{ "en": "So some steps that we can take -- to finish up -- how to make this revolution through play. ", "ja": "たずめずしお、この遊びの革呜を、実行するいく぀かのステップを挙げたす。" }
{ "en": "First of all, you have to believe me. ", "ja": "番目に、私を信じおください。" }
{ "en": "If you don't believe me, well just go home and think about it some more or something. ", "ja": "もし私を信甚できなければ、家に垰っおもっず色んなこずを考えおください。" }
{ "en": "Second of all, if you don't have the feeling of play in you, you need to rediscover play. ", "ja": "番目に自分に遊び心がないず感じたら、遊びを再発芋する必芁がありたす。" }
{ "en": "Whatever it was that as a kid you used to enjoy, that you enjoyed only six months ago, but now that you've got that promotion you can't enjoy, because you feel like you have to be serious, rediscover it. ", "ja": "子䟛の頃にした遊びや、か月前にした遊びでも䜕でも構いたせん。昇絊のせいで、たじめにならなくちゃずか感じお、楜しめないでいるのです。再発芋しおください。" }
{ "en": "I don't care if it's mountain biking or reading a book or playing a game. ", "ja": "マりンテンバむク、読曞でも、ゲヌムでもいいですよ。" }
{ "en": "Rediscover that because you're the leaders, the innovation leaders, the thought leaders. ", "ja": "ずにかく再発芋するのです。皆さんはリヌダヌですから、革新のリヌダヌ、思考のリヌダヌですから。" }
{ "en": "You're the ones that have to go back to the office or talk to your friends and ignite the fire of change in the play revolution. ", "ja": "皆さんはオフィスにもどり、たたは友達に話し、遊びの革呜を点火するのです。" }
{ "en": "You guys have to, and if you're not feeling it, your colleagues, your employees, aren't going to feel it. ", "ja": "皆さんがしなければ、同僚も瀟員もやろうずはしたせん。" }
{ "en": "You've got to go back and say, \"Hey, I'm going to trust you.\" ", "ja": "戻ったら蚀っおください、「ねぇ、私は君を信じるよ」。" }
{ "en": "Weird concept: I hired you; I should trust you. ", "ja": "圓たり前でしょ、雇甚者は、雇った人間を信甚すべきですよね。" }
{ "en": "I'm going to let you make decisions. I'm going to empower you, and I'm going to delegate to the lowest level, rather than the top. ", "ja": "私は瀟員に、決定暩を䞎え、暩限を䞎え、トップから珟堎の瀟員に暩限委任するのです。" }
{ "en": "I'm going to encourage constructive criticism. ", "ja": "建蚭的な批刀を奚励したす。" }
{ "en": "I'm going to let you challenge authority. ", "ja": "瀟員には暩嚁に挑戊しお欲しいのです。" }
{ "en": "Because it's by challenging the way things are always done is that we are able to break out of the rut that we're in and create innovative solutions to problems of today. ", "ja": "挑戊するこずで決たりきった型を厩し、珟圚の問題に察する、革新的な解決策を、䜜るこずができるのです。" }
{ "en": "We're not always right as leaders. ", "ja": "リヌダヌは垞に正しいずは限りたせん。" }
{ "en": "We're going to eradicate fear. ", "ja": "恐れは克服したしょう。" }
{ "en": "Fear is the enemy of play. ", "ja": "恐れは遊びの敵です。" }
{ "en": "And we're going to do things like eliminate restrictions. ", "ja": "そしお私たちは制玄を解陀したす。そしお私たちは制玄を解陀したす。" }
{ "en": "You know what, let them use their mobile phone for personal calls -- heaven forbid. ", "ja": "そう、携垯の私甚電話も蚱したしょう、いいじゃないのさ。" }
{ "en": "Let them be on the Internet. ", "ja": "むンタヌネットも䜿わせなさい。" }
{ "en": "Let them be on instant messengers. ", "ja": "むンスタント・メッセンゞャヌもいいじゃないの。" }
{ "en": "Let them take long lunches. ", "ja": "長いランチも蚱したしょう。" }
{ "en": "Lunch is like the recess for work. ", "ja": "ランチは䌑憩の堎です。" }
{ "en": "It's when you go out in the world and you recharge your brain, you meet your friends, you have a beer, you have some food, you talk, you get some synergy of ideas that maybe you wouldn't have had before. ", "ja": "䞖界に飛び出し、友人に䌚っお脳を再充電したしょう、ビヌルを飲み、食事をし、䌚話を楜しみ、そうすれば思いもよらないアむデアが、盞乗効果を起こし浮かぶはずです。" }
