In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author makes sure the reader knows how much of a 'challenge' a trip to Venus could be. Despite this challege, the auther suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit and may soon be in our future. Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the sky and the second closest planet to the sun. Venus is nickmaed the "Evening Star" becasue of its incredible light that even "an amateur stargazer" could easily spot. Venus is a mezmerizing planet that witholds many adventures, many that NASA has tried to complete but failed. Venus is often reffered to as Earth's "twin" as it is the most similar to Earth in terms of density and size. Not to mention that because of its speed, sometimes Venus is the closest planet to Earth. Because of Venus' 'close-ness', there have been many missions and spacecrafts sent to Venus in order to try to explore the planet despite the dangers. Every mission to Venus has been unmanned because of Venus's reputation of being inhospitable. Venus has many extreme conditions that make it very challenging to explore. A fraction of these challenges include a "thick 97 percent carbon dioxide blanket that makes up Venus' atmosphere, clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, over 800 degree heat, an atmopheric pressure 90 times greater that what humans are used to on Earth, erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning storms." All of these challenges would make anyone run away from ever trying to explore Venus, but the author mentions thst making this exploratory trip to Venus would provide incredible insight into what our "twin" planet has to offer. Many scientists and astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may have once been "the most Earth-like planet in the Solar System". Venus was most likely covered in oceans that very well could have supported many forms of life. In addition to this, some of Venus' features vastly remain analogous to those of Earths. These features include "a surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters." The author suggest that Venus would be a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, and they are not alone. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been experimenting with how they could possibly send humans to go and study Venus. One of NASA's solutions for surviving the dangerous, hostile conditions is allowing scientists to float approximatly 30 miles over Venus' landscape. This is not a 100 percent reliable solution as the temperature would still be a roaring 170 degrees Fahrenheit. On the other hand, being 30 miles above Venus would offer a much better air pressure close to that of sea level on Earth. Though it seems impossible, a trip to Venus very well may be in our future as these conditions are indeed survivable for humans. NASA's other possible approaches include simplified electronics. These simplified electronics are made of silicon carbide and have been repeatedly tested in chambers that simulate Venus' chaotic conditions on its surface. Another possible solution takes a trip down memory lane with old technologoy called mechanical computers. These mechanical computers were first envisioned in the 1800s and were key during the 1940s in World War ll. The mechanical computer makes calculations by using gears and levers and do not require any form of electronics like the modern day computer. These devices would allow high exposure to Venus' harsh conditions without having to risk the equiptment or lives needed to get the kind of information that would be very valuable. Mordern technology would not survive a trip to Venus like these new-old machines can. Modern computers are extreme in cases of power, flexibility, speed, and looks, but would never dream to see a day on Venus. Modern technology tends to be more delicate while "systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" prove these dangerous challenges are nothing against the value of the worthy pursuit to Venus. If NASA were to send a successful mission to Venus, we would gain an abundence of insight from the planet and the journey to get to Venus. Not to mention the wonders of human curiosity that lead us into making many more equally intimidating adventures into space travel. The author explains that "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." If humans are able to persevere through the many challenges of a mission to Venus, the dangers would hardly compare to the knowledge and experience gained from such an adventure.
In my personal oppinion I think it's best to keep the Electoral College. Don't get me wrong I think people should have a say in it too, but in all seriousness we the people we really can't make good decisions. For instance what they say may blind us from the hard on facts and we'll make a horrible decision just because they can manipulate us with words. The Electoral College can pick the person that is perfect for the job but we can't. "A candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president." (Richard A. Posner) It states there that if the person is popular in some sates and everybody likes him, that doesn't mean he would be fit to be president. The Electoral College doesn't pick them because of what they say and if they persuide you to like them, they look at the facts and see if that person is fit to be the president. Maybe it's best if they were to decide on the president but I'm also saying that we should have some say in it. We're the ones living here we all have a right too. It doesn't matter if we make poor decisions we're only human that's what we do, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a say in it. "The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." (Bradford Plumer) Sure the Electoral College doesn't normally decide on what we have to say but they should take it in consideration. I think that we should keep the Electoral College and let the proffessionals do what they do best. As the people living with what the president has to say I still think it's highly important that we have some say on who the president is. Will we make the right decisions? probably not but we're only human can you blame us? No I didn't think so.
The so called "face" on Mars is clearly just a natural landform. If it was a face, then why would it be the only one we see. If this was a face, would it have been the only living being on Mars. If it were a face, it does clearly resemble that of a human, but no human has been to Mars. You could say maybe humans began civilization on Mars but we had to leave for whatever reason and when we got to Earth we suddenly went into a stone age, and that face was from a human that died on Mars, but that would have to have been millions of years ago and the "face" would no doubt have been buried in the sand. If you are not yet convinced that this is just and landform that coincidentally looks like a face yet, then here are some more arguments. In paragraph 7, it talks about how they took a much better quality photo of the "face" and it appeared to be nothing more than a landform. You could also argue that maybe the sand covered up the facial features, but why wouldn't it have done that a long time ago? Wouldn't that mean that whatever kind of species it was died recently? If so why don't we see millions or thousands or hundreds or even tens of this species? Was it the only one ever to exist on the planet. If it Mars were sustainable for this creature, then it would clearly be sustainable enough for more creatures to appear just like it. Also NASA scientists are no doubt more qualified then any average citizen when it comes to topics about other planets, and even they appear to think that it is just a landform. If it was a face, this would prove that there was life on Mars which could benefit NASA, so they ultimately would have no reason to keep it from us. This "face" is just a landform but people seem to think that it proves that there was life on Mars. While there may have been life on Mars, I don't think that this landform proves it.
Agreeing to the developments of smart cars has it's advantages but it also has it's disadvantages. Some smart cars can be developed to not have the need for a human to be responsible at anytime. Others disagree with the idea and think this idea should stop. In my opinion I disagree with the development in smart cars. The inventors of these smart cars say that they have sensors to know if the human is paying attention but having smarter cars for that reason can be dangerous. Many people have had accidents and many of those accidents have been fatal. All those accidents need is for the person to take his/her eyes off the road for a quick second. At this moment they have cars that can drive themsleves but also need assitance once in a while but anyone can say "Oh I've got my eyes on the road" but in reality they are more distracted than a child playing toys. Many people can trust a car at it's job for one second but lose their life the next. Smart car development is not the smart way to go. If furtists develop a car that can do its job with no human assistance at all, of course people will start buying but I guarantee more accidents occur. These car companies can't guarantee you that the car may turn off, that the car will stop working out of no where. Anyone can be driving and thinking the car has everything under control they start putting their mind into other things like texting, calling, writing, and even changing in a car because they're late to their destination. You can't always trust technology because there is something that can always make it go wrong. People will be unaware of everything going on around them when their eyes, ears, and mind aren't neccesary on the road. When the time comes on who's fault it was that the accident occured the question will be whose fault was it really the manufacturer orr the drivers? If you would've kept your eyes on the road and tooken responsibilty you'd be able to prevent being in a room where your freedom is to determined all because of one "smart car."
Venus is one of our amazing planets, Earth's "twin," which is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, and one that we may want to look more into despite its dangers. Venus has a misleading nickname of "Evening Star," the reason it's misleading is because it's actually a planet. Venus is refered to as Earth's twin because of the very close similarities in density, size, orbit and closest in distance. Although it's very similar to Earth, it's been one of the hardest mission landings. We have never made a human attempt to go to Venus, "...no spacecraft has survived the landing for more than a few hours," the article states, so there is good reason for not attempting to send humans to our sister planet. Numerous factors have made it difficult for us to study the planet, ignoring the proximity of Earth and Venus, "Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades," the article states, it must be very difficult to have a thorough investigation on the planet if we can't even get a spacecraft to land and stay for more than just a couple hours! There are extreme problematic issues that come with Venus, making it so difficult to study and examine. The atmosphere is very problematic and too extreme for human-life, "a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus," the article explains, now that's just crazy and makes it 10 times, if not more, more difficult for us! The temperatures and pressure are also extreme factors to take in consideration, "...temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet," the article tells us, and you thought you couldn't stand the pressure of the ocean when scuba-diving or even too deep in the pool when swimming. Why do we keep suggesting the visits if there's so many darastic measures to take? Well astronomers think it could have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, making sense to why it would make for a great space mission, it could be home to some of us in the near future! Here's what they say about the planet long ago, "...Venus was probably covered with oceans and could have supported various forms of life," which is why making more time for studies of Venus could be amazing and maybe even crucial. The article also let us know that our sister planet also has some very Earth-like features, like valleys, mountains, surface, craters, etc. Maybe making a mission for the planet wouldn't be so bad. Venus has a long history and so does Earth. They're sister planets and making the visit to learn more about the future could be our entire future. Once Earth is totally over-populated and polluted we can make room and move to Venus! Doesn't that sound cool? Studies now can, and probably will, determine our future and make for a longer human-population.
Dear state senator, I think that we should get ride of the elecoral college because its not what people want. The popular votes lets you pick which president you want. The electoral college is when you pick your candidate but your picking a elector and they bring in the votes. The people that vote should be able to pick who they want and then yea. So we should have popular votes then keeping the electoral college. So we need a popular vote and not a electoral college where you dont actually vote, you vote for a elector and then you tell them which candidate you vote for and then they bring in the votes. For exaple, if i would to say that the candiadates are George washington and john kerry and i pick george and 34 others pick him the elector would bring 35 votes to the congress and then he would have 35 votes. You dont know the electors you dont know anything.
I support the development of these cars, the idea of driverless cars would change the world. It would change the world by making transportation more efficient and safer. It would also be less polutant. The idea of driverless car is really a fascinating and wonderful idea. Think about it, getting around from place to place faster and safer. If the manufacturers worked on it constantly and reinovated the cars to be fully fuctional without a driver would be so much safer, there wouldnt be anyone distracting the driver to cause an accident. There would be less traffic crowding and less car accidents, meaning people would be way safer. If there even so happened to be an accident, the manufacturer could work more so on the safety of the passengers, rather than the driver, since there is no driver. The flow of traffic would be smooth, since you'll have "smart drivers". The "smart drivers" would be linked to a network that all the car would be on so they know where vehicles are and where they are going. Not to mention the fact that it would be less polutant. You wouldnt have to use gasoline, diesel, or any other types of fuel that combusts. It would run off electricity (Section 3). That would reduce polution by cars by so much. The idea of driverless car is really amazing, but the time and money it would take to make the world fully fuctional with driverless car is astronomical. It would mean taking all the roads, digging them up, and placing down cables. That in itsself would cost money and time. The new laws that will have to be made to have these vehicles would cost money and time. Driverless cars will be coming into this world at some point in the future, but not very soon. All together, it is a great idea, but like all great ideas, it takes money and time.
The "Face on Mars" is really not a a face at all. In fact, it is simply a landform. There is no alien remains or anything like that. It sure does look like a face, but that was merely a coinsidence. There are many ways to prove this statement. Today, I will only cover a few, though. They are very good points. By the end of this, I think you'll be agreeing with me also. First of all, to prove this is a landform and not aliens is, there is only a face, no body. If this really was aliens there would be a body to go along with this face. From the picture provided in the article, I can clearly see that there is a face and a fce only. Absolutely no body found. In fact, there is not even a bump or anything proving this has no body and aliens would most likely have a body if they have a head/face. The second reason as to why this cannot be an alien is, if it was an alien NASA would have found more than one by now. This landform was first discovered in 1976. That is a long time ago. If this truely was an alien that once had life, there would most definetly be more than one. But, there is not. There is only one. This is another reason proving this is not aliens, but just a landform. The third an final reason why this is nothing more than a landform, not aliens, in it would have been identified by now. NASA would have came out and said it already. There is no way we can actually prove that is actually an alien. But, we have classified it as a landform. We even have other landforms on earth to compre it too. Many say it is equivalent to a butte or mesa(many things found in the American Mest). "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," Garvin says. In conclusion, this is not aliens. This is simply a landform. Even though it does look like a face we have supporting details that back up our argument. It is clearly not an alien. Everything needed to prove this is tight in this essay. I hope that now you have come to your senses and agree with me.
What would I say if I were a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks it was created by aliens, when I don't? I would first off say they're are no such things as aliens. There is no evidence that aliens are real. The only evidence we have are pictures that people send in of "UFOs" or "aliens" being spotted. Seriously those pictures could be easily edited with the power of the internet. The Face is just a natural landform! The Face, like many other landforms, looks (hince the name) like a face! Have you ever past by a hill, rock, or any other landform that kind of looks like a human or any other human part? If you have than you know what I'm talking about. Sometimes you start thinking "why does it look ike that?" or "what if someone's body is buried there?". Although the Face looks like a face, it may have not been built by aliens. Like NASA said when they unveiled the image for everyone to see, it's just a "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.". The Face was just formed by shadows and your eyes playing a little trick on you. We don't have enough evidence to prove that aliens created this, so it's much better if we stick to my idea. It's all the work of your eyes, shadows, and the form of the rock. If only we could go to Mars and figure out the truth.
If we never do anything about the air pollution coming from cars will the human race last a long time? If you had to choose from killing yourself slowly or making the world healthier by walking instead of taking a car what would you choose? Many people don't understand the damage that driving all of the time is doing to our world. But, limiting car usage has many advantages that come along with it. Limiting car usuage come along with many advatages. One advatage of limiting car usage is that you can limit the amount of smog that goes into the air and also into your lungs. In source 2 it says, "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine($31)." That is a very good choice of action because without hearing that they would have any concequences people still would have drove their cars. In source 2 it also says, "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..." So, by limiting car usage just by the even numbered license plates there was less smog in just one day. In source 2 it says, "The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday." So, the success of just one day made people want to do it a second day with just the odd-numbered license plates. If they keep this up and eventually have a day where neither odd nor even numbered license plates can drive the smog will eventually clear all the way up. Also, another advantage to limiting car usage is there won't be many traffic jams. In source 3 it says, "In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this captial city eerily devoid of ttraffic jams," meaning that everyone got around easily without all of the congestion in the roads. In source 3 it also says, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said the businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife." Traffic jams tend to cause alot of people stress. People stress because they can't get to important places on time, they spend hours on the same highway, etc. By limiting car usage, they limit their stress and have a good day instead of being so angry just because of traffic which will help them out in the long run because alot of stress isn't good for the body. There are many more advantages to limiting car usage. In source 4 it says, "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." By just taking the little time to figure out a different, less polluting way of transportation all of these advantages come out of it. Many people don't understand the damage that driving all of the time is doing to our world. But, limiting car usage has many advantages that come along with it. A way that I could pitch in would be to ride the school bus with everybody else instead of driving myself to school. Some advantages to that would be using less gas, saving money and carpooling so that there are less cars on the road and less air pollution, because we need the air to stay clean so we can breathe and stay alive. So by limiting car usage we can have many good things happen to our lives and to our world .
This technology, Facial Action Coding System, reads the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because its creative, it tells you the percentage of their emotion, it can tell you how other people feel, and its fun to play with. First reason, its valuable because it shows creativity. You can use it while making a game. For those people who like to make animation movies, you can use it to change the character's face. This can make the audience understand the character's expression by seeing them happy, angry and etc. The students can use this for those who like to make video games or make animation movies in the future. Second reason, the Facial Action Coding System tells you the percentage of their emotion. You can see it by scanning their face and you'll be able to see the percentage of their emotion. You'll see their mix emotions like excited, upset, content and etc. This can be a fun thing to do with the students. They can go around and see their friend's emotions and see how they feel. Third reason, is when you know your friend is not fine but they said that they are, you can check by using the technology, Facial Action Coding System, to see their actual emotions. You can see how your friend truly feels. This technology is absolutely amazing because how it can change your expression. The students would probably think that this technology is truly valuable. Last reason, is it's fun to play with. Nowadays, there are apps that can change your emotion. Students can use this and have fun with it. Also the technology, Facial Action Coding System, is much better than the app. It actually show you the percentage on how that person feels. This is how the technology, Facial Action Coding System, is valuable to use at students in a classroom.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit by presenting examples of how NASA is trying their best to find a way to survey Venus, as well as state how these examples could work, and why NASA is wanting to go to Venus at all. In paragraph 4, the author states "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in out solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be out nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable[.]" The author stating the reasons why NASA (as well as other astronomers) wants to go to Venus is exactly the answer to the question. The planet could have Earth-like minerals or even evidence of past life that may have lived there long ago. Going to Venus would be risky, but given the opportunity we should explore all the planets we can, just to see what it's like. Like Christopher Columbus exploring new lands around the world, we should be pioneers in the context of space exploration. Seeking out new life, and to go where no man has gone before, for the sheer benefit of exploration.
