American citizens know that the cars driven throughout America is polluting the air. Not just the cars in U.S but cars all around the world. Residents on Vauban in Germany, Paris, Bogota and even the USA cars are reduced from bieng driven or they had been banned to reduce the pollution from the air. They dont want to turn out like China, which is know as one of the most polluted cities in the word. Cars been a very help, but it looks like the end of car culture beacuse less cars that are bieng used less pollution we are causing to the Earth, which mean its better of with out them. Vauban, a women named Heidrun Walter said, "when i had a car I was always tense. Im much happier this way". There for one of the advantages of limiting car usage is that losing tense about a car. Also in Vauban,street parking, driveways and home garages generally are forbidden. That mean it take less space for parking, past two decades there was an effort in making cities denser, and better for walking now they can if they limite the usage of cars. It lower emissions and improves saftey, These are some advantages of limiting car usage. Almost 4,000 drivers were fine, according to Reuters in Paris. They been fine beacuse Paris had banned driving due to smog. Trying to fix the problem to clear the air of the global city they ordered to leave thier cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). Less cars mean less warmer climants beacuse cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Benfits would come from less car usage. Now in Bogota there is a car-free day, when u leave cars at home and you cant use them for a whole day. For that day there isn't any traffic because all of the residents are hiking, biking, skating or taking the bus to work. This car-free day reduce smog and if any person violats that day they are going to be fine $25. They said its a good way to take away stress and lower pollution. Municipal authorities from other countries came to Bogota to see the event and were enthusiastic. President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United states' greenhouse gas emission, unveild last week. Recent studies suggest that the Americans are buying fewer cars. They are driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. The love of vehicles seems to be cooling. Population growth,the number of miles driven in the Untied States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter. Car ownership per household and per person started to come down.
As of right now, imagining an automobile-free world may sound crazy, but amibitous goals to end the use of cars has taken place. Suburban and city residents have taken quite a lot of thought into banning driving and giving up their cars, because of the great advantages that go along with these limitations. Reducing the use of cars has amazing advantages in creating a non-polluted environment, it leads to an increase in exercise, and provides a way to save one's money. Car reduced communities are being promoted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, aswell as all around the world. Paris, France has enforced a driving ban to reduce the intensifying pollution all over the city, as explained in the article entitled, "Paris bans driving due to smog". If the pattern of banning the use of cars persists, the amount of pollution will be reduced, especially in major big cities, such as Paris, London and Beijing. Continuing this cultural shift "will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment" ("The End of Car Culture"). Limiting the use of cars would highly advantage and could possibly save our environment, if we conserve our resources correctly. Hiking, biking, skating and/or walking are all types of physical activities that are useful to get from point A to B, rather than using a car. People have began to organize their lives around how they can get to places by exercising, than commuting by car. Restaurants, shopping malls, and work offices are beginning to be located in highly populated areas and within walking range, so that the use of automobiles becomes unecessary. In Bogota, Columbia, people take a car-free day to promote alternative forms of transporation and reduce smog. Bogota "has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths" ("Car-free day is spnning into a big hit in Bogota"), in order to encourage citizens to get off the roads with their cars. Exercising has many advantages in limiting car usage, not only creating a non-polluted planet, but also creating a healthier lifestlye for a person. As gasoline prices rise, and car insurance rates fly up, less and less people are getting a license and have stopped buying cars to save money. A study done between the years 2001 and 2009 found that driving by young people decreased by twenty-three percent, explained in the article, "The End of Car Culture". Leasing or owning a car is not a priority for many, as the use of taking public transportation or car-pooling is available. Without cars, people are able to save money for important life necessecities, such as food, water, and shelter, where as a car is not something needed and may be considered a luxury in other parts of the world. Commuting is not imposibble without owning a car. With forms of exercise and public transportation, many are able to get around without spending hundreds of dollars per week on gasoline. Less driving creates a non-polluted and healthier environment, keeping our planet more stable. Eventhough owning a car seems convenient now, it may not be so convenient in the long run, as we may have to face difficulties that life throws at us. Wasting money on a car gives no advantages, where as a car-free environment is safer and more effective.  
I, Rickey think that driveless cars are a little to much for the present now. I feel like they are trying to raise to car accidents in a year up more. Also, people are going to have to learn a whole new car. The BMW car should have found a way to let the car drive by itself at all times, doing anything before they came out to the world about the car. People are going to waste their money and time on this car when you still have to drive this car. Also, if you get sleepy and you can't go to sleep because you have to stay alert at all times. "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themelves. All are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." There might be some downs to this driveless cars idea, but their are ups to it to. If the driver is driving by itself it might want to take break for an hour or two. All it has to do is put it in driveless mode and sit back and relax. Some people get tired especially when your job has you driving all the time. So they might just want to read a book or something instead of spending your money and staying at an hotel for the night driveless mode can help you go. "This necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs. GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads up displays. Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. Car company's should take into consideration and ask random people what they think they should do. As people give them ideas they should brainstorm and put them together. One of my ideas is to try to get driveless mode on semi trucks since they are the most driving on the job. Since they drive the most, they should be the first one to be thought about on the rode. But, at the end of the day any type of moving vehicle, I feel like the world isn't ready for driveless cars. Even if their is more ups than downs.
Almost everyone owns a car because people are traveling constantly to get from point A to point B. No matter who it may be, that person at some point in their lives needs some way to get around. Everyday people need to either go to the store, pick up their kids, go to work, go to school, you name it. That doesn't mean that owning a car is a necessity, all around the world many people are trying to cut down and limit their car usage by having a whole lot of other options. There are buses, people can car pool, walk, skate, bike, and many more. People are coming to the conclusion that if we, as a whole, decide to start cutting down on our usage of cars it can benefit the way we live. Lots of people actually don't mind not having a car just yet. Most teenagers do want to get their license and a car but there's so much other things they need to focus on. It really is not a priority for them because they have school, work, plus if they do need to get somewhere they can always take the bus and get a ride from a friend (Source 4). In Germany, there is a city by the name of Vauban, that is known to be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life (Source 1). Vauban's goal and idea, which is to cut down on cars for a better living, has made it'a way around the world, so that other states and countries can aspire to do the same and little by little we could have a world that is not so dependent on cars. The idea of using cars, for some, it causes them stress and they're always tense, not using a car makes them happier, as stated by Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two (Source 1). The stress aspect of this could be due to the fact that in the most recent years, the percentage of car crashes and accidents have gone up. Many people abhor the idea of using cars because they have been in an terible accident themselves or someone close to them. Also, it can even just be all the traffic jams that occur during rush hour, which makes people late and accidents do happen. For example in Bogota, Colombia, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to their designated location, to leave the streets due to traffic jams (Source 3). Since they knew that lots of their citizens were deciding not to use cars they started making uneven, pitted sidewalks into nice, smooth, replaced ones for them (Source 3). Another reason why people want to limit their usage on cars is because of all the pollution cars create. Passenger cars are rsponsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States (Source 1). Not many people think about the effects of air pollution like smog, but it is a big deal. Since people don't think about it often, there is no way for the majority of us to try and find a solution to put into action to stop it or help it go down. In Paris, there was a partial driving ban to clear the air around the city (Source 2). Paris' partial ban was their idea to try and make their city a better place. With the ban being enforced and put into play there  were about 4,000 drivers fined (Source 2). It turns out that since the driving ban was made the congestion, car traffic, had gone down 60 percent in the capital of France, just after five days of less smog pollution and Paris is typically known to have more smog than any other European capitals (Source 2). This goes to show, that slowly people are actually becoming aware of what's going on and they actually care enought to try and make things better. All in all, there are many ways to try and cut down on our car usage for the better. It can be anything from not buying as many cars, to deciding to not use cars at all and deciding to walk, skate, and bike, etc. Not only will limiting our car usage as a whole stop traffic jams, car accidents, air pollution, and more, it will help to benefit our lives for the better whether or not people want to believe it. If things keep going from here, and more and more decide that less car usage is better than over a time span of let's say 20-30 years, there could be a lot less dangerous things occuring in our lives.
A lot of people enjoy the rush of adrenaline. So much energy is rushed through a persons body when they do something that is looked at to be difficult or dangerous. Once they successfully achieve their goal they feel amazing but they do everything they can to achieve there goal even though it could possibly be very dangerous. This is just like in the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus". In the article it talks about how NASA is interested in studying Venus but they really can't because of all the obsticles they need to get by. But those obsticles don't matter to them. The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Some ways that show that studying Venus is worth it is when it talks about Venus being one of the only planets being very similar to Earth, being one of the closest planets to Earth and the possible inventions that could be made that can change a lot in exploration. Earth has very different characteristics from all the other planets in the solar system. So when astronomers discovered Venus they were fascinated to see how it has many of the same characteristics that Earth does. Since another planet has many similar characteristics to Earth it sparks curiousity. It starts to create questions which people and astronomers want answers to. So scientist and NASA want to do everything they can to answer some of their questions no matter the risk. In the text it says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life." This shows how Venus is shown to be very similar to Earth. It has many similar charcteristics which shows there could have been life on the planet very long ago. The reason it is seen to be worth exploring is because if astronomers continue studying the planet then they could possibly maybe find a way to possibly live or find current creatures still living on the planet. When people want to really know about something they will do everything they can to discover more. Especially when the thing you want to know more about is right next door. It's like having a child and candy. If there is candy right next to a child they can't be told not to have it and expect them to listen. They will go right for it since it is so close to them. That is exactly how astronomers feel. They can't resist the urge to study a planet that is so close to them. There are many other planets in the solar system which they can't study because of the distance from Earth, but this planet is so close. In the article it says, "Often reffered to as Earth's 'twin,' Venus is the closets planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too...Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." This supports how the planet Venus is the nearest to Earth. Making it easier to arrive there distance wise. Yes, there are many dangers of visiting the planet which can make it seem very immature to even risk going, but that doesn't stop NASA. If they have something close to them they can continue doing test and possibly find a solution to reduce risk and fully and appropriately study Venus. The other reason which NASA wants to continue studying the planet is because of the possible inventions or spark of ideas along the way. If there are new invention or ideas it could change things for ever in the future. It could make further studies a lot more easy. In the text it says, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape...a vehicle hovering over venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions...simplified electronics made of silicon carbide...have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.Another project is looking back to an old tehcnology called mechanical computers." This shows how many great inventions can be created or even early inventions from before can be used. That leads to more curiosity and encourages NASA to keep studying Venus despite it's dangers. There could be many reasons for why people would like to continue working on something no matter the risk. For example the study of Venus. NASA and many astronomers continue working on the study despite of the dangers because of Venus being one of the only planets being very similar to Earth, being one of the closest planets to Earth and the possible inventions that could be made that can change a lot in exploration.
Driverless cars? Am i for or against them?. I believe that driverless cars could be fun for some. especially those who are lazy and dont like the complications that occur on the road. So, therefore they'd like someone to take over the wheel for them so that they don't have to deal with the complications of driving the a road that is just confusing and disorganized. Sure, why wouldnt you want a driverless car. But, a driverless car can take som eof the fun out of actually driving for future drivers. First I am completely against the future of driverless cars because i would like enjoy the fun of driving with my hands. What i mean by that is that i would like to enojoy the feel of turning the wheel at the time i want and also putting my feet onthe breaks as i please instead of using voice comand and telling my car when to stop. To me the idea of driverless cars would seem just a little boring as explained in paragraph 8 when the authors claimed that " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for thir turn to drive?". Second i am also against the future of drieverless cars becausehow would it have an affect on our lives in the future? How would it show off mankind? not just as a very smart species but a species that is very selfish and has took what was once given to them and changed it into something that has have basically been tooken for granted. I enjoy the cars we have today but what's gonna come next after "driverless cars" ?. Are there going to be floating T.v's? Lastly i am against the futre age of driverless cars because it just cost to much. Some people who have a complete low income can't afford that much money on a car that is worth ober 500,000 dollars. Some of the fellow americans today are considered to still be "paying" off there car debt from when they first got the car. Therefore i wouldnt exspect driverless cars to be so big in the future depending on price. Driverless cars? Am i for for against them? I have explained in the following essay that i am against driverless cars because of the price, enjoyment that it can infict, and the way it has changed the minds of civilians today. I gave three reasons why i am against them and gave details to back up my reasoning.
A planet that is toasty at 170 degrees Fahrenheit, air pressure clos to sea level on Earth, Venus is the most interesting planet in the solar system, thatthe author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. It may well once have been the most earth-like planet that scientists discuss further visits to its surface but the problem is that no spacecraft survived th landingfor more than a few hours. No matter if the surface temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, 90 times greater than what people on earth can experience, but scientists are so fascinated by Venus and earth, how alike they were long ago. On paragraph 4, "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life" and "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valley's, moutains, and craters." Venus could had living forms living in their surface if Venus has any type of familiar features just like Earth. On paragraph 8, "Not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because humans curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." Humans curiosity is amazing, in the text it explains how it will likely lead us into many equally, but it could also lead us to something unique that not even Earth has that no other human could think about. No matter if Venus dangers could be extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth, it is the most talk about planet to study it's worthy pursuit, With sights that once was familiar like Earth and various forms of life that has the humans curiousity on Venus.
There are so many reason why using a car can destroy our community,personally I think using your car less would be a good idea. There are some advantages of limiting car usage,as you know the fume inside the car could give you a lot of problem with heart your lungs when you breathing air. By limiting our car usage we could have a chance of protecting the new generation from the polluted gas that comes out of the cars. In some country  many people are happy even they are not using cars to go anywhere example In Germany life goes on without the usage of cars. Alright look I get that cars are a good transportation device because when your have a long way to go It could be very hard to there and you want to use a car that is acceptable,but like If you have to go somewhere that is 1 mile do you really need a car to get there. You don't have to have a car to have a happy life just look at this little paragraph i have search up."As a result,70 percent of Vauban families do not own cars,and 57 percent sold a car to move here."When i had a car I was always tense."I'm much happier this way,". When we use cars a lot it cause us to buy a lot of gas that cost a lot of money. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Many teens and adults died from car accidents it might because they driving to fastor someting else. All that I am trying to say is that cars can be good for the community or it could bad for the community. That is all and why I think it a good thing to have the advantages of limiting car usage.                                                                                                                                                                           
The author best supports his idea because he states that "Venus still has some features tha are analogous to those in Earth." He also states that "Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." These are all reasons of why Venus is worth studying despite the danger which relly supports it. I believe that the author is right that Venus is worth the studying despite the danger because despite the warm weather once we understand/study Venus all people should be use to the conditions or would be prepared.The author stated that "Many researchers are working on innovations that wuld allow our machines to last longer in Venus." I think now that they are studying this it would help us in understanding of how to live in those conditions. Therefor I believe that Venus is worth the risk and believe that scientists should keep studying so in the future we can make our first visit.
Using technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) in a classroom is not a good idea. The FACS enables computers to read human emtions such as sad, happy, scared etc. It uses a 3-D comoutuer model of the face and and the 44 major muscles to read your emtions. Using the FACS in a classroom is not a good idea becuase it can cause distraction, limit human contact, and limit the amount of one on one time a teacher has to help the students. The FACS should not be used in the classroom becasue it could cause distractions for the students. The students could be more focused on what the computer says than what the teacher is teaching. If the FACS breaks down then a student could feel left out and sad and that could distract them from performing their best in school. The computer could also allow students to get off task and only focus on what is happening on the computer, or if the FACS is built into a regular laptop it could cause students to play games or do other things on the internet than learn in the class. The FACS can be very distracting to students so they sould not be found in the classroom. In school we meet new friends, bond with teachers and have human contact all day long. If the FACS is in the classroom it could cause all of that to disapear. This means that teachers could become less engaed with the class and students can become less engaed with learning. Dr Huang states that "Most human communication is nonverbal, inculding emtional communication". COmputers do not have emtions like huamns do. The computer may be able to tell how we are feeling but they can not make us feel better if we are sad, or scared, or in destress. This can cause students to feel more isolated and make them more sad, or scared etc. When students feel this way it could ause more school violence. FACS should not be in the classroom. The third and final reason that the FACS should not be in the classroom is because it can limit the teachers one on one interaction with students. Dr. Huang states "A classroom computer could recongize when a student is becoming confused or bored". Teachers are there to teach to interact with the students and sense if they are confused. If the FACS does that for them and helps the student if they are confused then the teacher is not there to help the student. This could also cause the student to be more confused if the computer is teaching them instead of a real life teacher. FACS should not be in the classroom because it will limit the contact between student and teacher. The FACS is an amazing innovation, but it should not be found in the classroom. It should not be allowed in the classroom becuase it can be a distraction to students, limit human contact. and limit the amount of one on one time a teacher can have with a student. It is important that school is a place to interact with others and futher your education but having a computer read your emtions in class will damage the school experience. Therefore the FACS should be found in the classroom.