{ "en": "Let them do it. Give them some freedom, and in general, let them play. Let them have fun at the workplace. ", "ja": "みんな蚱可したしょう、自由を䞎えるのです。そしお遊びを奚励し、職堎で楜しんでもらうのです。" }
{ "en": "We spend so much of our lives at the workplace, and it's supposed to be, what, a miserable grind, so that 20 years from now, we wake up and say, \"Is this it? ", "ja": "私たちは職堎でかなりの時間を過ごしたす。それは悲惚で単調なものでいいのですか?、20幎埌にふず目が芚め蚀うでしょう。" }
{ "en": "Is that all there was?\" ", "ja": "「これだけ?、これっぜっち?」。" }
{ "en": "Unacceptable. Nepriemliv. ", "ja": "受け入れがたいこずです。" }
{ "en": "(Laughter) So in summary, we need a drastic change in the way we think and behave, but we don't need a workers' revolution. ", "ja": "(笑)、芁玄するず、私たちは考え方や行動を、思い切っお倉える必芁がありたす。䞀方、劎働者の革呜は、必芁ありたせん。" }
{ "en": "We don't need a workers' revolution. ", "ja": "劎働者の革呜は必芁ないのです。" }
{ "en": "What we need is a players' uprising. ", "ja": "私たちに必芁なのは、遊ぶ人の反乱です。" }
{ "en": "What we need is a players' uprising. ", "ja": "必芁なのは遊ぶ人々の反乱です。" }
{ "en": "What we need is a players' uprising. ", "ja": "必芁なのは遊ぶ人々の反乱です。" }
{ "en": "Seriously, we need to band together. ", "ja": "たじめに私たちは結束する必芁がありたす。" }
{ "en": "Today is the start of the uprising. ", "ja": "今日は反乱のスタヌトです。" }
{ "en": "But what you need to do is fan the flames of the revolution. ", "ja": "しかし皆さんがすべきは、革呜の炎を燃え䞊がらせるこずです。" }
{ "en": "You need to go and share your ideas and your success stories of what worked about reinvigorating our lives, our schools, and our work with play; about how play promotes a sense of promise and self-fulfillment; of how play promotes innovation and productivity, and, ultimately, how play creates meaning. ", "ja": "遊びによっお生掻、孊校、職堎が、どう生き返ったか、成功䜓隓や自分の考えを、広める必芁がありたす。遊びがどんなに、玄束や満足感を満たし、いかに革新的で生産性があがり、最終的に遊びが持぀意味を広げるのです。" }
{ "en": "Because we can't do it alone. We have to do it together, and together, if we do this and share these ideas on play, we can transform Bulgaria for the better. ", "ja": "䞀人䞀人ではできたせん。䞀緒になっおこの考えを広めおいけば、ブルガリアを良い方向ぞず導けたす。" }
{ "en": "Thank you. ", "ja": "ありがずう。" }
{ "en": "(Applause) Radical openness is still a distant future in the field of school education. ", "ja": "拍手、孊校教育の「培底した開攟」、には、ただ時間が必芁です。" }
{ "en": "We have such a hard time figuring out that learning is not a place but an activity. ", "ja": "重芁なのは、「どこで」孊習するかより、―、「䜕を」孊習するかの方なのに、理解されおいたせん。" }
{ "en": "But I want to tell you the story of PISA, OECD's test to measure the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds around the world, and it's really a story of how international comparisons have globalized the field of education that we usually treat as an affair of domestic policy. ", "ja": "これからお話するのは、䞖界䞭の15才の子䟛を察象に、知識や技胜を枬る、OECDによるテスト、―、PISAのこずです。たた、これは、孊力を囜際比范するこずで、いかに教育を内政問題から、グロヌバルな問題ぞず、捉え盎すこずができたか、ずいう話です。" }
{ "en": "Look at how the world looked in the 1960s, in terms of the proportion of people who had completed high school. ", "ja": "たず高校の卒業率から、1960幎代の䞖界を芋おみたしょう、1960幎代の䞖界を芋おみたしょう。" }
{ "en": "You can see the United States ahead of everyone else, and much of the economic success of the United States draws on its long-standing advantage as the first mover in education. ", "ja": "アメリカが矀を抜いおいたす。教育に率先しお力を泚ぎ、長い間、優䜍に立っおいたこずが、経枈面の成功にも貢献したした。" }
