that 's rather unlikely mr . glenarm is abroad . what were you doing down there on the creek ?
i was n't doing anything until two men came along to kill you and i mixed up with them and got badly mussed for my trouble .
they came to kill me did they ? you tell a good story mr . donovan .
quite so . i was standing on the deck of the houseboat or whatever it is
where you had no business to be
granted . i had no business to be there but i was there and came near getting killed for my impertinence as i have told you . those fellows rowed up from the direction of the lake . one of them told the other to call you to your door on the pretense of summoning aid for a broken motorcar off there in the road . then he was to stab you . the assassin was an italian . his employer spoke to him in that tongue . i happen to be acquainted with it .
you are a very accomplished person
who fired that pistol ?
the man in charge of the expedition . the italian was trying to knife me on the deck and i broke away from him and ran . his employer had gone back to the boat for safety and he took a crack at me as i ran across the platform . it 's not the fault of either that i 'm not quite out of business .
o rosalind ! it 's all right . a gentleman here lost his way and i 'm giving him his bearings .
you seem to accept my word reluctantly even after i have saved you from being struck down at your own door . now i will be frank with you . i had a purpose in coming here
yes i thought so .
i know who you are mr . holbrooke .
you are a remarkably bad guesser mr . donovan . if you had visited me by daylight instead of coming like a thief at midnight you would have saved yourself much trouble . my name is displayed over the outer gate . i am robert hartridge a canoemaker .
but this afternoon mr . holbrook i chanced to follow the creek to this point and i saw
you probably saw that houseboat down there that is my shop . as i tell you i am a maker of canoes . they have i hope some reputationhonest handwork and my output is limited . i shall be deeply chagrined if you have never heard of the hartridge canoe .
mr . hartridge i am sorry that i must believe that heretofore you have been known as holbrook . the fact was clenched for me this afternoon quite late as i stood in the path below here . i heard quite distinctly a young woman call you father .
so ? then you 're an eavesdropper as well as a trespasser !
we will admit that i am both
you are considerate mr . donovan !
the young woman who called you father and whom you answered from the deck of the houseboat is a person i know .
the devil !
it was miss helen holbrook that i saw here mr . hartridge .
you certainly have a wonderful imagination . the person you saw if you saw any one on your visit to these premises today was my daughter rosalind hartridge . where do you think you knew her mr . donovan ?
i saw her this morning at st . agatha 's school . i not only saw her but i talked with her and i am neither deaf nor blind .
rather an odd place to have met this misswhat name did you say ? miss helen holbrooka closed schoolhouse and that sort of thing .
you may ease your mind on that point she was with your sister her aunt mr . holbrook and i want you to understand that your following miss patricia holbrook here is infamous and that i have no other business but to protect her from you .
mr . donovan i repeat that i am not henry holbrook and my daughteris my daughter and not your miss helen holbrook . moreover if you will go to tippecanoe or to annandale and ask about me you will learn that i have long been a resident of this community working at my trade that of a canoemaker . that shop down there by the creek and this house i built myself .
but the girl
was not helen holbrook but my daughter rosalind hartridge . she has been away at school and came home only a week ago . you are clearly mistaken and if you will call as you undoubtedly will on your miss holbrook at st . agatha 's in the morning you will undoubtedly find your young lady there quite safely in charge ofwhat was the name miss patricia holbrook ? in whose behalf you take so praiseworthy an interest .
if you are so peaceable and only a boatmaker here will you tell me why you have enemies who are so anxious to kill you ? i imagine that murder is n't common on the quiet shores of this little creek and that an italian sailor is not employed to kill men who have not a past of some sort behind them .
i have only your word for it that there 's an italian in the woodpile . i have friends among the country folk here and in the lake villages who can vouch for me . as i am not in the least interested in your affairs i shall not trouble you for your credentials but as the hour is late and i hope i have satisfied you that we have no acquaintances in common i will bid you good night . if you care for a boat to carry you home
thank you no !
aunt pat ca n't withstand the temptations of a day like this . we 're chagrined to think we never knew this part of the world before !
i 'm sure there is no danger
we are undiscovered ? you have heard nothing mr . donovan ?
nothing miss holbrook
we hoped you might drop in yesterday afternoon
yes we were
we were playing chess and almost came to blows ! we played from tea to dinner and sister margaret really had to come and tear us away from our game .
but this afternoon we shall go for a ride or a sail which shall it be miss holbrook ?