Driverless cars are a thing of the future. They are said to hanndle conditions under a twenty five mile per hour speed. Also they give the wheel to the driver to make sure that the driver can be in complete control over the situation. Should driverless cars enter the development stage? Driverless cars should not be in development for the follow reasons: malifunction error of the system or programming and not enough regulations for driverless cars. Automakers have been battling with the lack of regulations for a long time. Most automobile laws are focussed on keeping the passangers and others safe from harm. But what laws are inforcing driverless cars? Today, laws are in place under the assumption that there is a human driver always behind the wheel. In fact, it has become illegal to test the driverless cars in California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. The lawmakers would have to put new laws regulating driverless cars in case of an accident. Automakers are still working on the self-driving car thinking that the problems will be solved ahead. Will the government actually buy into the idea? Driverless cars rely heavily on the technology built within them. What if that was a problem? What if the technology within the car was to mallifunction? Automakers rely heavily on the sensors arround the car. The sensors arround the car are there to insure the safety of the passangers and others arround the car. In the article, it didn't hint to the performance of these cars in extreme wheather. If the system were to mallifunction would it give the driver complete controll and shut down the systems, or would it lose control causing an accident? Humans have relied on technology for a long time, after a while the technology starts to decrease in performance. What would be the cost to replace parts of the system of driverless cars? There is also the problem of convincing others to buy the car if it starts to sell. Would every American want to buy the car, or would they stick with driving the car themselve? Humans driving cars are not a thing of the future. In fact, the very first car to sell always had someone driving the car. Human drivin cars have been arround for a long time and the introduction of self driving cars have been arround for roughly fifteen years. Driveless cars should not start development for the following reasons: malifunction error of the system or programming and not enough regulations for driverless cars. Until automakers insure one hundred percent liability, then develpoment of the cars will be taken into consideration.
Do you believe the "Face on Mars" was created by aliens? I have done some research with NASA and have to say that it was not created by aliens and is just a natual landform. What looks like something made by aliens is just a natural landform on Mars that happens to look like a face. The formation on Mars is a natural landform. It was not created by aliens because photos show no other signs of civilization, improved photos show a natural landform, and if there was life that created it, NASA would have used that to their advantage. Photos taken by NASA show no other objects or landforms created by aliens. The research stated that the digital image could discern things three times bigger than the pixel size. Garvin said, "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" This shows that if aliens did make the monument, there would have been some other proof or sign that they did it. Not only was this research helpful but so was the picture that showed it all. The high def photo cameras showed that the believed alien monument was just a natural landform. Shadows were casted on the landform making it look like a face. The text says, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the America West." The landform was the same as any old natural landform found here on Earth. This shows how the "Face on Mars" is not alien created but If it was NASA would have said so. If there was aliens that created this, than NASA would have told everyone and all media because it would be a benefit to them. There would be much money going to them if there was life on Mars. In the story, it says, "Meanwhile, Defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." If NASA had found any evidence of life, they would have said, so they could get some money rolling in. This was a big fact that showed how aliens did not create the formation. In conclusion, the natural formation was not made by aliens because photos showed no life of civilization, improved photos showed a natural landform, and if there was life NASA would have used that as a benefit for themselves. Photos did not find any evidence of life to show how conspiracy theorists would be right. If NASA found any sign of aliens they would have told. NASA will have to keep doing what they are doing and do more research. The "Face on Mars" is just another natural landform that we are used to.
You may think that the face on the moon is from aliens. well i dont think so and im going to tell you why. One reason that i know that the face on mars is not from aliens is because this face has been there since we have known mars.In 1976 NASA could se a little bit of what was a face. In 1998 you could see it form more and more due to natural causes. In 2001 you could tell that the face on the moon was a face. The face also had some little stream through it, most likely that a alien wouldn't do. And Michael Malin and her team flew over mars and took a sharp photo that made it obvious that the aliens did not do this to mars. And in 2001 it was a summer day in mars so they snapped a picture better then ever, and they say that if there was anything on Mars then it would have shown on the picture, and nothing did. So thats proof that the aliens did not put the face on mars. In Conclusioln that is the main points that you should know that aliens did not put the face on mars.
The sea going Cowboys is a good program! It's adventurous and fun. You can do a lot of fun things in the sea going cowboy program . If you join you will have a blast ! You can learn things , and also see alot of cool things while traveling and experience unique things. Maybe I can even show you around the boat a little. One reason to join the sea going cowboy clubs is you can see cool places while traveling. Maybe even collect some cool items you find on the ship or even souvenirs from other states , countries and villages . You can also see cool statue like Statue of Liberty if we ever go to New York again . Once I got to tour an excavated castle in Crete . Second reason you should join cowboys club is you can meet new people , and make new friends . In many countries,states and villages there are different people like in age , race , and language. While rest stoping in villages some families don't have as much so you should give respect and show them you come with peace . While your in certain places you can learn different cultures , religions , tradition . According to the story our boat carrys animals because UNRRA hired us too . Taking care of animals isn't hard at all , feed them , clean them , clean there pens , and that's it three easy steps . Some animals might be pregnant so we will have to double feed them and watch them for signs of birth. The baby's will be easy to take care of most of the time because they will stay with there mothers for 4 weeks then separate them . Joinging the sea going Cowboys will be the best choice you make . You can go on fun trips learn stuff culturals from countries,city and states . Maybe learn some different languages along the way . You can get souvenirs and maybe even tells some stories to kids about all your trips , best of luck hope ou join our program .
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus", this is a challenge because of Venus's reputation. Venus is the closet planet to earth due to density and size, it orbits the sun at a different speed. Because Venus is Earth's neighbor, somebody wanted to explore it. Trying to explore Venus has failed for over three decades. In paragraph 2 it writes, "and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." The author came to the conclusion that Venus had a reputation that's challenging for humans to study. The author writes, " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 persent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." Humans can not survive in carbon dioxide, Venuns's air isn't breathable, the pressure that it has keeps and spacecraft from leaving after it comes in. Paragraph 2 explains "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our occens and would liquefy many matals." Venus is so hot that it will melt the finest metal into liquid. The author wants to know why would any one still want to go to Venus if it's too dangerous to vist anyway. The author explains that long ago Venus had been a fit planet for humans to live in. He says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Just because Venus is hot doesn't mean that it didn't have some form of life before it got that way, something had to of happened. The author explains that Venus could be "our nearest option for a planetary visit, acrucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." This infoprmation explains that they have a way to explore without any physical issues. NASA came up with the idea that someone would go in and hover in the air to aviod the damages. The temperature of where they will be wouldn't be as hot as the ground but it would less than 800 degrees Fahrenheit. NASA explains that it's a risk to get on the ground to "get up and personal" but they can't take any objects from the planet. NASA is working on another approach to study Venus, in the mean time they're currently using "mechanical computers" to physcially pick up things with strength but that's also a risk but it can melt during the process. The author gives many reasons as to why exploring venus is a challenge to explore because it's climate is so hot that anything and anybody will melt. Spacecrafts and other materials are not able to survive during the process of exploring venus.
In America, presidents are voted in by the electoral college. The electoral college is a process of electors from all the states that vote for the president and vice president. There are 538 electors, and you need 270 votes of that 538 to be elected. The electoral college is how we have been electing all of the presidents in America, but the president ought to be elected by a mjority vote of the people, not by some fascist in a room voting for us. Furthermore, the office of the federal register gladly explins the process of the electoral college and it has some holes. Bradsord Plumer explains in his article ''The Indefensible Electoral College: Why Even The best laid defenses are wrong'' says ''at the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters.'' He goes on and exemplifies the fact that the way the votes are cast and counted could be in fact more individually based. Maybe Mr. Plumer is wrong and the electoral college is the best thing for us, but, most people would agree that if we could all vote and have every individual vote counted, we would have a fair election and the true winner would be voted in. Perhaps in ''Five Reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president'' by Richard A. Posner, an electoral college would be good to have because of run off and big states and so forth. But plainly put, if we could just count voters as people of one nation, not individual states, we could have an efficient running election. For example: say there is 300 million people in America and the president needed 150,000,001 votes to win, then the majority rules factor can be initiated and there will be no run off, no problems with big states, no problem with swing states, and the certainty of outcome of everyone's president will be decided by majority. Last but not least, all of the authors of the articles have great arguments and have concluded as so. ''what have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral college!'' Bradford Plumer couldnt have summarized it better. If former presidents and other powerful organizations can can agree on abolishing the outdated electoral college then why cant we just get rid of it. Finally, the electoral college is an old and untrustworthy system of lection currently used in the united states. perhaps if we could try the majority rules and have every legal voter counted as an individual, the election process would be more faithful. All in all, with time comes changes, and with chnges comes broad new spectrums of possibilities. But for the time being we should all be proactive in staying in motion with modernization, and every little change counts. Abolishing the electoral college is an innocent and small step in the right direction.                                        
The Seagonig Cowboys are a group of people who helped serve after World War 2. They brought horses and small cows to towns that were in ruins. To help these countrys they brought food and cattle. They went across the Pacific and Atlantic ocean to give the homeless food. People should join this program because it help a town in need of assistance. If they didnt they could starve to death. They need to join this program not just for the people you are helping but to help yourself see the good inside yourself. Take Luke, he is a seagoing cowboy that made 9 trips. That is the longest any seagoing cowboy has ever went. It clearly states on paragraph 5 that " Besides helping people, I had a side benifit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." He also says it is an oppertunity of a lifetime. He said he couldnt say no. He says it takes about 2 weeks to get across the Alantic ocean. He went over the Atlantic ocean 16 times and the Pacific ocean twice to help those affected by World War 2. In conclusion, people should join the seagoing cowboys. There are many side benifits of doing so. You could things you could never see and still help people. So, will you join the seagoing cowboys?
I see driverless cars both dangerous and useful. They can help the dissabled and many people who can't drive at diffrent parts of the day. People that would have driverless cars would be both lazy and easily angered at the car. The lazyness would come from the fact that they just have to sit in the car, and the anger would come when they had to put their hands on the wheel when the car wouldn't be able to drive its self. The cars would need the human to direct it in the correct way at times it can't and the humans would be angry at the car when this happnes. Also the humans wouldn't see the point of having to take a driver's test. The humans would be angry at the licencing branch and the branch would go out of work because they don't have to test people. Honestly, I think this would only be good for only a small amout of people, however if only a select few can use the cars the other people that can't would be angry. I think this could be harmful for the population, but this is only my idea others might find it helpful.
The face the newset discovery by NASA a huge rock formation that looks very simllar to humans face and is one of the biggest thing NASA seen yet. This face has been causeing a big argument about life on mars and that alien made the face but im here to prove it wrong. This argument is just crazy alien life haha impossible and im here to tell you why their no alien life on mars and that just a rock formation. Now here are my three facts that will surely bring you to resaon noththing but shadows, no aliens found, all clear these will prove im right The rock fomation know as the face on mars is nothing its just shadow turning the rock to a face when you look or take a photo from far away. This face is just a rock the only reason its look like a face because of shadows from far away the may seem like a face because the shadow give features like eyes, noes, and a mouth. This would maake any one that not looking very close think it looks like a face On april,5,1998 michael malin and the mars ordbiter camera went to to cydoia to slove this problem once and for all. When he arrived he took the camera and document his time their makeing sure he got pictures of everywhere he went. when he csme back they took the photos and reseach them and found no traces of alien life forms. With this info they were able to show to the media that their aliens makeing rock faces on mars. It was about about a couple mouths untill the media wanted more info to really prove that it was just a rock formation. So NASA inhase their ordbiter camera and took it back to cydoia. as they took more pictures with a better camera with maximum resoluiton to get a better shot of the planet they can fanliiy prove 100% that their are no alien or sturuces on mars With this NASA was able to prove it's just rock formation like any rock formation on earth. Now i hope you can understand why its just that a bunch of rocks that was given human features because of the shadows. that not only once but twice they took pictures showing that their are no aliens on mars or anywhere. Hopefully you could really see why and still say they could have miss it you are sadly mistaken they gave a clean sweep around the plant showing no structes or life forms
Voting falls down into 2 catagories; Electoral college and Popular vote. If it were up to the citizens to decide how to vote some may pick electoral, but others would pick popular. I would pick popular because it should be up to the citizens to decide on how we vote for our nations leader. If I remember correctly, we the people should have the right to pick our nations president. When using the electoral college system you are voting for the slate of electors who will decide your ultimate vote for president. So really your not voting for the president. But popular vote is a different story. You get to decide who our president will be and your vote counts for something. People need a say on the president and voting the electoral college does not show how many people truly want someone as president. Also accordig to electoral vote smaller states dont get as much votes as they should. On the otherhand electoral votes may have an upside. When you vote for president you can help choose states electors which some people would rather do. But each party picks a slate of electors to vote for theyre nominee; and those people are very much trusted. Also its possible the winner may win electoral votes but not popular vote. All the reasons to use electoral vote are because of the certainity of the outcome, swing states, big states, and because it avoids run-off elections. Even though using the electoral vote may please some people I still believe that using popular vote would be the best thing for us. Many people before us tried to abolish electoral college and many still do. " What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, U.S chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their lifetime, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral college!" (9). So by not abolishing the electoral college you are ignoring peoples calls to try to vote for themsleves and make up their own mind and desicions that the slate of electors wouldnt understand. So finally I argue in favor of popular vote as the only way to vote.                  
Dear Senator, There has beeen some recent heat on the topic of the Electoral College. I believe that it is only fair to keep the Electoral College. Although some voters may be upset with the fact that they don't define who wins the presidential election, it is best that way. If there was no Electoral College people with no actual idea of whats going on would vote, and that could have a negative affect. Also if there was no Electoral College there would be an unfair amount of votes in larger states. The last reason is Swing States, which is also a very important part of the voting process. First and Foremost, the Electoral College may make voters feel like they have no input on the election, but really they decide who the Electoral voters choose. Without Electoral voters, there would be indecisive people voting for a candidate they know nothing about. For example, many young voters base their votes off of popular opinion, not what they think is actually right. If there was no Electoral College, the Nation could be in a lot of trouble because many votes would be casted off of popular opinion. So it is good to have some control over what happens and who becomes president, but I think having the full decision to vote for whomever, and have it count, is overdoing it. Secondly, I believe that having the Electoral College is great because, without it larger states would have more of a say on who becomes president. This would be very unfair to the smaller states for an obvious reason, population. Even though a few states might have a bigger population that doesn't particularly mean that everyone in the state will vote. There are still "independent voters". For example, as stated in paragraph twenty-one, the election voting in Florida was very close and relied a lot on popular votes. Florida ended up getting twenty-nine electoral votes, compared to Wyoming who only got three electoral votes. State size does matter because larger states will typically always get more attention from the presidential candidates than smalller ones. Lastly, The Electoral College is a very important part of our voting process becaue of Swing States. As stated in paragraph twenty, voters in toss-up states are "more likely to listen to the campaign and the competing candidates". These voters know that their votes wont make much of an impression on the election, but pay the most attention anyways. People claim that the most involved voters should be able to decide the elections. Although they don't have much of a say it is nice to know that people do care about the elections and do pay close attention to what is going on. To conclude my previously stated reasons, I believe that having the Electoral College is a crucial part of the system. Because without it the nation would have so many voters that only cast their votes based off of popular opinion. Also without it larger states would have more of an affect on the votes than the smaller states do. Finally, Swing States are a very important part of voting because voters who know what is going on and actually pay attention do have one of the biggest affects.
