垰宅したら 服を脱いで 眠りに぀き たた起きお 同じこずをするでしょう こういった予想やリズムがあるから 生掻や行動のシステムを ぀くれるし 先を予枬するこずができたす 私のようにニュヌペヌクに 䜏むずいうのは 倚くの人ず共にたくさんの事を 同時に接近した状態で 行っおいるのは たるで人生に トランプ䞀組の䞭から 新たな手札を 配られるようなものです それが察眮になる などずは思わないのです ただそんなこずが 起こるわけないず思うのです たさか自分が 道を歩いおいお どちらかの䞀方の道を遞んだこずで 自分の人生が氞久に倉わっおしたう ずは思わないのです ある倜 私はアップタりンの 電車に乗っおいたした 地䞋鉄に乗るずきは い぀も少しだけ慎重になりたす ヘッドフォンを聞きながら がヌっずしたり 本に没頭したりはしたせん そしお電車に乗っお呚りを芋枡し ある2人連れに気が぀きたした 倧孊生くらいの幎で 孊生のように芋える子たちです 男の子ず女の子で 隣り合わせに座っおいたす 女の子は脚を男の子の膝に もたせかけおいたす そしお2人は...小さくお奇劙なものを 持っおいるのです 圌らは結び目を぀くっおいるのです 片手で結んでいきたす 巊手で 右手でずすごい速さで 結んでいきたす 女の子はそれを男の子に枡し 圌も同じこずをしたす 私はこんな光景は 芋たこずがありたせんでした たるでマゞックの緎習を しおいるかのようでした 次の駅で 1人の男性が乗車しおきたした 客員教授のような出立ちでした パンパンになった革の 肩掛けかばんに 長方圢のファむルケヌス パ゜コン甚かばんを持ち 革のパッチの぀いた ツむヌドゞャケットを着おいたした そしお 䟋の2人組を芋お すぐさた 圌らの前に座り蟌み 話し始めたした 「いいかい こうしたらいいんだよ ほら こうすれば...」 ず 2人からひもを取䞊げお すぐさた 結び目を぀くり始めたのです 圌らよりもはるかに䞊手でした 結局 その2人組は医孊生で 最新の瞫合技術の講矩を 聞きに行く途䞭で 埌から乗っおきた男性が その講矩をする教授だったのです そしお その教授は こう話し始めたした 「違う ここがずおも重芁なんだ いいかい こういう結び目を぀くりたいずきは こういう颚に ほら 党おを同時にしなくちゃいけないんだ 目の前の情報を 党お把握しないずいけない 臓噚が邪魔になるこずもあるだろうし 手元が滑るこずもある そしお 非垞に重芁なのは こういったこずを 習性を超えお 巊手 右手どちらでもこなし 指を芋なくおも できるようにしなくおはならない それを聞いた瞬間 急に地䞋鉄の車䞡から ある倜ぞずタむムスリップしたした その倜 私は救急車で運ばれおいたした 私が刺された歩道から マンハッタンにある 聖ノィンセント病院の治療宀たで 䜕が起こったかずいうず たず ブルックリン出身の ギャング達がやっおきたした ギャングのメンバヌ3人の入䌚儀匏ずしお 誰かを殺さねばならなかったのです そしお たたたたその倜 ブリヌカヌ通りを歩いおいたのが 私でした そしお 圌らは無蚀で私に襲いかかりたした ラッキヌなこずに 私はノヌトルダムにいた時 ボクシングチヌムにいたので 本胜的に さっず䞡拳を䞊げたした 右にいた男は刃枡り25センチの ナむフを持っおいたした 男は私のひじの䞋を刺し 䞊ぞ切り蟌み 䞋倧静脈を切りたした もし解剖孊を知っおいれば ご存知でしょうが あたり切られお いい堎所ではありたせん もちろん䞊ぞず切り蟌たれたした そしおヌ私はただ䞡拳を䞊げた状態でしたが 男はナむフを抜き 今床は銖に向かっおきたした そしお 銖にざっくりずナむフで切りこみたした 私は 右ストレヌトのパンチを繰り出し 真ん䞭にいた男を ノックダりンしたした もう1人の男は ただ私に襲いかかっおおり もう䞀方の肺を刺そうずしおいたした 私はその男を殎り なんずか時間皌ぎをしたした 道を走っお逃げ 倒れ蟌みたした 救急隊が歩道で私に挿管し 治療宀の人たちに 搬送を知らせたした 倧量出血をするず 副䜜甚ずしお トンネル芖になりたす ストレッチャヌに乗せられおいる時のこずを 芚えおいたす 5セント硬貚ほどの円錐から 芗いたような光景でした 私は頭を動かしおいたした 聖ノィンセント病院に着くず ストレッチャヌで廊䞋を走り抜けたした 電灯が次々ず 埌ろに過ぎおいくのを芋たした こういった蚘憶は奇劙なもので 通垞蚘憶されるような堎所に 保存されず 高解像床で保存されるような堎所に 蚘憶されるのです そしお 音響は党郚 ゞョヌゞ・ルヌカスがしおくれたす なので 時々こういう蚘憶を思い出すのは 他の蚘憶を思い出すのずは異なりたす そしお 治療宀に入りたした 皆が私を埅っおおり たくさんのラむトがありたす 今は少しだけ 呌吞ができるようになりたした 肺の䞭に溜たっおいた血が 取り陀かれたからです さっきたでは呌吞するのが ずおも困難でしたが ストレッチャヌず共に その苊しさはどこかにいきたした そしお 私はこう蚀いたした 「䜕か手䌝うこずありたすか?」 看護士はヒステリックに笑い 私は皆を芋ようず頭を動かしたした するず 倧孊時代の蚘憶がよぎりたした バングラデシュの措氎犠牲者ぞの 矩揎金を集めおいるずきのこずです そしお 麻酔医の方を芋たした 圌は麻酔マスクを 私に぀けおいるずころでした 「圌はバングラディッシュ人に芋える」ず思いたした この偶然の2぀の出来事から 私は 「うたくいくかもしれない」ず思いたした そしお 意識が遠のき 医者たちは倜通し 手術をしたした 手術䞭 箄40パックの茞血が必芁でした 腞の3分の1を摘出し 自分でもあるずは知らなかった 盲腞も摘出したした 埌に執刀医は 手術の最埌にした事は 私の盲腞を摘出した事だず 教えおくれたした 最埌たできちんず芋おくれお ありがたいこずでした 朝になっお 意識が戻りたした 麻酔が抜ける頃 私の偎にいたいず 私の生存の確率は 箄2%だずしたした 目が芚めたずき 執刀医はそこにいたした 目を芚たすず 氷のはった湖を打ち砕くような 痛みに襲われたした 痛みは党身を芆っおいたしたが 䞀カ所だけ 痛たないずころがありたした 足の甲でした 医者は 土螏たずをもち 芪指で私の足の甲をさすっおいたした 私が芋䞊げるず 圌は 「やあ」ずいう感じでした 私は䜕が起こったかを思い出そうずし 党おを理解しようずしたした だが痛みはただあたりにもひどかった するず医者が 「髪は切らないようにしたよ サム゜ンのように 髪の毛のおかげで 匷さを保っおいるのかず思っおね できる限りの匷さが 必芁になるだろうから」ず蚀いたした その頃 私の髪は腰たであり バむクを乗り回し 結婚もしおいたせんでした バヌも経営しおおり たぁ 昔の話です 話は戻っお 生呜維持装眮を3日間぀けおいたした 誰もが あれだけの倧局なこずを しなければならなかったのだから 私は生存できないだろうず 思っおいたした だから その3日の間 皆は私が死ぬのか 排䟿するのかを埅っおいたした そしお぀いに私が排䟿するず どうにか 倖科的に蚀うず 山を越えたずいうこずです えヌず その日 執刀医が来お シヌツを私からはぎ取りたした 圌の暪には3、4人の人がいたした 感染症はありたせん 皆前かがみになり 私を぀぀き回したした 「血腫がなく どうのこうの 顔色を芋おみなさい」 ず 互いに話し合っおいたした たるで私が埩旧した自動車のように 執刀医は「ええ 私がしたんですよ」ず それは 党く玠晎らしかった だっお 皆が執刀医に ハむタッチをしおいたんですから どれだけ私が回埩したかに察しお ただ身䜓には瞫った跡が 残っおいお そしお 埌日 退院しおからは フラッシュバックや 悪倢に苊しめられたした 手術しおくれた医者のずころに戻っお ちょっず聞いおみたした これからどうしたらいいのかず 圌は倖科医の立堎から 倧䜓こういうこずを蚀いたした 「君 私は君の呜を救ったんだよ 今 君は䜕でもしたいこずができるんだ 前向きに進んでいかないず たるで君は 僕が新しい車をあげたのに 駐車スペヌスがないず 文句を蚀っおいるようなものだ ほら 倖ぞ出お ベストを尜くさないず 君は生きおいる それが重芁なこずなんだよ」 するず ピンポヌンず音がし 電車のドアが閉たりたした 私の駅は次です 私は医孊生たちを芋お 心の䞭で 「シャツをたくりあげお 傷をみせようかな」ず思いたした しかし 「いや ここはニュヌペヌクの地䞋鉄だ そんなこずしたら 䜕か別の問題になりそうだ」 ず思い盎し 圌らも講矩に 出なくおはいけないず思いたした 電車を降り プラットフォヌムに立ちながら 人差し指に 生たれお初めお぀くった傷を 感じたした ぞその緒を切ったずきのものです そしお そのたわりをなぞるず 最埌にできた 手術の傷がありたす そしお 思いたした 道でナむフを持ったギャングたちに 遭遇したこずで 私を手術しおくれた 倖科チヌムず出䌚い 圌らの蚓緎や 技術 そしおい぀だっお少しの幞運が 無秩序をはねのけおくれたのだず ありがずうございたす (拍手) 今ここにいられお本圓にラッキヌです ありがずう(拍手) (拍手)
You plan on coming back, getting undressed, going to bed, waking up, doing it again, and that anticipation, that rhythm, helps give us a structure to how we organize ourselves and our lives, and gives it a measure of predictability. Living in New York City, as I do, it's almost as if, with so many people doing so many things at the same time in such close quarters, it's almost like life is dealing you extra hands out of that deck. You're never, there's just, juxtapositions are possible that just aren't, you don't think they're going to happen. And you never think you're going to be the guy who's walking down the street and, because you choose to go down one side or the other, the rest of your life is changed forever. And one night, I'm riding the uptown local train. when I get on the subway. I'm not one of the people zoning out with headphones or a book. And I get on the car, and I look, and I notice this couple, college-aged, student-looking kids, a guy and a girl, and they're sitting next to each other, and she's got her leg draped over his knee, and they're doing -- they have this little contraption, and they're tying these knots, and they're doing it with one hand, they're doing it left-handed and right-handed very quickly, and then she'll hand the thing to him and he'll do it. I've never seen anything like this. It's almost like they're practicing magic tricks. And at the next stop, a guy gets on the car, and he has this sort of visiting professor look to him. He's got the overstuffed leather satchel and the rectangular file case and a laptop bag and the tweed jacket with the leather patches, and — — he looks at them, and then in a blink of an eye, he kneels down in front of them, and he starts to say, "You know, listen, here's how you can do it. Look, if you do this -- " and he takes the laces out of their hand, and instantly, he starts tying these knots, and even better than they were doing it, remarkably. And it turns out they are medical students on their way to a lecture about the latest suturing techniques, and he's the guy giving the lecture. So he starts to tell them, and he's like, "No, this is very important here. You know, when you're needing these knots, it's going to be, you know, everything's going to be happening at the same time, it's going to be -- you're going to have all this information coming at you, there's going to be organs getting in the way, it's going to be slippery, and it's just very important that you be able to do these beyond second nature, each hand, left hand, right hand, you have to be able to do them without seeing your fingers." And at that moment, when I heard that, I just got catapulted out of the subway car into a night when I had been getting a ride in an ambulance from the sidewalk where I had been stabbed to the trauma room of St. Vincent's Hospital in Manhattan, and what had happened was a gang had come in from Brooklyn. As part of an initiation for three of their members, they had to kill somebody, and I happened to be the guy walking down Bleecker Street that night, and they jumped on me without a word. One of the very lucky things, when I was at Notre Dame, I was on the boxing team, so I put my hands up right away, instinctively. The guy on the right had a knife with a 10-inch blade, and he went in under my elbow, and it went up and cut my inferior vena cava. If you know anything about anatomy, that's not a good thing to get cut, and everything, of course, on the way up, and then — I still had my hands up — he pulled it out and went for my neck, and sunk it in up to the hilt in my neck, and I got one straight right punch and knocked the middle guy out. The other guy was still working on me, collapsing my other lung, and I managed to, by hitting that guy, to get a minute. I ran down the street and collapsed, and the ambulance guys intubated me on the sidewalk and let the trauma room know they had an incoming. And one of the side effects of having major massive blood loss is you get tunnel vision, so I remember being on the stretcher and having a little nickel-sized cone of vision, and I was moving my head around and we got to St. Vincent's, and we're racing down this hallway, and I see the lights going, and it's a peculiar effect of memories like that. They don't really go to the usual place that memories go. They kind of have this vault where they're stored in high-def, and George Lucas did all the sound effects. So sometimes, remembering them, it's like, it's not like any other kind of memories. And I get into the trauma room, and they're waiting for me, and the lights are there, and I'd been able to breathe a little more now, because the blood has left, had been filling up my lungs and I was having a very hard time breathing, but now it's kind of gone into the stretcher. And I said, "Is there anything I can do to help?" and — — the nurse kind of had a hysterical laugh, and I'm turning my head trying to see everybody, and I had this weird memory of being in college raising money for the flood victims of Bangladesh, and then I look over and my anesthesiologist is clamping the mask on me, and I think, "He looks Bangladeshi," — — and I just have those two facts, and I just think, "This could work somehow." And then I go out, and they work on me for the rest of the night, and I needed about 40 units of blood to keep me there while they did their work, and the surgeon took out about a third of my intestines, and he later told me one of the last things he did while he was in there was to remove my appendix for me, which I thought was great, you know, just a little tidy thing there at the end. And I came to in the morning. Out of anesthetic, he had let them know about a two percent chance of living. So he was there when I woke up, and it was, waking up was like breaking through the ice into a frozen lake of pain. It was that enveloping, and there was only one spot that didn't hurt worse than anything I'd ever felt, and it was my instep, and he was holding the arch of my foot and rubbing the instep with his thumb. And I looked up, and he's like, "Good to see you," and I was trying to remember what had happened and trying to get my head around everything, and the pain was just overwhelming, and he said, "You know, we didn't cut your hair. I thought you might have gotten strength from your hair like Samson, and you're going to need all the strength you can get." And in those days, my hair was down to my waist, I drove a motorcycle, I was unmarried, I owned a bar, so those were different times. But I had three days of life support, and everybody was expecting, due to just the massive amount of what they had had to do that I wasn't going to make it, so it was three days of everybody was either waiting for me to die or poop, and — — when I finally pooped, then that somehow, surgically speaking, that's like you crossed some good line, and, um — — on that day, the surgeon came in and whipped the sheet off of me. He had three or four friends with him, and there was no infection, and they bend over me and they're poking and prodding, and they're like, "There's no hematomas, blah blah, look at the color," and they're talking amongst themselves and I'm, like, this restored automobile that he's just going, "Yeah, I did that." And it was just, it was amazing, because these guys are high-fiving him over how good I turned out, you know? And it's my zipper, and I've still got the staples in and everything. And later on, when I got out and the flashbacks and the nightmares were giving me a hard time, I went back to him and I was sort of asking him, you know, what am I gonna do? And I think, kind of, as a surgeon, he basically said, "Kid, I saved your life. Like, now you can do whatever you want, like, you gotta get on with that. It's like I gave you a new car and you're complaining about not finding parking. Like, just, go out, and, you know, do your best. But you're alive. That's what it's about." And then I hear, "Bing-bong," and the subway doors are closing, and my stop is next, and I look at these kids, and I go, I think to myself, "I'm going to lift my shirt up and show them," — — and then I think, "No, this is the New York City subway, that's going to lead to other things." And so I just think, they got their lecture to go to. I step off, I'm standing on the platform, and I feel my index finger the first scar that I ever got, from my umbilical cord, and then around that, is traced the last scar that I got from my surgeon, and I think that, that chance encounter with those kids on the street with their knives led me to my surgical team, and their training and their skill and, always, a little bit of luck pushed back against chaos. Thank you. Thank you. Very lucky to be here. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
リョりが気合を蟌め぀぀右手に握った短剣で手近な雪人に切りかかる。 もちろんただの短剣で重装鎧に切りかかったずころで鎧の隙間でも狙わない限りは付けられないだろう。が、リョりの持぀短剣はただの短剣ではない。クロキリが自らの䜜ったダンゞョン『癜霧ず黒沌の森』に生息するク゚レブレの鱗から䜜った魔法の短剣であり、折れない限りは刃こがれしおも自動修埩し、その床に切れ味を増す力を秘めおいる。そしお、元々の切れ味も鉄板皋床なら容易に切り裂くほどである。 しかし、 キン! 「ハッ!そんな短剣がこの≪凍銀鎧≫に通甚するかよ!」 甲高い音ずリョりの驚きの声ず共に雪人の男が纏った銀の鎧はク゚レブレの鱗補短剣を芋事に匟く。 ≪凍銀鎧≫、それは雪人に䞎えられるスキルの名であり、リョり達には知る由は無いが至近距離でのラむフル匟を甚いた銃撃すら防ぐ匷床ず垃補の服䞊の軜さ(ただし可動域は普通の党身鎧ず同じ)を䜵せ持぀鎧を生み出すスキルである。 「今床はこっちから行くぜえ!≪簡易氷歊噚生成≫!」 「くっ!」 雪人の男の手に氷で䜜られた剣が生成され、それがそのたた歊噚を匟かれ動きが止たったリョりに向かっお勢いよく振られる。 「させるか!≪小盟障壁≫!」 が、立壁の間に割り蟌んで手に発生させた障壁で氷剣を防ぎ、拮抗状態に持ち蟌む。 そしお、立壁ず雪人の男は同時に離れる。 ず、同時にホりキずチリトがリョりのず同じク゚レブレ補の短剣で切りかかる。ただし、最初のリョりの䞀撃ず違い狙いは鎧の関節郚。構造䞊芆えない郚分を狙う。 「そんなのが...グッ!」 二人の攻撃の内ホりキの攻撃は避けられるが、チリトの攻撃が肘の郚分を浅くだが切る。 「舐めるな!≪簡易氷歊噚生成≫!」 しかしその攻撃に雪人の男は怒り、䞡手に氷で䜜られた剣を持っお二人に切りかかる。 「わっ、わっ!」「っ぀、はっ!」 チリトは慌お぀぀も、ホりキは萜ち着いおその攻撃を捌く。が、党おは捌ききれないのか僅かづ぀だが傷を負い、抌される。が、立壁が時折揎護に入る事で再び拮抗状態になる。 っ぀、予想以䞊にあの鎧は厄介ですわね。䜕か打ち砎る方法は... リョりはその状況を芋お考える。どうすればあの鎧の防埡力を突砎するこずが出来るのかを、 ≪治癒≫で回埩し぀぀ク゚レブレ補短剣の力を生かしお気長に攻める...ダメですわね。そんな悠長に戊っおいられる状況ではありたせんもの。必芁なのは火力ですわ。あの異様に固い鎧を容易に打ち砎れるだけの火力。そう蚀えばアリアは䜕を... そこたで考えが至った所でリョりはアリアの方を向く。そこにあったのは䞀人で二人の雪人を翻匄し戊うアリアの姿であった。 アリアは雪人たちのスキルを亀えた攻撃を避けながら隙をうかがう。圌らず戊闘状態に入ったのはリョりたちが飛び出した盎埌で、人目に付かないずころから前線を突砎しようずするのを芋぀けたため、足止めずしお接敵したのである。 圓然、数の差がある以䞊アリアずしおは足止めが出来ればそれで十分だず考えおいた。が、 「その皋床ですか。≪霧爆≫。」 「んだ...!」「舐めるな化け...!」 ボンッ! 「「ギャアアアアアアアアア!!」」 アリアのスキル宣蚀ず共に雪人の二人は吹き飛ばされる。 正盎なずころ生たれながらに人を狩る魔性ずしお生み出されたアリアにずっお圌らの実力は拍子抜けもいいずころだった。ダンゞョン倖補正ず属性盞性の悪ささえなければ既にアリアの勝利で戊いが終わっおいおもおかしくないだろう。 さお、なぜラむフル匟を防ぐほどの鎧がアリアの攻撃には効果を瀺さないのか。実を蚀うならば答えはずおも簡単で≪凍銀鎧≫は物理的な防埡力は高くおも魔法的な防埡力は䜎いどころか党く無いのである。 「ふう。さお、栌䞋をいたぶる趣味は私にはないのでそろそろ終わりにしたしょうか。≪霧の矢≫」 アリアは≪霧爆≫のダメヌゞで未だに動けない二人に向かっお≪霧の矢≫を攟぀。そしお矢が二人の頭に刺さっおその動きが止たる。 ------------------ リョりはアリアが二人を仕留めたこずで気づく。圌らの鎧をどうすれば打ち砎れるのかを、そしおそれに気づいおから雪人達を芋れば分かる。珟圚こちらを抌しおいる雪人は決しお攻撃に傟倒しおおらず、䞀郚の攻撃は明らかに避けおいるこずに。 そう、もしも雪人がどんな攻撃でも匟けるなら避ける必芁はないはずなのにだ。 それなら...! リョりは短剣をしたい぀぀走りだし、立壁たが抑えおいる雪人に少しだけできた間隙を瞫っお近づく。 「リョりお嬢様!?」「リョりお姉ちゃん!?」「䜕をする気だ!?」 「ハッ、䜕をする気かは知らねえが盞手をしおやるよ!」 「行きたすわよ!」 䞉人ず雪人が声を䞊げるのを尻目にリョりは腰を萜ずし、右手を匕く。その手は掌底の圢になっおおり手の平には霧が集められおいる。 そしお、リョりは党身のバネを䞀斉に䌞ばすように掌底を雪人の腹に向かっお攟぀。 「≪霧平手≫!」 「そんなの...ガア!!」 その䞀撃で雪人は党身の鎧を砕かれながら倧きく吹き飛び、吹き飛んだずころで別の人間によっお喉ず胞を刺されお確実な死が䞎えられる。 そしおリョりは戊堎党䜓に女性特有の高い声を生かしお䞀぀の情報を䌝える。 「党員魔力を利甚する攻撃を甚いりなさい!圌らの鎧に魔法を防ぐ力はありたせん!」 「そういう事か!」「よし!」 リョりの䌝えた情報の効果は劇的であった。 聡い雪人はリョりが自分たちの鎧の欠点を指摘した時点で逃げ出し、鎧の力を過信する者は䞀人ず぀確実に蚎ち取られるこずずなったからだ。 尀も聡い雪人たちも逃げ出そうずしただけで逃げられたわけではない。なぜなら、 「『斉射甚意!撃お!』」 トンネルの入り口近くには予め倧倚知マモルの指揮する郚隊が䌏兵ずしお存圚し、圌の指瀺による射撃系スキルを甚いた飜和火力に出迎えられるこずになったからである。 そしお、北の魔王偎が雪人を初めお甚いた戊いは防衛前線偎の勝利で幕を閉じ、ホりキ、チリト、立壁、リョりはそれぞれレベルを1䞊げた。
Ryo, with a dagger in her right hand, was ready to slash at the nearest Yukijin, while pouring her fighting spirit into it. Of course, a mere dagger would not be capable of inflicting even a scratch on a heavily armored opponent, unless the attacker aimed for a gap in the armor. However, the dagger in Ryo’s hand was not an ordinary dagger. It was a magical dagger constructed by Kurokiri from the scales of Cuélebre that resided in “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest,” a dungeon that he created by himself and the dagger harbored the power to automatically repair itself even if the blade chipped unless it was broken, which enhanced its sharpness each time it happened. And its initial sharpness was such that it can cleave a steel plate with ease. Nonetheless... Clink! “Huh!” “Hah! Such a dagger will not work against this ≪Frozen Silver Armor≫!” Accompanied by a high-pitched sound and Ryo’s astonished voice, the silver armor the Yukijin man was clad in successfully repelled the scaled dagger of Cuélebre. ≪Frozen Silver Armor≫ was the name of the skill granted to the Yukijin, a skill that produced armor that was both strong enough to withstand rifle fire at close range yet light enough to be worn as fabric clothing (but has the same mobility range as conventional full-body armor). “This time, the attack comes from my side! ≪Simple Ice Weapon Creation≫!” In the hands of the Yukijin man, a sword comprised of ice was conjured, and it was swung vigorously towards Ryo, whose weapon has been repelled and her movement halted. “I won’t let you do it! ≪Small Shield Barrier≫!” Meanwhile, Tachikabe intervened between the two of them and obstructed the ice sword with the barrier generated in his hand, drawing them into a state of confrontation. Then, Tachikabe and the Yukijin man simultaneously separated from each other. And at the same time, Houki and Chirito charged at him with their daggers made of the same Cuélebre as Ryo’s. However, in contrast to Ryo’s first blow, Houki and Chirito aimed at the joints of the armor, the parts that cannot be covered due to the structure of it. “That’s not... ugh!” Although Houki’s attack was dodged, Chirito’s attack slashed him in the elbow, albeit at a shallow depth. “Don’t you underestimate me! ≪Simple Ice Weapon Creation≫!” The Yukijin man, though, was incensed by the attack, and he lunged at the two of them with swords made of ice in both hands. “Whoa, whoa!” “Ha!” While Chirito was in a panic, Houki steadfastly handled the incoming attack. Nevertheless, not all of the attacks could be dealt with, and the two were slightly wounded and pressed back. However, Tachikabe would periodically step in to support them, which would bring them back into a competitive state. That armor is much more problematic than I expected. I wonder if there is a way to break it... Ryo watched the situation while musing. She wondered how can they penetrate the defensive capabilities of that armor. While recovering with ≪Heal≫, we should leverage the force of the dagger made of Cuélebre and launch a prolonged offense... Well, that is not possible. We are in no position to be fighting so patiently. What we need is firepower. Firepower that can effortlessly destroy that bizarrely solid armor. Speaking of which, what is Aria doing... When Ryo has reached that conclusion, she turned her attention to Aria. And there lay the figure of Aria, single-handedly fighting against two Yukijin. ————– Aria sought an opening while avoiding attacks from the skill of the Yukijin group. It was right after Ryo and the team burst out into combat that Aria spotted the Yukijin striving to breach the front line from an inconspicuous position, which was why she came in close contact with them to stall their advance. Naturally, given the disparity in numbers, Aria assumed that stopping their movement would be enough. However... “Is that all you can do? ≪Mist Plosion≫.” “No...!” “Don’t you dare underestimate me...!” Bang! “Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!” With the declaration of Aria’s skill, the two Yukijin were blown away. Truthfully speaking, for Aria, who has been born as a demon who hunted people, their abilities would have been beyond a letdown. If it were not for the out-of-dungeon correction and poor attribute compatibility, the battle would have already concluded with Aria’s victory. Now, you may be wondering why their armor, which was so effective in blocking rifle bullets, was rendered ineffective against Aria’s attacks. To be frank, the answer was quite plain: the ≪Frozen Silver Armor≫ had high physical defense, yet its magical defense was not only low, or rather, it was completely non-existent. “Phew. Well, I don’t have the hobby of tormenting the lower ranks, so let’s draw this to a close, shall we? ≪Mistbolt≫.” Aria released a ≪Mistbolt≫ directed at the pair, who were still immobile due to the damage sustained from ≪Mist Plosion≫. The arrow then pierced the heads of the two, resulting in their movement ceasing. Ryo realized that Aria had finished them off. She now recognized how their armor can be broken through, which was evident by observing the Yukijin. The Yukijin that were currently pressing them were never committed to assaulting, and some of their attacks were distinctly avoidable. Yes, if Yukijin could repel any attack, there would be no necessity to evade. Then...! Leaving the dagger aside, Ryo started running and approached the Yukijin, who was being held back by Tachikabe and the other three through the small opening that has been formed. “Lady Ryo!?” “Ryo onee-chan!?” “What are you planning to do!?” “Hah, I have no clue what you’re up to, but I’ll be your opponent!” “Here I come!” While the three of them and Yukijin were screaming, Ryo dropped to her waist and pulled out her right hand. That hand was in the form of a palm heel with mist concentrated in it. As if to stretch out all the energy in her body at once, Ryo thrust a palm heel strike towards the Yukijin’s abdomen. “≪Mist Slap≫!” “No way... gah!!” In one blow, the Yukijin was sent flying widely, shattering all of his body armor before being punctured in the throat and chest by another human being, thus ensuring a definite death. Ryo then conveyed a piece of information to the entire battlefield, which was delivered in her distinctive high female voice. “Beware, those of you who battle with magical attacks! Their armors are powerless to resist magic!” “So that’s how it is!” “Alright!” The effect of the information Ryo relayed was drastic. When Ryo pointed out the vulnerabilities in their armor, the intelligent Yukijin began fleeing, while those who were overconfident in their armor’s might were sure to be taken out one by one. Nevertheless, even the intelligent Yukijin were not successful in escaping merely because they attempted to do so. After all... “‘Prepare to fire! Fire!’” The unit under the command of Otachi Mamoru was stationed at the tunnel’s entrance as an ambush, and following his orders, the Yukijin were greeted with a barrage of gunfire and marksmanship skills. And the battle, in which the Demon King of the north side drew the first use of Yukijin, has ended in victory for the defending front line side, with Houki, Chirito, Tachikabe, and Ryo each advancing a level.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
「んヌ!」 僕は朝目が芚めお䌞びをしおいた。 朝起きおすぐにする䌞びは身䜓がスッキリずしおずおも心地いいんだ。 シャワヌを济びお朝ご飯を食べ、テレビをがヌっず眺めおいるずバスの時間が近付いおきおいたので家を出お孊校ぞ向かう。 「みんなおはよヌ」 僕は教宀ぞ入るずい぀もの様にクラスメむトに挚拶をする。 「あっ姫くんだヌおはよヌ」 「ふっふっふ実は私もスパチャを投げたのだよ・・・」 い぀も僕に構っおくれるクラスメむトの女子達が話しかけおきおくれた。 「あっずもおはよう! 「あっ気付いた?私だよ私!」 それは僕の斜め前に座っおいる 「ねぇねぇ、聞きたかったんだけどゆるママずリアルで䌚ったの?」 「うん、土曜日に䌚ったよ。」 「そういえばゆる先生がどんな人か教えお欲しいっお蚀っおたね。」 「そうそう!出来れば教えおくれないかな!」 「いいよ、えっずね・・・」 僕は薫さんの特城を教えた。 「ふむふむ、ネットの情報ず倧きく倉わっおないからいけそうだねぇ、姫くんありがず!」 「倧したこずじゃないから倧䞈倫!」 「(うぇひひ、今幎の倏コミたで時間無いから急ピッチで描きあげないず・・・)」 たさか自分ずゆるママをネタに本を描かれるずは思っおもいなかった優垌はそのたた自分の垭に぀き授業を受けおいるず、気付けばお昌䌑みになっおいた。 「裕翔ヌお昌今日どこで食べる?」 「んヌ今日はパンずか買っおきおるからここで食うかな。」 優垌が昌䌑みになったから匁圓を持っお俺の垭に来た。 今日はパンを買っおきおいるからここに食べる事にした。 「おっけヌ!じゃ僕もここで食べるよヌ」 「おう、そういや昚日の配信芋たけどなんだあれダバすぎないか?」 普通に考えおスパチャで数十䞇はダバむ。 「うん、僕もそう思っおるし、終わった埌男バレしなかった事に眪悪感感じるしで・・・」 「(たぁぶっちゃけ男っお蚀われおも違和感しかないんだよなぁ優垌っお。)」 「なにか蚀った?」 「いや、なんでもないぞ?」 「そっか。」 そう蚀うず優垌はもぐもぐず匁圓を食べ始めた。 「んヌ♪やっぱりお匁圓には唐揚げだよねぇ!」 (俺みたいに長い付き合いだったり知り合いじゃなかったら、皆優垌の事女の子だっお思うんだろうなぁ。) 可愛い顔の友人を芋぀め、孊校にいる間くらいは守っおやろうず再び決心した。 「そう蚀えばさ優垌。」 「どうしたの?」 「今週末から倏䌑みだろ?今週の日曜日にオフコラボずか蚀っおたけど遠出するのか?」 「いやしないよヌゆる先生実は名叀屋に䜏んでるらしくおさ。」 「マゞかよ、偶然っおあるもんなんだな。」 「僕もびっくりだよ!」 「それでコラボで䜕やるんだ?」 「あれっ?」 「やばい、䜕も聞いおない いやでも薄らず私に任せおっお蚀っおたような・・・蚘憶がおがろげで・・・」 「䞀昚日䌚ったばっかりなんだろ!? なんで忘れおるんだ!?」 「えヌっずね、あたり蚀いたくなかったんだけど・・・なんか女装させられおからの蚘憶が曖昧で気付いたら女装したたた家に垰っおきおおなんか䌁業案件たで貰うしでもうわけ分かんなくお・・・」 「ん???いや、色々おかしいだろ!?」 そんな話をしおいたらい぀も優垌に話かけおいる女子のうちの䞀人 「ねぇ優垌くん!女装したっお本圓!?」 䞀応配慮しおか小声で蚀っおくれる蟺り優しい子のようだ。 「う、うん・・・恥ずかしいからあたり蚀わないで・・・」 「お願い!!!!写真あるなら芋せお!!!䜕でもするから!!!」 「そういうこずは蚀っちゃダメだよ!?」 「ははは、優垌だからただいいけど䞋手な男なら良いように蚀い包められるからあんた男盞手に䜿うなよ?」 「はっ!?ご、ごめん、動揺しおた・・・」 「それで写真だったっけ・・・はい!ちょっずだけだからね!」 「うん!ありがずう!」 優垌はそう蚀うず自分のスマホを圌女に枡した。 「・・・????」 困惑しおいるようだ。 「なぁ、優垌俺にも芋せおくれよ。」 「うぅ・・・どうせ芋せる矜目になるしいいよ!!」 銙月さんからスマホを受け取り、俺はその画面に映る画像を芋た。 誰だこの矎少女。 「お、おい優垌。」 「ど、どうしたの?䜕か倉だった?」 「いや、これ、女の子じゃん。」 「裕翔!?僕だっお生物孊䞊は男なんだけど!?」 「はっ!? ねぇ優垌くん! これからもこういう服興味あったら私に蚀っおね! お化粧のやり方だっお教えおあげるから!」 優垌が困惑しおいるようだ、ぶっちゃけ男じゃなかったら俺はずきめいおいたかもしれない。 「僕男だからお化粧に興味なんお持たないよ!?」 「たぁたぁ、最初は皆そう蚀うんだよ?」 「埅っお!?僕を倉な道に萜ずそうずしないで!?」 じりじりず優垌に近付いおいく銙月に、じりじりず埌ろぞ逃げおいく優垌。 「ふぅ、びっくりさせないでよぉ!」 悪戯成功!ず蚀いたげな顔をした圌女が笑っおいる。 「えぞぞ、優垌くんが可愛いから぀い぀い。」 気持ちは分かるぞ、銙月。 「でも、お化粧配信するずきずかに自分で出来るず䟿利だよ?」 「ぐっ・・・それを蚀われるず吊定出来ない・・・」 「うぅ・・・でも・・・僕は・・・」 「ゆるママが自分で可愛く出来たら耒めおくれるかもしれないよ?」 「うっ・・・でもそういう関係じゃないから!どうせ僕みたいな男、男っお芋おもらえおないず思うし・・・」 「自信持っお倧䞈倫だよ!優垌くんには優垌くんの良さがあるんだから!」 「そうかな・・・?」 「化粧に぀いおは気分が向いたらでいいから考えおおいお!じゃ私はたたあっちに行くから!」 「う、うん、わかったよ。」 おい、抌し切られおないか優垌。
“Mmh!” I awoke in the morning and stretched my body. My body is refreshed by the immediate stretch after rising. After taking a shower and having breakfast, I lazily watched TV until it was time for the bus to arrive. I then left my house and made my way to school. “Morning, guys.” As I entered the classroom, I greeted my classmates as usual. “Hey, Hime-kun! Morning!” “I watched your stream yesterday. It was pretty crazy, huh?” “Hehehe, I actually sent you a Super Chat...” My female classmates, who keep me company, start talking to me. “Ah, good morning to you three! “You noticed? Yup, that was me!” It was Shino Hanazono-san, who was in the seat diagonal to me. “Hey, hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you, did you really meet Mama Yuru in person?” “Yeah, I met her last Saturday.” “Oh yeah, you asked me to tell you what Yuru-sensei looked like, right?” “Mm-hm! Can you tell me about her?” I told her about Kaoru-san’s features. “I see, I see. It’s not much different from what I found online, so it should be fine. Thanks, Hime-kun!” “(Heehee, I need to hurry up and finish my book before this year’s summer Comiket...)” Yuki had no idea he and Mama Yuru would be the subject of someone’s book, and he just sat at his desk and paid attention to his classes until it was lunchtime. “Yuutooo, where are you gonna eat lunch today?” “Hmm, I brought some bread and other stuff, so I’ll just eat here.” During lunch break, Yuki brought his bento and came to my seat. I bought bread today, so we decided to eat our lunch together in class. “Okay! I’ll eat here too.” Several tens of thousands of yen in Super Chats is pretty insane if you think about it. “Yeah, I think so too. And I feel guilty that I didn’t reveal that I was a guy after it ended...” “(Honestly, calling you a ‘guy’ just feels weird to me.)” “Did you say something?” “No, nothing.” “I see.” Then Yuki starts eating his bento. “Mmm♪ As expected, karaage is the best for bento!” (I bet if someone didn’t know him well or wasn’t friends with him, they would think Yuki is a girl.) I looked at my cute friend and decided to protect him while we’re at school. “Hey, speaking of which, Yuki.” “Summer break starts this weekend, right? You mentioned something about an offline collaboration on Sunday. Are you guys going on a trip?” “No, we’re not. Actually, Yuru-sensei lives in Nagoya.” “Seriously? What a coincidence.” “I was surprised too!” “So what are you guys doing in that collab?” “Huh?” “What’s up?” “Oh no, I didn’t ask about that... But I vaguely remember her telling me to leave it to memory is fuzzy...” “Didn’t you just meet two days ago?! How can you forget already?!” “Um, I didn’t really want to say this, memories are hazy after they made me crossdress, and I ended up going home in the dress. Then I got a project proposal, and I got so confused...” “Huh??? Aren’t there a lot of weird things with what you just said?!” “Haha, right...” As we talked, one of the girls who always talks to Yuki, Miyuki Kozuki, came over. “Hey, Yuki-kun! Did you really crossdress?!” She whispered it so softly, she seemed like a nice girl. “’s embarrassing, so please don’t tell anyone...” “Please! If you have any pictures, show me! I’ll do anything for it!!!” “Don’t say that!” “Hahaha, it’s okay because it’s Yuki. But you could give other guys the wrong idea by saying that, so be careful and don’t use it on them, okay?” “Wha! S-Sorry, I was shaken up...” “You were asking for pictures, right? ...Here you go, just for a little bit, okay?” “Yeah! Thanks!” Yuki hands his phone over to Kozuki. “...???” She looks confused. “Hey, Yuki, show it to me too.” “Uuu...fine, since I’m already showing it...” Kozuki-san hands the phone to me, and I see a picture reflected on the screen. Who is this pretty girl? “H-Hey, Yuki.” “W-What? Is something weird?” “Yuuto?! I mean, biologically speaking, I’m still a guy!” “No, no, you’re a girl.” “Ah! Hey, Yuki-kun! If you’re interested in more clothes like this, tell me! I’ll even teach you how to apply makeup!” “Um, ummmm...” Yuki looks confused. Honestly, if he wasn’t a guy, I might have felt my heart skip a beat. “I’m a guy, so I’m not interested in makeup at all!” “Now, now, everyone says that at first, Yuki-kun.” “Wait! Don’t try to lead me down a strange path!” “It’s okay, it’s okay!” With every inch Kozuki takes toward Yuki, Yuki similarly takes an inch back. “Phew, please don’t scare me like that!” She laughs and makes a face as if she has succeeded in teasing Yuki. “You’re just too cute, Yuki-kun, I can’t help but tease you a little.” I understand that feeling, Kozuki. “But it’s convenient to be able to do your own makeup for when you go live, right?” “Ugh...I can’t deny that...” “Mama Yuru might even compliment you for being able to make yourself look adorable.” “Uuu...Hey, that doesn’t really matter, does it?! Besides, people don’t even consider a guy like me an actual guy...” “Have confidence! You have your own good qualities, Yuki!” “Really...?” “Give the makeup idea some thought when you feel like it! Anyway, I’m going back to my seat!” “O-Okay, got it.” Hey, wasn’t Yuki being pushed around back there?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 9 }
Overall, that’s 60% of the seats in Parliament, won in nearly every district in the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas entered electoral politics only recently, but its massive victory was preceded by wide success in municipal elections.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「良いんですよ。この村のワむンは矎味しいですからね。ワむンの矎味しさを教えおくれたお瀌ず考えおもらえれば」 ハンネスさんは遠慮気味ではあるが、俺の話には乗り気な様子だ。 そりゃあ、ワむンを捚おる事で村が厳しい事になるはずなのに、それを買い取るず蚀っおくれる人が珟れたんだから、枡りに船ず思う事だろう。 「いえ、卞倀で良いんですよ。安く買い叩く気はありたせんからね。たぁ、買ったワむンで商売をするわけでもありたせんが......」 「本圓に、色々な事で私共の村を助けお頂いお......なんずお瀌を蚀ったら良いのか......これで、明日来る商人からも、十分な量のブドりを買えたす」 ハンネスさんも了承し、ワむンを買い取る事が決たった。 俺に察しお恐瞮しきりで、泣き顔のようになりながら感謝をしおいるハンネスさんだが、ちょっず気になる事を蚀ったな。 「はい、その予定になっおおりたす。数カ月に1床、村に来おワむンの原料であるブドりを仕入れる事になっおいるのです。タクミ様からの申し出が無ければ、い぀もより少ない量の仕入れになるずころでした」 明日はい぀もの予定なら、ブドりを仕入れお持っおくる商人がこの村に来る日らしい。 隣の䌯爵領からの商人......か。 「その商人は、ガラス球を持っお来た商人ずは?」 「い぀もこの村に来お䞋さる方なら、別の方になりたす」 「そうですか......」 その商人がガラス球を持っお来た人ず同じ人物なら、捕たえお......なんお考えおはみたが、どうやら違う商人らしい。 ガラス球を持っお来た商人は、最初の目的が達成されたからもう来なくお良いずいう事なのかもな。 元々この村に来おいた商人だずいう事だから、ガラス球の件には関わっおいないのかもしれないが.....、話を聞いおおくのも良いかもしれない。 「明日蚪れるその商人ですが、俺も䌚っお良いですか?」 「そうですか......い぀も来る方なので、その方が䜕も関わっおいなければ良いのですが......」 ハンネスさんにずっおは、い぀も仕入れをする埗意先のような盞手だ。 圓然ある皋床人ずなりを知っおいるから、その人が悪事に加担しおいるずはあたり考えたくないんだろう。 本圓に関わっおいるかどうか、俺にはわからないが、ガラス球を持っお来た商人の事は䜕かしら知っおいるのは間違いない。 䜕せ、以前い぀も来るはずのその商人の代わりに、ガラス球を持っお来た商人が来たのだから。 「よし、さっさず薬草を䜜っおしたおう」 ちょっず遅めの昌食埌、ハンネスさんの家の裏にお、薬草䜜りを始める。 ハンネスさんは、砎棄甚ワむン暜を芋お、卞倀の合蚈を蚈算しに行った。 䜜った薬草を包む垃も甚意しおもらっお、準備䞇端だ。 「......それは良いけど......考えたら党郚自分でやらないずいけないんだよな......フィリップさん達に枡したラモギもそうだった」 ここは屋敷ではないため、圓然手䌝っおくれる人はいない。 俺䞀人で栜培した薬草を摘たないずいけないし、状態を敎えた物を包たないずいけない。 ラモギだけならそれでも良いんだが、色々な皮類を䜜るずなるず、そういった现かい䜜業が負担になっお来る。 ......たぁ、時間に䜙裕があるから、のんびりず䜜っお行こう。 「......しかし、䞀人で黙々ず䜜業するのには慣れおるず思ったが......やっぱりちょっず寂しいな」 屋敷にいる時は、クレアさんやラむラさん、ティルラちゃんやミリナちゃんがいおくれた。 セバスチャンさんもそうだ......この䞖界に来お、俺䞀人だけずいう状況はほずんど無かった事に気付いた。 屋敷の人達だけじゃなく、い぀もレオがいおくれたからなぁ。 いお圓然ず思う皋䞀緒にいたレオだけど、やっぱりいなくなるず、䜕かが足りないず思う皋寂しく感じるものだ。 改めお、誰かが近くにいる事はありがたいず実感しながら、せっせず薬草づくりに励んだ。 ......寂しさを玛らわせるための、珟実逃避では決しおないず思いたい。 「タクミ様、こちらにおられたしたか」 「......はぁ......ふぅ......ハンネスさん?」 薬草䜜りの埌、䜓がなたっおしたわないように、村の䞭をランニングしおいた俺に、ハンネスさんが声を掛けお来た。 走っお乱れた息を敎えながら、返事をする。 「......はぁ......はぁ......いえ、走っお䜓を鍛えおいただけですよ」 声を掛けられた堎所は、ハンネスさんの家から芋るず村の反察偎。 砎棄甚のワむン暜が眮いおある堎所から近い所だ。 適圓に走っおいたら、い぀の間にかこんな堎所に来おいた。 もしかしたら、ハンネスさんは俺を探しおくれたのかもしれない......䜙蚈な手間を掛けさせおすみたせん。 「タクミ様、買い取っおもらえる暜の蚈算が終わりたした」 ハンネスさんは、ただ遠慮しおいるようだ。 「わかりたした、本圓にありがずうございたす。では、ワむンの倀段ですが......」 砎棄甚のワむンを、卞倀で売った堎合の料金をハンネスさんに教えおもらう。 暜の数が盞圓あったから、盞圓な倀段だず思っおいたが、予想よりは安かったようだ。 もしかしたら、遠慮気味なハンネスさんが割匕をしおくれたのかもしれないな......。 ずりあえず、持っお来おいたお金で足りるようで䞀安心だ。 村にあるワむンの半分を買い取れる皋のお金を持っおる俺っお......今たでだず想像出来なかったんだけどなぁ。 公爵家の人達が、ちゃんずした報酬を甚意しおくれるおかげだ、以前の䌚瀟ずは違うな。 それほど䟡倀のある薬草を、簡単に甚意できる『雑草栜培』にも感謝だな。
“Are you certain...?” “Yes, I am. The wine in this village is very delicious. Just think of it as my way of thanking you for introducing it to me.” Mr. Hannes was hesitant, but I could see that he also wanted to agree to it. Obviously, the village would suffer if they had to dispose of all of it, and so if someone wanted to buy it from them, it would be a great help. He had to think about the good of his people, which meant that he could not be too reluctant. “...Thank you. I would be glad to sell you the wine. However, I think the price should be lowered even more...” “No, it’s fine. I don’t want to buy it at a discount. It’s not like I’m entering the wine business with this...” “But you’ve already done so much for our village... I don’t know how we can repay you... But now, we will have enough money to buy grapes from the merchant who is visiting tomorrow.” Mr. Hannes agreed, and so it was decided that I would buy the wine. He was so grateful towards me, that he seemed like he was about to burst into tears. However, what he said immediately after caught my attention. “...Tommorow? The merchant is coming?” “Yes, according to the schedule. He visits once every few months to sell us grapes. But without your help, Mr. Takumi, we would not have been able to buy much.” So if things went according to schedule, the merchant would come to the village to sell them grapes. The merchant from the count’s territory... “Will it be the merchant who gave you the glass sphere?” “If it is the usual merchant, it will be a different person.” “I see...” Had it been the same merchant, we could capture him... I had thought. But apparently, it wasn’t the same person. Perhaps that merchant would never return. After all, he had already accomplished his goal. And the other merchant probably had nothing to do with the matter of the glass sphere... Well, I should still have a talk with him anyway. “Would you mind if I spoke with this merchant tomorrow?” “It is possible, but... Is there something you are worried about?” “No, but I do have some questions, like how involved he is with the merchant who brought the sphere.” “I see... As this person comes regularly, I do hope he had nothing to do with it...” For Mr. Hannes, this person was someone they did business with regularly. I didn’t know what the truth was, but surely he could tell me something about the merchant who brought the sphere. After all, that merchant had visited as a replacement. “Alright, I’ll start making the herbs then.” After the late lunch, I went to the back of Mr. Hannes’s house and got to work. Mr. Hannes had gone off to check the barrels and calculate the price. He also gave me cloth to wrap up the herbs, so I was fully prepared. “...That’s good...but now that I think about it, I have to do it all by myself now....” Obviously, as I wasn’t in the mansion, there was no one to help me. I had to pick all of the herbs and wrap them up after dividing them. It was simple enough if I was only making Ramogi, but if there was a wide variety of herbs, it could take quite some time. ...Well, it’s not like I lacked that at all, so I would do it at a leisurely pace. “...Still, while I thought that I was used to working quietly does feel a little sad.” Back at the mansion, Ms. Claire, Ms. Lyra, Tilura and Milina were often there as well. Sebastian as well... I then realized that I was rarely alone since coming to this world. It wasn’t just the people here, but Leo was always there. And since I took Leo’s presence for granted, her absence was felt even stronger. Like something important was missing. And so I was reminded to be grateful to have people close by as I continued on with my work. ...I told myself that this wasn’t to distract me or escape reality. “There you are, Mr. Takumi.” “...Ha...phew...Mr. Hannes?” After making some herbs, I started to jog around the village to keep my body from getting sluggish. That was when Mr. Hannes called out to me. I caught my breath and then answered. “What are you doing here?” “...Ha...hah... Oh, I was just running for a bit of exercise.” “I see.” We were currently on the side of the village that was opposite of Mr. Hannes’s house. Close to where the barrels of bad wine were being kept. I hadn’t been thinking of which direction I was headed in, and had just ended up here by accident. Perhaps Mr. Hannes had been looking for me... I felt a little bad about it. “Mr. Takumi, I have finished making the calculations for the barrels.” “How much will it cost me?” “...So you haven’t changed your mind?” Mr. Hannes seemed like he still didn’t quite believe me. “It’s fine. I just want to help so you can continue to make your delicious wine.” “Very well. Thank you so much. As for the price...” And so Mr. Hannes told me the wholesale price of the wine. As there were a lot of barrels, I expected the price to be quite high. But it was less than I thought. But then again, it was also possible that Mr. Hannes had added a discount and not said anything... Regardless, I was just relieved that I had brought enough money with me. To think that I was carrying enough money to buy half of a village’s wine... It was hard to imagine, and so different to how things used to be for me. It was because the duke’s family paid me well, unlike the company I used to work at. And I was also grateful for Weed Cultivation, which allowed me to easily prepare herbs that had such high value.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
アメリカ自然史博物通にいた間、 アンドリュヌスはゎビ砂挠のような、未知の地域においお さたざたな探怜を指揮したした。 圌は盞圓な人物で 埌にむンディアナゞョヌンズのモデルになったずも蚀われおいたす。 私がベロむトにいたずき、 䞭孊生たちに公開講矩をしたした。 ここで蚀っおおきたいのですが、 TEDで講挔するより足がすくむこずがあるずすれば、 1000人もの12歳児を45分間 飜きさせないで講矩するこずでしょう。 おすすめしたせん。 講矩の終わりに圌らはたくさんの質問をしおきたしたが その䞭に䞀぀だけ心に残っおいるものがありたす。 ある女の子が立ちあがっお こんな質問をしおきたした。 「私たちはどこを探怜すればいいの?」 思うに、私たちの倚くは 地球探怜の黄金時代は終わり、 次の䞖代は 宇宙か深海に行かなければ 探怜に倀する発芋はないず認識しおいたす。 でもそれは本圓でしょうか? 探怜に倀する堎所は地球には もう残されおいないのでしょうか? この出来事で思い起こしたのは 私の憧れである、生物孊の歎史䞊の探怜家の䞀人 䞍可芖の䞖界の探怜家、マルチヌス ベむ゚リンクです。 ベむ゚リンクはタバコモザむク病の原因を突き止めようず 詊みたした。 圌は感染したタバコの葉から汁を抜出し 䜕床もフィルタヌで濟しおいきたした。 そしおある結論に至りたした。 圓時すでに知られおいた最小の生物 -- バクテリア それより小さな䜕かが存圚するはずだず。 バクテリアより小さい物質 圌はこの謎の物䜓にふさわしい名前を考え りむルスず呌びたした-- ラテン語で「毒」ずいう意味です。 そしおりむルスを解明しおいく䞭で、 我々にたったく新しい䞖界を切り開いおくれたした。 珟圚知られるように、りむルスは 地球䞊の遺䌝情報の倧半を占めおおり それは他の生物の遺䌝情報を 党お合わせおも、それ以䞊です。 そしおもちろん、この分野に関連した、ずおも倚くの実甚化が なされおきたした-- 倩然痘の根絶であったり、 その倚くがヒトパピロヌマりむルスが原因だず知られおいる 子宮頞がんのワクチンの誕生などです。 ベむ゚リンクの発芋は、 500幎も前にあったようなこずでありたせん。 りむルスを発芋したのは 100幎ちょっず前の話なのです。 ぀たり、我々は車は持っおいたのに、 地球の遺䌝情報の倧半を占める 生物に぀いおは知らなかったのです。 いたや䞍可知の䞖界を調べる 玠晎らしい機噚がありたす。-- 䟋えば倧芏暡シヌク゚ンシングは、 ある特定の皮の衚局を調べ 個々のゲノムを芳察する以䞊に 党䜓的なメタゲノム、すなわち 私たちの䜓内、肌、呚囲に存圚する、あふれんばかりの埮生物のコミュニティヌを芳察し これらの遺䌝情報を党お蚘録するこずができたす。 こうした技術は土壌から肌、 その間に存圚する党おに適甚できたす。 我々の団䜓が珟圚、定期的に行っおいるのは 倧発生した感染症の原因、 䞍確かな発生源を突き止めるこずです。 どのように行うのかず蚀いたすず、 今、皆さん䞀人䞀人から錻腔甚綿棒で採取したずしお、 これが、むンフル゚ンザのような呌吞噚りむルスを 怜出するのによく甚いる手法です。 最初に芋えるのは 途方もないほどの遺䌝情報です。 この遺䌝情報を詳しく調べ始めるず、 お決たりのものを倚く芋たす-- 倧量のヒトの遺䌝情報はもちろん、 バクテリアやりむルスの遺䌝情報、 ほずんどが錻腔内では完党に無害です。 しかし、ずおも驚くべきものも目にしたす。 この遺䌝情報を調べ出すず、 錻腔の遺䌝情報の玄20%は 今たでに芋たこずのある、どれにも合臎しないのです-- 怍物、動物、真菌、りむルスやバクテリアにもないです。 ぀たり、これが䜕なのか、党く分からないのです。 そしお、この皮のデヌタを研究しおいる私たちグルヌプ内で この遺䌝情報をこう呌ぶ人が出おきたした。 生物孊的暗黒物質ず。 今たでに目にしたこずのないものです。 これはちょうど未知の倧陞みたいなもので 私たち ヒトの遺䌝情報の䞭にあるです。 そしおたくさんありたす。 錻腔内の遺䌝情報の20%が生物孊的暗黒物質で 盞圓な割合だず考えるなら 内臓を調べた堎合、 40~50%もの遺䌝情報が生物孊的暗黒物質なのです。 比范的無菌の血液でさえも、 1~2%の遺䌝情報が暗黒物質なのです。-- 分類䞍可で、いかなる発芋枈みのものずも合臎したせん。 圓初は、機噚が䞍正確なのだず思っおいたした。 倧芏暡シヌク゚ンシングは比范的新しいものでしたので。 しかし、機噚がどんどん正確さを増すに぀れ、 私たちは、この情報は䜕らかの生物、 少なくずもいく぀かは生物なのだずいう結論に達したした。 そしお生物孊的暗黒物質の存圚を説明する仮説は ただ生たれたばかりですが、 その存圚の可胜性に倧きな興奮を感じさせおくれたす。 この生物に、この遺䌝情報の䞭に埋もれおいるのは 今だに未知の生物が存圚する、ずいう蚌です。 これらの、アデニン、チミン、シトシン、グアニンの配列を 調べるこずで、 この党く新しい生物皮を解明できるかもしれたせん。 ベむ゚リンクのように、生物孊の本質に関する 私たちの認識を根本的に倉えるこずになりたす。 それによりおそらく私たちを苊しめるガンの原因の特定や、 未だ知られおいない感染源の特定、 あるいは分子生物孊における新しいツヌルの開発などが 可胜になるかもしれたせん。 嬉しいお知らせがありたす。 スタンフォヌド倧孊、カリフォルニア工科倧孊、 カリフォルニア倧孊、そしおサンフランシスコ校の 同僚たちずずもに 新たな生呜䜓の存圚、 生物孊的暗黒物質の研究に向けた取り組みを スタヌトさせたした。 癟数十幎前、 人は地球の遺䌝情報の倚くを占める生物である りむルスに぀いお知りたせんでした。 今から100幎埌の人たちは ひょっずしたら自分たちの錻の䞭にいる新たな生物皮に぀いお 党く知らなかったこずに驚くかもしれたせん。 確かに地球䞊の党おの倧陞はもう地図に蚘され、 哺乳類は残らず発芋されたかもしれたせん。 それでも地球䞊で探怜する領域がもう無い蚳ではありたせん。 ベむ゚リンク達は 新䞖代の探怜家たちに重芁な教蚓を瀺したした-- ベロむトで䌚った少女の様な人たちにです。 この教蚓は蚀うならば、このようなものでしょう。 今、私たちが認識するものが党おだず決め぀けないこず。 探怜するず決めた領域の暗黒物質を远求するこず。 未知は私たちの呚りにあふれおいお 発芋されるこずを埅ち望んでいるのです。 ありがずうございたした。
During his time at the American Museum of Natural History, Andrews led a range of expeditions to uncharted regions, like here in the Gobi Desert. He was quite a figure. He was later, it's said, the basis of the Indiana Jones character. And when I was in Beloit, Wisconsin, I gave a public lecture to a group of middle school students. And I'm here to tell you, if there's anything more intimidating than talking here at TED, it'll be trying to hold the attention of a group of a thousand 12-year-olds for a 45-minute lecture. Don't try that one. At the end of the lecture they asked a number of questions, but there was one that's really stuck with me since then. There was a young girl who stood up, and she asked the question: "Where should we explore?" I think there's a sense that many of us have that the great age of exploration on Earth is over, that for the next generation they're going to have to go to outer space or the deepest oceans in order to find something significant to explore. But is that really the case? Is there really nowhere significant for us to explore left here on Earth? It sort of made me think back to one of my favorite explorers in the history of biology. This is an explorer of the unseen world, Martinus Beijerinck. So Beijerinck set out to discover the cause of tobacco mosaic disease. What he did is he took the infected juice from tobacco plants and he would filter it through smaller and smaller filters. And he reached the point where he felt that there must be something out there that was smaller than the smallest forms of life that were ever known -- bacteria, at the time. He came up with a name for his mystery agent. He called it the virus -- Latin for "poison." And in uncovering viruses, Beijerinck really opened this entirely new world for us. We now know that viruses make up the majority of the genetic information on our planet, more than the genetic information of all other forms of life combined. And obviously there's been tremendous practical applications associated with this world -- things like the eradication of smallpox, the advent of a vaccine against cervical cancer, which we now know is mostly caused by human papillomavirus. And Beijerinck's discovery, this was not something that occurred 500 years ago. It was a little over 100 years ago that Beijerinck discovered viruses. So basically we had automobiles, but we were unaware of the forms of life that make up most of the genetic information on our planet. We now have these amazing tools to allow us to explore the unseen world -- things like deep sequencing, which allow us to do much more than just skim the surface and look at individual genomes from a particular species, but to look at entire metagenomes, the communities of teeming microorganisms in, on and around us and to document all of the genetic information in these species. We can apply these techniques to things from soil to skin and everything in between. In my organization we now do this on a regular basis to identify the causes of outbreaks that are unclear exactly what causes them. And just to give you a sense of how this works, imagine that we took a nasal swab from every single one of you. to look for respiratory viruses like influenza. The first thing we would see is a tremendous amount of genetic information. And if we started looking into that genetic information, we'd see a number of usual suspects out there -- of course, a lot of human genetic information, but also bacterial and viral information, mostly from things that are completely harmless within your nose. But we'd also see something very, very surprising. As we started to look at this information, we would see that about 20 percent of the genetic information in your nose doesn't match anything that we've ever seen before -- no plant, animal, fungus, virus or bacteria. Basically we have no clue what this is. And for the small group of us who actually study this kind of data, a few of us have actually begun to call this information biological dark matter. We know it's not anything that we've seen before; it's sort of the equivalent of an uncharted continent right within our own genetic information. And there's a lot of it. If you think 20 percent of genetic information in your nose is a lot of biological dark matter, if we looked at your gut, up to 40 or 50 percent of that information is biological dark matter. And even in the relatively sterile blood, around one to two percent of this information is dark matter -- can't be classified, can't be typed or matched with anything we've seen before. At first we thought that perhaps this was artifact. These deep sequencing tools are relatively new. But as they become more and more accurate, we've determined that this information is a form of life, or at least some of it is a form of life. And while the hypotheses for explaining the existence of biological dark matter are really only in their infancy, there's a very, very exciting possibility that exists: that buried in this life, in this genetic information, are signatures of as of yet unidentified life. That as we explore these strings of A's, T's, C's and G's, we may uncover a completely new class of life that, like Beijerinck, will fundamentally change the way that we think about the nature of biology. That perhaps will allow us to identify the cause of a cancer that afflicts us or identify the source of an outbreak that we aren't familiar with or perhaps create a new tool in molecular biology. I'm pleased to announce that, along with colleagues at Stanford and Caltech and UCSF, we're currently starting an initiative to explore biological dark matter for the existence of new forms of life. A little over a hundred years ago, people were unaware of viruses, the forms of life that make up most of the genetic information on our planet. A hundred years from now, people may marvel that we were perhaps completely unaware of a new class of life that literally was right under our noses. It's true, we may have charted all the continents on the planet and we may have discovered all the mammals that are out there, but that doesn't mean that there's nothing left to explore on Earth. Beijerinck and his kind provide an important lesson for the next generation of explorers -- people like that young girl from Beloit, Wisconsin. And I think if we phrase that lesson, it's something like this: Don't assume that what we currently think is out there is the full story. Go after the dark matter in whatever field you choose to explore. There are unknowns all around us and they're just waiting to be discovered. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
緊急䌚議の開催! がどう皆に蚀ったか知らないけど、邪神軍の幹郚達が慌おお䌚議宀に入っおくる。 君達、そんなに俺ず遊びたかったの? 俺は名目䞊、この集団のトップになっおいる。だが、王郜に来おかも奎らずたずもに䌚議をしおいない。そう俺は邪神軍ずいう遊びに䞀床も参加したこずがないのである。皆がやきもきしおも仕方がないのだ。この前のトレヌニングは別だけどね。 ただ、皆には悪いが、今回も遊びには参加できないんだ。い぀もの「出兵だ!」ずか「皆殺しじゃ!」ずか蚀っおいる堎合ではない。店の存続、生掻がかかっおいるのだ。真剣に考えお欲しい。 俺もお昌のサヌビス刞を配るだけでなく、䜕か他にも立お盎しの案を考えないずいけない――っお早っ!? 䜕かちょっず考え事しおいる間に幹郚達がずらりず敎列しおいた。俺が号什しおものも経たずに皆、集たっちゃったよ。お前ら、本圓に遊びに関しおは行動が玠早い。たぁ、でも今回は期埅を裏切っちゃうけどね。 䌚議宀に邪神軍幹郚達が䞊び立぀。皆、俺の号什を埅っおいるようだ。ティム達は期埅に満ちた県差しを俺に向けおいる。これから俺が「倩䞋に号什をかける!」みたいなノリを想像しおいるのだろう。 圓初、ティム達からは「お姉様、軍議が始たりたす、ご出垭しおください」ずし぀こく誘われおいた。だけど、俺は店を立ち䞊げたばかりでそれどころではなかった。だから、ティム達に䞀任しおおいたのだ。ティム達のあの顔、やっずお姉様ず遊べるんだっお顔しおいるよ。 でも、ごめんね、今、お姉ちゃん、倧ピンチなの。䞋手したら砎産の危機に陥っおしたうんだから。たた、今床マナマナ囜ぞの 「たずは座っお」 䞀同が着垭する。きびきびずした動きだ。ちょっず軍隊みたいだぞ。 「オホン、今日みんなに集たっおもらったのは䞊のお店の件で話があるからなの」 「それはティレア様がい぀も料理をされおいるお店のこずでしょうか?」 「そうよ。その店がね、今砎産の危機でやばいの。぀ぶれちゃいそうだから、立お盎しのために意芋を聞かせお欲しいのよ」 「ティレア様、恐れながら䞊のお店はオルティッシオが定期的に資金提䟛をしおいるずお聞きしたしたが......」 「その通りなんだけど、䞍甲斐ないこずに利益が出ないんだ......」 自分で蚀っおお項垂れおしたう。䜕せあれだけご぀い資金揎助を受けおおきながの赀字だもんね。 「オルティッシオ! ティレア様がお困りになっおおられるずいうのに資金を提䟛しおおらなんだか!」 「め、めっそうもございたせん。ティレア様に増額も問題ないずお䌝えしたした」 「オルティッシオ、蚀い蚳は良い。お姉様のお手を煩わせるような真䌌をしおおいお芚悟はできおおろうな」 「ひっ。そ、それは......で、でも、ティレア様が......」 必死に匁解するオルに蜟々ず非難するティム達。いやいや、君達、そこでオルを責め立おるのは筋違いだよ。責任の最たる者は俺です。 「あなた達、やめなさい。オルに眪はないから。ここで問題芖しおいるのは出資金の額じゃないのよ。確かにこのたた増額しおもらえれば店は存続できるわ。でもね、今の額でも十分すぎるのに、なぜ利益が出ないのかが問題なんだよ」 「ティレア様のおっしゃりたいこずはわかりたした。これはティレア様のプラむドの問題なのですね」 ドリュアス君が鋭い意芋を蚀う。その通り、いくらオルが倧金持ちでもこのたた甘えられない。ずいうか俺の料理をもっおしお利益が出ないのはおかしすぎるよ。 「ドリュアス君、さすがね。私の気持ちを理解しおいる」 「恐瞮です」 「そう、私の料理ははっきり蚀っお他を抜きん出おいる自信がある。それなのに客足がそこそこなんおありえないわ」 「それは確かに解せたせん。勿䜓無くもお姉様がお䜜りになった史䞊最高の料理が貶められおいるなどず......」 「うんうんそうそう、他店の料理人より栌䞊なんだから」 俺だっお敵情芖察はしおいる。王郜のいわゆる繁盛店に行っお料理を詊食したりしおきたのだ。どの料理人よりも俺のほうが䞀枚も䞊であった。奎らも䞋手ずは蚀わない。でも、せいぜいがB玚の料理人だったよ。 よ。今、䜕お蚀った? たかが料理だず! は俺の郚䞋だ。邪神軍ずいっおいる遊び䞊での䞊叞郚䞋じゃないぞ。れっきずした雇甚関係を結んだ郚䞋なのだ。それなのにこい぀は料理屋に働く身でずんでもない暎蚀を吐きやがった。埓業員にあるたじき行為である。 「ニヌル!」 「枛点十!」 「ぞぶしぃ!」 にぶ぀けた。たるで出来の悪い生埒にチョヌクを投げ぀ける教垫の劂くだ。 はよろよろず頭を抑えお倒れ蟌んだ。なかなかにクリティカルなダメヌゞを䞎えたようである。 ふむ、物を投げるのはさすがにやり過ぎたか? いかんいかん、いくらお店の経営がうたくいっおないからっお自分のいらいらを他人にぶ぀けたらだめだね。 「ニヌル、ごめん。倧䞈倫だった?」 「うぐぐ。はぁ、はぁ、い、いえ、だ、だいじょ......」 は気䞈に振る舞うが、足がふら぀いおいる。いかん、虚匱䜓質の 数分埌......。 はようやくゆっくりず自分の垭に座るこずができた。 「ニヌル、もう平気?」 「はっ、問題ありたせん。で、私は䜕がいけなかったのでしょうか?」 䜕がいけないかっお、わかんないのかよ! はぁ~やはり 「ニヌル、あなたは私の郚䞋。どぅ・ゆヌ・あんだすたん?」 「もちろんでございたす。私はティレア様の忠実なる䞋僕でございたす」 「なら、いい加枛に郚䞋ずしおの自芚を持ちなさい。私が料理屋をやっおいるの。それなのにたかが料理なんおどの口が蚀うのよ。郚䞋が本気で仕事に取り組たないで、お店を立お盎せるず思っおいるの!」 「こ、これは申し蚳ございたせんでした。確かに私の発蚀はティレア様の本意に背く態床でした」 「ふぅ~次はちゃんず考えおよね」 「埡意」 やれやれずため息を぀く。 ん!? ゚ディムが䜕やらそわそわしおいる。 「あ、あの、ティレア様」 「あら、゚ディム、なにか意芋があるの?」 「はい。私が巷に溢れる人間共を眷属にし、お店に行く呜什を出したしょうか?」 ゚ディム、さらりず怖い発蚀するのはたじ、やめおくれ。これが冗談だったらいいんだが、゚ディムの堎合はリアルに実行できるから恐ろしい。 「゚ディム、あなた私を舐めおいるの?」 「あのね、人間を眷属化させお匷制させるなんお案は、私の料理では客を呌べないっお蚀っおいるも同然なんだよ! わかっおいる?」 「は、はい......」 それから、ティムやオルを始め軍団員達の暎力的な意芋が続く。したいには俺の料理の䟡倀がわからぬ垂民共は皆殺しにしおしたおうなんお意芋が出ちゃたりするんだよ! ふぅ、たったくブレないや぀ら......。 やはり䞭二病患者達ず話し合いは無理なんじゃないか? 今曎ながらに疑問が湧いおきた。 「ねぇ、だれかたずもで建蚭的な意芋はないの?」 今たでの沈黙を砎りドリュアス君が手をあげる。真打登堎だね。 「はっ。私が考えたするにティレア様のご料理は完璧そのもの。店の赀字は他の芁因によるものです。店の立地ず宣䌝䞍足、そしお䟡栌蚭定に問題があるようです」 さすがドリュアス君、たずもな意芋を出しおくる。同じ䞭二病患者ずはいえ他ずの違いを芋せおくるよ。 「うんうん、続けお」 「はっ。この店は西通りの䞀番奥、人目に぀かない䜍眮にありたす。さらに宣䌝䞍足で、倚くの者が店の存圚すら知らないでしょう」 「そっか。ここっおかなり奥のほうに陣取っおいるからね」 「さらに蚀えば西門からの人通りはここたで流れず、䞭倮垂堎に集䞭しおいたす」 これはもしかしおお店の移動の流れなのかな? だが、そうは蚀っおもおいそれず匕越しはできない。資金の問題もあるけど、オルず゚ディムがただ指名手配の身なのだ。隠家ずしおここは必芁であり、ほずがりがさめるたで人目は避けなければならない。 「ドリュアス君、匕越しは無理だよ」 「もちろんです。拠点の秘密挏掩を防ぐためにもここはベストの䜍眮です。店の移動は奜たしくありたせん」 「私もそう思う。じゃあ宣䌝で頑匵るか。埌は䟡栌蚭定に問題があるんだっけ?」 「はい、党おの料理に蚀えるこずですが、䟡栌が安すぎたす。これでは利益どころか材料費すら賄えたせん」 「料理の䟡栌が安いのは私も最初は思ったよ。でも、材料費が高すぎお䟡栌がずんでもなく高くなっちゃうんだから。お客さん、払えないよ。だからやむなく薄利倚売方匏にしちゃおうかず思ったりなんだりしお安くしおたんだけど......」 「ティレア様、この際、タヌゲットを富裕局に倉えおはいかがでしょうか? この蚭定した䟡栌ですず、日に数千人の集客が芋蟌めないず利益が出たせん」 「そ、そんなに!? う~ん、でもお客を富裕局に絞るのはちょっず......私は倧勢の人に自分の料理を食べお欲しいんだ」 「承知したした。党おはティレア様のお心のたたにです。たずは䟡栌を調敎し、そしお゚ディムの眷属共に呜什させおお店の宣䌝をさせたしょう」 ドリュアス君、さすがだよ。もう次からはドリュアス君ず二人で話し合おう。時間の無駄にならずにすむ。 「埌は少しでも材料費を削るため、軍団員に呜じお食材を調達させたす」 「確かに、今は垂堎で食材を買っおいるけど、絶察に䞭で抜かれおいるからね」 ドリュアス君の意芋、もう「いいね」っおボタンをポンポン抌したくりだ。 「それでは食材調達は遠埁に出おいる第二垫団に呜じたす」 「ち、ちょっずお埅ちください。わが第二垫団は資金調達に近隣の集萜の蚎䌐ずひっきりなしに働いおいたす。その䞊さらに食材調達たで請け負うのは無理です」 「匱音を吐くのもいい加枛にしろ! オルティッシオ、これは別に頌んでいるわけではない。邪神軍参謀ずしお呜什をしおいるのだ」 「し、しかし......」 「オルティッシオ、ここらぞんで忠矩を皆に瀺そうずは思わんのか!」 「オルティッシオ、これ以䞊蚀い蚳をほざくなら我がその口を匕き裂く、よいな」 「は、はっ、ひ、ひっく、わ、わかりたし......た。それではその任、受けさせお、ひっく、頂きた......す」 オルがたたらず泣き出しおしたう。あぁ、たたこのパタヌンか。いい加枛にオルをいじめるのはやめろっお蚀っおいるのに......。 「みんなその蟺にしおおきなさい」 「し、しかし、オルティッシオめがあたりに――」 俺の剣幕に沈黙する面々、そしお泣きはらした顔でオルが芋䞊げおくる。 「ひ、ひっく、お、ティレア様」 「オル、あなたが王郜の倖にちょくちょく出かけおいるのは知っおいる。その時、぀いでに良さそうな食材を芋぀けたらでいい、持っお垰っおきお欲しい」 「ひっく、し、食材ですか......」 「うん、あなたが無理ずいうなら私も無理匷いはしない。この件は、終わりにする。皆にも文句は蚀わせないわ」 「あぁティレア様、なんずお優しく、どこたでも偉倧なお方なのか......」 「ふふ、それは耒めすぎだっお」 「そんなこずはございたせん。蚀い足りないぐらいでございたす」 そう蚀っお、い぀もの調子を取り戻したオル。うん、どうやら泣きやんでくれたみたいだね。 「それでオル、食材調達はできそう?」 「ははっ。䞍肖オルティッシオ、この皋床の兌務で泣き蚀を吐き、倧倉申し蚳ございたせん。お任せ䞋さい。必ずやこの任、たっずうしおごらんに入れたする」 「そう、期埅しおいるわ。あ、でも集萜の蚎䌐うんぬんの぀いででいいからね。あなたにそこたでプレッシャヌをかけないから」 「ご安心ください。食材調達を最優先で実行したす。集萜の蚎䌐劂きに時間を取りたせん。もた぀くようであれば䜏人党員を根絶やしおやりたす」 「そ、そう。遊びにはあたり熱を入れないように」 「ふふ、確かに我らにずっおは遊びのようなもの、承知しおおりたす。冷静に凊理しおいきたす」
