Space travel is not new to humanity nor is it something that has not already been accomplished. With the breach of Mars's soil having already occured scientist and space explorers have set their sights on the next challenge, Venus. Venus is sometimes closer to Earth than Mars and at other times Mars is the one closer to Earth, but of the two Venus is the closest match to Earth "in terms of density and size" and thus has been named Earth's "twin" making it a place of great interest for scientist, and those interested in space exploration because no other planet comes as close to matching Earth's conditions. Studying Venus could give hints about the future of Earth. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gives strong support to the idea that the pursuit of studying Venus is a worthy cause despite the dangers presented by the task. Knowledge of Venus would be extremely beneficial because Venus is one of the most interesting planets in Earth's solar system because of it's similarity to Earth. With the large number of similarities that Venus currently shares with Earth it wouldn't be terribly surprising or strange if Venus was once a planet "covered largely with oceans and" that "could support various forms of life". There is no way to tell if any of this is true, however without being able to travel to Venus and explore the planet. Only by exploring the planet and studying pieces of the planet such as small bits of land can noteworthy discoveries about Venus be made. Confirming or disproving the Earth-like Venus idea is not the only reason why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Another reason is that "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors" and the curiousity of humans and their travels on Earth "should not be limited by dangers and doubts" according to paragraph 8. This statements shows that gaining the ability to study the planet Venus is about more than just the planet and also expands to include the breaking of the limitations that stop exploration due to "dangers". By expanding to meet the challenge that Venus presents humans as whole will prove that they have the ability to explore and learn about nearly everything removing some of the limits of human exploration. In conclusion the author's support of the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is extremely strong because the author gives noteworthy reasons as to how the pursuit would be beneficial to exploration and humans in general. The author states that the pursuit of studying Venus will open doors into the pursuit of studying other dangerous places, or areas of interest such as animals, and others. The author also sites the idea that more knowledge of the Earth's "twin" could in fact help give insight on Earth as well by giving humans an idea of what Earth could become in the future and perhaps by studying Venus scientist could find a way to prevent Earth from becoming Venus-like. The author's reasonings are strong and prove to be thought invoking and the author avoids the idea of risks that are not needed.
The author states that despite the challenges Venus presents in order to further explore it is worth of the danger that follows. The author states how Venus is "Often refered to Earth's twin" and becasue of this fact and how close venus is to Earth obvious curiosity sparked missions in order to try to land a spacecraft "on this cloud-draped world" named Venus. Although the author states how "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours" and there have been numerous spacecrafts that have been sent on this mission it still should not stop us from trying again and finding solutions to these challenges. This ultimately leads the author to support the idea that "studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." There are numours evdience in this article that support the main claim made in the article that "studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." First off the author states how Venus has a "temperature average over 800 degrees farrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experiance on our own planet" or earth. The author even gives an anaology to show, with imagery, what thoses numbers look like as he says, "such envioronment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of the our ocenas and would liquefy many metels." However this raises a question: If Venus is so "inhospitable" then why are there futher visits to its surface being discussed? This ties back into the origal claim the author supports as he says, " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus becasue it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus was proably covered largely with ocenas and could have have supported various forms of life, just like earth." The author is infering, because of these similarites between Eartjh, it is only crutial that an expolration of Venus happens soon, also becasue given the long time frame of the when the last spaceship tried to enter Venus's atmosphere which was three decades ago. The authorr is infering how despite how dangerous it is, like we have seen in the past attempts to fly to venus, it is more worth it to be more proactive and find options to make a "misson both safe and scientifically producitve" to futher study the unanwered question of Venus. Futhermore the author states how NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. This way " a vehicle hovering over Venus would aviod the unfriendly ground conditions." This is one possible solution the auhtor claims that NASA has come up with to at least try to get close to Venus without damaging spacecrafts. With this approch the article even states they hope to send humans to Venus too. However this approch has its down side because; "peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions." "Researchers cannot take smaples of rocks, gas or anything else, from a distance." This however supports authors claim that "studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." This is supported when he states that we should see this downside as a challenge to make it even better so we can ultimaly touch the suface of Venus even despite the dangers that come with this. The author supports this by stating that, "many resaerchers are working on inovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaninfully to our knowlegde ofVvenus. Even despite the risk that eveyone knows by now scientists and reserchers find it worthy enough to keep studting Venus and how to get a human on its surface. In conclusion, through out the article, the reader is given inshight to the dangers Venus presents on what reserchers are trying to do today which is to get a human on Venus. The author with evidence supports the idea that "studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." The author makes it clear that these dangers do not have to be looked at in a negative way but rather can be looked at as challenges to try to overcome. He claims that these challenges venus presents have value becasue of how similar Venus us to earth. The author infers his will untimilty lead to human curiosity which will lead to endevors yet to come. Futhermore the author claims how setbacks should not make us quit and how our pursuit to Venus should not be limited by dangers we find along the way. Rather we should take that uncertinity and danger and us it to make venus a a worthy persuit to further reseach in the recent years to come.
We (NASA) have recently discovered the "face" on Mars which has been a big thing since we gave the information out to the world. A lot of people think it's an actual face created by aliens because the time before we discovered it it was foggy up on Mars so they think aliens must have did it then. Do you think it's a real face created by aliens or just something natural that happened? Since you said yes your wrong and now I'm going to give factoral information to support my answer. First we did think that it could have been a real face too but that didn't last very long because every happening has to have an explanation. We figured it was just another Martian mesa but it did turn out to have unusual shadows making it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. But that's all it was just unusual shadows that appeared on the "face". We then later revealed the image for everyone to see and it sure did give a lot of attraction to Mars. The "face" appeared in movies, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even in a haunted grocery store check out line for 25 years! Then everyone thought that that was actual evidence of life on Mars! NASA kind of did wish that there was ancient civilization on Mars. It was our priority to take bunch of pictures of this controversy to come up with an explanation for all this for everyone to understand what it really is. So in 1998 when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, the (MOC) team shot a picture ten times that was even more clearer than the originals. Everyone was exited, waiting for the picture to come out on the internet to figure out what it really was. The picture then finally came out and it turned out to be a natural landform! Not very exiting, huh? But still a lot people didn't believe us because in the winter of 1998 it was very cloudy up there and some beleive the aliens were hidden by the fog. So in April 2001, we went to get a second look and this time we used the best camera we could find that picked out every detail. Do you think they found alien evidence? Nope we didn't, it turned out to be a butte or a mesa. So now you know the real answer. Even though it does look like a face and is very unusual we found the facts. But could maybe someday we find weird alien evidence up in space on a planet? We'll see!
I think that driverless cars would be a bad idea. I say this because people got their license for a reason, so they could drive. It says in the text that it would alert the driver when to take control, what if the person sitting in the drivers seat wasn't paying attention and the car wrecked? Then what would happen? My third reason is it would cost a lot of money to make all of the driverless cars, what if people didn't like them? Then manufacturers wasted all their money and time building them. I think driverless cars is a bad idea. A lot of people went and got their license so THEY could drive, not to have some car drive. I think people would much rather drive their car themselves because if someone else driving wasn't paying attention they could crash cars in the driverless car. Anything could happen since there isnt anyone to pay attention in the driverless car. The driverless car idea is bad for another reason because in the text it says the car will alert someone if they need to take control. What if someone doesn't respond to the alert right away? Then they could crash into a person or thing. People would have to pay attention at all times and that just gives me another reason to stick to cars with drivers. When you drive a normal car you have to pay attention all the time so I would just stick with that car. My last reason on why driverless cars are a bad idea is that what if a lot of people ended up not liking them? Then the manufacturers would have just wasted all of their time and money on the cars. The manufacturers should have a test car before making a bunch, to see how people feel about them. I think driverless cars are a bad idea because people got their license for a reason, people wouldn't be paying attention at all times, and people could end up not even liking them.
venus in one of the brightesrt points of light in the nigt sky, this nickname is misleading since venus is actually a planet, venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too. numerous factors contribute to venus reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. even more challenging are the clouds of highly carrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere . on the planet superface, temperatures average over 800 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greaer than what we experince on our own planet in ine condition for everyone than humans. the national aeronautics and space administration (nasa) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus . the nasa is working on other approaches to studying for example venus study the surfaceand have lasted for there weeeks in such conddition, by comparation, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. earth and beyond be expanded to meet the very edges of imsginstion and innovation one big example is the exploration of planet vanus
The Electoral College vote is a somewhat a confusing process with the voter not voting for the president, but electors who elect the president. Many people think that this method is flawed becuase the people are not electing the president. On the hand people think that the Electoral vote keeps the race for presidency with a more clear outcome, than if they were elected by the popular vote. There are defiently two different arguments to this points with both sides involving good evidence. There are many flaws that people bring up in regard to the electoral vote. One of these is that since the state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, the electors could easily defy the will of the people. The most obvious fact about the electoral vote is that you are not voting for the president, but for a group of electors who then vote for the president. This is also unfair to voters because the candidates don't spend time in states they know will not win. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states did not even see the candidates, and people in 25 of the largest media markets didn't see a single campaign ad. In turn the elctoral college is unfair and outdated. Though there are plently of things wrong with the electoral college there are still plently of good arguments as to why we should keep it.  With the electoral college vote there is less of a chance of a dispute over the outcome thaan with the popular vote, though it happened in the 2000 election. The electoral can also make the race more fair, because a candidate with more regional appeal can not gain more electoral votes by campaigning heavily in that area. The electoral college also can help avoid run-off elections like Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992. Overally the Electoral College vote is a way of electing a president without actually electing a president, that should probabley be removed so the people have more of a say on who runs there country.            
The authors statement is that " studying Venus is a worthy pursut despite the dangers it presents" . What the author is trying to say is even though Venus is dangerous it is very intresting to learn about & heres my reason why i think the author is trying to say this; In Paragraph one , the author says Venus is called a " Evenning star " , becasue it is one of the brightest points of light in the sky. He also says that the Earth and Venus is close togother . Also on pargaraph 3 , the author says " A thick atmsophere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus " , basically saying that that is extremly hot there . also they say Venus has the hottest surface tempature of any planet in our solar system . NASA even wants people to go to Venus and explore the things their but , they cant because it would " toast the people ", athour says . What im trying to say is that , the reason why the author says that studying "Venus is a wothry pursuit despite the dangers it presents " is because Venus is very dangerous and not a safe place for astronouants to go to , but is very intresting to learn about .
I like this feature. I'd consider it very helpful on both computers and robots. Regarding robots, I wonder if Baymax from Disney's "Big Hero 6" had something like it. He was like a robotic nurse as explained by the main character. However, it wouldn't work in concrete tunnels. Regarding computers, if the feature could have come out a bit sooner, then Nickelodeon could've used it for a non-animated TV show they came out with, called "I Am Frankie". I'm still waiting for the show to continue. In one of the last two episodes of this show, one of the judges for this competition that was like a quiz show said that computers can't feel human emotions, but a girl who was part computer proved her wrong. I like this show because it gives me proof of how smart computers are. In conclusion, this feature should be used in all computers. I'd like for it to be used in robots too, that way robots could take the expression and mimic it. I'm pretty sure the "Transformers" movies have something like it too. If the "Transformers" movies and "Big Hero 6" use it then it was probably already thought of. With computers, someone could type into the computer "How am I feeling today?" and the computer could respond with an emotion like said computer has ESP.
Venuse is a worthy pursuite despite the dangers because NASSA would get to find out about are twin planted but there are some challges and riskes, like spacecraft have only lasted a few hours or like a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide blackes venuse and Venus has the hottest surface temperature. These are just a few problems we are faceing to look in to are brother planted. Venus has the hottest surface and its not even the closes planted to the sun. Venus is a very challging planted to study because the surrface is so hot it can mealt most mealts. Venus is the most earth like planted it has all of the same weather prblems like earthquakes,lighting striks and erupting valcanoes. Also Venus has a thick carbon dioxide blaked around it. It covers 97 percent of Venus and it has hight levels of sulfuic acid in venus. On the plates surface it is over 800 degrees fahrenheit. Venus has the hottest surface of all the plates inthe solar system . NASA has made teast and simalshions and one lasted three weeks,but they have a idea to make a type of blimp to huver 30 miles up over the planted of Venus but it would still be 170 degrees but the air pressher would be cloes to the sea leales soo it would be good to try. Thes are just a few reasons why Venus is a good planted to explore even knowing the dangers of doing it .there are more than enughe resons to stop trying but the planted is so closes and humons and still qureuse about the planted
First, you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I think you should join because this program is very fun and cool. Second, you should join the program because you will get the chance to see a lot of cool things and places. You might get to go to Greece, or sail the Atlantic Ocean just like i did. Another really cool thing you can do is play games when you have extra time. Also you might get to travle to China just like me. You might even get to go to Venice and take a gondola ride just like I did. You should also join this program because, you can take care of the animals. You can take care of horses and feed them hay.I took care of a lot of things like animals, and the food to feed them, and watching them. I had a job as a watch guy for the animals so if you like to be a lookout you should join the program. Also, you can help the animals if they get sick or hurt. If you join the program you can inharrit a lot of things.You can get a lot of experence out of the trips you take. I got a life time supply of memories and experence when I was there. I like going to new places and learning new things. Also, you should join the program because it could change your entire life lust like it did to mine. This is why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. Also,if you like these things you should really join.
To the author, the limitations that exploring venus brings, should not be enough to kill the curiosity that many of us have. Although it has been a long time since a spacecraft has touched down on Venus, the author believes that with the technology and willpower we have today, Venus could be explored. The author keeps referring to Venus as earth's twin. this could show that the author is trying to get across that this planet is not much different from ours. This technique can help pursuade people into believing that it is beyond possible to touch down on Venus. The author writes about alot of the reasons why we could go to Venus, but makes sure to touch on the challenges people may face and the limitations. "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." These limitations stated in paragraph 3 of the article are just some of the challenges associated with exploring Venus. The author believes even with all of the limitations, studying Venus could have so many benefits in the future. But another limitation is that hovering Venus at a safe distance might not give the insight on the conditions that people may need. Although he seems to be focusing on the negatives of it all, he brings in light to work around the limits. "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for weeks in such conditions." Here the author is bringing in the positives which ultimately outweigh the negatives. The limitations seemed to revolve around the harsh conditions, but the author introducing this peice of technology that would work around it helps support the authors ideas. To conclude, the author has many doubts and fears about studying Venus, but remembers to tell about ways to work around the natural challenges the people would face. The authors idea that claims that studying venus is more important than the dangers pursuades many people into believing that as well. Finally, the author does a great job getting his point across.
Driverless Cars coming can seem like a big shock or disappointment to the generation, but it also could be just the begining to a great new advention. The Driverless Cars are safe for the environment, helpful for teen drivers including completly new drivers and also can prevent less accidents from happening in the future. Pollution and the ozone layer being destroyed is a huge problem for our Earth to this day. Cars give off alot of gases causing this pollution in our atmosphere. Driverless Cars could be the stop to all of this pollution happening all around us! Now this is something that you can't just say "Heck no i dont want to ever have a car like that!" The Driverless Cars can help save money that id coming out of your own pocket while also helping our environment. Although driving a car that is able to drive itself can have its negative effects its can also be very helpful when it comes to the safety of yourself and the people who are also in the vehicle along with you. The Driverless Cars have special touch features that make sure the driver is in fact keeping hold of the steering wheel. Having this feature avalible on a car can be very helpful for careless drivers who do not keep hold of the steering wheel. Also having the ability to to steer, accelerate, and brake themselves can be a great way to warn the driver when roads ahead require human skills like navigating through work zones, around accidents, and going threw difficult traffic. Being able to have control over your own vehicle and also your vehicle having control over itself can be an extraordinary way to teach new drivers how to operate a vehicle. The Driverless Car can be a perfect way to teach teens getting their licences or permits the proper ways to properly operate a vehicle. The Driverless Cars are able to stop themselves when coming close to hitting an object; this feature can be best used for teens just in case they get carried away and start to loose control ove the vehicle. Antilock brakes and drivers assistantwill be helpful when learning how to break at the appropriate time and also having assistance if something goes wrong in the mense of your driving. Although the Driverless Cars seem strange and unusual they can be very helpful and useful to our generation by helping teens learn how to properly operate a vehicle, saving the planet from pollution and the destruction of our ozone, and also creating a safe environemt for all drviers on the road.