Why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program and why you shoudl participate in it. You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because if you do you can learn new things about the world you may not of already know. If you join the prgram its a one time chane in the world if you do. You may learn about new cultures in the world and learn about new countries lifestyles. If you do join you may learn new cultures lifestyles and new locations like Acropolis in Greece Italy with streets of water. The program is good because you can help people in need of food, water, supplies or any goods. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program you may learn new cultures lifestyles more about other countries and its a chance of a lifetime to do so. May learn new belives and it can opens the world to you. This is why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
There are many advantages to limiting car usage. Theres less green house gasses emmited. It's less money you have to spend on youre car. You dont have to deal with the dangers of drivning on the road. When you dont drive your car as much or not at all and you get others too that makes less carbon gass going into the air. Emmitung less carbon into the air helps the enviorment stay clean and healthy. when you dont emit as much gas you help lessen the impact on global warming. Driving less can also help your walet too. when your not driving as much you dont have to pay for as muh gas, or none at all if you dont drive any. theres also no need to pay for mantinense or broken or damaged parts if any do break. If your not on the road then there are no dangers of driving on the road to worry about. Theres no need to worry about someone hitting you or you hitting someone. When not driving someone who is intoxicated or texting and driving cannot affect you.     
Earlier studies show that there are no alien lightforces on any planet whatsoever. Most people think that aliens hide in the shadows and they will abduct us in our sleep, no. Aliens are another term for forigners or people from other countries, but this was in 1976-2001 when almost everyone believed in aliens. The National Areonautics Space Administration wasn't created to see if aliens are real or not, is was created to study something in space other than just Earth. Aliens do not excist so there is no possible way that they can make a face of a human from Mars, it is just a natural landform that so happens to look like a face. The thing about people's imagination is that they'll believe anything that someone tells them. Most people are like brainwashed monkeys about to be tested on. I myself used to believe in "alien lightforces" when I was young. People in the late 1900s were very childish and had creative minds. Why would someone even doubt that the image that was taken isn't just a natural landforce, it would be almost stupid if someone would doubt. In late June last year some man took a picture of something that looks like a UFO, I can now see how people would thing that aliens are real. However this new age of technology has been so equipped with the use of photoshop. People that can photoshop can control almost half of the worlds' minds. The fact is that since aliens aren't real, there is no possible way that they can make a human face from the Mars dirt. It has to be just a natural landform.
Fellow citizens have many advantages if they start limiting car usage. There are many other things a person can do to avoid driving their motor vehicle. Car pooling, public transportation, riding a bicycle, and walking are a few ways you can get to your destination. Car usage is a big problem because of all of the disadvantages it has. The good thing is that by limiting car usgae emissions will lower, we, the people, can conserve resources and improve safety. Lowering emissions has to do with greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gas is any gaseous thing in the atomosphere that is capable of absorbing radiation. It traps and holds heat to the atmosphere. If we lower greenhouse gas then it will prevent the earth from global warming. In source one, the writter says "Automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs and that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions tailpipes." This line states that automobiles is becoming a hug problem because it uses gas and it causes greenhouse gas emissisions. Conserving resources is an important advantage to limiting car usage. Resouces are what people, plants and animals need. To conserve resources, air pollution can not be a problem but it is because of the dieselsl from cars. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced driving ban to clear the are of the global city." states, the narrator of source 2. This states that driving a vehicle that contains diesel engines has caused pollution and it has been banned to clear the air in the city. Air pollution is when harmful solid particles and gases mixed in the air. "pedestrian, bycycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation" are was to reduce air pollution, explains source 4. Improving saftey is what earth needs to do. Safety is important and if car usage does not limit, people saftey will increase, and not in a good way. We can not continue living with the earth having problems because it will effect our safety. Air pollution will cause us to inhale dangerous particles and that will cause us, the people, to have a bad health. In conclusion, there are many advantages to limiting car usage. There are many different ways from preventing bad things happening. If car usage increases then there will be many problems on earth. We can slowly make a change, avoiding car usage is hard but it must happen.
Cars are a big part of everybodys lives in the United States of America. You use cars to drive to work, take your kids to school, and to run errands. Cars make your lives easier and what would be better than having one that can drive itself. But its not about it being easier its about it being safer. So the real question is, would you trust your car to drive itself in a safe matter. Developing cars that can drive themsleves is a cool concept that could change the world if done right. But just one mistake can cost millions of lives. You would be taking a big risk trusting the car to do its duties and not get you killed. You should always keep in mind that accidents do happen and there will always be a chance of glitches happening in technology. Especially something as complicated as driving, anything could happen out in the roads. You can never truly be ready for something to happen. Plus, even if you wouldnt need to have your hands on the wheel, you would still have to be ready to take over as soon as something bad or unexpected happens that cannot be handled by the car. Also, a big issue that could come with this is with the teenagers. Learning to drive a car is a big part of every teenagers life. It is a taste of adulthood to the teenagers and gives them a bit of insight in an adults life. By adding driverless cars you would be taking away that experience from them and just leaving them with no skill on how to drive a car.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" The author talks about how exploring Venus is dangerous. He even describes how Venus is close to Earth. The author is right about studying Venus despite the dangers. The author goes to great detail to describe the dangerous atomsphere and surface of Venus as "over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". An example of how we got information would be a different planet getting a rover onto Mars. "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely leads us into equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." To put it simply yes the author is right about studying Venus despite the dangers. The research would be dangerous, but be useful at some point. That way we would have information about Venus when we should. We would have major innovations in astronomy.
Driverless cars are some what useful for us because maybe elder people want to go out and they don't have anyone to take them. The teenagers may get bored of just sitting there and not drive, but the older people wont because they could relax. It could be useful either way, maybe some teens would like it because they enjured something, they wouldn't be able to drive now but they could if we had driverless cars. In the passage "Driverless Cars Are Coming" they said something about putting something in the car to entertain them and making sure they keep their heads up at all times. Just because there is driverless cars coming soon doesn't mean that people can just drive them around whenever they feel like it, its same as being a car when you have control. You still have to watch out and go the speed limit, you can't take it and sleep when it's driving. Over the past years cars have developed a lot. Now there are cars that you can turn on while you're still in the house, some cars have wifi, you can turn the heat on, and open doors before you get to the car. People want what is new so they can show something off but they don't show off the problems they could have with the car. Now they are making this new thing where a car can drive you around itself without you having to take control? Have they thought about the car accidents that could happen? Or how it could injure someone? This will take more responsibility than what a driver has now. Would there have to be any test taking for those who want their permit or license? How do you know if they are capable of being in control over those things? Having the cars we have now are good enough. Those who want a driverless cars should still capable of doing the things they do now with a regular car. Senors will still be in the cars, if adding them to the new cars that would make it better for the person and the car. They want to know who would be responsible for an accident? Well it would be the persons fault. If they aren't looking at the road because they were distracted by something else than that could be bad. They should be able to take control when they see something bad is about to happen. Now if the driverless cars come with speaking instructions that could make things better because you can tell it what to do. If there is traffic and your vechile is going to fast you should be able to tell it to slow down. Whether they're or no driverless cars people should always be safe while driving. They should always have their eyes on the road and be able to look to their right and left to make sure it is clear to move over. With this coming out people probably think it will be safer or dangerous. They should put things to entertain them so they can be focused on the road instead of their phones. People should still have to take the driving test with their control.
The way we approach people on a daily basis differs using our emotions and nonverbal communication. We are able to tell when someone is angry, bored, happy or even disgusted. With todays technology students across the world use computers in nearly every class. Now we have all been in a point where the lesson we're learning isnt the most interesting to us and we get bored and give up. What if there was a way for your computer to tell when you're bored and switch the lesson to accomidate to your wants and needs. Well there is the Facial Action Coding System is a way our computers can detect our emotions through facial expressions. Using this in a classroom would be very beneficial to students everywhere. A student learning on a computermay become easily drained with the lesson. The answer to this may be the Facial Action Coding System. " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Dr.Huang (creator of The FACS) states in the article.This coud be the answer to an incresing college rates and decreasing the amoumt of highschool dropouts. The Facial Action Coding Sytem would be extremly valuable to classrooms across the world. Possibly helping the economy, increasing rates in schools everywhere and helping students get the education they deserve.
I do not believe that the masked face was made by aliens. I believe that in a varety of reasons. First, if aliens built the face then NASA would have found where the living area was and they absoulutely did not see any people on Mars. Unfortunetly they did not find living organims living on Mars. Wind is always blowing on Mars so that doesn't mean that aliens made it. According to the text is states that there are multiple landforms on Earth just like the one on Mars. They When NASA took a picturee that was three times bigger they saw that there were objects that looked like airplanes on the ground or Egytptian - style pyramids or even small shacks. The article states that landforms ae common around the American West. Garvin states that' It reminds him most of the Middle Butte i the Snake River PLain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that tkaes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. Then many peope around the world were waiting to see the Face on Mars on TV, but when they saw the picture nobody believed that the face was created by aliens. As it states in the article " As a rule of thunb, you can discern things in a digital image three times bigger than the pixel size." Sometimes when you take a picture, the picture might add adjustments to the photo to make it look more realistic. There are many places aroudn the world that has matured over time due to landforms. The Grand Canyon, Rivers, Volcanoes, and high pieces of land that look like animals are all examples of things that cahnge over time due to the changing of the Earth. People aren't the only things that make mountains, rivers, and canals most features of the world come from landforms that change over long periods of time. In the article the Face on Mars changes in a couple of weeks adn that is due to the changing of Mars. The turning of the planets is also another reason of how landforns change. When it is cold, the freezing tmperatures can cause things to ctack adn split open. During the hot weather, the hot temperatures can change things by heating up the land land until it eventually starts to sink. Whe there was a lot of cloud cover on Mars the first time they took pictures it was really difficult to seek out. I do not believe that aliens had biult the Face on Mars. Eventually they will find the truth and when that day comes then there could be more information and new discoveries. Until then there are more things to learn about Mars.
Everyday technology is changing for the better. There is a lot of contriversy about cars. Wheather they should be driverless or not. I belive that it is not a good idea for the cars to be driverless. I think this becuase humans are smarter, technology fails sometimes, and it will be too expensive. The idea of cars being driverless is scary. Firstly, I believe that humans are smarter than any computer in the world. Humans know what is going on whereas computers dont know as much. comeputers can fail to sense something and get in bad accidents. Drivers also have better senses, computer can always fail. I belive that humans should be the only ones driving the cars. Another reason that i think cars should not be driverless, is becuase technology always fails. What if one of the sensors fail and you loose control of the car. The artilce said that the cars arn't fully driverless, so what is the point. Also, computars can glitch and cause horrible accidents. technonlgy is not very reliable. lastly, another reason why cars shouldn't be driverless is becuase it would cost a a lot of money. Cars will have many sensors and devises that are very expensive. The roads will also need to have some senors in them and that will cost a fortune. the cars will also need a lot of energy to keep all the sensors running, which will mean that the battery will need to be changed constantly, and batterys arn't very cheap. I belive that it will cost to much money to make the driverless car. In conclusion, I belive that driverless cars shouldn't be made. Driverless cars will cost toom much, humans are smarter, and technology is not reliable. Driverless cars will cause alot of debt and accidents. It is pointless to make them if the driver will always need to be there taking the wheel. So the cars are not completely driverless. Driverless cars are not a good idea.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author talks about how Venus is the secound planet from the Sun, and also often reffered as Earths twin. In the article it states, Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and also the closest in distants too"(The Challenge of Exploring Venus). People have sent nonman spacecrafts to Venus for good reasons because 97% of Venus atmosphere is blankets of carbon dioxide. In the article the author states "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmoshere"(The Challenge of Exploring Venus). On the land of Venus temperatures average 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmosperic pressure is 90 times greater than what we have on our planet.The pressure would crush everything on our planet. In the article the author states "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments lie erupting volcanoes. powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land and on its surface" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). Therefore it will make things alot harder fo scientist to fully understand Venus, however NASA has a plan to send people on a ship to orbet around Venus to get a better understanding of Venus, however doing it with a ship dosent allow the scientist to have a full insight of the ground because the light cant break through the dense atmosphere, therefore they wont be able to do all of the test to see if there is some possible way for us to live on Venus. In the article it states " Many researchers are working on innovaitions that would allow our machines to last long enough to contibute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus"(The Challenge of Exploring Venus). So scientist our still trying to fiqure things out today. So the only thing they can do is to keep striving to meet the challenges presented by Venus has, and not only because of the insight to be gained on Venus itself, but by human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally threatning courses.
Venus is one of the brighest points of light in the night sky and sometimes called "Evening Star". Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, It has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. In "The Challange of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursit despite the danger it presents. Three reasons that supports author idea is Venus has dangerous geology and weather , the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere, and the surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The fisrt reason is Venus present dangerous geology and weather. In Venus, the climate and weather are worst and danger which make nothing to survive. in a paragraph, it said " Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting vocanoes, powerful earthquake, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface." This show why it's danger for anything that land on Venus. The second reason is venus has the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. In a paragraph, it said " The cloud conditions are far more extreme than anything human encounter on Earth; scuh as enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." this show how it is dangerous to humans and enviroments. The third reason is the surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fehrenheit. Also the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than our planet. In a paragraph, it said " Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system and solar power power would be plentiful, and radition would not excced Earth level." This support that no one can live on Venus because of the temperature. So, In " The Challenge of Exploring Venus, " The author suggests that studying venus is worthy pursit despite the danger it presents because of this three reasons. Venus has dangerous geology and weather, the clouds of highly corosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere, and the surface temperatures average over 800 degree fehrenheit. Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin," It's dangerous for living organisms to live.
Fellow citizens we should limit ower car usage and see the advantages that we can gain from it. Having a car can bring lots of tense and responsibility along with lots of money having to be spent. In (Source 1) it states that "When i had a car I was alwayse tense. I'm much happier this way," Car ownership require lots of of money to be spent on the car ,on a garage and even a parcking space. In (Soure 1) it states that "Germany car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the edge of the development,where a car-owner buys a space,for $40,000, along with a home". An advantage from limiting your car usage would be to make the cities denser, and better for walking. In (Source 1) it states that "While there have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to the suburbs". 
Venus called (Evening Star), is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Is misleading since Venus is a planet, is the second planet from our sun and is simple to see from the distance; is the closet planet to Earth in t erms of density, size and occasionally in distance too. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet also, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even though Mercury is closer to the sun. The Natonal Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's have the possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray, at thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at arounf 170 degrees Farenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea lovel on Earth. More importantly, researches cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Many researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to out knowledge of Venus, NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation, however Venus onse of the importants planets because it's like Earth where we live almost the people of the universe, we need to working and contribuate eith the NASA and take care of them.