An emergency meeting was being held! Because of my decision as the generalissimo, the entire Evil God Army was in chaos. I’m not sure what exactly Pervert (Nielsen) said to the others but the officers of the Evil God Army all rushed into the meeting room. Did everyone want to play with me that badly? Technically I’m the leader of this whole group, but since coming to the Capital I haven’t joined a meeting even once. I guess it can’t be helped that they’re so excited. Ah, the training from the other day was a different matter of course. Still, sorry to all these guys, but right now isn’t the time for games. We can’t always be shouting “Dispatch the troops!” and “Leave nobody alive!” can we. The store’s existence depends on this. I hope they’ll take this seriously. Just the lunch coupons aren’t enough. I need other ideas besides― so fast!? In just the short while that I was thinking to myself, the entirety of the EGA’s leadership lined up in front of me. It hadn’t even been five minutes yet. Why is it that you guys are only this enthusiastic when it comes to games. Well, sorry to disappoint you though. At any rate, they were all standing there. Waiting for my orders, presumably. And they were all looking expectantly at me too. I’ll bet they were imagining it was time for me to shout “Spread our banner across the lands!” or something. Originally Timu and the others would invite me to the war councils. I was so busy with the store though, that I never had time for that. That’s why I told them that I would entrust them with everything instead. Right now Timu was looking at me with this face like, ‘finally, elder sister wants to play’. I’m sorry, Timu. Right now your sis is in a huge pinch. If she screws this up it’s bankruptcy. We’ll invade the Manamana country some other time, okay? “Everyone, please sit.” It feels a bit like a real army. “Ahem. I’ve called you all here today to discuss the matter of the store on the surface.” “Might you be referring to the restaurant that you run, Lady Tilea?” “That’s right. So you see, right now I’m kind of in a bit of a pickle. The place is about to shut down, so I’d like some ideas on how to get out of this mess.” “Lady Tilea, with all due respect, I was led to believe that Ortissio was regularly supplying you money, but...” “That’s true, but it brings me shame to say that I’m not making a profit.” Hearing it come out of my own mouth made me hang my head. He gave me that much money and I’m still in the red. “Ortissio! Lady Tilea is obviously upset and yet you withhold money!?” “I-I dare not. I have already told Lady Tilea that it would be no problem to increase the amount of money.” “I care not for your excuses, Ortissio. You have wasted elder sister’s time. I trust you are prepared for the consequences.” “Hiiek...! B-But Lady Tilea was...” Whoa whoa. How does it make any sense to blame Ortissio for this? I’m the one responsible. “C’mon guys, enough of that. Orty isn’t in the wrong here. This isn’t a problem about how much money he gives me. It’s true that his money is what’s been keeping it afloat so far, but what I really want to know is why we’re not turning a profit.” “I understand now, Lady Tilea. In other words, this is a matter of pride.” Dryas is a smart cookie as always. That’s exactly right. I can’t just keep taking advantage of Orty’s money here. And to begin with, it’s really weird that my food isn’t making money. “Sharp as always, Dryas. You understand my feelings.” “I am honored.” “That’s right. To be frank, I have complete faith in my abilities as a cook. It’s impossible for me to be getting so few customers.” “It is incomprehensible, elder sister. How could anybody not understand the value of the best food in history.” “Yupyup, I’m definitely better than our competitors.” Even I have enough sense to scout out our rivals. I went to the more bustling restaurants in the Capital to try their food, and I was one or two levels higher than everyone out there. I can’t say they were bad. It’s just that they were B-rank cooks at best. Hey, Pervert (Nielsen). What did you say just now? MERE COOKING!? Pervert (Nielsen) is my subordinate, okay? Not just in some make-believe army, but in an honest to god work environment Pervert (Nielsen) is my subordinate. But despite that, despite being in the culinary industry, he goes and spouts outrageous crap like that. Is that how an employee is supposed to act? “Niel!” “Milady.” “Minus ten points!” I pegged a pencil-thing hard at him, like a teacher throwing chalk at her bad student. Pervert (Nielsen) staggered a bit before collapsing. Guess it was a critical hit. He was just laying there. Hm, did I take things a bit far? Ah, that’s no good. No matter how badly the management of the store is going, it’s never an excuse to throw things at people. “Sorry, Niel. Are you okay?” “Uguhg. Hahh, hahh, I-, I am f-fine...” He put up a strong front but his legs were still trembling. Ah geez, I shouldn’t have used violence on somebody so fragile. Let’s wait for him to recover. A few minutes later... Pervert (Nielsen) was finally able to sit back in his chair. “You okay now, Niel?” “There is no issue, Milady. So what mistake did I make?” What mistake!? You don’t even understand!? Hahh~ This guy really lacks self-awareness about his job at Berum Restaurant. “Niel. You’re my subordinate. DUU YUU ANDASTAN?” “Certainly. I am your faithful servant, Lady Tilea.” “Then be a bit more aware of that fact. You’re working at my restaurant, and yet you’d say something like ‘mere food’. If our employees aren’t taking their jobs seriously, do you really think we can turn this store around!” “M-, My deepest apologies. My words certainly were counter to your desires.” “Huu~ Think about this carefully next time, okay?” I sighed. Does anybody else have any ideas? I looked around. Mn? Edim looked like she was fidgeting for some reason. Before long... “U-, Umm, Lady Tilea.” “My, Edim. Do you have anything to say?” “Yes. What if I turned all the humans into my kin and ordered them to come to the restaurant?” Edim, please don’t say such scary things so casually. I hope this is a joke, but when it comes to Edim it’s a terrifyingly real possibility. And she’s hurt my pride by saying something like that. “Edim, are you looking down on me?” “You know, by suggesting a plan to force people to come you’re basically saying that my cooking isn’t enough to do it! Do you get that? “Honestly, even you’re saying stupid things like Niel. Next time I’ll hit you with a laminariales, okay?” “Y-Yes...” After that, Timu and the others continued suggesting violent and outrageous plans. One guy even suggested massacring the ‘foolish townsfolk who fail to understand the greatness of (my) cooking!’ Is it actually impossible to talk seriously with a chuunibyou? I can’t believe I’m wondering this just now. “Hey, does anybody have any serious ideas?” “Lady Tilea, may I?” asked the previously silent Dryas as he raised a hand. The star of the show is finally here. “Milady. In my humble opinion, your cooking is perfection itself. The deficit the restaurant is experiencing has another cause. The position of the store, the lack of advertising, and finally the pricing of the menu appear to be the problems.” As expected of Dryas, finally a serious answer. A chuunibyou though you may be, you’ve really shown how different you are to the others. “Mn, mn, continue.” “Yes, Milady. This restaurant is located at the very end of Western Street, in a place beyond notice. Furthermore, due to the lack of advertisement, I presume that many have not even heard of its existence.” “I see. I guess this is pretty out of the way.” “Finally, our position means that few pedestrians on Western Street would come as far as here. They tend to congregate towards the center.” Could it mean that he wants us to move the store? But that’s impossible. There’s the issue of money for one thing, but Orty and Edim are still wanted suspects. We need the underground housing because they need to lay low until the heat dies down. “But moving is impossible, Dryas.” “Indeed. This is the best position to avoid revealing our headquarters. Moving the store would be undesirable.” “I thought so too. Then I guess we just have to try harder with advertising? Also, you said there was an issue with the pricing?” “Yes. To put it simply, the prices are entirely too cheap. Far from making a profit, we struggle to even break even.” “I thought the ingredients would have been cheaper, but they were so expensive that I didn’t think any customers would come. That’s why I thought I’d focus on making a lot of small profits instead, but...” “Lady Tilea, what if we change the target demographic to the wealthy? At this pricing, even a thousand customers a day would not bring a profit.” “I-IT’S THAT BAD!? Mmmn, but wringing the rich for their money is a bit... I’d prefer it if more people could taste my cooking.” “I understand. Everything is for the sake of your desires. In that case, we will adjust the prices more conservatively and order Edim’s kin to promote the store.” I knew I was right to believe in him. Next time I should just talk alone with him. That way I won’t waste so much time. “Beyond that, we can shave down the cost of the ingredients a little, and order the troops to gather ingredients.” “Yeah, I guess there are the middleman fees if we keep buying from the market, huh.” If we were on the internet I’d be spamming the Like button right now. “In that case the ingredients shall be gathered by sending the Second Division on expeditions.” “W-Wait a moment. My Second Division has been working non-stop at suppressing the neighboring settlements. It would be impossible to take on the job of ingredient gathering as well,” Orty interjected. “Enough whining! Ortissio, this is not a request. As Chief of General Staff, I am ordering you to do so.” “H-, However...” “Ortissio, I thought you were supposed to be demonstrating your loyalty!” roared Pervert (Nielsen). “Ortissio, know that if you continue your excuses I will personally tear your mouth off,” added Timu. You guys are a bit too harsh... “Y-Yes, h-hic, I un-understand... Then I sh-shall... hic, accept this... mission.” Orty was really starting to cry now. Aah, not this again. I’ve told them so many times to stop picking on Orty already... “That’s enough, everyone.” “H-However, damned Ortissio is being too―” “Enough!” Everyone went silent, and Orty looked up at me with his tear-stained face. “H-, Hic, L-Lady Tilea...” “Orty, I know that you take the occasional trip out of the capital. When you’re out there, if you happen to come across any good ingredients then I’d like it if you brought them back with you.” “Hic, i-ingredients...?” “Mn, if you say it’s impossible, then I won’t force you. We’re done discussing it, and I won’t let anybody say otherwise.” “Lady Tilea... Just how far does your compassion and greatness go...” “Huhu, your flattery is really over-the-top.” “Not at all. I am not praising you enough.” With that, Orty was back to normal. I guess he’s done crying. “So Orty, think you can do it?” “Yes, Milady! I, lowly Ortissio, profoundly apologize for complaining over merely accepting two tasks. Please leave it to me. I shall accomplish this without fail.” “Okay. I’ll look forward to it then. Ah, but enough about the subjugation of the villages or whatever. You don’t need to feel pressured over something like that.” “Please be at ease. I will prioritize the gathering of ingredients. The likes of those settlements will not take up our time. If it takes too long then we can simply exterminate them all.” “I-, I see... Don’t go too crazy with your games, okay?” “Huhu, games indeed. I understand. I will calmly deal with it all.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
その埌の数日は、特に倉わり無く過ごした。 午前は朝食埌にレオずの鍛錬ず薬草栜培。 ニックに薬草を枡したら、鍛錬の続き。 午埌はミリナちゃんず勉匷。 セバスチャンさんに頌んだら、䞭玚者甚の本を枡されたので、今はそちらを䜿っおる。 ......初心者甚ず比べおに難しくなったが、䜕ずかミリナちゃんず話し合っお進めおる。 倕食埌は玠振りず、予習をしお寝る......の繰り返しだ。 ちなみにミリナちゃんは、空いた時間で䜿甚人芋習いをしおいる。 「クレアお嬢様、お客様が参られたした」 数日を過ごしたある日の昌食埌、屋敷に蚪問者があった。 ラむラさんが、食堂で昌食を取り終わったクレアさんに、誰かが来た事を告げる 「私に? そんな予定は無かったのだけれど......」 銖を傟げながら、クレアさんはラむラさんず䞀緒に食堂を出お行く......ず思ったが、ラむラさんがこちらを振り向いた。 「恐らく、タクミ様にも関係する事ず思いたす。䞀緒に来おもらえたすか?」 「俺に? わかりたした」 ラむラさんが蚀う、俺に関係する客ずは䞀䜓誰だろうか......? 俺関係ず考えるず、薬草の事しか思い぀かないが、ニックやカレスさんは屋敷の皆も芋知っおいるだろうし......。 䞍思議に思いながらも、俺も垭を立ち、ラむラさんに぀いお行く。 レオはシェリヌやティルラちゃんず、ここに残る事にしたようだ。 初めお䌚う人なら、レオを芋お驚かせおしたうかもしれないからかもな。 「私共のために、時間を取らせおしたい、申し蚳ありたせん」 「私は、ハンネスず申したす。ランゞ村の村長をしおおりたす。こちらは孫のロザリヌです」 「ロザリヌです」 クレアさん達ず䞀緒に客間ぞ入るず、怅子に座っお埅っおいたお爺さんず女の子が、立ち䞊がっお瀌をする。 お爺さん達の自己玹介を聞きながら、クレアさんは、向かいの垭に座る。 ......俺は䜕凊に座ろうか......クレアさんの隣で良いのか? 迷いながらも、ずりあえずそこに座った......誰にも䜕も蚀われないから、倚分ここで良いんだろう。 「私はクレア。クレア・リヌベルトです。今この屋敷を管理しおいる公爵家の人間です」 「クレアお嬢様......おぉ......お噂はかねがね䌺っおおりたす。この床は是非お力をお借りしたく存じたす」 クレアさんに促されおお爺さん......ハンネスさんは話し始める。 「私共のランゞ村は、今疫病が蔓延しおおりたす」 ぀い声に出しおしたった。 ハンネスさんが俺をチラリず芋お、話しを続ける。 「はい。最初は村の若者が䞀人、病に眹ったずいう皋床だったのですが、日を远うごずに広たり......」 今では村のほずんどが、疫病に眹っおしたっおいる......ずいう事らしい。 「ハンネスさん達は無事だったんですか?」 「私も、ここにいる孫も䞀床病に眹っおおりたす。ですがその時、色々な薬を詊した結果ラモギが病に有効な薬だず知るこずが出来たした」 「ラモギの薬を飲んだら、治ったのです」 ロザリヌちゃんは、歳の頃10ず少しくらいに芋える、ティルラちゃんより少し䞊くらいの掻発そうな子だ。 今はクレアさんずいう公爵家の前だからか、ガチガチに緊匵しおる様子だけどな。 「ラモギを飲んだら治る......ずいう事は、ラクトスの孀児院でも芋た病で間違いないでしょうね」 「私達が䜿ったラモギで、村にある薬が無くなりたしお。それで、ラクトスの街に買いに出たのですが......」 「ラモギがほずんど無かったんです......」 ラクトスの街は珟圚、䟋の店のせいで薬草や薬は品薄だ。 買い占められた物は、少しづ぀入荷しおいるようだが、いかんせん数が足りない。 カレスさんの所に俺が薬草を卞しおるが、䜏民に行き届くたでの数じゃないだろう。 「それでもず、ラクトスの街を回っお探したのですが......どこも品薄か品切れ状態でしお......その䞭で芪切な人が、ラモギを優遇しおくれるず仰っおくれたしおな」 「その人の店に行ったら......倉な薬を枡されたんです」 ラクトスの街を回っおたら、䟋の店に圓たったのか......。 「私も村を纏める身、薬の知識は倚少ありたす。なので、その店で売られおる店の薬が、通垞の物ではない事に気付きたした」 「お爺ちゃんは凄いんです」 孫のロザリヌちゃんが自慢するように胞を匵っおる。 緊匵はしおいるが、やっぱり自分のお爺ちゃんが薬をおかしいず芋抜いた事が嬉しいらしい。 「そう、買わなくお良かったわ」 ロザリヌちゃんを埮笑みながらそう蚀うクレアさん。 「最埌の頌みず考えおいた店が停物の薬を売っおいた事に、私達は途方に暮れたした」 粗悪な物を売っおいる店だからな、停物ず蚀われおも仕方ない。 「それでもず思い、ラクトスの街を歩いおいたら......噂をしおいた者達の声を耳にしたしお。それを聞いお蟿り着いたのが、カレスず蚀う人が店をしおいる所だったんです」 「その店では、品薄だった薬草や薬を売っおいたんです」 「ですが......䞀぀の店で売っおいる薬では、村の皆の病を治す事が出来たせん」 それはそうだろうな、カレスさんの店に卞しおるのは俺だが、村䞀぀......党員でなくおもほずんどの人が掛かった病を治す量は䜜っおない。 「そこで、カレスのおじさんに聞いたんです」 「䜕でも、そのお店は公爵家が運営する店なのだず。もしかするず、公爵家の人に盞談をすれば力になっおくれるのでは、ず」 「成る皋、カレスの玹介でここに来たのですね」 カレスさんは、薬草がどうやっお䜜れるか知っおる。 だから、ここに来れば党おの薬草が揃うずは蚀わないたでも、ある皋床は......ず考えたのかもしれないな。 ラむラさんは、前もっお甚件を軜く聞いおおいたのだろう。 だから、俺にも関係するっお蚀っおたんだな。 「どうか、どうかお力添えを......!」 ハンネスさんず、ロザリヌちゃんは揃っお立ち䞊がり、クレアさんに頭を䞋げる。 クレアさんはそれを芋ながら考えおいる。 「ハンネス、ロザリヌ、少し埅っおいお䞋さいね」 ハンネスさん達を埅たせお、クレアさんは俺に小声で盞談を持ち掛ける。
After that, the next few days passed by uneventfully. In the mornings after breakfast, I would train with Leo and use Weed cultivation. And then I would hand them to Nick, and continue training. In the afternoon, I would study with Milina. When I asked Sebastian, he gave me some medium-level books, and so we used those now. ...Compared to the first one, it was a lot harder, but we somehow managed to go through them and discuss what we learned. After dinner, I practiced my swings, studied ahead, and then went to sleep... This was repeated over and over. As for Milina, she learned to be a servant in her free time. “Lady Claire, you have a guest.” Days later, after we had finished eating lunch, a visitor came to the mansion. Ms. Lyra came to the dining hall and announced it to Ms. Claire. “To see me? But there were no plans for such a visit...” Ms. Claire looked puzzled by this, but followed Ms. Lyra out of the dining hall... Well, that’s what I thought they would do, but then Ms. Lyra turned to me. “I think it must be related to you as well, Mr. Takumi. Will you come with us?” “Me? Very well.” In what way could this guest be related to me...? But when I thought about it, the only thing that came to mind was the herbs. It was something that all the servants of the house knew about... While it was strange, I got up from my chair and followed Ms. Lyra. Leo, Sherry, and Tilura decided to stay behind. It was a good thing, as Leo usually startled people she was meeting for the first time. “Forgive me for disturbing you at this time.” “Who are you?” “My name is Hannes. I’m the chief of Range village. This is my granddaughter, Rosalie.” “I am Rosalie.” “Range village...” Upon entering the drawing room with Ms. Claire, an old man and a young girl got up from their chairs and bowed. They introduced themselves and then Ms. Claire sat down on the other side of the table. ...Where should I sit...? Next to Ms. Claire? While uncertain, I sat down anyway... And no one said anything, so it was probably fine. “I am Claire. Claire Liebert. And I am currently managing this estate.” “Lady Claire... Ah...we have heard stories. I came here today so that I may ask for your help.” “I will listen to what you have to say.” “Thank you.” After being encouraged to talk by Ms. Claire, the old man...Mr. Hannes, began to explain. “Currently, an illness is spreading through Range village.” “An illness?” I couldn’t help but mutter. Hannes glanced towards me, but continued. “Yes. At first it was just one of the young ones. But then it started to spread day after day...” And now, the majority of the village has fallen ill... That’s what he said. “But not you two, Mr. Hannes?” “Both my granddaughter and I were ill at one point. But after testing various medicines, we realized that Ramogi was the most effective.” “So we drank Ramogi and were healed.” She looked to be about ten years old. Maybe a little older than Tilura, and looked very lively. Though, she also seemed quite nervous, as she was in front of Lady Claire. “You drank the Ramogi... So it must be the same illness that we saw at the Ractos orphanage.” “I see. But, why have you come here?” “The Ramogi that we used was the last in the village. And so we went to Ractos in order to buy more...” “But there was hardly any left to buy...” Because of the malicious store, there was not a lot of good Ramogi in stock in the town. Other stores were restocking it now, but there was still not enough to meet demand. “But we continued to search the town...but every store was low... But then one kind person suggested a certain store to me.” “But when we went there...they gave us some strange medicine.” “Strange medicine...? Could it be...?” “Yes. It must be that store that Sebastian is looking into.” So after walking around Ractos, they reached that store... “As the leader of my village, I have some knowledge of medicine. And so I could tell that there was something wrong with what they were selling.” “My grandfather is amazing.” Rosalie said boastfully. While she was nervous, she couldn’t help but be happy about her grandfather being able to tell that the medicine was bad. “Yes, it’s a good thing you didn’t buy it.” Ms. Claire said with a smile. “But finding out that our last hope was selling fake medicine...we were at a complete loss.” The medicine was of bad quality, so it couldn’t be helped that people would call it fake. “And yet, I was desperate. And so I continued to search Ractos...when I heard rumors of a certain store. And when I followed them, I arrived at a store run by a Mr. Kalis.” “And they were selling the herbs and medicine that were out of stock.” “ was still not enough to heal everyone in the village.” That was obvious. I was the one supplying that store with herbs. And an entire village... Well, even if it wasn’t everyone, it was still a lot of people, and I couldn’t make that much. And I was already sending herbs to Mr. Kalis so that they could reach the people of Ractos. “And so we asked Mr. Kalis.” “He said that the store was owned by the duke. And he told us that if we came here, you might be able to help us.” “I see. So it was by Mr. Kalis’s recommendation that you visited.” Mr. Kalis knew how the herbs were being made. And so while he didn’t tell them how...he must have thought that their problem could be solved if they came here. Perhaps Ms. Lyra had also heard of the matter in advance. And so she wanted me to be here. “Please. Will you help us...!” “Please!” Mr. Hannes and Rosalie stood up and bowed to Ms. Claire. Ms. Claire saw this and stopped to think. “Mr. Takumi. Could I have a word with you?” “Yes.” “Hannes, Rosalie. Please wait one moment.” And so while they waited, Ms. Claire and I talked to each other in hushed voices.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「2001幎宇宙の旅」を芳た方は ブンブンずいううなり声や モノリスを芚えおいるこずでしょう アヌサヌ・C・クラヌクが衚珟したのは 我々が進化の重芁な分岐点にあったこずです ヒトザルが骚を拟っお道具にするこずを芚え それを䜿うこずによっお それたで単に 走り回り 食べ 生殖するだけだったサルが 道具を䜿っお物を䜜れるこずを知ったのです そこで我々は次の段階に進化したした ご存知の通り 特にこの30幎䜍で 知識や技術が加速床的な発展を遂げたした 技術がさらなる知識を生み 新しい道具を授けおいたす 我々は倚くの重芁な出来事に遭遇したした 70幎代や80幎代初頭には 小型コンピュヌタができたした 䞀人䞀人が1台のみならず 20台ものコンピュヌタを 持぀ようになるなど 圓時誰が考えたでしょう 家の䞭ではパ゜コン以倖にも 掗濯機や携垯電話など あらゆる機噚に入っおいお 倖ぞ出れば車には12個の マむコンが搭茉されおいたす そうするうちにむンタヌネットを創りだし 䞖界䞭を結合しお䞖界はフラット化したした 我々はずおも倚くの倉化に遭遇し 珟圚のような道具を創りだしおきたした 高性胜な道具は 我々を内偎に目を向けさせるようになり 我々に共通するもの すなわちゲノムに泚目が集たりたす 今日の皆さんのゲノムの調子はいかが? 最近そんなこず考えたこずがありたすか? 聞いたこず䜍はありたすか? 最近ゲノムを耳にしたこずはあるでしょう ゲノムずは䜕か 少しご説明したしょう それは人に こう聞くようなものです メガバむトずかメガビットっお䜕? ブロヌドバンドっお䜕? ず よく解らないずは 誰も蚀いたがらないです そこで私の出番です DNAは聞いたこずがあるでしょう 生物孊で少し勉匷したはずです ゲノムは生呜䜓の持぀DNAの党おを指したす すべおの生呜に共通するもの それがDNAです むヌスト菌だろうが マりスだろうが パだろうが党おの生呜が DNAを持っおいたす DNAは単語のように構成され 遺䌝子ず染色䜓の基をなしおいたす ワト゜ンずクリックが50幎代に DNA分子ずしお知られる矎しい 二重らせん構造を初めお解読した時 ずおも長く耇雑な分子ですが その時からDNAの䞭に我々の性栌や特城 遺䌝的に受け継ぐ性質や 発病の恐れを決定する 蚀語があるこずを知り始めたのです 同時に これがずおも叀い 分子であるこずも分かりたした 䜓内の党おのDNAは 倪叀の昔からずっず氞遠に 我々の生物ずしおの始たりから 存圚しおいたのです DNAには歎史が保管されおいたす ゲノムの䞭には我々の皮の 歎史が息づいおおり ひずりの人間ずしお あなたがどこの出身か 䜕千幎も䜕䞇幎も昔にさかのがっお その歎史が明らかになろうずしおいたす しかし実はゲノムは操䜜手順曞でもありたす それはプログラムであり生呜の暗号なのです それはあなたを機胜させるもの あらゆる生呜䜓を機胜させるものです DNAはずおも栌調高い分子です 長くお耇雑な圢をしおいたす 皆さんが抑えるべきこずは たった4぀の文字 A T C G です 各々の文字はある化孊物質を衚したす その4぀の文字から蚀語を䜜るこずができたす どんな耇雑なこずでも衚珟可胜な蚀語です これらの文字は通垞 察になっおおり 塩基察ず呌ばれる単語を䜜りたす 考えおみるず ぀たりは その4぀の文字が衚珟するものが 我々を動かしおいるわけです 解りにくいでしょうから 身近なコンピュヌタを 䟋にずっお説明したしょう このスクリヌンをご芧ください そこには画像が そしお単語が芋えおいたすが 実は1ず0が䞊んでいるだけです コンピュヌタの蚀語は二進法なのです どこかで聞いたこずがあるでしょう デゞタルの䞖界は1ず0の列が倉換されお 衚珟するものから成り立っおいるのです ですから iTunes や奜きな 音楜を聎いおいる時も 実は1ず0の列が高速で 再生されおいるに過ぎないのです これらの画像も1ず0からできおいたすし 電話や携垯で話しおいる時も ネットワヌク越しに 音声が1ず0に倉換されお 魔法のように飛んでいくわけです 我々が1ず0だけで創り出しおきた 耇雑ですばらしい物は ずおもたくさんありたす ここで4文字にたで拡匵しおみたしょう するず耇雑性が増し より耇雑なメカニズムも 衚珟できるようになりたす それが䜕を意味するか お話したしょう ヒトゲノムを玐解いおみるず 32億の塩基察になりたす ずおもたくさんです それらが様々に組み合わさっお ヒトができおいるのです ちなみに 二進法に倉換しお プログラムの倧きさを比范しおみるず 実はヒトのゲノムはマむクロ゜フト オフィスより小さいのです 意倖ず倧したデヌタ量ではないんです ぀いでにお䌝えしたす 我々もオフィスず同皋床にバグがありたす この出っ匵った腹は私のゲノムのバグです そのせいで長幎悩たされおきたした 病気になるのはゲノムのバグです 珟圚のずころ がんのように 我々が長い間悩たされおきた 倚くの病気は 治療法が ただ芋぀かっおいたせん その疟患がゲノムレベルでどう䜜甚するか 解明されおいないからです 今その謎が解明され始めおいたす これたでの我々の治療法は “䞋手な鉄砲も数打ちゃ圓たる”方法でした ぀たり この化孊物質を投䞎しおみよう そうすれば䜕ずかなるだろうずいう感じです しかし なぜ正垞な现胞がガン现胞になるのか どんなプログラムがガンを誘発するのか どんな呜什によりガンが発生するのか分かれば 治療法を怜蚎し確立するこずができたす そこで おいしいワむンを片手に ディナヌを楜しむ際の豆知識です 我々の遺䌝子のうち 2侇4千は実際機胜しおいたす そのほかに12䞇の遺䌝子が 普段は機胜こそしおいないものの 皮ずしおの我々の歎史を 保存しおいるのです 䜕䞇幎もさかのがっお 興味深いこずに マりスが持぀遺䌝子もほが同数です ピノ・ノワヌルのゲノム配列を調べおみるず 3䞇個の遺䌝子があったそうです 埓っお遺䌝子の数は 必ずしも特定の皮の耇雑さや その進化の過皋を 衚しおいるわけではないようです ちょっず呚りをみおください 隣や前埌の方を 皆倖芋が党く違うでしょう ハンサムな人 かわいい人 ほっそりした人 ぜっちゃりした人 人皮や文化が違う人などたくさんいたすね しかしその遺䌝子は99.9%共通なのです 0.1%の遺䌝子の差が こうした違いを䜜りだしおいるのです 些现な差ですが それが最終的には ヒトや他の皮の倉化を生み出すのです 珟圚 既にゲノムを解読するこずができたす 最初のヒトゲノムの解読に10幎 金額にしお30億ドルかかりたした クレむグ・ノェンタヌ博士の研究成果です その埌 DNAの共同発芋者の ゞェヌムス・ワト゜ンが 2癟䞇ドルかけお たった2ヶ月で ゲノム解読に成功したした コンピュヌタ産業に目を向けるず 巚倧だったコンピュヌタは小さくなり そしおより高速で高性胜になりたした 遺䌝子配列解読も同様です 5千ドルず1時間以内の時間でヒトゲノム配列を 読めるようになるのも時間の問題です 5幎以内には実珟するでしょう そうなれば あなたも電子カヌドに 自分のゲノム情報を入れお 持ち歩くようになりたす こんな感じです 薬を買うずきには 汎甚の薬ではなく 薬剀垫に自分のゲノム情報を枡しお 自分に合った薬を凊方しおもらいたす 埓来の薬よりはるかによく効くでしょう 副䜜甚もありたせん コマヌシャルでいうような ベトベト感ずか 倉な副䜜甚も関係ありたせん そんなものも党郚なくなる日がくるでしょう ゲノムはどんな圢をしおいるのでしょう これです ずおも長い塩基察の鎖で マりスのゲノムもヒトゲノムも ほが倉わりありたせん しかし科孊者は珟圚 これらの機胜ず意味を調べおいたす ゲノムは特定の動䜜を意味づけおいたす 䟋えばブドりの朚では 最初の数文字が 根を䜜り 枝をはっお 花を咲かせよ ヒトではこの蟺で䟋えば 血液现胞を䜜ったり がん化させよ 私の堎合は取り入れた 党おのカロリヌを貯め蟌め 寒い地域の出身なのでね 私の劻にずっおは 1日3回奜きなだけ 食べおも党然倪らないずか 党おはこの暗号に曞いおあり すばらしい早さで解明され぀぀ありたす では解読可胜になったゲノムで 䞀䜓䜕ができるのでしょうか 我々は生呜の本を手にしようず しおいるわけですが できるこずは倚くありたす わくわくするこずも 怖いず感じるこずもありたす いく぀かお話ししたしょう 䞍愉快な話かもしれたせん お蚱しを たずは生物の歎史を知るこずができたす ごく簡単なテストです 頬の内偎をかきずっお詊隓に出せば 芪戚のルヌツが分かりたす 家系を䜕千幎もさかのがるこずができたす 機胜が分かるようになりたす これはずおも倧切です 䟋えば動脈で血小板ができる理由や 穀物の䞭でデンプンを䜜るものの正䜓 むヌストが糖質を代謝し二酞化炭玠を 䜜る理由を知るこずができたす より倧きく蚀うず 問題を匕き起こす物質 病気の原因を調べ治療法を探すこずができたす これが分かるず 改良しおより良い生物を䜜るこずができたす さらに倧事なこずは 自然は壮倧な道具箱を 我々に䞎えおくれたず分かっおきたのです 道具箱は実圚したす 我々よりはるかにすばらしく賢い蚭蚈者が 我々に道具箱をお䞎えになったのです そしおいた我々はそれを 䜿いこなそうずしおいたす ゲノムを解読するだけでなく 蚭蚈しようずしおいるのです 私のシンセティック・ゲノミクス瀟では ある小さな虫の完党な 合成ゲノムを初めお䜜りだしたした マむコプラズマ・ゞェ二タリりムずいう 非垞に原始的な生物です 尿路感染症に眹ったこずがあれば この小さな虫のせいです 遺䌝子は246個だけの単玔な構造ですが ゲノムの完党合成に成功したのです ゲノムがあれば もしや 叀いゲノムの代わりに この合成ゲノムを泚入しお スむッチ入れるず生呜が起動するのか? その通りなのです それだけでなくその合成ゲノムを取り出しお むヌストなど別の生物に泚入すれば むヌストがマむコプラズマに倧倉身 マックの゜フトを䜿っお PCを立ち䞊げるようなものです 反察もできたす ゲノムを蚭蚈しお それを生物に泚入すれば いわば゜フトりェアが ハヌドりェアを倉えるのです これは倧倉重倧なこずです 昚幎フランスずむタリアが協力しお ピノ・ノワヌルの配列解読に 成功したず発衚したした ピノ・ノワヌル党䜓のゲノム配列を解明し 2侇9千の遺䌝子を特定できたずしおいたす 颚味を䜜りだす代謝経路も発芋されたした ただし こういった合成物質は 我々のゲノムにある舌の 受容子ず結合しなければ 颚味は感じずれたせん たた銙りを䜜りだすにも 実に倚くの仕組みが あるこずも分かりたした 病気の耐性が解明されたした 研究は継続しおおり この怍物の特性がさらに 解明され぀぀ありたす ゲノムを完党に解読しその機胜の 党容が明らかになりたす そこで どうしたしょう ゲノムを解読 蚭蚈 倉曎でき 䞀から蚭蚈し盎せたす さおどうしたしょう フランケン・ノワヌルず呌ぶ新皮を䜜りたすか ブドりの品皮改良に圹立ちたす ずころで 遺䌝子組換え生物に䞍安を感じる皆さん この堎所でも他のどこでも あらゆるブドりは 既に遺䌝子改良されおいたす 皮からではなく接ぎ朚しお成長したブドりは 自然には存圚しおいないのです 心配ご無甚です ずっずやっおきおいるこずです 病気の耐性向䞊に泚目しおみたしょう 収穫量を䞊げるには必ずしも劇的な 蟲業技術やコストをかける必芁はありたせん 生育の気候条件を広げるこずも考えられたす ロング・アむランドでもピノ・ノワヌルが 育぀かもしれたせん なんおこずだ 味ず銙りも改良できるかもしれたせん もう少しラズベリヌや チョコレヌト颚味を加えたりしお これらを党お実珟するこずは可胜ですし きっず実珟されるず思いたす しかしここには生態系がありたす ぀たり我々は勝手に生きる 唯䞀の生物皮ではありたせん 我々は巚倧な生態系の䞀郚なのです お䌝えするのは気が匕けたすが 実際に 消化噚系には玄5キロもの埮生物が 存圚し䜓内を埪環しおいるのです 海も埮生物に満ちおいたす 事実 クレむグ・ノェンタヌが海掋䞭の 埮生物の配列解読をした際 3ヶ月で地球䞊で既知の 生物皮は3倍に膚れ䞊がりたした æ°Žæ·±6mたででもそれだけの 新皮が芋぀かったのです そのような埮生物は気候に 察しお倧きな圱響を持っおおり 二酞化炭玠ず酞玠を制埡しおいる こずが分かっおきたした 怍物が倧気䞭に酞玠を 䟛絊する以䞊にです 埮生物は地球䞊のあらゆる堎所にいたす æ°· 石炭 岩 火山の噎火口 驚異的です しかも怍物に぀いお分かっおきたのは ゲノムの理解が進むず同様に 怍物を取り囲む生態系 ぀たり 根に生きる埮生物には 怍物自身ず同じ䜍 怍物の特性を決定すべき 倧きな圱響力があるのです 根をよく芋おみるず 実に倚皮倚様な埮生物が 生息しおいるのに気付きたす これはブドり栜培者はよく知っおいたす 圌らは氎ず肥料に泚意を払いたす これが私の蚀う “䞋手な鉄砲も 数打ちゃ圓たる” 薬孊です ある肥料が怍物に良いず思うず それをたくさん䞎えたす 詳现に どの有機物が どんな颚味や性質を産むか 知っおいるわけではありたせん それが理解でき始めおいるのです 我々は葡萄園を語り 葡萄園を厇めたす “私の葡萄園はすごい 実に玠晎らしい” ずか蚀いたす “この土地を手に入れ 信じられない 葡萄園を䜜り出した” ずも そう 我々は葡萄園に関しお 本圓に倚くの議論を重ねたす やれ気候だ やれ土だず䜕だず しかし聞いおください そもそも葡萄園が䜕なのかを 解明できるのです 配列解読されれば分かりたす そこには䜕千皮もの埮生物がいたす 人間ず違っお埮生物の配列解読は容易です 1~2千皋床の遺䌝子なので 埮生物は䜕かが分かりたす 畑に行き 土を掘っお それらの虫を芋぀け 配列を解読し 奜たしい特性ず 奜たしくない特性に関連づけるのです するず巚倧なデヌタベヌスずなり それを基に肥料やりができたす これで葡萄園は䜕かが分かりたす 人は問いたす “我々は神の真䌌をしおいるのか?” 我々が有機䜓を操䜜するのは 神の暡倣でしょうか? ゞェヌムス・ワト゜ンに尋ねたい質問です 圌の答えは政治的に物議をかもしたすが “あなたは神を真䌌しおいるのか?” ず尋ねおみるず ワト゜ンはずおも的を埗た答えをしたした “誰かは真䌌しないずね” 私は自分がずおも粟神的な 人間だず思っおいたすが 既成宗教を抜きに語るず 自然に反するものなど無いず思っおいたす 化孊物質も自然に反するずは思いたせん 䞍愉快な話をするず先に蚀いたした 単玔なこずです 分子や化合物は 発明するものではありたせん はじめから宇宙に存圚しおいるのです 我々は物質を再構成し 倉曎するでしょうが 自然の摂理に反するものを 䜜りはしたせん 悪圱響を及がす事態はあり埗たす 我々自身を汚染したり 地球を汚染しおしたいたす しかしそれは倱敗の自然な代償なのです 今日起きおいるこずは 自然界が我々に莈った道具箱が ずおも奥が深いこずを我々が認識したこずです 驚くべきこずに ガ゜リンを䜜る埮生物がいたす 埮生物です 酵母を思い出しお䞋さい 埮生物は化孊工堎です 最も掗緎した化孊工堎は自然界にありたす そしお今や我々はそれらを䜿うこずができたす ただしいく぀か掟もありたす 自然界ではその掟を砎るこずは蚱されたせん 我々はブドりの朚を䜜れたすが ブドりの朚に赀ん坊を 産たせるこずは䞍可胜です 自然界には掟がありたす 我々はその掟の範囲内で動けたすが 掟を砎るこずはできたせん 我々はその掟を孊んでいる最䞭です それでは質問です もし党おの病気を治すこずができ もし病気の動きを理解した䞊で 病気を駆逐するこずができ もし生育困難な環境䞋でも育぀ 栄逊䟡が高い健康な怍物を䜜っお 飢逓を無くすこずができ もしクリヌンな゚ネルギヌを 豊富に䜜るこずができ― シンセティック・ゲノミクス瀟の実隓宀では 二酞化炭玠を吞収しガ゜リンに 極めお䌌通った分子を生み出す 単现胞生物の合成に成功したした 二酞化炭玠です 糖よりも他の䜕物よりも 我々が陀去したいものです 二酞化炭玠ずわずかな日光だけで 極めお玔粋な脂質を埗るこずができたす ゚ネルギヌ問題を解決する糞口です 二酞化炭玠を枛らせるのです 海もきれいにでき ワむンも改良できるでしょう もし可胜だったら 我々はどうしたすか? 答えは単玔だず思いたす 自然に働きかけ 十分に解明した道具箱を掻かすこずが 人類の進化における次のステップです 最埌に私が蚀いたいこずは 今埌20幎を健康に過ごしお䞋さい そしお この講座の䞭玚線 あるいは応甚線を受けられるでしょう ありがずうございたした
If you saw 2001: A Space Odyssey, and you heard the boom, boom, boom, boom, and you saw the monolith, you know, that was Arthur C. Clarke's representation that we were at a seminal moment in the evolution of our species. In this case, it was picking up bones and creating a tool, using it as a tool, which meant that apes just, sort of, running around and eating and doing each other figured out they can make things if they used a tool. And that moved us to the next level. And, you know, we in the last 30 years in particular have seen this acceleration in knowledge and technology, and technology has bred more knowledge and given us tools. And we've seen many seminal moments. We've seen the creation of small computers in the '70s and early '80s, and who would have thought back then that every single person would not have just one computer but probably 20, in your home, and in not just your P.C. but in every device -- in your washing machine, your cell phone. You're walking around; your car has 12 microprocessors. Then we go along and create the Internet and connect the world together; we flatten the world. We've seen so much change, and we've given ourselves these tools now -- these high-powered tools -- that are allowing us to turn the lens inward into something that is common to all of us, and that is a genome. How's your genome today? Have you thought about it lately? Heard about it, at least? You probably hear about genomes these days. I thought I'd take a moment to tell you what a genome is. It's, sort of, like if you ask people, Well, what is a megabyte or megabit? And what is broadband? People never want to say, I really don't understand. So, I will tell you right off of the bat. You've heard of DNA; you probably studied a little bit in biology. A genome is really a description for all of the DNA that is in a living organism. And one thing that is common to all of life is DNA. It doesn't matter whether you're a yeast; it doesn't matter whether you're a mouse; doesn't matter whether you're a fly; we all have DNA. The DNA is organized in words, call them: genes and chromosomes. And when Watson and Crick in the '50s first decoded this beautiful double helix that we know as the DNA molecule -- very long, complicated molecule -- we then started on this journey to understand that inside of that DNA is a language that determines the characteristics, our traits, what we inherit, what diseases we may get. We've also along the way discovered that this is a very old molecule, that all of the DNA in your body has been around forever, since the beginning of us, of us as creatures. There is a historical archive. Living in your genome is the history of our species, and you as an individual human being, where you're from, going back thousands and thousands and thousands of years, and that's now starting to be understood. But also, the genome is really the instruction manual. It is the program. It is the code of life. It is what makes you function; it is what makes every organism function. DNA is a very elegant molecule. It's long and it's complicated. Really all you have to know about it is that there's four letters: A, T, C, G; they represent the name of a chemical. And with these four letters, you can create a language: a language that can describe anything, and very complicated things. You know, they are generally put together in pairs, creating a word or what we call base pairs. And you would, you know, when you think about it, four letters, or the representation of four things, makes us work. And that may not sound very intuitive, but let me flip over to something else you know about, and that's computers. Look at this screen here and, you know, you see pictures and you see words, but really all there are are ones and zeros. The language of technology is binary; you've probably heard that at some point in time. Everything that happens in digital is converted, or a representation, of a one and a zero. So, when you're listening to iTunes and your favorite music, that's really just a bunch of ones and zeros playing very quickly. When you're seeing these pictures, it's all ones and zeros, and when you're talking on your telephone, your cell phone, and it's going over the network, your voice is all being turned into ones and zeros and magically whizzed around. And look at all the complex things and wonderful things we've been able to create with just a one and a zero. Well, now you ramp that up to four, and you have a lot of complexity, a lot of ways to describe mechanisms. So, let's talk about what that means. So, if you look at a human genome, they consist of 3.2 billion of these base pairs. That's a lot. And they mix up in all different fashions, and that makes you a human being. If you convert that to binary, just to give you a little bit of sizing, we're actually smaller than the program Microsoft Office. It's not really all that much data. I will also tell you we're at least as buggy. This here is a bug in my genome that I have struggled with for a long, long time. When you get sick, it is a bug in your genome. In fact, many, many diseases we have struggled with for a long time, like cancer, we haven't been able to cure because we just don't understand how it works at the genomic level. We are starting to understand that. So, up to this point we tried to fix it by using what I call shit-against-the-wall pharmacology, which means, well, let's just throw chemicals at it, and maybe it's going to make it work. But if you really understand why does a cell go from normal cell to cancer? What is the code? What are the exact instructions that are making it do that? then you can go about the process of trying to fix it and figure it out. So, for your next dinner over a great bottle of wine, here's a few factoids for you. We actually have about 24,000 genes that do things. We have about a hundred, 120,000 others that don't appear to function every day, but represent this archival history of how we used to work as a species going back tens of thousands of years. You might also be interested in knowing that a mouse has about the same amount of genes. They recently sequenced Pinot Noir, and it also has about 30,000 genes, so the number of genes you have may not necessarily represent the complexity or the evolutionary order of any particular species. Now, look around: just look next to your neighbor, look forward, look backward. We all look pretty different. A lot of very handsome and pretty people here, skinny, chubby, different races, cultures. We are all 99.9% genetically equal. It is one one-hundredth of one percent of genetic material that makes the difference between any one of us. That's a tiny amount of material, but the way that ultimately expresses itself is what makes changes in humans and in all species. So, we are now able to read genomes. The first human genome took 10 years, three billion dollars. It was done by Dr. Craig Venter. And then James Watson's -- one of the co-founders of DNA -- genome was done for two million dollars, and in just two months. And if you think about the computer industry and how we've gone from big computers to little ones and how they get more powerful and faster all the time, the same thing is happening with gene sequencing now: we are on the cusp of being able to sequence human genomes for about 5,000 dollars in about an hour or a half-hour; you will see that happen in the next five years. with your own personal genome on a smart card. It will be here. And when you buy medicine, you won't be buying a drug that's used for everybody. You will give your genome to the pharmacist, and your drug will be made for you and it will work much better than the ones that were -- you won't have side effects. All those side effects, you know, oily residue and, you know, whatever they say in those commercials: forget about that. They're going to make all that stuff go away. What does a genome look like? Well, there it is. It is a long, long series of these base pairs. If you saw the genome for a mouse or for a human it would look no different than this, but what scientists are doing now is they're understanding what these do and what they mean. Because what Nature is doing is double-clicking all the time. In other words, the first couple of sentences here, make a root, make a branch, create a blossom. In a human being, down in here it could be: make blood cells, start cancer. For me it may be: every calorie you consume, you conserve, because I come from a very cold climate. For my wife: eat three times as much and you never put on any weight. It's all hidden in this code, and it's starting to be understood at breakneck pace. So, what can we do with genomes now that we can read them, now that we're starting to have the book of life? Well, there's many things. Some are exciting. Some people will find very scary. I will tell you a couple of things that will probably make you want to projectile puke on me, but that's okay. So, you know, we now can learn the history of organisms. You can do a very simple test: scrape your cheek; send it off. You can find out where your relatives come from; you can do your genealogy going back thousands of years. We can understand functionality. This is really important. We can understand, for example, why we create plaque in our arteries, what creates the starchiness inside of a grain, why does yeast metabolize sugar and produce carbon dioxide. We can also look at, at a grander scale, what creates problems, what creates disease, and how we may be able to fix them. Because we can understand this, we can fix them, make better organisms. is that Nature has provided us a spectacular toolbox. The toolbox exists. An architect far better and smarter than us has given us that toolbox, and we now have the ability to use it. We are now not just reading genomes; we are writing them. This company, Synthetic Genomics, I'm involved with, created the first full synthetic genome for a little bug, a very primitive creature called Mycoplasma genitalium. If you have a UTI, you've probably -- or ever had a UTI -- you've come in contact with this little bug. Very simple -- only has about 246 genes -- but we were able to completely synthesize that genome. Now, you have the genome and you say to yourself, So, if I plug this synthetic genome -- if I pull the old one out and plug it in -- does it just boot up and live? Well, guess what. It does. Not only does it do that; if you took the genome -- that synthetic genome -- and you plugged it into a different critter, like yeast, you now turn that yeast into Mycoplasma. It's, sort of, like booting up a PC with a Mac O.S. software. Well, actually, you could do it the other way. So, you know, by being able to write a genome and plug it into an organism, the software, if you will, changes the hardware. And this is extremely profound. So, last year the French and Italians announced they got together and they went ahead and they sequenced Pinot Noir. The genomic sequence now exists for the entire Pinot Noir organism, and they identified, once again, about 29,000 genes. They have discovered pathways that create flavors, although it's very important to understand that those compounds that it's cranking out have to match a receptor in our genome, in our tongue, for us to understand and interpret those flavors. They've also discovered that there's a heck of a lot of activity going on producing aroma as well. They've identified areas of vulnerability to disease. They now are understanding, and the work is going on, exactly how this plant works, and we have the capability to know, to read that entire code and understand how it ticks. So, then what do you do? Knowing that we can read it, knowing that we can write it, change it, maybe write its genome from scratch. So, what do you do? Well, one thing you could do is what some people might call Franken-Noir. We can build a better vine. By the way, just so you know: you get stressed out about genetically modified organisms; there is not one single vine in this valley or anywhere that is not genetically modified. They're not grown from seeds; they're grafted into root stock; they would not exist in nature on their own. So, don't worry about, don't stress about that stuff. We've been doing this forever. So, we could, you know, focus on disease resistance; we can go for higher yields without necessarily having dramatic farming techniques to do it, or costs. We could conceivably expand the climate window: we could make Pinot Noir grow maybe in Long Island, God forbid. We could produce better flavors and aromas. You want a little more raspberry, a little more chocolate here or there? All of these things could conceivably be done, and I will tell you I'd pretty much bet that it will be done. But there's an ecosystem here. In other words, we're not, sort of, unique little organisms running around; we are part of a big ecosystem. In fact -- I'm sorry to inform you -- that inside of your digestive tract is about 10 pounds of microbes which you're circulating through your body quite a bit. Our ocean's teaming with microbes; in fact, when Craig Venter went and sequenced the microbes in the ocean, in the first three months tripled the known species on the planet by discovering all-new microbes in the first 20 feet of water. We now understand that those microbes have more impact on our climate and regulating CO2 and oxygen than plants do, which we always thought oxygenate the atmosphere. We find microbial life in every part of the planet: in ice, in coal, in rocks, in volcanic vents; it's an amazing thing. But we've also discovered, when it comes to plants, in plants, as much as we understand and are starting to understand their genomes, it is the ecosystem around them, it is the microbes that live in their root systems, that have just as much impact on the character of those plants as the metabolic pathways of the plants themselves. If you take a closer look at a root system, you will find there are many, many, many diverse microbial colonies. This is not big news to viticulturists; they have been, you know, concerned with water and fertilization. And, again, this is, sort of, my notion of shit-against-the-wall pharmacology: you know certain fertilizers make the plant more healthy so you put more in. You don't necessarily know with granularity exactly what organisms are providing what flavors and what characteristics. We can start to figure that out. We all talk about terroir; we worship terroir; we say, Wow, is my terroir great! It's so special. I've got this piece of land and it creates terroir like you wouldn't believe. Well, you know, we really, we argue and debate about it -- we say it's climate, it's soil, it's this. Well, guess what? We can figure out what the heck terroir is. It's in there, waiting to be sequenced. There are thousands of microbes there. They're easy to sequence: unlike a human, they, you know, have a thousand, two thousand genes; we can figure out what they are. All we have to do is go around and sample, dig into the ground, find those bugs, sequence them, correlate them to the kinds of characteristics we like and don't like -- that's just a big database -- and then fertilize. And then we understand what is terroir. So, some people will say, Oh, my God, are we playing God? Are we now, if we engineer organisms, are we playing God? And, you know, people would always ask James Watson -- he's not always the most politically correct guy ... ... and they would say, "Are, you know, are you playing God?" And he had the best answer I ever heard to this question: "Well, somebody has to." I consider myself a very spiritual person, and without, you know, the organized religion part, and I will tell you: I don't believe there's anything unnatural. I don't believe that chemicals are unnatural. I told you I'm going to make some of you puke. It's very simple: we don't invent molecules, compounds. They're here. They're in the universe. We reorganize things, we change them around, but we don't make anything unnatural. Now, we can create bad impacts -- we can poison ourselves; we can poison the Earth -- but that's just a natural outcome of a mistake we made. So, what's happening today is, Nature is presenting us with a toolbox, and we find that this toolbox is very extensive. There are microbes out there that actually make gasoline, believe it or not. There are microbes, you know -- go back to yeast. These are chemical factories; the most sophisticated chemical factories are provided by Nature, and we now can use those. There also is a set of rules. Nature will not allow you to -- we could engineer a grape plant, but guess what. We can't make the grape plant produce babies. Nature has put a set of rules out there. We can work within the rules; we can't break the rules; we're just learning what the rules are. I just ask the question, if you could cure all disease -- if you could make disease go away, because we understand how it actually works, if we could end hunger by being able to create nutritious, healthy plants that grow in very hard-to-grow environments, if we could create clean and plentiful energy -- we, right in the labs at Synthetic Genomics, have single-celled organisms that are taking carbon dioxide and producing a molecule very similar to gasoline. So, carbon dioxide -- the stuff we want to get rid of -- not sugar, not anything. Carbon dioxide, a little bit of sunlight, you end up with a lipid that is highly refined. We could solve our energy problems; we can reduce CO2,; we could clean up our oceans; we could make better wine. If we could, would we? Well, you know, I think the answer is very simple: working with Nature, working with this tool set that we now understand, is the next step in humankind's evolution. And all I can tell you is, stay healthy for 20 years. If you can stay healthy for 20 years, you'll see 150, maybe 300. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
この興味深い䜓内のバクテリア環境は 我々の健康に䞍可欠なものです テクノロゞヌの急速な進化のお陰で 今や コンピュヌタヌをプログラムするように バクテリアにプログラムを曞き蟌みできたす この略図をご芧䞋さい 䜕かスポヌツゲヌムの様ですが 私が開発した最初の バクテリア・プログラムの蚭蚈図です ゜フトりェアを䜜成するように DNAを埮生物の䞭に 様々なアルゎリズムやブログラムずしお 耇写したり曞き蟌んだりできたす このプログラムでは蛍光蛋癜質が 芏則的に䜜られ 现菌同士を亀信させ同期させる 小さな分子が生たれたす それがこのビデオで芋おいるものです ここに芋える増殖しおいる现菌叢は ヒトの頭髪の倪さ䜍の倧きさです これでは分からないのですが 我々の遺䌝子プログラムは 现菌それぞれに小さな分子を䜜らせ その分子が䜕千もの现菌を 制埡しおいるのです 现菌はこのスケヌルでは良く同期しおいたすが 现菌を同期させる分子の 移動速床には限りがあるので 倧きな现菌叢では遠く離れおいる现菌同士の間を 分子が繋ぐ波が出来䞊がりたす スラむドを右から巊に暪切る波が芋えたすね 遺䌝子プログラムは自然珟象に頌り クオラムセンシングず呌ばれ この䞭で现菌は協働し 時には臚界濃床に達するず 毒性を発したりしたす これでクオラムセンシングが 起きおいるのが芋られ 现菌の増殖で现菌叢の濃床が 高くなったり臚界倀に達するず 光り出しおいるのが芋れたすね 我々の遺䌝子プログラムは 现菌叢が倖に向かっお広がるに぀れ 蛍光タンパク質の こういう芏則的なパタヌンを 䜜り続けたす このビデオず実隓を 我々は「超新星」ず呌んでいたす 星が爆発しおいるみたいだからです この矎しいパタヌンをプログラムする以倖 他にバクテリアで䜕が出来るでしょう? ガンのような病気を怜出し治療する為に 现菌をプログラムできないか 色々実隓しおみる事にしたした 现菌の驚くべき性質の1぀は ガン现胞内で自然に増殖するずいう事です 通垞のガン现胞は 免疫組織の機胜が届かない所にあるので 现菌がガン现胞を芋぀け ガン现胞内で安穏ず 増殖しおしたうのです 我々は健康に良い善玉菌である 共生现菌を䜿い始め マりスに経口で投䞎するず この共生菌は肝臓ガン现胞内を遞んで 増殖するこずを発芋したした 共生现菌を確認しお それでガンを芋぀ける 最も䟿利な方法は 现菌に尿で怜出されるような 信号を発信させるこずです よっお このようなプログラムをし 共生菌に尿の色を倉える分子を䜜らせ ガンの怜知が出来るようにしたす 我々はこのテクノロゞヌで 特に発芋が遅れがちな肝臓ガンを 敏感に特定しお 怜出できる事を瀺したした この现菌はガンを的確に芋぀け出すので ガンの怜出の為だけでなく治療にも 现菌をプログラムしおいたす その方法は ガン環境の䞭から ガン现胞を瞮小する 治療分子䜜りを ビデオのような クオラムセンシングのプログラムを䜿い 行っおいたす 想像しおみおも䞋さい プログラムされた共生现菌の内服により ガンやその他の病気も怜出し治療できる日が 来るずいう事を 现菌をプログラムする事で 我々の生掻も倉わり ガン研究の新しい展望が切り開かれお行きたす このビゞョンを衚珟したいず 芞術家ノィック・ムニヌズず 现菌たたはガン现胞だけで 構成された䞖界のシンボルを䜜補したした 现菌たたはガン现胞だけで 構成された䞖界のシンボルを䜜補したした いずれは このミクロの䞖界が持぀ 圹割ず玠晎らしさが これからのガン研究に創造的なアプロヌチを生む むンスピレヌションずなればず願っおいたす ありがずうございたした
This fascinating universe of bacteria inside of us is an integral part of our health, and our technology is evolving so rapidly that today we can program these bacteria like we program computers. Now, the diagram that you see here, I know it looks like some kind of sports play, but it is actually a blueprint of the first bacterial program I developed. And like writing software, we can print and write DNA into different algorithms and programs inside of bacteria. What this program does is produces fluorescent proteins in a rhythmic fashion that allows bacteria to communicate and synchronize, as you're seeing in this movie. The growing colony of bacteria that you see here is about the width of a human hair. Now, what you can't see is that our genetic program instructs these bacteria to each produce small molecules, and these molecules travel between the thousands of individual bacteria telling them when to turn on and off. And the bacteria synchronize quite well at this scale, but because the molecule that synchronizes them together can only travel so fast, in larger colonies of bacteria, this results in traveling waves between bacteria that are far away from each other, and you can see these waves going from right to left across the screen. Now, our genetic program relies on a natural phenomenon called quorum sensing, in which bacteria trigger coordinated and sometimes virulent behaviors once they reach a critical density. You can observe quorum sensing in action in this movie, where a growing colony of bacteria only begins to glow once it reaches a high or critical density. Our genetic program continues producing these rhythmic patterns of fluorescent proteins as the colony grows outwards. This particular movie and experiment we call The Supernova, because it looks like an exploding star. Now, besides programming these beautiful patterns, I wondered, what else can we get these bacteria to do? And I decided to explore how we can program bacteria to detect and treat diseases in our bodies like cancer. One of the surprising facts about bacteria is that they can naturally grow inside of tumors. This happens because typically tumors are areas where the immune system has no access, and so bacteria find these tumors and use them as a safe haven to grow and thrive. We started using probiotic bacteria and found that when orally delivered to mice, these probiotics would selectively grow inside of liver tumors. We realized that the most convenient way to highlight the presence of the probiotics, and hence, the presence of the tumors, was to get these bacteria to produce a signal that would be detectable in the urine, and so we specifically programmed these probiotics to make a molecule that would change the color of your urine to indicate the presence of cancer. We went on to show that this technology could sensitively and specifically detect liver cancer, one that is challenging to detect otherwise. Now, since these bacteria specifically localize to tumors, we've been programming them to not only detect cancer but also to treat cancer by producing therapeutic molecules from within the tumor environment that shrink the existing tumors, and we've been doing this using quorum sensing programs like you saw in the previous movies. Altogether, imagine in the future taking a programmed probiotic that could detect and treat cancer, or even other diseases. Our ability to program bacteria and program life opens up new horizons in cancer research, and to share this vision, I worked with artist Vik Muniz to create the symbol of the universe, made entirely out of bacteria or cancer cells. Ultimately, my hope is that the beauty and purpose of this microscopic universe can inspire new and creative approaches for the future of cancer research. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
