{ "en": "You won't.", "ja": "あなたには分からない" }
{ "en": "No way.", "ja": "まさか。" }
{ "en": "- It's not safe.", "ja": "- 危険よ" }
{ "en": "Ah, you know, he worries too much.", "ja": "分かるだろ 苦労しすぎだ" }
{ "en": "OK, we are in.", "ja": "作業に入る。" }
{ "en": "I know you are.", "ja": "ボクには分かる" }
{ "en": "Because, man, we're supposed to be on this trip together. - What the hell?", "ja": "一緒に旅行するからだ" }
{ "en": "That is fucking brilliant.", "ja": "素晴らしいな" }
{ "en": "- Hold it.", "ja": "- 待ってくれ" }
{ "en": "You called me, remember?", "ja": "俺を呼んだのを 忘れたのか?" }
{ "en": "Then who are you?", "ja": "じゃあ 君は誰だ?" }
{ "en": "Since when have we been paying you to have feelings?", "ja": "今までに、どの位の間 給料を払っているんだ?" }
{ "en": "- you know, the...", "ja": "- 君は..." }
{ "en": "- Buñuel? - Sí.", "ja": "- ブリュエル?" }
{ "en": "That is Peter Kent.", "ja": "ピーター・ケント" }
{ "en": "I did.", "ja": "聞こえたわ" }
{ "en": "[We told him:] ‘Take a faggot in your hand and then strike [your wife] with it, but do not break [your] oath.’ Indeed, We found him to be patient. What an excellent servant! Indeed he was a penitent [soul].", "ja": "(そして言った。)「一握りの草を手に取って,それで(妻を)打て。あなたの誓いを破ってはならない。」われは,かれが良く耐え忍ぶことを知った。何と優れたしもべではないか。かれは(主の命令に服して)常に(われの許に)帰った。" }
{ "en": "Hello.", "ja": "もしもし" }
{ "en": "Someone inserted a redirect.", "ja": "誰かがリダイレクトを挿入。" }
{ "en": "God!", "ja": "もう!" }
{ "en": "Damn it.", "ja": "クソッ" }
{ "en": "Step lively, Mr. Nickerson!", "ja": "踏み出せ、ニッカーソン!" }
{ "en": "It should be you, Frank.", "ja": "君がいいだろう" }
{ "en": "I give you one thing to do, one thing to do, and you drop the ball on that?", "ja": "私はあなたに行うための一つのことを与え、 行うには一つのこと、 あなたは、その上でボールをドロップする?" }
{ "en": "How did our experiment with the plane go?", "ja": "飛行機での実験は?" }
{ "en": "You said you would help me.", "ja": "あなたは私を助けると言った" }
{ "en": "Moriarty said he did things like this for a living.", "ja": "モリアティーは こういうことを生業にしてると 言ってたわ" }
{ "en": "So glory be to Him in whose hand is the dominion of everything, and to Him you will be returned.", "ja": "かれにこそ凡ての称讃あれ。その御手で万有を統御なされる御方,あなたがたはかれの御許に帰されるのである。" }
{ "en": "- Shut up.", "ja": "- いいから" }
{ "en": "The use of explosives higher than Class 4 is prohibited...", "ja": "4Aクラス以上の 爆発物の使用は..." }
{ "en": "I'm not going to let her toy with me.", "ja": "玩具にはならない!" }
{ "en": "Set Powersaving Scheme to '%1 '", "ja": "省電力スキームを “%1” にセットNote this is a KRunner keyword" }
{ "en": "I don't think you're the man behind this.", "ja": "あなたは事件の黒幕ではない" }
{ "en": "- I'm sorry that I put you back here.", "ja": "- ゴメンよ、俺のせいでまた..." }
{ "en": "I mean, I love Turner, but, I just find this... overwhelming.", "ja": "わたし ターナーは大好き でも ちょっと 圧倒されちゃう" }
{ "en": "Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head.", "ja": "「私は、頭の上の帽子を自分で載せたことを、 間違いなく覚えていますから」" }
{ "en": "- Is she breathing?", "ja": "呼吸は?" }
{ "en": "He comes waltzing in here, full of all kinds of good advice.", "ja": "滑稽なもんだな!" }
{ "en": "What do you mean, crowding me?", "ja": "重荷って?" }
{ "en": "Turn around.", "ja": "こっちを向け" }
{ "en": "I'm a big fan of American cooking.", "ja": "私はアメリカの料理が大好きです。" }
{ "en": "- Maggie.", "ja": "- マギーのこと" }
{ "en": "I don't understand.", "ja": "何事ですか" }
{ "en": "Even prostitutes may earn the mercy of the Mother.", "ja": "娼婦にさえも神のご慈悲があるのです" }
{ "en": "- Is this all right?", "ja": "-これはすべての権利はありますか?" }
{ "en": "Where'd you get this?", "ja": "どこでこれを?" }
{ "en": "No, please, don't hurt me!", "ja": "お願い、助けて!" }