I , Luke Bomberger, am a memeber of the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Saegoing Cowboys help people who were affected by the war. I believe everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboys program for three reasons. Not only do you get that warm fuzzy feeling from helping people out, but you also have a once in a lifetime chance to go sightseeing have the time of your life onboard, and explore the most beutiful and amazing places on Earth. By becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you get to help out the less fortunate explore go sightseeing and have fun. We help people by bringing them animals from overseas such as horses, cows ,and mules. When we bring the people the animals it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling of acomplishment. You should also join because after our missions, we have some time left to go sightseeing in the area. Some of my favorite things to see were the Panama Canal and "seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." I also had the opportunity to expore much of Europe and China as well as taking a gondola ride in Italy. I also got to take a tour of a castle in Crete. If you think that the fun stops when you climb back aboard for the ride home, think again. The stables where the animals were kept becomes a baseball field and a volley ball court. We also have table tenis tournaments as well as boxing and fencing matches. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is fun as well as important. In conclusion, "the cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy." I reccomend becoming a Seagoing Cowboy because not only are you helping the world, but you get to have fun while you do it such as sightseeing and exploring. I myself have gone on nine trips as a Seagoing Cowboy and loved every second of it. It also opened up my eyes and "made me more aware of people in other countries and their needs." So,unless you are doing something useful with your life, become a Seagoing Cowboy. You won't regret it.
The "Face on Mars" has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows- even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years. Some poeple think the Face is hard core evidence of life on mars. Meanwile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. The face on mars is a natural landform. Mars has powerfull winds just like we do on earth which if the dirt gets built up on rocks it can cause a face looking shape. The face is just a maountain with craters up at the top which makes it look somewhat like a human face. Mission controllers prepared to look again. "It's not easy to target Cydonia," says Garvin. "In fact, it's hard work." Mars gGlobal Surveyor is a mapping spacecraft that normally looks straight down and scans the planet like a fax machine in narrow 2.5km-wide strips. "We just don't pass over the Face very often." he noted. But not everyone was satisfied. The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees norht martian latitude where it was winter in April '98- a cloudy time of year on the red planet. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze. In conclution, the face could be real or it could be a fake. But from teh research that we have conducted at NASA concludes that it is just a natural landform caused by geological occurences.
I think that hes right because no body knows about Venus and people would want to know more about it. people can learn what Venus has and how things live there. you are going have to know because theres no oxygen there so you have to take a oxygen tank. Many people have wanted to go visit Venus and see how it is out there. The temperature is very warm and the surface is rough. Scientist are investigating how Venus is, if its safe to visit and explore and find new living things their that people dont know about. They say if you go into it with phones your phones will explode because of how hot it is on the planet. The evidence that shows is that they dont know if its safe enough for regular people just to go because its very hot there. You would have to wear a special suit so you wont burn your skin.
In sept . 1997,Twenty five years ago something funny happened around Mars. NASA's aircraft captured a photo of a landform in a human shaped face many people belive that the landform could of been created by aliens. The picture of the face was not created by aliens. On April5,1998,Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the fist time. The Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture ten times better than the Original photo. The picture revealed a natural landform not the face many though really exsisted. On April 8, 2001 --a cloudless summer day on the planet mars the Global surveypr had a second chance to look at the landform. This time each pixel in the 201 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 23 meters per pixel in the viking photo. you can now see thing better in the photo it shows butte or mesa-landforms witch are comon. The evedience scientist have gathered has showed there was no face created by aliens
Cars are a part of everyday life. You use them to drive to school, to work, out to eat, or to the movies with all of your friends. But what if you didn't have cars? What if you werent allowed to use them? Many places around the world, like Europe, Colombia, Paris, and even some parts of the United States, have started to end the car culture. This has proven to be very beneficial in keeping the earth clean, safe, and and healthy. Greenhouse gas emissions from tail pipes in cars have been a big culprit in pollution. In paragraph 5 in the article "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars," it states cars are responsible for 12% of the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and up to 50% in widely used car areas in the United States. In Paris, they inforced a partial driving ban to clear their air after near-record breaking days of pollution. Paris has more smog than other European capitals, having had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter, which compared to other paces like London, who only 79.9, that's a lot of smog. With limited driving, the pollution will decrease and benefit the environment over time. Not only does the limited use of cars increase the overall health and safety of Earth, it helps keep us safe too. Multiple car accidents happen every single day around the world. As you would know, without cars, there would be no car accidents. Accidents such as these  can be caused by traffic. When driving on the highway with cars surrounding you, all going 70 mph, there's a high risk of getting into an accident.  During France's partial ban of cars, the congestion, or car traffic, was down 60% than normal. This lessened the chance of accidents and made the roads more safe, for both drivers/pasangers, and those walking along the streets. Since cars would no longer be in use, how would you get around? In Columbia, many citizens hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during their car free day. Without the use of cars, Americans and others would actually get up and move to get to where they need to go, which isnt something that's common anymore. America is the most obese country in the world, with most of the top obese cities residing in Texas. Cars give us another excuse to not be active in our everday lives. If everyone had limited use of cars, everyone as a whole may get the daily exercise they need to say at a healthy state. Although cars are useful to get us to the places we need to go fast, they are not required or needed. They let off gases that are harmful to our environment, can be hazardous to ourselves and others, and should be replaced to play against obesity and unwellness. The cons of cars outweigh the pros and everyone should be turning off their cars and stepping outside.                  
One major cause of global warning and greenhouse gases hurting our Earth and it's atmosphere is the excessive use of cars worldwide. Ever since they were invented, humans have naturally been attracted, but the attraction is turning dangerous. The amount of pollution these cars give off its sickening, and it's hurting us and nature. The amount of pollution was so deadly in Paris that they had to create and no-car day. Paris is so full of smog that people literally can not see. Everyone should cut back on the driving, it's becoming an epidemic. The upcoming generation of our children and our children's children needs to know the importance of conservation and helping the Earth, not destroying it. Furthermore, less use of cars will actually lower the risk of death for pedestrians and drivers. thousands of deaths a year are from motor vehicle accidents. Not using cars as much or in general will lower the rate dramatically, obviously. The streets will be safer and more enjoyable for you and your children and your children's children.
The "Face on Mars" isnt a alien artifact or building. It looked like a face because the photograph tooken in 1976 is outdated, and not as detaild as the on tooken in 2001. In paragraph 2, the artical states: "Scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common on Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." giving you the idea that its not actually a face, and that its actually a Martian mesa. In paragraph 7, Michael Malin and his MOC took sharper more precise than the original photos tooken before, proving its not a face its a Martian mesa. Also on paragraph 12, it says looks alot like a mesa, common in the American west. The "Face on Mars" isnt alien artifact, its a Martian mesa. There isnt nothing to hide because there isnt anything living on mars. The pictures tooken in 2001 show nothing of alien artifacts or buildings, its just a Martian mesa, That looked like a face in the picture from 1976, but it dont look like a face in the 2001 picture.
I think that driverless cars should be used, because they have many thing such as sensors, smart road systems, driver mimicry and more . In the passage it talks about how the car has all those sensors, because it can mimic the skill of a human at the wheel . That means if the driver is someone who has driven for years that menas that the car can mimic that and have the same driving skills as the person driving . I am for driverless cars because it doesnt say anything in the passage about how a car has crashed. in fact, the passage states; "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash," with that being said, these cars could be really safe for drivers. Also, that could mean that the car drives better than a human can . Another reason I am for driverless cars is because, they wouldnt use much fuel, it states in the passage that; " The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." Regular buses and taxis would most likely go out of business, and driverless cars would take over. That fuel could also help get people to farther destinations. For example, if someone who lives in New York wanted to go to Florida, it could be done, no plane required. Driverless cars are the future and should be used throughout society, they can mimic your driving, provide safety, and get you to where you need to go . Driverless cars would be a great asset to the world .
Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because us human beings love to study more than our planet . Studying Venus is very risky due to the fact that its the second planet closest to the sun, so our chances are very low to get a something similar to a rover on Venus without it melting or getting destroyed by the atmosphere in paragragh 7 it states that ''modern computers are enormously powerful,flexible and quick, but tend to be more decliate when it comes to extreme phyiscal conditions '' . Venuses atmosphere is almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets and it is very thick . It also averages over 800 Faherenheit that is 90 times greater then what we experience . So if our devices go on Venus it could be destoryed , even if some people volunteer to surf Venuses atmosphere is very dangerous because any of our devices can enterupt Venuses '' daily routine '' putting our people in harms way. In paragragh 4 it states that astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may once most Earth-like planet in our solar system . Also, the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys , mountains , and craters . In paragragh 2 Venus is also referred as Earth's '' twin '', Venus is the closest planet to Earth in erms of density and size , and occasionally the closest to distance too , so it would be a good story if we found a safer way to study venus . In paragragh 8 the author states that , " striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value , not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself , but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors .'' Venus has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely but challenges like that make it real easy to study other planets if we accomplish our first task . In paragragh 2 it states that ,''each previous mission was unnamed ,and for a good reason , since no spacecraft survied the landing for more than a few hours.''So we do have some research that is unknow to us for good reasons so if continue too keep running test and mission and fix our mistakes Venus can be very easy and safe to study .
Venus' average temperature of over eight hundred, clouds of sulfuric acid, and great atmospheric pressure makes it highly unlikey for inhabbitting. Despite these conditions, it is considered Earth's twin. This is because of the similar size and density of the two planets. For these reasons, and more, the exploration of Venus has been attempted. But what makes dangers of traveling there worth what could be found? Is this topic done justice from by the author? What would make the danger of going to Venus worth it? In paragraph four, the author states "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once been the most Earth-like [...] a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." In the sentences taken from the article, the author mentions how Venus is covered in mountains, valleys, craters, and how there is a possibility of it being covered by ocean many, many years before hand. Right after, the author says that there have been theories about how it could have supported various life forms. Later on in paragraph four, the author states that Venus has a similar terain to Earth and is the nearest option and and crucial consderation. The author could have done more to support the idea that Venus is worth studying. They gave three pieces of supporting evidence on why it was worth studying and did not go on to further explain why these three examples made Venus worth studying. Do the dangers of Venus outweigh the reasons to study it? The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" belives they do not, but lacked a further explanation as to why. There were good ideas brought to the table about why Venus would be worth the dangers of the exploration. However, the author briefly mentioned them in one paragraph and did not elaborate on their reasons.
I think it will be a bad idea because, the auto mechanuics will lose alot of there jobs because they would have to go back to college in order to know how to fix these new cars. And I think is just pure laziness because we dont want to drive. Yeah it might be easier in some ways but also harder we will have to learn alot more new things. You can also get seriosly injured I mean yeah you could still do that in a regular car but you will at least be in control and it would be on your part. But if its not you driving the car the dealership or the manifracture will be the one to get in trouble because there system is the one driving the car. What if the car decides to turn and go fast into a ditch you can do nothing about it and you would just have to set thier and watch it happen. I know people are busy but you can atleast take time out of your day to drive somewhere yourself. Alot of laws will have to be changed as well because their really wouldnt be any reason to take a drivers test because the cars already know what to do. What would the age limit be? How will the car know the aspeed limit will there have to be new road put in so the car can detect it? See i just think there would be to much conflict and we should just have to drive the cars our self.
I believe that in this passage Luke becomes a seagoing cowboy and travels all over the seas and Luke really wanted to see China and Europe, Luke takes trips all over and thye author of the story chose Luke and showed us what Luke did as a seagoing cowboy. Evidence from the passage to support my answer is the author talked about what Luke did as a seagoing cowboy. Another peice of evidence from the story to support my conclusion is it was World War II and it happened in Europe duing that time so Luke helped his friend out and helped him with saving people with food and money and also, a shelter. These peices of evidence supports my conclusion by being stated in the text. Reasons to join this program is it can be a be change in life to help needed people out in different countries. Also, there could be a country you really wanted to go to and that program is going there so you could go sightseeing at that country.
I believe that "Driverless Cars" are the next big thing to this world. Millions of people use cars today and have a chance of injury or worse. If a car could drive itself or be more alert of things around it, the problem of crashing wouldn't be there anymore. The beginning of driverless cars is already here so why be against something that has already made the world a safer place. As it says in paragraph seven that they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves without any human touch. The reason I am not against driverless cars is that a person close to me was saved from a car crash with a automatic brake system. If that person was to have moved alittle more without the brake system they wouldnt be here today. Another reason is if a car could drive itself there would be more time to get stuff done on the way to your destination. If your a busy worker or a kid with homework due, then during that time you could get things done. On the other end of the argument, we haven't come that far to make a driverless car. Sometimes machines mess up and cause problems and that could happen to this. There should be a button or something like that to switch a driverless car back to a normal car. We just dont have enough technology to do a driverless car and to make one now would be dangerous. But in the future these cars could make things alot better for the world. Car crashes wouldnt happen and the pollution from cars would be alot less because of how much gas they take. They will make the world cleaner and get you to your destination faster. In my life time I hope to see a driverless car and get to be in one. People that are not aloud to drive like the elderly or teens without a license could go anywhere without any danger. The idea of a driverless car is just amazing and I know im not the only one that would love to see one. In the future normal cars should be tossed and recycled to be made into new driverless cars. I would feel a lot safer being behind a car that knows everything then being behind my two hands.
Why do we keep this despised method of choosing the president when 60% of American citizens want a popular vote instead? This is an outdated method and viewed as anachronism by many. While some say that it creates a more stable outcome, it is a "winner-take-all" system where not everyones votes count. The election of the president should be based on popular vote because it is unfair that not everyones votes count, their is a chance of a tie breaking out, and the disaster factor because so much could go wrong. Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, it is unfair and irrational to all voters in the United States. It is injustice that not everyones votes count under the Electoral College. The process of the Electoral College consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president, and the counting of votes by congress. Voters are directly related to this because the popular vote of a state usually gets the electoral vote of the state. This is good for the majority but what about the minority. The Electoral College is a winner-take-all system so their voice does not get heard. If a voter is democratic in Texas it would be a waste of time voting, because  most of texas is republican and the 38 votes would go twords a republican. If it was based on popular voting then the minority would get a say and could help. One of the most worrying situations is the prospect of a tie in electoral votes. Because the Electoral College is made up of an even 538 electors, Their is the possiblilty of a tie. If that were to happen, then the electin would be thrown into the House of Representitives, where state delegations would vote on the president. This would be a problem because some states, such as Wyoming, would only get one or two votes but others, like California, would get more than thirty. Also, the House of Representitives would vote for the canidate they want, not reflecting the will of the people at all. If a tie seems unrealistic, just remember in 1968, 41,971 votes would have created a complicated mess. Moreover, their is the disaster factor, Their are many problems and kinks in the system and some of these can destroy the system. The worst one we ever expiriednced is the recounts in Florida in 2000. The state legislature could always pick electors that will defy the people. In 1960, the Louisiana state legislature almost changed Democratice electors with ones that would vote againts John F. Kennedy. Also in 1960, Hawaii sent two states of electors to congress. Perhaps the worst is a party's canidate casting a vote for whomever they please, ignoring the people. This is one of the biggest downsides of the Electorial College. The Electorial college is no longer usefull or democratic. If instead we vote the president on popular vote we won't expirience the unfairness to voters, the problems of a tie, or the disaster factor. It can help in some situations but for the most part is spurious at best. The Electorial College is outdated, unfair, and non- democratic and should be replaced by a popular vote.
