Well what do you think? Aliens on Mars are as likey as th moon being made out of cheese meaning, that is not possible. The idea of of that can be struct down by facts. It is simply a natural landform because it looks to much like a human face and if aliens made it how would they know what we look like. Also, there are no signs of life on the planet, and lastly it is just a bunch of creators on a mountian. Lets look at some of the facts, while there is possible life on there it looks to much like a human face. If this was proof of aliens how would they know what we look like. It would have to many similarities to us. If it were an alien structure, they would have to be here living among us and they would stick out a little bit. Another fact to shutdown the theory is Mars is not inhabitable. While still being about the same size of Earth, it is not possible to live on it. Mars is not able to produce oxegen because it does not have any trees, and while you would probably say aliens woud not needed oxegen, but I say every living thing needs oxegen. Lasty, when you first look at it can be hard to see it is just a mountain. When you look at it, it does look it has a mouth, nose, eyes, and freckles. Though when you look at it closely, you can see the freckles are just creators. The mouth it is simply a dips between two mountains, the eyes are also just large creators. Also when you look at the nose, you can see an extention of one of the mountains. It can be hard to see the diffrences and think t is an actual face, with fact that is not possible for it to be a sign of alien life. It can not be a sign f aliens on Mars beccause, it looks to much like a human face, The planet is inhabitable, and it is just creators on a mountain.
Based on the information read we should change to election by popular vote. You can understand this by reading scource three paragraph fifteen. "When you vote for the presidential candidate yuo are actually voting for a slate of electors". This means you are voting for someone to vote for you. In addition, the elctoral college should not remain active. You can better understand this in scource two paragraph eleven. "the single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the desaster factor.", and goes on to state, "the 2000 fiasco was the biggest crisis in the century; the system alows for much worse." which also means that it could happen again and twice as bad. Secondly, contrary to some belief, the electoral college can vote against you. One can find this information in scource two paragraph eleven. "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those elctors could always defy the will of the people. Which simply means that the elctor could vote completly oposite of you. In conclusion, the elction by popular vote is the best way to go. this is because the voters choice then does really count. 
The Face is an actual landform, it was not created by aliens. In order for me to prove this to you I need facts, so that it is what the majority of this essay is going to be about. I will also be be telling you how I know that the Face on Mars is a landform. There are many facts as to why the Face on Mars is a landform and I will be sharing all of those that I can find with you. I will also be telling some other landforms that are similar to the Face. I am citing all of my evidence and facts from the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars". One of my first claims that the Face on Mars is actually a landform and was not created by aliens is from paragraph three in "Unmasking the Face on Mars" and it states, "The caption noted a "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." At the beginning of that sentence it says "a huge ROCK formation" which is telling us that it is actually rock and that it had devolped over time to form into the shape of a face. And that it was not created by aliens because aliens can not create or make rocks. Another claim that the face is actually a land form and was not created by aliens is that in paragraph twelve is it giving us a very clear and precise meaning that the Face is an landform by telling us that, " What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. "That a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." That is telling us that there are more places in the world that are like the Face on Mars. That also means that if there are more places, then aliens could not have made the Face on Mars because that means it would have had to make all of the other mesas and buttes in the entire universe. Lastly, my final claim that the face is actually a landform and was not created by aliens is in paragraph seven in the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" and that it tells us that, "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture tem times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appered on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." At the end of that whole paragraph it tells us that there was no alien monument after all. Which means that the aliens did not create the Face on Mars at all. In conclusion I know that the Face on Mars is actually a landform and was not created by aliens because of the facts the a have cited from the article, "Unmasking the Face on Mars". I have given you very good claims as to why and I really hope that you change your opinion on this topic of matter.
Should we keep the electoral college? No because when you vote for your canidate in the presidential election you are actually voting for his/her electors. Also because electors can be anyone not holdin up in the public office. Finally because voters cant always control their elected electoral college member will vote for the same canidate. Over 60 percent of todays voters would prefer a more direct way of electing our officials than how we are electing them now. Did you know that when you vote for the canidate that you want to be elected into office you are not only voting for that canidate you are actually voting for that canidates electors? Under the electoral college system us voters dont vote for the president but we vote for a slate of electors which in turn elect the canidate we voted for. Say that you voted for Obama in last years election you didnt actually vote for Obama you voted for his electors to vote for im in turn of you voting for them. Many people see this to be fine but say that your canidates electors turned and voted for someone else thus leading you down a road of betrayl. This is one important reason for the electoral party to be disbanded. Electors that represent a canidate in the presidential run can be anyone not holding public office. Who chooses for these electors? Not the voters of course but the state and sometimes the people who you are actually voting for the electors you havent even heard of or seen in any flyers or ads. That state chooses their officials from state conventions,and even sometimes at the state partys committee or the president has his own party of electors for himself which would in a way be cheating by having your own officials vote for you. What if the electoral party you voted for to vote for a specific canidate and they went off and changed their mind mid election and passed that countries vote for a different xcanidate in the election? You cant always control the eletors to stick with them voting for the elector you voted for but without the electoral college that group of voters who voted for a canidate would actually vote for the canidate that they actually want to win. Thus making the electoral college irrelevent because they dont need to form a party and change their vorte mid election. We should not not keep the electoral college because of all the flawls in it and the deciving image it holds up. Because you do not vote for the canidate you vote for the electorial party member representing that canidate. That the canidate can be anyone chosen by the state and you cant always control that the member of the electoral college that you voted for to vot for a different canidate that the ended up voting for during the election. This is why we dont need the electoral college to help vote for the presidents we should have a more direct way of voting.
Driverless cars is a great way for transportation. First of driverless cars save millions of dollars. It save you money and the goverments money. Here why, these cars will use half the fuel todays cars use. With that being said you can use that extra gas money for something more important. These car not only save money but they save you that extra time to relax unless the driver has to take over to go around traffic or around an accident. Second driverless cars are safe. These cars have sensors to detect if theres a car accident, work zone, or traffic near. When that occurs these cars have alerts such as seats vibrating or the car turning of any distraction so the driver can take over and be alert. Driverless cars are also being worked on to include cameras to watch that the driver is keeping an eye on the road and isnt distracted. This can help issure that drivers arent distracted and are ready and alert. Driverless cars are a great way to begin a new future. There special features and alerts can keep these drivers safe and happy. This is a great way to help reduce accidents. Not just that but driverless cars also save you money. Nothing like a great wait to enjoy some extra relaxing time inbeteween your drives.
All over the world many people use cars almost everyday all day their is never a day that someone would rather walk than drive but, is it really helping us? Many people have never wounder how life would be without cars and, the people that do don't like it even if it may be the best for us. People need to understand that being without cars would help not  only them self but everything around them as well. Using a car everyday is bad for the air but, wailking will keep you fit and, clear the air. Every year the air get worse and worse but, when just one person would rather walk than drive they are show cleaning our air. There are many way of get around without driving that will improve yourself and the world around you. Many pepole and animal get ran over by cars and there careless owner. This show that cars are killing us intwo ways by the air and by getting hit by one but not using would stop all that and we can slowly clean the world. people get kill by car
The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author talks about how in the future there is going to be cars that are operated by a computer. I am against the development of these cars. The reason I am against it because depending on a computer isn't the smartest thing to do. As I said in the introduction depending on a comupter isn't the brightest thing to do because a computer can fail. The reason I said "fail" was because it can be hacked and the system can shutdown. One of the reasons it fails is by hacking because anymore that has the capacity and resorces to hack a computer can hack into it easily. An example is how people around the world try to hack our high secerity system to get secret files that only the government has use of. People can hack into the system a cause the car to go out of control of someone they dislike which cause an accident. The second reason the system of the computer can fail at any time. An example is if the car is in motion the car can stop while you are in the highways which can cause a serious accident. Driving a driverless car can cause a debate of whos fault the accident could be like in article it said "If technonlogy fails and someone is injuried, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer". I disagree with driverless cars. Since it can cause many problems such as accidents,debates to have them or not, and the technology can fail in many ways. An example is the system shutting down and hacking. When people buy this car in the future it s will cause so much damage which will hurt our society and people will start losing trust on the technology which effects the companies.
Should Facial Action Coding Systems (FACS) be used to read student's emotions? The real question is, do you want your teacher to know if your happy, sad, mad, fustrated, confused, or board? To some, the answer is simply yes, the ones who want others to know what ther are feeling are mostlikly a socil-type person. On the other hand, its a simple no, if you know somone is gauging your emotions, say you didn't want anyone to know your mad, angery, or sad, would you be afraed to make any exprestion at all, or even go to class. Nowadays, being watched is a normal acurance, but not to the personal level as to your emotions or thoughts. Many may ask, what good is it to know about how one is feeling, the answer is unclear. In paragraph six, the artical tells how helpfull FACS could be to the classroom, but if students should learn anything about real life, its crucial for them to understand, you can't please everyone, as much as you try, you won't. If you have walked into a elementery school in just the past year, you will notice some very different souroundings. Some elementery schools have laptops for every student, which makes it easyer than ever for a teacher to make and publish an assinment. As I personly wittnesed my siblings having homework over the weekend, and Fridays, both of which, I never had in elementer school. To sum it all up, the more tecnolagy we have dosn't always mean it needs to be implamented in a classroom, just becase we can dosen't mean we should. Not to mention, who will pay for such a system, our tax dollors?
The Facial Action Coding System is a valuable software, that helps recognize the emotional expressions of students in classrooms. Through the developed technology, detecting emtions has became easier to identify. The improved accuracy has changed the ways of communication by students. In the following paragraphs, the advatanges for using this new system will be introduced. Being able to detect exact emotions through a promising application has impacted the emotional recgonition of students in serval ways. As mentioned in the passage, "humans perform the same impressive calculations every day." This means that it is easy for others around you to identify how you are feeling by simply looking at your face, however it is challenging to observe if a person is hiding true emtions. The Facial Action Coding System is intended to catch these instances and convey real feelings. In conclusion, the value of this technology can have a positive effect on any person that incounters it. The modified information could improve complex communication and give imediate feedback. To this "expert, faces do not lie," in fact this developed a better way for humans and comupters to improve skills.
Car usage can effect the air causing smog and increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses in the air. This isnt good for the enviroment and its not good for us. Having fewer or no cars can help us in many ways including lowering smog, lowering greenhouse gasses, and releaving stress from us. To start off, I want to say that I agree with getting rid of car usage. I believe it can really help everyone and every thing by lowering the amounts of smog in the air. Bogota has a car-free day that seven million people go along with. Within that day, they can see the difference in the amount of smog in the air. For travel they would hike, bike, skate, or take busses. Even if it is raining, they would sill do it because they know it helps. These car-fee days promoted alternative was of travel for everyone. Paris also enforced  a partial driving ban to clear the air of the city. A little later two other Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar joined the event. Secondly, he smaller amount of cars decreases the amount of greenhouse gasses getting pumped into the air. The pesident of the United States of America stated that he was tring to curb greenhouse gasses. The pesident of the United States of America then said that studies have proven that Americans are buying fewer cars and getting fewer licenses ever year. America, one of the highest rated, car driving countries has decreased and keeps decreasing its car travel. This will steadily help the atmosphere of the Earth by lowering its grenhouse gas consumption. Emissions fom cars is Americas second largest source of emissions behind power plants. Finally, the lack of cars releaves stress from eveyone. In a German suburb, life goes on without cars. Every day people are happy and have less stress without cars. It is a car free area, excep for the main throughfare which you cant even hear over the laughing children and bicycle wheels. Seveny percent of the families dont own cars and fifty seven of them have sold their cars to live there. This city is one example of a growing trend in Europe. The United States of America, and elsewhere. This movement is called smart planning and it seperates suburban life from auto use. Inconclusion, car usage can effect he world in a bad way. Whether its the enviroment or the people on the world. Having fewer, or no cars can help us in many ways including lowering smog, lowering greenhouse gasses, and releaving stress from us. Many areas and people have done something to help with these problems, and you can too.
Even though the future will consist of almost everything being computerized in my opinion I dont believe cars will make it as far, in the time they stated in 2020, because driverless cars like stated in the text consist of to much human reliability. So far man have been able to create cars to steer by themselves, accelerate, and brake by themselves. But for the safety and just the state of mind for humans I dont think that cars should or will be as advanced as being displayed and hoped upon. For example, the current information being that so far all these updated cars are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skill. The necessities the car being ready to quickly grapse the driver attention whenever a problem or situation occurs, meaning that even though the car is advanced that drivers still have to remain alert and ready to take over and prepare to put themselves into safety, so whats the point? Whenever a problem is to come about the car cant halp or prevent the situation because it has not been programed to do so, it has only made it to the point where it is suppose to warn a driver so of course we cant rely on a driver-less car. The question that stands out in the passage is " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver", because thers no such thing , to me it defeats the purpose. So far they`ve only come up with making it fun and entertaining. In my opinion, like everything else in life fun wont insure safety. The only safe car is one with a human driver in control at all times. For these cars to be accepted in the future alot of changes to laws, safety laws and even the way for a street to be made will have to change to coinside to a driveless car. Another thing is I dont want the society that i have to be a huge part of to be lazy or to miss out on some of the life changing things, like learning how to drive or being happy when you first get your drivers license or even the excitement of getting a car to be demolished. Even though everything in the future will be different I feel as though changing everything is unessicary, people already talk about the upcoming generstion being a threat to society because of computers and so much internet, so what do you think will happen if everything will be done for us. Its going to make them even lazier to the point where they dont have to get up and do anything for themselves. For example a current situation being "Hover Boards", people are complaining about those because they say it costs to much, and that it makes us lazier why cant we just walk on our own, and they`re even blowing up and setting fire on people when in a certain situation or temperature to the point to where they`re being band in many places, so what`s the difference to driverless cars, to me its just something new and different to put out, it will have the same problems as now, because people always find something wrong with everything rather its made to be helpful or not, and with this being computerizd it has many dangerouse effects to it. In conclusion, I am all for the future to be more futuristic, but I feel like somethings are just to much for no reason and this case being one of them. Like many other things created in this world it gets tireing and boring and sometimes not even taken serious after so long. So yes, in my opinion I do feel as though somethings should stay the same instead of made to impress because not everything is made to turn out like thought, and so far they cant even make a car that 100% doesnt need some type of human reliability so no, the development of these cars will not be to much as a success in my eyes.
I agree with the article because the text say " according to some new computer software that can recognize emotions' which mean they can tell how a picture is feeling" I know, its weired lmao, but its also true. the text also states that "The classroom computer could recognize when a student is being confused or bored" the class got a new update to tell how people are feeling.. MIND-BLOWING. I thiink everybody and everyschool should get something like this it's a really cool thing, You would really know how people really feel if we got something like this. Good way to boost up techology as well, I'll say." Shes 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry, no thats not your science teacher, grading your latst lab, it is the Mona Lisa " so you're saying a computer fugured that out? WHAT!!!! if a compute can do all that then freaking duhh we need that in this broken world. we wouldn't even know how to act if we got this.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus," is an article written to try and pursuade people on why Earth needs to visit Venus. The author talks about how studying Venus is a worthy pursuit even though it presents many dangers to human life and machines. The author supports their idea of pursuing Venus despite the dange very well because he talks about human curiosity, the machines that have been and could be used to get to Venus, and why Venus has been considered to be explored. First, the author talks about human curiosity about the planet Venus. The author finishes the article off by talking about human curiosity and how this helps shape the world today (paragraph 8). This shows that human curiosity is important in peoples lives because it has allowed mankind to create many different things to help people explore the unknown, like the moon, and can be used to explore many different planets humans have looked at for centuries. The article also talks about how researches want to talk "samples of rock, gas, or anything else..."(paragraph 6). This demonstrates human curiosity because mankind wants to discover unknown secretes about plantets and wants to enrich our knowledge on the known universe and taking samples will help unlock these secretes. Secondly, the article talks about what machine have been used and what machines could be used to help explore Venus. The article starts off by saying "No space craft survived the landing for more than a few hours...[because] the plantets surface is 800 degrees Fahrenheit" (paragraph 2-3). This gives an insite on how the planets surface is because it is so hot that all the space craft humans have sent to Venus have been destroyed because of the extreamly hot temperatures. However, later in the article the author talks about how NASA has thought about creating a blimp that could float over storms and ground of Venus (paragraph 5). This shows that a blimp could be used to find secretes and help humans discover the planet that people have been gazing up to for centuries. Finally, the author discusses why Venus want to be explored. The author talks about how Venus resembles Earth very closely and refers to it as "Earth's Twin"(paragraph 2). Venus has been called "Earth's Twin" which means it has some qualities similar to Earth. People now want to discover if other planets were ever like earth or if they could sustain human life. People want to explore Venus because they want to see if it could sustain life like Earth. Also the article talks about how Venus has "familiar features such as valleys, moutains, and craters" (paragraph 4). Since Venus has familiar features it is a prime area to explore because human's maybe able to find a new planet that is habitial and create colonies. In conclusion the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because he talks about human curiosity, the machines that could be used, and why people want to explore Venus. Human curiosity supports this because humans have wanted to unlock the secretes of the universe for generations and exploring Venus may help in this quest. The machines that could and have been used is a way human's could find these secretes. Why people want to explore Venus is not just for the secretes it could possess but also because it is similar to Earth in many ways and is even called its twin. Venus could help mankind find out what they have wanted to know since the beginnig of time and Venus should be explored despite the dangers to help solve these secretes.
