Even though venus seems to be very dangers. Haven't you even thought of about it whati looks like or wats on it at least. Well this is what the story is about wanting to explore venus. Also the good and bad about venus. The test that have been ran up to test venus. In the story it talks about venus and the good and ba about it. What could damge us and what it benifits us with. Soemthimes venus is refered as earth's twin, The reason behind that is that it is the planet closest to us. But not just that it also has the sam e size and density as earth. Here is what coukd benifit us from exploreing venus. In the story it talks about how we would gain insight on earth its self. It tals about how venus is the most lije planet like earth. Long ago venus was ful of oceans and there could hve been life on the planet at a point. But now we belive it looks noting likw what it used to look like. There is a lot that could aftect the air in venus is not good for us at all.The atmosphere is very thick. It talks about how the atmospheric is 90 times greater then the one we have on earth. There is also hhigh pressures and heat. There is valcaos that could eruot that we don't know when they possible coukd even do it. It talks about how there is also lighting. This what we could gain from it could possible make it better and have another planet where thre is life on it. But it is dangerouse thinds that you could posible end up dying from. We have treid sending stuff there we have but when we do they don't last long. Possibly like an hour and then it stops worling.
Driverless cars are and should be the future. We wouldn't have to worry about that one guy driving red lights and aciddently smashing into another person. But what if I told you that people could still crash even without doing that and the driver would still be blamed. Cars are easlily hacked nowadays. In early 2010's someone was able to get into a car that had some computer stuff built into it. He was able to change the tire pressure and how much the car think it had of gas. Some reports say he was able to drive the car without even being in the car. Imagine what people will do when full on computers are able to get into cars. They would be able to lock you in the car and smash into someone, delete the tracks that he messed with the car then the driver had to blamed. The police wouldn't know what to do and then the cars would be outlawed or something. So I am all for the driverless cars but I believe that better protection from hackers is alot more safe than the angry birds app in my car.
The Author says that if our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even disccusing further visits to its surface Astronomers are fascinated by Venus beacuse it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Long ago, venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like earth today.Atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth such as environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even though Mercury is closer to our son. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it surface.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. However, some are not aware of the dangers of exploring Venus. It's so dangerous that NASA wouldn't dare send anyone to Venus with such harsh conditions. The reason why exploring Venus is a dangerous thing to do is because of the fact that every spacecraft that was sent to Venus did not survive landing for more than a few hours, luckily for NASA, no one was in that spacecraft. I feel as if these spacecrafts didn't survive because of Venus' daily temperature, which is 800 degrees fahrenheit. Venus even has 97% of carbon dioxide in the air. If that weren't enough, Venus' environment is so Extreme, it could "crush a submarine accustomed to driving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." All of this states why Venus is a dangerous planet to explore. Venus has not been explored yet, and it probably never will due to it's conditions. No man can ever experience the harsh and unsafe environment of Venus. The conditions in Venus is not stable enough for humans to explore or survive on. The conditions are even tough for the spacecrafts to handle. This explains why we can't explore Venus anymore.
Not needing anymore cars in the future ? that would be awsome and you could just teleport? that sounds so fun but scary at the same time. this really would change the world a lot. Another thing would be cars with out people needing to drive on the drivers seat. such as like getting in a taxi, you just tell the car where you would like to go and where its locatced at just like you would to the man in the taxi. exept this time you dont have to pay your car for the distance it drove you just like you would pay a taxi man/woman. This car would have to be like a ohone in order to drive its self but more technalgy put into it , because it has to have sencers so it will not hit another car that it is in front, side or behind you. and also it will need to have a very very advanced gps that will be have to be updated everytime there would be traffic, road blocks, road floding, construction on the road that is getting fixed, where all the new reaturants that have been just barley been built and open for service. This car need so much things installed to it for it will need to be perfect but not also is it just the car that will probably need to have things installed to it, also we would need to install chips on the stop lights. so there for the car can know when the light is on green to go, yellow to slow down for a stop, and red to atomaticlly stop. it would need to signal the car and give it a message letting it know what color the stop light know so there for it would give the car time to react to what it is instructed to do. I was thinking, what if we had to install sincers on to or into the road so there for the car will not go off road and it will know what lane it has to stay on or take. then also guss what ? we would have to also maybe install sincers to the speed limit sign to where it will notificate the car how fast it should be going on the road or how fast it should be turnning on a certain road. Know you see all the stuff we will need to do in order for people to have a car that will drive itself? this will cost a lot of money ! i mean a lot ! because you would have to bulid all of that and install all of that to the whole untied states ! thats a lot of money just for a car that drives itself. its cool but i mean this will only make people lazy to not drive at all. In my opinion, this is a very bad idea when we really dont need it.
In this argument we are going to talk about space aged cars ans how we are trying to develope them. To be completely honest they arnt going to work, well at least not yet. there are to many things wrong with them as of now, and I am going to tell you the three main reasons why we shouldnt have these cars on the road yet. These self operated cars can be usefull, but there are some downsides to the idea. lets say you get in a wreck with a person who has a self moving car, who is going to pay for your ca repair bills? the person who was in the self operating car wont because they didnt do it, and we all now that the gopvernment wont pay for a damn thing unless it will help them out in some way, or paying people who dont work , but we wont get into that. Anyway it is unsafe to have a auto controlled car for insurance reasons and how that would work. Do you know haw much slower that this world would be if everyone could only go 25 mph. It would be a very slow world. People would have to change their schedules to wake up early enough to make it to their work or school while only going 25 mph maximun speed. peoples life could be in danger if one of these machines malfuntion, or just stop working. I mean the only time i can see this idea ever being practical is at night if someone gets off of work really late and is tired; they could have it auto pilot just incase they fall asleep. Overall i dont think this is a very good idea yet. if they can make some inprovements this could be a legitamete idea, but as of now i hink we are better off with our man operated vehicles.there are to many risks and not enough payout for what it is worth.
Would an "Facial Action Coding System" be useful in a classroom? No, I believe it would be too troublesome for just a classroom full of students trying to learn. For example, some students wouldn't want the sensor to scan their face for some stupid reason. I believe it could be put to better use. Reson 1 on why I say no. The artical may state ""A classrom computer could reconize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor"", but that is about where the effectiveness of using this tech in classrooms stops. Reason 2 on why I say no. This tech can be used in court or in buisneses. If someone is lying in court, we would know and could ask for the truth. With buisnes, you could tell if someone is impressed with your quota or idea then branch off from there. Reason 3 on why I say no. This tech could even help with therapy. You might tell your theripist that you're better but sill need therapy. Theripist could even use this tech to help develop specialized lesons for certain people. Reason 4 on why I say no. Who in thier right mind would want tech that would give them more ads? No one wants ads in the first place. If they do want to see an ad, then they can just go to an search engine and look up the ad on thier free time when they want to. To sum up on what i think. I believe this tech would be so limited in the classroom that it would practically wasting money. It should go toward something that not knowing the correct emotion or state of mind could cost hundred or thousands of dollars. Or when you need the truth but no one will give in.
After the war, countries were left in ruins, but not for long. A special organization called UNRRA is helping to recover their food supply, animals, and more. But then, UNRRA hired Seagoing Cowboys which took care of the horses, young cows, and mules. I, Luke Bomberger, was one of those "cowboys". I believe that the Seagoing Cowboys is a great program because it will save many animals lives. Not only is it saving the animals, but it will also save the owners because they rely on them as a food source or even as transportation. As it says in the text, you not only participate in a great event, but you also get to go on a tour. Because the animals you need to pick up are so far away across the Atlantic Ocean, you can see many countries as well as Crete and China. I also found time on board to where I could actually play games and have fun besides feeding animals. Not only doing chores for the other-side of the world is helpful, but I believe it can also be very fun. The only way for you to realize it, is to experiece it. Life is short, take big risks, like lending a helping hand.
No technology cannot make you happy unless technology and social media is all you would live for. Technology is not to live for unless you have no goals in life and just want to do nothing but sit around and live off technology and social media. It's hard to come by and not live with technology today because its huge nowadays. Our phone are distracting a lot. computers are used for a lot today in school, at libraries, at work all over the place. You can use technology for almost anything. In the passage the author stated, " The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face", computer could possibly do anything. Technolgy can possibly read emotional expressions of students in a classroom. In article 5 the author stated," In fact, we humans perform the same impressive " calcuation " every day." The author basically said, us humans calculated the same facial expressions we give out to others.
There is absolutely no way that the "face" on Mars was made by aliens. Some people and very few scientists think this landform was made by aliens on Mars. When you think about it,it is not logical. If there were aliens on Mars scientists and NASA would of known about them by now and would of informed us. They have up to date technology now and would of detected a living thing on Mars if there was anything there,which there isn't. Some people say that NASA and scientists are trying to keep the aliens a secret and keep them from us but there is no reason to. I think if there were aliens on Mars they would of let us know because it would be a bigger benefit for them because people would want to see them and pictures of them. They could get a lot of money so it doesn't make sense for them to hide them from us. Also the "face" became a priority to them and they took many photos and did a lot of research about it. The most logical answer is that the "face" is just a natural landform or rock formation made by nature. The eyes,nose,and mouth are formed by clouds that give an illusion."What the picture really shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa,lanforms common around the American West,". It is a coincidence that is resembles a face but that doesn't mean it was made by aliens. There is no reason for people not to believe scientists or NASA because there is no evdience that the "face" was made by aliens or that NASA and the scientists are lying to us. Everything about it is not logical and does not make sense,if there were any actual life on Mars we would of know by now. It is just a rock formation and shadows that is tricking the human eye.
In the passage "Driverless Cars Are Coming. They have been rtying to do this for a wighle. They have finally figured it out. ,The Release. , The high demand , the more it grew. The older forms of the car wernt fully driverless. They had to at least be around 25 mph for it to actully work. They had it to were if the driver is not looking at the road he or she would get a vibration on their chair. Then if that didnt work the car would go into manual and so their for the driver had to take over the car. It wasn't the most safe way but it worked. The new car is here. But they wern't flying off the shelvs like they were predicted to. TheIr were around 4-5 states whom bought there merchindise. They were, Clifornia, Nevada, Florida, District of columbia. theis were the only ones who would actuly try the product. They were all satisefided and wanted more and more shipments. So the market was all good. The new car was at its peek and was keeping drivers safe no matter what happend. The new car was a hit! The cars were flying out of stock and then they were being even more safe and less deaths by automtives each year. So now the new problem is the new car laws. So they had to come up with a whole new law system with the new cars. So thats just what they did. So tesla had worked out the bugs in their car and will be releasing the line of fully driverless cars in 2016. This one of their bigest hits yet it drives on its own for more then 90% of the time. Soo now they are pretty happy with what has come with the new cars. The more saftey in the car, the new stoping system, and a whole new line of cars. The new realease of driverless cars was a hit and more people started to buy them. So the stock of then was higher than ever. So the new driverless car are the thing of the futer.
The technolgy is good for seeing emotions in paintings I can see that but, my question is if we actually except it or need it at some point. What the story says has my attention but not quite everybody's. The FAC i'll Say its not valuabe because students wouldn't be really into that maybe some will but the majority will not. The object looks like something kids need in there life to learn someting new. That will motivate them for them to do great things and try to invent other things. I just writing what I know how to right this doen't really matter because imma fail anyways but this story wouldn't really valuable why because I know our generation and if we have it in our school no one would care. I wouldn't here one person say "hey lets check out the FAC" because I know what im saying I would like to speak the truth. The story had some interstesting facts about how could detect everything from the body (Alto, page 1). So I would say that it really isnt valuable.
Myself, being a 15 year old girl, I have yet to drive a driverless car, so I don't know exactly how well I like them. In my opinion I don't think it's that great of an idea. I believe that if a person thinks they can take on the responsibilty of being able to drive a car then they should be fully able to do all the things involved with drivng. What if the driverless car so happenes to malfinction? The possiblities are endless when it comes to the things that could go wrong, when it comes to driverless cars. If you think you are prepared for driving then I think you should know all the tasks you have to do and be able to perform them tasks while driving. The person driving should be responsible and be very aware of his surrounding, and they should always be alert. If you think you should be driving then you have to be responsible for yourself and the others around you. Not only is your life on the line so is theirs. You shouldnt have to rely on electronics and computers to help you drive. That may also make you forget about the rules of driving. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be awesome if we didn't have to drive ourselves around. Not have to worry about looking both ways, or getting into a crash. In reality we just can't trust it. what if something were to happen where the antilock breaks lock up in the middle of the Highway or something and 5 People are killed in a crash? Who is responsible then? Mistakes do happen, so that's why I think the cars should just stay how they are. Let people take on the resposibilites of the safety of themselves and others.
Theres lots of reasons why you should join the program but i'm going to give you the best reasons. As you can see from the artical/passage you can tell that Luke was helping animalsover seas from WWII. The text states, "UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of: The horses, young cows and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don signed up." That was just the first reason and if you don't understand it i was trying to say you could help ship and save many animals lives. Now the next reason that might change your mind and help you began to slowly realise that you should join is going to different places. In the artical is states that Luke actually went to greece when he turned the age of 18. Which he even had free time on his hand and had fun doing his job There is also fun on the ship when the animals get off and you have a little bit of time to play around. The author states, "Luke also found time to have fun on board (When the animals got off the ship of course) the cowboys played baseball and volleyball and such." Now this job is not as easy as it seems and it can be dangerous, as you can clearly see that the text states, "Luke was on night watch and slide on something, luckily he did not fall in to the atlantic but he still could not work do to the broken ribs." As you can see its not that easy and can be dangerous if you're not careful and check your surroundings. But by the end its all worth is, im sure luke felt good about himself once the job was finished and done. Touring around different citys, helping feed animals. Its amazing and something new and those are just some of the reasons why you should join the program and if you do good luck and have fun seeing different parts of the world
Votes for the president of the United States are counted each election in two ways, the popular vote and the Electoral College. The popular vote is the people's vote, which allows our democratic nation to vote for their leader themselves, and the Electoral College is dependent upon the popular vote, and casts electoral votes based on the number of Representatives and Senators each state has in Congress (Source One). People have consistently debated over whether or not this was a fair election process, due to the fact that the people's votes do not directly go to the president. Because of this, many people want the Electoral College to be gone, and people have attempted to abolish it in the past. The Electoral College should be abolished and the US should adopt the popular vote system as their only system because we live in a democratic nation, the current electoral voting process may not represent the popular vote, and it's a more fair system. As citizens of the United States of America, we depend on the fact that we live in a free nation that values our justice, liberty, and voice. Included within our voice, we also depend on our democracy, that allows us to have say in who runs our country and how. It's important that we take advantage of this voice we have in the government, and it's also important we are represented fairly within it. When we depend on electors from the Electoral College to vote for who our states popular votes went to, they may not be doing that. They ultimately can decide who they are voting for, and if they decide to vote for the opponent, no one can stop them. It's very easy for them to betray our trust without our awareness (Source Two). Source Three also states that "that trust is rarely betrayed," which makes it clear that although uncommon, there have been incidents in the past where the citizens have been represented unfairly. In a democratic nation, we should have true sovereignty and be able to cast our popular vote, and know that it is being counted and included in the final say of our leader. Overall, the Electoral Vote may not represent the Popular vote. As mentioned, there have been incidents in the past that have indicated the truthfulness of this statement. For example, in 1960 John F. Kennedy was almost opposed by unfair elections due to our country's people being misrepresented (Source Two). Even if the popular vote of our state goes one way, the "'faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please..." (Source Two). The electors are unreliable and may go one way just because they please to do so while leaving the faithful citizens in the dust with their decisions and votes meaning nothing. The popular vote system would better represent the people than the unreliable Electoral College system we have now. The popular vote system is a more fair system, one of many reasons being that it would eliminate the advantage large and "swing" states have over others. Currently, "swing" states are being given more attention to be the candidates because the candidates realize that the fate of their presidency may be dependent upon these states (Sources Two and Three). Since the Swing states are the ones who's votes can go either way, the candidates spend more time with these states in order to insure their likelihood to achieve the states electoral votes. This is not a fair process because the other states are not getting to know the candidates like these states do. The same thing goes for large states. Since the number of electoral votes you have is dependent upon population, the larger states have more electors/representatives. Therefore, the presidential candidates want to achieve as many electoral votes as possible and will make sure to appeal to the larger states, leaving the smaller states at a disadvantage due to misrepresentation. The popular vote system would take everyone into account evenly, and therefore represent everyone fairly, and make for a better voting system. All in all, the current Electoral College system is unfair, misrepresented, and unappealing to a democratic nation. The system should be abolished for all of these reasons, and allow the popular voting system to come in to play. The popular vote system would allow each citizen to be represented equally, and create a more level and fair environment. It's important that a democratic nation feels like one, and that we are all represented fairly, and there's no better way to do so than by being our own representatives.
