i would rather change to voting for most popular president in the united states and the electoral college is simply to complicated the electoral college consist of 538 electors a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president your states entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its congressional delegation: one for each member in the house of representatives plus two of your senators see all of that thats just really confusing for the new guy and me i mean why cant we simply have two groups the group with the most votes chose the president to elect simple right yah i thought so too there is also other ways such as under the 23rd admendment of the constitution the district of columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the electoral college for this reason in the following discussion the word state also refers to the district of columbia each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors the electors are generally chosen by the candidates political party but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what responsibilities are all of that is my goodnes its all to complicated for most people to understand here is another example the presidential election is held every four years on the tuesday after the first monday in november you help choose your states electors when you vote for president because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidates electors most states have winner take all system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate however maine and nebraska each have a variation of proportional representation see thats what i mean real complicated stuff.
The seagoing cowboys program is a fun program. You get to travel all over the world. You would get to see the excavating castle in Crete. It is very fun traveling all over the world. You would be in a boat that crosses the atlantic ocean. you would go to Europe and China. The cattle boat would take you to Greece to see the Acropolis. But this whole trip is to help people. You will also go to Venice, Italy. You would also cross the panama canal,which was very fun. If you go on this trip you would start off a watchman. So every hour you would have to check up on the animals and report back to the captian. There would be a lot of hay to feed the horses. You can also play games on the ship when there is no horses. The favorite game I played was baseball. But there are lots of other games to play. their are nine trips in total. This trip is a very fun and their is a lot of things you can do. The most impotant thing on this whole trip is helping the people. You got to take care of the animals. If you come onthis trip it will take some time to go to the other places. I really hope I convinced you to come on this fantastic trip.
Driverless cars are not a thing of the past any more. There are many companies that believe that creating a driverless car is a step froward, but it could also be a step back. The driverless cars we hev today require a human to take the wheel when there is something that requires human skills. However the car does alert the driver , it still seems dangerous to have a driverless car when the human's skills are still needed. The most important thing under consideration about the driverless car is safety. If safety is the most important thing then why are driverless cars still being improved, when the project should have been shut down. The driverless car isn't really driverless because it still requires human skills. To me that means that the driverless car is not really safe when it requires a human to do the controlling at certain points, such as driving through a construction zone. For example, the driver is not paying attention to the alerts will the car crash injuring the driver and posibbly others around the driver. In conclusion, the driverless car is illegal for a reason. It is only able to be tested in a few states. So I hopoe that the idea of having a driverless car seems unsafe because under certain circumstances a driverless car is not always a positive.
Venus is a wothy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is a planet from our solar system is simple to see from the distant, exploring venus is a challenge because present dangers. Numerous factors contribute to Venus' s reputation. More challeging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphera; NASA is working to studying Venus. First, "Venus, sometimes called the " Evening Star, is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot" because is simple to see from the distant. "it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely." ; exploring venus present dangers because is a planet close to sun. Second, numerous factors contribute to Venu's reputation for study to humans."often reffered to as Earth's "twin" because venus is closest to Earth in differents factors like density, size and sometimes in distances too. Third, " Even more challenging are the couds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venu's athmosphere" because their conditions are extreme to humans on Earth. High pressure, geology and weather present additional impediments to see: naturals reactions like erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, and this make difficult to study venu's. NASA is working to studying Venus and they try differents things using materials with differents elements to see how reaction each one for example; "some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tasted in a chamber simulating the chaos of venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such contions." In conclusion, really exploring Venus is a difficult challenge because differents factors are impidiments to humans to study close. weather, high temperatures and geology is not a good help to know more about venus because not reaction like on others planets like Earth. Actually NASA is trying and trying differents projects with simple electronics in our life.
You should join to help and say I helped that country. I think you should because there are things you have and other people don't. I also think that it should almost be a requirement to help people to go to heaven. I think alot of things should because I am like that. I think a lot about others believe it or not. I love other people and apparently Luke did also. He understands the true meaning of love. He even knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime to help people in Africa,Asia,Haiti, and other places like that he had to understand that time is too valuable and other people give that time away to you to make you a better person and he is using it that way. Not saying this is all good there is downs too. Every rose has its thorns. It is a lot of time that people spend with others. It was better for Luke I think because he was a good person. He had a heart of steel to make himself not say no to miss out on people in his family to go help other families. I think that was the best thing to do for anybody. He missed his mom,dad,aunt,brother/sister,nephew/neices,and his other friend to go help other people. Which makes me wonder if he's a Mason. I know that he had to miss out because that was so much time taken up ,not wasted but taken up. He spent 2 weeks on each trip and then did it 16 more times! Reasons not ot would be. You could die in fog. I'm not sayin I wouldn't go but I wouldn'tlike to have the thought of dying in my brain. I bet more than once or twice he thought of dying and cried. I know I would go but I wouldn't go 16 times because of the fact. There are sharks,squid,octopi,and plenty of other animals. The oceans are the most unexplored places on earth. People die millions of times a year because of the ocean and I have a high paranoia level so my paranoia would keep me on my toes. I would be so scared at times. There are 60 foot sharks named megalodons and can swallow me whole. There are plesiosaurs confirmed in the pacific. There is a six gilled shark that is 20 feet long. almost all sharks can taste a drop of blood 400 yards away. If they swim underneath a boat with 335 horses and 1 of 335 is bleeding or in labor. (the tissues and blood)I would die. I would probably have a heart attack. I can't stand my paranoia. My friend was going to let a train go over him to prove he wasn't scared but I put a little paranoia in him because under a train gets hot enough to crystalize a rock and make it look like silver. What would it do to my friend. Back to the water. Plesiasours started as lizards. Lizards have a third eye. It senses changes in lighting. Ripples and vibrations shift lighted areas. Horses make alot of noise and stomp alot. Stomping causes vibrations. I was swimming in a river and I thought about rivers monsters when a log touched my legs I freaked out! I swam as fast as I could screaming "jeremy wade jeremy wade"I was out of the water and on my grandpas house boat. I said hit the sand dam. From then and on I never went past clear water. I don't think about stuff like look down its a log or stuff like that. I almost pee my pants when I see a spider. I think its because of me watching national geographic channel everyday and knowing what every animal does and how it hurts you. I thought one time a jamaican cockroach could kill me .At the time I was three or four. My finger now was about as long as this cockroach. it stood up and it ran towards me. I was in my moms work and there were alot of animals there so I ran into the pig room. That was the day I figured out my mom would get me a mexican rat. From then on No roach came near me .But my fear is still here.
Many people believe in conspiracy theories,that may sometimes not be backed by evidence. Some examples of this are Bigfoot or aliens. Another conspiracy theory is of the face on Mars. In 1976 NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was orbiting the planet, when it came a across something that appered to look a lot like a human face. Many conspiracy theorists believe that this landform on Mars has to do with aliens. There is evidence that shows that the face on Mars has nothing to do with aliens. Modern technolgy has allowed us to further investigate on theories like this. "Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL website, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." (paragraph 7). In 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor was able to take a closer look. "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixal size." With the last visit of the Face on Mars in 2001, scientists were able to get a closer look at the landform. They were able to compare the landform on Mars to the landforms here on Earth. " What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa-landforms common around the American West. It reminds me most of the MIddle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho". (paragraph 12). With this evidence we can tell that the landforms on Mars are simliar to the ones on Earth. Making it more likely to be caused by natural events in Mars's atmosphere. Scientists at NASA, have enough knowledge and have done enough reshearch to differniate if events or landforms, like the Face, happen natrually or unaturally. For example," Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusal shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." (paragraph 2). Another insistance was when NASA shared the image of the Face and the author who wrote the caption clearly explained how the landform looked like a face. "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth."(paragraph 3). As you can see people who belive in conspiracy theories, often do not have the evidence to back up that theory. The reason for these theories often come from movies and tv shows. "The "Face of Mars" has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magizines, radio talk show- even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists." (paragraph 5). Many theories erupt from things like movies and books, but if we have the right evidence, than soon we will be able to know the real facts and really understand what is going on around us.
Dear State Senator, I strongly believe that changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United State. Changing the election may increase the hopes for more people to vote. From the passage one of my sources I choose is Source Three called In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner. My second source is Source Two called The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of  the system are wrong  by Bradford Plumer. I believe that sources two and three will get my point across of why changing the election by popular votes for the president of the United States be changed. To Begin With, Source Three called In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner one of my example for picking this reason is because it tells us how a map shows a breakdown of the number of electoral votes given to each state. Meanwhile, the Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism a non-democractiv method of selecting a president. The Elecoral College method is not democratic in modern sense , however, it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. Another example of reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President is the Certainy of Outcomes. In 2000, a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote was possible but, was less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. For example the 2012 election, with Obama received a 61.7 percent of the electoral votes compared to Romney vote 51.3 percent of the popular vote cast. The people should be able to pick there president and so forth. Electrol College dont have nothing to deal with the people on who should be president. The Electoral College stand on there on bases of being part of something that belong in the past not the present and just giving candidates plurality. So Moving Forward, Source Two called The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of  the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer one of my example for picking this reason is because Richard Nixon, Jimmy, Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, that they all agreed on abolishing the electoral college, and adding that they are not alone, thanks to the quirks of the electoral college winning the popular vote but lost the presidency, over a 60 percent of voters would of perfer a direct election to the kind we have know. Whats wrong with the electoral college? Well, let me tell you under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. Who pick the first electors in the first place? I know the answer to that it depends on the state. Its sometimes the states conventions, the states party central committee, and the presidental candidates themselves. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair voters because of the winnere take all  system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chances of winning and focus on the tight swings states that they may have a chance in. Its offical the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. This is why the electoral college system is wrong. To Conclude, State Senator  I strongly believe that if changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United State is due to the people choice and not the Electoral College changing the election may increase the hopes for more people to vote. Source Three that is called In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner, and Source Two called The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of  the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer. I believe that sources two and three will get my point across of why changing the election by popular votes for the president of the United States be changed.                
Driverless cars are a thing of the future. There is no doubt that they are comming and comming fast, but I do not believe that there will be totaly driverless in my lifetime. There would be many required updates to the curent roads. Along with the roads, laws would have to be updated as well. I do not believe that driverless cars are the best kind of cars for these reasons. Although there have been many good improvements on the modern car, such as seat belts and air bags, I do not think that driverlessness will be one of them. They have created many improvements to the driverless cars, but they are still not totaly driverless. A machine can not take place of a human. Even though driverless cars have all the technology needed to drive on the average road, they still need help to get in or out of driveways or dealing with traffic issues. The car cannot stear itself thorugh roadwork or accidents. What is the point of a driverless car if it cannot drive itself? Another reason the driverless cars are a thing of the future and not of the now is because there would require far too many updates to the current road system. I do not think that it would be safe if there was a mixture of driverless and non-driverless cars on the same road. What if a driverless "'driver'' did not the warning to take over soon enough and ran into an non-driverless car. Whos fault would it be? The "driver'' or the manufacturer. I do not think that driverless cars are in our best intrest because of all the updates they would require. Another update required would be law updates. I think that if we went to driverless cars we would have to make everyone switch to driverless cars. If they work how the article clames, like a public-transport taxi system, than it would put a lot of public transportation workers out of buisness. I live in Indiana, on of the many states that do not allow test computer-driven cars. If our state won't even test them, then how are we suppost to know if we can trust them. I do not think that driverless cars would work for us because we do not live in a city. This would not be practical because in my town we do not use taxis, so why would we have access to driverless cars? I do not think that driverless cars are in our best intrest because they are not totaly driverless. They would also require too many updates to our roads and our laws. Driverless cars may be a think of the future, but not the near future.
To whome it may concern, From my knowledge based on the sources i've been given on the Electorial College, I strongly beleive it should be abolished. To me it seems senseless to be voting for a slate of electors rather than a president. Also, anyone not in office can be an elector so that means they may not be the best person to be representing your vote. The electors may only vote for who they want rather than go with the vote of the people which is why I beleive the president should be elected by popular vote. This would also mean there would never be a tie. In the event of a tie the House of Representatives would take the vote. So the representative of Wyoming representing 500,000 voters would have the same power of as the representative of California, representing 35 million voters. it should be quite clear why popular vote would make more sense. We have outgrown the electorial college as a nation. Thank you for your time, PROPER_NAME
Dear Florida senator, we should keep the Electoral College. The Electoral College has been around for decades, produced by the founding fathers, it was made as a compromise between the two different ways the president should be elected. One way being by a slate of senators, and another by simply popular vote. It was made so that citizens could still have their vote, but more politically advanced senators could make a decision. The Electoral College is not only more efficiant but it lets the citizens keep their votes as well. I favor the Electoral College instead of popular vote because it helps avoid run-off elections, it uses the winner-takes-all method, and gives equal oppourtunity to smaller states. Run-off elections, as known as, the gigantic issue with a popular vote election system. In 1968, Nixon, and in 1992, Clinton, both only had about 43 percent of the popular votes which was not enough. This is a problem because it complicates the presidential electon process. This is where the Electoral College comes in hand; the outcome of the votes becomes very clear this way. Instead of dealing with tricky numbers and percentages, the electoral college uses the "winner-takes-all" method. The winner-takes-all method is as literal as it sounds; the winner takes all. For example if someone was running for president and they got 301 votes and 370 electoral college votes, they would win (you only need a majority of 270 votes to be elected. Lastly, using the Electoral College benefits smaller states. Think of this, you live in Maine, or Hawaii, or somewhere with a smaller population than Florida or California- your state would not have really that much of a impact on who wins the electon. Although, you cannot choose who your state senators in the end vote for, there's a greater chance of your state having a bigger impact. It naturally balences out some of the more heavier politically impacting states. Even though things are equal, in the long run larger states (population wise) will get more attention than states with a smaller population. There are upsides and downsides to the Electoral College, but from a political perspective it is crystal clear that it is a better choice. Citizens for popular vote do believe it is unfair to the voters having a board of senators making the big vote/impact on the president, but those senators are highly trusted people who know what they're doing. I favor the Electoral College over popular vote because it helps avoid run-off elections, it uses the winner-takes-all method, and gives equal oppourtunity to smaller states.
Computers can do many things for us. The idea that a computer can read your emotions is amazing, although I do not belive it is true. I will believe it when I see it. In paragraph 8 it says " But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways ising the zygomatic major and different muscle, the risorius." however this may be true for most people; there has to be someone out there in our world of 7 billion that smiles there smiles with their zygomatic muscle or their risorius muscle. Everyone has diffrent emotions and everyone shows them diffrently. The muscles in our face does say a lot about the emotions we are feeling. I do belive to understand ones emotions it has to be very clear someone is sad, with tears, or you know the person well, In paragraph 5 the artical states " For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on their face." In paragraph 3 it brings up "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprised, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness" but there are way more than 6 emotions that can be reconized. This is why I believe computures can not read your emotions.
Cars are one of the most important inventions that we ase human beings have created. They help in many more than just one occasion. Cars mostly help with transportation, because of this we are way to relient on them. Now we rely mostly on our cars which is a bad thing considering that fact that we in the future could possibly die from it. Cars produce smog which goes up in to he air and is bassically what  created the greenhouse affect. When people use cars they hardly dont ever think about what is actually happening while they use it, mostly whats thought about is how fast they are going or how much time they have left to get where they are going. When driving a car smog is released from the tail pipe and usually donsnt affect any on directly unless they are really close to it, but even then it is a momment of discnomfert nothing perminent. what most peoiple dont realize is that when smog is released from the car it gose directly up into our atmosphere. when there is an abundance of smog it acumulates creating a green house affect. what is needed to stop that is to stop driving ingeneral but scincde that cat be done do as paris has done and have sertain laws that prevent most people to drive on some day "On monday motorist with even numbered license plates were to suffer a 22 euro fine then the same would apply to the odd numberd plates the next day." this would make for people to stop driving so much ang just go for a walk to their location if it isnt too far. Walking isnt as bad as most people would probably think it to be. Some people already do it on a normal basis. Some people could argue that the weather is to gloomy or its raining and they dont want to get wet. As the Mayor of bogota said "The rain hasn't stopped me from participating." More states should have a day with out cars like Bogota dose and have "The day with out cars is part of an improvement" and just like that as Bogota has done "parks and sports centers will bloom", "New restaurants and upscale shopping districs will be cropped up." Americans without even realizing it have stopped driving. We have bought less cars and drivers licenses as each year gose buy. Which shows that there is a little bit of care towards the sitiation happening all around the world. Usually americans were the ones to be mostly using their cars but as the article states. "Americans love affar with their cars have began cooling down." Even thought the cars are still being used they are used much less than before. Most people instead of using cars to go to a friend house they use the internet to feel more connected with them. Using cars help people but not for the long term goals to survive. Join most of the world and stop driving soon. Most people have already done it. Tha will help out with the smog situation in the greenhouse, help some poeple with walking to certain places that they need to go, and nations are doing it .