as you please mr . donovan . it might be that we should be safer on the water
yes he works the year round down there on the tippecanoe . he sells his canoes all over the countrythe hartridge that 's his name . you must have seen his sign there by the cedar hedge . they say he gets big prices for his canoes .
i suppose he 's a native in these parts ?
no but he 's been here a good while . i guess nobody knows where he comes fromor cares . he works pretty hard but i guess he likes it .
he 's an industrious man is he ?
oh he 's a steady worker but he 's a queer kind too . now he never votes and he never goes to church and for the sake of the argument neither do i he 's a mighty odd man but i ca n't say that that 's against him . but he 's quiet and peaceable and now his daughter
oh he has a daughter ?
yes and that 's all he has too and they never have any visitors . the daughter just come home the other day and we ai n't hardly seen her yet . she 's been away at school .
i suppose mr . hartridge is absent sometimes he does n't live down there all the time does he ?
i ca n't say that i could prove it sometimes i do n't see him for a month or more but his business is his own stranger
you think that if mr . hartridge had a visitor you 'd know it ?
well now i might and again i might n't . mr . hartridge is a queer man . i do n't see him every day and particularly in the winter i do n't keep track of him .
how wonderful are the ways of the lord !
you have discovered me donovan . be sure your sins will find you out ! a simple people singularly moved at the sight of a greenback . i have rarely caused so much excitement .
i suppose you are trying to ease your conscience by giving away some of your button money .
that is just it donovan . you have struck the brass tack on the head . but now that we have met again albeit through no fault of my own let me mention matters of real human interest .
you might tell me what you 're doing here first .
walking there were no cabs donovan .
you choose a queer hour of the day for your exercise .
one might say the same for your ride . but let us be sensible . i dare say there 's some common platform on which we both may stand .
we 'll assume it
those were nasty slashes and i ripped them up badly in climbing out of your window . but i could n't linger i am not without my little occupations .
you stand as excellent chance of being shot if you do n't clear out of this . if there 's any shame in you you will go without making further trouble .
it has occurred to me that i know something that you ought to know . i saw henry holbrook yesterday .
where ?
on the lake . he 's rented a sloop yacht called the stiletto . i passed it yesterday on the annandale steamer and i saw him quite distinctly .
it 's all your fault that he 's here ! if you had not followed those women they might have spent the remainder of their lives here and never have been molested . but he undoubtedly caught the trail from you .
i am sorry to spoil your theory my dear irish brother but put this in your pipe henry was here first ! he rented the sailboat ten days agoand i made my triumphal entry a week later . explain that if you please mr . donovan .
where is holbrook staying ?
i do n't knowhe keeps afloat . the stiletto belongs to a cincinnati man who is n't coming here this summer and holbrook has got the use of the yacht . so much i learned from the boat storage man at annandale then i passed the stiletto and saw henry on board .
you must see that i face a difficult situation here without counting you . you do n't strike me as a wholly bad lot gillespie and why wo n't you run along like a good boy and let me deal with holbrook ? then when i have settled with him i 'll see what can be done for you . your position as an unwelcome suitor engaged in annoying the lady you profess to love and causing her great anxiety and distress is unworthy of the really good fellow i believe you to be .
i promise you donovan that i will do nothing to encourage or help holbrook . i know as well as you that he 's a blackguard but my own affairs i must manage in my own way .
but as surely as you try to molest those women you will have to answer to me . i am not in the habit of beginning what i never finish and i intend to keep those women out of your way as well as out of holbrook 's clutches and if you get a cracked head in the businesswell the crack 's in your own skull mr . gillespie .
i have waited for some time i have something of importance to tell you mr . donovan
yes miss holbrook .
you remember that this morning on our way to the chapel helen spoke of our game of chess yesterday ?
i remember perfectly
helen was not at st . agatha 's at the time she indicated .
well miss pat miss holbrook does n't have to account to me for her movements . it is n't important
why is n't it important ?
why miss holbrook she is not accountable to me for her actions . if she fibbed about the chess it 's a small matter .
perhaps it is and possibly she is not accountable to me either .
we must not probe human motives too deeply miss holbrook a young woman is entitled to her whims . but now that you have told me this i suppose i may as well know how she accounted to you for this trifling deception .
oh she said she wished to explore the country for herself she wished to satisfy herself of our safety and she did n't want you to think she was running foolishly into danger . she chafes under restraint and i fear does not wholly sympathize with my runaway tactics . she likes a contest ! and sometimes helen takes pleasure ininbeing perverse . she has an idea mr . donovan that you are a very severe person .