import gradio as gr |
import torch, traceback |
import dynthres_core |
from modules import scripts, script_callbacks, sd_samplers, sd_samplers_compvis, sd_samplers_common |
try: |
import dynthres_unipc |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"\n\n======\nError! UniPC sampler support failed to load! Is your WebUI up to date?\n(Error: {e})\n======") |
try: |
from modules.sd_samplers_kdiffusion import CFGDenoiserKDiffusion as cfgdenoisekdiff |
IS_AUTO_16 = True |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"\n\n======\nWarning! Using legacy KDiff version! Is your WebUI up to date?\n======") |
from modules.sd_samplers_kdiffusion import CFGDenoiser as cfgdenoisekdiff |
IS_AUTO_16 = False |
MODES_WITH_VALUE = ["Power Up", "Power Down", "Linear Repeating", "Cosine Repeating", "Sawtooth"] |
class Script(scripts.Script): |
def title(self): |
return "Dynamic Thresholding (CFG Scale Fix)" |
def show(self, is_img2img): |
return scripts.AlwaysVisible |
def ui(self, is_img2img): |
def vis_change(is_vis): |
return {"visible": is_vis, "__type__": "update"} |
dtrue = gr.Checkbox(value=True, visible=False) |
dfalse = gr.Checkbox(value=False, visible=False) |
with gr.Accordion("Dynamic Thresholding (CFG Scale Fix)", open=False, elem_id="dynthres_" + ("img2img" if is_img2img else "txt2img")): |
with gr.Row(): |
enabled = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Enable Dynamic Thresholding (CFG Scale Fix)", elem_classes=["dynthres-enabled"], elem_id='dynthres_enabled') |
with gr.Group(): |
gr.HTML(value=f"View <a style=\"border-bottom: 1px #00ffff dotted;\" href=\"https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/sd-dynamic-thresholding/wiki/Usage-Tips\">the wiki for usage tips.</a><br><br>", elem_id='dynthres_wiki_link') |
mimic_scale = gr.Slider(minimum=1.0, maximum=30.0, step=0.5, label='Mimic CFG Scale', value=7.0, elem_id='dynthres_mimic_scale') |
with gr.Accordion("Advanced Options", open=False, elem_id='dynthres_advanced_opts'): |
with gr.Row(): |
threshold_percentile = gr.Slider(minimum=90.0, value=100.0, maximum=100.0, step=0.05, label='Top percentile of latents to clamp', elem_id='dynthres_threshold_percentile') |
interpolate_phi = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, label="Interpolate Phi", value=1.0, elem_id='dynthres_interpolate_phi') |
with gr.Row(): |
mimic_mode = gr.Dropdown(dynthres_core.DynThresh.Modes, value="Constant", label="Mimic Scale Scheduler", elem_id='dynthres_mimic_mode') |
cfg_mode = gr.Dropdown(dynthres_core.DynThresh.Modes, value="Constant", label="CFG Scale Scheduler", elem_id='dynthres_cfg_mode') |
mimic_scale_min = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=30.0, step=0.5, visible=DISABLE_VISIBILITY, label="Minimum value of the Mimic Scale Scheduler", elem_id='dynthres_mimic_scale_min') |
cfg_scale_min = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=30.0, step=0.5, visible=DISABLE_VISIBILITY, label="Minimum value of the CFG Scale Scheduler", elem_id='dynthres_cfg_scale_min') |
sched_val = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=40.0, step=0.5, value=4.0, visible=DISABLE_VISIBILITY, label="Scheduler Value", info="Value unique to the scheduler mode - for Power Up/Down, this is the power. For Linear/Cosine Repeating, this is the number of repeats per image.", elem_id='dynthres_sched_val') |
with gr.Row(): |
separate_feature_channels = gr.Checkbox(value=True, label="Separate Feature Channels", elem_id='dynthres_separate_feature_channels') |
scaling_startpoint = gr.Radio(["ZERO", "MEAN"], value="MEAN", label="Scaling Startpoint") |
variability_measure = gr.Radio(["STD", "AD"], value="AD", label="Variability Measure") |
def should_show_scheduler_value(cfg_mode, mimic_mode): |