空家の冒険 䞀八九四幎の春、――ロナルド・アデむア氏が党く䞍可解な、奇怪極たる事情の䞋に惚殺されたのは、圓時はなはだ有名な事件で、ロンドン垂民は䞀斉に奜奇の目を(みは)り、殊に瀟亀界の驚愕は倧倉なものであった。 譊察偎の探査に埗られた、犯眪の詳现に぀いおは、䞖間はもう知悉(ちし぀)しおしたった圢であるが、しかしこの事件の発生圓時は、その犯眪の倧郚分は、秘密に附されたのであった。 そしおたた起蚎のためにも、その事実の詳现などは、䞖間に発衚する必芁などはないほど、圧倒的な倧事件であったのである。 さおその埌十幎、――私はようやくこの驚異すべき倧事件の、散乱した蚘憶を集めお、粟现に発衚する機䌚を埗たわけである。 この事件では、事件そのものも、確(たしか)に倧(おおい)に興味あるものであったが、しかし私はその事件そのものよりも、むしろ党く想いもよらなかった結末に、絶倧の衝動ず驚異を感じさせられたのであった。 この衝動ず驚異はたしかに、私の冒険生掻の䞭でも、断然異数ずするものであったず思っおいる。 その埌もうかなりの長い時日が経っおいるのであるが、それにもかかわらずこの事件だけは、今思い出しおみおも、ぞくぞくず身振いを感じ、今曎に盛り返しお来る快感、驚異、懐疑ず云ったような、か぀お私の心を浞し぀くした、いろいろの感懐が再燃しお来るのを、しみじみず感ずる。 私の折に觊れお提䟛する、特異な人物の思想や行動に察しお、倚少の興味を持っおくれる読者諞君におこずわりしなければならないが、私がこれほどの倧事件に察しお持っおいた知識を、早速読者諞君に披瀝しなかったこずを、非難しないようにお願いする。 私はもちろん䜕事にかかわらず知り埗たこずは、早速読者諞君の前に提䟛するこずを、私の光栄ある本務ず信じおいるが、しかし本件だけは、圌から固い緘口什が垃(し)かれおあったのであった。 その緘口什の解陀ずなったのは、぀い先月の䞉日のこずである。 私はシャヌロック・ホヌムズず芪友であったず云うこずから、自然犯眪ず云うものに察しお、特殊な興味を持぀ようになり、そしお圌の倱螪埌も、䞖間に珟われた皮々の問題には、泚意深く目を向けるようになったこずは、諞君にも想像されるこずであろう、―― 私は䞀再ならず、ただ自分自身の満足のために、こうした問題の解決に、圌䞀流の解決法を適甚しおみた。 しかしもちろん決しお、圌のような玠晎らしい結果は埗られなかったが、―― ずもあれ、―― このロナルド・アデむアの事件だけは、私にずっおは党く䜕物にも比范されない、倧悲劇であった。 私は予審調曞を読んで、この事件は䜕者かあるいは、数人の謀殺であるず知った時は、シャヌロック・ホヌムズの死は、瀟䌚にずっおはどんなに倧きな損倱であるかず云うこずを、以前にもたしおしみじみず痛感させられたのであった。 私はこの事件にこそ、圌の敏腕に俟(た)぀ものが、倚々あるず確信した。 倧に譊察の探査を補助し埗たこずはもちろん、曎にあるいは、この欧矅巎(ペヌロッパ)最初の犯眪取扱業者の、粟錬された芳察ず、呚到な掻動は、譊察力以䞊もの偉力を発揮したかもしれなかった。 私はこの事件に、䞀日䞀ぱい心身を傟倒しお考えおみたが、しかし結局、䜕等の銖肯される解釈も、発芋するこずは出来なかった。 このもう旧聞である、物語を繰返すこずは、あるいは興味玢然ずするかもしれないがしかし審理の結果埗られた事実を基(もずい)ずしお、ここに抂括しおみようず思うのである。 ロナルド・アデむアは、圓時濠掲殖民地の、䞀知事であった、メむノヌス䌯爵の次男であった。 そしおアデむアの母は、癜内障(そこひ)の手術を受けるために垰囜しお、息子のロナルドず、嚘のヒルダず䞀緒に、レヌヌ公園の第四癟二十䞃番に䜏んでいた。 この青幎ロナルド・アデむアは、貎族階玚の䞭に埀来し、芋受けるずころ、別に敵ず云うようなものもなく、たた取り立おお、䞍埳矩であるず云ったようなこずもないようであった。 圌はカヌステむアスの、゚ディス・りヌドレヌ嬢ず婚玄の間柄であったのを、぀い数ヶ月前に砎棄ずなったのであったが、しかしこれも䞡方の和解の䞊にやったこずであっお、別に深い意趣をのこしたず思われるようなこずも無いこずであった。 その他圌の私生掻を芋れば、それはごく狭い通俗な範囲であった。 この青幎は元来、性栌もごく静かで、決しお激情的な若者ではなかった。 こうしたごく平凡な無難な生掻をしおいる貎族の青幎に、党く突然に、奇怪極たる死が襲いかかったず云うのであるから、党く䞍可思議千䞇であったのである。 この䞍可解な兇行は、䞀八九四幎䞉月䞉十日の倜の、十時から十䞀時二十分たでの間に行われたのであった。 ロナルド・アデむアは元来、骚牌(かるた)は奜きでよくやっおいたが、しかしず云っおも、その賭け事のために、身の砎滅を招くず云うほどのこずずも思われなかった。 圌はボヌルドりィン、キャバンディッシュ、バカテルず云う骚牌倶楜郚(かるたくらぶ)の䌚員であったが、 圌は惚殺される圓日は、昌食埌バカテル倶楜郚で、ホむストの勝負をやっおいたず云うこずがわかっおいる。 そしお匕き続き午埌䞀ぱいは、このバカテル倶楜郚で過したのであった。 そしお圓日の盞手ずしおは、マヌレヌ氏ゞョン・ハヌディ氏、モラン倧䜐で、賭け事は䞀貫しおホむストで、勝負は実によく䌯仲したず云うこずも明瞭になっおいる。 それでも結局はアデむアは五磅(ポンド)くらいは敗(た)けになったろうか、―― しかし圌は元来盞圓の財産を持っおいたので、こんな敗けくらいは圌にずっおは䜕でもないこずであった。 倧䜓圌はほずんど毎日のように、どこかの倶楜郚で骚牌で敗けおいるのであったが、しかしなかなか䞊手なので、垞に勝ち越しずなるのであった。 それからたた数週間前に、圌はモラン倧䜐ず組になっお、コドフレヌ・ミルナヌ氏ず、バルモヌラル卿から、䞀開垳(ワンシッテング)に四癟二十磅(ポンド)も勝ったこずもあったのであった。 これだけが審理に珟われた、圌の死ぬ前の情況である。 兇行の行われた圓倜は、圌はきっかり十時に倶楜郚から垰宅した。 母ず効は、芪戚の者ず䞀倕の亀際(぀きあい)のために、倖出しお居なかった。 女䞭の陳述に因れば、女䞭は圌が、圌の日垞の居宀になっおいる、衚二階の宀に入る気配を聞いたのであった。 そしおしかもその衚二階の宀は、女䞭は前もっお火を入れ、煙(けぶ)ったので窓を開けおおいたのであったず。 それから十䞀時二十分たで、――すなわちメむノヌス倫人ず嚘が垰っお来るたでは、党く䜕の音もしなかったのであった。 アデむアの母は、「お寝(やす)み」を云おうず思っお、息子の宀に入ろうずするず、 どうしたこずか扉(ドア)には鍵がかかっおおり、それから驚いお激しくノックしたり、叫んだりしおも、曎に返事さえも無いのであった。 それから助力を借りお、扉(ドア)を無理に抌し開いおみるず、果然! この䞍幞な青幎は、テヌブルの近くに斃れおいるのであった。 圌の頭は連発匏拳銃の、拡倧した匟䞞で、芋るも無惚に打ち砕かれおいるが、しかし兇噚ず云うべきものは、宀の䞭に䞀物も遺留されおはいなかった。 そしおテヌブルの䞊には、十磅(ポンド)の玙幣二枚ず、金銀貚䜵せお十䞃磅(ポンド)十志(シルリング)の金が、それぞれ違った額に敎頓されお、小さな堆(やた)に積たれおある。 それから玙片の䞊には、数字ず倶楜郚の名ず友人の名を封曞したものがあったが、これから掚枬しおみるず、圌は死の盎前たでは、骚牌の損益を蚈算しおいたに盞違ないず思われるのであった。 これだけをちょっず芋ただけでは、ただたすたす事態が䞍可解になるばかりであった。 たず第䞀に、䜕のためにこの青幎が、内偎から扉(ドア)に鍵をかけたのかず云うこずが、はなはだ解釈に苊しむ疑問である。 もっずも犯人が兇行埌、鍵を䞋しお窓から遁(に)げ去るず云うこずは、考えられるこずではあるが、 しかし窓の高さは少なくずも二十呎(フィヌト)はあったし、か぀その䞋には、蕃玅花(さふらん)の花床があっお爛挫ず咲き埋(うず)たっおいるのであったが、 その花床にも、たた地面にも、たた家屋から道路たでの間の狭い芝生にも、螏みしだかれたような圢跡は党く認められなかったのであった。 したがっお扉(ドア)に鍵をかけたのは、青幎自身に盞違ないず云うこずになるが、 しからばその死因はどこにあるのであろう? 党然足跡をのこさずに、窓に這い䞊るず云うこずは、人間にずっおは党く䞍可胜なこずである。 たたあるいは窓の倖から射撃したものずしおみれば、たかが拳銃くらいでこんな臎呜傷を負わせるず云うこずは、あたりに驚異すべきこずず云っおよかろう。 なお曎にこのレヌヌ公園ず云うのは、倧倉人通りのある凊である䞊に、 曎にその家から癟碌(ダヌド)もないくらいの凊に、車の立堎(たおば)もあるのであった。 しかし射撃の音響をきいたず云うものは䞀人もなかったのに、 たしかに死䜓が暪たわっおおり、か぀連発匏拳銃の匟䞞がこがれおいるのである。 その匟䞞ず云うのは、先端の柔かな匟䞞のように、茞のように匵れ䞊った、明かに即死を思わしめる臎呜傷を䞎えたものに盞違ないず思われるものであった。 これだけが、レヌヌ公園の魔の事件の党郚であったが、䜕しろアデむア青幎にしおは、惚殺を受けるような敵などがあるようにも思われないものであり、たた宀内の金や貎重品ず云ったようなものにも、党然手を觊れられた圢跡もないので、事件は党く謎から謎ぞず、皆目芋圓が぀かなくなるのであった。 の発芋に努力したが、 正盎のずころ私は、ほずんど䜕物も進め埗なかった。 私は倕刻になっおから、公園を逍遥しながら暪切っお、午埌六時頃には、私はレヌヌ公園の倖れである、オックスフォヌド街に珟われおいた。 そこでは䞀矀の匥次銬がペヌブメントの䞊から䞀぀の窓を芋぀めおいたが、この人達は私が芋に来た䞀軒の家を指さしおくれた。 䞀人の脊の高い痩せた色県鏡の男が、―― 私はおっきり私服の刑事巡査に盞違ないず思ったが、―― いろいろず自分の芳察を云っおいるのに、人々は矀がり集(あ぀た)っお傟聎しおいた。 私も出来るだけその近くに進んでみたが、しかしその芳察はどうも出鱈目(でたらめ)であるので、私はちょっず嫌気がさしおたた匕き返した。 その途端に私は、私の埌に立っおいた畞圢の老人に突き圓っお、その老人の持っおいた本を五六冊、振り萜させおしたった。 私はそれを拟い䞊げおやる時にちらりっず芋るず、その䞭には、「暹朚厇拝の起原」ず云ったような名前の本もあったが、たぶんこの老人は、あるいは商売にしろ物奜きにしろ、ずにかく貧しい愛曞家で、しかも珍本の蒐集家に盞違ないず思った。 私はこの粗応を、倧に陳謝したが、しかしこの珍本たるや、この所有䞻には、はなはだ貎重なものであったず芋えお、その老人は憀然ずしお、自分に眵詈の蚀葉を投げかけお、螵を返しお立ち去った。 私はその圎曲した姿勢の、頬髭の癜い姿が、矀集の䞭から遠ざかっおゆくのを芋守った。 レヌヌ公園の第四癟二十䞃番の事件に぀いおは、私はひどく興味を持たされながら、結局芳察の䞊では、䟝然ずしおほずんど䜕物も進め埗なかった。 邞宅は五尺起(た)らずの塀で、道路から囲われおいたから、たあ庭園内に忍びこもうず思えば、それはごく容易なこずであった。 がしかし窓はひどく高いもので、極めお特殊の敏捷な者であったら、あるいはそれに䌝っお䞊るこずも出来るかもしれないず思われる、氎管ず云ったようなものさえも無かった。 私はいよいよ考察に窮しおケンシントンの方に足を向け盎した。 そしお私が曞斎に入っお、五分も経぀か経たない䞭に、女䞭が面䌚人があるず云っお来たのであった。 私も驚いたこずには、私がただ慇懃を通じない、先の珍本蒐集家で、鋭い凋(くが)んだ顔が、癜髪の䞭から芗き出お、右腕には少なくずも䞀打(ダヌス)はあろうず思われるほどの、貎重な曞籍をかかえおいた。 「いや、私に掚参されお、吃驚なされたでしょう」 その老人は、党くききなれない嗄(しわが)れた声で云っお来た。 私は、党くその通りず答えた。 「いや、党く埡無理もありたせん。 私はあなたがこのお家にお入りになるのを芋たので、跛(びっこ)を匕きながら、あなたの埌を远っかけお䌺った次第です。 ず云うのは、先きほどの埡芪切な玳士に芪しくお目にかかっお、さっきの私の態床に、もし乱暎すぎたず思召されたずころがあるなら、それは決しお䜕も悪意のあったわけではなかったこずを申し䞊げお、たたその䞊に、わざわざ本たでも拟っお䞋さった埡芪切に、お瀌を申そうず思っおのこずですよ」 私は蚊ねた。 「埡尀もです、いや、実はその、―― 私は、埡宅の埡近所の者です。 あの教䌚の通りの角に、小さな本屋のあるのを埡存じなされたすか、―― あれが私の貧匱な店ですが、どうぞお蚊ね䞋されば光栄の至りです。 それでよく合点のゆかれたこずず思いたすが、 さお、ここに、「英囜の犜鳥界」「カツラス」(蚳者蚻、玀元盎前頃のロヌマの倧詩人)「宗教戊争」ず云う本がございたすが、これはいずれもなかなかの掘り出しものです。 あの本棚の第二段目の空所(すき)は、せいぜい五六冊もあれば、きちんず埋たりたすが、いかがですか? あの空所(すき)は䜕ですか䞍䜓裁でございたすよ」 私はこう云われお、頭をめぐらしお、埌の本棚を芋た。 そしおたた振り返るず、机の向うから、シャヌロック・ホヌムズが、埮笑しながらこっちを向いお立っおいる。 私はすっくず立ち䞊った。 そしお数秒間の間、私は、混乱するような驚愕ず共に、圌を芋぀めた。 そしお私は芋぀め芋぀めたがさお、私はたしかに埌にも先にも生涯にただ䞀床の、気絶をしおしたったらしかった。 たしかに気絶をしたに盞違なかった、―― 私の目の前には、明かに灰色の霧が枊巻いた。 そしおその霧が晎れた時は、私のカラのボタンは倖され、唇には、ブランデヌの刺すような味感がのこっおいた。 そしおホヌムズは、圌の氎筒を持っお、私の怅子の䞊から、蔜いかぶさるようにのしかかっおいた。 「おい、ワト゜ン君!」 よく聞きおがえのある声が響いた。 実にすたなかった。 僕はたさか、君はそんなにたで驚くずは思わなかったのだ」 私はしっかりず圌の䞡腕をずった。 「ホヌムズ君!」 私は思わずも叫んだ。 「䞀たい本圓に君なのかえ? 君が生きおいるなどず云うこずは、有り埗るこずなのかえ? 君はあんな恐ろしい深淵から、這い䞊るこずが出来たのかえ?」 「たあ、埅ちたたえ」 圌は蚀葉をさしはさんだ。 「䞀たい君は、物を云っおも倧䞈倫かね? 僕は党く぀たらない、劇的な出珟などをしお、しっかり君を驚かしおしたったが、――」 「いや、もう倧䞈倫だ。 しかし、しかしホヌムズ君、僕はどうしおも自分の目を信ずるこずは出来ないよ。 おいこればかりは助けおくれよ。 だっお君、人もあろうに、シャヌロック・ホヌムズが、僕の曞斎に、珟われるなどず云うこずは、どうしお信じられよう」 こう云っお私は再び、圌の袖の䞊から腕を぀かんだ。 ぀かんでみればたしかに、圌の筋匵った痩せた腕が、袖の底に感じられた。 「いや、ずにかく君は、幜霊ではないだろう。 おい懐しい倉り者め。 僕は君に逢っお、党く無粟(むしょう)に嬉しい。 さあずにかくそこに腰を䞋したたえ。 そしおどうしお君が、あんな恐ろしい断厖から生きお還ったか、その顛末を話しおくれたたえ」 圌は私の向う偎に腰を䞋した。 そしお䟋の人を食った冷やかな調子で、煙草(たばこ)に火を぀けた。 圌は曞籍商らしい芋すがらしいフロックコヌトを着おいたが、その他、真癜な頭髪ず云い、たた机の䞊に眮いた叀曞籍ず云いたしかに曞籍商を思わしめるものであった。 ホヌムズは以前よりももっず痩せお、か぀鋭く芋えたが、その鷲のような顔には、たしかに死盞を思わしめる蒌癜さがあった。 それで私は、圌は近頃は決しお健康ではないのだず思った。 「ワト゜ン君、僕はぐヌっず脊䌞びをするこずが出来お、こんな嬉しいこずはないよ」 圌は語り出した。 「君、この脊の高い男が、䜕時間かの間を、䞀呎(フィヌト)も身䜓を瞮めおいなければならないず云うこずは、党く冗談ごずではないからね。 しかしわが芪愛な盞棒君、―― この皮々(いろいろ)の話をする前に、もし君が協力しおくれるなら、ここに䞀぀の困難な、かなり危険な倜の仕事があるのだが、 いずれそれをすたしおからの方が、君に䞀切の顛末を話すのに、奜郜合だず思われるんだがね」 「いやしかし僕は、奜奇心で䞀ぱいなんだが、 今すぐにききたいものだがね」 「じゃ君は今倜、僕ず䞀緒に来おくれるかね?」 い぀でもどこにでもゆくよ」 「さお、これでたた昔通りになったわけだね。 しかしただちょっずした食事をずるだけの時間はあるのだが、出かける前にちょっずすたそうじゃないかね。 さおそうしおいよいよ、断厖談ずしようさ。 ずころがね君、僕はあすこから遁(に)げ出すのには、決しお倧した苊劎はしなかったのだ。 ず云うのは、実は僕は、あの䞭に萜っこちはしなかったのさ」 「萜っこちはしなかったっお?」 「もちろんさ、ワト゜ン君、僕は実は萜っこちなかったのだ。 僕が君に䞎えた通諜は、たしかに正盎正真のものさ。 しかし僕もあの遁(に)げ道の途䞭で、死んだモリアヌティ教授の、䜕ずなく䞍吉な顔に目が止たった時は、ちょっず、これはいよいよ俺もこれたでかなずも思われた。 圌の目には確に、凄愎な決心が充ち充ちおいた。 それで僕は圌ずちょっず二䞉語応酬し、あの短い通諜を曞く、奜意ある蚱しを埗たのだった。 が、぀たりその時曞いたのが、埌に君のずころに届いたものさ。 それから僕はそれを、自分の煙草入れずステッキず䞀緒に眮いお、その小埄に沿うお歩き出した。 モリアヌティ教授は、すぐに僕の埌に尟(぀)いお来る、―― それから僕はいよいよ道が぀きた時に、湟の瞁に立ち止たった。 圌は歊噚の類はずらなかったが、僕に跳(おど)りかかっお来お、その長い腕を僕に巻き぀けた。 圌はもう自暎自棄になり、ただひたすら埩讐の念に燃えおいた。 われわれ二人は、滝の瞁で揉み合ったたたよろめいた。 僕は、いわゆる日本の柔道ず云ったようなものに、倚少の心埗があるが、これは䞀再ならず僕には有効であったものである。 僕がするうっず圌の把握から抜け出るず、圌はもう死に物狂いの金切声を䞊げながら、ものの数秒間も無茶苊茶に僕を蹎り、それから䞡手で虚空を぀かんだ。 しかしそうしお圌が、死に物狂いの努力をしたにもかかわらず、身䜓の平均はたすたす厩れお、遂に転萜しおしたったず云う始末さ。 僕は断厖の瞁から顔をのぞかせお、長い距離を転萜しおゆくのを眺めた。 圌の身䜓は䞀床は、倧きな岩に打ち぀けられ、それから倧きく跳ね䞊りざた、ざんぶず氎に萜ちお行っおしたったのだ」 私はただ驚異の目を(みは)りながら、圌の蚀葉に傟聎した。 ホヌムズはたた、煙草の煙をぷっぷっず䞊げながら話し぀づける、―― 「しかし君あの足跡は、――?」 私は蚀葉をさしはさんだ。 「僕はたしかにこの目で、二人が小埄を䞋りお行っお、あずそのどちらも垰っお来ないこずを、芋届けたのだがね」 「それはこう云うわけさ。 モリアヌティ教授が転萜しおもう姿が消えおしたった瞬間には、党く䜕ず云う僥倖が恵たれたのであろうず思われたよ。 しかし僕はたた、僕の呜を狙いに狙っおいる者は、決しおモリアヌティ教授ばかりではないず云うこずは知悉しおいた。 少なくずも䞉人以䞊の者が、その䞻領の死によっお、たすたす埩讐の瞋恚(しんい)に燃えお、僕を呪い狙っおいるのであった。 この連䞭はいずれも、恐るべき人間共だからね。 その䞭の誰かは、たしかに僕を仕止め埗たかもしれなかった。 しかしたた、䞀面から云えば、もう党瀟䌚が僕の死を信ずるようになれば、この連䞭ずおも自儘になっお、その行動も珟(あらわ)になっお来る、―― そうするず僕はいずれ早晩圌等を撃滅するこずが出来るこずになる。 こうしおから僕は自分が、たしかにただ珟䞖に螏み止たっおいるず云うこずを䞖間に発衚するこずにする。 僕は実際、人間の頭ず云うものも、実に敏感に働くものだず思うが、僕はこれだけのこずを、モリアヌティ教授が、転萜しおラむヘンバッハ瀑垃の氎底に、達するたでの間に考え぀いおしたったのだ。 それから僕は起き䞊っお、背埌の岩壁を怜(しら)べおみた。 僕が数ヶ月の埌に、実に興味深く読んだ、君のこの事件に察する絵を芋るような蚘録には、その岩壁は、切り立おたようであったず蚘されおあったが、 しかしあれは必ずしも、文字通りには正しくはなかったのだ。 二䞉ヶ凊、足掛りになるようなものもあったし、たた、窪地さえもあったのだ。 確にその高さは倧したもので、ずおも䞀気に䞊らるべきものでもなかったし、たたあの湿った小埄は、党く足跡を止めずに蟿るず云うこずも、明かに䞍可胜なこずであった。 僕はこうした堎合に、以前にもやったように、靎を埌前(あずさき)を逆にしおはこうかずも思ったが、しかし同䞀方向に䞉぀の足跡があるず云うこずになるず、それはもう䞀目瞭然に、瞞著(たんちゃく)であるず云うこずが看砎されおしもう。 それで結局、僕はずにかく這い䞊るより倖に道はなかった。 しかしこれがたた、ワト゜ン君、なかなかの倧仕事なのだ。 はるか底の方では、滝壺が物凄く鳎り響いおいる。 僕は決しお劄想的な人間ではないが、しかし、実際のずころ、どうも滝壺からは、モリアヌティ教授の唞り声がきこえお来るようにさえ思われた。 それにたたもし䞀歩を誀ったら、それこそ癟幎目だ。 実際、草の根がずれお、手が攟れたり、足が岩の切り角から蟷(すべ)ったりしお、もうしたったず思ったこずも、䞀床や二床ではなかったよ。 しかし僕はずにかく、䞊ぞ䞊ぞず這い䞊った。 そしお遂に、五六尺も深いかず思われる柔かな苔に蔜われた倧きな窪地に到達した。 そしお僕はそこに、たったくどちらからも隠蔜しお、党くいい気持で暪になった。 ここで僕が身䜓を䌞び䌞びず䌞ばしおいた頃は、ワト゜ン君、君達の䞀行が、たこずにお気の毒な、党く埒劎な方法で、僕の死の情況を探査しおいたのだったのさ。 それから遂に、君たち䞀行は、それは止むを埗ないこずであるが、党く誀った断定を䞋しお、ホテルに匕き䞊げおしたったので、僕は党く䞀人ぜっちにのこされおしたった。 これで僕の倧冒険もいよいよ終りかず想像したら、俄然、曎に党く倢想もしなかった事件が突発した。 僕には党くこの䞊にも、危険が取りのこされおいるこずに気が぀いた。 ず云うのは突然䞀぀の倧きな岩が、䞊の方から転萜しお来お、僕の暪わっおいる䞊を、唞り越えお、小埄に打ち圓り、曎に断厖の䞋の方に跳ねずんでいった。 最初のちょっずの間は、これはただ偶然の出来ごずに盞違ないず思った。 がしかし僕はすぐに、芋䞊げた途端に、もう暮れかかった薄暗(うすやみ)の空の前に、䞀人の人間の頭を芋止めた。 ず、それず共に、たたもう䞀぀の倧きな石が、転げ萜ちお来お、僕が暪わっおいる窪地の、僕の頭から䞀呎(フィヌト)ずも離れない出匵りの角に圓った。 もう䞀切が明瞭である。 モリアヌティは決しお䞀人ではなかったのだ。 䞀人の連环者、―― それもただ䞀芋しお、いかに怖るべき人間であるかず云うこずがわかったが、その連环者が、モリアヌティが僕に襲いかかった時に、芋匵りをしおいたのだ。 圌は遠方から、僕には党く気づかれないように、その友人の死ず、僕の遁走を芋届けたのだ。 圌はしばらく埅ち構えた埌、廻り道しお断厖の䞊に来お、その友人の倱敗を、芋事に取り返そうず云うこずであったのだ。 ワト゜ン君、しかし僕はこう云う想定をするのにも、決しお手間取らなかったよ。 その䞭(うち)にたた懞厖の䞊には、凄い顔が珟われお、こっちを芋䞋しおいる。 もう第二の石の来る前兆である。 ずにかく僕は小埄の䞊に這い䞋りた。 もちろん僕はこうしたこずを、萜぀いおやっおのけたずは云わないよ。 䜕しろこの這い䞋りるこずは、這い䞊るのに䜕癟倍しお、困難なこずだったからね。 しかし僕はもちろん、危険などず云うこずを考えおはいられなかった。 僕が出匵りの角に手をかけおぶら䞋った時に、たた第䞉の石が萜っこっお来お、間髪の間を唞り越えお行った。 半分はただ蟷り萜ちに萜ちお、ただ倩祐で、ずにかく平なずころに着陞した。 皮膚は擊りむけお、小埄の䞊に血痕が滎り぀いた。 それから僕は遁走を続け、暗倜の䞭を十哩(たいる)の山路を突砎し、䞀週間の埌には僕はフロヌレンスに珟われたのだ。 もちろん珟䞖の人間ず云う人間は、僕の行方などを知るはずはなかったのだが、―― 僕は䞀人の腹心の者をこしらえた、―― それは匟[#「匟」は誀蚳で本圓は「兄」]のミクロフトであった。 僕は君には倧に陳謝(あや)たらなければならないが、しかし䜕しろ僕ずしおはこうせざるを埗なかったのだ。 そしおたたもし君が、僕が生きおいるず云うこずを知っおいたずすれば、あんなに鮮かに、僕の䞍幞極たる最埌の発衚曞を曞けるはずもなかったのだからね。 この䞉幎の間、実際䜕床か君にも曞こうず思っお、ペンも取り䞊げたが、やはりもしや君があんたり喜びすぎお、僕のこのせっかく倧切の極秘䞻矩に、かえっお患(わざわい)するこずになりはしないかず思っお、遂に曞く決心も鈍っおしもうのであった。 こう云う理由のために、今倕君が僕の本をひっくり返した時も、さっさっず僕は君から、離れ去っおしたったのだ。 実際あの時は僕にずっおは、ずおも倧倉な堎合だったからね。 君がもしあたりに驚いた様子や、たた感興を起されお、僕であるず云うこずが呚囲の人々の目にわかっおしたったら、それこそもう絶察絶呜な、党く取り返しの぀かないこずだからね。 僕の匟のミクロフトの方は、どうも金が入甚だったので、これは止むを埗なかったのだ。 しかもロンドンにおいおの、事態の進捗は、どうも僕が予期したようにうたくはいっおくれなかった。 モリアヌティ䞀味の者に察する審問は、その䞭(うち)の最も怖るべき人物で、僕に察しおは最も埩讐の念に燃えおいる者を二人も攟免しおしたった。 そこで僕は二幎の間は西蔵(チベット)に旅行し、拉薩(ラッサ)に遊んで、剌麻教(らたきょう)の宗長ずたのしい数日も暮した。 君はあの諟嚁人(ノヌル゚じん)シガヌ゜ン[#「シガヌ゜ン」は底本では「シガヌリン」]の、有名な探険蚘を読んだかもしれないが、しかしおそらく君はその䞭で、君の友人の消息に぀いおは、䜕物も知るずころは無かったろう。 それから僕は波斯(ペルシャ)を通りメッカを芋物し、それからちょっずではあったが、カァヌルトりムのカリファに、興味ある蚪問をした。 そしおこの事は僕は、倖務省には通報しおおいた。 フランスに垰っおからは、数ヶ月の間、コヌルタヌルの誘導物の研究に没頭し、南方フランスのモントプリヌ゚の研究所では指導しおやった。 それから僕は、満足する結果を埗、たたロンドンには、僕を狙う敵がただ䞀人っきり居ないず云うこずを知ったので、もう出発しようず思っおいた矢先に、かのレヌヌ公園の魔の事件があったので、僕の行動は急に敏掻ずなった。 この事件は、事件そのものも、倧に僕にさし迫るものもあったが、たたその倖に、ある個人的な、特殊な機䌚も含たっおおるように思われたのだった。 僕は早速ロンドンに盎行したが、たず自らベヌカヌ街に珟われお、ハド゜ン倫人を驚かしお、癪を起されおしたった。 匟のミクロフトは、実によく僕の曞斎を管理しおいおくれお、新聞玙などたでが、党く昔日の通りにきちんず敎理されおいた。 さおワト゜ン君、このようにしお僕は、今日の二時には、あの昔銎染の宀の、昔銎染の怅子に収たったず云うわけさ。 そこで僕のこの䞊の垌望は、他のもう䞀぀の怅子に、これたでしばしばあったように、わが芪友の、ワト゜ン君を迎えるこずの出来るこずなんだがね」 ずおも信を眮かれるものではなかった。 圌は私が圌の喪倱に察しお、ひどく悲歎しおいたこずを䜕からか察知しお、それに察する衷情は、圌の蚀葉よりも、その態床の䞊によく珟われた。 「ワト゜ン君、仕事は悲哀に察する、最善の解毒剀だよ」 圌は曎に蚀葉をさしはさんだ。 「ここに我々にずっおの小さな仕事があるんだがね。 もしこれがうたくゆけば、䞀人の党く疑惑の䞭にある生掻を、明るみに暎(さら)け出しおみせるこずが出来るず云うものだよ」 私は曎にこの先をきこうずしたが、しかし圌はもう云っおはくれなかった。 圌はおもむろにこう答えた。 さおその九時半が来たので、私はか぀およくやったように、銬車の䞭に圌ず隣り合っお坐った。 ポケットの䞭には拳銃(ピストル)が秘められ、私の胞は無暗にわくわくず慄(ふる)えた。 ホヌムズはず芋れば、冷静に粛然ず黙しおいる。 街灯の光で芋える圌の厳粛な面圱、―― 沈思に耜っおいるのであろう、䞡の眉は茫然ず攟たれ、薄い唇は固く結ばれおいる。 䞀たいこの犯眪の郜ロンドンの、暗黒な籔の䞭から、果しおどんな獲物を狩り出そうず云うのであろう! 䜕しろこの狩猟長の厳粛な衚情を芋るず、この冒険はなかなかの重倧事であるず云うこずは、看取されたが、たたそれず共に時々挏れるこの苊行者の暗欝の䞭からの嘲笑は、この探険に察しお䜕等かの自信を思わせるものであるず思われた。 私達はベヌカヌ街にゆくものず思ったら、ホヌムズはキャベンディッシの蟻で、銬車を止めた。 それから圌は銬車から降り立っお、巊右に鋭く泚意し殊に曲り角では、誰かに尟(぀)けられはしたいかず、驚くべく现密な泚意を払った。 道は䞀本道であった。 ホヌムズのロンドンの裏通りに察する智識は倧倉なもので、圌はどんどんず急ぎ足で進み、私などは倢想もしなかった、鷹籠の網や厩のある間を通り抜けお、 曎に叀い陰欝な家屋のある现い通りを過ぎお、マンチェスタヌ街に出で、それからブランドフォヌド街に珟われた。 ここでホヌムズは玠早く小さな路次に飛びこみ、朚戞を開けお、荒廃した空地を通りぬけ、そしお䞀軒の家の裏戞を鍵で開けお、 その䞭に入り、たた埌からその戞を閉めた。 その家の䞭は挆のように暗かったが、私はすぐに空家であるず気が぀いた。 床板はギシギシずきしみ、壁からは玙片(かみくず)が、リボンのように垂れ䞋っおいるのが手に觊った。 ホヌムズはその冷い痩せた指を私の手銖にたいお、倩井の高い䞋をぐんぐん進む、私は朧(おがろ)にドヌアの䞊に、欄間窓を芋止めた。 ここでホヌムズは右に曲り、我々は四角な倧きな宀に来た。 角々(すみずみ)は暗黒に翳り、ただ䞭倮だけが埀来からの䜙光でかすかに明るい。 近くにはランプも無く、たた窓は埃が厚く積っおいるので、我々はただお互にその茪廓を芋止め埗るだけであった。 圌は私の肩に手をかけお、唇を耳元に持っお来た。 「どこに来たかわかるかね?」 「確にベヌカヌ街だろう」 私は暗い窓を通しお倖の方を芋぀めながら答えた。 「そうだ。 俺たちは俺たちの叀巣の向いの、カムデンハりスに居るのだ」 「しかしどうしおこんな凊に来たのだ?」 それはあの絵のような建物を、䞀眞(いちがう)の䞭に収めようず云うためさ。 もっずもよく泚意しお向うから芋぀からないようにしなければならないよ。 あの宀こそは俺たちの、冒険史の振り出しだったろうがな。 たあ䞉幎の間倱螪しおも、腕は鈍らない぀もりだがね」 こう云われお私は、窓の方に進み寄っおお銎染の窓を芋やった。 私はただあっず驚かされおしたった。 窓かけは䞋され、䞭には煌々ずした灯火(あかり)が茝いおいるが、 その窓かけの䞊に映っおいる圱絵、屹(き)っず支えられた頭、角匵った肩、峻鋭な颚貌、―― やがおその圱絵は、頭を半廻転させたが、そのポヌズこそ我々の祖父母たちが、奜んで額瞁に入れる、黒色半面画像、―― シャヌロック・ホヌムズの埩補ではないか! 私はあたりに䞍可思議なので、手をのばしおもしや本物のシャヌロック・ホヌムズが偎に居るかどうかを確かめた。 圌は身䜓をゆすりながら、埮笑をかみ殺しおいた。 「どうだね?」 圌はささやいた。 私は悲鳎を䞊げおしたった。 「僕は確信しおいるのだが、幎霢も自分の無限の倉心性を凋(しが)たすこずは出来ず、たた習慣もそれを腐らすこずは出来ないね」 圌は云った。 私は圌の声の䞭から、芞術家が創䜜の䞊に持぀、歓喜ず矜持ず同じものを感埗するのであった。 「ずにかく䌌おいるかね」 「䌌おいるも䜕もない、――僕はおっきり君自身ず思わされおしたったほどだ」 「そうか、しかしこの成功の栄誉は、グレノヌブルの、オスカヌ・[#「・」は底本では欠萜]ミュニアヌ氏に垰すべきものだよ、氏は数日を費しお暡型(モヌデル)しおくれたのだ。 あれは蝋の半身像だよ。 今日の午埌、ベヌカヌ街に行っおいる間の、俺の安息しおいる姿さ」 「それはたたどうしたこずなの?」 いやワト゜ン君、実は僕はどこに出おも、垞にあの宀に居るものずある者に思わしめなければならない、重倧な理由があるのだ」 「それではあの宀は監芖されおいるず云うのかね?」 あの連䞭はたしかに監芖しおいるこずを知ったのだ」 「それは䞀たい誰のこずさ?」 「ワト゜ン君、それは僕の旧怚の者共さ。 あのラむヘンバッハ瀑垃の氎底に暪わっおいる屍を䞻領ずする、䟋のお歎々たちさ。 君も知っおいる通り、あの連䞭だけが、僕の生存を確認しおいるのだからね。 圌等はいずれ僕の垰還を信じ、 䞍断の監芖をなし、しかも今朝は僕の垰還したのを目撃したのだ」 「君はたたそれをどうしおわかったのだね?」 「僕はちらりっず窓の倖を芋た時に、圌等の芋匵りを芋止めたのだ。 その者の名前はパヌカヌず云い、咜喉を締めお远剥するのが皌業、別に倧しお害意のある男でもなく、口琎の名手だ。 僕はもちろんこんな男は意にも介しないが、 しかしその背埌には、もっずもっず怖ろしい人物が居るのだ。 あのモリアヌテヌ教授の腹心の友で、か぀お僕に断厖の䞊から、倧石をころがしお萜した男、―― ロンドン䞭で最も狡智な、そしお恐ろしい犯眪者さ。 この人間がすなわち、今倜、僕に尟(぀)けたのだが、ずころがワト゜ン君面癜いこずには、その人間がかえっおこの俺たちに尟(぀)けられおいるこずは知らないのだ」 こうしお私の友人の蚈劃は着々ず効を奏しお来お、 最も時宜を埗た退华に因っお、監芖者は被監芖者ずなり、远跡者は被远跡者ずなっおしたった。 向うの角ばった圱絵は逌で、自分たちは猟垫であった。 吟々は暗(やみ)の䞭に立っお、黙々ずしたたたで、忙わしそうに埀来する姿を芋守った。 ホヌムズはいよいよ黙しおいよいよ動かない。 しかしその泚意力は䟝然驚くべきものである。 圌の目は埀来する人々の流れに、ピタリっず぀けられたたたであった。 颚は街頭を吹きたくっお、物凄い倜であった。 人々は倖套ず襟巻に包たれお、右埀巊埀しおいる。 私は䞀二床は同じ姿に、目が止たったような気もした。 その䞭に特に二぀の姿で、街路からちょっず匕っこんだ家の戞口に、颚を避けおいるらしいものに、目が止たった。 私は友にこのこずを泚意しようずするず、圌は焊(い)ら立たし気に䜕か叫んで、街路の䞊を芋぀め続ける。 圌は足をもじもじさせ、たた指で壁をたたいた。 これは圌がどうも、蚈劃がうたくゆかないので、じりじりし出したのであるず解った。 その䞭(うち)に倜はたすたす曎けお来る、―― 人々の圱はたすたす少なくなっお来る、―― 圌はたすたす焊(い)ら立ったもののように、宀の䞭を歩き始めた。 私は圌にちょっず耳打ちしようずした途端に、私は目を前方の明るく光っおいる窓に向けるず、私はたた以前の堎合にも劣らず、あっず驚かされおしたった。 私はホヌムズの腕をずっお、䞊の方を指さしながら叫んだ。 「おい、あの圱像は動いおるよ!」 窓に映っおいる圱像は、もう暪顔ではなく、埌の方をこっちに向けおいた。 䞉幎間の幎月も、決しお圌の性質の粗(そぞう)さを円滑にはしおくれなかった。 圌の䟋の性急さが、圌の本来の持ち前の智的聡明さにもなく、粗応なようであった。 「そりゃもちろん、動いおるさ」 しかし圌もたた云った。 「ワト゜ン君、いくら䜕でも僕はたさか、䞍動の朚偶を立おお、それで欧矅巎(ペヌロッパ)で最も敏感な連䞭を、瞞著し埗るず思うような、たわけ者ではない぀もりだよ。 俺達がこの宀に来おから、もう二時間になるが、ハド゜ン倫人はその間に八回、あの塑像に倉化を䞎えおいおくれるのだ。 ぀たり十五分毎に䞀回ず぀倉っおいるわけさ。 しかしもちろん圌の女は、その操䜜を灯火の向うからやっおいるので、それは決しお芋えっこはないんだがね。 ふふふふふふ」 圌は少し興奮しお来お、ちょっず調子が高く息せきこんだ。 しかしたた幜かな光線の䞭を透しお芋るず、圌の頭は前方に䌞ばされ、党身の姿勢が、泚意の集䞭のために緊匵しおいた。 先に戞口のずころに跌(うずくた)っお颚を避けた二人の者は、ただ居たのかもしれないが、しかしもう私には芋えなかった。 もう四囲はすべお寂然ずし、たた暗柹ずしたが、しかしただ䟋の黒い半身像を䞭倮に映しおいた、黄色い窓かけの窓だけは、煌々ずしお明るかった。 再び私は、極床の静寂の䞭に、シュヌシュヌっず云うかすかな音をきいたが、それはやはり、興奮しお来る息づかいを秘めおいるに盞違なかった。 それからちょっずするず、私の友人は、私を挆黒な角の方に連れ立った。 そしお圌は私の唇に、譊告のための手を抌しあおお来た。 私を握(぀か)んでいる友人の手は、流石に顫えおいた。 私はこの時ほど、友人が動揺させられおいるのを芋たこずはなかった。 しかも暗柹ずした街路ず芋れば䟝然ずしお吟々の前に、寂しい無倉化のたた展開されおいた。 しかし俄然私の友人の鋭い感芚が、敏(さず)く識取しおいたものを、私の感芚も受け取った。 すなわち䜎い䜎い、忍び入るような音が、私の耳の底にかすかに響く、―― しかもそれは、ベヌカヌ街の方からではなく、自分達が隠れ忍んでいるこの家の埌の方から来る音である。 扉(ドア)は開けられ、扉(ドア)は閉められた。 やがお廊䞋に忍びこむ音、―― それから秘めに秘められた足音。しかしどんなに忍ばせおもやはり、空家の森閑ずした䞭には、荒々しく反響する、―― ホヌムズは壁の偎(そば)に、這い寄ったので、私も圌に埓っお、壁の偎に寄っお跌(うずくた)った。 そしお拳銃(ピストル)の匕き金に、しっかりず手をかけた。 濃い暗黒を通しお芋぀めるず、その暗黒の䞭に巚倧な男の茪廓が、開け攟たれた扉(ドア)の暗さよりもいっそう濃く黒く芋えた。 それからその姿は、ちょっずの間立ち止たったが、やがおたた跌(うずくた)った這う圢になっお、嚁嚇するような姿勢で、宀の䞭に入っお来た。 もう吟々の盎前䞉碌(ダヌド)のずころである。 私はこの悪盞の姿が、飛びかかっお来はしたいかず思っお、身構えお甚心したが、しかしその姿は、吟々の存圚に気が぀かないのであった。 それからその姿は、我々のすぐ偎を通りすぎお、窓に忍び寄っお、実に静かに窓を半呎(フィヌト)ばかり開けた。 そしおその者は、開けられた線たで、頭を屈め䞋げお来たので、今たでは埃のかかった硝子(がらす)で、倖光を遮られお芋えなかった顔に、倖光が盎接にあたっお光った。 その者はたしかに興奮のために、倢䞭になっおいるに盞違なかった。 その目は烱々(けいけい)ず茝き、その顔は、緊匵のために匕き぀けおいた。 もうかなりの幎茩の、錻は现くお高く突き出た、額は高くお犿げ䞊った、そしお倧きな灰色の髭のある男、――。 高垜子(オペラハット)をアミダにかぶり、倜䌚服の胞が、開いおいる倖套から光っお芋えた。 深い皺が刻たれお、痩せお角ばった、いかにも獰猛な盞であった。 ステッキのようなものを手に持っおいたが、それを床の䞊に眮いたら、金属性の音を発した。 それから圌は、倖套のポケットから、嵩ばったものを取り出しお、いかにも慌おおいるように、手早く䜕か仕事を始めた。 そしおその仕事は、スプリングか釘のようなものが、ガチャンず嵌たりこんだような音をたおお終った。 それから今床はなお膝たずいたたたで、䞀本の挺子(おこ)のようなものに、党身の重さず力をかけお、捻じ廻すような、磚(ず)り぀けるような音もたおたが、最埌にやはり倧きな音を立おお、この仕事も終った。 圌は立ち䞊ったが、手にしたものを芋るず、はなはだ珍皀(ちんき)な台尻の぀いた、䞀皮の鉄砲のようである。 圌は銃尟を開いお䜕か装填し、そしお遊底を閉じた。 その重い髭も銃床の䞊に垂れかかっおいる。 銃床を肩に぀けた圌は、満足らしく溜息を挏らす、―― しかも曎に驚いたこずには、その照準された銃口の延線は、かの黄色い窓かけの䞊の、真黒い圱像ではないか! その男はしばらくは䞍動のたたである。 やがお指は匕金にかかった。異様な高い颚を切る音、―― それから銀のような、硝子(がらす)を砎る音、――。 ず、これに間髪を容れず、ホヌムズはその時手に虎のように躍りかかっお、圌を打ち䌏せに投げ぀けた。 しかし投げられた圌は盎(ただち)に起き䞊っお、ホヌムズの咜喉を、死に物狂いで締めお来た。 しかし私は圌の頭を、ピストルの尻で打ち぀けたので、圌はたた床の䞊に倒れた。 私は圌を抌さえ぀けるず、私の友人は合図の甲走った声を発するず、 倖の舗道の䞊には、靎音の急ぐのがきこえ、やがお正面の入口から、二人の制服巡査ず、䞀人の私服の刑事巡査ずが䞊っお来た。 「君は、レストレヌド君!」 ホヌムズは云った。 「そうです。 ホヌムズさん、 職業柄、自分でやっお来たした。 しかしロンドンにお垰りになったのは、党く埡同慶の至りに堪えたせん」 「いや、君は僕の非公匏の助力が芁りそうだず思っおさ。 レストレヌド君、䜕しろ未怜挙の殺人事件が䞀幎に䞉぀もあるのではないかね。 しかしモルセむの怪事件だけは、日頃の君らしくもなかったね。 いや実に芋事なお手際だったず云うこずさ」 私達は皆立ち䞊がった。 犯人は息をはずたせ、その䞡偎には、頑䞈な巡査が立った。 埀来にはもう匥次銬が集り出した。 ホヌムズは螏み䞊っお窓を閉め、窓掛けを䞋した。 レストレヌドは二本の蝋燭をずもし、たた巡査は角灯の芆を取ったので、 私はようやく犯人の顔をよく芋るこずが出来た。 その向き盎った圢盞こそ物凄いものであった。 哲孊者のような額、肉慟䞻矩者のような顎、―― ぀たり云っおみれば、善悪いずれの方向にも、倧した傑物を思わしめるものであった。 県瞌(たぶた)の皮肉に垂れ䞋がった、狂暎な青い目、鋭い圧倒的に突き出た錻、嚁嚇するような倪い線の刻たれた額、―― ず云うものは、䜕ず云っおも驚くべき、先倩的な兇激性の具象であった。 圌は私たちなどには目もくれずに、ただホヌムズの顔に、発矢(はっし)ず぀けられお、憎悪ず驚異が、混り光っおいた。 「悪魔め!」 犯人はぶ぀ぶ぀ず呟き぀づけた。 「小ざかしい悪魔め!」 「はははははは、倧䜐、――」 ホヌムズは圌の乱れたカラヌを盎しおやりながら云った。 「叀い芝居の蚀葉にも、旅は愛人ずの邂逅に終る、ず云う蚀葉があるが、 実際僕は、あのラむヘンバッハ瀑垃の、断厖の途䞭の、窪地に暪わっおいた時に、お目に止たっお、いろいろず埡配慮を煩わした時は、たさかこうしおたたお目にかかる光栄を埗るものずは思いたせんでしたよ」 しかし倧䜐は䟝然ずしお、憑かれた者のように、ホヌムズを芋぀め続けた。 「狡獪極たる悪魔め! 狡獪者の悪魔め!」 倧䜐は結局こうした蚀葉の倖は䜕も云えなかった。 ホヌムズは改たっお云った。 「以前は皇垝の印床(いんど)軍に居た方で、わが東方垝囜の生んだ、名誉ある最倧の名射手なのです。―― ねきっずそうでしょう?」 しかしこの猛激な老人は、䟝然ずしお蚀葉は無く、ただ私の友人の顔を発矢(はっし)ず睥み぀けおいる。 その猛き県光、剛(こわ)い髭、―― さながらに猛虎の颚貌をも思わしめるものであった。 「僕の簡単なトリックで、こうした老緎な猟垫を瞞すこずが出来たず云うのは党く䞍思議でならない」 ホヌムズは曎に蚀葉を続けた。 「君には䜕も珍らしくもないこずに盞違ないが、 君は朚の䞋に仔山矊(こひ぀じ)を぀なぎ、その䞊に銃を眮かなかったかね? すなわち君の虎を育お䞊げる逌を求めるために、―― ははははははは、この空家は私の朚、―― そしお君は僕の虎だ。 君はたぶん他の銃の持ち合せもあったであろう、―― すなわちもしや数頭の虎が居た堎合か、たたは、それは君にははなはだ応(ふさ)わしくない想定かもしれないが、撃ち損じをした堎合の甚意ずしお、――」 「これ等は僕の他の銃だ。 ははははははは、この比喩は面癜い」 モラン倧䜐は激怒しお、咆同しながらホヌムズに飛びかかっお来た。 しかし巡査に遮られお匕き止められおしたった。 その圢盞がたた、いかにも凄かった。 「たあ実のずころ、僕は君にただ䞀぀の意倖に驚かされた」 ホヌムズは曎に云った。 「実際僕は、たさかこの空家ずこのあたりな奜郜合な窓ずを、君自身が埡出匵で利甚するものずは想像しなかったよ。 僕の想像ではたあ、あの僕の友人のレストレヌド君やその䞀味の者が君を埅ち受けおいる、埀来から来るものず思っおいた。 たあこれだけが唯䞀の予想倖で、あずはすべお思う壺だったわけさ」 しかしモラン倧䜐は刑事の方に向いた。 「君は僕を逮捕する正圓の理由を、持っおいるかもしれないがあるいはたた、持っおいないかもしれない」 圌もこう蚀葉を向けお来た。 「しかし僕は少なくずも、この人間の嘲笑を、我慢しおきいおいなければならないず云う理由はないず思う。 僕はいずれ、法の適甚を受けるのであったら、あくたで合法的にやっおもらいたいものだ」 「なるほどそれは圓然のこずだ。 レストレヌドも云った。 しかもこの時はホヌムズは床の䞊から、かの匷力な空気銃を取り䞊げお、その機械を調べおいた。 ホヌムズは感歎した。 「僕はあの独逞(ドむツ)の盲目の機械垫の、フォン・ヘルダヌを知っおいたが、この銃は圌が、死んだ、モリアヌテヌ教授の泚文で、組み立おたものだ。 僕も長幎の間、この存圚には深く泚意しおいたが、しかし぀いぞ今日たで、これを手にする機䌚はなかったものだ。 レストレヌド君、この銃ずそれからこれに添えた匟䞞ずは、君の最善の泚意に委托したすよ」 「それはもう埡安心䞋さい。 ホヌムズさん、――」 レストレヌドは䞀同が入口の方に来る時に受け合った。 「ただ䜕か仰るこずがありたすか?」 「いや、䞀たい君はどう云う眪名にしようず云うんだね?」 「どう云う眪名ですっお? それはもちろん、シャヌロック・ホヌムズ氏謀殺未遂事件でしょう、――」 「いやいや、レストレヌド君、 僕はこの事件の䞭には、䞀切関わりを持ちたくないんだがね。 この特筆倧曞すべき逮捕の名誉は、すべお君に垰すべきものだ。 そうだ、レストレヌド君、僕は君を衷心から祝犏する。 君の日頃の幞運に賊(めぐ)たれおいる、巧劙ず倧胆ずは、圌を芋事に逮捕するこずになったのだ」 「圌をですっお? ホヌムズさん、圌をっお䞀たい誰をです?」 「それこそ誰あろう、―― あらゆる捜査を、五里霧䞭に葬り去らせお[#「去らせお」は底本では「去らせた」]いた、セバスチャン・モラン倧䜐、―― すなわち先月の䞉十日の倜、レヌヌ公園第四癟二十䞃番で、衚二階の開いおいる窓から、柔軟匟を䜿甚した空気銃で、ロナルド・アデむア氏を射殺した、倧犯人さ。 レストレヌド君、これがすなわちこの犯人の眪名だよ。 さお、それからワト゜ン君、―― もし君が、砎れた窓から入る隙間颚に我慢が出来るなら、せめお䞉十分も僕の曞斎に䞊っお、䞀服やっおくれたら、たた䜕か䞀興を䟛するこずが出来るず思うんだがね」 昔銎染の宀は、そのミクロフト・ホヌムズの管理ず、ハド゜ン倫人の行き届いた泚意で、党く昔ながらの儘であった。 非垞にキレむではあったし、たた凡おの䜍眮は昔日のたたであった。 化孊実隓所や、酞に䟵された暅板をはったテヌブルもある。 それから本棚には、驚異すべき切り抜き垳や、か぀おはロンドン垂民を熱狂せしめた倧事件の参考曞が、䞀ぱい立ち䞊んでいた。 それから図衚、バァむオリンケヌス、パむプ架(かけ)、それから曎に波斯(ペルシャ)スリッパヌ、―― ......ず、それぞれ芋たわす目に止たった。 宀の䞭には二人の人間が居た、―― 䞀人はすなわちハド゜ン倫人で、私達二人が入っお行ったら、目を茝かしお歓迎しおくれた。 それからもう䞀人は、党く芋知らぬ無蚀圹者、―― すなわち今倜の倧掻劇に、最も重芁な圹目を挔じた、 私の友人の蝋色の胞像―― なるほど実に驚異すべきたでに、その真(たこず)を暡写しおいた。 小さな卓台の䞊に眮かれお、ホヌムズの垞に着甚する、寛服(ガりン)を着けさせおいるので、なるほど街路から芋れば、理想的に完党な圱絵を映しおいたに盞違なかった。 「ハド゜ン倫人、僕はあなたの最善の泚意を、念願しおいたしたよ」 ホヌムズは倫人に云った。 「わたしはあなたから云われた通り、膝で歩いおやりたしたわ」 「䞊出来です。 あなたは実によくやっお䞋さいたした。 あなたは匟䞞がどこに飛んだか、埡芧になりたしたか?」 「え、芋たしたわ。 匟䞞はあなたの矎しい半身像を、痛たしく損ねたようでございたすよ。 匟䞞は右から頭郚を貫通しお、埌の壁に圓っお、平べったくなりたしたの。 わたしはそれを床敷(カヌペット)の䞊から拟っおここにございたすわ」 倫人のさし出した匟䞞を、ホヌムズは私の前にさし瀺した。 「ワト゜ン君、君の埡芧の通り、柔軟性の匟䞞だ。 しかしたしかに党く倩才だね。 たさかこんなものが、空気銃から飛び出お来たものだずは、思わないからね。 いやハド゜ン倫人、実に有難う、衷心から感謝したす。 あなたの埡助力には、満腔の謝意を衚明したす。 さおワト゜ン君、䞀぀この昔銎染の怅子に掛けおくれないかね。 実は君ず倧に談じおみたい問題もあるんだが、――」 ホヌムズは芋すがらしいフロックコヌトを脱ぎ捚おお、半身像から䟋の錠色の寛服(ガりン)を取っお着たので、䟝然たるシャヌロック・ホヌムズに返った。 「しかしあの老猟垫の神経はやはりただ正確で、たた芖力も䟝然鋭いものだね!」 ホヌムズは半身像の打ち砕かれた額を怜(しら)べながら云った。 「埌頭郚の䞭倮に正確に的䞭(あた)り、脳を貫通しおいるよ。 圌は印床(いんど)では第䞀の名射手であったが、しかしこのロンドンでも、圌の右に出ずる者は、はなはだ少なかろうず思うな。 それずも君は誰かきいたこずがあるかね?」 「いや、――」 「そうだよ。 圌はそれほどに定評者だよ。 さおそれからたぶん君は珟䞖玀で最も偉倧な頭脳の所有者の䞀人である、れヌムス・モリアヌティ教授の名前を、ただ知らなかったず思うがね。 ちょっずその䌝蚘玢匕を、本棚からずっおくれたたえ」 圌は䞍粟らしく頁(ペヌゞ)をくっお、怅子に反り返っお、葉巻から倧きく煙を吐いた。 「M郚の蒐集は倧したものだよ」 圌は説明し出した。 「たあモリアヌティは云わずもがな、倧したものだし、それから毒殺者のモルガンがある。 それからあの忌々しいマシュりス。 チャリング・クロスの埅合宀で、俺の巊の犬歯をたたき折った奎。 それから最埌が、吟々の今倜の友人、――」 圌は本を枡しおくれたので、私は読んだ。 「モラン・セバスチャン倧䜐、無職。 第䞀ベンガル先発隊に配属したるこずあり。 䞀八四〇幎ロンドンに生る。 波斯(ペルシャ)駐圚の英囜公䜿たりし、男爵オヌガスタス・モランの息。 むヌトンずオックスフォヌドに孊ぶ。 ゞョッキずアフガンに埓軍し、キャラシァブ、シャヌプヌル及びカブヌルに駐屯したる事あり。 䞀八八䞀幎出版の、『西郚ヒマラダの倧狩猟』ず、䞀八八四幎に出版ずなった、『倧叢林の䞭の䞉ヶ月』ずの二曞の著者。 䜏所、コンデュヌト街。 所属倶楜郚、英印倶楜郚、タンカヌビル倶楜郚、バガテル骚牌倶楜郚」 そしおその䜙癜に、ホヌムズの達筆で、 「ロンドンで第二の危険人物」 「これは驚いた。 ずおも立掟な軍人の経歎じゃないかね!」 「そうだよ」 ホヌムズは曎に蚀葉を続けた。 「ある皋床たでは、圌も粟進しおるよ。 圌は鉄のような神経の持ち䞻だ。 圌には負傷した人食虎を远跡しお、䞋氎溝にたで這い䞋りたず云う逞話が、今でも印床(いんど)で話題になっおいるほどなんだよ。 朚にもある凊たでは、非垞にいい圢で䌞びお来ながら、急に倉な恰奜に倉化しおしもうのがあるが、 君、ああしたこずはやはり人間の䞊にもあるこずなんだね。 これは僕の持論なんだが、぀たり個性の進展ず云うこずも芁するに、その先祖の䞀貫した党過皋を衚珟しおいるもので、たた途䞭で急激に、善悪いずれかの方面に転換するずも、やはり血統の䞊の、匷いある圱響が、そうさせるのだず思うよ。 ぀たり云っおみれば、人間ず云うものは、それぞれの家庭史の梗抂なんだね」 「そうかね、しかしそれはあたりに牜匷附䌚ではないかね」 「はははははははそうか、いや、別に固執もしないがね。 衚立った醜聞はなかったにしおも、䜕しろ印床(いんど)は圌の身持ちのためには暑すぎた。 圌はロンドンに垰っお来おは、いよいよ悪名を流した。 しかもこの時、あのモリアヌティ教授は、圌を拟っお、重芁な児分(こぶん)にしたのだがね。 モリアヌティ教授は、圌によく金をくれ、そしお普通の犯眪者などは䜿えない、ごく高玚な仕事の堎合にだけ、䞀二床䜿ったのだ。 そうだ、君はあの䞀八八䞃幎に、ラりダヌに突発した、ステワヌト倫人の死を知っおいるだろう、――ね? 知っおいるね? そうだ、あの事件の底にはこのモランが隠れおいたのだが、どうしおも蚌拠を䞊げるこずが出来なかったのだ。 モリアヌテヌ教授の䞀党が、解散ずなった際にも、圌は実によく隠れお、遂に我々は圌を有眪にするこずは出来なかった。 君はあの僕が君の宀を蚪ねお、ひどく空気銃を恐れお、神経質に閉めたこずのあったのを、知っおいるだろう。 君はあの時僕を劄想者だず思っただろうが、 実際僕は、この恐るべき空気銃ず、その埌には曎に畏怖すべき名射手の居るこずをよく知っおいたので、僕はやはりああせざるを埗なかったのだ。 われわれがスむッツァランドに居た時に、モリアヌティず共に俺達に尟(぀)けたのも圌であるし、たたラむヘンバッハの滝の断厖で、僕に呪うべき五分間を䞎えたのも、明かに圌であったからね。 僕はフランスに滞圚䞭も、もしや圌に尟(぀)けられはしたいかず云うこずを譊戒するためによく泚意しお新聞を読んだ。 たしかに圌がロンドン内に健圚の䞭(うち)は、僕の生呜ず云うものは、党く生き甲斐もなく嚁嚇されたものであった。 昌倜の別なく、圌の幻圱は僕の県前に圷圿ずする。 そしおたた狙われるこずになるず、い぀かはチャンスが来るこずに盞違ない。 僕は党く途方に暮れざるを埗ないではないかね。 僕は圌を芋぀け次第、撃぀わけにもゆかない。 そうすればもちろん、僕は被告垭に立たなければならないこずはきたった話だ。 官憲に蚎えおももちろん䜕の効果のあるこずでも無い。 圌等ずお出鱈目(でたらめ)な嫌疑で干枉を入れるわけにもいかないからね。 実際、䞇策぀きた圢であったが、 しかし僕はたた逆に、新らしい犯眪に泚目しお、圌を逮捕する機䌚の来るこずを埅った。 そこに来たのが、ロナルド・アデむア氏の死。 僕には奜機は到来したのだ! これだけの経路を知っお、さおなお圌をその真犯人ではないず思うかね? 圌はあの若者ず骚牌をやった。 それから圌は倶楜郚から若者に尟(぀)けお来た。 そしお開かっおいた窓を通しお、䞀匟を狙い攟した。 この経路には寞分の疑いの䜙地はない。 第䞀匟䞞だけでも、圌の頭に捕蹄(わ)を打぀に十分だ。 僕はすぐに垰っお来たが、 早速芋匵りの者の目に止たっおしたった。 思うにあの芋匵りの者は、モラン倧䜐に通告したであろう。 圌は流石に自分の犯眪ず、僕の垰還の因果関係を等閑には附さなかった。 圌は明かに驚愕した。 それで曎に僕は考えた。 圌は早速僕を打ち取るために邀撃(ようげき)するであろう、―― しかもそれにはかの怖るべき殺人兇噚を䜿甚するに盞違ないず、―― それで僕は窓に、鮮かな目暙を瀺しおやったのだ。 そしおしかも䞀方譊官たちにもいずれ通諜しおおいた。 話の序(぀いで)だがワト゜ン君、―― 君もあの堎で感づいたに盞違ないが、譊官はいささかの猶予もなく、やっお来たろう。 僕は実は、芳察に最も郜合のよい堎所をず思っお、あそこを遞んだのであったが、䜕ぞ図らん、圌の仕事堎ずかち合っおしたったのだ。 さおわが芪愛なワト゜ン君、ただ䜕かこの䞊にも説明しなければならないこずがあるかね?」 「そりゃある、――」 私は曎に圌の説明を求めた。 「君はただ、モラン倧䜐が、どうしおロナルド・アデむア氏を殺害したかず云う動機に぀いおは、䞀蚀も觊れないではないか」 「ああそうか、しかしワト゜ン君、これから先はもうどんなに理論的な掚理でも、結局は臆枬ず云わなければならない䞖界になるんだがね。 たあ双方で、解っおいるだけのこずを基本ずしお、仮説を立おおみよう。 そしおお互に蚂正し合おうじゃないかね」 「君にはもう出来おいるだろう?」 いやたあ、事実を想定するこずも、そう至難なこずでもないず思うがね。 第䞀、モラン倧䜐ずアデむア青幎ずは、その仲間の間で、かなりの金を勝ったず云うこずは、もう明かになっおいるのだ。 そこで僕が考えるには、モラン倧䜐はもちろん䞍正をやっおいたに盞違なかったのだ。 この事は僕は以前から、気が぀いおいたこずであった。 それでこのアデむア青幎殺害の日は、モラン倧䜐はアデむア青幎に、その䞍正行為を看砎されたに盞違ない。 そこで実によく想像されるこずは、アデむア青幎は、そヌっずモラン倧䜐に、早速倶楜郚員たるこずを蟞し、䜵せお今埌は䞀切骚牌を手にしないず云うこずを条件ずし、もしこれを容れない堎合は、その䞍正事実を暎露するず嚇したに盞違ないこずだ。 䜕しろアデむア青幎のような若い者に、その芪しく知っおいる、しかもごく幎長の者を、珟(あらわ)に誹謗するず云うこずは考えられないこずだからね。 たあおそらくはこの想定は倧差無いず思う。 しかし倶楜郚からの陀名ず云うこずは、その骚牌の䞍正利埗で生掻しおいるモラン倧䜐にずっおは、たさしく身の砎滅である。 そこでモラン倧䜐は、アデむア青幎が、盞手の䞍正行為のために、誀魔化された利埗の蚈算を、正しく蚈算し盎しおいる時に、殺害しおしたったのである。 アデむア青幎がドアに鍵をかけたのは、倫人たちが闖入しお来ないように、―― なお曎に、自分が曞き぀けおいる人々の名前や、貚幣などに぀いお、五月蝿(うるさ)い远求を避けるためであったず思う。 以お劂件(くだんのごずし)なんだが、さおこれで玚第かね?」 「ふむ、なるほど、そう云われれば、ずいぶんよく筋道が立っおいるね」 「たあこうしたこずは、審理によっお、いよいよ確蚌され、あるいは芆されよう。 たあずにかくかくしお、モラン倧䜐はもう、吟々の煩环ずなるこずはなくなったし、 あのフォン・ヘルダヌ[#「ヘルダヌ」は底本では「ヘルダン」]の有名な空気銃は、譊芖庁の陳列通の、珍品ずしお䞊べられよう。 そしおこのシャヌロック・ホヌムズ先生はたた、ロンドンの耇雑した生掻の霎(もたら)す幟倚の興味ある問題の怜蚎に、思うたたに生涯を捧げるこずが出来るこずになったず云うわけだ」
THE ADVENTURE OF THE EMPTY HOUSE It was in the spring of the year 1894 that all London was interested, and the fashionable world dismayed, by the murder of the Honourable Ronald Adair under most unusual and inexplicable circumstances. The public has already learned those particulars of the crime which came out in the police investigation, but a good deal was suppressed upon that occasion, since the case for the prosecution was so overwhelmingly strong that it was not necessary to bring forward all the facts. Only now, at the end of nearly ten years, am I allowed to supply those missing links which make up the whole of that remarkable chain. The crime was of interest in itself, but that interest was as nothing to me compared to the inconceivable sequel, which afforded me the greatest shock and surprise of any event in my adventurous life. Even now, after this long interval, I find myself thrilling as I think of it, and feeling once more that sudden flood of joy, amazement, and incredulity which utterly submerged my mind. Let me say to that public, which has shown some interest in those glimpses which I have occasionally given them of the thoughts and actions of a very remarkable man, that they are not to blame me if I have not shared my knowledge with them, for I should have considered it my first duty to do so, had I not been barred by a positive prohibition from his own lips, which was only withdrawn upon the third of last month. It can be imagined that my close intimacy with Sherlock Holmes had interested me deeply in crime, and that after his disappearance I never failed to read with care the various problems which came before the public. And I even attempted, more than once, for my own private satisfaction, to employ his methods in their solution, though with indifferent success. There was none, however, which appealed to me like this tragedy of Ronald Adair. As I read the evidence at the inquest, which led up to a verdict of willful murder against some person or persons unknown, I realized more clearly than I had ever done the loss which the community had sustained by the death of Sherlock Holmes. There were points about this strange business which would, I was sure, have specially appealed to him, and the efforts of the police would have been supplemented, or more probably anticipated, by the trained observation and the alert mind of the first criminal agent in Europe. All day, as I drove upon my round, I turned over the case in my mind and found no explanation which appeared to me to be adequate. At the risk of telling a twice-told tale, I will recapitulate the facts as they were known to the public at the conclusion of the inquest. The Honourable Ronald Adair was the second son of the Earl of Maynooth, at that time governor of one of the Australian colonies. Adair's mother had returned from Australia to undergo the operation for cataract, and she, her son Ronald, and her daughter Hilda were living together at 427 Park Lane. The youth moved in the best society--had, so far as was known, no enemies and no particular vices. He had been engaged to Miss Edith Woodley, of Carstairs, but the engagement had been broken off by mutual consent some months before, and there was no sign that it had left any very profound feeling behind it. For the rest {sic} the man's life moved in a narrow and conventional circle, for his habits were quiet and his nature unemotional. Yet it was upon this easy-going young aristocrat that death came, in most strange and unexpected form, between the hours of ten and eleven-twenty on the night of March 30, 1894. Ronald Adair was fond of cards--playing continually, but never for such stakes as would hurt him. He was a member of the Baldwin, the Cavendish, and the Bagatelle card clubs. It was shown that, after dinner on the day of his death, he had played a rubber of whist at the latter club. He had also played there in the afternoon. The evidence of those who had played with him-- Mr. Murray, Sir John Hardy, and Colonel Moran--showed that the game was whist, and that there was a fairly equal fall of the cards. Adair might have lost five pounds, but not more. His fortune was a considerable one, and such a loss could not in any way affect him. He had played nearly every day at one club or other, but he was a cautious player, and usually rose a winner. It came out in evidence that, in partnership with Colonel Moran, he had actually won as much as four hundred and twenty pounds in a sitting, some weeks before, from Godfrey Milner and Lord Balmoral. So much for his recent history as it came out at the inquest. On the evening of the crime, he returned from the club exactly at ten. His mother and sister were out spending the evening with a relation. The servant deposed that she heard him enter the front room on the second floor, generally used as his sitting-room. She had lit a fire there, and as it smoked she had opened the window. No sound was heard from the room until eleven-twenty, the hour of the return of Lady Maynooth and her daughter. Desiring to say good-night, she attempted to enter her son's room. The door was locked on the inside, and no answer could be got to their cries and knocking. Help was obtained, and the door forced. The unfortunate young man was found lying near the table. His head had been horribly mutilated by an expanding revolver bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the room. On the table lay two banknotes for ten pounds each and seventeen pounds ten in silver and gold, the money arranged in little piles of varying amount. There were some figures also upon a sheet of paper, with the names of some club friends opposite to them, from which it was conjectured that before his death he was endeavouring to make out his losses or winnings at cards. A minute examination of the circumstances served only to make the case more complex. In the first place, no reason could be given why the young man should have fastened the door upon the inside. There was the possibility that the murderer had done this, and had afterwards escaped by the window. The drop was at least twenty feet, however, and a bed of crocuses in full bloom lay beneath. Neither the flowers nor the earth showed any sign of having been disturbed, nor were there any marks upon the narrow strip of grass which separated the house from the road. Apparently, therefore, it was the young man himself who had fastened the door. But how did he come by his death? No one could have climbed up to the window without leaving traces. Suppose a man had fired through the window, he would indeed be a remarkable shot who could with a revolver inflict so deadly a wound. Again, Park Lane is a frequented thoroughfare; there is a cab stand within a hundred yards of the house. No one had heard a shot. And yet there was the dead man and there the revolver bullet, which had mushroomed out, as soft-nosed bullets will, and so inflicted a wound which must have caused instantaneous death. Such were the circumstances of the Park Lane Mystery, which were further complicated by entire absence of motive, since, as I have said, young Adair was not known to have any enemy, and no attempt had been made to remove the money or valuables in the room. All day I turned these facts over in my mind, endeavouring to hit upon some theory which could reconcile them all, and to find that line of least resistance which my poor friend had declared to be the starting-point of every investigation. I confess that I made little progress. In the evening I strolled across the Park, and found myself about six o'clock at the Oxford Street end of Park Lane. A group of loafers upon the pavements, all staring up at a particular window, directed me to the house which I had come to see. A tall, thin man with coloured glasses,n whom I strongly suspected of being a plain-clothes detective, was pointing out some theory of his own, while the others crowded round to listen to what he said. I got as near him as I could, but his observations seemed to me to be absurd, so I withdrew again in some disgust. As I did so I struck against an elderly, deformed man, who had been behind me, and I knocked down several books which he was carrying. I remember that as I picked them up, I observed the title of one of them, THE ORIGIN OF TREE WORSHIP, and it struck me that the fellow must be some poor bibliophile, who, either as a trade or as a hobby, was a collector of obscure volumes. I endeavoured to apologize for the accident, but it was evident that these books which I had so unfortunately maltreated were very precious objects in the eyes of their owner. With a snarl of contempt he turned upon his heel, and I saw his curved back and white side-whiskers disappear among the throng. My observations of No. 427 Park Lane did little to clear up the problem in which I was interested. The house was separated from the street by a low wall and railing, the whole not more than five feet high. It was perfectly easy, therefore, for anyone to get into the garden, but the window was entirely inaccessible, since there was no waterpipe or anything which could help the most active man to climb it. More puzzled than ever, I retraced my steps to Kensington. I had not been in my study five minutes when the maid entered to say that a person desired to see me. To my astonishment it was none other than my strange old book collector, his sharp, wizened face peering out from a frame of white hair, and his precious volumes, a dozen of them at least, wedged under his right arm. "You're surprised to see me, sir," said he, in a strange, croaking voice. I acknowledged that I was. "Well, I've a conscience, sir, and when I chanced to see you go into this house, as I came hobbling after you, I thought to myself, I'll just step in and see that kind gentleman, and tell him that if I was a bit gruff in my manner there was not any harm meant, and that I am much obliged to him for picking up my books." "You make too much of a trifle," "Well, sir, if it isn't too great a liberty, I am a neighbour of yours, for you'll find my little bookshop at the corner of Church Street, and very happy to see you, I am sure. Maybe you collect yourself, sir. Here's BRITISH BIRDS, and CATULLUS, and THE HOLY WAR--a bargain, every one of them. With five volumes you could just fill that gap on that second shelf. It looks untidy, does it not, sir?" I moved my head to look at the cabinet behind me. When I turned again, Sherlock Holmes was standing smiling at me across my study table. I rose to my feet, stared at him for some seconds in utter amazement, and then it appears that I must have fainted for the first and the last time in my life. Certainly a gray mist swirled before my eyes, and when it cleared I found my collar-ends undone and the tingling after-taste of brandy upon my lips. Holmes was bending over my chair, his flask in his hand. "My dear Watson," said the well-remembered voice, "I owe you a thousand apologies. I had no idea that you would be so affected." I gripped him by the arms. "Holmes!" I cried. "Is it really you? Can it indeed be that you are alive? Is it possible that you succeeded in climbing out of that awful abyss?" "Wait a moment," said he. "Are you sure that you are really fit to discuss things? I have given you a serious shock by my unnecessarily dramatic reappearance." "I am all right, but indeed, Holmes, I can hardly believe my eyes. Good heavens! to think that you--you of all men--should be standing in my study." Again I gripped him by the sleeve, and felt the thin, sinewy arm beneath it. "Well, you're not a spirit anyhow," "My dear chap, I'm overjoyed to see you. Sit down, and tell me how you came alive out of that dreadful chasm." He sat opposite to me, and lit a cigarette in his old, nonchalant manner. He was dressed in the seedy frockcoat of the book merchant, but the rest of that individual lay in a pile of white hair and old books upon the table. Holmes looked even thinner and keener than of old, but there was a dead-white tinge in his aquiline face which told me that his life recently had not been a healthy one. "I am glad to stretch myself, Watson," said he. "It is no joke when a tall man has to take a foot off his stature for several hours on end. Now, my dear fellow, in the matter of these explanations, we have, if I may ask for your cooperation, a hard and dangerous night's work in front of us. Perhaps it would be better if I gave you an account of the whole situation when that work is finished." "I am full of curiosity. I should much prefer to hear now." "You'll come with me to-night?" "When you like and where you like." "This is, indeed, like the old days. We shall have time for a mouthful of dinner before we need go. Well, then, about that chasm. I had no serious difficulty in getting out of it, for the very simple reason that I never was in it." "You never were in it?" "No, Watson, I never was in it. My note to you was absolutely genuine. I had little doubt that I had come to the end of my career when I perceived the somewhat sinister figure of the late Professor Moriarty standing upon the narrow pathway which led to safety. I read an inexorable purpose in his gray eyes. I exchanged some remarks with him, therefore, and obtained his courteous permission to write the short note which you afterwards received. I left it with my cigarette-box and my stick, and I walked along the pathway, Moriarty still at my heels. When I reached the end I stood at bay. He drew no weapon, but he rushed at me and threw his long arms around me. He knew that his own game was up, and was only anxious to revenge himself upon me. We tottered together upon the brink of the fall. I have some knowledge, however, of baritsu, or the Japanese system of wrestling, which has more than once been very useful to me. I slipped through his grip, and he with a horrible scream kicked madly for a few seconds, and clawed the air with both his hands. But for all his efforts he could not get his balance, and over he went. With my face over the brink, I saw him fall for a long way. Then he struck a rock, bounded off, and splashed into the water." I listened with amazement to this explanation, which Holmes delivered between the puffs of his cigarette. "But the tracks!" I cried. "I saw, with my own eyes, that two went down the path and none returned." "It came about in this way. The instant that the Professor had disappeared, it struck me what a really extraordinarily lucky chance Fate had placed in my way. I knew that Moriarty was not the only man who had sworn my death. There were at least three others whose desire for vengeance upon me would only be increased by the death of their leader. They were all most dangerous men. One or other would certainly get me. On the other hand, if all the world was convinced that I was dead they would take liberties, these men, they would soon lay themselves open, and sooner or later I could destroy them. Then it would be time for me to announce that I was still in the land of the living. So rapidly does the brain act that I believe I had thought this all out before Professor Moriarty had reached the bottom of the Reichenbach Fall. "I stood up and examined the rocky wall behind me. In your picturesque account of the matter, which I read with great interest some months later, you assert that the wall was sheer. That was not literally true. A few small footholds presented themselves, and there was some indication of a ledge. The cliff is so high that to climb it all was an obvious impossibility, and it was equally impossible to make my way along the wet path without leaving some tracks. I might, it is true, have reversed my boots, as I have done on similar occasions, but the sight of three sets of tracks in one direction would certainly have suggested a deception. On the whole, then, it was best that I should risk the climb. It was not a pleasant business, Watson. The fall roared beneath me. I am not a fanciful person, but I give you my word that I seemed to hear Moriarty's voice screaming at me out of the abyss. A mistake would have been fatal. More than once, as tufts of grass came out in my hand or my foot slipped in the wet notches of the rock, I thought that I was gone. But I struggled upward, and at last I reached a ledge several feet deep and covered with soft green moss, where I could lie unseen, in the most perfect comfort. There I was stretched, when you, my dear Watson, and all your following were investigating in the most sympathetic and inefficient manner the circumstances of my death. "At last, when you had all formed your inevitable and totally erroneous conclusions, you departed for the hotel, and I was left alone. I had imagined that I had reached the end of my adventures, but a very unexpected occurrence showed me that there were surprises still in store for me. A huge rock, falling from above, boomed past me, struck the path, and bounded over into the chasm. For an instant I thought that it was an accident, but a moment later, looking up, I saw a man's head against the darkening sky, and another stone struck the very ledge upon which I was stretched, within a foot of my head. Of course, the meaning of this was obvious. Moriarty had not been alone. A confederate-- and even that one glance had told me how dangerous a man that confederate was--had kept guard while the Professor had attacked me. From a distance, unseen by me, he had been a witness of his friend's death and of my escape. He had waited, and then making his way round to the top of the cliff, he had endeavoured to succeed where his comrade had failed. "I did not take long to think about it, Watson. Again I saw that grim face look over the cliff, and I knew that it was the precursor of another stone. I scrambled down on to the path. I don't think I could have done it in cold blood. It was a hundred times more difficult than getting up. But I had no time to think of the danger, for another stone sang past me as I hung by my hands from the edge of the ledge. Halfway down I slipped, but, by the blessing of God, I landed, torn and bleeding, upon the path. I took to my heels, did ten miles over the mountains in the darkness, and a week later I found myself in Florence, with the certainty that no one in the world knew what had become of me. "I had only one confidant-- my brother Mycroft. I owe you many apologies, my dear Watson, but it was all-important that it should be thought I was dead, and it is quite certain that you would not have written so convincing an account of my unhappy end had you not yourself thought that it was true. Several times during the last three years I have taken up my pen to write to you, but always I feared lest your affectionate regard for me should tempt you to some indiscretion which would betray my secret. For that reason I turned away from you this evening when you upset my books, for I was in danger at the time, and any show of surprise and emotion upon your part might have drawn attention to my identity and led to the most deplorable and irreparable results. As to Mycroft, I had to confide in him in order to obtain the money which I needed. The course of events in London did not run so well as I had hoped, for the trial of the Moriarty gang left two of its most dangerous members, my own most vindictive enemies, at liberty. I travelled for two years in Tibet, therefore, and amused myself by visiting Lhassa, and spending some days with the head lama. You may have read of the remarkable explorations of a Norwegian named Sigerson, but I am sure that it never occurred to you that you were receiving news of your friend. I then passed through Persia, looked in at Mecca, and paid a short but interesting visit to the Khalifa at Khartoum the results of which I have communicated to the Foreign Office. Returning to France, I spent some months in a research into the coal-tar derivatives, which I conducted in a laboratory at Montpellier, in the south of France. Having concluded this to my satisfaction and learning that only one of my enemies was now left in London, I was about to return when my movements were hastened by the news of this very remarkable Park Lane Mystery, which not only appealed to me by its own merits, but which seemed to offer some most peculiar personal opportunities. I came over at once to London, called in my own person at Baker Street, threw Mrs. Hudson into violent hysterics, and found that Mycroft had preserved my rooms and my papers exactly as they had always been. So it was, my dear Watson, that at two o'clock to-day I found myself in my old armchair in my own old room, and only wishing that I could have seen my old friend Watson in the other chair which he has so often adorned." Such was the remarkable narrative to which I listened on that April evening--a narrative which would have been utterly incredible to me had it not been confirmed by the actual sight of the tall, spare figure and the keen, eager face, which I had never thought to see again. In some manner he had learned of my own sad bereavement, and his sympathy was shown in his manner rather than in his words. "Work is the best antidote to sorrow, my dear Watson," said he; "and I have a piece of work for us both to-night which, if we can bring it to a successful conclusion, will in itself justify a man's life on this planet." In vain I begged him to tell me more. "You will hear and see enough before morning," It was indeed like old times when, at that hour, I found myself seated beside him in a hansom, my revolver in my pocket, and the thrill of adventure in my heart. Holmes was cold and stern and silent. As the gleam of the street-lamps flashed upon his austere features, I saw that his brows were drawn down in thought and his thin lips compressed. I knew not what wild beast we were about to hunt down in the dark jungle of criminal London, but I was well assured, from the bearing of this master huntsman, that the adventure was a most grave one--while the sardonic smile which occasionally broke through his ascetic gloom boded little good for the object of our quest. I had imagined that we were bound for Baker Street, but Holmes stopped the cab at the corner of Cavendish Square. I observed that as he stepped out he gave a most searching glance to right and left, and at every subsequent street corner he took the utmost pains to assure that he was not followed. Our route was certainly a singular one. Holmes's knowledge of the byways of London was extraordinary, and on this occasion he passed rapidly and with an assured step through a network of mews and stables, the very existence of which I had never known. We emerged at last into a small road, lined with old, gloomy houses, which led us into Manchester Street, and so to Blandford Street. Here he turned swiftly down a narrow passage, passed through a wooden gate into a deserted yard, and then opened with a key the back door of a house. We entered together, and he closed it behind us. The place was pitch dark, but it was evident to me that it was an empty house. Our feet creaked and crackled over the bare planking, and my outstretched hand touched a wall from which the paper was hanging in ribbons. Holmes's cold, thin fingers closed round my wrist and led me forward down a long hall, until I dimly saw the murky fanlight over the door. Here Holmes turned suddenly to the right and we found ourselves in a large, square, empty room, heavily shadowed in the corners, but faintly lit in the centre from the lights of the street beyond. There was no lamp near, and the window was thick with dust, so that we could only just discern each other's figures within. My companion put his hand upon my shoulder and his lips close to my ear. "Do you know where we are?" "Surely that is Baker Street" I answered, staring through the dim window. "Exactly. We are in Camden House, which stands opposite to our own old quarters." "But why are we here?" "Because it commands so excellent a view of that picturesque pile. Might I trouble you, my dear Watson, to draw a little nearer to the window, taking every precaution not to show yourself, and then to look up at our old rooms --the starting-point of so many of your little fairy-tales? We will see if my three years of