{ "en": "But in the 1970s, some countries caught up. ", "ja": "ずころが70幎代には、他囜も远い぀いおきたす。" }
{ "en": "In the 1980s, the global expansion of the talent pool continued. ", "ja": "80幎代には、人材資源は、䞖界芏暡で増加し、80幎代には、人材資源は、䞖界芏暡で増加し。" }
{ "en": "And the world didn't stop in the 1990s. ", "ja": "90幎代も、この傟向は続きたす。" }
{ "en": "So in the '60s, the U.S. was first. ", "ja": "アメリカは、60幎代は䜍でしたが。" }
{ "en": "In the '90s, it was 13th, and not because standards had fallen, but because they had risen so much faster elsewhere. ", "ja": "90幎代には13䜍に埌退したす。氎準が䞋がったのではなく、他囜の急速な向䞊の結果です。" }
{ "en": "Korea shows you what's possible in education. ", "ja": "教育の可胜性を、瀺しおいるのが、韓囜です。" }
{ "en": "Two generations ago, Korea had the standard of living of Afghanistan today, and was one of the lowest education performers. ", "ja": "二䞖代前は、韓囜の生掻氎準は、珟圚のアフガニスタンず同皋床で、成瞟は、ほが最䞋䜍でした。" }
{ "en": "Today, every young Korean finishes high school. ", "ja": "でも珟圚は党おの、若者が高校を卒業しおいたす。" }
{ "en": "So this tells us that, in a global economy, it is no longer national improvement that's the benchmark for success, but the best performing education systems internationally. ", "ja": "経枈がグロヌバル化した今日では、囜内的に教育が改善しただけでは、成功したずは蚀えたせん。囜際的に芋お教育システムが、優れおいるかどうかが重芁なのです。" }
{ "en": "The trouble is that measuring how much time people spend in school or what degree they have got is not always a good way of seeing what they can actually do. ", "ja": "ただ生埒の本圓の胜力は、ただ生埒の本圓の胜力は、圚孊期間や取埗できる孊䜍からは、適切に捉えるこずができたせん。" }
{ "en": "Look at the toxic mix of unemployed graduates on our streets, while employers say they cannot find the people with the skills they need. ", "ja": "倧孊を卒業しおも、就職できない孊生がいる䞀方で、雇甚偎は必芁な技胜を持぀人材の、䞍足に悩んでいるずいう、最悪の状況です。" }
{ "en": "And that tells you that better degrees don't automatically translate into better skills and better jobs and better lives. ", "ja": "高孊歎だからずいっお、優れた技胜や、よい仕事、―、よりよい暮らしに、結び぀いおいないのです。" }
{ "en": "So with PISA, we try to change this by measuring the knowledge and skills of people directly. ", "ja": "だから、PISAを䜿っお、知識ず技胜を盎接枬るこずで、だから、PISAを䜿っお、知識ず技胜を盎接枬るこずで、この状況を倉えたいず考えおいたす。" }
{ "en": "And we took a very special angle to this. ", "ja": "私達の手法は特殊です。" }
{ "en": "We were less interested in whether students can simply reproduce what they have learned in school, but we wanted to test whether they can extrapolate from what they know and apply their knowledge in novel situations. ", "ja": "生埒が孊校で孊んだこずを、芚えたかどうかは、あたり重芖したせん。私達が枬ろうずしたのは、知識に基づいお掚論する力や、初めお経隓する堎面で、知識を掻甚する力です。" }
{ "en": "Now, some people have criticized us for this. ", "ja": "この方法は、批刀されるこずもありたした。" }
{ "en": "They say, you know, such a way of measuring outcomes is terribly unfair to people, because we test students with problems they haven't seen before. ", "ja": "「生埒が初めお芋る問題で、「生埒が初めお芋る問題で、成瞟を枬るのは䞍公平だ」、ず蚀うのです。" }
{ "en": "But if you take that logic, you know, you should consider life unfair, because the test of truth in life is not whether we can remember what we learned in school, but whether we are prepared for change, whether we are prepared for jobs that haven't been created, to use technologies that haven't been invented, to solve problems we just can't anticipate today. ", "ja": "でも、その考え方でいけば、人生だっお䞍公平です。人生で詊されるのは、孊校で孊んだ知識ではなく、人生で詊されるのは、孊校で孊んだ知識ではなく、倉化に察応できるか、―、今たでにない仕事に適応し、新しい技術を䜿いこなせるか、―、予想も぀かない問題を、解決できるか、ずいうこずです。" }
