Every car has it's problems, so why are people just focused on driveless cars problems? Yeah they might crash, but every car can crash so why are you just focused on one car? I think driveless cars can actually help with a lot here's why. Driveless cars take less fuel. That means it will take less money to full up the gas tank. That means you can go places and play on your phone on your way or you can put on your makeup if you didn't have enough time too when you was home. People think that driverless cars are dangerous because the passenger might get hurt, but the driveless car has drove up to half of a million miles without crashing. People also don't like them because they think the driveless car doesn't warn you when their is something wrong, but that isn't true because they have a lot of different was to tell you that they need you to take over because the driverless car is having trouble. People really just judge the driverless car because they haven't used one because if they would've used a driverless car and hadn't crashed there would be no problem with the car, but people always judge first and ask later. There are a lot of reasons I like driverless cars, but a main reason is that it's new techonology like who doesn't want to test out new techonology as soon as it comes out. People who like when things change don't like new techonology so they probably won't like the driverless cars. Some more reasons I like driverless cars because Google is coming up with more ways for the car to become more safer. So if you don't think driverless cars aren't safe please read a article about it because they have some issues, but so does everything else in this world. So if your judging it based on how friends and family feels do you even think on stuff yourself?
Being able to detect other peoples and even your own feelings when you want to just by looking into a computer to detect whether you are happy,sad or angry is unique. But if you are not willing to share or show that information at a public place it would not be. Especially when your surrounded by your own classmates and one of classmates accidentally sees what the technology detects on you or someone else. I personally think the use of this technology to determine what your mood is pointless in a classroom full of students. I mean what would be valuable about it? Besides detecting your mood. Students come to class just to learn, be creative and open their mind to knowledge. The Facial Action Coding System would be more of a distraction to kids they would not be worried about the right things. Also some students would not take it seriously they would just play around when it comes to this just by making faces into the computer. And inviting their friends to come along and do it with them. Which would be a huge distraction to to both the students themselves and the students that are actually trying to learn. When it comes to stuff like this students would just use it as a toy and will not actually use it for what it is for or see the bigger picture for it. The authority would be very angry once students are playing with it and not paying attention. The Facial Acting Coding System could possibly start some problems with students and their classmates. For example say their is a student sitting down in front of the technology and it detects the student is angry and sad. What if they are other classmates watching what it detects and ask the student "Whats wrong why are angry?". The other student would not want to tell him because it is probably something personal they would like to keep to themselves and not share with others. This will cause the other classmate to go around and tell everyone that the student was angry and sad. It might possibly cause chaos. Therefore these examples show perfect evidence on why this technology should not be available in a classroom. It can cause a lot of problems, playing around and just an unecessary distraction to not one but many. And possibly it may not even be accurate in some cases.
People think that aliens are real, but has any human being ever seen one? No they haven't. People just assume that aliens are real becuase of TV, comics, books, and movies, but in 1976, Viking 1 took a photo and saw a face on Mars. People think it was an alien life form that created this. NASA used all there research and what they know to figure out what this was. Some people think that it was just an illusion created by shadows giving it eyes, nose, and a mouth. It reminds some people of landforms like Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho or any landform they think that comes close with it. It could've just been a metreo that hit Mars and formed it. I think it was just a natural landform. We may never know what it truly is. There have been many weird things in space that we could never figure out. Some of those things are just normal stuff that happens in space and some people don't know that happens. It could've just been a normal thing that happen and everyone thinks it's a big piece of information of aliens. People make hypothesis way to quickly based off of what they've seen and heard. Not all things are true. No one has truly seen an alien before and if there were aliens shouldn't have people already have seen one? Earth has been around for a long time and nobody has seen and alien life form.
The article 'The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is very convincing. The author had many great points and was also compairing Venus to Earth. Definitly will grab your attention. A really great con of exploring Venus is that it has many common things to Earth. In paragraph 2 it states that Venus is often referred to Earth as a twin. Also it states that Venus is the second planet in our solar system. Another con why Venus is a great topic to explore is that if there was ever a time in a life time that we had to live in another world, Venus is the answer to that problem. In paragraph 5 it states that NASA has particulary compelling ideas for sending humans to study Venus, but it the temperatures would be toasty at sorund 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Not easy conditiond, but survivable for humans. Over alll I think we should continue reaseaching about Venus and exploring Venus, not only because it would help us humans learn more about our solar system, but it could be a new home for our community.
The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" gives great reasons why Driveless car should be developed. Driverless cars are the future of transportation. Driverless cars will decrease the amount of car accident. Driveless car have mosty positive results. Driverless cars are the future, but why shouldn't the future be now. Driverless Cars are the future of transporation because humans will not have to do anything but get in the car, turn the car on, put gas in the car, and turn the car off. Driverless car would help someone people by not having to pay for a lisence or drivers education classes. These cars will decreased the amount of fuel conpsumaiton, and the burning of fossil fuels. The driverless car will allow for people to do what they need to do when driving. Driverless cars will decrease the amount of car accidents because if the cars are self aware of the enviroment around it , it will most likly stop when need and within the correct distance from other vechicles. The driverless car could also stop when approaching an accident and/or slowing down when approaching the accident. The cars will be abe to cooperate with each other to find a way arround certin sernacinos. Driverless cars have mostly positive results such as less fuel consumaption, less fossil fuel buring, and less accidents. Also they should have a higher safety rating than a normal car. Driverless cars would follow the road and not some trail that leads right into someones house. Laws will change to accomadate to the smarter cars. the smarter cars will be less expensive than smarter roads. Driverless Cars are more possibe than smarter roads. The article "Driverless Car Are Coming" gave many excelent reasons why driverless car should be developed. Driverless cars Driverless cars are the future of transporation. Driverless carswill decrease the amount of car accidents. Driverless cars had many positive reasons. Driverless cars should be approved for development.
In our solar system there are many planets such as Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune, but not many people talk about Venus. The planet Venus that could be the only planet that was "Earth-like" millions of years ago. What could be better visiting our "sister" planet? The author cliams that it's worth the experience to visit the planet Venus, although knowing of all the dangers that could happen. In paragragh 5, it states, "... NASA has one oarticularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus." The author is saying that there possibly could be a way to get humans to the planet Venus. Also in paragraph 4, it says,"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the Earth-like plaent in our solar system." The author is stating that Venus prabably once was a planet with living creatures. Getting to Venus seems easy but not exctly. Despite the scorching heat of 800 degrees fahrenheit described in paragraph 3, there are also, "... erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes.." Our sister planet seems to be the only planet that was like Earth at one point. Although despite the heavy atmosphere of 97% of carbon dioxide, humans wouldn't be able to survive that kind of extreme environment. The pursuit of getting to explore Venus is still a working progress. As the author is passionate and fascinated on visting the planet Venus, it is still something NASA is also passionate about, working on and is hoping to achieve. The scorching heat and heavy atmosphere along with dangerous weather climates, it is still something to figure out and pass to get to their vision of a success visit to Venus.
Driverless cars are inevitably coming, no matter when or how, and we as citizens can't affect that, because the government and the car manufacturers are the ones who make the ultimate decision. But if I did have a say in the discussion, I would not be an advocate for the driverless car. I would be against it for several reasons, such as public safety, or the economy and environment itself. Driverless cars present a major safety hazard to those who are manually driving cars on the road. Usually, humans do not have the reaction time that machines do. That causes a problem that could lead to serious injury or death. It also presents a big issue to those using the driverless car, because if the car malfunctions, the only outcome possible at that point is a car wreck or an accident, which could also cause serious injury, or death. Manually driven cars are safer because the reaction time of a human after a mistake is still faster than the self-reparing of a malfunction, if that's even at all possible. Driverless cars could also not as popular as everyone thinks they will be because of the cost of production to make them. That, in turn, makes the selling price higher so that car companies can make a profit. So this may not even be a major factor on the roads at all for quite some time. With all the technology used in cars, such as Google's modified version of a Toyota Prius, it could cause a problem for service and mechanics to work on the car without a college degree, and that would absolutely limit the number of mechanics in the field today. They would need a degree in mechanical engineering, as well as Digital Electronics, which isn't typical for a mechanic. A driverless car could affect the ecomomy and population in good ways too, but the bad reasons seem to overtake the good reasons. Driverless cars also present a challenge for the government, because they would have to make new laws regarding injury clauses. Also, who the blame is put on, the driver, or the manufacturer, is a legal issue the government would have to recognize. As said in paragraph 9, "Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be neede in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver, or the manufacturer?" Even though manufacturers are working on a solution, the general public doesn't know when it will come, or what solution they will come to. And the public shouldn't be willing to test these cars with lives on the line! The reasons why driverless cars cause issues are overwhelming. The cars aren't going to be trained properly until at least 2020, and the public has been talking about them forever, so obviously it's a point of conflict throughout the community. I am against driverless cars because I feel it is safer, economically friendly, and government-friendly if we use manually driven cars, and stick to what America is used to.
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable in some ways and some not because a computer knowing when your happy or sad could be beneficial in your classroom. For example if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad will follow. But if you frown, the next ad wll be different. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored and then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. But I bet your lab partner could recognize if you are happy, sad, or mad. Its all about muscular action units. They indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced smile. In a real smile the muscles that begin at your cheek bones lift the corners of your mouth. In a false smile, the mouth is strecthed sideways. Muscle clues are sometimes important. Which is why I think that this technology is better off not being useful in classes because you can detect a person being happy, sad, or mad by yourself by muscle clues. To an expert, faces dont lie.
What is the Face What made the face? Was it aliens or just a coqencedince? People have been asking this same question ever sence 1976. Well, in my opinion i think that it is just a big coquencedence. The photo has been inhaced so much that you can tell in just a mountain or rock but defently not a symble of alian life. The face of mars is defentilly just a rock formation in 1976 when the rock formation was found they thought it was a coquencidence and they were right. In 1998 they took another photo of the "Face of Mars" they had a beter camera with more pixels in it. This photo still does look like a face but you can also kinda see it starting took look like a mountain. Then the last photo that was taken of the "Face of Mars" was in 2001 and you can obviosly see that the so called face is just rock formation. The authore put this quote of someone from nasasay this “As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,” he added. “So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!". As you can see the even people at nasa dont even belive that it could be a monument of anything. The aouther of this passage also says "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West.". Again as you can see the so called face is just coquencedence. Some people still belive that this rock formation is a symbol of alian life. There main aurgument is that "NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists.", and all i have to say about that is if there was life on mars nasa would be the first one to say somthing they dont relize that NASA would make so much money off of it. The most recent photo of the Face has shown that if it was civilized we would see it. As you can see that the "The Face of Mars" is just a rock formation. People think that its a big conspiristy theroy, but it isnt its just a big coquencedence. If there is Alians out there and some way its a symbol I just hope next time they make it a little more clear.
In this article we are talking about the FACS ( Facial Action Coding System) and how it could read students' emotional expression. At first this article was talking about the Mona Lisas' facial expression and how she's 83 percent happy, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. This would benifit the classroom by letting the teachers know what makes them instrasted in the classroom. When you look tierd and about to sleep the teacher will try and do something different to help you pay attantion. Just like speaking in a different tone or walking around the classroom to get someone's attantion. Us humans do the same thing as-well just like easily looking at someones face on a date or in a classroom to she either they like you or they don't like the way your expressing yourself. It would also help if your in a room full of strangers and wanting to get to know them but you can't really know what to say or if they would like the conversation. What the computer does when they are calculating a face is that they compare it with a neutral face. Just by using video imagery, the new emoion- recogition software to track the facial movements. There are facial expressions for each emotion on your face but even tho individuals often show varying degrees of expression. All in all this invention would be amazing to have. You can use it on students and see if there instrasted in a subject and how well the teacher's behavior effects them as well. You can use it on some painting to see what they were feeling while they were getting drawn.
According to the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" Prof, Thomas Huang and Beckman institute, have made an invention"FACS", that is able to tell someones expressions using technology. The author states the emotions of Mona Lisa's portriat by using the new technology. Do you ever think is the new invention even worth the pay or even necessary? Many people can be against it and many for it. Myself personally I am for Facial Action Coding System. The article states, you can tell someones emotions by just looking at them. It also states that we have trouble really describing the facial trait. By using FACS, we can get the actual facial traits in someones face. According to the author, "'even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression' (like not smiling broadly)." When using the Facial Action Coding System it recognizes the facial movements in a humans actual face even in paintings. Using the "While Looking in the Mirror" activity we followed the steps,but what if we were to add something that nobody knew except you. The person looking at you would think you are following the script. When you use that same exact script with the other facial you added, the technology would recognize it in an instant. The author also stated moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. In conclusion we all have our opinion, if using the FACS is good or not. The Facial Action Coding System is a technology Prof. Thomas Huang And Beckman institue invented to help people figure out what a painting is offering us in emotions or even what people themsleves are offering. Either wanting to use technology or our own brains, the only person who really knows is the person who painted the painting and the person giving the facial expression.
The aurthor say's that it is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers of going to venus. He says that it is dangerouse and not worth it. He said 'it is very challenging and it is proved' which means its hard to get their and could be dangerouse. Many people tried to go their but never landed on venus. They even also sent out space crafts and they disapear or just dont even make it close to venus.If someone evr makes it their it would be dangourouse. No space craft has made it their for more then 3 decades. He says that that it is dangerouse beacause of the bad things that could happend , like if humans go check it out it will be bad because there is acid flowing around the air. I also think it is dangoures because it was proved to be challenging and because no one ever made it their even spacecrafts havent. venus also has the hottest temprature on the surface then any other planet which is dangourouse for humans. If a human ever makes it their it could be dangerouse if they are their for to long. They have a limit of how long they should stay their. To me this means that it is dangourouse to go to venus. I also think that NASA people should just not try to go their because people could get nevouse when they go their and just forget about the limit time they should be their. The aurthor was right fro what a read and the reasons i saw of why it was dangorouse to go to venus.
Well i for one most defanitly think that an atomatic face reconation system it a amazing idea. the idea that the kid well be able to be more envoleved with there way of larning. we all now that children and adults both have things that there just better at. dont u think beignable to have your scholl education chagne and be for what u can exsell in, and if not that than at lest being able to change it up a lil bit to keep every kid on trck and eger to learn more. this comuter programe could help so many people be and do the best thay can at what they love. to start this kind of teaching now would most liky be a very costly proseger, but defanitly be worth evey last panny for the new breed of student, born of respect and hunger for the knowlege at hand.
In "the challenge of exploring venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit bespite the dangers, becuase like they said in the story they have found that the equitment they had sent never survived longer then a few hours. no space ship has been able to land on Venus n more than 3 decades. When the author tells us this he uses evendance to support his clam, they would have reserched that Astronimers are very intrested becuase they think it might have been the most earthy planet there ever excisted. The author makes it very clear that althought the dangers of the trip to Venus it might be good to see how it is and see what is there, the sientest think that there might have been water like ocens there before. Fristly, the auther provides of with information about the dangers of Venus and how the atmosher. In the story it states, "...temperaturs averge over 800 degrees farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater thenwhat we experience on our planet." (Paragragh 3) When they put this in there it gives the read more illistration on how the planet is. It can give them more of a visuall look for the reader to picture it. The auther also says that , "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes..." (paragragh 3) This explains that venus might be that hot bc of all of the thing that are happening there. Secondly, the auther provides what NASA has been thinking and how they might be sending some people to study more further. In the story it states, " the national aeronautics and space administration (NASA) has one Particlarly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus." (paragragh 5) This explains that they might have to send people to study further into Venus to see what is like and everything they might need to know, like for example the reson being why the spaceships can not land and servive. Lastly, the auther also includes in more detail what its like and how much damage it can cause in disasters. In the story it states, " Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin." (paragragh 7) This can also explain and make a visuael example to help the reader out in explainsing what the heat in venus can do. They can be more aware of the dangerus dangers that Venus can comit. In conclustion the auther does a very good job in explaing the danges and telling us the opinion of people that have done some exploration in Venus before. They provide good examples in the text they maneged to get information from NASA and sientest. The author also provided were Venus is located and how far away it is from earth. So this is a good way to support this idea of Venus.