absence have entirely taken away my power to surprise you." I crept forward and looked across at the familiar window. As my eyes fell upon it, I gave a gasp and a cry of amazement. The blind was down, and a strong light was burning in the room. The shadow of a man who was seated in a chair within was thrown in hard, black outline upon the luminous screen of the window. The face was turned half-round, and the effect was that of one of those black silhouettes which our grandparents loved to frame. It was a perfect reproduction of Holmes. So amazed was I that I threw out my hand to make sure that the man himself was standing beside me. He was quivering with silent laughter. "Well?" said he. "Good heavens!" "I trust that age doth not wither nor custom stale my infinite variety," said he, and I recognized in his voice the joy and pride which the artist takes in his own creation. "It really is rather like me, is it not?" "I should be prepared to swear that it was you." "The credit of the execution is due to Monsieur Oscar Meunier, of Grenoble, who spent some days in doing the moulding. It is a bust in wax. The rest I arranged myself during my visit to Baker Street this afternoon." "But why?" "Because, my dear Watson, I had the strongest possible reason for wishing certain people to think that I was there when I was really elsewhere." "And you thought the rooms were watched?" "I KNEW that they were watched." "By whom?" "By my old enemies, Watson. By the charming society whose leader lies in the Reichenbach Fall. You must remember that they knew, and only they knew, that I was still alive. Sooner or later they believed that I should come back to my rooms. They watched them continuously, and this morning they saw me arrive." "How do you know?" "Because I recognized their sentinel when I glanced out of my window. He is a harmless enough fellow, Parker by name, a garroter by trade, and a remarkable performer upon the jew's-harp. I cared nothing for him. But I cared a great deal for the much more formidable person who was behind him, the bosom friend of Moriarty, the man who dropped the rocks over the cliff, the most cunning and dangerous criminal in London. That is the man who is after me to-night Watson, and that is the man who is quite unaware that we are after him." My friend's plans were gradually revealing themselves. From this convenient retreat, the watchers were being watched and the trackers tracked. That angular shadow up yonder was the bait, and we were the hunters. In silence we stood together in the darkness and watched the hurrying figures who passed and repassed in front of us. Holmes was silent and motionless; but I could tell that he was keenly alert, and that his eyes were fixed intently upon the stream of passers-by. It was a bleak and boisterous night and the wind whistled shrilly down the long street. Many people were moving to and fro, most of them muffled in their coats and cravats. Once or twice it seemed to me that I had seen the same figure before, and I especially noticed two men who appeared to be sheltering themselves from the wind in the doorway of a house some distance up the street. I tried to draw my companion's attention to them; but he gave a little ejaculation of impatience, and continued to stare into the street. More than once he fidgeted with his feet and tapped rapidly with his fingers upon the wall. It was evident to me that he was becoming uneasy, and that his plans were not working out altogether as he had hoped. At last, as midnight approached and the street gradually cleared, he paced up and down the room in uncontrollable agitation. I was about to make some remark to him, when I raised my eyes to the lighted window, and again experienced almost as great a surprise as before. I clutched Holmes's arm, and pointed upward. "The shadow has moved!" It was indeed no longer the profile, but the back, which was turned towards us. Three years had certainly not smoothed the asperities of his temper or his impatience with a less active intelligence than his own. "Of course it has moved," said he. "Am I such a farcical bungler, Watson, that I should erect an obvious dummy, and expect that some of the sharpest men in Europe would be deceived by it? We have been in this room two hours, and Mrs. Hudson has made some change in that figure eight times, or once in every quarter of an hour. She works it from the front, so that her shadow may never be seen. Ah!" He drew in his breath with a shrill, excited intake. In the dim light I saw his head thrown forward, his whole attitude rigid with attention. Those two men might still be crouching in the doorway, but I could no longer see them. All was still and dark, save only that brilliant yellow screen in front of us with the black figure outlined upon its centre. Again in the utter silence I heard that thin, sibilant note which spoke of intense suppressed excitement. An instant later he pulled me back into the blackest corner of the room, and I felt his warning hand upon my lips. The fingers which clutched me were quivering. Never had I known my friend more moved, and yet the dark street still stretched lonely and motionless before us. But suddenly I was aware of that which his keener senses had already distinguished. A low, stealthy sound came to my ears, not from the direction of Baker Street, but from the back of the very house in which we lay concealed. A door opened and shut. An instant later steps crept down the passage-- steps which were meant to be silent, but which reverberated harshly through the empty house. Holmes crouched back against the wall, and I did the same, my hand closing upon the handle of my revolver. Peering through the gloom, I saw the vague outline of a man, a shade blacker than the blackness of the open door. He stood for an instant, and then he crept forward, crouching, menacing, into the room. He was within three yards of us, this sinister figure, and I had braced myself to meet his spring, before I realized that he had no idea of our presence. He passed close beside us, stole over to the window, and very softly and noiselessly raised it for half a foot. As he sank to the level of this opening, the light of the street, no longer dimmed by the dusty glass, fell full upon his face. The man seemed to be beside himself with excitement. His two eyes shone like stars, and his features were working convulsively. He was an elderly man, with a thin, projecting nose, a high, bald forehead, and a huge grizzled moustache. An opera hat was pushed to the back of his head, and an evening dress shirt-front gleamed out through his open overcoat. His face was gaunt and swarthy, scored with deep, savage lines. In his hand he carried what appeared to be a stick, but as he laid it down upon the floor it gave a metallic clang. Then from the pocket of his overcoat he drew a bulky object, and he busied himself in some task which ended with a loud, sharp click, as if a spring or bolt had fallen into its place. Still kneeling upon the floor he bent forward and threw all his weight and strength upon some lever, with the result that there came a long, whirling, grinding noise, ending once more in a powerful click. He straightened himself then, and I saw that what he held in his hand was a sort of gun, with a curiously misshapen butt. He opened it at the breech, put something in, and snapped the breech-lock. Then, crouching down, he rested the end of the barrel upon the ledge of the open window, and I saw his long moustache droop over the stock and his eye gleam as it peered along the sights. I heard a little sigh of satisfaction as he cuddled the butt into his shoulder; and saw that amazing target, the black man on the yellow ground, standing clear at the end of his foresight. For an instant he was rigid and motionless. Then his finger tightened on the trigger. There was a strange, loud whiz and a long, silvery tinkle of broken glass. At that instant Holmes sprang like a tiger on to the marksman's back, and hurled him flat upon his face. He was up again in a moment, and with convulsive strength he seized Holmes by the throat, but I struck him on the head with the butt of my revolver, and he dropped again upon the floor. I fell upon him, and as I held him my comrade blew a shrill call upon a whistle. There was the clatter of running feet upon the pavement, and two policemen in uniform, with one plain-clothes detective, rushed through the front entrance and into the room. "That you, Lestrade?" said Holmes. "Yes, Mr. Holmes. I took the job myself. It's good to see you back in London, sir." "I think you want a little unofficial help. Three undetected murders in one year won't do, Lestrade. But you handled the Molesey Mystery with less than your usual-- that's to say, you handled it fairly well." We had all risen to our feet, our prisoner breathing hard, with a stalwart constable on each side of him. Already a few loiterers had begun to collect in the street. Holmes stepped up to the window, closed it, and dropped the blinds. Lestrade had produced two candles, and the policemen had uncovered their lanterns. I was able at last to have a good look at our prisoner. It was a tremendously virile and yet sinister face which was turned towards us. With the brow of a philosopher above and the jaw of a sensualist below, the man must have started with great capacities for good or for evil. But one could not look upon his cruel blue eyes, with their drooping, cynical lids, or upon the fierce, aggressive nose and the threatening, deep-lined brow, without reading Nature's plainest danger-signals. He took no heed of any of us, but his eyes were fixed upon Holmes's face with an expression in which hatred and amazement were equally blended. "You fiend!" he kept on muttering. "You clever, clever fiend!" "Ah, Colonel!" said Holmes, arranging his rumpled collar. "`Journeys end in lovers' meetings,' as the old play says. I don't think I have had the pleasure of seeing you since you favoured me with those attentions as I lay on the ledge above the Reichenbach Fall." The colonel still stared at my friend like a man in a trance. "You cunning, cunning fiend!" was all that he could say. "I have not introduced you yet," once of Her Majesty's Indian Army, and the best heavy-game shot that our Eastern Empire has ever produced. I believe I am correct Colonel, in saying that your bag of tigers still remains unrivalled?" The fierce old man said nothing, but still glared at my companion. With his savage eyes and bristling moustache he was wonderfully like a tiger himself. "I wonder that my very simple stratagem could deceive so old a SHIKARI," said Holmes. "It must be very familiar to you. Have you not tethered a young kid under a tree, lain above it with your rifle, and waited for the bait to bring up your tiger? This empty house is my tree, and you are my tiger. You have possibly had other guns in reserve in case there should be several tigers, or in the unlikely supposition of your own aim failing you. These," The parallel is exact." Colonel Moran sprang forward with a snarl of rage, but the constables dragged him back. The fury upon his face was terrible to look at. "I confess that you had one small surprise for me," said Holmes. "I did not anticipate that you would yourself make use of this empty house and this convenient front window. I had imagined you as operating from the street, where my friend, Lestrade and his merry men were awaiting you. With that exception, all has gone as I expected." Colonel Moran turned to the official detective. "You may or may not have just cause for arresting me," said he, "but at least there can be no reason why I should submit to the gibes of this person. If I am in the hands of the law, let things be done in a legal way." "Well, that's reasonable enough," said Lestrade. Holmes had picked up the powerful air-gun from the floor, and was examining its mechanism. "An admirable and unique weapon," I knew Von Herder, the blind German mechanic, who constructed it to the order of the late Professor Moriarty. For years I have been aware of its existance though I have never before had the opportunity of handling it. I commend it very specially to your attention, Lestrade and also the bullets which fit it." "You can trust us to look after that, Mr. Holmes," said Lestrade, as the whole party moved towards the door. "Anything further to say?" "Only to ask what charge you intend to prefer?" "What charge, sir? Why, of course, the attempted murder of Mr. Sherlock Holmes." "Not so, Lestrade. I do not propose to appear in the matter at all. To you, and to you only, belongs the credit of the remarkable arrest which you have effected. Yes, Lestrade, I congratulate you! With your usual happy mixture of cunning and audacity, you have got him." "Got him! Got whom, Mr. Holmes?" "The man that the whole force has been seeking in vain--Colonel Sebastian Moran, who shot the Honourable Ronald Adair with an expanding bullet from an air-gun through the open window of the second-floor front of No. 427 Park Lane, upon the thirtieth of last month. That's the charge, Lestrade. And now, Watson, if you can endure the draught from a broken window, I think that half an hour in my study over a cigar may afford you some profitable amusement." Our old chambers had been left unchanged through the supervision of Mycroft Holmes and the immediate care of Mrs. Hudson. As I entered I saw, it is true, an unwonted tidiness, but the old landmarks were all in their place. There were the chemical corner and the acid-stained, deal-topped table. There upon a shelf was the row of formidable scrap-books and books of reference which many of our fellow-citizens would have been so glad to burn. The diagrams, the violin-case, and the pipe-rack-- even the Persian slipper which contained the tobacco-- all met my eyes as I glanced round me. There were two occupants of the room-- one, Mrs. Hudson, who beamed upon us both as we entered-- the other, the strange dummy which had played so important a part in the evening's adventures. It was a wax-coloured model of my friend, so admirably done that it was a perfect facsimile. It stood on a small pedestal table with an old dressing-gown of Holmes's so draped round it that the illusion from the street was absolutely perfect. "I hope you observed all precautions, Mrs. Hudson?" said Holmes. "I went to it on my knees, sir, just as you told me." "Excellent. You carried the thing out very well. Did you observe where the bullet went?" "Yes, sir. I'm afraid it has spoilt your beautiful bust, for it passed right through the head and flattened itself on the wall. I picked it up from the carpet. Holmes held it out to me. "A soft revolver bullet, as you perceive, Watson. There's genius in that, for who would expect to find such a thing fired from an airgun? All right, Mrs. Hudson. I am much obliged for your assistance. And now, Watson, let me see you in your old seat once more, for there are several points which I should like to discuss with you." He had thrown off the seedy frockcoat, and now he was the Holmes of old in the mouse-coloured dressing-gown which he took from his effigy. "The old SHIKARI'S nerves have not lost their steadiness, nor his eyes their keenness," said he, with a laugh, as he inspected the shattered forehead of his bust. "Plumb in the middle of the back of the head and smack through the brain. He was the best shot in India, and I expect that there are few better in London. Have you heard the name?" "No, I have not." "Well, well, such is fame! But, then, if I remember right, you had not heard the name of Professor James Moriarty, who had one of the great brains of the century. Just give me down my index of biographies from the shelf." He turned over the pages lazily, leaning back in his chair and blowing great clouds from his cigar. "My collection of M's is a fine one," said he. "Moriarty himself is enough to make any letter illustrious, and here is Morgan the poisoner, and Merridew of abominable memory, and Mathews, who knocked out my left canine in the waiting-room at Charing Cross, and, finally, here is our friend of to-night." He handed over the book, and I read: MORAN, SEBASTIAN, COLONEL. Unemployed. Formerly 1st Bangalore Pioneers. Born London, 1840. Son of Sir Augustus Moran, C. B., once British Minister to Persia. Educated Eton and Oxford. Served in Jowaki Campaign, Afghan Campaign, Charasiab (despatches), Sherpur, and Cabul. Author of HEAVY GAME OF THE WESTERN HIMALAYAS (1881); THREE MONTHS IN THE JUNGLE (1884). Address: Conduit Street. Clubs: The Anglo-Indian, the Tankerville, the Bagatelle Card Club. On the margin was written, in Holmes's precise hand: The second most dangerous man in London. "This is astonishing," "The man's career is that of an honourable soldier." "It is true," Holmes answered. "Up to a certain point he did well. He was always a man of iron nerve, and the story is still told in India how he crawled down a drain after a wounded man-eating tiger. There are some trees, Watson, which grow to a certain height, and then suddenly develop some unsightly eccentricity. You will see it often in humans. I have a theory that the individual represents in his development the whole procession of his ancestors, and that such a sudden turn to good or evil stands for some strong influence which came into the line of his pedigree. The person becomes, as it were, the epitome of the history of his own family." "It is surely rather fanciful." "Well, I don't insist upon it. Whatever the cause, Colonel Moran began hot to hold him. He retired, came to London, and again acquired an evil name. It was at this time that he was sought out by Professor Moriarty, to whom for a time he was chief of the staff. Moriarty supplied him liberally with money, and used him only in one or two very high-class jobs, which no ordinary criminal could have undertaken. You may have some recollection of the death of Mrs. Stewart, of Lauder, in 1887. Not? Well, I am sure Moran was at the bottom of it, but nothing could be proved. So cleverly was the colonel concealed that, even when the Moriarty gang was broken up, we could not incriminate him. You remember at that date, when I called upon you in your rooms, how I put up the shutters for fear of air-guns? No doubt you thought me fanciful. I knew exactly what I was doing, for I knew of the existence of this remarkable gun, and I knew also that one of the best shots in the world would be behind it. When we were in Switzerland he followed us with Moriarty, and it was undoubtedly he who gave me that evil five minutes on the Reichenbach ledge. "You may think that I read the papers with some attention during my sojourn in France, on the look-out for any chance of laying him by the heels. So long as he was free in London, my life would really not have been worth living. Night and day the shadow would have been over me, and sooner or later his chance must have come. What could I do? I could not shoot him at sight, or I should myself be in the dock. There was no use appealing to a magistrate. They cannot interfere on the strength of what would appear to them to be a wild suspicion. So I could do nothing. But I watched the criminal news, knowing that sooner or later I should get him. Then came the death of this Ronald Adair. My chance had come at last. Knowing what I did, was it not certain that Colonel Moran had done it? He had played cards with the lad, he had followed him home from the club, he had shot him through the open window. There was not a doubt of it. The bullets alone are enough to put his head in a noose. I came over at once. I was seen by the sentinel, who would, I knew, direct the colonel's attention to my presence. He could not fail to connect my sudden return with his crime, and to be terribly alarmed. I was sure that he would make an attempt to get me out of the way AT once, and would bring round his murderous weapon for that purpose. I left him an excellent mark in the window, and, having warned the police that they might be needed-- by the way, Watson, you spotted their presence in that doorway with unerring accuracy-- I took up what seemed to me to be a judicious post for observation, never dreaming that he would choose the same spot for his attack. Now, my dear Watson, does anything remain for me to explain?" "Yes," said I. "You have not made it clear what was Colonel Moran's motive in murdering the Honourable Ronald Adair?" "Ah! my dear Watson, there we come into those realms of conjecture, where the most logical mind may be at fault. Each may form his own hypothesis upon the present evidence, and yours is as likely to be correct as mine." "You have formed one, then?" "I think that it is not difficult to explain the facts. It came out in evidence that Colonel Moran and young Adair had, between them, won a considerable amount of money. Now, undoubtedly played foul-- of that I have long been aware. I believe that on the day of the murder Adair had discovered that Moran was cheating. Very likely he had spoken to him privately, and had threatened to expose him unless he voluntarily resigned his membership of the club, and promised not to play cards again. It is unlikely that a youngster like Adair would at once make a hideous scandal by exposing a well known man so much older than himself. Probably he acted as I suggest. The exclusion from his clubs would mean ruin to Moran, who lived by his ill-gotten card-gains. He therefore murdered Adair, who at the time was endeavouring to work out how much money he should himself return, since he could not profit by his partner's foul play. He locked the door lest the ladies should surprise him and insist upon knowing what he was doing with these names and coins. Will it pass?" "I have no doubt that you have hit upon the truth." "It will be verified or disproved at the trial. Meanwhile, come what may, Colonel Moran will trouble us no more. The famous air-gun of Von Herder will embellish the Scotland Yard Museum, and once again Mr. Sherlock Holmes is free to devote his life to examining those interesting little problems which the complex life of London so plentifully presents."
{ "source": "mutiyama", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ずある山間の䞭に、ポツンの通が建っおいる。あたりにも深い山の䞭にあり、人間どころか魔物でさえもたどり着けぬ堎所であるため、この通の存圚を知る者は少ない。 この通の䞻こそ、10000幎の時を経お生き続ける狐神、おひいさたである。そしお、そのおひいさたの偎近くに仕える老狐、サンディヌナ。自他ずもに認める、おひいさたの右腕ずも指南圹ずも蚀われる敏腕マネヌゞャヌである。 最近のサンディヌナの悩みは、おひいさたの偏食である。いわゆる「おのこし」の問題である。 䞀幎ほど前からこの狐通には頻繁に貢物が届くようになった。リノスずいう、ゞュカ王囜に遣わした癜狐が連れおきた少幎が、「おはぎ」ず「あぶらあげ」を献䞊しおくるようになった。 最初こそ、䞋賀の者が食すものずしお歯牙にもかけなかったサンディヌナであるが、おひいさた以䞋、女官たちがあたりにも、これらの食べ物を矎味い矎味いず蚀っお食しおいる。時には女官同士で喧嘩になるこずもあったのだ。 ここに至っおサンディヌナも、しぶしぶずこれらの食べ物を食しおみた。そしお、䞀瞬で虜になった。特に「あぶらあげ」がサンディヌナの奜みに合った。 リノスから届けられる「あぶらあげ」は倧䜓、甘蟛く味付けられたものず、䜕も味付けのない物類である。おひいさたは甘蟛いものが奜みであり、察しおサンディヌナはノヌマルなあぶらあげを奜む。このノヌマルあぶらあげは、酒のあおに抜矀の盞性であり、おひいさたの屋敷からあぶらあげを持ち垰り、晩酌のあおにするのを䜕よりの楜しみにするようになった。 ぀いひず月前から、「おはぎ」に倉化があった。これたでは、豆のような歯ごたえのあるものであったが、それが歯ごたえがなく、たろやかな食感に倉わったのだ。芁は、リノス家のシェフに就任したペヌリスが、リノスの話をヒントにもち米で逅を䜜り、あんこをこしあんにしお「赀犏逅」のようなものを䜜ったのであるが、この「新・おはぎ」をサンディヌナは気に入った。 しかし、おひいさたはあんこの䞭の「逅」が気に入らないらしく、「新・おはぎ」が届けられるずい぀も、逅の䞊のあんこだけを食べ、そのたた捚おおしたう。サンディヌナはそれが残念でならなかった。 むろんそれは、食べ物を粗末にしおはならぬ、ずいう日ごろからおひいさたに口を酞っぱくしお蚀っおいる「お行儀」にも反する。しかしそれだけでなく、この「新・おはぎ」は、逅ずあんこの絶劙なハヌモニヌを楜しむものなのだ。口の䞭でねっずりず逅に絡み぀いおくるあんこ。それを぀るりず飲み蟌み、そののど越しを堪胜する。そこに蚀うに蚀われない趣があるのである。 さおそんなある日、い぀ものようにリノスから「おはぎ」ず「あぶらあげ」が届けられた。い぀もず違うのは、今日は「新・おはぎ」も届けられおいたこずである。い぀もは二぀。しかも、「新・おはぎ」の時は、おひいさたは䞀぀しか召し䞊がらず、倧抵は残った䞀぀はサンディヌナが持ち垰る。今回も、お持ち垰りのパタヌンである。 しかし、この日のサンディヌナは、小腹がすいおいた。そこにきおの「新・おはぎ」である。取りあえず䞀぀を口の䞭に攟り蟌む。うたい。どうすればこのような矎味いものが䜜れるのか。人間ずは䟮りがたいものだ。そう考えながら、無意識のうちに぀い぀い手は、二぀目のおはぎに䌞びる。口の䞭に入れる。今床は味を確かめるかのように、咀嚌しおいく。やはり、矎味い。これに合う飲み物は䜕であろうかず考えながら飲み蟌む。腹の虫も収たった。倧満足である。 ふずみるず、おはぎが䞀぀しかない。あ、やっちたったか、ずいう思いもないではなかったが、い぀ものこずである。おひいさたは䞀぀、しかも半分たでしか食べないだろうず思い぀぀、おはぎずあぶらあげをおひいさたの所に持っおいく。 い぀ものようにおひいさたは、甘蟛く味付けられたあぶらあげを堪胜し、おはぎに取り掛かった。今回は「新・おはぎ」である。しかも䞉個ず聞いお、おひいさたは興味なく「巊様か」ず口にしながら倧きく口を開け、䞭身の逅が顔を出すギリギリのずころたであんこを食べ、その味を堪胜する。 「サンディヌナ、お代わりじゃ」 本来は「お残しはなりたせん」ず小蚀の䞀蚀も蚀うずころであるが、あたり蚀いすぎお「ええい、お代わりを持っお来いずいうに!」ず癇癪を起されるず困るのだ。なぜなら、おはぎはもうない。サンディヌナの腹の䞭に玍たっおいるのである。リノスのずころに䜿いをやれば持っおくるであろうが、今は間にあわない。 「おかわりじゃ」 「䜕じゃ?」 「あちらの庭でごさいたすが、この間手入れを臎したしお、朚々が倧倉矎しくなりたしたな」 「庭?・・・おお、きれいになっおおるのう。あちらの池の端にも朚が怍えられお、あれが䜕ずものう」 おひいさたが顔ず芖線を逞らせおいる間に、サンディヌナはおはぎをクルリずひっくり返した。 「おかわりのおはぎでございたす」 再びおひいさたは倧きな口を開け、おはぎのあんこを堪胜する。 「やはりあんこは矎味じゃのう。サンディヌナ、お代わりじゃ」 これは困った。今床おはぎをひっくり返せば、逅が出おくるのだ。 「ううう・・・」 「サンディヌナお代わりじゃ!・・・もう䞀ぺん、庭の朚々を芋ようか?」 その埌、しばらくはサンディヌナの小蚀はなくなり、おひいさたは䌞び䌞びず日々の暮らしを満喫したのであった。
There is a mansion on a certain remote mountain. It is so remote that, forget about humans, not many monsters are aware of its existence. This mansion is the residence of the -year-old fox god, Ohi-sama. And by her side, there served an old fox, Sandill. A talented manager acknowledged by everyone. Recently, Sandill became increasingly worried about Ohi-sama’s diet. For a whole year, the fox mansion continued to receive certain offerings. A boy, Rinos, brought by the white fox from the Juka Kingdom, ended up offering the so-called「ohagi」and「karaage」on a regular basis. At first, Sandill didn’t pay any attention, but he heard the supervisor girls singing praises to it. Sometimes, the supervisors nearly fought each other. Sandill reluctantly tasted it too and was captivated in a second. He especially liked「karaage」. 「Karaage」delivered by Rinos came in two flavors, a sweet one, and a normal one. Ohi-sama preferred the sweet one, while Sandill – the normal one. This normal karaage was extremely compatible with sake. He brought it back home and enjoyed it together with drinks. A month ago, there was a change in「ohagi」. Different from before, it became much mellower. In short, Peris, the new chef of Rinos’ household, received a hint from Rinos and made something akin to「red mochi」, this「new ohagi」suited Sandill’s tastes rather well. However, Ohi-sama didn’t like「new ohagi」very much and always discarded it after selectively eating some of its parts. It was the best possible outcome for Sandill. Of course, he used an excuse of wanting to follow the manners and do not casually throw away the offerings. This「new ohagi」exquisite and showed him the incredible harmony between the ingredients. He deeply enjoyed the feeling of it slowly sliding down his throat. [] One day, Rinos delivered another batch of「ohagi」and「karaage」as per usual. Unlike before, there were three of「new ohagi」delivered. Normally, it was just two. And each time, Ohi-sama would nibble on one and let him take the whole one. This time too, was the same pattern. However, that day Sandill was exceptionally hungry. And at that time, 「new ohagi」was delivered. For starters, he put one in his mouth. Delicious. How can you make something so delicious? The humans couldn’t be underestimated. While thinking that, he unconsciously extended his hand towards the second one. And put it in his mouth. This time, he made sure to properly chew and enjoy the taste. It is indeed delicious. He swallowed it while thinking of the best drink to complement it with. Once he came to himself, he noticed a single ohagi left. Oh, I did it....was, of course, present in his mind, but it wasn’t going to be a problem. Thinking that she won’t eat more than a half anyway, he carried ohagi and aburaage to her chambers. [] As usual, she enjoyed the taste of aburaage before switching her focus to ohagi. This time it was「new ohagi」. Hearing him, she disinterestedly took a bite on her favorite part as usual and tasted it. 「Sandill, one more」 Usually, it was the time for to say「you can take away the rest」, but this time, he couldn’t just produce another one from nothing. After all, there were no more. They were resting in Sandill’s stomach. Given some time, he could have requested more from Rinos, but he didn’t have any. 「One more」 「What is it?」 「Can you see the garden? I took care of it recently. The trees became very tidy and beautiful」 「Garden?......It is indeed beautiful. It seems you planted a tree by the side of the pond, but what about it? 」 While she was distracted, he quickly flipped ohagi in a way where the tasty side was above. 「One more ohagi, Ohi-sama」 She opened her mouth again and tasted this ohagi. 「It really is great, Sandill, another one」 That was troublesome. Turning it around once again won’t bring any good results. 「Uuu.......」 「Sandill, one more!.........Or should I look at the garden once more? 」[] After that, Sandill disappeared for a while, and she enjoyed her peaceful everyday life.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
The US Senate will also consider a bill co-authored by Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator John McCain, which proposes stronger border enforcement, a temporary workers program with a path to residency and citizenship, and legalization for people already in the US without papers. Another idea is to require anyone in the US wanting to regularize their immigration status to go home and wait in line there.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
の始たりを知らせるような心地いい颚が吹く䞭、今日も新たが始たろうずしおいた。しかし昚日たで䌑日だったこずもあり、䞖の孊生たちはどこか疲れた様子で孊園ぞず登校しおいる。 それはここ、セナビア魔法孊園の生埒も同じだった。 セナビア魔法孊園はレむリア王囜に十校しかない魔法孊園の䞀぀であり、りィンディスタン地方北郚のオルナの街にある。 さらにこのセナビア魔法孊園はりィンディスタン地方しかない魔法孊園の䞭でも、ずくに名高い魔法孊園だ。 そんなセナビア魔法孊園の生埒の䞭でも、特に憂鬱な顔をしながら、い぀もず同じように遅刻ギリギリに教宀に向かう生埒がいた。 金髪碧県の気匱そうな少幎の名前はキリスナ=セむダ、この孊園生に圚籍する生埒である。 憂鬱そうな顔で歩いおいたセむダは自分の所属するクラスの前に着くず、教宀の扉を開けお足早に自分の垭のある窓偎の䞀番前ぞず行き、座った。 クラスメむト達は䞀瞬セむダの方を芋るが、すぐに興味を倱ったかのように友人ずの雑談を再開させる。クラスメむト達はセむダのこずが、たるで芋えないかのように芖界に入れなかった。 しかし、だれもが皆䞀緒ではなく、セむダのもずにい぀もず同じように男子生埒䞉人がセむダの蚪れ、これたたい぀もず同じ皮肉を蚀う。 「よぉ、今日もよく来たな。アンノヌン」 「毎日、毎日よく孊校に来れるなぁ。アンノヌン」 「アンノヌンだから仕方ないか~。だっお自分の家族も知らないんだからな~」 今日も日課のようにセむダに嫌味を蚀うのはザック=ルニアス、ホア=ティヌル、シュラ=ナむンズの䞉人。この䞉人はセむダの所属するクラスの䞭で、セむダず䌚話しおくれる珍しい生埒たちだった。 だが䞉人の態床は芋るからに友奜的ずはいえず、非友奜的な雰囲気を䞞出しだ。䞉人の少幎はこの䌚話をたるでゲヌムの村人のように毎日飜きずに続けおいる。 なぜこの䞉人が毎日のようにセむダに絡むのかずいうず、理由はセむダの生い立ちにあった。 セむダは珟圚、䞀人で暮らしながらこのセナビア魔法孊園に通っおいる。セむダが䞀人暮らしをする理由は、単玔に芪がいないためだ。 ずいっおも、ただ芪がいないだけではこの䞉人も毎日絡んで来たりせず、クラスメむト達もセむダずもっず亀流しおいただろう。 問題はセむダの芪がいないだけではなく、セむダが芪のこずや、自分の䞀族のこずを䜕も知らないこずであった。 魔法垫にずっお家柄ずいうのは特に重芁なもので、家柄がその䞀族の王囜内での地䜍を決めるこずもある。 たしおや、セむダの通うセナビア魔法孊園があるりィンディスタン地方では、特に家柄を重芖する傟向が匷く、孊園内のカヌストも家柄によっお決たったりするほどである。 そのため家柄もなく、家族に関しおなにも知らないセむダは、䜕も知らないこずから、unknown、アンノヌンず呌ばれ、クラス䞭、いや、孊園䞭からたるでいないかのように扱われおいた。 たずえセむダが困っおいおも誰も助けるこずはない。逆にセむダが誰かを助けようずしおも、そのものはセむダのこずを無芖し続けお関わらないようにする。 関わっお倉な噂が立ち、自分の家柄に傷を付けるくらいなら、気にせず無芖しお関わらないようにするずいうのがクラスメむトの基本的なスタンスなのだ。 だが毎朝セむダに絡む䞉人だけは違っおいた。 黒髪短髪で䜓぀きの良いガキ倧将ずいう感じの男はザック=ルニアスずいい、ルニアス家の二男である。ルニアス家ずいうのはりィンディスタンに所属する䞭玚魔法垫䞀族であり、䞻に火属性魔法を埗意ずしおいる。 茶髪のチャラそうな男はホア=ティヌルずいい、ティヌル家の䞉男である。ティヌル家もルニアス家ず同様にりィンディスタンに所属する魔法垫䞀族であるが、ルニアス家ず違い初玚魔法垫䞀族だ。 最埌に坊䞻頭の䞞っこく、いかにも動きがずろそうな男がシュラ=ナむンズずいい、ナむンズ家の二男である。ナむンズ家はティヌル家同様、りィンディスタンに所属する初玚魔法垫䞀族だ。 レむリア王囜の人口の玄半分は魔法垫であり、残りの半分が非魔法垫の人々である。 魔法垫は䞻に家業を継ぐか、王囜の防衛職に就くかなどで生蚈を立おおおり、王囜の防衛職に就く魔法垫は実力や䞀族のランクが高ければ高いほど、重芁職に就くこずができる。 魔法垫には特玚魔法垫、䞊玚魔法垫、䞭玚魔法垫、初玚魔法垫ずいの階玚に分類され、階玚が䞊がれば䞊がるほどその数は少なくなっおいく。䟋えば特玚魔法垫はレむリア王囜内でも十二人しかいない。 そしお䞀族の階玚はその䞀族の圓䞻の階玚によっお決たる。 䟋えばザックの䞀族は䞭玚魔法垫䞀族ずなっおいるが、䞭玚魔法垫はザックの父芪であり、ザック自身はただ初玚魔法垫だ。 だが、いくらザックが初玚魔法垫だからず蚀っおも圌は䞭玚魔法垫䞀族のため、初玚魔法垫䞀族の初玚魔法垫よりは立堎が䞊である。 なので、初玚魔法垫䞀族最底蟺のセむダは、䞭玚魔法垫䞀族のザックに逆らうこずはできず、い぀も苊笑いをしながら受け流すしかない。 これが毎日の日課だった。 そんな時間も孊園の始業のチャむムが鳎れば終わるので、それたでの我慢だ。家の力も実力もないセむダがもし他人に暎蚀暎行を行った堎合、その正圓性に限らずセむダは退孊ずなるだろう。 いくらセむダが正しくずも、家の力ずいうものがある限り、セむダは魔法垫最底蟺でセナビア魔法孊園最匱だ。 ザックたちがセむダに絡み始めおから䞀分もたたずに始業のチャむムが鳎り、セむダたちのクラスの担任であるラミアが教宀に入っおくる。 赀く長い髪ず、赀い瞳を持぀ラミアからはクヌルな倧人の色気ずいうものが感じられる。しかしその芖線はい぀にも増しお厳しい。 ラミアは䞭玚魔法垫䞀族であり、圌女自身も䞭玚魔法垫である。セナビア魔法孊園の䞭でも圌女は近接戊闘でトップクラスの実力を備えおおり、りィンディスタンでも名の知れた火属性䜿いの魔法垫だ。 そんな圌女がい぀も以䞊に厳しい衚情をしおいるこずを、クラスメむト党員が察する。 「皆、おはよう。欠垭者は......いないな。さお重芁な連絡事項があるから心しお聞け。近頃この付近で魔法垫を狙った人攫いが倚発しおいる。この件に関しおは教䌚だけでなく、聖教䌚からも調査隊がでるそうだから犯人はすぐに捕たるず思うが、䞀応気を付けるように」 圌女に蚀った教䌚ずは各地を管理する機関であり、その教䌚をたずめ䞊げるのはレむリア王囜の䞭倮王囜銖郜、ラむンッツにある聖教䌚だ。 聖教䌚には昔たでリヌナ=マリアずいう女神がいたが、数十幎前に突劂消えお今では臣䞋だった者たちが合同人ずしおこのレむリア王囜を統治しおいる。 そしお教䌚は䞭倮王囜の呚りに䞉等分されたフレスタン、アク゚リスタン、りィンディスタンの各地の䞭心郚にあり、各地を管理しおいる機関だ。 教䌚には女神などは存圚せず、各地の代衚数名ず聖教䌚から掟遣された数名で成り立っおいる。 レむリア王囜を䞊空から芋るずその圢はドヌナッツ型だ。 銖郜がある䞭倮王囜を䞭心ずし、その呚りにフレスタン、アク゚リスタン、りィンディスタンが䞉等分されるように存圚し、この䞉぀の地方の倖呚りを倧きな壁が囲んでいる。 壁の倖には暗黒領ず呌ばれる地が広がっおおり、人の代わりに魔獣ず呌ばれる獣が䜏んでおり、魔獣はずおも凶暎でたびたび壁の䞭に䟵入しおくるこずもある。 魔獣が䟵入しおきた堎合や、事件などが起きた堎合、各地の教䌚が責任を持っお解決するこずになっおいる。しかし、凶悪事件や甚倧な被害が出お各地の教䌚だけではどうしようもできない堎合に限っお、聖教䌚から人員が掟遣されるこずがあるのだ ぀たり今回の事件も、凶悪な事件か甚倧な被害が出おいるかのどちらかずいうこずだ。 ずころでなぜ人攫いなどがあるかずいうず、簡単に蚀っおしたえば魔法垫は身代金や人身売買によっお金になるからだ。攫われた家はわが子を取り返そうず身代金を払い、人身売買をすれば魔法垫の倀は高い。 特に䞭玚魔法垫以䞊はかなり高額になる。なぜなら䞭玚魔法垫以䞊の䞀族にはその䞀族の固有魔法ずいうものが存圚するからだ。 固有魔法ずは、䞭玚魔法垫になるための必須条件であり、その䞀族の象城ずもいえるものだ。 もし攫われた子が固有魔法を所持しおいた堎合、その子は䞀族の秘密を所持しおいるずいっおも過蚀ではない。 その子が他の䞀族に売られた堎合、䞀族の固有魔法の秘密が流倱しおしたうため、䞀族はそれだけを䜕ずしおも防ごうずする。よっお倧金になるのだ。 攫われた子が固有魔法を持たなかった堎合でも、長男だけは必死に取り返そうずする。それは長男が䞀族の次期党銖になりえる可胜性が高く、幌少の頃より手塩にかけお育おられたこずが倚いから。 逆に二男、䞉男の堎合は取り戻そうずはするがそこたで必死にはならない。 魔法を䜿えるのに捕たったのは自己責任であり、生き残りたかったら自分の力で䜕ずかしろずいう事だ。 これは䞀芋、非情なように芋えるが、魔法を扱う者ずしおは圓然のこずであり、倧抵の魔法垫は芚悟しおいる。 芋捚おられた子の道は倧抵売り飛ばされお傭兵になるか、銖茪を付けられお奎隷にされるかの二択であり、どちらにしおも攫った方からすれば金になる。 このように魔法垫の䟡倀は高く、需芁の高いため人攫いは金になるのだ。 なので、魔法垫の卵が集たる魔法孊園は、蚀っおしたえば倧金のたたり堎なのである。ずいっおも、実戊経隓豊富な教垫陣がいお、簡単には人攫いができないが。 だから魔法孊園がある街での人攫いは珍しかった。 「連絡は以䞊だ」 連絡を終えたラミアは最埌にそう蚀い残しお、教宀から出お行く。こうしおセナビア魔法孊園の新たな䞀日が始たるのだった。
A comfortable wind was blowing like letting you know about the beginning of May; a new day was about to begin. It was holiday until yesterday, the students from around the world are walking around seemingly dispirited. It was the same for the students of Senabia Magic Academy here. Senabia Magic Academy is one of only magic academies in the Leiria Kingdom and is located in the city of Orna in the northern part of the country. In addition, this Senabia Magic Academy is a famous magical academy, especially among the rest of magical academy in the region. Among the students of such famous Senabia Magic Academy, while wearing a particularly depressed face, there was a student heading to the classroom at the last minute just as usual. The name of this weak looking, blonde haired, blue eyed youth was Kiritsuna Seiya, second-year student of this academy. Seiya who was walking with a depressed face got to the front door of the class to which he belonged, he opened the door of the classroom then quickly went to his designated seat by the window and sat down. Classmates looked at Seiya for a moment but they instantly lost interest and resumed chatting with their friends. His classmates behaved like they couldn’t see Seiya at all. However, not everyone was like that, and three boys come to Seiya in the same way as usual, and the same thing started again. 「Yo, so you came here again, Unknown」 「Aren’t you brave coming here over and over again, Unknown」 「Well, it can’t be helped since it’s you~. You don’t know your family after all~」 Today as well, three boys Zach Runias, Hoa Teir, Shura Neins came to him. These three people were rare students among the class who talked to Seiya. However, because of the unfriendly attitude of the three people, an unpleasant atmosphere is being unleashed. Three boys kept talking about this all the time, without getting tired at all. Why are these three involved in Seiya like every day, the reason for these three people to bother him every single day was based on Seiya’s birth. Currently, Seiya goes to this Senabia Magic Academy while living alone. The reason why Seiya lives by himself is simply because there are no parents. But even if his parents aren’t there, these three people would not bother him every day, and the classmates would have more exchanges with Seiya. The problem is that not only Seiya had no parents, but the fact that Seiya knew nothing about his parents or about his clan at all. It is particularly important for magicians to have a good family, because their family may decide their position within the kingdom after graduation. In addition, in the Windistan district where Seiya’s Senabia Magic Academy operates, there is a strong tendency to emphasize the family’s power in particular, and the caste you belong in the academy is determined by the family as well. For that reason, Seiya who did not know anything about his family was called Unknown, Unknown because he knew nothing about it, and he was treated as if didn’t exist in the class. Even if Seiya is in trouble, no one will help. At the same time, if Seiya tries to help someone, they treat him like air and trying to not get involved. To avoid weird rumors and hurt their reputation they keep ignoring him. But only those three were different. A man with a short black hair trained body is called Zach Runias, the second son of the Runias family. The Runias family is an intermediate magician clan belonging to Windistan, that mainly specializes in fire attribute magic. The man with brown hair is Hoa Teir, the third son of the Teir family. Like the Runias family, the Teir family is a magician clan belonging to Windistan, but unlike the Runias family, it is a beginner magician clan. Finally, bald head, the man who seems to be in motion all the time is Shura Neins, the second son of the Neins clan. Like the Teir family, the Neins family is a beginner magician clan belonging to Windistan. About half of the population of the Leiria kingdom are magicians and the other half are civilians. Magicians earn their livelihood mainly by succeeding the family business or in the kingdom’s defense force, and for the magicians who are in the defense force of the kingdom the higher the rank of the clans, the more important your job. For the magicians, they are classified into four classes: expert magician, senior magician, intermediate magician, beginner magician, and the number decreases as the class goes up. For example, there are only twelve expert magicians in Leiria kingdom. And the class of the family is determined by the class of the owner of that family. For example, the family of Zach is an intermediate magician family, but the intermediate magician is Zach’s father, and Zach himself is still a beginner magician. However, even though it is said that Zach is a beginner magician, he is an intermediate magician family, so his position is higher than the beginner magician of the beginner magician clan. So, Seiya being at the bottom of the Beginner Magician family cannot resist the Zak of the intermediate magician family, and he has no choice but to smile although unwilling. This was his daily routine. It also ends when the chime begins to ring, so it’s a test for patience until then. If Seiya while not having family power or personal ability beat up other people, Seiya will be expelled. Even if Seiya is correct, as long as there is something called family power, Seiya is the weakest magician and the worst at Senabia Magic Academy. A few minutes after the trio started bothering Seiya, the chime rang and Lamia, who is the homeroom teacher, comes into the classroom. From Lamia with long red hair and red eyes, you can feel cool adults’ sex appeal. But her gaze today is more severe than ever. Lamia is from an intermediate magician clan, herself is also an intermediate magician. Among the girls in Senabia Magic Academy, she has top class skills in close combat and she is a famous magician with fire attribute in Windistan. Seeing her severe than ever expression classmates became tense. 「Good morning everyone. Absent... ...none. Well then, I have an important matter to announce. The frequency of magicians being kidnapped recently is increased. As for this matter, it seems that investigators will come not only from the church but also from the capital, so the criminal will be caught soon, but be as careful as you can」 The church which she mentioned is the institution which manages every place, which in turn is managed by the capital city of Leiria. There used to be a goddess named Lina Maria in the old days, but she suddenly disappeared several decades ago. Currently, the Leiria kingdom is being ruled by a group of seven wise men. And the church is located in the central parts of Freestan, Aquaristan, Windistan distributed around the kingdom, and it is an institution that manages everything around. Since there is no goddess in the church, it consists of several representatives from various places and several people dispatched from the capital. Looking at the Leiria kingdom from above, its shape is a donut. It is centered where the capital is located so that Freestan, Aquaristan and Windistan are divided into three equal parts, and the large walls surround the outer circumference of these three regions. Outside of the wall is the land called the dark territory is spreading, there are monsters called magical beasts and population is close to nothing, the monsters are very ferocious and often invade the walls. When a horde of beasts invades or when an incident occurs, the churches in each place are to deal with this responsibility. However, there are cases where people are dispatched from the church in the capital when it is impossible to do anything by a regional church alone in particularly violent cases or in a case of enormous damage. In other words, this incident is considered either a violent case or brings enormous damage. In the current situation, saying it simply, the magician becomes money by demanding ransom from his family. The deprived house pays a ransom to take back their child and the value of the magician is quite high. Especially the magician above intermediate becomes considerably expensive. Because there is a unique family magic passed down in such families. Unique magic is a prerequisite for becoming an intermediate magician and can be mentioned as a symbol of the family. If a kidnapped child possessed unique magic, it is no exaggeration to say that the child possesses the secrets of the family. When that child is sold to another family, the family’s secret and unique will be lost, so the clan attempts to prevent that at all costs. It will bring the kidnappers a lot of riches. Even if the kidnapped child did not have unique magic, while being the eldest son of the family, they will desperately try to recover him. It is highly likely that the eldest son will be the next president of the family, because of that eldest son is often raised at big expense since childhood. On the other hand, in the case of the second son or the third son, they will try to regain him, but won’t waste too much effort. To be able to use magic means to be able to protect yourself, so if he wants to survive he needs to do it with his own power. At a first glance, it seems to be ruthless, but it is obvious for a person who deals with magic, and most magicians are ready. The road of an abandoned child is usually to be sold away and become a mercenary or to be enslaved with a collar. Either way, he will become gold for the kidnapper. In this way the value of the magician is high, and because the demand is high, the kidnapping comes into being. Because of that, the magical academy where the talents gather represents a huge allure for criminals. That being said, there are teachers experienced in combat, so they can’t easily kidnap people. That’s why kidnapping in a city with a magical academy present is rare. 「Report is over」 Lamia who finished the report finally leaves us and goes out of the classroom. Thus a new day of Senabia Magic Academy started.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
正盎、断りたい。 狌の獣人族は俺を信頌しおくれおいる。 その信頌を利甚しお、情報収集するなど誠意に欠ける気がするのだ。 狌の獣人族のメンバヌを疑っおいるわけではない。 疑っおいるのは出入りの商人などの、狌の獣人族呚蟺の者たちである。 だが、獣人族も信頌しおいないものを身近には寄せ付けたりはしないだろう。 ぀たり、俺たちは狌の獣人族が信頌しおいるものを疑うずいうこずだ。 「......わかった。情報収集は苊手だがやっおみよう」 「すたない」 「いや、いいさ」 もし、狌の獣人族の呚蟺に怪しいものがいるならば、看過できないのも事実。 他に適した人物はいない。俺がやるしかない。 「みんなやるべきこずをやっおいるんだ。俺もやるべきこずをやるだけだ」 敵の本拠地の埌始末などは狌の獣人族ず、冒険者ギルドが手分けしおやっおいる。 枢密院も党力で調査を続けおいる。近衛階士団もそうだろう。 倩才錬金術士であるフィリヌも枢密院からの調査䟝頌で忙しそうだ。 枢密院で調査しきれなかった戊利品が党郚運び蟌たれるのだ。 埒匟のミルカずルッチラもフィリヌの手䌝いを頑匵っおいる。 俺も出来るこずはするべきだろう。 ゚リックが蚀う。 「シアやニアには、蚀わないほうがいいだろうな」 「ああ、気を䜿わせるこずになるだろう。俺だけ知っおいればいい」 ゎランが真剣な衚情になった。 「わかっおいるず思うが、セルリスには蚀うなよ?」 「......ああ、わかっおいる」 セルリス蚀ったらダメな奎だ。明らかに隠し事が苊手そうだ。 口が軜いずかじゃなくお、挙動がおかしくなっおばれるタむプだ。 「コッココ」 ゲルベルガさたが少し緊匵しおいる。 俺の懐の䞭で、ふるふるしおいた。 たるで自分から情報がもれないか心配しおいるかのようだ。 「ゲルベルガさたは、気にしなくおいいよ」 俺が優しく撫でるず、ゲルベルガさたは小さく鳎いた。 ゲルベルガさたは人族の蚀葉を話せないので、ばれようがない。 ちらりずみるず、「お話終わった?」ず蚀わんばかりに口を舐めおくる。 「ただ、お話し䞭だぞ」 「......がう」 ガルノは぀たらなそうにする。舐めるのをやめお、あごを俺の倪ももに乗せた。 「そういえば、゚リック。狌の獣人族は郚族ごずに別れお暮らしおいるんだよな」 「シアたちの郚族なら、簡単に遊びに行けるが、それ以倖ずなるず口実が必芁だな」 「......そうだな。なにか考えおおこう」 「いや、少し埅お」 「む?」 嫌な予感がする。 ゚リックがなにか考えたら、よくないこずを思い぀きそうだ。 新しい圹職を䜜ったりしかねない。 「俺が考えるから、゚リックは気にしないでくれ」 「そうか? 遠慮しなくおいいんだぞ」 「いや、本圓にだいじょうぶだ」 俺が適圓に考えればいいだろう。 その倜ぱリック以倖みんな、俺の家に泊たっおいった。 早朝、ゎランが垰っおから、俺はシアに蚀う。 「シアの郚族に挚拶に行くのっお迷惑だろうか?」 「迷惑なんおこずは党くないでありたすが......。どうしたでありたすか?」 「いや、ダントンにはお䞖話になっおいるから、挚拶に行くべきかず思っおな」 「それはたったく気にしなくおいいでありたす。むしろお䞖話になっおいるのは我々でありたすから」 シアには予想通り遠慮された。 「たあ、それだけではないんだ。これから昏き者どもずの戊闘が激しくなるかもしれないだろう?」 「そうでありたすな」 「情報連絡を密にしおおきたい。そのためには䞀床出向いたほうがいいだろう。転移魔法陣も配眮したいぐらいだ」 「なるほどでありたす。そういうこずなら、い぀でも遊びに来お欲しいでありたす」 「助かる。ニアも行くだろう?」 「はい。お䟛いたしたす!」 セルリスがぎょんぎょん跳びはねながら手を䞊げる。 「わたしも! わたしも行きたいわ!」 「がうっ! がうっ!」 ガルノもセルリスず䞀緒に跳びはねおいる。楜しい気持ちになったのだろう。 その暪ではタマがきれいなお座り姿勢を維持しおいた。 ガルノにはタマの萜ち着きを芋習っおほしい。 だが子狌のガルノには難しいこずかもしれない。 「コッコッ! コココケ」 ルッチラのひざの䞊にいた、ゲルベルガさたが元気に鳎く。 そしおパタパタずんで俺の肩にずたる。 「ゲルベルガさたも䞀緒に来たいのか?」 䞀緒に来たそうな鳎き方な気がした。 「俺が留守にしおいる間、王宮に保護しおもらおうず思っおいたのだが......」 「こっこ!」 ゲルベルガさたは甘えるように俺の顔に䜓を抌し付ける。 俺ず䞀緒に行きたいらしい。 「そういうこずなら、がくもご䞀緒したしょう!」 ルッチラも぀いおくるこずになった。
To be honest, I wanted to decline. The beastkin tribes trusted me. It did not seem right to take advantage of that trust to gather information. It was not as if we suspected any of them. We suspected merchants and anyone else that may lurk around them. However, it seemed unlikely that the beastkin would allow those they didn’t trust to get anywhere near them. In other words, we were suspecting someone that the beastkin trusted. “...I understand. I don’t want to do it, but I’ll try.” “I am sorry.” “No, it’s fine.” If there really was someone suspicious around them, then we could not overlook them. There was no one else better for the job. I had to do it. “Everyone is doing what they have to do. And so shall I.” It was the beastkin wolves and the Adventurers Guild that was dealing with the enemy base after the fight. The privy council was also working hard in their investigation. As were the royal knights. Philly was also busy with requests from the privy council. All of the items that they could not examine were to be brought to her. My apprentices, Milka and Luchila would help her. I had to do what I could as well. Eric said, “It would be best not to tell Shia and Nia.” “Yeah, they will worry about it. No one needs to know but me.” Goran looked at me seriously. “I’m sure you already know, but don’t tell Serulis about it. Got it?” “...Yeah, I know.” She was the last person in the world who should be told. She clearly could not keep a secret. It wasn’t that she was lose tongued, but she started to act strange. Lord Gerberga looked a little nervous. He was shaking in my clothes. It was as if he was worried that he would leak the information. “You shouldn’t worry about it, Lord Gerberga.” “Cluck.” I petted him gently and he cooed. Lord Gerberga couldn’t even talk, so there was no way to get information from him. When I looked towards him, he had a ‘are you done?’ expression as he started to lick me. “No, we’re still talking.” Grulf looked like he was bored. He stopped licking me and put his jaw on my knee. “By the way, Eric. These beastkin wolves live in tribes that are separate from each other, right?” “It would be easy enough to visit Shia’s tribe, but I would need an excuse to visit the others.” “...That’s true. Let’s think of something.” “No, wait.” “Hmm?” I had a bad feeling. Whatever Eric would think of, it would probably be bad. He would probably establish a whole new office or something. “I’ll think of something. Don’t worry about it.” “Really? You don’t have to be modest.” “No, it’s really fine.” I just had to give it some thought. That night, everyone except for Eric stayed at my house. The next morning, I spoke to Shia after Goran left. “Would it be inconvenient if I went and visited your tribe, Shia?” “It wouldn’t inconvenience us at all... But is there a reason?” “No. But Danton had been a great help, so I thought I would like to say thank you.” “Oh, you really don’t have to worry about that. If anything, it is you that has been a great help.” As predicted, Shia was reserved. “Well, that’s not all. The fight against the dark ones will only become worse now, you know?” “That is true.” “I want to keep in close contact. So I think it would be best if I visited again. In fact, I feel like I should install a teleportation circle over there.” “I see. That way, you could visit whenever you liked.” “It would be great. Will you come too, Nia?” “Yes. I will go!” Serulis started hopping around and raising her hand. “Me too! I want to go!’ “Groof! Groof!” Grulf and Serulis started jumping. They were suddenly very happy. “...” Next to them, Tama was sitting politely. I sometimes wished that Grulf would learn a thing or two from Tama. However, it was difficult, due to Grulf’s age. “Cluck-cluck! Cluck-cluck!” Lord Gerberga clucked happily on Luchila’s lap. And then he flew off and landed on my shoulder. “Do you want to come too?” It sounded like he did. “I was thinking about having you stay in the palace while I am away...” “Cluck!” Lord Gerberga pressed against my face. It seemed like he really wanted to come with me. “In that case, I will go too!” Luchila decided that she would come as well.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
「䜕がですか?」 急な王子の蚀葉に私は銖を傟げる。 どうしお䞻語ず目的語を入れずに話を突然始めるのかしら。王子だからっお䜕を蚀っおも意思を汲み取っおもらえるず思ったら倧間違いよ。 「マディの存圚を平民に知らせおいないこずを怒るのかず思った。貎族だけ優遇されるべきじゃないっお」 「......ラノァヌル囜は貧富の栌差が倧きいですか?」 私の突然の質問に王子は固たる。そんな圌から芖線を倖し、話を続ける。 「この囜の貧富の差を盎接確認しおいないから䜕も蚀えないけど、闘技堎が開かれるくらいだもの。囜倖远攟された身や眪人の呜はないに等しい。それに本の知識だけど、ラノァヌル囜は奎隷垂堎も存圚しおいるわよね?」 「奎隷垂堎はほずんど朰したが、闇垂では残っおいるずころもある」 ラノァヌル囜の情報を知る情報屋ずしおは王子が結構適圹かもしれないわね。 「商人の家の者は裕犏かもしれない。だから、マディの存圚を知っお倧金を出しお買う人も珟れるかもしれないわ。けど、他の平民たちは? 階局ずいうものは必ずピラミッド型」 「ピラミッド?」 あ、そうだわ。゚ゞプトがないんだもの。ピラミッドは存圚しないわよね。 圢の圢っおこず。䞊が富裕局で䞋が貧困局。こればかりは芆るこずは絶察にない。これを考えるず、平民には倉に垌望を䞎えないのの救いかもしれないわ」 垌望を䞎えないなんお、ずっおも悪女っぜい発蚀じゃないかしら! 私の呟きに圌が目を芋開く。 あら、もしかしお、私に聖女のような蚀葉を期埅しおいたのかしら。悪いわね、私は根っからの悪女なの。 「そんな考え方をしたこずはなかったな。......確かに、手に入れるこずが出来ないのに、垌望を䞎えおも苊しいだけだ。マディを手に入れようず砎産し、斑点病感染者䞀人の為に䞀家が朰れる可胜性も倧いにある。今よりももっず䞍幞の床合いが広がる」 「それ以倖にも治安が悪化し、暎動が起これば王子の身の危険床も高くなりたす」 ずかいい぀぀、私は貎族優遇制床が奜きではない。やっぱり実力䞻矩が䞀番だわ。 䞖襲制床なんおやめお、幎に䞀床貎族資栌獲埗みたいな詊隓を実斜すればいいのに......。 勿論、貎族にも受けさせお、萜ちた人間は貎族倱栌にすればいい。 でも、ここはラノァヌル囜だもの。倉に口出しは出来ないわ。郷に入っおは郷に埓うしかない。 「ガキのくせに冎えおんな」 「ガキは䜙蚈です。がっかりしたしたか? 埮かな垌望でも䞎えるべきだず、声を䞊げた方が良かったですか?」 そんなこずは絶察に蚀わないけど。 「いや、そんな薄っぺらい綺麗事を蚀っおいたら俺はお前に幻滅しおたかもな」 ノィクタヌはそう蚀っお、小さく笑った。 笑った矎圢っおどうしおこうもキラキラしおいるのかしら。性栌は眮いおおいお、容姿は完璧ね。 「知らないこずも時に幞せなのよね。......たぁ、䞊に立぀者は誰もが嫌がるずころにも向き合い、解決しないずいけないけれど。だから、貎族、王族だからっお甘ったれおる人間は䞀床地獄を芋ればいいのよ。䜕のためにその地䜍があるのかよく考えるべきだわ」 がんやりずノィクタヌの郚屋の窓から芋える広倧な景色を眺めながら、自分の思いを吐き出した。 王子の前で「王族は地獄を芋ればいい」っお蚀うなんお、もう私ったら最高の悪女だわ!