Dear Senator, My name is PROPER_NAME. It would be beneficial to keep the electorial college because it is in the constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congree and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens, if we used just popular vote candidtates would just go to bigger states like Florida, California, Texas, and Georgia and win the popular vote, and lastely without the electorial college there would be a greater chance of a dispute. Five reasons to keep the electiorial college are: 1. Certainty of Outcome A dispute over the outcome of an Electorial College vote is possible but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote because the winning candidate's share of the Electorial College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. Almost all states award electorial votes on a winner take all bases. This means that if a president wins 51 percent of a states popular vote they win 100 percent of the Electorial votes. In the 2012 election Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electorial vote, but only 51.3 percent of the popular vote. Althought a tie in the electorial vote is possible because there is an even 538 votes it is highly unlikely. 2. Everyone's President The Electorial College requires a presidential candidater to have a trans-regianal appeal, what this means is that no regian has enough electorial votes to elect a president. Therefore a president with only one regional appeal is unlikely to be succesful. If the president could win the electorial vote with just one regions votes the other regians would feel disenfranchised and feel that the president wouldn't care about what they want or need. 3. Swing States The winner-take-akk method of awarding electorial votes makes candidates focus on states called swing states. These voters in the swing states are most likely to bve the most thoughtful voters and they are the ones that decide most elections. An example of a swing state is Florida. Florida always changes between Republican and Democrat and having 29 electoirial votes that is a big deal. 4. Big States The electorial College gives back some of the weight in big states that they lose in the senate where every state has only 2 representatives. Florida is also a big state having 29 electorial votes. This makes Florida even more attractive to candidates to visit because it is both a swing state and a big state. 5. Avoid Run-Off Elections The Electorial College avoids a problem in which no candidate receives a majority of the vots cast. The Electorial College takes away that complication by providing a clear winner. Lastley if popular vote was used candidates wouldn't have to go to a variety of states, they could go to the same big states including California, Florida, Texas, Georgia, and Washington. Just winning the majority of these states they could win the whole election. This would cause smaller states like Ohia, North and South Dakota, and Michigan to not be a piece of the election as much because of their low population. I hope this helps you decide what to do about the decision between Electorial College and Popular Vote. Think about the smaller states. They don't want to be left out. Thanks, PROPER_NAME
I feel that driverless cars could be both a harm and a help to people. What happens if one of those cars goes under a super malfunction or some of its safety units stop working for whatever reason and there is someone or multiple people in that certain car. But, then again they could prone some serious accidents and save a lot of lives. For example, the passage stated that the car is smart enough to know its limits on what it can and can't do. It also gives off certain signals to the driver such as vibrating seats to notify the driver that the vehicle is about to back into to something and flashing lights on the windshield. It even uses a camera to see that the driver is still alert and focused on the road. So me personally, I wouldn't use a driverless car as an everyday get around car. I'd probably use it to go around the block or make a quick grocery run.
Dear our state Senator, I am writing to you for not only myself but for the citizens of our state. I do not agree with The Electoral College and I think that our way of voting for president should be based off of popular vote. I know our state and our country has been using electoral college as our way of voting for a very long time throughout our nations history. But Electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrrational. and i'll tell you whats wrong with the electoral college. As you may know we do not directly vote for our president. we vote for our electors who will (hopefully) vote for the president we want. when the time comes for voting the state legislature are technically responsible for picking our electors. We the people are not always in control of who they vote for and the electors could always defy our will. We do not always control who they vote for. So is it really fair if we vote for an elector who doesnt even support us and our say in who we want to lead our country? Another reason why i do not agree with the electoral college is for the smaller states. they do not have as much of a say in who runs our country like we do. luckily we are one of the biggest states along with california. but in smaller states they almost have no say at all. they dont even see campaigns because no one running for office pays attention to the smaller states. For instance, The campaign in 2000 seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all. One of the biggest faults in the electoral college even though it is very unlikely but not impossible is a tie. As you already know if there was a tie the election would be thrown to the house of representatives,where state delegations vote on the president. because each state casts only one vote, the houses selections would hardly even show the will of the people. the people would barely have any say whatsoever. does that seem fair to you? Those are the reasons why i and many other citizens do not agree with the elecotral college. its unfair to us , the people, and smaller states. America is known for being the country of freedom and choice, but if we the people barely have say in who runs our country, are we really elligble to be called that? thats why i think we should use popular vote as our way of electing our president.                          
I dont think that driverless cars should be developed. The reason i think this is because of all of the problems that driverless cars could pose. Drivng is all ready dangerous enough and they want to risk peoples lives with machines driving themselves around without humans controlling them? I could see how some people might think it could possibly be a good idea. But the dangers far outway any reward that could come from driverless cars. Not only would they pose a serious threat to other drivers on the road, but like the article said, if a car malfunctions and causes an accident then who is at fault? The human in the car or the manufacturer that produced the car that malfunctioned. Even if driverless cars could be produced they are nowhere near being ready to be used on the open road. Plus what would a the driverless car do if it got stuck in traffic or ended up having to pull over for a school bus or an emergency vehicle? And if the car started breaking traffic laws or started driving wrecklessly then how would the person get a ticket if he was not the one that was driving carelessly? The way i see it is that human driven cars have done the job perfectly for one hundred years. And since the way we drive is doing just fine why try to add more dangers and make it more complicated. What would happen to the manufacturer of the car if the car got on the road and malfunctioned and ended up killing somebody. I think that this is another case of people getting carried away with technology and not understanding or not caring about the potentially fatal dangers of putting driverless cars on the road with families. This is the reason that i feel the way i do about giving machines freedom and trusting them to drive on the road with other people. I feel that the dangers far outway the risks for this idea and it will be much too expensive to try to adjust the roads to let independant machines drive around on them and endanger other innocent drivers on the road.-
This article was stating that Venus is Earth's "twin." It is the closest in distance as well. Venus has many things wrong with it before anyone could ever live on it. Venus could be our nearest option for planitary visit. There is Earth like qualities but, it is very dangerious. Scientist still study this world because they know that if they could have a landing that was successful then they could finaly really start to explore the suface. Venus is the closest planet to Earth. At times we may be closer to Mars do to the speed at wich the planets spin but we are usually closest to Venus. Many spacecraft have been sent to Venus trying to learn more of it but each time that it has been attempted, it has only been able to last a few hours before failing. Venus is a challenging planet to be studied. Venus has many issues but there is profe that there may have once, long ago, been covered with oceans and had plenty of adaptable life on it. Today there are still some places on Venus that have Earth like features. Land forms that look the way Earth's do. There are valleys, moutains, and craders. Though it is true that Venus is closest to us and may be the best otpion for visitation one day in the future it still has many problems. The planets surface area is an avaerage of 800 degrees Farenhheit. The atomic pressure is 90 times as much as Earth. At this point in time Venus is enhabital. There must be more reasearch allowed on Venus to find out if anyone could ever step foot on it. Venus must be researched more to learn as much as possable if it is said that it is the most livable planet. It has many dangers, yes, but that is the vary reason it needs more attention. The more time spent on reasearching Venus the more likley that we will be able to maybe reverse the effect to make it look as it did those any a years ago when it had bodies of water and valleys.
There is no evidence that there is another life form on Mars. The "Face on Mars" has to be a natural landform. If there is ever evidence about aliens on Mars, then maybe it could be aliens who made the face. People may believe in aliens, but there is no actual evidence of aliens existing. There maybe videos about people saying they saw something in the sky, but we don't know if it's true. We can only go off of what we believe. You may believe in aliens, but someone might think that you're losing it. How could aliens even make a face in the ground? It could just be that many thing hit the ground of Mars, and it turned out to look like a face. I believe that aliens don't exist, because there is no evidence that aliens live on Mars. The "Face on Mars" is just a natural landform. If you belive in aliens then you're going to think that they made the face. No one can tell you what you belive.
In the article the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the risks and dangers. In paragraph 8 the author said " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination ad innovation." Which he is stating no matter the risks we should travel so we can expanded to meet the edges of imagination. But he didn't really support his idea until the last paragraph. All the other paragraphs are talking about how Venus is so inhospitable and how Venus has the hottest surface temperature in any planet in our solar system even though Mercury is closer to the sun. The author also stated that "Venusian geology and wether prsent additional impediments like erupting volcanoes. powerful earthquakes and frequent lightning strikes." In conclusion the author didn't really support what his suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. All he talked about was how Venus is so inhospitable and how impossible it would be to get to send someone and get to the surface alive.
Earth's twin is kind of hot. Venus is Earth's "twin," but it far much more hot than Earth itself. It is a whole lot more closer to the Sun than Earth is and that make space travel to get to Venus harder. There could be many pros and cons to go to Venus. There are also many dangers to going to Veus to study it. The atmosphere is by far one of the biggest reasons not to go there. WIth NASA's new and improved technology, space travel there could be a lot safer than how it is now. The author does a good job depicting the struggles of space travel to Venus. Venus is the same size as Earth and that could be good or it could be bad. Life could be possible because it is almost in the goldilocks zone, but scientists would have to find a way to help with the heat. It has a rocky surface just like Venus and there is evidence that it was possibly covered in water at one point. The planet is one of Earth's best choices of survival. Since Venus is almost the same size as Earth, it should be safe to travel there. The atmosphere of Venus is by far one of the biggest risks when attempting to visit this planet. The atmosphere is made up of 97% carbon dioxide which would kill you within minutes. The air on the planet is too thick to even breathe so if all the carbon dioxide didn't kill you, then you would die of suffocation. The atmosphere is very hot and scientists say that the ground reaches temperatures up to 800 degrees farenheit. The atmosphere of Venus is the biggest problem when trying to visit the planet. The technology that NASA has developed over the years is astonishing. They have developed jet airplanes that can take you to outerspace in insane speeds and they have also reduced the time that it takes to get there. Even a good old spaceship will do the trick, but the space company has made some serious upgrades to them over the years. They have even tried to make shuttles made of silicon carbide, which can help an item withstand the heat that is brought upon Venus. Earth's twin doesn't seem so fun now. The auther does a great job depicting the struggles of space travel to Venus. Although it's almost the same size as Earth, it is still very dangerous to approach the planet. The atmosphere makes it almost unreachable since it is so hot and thick. But the technology that NASA has developed would no doubt increase the chances of surviving the travel to Venus.
You can't please everyone when teaching a lesson. Students learn and understand in different ways. For those who become confused, teachers explain it in different ways so that they will understand. It's very common for kids to become bored or uninterested in school. Although this technology is very interesting and could help with a number of things, it won't help in the classroom. Using this technology and modifying the lesson every time a student makes a confused or bored expression will not benefit the students, in fact, it might confuse them even more. As D'Alto stated in the passage, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson..." Despite the idea that this could be helpful, there are other students in the classroom as well and just because one student is confused or bored by the lesson won't mean that others feel the same. If a student is confused, it is their responsibility to seek help from teachers on their own. Switching the lesson might just confuse the other students. I will admit, this technology could be helpful in a variety of ways. It could improve things like deciding whether or not politicians are being truthful, or making video game graphics more realistic, etc. Even though it could help in these ways, installing it in classrooms wouldn't be helpful. Schools would spend loads of money to install this program and most likely, the outcome would be that students are more confused and frustrated that the lessons are changing all the time. As I previously stated, it is the student's responsibility to go to a teacher for help if they are confused. And as for being bored, we all need to get through school one way or another. School will help our future. So not having any interest in paying attention will only hurt them. In conclusion, this technology would be more hurtful than helpful. Students are very capable of understanding certain subjects that are confusing them without a program changing the lesson every time they make an expression. Installing it in schools around the world will not help. Sticking to the old fashioned teacher-standing-up-in-front-of-the-classroom might be the best option for everyone.
Mysterious Face on Mars In argumentive situation everyone has there own opinions. But with somethings it makes no sense what they're trying to prove. if i was in an argument with someone who thought there was life on the planet Mars i would try to prove how. In space its hard to say theres life in space because scientist have no proof ,no data, or evidence there could be. For there to be a face on mars is hard to believe and for an alien to make it no evidence adds up. No one really had an exact reaction to the face because all they were assuming there is life on mars. The public started saying theres aliens up there. But the size of the head was two miles and contiued to stare back at everyone. But some people were realistic saying that their was another Martian mesa they were common around cydonia but this image made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. So none of the scientist put alot of thought into it but its the people who escalted the theory and image. The people who thought there was life the rock formation of how it looked gave an illusion of a head, nose, eyes,and a mouth. The public was so dedicated to proving there was and they could prove it. But some other people and scientist were explaining that there is no life. The more people started talking and hearing about it became a bit more fake and hard to believe. This theory of the face started becoming in Hollywood flms, books, magazines and just made up stories. Nasa begun to get frusterated and there budget started decreasing. Nasa actually wished it was acient civilizationon mars instead. Scientist started blieving that the face was alien artifact. So they started photographing Cydonia as i priority. When they started photographing more and more they were sorta getting somewhere. But they finally sent out Mars Global Surveyors and flew obver to Cydonia and they took a picture. The picture was ten times better and sharper than the original photos they had with the viking. Nasa tried to get alot more photos and were gettiing no where becuase of the main reason the weather. But on April 8, 2001 it was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia go a perfect view of the face. Soon Nasa made a conclusion the picture actually looked like the Martian Equivalent. A butte or messa they were landforms common around the American West. Scientist they can finally put an end to the rumor saying theres life over there. Now everyone can know the actual truth with with this whole conspericy. Getting to an argument with someone about is ther life on mars. Or is there really a face on mars. But i think the argument is clear who would be right. There's just to much evidence proving theres no and what they saw is an illusion of a face. Sometimes you just need proof to an easy fact of what is hard to figure out.
Natures Faces There are many reason to why the face is just a logical thing that can happen. It could've been buttes or mesa landforms that are located in the American West. Also, there is no reason NASA would have for trying to hide something so major from the world. Lastly, if their was aliens on mars, wouldn't their be more evidence supporting the aliens instead of nothing? Garvin from Mars Global Surveyor, talks about how it reminds him of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho as stated in paragraph 12. Anyone could go to Middle Butte in Snake River Plain of Idaho and see for themselves if they look alike. A simple way to put it is that their are so many things this "face" could've been other than aliens. Which is why most people don't believe in this "theory" because it is far from practical. Although NASA could hide what they saw at Mars, why would they? There is no reason for NASA to keep anything they discover a secret, or try and hide anything from us. NASA wouldn't have even shared the photo if they felt that they didn't want for anyone to know, to stir up this controversy in the first place! The astronauts were most likely just as shocked as we were when they saw the image. Lastly, there isn't enough evidence to infer that there is any type of life form on Mars. In paragraph 9 of the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars," it talks about how it isn't easy to target where the face is. If the face was a form of life there would be more, and it probably wouldn't be so hard to find. Most likely there wouldn't be one face but many. Even with every fact in the world there are still the great questions we all have from time to time. Even with the facts we all know about. Though I think that there is no possible way there could be any existence on Earth. You could always say "what if." Which is why I hope you take my words into accountance when you think about the face on mars.