Dear Senator of the state of Florida, I belive there is something wrong with our voting system. Evidence has shown that our electoral system has shown some minor errors. In the election 2000 George W. Bush won because he had more electoral votes than his oppenenet Al Gore. But, Al Gore had more popular votes than Bush. If this great country of ours is a democracy, shouldnt be the president decided by the people for the people. The electoral college has been around for 100-200 years now. When are founding fathers came to this country, they never said to have a voting system like this. The people voted and those were counted and that was how the president was decied. IN the 1960's John F. Kennedy was running for president. In Lousiana race and segragation was still happening. The legislature of the state tried to change the electoral vote so all the pouplar votes would count against Kennedy. so the votes of the voter will have never counted. But the system of working is also a good thin. the votes can be avergae easier.  
The author supports this idea because from reading the passage he suggests that Venus is a very interesting planet but it's also dangerous. In paragraph 1 it says "Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star ," is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. " which is one of the couple of things that make Venus a worthy pursit like it's said. Another thing that is interesting is that Venus is the closest planet to Earth in density and in size also in distance. Also no spacecraft has survied to land for more than a couple of hours in more than three decades. One of the few things that make Venus a dangerous planet is that it's the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system as said in paragraph 3. Also "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. " the planet's surface temperature average is over 800 degrees. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and it includes familiar features such as valley and mountains. In paragraph 7 it states that NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus and they're making simplified electonics to test more of Venus's surface but the devices that are being made only last about 3 weeks because of the heat and the conditons of the surface.
DEAR,state senator i argue in favor of keeping  the electoral votes alive to choose for the new turn. people say that the electoral voting system may turn alot of potential voters away from voting for a new president since the electoral voting has been tight on alot of people who don't like to use that way then they want it as a direct election and to abolish the electoral college! There are alot of ways we can actually save the eletoral voting system .the electoral voting consists of a very non-democratic way so all the voters can decide on a canindate for whoever receives the most highest votes on,in 2000 gore had way more votes than bush but fewer electoral votes on him andthat was since they first ever voting for the presidents back in around 1888 thats a very long time almost 200 years when that happened. basically we need to keep the electoral voting for some practical reasons thta we do not know about now maybe it could be from thedispute over recent years of voting . or we can choose a different option then electoral voting maybe instead of the canindates to get voted by a party we should just vote on a popular vote that we should rely on next time it comes around
There are many advantages to limiting car usage. For example, to decrease stress, to decrease pollution, to manage your time and communication better, and to avoid traffic. The reason I feel most strongly about limiting car usage is to decrease stress. First, many people that driving can cause a lot of unneeded stress. In the first article "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, Heidrun Walter says "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Families or even individuals exercise and get out and communicate a lot more in my opinion when they aren't riding around in a car. Traffic also causes a lot of stress. Second, pollution is beginning to be a very big deal that can't be fixed, only stopped. The first article states that "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emmissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intencive areas in the United States." In the second article "Paris Bans Driving Due To Smog" by Robert Duffer I learned that Paris enfored a patial driving ban to clear the air of the city. The smog went down by 60 percent. To conclude, I believe that there are many advantages of limiting car usage for reasons like stress, pollution, traffic. There are many reasons that car usage should be managed and in my opinion stopped.
My argument for the development of the driverless cars is that we should have them. These cars should be allowed to be made, they can become really helpful to people. They can also provide really good safety features. The diverless car will help the environment, it will spend less of our natrual resources that we use. These cars will change the way our future will look like. First of all, the diverless cars will help tons of people around the world. Think of all the handicap people on this earth who can't drive. These cars will change their lives. They can travel by their selfs, instead of people picking them up to go places. There might be people who become drunk or injured and they need to go to their house or hopistal. With these cars they can get there. Second, the driverless car can provide really good safety features. The cars will have a lot of sensors. When Google modifed their Toyota Prius, they use position-estimating senosors, rotating sensors, video cameras, four automotive radar sensors, etc. They put all theses thing on a car to make it safe and to drive on its own. The driverless car can have all these features to be a very safe car to drive. Last, the driverless cars will help the environment and will spend less of our natrual resources. A Google cofounder Sergey Brin says, that the cars he foresees would use half the fuel of taday's taxis and offer far more flexiblity than a bus. These driverless cars provide less car accidents. With less accidents people won't get killed or injured. The driverless car will aslo provide less money of fuel. In conclusion, the driverless cars will change our future. It will help people get around easily. The cars will provide greay safety features. Its will also help the environment. I hope i would be able to see these driverless car around someday.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author believes that Venus is worthy of human research and time although the task poses multiple dangers. I stand by the authors claim because we would gain information on how our universe works, and how it was many millions of years ago. The article states that although Venus is sometimes "around the corner", humans have sent many unmanned spacecrafts to attempt to explore and learn about Venus as a planet. Those spacecraft have not survived landing for more than a couple of hours. This has discouraged humans enough that we have yet to send another spacecraft to Venus in over three decades. The challenges are very rough and will not be anywhere close to a easy task. First they have to get through a thick atmosphere almost consisting of 97% carbon dioxide. After the atmosphere, you will have to survive the clouds which consist of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. Then you would need to figure out how to help deal with its average surface temperature of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit making it the hottest surface temperature of any planet in out solar system. Next, you'll have to create something sturdy enough to withstand its atmospheric pressure which amost 90 times geater than Earth's. The geolocial features and weather such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes will also aid in ruining the journey. If we can overcome these obsticles we could learn much more about Venus's past, present, and future. The more knowledge we have will help to futher even more research and hopefully explore even more in our universe.
I believe that driverless cars are a bad idea. There are issues that can be seen to cause problems. The idea of a computer doing something for you takes out the factor of doing it yourself. If a computer beggins to start to do the work for us when wont have any work to to do which, sounds beautiful but, in reality can become a disaster. If we let a computer do something for us like drive, then we can end up never learning things like driving which is a huge part in the dalay teens life. I am a teen and I believe that if I were to be given a car that drives itself i would never use it for the simple fact i dont get to use what ive learned in drivers ed to use. I could go on with many issues with this idea. Like, if a computer were to mess up and wreak the car who would to be at blame? Would it be the driver or the manufacturer? These are some issues that could efect people. I just believe that cars that drive themselves are would become a bigger issue then what people think. Other people can think their oppion on the subject. But, that is just my personal oppion.
The Facial Action Coding System is a great tool in decoding one's true emotions. The FACS could be used to detect boredom, confusion, interest, or happiness in students. Being able to calculate these emotions would be valuable to students and teachers in a classroom. Not all students are interested in school and in fact most would rather be elsewhere than in a classroom. With the FACS teachers would be able to detect when students are bored and may be able to change the way they teach their lesson in order to make it less banal. Creating a more interesting lesson would in turn create more interested students, increasing happiness and decreasing boredom. Students may start to want to learn which would also improve grades or behavior in a classroom, Not all students are equal when it comes to learning. Some young scholars may be a natural when it comes to learning while others struggle to understand material being taught. The FACS could detect when a student is confused and alert a teacher so that they may better explain the subject being taught. This feedback would almost prevent students from lacking in schoolwork and could help with student's grades. Students who enjoy the classroom are more likely to be interested and succeed. A teacher could use the FACS to see when students like and dislike what or how they are being taught. Then the teacher could adjust accordingly in order to produce better results. If the teacher is able to get every student engaged in learning, it would boost happiness, behavior, and maybe even learning in the classroom. The Facial Action Coding System's ability to read emotions would be a valuable asset to classrooms. Being able to detect confusion and boredom would be beneficial to both teachers and students. Making better lesson plans and improving the happiness of students would make going to school seem exciting and not bland. With the FACS being able to read different muscles and emotions the possibilities of improving the classroom are endless.
I think that they should get rid of the electoral college, becuase each person shoule just be able to vote who they want to be president, instead of having to vote on someone and then they represent your and they vote on the president of the united states. One of the other reasons i think the electoral college should be Abolished is that for instence say you voted for a elector, well that elector you voted for could always pick someone else instead of who you thought that they were going to pick for president. Another reason that i belive they should get rid of the electoral college is that acording to the article by The Office Of Federal Register . most states have a "winner take all system" which awards all electors to the winnong presidential canidate. When you go to vote, you shouldnt have to pick an elector to elect who you want to be the new President Of The United States Of America, when you go to vote, you should just pick who you want to be president, so that you dont have to rely on someone picking who you want to be the Pesident.
Have you ever wanted to go to the other side of the world? As a Seagoing cowboy you can do that and much more. You can see sights and learn about them. You learn about hard work and how to do different things. You can have fun while doing a job. Last, you get to help others who have less then you. If you like this stuff then this is the job for you. One cool thing about being a Seagoing cowboy is that you get to see a lot of cool sights. You can travel to different parts of the world. In the article it talks about how Luke went to China, Greece, and other parts of Europe. Another thing about the sights is that you can learn new stuff about the places you see. Also you can meet new people and maybe even talk with them. Last, you can have your friends come with you and you can see the sights with them and enjoy both. The sights are great but what you learn is also great. There are lots of things to learn on a cattle boat. One thing about being a Seagoing cowboy is that you learn about hard work. Like in the article it talks about Luke's aunt Katie and her farm that he worked on and how that prepared him for the hard work on the cattle boat. One thing that will help you learn hard work is caring for the animals on the boat. So when you come home your parents will be happy that you learned what hard work is so they can trust you with different things. Another thing you on a cattle boat is doing your share of work, because if you are not doing your share of work then your crew mates are going to get mad fast. Being on a cattle boat also keeps you busy so you can stay out of trouble in school or at home. All the stuff that you learn is good, but everyone wants to have some fun while doing a job. Another reason that you should go on a cattle boat is that it is fun. No one wants to do something that is not fun. On the way back you get to play baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, and boxing. You can also read or whittle if you would rather do that. It also says in the article that Luke had fun on board the ship especially when they were returning. It is good to do a job that is fun to you, but also do a job that helps others and not your selve. One last reason you should go on the trip is that it opens up your eyes to all the people who could use our help in the world. Like helping people who could use the food from the animals that you are bringing over or they could use the money that they would make by selling the animal. Like in the article it talks about Luke and how it opened up the world to him by saying "I'm grateful for the opportunity, it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." These reasons that I have given you show why you should work on a cattle boat. You will see great sights, understand about hard work, you get to enjoy it while doing a job, and you get to help out the world by the way Luke did. So why would you pass up the chance of doing all those things by becoming a Seagoing cowboy?
If America were to limit car usage I'm sure that weight problems would lesson, as well as the smog. The envirnment would also be healthier, streets would be safer for children to play in. There would also be less car accidents that happenn because of careless drivers. Americans would have more money as well since gas prices have been going up so much in the past year. If you have a truck in America, what do you think your gas is doing to the envirnment? Wll, in France they use diesel fuel instead of gasoline, which means 67% of their vehicles is diesel. Car traffic in France was 60%, after five days of intensifying smog, and where do you think that smog came from? Deisel! cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissioms. Paris typicaly has more smog than other European capitals, last week Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London. In Bogota, Columbia- a program that's set to spread to the other countries, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets deviod of traffic jams. The day without cars is part of an important campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. I believe that people in America should do something like that.    
Seagoing Cowboys aren't like pirates, or like land cowboys that rob people and do aweful things. They help out people when they are recovering from the terrible things that hitler and World War II brought them. When you sign, up you don't have to risk doing army time and going to fight becasue when you are a seagoing cowboy, it counts for your service time. Also, you get to see the world and how other people are living and how cultural our world is. In this essay I will tell you reason why is I know I did the right thing by sighning up to be a seagoing cowboy, and why you should sign up too! The most important thing that I was able to do was to help out my community and beyond. When people were suffering from traumatic losses and hunger I was able to help heard and bring animals to the Jews, Germans, and Aisans that were all suffering from the outcome of the war. They were in poverty and were in need of people to safely get livestock to them so they could eat and be whole again. I think that by sighing up you get that sense of heroism and you know that you did a good deed. I think that by also sighning up it really helps life or death problems. When I sighned up I knew that I would have to go fight for my country and maybe even die in battle. So, I turned 18 during my first trip and I knew I would have to stop what I was doing and to go serve in the army. But, when I went to go speak with the army, they said that helping to bring food to families wounded in the war counted as War time. I overjoyeced becasue I loved to do what I was doing and I didn't want to have to end that. Also because I didn't have to risk dying! Phew, thankgoodness! So thats why you should also sighn up so you don't have to go out and get shot! I also realized how big of an oppertunity it was and how much of the world I was going to be able to see. The cattle-boat trips where an unbelievable oppertunity for a small-town boy like me! I had the benifit of sight seeing Europe and China. I saw the acropolis in Greece, and took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, with streets of water! Water people, I mean who would pass that oppertunity up? I toured an excavated castle in Crete, and awed at the Panama Canal on my way to China. Grece was very speacial, and China was amazing! When you take the chance of going out and doing things in the world you get see magnificent things. Even when your traveling between countries, you get to experiance marine life and biology! See? That's the thrill of it all, that you get to be a real hero, not die, and see the world through your own two eyes! Now people might say that you don't get to see everything and you need to "die for your country." Don't listen to them, they are just being cynical. You make the decisions and you don't need one bad review to change how you feel about doing something! People might just judge you, but guess what they are just jealious that you get to see the world and be a true hero. That is why you should sign up to be a sea-cowboy. You never know where tomorrow will take you! I'm going to try to immitate Uncle Sam now, We need YOU to be a seagoing cowboy!
To State Senator, As many believe, the nation of the Unitred States of America is one of the most free countries. The citizens have more power and rights then those of another country. Although, are we truely getting the power we claim to get. One of the biggest powers a citizen of the US recieves is electing the president who will serve a term for the next four years. But, do we truely recieve that power. No if there is an Electorial College. The govnerment claims that we are the one truely electing the president, and many of the citizen even believe that, but the fact is that the Electorial College take away all of those rights. This government group doesnt always follow the word of the people, it is unfair, and the "winner-takes-all" mathod does not show what the true outcome should be. When the Founding Fatrhers developted this country, they had stricted standards in mind, "The people would have a say." If we where fallowing the wishes of our Founding Fathers, we would not allow our nation to make false acuizations about what the people are acually capable of doing. Say the state has a majority of Republican vote, so we then send 27 Rebulican electors to the Electorial College. Although, it is copletely possible that our electors don't follow the word of the people, and vote for something other than what they had said before. This shows that although the state's citizens can chose the electors, we acually have no role in the final election of our President. As said in The Indefensible Electorial College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, "Who picks the electors in the first place? It depends on the state. Sometimes the state conventions, sometimes the state party's central committee, sometimes the presidential canidates themselves." This proves that there is no set system in place for choose this extremely important electors that are the electors of how our country survives the next four years. They said that it is even possible for the presidential canidates themselves to the be the ones to choose the electors. Will the follow the word of the peoplem, or just choose based on what is best for them? No one know. By doing this, we are putting our whole future in someone elses hands. Not to mention, the whole election proccess is unfair for both the citizens and the presidential canidates. If there is a majority vote from the people throughout the nation for one party, once the Electorial College votes, the peoples decition can be overridded. This means that not only is the next president going to be someone that most of the citizens didn't want, but the presidential candidate who should have won, now is stuck is a possition where the country wants him in office, but it is over. If the people get to vote, let them vote. Why claim to give them something, waste their time, aswell as yours, and then have that concencous not make a difference? If the government where truely looking to help and do what the people want and need, then they would trust us to put the right person in office. Lastly, the system put in place for the Electorial College is not a strong system. The "winner-takes-all" method does not allow for a truelly acurate election. When the state votes, for example, two thirds democratic, then only two thirds of our electors should be democratic. With this you are getting a complete representaion of the wants of the people. As state in What Is the Electorial College, "Most states have a winner-takes-all" system that awatds all electors to the winning prsidential canidate." This means that even if the votes where close, like 50 percent plus one, they majority voted party would get 100 percent of the electors. That math make no sence. If voting for out future is not in out own hands, then let the people who are taking the responsability truely reflect our own thoughts. With elections for many different things, there are always winner and loosers, that is just how the game works. Although, the game shouldnt work as if there was a set winner. In that case, there is no use in even playing. When the electors are chosen to elect the next President, we, as citizens have no idea if that is the proper peson to choose. We don't know that that person will completly fulfill the resposability they have are being the hands of the people. The Electorial College takes away our rights, is completly unfair all all sides of the story, and has a bad system set in palce. With all of this said, there is no need for it. It does nothing but hurt us and have the possibility of making false elections. We have the "right to vot," let us truely and completely fulfill that right. Sincerly, your citizen  
If you like animals and traveling, then this is the program for you! The Seagoing Cowboys go from country to country helping them restore their crops and animals. And while your on the boat, you get to look after animals such as horses, cows, and even mules! You should join their program because, you would learn how to cope with hard labor, AND you would be helping your country. Being a part of this group is a once-in-a-life-time experience, and you don't want to pass it up. The pros of being a Seagoing Cowboy is that you would get to see fascinating places you probably wouldn't see otherwise. Such as Greese, New Orleans,and even oceans like the Atlantic or the Pacific. And you could also make a lot of friends on the way. The cons of being a part of this would be that you might not be able to see your family very often. You might miss the family holidays, like Christmas and Thanksgiving, but you can still talk to them over the phone and communicate with letters. Along with the fun and games, there is always danger. The seas could get rough, and you could get hurt, but the professionals on the job will try to keep you as safe as possible, for as long as possible. So, if you are an outgoing, traveling, helping hand, animal lover type of person, then THIS is the program for you. So join now, this once-in-a-life-time opportunity won't last forever!