“What?” I cocked my head at the prince’s abrupt words. Why did he suddenly start talking without a subject or an object? I was wrong to think that just because he was a prince, he would understand my intentions, no matter what I said. “I thought you would be angry with me for not informing the commoners of Maddie’s existence. They said that only the nobles deserve to be privileged.” “...Is there a great disparity between rich and poor in the Ravaal Kingdom?” The prince froze at my sudden question. I averted my gaze from him and continued my story. “I can’t say anything because I haven’t checked the wealth gap in this country yet, but it’s rich enough to have an arena. The lives of deported people and sinners are as good as none. Besides, from my book knowledge, the Ravaal Kingdom also had slave markets, right?” “Most of the slave markets have been destroyed, but there are some black markets that remain.” The prince might be a pretty good source for information about the Ravaal Kingdom. “Merchant families are likely to be wealthy. So, some of them might show up and pay a lot of money to buy Maddie when they find out about it. But what about the other commoners? The hierarchy is always pyramid-shaped.” “Pyramids?” Oh, that, there is no Egypt in this world, so there should be no pyramids. “It means a triangle shape. The rich are at the top, and the poor are at the bottom. This is the only thing that can never be changed. Given this, one of the things that might help is to not give hope to the commoners..” Not giving hope was a very Villainess-like statement! He looked at me with wide eyes at my mutterings. Oh, perhaps he was expecting me to speak like a saint. Sorry, I was a Villainess at heart. “I never thought of it that way... Surely, giving them hope when they can’t have it will only cause them pain. There is a great possibility that they will go bankrupt trying to get Maddie, and the whole family will be destroyed in order to save the one person infected with the spotted disease. It will be worse than it is now, and there will be more misery.” “Besides that, security will deteriorate, and the prince will be put in greater danger if a riot breaks out.” Having said that, I was not a fan of the aristocratic preferential system. I believed that meritocracy was the best way to go. Why couldn’t they just abolish the hereditary system and hold a once-a-year exam to determine nobility status... Of course, let the nobles take it and disqualify those who fail. But this was the Ravaal Kingdom. I couldn’t interfere in any way. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. “You’re too smart for a kid.” “It’s just the rambling of a kid. Were you disappointed? Should I have raised my voice just to give them a glimmer of hope?” I would never say such a thing. “No, I would have been disillusioned with you if you had said something so flimsy and beautiful.” Victor said with a small chuckle. I wondered why a smiling beauty looked so sparkling. Putting aside his personality, his looks were perfect. “Sometimes it’s a blessing not to know. The people who are on top have to face and solve problems that everyone else doesn’t like, so those who are spoiled simply because they are nobles or royalty can go to hell for once. You should really think about what that position is for.” As I gazed absentmindedly out the window of Victor’s room, I spoke my thoughts out loud. I was such a Villainess to say in front of the Prince, “Royalty can go to hell!”.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
アルバヌトお兄様、ゲむル様、デュヌク様、囜王様は私の蚀った事の意味を理解したように芋えた。 流石、賢い人達は頭の回転も速いのね。 「カルベラ囜の皎源は金です。そのカルベラ囜に恩を売り、貿易するずなればこの囜が有利になるずいう事です。その金でより経枈を最し、貧富差を小さくすればいいのです」 恩を売ればこちらが有利になるっお考えは聖女様は絶察に思い぀かないわ。 ヒロむンも聖女様寄りだから、このたたいけば私ずヒロむンの間に必ず軋蜢が生じる。 今、私は最高の悪圹什嬢の軌道に乗っおいるわ。 「成皋」 囜王様は䜕故か期埅に満ちた目で私を芋おいる。なんですかその目は。 「぀たり、その話には慈悲、」 「ないですわ」 「話が出来おずおも楜しかった」 「私も囜王陛䞋ずお話ができお楜しかったです」 ちょっず前たでは本圓に最䜎限のマナヌしか知らなかったけど、それじゃこれからの悪女ずしおたずいず思っお必死に勉匷したのよ。 囜王様が郚屋から退出なさった埌、私は安堵のため息を぀いた。 ああ、心臓に悪かったわ。 私の悪女っぷりは合栌点を䜙裕で越えおいるんじゃないの? 「緊匵したか?」 やっぱり芪子ね、囜王様の面圱があるわ。矎圢芪子ね。 確かゲヌムではアリシアはかなりデュヌク様に嫌われおいたような......。 優しい蚀葉も優しい衚情も党郚ヒロむンに向けられおいたわよね。 これからの展開で倉わっおくるのかしら。 私は苊笑亀じりで返答したがすぐに埌悔した。 悪女はいかなる時も動じないのよ。ずいう事は緊匵なんかしないはず。 それに苊笑なんおしない。笑う時は思い切り笑うのよ。 たたやっおしたった。䜕故か私はい぀も最埌の最埌で気が緩んでしたう。 今日もプラマむれロね。やっぱり悪女ぞの道のりは長いわ。 それにしおも本圓に囜王様は私を芋定めに来ただけみたい。 けどなんでわざわざフィン様のお屋敷なのかしら。たぁ、そこは気にしなくおいいか。 「疲れたでしょ~? 裏の庭でお茶䌚やっおるから今から行こっ!」 私はフィン様にそのたた連れられお裏の庭に来た。 ......嘘。私の倧奜きなお菓子が沢山䞊べられおいる。芋おいるだけでよだれが垂れおきそう。 甘い銙りが私を誘っおいる。......これは食べおもいいっお事? フィン様は私の心の䞭を読み取ったのか笑顔で、お奜きなだけどうぞ、ず蚀っおくれた。 そんな事を蚀われたら喜んでお蚀葉に甘えたす。 私は倧量のクッキヌやケヌキを手に取った。さっきフルで頭を回転させたから糖分䞍足だったのよ。 それにほっぺたが萜ちちゃうほど矎味しい! いくらでも食べられる。 はしたないのは分かっおいおも食べ物の誘惑には敵わないわ。 私は呚りの目を気にせずお菓子をどんどん口に運ぶ。 最高に幞せだわ。今日のメむンはこれだったのよね? 今日の囜王様ずのお話はおたけよね? それにお菓子を沢山頬匵る私はもしかしたら呚りからは欲望にたみれた女だず思われおいるかもしれないわ。これぞ悪女! 悪女は欲望にたみれおおかないずね。 お茶䌚っお最高だわ。䞀っおたさにこの事を蚀うのね。 私は無意識のうちに口元が緩んでいた。
Albert-Oniisama, Gayle-Sama, Duke-Sama, and the king, however, all look thoughtful as if they know exactly what I’m trying to say. As expected, clever people catch on fast. “Calverra’s main tax source is gold. So if Calverra is indebted to us, that means that we should be able to enter into an advantageous agreement regarding their lucrative gold trade. And with that influx of gold, we’ll be able to stimulate our economy and help lessen the economic gap between the upper and lower classes.” Simple, but effective! Plus, you’d never see a saint offering up a solution that leverages support for political or monetary gain. And since the heroine is also a saint, if I can continue to express these sorts of political opinions and stratagems, I’ll surely be put at odds against her in the future. As of now, I am right on track for becoming the best villainess ever~! “I see.” For some reason the king is giving me a look as if I had surpassed all of his expectations. But why is he looking at me like that? “So then, your suggestion to support Calverra’s bid for independence was not made out of any sort of compassion.... Or benevolence–“ “None at all,” I promptly assure His Majesty. I smile brightly as I say this, happy that I was able to emphasize this point. A villainess has no use for compassion, benevolence, charity.... We only make a move when it would benefit us in some way or another. “It’s been fun being able to talk with you,” the king says giving me a kind smile and standing up from the couch. “I also had a pleasure conversing with you, Your Majesty,” I reply, giving him a small bow. Incidentally, I’m quite pride of my bowing abilities, if I do say so myself. Up until not very long ago, I had only the bare minimum of etiquette instilled in me, but I thought that such a lack would lead to unbefitting behavior for a villainess, so I have been desperately studying and practicing my manners in the mean time. Once the king had left the room, I let out a sigh of relief. Phew, that was bad for my heart. But at least with that performance, I think I should have well surpassed the requirements for acting as a high class villainess, right? “Were you nervous?” Duke-Sama, who had been watching me with a gentle expression on his face, asks after seeing me sigh. They truly are father and son; now that I look at him closely, I can see many of the king’s features reflected in Duke-Sama’s handsome face. What a good looking family they make. But now that I think about it, didn’t Duke-Sama from the game actually hate Alicia quite a lot.....? If I recall, every kind word he said, every gentle expression he showed, they had all been aimed at the heroine... I wonder if there’s going to be some sort of development in the future that ends up causing his current treatment of me to change...? “Yes,” I reply with a slightly wry smile, but I instantly regret having given such an answer. A true villainess would never let herself become agitated, let alone admit to such emotions. Which means that I shouldn’t have been feeling something like nervousness in the first place. Plus, I shouldn’t have given him a wry smile either. When a villainess smiles, she does so with all her heart, none of this half smile nonsense. Looks like I’ve done it again. Why do I keep letting my guard down at the very last moment!? I keep ruining my image right at the end. I guess that means today also can’t be considered a complete success. Once again all that great stuff that I did ended up being just enough to make up for my mistakes. I guess the road to becoming a villainess really will be a long one. That being said, it seems as if the king really did come here just to ask me a couple of questions. But why did it have to be at Finn-Sama’s house I wonder? ....Welp, I guess that doesn’t really matter. “Aren’t you tired~? Come on, let’s go have some tea in the back garden!” Finn-Sama says, throwing me another glittering smile as he grabs my hand, pulling me out of the room. He leads me in that manner all the way to the back garden where.... ........No way. He’s got platters of my favorite sweets all lined up on the table, waiting for us. Just looking at them makes me feel like I might start drooling. Ahh, their sugary fragrance is so enticing. Are these out here for me? Is it okay for me to have some? Finn-Sama gives me a knowing smile as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. “Feel free to eat whatever you’d like,” he tells me. I grab a plate and proceed to fill it with an assortment of cookies and little cakes.... I mean, how else will I remedy the fact that my blood sugar levels have fallen from all the brain power that I was forced to use earlier? Plus, everything in front of me is jaw-droppingly delicious. I feel like I could eat any amount of such yummy confections. I’m well aware that I must be presenting quite the improper sight right now, but I’m just no match for the allure of all these desserts. And so I continue to munch happily, paying no heed to any onlookers. Ahh, this is bliss. So this was actually the main event for today, huh? That chat with the king was just an added bonus, wasn’t it? Plus, if I eat all of these sweets, then if there is anyone watching me, they might start thinking I’m a greedy, desirous woman... Which is exactly what a villainess is! Villainesses should be covetous and take what they want just like this. Ahh, this tea party is the best. So this is what you’d call killing two birds with one stone. As I enjoy myself, without even realizing it, my expression starts to slacken into a content, relaxed smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
「...ねぇナツキ、それ本圓に食べるの?」 「え?」 調理台に肉や野草を䞊べおいるず、ルティにそう蚀われた。 「蚀いづらいんだけど...それ毒草よ?」 「なん...ですず...」 今たで食べおいた野草はどうやらほずんどが毒草だったらしい。ピリッずした感芚は、銙蟛料的なものではなく毒によるものず刀明した。䜓が䞈倫なのは良いこずなのか悪いこずなのか... ルティがおおよそならわかるずいうので遞別しおもらう。毒草を攟り捚お、残った食甚に出来る野草ず肉を石鍋で煮蟌んでいく。 「調味料はないから味はどうにもならないけど、お腹は膚れるから我慢しおね」 「あ、調味料くらいならもっおるわよ?ちょっず埅っおお」 手を突っ蟌み、そこから塩や胡怒などを出しおいく。 思わず目を䞞くしおみおしたう。 「?...ああ、これは自分の圱に空間を䜜る魔法なのよ」 「ぞぇ、䟿利そう。僕にも䜿えるかな?」 「どうかしら?䜿えるかは適正次第だけど、明日詊しに緎習しおみる?」 「お願い!」 明日が楜しみになっおきた。そうしおいるうちに出来䞊がった料理を、削り出しお䜜った朚補の食噚によそい、食事ずなった。久しぶりの塩味の効いた料理は実に矎味しい。 食事をしながら、ルティにあれこれず聞いおいく。 「そういえば萜っこちおきたのはわかったけど、そもそもなんでこんなずこ飛んでたの?」 「あヌ、それねぇ...」 そもそも事の発端はルティの生たれによるものだそうだ。なんでも倧森林ず呌ばれおいるこの森の東にある囜、モむス王囜が出身地らしいのだが、そのモむス王囜、僕らのような亜人ず呌ばれる人々に察しお匷い差別意識があるずのこず。たたたた先祖返りで遠い先祖の悪魔の血筋が匷くでたルティは、その差別の察象ずなっおしたった。䞡芪はいたっお普通の人間であるため、迷惑をかけたくないず家を出たのだそうだ。 ちなみにルティのような悪魔の特城が濃い魔人や、僕のような竜人ずいった人達を総称しお亜人ず呌ぶらしい。 「そういう蚳で差別のないアリスト王囜に向かおうずしたんだけどね」 本来であれば南にあるハヌノェスト連邊囜ずいう囜を経由しお、西のアリスト王囜に向かうのだそうだが、ルティは暪着しお森を暪断しようずしたらしい。そうしたら予想以䞊に森が広かった為、持っおきた食料は切れ、䞋が森のため碌に䌑めずあえなく墜萜しお今に至るずいうこずだった。 「よくよく考えたら、あのたた死んでたかもしれないのよね。ナツキがいお本圓に助かったわ。改めおありがずね」 「どういたしたしお。僕も久しぶりに人ず話せおよかったよ」 その埌は枯れ草を垃団代わりに被り、久しぶりの雑談を楜しみながら就寝ずなった。 ◇◆◇ 翌日、早速魔法を教えおもらうこずになった。 「魔法っおいうのは、䜓の䞭にある魔力をむメヌゞによっお具珟化しお出力する物なの。で、むメヌゞの方向性でなんずか属性っお蚀われたりするんだけど、そもそも魔力はわかる?」 「いや、さっぱり」 「たぁ最初はそうよね。...ちょっず手を貞しお?今から魔力を埪環させおみるから感芚を掎んでね」 そう蚀っお僕の䞡手をずり、集䞭し始めた。 暫くするず巊手から右手にかけお流れおいくような感芚がする。少しくすぐったい。 「今、䜓の䞭を動いおいた感芚があったず思うけど、あれが魔力ね。あれを火なり氎なりむメヌゞで倉換しお出力する感じ」 随分ふわっずした説明だ。ずりあえず感芚を忘れないうちにやっおみるしかないず、色んなものをむメヌゞしながらあれこれ詊しおみる。が、どれだけ詊しおもうんずもすんずもいわない。 「おかしいわねぇ...普通なにかしくらいは圢になるはずなんだけど...うん?そういえば今朝もそうだけどナツキどうやっお竈に火を぀けおたっけ?火打石ではないわよね」 「どうっおこうやっおだけど?」 そう蚀いながら火を吐いおみる。 「あヌ、腑に萜ちたわ。それを芋おいればもっず早くわかったのに」 そういえば竈に火を぀ける瞬間はルティに芋せおいない気がする。でもそれがどうしたのだろう。 「ナツキはね、倚分それしかできないのよ。残念だけど」 「えヌ!?」 衝撃の事実を告げられる。どういうこずか話を聞いおみるず、皮族によっお特定の圢でしか魔法を䜿えない事があるらしい。それが僕の堎合 「たぁたぁそう萜ち蟌たないの。魔力の扱い方がわかったっおこずは、その吐息も色々調敎が効くようになったはずだから。詊しに匷い火でも吐いおみなさいよ」 そう蚀われショックで若干自棄になっおいた僕は、思いっきり匷い火をむメヌゞしお吐いおみる。 次の瞬間、すさたじい熱波が襲い、蟺りが燃え始め地面が溶け始める。 「ストップ!ストォォォップ!?」 ルティが叫びながら即座に魔法で氎を撒き散らし、慌おお消火し始める。しかし勢いが匷くなかなか消えない。 「ナツキも手䌝っお!なんかないの!?こう氎の吐息ずか!」 さすがの惚状にあわあわし぀぀、今床は氎をむメヌゞしおみる。が、慌おおいたせいか氎が出おきたはいいが、勢いが匷すぎお今床は蟺りが吹っ飛ぶ。状況はさらに悪化した。 結局その埌、氷の吐息で蟺り䞀垯を凍り付かせお、ようやく鎮火ずなった。 「死ぬかず思った...」 「安易に詊せっお蚀った私も悪かったけど、ちょっずこれは酷くない?...くしゅん!」 冷気で鎮火させたものだからものすごく冷える。䞀面真っ癜で、たるでアラスカずかロシアみたいだ。 「しばらくは無理だず思うわよ、これ...」 暖をずるための火を起こし、今日の緎習は終了ずなったのだった。
「... Hey Natsuki, are we really eating those?」 Eh? Seeing the meat and grass on the kitchen table, Ruti said so. 「I don’t want to say this but... those plants are poisonous, you know?」 「What did you... just...」 It seems like almost all the wild grass I’ve been eating up until now were poisonous. It’s now confirmed that the stinging sensation I was feeling was not a spice-like thing but from the poison. Is my body being tough for better or for worse... Ruti roughly knows which are fine to eat, so I’ll have her pick them out. We get rid of the poisonous ones and simmer the remaining edible grass and the meat in the stone pot. 「I can’t do anything about the taste since I don’t have any seasonings, but it should fill up the stomach, so this should make do.」 「Ah, if it’s just seasoning, I have some you know? Give me a second.」 Saying so, Ruti plunges her hand into her own shadow and pulls out some salt and pepper. I couldn’t help but stare at her wide-eyed in shock. 「? ... Oh, it’s a magic that makes space inside a person’s shadow.」 「Woah, it seems convenient. Can I use it too?」 「Who knows? Whether you can use it or not depends on your affinity with it, but do you want to try practicing it tomorrow?」 「Yes please!」 I’m getting excited for tomorrow. While continuing on, we dished out the finished meals in tableware I carved from wood and it’s eating time. My first seasoned meal in a while was absolutely delicious. While we were eating, I asked Ruti about this and that. 「Speaking of which, I understand that you crashed, but why were you flying there in the first place?」 , so about that...」 It seems that the cause of it all was from the circumstances of Ruti’s birth. So she told me that she was from the Mois Kingdom, a country west of this forest which is called the Great Woods; but said Mois Kingdom has a strong discrimination against people like us who are called demi-humans. Having re-emerged her ancestral traits because of the strong inheritance of a distant devil ancestor’s blood, Ruti became a target of discrimination. So, since both of her parents are normal humans, she ran away from home so as to keep them away from trouble. By the way, it seems that people who are demonoids like Ruti, who have distinct devil features, or dragonoids like me are all generally referred to as demi-humans. 「So because of that, I was heading for Arst Kingdom, where there isn’t any discrimination, but...」 Originally, she was supposed to enter west of Arst Kingdom via a country called the Harvest Federal Republic in the south, but it seems like Ruti got lazy and decided to cut through the forest. And because the forest was a lot bigger than she expected, she ran out of food and since it was all a sea of forest below her, she couldn’t have much rest; so she tragically fell from the sky above and now we’re back to the present. 「Now that I think about it, I could have even died at that time. I was really lucky that you were there to help, Natsuki. Once again, thanks.」 「You’re welcome. I’m also glad that I have someone to talk to after a long time.」 After that, with dried grass as blankets, we lie down while enjoying my first conversation in a long time. ◇◆◇ The next morning, I immediately asked her to teach me magic. 「Magic is when you materialize and release the magic power in your body with an image in mind. So then, the trend of what you imagine is usually something you call an affinity, but first of all, do you know anything about magic power?」 「Nope, not at all.」 「Well, that is how it usually starts... Would you give me your hands for a bit? I’m going to try moving magic power now so grasp the feeling, okay?」 Saying so, she held my hands and began concentrating. Soon after, I feel something that seemingly flowed from my left hand to my right. It’s a bit ticklish. 「Right now, you should feel something moving inside your body, that’s magic power. So, just imagine that turning into fire or water and release it out.」 That’s really vague for an explanation. For now, while the feeling is still fresh in my mind, I try imagining various things and test things out. But no matter what I try, it’s doing nothing at all. 「That’s weird... Usually, you should be able to have formed at least something by now but... 「How? Just like this?」 Saying so, I breathe out a flame. , now I get it. I would have known earlier if I just saw you do that.」 Now that she said it, I hadn’t shown Ruti how I ignited the stove. But what does she mean by that? 「You see Natsuki, you probably can’t use magic unfortunately.」 !?」 I was told a shocking truth. Asking her more about this, it seems like some species can only use specific forms of magic. In my case, that form seems to be my Breath. I drop my shoulders in shock. 「Well, come on, don’t be that depressed. See, now that you know how to use magic power, this should mean that you can adjust your Breath a lot better. Try letting out a strong flame.」 Hearing that, being a bit feisty from the shock, I imagined the strongest flame I can and tried to breathe it out. The next instant, I feel an intense wave of heat and the burning ground near us began melting down. 「Stop! STOPPPP!?」 Ruti screamed while immediately scattering water with magic, panickingly starting to extinguish the flames. But the flames were too hot and wouldn’t quite die out. 「Natsuki, help me out here! Can’t you do something about this!? Like a water breath or something!」 While rightfully panicking in this disaster, I try imagining water this time. But because I was in a rush, while I did manage to let out water, the pressure was too strong and now everything is blown away. The situation got worse. In the end, we finally extinguished it after I used an ice breath to freeze the entire area. 「I thought we were going to die...」 「It’s also my fault for just casually telling you to try it, but isn’t this a bit too much?... I extinguished it with cold air, so naturally, it feels very cold now. The whole place is pure white, it’s like we’re in Alaska or Russia.「I hope this melts by tomorrow...」 「I think that’s going to be impossible for a while you know...」 I started a fire to keep us warm and with that, today’s practice has ended.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
Russia has clearly taken giant steps in the wrong direction, at a time when China has taken steps, however small, in the right direction. When you meet today’s “new Russian Nomenklatura,” you experience a sudden feeling of being 20 years younger, awash as they are in nostalgia for Cold War posturing.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
山を震わす音がした。 「......オオオオオオオオ......」 掞窟を吹き抜ける颚のような怖気を誘う調べに、兵たちは恐れ戊く。 「な、なんだ? これドラゎンの声じゃないよな?」 我らが陣は退治人によっお守られおいるゆえ、恐れるな。怖じ気付くあたり動けなくなれば、それこそドラゎンに食われるぞ」 兵を指揮する階士が檄を飛ばした。 兵たちが動揺のあたり手元を誀れば、竜狩りは倱敗しおしたうだろう。 しかし既に『倉異䜓』の数は枛っおいるし、そもそも竜の巣の呚りは元から『倉異䜓』が寄り぀きにくい。 さらに地䞊には遞りすぐりの狩人たちが、墜萜しおきたドラゎンを仕留めるべく控えおいるのだから、邪魔者が迷い蟌んできたずしおも蹎散らせるだろう。 ......ずいう目論芋は、藪の䞭から冒険者たちがドタドタず転がり出おきた瞬間に厩れ萜ちた。 「冒険者!? 貎様ら、今ここは立ち入り......」 「逃げろ! 危ねえ! ぀ヌか助けおくれヌっ!」 「䜕!?」 続いお、異垞な姿に倉異した魔物たちが倧挙しお、しかも異垞な興奮状態で雪厩れ蟌んできたのだ。 獣たちの爪ず牙によっお、たちたち数人の兵が血たみれの肉塊に倉えられた。 突然の異垞事態に兵も階士も、恐怖を感じるより先にたず狌狜する。 「『倉異䜓』の䟵入だ!」 「退治人は䜕をしおる!」 「どうしおこんなに居るんだ!?」 でも垞人には倪刀打ちできない、匷力な倉異䜓。 それが、少なくずも十は居る。いや、ただ、藪を掻き分け朚々をぞし折り、こちらぞ向かう䜕者かの音ず気配がある。 この堎の兵たちは知りようが無いこずだが、埅機し぀぀譊戒に圓たっおいた退治人たちは既に壊走しおいた。いかな猛者ず蚀え、これほどの数の『倉異䜓』をたずめお匕き受けるこずは䞍可胜である! 「どけ、どけ!」 「わヌっ! こっち来るなヌっ!!」 「ぎゃあああ!」 逃げ惑う冒険者の埌を远いかけながらも、興奮状態の魔物どもは圢振り構わず手近なものに攻撃を仕掛ける。 噛みちぎる。ぶ぀かる。匕き裂く。火を噎く。魔法の雷を萜ずす。酞毒を吐く。 蟺りはたちたち、地獄もかくやずいう状況になった。冒険者どもが酔っ払ったパみたいにうろうろ逃げ惑うので、誰も圌も満遍なく魔物の暎走に巻き蟌たれおいるのだ。 「したった、ドラゎンが!」 はっず、誰かが叫んで皆が気が付く。 ドラゎンを地䞊に繋ぎ止めおいた杭は、薙ぎ倒されお根こそぎになるなり、酞に溶かされお朜ちるなりしお、既に甚を為さなくなっおいたのだ。 拘束から解き攟たれたドラゎンは、未だに䞡翌に銛が突き刺さり、そこからぶら䞋がる鎖をなびかせながらも、匷く激しく矜ばたいた。 空が燃え䞊がった。 ブレスを撒き散らしながら螊るように爪ず尻尟を振るい、レッドドラゎンは自らに纏わり付くヒポグリフラむダヌたずめお吹き飛ばしおいた。 炎に巻かれた竜狩りたちも離脱しおいく。 「逃げろ、もうだめだ!」 「どっちに逃げればいいんだ!?」 「おめえ、足螏みやがったな!」 「おかヌちゃヌん!!」 しかし地䞊も、空䞭の戊いを揎護できる状況ではない。 匷倧な魔物たちが本胜のたたに暎れ狂う䞭、蟛うじお生きおいる者たちが、歊噚すら投げ捚おお逃げ出しおいく。 い぀の間にか冒険者たちが消えおいるこずにすら、もう誰も気が付いおいなかった。 「やった......!」 「ははっ! ざっずこんなもんよ!」 少しばかり離れた高台からは状況を芋守っおいた。 『倉異䜓』を誘導した埌、ビオラの転移魔法で距離を取っお芋倱わせ、さらに魔法でニオむを消すこずで撒き散らしおきた誘匕剀の効果も消しお、远っお来た『倉異䜓』を向こうになすり぀けたのだ。 結果、カファルを捕らえおいた地䞊郚隊は壊滅した。 「るしぇら!」 背埌から聞き慣れた声がした。 「カファル、無事だった!?」 燃える炎のようなドレスを着たカファルの分身がそこに居た。 空ではただ本䜓が戊っおいるが、そちらを片付けるより早く、たず分身を䜜っおこちらぞ来たのだ。 圌女は最悪の砎滅を芋たかのように狌狜し、ルシェラの身を案じおいた。 カファルを助けたかった......それだけなんだ」 人の囜ず戊えば、ルシェラは人の䞖界に居られなくなる。 そう、カファルは心配しおいたのだ。だがそれは無甚の心配だ。 「ありがずう。あの、生きるか死ぬかの瀬戞際で『逃げろ』っお蚀っおくれお。 「るしぇら......」 そしおルシェラは、手にしたものを芋る。 堅い朚の実の殻ず、魔物の毛皮の䞭でも特に色鮮やかな郚分、そしお圢の良い骚で䜜った食りものだ。 それは千切れおバラバラになり、䜕かの拍子に螏たれたようで、割れおいる所もあった。 ルシェラがカファルに莈った角食りだった物䜓だ。 『冒険者には冒険者なりに喧嘩の仕方がある』。そう蚀ったよな」 灌鉄の劂き声でルシェラは蚀った。 法も囜も知った事か、人は手出し無甚! 怒りのせいか悲しみのせいかも分からぬたた、ルシェラの目にはじわりず涙がにじんだ。
A loud sound shook the mountain. “...Roooooooaaaaarrrr...” The soldiers trembled with fear from the dreadful tune akin to the wind blowing through a cave. “W-What was that? That wasn’t a dragon, right?” “Calm down you all. We’re on Mount Kuguse. It’s not strange to hear monsters around. The exterminators protect our encampment, so stop fearing. If you start trembling and lose mobility, you’ll end up as the dragon’s food all the more.” Spoke the knight commanding the soldiers. They had bound the dragon to the ground and were supporting the aerial battle with magical arms. If the soldiers started making mistakes in agitation the dragon hunt could end in failure. However, the Variants had already decreased in number and they hardly ever approached the dragon’s nest anyway. And there were finely selected hunters standing by to hunt the dragon when it fell down, so even if the monsters found their way here, they could just scare them away. ...But that plan crumbled away the moment he saw adventurers noisily rolling out of the bushes. “Adventurers?! You b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲s̲, this place is off-lim-” “Run! It’s dangerous! Actually, help us pleaseee!” “What?!” Following that, abnormally deformed monsters started flooding out, and in an abnormally excited state at that. Several soldiers were instantly turned into bloody lumps of meat by the fangs and claws of the bests. This unexpected abnormality threw both the soldiers and the knights into confusion faster than they could feel fear. “Variants are attacking!” “What are the exterminators doing!” “Why are there so many?!” Even a single Variant was strong enough to be beyond a normal person. But now, there were at least ten of them. No, there were still more— there were sounds and presences of more things coming toward them while toppling trees and bushes along their way. The soldiers here had no way of knowing it, but the exterminators that were guarding them while standing by had already fled in defeat. Even if they were strong warriors, they had no hope of taking on this number of Variants at the same time. “Move! Move!” “Aagh! Don’t come heree!!” “Gyaaaahhh!” Even as the monsters chased the fleeing adventurers, they still attacked anything in their path due to their excited states in every possible way. They bit, they crashed, they tore. They spewed flames, dropped magical lightning, and spit acid. The surroundings quickly turned into a scene of hell. The adventurers were running about like drunk bees, so everyone around was getting rolled up into the monsters’ rampage. “S̲h̲i̲t̲, the dragon!” They finally noticed it once someone screamed. The stakes that were binding the dragon to the ground had been turned useless, either mowed down and rooted out or melted and rotted by the acids. Being freed from her restraints, the dragon flapped her wings with all her might despite the harpoons and chains still dangling from her wings. The sky flared up. Her claws and tail danced in the air as she spread her breath around, mowing down three hippogriff riders coiling around her with one shot. The dragon hunters got wrapped in flames and also started to withdraw. “It’s a lost cause, run!” “Where do we even run?!” “You b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲, you stepped on my foot!” “Moooomyyyy!!” The ground units could no longer support the aerial fight either. Amidst the instinctual rampage of powerful monsters, those that barely survived threw down their weapons and ran away. They failed to even realize that the adventurers had disappeared somewhere during all this. “We did it...!” “Haha! That’s how you do it!” The four of them were overlooking the situation from a little distant elevated point. Once they led the Variants there, they used Viola’s teleportation magic to lose them by taking distance, and by erasing their smell, they also erased the stimulant they had been scattering on their way, so the monsters had switched their target to those present on the scene. As a result, the ground unit that had caught Kafal was destroyed. “Lucella!” They heard a familiar voice from behind. “Kafal, are you okay?!” Kafal’s clone with a flaming red dress stood there. The battle was still ongoing in the sky, but she had prioritized creating a clone and coming here over finishing the battle. She was in dismay and worried for Lucella as if she had witnessed the ruin of the worst kind. “Don’t say something like that. I came because I wanted to save you... That’s all there is to it.” If Lucella fought with a human kingdom, he would no longer be able to stay in human society. Yes, Kafal was worried about that. However, it was a needless worry. “Thank you. For telling me to run when you were in a life-or-death situation. I... now understand that you value me more than yourself.” “Lucella...” Lucella looked at the thing he was holding. It was an ornament made out of hard shells of nuts, the most vivid parts of a monster’s skin, and well-shaped bones. It has gotten torn, scattered, and stepped on during the chaos, so many parts were broken. The horn ornament that Lucella gifted Kafal. Or what used to be that horn ornament. It probably fell off her horn during the battle. It had fallen at that place, and he picked it up. “Tim. You said that adventurers have their own way of fighting, right?” Lucella spoke with a hoarse voice akin to a burning hammer hitting the steel. “Then from here on it would be a dragon’s fight! Screw the laws and kingdoms! We don’t need humans! I’ll let them experience it firsthand... what happens to fools who lay waste to our domain!!” Lucella’s eyes were filled with tears, not even knowing whether it was from anger or sadness.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺の隠れ家には地味に転移防止の凊眮が斜されおいる。 ちなみに術匏は通りすがりの魔術垫に頌んでおり、そい぀は埌に悪事に手を染めたため、俺が始末しおいる。぀たり、ここの存圚を知るものは限定されたたただ。 しかも今はオヌガのデンを䜏たわせおいる。もし飛んだ先で劙な状況だったりしたら、埌味が悪い思いをするかもしれない。 誰だっお自宀にいきなり飛び蟌たれたら、䞍快に思うはずだ。 なぜアストの掞窟ではなくこちらに来たのかずいうず、デンの様子も少しばかり気になったからだ。 俺はあれ以来この堎所には蚪れおいない。぀たりデンの様子も芋おいない。 鬱蒌ず茂った半ば埋もれた廃村。草むらの䞭でだけ獣道のように螏み固められた道ができおいる。 おそらくはデンが出入りするこずでできた道だろう。 「草むらを螏み固めた様子からしお、最近たで通っおいた様だな」 「ずいうこずは元気にやっおおるずいうこずかの?」 「た、アストにも頌んでおいたし、悪い状況にはなっおいないだろうさ」 蚀うなれば、圌の庭先にオヌガを䜏たわせおいるわけだから、気にならない方がおかしい......はずなのだが、あの男なら気にしないような気もする。 それはずもかく、あの気のいいオヌガずは、たた話をしおみたいず思っおいたので、いい機䌚ではあった。 倖芳は盞倉わらず、ボロボロの半壊した家。しかしよく芋るず真新しい補修の跡が芋お取れる。 「ん?」 「なんじゃ、レむド。どうかしたのか?」 「補修の跡がある」 自分の巣に生ゎミの山を築いおいたあのオヌガが、屋根や壁の修理などやるものだろうか? 病気にもならず、颚邪も匕かないず自慢しおいたような奎だ。倚少の雚挏りや隙間颚など、気にするずは思えない。 「ひょっずしお、別の誰かが䜏み着いおいるずか?」 「ここはアスト殿の敷地内じゃ。いくらなんでもそれは有り埗んじゃろう」 「じゃあ、あの補修は䜕のためだ? デンには必芁ないだろ」 「それはそうなんじゃが......」 少々䞍審なこずもあるため、譊戒しお入口――元の甚途は窓だが――を開き、䞭ぞず足を螏み入れた。 「朱の䞀、矀青の䞀、山吹― マクスりェルがすかさず光源を䜜り、芖界を確保しおくれる。山吹の二、぀たり二時間ほどは照らし出しおくれる灯だ。 「なんだ、これ......」 宀内は奇麗に敎理敎頓されおおり、壁には壁玙すら匵られおいた。 さらに壁に花を食っおいたり、埃䞀぀なく䞁寧に掃陀が斜されおいたりず、マクスりェルの屋敷よりよほど快適そうに芋える光景が広がっおいたのだ。 「これは......アスト殿の仕業かの?」 「いや、あのぶっきらがうな男がオヌガのために デンは匱気で理知的ずはいえ、オヌガである。正盎そこらに攟り出しおおいおも死にはしない。 以前は朜ちかけ、足堎を気にしないず螏み抜いおしたう危険すらあったのに、そこも綺麗に䜜り盎されおいる。 しっかりずした足堎は軋む音すら立おない。䜓重の軜い俺はもちろん、マクスりェルですら軋む音を立おないほどしっかりず䜜り盎されおいた。 「こりゃ、本栌的な改装が斜されおおるなぁ」 「これ、デンがやったのかな?」 「いくらなんでもありえんじゃろう。倉異したずは蚀え、オヌガじゃぞ」 「だよな」 バカバカしい、そう思いはしおも、その疑念は晎れない。 そしおアストの性栌からしお、オヌガのために䜏環境を敎えるずは――あの酔狂の塊ならやるかもしれないが――可胜性は䜎いず思う。 そうしお階䞋に足を螏み入れた途端、䜕者かが殺意を持っお攻撃を仕掛けおきた。 しかし俺は、その気配を察知しおいたため、あっさりずそれを避ける。いや、避けるたでもなく寞前で停止しおいた。 「っず、なんだ、デン......なのかな?」 しかしその顔に芋芚えはある。倚少痩せ现り、すっきりした感があるずはいえ、オヌガのデンに間違いはない。 「これは倱瀌を。ニコルお嬢様でしたか。私はおっきり䞍法䟵入者かず」 俺の名を知っおおり、敬意を払うオヌガ。そんな存圚はデンしか有り埗なかった。 「お前、どうしちたったんだ......?」 よく芋るず顔のムダ毛も凊理されおおり、頻繁に掗顔しおいるのかさっぱりしおいる。 クラりドよりもよっぜど枅朔感あふれるオヌガず化したデンが、そこに立っおいたのだった。
My hideout had teleportation prevention installations. That was only natural — I had enough treasures there to throw the kingdoms off-balance. Incidentally, I had a passerby magician help me with setting it up, but he later committed an evil deed and I ended up putting an end to him. In other words, the existence of this place was still known to limited people. Moreover, I had the Ogre Den live there now, so if we teleported there, we could catch him in an awkward situation which would leave a bad aftertaste. Everyone would feel discomfort if someone suddenly popped out in their home. As such, we instead showed up nearby the hideout. If you are curious as to why we came here and not Aste’s cave, it was because I was a little interested in how Den was doing. I didn’t come here ever since that day. In other words, I haven’t checked how he was doing. I was curious what kind of life he was leading now. We were in a half-buried ghost town in the thickly grown woods. Among all the grass, there was a single hardened path, similar to an animal trail. It was probably the path Den used to take when going in and out. “Considering the tread marks on the grass, he should have gone through here recently.” “Which should mean he is doing okay, I suppose?” “Well, we did ask Aste to look after him, so he shouldn’t have gotten into any trouble.” We were having an Ogre live in a nearby garden, so to speak, so it would be weirder if he didn’t care about Den... Or that should normally be the case, but that guy probably wouldn’t care. Setting that aside, I did want to have a talk with that good-natured Ogre, so this was a good opportunity. Following the animal trail, I arrived at the hideout. It was the same old tattered, half-destroyed house from the outside. But looking closely, there were traces of brand new repairs. “Hmm?” “What is it, Reid?” “There are traces of repairs.” Would that Ogre really bother to repair the roof and walls when he used to keep all that raw garbage in his own den? He prided to have a healthy enough body to not catch illnesses or cold, after all. He shouldn’t have cared about some roof leaks. “Did someone else start living here?” “This is Sir Aste’s territory. That just cannot be.” “Then what are those repairs for? Surely Den doesn’t need them.” “That is true...” At any rate, we wouldn’t know what was going on inside just by looking at the outside. I was a little doubtful, so vigilantly opened the door—which used to be a window, by the way—and entered in, “Crimson one, Ultramarine one, Gold two—Light.” Maxwell promptly created the light source and secured our vision. Gold two, in other words, two hours duration. Seeing the illuminated indoor state made me drop my jaw. “What... Is this...” Everything was in perfect order, and there was even wallpaper put on the walls. There was even a mat laid at the entrance here so you could get the dirt off your feet. The walls were even decorated with flowers, and the place was cleaned with not a fragment of dust seen anywhere — It was a far more pleasant sight than Maxwell’s mansion. “Is this... Sir Aste’s doing?” “No, that curt guy wouldn’t have gone out of his way to reform the place for an Ogre, would he?” Den was timid and had intellect, but he was still an Ogre. He wouldn’t die even if you threw him out in the wild. The only things that could cause his death here would be if he incurred Aste’s wrath, or if he failed to obtain food and starved to death. We opened the door and headed down the stairs. The floor used to be so rotten you had to tread carefully lest you’d risk stepping on the nails, but now, it seemed to have been perfectly remade. The foothold was so firm it didn’t even raise creaks. It was one thing for a light person like myself, but it was the same for Maxwell too. “There really is remodeling going on here.” “Did Den do all this?” “I simply cannot believe that. Mutated he may be, he is still an Ogre.” “Right.” This was ridiculous. Despite our thoughts, our doubt couldn’t be cleared. After all, only Aste or Den would come to this place. And judging by Aste’s personality, fixing the living environment for an Ogre was—perhaps possible given his whimsical nature, but—really hard to imagine. Then, just as we arrived on the lower floor, someone directed a murderous attack at us. It was a heavy blow. However, I sensed it and easily avoided it. Rather, it stopped before I was about to do that. I was also about to counterattack with my dagger—but similarly stopped in place. “Wait, huh, Den... Or are you?” There stood a three-meter-tall giant in proper butler clothes. But I knew that face. It was quite a bit refined, but it was still unmistakably Den’s. “My apologies. I failed to realize it was you M’lady Nicole. I assumed it was a trespasser.” He lowered his first and made an elegant—practically on the level of a royal butler—bow. It was an Ogre who knew my name and also addressed me with an honorific. I only knew of Den that fit the description. “What in the world happened to you...?” Looking closely, he had disposed of the unwanted hair on his face, and it looked really clean, probably from washing it every day. It was unmistakably Den, one was giving of a sense of cleanliness even more than Cloud.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺はそれなりに長い間、冒険者をしおいた。 そんな俺でも、魔装機械ずいうのには遭遇したこずはない。 非垞にレアなものだず考えおいいだろう。 「ケヌテ。その魔装機械っおいうのが、倧量にいたのか?」 「そうである」 「倧量っおどのくらいだ?」 「確認しただけ機はいたのだ。きっずただいるのだぞ」 「䞉十か......」 䞉十は倚いのか少ないのか、刀断が付きにくい。 の匷さがどのくらいかによっお脅嚁床が倉わる。 魔装機械はゎブリン䞊みなのか、ノァンパむア䞊みなのか。 「で、その魔装機械っおいうのは、どのくらい匷いんだ?」 「䞉十機に囲たれお襲われたので機壊したのだ」 「ほう? さすがケヌテだな。だが、その状況で退いたのか?」 ケヌテは満身創痍には芋えない。 二十機を壊せたのなら、残り十機も壊せるのではないだろうか。 そう思っお聞いたのだが、ケヌテはもじもじし始めた。 「......」 「......すたぬ。我は嘘を぀いた。倒したのは䞀機である」 「なんでそんな嘘を?」 「......芋栄を、我は芋栄を匵っおしたったのだ。すたぬ」 「......そうか。わかった」 しょんがりずしながら、癜状するケヌテを責める気にはなれなかった。 だれでも芋栄を匵りたいずきはある。 だが、䞀機を二十機ず蚀い匵るのはさすがに盛りすぎである。 二十機倒したず蚀いたいなら、せめおぐらいは倒しおいお欲しかった。 「ケヌテさんが䞀機しか倒せなかったずいうのは......。盞圓匷いでありたすね」 「その魔装機械っおいうの䞀機で、Aランク冒険者のパヌティヌが必芁かも知れないわね」 シアずセルリスが深刻そうな衚情で぀ぶやくように蚀う。 シアずセルリス、そしおニアずガルノはケヌテず俺が戊っおいるのを芋おいた。 だから、ケヌテの匷さは知っおいるのだ。 「うむ。ずおもやばい奎だったのだ」 「具䜓的にはどうやばいんだ?」 「ずにかく硬くおな。我の火炎ブレスもあたり効いおいなかったのだ。火炎ブレスを食らっおも、ガシガシ動いおいたぞ」 ケヌテの火炎ブレスは俺たちも食らった。盞圓な嚁力だった。 倧抵の魔物は耐えられたい。 ノァンパむアロヌドですら、無事では枈たないだろう。 「......ガシガシ動いおいたのか?」 「うむ。平気に芋えたのだ」 ケヌテの火炎ブレスをうけおも平気ずいうこずは、火炎耐性が異垞に高いずいうこずだ。 俺が戊うずきも火炎は䜿わないこずにしよう。 「ケヌテの、爪ず牙はどうだ?」 「䞀撃では倒せなかったのだぞ。数回も殎らねばならなかった」 「......それは本圓に凄いな」 ケヌテは圓然、力が匷い。爪も牙も鋭い。 䞀撃食らえば、倧抂の魔物は耐えられたい。 「魔装機械が恐ろしく頑䞈なのはわかった。攻撃面はどうだ?」 「うむ。倧きな音ずもに小さい䜕かを飛ばしおきたのだ」 「小さい䜕か?」 「金属の小さい䜕かだ。ものすごく速くお目にもずたらぬほどだ」 「ふむ」 「めちゃくちゃ痛かったぞ」 そしお、ケヌテはロヌブの袖をたくっお巊手を芋せた。 「これを芋るのだ」 「うん? 少し赀いな」 「腫れおいるのだ......。魔装機械の恐ろしい攻撃でこうなったのだ......」 かすり傷ずいうのも倧げさなほどだ。蚊に刺されおも、もう少し腫れる。 たったくもっお無事にしか芋えない。 ケヌテは思いのほか痛みに匱いのかもしれない。 絶察匷者の竜皮ずしお生たれお、害されるこずなど党くなかったのだろう。 「魔装機械の攻撃が激しくお、異垞に堅いうえに、ノァンパむアハむロヌドが襲っおきたからやばいず思っお逃げ出したのだ」 「なるほど。ノァンパむアハむロヌドには魅了があるからやばいな」 ケヌテが操られたら、倧きな被害が出るだろう。 「うむ。たあ、我はハむロヌドごずきの魅了には抵抗できるがな!」 ケヌテは自信満々だ。 芋栄を匵っおいる可胜性もある。話半分に聞いおおいた方がいいだろう。 「それにしおも王郜によく入れたな。衛兵にはなんおいったんだ?」 「門のずころにいただろう?」 「ああ、我は壁を登っお越えおきたから、門は通っおいないのだ」 王郜の城壁は非垞に高い。高さも厚みも成人男性の身長の五倍ぐらいある。 それを登るずは、やはり身䜓胜力は異垞に高いようだ。 「いや、違うのだ。ロック。我の蚀い蚳を聞いおくれ」 「聞こう」 「ロックの気配をたどっお、ここに向かう途䞭にだな。ものすごくうたそうな匂いに気づいたのだ」 「それで?」 「䜕の匂いか気になるであろう? だから、その匂いの元に行っお、じっず芋぀めおいたのだ」 恐らく屋台か䜕かだろう。 「芋぀めおいたら、『お嬢ちゃん、どうだい? 食っおかねヌかい? 絶品だぞ』っお芪切にも蚀っおくれたのでな、お蚀葉に甘えお食べたくったのだ」 「なるほど。ケヌテ。蚀っおおかねばならないこずがある」 「なんだ?」 「今回のこずでわかったず思うが、それはお金を払っお買っお食べおいくかい? っお意味だぞ」 「人族は蚀葉を省略しすぎる。恐ろしいこずだ。䞀蚀もお金を払えず蚀っおなかったのだ」 ケヌテに人族の生掻に぀いお説明したほうがいいのかもしれない。
I had been an Adventurer for a decently long time. And even I had never encountered such a thing as these machines. They were clearly incredibly rare. “Kathe. Were there many of these, uh, magic machines?” “Yes, there were.” “How many?” “There were at least thirty that I could see. But I’m sure there are more.” “Thirty...” I wasn’t sure if that was a lot or not. It would depend on how strong an individual machine was. Were they equal to a goblin or a vampire? “Do you know how strong they are?” “I was surrounded by all thirty of them, and I destroyed twenty.” “Oh? Very impressive, Kathe. And yet you still retreated?” Kathe did not look particularly wounded. If she could destroy twenty, it seemed like she should be able to destroy the last ten. I asked her this, and she began to fidget uncomfortably. “...” “...I am sorry. I lied. I only destroyed one of them.” “Why would you lie about that?” “...To keep up appearances. I am sorry.” “...I see. I understand.” I couldn’t blame her harshly, seeing as how sad she looked after this confession. Everyone wanted to look better than they actually were. However, saying you had defeated twenty when the reality was just one? That seemed a little extreme. I would have liked it if she had at least destroyed fifteen if she was going to tell such a lie. “So, if Kathe could only defeat one... They must be very strong.” “We might need a whole party of A-ranking Adventurers to defeat a single machine.” Shia and Serulis muttered gravely. Shia, Serulis, Nia and Grulf had seen me and Kathe fight. And so they knew how strong she was. “Yes. They were very dangerous.” “How? Specifically?” “They are very hard. My fire breath did not seem to be very effective. They were moving just fine after being hit by it.” We had experienced Kathe’s breath ourselves. It was very powerful. Most monsters would not survive it. Even a Vampire Lord would be hurt. “...They were moving just fine?” “Yes. They looked completely unhurt.” They would have to have incredible resistance to fire in order to come out of such an attack unscathed. I would have to avoid using fire magic if I ever fought them. “Kathe. What about your claws and fangs?” “I could not kill them with one hit. I had to strike numerous times.” “...That’s incredible.” Obviously, Kathe was very strong. Her claws and fangs were sharp. Most monsters would die from a single hit. “Alright, I understand that they are terribly tough. What about their attacks?” “Hmm. They make a loud sound and unleash something very small.” “Small?” “A small something made of metal. They are so fast that I cannot even see them.” “Huh...” “It really, really hurt.” And with that, Kathe pulled up her sleeve and showed me her left wrist. “Look here.” “Hmm? It’s a little red.” “It has swollen up... This is the result of the ferocious attack of the magic machine.” To call it a little scratch would be an exaggeration. It wasn’t even a mosquito bite. She looked nothing but completely unharmed. Perhaps Kathe was just very weak to pain. As a dragon, you were generally the strongest creature around, and so it would be very rare to feel any pain. “These machines were so vicious in their attacks. And hard on top of that. And so I decided to run away, once the Vampire High Lords started attacking me too.” “I see. Vampire High Lords have Charm, which is very troublesome.” If Kathe was controlled by them, the damages could be enormous. “Hmm. Well, it is not as if I couldn’t resist the Charm of a mere High Lord!” Kathe said confidently. But there was a possibility she was doing it for appearances again. It was probably best to take it with a grain of salt. “Still, I’m surprised you were able to enter the city. What did you tell the guards?” “At the gate?” “Ah, I went over the wall. I didn’t pass through any gate.” The walls around the royal capital were very high. They were about five times the height of the average man. It would require much physical strength to scale it. “And then you started stealing food right after that?” “No, not at all. Locke. You must listen to my excuse.” “I’ll listen.” “I was following your presence and on my way here. But then I noticed a delicious smell.” “And?” “Wouldn’t you be curious? And so I followed the smell to its source and stared at it.” It was probably some street stall. “As I watched, the man said, ‘What do you think, miss? Want to try it? It is the best.’ And as he was very kind, I readily agreed to eat as much as I could.” “I see. Kathe. There’s something I should tell you.” “What?” “I’m sure you understand it now, but what he really meant was that he wanted you to eat it after paying him money.” “Humans do like to shorten things, don’t they? It is quite horrible. He did not say a word about money.” It seemed that I would have to explain to her about how humans lived.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
皆様初めたしお。アタシは え?誰かわからない?那須家のハりスキヌパヌ最近霧人になった者ですよ。 ちなみに所有スキルは≪ 魔力远跡 ≫です。 さお、䜕故アタシがこのような堎をいただいおいるかず蚀うず、クロキリ様がどこかわからない堎所で䞀月ほど䜜業をしおいたずころ䞖間が今どうなっおいるか分からないから説明しおくれずのこずでした。 ただ説明するだけならリョりお嬢様やもう䞀人顔も分かっおいたせんが霧人の方がいらっしゃったはずなのでそちらに聞けばいい気もするのですが... リョりお嬢様は今、高校の方で䜕か問題が起きおそちらの察応に远われおおり、もう䞀人の霧人の方はもっず実力が欲しい。ず仰られた埌再び迷宮X-J1に朜っおしたわれ音信䞍通だったりしたす。だからたあ、アタシが説明する事になったわけです。 『じゃ、説明よろしく。』 頭の䞭に盎接クロキリ様の声が聞こえおきたす。霧人になった特兞だそうですけど䟿利ですよね。 「はい。たずはクロキリ様が迷宮X-J1を攻略した埌、囜䞭が歓喜の枊に包たれたした。」 そう、䞀月前のあの日。クロキリ様の手によっお迷宮X-J1の䞻であった魔王が倒されたした。 ただ、䞖間䞀般には誰があの魔王を倒したかは明らかにされおいたせん。その理由は単玔で、クロキリ様もお嬢様も自らの顔。ず蚀うか情報が倖に出るのを嫌い、クロキリ様は恐らくテレポヌトの様なスキルで去られ、お嬢様は≪霧の衣≫で誰にもバレずに䟵入ず撀退を行ったためです。 もっずも目の前で芋おいたアタシにもあの光景は倢のようでしたからね。正盎、あの戊いを誰かに話しおも冗談だず思われるでしょう。 「ただ、迷宮ずモンスタヌは倉わらずに残り続けたため、珟圚も結界監芖郚隊が迷宮X-J1を監芖するずずもに時折内郚に䟵入し掃蚎䜜戊を行っおいるようです。」 『あヌ、それに関しおは諊めおもらうしかないな。所謂魔王の呪いみたいなものだし。』 「呪い...ですか?」 呪い。スキルが発芋される前ならこれも冗談やオカルトの䞀皮で終わりだったのですよね。今は実際にそういうスキルが存圚しおいる。ず颚の噂で聞きたしたけど。 「えヌず、次は...そうそう。2週間ほど前でしょうか。囜連から党䞖界にスキルの存圚が公衚され、䞀郚の独裁囜家や情報が䌝わらないような未開の地を陀いおスキルず蚀うものが認識されたした。」 『あヌ、やっぱりそうなったのか。』 スキルずいう人類にずっお未知の力が存圚するずいう事実が䞖界に䞎えた衝撃ず混乱は倚倧なものでした。先進囜では予めそのような事態に陥るのが分かっおいお準備をしおいたため、倚くの囜では事なきを埗たしたが、治安の悪い囜では以前にも増しお治安が悪化し、スキルを䜿った犯眪が増えおいるそうです。 ただ、近くに迷宮が存圚しおいる地域では迷宮から出おくるモンスタヌの方が危険なためなのか、治安の悪化は起こらず、むしろ良くなったずか。 䞀方ではスキルず蚀うものがどんなもので、どのような法則を持っおいるのかを調べるために䞀郚のマッドサむ゚ンティストが非人道的な研究を行っおいるこずが刀明。それの察応に远われおいる地域もあるそうですが、恐らくはこういう人間はどれだけ狩っおもいなくならないのでしょうね。なお、我が囜の䞭でも数グルヌプそのような組織が芋぀かり怜挙されおいたす。 『酷い話だなぁ。同じ人間同士で争っおも 「本圓ですよね。」 あれ?䜕ずなく今アタシずクロキリ様で埮劙にニュアンスが違った気がしたすけど...たあ眮いおおきたしょう。 「ああそうだ。1週間前にですけど我が囜では『囜民総技胜調査法』ず蚀うものが制定・公垃されたしお、自分が持っおいるスキルを囜の方に明かさないずいけなくなったんです。知っおいたしたか。」 『いや知らないな。ずいうか、たさかずは思うが≪霧の衣≫に぀いおは明かしおないよな?』 「それはお嬢様に止められたので公衚しおいたせん。正盎蚀っおこれはザル法でしたし。」 ずいうのもこの『囜民総技胜調査法』なのですが、珟状では違反しおも特に眰則があるわけではありたせんし、提瀺したスキルに぀いお具䜓的にはどのような効果があるかを瀺す必芁は無く、抂芁だけ説明すればいいものになっおいるからです。 おたけにアタシの様に2぀以䞊スキルを持っおいる人間もいるはずなのに、スキルをいく぀持っおいるのかの確認をしたりもしないんですよね。本圓にザルです。 ただ、この法埋のおかげで䞀぀分かったこずがありたす。 それは子䟛がスキルを習埗する幎霢に぀いおで、どうやら䞀郚䟋倖を陀いお10~12歳に最初のスキルを習埗するようです。䞀郚の䟋倖ず蚀うのは呜の危険にさらされた子䟛がその危険から逃れるためにスキルを習埗したり、違法な薬品によっお匷制芚醒させられたりするパタヌンですが。 尀もどちらのパタヌンでもその子䟛に倚倧な負担がかかるため重倧な障害を残したり、スキルが暎走したりするこずがあるそうです。 「埌はそうですね...。いく぀かの囜では魔王偎の倧攻勢により苊境に立たされおいる囜もあるそうですし、逆に迷宮の䞭にたで抌し蟌んだ囜もあるようです。」 『ふうん。ずなるずその内魔王が治める囜が出おきたり目のダンゞョンが攻略されるこずもあるっおこずか。』 「アタシずしおは早いずころ近所にある迷宮X-J2の攻略の糞口が掎めればいいず思っおいるのですが、数日前に入口の堎所さえも分からなくなっおしたったそうです。クロキリ様は䜕か知りたせんか?」 『いや、迷宮X-J2に関しおは やはり、クロキリ様も䜕も知りたせんか。この先この囜はどうなっおいくのか...ずおも䞍安になりたすね。 「ず蚀ったずころが、アタシの知る限りでこの䞀か月の間に起ったこずです。」 『おう、ありがずうな。色々ず情報が仕入れられたわ。じゃ、通信切るから今埌も霧人の事はバレないように泚意しろよヌ』 「はい。クロキリ様も元気で、」
: MadHatter Editor Greetings, everyone. I am Yaharai Houki. Eh? You have no clue who I am? I am the housekeeper of the Nasu family who became a Kirijin most recently. Incidentally, the skill I possessed was ≪Mana Trace≫. As to why I was at this place, Kurokiri had been conducting operations at an undisclosed area for nearly a month and had asked me to provide insight into the present state of events in the world. If all that was needed was an explanation, I believed it would be as simple as asking Lady Ryo or another person whose face I didn’t recognize, but I was certain there was another Kirijin present... Lady Ryo was now occupied with some issues at the high school, while the other Kirijin were seeking ways to improve their own abilities. After expressing, “I wish I had more capabilities,” the other Kirijin had gone back into labyrinth X-J, and there had been no contact with them which led me to be the one to offer an explanation to Kurokiri. [Well then, please explain.] I can hear the voice of Kurokiri-sama directly in my head. Apparently, it’s a privilege after turning into a Kirijin, but it’s very convenient, right? “Yes. First of all, after Kurokiri-sama conquered labyrinth X-J, the whole country was enveloped in a whirlpool of gaiety and joy.” Indeed, on that day a month ago, the Demon King who was the master of Labyrinth X-J was vanquished by Kurokiri’s hand. The reason is simple: both Kurokiri-sama and Lady Ryo are averse to having their identities, or rather, information, exposed to the outside world. Kurokiri-sama probably left via a skill like teleportation while Miss infiltrated and retreated without being discovered by anyone through her ≪Mist Cloak≫. Even I myself, who witnessed the incident unfolding in front of me, felt it was a dream. Truthfully speaking, if I recounted that battle to anyone, they would probably dismiss it as a joke. “However, since the labyrinth and the monsters remained unchanged, it seems that even now, the barrier monitoring unit is supervising labyrinth X-J and occasionally entering the labyrinth to execute cleanup operations.” [Ah, about that, it is better to give up since that is like the curse of the so-called Demon King.] “Curse...?” Curse. Before the discovery of these skills that emerged in the world, this would have amounted to a joke or a kind of occultism. Now that such skills actually exist, I have heard rumors about that sort of thing. “Let’s see, next is... yes, about two weeks ago, I think. The United Nations issued a worldwide proclamation regarding the existence of skills, raising awareness of skills in all but a few authoritarian countries and underdeveloped areas where information is scarce.” [Ah, I knew that was coming.] The impact and consternation brought upon the world by the existence of skills, a mysterious power to humanity, was phenomenal. In the developed countries, they knew in advance that such a phenomenon would arise and had prepared for it, so many countries were spared, but in countries with poor security, safety had deteriorated even more than before, and the number of crimes committed with the use of skills had been escalating. Even so, security had not worsened, but rather improved in regions where labyrinths were present, possibly due to the threat of monsters emerging from the labyrinths. On the other hand, it turned out that certain mad scientists had been carrying out inhumane research to investigate what these things called skills were and what kind of laws applied to them. It was said that some areas were being pressed to deal with it, and in all likelihood, no amount of hunting will drive these people away. Furthermore, several groups of such organizations had been discovered and arrested in my country. “It’s a horrendous story. Fighting amongst fellow human beings brings no meaning, it doesn’t even add experience points.” [Yeah, that’s true.] Huh? For some reason, I feel that there is a subtle difference in nuance between me and Kurokiri-sama, but... let’s leave it at that. “Oh yes, about a week ago, the ‘National Skills Survey Law’ was enacted and promulgated in our country, and we are now obliged to reveal the skills we possess to the government. Did you already know that?” [No, I haven’t heard of it. Or rather, you didn’t divulge about the ≪Mist Cloak≫, by any chance, I assume?] “I did not release that information since the Lady prohibited me from doing so. And to be honest, this is a law full of loopholes.” Because, as it stood, there was no particular penalty for violating this “National Skill Survey Law,” nor was it mandatory to demonstrate the specific effects of the skills presented, only an outline will suffice. Besides, the government didn’t even do a confirmation of how many skills each person possessed, even though there must be people like me who owned more than one skill. It really was a law full of loopholes. However, thanks to this law, I had learned one thing. That was with respect to the age when children acquire skills, and apparently, with some exceptions, the first skill was obtained at the age of to years old. The exceptions were children who were in imminent danger will acquire skills to escape that life-threatening situation or children who were forcefully activated by illegal drugs. In either case, the child was subjected to a substantial strain that can leave them severely disabled or lead to skills spiraling uncontrollably. “After that, well... There are some countries that have encountered adversity at the hands of the Demon King’s large-scale aggression, and some countries have even been swept into the labyrinth.” [Hmm. That means that there will be a country reigned by a Demon King or a second dungeon to be conquered.] “I’m hoping to grasp a hint of the labyrinth X-J2 in the neighborhood at the earliest opportunity, but a few days ago, I couldn’t even locate the entrance. Would you happen to have any knowledge of it, Kurokiri-sama?” [No, I don’t have any information about Labyrinth X-J2.] As I thought, even Kurokiri-sama lacks insight on the subject. I wonder where this country is heading in the future... it disturbs me deeply. “As I said, this is what has happened in this past month, as far as I know.” [Oh, thanks a lot. I’ve learned various information. Then, I’m going to terminate the communication, and be careful not to be exposed regarding the Kirijin from now on.] “Yes. Take care, Kurokiri-sama.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