You're living the high life. You have a Driverless Car. What could go wrong? A lot can go wrong. Technology is a grand thing, but it's also a power. If we let it keep accumulating like this we could be in big trouble. Power goes to peoples heads. It's in our nature. We can't let technology over rule us. We need to slow it down. What we have now is grand. What more needs to be done? We don't need to have driverless cars. Soon cars will be like human robots driving wherever they please. In todays world we have a lot of advanced technology. You watch movies like Back to the Future and Jurassic World. We wonder when will we get that technology? Does it already exist just hidden under out noses? Who really knows. But the point is, is that if we let cars start driving themselves we could get laszy. That's not so good for our social status to the world. Most foreigners already assume we are fat and lazy and get everything handed to us. In some aspects this is true, but with driverless cars on the rise this could get worse. There's also the fact that what would happen if the car didn't do what it was suppose to do; and it wrecked; and the owner; or a pedestrian got hurt. This raises a lot of qestions and concerns. The main one would be who was at fault? In paragraph 9 it states that, "the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." This is good. Their are a lot of bad drivers in the worlds, but they know what to do in most cases. They know how to take control. The practice of driveless cars are illegal in most states. Those states being California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. It's good that most states are thinking ahead. Why would something so fascinating and new be illegal to practice? They care about their people, and their safety. In paragraph 7, it states that there are cars that are partially driverless. One being the 2013 BMW "Traffic Jam Assistant." This car is a smart car. It works with the owner not just by itself. The BMW can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but it notifies the owner when it needs human assitance. This is all wrong. Cars shouldn't be doing that. Cars are going to become more human than technology. In a lot of cases it's okay to have advanced technology. But this is too much. We need to start thinking about what will happen instead of what we will gain out of it. Think of what would go wrong. As the world advances we need to rememeber who exactly is in charge. This is why if we leave technology to do our work, it won't even be us anymore. We will be living in technologies world; not the world we worked so hard to build. This is why we need not let driveless cars come in to existance.
The electoral college is a process established in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president & vice president, & the counting of electoral votes by congress. Their are five reasons for retaining the electoral college despite its lack of impressive democratic origin & history; all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons. Our country would be much better off if we kept the electoral college, rather than choosing the president just based on the popular vote. The electoral college is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non democratic method of choosing a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the electoral college methodis not democratic in a modern sense, it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When you vote for a presidential candidate, youre actually voting for a slate of electors. The electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. Your states entitled alottment of electors equals the number of its congressional delegation: one for each member in the house of representatives plus 2 for each senator. Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidates political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected & what their responsibilities are. The electoral college is good because it resores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in constitution. The elctoral college also avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates to focus their campaign efforts on the toss up states. Votes in the toss up states are more likely to pay attention to the campaign- to really listen to the competing candidates- knowing that they are going to decide the election. Each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for each party's nominee... however, it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national populr vote. Yet that has happened in 2000, when gorge had more popular votes than bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888. It can be argued that the electoral college method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no intention or hope of carrying their state- democrats in texas, for example, or republicans in california. Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign thn they would have if the president were picked by popular vote. But of course no voter's vote swings a national election, and in spite of that, about 1/2 the eligible american population did vote in 2012's election. Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think a single vote may decide an entire election.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring venus" the author suggersts that studying Venus is a worthy pursit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is a dangeros because is gets to hot, the atmosphere is dangeros, and pressure. One way that Venus is dangeros because the temperature on the planet gets too hot and it is hotter then Mercury even though its closer then the sun. A quotoe that ''on the planet serface, temperatures average 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.'' This quote states that it gets really hot on venus and the pressure is more higher then earth. Another way that venus is dangerous because of its atmosphere is that safe. A quote that states this is that '' A think atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus amosphere.'' This quote states that the atmosphere has a lot of carbon dexide and there is sulfuric acid in atmosphere of Venus Another reason why venus is dangeors planet because of its pressure. A quote is that " Beyonf high pressure and heat,Venusian geology and weather presents additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful eartquakes,and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." this quote states that it has high pressure for it to have more storms and really powerful natural disasters on its surface from earthquakes to volcanoes. In conclusion Venus is a dangeros because is gets to hot, the atmosphere is dangeros, and pressure. Venus will be a very hard planet to get details and research from the planet from its atmosphere and how hot Venus can get.
The author claim is that exploring venus is worth pursuing even tho its every dangerous. The author suggests that studying venus is a great chance to learn and find new things and supports alot of theses claims by giveing some great support on why its a good idea. The author starts by explaning that venus is referrd to as Earh's twin in maney cases cause its the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density and size. Venus also nickednamed the "Evening Star" is one of the planets closest to the Earth in distance as also Mars is in that distance aswell. All three planets are around and orbit the sun at different speeds says the author in paragraph 2."Often referred to as Earth's twin Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closet in the distnace too". "Earth,Venus,Mars,our planetary negihbor,orbit the sun at different speeds". The author starts giving his part on why we should study and travel venus by saying its the planet the may have once been the most Earth like planet in the solar system long ago and was probbley covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like how earth is today. Venus still has some known features that still resemble Earth today like the planet haveing a rocky sediment and includs things such as valleys,moutains,craters. Altho Venus does seem nice its very dangerous to travel there and is not safe for humans at the moment. Scientest have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on Venus but no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Venus also has a thick atomosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide that sarounds Venus. The even more challeging thing is the clouds that are highly corrosive of sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere and the fact that the planets surface temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit makeing these far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth as said by the author in paragraph 3"a thick amtosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dixiode blankets Venus"."Even more challeing are the clouds of highely corrosive sulfuric acid in venu,s atomsphere". Traveling to venus seems too dangerous but the author gives some ideas on how we can possably make traveling to Venus safer. One of these ideas come from The National Aeronautics and Space Adinistration also known as (NASA).This idea is for sending humans to study Venus NASA,s soluiton to the harsh Venus conditions of its surface is to make a blimp like vehicle that would hover 30 or so miles above the planet. This would allow scientists to avoid the unfirendly ground conditions of Venus and with the only minor problem being the air would still be a little hot at 170 degrees Fahrenheit but the air pressure being close to Earth at sea level. This is one of the maney ideas on how to vist the planet Venus and its values says the author."Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value,not only because of the insigt to be gaind on the planet itself,but also beacause human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors".
The reason I think people should sign up for the Seagoing Cowboy program is because you go places where you will probably never get to see. If you do sign up for the program you will get to take care of animals,clean stallls and,water and feed them,I think it would be good for the kids to get out of there normal rutine on their phones,video games. I think it would be an amazing experience just because i love people and helping them would make me feel better if I just helped one person. That will get you places in life if you help people in need, it makes you feel good about yourself. That is the reason i think people should sign up for the program. Luke Bomberger had no idea that his life would change soon after his high school graduation. He was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and a bank when his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no. He knew it was an adventure opportunity of a lifetime. This paragraph is filled details that agrue with people who don't want to go to Europe on a cattle boat to Europe. The reason I want people to go on a cattle boat and trasnport animals,food and,water for the nedding people, is because I want people to get out and explore the world and see what is going on around them, and get off there phones and ipads. People need to get see more than just there phone screenand explore, like The Amazon, the jungles that are in Jamica and everywhere like that. I think it would be good for people to get out, even if you don't have enough money. Still get out of the house and explore. That is why I want people to get out more and sign up for the a Seagoing Cowboy program.
What do you think about driverless cars? I think driverless cars could be very beneficial in the future for many people. I think these cars could fundamentally change the world, they would need smart roads or smart cars, and also most driving laws focus on keeping people safe. What do you think about driverless cars? I think these cars could fundamentally change the world, because it's like a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system. The cars that Sergey foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. What do you think about driverless cars? Without the option of smarter roads, manufactures turned to smarter cars. For example, they needed a whole lot of sensors. Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the review mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. This input combination is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of human beings at the wheel. What do you think about driverless cars? Most driving laws focus on trying to keep people safe in or out of the car, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. The negative side i am trying to get at is that if these cars are made and the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault: the driver or the manufacturer? What this is trying to prove is that if there is an accident no one would know who to blame because there is a driver, he's just not in control of the car because it is driverless. What do you think about driverless cars? I think they could actually be very beneficial to many people in the world. Mnay car companies plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. The road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we grow closer to the destination every day. What do you think about driverless cars?
The Seagoing Cowboys program is life changing and adventurous experience .You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because it helps people in need, it is a good opproutunity to see different sights around the world,and teaches hardwork. In 1945 over 44 countries were left in ruins,from World War II in Europe,and they needed to recover. Those 44 countries joined together and formed the UNRRA(the United Nations Relif and Rehabilitaion Administration).The UNRRA hired the Seagoing Cowboys to take care of shipping animals to the broken down countries. While delivering animals you also get free time to sightsee. For example you can take a gondala ride while in Venice,Italy or be amazed by the Panama Canal on your way to China. Although,the sights are marvelous it is hardwork to be a Seagoing Cowboy. Animals have to be fed 2 to 3 times a day,food has to be pulled up from lower holds of the ship,stalls have to be cleaned and much more. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a great experience to have. You help people in need,go to amazing places,see marvelous sights,and learn hardwork. The program can open up the world to you. Making you more aware of other countries and their needs. The Seagoing Cowboys program is a huge opproutunity to be in and you should definintly join.
The Face on Mars was not created by aliens, and does not prove that there is alien life on Mars. The Face was created simply by poor camera quality and an optical illusion. The later pictures of the Face taken in 1998 and 2001 prove this theory even further. If you look at the later pictures, you can clearly see that the Face is nothing more than a natural formation. NASA is also in support of finding alien life, so they would have no reason in trying to disprove that aliens are not real. So, the face is nothing more than an optical illusion, and not something created by aliens. The Face on Mars is nothing more than an optical illusion and a natural formation working together. If you look at the picture of the Face from 1976, then it is very convincing proof that the face was the work of aliens. However, the picture of the Face that was taken in 2001 shows that the Face is simply a rock formation with shadows where the eyes and mouth should be. This is also proven with the picture that was taken in 1998. Even though there is clouds over the Face, you can still tell that there is no alien creation in the picture. Garvin brings up a comparison of the Face to a "Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," which is a "lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." By drawing this comparison, it gives us something we can easily compare the Face to on Earth. People don't claim that the "Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain" was created by aliens, yet it is easily comparable to the Face. Alien life on Mars would support NASA. It would bring great attention to the space program, and more funding. If NASA were to find aliens, they wouldn't hide it from the public. Whenever the picture was first taken in 1976, NASA released it to the public only a few days after it was taken. Although the picture had a theory to disprove that it was the creation of aliens along with it, NASA still released it almost immediatly. This is proof that NASA is in support of finding alien life becuase they were not afraid to release something that could possibly prove it. Even after NASA ended the Viking missions, they still went back to take more photos of the Face. This would either prove the conspiracy theorists even more, due to advancments in technology which would allow for higher resolution photos, or it would prove NASA's theory that shadows were creating the optical illusion. The pictures helped the case of the latter. Because of how much clearer the picture taken in 1998 is compared to the picture taken in 1976, you are able to see much more detail of the Face, and can easily tell that it is just a mesa. Conspiricy theorists claimed that the alien markings were hidden by the haze in the picture, which would later be disproved by the very clear picture taken in 2001. So, if NASA were not in support of finding alien life, why would they release three pictures that could possibly prove alien life? In conclusion, the face was not created by aliens. NASA is also not trying to hide any evidence for alien life on Mars, so if this were the creation of aliens, NASA would fully support it. NASA released three photos of the Face, all which had the possibility of proving that it was the creation of aliens, yet they still released them. So, if NASA wanted to hide alien life, why would they release anything to hint at it?
The author presents both good and bad aspects of driverless cars by explaing some of the problems we already have. Sergey Brin, cofounder of google, can see our future on this planet with driverless cars. "He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world." (1). "Without the option of smarter roads, manufacturers turned to smarter cars-" (4). Some compnies have already started to think about how much smarter do the cars need to be (4)? They have already started to add more position-estimating sensors to the cars. They add sensors to the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor (4). "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still need sa driver? (8) That proves to be an excelent question. If they have created something that is supposed to be driverless. It should hbe able to handle everything and anything thrown its way. If theres a wreck, find another route before reaching it. If there's road construction or a policeman/woman, get over out of the way or move over into the lane beside you. Why should we have to take control because the "driverless" car can't do it by its self? We should be able to sit back and not have to wait for our turn to take control of the car. "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting their turn to drive?" (8) We shouldnt have to. If they cretaed it to do everything in the kitchen. Why leave out the kitchen sink? We want it to have everything including the kitchen sink. Everything like steering, parking, turning, stopping, starting, climate control, and finding our perfect seat comfort setting. "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that saftey is best achieved with alert drivers." (9) There should be laws for not only the drivers, passengers and pedestrians but also for the companies. The people and machines who make the cars should also test them to make sure they are safe for us. The ones who will be using the cars, trucks, vans and other vehicles for everyday needs. "Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved." (10) The people and/or machines that are creating these vehicles are now making sure that any problem the future may hold has been acessed before it has come up. They are making sure to have all their bases covered. My position on driverless cars is that if they do finally get them to drive without a driver then they should also check for any other problems and solutions in case in the future they run into them.
Why should technology be able to read emotional expressions? Some people probaley thing it's a good thing others probley don't. With the technology we have today they have been able to figure out how to read emotions on the computer. It's a bad thing because people should be able to open up to you, they shouldn't be afraid that they feel a way that they didn't want you to know, and it's not right. People should be able to open up without a computer telling them how they feel. According to the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", "According to the facial Feedback Theory of Emooion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." In this quote it shows that it can read your emotions but that some people can't open up, but ones that can might be hiding something. But what if they didn't want them to know and that computer just told them. Also, people shouldn't be afraid to open us but with the computes they might be afraid to open up. According to the article,"Eckman has classified six bacis emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and then associated each with characteristics movements of the facial muscles." In this guote it shows that The computer can tell those emotions but if someone is afraid to show they are sad but the computer can tell you are faking. Then you will have to open up but what is you don't feel safe and that's why you haven't opened up. Finally, the computers reading your emotions making you open up even if you didn't want to is not right. Yes, if the computer can tell your sad and upset about something and you are not okay that could save you life but you are scared. According to this article, "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." A friend will open up to you don't need a computer to tell you how you feel. What happens if the computer is wrong? Then your family and friend might think you are sad but you really aren't then what happens. The computer can be wrong not everyone is the same. It's a bad thing because people should be able to open up to you, they shouldn't be afraid that they feel a way that they didn't want you to know, and it's not right. People don't need a compute to tell people the way they feel and their family. You might not feel safe to open up to a family member but the computer tells them then they know. The computer can be wrong and tell you feel sad but you really don't. Open up to the people you can don't let a computer tell you how you feel.
It is a tough disition ,but i would have to side with No. The first main problem is that almost all states say it's illigal to use them, so good luck traveling. Another issue is that the cars don't travel that fast, so long distance drives could double or even triple the time it would take to get there, vs you driving. If the car somehow crash who would be to blame? That can be another issue, if it came to legal resons who would be to blame? Another key reason is Drivers will be less aleart due to them well . . . not driving, creating an issue if the car needed a driver and they wern't prepard because they were sleeping, on the phone, or ect. Even if the drivers were paying attention the driver would still have to drive making it not a self driving car. Self driving cars still have a long way to go ,but it is intresting to see how they are now and how they can improve. Mabey I'd switch my mind even in the near future ,but for now, i'll stay with my own driving skills.