The development of driverless cars are becoming better each year and somepeople should like it.It is alot better because people won't get in a wreck as much as they did when they driver cars with the driver taking over.Like it says in paragraph 2 Toyota Prius are being made with motion sensors, cars are really developing well now but back in the late 1950s General motars created a concept car that had a special track. First and Foremost cars are a being built better with driverless because the people trying to make them are with Google and other companys.They make them better by "Improving their brakes and acceleration, and also navigationg through works zones," as it says in paragraph 7. Althrough it cost a lot of money to make these driverless cars they come in handy.Say if people tried to go a road trip they accidently fall asleep the car can take over.It is like having auto driver but they can only reach up to 25 mph its not slow and not very fast. Third of all it is a good thing by having a driverless car because people will know whos breaking into their cars because of the people that are making them are now installing camreas. These cars are really good for the so called "Alert Driver" they make sure they do not text and drive, and also to make it safer for pedestrians. In conclusion the development of driverless cars are becoming better each year and some people should like it.They make it safer for everyone.The cars of the future are going to be better than cars have ever been.
I think this type of technology would benefit many learning and entertainment. For computers being able to understand emotional expressions this would be huge. The use of technology to read students' emotional expressions would help better learning. For example, the text states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Typically when a student becomes bored they do not tend to pay attention, but with this technology it could help alter the lesson to make it more effective to learn for the student. Another example would be for entertainment purposes. In the text the author states,"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery." This shows making computer-animated faces more expressive could possibly make them more entertaining for people to enjoy. In conclusion, I think this technology would be great for the world. It would help improve learning for students in the classroom and also improve entertainment.
In 1976, the so called "Face on Mars" was first photographed by Viking 1. Scientists were initially surprised at the appearance of the Face, but soon concluded the it was nothing more than a Martian mesa. Some conspiracy theorists deduct that the Face signifies alien life on Mars. Life that NASA has decided to keep secret. This is incorrect. NASA would have no benefit from hiding evidence of life on Mars. The expeditions to survey the landmark cost severely. Furthermore, in 2001, Mars Global Surveyor captured a detailed photo of the Face, showing that the mysterious landmark is nothing more than a Martian butte or mesa. Also, the landmark resembles that of landforms common in the American West. The "Face" found on Mars lead many to conclude that Mars can in fact support life. Many also believe that NASA would rather keep this life secret. Both of these claims are false. If there truly were life on Mars, NASA would have no motivation to keep it secret. The expeditions to survey the landmark require heavy funding and millions of dollars in assets. NASA would have this issue concluded, rather than to continue to spend millions to survey the Face. There is also conclusive evidence found in pictures captured by Mars Global Surveyor that show the Face to be nothing more than a Martian butte of mesa. The photos depict the landmark as nothing special. In fact, Earth has similiar landforms found in the American West. The "Face on Mars" is not evidence of alien life. NASA would not lie to protect evidence that could save them millions of dollars. Furthermore, the Face is simply a naturally occuring landform found on Mars. And is simliar to those in the American West. In conclusion, the "Face of Mars" is a naturally occuring phenomenon, not a sign of alien life.
In our modern age, cars have become one of the most widespread means of transportation in our world. They can provide reliable transportation from one place to another, but we could benefit greatly from limiting our drastic use of motorized vehicles. While cars maintain their status as one of the largest transportation mediums, they are also beginning to rival powerplants in their emissions of greenhouse gases. For example, in America and many EU countries, Motorized vehicles are second in to powerplants in greenhouse gas emissions. Now, since greenhouse gases are contributing to global warming, and cars are a major contributor to those emissions, it would be beneficial to cut down on our usage of them. In Paris, smog levels had reached such a dramatic level that the government placed a partial ban on motorized vehicles to cut down car emissions. In the suburbs of an experimental community of Vauban, Germany, 70% of residents do not own cars as a result of there being no roadways save on the outskirts that lead to the downtown area.
In that work we gonna explain, give ideas and talk a little bit about the problems at the study of Venus because that planet is very dangers to survival Though Venus is a "sister" of the Earth Planet is not the same, Venus is not safetly to people live in their because doesn't have the sufficient oxygen to survival. Thoughthe austronomers are fascined with Venus because is the most similar planet to the Earth. But this planet obviusly have a differents to Earth like, the surface on Venus temperatures average over 800 degrees that is crazy and impossible to survival and in venus are present Volcanos eruptions. A idea for the NASA from me to send people to study the planet, is implement a new jetplane more security for thr austronomers for they can survival and can study the planet. And a new uniform most special for the can have the capacity to survival that dangers problems at Venus. With that work we can explain and understand better about the problems with that planet and have ideas to a better study.
Driverless cars are the next big thing to come into our world. Driverless cars would be such a help to everyone around the world. With all the traffic out there you get tired of stoping and going, then hitting the gas then the brake. Well now you dont have to do any of that with driverless cars. They'll do it on their own, all you have to do is steer at times. So, with having driverless cars they will do less harm to the enviroment, safer for your freinds and family, and it's easier on you. First, the driverless cars are less harm to the enviromen. Just think of all the taxis out there in the big cities wasting all the gas that we put into them. It harms the enviroment way too much. With these special driving cars it's a proved fact that they use half of the fuel today's taxis use. That means it's not polluting the land as much and the oxygen will be cleaner and fresher as well. With all of the pollution going on our ozone layer is decreasing rapidly and ith the makings of these cars it wont harm the ozone layer as much now, and as a matter of fact it will help it. Moving on, the driverless cars are all in all safer than modern day cars we drive everyday to world and back. At night when you cant see very well and your in the back country it can see up ahead way farther than you ever can. Here's a situation for you, say your driving along in a regular and a deer runs out of the field and SMACK! Now your calling a tow truck in the middle of night and your kids are scared. Now if you had the safe driverless car it could of hit the brakes because it saw the deer run out of the field, and now your driving home safe and your kids are safe. Don't worry about steering, the special car is made to do it. You can just sit back and relax and enjoy the ride to wherever you are going. Lastly, you always want things to be easier on you right? Well now we have a solution for you. Instead of hitting the gas then the brake in the big cities, have the car do that for you. So you don't get fustrated of hitting the brake and gas you can just chill. This specialy made car can ultimately bring you a stress free life. Now you can see that having a driverless car can bring you a better life. With all of the values it has you will never regret gettting one. If you're at the car lot and have to decide wether driverless and have to drive. I can count on you'll make the right choice. So, making it less harmful to the enviroment, making it safer for your travels, and finaly making it easier on yourself, driverless cars are the way to go.
In Vauban Germany, the people in the suburbs have stopped driving. Parking or housing a car predominately prohibited and the only vehicle you'd see is the tram that take citizens from the edge of the community or to downtown Freiburg. You can own a car, but the parking space is incredibly limited, sometimes even expensive. The residents aren't complaining. 57% of the population even had sold their car to live in Vauban, one woman even stating she felt less tense without a vehicle. The growing trend of reducing automotive use in suburban lifestyles is a role in a movement known as "smart planning." Cars are often heavily populated in the suburbs, which hinders the efforts to reduce greenhouse gas tailpipe emissions, as up to 50% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US come from cars. Many of the world is now slowly following Vauban's steps with actions like reducing the size of suburbs and and giving its residents more access to public transportation. Rather than creating distant malls along highways, stores are being placed on a main street that's a walk away. In Paris, after dealing with a nearly record-high amount of smog, a driving ban was enforced to reduce and/or clear out the pollution. Public transit was free and the smog managed to clear enough that cars with odd-numbered plates were allowed to be put in use again. Bogota, California also took part in a day without passenger vehicles, with only buses and taxis in commision. On Day Without Cars, 7 million people rode bikes, skated, hiked, or took a bus to their job. It's believed to help reduce pollution and reduce stress. Thanks to the day, parks and sport centers have appeared, sidewalks made smoother and broadened, rush-hour rules designed to cute traffic, and plenty of new shops and dining places within short distance. Recents studies also appear reveal a decrease in car purchases as time passes, raising the question of America's interest in automotives and driving. As of 2013, an average person drove 9% below the peak, identical to where is was in 1995. While the price of cars is a factor taken into consideration, the decrease hopefully hints to a more permanent drop in car use. With this comes a benificial lessen of carbon emmissions, conserve resources and improve safety. Only time will tell where it will go from here.
Technology that can read your facial expression! Its a computer softwear that can reconize human emotion. Would this be benfital technology emotional expressions of students in a classroom? The computer softwear that can read your facial expressionwas devoled by Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advance Science at the University of Illinions. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at what they do. They are wanting to understand better ways for humans and computers to communicate. This technology that Dr. Huang and his colleagues have created would be benfital for intergation, prouduct review,and schools. when it comes to schools there are some pors and cons like how would a school afford it and the only time it would probably be used is if a student gets introuble. Some cons are how can the school affored the softwear, how would one use it, and will probably get trained to use it. Some pros are probably will lower the displin in school and less viilents. So the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions od students in a classroom valuable, no because how would the student us it. theyll probably just paly around with the computer softwear. In conclusion this is pretty cool but there are some areas where its not gonna help out like school because there are alot of cons.
With Tesla, Google, and a myriad of companies working hard to create the future of driverless cars the present, many problems have arised whether or not this is a good direction to go to. Already, several manufactures have included elements of driverless driving into cars they create, from self parking to driving on the freeway. Driverless cars are a good idea as they would increase the ability of public transportation, make for easy travel for the user, and increase the potentional of stores and shipping. One of the many reasons that driverless cars are a good ideas is that it would lead to a more energy effiecent public transportation system. As the article, Driverless Cars Are Coming states, replacing a taxi system with a group of driverless cars would use half the fuel of the taxis, along with being much more flexible than normal transportation systems. This along with electric cars soon being a easy to access option would revolutionize the public transportation world. This would easily lead to fleets of driverless cars roaming around cities and picking up anyone who needed a ride to go somewhere almost immediately, which companies such as Uber are trying to accomplish, and using the possiblity of wireless charging, would allow these cars to travel almost indefinetly which would redefine the public transporation system. Although such a system seems too complicated to be possible, new public transporation companies such as Uber and Lyft already are trying to implement many of these elements, such as having the drivers roam around near city hotspots where people are in need of rides often, in order to be as energy efficent as possible. Another reason that driverless cars are a good idea is that it would make for very easy travel for the user. Imagine a car which you could climb into on a late friday night, tell the car to go to a city which would normally take 3-5 hours to travel to, and waking up the next morning at the destination. Although this exact scenario still has several years to be a reality, car manufactures are attemping to do things related to this. Already, Tesla has implemented a self driving system to make a morning commute to work very easy. The car can open your garage door, leave your house, and then close the door with no human interaction. Once you start driving and hit a busy freeway with bumper to bumper traffic during rush hour, you can set the car to drive itself, while being completly aware of its surroundings, braking when the car in front of it is too close, and accelerating when there is a clear path. Although this may scare people as people could think that the driver could not be paying attention to the road, many cars like this have a feature to make sure the driver has their hands ready to be on the wheel, and that the driver is alert as to what is happening. Once the car reaches your office's parking lot, you can find an open spot, and have the car park itself into the spot, even if that means having to parrallel park. Lastly, one of several reasons driverless cars are a good ideas is that driverless cars would drastically increase the potentional of stores and the shipping of their goods. Companies in Europe have already made driverless trucks which can ship goods across the country, which could soon be implemented into the United States. In the U.S., there are severeal services which involve the user using an app to notify a person what goods you want to get at a certain store or two, having that person go to that store and buy whatever goods you requested, and having the person drop off the goods at your front door. This could easily save time for the workers by having a driverless car pick up the goods that you requested, and having that car drive to your house and drop off the goods, all while the worker is helping another customers. Overall the future of driverless cars would redefine the world we live, making everybodies life much easier. Driverless cars are a good ideas as they would increase the possiblity of public transportation, make for easy travel for the user, and increase the potentional of stores and shipping.
This "face" is just a natural landform. These things happen a lot, you can get a lot of diffrent shapes and sizes from natural landform this one on mars just happens to look like a really realistic face. Plus the "face" has changed alot from 1976 to 2001 and we saw the face change with no alien near by changing it and not cause of the camera but because this natural landform is getting older and soon you won't ever be able to tell it was there. There will be other natural landforms and might look like a face. The spacecraft circling the planet would've caught an alien near by . Also it looked alot more like a face in 1976 because the landform is changing and moving so the "face" moves and changes with it. Then the team went out there to snap photos and all they got was a sharper view of the "face", and no one near by except them. There could be a lot of landform shapes, one could look like a animal or something. These landforms can look like a lot of things and be natural landform and can be creating without aliens. So far we haven't had any proof of aliens ethier. I believe if aliens were real we would find some by now cause we have spacecrafts around certain planets and we've been to the moon and still nothing. Maybe in the future we could find aliens but not now and it's been a while since the "face" has been created and we have no proof of aliens and we didn't back then ethier.
You may think that the face on mars was created by aliens and we say it isn't it's a natural landform sorta like some natural landforms on Earth like the Grand Canyon it's a natural landform but we can't actually prve the the face is a landform but we have a spacecraft named Viking 1 and 2 that has taken pictures of it so we can see if it was formed by aliens or if it is just a natural landform. Here is how we think that it is a natural landform, as it says in the article "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, se if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!"and it also says "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars. Even though we think it is natural landform you guys think that aliens have made it and your point is as it says in the article "The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face perhaps alien markings were hidden by haze." So as it says in the article "It's not easy to target Cydonia Mars Global Surveyor is a mapping spacecraft that normally looks straight down and scans the planet like a fax machine in narrow 2.5 km-wide strips we just don't pass over the face ver often." In conclusion even though the alien thing has a good point the pictures that Viking 1 and 2 got show that there are no alien markings and it is probably just a natural landform like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho or the Grand Canyon.
I think that the face on mars was made simply by nature and I think that it couldn't have been made by aliens. The reason that the face was made is just by lava that has made it into that form. The shape it is in is just a coincidince and it is truly one of a kind. The alien's markings were not there we proved that when Michael Malin and his "Mars Orbiter Camera" snapped a photo 10 times sharper and it was proven that the face was not an alien made feature but instead a landform beautifully to be there from nature. Aliens couldn't have made this landform or we would've seen them in a camera that we set in space to take pictures of planets like Space Orbiters. When we saw the landform we immediatley took a picture of it. We had to roll the space craft 25 degrees to center the face in the feild of view. We took a photo as soon as we could get a good shot at it. In conclusion, this landform couldn't have been made by aliens because there is no alien's markings and there isn't even any proof that it could have been alien's makings. This landform is made completely by nature and it is a very neat attraction and we should admire it but remember that it wasn't made by aliens.
The Seagoing Cowboys is an opportunity of a lifetime because of all the countrys and places you get to go to. Like in (paragraph 1) Luke got invited to go to Europe by his friend Don. You get to do things that you have probably never done before. In (paragraph 2) it says that you take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Seagoing Cowboys would let you see experiences that you have never seen before. In (paragraph 5) Luke says the cattle boat trips were an unbelivable opportunity for a small-town boy. (Paragraph 5) Luke says besides helping people I had the side benefits of seeing Europe and China. The article says in (paragraph 6) how hard it was to take care of the animals. Luke had to feed them two or three times a day. To be Seagoing Cowboys you have to want to work hard and like taking care of animals. Being Seagoing Cowboys would be really hard work but it would be a fun job to do. Luke says in (paragraph 9) being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for him. Luke says that it opened up the world to him and I am greatful for the opportunitys Luke says.