On May 24,2001, something very interesting happened on Mars. About twenty five years ago a space craft took a photo of the land, that looked like a human face. This picutre was take by NASA's Viking one spaceship. It happened to be taking these photos to find places for the Viking two spacecraft to safely land. When it came arcross this uncommon sight it snapped a picture. When the image appeared on the monitor most of NASA were surprised at the image that lied before them. Scientist soon figured out that it was just a Matian mesa. Which happened to be very common around Cydonia. Most people argue saying that this could be a sign that there use to be life on Mars. When NASA revealed the image for everyone to see, people started to think it wasn't just another rock or land marking. People saw the face and thought aliens were found on Mars. Although, that wasn't the case. Only a few scientist thought the Face was an alien artifact. The other scientist thought it was just something like a rock that happened to look like a face, because of the shadows. After a lot of research another spacecraft was sent to Mars on September ninteen ninty-seven. Eighteen years after the photo of the Face was taken by the Viking one. The Face was then photograph again, so that it could be examined more closely. "On April 5,1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time,Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture tentimes sharper that the original Viking photos." Thousands of excited people were waiting for the image. "It first appeared on the JPL wedsite,revealing... a natural landform." There was no sign of anything Alien about the photo. Therefore, it was not an alien aftifact after all. Many people were unsatisfied. They claimed that since the picture of the Face was taken in a cloudy area it might explain why no one saw life in the first place. Scientist took this theory into thought. Mission controllers stated another spacecraft to send again. On April 8,2001, it happened to be a cloudless day in Cydonia. Scientist took action. The Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. What the picture actually showed "is the Martian equivalant of a butte or mesa- landforms common aroung the American West. Garvin a man who was leading this expedition says, "'That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated messa about the smae height as the Face on Mars." There fore the face on Mars was not a sign of Alien life.
There is a new software the has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of other. The Facial Action Coding System. They put a imagine of Mona Lisa Smile. In the applications called FACS knows how she is like how happy you are or angry. But with her they got a 83 percent happy, 9 percent disguested, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. In the software is the latest innovation from prof. There is Thomas Huang, of the beckman institute for Advanced Science at the University of illinois, working in collaboration with prof. Also they actually calculate emotions like math homework and how a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express , and how we feel. The computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the faces. And the facil expressions for each emotion are universal, observes Dr. Huang. Even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression like not smiling as broadly. With Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much the computer can do. They are 3 things while you are looking in the mirror 1 is raise your lips at the comers of your mouth, 2 is squinting yours eyes slightly, to produce wrinkling at the comers of your eyes and 3 is holding that raise the outer parts of your cheeks up. Towars your eyes. The facial feedback theory of emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Empathy feeling someone else's emotional state may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions. All that is about science or technology. I think the application is smart because it show's you how you are in the moment.
Im more on the side of the cars driving for us. With that theirs more of a chance of less happening. Also can reduce accedents that can kill or severly harm the person operating the vehical. With this, The future is comming slowly but surly with outstanding things. But, Theirs going to be problems with it. Which will be listed below in the next few paragraphs. With the driver not operating the vehical can save lifes. Like if your under the influence, the car can get you home, or if your hurt the car can take you to help. Another reason is that the car can help you get place to place safely by following the law and watching everything. The bad side is that the cars cost is going to be Out of the world. Not many people are going to buy a 400 thousand dollar car for a daily driver. Including that if damages were taken when vehical is in operation, will be out standing. Not all insurance companies can replace it or parts for a lower in sum. So what leads to my Point that the car is Basically just a plan, nothing to seroius yet but will have a small or large change in the world. Help multiple ways or devistate.
The face. A pop icon, a very controversial topic, an alien landform. Those are some of the most common pieces of discussion surrounding this mysterious landfrom captured in 1976. Is it a hub for aliens? Is it a landform much like the ones we study in the American West? There are many theorists that believe the landform has alien origins, but they have no substantial evidence. While many continue to believe given the reality, there are no alien origins to this landform. There was no alien life form ever captured in any pictures. In 1998, the picture was retaken 10 times sharper than the one released in 1976. It showed, absolutely no signs of any alien life at all. Still, many believed NASA was covering up some conspiracy surrounding aliens, or blaming the weather, which happened to be cold and cloudy. Since the weather could have been a factor, they reshot the picture in 2001 on a sunny and cloudless day, with a better spacecraft, and Jim Garvin, the chief scientist at NASA stated that it looked like a butte or mesa, landforms common in the midwest. He called it a lava dome that had taken the form of a mesa, having the same height as the face, proving there to be no alien origins, just a natural landform. If there was alien life form on Mars,NASA would benefit from it. They would go down in history as the first people to have discovered alien life, get funding for years of research, and become more popular than ever, increasing their livelyhood. A few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact, showing that the scientists had also been hoping for any chance of alien activity, but hadn't found any. They released pictures to the media, asked for feedback, and kept everyone updated on their findings. They themselves seemed optimistic in the first two expeditions to Mars, hoping to find any signs of alien life, reshooting repeatedly to get the best picture. It would be useless for NASA to not release information that could be beneficial to themselves. They took multiple sets of pictures in different years. They performed multiple trips to Cydonia, snapping multiple pictures. They went in 1976, when it was first discovered, 1998, revealing no alien life form, and 2001, revealing it to be a lava dome. Each time, they took multiple pictures, studying and publishing them for the world to see. They had found absolutley nothing in 1998 and 2001 that could point to any life forms existing on Mars, proving the theory of aliens on the face to be false. While many people continue to believe that the face is proof of aliens, they have no concrete evidence. They are using old tales, myth, and folklore, with little to no evidence to help their argument. All the arguemnts made against the pictures were silenced, making it impossible to find strong evidence to prove alien origins. After snapping the picture in 2001, it became clear the face was just a mesa, nothing more than a natural landform with odd shadows and ridges, resembling a face.
The face on mars is not made by aliens. The face on mars is natural. The face was just formed there with the planet. Nuthing put it there nuthing changed it. The face is just a lump of the planet. The picture shows martian equivalent of a butte or messa. You can make the picture look like that too. On the picure there they made prosesse every 20 years. But it could of bean the camera. Nasa could of made the picture blury. The aliens did not make this. The reason i think they dident make this is because they dont have tools. On mars there are no tools. The face could of bean dust pilling up on that on spot. Making it look like a face. In space something could of hit the camra. Making it look like there was a face. Theres not even a ship for the aliens. Plus the picter could be fake. Nasa could of took a fake picture. People think that the face is bona fide evidence of life on mars. They could be right but the life is not aliens. We budget wish there was an ancient civilization on mars. We still keep the track on the face. End of story there are no aliens.
Is there really life on Mars? This question was asked by millions in 1976. A face was detected by Viking 1, a spacecraft, when it was gathering pictures and information for another landing spot on Cydonia. But is this really an alien? After NASA has collected other information and pictures, it is certain that the Face is just a natural landform. The Face is a mesa, which is a common land feature on Mars. "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh (p.2)." The shadows and poor camera quality had made the mesa look like a face. "Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA...(p.6)" Though, most scientists didn't believe that it was really an alien artifact they still were going to prove that it wasn't an alien artifact. Photographing Cydonia became a new priotity. When scientists went back to get more pictures they still found the same answer, only more certain. It is not an alien artifact. The pictures they captured only make it more clear that it isn't. "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the firts time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos (p.7)." After, the new picture was taken, not all were satisfied. So, NASA went back out to Cydonia to capture another shot. This time, each pixel captured 1.56 meters, which is very detailed. There is no way the picture could have been misinterpretted. The Face is just a natural landform. Opposers say that this information is bona fide evidence. "Some people think that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars-evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. "These people think that NASA is just trying to hide it from them. This is not true. "Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars (p. 5)." If NASA hopes to find life on other planets, why would they hide it? "But not everyone was satified (p.8)." NASA has went back to Cydonia three different times, and the thought that it is just a mesa has gotten more certain each time. The "ten times sharper" camera proves that is just a natural landform. Some may say that NASA is not trying hard enough to figure it out. "We don't just pass over the Face very often (p.9)" "In fact, it's hard work (p.9)." As you can tell, targeting Cydonia is not very easy, and NASA still got three shots just to prove them wrong. The Face is just a natural landform. It is not an alien artifact, and if you don't believe me by now you aren't using logic. NASA worked hard to get the three pictures that reveal the Face. It is a mesa, which is common around Cydonia. Any landform can have shadows that look like a face, this one just happened to be on Mars, where we are looking for life.
Automobiles have been all anyone talks about since the 1950s. With the creation of the Model T, songs that were sung of cars like "Mustang Sally", and providing transportation to millions across the globe, how could they not be controversial?. But shortly after 2005, driving has not been the peak of transportation. Many countries are banning the use of motorvehicles for multiple reasons and it may not be such a bad thing. Recently, countries have been asking their residents to either take a day or two off from driving or give up  their cars overall. In Vauban, Germany, 70 percent of the families do not own a car but rather they walk or bike everywhere. Residents say they do not feel stressed out so often and are no longer tense as they were when having a car. In Bogota, the people feel the same way. The Colombian city has had a "Day Without Cars" event for three years and most people really enjoy the relaxation you get from not driving a car everywhere you go. More and more countries and cities are implementing this idea. One of the major priorities right now is air pollution from gas emissions and that is why countries are slowing down motorvehicle usage. In Paris 147 micrograms of particulate matter were found, 114 in Brussels and almost 80 micrograms in London. Most of that is because of driving. With diesel fuel ranking over gasoline, we are not getting anywhere. Countries in Europe and South America have put in fines and days that people are not allowed to drive because of how bad the smog is getting in some of the areas. The next thing countries are trying to do is increase the number of alternative transportations. How long has it been since you rode a bike? Or walked to the nearest grocery store? With the decreasing amount of people using their cars, the amount of people riding their bike or going for a walk is exploding upwards. Since the 1990s, Bogota has constructed 118 miles worth of bike paths. Sidewalks were made to a higher quality, the parks attendance rates have rapidly increased and the shopping centers are shaped up very nicely now. All because of a few days without driving. It may seem like a burden or even a bad idea in general but if we cut down the number of motorvehicles, we can save a lot of the beautiful parts of in world and install some new ones while we're at it. The fuel is hurting the enviroment and everyone should help out.
Many people disagree with myself and the rest of NASA about the Face found on Mars. This paper is to all who are still trying to say that the face was made by aliens. For one, this conspiracy theory has very little evidence to support it. In the following paragraphs you will find facts and educational proof that this Face is really just a landform and was not made by aliens. To begin, I will bring up background on what you think about how the Face was created by aliens. Many people, like you, believe that NASA is hiding the fact that the Face is bona fide, evidence of life on Mars. For evidence of this Face not being constructed by aliens, we took a picture that revealed a natural landform, and not an alien monument. But apparently this picture did not satisfied everyone. You all seem to think that since the picture was taken in winter when it was cloudy, that alien markings were hidden behind clouds and haze. To prove, once again, that you were wrong, our mission controllers prepared to look again. Finally on April 8, 2001, we drew close for another look at the Face, this time on a cloudless summer day. Our team captured an amazing photo, each pixel in the image spanned 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. JIm Garvin, our cheif scientist, finally stated that if there were objects in the picture, you could tell what they were! Even after proving you all wrong to your theories, people like you still believe we are hiding the truth from you. In the next paragraph you will see that we really are telling you all the facts! If you are still reading, and you still believe that my NASA team and I are not telling you the facts, here are some things you should know that might just make you think again. In the previous paragraph I told and showed you that everytime you brought back your theory, we had picture proof to prove you wrong. In this paragraph I am refering back to past facts, but I am also going to being giving you more proof. Use this proof to realize that my NASA group has absolutely no reason to lie to anyone about the Face. To begin, I want to tell you that we have no reason to hide an ancient civilization on Mars. If our group were to have found an ancient or alien civilization, we would have gladly made it public. Keeping something that big, hidded, would not only be highly difficult, but it would benefit us in no way, shape, or form. To be perfectly honest, defenders of the NASA budget and I wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. If there were to be, we would make lots of money from this discovery. But since there is not a civilization, I will move back on track to my final facts about why and not what if. In all, we have many photos of the Face, all proving that it is in fact just a natural landform. We have hightech shots that would show if there were alien objects like pyramids, shacks, or airplanes. But none of these pictures show anything. In fact, they show the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. Jim Garvin, our very reliable chief scientist, even states that the Face looks very similar to the Middle Butte in the Snake River of Idaho. As conclusion to this paper I just want to review over the facts showing that this Face is not an alien or ancient civilization. The Face is just a natural landform. My group and I have no reason to hide any facts from anyone, in fact if there were a civilization it would benefit us tremendously. There is physical proof this "alien" Face is not alien at all. I hope this essay helps you to understand that NASA and I are not hiding anything, and the Face, in fact, is just a neat looking natural landform on a planet we have yet to discover completely.
Driveless Cars are not a good idea for some people and other its ok for them. It should be a choice for the person who wants it or not. The reason why they arent a very good idea is that a person can crash and you wont know what happend, was it the car of was it the person driving. When you want to instail a radio you dont know what you can do about the wires in the car Should you cut that one or should you not. Its just a lot of worries and a lot of what's going to happen to the car. It's nice to know some people are trying to change the world and a lot of people support it.In the story it says that. "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph." What if a person has to get some where why would you want to just go 25 mph. There should be some switch that you can turn on and of so you can drive over 25 mph. they should make a car tht just park for you not one that drives for you. If their going to make a driverless car they might want to make a driverless semi to. They do not know for sure whats going to happen to the car in the real situation on the road. They talk about a "If the tehnology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the diver of the manufacturer?". Thats proof that they do not know what is going on and they will some day. But is that day to day that is a question that you ask yourself? They think that they will make a car that is able to drive themselves. If I could i would ask them If they have it done yet. They say that they did not have the technology to do it bace then. That means that they should get the technology and get it right the firs time. Will it make you battery go down faster or will it use more gas. It's harder to make a car that needs a lot of technology than one that does not. It takes twice as longer to produce the cars that they need to sell. People want to buy a car that is cheep. They want to know how to start the car and drive in it. That's why I think that a car should not be driverless.
Limiting car use can be a good thing and a bad thing. In my opinion i think that people should be able to drive cars but only at certain times to limit polution. in europe as staded "while their have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to the suburbs....". in this storey you can teel that alot of these people in europe are not liking the fact that their is polution going on. "all of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change" (paragraph 7). i can agree sort of with this because we focus on cars alot as one of our major ways of transportation. this is not a bad thing that we have cars but we need to make sure that we can keep the polution down by maybe using hybrid cars instead. it also seems that people are starting to drive less nowadays, and in my opinion it is because either gas prices are too high or people cannot afford one."americas love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. when adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the united states peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter, acording to an analysis by doug short of advisor perspectives, an invesment research company as of april 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in january 1995" (paragraph 32). as you can see i was stating how the number of people driving has declined. also i believe the cause for this as i stated before is due to the number of people who can either not afford one or do not want one. in this storey i have explained how the number of people driving cars have declined. i have also said that europe does not really like the idea of the polution they are creating since they end up making so much smog. In my opinion maybe other countrys such as the U.S.A or canada and such should consider knocking down some of their driving privilages due to the fact that it is just too loud and not very safe as well as creating alot of polution.