{ "en": "Why are you here?", "ja": "( なぜここに来た? )" }
{ "en": "Which would explain why we found her in handcuffs.", "ja": "手錠をかけられているのは そのためだろう" }
{ "en": "- Look closely.", "ja": "血管造影図を撮るための 普通の同意書です" }
{ "en": "Who came to your aid?", "ja": "誰があんたらを助けた?" }
{ "en": "******", "ja": "ハンソンの自宅 カリフォルニア州 マリブ" }
{ "en": "I mean, um, don't get me wrong,", "ja": "でも― 誤解しないでね" }
{ "en": "- What is it, General?", "ja": "- 何だ 将軍?" }
{ "en": "(It is) a Scripture that is revealed unto thee (Muhammad) - so let there be no heaviness in thy heart therefrom - that thou mayst warn thereby, and (it is) a Reminder unto believers.", "ja": "(これは)あなたに下した啓典である。あなたはそれで,もう意気そそうしてはならない。あなたが信者たちに訓戒し,警告するため(に下されたもの)である。" }
{ "en": "But why?", "ja": "でもなんで?" }
{ "en": "If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have gotten to Margot in time.", "ja": "彼女のお陰で マーゴーを見つけたのに・・・" }
{ "en": "MARCUS: Okay.", "ja": "-" }
{ "en": "Seven", "ja": "七" }
{ "en": "Watch this!", "ja": "これを見て!" }
{ "en": "Hannibal influenced me to murder my patient, our patient.", "ja": "ハンニバルの影響で 私は私の患者を、 私達の患者を殺した。" }
{ "en": "Why do you have a personalized box cutter?", "ja": "ランザーさん お尋ねしますが なぜ 自分専用の カッターナイフがあるんです?" }
{ "en": "Come here. Come here.", "ja": "ほら こっち来い" }
{ "en": "Mmm...", "ja": "えー..." }
{ "en": "Molly? !", "ja": "- モリー?" }
{ "en": "Where you are", "ja": "Where you are" }
{ "en": "of Pan", "ja": "PanCoptic month 11 - ShortNamePossessive" }
{ "en": "All right.", "ja": "よし" }
{ "en": "- I want to talk to him.", "ja": "- 彼と話したい" }
{ "en": "Steady.", "ja": "落ち着け" }
{ "en": "These?", "ja": "これ?" }
{ "en": "The King in the North arises.", "ja": "北の王が立ち上がるぞ" }
{ "en": "Watch yourselves!", "ja": "あぶないぞ" }
{ "en": "- I didn't.", "ja": "- 納得いかん" }
{ "en": "Watch your fingers!", "ja": "手元に気をつけて!" }
{ "en": "Just like old times, pretty.", "ja": "見覚えが?" }
{ "en": "Ian!", "ja": "イアン" }
{ "en": "Mauritania", "ja": "モーリタニアworld.kgm" }
{ "en": "– How far he git off property?", "ja": "逃げた距離は?" }
{ "en": "He's lovely.", "ja": "可愛いのよ・・・" }
{ "en": "And if you leave this place that knowledge is gonna eat you alive from the inside out until you decide to come back.", "ja": "島を離れてしまったら その考えが君を内側から 食ってしまうぞ ここに戻ってくるまでな" }
{ "en": "- I don't know.", "ja": "- わからない" }
{ "en": "Please help me.", "ja": "お願い 助けて" }
{ "en": "Get the fuck out!", "ja": "出て行け" }
{ "en": "The things people will do for money.", "ja": "カネの亡者だな" }
{ "en": "There's no end in sight.", "ja": "Zumaniに終わりは ありません" }
{ "en": "You know, it was a charming evening, but, uh, that dead body in your bathtub is going to start putting off some very noxious odors soon.", "ja": "でもバスタブの死体は すぐに不快な臭いを 放ち始めるわ" }
{ "en": "My questions are only gonna get tougher here.", "ja": "今の状況を考えろ" }
{ "en": "Texting you Cyrillic icon now.", "ja": "ロシア文字で表示してやる" }
{ "en": "- Wait a minute.", "ja": "- ちょっと待ってくれ" }
{ "en": "Since my first week at the office.", "ja": "最初に会った時からよ" }
{ "en": "I survived that. This ain't shit.", "ja": "飛行機にいれば生き残る 冗談じゃねえ" }
{ "en": "Straightaway.", "ja": "すぐに行きます" }
{ "en": "I speak from experience.", "ja": "経験談から話してる" }
{ "en": "No Limit", "ja": "制限なし" }
{ "en": "Austria.", "ja": "オーストリア" }
{ "en": "Since she was little more than a child.", "ja": "彼女がまだ子供の時からだ" }
{ "en": "- Excuse me, the DEA?", "ja": "DEAとは?" }
{ "en": "Come on.", "ja": "行きましょう" }
{ "en": "The psychological strain requires someone emotionally balanced.", "ja": "心理的にバランスの取れた 者はいないのか" }