Have you ever wanted a car that can drive you anywhere you wanted to go. Driverless cars are the future of the roads, and are an improvement to saftey, efficence, and time. Cars that can drive them selves can will be safer because they will be in control and aware of all the other cars in its area. Even when it in a shadowy foggy or in a raging storm. They get rid of human error all together. They will be more efficent in fuel useage and time management. They will give you time to do what ever you need to do in the car while you wait to arive at your destanation. They could go faster because they will know about what is way ahead of them because of there sattalite posishaning. The cars of tomorrow are almost here and we should be ready for them. These cars can almost do everything by them selves and they can take you anywhere. These cars could be better than any other human driver in history.
Luke Bomberger works at two jobs and has a busy life style. He works at the grocery store and at the bank. Don, his friend asked if he wanted to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke didn't know what to say, because it was an opportunity of a life time. So he decided to go, they were to go overseas to take care of horses, young cows, and mules. In 1945 they recieved there orders to New Orleans and they arrived August 14, 1945. Eventually, they headed to Greece with 335 horses also with eniugh hay and oats to feed them. Luke turned the age 18 before arriving to greece which meant he could be ready to participate for military service. When they learned he was on a cattle boat they told me to keep doing what I was doing. Luke had made 9 trips, more than any Seagoing Cowboy ever. It was an amazing opportunity for Luke, he loved visiting ancient things. Luke didn't just have to me stuck in a boat with horses he got to also go out and adventure. It took 2 weeks to cross the Alantic Ocean, from the eastern coast of the United States. Also another month to get china, this seems like hard work. But the animals kept Luke busy, they had t be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay had to be pulled from ship to feed them. Luke had some experience by helping on Katies farm as a boy. On lukes second trip at a Seagoing Cowboy, he was to be night watchman his had to check on the animals every hour. A rainy night he had to go down a ladder, his feet slipped then a small trip of metal caught him from tumbling of the boat. He was happy to be alive, even with a few cracked ribs so he couldnt work for a couple days. Luke always had fun on board though. He got to play games which would make time go faster. Games such as volleyball, baseball, tennis and more. Being a Seagoing cowboy wasnt just an adventure he had fun to and the world open up to him. It made him aware of many opportunities. As you can tell Luke has a busy life with everything going on but he enjoys being a part of many things. Luke is glad his friend Don let him go on this trip.
In the passage The Challenge of Exploring Venus the authur talks about how we should study Venus even though it is dangerous. He believes that even though expolring Venus can be dangerous that shouldnt stop us from trying to explore it anyway. A claim that the author makes to support his idea that we should explore Venus is that " Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value". He believes that exploring Venus could be valuable to us on Earth. Some evidence I found in the text that supports hsi claim is that he says " not only because the insight gained on the planet itself, but also becasue human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. So hes basicly saying we might as well take on this challenge because our curiosity as humans will lead us to more challenges just like it. So in conclusion that is my essay about the authros claim on exploring Venus even though it could be dangerous.
Driverless cars have been imagined for many years. They've come close to building it but fails to be officaly called driverless cars, google has tryed but have only made it to where the car alerts a driver if to close to an object. Theirs been other ways on trying to make a driveless car but come out in fails or to expasive, like the smart-road that has been tested and has had positve records "but that would mean we would have to change all the roads and make knew ones that would take for ever and the money we would spend on that would leave our economy more in dete then we are". As the article said. If driverless cars were to be created in the future how would that impact lifes and country? Well let me tell you more safte laws would have to be made "like how would be acounted for if some one gets hurt because of a failer in the system, would it be the owner of the car or the companys fault for the failer in their technology". As the articl said that could cause major problams. With what I just mentioned that brings me to my second question. What if something in the car fails would that impact the intier car and cuase it to break down? As the artical mentions the people trying to creat the driveless car have been testing int with a lot of different technology as said in the artical they've been using sensors, cameras and GPS on the cars, but what if one of the cameras or the sensors would fail to do their job while it's driving on a highway or a main road that would cuase a worse accident then with someone driving it. In conclusion I would prefer driving so I have more liabilty to know where im going and know that im the one driving. So i ask you would you rather lay your life and family or friends on a a computer or know that you can drive. That is my opion on driveless cars.
Do you think it is a natural landform or a face? It is obvisouly a natural lanform! Mars has a lot going on, people wondering if there can be life on Mars or not, and now this. First, how could there ever be life on another planet? Mars does not even have enough water for human life. In the passege "Unmasking the Face on Mars", it states, "The caption noted a "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth" The reson why the rock formation looks like a face could be from rocks being inside the sand to formate the face and the rocks could have shrunken or have gone away. Now, this face is a land form, it just looks like a face. This can happen anywhere in the world, not just on Mars. In the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars it says, "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural land form. There was no alien monument after all." This proves that the picture that was taken may looked like a face but was in fact, a landform, and thd cause of this face can be from anything out in the environment. In conculsion, the "Face of Mars" is not a face, its alnd form, no faces can still be dented in a land form for that long. The cause of making this face can be from rocks, or any other thing on Mars.
They really should ban cars in big cities. The only thing they shouldn't ban is, buses and taxies . This willstop alot of air pollution and stress. ( Carlos Arturo Plaza) Well lets get it started. The car usage should be limited only in big cities. The reason I said this because, most Vaubans streets are "car-free". Big cities limited there cars to be on the streets. There really no places to park unless you pay for a spaces with you house in that's 40,000 dollars itself or you have to go to a huge gargage. Most vaubans familys do not own cars. They sold there cars to move there. The way you have to get around is by foot or bicycles. Well I think that cars should be limited in big cities. I said this because less money coming out your pocket in less wrecks happing if you ban cars from the street. Something else I said why cars should be limited from the streets is because, there are stree and air pollution. They way this is happing is by gas leaks, oil , and more. The reason I said this is because, banning cras from the streets will have less stress and air pollution. The way this is happing because gas leaks , oil, and others. All the leaks, bad drivers are getting into people head. If you know it or not less car usage will clear up everything. As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. This means that the population wasnt bad and the stress and air pollution was not high. The more car usage on the streets will have you stress out and the air pollution will be bad. If all this was taken away you reallywouldn't have to worry about anything unless there cars on the streets.
Aliens or a Coincidence? I have a strong belief that the "Face on Mars" was a natural landform. I do not think that the face was created by aliens. It could be a possibility but there is no proof that would back up that statement. Although, the fact that that the face was a natural landform doesn't need much backup because it's something that naturally happens. The only difference is that it's not usually a face that is usually created. How could aliens know what to make a face look like? And not just any face, a human face. As the caption noted, "a huge rock formation...which resembles a human head, formed by shadows giving the illusions of eyes, nose, and mouth." I doubt that the aliens could make an exact replica of a human face because they have nothing to reference it off of. Also, theres another question. How the face could have been made by aliens? What could the aliens possibly have made the face with? Im sure they would have required some tools to make this face on the planet of mars. Their hands would not be likely to complete that task because of what the planet is made of. The NASA didnt say they found any tools or objects that could be used as to make this "face". Another doubt i have towards the aliens creating this face is what aliens? In the passage it said "Manwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." This implies that there is no civilization on Mars. So if there is no civilization on Mars, there is no one or nothing that could have made this face. How would they have made it if there is no one there to possibly make it? There is reasoning I have to back up my opnion that it was a natural landform. Natural landforms happen here and there, almost everywhere. They come in any shapes and sizes. The form of a landform could be in any kind of shape. It's whatever it comes out to be. In this specific case though, the landform has captured the form of a face, somehow, with the correct facial features in the right places. In the passage the "Face of Mars" is compared to the "Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." If there are other more specificly shaped landforms in the world, why cant it be one on mars? Theres no difference in the form that natural landforms come in. They all can come in any type of way. It doesn't make a difference where they're at or what they're made of. A natural landform is always going to be a natural landform. In conclusion, I believe that the "Face of Mars" is a natural landform. There is no evidence disproving this statement. I do not believe that it was created by aliens. That was just an assumption that was made about the making of the "face".
Using technology to know expressions of students in a classroom is wrong because the one experiment which Dr. Huang did was on a painting was different and doing it on students is a different thing because it can really affect them in wrong ways. By knowing their emotional expression means playing with their feelings and that could make an huge impact on a students life and in these past mosern years there has never been an technlogical experiment done on a Human or a Student. So I think that it shoud not be done on students because they are the future and playing with them is not a good thing to do and it an also make an huge impact on them because knowing their expressions means knowing them and what they think and but by doing that the students won't even trust themselves on anything and that could it even hurt the students for their life and would be hard for them to come back.
Driverless cars to me are not such a bad idea; however it is also not the brightest idea as well. Me personally I wouldn't want to drive a driverless car because I would not feel safe. Technology is something big in our generation, and even though I love it, I would not want to be in a car I couldn't control myself. The first reason I am against driverless cars is because of mine, and others safety. People these days are very lazy. Technology does almost everything for us nowadays. If driverless cars become very popular I feel there will be more accidents. People will be texting and driving , and not paying attention to the road. Another big issue for me is falling asleep! Not having to put in so much work when driving the car will make it rather difficult to stay awake. "Traffic laws are written with the assumption that only safe cars has a human driver in control at all times." Driving a car where you have to do all the work is already hard to stay awake while doing , so why make the job easier by having your car do it for you ? Some people may be for the driveless cars but in most states they're illegal. Some states are premitted to using semi-autonomous cars, such as : California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. Driverless cars are not relaible and if they were good cars and one-hundred precent safe they'd be legalized everywhere. Anything can go wrong with driving a driverless car. What if something goes wrong with the car its self; or when its system shuts down and doesnt notify you for all the things that it would if it were on. Driverless cars are not the best idea ,it may seem cool but if it doesn't forsure keep everyone safe and is not even legalized in all 50 states , it is a bad idea. This is why I am , and will always be against driverless cars.
Venus, sometimes called the"Evening Star" is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky. Venus nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet. Venus is the second planet from our sun, while Venus has a very challenging place to examine more closely. Often referred to Venus, humanss have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Every previouse mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decates. Other factors contribute to Venus reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. Venus atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blanket. Even more challenging, Venus atmosphere clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid and the surface temperture average is 800 degreess fahrenheit, Also the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.This are some reason why we basicly, we don't sent more spacecraft. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Even though, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, likely we also know mercury is the closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like eruting volcanoes, powerful earquakes, and frenquent ligtning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Since we already know, Venus is way to dangers to us humans. But since NASA has not been sending spacecraft to Venus for at list three decates. NASA have been working on some solutions, that would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. Also NASA have been working on other aproaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplifield electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. This is humans challenge "Venus" but we have so much to improve, humans are so curiosity on what is outside of our world and if we don't know nothing about them we study them, that what make us humans.
Venus is our sister planet and we should know more than what we already know. The extreme conditions are a challange but the facts that would come from exploring Venus would be very insightful. The extreme conditions that are on Venus will be a challange. The high pressure, heat, erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and lightning that strikes probes that try to land there are not the best situatuion to be in. We have not found material or built a robot that can handle all of that for a long period of time. The weather would take the robot out before it got really good info. NASA may have found a possible solution to this obstacle. Using older technology might be able to handle the conditions. Also having newer technology to float 30 miles above the ground to minimize damage. The problem with that is we wouldn't be able to get close enough to get samples or to explore as much as we would be able to if we had a strong robot. Being curious beings is challanging and difficult but it is fun to have something that isn't that easy. Exploring Venus our sister/twin planet will be hard and expensive but nothing we can't do. Sometime in the future, most likely we will be living on more than just our planet we live on now.
I thinck for the emotional things of the technology is kind of more advanced like every moment they do something different they always have to make a digital and some other people don't really get about the digital things they get lose really easlly and for some other people is more likely an easy thing to do but not always because it has their difficulties and they are challenging so they have to do it right or they will mess up the photo, and theirs a conclusion about this and is kind of creepy that now computer can easlly detect the movement of our facil guess what they mean like emotions and other things that's on our faces but i think it helps people to understand how things work and how our selfs are doing if their mad, sad, happy etc. there is better ways for humans and computers to communicate not only by facial recognizing, all the software of all the people are different and computers softwarre is just way different then humans it just takes time to figure this out quickly. things can actually change from good to sometimes bad and it's not the way to show their expresion that has been having by the other kind of people.
the story " The Challenge of Exploing Venus " is an informative piece about the dangers and the risks of traviling to Venus. The author breaks down what the exploration would be and he decribes it as a very hard task humans have never done before. The author talks abou hovering above the planet to try and research ground level things, He decribes that task as hard because of the lack of visbility and light but he was certin it ws possible. The author proceeds to go on about the dificulities of this space exploreation but is still driven to research. he said venus is a twin planet to earth. Also known as the siser planet or the evening star. the planet is very similar in size and was once a canadate for life. Im concluding that this was a very informative piece and the author supports the idea well. venus should be our next universal conquest.
Have you ever had an opportunity to go to europe and help people in need? First,some reasons why you should join the seagoing cowboys program are, getting discoverd. For example,if your 18 like I was you could be drafted for military service which means you would be able to help the world and have a great job. Another reason, you should join is because,you can discover some amazing things. For example, you could see places like europe,china,italy and greece. Also you will be helping a lot of people and animals because,you will be doing things for the benefit of there need. All of these examples show reasons why you should join the seagoing cowboys program. Next,but for me being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure.''It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. Just like it made me look at the world diffrent it might be the same to you or even an acheivment you have accomplished. Their are some reasons you might be scared to go. For example you might be scared of failing or being flown over board. But as long as you stay together with the person your with and do what your supposed to you wont fail. Another good reason of going to the seagoing cowboys program is helping people. World war 2 was over in europe and many countries were left in ruins and if you want to help all the people in ruins you could join the seagoing cowboys program. UNRRA hired the ''seagoing cowboys'' to take care of the horses,young cows,and mules that were shipped overseas. So from what the UNRRA said that means you probly would be getting paid. Even if you dont get paid its still a good thing to do to help people that need help. All of these reasons state why this is a good reason to join the program. In conclusion,all these reasons I have stated will really help people. Helping is what the seagoing cowboys program is about and it will make you more aware of things like other countries in need. If your not 18 yet and you want to be drafted for military service join more than once because, the more you join the more your helping the people,animals,and enviorment. I hope from all the reasons I have given you,you'll join the seagoing cowboys program.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because In the text it states that venus is actually a planet and venus is the second planet from the sun. The text also states that venus is simple to see from a far distant. Finally, it says that numerous factors contribute to venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study in etc. If you look back in paragraph 1& 2 that's where I got all the information from to support my answer. In conclusion studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because if you just reread everything in this passage it's basically telling you alot of information about venus. If you look back in the passage in read paragraph 8 it's giving you information about venus it says that venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. The last in final thing is that our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. So that basically tells you everything about why studying is a worthy pursuit despite for venus.
THE SEA IS CALLING ME AND YOU To Whom It May Concern, Have you ever met someone who is or was a seagoing cowboy? Well, if your awnser is no then it's all about to change. Hi my name is Luke, and I am a seagoing cowboy. I really want to encorage other's to become seagoing cowboys because we need more people to complete the jobs. So come on out and serve your country with the seagoing cowboys! First of all, I have multiple reasons why should join us. Like its a lot of fun. Ok, so you didn't hear this from me but some times after we drop the cattle off we like to go into the empty stalls and play games like tennis and volley ball. Due to that this job really dosen't feel like a job at all. If you like to have fun and take care of animals then a seagoing cowboy is the right job for you. Also, this is a once in a lifetime chance. When I was offered this deal I jumped on it immediantly because I knew that if I didn't that I would never get another chance like this again. Plus, you probally wont have to join the military. For me this counted as my service. Futhermore, we do many things in this program such as take care of animals. I get to go down everyday to feed them and I always am able to pet and play with them. As I said before we also play many games to keep us entertained because we have alot of time on our hands. So everyday is like another mini party. As you probally know we have to drive a huge boat filled with animals across the ocean. So we alternate drivers. We always want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to have fun and sleep. But, even though were making amazing memoriess all of us need to do are fair share of the work . Finally, I have many memories of my own to share. Starting with I made a record by heading out on a cattle trip 9 times! Maybe you could also set a record? I know that I have made it pretty clear that I have had fun. But I have also gotten my share of bumps and bruises over the years. Beside that is no match to the pain I felt before this job. Here I feel safe and in my old life I didn't. I was working 2 part time jobs. One at a grocery store and one at a bank. Plus I didnt get very good py and I wasn't happy. But now I am. Everyday is amazing thanks to my job that is so great that it dosen't even feel like one. So in conclusion I love my job! I think that you should try it out. If it dosen't sound appealing to you then just give it a spin. I really do belive that you will like it as much as I did. Maybe you can set a new world recored! Or maybe just a pearsonal one. But which ever record you want to set or what job you pick, just pick the one that makes you happy. Dont go out and do somthing boring like I did at first. Just find what you love and do it. You only live one life one time. So why not live it to the fullest? Best Wishes, Luke!