Cars can be great or bad, many places are banning days of driving to slow down the inevitable of car fumes in the enviroment. Advantages include a healthier way of life. Walking makes you healthier, and so will the cleaner air. Creating less polution in areas in good for the enviroment. The ban on cars can seem a little crazy. But picture how much healthier people would be if they didnt relie on their car to get some where. Now, even though there are large cities that are spread out, like Jacksonville, it seems almost insane to give up cars. People would be more forced to leave their house to go to work, school, ect.  But just picture how great it would be to save the enviroment and alos getting a good healthy workout to and from where ever, it doesnt always have to be walking, bikes are what people use as well. Global warming is real, and it is slowly happening. And cars are major factors for the cause. Some citires are taking action to this by banning driving in some way shape or form. This actually helps bring down smog. Paris saw the difference in only a few days! Less polution is happemning because of the new bans of cars in some places. And people are loving it! A more healthier lifestyle is now being used. Less polutiion more healthier for you and for Earth. It wont let me leave this page, im confused.    
World War ll was over in Europe and many countries were left in ruins in 1945. To help these countries recover their food supplies,animald and more,44 nations joined together and formed a UNRRA. The UNRRA stands for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. The UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the animals that were shipped overseas. Like horses, young cows, and mules. So my friend and I signed up. We think you should sign up too. The UNRRA was hiring "Seagoing Cowboys". This was a chance in a lifetime. It is good to join the UNRRA,because you help out people. It also helps you see new places you never been to. It helps you see new things. It a chance of a lifetime. You can buy things from every place you go too. You can tour around places. You can explore that new pace and you can also meet new people or friends. Maybe even if friends of your moved somwhere else you would probably go there country and see them. It takes about two weeks to get from the Atlantic Ocean to the eastern cost of the United States,and a month to get to China. Yes that might be awhile,but you can still do things on the boat. You also have to take care of the animals. You have to feed and watered two or three times a day. There is also a thing called night watchman. The night watchman has to check on the animals every hour. Just because you have work dosen't mean you don't have time to have fun. You can play baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds. You could also play table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing,reading, and whittling. The games helped pass the time. I am just saying that you should sign up. Even though you have to do work you cant still have fun. You can visit new countries. You can tour around buildings. You can also explore the country. You can do many things if you sign up. You also help people if you sign up. By helping ship animals, food, supplies and many more. You wouldn't only be helping one person you'd be helping people.
According to the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author Nick D'Alto decribes the new technology called the Facial Coding System which enables computers to evaluate and identify human emotions. The Facial Coding System should be used is classrooms all around the world. It would enable to modify their teaching methods. First, The author describes how the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. The article it states that " The process begins when the computer constucts a 3-D computer model of the face." The author descibed what the computer has to do first to be able to evaluate a face. The text also states that "new computer software store similar anatomical information as electronic code." This is another way the Facial Action Coding System uses code to evaluate emotions. Second, The benefits of having a computer that uses technology to read the emotional expressions of students. The article states that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This could help teachers modify the lesson the help the students learn the lesson without getting confused or bored. The article also states that "Most human communication is nonverbal." This shows that when a student is bored or confused the student is unlikely not to use word but they are mostlikely to use nonverbal cues. Such as putting thier head on the desk. Third, We as people can tell when a freind is sad, happy, or mad. The text states that "most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait." That is one reason why classrooms shuold have the computers to identify human emotions in class. The text also states that "We humans perform this same impressive calculation every day." However we might not always be able to convey the correct emotions. Inconclusion, The Facial Action Coding System should be use in classrooms. There are student that get bored and then don't understand the topic. When a student doesn't understand the topic the student fails the test over that topic. Therefore with the use of the Facial Action Coding System shuold be used in classrooms all across the world.
Although, traveling and exploring to Venus would be beyond towards the history of mankind making it the first ever of humans to travel a planet that is closed to earth since traveling to the moon back in the 60s. this will be a good idea because now in days, technology keeps evolving and evolving, and it's simliar to earth with the same simliar density and size and it's closet in distance. But this will also be a bad idea because traveling to venus will be risky challenging move and due to the fact that venus is 2sec closed to the sun knowing that the weather in the planet is extremely high and the atmosphere is so thick it still a worthy pursuit to travel and explore even the dangers it presents. Human one day want to travel to venus to explore new things and that is posible to one day live in. but the weather and the atmosphere are realy on the high level that "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus’s atmosphere. On the planet’s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." The conditions are far from beyond of extreme that any human being has ever ecountered and such an environment will crush any from its way. and not to know that "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." So how can mankind be at the option on making a mission that would be safe for science? well NASA had an idea in a way that if the want to sent humans to study and to explore Venus they would had ro make a ship that will fly with an altitude that can go over by many stroms smiliar to jet air planes its "a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." So now if mankind would one day ever travel to Venus and explore new things and other ways of finding out on the strange wonders of the planet even if the dangers lurking on the planet and thta it is closest to the sun, it will to the edges of imagination and innovation to tarvel to venus.
Have you ever wanted to be a seagoing cowboy? I got a chance to. It was a lot of fun. My friend convinced me to do it. You should do it also. A seagoing cowboy is a person who takes care of animals while they are being shipped overseas. The job is to feed the animals, wash the animals, water the animals, and clean the stalls. We also get breaks. We get to go sightseeing and do things that other cultures do. The job can be hurtful. If there is a storm, the boat will get slippery and you can fall. I almost fell over board once. It was scary. You should get this job because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus, the animals are well behaved and they would love to have new people. If you love to go see places in other countries, you should get this job. If you want hard work, this job would be perfect. In your free time, you can play games, read, or whittle something. According to the article, the job is a once in a lifetime event. Based on the passage, I got to see Europe, China, the Acropolis in Greece, Venice, a castle in Crete, and I got to see the Panama Canal. In paragraph six, it states that my job keeps me busy. Helping out on a farm or working a tough job can prepare you for the hard work. Those are some reasons of why you should be a seagoing cowboy. Being a seagoing cowboy has some up's and down's, but overall the job is a lot of fun. You get to experience and see so many things. Sometimes, it doesn't feel like work at all. It feels like fun. A whole lot of it. Now do you want to be a seagoing cowboy?
As class begins, it becomes hopeful that the teacher will give an actual interesting lesson. That all goes to waste, when the lesson becomes boring. In the end, no knowledge is gained from it. The question then comes into place, by the look of the students' faces, does a teacher notice when their students are bored and confused? A new technology has been developed called the Facial Action Coding System. This software can discipher peoples' true emotion according to the look on their face. This process is done by analyzing "all 44 major muscles" that can determine emotion. The Facial Action Coding System should be installed in all classrooms because students will gain a better understanding of any lesson and teachers will be able to improve their way of teaching. Facial Action Coding System can be very useful in the classroom. According to the article, "a classroom computer could recgonize when a student is becoming confused or bored...it could modify the lesson." When it comes down to a student's education, modifying a lesson is a way for the student to able to understand it better. As if they were confused or bored, they would not be getting any knowledge from it. A software that detects confusion or boredom from a student is key to letting a student have a better understanding of any lesson when modified. Therefore, it would also improve grades and comprehension. Not only will students benefit from Facial Action Coding System, but as well for the instructor, or teacher. Sometimes, a teacher could get carried away with a lesson. Meaning, that the teacher won't notice the faces of their students letting them know if each of them are understanding. According to the article,"by weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions." A student doesn't have to be just confused or bored, but it's impossible they might have mixed feelings about a specific lesson. Once a teacher has recieved this information, it becomes more clear to which student understands and which does not. This will provide insight on which student needs more help to get a better understanding. Also not only will it tell how students are feeling during a lesson, but the teacher could reflect on their teaching skills. Students who show boredom, teachers could figure out how to make the lesson more interactive. Due to this, it will improve their methods of teaching too. In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System should be used in classrooms all over the globe because it could benefit both the students and teachers. This software could modify lessons when it detects confusion or boredom in a student. Therefore, the student would get a better comprehension and possibly better grades. As for the teacher, the students' emotions could reflect back on how they are teaching a lesson. As a result, their teaching skills could become improved and create a more interactive and involved classroom. The Facial Action Coding System is a software that could change and affect all education positively.
Senator, I believe that voting for the president of the United States should be based off of the popular vote by the people. Not the Electoral College. Voting by the Electoral College does not allow the people to have the final say. It altimately gives the elector the choice. "The 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century" (Bradford Plumer, paragraph 14), it was a disaster factor. The electory went against the will of the people and voted the opposite of what they said. Whose to say something like this can't happen again soon? Some people say that the Electoral College is a good thing. It allows a certainty of outcome and is a fair, reasonable way to vote for a president. But it is based off of trust, that the elector won't betray the canidate's party and people. Trust. Are you really going to put your vote for the president of your country in someone eles hand based off of trust? Having an elector represent your state based off of population is ridiculous. One elector representing 500,000 people in Wyoming. Wouldn't you sleep better at night if you could represent yourself instead of someone representing you and thousands of other people all at once. In 2000, a canidate had more popular votes, and less electoral votes and lost! Even though the people had more votes! How do you feel knowing that your vote doesn't even count? "Most states have a 'winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate"(the Office of the Federal Register,paragraph 7). Because of this system, canidates will not spend time in certain states they know they have no chance in winning in. "During the 2000 campaign seventeen states didn't see the canidates at all"(Bradford Plumer, paragraph 13) Next time you go into that voting booth, remember that you're not voting for a president, you're voting and are supposed to trust an elector.
The dangers of studying venus is that we have never landed on this planet or ever landed something on this planet venus has an atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets the challengins in this planet are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus tempature. the condition are far more exreme than anything humans have ever encounter here on earth such an enviorment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our ocean. NASA is working on other approches to studying venus for example an old technology called mechanical computers these devices were first envisionrd in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during world war II. venus is the second planet from our sun venus is sometimes called the evening star it is one of the brightest points of light in the sky making venus simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth it has proved a very challanging place to examine more closely. That is why our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
Even though many people thought that the "Face on Mars" was created by aliens, NASA proves differently. When the ship went pass Cydonia the first time and snapped the "Face Like Photo", they realizied it was only a mesa. They wanted to realse the face to the public to get attention that NASA was discovering new things on different planets. When the public got the photo though, most people thought that it was created by aliens, without any evidence. Even NASA told the people that the shadows were a "huge rock formation. . .which resembles a human head. . .formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth", according to the text "Unmasking the Face of Mars". There are some reasons and details that show that NASA was right, it is only a mesa. When the mesa was released to the public, the "Face on Mars" became a pop icon, inculding in starring in a Hollywood film, appearing in many books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years. While all of this was happening though, NASA wished there was an ancient civilization on Mars. When the public started to beleive that NASA was hiding facts about "The Face", NASA went ahead and started to budget the next spacecraft to Mars, the Mars Global Surveyor. When the spacecraft lanched 18 years after the Viking missions ended, the spacecraft first job was to find the "Face like mesa". When the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, they were able to snap a picture of the face like mesa 10x sharper than the Viking did. What they revealed was a natural landform. Even when the Mars Global Surveyor snapped the natural landform, people weren't satisfied. The Face on Mars was taken during the winter on parts of Earth. Because parts of Earth was in winter during the picture taking, Mars was cloudier than normal. People thought that because of the clouds, important alien like features could of been hiden. When NASA heard about this, they decided to take another spacecraft to Mars in 2001. This time, Mars wasn't cloudy and we had the technology to see little things all the way down to a small shack. There it was proven it was only a mesa that caused all of the problem for NASA. This is all how NASA proved that the "Face" on Mars was only a mesa with weird-like shadows.
Driverless cars are a thing of the future, or are they? The Article ¨Driverless Cars Are Coming¨ allows us to believe that maybe thery´re not a thing of the future, but actually a right now present day modification to our way of living.. Now is this a good thing regarding the safety of the common people, I believe so. Does it help or economy, lets discuss and see. First off the article points out that google has been doing thier test runs since 2009. ¨Their cars have driven more then half a million miles without a crash.¨ No one has been killed in these test runs, and how many have been killed in regular driving since 2009, the number is sad. Driving these cars arent as dangerous as people make them out to be. I would also like ot point out that these cars may be able to dive themselve's, but Google cars arent entirely driverless. They're unable to back out , and navigate through roadworks and accident, so they allert the driver in those situations. The car knows when its unsafe for it to be the one in control of driving so, its going to alert you to take over and get through this. Some of the ways engineers have allowed this is with vibrating seats, and flashing lights in the car. Some have even suggested getting a camera installed inside the car, that way the car knows if your paying attention while you are driving. Next these cars are not made so people can daze off, and text on their phones, or just not do anything in the car. Special sensors in the sterring wheel allow the car to know if you have your hands on the wheel. The cars are designed so that the driver must stay alert while drivig, and ready to jump in when roads require human skills. With all of these necessary precautions in store, and the history of how well Google has managed so far, it´s very safe for the right driver to be behind the wheel of one of these cars. Its the best option we have economically wise, of changing the world, and advancing the world. Smart roads were investigated, in the 1950's general motors created a consept car that could run on a special test track embedded with an electrical cable that sent radio signals to a reciever at the front end of a car. Again Berkley tried the same thing using magnets and alternating polarity. The smart roads worked very well, but the cost of upgrading all of our roads to fit the criteria was to much of a hit to the economy, the smartest choice was to modify cars so that they could become smart enough to be dirverless. To be safe the cars have a lot of sensors installed into them. The most important sensor having to be LIDAR on the roof of the car. This sensor shootss out a laser beam to form a constantly 3-D model of the cars surroundings. To help the economy its safer to update the cars with these, then to fully update the road systems we have now. Driverless cars are not a thing of the future, ther're a present day modification to our way of living. They're not anymore dangerous then driving a normal car, and may even be a bit safer. Also they're the best choice econoimcally that our country can provide, to improve our way of living and advance us that much further. So why not get with the new era and drive a driverless car.
I agree driverless cares should be used because it is useful and can be stress free. The driverless cars can reduce fast speed racers and crinimals that drive away. The driverless car can do many thing to help the environment.The car would stop crime, follow the speed limit and can reduce stress. The car can do many things but those were the main ones. The driverless cars can stop crime becuase when you look at the news there are people driving away in high speed races and crashing evrywhere. If we had driverless cars this would'nt happen at all. The car would only go at a specific rate of speed and this way this can reduce car crashes. People tend to drive fats where they arn't suppose to and later on get killed in a car crash.This car there isn't a way you can get in a crash. The car itself can follow the speed limit. Some people ignore the speed limit and it can cause major injuries. The driver would always want to speed up and not pay attention but the car it will react faster and go slower. In the text it says, "That only the driver can have control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars". Driverless cars can be tested but it would be difficult becuase you need to put all the road rules in the cars system. This can helop and cause some issues. The driverless cars can reduce stress to the driver on the wheel. If an important call happens adn thier in the highway she cant answer it becuase she would get it into a crash. If she had the driverless caar the car can go on autopilot and drive itself so she can answer the phone. If the driver has somehting wrong with him while he's driving the car,the car will drive itself by just a pushing button. In the text it says," New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured who is at fualt the driver or the manufacturer". People would think anything will go wrong but no one will now until we try it. Driverless cars can really be benificial in people's lives. They can be trust worthy and reliable. It can stop fast speed cars, follow the law more often and reduce stress on the driver. The driverless car can be the next big thing if it works. Most likely it would work becuase of the technology we have today. People sometimes dont wanna drive and this can help with that. Let just for say the people int hecar were drunk.The car would drive them home no one would go to jail.
