translation |
"en": "Are we gonna talk about how weird you were today with Dickson?",
"ja": "私たちはあなたがディクソンと 今日あったか奇妙_についての話をつもりはありますか?"
} |
"en": "Let's stop here.",
"ja": "今日はこれでおしまいにしよう。"
} |
"en": "Okay.",
"ja": "いいでしょう"
} |
"en": "Agency's gonna pick up the trail when he lands.",
"ja": "到着したら現地の局員が 追跡することになっている"
} |
"en": "- Yeah, I know, I know, I know.",
"ja": "-ああ 分かってる"
} |
"en": "I was laughed at in school today.",
"ja": "ぼくは今日学校で笑われてしまった。"
} |
"en": "He pissed himself.",
"ja": "ちびりやがった"
} |
"en": "No.",
"ja": "ないよ"
} |
"en": "- NATO's got him.",
"ja": "- NATOが確保"
} |
"en": "She'll be better and then you can go.",
"ja": "ママは良くなって あなたは帰れる"
} |
"en": "You're the one who speared my brother!",
"ja": "お前は俺の兄弟を槍で突いた人間だ!"
} |
"en": "Molly?",
"ja": "モリー?"
} |
"en": "Now... straighten your legs and start walking.",
"ja": "歩き続ける、あなたの足をドロップ"
} |
"en": "No.",
"ja": "だめだ"
} |
"en": "Of course.",
"ja": "その通りだ"
} |
"en": "I wonder what that must have been like.",
"ja": "需要はあるのかよ"
} |
"en": "Just as soon as you take me back to my own time and I can board that ship for the new world.",
"ja": "僕の居た時間に 戻してくれたら即座に 新世界に向かって 出航出来るよ"
} |
"en": "Call me Martin.",
"ja": "僕はマーティン"
} |
"en": "Richard, sit down.",
"ja": "\"リチャード 座りなさい\""
} |
"en": "I'm sorry, what?",
"ja": "すまないが?"
} |
"en": "Boss, check this out.",
"ja": "ボス これを見てください"
} |
"en": "Drive!",
"ja": "運転しろ!"
} |
"en": "He is a sharp-shooter.",
"ja": "彼は生き馬の目を抜くようなやつだ。"
} |
"en": "Uh, yeah.",
"ja": "\"それで\""
} |
"en": "My cousin is the last man but one in the line.",
"ja": "いとこは列の最後から2番目にいる。"
} |
"en": "- How long have the men been in Ostia?",
"ja": "- 軍はオスティアに?"
} |
"en": "Hey, Newt.",
"ja": "ニュート"
} |
"en": "He isn't working her, he's in love.",
"ja": "彼女を働かしてない 彼は恋をしてる"
} |
"en": "Yondu's got the fin!",
"ja": "武器を持った!"
} |
"en": "- Yeah. I am.",
"ja": "- どうも"
} |
"en": "She died of side sickness.",
"ja": "彼女は内蔵の病気で死んだ"
} |
"en": "He might be an asset.",
"ja": "彼は手がかりに なるだろう"
} |
"en": "Quarantined address.",
"ja": "隔離された住所"
} |
"en": "I thought I was being spared for something great.",
"ja": "俺は選ばれたのかと"
} |
"en": "He never would have made it without you.",
"ja": "今の彼がある"
} |
"en": "I have Peter.",
"ja": "ピーターがいる"
} |
"en": "I'm better off alone.",
"ja": "一人が良いの"
} |
"en": "& KrViewer",
"ja": "& KrViewer"
} |
"en": "Um...",
"ja": "ええと..."
} |
"en": "We could do that ourselves.",
"ja": "そうだ 自分らで何とか"
} |
"en": "Easy to move, easy to hide.",
"ja": "素早く隠れられる"
} |
"en": "& New Snapshot",
"ja": "新しいスナップショット(N)"
} |
"en": "Unbelievable.",
"ja": "信じられん"
} |
"en": "Press this button to add a new entry to the additional e-mail addresses list. Use the edit box above to edit the new entry.",
"ja": "追加のメールアドレスのリストに新しいエントリを追加します。上の編集ボックスに新しいエントリのメールアドレスを入力します。@action:button"
} |
"en": "Did you know we're sending Javadi back to Iran?",
"ja": "ジャヴァディを帰国させると"
} |
"en": "Not just today.",
"ja": "今日だけじゃない"
} |
"en": "- I'm not going back.",
"ja": "もう戻らない"
} |
"en": "You know, einstein was not only brilliant,",
"ja": "天才アインシュタインには ユーモアのセンスもあった"
} |
"en": "What about the soul?",
"ja": "魂は?"
} |
"en": "It's not signed, but it sounds a hell of a lot like the notes that came in every time the guy the press calls Aurelius sets off a bomb.",
"ja": "新聞社がアウレリアスと呼んでる男が 爆破を起こす度に 送りつけてくる声明文とそっくりだ"
} |
"en": "My mother loves music.",
"ja": "私の母は音楽が大好きです。"
} |
"en": "Sit down. We're just messing with your head.",
"ja": "座れよ からかっただけだ"
} |
"en": "Buckled in?",
"ja": "- 落ちるなよ?"
} |
"en": "No, no.",
"ja": "〈もちろん〉"
} |
"en": "You're also gonna want one of these.",
"ja": "君もまたその1つになりたい"
} |
"en": "No, I'm gonna find the real in what you're saying.",
"ja": "真実を知る為よ"
} |
"en": "A theme named %1 already exists in your icon theme folder. Do you want replace it with this one?",
"ja": "%1というテーマは既に存在します。置き換えますか?"