Driverless cars would be a good source for people to have. It would be a very helpful thing, we would use less of our time to drive than the time we do today. People would have more time to do other things also. People would also take a break from driving because they sometimes get tired of driving so much. For example people have to drive so much when they go to their jobs,stores,doctor etc. Driverless cars have the best aspects, some exaples are transportation,safetly and awesome. I think that driverless cars would be a good transportation for the people. I think the driverless cars have very good aspects that will do good foe us. For example people would drive less and that means they would use less fuel and not waste a lot of money. Driverless cars also uses half of the fuel that taxis use today, therefor people would save up more money. Driverless cars also have a very good flexibility more than a bus so I say that these upcoming driverless cars are going to make our lifes easier and better. Another reason why we should have the driveless cars are because they are safety. Cars has been drive for more them a million miles without a crash so that means that their safe to have them. These cars also alert the drivers when they have take over pulling in and out of the driveways. Also when the cars gets to the point where there is a coplicated traffic issue like roadwork or accidents. Driverless cars alerts to know that somethings is happening and therefor we can avoid accidents or other stuff. Lastly driverless cars would just be awesome. It would be very nice to have a car like that and that you would have o worry about driving it. Also if actually wanted to drive the car because it would be boring not driving you could. The driverless car would quickly turn off and the driver could take over.Its awesome because it has several aspects that are just great and that people would not complained about it because they are satisfied and like it. People would be fascinated to have these new cars. People would think they are worth to make them because it would be a very good thing for the whole world to have. Another good thing about thsese new cars, is that a lot people would want to buy because they would really like them. Therefor the people who made them would sell a lot ot the driverless cars and would make a lot of money.
Cars have become an important part of our world. From their rising fame came consequences that effected our daily lives and our enviornment. Limiting car use can have advantages, like reducing greenhouse gasses and making ones community better to live in. By limiting car usage, the amount of greenhouse gasses- gasses produced by exaust, carbon dioxide, etc.- would be reduced. Greenhouse gasses effect the ozone layer of the earths atmosphere and that in turn effects the health of everyone breathing in the earths oxygen. Greenhouse gasses, albiet the healthy sounding name, is not good for people or the enviornment. By limiting car usage, people can put a dent in the amount of greenhouse gasses being produced. "Passenger cars are responsible for for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States" (5) This means people can change the world by simply reducing their car usage. Changing the way one lives can change the way they look at life. Some people in the community of Vauban have found happiness just by reducing their car usage. "'When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.' said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two" (3) In this community people get to experience walking down the street, hearing people instead of the constant sound of a running car. "In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway." The people living in the community don't have to go out of their way to buy something when they can just walk down the street and purchase it. The town of Vauban entertains the choice of effeciency and health over inconvienence and unsafe air. Limiting car useage can have many advantages, like reducing greenhouse gasses and making one's  community better. Although cars are convienent the people in the town of Vauban would rather live in a reduced car community.
In our normal day as students we are in constant stress, for the homework or tests that we have in a day, and this can also change our emotions through the day, and this stress could also make us do things that we don't usually do. That is the reason why we need something that can know our emotions and help us to manage it. For example, there is a student who has a lot of presure, from his house or school, from his tasks that he has to do in his home or the homework that he has to finish and tests that he has through the week. This presure can cause a lot of different changes in his mind, like lose of concentration in the class or get stuck in something. However, with the help of a program that can read the emotions of a student; the teacher can know when he has to slow-down, so the student can understand better the class or spend more time with him to teach it. Another use for this program can be recognize if a student want to do something bad, for example, the program can read the anger or a fake smile, and this could prevent a suicide or murder. Because we have seen a lot of students doing this. We have to ensure the security of the others and know when someone needs help. The classes that are at distance needs this too. Because the teacher don't know how the student is doing it; he is just looking at the grades. With the implemantation of this can improve all this classes, because the computer can recognize if a student is getting confused or bored; then it could modify hte lesson, like an effective human instructor. For these reasons the students need a program that detect excatly how they feel; that can help them with studies, or know if they want to do something bad, so the persons in charge can handle this before it happen, and not just for these reasons we need there; in the future there will be more applications for this new technology that can change how we live our lives.
Luke was a great guy he was a Seagoing Cowboy who worked 2 jobs so as, grocery store and bank. He thought things wouldn't be well after he got done with his graduation. Boom! Something changed, it was a opportunity for him so let me tell you. One day his frend Don asked him do u want to go on a Europe cattle boat with me. Luke said yes because he thught it would been a nice thing to do. After that Luke and Don seen that the UNRRA were looking for Seagoing Cowboys to help out with animals that were are shipped overseas. So Luke and Don signed up, they knew it wouldn't hurt to try something new. Trips, yes trips Luke went to several places he went to Europe and China. Also, went to Venice and got to ride the gondola ride he even seen a castle in Crete he thought it was beautuful. Ah forget he went to Panama Canal too, well I dont know what that is but seems intresting though. Seagoing Cowboy, it was alot of work but it turned out really fun. Luke said it was more then a adventure. A opportunity to try something new and helping other and spending the with new friends. Saying yes was good after all. So i hope you liked it how Luke had a awesome time. Thinking it wouldn't be good after graduation but well it did. So thank you for reading hope it put intrest on your face.
Would you like to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program? I hope you would all want to participate. It is a lot of fun. You also get to learn about different animals like what they eat. A reason why you would want to have this is, you get to save animals lives and get to be with animals. The person didn't agree with me. He said "What if you are alergect to many kinds of animals?" I said you can wear a protected suit that animal's hairs couldn't get into the suit. He still doesn't agree. Then he says " What if you get sick or hurt?" I said we will help you. Another reason would be, you could be able to see the rest of the world. You also get to see stuff in that country you go to, when you save the animals lives. He agrees and says"That would be cool but would you ever get to have fun on board?" I said yes but you have to make sure that you do your job every hour like feeding the animals. After that many people joined the Seagoing Cowboys. Especially the people who were at the argument. One week later I went back on board and started saving animals lives again. It was a lot more fun with more people on board with me.
I think that this image of this face is very neat. Although I think that the face is real, but I dont think that the aliens did it though. I think that it was just nature made. Just like how if we are outside sometimes in the woods or just out in the yard you see like a heart shape or any shape on and object. You think its really neat and all but it doesnt go through your head that a strange living person made it. I know that it is on a diferant planet, and that we are looking for life some where else, but personaly I do not think that it is made by aliens. Just because they think that there is some other life out there doesnt mean that that life made this. If there was other life out there they would have been able to see the life moving around. Like us in the city or something we have monuments and statutes and they are all in or very close to the city. We dont just build somethng and have it we out where no one will go. There all in the city. So dont you think that the aliens would be out around admireing it, and looking at it. This is what I think.
I think going to join the Seagoing cowboys program would be intersting for boys and there's a lot of good reasons they should go. The cattle boat rides,visting places like Europe,China,and Greece. The cattle boat rides would be activity to do for fun. Visting places like Chinca, Europe ect. would be very interesting because you get to meet and learn bout people from different culutre and state andh help peoepl out from that state and learn what they do that we don't or what you probably never heard of. You can baseball or volly ball with you team and make new friends get to know people better. They play tennis,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling ,and games. Reading can help you etter in life if you ever deside you want to read so thats a reason boy should join the program. Also you can learn new and differen things through the program you can go with your friends or family thers's alot of activties for kids and aldults to do. Fencing can be a little excersise for you to stay slim whille you're out there.
They should change it to election by popular vote. Just because the electoral college is not divided evenly through out the states. So the president can win for having more states vote for him or her. The number of people in the state shouldn't count as how many votes they get. Like it says in the artcle "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" paragraph 21 number 4 that "a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. . . .". So its unfair to the smaller states just because of the size all the states should have equal numder of votes. People might say like in the artcle "The indefensible Electoral College:Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" in paragraph 13 that the "candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning." Thats why all the states should have the same number of votes so the candidates would go there to try to win them over. Having popular vote help voters want to vote again. Like in the artcle "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President." "The electoral college method of selecting the president College  method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state."So thats why it should be changed to popular vote.
The science around such a product as the "Facial Action Coding System" is truly amazing and spectacular but should we let it teach our next generation? No, that is my anwser for the question to be asked on if it should teach children, you maybe asking why, but the anwser is truly simple. The connection between a computer and a human child will not benifit it an any way, but are we asking the right question? I think that teacher would have a much better time using this rather than it having it's job, with technology changing and improving faster than ever seen before this could really help out teachers. Imagine if we had this in classrooms, genuisness is something people inspire to be no matter who you arte you always wants to learn something, but most fall short of this because they are so dis interested in the work. Now imagine if you had a product that stopped children from being bored and distracting themselves or others, imagine if you made something not only ore interesting but responded to you, why would you ever stop learning? And a sence of accomplishment would not only boost your self but could also make you want to learn even more than before, an entire generation of people who enjoyed learning the sky is no longer a limit the stars would be.
Many people have different oppinions over driverless cars. Some may think that driverless cars are dangerous or just outright wrong. While some people may think that driverless car is a big step for this world, and could be very helpful. Now both groups are neither right or wrong but there are pros and cons to driverless cars. One pro is that nowadays out technology is very advanced so in driverless cars they're putting the best sensors and technology in the cars to make them as safe as possible. One con is that these cars can handle normal driving functions but when it comes to workzones, traffic jams, or backing out of driveways they need a human to assist. I believe that driverless cars could very well help this country. Even though there are cons i think the pros out number them. So in conclusion, driverless cars may scare some but in the future these cars will be perfected and the accident rate will decrese.
Limiting car usage can be very helpful not only to our environment, but to our culture. Our ozone is slowly getting worse and worse every year. A heavy contributor to the decay of the ozone layer is the greenhouse gasses, like the ones we emit from our cars on a daily basis. A society without cars could create a safer, more time friendly, and environmentally healthy community. Think of all the tragedies that have spawned from car crashes. Just this year in our local community, a 16 year old boy was knocked off our local bridge and killed by a drunk driver. Our city is still recovering from this, not a day goes by where I don't see a new person leaving flowers in his spot on the bridge. In a society without cars, this would never have to happen again, think of all the potential lives that could be saved. Think about how much time you spend in a car on the average day. At least 30 minutes to an hour if you go to school, a job, or a sport. If we didnt have to drive everywhere, everything we needed would be compacted into walking distance. Life would be so much easier if you didnt have to stress about getting up early enough to catch the bus, or for your friend's mom to pick you up. you could just casually walk out the door and be at your destination in no time. Life without cars could be the change that our country needs. Improved environmental conditions, safety improving drastically, and your precious time being saved. Maybe life without cars wouldn't be as great as we're making it out to be, but how are we ever going to know if we don't try. This change would be for the better, and is exactly what America needs.
Do u wont to know how a face got on mars.There are many apinyons what people think about it. I think something crashet in to it. Same people says othere whyes. The face on mars is probly from the wilnd or somethink hiting it and it makes the face looking. According to the text they think it is a rale face or somthing. They tock pictersh frome the sadlight stachon in space. There are scientests studing that today. What i think it was from a rock hiting it and it made the fac or it had a wind storme and it made that face. According to the text they think it was frome there rockets landing there. Many people have there own apionyons. People say someone made it to show they where there and did not tell any one so they have something to talk about and to descuver what hapened. People wonts to know how the face got on mars. Many people dont like the way we are finding a face on mars. There are many things people wont to know about the face on mars and i think it is from wind or a big rock but thats me. This is what i think about the face on mars. I had many questons runing throw my mind about the face on mars. One of the qustons i had going throw my mide is how would they see it on mars or if they where on mars and sall it mack a face.
Dear State Senator I think that you should change teh Electoral College because it isnt really fare to our state trhat congress gets to pick our president. we as a state shoul get to chose on who we want to run our country, and who we want to be our leader. we should not have to pick the electors, why can we be the electors ourselves? Some people might want there to be and Electoral College but what about the others who think that we should vote or the president and not for the election of a president by a vote in congress? 60% of the voters would prefer to direct election to th ekind we ahve know. We have to think about everyone in this case not just the ones that think the have control over everything. we should listen to everyones opinions, not saying you have to do what they say,but just listen to. back in 1960, segregation in the louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who opposed John F. Kennedy. In 1968, a shift of just 41971 votes would have deadlocked the election. The Electoral College was unfair, outdated, and irrational.    
The Venus sometimes called the " Evening Star "," 1 of thebrightest points of light in the sky , making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot " . Venus is the second planet from our sun,the plannet closest to Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closest in distance too . The danger of is "97 percent are carbon dioxide plankets Venus , 800 degrees of Fahrenheit , and the 90 times greater than what we experience on our own plannet ". The "(NASA) has particular comelling idea for sending humans to study Venus", they working in other approaches to studying Venus. The first envisioned in the 1800s and in the 1940s during the World War 2. The modern of computer they need is enormously powerful, flexible, and quick. "Our travels on Earth and beyond shoould not only be limited by danger and doubt, but should be expanded to meetthe very edges of imagination and innovation" The Venus had alot of danger and the scientists want to answer every thing about the Venus. Maybe in the feture people can living on the Venus because human are very smart, they will try to get there in one day and live there.
Dear Senator, Many people might agree that we shouldn't have an Electoral College at all, since most of the time it doesn't seem to work at all since of instead just voting on the person or candidate you would prefer, you instead vote for a slate of electors instead of the prefered candidate. This is not the case, however, and in fact, the Electoral College does seem to function. It can be proven in two simple reasons on why the Electoral College still works- certainty of outcome and the simple fact that it's everyone's president. Foremost, the certainty of outcome can eaisly prove why the Electoral College still works. If we even do go to a system where we actually vote for popular vote, it would work as well as we do right now with the Electoral College, since there will be more disputes on popular vote than on the Electoral College. In Richard A. Posner's article on the defense for the Electoral College, he states in his first reason on why their would be much dispute over popular vote than on the Electoral College, and why it's less likely to happen on a Electoral College. He states "The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote." It's true, after all that the Electoral College's votes exceed over the popular votes. It could be also said that even if the government actually switches to popular vote, we know it would work since it does not exceed how on Electoral College votes go, which can be also seen as a simpler process of voting. On another note, in some cases, there can be ties between two candidates, as seen in 1992's Election between Nixon and Clinton on the popular vote. To summarize, the certainty of outcome is far greater in the Electoral College rather than the popular vote due to sheer number of votes in the Electoral College. On a second note, the fact that the american people can vote enough that it's everyone's president is another reason on why the Electoral Colllege does work. The Electoral College works by havng the winner win trans-regionally rather than just focus on just on region that just favors them and only them. So instead of one region getting the candidate that prefers and focuses on only them, everyone can have a candidate that will focus largely on the nation's issues rather than just a specific part ot the country. For example, let's say that the largest population of people in a regon in the United States is the south (not saying it is or isn't, it's just an example). The south is mainly republican, so they will only vote for a republican that will focus majorly on the south. It is unfair for the rest of the regions, such as the Northeast, Middle, Pacific, and other regions of the United States, since they are mainly democratic (not really, it is used as an example) who would want focus on their region as well, too. In Bradford Plumers's article on why the Electoral College should be gone, he states that the electoral college is unfair to voters, since most candidates did not bother with the states they know they have no chance of winning at all. There could be an easy counter argument against this, since those states have probably already made up their minds on who to vote for, like a democratic candidate visiting Texas (where it's mainly republican), they know who Texas is going to vote for, there is no use in trying to convince them when they have already made up their minds, same goes if a republican candidate tries to convince the democratic California, they already know there is no use in reasoning and convincing when someone has already made up their mind. Also, someone can easily counterattack most of the arguments brought up in th Plumer's article, since this was written before the 2004 election, and it has been a decade already, plenty of things could've changed during the course if ten years in politics. In order to make a greater argument against the electoral college, one must have an updated list of facts in order to back it up, as certain things could've changed during a certain course of a decade. During the course of a decade, we seen how affective the electoral college was during the 2004 elections (people who disagreed during the 2004 elections and also agree that the electoral college doesn't work at all have to see the events that transpired before the 2004 elections and the promises made before it also), the 2008 elections (again, if the people disagreed on how the electoral college worked at that time, you would need to look at how people saw change during that time and the amount of younger citizens voting at that time), and the 2012 elections as well (also again, if disagreeing with the electoral college is reasonable at that time, you would need to look at how people reacted at that time and how different events before the election affected the outcome). In a final note, the electoral college is the vote on the people's president is true, and withholds it since it can focus on rather than on one specific region, but the nation as a whole. In summarization, the electoral college should be kept due to the simple reasoning of certainty of outcome and the voting on the people's president. The reasoning of certainty of outcome can be applied here is due to the simple fact that the votes for the electoral college are far more greater than the votes for popular vote, same goes to the voting on the people's president, since it focuses on the entire nation rather that just one region of the country. Senator, we should be able to keep our electoral college, as it proves effective during the recent elections, and can certainly prove itself useful and reliable during the next elections to come.