It seems that almost everyone I know has a car.  However, cars are the creators of a large number of problems.  There are a number of reasons that less car usage would be beneficial to our society. This could include limiting pollution and congestion, improving health, as well as saving money. Cars are responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas and carbon emissions.  Cutting car usage would immensely help our environment, which is a goal that many people want to achieve.  In some cities in the United States of America, cars are responsible for as much as 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Some cities, like Beijing, China are so polluted, that smog is abundant throughout much of the city, making walking and other outdoor physical activities very unpleasant. Limiting car usage would help narrow that pollution a lot.  Our environment has been negatively affected for a long time due to car usage, so it is time for that to change. While many people would say that cars are a necessary means of transportation, there are many other available sources to cut car usage.  These sources could include walking, bicycling, skating, taking a bus, carpooling, as well as many other activities. Not only do some of those activities not pollute our environment, but they are also healthy excercises.  Cars are also a large reason for accidents and injuries.  A large number of people die or get injured every day due to car crashes. While many people are safe drivers, car accidents are almost unavoidable. Limiting car usage is another way of saving money, which is something that just about everyone I know wants to do.  You end up spending a lot of hard earned money on gas or insurance rates because of cars.  I know that many of my teenage friends are always bugging their parents for gas money.  By using other means of transportation, that money could be saved and spent on something worthwhile to you. By now, you should see all the positive effects of limiting car usage.  While cars are a large part of transportation, there are a number of available sources of transportation that can be used instead.  I hope that next time you are planning on going somewhere, whether it be spending time with friends or going to work, you will think about another source of transportation besides a car.  
Dear State Senate, I feel that the way we, the people, vote today is very unfair. We should change the voting to popular vote for the president of the United States. The majority of people don't care about voting for the next United States prsident because they don't get to chose who will win. The people that get to vote for one's state might not think about what what the remaining others would want. In source one, this section tells the reader what an electoral college is and how it works. Paragraph two sums up what this system is, "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the counting if the electoral votes by Congress." Basically what this paragraph was saying is that the people dont get to directly say who they want as president. The people of a state get to vote for who they want, but it is ultimately up to the state electors on who will get the vote from that particular state. There could be a ton of people voting for one president, and then there might be less votes for a president who may be even better. Ultimately what this system comes down to is the people don't vote for their next president. They are selecting a name that might not do anything to their country. Source two talks about the electoral college and how the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong. In paragraph nine,  the text says, "... according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore- thanks to the quirks of the electoral college- won the popular vote but lost presidency, over 60 percent of voters  would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." The electoral college is responsible for picking electors, who can go behind the peoples back and chose the president nobody wanted. This system or process is a total disaster. Paragraph thirteen states, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states. Paragrapgh twenty-three, "It can be argued that the electoral college method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state- Democrates in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California." If these people were to vote by the system we have now, their vote would have no effect. This leads to the people living in these states to not vote. They don't even pay attention to the campaign anymore. They know that they won't do anything to the votes or who will become president. They couldn't care less. We should get rid of the electoral college all together. This system is not working for a lot of people and this is why many people dont care enough to vote anymore. There are people that vote for our state. Why should the people care? If we switched to popular vote, our country might participate in picking who the next president of the United States will be. When people have a voice, they will use it as much as they possibly can.             
Dear state senator, The Electoral College has been around since the Constitution of the United States of America was composed. Is it outdated? Probaly, however just because something is old does not mean that is doesn't work anymore. Why should be get rid of the electoral college? It is still working, and it is very effiecient at what it does. We must keep the Electoral college to keep the voting for the presidency under control. The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors, so that means you need at least 270 electoral votes to win the Presidency. However, there is a very small chance that a tie will occur. In source two the author states that if there was a tie in the electoral votes, the election of the President would turn to the House of Representatives, and the Senate would vote for the vice-president. Each delegate would get one vote, so the state of Rhode Island would have just as much say as the state of Florida. Since the popular vote does not decide the presidency, it is very possible that the electoral vote doesn't side with the popular majority vote. However that is very rare, and only happens maybe once a century. In source three the author stated that in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than George Bush, it was the first time since 1888 that the electoral college didn't side with the popular vote. It is very possible, but very unlikely. There is no one region that has more electoral votes than the other, so no one region is suprieor to the rest of the regions. The candidates are required to travel to other regions, so all regions can see what the candidates campaign is, and see who the electors will be voting for. If we did get rid of the Electoral college, there will be consequences. For example, in source three the author stated that only half of the population eligible to vote will even vote. Some people vote because they believe that they are the people who decide the presidency. The electors are people who want to express a political view point, than just vote just for the sake of voting. Mr state senator, as you can see we must keep the Electoral college rather than switch to a popular vote for presidency. The Electoral College was created to last forever, and so far it is doing just that. If we get rid of the Electoral College, we will regret it.                                 
1. Driveless cars are a work in progress. I can already imagine myself relaxing in a car while it drives itself.Google founder Sergey Brin envisions a future with public transportation systems where fleets of driveless cars form a public-transport taxi system. And, as you have seen on movies, cars that drive themselves have long been fascinated. Google has had cars that could drive themselves since 2009, and they have driven over half a million miles without a crash. But the only problem is, Google cars aren't truly driveless; they still alert the drive to take over when there is a situation. In the 1950s, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special track. The track was embedded with electrical cables that sent radio signals to a recievers on the front of the car. Since the creation, engineers at Berkeley tried something similar, but they used magnets with alternating polarity. The car read the positive and negative polarity as a message in binary code. They would have used that method and called it "Smarter Rodes", but it would be costly. So, they turned to smarter cars instead. The cars needed to be a lot smarter then before. As a starter, they needed a whole lot of sensors on the left wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an intertial motion sensor. In 2013, BMW announced the development of Traffic Jam Assistance." The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel.Human drivers must stay alert and be ready to take over if there is a situation to be handled. Driveless cars would be a good idea, but what about the law. Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. Traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. In most states it is illeegal to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars. Auto workers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. Telsa has projected that a 2016 release for a car capable will be solved on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. Lets hope that this dream can come a reality.
In the article "Driveless Cars Are Coming", The author presents both positive and negative aspects of driveless cars. The good things that come with the cars are very helpful but at sometimes are very dangerous. The negative things that come with the cars are very life risking so if something happens and someone gets hurt its can either be your fault or it can be the manufactures fault. The good things are that the cars can drive by theirselves,stop at signs and red lights. Also they alert the driver when there is danger ahead or when there is work been done to the road so that the driver has to take control of the car. With the driveless cars you car do things that you ever get to while driving a operational vehicle. Say for instance driving and texting or driving and eating you can do all the things you want to do in the driveless car but you can't do it in a operational vehicle. The bad things are that you have to make sure if somethings happens like been involved in a acciedent and someone gets hurt you can be held responsible for that person. Also you have to make sure that the driveless vehicle is in good condition to where you don't have to fix anything before you drive it. It can be a life risking type of car because you can get in a reck and you are hurt really bad and can't move or you pass out then you will have to be rushed to the hospital. Another reason is that it can hurt your pockets because you have to get everything that was damaged repaired.
The author of The Challenge of Exploring Venus suggested to study venus is a worthy pursuit despite it condtions and or dangerous risks. I think the author thinks studying Venus is worthy based of the author saying in Paragragh five althought it is 170° F(Fahrenheit) it may be difficultt condtions, but it still survivable for humans. More evidence of it being worthy of studying is in Paragragh seven saying NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. From one of there examples, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus’s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions, meaning it is possible to find research. Research is our only way of getting data proven in Paragragh six stating "researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks". And my final piece of evidance stating it is worthy of studying Venus is in Paragragh's six and eight "peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it explains that Venus is like a twin to Earth. Venus has a different atmosphere than Earth. As NASA is working on something to approach to study Venus. As the scientist continue to work on something to reach Venus, although the danger it presents. Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin" it's close to their size and density.Earth, Venus, and Mars orbit around the sun at different speed. So,these differences mean that we are getting closer to Mars and Venus, as scientists send spacecraft to survive the landing, none of them survive for more than a few hours. No spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decedes. It gets harder and harder as time goes by, since we don't know what challenge us later in the future. All planets have different atmosphere, Venus has a think atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The challenging part are the clouds since they have highly corrosive sulfuric acid. On the planet's surface, its above 800 degrees Fahrenheit and one could suffer if they don't have protection. It's greater than our own planet's atmosphere by 90 times. The conditions of are far too extreme to arrive on the planet and it's the hottest surface temperature of anh planet in our solar system. As NASA is working on other things to be able to reach and study more of Venus. NASA has made a simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks. Scientists need to seek on how to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus. They need to be able to understand the resistant of pressure, heat and other forces. Having to meet these challenges by Venus has value, by humans curiosity and that wil lead into danger. In conclusion, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" even though that studying Venus will have a dangerous path,it will present the future to seek it. Venus is like a twin to Earth. Venus has a different atmosphere than Earth. As NASA is working on something to approach to study Venus.
This essay is going to talk about the "Facial Action Coding System." This article is called " Making Mona Lisa Smile." And is written by Nick D'Alto. The (FACS) would be good in classrooms. This coding could be good for students and teachers. So lets say we do get this in classrooms, then the robot could tell if someone is having a bad day, or needs more help on something, just by reading their faces. Then the teacher would maybe help the student more or ask whats wrong, and get the student some kinda help. If someone has an IEP the robot could tell the teacher that the student needs more help on this on subject. The robot could possible help the student understand it. If the student stil doesnt understand the problem or the subject, the robot could go and get him/her and say to them " So and so needs your help on this problem or on this subject." And the teacher would go help them. Well the robot could malfunction in the middle of class and and go roge and start herting people. Well if that happended then their would be someone on stand by to turn off the robot and start working on him. So the robot could get back as fast as he could. Well what if that person is sick one day and the robot goes beserk. Then we will have a second person on stand by. The robot would be good in the classromms. This Coding could be good for students and teachers. If someone has an IEP, the robot could tell the teacher that the studnet needs more help than the other students. Well the robot could malfunction in the middle of class and go roge and start herting perople. This could be very good for the class room.
Automated cars are the future of driving.Driverless cars can be useful for several reasons like being safer,more efficient, and smarter. Automated Vehicles should be part of the future. They should be part of the future because they are safe. In the passage it states that " Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009 " and that "Their cars have driven more that half a million miles without a crash,but so far,Google cars aren't trully dirverless".The cars are still safe especially since they need assitance for it to drive through tough areas. Driverless cars are getting more and more advanced as time goes by.Like "In the 1980s, automakers used speed sensor at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes.".But those sensor are now being used to detect dangers of rollerovers and out-of-controlled and correcting them.There are now sensors that can tell the car to slow down and apply the brakes automatically.With each new sensor being added onto the car it makes it able to do more tasks on its own. There are several risks being taken when owning an automated car.There are many states where driverless cars can't even be tested because of the risks.If the car fails and someone gets hurt who would be the blame for the accident.there are no laws for automated cars and regulations for them either.But they are geting smarter like the google car "with four radar sensors , gps reciever...".and the BMW car the tels the driver to watch the road.
Exploring Venus This article is about if is dangerous to go to explore venus i think is dangerous because if you go to venus how they will survive without knowing how is the surface in thier and how he will be able to come back because does people at Nasa they want to know what you see at venus. Venus is the closes planet to earth in terms of density mars is also close to earth. It coult be something that it will be dangerous like it said on paragraph 3".A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus" so that means that they will need to challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sullfuric acid in venus atmosphere. They will need to do some kind of a vehicle or something that came keep you save for the atmosfera like it said in paragraph 5 it saying that the National aeronautics and space administration has a particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus that surface of venus will allow scientics to flot above the fray. they got on idea of a "vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape". Nasa have to work of some kind electonics that made silicon cardide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions it says these in paragraph 7. The temperature will be at 170 degress fahrentheit. nut the air presure it will be like close to that sea level on earth, the power of the solar it will be not thateasy because plentiful and radiation would not exceed earth level. In my opion i thing that will be some kind of dangerous to send people to explore venus becuase we are not sure what kind of danger that will be in there in other way it will be cool becuase if the mission is success they will get more knowleag of that they see but for that they will need to work hard to tray to get does person back to earth. They need to create something that need to keep does person save in were they are and not all depents of the work in depents of they gay that is going to travel to there.
Facial Action Coding is used to find the emotions of people based on how their muscles move in their face. As should by Mona Lisa she is "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 perfect fearful, and 2 perfect angry." Therefore the FACS has show. Mona Lisa's emotions just by the coding. As you can see FACS would be great to help out around the world. Facial Action Coding could help a lot in schools with helping people learn better. Dr. Huang states "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," This shows that the classroom with FACS means a classroom where learning can become better. If a student is confused FACS can modify the lesson or help get the student unconfused. Also instead of students zoning out in class Facial Action Coding System will notice it. After FACS notices the student zoning out it can make sure the student zones back into the lesson. FACS can tell is someone is faking being happy. These are all reasons why VACS can help with everyday life. In the end Facial Action Coding System could change how the school systems and the everyday life of humans are changed. With VACS no ones emotions would be saves, so it would be easy to tell if someone is scared, tired, sad, and happy. Mona Lisa was just a example what would you do it that was you?
A New technology called the Facial Action Coding System should be used to be read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. In the text, the author Paragraph 6 states, “'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." (D'Alto 6). If classroom computuers were to have the Facial Action Coding Systems, then students would be more encouraged to do school work outide of the classroom. Students would be able to work on their school work without being as confused or frustrated. The Facial Action Coding System could even help adults in college, work or at home. Adults would use the system for taxes, college work, bussness emails, etc.. Also, if a student or adult was trying to fill out a job application, not only would the employer get to know the student or adult by the application, they would get to know how smart or simple minded the worker would be. The system could even tell if you are faking a smile or not. In paragraph 8, that author states, "But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. To an expert, faces don’t lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a 'smiling' politician or celebrity isn’t being truthful." (D'Alto 8). Say if a student looks confused or upset, and the only thought that comes up is that the student is not ok, but even thought the teacher asks the student if he/she is ok, the student dosen't want to embarass himself/herself in front of the class, so they continue to say they are fine. The system will see that the student is confused or frustrated so it will try to help the student the best they can. The new technology should be used on students. The system would help students with their confusion, frustration, and aner during class and outside of class. The software could make students work faster in or out of school, with or without a teacher, even if they get confused or frustrated.
