{ "en": "'Why do you not help one another?", "ja": "あなたがたが助け合わないのはどうしたことか。」" }
{ "en": "New York City.", "ja": "ニューヨーク市だ" }
{ "en": "I have the contacts, the experience.", "ja": "コネもあるし 経験もある" }
{ "en": "Brian!", "ja": "ブライアン!" }
{ "en": "Penticton", "ja": "ベントンCity name (optional, probably does not need a translation)" }
{ "en": "View HTML Output", "ja": "HTML 出力を表示" }
{ "en": "I'm sorry you had to do that.", "ja": "そうさせてしまったのなら とても残念だよ" }
{ "en": "Then I summoned them openly,", "ja": "それでわたしは,声を大きくしてかれらに呼びかけました。" }
{ "en": "Two hours now.", "ja": "2時間だ" }
{ "en": "Just so.", "ja": "そこでだ" }
{ "en": "- Let me try.", "ja": "任せろ" }
{ "en": "Has he gained knowledge of the Unseen? Or taken a covenant with the Merciful?", "ja": "かれは幽玄界を見とどけたのか。それとも慈悲深い御方の何らかの約束を得たのか。" }
{ "en": "- Just hear me out.", "ja": "- 頼むよ" }
{ "en": "Was it worth it?", "ja": "満足か?" }
{ "en": "There's nothing I can say that's gonna give you any comfort.", "ja": "何も言えないわ だから 何の慰めにもならない" }
{ "en": "I don't need you!", "ja": "助けは、要らない!" }
{ "en": "What are you, a lip reader now?", "ja": "- 読唇術かい?" }
{ "en": "Naini Tal", "ja": "ナイニタールCity in Indiana USA" }
{ "en": "None.", "ja": "ありません" }
{ "en": "I have so many regrets, but it's grown so big, and we're so...", "ja": "私はとても後悔してる でも それはとても大きく増大してる" }
{ "en": "I will go.", "ja": "出て行く" }
{ "en": "It's from the gift ship.", "ja": "お土産の店で買った。" }
{ "en": "HEY, GUYS. This is my friend Slide.", "ja": "やあ 皆 友達のスライドだ" }
{ "en": "- We still have time.", "ja": "-まだ時間はある" }
{ "en": "Better me than some outsider.", "ja": "テロリストよりましだろ..." }
{ "en": "Addison?", "ja": "アディソン?" }
{ "en": "In my hand.", "ja": "ここにある" }
{ "en": "I hope my client doesn't come looking for a refund.", "ja": "私の依頼人が返金を 要求しなきゃいいけど" }
{ "en": "I'm sure it did.", "ja": "きっとそうよ" }
{ "en": "She left Sacramento because she wanted something, and now she's back.", "ja": "彼女がサクラメントを去ったのは 欲しいものがあったからだ そして今 彼女は戻って来た" }
{ "en": "It was all a lie.", "ja": "全部嘘だった" }
{ "en": "Hello, hello.", "ja": "どうも こんにちは" }
{ "en": "Clear.", "ja": "クリア" }
{ "en": "I think we better get moving.", "ja": "すぐ出よう" }
{ "en": "You should cut up your meat before you eat it.", "ja": "肉を食べる前に細かく切るべきです。" }
{ "en": "No, you call him.", "ja": "ああ 電話して下さい" }
{ "en": "It is impossible.", "ja": "不可能なことだ" }
{ "en": "That one belongs to the Queen.", "ja": "あれは女王のです" }
{ "en": "- He's not in love with you.", "ja": "- 彼は君を愛してない" }
{ "en": "Prev", "ja": "See also hwapi_insert()." }
{ "en": "She attempted to kill herself.", "ja": "彼女は自殺未遂をした。" }
{ "en": "Are the bags on or off?", "ja": "袋はどうする?" }
{ "en": "Anybody else?", "ja": "? 誰が? ?" }
{ "en": "Current:", "ja": "現在:" }
{ "en": "I'm not gonna kill him.", "ja": "奴は殺さない。" }
{ "en": "- San Diego.", "ja": "- サンディエゴ" }
{ "en": "She's actually doing a big spread on me for Vanity Fair.", "ja": "- もちろん 私の特集を組みたいというので 少々ネタをね" }
{ "en": "What is happening?", "ja": "どうなってるの?" }
{ "en": "I'll never know what?", "ja": "私には 何がわからないの?" }
{ "en": "You got any ammo left?", "ja": "残弾は?" }
{ "en": "That's our way in. There are two gates.", "ja": "狙うのは後だ、もうひとつある" }
{ "en": "Use the selected identity by default", "ja": "選択した個人情報をデフォルトで使います" }
{ "en": "No, I don't mind.", "ja": "嫌じゃないよ" }
{ "en": "with a flowing spring,", "ja": "そこには,流れる泉があり," }
{ "en": "- It's the Sheriff!", "ja": "- 保安官だ" }
{ "en": "You've logged more field hours than any of the other agents I've been assigned to.", "ja": "君はどの捜査官よりも 任務をこなしてる" }