Driverless cars are no doubt going to be the future of the automotive business, making our roads modernized. Having driverless cars will be a great thing for our future. Once everyone starts driving them there will be less accidents, no more gridlock, and the economy will boom. Due to the huge influx of cash that the automotive business industry would get our economy might possibly pull itself from the grave and make us be able to abolish our debt. All throughout history our goal has been to better our way of life by creating new technology for safety reasons and for ease of life. The automotive industry is not exempt from this, throughout history we have been making changes to vehicles so that we may go faster while being safer. One of the ways we do this is with the revolutionary technology of sensors which allow the computers in our vehicles to sense and see things that humans can not. Sensors have gone a long way since they have been invented; at first they were just used to let a computer see things, now they can predict a head on collision or when your going to lose traction on ice. So why not just let them control the car indefinately if they are able to brake, drive, and regain control of the vehicle even better than a human can. This is why there should be driverless cars at some point in our future, hopefully sooner rather than later. The one thing holding us back from being able to discover what driverless vehicles are like is the laws that we have set in place so that a vehicle is only safe when their is a human in it driving. What they don't consider when they makes these laws is that if everyone had a driverless car then they would all be programed to drive correctly and in sync without ever needing to worry about trusting another driver or knowing when your turn is at a intersection. The vehicles would be able to sense if the other vehicles are there and be able to decided exactly what they are spose to do without the emotions like trust and doubt clouding its judgement. Driverless cars is the future of modern technology and the future of road safety. There will be no more gridlock due to sensors and computers talking to eachother. There will be no more worrying about what speed to drive in snow or if it is too icy. The vehicles would be able to tell us all of this and compute it even better than a human could. With how fast our technology including sensors has come since 2000 driverless cars could be right around the corner and be safer, faster, and more. Driverless vehicles are our future and it is a good one.
The driverless cars are changing the face of today's transportation. They are an upcoming development of regular cars. There are many improvements that are being made in order for these cars to become a popular trend in the near future of public transportation. The improvemnts of these cars do, indeed have positive aspects to them. I am for the driverless cars because they can be an efficient way of transportation in the future. The development of the driverless cars can create a positive impact on our society. The positive aspects are important for these cars because it allows for them to be more safe. "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. this necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the drivers attention whenever a problem occurs." This aspect here, further explains how and why the driverless cars are a more safer use of transportation for people. Even though there are negative aspects to the driverless cars, the improvements being made can make the cars safer as well. "GM has developed driver"s seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object." These cars would be more effective because they are making drivers, themselves, more aware of what is going on around them. Regular cars today, make it difficult for people to use transportation, than driverless cars actually would. "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexiblity than a bus." The driverless cars are going to allow people to be worry-free about getting from place to place, as well as the amount of gas that it usually takes. To clarify, I am for these cars because they are a better way of using transportaton. In conclusion, the driverless cars are making driving become more safe and efficient. The manufactures are aware of the changes that are going on in the society today, therefore the improvements of these cars are becoming relevant to the world around us. I am for the driverless cars because I believe that they are going to eventually shape the future of the world's public transportation system.
I know the the reason that Luke joined the program because,according to the article in paragraph 1 it states , Luke's friend Don Reist invited him to Europe on a cattle ship. Of course Luke could not say no to this offer when he knew it was an opportunnity of a life time. When Luke arrived to New Orleans the day right after the Pacific war ended Stating in paragraph three. Luke already knew that this was a extordinary opportunity comeing forom him since he is just young man from a small town listed inparagraph 5. Luke knew from all the hard work he has done he was already nearly prepared for the work he would be doing on seas stated in paragraph 3,also he would be doing plenty of work from when animal needed to be feed at least 2-3 times a day plus thier stalls had to be cleaned. According to paragraph 8, Luke would also have time with other people when the animals were boarded off they would play in thier stalls with volley balls or table tennis, boxing,fencing,reading and other game that passed time by. Fianlly Luke knew bieng a Seagoing Cowboy would be a really great adventure. Being what he was helpin animals after war would surely open the world up to Luke himself. luke knew he was very greatful for the opportunity he had when it could been given to someone else. Luke stated in the article paragraph 9 ,"It made me more aware of people of other countries and thier needs", when they all needed help with thier lives Luke would come with supply and carry on to the one with the same problems unlike Luke , Luke had a nice life in his small town thats why he shared some with the world and helped many countries Luke gave his time and hard work to many's of hundred, one thing Luke surely did is that, Luke gave.
I dont feel that FACS is valuable it has lots of things that can go wrong with it. Its a computer trying to read a human by the muscles of that persons face. The muscles on someones face is just to unpredictable to be read by a computer to the exact amount of happiness or sadness ect. a humans face can have false emotion. The human face can show false emotion. Say that you and your friend are at a fun event or are having a good time and you see someone you dont like so you give them a dirty look with a mad face your not really mad you still happy but you have to have a mad face towards the person your mad at. There are so many more examples just like that. The robot cant predict what you are actually feeling cause there is alot more emotion behind a smile. There are things they can do to make the system plossible such as making a part that scans your brain. If they made a brain scan with this technology it would be way more accurate and be able to see inside your head and see how you actually feel. If they add this technology it would prabaly be used alot more by companies and sold by retailers cause its would be inovative and way more accurate, but until then its not good enough for me to be convinced.
Venus is oneof the closest known planets to Earth, and is often refered to as "Earth's twin."first the author discussess how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus. Next the author discusses how trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. Then finally the author discusses the importance of venus and how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work.The authorsupports the idea thatstudying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author discussess how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus.the text states,"Astronomersare fascinated by venus becuase it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system".This qoute helps ud understand how the fascination withvenus statred to develop and how it well quickly advance. Because of the fascinated earth had with venus, astronomers can upwith speculation ofhow venus related to earth. The text states,"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth." Our fascination in venus helped astronomers actually gather information that helps us understand that venus ha some earth like traits.The text states," Venus still has some features that are analogous to those of earth, the planet has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familliar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This qoute help us see that in the text the author pointed out how our fascination with venus helped astronoers realize that earth and venus has simillair traites, and maybe could have heldlife forms simillair to earth. The author discusses how trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. the text states,"Venus would allow sceintists to floatabove the fray.imagine blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or somiles above the rolling venusain."The author uses the qoute to helps us understand that in our efferts of trying to pursue venus it could unlock new technology advancesments such as a blimp-like mechine thatcould go into space and hover over a planet as the text suggests. In the articlethe author also suggest that astronomers could potentail tweak solar energy to make it more assesible to research venus.The text states,"Solar power wouldbe plentiful, and radiation would not exceed eath levels" This qoute helps usunderstand that the technology that is used on eath could be ajusted and or matified to fit the need thatwould have tobe takenin to consederation when in pursuit of exploring venus. The author discusses the importance of venus and discovering new things and how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work. The auhtor states,"striving to meet the challenge presented ny venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiositywill likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." this qoute helps us interpert that the author understand the inportance of finding new things in and outside our world and that finding thesenew things can and will lead to a grearter knowledge of any and everything. Another qoute that the author provides that helps us understand the importanceof learning new things outside our world is from, paragraph* and it states, " Our travels onearth and beyound should not be limited by danger and doubs but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." this qoute helps me understnad that the author believes that in order for humans to fully grasp the knowledge that we want to learn from new and old places you have let go of bounderaires and fears to a sertain extent and to let yourself free fromany and all distraction to get the better, most effecient, and most mindblowing experience. In this text the author discusssed how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus. Next the author discusses how trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. Then finally the author discusses the importance of venus and how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work.In conclusion the author supports the idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.
It would be good to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program, because it would be a great opportunity to help out, a lot of chances to go sight-seeinng, and would open up a world of awareness. Firstly, participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program would give you the chance to help out. Many countries were left in ruins after World War 2, this program helps though. The Seagoing Cowboys program hires "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the animals. What better way could you help out. Participating gives out huge amounts of help that is put to good use. Second of all, there are lots of chances to go sight-seeing. Luke Bomberger explains, "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small town boy." Luke, like many others, got plenty of chances to go sight-seeing. Luke went from Europe to China to Greece and even Venice, there are so many places to visit, joining would be the best way to see them. To add to that, participating would open up a great world of awareness. Joining helps bring about an awareness to people of other countries and their needs. Joining would not only be an amazing adventure, it would help with seeing other peoples point of views and how they need help. The Seagoing Cowboys program is helpful and fun all in one, and would be the best choice to make. It may have it's downsides, but the good parts in joning, (helping out, sight-seeing, and awareness) make up for any and all bad parts.
The Face on Mars was not created by aliens. It is simply a natural landform. It was just giving the illusion of a real human face. Here are some reasons why. They thought it would be a good way to engage the public by giving the liiusion of eyes,nose,and mouth. They wanted people to be interested and it worked. On April 5,1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and realized it was no alien monument after all. The picture was ten times clearier than the other ones. Skeptics assumed alien markings were hidden by haze. But that's not true. Just like any other landforms it would be hard to see. It's hard work to target cydonia. Whenever they get a chance tot they try to capture it. In 2001 they captured a even better picture. It was like Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shack. But it was really a Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. It looks like the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Most peopel didn't believe or want to beieve it. They thought the aliens created it because you could not really see the face. The 1.56 meters,compared to 43 meters per pixel is the best 1976 Viking photo. So whatever they were seeing was an illusion. There's no alien monument on the face so it has to be a landform. So the Face on Mars was not created by aliens because there's evidence that is a landform. All the pictures saw landform,no alien monument,and everything else was just an illusion. That's why the Face on Mars was not created by aliens.
The Seagoing Cowboys is a program that you should join if you like farm animals and know how to take care of horses, mules, and young cows. I think this is a program that you and other people should really join. Why? Well keep reading to find out. This oraganzation is just for you because it offers the right things to help you get to other people in need. In the text it says, "To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together." What a neat way to serve for others! I would really like to have the joy of doing that. The Seagoing Cowboys also supply you with the chance to see the world. It states that, " 'Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China.' " Luke also got to see and tour other places he had never seen before. Some where Greece, Italy and the Panama Canal. The Cowboys offer one other great thing that is the most important thing for every one to have, fun. They also have great games for exersize. When they were done with the shipping and going back home for more stuff it says in the story that, "The cowboys played baseball and vollyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed." Doesn't that sound like fun? They also did other activities like whittling and reading in their spare time. Now that you have seen and read all about the great things the Seagoing Cowboys do I hope that one day you will join them. They sound like a neat opportunity to serve, have fun, and to see the world around us. I know that if I had the chance that I would sign up to help. Would you?
Imagine, you are sitting in the class and there was a computer in the front of the classroom that can read the emotional expressions of each student. How would that make you feel? Trapped? Uncomfortable? According to the article, Professor Thomas Huang, of Beckman Institude of Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, and his colleague are developing a computer that can calculate emotions called Facial Action Coding System (FACS). The use of this in the classroom is not as valuable as it seem. Using this advanced technology could make the students feel uncomfortable in the class. It is also a waste of money for the school board to afford the computer for each class in the school. The computer is also not valuable because teachers would know how the students feel without the help of the computer, so there is not point. First and foremost, using this technology would just waste money for the school. Knowing the emotion of each student is not what the school's main focus is. Even if the computer helped read emotions, what is the use of that? The student's emotion is not going to change just because there is a technology telling them how they feel. Most teachers already know how the students feel. The school should instead use the money to make the school a better place for students. For example, they could increase the budget on after school activities or make better lunch for students. Secondly, having the Facial Action Coding System would just make students feel uncomfortable in classes. Students might be more focused on the techology that they were even more distracted than they were before. Having a technology that knows your emotion would also make the students feel isoloated and trapped in the classes. According to the article, the FACS on have six basic emotions. That means the technology would never be one hundred percent accurate. Some students might not even want to go to classes anymore because of the technology watching them during class. Some people might say that using the technology would be better at reconizing the students emotion , but they are wrong. A technology that is created by human being can never be smarter or better than a human. This tecnology only have six basic emotions, but there are so much more emotions that it can not recognize. In the article, it stated that we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" everyday. The use of this technology in classrooms are very little bacause teachers would be able to recognize more enotions that a technology could ever have. Teachers do not have to know if the student is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted or 6 percent fearful,as long as the teacher know the basic emotion the student is feeling. In conclusion, Using the Facial Action Coding Ststem in classroom is not as valuable as it seems. The computer can make the students feel uncomfortable and isolated. It is also a waste of money for the school. They can use the money for better and more useful things. It is also not valuable because teachers already know how the students feel. Even though the tecnology is not valauble to classrooms, it shows what we are capable of doing and what we can accomplish. This can open up to more better and useful inventions in the future.
The Author support the idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers Venus is actually a planet. in our system solar. Venus is the second planet from our sun. Venus is the closest planet planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Venus is sometimes we are closer to Mars and others time to Venus. On the planet's surface, temperatures averange over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venus was probably covered largely with Oceans and could have supported varios forms of life just like earth, today Venus still has some features that are sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains and craters, furthermore, recal that Venus can some times be our nearest option for aplanetary visit people like visit at planet Venus they want know about the planet. The scientists say tha planet is delete at de solar system because Venus is a little planet in solar system it was delate. approaches to studying Venus. for example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and lasted for trhee weeks in souch conditions. human curiosity know more about Venus the little planet in solar system. In planet Venus there not are life, people can live there at the planet Venus, Only in this planet are life.
Luke had no idea life would provide him something like a job. He was working two part-time jobs, he was working at the grocery store and at a bank. Then one of his friends invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. He knew it was a chance of a life time. Luke didn't want to say no. Here are some reasons to join the program, I think you should join the program because to help people in need. Also World War II just finished and if the people's family members died you could go comfort them. Another reason why is " To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA. Also to go take care of hores, young cows, and mules that were shpped over seas. Some of the claims are " When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service." " Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China."When Luke was helping his aunt Katie when he was little it had prepared luke for hard work, but not for the dangers at the sea. So the main point of this was to always help those in need because once you do kindness might come back to you like a boomerang. Also once when Luke was done his awareness stayed with him leading his family to host students and exchange visitors for many years.
I think the driverless cars are a bad idea. For example, when you are in an accident, you blame the other person if it is their fault. But with the Driverless cars, who are you going to blame the car or the driver? As in the passage states; "If the technology fails and someone is injureed, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacture?" Laws are always changing with speed limits, and all kinds of road laws, how will the cars get programmed to go by these new laws. Cars has been around since then 1900s and always been a drive. It could prevent accidents with cell phones, but in most states, you are not supposed to have a mobile device out in the first place. I think that is just common sence not being an idiot having a cell phone out. Manufactures like truck manufatures, may even make this. What are truck drivers going to do who make money hauling goods? Kenworth, Feightliner, Petebuilt, Man, Daf, Scania, and other truck manufactures. What are the truckers going to do when they do this for a living? Trucking companies make money from their drives, are they going to go down. Not just trucking either, bus transporations, trams, taxis etc. All of these road transportaion may go down. If people start adding it to civilion vechiles, companise might want it they don't have to pay their divers. Then drives lose their jobs. I honestly, don't think this is a good idea. People love to drive. Now, you can still take control but it's going too much with the technogly in cars. It may prevent the stupid drivers on road with no common sence what so ever. But basically, that is also just common sence, know the laws, and follow them. There is constuction on roads all the time how will the car know when to slow down. Also, if you put too much on a computer it gets overwelmed and it stops and has issues which could happen. What about a police officer directing traffic? I don't think that it can do that. Is the police going to blame the car or the driver? Most likely the driver because they are the one behind the weel. The driver will then say somthing like; "Oh my car did it". But police also will not want this I believe for many safety reasons. School zones, how will cars know if kid's are crossing? It could jus go dtright threw and hit someone. If someone is jay-walking which is illegal, but people still do they could get hit tool. What if someone is traveling and then falls asleep then the car's compuers beak down what's going to happen next? An accident is goin to happen. In m opinion, this is a bad idea and this should no be devloped into the roads of all these hazards and that takes a lot of thinking.