sched_vis = cfg_mode in MODES_WITH_VALUE or mimic_mode in MODES_WITH_VALUE or DISABLE_VISIBILITY |
return vis_change(sched_vis), vis_change(mimic_mode != "Constant" or DISABLE_VISIBILITY), vis_change(cfg_mode != "Constant" or DISABLE_VISIBILITY) |
cfg_mode.change(should_show_scheduler_value, inputs=[cfg_mode, mimic_mode], outputs=[sched_val, mimic_scale_min, cfg_scale_min]) |
mimic_mode.change(should_show_scheduler_value, inputs=[cfg_mode, mimic_mode], outputs=[sched_val, mimic_scale_min, cfg_scale_min]) |
enabled.change( |
_js="dynthres_update_enabled", |
fn=None, |
inputs=[enabled, dtrue if is_img2img else dfalse], |
show_progress = False) |
self.infotext_fields = ( |
(enabled, lambda d: gr.Checkbox.update(value="Dynamic thresholding enabled" in d)), |
(mimic_scale, "Mimic scale"), |
(separate_feature_channels, "Separate Feature Channels"), |
(scaling_startpoint, lambda d: gr.Radio.update(value=d.get("Scaling Startpoint", "MEAN"))), |
(variability_measure, lambda d: gr.Radio.update(value=d.get("Variability Measure", "AD"))), |
(interpolate_phi, "Interpolate Phi"), |
(threshold_percentile, "Threshold percentile"), |
(mimic_scale_min, "Mimic scale minimum"), |
(mimic_mode, lambda d: gr.Dropdown.update(value=d.get("Mimic mode", "Constant"))), |
(cfg_mode, lambda d: gr.Dropdown.update(value=d.get("CFG mode", "Constant"))), |
(cfg_scale_min, "CFG scale minimum"), |
(sched_val, "Scheduler value")) |
return [enabled, mimic_scale, threshold_percentile, mimic_mode, mimic_scale_min, cfg_mode, cfg_scale_min, sched_val, separate_feature_channels, scaling_startpoint, variability_measure, interpolate_phi] |
last_id = 0 |
def process_batch(self, p, enabled, mimic_scale, threshold_percentile, mimic_mode, mimic_scale_min, cfg_mode, cfg_scale_min, sched_val, separate_feature_channels, scaling_startpoint, variability_measure, interpolate_phi, batch_number, prompts, seeds, subseeds): |
enabled = getattr(p, 'dynthres_enabled', enabled) |
if not enabled: |
return |
orig_sampler_name = p.sampler_name |
orig_latent_sampler_name = getattr(p, 'latent_sampler', None) |
if orig_sampler_name in ["DDIM", "PLMS"]: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot use sampler {orig_sampler_name} with Dynamic Thresholding") |
if orig_latent_sampler_name in ["DDIM", "PLMS"]: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot use secondary sampler {orig_latent_sampler_name} with Dynamic Thresholding") |
if 'UniPC' in (orig_sampler_name, orig_latent_sampler_name) and p.enable_hr: |
raise RuntimeError(f"UniPC does not support Hires Fix. Auto WebUI silently swaps to DDIM for this, which DynThresh does not support. Please swap to a sampler capable of img2img processing for HR Fix to work.") |
mimic_scale = getattr(p, 'dynthres_mimic_scale', mimic_scale) |
separate_feature_channels = getattr(p, 'dynthres_separate_feature_channels', separate_feature_channels) |
scaling_startpoint = getattr(p, 'dynthres_scaling_startpoint', scaling_startpoint) |
variability_measure = getattr(p, 'dynthres_variability_measure', variability_measure) |
interpolate_phi = getattr(p, 'dynthres_interpolate_phi', interpolate_phi) |
threshold_percentile = getattr(p, 'dynthres_threshold_percentile', threshold_percentile) |
mimic_mode = getattr(p, 'dynthres_mimic_mode', mimic_mode) |
mimic_scale_min = getattr(p, 'dynthres_mimic_scale_min', mimic_scale_min) |
cfg_mode = getattr(p, 'dynthres_cfg_mode', cfg_mode) |
cfg_scale_min = getattr(p, 'dynthres_cfg_scale_min', cfg_scale_min) |
experiment_mode = getattr(p, 'dynthres_experiment_mode', 0) |
sched_val = getattr(p, 'dynthres_scheduler_val', sched_val) |
p.extra_generation_params["Dynamic thresholding enabled"] = True |