{ "en": "I will, I'll kill you if you ever breathe a word of this...", "ja": "その言葉を 一度でも口にしたら殺す" }
{ "en": "I'm just the lucky drunk who says the words.", "ja": "私は言葉を述べただけの幸運な酔っ払いさ" }
{ "en": "Here goes.", "ja": "やるわよ" }
{ "en": "And don't come back!", "ja": "戻ってくるなよ!" }
{ "en": "It's insane that Mr. McCarthy eats soup with drugs in it.", "ja": "スープとクスリを飲むなんて ありえない" }
{ "en": "I see...", "ja": "分かった" }
{ "en": "Get back to work.", "ja": "仕事に戻れ" }
{ "en": "I'm sorry about your mother.", "ja": "お母様は気の毒ね" }
{ "en": "It's very...", "ja": "それは非常に..." }
{ "en": "I think that's part of it.", "ja": "っていうのもあるんだよね 多分 なっちゃんとか..." }
{ "en": "But I know...", "ja": "でも知ってるのよ" }
{ "en": "Yeah, I am.", "ja": "もちろん 大丈夫だよ" }
{ "en": "I got you.", "ja": "捕まえた!" }
{ "en": "You look very handsome.", "ja": "はははは. . え?" }
{ "en": "We cool?", "ja": "怒ってます?" }
{ "en": "You... You... You are in a relationship?", "ja": "本当に付き合っているんだ" }
{ "en": "The Lord of the Two Easts, the Lord of the Two Wests.", "ja": "(かれは) 2つの東の主であり,また2つの西の主であられる。" }
{ "en": "It's a free country.", "ja": "自由の国だ" }
{ "en": "You're talking about investigating our own people, many of whom work for D.O.D. and outrank both of us.", "ja": "我々より上位ランクの 国防総省の者たちをか?" }
{ "en": "- We could have results in 24 hours.", "ja": "我々なら24時間で結果を出す" }
{ "en": "And we were close.", "ja": "親しかった" }
{ "en": "A scar?", "ja": "傷跡?" }
{ "en": "May I always be dreaming, the dreams that move my heart", "ja": "May I always be dreaming, the dreams that move my heart" }
{ "en": "Let me get that for you.", "ja": "- 開けるわ" }
{ "en": "And so the sorcerers came to Fir'aun (Pharaoh). They said: \"Indeed there will be a (good) reward for us if we are the victors.\"", "ja": "そこで魔術師たちはフィルアウンの許に来て言った。「わたしたちが勝ったならば,きっとわたしたちに報奨があるでしょう。」" }
{ "en": "Ta-er Sah-fer.", "ja": "\"Ta -er Al -Sahfer\"" }
{ "en": "Don't try anything stupid. Understood.", "ja": "そのなんとかいう機械を 落としていったんだから" }
{ "en": "It already happened.", "ja": "こうなってしまったんだ" }
{ "en": "I dare you.", "ja": "- やってやる" }
{ "en": "I know you'd do the same for me.", "ja": "i know you'd do the same for me 私 あなた 私の ため 同じようにするのを知っている" }
{ "en": "I didn't... you know, I didn't give.", "ja": "ずっとリードされてた" }
{ "en": "_", "ja": "\"午後4時19分 戦闘訓練\"" }
{ "en": "No. Why?", "ja": "いいえ?" }
{ "en": "And Agnes?", "ja": "- よしアグネス...\"チリン!\"" }
{ "en": "Secure servers, page scripts", "ja": "セキュアサーバ、ページスクリプト" }
{ "en": "Man of the hour!", "ja": "時の人だ!" }
{ "en": "What's on the NSA intercept?", "ja": "NSA傍受記録が、どうした" }
{ "en": "The beach was not nearby.", "ja": "もちろん近場じゃない" }
{ "en": "She wanted to kill you.", "ja": "彼女はあなたを 殺すのよ" }
{ "en": "Sisters.", "ja": "姉妹か。" }
{ "en": "Or have they partners with Allah (false gods), who have instituted for them a religion which Allah has not allowed. And had it not been for a decisive Word (gone forth already), the matter would have been judged between them. And verily, for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers), there is a painful torment.", "ja": "それともかれらに(主の)同位者があって,アッラーが御許しになられない宗教をかれらのために立てたのか。決定的(猶予の)御言葉かなかったならば,かれらのことはとっくに裁かれていた。悪い行いの者は本当に痛ましい懲罰を受けるであろう。" }
{ "en": "See, you know, you should write that down, you know, get a pitch together.", "ja": "なぁ オレ達 これを本に書くべきだよな 一緒に売り込もうぜ" }
{ "en": "That means they're in Miami.", "ja": "まだマイアミにいる" }
{ "en": "I am the voice of the Church.", "ja": "私の声は神の御前で間違いなく" }