The Facial Action Coding System is an invasion of privacy and should not be used in classrooms or on students. Students should chose when and to who they reveal their emotions, and this system deprives them of that freedom. As stated in by Nick D'Alto, most human communication is not verbal. Meaning that people express their emotions by their looks or their actions, but they chose when to do this. The Facial Action Coding System takes away this freedom from students, they do not have the choice when to express what they are feeling if anyone can just use a face scanning system on them. " Imagine being able to detect exaclty how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions (D'Alto 1)," this first sentence perfectly shows how it takes away peoples freedom of when they want to express certian emotions tocertian people. Every human has naturaul rights, and in America everyone has the right to freedom of speech. But part of that right to speech is having the choice not to speak. The Facial action Coding System would take away people's freedom of facial expression or emotion. People should have the right to chose to who and when they express their emotions, and this system takes away these rights.
Interplanetary exploration is a modern day project that scientists are making quick progress on. Scientists are fed up with staying on Earth and the natural human instinct for craving new knowledge drives them to explore where no man has gone before. Scientists have tried numerous times to study Earth's sister planet, Venus, but have failed and coming back with no new knowledge about the planet. With recent ideas and new innovations, scientists have carefully and thoroughly thought about every possible danger and how to counteract it. This might cause the possibility of sending humans to Venus. One of the main reasons we could explore Venus, is that it is refferred to as Earth's twin for many reasons. Venus is roughly the same size and density of Earth. With Venus's orbit in relation to Earth, Venus is often our closest planetary neighbor. Venus also boasts many similiarities that Earth has. Venus has numerous mountains, valleys, and craters, just like Earth. Also, Earth grew and supported many forms of life with the existence of water and oceans. Scientists have found evidence of water being found on Venus's surface which is a good sign. Both planets also contain clouds over their landscape. But Venus's clouds are much different to Earth's clouds, containing sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide, poisonous to humans. This challenge has driven scientists for years to come up with new or use existing products to be able to study Venus. The atmosphere of Venus has proven to be very hazardous to metal, melting tin and other metals within hours. scientists have come up with a new metal called silicon carbide, which has pproven to last upo to three weeks in Venus's conditons. But this is not all scientists have come up with though, using mechanical computers, they are able to do many calculations that are very difficult for humans to do on their own. These computers were used in World War II using no electronics, but rather a series of gears and levers to do what they needed to do. This has proven that scientists are capable of overcoming even the most challenging of tasks. Using this new and old technology, they are trying to come up with machines or instruments to be able to study the ground from their new aircraft. With the harsh conditions of Venus's ground and atmosphere, scientists are not able to get a machine to land on the surface of the planet without it breaking or melting, causing them to think of another approach to study Venus. With the idea of how jet passenger planes fly over storms to avoid danger, they took that concept to Venus and will try to create an aircraft that will hover or fly thirty miles above the surface to avoid the danger of Venus's clouds. Flying at an altitude of thirty miles will replicate many condtions found on earth, such as the sea level atmospheric pressure, Earth's radiations, and wind speeds. This will increase the safety of these missions by a substantial amount. These new concept will aid in the exploration of new planets. Scientists are humans that have a natural crave for new knowledge. We have tried interplanetary exploration for numerous years, but with little ot no success. But with modern day technology and ideas of the past, we have come up with ways to overcome challenges often brought with space navigation. We have come up with silicon carbide, a material capable of overcoming the conditions brought Venus's atmosphere. Venus is Earth's twin, boasting many similiarities between the two. With science quickly progressing with no end in sight, we will inevitably go to another planet, whether nature tries to stop us or not. We will improvise, adapt, and overcome many challenges brought with space navigation.
Presidents, they are the most powerful people in the United States of America. They are the people who make the tough calls for the masses to make sure the benifits of the majority are met because the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. Some people think that the way our presidents are elected today are not very practicle methods but some people do. Presidents are elected using two processes, those processes are popular vote and Electoral College. The Electoral College is not very practical in my book because they don't spend time in the places that they know they are going to win or not going to and Electoral College is not by majority. Presidents are like superstars of the political world but they don't spend any time in the places they are know they will win or lose. Source 2 states "Candidates dont spend the time in states they know they have no chance  of winning." The candidates for the presidential election don"t even try to sway some of the states that either they know aren't going to vote for them or the opponent has already been there and gave them his idea on cetain matters. Voters are usally more thoughtful when they dont know who to vote for so the listen to both sides, but there is also the problem of majority in some places and not others. Majority also plays an impact on the vote of the presidency. Look at how many Electoral College votes California has, they have a total of 55 votes thats more than Wyoming by a land slide because Wyoming only has 3 votes total. If one side got Florida, Califronia, Texas and Massachusetts then the opposing side would have to get all of the other states just to catch up. The distrabution of the votes is a problem because some states are humongus but they dont have a large population. Some states are really shrimpy but have a abundance of people. These are just two reasons why the Electoral College process should be tossed out of the election decisions in general. Some people say the Electoral College process is just fine because this process aviods run off elections. Source 3 states "Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recevies the majority of the votes cast." They say this because of what happened in the Nixon and Clinton race in 1992. Neither one of them got the majority the both got 43 precent of the votes cast. This doesn't help the real problems at hand like the time management and majority issues in the states that have large amounts of people and little land and vis versa. The amount of votes each state gets is based on its population and its not fair to the staets that have less people just because of there location to suffer while the smaller more populos states don't. In future election the Electoral College should be taken out of the process in which the president is elected because of the miss use of time and the distribution of population. The popular vote process would eliminate both problems if it was the only process. It would eliminate the time spent in states by making them go to every single one or close to that. They would do this to make sure they got as many votes as possible. It would also eliminate the population aspect because every state would get to make a diffrence in the election of the president instead of having 3 votes and most of the other states having twice that or more. This election process is to complicated you should dumb it down or simplify it to increase the impact of each state and the simplfication for the soon to be president. We don't want him to change his mind about doing this important job for us as a country.        
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author supports his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by stating that Venus once had a ocean cover on it. Also that Venus once maybe had a kind of life form on it. In the article it says that "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray" what that means is that we can build a blimp like vechicle to move ontop of Venus to gather rocks, or even dirt to take back and study. In the article it says that Venus and Mars are our sister planets. Venus also has a tempature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit which makes it really difficult to get to. but scientist think that Venus is worth the risks. Venus being called the "Evening Star" is misleading because Venus is actually a planet. Its just really bright that even amature stargazers can spot it. Also scientists want to study Venus becuase its the cloest planet to Earths density, and size. And they want to know if it is abke to hold life on its surface again. Venus is worth the pursuit because theyre so many benefits to finding out what Venus brings to us. Making Venus livable will make an huge stamp on the histoy of space science.
As author says Venus is dangerous to send humans to study the planet, the author does state we should still try and don't let the challenges stop us from doing so. the author states Astromnomers believe Venus was probably covered largely by oceans and could've support various type of lives. Have similar features like earth. Venus could be the nearest option to visit. Astronomers are facinated by Venus beacause the believe "it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system" meaning a similar discussion about Mars. They believe that Venus, long ago, "was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life" demostration it could be an interesting visit to Venus and if the statements or beliefs are true, Sciencetist might find an answer why Venus doesn't support life or the bodies of oceans dissapear if it did have those features in the first place. "Venus still has some features that analogous to those on Earth" meaning there could've been a possibility about life on Venus but also was discover that "the planet has a surface of rocky sidiment and inclused familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters" demostrating interesting theories people can make why those familiar features are in Venus and how they were created if no life existed there. Finally, Venus "can be our nearest option for a planetary visit," for example: and "end of the world" scenario. People could travel to Venus to start a new life there, if researchers make an innovation to make it safe to land in Venus and probaly restore life in the planet if it did long ago. The conclusion is, the reasons above explains why studying Venus is worthy despite the dangers. The visit can inspired a lot of researchers to make trips on othe planets that they may think it was Earth-like at some point or supported life in it. The planet Venus may have a thick atmosphere meaning a human won't be able to survive; however, the innovations that can be created for those problems can solve it. The features the planet has might help us and make us understand why now Venus doesn't support life anymore and how humanity can avoid the same problem.
There are many reasons to join the program . Today im gonna convince you that people should be able to join. I think it would be a great idea to join the seagoing cowboys program because... It would benifit them, they would be able to explore the world & i honestly think that would be great for them to experience the world. Another one is being able to help the animals with trouble that have been injured or left on the streets. A good thing is you get to spend time with animals all day long! I think that would be fun. What i think is more fun is spending your time in the ocean, imagine being in a boat & all of the sudden you hear dolphins! How great would be? Its not all just about helping animals once there all prepared & token care of you get to play with the cowboys! Baseball anything you desire they'll play. What its really about i s opening yourself up to the world & being grateful for trying the oppurtunity & giving it the best you got! & being aware that other people need needs. Not just you, but other people will appreciate you. But honestly my conclusion you should sign up because i think it would be fun & adventoures!
Driverless cars, in my opinion, sound like a very good idea. Sometimes people need to take a break from driving for a second or maybe a person dropped something and they need to pick it up real quick.If a person has a headache they can take an advil while they're driving and not have to worry about getting in a accident. Even though it is a driverless car, i still don't think it is a good idea to text and drive.Its never a good idea to text and drive in my opinon. It just such a bad idea to text a person back and put your life on the line while doing it. I remember when I was a little kid I'd see driverless cars and I thought it was the coolest thing. That is most likely why I am arguing for the use of the driverless car. Techonolgy isn't always the most reliable thing but look what I'm typing this essay on, a computer.I think that if the car malfunctioned it would be the manufactures fault/problem. If people are willing to pay $60,000-$150,00 (that is just my estimate for how much it would be) for a driverless car then they should be guarnted there saftey.I know if i spent that mcuh money on a car I'd think it'd be able to not malfunction.I never thought anybody would invent a driverless car but hey, its 2016. Anything is possible, unlike Trump being elected for president. That will never happen. Hopefully.
Dear State Senator, I read all these articles about some states having to vote for the president's electors. They say basically when your voting for a president, your voting for his/hers electors. My opinion is there should be no need for electors. It should be easy and not too complicated. A presdient, a vice president, and a secatary. No electors or nothing. I think a president can do alot of his own work and think of ideas alone. If he need help than instead of us wasting our time with voting for people to give the presdient ideas and help him out. Well the President always say's God Bless America. Shouldn't the President be listening to the voices of his country. America. Yes, I think the candidate with the most votes should win. But, If they say that their going to do something for our country than they need to keep their word. Make it a better place not for himslef but for everyone. For instance, Barack Obama. What's the need for this unessarcy work that he has done. America is loosing their mind and doesnt know what's going on. Why is he doing this? The president is to make smart decent relevant choices. And if he listen to the voices of Americans than he would have lots of ideas lots! Instead he listens to who? His electors. People complain saying to themselfs, Where does he come up with these ideas? Well if you payed close attention to the presidents background and know what he really wants to do than you would know why. Honestly to me I dont think the Electoral College should keep going its just a bunch of mess that just doesnt make sence. Elelctors dont matter to most American's. Take the electors and the Electoral College away we dont want something we dont need. All we need is a President, a Vice Presdient, and a Secatary. Sencerely, America
Nowadays does everyone rely on cars frequently, and as of late has this practise begun to show its numerous negative effects, of which shall be discussed. The articles presented by Elisabeth Rosenthal, Robbert Duffer, and Andrew Selsky portray the effects of such frequent use of cars and effort many areas are already making to limit car usage; the articles also explore the many benefits of limiting car usage such as reduction of pollution. Some large and global cities, such as Paris, are known for the substantial amount of pollution present in their air. According to Source 2: "Paris bans drivin due to smog", Paris already has more smog than other European capitals in general with one hundred forty-seven micrograms of particulate matter per one cubic metre. In comparison to Brussel's one hundred fourteen micrograms and London's seventy-nine and seven tenths, Paris' pollution is clearly more concentrated. According to Source 4: "The End of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, the United States features broad expanses and many suburbs, being one of the places in the world where cars are greatly centred upon by the people. Thus can one imagine the exceptionally negative impact that cars most likely have on the air quality of the urban and suburban areas throughout the United States. Elizabeth Rosenthal's Source 1: "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" states that the widespread use of automobiles worldwide are one of the greatest obstacles to overcome in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles. Twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe are from cars and even up to fifty percent are from cars in the United States. This furthermore leads on to the many benefits that limits on car usage have to offer and the efforts certain areas are making to create these benefits. Source 1 provides some useful insight efforts on the possibilities and advantages of limiting car use over continuing the mainstream automobile trend. Vauban is a community in Germany near France and Switzerland, on the outskirts of Freiburg. Here is where parking areas in streets, driveways, and home garages are infrequent to find or are outright forbidden. Only two places are available for parking, which are the large garages at the edge of the community, with parking spaces going out for forty thousand dollars. In Vauban, only thirty percent of the population own cars, and fifty-seven percent of people sold their cars in order to move here. Apparently, the lack of automobiles seems to have a calming effect as is professed by Heidrun Walter, who is quoted from Source 1: "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Source 2 show how Paris had to create a driving ban temporarily due to smog. Car traffic was lowered to sixty percent in Paris after a week of the smog and the ban helped to clear this outbreak so commuting could resume to its regular ways without impediment from the heavy pollution. Andrew Selsky's Source 3: "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota", Bogota of Colombia had a day imposed where cars were banned and only buses and taxis were permitted. This was imposed to support alternative transportation as well as to reduce the amount of smog in the city, similar to the ban Paris has imposed. Although there was rain that same day, it did not stop people from participating, and similar to  Heidrun Walter's comment in Source 1, businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza states that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." The campaign for these Days Without Cars began in the  mid-1990s and has resulted in construction of one hundred eighteen bicycle paths and  major public work repairs of sidewalks and blooming of parks and sports centers. Restrictions imposed during rush-hour have reduced traffic greatly in a positive way and new shopping districts and restaurants are appearing constantly. Even in the great urban automobile centres of America, vehicle use seems to be reducing, as presented in Source 4. Acording to an analysis by Doug Short, a member of an investment research company called Advisor Perspectives, miles driven in the United States has slowly fallen since 2005; it is apparent that if the pattern continues, carbon emissions and the environment will be positively impacted to a substantial extent. Even Bill Ford, CEO of the Ford Motor Company, has porposed a business plan for a world in which ownership of a vehicle is undesirable, a place where walking, biking, low use of private cars, and public transportation is woven together to conserve resources, decrease emissions, and increase the level of urban safety. As shown, such a level of car limitation would be highly beneficial to everyone as a whole. There would be less pollution, driving would be safer, and the urban economy would spring as more people walk or bike to transport themselves. Bill Ford's idea of a world where owning a car is impractical would be highly viable, and the city of Vauban has already begun the move. Areas without choking pollution, congested traffic, and a simpler and more tranquil life overall result  from the restriction of car usage.
Is the Electoral College really benificial? According to "What Is the Electoral College?" the founding fathers established it in the the constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. but, are those "qualified citizens" really qualified? And is The Electoral College really helpful? Or should voters be allowed to vote directly? The Electoral College should be changed to election by popular vote. What makes a citizen really "qualified"? Electors are anyone not holding public office. Also voters cannot always control who their electors are voting for. Sometimes voters get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canidate. According to," Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong", back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F Kennedy. Plus in other situations other electors have ocasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast a deciding vote for whom they choose. Is the Electoral College really helpful? At times it can be unfair to voters. Acording to Source 2 : The Indefensible Electoral College" because of the winner-take-all system in each state, canidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the canidates at all , and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. In addition to that, due to the electoral college a canidate could win the popular vote but lose the presidency. Voters should be allowed to vote directly. According to Source 2, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. If voters were allowed to vote directly then they wouldn't have to sit in wonderment of whether or not the canidate they like will be voted for by the elector. Also, voters would have more freedom of choosing who they like as a canidate for president. Thus, the electoral college is unfair and wrong. Electors cannot always be trusted,due to them choosing who they please, also canidates can all together lose the role of presidency, and finally the majority of voters prefer a direct election. The Electoral College is out of date and should be updated. So listen to Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, and the US Chamber of Commerce and abolish the Electoral College.         