I believe that we should not get rid of the Electoral College because it is a process thart some people like to take! This college had a lot of electors, 538, and to elect the president you have to have 270, and theres is more than enough electorals so why get rid of it? Each candidate running for president in your state has there on group of electors. I do not think that the Electoral College is doing anything harmful or bad so I think that there is no reason to get rid of it! As many of you guys know many people vote, over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. They all say that the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Now I think we should also get rid of the electoral college because they backed there answer up and i could not. There are 5 reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president and now I am going to tell you what they are: 1.) Certainty of Outcome 2.) Everyones President 3.) Swing States 4.) Big States 5.) Avoid Run-Off Elections
A computer software that scans your face, just to see what your feeling. The company that makes 'Facial Action Coding System' is trying to encourage schools to have these devices in their classrooms. Isn't it bad enough most of us is already trying to learn take test on computers? I don't believe classrooms should have FACS at this point of time. I do believe that our world is making new developments on this type of technology, and their idea of FACS could be improved on the near future. One of the reasons why I believe schools should not accept this software is because it could not be safe. Yes, it is incredible to show emotions, but a camrea on your child while they work. It could be a little creepy or even stressful on them. When they work they want to feel at peace so they can work without destractions. If you put a camrea on a child they will get distracted, and feel an abondence of pressure they do not need. Your child is at school, if the teacher can not tell a student is having trouble or bored, then there is an issue. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." "Then it coul modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Dr. Huang predicts. Personally if a child is getting bored or confused, why doesn't he raise his or her hand up, and ask the teacher to explain it to him or her better, or make it more exsiting. Will some teachers get mad? Possibly, but possibly not. Teachers could take this feedback, and teach in many different ways instead of one or two certain ways, as FACS does. Teachers are all different and creative, so are the students. FACS could make it easier, but some students will still probably get confused and become bored in front of a screen all day. Students should stick with a classroom enviorment, and not a computer lab for 8 or more hours a day. "They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one." says the author in paragraph 7. I think it's very impressive to use that material, but in a different enviorment. A school should be a safe place for students, teachers, and staff people. Students should know by now that if there is something wrong they need to go talk to someone. Now days so many things are happening in schools, it is completely crazy. Some students are now having a lot more chances in speaking with a person in their school district, than they did back then. Teachers and staff also should see the signs of emotions of their students. A computer software can determine these emotions, but can it help them? I don't believe so, and I'm sorry if you do not agree. FACS is an amazing and fresh device people can use. In my opinion it can be a great material for counsilers and theripists. For schools though, I don't see it working out very well. What if a hacker sets in the computer, and can see what people are doing? New technology is scary, but maybe Dr. Huang is an amazing inventor, and has checked these terrifing details already. It's hard to trust something you are not fully for sure about. This moment is our new day and age, eventually technology will be our new world, but please leave it out of the education enviorment.
The Challenge of Exploring Venus an article that shows shows imagintion and motivation of Venus. In this article the author did a well job on showing both positives and negatives of this idea. He talks about Venus and the most information about this planet. In his Introduction he has a hooking sentence getting the readers attention by saying the nickname for the planet. He backs up his idea by showing facts and history instead of saying his opinion. It is said by the author that its a good idea on exploring Venus. The negatives and positives about this planet are well explained and shown by the author. The author first begins talking about the negatives about the planet to show that it also has negatives and is clear about the information and still supporting his claim. He begins by mentioning the failure of humans sending numerous spacecrafts to land on Venus and only lasting few hours in paragraph 2. The author also talks about its climate and atmosphere in section 3. Which on average overs 800 degrees Fahrenheit and and is 90 times greater in atmospheric pressure. After talking about the negatives and cons about Venus the author then dives into the positives and shows more postives then negatives. He begins by telling the readers in paragraph 2 that Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin" showing that Venus is worth exploring if it is compared to Earth and feeling safe about it. In paragraph 4 the author talks about Venus possibly having life when he tells the reader that long time ago Venus was covered in oceans and could have supported life. The author backs up his idea by showing facts on the possibilities of sending humans to explore the planet. He gives informations and in paragraph 5 talking about NASA's idea of sending humans to study Venus and developing solutions to the hostile conditions. In section 7 the author brings more research from NASA that is testing simplified electronics and lasting 3 weeks in such conditons. To reinforce his idea he talks in paragraph 6 of scientist going to to Venus to conduct important research such as samples from rock and gas. The author madehis idea clear and showed it with good information. He showed the cons about his idea and then the positves. He gave the readers basic information in his introduction. He tehn dived into his idea and backed it with many important research information. The author showed his idea with him never saying his opinion.
"Driverless cars are dangerous." My friend says "What if the computer and systems fail and you have a accedent?" Another tells me. My friends say driverless cars are a bad idea ,becuase the could cause accendents ,there not reliable and that they are way to costly. While I think driverless car are a okay idea, because they can alert me when to stop when i have manuel control of the vehicel, it gives me control when the car can not monuver through accedents or rough torain and it has autopilot so i don't have to drive to much. Driving cars can make accedents happen. If the driver is not paying attendtion and doesn't take control in areas the car can't drive through or if its system fails to work. Though they can also preventg accendents by alerting the driver of the areas that the car can't drive through. It can also help you drive by giving you alerts of the things that are behind the car while backing up, provide a autobrack option when it senses something in front and the driver doesn't put on the brakes. Yes driverless car can be unreliable at times. For example you have part that is broken on the car or the system and computer may not be wroking properly. Yet if you do not trust a driverless car i can also give you the option to drive the car yourself. Plus it helps you drive by giving alerts if you are about to crash with somethingthat is behind you as you drive and the autobrake that stops the car automadicly if the driver is unable to. One of these cars would be extremly costly. The price for a car like this would be more than what a normal person could win in a year. Some say that the car is not worth the price and that is to unreliable to buy. I say the price might be worth it. I gave my reasons to my friend. Though they still say its a bad idea I respond with "Its my money and i will buy what i want with it.". Though my friends stand on the orther side of the arggument I stay with my the side that states driveless cars are a good idea. Driverless cars are a good idea, because they can alert me when to stop when i have manuel control of the vehicel, it gives me control when the car can not monuver through accedents or rough torain and it has autopilot so i don't have to drive to much.
Ah Venus, the planet who happens to be the second closest to the sun, is the hottest planet we know right now. Dispite Mercury be the closest to the sun, Venus proves to be the most troubling planet to learn about. No spacecraft survived more than a few hours on the land over there. Ever since then, Venus is left alone, but.. What if there was a chance Venus was like Earth at one point? It is often called Earth's "twin" after all. I shall state my opinion on this matter on this very essay. Is Venus a worthy pursuit despite all of their dangers? Is it truly worth it? Yes and no, this is rather difficult to explain. In one case we will gain more knowledge of it, but is there more to say about it? We, humans, are very curious in nature. Wether you like it or not, Venus will be explored in the future. The worth will be difficult to determine as of right now, but perhaps we will know later on. Then again, knowledge is knowledge. So where is my proof you may ask? Well, NASA is a big one for sure. They are trying to get photos, samples of rock, gas, and literally anything else, but it is rather difficult from a distance. Doesn't help that Venus's atmosphere is not all that friendly either, photos and videos can't do much with that. But that does not stop NASA to make technology to survive those difficult conditions. They were even thought of in the 1800s! Basically, I do believe we will explore Venus someday. It may be a challenge, but it did not stop us from going to the moon back then, right? WE will get past more intimidating endeavors in the future.
The Author describe how you can see emotions in the image of Monalisa. Many peaple can to think that the Monalisa is happy because she's smile but she can have fews emotions in the same moment. Leonardo Da Vinci's try to speak in this image that the emotions is how a mirror. Is for this the Author speak in the article that Lonardo Da Vinci probably knows study the emotion of person. I think you can see the emotios the other peaple because the face is how a mirror. you can look how you feeling in the moment. Is you are tired, sick, sad, happy, disgusted... But sometimes we can't see all the emotions, because Monalisa looks that she is happy but she can feel others emotions that you can't see maybe. My conclusion is you can see the emotions in the face but NO all the emotions. This happen with the expressions of my classmate they look very serious for the exam, others look tired but they maybe can be others emotions that I don't know.
For centuries, we have followed a certian system estabolished by our founding fathers. This system is called the electoral college. This system is based off voting for the president through electoral votes rather than based off more popular. The state has an overall say through its electors. I believe that this system is unfair and should be abolished. The electoral college should be abolished because you are not voiting directly for the president. You are voting for an elector who would in turn elect the president. While you may end up pleased, others may feel the complete opposite. I believe that it is unfair to not directly vote for the president bacuse it should be completly up to this nation to elect a president. The system they have set up right now is injustice. The second reason the electoral college should be taken away is that the system has much room for failure. Electors could easily betray the will of the people. They have much more power than the standard voter. The electors would completly oppose the most "popular" vote and put in their vote for whoever they feel deserves it. This is wrong and totally goes against the idea of giving the people power. This would qualify as just giving a few people power. There could also be room for a tie. This could result in the elcetion ending in the hands of the House of Representatives where the state delegates could chose the president. Not only is this destorying the power of the general public but this could also result in people not getting what they wanted. The delegates cuold go completly against what the people say because they technially have the right to since they have the power of the situation. The final reason the electoral college system should be left behind is the fact that not every state gets to see the canidates. Some of the smaller states that don't count for much of the vote or tend to lean towards a different party don't even get a visit from the canidates. Not only is that unfair but it's also completly demaning towards the state. It makes the citizens of the state feel unworthy or not important enough for not even making an effort for their vote. This is also a stupid move on the canidates part because they might have been able to persuade the state's vote. In conclusion, the electoral college is not a functional system for its characteristic of being completly indirect, for taking away the power of the people, and for its room for error. Although it may seem like a trustworthy system at first, don't be fooled. So whats more important, the power and opinions of the people or the power and opinion of the delegates?  
Venus is sometimes called the " Evening Star". It is one of the bright points of light in the night sky. Venus is also more closely to earth then any other planet. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because is our planetary neightbor. Venus is a Earth's twin. Humans have sent numerous of spacecrafts to venus but for inly a couple of hours. Which actually is a good idea because not one single spaceship was able to go back to Venus more then three decades ago. Venus is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. Venus planet surface is almost 800 degrees Farenheit. The conditions are far more extreme then anything humas encounter on Earth. Venus could have probably be covered in large amounts of oceans and could have been supported by humans. It could be hard ot go back to Venus becuase of the pressure that spaceship could get. In order to go back, they have to try and make the mission both safe and scientifically productive. But it could not be productive if the solar power is plentiful and the radiation would not exceed Earths levels. It could be easy conditions to some humnas, but not all. However, NASA is working on some approches to get to Venus. Some simplified electronics made of silicone carbide, have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick. but it can be extremly delicate when it comes to physical conditions. The traveling on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edged of imagination and innovation.
Limiting car usage is great for people and the enviroment. There is less air pollution, less traffic jams, alot less stress, and people going out on the sidewalks enjoying the scenery and having fun! Limiting car usage can be very good in many ways! If people limit car usage there will be less air pollution. Because cars use a non-resuable gas, (Gasoline and Desiel) they must be burned in order for the cars engine to power the car. After it burns and gets used up the exhaust pipe from the car leaks out the Carbon Monoxide that resides in the car after the gas is burned. When realised into the atmosphere, the gas damages it. Not allowing enough sun to get in, creating smog which is harmful for the human to breathe, and blocks vision for many people! SO if we stop using cars or at leaste limit them, then we won't have these problems that often or even AT ALL! If there were half the amount of cars driving around everyday then we would have a much more beautiful sky than we do now, also we would not have as much fog as some people do. Like Paris. They banned driving for a few days because of smog! "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city" (Duffer Paragraph 1). So if we limit car usage we wouldn't have this problem! If we limit or eliminate car usage in a certain area for a certain time, then people can go outside, enjoy the scenery and get some fresh air. Because of cars existing you don't really see much people walking on the street unless they don't have a car. People with cars just drive past everything and don't really look around, but people who don't have cars enjoy the scenery, get fresh air, and get excersice. It is proven that people who rather ride a bike or walk to a destination opposed to people who drive a car are more phisicaly fit than those who normally drive a car to their destination. To clnclude, if people limit the car usage in the world there bwill be less pollution and all around more friendliness between all people and people will enjoy the life around them, rather then sitting in their cars!     
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" there are many key points made about facial action coding systems. Calculating emotions can be difficault but it's not imposible. Also that this system can be used in classrooms to help students who don't understand something or is bored is outstanding. Sitting in class and not getting something but are to scared to ask about it will make students a lot more comfortable with what they're learning. Or take he same scenerio but the student is bored out of their mind, this system would make it a little more challenging for them so they didn't just sit there. Students may be sitting in class or taking a standerized test and are bored out of their mind cause either they understood it really fast or already knew it or just don't want to have to deal with doing or taking it. Either way the system created would help them.
The Electoral College is a compromise between the election of the President by electoral votes. This has been around for as long as I can remember. It plays a very big part in our government.  Some people want to get rid of it. Others don't. Do you think we should keep the it? The Electoral College balances out the amount of popular votes. If both candidates are tied, we turn to the state electors. The candidate that has the biggest amount of electoral votes wins. One candidate can have more popular votes and very few electoral votes. The popular votes are just for the state electors to decide which they are going to pick. In the end it all goes down to them, The Electoral College, On the other hand, some people don't like this idea. The electors are sometimes depend on the state. Other times the state conventions, the presidential candidates, and sometimes the sate party's central committee. Voters think it's unfair. They spend a bunch of time voting for who THEY want, but in the end it comes down to the electors. So in reality it doesn't even matter who the voters choose. They really just choose a slate of electors, who then elect the president, I think we should get rid of The Electoral College. It's not fair to the people. We waste all our time to vote on a president we want, to only end up voting for the electors. I understand that it does have its good affects, but it just feels like we don't even matter. Where's the freedom? Some people think we should keep the Electoral College. Others don't. It has it's good things. It has it's bad. I personally feel like we should just get rid of it. What do you think we should do?
Dear Mr. Senator, Today I am asking for your favor of keepig the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. This process now consists of the selection of the electors and meeting where they vote for the president and vice president, and the counting of votes by the congress. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors, but only 270 of those votes are required to elect the president. I think that we should change the way that our citizens vote. I also think that we should update how the elections are run. First of all, we should change the way that our citizens vote. When we vote for a president we are actually just voting for that Elector. So there is a possibility that the Elector could vote for the opposite president and your vote basically not be put in. I think that our citizens should have enough rights that they dont have to have Elector to do the voting for them and we can all just vote for who we want. For instance, it could be just all politics and the Electors get paid to vote for a certain person and thats why most of the presidents who get elected get elected today. Secondly, We should update how the voting system works. Instead of it being 270 people out of 538, we should just have everyone one vote without Electors. Then everyone would have there say in the voting system and then they could just average it out or figure out the math of who won by percentage. For instance, take the number of all the people who voted for both presidents and take the number of one of the presidents and divide them by eachother and multiply it times 100. Then all the political stuff wouldnt happen because everyones vote counted. Maybe a change in the system would be a good idea. Last but not least, In The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, Bradford said that in 1960 segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. So that vote would not have actually gone to Kennedy. So the Electors are not as reliable as everyone thought. Some Electors have also refused to to vote for there parties canidate. My honest opinion is to just change the Electoral College. In conclusion, I am writting to you Mr. Senator in hopes that you can fix the Electoral College and change the election to a popular vote. If this were to happen, it could make our citizens have a little more rights. We may also update our system a little bit so that the election voting is a little more accurate so that everyone gets to get there vote in. Maybe this could be what solves most of the political problems in the world. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME
My name is Luke Bomberger, and I just got back from an amazing trip from being a Seagoing Cowboy. I got to help animals recover from World War ll, and this trip was an amazing, and beautiful adventure. This program is hard work, and I know that some people aren't interested in helping animals, or working hard. But, this is a really good program that I want to tell you about. Maybe by the end of this article you will be convinced to join this program with me. What did I have to do on this trip you ask? I had to help animals recover from World War ll. This was a fun job, because even though this was hard work the animals are fun to play around with. If you don't take this job those animals won't have any body to take care or play around with them. I know some of you don't really care for animals, but what's better: watching you favorite Tv show or helping poor animals recover from World War ll ? The animals are a great part of this experience, but do you want to know what I really loved about this trip? I adored all of the tourist attractions on my way to China, and the great experience this was. The cattle-boat trips were unbelievable for a small-town boy like me. Seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. I loved the gondola ride in Venice Italy, it was beautiful to see the streets of water. When I toured that excavated castle in Crete, and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China, it was amazingly beautiful. I was bored with my high school job, so I took this job. I was not bored anymore. This job is a great job for someone who loves adventures, sand a hard working job. I sure hope that this essay has convined you to join the Seagoing Cowboys program, because my arm sure is getting tired from all this writting. Like I said in the first paragragh, work might not be for some people, or some people might not like animals. But I am telling you this program is worth the work, with the amazing places you see, and sailing on a boat while taking care of animals. Hopefully, you will join the Seagoing Cowboys program with me, and if you do this program it will open up the world to you, and you will be writting the next essay to someone.