In my opinoin driverless cars cand be both negative or positive .The reason why is because have a care that has half of the feul of todays taxis is a good thing .That factor can save people money because they may only have to go to the gas station once or twice a week instead of 3 or 4 times.Another positive factor is the cars are more likley to not crash instead of crashing.The death rate of car fatallity in the world can decrease alot if this is possible.A third positive factor is the cars will be advanced for danger situations ,it will apply the brakes if needed in case of an emergency. In the passage there are also negatives in this also .One major negative factor was in paragraph nine when it stated "If technology fails and someone is injured who is blamed "? To me that is a huge issue ,in about 20 years drivless cars maybe be a thing if i get in a drivless care while i have to count my lucky stars so i wont become injured or even worse die?If the manufactuers cannot make the care one hundread percent safe,why even bother putting it out there for the public to find out ?My last negative factor is that the cars will have to adapt to the roads .Not every drivless car is just going to hop on the bandwagon and be like every other car out there ,its gonna have to adjust .What if doesnt and something tragic happen,again we will have to blame the manufacteres for there creation . In my opinion i think we should just wait on driveless cars until we have new technology and ensure that we have the best car out on the road for the public.
The author supports the idea of exploring venus, because Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth. However, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Often referred to as Earth's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challengin are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venu's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such a enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because off the insight to eb gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by danger and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
Would you risk your life to search for answers that might just end up dissapointing you? Well I'm asssuming that the author of this article would. The author talks more about the bad things about Venus than the good things, which doesn't help his/her claim that it "is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents". In this article, the author talks more about the hardships Venus's enviroment would provide than the benefits, he/she talks about how hard it would be to build a spacecraft to even withstand Venus's envirmonet, and he/she doesnt't provide any points or ideas to why we should want to visit there. The author mentions that Venus's atmosphere is 97 percent carbon dioxide. Not only is the atmosphere 97 percent carbon dioxide, it also contains "clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid". Temperatures on Venus average around 800 degrees fahrenheit, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet, which would be impossible to maintian human life, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times what we have here on earth. All of paragraph 3 is just talking about the negative's of Venus, which doesn't support the authors claim that these risks are worth finding out any information. In paragraph five, the author talks about how NASA is trying to build a spacecraft that can withstand Venus's envirmonet. He/she explains in paragraph 2 that no spacecraft that has been sent to Venus has ever survived the landing for more than a few hours. The author talks about how NASA wants to build a blimp that will hover 30 miles above the surface of Venus so that is can avoid the harsh conditions on the surface, although right after this, he/she states that even 30 miles up off the surface, Venus is still going to be around 170 degrees Farenheit. The extremly high air pressure, heat, harsh storms, etc will all have to be concidered when trying to build a spacecraft that will be able to survive on Venus. Once again, these paragraphs are not explainging much good that is coming out of a manned trip to Venus. Throughout the article, the author talks about very little benefits that come when sending a man to Venus. Scientists do believe that Venus was once covered with large oceans and might have had a variety of life forms. But this means nothing to us now if it's all destroyed. We will never for sure know if there was once life there, all of the evidence is gone. Honestly, what is the point in even going to Venus? Temperatures of 800 degrees would have burnt everything. Besides, why does is matter to us if there was once life there? We should focus on Earth and how we need to start taking care of it, before it ends up like Venus. There was no solid point in this article that honestly pursuaded me to want to send someone to visit Venus. In conclusion, I do not think the author supported his claim well, he talked more about the negative parts of Venus, about how hard it would be to build something to trasport them there, and he/she never really states anything persuading the reader about why it would be good to visit Venus. Although it would be intresting to find out stuff about Venus's past, no one will ever know the absolute truth.
Advantage of limits on car usage and life goes on without car,car free cities in german suburb. these articles talks about how car is aint realy needed being use how now day peole and the article in german suburd,life goes on without cars discuss people given up on they car. there are only two places to park they have too it either you park at the edge of the development garage or buy a space for 40,000 along with home. As a result, 70 percent of vaubans families do not own cars 57 percent sold they cars just to move there. and source 2 paris bans driving due to smog. after all record pollution ,paris enforcced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. monday a motorists with even-number license plates were ordered to leave their cars at the home or suffer a 22-euro. these same would apply to odd-numbered plats wellof course. doing the time of peroid 4,000 drivers were fined according to Reuters. source 3 car free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota .everyone in bogota took they day off car.
The author's idea of studying Venus is dangerous. Despite the dangers and conditions of Venus, his idea of sending people close by Venus to study and collect data about the planet is very important for the study of space. But it could be capable to learn just more about Venus in short range of the planet orbit. Venus was referred as Earth "twin" because the proximity between Earth and Venus are near. In paragraph 2, scientist found evidence that Venus was once can support of life just like Earth. There were some features in the planet surface that can recognize as Earth such as "valleys, mountains, and craters". That is why the author wants to know more of Venus, to study and learn how Venuse used to be like from before.(Paragraph 2) The idea of studying Venus from the inside through it's atmosphere is very dangerous, because, in the present, Venus "thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide," it's tempature of "over 800 degrees Faherenheit," and the great atpomspheric presure that is greater than Earth, isn't capable for a high tech machine as NASA's rover cannot undergo those conditions. If it did, it would crushed in to a flat or squeshed object, and the metal that is made would liquidfy because of the high heat of Venus. (paragraph 4) Those are the risk and dangours that scientists and engineers have to know to cunstruct and find a machine that is capable to go into the harsh eviornment of Venus. NASA idea of sending people to study could be possible. In paragraph 5, "NASA's possible solution to hostle conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." In other words, NASA's solution of instead of sending aircrafts to Venus, they'll send them into Venus orbit, just float on top of the cloads. That is a good idea, but that dosen't allow scientists to collect samples from the surface of the planet. Scientist from NASA is working on materials to make electronics and testing it in a simulation of Venus conditions that "lasted for three weeks," this silicon type material can help on a development on creating a more resistant towards Venus's condition. Working an a secound project, in paragraph 7, scientist try to find a way to turn delicate mordern computers to machines that is "made more to pressure, heat, and other forces," like the divices that were used on the 1940s during World War ll. With those ideas, NASA could actually create a divice that can withstand Venus conditions in a long-period of time. The author idea of sending people to Venus could be posible. In if they did, scientist who study Venus with the new divices, they could find than just more astonishing information about Venus, but creating hope for doing the imposible and new technolgy that people around the world can use and find new solutions for doing the impossible, like studying Venus.
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. I feel as if this new techonolgy would make so many people be happier or at least cheer them up. "The Mona lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do." "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad." This new technology could examine your facial expressions to see if you are happy or sad. If an ad plays that you get sad or mad about this technology will play a different ad that expresses happy feelings to make you happy and put a smile on your face. "Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anaomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions." The new developing technology can read your facial motions. "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece)." This software can read any type of facial expression and simpily make your day better. If you are already happy this software can just make you smile even more while you are on your computer. "Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)." "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This software would help so many students out because of how many students get bored with a lesson on the computer. This technology could help students get better grades and just makes school so much exciting for them. "Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions." This new software would be great for so many people at their computers, even students at school using the computers.
The limiting of car usage can be very useful in todays society. The emmissions of gas and diesel vehicles are at the top of the chart when it comes to pollution of the atmosphere. But not only pollution, it could cause a lot of people to become a little more healthier if we walked, ran or biked somewhere in stead of taking a five minute drive to the convient store. In many major cities of the world, air pollutants have became a danger to the health of not only our lungs but also to the earth. The gasses that are emitted build up in our atmosphere making a thick barrier that traps other gasses inside that are intended to be set free. Paris, France had one-hundred and fourty-seven micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter. A lot of citizens of these large cities are combating the pollution problem by putting bans on cars and car usage. But most are cutting back due to there not being a ban where they live. They choose to walk, run, bike, skate, etc... This creates a healthier way of life for these citizens as well as saving the planet. The are saving our world just one step at a time. So as proved in these articles, there are so many postive things that can come from the restriction of automobiles. Including The preservation of Earth itself.     
The development of driveless cars is more of a complication than an advancement. There are many issues involed with driverless cars including the possiblity of techincal difficulties, liability disputes, and the maintained awarness of the driver. There is no way to fully eliminate these promblems even with more technolody. Everyone knows technology doesn't work as planned one hundred percent of the time. Therefore it is not a good idea to be completely reliant on the technology in driveless cars to function properly all the time. Someone could be seriously injured or killed by a simple techincal error, which could be avoided by the continued use of mannually driven cars. The idea of human error could be argued against that piont, but then you also have the problem of liability. As the article, Driverless Cars Are Coming, said, "If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" This could cause hundreds of complaints and court cases arguing who pays the fine for the accident. Many driver's may even blame technology malfunctions to avoid taking responsiliby for accidents. Yet another problems is making sure the driver stays focused. The article pionts out that psychological aspects of driverless cars could be a challenge as the driver gets bored waiting for their turn to take over. If the driver gets bored there is a good chance they will try and find something else to entertain them, such as electronics, which will take there focus off the road. Ways to keep the driver alert were mentioned in the article, but it wasn't stated what would happen if the driver ignored the alerts because they think the technology can handle it. Driverless cars simply present too many problems and unanswered questions. What happens if the technolgy malfunctions while the car is driving down the road? Who's fault is it is someone is injured due to technology failing? How can you be sure the drivers pay attention and are ready to take over if needed? Manually driven cars are working well enough and don't present these issues so why switch driverless car?
Discovering neighboring planets and learning what makes up these planets may be the best discoveries that man kind has found. These planets all have flaws of living in some way, shape, or form, but this does not stop scientists from wanting to see what lurks beneath them. The newest mission that scientists and astronauts want to start, is figuring out what life is like on a planet called Venus. Although Venus may be the closest relative to earth, no man should step foot on this planet due to its lethal flaws and the amount of risks needed to be taken. Similar to earth, Venus more than likely has had life on the planet. Life on this planet could have meant microorganisms or even plants and animals, but facts and evidence shows that living was possible at some point. Even though life may have been possible then, there seems to remain 0 life forms left due to the dangerous conditions, "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth." Evidence even shows that this environment would crush a submarine and even liquify metal. Any form of life would die off instantly, including our own. The average body temperature of a person is 98.5 degrees Fahrenheit. temperatures on venus multiply that number by more than 8 times. not even the strongest pieces of equipment that our own planet contains would have a chance to withstand those numbers. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration did give a valid solution that could very well be possible, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling Venusiam landscape." Studies may think this is the safest route, but the conditions are still not worth risking valueable people's lives. Earlier in the article, the author presented even more impediments such as erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. These natural disasters alone can devestate the trip. Along with all of the cons of making this mission possible, scientists will only be able to grasp a few pictures and key samples due to the fact that they will be 30 miles above the planet itself. The study of a new planet is always going to be a fascinating sight, but with all of the dangers and doubts presented in the article, The authors points lean towards a useless mission that could put scientists lives in danger. The trip would help earn little to no evidence at all and no human being can withstand the forces that this planet presents.
By being the second planet from the sun, venus has gained al ot of attention from scientists and try a lot of way to make our way to the Venus, but none of the scientist have ever get lay their hands on the Venus. Venus is one of the brightest points of the light in night sky, and a very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is referred as Earth twin, because its the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closest distance too. Sometimes Venus is only i the right corner in space terms, so scientist has sent numerous spacecraft to landin Venus but each previous mission is unmanned, and no spacecarft survived the landing for more than few hours. Venus has thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and surface of venus, the temperature average is 800 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 times greater atmospheric pressure than what we experience in Erath's. Even though like that, the scientists is fascinated by venus because it may well once have been Earth-like planet in our solar system. By hovering safely far abopve the planet or peering at Venus from a ship orbiing far above the planet can provide only limited information. Researches cannot take any forms of rocks, gas or anything from the distance. Therefor, to understand the Venus, they would need to get upclose. NASA is working on other way to approaching the Venus and some electroniocs have been tested and only lasted a couple of week in such conditions. Old technology have been looking back even though the modern technology are poweful and fast but old technology have their own advantage. By exposing the tablet or phone to acid or heat capable of melting tin can damage your phone to the extent of damage, but system that use mechanical part can be ,ade more resistant to pressure, heat and other resources. The human curiosity will led us to the discovery of new things in the Venus.The curiosity can lead us to alot of things, and expanded to meet very edgers imagination. By being the second planet after the sun, venus catch a lot of people attention from all over the world.
You shouldn't take advantage of cars because they are bad for the environment. I understand it's good and important to have a car, but if your going to the park that is two blocks away with your kids you shouldn't go in a car; you should walk them two blocks because it's good exercise and many people do need it. Always depending on your car isn't good because one day you might not have it. Cars break down very easy and you also should be walking if your going a few blocks down. Vehicles are great but also very bad; people tend to depend on their cars to even go down the street, you should be able to walk and get the exercise you need if you don't normally exercise. "Vauban's streets are completely "car-free" except a few streets." That's good that Vauban is trying that because you will soon realize that their wont be so many obese people and many people will be more halthier. Taking a ten minute walk isn't so bad and your exercising so it's helping your health conditions. Many believe if they don't have a car they can't go anywhere, when in reality they can they can walk their if it's not to far and if it's somewhat far then they can walk to the bus stop and take the bus. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." I belive that, that's good what Paris did because all that smog isn't good for the environment and is bad for people. If you work far or your gonna go grocery shopping or do many things then I understand to use a vehicle but ig your going down the street their's really no point of driving a car when you can just walk there.
Dear senator, I believe that we should change the electoral college to popular vote. The reason why I believe this is because it's much more simplier and has less problems. To start off with, its more simplier than the Electoral College. The reason why it simplier is because its much fast and easy than the electoral college. For example,"Who picks the electors in the first place? It depends on the state. Sometimes state conventions, somethimes the state party's central committee, somethimes the presidential candidates themselves. Can voters control whom thier electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candiddate? Sometimes". This quote just shows how confusing the electoral college is. Another example,"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. This quote explains that the electoral college is outdated and should be changed. To contiune, using the popular vote has less problems than the electoral college. For example "The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically resposible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. This quote explains that the electoral college will always cause a problem with voting the president you want. Another example "It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality elections are spurious at best". This quote explans that we should abolish the electoral college and it also points out the flaws of it. To end this off, I still believe that we should get rid of the electoral college. Wheather it's because it has several problems with it or because the popular vote is much more simplier. This is why senator i think we should get rid of the electoral college.
Dear Mr. Senator Based on the facts and the articles i have just read, i've made a preposition that the U.S. should be provided a direct election. Adults, teens, and senoir citizens have their opinion on how they want their government to be. I beleieve that if people have a direct election you will get a more straight up answer. by changing the Electoral College people will actually feel like they have a say in what the gonernment does these day. If the Electoral College doesn't change soon there is going toi be a lot of angry americans. Like there was a fued in election of 2008 election (with Obama) when floridas vote didnt really count, there was people in the house next to mine yelling and screming at the telivision, my dad and grandmother were having throwing a fit. It was one of the most horrible nights i have ever seen. if americans had the choice to direct vote I feel that people would be happier. With the information I have gathered, americans should have a choice on how they choose the government, like to be honest having the votes go to a representative of state and they choose who becomes the president, doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do. They could be pressured, threatend and even killed because people are crazy these  days. if we had a direct election people could vote their own way and actually be happy and have extra money to live on. finally I state my opinion even stronger than the first time, the U.S. should be provided the best possible things, even in pollitics. Youirs truelly, young american.
The idea of driverless cars has been an idea for many years. Now it's actually happening, companies are starting to test cars like this for near years usage. I think cars should be driverless because it helps people save money, the cars are safer, and they're modern. Driverless cars help people save money by people not having to buy cars. The passage states in the first paragraph that, "Google cofounder Sergey Brin, envisions a future with a public transportation system with driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system." If people just call the taxi service they won't have the need for a car, so they'll save a bunch of money. With that buses and taxis would use have the fuel they use today, so it could also help with pollution. Also with the taxi system people can be picked up quicker than with taxi services we have today, so people can get to their jobs faster or anywhere. With driverless cars they're also safer than normal driving cars. The passage mentions an idea of having cameras on the driver to make sure they're alert and paying attention. The car itself has the power to control brake when needed and reduce or increase power from the engine, the car is better at response and control than a human driver alone. There is still the possible mishap of having an accident, but the accident could either be the driver or the car's fault. When the car knows of construction work or too much traffic about to happen the car alerts the driver to start driving, so the car can avoid any accidents happening on its part. The driverless car is so much more modern than the normal driving car of today. Modernizing cars started in the 1980's, automakers created the antilock brakes and now those have grown to something bigger;the wheels of today detect out-of-control skids or rollovers. The car also tells the driver when to drive for example, GM has developed seats that vibrated to tell the driver to take a hold of the wheel. What's truly so modern about driverless cars is cameras on the rear wheel, rearview mirror, also rotating sensor on the roof, GPS reciever, and inertial motion sensor. All those features are being tested on a Toyota Prius, but the best feature of all is the 3-D model of the surrounding around the car to show the driver what their surroundings are. I'm personally for driverless cars because they help save money, they're safer, and they're modern. Of course there is still things to work on the cars and some legalizing to be done for states. Driverless cars are the thing of the near future that's for sure.