I have ever wanted a care where you could just sit back and not even drive ? Do you think it would be fun , dangerous ? I think it would be unecessary and uncalled for , very dangerous . In my opinion about driveless cars , I do not agree that they should even be used or made . We are just doing fine with the cars In our generation now , I highly suggest if we all keep jobs , and make enough money to pay for gas , fuel and other needed things for our car we would be just fine . Some reasons why I disagree with driveless cars , is because why have one , if most of the time your worrying when theres going to be accidents or road work , this encourages you to get in an accident more easliy .It also makes human beings more lazy as it is , this is going to get out of hand when they try to start making everthing do stuff by itself , so they wont have to work or do anyrhing to get it to work. As it is explaining in paragraph 7 , how dangerous a driveless car can be , and all the things that could go wrong , having one of them. In this story its explaing the fun parts and then the bad parts, but I honestyly can say , we dont need them I think we are doing fine with the regualr cars we have right now. Whats the point have having a driveless car without the driver , whats the driver supposed to do when the car gets out of control and starts acting out , he or she will not know what to do next . As I was saying which one would you pick ? What you put driveless cars on your dangerous category ? Think real hard about this , Would you let your teenager have this , for fun or just to impress .
In our world today people have so many emtions they use on a daily basis. Emotions can help someone figure out if a friend is upset or how their day is going. On the other hand Dr. Thomas Huang of Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois wanted to decode all human emotions. The way that he could decode emtions is through a system called them Facial Action Coding System. Being able to read peoples emotions can help people under stand and learn what someone is feeling. Dr Huang wanted a better way to read peoples emptions, instead of reading every indavidual muscle in the face. Then having to figure out the emotions of thr person on their own. Having a computer system to detect the emtions is faster snd easier to detect. Dr. Huang and his collegue Dr. Sebe are "exsperts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate." The computer is built to construct a 3-D computer model of the face and all 44 muscles on the human face to detect what emotions. One reason why the system was built, was for class rooms. The system would identify the mixed emotions of the students and help solve the problems. The system would observe the students to see if they are bored, upset, confused, and more. Dr. Huang states "Then it could modify the leason, like an effective human instructor. This system would help so much in the class rooms. Even tho the system would cost alot and would be awkward for it to watch your every face muscle. But the system would help in class rooms and to help the students with their problems and needs. The Facial Action Coding can help generations of people in the future and their emtions. The system can help with fixing problem for students and even passient of doctors. Even tho people normally communicate through talking, alot of our communication is from the faces that humans make. The emtion system will forever change the way scientists look at peoples emotions and the way they feel emotionaly forever.
Venus is called the "Evening Star" and it's one of the brightest points of lights in the night sky. Venus is the second planet from the sun. It has been often refered to as earth's twin. It's been over three decades since a spacecraft has touched down on Venus. The carbon dioxide level is at 97 percent, and their are clouds of highly corrsive sulfuric acid and the average temerature is 800 degrees in fehrenheit, and the atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater than our planets. This environment would crush a submarine even when its accustomed to diving in the deepest parts of our oceans. Venus also has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in the solar system even though Mercury is closer to the sun. And the weather presents errupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on it surface. Venus once was the most Earth-like planet in our solar sytem that could have supported various forms of life like Earth. NASA has a possible solution to allow humans to study Venus, they will have to where we could hover 30 miles above the landscape so it'd be at sea level and the temerture would be at 170 degrees fehreheit, it won't be easy conditions but they are survivable for humans. They will be limited from what they can see and get. Others are trying for a more simplified approach by making electronics out of silicon carbide, which can last 3 weeks in Venus's conditions. Another one is Mechanical Computers which goes back as far as the 1800s and then played an important role in the 1940's during World War II. They made calculations by using gears and levers and did not require electronics at all. Modern computers are powerful. flexible, and quick but they are more delicate while a system made out of mechanical parts can be made to be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces.
Driverless cars are the future of transportation. The technologies that we have right now limit us in what we can do in the field of driverless cars but sometime in the near future we will have fully driverless cars. Car engineers are already pushing the envelope on what they put in cars as far as technology and computer systems. There has also been a rise in the number of cars that are running with electric engines, which will be necessary to driverless cars. These three pieces of evidence are all reasons why cars of the future should not require an active driver. The technologies that we have today are amazing to older generations that thought that having a car was crazy. Even with our advanced technologies we still do not have advanced enough technolgies to have fukky driverless cars. As the passage stated, "Google cars aren’t truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." This statement shows that even companies that have the latest and greatest technologies are not able to make a truly driverless car. Even though we are not able to make a fully driverless car today, our technologies are still advancing at a higher rate than ever before. The technologies that we have in cars toaday are truly amazing and extremely advanced compared to what the standard of technology was in a car ten years ago. That is because car engineers are working their hardest to put as much technology as possible in the cars that they are making. The 2017 Ford Focus is supposed to be able to park for you and it is able to tell you when you are okay to change lanes on the interstate. Tesla has projected for a car to come out this year that is supposed to be 90 percent driverless. These are just two examples of car engineers trying there hardest to put the most technology in vehicles as they can. As you can see this is being done by both luxury brands, such as Tesla and BMW, and by everyday brands, such as Ford. One of the main problems with running a carr that is completely driverless is that there needs to be a main frame that the cars computer systems can run off of, and that main frame starts with an electric engine. Almost every car company now a days makes at least on vehicle with a completely elctric engine. This is good that electric engine cars are starting to be made usable and can now start to be perfected because electric engines are necessary to a fully driver less car. A fully driver less car will have a lot of computer systems that are necessary to opperate the vehicle. These computer systems will all need a main frame to run off of which means the majority of the car is going to be elcetric anyways. Wouldn't it make sense for the engine to be on the smae page as the rest of the car. Just think, instead of you have to go fill up your fully driverless car with gas and then having to go charge it, you could go charge it and refuel the engine at the same time. The technolgies to make a fully driverless car are not avalable to us yet but they will be in the near future. Car engineers are already making cars partially driveless so it is only a matter of time until they are fully driverless. Electric engines are already found in a lot of cars and they would be necessary in a fully driverless car which means we are going in the right direction. It is only a matter of time until we will have all of the technologies necessary to have fully driverless cars. So the question is, will you be picking up your next car from the dealer ship or will it be driving to your home?
Driverless cars are making a break across the world. Cars have changed so much since first invented. These driverless cars are just now getting popular although first invented in 2009 from Google. These cars have driven thousands of miles without crashing but could a crash be coming soon with them becoming ever so popular? The developement of these cars is going the change the world, for the better. The idea of driverless cars would not be on the rise unless the idea of safety was presented to the world. Safety is a major topic discussed with these cars. According to the article, there are now ways that a driver can basically become a passenger in the car but still be able to take over the car when needed. There are seats that will vibrate when the car is backing up but is close to an object. These vibrations are meant to alert the driver that they need to take over the wheel and control the car again. No matter what, the driver will still be in control of the car. With safety being a concern of many, the idea of drivers not paying attention while in the car is also a concern. According to the text, the newly inovated car will feature flashing lights when the driver needs to take over. According to the text,"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills." This example from the text explains that these cars are only going to be helping the driver. The driver must stay alert during the driving process though. Safety is always going to be a concern in this car, but GM and other car manufactering companies are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that the future cars are still going to be safe. The new car is going to have several safety features. According to the text one of the safety feature are heads up displays that appear on the windshield that need to be turned off immediately. This heads up will pop up and if you arent paying attention to the road, then it will not be turned off as soon as it should be. According the article, this feature is considered a safety feature, which is a big concern. Although safety seems to be important with these cars, there are some ways that manufacters are inventing that may be unappealing to car buyers. The article states,"Manufacters are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver." This can seem very creepy for some drivers. They might not find it very pleasing that someone is going to be watching them every second that they are in their car. This single factor could be the reason why many people might not purchase a driverless car. Although there seems to a long list of safety features for the new driverless car, there are small features that could stand between buying or leaving. With vibrating seats or pop ups that need turned off immediately, Google, GM, Audi, Nissan and others companies are taking the necessary precautions when developing the new driverless car.
Have you ever wondered if there is life somewhere else besides Earth? Well imagine being able to know more about space and its planets. Knowing what is it like and how each planet has its enviroment, but just the idea of knowing more about each planet sounds amazing. As the author suggested that studying Venusis is worthy even with the dangers it has, he supported his idea with facts, opinion, and examples. The author supported his idea with facts. He gave us facts that are true and explained each one of it. One example of the facts he used is the tempeture of venusis and many other facts about the planet enviroment as well as features about Venus. As the author used the fcats he gave us it supported the idea that Venus is planet worth to study and know more about. Another way the author supported his idea is by giving his opinion. The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an opinion based article because he gives his opinion throughout the article. One of the bigest opinion the author used was that he thinks that Venusis is worth studying/ exploring even if there is danger. As the article talks about it with evidence, he also includes his opinion as well as other people too. An example of another opinion besides the author is the Astronomers he included that Astronomers are facinated with the idea that Venus may one day be most Earth-like. The last thing the author uses is examples. Example of how things they can use to try to study Venus. In paragraph 7 it talked about how NASA is working and trying to approach to study Venus. NASA has been thing aboot examples/ project that could help them study Venus without any troblue. One the projects they are trying out is an electronic made from silicon carbide which it has lasted about three week in the same condition that Venus enviroment is. Another project is something that has been used during the WW2 is a mechanical computer which it can be helpful as well. The author has developed his idea with good information as well as good facts, opinions, and examples. All this shows that the author has a well developed arguement that supports his idea.
Driveless cars in my opinion it could be a great experiance but also my biggest concern in safetywise not being the one controling the car and also being to didtracted in case of having to take over of the car it's the biggest concern. As new technology its being made we depend more out of it and making everything easier for us and this cars are just another advantage of newer technology. Having one of this cars could be helpful but it also makes me think a lot about it. Driveless cars could be a big consern in fact "I don't think not many people could afford such thing also replacing a new part of the car if it's not funcioning as it suppost to could be costly as well. This car are a great idea but I'm not agree to it also I'm not against either because many other people could actually be interested in such thing, but we should still have drivers in cars for more safety. All the concerning of this cars is not being able to control it and how safe are they. Also laws need to be made and also the prices of the cars. Now that many different companies of cars are developing this technology, there for what about if the technology fails. What could we do? it the company of the car going to take care of it what law its going to defend us in case of a technology fail? What would happend to the cars that are already here? Also the smart cars? having to change cars when every new technology its made could be pretty expencive. Lawmakers say that safety is best achieved with alert drivers, meaning that the driverless cars still need a human but how do people suppost to be alert if not having to do nothing just concentrating could be boring. All the discution will have answers as automakewrs continue their works and lawmakers aprove the idea and make safety laws about the car and just being alert and know how to control the car and take good advantage of the newer technology.
For many years some NASA workers have been trying to find life on Mars. But their search has bee unsuccessful. No matter what they tried ,they could not find anything that could brng life. But no matter what they would not stop trying. After so many years one of NASA's spacecrafts captured a picture of what some people say looked like a face. NASA tought that they had finally found life on mars. But after some reacherch they figured that it wasn't a face' that it was a landform. But some people weren't satisfied. Scientists believed that the Face was an alien artifact. They also said that it looked lake a head of an Egyptian Pharoh because of an unusual shadow. But before they thought it was a Pharoh, they figured that it was just another Mratian mesa. But then the scientists finally figured out that the picture actually shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. After that some people believed what they wanted. But some believed that it was a landform. A guy named Garvin, said that it reminded him most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That it was a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa, about the same height as the Face on Mars.
The Seagoing Cowboys program is a wonderful program. I really liked this article it gave me a lot of information about this program. The Seagoing Cowboys program is a helpful program. I think other people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I will give you some reasons to support my opion. One reason is they are very caring, because World War II ended, and it is 1945 and many countries were messed up from the war. so 44 nations joined together to help it's called the UNRRA, the UNRRA hired the Seagoing Cowboys. So they both were helping these countries. So that is a reason why you should join because they are caring. Another reason is they go across the world to help countries. So when you think about you can go on tours to some places across the world and go sight seeing, so that is pretty cool. Last reason is just doing the right thing it is a very caring and helpful program to help innocent people who were not in the war, that died and houses got damage. so it is a helpful thing to do and fun thing to join. some details that support luke claims is in paragraph 5 it says that one of the boys in the smalltown said besides helping people he had time to see Europe and China so like luke said it's not only just helping people you have time to go on tours of places in some of these different countries that you never ever seen that place before and go on a tour of that place in that country. Another detail is in paragraph 8 it says that it is fun on board coming back because they played baseball, volleyball, table-tennis tournaments,and a few other games so joining will be fun because when you are on board or on the ship you can play games. So that is all I have. I think people should really recommend participating in Seagoing Cowboys program beacuse I think it is a wonderful program. I agree with Luke point of view you should convince others to participate in this program. It helps others and yourself. I would participate in this program if I could.
Some people think that the crater in Mars, is an alien face, but how could it? There is not enough evidence to conclude that the stucture is an alien face. And besides, weird shapes always form. Its just nature. Conspiracy theorists think its an alien and that we are hiding something from the people, but we have nothing to hide. Around the face, you can clearly see there are other crater like forms on the planet. But those do not resemble any body forms? Thats because that is just how they were formed. The face is just another one of mother natures masterpieces. We shouldn't take it for granted and start asuming things that are not true. In the story, it states that Garvin said, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho". This means that it isnt the first time nature made a weird but amazing shape in the earth. Have you ever seen a tree, thats bark makes a shape, and it looks like its staring right back at you? Well, if you have, you understand that it is just nature and its a happy surprise with no actual meaning. Its the same for the face on Mars. If aliens are in the universe somewhere, and want to interact with us, I think they would find a better way to do it. They would most likly do something way more incredable and unforgetable. Not just stick one of their faces in the ground of the planet and see if anyone notices. If that was their plan, well, you have been notice. Now what? If they meant to put that in the planet, why didn't they respond when we figured out? Why didn't they land on our planet and say they magic words,"take me to your leader"? Well, they couldve if they wanted to, if they really wanted us to notice them. In conclusion, I do not think that the face on Mars, is an actual face. Sure, there can possibly be aliens in the universe somewhere, there probably is! But I doubt they would make a face print in a planet to get our attention. Plus, there are other weird, yet amazing, artifacts in the universe that no one can forget. That's why I think that the "face on Mars" isn' t really a face, bu t in fact,is just one of nature's masterpieces once again.
using the techonology of emotionalnally expressions of students in a classrom is valuable because it identfies mona lisa's emotions how one picture can describe her self as calculating emotions. constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human mules. movent one of one or more musles. movent of one or more musles is called an action untit in fact we humans preform this same impressive caluculation every day for instance you can prolly tell a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face of corce most of us would have trouble actully describing each facial trait that conveys happy wooried etc ..... i oberserved that artist such as da vicci studies human anatomy to help them paint facial musles precilely enough to convey specific emotions his new compuer sofftware stores simlar anatomical imformation as electronical code. the mona lisa demostrating is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. imagine a computer that knows when your happy or sad . by the way, did making a happy face in this experiment also mmake you feel slightly happy ? accoring to the facial feed back therory of emotion moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but also may even help produce them. whoever thought that amking faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions!
What I will do if i was Luke point of view or try to get some other people to think they should participate, is I will explain it is that you can enjoy the games they have when they have free time like it say in the text on paragraph 8 it say " Luke also found time to have fun on board.especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded.The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animales had been housed." Now you see all the fun things they do and you get payed lot of money and I know it don't say that in the text but I can tell because they explore around the world like Luke said.Luke had went to Europe , China , and Acropolis and many other places . And you can get some thing to have a idea of this place again and tell your family . You can also see all the pretty thing at the new places to you and learn new thing if you let yourself you can learn something ever day . That what i will say to the people that think it is just a club or something it a fun job to me .I will go there to sounds fun i cant wait to get to high school and do that .
