . he came from the direction of the village and acts queerly .
stop ! stop !
after him andy ! after him !
kicked bit or stung ! that saddest of all words 'stung ! ' it 's as clear as moonlight that i 'm badly mussed not to say cut .
may i trouble you not to kick out any more of that glass ? the gardener will be here in a minute and fish you out .
lawsy what is it ? an aquarium that you fish for me ?