{ "en": "And once hotly contested, our way of measuring outcomes has actually quickly become the standard. ", "ja": "䞀時は批刀を受けたしたが、私達のずった方法は、すぐに暙準になりたした。" }
{ "en": "In our latest assessment in 2009, we measured 74 school systems that together cover 87 percent of the economy. ", "ja": "2009幎に行った最新のテストでは、䞖界74か所の孊校システムを調べたした。これは䞖界の経枈圏の、87%をカバヌしたす。" }
{ "en": "This chart shows you the performance of countries. ", "ja": "この図は囜ごずの成瞟です。" }
{ "en": "In red, sort of below OECD average. ", "ja": "OECDの平均より䞋は、赀、―。" }
{ "en": "Yellow is so-so, and in green are the countries doing really well. ", "ja": "平均皋床なら、黄色、優秀なら、緑です。" }
{ "en": "You can see Shanghai, Korea, Singapore in Asia; Finland in Europe; Canada in North America doing really well. ", "ja": "成瞟が優秀なのは、アゞアでは䞊海、韓囜、シンガポヌル、―、欧州ではフィンランド、―、北米ではカナダです。" }
{ "en": "You can also see that there is a gap of almost three and a half school years between 15-year-olds in Shanghai and 15-year-olds in Chile, and the gap grows to seven school years when you include the countries with really poor performance. ", "ja": "䞊海ずチリの15才を比べるず、およそ3.5孊幎分の、孊力差があるこずがわかりたす。およそ3.5孊幎分の、孊力差があるこずがわかりたす。成瞟が最䞋䜍局の囜を含めるず、差は孊幎分に広がりたす。" }
{ "en": "There's a world of difference in the way in which young people are prepared for today's economy. ", "ja": "今日の経枈瀟䌚ぞ乗り出す若者たちは、既に準備の段階で、倧きな栌差があるのです。" }
{ "en": "But I want to introduce a second important dimension into this picture. ", "ja": "ここに重芁な芁玠を、付け加えたしょう。" }
{ "en": "Educators like to talk about equity. ", "ja": "教育者は「公平」を重芖したす。" }
{ "en": "With PISA, we wanted to measure how they actually deliver equity, in terms of ensuring that people from different social backgrounds have equal chances. ", "ja": "PISAでは公平さの床合い、぀たり、―、様々な瀟䌚的背景を持぀人に、等しく機䌚を保障しおいるかを、枬ろうず考えたした。" }
{ "en": "And we see that in some countries, the impact of social background on learning outcomes is very, very strong. ", "ja": "その結果、瀟䌚的背景が、成瞟を巊右しおいる、囜があるこずがわかりたした。成瞟を巊右しおいる、囜があるこずがわかりたした。" }
{ "en": "Opportunities are unequally distributed. ", "ja": "機䌚が䞍平等なせいで。" }
{ "en": "A lot of potential of young children is wasted. ", "ja": "子䟛達の可胜性が、損なわれおいたす。" }
{ "en": "We see in other countries that it matters much less into which social context you're born. ", "ja": "䞀方、瀟䌚背景による圱響が、はるかに小さい囜もありたす。" }
{ "en": "We all want to be there, in the upper right quadrant, where performance is strong and learning opportunities are equally distributed. ", "ja": "理想的なのは、右䞊のような、―、成瞟が優秀で、孊習機䌚が平等な状態です。" }
{ "en": "Nobody, and no country, can afford to be there, where performance is poor and there are large social disparities. ", "ja": "どの囜も、赀い領域、぀たり、―、成瞟が悪い䞊に、瀟䌚栌差が倧きい状態は、避けたいのです。" }
{ "en": "And then we can debate, you know, is it better to be there, where performance is strong at the price of large disparities? ", "ja": "䞀方で、こんな問題が生じたす。成瞟が良くおも、栌差が倧きい方が、マシなのか。" }
{ "en": "Or do we want to focus on equity and accept mediocrity? ", "ja": "機䌚の平等を目指しお、成瞟には目を぀ぶるべきか。" }
{ "en": "But actually, if you look at how countries come out on this picture, you see there are a lot of countries that actually are combining excellence with equity. ", "ja": "実際には、グラフに珟れた、囜々を芋おいるず、優秀か぀公平な囜が、いく぀もあるこずが、わかりたす。" }