p.extra_generation_params["Mimic scale"] = mimic_scale |
p.extra_generation_params["Separate Feature Channels"] = separate_feature_channels |
p.extra_generation_params["Scaling Startpoint"] = scaling_startpoint |
p.extra_generation_params["Variability Measure"] = variability_measure |
p.extra_generation_params["Interpolate Phi"] = interpolate_phi |
p.extra_generation_params["Threshold percentile"] = threshold_percentile |
p.extra_generation_params["Sampler"] = orig_sampler_name |
if mimic_mode != "Constant": |
p.extra_generation_params["Mimic mode"] = mimic_mode |
p.extra_generation_params["Mimic scale minimum"] = mimic_scale_min |
if cfg_mode != "Constant": |
p.extra_generation_params["CFG mode"] = cfg_mode |
p.extra_generation_params["CFG scale minimum"] = cfg_scale_min |
if cfg_mode in MODES_WITH_VALUE or mimic_mode in MODES_WITH_VALUE: |
p.extra_generation_params["Scheduler value"] = sched_val |
Script.last_id += 1 |
threshold_percentile *= 0.01 |
def make_sampler(orig_sampler_name): |
fixed_sampler_name = f"{orig_sampler_name}_dynthres{Script.last_id}" |
sampler = sd_samplers.all_samplers_map[orig_sampler_name] |
dt_data = dynthres_core.DynThresh(mimic_scale, threshold_percentile, mimic_mode, mimic_scale_min, cfg_mode, cfg_scale_min, sched_val, experiment_mode, p.steps, separate_feature_channels, scaling_startpoint, variability_measure, interpolate_phi) |
if orig_sampler_name == "UniPC": |
def unipc_constructor(model): |
return CustomVanillaSDSampler(dynthres_unipc.CustomUniPCSampler, model, dt_data) |
new_sampler = sd_samplers_common.SamplerData(fixed_sampler_name, unipc_constructor, sampler.aliases, sampler.options) |
else: |
def new_constructor(model): |
result = sampler.constructor(model) |
cfg = CustomCFGDenoiser(result if IS_AUTO_16 else result.model_wrap_cfg.inner_model, dt_data) |
result.model_wrap_cfg = cfg |
return result |
new_sampler = sd_samplers_common.SamplerData(fixed_sampler_name, new_constructor, sampler.aliases, sampler.options) |
return fixed_sampler_name, new_sampler |
p.orig_sampler_name = orig_sampler_name |
p.orig_latent_sampler_name = orig_latent_sampler_name |
p.fixed_samplers = [] |
if orig_latent_sampler_name: |
latent_sampler_name, latent_sampler = make_sampler(orig_latent_sampler_name) |
sd_samplers.all_samplers_map[latent_sampler_name] = latent_sampler |
p.fixed_samplers.append(latent_sampler_name) |
p.latent_sampler = latent_sampler_name |
if orig_sampler_name != orig_latent_sampler_name: |
p.sampler_name, new_sampler = make_sampler(orig_sampler_name) |
sd_samplers.all_samplers_map[p.sampler_name] = new_sampler |
p.fixed_samplers.append(p.sampler_name) |
else: |
p.sampler_name = p.latent_sampler |
if p.sampler is not None: |
p.sampler = sd_samplers.create_sampler(p.sampler_name, p.sd_model) |
def postprocess_batch(self, p, enabled, mimic_scale, threshold_percentile, mimic_mode, mimic_scale_min, cfg_mode, cfg_scale_min, sched_val, separate_feature_channels, scaling_startpoint, variability_measure, interpolate_phi, batch_number, images): |
if not enabled or not hasattr(p, 'orig_sampler_name'): |
return |
p.sampler_name = p.orig_sampler_name |
if p.orig_latent_sampler_name: |
p.latent_sampler = p.orig_latent_sampler_name |
for added_sampler in p.fixed_samplers: |
del sd_samplers.all_samplers_map[added_sampler] |
del p.fixed_samplers |
del p.orig_sampler_name |
del p.orig_latent_sampler_name |
class CustomVanillaSDSampler(sd_samplers_compvis.VanillaStableDiffusionSampler): |
def __init__(self, constructor, sd_model, dt_data): |
super().__init__(constructor, sd_model) |
self.sampler.main_class = dt_data |
class CustomCFGDenoiser(cfgdenoisekdiff): |
def __init__(self, model, dt_data): |
super().__init__(model) |