Nonverbal communication is often used more than verbal. The way someone stands, moves, or sets their face can tell others more of what they feel then what they are told; however, these social cues aren't always understood. Technology is impacting the world greatly and the Facial Action Coding Software may seem like just another gadget, but it could change the way of teaching to specialize for individuals. Though the thought of computers identifying all emotions is slightly unsettling there are many benefits that may clome along with the software. In schools, there are many students who struggle with the cirriculum because they do not understand the way it is being taught. From the teacher's point of view, it may look like they are not engaged because the aren't interested in learning the material. It may actually be because they are not understanding the material. A face that looks bored is usually a straight mouth and dull eyes, a confused face could look similar but with furrowed brows. There may not be a noticable difference between a bored face and a confused face that a teaher can spot especially while looking at many faces at a time. According to the article, the software detects facial movements and compares them to a nutral face to calculate the percent of an emotion someone is feeling. Having this software in classroom computers could benefit both the students and the teachers in many ways. Along with modifying the lesson, the computers could collect data of how a student was reacting during an assignment or during a lecture and then notify the teacher or professor about the results. If many of the students are confused by what is being taught, the teacher could re-word the lectures in a way that might be more clear. If the students are becoming quickly bored of the material then the teacher may need to make some assgnment a little more challenging. The software can also show the teacher when students get exited about certain topics or when they are frightened by an assignment. When assignments are turned in and the result is bad grades, many teachers may assume that the student isn't trying their best, but there may be many other reasons why the work wasn't what was expected. With the facial action software, the teachers would be able to understand why the student didn't do the work properly. If they were confused then the teacher could suggest way to understand better, if the student was bored and didn't try, the teacher may talk about the importance of grades. Even if this software isn't able to be avalible in schools, learning about facial actions and cues can benefit everyone. The article give instructions to make a happy face by highlighting points that are present in a naturally happy face. Learning instructions to making the faces of many emotions can be a helpful tool in classrooms and in many other environment when communication is needed. Emotions are a very personal thing and it should be the person's choice whether to show their emotions or not; however, this technology in class rooms may improve the teavhing style so that there aren't as many kids struggling to pass their classes.
With the new technology coming upon society, there are many new ideas coming abroad. There have been companies promoting the idea of a "smart car" that is driverless. The idea has sparked arguements whether or not the idea is actually smart or may cause more issues. My opinion on the idea is that smart cars are a good idea because they can replace taxis and would be cheaper and convienent, could relatively be more safe than a regular driver, and that it's still not totally driverless. The smart car would be cheaper because, in the article it says, "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis..." So by that statement it would cost less and actually polute less. It also would be alot more convient. The article says, "Offer more flexibility than a bus." Which many people around the world use daily. So this idea would be more convienent for the people so they could travel easier and cheaper to where they need to go. Google has had a car that could drive by itself since 2009. In the article it says, "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash." So that proves that the smart cars could relatively be more safe . Also in the article it says, "They needed a whole lot of sensors." Which includes, "Position-estamating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and a inertial motion sensor." After that big list could u still doubt that it is not safe. I am sure they will even add more sensors in the future to be safer . Even if u dont want to rely on the smart car to do everything it is not totally driverless. The smart cars require you to be on standby and ready to take control when it is needed. In the article it says, "Special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." There have been many ideas on how to keep the driver more alert from announcing that the driver needs to take control to flashing lights on the windshield. With all these reasons combined and more I beleive that a driverless vehicle should be in the future , readily available for the public.
Having driverless cars can vitally affect the world. Athough there are upsides to having them, there is also a lot of negative things that can result. I personaly think it is a bad idea to have driverless cars. The reasons for that being, if there is a software malfunction who is to blame, it takes away the fun and personal experiance of learning to drive, and there is not a way to prevent the car from malfunctioning. Who is to blame for a crash when the cars are self driving? That question would be asked by anyone who experiances a crash with these cars. The government could make the civilian pay for the damages, or they could hold the manufacturer responsible. But, who would stop the manufacturers from sueing the civilian in the car and trying to make them pay for damages. Without any law to decide who is to blame there would be people sueing and blaming eachother to avoid paying. Having driverless cars would also take away the experiance of learning to drive a car. Driving has always been something teenagers look forward to doing because it makes them feel free and like they have control over something. Without this, what would they look forward too? Learning to drive is also a great bonding experiance between parent and child and a wonderful way to pass on knowledge. How would we be able to prevent the car from malfunctioning and causing a crash, or what if someone hacks the system to cause a car to crash? Having a computerized car with no way of letting humans take control would just be leeting in people to cause issues. If the president is in a car and someone hacks they syatem they can easily make the car crash killing the president. Unless they find a way to prevent this then there would be no order, and even id they put a one of a kind security system in it there is still no garentee that it wont get hacked. There are some good things to having driverless cars though. Like how it would be safer without the risk of drunk drivers. Another good thing stated in the text is how they plan on making them use less gas than cars today, but couldnt they just make normal cars use less gas instead of making driverless cars? There is just so many small things that could cause big issues that the good from this is out weighed by the bad. Having these self driving cars is just opening the door for issues to come through. Without clear laws on who is to blame for a crash, there is an opening for instability. There is no way for us to prevent people from hacking into a car's system and causing it to malfunction, killing those inside. Taking away the experiance from teenagers of feeling free to go where you want and destroying the chances of bonding with them through teaching to drive is just wrong. although it could be safer at some times there are also so many problems that can occur. Do we really want to take such big risks, just for a few small rewards?
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", author Nick D'Alto talks about the Facial Action Coding System, a new technology enabling computers to identify human emotions. In paragraph six he briefly talks about how it could work in a classroom setting and I believe that this would be a great new idea to bring into the school systems. In "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Nick D'Alto starts explaining the Facial Action Ciding System by talking about all of it's potential, like how it can recognize even subtle facial movements and how it works will all 44 major muscles in our face. He then talks about all the places where this softwear would be useful like being able to tell if someone , like an important politician, is tellikg the truth or not. Although he only brings the subject up once, he talks about how in a school setting this softwear would be increadibly uesful to help teach students more by knowing when they are confussed or borded. If teachers had access to infromation like this they would know when a leason is becoming too much for their students and be able to move on or explain it better. I think that this would be one of the most efficient ways to learn properly in school. Let say a student has been out of it and sudenly realizes he has no idea whats going on during an important leason in his english class, but he doesn't want to say anything to his teacher because he's afraed he'll get in trubble, or maybe he's just to lazy to ask. That student won't have any idea of what to do for the rest of class. If schools had the Facial Action Coding System then the teacher would know right away that the student had not been paying attention and would be able to go back and explain again. I believe that the Facial Action Coding System would be a great addition to the learning world. Students would never again have to sit through a class and have no idea what was going on because before they got too confused the system would let the teacher know.
The Seagoing Cowboys program is a great opportunity of a lifetime. You are able to take care of horses, young cows, and mules to ship them overseas. There are a lot of experiences for you but it does take a lot of dedication and hard work. When World War II was over in Europe, many places and countries were destroyed. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can help these places and countries regain what they lost like their food supplies, animals, and a lot more. This program visits many places that were ruined during the war and one of those places is Greece. If you are 18 and wish to be drafted for military service, this is an amazing opportunity to do so. You can help your service if you join this program because you are helping already by shipping animals to where they belong. Besides helping people, you are also allowed to experience adventures and visit many unique places. These trips are an unbelieveable opportunity for small-town people. You get the benefit to visit China, Europe, Greece, Italy,and many other places. Seeing the Acropolis, an excavated castle in Crete, the Panama Canal, and taking gondola rides are also other benefits of the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Seagoing Cowboys program is much more than a adventure and it might open up the world to you and many others. Someday you might even be grateful for this opportunity and you might finally be aware of other people's needs and countries. Do you think that you can participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program?
We all hide our emotions at one point or another but, what if we had the technology that could detect whatever were feeling despite if were trying to hold them in or not. The Facial Action Coding System or FACS is just that piece of technolgy that is capable of detecting any given emotion. Dr. Huang inventor of this software has even modified it to were it can find out any emotion or emotions all at once. It's been questioned should this kind of technolgy be used in classrooms for students. The Facial Action Coding System is valuable to students in the classroom because, if any student is having troubles on the actvity at hand the Facial Action Coding System could detect that modify the prompt and make it easier for the student to then understand. Second, this software could help you better understand someone and their well-being being able to see exactly what's making them happy and what's making them upset. Third, it's better way for human and computers to "communicate or interact". Anybody couldn't say that they haven't had problems understanding something at any given point in time. Simpily because, everyone can't understand everything right away with no problem/obstacle getting in the way weither it being how the words are phrased or if the vocabulary is too hard to comprehend. FACS could solve this issue right away. As presented in the passage "Dr. Huang predicts, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor," therefore making it easier for the student or user to understand what is being asked or written. Solving probems much quicker than the instrustor could explaining the information piece by piece. Understanding emotions when communicating with someone is key. Yet, we might not recognize all that are being distrubed to us. Another great reason for FACS to come into play. As stated in the passage "you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." This is all very true we can't comprehend every emotion that's more dull or hidden. So why don't we get a little help at recognizing more emotions. With FACS we can better understand someones true feelings inside and their well-being. This can than lead to possibly help solving some of the persons unsolved issues and other "troubling thoughts." Helping them become of the better verison of themselves. In our generation today technolgy is something that we live and breath. It's important that we become familair with technolgy and being able to use it properly and effectifly. "Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for human and computers to communicate." Now isn't this perfect? Huang can help us better understand computers and help computers better understand us. If students will be using computers 24/7 why not have the proper setup for them. If the software gets used in the way it's meant to it can overall have a positive effect towards the situation. After some time the computer can develop how the student or user works and operates and what they can understand and can not. Having a large postitive impact. Greater increasing the student's grades, confidence, and potentional in class. Allowing them to fully understand the content be covered better than they would ever before. In conculsion, the Facial Action Coding System or FACS is valuable in the students classroom because, it can modify the content of the information to be better understood. Being able to see and recognize more emotions for peers. Lastly it can help the user better "communicate" with the computer.
The author supports this idea becausee it talks about the changes in clouds compared to earth,temperature,and the weather.All of these are bad because it can kill humans but it is the only planet that is similar to earth.It also talks about that it is not an easy condition like earth, but it is survivable for humans. One reason why the author supports this idea is that it talks about the changes in clouds compared to earth. In the aricle it says, "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive fulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere." This shows that it can cause some major problems to humans if they breath into it since it is like acid. It can also cause injuries or even death because it can affect your skin. Another thing is that it can destroy homes. Since the acid is very acidic it can cause some delicate houses to rotten. Another reason why it is supportable is it talks about temperature. In the article it says, "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system." This shows that the temperature is very hot,and it can be dangerous because it is close to the sun. It is very dangerous because if it is hot,it can cause a lot of fires and it would be harder to control them. It can also cause humans to die from high temperatures.They can die from burning,drowsiness,or from too much lack of water. Finally another reason why the author supports it, is it talks about the weather. In the article it says, "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface." This shows that there is dangerous weather in venus and it can cause many things to fall and break apart during an earthquake. If a volcano erupts,it can cause loss of people and homes,it can also burn a lot of things and it may be even wrose. If there is frequent lightning it can tear down homes,electric people,and deaths. In conclusion,The author supports this idea because it gives good information about the dangers in venus.The author gives out good reasons of different kinds of things venus has.
Personally I think that kind of technology is very valueable. The fact that we have that kind of tech is amazing and by advancing our schools with the rate of technology we could make us a smarter country as a whole. For many teachers it can be very difficult to get a student to understand and like the material that is being taught to them. Even if they do, the emotions of a student can change and while some teachers can see a diffrence others can not. Brining this kind of technology into the classroom can help students start to want to come to the classroom and ingage in their education because the computer can recognise the kind of learning thechnique is need for each individual student. Instead of having only one teaching method that might only work for a small percent of the class. This computer and its algorythms can identify if a student is getting bored or being unattentive ,so it can change its technque of teaching in the matter of seconds. For many people that can be extremly difficult to detect. More so if the student only changed its facial expression by just a bit. Although this could possibly be expensive it would be a good investment as a whole because in the long run the country or even around the world could benifit from smarter more attentive students. In conclusion although it might seem like a bad idea we should imploment this kind of technology into the classrrom to further engage our students into good learning habits and a better more personal kind of education.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new techonology system enables computers to identify emotions. The author makes his claim by stating, "Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions. New software has been developed that improves accuracy in preciving emotions of others." In this essay, I will argue my opinion whether the use of this technology in classrooms is valuable. I believe that this technology to potentially be used in classrooms to recognise a student's emotional expression is valuable because, in the article the author states that,"A classroom computer could recognise when a student is becoming confused or bored." This simply means that in a case where a student isn't understanding a topic the teacher is trying to teach through an online program the computer could switch up the lesson and make it more intresting for the child. This is an extrordinary idea because, when a student isn't progressing with a lesson the way they should then the computer can make the lesson easily understandable and then grades within a student skyrocket and they become better learners. With saying this, a student may need some type of extra boost while getting bored in the classroom while learning a lesson. Therefore, this technology that can detect facial emotions could become a crucial part in better understanding a lesson. These types of technology in the classroom is definely a valuable item for not only teachers, but the students themselves. Furthermore, this facial expression detecting device may be a breakthrough for all schools and education systems due to the learning rates within a childs success. In addition to this, the author also makes a claim in paragraph six stating,"Then it coud modify a lesson, like a human instructor." The author simply means that with the technology identifying the facial expressions of a child while learning a lesson the omputercould modify the lesson as if it were the students instructor to help them better understand what is being taught. Not only would the student benifit from these things but, the teacher as well. I believe this because, the teachers may feel more confident with giving a challenging but also helpful lesson to the student, while still giving them the quality education they need. In addition to saying this, I believe that this newly discovered technology could improve schools and classrooms which are definitely extremely valuable within a clasroom's in enviorment due to these factors stated in the previous paragraphs. In conclusion,I believe that the new technology is an extremely valuable concept to be installed in classrooms. In the article of "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author makes a claim about the technology with saying, "Imagine being able to detect exactly how other peope are feeling even when they try to hide their emotions." this statement says a great deal alone and makes a claim of why these peices of technology should be installed in clasrooms and helps define why they are valuable to classrooms.
Cars are a very annoying part of life implanted in american history. They dont know when to shut up sometimes, just so noisy and loud. They fill the fresh clean air with nasty smog. And i dont know about you but i sure dont want to be caught in a traffic jam for half the day. First off, they're so noisy and loud sometimes you just want to yell atthem like a 3 year old baby crying. Speaking of babies crying a loud car driving by your house on a calm day when your baby is sleeping could wake him/her up and nobody wants that. And when people are trying to get some rest at night a noisy car speeds by their window and wakes them up. Also what if you want some relaxation time maybe take a bike ride in your neighborhood or enjoy a cup of coffee. That would get ruined by the sound a car driving by. Ive found my self outside in the city gasping for air and have wondered why that is. Well if youd turn your attention to the big hunk of metal parked in your drive-way thats the reason. Cars are one of the worst sources for pollution in todays society. Cars run on fossil fuel which when burned is turned into a pollutant and makes the air unbreathable. After days of almost breaking the record of pollution Paris partially banned driving to clear the air of all the smog. This smog can even be blinding from time to time if it gets to the point where the pollution gets too serious. Finally, who wants to be stuck in a traffic jam all day. Not me i know that for sure. People have places to go and when there is a traffic jam because peoplewant to take a look at the car accident it gets pretty frustrating. Also traffic stress's some people out to the point where they do something illegal to get out of traffic. Traffic jams can also be very dangerous people can get in serious car crashes and be severely hurt or even worse killed. Cars can be a nuesence in plenty of ways. More ways than i can think of these are only just three reasons asto why cars are bad. They're noisy, dirty and even very dangerous if your not careful. Getting into a car is like turning on a slot machine you dont know what will happen you might make it there and you might not and thats why they need to exit todays society, itd be better off that way.
In "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author, Nick D'Alto, shows us that this technology that allows it to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. By using example of the human face muscles and Mona Lisa as an example, allows us to get into debt about our facial expression and what they give out to other people. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of student in a classroom is valuable because it will be able to read the muscles in the face that are being used in the expression we are doing. " The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major musces in the model must move like human musces." By creating a 3-D model of the face it allows it to have an exact replication of the face and muscles being used; therefore it will be able to show how people are really feeling. "Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, and, disgust, fear and sadness- and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." By classifying every emotion with the musces allows the technology to get an an acurrate feeling of the person. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of a studemt in a classroom is valuable because in the passage it gives examples of the exact muscle and emotion that correlate with each other. " For eample, your fronttalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your arbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger. They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one. In the real smile, the zygomtic major (muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the corners of you mouth. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different musle, the risorius." By using the muscles in the face, this allows us to see an exact repredention of the emotions the person is feeling and will help kids in the classrooms. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of a studemt in a classroom is valuable because it will allow the student to feel more comfortable in their learning enviroment and lern at their own pace. " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.' " By having this technology it will allow students to be more engaged in the learning and be able to undestand better the subject.
one reason i think that the face is just natural landform is because it says that viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship. viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. scientists figured it was just another martain mesa, common enought around cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like and egyptaian pharaoh. In the article it says that The "Face on Mars" has become a pop icon. The face icon statted in a hollywood film appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Most people belive that face was an alien artifact, photographing cydonia became a priority for NASA when mars global surveyor (MGS)arrived in red planet sept. 1997. The face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 viking photo. So if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or egyptian style pyramids or even small shacks you could see what they were!
