gently gentlemen behold the nightblooming cereus ! not all the courtplaster in the universe can glue me together again . the next time i seek the garden at dewy eve i 'll wear my tin suit .
there wo n't be any next time for you . what did you run for ?
trying to lower my recordit 's a mania with me . and as one good question deserves another may i ask why you did n't tell me there was a glassworks beyond that fence ? it was n't sportsmanlike to hide a murderous hazard like that . but i cleared those pickets with a yard to spare and broke my record .
you broke about seven yards of glass it may sober you to know that you are under arrest . the watchman here has a constable 's license .
he also has hair that suggests the common garden or boiled carrot . the tint is not to my liking yet it is not for me to be captious where the lord has hardened his heart .
what is your name ?
gillespie . r . gillespie . the ' r ' will indicate to you the depth of my humility i make it a life work to hide the fact that i was baptized reginald .
i 've been expecting you mr . gillespie and now i want you to come over to my house and give an account of yourself . i will take charge of this man andy . i promise that he sha n't set foot here again . and andy you need mention this affair to no one .
very good sir .
i have business with this person . say nothing to the ladies at st . agatha 's about him .
that jump deserved better luck
i 'm proud to have you like it . will you kindly tell me who the devil you are ?
my name is donovan .
i do n't wholly care for it think it over and see if you ca n't do better . i 'm not sure that i 'm going to grow fond of you . what 's your business with me anyhow ?
my business mr . gillespie is to see that you leave this lake by the first and fastest train .
is it possible ?
more than that it is decidedly probable .
meanwhile it would be diverting to know where you 're taking me . i thought the other chap was the constable .
i 'm taking you to the house of a friend where i 'm visiting . i 'm going to row you in your boat . it 's only a short distance and when we get there i shall have something to say to you .
there 's no honor in tumbling into a greenhouse but such is r . gillespie 's luck . my shins look like scarlet fever and without sound legs a man 's better dead .
your legs seem to have got you into trouble do n't mourn the loss of them !
it 's my poor wits if we must fix the blame . it 's an awful thing sir to be born with weak intellectuals . as man 's legs carry him on orders from his head there lies the seat of the difficulty . a weak mind obedient legs and there you go plump into the bosom of a blooming asparagus bed and the enemy lays violent hands on you . if you put any more of that stingy pudding on that cut i shall undoubtedly hit you mr . donovan . ah thank you thank you so much !
will you drink ? there are twelve kinds of whisky
my dear mr . donovan the thought of strong drink saddens me . such poor wits as mine are not helped by alcoholic stimulants . i was drunk oncebeautifully marvelously nobly drunk so that antiquity came up to date with the thud of a motorcar hitting an orphan asylum and i saw julius caesar driving a chariot up fifth avenue and cromwell poised on one foot on the shorter spire of st . patrick 's cathedral . are you aware my dear sir that one of those spires is shorter than the other ?
i certainly am not
it 's a fact confided to me by a prominent engineer of new york who has studied those spires daily since they were put up . he told me that when he had surrounded five highballs the north spire was higher but that the sixth tumblerful always raised the south spire about eleven feet above it . now would n't that doddle you ?
it would mr . gillespie but may i ask you to cut out this rot
my dear mr . donovan it 's indelicate of you to speak of cutting anythingand me with my legs . but i 'm at your service . you have tended my grievous wounds like a gentleman and now do you wish me to unfold my past present and future ?
i want you to get out of this and be quick about it . your biography does n't amuse me i caught you prowling disgracefully about st . agatha 's . two ladies are domiciled there who came here to escape your annoying attentions . those ladies were put in my charge by an old friend and i do n't propose to stand any nonsense from you mr . gillespie . you seem to be at least half sane
thank youthank you for that word ! that 's just twice as high as anybody ever rated me before .
i was trying to be generous there 's a point at which i begin to be bored and when that 's reached i 'm likely to grow quarrelsome . are there any moments of the day or night when you are less a fool than others ?
well donovan i 've often speculated about that and my conclusion is that my mind is at its best when i 'm asleep and enjoying a nightmare . i find the welsh rabbit most stimulating to my thought voltage . then i am you may say detached from myself another mind not my own is building towers and palaces and spiders as large as the farfamed though extinct ichthyosaurus are waltzing on the moon . then i have sometimes thought my intellectual parts are most intelligently employed .
i may well believe you now i hope i can pound it into you in some way that your presence in this neighborhood is offensiveto mepersonally .
and i 'm going to give you safe conduct through the linesor if necessary i 'll buy your ticket and start you for new york . and if there 's an atom of honor in you you 'll go peaceably and not publish the fact that you know the whereabouts of these ladies .
i think that on the whole that 's a fair proposition . but you seem to have the impression that i wish to annoy these ladies .
you do n't for a moment imagine that you are likely to entertain them do you ? you have n't got the idea that you are necessary to their happiness have you ?
the trouble with miss pat is
there is no trouble with miss pat
the trouble between miss pat and me is the same old trouble of the buttons
buttons you idiot ?