Venus is often called the "Evening Star" for being the brighest points of light. It's also the second planet close to the sun. And as it's simple to see from distant, it proved a very challenging place for examining closely. It's very worthy even though Venus's thick atmosphere is 97% carbon dioxide. But getting through the clouds are worse with them being sulfuric acid as a high danger sign for spaceships to only be there for a few hours. The temperature has scortching heat of 800 degrees fahrenheit and 90 times more pressure than our planet. Venus has impediments of erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes to anything landing on it's surface. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may once of been like Earth with oceans and various forms of life. The Astronomers think it's a good idea to kepp trying to land on Venus even though their spaceships never last more than a few hours and believe there might be various life forms like Earth and some oceans. But Venus is to deadly with acid, scortching heat, and 90 times our pressure that could crush a submarine. Also Venus has some lighting that strikes anything landing on it's surface and erupting volcanoes with frequent earthquakes. Venus also has a surface of rocky sediments with valley's, mountains, and craters under the clouds and atmosphere. People have tried sending multiple spaceships to Venus but they never came back. It was the brightest "Evening Star" but the most dangerous planet with sulfuric acid atmosphere. Astronomers know the dangers of going to Venus but want think theres life form and oceans like Earth. If anything was to land on it's surface, lightning would strike it and the spacecraft could only last a few hours if lucky. My conclusion to this is that Venus is a dangerous place but I would like to see whats on that planet, and know if there really is any life form or oceans. If so the astronomers might take some life from there adn water to bring and test what it actually is. But they can't send people into acid atmospheres and scortching heat just to land on Venus.
For my own position on driverless cars, I am against the development of them. Reason being is because their is always minor fixes; fixes that can either indanger you and the safety of anyone else in the car with you. "They said that Tesla has projected a 206 release for a car of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." That still isn't good enough for safety of human beings, because they would though act as if the car's purpose the entire time is able to just drive itself. Especially in traffic on highways, express ways, or even downtown traffic. People would wonder is it really safe to use driverless cars? The driverless cars would not be able to configure itself on what is safe with the incoming traffic and hazardous affects. One question that people would need to know before hand using this driverless car is who's fault would it be if someone gets injured, the driver or maufacturer? Most states want drivers and everyone in the car to be at alert at all times for safe reasons. It is understood that the driverless car would be able to handle speeds up to 25 mph, but that would not be able to help during traffic like highways or downtown. It just tells us how useless this new type of car will be used. I believe that the driverless cars should not be indevelopment. If so people should be careful and not to use them for fun, because these types of cars have bugs in them, that should be fixed before in use. Do I believe that they sound great for the future of course, but at this time and era no because people can barely handle a new hover board that came out. In regards this is what people should think about and believe what I have stated against this development of driverless cars, not just for fun and excitement but as well as your safety and safety of others.
The  electoral  college  is  where  people  go  to  vote  for  President  and  also  our  vice  President. Each  canidate  has  his  or  her  own  group  of  electors. Every  elector  is choosen  by  the  canidate's  political  party.  Also  each  elector  is  carefully  selected  and are  aware  of  thier  responsibilties.  Ounce  you  vote  for  your  canidate  you  are  actually voting  for  the  canidates  electors. Which  helps  the  state's  electors  choose  who  is  fit for president.  The  presidential  election  happens  every  four  years  on  a  tuesday  in Novemeber. There  are  at  least  538  elector's  that  atend  the  Electoral  college. Also there  has  to  be  at  least  270  votes  to  elect  the  president. People  may  think  when  they  go  out  to  vote  for our  new  president  they  are  voting for  that  one  person  but  they're  not, you  are  actualy  voting  for  a  bunch  of  electors. There  is  a  group  of  people  from  the  goverment  that  get  together  and  select  each elector  that  is  trusted  to  vote  for  the  party's  nominee. There's  five  reasons  for  the Electoral  College. One  is  certainty  of  outcome,  everyone's president, swing  staes, big states, and  also  last  but  not  least  avoid  run-off  elections.
The author supports the suggestion that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by providing benifits and solutions to exploring Mars. In the text it states 'Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like plantet in our solar system'. This shows that by studying Venus we may learn that Venus was once like Earth. In the text it also states 'recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit'. This shows that Venus is the easiest to get to in terms of speed/time. Finally they provide ways that space agencies are working on solutions to exploring Mars. For this, the text states 'NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray'. These support the authors' suggestion by showing reasons as to why we should study Venus and the fact that agencies already are researching solutions to exploring Venus.
When reading this article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I though that would be a great ideal but, reading the passage made me think about accidents and what would happened if the technology stop working on the car. After realizing this i'm 100% against the development of these cars and everyone should. In paragraph nine it said "only safe car has a human driver in control at all times and that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." that right there is true. I also want to show you something in paragraph nine it said " If the technology fails and someone is injured,who is that fault - the driver or the manufacturer?" right there should be the big reason why we should not have this because who are you going to blame the person could say that it was the car when it really was him not being alert. There is some good things when it comes to technology but not this we can't always relay on it. We have became more independed we can't have technology do our driving for us, technology pretty much does everything for us any was.If you don't want to drive then get a "human" to drive for you not technology. In the states of Californai, Nevada,Florida, and the District of Columbia it is illegal to do that and I think that ever state should be like that too! Make this country a better one by not tearing it down and making it wrost already. Having technology do our driving could make everthing go down hill. It could lead to a much bigger cause to death and driver not paying attendtion because they relay on the technology. We all need to wake up and ask ourself will this be good for us or not?
The face is a landform and it's not created aliens. It is a faceof a landform human face because first of all aliens are not real. Even thought alien are real the face that the scientists descrided was like a human face, "Which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth"(Paragraph 3). By the look of the face it already gives us a lot of information that it's a human face. It also said that it looked like an Egyptian Pharaoh on paragraph 2, "Only this one had unsual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh". Almost every evidence showed that it was formed in a human face. Even thought some scientistic belived that the face was an alien artifact they can't prove it. What is the piont of saying it that it's a alien face with just some litlte bits of details. Are aliens even real? Also in the article of "Unmasking the Face on Mars" said that "There was no alien monument after all", (Paragraph 7) after the MOC team took a piceture ten ties then the original Viking photos it showed that is was revealing a natural landform. It said in the acticle that "The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze", even thought they believe that it could be a alien, okay it could be hiding the details of alien marking, but in the article said that "What the picture actually is the Matian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West", that's a evidence that showed that it was from a human face. Also in this article of "Unmasking the Face on Mars" had more information on how it's a human face and how it isn't a alien face.
Driving around could be fun espicaly when your young bu thva eyou ever thought about how much easier life could be without a car? There could be many advantages by limiting car usage, for example you'll save lots of money; easier to get around and you can get around faster; lastly its alot safer. Sure driving around could be fun but dont forget to think about the advanges of saying goodbye to that car. To begin, buying a car can be very expensive with the car payments and the down payment and espically the gas money. Buying a bike compared to buying a car is way less expensive. You pay a couple hundred for a bike and you have it for as long as you want because its yours but when u buy a car you pay thousands of dollars for it and it only last a couple years. Gas money these days is insane. Paying $4 for a gallon of gas when ou have a 20 gallon tank can get very very expensive so why waste the money, buy a bike or even just walk and youll never have to pay for gas again. Some people dont really like the idea of bikin everywhere but thats not the only option. Walking, scootering, rollerskating, skateboarding and biking are all other options instead of taking a car. If ou wanna be smart and save money then i suggest getting rid of that car and getting yourself a bike! Secondly, safety can be a big issue espically with how people drive now a days. There are more teenagers on the road and more drunk drivers too! Not all people who get behind the wheel can be trusted driving next to you. Some people may think that just because they have their license means they can have a couple a drinks and are still able to get behind the wheel and drive safely. Thousands of people every year die from car accidents, if you dont wanna be one of those people then get rid of your car and be safe. Lastly, sitting at a stop light for 5 minutes can feel like your sitting there forever. That problem has an easy soultion though, GET RID OF YOUR CAR! Getting rid of your car means no more stop lights or stop signs or people cutting you off and making you wait for them. Im sur you think that a car is the fastest way to get around but it really isnt. biking or walking or running or anyway besides a car is another fast way to gt around. ou might not be able to walk as fast as a car can drive but when walking you dont have to wait for a stop light to turn green you can just keep walking plus its good excersise. To conclude , driving always seems like the easiest choice but is it the safest, least expensive, or the fastest? No, no its not. Bike riding, walking, roller skating, skate boarding, even riding a scooter, and running are all alternative ways for you to get aorund without using our car. Save money, be safe and get there faster by getting rid of your car!
Dear Senator, "The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens"(Office of the Federal Register1). Thus, the Electoral College is a balance of votes that includes many different sources for which the President is elected. For this, the Electoral College should be retained due to its contribution to successful elections even though there are some instances which occur and to help the elections remain fair and equal. Additionally, this process should be continued, but there are certain aspects that would argue for changing the aged process. In Richard Posner's, "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President," he incorporates in his defense, that the electoral votes are awarded in a winner-take-all basis, which means that the states play an important role in the deciding factor of who will become the next President. Posner explained theoretically, "In [2012's] election, for example, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 perecnt of the popular votes cast for him and Romney... even a slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state" (Posner 1). With this, this shows that the state votes are important and essential to the canidates who are trying to obtain electoral votes in the states. Thus, this method or process is successful in ways many people do not aknowledge. The citizen's votes do matter, when every aspect is put into a big picture and taken into account. Furthermore, the Electoral College alllows for everyone to have the chance to be apart of the elections. The Office of the Federal Register explains, "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress" (The Office of the Federal Register 1). This adds suppprt that at the end of the election, almost every part of an election including votes, is taken into consideration, thus making the election a sucessful one. In The Office of the Federal Register's excerpt, "What Is The Electoral College," there is certain reasons that further divulge how the Electoral College is fair and equal to the canidates and the citizens who are voting. This is reliterated when The Office of the Federal Register statees, " Your state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional Delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators...(Office of the Federal Register 1). In addition this means that each state will receive an opportunity to have a meaningful vote to the elections because every state has the same kinds of members being awareded to them. Each state will have a different number of members due to the size, but they will all be of equal value to the canidates. To add for support, Posner says, "No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president"(Posner 1). With this, all the states understand that their vote is crucial to the election and the canidates. Fortunately, the Electoral College is fair and equal to all the state's voting in the election, sometimes even more than some states know. For example, Posner states, " Voters in toss up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign-to really listen tp the competing candidates-knowing that they are going to decide the election"(Posner 1).  Ultimately, the Electoral College is the most fair way to decide and vote for a future president who will be our leader of all the citizens. Lastly, the Electoral College is the best way to determine a president, but there are some flaws. For example, Plumer explains, "... Thanks to the quirks of the electoral college- won the popular vote but list the presidency over 60 percent of the voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now" (Plumer 1). The elecotral college could alter the outcome of an election dramtically. Another issue that Plumer wants people to know is that, " Under the electoral collge sysytem, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors..." (Plumerr 1). This is true but also could be a little dramatic. Ultimately, the citizens are the ones who are voting for the candidates not the electors. Without the vote from the citizens there would be no electors. The Electoral College process should still be kept even though there are some issues. In conclusion, the Electoral College is very important to our modern day elections. The citizens and the states determine who the next Presidents will be. The process provides successful elecions which are fair and equal to not only the people, but the states. Posner states, "Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a poltiacl preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election" (Posner 1). The Electoral College makes sure that every person and state vote is accounted for and will be contributed to who the next President will be. One day maybe there will be a process that will exceed the Electral College, but for now, we will trust our founding fathers and keep the process that has been with us since the start.                   
I think,that the electoral college should I will tell you right now. The electoral college helps us to avoid problems. So If there is no electoral college we will have problems and I dont want that in our country. You may be thinking what do i mean by i dont want that in our country what I mean by that is that if there is problems I dont want that in our country cause are country is already free so I dont want it to have problems. And then if the United States fight it would not be free so think about that. Knowing their vote will not effect they will have less time to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote. By the way plurality means that when a candidate receive more votes than other candidates while not receiving a clear majority of votes. I think without plurality we would not have a president. Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. You have to be 18 to vote in a election to choose your president. The electoral college restores some of the weight in the political balance that larges states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitution. The popular vote was very close in florida. Nevertheless obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. So, other thing equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. So in other words a big state gets more votes than a small state does. From all these i typed i think i want the electoral college to stay were it is as in today.
Driverless cars are a new and upcoming thing in our world today. Drivers having to constantly steer and brake is a thing of the past. Now, cars drive themselves and humans are no more required to be the drivers, but the passengers. But many people don't believe that this is the road we should go down. Could going completely driverless put humans in even more danger than we are today? After reading the article, development of driverless cars should be stopped because they cause more crashes, prove technology is unreliable, and show that who to put at blame is unknown and will cause problems. Development of driverless cars need to be stopped. These cars not only seem to not need human drivers, but means that we're in trusting these cars with our lives. Today, car accidents are a variety of reckless driving, simple mistakes, etc. But what they have in common is they're all accidents that humans have committed. In the article, paragraph 7, it says humans will be notified by the car when a situation gets too complicated or diffcult for it to handle. But by the time the car notifies the passenger, won't it be too late for the human to react and take over? Driverless cars putting us humans in situations like this will only cause panic for us, when we aren't even suppose to be driving, but passengers, and cause even more crashes. Driverless cars don't need to be developed because they'll just put us in more danger than we're already in. Technology is the main component these driverless cars utilize to actually be able to drive by themselves. In paragraph 5 it says, "The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on the individual wheels and reduce power from the engine..." In our world today, technology and manufactured devices malfunction all the time. It's just what happens because humans don't know everything there is to know about everything. What if to say this happened to the sensors in the driverless cars. If the sensors just stop working, causing the car to stop, putting the passenger in a great amount of danger. Technology isn't reliable, so why should we have to rely on technology to drive our cars? It's just more danger being caused instead of being prevented if we develop these cars. We should rely on ourselves to drive our cars instead of technology because it can just malfunction at anytime, without a warning. Directly in the article, in paragraph 9, it posed the question: "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault - the driver or the manufacturer?" This is a very important question because it's basically asking who's taking the blame if someone is injured by these driverless cars? This could all be avoided if we stop the development of those cars. Forsay, if someone's injured, would the guilt lie on the passenger who's suppose to be watching the driverless car drive or the manufacturers who made the car in the first place? Chaos and problems will arise if this situation takes place. Both people should be at fault though because they're giving technology the wheel and the path to do what it want, even if it's programmed to do one thing. But like I said before, these accidents and questioning who's at fault can be avoided if we take away what causing this all: technology. Stopping production of these cars will take the blame away and make accidents more clearer as who's to blame. The idea of having driverless cars in our world today isn't not going to go away anytime soon, but proving why it shouldn't be develop and not even being an idea anymore can keep them from being a thing in our world to come. Driverless cars not only take the control out of the driver, but take control of the fate of the passengers' lives too. Development of driverless cars should be stopped because they cause more accidents, prove technology is unreliable, and cause questions of who's at fault for crashes. Taking driverless cars out of our streets and sticking to man-driven cars will make the world a safer place not only now, but for our future too.
Luke's point of view convincing others to participate in the Seagoing Comboys program is that it helped people and animals. It made Luke more aware of people in other countries and their needs. He was grateful for the opportunity. It opened up the world to him. The awareness stayed with him. His family was able to take care of a number of exchange visitors and international students for many years. The Seagoing Cowboys program recovered food supplies. Luke knew that if he joined it would change his life soon afterwards, and he knew that it would be a huge oppportunity of a lifetime to him. The Seagoing Cowboys helped take care of the animals that were sent overseas. He knew that alot of countries were destroyed and ruined from World War ll so, he wanted to help. Being a Seagoing Cowboy was a good expierence for Luke and he liked how he got to help many animals and people.
In the article the author trlls how a new technolgy called the Facisl Action Coding System that identify human emotions. The software is used to "calculate emotions". They can caculate six basic emotions "happiness, suprise. anger,disgust,fear, and sadness". It can tell all of thoes things by your face movements and how you talk. Anyonw can tell if you are sad and dont want to be bothered so it shows emotion but if you "put on a happy face" it could accully make you very happy. The tecnology could help the student becuase it tells them whenthey are looking bored or sleepy. Dr. Huang is predicing that the tecnology could have a "effective human instructor" the tecnogly is very smart it could also make computer animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. In the passage they gave an example of a real face painted of "Mona Lisa" becuase in the picture she has a stright face and she shows "no emotion". But it is also made to put a smile on your face. The computer model of the face technology has to have a 3D face model and has to have "all 44 muscles in the model must move like human muscles". Humans "preform the same impressive calcualtion everday". everybody had diferent facal expressions. In conclusion the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of the students in the classroom is valialbe becuase they all need to know how there emotions are and how they are looking in a classroom or jsut on the daily basic. And they can also see what emotional are meaning at that tiem when they didnt. It aslo tells if someone has a real smile and a fake one.
