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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import unittest
from itertools import product
import torch
from pytorch3d.ops import sample_points_from_meshes
from pytorch3d.ops.ball_query import ball_query
from pytorch3d.ops.knn import _KNN
from pytorch3d.utils import ico_sphere
from .common_testing import get_random_cuda_device, TestCaseMixin
class TestBallQuery(TestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
def _ball_query_naive(
p1, p2, lengths1, lengths2, K: int, radius: float
) -> torch.Tensor:
Naive PyTorch implementation of ball query.
N, P1, D = p1.shape
_N, P2, _D = p2.shape
assert N == _N and D == _D
if lengths1 is None:
lengths1 = torch.full((N,), P1, dtype=torch.int64, device=p1.device)
if lengths2 is None:
lengths2 = torch.full((N,), P2, dtype=torch.int64, device=p1.device)
radius2 = radius * radius
dists = torch.zeros((N, P1, K), dtype=torch.float32, device=p1.device)
idx = torch.full((N, P1, K), fill_value=-1, dtype=torch.int64, device=p1.device)
# Iterate through the batches
for n in range(N):
num1 = lengths1[n].item()
num2 = lengths2[n].item()
# Iterate through the points in the p1
for i in range(num1):
# Iterate through the points in the p2
count = 0
for j in range(num2):
dist = p2[n, j] - p1[n, i]
dist2 = (dist * dist).sum()
if dist2 < radius2 and count < K:
dists[n, i, count] = dist2
idx[n, i, count] = j
count += 1
return _KNN(dists=dists, idx=idx, knn=None)
def _ball_query_vs_python_square_helper(self, device):
Ns = [1, 4]
Ds = [3, 5, 8]
P1s = [8, 24]
P2s = [8, 16, 32]
Ks = [1, 5]
Rs = [3, 5]
factors = [Ns, Ds, P1s, P2s, Ks, Rs]
for N, D, P1, P2, K, R in product(*factors):
x = torch.randn(N, P1, D, device=device, requires_grad=True)
x_cuda = x.clone().detach()
y = torch.randn(N, P2, D, device=device, requires_grad=True)
y_cuda = y.clone().detach()
# forward
out1 = self._ball_query_naive(
x, y, lengths1=None, lengths2=None, K=K, radius=R
out2 = ball_query(x_cuda, y_cuda, K=K, radius=R)
# Check dists
self.assertClose(out1.dists, out2.dists)
# Check idx
self.assertTrue(torch.all(out1.idx == out2.idx))
# backward
grad_dist = torch.ones((N, P1, K), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
loss1 = (out1.dists * grad_dist).sum()
loss2 = (out2.dists * grad_dist).sum()
self.assertClose(x_cuda.grad, x.grad, atol=5e-6)
self.assertClose(y_cuda.grad, y.grad, atol=5e-6)
def test_ball_query_vs_python_square_cpu(self):
device = torch.device("cpu")
def test_ball_query_vs_python_square_cuda(self):
device = get_random_cuda_device()
def _ball_query_vs_python_ragged_helper(self, device):
Ns = [1, 4]
Ds = [3, 5, 8]
P1s = [8, 24]
P2s = [8, 16, 32]
Ks = [2, 3, 10]
Rs = [1.4, 5] # radius
factors = [Ns, Ds, P1s, P2s, Ks, Rs]
for N, D, P1, P2, K, R in product(*factors):
x = torch.rand((N, P1, D), device=device, requires_grad=True)
y = torch.rand((N, P2, D), device=device, requires_grad=True)
lengths1 = torch.randint(low=1, high=P1, size=(N,), device=device)
lengths2 = torch.randint(low=1, high=P2, size=(N,), device=device)
x_csrc = x.clone().detach()
y_csrc = y.clone().detach()
# forward
out1 = self._ball_query_naive(
x, y, lengths1=lengths1, lengths2=lengths2, K=K, radius=R
out2 = ball_query(
self.assertClose(out1.idx, out2.idx)
self.assertClose(out1.dists, out2.dists)
# backward
grad_dist = torch.ones((N, P1, K), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
loss1 = (out1.dists * grad_dist).sum()
loss2 = (out2.dists * grad_dist).sum()
self.assertClose(x_csrc.grad, x.grad, atol=5e-6)
self.assertClose(y_csrc.grad, y.grad, atol=5e-6)
def test_ball_query_vs_python_ragged_cpu(self):
device = torch.device("cpu")
def test_ball_query_vs_python_ragged_cuda(self):
device = get_random_cuda_device()
def test_ball_query_output_simple(self):
device = get_random_cuda_device()
N, P1, P2, K = 5, 8, 16, 4
sphere = ico_sphere(level=2, device=device).extend(N)
points_1 = sample_points_from_meshes(sphere, P1)
points_2 = sample_points_from_meshes(sphere, P2) * 5.0
radius = 6.0
naive_out = self._ball_query_naive(
points_1, points_2, lengths1=None, lengths2=None, K=K, radius=radius
cuda_out = ball_query(points_1, points_2, K=K, radius=radius)
# All points should have N sample neighbors as radius is large
# Zero is a valid index but can only be present once (i.e. no zero padding)
naive_out_zeros = (naive_out.idx == 0).sum(dim=-1).max()
cuda_out_zeros = (cuda_out.idx == 0).sum(dim=-1).max()
self.assertTrue(naive_out_zeros == 0 or naive_out_zeros == 1)
self.assertTrue(cuda_out_zeros == 0 or cuda_out_zeros == 1)
# All points should now have zero sample neighbors as radius is small
radius = 0.5
naive_out = self._ball_query_naive(
points_1, points_2, lengths1=None, lengths2=None, K=K, radius=radius
cuda_out = ball_query(points_1, points_2, K=K, radius=radius)
naive_out_allzeros = (naive_out.idx == -1).all()
cuda_out_allzeros = (cuda_out.idx == -1).sum()
def ball_query_square(
N: int, P1: int, P2: int, D: int, K: int, radius: float, device: str
device = torch.device(device)
pts1 = torch.randn(N, P1, D, device=device, requires_grad=True)
pts2 = torch.randn(N, P2, D, device=device, requires_grad=True)
grad_dists = torch.randn(N, P1, K, device=device)
def output():
out = ball_query(pts1, pts2, K=K, radius=radius)
loss = (out.dists * grad_dists).sum()
return output
def ball_query_ragged(
N: int, P1: int, P2: int, D: int, K: int, radius: float, device: str
device = torch.device(device)
pts1 = torch.rand((N, P1, D), device=device, requires_grad=True)
pts2 = torch.rand((N, P2, D), device=device, requires_grad=True)
lengths1 = torch.randint(low=1, high=P1, size=(N,), device=device)
lengths2 = torch.randint(low=1, high=P2, size=(N,), device=device)
grad_dists = torch.randn(N, P1, K, device=device)
def output():
out = ball_query(
pts1, pts2, lengths1=lengths1, lengths2=lengths2, K=K, radius=radius
loss = (out.dists * grad_dists).sum()
return output