translation |
"en": "You want me to be your spy?",
"ja": "スパイになれと?"
} |
"en": "You live here?",
"ja": "君の部屋?"
} |
"en": "Do you speak English?",
"ja": "英語は?"
} |
"en": "Oh, man.",
"ja": "マジかよ"
} |
"en": "We heard the Volturi were moving against you.",
"ja": "ヴォルツーリと対立してると聞いたが"
} |
"en": "- Tell this man if he does not shoot me, I will kill him!",
"ja": "- その男に言え... 俺を撃たれなければ... 俺が殺す"
} |
"en": "No.",
"ja": "それは出来ない・・"
} |
"en": "Nor can there be any cause for reproach against those who, when they came to you asking for mounts to go to the battlefront, and when you said that you had no mounts for them, they went back, their eyes overflowing with tears, grieving that they had no resources to enable them to take part in fighting.",
"ja": "またあなたに(戦のための)乗り物を求めて来たとき,あなたが「わたしにはあなたがたに提供する乗り物がない。」と告げると,両目に涙をたたえて(馬などを購入する)資金のないことを悲しんで帰っていく人びと(も非難される筋はない)。"
} |
"en": "They ain't tough enough, smart enough or fast enough.",
"ja": "奴らは タフでもなく 賢くも 素早くも無い"
} |
"en": "He clean.",
"ja": "潔白というわけだ"
} |
"en": "Come here. Heh.",
"ja": "こっちこいよ"
} |
"en": "I hired you because i thought you were cute.",
"ja": "美人だと思って 君を雇ったんだ"
} |
"en": "- Don't worry about that.",
"ja": "ええ、いつでも良いわ ライザの、ためだもの"
} |
"en": "- Dad gave you this?",
"ja": "- パパがくれたの?"
} |
"en": "I'm content with my salary.",
"ja": "自分の給料に満足しているよ。"
} |
"en": "Take a look at this knife.",
"ja": "よく見てくれ"
} |
"en": "Kalli!",
"ja": "カリ!"
} |
"en": "You know, I'm not even sure I'm in the right tuning.",
"ja": "チューニング(調律)が合ってないな? ちょっと、合わせるね"
} |
"en": "I can't stand it anymore!",
"ja": "もう我慢できない!"
} |
"en": "Who are you working with?",
"ja": "誰と一緒に働いていますか?"
} |
"en": "Her death would be a great victory for us.",
"ja": "彼女の死は我々を勝利に導く"
} |
"en": "Your next operation.",
"ja": "あなたの次の操作。"
} |
"en": "Special forces?",
"ja": "特殊部隊?"
} |
"en": "That shouldn't be a problem.",
"ja": "それは心配しないで"
} |
"en": "Jesus, no wonder you stay at home.",
"ja": "こりゃぁ 家に居たくなるのも 無理ないな"
} |
"en": "Her innocence.",
"ja": "彼女の無邪気さ"
} |
"en": "- Why are we retreating?",
"ja": "- 何で撤退してる?"
} |
"en": "She looked at me in amusement.",
"ja": "彼女はおかしそうに私を見た。"
} |
"en": "I need a new robot now.",
"ja": "新しいロボがいる"
} |
"en": "Why did you stop me?",
"ja": "なぜ止めた?"
} |
"en": "You remember what I told you to do when there's danger?",
"ja": "危険が迫ってるとき 何をするか話したわよね"
} |
"en": "He was tired from walking round museums.",
"ja": "彼は美術館巡りでつかれていた。"
} |
"en": "She was brought up by her grandmother.",
"ja": "彼女は彼女の祖母に育てられた。"
} |
"en": "Now you're saying I work for it?",
"ja": "私がそれの為に 役立つと言ってるの?"
} |
"en": "It's a hypothesis,",
"ja": "仮説だが..."
} |
"en": "But if ye do it not, --and by no means ye shall, --then dread the Fire, the fuel whereof is men and stones, gotten ready for the infidels.",
"ja": "もしあなたがたが出来ないならば,いや,出来るはずもないのだが,それならば,人間と石を燃料とする地獄の業火を恐れなさい。それは不信心者のために用意されている。"
} |
"en": "Sit.",
"ja": "止まれ"
} |
"en": "From the look on your face,",
"ja": "ちょっと どころじゃ無さそうね"
} |
"en": "If I help you, I'll be arrested.",
"ja": "あなたを助けたら 私が捕まる"
} |
"en": "Milady took this mountain away from the gods, the boars and beasts!",
"ja": "金になると分かって手を出しやがって!"
} |
"en": "You proved your point.",
"ja": "言いたいことは分かる。"
} |
"en": "OCSP responder signature:",
"ja": "OCSP レスポンダの署名:"
} |
"en": "Prev",
"ja": "注意 セーフモード が有効の場合、PHP は操作を行うファイル/ディレクトリが実行するスクリプトと同じUIDを有しているかどうかを確認します。"
} |
"en": "- Fuck you!",
"ja": "くそったれ! くそったれ!"
} |
"en": "He also claims that the two detectives threw him down a half a flight of stairs.",
"ja": "逮捕の刑事に 階段から突き落とされた"
} |
"en": "Shit.",
"ja": "ちくしょう"
} |
"en": "Watch me.",
"ja": "- まぁ、見てろて"
} |
"en": "Yeah, Gilligan, if you don't mind.",
"ja": "ギリガン それで 良よければ"
} |
"en": "Right before he did it, his eyes were so sad and lonely.",
"ja": "撃つ前の彼の目は すごく孤独で悲しげだった"
} |
"en": "Date and Time Control Module",
"ja": "日付と時刻の設定モジュールName"
} |
"en": "Shut the door!",
"ja": "ドアを閉めて!"