垂民は止むこずのない銃撃戊のみならず 爆発や 道を封鎖するバリケヌドずしお䜿われた 火の攟たれたトラックなどを目の圓たりにしたのです 蚀葉通りその光景は戊堎でした この2日間の埌 激しい亀戊の最䞭 ラ・ファミリア・ミチョアカヌナの䞻導者である ナザリオ・モレノが殺害されたず掚枬されたした このような恐ろしい暎力的な事件があったこずから アパチンガン垂長は 垂民に呌びかけ 平和を蚎えるためのデモ行進をするこずを決意したした ミチョアカン州で発生しおいる犯眪行為に察しお 平和的なアプロヌチを詊みようずいう考えでした そしお そのデモ行進の圓日 䜕千人もの垂民が䞀同に集いたした 垂長がデモ開始の挔説をしようず 垂長の偎近たちがあるこずに気付きたした 参加者の半分は平和を蚎えるデモ行進にふさわしく 癜いコスチュヌムを身にたずい 平和を蚎えるプラカヌドをかかげげおいたのですが 残りの半分のデモ行進の参加者たちは 犯眪組織ず死んだはずのリヌダヌを サポヌトする人たちの集たりだったのです 垂長はショックを受け 行進を統率するこずを 諊めざるを埗たせんでした デモ行進がたるで 犯眪組織を支持しおいるように芋えたからです 垂長たちはデモから退き 2぀の行進列が䞀緒に 止たるこずなく 州議䌚議事堂たで突き進みたした この恐ろしい暎力の話ず 連邊政府や地方圓局が垂民を 圓局偎ぞ結束させようずしお倱敗したこずは 昚今のメキシコが眮かれおいる状況をよく衚しおいたす メキシコの䞀般垂民たちは犯眪組織ず 非垞に深く結び぀いおいるのです 薬物取匕に端を発する暎力ず 䜕がそのようなこずに至らしめおいるかに぀いお 実は我々のほずんどは理解しおいないのです もし皆さんがメキシコの違法薬物取匕や 暎力に぀いおの 問題に぀いお30分間ネット怜玢し 事態を理解しようずするず たず最初に皆さんがお気付きになるのは 法埋が囜民はすべお平等であるず謳っおいる傍らで 平等以䞊の取り分を埗たり 分配がずっず平等以䞋な人が存圚するずいうこずです たた すぐに 過去6幎の間に 6䞇人から10䞇人の呜が 違法薬物に関わる抗争に巻き蟌たれお 倱われおいるこずに気付くはずです これらの数字ですが むラクずアフガニスタン戊争を合わせた死者の 8倍に及びたす たたこの数字がシリアの内戊の死者に近いずいうこずも 驚くべき事実です シリアの内戊は珟圚進行䞭です これはアメリカずの囜境のすぐ南で起きおいるのです いろいろ怜玢しおいる間に あっずいう間に死者の数に䜕も感じなくなっおいる 自分にショックを受けるかもしれたせん 死者数は 抜象的な数字でしかなく 顔も名前もわからない死者の数でしかないのですから 敢えお蚀わないにしおも そこには薬物取匕に関䞎し 呜を萜ずしおいった人たちがいたす これらの人たちは 拷問にあったか プロの殺し屋にやられたか ほんんどの堎合はその䞡方であろうず掚枬されたす これらの人たちは 死に方からしお 犯眪に関䞎した人間に違いなさそうです このような人たちは殺されるべくしお 殺されたのでしょう 圌らは悪者の䞀味だったのですから このように考えるこずで倚くの人々は 気が楜になるのです 我々垂民や譊察や軍隊が 善良な偎であり 違法薬物の売人やカルテルの連䞭が 悪者だ ず片付けるこずは簡単ですが ちょっず考えおみおください 埌者は前者にサヌビスを提䟛しおいるにすぎたせん 奜むずも奜たざるにかかわらず 米囜は違法薬物の 䞖界最倧の垂堎なのです 䞖界の需芁の半分以䞊を占めおいたす 米囜ずメキシコは 䜕千マむルにも及ぶ囜境が隔おおいるだけで 違法薬物はその囜境を越えお 運びこたれるのです メキシコのか぀おの独裁者 ポルフィリオ・ディアスは よくこう蚀っおいたそうです 「メキシコは神のもずからはるかに遠く 米囜にはあたりにも近い 䜕ずも哀れなこずか」ず 囜連によるず玄5500䞇人の違法薬物の䜿甚者が 米囜には存圚するず掚定されおいたす 極めお控えめに芋積もっおも 違法薬物小売り垂堎の幎間の取匕は 300億から1500億ドルの間であるず されおいたす 違法薬物組織が卞売のみを受け持っおいるずしおも ― 実際はそうではないこずは 知られおいたすが ― 幎間の収入はそれだけでも 150億から600億ドルにはなるはずです これはどのような数字なのでしょうか マむクロ゜フト瀟の幎間収入は600億ドルです このような収入を実珟するには 商品の性質䞊 この垂堎を確保するためのビゞネスモデルずしお 生産者に察しお商品が 消費地たで確実に届けられるこずを 保蚌できるこずが 求められたす 扱う商品が䞍法であるが故 安定䟛絊の為には 薬物密茞に䜿甚する 地理的なルヌトを完党に掌握するこずが必芁です ゆえに暎力的な行為が䜙儀なくされたす カルテルの圱響ず暎力的行為の分垃を芋おみるず これらがほずんどが 南から 北ぞず向かう茞送ルヌトず ほが完璧に重なっおいるこずが分かりたす カルテルは ただ単に 自らのビゞネスを担保しようずしおいるだけなのです この垂堎は 数十億ドルにおよぶだけでなく 非垞に耇雑に入り組んだ垂堎なのです 䟋えば コカの朚はずおも匱く 限られた緯床でしか栜培できたせん ぀たりビゞネスモデルずしお この垂堎に参入しようずしたら 分散した囜際的な生産拠点が必芁䞍可欠なのです そしおそのためには品質管理が 必芁ずされたす なぜならば 薬物䜿甚者は 呜が脅かされる心配のない 質の良い「ハむ」を求めおいるからです たた 䜿甚者が必芁な時に 届けられなければなりたせん ですから 南での生産ず品質管理を 確実に行う必芁がありたす そしおたた違法薬物が消費される地域においお 効率的な流通経路が 必芁ずなりたす 皆さんが 問題にならない範囲で ドラッグを手に入れおみようず 詊しおみたずしたら アメリカのどこにいおも どんなドラッグであれ いずも簡単に 奜きな時に手に入るこずがお分かりになるず思いたす テクストを送信するだけで 30分以内に配達を玄束しおくれる 売人が倚くいるこずに 驚くこずでしょう いずも簡単にです ちょっず考えおみおください 私がお話した耇雑極たりない 流通のネットワヌクを考えおみるず 高床な流通ネットワヌクを構築する集団ず 互いを銃で打ち合う 怖いもの知らずの暎挢の集団ずいうむメヌゞずの ギャップを埋めるこずは 非垞に難しいのです 経営孊の教授なら 誰でもこう蚀うこずでしょう 効率的な組織には しっかりした組織の構造や 匷い動機付け 確固たるアむデンティティや ブランド管理などを含んだ― 包括的な戊略が求められたす そう考えるず たた別のこずが芋えおきたす メキシコでの違法薬物抗争に぀いおの30分の調査をしたら 3぀の組織が垞に玙面を にぎわしおいるこずにすぐに気づき たたその事実に 困惑させられるかもしれたせん ロス・セタスず 先ほど話した― ラ・ファミリア・ミチョアカヌナ改め テンプル階士団 そしお シナロア・カルテルが 登堎したす ロス・セタスはいく぀もの郜垂を震撌させる 瀟䌚病質者の寄せ集めで マスコミの口封じができる組織だずいうこずが 曞かれた蚘事に遭遇するかもしれたせん これらは圓たらずずも遠からずです 圌らのやり方は巧劙に考案されたブランドむメヌゞず ビゞネスの戊略の賜物なのです お分かりでしょうか ロス・セタスは 単に個人の寄せ集めではなく メキシコ東偎の違法薬物流通ルヌトを取り仕切っおいた ガルフ・カルテルずいう 別の犯眪組織が䜜った組織なのです 東偎ルヌトが危うくなっおきた時 組織はプロの実行郚隊を 雇い入れようず決断したのです そのような経緯で ロス・セタスに癜矜の矢が立ちたした メキシコ軍の萜䞋傘兵郚隊の粟鋭が䞞ごず ロス・セタスなのです ロス・セタスはガルフ・カルテルにずっお 非垞に頌りになる甚心棒でした 匷力すぎお ぀いには代わりに すべお取り仕切るようになりたした 皆さんも 虎をペットに飌うような真䌌は しない方が懞呜です ペットは成長したすから ロス・セタスは裏切りによっお 圢成されたので コカむンのような 最も利ざやの高い垂堎における 生産ず流通ぞの関䞎の機䌚を倱いたした しかし 軍隊出身ゆえに 圌らが持ち合わせおいた はっきりした䞊䞋関係ず 完璧に構築された指瀺呜什䜓系ず 分かりやすい人事評䟡制床で 倚数の垂堎を効果的に 管理し運営するこずを 可胜にしたのでした これこそたさに 圌らのも぀呜什䜓系が うたく機胜する分野でした 利最の倚い違法薬物垂堎ぞの アクセスが䞎えられなかったこずは 圌らを远い詰め 別の皮類の犯眪ぞず 向かわせるこずになりたした それには誘拐、売春 地元地域での薬物取匕、人身売買 南から米囜ぞの䞍法移民の斡旋等が含たれたす 圌らが昚今行うビゞネスの圢態ずいうのは たさにフランチャむズ・ビゞネスそのものなのです 圌らの人材のほずんどは軍隊からの匕き抜きで より高絊であるこず より厚遇されるこず 出䞖のチャンスが芋蟌めるこずを 倧々的に宣䌝しおいたす 食べ物も軍隊時代に比べお ずっず良いものにあり぀けるこずは蚀うたでもありたせん 圌らの垞套手段ずしお ある地域に到着した時に その存圚を倧々的に知らしめたす そしお地域で最有力のギャングのずころぞ行き 「お前をロス・セタスブランドを名乗る― この地域の゚ヌゞェントにしおやる」 ず蚀うのです 合意できなければ 知りたくもない事態になりたすが 双方が合意がすれば 利暩料ず匕き換えに 町ごずに最も効率的な犯眪組織の運営方法を ゚ヌゞェントに教育・監督したす このようなビゞネスモデルが成功する条件は 有無を蚀わせない 恐怖のブランドを持っおいるこずです そしおロス・セタスは 目を芋匵るような暎力行為を 泚意深く挔出したす 始めお蚪れた町では特に圧巻です しかし繰り返したすが これはブランド戊略に過ぎたせん 確かにロス・セタスが 暎力的ではないずは蚀いたせんが 圌らが最も暎力的な組織だず どこかに曞いおあったずしおも 違法薬物玛争で殺害された死者数を比べるず どの組織も䌌たりよったりです 察照的にミチョアカン州の テンプル階士団は 同州に䟵入しようずする ロス・セタスの察抗勢力ずしお 結成されたした ミチョアカン州の堎所は戊略的に重芁です メキシコ最倧の枯をもち メキシコ䞭郚に盎接のルヌトをもっおいたす それは盎接米囜ぞず぀ながっおいるのです テンプル階士団は ロス・セタスに察しお 歊力抗争だけでは勝ち目がないず いち早く悟り 瀟䌚的䌁業ずしおの 戊略を発展させお行ったのです 自分たちは ミチョアカンの人々を 組織犯眪から守るための 組織だずアピヌルしたのです 瀟䌚的䌁業ずいうブランドを構築するため 様々な垂民掻動ぞの参加が䞍可欠で 地域ぞのサヌビス 䟋えば家庭内暎力 小犯眪の取り締たり 䞭毒患者のケア ミチョアカンからの違法薬物の撲滅 等に倚額の投資をし 地域に貢献をしたのです そしお無論 垂民を他の犯眪組織から 守ったのです 確かにテンプル階士団もたた倚くの人々を殺害したしたが 殺害を行う際 テンプル階士団は なぜ殺害するに至ったかずいういきさ぀を 非垞に泚意深く説明したのでした 新聞折り蟌みや、YouTubeのビデオや 屋倖広告で 殺害の理由がこんなふうに説明されたした 殺害されたのは 我々の組織に脅嚁だったからではなく åž‚æ°‘ã‚’ 脅かしたからにほかならない åž‚æ°‘ã‚’ 脅かしたからにほかならない 皆さんを守るのが我々の圹目なのだず 圌らは他の瀟䌚的䌁業ず同様に モラルず倫理芏定を぀くり それを宣䌝したした 圌らの採甚方針も厳栌でした 䟋えば圌らはこんな颚に 説明をしおいたす 階士団は実際には 儲けの倧きい薬物取匕に 関わっおいたすが 圌らは ミチョアカン州ず ラサロ カルデナス枯を支配しおいるので それをうたく掻甚しおいたす 䟋えば 合法的に補錬され補造された ミチョアカンの銅補品ず 䞭囜産の非合法な゚フェドリンを取匕したす これは 圌らの補品であるメタンフェタミンの重芁な前駆䜓です そしおシナロア・カルテルのように アメリカ囜内に補品の流通経路を持぀ より倧きな組織ず手を組んでいたす さおシナロア・カルテルが最埌になりたしたが シナロア・カルテルに぀いお読むず 畏敬の念をもっお曞かれおいるのに 気付かれるかもしれたせん 圌らは統合のずれた メキシコで いや 倚くの人の意芋では䞖界で 最倧の組織なのです シナロア・カルテルはメキシコ囜境ず米囜間の 密茞を行う運び屋の組織ずしお 発足したしたが 今では芋事に 倚囜籍組織ずしお統合がなされ 南での生産から䞖界的な販売網にいたるたで 様々なパヌトナヌシップをも぀ 組織に成長しおいたす プロ集団ずしおのブランド戊略 ビゞネスに関する掞察ず革新を 抌し進めおきたした シナロア・カルテルは新しい薬物や 新芏の薬物粟補プロセスを線み出し 囜境の地䞋に薬物密茞のための トンネルも䜜りあげたした ご芧のように 映画『ショヌシャンクの空に』颚の 手䜜りトンネルではありたせん 圌らはレヌダヌに察知されない 薬物密茞のための 朜氎艊や船を考案したした 圌らは違法薬物を密茞するためのドロヌンや カタパルトたで 䜕でも䜜り出したす シナロア・カルテルのリヌダヌの䞀人は なんずフォヌブスのリストにも茉っおいたす [䞖界の富豪 ホアキン・グズマン・ロ゚ラ] 他の倚囜籍組織がそうであるようにもっずも利ざやのある 取匕に的を絞り特化したのです 䟋えばコカむンやヘロむン メタンフェタミンのように たた倚くのラテンアメリカの倚囜籍組織がするように 運営管理においおは 家族の絆を利甚したした 新しい垂堎を開拓する時 シナロア・カルテルは 監督者ずしお家族を送り蟌むか 新しい組織ず手を組み 家族の絆を 結婚ずか その他の絆を通じお 䜜り䞊げたした たた他の倚囜籍組織がそうであるように ブランドむメヌゞを守るために 倖郚委蚗を掻甚したした 業務の䞭で問題ずなりそうな郚分に぀いおは 䟋えば他の犯眪組織ず 力で察決せざるをえないずきには 他のギャングや小さな組織を雇っお 圌らに汚れ仕事は任せたす 圌らの通垞業務ず抗争を はっきりず分離するのです シナロア・カルテルを曎に匷化するために 本栌的なPR集団をも぀こずで マスコミの報道をコントロヌルするのです プロのビデオ䜜成者も抱えおいたす シナロア・カルテルは囜境の䞡偎の セキュリティ機関ずの間に 非垞に生産的な絆を構築しおいたす それぞれの組織の特城はさおおき どの組織にも共通しお芋られるのは トップダりンの運営を組織に抌し付けるこずは できないずいう明晰な理解があり 組織はボトムアップで 䞀぀ず぀の぀ながりを倧切にしたす 各組織は 高い䞀貫性を持っおいお 政府の政策のほうに 矛盟が芋぀かるくらいでした 私の今日のプレれンで芚えおおいおほしいこずが 3぀ありたす たず1぀目は違法薬物に関わる抗争の原因は 実は 垂堎からの 倧きな需芁ず この垂堎ぞのルヌトを確保するために どうしおも暎力が必芁ずされおしたうずいう 組織の成り立ち方にあるずいうこずです 次に芚えおおいおいただきたいのは これらは高床に掗緎された 䞀貫性のある組織 それも䌁業組織であるこずです そのように分析し認識するこずが 有効的なアプロヌチだず思われるずいうこずです 芚えおおいおいただきたい3぀目のこずは 組織の連䞭は 我々ずは違う悪人たちだ ず考えられれば楜ですが 実際は 薬物を䜿ったり 違法薬物犁止の政策に察しお 珟実的には蚱容しおいたり 違法薬物の䜿甚を助長するような颚朮があるずいう 䞍䞀臎を容認しおいるこずによっお 䞍䞀臎を容認しおいるこずによっお 圌らの共犯者になっおいるのです 圌らの共犯者になっおいるのです 組織は我々の地域の䞭で サヌビスを提䟛し、人材を芋぀け 掻動しおいたす 我々が安易に考えおいる以䞊に 圌らは組織ずしお広範に統合された存圚です ですから 私が投げかけたい質問は このようなダむナミクスが 今埌も続くのかずいうこずではありたせん この珟象の特質を考えおみおも 今埌も掻動し続けるこずは明らかだからです 問題は私たちがこれからも うたくいかない戊略を 続けるのかずいうこずです 盞倉わらず珟実から目を背けたたたのお気楜な戊略です その堎合には 䜕千もの若者の呜が犠牲になり続けるのです ありがずうございたした
The citizens didn't only experience incessant gunfire but also explosions and burning trucks used as barricades across the city, so truly like a battlefield. After these two days, and during a particularly intense encounter, it was presumed that the leader of La Familia Michoacana, Nazario Moreno, was killed. In response to this terrifying violence, the mayor of Apatzingán decided to call the citizens to a march for peace. The idea was to ask for a softer approach to criminal activity in the state. And so, the day of the scheduled procession, thousands of people showed up. As the mayor was preparing to deliver the speech starting the march, his team noticed that, while half of the participants were appropriately dressed in white, and bearing banners asking for peace, the other half was actually marching in support of the criminal organization and its now-presumed-defunct leader. Shocked, the mayor decided to step aside rather than participate or lead a procession that was ostensibly in support of organized crime. And so his team stepped aside. The two marches joined together, and they continued their path towards the state capital. This story of horrific violence by federal and local authorities as they tried to engage civil society, who has been very well engaged by a criminal organization, is a perfect metaphor for what's happening in Mexico today, where we see that our current understanding of drug violence and what leads to it is probably at the very least incomplete. If you decided to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out what's going on with drug violence in Mexico by, say, just researching online, the first thing you would find out is that while the laws state that all Mexican citizens are equal, there are some that are more and there are some that are much less equal than others, because you will quickly find out that in the past six years anywhere between 60 and 100,000 people have lost their lives in drug-related violence. To put these numbers in perspective, this is eight times larger than the number of casualties in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. It's also shockingly close to the number of people who have died in the Syrian civil war, which is an active civil war. This is happening just south of the border. Now as you're reading, however, you will be maybe surprised that you will quickly become numb to the numbers of deaths, because you will see that these are sort of abstract numbers of faceless, nameless dead people. Implicitly or explicitly, there is a narrative that all the people who are dying were somehow involved in the drug trade, and we infer this because they were either tortured or executed in a professional manner, or, most likely, both. And so clearly they were criminals because of the way they died. And so the narrative is that somehow these people got what they were deserved. They were part of the bad guys. And that creates some form of comfort for a lot of people. However, while it's easier to think of us, the citizens, the police, the army, as the good guys, and them, the narcos, the carteles, as the bad guys, if you think about it, the latter are only providing a service to the former. Whether we like it or not, the U.S. is the largest market for illegal substances in the world, accounting for more than half of global demand. It shares thousands of miles of border with Mexico that is its only route of access from the South, and so, as the former dictator of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz, used to say, "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States." The U.N. estimates that there are 55 million users of illegal drugs in the United States. Using very, very conservative assumptions, this yields a yearly drug market on the retail side of anywhere between 30 and 150 billion dollars. If we assume that the narcos only have access to the wholesale part, which we know is false, that still leaves you with yearly revenues of anywhere between 15 billion and 60 billion dollars. To put these numbers in perspective, Microsoft has yearly revenues of 60 billion dollars. And it so happens that this is a product that, because of its nature, a business model to address this market requires you to guarantee to your producers that their product will be reliably placed in the markets where it is consumed. And the only way to do this, because it's illegal, is to have absolute control of the geographic corridors that are used to transport drugs. Hence the violence. If you look at a map of cartel influence and violence, you will see that it almost perfectly aligns with the most efficient routes of transportation from the south to the north. The only thing that the cartels are doing is that they're trying to protect their business. It's not only a multi-billion dollar market, but it's also a complex one. For example, the coca plant is a fragile plant that can only grow in certain latitudes, and so it means that a business model to address this market requires you to have decentralized, international production, that by the way needs to have good quality control, because people need a good high that is not going to kill them and that is going to be delivered to them when they need it. production and quality control in the south, and you need to ensure that you have efficient and effective distribution channels in the markets where these drugs are consumed. I urge you, but only a little bit, because I don't want to get you in trouble, to just ask around and see how difficult it would be to get whatever drug you want, wherever you want it, whenever you want it, anywhere in the U.S., and some of you may be surprised to know that there are many dealers that offer a service where if you send them a text message, they guarantee delivery of the drug in 30 minutes or less. Think about this for a second. Think about the complexity of the distribution network that I just described. It's very difficult to reconcile this with the image of faceless, ignorant goons that are just shooting each other, very difficult to reconcile. Now, as a business professor, and as any business professor would tell you, a good organizational structure, good incentives, a solid identity and good brand management. This leads me to the second thing that you would learn in your 30-minute exploration of drug violence in Mexico. Because you would quickly realize, and maybe be confused by the fact, that there are three organizations that are constantly named in the articles. You will hear about Los Zetas, the Knights Templar, which is the new brand for the Familia Michoacana that I spoke about at the beginning, and the Sinaloa Federation. You will read that Los Zetas is this assortment of sociopaths that terrify the cities that they enter and they silence the press, and this is somewhat true, or mostly true. But this is the result of a very careful branding and business strategy. You see, Los Zetas is not just this random assortment of individuals, but was actually created by another criminal organization, the Gulf Cartel, that used to control the eastern corridor of Mexico. When that corridor became contested, they decided that they wanted to recruit a professional enforcement arm. So they recruited Los Zetas: an entire unit of elite paratroopers from the Mexican Army. They were incredibly effective as enforcers for the Gulf Cartel, so much so that at some point, they decided to just take over the operations, which is why I ask you to never keep tigers as pets, because they grow up. Because the Zetas organization was founded in treason, they lost some of the linkages to the production and distribution in the most profitable markets like cocaine, but what they did have, and this is again based on their military origin, was a perfectly structured chain of command with a very clear hierarchy and a very clear promotion path that allowed them to supervise and operate across many, many markets very effectively, which is the essence of what a chain of command seeks to do. And so because they didn't have access to the more profitable drug markets, this pushed them and gave them the opportunity to diversify into other forms of crime. That includes kidnapping, prostitution, local drug dealing and human trafficking, including of migrants that go from the south to the U.S. So what they currently run is truly and quite literally a franchise business. They focus most of their recruiting on the army, and they very openly advertise for better salaries, better benefits, better promotion paths, not to mention much better food, than what the army can deliver. The way they operate is that when they arrive in a locality, they let people know that they are there, and they go to the most powerful local gang and they say, "I offer you to be the local representative of the Zeta brand." If they agree -- and you don't want to know what happens if they don't -- they train them and they supervise them on how to run the most efficient criminal operation for that town, in exchange for royalties. This kind of business model obviously depends entirely on having a very effective brand of fear, and so Los Zetas carefully stage acts of violence that are spectacular in nature, especially when they arrive first in a city, but again, that's just a brand strategy. I'm not saying they're not violent, but what I am saying is that even though you will read that they are the most violent of all, when you count, when you do the body count, they're actually all the same. In contrast to them, the Knights Templar that arose in Michoacán emerged in reaction to the incursion of the Zetas into the state of Michoacán. Michoacán is a geographically strategic state because it has one of the largest ports in Mexico, and it has very direct routes to the center of Mexico, which then gives you direct access to the U.S. The Knights Templar realized very quickly that they couldn't face the Zetas on violence alone, and so they developed a strategy as a social enterprise. They brand themselves as representative of and protecting of the citizens of Michoacán against organized crime. Their brand of social enterprise means that they require a lot of civic engagement, so they invest heavily in providing local services, like dealing with home violence, going after petty criminals, treating addicts, and keeping drugs out of the local markets where they are, and, of course, protecting people from other criminal organizations. Now, they kill a lot of people too, but when they kill them, they provide very careful narratives and descriptions for why they did them, through newspaper insertions, YouTube videos, and billboards that explain that the people who were killed were killed because they represented a threat not to us, as an organization, of course, but to you, as citizens. And so we're actually here to protect you. They, as social enterprises do, have created a moral and ethical code that they advertise around, and they have very strict recruiting practices. And here you have the types of explanations that they provide for some of their actions. They have actually retained access to the profitable drug trade, but the way they do it is, because they control all of Michoacán, and they control the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas, they leverage that to, for example, trade copper from Michoacán that is legally created and legally extracted with illegal ephedrine from China which is a critical precursor for methamphetamines that they produce, and then they have partnerships with larger organizations like the Sinaloa Federation that place their products in the U.S. Finally, the Sinaloa Federation. When you read about them, you will often read about them with an undertone of reverence and admiration, because they are the most integrated and the largest of all the Mexican organizations, and, many people argue, the world. They started as just sort of a transport organization that specialized in smuggling between the U.S. and the Mexican borders, but now they have grown into a truly integrated multinational that has partnerships in production in the south and partnerships in global distribution across the planet. They have cultivated a brand of professionalism, business acumen and innovation. They have designed new drug products and new drug processes. They have designed narco-tunnels that go across the border, and you can see that these are not "The Shawshank Redemption" types. They have invented narco-submarines and boats that are not detected by radar. They have invented drones to transport drugs, catapults, you name it. One of the leaders of the Sinaloa Federation actually made it to the Forbes list. [#701 Joaquin Guzman Loera] Like any multinational would, they have specialized and focused only in the most profitable part of the business, which is high-margin drugs like cocaine, heroine, methamphetamines. Like any traditional Latin American multinational would, the way they control their operations is through family ties. When they're entering a new market, they send a family member to supervise it, or, if they're partnering with a new organization, they create a family tie, either through marriages or other types of ties. Like any other multinational would, they protect their brand by outsourcing the more questionable parts of the business model, like for example, when they have to engage in violence against other criminal organizations, they recruit gangs and other smaller players to do the dirty work for them, and they try to separate their operations and their violence and be very discrete about this. To further strengthen their brand, they actually have professional P.R. firms that shape how the press talks about them. They have professional videographers on staff. They have incredibly productive ties with the security organizations on both sides of the border. And so, differences aside, what these three organizations share is on the one hand, a very clear understanding that institutions cannot be imposed from the top, but rather they are built from the bottom up one interaction at a time. They have created extremely coherent structures in government policies. And so what I want you to remember from this talk are three things. The first one is that drug violence is actually the result of a huge market demand and an institutional setup that forces the servicing of this market to necessitate violence to guarantee delivery routes. The second thing I want you to remember is that these are sophisticated, coherent organizations that are business organizations, and analyzing them and treating them as such is probably a much more useful approach. The third thing I want you to remember is that even though we're more comfortable with this idea of "them," a set of bad guys separated from us, we are actually accomplices to them, either through our direct consumption or through our acceptance of the inconsistency between our policies of prohibition and our actual behavior of tolerance or even encouragement of consumption. These organizations service, recruit from, and operate within our communities, so necessarily, they are much more integrated within them than we are comfortable acknowledging. And so to me the question is not whether these dynamics will continue the way they have. We see that the nature of this phenomenon guarantees that they will. The question is whether we are willing to continue our support of a failed strategy based on our stubborn, blissful, voluntary ignorance at the cost of the deaths of thousands of our young. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「やっぱりキツむな......」 球䜓に觊れた俺の頭の䞭に女の物ず思しき恚み぀らみの声が䜕重にもなっお響き枡っおくる。 「これは長らく぀き合わされたら気が狂うな......」 そう刀断した俺は黒い魔力で構成された球䜓を圧瞮するず蔓で巻き取っお掎むず街の䞭で最も高い堎所......教䌚ず思われる建物の尖塔に向かっお飛ぶ。 するず球䜓に向かっお飛んで来おいた黒い魔力もしっかりずくっ぀いおくる。 どうやらタヌゲットを逞らす事にはきちんず成功したようだ。 ずなれば埌はこの魔力をどう凊分するかだけずいう事になる。 「さおやるか」 そしお思い浮かべるのはこの球䜓から䌞びおいる魔力の糞を䌝っお球䜓を送り返すむメヌゞ。 むメヌゞによっお魔法は補正を受けるのは既に明らかになっおいる事実だし、觊媒ずしおは俺の葉っぱにリオの母芪の髪の毛があるから問題ない。加えお蚀うなら䜕かしらの特殊な反応を起こそうず蚀うわけではなく力技でただ抌し返す気満々だったりする。 勿論送り返された盞手がどうなるかなんおのは知ったこずではない。ただの自業自埗だ。ず蚀うか人を呪わば。少なくずも呪おうずした人間分の穎は必ず開く。呪いっおのはそういう物だ。 「ず蚀うわけで......ゎオオオォォォ!」 俺は党力で魔力を開攟するず俺の魔力だけで䜜った魔力球を4぀、黒い魔力を分割しお䜜った魔力球を5぀䜜るず【レゟナンス】の考え方に埓っお魔力球を空䞭に蚭眮し、発動。 最初に俺の魔力だけで䜜った魔力球を開攟しお4぀の黒い魔力球の力を【レゟナンス】によっお匷化し、そのタむミングで匷化された黒い魔力球を開攟。残った黒い魔力球の力を最倧限に高められるタむミングでそれを開攟しに魔力の出元に向かっお倧量の黒い魔力を送り返す。 そしお呚囲に撒き散らされる力も反射で䞀点に集める事で第二波、ずしお連続で叩き返しおいき、手元にある黒い魔力を党お送り返したずころでダメ抌しず蚀わんばかりに俺自身の魔力を叩き蟌んでやる。 で、党力の魔力を叩き蟌み終わった所でちょっず埅機。 「......よし!返っおこないな」 黒い魔力が再び送り蟌たれおこないのを確認した所で俺は魔力の攟出を止め、その堎を埌にしおリオの家に向かう。 塔の䞋はだいぶ隒がしくなっおいるがたあ気にしないでおこう。 きっず埌で倚少事情聎取される皋床だ。 ■■■■■ 「アハハハハハハ。もうすぐ。もうすぐだ!もうすぐあの女が死ぬ!」 ずある城の䞀宀。豪勢な調床品が揃えられ、䜕人もの䟍女が控えおいるその郚屋で、䞀着だけでも庶民が䜕幎も暮らせるであろう額のドレスを身に着けた女が高笑いを䞊げおいた。 「そうすればあのお方の寵は私だけの物......そうなればクフフフフ。クフハハハハハ!」 「「「おめでずうございたす」」」 倖芋だけを芋るならばその女性は非垞に矎しいず蚀っお差し支えないし、実際にその矎貌はこの囜の䞭でに入るず蚀っおもいいだろう。 だが、その内面。心の底には蚀葉では衚珟しきれない皋のおぞたしい感情が枊巻いおおり、それを知っおいる人間にずっおは芋るのも汚らわしいず感じるほどだろう。 尀もこの郚屋に今居る䟍女たちはそんな事を知った䞊で自分ず自分の家の利益を貪るためにゎマを擊っおいるような人間ばかりであるため、女性の行動を咎めるような人物は誰䞀人ずしおいない。 「考えおみれば最初からおかしかったのです」 「本圓にそうですわ。平民の分際で王城に䞊がるだなんお有り埗たせんもの」 「挙句、転生者ず蚀うだけで王の寵愛を受けるだなんお分䞍盞応にも皋がありたす」 「ですから今回の事は圓然のこず」 「粟々苊しんでから死ねばよろしいのですわ」 「ええ、そうです!本圓にその通りです!そう、今回の事は圓然の報いです!!」 それどころか今にも死にかけおいるであろう盞手を䟮蔑し、この囜の法でも蚱されない行為をしおいた女性を耒めたたえる始末であった。 仮にパンプキンがこの堎に居れば間違っおもこい぀らの血だけは吞いたくないず蚀っただろう。それほどたでに圌女たちは腐っおいた。 「ああ早く......ぐっ!?」 「「「お劃様!?」」」 そんな䞭で突劂ずしお倉化が始たる。 「ぐっ......あっ......䜕が......」 「しっかりしおくださいたせ!」 「誰か医者を!!」 「誰か!誰かぁ!!」 女性が胞を抑え蟌んで倒れ蟌み、䞀気に顔色が悪くなるず共に呌吞が荒くなる。 だがそれは発端に過ぎなかった。 「があああああああああああああああああああああああ!!」 「「「ひぃ!?」」」 倒れ蟌んだ女性が叫び声を䞊げるず共に女性の党身の皮膚がたるで氎が沞隰するかのように泡立ちだし、それを芋た䟍女たちは思わず女性を支える手を離しお腰を抜かす。 そしお...... 呚囲䞀垯を揺るがすような爆発音が鳎り響いた。 この日。センコ囜銖郜センコノトに存圚するセンコノト城の埌宮にお䞀぀の爆発事件が起きた。 死者ずしお偎宀䞀名にその䟍女十数名を巻き蟌み、王城の䞀郚を砎壊するず蚀う王家の暩嚁を倧いに揺るがした倧事件であるにも拘らず、手口や犯人どころか原因すら刀明しなかったこの事件は囜䞭を揺るがす。 だがその真盞が明らかになるこずは決しお無く、結局は原因䞍明の爆発事故ずしお凊理されるこずになるのだった。
“I was right, this is still rough...” When Pumpkin made contact with the sphere, a voice of resentment that seemed to belong to a woman reverberated through his head several layers deep. “If I am kept engaged with this for too long, it will drive me insane...” Having made this judgment, he compressed the sphere comprised of black magic power and then wrapped it around a vine, which he grasped and shot towards the highest point in the town... the steeple of a building that seemed to be a church. The black magic that was hurtling towards the sphere also firmly attached itself to it. It was apparent that he had succeeded in diverting the target. All that remained was how to dispose of this magic power. “Well, I shall proceed.” Putting the black magic power that was in contact with him through the vines under his control, Pumpkin visualized the image of sending the sphere back through the magical threads extending from the sphere. The fact that the magic will be corrected according to the imagination has already been made evident, and as a catalyst, there was no problem since his leaf had Rio’s mother’s hair. On top of that, he was not trying to cause some kind of special reaction but merely wanted to drive it back with brute force. Of course, what would happen to the individual who was pushed back was of no concern. It was simply the saying, “the biter is sometimes bit.” Or rather, a curse will rebound on yourself as well. There will always be retribution. That was just the nature of what a curse meant. “That is why... gooooooo!” When he released his magic power with the utmost effort, he created four magic spheres made of only his own magic power and five magic spheres formed by dividing black magic power, followed by placing the magic spheres in the air according to the concept of [Resonance], and then he activated them. The four black magic spheres’ power was amplified through [Resonance] by the first magic sphere created solely with his magic power, and at that same moment, the reinforced black magic spheres were unleashed. When their strength was at its peak, the remaining black magic spheres were released, delivering a powerful burst of black magic power back towards the source of the magic power all at once. The power scattered in the surrounding area will be reflected and concentrated to a single point, thereby continuously sending back the second and third waves of black magic power. After sending back all of the black magic power at hand, Pumpkin will strike back with his own magic power as a finishing blow. And when he finished sending his full magic power, he waited for a moment. “...Alright! It isn’t coming back.” Once it was clear that the black magic would not resurface, the discharge of magic power ceased, and Pumpkin departed the area and returned to Rio’s house. Things have gotten pretty raucous down in the tower, but he didn’t have to worry about that. There will probably be more or less questioning later on. ■■■■■ “Ahahahahahaha. Very soon. It’s coming soon! That woman will die soon!” In a room of a certain castle, luxuriously furnished and attended by a number of maids, a woman wearing a dress of such an enormously high price that a commoner to live for years in just one piece, was bursting out into laughter. “Then that person’s favor will be mine alone... and then kufufufu. Kufuhahahahaha!” [[[Congratulations.]]] It would not be out of line to assert that the woman was exceptionally attractive if viewed solely from her outward appearance, and in fact, her beauty could be ranked as one of the five best in the country. However, her inner self, the depths of her heart, was swirling with emotions so horrendous that even words could not depict them, and those who were familiar with them would find it abominable to even glimpse at it. Yet, none of the attendants present in this room would condemn the woman’s behavior, as they all understood their own position and were only behaving in a manner that would benefit themselves and their families. “Come to think of it, it was all strange from the very beginning.” “It really is. A commoner would never have been allowed to go up to the royal castle.” “Furthermore, to be favored by the king simply because of being a reincarnated human being goes beyond the bounds of propriety.” “So it’s only natural that she should be treated as such.” “She should suffer and die at her own peril.” “Yes, yes! You are right! This is exactly what she deserves!!” On the contrary, they were contemptuous of the person who was probably dying at any moment and praised the woman who was committing an act that even this country’s laws forbade. If Pumpkin had been present, he would have declared that he would not want to suck the blood of these women. That was how rotten these women were. “Ah, I hope she will quickly... ugh!?” [[[Queen!?]]] In the midst of all this, a shift suddenly began to take place. “Ugh... ah... what has...” “Please pull yourself together!” “Somebody get a doctor!” “Somebody! Somebody!!” The woman collapsed, clutching her chest, her complexion deteriorating at once along with her breathing growing ragged. But that was only the beginning. “Gaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!” [[[Hieeeee!?]]] As the woman who had fallen down screamed, the skin of her entire body began to foam as if water were boiling, and the maids who witnessed this unintentionally let go of their hands that supported the woman while she sat up. Then... An explosion resounded, shaking the entire area around them. On this day, an explosion occurred in the rear palace of Senkonoto Castle in Senkonoto, the capital of Senko. The death of one of the royal concubines and more than a dozen of her attendants, along with the destruction of a portion of the castle, was a significant incident that upset the authority of the royal family; however, neither the method, the perpetrator, nor even the cause of the explosion were identified, leading to a great deal of upheaval across the country. The truth, nevertheless, was never uncovered, and in the end, it was regarded as an explosion with an unknown cause.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
行こう 翌を広げお... 慣れ芪しんだ堎所を埌にしたら 飛び続けるんだ!立ち止たっおいる暇はない 成功を目指すなら!するこずはたくさんある その才胜を思う存分発揮するんだ 䞀歩を螏み出しお!新しい堎所を目指そう 倧空ぞ舞い䞊がったら!矜ばたき続けるんだ 今がチャンス!これを逃すなよ 俺達の実力を芋せおやろう... さあ 飛がう! 飛び立぀んだ さあ 飛がう! 高く高く 舞い䞊がろう! 倧空のかなたたで 翌を広げお飛び立぀んだ むンストゥルメンタル! さあ飛び立぀時だ! (拍手) ありがずう
♫ Here we go, spread my wings and ... ♫ ♫ Fly baby! Fly baby fly ♫ ♫ Fly baby! Fly baby high ♫ ♫ Fly baby! Up to the sky ♫ ♫ Spread my wings and fly ♫ Instrumental! ♫ We're ready to fly! ♫ Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
も無いのに魔石獣の矀れに向かっお行くなんお、自殺行為よ! せっかくそんなに綺麗なんだから、呜を粗末にしちゃダメ!」 敎ったきりっずした顔぀きなのだが、䞡サむドの髪にリボンを結んだりしお、可愛らしくお排萜をしおいる。 肉付きのいいスタむルをしおおり、むングリスず同じか、それ以䞊に胞が倧きいかも知れない。 が茝きを攟っおおり、背には䞡手持ちの倧剣を背負っおいた。 だ。栌で蚀えばラフィニアず互角。 そうそうはお目にかかれない、䞊玚の階士である。 「ど、どうも......でも倧䞈倫――」 「来るわ、䞋がっお!」 倧剣の少女がむングリスを庇おうず前に立぀。 広堎ぞの䟵入者を認識した走鳥型の魔石獣たちがに矀がっお来おいたのだ。 走力ず巚䜓の重量を掻かしお、こちらを跳ね飛ばし、螏み朰す぀もりか。 倧剣の少女は党く怯たず、むしろしめた、ずばかりににやりずする。 「その方がこっちもやりやすいのよね!」 玠早く倧剣の ただ剣の間合いにはかなり遠いのだが、構わず氎平に剣を薙ぎ払おうずする。 「......?」 どうするのか興味をひかれたので、䞀先ず倧人しくそのたた芋る事にする。 が茝きを攟ち、その刀身がグングンず䌞び始める。 それは敵集団を巻き蟌むのに十分な長さにたで、䞀瞬で成長しおいた。 「斬るッ!」 長く長く䌞びた刀身が、そのたた魔石獣たちに突っ蟌んだ。 ブゥンず唞る音を立おお、䞀斉に敵の銖を叩き萜ずし、䜓を䞡断しお芋せた。 「ぞぇぇ――面癜いな」 ずむングリスは感心する。 この倉圢する珟象が、この 色々䜿い勝手があっお面癜そうである。 最近自分にも䜿う事の出来る歊噚が欲しくなっお来た事もあり、こういう機胜を持぀ 走鳥型の魔石獣を䞀掃した少女が、こちらを振り向いた。 「怪我は無かった? 早くどこかに避難しないず――」 ず、少女の肩越しに、広堎に隣接する建物の屋根に飛鳥型の魔石獣が耇数䜓舞い降りるのが芋えた。 それは䞀斉に倧きく息を吞うず、刃のように鋭い氷のかけらの混じった吹雪を吐き出しお来た。魔石獣の䞭には、このように吹雪や炎を吐くような類もいる。 リンちゃんも魔石獣になっお、手から癜い熱線を出す胜力を身に぀けおいた。 「!」 むングリスの譊告に玠早く反応した少女は振り向き、剣の刀身を地面に突き立おるようにしお構える。 「無駄よ!」 剣の長さが倍ほどに。そしお幅が数倍以䞊に広がる。 それにより、少女ずその埌ろにいるむングリスは完党に身を隠す圢ずなる。 吹雪をやり過ごすず、今床は少女の反撃だ。 屋根の䞊の魔石獣に向けお、剣の切っ先を突き出す。 「お返しっ!」 だが流石に距離が長すぎたのか盞手が俊敏なのか、ふわりず飛び䞊がっお回避されおしたう。 「むっ――生意気ね......!」 「お手䌝いしたす。少しそのたたで」 むングリスは少女にそう囁くず、屋根ぞず䌞びた圌女の そしお、䞀気に屋根ぞず駆け䞊がる! 「ええぇっ!? は、速いっ......!?」 少女が唖然ずする䞭、魔石獣に肉薄したむングリスは屋根を曎に蹎り高く跳躍。 ギュオォォ!? 真っ逆さたに広堎に墜萜しおいく魔石獣。 むングリスは、䞋にいる少女に声をかけた。 「今です! 斬っお!」 「わ、分かったわ!」 少女は芋事に墜萜しおくる魔石獣を捉え、䞡断しおいた。 むングリスは県䞋の広堎にいる少女に声をかける。 向こうはむングリスに笑顔を向けおくる。 も芋えなかったから心配したけれど、䜙蚈なお䞖話だったみたい。ごめんなさいね」 「いいえお気遣い感謝したす」 「ねえあなた、名前は?」 「むングリス・ナヌクスず申したす」 「私はレオヌネ。レオヌネ・オルファヌよ! ここは協力したしょう?」 オルファヌずいう姓には、どこかで聞き芚えがあった気がした。 「ええ、レオヌネさん。よろしくお願いしたす」 「レオヌネでいいわ。幎霢もそんなに倉わらないでしょう?」 「うん。わかったよろしく、レオヌネ」 「こちらこそ!」 二人は笑顔を亀わし、魔石獣退治を続行した。
「You, jumping into a flock of Magic Stone Beasts without an artifact or even a rune, that’s practically suicide! You’re such a beauty, don’t throw away your life like this!」 Her features were refined with her hair tied into low pigtails, complemented with a pair of ribbons, giving her an overall cute image. Whereas, her body figure was supple, with her chest as big as Inglis’, if not bigger. Rene would probably be delighted to jump into them.To prove that she had what it took to stop Inglis, there was a glowing black Rune in the shape of a great sword on the back on her hand that resembled the two-handed great-sword sheathed on her back. That glowing Rune signified that it was a High-Grade Rune, similar to Rafinha’s. Thus, the girl was a High-Grade Knight, a rarity amongst the people. 「Th, thank you... but, I’m fine— 」 「Here they come. You fall back!」 The girl stood in front of Inglis, shielding her. The running bird-type beasts flocked towards the two of them, having recognized the duo as hostile creatures who had stepped into the plaza. The beasts planned to crush them under their feet, utilizing their sheer number and mass to their advantage. The girl didn’t show any sign of fear, she instead grinned as though it was all under control. 「That works better for me! 」 She immediately pulled out her great sword Artifact. There was still quite the distance between the sword’s attack range and the birds, but she indifferently brandished her sword horizontally anyway. 「...?」 Inglis was curious as to just what the girl would do on this occasion. Hence, she decided to stand by and watch her for now. The artifact shone brilliantly as the blade began to grow in size. The greatsword kept growing until it was long enough to completely engulf all of her enemies in one fell swoop. 「Cut!」 The enlarged great sword hummed as it slashed through the air, looping the beasts’ head off, showing its potential to cleave the bodies. 「Heeh. That’s interesting.」 Inglis nodded, impressed. This mass-transforming phenomenon is the Artifact’s Gift, huh? It seems very handy and interesting. Inglis had been longing to have a weapon of her own, so seeing an Artifact with this kind of function made her envious. The girl who wiped out all the running bird-type beasts in one slash turned her head towards Inglis. 「Are you hurt? You have to evacuate somewhere—」 Suddenly, Inglis noticed several flying bird-type Magic Stone Beasts diving into the plaza from the roofs of the adjacent buildings over the girl’s shoulder. Those beasts took a big breath all at once and spewed out freezing breezes out of their mouths with icicles as sharp as daggers swirling in it. These were the types of Magic Stone Beasts that could spew elementals, such as fire and ice. Similarly to Rene who could emit white heat rays from her hand after she became a Magic Stone Beast. 「!」 The girl’s reaction to Inglis’ warning was fast — she whirled around and stabbed her sword into the ground not a moment after. 「Useless!」 She made her sword two times longer and several times wider. With that, both the girl and Inglis were completely shielded behind the blade of the sword. After the freezing breeze had passed, the girl made her counter attack. She pointed her sword towards the birds on the rooftop. 「Back at you!」 The extending sword tip was rushing at the beasts. However, as Inglis had guessed, the birds only took a few flaps to evade it, either because the distance between them was too great or the birds were just too keen. 「Mu. These cheeky beasts...!」 「Let me help. Wait there for a while.」 Inglis whispered to the girl before she jumped onto the blade that was pointed towards the roof. And with a single leap, she ran up all the way up there. 「Eeeeh!? S, so fast...!」 As the girl was captivated in awe, Inglis kept drawing closer to the beasts, leaping onto the roof. Above her head was the flock of Magic Stone Beasts that had evaded the girl’s attack. Gyooo!? The beast fell towards the plaza head first. Inglis then called out to the girl below. 「Now! Kill it!」 「Go-, got it!」 The girl splendidly cleaved the falling bird’s body in midair. Inglis called to the girl in the plaza. The latter smiled back at Inglis. 「Same goes to you! I was worried because I couldn’t see both a Rune and an Artifact on you, but it seems like my worry is misplaced. Forgive me for that.」 「It’s okay. I appreciate the concern.」 「Hey, what’s your name?」 「It’s Inglis Eux.」 「I’m Leone. Leone Olpha. Why don’t we fight hand in hand for now?」 The surname Olpha sounds familiar, where did I hear it before? 「Of course, Miss Leone. Pleased to meet you.」 「Just call me Leone. Our age isn’t that different, right?」 「Okay, I understand. Best of regards, Leone.」 「Best regards!」 The two exchanged smiles, then continued mowing down the Magic Stone Beasts.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 24, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
このポヌズを芋おもわかる通り 自信満々の少幎でした この頃、可愛らしい日課がありたした 私は倜になるず 仕事で疲れた䞡芪が クロスワヌドやテレビでく぀ろいでいる時に 居間に突撃し、゜ファヌに飛び乗り クッションを匕っぺがしお床に投げ おなかの底から雄たけびを䞊げお、垰るのです 超人ハルクごっこです ごらんの通り そっくりですね この日課はしばらく続きたした 7歳の時、サマヌキャンプに行かされたした 䞡芪は平安な䞀時を望んだのです 毎日、正午になるず みんなで池に行きたす 浮きドックがあり そこから氎に飛び蟌むのです 未熟児ずしお生たれた私は䜓が小さく 生たれたずき巊の肺が朰れおいたした 氎にうたく浮けなかったため もずもず氎は怖かったのですが それでも時々行っおいたした キャンプのある日 みんな浮き茪の䞭に飛び蟌んでいたした 浮き茪の内偎ぞのダむブです。 面癜そうなので 私も飛び蟌んだら いじめっ子の䞀人に足銖を぀かたれたした 䞊にあがっお息をしようずしたしたが 浮き茪が背䞭の䞊にあり 必死にもがき、死ぬかず思いたした 幞いリヌダヌの人が来お、私たちを分けたした その時から、泳ぐこずが恐くなりたした ずっず克服できたせんでした 泳げないこずは 私にずっお䞀番の屈蟱でした 自分はハルクではないず思い知らされたのです この話にはハッピヌ゚ンドがありたす 今幎の8月、31歳の私は 2週間、氎泳に再挑戊したした 基本的なこずから疑問を解決しおいき 最初はプヌルで 20ダヌドを溺れる猿のように泳ぎ それだけで心拍が 200にもなっおいたのに しばらくするず、故郷の近く ロングアむランドのモントヌクの海を 1キロ泳げるたでになったのです 最高の気分で海から䞊がりたした 䞊がった時は Speedoの競泳甚パンツをはいおいたしたが 超人ハルクになった気分でした このプレれンテヌションの終わりには 皆さんにもハルクの気分になっおもらいたいです 皆さんもその気になれば 長距離スむマヌにもなれ 䜕カ囜語も習埗し タンゎのチャンピオンにもなれたす 今日は私の特技を玹介したす 怖くおどうしようもないものを 分析しおいくずいうものです では始めたしょう æ°Žæ³³ 第䞀の原則 この原則はずおも倧事です 結果を出せない人は 誀った考え方や未実蚌の仮定にずらわれおいたす 私にずっおのきっかけは ダブル゚スプレッ゜を日に6杯飲むような友人が こう蚀ったこずです。「コヌヒヌを1幎絶぀よ― お前が海で1キロ泳ぎ切ったらね」 私のチャレンゞが始たりたした 私はトラむアスロンの遞手を探したした 氎泳䞀筋の人は教えるのが䞊手くない、ず気づいたからです ビヌト板での緎習もしたしたが 足がカミ゜リのように氎を切るだけで 進みたせんでした。やる気をなくし、足を芋぀めるだけでした ハンドパドルもやっおみたした オリンピック遞手に教わっおもダメでした 今では芪友のクリス サッカず出䌚いたした æ°—æž©39°Cの䞭、アむアンマンレヌスをフィニッシュした人です 圌は「力になれるかもしれない」ず蚀っお テリヌ ラフリンを 玹介しおくれたした Total Immersion Swimmingの創蚭者です 生䜓力孊から孊んでいき 正しい泳ぎ方を知りたした 泳ぐのが怖い人、苊手な人は たず脚のこずを忘れおください 意倖でしょうけど 脚は倧した掚進力にはならないのです 匷く蹎るだけでは解決したせん 平均的なスむマヌは、゚ネルギヌのたった3%しか 前進する力に倉換できたせん 問題は氎の抵抗なのです 意識すべきこずは 䞊半身に䞋半身を匕っ匵らせるこずです 倧きい車の埌ろを走る小さい車のようにです そしお䜓を氎平に保぀ようにしおください そのためには 氎面を泳いではいけたせん 密床の関係で、䜓の95%は 自然に氎の䞭に沈みたす 3぀めのルヌルです クロヌルの堎合、倚くの人が お腹を䞋にしお、氎面に䞊がろうずしたすが 流れるように右から巊ぞず 回転させるのが正解です 胎䜓をたっすぐ保぀ようにしおください 䟋を芋おみたしょう 圌がテリヌです 右腕を䌞ばしおいたすが 頭より䜎く、かなり前に䌞ばしおいたす 党身が氎䞭に入っおいたす 頭より䜎く腕を䌞ばし 頭は背骚に沿った䜍眮です するず氎圧で足が浮くようになりたす これは䜓脂肪が少ない人には特に重芁です ストロヌクの䟋です 脚は蹎るのではなく、返す感じ 巊手を䌞ばしお 巊脚を返したす それによっお 腰を回転させたす 右手の浞氎䜍眮ですが 真正面の氎をかくのではなく 腕を45床の角床で 入れおいきたす 氎の抵抗を受けないように䌞ばしおいたす 䞊は間違いです ほずんどの氎泳コヌチはこう教えたす もちろん圌らに責任はありたせん 埌で「衚ず裏」ずいうこずに぀いおお話ししたす 䞋のような 私が説明した泳ぎ方をするこずで 20ダヌドで21ストロヌクだったものが 11ストロヌクになるのです コヌチ無し、ビデオ無しの二回の緎習でできたした 今は氎泳が奜きでたたりたせん 垌望者がいれば、私が氎泳のレッスンをしたいです 最埌に息継ぎです。 倚くの人に問題ずなる郚分です クロヌルでこれを治すには 䜓を回転させたずき 戻す手が氎に入るずころを芋るこずです これだけで ずっず良くなりたす 倧切なのはこれだけです 蚀語 玠材vs方法 私は、倚くの人ず同じように 語孊が苊手だず思っおいたした 䞭孊から高校䞀幎たで、スペむン語ず苊闘し 知っおいるフレヌズず蚀えば "Donde esta el bano?" くらい しかも返答されおも分かりたせん。悲しい珟実でした。 二幎生で転校したずき、他の蚀語を遞べるこずになりたした 友達のほずんどが日本語をずっおいたした 私も挑戊しおみようず 日本語を取るこずにしたした 6ヶ月埌、日本に行く機䌚がきたした 先生からは「心配するな」ず蚀われたした 「日本語の授業が毎日あるから、慣れるはずだ 玠晎らしい経隓になるぞ」ず。 私にずっお初の海倖です。 䞡芪にも勧められ、出発したした 東京に着くず玠晎らしい気分でした 地球の反察偎にいるのが䞍思議でした ホストファミリヌずも䌚いたした なかなか良いスタヌトが切れたした 最初の倜、孊校が始たる前日に ホストマザヌに䞁寧に頌みたした 8時に起こしおほしかったのです 「8時に起こしおください」です 「おこしおください」ではなく「8時におかしおください」ず蚀っおしたいたした。䌌おたすよね。 意味は「8時にレむプしおください」です あれほど困惑した日本人女性を初めおみたした 歩いお孊校に行くず 先生に䜕かの玙を枡されたしたが たったく読めたせん たるで象圢文字です 挢字で曞いおあったのです 日本語で䜿われる䞭囜生たれの文字です 䜕が曞いおあるか先生に尋ねるず 先生は「オヌケヌ、オヌケヌ えっず、䞖界史、数孊 ...叀文」ず説明しおくれたした そこで初めお気づきたした ちょっずした誀解があったようで 日本語の授業ずは、日本語を教える授業ではなく 普通の日本人の高校生向けの授業だったのです 私を陀くその孊校の生埒の4,999人は日本人でした 私のリアクションはこんな感じでした それをきっかけに、蚀語の習埗法を探したくりたした あらゆるものを詊したした。玀䌊囜屋に行き あらゆる本を読み、あらゆるCDを聞きたしたが 効果がありたせんでした。これを芋぀けるたでは。 これは垞甚挢字の䞀芧衚です 䞀般的な1945の挢字が茉っおいるポスタヌです 1981幎に文郚省が制定したものです 読みやすさの芳点から、ほずんどの出版物で䜿われる挢字は ここにあるものに制限されおいたす これが私にずっお倧きな宝ずなりたした この玠材を集䞭的に勉匷し始めるず 䞀気にレベルが䞊がりたした 朝日新聞を読めるほどになったのです それから6ヶ月埌、぀たりトヌタルで11ヵ月埌には 日本語I から日本語VI たで終えたした アメリカに戻り、16歳にしお翻蚳の仕事もしたした それ以埌も、「方法」より「玠材」を重芖するやり方を 10個ほどの蚀語で詊したした 語孊が苊手だった人間が 5,6皮類の蚀語を話し、読み、曞けるようになったのです このこずから蚀えるのは 「どのように」するかではなく 「䜕を」するかが重芁だずいうこずです ぀たり、「効果的」 ―重芁なこずをする― か 「効率的」 ―重芁でないこずも含め䞊手くこなす― の違いです これは文法にも蚀えたす 私は実隓を通じお、この6぀の文を䜿うようになりたした これらを 過去圢 珟圚圢 未来圢 ぞず ネむティブに蚳しおもらうこずで、文法を解析できたす それにより、䞻語、目的語、動詞、 盎接/間接目的語の䜍眮、性ずいったこずが理解できたす 耇数の蚀語をマスタヌしたければ このルヌルを入れ替えおやるだけです 興味のある方には、今床詳しくお話ししたしょう 今では私も蚀語が倧奜きです 瀟亀ダンス 衚か裏か ずおも重芁です 私が瀟亀ダンスが䞊手そうだず思った人 間違いです 私の䜓はほずんどのこずに向いおいたせん 岩を持ち䞊げるくらいにしか向いおたせん 以前はもっず䜓が倧きく筋肉質でした ですから、こんな歩き方でした オランりヌタンみたいでした。 超人ハルクでもいいですが。 瀟亀ダンスには向いおいたせん 2005幎、私はアルれンチンにいたした タンゎのレッスンを芋孊したした。 ダンスする気はありたせんでした。 10ペ゜払っお䞭に入るず 10人の女性ず2人の男性がいたした。 いい割合ですね。 先生が蚀いたした 「あなたもやりなさい」 いきなり冷汗がでたした 実は倧孊で瀟亀ダンスをやったのですが 盞手の足をかかずで螏んでしたい、悲鳎を䞊げられたした 圌女のリアクションにショックを受け 倧きく傷぀きたした 二床ずそのクラブには戻りたせんでした 女の先生は私に近づいおきたした 「さあ、手を回しお」 矎人のアシスタント講垫でした 䞊玚クラスの邪魔をされ怒っおいたした 私は頑匵りたしたが、手を眮く堎所も分かりたせん 圌女は腰に手を圓お 反察を向き、教宀䞭に響く声で蚀いたした 「この男は筋肉の塊のくせに― フランス人みたいな掎み方しやがる!」 私は励たしだず受け取りたした 倧笑いされ、恥ずかしかったです 圌女は「さあ早く。忙しいんだから」ず蚀いたした 8歳からレスリングをやっおた私は、圌女を朰す勢いで 男らしく抱きたした 圌女は私を芋䞊げお 「良くなったわ」ず蚀いたした 私は1か月分の月謝を払いたした さらに目暙ずしお 競技䌚ぞの参加を決めたした パヌキン゜ンの法則― 「䜜業の耇雑さは割り圓おた時間を䜿い切るたで膚れあがる」ものです 目前の競技䌚を目暙にしたした たず女性の先生に 女性のリヌドされ方を教わりたした リヌドされる偎の繊现さや技術を 知るこずで 倧孊での悪倢を避けようずしたした さらに圌女ず䞀緒に 過去の優勝者の特城や 技術を調査しおいきたした ブ゚ノスアむレスで教えるチャンピオン達をむンタビュヌしおいきたした 結果、私は2぀のリストを䜜りたした 䞀぀は、圌らが明瀺的に 勧める技術やトレヌニングの「衚の」リスト もう䞀぀は、圌らがやっおいない― 共通点をたずめた「裏の」リストです アルれンチンのダンス講垫の保守性は眮いおおいお 圌らが薊めなかった3぀をあえお攻めるこずにしたした たずはロングステップです 倚くのタンゎダンサヌはショヌトステップを䜿いたす でも私は長いステップのほうが゚レガントだず感じたした 小さなスペヌスでも このステップはできたす 2぀めは 倉わった皮類のピボットです 3぀めは テンポの倉化です この3぀の゚リアを攻略すれば 2-30幎やっおいるダンサヌずも勝負できるず考えたした この写真は 4ヶ月埌のブ゚ノスアむレス遞手暩、準決勝のものです それから1ヶ月埌、䞖界遞手暩で 準決勝たで行きたした。 その2週間埌 あのギネス蚘録を䜜りたした では緎習を芋おいただきたしょう ちょっず早送りしたす これはリヌドの先生ずしお゚リシアず私が遞んだ― ガブリ゚ル ミセヌさんです 圌の䞖代では屈指の゚レガントさを持っおいたす ロングステップずテンポの倉化 そしおピボットが有名です ゚リシアもずおも有名です 2人が合っおいるこずは明らかですね この映像ですが、実は二人が 初めお䞀緒に螊った時のものです 圌は力匷いリヌドをしたす 胞でリヌドをするず前傟姿勢になり 私の぀た先の力では うたくリヌドできたせん そこで、肩ず腕を䜿った リヌドを教わりたした 圌女を持ち䞊げられるずいう 利点もありたす この動きを分析しおいきたした これはピボットの䞀皮です バックステップのピボットです たくさんの皮類がありたす 䜕癟時間もの映像をすべお分類したした ゞョヌゞ カヌリンが自分の コメディヌを分類するのず同じようにです 私の倩敵、スペむン語で タンゎを習いたした 恐怖心は友達であり、バロメヌタヌです 「しおはいけないこず」を瀺すこずもありたすが 倚くの堎合「するべきこず」を教えおくれたす 私の最高の成果や 最高に楜しい時間は、䞀぀の質問から生たれたした 「これをやったら最悪どうなるか?」 特に子䟛の頃からの恐怖を克服するには 分析のフレヌムワヌクず自分の胜力を 恐怖の察象にぶ぀けたしょう そしお倧きな倢にぶ぀けたしょう 今、私が怖いものをお教えしたしょう もしも、これたでの私の孊びの機䌚が なかったずしたら 私の人生はどうなっおいたかず 怖くなりたす ここ2幎、私はアメリカの 公立孊校のシステムを分析し 修正点を探しおきたした 箄5䞇人の生埒を察象に詊行を行いたした 孊校も、6぀ほど建おたした 読者のおかげです 興味をお持ちのすべおの皆さん、 是非、話をしたしょう 私は䜕も知らない初心者ですが 質問はたくさんありたす。助蚀をください。 ありがずうございたした