I think that the use of this technology for students is a very good use for it. You could use it to tell when a student was confused so they could get extra help. Another use would be if a student was bored you could change the lesson plan a little to get them more invested. It could also be used to tell when a student was interested so you know you are doing things right. Using this technology in schools would be an incredibly good use for it. Another good use for it in a school would be to tell when student get frusturated in class. It would make a teacher aware and perhaps try to help with or take away whatever is frusterating them. If a teacher was angry then the machine could suggest that they take a quick break. When people get mad bad things could happen so preventing or helping with frustrations is important. It could be used to help see what makes people upset and get someone to help them deal with it. It could also be used to help students who want to be therapists learn subtle facial clues to how people are feeling. Using the FACSfor learning what it was made to do would be a perfect use of the technology. Therapists could more accuratly see patients emotions when learning from a machine. As Dr Huang states in paragraph 4 "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal" meaning therapists could learn to see those and do their jobs better. If there was a scenario in school where someone was getting bullied you might be able to tell using the FACS seing the expression fear around certain people could be a tell that something is wrong. If a child was afraid around a parent that could be something to look into as well. It would be incredibly useful in finding out if something bad was happening to a kid. This kind of technology would make many things in schools much easier for student and teacher. It could keep students invested by knowing when they were not and help teachers understand what students have trouble with. It woud be a very useful piece of technology if used correctly.
A google cofounder, Sergey Brin, has invisioned a new public safety transportation system. His ide is driverless cars, the cars are expected to have many safety features, use less fuel, and expand carrying capacity. But are they really as safe as they are made out to be? How can this new idea affect manufacturers, drivers, owners, and insurance companies? Will this new technology solve any problems that drivers currently face, or could this vehicle create more? Technology often does not work as it is supposed to and this causes frustration. In this case, if the technology does not work as it should it could be at fault for human injure or even death. If the vehicle is on autopilot and isn't familiar with its location it is possible that the vehicle could go off course or glitch. In certain situations, the vehicle may not do what we think that it will do. It will need our assistance, but if we are not notified then a driver may not know and it cold cause an accident. This brings up the question asked in the pasage, would this be seen as the drivers fault or the manufacturers? Manufacturers and drivers may end up getting into many disputes over the technology within the vehicle. The problem is that the driver could ie and say that the vehicle never notified him/her even if they were actually controlling the vehicle. Insurance companies, manufacturers, and owners of these cars could be put into situations that they never woud have been put into if it weren't for the technology. Technology is a privledge, and it does not workm all of the time. Manufacturers will make thousands of hese vehicles, who's to say that you will be the one to be in the next newspaper add because your car didn't quite work as it was meant to? There is always a risk with everything that we do. Driving a car has a risk, you could be struck by a drunk driver or end up in a ditch. Things do happen, but these self driving cars can not fix all of these problems. There will still be other drivers who refuse to use the driverless cars and they could cause accidents. If a drunk driver is about to hit a driverless car, what makes you think that your safety is guaranteed? There is always a risk, question is whether or not the risk triumps the expected safety of the vehicles. Is it possible that the owners of these vehicles will be notified to take the wheel but instead they are asleep or not paying attention? Drivers could abuse the safety features of these vehicles and make it look as if it was the manufacturers faut rather than their own. The car watching the driver feature could help in this case but not in all cases. These cars can still be dangerous as far as safety goes. That does not make it a bad idea though. Problems could lead to solutions and solutions may lead to the success of the vehicles. Also, the idea of using less fuel and having a wider space capacity than most other vehicles is also a very good feature to the vehicles. But can the manufacturers pull it off? It is likely, but will it ever actually happen? These vehicles may appear sooner than we think, we'll just have to see if they become a success or just another idea that didn't meet its expectations. Only time will tell.
From small town suburbs to largely populated cities, car usage can drastically affect a community. In developed worlds, personal automobiles are an increasingly popular trend, and help people go about their day to day business. Many would rather drive down the street to a grocery store of job instead of walking there even though it is common knowledge that the pollution and other harmful emissions cars create is bad for the enviroment and the people living there. The question remains, what are the advantages of limiting car usage? Many believe that automobiles, especially the very popular "car", can be very bad for the enviroment. According to the article, "Paris bans driving due to smog", it explains how near-record pollution within Paris caused a partial driving ban. This was to help clean the smog infested air in the dense city. Although many delivery companies complained about lost revenue, congestion within the capitcal lowered by 60 percent. By Monday that week, "the smog cleared enough for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on tuesday". In another article called "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota", this one tells how Bogota, Columbia has also banned cars to promote alternate transportation and reduce smog. The ban is only for one day a year (called The Day Without Cars), but it's helped cause the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, new, smoot sidewalks, less traffic, and new restaurants and shopping areas. Business man, Carlos Plaza claims "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Both of these articles explain how limiting car usage in a city can be benificial to both the city and its residents. In addition, the United States in partaking in this quest for less cars as well. Article "The End of Car Culture" by Elizabeth Rosenthal shows us that "recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." It is possible that this is partially because of the recession; many Americans could not afford cars. Also, more center cities have made the "suburbs less appealing and has drawn the empty nesters back in".  If this goes on, scientists believe carbon emissions could greatly reduce and this will be extremely benifical for the enviroment. According to the Mr. Sivak's research, less and less people between the age of 16-39 have been getting licenses. More studies have concluded the same results, but only time will tell in this trend will continue. No matter the reason behind it, this example also demonstrates how limited car usage is benificial. On the other hand, some believe that less cars is NOT benificial. In source four, it claims that the lowered amount of people driving automobiles will be harmful to the profits of the car industry. To further explain, "companies like Ford and Mercedes are already rebranding themselves 'mobility' companies with a broader product range beyond the personal vehicle". This, without a doubt, is to combat the loss of sales and encourage people to continue buying their products. However, thos is pretty much all there is on the negative side of limited car usage. For the rest of the community, this doesn't affect them and is in fact quite benificial. Cars, both the rose and the thorns in a community and enviroment, can be both benificial and harmful to people, depending on who you are. For most regular pedeastrians and citizens within a city, less cars means less pollution, traffic, and stress. Unless you are a business owner of a car dealership or working for a delivery company, limited car usage means very postive things for social relationships, health, the enviroment, and general living conditions of a busy city. The less harmful emissions of gases from cars could greatly affect the outcome of our clean, energy efficient future.  
After reading this article, it changed my whole outlook on driverless cars. When I first Read about these specific cars I thought it was a bad idea. Due to the fact that they drive by themselves, but still alert the driver to take control, gave me a good thought. Although they're many pros and cons on this topic, The pros overweighs the cons in my opinion. One of the biggest persuasive fact in this article is that the car alerts the driver during complicated traffic issues. Which is completely better than a fully driverless car because if the manufacturer were to make a mistake it can not react fast enough like humans. To me, that would make car accident ratings go up. This car can also lower the rates of drunk driver crashes in a way. Just by the simple fact it can drive by itself but still alert the driver. I am for these cars. Thes cars can be the next big thing. These cars have drivern more than half a million miles without crashing. I also think they can benefit the new modern world and as the Google cofounder Sergey Brin believes, as well do I, these such cars can possibly change the future world.
Dear Senator, I argue in favor to changing the election by popular vote for the president. I aruge this because we aren't even really vote for a president, we are jsut voting for people who pick the president for what the passage says. In what's wrong with the electoral college , its says "voters vote not for the president, but for the slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. So this means we aren't even electing our own president, just people who do. which is not what everybody is thinking, everybody is thinking we are voting and we have that right and we have a say. But in all reality do we really? We are just voting for people not the president and i think it should be changed. Then the passage goes on about if you vote for a certain people you've voted for a slate of how ever many people to vote for our president. Now to me that doesnt sound very right, it sounds like we are just voting for pretty much nothing. That we just get to vote for nothing and it doesn't even really matter what our vote is and they're going to pick who they want. I really thinkg it should be changed becuz reading this passage makes me kind of not even want to vote. Because i feel like its not helping any and i think that should be chamged and we shoukd have more of a right to vote for the president. Senator, i dont think its a fair choose and it should be changed and so we can vote. People say its up to us be is it really, so i think it should be changed.
Do you think there are advantages to reducing car usage?  There are many advantages in limiting car usage.  Reducing car usage can decrease the amount of pollution and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  It can increase physical activity and decrease stress.  There can be numerous advantages when we reduce the amount of car usage. To begin, there are various advantages in reducing the amount of car usage.  Limiting car usage can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.  "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States."  ( In Germany Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal).  This is an example of how greenhouse gases are polluting the atmosphere; limiting car usage can reduce the amount of pollution being released.  "'It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,' said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza".  ( Car-free Day Is Spinning Into A Big Hit In Bogota by Andrew Selsky).  This is an example of the advantages of limiting car usage. In addition, some people may think that there are no advantages to limiting car usage; however, they don't think about how it can help the world around them.  Durning a car-free day in Bogota, people will use different transportations and avoid traffic jams.  "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." ( The End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal).  This is an example of how over the years, people are using less car fuel and reducing air pollution.  People are beginning to realize that buying a car is not a priority.  To reduce pollution and save movey, people car-pool with others.  "A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009..".  ( The End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal).  this states that the number of young people are not driving as much as they use to; therefore, it helps reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released and amount of people on the road. Finally, there are many advantages in limiting car usage.  Limiting the amount of car usage will reduce greenhouse gases, stress behind the wheel, and traffic jams.  Greenhouse gases can be very harmful when released into the atmosphere.  There may be less deaths due to crashes, and less frustration due to traffic.  There can be many advantages and people around the world should consider limiting their car usage.
global warming has been said to be a problem for years now. it has been said that we are slowly but surely destroying our o-zone layers. and air pollution is for sure one of the main causes. Smog levels have risen substancially and it shows, but there are more and more solutions that are begining to show. germany definitely has the right approach here. they live in what is pretty much a car free society. in a one square mile city of 5500 people, 70% of them do not have cars. everything in that city is within walking or biking distance so there is no need for one. having a society like this is also very stress relieving in a sense. you no longer have the every day stress of being on a highway or constantly alert for cars, a society like this is for the most part more laid back then a regular one. the amount of exercise is also increased here because you are walking or biking everywhere, you are constantly moving. it is something that every country should take into consideration. the long term effects of pollution will be detremental to our world and we know that. now is our time to fix that. tail pipe emission accounts for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in europe and up to 50% in dense cities in the United States. and after near record breaking pollution in just a matter of days, paris decided to put a partial ban on driving. by doing this congestion in the city was down 60%, and by doing this the smog cleared relatively quickly. in this short amount of time that driving was partially banned we were able to see a large decrease in not only pollution but the amount of congestion in a city. not only does this make everyday life safer for every day citizens but improves the living quality of all people by making the air and world cleaner. projects like this are showing multiple benefits and great long term affects, not only for car drivers but for pedestrians that are walking the streets to, if congestion in a busy city is down by that much it makes getting around a lot easier for someone who walks/bikes/or runs eveerywhere. i think its crucial for people to understand the upsides to having societies like this. grnated it will be hard to adjust to but the upsides to it will outwiegh the cons in the long run. a big thing to look at here in one of the benefits of having a car free society like this is not just the pollution but the exercise rate. as americans we are without a doubt an overweight country and thats obvious. what having something like this would do for us is incredible. even if it was a one day thing to try like Bogota, Colombia. once a year everyday they have what is called a "car free day" where everyone in the city is restricted from using cars unless it is a taxi or transit. this now enforces or allows if you will, everyone to ride a bike, skate, run, or walk to their destination. the streets are left practically empty. when you also do this you can bring improvements to your community. Bogota went from a cracked unevenly paved sidewalk to the replacement of smooth broad and even sidewalks. parks and sport centers have increased and blossomed all throughout the city, and you see the community just start to come together as a whole. Now with all this being said there obviously are still downsides to cutting out gas producing cars. weather being a main one. suppose it rains one day, how do you get to work? not only that but in warmer climates if you have to go a longer distance to get to your job it gets hot and if you are in your suit and tie you're going to be sweating. if you are a blue collar worker, you have equipment that you have to keep on you at all times not having a vehicle will restrict that. not being able to drive will also slow down many buisnesses that travel to someones home such as a lawn service or a plumber. if you work out of town how do you get to your job? people would have to leave their families and move closer to their workplace if they worked out of town or quit their job. there is a lot to take into consideration when you think about all the possibilities of creating a society like this. and the only way this could work is if it was incorporated the same way that it was for Vauban germany. if you had a one square mile society where everything was walking distance and your job was in the area then i believe it would be extremely beneficial, but areas like that are few and far between and making areas like that would change the geography of the entire country. by no means are we as a country (America) ready to change to this kind of society any time soon, but i do think that in due time we can benefit from this in a huge way. but there is a lot that has to change and our nation as a whole has to be willing to conform to this. there would be a substancial amount of change in this nation if this were to happen and we as a country are not one that necessarily likes change. we like our two car white pickett fence houses and cutting that out of everyones lives would no go over well with the majority of Americans. this is something that the future of America needs to seriously take into consideration. its appearant that we are destroying our world every single day and we are one of the main contributors. this is our chance to help ourselves and the generation to come, but are we willing to conform and put our luxiories aside for the greater good of mankind?
Dear senater I think you should change the election to the most popular vote because, the citizens should have a say on who they want running the country, it would make the process of voting for a new president a lot easer, and it will encorage more people to vote. I think you should change the election to the most popular vote because, the citizens should have a say on who they want running the country. Citizens should be able to make this choice because they are the ones that have to live with any new laws that are passed and made my the president. If the people voted for the president and the one they voted for one it would make them happy and exited to see what he will do with the country. If you where a voter and you only had the chance to vote for somebody that would vote for him thats not fare you would want to vote for the president yourself. Another reason why I think you should change the election to most popular vote is it would make the process of voting for a new president a lot easer. It would make it a lot easer by not having to vote for one person to vote for the president. In this procces there is multiple steps to doing it and I think it is a huge hastle to go through it when you could just let the citizens decide. If you did change it this way it would cost less money and stress on the people that have to help with this long proccess. My last reason why I think you should change the election to the most popular vote is because, it would encourage more people to vote. Right now people dont really care if they vote or not because some feel like they really have no say in it. The people would care about voting more if ther vote was going to who will the next president be this makes them want to vote. Imagine if you where a voter would you really want to go vote for somebody thats not going to be the president? If you change it and let citizens decide you will have a lot more voters. I think you should change the election to the most popular vote is because, the citisens should have a say on who they want running the country, it would make the procces of voting for a new president a lot easer, and it will encourage more people to vote. And this is what I think you should do to better the procces
I think that it would be useful if the computer could know and understand the emotion expressions of the students, but I don't think that it could actually happen. The reason why is because you could text someone and you could be playing around but they could take it as if you are mad or angry at them. For an example you and I could be texting back and forth and I could tell you something and you could say what ever and I could seriously take that into consideration that you are now mad at me. I peronally do not think that it could ever happen, but if it were ever to happen then yes I think that it could help the students. I personally think that it could possibly even help the students do better in school. If the computer were able to tell emotions and the expressions of the emotions, then I also fell that when a student is writing an essay and the teacher is reading it then they could tell how the student is feeling. Expessially if it is something that is serious and it is about the students childhood and their story is really depressing, then the teacher could understand the student more. That is the reson why, I think that it would be useful if the computer could know and understand the emotion expressions of the students, but I don't think that it could actually happen. The reason why is because you could text someone and you could be playing around but they could take it as if you are mad or angry at them.
studing venus can be very dangerous with how hot it is and how its the hottes planed even though murcury is the closest to the sun and the amountn of carbon dixide is really high. it is worth exploring because what if soething happens and we all need a place to go we cave a plane that is close enogh that we can go and it wouldnt be that hard. it could also not benefit us with the way the air pressure is if we get there and the air pressure is to high then it could kill us instently and there could be no point and going but if they figure out a way to get past the air pressure and make it safer then there are many reason to go and explore it and send a team of astronots to venus and let them set things up and do testing how the climat is and if there is a way to do the tsts that they need to to see if there is a way to live there and eventually build a whold nother home on that planet as "back up" planet. we need a back up planet that is closer than anyother planer and is we get on venus then it will be eaiser to look at other planets and explore and study them.