In the article "Driverless cars are coming" the author gave alot of aspects for the driveless cars.The author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars to show how they useful and not useful to people. My postion on driverless cars is they should create driverless cars. The future of driverless cars could use half of the fuel we use today." The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." The driverless cars would outstandly change the world in many ways. google has had cars that drove independently since 2009. Google says " they cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated tracfic issues such as, road work or accidents." The biggest deal in driveless cars is the safety. The driverless cars really should be invented becauseit can help alot of people out. The driverless cars can help old people and handicap get around easly. The driverless car can "handle driving functions at speeds up to 25mph but special sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." This could help people out alot. The last thing is waiting for the driverless laws to go through. The laws for the driverless cars is to alert the driver. In some states the driverless cars are not illegal in some states. In the state california, nevada, florida etc is limited in driverless cars. I beleive driverless cars should be illegal in some states. In conclusion, driverless cars should be great for the future. Driverless cars can be helpful in many ways. The driverless cars can save half on fuel and can take people any where they desire.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus talks about Venus itself, its attributes and other signifying parts of venus. "Evening star" is a nickname given to Venus because its one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Venus is the second planet from the Sun even though its has proved a challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is also called the Earth's twin because its the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Its right around the corner, many spacecraft has been sent to Venus but no spacecraft survived the landing or more than a few hours. A thick atmosphere of 97 percent Carbon dioxide blankets Venus, even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The author supports the idea due to many reasons because he learning about another planet is true. For example, he said "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. They are using these old devices called "MECHANICAL COMPUTERS" made years ago in the 1800s and used in the 1940s during the World war II. The computers are the only options we have left as of now to help us get to know more about Venus, so we have to use the devices because the modern devices are too delicate for situations like this. They thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but modern computers are really powerful, flexible and quick but they are too delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure and other forces. In conclusion, I would like to add that there might be some probability that years ago, Venus was covered largely with oceans and other various forms of life just like Earth. Venus still has some features that are similar to Earth's. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
Dear State Senator, I have realized that there has been debate lately about if we should abolish the Electoral College or not. Reading about this, you could swing either way and have a valid point, but I think my way has more valid points and makes more sense as a whole picture. The key here is the bigger picture because if you look at a small flaw of something for long enough it eventually takes up the whole picture in your mind. You may have your opions about it and I have mine but I would like to share mine with you so you can see why the Electoral College is still important and should still be used. When our founding fathers sat down and decided to right up our federal government system, they argued emensly on voting and how it should go about. when they finished bickering and developed this system, they made sure everything had a checks and balances type of layout. With the Electoral College, " you vote for the elector and they vote for president and vice president, and then congress counts the electorial votes". This idea is more benefitial then just having a majority vote for obvious reasons. With the electoral votes and populus votes it makes it harder to choose a president just by a single vote advantage. Now I know your probably yelling at this letter saying the disaster factor is the main problem with the electorial college but let me finish. there have only been two times that this has happened. "It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes then bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888". If this has only happened twice then I think it is something that is fixable, but should not be the deciding factor that takes away the whole Electoral College system. The main reason we have this system is so there is a certainty of outcome and not just one score that is judged. The way this is set up is so that "no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president". This is a great thing because imagine if it was just majority vote; the most populated states could just vote who they wanted to be president and it would be done. No other states would be able to compete and on top of that the canidates for president would only have to campain in the populated states where they know they are already liked. The Electoral College is there so things aren't done in a jiffy. With this system the canidates actually have to work on trying to gain supporters in states where they may not be liked in. It also makes the American people think about all the options and decide on a bigger scale that requires more then just "one vote" to win an election. Can you see why we need this Electoral College to stay and not just be abolished over like it is some plastic bottle on the highway that gets avoided and never gets picked up. We need people to stay activley involved in voting and I personally think the Electoral College does the best job with this. If the founding fathers spent months upon months just argueing about this single topic, I do not think they would just blow it off last second and come up with some giberish. If this system has worked this well this long then I think they must of done something right. Please consider my opinion state senator. "Voters in presidental elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election".       
There mostly comes a time in the future when cars will be able to drive themselves. Many companies, such as google, are getting more and more interested in these cars. There are many positive and negative thoughts about this. Is this a good idea? Should driverless car be allowed? Are driverless cars something that will cause a postive influence? Shoudl these cars be allowed to be driven? No, they have to many contraversal statements to be put on the roads safely. Driverless cars are very contraversal. These driverless cars have many things that could go wrong. For example, they have driving functions that can go up to 25 mph but the driver must still control the car after that. In most streets, road ways and most definetly high ways, the speed limit is more than 25 mph. So the driverless car wouldnt be driverless since it can only control up to 25 mph. A driver must still take control of the car. That would bring up anothr contraversal apsect. Would the driver in this car take anything seriously? The driver would thnk the car is driving so they would slack off and do other things while the car is in motion. This is not safe at all. They would be paying less attention to the road andmore attention to the other things. Which could easily cause an accident since the driverless car isnt fully on its own. So thats another negative aspect towards a driverless car. Is this even legal to have a driverless car? Most drivng laws are made to keep the driver, passenger and pedestrians safe. Mostly all lawmaksers know that is best achieved with alert drivers. So if trafic laws are written for cars with a driver, can a driverless car take the road and still agree to the terms of the law. No, the laws are written for alert drivers. The driverless car would have control. Who would be responsible if one these driverless cars were to wreck? If the driver is stating the facts, they would say the company who made this car would be. While the company would say the driver is repsonsible. This would most likely result in a lawsuit and more complications to wether the car should even be allowed. It would cause more negatives aspects, implications adn problems towards the driverless cars then good aspects and statements. One might argue that the technology is advancing so cars shoudl also. Which brings up another contraversal statemnet. If technology continues to advance, like it does ever day, these cars would never be fully ready to be driven. More and more things will keep being added to them, causing people to question wether or not its fully safe to drive on the roads. Google has had cars that could almost drive safely since the year 2009. They drove a decently long distance without a crash, but only in specific conditons. These cars can not be driven independently yet. They still alerted the driver when pulling over, parking in a driveway or when they had to deal with complicated traffic issues. One issue would be navigating through roadwork or accidents. Some of the basic things are not fully operatable by the car yet. This causes the diver to still drive operate the driverless car. There are many assumptions that go with these driverless cars. There are many things that could go wrong with the driverless cars. Many things are still being worked on so that they are safe. Does the need work on it more and more as the years go on and technology approves? Who would be truly repsonsible for any accidents or damages? Will laws even allow the cars to even be driven? Driverless cars should not be allowed. The driverless cars have to many negative aspects. These driverless cars have to many contraversal statements to be put on the roads safely.
My name is Luke Bomberger and I want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. When you join you can help different countries and their people. And you can see marvolous sights such as, Europe, China, Italy, and Greece. Also, when going home you can play games like Table-tennis tournaments, boxing, and fencing. Another reason you shouldjoin the Seagoing Cowboys are the animals. You can feed the animals, water them and, make sure they aren't hurt. You'd be helping people too, by bring people livestock and food to eat. And for all your hard work, on the return trip you can play games, read, or do some whittling. I know all of this because I'm part of the Seagoing Cowboys crew. In conclusion, if you join, you help people, be with some animals, play some games, see Beautiful sights onboard, and you'd be helping the military. So, be part of the Seagoing Cowboys crew today!
Have you ever wondered exactly what other people were thinking or feeling? Do you know students who are often confused when they learn? Have you ever considered what it would be like if you could tell what other people were feeling exactly? A new technology called Facial Action Coding System has been tested to find the exact emotions of other people. For example, in the first sentence of the first paragraph it describes Mona Lisa's exact emotions in percentages. Many people wonder if this new technology could be useful in a classroom to detect whether children reallly understand a concept or if they just say they understand. Children in school are often confused with a certain subject and are too embarrassed to speak up. Some people sugjest that the new technology Facial Action Coding can change that. In paragraph 6 of " Making Mona Lisa Smile" it states " ' A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. ' Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor'"(Nick D'Alto, Mona Lisa Smile). Dr. Huang suggests that if we brought this technology into the schools then some children may be able to succeed. Teachers with this technology could use it to improve their lesson to captivate the students or help them individually. The children could benefit from the teachers improved lesson by getting more involed in the classroom. Overall if children were introduced to this technology, They would succeed not only in shcool, but in life too. The author of this passage has pointed out some very interesting facts. The author has pointed out the fact that children may not have the best attention span and may not understand what is going on. The author suggests that people should bring technology into schools to improve the likelyhood of the child succeeding. many studies have shown that this technology works, so the author wants the children to have a shot at becoming the best they can be. Technology used in schools like this can benefit the next generation of doctors, educators, and politions. Facial Action Coding can bring fun back into a classroom and help students in the long run.
Why the Electoral College Should be Replaced Dear Mr. Senator, ever since the Presidential Election of 2000, the concept of our electoral college has been highly scrutinized, and this is rightly so. The electoral college is undemocratic, unfair, and should be replaced with the popular vote. Even people who support keeping the electoral college (such as the author of In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President , Richard A. Posner) agree that "...the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense.." (paragraph 15). America was founded on democracy and making sure that the people's voices were heard, and not allowing the people to directly vote for the leader of the country goes against that. The electoral college is also extremely unfair to voters. Because of how the election system is set up, a candidate could win the people's popular vote, but not the electoral votes and would then not recieve presidency. This occured in 2000 in the Gore vs Busch election. Even though a majority of people voted for Gore, Busch still ended up with the presidency (paragraph 9). Having the electoral votes take pecedence over the popular vote takes away the people's voice and bscially tells them that their opinion doesn't matter as much as the electoral college's opinion. The electoral college is also unfair because it discourages campaigning in non-swing states. A democratic candidate would not campaign in a state like California that is heavily democratic because they know they are almost definitley going to win the election in that state, meaning they will get all of that state's electoral votes. A republican candidate would not campaign in Caliornia either because they know they would have almost no chance of winning in such a heavily democratic state, and they would be wasting campaign money with no hope of electoral votes from that state (paragraph 13). This means that people in non-swing states like California don't really know much about either candidate because they were never informed. Then the people in these states tend to vote for their party solely because they have nothing else to go off of. It is unfair for voters in non-swing states to be left in the dark just because all of the electoral votes are almost guaranteed to go one way. If the US used popular votes for the Presidential Election, republicans in democratic states and democrats in republican states would have a voice too. Another way the electoral college is unfair, is the standing procedure in the event of a tie. There are 538 electors in the electoral college (paragraph 3) which is an even number, meaning the electoral votes for each candidate could be tied. In the event of a tie, the House of Representatives would have an election and each state would get one vote. That would mean "...the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters" (paragraph 12). This would make someone from California's vote count for much less than someone from Wyomig's vote. It can be argued that the electoral college is beneficial in the fact that the winning candidate's share of electoral votes exceeds his share of popular votes. For example, in the 2012 election, Obama recieved 61.7% of the electoral votes compared to 51.3% of popular votes (paragraph 18). Some say this is beneficial because it reduces the chance of a dispute of vote counting. However, this is actually not a good thing. 51.3% of people wanted Obama to be President. Not 61.7%. Yet Obama still got credit for 61.7%. About 10% of voters who didn't support Obama didn't get their opinion heard. The electoral college has been around for a long time, and it's time for a change. It is simply undemocratic and unfair. It prevents every person for having an equally weighted vote. The electoral college needs to be replaced with a popular vote. Thank you for your time Mr. Senator. Sinceraly, PROPER_NAME
In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author states some different negative and positive aspects of the driverless cars. My thoughts on driverless cars are good. [Myself] thoughts are that I like these driverless cars. "Can you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars becuase no one needs them anymore?" Now, people now days can go out and buy a driverless car, and go anywhere they would like to go without driving. [Myself] personal thought on this is it would be a great idea to purchase one of these driverless cars. Good thoughts on these driverless cars are, they would use a lot less on gas, you could watch movies and television in your car also. Many people text and drive now days even with self driven cars. If you had a driverless car, you would be able to text and drive. "These cars have been driven more than half a million miles without a crash." People have bought these cars and not had a crash and [Myself] thinks that it would bea good idea to get one of these driverless cars in my opinion. Driverless cars have antilock brake systems and driver assistance. Google that has designed these driverless cars have dreamed about making one for the longest time. "There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting." Google wanted to make something that has never been created before. Driverless cars have all kinds of different systems and sensors that we have never thought of building a car with. These cars have "rotating sensors on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor." Driverless cars have so much technology now that they will eventually and some now that will drive themselves. People that were looking into buying these driverless cars didn't want to be behind the wheel when driving. "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?" Why they still need to be behind the wheel is incase of traffic incidents or accidents on the roads for example. Some drivers still think to [Themselves] that they would get bored when not being able to drive and have to wait their turn. Some displays in the driverless cars can be shut off manually. These cars have "Traffic Jam Assistance," which will alert you when driving and when you run into traffic. These cars also have alert systems when driving also. It would be a good and safe choice to purchase one of these driverless cars. "Can you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars becuase no one needs them anymore?" Now that we have driverless cars no one would really need the cars that need a driver behind the wheel controlling the wheel, acceleration, and other systems in the car. More and more car manufactures are planning out and creating driverless cars. My position on the driverless cars is that I think that it would be a great idea to purchase one. They are safe, can take you anywhere you would need to go without driving, and would just be a wonderful idea to get one of these driverless cars.
I need a car! why wont you get me a car? all of my friends have cars but me, why won't you get me a car! I scream at my mother almost everyday, trying to inform her of buying me a car, but she always change the subject by saying,"look at this population, look at all these people briving, we dont need one more trying to distroy are cities". I always ues to think in my head what is this lady talkng about, I only asked for a car. But as I start to look into life i start to understand that the most importanat things are sometimes the things that effect us the most, like for exmaple a car... To begin with, in source 1, it states that passnger cars are responible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe... and up to 50 percent in some car- intensive areas in the Untied State. It also states in source 4 that, Amercia passed peak driving. Now if us Americans could limit driving everday and pick up are bicycles now and then, I belive problems like tracffic jams, and car accidents would be less. I also belive that the air we breath would be much more better for us. In source 3, it says that millions of colombians hiked, skated or took buses to work and doing this lefted the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. Mr. Goldberg, said in source 1 that, "how much you drive is as important as wheather you have a hybird, I put this in my essay because I feel as if, Mr. goldberg is saying that cars are like a burrden and that sometimes putting then bown wont hurt. Like for example one time my mother asked me to go out with her and i said yes, and as we are leaving the house i see that she lefted her car keys so I, took them for her and when we was out side i told her how are we supose to get in the car if you dont have your key? and she said " we are walking" I had a smile on my faces to know that my mother was trying to make a biffrents.      