Think to yourself for a little bit. Would driverless cars be nice? Sure, a little break from here and there from driving would be nice. Would all of the extra things that come with it though be worth it? Think about it, if we had driverless cars how much money that would take to purchase the car. Anyone else not about to put their lives in control of a robot? What about the enviroment and society itself how would that change. I, myself am against it. First off, cost would pay a huge factor. I don't think people that are for this idea understand the finicial increase this would cause on things like, repairs, gas, even buying the car itself. It's easier to say in a car like a 2000 Dodge Ram if something goes wrong under the hood, you could say it might take at least $300-$500 dollars to replace whatever it is and you are good to go. Think about how much money it would take to fix a ROBOT. You're looking about $5,000 dollars to replace a driving robot. Well dang, I would rather take that 5 grand and buy myself a different car that won't cost an arm and a leg. Lets, not talk about the car cost itself. If a brand new car that you can drive on your own cost around $35,000-$55,000 think about how much a car that techinally drives you around would cost, an easy $100,00-$200,000. How much do you think insurance companies will charge you for your car?Does Google really think they will be flying out of the dealerships anytime soon? Maybe if the US government cut off taxes and raised everyones monthly salary 35%. Secondly, I don't know about you but I would NOT trust a robot that has the option of me living, or something going wrong and you know me dying, okay? I mean i'm no genius but we all know somehting is bound to go wrong one way or another. Everything breaks or goes wrong with it eventually. Think about how much people are going to use the self-driving feature. You think that robots circuits and computer can handle that much heat and pressure all the time? Theres also a feature about a vibration to alert the driver. If someone were to say fall asleep driving, would a vibration wake YOU up? Its like sleeping in one of those massage chairs at the mall. After a long day at work do you think a massage is going to wake you up? Yeah, no. Just also think what if you're in a really bad spot and the car DOESN'T let you take over what do you do now? I think safety plays a huge role in this too. Lastly enviormental change, if we had driverless cars dont you think there would be some changes to the roads or the buildings that surround it? The state is going to want to set up new ways around certian things for the driverless car. Thats going to cost the state a BOAT load of money. Is it really worth it though? Taking down your favorite store for a road? Having to move house because they want to build a road right through it. All of these negatives does not seem worth it to have driverless cars? I am totally against it. In conclusion, driverless cars are not a good idea. If we had driverless cars how much money that would take to purchase the car. I dont think anyone wants to put their lives in control of a robot. All the enviromental changes I am not for all of that. I think I'll stick to driving my car by myself. More fun that way.
What is your opinion on smart cars? Would they help or just create future issues that were worse than before? I personaly support the current movement on smart cars. If the technology improves enough to cover all the current issues then I believe smart cars could really help alot. They would decrease accidents and allow people to use valuable time driving to do other things like learn or invent. Im standing in neutral ground though on weather they should be completely driverless unless they improve the smart cars in a way to make them completely safe. To fully support smart cars and turn the publics opinion on supporting them I belive they need to create new laws that would clearly state whos resbonsible if an accident does accur. I think this because who would want to buy a car that you dont have to drive, but if the car does get into an accident your resbonsible! That would be a big problem and would creat problems between individuals and car manufacturers. The question being whos resbonsible? Another thing they would have to improve would be their sensing technology. They would have to improve this because currently if their is an accident or detour they driver has to take over. If they want to make driverless cars then they should be driverless at all times. Would you agree? If the driver is being entertained and watching movies then suddenly after hours of watching movies he has to be completely focuse and in control of the vehicle wouldnt the person be a little tired and not completely focused? Im not totaly for sure how they could fix this problem, but im sure it will raise questions in the near future. Seeing how they want to push the people into supporting smart cars they would have to fix all issues and cover all the corners. All of these small improvement would, in my opinion, turn the publics eyes into supporting smart cars. Getting the public to support smart cars would be one of the most important things to do if they want smart cars to be a success. If nobody supports them then all the work they are doing would be useless. Support would also put thme in a better financial spot. Having more money to put into smart cars would mean better and more improved research and development. If all of the issues I brought up could be worked on and improved then, in my opinion, their would be no reasoning for people and myself for not supporting smart cars. Hopefully i'v coverd some of the current issues with smart cars and once their improved you will be like me and support the ever so growing idea of smart driverless vehicles.This is my opinion on smart cars. As long as they can continue to improve and come out with new ideas I fully support the movement on smart driverless automobiles!
Driverless cars, in my opinion, do not seem like a very good and safe idea. In the passage is talks about the cars only reaching up to 25 mph by themselves and that they aren't completely driverless. The cars can "steer, accelerate, and break themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." So, what happens if there's a mechanical problem or the "driver" isn't paying attention? When or if accidents were to occur in these driverles cars, without certain regulations being made, it would be hard for officers to determine who's fault the accident was. It could be a possible mechanical flaw, such as the seat not vibrating when the car is about to back into something. This also stirs up the problem of it possibly being the driver's fault as well since they weren't being fully alert as they should've been. I feel as though these driverless cars cause driver's to become lazy and careless. They assume nothing will go wrong and all they have to do is sit back and relax unitl they have reached their destination. This is not the case however because if there were a mechanical flaw or a work zone or accident, and the driver wasn't paying attention, they could harm themselves or others. Driverless cars provide individuals with a false sense of security. The passage also discusses the possibility of drivers getting bored and manufacturers creating entertainment systems for the drivers that can be turned off immediately when the driver needs to take over. This kind of contradicts the authors previous claim about the drivers needing to pay attention at all times. if manufactuerers are wanting to make entertainment systems, they obviously aren't too worried about drivers paying attention to the road. The entertainment systems are basically being made to make the drivers lazy and distracted that way they don't get "bored" while sitting there letting the care drive. WIth things in the car to distract the drivers, it seems very dangerous and unsafe for everyone. Overall, driverless cars are not a wise investment. Although they are called driverless cars, their name actually is a contradiction to what they really are. The cars do drive themsleves however they cannot maneuver around workzones and accidents so the driver must be paying attention at all times. Drivers get a false sense of security and think that the only thing they have to worry about is wathcing out for the occasioanl workzones and accidents. This is not the case. Driver's still have to be aware of other drivers as well and the driverless cars are not guaranteed that there won't be any mechanical flaws. Granted, driverless cars are an advancement in technology, but i don't believe all scenarios have been tested enough for them to work to the full potential everyone thinks they will.
Would you want to be burned at 800 degrees Fahrenheit? No, that just sound to painful you might say. Scientists at NASA speculate that Venus's surface on the planet can average those temperatures. In this essay I will talk about how studying Venus is a worthy pursuit and evidence that backs my claim up thoroughly. Going to another planet seems so dangerous and so far out of our mind that we don't think about this idea on a regular basis. The text states in paragraph 3, "a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures avereage over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encouter on Earth." This quote shows how much more dangerous Venus is than Earth just simply based on the atmosphere of the planet and that harsh conditions that cover it. Another piece of evidence is this in paragraph 4, " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such asn valleys, mountains, and craters. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The value of Venus seems indisputable." This quote shows how Venus is so close geographically and distance wise to Earth based on some land features. Researchers find that getting even 30 miles from the surface of the planet the temperatures would still be at roughly 160 degrees Fahrenheit, but the pressure would be close to Earth's sea level. Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is so magnificant of a planet because we have never experienced a planet so much like our own. Our travels shouldn't be limited by dangers or doubts that we may have but should meet our endeavourous wonders and imagination of the planet and travel.
Dear Senator, I text you because I want changement for now I don't want to keep the Electoral College I want to have Election by popular vote for the next president. Because if you have a vote who comptabled to more vote than another vote of citizens it's not fair... If you give one vote for one citizens and one vote for all people who leave in United States that's more fairy for the candidat for the Presidential Electoral and for the citizens, I think it's as better idea because the election are more fairy and the president can look how many people vote for him after, why a citizens cannot have plus votes than a Electoral College why? If you give more votes to a citizen  I think you can have a problem because if one citizen have three or four votes there are so much votes and if all the Electoral College votes for the same candidat. He has got more chances be elected maybe. It's my personal oppinion because I really want to help my country because of him I tell you now he's gave me a work, my family all my life if the United States are never here I'm not here to because It's my land... If you can do something to changesd this or do a representatif election to vote this that's will very nice for the citizens and the United States. Thank you so much for all you did a good job.
We use cars for many things. We use them for work, for getting supplies and grocures and most importantly, we use them to get places alot quicker. But cars harm are environment in some pretty bad ways. They create greenhouse emissions and Smog. Which is why the world is trying to rid itself of cars. Cars of today and back run on gasoline which we get from fossil fuels that we get from the ground. This resource wont last forever and will eventually disapear if we keep using it. The stuff created from cars exhaust pipes damages are air supply and are environment. it creates smog in the air which is bad for the lungs to inhale. Like the people in Vauban, Germany who dont even drive cars, im sure there air is clean or atleast alot cleanier than ours is. i Believe we should find a new solution to cars other than just removing them from use. i Believe they should produce more electric cars. Yes, it may not go along with the american dream of having a roaring engine and a blower sticking out of the hood but it will save our planet one step at a time. And being a car lover i wouldnt want to see cars go but i think a change to electric would fine and helpful. Like it says in source 2, places like paris and bejing are some of the most poluted places in the world. If we dont find another solution to are cars its just going to get worse. The smog pollutes are air and the thick warm air traps it in our ecosystem. Alot less people are driving every year and thats good which means less harm to the planet. I love cars wether its muscle or sport but sadly we wont be able to drive them forever unless we do something about it and make a change, a word the world is scared of. People should buy more electric cars or invest in or just not drive at all. Ride a bike or something, americans need the bike ride and im sure the rest of the world could use one too.  
Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers because of the temperatures, the most earth like in our systems, and limited insight on ground conditions. One reasons why Venus is a worthy and danger is because of the temperatures average. In the passage paragraph 3 the author said that ''even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. on the planet surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenhit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greather than what we experience on our own planet.''In the passage paragraph 3 it also said that ''Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our system, even though mercury is closet to the sun'' The author is saying how hot Venus is and it is even hotter than the planet that closet to the sun. The second reasons why that studying Venus is aworthy and pursuit despite the danger is because Venus is the most earth like in our solor systems. In the pessage paragraph 4 it said '' Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solor system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth.'' The passage in paragraph 4 also said that ''The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar features such as calleys. mountains, and craters. Futhermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetray visit, a crucial consideration given the lontime frames of space travel.'' It is saying that Venus and Earth are similar and it is a worthy pursuit. The last reasons why venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers it because of the limited insight on ground conditions. In the passage paragraph 6 it said '' However, peerinng at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else from a distance.'' This is saying that Venus has its own limited on ground. and you can't take any sample out of Venus. In conclusion the studying venus is a wrothy pursuit despite dangers it present. It because of the temperature, the most Earth like in our solor system and limited insight on the ground conditions.
Why do you think the "Face of Mars" was made by aliens. I think it is just part of the landscape. I don't believe aliens created a "human face" on Mars. Idon't believe it because the mouth and eyes are fored by shadows and NASA is based off research and theorist are based off conspiracies. First, the mouth and eyes are formed by shadows. You can see the face from a far, in the picture tooken in 1976. When the picture was taken up close in 2001, it just looks like a mesa or a butte. Up close on a pictures, taken in 1976-2001, doesn't look like a face. It looks more like a messa or butte. Second, the NASA is based off research and the theorists are based off conspiracies. NASA have checked three or four times. Theorists only think they know. They were just guessing. Jim Garvi, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, says he looked and it was only a mesa. Based on the evidence I have, I think the "Face of Mars" is apart of Mar's landscape.
No they should not use the technology in class rooms because thats a invashion of pricicy. And they dont need to know every little thing going on in our lives. Becouse every one need there privicy and if schools use that technology there taking that away completly. And why would you use that in a class room any way to spy on people thats a little creepy you know and also why would the teacher even what that becouse thats looking at them too. So there for in my choice the technology is not valuale and should not be put into classrooms or anywhere for that matter becouse every needs that privcy and no one will be able to get that if that technology is around. Another reason we should have it is becouse why would you want people to know your exact emotions anyways if they can read your emotions they can pretty much tell what your thinking by that. So that is the reaons I think we should not have the facial action coding systems.
My position on driveless cars are bad because i don't trust them. I have a couple reasons why i don't trust them. My first reason is accidents. Driveless cars could have a sytem malfunction and drive off course and something breaks and crash into somthing. This could happen to anyone such as police, buses, and simple pedestrians. My second reason is too many driveless cars. If there were to make way too many drivless cars then it would alot of traffic because there are alot of cars who need a driver to drive. Such as if they were to go to the junk yard the junk yards would overflow and they would have to make more and more and less places to build houses or less crops for farmers. My last reason is pollution. If aot of people bought all these driveless cars then so much pollution would comeup and take over the sky and people would get sick and die from breathing in the air. If they were to change gas into something else and something went wrong with the gas or something to run the cars, they would either blow up or cause to much pollution that they would have to refund all the people and people would stop buying these because they wouldn't trust them. That's why i say no to driveless cars.
This is an argument against the driverless cars. They said they are not driverless since you need to drive it when there is too much trafic, in a driveway, out of a driveway, parking, contruction, or if it has a problem with the road ahead. For instince if the car gets in an accedent what would it do since it is controlled by a computer if the computer gets damaged it could go heywire and demolish a building or murder pedestrians or injure pedestrians or it could even make it so you can't controll the car anymore and the computer is just controling the car what happens then who would be in charge of stoping it. That is why i think this is a bad idea my kids could be going on a walk and the computer car could not detect them and run them over or the map on the computer system could say there is a road were it is and it just be a house and if it has to go on that road wich is really a house then it could kill multiple people in that house
Many people believe that " the Face" on Mars is actually a alien of some sort or a human. I can truly convince you why it's not a alien, it's only a landform. I can see why people can believe its an actual face because it has the qualities of a face: eyes, mouth, and nose. Here are my reasons why this is definetly a landform. First, there is no evidence of anyone going to Mars. " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on the JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." Mars has a very harsh climate and no one would even dare go off to a terrible, deserted planet to just not come back. Secondly, there is no history of anything in space involving aliens and their artifacts. Many would say that the aliens didn't want us to knw they exist but the article states it could have been a person going to Mars. Scientists would have contacted the world and said we have evidence or living organisms on Mars. Yet many people would believe living organisms on Mars and I can agree with that if they have fantastic reasoning to their theory. They might say that if someone went to Mars they coud have not brought back anything or they got stranded on Mars and that could have been their body. People may believe that anyone on Mars would not survive the deserted planet with harsh climate and they would surely die there. Some sort of creature may have made it and they would give us evidencce of life on Mars. You never really know if there may be some sort of living organim on Mars unless you study it closer. Either I may be correct and it just being a landscape made from a storm or I could be wrong and its a living organism. We will never know unless we do the research.
Venus,sometimes called the "evening Star," is one of the brightes points of lights in the nigths sky,making it simple even for an amateur stargazer to spot. However,this nickame is misleading since Venus is a planet. Venus is simple to see from distant but safe vantage on point of Earth,it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. A strong point of the author that proves that Venus is a challenging place to explore is on the second paragraph "each pevious mission was unnamed,and for a good reason,since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours,maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for human to study,despite its proximity to us." "A tick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit,and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far extremely that anything humans encounter on earth." This talks about the higher tempereatures of Venus,which makes it difficult for humans to explore it closely,scientis have tried with differents materials and different methods to see what wouold work out and resist the high temperatures of Venus. In conclusion,Venus is not a hospitable place due to its high temperature weather,temperature contitions in Venus are far exttremely that anything humans encounter on Earth. Also,the clouds of high corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere makes it even more difficult for humans to live in there.
Have you ever heard of the face on Mars? In 1976 the Viking 1 was going around Mars to look for a landing spot for Viking 2. They found something that looked to be a face. It was about 2 miles long in a region called Cydonia. The unusual shadows of the "face" made it look almost to be an Egyptian Pharaoh. The scientists just figured it was another Martian mesa which were common to the region, but the caption took notes of a "huge rock formation, which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." Nasa decided to take a closer look. On April 5, 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor took a picture 10 times sharper than the original photo. It turns out it was just a natural landform. Not everyone was happy though, they say it was too cloudy to see if there were any alien markings. Once again on April 8, 2001 the Mars Global Surveyor took another picture on a cloudless summer day. Chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, Jim Garvin, says "Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." The picture was so close that if there were anything on the ground we would've been able to see them. The picture shows the Martian is equivalent of a butte or mesa. In conclusion, there were no alien momuments or anything weird happening. It was just a natural landform, although NASA wishes there was an ancient civilization on Mars.