Dear State Senator, I will like to talk about changing the way that we vote for elections. I want to make voting for president based on a poular vote and not the Electoral College system. The Electoral College system is a meeting of electors where they vote for President, Vice President, and votes by the Congress. In the Electoral College system, voters do not vote for the president. Instead, they vote for a slate of electors who elects the president. For an example of the system, if you were living in Texas and wanted to vote for John Kerry you'd vote for a slate of 34 electors pledged to John Kerry. If the electors won the election Kerry gets 34 electoral votes. The electors can be anyone not holding public office. These electors are picked by the state and can come from different kind of conventions and party's of and by the state. The system can get very confusing, sometimes the electors dont always for who you want to be elected. I'm asking to change voting to the most popular vote. This kind of voting is based on qualified citizens and they voting for whom ever they please. I like this system because you have a voice to speak and choose the kind of president you like. The Electoral College system is an unfair, outdated, irrational system. This kind of system is not needed in america from me speaking personally. A word that would descibe the Electoral College system is anachronism. Anachronism is something that belongs to the past and not in the future. I can't see that kind of system being in our lives forever. Elections based on the most popular vote is good system, but us humans take advantage of that too. We have the power in our hands to change the world around us, but don't do it or use it. Either way based on popular vote is a way better system than the Electoral College system and i will like for our country to use that system. Sincerely, Student
I Am for the use of of Facial Action Coding System . I believe that this technology could potentially engage students in classrom activities for the computer would know exactly what interests them and what doesn't , I also believe this technology can make students feel better understood in the class room . This technology would also encourage students because they wouldn't be doing stuff they don't understand. My evidence for this claim would be the fact that " A class room computer could recognize when a studentis becoming confused or bored , the it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." This basically lets us know how the computer uses facial expressions to decode if the student understands the material or not and wether he or she is engaged or bored as mentioned above . The use of this technology could bring so many benefits to our society because it would truly allow students to bloom and learn at their best , it would change the lesson plan in an instant to something that suits the needs of each particular student , therefore making it less complicated for them to learn yet still progressing . This technology could make students feel better understood because they wouldnt be forced to do something that they dont understand where as to a regular classroom it would probably take the teacher a few days to change the lesson plan and maybe at that point the student would be so discouraged becuase he could potentially be the only one that doesnt understand the material . Therefore I believe we should embrace this technology in schools because while the whole world is progressing the education system hasn't changed a bit . I think education should progress with the rest of the whole world so why not embrace Facial Action Coding System in our schools to make them more efficient .
Cars are a very usable objects in the kind of society that we are living in today. But with great things comes bad things too. The limit of car usage in any places of the world would have an effect on every one . It could be good, it could be bad. But when it comes to the envirenment, limiting car usage can even help prevent certain problems that people don't realy pay attention to. Prolems like pollution and the government wasting money in highways for cars than trying to find safer ways for transportation. Like many factories, cars give out bad smoke from the pipe under the back of the car. When that smoke goes in the air and get mix with the air, it would create pollution. Now the pollution would create bigger  problems like the rise of the greenhouse gas emission and  it could also create global warming wich could lead to much worse stuff that I would not get into. All you have to know is that global warming could lead to the destruction of the earth. In France, their government decided to enforce a driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Based on facts cited in source two, the city of paris was near-record pollution. On my personal experiances, I know what car smoke can do to people. One of my uncles died in Haiti because he inhale too much car smoke. It knind of messed up his lungs. People are suprisinly over the crisis of cars. But apperently the government deosn't realise that, since based on source 1 it stated "80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport. Bycicles are a much safer way to travel. Though cars are faster, but it is way easier to crash in cars, and bycicles does not release bad smoke that can culminate to pollution .     
How often do you ride in a car? Do you drive a one or any other motor vehicle to work? The store? To the mall? Have you ever thought about how many people in the world do that exact same thing- travel to every destination using a fuel powered motorvehicle. Not many people realize the intenisve damage that they're doing when they turn their key in the egnition. What if you didn't drive to work today? If you're like any regular car user, the thought "What?! I could never survive without my car!" may run through your mind. It is possible though, to live without your main mean of transport. Just look at cities like Vuban, Paris, and Bogota; each one has in some way restricted their people's usage of cars and they actually enjoy it! If you limit your car usage, it can inturn result in many advantages and benefits in yourself and in your community. A not so recognized benefit to giving up your car usge would be the positive consequences it has on your health. In source 1, Heidrun Walter states that "When [he] had a car, [he] was always tense. [He's] much happier [without it]." Think about it, imagine all the angry road rage you experience while driving. That surely does not have a positive effect on your mood or health. Driving takes a copious amount of focus and mental activity, such as, trying to navigate, dealing with bad drivers, etc., that after a short period of time, you're stressed out and tired. In cities like New York and Paris, the population is high. This leads to congestion in the streets and excessive amounts of pollution. Warm layers of air, according to Robert Duffer in "Paris bans driving due to smog," traps the car emissions. How is that healthy? He also states that Paris had to enforce a temporary driving ban after the pollution levels reached an all time record. After a few days of less driving the pollution went way down. Since people aren't driving, they have to find other means of transport. This could include walking, biking, or skating to destintions. Those are all physical excercises! Your body is getting to work out and you'll mentally feel fresher; more than you would sitting in a car. Taking a break from driving also can help with the overall look of your city. Pollution doesn't cause the flowers to grow. It certainly doesn't smell nice. It sets a filter over the town and gives off a "dirty" vibe. With less driving, there is less nasty pollution being emitted, therefore leading to a cleaner community. In Elisabeth Rosenthal's article, "In German Suburb, Life goes on Without Cars," she gives the good point that since there is a restriction on car and motor vehicle transportation, there is going to be more walkers. If you have tons of people taking the sidewalks instead of the roads, you might need a few more pathways and closer stores that are in walking distance. Andrew Selsky states that "Parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city; uneven pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks... and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." As stated previously, pollution is not benefiting the environment. Organizations such as the Envronmental Protection Agency in the U.S., are promoting "car reduced" communities, says Rosenthal. These communities have far less pollution and are much cleaner. Cities are also promoting this idea and are having days devoted to "no-car driving." In Bogota, Colombia, they hold an anual "car-free" day where only buses and taxis are permitted. Any other drivers would be fined. Although fining someone for using a posession they own might ruffle some feathers, it did have a successful turn out and significantly reduced the "smog." In conclusion, although the idea of giving up our precious automobiles for walking to our destination might sound impossible, it's not. Reducing our driving can lead to many benefits and advantages in our daily lives. These include an increase in health, an improved look to our cities, and an improved environment all around us. So, instead of picking up the car keys next time you have to go to work, try dusting off the helmet and take a bike ride!
The advantages of limiting car usage have are there's going to be less smog in the world. More people going to play sports and excersise. It's better too walk,ride a bike, instead of driving a car. Car usage is really bad for the earth. If they limiting car usage there's going to be less smog in the world because in the second story it stated  that, "cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions". That means when you keep driving your car and it cold or warm the warmer layer in earth trap the car emissions. And its hurting the earth. Also, in the second story it said that "the smog cleared enough Monday for ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on tuesday". They use less car in French becuase they had ordered motorist with even-numbered license plates to leave they car at home. More people going to play sports and excersise, because alot of people not going to want to pay alot of money for a car and a place to park it. in the first story it sated that "A car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home. Not everybody going to want o pay that much money for a car sapce with the house. Also,it stated that "As a result, 70 percent of vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move her". That tell me a car is really expensive and not alot of people got enough money to buy a car, they would walk instead of driving. It's better too walk,ride a bike instead of drive a car, because when you drive a car its releasing smog in the air and that's bad for our health. The air the car release's can get us sick. Alot of people rather ride a bike or walk."it's a good opportunitty to take away stress and lower air pollution". that means walking help u alot if you stressing you can take a walk its going to take away your stess and its going to be less air pollution on earth. Also,thres going to be less air polution. The advantages of limiting car usage have are there's going to be less smog in the world. More people going to play sports and excersise. It's better too walk,ride a bike, instead of driving a car. Car usage is really bad for the earth. That's why i walk most of the times beacause I want to save the earth.    
As technology increases, the idea of driverless cars is startin to become a reality." Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive thenselves by 2020." As the passage states that diverless cars are on the way and are already in progress. Although the thought of not having to have your liscens sounds great, I am against the developement of these cars. The developement of diverless cars would cause conflict among manufacturers and the people. Also there could be mechanical problems that come along with the developement of driverless cars causing safety issues. Lastly, most people enjoy having control over their own car which also allows for responsability. Safety is a the number on issue with driverless cars. If there was a mechanical issue while people were on the road, it could cause injuries. Also, if the car was not functioning right and you are stuck out in the middle of the road, who would be there to fix it? Just like any other mechanical object, it is a possibility that thing will go wrong. " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who it at fault - the driver or the manufacturer?" In agreement with the quote from the passage I also question who is at fault. These issues will cause unessesary conflict between the manufacturers and the people. Being able to manually drive cars would additionally enable us to avoid these issues and know who is resposible. Having control over your own car gives you more comfortability knowing who is behind the wheel and how the vehicle operates. Also being able to drive yourself will teach you responsability that is necessary part of growing up. " even if trafic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover the liability in case of an accident." The developement of driverless cars would also lead to new regulations of the law and the people having to know it. Although driverless cars are long way away, its a big transition from diriving a car "manually" to literally automatic. I am against the developement of these cars because it will cause conflict withe the manufactures and the peolple. Also there could be mechanical problems that could cause safty issues. Lastly, most people enjoy having control over their own car which also allows for the learning of responsability.
Have you ever been in school and not understood, didn't want to do it, or just was bored with your school work. I think mostly everyone in the world has gone throw that and that can affect you in the future, also on and what you have learned in school. I think this new computer sytem can help and change that. One it helps the teacher find better way to teach there students. Two it helps the children learn better. Finally it can be that start of new inventins to help the children work and learn better in school. The fist reason why i think this computer system would help in schools is becuse it can help the techer find better way to teach there students. Teacher can get reports on what students emotions are during a lesson to see if there needs to be a change. This can also help let teachers know mostly which students need more help that others. Also with students who are just bored with the lesson and it makes them not want to work. This can be supported by paragraph six"A classrom computer could reconize when a student is confused r bored" Dr. Huang predicts"Then it could modify the lesson, ike an effectiv human instructor." The second reason why i think this system would be valuable in school is because it helps the kids learn better. One it can chnge the lesson when it sees a child is behind to help them catch up, confused to help them understand better, or bored to make the lesson more enterting to help hem focuse. This idea chan chage so many students lives for the better. This is why i think it would help students learn better. Finally I think it can help start new ideas to help better school. If this compuer system works it can inventors start to think of new ideas to make school an easier place to learn. This can help people make inventins for even more things like what kinds of foods students should eat to find when a student has something that been bring harm t other students . This is only a few of the many reasons why this cud help start the ideas for new inventions on how to make school better. In conclusion i think this computer system i valuable and can make school a etter place. One because it an help teacher. Two it helps children lern better. Lastly it can lead to new ideas to make school better. How do you feel about this new computer system do you thin its valuabel.
Thet face on the red planet was not made by aleans it haped naturaly. Also theres no prove that the aleans did it just like people think that the pyramids were helped by aleans to build the pyramids. But the face looks like an egypion pharaohs face. What we can see is that it looks like a humans face. The face was first seen in a Hollywood film and think the face is bona fide. But NASA still has no prov of alean ecestens. NASA took a pictur of the face and proved it was a nateral formland and that there was no aleans but not evryone was oky with that. Other studed the pictur and ther were alean markungs hidden by haze. So NASA went back even tho it was going to be hard work. They zoomed in as much as posebl. They colled see things that looked like littele airplanes ,or Egygtian-style pyramids or even small shacks. Like on Earth ther are things that look like other rhing but cant be ecsplandd how they were formed or how they were formed by. That is my finel conclusion of the face that if marked on the red planet. I think it was made naturaly.
Worldwide, more and more car companies have been introducing new products and services for the growing population. However, many places such as Vauban, Germany are now putting a pause on this polluting production with smart planning movements and new law enforcements. Motor vehicle companies have produced millions of new vehicles, all with the latest additives. Some, with bullet proof window, others with high speed turbo engines. Many csr lovers fancy the best cars and sometimes the most. Cars are the most used mode of transportation, used daily to get people from one place to another. Most have even looked to the future to see flying cars and such things as seen in cartoons and animations. Cars are an attraction for many. These car companies will have a negative outcome from this movement across the globe. Do we really need to take away the cars? Though cars are seen as an everyday tool, is it really safe? Scientists have proven that the smog from these car engines pollute the atmospher. Cold nights and warm days cause warmer layers of air to trap car emissions, polluting the very air we breath. Congestion contributes to the amount of emissions and also the hectic bundle att stoplights and highways. Some have also stated that congestion brings tension in people. Due to this damaged to the Earth, many organizations and countries have enforced laws and rules for a car-free environment. Places such as Vauban, Germany have forbidden any form of car storage and transporting. Paris bans car driving after days of near-record pollution and in Bogota, Colombua many left their car at home for a day to clear the streets and the air. These moements have seen progress woth reviews from many o how the smog free zones release the tension in the people and lower air pollution. In America, transportaion is the second largest source of emissions. President Barack Obama has plans to reduce this statistic. America's statistics shows that its people are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer lincenses as each year goes by. This makes Obama's plan a step closer to being complete. Car usage can therefore be depleted and the atmosphere can be saved. Car companies will have a negative impact from this but these countries are seeing better results from it. Limting car usage is not the end of the world. More transportation is out there and the less cars, the less stress.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus,is that how evening star,which is aslo the name for venus,it is that venus is a plant of the solar system,venus is our second plant from the sun. Each mission they have done was unmanned,and for a good reason why."Since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours."There might be an issue of why it explains"why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades. The thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide. The more challenging is that there for,the clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit,aslo the atmospheric pressure is about 90 times greater than what we experience in our own plant. It is nothing like we humans have encounter on earth. venus has the hossest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. "Venus may well once of have been the most-earth like planet in our solar system."Venus might or probably have been covered largely with oceans and maybe just maybe have life just like earth has have."The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features shuch as mountains and craters." NASA solution would be to the hostille conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. They want to hover over many stroms and travel at higher altitude to fly landscape,aslo so they can aviod unfriendly ground condtitons staying out of the way. However,venus from a ship obriting or hovering above the plant safely can only provied limited insight on ground conditions. Most light froms cannot penetrate the dense of the atmosphere,rendering standard form phitigraphy and videography is ineffective. Resachers want to take a sample of rocky,gas or anything esle they could get on to it form a distance. Therefore scientists would take the risk to get up close to it . "NASA is working on other approaches to study venus. For example,some simplified electronics is made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus surface and lasted for three weeks in such conditions."They are looking at the past by telling us of how they require elections. But at the end they are still expanded to meet in the edged of imagination and innovtion.