Where do i stand on the development of Driverless Cars? Eh, they could be useful. But then again, still very dangerous. You have to be a very responsible person to handle one of these vehicles though. My concern is the individual driving the vehicle, or maybe another person whose very smart but jealous of the person who has this cool new car. The person driving can't expect the car to just drive it automatically home from work or something. What if a person falls asleep behind the wheel because they thinks its fine for just one time? There are some things that do not need to be created for human usage because some people dont know how to handle things, which ruin it for others. Now the crazy jealous techno Wiz. Your neighbo,r or somebody could hack into your car's system and make it do things you dont want. They could probably control where you're going, make you randomly crash, drive you off the highway, ANYthing. People are crazy, and know how to hack into just about anything they set their minds to. The car ITSELF might have a malfunction & end up killing you. In conclusion, I dont belive the driverless cars are a good idea anymore. We have enough technology that should keep us content. The people creating this should be using the money for more important things.
this story is about cars and pollution and how much people get fined with even numbered license plates plates to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine of $31 and mobile world congress and improve safeties also a study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009 also other people havent bothered to get their licenses because either their lazy or just dont simply want to get their license i on the other hand do have my license also i am 16 years old and have to wait a year to be able to drive alone and that's if i pass the driver's exam wich im confident enough that i will but anyways back to the story demographic shifts in the driving population suggest that the trend may accelerate the drop percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds getting a license while older poeple are likely to retain their licenses as they age. Obama The President Of The United States gambitious goals to curb the united states greenhouse gas emissions , unveiled last week. The third straight year cars have been banned with onlly buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in the capital city of 7 million. Also gas price has been lowered to an incredible price that everyone's pretty much satisfied you could say but theres always the people that complain because it is always like that theres ungrateful people and theres grateful people when other people can't afford gas money believe it or not i'd be surprised if they lowered grocery prices wich would be better for the country in my opinion it just makes everything better thank you for listening 
Many people are not in favor of keeping the Electoral College. Many prefer changing the election by popular vote for the president of the United States since the Electoral College is unfair. It is. The electoral college is unfair in many ways and we should change it to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. One reason why the United States should change the election to popular vote instead of the Electoral College is because the states aren't all equal and electoral college isn't fair. In the Electoral College, California has more of a say than Georgia. California has 55 electoral college, while Georgia has 16. How is that fair? "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning" (Plumer 13). This line tells us that candidates stay out of states that they know they won't win. Say there was a candidate campaigning, they will most likely focus on the states that have the most electoral college, like California or Texas. They won't go to states that only have three votes. That's not fair to the states that have a small population. "It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes" (Posner 6). If electoral votes wasn't a thing, Gore would be president. He's the candidate that won most popular votes, meaning that he got the most votes in the nation. "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always" (Plumer 10). Not always? What's the point of voting if the vote won't even count? Another reason why the United States should change the election to popular vote is because the popular vote will be more precise and it's much easier. There could be less ties, and the candidate that everyone really wants as president will become the president. "Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes" (Posner 16). Gore was the candidate that everyone wanted as president. It just doesn't seem fair that the candidate that won popular vote, isn't or wasn't the president. Overall, the people should change the election to popular vote for the president of the United States instead of using a system that is unfair to the states and the people.
Emotions may be hard to understand sometimes, but they are still vital in everyday life so that we as humans can communicate how we are feeling with each other. It is especially vital for teachers to know how their students are enjoying the lesson. With modern technology that can read emotions, teachers may be able to better understand their students, and create a lesson that is fun for everyone. From an emotion test taken on the Mona Lisa, Professors Thomas Huang, and Nicu Sebe detected the lady's exact emotions based on what is portrayed in the painting. According to the technology, she is "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearfuk, and 2 percent angry." This technology used on a classic Renaissance painting could be used in schools to help teachers better understand the students, and therefore help to make the class fun for every one. In the article it gives the example of a class room computer recognizing when a student is bored or confused, then modify the lesson to fit that person's personality. All in all, this sort of technology that can read emotions would be helpful for schools because it could help students understand their school work better, and in turn help them do better in school.
You should join the Seagoing Cowboys. It is a very fun program that helps the people of Europe. It is an nice adventure. This is about helping the people who were affected by World War ll and having an adventure. It is sponsered by the UNRRA ( the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Admistration). Luke's experience was the best one. I feel that Luke did get the point of this program, because he talked a lot about traveling and helping. Of course it's alot of work, but it is also fun and you can see new places. Here is one statement that luke stated, " I had the side benifit of seeing China. Luke was the one Seagoing Cowboy that had made nine trips. That was because he had such a great experience, and you would too if you join this program. If you join the Seagoing Cowboy program you won't regret it. Here are some of the benifits that you get, if you are an animal lover you get to work with animals like horses and cows. If you like adventures you can go to places you've never been before. There is a lot of work, but that's not all afterwards the Seagoing Cowboys get together and do fun activites like table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. They also play baseball and vollyball. Come and join the Seagoing Cowbays you would love it there!
State Senator, If the slogan of our nation is "We the people," why do we the people not actually get to vote for the president? How can a president win the popular vote but lose the presidency? None of that makes any sense. Our nation needs to abolish the Electoral College and change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. The system of the Electoral College is irrational, unfair, and not for the citizens. To begin, the Electoral College is unfair to voters. "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." (Plumer, paragraph 13). "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people." (Plumer, paragraph 11). If the United States is really all about the citizens, then they do not have a good way at showing it. We as citizens live here, and call this nation our home, but yet we can not even elect our own president. The Electoral College is unfair to us as voters. In addition, "The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a state of electors." (Posner, paragraph 15). That textual evidence came from a passage in defense of the Electoral College! We the people should have a say! This system is not for us as citizens of the United States, and it is wrong! This is our home so let US pick our president. Furthermore, "... and the most thoughful voters should be the ones to decide the election." (Posner, paragraph 20). This statement is very true because voters should be thorough when voting, but why should we be? It is not like we need to take our time and compare and contrast the presidential candidates. We are not voting for the president of our choice, so what is the point of being thorough? It is wrong to have this system, and it needs to be changed. To conclude, as I have said above, If the slogan of our nation is "We the people," why do we the people not actually get to vote for the president? The system of the Electoral College needs to be abolished. It is not letting us as citizens elect our choice of the president that we want. It is unfair and irrational. I am in favor of changing the system to election by popular vote for the president of the United States.
Can you imagine riding on a car that you don't have to drive but it keeps moving it byself. That sound crazy but amazing! Google cofounder Sergeny Brin came up with the idea of making a new type of cars he called " Driverless Cars." Looks like the manufactures will control you while you drive. It will be like your car is your driver. First, the cars that coming up soon was amazing inside and its techologhy type of cars, they cn steer, accelerate and brake themselves. Driver's seat attention whenever a problems occures. GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The cool things about this car is there will be cameras to watch the drivers so that drivers can focused on the road. While the drivers watched the road, the car watches the driver. This will an awesome car that ever made in an entire world. Second of all, let's look at the information about Driverless Car to deep deepber. Sometime new things are not always great and they could be our life failer .Imagine you're on the roads riding a smart car and you don't have to do anything. All you do is to sit in the car and do nothing.One thing that I'm worry about is what if technology fails and you're in injuired, who fault would it be, your fault or the manufacturer? We have to think what will cause a head of time before we came up with the idea of making things. Don't you think we should think more about safety first in every thing we do. For example, in school the teacher and adults think safety first that's what first come in their mind. It's not that they're afriad of to take responsibility or anything. All they want is to help the kids, the students to be in safety and learn comfortable. I believe that driverless cars would cause a lot of damage and trouble for the passger and driver. It's techology, we never know things could be wrong while we ride on it.I feel like this new coming up cars is not safety for us. Driverless cars will be making into an amazing cars, will have everything more like cameras and GPS. You don't have to worry about anything, it will tell you what is things go around you and let you know. There will be cameras to watch you driving, so that you can focus on the road. While you watch the roads the car will watched the driver. This car will me amazing!
Based off the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" there's alot of confusion or argument over the face being an alien artifact or landform. The face on mars is indeed a landform. First, NASA, who discovered the landform, releaed the picture with the caption "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head. The authors thought it was an great way to bring attention to mars. Therfore contributing to the cofusion of the landform. Then, Micheal Malin and his team captured a photograph of the landform ten times better than the original authoers. ThIs photo revealed proof the face was a landform. Not everyone was saticfied so he set out for another photo. Finally, in 2001, Malin captured a photo using maximum resolution and each pixel neing 1.56 meters making the image three times bigger. The photo shows what looks to be a natural landform. this landform would be compared to Earths and Snake River Plain of Idaho. In finding out the face was a landform , some conspiracy therist still believe the face is alien artifact. Onthe other hand defenders wish there was acually ancient alien civilization on Mars.
Dear Mr. Senator, I would like to advice you that keeping the electoral collage is a good idea. Based on all of the voting and advances it has progressed. It has done an easily better job for everyone. Demorcats,republicans and citizens advance this and make it a better world to live in. it restores some of the weigtht in the political balance that large states by population sources say. In other words electoral collages avoid the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. For instance,citizens are what president canidates are more interested in because those are the most important people to be aware off. Especially since their the reason for your presidential election or career. It requires a presidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal. When no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. it is now a best offer to have electoral collages. Reasons why people dont want electoral collages method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a canidate who has no hope of carrying thier states. In addition, voters in presidential elections are peoplewho want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. The electoral collage is a process,not a place. Its process consists of the selection of the electors,the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president. The counting of the electoral votes by congress. With that being it is not a decision that us citizens are choosen to do. Sincerly,Genesis Diaz
Venus is a planet closes planet to earth. You can get insight on the Twin planet of Earth that does share most features as earth and unsafe to go. Getting insight on the twin planet According to the text,'' Studying for Venus, at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above from a ship orbiting safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most form of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere. Venus planet share some features like Earth. In the text it states,'' The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and ncludes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. At thirty-plus miles bove susurface,temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees fahrenheit but the air pressure would be close o sea level on earth. Venus can be the nearest option of a planatary visit. U can learn how hot it is in venus because its very close to the sun . Learning about a planet that is high risk that gives you true insight on the planet next to us , where you can see in the sky is an interesting exploration where its likely to be unsafe to visit.
Hot topics in today's world are pollution and global warming. While there is still debate, many people agree that cutting down society's use of cars would help the world be a better place. Greater limitation of car use will reduce pollution and better society. To commence, reduction of car use will reduce pollution. Pollution is essentially hurting the planet as a whole, as well as all the organisms living in it. In fact, Paris, France, has recently taken action against car use effectively. According to Robert Duffer, "[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world." In only a few days, after banning half of the diesel and gas-run cars in the cities per day, "The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday." If such a change can happen in under a week, the entire world could benefit greatly from adopting similar policies. In the U.S, things are also turning around for the better. According to The New York Times 's article, "The End of Car Culture," "transportaion is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants." This is largely due to car culture in the U.S, which is fortunately declining. In fact, in the same article, it is said "As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995." This shows that America is well on it's way to becoming a greener nation without having to make dramatic changes to it's way of life. Continuing, more limited car use can better society, or at least work in a community. Society is currently too dependant on cars. However, Vauban, Germany is starting to change that. In another New York Times article, Elisabeth Rosenthal states, "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here." The remaining thirty percent of people hardly use their own cars for anything more than distant traveling, as most of Vauban's streets are "car-free." This can show that a population of people, (in this case over 5,000 of them) can survive without constantly being behind a wheel. In another case, in Bogota, Columbia, there is a designated holiday to celebrate not using cars. Appropriately titled, "Day Without Cars" is an annual event held in order "to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog," according to the Seattle Times's Andrew Selsky. While it may sound silly, the event had a huge turnout in spite of bad weather. Other cities joined into the fun after a few years, and also in the article, Enrique Riera, the mayor of a Paraguay town, said of the event, "'These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders.'" The simple effort to better the world has brought people together for a good cause. In retrospect, the idea of declining the use of cars will help humanity as a whole greatly. Doing so would simultaneously slow down the destruction of the Earth for all organisms inside of it, and also help the human race better itself socially.
Driverless cars are a new and unique thing that has been dreamed about since the inception of the automobile itself, no longer is there the human error in driving. I for one, strongly support driverless cars. There are many reasons why there should be an allowance for driveless cars, but there are also some disadvantages. With driveless cars, the room for human error is completely removed, we are not a precise as a computer with radar, sensors, other digital devices. We as humans can become distracted and unfocused when driving, but driveless cars cannot, greatly reducing the number of accidents. Also, Google Car has been on the road since 2009 and has not had a single accident. Whereas there are hundreds of wrecks, accidents, and casulties due to human error. There are of course the posibility of glitches, malfuctions, and other bugs that may affect the system, but when propperly ironed out and taken care of by the manufacturers, it should provide a much safer expierience on the road. Another reason is that all "driverless" cars still need a drive to some degree. This could be seen either as good or bad. I personally see it as good. You do not have robot cars rolling around the street with no supervision or abillity to override in case of a malfucntion in the computer controlling the vehicle. All the person in the vehicle needs to do is take over the wheel drive how we are currently. Driveless cars are part of the continuing and growing field of technology where there is rapid progress and advancements. It is part of an everchanging field that is full of constant innovations and changes. If a driveless car is not precise enough to drive through construction zones or the scene of an accident, it will be able to eventually due to how quickly technology evolves and builds upon itself. It will continue to expand in both predicable advancements and those we wouldn't have thought of. While there is some concern over whether we should allow driverless cars, I myself fully support them and their development for a number of reasons, such as the removal of human error, lack of accidents, requirement of a driver, and constant evolution. I believe that it is only a matter of time until what was considered fiction in the past becomes a reality in the future.
The face on mars was just a natural landform because when the first original vikings took the photo they could see the face and that was in September 1997 they saw the face on mars photo When the mars global surveyor flew over mars with his Mars Orbiter Camera his team snapped a picture ten times shaper then the orginal photo so when the photo got back to NASA they anaylzed it there was no face to show from mars Even though it you can see it much better the the original photo and they took this photo on May24, 2001 so how did that make a big change from now to 25 years ago. This means there was no alien monument from the beginning thats why we should have them take pictures of mars Every year Just so we can see if it diapperd or they destroyed or it could've got buried then we also could've compared the took pictures and see if it was the same from September 1997 to May24,2001 thats what we could've of did.
The believe of the "Face on Mars" being created by aliens is unlogical. The "face" is a simple landform. Why would NASA not tell the people there is aliens? There are images to prove that it's nothing but a natural landform. First, NASA would make tons of money if there was aliens. The "Face on Mars" has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, and even radio talk shows. They would make tons of money to be the first space station to find logical information to show that aliens exist; they would go down in history. However, NASA is an informative group; they can't send out false information. That is why they aren't releaseing any information; there is nothing to release. Second, on April 5, 1998 when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time the MOC team took pictures, pictures that were ten times better than the original. When the team uploaded it online the image revealed nothing but a normal, natural landform. That day was cloudy however so any type of alien finding could have been hidden in the haze. However people still weren't satisfied, so another image was taken on April 8, 2001, on a cloudless summer day in Cydonia. Which showed nothing again; Garvin stated, "...you can discern things in a digital image three times bigger than the pixel size," and, "So, if there were objects in this picture...you could see what they were!". Which means that they enlarged the picture and there was nothing there. In conclusion, one should not believe there is any alien activity to do with the "Face on Mars". NASA would get money off having found the first aliens, yet they aren't revealing anything, because there is nothing to reveal. There have been two pictures to prove there is no alien findings on the "Face on Mars". The "Face on Mars" isn't some alien creation; it's a simple natural landform.
The face that was discoverd by NASA was just a natural landform ,it was not made by alliens.There's many explainnations that people made about this natural landform.Scientist used Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. MGS arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997 .It seems like every year the natural landform starts to wear off.Many people was excited that this could mean that there's life in space but the study proved that this is just a natural landform and he compared it to the Snake Plain of Idaho because its like the same thing it was formed in Idaho "a natural landform". What i think is that it's just a natural landform but people still to this day still believes that ,that wasn't formed by a natural landform even after the reseach by NASA and other researchers.I think people just want to put the thought in our head that alliens are real. The natural landform on space is going to fade away real soon so when that happens people who thought it was made by alliens are going to know the truth.