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. This was implied numerous amount of times in the text, there are many dangers in even visiting this planet. As stated in the sixth paragraph, '' However, peering at Venus form a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on groud conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective.'' Also in the fifth paragraph, it was stated that '... temperatures would still be toasy around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth.'' The wind and atmosphere and both something us humans would not be able to handle, even the spacecrafts dont survive. It was stated in the seccond passage, '' since no spacecraft survived the landing is more than a few hours.'' The conditions of this planet are just not living conditions or spacecraft areas. Stated in the third paragraph that the ''atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.'' ''... the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit'', that is extreamly hot, a human in that hot temperature would fry. Regaurdless of it, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. He states, and i quote '' Striving to meet the challenge presented b Venus has value, not oly because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will liekly lead us into many equality intimidating endavors.'' As the author has implied, scientists would be able to discover so much more, reguardless of what it is aboutl. Even discovering how hot Venus could get, or how risky it could be to continue exploring. As the reader, we want to know more about this astonishing planet, and so do many others.
the author explains his idea to everyone so he can do more to help out the world. He wants us to go explore venus to see what is up there to explore for us. He wants to see if anything is drowing and if life is possible. There is one challenge and that is that no one want to go explore venus because its a har risk to take. People dont want risk life for somethin not possibe. He wants to explore venus cause its a nice planet ad looks like a bueatiful place to visit someday. People dont know how long they can last on a planet that they are not use to every day. They dont know that if its possibe to travel that far. Venus is closer to the sun than earth is. There is also acid on venus thats why its so hard to travel to venus. The space shuttle wont be able to penetrate through the clouds that surround venus. Scientist also found out that venus is so hot compared to all of the other planets in the solar system. Still scientist is looking for ways so one day someone will be able to visit venus and explore what is happening on venus.
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus. There are different ways Venus can despite the dangers. Firstly, Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet. Can provide limits on ground conditiond because of the dense atmosphere. In the passage says " Researches cannnot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." Venus would get up close and personal despite the risks. Researchers are working on that would help us know more about Venus. Secondly, NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. Some simplified electronics made of silicorn carbide have been simulating on Venus surface. In the passage said " Chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and gave lasted for three weeks in such condition." (P.7) Now they use modern computers to help them understand things better then the old computers. Now modern things are more resistant to perssure, heat, and other forces. Thirdly, striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus. Not only because of it's gained on the planet but also in human curiosity. This lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. In the passage said " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts." (P.8) This saying expanded to meet very edges of imagination and innovation. In conculsion, Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. We learn new things everyday. We also learn from our past and that's what we are doing with Venus. We are learning how it's not dangers unless you think it is. New things happen everyday we will always want more to learn.
I think that what they are saying is true becuase they are stating from both minds. They are talking in both ways and they are decribeing it in the both ways.they also have said that the future will be full of new cars and better techonlogy for our generation. Cars are really good and they have helped us through a lot of the rough trobles of being inside of an car. Lots of people get into accidents and they hurt themsleves a lot like what they are stating in the passage. Some cars dont really work as well asd most of them they seem to stop a lot or have problems which really is the reason why we get into accidents. It would help if they could fix these cars. Finally, i think that what they say is abolustlely true and that they should bring this up to the car people so they can fix the cars and make them better for people to use and so we can feel safer in our communities. They should build more sturdier things for us so we can prevent all of it. They did a really good job stating this and i think that they should write more.
Imagine it's a bright, sunny day. A family decides they want to go to the park. I know you're thinking, "OK. Then they'll get in the car and go", but this family doesn't get into a car. This family rides their bikes to the park and sometimes even walks. Matter of a fact all of their neighbors are doing the same. Many cities are now car-free and are enjoying every bit of it. In Vauban, Germany, the residents have given up their cars and gone for a more pioneer life style. In source 1 it says, "Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experimental new district." Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places available for parking-large garages, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home. 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and the 57 percent sold a car to move there. Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two says, " When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." When walking down streets, the swish of bicycles and the chatter of children drown out the occasional distant motor. In Paris, France, there recently has been days of near-record pollution so they enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air. Motorists were offered to leave their cars at home or pay a fine of 22-euro ($31), almost 4,000 drivers were fined and many had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. Diesel feul was blamed for intensifying smog, since France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. In source 2 it says, "Diesels make up 67 pecent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of desiel engines in the rest of Western Europe." The smog, soon enough, cleared up and the ruling French party rescinded the ban for odd-numbered plates. In Bogota, Columbia, there is now a car-free day where millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work leaving the streets eerily devoid of traffic jams. This has been the third year straight where cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza says, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city. Uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by smooth sidewalks. Rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic, and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. In conclusion, it seems that residents in car-free cities are more stress-free, happy, and taking care of air pollution. These advantages of limiting car usage should appeal to a lot of different countries now. I'm not saying we should ban cars all together, (because I really enjoy driving), but maybe just cut down on it and enjoy the outdoors for once.
I belive that the FACS technology would be valuable. I think that it would be valuable because it can probably tell if a student is cheating or if the student is tired. The Facial Action Coding System would allow the computer to track the users face. It would allow the computer to know if the student is cheating seeing if the user is smiling a little. It would alse be able to see it the user is tired or bored. If the user (or student) was tired or bored could tell the computer to switch it up a little bit and try to make whatever they are doing a little bit funner. The text states that if you see an ad on your screen and you smile it will show you a ad just like that one. If you frown when you see that ad it will show you a conpletely differnet one. That is just a couple of thing the FACS can do. So that is why I belive that it would be valuable.
Hello. I am Luke Bomberger and after you read this article, you will definitely want to be a Seagoing Cowboy. It is a fun job, it is a job full of adventure, and is a very heartwarming experience. I said that being a Seagoing cowboy is a heartwarming experience. And there is no doubt about that. While being a Seagoing Cowboy, you ride the seas. And you also tend to animals to keep them well for the trip to other countries. These animals will be given to countries in need from the World War 2. It can really give you a good heartwarminng feeling when you help others. But you don't just give to the countries, you also get to viset them! Besides helping people, you can tour all the different countries that you visit. I got to visit many places like the Panama Canal on my way to China. And I even got to tour and excavated castle in Crete! As I said in the previous paragraph, you will be working and traveling the world. And even though it is a hard working job and long periods of time on a boat, don't fret! There are a lot of fun activities and games that you can participate in on the ships while you are traveling. And sometimes, you can even play sports! After we took the animals to their destinations, we all played baseball and volley ball games in the empty holds where the animals were previously held. There were differnt games also. There was table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, and other games too! But sometimes, I would like to read a book or whittle something. So you will definitely have a fun trip. So do you want to be a Seagoing Cowboy yet? I bet you do! In this article, I said how it is a heartwarming experience, it's a job full of adventure, and has very fun trips around the world! I know I definitely liked being a Seagoing Cowboy, and I bet that you will love being one too!
Now days there is alot of technology and programs that can be created. I think that alot of the new technology's can benefit alot of people with certain things that they need.Depending on how people feel, new technology can sometimes be a great thing to add and sometimes a terrible thing to add. Yes i think this technology to read all emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. it is valuable because sometimes people really do be going though things and they never want to tell u. So if u use this technology then u will be able to find out people emotions just by using a program.The program tells you what you are exactly feeling, In paragraph 1 it says" she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. This shows that the program takes time to scan all your emotions Also the technology goes in depth and tells you emotions that you wouldnt be able to point out by just looking at someone's face.The program goes in depth and looks at your muscles to determine your emotion and knows what gestures determines it. In paragraph 8 it says" muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crows's feet around your eyes". This shows that the program takes alot of information to be able to give you your stats on your emotions. This shows that the technology is a great thing to have. Its a great thing to have because it determines how you are exactly feeling at a time. Sometimes you never know how exactly you feel about a situation but this technology changes all that and gives you the right answers that you was looking for.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", paragraph 1 states that Venus is often referred to as Earth's "twin". It has features similar to earth such as mountains, valleys, and craters. The author says, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans, and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Since Venus is similar to Earth, It has caught the attention of many Astronomers. Despite its dangers such as the extreme temperatures, a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and the atmospheric pressure being 90 times greater than what we experience here on Earth, it is worthy of being studied. NASA has came up with ideas to exploring the planet. One of the ideas is to "allow scientists to float above th fray" as stated in paragraph 5. Hovering 30 miles above the landscape, there are problems that come with that. When floating, the temperatures would still be hot, being around 170 degrees Farenheit. The pressure would be close to the sea level on Earth". Solar power wouldn't be a problem and radiation would not exceed Earth's levels. Although the planet is not in the best condition, it's survivable for humans. There would be problems trying to explore Venus since the scientists would be floating high above the surface. The author states, "researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else from a distance". In order to explore the planet to the fullest, the only option would be to get up close and personal. Since modern day technology is delicate, a different type of technology would have to be able to withstand Venus's conditions. A cell phone, tablet or anything related to that sort of technology wouldn't be the greatest considering it is easy to break. NASA has came up with the idea of using mechanical computers. These computers make calculations by using gears and levers and don't require any electronics. It has stronger material and is more likely to survive the conditions of Venus. The passage says, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of immagination and innovation". To me this proves that Venus is worth exploring.
Venus is the second planet from sun, and Earth's neigbor. venus is the closest planet compared to Earth density and size . Venus atmosphere is made up of 97 percent carbon dioxide. The clouds are the more challenging thing,clouds are made up of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. On average planet's temperature is 800 degrees Fahrenhiet. Scientist belive once Venus was like Earth. it had ocean, land,some kind of living organisms. then why now Venus is inhospitable. Why scientists are stil planning to vist the planet. no spacecraft has survived more than few hours. NASA has plans to send humans to venus, but they will have to float above the frry of venus. To avoid storms and other kind of danger. like airoplanes fly at high alttude to avoid storm.they will not be able to bring any samples of rock because they cant land on the surface of Venus. Can't even take pictures or videos because it is not safe for any metal devices with radio active particles to get in contact with acid. despite the danger of heavy earthquakes, storms, and lighting storms. Still scientists belevie it is survivabe for humans. Venus is Earth's neibghour and second planet from sun. venus has higher temperature then Earth's temperature. Venus use to have astomsphore like Earth's. scientits plans to vist Venus despite the danger of heavy earthquakes and storms. still venus has chances for likely hood of survivable atmosphere for humans on venus.
This author really wants to explor venus despite all the dangers there are. I feel like the author did have his own opinion of still exploring Venus, but he makes the danger sound so huge but tells it to us like it is not a big deal, and also came up with the idea of using technology to find out more about Venus. Although Venus is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system we have to understand more about it and the consequences and danger of going there. If for example the astronaut really did want to explore the place he would have to know the safety of how it's like over there first or else his family member might not see him back home and would never see his discoveries. I personally feel like they should of said we will learn more about the safety and build things to protect the people going there and exploring instead of saying Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author did catch my attention when they said they were going to create a machine, and I strongly like that idea but afterwards he was saying the explorer still had to be around thirty-plus miles above the ground making me feel like it is still dangerous with or without the machine. Like in this quote, "Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." In conclusion that is why I think the author did not really support his ideas, but overall I liked how he came up with different ideas during his research of how we are going to achieve the idea of reaching to Venus.
The face on mars was made when the and on mars was made. Nobody can really say they know how the face got there. The reason why i say that is because nobody was there to make it or see who made it. No humans never lived there or was made there. NASA had sent out a Viking one spacecraft that was looking for a spot for the other Viking two to land. As the Viking was looking around it had saw somthing that look like a face and it took a picture of it and sent it to mission controllers. But the Viking one was not there when the face was first formed so NASA don't know how it got there or know how it was made. NASA had never told nobody but the people that work there but after a coulple of days later they had showed the world what they had saw on mars. They had called it a "huge rock formation that resembles a human head and mouth, eyes, and nose". Some scientists belived that aliens made it and once lived on the planet mars at one time. All the people know is what they think or know what NASA told them how it got there. But really they dont know the date it was made, how it was made, what it was made with but all they know is what they got from a picture. Know if some one frome earth was there and made it and was there to take picture's of them making it. It would have been a nother story then NASA can say that they know how it was made, what it was made with, what date it was made, and who made it. But they don't so they have to go off the picture that the Viking one took. They have to think how it was made, when it was made.
"There is an amazing program I joined called the 'Seagoing Cowboys'. It is amazing." I told a group of people outside a restaurant. "Well, you can't convince us to join if you don't give us reasons." said a man wearing blue overalls and a plaid shirt. To me, he looked a lot like a farmer. He looked just like a person the 'Seagoing Cowboys' were looking for. "Let's see. Well, first of all, sir, if I may ask, are you a farmer?" I asked the man wearing the overalls. "I sure am." he replied. "Do you enjoy taking care of horses, young cows, and mules?" I questioned him. "Of course I do. Why?" he asked. "The reason is, the 'Seagoing Cowboys' are a group of people who go to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. "Interesting," he said "Tell me more. "Other than helping people, I had the honor of seeing Europe and China. I also got to take a gondala ride in Venice, Italy, which is a city with streets of water." I added. "I always wanted to see Europe." the overalls man said. "Well then, if you want to take care of animals and visit other places in the world, you should join the 'Seagoing Cowboys!" I exclaimed. "I think I will!" the overalls man said. "How do I sign up?" he asked. I gestured towards the sign up booth. "Right over there" I replied. As he walked to the booth I smiled with happiness. "Another job well done Luke." I whispered to myself.
Cars without drivers are the future. It will allow many things to become obsolete but for good cause. It may be because of the recreational aspect of there being too much stress in extended periods of driving. It could also be because of the added safety that these cars will create for the occupants and pedestrians. Either way, people will begin to see the wonders that is driverless cars. There are an abundance of people that dislike driving for extended periods of time. This will make road trips much more bearable so that the driver does not have to use all of his or her concentration solely on driving. Although, the driverless cars of the present are not truly driverless. They still rely on humans to do some of the work to go around speific things like accidents or complicated traffic issues. As such, it may not be perfect, but it does more work so that the driver does not have to. This was partially the goal of driverless cars. If these cars become a reality and the need of human drivers becomes obsolete, accidents will be greatly reduced. Perfected driverless cars can lead people into an era where people do not have have to rely on their cars to not let them die in an accident. Instead, we will rely on the vehicles to not cause an accident. It will also cause drunk driving to become a thing of the past because the car will do the driving in place of the drunken person. Rather than thinking solely of the recreational aspects, the safety that comes with these cars will cause them to become adopted into states more easily. As such, driverless cars should be sought after by companies and people so that they worry less on the road and its dangers and more on having a family friendly time in cars like sedans.
In "The Challenges of Exploring Venus", the author suggest that studying Venus is worthy pursuit despite of the dangers it presents. Venus is very well known for " Evening Star" and Earth's "twin". Meaning, Venus has the same density and size as Earth's. Even distance. When orbiting we have a great chance in getting close to Earths "Twin".Therefore, we have an oppurtunity in sending spacecrafts to Venus to explore. The many dangers that Venus has are incredible! It was discovered that while sending a spacecraft on each previous mission, it wouldn't even survive the landing for a few hours. Continously, no spacecraft has touched down on Venus for more than three decades! Venus has almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, but a highly more corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere.Meaning, it could easily kill any human that steps foot in Venus. It could easily crush a submarine and even dive into the deepest parts of our oceans and detroy all kinds of metals. Venusian and geology show that the weather in Venus is presented by erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. So, why would astronomers even try to get a better glance at Venus? Well, Venus was so much like Earth. It was mostly covered in large amount of oceans and could even support life. In todays life, Venus still has some features like Earth's, it has valleys, mountains, and craters. We believe that venus can be our next planetary visit. NASA has been appealing an idea to send humans up to Venus and allowing scientists to float above the fray. Making a vehicle hovering to avoid ground conditons also the airs pressure would be close to sea level on Earths. It wouldn't be easy, but will keep the humans safe. For now we only see limited insights on ground conditons since most light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere. Scientist are seeking the conducts to understand Venus and would need the closest and personal despites of the risks. They're working on innovations to last long to contribute to our knowledge of Venus. One example, is an electronic made of silicon carbide that has been tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of Venus's suface; surprisngly, it has lasted for three weeks in such conditions. In meeting the conditions and challenges on Venus has lots of value. The exploration on Venus could lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors!