Sure, driverless cars sound interesting, but are they worth the risk? With the recent dovelopment of driverless cars, the technology for them is only advancing. It might be fun, it might be cool, but is it's not safe. Not only would driverless cars be dangerous themselves, but theres also other issues, such as; economy dropping, the inability to drive those cars specifically, and several legal issues to think about. The future is now, where cars are assential to everyday life, for some, cars are their life. Many people make their living off selling cars, advertising cars, building cars, designing cars, and even workers for car companies like Subaru, Toyota, Ford, Chevy, and more. On the radio, drivers hear tons of car sales and ads. If all the companies, all the advertisements, all the sales, all the new disigns, and every last car builder were to have to cope with driverless cars, many citizens would be out of a job. The job market for cars would collapse and so would the economy leaving thousands unemployed. Also, gas and oil would no longer have anywhere near as much value as it does now. Without oil and gas prices, even more poeple would be without jobs. Not to mention taxes would be brought up on everything else to try and keep the economy stable, but in reality, the rise in taxes would make everyone but the government looking for loose change. Especially people who have more importants things to pay for, like children and disability. The inability to operate the cars would be even more an issue for people wiht disabilities. Blind and deaf people can now at least get cars that can be modified to adjust to their ability, but as these driveless cars are just being made, it would take them even longer to modify them for the disabled to use. Even without a disability, the cars would be like taxis, so what about people with social anxiety? The driveless taxi causes them to leave their home and fetch one for themselves. Social anxiety is an illness and affects most people one way or another. Social anxiety can prevent someone from doing the simplest of things. Things that even a mere child could do. That's another problem with the cars, what if children run away in them? They have the ability to, but at this point, there's no law against it. Along with the dovelopment of new cars, there would be NEED to be new laws to go with them. If people think it's okay to drink and drive now, there will be even more of an issue if that person's not the one driving. If they're drunk, they could even fall asleep amd end up all the way across the country because they never told the car when to stop driving. Even when the operator of the car isn't drunk that could happen. Since there's no laws against it, they could just fall asleep while driving and cause accidents. If they think its okey to sleep, they will cirtainly think that texting, getting on social media, and watching videos is okay. They'll stop paying attention to the road, and could get seriously hurt. Getting hurt won't be the only bad thing to happen. Economy build up, people out of jobs, kids taking cars, disability mobility, legal documents, could all be avioded if the risk wasnt taken to make these driveless cars. They might be ffacinating and new now, but will it be worth it when the economy falls apart, when you lose your child, or get badly injured? Keep driverless cars off the road and keep moving forward in a REAL car to stay safe.
You should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. It helps make countries that are in ruins recover their food supplies, animals, and more. You can use this program as something less extreme than war for your service. The trips are fun expieriences. When you are on the trips, you have plenty of time for sightseeing. You benefit a lot from being a Seagoing Cowboy. If you get bored, you wont. Taking care of the animals will keep you busy. The animals had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Sometimes it can be a dangeous job though. But, it is mostly fun. After the animals were unloaded, everyone played games like baseball and such. The games also help pass time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is much more than an adventure. It opened up the world to me. It will make you more aware of other people's needs. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a great opportunity. And, I hope you take it.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a challenge that is worth the risks. The author does this by comparing the atmosphere of Venus to those on Earth. The author also includes how exploring Venus will benefit scientists despite the risks. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author does a well job by persuauding the reader that Venus should be explored because of the positive effect it may have. The author shows that the conditions of Venus are possible by comparing those to the ones on Earth in "The Challenge of Exploring Venus. The author includes the comparison to show how the conditons will be possible to undergo because they are similar as to those on Earth. I am able to identify those comparisons when the author states, "Astonomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). The quote shows the reader that Venus is much like Earth according to astonomers by using the phrase "Earth-like." By including "Astronomers are facinated by Venus..." the author is using the support of others to support his suggestion about studying Venus as well. Another way the author compares Venus to Earth is in the fourth paragraph where he states, "...could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This phrase has a positive connotation to show the reader the postive similarites about Earth and Venus. The phrase "supported various forms of life" has a postive connotation because the author wants to give the reader hope that it is possible that Venus may be able to do the same "just like Earth." Another way the author supports the idea that Venus is worth exploring is by showing how the explortation will benfit scientists. By showing the benefits that exploring Venus has, the author is able to say that the benefits will outweigh the risks. One way the author shows the benfits is by stating, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float about the fray." The quote studying Venus would possibly further our technology, while benefiting scientists as well as us. To further the author's idea of exploring Venus, the author then provides the reader with a comparison of flying over storms to flying over Venus. This comparison shows that the author thinks the conditions will be just as easy as "flying over a storm." The author shows the benefits by stating, "..scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." The author restated his support, which was a good way to get the point across to the reader. By using the choice of words the author used, the author made it seem as though studying Venus was more of a need than a want. He did this by stating "would need to get up close and personal..." The author did a sufficient job at supporting the idea of exploration in Venus in "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." The author was able to show his support in various forms. The author compared the conditions of Venus to those of Earth and used the support of others as well. The author shows how exploring Venus would benefit us as well as scientists. As a reader, the author was able to convince me by providing the reader with all the postive comeback that would be recieved by exploring Venus, as well as the similar conditons that would be experienced.
Every 4 years, the first Tuesday in November. When its time for it, president elections is one of the most hectic times of the year. But what should the winner depend on? Electoral College should be removed by the government and just have popular vote be responisble. Electoral College can have electors go on the opposite canidates side so they lost a vote, which is just wrong. This argumentative essay will argue why Electoral  College should be taken out by government. One may say that Electoral College is the best system for voting, but then again that may just be the cheaters. Electoral College believers think that having electors go on either side to let one canidate win, is right. "Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote.."(Posner). So these Electoral College followers agree with the electors actually selecting the winner because they don't have to do anything. People can just sit back and watch the electors take the power, while the others do nothing but be slumps. In source one, the Office of the Federal Register mention that "when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors.", which means that if voters have friends in the position of an elector, voters might just vote for the elector because theres nothing else to really pay attention to. Even though there are people who support the Electoral College, there are many people who are against it. In source three, Posner states "it is the electors who elect the president, not the people."If one has gone through an election, theres a long process and hassle of being able to vote, but if people go through the craziness to vote, why not make the vote count?""Faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please."(Plumer, paragraph 11). Not only are voters wasting their time to vote but the electors cheat. For example, if one candidate has the urge to win, they will send one of their electors to be on the opponents side so the opponent loses a vote that they believed would be theres. Electoral College also may not be fair to those in a small state. "a large state gets more attention from presidential canidates in a campaign than a small state does...", as said by Posner. Its not fair that even the people who vote from a small state, won't really get recognized because there are bigger states to overrule, and even then, the electors will still choose who they desire. Electoral College is an unfair, and a cheating way to vote. To conclude the argument, Electoral College should forsure be removed. Citizens favor popular vote over an electors vote. Candidates and voters enter a whole different threshold to express their political preferance. Why should the government even have voting if there really not truly being seen in the correct way. Citizens want to take a stand and vote in what the mind believes in. Take out Electoral College, and let the voters vote, actually count.
I think we should keep it to election by popular vote for the President of the United States .The electorial college consist of 538 electors . A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President . Your state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation : one for each member in the House Of Representatives plus two for your senators . Each candidate running for President in your state ha shis or her own group of electors. The Presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. You help choose your state's electors when you vote for President because when you vote for candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. I know are President hasn't done everything he said he was going to do yet but it takes time to be patient .Its We The People that are trying to have what's best for everyone. Over 10,0000 people have the right to help choose are new President .The electorial college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast .The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates to focus there campain rfforts on the toss-up states. Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campain .
For decades people have wonder what would it be like to have driverless cars. Today some engineeers are inventing ways to make the driverless car more productive and less risky. Engineers are trying to make the diverless cars that use less fuel than what todays cars use. They are also making the car more flexible. In my opinion driverless cars could be bad for our futrure generations. Driverless car could be potentially bad because eventhough the car is driverless the car needs a person on the driver seat. What is the point of a driverless car if a person needs to be in the drivers seat in case of an emergency. Diverless cars still alert drivers to take over the car when pulling out or into a driveway. The Driverless cars also needs assistant when their is traffic issues and roadwork. Driverless cars are not totally driverless. The second reason that driverless cars are bad is because they need a sensing detector. This could be bad because if the sensing detector doesn't work it could cause some serious effects. The serious effects that could cause is if the sensor doesn't work the person could get into a crash, getting killed, and or killing a person. To use sensoring detector in a car requires huge amounts of money. The driverless cars need massive upgrades to existing roads. The third reason that driverless cars are bad is because if people get into a accidents who's fault is it. The fault could be the drivers because he might not been putting many attention to the driverless car. The fault can be the driverless car for not alerting the driver. Their is nobody to blame for it. In conclusion driverlesss cars are bad for now or potentially for future generations. The reason is because engineers have so much things to improve on the driverless cars. This car could cause a major distruction if not made right by the engineers. The engineers of these cars also need to work on getting the car to drive more by itself and not needing a human to drive it. I hope that the driverless car can improve for the future genration and be more safer.
Imagine a scenario when you had to get a ride home. You texted a friend and a car pulled up to the curve to let you hitch a ride. As you open the door and walk in, you realize with shock that there is no one in the front seat! Driverless cars are becoming more of a reality because of the technology available to us. A great thing about this would be that a car with enhanced sensors would be a lot of help to humans because they could detect and respond quicker to dangerous situations such as skidding which would make automobile rides much safer. Smart cars would be beneficial because they would increase safety and improve convenience. As of now, having a car that can drive on its own is a fantasy that still remains in the future however companies have more access now to the technology needed such as radar and LIDAR which are two different sensor systems utilized by the car to "view" its surroundings. As a person is driving, the safety of the vehicle can be compromised by many different things: how the other cars around are driving, the mental awareness of the driver, and the conditions of the road. In the blink of an eye, two cars can collide if the drivers are not paying attention and lose control of the car. "Sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone"(Paragraph 5) which shows how the car can aid the person in driving the car. The same passage also notes that improvements in the technology can improve the driving safety. Having increased safety through the sensors in built in the car is only one asset: convenience is the other. As already stated, sensors can signal and automatically adjust the wheels and brakes of the car but there are still places where human skill is needed. Paragraph 7 outlines some of these situations such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. "This means that the human driver must remain alert to take over...[the car] mus be ready to quickly get the driver's attention" whenever a problem might arise(Paragraph 7). It would be of much convenience to the driver because then they would only have to focus their attention on the road when it is most needed. Texting/Calling during driving is a huge problem and smart cars would solve this problems because drivers would be notified when their assistance is needed and could go back to their previous activity right after the incident. Smart cars would be great to replace the way we travel. The improved safety for the passengers and convenience to the driver are qualities that would be very helpful. The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" shows the progress that has been made towards them. Right now we may not have access to them but down the road they are coming out to be a real possibility and we are getting closer and closer every day.
Planet Earth has so much in common with planet Venus. Therefore, it is a good idea to study Venus. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author explains that studying Venus is a chance that people should be willing to take. The author goes on to support this idea. The author does a wonderful job at supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. Visiting Venus would open up opportunities for space exploration and understanding. Learning the landscape and other features would expand the knoweldge of scientists as well as astronauts. The author states, "Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel," (Paragraph 4). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is determined to discover more features of Venus in comparison to Earth, so much that they are planning to create a machine in order to survive the landing. More experiments are being conducted with a plethora of approaches to survive the landing. NASA is anxious to set foot on Venus. NASA's current research consists of "innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knoweledge of Venus," (Paragraph 6). NASA clearly views the exploration of Venus as necessary by assembling multiple machines in order to gain a better understanding of the planet itself. Determined to explore Venus, NASA is inventing machines that can withstand all dangers. Dangers are a factor, starting with the extreme temperature difference. The temperature on Venus is about eight times hotter than Earth, meaning the chances of a human surving are slim to none. The weather on Venus consists of "atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide... temperatures average over 800 degrees farenheit," (Paragraph 3). The conditions of Venus are far more drastic than many humans have ever experienced. However, the studies completed and the knoweledge gained are worth the struggles and hard work put in. While dangers are present, the author makes it clear that the voyage is worth the risk. The trip would advance space exploration and grant scientists the oppurtunity to study unfamiliar life forms. NASA is currently assembling all types of machines in an attempt to make a safe landing on Venus. The dangers determine the features each machine must include. The exploration is possible with the right machine and can inform the world of new discoveries.
In a Cowboy who Rode the waves , the author talks about the Seagoing Cowboys program. Not only does this program help victims , but it can save many cities that would soon start a war. Luke went over the Atlantic Ocean 16 times to help WW2 victims and help their community grow and rebuild their city. There are more than 1,000 victims in each world war that happens and just imagine how many animals were killed too. One way you could join the Seagoing Cowboys would be to simply sign up for it, since Luke claims that he just signed up ,as stated in the text. You could also join the UNRRA and get the opportunity to get to choose every branch that could help victims in need. Even though Luke signed up to help the Cattle boat, he got to go sight seeing in China, Acroppolis , Venis,Italy and the Panama Canal. Out of all of the time, Luke was on the Cattle boat , but in the text it states that he did the same things on his Aunts farm, but did not help him at sea. One day a bad storm hit and he landed by the animal pens and landed on a pice of metal , he could not work for a few days because of his broken ribs. He was happy to be alive but when the animals were shipped the crew would play lots of fun games. He had done this 9 times to and from where they were getting dropped off at. Also, he crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times. After doing this job he helped get awareness of everything and why other people needed to join . He helped most victims with getting a new home and rebuilding their city. Luke enjoyed doing this job and loved playing with the crew after the animals were loaded. For Luke this was more than a job. After all he had to have a little adventure , right? In conclusion , Luke loved his job. It was as it was all an adventure. The text states that it opened a new world to him. After that he raised more awareness. All i know is that he will , Survive !
Think of this, "car-free cities". To about 90 percent of Americans this idea may sound outrageously retarded. why? well, for those who own a car their car is extremely important to them because it's their form of transportation, but also think of the harm that cars have done in just the past decades. Our global warming levels have rose dramatically and cars are one of the so many reasons. Not just that, think of all the deaths that have been involved with car accidents. All this can be stopped if we learn how to manage our car usage. I'm not saying that cars should be banned or not used at all in our country, but we most definitely do need to be less dependent on our cars. Some places have already started the movement of car-free cities like in VAUBAN, Germany. They have given up their cars and have adjusted to a whole new life style. In the article "car-free cities" paragraph 3, a women named Heidrun Walter shares her opinion. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Not only can it be beneficial, but some people actually like the idea. Now lets think of air pollution that has rose our global warming levels. If you were to ask someone "what's the biggest reason for global warming"? The first thing that would come to mind to almost everyone would be air pollution caused by cars. This isn't just in the US, this is going on everywhere in the world, but some places are finding solutions for this problem. For example, in the article "Paris bans driving due to smog" paragraph 1, it says "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city". That's a perfect example of limiting car usage that can be extremely beneficial to us and our earth. Some people may ask, "how can you limit your car usage" Well, you can ride your bike to work, take public transportation, and also walk. Riding your bike to work or walking to where you need to go can be an advantage to yourself. Many Americans are so inactive due to their cars because it can take you anywhere, but if you go out and walk or ride a bike to where you're going you're helping yourself out, and no it's not like you have to do it every day, but its just a way that we can manage our car usage and it would be more helpful than you think. If we all take that big step and want to make a difference to our earth and its air pollution, we can achieve it. We don't necessarily have to be "car-free" we just all have to learn how to manage our car usage to make the big help. There would be less air pollution, our global warming levels would drop, there could be less car accidents, and less deaths. These advantages of limiting our car usage could just about save our lives and our earth. 
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author is presenting and explaining the new technology that has been made on human an computer communication. In the article he talks about technology that has been created to alter the learning curve in our new generations children. The new technology could completely change the way that our new generation learns. By taking a little movement in your face and mathematical putting your face into numbers. For example, in paragraph six the author says, "for example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow". The author tells how this new face decoder could change your learning path by choosing if you should slow down because your confused, or keep up if you follow with a lesson. The author is just supporting the claim that this new technology should belong in a classroom. The author supports bhis claim once again in the first paragraph he says "she's 83 percent happy,9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." The technology the author has been talking about this whole time just put Leonardo da Vinci's painting Mona LIsa face into one and zeros. If this incredible machine can help our youth than I think everyone should agree on it. The new technology the author talks about is the best helping hand to students. The computer could be the student own personal tutor. This is a revolutionary turn on the eduacation of students. The author also talks about testing the reader in this article by making you make a smiling face in paragraph seven and testing if you felt happier just by making the facial expression. By just tensing up the muscles for an facial expression can actually give the expressions of the facial movement. The article gives plenty of prove to show that the machine could be a benefit to are students. the article points are clear and strongly backed behind. The gives every expression that his new technology is good.