Limiting the use of automobiles would make a drastic impact on the world in many ways, such as decreasing pollution in the air; and providing citizens a healthier lifestyle. By limiting the use of car transportation, you are decreasing the harmful gases that automobiles release into the air. In passage two, it states that Paris initiated a temporary driving ban to clear the air of the global city, known as "The smog". Which is a great thing, because it motivates citizens to provide new ways to get around, such as walking or riding a bike; and it provides the area with freasher air to breath. France's actions caught the attention Beijing, China, one of the most polluted cities in the world. Another significant reason why decreasing the use of cars is a great thing, is because it allows citizens to interact with each other; and to promote alternative transportations to travel around the city. In passage 3, it states that millions of columbians, in Bogota, Coulumbia partake in a car free day, which they hope will inspire others all around to do the same. The citizens of columbia used more effiecient ways to travel around the city such as, hiking, biking, or skating. It provided them a great exercise, reduced stress and air pollution, and a chance to interact with their community and environment. Columbia's event recieved a great deal attention and widely influenced other countries and cities all over the world. Although, automobiles provide an easier, faster way to get around it is the cause of toxic pollution in the air. So limiting car usauge will provide fellow citizens with a healthier lifestyle and freasher air. One small step to decrease pollution could spark a revolutionary change.  
There are many good reasons to join the Seagoing Cowboys. For example they get to help others from different cultures, the seagoing cowboys can learn about their different cultures, and maybe even learn a different language. The seagoing cowboys get to deliver different animals arcross the ocean to also help others in need of livesock. Seagoing cowboys helped a lot to help fix the ruins that World War II left behind. After delivering the animals or other things the seagoing cowboys get to go exploring in the area that they had to ship the animals and others to. Luke had just came to Europe on a Cattle Boat not even thinking that he was going to be a seagoing cowboy. Luke and his friend Don Reist had heard that the job helped other families around the world. They decided to sign up for the job. The Seagoing Cowboys helped recover all of teh land, animals, and supplies after many, many wars. Luke may have gotton hur during the job, but he still kept going.
The years seem to by flying by, people seem to be growing smarter, and technology seems to be improving rather well. Smart products are becoming more and more popular in some countries, and students in school are using technology often. Psychologists all over the world are studying why students and young adults need a program to help others understand their emotions. Systems like the Facial Action Coding System is showing people why emotions are important in peoples' everyday lives, especially in schools. Helping the students around the world is important, and the facial coding on computers can detect when a student is bored, confused, or worried. When a student is falling bored in class, it can be hard to tell what is going on. They may not be paying attention and the teacher may not even know what the problem is. The Facial Action Coding System will come in handy; computers will be able to easily detect when a student is falling out of focus. Helping out students pay attention is important to their education, and the facial coding is high programmed algorithms to detect the facial muscles on a student. This program is accurate and quick to decide what the student is feeling in class. The passage, "Making Mona Lisa Smile," mentions when a student is falling bored, the program that recognizes the students face can update to show information that interests the child. Aside from students falling bored in school, The Facial Action Coding System can come in handy for recognizing students becoming confused also. There are different facial muscles used for confusion, worry, surprise, and happy, so the coding system can help students who become easily confused. Dr. Huang and his colleague Nicu Sebe are working to help computers and humans to communicate, without the confusion. The computer system can update its information to help the students by constructing a 3-D scan of the face, becuase it can be confusing trying to figure out what the student is confused about. This system can then modify its lesson to help the student become less confused, like said in, "Making Mona Lisa Smile." When talking about emotions, worry and surprise go hand in hand. Worry is easily detected by the Facial Action Coding System that Dr. Paul Eckman created. A person's frontalis pars laterlis muscle is above the eyes and falls the category of worry and surprise. When a student appears to be worried, or shocked over a subject, the computer program can adjust and help the teacher figure out what the student is struggling with. A program that does not help a student can be detrimental, that is why the Facial Action Coding System will come in handy to easily detect the students' feelings. The idea behind the Facial Action Coding System is that a computer scan of a person's face will be used to decide the person's emotion. When someone is angry, their orbicularis oris tightens around the mouth. This muscle will be detected on the Facial Action Coding System, as all the 44 major muscles will be modeled on the program. It is helpful to know when someone is angry or feeling down, and this system is extremely helpful for students.
I, Luke Bombeger, crossed the atlantic ocean 16 times out of my life. I wanted to help people in need, and I did. I am proud to be a seagoing cow boy. I wanted to help people who were affected by the war. Sure, there were many hardships. And at one point I almost died. But it is all worth it. I got to help many people, and I also helped solve the food problem in Europe. On the boat trips I had to care for many animals, it kept me busy, but it was good to do work. When the animals were unloaded, we would play around in the stalls and play games. It was a good time with my team mates. I encourage you to be a seagoing cowboy. I had so many good oppurtunities and I helped so many people. I feel blessed to go from country to country and help others in need. If you help, I think you might be surprised at how much you can accomplish in life.
Car free day is spinning into a big hit all around the world. Many people cant even image the advantages there is for limiting of car usage. Many countries have been doing a lot to reduced the the car usages. In Germany the government have made The ether current resident of car owning to buy a space to park their car for $4,ooo along with house. The number of usages have been lower. As a result ,70 percent of Vauban families dont own cars or use than and 52 percent have sold there car to move to Vauban Germany. An also in a other part of the wood like Paris have enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air that had been the re for days. On Monday motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or surfer a 22 euro fine. In the Colombia a program was put place on a car -free day also. Colombia had been doing this for three years and have been seeing a good results. violators faced $25 fines the turnouts was large. The limiting of car usage has also turnout to the residents of Columbia one stated "Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said a businessman. The tat with out cars is a part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid 19900s. It had seen Th econstrusion of 118miles of bicycles paths the most of any Latin America city-according to Mockus the city mayor. The end of the car culture, president Obamas ambitious goals to to curb the U.S greenhouse gas emissions , unveiled last week will cut down the usage of cars on Us roads. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. people that thorn that car is their life have also have things to said about the world with no cars. They tend to said that they cant move to another place without a car. That they cant live without a car. With the car limiting the world will not fixed all of it problems but will hjad a great start. In a Moblile world congress last tear in Barcelona , Spian, Bill Ford layout a business plan for a world in which personal vehicles ownerships. Preposed a a plan where pedestrin,bicyles,private cars,commercial are woven into a connected network to save time.                                                              
Technology adavncements have come a long way since the primitive sticks and stones of the early human era and dueing this time humans have been constanly creating new inventions for different tasks. now there is a new technology that will allow people to calculate emotions. This new invention to read humans emotions to an exceptionally accurate percent can and will be a valuable asset later in life for reading our emotions which in turn will help tell the truth when we dont want to,find what is bothering people so it can be fixed, as well as keeping people focused in their daily lives. This will be useful in our everday lives because it is a more advanced and accurate form of something we already use daily. for instance we as humans "calculate" these emotions when we are looking at a friend and we can "tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on his or her face". but despite that we humans still cannot accurately describe and convey the truth behind the emotion. we may see a person who is happy but in reality they are very down and upset or angry. this is where this new technology comes into play. With this new tecnology people will be able to find the true emotion becuase it can detect mixed emotions and the emotions that make it up. because of this peoople then can respond in a way that is needed to either make the situation better or keep it on the same topic that it is currently on. this technology could also keep people focused and alert due to this technology responding to keep attention to the task at hand. for example " a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored ." "then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." Or if you are an adult the technology could respond to your emotions and change itself to fit your needs the best. This use of the new technology would help both the people of the working class and students who are trying to stay focused on the class and its lessons. in addition to this the technology can also be used for entertainment. the technology would "make computer -animated faces more expressive" which would ensure more happines from the user. Because of all the advanced tasks that the new technology can do such as help tell the truth, keep attention to task at hand, help fit itself to specific needs and create better entertainment. This new technology will come with great benefits and is definetly a helpful recource that should be implmented into classrooms and other facilities to ensure a better and more productive daily life.
Venus, the Earth's twin or so we thought. With and atmosphere of ninety-seven percent carbon dioxide and average surface tempurture over eight hundred degrees. What dangers do we face trying to study Venus? Or why would we not try to find another place to substain human life? Why is the author even suggest studying Venus? Why does the author even support studying Venus? Venus's main atmosphere my be over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit but just above the cloud such as Earth there is a much calmer atmosphere. Thirty-plus miles above the surface, tempertures drop to around 170 degree ,but the air pressure returns to about the air pressure around sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful and radiaton wouldn't exceed Earth level. Not easy conditions to live in but survivable for humans. Finding another place to substain human life is a nessisary thing because of the growing population on Earth ,and the ever present threat of gobal warming. Earth is not gonna be here forever and we need a place to live if all goes South. What would be the best place to substain life, well that has not been decided yet but what better way to start than learning about Earth's twin. The author says " If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even dicussing further vists to its surface? Astronomers are fasinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Even with past failures of trying to land on Venus the author supports the idea of exploring it. This is becasue of the thought that Earth will be like Venus in it life time. The author completely supports further exploration on Venus even with the dangers. He belives it is worth the risk to learn more about where life can be substained, what Earth's future looks like, and to learn more about Venus's past.
For many years scientist and mechanics have been trying to create a car that drives on its own. Over the years, they have come close to creating that car, and soon they'll have is made. I personally feel like it's a bad idea to create this car, even though there are some good points to it. I get car sick, and I'm sure many people in this world get car sick too. I have found that when I drive, I don't get car sick, one reason it that I'm keeping my mind busy and focus on driving. With self driven cars I would not be driving, so I'll get car sick, I would rather walk to my destination, than get sick and dizzy because of driverless car. However, you're probably thinking "I don't car sick." So letting me move on. Everyday someones computer crashes, phones freeze, or their eletronic device's battery runs out. What does this have to do with the car? Well, I'm glad you asked. If this is a driverless car it is a known fact that it'll be electronic. So imagen you're driving in the high way when you're car manlfunctions and shuts down. If you can't get you're car under controll quick enough you'll crash right in to the person in front or beside you. Technology is known to fall apart and malfuntion all the time, so most likely this driverless car will cause more accidents. This idea of a driverless car is not all bad. There are some good things about it too. For example, texting and driving will be less dangerous, drunk people will be able to drive home without worrying about crashing, or if there is a traffic jam, you don't have to worry, because the car will provide entertainment for you. It's the future now. Of course everyone wants to take things to the next level. I just don't think we're ready yet. In conclusion. driverless cars are a bad idea because they'll cause more car crashes, make people lazier, cause many people to get car sick, including myself, and it'll do more bad than good. The car can help with many things as well . The future is bright, the next level of future things is driverless cars. But, for right now the future is doing just fine with drivers driving a car.
Well the Omna Lisa is a good paint but now that they are trying to know what was her expresion. I think it is good for 1 reason. Bad for 1 reason. The technology is going to know about the expresion that you have and the facial expresion if you are fakeing it or it is natural. It is a good reason because they can discover the expresion of the paints like Mona Lisa but the same time for the fake people who just are being fake. And it could be able to use for the president to see if they smile its natural or fake. To the special people if they are being honest because that can be seen by they face expresions that's what I read. However the bad reason is that they could use it to all the people and know that they are not feeling good or that type of stuf that is private in that way. But also they can had the or ask the permission for the people so if they can see their expresions because it is private for what are your feeling inside. In conclusion it is good and bad. Becuase we can discover from famous paints or photos that had expresions. But for the present it would be something that is private and cannot violate by they rights. But in conclusion I think it would be good but just to use ir in old and past things that would like to be discovered in the present.
Mr. Senator, I think that the Electoral College is a decent way to vote for president. But is it really the best way? Though the Electoral College elects presidents in a way favored by many, it doesn't allow for people to directly vote for the president. Because of that, the Electoral College should be abolished and changed to election by popular vote. Voting by Electoral College can make things unfair. As stated in the article, "The Indefensible Electoral College", "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a state of electors, who in turn elect the president" (Source 2). That statement basically says that when a voter goes to vote, they aren't voting for the president, but for someone to go and vote for them. Also, who exactly are the people we go and let vote for the person leading our country? According to the article, "Electors can be anyone not holding public office" (Source 2). The people who go and vote can't control who these electors vote for. That's just another way that the Electoral College can be unfair to the voters. Along with being unfair to the voters, the Electoral College can also be unfair to other people as well, for example, the canidates actually running for president. In an article that is for the Electoral College, it states that, "...the electoral college is not democratic in a modern sense...it is the electors who elect the president, not the people" (Source 3). Does this mean that the Electoral College may have been a good system a while ago, and maybe not as good this day in age? Yes, it does. Also, in the article, it states, "...it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote" (Source 3). That being said, there is always a chance that the result of an election will not be what the country as a whole wants, but what the electors want. To conclude, the Electoral College is a very interesting proccess that everyone should know about. But I believe that the Electoral College should be a process that stays in textbooks to be learned about, not to actually be used. The Electoral College should be gone and be changed to election of popular vote. After all, the Preamble to the Constitution says, "We the people", not "We the electors". Thank you for your time, PROPER_NAME    
I think that its a good idae to send more probes to venus even despite the cost. i am totally on bourd with this. The author made some good points and suggestions why we should send more things to venus. first scientists are researching a way to last longer to get to venus and land on it because it is the closest planet to us but defining the risks it will take they are doing research. but they are trying to make a man pod for a human to go there and study it first hand. second scientists are also finding a way to make these probes and pods to withstand venus the planet. simplified electrons made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface. it has lasted three weeks in simulation. lastly they are also looking into an old technology that has more withstand to that stuff and its called mechanical computors. they were created in the 1900 and was used in world war 2 they had no electronics it was just gears and wires and levers. but they do the job they can withstand a high pressure of heat and other forces. the author did support his story with facts that if we dont do it now then human curiosity will do it later.
Limiting the use of cars seems like a crazy idea but if you really think about the importance of cars now a days does not seem like a big deal. People are starting to realize that cars are not the only way of transportation. According to the article, the number of people driving tend to decrease every year(Source 4 (S4) paragragh 41 (P41) ). On the other hand driving can be more beneficial than walking or riding a bike at times. The purpose of the essay is to explain the advantages of limiting car usage. For all you nature lovers, limiting cars would seem like a good idea. If more people walk or ride bike's, the percent of air pollution would lower(S1 P5). In the United States, it is proven that up to 50 percent of greenhouse gas is caused by cars(S1 P5). Cars can be very dangerous if they are driven by the wrong people. Driving under the influence can cause many accidents because drivers tend to go to fast or drive really reckless while intoxicated. Choosing to walk or ride a bike instead of driving can be more benefical because of the amount of exercise people can get out of it. One con to driving is having to worry about traffic(S3 P20). When not driving you do not have to worry about anything slowing you down. There are many advantages to walking instead of driving that many people do  not realize. For example, when walking you do not have to deal with bad parking, being fined for bad driving, or even washing your car which can be a hassle at times(S3 P21). On the hand, there is nothing wrong with driving at times. A car can be more useful than walking when it comes to going long distances. Now a days everybody is always in a rush and based on where you need to go a car can get there at a faster rate. Accidents can still happen while walking or riding a bike just maybe not as frequently. People can even use smart cars if they are so worried about air pollution(S2 P18). To wrap things and get to the point, driving less cars can be more benficial. Walking and riding bike's and avoid less traffic and accidents. The percent of greenhouse gas caused by cars would probably go down and air pollution would not be such a big problem. Another benefit of walking is getting exercise. While cars do cause many problems as far as pollution and accidents, they are not a bad idea.
We should continue the development for these self driving cars. They could prove safer than regular human driven cars and could reudce the cost of fuel. These self driven cars are equiped with scanners that have become advanced enough to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids and rollovers. The scanners can use the information to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. Thus allowing for a far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Not only can self driving help prevents accidents caused by human error it can also help with another serious problem. While these cars will most likely still run on the same fuel supply as regular cars. If development continues these cars may be able to run on half the fuel of a regular car which in turn could lower gas immesions into the air. Not only will the self driving car be more energy suffient it will also be a more partical means of transportation if development is to cotinue. "The road to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us, but we grow closer to the destination every day." Its only a matter of time until the self driving car reaches it's full potential. As long as development continues and laws are passed allowing the use of these cars. We should be seeing a big change in how we drive our cars in the next couple of years..