Computers detecting how the user is feeling. Although a computer could track by using your browser history that is sort of invading your privacy. But by simply just seeing how you react to what exactly is on your screen is a much easier alternative. This program could positivly affect the veryday compuiter life in many aspects. School, work , and home could be much simplier for everyone. I find this to solve so many inconviences for computer users. There has been many of times where an ad has popped up that I've declined because I'm not interested well the author states "If you smile when an Web add appears on your screen, a simular ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be diffrent." Also in a classroom the article says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." That way the necessary changes can be made to the program. That could possibly improve grades, and students will to work in the classroom. Out of all the evidence given in the article i do trust this will be a good thing. Some may think of this to be invading ones privacy or may not be accurate. But it is not , the computer is just simply seeing how you react to things only on the computer. With the accuracy the computer go by what face you make, it tracks every single muscle you use. What I'm saying is even the slightest smirk it will know how you feel about what is on your screen. I think this is a great way for computer producers to try to understand exactly what the user prefers. I also really do think this could especially improve school life everywhere.
I don't think there should be a limit on car usage if you bought it you can ride till the wheels fall off it's your propery but also recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes. But America's love afair with it's vehicles seems to be cooling. When adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the United States peeked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter, according to an analysis by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company. as of April 2013,the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. Part of the eplanation certainly lie  in the recession, because cash-strapped Americans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed weren't going to work anyways. But by many measures the decrease in driving preceded the downturn and appears to be persisting now that recovery is under way. The next years will be telling.  
This new technology could possibly be valuable to students in a classroom. It's different, it could possibly help students, and it can change a direction in school period. As a student its easy to get bored in class, even when we're on our computers, as stated in paragraph 6, "..if you smile when a web ad appears on screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." That doesn't only help at school but anywhere, because we hate ads, also stated in paragraph 6, Dr. Huange says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This is can be a big time help to students in school. Another way this can help students is by possibly making them get to know new friends. If two or more students found alot of things in common they thought no one else would, or they never expected that person to like the same thing they like, it could possibly make new and unlikely friendships. Propponents may say people can easily put on false emotions, such as a "false smile" but in paragraph 8 it states, "..muscles called obricularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscel clues are sometimes used to spot a "smiling" politician or celebrity [that] isn't being truthful." Overall this can be a major change in direction for students and schools, and maybe even the world, this technology is new, different, and before its time.
Now you may be wondering if the face on Mars was created by aliens? I'm gpoing to be completely honest with you, but no it is not. Now you may be saying "Oh you work for NASA so you're just trying to cover it up." Yes I do recall getting hired by NASA, but I do not recall us ever trying to cover up an alien artifact. In 1976, scientists just figured out it was just unusual shadows making it look like a human's face, but this was the only Martian mesaa in Cydonia that made it look like it has a face. Now ever since then, the "Face on Mars" became a pop icon. It was in a movie,books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even griocery stores. Do you know how long? 25 YEARS! If there was life on Mars or any other planet and we were trying to hide it then that will be pretty much not smart to do. I mean the NASA budget wish. So in 1998 we took another picture but as it turned out it was...natural landform. But as everyone know. NOT EVERYBODY WAS SATISFIED!!! So on April 8th, 2001 we took another picture and all you saw were landforms for example like the American West. So there is no proof that "The Face On Mars" were created by aliens. Any questions?
I think it's better to have a car because people that are driverless would get all lazy because they don't have to drive. People that needs to learn how to drive wouldn't be able to because they cars drives by itsself. People shouldn't be lazy to drive. Maybe one day when your in a hurry and the car you got is driving so slow that your going to be late to your appointment or whatever you going to. It would nice if they cars could tell them turn her or watch out or something like that. So the car can warn you guys incase of accendent. People should be responsible to drive theirselves to wherever they want to go. What if the car breaks down?? They won't have a way to go anywhere without it working. They would still have to buy the pieces or whatever to fix the car. if it was your own car you wouldn't even mind to buy the stuff you need because you know it's yours. Most people would be walking to places they need to go for the same reason of not having a car. The car could hurt the drivers. Safety is the most important thing in any car in the earth. People that drive with car be getting into acciedents imagine having cars that drives themselves. It would be worser for people. If the car goes to the other way where its not suppose to and get hit the person is the one that going to get the consequences for the cars action.
Dear. Mr. President, I feel that we should change the Electoral collage to a direct vote. As the author states in source 2 "Under the Electoral collage system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors.." I believe the people should have a better say in who gets to run the USA. We should aboilish the electoral collage because people need to be able to vote for the president himself not his slate of electors. Also some electors don`t actually vote for who they are representing, And the electoral collage is just not fair. The people should have a better say in who their president gets to be. They shouldn`t be voting for the Slate electors, but should be voting for the president. Sometimes the votes get overulled by the popular vote. The electors really only focus on the swing states. That`s just not right at all. Belive it or not some of the electors dont even vote for the president they are representing. It doesn`t make any sense to do that. The electors should be voting for who they represent. That just increases my points value. The people should be able to vote for who they want. The electoral collage is just unfair. The state legislators pick the electors, and some of those electors could always defy the qill of the people. It is unfair to the voters mainly because of the winner take all system, They mainly only focus on the swing states. Sometimes people get confused about the electors anf vote for the wrong canidate. Many people can`t figure out if they want to get rid of the Electoral collage are keep it in place. The Electoral collage should be gotten rid of because the people should have a say, and some elecotrs are not loyal and can go agaisnt the will of the people. In the wise words of Bob Dole "Abolish the electoral collage!"
You have to join Seagoing Cowboys! This gives you a chance to trave around the world. It also give you a change to make a diffrence, and help people in needed. You can go to places like China,Philipines,Germany,Eupore,and South America. You can visit all this wonderful places if you join the Seagoing Cowboys. You have a chance to save life. You can be the diffrence bewteen life and death to some. You can meet the native peple of forein lands. You can try diffrent foods and meet new people! The chances are endless! You can see things you never seen, and learn things you never known. This can all happen if you join Seagoing Cowboys. Like I said "Beside's helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and Chine." You can have fun and help others at the same time. People in other countrys need our help. That's why we need more people. That's why we need people like you!
i think that if the Facial Acton Codingn System really works then you should be able to use it on students but only if the say its okay to. I think its important to understand what you studentds feel when theyre in class so you know to make it more intrestingor changling. If theyre bored or if they are overwelmed then you should know how to make them feel confterbol so they will enjoy learnig and want to do the work. The "FACS" can be helpfull in some suituations but for most students when they are confussed and need help they will ask for help. I think that students are at school the should have some privacy and if they are upset and want to talk about it wish someone they will but using a computer to read someones face is invading theyre privacy. I think its unnessisary to read studnets just to see if they need help when you can just ask them or look at theyre grades. If a students says it okay to read theyre emotional expressions then i think you could. I think this could be used better at hospitals or maybe a store to see what people are into and what theyre not better then students at a school trying to learn.
Do you believe in aliens creatinf landforms on planets? Than you might've heard about the Face on Mars being created by aliens. It's possible that it is not created by aliens, there is a possibility that is was created by a naturally. The Face on Mars is a natural landform. The Face is a landform that was not created by aliens. Nobody really has evidence that it was created by an aliens. Several people do belive it was created by aliens though. But there is also no scientific research or evidnce that aliens are real. Which all leads up to, "Is the Face on Mars really made by aliens?" the answer is no Micheal Malin and his team snapped a photo of the Face that is ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. In the last sentence, paragraph 7 in the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" it states that there is no alien monument after all. This is because the landform was made naturally not by aliens. This shows that is is possible for the landform to be made naturally and not by aliens. The landform has no sign that an aliens was around the landform either. Which is why the lanform is natural, not built by some other thing such as an alien.
In the classroom setting, most of the time teachers struggle to understand the ever changing moods and emotions of their students. This presents a problem for the education system, as trainer and trainee usually need to see eye to eye for progress to be made. Fortunately for us, technology has improved to the point that computers can describe all the emotions on someone's face. The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because a computer will not tire and therefore will be able to calculate emotions in a longer timeframe than humans, it can be more accurate than normal people, and it could actually modify different procedures based on the software's collected data. First and foremost, the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because a computer will not tire and therefore will be able to calculate emotions in a longer timeframe than humans. In the article Making Mona LIsa Smile there is a quote that says; "The software is the latest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang...(D'alto, 1)" The quote clearly says that the emotion-recognition technology is computer software, and therefore can function for longer amounts of time than a normal human, which makes it valuable. Secondly, the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it can be more accurate than normal people. In the article called Making Mona Lisa Smile, there is a quote that states; "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements... By weighing the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions.(D'alto, 4)" Most of the time, one can really only make an educated guess at what's on other people's minds. But with the use of the emotion-recognition software, one can accurately describe the emotions on one's face, which makes it valuable. Furthermore he use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it could actually modify different procedures based on the software's collected data. In the article called Making Mona Lisa Smile, there is a quote that says; "A classroom computer [using emotion-recognition software] coul recognize when a stidnet is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.(D'alto, 6)" The quote explains that the emotion-recognition software has the capability to modify the way is does a task based on the data is collects. This alone makes it a very effective instructor, and also very valuable. In conclusion, the use of technology to read the emotional expresions of students in a classroom is valuable because it can keep functioning for a long time, it can represent its collected emotion data as numerical values, and it can change how it does things based on this. The tech indeed very valuable. It could change learning forever.
Facial Action Coding System can be valuable, and is more valuable then not. It allows computers to read emotions based off of muscles. the text says in the third paragraph, " The process begins when the computer construcks a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscels in the model must move like human musceks." It goes more in detail when what we can do, and can even tell a fake smile. The system will help out in many ways then anything else could help out. Facial Action Coding System is valuable for school because it can read the emotisons to tell if someone is understanding it, to show if the people who are learning on that topic enjoy it, and will make people more willing to do something. First thing that it can do is read the emotsions of the person learn on the topic, then tell if they are getting it or not. If they don't get it, then it can signal the teacher that they need help or to go over it more in detail. This is very good since it will allow the teacher to better understand how his/her teaching methons work as well as if they can move on. The text even says that it can, for example it says, "'A class room cimputer could recignize when a studen is beciming confused or bored,'" showing that its not wrong. Being able to know that everyone gets it, and understands what the teacher is getting helps out big time. It could even require no test since everyone would get it, or even let them move on quicker. The second thing that will be valuable to classrooms that the Facial Action Coding System can do is see if the people learning it is enjoying it. While it might be stupid to think about it, if the people learning as well as the person teaching it enjoys what they are going over they are more likely to want to do it. The text says in paragraph eight, "But in a false smile, the mouth stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a differnet muscle, the risorius." This shows that they cant fake a smile to make it look more enjoyable just because it's easy to them. Since it will read, and tell if people are enjoying what is being taught they can do things that everyone will be more willing to do. This will allow the class to move more quickly as well as more effectively. The last as well as the most important thing the Facial Action Coding System can do is read the emotsions of someone to make them more willing to do something. While it can't do it directly it can however make them more happy, this will make them more willing to. Them being more happy makes them pay more attinsion due to them enjoying it. The text says "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles ot only expresses emotsions, but also may even help produce them." If it can help produce a smile then it will change emotsions. The changing of emotsions can allow teachers to do some subject that is boring. The subject will become tired then the Facial Action Coding System will know then change the emotsion. Changing this emotsion in a good way will make them more happy, and possibly enjoy it more. While this system will have many down sides such as cost, people messing with it, and a lot of complants. These are things that come with everything no matter what it is. This Facial Actsion Coding System has so much potintsion that can be used to help the class rooms. Making the students happy with it makes them like school more even. There isn't any good reason or set of reasons that is better not to have it then to have it. The Facial Actsion Coding System is very valuable to students in the class room, and should be used.
I think that keeping electoral college would be a great idea for many reasons, we have had the electoral college for many years now and it has been great it has many good benifits to it. but many people are against it they believe there vocies aren't  being heard but it is just be revised by that people that know what is best for the country. One of the reasons the electoral college must stay is that the will be a certainty of the outcomes, they will know exacty what will be coming out as a result instead of being uncertain for example(source 1) Obama recived 6.1 percent from the electoral vote and 51.3 percent for the poplar votes. It was an uncertain vote because the college don't know what the people would pick as a result. but many people think that it should be like that because they are voting for a slate of elector and not for president.(sourse 2) Another good reason why the elctoral college is a good idea is that it balances the state votes. The states that are larger such as Texas and california have a much larger population so the votes would be larger but the electoral college balances out and the smaller states such as new jersey and main have a small population so the votes wold be smaller. The larger states get more attention from the presidential candidates than the smaller states, so the electoral college balences it out.(sourse 3) Also the electoral college avoids run-off elections. The electoral college give more for a cleary response, for example,(sourse 3) nixon in 1968 and clinton both had 43 percent plurlity of popular votes but the electoral votes gave them a more accurate result of 301 nixon and 370 cliton. the electoral college gave a more accurate result of who sould of win the election. That's why I think that the electoral college is better it gives certainty of outcome, balances out the big states, and avoids run-off elections. While popular vote does give us the same certainty.          
computers at school for students that can read your facial emotions I think not. I also, think there could be some benifts out of it too but really there is no need for those computers at school. First, of all it is dumb to have a computer that reads peoples face emotions. the reason why is because most people hide their emotions because they dont anyone to know how they are truly feeling. Another, reason why is becasue peoples emotions are valueble to them and they just want to keep their emotions hidden. Also, emotions are a big factor of life they can tell alot of things about a perosn. Secondly, there are some good causes to a computer that reads facial emotions becuase at school when kids get bored or tired of listening to the teacher the comouter could read that and make it more intertaining for the kids. Also, I think that would be helpful in schools too. On the other hand it could be bad to because of the students that are having a bad or sad day and it reads their emotions then people will know how they are feeling when they are trying to keep it to them selves because they dontwant anyone to know what is going on in their live or why they are feeling that. Finally, students probably wouldnt want a computer that could read their facial emotions anyways. Many students are just tired and bored because it is school and they just want it to be over. Also, students arent at school to tell people about about their emotions or have a computer read them. Students are there to learn about school and makes friends like in the real world you would do. In conclusion, there should be any competer that could read your facial emotions. Its not really a good idea to have them in schools either because it would cause more drama and kids would most likely feel more uncomfortable at school when they are sospouse to feel safe and not have to worrya bout anything but school work.
Using the new Facial Action Coding System would be great for student to use in the classroom for the number of reasons. One is the teacher gets to know if the students are paying attentions. Two the teacher gets to know if the studetns are understanding what he/she is teaching. And three so the students are communicate with the teacher with just looking at something and not even doing anything else The teachers need to know if the students are paying attention to the lession so for a start this program would be good in schools across the world. Students can tend to stare off and get distracted with other stuff and with a simple scan the teacher would know and can tell them to get back on task. Maybe if they are having time in class to finish classwork or homework they can know if they aren't doing it and just talking with another student or something. When a teacher is teaching they espect the students to be understanding and if they aren't they want them to ask questions. Most students don't ask questions and for this thing to just scan a face and tell they are confused can help more students pass the classes they are in. This program is basically going to encorage students to participate more. Students sometimes are afraid to put their hand up and ask questions so this program could possible tell when they have a question. As it states in the text it can read the 44 major muscles in the face which is good so nothing won't get hidden from the coding system. In conclusion I have stated why I think this Facial Action Coding Sytem that can detect human emotions is good in the classroom. I stated that the teachers need to know if students are paying attention. If students are understanding what the teacher is teaching. And students being able to communicate with the teachers.
In Vauban, Germany, residents there have a unique way of doing things. They have given up the idea of cars. Even driveways and garages are starting to be forbidden and there are only a few streets in use. Vauban is becoming an example of a growing trend in Europe and is trying to seperate suburban life from auto use. The cars being used particularly in the suburbs are a main reason greenhouse gases have increased over time. There have been many efforts to make cities denser and better for walking, but now, planners are focusing on the suburbs. "All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change," said David Goldberg. The U.S is now starting to promote "car reduced" communities and some suburbs are starting to look a little more Vauban-like. Also, the idea of less car use is being spread globaly, even in Paris, France. Fines started to be inforced on citizens that didn't leave their cars at home after a day of near-record pollution. Since deisel gas is favored in France, that became a huge blame along with the cold nights and warm days in France causing the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. In addition to that, France is already one of the top smog-containing European Captials. Despight all of this, there are few exceptions being made. In Bogota, Colombia, a program had begun that was proposed to spread and inspire. It was their third straight year they banned car use for a day with the exception of buses and taxis. Their main goal is to take away the stress of Colombians and to reduce air pollution. Authorities from other countries even became enthusiastic about the idea and before you know it, the idea caught on to two other Colombian cities. The idea has caught the attention of many, even our president. Obama stated that he has set goals to lower the United States greenhouse gas emission. This being said, studies have shown that Americans are buying less cars then usual and are not driving as much as we use to. The United States had long been one of the world's biggest car cultures and now the love with the vehicles seem to be cooling down. This has been showing signs that recovery is on its way and the use of carbon emissions has been decreasing. There are many factors that play in the decrease of car use. People are being connected through social media, suburbs are becoming less apealing, and communicating has become easier with the use of elctronics. The rate of driver lisence have gone down and people are finding more ways to get to places they need to be. 
Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Stars," is one of the brightest points of lights in the sky, making it very simple that even an amateur stargazer spots it. The nickname Venus is very misleading because venus is actually a planet.Venus is very easy to pin point because of how obvious it is.Even though Venus is very dangerous I will be discussing how it is important to study venus despite the dangrs it presents. As many messions failed NASA did not give up.They came up with one particular idea for sending humans to study venus. in pargraph 5 it was " NASA's possible solution to hostile condtions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." As dangerous that sounds it is a good idea becase its just like airplans flying over storms. A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid many things such as the bad ground condtions. This new idea that NASA came up with gives a better chance for humans to servive while studying Venus because the air pressure would be closer to the sea level on earth. Even thought it would not be an easy condtion it would defentity be survivable for humans.NASA's new idea is very worthy because it may give scientists limited insight on ground condtions but thy would have a better idea of Venus because it would be very dangerous to get up close and personal, even thogh scientists can not take samples, this new idea still gives them the option to study venous more and take closer pictures. In conclution, studying Venous may be a huge challange because of the many failed missions, but the new idea NASA came up with may get them to where they need to be. As dangerious as it seems NASA's new idea is not an easy condtions, but more survivable for humans. however, scientists would not get as much insight as they would like but they will get a better idea then before, they will learn more and actually survive.
True Automobiles I can imagine a future where no one buys cars. Many manufacturers are already working towards this pursuit. They are developing vehicles that operate with very little human input. Various sensors are used to assist the cars in reaching their destinations. These vehicles can operate as public transportation and allow for very efficient travel. I believe autonomous cars will become a thing of the future because they will make driving safer and less tedious. Safety is a huge concern in almost all aspects of life. With driverless cars, accidents will become a thing of the past. Since 2009, cars developed by Google have been able to drive more than half a million miles without a single crash. They only require human input during traffic issues, which will become nonexistent. If all cars were driverless, none of them would crash or cause otherwise perilous situations requiring human input. There will no longer be any injuries caused by automobiles in the future. The current state of driving is very wasteful. Both the earth's resources and the driver's time are needlessly wasted. Sergey Brin has predicted driverless cars will use half the fuel of today's cars. This will have a huge impact on saving the environment by causing less pollution and removing the need to create as many dangerous oil rigs. The passage states that heads-up displays are a possibility in the future. These allow the person who would have been driving to do something productive. Instead of a long commute spent staring aimlessly at the road, a worker could finish a decent portion of his or her daily work in the time spent travelling to the workplace. Autonomous cars open up a huge new world of efficiency for everyone. Critics of the concept believe computer-ran vehicles can reach nowhere near the skill or safety of human-ran vehicles. This is simply just not the case. Autonomous cars have been proven to get in very few accidents. They are equipped with sensors all over, giving them vision far beyond human eyesight. If all cars became autonomous, they would be able to communicate with one another on the road, removing dangers due to lack of communication we currently see in human drivers. Driverless cars are a huge and vital step towards safety and efficiency. They benefit all aspects of human life, not just the road. Being able to reach destinations sooner allows for more productivity and easier human contact. For these reason, I believe autonomous vehicles will definitely become widespread in the future. With how far companies such as Google have made it in the race to build driverless cars, it would be insane to try to imagine a future without them.
Face Action Coding System (FACS) is a system designed to analyze and predict what emotions are being shown on a human face. The software can detect happieness, surprise, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author describes FACS being used to display ads, change video games, and analyze school children to learn wether they are bored or confused. This however brings up some questions in respect to analyzing school children and some dangers as well. FACS should not be used in a clasroom to analyze school children. To start off, this software is very challenging for a normal computer to run, as in the article D'Alto states "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms..." (D'Alto 7). This statement says that a home PC cannot run FACS which means neither can a school computer as the two are practically identical. If this is the case, for FACS to beincorporated into the class room, a huge overhall of computers would need to be made. This would require a lot of money from the school system that the school sytem does not have. Another argument against the incorporation FACS into the classroom is the chance of a breach in security. This FACS system, if used in a school system, could be installed on every computer in the building. This means there would be constant survailence from the cameras on the computers that would be searching for a student's face to analyze. If these cameras were hacked by an outside person or group, the system would show the hackers everything happening in the school at that time. This breach in secruity could cause catasrtophic occurances ranging from a school shooting where the shooter knows exactly where each person is in the building to a mass heist from theives late at night. Fianlly, along with the two reasons stated above, FACS could also cause numerous teachers to lose their jobs. As stated in the article, "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused ot bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'" (D'Alto 6). This shows that FACS can manipulate and change the work a student is doing to fit that student's needs. Because of that, physical teachers would no longer be needed to make, change, or teach a lesson as the computer software is already doing so. This could cause thousands of teachers to lose their jobs sonce they would no longer be needed. Overall, FACS is a unique and advanced system that is amazing at analyzing human emotions. However, because of the high processing cost, risk of security breach, and the fact that it would cause thousands of teachers to lose their job, the software should not be incorporated into classroms to read students' emotions. Instead, it should be used in other ways that the article states including Web ads and video games.
The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" mentions may things about all the problems with going to Venus. Then, it is said how those problems could be fixed. These are all to support the authors claim. From examining the risk vs. reward of going to mars for exploring that was used in the text and the simple soutions that have baffled the world for 3+ decades, it's clear that the author got through with the message he was trying to convey. What I've learned fromt the text is that traveling to Venus for a fair amount of time could be a very momentus event in history, but it will be very arduous to reach that goal. There were several dangers listed; temperature, air pressure, lightning, volcanoes, etc. "While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely". (Paragraph 1) These were also problems that were tackled by the author. He relenquishes all of the huge problems and proves that going to Venus could be worth it.
There are alot of good advantages on limiting car usage and the limit on cars usage should be something enforced more often worldwide .Cars are helpful and very useful when it comes to transportation but cars can also be harmful to the earth. Cars are contributing to the pollution of the air and is one of the big reasons why the number of cars used in communities should be reduced. There are many advantages on limiting car usage for examle if we start limiting the usage of cars there will be less worries about smog. According to the article "Paris bans driving due to smog","Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of intensifying smog...diesel was blamed ,diesel makes up sixty-seven percent of vehicles in france". This evidence proves that cars are harmful to the air and will eventually become a problem for the people. Bogota, Colombia has a program where people hiked, skated, biked, or took buses to get to and from work. According to the article car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota the goal of this program is to "promote alternative transportation and reduce smog". Most people would probably say that there should be no limit on car usage because people are very dependent on cars for their transportation but are not aware of the pollution and dagers that cars bring to the community. according to the article "recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licences as each year goes by". Our president Barrack Obama has a goal to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Its not hard to see that the advantages we have on limiting car usage are abundant, and we all should help to contribute to the reduction of cars used everyday. Like ive stated cars are very useful but can also be harmful and with the evidence previously given we should all help limit the number of cars used everyday.         
The Face is just another natural landform that any other planet would have. NASA sent out the Viking 1 in order to look for a landing spot for the Viking 2 on the planet Cydonia. When taking pictures of possible landing spots for the Viking 2, it picked up a shadowy figure that resembled a human head. But, scientists just figured it was another Martian Mesa which was common on Cydonia. There is no life on Mars because the Face is actully just a Mesa. Mesas can be found on earth also, for example in the Snake River Plain of Idaho there is the Middle Butte. The Middle Butte is quite equivalent to the Face on Mars. The formation of the mesa has caused shadows to make it resemble a human face. These mesas are common on Cydonia. Conspiracy theorists believed that NASA is trying to hide the fact that there is life on Mars. The reality is that NASA would in fact benefit from currently, or once having life on Mars. There was no actual alien monument which was later discovered after having the pictures enhanced, when enhanced there would have been other alien monuments around it. The pictures taken only showed that it was just a Martian mesa. Not a monument created by aliens, but a mesa that is found on any other planet. Thus, further backing the fact there is no alien life on mars.
¨Wow look at that car it´s the kind of car that it can drive its self.¨ These are the words you may be hearing in the furture because people are starting to create cars that can drive themselfs. What do you think about this? Do you think that its a good thing that people are making it or a bad thing? If I had to chose I believe driverless cars are bad because they might cause an accident, something could go wrong when you are using it, and maybe they could stop working out of nowhere. Think about this if the car would cause an accident who will they blame it on the car or the person that was in it? Some may never know but what if the driverless car cause an accident how would people react to it. It´s bad because then people would have to come up with a new law probably saying who would get the punishment if a accident would happen with the driverless car. In the text it says, ¨ New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident.¨ Therefore I believe that the driverless car is bad and could prevent accidents while driving. If the driverless car would be made and people would get them something could go wrong at anytime without them noticing. Driving the car would be putting the people at risk that are using it because something could go wrong with the car and could cause an accident that would put other people in danger. What if the technology in the car would fail at anytime it would put at risk for the person in the car and that won´t be good. Therefore I believe that the driverless car could stop working while using it an it could put people in danger. In the text it says, ¨Automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved.¨ Even it says that in the text what if people would buy the driverless car and then it would stop working out of nowhere. If that would happen many people will see that it could stop working out of nowhere and it could put them in danger were their lives are at risk. If the driverless car would stop working out of nowhere would people get their money back, or would they get a new one, or would the company that sold them the car would just not give them nothing back? This is why I believe that the driverless car is not good because it could just stop working out of nowhere and then what would you do after that. In conclusion people should think about weither or not to get the driverless car because some stuff could happen to it. People should think about if getting the driverless car is really worth it getting because you never know it could just be a waste of money. I believe people should just drive themself to places so they could see the places around them and if possible go as fast as they want to go. Therefore I believe that the driverless car could cause accidents, could fail of technology, and just stop working at anytime.
Human emotion, once about feelings and expression, can now be calculated and recognized by a computer, as if it were a math problem. As stated in the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, there is a new technology created by Prof. Thomas Huang, as a way to improve the relationship between computers and humans. Meaning, ads and websites would be able to assess the user and adjust what is shown, depending on the emotions of the human. The example given in the article is"... if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screan, a smiliar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different" (D'Alto 6). Not only is this device useful in the world of marketing, but may also be of use in a classroom. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) would have great value in the way teachers and students communicate,as a way to improve the education of students and the way teachers teach. Though there are many pros and cons in this given situation, if done right, this device could help students greatly. To begin, the use of FACS would be a wonderful way to help students and teachers communicate indirectly. This would be done through a computer that could analyze the movement of the muscles in the face to identify the six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, disgust, fear, and sadness. In a classroom setting, whether it be during an assignment or lecture, teachers would be able to use FACS to read the emotional response of the students to help determine their thoughts on the given subject. This could allow teachers to improve and change the way they do things, in order to better the students educational experience. In addition, this technology could be utilized to keep students honest in the classroom, expecially on assignments and tests. The complexity of FACS is able to read mixed emotions, which would allow teachers to build an understanding on their students, and help the teachers find a way to relate to the students. Also, a conselor may also be able to help students more effieciently with the use of this device. They would be able to read the emotions of students to help them determine the mental and emotional state of a students. Though all of these pros seem good on paper, there are also many cons that come with it. Ultimately, it is quite clear that this device may seem intrusive to some people. As stated in the article, "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements..." (D'Alto 4), this technology would be able to use videos to track facial movements and determine how people feel. Some students may think that their rights are being violated with the use of FACS. Students may not want teachers to know how they feel, especially if the feeling is negative. However, D'Alto states, "...we humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' every day" (D'Alto 5), meaning people naturally utilize the function of decoding emotion. It's most likely not that difficult to determine how someone feels. In current technology, there are fingerprint scans and facial recognition, that essentially have the same purpose. So, in the end, this device may not be as intrusive as people may think. Overall, using the Facial Action Coding System would benefit many people within the school system. Teachers would be able to connect with students and determine whether their teaching methods are working or not. This would then improve the education that the students receive and result in a happier classroom environment and better grades. The FACS' understanding and analyzing of emotion may eventually lead to the improvement of education and the attitutes students have towards school.
Having this complex system know your emotions could be estatic. It could change the way we feel about technology. Modifying animations, making us happier, and surfing the web are all results to the new update. Way more people would enjoy interacting with the media. It could change the way we live our day to day life using technology. When video games just came out, you could barely see the facial expressions of any of the charcters. As time evoled, we started to update how 3D features were in the game. With this technology, they could make computer- animated faces even more expressive. This involves updating video games or video surgery. When we can see more of the features, it starts to feel more like real life. Our facial expressions speak louder then our words. Using muscles like orbicularis oculi, zygomatic major, and risorius we can create a smiling face. In fact if you see yourself smile or someone makes you smile, it can make you happy. While seeing someone else's facial expressions can make us imitate that person and have empathy for them. Facial expressions can change a lot for humans. Just while you are on facebook or any social media, the coding system is watching you. If you smile at an ad that appears on your screen, the next ad you see may also catch your eye. This technology is making sure we do not get bored while surfing the web. If you frown or look confused, the system will recognize it and change the next topic to something that interest you. We all know we use some type of social media and find something we do not like. The Facial Action Coding System is an amazing update. Seeing someone's facial expressions making me happier, modifying animations, and changing unwanted ads are all great factors of the new technology. As most of the world uses technology, this is what we need to keep it going. Everyone likes an evolving world and likes a new change. It is amazing how the 44 major muscles in our faces can run how our technology is.
What is the electoral college? The electoral college is a process , not a place . If i would have to argue in favor of keeping the Electoral college or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the united states , I would have to agree with keeping the Electoral college. I would agree because the Electoral college consists of 538 electors , a majority of 270 is required to elect presidents , and i think that it is a fair amount of people who are required to vote. This Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors , the meeting where they vote for President and Vice president , and the counting of the electoral votes by congress . These votes are very important because with those votes you are making a very important choice by voting for the president and vice president , it should not stop because you could make a difference with just one vote you never know and you would not  want just anybody as your president , right ? These electotral votes should not stop . This election is held every four years on the tuesday after the first Monday in November . If we make a vote for our candidate we are actually voting for our canditate electors , very important. After the presidential election your governor prepares what they call  " Certificate of Ascertainment " , what is that ?  it is listing all of the candidates who ran for President in your state along with the names of their respective electors it is so important because it shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the electors in December year . The Certificates of Ascertainments are sent to the congres and the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election . Bradford wrote " The indefensible Electoral college : Why even the best laid defenses  of the system are wrong " . It talks about how some people prefer a direct election to the kind we have now .and how this year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency , yet the the electoral college still has defenders . This shows electoral colllege is good because it still has its defenders. It says at the most basic level , the electoral college is unfair to voters because of the winner-take-all sysrem in each state . Some voters do feel like electoral college is unfair but others do not , they should do electoral college because of all the reasons i just gave wether some people like it or not . They should not abolish electoral college.
Though it may seem amazing to think about having driveless cars that can just drive us around, but what if a crash happens? Who will get blamed? The car or the driver that was supposed to be driving around. What happens if the car doesn't singal the driver that it needs help during traffic conditions or construction? This car shouldn't be developed, because it still needs technology to become a safer car. I don't approve of development of these cars, because innocent people may be blamed for an inccident that they didn't cause. There are too many negative sides to the development of these cars on the roads and highways. Movies have influenced car companies to make this driveless car since the 2000s, which didn't have the money or technology to make then. We have all thought these cars would be the future and amazing to ride in. In these cars there are many sensors that are working all at the same time to keep the driver inside safe. What if one or two senors go are ruined by a bump in the road? Then the car would have problems with knowing what to do while driving and knowing what was surrounding the car. Still in the car, the driver still has to controll the car when it should be driverless. The driverless car needs assistance by the driver during road construction, traffic situations, and pulling in and out of driveway. All of these situations happen everyday and mostly everywhere on the road. This just means that the driver would have to still drive everywhere besides some places on the road. The driver would just get bored waiting for their turn to drive. What would happen if the car didn't notify the driver to take over the car? The effect of that situation would turn out to be a big crash or a swing and miss crash that almost would have killed the driver. As the law says," A safe car has the driver controlling the car at all times." The manufactors of these cars need to stop the development before someone gets blamed over a car's mistake. There are multiple conflicts with the development of this driveless car. What or who would be blamed if someone was injured? Sensors on the car could easily be broken and the car wouldn't be at it's best in safety for the driver. The best way to keep passengers, drivers, and pedestrians safe is to have an alert driver in control of the car.