You can tell by the power squat, I was a very confident boy -- and not without reason. I had a very charming routine at the time, which was to wait until late in the evening when my parents were decompressing from a hard day's work, doing their crossword puzzles, watching television. I would run into the living room, jump up on the couch, rip the cushions off, throw them on the floor, scream at the top of my lungs and run out because I was the Incredible Hulk. Obviously, you see the resemblance. And this routine went on for some time. When I was seven I went to summer camp. My parents found it necessary for peace of mind. And at noon each day the campers would go to a pond, where they had floating docks. You could jump off the end into the deep end. I was born premature. I was always very small. My left lung had collapsed when I was born. And I've always had buoyancy problems. So water was something that scared me to begin with. But I would go in on occasion. And on one particular day, the campers were jumping through inner tubes, They were diving through inner tubes. And I thought this would be great fun. So I dove through the inner tube, and the bully of the camp grabbed my ankles. And I tried to come up for air, and my lower back hit the bottom of the inner tube. And I went wild eyed and thought I was going to die. A camp counselor fortunately came over and separated us. From that point onward I was terrified of swimming. That is something that I did not get over. My inability to swim has been one of my greatest humiliations and embarrassments. That is when I realized that I was not the Incredible Hulk. But there is a happy ending to this story. At age 31 -- that's my age now -- in August I took two weeks to re-examine swimming, and question all the of the obvious aspects of swimming. And went from swimming one lap -- so 20 yards -- like a drowning monkey, at about 200 beats per minute heart rate -- I measured it -- to going to Montauk on Long Island, close to where I grew up, and jumping into the ocean and swimming one kilometer in open water, getting out and feeling better than when I went in. And I came out, in my Speedos, European style, feeling like the Incredible Hulk. the Incredible Hulk, at the end of this presentation. More specifically, I want you to feel like you're capable of becoming an excellent long-distance swimmer, a world-class language learner, and a tango champion. And I would like to share my art. If I have an art, it's deconstructing things that really scare the living hell out of me. So, moving onward. Swimming, first principles. First principles, this is very important. I find that the best results in life are often held back by false constructs and untested assumptions. And the turnaround in swimming came when a friend of mine said, "I will go a year without any stimulants" -- this is a six-double-espresso-per-day type of guy -- "if you can complete a one kilometer open water race." So the clock started ticking. I started seeking out triathletes because I found that lifelong swimmers often couldn't teach what they did. I tried kickboards. My feet would slice through the water like razors, I wouldn't even move. I would leave demoralized, staring at my feet. Hand paddles, everything. Even did lessons with Olympians -- nothing helped. And then Chris Sacca, who is now a dear friend mine, had completed an Iron Man with 103 degree temperature, said, "I have the answer to your prayers." And he introduced me to who is the founder of Total Immersion Swimming. That set me on the road to examining biomechanics. So here are the new rules of swimming, if any of you are afraid of swimming, or not good at it. The first is, forget about kicking. Very counterintuitive. So it turns out that propulsion isn't really the problem. Kicking harder doesn't solve the problem because the average swimmer only transfers about three percent of their energy expenditure into forward motion. The problem is hydrodynamics. So what you want to focus on instead is allowing your lower body to draft behind your upper body, much like a small car behind a big car on the highway. And you do that by maintaining a horizontal body position. The only way you can do that is to not swim on top of the water. The body is denser than water. 95 percent of it would be, at least, submerged naturally. So you end up, number three, not swimming, in the case of freestyle, on your stomach, as many people think, reaching on top of the water. But actually rotating from streamlined right to streamlined left, maintaining that fuselage position as long as possible. So let's look at some examples. This is Terry. And you can see that he's extending his right arm below his head and far in front. And so his entire body really is underwater. The arm is extended below the head. The head is held in line with the spine, so that you use strategic water pressure to raise your legs up -- very important, especially for people with lower body fat. Here is an example of the stroke. So you don't kick. But you do use a small flick. You can see this is the left extension. Then you see his left leg. Small flick, and the only purpose of that is to rotate his hips so he can get to the opposite side. And the entry point for his right hand -- notice this, he's not reaching in front and catching the water. Rather, he is entering the water at a 45-degree angle with his forearm, and then propelling himself by streamlining -- very important. Incorrect, above, which is what almost every swimming coach will teach you. Not their fault, honestly. And I'll get to implicit versus explicit in a moment. Below is what most swimmers will find enables them to do what I did, which is going from 21 strokes per 20-yard length to 11 strokes in two workouts with no coach, no video monitoring. And now I love swimming. I can't wait to go swimming. I'll be doing a swimming lesson later, for myself, if anyone wants to join me. Last thing, breathing. A problem a lot of us have, certainly, when you're swimming. In freestyle, easiest way to remedy this is to turn with body roll, and just to look at your recovery hand as it enters the water. And that will get you very far. That's it. That's really all you need to know. Languages. Material versus method. I, like many people, came to the conclusion that I was terrible at languages. I suffered through Spanish for junior high, first year of high school, and the sum total of my knowledge was pretty much, "Donde esta el bano?" And I wouldn't even catch the response. A sad state of affairs. Then I transferred to a different school sophomore year, and I had a choice of other languages. Most of my friends were taking Japanese. So I thought why not punish myself? I'll do Japanese. Six months later I had the chance to go to Japan. My teachers assured me, they said, "Don't worry. You'll have Japanese language classes every day to help you cope. It will be an amazing experience." My first overseas experience in fact. So my parents encouraged me to do it. I left. I arrived in Tokyo. Amazing. I couldn't believe I was on the other side of the world. I met my host family. Things went quite well I think, all things considered. My first evening, before my first day of school, I said to my mother, very politely, "Please wake me up at eight a.m." But I didn't say . I said, . Pretty close. But I said, "Please rape me at eight a.m." You've never seen a more confused Japanese woman. I walked in to school. And a teacher came up to me and handed me a piece of paper. I couldn't read any of it -- hieroglyphics, it could have been -- because it was Kanji, Chinese characters adapted into the Japanese language. Asked him what this said. And he goes, "Ahh, okay okay, eehto, World History, ehh, Calculus, Traditional Japanese." And so on. And so it came to me in waves. There had been something lost in translation. The Japanese classes were not Japanese instruction classes, per se. They were the normal high school curriculum for Japanese students -- the other 4,999 students in the school, who were Japanese, besides the American. And that's pretty much my response. And that set me on this panic driven search for the perfect language method. I tried everything. I went to Kinokuniya. I tried every possible book, every possible CD. Nothing worked until I found this. This is the Joyo Kanji. This is a Tablet rather, or a poster of the 1,945 common-use characters as determined by the Ministry of Education in 1981. Many of the publications in Japan limit themselves to these characters, to facilitate literacy -- some are required to. And this became my Holy Grail, my Rosetta Stone. As soon as I focused on this material, I took off. I ended up being able to read Asahi Shinbu, Asahi newspaper, about six months later -- so a total of 11 months later -- and went from Japanese I to Japanese VI. Ended up doing translation work at age 16 when I returned to the U.S., and have continued to apply this material over method approach to close to a dozen languages now. Someone who was terrible at languages, and at any given time, speak, read and write five or six. This brings us to the point, which is, it's oftentimes what you do, not how you do it, that is the determining factor. This is the difference between being effective -- doing the right things -- and being efficient -- doing things well whether or not they're important. You can also do this with grammar. I came up with these six sentences after much experimentation. Having a native speaker allow you to deconstruct their grammar, by translating these sentences into past, present, future, will show you subject, object, verb, placement of indirect, direct objects, gender and so forth. From that point, you can then, if you want to, acquire multiple languages, alternate them so there is no interference. We can talk about that if anyone in interested. And now I love languages. So ballroom dancing, implicit versus explicit -- very important. You might look at me and say, "That guy must be a ballroom dancer." But no, you'd be wrong because my body is very poorly designed for most things -- pretty well designed for lifting heavy rocks perhaps. I used to be much bigger, much more muscular. And so I ended up walking like this. I looked a lot like an orangutan, our close cousins, or the Incredible Hulk. Not very good for ballroom dancing. I found myself in Argentina in 2005, decided to watch a tango class -- had no intention of participating. Went in, paid my ten pesos, walked up -- 10 women two guys, usually a good ratio. The instructor says, "You are participating." Immediately: death sweat. Fight-or-flight fear sweat, because I tried ballroom dancing in college -- stepped on the girl's foot with my heel. She screamed. I was so concerned with her perception of what I was doing, that it exploded in my face, never to return to the ballroom dancing club. She comes up, and this was her approach, the teacher. "Okay, come on, grab me." Gorgeous assistant instructor. She was very pissed off that I had pulled her from her advanced practice. So I did my best. I didn't know where to put my hands. And she pulled back, threw down her arms, put them on her hips, turned around and yelled across the room, "This guy is built like a god-damned mountain of muscle, and he's grabbing me like a fucking Frenchman," which I found encouraging. Everyone burst into laughter. I was humiliated. She came back. She goes, "Come on. I don't have all day." As someone who wrestled since age eight, I proceeded to crush her, "Of Mice and Men" style. And she looked up and said, "Now that's better." So I bought a month's worth of classes. And proceeded to look at -- I wanted to set competition so I'd have a deadline -- Parkinson's Law, the perceived complexity of a task will expand to fill the time you allot it. So I had a very short deadline for a competition. I got a female instructor first, to teach me the female role, the follow, because I wanted to understand the sensitivities and abilities that the follow needed to develop, so I wouldn't have a repeat of college. along with her, of the of the capabilities and elements of different dancers who'd won championships. I interviewed these people because they all taught in Buenos Aires. I compared the two lists, and what you find is that there is explicitly, expertise they recommended, certain training methods. Then there were implicit commonalities that none of them seemed to be practicing. Now the protectionism of Argentine dance teachers aside, I found this very interesting. So I decided to focus on three of those commonalities. Long steps. So a lot of milongueros -- the tango dancers will use very short steps. I found that longer steps were much more elegant. So you can have -- and you can do it in a very small space in fact. Secondly, different types of pivots. Thirdly, variation in tempo. These seemed to be the three areas that I could exploit to compete if I wanted to comptete against people who'd been practicing for 20 to 30 years. That photo is of the semi-finals of the Buenos Aires championships, four months later. Then one month later, went to the world championships, made it to the semi-final. And then set a world record, following that, two weeks later. I want you to see part of what I practiced. I'm going to jump forward here. This is the instructor that Alicia and I chose for the male lead. His name is Gabriel Misse. One of the most elegant dancers of his generation, known for his long steps, and his tempo changes and his pivots. Alicia, in her own right, very famous. So I think you'll agree, they look quite good together. Now what I like about this video is it's actually a video of the first time they ever danced together because of his lead. He had a strong lead. He didn't lead with his chest, which requires you lean forward. I couldn't develop the attributes in my toes, the strength in my feet, to do that. So he uses a lead that focuses on his shoulder girdle and his arm. So he can lift the woman to break her, for example. That's just one benefit of that. So then we broke it down. This would be an example of one pivot. This is a back step pivot. There are many different types. I have hundreds of hours of footage -- all categorized, much like George Carlin categorized his comedy. So using my arch-nemesis, Spanish, no less, to learn tango. So fear is your friend. Fear is an indicator. Sometimes it shows you what you shouldn't do. More often than not it shows you exactly what you should do. And the best results that I've had in life, the most enjoyable times, have all been from asking a simple question: what's the worst that can happen? Especially with fears you gained when you were a child. Take the analytical frameworks, the capabilities you have, apply them to old fears. Apply them to very big dreams. And when I think of what I fear now, it's very simple. When I imagine my life, what my life would have been like without the educational opportunities that I had, it makes me wonder. I've spent the last two years trying to deconstruct the American public school system, to either fix it or replace it. And have done experiments with about 50,000 students thus far -- built, I'd say, about a half dozen schools, my readers, at this point. And if any of you are interested in that, I would love to speak with you. I know nothing. I'm a beginner. But I ask a lot of questions, and I would love your advice. Thank you very much.
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Those who had the chance migrated, first to their homeland’s centers of economic progress, then abroad, to countries and places where the new world could be found immediately. Those who stayed behind began to vote in strange ways – electing, for example, the successors of the old Communist parties that they had been glad to get rid of only a few years before.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
翌日の朝――むングリスずラフィニアは、ワむズマル䌯爵をミリ゚ラ校長の元に案内しおいた。 「えっ!? ワむズマル劇団の公挔に、階士アカデミヌの 「はぁい! ぀い先日、王郜では倧芏暡な戊があったず聞きたす。それによっお萜ち蟌んでおられる王郜の䜏民の皆様の気分を盛り䞊げお差し䞊げるためにも、是非!」 ず、ワむズマル䌯爵はい぀もの甲高い声ず奇劙な身振りでお願いするのだが、ミリ゚ラ校長はどう答えるのだろう? 「わあぁぁぁ~! いいですねえ! 私挔劇ずか倧奜きなんですよぉ! ワむズマル劇団の公挔も䜕床も芋た事ありたすよぉ! ファンなんです!」 ――むしろ倧歓迎のようだった。 「ほっほぅ! それはどうもありがずうございたす! そう蚀っお頂けたすず、吟茩どもの掻動も報われるずいうもの!」 「で、で、協力したらチケットずか融通しお頂けるずか、あったりしたすかねえ?」 「無論でございたすずも! 階士アカデミヌの皆様でご䜿甚頂ける特等垭を手配いたしたす! お気の枈むたで䜕床でもご芳芧頂ければず!」 「きゃ~! やった特等垭っ♪ じゃあ党面協力しちゃいたすよお!」 「校長先生! ちょっず埅っお䞋さい――!」 ず、声を䞊げたのは生埒で特玚印を持぀生のシルノァだった。 「えっ? どうしたしたかシルノァさん?」 「どうしたしたか、ではありたせんっ! 物に釣られないで䞋さい! そもそも珟圚のアカデミヌは砎壊された校舎の再建䞭で、そんな堎合ではないでしょう!」 流石生真面目なシルノァは、ミリ゚ラ校長に異を唱えおいた。 「いえ、そんな堎合だからですよお! どうせ校舎が無くお授業に支障をきたしおいるんですから、今のうちに楜しめるこずは楜しんだ方がいいです! こんな状況になっお、気萜ちしおいる人もいるかも知れたせんから――きっず元気出たすよっ! ね?」 「はい! あたし達、ワむズマル䌯爵のおかげで元気出たしたっ!」 ラフィニアが元気よく手を挙げた。 「ね、クリス?」 の堎合は、ご飯を食べさせお貰えるからでしょ......」 「昚日ずは別人のように元気になりたしたものね――」 ず、レオヌネずリヌれロッテに苊笑をされた。 「し、しかし階士アカデミヌは公の機関です。぀たり、囜王陛䞋の蚱可を頂くか、囜ず人々のためになる事が自明である堎合でないず――」 「ほヌうほうほう!」 ワむズマル䌯爵が倉な身振りで、シルノァににじり寄った。 「心配ご無甚! 吟茩らワむズマル劇団は、䞖のため人のために掻動しおおりたすので! 「そ、それはご立掟な志ですが――」 「吟茩らの掻動を良く知っお頂ければ、ご理解頂けたしょう! どうです? あなた、舞台に立っお芋たせんか? 芋れば特玚印をお持ちで、芋た目も爜やかだ。今䜜は舞台䞊での激しい立ち回りが芋所ですから、適任で埡座いたすぞ!」 「い、いえ僕は......!」 「わぁすごい! シルノァさんを圹者さんにしおくれるんですか!? いいですねえ!」 「こ、校長先生! 僕はそういう浮぀いた事は......!」 「浮぀いた事なんかじゃありたせんよお。芞術に觊れるこずは、人間性を豊かにしおくれるんですっ! きっずシルノァさんにもいい圱響ありたすよっ!」 「......ちょっずは怒りっぜくなくなる――いいこず」 ず、ボ゜ッず呟いたのは、いく぀もの䞞倪をたずめお運んでいたナアだった。 校舎再建のための資材運びなのだが、華奢な䜓にたるで芋合わない、異様に倧量な資材を肩に抱えおいる。 盞倉わらずの力匷さで、先日の事件で やはり手合わせするのに申し分のない盞手だ。ぜひ戊っおもらえるように、胞を倧きくする方法を早く考えないず。 「それは僕がどうこうではなく、君の態床に問題があるんだっ!」 「......はお?」 ず、ナアが無衚情に小銖を傟げた瞬間、抱えおいた長倧な䞞倪が振れおシルノァの脛を打った。 「あ。さヌせん」 「痛っ......! そういう所だ、そういう!」 「たあたあたあ、シルノァさん。お客様の前ですし穏䟿に......! それはそうず、せっかくこう蚀っお䞋さっおるんですから、挑戊しおみたらいいず思うんですけど――」 「さよう! なあに倧䞈倫です! そこにいるむングリスちゃんも舞台に立っお䞋さいたすので!」 「ええっ!?」 「わ! むングリスさんもですかあ――確かにむングリスさんは舞台映えしそうですもんねえ......お目が高いですねえ、ワむズマルさん」 「ほっほう! 実は以前にも吟茩達の公挔の舞台に立っお頂いたこずがありたしお! もう䞀床、舞台に立っお頂きたいず思っおいたのですよ!」 「ぞぇぇぇ~! むングリスさんも、頑匵っおくださいね!」 「い、いえわたしはただ......」 非垞に倧きな問題がある。あり過ぎる。 「最埌にキスシヌンもあるのよ! ね、クリス?」 「ちょ......! ちょっずラニ、それはただ――」 「「「「えええええっ!?」」」」 ラフィニアの暎露に、皆から驚きの声が䞊がる。 「い、むングリスがキスシヌンを......? よく受けたわね――」 「そうですわね......よく人前でそんな――」 「いくら挔劇の圹ずはいえ、倧胆よね......ちょっず想像しちゃうわね」 「ええ、こちらがなんだか緊匵しおきたすわ......わたくしにはちょっず出来たせん――」 「が、頑匵っおね......むングリス――」 「埌孊のためにも、しっかり芋させお頂きたすわね」 やはり二人ずも健党な少女なので、そういう事には無関心ではいられないようだ。 「いや、ただ決たったわけじゃ......」 「そのお盞手候補があなた、ずいうわけです!」 ワむズマル䌯爵が、シルノァの肩を叩く。 「「「おおおお~~!」」」 そう皆から歓声が䞊がる。 「な......!? そ、そんな事、䜙蚈に出来たせんよ......! 銬鹿な話だ......! お断りさせお頂きたす!」 「え~......シルノァ先茩だったら、クリスも顔知っおるしやり易いず思ったんだけどなあ」 「「そういう問題じゃないっ!」」 むングリスずシルノァの声が重なった。 「じゃあ、やっぱり初めおはラファ兄様がいい? でもほら兄様遠埁䞭だし、これは本気のや぀じゃなくおあくたで挔技だし? でもラファ兄様が埌で聞いたら、これはうかうかしおいられんっお、クリスに積極的になっおくれたりするかもだし? そしたら本圓の姉効になれる日が近づくわよね~♪ っおどうしたのよクリス、うずくたっちゃっお?」 「うぅぅぅ......」 先ほどからラフィニアやレオヌネ達が述べる䞀蚀䞀句が、想像したら寒気がする。 ず、ワむズマル䌯爵はシルノァを説埗しおいた。 「残念ですが、ご協力できたせん! きっぱりずお断りしたす!」 「う~ん、シルノァさんがそこたで蚀うなら――じゃあ他に誰か、むングリスさんずキスシヌンをしたい人っ!」 ず、ミリ゚ラ校長が調子に乗っお、呚囲の生埒を煜った。 同時に男子生埒達の芖線がむングリスに集䞭する。 「ひいぃぃぃぃっ!?」 そういう血走った目でこちらを芋るのは、本圓に止めお欲しい。 「わぁ――さすがむングリスちゃん......あっ! ラティは挙げちゃダメですよ! 挙げおないですよね?」 二人は北の囜の出身の留孊生で、幌銎染であり普段から仲がいい。 「挙げおねえよ。俺はそヌいうの興味ねえから」 「はい。他に蚀う事はありたせんか?」 ず、プラムはラティのほうに耳を向ける。 「はぁ?」 「俺はお前䞀筋だから、挙げねえ――! ずかそういう台詞ですっ」 ず―― 「シルノァが蟞退するずいうなら――私も挙手させおもらおうっ!」 そう倧声ず共に珟れたのはシルノァの兄――近衛階士団長のレダスだった。
The next morning, Inglis and Rafinha guided Count Weissmall to where Principal Miliera was. With the school building being in rubbles, there was obviously no Principal Office either, so they took him directly to the reconstruction site where the principal was taking command over the project. 「Eh?! You want to borrow the Academy’s Flygears for the performance of the Weissmall Troupe?」 「Yes! I heard there was a large-scale incursion in the Royal Capital just the other day. I wish to lift the spirits of the townspeople by using them!」 Count Weissmall requested in his usual high-pitched voice and strange gestures, but how would Principal Miliera respond? Inglis believed that she was a reasonable person, but she was by no means whimsical. Was she perhaps going to refuse to cooperate in such matters? 「WAAaaahh~! That sounds wonderful! I love theatre plays! I’ve seen a lot of Weissmall Troupe’s performances! I’m a fan!」 ——She was very welcoming instead. 「Hohou! Thank you very much for that! Being told that makes our activities feel rewarded!」 「So, so, do we get tickets or other perks if we cooperate with you?」 「Oh, but of course! I will arrange for special seats for members of the Knight Academy! You may come to watch as many times as you want until you have it enough!」 「Kyaah~! Hooray, we got special seats~𝅘𝅥𝅮 Then I’ll cooperate with you fully!」 「Principal! Please hold onto your decision!」 It was Silva who raised his voice, a third-year student and the only student who possessed a Special Grade Rune. The conversation seemed to have been caught by his ears as he was giving out operation orders nearby. 「Eh? What’s the matter, Mister Silva?」 「Don’t give me that question! Please, don’t get easily enticed into things! The Academy is in the middle of reconstructing the destroyed buildings, this is not the time for something like this!」 As one would expect from the straight-laced Silva, he had objected to Principal Miliera. 「No, this is precisely the time for this! The classes are impeded since we are missing the facilities anyway, so we might as well have whatever fun we can while we can! There might be those who are bummed out by this situation too, so I’m sure the performance will lift their spirits up! Right?」 「Yes! We had our spirits lifted all thanks to Count Weissmall!」 Rafinha raised her hand energetically. 「Right, Glis?」 「For your case, isn’t that because he’s feeding you two......」 「With how spirited you are, the two of you look like different people compared to yesterday!」 Commented Leone and Liselotte, both smiling wryly. 「H-, however, the Knight Academy is a public institute. Which means, unless we have the permission of the King, or if the activity would provide obvious benefit for the country and the people, we can’t exactly...」 「Hou Ho Ho!」 With a strange gesticulation, Count Weissmall cottoned up to Silva 「Worry not! We, the Weissmall Troupe, are working only for the good of the people, for the betterment of the world! With the Prism Flow flowing throughout Midland, the threat of Magic Stone Beasts is endless. That fate, that dread, we divert their minds from it with our performance......that is our role!」 「Th-, that is indeed a noble purpose, but...」 「You will surely understand us if you’re familiar with our activities! How is it? Will you show up on our stage? From what I can see, you possess the Special Grade Rune, and your look is eloquent. The highlight of the play this time are fierce battles on the stage, so you are more than qualified!」 「N-, no, I......!」 「Wah, amazing! You can make Mister Silva a performer?! That sounds good!」 「P-, Principal! I’m ill-suited for such frivolous things!」 「But it’s not a frivolous thing at all. Being exposed to art enriches your humanity! I’m sure it will have positive effects on you, Mister Silva!」 「......You’ll become less snappy——a good thing.」 It was Yua, who was carrying several logs at the same time, who muttered those words under her breath. It seemed like she just overheard it while passing by. She was transporting materials for the reconstruction, but she had an exceptionally large amount of materials on her shoulder; a sight that didn’t fit her slender figure at all. She was still a powerhouse as ever, and she showed no side effects whatsoever even after being absorbed by the Prisma in the last incident. She was the most perfect opponent for a duel, after all. Inglis really needed to figure out a way to make breasts bigger, so that Yua would be willing to fight her. Yua promised that if the method Inglis taught worked, she would spar with her. 「That’s not coming from me, it’s your attitude that’s problematic!」 「......What do you mean?」 The moment Yua tilted her head, showing no expression at all, the long log under her arms swung out and struck Silva on the shin. 「Ah. M’bad.」 「Ouch......! This is what I meant, this!」 「Now now now, Mister Silva. We have a guest, let’s maintain our manner! That being said, it’s not common to be invited like this, so I think you should at least attempt it!」 「Agreed! What, it’s fine! Inglis here will stand on the same stage too, you see!」 「Eeeh?!」 「Wah! Miss Inglis too, huh? Indeed, Miss Inglis will look wonderful on stage......You have a good eye, Mr. Weissmall!」 「Hohou! Truth is, she had stood on our stage before, you see! I am hoping to have her stand on the stage again!」 「Heeeh~! You do your best too, Miss Inglis!」 「N-, no, I still haven’t......」 She still hadn’t decided she would take up the role. There was a huge problem that needed to be addressed. Too huge, in fact. 「There’s a kissing scene at the end too! Right, Glis?」 「Wai......! Hold on, Rani, you can’t——」 「「「「EEEEHH?!」」」」 Rafinha’s revelation was met with surprise from everyone present. 「Inglis doing a kissing scene? I’m surprised she agreed to it!」 「Indeed......In front of the audience, to boot...」 「That’s bold, even for a theatre play......I couldn’t help but imagine it now.」 「Yes, now we’re the ones who are getting nervous......Had it been me, I’m not sure I could do it!」 「D-, do your best......Inglis!」 「We will make sure to take a good, long look, for our future references.」 Leone and Liselotte’s cheeks blushed pinkishly when they said so. A strange excitement and a feeling of expectation were evident in their expression. They were both healthy young maidens, after all, they couldn’t exactly act indifferent towards such topics it seems. 「No, it’s not decided just......」 「And the candidate for that kiss, is you!」 Said Count Weissmall, placing his hand on Silva’s shoulder. 「「「Oooohhh~!」」」 Everyone cheered. 「Wha......?! Th-, that’s all more the reason I can’t do it! How stupid! I will have to decline!」 「Eeh~......I thought it would be easier if it’s with your senior, Silva, since you and Glis have known each other.」 「「That’s not the issue here!!」」 Inglis and Silva’s voices overlapped. 「So you want your first kiss with brother Rafa, after all? But, you know he’s on a sortie, and this is just a performance, not the real one. Though, if brother Rafa heard about it later, he might not be able to keep himself inattentive any longer and be on the offensive with Glis? And then, the day Glis and I become real sisters will come sooner~𝅘𝅥𝅮 ......What’s wrong, Glis? Why are you crouching?」 「Uuuu......」 Each word that Rafinha, Leone, and Liselotte had been saying since a while ago made Inglis’ spine chilled even with just the thought of it. After all, when Inglis thought about it again, kissing a man in front of a crowd of people was horrifying. Just, horrifying. It wasn’t about who she was kissing, but the very act itself was physiologically impossible for her. Count Weissmall still tried to convince Silva for the role. 「I am sorry, but I can’t help you! I firmly refuse!」 「Hmm, if Mister Silva really can’t——then, who else here wants to do a kissing scene with Miss Inglis?!」 Principal Miliera then got carried away with the flow and instigated the students all around. A large number of hands raised high. At the same time, the boys’ eyes were all focused on Inglis alone. 「Hiieeeeekkkk?!!」 By Alistair, Inglis wished they would stop looking at her with those bloodshot gazes, really. She couldn’t fight against the chill that froze over her spine. 「Waah——that’s Inglis for you......Ah! You can’t raise your hand, Lahti! You aren’t, right?」 Pullum, a student of the Knight division from the same generation, and Lahti, a classmate in the Squire division, were also there. The two were overseas students from the North, they were childhood friends with each other and usually had good chemistry with one another. Pullum was looking at Lahti as if to chide him. 「Hell if I will. I ain’t interested in such a thing.」 「Okay. Anything else to add?」 Pullum turned her ears to Lahti. 「Haah?」 「I mean lines like “I will only raise my hand if it’s with you!”」 Then—— 「If Silva declines the offer——then I will raise my hand too!」 The one who announced his arrival with such a loud voice was the older brother of Silva——the Commander of the Imperial Guard Order, Redas.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ノェルナヌらが賊の蚎䌐䜜戊を展開しおいた頃、アンハむムの教䌚斜療院の奥たっに十人ほどの人間が密談のために集たっおいた。 教䌚斜療院は本来、貧しい者たちの救護所ずしお教䌚が運営しおいる斜蚭である。普段は旅の途䞭で病気になったものや貧民、老人や身寄りのない者たちが病気の治療をしながら䜓を䌑めたり、互いに協力しながら生掻をしおいる。節志家が生掻費を出す慈善斜蚭ずしお各地の町にも存圚しおいるので、町の有力者やその郚䞋が足を運ぶこずも珍しくはない。 だが、この日は党く別の目的で集たっおいた。 「たったく、我らを無芖しすぎである」 「うむ。若いからずしばらく自由にさせおやっおおれば調子にのりおっお......」 䜕人かが口々に䞍満を述べる。この堎にいる者の倚くは新人代官であるノェルナヌに冷遇された者たちである。誓玄人もいれば、町の顔圹ずでもいう立堎の人間、町の䞋玚圹人の䞀郚は割を食った人間であるず蚀えるだろう。䞭にはノェルナヌに嚘を犯眪者扱いにされた顔圹や、林業ギルドの長などもいる。 ノェルナヌが朚材を倚く䜿い䜕かをしおいるこずは解っおおり、倧工ギルドや朚工ギルド、金属加工ギルドなどは掻況を呈しおいるのだが、朚材の倚くを他の地域から賌入しおいるため、林業ギルドの人間には利益が回っおこない。 そのほか譊備隊の副隊長もいる。譊備隊長は新代官であるノェルナヌの連れおきたケステンずいう男に完党に屈服しおしたっおいるのだが、圌は必ずしもそうではなかった。ノェルナヌの締め付けが厳しすぎるずいうのがその䞍満の理由である。 「䜕より、裁刀を独断で進めたこずが気にくわぬ」 ず口にした人物がいるのは無理もないかもしれない。この䞖界、事件の倚くは眰金刑になる。監獄などがないこずも理由になるのだが、それ以䞊の理由がある。裁刀の結果、代官が埗るものが倧きいからだ。 仮に、䜕等かの事件で加害者に銀貚䞀〇〇枚の眰金が蚀い枡された堎合、被害者には䞀割か、裁刀を担圓した者にはそれぞれ䞀枚前埌の参加費、残りはすべお代官の収入ずなる。その結果、代官の懐にを超える銀貚が入るこずも珍しくはない。 自然、代官は眪を問うのに熱心になるし、裁刀を担圓する委員たちも犯眪者を裁刀にかけるたびに臚時収入が入るのである。眰金を支払えなければ劎働民ずなり、安く䜿える劎働力を手に入れられるので、委員には矎味しい業務ず蚀えた。 さらに独自の理由がある。クナヌプ䟯爵領であった圓時は䟯爵領独自法により、裁刀に参加した者には領からの特別手圓が出おいたのだ。 隣囜トラむオットずの囜境に面した郜垂であったため密茞入に関する裁刀が倚く、その分時間がずられるためであったのだが、トラむオットが滅びた埌もクナヌプ䟯の戊没などの事情が重なり、その法が生きおいた。クナヌプ䟯が任呜した代官は特に劣悪ずいう蚳でもなかったが、他の裁刀にもそれらの暩利を行䜿するこずに抵抗はなかったのである。結果、アンハむムでは囜内党䜓の平均より倚くの裁刀が行われおいた。 だがこの点、ノェルナヌは䟯爵領ではなくなったこずを理由に特別手圓をすべお削枛し、曎に裁刀そのものも即断ずいう方が近い圢で自ら凊断しおしたう。䞀方で軜めの眪に関しおはわざわざ裁刀を開かずに劎働刑などで凊理しおしたう。 代官独断で凊断された堎合の倚くは裁刀ず蚀う圢にならないので、裁刀委員䌚に任呜された者たちはいわば儲け損ねおいるのだ。もちろん代官にはその暩限があるのだが、普通の代官はそこたで手を出さない。ノェルナヌは地方の有力者を無芖しおいるず蚀われおも反論できなかったに違いない。無論、そこには別の意図があったわけだが。 「いっそ、少し困らせおやりたすかな」 「そうですなあ。賊は蚎䌐しおもらわなくおは困りたすが、倚少の苊劎は必芁でしょう」 「物資が遅れお届くなど、よくある事ですしな」 「倧䞈倫なのですか」 心配する声も䞊がったが、初老の男が笑い飛ばす。 「心配はなかろう。この堎には居られぬが神殿長も我らず同じように思っおおるからこの堎を貞しおくださっおおるはずだ。代官ず蚀えども神殿には容易に手は出せたいお」 「いえいえ、そうでもありたせぬよ」 突然の声に、その堎にいた䞀同がぎょっずした衚情で扉に芖線を向ける。そこにはどこか奇劙にたるんだような商人颚の男がおり、その背埌に無数の歊装した人間が揃っおいた。 「な、䜕者だ、貎様」 「これは申し遅れたした。わたくし、ツェアフェルト子爵の䞋で働いおおりたすラフェドず申したす」 「今たでのお話は聞かせおいただきたした。もちろん、神殿長様の蚱可を戎いおの事でございたすが」 沈黙が䞋りる。䞀方は顔色も倉えず、もう䞀方は赀くなったり青くなったりしおいるが、そのうちの䞀人がかろうじお声を䞊げた。 「た、たお。我らはただ䜕もしおいないぞ。確かに、代官殿に䞍満があるように聞こえおいたかもしれんが......」 軜く肩をすくめおラフェドが蚀葉を続ける。 「ツェアフェルト子爵が赎任前に調べおいた資料に、マンゎルトぞの資金揎助が行われおいた件に関するものがあったそうで。その䞭には随分いろいろなお名前があったずか」 誓玄人でもあるギルド長たちが顔色を倉えた。確かに、その事実はあったためである。だが、うち䞀人が意識しお声を荒らげた。 「だずしおも問題はあるたい! あの圓時、マンゎルト卿がクナヌプ䟯の埡䞀族であったこずは事実なのだ!」 「それはその通りではございたすが、ノェリヌザ砊ぞの匷襲を䌁んだ際、王に無断で兵を集めたこずも事実でございたす。これは立掟な眪でございたしお、その予算がどこから出おいたのかには確認の必芁がございたすなあ」 情報の萜差があったこずは吊定できない。王郜での評刀ず異なり、アンハむムず蚀う囜境沿いの町では、父が戊没したなら子が跡を継ぐのは圓然ず考え、“次期・クナヌプ䟯”に早いうちからいい顔をしおおこうず考える人間が出お来るのは圓然ずもいえる。たたマンゎルト自身、発蚀や行動が暎力的ではあったが、その皋床なら貎族ずしお珍しくないずいう事実もあった。 ずはいえ、町の暩力者からの献金や資金揎助は正芏の皎収ずその色合いが異なるのは確かであるが、それだけで眪に問えるかずいうず難しい。だがその無断で兵を集める目的で䜿われる事を知っおいたかを確認するために数日間身柄を確保されるぐらいはあり埗るし、その間は奜き勝手な動きは取れない。 芁は数日の間倧人しくさせおおくこずだけが目的なのである。逆に蚀えば初めからそれが目的なのだから理由はどうにでも付けられるのだ。先手を打たれた、ず誓玄人偎が理解するのに時間はかからなかった。 曎にラフェドは頭を䞋げる。慇懃無瀌ずいうよりもどこか舞台圹者のような態床である。残念ながら圹者になれるような倖芋ではなかったが。 「ああ、それず、䞀郚のかたは別件での取り調べもさせおいただきたす。䟯爵没埌の混乱に乗じ、ギルドの売り䞊げを停り皎をごたかしおいたずか」 「な、䜕を。どこにそのような......」 「わたくし、䞍満を持っおいる人間を芋぀ける目には自信がございたしお。ギルドず蚀うのも䞀枚岩ではございたせんもので」 ギルド長に䞍満を持っおいた内通者の蚀質を埗おいる、ずいう意味の発蚀に䜕人かが蒌癜ずなったが、ラフェドの合図ずずもに雪厩れ蟌んで来た兵の数に芳念したのか、倧人しく連行されおいった。代わっおその堎に姿を芋せたのはケステンず神殿長である。 「ご協力、誠に感謝いたしたす」 がアンハむムたでやっおきた理由の䞀぀はこれであったのだが、その挙句が蜂採集である。のちに鋌鉄の鎚メンバヌは「王郜から手玙ず荷物を運ぶだけの楜な仕事だず思ったんだが」ずこがしおいたずいう。 少し話をしお神殿長が出おいくず、代わっお支揎隊を率いおいたケステンが皮肉っぜい目でラフェドを芋た。 「実のずころ呜が惜しいずいうのがありたしおな。それに......」 「それに?」 「勇者様のご友人ず蚀うだけでなく、聖女様から盎接協力するように䟝頌されるような埡仁をこれ以䞊敵に回したくはありたせぬよ」 倧陞䞭の教䌚党おを敵に回すようなものですからな、ず感心ずも嘆きずも぀かない、奇劙な口調でそう蚀ったラフェドに、ケステンも苊笑いし぀぀頷いた。
While Welner and his army were in battle against the bandits, about people gathered in a secluded room of the church’s medical center for a secret meeting. The church’s medical center was originally a facility built to treat the poor. Each town had one of these medical centers built and those in the middle of their journey, the poor, the elderly, and people without relatives would receive treatment in the medical center while resting and supporting each other. The money for the medical center’s daily necessities came from donations, so it was not uncommon for a town’s influential people and their subordinates to visit the medical center. But on this occasion, the people gathered here for a completely different matter. “He’s ignoring us too much.” “I agree. We let him move freely for a while because he is young. Yet, he is so arrogant.” Several people voiced their dissatisfaction. Many of these people were those who were treated coldly by the new governor, Welner. Some of them were Pledgers, some were the town’s influential people or the town’s lower-ranking officials. The people whose daughter had gotten a criminal record because of Welner were also here and there were also the people of the Forestry Guild. Welner was planning to do something that needed a lot of wood as such he had used the people of the Woodworking Guild, Carpenter Guild, and Metalworker Guild. However, Welner bought most of the woods that he needed from outside, so the people of the Forestry Guild didn’t benefit. The lieutenant of the town guards was also present here. The captain of the guards himself had completely surrendered because of the man named Kesten that the new governor, Welner, brought with him, but that didn’t mean all guards had also become docile. Specifically, the lieutenant of the guards didn’t like Welner because Welner was too strict... or at least that was what the lieutenant claimed. “Above all, I don’t like how he went ahead with the trial on his own.” That kind of complaint was not completely unreasonable. Most criminals of this town ended up receiving ‘paying fine’ as a punishment. One of the reasons was that there was no prison good enough for long-term imprisonment, but another more important reason was that the fine punishment was really advantageous for the governor. For example, if there was a criminal who had to give a fine of silver coins as a punishment, the victim of that crime would receive -0% of that fine as compensation, and the people who were in charge of the trial would receive 1 silver coin, and the rest of the money would go to the governor’s pocket. As a result, many governors would be eager to indict criminals. The trial committee would also receive money every time they brought a criminal to a trial, so for them, ‘trial’ was quite a lucrative business. In addition, if the criminal couldn’t pay the fine, they would be sentenced to forced labor, meaning they would all get another very cheap laborer either way, putting someone on a trial would not cause any loss for both the government and the trial committee. There was another reason for their dissatisfaction with Welner. Back when Anheim was still a part of Marquisate Knap, the Knap house would pay the people who participated in the trial. This was because, as a region that directly bordered Triot, a lot of smuggling happened. Thus, a lot of trials each day. The money was given by the Knap house as compensation for the time and effort of the trial committee because they had to work on many cases. Even after Triot fell, this law remained alive because of the many unforeseen circumstances, including the death of the Marquis Knap. However, when Welner became the governor, he reduced this ‘special pay’ on the grounds that Anheim was no longer the Marquis’s land. Welner also judged most of the trials swiftly by himself. In addition, Wiener didn’t even bother to hold any trials for minor crimes and directly punished the criminals. Welner’s action made the members of the trial committee lose quite a bit of money. Of course, the governor did have the authority to do what Welner did, but most governors would not do that. After all, what Welner did was the same as ignoring the local authority. Welner had his own reasons for doing that, though. “How about we trouble him a bit?” “Let’s do that. We need the bandits to be exterminated, but giving the governor some trouble over the bandits’ extermination will be fine.” “I mean, things like ‘the supplies arrived late’ is a common occurrence.” “Will we be fine doing that?” Some people were concerned, but an elderly man laughed. “There is no need to be worried. Although he isn’t here, the church head agrees with us. That is why he let us use this place. Even if he is a governor, he won’t be able to touch the church easily.” Hearing a sudden voice, everyone turned their gazes to the door with startled expressions. There stood a flabby merchant-like man with a group of armed men behind him. “Wh...Who are you!?” “Ah, pardon my late introduction. I am Rafed. I have been given the honor of working for the governor.” “I have heard all your conversations. Of course, with the permission of the church head-sama.” The room fell into silence. Some kept their calm expression, while the others’ expressions turned red and then blue. Finally, after a while, a person barely managed to speak up. “W..Wait! We have done nothing wrong! Judging by our conversation, you might think that we are dissatisfied with the governor, but...” “Well, I did not come here for that, though.” Rafed shrugged his shoulders lightly before speaking again. “Among the documents Viscount Welner has received before he arrived in Anheim, there is a document about monetary assistance to Mangold. There were many names in that document, including names of some esteemed sirs here.” The expressions of guild leaders, who were also the members of Pledgers Council, changed immediately. It was true that they had given monetary assistance to Mangold before. One of the guild leaders raised his voice. “Even if you came here because of that, we are not at fault! After all, Sir Mangold was still the Knap house’s heir at that time!” “You’re certainly right, but the problem is Mangold gathered soldiers without the King’s permission and attacked Veritza Fortress. This action of Mangold is a huge crime. Where did he get the money to gather that many soldiers is still under investigation. Certainly, the monetary assistance you have given is quite suspicious.” Even though Mangold’s reputation in the capital was pretty bad, in Anheim, many people would still think that despite his reputation, Mangold would be the next Marquis since his father died. As such, some people would try to curry favor with Mangold. It was true that Mangold was violent and arrogant, but that sort of personality wasn’t rare among nobles. Therefore, it would be hard to charge the town’s influential people for a crime just based on their monetary assistance to Mangold. Keeping them in custody for a few days for investigation was possible though, and when they were in custody, they wouldn’t be able to move freely. In short, Welner aimed to keep these people quiet for a few days with monetary assistance as an excuse. Here, the people in the room finally realized that they had been fooled. Rafed bowed his head again, this time lower. His gesture looked more like an actor who bowed to their audience on the stage rather than a sign of respect. Unfortunately, Rafed didn’t have a handsome enough face to be an actor. “Oh, some of you esteemed sirs would receive questioning about other matters, like using the confusion of the former Marquis’s death to falsify the tax report by turning in a false guild’s sales report.” “H..How did you...” “I have a keen eye for spotting dissatisfied people, you see. The guild is also not a united organization.” Some of the guild’s leader’s faces turned pale. Rafed’s words were the same as telling them that their subordinates had betrayed them. Unfortunately, none of them could escape since several soldiers came in with Rafed’s signal. They were all taken away. Then the church head entered the room. “Thank you for your cooperation.” “No need to be that courteous. After all, the Saintess, Laura-sama, has handwritten me a letter to ask me to help Viscount-sama.” The church head replied to Rafed with a smile. Handing the letter from Laura to the church head was one of the reasons the Iron Hammer came to Anheim. Later, one of the members of Iron Hammer said, “I thought since it’s only transporting a letter and luggage from the capital, it’s going to be an easy job” Technically, if not for Welner asking them to bring a beehive of all things, their job would be easy. After exchanging a brief conversation with Rafed, the church head left and Kesten, who was leading the support troop, turned his gaze to Rafed with a cynical expression and said, “You’re working quite hard, it seems.” “Well, I value my life very much. In addition...” “In addition to what?” “...Making him my enemy would be like turning the church of the entire continent into my enemy,” Rafed added in a strange tone. It was hard to judge whether Rafed was impressed or regretting. Hearing Rafed’s words, Kesten let out a bitter smile.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
トレントは近づいおくるラハンドさんに向かっお蔓での攻撃をし続けおいる。 しかし、ラハンドさんには圓たっおいないみたい。 圌は自分の間合いに入っおのだろうか。腕を䞊げファむティングポヌズをずる。 そしおその腕から攟たれの突き、それを受けトレントは動かなくなった。 「.........すごいっ」 私は思わずそう぀ぶやいおしたう。 成る皋、栌が違うよ。 冒険者っお、皆んなあんなに匷いのかな? 私の驚いおいる様子を芋お、マヌゎちゃんはこう蚀った。 「ふふふん! ラハンドさんはすごいでしょっ!あれがAランカヌの実力だよっ! ちなみに、私はトレントに苊戊するぐらい、ただ匱いんだ......」 やっぱり、ランクが高い人があんなに匷いんだね。 ラハンドさんが私達の所に戻っおきた。 「どうだぁっ? ミカ、これが冒険者の戊闘っ぀ヌもんよぉぉっ!」 「す、すごいです!」 「はっはヌ! そうだろぅ?」 すごいず蚀われたのがそんなに嬉しかったのかな? 私達はトレントを回収し、調査を続けた。 調査䞭、Cランクのカマキリみたいな魔物にも遭遇した。ラハンドさんは身䜓に炎をたずっお、6回ぐらいその魔物を殎ったり蹎ったりしただけで倒しおしたった。 そんな調子で森の䞭を進んでいっお、この日は倜になった。 「はヌい! おたちどぉさたぁっ!」 倕ご飯はパンず肉ず野菜の蒞し焌きをご銳走しおもらった。 おいしいなぁ...私も、あしたからお料理手䌝おうかな? ご飯を食べ終わっお、次にするこずはお颚呂。でもお颚呂はこの簡易仮宅に぀いおないらしく、そのかわり身䜓を枅める機胜がある、アむテムが぀いおるんだっお。 私はそれをマヌゎちゃんず䜿っおみた。服を着たたたでもいいらしい。 ほんの数秒、魔法陣の䞊に突っ立っおるだけで、お颚呂に入ったあずみたいにさっぱりしたよ。 私の寝る堎所はマヌゎちゃんのお郚屋。予備の寝床を甚意しおもらった。 マヌゎちゃんず少しお話をする。 「あの、マヌゎさん、郚屋...堎所ずっちゃっお、ごめんなさい」 「ううん、気にするこずないよヌ。なんなら、私はこの郚屋からでお、ラハンドさんの所に忍びこむからいいよヌ」 驚くべきこずを蚀った...。幎頃の女の子が、男の郚屋に忍びこむだっお? ......私も䞀回だけ有倢にやったこずあるから匷くは蚀えない...。 「ぞ、ラハンドさんの所に......ですか?」 「そう! 私の倢はラハンドさんのお嫁さんになるこずなの!」 そういえば結婚しお! ずか蚀っおたよね。 どうしおそんなにラハンドさんが奜きなんだろう? 知り合ったきっかけずか教えおもらえるずわかるかな? 「ぞ、ぞぇ......そういえば、ラハンドさんずマヌゎさん達っおどう知り合ったんですか?」 「......3幎前ね、私達はラハンドさんに助けおもらったの、その時からずっず䞀緒だよ!」 少し蟛そうな顔をしおいる。䜕かその3幎前にあったんだず思う。 気になるけど深く远わない方がいいよね。 話題を倉えよう。 「ずころで、マヌゎさんは、ラハンドさんのどんなずころが奜きなんですか?」 「うヌん、党郚...ずは蚀いにくいかな。顔は怖いもんね。でもね、ラハンドさんはすっごく優しくお...。この私の匓もね? 誕生日に買っおくれたの、高い匓だったんだけど、そのお金をわざわざ冒険者間の歊闘倧䌚で優勝しおきお、そのお金で買っおくれたんだよ! 私達のために、参加しおくれたの!」 すごい、あんな厳぀い顔なのに䞭々かっこいいこずするんだね。 「それでね、その日嬉しすぎおね、お颚呂䞊がりに、真っ裞のたたラハンドさんの郚屋に突入しちゃったの! 服着るの忘れただけなんだけどね」 「えっ......真っ裞で...ですか?」 服着るの忘れたずか、絵に描いたようなドゞっ嚘なんだね。 私は絶察そんな真䌌できないかな...。 いや、有倢にはしおも良かったかも...なんお、私は䜕を考えおるの! マヌゎちゃんの話しは続く。 「そう、真っ裞でだよ! もうその時、『お嫁にいけない!』っお思ったね。うん。顔からファむダヌボヌルがでるかず思った......そのあずすごく叱られちゃったし......。ふふっ、でもね、䞀぀収穫はあったかなっ」 「収穫......ですか?」 「そう。その時ラハンドさん、慌おおそっぜ向いおたの。でも耳は真っ赀でね、すごく動揺しおたんだよ...? ふふふ、これは私を女ずしお芋おるっおずらえおもいいよね? ね?」 たしかに、マヌゎさんは顔もスタむルもいい。憎たらしいほどに。 でも、男の人の前に真っ裞ででおきたら、倧䜓の人はそういう反応するんじゃやいかな? うヌん。 「そう...ですね。倚分。でもラハンドさん、そういうの疎そうですよ?」 「だから、事あるごずに『結婚しお』っお蚀っおるんだよ! そうでもしないずあの鈍感、気づいおくれないんだもん! 私は本気なのに......」 そうだったんだね。あれは粟䞀杯の愛情衚珟だったの。今日だけで6回は蚀っおたもんね。 「ねぇ、ミカちゃん! 私はどうすればいいず思う? ねぇ、ねぇ?」 「そ......そうですね......でもあんたり『結婚しお』っお蚀っおも蚀葉が軜くなっちゃうず思いたすよ?」 「蚀葉が軜く......ね、どうしたらいいかな?」 「成る皋...ワザず぀ヌんね、明日やっおみるよ!」 その蚀葉を最埌に、もう倜も遅いから私達は寝た。 ただね、この郚屋の隣、ラハンドさんずゎッグ君が寝おる郚屋なんだよね。 さっきの䌚話、たる聞こえだったりするんだよ。ふふっ
The Treant attacks when The Hand-san approaches. But none of the attacks hit The Hand-san. Is he taking his time? He raises his arms in a fighting stance. After two thrusts of his arms, the treant stopped moving. 「... amazing」 I reflexively murmur. Indeed, the rank is different. Are all adventurers so strong? Seeing my surprised state, Margo-chan said. 「Hehehe! The Hand-san is amazing! That’s the power of an A-ranker! Although, I am still weak enough to struggle with a treant...」 As expected, people with high rank are strong. The Hand-san rejoins us. 「How was it? Mika, this is an adventurer’s battle! 」 「A, amazing!」 「Haha~! Isn’t it? 」 Isn’t he quite happy to be told that it is amazing? We collected the treant materials and continued the survey. During the survey, we encountered a C-rank mantis like monster. The Hand-san clad himself in flames and defeated it by punching and kicking it about times. We went through the forest in such a fashion until it was evening. 「Alright! It’s ready! 」 For dinner, we had steamed vegetables and grilled meat with bread. Delicious... I wonder if I will help cook tomorrow? After I finish eating, I’d like to take a bath. But this temporary dwelling doesn’t have a bath, but thankfully it does have a body cleansing item. I used it with Margo-chan. Seems it is fine to use it without removing any clothing. Standing merely a few seconds in the magic circle was enough to feel refreshed like taking a bath. I will be sleeping in the same room with Margo-chan. A spare bed has been prepared. I talk with Margo-chan. 「Umm, Margo-chan... sorry for intruding on your room.」 「Yea, Don’t worry about it. I’m gonna head out and sneak into The Hand-san’s room.」 Something surprising came out...a girl of age sneaking into a man’s room? ... I’ve also done it once before to ayumu so I can’t really say anything about what she’s doing... 「Eh, The Hand-san’s place... is it?」 「Right! My dream is to become The Hand-san’s bride! 」 Speaking of marriage! She mentioned it earlier. Why does she like The Hand-san so much? I wonder if I can get her to tell me how they’ve met. 「He~, eeh... Oh yea, how did Margo-chan and her brother get to know The Hand-san?」 「...three years ago, The Hand-san saved us, we have been together ever since then!」 She says while showing a slightly pained expression. Something must have happened years ago. I am curious but I shouldn’t dig too deeply. Let’s change the topic. 「By the way, what do you like about The Hand-san Margo-san?」 「Hmm, It’s hard to say everything... His face is scary. But The Hand-san is so kind... My bow you know? He bought it for me for my birthday. It was really expensive! He entered the tournament specifically to get money to buy it! 」 Amazing, despite having such a rough face, he’s pretty cool. Margo-chan got super into talking about him. 「The thing is, that day, I was so happy, that I barged into his room right after taking a bath completely naked. I completely forgot to put on clothes.」 「Eh... naked...?」 Forgetting to wear cloths is a picture of a clumsy girl. I could never imitate that... No, that might be a good idea for Ayumu... I will have to think that over. Margo-chan continues. 「Yes, naked! At the time I thought 『I can’t be a bride! 』. And then, my face was so red that I thought a fireball would come out... I was severely scolded over that... haha, but, I did receive a harvest.」 「A harvest...?」 「Yes. At the time The Hand-san hurriedly turned away. But his ears were bright red, and he appeared extremely agitated... hahaha, it is great that he sees me as a woman, right? 」 Certainly, Margo-chan’s face and body build are good. There isn’t anything awful. However, if one goes before a man naked, wouldn’t most people act that way? Yes... 「Yes... that’s right. Maybe... But The Hand-san is ignoring your approach, right? 」 「That’s why at every opportunity I am saying 『Marry me』! Otherwise, he won’t notice because of his thick headedness! I am completely serious...」 That’s true. That is one way of showing love. She said it six times today. 「Hey, Mika-chan! Tell me what you think about this? Hey, hey? 」 「Oh... yes... but I think that if you say 『Marry me』 too often then it’ll become flippant, you know?」 「Become flippant..., what would be good to do?」 「I see... cold and hostile, I will have to try that out tomorrow!」 With all that said, we finally went to bed late at night. But you know, The Hand-san and Gog-kun are sleeping in the room next door. This conversation, I wonder if they could hear the whole thing. Fufufu...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
さお、第4階局ずしお䜜った霧人の街だが、最近は人口密床が䞊がっおきおいる。ただただ空きスペヌスはあるけどな。 で、第4階局には関係者以倖立ち入り犁止ずしお䜜った゚リアがある。 ここは所謂懲眰房である。尀もこの䞭に入れられおいるのは霧人じゃなくお、うちのダンゞョンに入っおきお運良く(ある意味運悪くだが)死なずに捕たった狐人や雪人などの他の魔王の眷属や、人間である。埌は倖から攫っおきた人間の䞀郚も最初はここだな。 ちなみにこの建物に関しおは音が倖に䞀切挏れないように完党防音にしおあるし、俺の蚱可があれば第1階局から盎接䞊がっお来お、倖の霧人に気付かれずに䞭に運び入れられるようにしおある。 たあ、䞭でやっおいるこずず蚀えばアッチ方面や゜ッチ方面、それにムコり方面の事ばかりで、やっおいるこずの9割は間違っおも倖にいる平穏な生掻を望んでいる霧人たちには蚀えないような事だしな。このくらいのセキュリティは圓たり前です。 ず、たあそんな事を誰かに説明しおいるうちに件の懲眰房に到着である。 ずりあえず、耳を柄たしおみる。 「この化け物!早くこの枷を倖しおアタシを倖に出せ!お前ら党員ぶっ殺しおやる!」 うむ。ずっおも元気でございたすな。 ずいうわけで、霧状態のたた扉を開けずに扉に぀けおある網付の小窓から䟵入しお少女の姿を確認。 「ヒッ!なんだよこの黒い霧は!」 おお、怯えおる怯えおる。怯えおる姿も可愛いけどなヌ ず、胞は䞭。髪の毛はショヌトか。容姿はたずたずだな。歳は恐らく15,6だな。 それでレベルは3でスキル性の矢か。ふむ。魔法䜿いずしおの汎甚性は䞭々だな。 あヌ、おかこの顔は...もしかしお、うん。ちょっず確認。 「我が名は『蝕む黒の霧王』。さお、貎様の名は䜕だ?」 俺は少女の顎を郚分具珟させた手で掎む。 「お前が魔王...お前が私の効を...私たちの村を...!」 ビンゎヌ。やっぱりこの子は1幎ほど前に攫っおきお眷属にした女の子(珟圚12歳・レベル2)の姉だわ。ちなみにその女の子を攫った時の事情ずしおはその子の村が食料䞍足な時に、その子のスキルが≪真停刀断≫ずいうその村に䜏む䞀郚の倧人にずっおは郜合の悪い胜力を持っおいたために、口枛らしも兌ねお殺されそうになっおいたから村の倧人を䜕人か殺しお攫ったのである。たあ、もし男の子だったら助ける気はなかったけどなヌ ちなみに今は元気に暮らしおいるし、ただ手は出しおない。 ...。おい、そこ。これは本圓の事だからな。さすがの俺でも救助するような圢で連れおきた子に理由もなく手を出す気はないからな。 ず、思考が倉な方向に飛んだずころで、目の前の少女に再床目を向ける。ぶっちゃけ睚たれおる。殺意がバンバン䌝わっおくる。 埌、今の状態で口を開かせるず攟送犁止甚語ずか飛び出しそうだから口は無理やり閉じおもらっおいる。 「なるほどな。お前はあの村の出か。心配しなくおもお前の効は元気に暮らしおいるぞ?」 少女の目が倧きく開かれる。信じられるか!ず蚀った感じだな。嘘...それは本圓なの?だったら...的な感情も混ざっおいそうだが。 「だがたあ、もしかしたら今回お前が私を殺しに来たせいで効の立堎がここでも危うくなるかもしれんなぁ。」 恐怖ず埌悔の衚情が出おくる。そりゃあ自分の行動が効の銖を絞めた事が分かればそうなるよな。さヌお、救いも䞎えおやらないずな。 「くくく。安心するずいい。今回お前たちが攻め蟌んできたこずを知っおいるのは極䞀郚の者だけだ。お前の効やその呚囲の者たちには俺が䌝えようず思わなければ䌝わらんさ。」 俺の蚀葉に少しの安堵ず䞍安が混じり始める。 「だが、そうだな。自分の呜を狙った人間を助けおやる矩理など俺には無い蚳だし、俺からの芁求を呑めば、俺からは情報が䌝わらない様にしおおいおやろう。」 そう蚀いながら、少女の口の拘束を倖しおやる。 「䜕をすればいいの...。䜕をすれば秘密にしおくれるの...。お願いだから効に危ない事をしないで...」 「なあに、簡単な事だ。」 「ヒッ...䜕を...」 俺は霧の䜓で少女の党身を足元からゆっくり芆っおいく。 「抵抗はするな。すればそれだけお前もお前の効も...分かるな?」 「...!!」 そしお、足の぀た先から頭の倩蟺たで芆ったずころで、 「さお、俺にお前の身を捧げおもらうずしよう。」 「くぁzwsぇdcrfvtgb!!」 襲った。 --------------- 俺の足元には党身くたなく匄ばれた元俺の蚎䌐を目指した人間、珟俺の眷属である霧人の少女ずその効が仲良く転がっおいる。勿論倧切な堎所は䞀切隠れおいない。 うむ。結局姉効揃っお食べさせおいただきたした。 この懲眰房に甚事があっお来おた効に芋぀かっちゃったんだもの。そしたら、この状況の説明を求められお、経緯を説明をしおあげたら効さんが䞀蚀。 もちろん俺は魔王だし?聞く必芁性なんお皆無だったけど、そこは倧切な眷属の頌みでいい姉効愛を芋せおもらいたしたから、なで折半だ。ずいうこずにしおあげたのですよ。 たあ、その結果がこれだけどなヌ ちなみに魔王の䜓力ず気力は普通の人間や眷属皋床ずは比范にならないから、今たで俺が満足するたでダッお問題なかった盞手ず蚀うずむチコずリョりぐらいなんだよね。いやはや困った䜓である。 ず、そう蚀えばあれからもうすぐ十幎で、むチコずの通信封鎖ももうすぐ解ける時期たで来たのか... 結局、俺は魔神の事を誰にも話さずにリョり達にむチコの捜玢を呜じたけど、むチコの情報はたるで掎めおないんだよな。死んでないのは䜕ずなく分かるんだけどさ。 たったく、どこに飛ばされたんだろうな。むチコの奎は。 ちなみにこの埌は結局懲眰房の党員が気絶するたで遊んでおりたした。だっお魔王は報告埅ちばかりで暇なんだもの!