"In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities, and legislators are starting to act, if cautiously". Car redution helps the environment more than what people think it would. "President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions, unveiled last week, will get a fortuitos assist from an incipient shift in America behavior:recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by". Not having a car is better for you and the environment because not only would you be excercising by walking but there will be less pollution in the economy. Cars waste to much gas and have a lot of unnecessary waste in them that could end up to be one day global warming and kill of all the good air we breath in now. People should look in to not having a car and start walking, biking, skating and do more than what they use to do when they had a car. Paris, Germany, United States, New York, Colombia and many other places are starting be more car free because they heard what cars can do to the environment. According the text " in Colombia has a program that they started that spreads to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day the other day, leaving the streets of the capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams". The more and more people hear about this program the more people will get into the habbit of not havng a car or not using a car to go everywhere they have to go to. "If the patterns persists and many sociologists believe it will- it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source pf America's emissions, just behinfd power plants". Most people who are involved in the program see a huge difference in their community like the streets are cleaner, there are no traffic jams, the streets are safer, and there's less pollution in the air. As we all know that cars are sometimes important to us to get to where we need to get but is it really that important to us to have a car not really because if we would stop being lazy and just get up from our couches and walk, bike, or skate to where we needed to go we'll see that having a car is not as important as we used to think. In Colombia two other citizens joined the event and found that "these people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing broders". So really one program can change the whole world if people just joined and saw for them selves what a huge impact it can be on others. More parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city and there are more smooth sidewalks and restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. "Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift". New York also started there own program which is this biking-sharing program and it's skyrocketed bridge and the tunnel tools reflect those new priorities, and of course a proiferation of car-sharing program across the nation. In some cities you have to take a car like in San Francisco because everything is so far away and you can not walk to where you need to go it will take forever to get there walking which is understandable. But in other cities or places were everything is close to you then there's no point of taking a car instead of walking to the place you need to go to. Cars waste a lot of gas which means that gas prices go up way to much because of the usahe of cars instead of biking, skating, or walking. You get more done when your walking, biking, or skating because you are less worried about running out of gas or having to push the car to the nearest gas station.
Have you ever wanted to see the world? Have you ever wanted to be envolved, or help others? I think that you should be a Seagoing Cowboy. A Seagoing Cowboy gets to see places, and helps others. Here are some reasons why you should participate in this progarm. The first reason is you get to go places. I myself have been to Italy, to China, and many more. Sure you have to do work while your there, but you have freetime. You can go sight seeing. You can go to a restruant if you wanted. You can try new things like never before. The second reason is you help others. People have lost familes, homes, even pets. The least you can do is take care of animals that help them eat, drink and more. You are also saving animals, not just people. No, your not just helping people nor animals, your helping nations. My reason being, your doing the right thing, and that is most important thing to do in this job. Your envolved, not only with ur nation, but with the whole world! Your apart of something that is entertaining you, while your helping others. Your helping nations, communitys, states, and villages. Your helping the world.
Just think about, you in a new place. Some where you have never been before. Just emagine how awesome that would be. What if you were visiting new places while helping those in need. It will truly save a life. This is why you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program. Seagoing Cowboy program is amazing. Don't you want to be inspired to do good. Honestly helping someone would feel great. This program is also a great way to get in touch with nature on the sea. Plus the cattle that is on the boat and there is more from where that came from. Do you see now on why this is such a great job? Helping someone is a great job to have. Even the places you go will be a great learning experience. Learning different cultures and lauguges is a great way to get closer into loving this job. It is truly a life changing experience and this is something you really dont want to pass up.
Dear state senator, the people of the state want to choose the president by a popular vote of qualified for what president they want. The electoral vote college is more like a process that mean it's of 538 electors , if more than the half vote for the president he is elected, but the people of the state want the popular vote because they want to choose their president. Each candidate going for president has hes own group and the people of the states choose want side they want to be in, and what candidate they want to choose to be the next president, every 4 years they choose new candidates and presidents, in the electoral college the citizens dont vote for their president they vote for the ones who going to be the electors. The electoral college is outdated, unfair,and is not democratic, thats why the people of the state want the popular vote. thank you for your time to read this letter.
Mistaken Face NASA is a space program in the U.S. It has been for quite some time now. NASA has sent numerous things into space but one in specific has caused a great deal of curiosity through out the world. In 1976, a NASA spacecraft, Viking 1, took pictures of Mars and something unusual happened. A face apeared in a picture. At first NASA thought of the possibility of it being a foreign life form. But that possibility was stopped when scientists found out that it was just another Martian Mesa. A common landform on Mars. When the pictures were released to the public, many thought that NASA was lying, especially conspiracy theorists. They thought that NASA didn't want the public to know about an alien life form. That was very irrational. Many people don't like the idea of space exploration because they say it's a waste of money. If NASA encountered foreign life forms, it would only be benefitial to tell the public because then NASA would gain popolarity and skeptism of the program would decrease. Many people would be curios about it and would want to know more about the race. Therefore NASA would have a better reputation and be more popular because of their discovery. Secondly,technology has changed significantly since 1978. The original picture looks more like the face than any other one because of the old technology. In 1998, the picture looks more detailed. In 2001, it looks even more detailed. In 1976 the camera that took the photo only captured 43 meters per pixel making it much less definated compared to the picture taken in 2001 that captured 1.56 meters per pixel. This technology makes it less of a face. Finally, because of the newer and more advanced technology, NASA's scientists could look further in to the so called alien face. After studying it, the scientists concluded that the "face" was a mesa. A mesa isnt't only found on Mars. It can also be found on Earth. There is one in the Snake River Plain of Idaho and it even has the same height as the Face on Mars. The "face" is more of a natural landform than anything. New technoogy, comparable lndforms, and the explanation of how alien races would benefit NASA helped the space program prove conspiricy theorists and the public wrong. All of these supports are hard evidence that the face was a mesa in disguise. Although the finding of an alien race would be revolutionary, it's safe to say that the "face" isn't the discovery of one. We'll just have to wait until the future to encounter a race that isn't our own.
The author supports his main idea very clear on why studying Venus is worth it despite the dangers it presents. The author develops his claim through facts from NASA and facts about Venus. The writer of the story supports it by saying it will gain human curiosity, Venus once has been like Earth, and how electronic devices can melt due to Venus weather. First, the author supports the idea of exploring Venus because Venus once been like Earth. In paragraph 4 it states, " Astronmers are fascinates by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth- like planet in our solar system". Another example from paragraph 4 is, " Long ago, Venus was probaly covered largely with oceans and coul have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.". This illustrates how the author supports the idea of studying Venus because it can show how Venus was once like Earth and to astronomers see what happen to those features. It can show them how Earth was like a long time ago. In addition, the author supports his idea by telling the readers that it can gain human curiosity. In paragraph 8 the author states, " Striving to meet the challenge presentrd by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors". Another example from paragraph 4 is "...doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". These examples illustrate how the author supports his idea by saying that exploration to Venus can cause human to wonder how Venus was like. And to see the challenges Venus has despite the dangers that it comes with. Lastly, the author talks about how Venus weather is like. He tells the readers that it's a very harsh weather. In paragraph 7 the author states, " NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions". Another example from paragraph 7 is," Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin". This implifies to the authors support by stating that astrnomers should see what causes that weather and how they can study Venus in a safely matter. In conclusion, the author supports his idea in various ways. The authors tells the reader how Venus is as its own character. The authors tells the dangers of Venus . The writer showed his support by human curiosity, how Venus climate was, and how it was once made like Earth.
The author said that it is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents. In paragraph 2 it stares that Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hour. That in paragraph 6 it sates that most important that reseachers can't take sample of rocks, gas, or anything else from a distance. That scientists are trying to seek something that would get up close and personal despite the risk. In paragraph 6 it also states that Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. Also in paragraph 7 its states that by comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. In conclusion that it is pasable to studying Venus by use technology that can stand Venus risk and there are way for scientists to get close to Venus by use types of machine.
NASA often wonders about each planet and if they can support human life. They often send astronauts out to explore the other planets in our solar system and see what lies on the surface. Related to Earth, Mars and Venus are the only other two planets that relate most to the Earth in ways such as climate and being able to support human life. Studies have been done on Mars and the studies show that Mars is very similar to the Earth but they have not yet determined if the planet can provide life for humans. But what about Venus? It is very similar to Earth as well but why have no studies been recorded on Venus? Venus is often called the "Evening star" but it isn't actually a star, it's a planet. Venus is also called "Earth's twin" because of it's similarity in size and density to Earth. Venus, Earth and Mars all orbit the Sun, but at different speeds. These different speeds often result in humans being able to see Venus as if it is a star. Many spacecrafts have been sent to Venus to conduct stuides but none have ever been successful due to the conditons of Venus' surafce. I think that if humans could find a way to safely observe Venus and determine it's climate and what is on the surface, then it would be worth the risk of getting close to the planet. Astronomers wonder why the conditions of Venus are the way they are such as being draped in a thick layer of carbon dioxide and what could have caused it. They are also fascinated by the fact that Venus could have been able to sustain oceans like Earth does at one time but they just haven't found a way to get down the the surface yet. I think if NASA could find a way to get down to the surface of Venus it would be important because they could possibly come up with an answer as to why Venus is not able to support life. The terrain of Venus is very similar to Earth, such as having hills, valleys, and mountains which makes astronomers wonder if human life could have actually lived on this planet at one time. But if humans could actually get down to the surface of Venus we could possibly determine what is causing the carbon dioxide blanket or what is causing the conditions of Venus to become so extreme. Many people wonder, "well how could humans get down to Venus without risking their lives?" Humans cannot actually get down to the surface of Venus and have enough time to roam the surface of the planet and observe the causes of it's conditions because of the temperature and pressure beneath the cloud of carbon dioxide. Although these conditions are life threatening, NASA has came up with an idea to study and observe from a farther perspective. Planes hover over storms in order to keep passangers safe so NASA has came up with an idea to build a blimp like vehicle. This vehicle will be able to hover 30 or so miles above the atmosphere of Venus. By performing this experiment, humans will be able to safely observe the surface of Venus without putting themselves at any risk. Although if this experiment were to actually happen, the temperatures would still be very high but the air pressure would be suitable for humans. The other let down of being able to stay above the atmosphere of Venus is that not enough light would be able to shine through the atmosphere of Venus so that humans could have a clear visual as to what is on the surface. It would help human curiosity if this experiment could be conducted but many other risks play a big role in ths experiment as well. We have to think about the right materials needed in order to safely send humans into space near Venus and to also make sure they are able to safely return to Earth. If we send humans up into space we also want to make sure they have the proper equipment to keep themselve safe. They would also need to have a backup plan/procedure in case something were to go wrong. A humans curiosities about Venus can be met but the correct knowledge and protection qualifications have to be met first in order to conduct the experiment safely.
Since the first automobile was created, the car has been improved very much, and with it, its technology. They have been so far advanced that driverless cars are now becoming a possibility. Driverless cars would be better than traditionally driven cars in several ways. They would be, overall, more convenient. However, in the technological stage at which we are now in, driverless cars would not be completely safe. The technology at our disposal has come a long way, but to be completely safe, we need more it needs to be much more advanced. Much of the technology needed for driverless cars has already been created. The text states, "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." Most of what is needed is available now, but safety is the biggest concern with these 'smarter cars'. If driverless cars are created, they need to be able to be 100 percent safe. If there are any flaws, no matter how insignificant they may be, accidents could occur, and lives could be lost. For these cars to be completely driverless, they need to be able to safely operate without the need for attention from the passengers. The text also states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." If the passenger was not paying attention at the right time, an accident could easily occur. The passage also suggests forms of entertainment to occupy the passengers while the car is doing the driving. On the subject of entertainment, the text states, "Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays." These forms of entertainment would keep the passengers from being bored, but it would prevent them from being able to quickly take control when it is needed. The lives of the passengers are much more important than their boredom. If cars can safely become completely driverless, these entertainment options could be considered. Driverless cars would be very convenient for anyone who drives. For example, if a man was on his way home after a long day of work, he could be sleepy. A driverless car could get the man home safely without needing the him to remain focused on the road. These smarter cars could prevent accidents, too. With all the sensors on them, the car would stop faster than a human might. People get distracted, but the driverless car never would. However, the driverless cars that are avalable today sometimes require the attention of the passenger, who could be distracted. If that passenger was distracted, the result could be deadly. The concept of a driverless car is a very good one with several benefits. But right now, the technology needed for this has not been created; we are thinking ahead of our time. When technology has sufficiently advanced, driverless cars could become a reality. But until that time, the dreams of having a car that can drive itself must remain dreams.
Seagoing Cowboys is an oppurtunity to help countries in Europe that where left in ruins. The Seagoing Cowboys help people who are in need. Joining the Seagoing cowboys is a great experience. We help people who are in need. And when we help them, a great feeling runs through our whole body and it is a feeling that you can never get anywhere else. When you join, you have the oppourtunity to see new and different places than you are use to. We got the benefit of seeing Europe and China. We also saw the Acropolis in Greece; took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy; toured an excevated castle in Crete; and saw the Panama Canal on our way to China. The Seagoing Cowboys can have some fun after their work is done. On returning trips, after the animals had been unloaded frem their holds, the holds were used for games like baseball and volleyball. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. The seagoing cowboys is a great oppurtunity for a lot of things. You help those in need, can see places you havent seen before, and play games with your friends. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and everybody should take it.