The people, the people, the people that's all you ever hear presidents talk about. "I care what's best for the people" or "It's the people's vote", if that's true though then why do we still have the electoral college. The electoral college is a creation of our founding fathers and yes it might have worked then, but times have changed. The electoral college is now just taking away the people's votes, has the 'disaster factor', and because of the electoral college many canditdates only focus on swing states. To start, if it's all about the people then how come our votes don't count. Instead of voting for the president we are voting for who the electors vote for, if they even follow what we say.  Although the exerpt from "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" disagrees with me, in paragraph 18 they give the perfect example to prove my point. In the 2000 election of Gore and Bush, Gore had more popular votes than Bush, but still had fewer electoral votes. In other words the people voted for Gore, but instead we got Bush! So if it's all about the people of this great country then why did we not get our choice of president. Next, the 'disaster facter' is described in source 2 otherwise known as the excerpt from " The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are wrong". In paragraph 11 it talks about how in 1960 the segregationists in the Louisiana Legislature tried, and nearly succeeded, in hand picking electors who they believed would be opposed to Kennedy. So what if next time do they succeed and the vote doesn't go the way the people want. As if that isn't enough reason, also in 1960, Hawaii sent two slates of electors to Congress! Luckily, President Nixon saved the day or that could have been yet enough fiasco the electoral college created. Lastly, when canidates know for sure they don't have a states vote or even that they do have a states vote they tend to not visit those states. In source 3 it says that it makes them a more successful president because they don't only have regional appeal. However, it also makes it so they aren't connecting with every regional only the swing states so what about the states that are for sure to one canidate do they just not get to hear from their future president? The idea of an electoral college is making it so only certain states get to talk to the canidates and that's not fair. In sumamary, why do we need the electoral college if all it does is cause problems. You could say that there's less of a chance of the larger states over powering the ones with less population, but at least then it's in the peoples hand what happen. The electoral college takes away the peoples power, has the disaster factor, and the canidates ignore certain states. All in all the electoral college is causing more problems then we need, let's finally make the election the people's vote.
I'm opposing the idea for driverless cars because, although it's a good thought, I wouldn't feel safe driving on a road where there is a car without a person. I was intrigued by the question in paragraph 9 when it asked, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fauly - the driver or the maufacturer?" I think the maufacturer is to blame because they're the people putting these cars on the street although people are buying them and giving their lives to a computer I just wouldn't feel comfortable doing it. I could see why people think that driverless cars are a good idea because in paragraph 2 Google states that their cars have driven half a millions miles without a crash, but those cars aren't truly driverless, they have a human sitting in it ready to drive and the car alerts them when there's roadblocks, when the driver has to pull out of the driveway, and when there's traffic issues. The author puts some good details about how they have advanced sensors (paragraph 5) and i can't wait to see the Mercedes, Audi, and Nissan driverless cars in 2020.
The Facial Action Coding system a software were a machine can dectect any emotion thats on your face. If we make more Facial Action Coding sysytem we can use it for hard situation's we struggle in life. This system can help us know how people feel if there going through a tough time than we can help them if we have more of these Facial Action Coding system. It can help by knowing if a peron likes you or not, if a person loves you and also helps you to know how a person feels a certian way about certain things. The Facial Action Coding System can help in many ways in school with students. This machine can help students like learning more or make them like the subject they hate in the artical it says that "then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". If you see an advertisment on the web or anything and you dont like what kind of ad it is than with the Facial Action Coding system it can by your type of mood by either if your frowing or smiling so than it'll give present different types of ad's it also help the system know what kind of ad's or video's you may or may not like. Another way the system can help is communications. A lot of "communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication" thats a way the Facial Action Coding System can help or do. Facial Action Coding System should be developed more for us to have and know how a perosn feels. Can help in many ways. A hard, struggling situation's including feelings can be difficult sometimes especially to know how the perosn is feeling at that moment. Also in school The Facial Action Coding System Can make school fun and very learnable.
An computer that can read your face expressons is and good way to see how teen emotions are, in the article the aurthor say that if you're on an classroom computer it could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, as an result of an basic device trying to read your mind almost i wonder how many people will find this important or good it's not bad but maybe some people don't want others trying to get in they're life but its probably for the best then sooner or later there will be computer detecting when people is under an huge amount of stress and can put an ad up so that person could maybe get help with their situation or something like that so many people will never tell whats wrong with a smile in their face since people are scared of others hurting their feelings so why not use an device that can read face expressions we might be able to help so many people because its an way to try and get to know a person you never know what might happen if an person dealing with intense stress might do it can lead to bad things in their life and others around them so to me its an very important for people who has low self esteam about to get as much help as needed just to prevent some things from happening, you'll never know when that person might be screaming for someone to help and it better to deal with somethings with help because everybody who think their alone they're not many people are willing to help, but for the most part creating devices that maybe do even more than just reading your face expressions it will do a lot of help for people to create an device that can help people.
Dear United States Senator, Voting in the United States of America has always been the same way, by using the Electoral Collage to cast votes for the presidency. Now, the Presidential Election should be based on poular vote rather than using the Electoral Collage. It is an unfair, unbalanced method for determining the president of the United States. Every president changes history, so if the wrong one is put into office, American history can be altered. An unfair, proposterious method is sure to have great detestment. Say one canidate had the majority of votes from the American people, by popularity. Yet, the other candidate had the majority of Electoreal votes from the Electoral Collage. The canidate who recieved votes from the Electoral Collage wins, even though his opponant had the American peoples' majority vote. This happened in the year 2000, when nominee Al Gore had more popular votes the George W. Bush, yet fewer electoreal votes, allowing Bush to be president. Even more so, when voting for a presidential canidate, one is in truth voting for a late of electors, rather than voting for the canidate straight on. (Source: #3) If the electors vote one way, when the majority of a state really wants to have the opposing side, there is nothing that can be done to change the electoral votes. Some may argue this is a fair method, but in reality, it is not. (Source: #2) No American should be misprepresented when voting for a presidential nominee. Unbalanced voting is sure to be an uproar, especailly when speaking about the president of the United States. California has the most Electoreal votes, stacking up at 55 votes in the Electoral Collage. Wyoming, along with other states, has a mere three votes. A grand total of 538 Electoral votes is what results from adding up all states votes, but 270 is needed to win the presidency. It won't matter who has the popular vote, all that matters is the person who wins the electoral vote. On the other hand, people who live in states with small populations may argue this is a more representing way of voting for president. But it really isn't balanced. The state may have a popular vote towards one side, but when the electoral voter palces his vote, he may choose to betray the people of the state. People cannot change the electoral vote if they are misrepresenting their state. That doesn't sound balanced or equal at all. The scales should not tip towards the lighter side. If the election was determined based on popular vote, rather than the Electoral Collage, then the American people would recieve a more accurate determination of presidency rather than what is already in place. An unfair, unbalanced mehtod should be thrown out the window, trashed. People want want people want, and should be fairly and equally treated to reflect thier true intents. The Electoral Collage is an unfair, unbalaned election strategy that should be disregarded. We should change this election to using popular vote to acurratly, justly portray the wants and political views of the people living in the United States, where the citizens have power in determining what they choose happens in the counrty. The land of the free, America, should have free say in choosing the president. Abolish the Electoral Collage, and instead put in its place the means of popular voting. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerly, an American Citizen.
I think that having "Driverless Cars" would be a cool and positve thing in the world. It would be a posititve thing because, one its more economical, and two it ads more fun to driving. Having driverless cars I would think would make the streets alot safer, especially with how many computers and sensors are in the vehical. To say that having these cars is dangerous is rediculous, because google already had one of these vehicals for more than 5 years, it has "Driven more than half a million miles without a crash" (paragraph 2 line 4). This in itself is remarkable due to the fact that cars with drivers crash and kill people everyday, to have a car that for five years has done what we couldnt do in 50 is crazy. The article says that the car "uses half the fuel of today's taxis and ofer far more flexibility than a bus."(paragraph 1, line 5-6) This makes it safer for the not only cooler, but safer than the environment. This concept of "self driving cars" has always been a fantasy in movies and tv shows, if this "fantasy" were to become avalible to the people in communities around the world it would truly feel like the "future" that we have always dreamed of. all in all, I feel like having these cars would not only make driving cooler, it would save lives everyday.
Imagine a car driving it's self. Seems like a fatasy doesn't it. Well, it may not be that far from today of having cars that do drive themselves. A lot of car manufacturers have been experimenting with self-driving cars. Most cars today are close to self-driving but they still need a human present for simple tasks like going around a wreck or navigating through construction. There are good and bad sides to self-driving cars, but I think that they my one of the worst ideas that car manufacturers have today. Self-driving cars may seem like an awesome future, but there is a lot that can go wrong with this idea. A lot of people would become reliant on the self-driving feature that the may even forget how to drive. Even if that person has been driving for 30 plus years. On the upside though, even if they forgot how to drive they don't even need the skill if the car is going to drive itself. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" it says that even with the self-driving cars they still need some human assisstance like navigation around potholes or going around the wreck because the cars can't be programed to follow the human traffic signaler. This may be possible in the future because as time goes on, the worlds technology advances and these future advances may enable the driverless cars to do such things as interacting with human orders from outside the car. One last thing I feel how driverless cars can be a bad idea is that without a human reaction, if there is an accident, no one will know who to blame. Would it be the manufacturers fault for apparently making a faulty car or is it the drivers fault for not making sure the car is doing and working how it's supposed to. The only way this would most likely be settled is if it went to court with the driver of the car and the car manufacturer. Somthing that could prevent this though is if there is a signing for these kind of thing that says the buyer of the car won't sue the company of the car unless is for other reasons other than the selfdriving car. There are many bad things with these self-driving cars, but there is almost always a solution or a way around these types of situations. With them being unpredictable, dangerous, and hard to figure out, I still think that self-driving cars are still a bad idea. They could possibly screw up internally and might injury someone or even kill them. I think that car companies should stick how there cars are now. They help you instead of doing all the work. Most cars have parking assist or braking assist and I feel that's better than the car doing all the work. In conclution, do you still think self-driving cars are a good idea?
Imagine you could tell anyones emotions just from a computer. Thanks to Prof's new innovation you can! It can recognize emotions from a 3-d model of your face. I think it is a great idea for teachers to use on students in classrooms. I think it's a great idea because it can work on real faces or paintings, it can tell between fake and real smiles, and it can help students get better grades. I think it is a great idea to use this new technology in classrooms because it can work on real faces and paintings. This shows that the technology used is acurrate. If the technology can be used on students or paintings to tell their exact emotions it must be very accurate. It can calculate the emotions by using the 44 major muscles on your face. Then, it can calculate the movement of those facial muscles. I think it is a great idea to use this technology in the classrooms because it can tell between a real and fake smile. This could help the teachers to understand what the students enjoy so they stay ingaged in class. If a student is fake smiling at a teacher that means they don't like what they are talking about or don't understand. They could also tell if students are talking to other students during class. Then teachers could stop them from talking and all the students around them would be able to listen to the teacher rather then be distracted by the students. A reason you may not want this technology in your classroom is because it can't detect nonverbal communication. Many students now a days use social media to connect with others. Some students even connect during class. This technology can not detect any emotion from it. Which could be a problem because for many people social media gives you many emotions. The final reason I think it is a great idea to use this technology in the classroom is that it can help students get better grades. Teachers will be able to know if students are angry, sad, confused, bored or afriad. Students may have things on their mind and it may keep them from focusing in class. It can help teachers to calm students down or to understand why we were not able to focus during class. Teachers could also recognize when students are confused or bored. Then they would be able to modify their lesson to help students have a better understanding. I believe this technology could help many schools around the world and improve the next generation.
In my opinion I think the Seagoing Cowboys was a wonderful experience. I was asked by my good friend Don to join and I thought why not. This would be a great opportunity to interact with people in need and travel around the world. I automatically signed up. We started our expedition in August of 1945. I got to see many places during the program. That included a gondola ride in Venice, an Acropolis in Greece, the Panama Canal, and much much more. This program is excellent if you aren't a very worldly person, but even if you are it's great to see more! This program is also good to be more involved in excercise. You have to feed and water the animals two are three times a day. Also, stalls have to be cleaned. When you spend so much time with the animals it sort of creates a bond between the two of you. However it just wasn't work and work, sometimes you have to take a break. Whenever the animals were unloaded we got to do fun activities like baseball, volleyball, fierce table-tennis tournaments, you get the idea. So that's how to get an easy workout! This program makes you realize how much we take for granted. People are constantly starving or dehydrated, whenever we think that food and liquid is something easy to come by. Also countries are suffering under constant warfare and are very vurnerable. This program allows you to understand what it's actually like to really suffer. These are the reasons that more people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It really opens you up, by helping people all over the world. This is why I believe more people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
The face. People think it was created by aliens, some others belive it's just a natural landform, but it is in fact a natural landform. Although it does look like a face, that aliens created, it is a landform created by a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa, with shadows that make it look like it has facial features. A Martian mesa. That's all the face is. It was created by a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated messa, with shadows that give it the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. Martian mesas, are common enough around Cydonia, which is another reason why this could'nt have been created by aliens. Lastly, this couldn't have been aliens, because there is not enough scientific proof to even know if there is even any form of life on mars. The face is just a huge rock formation, with shadows that give you the illusion of facial features. Even though most people believe that it is a natural landform, some do believe it was aliens who created it. One reason is because, it is more benitfital for Nasa to keep quiet, and say it is a natural landform. Another reason is because, the face looks more like an alien face than a natural landform. Although there is more proof that it is a natural landform, that face could have been made by aliens. All in all the face appears to be a natural landform. Some people may disagree but, there is more facts and research, that the face is a natural landform. Although there is more facts about it being a natural lansdform, some people still will think it could have been aliens who created the face. But the face is just a huge rock formation created by a Martian mesa, with shadows that give you the illusion of facial features.
People are on the argument that NASA would hide an aliean artifact. NASA is trying to cover the possabilty of this artifact being accrute. That NASA would like to have this information to them selfs. The supporters of NASA beleve that NASA would come out with their discoverys. Both sides have a piont of but NASA starts their project to debunk these theorsist. NASA capters this photo of the red plant in the year 1976 and shows the photo to the public. This picture would become big" it became a pop icon and starred in Hollywood films,appeared in books, and ect. Then contriverse started on this could be and an ancient civilization."meanwhile,defenders of NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization. This wouldn't stop thorists, not in the slitest bit. After the surveyor srrived at the plant on September 1997 ,18 years after the program ended. NASA said"We felt this was important to taxpayers" explained Jim Garvin. On April 5th, 1998 when the Global Surveyor flew over cydonia. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture. This picture was 10 times as better as the original and shows a natural land form. The picure showed better evidence that the theorist were wrong about an ancient cover up of anything. Garvin said"So,if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egtptian-style pyramids or even small shacks,you could see what they were. What the picture shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or meas. This debunks all explations of theorists every were. NASA has proven them selfs to not being the bad guys in a cover up. In conclision NASA releases the picture to the press in 1976. Therists say thats NASA is trying to cover up their findings of this civilization. NASA finds out about what people are saying about a cover up .18 years later they are going back to Mars to take another photo with abetter camra. Everything is put to rest with the qulity of the new picture showing better textures and a clear image of this biome.