Are you outgoing or do you like a adventure. Do you like to travel or go exploring, or are you an animal person. If ypu like all those thing I said then there a perfect job for you. If your outgoing the you can be a "Seagoing Cowboy" but not a "Seagoing Cowgirl" because, girl were not aloud to do that back 1900s. Outgoing means you are willing to take changes and risk to. A Seagoing Cowboy outgoing because if you are willing to leave everything and everyone then there a job for you. The UNRRA says you have to go overseas and take care of you might not want to do. If you do that then you are outgoing. Do you like to explore then be a Seagoing Cowboy. They go to alot of places. They go were you might not been before. They go to Europe and China. They also went to the Alantic Ocean too. Exploring means to go place, and travel. If you like to explore then here a perfect job for you. Are you a animal person? Then be a Seagoing Cowboy. They get to take care of animal every week. They take care of horses, young cows and mules too. Do you like adventures? Then be a Seagoing Cowboy. They go on Adventures every week. They make new friends and go to place they never been to. Do you like to travel the be a Seagoing Cowboy. They travel to China Europe and to the Pacific Ocean too. They go almost everywhere. So if you like exploring or traveling, or if you like to go on adventures, or be outgoing and be an animal person. Then be a Seagoing Cowboy. You get to Go over seas and have a adventure then be a Seagoing Cowboy.
Would you like to go to wonderfull places, be called a cowboy, and help people and cities from world war two? Well if you do you should give this job a try. The name of this job is the seagoing cowboy program. This argument will be about the reasons you should join the progrm and deatails about the program. My first reason is you get to travel to cool places in the article it says they traveled to places in europe for Example China. They also went to Greece,Venice Italy. So like i said in the beggining this will be very good for travaling. My second reason will be you can help cities from wrold war two. In the passage it says "In 1945 world war two was over in Europe, and many cities were left in ruins". It would be a great thing to do if you helped the people hwo lived there and you will be happy about it. My third reason will be you get two take care of animals and hwo does not like animals. In the story they take care of animals on a boat and take's them to diffrent countries. Animals are fun to take care of think ot them as your pet. In conlusion I hope that this argument helped you realize why you should be a seagoing cowboy.
The author is has lots of good points that were very interesting in the passage. He or she adressed that although it is moving up in the world and it is bring us closer to the future they're a lot of faults in this idea. We maybe able to create a car that is able to drive itself and is able to hand a normal road but in paragraph 7 it states that "All are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills", this means that we are close but we still have a little longer to perfect the driverless car. The main problem is what the author was trying to inform us about in paragrah 9 is if we get into an accident while on the road whos fault would it be the driver or the manufacturer? This creates a very big promblem with the public and the manufacturer, which can only be settled in the court house. We all want to see the future and what it can bring,but this example alone shows us the difficulties that we aregoing to face in order to move up in the world. Some manufacturers are trying hard on this idea and are creating these cars and are testing them out some examples of these manufacturers would be BMW, Nissan, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz are all trying in the idea. Nissan, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz all plan on having cars that drive themselves and will maybe relseased to the public in the year 2020. This is very close to us and it is exciting to know that there will be a future car that will be able to drive its self but, the public will have to be very careful with the car and so does the manufacures. Im excited for a car that will be able to drive its self but, I am very sceptical about this idea it will have to very safe for the driver and it will have the driver on the alert for a very long time. Good luck to the public and good luck to the manufacturers in my opinoin you will need it.
In the article " Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author talks about how drivers cars may be in the future and the good and bad aspects of driverless cars.Some bad aspects of driverless cars are that some of the drivers of the driverless cars may get bored of sitting and waiting for their turn to drive. Also that antilockbrakes and drivers still seem to be a long way from the dream of calling drivers to take us wherever we may desire to go. The drivers of the driverless car may get bored sitting and waiting for their turn to drive because there wouldnt even be a point in needing a driver if u have to sit and wait for your turn to drive. In the article it states " The psychlogical aspects of automation are really a challenge, admits Dr. Werner Huber a BMW Project Manager Driver. Also what if the driver gets so bored from sitting around and waiting for his or her turn to drive and ends up getting into a car crash. " Antilock brakes and drivers assitance still seem a long way from the dream of calling drivers cab to take us wherever we desire." For example in the article it states that " radar was a device on a hiltop cost two hundred million dollars. It wasn't something you could buy at Radio Shack , So how driverless will these cars be in the near future?" Futhermore can you imagine how much the driverless cars will be that can only cause more problems for not only everyone in the society that would like the car but also the manufactures of the car that may not make that much money because of how the expensive the cars may be. In conclusion I beliveve that there are good and bad aspects of the driverless cars. Driverless cars can be a cool and unique part of the future that can also be hlepful. But the price range of the car mey be very hgh. Also how bored the driver may be sitting and waiting for there turn to drive. So not only in my opinoin but also in tour opinion how driverless you think these cars my maybe in the future?
You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program is where people like me help rcover other countries with their food supplies, animals, and more. 44 nations joined together to form the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). When I was frist asked I know that I couldn't say no. I belive that the cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy. I got to see Europe and China. To me seeing the Acropolis in Greece. Also in Venice, Itily. The streets were water! Caring for the animals while crossing the oceans kept me busy. I had to feed and water them three times a day. I also had to claen out the stalls. Once I served as night watchman. i had to check on the animals every hour. Once I slid down a slipery lader and almost fell overbord. I was cought by an pice of metal. Even though being in the UNRRA could be dangours it is all woth it. It could also be a lot of work. But when you get to see abunch of special stuff it is like all of the hard and dangours worck wasn't even that hard.
Do you love animals? Do you love traveling the world? Do you love helping others? If so, the Seagoing Cowboys program could be the job for you. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you will have the journey of your life. You will get to travel the world, care for animals, and help others. A lot of people always dream of touring around the world. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy, touring will be a normal part of life. For example, I, Luke Bomberger, got to see many sights. I was able to see the Acropolis in Greee, go gondala riding in Venice, Italy, see the excavated castle in Crete, and see the Panama Canal on my way to China. Not to mention just being all around Europe and China. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy, sight-seeing will become pretty much a daily activitiy. Most people in this world are animal lovers. For these people I can say that being a Seagoing Cowboy is the lifestyle for you. Everyday that you are on the cattle boat, you get to treat animals. I was on a cattle boat with 335 horses and it was an experience of a lifetime. I got to feed, clean, and care for the horses everyday. If you are willing to take on the responsibility of caring for animals, then sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program. If you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you will get to help others in need. For example, at the end of World War ll, many countries in Europe were devistated and destroyed. I helped by exporting animals such as horses, cows, and mules to other countries from Europe. If you join the Seagoing Cowboy program, you will get to say that you helped people at their most devistating times. In conclusion, if you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you will travel the world, care for animals, and help others. As a Seagoing Cowboy, I can say that at the time I was a Seagoing Cowboy was the best time of my life.
Say Yes to the Driverless Car Driverless cars should be the thing of the future. They would make driving much more convienient for all drivers. There are so mant benificial traits that would come along with having driverless cars. For example if you're driving you encounter many other who are just plain reckless when it comes to driving. Having these cars though would for sure help make reckless encounters and accidents happen way less. These cars have advanced technology to assit the driver of the car. One of them is the "Traffic Jam Assistant". With the Traffic Jam Assistant it helps with anyone who is in rush hour. The beneficial help of automatic steering,acceleration, and breaking you are sure to be out of it in no time with the low percentage of an accident happening. Driverless cars are here to help improve driving, and make it more efficient for everyone. There are more helpful traits these cars have including LIDAR. LIDAR is a spinning sensor that helps scope out the cars surroundings. Laser beams are also show a 3-D model of the car. Using the visual aid with the help out the car people can now see what is around them without bending their neck every which way to see around. This can help prevent crashing into things. In this day and age people are helping improve these types of cars more and more. Driverless cars even include antilock breaks. Having these breaks help you when there are rollovers, and out-of-control skids. When the car might encounter something like this it will apply the right amount of pressure to the wheels to reduce the power from the engine. This technology in the car is far more advanced at driving than any human right now. These cars are here to benefit the way people drive. By having cars like these there will for sure be a decrease in accidents. With less accidents everyone will be estatic. The positive traits these cars brings are undeniable. Driveless cars should be allowed everywhere to benefit everyone.
Looking out at a city nowadays can be difficult with all the smog around. Cars litter the strrets and parking spaces, no trees just cars and exaust. The biggest cities, that were onced beautiful are now being looked down upon because of one simple thing. Los Angeles, New York, Paris any one of them is being destroyed because almost every human has or had a car, and they cant seem to be able to live without it. However in Vauban, Germany "They have given up their cars." Vauban, Germany was completed in 2006 to help suburban life move away from auto use. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of green house gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car intensive ares in the Unitednited States,' ( In Geman suburb, a life goes on without cars) Paris, the city of lights, not anymore, not with smog and exaust littering the air thanks to cars. "Since France has a taz policy that favors desil over gasoline. Desils make up 67 perfect of vehicles in France...Leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine." (Paris bans driving due to smog) Columbias program "Car Free Day has been around for years and it gets better and better each year. Their goal? To promote other means of transportation and reduce smog. If they didn't particpate, or they broke the rules they got to pay a $25 fine. "Its a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," siad business man Carlos Arturo Plaza. There are now more than 118 miles of bicycle paths, which according to the mayor of Bogota, that is more than any Latin American country While demolishing the use of cars will bring car dealerships down the reduction of smog will increase and our beautiful cities will be beautiful again, no more smog infested cities, where everyone is choking on air and making it hard to breathe, just relaxation and less stress
If you think the Face on Mars was created by aliens, you're out of your mind. Aliens didn't create the Face, it's just a huge rock formation. In fact, the Face is just a natural landform. The Face was photographed with a high quality camera that could make images 3 times bigger than the pixel size. So if there were other objects created by aliens, you'd be able to see them. If the Face was really created by aliens, there should be more objects to prove that, and not just the Face. The picture of the Face is very similar to the Middle Butte located in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Garvin says it's about the same height as the Face on Mars, which shows that the Face is a natural landform like the Middle Butte. When the picture of the Face was posted on a JPL web site, it revealed a natural landform. Many people believed there was no alien monument after all. So in conclusion, there are many reasons why the Face is a natural landform. The theory of the Face being created by aliens is inaccurate.
Electoral college votes are used to elect the new president, It consists of 538 electors and a majority of 270 must be won by a canidate to be elected. The ammount of electors is the number of memberis in its congressional delegation; One for each member in the house of repersenatives, Plus 2 for the senators. There is also a pouplar vote which is used to see what canidate is the more pouplar one, But this is not used to select the winner. I think the pouplar vote should be used because if the pouplar vote for one canidate but electoral vote is higher for the other the one with the pouplar vote is clearly the one people want more. I think that the way someone is elected as president should be changed from who has the most electoral votes to who has the highest pouplar vote. For example say you were and 16 other people were sitting at 8 different tables, 2 people are at all the tables, Your voting on which is better mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, you all have different numbers, and say yours is the highest, which ever you voted for would would basically win unless no one voted for it, Which isnt fair in a real election. In a election the candiates focus more more on the stated with more votes such a california or florida, And if they get the bigger states vote they've pretty much won. All in all the electoral college isnt fair, the pouplar vote is how we should elect our president, so lets change this and see what happens, Maybe it wont work out that well, we'll just have to try and see.
The advances in the medical field are nothing short of amazing. The fact that a computer can tell us how we are feeling to the exact percent is jaw dropping. Classrooms could definitly benefit from this in the future, and I am sure that they will. Everyone that has been through school and attended high school has been forced to sit through an hour long lesson that you have no intrest in what so ever. Most of these lessons have homework to follow up what was just taught to you. If you aren't paying attention how are you supposed to figure out the homework? This is when the system could be used extremly effectively. A teacher that might question weather or not his or her lesson is bring can check the computer and see how much of the class is happy and enjoying the lesson vs. the how many students are angry or upset with the lesson. Knowing this type of information, the teacher can change their lesson plan to accordingly. As stated in the article, you can't fake emotions and trick the system. Therefore, if a teacher notices that a student has been sad for the past 3 days in class, he or she can talk to that student and figure out if the school counselor needs to get involved. Although this type of software can improve classrooms all over the world, teachers can't rely on it completely. An important part of a student's day is interacting with everyone and creating different relationships. A teacher needs to do the same thing and not only figure kids out by looking at a computer monitor but by talking to the children and getting to know them.
Have you ever wanted to go around the world. Or maybe do something that not everyone gets a opportunity in there life to do. Become a Seagoing cowboy and help others in need. Seagoing cow boys are pepole that go on ships with animals such as horses,mules,and young cows that were shiped over seas because of war. One of the reasons that you should become a seagoing cowboy is becasue when do you ever get a chance to go all around the world for free? As you aborad the ship there are some resposibiltes such as feding and watering animals,and pulling up bales of hay and bags of oats from the holds. Because of war the animals have to be shipped to many places like China,Italy,and Greece. Sence your on the boat with the animals you also get to vist these wonderful places. Its like a opportunity in a life time. On the way back you may think there well just be a whole bunch of vacant spaces full of hay. You also may think a vacant area is usless,and boring without animlas living in it. But this is not the case. On the return we fill in the vacant spaces with fun activites such as volleyball ,baseball ,boxing ,tabeltennis, reading,and Whitting. So this makes the way back as much as fun as it is on the way there. Take seagoing cowboy Luke Bomberger for example. As he gradutaed high school his whole life changed when his fellow friend Don Reiest asked him to join the UNRRA.The UNRRA stands for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation. Of cource Luke said yes becasue it was a opportunity of a life time. How could he have said no? He got to vist famous places like the Acroplis in Greece. And on his way to Chona he got to vist the Panama Canal. These are the reasons of becoming a seagoing cowboy. If you are asked you should go you would like it. Traveling the world and you would not only be helping pepole,but helping animals. Take the opportunity be a seagoing cowboy.
Dear State Senitor, Abolishing The Electoral College We are the United States of America. We have learned that we have the freedom of free speech, practices, and choices. This is what we have learned that we supposively do. If we can't pick out who will rule over us, then what are we doing with ourselfs? We deserve to have a choice in choosing who will rule our country. The Electoral College was established by our founding fathers in the Constitution. Constitutions like these eventually get revised. This method is too outdated. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have all agreeded that to abolish the electoral college. Popular votes was something they all had in mind when choosing the president. It was shown the 60% of voters would prefer a direct election, than having the electoral college. That's more than half! The best argument against it, is the the disaster factor. From this, the system keeps allowing worse and worse things every year. In the Electoral College, size and population of the states matter a lot. It can be unfair for a smaller state with a smaller population against a bigger state with a wider population. It is a winner-takes-all situation. Candidates don't spand that much time in states that they know they aren't going to win in. The electoral college is unfair and very outdated. We must adapt to the new demand of freedom of choice. In short, it is better for a voter to know that their vote was counted towards something big. Maybe it was their vote that changed it all. We, as the United States of America, we have learned that our freedom is earned, not given. By this, it may take a while to convince those around that the Electoral College should be taken down or revised. We should get what we voted for because our voice counts .
There are many questions about the mystery of the "Face on Mars." The article states that the picture of the Face is " the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms common around the American West." More information about the "Face on Mars" is in the following statements. It has been scientifically proven that the Face is nothing more than a rocky landform. Although it may seem to be formed my aliens, the Face truly is just a natural rock formation. There is no actual evidence of life on other planets. Why assume that just by a mesa? The Face is made up of shadows. You too can probably make shadows that look like something it is not. NASA has taken photos at different pixel sizes. Not everyone agrees with NASA's statement because they truly believe that NASA is hiding information from them. Talk about the Face began after some people decided that it would be a "good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars." Afterwards, many conversations and arguements were about the Face. It became a pop icon once it reached across the nation. Many people paid attention more to what they were watching rather than what they were told by NASA, the people with the facts. Conspiracy theorists began saying that NASA was holding out on them by not saying the complete truth about their discovery. Much goes into a discovery that shouldn't go without apreciation. Scientists still held onto their beliefs and avoided correction by a few simple facts. The time that the first picture was taken could have been a perfect time that the sun was creating a shadow. I believe that the Face is just shadows that are made by indents on Mars. You would need to have more than pictures of a rock formation to support your theories on whether or not alien-life does exist or not. More goes into a theory if you can support it with proper evidence.
