{ "en": "They're alive.", "ja": "生きている。" }
{ "en": "Let's allow an afternoon for celebration, gents.", "ja": "午後ぐらい 祝いのために置いときましょうよ" }
{ "en": "- What is that?", "ja": "- 何だ?" }
{ "en": "- He's leaving now.", "ja": "- 彼は 出て行く" }
{ "en": "I am taking tomorrow afternoon off.", "ja": "私は明日の午後仕事を休みます。" }
{ "en": "Do you see that?", "ja": "見た?" }
{ "en": "Went to church.", "ja": "教会行ってた" }
{ "en": "Do it quickly.", "ja": "さあ早く" }
{ "en": "We'll get in that way.", "ja": "そこまで行きましょう" }
{ "en": "Press the \"Show Differences\" button to see the specific differences between the incidences which are in conflict.", "ja": "衝突が発生しているエントリの差異を詳しく見るには 差異を表示ボタンを押します。@title:group" }
{ "en": "When did it happen?", "ja": "いつだ" }
{ "en": "Can we start over?", "ja": "僕達やり直せるかな" }
{ "en": "I found this in his jacket.", "ja": "彼のジャケットでこれを見つけた" }
{ "en": "And next time, Hermione, as much as I like your perfume, just don't wear any.", "ja": "これから香水を使わなければいいんだ。" }
{ "en": "Good question.", "ja": "殊勝だが―" }
{ "en": "Looks fresh-forged.", "ja": "焼きたてだ" }
{ "en": "In control.", "ja": "制御しています" }
{ "en": "- Tell me when the download reaches 20%.", "ja": "ダウンロードが20%になったら 報告しろ。 了解。" }
{ "en": "Keep it in your book bag.", "ja": "カバンにしまっとけ" }
{ "en": "Yeah...", "ja": "はい..." }
{ "en": "Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.", "ja": "時折バカげた行動が 人生を決める事もある" }
{ "en": "He made a mistake, went into the corner too fast.", "ja": "彼はミスしたのさ スピードが速すぎた" }
{ "en": "- Who by?", "ja": "- 誰に?" }
{ "en": "You will?", "ja": "本当?" }
{ "en": "Perhaps you can help her, Bernard.", "ja": "介助してあげなさい" }
{ "en": "How many do you have to sell?", "ja": "何人売らなければならない?" }
{ "en": "I am KGB, but I am also MI-6.", "ja": "私はKGBだが 同様にMI" }
{ "en": "Tandy did it, I did it, and it works.", "ja": "タンディも、僕も従った" }
{ "en": "- It was the right thing to do.", "ja": "- 正しい行いだわ" }
{ "en": "Thank God. Thank God.", "ja": "本当に良かった" }
{ "en": "- Wyatt.", "ja": "- ワイアット。" }
{ "en": "Well I'm glad it was convenient for you because she's dead, you asshole!", "ja": "あんたには都合がいいだろ 死んだんだからな" }
{ "en": "With pleasure.", "ja": "喜んで" }
{ "en": "The last chapter of this book.", "ja": "この本の最後の章。" }
{ "en": "Fuck!", "ja": "ファック!" }
{ "en": "Who's he?", "ja": "誰なの?" }
{ "en": "Behind the club.", "ja": "クラブの裏手" }
{ "en": "But your name's not really Kit.", "ja": "あのときは、キットだって..." }
{ "en": "- You understand?", "ja": "- 分かったかい?" }
{ "en": "And We called him from the right side of the Mount, and brought him near in communion.", "ja": "われは(シナイ)山の右がわからかれに呼びかけ,密談のためわれの近くに招き寄せた。" }
{ "en": "But not here.", "ja": "ここではなく" }
{ "en": "The tears began to gather in her eyes.", "ja": "彼女の目に涙がたまってきた。" }
{ "en": "Claire, wait!", "ja": "クレア 待て" }
{ "en": "Did you make its timber to grow, or did We make it?", "ja": "その(燃やす)木を,あなたがたが創ったのか,それともわれが創ったのか。" }
{ "en": "The girl is a small price to pay for that.", "ja": "少女は小さな出費にすぎない" }
{ "en": "-Not for long.", "ja": "この施設を運営している" }
{ "en": "- Lena?", "ja": "- レナ?" }
{ "en": "The police thought it was you who died in the car.", "ja": "警察は2つの遺体を 夫婦と判断した" }
{ "en": "Sure.", "ja": "- いいよ" }
{ "en": "Every operation needs a backup, Anakin.", "ja": "各計画は第二の手段が必要だよ、 アナキン" }
{ "en": "When?", "ja": "いつ?" }
{ "en": "Viper?", "ja": "バイパー?" }
{ "en": "I'm not looking, so excuse me.", "ja": "目を閉じて入るからね" }
{ "en": "I'm just curious.", "ja": "ただ興味が" }
{ "en": "I need you, you", "ja": "♪誰もそばにいないとき 君が欲しいんだ" }
{ "en": "It's Alec.", "ja": "アレクだ" }