I am completely against driverless cars. There are three main reasons I am completely against driverless cars: there is already a problem in our country with obesity, humans don't even have the process of regular automobiles down yet, and most importantly these cars still require human assistance. I do not think a driverless car is a good idea, one main issue with the U.S population is its obesity and unhealthy way of living. The only thing this driverless car is doing, is taking another activity away from us and doing it for us. This driverless car will most likely draw in about more then half of the U.S pedestrians and bike riders, not directly taking away the physical activity but giving citizens another easier option. Personally I believe this driverless car is a dangerous idea, and we are biting off more then we can chew. Our automotive industry is a very well designed system, but it is nowhere near perfect. We still have cars that malfunction, need a ton of assistance, and more technology is just gonna make it worse. The cars themselves are not the biggest problem at all, it is some of the current drivers in the U.S. Some people dont even know how to change oil, jumpstart a battery, or other little things that an automobile could possibly need. So, until our automotive industry is completely perfect and our drivers are completely safe in what we have now. I personally wouldnt want anything that a normal citizen would understand even less on the roads. The biggest reason I believe the driverless car is a bad iea, is the fact that a person is more likely to fall asleep. Now, the companies say they are coming up with ways to alert driver such has a vibrating seat, or flashing lights. That is completely ridiculous if you ask me, there is no telling how a person would react upon waking up to vibration or flashing lights. Every person wakes up different, sometimes it is frantic, drowsy, or maybe even scared. There is just no scientific way to be comfortable with a persons reactiopn upon waking up. I am totally against the driverless car. There are many many liabilities and safety issues. Not to mention mental and physical health deffecencies.
My point on driverless cars, I would not like to see them on the road because they can cause accidents or injuries/death. Also, they can cause serious complications on someone's life if they were injured by the driverless car. They don't have the quick response like humans do when they drive, plus if they are on the road when its slick and they don't know to be slow when on slick roads they can cause accidents. The question would be if the driverless cars were to get into an accident, whose fault would it be? If the human driver didn't cause it should the company get fault for it and even get sued? Or should the human driver take the blame since they are human and actually driving a car. The company who manufactured the car should take full responsibily with the accident. The driverless cars could malfunction and cause a serious or life-threatening car crash to the human driver on the other side of the rucus. Many people don't want driverless cars on the road so people won't get hurt first off, and secondly they don't want them on the road so they won't mess up and cause harm. Although the driverless cars have humans on standby, they still shouldn't be made because of all the safety hazards it could cause on the other people and the technology that was built into the car, its essentially a waste of money to make a car thats driverless and it gets wrecked beyond repair. With the laws that could be put into place if driverless cars become a thing of the 21st century, they can and will blame the company who made the car for it either malfunctioning or the human in the car not realizing there was iminate danger ahead. They wouldn't blame the person who was on the other side of the wreck because he knew what he was doing, the driverless car wouldn't know what it was doing. If that were to happen driverless cars would be illegal in all states not just in California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. In conclusion I think cars that are driverless should not be allowed to be a thing because of all the safety hazards and the complications it could cause. Also, they shouldn't be allowed because they can cause accidents that could be minor or life-threatening.
"Venus, somtimes called the 'Evening Star,' is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot." Venus is one of the planets close to earth. Venus is a plant that most often has the same weather as the Earth. The geology and weather present like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning that strikes on the surface. The author of this passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is a good place to study. Many astronomers were fascinated by Venus of how it may once have been the most Earth-like in our planet solar system. In the passage the author states that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could of had formed any various forms of life." Also at this time Venus still has some features of earth. Some of the features Venus has is that the surface are rocky sediment, they also include valleys, mountains,and craters. Another point for how Venus is a good planet to discover. Some impressive things that could happen on Venus are "exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. by comparison, systemsthat use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat,and other forces." Also "modern computers are powerful, flexable, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." At the end Venus is our sister planet. NASA has been working and planning other ways to aproach Venus. Most of their electronics had been tested and had lasted for at least three weeks. As the author has stated in the beginning that studying Venus is a wothy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Worth the dangers that could happen at Venus there are other impressing things to find and discover.
Cars have been used for a very long time now and are a revolutionary invention that completely changed the way humans lived, since it became easier to move from one place to another and increase the size of our cities and mobility in general. Automobiles have alwayas been extremly useful and necesary to our society, however, it had too, some significant disadvantages that could have great impact on our lives. Having this clear now we can point ouit tghe advantages of limiting the car usage no matter how hard or difficult it might be to the biggest cities or more developed societies. It is important to notice an experiment that was conducted in Germany, the city of Vauban was finished in 2006 and it is an example of a "car-free" environment with a few exceptions such as the main street and borders, acording to Elizabeth Rosenthal in her article: "In German Suburbs, Life Goes On Without Cars". In the passage it is explained how people gave up a certain lifesctyle to participate in this new progect and it proves how limiting the usage of car can create a very succesful and less stresful future. 70% of the population of this city do not own cars, one of them, Heidrum Walter said: "When I had a car I was aleays tense, I'm much happier this way," proving again how advantagous is this experiment. In the other had, there is France's capital; Paris, which banned driving due to smog. "Diesel fuel was blamed" expressed Robert Duffer on his atricle, additionally refering to its use which makes up 67% of the vehicles in France. As a resulf of the fines and free public transpartation on business days the smog cleared enough so part of the ban was rescinded. Another example of the advantages of reducing car usage is how "its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" added Carlos A. Plaza, a colombian participating in the car-free day that takes place in Bogota every year. This event motivates people not just in the Colombian capital to ride bikes and be healthier but everyone around them, including adjacent southamerican countries. For instance, stadistics talk too, and it is possible that America getting over its obsession with cars, which is amazing news due to the fact that mobiles vehicles represent the second largest source of carbon emissions in America, as discused on "The End of Car Culture" by Elizabeth Rosenthal. All in all, limiting car usage - although a difficul decision for most residents of develeped first-worls countries - might just be one of the greatest steps we could take towards helping our envirionment and forging a new society, shaping it a better way, building healthier kids that will excersice and ejoy more the outsides, and that will breathe cleaner, fresher air. We can improve our atmosphere's condition refereing to greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions and in addition, lead out economy a different direction, maybe to a better, improved world and society that does not depend on mechanic vehicles.         
Driving into the Future What if when you drove your vehicle there was a computer driving next to you and driving you? Google and GE have made self driving cars that survey the surrounding area to have all the peripheal vision as a human and drive for the human. Google estimates the vehicles would use half the fuel used today and that these cars would fundamentally change the world. Self-driving cars use computers that proccess situations and scenarios just as well if not better than humans, still allow some control through construction or traffic, and elliminate the despised people that text, do make up, or eat while driving. Most people would agree that computers are smarter than people and can proccess situations and scenarios faster than people too. For instance, I know of no one that can do math faster than a scientific calculator. So why not have a computer drive for us. In the end it would result in safer transit and maybe even earlier arrival itme. Smart cars, as the leading industrys call them, use a spinning sensor on the roof of the car to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. Humans can only see so much through their two eyes while maintaing eyes on the road. These cars are maintaing a constant image of their surroundings, not just what is in front of them. This leads to safer travel and ultimately smart cars driving better than humans. While the computers do have a complete 360 degree view around them, they still require human interaction. BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant," a car than can handle speeds up to 25 mph by itself. This smart car has special touch sensors that make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel to ensure that in case of an emergency the driver can safley navigate out of it and overide the computer's autopilot. These smart cars allow you to steer, accelerate, and brake, but are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as driving through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must stay alert and ready to take control at a moments notice in case of an emergency, so humans are not completely out of control. With all the technology and distractions at the wheel a world where the technology drove the car might not be such a bad idea. For example, there have been multiple accidents a year due to texting while driving. In many states you can get pulled over by the police for doing things such as texting at the wheel. But what if smart cars made the world safer from texting and driving, or make up at the wheel, or even the people that eat meals or take drinks while in transit. With smart cars people that do those things will have trouble doing them if they have to keep hands on the wheel, but if they still manage to get a text or bite of food, the smart cars will be in control and there to steer them to safety. This would keep not only the people who text and drive, eat, or do make up safer but the people around them would also be away from that danger that they themselves can not control. Smart cars might not be the first thing many people jump at as the way to go. But smart cars might be one of the safe options to eliminate human error and reduce accidents, drving casualties, and risks. Smart cars are just as equal if not smarter than humans, they are not in full control in case of emergencies, and they can save a life if there is a driver texting, eating, or doing make up at the wheel. I would certainley choose the computer driving me, my friends and coworkers around for my safety and theirs.
Dear Senator Im writing you this letter to let you know that I argue with you of keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as acompromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by popular vote of quilified citizens. Your state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation, one for each member in the House of Representatives plus  two for your Senators. The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. You help choose your state's electors when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also declares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year. Your state's Certificates of Ascertainments are sent to the Congress and the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states the know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on thje tight  races in the "swing" sates. During the 2000 camaign, seventeen states din't see the candidates at all, inckuding Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters inn 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. If anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in Ohio, they have yet to make it. The electoral College requires a presindential candidates to have trans-regional appeal. No region (South, Northeast, etc.) has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Rommey was in the South, has no incentive to campaing heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his plurality in states that he knows he will win. This is a desirable result because a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a succesful president. The residents of the other regions are likely to feel disenfranchised, to feel that their votes do not count, that the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he really isn't their president.
In a world where technology is rapidly advancing by the day, it is no surprise that the develoment of self-driving cars is taking place. At the same time, it is also no surprise that there are hurdles that must be jumped over in order to devleop these machines. In spite of the roadblocks the development process may encounter, it is important that self-driving cars become a reality. When thinking about inventions, one must think, why are these things invented in the first place? The answer is simple: convenience. For almost any invention that can be thought of, it can be concluded that the main purpose of the invention is to make our lives easier. The car is a percect example of this. It makes long distance travel easier and much quicker than on foot or by horse. However, the act of driving a car is a dangerous one. A person is basically driving a 2,000 pound hunk of metal that is hurdling at fast speeds down a road. Frankly, there is nothing safe about that idea. However, if cars were self-automated, automobile travel would be much safer, as it takes the human error out of the equation, reducing accidents and mishaps on the road. Though the car would be self-driving, a human would be needed in case of an emergency situation, in which the car would not be able to function properly. As stated in the 7th paragraph of the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" , BMW has already tried its hand at self-automated cars, and have developed a system in which the car drives itself, but requires a person's hands to be on the wheel at all times, in case of an emergency. This way, the driver would not be totally at the mercy of the computer system in the car in the time of emergency where human intervention is necessary. Some may say that if self-driving cars were to be a common finding in life, roads and driving laws would need to be changed considerably. For example, in most states (save for California, Nevada, Florida, and Washington D.C.), testing self-driving cars is not even legal. These people are right, but it is not a reason to deter the development of these machines. When the automobile first came to market at the turn of the 20th century, roads fit for automobile travel and driving laws in general did not exist, as there had not been cars before that. Nowadays, we have highly sophisticated driving laws and road systems. This shows that it is not impossible to create new laws to deal with new technology as it is invented, and subsequently integrated into modern society. Car companies such as Tesla, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz have plans to release self-driving cars in the future. However, it is important that the development of self-driving cars continues, as it is a vital and necessary step in technological progression that should occur. Not only would it make driving a safer and less stressful act, it is just a logical progression as far as technology and innovation is concerned. It would usher in a new era of innovation, that could only make our lives better. After all, is that not the point of any invention?
Technology can be beneficial in several aspects of everyday life, but reading emotions should not be one of them. According to the article, the technology to read human emotions is possible and can be effiecently used to detect how a person is feeling. This technology is certainly impressive but does not seem very beneficial to the average student and can be seen as slightly intrusive. Therefore, this technology would not be valuable in a classroom due to the small amount of benefit that it would provide and its intrusiveness, as students should have a right to keep certain emotions and feelings to themselves. It seems unnecessary to use this technology when emotions are already fairly easy to identify without the use of a computer. Body language and facial expressions can already easily be analyzed by humans themselves to reveal emotions. To quote the writer of the article, "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face" (D'Alto 5). This depicts that technology is not required to identify the basic emotions of a human being and is therefore unnecessary. If a person is not blatantly showing his emotions with body language and facial expressions, then the person wold likely prefer not to express what he is feeling or thinking. All human beings have a natural right to keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves as they please, and technology that can reveal emotions at their deepest depths can be intrusive. An example of this can be how computers use cookies to track what people are searching on the Internet in order to produce advertisements directed toward the user later on, which often disturbs people and makes them feel uncomfortable. This may be the same situation if computers have access to human emotions. The private feelings of a human should not be exploited by a computer, and therefore trespasses a basic right of humans which allows them to have their own private thoughts and emotions. The final reason that this technology would not be valuable is because there are little uses for it. Detecting emotions are not really relevant when using a computer. The author of the article states many examples of how this technology can be used on a computer, and the use of using the emotions to determine the type of advertisements would match emotions and what the user is feeling does not seem very important or beneficial. Overall, the implementation of technology into a student's everyday life would not be useful, therefore making it seem pointless rather than valuable. Therefore, the idea of implementing technology that read emotions would not be valuable in a typical classroom. Despite the consistency of the technology working successful, it would be worthless to bring into everyday lives as people do not need advanced computers to identify other people's emotions. The technology would also be extremely intrusive, as it would exploit the private thoughts and emotions of people that would not want their emotions to be detected and make them feel slightly uncomfortable. Alongside these reasons, there is practically no use for this advanced technology in a typical day of an ordinary student. For these reasons, while the concept of reading emotions may be interesting, there is not much benefit that will come from the use of this technology and therefore implementing it into classrooms would be a prodigious waste of money and effort in order to provide a minimal benefit for students.
I am for technology being able to read students emotions. It can really help in the classroom when kids are starting to feel like the lesson is getting kinda stale. In the text it states, "A classroom computer could regonize when a student is becoming confused or bored". This can help alot of kids or teens that have a hard time staying focused i the classrooms or become bored easeily, it that is to happen the computer will modify the lesson to make it more entertaining fo the student like any good teacher would be able to do. It also have many uses outside the classroom. In the text it states, " The same technology can make computer animated faces more expressive for video games video surgery. This technology can help animaters, surgeans , artist , and many other lines of work. We perform different facial expression every day and having a computer or maybe even a phone in the future that can ajust your device to the emotion your having at the time or throughout the day. This type of technolgy can change the world and make lifes easier in the classroom for students or regular jobs. There are many positives about thing about this technologhy though there are a couble negatives. In the modern day home computer or phone would not be able to input the many algorithms that are needed fo this technology to work. Also If your not expressive an your emotions your combuter would not be able to detect your emotins and will not ajust.
The technonogy we have today allows us to create new ideas that can chage our world. Driverless cars is an idea that is a part of the modern age of technology. In the article , the aurthor elaborates on many ways drvierless cars have become a reality in our world today. The technology that allows us to create new ways to keep the raods safe helps our world become a better place. Every year thousands of people die or get injured becasue of car crashes. Driverless cars can help put an end to the tragic deaths caused by these crashes. In the second paragraph, the author pionts out that Google's independently driven cars have driven more than half a million miles without crashing. Cameras and sensors in cars watch the road and the driver ensuring that the people in the car and the poeple in the car's surroundng are safe. If everyone has the opportunity to drive one of these cars, then crashes will be reduces significantly. Not only does the new technology in the cars have the abilty to stop crashes, they allow the car tranmit information to the people inside the car incase there is a malfunction. In 2013, BMW announced the start of "Traffic Jam Assistant". Although the progrma does not make cars completely driverless, it shows that we are coming closer to creating cars with the ability to make driving safer. BMW's "Traffic Jam Assistant" has special touch sensors that makes sure the driver has his or her hand on the steering wheel at all times. Teh new technolgy can sterr, brake and accelerate themselves, but its primary design is to notify the driver when the raid ahead needs the skills of a human driver. Some of these warning include flashing lights or windshield display that can notify the driver if the situation needs human skills. Although, a completley driverless car is still in the furture, new technolgies have shown that a driverless car is safe enough to invest in. With its features keeping people focused, crashes caused by texting, sleeping, or even drunk driving will decrease. Also the amount of people speeding will drop resulting in less tickets and overall safer rods that everyoen can drive on without the fear of getting in a car crash.
Adventures at the Sea You should be in the Seagoing Cowboys program because. You get to learn about so many animals. You get to know how much they eat, and what they eat. As stated in paragraph six it says. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship. Stalls had to be cleaned. Another reason you should try this program is because it is very big opporuntinity. You get to see the world. You get to know what it is like at sea. Maybe you might like it. And decide that you want to do it for a living on your own ship. It says in paragraph nine. "Im grateful for the opportunity," he says. "It made me more aware of people of other countries and thier needs." My last reason is that you may be able to learn what other countries are like. Would'nt you like to go explore the world? See what it is like in other places. My stated can be supported by paragraph five. It states in the paragraph. "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special," he says. "So was taking the gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water." Those are the reasons why you should goin the Seagoing Cowboys program today !