The faicl action coding seems like a good idea. My claim is that it would be cool to go into a classroom and be able to tell what mood your are in. It says in the passage "a classroom computer could recognized when a student is becoming confused or bored." That would be a really cool thing to do at school. I think its a good idea asnd I am not going to argue about this suggestion. If you can walk into a classroom and you can tell if a child is happy, sad, confused or even just bored you will be able to know if they are okay. If a child is sad you can try and help them and out and see what is going on. In the passage it says, "hold on, we can actually calculate emotions." well yes if you actually give it a try. It would be seriously so cool to know how someone feels just by looking at a screen when they walk into a classroom. I think it would help some students, honestly if you tried this expirement. Students wouldn't know what to think if they had this in their classroom. None can just walk into a classroom and tell if they are happy or sad. It says that "the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer of the face, all 44 major muscles in the model must move like humans." They said that they have classified "six basix emotions- happiness, surpirse, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. This might help a lot of people out if they do this. If you can tell a kid is sad you can help the kid. Maybe he or she is having problems at home and they need help but they don't say it. The facial action coding system might help people. It's a good idea, but it's actually a reall good expirement to test it out and see whats going to happen. You can alwyas take it out if it doesn't work out, or if it does you can keep doing what you are doing and you'll be able to see kids facial expressions and what they feel when they tell you they don't feel anything. Facial Action Coding is just a different way to expirement different things about children. Maybe teachers can bump their classrooms up to funner and more satisfying things, because you will know if a kid is bored in your cass if they have that. It says that "each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)." Let's just try the facial action coding out and see where everything goes, but it seems like it's going to go good. I totally agree and I don't argue with this expirement. You learn something new everyday.
Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Well Venus is the second planet from our sun. It is also proved a very challenging place to exmine more closely because Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth. Venus is also the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, it is also clostest in distance too. Venus is sometimes right around the corner in space and humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on the cloud-draped world, and since they went there they don't survive for more than 2 hours. Also numerous factors talk about Venus being a challenging planet for humans to study. They say it's even more challenging the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric in Venus. The temperature that the planet holds is 800 degress Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what they experince on our own planet. This is more extreme than anything humans can hold on Earth. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, it's amazing because even though Mercury is closer to the sun Venus is still hotter. Venus has once been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. They even say Venus was probably coverd with largely oceans and could also supported various form of life, just like Earth. So basically they are saying it Venus was some what like the Earth. So now in day venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. Venus can also be sometimes be our nearest option for a planetray visit. Venus seems indisputable. Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. But they thought it as challenges. Also now many researchers are working on making machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. So it can be stronger than humans and they can last longer with Venus. There are still NASA working on other approches to study Venus. So this is all the inforamtion they have for Venus. It is very powerful and hard to do awhole thing about Venus because humans going over there can die about in 2 hours.
Is this so called face on Mars a natural land form or was it created by aliens? In this article that is the main idea and it's evidence behind it. Most of the evidence is on the side of it being a natural landform. What shows this is the landforms on Earth, the photos taken, and the research done on the "Face on Mars". To begin, the landforms you see everyday are just like the"Face on Mars". NASA believes, that this so called alien made feature is really just a natural landform. This qoute show that they beileve it."It reminds me most of the Middle Buttle in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Another piece of evidence is that it is the same size a another landform on Earth. This landform that is talked about is a lava dome which is in the form of a isolated mesa. There were many photos taken of Mars. Many of those photos showed this feature. When the first picture was taken, it was very hard to see it it was natural or created by aliens. When they got more advanced photos it became clear that it was not an alien created landform and was really a natural landform."When the image apeared on the JPL web site reaveling ... a natural landform." This qoute is just another piece of evidence if how photos helped show it was a natural landform. Throughout many years, NASA has done a lot of research. They are always finding out new things. They did a lot of research on the "Face of Mars"during those years. They found out where it was located. They also found out that it was a natural landform throughout all of the reseach done. People can always look up the research done on the "Face of Mars" to learn more about it and to find proof that it is a natural landform. Many people would say that this is not like anything articles say. That is only true because even magazines,books,radio talk shows, tell lies just to get you to read them and buy them so they can make money. As all of this evidence shows, the landforms on Earth, the photos taken, and the the research done on this topic are the reason that prove that the "Face of Mars" is a natural landform and was not created by aliens.
Imagine that the president the majority of the people voted for did not win because the electoral college got confused and voted for the wrong candidate. That would not happen if we didnt have a electoral college. I believe that we should change the electoral college to election by popular vote because the electoral college can cause a catastophe and is unfair. The electoral college can cause a catastophe. The electoral college is basically a disaster waiting to happen. We the people of the United States would be able to do nothing if the people of the electoral college made a mistake or even was pulling a scam. Source 2 states "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would opose John F. Kennedy. (So that popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" Many political disasters such as this would not happen if we had the election by popular vote system. The electoral college is unfair. The system is outdated and irrational as well. Source 2 states "Because the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." Many people that are in a electoral college state don't care aould the peoples vote and sometimes might even want to vote for the people who they want to vote for! Source 3 states "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidates recieve a majority of the votes cast." In my opinion, this is exactly the problem. The american people have the right to do a tie breaker not the electoral college. To conclude, the electoral college should be changed to the election by popular vote. There is not reason that the electoral college should still be the way we vote because it is not a stable way of casting votes (disaster prone) and it is unfair.
Using Facial Action Coding System will make changes around the world. Predicting what anothers person emotion towards you or somene else is very important to communicate, otherwise there will be confusion. Setting up this new system of facial recongnition would be a huge step through technology as we know it. This sysem alllows computers or other devies to be more safisticated and secure for their user or owner. Why just use your face as the password when you can use any emmotion your feeling. It wont just aids adults it will also aid underage teens or elementary kids. As for an example in the text it of Making Mona Lisa Smile that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored ,"Dr.Huang predicts."Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive-for video games or video sugery." Most human communication is nonverbal,including emotional communication."notes Dr.Huang."SO computers need to undersant that too. This is saying that kids and gaming companies will also benefit for them. In the Facial Action Coding System it predicts emotion and a big one is hate and to second we have lies. In the text Making Mona Lisa Smile. " it states that " In a false smile , the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a difrrent muscle, the risouris.To an expert,faces dont lie;thses muscles clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling pollitcian or celebrity isnt being truthful." All this shows is how corrupted the govermnet really is. In conclusion, Using the Facial Action Coding System it is the for most advanced piece of technology that will secure and protect your money, idntity and most importanly , life.
Have you ever thought about owning a vehicle that drives itself? Well, if you answered yes, this new invention would be great for you. This new invention is driverless cars. As we all know many wrecks happen every single day. With driverless cars being out there I think the number of wrecks that happen would increase. Think about it. If one little thing on that car malfunctioned, you could get seriously hurt. Even though this might sound like a good idea, I think it's very dangerous. Who would want to own a driverless car that still needs a driver anyway? If the driver still needs to be alert of what's going on, I think driverless cars still need a lot of work to be done on them. A solution to driverless cars is to make sure that the car can do everything on it's own and not need a humans help. If you're going to make a car that can drive itself, you better make sure it doesn't need our help. There's no point in making driverless cars if we still have to do part of the work.
Dear, Mr. Senator I am writing to you about keeping the electoral college. To me the electoral college is key to the United Stats of America. Why would we replace something that has worked for over 200 years? The founding fathers some of the greatest men to ever live came up with this idea of the electoral college, and now some congressmen want to just get rid of it. As you can tell this makes my temper itch just writing about it. This country has run on this system for grnerations but now people clam it is out dated. Now dont get me wrong I see where they are coming from but the only reason I've found that people dont like this system is either because it has some minor hiccups or that the canidate that the person favored lost. Now I understan how this can upset some one but it doesn't mean we have to compleatly abolish the system. The hiccups in the system dont even happen every election which to me makes the problems irrelevent. Well anyway i'm done ranting so you can continue on with you day Sincearly, Jackson
Bases on the passage I think it would be a good idea to have technology read your emotional expressions in the classroom. Then again students in the class room might not be okay with it. For example,if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen,a similar ad might follow,and it can tell if your becoming confused or bored. Some of they reasons of why Eckon created the new technology might be a little to much of the kids that rather look at the walls and be bored. In order to get students to want theis new technology, we need to make the school and the creator find more ways to get them to understand why we need it. Make them understand why we feel that we need it. Also give them reasons on why we feel it should be valuable. And what can happen if we did have this type of technolgy. Since we live in a digital world i feel that people and the students do not really understand why it could be okay to hvae new technology to read your emotional expressions. I think we need this techology for more then one reason. We need this technology because lots of kid go home complaing about why they are stressing so bad. They also got home complaing about being bullied abd not ahve enough time to do their home. And i know teacher now these days try to find better ways to make kids not go home complaing about anything,because there are better ways to get through the problem. I honestly think that if we did have this new technology to read kids emotioal expressions when would not have as much problems like we do now. It's not bad to try something new for once. Just think about how do you think teachers our school feel when were not paying attention to anything they be talking about. Or how they ask us a question and we have no idea what in the world is going on. Having tchnology would be great for our school,and for our teachers,because they need to know how we feel about they lesson were working on. Teachers also need to know how much kids know. Having technology that could read your emotional expression would be a big deal. At least for meand the teachers I think,because for me I honeslty sometimes have no idea what in the world be going on when the teacher is talking the same time when i'm trying to get it in my head or understand it my self. Come on now the technology can help you in school. Why not try to have something helpful for you and for your teachers,let along your parnters also. I know yout parents get tried of you kids coming home complaing about how you have so much homework and how you have time to get any of it done. Well here's some help since you students talk about having so much home,not being able to get it done on time,and being bullied at school. Put your phone down and put your head in some books. I bet if you put your head in somes books then you won't be complaing about having some much homework,not being able to get it done on time,and be bullied everyday. Cell phone usage does cause drama and emotional problems. Technolgy to read students emotional expressions would be the best idea in the world to read students emotional expressions,because some kids need it. Even if they feel like they don't, i bet you they do. Not just for the teachers but for the parnters and theirsleves to.
Schools should use facial action coding system because its use full for school. One reason why schools should use facial action coding system because it can be use full for health classes. health classes effect how much your emotions affect your body for example if you're always depressed you'll have a chance that your body might suffer from something and you might have a hard time to bring your body to stay strong again after suffering from depression and if your always happy you won't have a problem. My Second reason why schools should use facial action coding because a day on a test. A day on a test you'll have a emotion that you don't wanna take it or just too lazy to do the test and might end up the person guessing all the problems and not even caring. The next day they would see there scores in the test and be embarassed because they got there score low. My Third reason why schools should use facial action coding because incase of a fight. People might be angry and might take there anger away on someone else and it could manage to start a fight that's why you can check on them and ask why are they angry and calm them down. You never know if that could happen so always be prepared.
Dear senator i think that the electoral collages  should stay because .With out the the electoral college we could not have a party that is the tie breaker. So then we could not have a president .and they all so vote for the ''president and vice president all 538 electors but to win the vote a party must have 270 of the votes to win ''.and to have equal there are 2 senators and one member of the House of Representatives. But a electors are chosen by the candidate's political partys  by law .In a certan way  and then be given a responsibilaties . And on every first monday in november the people vote for the prisedent that you want to win. but you are voting for the candidates electors  but each state has a plathora of electorals like texas has 38 electors and californa has 55 and florida has 29 so does new york they are given more because the more populatina a state has the mor electorals you can have . and one other good reason that electoral college is more sofishint way then popular vote because " the winning candidate shares the popular vote and people starte to bicker about how to share it . The large states  restored a good porshine of the weight in the political balances because the larger states have a bigger population so for example Obama got 29 elactoral votes  and the person who won would get 3 extera elactoral votes . but it is easeyer for the larger states to get attention from presidentail candidates in the campianes than the smaller ones because of how many larger ones have more electores vote then the other smaller ones.
Driverless cars may sound cool and less stressful but sound like they can put your life in alot of danger. Facebook twitter and social medias have troubles everyday so why dont you think your car would mess up and put you in danger from a little problem that its having. Driving on your own may be more safe than trusting technolgy to get you somewhere .Driving one of the driverless cars sounds like you can rest or just sit back and watch where you are going but what if you get in a crash and you didnt do anything the car did that might take alot of money out of your pockets for something you didnt even do. Cars that warn you when things are coming may be a good idea but what if one day they have a problem and dont tell you when something is coming and you run into someone money out of your own pockets once again to get car fixed and to fix the persons car you ran into. Cars that people control on their own may be the safest way to stay over the years until they get technology 100% right.
Do You Know What The Electoral College Is? The electoral college is not a place in united states. It is a process that the founing fathers made a long time ago. When they where first making the congress. It is a election of the presient by popular vote of the people in the united states. The Electoral college is a process. That consists of people that are in congress that help vote for the Presient and Vice President. The Electoral college consists of 538 elector, But there must be a majority of the 270 electoral votes to elect the next President. Your state's entitle allotment of electors equal to the members in the congress at a time. There most be one house of representetives plus there most be two senators in each states. In congress to make the vote go though. Under the 23rd Amendment of the constitution, the District of Columbia is allocate  3 electors. They are treated like they are a state that is in the united states, But most people just call them District of columbia. Each state has a candidate that running for president in there state. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party, but there a lot of states that are not like that and the vote on who they believe in. Who they think that is going to do the best job as president. The president election is held every four years. no president can be president more then twice, but there was one person had more then two but that was a thing that happend because there was a war going on. The presiential election is held every four years on the first tuesday after the first monday on November. you help choose the next president of the united state. but only if you are 18 you can not vote before you are 18. Most states have a "winner-take-all" system that awards alll electors to the winning presient candidate. However, maine and nedraska each have a variation of " proportional representation. " After the president election, your governor prepares a "certificate of ascertainment" listing all of the candidates who ran for president in your along with the names of their respective electors. the certificate of ascertianment also declares the winner of the president election that in there state at the meeting of the electors in december of the election year. your state's certificates of ascertainments are sent to the congress an the national archives as a part of the official records of the presiential election.                              
My opinion is that i think there are no other life forms on any planet but planet Earth. I also think it's just an natural landform. In 1976, the technolohy wasn't good, so you could be staring at any thing from that photo. In the artical it says "few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact". Those scientists did a lot of research on that photo so if they say its not an alien artifact i believe them. In 1998, when the MGS took another photo of the "Face" . You can see there is no face on the planet is wasn't an alien monument on it. It is just a natural landform. 2001, the MGS took another photo of the "Face" and it revealed an extrodinary photo. By this time the technology has gotten way better. You can see that the photo shows an "Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa". Those are common landforms around the America West. Inconclusion, the 1998 and the 2001 photos show its just and natural landform. It isn't made by aliens it's not an alien monument.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author introduces a new form of technology, the Facial Action Coding System. The new technology allows computers to identify human emotions. The use of this technology will not be valuable to students in a classroom because it will be expensive, communication skills will be lost, and technology is not always accurate. As it is now, without this new technology, some schools barely have enough money to buy basic supplies needed to provide a proper education for the students. If the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is added in the classrooms it will be another expense that is not neccessary. In the passage it says, "Your home PC can’t handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa’s smile." This statement implys that, in order to use FACS, the school will have to buy not only the software, but also new computers that will support the system. That is a lot of money spent on unneccessary items when it could be spent on the basic supplies that most schools can barely provide now. In today's world communication skills are bad enough already, with the current technology that students are surrounded by each day. In the passage it states, "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'" If the new technology is added into the classrom and, to a point, taking the place of a teacher, communication skills will be further taken away. Teachers teach more than just science, math, or english to the students. Having a teacher in the classroom also teaches students how to communicate properly with adults and how to carry on mature conversations. Taking away that human interaction will have a negative effect on the students. Technology is not always accurate. If this software makes an appearance in classrooms and students start using it, it could give false information. The pasage states, "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci’s masterpiece). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)." Each person's face is compared to the exact same neutral face, which will not be accurate. Each person has a different neutral face, so in order for the information to be correct, it will need to be compared against each person's neutral face. There are multiple reasons that the new software will not be beneficial to students in the classroom, however, there are a couple reasons that the technology will be valuable. In the passage it says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,” Dr. Huang predicts." The computers telling the teacher that the student is confused could be beneficial because most students will not tell the teacher if they are confused, which causes them to get bad grades if they do not understand the material. If the teacher knows that the student is confused, they can take actions to make sure that they help them understand. Later in the passage it says, "Empathy (feeling someone else’s emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person’s facial expressions." The new technology could help students understand and have empathy, which will be a good thing. Lots of people do not have a lot of empathy in today's world, which is part of the reason why the world is a very cold place. Students having empathy could result in everyone treating each other better, if they can try to understand the things that their peers are feeling. Overall, FACS will cause people more trouble and headaches than anything. After considering both sides of the argument, it is safe to say that the new technology will not be beneficial to students in the classroom because of the combination of it being expensive, taking away communication skills, and not always being accurate.