I am for driverless cars, because they could be helpful, they seem safe, and they are already being used by Google. They could help people with disabilities that make them unable to drive or go where they need to go. First of all, they are using sensors in them to help navigate them. They are developing special roads, smart roads. There were test tracks built in the 1950's by General motors. They built a concept car that could run on a special track that was embedded with a electrical cable that sent radio signals to a receiver on the front end of the car. Engineers at Berkeley tried something similar. They used magnets with alternating polarity, so the car could read the polarities using the binary code. All of this was proved to be too expensive. They started putting sensors on the cars, postion-estimating sensors, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an internal motion sensor. Second of all, they seemed far away from making a driverless car. Sebastian Thrun, founder of the Google Car project believes that the technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream. In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assiatant." The car would be able to handle driving at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors makes sure the drivers keeps ahold of the wheel. Most of these cars are yet to be fully driverless, they can steer, accelerate, and brake on their own, but they all are designed to notify the driver when the rooad ahead requires human skills. Some manufacturers hope to bring in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays would be turned off instantly when the driver needsto take over, this way the in-car system is acctually a safety feature. Third of all, The only problem is that there are laws prohibiting the uses and testing of driverless cars. Traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all time. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars. Manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proven more reliably safe. Traffic laws will have to change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. Automakers are still continuing with their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. Therefore I am for driverless cars, because they could be helpful, they seem safe, and they are already being used by Google. There's no telling what's to come from the future of driverless cars.
The author wants to suggest that studying Venus is worthy because in the article it talks about how Venus is a curios planet as we know Venus is the closest in the distance of the erath. venus is the "twin" of or planet because is the same density and size. Venus is sometimes arounf the coner really close to Earth. Humans have sent numerous spacecratf to land on this cloud-draped world to a mission to see Venus but all this "previous mission was unmanned ands for a good reason" the article says. numerous factors contributre to Venu's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study, despite its proximity to us. Venus is 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. Even more changelling are the clouds of hugly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. on the planet surface, temperatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. in conclusion i think that authors shows a lot of details to suggests taht studying Venus is wortly. Strivinv to meet the chanllenge presented by venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally.
I think that studying Venus is not a worthy pursuit despite of danger it presents. It is not a danger because Venus is all the way in the sky and cannot just come down. In the past Venus was the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. "Long Ago", Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth Today'. Venus can sometimesbe our nearest option for planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The author is just saying information from the past and is not informing us with new evidence to support his claim. NASA is working on approaches to studying Venus, some simplified electronics made of silcon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. They are looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800's and played an important role in the 1940's during World War ll. These devices make calculations by using gears and levels and do not require electronics at all. This is why I think that Venus is not a worthy pursuit despite if presents.
Our Solar System is out of this world. Different things occur in space.Many people and scientist ask numerous questions about space and our Solar System. For instance," Is there life on Mars?" and " Is the Face on Mars a natural landform?" In, this essay you will read why the" Face on Mars" is a natural landform. There are three different occurings of the face that appeared on Mars.First, you have the Viking 1 that appeared in 1976.Secondly, we have the Mars Global surveyor(MGS) that appeared in 1998. Lastly,we have the latest MGS that grew in the year 2001. All of theses are exotic discoverings from space. But, now we try to find out if they are true natural landforms or more than that. In this article, NASA and conspiracy theorists argue whether there is life on mars or it's just another natural landform. But, in this case NASA has a budget wish saying that there had been a ancient civilization on Mars.But, once the image first appeared on the JPL website reavealing what they call a "natural landform" turns out there was no alien monument after all or an aien monument. In conclusion, the "face on Mars" is most likely a natural landform. The picture shows that the Martian is equivalent to a buttle or mesa the landforms that are common around the American west. Still, to this day do scientists and conspiracy theorists there miht be life on Mars.
The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. I argue in favor of changing the Electoral college to election by popular vote for the presidents of the united states. "Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In this case, the election would be thrown to the house of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president." (The senate would choose the vice president). Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for congress, the House's selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people. For example: If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for someone, you'd vote for a slate of 34 democratic electors pledged to him. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. "And if anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in Ohio, they have yet to make it". For example: In 2012's election, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only  51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney. I dont like the way they did it, the senate suppose to vote not the people because some people just vote for a reason or to get a job. "It's official; The electoral college is unfair ,outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis  in reality, and the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best." The electoral college requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough elestoral votes to elect a president. "The electoral college is widely regarded as an anachromism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be Overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner." It can be argued that the Electoral college mehod of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their states- democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California." Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by populars vote."  
Dear Senator (name of Florida's senator), I am write this letter to you because I know that congress is thinking about getting rid of the Electoral College. The Electoral College has help us pick a great President and Vice-President muiltiple times, it might not be everyone's first choice President and Vice-President but most of the time the majority of citizens that care about thier country agree with the choice of President and Vice-President. We aren't just electing by the Electoral College vote but also by the popular vote. There might be some problems within the Electoral College method but getting rid of it is not the solution, there will always be some type of issue in the way the President's and Vice-President's are elected, are we just gonna get rid of those methods too? One reason that getting rid of the Electoral College process is the wrong decision is because our founding fathers established this process in the Constitution as a type of compromise between electing our President and Vice-President by a vote of congress and electing our President and Vice-President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Why would you want to break that compromise? Also, if you think about it, how is it fair on some of the smaller states if we just did the popular vote. If the majority of a larger state wants some one for President and a couple of small states want another President to be win then most likely the larger state gets thee President they wanted, if we got rid of the Electoral College process and just did the popular vote. The Electoral College process also help produce a clear winner of the elections. I know that the Electoral College process has some issues like the voters not being able to know for sure who their slate of electors are going to vote for. In some very rare cases the electors do not vote for the candidant you want them to vote for. That can be very un-appealing to most people that they don't have that insurance. Another issue is that sometimes in a close election, the popular vote winner could lose the presidency. Most people don't understand why the popular President lost and immidiently assume that the Electoral College process is awful and we should get rid of it right away. Over all, the Electoral College process has been around since our founding fathers were around and we have had some of the most qualified and caring Presidents that amazed us with how they changed our country for the greater-good and well-being of our country and it's people. The Electoral College process is something that should stay with us for a long time, so that we can see what the next few President's will do for us in the future.          
What is the real benefit of having a automatically operated car? How would you train an everyday person to operate such a brilliant vehicle? Not doubting that it's such terrible idea, i just think there is no way to wrinkle what cant be ironed out in one big shot. What about car enthusiast? If we keep making automated cars, there will not be a car that is going to be worth it later, car shows would die off, car auctions would die off, the idea of car collection would die off. Cars would not go down in history. The technology involved is fascinating. It's truely out of this world. As the passage said, there are alot of wireless technologies that go into a automated vehicle. Laser systems. Carmers. Not including the wifi it will need to communicate with other cars. As the wireless systems come online, so do the hacker modified computers that hack your mercedes-benz, or your nissan. If hackers could take over your car, think about the crime rate that would slowely accelerate. Robbery would go up because of all the cars they could just steal. That now incooperates new firewall systems that im sure will add to that total price you want to pay for your car. Plus keeping your car updated, expect to peeling open your wallet. I know this passage is based more toward the personal car industry, but what about the high class trucking industry we have. Most of everything you have has probably came from a truck at one point in time. You can not let the automation of cars take off without caring about the equipment used to get your car parts to the plant your vehicles are going to be made. That part of the automation has to kick start too. They can not be left behind. There is another problem. Lastly, making this a everyday ritual is not going to be easy. I do not think the roads will be filled with auto operated cars anytime soon. I do indeed think that technology in our cars will keep becoming more advanced surely, but the idea of a fully operated car does not appeal anytime soon. The fun of driving is still too strong. As more and more people are living on this planet, i think it will be neccessary eventually, but for as of right now, its not a issue. As a last question to leave you on, how would you incooperate full proof systems that apply to every financial class and is available to anyone wanting to buy Nissans or mercedes benz vehicles?
"Join the Seagoing Coboys program" I yell. A guy walks up to me and says "Why would I want to Join?' he asks. "Well you can see many places in the world from a boat out at sea. You also help animals get transported safely to and from countrys around the world." " I think you would like this job if you like animals, and if you are a farmer because the animals are farm animals and farmers know a lot about them," "I was working at a bank and a groccery store and my friend Don had invited me to do this job and I accepted it becasue I knew it would be a opportunity of a life time." "why would I want to this job... I am not a farmer and I don't like animals that much?" said the guy. "Well do you like being on boats?" I have never been on a boat." said the guy "you should take the job the because there are so many things you get to see and if you have never been on a boat befor e it would be fun i love doing it." I say. "What do the boats look like?" he asked. "Well they are really big." I say. "how big" he asked "Um... [I couldn't find the right sized thing] lets say about the size of the base of that building over there." "WOW, that's big" he said in exitement. I could see he wanted to do the job and then he didn't. "So do you want to join the program?" I ask. "Sure I just want to ask one last question... do we get breakfast, lunch, and dinner breaks?" "Well yes we need meals to do all the work on the boat so yes." I take the next guy who wanted to join. "Hi" I said "whats your name?" "Paul" he responded with "Hey Paul how you doing, oh yea I forgot I am Luke, Luke Bombomberger?" I asked. "Good." he responded. "So, do you want to join the Seagoing Coboys program?" I ask "I think so, but I do have a couple conserns." he said. "Great what are they?" I ask. 'Well i want to know if I get to see my family often?" he asked "You will get to see your family once a month is that ok?" I ask. "I Guess so." "what of your other conserns?" "well I guess I only had one so, i'll sign up." "Thanks for coming" I say just as he walked out the door" "Hello" i say to the next person. "Hi" he said in a grumpy voice. "Do you want to sign up?" "NO my mom jsut told me to come and look for a job and said I might like this one but i hate boats,and i also hate animals goodbye!" "wow that guy was rude." I say. i was done for the day talking and agruging with people "bye."
A decline in the use of motor vehicles would greatly help the whole world in many unique ways. Most importantly, cars have an awful effect on the enviornment. Eliminating motor vehicles all together would remove many of the polutants effecting the eviornment. Also, removing cars has a great effect on the community as well by helping places to grow and prosper. Finally, the thought of limiting car usage is trending rapidly with the common man as well as higher ups in the government. Cars produce up to 12% of Europe's greenhouse gases and up too 50% of America's greenhouse gas. High levels of greenhouse gas absorb heat and prevent it from leaving Earth's atmosphere causing a rise in temperature better known as global warming. Second, the carbon monoxide and other noxious chemicals that are released by vehicles can come together to form a thick smog. This somg is very bad for people's health and can contaminate land and water with toxic chemicals. In order to prevent these two things a lack of usage of cars is necesary in today's world. Just like the enviornment, reduced car usage also can benifit your very own community. Citizens reported being "much happier this way" as well as being less tense after restrictions on cars were imposed. Second, a lack of car usage would caue much denser cities. In turn, buisness that were staged on highways would become local and  city centers would allow friends to live close by. Finally, in cities that imposed bans on motor vehicles parks and sports centers were not only revived but began to completely flourish. Finally, laws about car usage are smiled upon by both pedestrians but by people in legislative positions. Fist off, European places like Switzerland and France first adopted these types of rules. As a result, events like car free day in Bogota became a big sucess with many supporters. Therefore, even president Barack Obama revealved a plan to be imposed that limits the usage of cars in America. Finally, sociological professors like Mimi Sheller have noticed people accepting and embracing the new anti car policies. In turn, restricting car usage has nothing but good to offer the majority of cities. From helping reduce the global problem of polution. Or, helping to build bigger more tightly knit cities. The new very popular laws will be imposed in many Eurpoean countires and sonn the U.S. As a result, the positive effects will be embraced by communities for generations to come.
Driverless cars are a newer technology that has greatly advanced in the twenty first centuary, but they are a long way away form seeing them on the road. It is evident driverless cars have a negative impact on society through safety harzards, lack of legal laws, and unreliable technology. It is guaranteed driverless cars will be a safety threat to everyone on the road becasue they can not be trusted. Driverless cars would rely only on the car itslef to get you somewhere, and people who no longer have to drive themselves. In doing this people are no longer able to be held responsible for any crashes caused by these vehicles, because they would not be in controll of their own car. It is known that crashes would be much more likely, and this too means more death would occur. Many people will become turned away from driving on the road if they know others are not in controll of their own vehichle. In todays society there are very few laws put in place about driverless cars, which would create many conflicts if these car were to exist on the roads. It is said in article about the intentions of traffic laws that "the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." This means it will be very difficult for new laws to be passed which support driverless cars since a human would not be in controll of it. New laws would need to be put into place because it is evident when it comes to accidents with driverless cars people would need to be aware of whose fault it is. Technology will always have issues where it fails to do its intention, and this is why we can not trust it with our lives. The human brain has the ability to think in a much different way than a machine would becasue they are just robots. If these machines which run off technology were more effictive than the human brain then everyone woudl have robots doing daily activites for them. As you can tell this does not occur in our socity today, because they are unrelliable. When driving a car you have to think and predict what could possibly happen. With the human brain we have this ability, but the technology driving the car has the ability to suddenly break and then the person in the vehicle would have there life potientally harmed. It will always be more reliable if you trust human knowledge over technology. The safety hazards, lack of legal laws, and unreliable technology are all ways driverless cars will have a negative impact on the roads. Driveless cars may seem appealing becuase of the convience of everyone have a personal taxi driver (the car itself), but the negative impact outweights the prositive impact.
Have you ever said the words," I wanna travel the amazing beatiful world,"? There is a way you can but there is some danger to it! You can join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can travel the 7 seas, see the ancient old pyramids, and see the amazing giantic Eiffel Tower! First, The 7 seas are the one of the best places on the whole entire planet Earth! "It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China." I can ensure you possibly 1 of your family member has been on one of the great and giant seas and if they haven't you can definetly be the first! I can predict that you've always wanted to visit one of the great seas! Second, The ancient pyramids are a huge mystery of the glowing universe you can discover them and feel the 8 acres of old limestone. You can visit one of the most famous pharohs also! I can infer you will love and adore this exprience! Last but not least, The Eiffel Tower is a candy to the brain, one of the best monuments in front of your naked eye! Paris also has alot of beautiful sights and you can get one of the best views from the top. I can see you want to see the beautiful sky on top of the Eiffel Tower. You can join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can travel the 7 seas, see the ancient pyramids, and see the amazing Eiffel Tower! Next time when you want to travel think about joing the Seagoing Cowboys program! "It opened up the world to him."
Emotion reading technology is on the rise in the electronic world. This new software was developed by Prof. Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, with help from Prof. Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. The purpose of this technology is to make computers able to read emotions by the movement of facial muscles. The software is currently able to define six basic emotions; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. I am for having emotion-reading technology in the classroom, as long as it doesn't become a distraction. The article explains that if a student is taking online lessons or is learning from the computer and becomes confused or bored, the computer will be able to sense the students emotion and modify the lesson to catch the students interest or to help the student to not be confused. The article also says how most of human communication is nonverbal, which includes emotional communication. If a computer was able to sense these emotions, the student would be able to learn far more than with a regular lesson. In conclusion, I believe that having this new technology could benefit students tremendously, as long as students aren't exaggerating emotions to get desired effects of their lesson plans. Since the computer is adapting to the student, the student could also be less intimidated about their intellect, causing them to be more confident overall.
Is studying Venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. In my opinion if you would like to devote your life to the study of venus and go preform test on Venus then what ever makes you happy. How ever the author is more on the side of why go and waist all of the resources needed to go to Venus. In the begining of this passage the author states " human have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason," which leads me to beileve that he doesnt understand why they keep trying and waisting resources and money. Then in paragraph four he states " if our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even disscusing further visits to its surface" which moves me to think that he beileves that Venus is so "inhospitable" that we shouldnt even waist time experimenting to in hopes find our second earth. When reading this I hope you take time to think about the importantce of this article and you have time to think what should we do? Should we go do more test in hopes Venus could be our second earth or just stay here and spend the time and money fixing our earth.
A cowboy who rode waves It says that when Luke had to feed the animal he had to go when it was raining also and that he had to walk on a slippery ladder. Next he rode a cattle to Greece because he said it was a life time if he went. Then,the catlle boat trips were unbeliveable opportunity for a small town boy. Also,his second job was to take care of the animals every hour. For instance he couldnt work because his ribs wre crack. Then he rode to different countries. Its says Luke always found time to have fun on board,especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. Then it says,but being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than a adventure for Luke it opend the world to him. Its also explains he has to take care of horses cows and mules that were shipped overseas. Next it helps countries recover their food supplies,animals and more 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA.For instance he knew it was an opportunity of life time. Luke and don signed up for it. don invited him to Europe and they had to ride a cattle. They also went to New Orleans for orders. He said it prepared him for work because he had things to take care of something. He said it opened the world to him. Then he said he went to different countries all over the world he got different jobs also. Thats how he convine others.