There are many reasons to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. For example you can travel on a boat and explore many new places. You also get payed so when you get home you have money for everything you need. It's a great opportunity for your family and you. You could help your family with bills, food, clothing, and many other materials. The job also wouldn't be hard if you already know how to feed and water cattle. You wouldn't be doing your job every second.You do have to feed them two or three times a day.You also have to clean the stalls, paragraph six states this. When your done doing your job you have free time to do games and look at the ocean,paragraph eight has this included. You're also not alone you can make friends with whoever works there. If you work as watchman you have to check all the animlas each hour. This program could help with your future, you could be asked to do the same job on a diffrent ship with a diffrent crew. Or you could be asked to do something that pays more. However you could be watchman instead of caring for the animals. There are some cautions that could lead to danger. When it get's rainy the ladder can get slippery and you want to be careful to not fall off the ship. Paragrapgh seven includes this information. It would be great for you to join this program! Anyone is welcomed to join at an acceptable age. Any job you do, you will get payed. The trips could take long but the longer they are the more you get payed. Join the program if your looking for a job that can support you needs.
Many times during online activites, students can become confused or just simply bored. They often need their teacher to come and explain the topic to them because the online course or activity just simply isn't helping them in a way that works for them. The Facial Action Coding System would be beneficial to both the students and the teachers in schools. This technology can enable online programs to be modified to the students needs, whether they're lost or just uninterested, and it can help the children more efficiently when the teacher has their hands full. The Facial Action Coding System would be an overall help to struggling students and teachers everywhere. Bored students are never a good thing. No student looks at a boring assignment and thinks, "Wow, I really want to do this assignment for the next hour." A bored student leads to an unmotivated student who isn't trying very hard, and there is nothing more boring than staring at a screen for some period of time doing homework. In the sixth paragraph of the article it states that this technology could recognize when a student is becoming bored and modify the lesson like a real human instructor. This could keep students engaged and interested in the lesson. They would be more willing to complpete their work than if the lesson were monotonous. The Facial Action Coding System could eliminate bored students everywhere. Teachers in public schools can have up to 40 students in one class and they can't help all of them at once. Teachers are human, they can't be in two places at once or helping two students at once. With the Facial Action Coding System, computers can modify their lesson and teaching to specific students and give them the help that they need to understand the standards. All students don't learn the same way and all teachers cannot possibly have time to help each and every one of their students individually. This technology can make studies a little bit easier for everyone, even the adults. This technology would be very valuable in schools, especially in the times we're currently living in. Almost everything is online nowadays. Classes that taught how to write in cursive are being replaced with classes that teach how to type correctly on a keyboard. In many schools you will find children carrying around laptops instead of textbooks. You can even take college courses online. Why wouldn't you want to make the online learning experience even better by allowing the computers to customize themselves to the specific student? In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System would vastly improve the educational experience of students all around the world. If a student were confused or bored, the computer would adjust itself to keep the student understanding and engaged in the lesson. The computers would be able to provide just as good of help as the teacher would, thereby lessening the workload of the teacher and making sure the students are still getting all the explanations and teaching they need. Technology is everywhere, in almost every classroom. Improving the way it works would be improving our student's education and in time, their futures.
You may have seen venus, or sometimes called te "Evening Star", as you were stargazing, but did you know its actually a planet. Venus is also our twin in relations to density and size. It is also a planet worth exploring or pursuiting because of how much it is like Earth. Venus is very similar to Earth in regards to size and density. This is one reasons why it's worth pursuiting. In the article it states that, "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." If Venus was like Earth long ago we can learn from it and figure out why it changed into a very hot and into unhabital conditions. Venus is also worhty of exploring because NASA has an idea on how to send humans to Venus. If they were to successfully send someone to Venus the advancement in technology would be astounding. Exploring Venus does seem like a good idea but have you thought of the dangers of doing so. Venus' average temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmosphere is almost 97% carbon dioxide. That is very dangerous conditions for a spacecraft let alone a human. In the article it says, "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." If a spacecraft can't even do it, can a human? Yes it is very dangerous to explore Venus but the outcome weighs out the danger. If Venus is Earth's twin then Earth could do the samething. We need to research and explore the planet so we can see if they samething could happen to Earth. This can also give people at NASA a challenge to create something or some kind of ship that can withstand the harsh conditions. This could help with technology advancement and with the technology we may be able to go to place we've never been before. Exploring Venus is worth it because of all the advanement that could happen. With exploring Venus can lead to so many possibilities. It can help with exploring other planets and maybe learn more about ours. It does pose a lot of risks but I feel like the outcome is greater than the risks.
Luke's point of view was that his friend asked about if he wanted to go to Europe and Luke said that he couldn't say no to a opportuinty of a lifetime. He went on the trip it was after world war 2 was over. they got there on August 14. They left again to but this time their going to Greece. When they got to Greece Luke turned 18years old. Before he was discharged in 1947 Luke made 9 trips. It took about 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and 1 month to get to China. Luke had a job if he got bored it was to feed the animals 2 or 3 times a day. one rainy night after making his hourly report to the captain he slid down a slippery ladder and broke his ribs so he couldn't work. but after that he retired and opened the letters from the people that sent him letters
Dear State Senator, I would like for you to change it to popular vote because ... Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a state of electors, who in turn elect the president. If you lived in Texas for example and you wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 344 democratic electors pledged to Kerry . On the off-chance that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to Congress and Kerry would get 34 electoral votes. Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors in the first place ? It depends on the state, sometimes state conventions, sometimes the presidential candidates themselves. Can voters control who their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes. Also, the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. Most worrying thing is that of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote of the president. At the most basic level, the electoral college is just unfair to the voters. Because of the winner - take - all systemin each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. Electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Therefore, you should change it to popular vote, not electoral college.       
Driverless cars are the future of the automotive industry such as car on were. Driverless cars can help out in the future such as if a person is intoxicated, or falls asleep while driving the car would prevent an accident. Unlike the leap from the horse to the car the driverless car has many variables it has to go through before being released in mass quantity. There will always be problem that will arise, but there will always be someone who can fix the problem. We should be able to own our own driverless cars by the year 2020. Picture a world with little to no trafficjams, and a world where everyone could sleep on a roadtrip. This is the world that we could live in if we had driverless cars. right now this may be unavaliable however Google, and many car manufactorers have been working very had to bring this to reality. All of the current "driverless cars" have ine major problem and that being we need a human to respond to situations that the car cannot. Google has devoluped a the LIDAR a spinning sensor on the roof of the car which is constantily updating 3-d models of the cars surroundings. They have also made it possible to respond to danger and out-of-control skids or rollovers. With both of these technogolies it makes it possible to have a driverless car. We may need a humans help still, but using various methods such as a vibrating seat or incom system we can quickly alert the driver that we need them to take over. Driverless cars are great, but like all great things there are some problems. The biggest problem is if a driverless car gets into a wreck whose problem is it the manufacteror or the driver. Another problem isthat many states do not believe driverless cars to be safe so they have not yet legalized them. Driverless cars make the future a safer and more glamorous place to live. If everyone could see that these driverless cars are safe we could have this future in a presidential term. I urge you to join soon because the sooner everone is on board the sooner the future we disurve can arrive.
Dear Participants Thinking About Joining TheSeagoing Cowboys, Well, hello. My name is Luke Bomberger, a participant onboard the SS Charles W. Wooeter. If you're reading this letter, then that means that you're thinking about joining the Cowboys. This can be a great oppertunity to go explore the big bright beautiful world, but know this. You're not just going to go sighteeing. Your going to help people in europe and China happier. Now let us begin with the best parts of the trip. The first thing that you need to know about our little band of participants is that we all have eachother's backs. We help eachother with our jobs and have fun together. All that we do is help our cargo (horses) get to our destination saftly. These horses are supposed to be feed and watered three times a day. We have all the oats and water we need tokeep th horses alive. Don't thionk that all that we do is deliver and feed horses. After the horses are loaded up onto the destination then we all get to ave fun. We have table tennis tournaments, paly volleyball, and much more. That's all tht I have for you right now. If you want to learn more about this bnd of participants, come and find us and jion us. We aren't just looking for men, we are looking for wemen too. Just find us, sign up, and have fun. I hope to see you there. Your friend, Luke Bomberger
I think driverless cars are a bad thing because it can lead to more accidents. If the car drives it self then the driver may think it ok to pay less or even no attention to the road. These cars may provide a safer alternitive to gas powered cars but it not safer for the driver. People may think that these cars are safe and will prevent most accidents but on the contrary, these cars can actually cause more accidents. What if they malfunction, what if something breaks and the car dosnt stop at the light. These cars are not safe. people will be more intised to text and drive but people must still pay attention to the road whilst useing these cars. these cars still need some human help. these cars need alot of work before being put onto the road. all in all these cars need more work before being used. these cars may cause more acidents and more deaths. people wont want to pay attention.
The Facial Action Coding System is a really cool technology. New Software has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. I can see how much our world is developed and became more creative. I against the use technoloy to read the emotional expression of students because I think It is unnecessary. first reason why I disagree is we can read someone emotion through their action and the look on their face. Instead of using technology why not talk each other face to face and express our feeling. I also have a strong feeling that we can't exactly know someone emotions and what's in their mind through computer. First of all, We can read someone emotion through just by action and the look on their faces. we show emotion in everything we do. we don't need teachnology or computer to tell if someone is happy or sad. Our facial show it all. for example, when someone been having a good day or something good is coming up, we can see bightness and excitement on the face and we can tell that person is happy. As Dr. Paul Eckman associated emotions with the characteristics movements of the facial muscles, when your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raise your eyebrows when you are suprised. In that case It is really unnecessary to use technology to tell emotions. Secondly, Instead of using classroom computer that could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored I think it will be more effective if the student and teacher talk each other face to face It's the teacher job to know if their students understand what they are teaching. Of course can tell if the students confused or boed just by looking at them and the look on their faces. Even the computer know what's the students confusing or their emotion, It can't do anythng about it. The computer can't teach them or help them, It's the teacher that can help the students. It's the people, the human that can help when someone emotional. It's a waste of time and money to use technology to recognize students emotion at school. Therefore, It is unnecessary to use technology at school to read the emotional expressions of students because we can't really read what's exactly in someone mind , the looks of a person the computer recognize might be happy and the person can be deep sad inside. even the computer is smart and can tell if a person is happy or sad. That's might not be one-hunred percent accurate because we are human and it is just a pieces of materials. human are mysterious. human and human understand each other more than the computer understand the emotional expressions of human.
The use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotions of students in a class room is valuable. The Facial Action Coding System uses science and math to predict what emotion you are experincing. This means, that one, if a student is acting up in class or falling behind you can figure issue that student is having by using this sowftware, acting up or falling behind could be an emotional issue, and two knowing what your students are feeling may help you better teach them. Most students do not tell teachers why they act up or why they are falling behind. Most teachers always try to help their student, but they cannot help without knowing whats wrong. The Fatial Action Coding System allows teachers to know what students are feeling during their time of need, and it also could better enable a teacher to help them over come their problems. This technology calculates "six basic emotions, happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness" these emotions are always expressed when a student is falling behind, upset, or mis behaving. If a teacher better understands the emotion a student is feeling it could help that teacher help that student overcome what is happening in their life. Knowing what a student is feeling when a new lesson is taught could better help a teacher teach the lesson it could also even improve a class no one likes. Most students love some classes or hate some classes, but there is almost never an inbetween. If the classes students hate could get tested on with what emotion each indevidual is feeling while taking that class, could better help make the class better. Using the Facial Action Coding System you can get acurate readings for why students dislike a class emotion wise becuase the software precisly computes a "3-D computer model" of your face including all "44 major muscles" that tell your emotion. In conclusion I belive that the technology is valuable to classrooms. It could better help how students act in a class and it could help the teacher teach the class in a way that students like and love it. This technology could revolutionize a classroom experince, teachers will finally know the "why" behind why you like a class. It is all based on emotion and knowing someones emotions could help solve so many everyday problems teachers have with students.
Exploring Venus is one of are closest or second planet form our sun and one of the brightest one in the solar system Nasa had a compelling idea as doin research on the plant called Venus now considering Venus being so close to our sun the maybe had issues about three decades ago by traveling around a couple kilometers. We had a thick atomosphere of 97 persent our solar system getting that close to a planet like Venus or mercury they way and how close to the sun they may of been would be extream hot heat that would be coming of form the sun the it could burn now i don't no of we hot/heat proof suits or what not but it sure is a crazy thing but intstead of not completeing that then Nasa would need tooi send drones that would be buid for temps like that and in those certain situations. Now scientists are even going futher of the grid as move it too the next level of being able too visit sister planets and what not to make them liveable in time for when it has to come to certain situations like our planet starting over as taking us to a new one but the conditions of plantes always have a crucial consideration of giveing long frames in space travel the and the vaule of returning but there has been both of having more and more scientifically speaking as which the fahrenheit around 170 degrees that would be very toasty for sum of us if we landed on the platet in those tempatures to become of those standards.
Driving cars are something that many people are looking forewards to in the future. These driving cars are being invented and take alot of money to make. Some of the questions that you may ask yourself are how do they work, where will they work, and are they safe? I personally like the idea of having cars drive by themselves. The reason why is because ther wouldn't be that many accidents, people wouldn't have to worry about getting ran over, and if the driver is drunk or ill they wouldn't cause any wrecks. They started to put these cars together in the late 1900's. In 1950 GM made a concept car that would run on a track with an electric cable that sent radio signals to the receiver on the front of the car. GM tried to imput these electric cables on the roads but it costed to much to remake the roads. They tried many different methods to make these cars drive but they didn't succed. Until around the year 2000 when technology was starting to advance and played a huge role in our society. Now these cars have highly imputed sensors that help the car run and keep the driver alert if something malfunctions. These cars also have implied brakes to stop the car in an emergency and vibrating sensors to notify the driver that it needs human skill to help it. These sensors will help detect that something is wrong and to keep the car on the road. There would also be less accidents. Teens would have help from the car and parents help too and wouldn't get in many wrecks. Finally these cars have pass certain laws and have certain laws put in order to put the cars on the road and also help if the driver gets in a wreck.. Driveless cars have to have a lot more technology imputed so in case of a major emergency it will be able to protect the driver and passengers in the car. In conclusion many car companies are starting to make driveless cars so we have to be more opened minded and keep up with technology, because our world is going to be changed dramatically and we have to be ready for big changes. These cars are only the beginning of something big. That will change our society in the furture. So what are your thoughts about all this new information? Are you for or aganist driveless cars?
The face on Mars wasn't created by aliens, in fact it has no connection to alien life form at all! When the face was first discovered no one had really known much about it so people started hopping to conclusions before anything could be proven or tested. That is until NASA started looking into this "face on Mars". The face is actually a “huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.” That's it- simply a rock formation but the shadows casted upon the crevices gives the strange formation the appeal of a human face. When people began to become even more skepical, on April 8, 2001, NASA had the Mars Global Surveyor draw close enough to snap another picture of the face. The day was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia. NASA's serveyor camera had taken a crisp photo of the face in highest resolution. "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel." so you can discern things in a digital images three times better than the pixel size. So NASA, and the rest of the world, had a more clear and better picture of the face everyone was talking about. Although the face may seem strange, it could be a rather common landform for Cydonia. "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West." Although this one may seem to stick out from the rest, it could merely be the shadows playing tricks on the human mind. "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." The landform may very well be common around Mars, it's merely the shadows ghosting around the landform that causes it to look like a face! So in reality, there is no alien life form connected to this rock formation at all!