Many Americans enjoy technologies advancement and simplicity it adds to life. In my opinion, I do agree that technology is a marvelous use for daily life, but should not be implemented to completely taking over humans driving cars. With the booming of technology and such quick advancement you could say that technology is slowly swarming our lives. Anything is now attainable with technology: depositing money from mobile phones, setting up bluetooth in cars to listen to music, reading a book from a hand-held device, and now companies are trying to develop computer-driven cars. Do not be mistaken technology is great, but making computer-driven cars is something I believe we shoud not use technology for. One reason developers should consider not making these cars is the price factors that will be presented. The first computer in the world had cost a tremendous amount of money. Just imagine how much a driverless car would amount to! Of course, there are always ways to reduce the price of cars by using cheaper technology, however that will just increase the possibilites of the car's dependancy and more prone to damages. Inventors would also have to consider their target market. If smart cars are more expensive, and too ridiculous of a price how do they plan to earn money from the middle class? Typically, the middle class has a wide range of people and are typically one of the largest buyers of standard cars. How in the world would inventors plan to accomadate their budgets? Not only could their be issues with pricing, but the terrain of roads. In the passage it briefly mentions about how previous attempts to make these cars was not attainable due to the roads. The reason manufactuers were limited was because of the price and construction to help make driving possible. However, even if manufactuers do make a car with sensors how will they hold up against a constantly changing terrain. Autonomous cars would be up against the different forces of nature that are essential to have a human driver. How will they be able to tackle this challenge of extreme weather such as snow and black ice? Another issue with smart cars is how future generations will never appreciate the excitement of driving. In the past all the talk for teenagers was about getting their drivers lisence. People felt as if it was an accomplishment and made them happy to enjoy the open-road freedom. If we get autonomous cars, people will begin to lose this pleasure. Humans will also discard the practice of motor-skills. When driving people practice using: hand-eye coordination, problem solving, the general use of their hands and feet. If the dependancy of letting a car drive for you prolongs could people begin to lose these skills? Using self-driven cars may also make humans too lazy. Nowadays, the use of technology is consuming us. For most of us it is practically impossible to get away from it! Would not the use of these cars uproot too much of a dependancy of too much technology? In my opinion I believe humans are too prone and vulnerable to the use of technology. Thus, proving how the use of these cars could be a total nightmare. In closing, technology is great and the use of autonomous cars would be a great technology breakthrough. However, after accessing this idea I make my stand on not supporting self-driven cars. Future generations need to get ahold of the feel of driving. Driving is a skill that is useful to know, not to mention that it helps work your motor-skills. Of course everyone would love to have fewer accidents and less gas to use, but after looking at the factors may detour people from wanting to buy and believe this new way of driving. Therefore, humans should stick to driving cars without the use of a computer assisting them. The world is over run with technology and creating bad, lazy habits. We should not let technology do the same to our cars and ability to drive with open-road freedom.
The author suggest studys that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus the "Evening Star" is one of the brighest or the brightest star in the night sky, its so bright that even an amateur stargazer could spot it. Venus is alot like earth, you clould even call them twins on how similiar they are. Venus has the same density and size to earth but the differences are that venus's face is very hot and unliviable but the author thinks otherwise, he talks about how scientist are studying venus alot more than they did, and as well as talks about how NASA has a particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus. Does studys show that venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents? The first reason why venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents is Venus is righta roung the corner in space terms, people from eath sent multiple spacecraft to Venus each mission was unmanned and for good reason, venus would destroy the space craft in a matter of hours. Thats why humans hasnt lsent a spaceship to Venus in 3 decades. The author also talks about about if "planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even discussing furthering vists to its surface" he also follows that up with "Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may have been the most earth like planet in our solor system, long ago Venus was probably covered in water and large oceans and could have supported various life forms of life" Venus alo has some familar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters jus like Earth. Furthermore Venus could be our safe route to and back, and also having the fastest time of getting there given the time frame of space travel. The second reason why the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents are that The National Aeronautics and Space Adminnistration (NASA) has on particlular comnpelling idea fro sending humans to study Venus. NASA has a plan for these harsh conditions Venus might throw at us like the very hot surface, etc but Venus would allow the scientist to float above the fray and not touch the ground.Theres also unfriendly ground conditions that Venus woulkd give like the ground being 170 degrees farrenheit, and radiations that would be plentiful but surivable for humans. The author gave out muliple reason on why its a worthy pursuit like NASA thinking about sending people to Venus and the scientist studying more on Venus like never before as well as the safeness and the time for us to get there is like notyhing else.
In this article i will show you how we shouldn't let danger and doubts get in the way of what we should go do and research. We can study venus even with the danger that we might get hurt or injured but that will have to be tested. That is why we have technology so we can explore these type of things without geting hurt or injured. He or she whoever wrote this article agrees heavily that e should explore more crazy places that we haven't been. We jus cirling around earth finding the same things when we can goto another planet and figure all about the life that used to live there or already does. In the article it says"Our travels on earth and beyond should not be lmited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". This shows that we should stop being scared go explore more stuff and be advetures courages something differnt.
Do you ever dream of going to Venice, Italy, "a city with streets of water", or tour a "excavated castle in Crete or marvel at the Panama canal on your way to China"? The UNRRA started hiring "Seagoing Cowboys" at the end of World War II. These "Cowboys" helped haul animals across the ocean to help with their food supply. Once Luke Bomberger had hauled "335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them." It's an amazing experience that many people would love. First of all, being on board across the ocean meant ways to pass time. "Luke also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animnals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games helped pass time." Secondly, you get to see amazing places all over the world. As I said at the beginning, Luke got to wittness the trips through Venice, Italy and a castle in Crete. "I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special, so was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. Last but not least, you get to help the people by sending them food. "It was 1945, World War II was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don signed up. Most people might say that scince you are overseas, it could be dangerous. Yes it could, Luke cracked his ribs while trying to avoid falling into the Atlantic. (Ironic, isn't it?) But it is a lot of fun going across the oceans with some friends. Remember that it is fun, you get freetime to do whatever you want, that you can see amazing places like Venice, Italy, and you get to help hundreds of people. "But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. 'I'm grateful for the opportunity,' he says. 'It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs."
Driverless Cars Driverless cars are coming in the future. In the future, no one will probably need to buy cars because they won't need them. According to Google cofounder Sergey Brin, that will happen. He sees a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public- transport taxi system. The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. There are many great things about driveless cars, but there are some bad things as well. Driverless cars are really beneficial. Driverless cars have way more senors and alerts than regular cars. For example, if the car is about to back up into an object, the driver's seats will vibrate to let you know. Also, within the past 10 years, sensors on the driverless cars have become way more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Driverless cars are also very safe to use. The cars can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mile per hour, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. Even though the word "driverless" may scare you, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. Which means you are still somewhat in control of the car. The cars may be able to steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. The driver must stay alert and be ready to take over when the time comes. The car can quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs. GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. Other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. Basically, while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. (Paragraph 7) Driverless cars are going to become the next big thing. They won't just become beneficial to you, but everyone else as well. The cars would only use half the fuel that today's taxi use. Which is a huge deal because we as a whole, we use a lot of fuel. Also, it will offer more flexibility than a bus. Just imagine that. Google cofounder Sergey Brin believes these such cars would fundamentally change the world, and everyone else should believe that too. (Paragraph 1) Some people may agrue that letting a car be in control is just absurb. You never know what the car might do. It could end up causing you to end up in a wreck, or maybe it won't slow down and the brakes won't work. Even though you are alert, what can you do if something goes wrong? Nothing. If the car can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves there is not a whole lot you can do to stop it. You just never know with a driverless car. You are putting yourself ar risk while you are in the car because you are not 100% in control of the car and that is not safe. In conclusion, driverless cars are very safe and have major benefits. Some people may be scared of letting a car be in a control, instead of them being in control of the car. But no one should have nothing to worry about. As long as you stay alert, you should be fine. Even though the car can do many things by itself, it still sends you heads up when it needs your assistance. Driverless cars coming very soon in the near future. Try them and see how they are.
The solar system, venus is the socond planet from the sun. Simple to see from the distant but safe vatage point of earth.and Venus is the most closeat planet earth twin vunus is the closest planet to earth it items of density and size.Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on vunus is more the three decades. And a thic atmophere of almost 97 percent carbon diovide blankets venus. and also notable venus has the hottest surface temputure of any planet solar system.Venus covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life and it was just like the earth.At thirty- plus miles above the surface temputure would still be a tasty at around 170 leveldegrees fanrenneit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on earth.Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value not because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating.
In the Article, "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" the most major advantage citizens can have on limiting car use is taking part in keeping our Ozone safe. By constantly driving humans are making pollutions on Earth. There are many different ways these pollutions can have an effect on citizens. One being direct rays from the sunlight beaming down on the Epidermis. Another, being clouds filling up with smoke and looking dis-colored. By walking citizens have a bunch of advantages. Excercise is a must in certain cases . Cities are embracing the fact that we can stay healthy while limiting pollution. Germany has come up with a convienent solution: build everything that is needed by citizens within walking distance. People are moving to areas like this just to get away from driving. In other places like Paris, they are creating a ban on certain days. Once Paris' smog build-up began to rise they knew something had to be done. To slove this problem drivers were to stop driving until the smog was gone. Citizens were only allowed to drive if they carpooled. Public Transportation was free for the whole week. In Bogota, they started on this project by creating 118 miles of bicycle paths. Other cities began to get so exited that they traveled to Bogata to see the wonders of this way. The bicycle lanes have made a huge improvement on rush-hour trafic. It is said that walking would relieve stress in many areas. Walking has also effected the American communtiy. Less cars are being bought and so are less drivers licenses being obtained as the years go by. Researchers are asking if America has passed its urge for driving peak. People that dont drive will actually hurt companies. Multi-Million dollar companies like Ford and mercedes will start to loose funds due to this decision. America is all about mobility and if this starts to decrease then so will the profit of these places.                  
Howdy there partner! I'm Luke. I'm one of the Seagoing Cowboys. The first thing is you'll be getting to see are the horses and taking care of them. It's really an adventure! Being a Seagoing Cowboys, i've done nine trips and each one of them was amazing. I went to China, Greece, Italy, Europe and many other wonderful places aroud the world. Each trip was amazing! Well here's a list of what are the advantages of being a Seagoing Cowboy. 1. The Seagoing Cowboys is a corperation that gets horses from all around the world. If you join today we could make our ship bigger to carry more horses and that would mean, new horses and new people on board! 2. When your on board you'll get to take care of the horses, play games after the horses are dropped off and see the scenic view! It's an opportunity of a lifetime! But be careful, you can slide off board! I once almost slid off board, but luckily I was careful and didn't fall into the icy, cold ocean! 3. You'll get to meet new people, you'll get to explore new lands and you'll get to help new people. Plus, if we go to Venice, you'll get to go on a gondola, like me! Well I hope you become a Seagoing Cowboy, like me! And if you do sign up, just have fun, do your work and remember, you'll have to clean up after the horses!
i think the author did a very good job on explanning his oppion, after reading The Chellenge of Exploring Venus. The reason why I think this is because he did so much reasearch on Venus. He told me how it is the most similuar planet to earth and the closer one to us to. He let me now that it is a very hot planet and could potentially be a hot planet, But by telling me all this it made me want to ask a question weather we could eventually expand humanity to a different planet. Sure enough he answered that questions for me. Its like he ws answering my question before i got to. He made it sound like we deffently need to explore Venus but one of the causes is that he said was safety, they havent sent another space craft down there because they wouldnt come back maybe later on in the future they might but as in right now they send little things up tthere. by reading this he made me think that venus would be woth exploring. Based on all this imformation this is why i thought that he explained his claim very well.
Hints to help us understand that the author very much supports venus and believes venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers .Venus is a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The clouds are challenging of highly corrosive sulfric acid in venus's atmosphere.The planet venus surface temperatures avarege over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience in our own planet.Conditions that venus has are more eextreme than we ever encountered on Earth, as in evironment , metals, and deepest parts of our ocean.Venus can be quite dangerous for example, venus has the hottest temperature, even tho mercury is closer to the sun, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, also frequent lightnig strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Venus is the most the most earth like planet in our solar system. Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and can have supported various forms of life, like earth.Till this day Venus still has some features such as valleys, mountains and craters.NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sendin humans to study venus. Surface of venus would allow scientist to float abover the fray.However , peering at Venus from ship orbiting or hovering safely far abovethe planet can privide only limited insight on ground conditions as in forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere , most importantly , researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else. NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. Som simplified elrctronics made of silicon carbide have been tested. Modern computers are enourmously powerful, flexible, nd quick, but tend o be more delicate whem it comes to extreme physical conditions.Venus has value.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author statest that " no spacecraft survived the landing for more that a few hours.". The atmosphere around Venus is made up of nearly 97 percent carbon dioxide and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on planet Earth. So why should we try again? Astronomers claim that Venus may once have been the most Earht-like planet in our solar system which intrigues them. They believe that there is a way to make the mission back to Venus both safe and scientifically productive. The author backs up his idea are of why it would it would be a worthy pursuit by saying "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. They also claim that if they were not able to land on Venus they would have no way to get any samples of rock, gas, or anything else. With better equipment that is suitable for such hazardous environments then they believe there should be nothing stopping them from landing on Venus. Overall, after reading this article, I believe that the author fully backed up his reasoning for why "studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite of the dangers it presents.". If we continue to make new discoveries and try new things, we will have endless posibilities and new things to learn everyday. Like the author said " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
Dr. Huang and his collegue developed a way to read emotions. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of your face; all 44 major muscles in the the model must move like a human muscle. Eckman has classified six basic emotions. Thsy want to take it to classes rooms to read students emotions. I feel like that is a terrible idea. Let m explain why, I feel like that is not right if you have a student premission then okay, but for the students that don't want it it will unfair because th technology is still in the room and they don't know if you are testing them. Some people like to keep their emotions to theirselfs. I feel that it should stay that way. The technology isn't even valuable. I mean no student is going to be like yes im fine with you seeing all my emotions. Like what are you gainning on see the students emotions ? How much they hate or love a class ? Honestly I think this techology is useless. This is why I think this techology isn't very valuable...