{ "en": "Autolycus?", "ja": "アウトリュコス?" }
{ "en": "- Let me kill this witch.", "ja": "- この魔女を殺させます" }
{ "en": "Move!", "ja": "行け!" }
{ "en": "I can work with that.", "ja": "俺は残りをやっつける" }
{ "en": "Go on more walks.", "ja": "- もっと散歩をさせて" }
{ "en": "I hired a man to sell to us.", "ja": "売り込んでくるヤツを雇ったんだ" }
{ "en": "No, it is not.", "ja": "そんな事は無い" }
{ "en": "I've been very busy since I returned from abroad.", "ja": "私は帰国してからとても忙しい。" }
{ "en": "Which reminds me, it's been more than 30 years since that incident.", "ja": "そう言えば、あれから30年以上も経つのね。" }
{ "en": "And Hunt is in front of Lauda!", "ja": "ハントがラウダの前へ" }
{ "en": "Never!", "ja": "まさか!" }
{ "en": "You know, kitchens, bathrooms.", "ja": "キッチンやバスルームとかね" }
{ "en": "She was an asset, Seeley.", "ja": "サリは情報提供者だった" }
{ "en": "We can pick this up later.", "ja": "あとでね" }
{ "en": "Excuse me?", "ja": "なんですって?" }
{ "en": "What was that?", "ja": "今のは 何だ?" }
{ "en": "Sure, Bosh.", "ja": "そうか ボッシュ" }
{ "en": "A cubic curve with a nodal point at the origin through six points", "ja": "6 点を通り、原点に節点を持つ三次曲線" }
{ "en": "- Look again.", "ja": "- もう一度見るんだ" }
{ "en": "Does Mum know?", "ja": "ママは知ってるの?" }
{ "en": "One of two things will happen.", "ja": "結末は2つだ ジョン・ドゥーを逮捕するか" }
{ "en": "I knew you weren't mine no more.", "ja": "お前はもう オレのものではない" }
{ "en": "Created thumbnail for: %1", "ja": "%1 のサムネイルを作成しました" }
{ "en": "Forgive me.", "ja": "これは失礼" }
{ "en": "Owen, it's Michael.", "ja": "オーウェン、マイケルだ" }
{ "en": "Said Allah, “What prevented you, that you did not prostrate when I commanded you?” Answered Iblis, “I am better than him; You created me from fire whereas You created him from clay.”", "ja": "かれは仰せられた。「われがあなたに命じた時,どうしてサジダしなかったのか。」悪魔は答えた。「わたしはかれよりも優れております。あなたはわたしを火から御創りになりましたが,かれを泥で創られました。」" }
{ "en": "Verily, We took the covenant of the Children of Israel and sent them Messengers. Whenever there came to them a Messenger with what they themselves desired not - a group of them they called liars, and others among them they killed.", "ja": "われは且つて,イスラエルの子孫と約束を結び,使徒たちをかれらに遣わした。ところが使徒が,かれらの好まないものを(宙?)す度に,かれらはある者を嘘付きと呼び,ある者を殺害した。" }
{ "en": "We deal with this by sticking together.", "ja": "こんなことが 起きないよう ━" }
{ "en": "Now, I admit, I am uncomfortable with the... Nikita variable.", "ja": "後はニキータの事が 気になるだけだ" }
{ "en": "And what that means... is you still have a chance to work something out... if you tell me right now where you are.", "ja": "その意味は... まだチャンスはあると言うことだ 今どこにいるか私に教えてくれ" }
{ "en": "Help me, please. Please.", "ja": "頼む 助けて 助けて..." }
{ "en": "- I can't hear you!", "ja": "聞こえません!" }
{ "en": "Freeciv Server", "ja": "Freeciv サーバComment" }
{ "en": "I want my dog.", "ja": "おれの犬は?" }
{ "en": "You know, for the longest time, I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines, serving my country.", "ja": "とても長い間、ぼくが夢見ていたのは... 海を渡って、戦争の最前線に立つことだった。 国のために尽くして..." }
{ "en": "Shut up. I'm trying to make a point here.", "ja": "大事な話の途中だ" }
{ "en": "Jack Bauer.", "ja": "ジャック・バウアーが" }
{ "en": "Have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?", "ja": "家路につく時を知らせる 澄んだ銀のトランペットの音を あの白い都は見た" }
{ "en": "Of couse I forgot it as soon as it worked out", "ja": "もちろんすぐ忘れたが" }
{ "en": "Can't the cops get this one?", "ja": "警察だけじゃ?" }
{ "en": "It's not that.", "ja": "(澪) そんなことない" }
{ "en": "He's not going to fall for anything less than the genuine article.", "ja": "本物以外には引っ掛からない" }
{ "en": "Won't do you no good.", "ja": "無駄だがな" }
{ "en": "Even better.", "ja": "好きにすればいい" }