Some people think that the Face on Mars was created by aliens, which is anaccurate. Mars obviously has alot of natural disasters on its planet almost daily. These natural disasters could've made the surface into a face like shape by how much damage was caused to the enviroment. Mars is full of red bolders that could of been tossed around by the storms and left marks or craters in the surface. I have a little more detail to my theory. First, there is no sign of alien life on Mars. I'm not saying there's no sign of life on Mars period, there is sign of water being on that planet and possibaly plants as well. It's just that there is no sign of a species on that planet, not even fossils of the so called "aliens". If there was any aliens on Mars what material would they have to make any form in the ground. Aliens probably wont have any exsplosives on their planet with no material to make it with. Next, if there were any aliens why would they make a face on the ground. It has no meaning to it, it might just be a ruler/king or something to their people. I dont think aliens would want to put a face on the ground that barely looks like a face. The enviroment made the form because the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho was made by our enviroment, so it can be a caquensadence. That's a compairason that leads me to believe the enviroment of Mars made that face on the surface. Then, there are scientific facts and quotes from NASA that supports lots of evidence. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter revealed that the Face was a natural landform. And added that "there was no alien monument after all.". The team snapped ten photos of the lanform that was sharper then the first camera of Viking 1. This team gives more evidence than the conspiracy theories by the public. In conclusion, I think that my theory is both accurate and logical. I took edvice from people who did their research on this topic. The evidence that i took were both believable and not crazy theories from ordinary citizens. These are my reasonings on why i think that the Face was made by Mars enviroment.
Citizens who own a car should listen closely to the advatages of limiting your car usage. Even if you do not own a car you should listen to this. The usage of cars in big cities have always been a problem to our enviroment but now pollution is at an all time high in the world. Officals have said cars are one of our biggest problems of greenhouse gas emissions. Not using your car can benefit in your health more than you think too. Like the capital city of Colombia, Bogota, car owners should try the program they did. Columbians used every other use of transportation, like walking, biking, roller skating, or used the city buses to get to their work place. This day was know as the car free day. The program they used was already spreading to other countries but after Colombia did, many other countries started to fallow. Car owners who do not use their car very much, tend to have a healthier life style than most. They begin to walk, bike, or go to the local bus stop to get to work. Those who do not use their vehicle not only have a healthy life, but they also have more money saved so that they can invest into something better. For example a better house, being able to support their children easier when it comes to school or sports, or they might even have a little extra cash to be able to spend when they want to buy something for themselves. If the enivroment had a mind of its own, I am sure they would apprecate the things you have done by stopping the use of your car. These may not be all of the advantages to not using your care but these are some that can at least start you off on the right track.
Dear state senator i would like to argue the Electoral college, wheather to keep it or changing the election by popular vote for the president of the united states. Honestley i would like to get rid of it because there are so many things wrong with it, even the best-liad defenses are wrong because our vote does not really count the popular vote could be voting for one of the president while the representative that represents us could choose to vote for the other president if he wanted. Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a straight up election to the kind we have now. For example take in consideration what happened the year 2000 when Al Gore was going against George. W Bush, Al Gore had won the popular vote which means that everybody wanted Al Gore to be president. But George. W Bush won the whole election because of the Electoral College. Under the Electoral College system the voters are not voting for the president, but for a slate elctors,they decide who the president is. Which if you think about it its un american because this is a free country and a democracy and if we are not realy picking but just mearley helping decide who is president in a democracythen yeah my opinion is that its un american. What most worries the people is the prospect of the tie in the elctoral college which in that case the votes will be sent to the House of Representatives where they choose the president which if you think about its bad because lets say that the HR is being governed by Republicans and you the voter is a Democrat, which way do you think the HR is going to go, Republicans right, and how would that make you feel, not very pleassent i assume. The Electoral College is a prcess not a place which means we can demolish it without getting people hurtthats why i propose that we crush the Electoral College hopefully all the information i've put in this letter has pursuaded you to help out your country. sincearly PROPER_NAME
Twenty five years ago, NASA's VIking spacecraft snapped a photo of what looks like a human face on a region of the Red Planet, Cydonia. Many people believed the Face was created by aliens, but NASA found evidence that it was equilavent of a butte or mesa. The Face on Mars was not an ancient alien artifact, but a landform. The photo captured by the Viking 1 was very poor quality. In 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor captured a photo using the camera's maximum resolution. Each pixel spans 1.56 meters, while a pixel on the original photo spans 43 meters. What the 2001 picture actually showed was equivalent of a mesa or butte. These are common landforms on Earth around the American West. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Porgram said,"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." People seem to believe everything on the internet or media. The Face on Mars has appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even starred in a Hollywood film. The media has brainwashed people to thinking the Face on Mars is an alien artifact, with no scientific evidence or proof. People have been believing the media's theories on the Face over NASA's scientific research that the Face is actually a landform. NASA has found evidence over the years that the Face on Mars was not made by aliens, but people still refuse to believe it. The original photo was taken in low quality, as technology was not as advanced back in 1976. Now that NASA has taken higher resolution photos of the Face, we can conclude that the Face on Mars is a mesa. People still refuse to believe NASA, even after seeing the evidence, but one day, they will come to the relization that the internet is full of lies and conspiracies.
Dear Mr. senator The Electoral college process consists of 538 electors. Each elector represents a state and they vote according to what the majority of the people favor. The Electoral college is a fair and honest way of electing the president because each individual has a voice in who is elected by voting for the state electors ."You help choose your state's electors when you vote for president because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors"(Does the Electoral College Work?). This shows how everyone plays a key role in the government and in electing the main person in charge. Many people may argue that the Electoral college is corrupt because it is a "non-democratic" way of electing a president and that the electors may not vote in favor of the people's majority. This is true, however,"that trust is rarely betrayed"(Does the Electoral College Work?)." It is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national poular vote"(Does the Electoral College Work?), but this too has rarely happened. We need to continue with the Electoral college process despite a couple rarely occuring cons because all of the reasons to retain this fair system heavily outways the negative. There are five main arguements to continue the use of this justified system. The first reason is "certainty of outcome." A conflict over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is rare and less likely to occur than a dispute over the popular vote. " The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote"(Does the Electoral College Work?). A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is also highly unlikely to occur. This second argument is "Everyone's president." "The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal"(Does the Electoral College Work?). This is so the residents of other regions don't feel deserted and that their votes don't count. Every president should have this desirable result so that he/she can be a successful president. The third main argument is "Swing States." "The winner-take-all mathod of awarding eletoral votes induces the canidates to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states....voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign"(Does the Electoral College Work?). These electoral voters are likely to be the most thoughtful voters and should be able to decide the election. The fourth reason to retain the Electoral College system is that "The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states(by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution"(Does the Electoral College Work?). A large state would get more attention than a small state and I think that this is fair because the larger states by population should get more votes because they contain more people. The fifth and final reason that we as a nation should favor the Electoral College is because it "avoids run-off elections."The Electoral College avoids the problems of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast"(Does the Electoral College Work?). The Electoral College takes the huge pressure off of run-off elections and clearly produces a winner. I hope that you take into consideration what I said and help the Electoral College continue to thrive over the years because without this system the nation will be in a big dispute. I know that this is the best system for our country and state and I strongly hope that you see that too. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME
I think that using a computer do detect when a student is confused or bored would help make the assignment either more challenging if the student is bored, or easier to understand when the student is confused. In the story it states that the computer can detect when someone is happy, sad, angry, or disgusted. So why not try to make it to where the computer can also detect if the assignment the teacher gives is too hard or too easy. For some student if it is too hard they won't do it because they dont understand it. If the assignment is too easy then the student won't be challenged to use their brains. The computer should be able to detect the emotions of bordom or lack of interest and rearange the assignment to make it more interesting while still teaching what the teacher assigned. In conclusion I would agree that the use of technology that can detect emotions would be valuable, because it would benifit both the student and the teacher. It would help the teacher know what the students understand and what they need help with. It would also help the students understand what they are leaning better.
Dear Florida State Senator, Every 4 years, many people vote for a president they think will lead the United States to greatness; some, however, don't know that they are voting for the Electoral College to vote on their choise. This act of using the Electoral College is, by definition, not democratic. Didn't our founding fathers create this country promising democracy and people representation? They did, and that is why the Electoral College must crumble. Florida State Senator, we need to change how our country votes on its leader; we need to use popular vote for the president of the United States because this method is more democratic, the people representing the  Electoral College are flawed humans, and the nature of this type of election forces some states to be ignored. Florida State Senator, you must take action against the flawed Electoral College! Because of the function of the Electoral College, the people aren't truly represented for. According to Source 2, the voters--the ones supposedly voting for our new president--vote for a group of electors instead. Due to the power of the Electoral Colleg, electors can vote for any candidate. This process we have every 4 years is truly un-democratic. For example, during the 2000 election, Al Gore was the candidate with the most popular votes--this meant that the majority of the citizens of the U.S. wants him to be president. However, Al Gore lost since the majority of electors from the Electoral College voted him. Lastly, in the case of a time, the lection will truly be un-democratic; the House of Representatives will have to choose the new president. The people may allow continued usage of the imperfect Electoral College, but there is still one major problem: the Electoral College is made up of flawed, easily manipulated humans. According to Source 1, the electors are made up of people chosen by the candidate's political party. Immediately, these electors can easily decide on the candidate to vote on; it's just the matter of the amount of electors each candidate has. Also, the electors are human beings, and everyone knows that humans are flawed creatures. According to Source 2, electors have been replaced to be against the opposing candidate or wait until the last minute to vote. Although, according to Source 3, the electors are chosen and are given trust, others can still influence them. Candidates or even political parties can influence the electors to vote for their chosen person. Lastly, Florida State Senator, the nature of the Electoral College forces some states to be ignored. Florida State Senator, as you may know, the candidate for presidency usually go to the "swing" states to win "the people's" vote. People, however, from the non-swing states are generally ignored. During the 2000 election, 17 states weren't even able to see a candidate they are voting for the title of president. Although it is understandable that candidates go to the "swing" and populous states, there is no excuse for ignoring thousands of people from the small states. The president of the United States is the president for an entire country, not just a region of it. Voters from the non-swing states will still want to see the candidate to decide on who to vote for, even though they aren't voting for the actual candidate. The Electoral College is imperfect and un-democratic! In conclusion, the Electoral College and its electors must be disbanded so that popular vote will be used in determining the new president of the United States. According to both Source 2 and 3, the process of voting a group of people to vote for you is un-democratic. Electors, the people making up th Electoral College, can be manipulated and coerced into voting a specific candidate. Lastly, non-swing states will be ignored; this will anger and frustrate them since not one candidate tried to persuade them. Florida State Senator, you must, in the best of your ability and then some, try to topple down the un-democratic roots of the Electoral College. The people, the ones who must truly decide on the president, will be immensely greatful towards you; in a 2000 poll, 60% of the voters even stated that they want a popular-vote type of election. Florida State Senator, I implore to you, abolish the Electoral College in the same manner as with slavery. Many people will thank you!
After I graduated from high school I made a life changing choice and that was to go to Europe with my friend and while I was in Europe I joined the "Seagoing Cowboys". And I want you to make that same choice. And I dont want you to just think that im asking you to join for no reason im asking you to join because the benifits are really good. I also would want you to join because you can travel all around the world and help animals who need help. Wouldnt you want to travel around and help animals in need? And on top of that you meet new people and it may seem like work but it dosent feel like work at all its actually pretty fun. If i were you i would join right now. The list of reasons go on and on but if I were to write them all down I would need to write a book. So instead of me writing a book why dont you just join and I promise you will love it. And if you dont you can always quit but I highly doubt that you wont love it. You can either take the information that im giving you and go for it or not even try at all. But the choice is yours to join the "Seagoing Cowboys". Please and thank you.
Many people thought that the Face on Mars was made by an ancient civilitation on mars. The Face on mars was not made by aliens. Instead it is a mesa or a natural landform. Due to new high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft, We now know the Face on mars is accually a mesa. Many people thought the image taken from the Viking spacecraft in 1976 was a face in the surface of mars made by an acient civilization. Although many people were fooled by the image many scientists were skeptical about the idea. Because of all the confusion, on April 5, 1998 Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture that was ten times sharper than the one that Viking had taken. The picture that was taken in 1998 revealed a natural land form. Not everyone was satified. On april 8, 2001, Malin's team decided to take another look at the Face on Mars. This time his team captured a photo of the landform using the cameras absolute maximum resolution. What the picutures showed was that the Face on Mars was a Martian equivilant to a mesa. The Face on mars was mistaken for a hand made landform that was made by a Martian antcient civilization. Now we can see that it is nothing more than a natural landform.
The study the ability of humans to read subatle changesin facial expressions, thast they appiled reverse correlation technique to reveal visual features that mediate understanding of emotion expressed by the face. Suprising finding were that (1) the noise added to test face image had profound effect on the facail expression and (2) in most every istance the new expression was meaningful. All 44 major muscles in the mode must move like human muslces. Movemment of one or more mucles is called an "action unit" Then Dr. Pual Eckam, creator of (FACS) Ekman has classified six basic emotions- happeniess, suprise, anger, disgust, feat and sadness. In the text it states,"The soft wear is the latest innovatiobn from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institiute for Advance Science at the University of Illinois." Dr. Huag and colleague are experts at developing better ways fo humans and computers to communicate. The faical expressions for each emotion are univeral, observers Dr. Huang, even thought individuals often show varying degrees of expression (like smiling broadly). Using video imagery, the new emotion-recqizing softwear facture these movements. The study the ability of humans to read subatle changesin facial expressions, thast they appiled reverse correlation technique to reveal visual features that mediate understanding of emotion expressed by the face. The process begins whwne the computer constructs a 3-D comupter Model. The study the ability of humans to read subatle changesin facial expressions, thast they appiled reverse correlation technique to reveal visual features that mediate understanding of emotion expressed by the face. Facial expression not only expresses emtions but also even help reproduce them. The thought of making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions.
Cars and other transportation vehicles are responsible for most of the world polution not only that but it's also responsible for obeasity and overweight. Because of cars and other vehicles people dont walk or ride bikes ot run anymore because they have a car to take them wherever they want. When I had a car I was always tense I'm much happier this way said Heidrun Walter a media trainer and mother of two. Huge impediment to current efforts to drostically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes passenger cars are esponsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emission in Europe precepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation Stores are placed a walk away on main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. Paris enforced partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid 1990s. pitted side walks have been replaced by broad smooth sidewalks rushhour restrictions have dromatically cut traffic and new restorants and upscale shopping districts have crapped up. In the United States the rates of car ownership houshold and person started to come down two to three years before the downturn said Micheal sivak who's a reaserch professormof the university of Michigan's transportation reaserch institute study last found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009.
I am for the use of the value of this technology being used in the classroom. I think it could help students perform better in the classroom. I think some people would find it weird or creepy that the computer could tell what their emotions are but I think it could help students and adults in school or in the workplace. It could help students perform better in school by making there work more fun or more entertaining for them. When students have to type a research paper they are always worried about how long the paper has to be or how hard of a project it will be. This can put pressure or stress on students. Students wouldn't have to worry about this if the computers could recognize their emotions. In paragraph six it says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," " Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." If a computer could recognize that you are confused or bored and for it to act like a human instructor, then this would make class work a lot easier for students. If a student was confused about something and needed help but the teacher was already helping a student, the computer could recognize that you are confused and it could act like a human instructor, like it states in paragraph six, then the student wouldn't have to wait fo the teacher and he or she could get the help they need. This kind of technology could make work for students less boring. If a student has a research paper to type and is struggling to find information and then they start to get frustrated and bored because they can't find what they need. If a computer could reconize this, then it could possibly help the student find information. The computer could reconize that they are bored or struggling to find information and if the computer could somehow know what they are trying to research based on recent searches then it could pull up something similer to an add but with links to websits with information on what they are researching. The idea of having technology like this would be really useful to students. It could make class work easier and less boring for students. If a computer could read your facial expressions and could tell what your emotion is based off your expressions and then take that information to make lessons easier. I think it would be helpful to a lot of students. I think a lot of students would find this creepy at first but once they learn more about this I think it would be valued by many students. I think class work would be easier with this technology and that's why I am for the value of using this technology.