Do you want to join the Seagoing Cowboys program? My name is Luke and I did the program and I had a blast. The Seagoing Cowboys progam takes you places unique around the world. If you want to know more about the Seagoing Cowboys keep reading and learn what the progam is about. One reason to join the Seagoing Cowboys is to get to see new places you have never seen. The Seagoing Cowboys is the best to know, when you want to visit a place. If you would join maybe they just happen to go where you want to see or visit. I went to nine trips before I was discharged in nine-teen forty-seven. You can go on multiply rides before you get discharged. The second reason is, so you can be open to new places. Some people have lived one area their whole life and have never been many places. If they had to move they would not know some things were in the area they where going. The Seagoing Cowboys takes you different places, so you are not in one area your whole life. If you never met some animals then maybe you would get to meet them and even be able to take care of them if you join the Seagoing Cowboys. The third reason is to learn more about Earth. If you would join the Seagoing Cowboys you would learn a lot more about Earth and the places that are on Earth. When you get know more about Earth then you become smarter and know more about whaat can happen. The Seagoing Cowboys program helps you learn a lot more about animals and wildlife. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys you can definitely be like me and make nine trips and learn something new everytime. If you can not take that many trips you still can enjoy it and learn. I think overall it is that I had a great time. I think you should join and then maybe you will have as much fun as me. If you join then you will have to learn about animals and learn how to take care of them. If you do join Seagoing Cowboys make it useful, and help you learn more about the Earth, be open about Earth, and see new places. If you want to learn more about these things then you need to join Seagoing Cowboys.
I think that joining the UNRRA (the united nations relief and rehabilibitation administration) would be a wonderful idea. Here are a few examples of why it's so great. First things first, you have to know to know what you do in this job. Here's what you do: you go to different states and continents and give them food and livestock after there has been wars there and fix up most of the tore down buildings to help them recreate their towns again and bring loved ones together again. But also remember that it is very hard to get a job like this, so if you ever get a job opportunity for UNRRA, then you better take it, just like Luke said,"It was an opportunity of a lifetime." One other reason why you might like to do UNRRA is if you possibly like to go around the world and travel, then this would be a great experience. Also if you would like to help people then this would be a great way to do it. Also after doing all this work when you get back on the boat to go back to the loading station then you get to play all kinds of fun games, like baseball, volley ball, Table- tennis, fencing, reading, and even whittling! And at the same time you get payed to help people, travel, and play games! So if you are ever in need of a job this would be a great way to get one and actually enjoy it! :)
Not a single spacecraft has touched down on Venus in more than three decades! Have you ever wonder why we know so little about Venus and more about Mars? Well one of the reasons why not a single spacecraft has landed on Venus is becaiuse it has a thick tmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Whicn resulted on the spacecraft survinving the landing for more than a few hours. There's a few scientists and people who believe that the studing of Venus is a worthy pursuit depite the kind of dangers it might cause. the athour sopports his idea that studing Venus is worthy when he said that striving to meet the chanllenge that is prensented by Venus it has value, not just because of the insight to be gained. But also because human's curiosity will likely lead us into many equally as statend in (pragraph 7) In conlusion, we should study Venus more because it will help us learn new information. Also because it's a like earth a lot they both have same density and size. And it's also the closest distance to Earth, but most importantly we should study it because it might make us discover something new like a creature pobrably and might be able to discover new rocks. If scientist do decide to send a spacecraft to Venus it might take decades to do that find out about Venus or find a way to make the landing last longer. All in all the Author has good suporting details about his idea that im sure will happen because as human beings we are alwasy cuorius about new things.
I think Luke's point of view of convincing people to go on a Seagoing Cowboy trip. The text states Luke joined the program is it was a once in a lifetime opporortunity. The text states,Luke said why would I pass this up this is anopporortunity of a lifetime. The text alo states, he said being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for him it opened up the world to him. Another thing Luke said is. "It makes people moreof the other countries in need. The text states,the cattle boat trip is an unbeliveable opportnity for a small town boy. The text also states,Luke said that awareness stayed with him leading his familly to host a numberofinternational students and exchange visitors for many years. The text also states,Luke found time to have fun on board, especially on the return trips after the animals had been unloaded. Another thing Luke said is he was so grateful for the opportunity. The text states,Luke got to see all these different countries like china,and Europe. The text also states that Luke got to tour an excavated castle in Crete. Another thing that Luke said is sometimes you won't no when it will happen
I belive that it was not a alien. i Belive it was just a crater in the rock. Ther where many pictures taken and i think a alein wouldnt look as much like a human like the figure does. First,It is not easy to target the cydonia. It is kinda hard to find.There was no alein monument afterall. Many photgraphs where taken of this creater and it does look lke a human being.on april 8,2001 a couldness summer day appered in cydonia. they had to roll the space craft 25 degrees to the center of thr feild.radio talkshows would talk about this topic often.nasa has many diffrent resaons to back up that it was not a alein figure. second, It was a big pop icon for a litttle while alot of poeple herd about this from all the publisicy from the whole picture after NASA sent out the picture.Mars is around the same temputer as earth. lastly, i think there is most likey life on mars. i think this is just a nother reason to prove there may be life on mars.Some sintest clain the figure look like a acent pharrow. photo graping cydonia became a priority for NASA. in cunclusion, Those are some reason why nasa has been making these pictures a priority to find out the big mistory. NASA has good edvidance to supprt why they belive the figure was not a alien subject up in mars. And also other sinintest thought it was a allien subject. The subject was proven to be a non-alein cydonia afterall. there is to much lava on mars for any wildlife on it. i beleve all animal life will get extinct from mars. 43 meter per pixel in the best photo takingh od cydonia.
Dear Senator, I honestly think this is a waste of time. I mean  what the point of being a democate or a republican. Huh? We all live in the same county, so what's the point of seprating us. I would have been just fine if this article was about something else. I can careless about the government. The goverenment is very indiffernt and keeps lots of secrets from the citizens in this country. I can sit here all day and tell you if i agree with this whole Electoral college, but it's irrelavant to me. I'm not saying that i hate this country, but there are alot of things that I disagree with. America can be very unfair. Yeah yeah, I know i don't live in the worst country ever, but I don't like this passage and I refuse the write an essay about it. The government don't care about people who are less fortunate. Because it takes to many sacfises to help others in need. The government is indiffernt in so many ways. America works and trade and nagotiate with countries that treat their people wrong. I may not know alot about the govornment and stuff but i still dislike this country.
Dear Senator, I believe that the United States deserves someone who will lead this country to do the right thing, to make independent choices, and to be the best version of ourselves we can be every day. Now, how do we know when choosing a leader to represent us if thats what we will acheive when voting? We don't for sure, but we can make judgements and calls that will give us a better understanding to whom we are choosing. One of the biggest fought over rights was the right to vote, in which everyone wanted. Now that we have that vote, we should be able to use that freedom and have a say in who we want to represent us.  Therefore, I think we should change the election to popular vote for the President of the United States rather than relying on the Electoral College. The Electoral collge consists of 538 Electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the president. Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party and given their own says and responsibilities. That being said, I think that getting rid of the Electoral College will eliminate all biased decisions and will create more freedom and responsibilities for the people of the U.S. to use their own judgement and choose who they think will best represent the country. Being in the electoral college and being selected to have a heavy say in who will be chosen is a big responsibilty and in that responsibility are duties to not only look at each candidate with one mind set and one point of view but to make an unbiased judgement. To make an unbiased call would mean to put away all your own thoughts and judgements and really get a good understanding of who the people truly need. Back in 1960, it states that segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. How can we tell that something like this will not happen again? Well if we choose to keep the Electoral College it very well could and the people of the country would not be making decisions for themselves as well. Most worrying comes from the fear of a tie, in which the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. Because each state casts only one single vote. That single vote from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters could have as much say as the 55 representatives from California who represent 35 million voters. So therefore the election is really only a few swing voters away from a disaster. Because of the winner-take-all system, candidates really dont spend time campaigning in states they think they have no chance of winning, really only focusing on the bigger states with more votes. This is also unfair because then the people with the right to vote do not get a say in who they want to represent their country. The Electoral college really takes away many rights and freedoms to the people of the U.S. and doesnt give us the chance to have a say. Studies even show that 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now! As well as having such a biased voting system, this is such an unfair system due to the fact the the popular vote winner could loose because of the Electoral College voters. This would be a very bad decision to keep the Electoral College especially if these Electoral voters have had their decision swayed by something. Then we will have a president that is only the president because of some voters biased and unfair judgemented calls. If one Electoral College voter has a certain view on a candidate, they could very well share that and somehow persuade the other voters decisions due to one persons thoughts and points of view on the candidate. One person can easily influence many peoples own judgements, which would cause them to choose poorly and only go under the pressure of that persons thoughts. The Electoral College has so many cons which would make it such a bad decision to keep this system and go by a biased and unfair advantage. So I believe that the best thing for the U.S. voting system would be to abolish the Electoral College and to keep the popular vote system so that everyone has their own say on who will acheive great things for our country. Thank you for keeping my thoughts in mind, Madison
So i don't belive you should have machine in a classroomlike this because i think its unnessisary to have something that tells you about all your students instead of using it on them every day in class to find out what each other are feeling. If you are a teacher you should get to know your students better to know how they feel and what might be wrong with them. This machine should not be aloud in schools because then if a student was upset about something it might get around and all kinds of kids might come up to them and ask what is wrong with you. I think if you want to know how someone is truly feeling you should ask them yourself and then talk about it. Instead of walking up to them why are you sad, unhappy, and loney. That would just be weird and you should talk to more class mates in schools and learn more about them to find out how they are about every day and what moods they are i most of the time. This should show that teachers should get to know their student more and find out how they feel and what might be cosing the problem and if they don't want to talk about it then you should leave them alone. If you are wanting to know how a student is feeling you should not use a machine to find out hwo they are feeling you should ask them instead of walking us to them why are you mad. So I say that there should not be any machine in the school that tells people on how other are feeling and what is wrong with them. It shows no human contact you just look at someone through a machine and it tells you on how they are feeling. You should get to know your students better.
In 1976, the Viking 1 spacecraft was orbiting the planet of Mars, and it was taking new pictures for all of mankind to see. As it was passing over a strip of Mars called Cydonia, it snapped a picture that would cause an uproar in space exploration. This new picture showed what seemed to be a human face. A few days later NASA reveled these pictures for the world to see; it was an instant hit. Conspiracy theorist were fast to make speculations that this was ancient alien architecture or something of the sort. But NASA said that the face was just a geograghical coincidence, and there is no alien stucture on Mars. One reason that consiracy theorist could beleive that this could be an alien stucture is that the resolution of the first picture was very low. In paragraph 10 it says," ...43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." This shows that the photo didn't give very compelling evidence that there was life on Mars. soon later NASA and their supporters claimed that this face is just an act of nature is because of the 1998 Global Surveyor spacecraft. This new spaceship passed over the red planet to take pictures of the "face on Mars". The pictures were ten times better than the last pictures of Cydonia this time. The new photos clearly showed a landform on Mars and not a man. But even after these new pictures conspiracy theorist were still bent on the idea that NASA was trying to cover something up. In spite of the new pictures people said that the day the photo was taken, it was cloudy. Therefor the photos couldn't be very accurate. In fact, these theorists were right. The day the photo was taken was in winter. It says in paragraph 8 that, " ... it was winter in April '98- a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet." These facts show that the landmass could indead be hidden by clouds. However, NASA still supported their claim that it was just a misinterpreted natural landform. While NASA never spoke negatively about the theory, they set out again to prove it wrong. on April 8, 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor came over the face on Mars, and it took photos with a resolution of 1.56 meters per pixel; the highest ever yet. What these pictures showed was what would be a butte or a mesa on Earth. These landforms are very common in Cydonia, so the pictures were very realistic. With very high resolutioned photos, it is hard for conspiracy theorists to still say that there is face on Mars. It even says in paragraph 11," So if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" In conclusion, the face on mars is supported and not supported. NASA has proven with photographic evidence that it is just a natural occurance while conspiracy theorists say that it is a martian civilization. I think that NASA's facts are very believable, and they have the science to back up their claim. I hope that in the future, more people will base their beleifs off of science and not fictional conspiracy theories.
There's a new car coming out and its called " The Drivless Car". This cars is bad for you. The car can handle driving functions at sppeds up to 25 mph. This car can't do alot for you. It also can't help you when your lost but it also can kill people. Driveless car can get out of control, this car is not the ony car that can talk, its more cars that talk to you and take you places. So let me tell you a few things about this so called fancy car. First off the Driveless car are bad for you because its alot of sympaths that the car can do. Not only that it have a GPS. You still can get lost with or without a GPS.It come with cameras. You can put a camera in your own car. Plus it's a Google Car. Well other cars can provide the same things, so it dont make this car no better than any other car or good. This car drive for you, it can steer. Even tho special touch sensors make sure the drivers keeps hold of the wheel. It can lose controls while doing a turn and can kill a child or a person. It still navigate through work zones and around accident. Even tho in the passage it say while the driver watches the road the car watches the driver. The driver can get into an accident because lets say if a deer was cross the highway and the driver slows down but the car jump back. Then the driver is in trouble for killing the animal and mostly injured at the same time. I dont think people should buy these smart cars, because sometimes these cars will take over you. you should'nt text or call anyone while driving because if you to loud it destack the driver, but some people think its stay and still put in these cars. Its not good while driving. It will tell you what to text or who to call like a smart phone a do if you press the wrong button. Most driving law focus on keeping drivers and pedestrians safe, but why make these up to date cars that nobody know how to drive yet. I know I wouldnt because it seem dangerous. Do this car even have good senses? Do this car tells you what you need to do? In my opinion i would tell other people not to get this call neither because you can lose you life and others too.
You've been waitng for six months now and today is finally the day you take your driver's test. You are beyond excited because you finally get to drive without your parents. There is something so exciting about being behind the wheel because you are the only one in control. Being able to drive your own car car feels awesome. Driverless cars do not get you that same feeling as if you were in complete control. I am against the development of driverless cars, because the driver isn't in control, technology screws up, and who's to blame in the scene of an accident? There is something so satisfying about being able to drive your own car. Knowing you are in complete control can be a little scary. Being the person in control can make you more responsible and aware of your surroundings. Driverless cars are not like that, even though they can alert you when there is complicated traffic, you could still doze off or be in the middle of watching a movie. When Google can make cars completely driverless what is the point of "keeping your eyes on the road" if the car is already doing that for you. Technolgy today is very impressive and has come a long way, but still isn't as perfect as the human senses. If you are "driving" down the road in a driverless car and you fall asleep. All of a sudden the car crashes because dirt flew into one of the sensors. If you were actually driving the car you would have been able to avoid this situation and been aware of the surroundings. There will always be glitches in technolgy and something could always go wrong. In case of an accident who is to blame, the company or the person in the car? Well it is a driverless car, right?, so the driver should be able to do things that normaly can't be done when driving. The company of the driverless car might say it was the drivers fault becasue they were asleep or texting. In general there will be conflict between who's fault it was. In reality if it was a normal car it would have been the driver's fault. Driverless cars wouldn't be able to give you the thrill of being behind the wheel, technolgy is not perfect, and in the event of an accident who is to blame. Driverless cars really show how developed technolgy has become. When it comes to safety, we already have drunk drivers so the roads don't need driverless cars getting into accidents as well.
Having a Facial Action Coding System isn't really practical in a classroom. I mean sure someone could say that it is good for phycology class but why pay that much money when you have a book that shows you the signs. I can see why you would want to get it because of all the things you can find out with just a click of a button, but why waste your money. when you study about emotions you can already figure out if they are happy, mad, sad, depressed. why pay alot of money for a machine to tell you what you already know. We already have an instinct to figure out what their emotion is because we calculate that everyday. The instructions to it are idiotic because if you are supposed to show emotion you cant if you have to raise your lip and squint your eyes.The only thig it would be good for is plastic surgery, because it can show you what muscles are moving. Inconclusion why waste your money on the system when you can do it your self. It's pointless and will get you nowhere. So no i don't think the Facial Action Coding System should be ing school systems or anywhere except a plastic surgery school.