} |
"en": "I'll tell the Governor our grant money is in good hands.",
"ja": "私が知事に話します 我々の補助金は 信頼できる人に委ねたと"
} |
"en": "Thanks, Professor.",
"ja": "教授、有難う"
} |
"en": "I believe I do.",
"ja": "ええ、上がってますよ"
} |
"en": "I want to say it was a privilege to have known this true giant of a man.",
"ja": "私は光栄に思います 真に偉大な男と知り合えたことを"
} |
"en": "Right after the guilt comes roaring in, I feel like such a shit",
"ja": "罪の意識で最悪な気分に"
} |
"en": "You got it.",
"ja": "了解です"
} |
"en": "The most versatile substance on the planet, and they used it to make a Frisbee.",
"ja": "地球上で最も用途の広い 物質だ これでフリスビーを 造るとは"
} |
"en": "I don't think your kids loved you 'cause of your looks.",
"ja": "子供達は外見を 気にしない"
} |
"en": "I just received a transmission.",
"ja": "通信を受け取ったとこだ"
} |
"en": "Apparently it cleared Modern Aerodynamics.",
"ja": "その調査で モダン・エアロダイナミクス社の 疑いは晴れたようで"
} |
"en": "No, actually, people call me Marty.",
"ja": "いいや 僕の名はマーティだ"
} |
"en": "You're asking me to do something against the Jedi code.",
"ja": "ジェダイ規範に 背けと?"
} |
"en": "Mr. Bundsch.",
"ja": "バンチさん"
} |
"en": "Do you wanna come with me?",
"ja": "一緒に来る?"
} |
"en": "Hannah.",
"ja": "Hannah."
} |
"en": "You see Stahl?",
"ja": "シュタールに会うの?"
} |
"en": "I don't ask for much in return for all those years I put food in your belly clothes on your back, a roof over your head.",
"ja": "決して無理な頼みと 思わんが... ...それと引き換えに 今まで飯を与え 服を着させ 家にも住まわせた"
} |
"en": "Well, we want Haibach out of his comfort zone, so we push him to make a mistake.",
"ja": "彼を追い詰めて ミスを誘いたい"
} |
"en": "The Tyrells helped us defeat Stannis Baratheon.",
"ja": "タイレルはスタニスを撃退してくれた"
} |
"en": "I was ordered to kill those captives.",
"ja": "私は捕虜を殺すよう 命令されたのだ"
} |
"en": "Damnit!",
"ja": "ちくしょう"
} |
"en": "You're welcome.",
"ja": "どういたしまして"
} |
"en": "I mean, I don't know about you, my problems are pressing.",
"ja": "私は、私を知っていないことを意味 私の問題を押している。"
} |
"en": "My father's not the most literate man.",
"ja": "父上は博識ではなかった"
} |
"en": "There is a marked difference between them.",
"ja": "両者の間には歴然とした違いがある。"
} |
"en": "Oliver Queen.",
"ja": "オリバークイーン"
} |
"en": "They're trying to get to the missile.",
"ja": "誰かミサイルに いるぞ"
} |
"en": "A small chance.",
"ja": "非常にわずかだ"
} |
"en": "I got some new news for you.",
"ja": "なら 新情報だ"
} |
"en": "Doesn't sound like me.",
"ja": "聞く相手が違うぞ"
} |
"en": "I'm good at keeping secrets.",
"ja": "秘密を守るのは得意よ"
} |
"en": "You almost got yourself blown to bits protecting that woman.",
"ja": "君も女性を助けようとして 殺されかけた"
} |
"en": "I'm sorry about these guys.",
"ja": "部下が失礼をしました。"
} |
"en": "Oh!",
"ja": "ああ!"
} |
"en": "Yeah. Sure.",
"ja": "ええ、いいわよ。"
} |
"en": "Regional Settings",
"ja": "言語の設定"
} |
"en": "Shall we leave the children alone with their new toy?",
"ja": "我々は放っておきまか? 彼らの新しい おもちゃを"
} |
"en": "(Porthos whines) Some unscrupulous trainers will show you a bear whose teeth have all been pulled, while other cowards will force the brute into a muzzle.",
"ja": "クマは 何でも 引きちぎる 獣だ"
} |
"en": "- Hey.",
"ja": "- ねえ"
} |
"en": "What color links should be that have not yet been clicked on",
"ja": "まだクリックされていないリンクの色。"
} |
"en": "He didn't contact us for a good long while.",
"ja": "かなりの長期間 連絡してこなかったが"
} |
"en": "Our models show a 90% chance of attack within 48 hours.",
"ja": "我々の構造モデルは 攻撃のチャンスを48時間以内と示した"
} |
"en": "Thank you!",
"ja": "ありがとう! すばらしい!"
} |
"en": "Look at me.",
"ja": "私を見て"
} |
"en": "Am I ever?",
"ja": "僕が?"
} |
"en": "- No!",
"ja": "- やめて"
} |
"en": "Help!",
"ja": "助けて!"
} |
"en": "How could it be him... if we already caught him in '95?",
"ja": "犯人はどうやったのか? 95年に捕まえたのに..."
} |
"en": "And We caused the people who had been oppressed to inherit the eastern parts of the land, and the western parts thereof, which We had blest. And fulfilled was the good word of thy Lord unto the Children of Isra'il' for they were long-suffering, and We destroyed that which Fir'awn and his people had builded and that which they had raised.",
"ja": "われは無力と思われていた民に,われが祝福した東と西の各地を継がせた。(よく)耐え忍んだために,イスラエルの子孫の上に,あなたの主の善い言葉が全うされた。そしてわれはフィルアウンとその民がうち建てたもの,また築造していたものを破壊した。"
} |