The Challlenge of Exploring Venus The article is about venuse that some time called be the Evening star. Venus is actually a planet in the oue solar system. is on the brightest point of light in the night sky. It is the closest planet to the earth. and occasionally the closest in distance like Earth, Venus, and Mars, the other neighboer orbit the sun at different type of peeds mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and the other timer to the Venuse. We as a humans have sent numerous spacecraft to the land on cloud draped world. Venus reputation as a challenging planet for the human to be study by despite its proximity to us. `The 97 percent carbon diocide to a thck atmsphere of almost venuse. The planet surface temperatures average was over 800 degrees Fahrenteit. The atmospheric pressure 90 timer up graster the other planrt. venus has the most hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solae system. Venusian geology and the weather temperatures present additional impedimente-s like ower earthquakaker, they can kill people or make people sick. sacientists even discussing further to it surface, Astronomers are fascrinated ny the venus becanuse once have themost Eath like long ago. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. NASA has one particulartarly compelling idea for swending human to study Venus as possible has the solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venuse thta wopuld allow scientists to the float above the fray. air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Venus is from a ship orbiting that safely for above the planet can porvide only limited on the ground of condition because most form of the light cannot penetrate the dense. venus surface and have lasted fir three weeks such conditins. these devices were the first envisioned in the 1800s and plaed am important role in hte 1940 during world war ll. travelesls on Earth could be had but beyond should not be limeited the dangers thing that is happen should dould be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
A new technology, called the Facial Action Coding System, has been developed by Professor Thomas Huang from the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois and Professor Nicu Sebe from the University of Amsterdam. This software can analyze a face and determine which emotions are displayed. It creates a map of the face from either a picture or scan and then determines which muscles and regions of the face are contracted. This information is then used to determine the exact percentages of emotion in the face. While this technology is incredible and definitely will have various areas of use, the classroom is not one of these areas as there are already more efficient and more cost-effective methods to determine a student's comprehension of a topic. In schools today, this facial recognition and emotional analysis is already in use. As the author of "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Nick D'Alto, states, "[...] humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' every day" (D'Alto 5). While teachers teach lessons or assist an individual student, they can observe the student's face and can determine how the student is reacting to the material. A machine is not required to do this action, and it would cost much more than a teacher who can already perform the same task and teach the lesson accordingly. Perhaps if both the teaching and facial analysis was done by a computer, then using this technology in online classrooms may be worthwhile. Dr. Huang predicts that "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' [...] 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor'" (D'Alto 6). The problem with this solution is that there are already websites such as Khan Academy that teach the student and analyze their performance without the need for invasive methods such as constantly recording the student's face. Khan Academy simply asks students questions as it teaches or gives interactive activities that record the performance and help them see what they currently comprehend and what they need to review more. This method already functions very well and is personalized, therefore bringing in a new and more invasive performance analysis method into online learning is not necessary at all. As if the previous two points were not enough, this new technology requires more computing power than your average household or school computer has. As D'Alto explains, "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile" (D'Alto 7). The implemenation of this software would require heavy upgrades to processing power in every computer that would be running it which would be incredibly expensive. Many schools and households do not have the money for this kind of large-scale upgrade to their computers. Moreover, this would be an expense with little benefit because everything this software is capable of can already be performed better, cheaper, and more efficiently by teachers and websites. While this new software certainly is impressive, it simply is not necessary in the classroom. Human teachers can already analyze their students' emotions and interact with them directly, and existing learning websites such as Khan Academy analyize performance with questions and activities without being invasive to the students' privacy. Neither of these methods use the high processing power required to use this technology, and neither come with the significant cost of upgrades and other implementation fees. All in all, this innovation has no place in the classroom at this current time.
Have you ever been told what your emotional expression is by a computer. A new software has been made that can recognize emotions. It has been made to develop better ways for humans and computers to communicate. The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. First, it constructs a 3-D model of the face and the muscels in the software must move like human muscles. It makes an exact replica of your face and your face muscles. It shows you your emotion by using the location of your face muscles. For example in paragraph 3 it states," Your frontalis par leteralis muscle raises your eyebrows when you're surprised." Second, It can tell you if you have mixed emotions. It can calculate exact emotions while we can partialy do this. In paragraph 5 it states that " You can probally tell how a freind is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." The computer can show you this. Third, The computer can help you by knowing what your emotion is. It can see when your happy looking at something so it can show you more stuff like that. It can see when your sad so it wont show you more stuff like that. It can see when your confused at something and so it can explain it to you differently so you wont be confused. In conclusion, The computer constructs and exact replica of your face and your face muscles. It can tell you your exact emotion or mixed emotions. It can help you feel happy by showing you what you want to see and not showing you what you dont want to see. It can help teach you things that you differenly by showing it to you differently if it sees that you are confused. The technology to read a students expression in a classroom is valuable.
The Face from Mars is just a natural landform and not something an alien created because there's is no life in Mars that we know of. NASA also used a camera's absolute maximum resolution to see if it was created by someone or something. In the article, in paragraph 10, says "On April 8, 2001- a cloudless summer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look." That is when they used the camera's absolute maximum resolution to capture photographs of the Face. The camera could see airplanes on the ground or even pyramids made my Egyptian from Earth. Also, On April 5, 1998 when MGS flew over Cydonia for the first time, ten pictures were taken. These ten pictures showed no signs of alien activity. They were just landforms. Then, the day had finally came. The day of true, so the true was that the Face was just a landform. This landform looked like landforms from the American West. In the last paragraph it states "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." This is why the Face in Mars can't be something created by aliens. It was just a landform created by nature. There is no doubt about it NASA as prove it by supporting their cliam. Thier no life in Mars that we know of so till then. The face is just a landform.
Cars during this time are banned from Vauban, Germany. Many reasons why they had a this ruling over cars. To have a home in Vauben, Germany, you have to give up your own car to own a house in that area. Till this day, Vauban, Germany have still hade the rule to not have cars in that area. People nowadays want towns like Levittown and Scarsdale which is located in New York. Paris is another city who had banned cars for a period of time. Due to smog Paris needed to limit the use of cars and only use buses and taxis for transportation. If you broke the law and useed your car, you had to pay a fine off 22 euros ($31). Paris and Beijing, China were neck at neck with the worlds most polluted cities. This was a difficult time during the east coast of thr world. In Bogota, Colombia during a car-free day people would skate, take buses, biked , hiked, etc. Peolpe who violated this rule would have to pay a $25 fine. Bogota only did that to reduce pollution and smog from the air. The majority of the people did not care abou t not taking cars as transportation. They enjoyed going outside to walk to places and to enjoy the weather even if it was cloudy or raining. The United States is trying to be more efficiant and trying not to use cars as much. People who are being "green" use the diesel gas to fill up there car. They also love to car pull people. Some of them do not even use cars to transport themselves to other places, some use horses, skateboarding, biking, etc.            
I think the NASA are just lying so they can caught attantion to the public plus i think that the NASA just made the face by them self and made it look like it was there before they get to mars, and there is no such as alien the NASA are just lying to make it realistic and in the artical they said this might caught attation to the public and it really did, even tho there was an alien, the how can the alien know hwo human faces look like, it not impossible plus the alien won't even know how to draw, alien don't have brain's they are just a creature living with out brain's so I'm not gonna believe that their are alien or the human face that had been discovered by the scientist i think it just a lie or they just make it up, i think the public shouldn't belive it either. But it up to them im just saying that it a lie.
Mistaken for a star, the planet, Venus is the second planet from our sun and nearly Earth's twin sister. Look more closely, it has proven to be a very challenging place to study closely. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, because It is Earth's twin, life used to be on it, and it is making scientist curious and wanting to get on Venus. It is said that the planet, Venus, is Earth's twin. Venus is the closest planet to Earth by denisty and size, it is occasionally the closest in distance too. The close planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars orbit the sun at different speeds. Earth is sometimes closer to Mars and sometimes closer to Venus. The Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like eripting volcaneos, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes just like Earth has. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and creaters. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to stufy Venus. Their possible solution to the hostole conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Our jet airplanes would travel at a higher altitude to fly over many stroms. 30-plus miles above the surface, the tempertures would still be really hot at around 170 degrees, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level on Eath. Radiation would not exceed Earth levels and Solar power would be plentiful. These are not easy condititons for a human but survivable. Humans have sent countless spacecrafts to land on Venus, which none of them survived the landing for more than a few hours. No humans were ever aboard. Venus's has a thick atomosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets and there are clouds od highly corrosive sulfuri acid in the atmostphere. Venus has the hottest furface tempture of any planet in our solar system. Dispite the dangers Earth's twin brings, Venus is still worth Exploring and having a chance to be explored. This planet has a lot of challenges but NASA is already finding a way past them, making it to where humanity still has a chance.
Twenty-five years ago NASA had found something on thr planet Mars. Many people for twenty-five years have wondered if the "Unmasking the Face on Mars' was really made by aliens and if could be a accient artifact left behind by aliens. "The Unmasking the Face on Mars" had probably lead lots of people to thinking that their could be a really big chance of aliens being real. Ever since the face on Mars was discoverd lots of people thought that their really could be alien life it could be just a natural piece of landform on the planet Mars. If you look closley at the 1976 picture its a low quality picture since its from 1976 than twenty-three years later in 1998 it was taken again lots of people who had seen it were not sastisfed it was a winter april in 1998 it was also a cloudy time of year on Mars. Even though the cameras took the picture ten times sharper it had been really cloudy so you could barley see the picture to have real proof if it was created by aliens. Later in 2001 they had gave it a other shot making it the most recent. The 2001 picture had still been some what the same as the 1976 picture. To me its just a normal natural landform that was created itself by the planet. lots of things on earth look like other things it is just the way the landfrom is created into.
Now a days cars and other veicles are the cause of many situations that many places in the world have to deal with. Indeed they do get us to our destination faster, but at what cost? We drive faster so that the earth can die slowly. Cars and veicles are to be blamned for earths killer POLUTION. There are some up and downs to faster transportation for example, time  management we get tomplaces in one-third of the time we would if we would go walking to our destination. We wouldn't be freezing when it's called and sweating when it's hot. The down information is that the government waste a lot of money on gas, and car prices, even on fast food resturants. The truth is we dont even need cars, we WANT cars we don't NEED cars, theres a difference of the words and there meanings. For example in the story In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, studies show that 70% of Vauban's families do not own any type of veicles, and 57% sold their veicle just to move there. "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and a mother of two. Polution...... It kills the earth and infact us aswell very slowly. Each year the government has to waste thousands of dollars to keep producing greenhouses because the use of any type of veicle is monumentous. If we keep doing what we doing there won't be an earth to live on at all. Cars aren't the only thing to blame for polution, we also have to blmame HUMANS, they know using a veicle too much consists on the consumption of gas which creates polution, but they still go out and drive for hours and hours just wasting there whole intire tank of gas. For example 50% of all cars inEurope (which is half of all people with any type of car) produce fuems, (polution) that require our government to develope greenhouses, which waste money aswell. If we spend all day driving, we let out into the atmosphere some toxic fuems that kills the earth and us aswell. Then making the government waste money to make greenhouses to try to at least advance humans lives for a couple more hundreds of years. Up to 50% of car-intensive ares in America, are to blame for the development of greenhouses, stated in the article called In German Suburbs, Life Goes On Without Cars.  
Everyone loves fast, loud cars. The kind that make loud screeches, and speed away from the police in our favorite action movies. But in a social sense personal vehicles seem to be going out of style, especially in America's youth. Not only are less young people attaining their licenses, but simply less people are driving. Some countires put restrictions on driving to limit the excessive ammount of polution produced, and finding the effects to be quite positive. Is it time for the world to move on, and stop using this massive cause of pollution on our planet? In the years of 2001-2009 there appears to be a very noticable social shift. Young drivers, between 16 & 21, have started to give up the desire to operate a motor vehicle, we know this from the 23% decrease in legal teens on the road. First thinking about that, I felt it was a bit exaggerated and mostly caused by urbanized cities where everything is walking distance. But then I thought, not about others but about me, personally. I recently turned 16 and I have yet to attain my license. My lack of desire to get it shocked my parents, they would continuously tell me how quickly they got their license. It's not that I didn't want to drive, I just didn't have the effort to pay the ridiculous sum of money to sit through headache inducing online modules that our state requires. The average number of miles driven by American citizens is also steadily decreasing. Studies show the number of miles per person peaked in 2005. Eight years after that in April of 2013, the average had dropped nearly 9%. This may not seem like an abundance (it is), but that put the number right back where it was in January of 1995. That means after the driving peak, eight years went by, and then it was right back where it was 10 years before the climax. Not only is the driving of young people in America dropping, but the entire driving population in our country has a whole has dropped. Many countries are noticing the changes in their enviroment, the large amount of pollution that their land is withstanding. In an effort to fight this, places like Paris, France as well as Bogota, Columbia have initialed "no-drive-days." France being more congested, ordered that people with even number plates not drive one day and then odd number plates not drive the next to reduce smog and congestion in their city. Smaller places like Bogota and a few cities surrounding it have gotten their population to be completely on board with parking the cars for a day or two. Maybe people are starting to catch on, its not smart to intentionally pollute our planet for our convenience. Socially, car use is declining. For the sake of the only planet we have, car use is definitely declining. The only "consequence" is that large car producers will go out of business if they can't think of a different product to provide. But morally, should we focus on benifitting big business or our earth? Cars are a very convenient source of transportation and walking everywhere wouldn't necessarily be fun. But when the consequences are weighed, which would be more benificial in the long run? So lets abolish cars, for the only planet we have.
Some of te advantages of using cars less would be less pouilletion. Another one is it will be safer becasue less likely to hit another car or something. Studies show that nearly 10% of americans are getting in to car accdents might not sound like much but it is. Greenhouse gases are a big problem caused by the use of cars. Cars peduce furms that hurt the o-zone layer. If you dont know what the o-zone layer is it is the part of the earth that helps pertect us from uv rays that can cause cancer. I think that there sould be a car free day in america becasue it seems to have helped Bogota, Colombia. In the passage it says that the it helped with reducing the traffic and it helps take awat stress and lowers air pollution. The aritcle says that these people are generating a revolutionary change. Municipal authorites from other countires came to see the event and were ethusiastic about it. This event is starting to spread to differnt cities in Colombie like Cali, Vallediupar.          
I think that using technology to read a persons emotions could work. I think it could work in lots of ways like being able to read a students emotion might help you make them feel better. The article states that if a person is down a happy ad of some sort might make them feel better. Using technology to read peoples emotions is also a good way to tell if somone is mad and would rather be left alone or sad and would like the support of friends and family. Using technology for emotions is a very good way to tell if thats why somone is not doing their very best at work or at school you can use that technology to tell if they are sad. using technology is a great way for people to see other peoples emotions because emotions are universal and knowing someons emotions is important. Emotions are a big part of life and emotions can almost determine how are day goes like if you're happy you might be happy the rest of the day or mad you might be mad all day or even suprised you migh be in shock all day. Emotions are apart of who we are so being able to tell another persons emotions might help us. It could even help us with doctors one might be sad and down all the time but not look it but with this new technology a doctor could tell that the person might be depressed. A persons emotions can change every day like being frightend if we had this new technology people would be able to detect if somone is frightend. Some people have trouble explaining how they feel and we wouldnt have to worry about that anymore because we have thought of a new way to tell. Using a device to help tell a persons emotions this is a great new way to help everyone. Thats why I think that using a new device to detect a persons emotions would help alot.
The Facial Action Coding System takes science to a whole new level. Once people are able to read facial expressions, communication becomes much easier. Humans communicate mostly by thier own faces. We humans have come to know that reading a persons face can tell a lot about them. Having facial recognition in schools will help the students. Going to school is a new experience everday. Seeing new people in the halls to trying to figure out a new lesson in class. Each student has their own way of learning. Communicating with peers. With all the same boring lessons everyday, school can become a boring learning enviroment. Facial recognition would change how students think of thier learning enviroments. In the article Dr. Huang predicts that if FACS is used in a learning enviroment the lessons would be changed by looking at the students facial expressions. The computer could see if the sudents were becoimg bored or confused. The computer then would change the lesson to make the students become more engaged. This would help the students focus more and understand the lesson. Maximizing the lesson to the best of its ablility to help the students. This technology would help the students feel like the lesson isn't boring. The facial features of every person are different. The classroom is filled with twenty to thirty faces every class. With the new FACS system would help the teachers and students become more active with thier lesson. By reading the faces of the students the FACS changes the lesson. Thus making the lesson more enjoyable for everyone. In conclusion, having a learning enviroment that functions for youself and with others is the greatest possible outcome. The FACS in the classroom would maximize everyone's lerning ablility. If you get the maximum learning ablity out of a lesson, the lesson shoulnd't have to be retaught. Intern, students are getting the most out of the lesson everyday and not being bored by learning the same lessons.