I think the Facial Action Coding System is valuable. It also doesnt do any harm, so i think ther shouldnt be an agument on why they shouldnt event ths type of technology. Making these types of inventions can even be helpful not just for the Facil Action Coding system but to many other inventions. They are becoming more advanced in technology and are capable of developing more interesting inventions. Many students also some times have problems trying to fihure out what there feeling or to tell some one how they feel. I agree that the Facial Action coding System is valuable and ould be used for goods. This technology can be used for many thing and in a very good way. For ecample like the author wrote in the article. They can make changes in many things by seeing the emotions in a sudents face. For example in some ones homwork, in a book there reading. By reading there face expresions they can use that technology for the good of a person. They can find new things and make changes. So the things that are boring or sad or anything that is making someone not be intirested in something make them more intiresting. In my opinion people that make stories or news papr aricles want there work to be seen and get many reviews. So by figuring out what some one is really intirested in is a good way know. Many people like new developments. If this type of work becomes more advanced it could be something good. In my opinion i think its valuable. It does no harm to some one and it heps so some one could be under stood and helped. This technology could be used for many thing. Its also once more a new invention and helpful for many more. It also is a very intiresing in the way it works. Just because it was well diveloped to know how the human face works and the changes it makesevery time it has a diffirent expression. Thats why i think this development is very valuable.
The use of this Facial Action Coding System in a classroom would make the kids and the teacher feel very weird. This sytem should not be used in the classroom, why would want a progam to determed our emtions in the class. In the article it say that " imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad" don't think that would be wrong, nobody wants a system to tell them how they feel. That is like telling someone if they are ugly or not. Having this in a class would just cause the kids to be happy and try to not show emtions. This facial coding system might great but not for the student or people. In the aricle it says " the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face of all 44 major muscles" That means that all the muscles in the body would have to work. The use of this technology to read our emotions is not right on there part giving that peole have to show how they feel aleady. Don't think we need a program to tell us how we feel. This woulds be a waste of this coding not a way for people to feel, making them not to show emtion or any feeling. The coding system can show six basic emotions they are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. This machine can tell you how you feel, believe that taking away our way of expessing ourself. A way of hsowing how we can as people show how we feel nobody wants a machine to tell us. This facial coding system sounds cool and what a great idea to have something telling us wha we are feeling. But not a good idea that be taking away the human emotions we can express on our own. Taking away something as a human we need to use in the articel it say " The facial expressions for each emotion are universal". What that mean or sound like to you, it sounds like we can tell our pown emotion. In conclusion feel that we should not have this facial coding system in our school or anywhere else at that. This article is telling us how good the coding works on the way we are feeling. But what it is not telling us is that how would you feel if something was just scanning your face and telling you how you feel. Its not something that people need in school , its like saying the minute you walk into somewhere there the system scanning your fae to see how you feel. Believe can already tell how you feel because we all share the same emotions , happy , sad , angry, fear, disgust etc. So no facial coding system should tell me how we are feeling not even if its the in the world.
In this article i read about "Making Mona Lisa Smile" was about the creator of the art frew how she normally felt which was not so cheerful but more like what she's a normal act she was as half as happy as she was she always was more in a good mood more than a bad. but as i look at the art created by Leonardo da Vinci's i can tell her mood its like a slightly smile but also a i dont care type of person like she's happy but also she can careless whats going on and how things are around her that slight smile on her face shows that she's not always angry but its more of a smerk like something you do when your kinda naughty about something. She's giving like kinda that evil eye. In this picture it also not just about her and her actions but look around her where shes's at look like a lonely river where its a thoughtful place where she can think and for me what sets ut off is the fact that this coloring donest really have any color as much as its just a copy and the real one got a slight color to it not alot of bright out there type of color its more of a "ehh" type like its there but not bright like how they express her feelings shes happy therefor its there but than it dont need to be.
My claim for this story is people are trying see how are people feeling in a picture and trying to hdie thir emotions. My quote from the story is "Imagine being able to dectect exactly how other people are feelings, even when they are trying to hide their emotions. Mona Lisa is in the picture, she 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. At some schools there are some computers sofware that can recognize emotions but not all of them. Dr. Huang is terying to find better ways for humans and computers to communicate. they are suing alot of techology to find how are people emotions in the picture. I know when people lok at a picture people wanna know how are that person is feeling in that picture. Dr. Huang is putting the computer constructs in 3D and trying to put 44 muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Eckman has classified six basic emotions like happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. when your in a picture your going to have some type of face expression. It all depends on what type of face that the person in the picture is looking like. Even your mouth can depend if your face expression is good or bad by tighting your lips to show anger. When your round people you can tell their face expression just by the look of their face. A lot of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy. And their face expressions can depend on how their hair looks. If their hair looks all over the place its probably bad and if their hair looks all nice its probably happy. My conclusion is to find someone feelsing is look ing at their face and their hai and how their face looks. Just like actors be doing reproduce smilling and frowning. Moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions.
The face on mars could not be an alien monument. You may argue that it was made by an ancient civilization, how would they know we had a lower resolution camera on the orbiting to make it in a way that the shadows would produce a face. Even on a cloudy day, the high resolution images of the martian mesa did not look like a face any more. The details showen proves the fact that it is a natural land form simular to the ones ones on earth. Jim Garvin stated,"It reminds me most of middle butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Useing his rule of thumb, the higher resolution shows more details of the face. So if there is aliens, how come we dont even see evidence of buildings around them? If it was built, a monument like that would have take time to build. In turn liveing accomadations would be needed for the workers and the pictures show none. Although you may beleve that there is life on mars, please acumulate more proof before saying that it is a fact. This universe is big and yes it is possible because the universe is so big but there is no proof that there is life on mars. I hope this would sway your thoughts.
So imagine being able to detect how someone is feeling, if their feeling sad, mad, happy, excited, or even really furious. Tell me would you like to be told what your facial expression is by just looking into your camera or computer. Well now we got a new software that has been devolped that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. The new software is called the "Facial Action Coding System" or as I like to call it the computer that decides how your feeling today as in like " 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry. Here's how it works a computer constucts a 3-D model of the face, then all 44 major muscles in the model must move like humans muscles. One movment of one or more muscles is called a "action unit". It just reconize the movments of the facial muscles. In my opinion i think it's really stupid or as in some people like to call it non-valuable because the company who is creating these types of softwares instead of making something more resourceful as in like making a software program that in every gun when it's passed by a metal detector it gives an alert, As in like they should put a micro chip in a gun and whenever that gun passes through a metal detecor it alerts on a computer this goes for all the schools. But instead we are making facial expressions on cameras and computer just to tell us how mad, sad, or angry we are. As I can recall it helps us with what? Oh right it helps us fix our tone and atitude. So as in my opinion I think that the software "Facial Action Coding System" is really non-valuable cause instead of helping the community there making useless programs. In all cause if they could make ther facial action coding system work to be able to reconize if your happy, mad or sad I think they could be able to create a way better resourceful program maybe even better a program that could help save lives. But you know that was my opinion and maybe some people really like it, but im just saying what I think a classroom full of students would say.
In 1976 something weird was discovered on Mars. Viking 1 spacecraft snapped a picture of something that almost looks like a face on Mars. It could be the sign we need to find out if there is life on Mars. A lot of people are saying it is a face, while others do think it is just a natural landform. There have also been pictures captured from 1998 and 2001. This face has became a pop icon, it has appeared in Hollywood films, magazines, books, and even radio talk shows! Although there has been quite a few reasons to think it is a face I personally think it's just a natural landform. Now yes, I do have many reasons for my thinking. In these next couple paragraphs I will state my reasons. One of my firsts reasons for thiking it is a natural landform is that there are many landforms naturally made just like that around Earth. So if they are natural landforms on Earth they would probably be natural landforms on the planet Mars. In the article Garvin says, " it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That is a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. My second reason would be that it sorda resembles a face but not really. Theres a very high chance that could just be a mountain and the shadows resemble the eyes, nose, and mouth. As you can see in the picture from 2001 it almost doesnt even look like a face. It is more like a mountain of some sorts there. If you do look at the 1976 photo from distance it does resemble a face, but as the camera quality improved over time it does not look as much like a face anymore. Another reason is that it is very very unlikely that bthere is an imprint of a face on the planet of Mars. Even if it was though it would basicaly always look the same and not change looks like it has. Now a natural landform will change looks over time. It will rott or decompose and stuff. Which in my opinion it has decayed somewhat. It definintaly has not stayed the same, because all 3 pictures have a significant difference to them. That could be rom better camera and technology quality. To me though it seems as if the better quality makes it look less like a face. Now though I have a few more reasons this will be my final reason. This "Face of Mars" is the some of the only proof we have to think that there is life on Mars. So it makes me more and more right. It is just very unlikely or maybe even impossible for that to be a face. It is not unlikely that it is a natural landform though. I do realize there are many reasons why I am wrong and why it is a face but I think it is a natural landform. So in conclusion It is more likely for this , Face of Mars, to be a natural lanforn than for it to be a face.
The Facial Action Coding Systen is valuable in the classroom. The Facial Action Coding System is valuable in the classroom because there are students who fake a smile when they're sad or troubled. Some students want help but they don't want to bother people with their problems so they stay quiet and fake a smile. With FACS the teachers and students will be able to tell the student's emotions and they can help the student. It is also helpful because it can tell when a student is bored. When a student is bored, he/she will most likely not pay attention. But with FACS teachers will be able to tell when the student is bored so they can make learning a little fun. That way students will be able to pay attention and get educated. Also, FACS can tell when the student is scared. The students might be going through something and they're scared of someone or something but some students don't know how to tell. They could be threatened by someone. FACS will be able to tell when the student is scared so the teachers and students can finally help the student who is scared. As you can see, the FACA is valuable in classrooms.
Going place to place in a car is surely the fastest way possible, compared to taking a crowded bus or train. Having your own car is very wonderful, you get to have the space to yourself no noisy people around you, you can turn the music all the way up if you wanted to. Yes, all that's great for you but, have you thought about the consequences? Well, not consequences per say but there are bad side effects to having a car. The biggest reason being is that heavy car usage can pollute the air and harm the environment as well as yourself. Some people think that cars aren't the biggest reason as to why the air is polluted, and use that as an excuse to keep driving. "[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world." quoted from source 2. The smog that was mentioned was from the over usage of cars in Pairs, smog that heavy could be toxic and very bad for your health. Heavy car usage does pay a strong role in the pollution that we have. Since most people who have a car use it all the time, I could just imagine how bad the air is right now. Due to the high smog levels in Paris they had to put a ban on using cars, and if someone were to use their cars they would be charged a 22-euro fine which is $31 USD. This ban was later lifted to odd-numbered plates when the smog cleared enough. Pairs wasn't the only one to ban cars. As quoted from source 1 "VAUBAN, Germany-Residents of this upscale community are suburban pioneers, going where few soccer moms or commuting executives have ever gone before: they have given up their cars." In Vauban, Germany they have completly taken away cars! Unlike some people who can't live without their car for more than 2 days, A whole community has been without one for much longer. " 'When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way' said Heidrun Walter," quoted from source 1. Without a car they have nothing to worry about and in term live much happier lives, they also save up money since they don't have to pay for gas, doesn't that sound good? Now, you don't have to go to the extremes of giving up your car completly but limiting the amount of times you use your car would be a fantastic start and if everyone around the world limits the amount of time they use their car by half, even by a quarter, the air around us would be much more clean and happy. Alternatives other than using your car can be going on a train or bus, and yes I know I said that they can be a little unappealing, but I rather suffer a couple of minutes on a bus or train than having the long term effects of a polluted environment. Don't like the idea of going on public transportation? How about car pooling? If your friend wants you to drop them off somewhere that's on your way to work anyhow, give it to them, beats having them drive their car and get more pollution in the air. As stated in Source 4 "I was curious about what kind of car people drove, but young people don't really car. A car is just a means of getting from A to B when BART doesn't work."  BART is reffering to the Bay Area Rapid Transit. As you can see, even young people would rather take public transportation if available. Cutting down car usage can also mean you get to go out for more walks than usual! Walking is very important for your health but also for the environment, since of course, walking doesn't cause pollution. As stated in source 3 "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." This all happend in Bogota, Colombia ever since their "Day Without Cars" started, their community and outdoor lives have improved dramatically. Walking can give you a chance to get some fresh air and cool your minds off things you might be dealing with. If you don't want to walk alone, walk with a friend and get to know each other better, don't just sit in a car talking on the phone with them, cars have made people less interactive. Invite your friend/s to go out walking with you, to a park, to the mall maybe catch a movie, or something else along those lines. Not only walking, but biking or skatebording can be a fun alternative, distract your mind with other activities or find a fun and enjoyable way for you to get you fom one place to the next, without the use of a car! "But America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. When adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter." quoted from source 4. This is an amazing start for us in the US, we are slowly growing away from cars, or well, we seem to be a little less interested in them than we were years ago! We still have a long way to go, but, I strongly believe that going without cars or using cars less is a real benefit to our society, and to us as individuals.
The use of facial technology in a classroom is a fantastic idea. If a teacher knows how a student is feeling maybe behavior problems could be avoided. Test scores could start to rise because if a teacher knows how you are feeling maybe they can adjust their teaching a little, so you might understand more. Just think of all the possibilities that could happen if a school used facial technology. Students get angry throughout the day and so do teachers. If you are hiding you are not angry and then one thing tips your boat, that can cause a big scene to occur. With the new facial technology things like this could be avoided because whoever is in your classroom would know how you are feeling today. It might even be a good thing to use this technology on teachers, not just students. Teachers get angry and upset too, so using this technology could help a student know that their techer is struggling a little bit and maybe to give him or her an easier day. This could also allow the students to help better the teachers mood so things may get a little better for him or her. Now test scores could really benefit from this new technology. If a tecaher knows when a student is bored or confused then the lesson could become modified. The teacher would know that maybe one student or even the whole class is not understanding what is being taught. The teacher could then do whatever they think is right and try and fic the lesson. At the bottom of paragraph two Dr. Huang says what I stated in the sentence above. Think about it, test scores would sky rocket if teachers knew that a student was still confused, but maybe was afriad to ask a question. If the techers also knows a student is afraid to ask a question then that could help the teacher know to maybe boost the student's cofidence more. If a teacher could find all of that out maybe he or she could simply run through the lesson again or ask the student if he or she might need a little extra help. In paragraph three is says that this technology can already identify six basic emotions and fear is one, so if more emotion are learned and recongnized then the teacher could really help solve a problem. Many possibilities could and will come with this technology. Students could use this not only with teachers, but also with their friends. Kids tend to joke around and not realize when they are hurting someones feelings. This could allow these kids to know when too far has occured. Like almost all kids some are afraid to stand up and say that something has hurt their feelings. This new technology may help the problems with bullying. Maybe the bystanders of the bullying would see how truly upset the attacked person is feeling. Kids do a really good job at pretending things do not hurt them, but in reality they hurt them a lot. I know the article does not say anything about this but this is a huge possibility this could be used for. We want to help kids so why not do it this way. This technology would help so much in a school. many problems occur in schools, that could potentionally be bypassed with this technology. Students and teachers could all benefit from this technology. Who is to say that if it works in a school that more advancements could come out of this new technology. We have no idea what the future holds, but this could be a big part of our future and helping us to unerstand each other a little more.
Cars that drive themselves seem very fututistic, but we are very close to successfully making a car like this. There are many obvious benefits to manufacturing cars like this. I think the most important benefit is in our enviroment. Some other benefits are that we won't have as many deathly car crashes and we would still be able to take control of the vehicle if needed. We shouldn't be scared to make this change that could potentialy change our future for the better. Our enviroment has severely suffered from the massive carbon footprint that our generations have left. A big issue we have is that our air is very polluted. A big factor in this is that billions of people use cars all over the world. This self driving car would use half of the fuel that our cars today use. This could greatly decrease our pollution in big cities all over the world. Car crashes are one of the biggest contributors to our death rate. There are many innocent people who die every day due to other people not paying attention to the road. Google has a car that is somewhat driverless and hasn't crashed once even though they have driven half a million miles. The technology that would be used in these cars would be smart enough to drive safely and alert the person in the vehicle when human assistance is needed. We have the ability to save many men, women, and children by allowing the self driven cars to transport us. Many skeptical people think that giving up control could lead to accidents. When the car senses that there is danger ahead, they alert the person that they need to take over. If someone notices something the car doesn't, they can just put their hands on the wheel. People could still drive their cars if they felt necessary. We wouldn't be fully giving up control if we can just take it right back. Now you see that there are many benefits to making self driven cars. The possibility of some minor negative things that can be fixed, doesn't compare to the positive results we can gaurentee this vehicle might bring. The enviroment will be much better and we will have healthier air to breathe, because we will use less fuel. Our death rates will go down and we can save our future generations with these safe cars. Finally, if anything does happen, we can take back the control of the car at any second. The people of this world will thank us for bringing this self driven car to the streets.