self.main_class = dt_data |
def combine_denoised(self, x_out, conds_list, uncond, cond_scale): |
if isinstance(uncond, dict) and 'crossattn' in uncond: |
uncond = uncond['crossattn'] |
denoised_uncond = x_out[-uncond.shape[0]:] |
weights = torch.tensor(conds_list, device=uncond.device).select(2, 1) |
weights = weights.reshape(*weights.shape, 1, 1, 1) |
self.main_class.step = self.step |
if hasattr(self, 'total_steps'): |
self.main_class.max_steps = self.total_steps |
if self.main_class.experiment_mode >= 4 and self.main_class.experiment_mode <= 5: |
denoised = torch.clone(denoised_uncond) |
fi = self.main_class.experiment_mode - 4.0 |
for i, conds in enumerate(conds_list): |
for cond_index, weight in conds: |
xcfg = (denoised_uncond[i] + (x_out[cond_index] - denoised_uncond[i]) * (cond_scale * weight)) |
xrescaled = xcfg * (torch.std(x_out[cond_index]) / torch.std(xcfg)) |
xfinal = fi * xrescaled + (1.0 - fi) * xcfg |
denoised[i] = xfinal |
return denoised |
return self.main_class.dynthresh(x_out[:-uncond.shape[0]], denoised_uncond, cond_scale, weights) |
def make_axis_options(): |
xyz_grid = [x for x in scripts.scripts_data if x.script_class.__module__ in ("xyz_grid.py", "scripts.xyz_grid")][0].module |
def apply_mimic_scale(p, x, xs): |
if x != 0: |
setattr(p, "dynthres_enabled", True) |
setattr(p, "dynthres_mimic_scale", x) |
else: |
setattr(p, "dynthres_enabled", False) |
def confirm_scheduler(p, xs): |
for x in xs: |
if x not in dynthres_core.DynThresh.Modes: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown Scheduler: {x}") |
extra_axis_options = [ |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Mimic Scale", float, apply_mimic_scale), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Separate Feature Channels", int, |
xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_separate_feature_channels")), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Scaling Startpoint", str, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_scaling_startpoint"), choices=lambda:['ZERO', 'MEAN']), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Variability Measure", str, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_variability_measure"), choices=lambda:['STD', 'AD']), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Interpolate Phi", float, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_interpolate_phi")), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Threshold Percentile", float, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_threshold_percentile")), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Mimic Scheduler", str, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_mimic_mode"), confirm=confirm_scheduler, choices=lambda: dynthres_core.DynThresh.Modes), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Mimic minimum", float, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_mimic_scale_min")), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] CFG Scheduler", str, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_cfg_mode"), confirm=confirm_scheduler, choices=lambda: dynthres_core.DynThresh.Modes), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] CFG minimum", float, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_cfg_scale_min")), |
xyz_grid.AxisOption("[DynThres] Scheduler value", float, xyz_grid.apply_field("dynthres_scheduler_val")) |
] |
if not any("[DynThres]" in x.label for x in xyz_grid.axis_options): |
xyz_grid.axis_options.extend(extra_axis_options) |
def callback_before_ui(): |
try: |
make_axis_options() |
except Exception as e: |
traceback.print_exc() |
print(f"Failed to add support for X/Y/Z Plot Script because: {e}") |
script_callbacks.on_before_ui(callback_before_ui) |