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students is a good idea. Some students want there emtions to them selfs and want to know there emitons. ''She's 82 percent happy. 9 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This new technology can calculate your emtions like math. Also using ''video imagery, the new emtion-recognition software tracks these facial movments - in a real face or in the painrted face of Mona Lisa.'' It can define the emotion of a real human and in a painting. There technology is very intresting they construct a 3-D computer model to the face. instead of humans trying to find out calculations them selfs they can use the new technology. Humans can perform the same way as the new technology even tho they are gonna have to estimate the percentigs. Also can tell when children or students are tired or bored or falling as sleep so then the technolgy '' could modity the lesson, like and effective human instructor. The same technology can make computers-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery.'' so it can keep the students on track and still learn on there school lessons and wont get behind. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emtions. Students can change there face exprishions but the new technolgy can tell that not there real expertion. The new use of this technology to read the emtional expersions of students is a good idea. The technology will be a helpful thing in the near future for all of the school to keep the studetns on track and wont get lost on there lessons. this new technolgy wlll help students alot.
Is it a face or a landform? In the images captured by the MGS, showed what looked like a face, but starts to shape differently over the years making it seem like a landform. "An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be starring back at the cameras from a region." The "enormous head nearly two miles end to end" seems to be a landform. As thee has been no sign of life on Mars yet, as NASA says, it could not be a human face. After going back snapping more pictures of the formation, NASA finally got a better look and said "There was no alien monument after all." As said by cheif scientist Jim Gavin. Finally, the evidence comes to life as NASA says "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American west." proving that the picture of " the human head" is in fact a landform.
The author gives lots of evidence and resons on this idea throughout the article. The author also gives some facts that really helps supports this idea. There are some really good things that are in the article that gives this claim some meaning. In all, the author did really good with this article and also put some good time into this article too. I enjoyed reading this and learned some interesting facts about Venus. One major things that caught my eye was that the author used NASA as some research in his article. He also uses NASA as a resource to help with the support of this idea. NASA is a wide known for space exploration and research for our solor system. At the beginning of the article, there is an introduction that gives some intesting facts about Venus. The author also talks about where Venus is in our solor system and how it is related to earth. This is a very good start in the introduction of Venus and what the article is about. In the third paragraph, he talks about what Venus atmosphere is like. There is termperature facts and the air you need to breath is useable. This starts to bring up the question. Is Venus worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents? The fourth paragraph, he talks about the terrain. This starts to bring up the question even more than before. In paragraphs 5-7 NASA is the main idea for those paragraphs. In those paragraphs also NASA research and facts are presented about this topic. The last paragraph has a powerful meaning and a idea that is very strong. These facts lead to the evidence is many ways. Facts are what built and help evidence today. There is a lot of evidence that support my claim. Here is a couple of pieces of evidence taht support my claim. The first piece is that the author used NASA. NASA has done a lot of research about this topic. The second piece is that he used lots of facts to convince the reader taht he has put some time into makeing this article. This helps show that the author did really good in presenting the topic and give some really good evidence to back up his article.
Exploring planet Venus is difficult and dangerous. In the text it says that "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system". Astronomers have shown that Venos may have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. Solar power would would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed levels. It wouldn't be easy but it would be survivable for humans. NASA wants to hover above Venos so it wouldn't be that dangerous going on the ground but that means they will be 30 miles above it. They can't reall get samples of rocks, gas, or anything because of how far away they are from planet Venus. NASA is alwso thinking about sending mechanical computers to the planet so they could see from the computers point of view. A mechanical computer was first made in the 1800's and they are very powerful and quick but could be really delicate to physical conditions.
In the article The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports this idea because in paragraph 4 he says "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well have once been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like earth. today, venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and it includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive". He also says that "Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endevours. Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". This shows that the author supports his idea of studying venus and that it is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
Is it a really a good thing to read someone emotions? well it is, if you see someone who's mad, sad, fearful, you can help them to calm down, to feel better, or to feel less scare. emotions really lets someone to show everyone how they feel. But using the Facial Action Coding System (or FACS) on classroom full with students could be a good/bad idea. One teachers can see if students are confuse or lost, two they see if there's something wrong with one of the students, three some students don't want their's teachers to be in their's problems. Before I explain more about why it's a good idea for teachers, I want to talk about how i feel about FACS. It something that i never heard about and i think it's somewhat a good idea, but i dont recommaning it to put it in a A.I. It would get a bit weird and creepy if it's in a robot, but that's how i feel about it. Back to the topic, if a teacher is given out a lesson and some students don't get it they use the FACS to see if they get it or don't. They can even use it as they teach and see what they in to work on long until they understand the lessons or topics. You know how some teachers would ask the class how are they doing before they start the lesson? well there are some teachers who don't ask that but do care for their's students. If they use the FACS before they start class and see someone depress or sad they can wirte their names down on a note or peice of paper and after class or school they talk to them one on one to see whats wrong or if there ok. they can even try to help them or make them feel better. There are some students who need help or need to talk with someone, but they chose not to get help because they feel like it's gonna make it worst for them. I know some people who really need some help but they dont want to get help, but we had they FACS in my school they get help faster. than again they would get mad with teachers fast becuase they don't teachers to help them with their problems. Thats what's I got to say about the FACS being a classroom. It would be really helpfull for teachers, but some students would be annoy by it easily or would think that teachers are trying to be apart of there personal lives.
Could this be a total fail? Should we be able to let schools use this device? Could the machine be a waist of time? Should the info provided by the machine lead to somting bigger than just emotions? This divce could either help people or desroy people in its own way: or it could also be a complete fail. The use of this device in class rooms would be great in a way;so the teachers could see whats going on with one of there students. On a total other note not every one can express there feelings through facial expresions; even some people tend to portray others emotional states wich leads to imataion. So personally I would not want to have this at my school. For there will be a complete disaster (people can always fake ). In the text the writer was talking about "empathy (the feeling of someone elses emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate other persons facial expreions'(found in paragraph 9).Another example from the text would be we dont neccacerly need a machine to predict others emotuions. In the text it stated that to an expert faces dont lie ;that muscles are a clue .Also that a false smile can be predicted by the facial mucles: in the text it stated that "the mouth is stretched side ways using zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risourius". In conclusion the machine would not be valuable in a class room. There are many other things to focus on/in class that using the machine would be a complete waist of time. A way students could be checked on instead is by communicting with them or directing them in the correct direction.
Dear Senator PROPER_NAME, As you are well aware, elections in the United States are of extreme importance. Therefore, it is vital to have the best system possible when electing officials. Maintaining the current system of Electoral College would be a fatal mistake to our country. We must elect canidates by poular vote alone. According to the articele The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Pulumer, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Beccause of the winner-take all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." Americans who are voting the the next president should have the right to hear what canidates have to say. They may be the only one in their state who is not a democrat, but shouln't their vote still be heard. The article also states that, "Perhaps most morrying is the prospect of a tie in the elctoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the Houise of Representatives, where sate delegations vote on the president." Shouldn't the American people get to decide who their president is?! We fought a war so that we would be able to govern ourselves. If the House of Representatives are allowed to choose our president, then why did why fight the war againg Great Britain? It isn't right. Though the article In Defense of the Electoral Collge: Five Reasons to keep our despised methos of choosing the President sates that "it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not be the winner of the popular vote. Yet that has happened very rarely." The opposition even admits that the President may not be who the nation wants as their leader. That should never happen. As you see Senator, Electoral College must be abolished by any means neccessary. To keep such an unjust system goes against the very principle the America was founded on. "We the people..." It was not "We the government..." or "We the rulers...". How can we claim to be a nation of liberty when the citizend are unable to determine who their president should be. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
I am going to tell you why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. There are a lot of reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. If you like helping people the Seagoing Cowboys program because what they would do is that during World War II they would give some counties that were in World War II food, supplies, animals, and more. If you want to know the name of the group it is UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabiltation Administration).I know it is long and hard to remeber but if you join for your freetime you can traval to cool places around the world. The best part is that 44 nations will join. Another reason why you should join the Seragoing Cowboys program if you like animals you should go becase the UNRRA will be sending animals over seas on a boat to counties that are over seas. Second is you want to make freinds when you there cause there are going to have a lot of people that you can make freinds with. there are a lot of reason but those are all i can think of hopefully you join. So those are some of the reasons that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Exploring venus is a worthy pursuit despite it's dangers. This is what the story is all about im only here to show you textual evidence that that is what the story is really about. In the story the author says venus is our sister planet its surface is the closest to earth but its atmosphere is dangerously hot, 800 degrees to be exact. Therefor we would not be able to survive on this planet. not only is it very hot the atmosphere is full of carbon dioxide which is very bad for us to breath in. If we explore venus what would we find, in the story it says that the surface is full of "rocky sediment" and includes familiar earth like features like valleys, mountain ranges, and craters. The only reason they are still studying it is because it might have had past life on it, and if the atmosphere was'nt full of acid and carbon dioxide we would be able to enhabit the planet if earth was ever destroyed. Not only is the surface and atmosphere dangerous so are the clouds. The clouds are ful of sulfuric acids and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than earth.Venus is a worthy pursuit because, we would get to learn about what type of life this planet used to hold and because it is so much like our home plane earth. Exploration is worth the dangers to figure out if we are the only life in the galaxy. Close exploratio must happen in conclusion NASA must find a way to make heat proof suits that are able to withstand the rough pressures of this planet we all know as Venus. The author made many valid points on how dangerous it would be to explore te surface of the planet and all we can do is wait for the technology to advance enough to make indestructable rocket ships.
Thomas Haung made a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model for the face. All 44 major muscels in the model must move like human muscels. I think this system should be added in schools because during school teachers will know how their students are feeling. In the passage it states that a teacher points out that this system can recognize when a student is confused or bored. This system is really useful in my opinion, because you can recognize all emotions someone is feeling. You can recognize by looking at them but only 1 or 2. with this new system you can find them all. Another reason why this system is a good idea is because even if the person is trying to hide their emotions you can still find it. This new sytem is a great idea/invention. this needs to be known. mor people need to know about this amazing idea. All in all, i think this is a great system and they should add it to schools. It will help teachers and students. You will recognize every emotion the student feels. It can help lots of people. What do you think?
Being a Seagoing Cowboy can be very hard, but it can also be super fun I enjoyed being a Seagoing Cowboy, and there are lots of reasons why. I think it is a great idea to participate in this program. Here are a few reasons why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. One of the best parts of participating in this program is visiting lots of new places. I was a small town boy and it was very interesting to get to go to all of these places. One of the places I went was Venice, Italy. I also got the opportunity to go to Greece and see the Acropolis. Another great part of participating in the program is that you can make lots of new friends. On the return trips I played lots of games with the other cowboys. This helped me make lots of friends. Some of the games we played were baseball, volleyball, and table-tennis. A very important part on participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program was helping countries that needed help. Lots of countries were tring to recover from World War 2. It was very rewarding to know that this is helping lots of people. It is also good to know that you are the ones helping and you know that these countries are getting what they need. I think it is a very good idea to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It is rewarding, fun, and takes you places you would never think you could go to. Joining this program is a very great thing to do.
After the reserch I have done I think that changeing the system would be a good idea because of the following reasons, its not really fair because your not actually voteing for the president, but for a slate of electors, also becuse of the candidates are more focused on the bigg states, and the swing states. The first reason that changing the system is a good idea is that lots of people think that it is unfair. Like in source 2 by Brandford Plumer, "If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John kerry, You'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry." but if the electors dont win the statewide election he wouldnt get the votes, so its like your vote didn't even count. The winner take all system is unfair because your actualy not choosing your own president. The next problem are the big staes. The candidates dont spend many time is the small state because they now that those votes won't really help them win so the go to the bigger states where they now they will get more votes. In source 3 by Richard A. Posner says " a large state gets more attention form presidential candidates in a campain than a small state dose." For example in 2012 obama won the votes from florida, get got 29 electoral votes. But if he were to go to a small state and won he would only get a few votes, so its not fair for the smaller states and it's not equal. The finall issue are the swing states. Candidates focus more on the toss-up states. In these states they spend more time and give out more information because in these states the people really pay colse attention to the campain. The candidates dont spend any time int the staes they now they no chances for winning, that why durind the 2000 campain, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all! In response, based from the followin informatom given I think that The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. It should not be the elecotal votes that matter it should be the peoples votes. Also some states dojnt even hear from the candidates because they are busy with the big staes and trying to win over the swing states. If you do change the system you will make lots of people happy and I think that it will work out well for the U.S and everything will be equal.
I think The Facial Action Coding System should be put into classrooms. The Facial Action Coding System is a system that enables computers to identify human emotions. This a real system that actually works it scans your face to see what emotions you have. In order for this to work the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. I think the use of this in a classroom is going to workout great for the students and the teachers. If you have the Face Action Coding System in the classroom the teachers can scan the faces of there students will the teacher is teaching them a lesson. After it scans the faces of the students the teacher can then see if the students are enjoying the lesson or if they aren't enjoying. This could change the way teachers teach kids by doing stuff creative different days so the kids will enjoy what they are being taught. Instead of being upset about what they are learning. This is also a good idea for teacher as well to see if there students are having a hard time or if they are upset about something. Some kids don't like to talk about what they are upset about unless someone ask them first. The face scaning decive will be a helpful thing to put in a classroom. plsu while your face is geting scanned you have to make a happy face therefore the experiment will make you slightly happy. I think they should start putting these in the classrooms now. Having these in the class will make kids want to learn and the teachers will be able teach the kids because the kids will be focused. It will be a great thing to have in a school it's always good to see the emotions of the kids in the classroom. Even for the teachers if the teacher is uspet the students can see his emotions with the face scanner. All in all i think they should start putting them in classrooms. I am for the use of this technology as me being a student i think something like this would be a cool thing to have in my school.
When trying to mass produce smart, driverless cars you need stupid people that hate the world to make up some stupid reason as to why you can't possibly have overly used, technological cars. My position on driverless cars is I think they are making you seem as though you are not knowlegable enough to drive like a normal human being. "Without the option of smarter roads, manufacturers turned to smarter cars—but how much smarter did the cars need to be? For starters, they needed a whole lot of sensors." They are telling us that we clearly can't make smart roads. Is there actually such thing as a smart road without the use of modern technology to make the roads smart? No. Why are they saying that roads aren't smart? It's not like we can make concrete have a sustainable life to get it an education and to become smarter. However, on how technlogically advanced we are getting we might just have some cars that can drive themselves. That would be pretty awesome in my opinion, but that is also telling us that we need to have fewer brain cells on how to operate a car. "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." his is telling us that at least one human needs to be in the car at all times to insure that the car doesn't do something stupid. When humans don't need to drive I could see a lot more accidents happening than when we were actually driving and had the knowlege on how to drive and be safe on the roads. In conclusion the big car companies are still going to try to be the first ones to make a self driving car. When they do make the first car I want to see the car not get in a wreck within the first month of a teen driving it to change my opinion if they get in more wrecks or not.
Seagoing Cowboys:Helping others and so much more Do you like traveling, caring for animals, and helping others? Then, the Seagoing Cowboys program is just for you. Luke Bomberger, one of the members, loves his experience with the Seagoing Cowboys. He has done so many things to help the people in need of desperate help. Seagoing Cowboys help others, have to take care of animals, and people who join get to travel often. First, this program helps others who are in need of help. Some may say, neighbors in their neighborhood could help them. However, some of the people the program has helped were just in a feirce war, you can't even tell it was once a beautiful neighborhood. The progam helped people in Europe just after World War II. I belive the program is really thoughtful, even to people in other countries. Secondly, the program takes care of animals. Others may believe, they don't need to take care of the animals to help the humans. On the other hand, the animals provide meat, milk, and eggs. The animals will also provide clothing to the humans, the sheep give them wool. I infer animals are really useful animals and good to take care of. Lastly, people who join travel often. Others may say, you might get injured with all the wars going on. However, most people who go arrive after the war ends so saftey is not a problem. The only time you might get hurt is when you mess around on the ship. This shows, traveling is not a problem, unless you get seasick. The Seagoing Cowboys program helps others, take care of animals, and they get to travel often. Luke Bomberger has crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean 2 times just to help people in need. So I suggest that you should join the Seagoing Cowby program don't wait, come on down, today!