Is the face on Mars the face of a new discovery in our universe? When a face was discovered on Mars, the idea of it was quite controversial. Generally speaking, the face on Mars was just a pop icon, not a sign of life. The face on Mars was proven to be a simple landform because NASA had photographed it from several angles showing all there was needed to determine, there were no signs of any civilization, and the environment was suitable to form buttes or mesas. The Face on Mars was just a pop icon and a skeptic's thought, not a sign of martian life or civilization. First of all, in 1998 when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia to find evidence, when all they found was a natural landform. The Red Planet was very cloudy that time of year, and theorists believed that the haze was hiding any martian evidence or civilization. However, it is not easy to target Cydonia, because of Mars' natural orbit and the fog and haze Mars receives every so often. So, in 2001, NASA sent the Surveyor back up to Mars to take pictures and investigate. When the photos were taken, the photos were discerned three times bigger than the pixel size, and no signs of civilization appeared. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" Jim Garvin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program states. Each pixel in the image taken was around 2 meters, when the Viking image taken in 1976 had fourty-three meters per pixel. In 1976, the theories could have been believable, considering that the images taken did not show very much evidence if any. Finally, the American West was compared to Mars when the "Face" was labeled as a butte or a mesa. The American West is sultry, gusty, and somewhat similar to what the environment on Mars is. This environment is the perfect environment to form buttes, due to erosion in the soil and the wind pushing the soil around. The landmass on Mars is not exactly a butte, however. This landmass is the Martian equivalent to what the American West has. "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars," says Garvin. "There hasn't been enough evidence of the Face on Mars to prove it's only a landmass!" There has been several images taken of the Face to prove it is a formation. However, the image taken in 2001 is the most accurate, considering that the pixels are about two meters by two meters. That is about 22 times more accurate than the picture taken in 1976, showing about fourty-three meters each pixel of Cydonia. If there were any evidence to show up on the Face, it would be shown in the 2001 image. The Face on Mars is only a martian mesa, not a pop icon or a civilization. It is an extraterrestrial butte because NASA had photographed it from several angles showing all there was needed to prove, there were no signs of any civilization when images were taken, and the environment was suitable to form buttes or mesas. All in all, the Face on Mars wasn't a sign of out-of-this-world autotrophs, but it was just a simple bizarre-shaped butte. The Face on Mars was not only a controversy, but a resolved conflict between conspirors and Cydonia-scholars.
Introduction - If i were given a chance towork for NASA truthfully i would not take the job i don't really like science jobs like that . Anyways , i don't think that the faces were created by aliens . (Why dont i think it was created by aliens) that's a very good question first off aliens are made up creatures they are just tools to make science non fictional movies come to life . I just strongly think that aliens are made up they can't be real there is no proof to back up what everyone believes . Space doesn't have any gravity so their can't be any animals up there floating ! The mask kinda looks like clay maybe the mask is made out of clay that you can mold it into anything you want ! I know that sounds crazy but someone thinking that a alien created makes it sound even more crazier ! Lets be VERY serious The article says "Face on Mars has been popular in magazines and talk shows" People will believe anything these days even i know that half of the things that the media says or does is not true and i also know that they make things up for attention or too be well known . Now if i got paid as much as the talk show host i may have told some fibs from time to time ! Body - I have to remember that everybody has a opinion and everybody has a input . I am a "Show me and i'll believe type girl" I don't have any evidence or proof that Aliens are real and that they the mask it just doesnt fit together that's like saying pigs can fly ! There is NO proof so i can't process it i know somebody named De'Oshmonya that knows a lot about mars and space so i may have to ask her what she thinks about it im sure she will tell me everything i need to know ! It may cause a little argument tho , but thats okay we're still going to be close . This passage helped me because it taught me some things i didn't know and it prepares me for the future it does make me wonder Are aliens real ? When i go to sleep tonight i may do some research and i'll try to find some proof . I should've done research so i could have a lot of evidence to back my statement up that would've been the best thing to do . Conclusion - Even tho i said i don't believe in aliens it does make me question alot of things . This article was written way before i was born things have changed and everything should be different now. Maybe if aliens were real they were probably alive in the ancient times and probably left when the dino's left . I just never know Ela is my favorite subject it always makes me learn new things and it helps me understand more than i knew before . Ela is very tricky and sometimes it gets confusing but in the end it helps you and expands your knowladge to the finer things in life . I hope that you got the correct answers out of my paragraph hopefully i can come back next year and be prepared to tell everyone about my research !!!
Venus is a very worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Why is it a very worthy persut depsite of the dangers? because Venus is the Safe vantage Point of Earth.Venus is the twin of Earth it is very close to the Earth and many other planets.Venus has a lot of reasons to be a worthy pursuit. Venus has some dangers like not a single spaceship has touched down or landed on Venus in three decades. It has a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.The more challenging are the clouds of highly Corrosive sulfuric acid In Venus's Atmosphere. The temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and is 90 times greater than what we have to deal with on our own planet. These temperatures and conditions are far worse than what we humans have to deal with on earth. It could even crush a submarine. There are also frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Next is the benefits and upsides to Venus. Astronomers are shocked by Venus because it was one of the most similar Earth Like planet in our solar System. Venus today still has some similiarities to Earth.Venus has supported most forms of life and has covered largely with oceans.. Venus can be our nearest option regardless of the distance in space travel. Although, there are the upsides there stills questions on how to make going the travel and mission to venus both safe and scientifically productive. The National Aeroonautics and Space administation (NASA) has an idea by sending humans to study Venus. Nasa's possible soulution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray. Take a Vehicle for example it could hover of venus and avoid the friendly ground conditions by staying up in the air and our the way. definitely are not easy conditions but humans are capable of surviving it. Scientist are seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand venus and would to find a way to get up close and personal regardless of the risks. Systems that use mechanical parts can be resistant and untouchable by pressure heat, and other forces. Venus still being studied today by Nasa by finding different and safe approaches. In conclusion the author idea on Venus being worthy pursuit depsite of the dangers is very true because Venus has value. The knowledge on Venus will clear up human curiousity and will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on earth should not be stopped or limited by dangers and doubts but should expanded by the imaginations.
Dear Senator , The stretegy we still use to elect our president is not always effective. During the times that the United States was becoming a country , many senators argued that having states with more electoral votes is extremely unfair. By doing so ,you are telling the people of that state that their vote is not worth as much as someone that lives for example in California. Using electoral college made George W. Bush president when most people preferred Al Gore. With the help of our advanced technology , we could accomplish giving equivalent votes to each person of the United States regardless of their location. If we wouuld have used popular vote since the beginning of history, we could have avoided having presidents such as George W. Bush that have caused catastrophes in this country. The winner-takes-all system portrays no justice. It is no coicidence that the president constantly visits countries with the most electoral votes.+ Sincerely , PROPER_NAME
Changing the election to a vote of popularity is a great idea in my opinion. Citizens of the United States should be the people making the decision on who the President and Vice President should be. Congress would still have there need there vote of atleast two hundred and seventy member's, and the atleast %51 of the citizen's vote to pass it. The electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for the slate of of electors, who in turn elect the president. After the presidential election, your governor prepares a "certificate of Ascertainment" listing all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along wit the names of their respective electors. The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century. Consider the state legislature are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could aleays defy the will of the people. There are five reasons for retaining the electoral college despite its lack of democratic pedigree: 1. Certainy of outcome 2. Evryone's president 3. Swing states 4. Big states 5. Avoid run-off elections At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Becasue of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning. During the 2000 campaign, serventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and south Carolina, and oters in twenty five of the largest media markets. The electoral college is unfair and not right. I will have to agree with Bob Dole; "Abolish the electoral college!"             
Hi, I am Luke and we want you to jointhe Seagoing Cowboys. We need you to help us help other countries who are in need of clothing and stuff. Okay there are some cons when it comes to this job. One is that you have to cross oceans a lot when you are a Seagoing Cowboy. To be a Seagoing Cowboy you have to be an extremely hard worker. Lastly you might get sea sick, because we travel by boat when going across seas, so if you don't get sea sick then come along with us to the Seagoing Cowboys. Okay now you have heard enough cons let's hear the pros about being a Seagoing Cowboy. One you get to help other countries after bad situations. You also get the benefit of seeing Europe, China, the Acropolis in Greece, Venice, and the Panama Canal. You get to experience that other countries are in need and we need tohelp them. Lastly you get to play a lot on the boats, so it passes the time, so you are not bored. So please join the Seagoing Cowboys we need you.
So, in the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to indentify human emotions. My job is to carefully read the article and decide wehter or not this technology is useful. After reading the article I really could'nt decide. When reading about the FACS the first thing that came to my mind was to use this technology on the faces of celeberties. Why? Well it's because it would be fun to do so. In my opinion that's what it's most useful for in classrooms. Sure the teacher could use this technology to teach students about how advanced the humans have become but.. Imagine being a teacher and then one day you introduce the FACS to your students. What do you think the first thing they do would be? I think the first thing they would do is take selfies and let the FACS analyze thier face. Then they laugh at the results. See they are doing it for fun. This reminds me of disecting frogs in biology. Some students think it's useful for your education while some other students think it's a waste of time, a waste of life for the frogs and that disecting them in the first place is already digusting. But do they do this for fun. NO they don't. They do it to learn about the oragns of the frogs and the purpose of each organ. But is disecting frogs valuable? Yes in my opinion. So, no I don't think it's classroom valuable to use FACS. But that dosen't mean that you should not let them try it. Here's what the teachers should do. They show the students a picture of someones face. Lets just say for example Mona Lisa. The students will stare at the picture for about a minute carefully looking at every part of Mona Lisa's face. Then the students will decide Mona Lisa's emotion by rating her happiness, sadness, anger, digust or any other kind of emotions. Then after that the teacher uses the FACS on Mona Lisa's face to see if the results for Mona Lisa's emotions from the technology is the same as the results from the students. Human vs Technology there you go.
What's your thought on driveless cars? There are many good aspects to a driveless car, but with much of todays modern advances their comes many faults.Myself personally,I am against driveless cars, and I will explain my reasoning behind not supporting driveless cars. One reason I am not crazy about driveless cars is, because they are going to need a whole lot of sensors. What happens if one of those sensors becomes damaged? What is going to alert the driver then? In paragragh seven is states, "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." I don't know about you,but when I have nothing to do I glance at social media and sometimes even doze off. Lets be very serious, this generation is a mulitasking group. I'm sure we could complete the task of writing a post on Facebook and holding onto the wheel. Just as a sleep deprived truckdriver could master holding onto the wheel with one hand and getting some snoozing time in. Another really scary thought to driveless cars is needing new laws for them. In paragragh nine it points out a very good question. Let me restate these two sentences. "New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the tecnology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault -- the driver or the manufacturer?" These new driveless cars could cause some serious heat in and out of the court room. Maybe even causing riots and protesting. I DO NOT support the idea of driveless cars. There is just to much that could go wrong. I mean I did not wait sixteen and half years to get my lisence, so an driveless car could drive me around. Did I?
There are many reasons why people should swich to cars to walking. Switching from cars to walking helps the enviroment with polution, also it makes you look better so you can get the ladies. America is at an all time low on population coming from cars because many people are ihnto walking to work instead of driving because driving is very dangerous and also they are really hard to afford. Many people dont want to come out of their ccomfort zone and switch to a bike or switch to walkinjg because it might not be cool to them and their parents and not cool to their friends when carpooling is much more efficent andmuch more cheaper than any other alternative all you have to do is call your friends up and say HEY bring me to work now please. "The days without cars is part of an improvement camoaighn that began in bogota in the mid 1990s. It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city, according to Mockus, the citys mayor." Andrew Selsky.
I think that we should have driverless cars. Driverless cars may beneifit a lot for humans. We have tons of human errors and accidents. Having driverless cars can help reduce those problems. People may hate the idea of driverless cars, but I think it would be a good idea for us. Driverless cars can help with a lot of things such as accidents and human errors. We may be in a huge rush and start multitasking. Women will start doing their make-up while driving, men and women may eat while driving, or we all may start texting. The worst thing that could also happen or has happened is being on drugs or drinking and driving. We all know that drinking, texting and driving has caused many accidents for years now.Having driverless cars can help with this because we wouldn't be driving unless we had to. Gas may be expensive in some places around the world. People drive far to work, school, and etc. We use a ton of a gas going somewhere we normally may have to go almost everyday. We travel around with our family using a lot of gas as well. According to this article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," in the first paragraph it says that cars would use half the gas of today's taxis. By having the driverless car we would save way more money and use it for something else such as bills. I think having driverless cars may be a big beneifit. We'll have less problems around. Having less human errors would be a big beneifit. I talked about what it would benefit and how it would. I believe that we should have driverless cars for many reasons.
In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author portrays a very detailed report regarding the progress, application, and future of driverless cars, of which I personally would like to see implemented into society. I believe that driverless cars would alter society's way of life dramatically, and some people might want to resist that change because they're scared, but regardless of their decision; change is inevitable and this wave of revolution will spark the next step of technological innovation. The progress regarding these driverless cars since the beginning of their production is immeasurable. Google, one of the leading companies in the development of driverless cars, already has manufactured cars that have driven more than half a million miles without a single crash! Although those cars are really just semi-driverless, this is one huge step in the next major revolution. In 2013, BMW released information regarding the development of a new program that will assist the driver in the ever so frustrating traffic jam situations named "Traffic Jam Assistant." BMW is essentially advertising the future of driverless cars by announcing the path they have chosen for the future of automobiles. Although this progress is already enticing enough, there are more reasons to consider using driverless cars. There are a myriad of real-world applications for driverless cars. Safety being the number one priority, these driverless cars can assess a hazardous situation, and react to it better than a human could by applying breaks to specific tires and reducing power from the engine by manipulating the data from past experiments that meet the conditions of the current one and applying the best outcome to that situation. These applications all seem so surreal, but are actually incredibly near. The approaching future seems very appetizing as very popular automobile companies are entering the race to manufacture the world's first totally driverless car. Tesla has announced a release of a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time in 2016. And lastly; Mercedes, Audi, and Nissan all plan to have cars that can drive themselves by the year 2020. These companies all play a major role in what's in store for the future of automobiles. The pros of using driverless cars effortlessly overcome the few cons as innovators from around the globe are conducting thousands of experiments everyday to compile and eventually apply all their data to construct the world's first driverless car. After stating just several reasons as to why the future of automobiles involve driverless cars, one can easily see the positive effects it would have on society as a whole.
If i was to wrok for NASA and one of my co workers argued that the face on mars was created by alieans, i would argue that it is just a landform. The reason i say its just a landform is because we dont have any proof that aliens made it.It only looks like a face sometimes because in the article it says "formed by a shadow givivng the illusion of eyes". If Aliens made it why wouldn't they just give it eyes in the fist place instead of using shadows. People made up that aliens created the human face landform.If NASA didn't say anything the public would't people wouldn`t even know about it. They told the oublis about it so they can draw attention towrds the Mars. In paragraph 3 it says "the authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage te publis and attract to attention.'' And why would aliens make a human face without completing it them using shadows as eyes, but what if there were no shadows when viking one came a round it would look like a normal hill. My final thoughts about sombody arguing with me that aliens made a face i would tell them its just hill. The only reason i wouldn`t agree with them is because they dont have any information to support it. But if they had enough claims to support what he said i cab see where he is coming from. Do you think aliens made the face on Mars?
I think that driverless cars could be a great thing to have in the future, if they're safe enough to carry out the same actions that a driver can. In the future though, if kids grow up around driverless cars and aren't actually taught the rules of the road, then if there is an emergency that requires the drivers immediate attention as stated in the article, then the driver probably wouldn't know what to do. This can cause injury or even death to the people driving around him/her. I also think that driverless cars could be a great thing for the future of technology, but the question that is asked in paragraph 9 of the article is very important to keep in the minds of the car manufacturers. If people rely on their car to do the driving for them, then if there is a wreck who is a fault, the driver or the manufacturer? If you do get blamed instead of the manufacturer, then I don't think that it is really fair because you weren't doing the driving and you trusted the driverless car to get you to your destination safely, and it didn't do that. Considering these things though, if they were to teach the kids or even adult that didn't grow up around these cars the rules of the road and how the car works to prevent accidents like this from happening then i'd be all for driverless cars. They would be super cool in my opinion and if they worked correctly without many reported accidents, then i'd definitely try to get one. While taking drivers ed I was taught to be mindful of people around you and how your actions could effect other people and I just don't think that the driverless cars could really do that like a driver would be able to.