I dont't think that we should use the Facial Action Coding system in school. It's messing with the privacy of the kids who come into school and an ivasion on their personal space. I don't like the idea that a machine would be watching you and trying to find out how you are feeling. There is a good side that I see to all if this as well too. For example, it could be used to help a person who is depressed or really sad. It could help that person talk it out with someone and get the help they need, It can also catch a student while lying to a teacher. Despite these things, I still think it is like invading on someone elses privacy. It could also malfunction and say that the student is one thing but really isn't. Things like that could lead to alot of misunderstandings and confusion as well. It's okay to use it on objects like, paintings but, I don't think it would be such a good idea to use it on humans. A person's emotions is their own and not always needs shared with other people. If they want to express how they feel, then they will. If they don't then they don't. It's the student's choice. I don't think it would be fair to any of the students if it does become okay to use this. I wouldn't really feel comfortable that machine in the classroom at all. In conclusion, I believe that this technology should not be used in schools or on people for that matter. I think that if we want to say how we feel then we do it ourselves. We shouldn't have to let a machine do it for us. I feel that it shoud only be used on objects. Even though it is a pretty neat machine, it still shouldn't be put in schools.
The Electoral College is a fundamental way of electeing the us persident. It's been in the us for over 200+ years so why change it now. It work for the founding fathers George Wsahington, Thomas Jefferson, And Benjamin Franklin. Like they old Quote "if it ani't broke don't fix it." Some of the reasons people want to elminate the Electoral College is because the way it works. For example if you live in texas and want to vote for a John Kerry you'd actualy vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to kerry. Who knows if they win the statewide election and go to congress with kerry. And what if "this so called electors" don't even have or hold an public office, who are they in the first place and how do they get picked. Many people congressional men and women want the Eletoral college gone because of the close calls it's had to make and some think those pick favored or didn't favor the country. Like the 2000 fiasco which was one of the biggest election crisis of the century. And not to mention the 1960 of John F Kennedy which many segregationists replaced democratic electors with new ones who would oppose Kennedy. And yet same even oppose their own party's candidate for some they choose. Some states even send two slates with in them it happened in Hawaii in the same election. Thankfully Vice Persident Richard Nixion only validated only his opponent's electors, made sure to do so without giving up a percent. But still people say a state like California whos population is apromximently 35 million people and 2 senates get to have the say over them that's what may make it difficult. Rhode island aswell because they only have a minimal population so they are not off so bad like others. And what about the now large amount of illeagal emmagints whom can't get a vote because of citizenship. They need it to vote and the ones who can offten don't know who they're voting for. At most basic level it seems unfair because of the winner-take-all system. I say keep it because if the Electoral College vote ties then then the US House of Rep. and the Senate choose the winners. The House The Persident and the Senate the Vice Persident. You are the one who choose those who govern you not them so therefore choose whom you want and give them the benefit of the doubt.  
A machine identify human emotions doesn't seem to be valuable. The Facial Coding System is not nessesary for students in a classroom. Therefore, it just does not seem to benitficial to the students. " The facial expressions for each emotion are universal" meaning everybody has there own way of expressing each others emotions. One can say that they are and another can say that they are sad. There's really no for need for a system to tell your expression at that time. You can obviously tell there expression. Plain and simple. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused of bored. Instead of the computer idenfitying the students emotions why doesn't a teacher actually go up the student to ask if everthing is fine and ask if he needs help on anything. Rather than a computer doing all the work. Not everybody is going to feel the same, but atleast it's worth a shot to try. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for human and computers to communicate. We already have enough of technology to do those kind of obsticales. That is a everyday thing for us humans. Why develop more technology that doesn't seem to be useful for your emotional expression. Students in classrooms don't even use there textbooks anymore, they now use ipads for online assignments and online textbooks. Technology is just overrated. Echman has classified six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. These are some emotions that everybody has on everyday. A computer that identifies these expressions on a person is just not nessesary. A student can come to class knowing he or she is happy. The FACS is just in their way. In conclusion, the FACS is just not valuable to students in classroom. It is much better if we just stop waisting money that e could use for something else. Like putting into education for students that actually want to learn rather than telling students what their emotional expression is by what a computer is reading. Therefore, it is not benitficial nor valuable.
Dear Senator, The electoral college is a big, serious, huge problem. It's super complicated, I mean, we vote for someone, and someone else gets to vote for the person we originally voted. What sense does that make? What's so wrong with a direct campaign? There are 538 electors. There's space for an even vote. Then we'd have to thrown the decision over to the house of representatives. Then what? Those old fashioned group of people get to decide our future? Please. They're living in the 70's! I don't find it fair to the people. This election is suppose to be "voted by the people, for the people" not "voted by the people, for the electoral college to decide, and then for there to have a possibility of a tie so they have to let the house of representatives decide" it's ridiculous! Doesn't the sound of "an election for the people, and only the people to decide" sound so much better? If the electoral college wants to vote so bad, then they can go to their local polls themselves and vote like everyone else. Since we have a winner-take-all system in each state candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, they solely focus on swing states. In 2000, 17 states never saw the candidates, voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't see not one campaign ad. State legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and these electors can always defy the will of the people. This country is built on a democratic ground. This country is meant to be of the free, for the free. The electoral college is an anachronism, because when you vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors. I personally don't want to vote for a slate of electors, especially when I vote for the candidate of my choice. Not to long ago, in 2000, Al Gore had the popular vote, but why didn't he get the presidential placement? Because the electoral college perferred Bush. Now look at the country. It's completely biased, unfair, irrational, and down-right wrong. We're wasting so much time trying to figure out who even gets to be president, voting day is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November (don't even get me started on that one) and we don't even get to figure out who the new president is until January. I'm telling you, the system is corrupt. Do your best to fix this, I know you will, thank you Mr. Senator.
Do you know why you should be in the Seagoing Cowboy program? There are a whole tons of ideas why you should be a Seagoing Cowboy. Maybe you should be a Seagoing Cowboy. If you are a Seagoing Cowboy you'll help some countries to recover their food supplies, animals, and more. Maybe you'll be able to take care of horses, young cows, muled, and other animals. Are you an animal lover? If you are then probbaly you'll take care of animals. I took care of animals on a ship before. Taking care of animals during the crossings kept me busy. Being a Seagoing Cowboy benefited me! "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China." You'll go places you might not ever go in your life time. I got to see Europe and China! If I wasn't for the Seagoning Cowboy program I probbaly wouldn't have seen Europe and China. Being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for me. It opened up the world to me! I'm grateful for the opportunity of being a Seagoing Cowboy.The Seagoing Cowboy program made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs! So if you want to be a Seagoing Cowboy sign up here to help countries in needs. Also helping take care of animals. Probbaly seeing places you'll never go if you're not a Seagoing Cowboy.Also to open the world for you as it opened the world to me! If you're interested then sign up today! What are you waiting for? Sign up today!
Driverless cars should not become a reality. My first reason why driverless cars should not become a reality is that they can malfunction and badly injure or possibly kill the people inside of the car. Driverless cars can run over an animal or human and possibly kill the living being in front of it. A couple tires can pop and swearve off the road into the a road beside it and injure not only the people inside but inncocent people in a car that didn't see what had happened. For my second reason i think that they could get hacked and get send into the wrong direction. People can get lost and never find their way back to a safe place. Someone can hack the driverless car/s and end up killing the people inside or outside the car by controling the GPS and other important parts of the car. For my third reason i believe smart cars possibly like driverless cars can or will get a virus and it will mess with the engine and everything that is important about the car. I know from experiance that a car with a t. v. can get a virius if it is not fixed properly. I believe a driverless car can or will get some or many viriuses if it is not check out properly when it is getting fixed. To conclude my argument driverless cars can be a danger to nature and the people inside or surrounding the car. Driverless cars can get hacked and hurt people more than cars that need a driver all of the time. Driverless cars can get many viriuses and malfunction and destroy what is most important to the car.
I have to help seal the deal that the faces are just nautural land forms and not something supernatural. Even Knowing that nasa wishes there was ancient people living on mars doesnt mean there actually is. They may be very smart people but they have no proof that this was done by a type of living being. They clearly state that everything they get is only facts and off research and strictly that nothing else. These people who are doubting nasa abviously have no idea what there talking about if they think nasa is purposley lying to us. They say that these faces are very normal and common and that this one has very different shadowing to help it look like adifferent face. They have shown many other faces or land forms like this in the past, I would understand if this was the first one and maybe that would give them a litlle reason to doubt them like they did. nasa says they have seen similair things like this on our earth. That should tell you that what is going on now isnt anything different or special to us. I understand why you would think its something crazy special but its really not, nasa them selves got all happy over nothing as well until they got another look at it. They said they thought it was something they havent seen before but it just ended up being something they really see on a ebery dat bases. Nasa also stated that the types of cameras they used would have easily made it clear to the people that this is normal. These cameras can zoom in so close that they would have been able to see if anything moved they could see it. the only thing that was oving that day was the clouds in the sky which is normal for mars. They said they look for small stacks and things moved and even pyramids but yet nothing was abnormal about this situation. These people make even less since because if it can happen here on our normla land it should be normal for a planet like mars to do it to. Mars is the most similair planet to ours. So if it happen over here why is it so breath taking that it happens over there as well. They say that they shortly live dthis little moment and it ended up being the same old stuff, this place Cyndonia is the most common place to find these landforms shapped by who knows but they can be suspicious and very norml at the same time. They said that they think taht this face would bring much attention to mars and they were absolutly right about that. It makes sence why some poeple think different. I mean everybody has they own point of view on thuings. They wil stick to it to, they will consider them selves right still after you prove them wrong. People will always have there own perspective on things no matter what. so that means that mostly everybody will have some one that disagrees with them one way or another. Since this has opened up to the world in manny different ways, it makes it a whole lot easier to make up assumptions and nad there own way of thinking when it comes to this very starge but normal situation. Poeple have even seen thingslike this on the moon and that didnt phaze a single person. Its just people these days and how they think. they will just pull your leg.
To prove that it wasnt done by aliens is because ive read the passage and this is what I found. New high-resolution images and 3D altimertry from NASAs mars globel survey spacecraft reveal the face on mars for on Marsfor what it really is called A mesa. Twenty five yaers ago somthing funny happened around mars NASAs spacecraft was circling around planet. A few days later,NASA unveiledthe imaage for all to see. Although few scientist believed the face was an alien artifact photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when mars global surveyor [MGS] arrived at the red planet in sSeptember 1997 eighteen long years after the viking missions ended. So it was true that aliens did not do that to mars because aliens are not real and also NASA even said that they did it on mars they said it was an accident that happened in September 1997. Also in April 5,1998 ,when Mars global surveyor flew over cydonia for the first time,Micheal malin and his mars obiter camera [MOC] team snapped the picture ten times sharper than the original viking photos.
25 years ago "The Face" happend on Mars. Some people say The Face on Mars came from aliens, the face is a very known figure , that NASA discovered. It was found out that there was no aliens that created this object, but came natural. In fact on Apirl 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveryor flew over Cydonia for the first time, after the Viking discovered the face over 22 years ago on 1976, Michael Milan and His Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a photo ten times sharper than the oringial Viking photos , witch revelaved a natural landform, as said by the Mars Global Surveyor team. Some people were not convinced that the face was a natural landform , due to there being haze, winds and also a cloudy time to see the face through the camera, there were conspriacy theorists that said "Perhaps skeptic and alien markings were hidden by the haze." But then on April 8 , 2001 almost 3 years later - a cloudless summer day, Mars Global Surveyor drew close to the "Face on Mars" they had to "roll 25 degrees to center the face in the field of view" said Gravin. Malins team captured a extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution, each pixel spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo to finally prove that "The Face on Mars" is a natural landform, Still to this day there are conspiracy theorist who believe that "The Face on Mars" was not a natrual making!
In the story "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves" Luke was a cowboy rode the waves. he helped people in Europe after War World 2. Luke went to Europe to help people that didn't have shelter, food or animals. When Luke just graduated highschool his friend Don asked him if he wanted to go to Europe. Luke knew he couldn't pass this opportunity of a lifetime up.44 Nations joined together to form UNRRA [ther United Nations Relief and Rehabilitaton Administration.] "UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cowes, and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don signed up." Luke wanted to help people if he didn't go he wouldn't like to help people. 'Luke did get some free time when he was on the boat he got to see Venice, Italy he also toured an excavated castle in Crete and mareled at the Panama China" he got to see many things many people don't get the chance to ever see. It was an aventure for him. "it took about to weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to china" It was hard work to keep ever animal safe and alive on the long journey and animals could have died of sickness and cancer and a lot of other thing like not getting any excercie. " Heping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, but not for dangers at sea. On Lukes second trip, Luke served as night watchman. His job awas to cheack on all the animals every hour. One rainy night, after making his hourly report to the captian, he slid down a slippery ladder on his backside. Luke's haert raced as he shot feet firt toward an opening on the side of the ship. a small strip of metal along the edge stopped his slide, keeping him from flying overborad into the dark Atlantic. He was happy to be alive. But he couyld not work for a coulpe of days because of vraked ribs." He was really happy to be alive and he was ok with craked ribs because he was alive. Reasons that people like Luke became or are going to be a Seagoing Cowboy is because they like to help people in need that need food a shelter. They don't just do it to go to Europe and see everything and to have fun, they do it because they care about other people.
Based on what i read i think that limiting car usage is a great idea. Two reasons why i think its a good idea also is because it will help our envieroment and less accidents and deaths . Now its possible that some countrys already have no cars period but we may need some cars and any type of vehicle because we need some kind of transportation because we can't always walk it will eventually hurt us to walk always. Like it says in source 1 paragraph 2 in vaubans streets its completly car free that means that there most be no accidents at all amd less traffic for them. Here in florida we have many vehicles and need them but it would be something different to not have them and maybe have less accidents and help our enviroment too because if u think about it we sometimes leave our cars turned on and that destroys the enviroment that we live in . I myself prefer to have vehicles because its better because its resourcefull and easier to travel.  
The United States has been known for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but that's not all. It's also known for the different freedoms made available and its fair government. The electoral college is a system in which states choose representatives to vote on the president. In the past, there was a big debate on whether or not this process was fair. The electoral college is not fair or trustworthy for many reasons. Imagine that you picked a representative who said they were going to vote for the person you wanted for president. Sadly, they ended up changing their mind. You could end up with a president you don't like or believe in. Voters don't have total control over who their electors vote for. To me, that doesn't sound very fair. If everyone were allowed to vote, the people would be able to ensure that there vote counted towards the person they wanted, and not towards the candidate they were against. Based on multiple polls, a few presidents have won the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote. That means that the candidate which was chosen by the people did not become president. Our founding fathers fought hard for our rights, and it's our right to a fair vote. There are more problems than just an unfair vote. It almost sounds impossible that there could be a tie in a presidential election, but it has almost happened before. In the past, votes have been so close that only a couple thousand have seperated the victor from the loser. What would happen if the votes came out to be tied in an election? Who would become president? I'm sure some people could argue that the electoral college could fix this problem, but I don't believe it could. Since there are less people making the descision during the electoral college process, it is even more likely that there could be a tie. If one person were to vote another way, it could be the equivalent of 1,000 people voting the other way. Also, during the electoral college the electors recieve rewards if their candidate wins. The people in that state, or even the whole country supported the electors and helped them make their descision, so they deserve recognition too. The electoral college is not a fair or trustworthy process. Americans have no control over which candidate their electors choose to vote for. Also, there is a better chance for a catastrophic tie. America is all about being fair and giving people the opportunities they deserve. So, let's give Americans the chance for a fair vote. z  
Are you guys bored at home and you got nothing to do? Join our program. First, our program is about Seagoing Cowboys. A Seagoing Cowboys is a program that you take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. A Seagoing Cowboys is like a adventure that you ever had. Next, sign up are in Europe and this boy Luke sign up. He was having a life time on his adventure. He went to Panama Canal and Crete and China. Luke crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War II. Then, it takes him two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get to China. Luke was busy the whole time. Be care full when working because one rainy night Luke slid down a slippery ladder on his backside, but he is still alive. He also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games and table-tennis tournament, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. Last, it was a open world for him. He had fun sometimes when his group are done with empty holds where animals had been housed. So join now to become a Seagoing Cowboys.