'button button who 's got the button ? '
what does the name gillespie mean ? of what is it the sign and symbol wherever man hides his nakedness ? button button who 'll buy my buttons ? it ca n't be possible that you never heard of the gillespie buttons ? where have you lived my dear sir ?
will you please stop talking rot and explain what you want here ?
that my dear sir is exactly what i 'm doing . i 'm a suitor for the hand of miss patricia 's niece . miss patricia scorns me she says i 'm a mere child of the philistine rich and declines an alliance without thanks if you must know the truth . and it 's all on account of the fact shameful enough i admit that my father died and left me a large and prosperous button factory .
why do n't you give the infernal thing awaysell it out to a trust
ah ! ah ! i see that you are a man of penetration ! you have a keen notion of business ! you anticipate me ! i did sell the infernal thing to a trust but there was no shaking it ! they made me president of the combination and i control more buttons than any other living man ! my dear sir i dictate the button prices of the world . i can tell you to a nicety how many buttons are swallowed annually by the babies of the universe . but i hope sir that i use my power wisely and without oppressing the people .
you are flippant mr . gillespie and my errand with you is serious . there are places in this house where i could lock you up and you would never see your button factory again . you seem to have had some education
the word does me great honor donovan . they chucked me from yale in my junior year . why you may ask ? well it happened this way you know rooney the bellefontaine cyclone ? he struck new haven with a vaudeville outfit giving boxing exhibitions poking the bag and that sort of fake . at every town they invited the local sports to dig up their brightest amateur middleweight and put him against the cyclone for five rounds . i brushed my hair the wrong way for a disguise and went against him .
and got smashed for your trouble i hope
how did you find your way here gillespie ?
i suppose i ought to explain that
i guessed it about half and for the rest i followed the heavenkissing stack of trunks .
have you seen anything of henry holbrook in your travels ? be careful now i want the truth .
i certainly have not . i hope you do n't think
it 's not a matter for thinking or guessing i 've got to know .
on my honor i have not seen him and i have no idea where he is .
this is a day for the open ! you must certainly venture forth ! you see father stoddard chose well this is the most peaceful place on the map . let us begin with a drive at six when the sun is low or maybe you would prefer a little run in the launch .
i think it would be all right aunt pat
perhaps we should wait another day . we must take no chances the relief of being free is too blessed to throw away . i really slept through the nighti ca n't tell you what a boon that is !
why sister margaret had to call us both at eight ! that is almost too wonderful for belief .
oh the nights here are tranquillity itself ! now as to the drive
let us wait another day mr . donovan . i feel that we must make assurance doubly sure
that 's a better canoe than we own ijima . i should like to pick up one as good .
there are others like it on the lake . hartridge is the maker . his shop is over there somewhere a boy told me at the annandale dock that those canoes are famous all over this country .
then we must certainly have one . we could have used one of those things in russia .
i did not know there was anything so good on the lake ijima . i wonder what they call this ?
this is a map sir . i think they call this battle orchard .
that 's not bad either . i do n't see the orchard or the battle but no doubt they have both been here .
hello the houseboat !
yes i 'm here !
come on father i 've been looking for you everywhere
oh it 's too bad you 've been waiting
of course i 've been waiting !
go to the side porch of the cottage and knock . when the man comes to the door tell him that you are the chauffeur from an automobile that has broken down in the road and that you want help for a woman who has been hurt .
yes sir .
thenyou know the rest .
the knifeit shall be done .
a chair blew over
there is no wind
see what you can findand have a care !
climb up these steps and do as i tell you . if you run i will shoot you like a dog .
there 's a mistake
that will do . climb !
who in the devil are you and what do you want ?
my name is donovan and i do n't want anything except to get home .
where do you come from at this hour of the night ?
i am spending the summer at mr . glenarm 's place near annandale .