The facal reconition is not a good idea because then if you are relaxed the computer might think you are mad or upset. The best thing for this program is to not usit for school computers but for phones. having emotion reconition is not the best idea. The reasson it would not be a good idea is because in paragraph 4 "using video imagry,the new emotion-recogonition softwhere tracks your facial movements...". This could lead to malfunctions with the computer and why would we need to be told our emotion if we already know what our emotion is. also the money you would need to buy the specal computer and the softwhere could get really exspencive. The money factors in because in paragraph 7 " your home PC cant handle the complex algorithms used to decode mona lisa's smile". The amount of money you would have to spend for a new computer would be a lot and from what it sounds like it is a computer that people cant even carry around with them. What if the computer has a bunch of malfunctions too then what all that money was wasted o something that doesnt even work. People would also have to worrie about others trying to hack the computer even if there is a fire wall to protect it. Schools shouldnt have the emotion reconition in there classes because the teacher would know if a student was confused and didnt know how to do the homework because they would ask for help. Inconclusion the emotion reconition is not a good idea because poeple dont want to carry around a computer just to know what their emotion is. People know what there emotion is with out the special computer. The facial recogonition is just a bad idea.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, but the author does not supports this idea, and only gives a few reasons why it would be beneficial to study it. The author suggests that it is a worthy pursuit because it is the closest planet to Earth, in size and in distance, there might have been life on Venus previously, and humans should not be held back by the thought of danger, but the author does not show why each of these reasons make it worth to study Venus. To start with, the author states that Venus is the closest planet to Earth in size and distance. This statement does not support the idea that studying Venus is worth going through all of the dangers. Yes, it may be the easiest planet to get to, but Venus is not an easy planet to land or conduct research on, especially with the "high pressure and heat" and also "additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes" shown in the third paragraph. Additionally, the author states that humans should study Venus because it "was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life," shown in the fourth paragraph. Although Venus has features similar to Earth's like "valleys, mountains, and craters," it does not mean that Venus supported life. Also, in the text, it says that Venus was "probably" covered in oceans, which shows that there is no proof that this statement is a fact. The author does say that it would be beneficial to study Venus for scientific reasons, but in the second paragraph, it shows the conditions on Venus are not sustainable considering "no spacecraft (has) survived the landing for more than a few hours." Lastly, the author states that human's travels "should not be limited by dangers and doubts," in the eighth paragraph. By stating this, the author shows that he/she understands the conditions of Venus, but that does not mean humans should be held back. This statement, again, does not show why it is worth it to study Venus, just that humans should not be held back. In conclusion, the author does not support his/her idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. The author does give reasons why it would be beneficial to go to Venus and study it, but never shows why it is worth it. Yes, it would be helpful to know if Venus did support life at one point in time, but the author never showed if it would be worth all of the time and money. To wrap it all up, the author did not support his/her idea at all; that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.
I am against the value of using this technology to read students emotional expressions. The technology is something that for a couple of years before has evolve, and it is very advance right now; but it's not 100% dependable because is not perfect. Like the article said, "people can imitate another person's expression. I don't think that a computer is going to read someone who don't show his feelings. In my opinion it is not dependable and it is unusable. I'll want to test one of that computers to know if that really works, but like I said, it is not dependeble. The technology is advance but it is hard to believe that a computer can read all your emotions exactly like they are. Dr. Huang said that computers need to understand that most of the human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. I don't think a computer is going to understand somthing like that. I'm against because the technology is not 100% dependeble; technology is very useful but not very fiable. Some people can just do fake emotions and the computer is going to read it like normal I think. In my opinion it is not a good idea to use it with students, they just can express theirselfs by talking and telling what they like or what they not.
Are you the kind of person that is really interested in political stuff? Politics can be a subject that will start fights, but not everyone is so interested. You must know what the electoral college is. It is a system where when you vote for your president you are actually voting for a group of electors that will then vote for the president(Source 1). This means that even if there is a majority in the popularity vote from the people. The electoral college can over rule that and vote for the other. Some say the electoral college is good because it prevents ties or because it will make sure there is a winner. But if they can over rule your vote are you really voting for your president? I say the electoral college is a bad system and it needs to be extinguished. There is no doubt that you should get to decide who your leader will be. And if the electoral college can over rule your vote do you really feel like it's your decision? In the 2000 presidential race, Al Gore lost because he recieved the most popularity votes from the people but the electoral college voted for Bush instead(Source 2). This means that the people thought Al Gore should be the president but instead they didn't get what they wanted because the electoral college thought otherwise. Do you think this is in anyway fair? The majority of the country ended up unhappy with the election because of ther electoral college. I say that alone is enough reason to abolish the electoral college. If it happens once it can happen again. Do you want to feel cheated and betrayed again? Let's get rid of the electoral college! Some others may say that they support the electoral college because it can't have a tie. "Because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality ina state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state."(Source 3). It is still possible to have a tie though because there are 538 total votes and since that is an even number then it can happen. And if there is just a stlight difference and instead the electoral college creates a landslide then that isn't representing the actuall number of the votes by the people. Once again you are being cheated out of your sya it the election. The hardest thing to understand is why people would still support something that doesn't support them. The electoral college basically throws away your votes and replaces them with theirs. And once again, it is possible for ties in the electoral college due to the even number of votes. "Because each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much to say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters."(Source 2). This alone shows that your votes are being represented equally. It is saying that 500,000 votes are equal to 35 million votes. Isn't it obvious that those two numbers are very different and they could have a very large effect on the popularity of each canidate that they are voting for? but instead they have they same effect and the 34.5 million voters that don't get their fair say could very possibly be unhappy with the turnout of the president. The people are supposed to be the ones that vote for their leader, not a group of 538 "qualified" polititians that can over rule the entire country's vote. It's ridiculous how the system works and you are crazy if you support it. I know i want my fair share of input and the electoral college won't allow that. There are supporters who say that they support the electoral college because it avoids run-off elections. Because even if there is a tie in the majority votes from the people it is unlikey for there to be a tie in the votes from the electoral college. "For example, Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the electoral College..."(Source 3). In my opinion if there is a tie in the popularity votes then they should revote, it may take longer but it will still be a decision by the people. Just because it makes the procces faster doesnt mean it makes the procces better. They can create a better system in the event of a tie instead of electors over ruling the people and picking whoever they think is best. That isnt government for the people, by the people. In conclusion, the electoral college needs to be extinguished for many reasons. those reasons are because it doesn't let the people vote for who they want and it over rules a notions votes. And because it doesnt show the number of votes as equall. Some may say that it is good because it prevents a tie but if there is a tie then I'm sure htere are better ways to revote. we need government for the people, by the people and that isn't what the electoral college is.
This sounds like a great idea because teachers wouldn't have to worry about getting around to everyone in the classroom, re-teaching the same lesson, trying to figure out what activities/ lesson can help the kids understand more but this could aslo be a big distraction. I think that the use of this technology to read students expressions is valueable because whatever lesson it is being taught if the student is bored or confused it will modify the lesson. I think this is very useful because as a student i know that when a lesson is boring or not interesting its hard for me to pay attention or get focused. So the fact that it could tell that im not really into it or getting it and it'll change itself to something more "my style" is great. I know that teachers can't be everywhere at once to help or make you understand so when you're at you desk with your hand up waiting on the teacher to get to you probably frustrated by the now the computer will sense it and help you out before your teacher has to see you. This also helps by saving time in the class rooms because somethings not every student will get right away and instead of the teacher re-teaching it over and over the computer will see that your not getting it and change the lesson to something a little more complex, that you get and understand. Now as much as i am with this idea, a downfall could be students getting too carried away with it. Even though we are in high school kids can still be a little immitaure, this could be a distraction to the kids. They'll try to play with the sytem by making the wrong facial expression on purpose to see if the computer could guess how they're feeling. This could take away from valueable class time.
Hotter days, coughing, nasty air, loud noises, wrecks, these are all caused by the usage or over usage of cars. We as a whole need to stop using or relaying on cars to transport us every where we go. There are means of transportation that are much more cost-efficent, they may be a little slower but your not only saving time your also saving the planet. Even if it were not for those two things your still making your community a better place. "'It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution' said businessman Carlos arturo as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife" Taking away the need for cars not only takes away stress but it also takes away air pollution. Stopping the use for cars will better  your city in so many ways from taking away noise, making it quiter to making a nicer place to look at to attracted nice new buisnesses like restrauants and stores.  
Most people might not know what Seagoing Cowboys are, but that dosen't mean that you hate it just because of it's name. You should at least participate seagoing cowboys once. People might not have many reasons to support there statement about "Why you shouldn't be a Seagoing Cowboy'', but I have at least some reasons as why you should join the program. One of my many reasons is if you love working with animals then your up for the job. Many of the "Seagoing Cowboys" had to take care of the Horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. On pharagraph two it states "UNRRA hired ''Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that weree shippes overseas." If you were to join the cowboys you will have to be able to go away from your family for a while. For example, on paragraph three it states "In Augest 1945", and on paragraph four it states "By the time he was discharged in 1947", what I'am trying to do is prove my point. Since you have to be away from your family, you won't be able to see your family in about three years. If you can go three years without seeing your familly then you have forund your job. Besides helping people, you are able to see awsome sighting and go to places that you've never been before. You are able to go and see Europe, China, the Acropolis in Greece, Crete, Panama, and you could go to Italy. On paragragh five it states " Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing Acropolis in Greece was special," he says "So was taking a gondola ride in Vencie, Italy, a city with streets of water." Luke also toured an excaveted castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his was to China. So, in conclusion I belive that you can, and should join the Sesagoing Cowboys. Only if you are able to parcipitate very well, and if you won't have a problem with all of those things you have to do.
Why is Venus such an interesting planet fro scientist to study? Venus is the second planet from the sun, and one of the brightest point in the night sky. Venus is an amazing planet, and also pretty unknown. Venus has many dangers for the human scientis. Venus is an Earth-like planet with many issues. Scientist want to be able to send humans to the planet with the dangers Venus presents. Many ideas have been tested for a chance to be used and to survive. Despite all the dangers Venus has, its all worthy for this planet to be studied. Venus is so important to scientist because it has many like features that Earth has. Scientist want to discover if Venus was covered with large oceans and if it supported life. "Familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." Those are examples that lead Scientist to believe that there was indeed large covered areas of water and life. The features that Venus has, we have here on Earth. But Venus is much different now, and they're many dangers in the planet. Venus is the hottest planet of our Solar System, despite that it is only the second planet from the sun. The atmosphere is almost at 97% of carbon dioxide, and the clouds are made out of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. "Temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." The weather conditions on Venus are very dangerous for any type of human encounters. Scientist will still inovate a creation to make the study of Venus possible. Scientist/ engineers will not give up on the study of Venus. They are working hard to invent an idea to support the conditions of the planet. "Blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so milies above..."A great idea to sending human to Venus, is to create a hovering vehicle above hot surface. NASA is also working and testing simplifies electronics made of silicon carbide. The material will make it enough to make it throught the harsh conditions of Venus. The work of scientist so it is worthy to study Venus is incredible. It might be hard and long-lasting, but it is not impossible for scientist to create inventions to study the surface of Venus. Having to study how Venus was just like Earth. Keeping the human being safe, once transported to the planet Venus. The harsh conditions is just an easy obstacle to overcome. The study of Venus will be amazing and encouraging.
In the article, "Making Mona Lsia Smile," written by Nick D'Alto, there is a new technology being introduced to the world called the Facial Action Coding system, otherwise known as "FACS". Essentially, this technology allows people to calculate the exact percentage of the emotions presented in one's facial expression by studying the placement of there facial muscles. The machine analyzes your face in search of six particular emotions, sadness, anger, surprise, happiness, fear, and disgust. Now with the availability of a technology such as this schools are suggesting that the "FACS" machine should be placed in classrooms. Although, Many people believe the tool is invasive, there are many reasons that prove a system like this in the classroom can be very useful. All in all, the amount of time and effort that it would take to take a simple scan is a trivial expense to the reults you can get from it. The main reason is revealed in paragraph 6, the author explains, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored", this qouted by Dr. Huang of the Beckman Institutefor Advanced Science. He explains that this device could help teachers better their educational skills in the classroom. When the technology fully analyzes the emotions of a student it is a way of giving feedback to teachers regarding the way a lesson beign taught is received. In concluson, The "FACS" technology is a helpful sourece in the classroom because it is a way to better connect the faculty and the students without presenting any conflicts. This technology will also further the effectivity of a child's education.
In theory a self driving car is a great idea, but in reality it is an accident waiting to happen. Self driving cars have many flaws to them. I beleive the development of these cars should no longer continue. The self driving cars are never self driving, they still require the passenger to be there when it does not know what to do. The artical says " The car can read the positive and negative polarity as messages in binary code." This means that someone can send a wrong message through a computer, causing an accident. The death rate from car accident could rise with the development of the self driving car. Whith hearing that would you trust your child to be in that car? People who agree to continue the development of these cars have many of theair own opinions. They say that the sensors on the car help make it safer. They also might say that its a lot less stressful for the driver. The accepters of this product may also say that all safty measures are taken care of. There are many things wrong with many of the statements above. The sensors on the car can go bad, how will the person know before its to late? How is a self driving car less stressful for the driver? If anything they would have to pay more attention to the road to make sure the car was working correctly. The safty procations of these vehicals rely on the driver noiticing the car is speakinging to it or that the seat is vibrating. Sometimes people do not feel my phone vibrate in their pocket or hear if for that matter, how are we suppoded to trust a car to alert you if we can not trust our phones. Through out this campaign to have self driving cars it seems there is no one out there that wants to ask the hard questions, everybody thinks it is a great idea because it is new. Will this product be safe, we dont know, but it doesnt look promissing. In conclusion i do not beleive we should continue the devlopment for self driving cars.
In the passage "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the topic of Venus is discussed. Moreover not just Venus but the exploration and challenges met when attempting this rigourus task. The author provides much imformation to support his claim and does so in an informative and interesting way. The author makes learning of these challenges interesting but also very informative. For example, they open their passage talking about the ability to see Venus from Earth which, already from the start, connects us to the issue making it seem more important. They then discuss some of the challenge of exploring saying, "humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." This opens us up to listen to why the spacecraft are having such a difficult time landing and makes us want to learn of the diffuculties on this unforgiving journey. The author follows this with more information on the finer details of why exactly the ships do not survive when they say, "A thick apnosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." Following up the details of the difficult landing the author brings up the reasons why one would want to explore the planet Venus. They say that Venus may have had life on it at one point and talk about how Venus is a sister planet to earth with its size and density being incredibly similar and its terain and sold being nearly the same. Venus like Earth has many landmarks such as: Valleys, Mountains, Caves, and Ravines. The author does a great job of displaying their information in a way that is informative, interesting, and overall entertaining. They do this by giving large quantites of imformation but stating in an understandable way. I learned a lot about Venus in this particular passage, and that is acreditted to the skill and level of reasearch done by the author of this passage.
Limiting your car usage has a lot of advantages. You can do so many different things with all the space and money you save. You can save money in alot of different ways such as not having to pay car insurance, or pay for tickets, or not having to pay for gas, and lastly not having to pay for you car when it broke down and need to be repaired. With the free sapce theres so many oppertunities to build new stuff so that were making good use of it. In source one it says" In this new approach, stores are place a walk away, on a main streets, rather than in malls arounf distant higways". This is a good thing because parents wont have to worry about where their children are, and children wont have to worry about asking their parents for rides because everything is within walking distance. Another advantage to not using your car so much is that it can clear the air and help get rid of pollution. In source two it says"... congestion was down 60 percent". This is really good because if we did that everywhere there would not be a problem. When you use you car to much the air starts to change. In source two it says" cold night and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions", Which as you can tell is not good. When we are not using are cars we can do alot of things. In souce three it says" parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city ', This its telling us with out the cars people are becoming more active and spending more time with there famililys and this is always a good thing. another example in source three says" uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaces by broad, smooth sidewlaks", this is good because when you do use your car its more safe on the rode and its creating more jobs. In source three it also says"new resturaunts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up" which creates more jobs and makes more money for the city so they can betters school and give back to the community. Inconcluson cars are not the worst thing to have because it gets you from point a to point b but in between those two points theres alot of bad things that come with it i think we should just be able to inform people that we should use our cars more wisely and to some times leave the car to be with your family.          