} |
"en": "Pembroke.",
"ja": "ペムブローク"
} |
"en": "No indeed! He has not yet carried out what He has commanded him.",
"ja": "いや,かれが命じられたことを,(不信仰者は)果さなかった。"
} |
"en": "For better or for worse, television has changed the world.",
"ja": "良かれ悪しかれ、テレビは世の中を変えた。"
} |
"en": "Hank?",
"ja": "\"ハンク?\" \"場所は?\""
} |
"en": "Comment:",
"ja": "コメント:"
} |
"en": "Daddy!",
"ja": "パパ!"
} |
"en": "Lou must be borrowing money to gamble himself out of debt.",
"ja": "ルーは賭ける 金を借りてるはずだ"
} |
"en": "Timeline",
"ja": "時系列"
} |
"en": "I don't have to think about it.",
"ja": "- 考えるまでもない"
} |
"en": "I was right.",
"ja": "間違って無かった"
} |
"en": "This is just you feeling bad and not saying that you didn't mean what you said.",
"ja": "本心じゃないと"
} |
"en": "- does that name mean anything to you?",
"ja": "その名に聞き覚えは?"
} |
"en": "Metal degradation, a sign of neutron radiation. Get those kids tested for radiation poisoning.",
"ja": "中性子線の影響だ あの子達に放射線の検査を"
} |
"en": "So sierra vista p.d.confirmed that John \"Tiny\" Callahan was arrested two weeks ago on marijuana charges.",
"ja": "シエラビスタ警察は 2週間前に ジョン・タイニー・カラハンを マリファナ売買で逮捕したことを 認めました"
} |
"en": "What happened?",
"ja": "どうした?"
} |
"en": "As for those who disbelieved and barred others from the way of Allah, We shall add further chastisement to their chastisement for all the mischief they did.",
"ja": "(自ら)信じないで,また(人びとを)アッラーの道から妨げた者には,かれらが災害を広げていたことに対し,われは懲罰の上に懲罰を加えるであろう。"
} |
"en": "Including you diluting the HCL.",
"ja": "あなたも含めて"
} |
"en": "Someone who knows enough law to know she's right.",
"ja": "出る所に出ましょうか?"
} |
"en": "- D...!",
"ja": "- D! - シー!"
} |
"en": "Then he slipped Unto them striking them with the right hand.",
"ja": "そこでかれは,かれら(偶像)を右手で打った。"
} |
"en": "I'm sorry, Lloyd, but I gotta get back to the convention.",
"ja": "ごめんロイド 行かないと"
} |
"en": "But you and me together would be like a four alarm fire in an oil refinery.",
"ja": "でも あなたと私は共に似ている 製油所での4つの警報火災"
} |
"en": "And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much. (See the Quran Verse 35:45).",
"ja": "あなたがたに降りかかるどんな不幸も,あなたがたの手が稼いだものである。それでもかれは,(その)多くを赦される。"
} |
"en": "There must be something.",
"ja": "ほかにもまだあるでしょ"
} |
"en": "That can't be true.",
"ja": "そんな訳無いでしょ"
} |
"en": "- I didn't do nothing.",
"ja": "- 俺は何もしてねえ"
} |
"en": "Hide user ID: Do not put the keyid into encrypted packets. This option hides the receiver of the message and is a countermeasure against traffic analysis. It may slow down the decryption process because all available secret keys are tried.",
"ja": "ユーザ ID を隠す: 鍵 ID を暗号化されたパケットの中に含めません。そうすることでメッセージの受信者を隠し、トラフィック分析に対抗します。しかし、受信者が復号するときに秘密鍵の総当たりが必要になるため、復号に時間がかかる場合があります。"
} |
"en": "- Okay.",
"ja": "判った"
} |
"en": "AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple.",
"ja": "報道によれば当局は音声、動画 写真、電子メール、ドキュメント及び"
} |
"en": "Ask this guy right here who he thinks Omar is.",
"ja": "彼は誰がオマールだと 思うか此奴に聞いてみろ"
} |
"en": "I can borrow soldiers from my friend Yin Po",
"ja": "友人のイン・ポーから 兵士を借りられる"
} |
"en": "- How do you know?",
"ja": "- どうしてわかった? - 花粉だ"
} |
"en": "That was uncomfortable.",
"ja": "ヤレヤレだな"
} |
"en": "I am ready.",
"ja": "私は準備できてる"
} |
"en": "All of it. Give me all of it.",
"ja": "全部よこすんだぞ"
} |
"en": "This aroused her suspicion.",
"ja": "このことが彼女に疑念を持たせた。"
} |
"en": "- Did he leave enough for the rest of us?",
"ja": "まだ血は残ってるか?"
} |
"en": "You have to understand...",
"ja": "わかってくれ"
} |
"en": "- Juliette, you're awake.",
"ja": "ジュリエット 目が覚めたんだね"
} |
"en": "What time is it?",
"ja": "何時だ?"
} |
"en": "We'll still be doing all this.",
"ja": "僕らは まだ こういうことをやるよ 良いね"
} |
"en": "Why is your mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the King?",
"ja": "嬉しそうじゃ無いのに 母上は、何故王のために着飾る?"
} |
"en": "What?",
"ja": "えっ?"
} |