Every day more and more people are surrounded by a toxic smog. This is caused by burning fossil fuels like gasoline, oil, and natural gasses. One of the main reasons toxic smog comes up is because of the mass amounts of vehicles on the road. Organizations and governments from around the word are trying to find a solution to our pollution problem. But when you think about it a car free world wouldnt be all that bad. There are many pros for limiting car use. imagine breathing in the fresh air and seeing the beutiful skys above smog free, governments from around the world already see this dream and they want to make it into a reality. "after days of near-record pollution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." said Robert Duffer author of the article Paris bans driving due to smog. Cities around the world are trying to find new ways to reduce pollution from massive cities. Its a wonderful idea especialy since Paris rivaled Beijing China possibly the most polluted place in the world. But when we get rid of all of the cars then what will be our means of transportation new ideas have scattered across the globe. Many countries are starting to rely on trains to move their citizens from one place to another and with revolutionary technology trains are now faster than ever. How many parking lots are in your city? thats another thing without parking lots cities wil be more open and more stores and super markets will take their place. More and more countries start to relize that reducing vehicle emissions will make the quality of life in their city higher and cleaner and it apears that the ideas are taking action "a program that's set to spread toother countries, millions of columbians hiked, biked, and skated or took buses to work during a car-free day". said Andrew Selsky author of Car-free day spinning into a big hit in Bogota. Cities are now taking action and are helping the enviorment by starting days where no cars are allowed. this is one example of how many countries are going green and helping the enviorment. With plenty of ways of reducing gas emissions the world will soon take a turn for the best being able to reduce pollution and make the overall populatin happy. more and more means of transportation pop up every day so just wait and you will see an impact on your comuntiy as well. in the mean time hop on you bike and go green the change starts with you.                
Driveless cars are coming. Through the passage it has stated that companies are working on building cars that drive by themselves. I feel that this idea of driverless cars are somewhat pleasing. In 2009 Google created cars that drove more than a million miles with crashing; some people can't even drive to the store without crashing or almost being in one. The idea of driverless cars to me is appealing. My reasonings for this is because now a day people are way to distracted while driving and are less careful. Through the advancements in technology adults and teens spend a lot more time looking at their phones than on the roads. Most accidents these days are caused from people being unware of what's in their surrounding areas while driving. My father has always told me that "when driving down just looking in from of you keep your eyes on your surroundings, because are reckless behind the wheel this generation'. What my father told me is true. Today if you were to be driving you wouldn't be suprized to see someone either talking on their phone or texting, because people are reckless and feel that since they're in a vehicle they will be safe, or that if something was to happen that could instictly grab control of the wheel and avoid the collision. Another I feel that driverless are a good thing is because of the weather. I the state that I live in the weather could be sunny and warm for one day then you look at the news for a follow up weather report and within two days it's cloudy with a eighty percent chance of snow. Weather conditions can get very bad and hard to manuver in so a car that has been designed to detect the danger of out-of-control skids and rollovers would be a huge safety advantage. Also, with the upgrade in sensors cars would be able to aplly brakes on idividual wheels and reduce the power from the egine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. In the passage is states that some people questioned 'Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?". To what I've observed through the years people what new advancements especially in vehicles. In the past before turning signals drivers would put their arms outside of the windows. Not to long ago if drivers weren't sure how to get somewhere they used a map, now all they have to do is tell their siri in the car where they what to go and siri looks it up and puts the directions into the gps. The main idea of what I'm saying is people strive for change especially change that makes their live easier so when driverless cars are actually on the roads everyone will get used to it justy like how when cars were first invented people had to get used tpo driving.
I believe that the negative aspects of driverless cars outweigh the positive ones. There are too many complications and problems that are yet to be solved. Driverless cars are a very unique and interesting invention, but I am not in favor of the development of these cars. There is a vast number of improvements that still need to be made in order for these cars to function properly. Driverless cars have too much technology involved that could easily malfunction and lead to several mishaps. Looking at paragraph 4 it states that,"Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automative radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor." From this quote, you can already see how complex a driverless car needs to be in order to run efficiently. All of these gadgets have to installed and all of them are very necessary. According to the author in paragraph 4, it also claims, "The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings." If the LIDAR malfunctions, then the car has no information on its surroundings. It would be virtually impossible for a driverless car to work without the perfect execution of all these devices. I believe that there is too much room for error. I also am against driverless cars because there is a lack of safety when a driver is not in control of a car. Many states agree with this and do not allow for driverless cars to occupy their roads. In paragraph 9 it explains how,"Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal to even test computer-driven cars." This quote tells you that the traffic laws of numerous states would need to be altered for driverless cars to be allowed. The majority of states believe that they are not safe and restrict their use. Traffic laws as well as liability laws would need to be redone in order to cover the safety. At the end of paragraph 9 it asks,"If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver of the manufacturer?" This directly correlates to a lack of safety and major complications. In case of an accident, the victim would not know who to blame and in the end would severely suffer. There are way too much obstacles that obstruct the safety of too many citizens with driverless cars. Lastly, driverless cars are not fully capable of running independently. With this, you would need to figure out an effective way to alert your driver when their assistance is needed. If the driver could not be alerted, then this could lead to massive consequences. In paragraph 7 it states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This quote highlights the neccesity of getting the driver's attention. If in any case the driver was not able to be alerted, the repercussions would be severe. In my opinion, driverless cars do not need to be developed. The science and technology involved is susceptible to malfunction and could result in many problems. There is a lack of safety when it comes to these cars and various states agree. Also, a driver could be clueless and not listen to the alerts given be the car when it was trying to gain their attention. This could lead to an accident or something even worse. For these reasons, I oppose the development of driverless cars.
The author uses connotations by suggesting that venus is a worthy pursuit is studying but the dangers that it has is that it's the hottest planet in the solar system and went through the greenhouse effect while is was being created. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets around it. The temperatures on average is around 800 degrees fahrenheit. Venus has more powerful earthquakes,erupting volcanoes and frequent lightning strikes. It says that NASA is working on approaches for getting to venus. Like for example,simplified electronics made of silicon carbide has been tested through a chamber. A vehicle hovering over venus would avoid the ground but the surface would still be hot at around 170 degrees fahrenheit. Venus can sometimes be a good planetary visit. The planet has rocky sediments on its surface such as valleys,mountains and craters. A phone or a tablet being exposed to acid could be heat capable to melting just imagine what that would be like. By comparing it with a system that uses mechanical parts the system can be made to be more resistant from pressure and heat resources. Many researchers cannot take gas or rock from a distance. Humans would survive if there is solar power from venus. When trying to meet the challenge venus presented it has value the human curiosity will lead to us to many intimidating endeavors.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. As explained in paragraph two, there have been many spacecrafts sent to it´s mysterious surface, but not many make it for more than a few hours. It´s also been noted that its atmosphere is too extreme for human encounterment. The author uses these, what may seem like disadvantages to futher exploration, to his advantage. He uses backed up statements like older technology could help and that the dangers are just mere challenges. The author brought up a good argument that todays advanced technology might a little too advanced to get the job done. As stated in paragraph seven, modern computers have helped a lot with research progress, but that was in enviornments that were better understood. Venus is entirely different, atmosphere, temperature, and pressure wise. It´s going to take something new, or something old, such as the mechanical computers, with some adjustments. The author also mentioned one thing most people can´t resist - a challenge. Though there are multiple risks to furthur more thourough exploration of this planet, it really is just one huge challenge. Venus alone is challenging some of the most advanced technology on this planet. A challenge that NASA should be willing to overcome. Venus is a very worthy pursit despite the dangers it comes with. The author does a very well job explaining his aproach on furthur exploration of the complicated planet. He in turn has more than enough details to support it.
I'm against this car idea. So many people get hurt or even killed because of technology and trying to put technology in a car would just make it worse. Yes it would be better on gas because it would be electric, but thats the only positive thing I see out of this. Like the article says "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer?" Someting like this could start a lot of fights with car companys and inserince. I would be easy to blame the car because of "tech problems" so the car company looks bad to other people. So the car company losses custemers. The car always needs a real human to drive the car. Yes the car can be quick, but what if the car just swerves off the rode so many people would get hurt from a car thats doesnt have a human drining the car. People hate when there kids text and drive. Why would a parent what there kid having a car that drives it self and just full of technology? That just make the parents more nevers for there kid to go out on any day. Plus people tht arent good with technology in the frist place and they get a car like that that would be crazy. To have some one who can't use a high tech phone like the Iphone would be unsafe to the world. If the world had a car that didn't need a human driver a lot of taxi drivers would loss out of a job. The only reason they got the job because they can't do school very well, so their last resort was to become a taxi driver. With these cars people would losse thier jobs. So thats all the reasons that I think about the cars I don't think we should have them it just to risky.
Driverless Cars will be the future of vehicles. People won't have to worry about spending so much money on fuel as only half will be used from today's taxis. Driverless Cars will definitely improve safety out in the roads. Safety is very important as accidents keep happening all the time across the world. The development of Driverless Cars is great because these cars are going to be able to drive us anywhere we want, drivers will still be able to drive if they desire when it comes to traffic jams, and these cars will keep everyone more safe when driving. The Driverless Cars will be able to drive us anywhere we want. When it comes to traveling across the country it can get dangerous driving all night to get to your destination. With the help of these cars people will be able to just sit back and relax, and not have to worry about falling asleep. Those who are traveling can save money as fuel will only use half the fuel we use today. These aspects are important to the people who travel very often to see family or have to for their job. People will still be able to drive their Driverless cars if they choose to. Out in the road anything can happen to accidents or to traffic. People who are in a hurry to get to somewhere can drive instead and try to avoid all the traffic that is ahead. Everyone enjoys driving at times enjoying the beautiful day. They can still be enjoying their days by driving or just sitting back to relax and just enjoy the view, as the Driverless Car drives on its own. The Driverless Cars will be able to keep people more safe when driving out. Most of the accidents that occur everday is people who are not paying much attention to the road. People are either using their phone, talking to someone, or just eating some food. Causing an accident can cause multiple injuries or even deaths. Why do you want so many people getting injured because of something you were doing. Without having to drive you can be on your phone, talking to someone, or enjoying a meal or snack. These reasons are important to try and keep everyone safe when driving. Driverless Cars will be the future of driving. Thses reasons will help and let everyone know what good can come out of this. Parents can be more relaxed when drving with their family, as they can stop and not worry much about car accidents. Safety is and will always be the main priority when it comes to driving out in the road to keep everyone safe and avoid accidents.
Using technology to read students' emotions is something of great value and could be useful to have in the classroom. According to paragraph 2 a computer can, "Recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel", meaning teachers could know when their students are confused and get them right back on track. Teenagers have become very good at holding in how they feel, it's best authorities know. Emotions are key in todays society. Technology is advancing rapidly it's best people use it when helpful. This technology could be put to use in many ways whether that is finding out how well students are learning, or figuring out how students feel on a personal level ehich could be depressed, anxious, unexcepted, etc. In article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", paragraph 5 states, "Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried etc." This rains true in the classroom, when students get confused, some won't even speak up but hide their "facial trait." Technology could be used to hurt or help, and it's best students recieve more help. How others feel is very important. It dictates the way they do everything whether someone is angrily making a cup of coffee, or joyfully talking to friends at their sons' soccer game. In paragraph 6 it states, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This provides an additional help to keep students on track and not stressed. Students are valubale, and any technology used to help them in life should be considered valuable as well.
To the State Senator Of Florida Electoral college should stay as our way of choosing our political leaders. Since Electoral college avoids run off elections and it has a system of being every qualified citizen's choice to pick their president. Electoral college is a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and by popular votes by qualified citizens. Electoral collage may have issues but it does help pick out our future political leaders from a fair distance away. In all sources; "What is the electoral college?" by the Office of the Federal Register, "The indefensible Electoral college: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Brad Plumer, and " In defense of the Electoral college : Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner ; Each sorce says that the Electoral Colege is a " Winner-Take-All system". This is true the Electoral college process is a "Winner-Take-All system" yet this process helps choose during elections who will be the future president. The Electoral College process helps avoid Run-Off Elections making the decision clear who won the election. In Source 3 : "In defense of the the Electoral college: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president" by Richard A. Posner , it states in Reason 5: Avoid Run-Off Elections , "it avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast". To interpret is meaning that the process will always avoids the pressure of candidates not having the majority of the votes and the Electoral College produces a clear winner. As in the same text it pronounces that "Voters in presidental elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election" which means that many voters do research what candidates will do to help their every day lives and if the candidate does have good ideas about changing political ideas that may occur during their time being served. So as Electoral College may be a "Winner-Take-All system " it clearly announces our future politcal leaders by qualified citizens voting for a presidental candidate that is actually voting for a slate of electors but will eventually vote for the presidental candidate as well. As no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. The Electoral College process helps qualified citizens feel like their vote matters to the election because in reality it really does. As if if the votes were based on regions it will have no opinoun" The Residents of the other regions are likely to feel disenfrachused - to feel that their votes do not count, that the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he really isn't their president" from Source 3: In DEfense of the Electoral Colege ; Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president" by Richard A. Posner.
Technology to read the emotional expressions of students could be valuable. Using technology to read students' faces could greatly effect how and what they learn, for instance if a student is stuck on a problem the computer would recognize that and tone it down. But that may not be benificial to all of the students, some students may be better at learning hands-on, visually, or by sound, a teacher cam provide all of that. What a teacher can't do is fulfill the needs of multiple individuals without wasting a lot of time. This new technology could immediately know that the student is frustrated or having a hard time. In class the student may not understandwhat's being taught and won't speak up, but with face recognizition there's no hiding your emotions. Aside from learning, the Facial Action Coding System could help with mental problems, for example, if a student had a significant amount of sadness or anger , the teachers would know that something's bothering them. Facial recognizition coudl potientially help with more problems than I could think of.
Natural Landform Have u every looked up at the clouds and seen all type of figures, shapes and probly even a face? There are many of theories of aliens making landforms on but, there is still no sign of life on the Red Plant. The Red Planet has a history of 22 years of faces poping up on mars and so far, we have known about every one that has came up. Belivers has always talked and angerd the govnerment on letting sectrits out on life on other planets so.... why would the NASA release four pictures of the faces, you be the judge. A theory is like a gess no better yet it is a accurate gess that is basicly right on the trail of being right or true. Most people don't even try to even atempt to belive a conclusion if it has a theory on the title. Scientists all over the world have came up with many ways to prove that there is no life to proving there is a posibility that a such thing is posible and can accure with proff. The way that scientist can have acurate hypothisises is by flying and scanning the planet with thermale or cooling system that scientist have masterd today. A theory is something that can be true or false by using high studies of reserch but, in most cases there are more likely syfy stories but with real acuranceses in every day life. NASA has released four pictures of the faces so in conclusion NASA has even better proven their self and company to have nothing to hide. NASA no better to let out information that will cause a war or upwarw in todays society. NASA knows what will happen if serious information about anything war or life related in general gets out to the public or world cause they seen it all and heard it all from day one. I do belive that there is life out there but no where near earth because of the robots, camera, and drowns we have today, we would have been seen something by know. The teloscope that NASA have in there labes to day can see all the way into another dimision to see more planet but can't see millions of miles way.