The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an article that explains why studying Venus is such a challenge and tries to create the idea that studying Venus is worth people's time despite the threats that are present on the planet. Although the author presents some evidence that explains why people should invest time into studying, there is not enough evidence presented to show that Venus is worthy of exploration despite the danger that it imposes. Rather it explains the lengths scientists today are taking to tackle on this challenge. A major issue of this author's attempt at suggesting that Venus is worthy of pursuit, is that the author mainly explains why trying to explore Venus is a challenge. As the title suggests, it really isn't trying to pursuade the reader into thinking that Venus is worth exploring. While the author does give us a reason as to why scientist are still trying to visit the surface, there is nothing explicitly written about why travelling to Venus is worth pursuit besides "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." and "recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit". The evidence that he uses to explain this is with the geology of the planet. However, this is not enough to support the idea that Venus is worthy of pursuit despite the dangers it presents, thus making his idea lackluster because of it's lack of evidence to support the idea. Despite the issue mentioned above, the article does a great job of explaining different methods and studies and the circumstances that scientists and researchers are are trying to overcome to study Venus. Giving figures of the percent of carbon dioxide blankets on Venus to the atmospheric build-up of Venus. The author thouroughly explains why Venus is such a difficult planet to explore and gives insight to how scientists are trying to overcome this obsticle. Using evidence from NASA showing how they are using simplified electronics made of silicon carbide that have been tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of Venus's surface to create more useful devices that can be used in exploration. The ending of the article "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." really helps to show a viewpoint of why scientists should invest time into studying Venus. The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggests that Venus is quite a challenge to study and gives many reasons as to why that is. However it fails to support their idea that it is worth studying despite it's dangers. This is shown through how the article is more about how scientists are trying to study Venus, instead of why we should study Venus.
First off I want to let you know that Electoral College is a process and not a place. It was established by the founding fathers. Process consists of the selection of the electors, the metings of the electors where they vote for president and Vice President. The electoral college consists of 538 electors and the majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. The amount of members in its congressional delegation, "one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two of your Senators". The candidate that's running for president in your state has it's own group of electors. They're generally chosen by the candidate's political party but that state law varys on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. One of the best things about the Electoral College is that it's widely regarded as an anachronism and a non-democratic method of the selecting of a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes wins. it also requires a president candidate to have transregional appeal. Always remember "voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election.
using facial expresions are a good way to tell someone u are mad or happy. but sometimes u cant tell the diffrence unless people smile all the time. for instince when i walk i have a mean face that dosent mean im mad i could be happy but its just how my face is. u shouldnt need technology to tell someone if your happy ot sad all they gotta do is look at your face and they should already know if your mad or sad. if the person isnt sure they should ask and see wether if your mad or sad. mona lisa smiling is just showing that shes happy or that she was happy while taking the picture. to be honest i think u can smile and feel something other than happiness. like when someone is mad and they smile just to seem like there happy. i really dont get how u can calculate emotions like its an emoiton not a math question u either ask if the person is mad or sad or u just guess off the facial expressions. thats how i see it in my eyes itll be much easier to just ask then to do reasurch. i think the smile should be used to show happiness people can be happy for just a moment then change there face which i understand i do it all the time. mad face should show if your mad. sad face should show that your sad. it shouldnt have to involve technology to find out how the person feels. mona lisa is a wonderful painting but i think she was happy in the picture because she smiled.
Most countries around the world share the same global problem; air pollution.  Cities like in Germany, France, and America suffer with air pollution.  All this smog comes from the cars people drive on a daily basis.  But now, people have decided to make a change to that.  All around the world, cities have been banning the use of cars or just taking a day off from them.  Doing this has made a huge change to how these people treat their air. In Source: 1 , it explains a new suburban lifestyle the residents had adapted to.  Most of them have been giving up their cars for good.  In Vauban, Germany, it is generally forbidden to have any driveways or home garages.  Owning a car is still allowed, but the only places to park them would be large and expensive garage spaces. As a result, about 70 percent of families in Vauban do not own cars and 57 percent sold a car to move there.  This experiment, completed in 2006, became a growing trend in Europe, the United States and other countries.  This movement was called " smart planning ".  In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting " car reduced " communities.  Many experts expect public transport to be serving the suburbs a much larger role in the new transportaion bill to be approved. In the cities of Paris, a partial driving ban has been enforced to try and clear up the polluted air of the global city.  Cars with even-numbered plates were ordered to be left at home or owners would have to pay a 22-euro fine ($31).  The next day, odd-numbered plates would be applyed the same way.  By this time almost 4,000 drivers were fined.  After five days of intense smog from congestion, the smog rivaled Beijing, China, which is known to be the most polluted cities in the world.  In France, deisel fuel was to blame. Deisels make up 67 percent of the vehicles in France, as stated in Source: 2 paragraph 16 . An event that was set to spread to other countries lead to Colombians hiking, biking, taking buses or walking.  In Bogota, Columbia, the Day Without Cars has been set to promote alternative transportation.  It was the third straight year of this event in the city of 7 million.  Violaters of this day had to face a $25 fine.  Referring to Source: 2, paragraph 27 , this improvement campaign started in Bogota in the mid-1900s.  Now, park and sports centers have been built and newer, smoother sidewalks have been created to influence this movement. Places all around the world are joining this revolutionary movement so save the planet. More and more cities are reducing the use of vehicles to decrease the amount of smog and other air pollutants so the air that we share cannot be contaminated.
Do you really think that there is alien life? The picture shown is land on Mars. NASA said that it was a shadow giving a "illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth." NASA studied the image to make sure they were correct of what they saw. People who believe in alien life base their statements upon opinions. NASA even said it was "a natural land form. There was no alien monument." Something that big would have to be a piece of land. This was just a large mound on mars. The people who think it is a alien or a alien artifact think that NASA would hide this from the public while NASA says they wish there was a ancient alien civilation on Mars. What NASA is saying is that they would want people to see this and wish that it was a alien. This image has nothing to do with alien life and just made a illusion of a face. NASA is not lying and double checked to make sure what they were seeing was certain. This is just land on mars and a picture taken at just the right angel and time to make that look like a alien. So now that I've told you the facts do you believe me?
I believe that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom would be very useful and rather valuable. The computer would be able to tell what we're interested in and give us articles about those interests. It could also help improve students grades or help entertain them if they're bored out of their mind, or even help art students create more life like paintings. If these types of computers were in classrooms today, it could help give students articles and suggested sites based on what they're interested in. For example, if the teacher says that the students must choose a story to read, but it had to be online, the computer would be able to give a list of suggested stories, and, based on the students facial expression while reading each title, it could give the article that would be the best for that student. If students are interested in a topic, they are most likely to read more and more about it, thus improving their lexile level and reading comprehension. On the other hand, it could also distract students from their school work. When the students have free time, they will play games, watch videos, etc., while the computer reads the students face while they are doing so. Making it more likely for the computer to suggest more and more unnecessary things for the student that is trying to work, thus getting distracted easily. This will cause the student to work less and less. This type of technology could also help art students. As an artist, I personally know how hard anatomy is for newer and younger artists, and even older artists (everyone has trouble with something). It will help them to create lie like faces with the correct facial expression to match the emotion they are looking for. Not that how life like is painting determines the quality of the painting, but it will still help the realistic artists to create much more life like and will help them improve their artistc ability. In conclusion, I believe that this technology has a positive and a negative use for students in classrooms. It will help them improve their reading and even their art, but there is also a high posibility that students can get easily distracted by this. However, there are far more positive uses for this kind of technology than there are negative, so I'd say that the use of this technology would be very valuable to students in classrooms.
Would driverless cars be cool? Yes they would. I personally think it would be a horrible idea to have driverless cars.Me personally, I think all of our cars should be driven by a human being instead of a robotic machine. First off the prices of these driverlesscars would be threw the roof to by and make.Then the cost of Insurance would be threw the roof on these automotives because of how expensive they are to make plus what if theirs a malfunction or an error in the cars system or the whole network crashes. Just because drivers get bored doesnt mean we should make a driverless car because the persons bored or something then just dont drive to point A to point B its thats simple. The only reason the car industries Wants to make a driverless car is becasue of money.The only reason the insurances would like this idea is so they can jack the prices up. Whats the fuel indistry going to be like is the cars still going to be gased powerd or batery powerd or what? My perspective on this topic this whole idea is garbage some things i agree with like brakeing system or a camra in the back that way you dont run any thing over while your backing out of your driving. Other than that this whole thing is about the car industries and the insurance company making money thats all this whole thing is about,all this is unecessry.
The Facial Action Coding System can help computers identify the emotions of people. For instance, poeple can somewhat 'calculate" emotions just like any math equation. Secondly, the FACS is also helpful becasue it can tell if we are forcing a smile or not. FInally, this also can tell if people like an ad by just smiling and also tell if we dislike an ad if people frown. In Leonardo da Vinci's renaissance painting of the Mona Lisa, computers have already found out that she was putting a forced smile . In the painting of Mona Lisa, reserchers have calculated the emotions of the drawing. "Mona Lisa was only' 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angery"(1). According to the FACS software. Then we can calculate the emotions of people by just looking at the gesters one person makes. "... All 44 major muscles in the modle must move like human muscles"(3). Lastly, computers might be able to know when you are happy or sad. For instance, "... If you smile when a Web ad appearson your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be diffent"(6). These are examples of how the FACS can be valuable in the classrooms. Readers may say that FACS can not work in a normal computer. According to this research, it states that, "Your home PC can not handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile"(7). Also, not only can computers decode the smie people make, humans around the world can also see if we forca a smile or not. "Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions"(9). But, not all computer software can idnetify emotins. Just like in this evedence, "Each expression is compared against a neutral face"(4). In theory, we can tell that the FACS software does indeed work to tell the emotions of the drawing of Leonardo da Vinci. By having the software calculate emotions just like math problems. Also by evaluating if we are forcing a smile or not just by our gesters of our facial expretions. The FACS software can be useful for people who would like to use this to figure out if other people are forcing a smile or not. Then, to confirm if so that person did or did not force a smile.
I think that this is a great piece technology for school laptops. In school kids will get confused about many things that they are learning. This invention could help students who struggle to understand a lot of content. Students in high school have a lot of pressure on them in those 4 years. It can be very hard to keep up with every lesson. If the technology is able to tell if a student is confused or not and, be able to change the lesson to help it should be implemented in to everyones laptop. Many students also don't have the nerve to raise their hand and ask a question becuase they think that they will be mad fun of for it. With this technology a student would is afraid of that won't have to ask a question in front of everyone becuase the technology will know he/she needs help. This can be used for many different reasons also it could tell if a student is sad, and that he/she might need to see guidence. This would be a great piece of technology for schools to have. This invention would help students get better grades to be able to have a chance to go to college. Inventions like this are what is helping many people succeed, going outside the box to help others.
I think people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because they could learn about different peoples countries and needs. Also it would be once in a life time oppertunity to see different countries. It could make a difference in your life Luke said "It made me aware of people of other countries and their needs. It was more than a adventure. In 1947 Luke made the most trips of any Seagoing Cowboy. Luke toured an excavated castle in Crete marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. The cattle boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for small town boy This is why people should join the Seagoing Cowboys. It could help you see how others are like and their problems. You would be able to see different kinds of places. It could help you become a better person by helping other people out. You would experince a lot of fun things.
There is a presidential campaign being held. There are two candidates running. the decision depends on the electoral votes. The Electoral College are the votes that elect the President depending on the majority votes. The Electoral College should be kept because it induces the candidates, it restores some of the weight that large states loses, and avoids the problem in which the candidate recieves the majority of the votes. To begin with, the Electoral College should be kept since it induces the candidates. for example, to many of candidates are running for President. People don't know on who to vote on. The Electoral College eliminates most of those candidates. " Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign- to really listen to the competing candidates." (Source 3) People want to know what these candidates offer to them. They want to vote for the best candidate. When they vote, the Electoral College decides on the majority vote of the state. The Electoral college should be kept since it induces the candidates. Furthermore, the Electoral College should be kept since it restores some of the weight that large states lose. For example, since there are big states, there is political problems in what the people want. Large states have a lot of voters. The Electoral College should be kept since it restores weight to the large states. Finally, the Electoral College should be kept since it avoids the problem in which the candidate recieves the majority of the votes. For example, presidents may have the popular vote but not the electoral votes. The Electoral College avoids run-off elections. The Electoral College should be kept since it avoids the problem in which the candidates recieves the majority vote. In conclusion, the Electoral College should be kept. It induces the candidates. It restores some of the weight that the large states loses. It avoids the problem in which the candidate recieves the majority of the votes.  
I think we not should keep Electoral College. I thinks it not fair. Al Gore won the electoral votes and won the popular vote and still lost the presidency. Also, you are not evening voting for the persident you are voting for slate of electors to pick the president. It is not like you can, can control who the slate electors pick. It is also hard to understand and it can get confusing as well. There is two different groups thay pick the president and vice-presidents. The people who pick the vice-president is The Senate. Each indivaule state only casts one vote. For example "The single representative from Wyoming, represent 500,000 voters, would have as much sayar the 55 representatives from California, who represents 35 million voters."- Bradford Plumer "The Indefensible Electoral College: Wht even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong." In Elcetoral College thy have a system were winner-take-all system in each state. "... Candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning..." -Bradfors Plumer. "But each party slecets a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee(and that trust is rarely betrayed)..."- Richard A. Posnoer "In Defense of the Electoral Coolege: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing a President" When you read this and in pretheace it say the "and that trust is rarly betrayed" what do you think? Is it okay to say you will do something and then say "hey I am going to change my mind after people vote becaise they like what I said?" No it is nopt okay. If you say you are going to to do something and your state is counting on you, you need to keep you word and do what you said. Also, why is it the big states get more attention than the small states? Should an it be all the same? It is also easier for the goverment. But I still think it need to be fair.  I think it should be equal. "Each candidates running for President in your state has hi ot her own group of elecotors."- The Office of the Ferderal Register " What is the Electoral College?" I think we should get rid of Electoral College. There is a lot of trust problem and it is very confusing and hard to understand. It needs to be simple and easy and honset. It needs to be were you vote for the President and the Vice-President. NOt were you vote for for some one to do the voting. I also, think the number of Electoral votes need to be the same and not all be differnet.      
Hi,I am Luke.I want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys program.Oh,you want reasons why you should join.Well during the adventure I got to sight see.And I got hard work. to do which was fun.And when the animals are unloaded we play fun games.And I will tell you about it.So I sugest you to be a seagoing cowboy. I got hard work but it was fun.Two weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean and from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China can give you hard work.The animals had to be fed and watered two or three times a day.Bales of hay and bag of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship.And the stalls needed to be cleaned.All of these things was hard work. During that trip I got to sight see.I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China.But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special.So was taking a gondola ride in Venice,Italy,a city with streets of water.And I have also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panana Canal on his way to China.It was great seeing them. And I got to play games with the others when the animals were unloaded.I played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals were housed.Table tenis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and games also helped past the time when I was onboard.All of these things are fun when I was onboard. These are the reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.I hope these three reasons convince you to join.So this is why you should join this program.
Today we will talking about The challenge of Exploring Venus, what's is venus, where is ubicate venus and why is important talk or learn about this subject or who discovered this mean. Venus is a planet in our solar system and is the second planet from our sun and occasionally the closest in distance too Earth, Venus, and Mars , in this palnet the scientist can't explore this planet because is so far away from the Heart , and this have some differences, for example; one of these is the speed mean that sometimes we are closer too mars and other times to Venus. Venus maybe this issue explains why or not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades, scientist said that the atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus, also this planet has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerul earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. We know that Venus is a planet in our solar system but that we really don't know and scientist wants to know is know about if in that planet probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, human wants to conquer some of those planets to live in the future, that's the reason why the scientist are discussing about that, or if the rich peolpe can build some skyscraper or some building for rich people go to travel in Venus. NASA is working to know more about Venus, another example is if the electricity can works there, or how we can get it, Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, more importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientist seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has values, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. We talked about Venus, we know now that human wants no only have more information they want explore and live there, also they want or we wants to know wha't there or if there exist life, but we don't know if Venus got inhabitants is not our planet and we need to leave it, but if we are capable to conquer, our next planet to live in the future would be Mars or also Venus.
There are many advantages that come with the limitation of car usage. The limiting of car useage can help bring down pollution, to help clear the air that we use every single day on a daliy basis. With the limiting of car usage, congestion drops down dramaticly. Also, it helps lower down stress and have an increase in improvement campaigns. Car usage has a big impact on air. With car usage, pollution increases in the air, but the limiting of car usage can help drop the pollution down. The author, Robert Duffer, stated "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France..." Not also does the limiting of car usage drops car traffic, but the effect from the decrease of car usage drops down polloution in the air. Improvement campaigns start to increase because of limitation of cars. Constructions start to rise and more communites understand each other more. The author, Andrew Selsky, stated "It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city..." The construction of the 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin Amercian city, was made due to the limiting of car usage and its now one of the biggest ones. Also, parks and sport centers have bloomed throught the city. There have been pitted sidewalks replaced by smooth sidwalks, rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic, and as well as new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. The limiting of car usage comes with many great advantages like stated. It will help drop down pollution, congestion will drop down dramaticly, and it will help lower down stress, as well as an increase in improvement campaigns.