Hello. My name is Luke. And I was in the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program will make you experience the oceans and go to places where you never been! I'll tell you a little story when I was in it. I had a friend named Don. He and I were best friends. He invited me on this, trip, to go to Europe on a cattle-boat. I couldn't say no, it was an opportunity that was to exiting to miss. So, it was 1945, the war was over in Europe and to help the countries that were shattered, we would recover their food, supplies, animals and much more. And there was this group called UNRRA. They hired "Seagoing Cowboys". So, we signed up. We arrived August 14. That was the day that the Pacific war ended. We got on the SS Charles W. Wooster. It was headed to Greece. There were 335 horses and enough hay and oats to last the trip. I had turned 18 before making it to Greece. I was discharged in 1947, and I had made 9 trips. And besides helping people, I had the chance to see Europe and China. On my second trip, I served as a night watchman. My job was to check on all the animals. One stormy night, after making my hourly report to the captain. I slid off a ladder on my backside. My heart raced. I couldn't work after a couple of days because when I slid, I cracked my ribs. I had some time to find some fun on board. We played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds of where the animals were kept in after the trips. And some more games like table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling also helped me pass the time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for me. It opened up the world for me. It helped me understand. The rides can be fun, but the adventure can be better
Everyone nowadays is so used to driving a car here and there even if it would just be five minutes on foot, but what if you started limiting your car usuage? Making your feet be your gas instead of a pump when the distance is close enough, and even biking occasionally. Limiting car usuage may sound like a bad thing, but it has many advangtages such as reducing pollutin, increasing saftety for human beings, and even opeing options for alternative transportion. Cars release a great amount of polluants into the air increasing smog in some areas worse than others, like in Paris, China, and other places. Providing or opening your mind to other ways to get from one destination to the next, would reduce the smog thats in the air. This simple action as close to 70% of the population pitching in can result in a healthier environment, and some people may agree with Heidurn Walter. She says "When I had a car I was always tense. Im much happier this way." Not only that, people who do not agree or get rid of their transportion vechicles will be fined. For example, in Germany you have to pay $40,000 if you want to get a car owner space and this does not include the money you have to spend on your house. Than, in Paris 4,000 drivers were fined $31 dollars after not leaving their cars home after a public annocement was made to do so. This shows that opening this can increase health, or make an environment cleanier. Plus, you actually inforcing something that is good for the environment will get people to participate, such as a fine. Hearing engines roar and cars zoom pace is a sound all too familar with citizens who walk or ride constantly. It can be quite on the thrilling side crossing the streets or even walking down a busy rode when you know being hit is a possibly. Limiting car usage can decrease the risks or heavy weighted vechicles hitting biking, or walking citizens that dont have a chance against the weight. This increases saftety, bumping into another human or being nugded by a bike wont affect your body as much as a 500 pound or even heavier car crashing into a 100 pound person. Like, Carlos Arturo said "It's a good opportuinity to take away stress..." meaning the stess that comes with a car. The money for gas and the risk or hitting someone or being hit is taken away when on foot or on bike. This shows limting car usage isnt only increasing the safety or people walking or biking, it also takes away stess factors like money, fixing a car if it needs repair, and other factors. Finally, having alternate forms of transportion can open your eyes to a whole need world. Instead of constanly beiong locked in your 4 door honda prison or your house you're outside seeing new people and increasing social interaction. Not only this, but you're getting excerise and maintaining your health or builing it. Which is another reason to limit the amount we use our cars. This shows that doing so can not only increase saftery, and money, but health and social oppurtunitys. In conclusion, limiting car usage has many advangtages even if you dont realize it and our soiciety could benefit a lot from it. Like, when it comes to the safety of the next generation, the present, or the previous. Than, it can even take away stress that come with a vechicle and even increase health and social gathering.
I don't think it would be worth the money to put in technology in a classroom to see what a student is feeling, because not everyone wants everyone knowing what they are feeling. What if that student just wants to be left alone? When I'm mad I don't want everyone knowing what's going on, I'd rather not talk to anyone unless I ask them for help about the situation. If they did put the technology in a classroom to tell what every child is feeling everyone would know each others business. In the article it stated that it could help teachers know if the child is bored or confused, but does that child want the student to call him or her out on it? Probably not because if that student is struggling in class they don't want everyone knowing, if that student is struggling or confused then they need to ask the teacher at a seperate time if they don't want everyone to know how they struggle academically. Not everyone is a emotional person they don't know how to share their feelings but they probably don't want some machine telling them how they feel and how they are feeling by how they look. Because anyone can fake a smile or a happy moment, but if that student doesn't know how to express themselves without a machine telling them, then they most likley don't want everyone else knowing what they're going through. Technology has advanced majorly in just the past few years, but we are humans and we need to be able to show our emotions without a computer telling us how were feeling by how we look on that day. We all have bad days and we all have good days but on the bad day if that computer tells me I'm depressed then I could believe that and my mental state not be stable anymore because that computer told me I was depressed based on how I looked and felt one day. We as humans need to learn how to express ourselves without using an emoji on our keyboards. Technology has made our lifes easier but again has changed too many things in todays world.
The advantages of limiting car usage is very important to the enviorment. The artlice clearly sates limiting car usage will have a great impact on the enviorment and make the world much more "green". The reduce usage of a car will help the world in many different ways. The United States Environmental Protenction Agency wants to start a "car reduced" town community and have people use thier car less and less every day untill they don't use it at all. Citizens of the United States spend so much money on gas every day, every week, every month and all this money will eventually adds up throughout the year, imagine how much money you could be saving without paying for all that gas? First off, having no car will save you thousands of dollars. You could even live a happier life, in the article it states "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way, said Heidrun Walter "(In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars)." This tells you that with no car you can live a happier life, you don't need a car to be happy. Imagine being stress free, no car trouble saving money on gas? That sounds pretty amazing to me. You could have much more money in your pocket to spend on other things that maybe you could never buy when you were wasting all you money into your gas tank. Problem solved, GET RID OF YOUR CAR! To live a "car free" life you have to want it and stop pollting the earth. Second of all don't you want to get rid of car trafic? Having a car doesnt benefit youat all, it only hurts you. Cars pollute the air you have to pay inurance, car payments, gas money. In the article "(Paris Bans driving due to smog)" states that cars are being towed and over 4,000 drivers are being fined for their car. "Tweny-seven people had their cars impounded for their reacion to the fine" (Paris bans drivig duet o smog). If you don't want the trouble of having your car impounded or being fined it easy to just get rid of our car your helping not only yourself but the world. Cars are banned in Bogota, Columbia. Cars being banned in Colombia is a great thing it saves people money and helps the earth. "It was the third year cars have been benned wih only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in the capital city of 7 million" ( Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota). Cars leaving the streets in bogota helped out alot people don't want to be fined for having a car so why not just get rid of it. No one actually needs a car anyways you just want one so you don't have to walk places. If you need to go a long distance then just take a taxi or bus thats no hard to do. The least ou can do is walk a extra mile a day the spending tons of money on gar to drive there. Not to forget, cars do not help the enviorment and witout them is a great impact on the earth. "It's a good oppertunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," (Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota). Rain shouldnt stop anyone from going to there destination riding your bike in the rain isnt hard so start doing it. Enjoy the out doors and get out frombeing couped up indoors all the time its healthy to get a little fresh air. Getting rid of our car and using a bike or even walking will help out your savings and the earth. 
Self-driving cars are the new inventions of our generation! Let's celebrate we just made a new creative invention that people have been waiting for...or maybe not. We still make mistakes. We are not computers, but we are the ones that create them. Maybe this is not such a fantastic idea when you think about it. According to the article, these cars will be "safer" due to sensors that should alert the driver as soon as there is a task that the car cannot perform by itself. These tasks include situations such as navigating around accidents and construction. However, this is still a very new invention. Even older technology that we continue using today contain glitches. The most common is the computer. Even the most popular and well-made brand will still have difficulties. In my experience, cars have had way too many glitches too. Every year people spend way too much money on cars. Maybe we should perfect everything we have before we try to find a possibly more harmful solution. I don't believe that this was in the article, but I would think that most people would by this driverless car because they want to rest on the way to work. It's early in the morning, and people must want to have just a few more minutes or relaxation, maybe even sleep, before they have to deal with another full day of stress. The problem with this is that people fall asleep quite fast. What worries me the most is that individuals who miss their alarm clock in the morning would most likely miss the vibration that the car would provide, as stated in the article. Therefore, our lack of awareness would cause even more accidents than before. In our economy today, people are constantly looking forand losing jobs today. My mother is currently searching for a job that would help benifit our family since she lost her job that provided everything we needed. Now imagine a thousand drivers education teachers and BMV workers struggling to find a job because of this one car. I understand that this will not be an immediate change, but overtime people will lose money and families could eventually break up due to the widespread of this invention. In conclusion, I do not support this idea. I worry too much about others due to personal experiences. It's great that our community is using our brains to create an easier world; However, i do not believe that it is the right time. Our knowledge of electronics and awareness of basic people's needs must grow more. I can see driverless cars in our future, but I will only support it when it is the right time.
Dear state senator, I want to keep th Electoral College. One reason is that the winning condidate's share of the Electoral College in variably exceeds his share of the popular vote. For example, Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral ote compared to only 51.3 percent of the populr votes cast for him and Romney. Under the electoral college system, voter vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors. False, Electoral College vote for the president. I want to keep the Electoral College. Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign. They are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average (and for the further reason that they will have recieved the most information and attention from the candidates. The thoughful voters should be the ones to decides the election. I want to keep the Electoral College . The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states ( by population) lose by virtue of the mal-aportioment of the senate decreed in the constitution. so, other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receive a majority of the votes cast. there is pressure for run-off elections when no candidates win a majority of the votes cast; the pressure is reduce by Electoral College, which invariably produces a clear winner. voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political prefences rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election.
Venus could be dangerous but curious. NASA is willing to build a spacecraft to see what Venus is like. Although the spacecraft has not gotten anything from Venus. NASA has failed many times so they have not sent a spacecraft in decades. And that is one of the things that makes Venus dangerous. Venus is like "Earth's twin" they say. It used to have oceans like Earth. They had mountains, valleys, and craters. Although, they do have some danger too. Venus also has a very high temperature that goes up to 170 degrees Fahrenheit. They also have dangerous earthquakes and storms. NASA has tried to get rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. But they have failed and it was too risky that could put danger in lifes. Although NASA is studying and researching more and more so we could see the life in Venus. Which hopefully one day we all would see. Venus is very similar to Earth but does has its danger. Maybe one day, we could see pictures or rock or sands or Venus.
Annoyingly-Repetitive commercials, constant news interviews, and a myriad of kisses on the cheeks of stangers babies occur every 4 years. Its been the same process since the start of this country to aid in electing new presidents Designed in eloquence by our founding fathers. On the contrary I do strongly believe that the electoral college was on the lesser side of this eloquence. The grueling process, the unfairness and the overall confusion provided by the electoral college in my opinion make this "electoral college" one of the most unintelligent lesser thought out compromises that this country has ever had to abide by. The electoral college is tiring, The process downright-grueling, and overratedly-outdated. As Americans using the electoral college keeps us hidden. We believe we have a voice when in reality the "voice" that we thought we had is barely above a whisper. According to the article "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" the author Bradford Plumer states that "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." This  statement provdided by the author suggests that something so simple-sounding turns out to be so complicated. By Americans placing a vote not for themselves but for the electors it is now not in the peoples hands like the government patronizes, even though you may put in a vote to elect a democratic canidate you never know who your state assigned electors might actually vote for, are you tired yet? In Addition, its unfair to the presidential candidates. Although a presidential candidate may be well liked by people and "win" by popular vote that does not nessasarily mean the win in the presidency Although I understand the vfact that using the electoral college ensures a winner and avoids run-off elections I still do believe that this process is highly incompotent. The article by Plumer gives the example of the fact that in the 1960's segragationists almost succedeed in fully replacing democratic electors with electors of their choice or in essence ones that opposed of Kennedy. For candidates who place their blood sweat and tears into an election just to have lost by some electors but happend to be well-liked by people is foolish. America is supposed to be a country of the equal, and with the use of the electoral college is the perfect example of why  this country could not be any farther away from equal. Furthermore, the process is confusing. Between the electors, voting and the overall uncertainty it is not worth it. Going through unneeded stress just to further confuse people is idiotic. The presidential election should be elected by popular vote and the goverment shall see to it that the peoples votes are actually counted towards something. I honestly do not believe that the title of "land of the free, home of the brave should be given to a place where the government can not even see that this scheme no longer works. Its tiring, unfair, and confusing ; all red flags that this process is in need of some serious fine tuning. In essence the electoral college is dead. Cheating people out of their rights is dead, and schemery is dead. Our government needs a serious wake up call. They need to open their eyes to the fact that this process is no longer effective and we are not that impressionable as the ones who were before us. The electoral college needs to be laid to rest and we should be alotted all the rights that we have not recieved from this grueling, confusing,  unfair process.                                                      
Think about having driverless cars in the future, it would be nice right? Although, driverless cars both have positive and negative sides to it. It can be helpful, but it can also be harmful. The first positive example for driverless cars is that anyone can be in the car and they would not have to even be driving, and they can just enjoy being in the car and would not even have to worry about driving anymore. The driverless cars can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. In paragraph 7 the text states that although the car can do all those things, the driver still needs to focus on the road and pay attention and stay alert to when the driver must take over. Another example, for why driverless cars are a postive thing is that they have a system that the car reads a binary code so it represents letters, digits, and other characterisitcs to the computer. One example from the story is the BMW announced in 2013. This car can handle driving functions up to 25 mph and the skills it has is that it navigates through work zones and around accidents. Driverless cars can be helpful in that way because therefore, cars can have their way out other accidents. Although, the cars be helpful it can also cause damge. Think about someone driving and all of a sudden something goes wrong in the car that the driver can not fix. Both the car and driver will be hurt because the technology failed and whose fault would it be? That is why in mostly all states they have a law that it is illegal to test computer-driven cars because anything can wrong in the experiment. These cars can be capable of anything, but they can also be capable of causing any damage. Finally, one example from the article is that if technology fails while somone was being used to test the car they would not know whose fault it would be if it would be the driver or the manufacturer. Also, mostly all of the states have a law that it is illegal to test computer-driven cars because they know that the cars are not reliably safe. "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?" says Dr Werner. Driverless cars would be really fun to have, but it can also be very scary. Technology nowadays has improved, but we do not know if it can be helpful or if it can harm anyone or anything in the future.
Mona Lisa Smiles Again Frown and smile, love and hate, but can you see a face How was Mona Lisa redone The simeple ancer is computers. Also, there is sicince to derturmin how female faces have change over the years. There is also talking to pefrenciles to recrate it. What determind this simple materpice. This was not exantly come word for work but the wrighting shows it need to be based off older pictures. There is ovisely is estmation in the pargrafe. Unfortionly but not uncommon there was some gussing. Why was the picture recoreted. The lovely picture of Mona Liisa was to make it look better. The suftware was crated for 6 different emmotions, happiness, surpise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Disiner of the sofware used was Dr. Paul Eckman. The reson why the sofware was indrectly used for this project. How was Mona Lisa redone The simeple ancer is computers. Also, there is sicince to derturmin how female faces have change over the years. There is also talking to pefrenciles to recrate it. A face is not just a picture if is a way of life.
During this paragraph the author would talk about how Venus is like earth well the closest to like being earth. For exaple they even called it its twin and talked about how Venus was once filled with ocean. "Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth." i think what the author is trying to say from this is that he supports the study of Venus because his or her point of view is that it very simialr to earth and it way of being. Despite the fact that Venus is dangerous the author gives so much information for example it lets us know how thick its atmosphere. The percent of carbon dioxide it has. The temperature, although everything is dangerous to the human body and there bad weath, erputing volanoes and string earthquakes. Instead of hiding those facts he or she adds them on making it more intresting. All the information that is being given is making you want to study it more even if it dangerous. It shows that he supports the studdying of it and knows the worth and most that goes on. Last but not least the author gives information abouth the studies that have been done, it informs us about NASA and how it has the idea of sending humans to more indepthy study Venus. Although he or she talked about the great sides of Venus they included the down falls and the things that happen from earthqukes to volcanoes, to oceans to the way a human could live there. They bring up many facts about both showing us that they know the dangerous things. Instead of not using the negatuve stuff he or she pulls it in and uses as a strong defense and brings good things in as well. In conclousion the author is very into the study even if it dangerous and makes it intresting to read.
One of the biggest part of a human are feelings. Why? It is because we always feel something all the time. Whether it may be happiness, sadness, anger, or whatever basic feeling. Everyone does no matter what age. At a young age, we like to show emotions to get attention such as crying at the store because your mom didn't buy you candy. As you start to age, feelings start to get more personal. Have you ever wanted something that you are working for but someone else gets it? What would you tell them? "Congratulaions" or "That should've been mine". Yea I would go with the respectable one. What if they really knew how yo felt with computer technology? Well now one of the latest developments of Thomas Huang & Nicu Sebe is software to reval and tell what a person is feeling. This is defenitly a huge innovation when it comes to technololgy. But will it benifit? In the artical, it states how a student will feel in a classroom if they are bored or confused. That is the part that the technology should not be involved. If we use on the students and they feel "bored" or "confused", will the technology be advanced enough to tell the reason why? What if the student had personal reasons to feel that way and it's not because of school. Family issues, sickness, depression, even the students around them influencing the feeling. Another thing is how will the teachers have control of it? WIll they have responsible use or use it with power? Therefore this type of technology should not be in a classrom. As the years go on, technology will always inovate one way or another. It will influence the way life on Earth is. Technology is now a big part of our lifes but we must find ways to inovate it and benifit others physicly but not personaly. Putting more technololgy in the schools and to tell feelings and emotion is not a good step for public schools.