Did you know that Mars has a natural landform that looks like a face?The Face that is on Mars is just a landform because it has changed over the years,NASA captioned it a "huge rock formation", and many scientists have studied the landform. First,The Face that is on Mars is just a natural landform because over the years NASA has been taking pictures of the Face and the more pictures that NASA took the Face did not look like a Face anymore, it looked like a natural landform that was on Mars. Next, many scientists who saw the Martian Face that is on Mars,figured that it was just a Martian mesa that resembled a human head which was formed by shadows giving the illusion of the human eyes, nose, and mouth. Authors reasoned that the image would be a good way to engage the public to attract their attention towards them knowing more about Mars. Finally, a few scientists believed that the Face was an alien artifact and sent the Mars Global Surveyor to the Red Planet. When Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter team got many photos which were sharper than the original Viking photos. The images were soon on a JPL website where the thousand of web surfers saw the image which revealed that it was just a natural landform. In conclusion, The face that is on Mars is just a landform because it has changed over the years, NASA has captioned it a "huge rock formation", and many scientists have studied the landform. Also now that people know the Face is not a face at all, but just a landform that NASA studied and analyzed many times will help the people know that they should wait and to not believe someone who has not seen it.
Cars of Tomorrow There is something being bettered everyday, and in this case, it's cars! The cars of the future or also known as the "Driverless Cars" have been on road since 2009 and have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Different methods/techniques have been tested in the direction of the development of future cars, such as cables embedded in tracks that send radio signals to receivers in front of cars, magenets with alternating polarity, the list is never-ending. Although these automobiles have been driving to near perfection, there's always room to improve. The prompt asked us to give our induvidual point of view on the "Driverless Cars", and in my opinion they're great, but like I said previously, they, just like everything thing else needs improvement. The cars have drove for nearly seven entire years on a perfet track record of zero crashes and that's pretty darn good. The thing about the automobiles is that they're not completely driverless, the cars need a person active while the car's active. That was a brilliant idea i thought, having an active person at the wheel while the car was on the road is so much more safe than to have a person in the backseat (theoretically) while the car is in motion. Adding up all aspects of the car, it's features, and feats, I say its a tremendous step in the technology world and I believe it will thrive in the modern world. There's nothing wrong with trying something new and especially if it has something to do with things people use eveyday. The "Driverless Cars" will be great in the future and are perfect now, knowing that they've yet to crash or have an accident. Having cars that can drive pretty much by itself is a tremendous step, having those on the road would be a major feat to overcome. The Driverless Cars make the future safer and less expensive.
Hello Mr. Senator I have came to the conclusion our country needs to abolish the electoral college and change to the election by popular vote. Here's a couple reasons why we should go with the popular vote. The first reason we should go with the popular vote is because the citizens of the U.S. will get to vote for who they want. Honestly in my opinion if you use the electoral college it will be rigged. If you go with the popular vote anyone and everyone can vote. It seems pretty fair to me. In the source by Bradford Plumer he says "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters." How is it unfair? Its unfair because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning. So thats a whole couple of states who wont give votes to one certain person. The final reason we need to go with the popular vote is the disaster factor. In the source by Bradford Plumer he says "Back in 1960, segregationist in the Lousiana legistature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electores who would oppose John F. Kennedy." It wouldnt be fair to the candidate. As you can see the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The popular vote is only fair to the candidates. The candidates can compaign and try to convince people to vote for them. Its not a cheating senerio like the electoral collage so please sir go with the poular vote.    
Many people may believe that the Face on Mars was created by aliens, but research claims it's something not as exciting. NASA has been researching this "face" for many years. Their studies and pictures have concluded that the Face on Mars is a huge rock formation. Even though scientists have proved this theory, people still believe otherwise. It all started in 1976 when NASA unveiled the image for all to see. NASA found a huge landform made of rock on Mars in 1976. The landform was found on a region of Mars called Cydonia. This landform came as a surprise to everyone. Large rock formations were common in this region of Mars, but something stood out to NASA when they came across this rcok formation. This landform looked like a giant face. Scientists didn't know if it was an alien artifact or if the shadows and the way the rock formed just made it look like a face. There was no way to tell other than the photo's taken from space. NASA had to keep investigating this to come up with an explanation for this "face" on Mars. So in 1998 they took another picture of the rock formation that was better quality. They still couldn't tell what it was because it was very cloudy on Mars the day they took the picture. They had one more shot to get a good image of the landform. In 2001, NASA took one last picture and they found out what the rock formation really was. Just as they had predicted, it was a mesa. Which was common for the area on Mars where they found it. Even though scientists knew it was a mesa, conspiracy theorists still believed it could be an alien artifact. There are many signs that prove that this rock formation is not an alien artifact. First of all scientists have ruled it out as an alien artifact. They have done research on this "face" for over 20 years and they have proved it's a huge rock formation. People have always wondered how and why the face appears if it's a mesa. Well the face is created by shadows. These shadows give the illusions of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Scientists have also told us that things in a digital image are 3 times bigger than their actual pixel size. This tells us that if there were some type of pyramid, alien object, or airplanes on the ground we would be able to see them. The Face on Mars will always be a controversy to some people, but scientists have proof of what the face actually is, a mesa. The pictures you see are actually showing a Martian equivalent of a buttle or mesa. These rock formations are commonly found on Mars and on Earth. So even if you still believe the Face of Mars is an alien artifact of some kind, you can at least know Earth and Mars have something in common, huge rock formations.
Cars have long been viewed as a common method of transportation from point A to point B. However, in the world that we live in cars have become a burden and limited use would be best. Efforts to reduce car usage have shown to reduce the rate of carbon dioxide produced and smog. The elimination of car use would lead way to further development for other methods of transportation. Countries have taken the first step in banning car usage and its citizens have admitted to living nice and happier lives than they had before. Common issues faced by car use is the production of carbon dioxide and the risk of smog. Smog is a health hazard to those with asthma, young children, and the elderly. By limiting the use of a car, carbon dioxide and smog rates would plummet dramatically. When Paris was faced with smog at near-record levels driving was banned and after a day of the driving ban smog levels were dropping already. Cars, a major contributor to carbon dioxide production, can decrease the rate of the greenhouse effect by limiting their use. Nearly 50 percent of the United State's greenhouse emissions come from the use of cars alone. By not driving your car the rate of greenhouse emissions would drastically decrease. Besides the nice look to a car, cars are often used because there appears to be no other way to travel long distances. Other methods of transportation such as riding a bicycle, public transportation, and even walking are viable and beneficial methods of transportation. On bike you travel further than you would walking at a faster rate, Bogota has begun the develpment of 118 miles of bicycle paths in hopes of reducing traffic and carbon dioxide emmisions. A near 80 percent of appropraitions are used on highways, the rest of the 20 percent are used on other methods of transportation. By finding other methods of transportation (ie. walking, biking, public transportation) the 80 percent used on highways could be used to greatly improve other methods of transportation, like public transport. The thought of parting from our cars is a terrifying idea, however countries around the world have taken the initiative and made these ideas law, laws that are benefiting their copuntries. In Germany an ecperimental community, Vauban, has little to no car activity. 70 percent of its families do not own a car and 57 percent sold their car to move to the community. Startingly, not only is this small community a success but many residents claim to be happier than they were when they owned a car. Columbia, like Germany banned the use of cars for one day in Bogota. Not only is everyone enthusiatic of the event but this day has led to the reduction of smog in Bogota. The question to drive a car is a simple one. Why drive a car when you can walk, ride a bicycle, or can take the bus? By limiting our car use we'll reduce the rate of carbon dioxide emissions and smog. Other countries have tested and proven that life without a car is not only realistic but very beneficial to how one feels. With the options of other forms of transportation we should limit our use of the car. In doing so we'd be improving our lives and the rate of the greenhouse effect.  
Yes, the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable, so students can study and understand how the artist felt when he or she painted on the canvis. They could be happy, sad, surprise, angery, disgusted,and afraid. The FACS (Facial Action Coding System) is a good thing, because not only students can the device but middle age people can use the device too. paragraph 1 said "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry.";and how we know that? you may ask. The FACS "Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists, such as Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS" witch was stated in paragrah 3; they said all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles and when moving of one or more muscles is called an action unit. Paragraph 4 said "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal" and that means every you move your expressions change. They also gave an example they said like not smiling as broadly. They can move and mix emotions in da vinci's masterpiece witch the Mona Lisa useing the FACS. Dr. Huang's new computer software cantanes similar anatomical information as electronic code. So lets say you was trying to see all of your mom's emotions in one picture, by useing FACS you can move rotate and mix emotions to figer out your mom emotions, and to have students and teacher do that thats cool. So yes, its valuable.
Driverless cars are our future, whether we want them to be or not. Since the first inventions people have always been opposed to new things. Driverless cars should not be one of them. They should be excepted because well, they are a good idea. Think about something machine made. Anything at all. If you have two of those, compare them. Are they identical? Let's be honest, machines are perfect in what they do. Unlike humans, machines can all be programed the same, and will each do the same thing just as well as any other one would. Humans, on the other hand, make mistakes. If all cars are programmed the same way, they would all drive and react to situations the same way. In other words, they could be programed to always follow the speed limit and other laws. Some people just don't care about that sort of thing. No one would get hurt, even if you spent the whole night drinking. The driverless cars today give the ones of the future a bad rep. Technology is quickly improving. If you think all the sensors and other gadgets on todays cars are cool, wait until todays brainiacs really get down to working on them. You have to remember though, humans do make mistakes. Malfunctions are likely to happen, but if they do, way less people would be getting hurt compared to today. How many people die due to texting and driving every year? Driverless cars could stop that from happening. Ever again. All those crosses you may see on the side of the road are a sign to what could be avoided. Driverless cars could stop putting those up all together. The people involved in making todays driverless cars are already putting something together. While you're sitting in your car that's driving itself, you may get bored. Pop up entertainment systems are already under consideration. Though today the driver will be alerted to any hazard on the road, and the pop up would be put away, that would not be the case in the future. You could text away and the car could handle any situation the road throws at it. I do believe, however, that people should still learn how to drive. If the car does fail, and stop working, the person in the vehicle should be able to take control of it and get it off of the road. People against this new innovation have good reasons as to why they are. I understand not being in control can worry many people, but driverless cars that work the way I explained are far from becoming a reality. The people of the future can slowly be weaned into this new car. To them, owning a car that drives itself will be no different then how we feel about our cars today. These cars are the future, a future in which accidents are a rarity and stupid people behind the wheel can't hurt anyone on the road anymore. So don't be afraid of this new idea, embrace it. Driverless cars, when completed and working to the best of their ability could save many lives, and lead the world to a new exciting future.
Earth's twin venus is one of Earth' closets planet Earth,venus and mars are planetary neighbor orbit the sun at different speeds astronomers are fascinated how venus well once by the closeis earth like planet in the solar system astronomers are saying that venus was probably covered largely with oceans and can suported life NASA have a idea for sending humans to venus so they can study the hostile conditons on the surface of the planet secientists can make a blimp like vehicle so it can hovering over the roiling landsacpe the conditilons of the planet it wll not be survivable for humans . they can use a ship to see venus far above the plant so they do not have to send humans in to to the survivable part of venus lf they send a vehicle in venus the vehicle can not send photography or any video back to the secientists becuase the unhavetbe conditilons. lf they use a mechanical computer they ware use back in 1940 during world ll the computer can run with no elerctronis at all most modern computer are powerful to today the mechanical computer only use gears and levers and do not have tpo have enteteny lf we have one of the project done we can make are way to venus
I think driverless cars are not a good idea , beacuse there are so many more wrong things than could happen with this than right. As a teen driving is very important to me. I have been driven around by my parrents up untill this point in life. I cirtainly do not want to be driven around by my car for the rest of it. If there really was an accident who would be at falt, the drivers for not paying attention? They say "thus far we have made cars that can drive themselfs, but require the drivers attention". well what would be the point of having a car that can drive its self if you're going to have to watch the road the whole time as if you were driving. The point is to have the car drive its self right? to let us be hands free, but how many of us instead of watching the wheel would be texting or sleeping? There are so many things that could go wrong like rerouting in the wrong places or times. what if you get lost, or get stuck somewhere? what if the car fails to find your destination ,and you run late to a meeting all these questions, frustrating questions. Most people I know get comfort from knowing we have control over something we are puting out lives into. What if the car were to break down? I dont think people just have money just to spend buying new parts for their self driven cars. That seems like it would be more of a luxry expence, at least. there are so many reasons why having self driven cars would be a problem. That is why I disagree on self driven cars.
So many people claim alot of things. people will claim that the moonlanding was fake. Wadonna wears a wig eveyrtime time you see her. elvis presely isn't dead. hitler many still be alive today. but we dont know any of these things, you see the idea that we claim things is sometimes true and can be sometimes unrealistic. technoloy floods our brain, meaning there is so many inventions it just brainwashes us. We can use photo I.D. now for getting on to our phone. There are mixed emotions when we do show our personality, the techonolgy recognizes it. So we can change everything so someone says, "the facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang. The mona lisa drawing is suppose to bring a smile to everyones face. So people are still wandering what the mona lisa represents, the mona lisa represents art and beauty. There is a song called mona lisa, and its kinda a love song, saying your my mona lisa baby. So i think the whole idea of this song is to show that the mona lisa is a thing of beauty it represnts more than just beauty. What else does it represent, well does your expression in the mirror suggest an emotion? Do you feel mad or sad. if you felt sad and you were crying and you went to the mirror and looked in the mirror, what would you see in yourself because down deep inside if thing yuo incredibly hurt. Can your lab partner recgonize which emotion you are doing? yes there is a doctor for that. there are so many emotions you dint even know throughout the day. in conclusion the many way we show emotions can be mixed up. The impolsovity or maybe catatonia, these emotions are so rare they are usually not effected by people. So lets talk about the signs, alot of people would have droopy eyes mening lieing. Donald Trump and many politians lie to get what they want.
A Facial Action Coding System is where it sees if you're happy, sad, surpised, anger, digust, and fear. How? It will tell by have a picture of a no emotional , than compare to your see what's the diifference. Having Facial Action Coding System in the school, would be kinda great cause it would show the teachers what the student thinks about the assginment. Like, the Dr. Huang said ' Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor'. But, the computer needs to understand that most communication is nonverbal, like emotional communication. But, than i'm against because how can the computer see what all the student are feeling like? Like, is going to look at every student face, if yes that had be a waste of time cause that would take the whole class period. If no, than do the teachers have to buy a Facial Action Coding System computer for every student. Finally, I think it would be a good idea because the teachers would know how the students are feeling by something they had said or asign. If I was a student, I'd like it cause that would be a good new expreince.
Venus,sometimes called the "Evening Star," is one of the brightest poins of light in the night sky,making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot In our solar system,Venus is the distant but safe vantage point of Earth,it has proved a very challenging.In the Earth,venus, and Mars,other times planetary neighbor,orbit the sun at different speeds.Thes conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth;such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals.It said that "beyond high pressure and heat,venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." why are cientiste even discussing further visits to its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.Today,valus can some features that are analogous to those on Earth.The National Aeronautics and space administration (NASA) ha one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to venus.Lmagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roilong venusian landscape.Solr power would be plentiful,and radiation would not exceed Earth levels.Not conditions,but survivable for humans.Ther is more importantly, researchers canot take samples of rock,gas,or anything mission to uderstand venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. NASA is working on other approaches to studying venus. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers.The thught of comuters existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make claculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all.By comparison,systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure,heat and other forces.In our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and douts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innvation.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," I am totally against the development of these cars. One reason why I am against the driverless car is because people may fall asleep while the driverless car switches over to manual driving, and you may not be aware of any of this. Another reason why I am against the driverless car is because this car doesn't actually have a human controlling it, it's a computer. The car can accidentally hit someone then it can automatically switch to manual driving and it might cause another accident and be very dangerous. One third reason why I am against driverless cars because this car gives many people chances to do whatever they want behind the wheel while the computer is driving. These three examples demonstrate why I am against driverless cars. Don't be lazy when it comes to driving, so don't be a fool and buy a driverless car.