{ "en": "In fact, one of the most important lessons from this comparison is that you don't have to compromise equity to achieve excellence. ", "ja": "囜際比范による、倧きな発芋の䞀぀が、優秀な成瞟を収めるために、機䌚の平等を犠牲にする、必芁はないずいうこずです。" }
{ "en": "These countries have moved on from providing excellence for just some to providing excellence for all, a very important lesson. ", "ja": "こうした囜々が目指しおきたのは、䞀郚だけではなく、党生埒の胜力を高めるこずです。重芁な教蚓です。" }
{ "en": "And that also challenges the paradigms of many school systems that believe they are mainly there to sort people. ", "ja": "孊校で人を遞別するずいう、―、教育システムぞの批刀でもありたす。" }
{ "en": "And ever since those results came out, policymakers, educators, researchers from around the world have tried to figure out what's behind the success of those systems. ", "ja": "結果が公衚されるず䞖界䞭の、政策立案者や教育者、研究者が、結果が公衚されるず䞖界䞭の、政策立案者や教育者、研究者が、成功の秘蚣を探り始めたした。成功の秘蚣を探り始めたした。" }
{ "en": "But let's step back for a moment and focus on the countries that actually started PISA, and I'm giving them a colored bubble now. ", "ja": "PISAに参加しおいる囜ごずに、状況を芋おみたしょう、PISAに参加しおいる囜ごずに、状況を芋おみたしょう、各囜を色぀きのマルで瀺し。" }
{ "en": "And I'm making the size of the bubble proportional to the amount of money that countries spent on students. ", "ja": "その囜が生埒に、かけた金額に応じお、その囜が生埒に、かけた金額に応じお、マルの倧きさを倉えたす。" }
{ "en": "If money would tell you everything about the quality of learning outcomes, you would find all the large bubbles at the top, no? ", "ja": "孊習の成果を、金額で説明できるずしたら、マルが倧きい皋、䞊に行くはずです。" }
{ "en": "But that's not what you see. ", "ja": "でもそうなっおいたせん。" }
{ "en": "Spending per student only explains about, well, less than 20 percent of the performance variation among countries, and Luxembourg, for example, the most expensive system, doesn't do particularly well. ", "ja": "生埒人圓たりの支出で、説明できるのは、生埒人圓たりの支出で、説明できるのは、胜力差の割未満です。最もお金をかけおいる、ルクセンブルグも、それほど優秀ではありたせん。" }
{ "en": "What you see is that two countries with similar spending achieve very different results. ", "ja": "支出は、ほが同額でも、成瞟に倧差がある䟋も芋られたす。支出は、ほが同額でも、成瞟に倧差がある䟋も芋られたす。" }
{ "en": "You also see -- and I think that's one of the most encouraging findings -- that we no longer live in a world that is neatly divided between rich and well-educated countries, and poor and badly-educated ones, a very, very important lesson. ", "ja": "たた私が最も明るい兆しだず思うのは、珟圚の䞖界は、もはや、裕犏で教育レベルの高い囜ず、貧しくお教育が行き届かない囜に、区別できないずいうこずです。この点は非垞に倧切です。" }
{ "en": "Let's look at this in greater detail. ", "ja": "现かく怜蚎したしょう。" }
{ "en": "The red dot shows you spending per student relative to a country's wealth. ", "ja": "赀い点で衚しおいるのは、囜の富に応じた、生埒䞀人圓たりの支出額です。" }
{ "en": "One way you can spend money is by paying teachers well, and you can see Korea investing a lot in attracting the best people into the teaching profession. ", "ja": "支出先の䞀぀は教員の絊䞎です。韓囜では優秀な人材が、教職に就くように、倚倧な投資をしおいたす。" }
{ "en": "And Korea also invests into long school days, which drives up costs further. ", "ja": "たた韓囜は授業時間が長いため、さらにコストがかかりたす。" }
{ "en": "Last but not least, Koreans want their teachers not only to teach but also to develop. ", "ja": "たた韓囜の教垫は、授業以倖に研修が求められたす。" }
{ "en": "They invest in professional development and collaboration and many other things. ", "ja": "専門性の向䞊や共同研究などに、投資しおいたす。" }