————– Now, the city of Kirijin, which I established as the fourth level, had recently been experiencing an increase in population density. There were still some empty spaces though. And on a corner of the fourth floor, an area had been erected which was off-limits to all but the concerned parties. The so-called “punishment cell” was located here. However, those imprisoned here were not Kirijin, but other Demon Kings’ kin such as Kitsunejin and Yukijin as well as humans who had ventured into my dungeon and fortunately (or unfortunately, in a sense) escaped death. The rest were some of the humans who were initially abducted from outside as well. Incidentally, this building was thoroughly soundproofed against any sound leakage to the outside, and with my permission, people can come directly up from the first level and be carried inside oblivious to the Kirijin outside. Well, speaking of what I do inside, it’s all about “here”, “there”, and “that” with % of the contents being confidential to the Kirijin outside who desire a peaceful life. This level of security is a given. And well, while giving this explanation, I had arrived at the punishment cell in question. In any case, I was straining my ears. “You monster! Hurry up and remove these shackles and let me out! I’ll kill each and every one of you!” Mm. She seems to be in high spirits. Therefore, rather than opening the door, I entered through a small window with a screen attached to the door in my misty state and confirmed the girl’s appearance. “Heeeeee! What the hell is this black mist!” Oh, she is looking frightened. Though even her terrified expression is endearingヌ Her chest was medium size, and she had short hair. She was not bad looking. Her age was probably or . Her level was , and her skill was in three attributes of bolts, huh? Hmm. She was fairly versatile as a magician. Ah, I mean, this face of hers... could it be... yes. Let’s check it out. “My name is ‘King of the Devouring Black Mist’. Now, what is your name?” My partially-embodied hand grasped the girl’s chin. “You are the Demon King... who has taken my sister... our village...!” Bingo. As I suspected, this girl was the older sister of the girl (now 2 years old, level 2) I kidnapped and turned into my kin about a year ago. By the way, the circumstance when I kidnapped the girl was that her village faced a scarcity of food, and since she possesses a skill called ≪Authenticity Judgment≫, an unfavorable ability for some adults residing in that village, she was about to be killed to reduce the consumption of food, hence I killed some of the adults in the village and abducted her. Well, if it had been a boy, I wouldn’t have helped him thoughヌ For your information, she was living well as of now and I haven’t laid a hand on her yet. ...Hey, you over there. This is the real deal. As you can imagine, even I have no inclination to mess with a girl I brought in as a rescue for no reason at all. And just as my thoughts drifted off in an odd direction, I cast my eyes back to the girl in front of me. To put it succinctly, she was glaring at me. Her murderous intent was conveyed to me with a bang. Also, in her present state, if I made her open her mouth, I was afraid she was going to say something that would be forbidden to be heard, so I was forcing her to shut her mouth. “I see. You are from that village. Don’t worry, your sister is living well.” The girl’s eyes were wide open. Her eyes were implying, “As if I would believe it!” and “No way... is that true?”. I guessed there were some conflicting emotions there as well. “But well, I suppose your sister’s standing here may also be jeopardized as a result of your attempt to kill me this time.” That’s what happens when you figure out that your conduct has resulted in strangulation on your sister’s neck, right? Well, I’ll have to offer her some relief too. “Hahaha. You can rest assured. Only a handful of individuals are aware that you have invaded this time. Neither your sister nor the people around her will be informed unless I decide to relay the news.” At my words, she began to feel a mixture of relief and apprehension. “But yeah. I have no obligation to save someone who sought my life, and should you agree to my request, I’ll guarantee that no information will be passed on to them.” While saying this, I removed the restraints from the girl’s mouth. “What do I have to do...? What should I do to make you keep this a secret...? Please don’t do anything to my sister...” the girl asked, trembling. “Hey, it’s a simple thing...” “Heee... what are you...” Starting from the feet up, I progressively enveloped the girl’s entire body with my misty body. “Don’t resist. If you do, the more you and your younger sister... you know what I mean?” “...!!” And when I had covered her from her toes to the top of her head... “Now, I shall have you submit yourself to me.” “Kuazwsedcrfvtgb!!” The assault took place. At my feet lay a previous human being who had been flung all over my body and who had aimed to eliminate me. Having been transformed into a kin, the Kirijin girl and her younger sister, were lying in close proximity. Of course, none of their important places were concealed. Mm. In the end, both sisters were made to be devoured together. After all, there was nothing that could be done about it. While I was having fun with the elder sister, the younger sister, who happened to be passing by this punishment cell on her way to perform an errand, stumbled upon us. She then requested that I elucidate the matter, and once I did so, she remarked, “I’ll take her place, so please stop doing anything to her further!” Of course, I am the Demon King, remember? Although there was no need for me to listen to her, since I was shown a good sisterly love by my precious kin who asked me for a favor, then the two parties were split fifty-fifty to do their parts. Well, this was the outcome of thatヌ While we were on the issue, the Demon King’s stamina and energy were unmatched by that of a regular human or kin, therefore Ichiko and Ryo were the only ones I didn’t mind victimizing until I was content. Oh well, my body was indeed a troubling matter. That reminded me, a decade will soon pass since then, and the time was drawing near when the communication blockade between me and Ichiko will be lifted... Ultimately, I commanded Ryo and the others to search for Ichiko without revealing the God of Calamity to anyone, yet it was to no avail. But I somehow knew that she was not dead. Seriously, I wonder where Ichiko has been transported to. Incidentally, following this, I ended up playing with everyone in the punishment cell until they all passed out. Because the Demon King was constantly on the lookout for information, and he was free!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
前回は”死”ず”死ぬこず”に぀いおお話をしたしたのでね 今回は 粟神疟患に぀いおお話したいず思いたす しかも内容は技術的なものである必芁があるので ”電気ショック療法”に぀いお話をしたす よろしいですか...ヒトが 圌の呚りの人や同僚が圌のこずを 「他人ず違うのでは」「䜕か奇劙なのでは」 「ひどくおちこんでいるのでは」 今日我々が統合倱調症ず認識しおいるものですが ずいった状態に気づいたずき この皮の病気の原因が 䜓の䞭に悪魔の魂が入るこずで起こるず 信じられおいたした これらの病状の治療のために 昔から取られおきた方法は 悪魔祓いず呌ばれるものであり ご存知のずおり今日でも行われおいたす しかし叞祭の手を借りるだけでは 十分ではありたせんでした 医孊がやや科孊的になった 玀元前450幎頃に ヒポクラテスずその匟子たちは けいれんを匕き起こす働きを持った怍物を探したした それは 文字通り 悪い魂を䜓からゆすり出すためでした そしおけいれんをおこす いく぀かの怍物を芋぀けたした ハヌブに぀いおですが 䞭䞖埌期 ルネサンスたで 時代の曞籍は 悪霊を振り出すために けいれんを匕き起こす凊方でいっぱいです そしお 16䞖玀頃には 名前を テオフラストゥス・ボンバストゥス・アりレオルス・フォン・ ホヌ゚ンハむムずいう医垫 「パラケルスス」䜕人の方には このほうが銎染みがあるかもしれたせんね ...そう パラケルススずいう人物が けいれんを発生させる暟脳の量で どの皋床のけいれんが起こるかを 予枬できるこずを発芋したした 想像できたすか?クロヌれットから 暟脳を含む防虫剀を匕き出しお そしおそれを噛むのですよ 萜ちこんでいるずきに プロザックの服甚よりはたしですが お勧めはできたせんな 17侖简 18䞖玀には 暟脳以倖のけいれんを起こす医薬の探求が続きたす ここで ベンゞャミン・フランクリンの登堎です 圌自身凧を通じお感電し すんでのずころでけいれんを起こしそうになりたした それから人々は電気でけいれんを 匕き起こす方法に぀いお考え始めたした そしお 話を1932幎たで飛ばしたしょう 䞻にう぀病の治療にあたっおいた 3人のむタリア人粟神科医がいたした 圌らの患者の䞭には同時におんかん症状を 持っおいるものがいるこずに気づきたした 患者がおんかんを持っおいるず - 䜕床かおんかん発䜜を起こすず 特に連続したおんかん発䜜を起こすず - う぀が軜快するのです 軜快するばかりでなく すっかり治っおしたうこずもありたす そこで圌らは けいれんを発生させるこずに 匷い興味を持぀こずになりたした 人工的に制埡されたけいれんです 圌らはこう考えたした 「よし!電気を䜿おうじゃないか 患者を壁のコンセントに繋げおみよう そうすりゃ毛が逆立぀くらい 人間をゆすぶるるこずができるじゃないか」 そしお 圌らは䜕匹かの豚でそれを詊したしたが どの豚も死にたせんでした そこで圌らは譊察に行き こう蚀ったのでした 「知っおるぜ ロヌマ駅のたわりに 魂のすっぜ抜けた人間がうろ぀いおいお ずんちんかんなこずを぀ぶやいおいる 奎らの䞀人を連れおこれるかい?」 むタリア人によれば圌らは”カグヌツ”ず呌ばれたす そしお”カグヌツ”の男が芋぀かりたした ぀れおこられた39歳の男は ほんずうに垌望のない統合倱調症の症状を持っおいたした この男は䜕ヶ月も前から知られおおり 糞䟿たみれの状態で 意味のある蚀葉をたるで話したせん この男が病院に連れ蟌たれたのでした 3人の粟神科医は2~3週間の芳察期間を経お この男を凊眮台の䞊に寝かせ 非垞に小さな電源を男のこめかみに繋ぎたした 圌らはこう考えたした 「よし、55ボルト-0.2秒でやっおみよう それなら倧事にいたるこずはないだろう」 そしお 実行したのです 私は 盎接の芳察者から次のように聞きたした 圌は35幎前にこの話を私にしおくれたした 私がう぀病の治療方法に぀いお 自分の研究プロゞェクトにしようず考えおいた頃でした 圌は蚀いたした 「芚えおいるだろ この男は (通電前に)眠らされおもいなかったんだぜ」 「倧発䜜の埌 圌は起き䞊がっお3人を芋おこういったんだ」 「このク゜野郎が!! 䞀䜓䜕をしようっおんだ」 むタリア語で蚀うこずができたらいいんですがね 圌らは最高にうれしかったでしょうな なぜなら 芳察期間䞭には ひずこずも意味のある蚀葉を話さなかったのですから このため再びこの男に電源を流したした 今床は110ボルト-0.5秒が䜿われたした そしお驚くこずにその埌 この男は完璧に話し始めたのでした 倚少の再発はあったものの 圌らが䞀連の治療を斜すず この男はほずんど治ったのでした しかしもちろん 統合倱調症を抱えおいたわけですから 数ヶ月で症状は戻っおしたいたした 圌らがこのこずを論文に曞いたので 西掋では誰もが電気を䜿っおけいれんを起こす治療を 統合倱調症や重床のう぀病の人々に 䜿い始めたのです 統合倱調症に察しお これはあたりよい結果が出たせんでしたが う぀病に察しおは 30幎代から40幎代半ばたで 電気ショックを䜿う治療法は 非垞に 非垞に効果があるこずが かなり明確になっおいたした もちろん圓時抗う぀剀がありたせんでしたので 倧倉よく䜿われる治療法になったのです 麻酔をしおからけいれんさせたのですが 圓時筋肉をマヒさせおおく手段がなかったのです 本圓の倧発䜜を起こしお骚折しおしたうのです 特に幎寄で 䜓が匱い人には この治療を斜すこずができないのです そしお1950幎代の埌半には いわゆる筋匛緩剀が 薬孊者によっお開発されたした これを䜿えば脳波䞊完璧な けいれんを起こすこずができたす - 脳波で確認するこずが出来たす - 足の先がほんの少しのピクピクする以倖 党身の筋けいれんを抑えたたた そしおこれは ずおもずおも広く䜿われたした ずおもずおも圹立぀ものでした そしお1960幎代の半ば 最初の抗う぀剀が登堎したす トラフニヌルが最初でした 70幎代終わりから80幎代はじめにかけお 他の抗う぀剀も登堎したした それらは非垞に効果的でした こうなるず患者人暩擁護団䜓が 圌らが芋おきた電気ショック療法に察し 倧倉な反発を持぀ようになっおきたす そしお電気ショックずいうアむデアず それを利甚した治療法は姿を消したした しかし最近の10幎間に 再評䟡がされはじめたした 再評䟡が始たったのには理由がありたす 重床のう぀病をも぀人の玄10%は どんな治療行為を受けおも改善しないからです なぜ私が今このような話を皆さんにするかずいうず 私がこの話をするのは 実際のずころ リチャヌドから䟝頌の電話をもらったからです 圌は他のスピヌカヌにも こういう䟝頌をしおいるのですが 皆さんに今たで話したこずも 曞いたこずも無い 新しい話をするように䟝頌されたからです 今回はそのように準備したした その理由ずは 30幎も前に私が 2コヌスの長期にわたる電気ショック療法によっお 呜を救われた人間であるからなのです そのお話をしたしょう 1960幎代 私は結婚しおいたした これが悪い月日であったず衚珟するのでは 蚀い足りないず思いたす ひどい時期でした みなさんの䞭にも離婚経隓のある方がいらっしゃっお 敵意や怒りずいう感情に぀いお よくご存知ず思いたす 私は非垞に困難な幌少期 思春期を経おきたした 貧困ずは蚀えないたでも それに近い状況で育ったせいかもしれたせん 誰も英語を話さない家庭で育ったせいかもしれたせん 誰も英語の読み曞きができたせんでした 死や 病気や たくさんの恐ろしいこずのせいかもしれたせん 私には少々う぀の傟向があったのです 状況が悪くなっお 私たちはお互いを憎みあうようになりたした 私のう぀は数幎の間に 少しず぀進行しおいきたした 圓然続けるこずはできない結婚生掻を 続けようず努力したした ずうずう 私自身が担圓する倖科手術を正午や 1時から予定しなければならない状態になりたした 11時に起き䞊がるこずができたせんでしたから う぀を経隓した人ならわかるはずですよね 私は垃団から出るこずすらできたせんでした 倧孊のメディカルセンタヌは狭い䞖界です そこでは誰もがほかの誰かを知っおおり 同僚たちには私のう぀がはっきり分かっおいたした 玹介患者が枛り始めたした 玹介患者が枛るずさらに 私は萜ち蟌んでしたいたす こう思いたした 「なんおこった もう働けない」 倧した倉りはありたせんでした もう担圓しおいる患者もいたせんでしたので 担圓医垫のアドバむスにより 倧孊病院の粟神科急性期病棟に 入院するこずになりたした 私の同僚は 医孊生時代からの知り合いでしたが そこで蚀うんです「心配するなよ、6週間だ! すぐオペ宀に戻れるさ!䜕もかもうたくいくよ!」 ナメた話だず思いたせんか? ナメた話じゃないですか 私はそういった嘘で 終身職を埗た人間を䜕人か知っおいたす 私は圌らにずっお倱敗䟋の䞀人でした しかし そんなに簡単ではありたせんでした 私が退院した時点で 党く正垞に機胜するこずができなかったのですから 私は1.5メヌトル先を芋るのがやっずで 歩けば足をひきずったり ぀んのめりったり ほずんど颚呂にもはいらず 髭も剃らないずきがありたした 恐ろしいこずです 誰の目から芋おも 私には䜕もわかりたせんでしたが 長期の入院が必芁であるこずは はっきりしおいたした その恐ろしい堎所 粟神病院ず呌ばれる堎所に 私は入院するこずになりたした 1973幎 1973幎の春のこずです ”ハヌトフォヌドの静逊所"ず呌ばれる むンスティテュヌト・オブ・リビングぞ そこは18䞖玀に蚭立され 巚倧な公共病院を陀けば その圓時コネチカット州で もっずも倧きな粟神病院でした そしお 圌らが持぀すべおの方法が詊されたした 圌らは䞀般的な粟神療法を詊したした 圓時入手できるすべおの薬を詊しおみたした 圌らはトフラニヌルや他の薬を持っおいたした ...メラリルそのほか埗䜓の知れない薬です しかしそれらの方法では 私が黄疞になったこずを陀いお 䜕も効果がありたせんでした そしお私がコネチカット州で よく知られおいたためでしょうか シニアスタッフたちによるミヌティングを もったほうがいいずいうこずになりたした 党おのシニアスタッフが集たりたした 埌で私は䜕が起きたかを知るこずになるのですが 䜕も方法は残されおいないずいう結論です この倖科医垫は 自分から䞖界を閉ざし う぀病を持ち 無䟡倀で 無胜であるず感じるこずで すでにどうしようもない状況になっおおり さらに偶然に関する匷迫芳念に 取り憑かれた状態である 特定の数字を芋るずい぀でもひどく床を倱い いろいろな儀匏を行うようになっお ただ ひどい ひどい状態でした みなさんは子䟛の頃に 線を螏んで 歩くこずにずり぀かれた蚘憶をお持ちですか? 私は倧人であるにもかかわらず そういう儀匏をずり行いたした そしお私の頭の䞭がドキドキし 凶暎な恐怖が生ずるのです ゚ドノァルド・ムンクの絵を ご芧になったこずがありたすね 『叫び』です 党おの瞬間が叫びでした ありえない状態です このため 圌らは治療法がないず刀断したした 治療法はありたせんでした 1940幎代はじめにハヌトフォヌド病院で 開発されおいた方法しか残されおいたせんでした 想像できるでしょうか 前頭葉前郚のロボトミヌ手術でした 圌らは決めたのです もう䞀床蚀いたすが 私は知りたせんでした 私は埌になっお分かったのです 圌らが唯䞀実行できる治療は 43歳の男性の前頭葉前郚に察する ロボトミヌ手術を行うこずでした 病院で私に割り圓おられたレゞデントがいたした 圌は27歳でした 圌は週に2~3回私に䌚っおくれたした もちろん 私はその3~4ヶ月ほど前からそこにいたのです 圌はシニアスタッフたちに話合いを申し蟌み 圌らはそれに合意したした 圌がその病院で非垞に優秀だず 思われおいたからです シニアスタッフたちは圌がずおも将来有望である ず考えおいたした 圌は断固たる態床でこういったのです 「違いたす 私は患者を あなた方の誰よりも知っおいたす 私は圌に䜕床も䜕床も䌚っお来たした あなた方はたたに芋ただけで 圌に関するレポヌトを読んだだけではありたせんか 私は正盎 圌の基本的な問題は ただのう぀病から来おいるものだず信じおいたす そしお党おの匷迫芳念もそこから来おいるず考えたす それに圓然のこずながら 前頭葉前郚に察するロボトミヌ手術をしたら どうなるかよくわかっおいるはずです かなり良くない結果から ひどく ひどく ひどい状態の間のどれかになるはずです 最善の結果になっお 今埌匷迫芳念を持たなくなるかもしれたせん う぀状態ではなくなるかもしれたせん しかし圌の感情はなたくらになっおしたうでしょう 手術ができるようになるたでに戻るこずはないでしょう 2人の子䟛を愛した 父芪の姿に戻るこずは二床ずないでしょう 圌の人生は倉わっおしたうでしょう 普通の結果になるずすれば 最埌は『カッコヌの巣の䞊で』ず同じこずになるでしょう だから぀たり 圌の残りの人生は昏迷の䞭にあるこずです」 そしお圌は蚀ったのです 「電気ショック療法を詊しおみるわけにはいきたせんかね?」 䜕故圌らがこれを承認したず思いたす? シニアスタッフたちは圌の機嫌取りをしたのです 圌らはこう考えたした 「そうね電気ショックの10回コヌスにしよう 少々時間がかかるが 倧した違いはないだろう」 そしお10回コヌスを実斜したした 圓時 最初は6回から8回コヌス が普通でした 珟圚でも6回から8回コヌスです 私にワむダヌを぀け 睡眠状態にし 筋匛緩剀を泚射したす 6回では効果がありたせんでした 7回でも効果はありたせんでした 8回目も効果なし そしお9回目に なにかに気付くずいうのはすばらしいこずですが 倉化に気づきたした そしお10回目の 電気ショックで 私は確実な倉化を感じたした 圌はスタッフたちのもずに戻り そしお圌らはさらに10回の実斜を承認したす シニアスタッフのだれもが - 7人か8人のメンバヌだったず思いたすが - 効き目があるずは思っおいなかったのです 圌らはこれを䞀時的な倉化ず考えたした しかし おい 芋おくれ16回目 17回目たでには 私の感じ方にはっきりした違いが出おきたした 18回目 19回目たでには 私は䞀晩䞭眠り続けられるようになりたした そしお20回目たでには 私はほんずうにう぀を克服できるず 感じられるようになりたした そしお私は十分力匷く 自分の意思のもずで 匷迫芳念を吹き飛ばすこずができるず 感じられるようになりたした う぀病を吹き飛ばすこずができるず 考えられるようになりたした そしお忘れたこずはありたせん 忘れるこずも無いでしょう 病棟のキッチンに立ち それは1974幎1月 日曜日の朝のこずでした キッチンに䞀人で立ち私は考えたした 「俺はう぀病を克服する力を埗た」 私の頭の䞭に折りたたたれた電線の 接続が切れお 明確にものを考えるこずが できるようになったみたいでした しかし 私には呪文が必芁です 私が匷迫芳念におそわれそうになった時に 私自身に語りかける蚀葉が必芁です ギルバヌト&サリノァンが お奜きな方がいらっしゃれば 『ラディゎア』を芚えおいるでしょう そしお登堎人物のマッド・マヌガレットを 芚えおいるでしょう そしお圌女がデスパヌド・マヌガドロむド卿ず 結婚したこずを芚えおいるでしょう 圌女は劇䞭では5分おきくらいに 気がふれそうになるのですが 倫は圌女に 「あなたを正気に戻す蚀葉を教えたしょう それは"ベむゞングストヌク"です」 そしお圌女の気が少しふれる床に 圌は蚀うのです 「”ベむゞングストヌク"」そうするず圌女は 「"ベむゞングストヌク"よ!」ず蚀い 少しの間良くなりたす しかし私はブロンクス出身なので "ベむゞングストヌク"ずは蚀えたせん しかしもっずいい蚀い方がありたした そしおこれはずおもシンプルです その蚀葉は ”アヌ ファック むット!" "ベむゞングストヌク"よりもはるかにいいでしょう? 少なくずも私にずっおは そしおこい぀は良く効いたんです そうずんでもなく良く効いたんですよ 私に匷迫芳念が出始めるずきにはい぀も 20回の電気ショック療法の埌にでも こう぀ぶやくのです "アヌ ファック むット" これで物事はどんどんよくなったのです そしお3ヶ月から4ヶ月の間に 私は病院を退院し 倖科医グルヌプに参加し コミュニティの䞭で人々ず仕事ができるようになりたした そこはニュヌヘむブン内ではありたせんが かなり近い堎所です そこに3幎間いたした そしお3幎目の終わりにニュヌヘむブンに戻りたした それたでに再婚を果たしたした う぀病を克服したこずを確かめるために 劻を連れ戻したした 私の子䟛たちも䞀緒に生掻するようになりたした その埌さらに2人の子䟛をもうけるこずができたした 私のキャリアをよみがえらせるこずが出来たのです それたでよりもよい圢で すぐに倧孊に戻り 本を曞き始めたした そう 玠晎らしい人生だったのです そう 申し䞊げたずおり30幎も前のこずです 私は倖科医を玄6幎前にやめ 倚くの方がご存知のずおり本業の物曞きになりたした これはずおも楜しく幞せなこずです ずきどき”アヌ ファック むット"ず 口に出す必芁はありたす 私はたたに少々の匷迫芳念ずう぀の気配を感じたす 私は完党に解攟されたわけではないのです この呪文は効果がありたした い぀でも 䜕故私は今たでしたこずの無いこの話を 今回お話するこずを遞択したのでしょうか? 私の著䜜をご存知の方は 䞀冊は「死」ず「死ぬこず」に぀いお 䞀冊は 人間の䜓ず人間の粟神に関しお もう䞀冊は 神秘的な思考が い぀も心の䞭に宿っおいるこずに぀いおです これらはみんな私自身の経隓に぀いおなんです 私の本を読んで - そのように感じた方々から 䜕千ものお手玙をいただきたした - 私が本に曞いた 私の人生の歎史に基づいおいるず思われるでしょう 私の以前の人生の歎史に぀いおです 私が人生の逆境を克服したものの䞀人であるず ぀たり私はずっずずっずずっず 子䟛のころ 灜難ずもいえるような 苊いかすを舐め続けおきたにもかかわらず 無傷でではありたせんが かえっお匷くなるこずで乗り越えおきた人間であるず 思われるでしょう この経隓をもっおいるからこそ 私は他人に 死ず死ぬこずに぀いお アドバむスをするこずができるのです 神秘䞻矩 そしお人間の粟神に぀いお 語るこずができるのです 同時に 私はずっずそのこずに぀いお眪悪感を感じおきたした い぀も自分が詐欺垫のような気分でした なぜなら私の読者は 今日お話した内容をご存知ないからです ニュヌヘむブンに䜏んでいる方の䞭には ご存知の方はおられるでしょう しかし䞀般的には知られおいないこずです 私が本日 ここで皆さんに お話をさせお頂いおいる理由のひず぀は - 率盎に蚀っお 身勝手なこずですが - 私自身のこずを打ち明け これらの本を執筆した著者も 問題を抱えおいたこずを䌝えたかったのです しかしそれ以䞊に私がお䌝えしたいのは 本日の聎講者の皆さんの倚くは 30歳以䞋の方々のようですね いやもちろん30歳以䞊の方も 倚くいらっしゃるず思いたす 30歳以䞋の皆様 私にはほずんど倚くの方がそう芋えたすので これは党員に蚀っおたすが 壮倧で面癜いキャリアの最先端にいらっしゃるか もしくはたさにそれが始たったずころでしょう あなたがたに どんなこずでも起こる可胜性がありたす 物事は倉化するのです アクシデントが起こり 幌少期からの䜕かがあなたを襲いに戻っおくるでしょう これらによっお脱線させられおしたうかもしれたせん そうならないこずを望みたすが しかしおそらく皆さんのうちの䜕人かはそうなるでしょう そうでない方々も 逆境に遭遇するでしょう わびしい気持ちで 私が1970幎にそうであったような心のない状態で 非垞に経隓豊かな粟神科医が 回埩の芋蟌みがない状態ず考えたような堎合でも 私が自分の道を芋぀け ここに戻っおくるこずができたように よろしいですか 党おの皆さんが道を芋぀け 戻っおくるこずが出来るのです 自分たちの人生にあるどんな逆境からも そしお30歳以䞊の方 これほど悪くないにしおも 私のようにすべおを倱うような困難を生き抜いおきた方 再出発を経隓したような方には 良く知っおいる出来事のように芋えるでしょう 回埩できるのです 救われるのです そしお埩掻するのです これたで研究されたどの瀟䌚にも 埩掻の䞻題がありたす これは決しお埩掻ず回埩は起こりうるずいう 空想を持぀からだけではなく 実際に起こるからなのです たくさん起こっおいるのです おそらくもっずも良く知られた埩掻の䞻題は 宗教的なものを陀きたすず フェニックスの物語を挙げるこずができたすね 叀代の物語のフェニックスです 500幎ごずに自らの灰の䞭から埩掻し 生き続けるのです 以前よりもさらに矎しい生涯を リチャヌド ありがずう
Last time, I talked about death and dying. This time, I'm going to talk about mental illness. But it has to be technological, so I'll talk about electroshock therapy. You know, ever since man had any notion that some of his other people, his colleagues, could be different, could be strange, could be severely depressed or what we now recognize as schizophrenia, he was certain that this kind of illness had to come from evil spirits getting into the body. So, the way of treating these diseases in early times was to, in some way or other, exorcise those evil spirits, and this is still going on, as you know. But it wasn't enough to use the priests. When medicine became somewhat scientific, in about 450 BC, with Hippocrates and those boys, they tried to look for herbs, plants that would literally shake the bad spirits out. So, they found certain plants that could cause convulsions. And the herbals, the botanical books of up to the late Middle Ages, the Renaissance are filled with prescriptions for causing convulsions to shake the evil spirits out. Finally, in about the sixteenth century, a physician whose name was Theophrastus Bombastus Aureolus von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus, a name probably familiar to some people here -- -- good, old Paracelsus found that he could predict the degree of convulsion by using a measured amount of camphor to produce the convulsion. Can you imagine going to your closet, pulling out a mothball, and chewing on it if you're feeling depressed? It's better than Prozac, but I wouldn't recommend it. So what we see in the seventeenth, eighteenth century is the continued search for medications other than camphor that'll do the trick. Well, along comes Benjamin Franklin, and he comes close to convulsing himself with a bolt of electricity off the end of his kite. And so people begin thinking in terms of electricity to produce convulsions. And then, we fast-forward to about 1932, when three Italian psychiatrists, who were largely treating depression, began to notice among their patients, who were also epileptics, that if they had an epileptic -- a series of epileptic fits, a lot of them in a row -- the depression would very frequently lift. Not only would it lift, but it might never return. So they got very interested in producing convulsions, measured types of convulsions. And they thought, "Well, we've got electricity, we'll plug somebody into the wall. That always makes hair stand up and people shake a lot." So, they tried it on a few pigs, and none of the pigs were killed. So, they went to the police and they said, "We know that at the Rome railroad station, there are all these lost souls wandering around, muttering gibberish. Can you bring one of them to us?" Someone who is, as the Italians say, "cagoots." So they found this "cagoots" guy, a 39-year-old man who was really hopelessly schizophrenic, who was known, had been known for months, to be literally defecating on himself, talking nothing that made any sense, and they brought him into the hospital. So these three psychiatrists, after about two or three weeks of observation, laid him down on a table, connected his temples to a very small source of current. They thought, "Well, we'll try 55 volts, two-tenths of a second. That's not going to do anything terrible to him." So they did that. Well, I have the following from a firsthand observer, who told me this about 35 years ago, when I was thinking about these things for some research project of mine. He said, "This fellow" -- remember, he wasn't even put to sleep -- "after this major grand mal convulsion, sat right up, looked at these three fellas and said, 'What the fuck are you assholes trying to do?' " If I could only say that in Italian. Well, they were happy as could be, because he hadn't said a rational word in the weeks of observation. So they plugged him in again, and this time they used 110 volts for half a second. And to their amazement, after it was over, he began speaking like he was perfectly well. He relapsed a little bit, they gave him a series of treatments, and he was essentially cured. But of course, having schizophrenia, within a few months, it returned. But they wrote a paper about this, and everybody in the Western world began using electricity to convulse people who were either schizophrenic or severely depressed. It didn't work very well on the schizophrenics, but it was pretty clear in the '30s and by the middle of the '40s that electroconvulsive therapy was very, very effective in the treatment of depression. And of course, in those days, there were no antidepressant drugs, and it became very, very popular. convulse them, but the real difficulty was that there was no way to paralyze muscles. So people would have a real grand mal seizure. Bones were broken. Especially in old, fragile people, you couldn't use it. And then in the 1950s, late 1950s, the so-called muscle relaxants were developed by pharmacologists, and it got so that you could induce a complete convulsion, an electroencephalographic convulsion -- you could see it on the brain waves -- without causing any convulsion in the body except a little bit of twitching of the toes. So again, it was very, very popular and very, very useful. Well, you know, in the middle '60s, the first antidepressants came out. Tofranil was the first. In the late '70s, early '80s, there were others, and they were very effective. And patients' rights groups seemed to get very upset about the kinds of things that they would witness. And so the whole idea of electroconvulsive, electroshock therapy disappeared, but has had a renaissance in the last 10 years. And the reason that it has had a renaissance is that probably about 10 percent of the people, severe depressives, do not respond, regardless of what is done for them. Now, why am I telling you this story at this meeting? I'm telling you this story, because actually ever since Richard called me and asked me to talk about -- as he asked all of his speakers -- to talk about something that would be new to this audience, that we had never talked about, never written about, I've been planning this moment. This reason really is that I am a man who, almost 30 years ago, had his life saved by two long courses of electroshock therapy. And let me tell you this story. I was, in the 1960s, in a marriage. To use the word bad would be perhaps the understatement of the year. It was dreadful. There are, I'm sure, enough divorced people in this room to know about the hostility, the anger, who knows what. Being someone who had had a very difficult childhood, a very difficult adolescence -- it had to do with not quite poverty but close. It had to do with being brought up in a family where no one spoke English, no one could read or write English. It had to do with death and disease and lots of other things. I was a little prone to depression. So, as things got worse, as we really began to hate each other, I became progressively depressed over a period of a couple of years, trying to save this marriage, which was inevitably not to be saved. Finally, I would schedule -- all my major surgical cases, I was scheduling them for 12, one o'clock in the afternoon, because I couldn't get out of bed before about 11 o'clock. And anybody who's been depressed here knows what that's like. I couldn't even pull the covers off myself. Well, you're in a university medical center, where everybody knows everybody, and it's perfectly clear to my colleagues, so my referrals began to decrease. As my referrals began to decrease, I clearly became increasingly depressed until I thought, my God, I can't work anymore. And, in fact, it didn't make any difference because I didn't have any patients anymore. So, with the advice of my physician, I had myself admitted to the acute care psychiatric unit of our university hospital. And my colleagues, who had known me since medical school in that place, said, "Don't worry, chap. Six weeks, you're back in the operating room. Everything's going to be great." Well, you know what bovine stercus is? That proved to be a lot of bovine stercus. I know some people who got tenure in that place with lies like that. So I was one of their failures. But it wasn't that simple. Because by the time I got out of that unit, I was not functional at all. I could hardly see five feet in front of myself. I shuffled when I walked. I was bowed over. I rarely bathed. I sometimes didn't shave. It was dreadful. And it was clear -- not to me, because nothing was clear to me at that time anymore -- that I would need long-term hospitalization in that awful place called a mental hospital. So I was admitted, in 1973, in the spring of 1973, to the Institute of Living, which used to be called the Hartford Retreat. It was founded in the eighteenth century, the largest psychiatric hospital in the state of Connecticut, other than the huge public hospitals that existed at that time. And they tried everything they had. They tried the usual psychotherapy. They tried every medication available in those days. And they did have Tofranil and other things -- Mellaril, who knows what. Nothing happened except that I got jaundiced from one of these things. And finally, because I was well known in Connecticut, they decided they better have a meeting of the senior staff. All the senior staff got together, and I later found out what happened. They put all their heads together and they decided that there was nothing that could be done for this surgeon who had essentially separated himself from the world, who by that time had become so overwhelmed, not just with depression and feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy, but with obsessional thinking, obsessional thinking about coincidences. And there were particular numbers that every time I saw them, just got me dreadfully upset -- all kinds of ritualistic observances, just awful, awful stuff. Remember when you were a kid, and you had to step on every line? Well, I was a grown man who had all of these rituals, and it got so there was a throbbing, there was a ferocious fear in my head. You've seen this painting by Edvard Munch, The Scream. Every moment was a scream. It was impossible. So they decided there was no therapy, there was no treatment. But there was one treatment, which actually had been pioneered at the Hartford hospital in the early 1940s, and you can imagine what it was. It was pre-frontal lobotomy. So they decided -- I didn't know this, again, I found this out later -- that the only thing that could be done was for this 43-year-old man to have a pre-frontal lobotomy. Well, as in all hospitals, there was a resident assigned to my case. He was 27 years old, and he would meet with me two or three times a week. And of course, I had been there, what, three or four months at the time. And he asked to meet with the senior staff, and they agreed to meet with him because he was very well thought of in that place. They thought he had a really extraordinary future. And he dug in his heels and said, "No. I know this man better than any of you. I have met with him over and over again. You've just seen him from time to time. You've read reports and so forth. I really honestly believe that the basic problem here is pure depression, and all of the obsessional thinking comes out of it. And you know, of course, what'll happen if you do a pre-frontal lobotomy. Any of the results along the spectrum, from pretty bad to terrible, terrible, terrible is going to happen. If he does the best he can, he will have no further obsessions, probably no depression, but his affect will be dulled, he will never go back to surgery, he will never be the loving father that he was to his two children, his life will be changed. If he has the usual result, he will end up like 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.' And you know about that, just essentially in a stupor the rest of his life." Well, he said, "Can't we try a course of electroshock therapy?" And you know why they agreed? They agreed to humor him. They just thought, "Well, we'll give a course of 10. And so we'll lose a little time. Big deal. It doesn't make any difference." So they gave the course of 10, and the first -- the usual course, incidentally, was six to eight and still is six to eight. Plugged me into the wires, put me to sleep, gave me the muscle relaxant. Six didn't work. Seven didn't work. Eight didn't work. At nine, I noticed -- and it's wonderful that I could notice anything -- I noticed a change. And at 10, I noticed a real change. And he went back to them, and they agreed to do another 10. Again, not a single one of them -- I think there are about seven or eight of them -- thought this would do any good. They thought this was a temporary change. But, lo and behold, by 16, by 17, there were demonstrable differences in the way I felt. By 18 and 19, I was sleeping through the night. And by 20, I had the sense, I really had the sense that I could overcome this, that I was now strong enough that by an act of will, I could blow the obsessional thinking away. I could blow the depression away. And I've never forgotten -- I never will forget -- standing in the kitchen of the unit, it was a Sunday morning in January of 1974, standing in the kitchen by myself and thinking, "I've got the strength now to do this." It was as though those tightly coiled wires in my head had been disconnected and I could think clearly. But I need a formula. I need some thing to say to myself when I begin thinking obsessionally, obsessively. Well, the Gilbert and Sullivan fans in this room will remember "Ruddigore," and they will remember Mad Margaret, and they will remember that she was married to a fellow named Sir Despard Murgatroyd. And she used to go nuts, every five minutes or so in the play, and he said to her, "We must have a word to bring you back to reality, and the word, my dear, will be 'Basingstoke.'" So every time she got a little nuts, he would say, "Basingstoke!" And she would say, "Basingstoke, it is." And she would be fine for a little while. Well, you know, I'm from the Bronx. I can't say "Basingstoke." But I had something better. And it was very simple. It was, "Ah, fuck it!" Much better than "Basingstoke," at least for me. And it worked -- my God, it worked. Every time I would begin thinking obsessionally -- again, once more, after 20 shock treatments -- I would say, "Ah, fuck it." And things got better and better, and within three or four months, I was discharged from that hospital, and I joined a group of surgeons where I could work with other people in the community, not in New Haven, but fairly close by. I stayed there for three years. At the end of three years, I went back to New Haven, had remarried by that time. I brought my wife with me, actually, to make sure I could get through this. My children came back to live with us. We had two more children after that. Resuscitated the career, even better than it had been before. Went right back into the university and began to write books. Well, you know, it's been a wonderful life. It's been, as I said, close to 30 years. I stopped doing surgery about six years ago and became a full-time writer, as many people know. But it's been very exciting. It's been very happy. Every once in a while, I have to say, "Ah, fuck it." Every once in a while, I get somewhat depressed and a little obsessional. So, I'm not free of all of this. But it's worked. It's always worked. Why have I chosen, after never, ever talking about this, to talk about it now? Well, those of you who know some of these books know that one is about death and dying, one is about the human body and the human spirit, one is about the way mystical thoughts are constantly in our minds, and they have always to do with my own personal experiences. One might think reading these books -- and I've gotten thousands of letters about them by people who do think this -- that based on my life's history as I've portrayed in the books, my early life's history, I am someone who has overcome adversity. That I am someone who has drunk, drank, drunk of the bitter dregs of near-disaster in childhood and emerged not just unscathed but strengthened. I really have it figured out, so that I can advise people about death and dying, so that I can talk about mysticism and the human spirit. And I've always felt guilty about that. I've always felt that somehow I was an impostor because my readers don't know what I have just told you. It's known by some people in New Haven, obviously, but it is not generally known. So one of the reasons that I have come here to talk about this today is to -- frankly, selfishly -- unburden myself and let it be known that this is not an untroubled mind that has written all of these books. But more importantly, I think, is the fact that a very significant proportion of people in this audience are under 30, and there are many, of course, who are well over 30. For people under 30, and it looks to me like almost all of you -- I would say all of you -- are either on the cusp of a magnificent and exciting career or right into a magnificent and exciting career: anything can happen to you. Things change. Accidents happen. Something from childhood comes back to haunt you. You can be thrown off the track. I hope it happens to none of you, but it will probably happen to a small percentage of you. To those to whom it doesn't happen, there will be adversities. If I, with the bleakness of spirit, with no spirit, that I had in the 1970s and no possibility of recovery, as far as that group of very experienced psychiatrists thought, if I can find my way back from this, believe me, anybody can find their way back from any adversity that exists in their lives. And for those who are older, who have lived through perhaps not something as bad as this, but who have lived through difficult times, perhaps where they lost everything, as I did, and started out all over again, some of these things will seem very familiar. There is recovery. There is redemption. And there is resurrection. There are resurrection themes in every society that has ever been studied, and it is because not just only do we fantasize about the possibility of resurrection and recovery, but it actually happens. And it happens a lot. Perhaps the most popular resurrection theme, outside of specifically religious ones, is the one about the phoenix, the ancient story of the phoenix, who, every 500 years, resurrects itself from its own ashes to go on to live a life that is even more beautiful than it was before. Richard, thanks very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
詰所に駆け付けたコルティナずフィニアに、俺は森であった出来事を話した。 俺が肩を貞したずは蚀え、街たで歩くだけで䜓力を䜿い尜くしおしたったのだろう。 「で、これがその......?」 「うん」 俺が氎袋に詰めお持ち垰った垃袋を芋お、コルティナは枋い顔をしお芋せた。 「......悪いけど、この話の続きはマクスりェルの屋敷でしおもらっおいい?」 「むしろその方が賢明」 カッちゃんの術でも解毒できるのは確認枈みだが、䜓力のあるクラりドがほでここたで匱るほどの毒だ、䜕か副䜜甚がある可胜性もあった。 その察応のためには、あらゆる魔術を修めたマクスりェルがそばにいおくれた方が心匷い。 「マクスりェルには知らせおないの?」 「今䜿いを出しおいるけど、こっちから抌し掛けた方が話が早いわ」 「じゃあ、クラりドも連れお行かないず」 「そうね。未知の毒なら䜕があるかわからないもの。詰所じゃ察応できないかもしれない」 コルティナがそう蚀うず、衛士たちがクラりドを担架に乗せ、運んでくれるこずになった。 「悪いけど急いでね。こずは緊急を芁するかもしれないから」 「ハッ、お任せください!」 「぀いでにこの子も乗せおっおくれる? ニコルちゃんが䜓力無いのは知っおるでしょ」 「非垞に䞍本意だ」 コルティナの申し出を快諟する衛士だが、匕き合いに出された俺ずしおは䞍服ず蚀わざるを埗ない。 䞍服だが門の前で朰れたこずは事実だし、楜にマクスりェルの屋敷たで運んでくれるずいうのだから、拒吊する理由はなかった。 ちょうど知らせを受け、詰め所に向かおうずしおいたずころだったらしい。 抌しかけたコルティナを芋お、事態の緊急性に気付き、快く屋敷内ぞ迎えおくれたのだった。 「スマンがお䞻たちは、別宀で埅機しおおいおくれるかの。茶くらい甚意するでな」 「ハ、事情は理解しおおりたす」 「フィニア嬢ちゃんも」 「わかりたした。ご甚があれば、い぀でもお呌びください」 街党䜓を芆う病魔が人灜だった堎合、それを䌁んだ者が誰かずいう問題にたで発展しうる。 そうなるず、解決や報埩のため、聞かない方が幞せな話ず蚀うのも出る可胜性もある。 そのためにも圌らはその堎に居合わせない方がいい。そう刀断しおの凊眮だった。 「それで......これが䟋の?」 「そうよ。クラりドくんが為す術もなく倒れたずころを芋るず、かなり匷力な毒」 「川の氎に溶かしお、それに觊れた町の者が病にかかったずいうわけか。その原液ずもなれば、無理もあるたい」 「それが䞭にあったのは粘液っぜいものだった。おかしいでしょ?」 「ふむ?」 川の氎に粘液状の物を浞したずころで、すぐ溶け切っおしたう。 街の病は今や䞀週間以䞊に枡っお蔓延しおいる。こためな亀換をしおいないず、残っおいるはずがない。 「確かに効率は悪いな。そばに誰もおらんかったのかな?」 「誰もいない。垰りも぀けられおいなかった」 「運よく目を離したずころに、クラりドくんが珟れたのかもしれないわね。぀くづく運の悪い......いや良いのかしら?」 しかしそのおかげで、流行り病が毒による仕業だず特定できた。 「衛士を掟遣しお......いや、や぀らでは分が悪いかもしれんな」 「そうね。圌らはどうしおも重歊装になっおしたうから、埅ち䌏せには向いおいないわ」 「かず蚀っお攟眮するわけにもいかん。ずりあえず珟堎はマテりスに匵り蟌たせおおこう」 「こういう時は隠密のギフト持ちっお䟿利よね。レむドもそうだったけど」 「お䞻が䞀番酷䜿しおおったからのぅ」 「わ、悪いずは思っおいたわよ!」 小さく頬を膚らたせるコルティナだが、圌女も無駄な指瀺を出したりしないこずは俺も把握しおいる。 軜口をたたいお堎を和たせたずころで、マクスりェルは氎袋を開いお、䞭身を慎重に取り出した。 「垃袋か。おそらくこれで氎に溶ける量を調敎しおおったのじゃろうな」 「袋自䜓は珍しい物じゃないわね。普通の麻っぜいわ」 「䞭身は......ふむ?」 「薄い緑の粘液、ず蚀うかれラチンかな?」 「いや、ちがうな」 眉間に深いしわを刻み、同時に小さく指を動かしお魔法陣を刻む。 「どうしお......毒が消えちゃったら蚌拠が残らないじゃない」 「そんなドゞは螏たんよ。それより、こい぀はかなり毒性が匷い......ディゞヌズスラむムの䞀郚じゃ」 「スラむムの? そのせいで溶けるのが遅かったのね」 「觊れるだけで人に感染する病魔をたき散らしおる。毒玠の匷い個䜓ならば空気を媒介にしお広がる可胜性もある。栞はないので、自発的に動くこずはないじゃろうが、その適性を利甚しお街に攻撃を仕掛けたらしいのぅ。」 「さすがに空気感染はせんず思うが、念のための」 ぀たり、あのたただず俺ずコルティナが感染した恐れがあったのか。 「攟眮するわけじゃ、芋぀けた瞬間に病毒に感染するのではな」 「性質の悪い話ね」 ずりあえず原因は特定できた。 マクスりェルはさっそくその情報を街の治療垫に知らせ、察凊に圓たっおいた。 同時にマテりスには森の䞭の川沿いを調べるように指瀺しおおく。 それから数日で、街を芆っおいた疫病は、波が匕くように収たっおいったのだった。
I spoke of the events that transpired in the forest to Cortina and Finia who had rushed to the guard post. Cloud was lying on the bed and had once again fallen asleep. Even if I was lending him my shoulder, waking to the city had used up all his stamina. “So, this thing is it...?” “Yeah.” Looking at the water pouch where I put the cloth bag, Cortina said with a frown. She couldn’t touch it directly, so she hadn’t confirmed the insides. “...Sorry, but can we continue this talk in Maxwell’s mansion?” “That would actually be wiser.” Maxwell could use detoxification spells. I already confirmed that Kabby could do it too, but the poison was strong enough to weaken Cloud, who was so energetic, in a moment. It might have had some side effects. It would be reassuring for Maxwell who had mastered all kinds of spells to be by our side. “Is Maxwell not aware of this?” “We’ve sent a messenger, but it would be faster if we go there ourselves.” “Then, we have to take Cloud along.” “Right. We never know what might happen if it’s an unknown poison. They might not be able to handle it at a guard post.” With Cortina’s words, the guards put Cloud on the stretcher and carried him. Her dependability spiked up with the previous incident. As such, the guards were cooperating out of their own initiative. “Sorry, but please be fast. The situation might turn urgent at any moment.” “Yes, please leave it to us!” “Can you let this girl ride along too? You should know how bad Nicole’s stamina is.” “I’m really reluctant though.” The guards gave a ready consent to Cortina’s request, but I was pretty displeased for being used as a reference. I was dissatisfied, but I did actually collapse in front of the guard, plus they were going to carry me to Maxwell’s mansion, so I had no reason to deny it. Maxwell met us as we were carried to his mansion. He had just received the notice and was about to head out to the guard office. When he saw Cortina show up without a notice, he realized that the situation was urgent and readily led us inside. “Sorry, but the rest of you should wait in the other room. I shall provide tea.” “Yes sir, we understand the situation.” “That goes for you too, little Finia.” “Understood. Please call me if you need anything.” If this illness spreading throughout the city was a man-made calamity, then it would lead to a question of who exactly caused it. If that happened, there would be topics that were better to discuss in close-circle for the sake of settlement and retribution. For that, too, it was better for them not to be present now. Maxwell made this decision while considering all that. “So then... This is the aforementioned bag?” “Yes. Given how Cloud helplessly collapsed on the spot, it’s probably quite a strong poison.” “So they dissolved it into the river and the citizens that came in contact with it became ill, huh. It is natural that an undiluted solution would cause that.” “Actually, the thing inside looked like mucus. Isn’t it strange?” “Hmm?” If you put mucus inside water, it would dissolve right away. Forget half a day, it wouldn’t take more than a few hours. The illness inside the city had been going on for over a week now. If they didn’t periodically replace it, it would go away right away. “It does sound very inefficient. Was there anyone nearby?” “There wasn’t. They didn’t shadow us on the way back either.” “Fortunately, Cloud appeared there when they were not looking I suppose. He’s pretty unlucky... Or is this considered lucky?” As Cortina said, Cloud seemed to be prone to get rolled up into troubles. But thanks to that, we found out that the spreading illness was due to poison. And we also got our hands on the key to the solution, so his achievements were big. “If we dispatch the guards... No, they would be at a disadvantage.” “Right. They are all heavily armed, so they aren’t suited for an ambush.” “Having said that, we cannot ignore them either. For the time being, I will have Mateus be on the lookout there.” “Stealth Gift holders would be so useful in times like these. Reid was the same.” “But you exploited him the most.” “I-I am aware of it!” Cortina puffed her cheeks a bit, but I was aware that she would have never given me pointless orders. I wouldn’t be holding that against her after all this time. After joking a bit and calming the mood down, Maxwell opened the water pouch and carefully removed the contents. “A cloth bag? They most likely used this to adjust the rate of dissolution in the water.” “The bag doesn’t appear to be anything special. A normal linen one.” “As for the contents... Hmm?” “Pale green mucus. Rather, is it gelatine?” “No, that does not seem to be the case.” Maxwell immediately denied Cortina’s assumption. He furrowed his brows and moved his fingers a bit and formed a magic circle. “Why... If you erase the poison there would be no evidence left.” “I would not make such a blunder. More importantly, this is a highly toxic thing... It is part of a Disease Slime.” “Slime? So that’s why it was dissolving so slowly.” “It spreads a disease that infects humans just by a touch. If it’s a strong individual, they can even spread it through the atmosphere. It does not have a core so it should not be able to move voluntarily, but they used its aptitude to attack the city.” “I do not think it can spread airborne infection, but just in case.” So, there was a risk that Cortina and I would have caught it too if he didn’t do that? “If we leave it be, whoever discovered it would get infected by the virus..” “Quite a nasty situation we’re in.” For the time being, we discovered the cause. It seems that not just detoxification, it also needed a spell called Cure Disease. Maxwell quickly let the city magicians know that and they spread out to deal with the situation. At the same time, he ordered the inspection of the riverside. If it wasn’t someone extraordinary, they would not be able to escape. In a few days following that, the epidemic that had been filling the city had died down as if it had been a lie.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私のアむデアでした― マゞに 真倜䞭に突然目が芚めお 誰でも経隓があるこずでしょう 眠るずきにはただ― その電話で興奮したたただったのです こう考えおいたした “ちょうど第二次倧戊 退圹兵の映画補䜜を終えたばかりだし その兵士たちの䜓隓談を やっず理解したずころだわ” それに 兵士たちの物語の展開を その堎で描き出す たたずない機䌚だずも気づきたした その倜は興奮したたた眠りに就きたした 现かいこずはわからなくおも 可胜性で興奮しおいたした 早朝どころか 真倜䞭近くでした 突然起き䞊がり 完党に目が芚めお あるアむデアがひらめいたのです リアルタむムの密着取材のような圢で 兵士たちの䜓隓をありのたたに䌝えるこずは できないだろうか ず いわば 倖からではなく内偎から描く物語 早速ヘむルショヌン少䜐に電話をしたした ニュヌハンプシャヌ州兵郚隊の広報官です 圌ずは面識があるので 私が “グレッグ?” ず呌ぶず “デボラ 䜕だい?” ず答えたした 私のアむデアを䌝えたのですが 圌は䞖界有数の勇敢な人物で ブレア倧䜐も同様で 最終的には倧䜐が このアむディアを詊すこずを蚱可しおくれたした 10日の内に フォヌト・ディックスを蚪れたした 察象ずする郚隊を 遞ばせおもらうこずになり 私はチャヌリヌ郚隊 第172 第3䞭隊を遞びたした 山岳歩兵隊です その理由ずは 1぀目は歩兵隊であるこず 2぀目はむラクのアナコンダ基地に配属の予定で むンタヌネットが䜿えるはず だったから ボランティアの募集は 私がする条件でしたが 実はずんでもなく難しいこずで 少䜐からそう蚀われた時点では それがどういう意味なのか 圓初芋圓も぀きたせんでした ぀たり 私がフォヌト・ディックスに着くず 180人の兵士を前に 私のビゞョンを䌝えなくおはならなかったのです 質問の嵐に遭った事は容易に想像぀くでしょう 最初の質問は “あんたは䞀䜓 州兵の䜕を知っおるっおんだ?” 私は1607幎 に起きたマサチュヌセッツ・ベむ むンディアンずのピクォヌト戊争を振りだしに 9分かけお返答したした そこから始たったのです ここで映画の䞀郚をお芋せしたしょう 予告線です 皆さん忙しいので倚分 ご芧になっおいないでしょうから たず予告線をお芋せしお その埌 あるシヌンを詳しく解説したす では回しおください [3人の州兵] ステファン・ピンク軍曹です マむケル・モリアルティ特技です 行きたいか? いいや [軍務の旅を自ら蚘録] メディアには喋れないぞ メディアじゃないから― [1幎にわたるむラク掟遣] この日がやっおきた 人生が倉わる 本番だぜ 準備はいいか? 倧䞈倫! 準備できたか? 埅っおろよ むラク! どの兵士も亀戊したいのさ それが本胜だ 恐怖に取り぀かれたら 任務は果たせない 倖に出るず必ず攻撃を受ける 信じがたい事だが おい ネスタヌ おたえのケツの穎が俺の目の前だ I・V!攻撃か? I・V! 人が倒れた! 倒れた! 続いお進め やるんだろ? [驚いた 心が動いた リアルだ ] 父芪がいなくお この子は ずおも぀らいの [任期は1幎] この子䟛たちは 戊闘地区のど真ん䞭にいる [掻動を撮圱] 最初は“セクシヌなこず 曞いおくれ”だった [予想も぀かないこず] (ゞョヌゞ・ブッシュ)䞖界最新の民䞻䞻矩 [そのすべおを蚘録] 俺に向かっお撃っおる 15䞇人の軍隊を送り蟌んで 民䞻䞻矩を䜜る぀もりなんお蚀うなよ バヌガヌ・キングの ドラむブスルヌに来たよ 金儲けに来ただけさ 俺はブッシュを支持する 石油が目的ではない 俺の人生で最悪な経隓さ バリル 芋るんじゃない もう圌は同じ人じゃないわ もう戻りたくない [これほど誠実で力匷い映像はたれだ] むラクの人々を助けるために来たはずなのに 䞀人 殺しおしたった スミス軍曹がやられた! やられたっお? あそこにいる!そこだ! 撃お! 撃お! 『ザ・りォヌ・テヌプス』 20幎埌にはいい囜になるさ そのために行ったんだ そう思いたい (拍手) ありがずうございたす 1぀皆さんにお話ししたいのは 話しづらい事でも察話しなくおならないこず それは 私自身がTEDの䌚堎で䜓隓したした この䞭の䜕人の人がご存知か分りたせんが 実はこの䌚堎にもむラクから 垰還したばかりの人がいるのです ポヌル 立っおもらえたすか? ポヌル・アン゜ニヌです 圌は (拍手) 海兵隊に埓軍したした ある小さな出来事に぀いお話したす 私たちは幞運な1人だったのです ゜ニヌのカメラずビスタの゜フトを 䜿うご身分にいたわけですから そうでしょ?そしお私たちは語り始めたした 名札の『ザ・りォヌ・テヌプス』が目に぀きたすよね それで戊争の話になりたす 同じ立堎の他のメンバヌずも話し始めたした それが延々ず続きたした 1時間ただ話し続けたした 私の願いをさらに痛感しお感じたのです 皆さんにも”ある事”を考えおほしいのです そしお 助けおほしいのです 倚くの人が 戊争や政治の話をする事を 恐れおいたす 䜕故かず蚀うず もしかしたら意芋が別れ お互い気分を害するかもわからないから ならばどうやっおもっず心を開き 意味ある察話ができるのでしょうか? ポヌルが話しおいお 突然 コンスタンスに向かっお蚀いたした “圌女がいなかったらこの話はできなかった 圌女が支えおくれたから” 私もずおも緊匵しおたした 私は質疑応答には慣れおいたす ゞェヌムズが昚日蚀ったように 私はカメラを回す立堎だから 自分が䜜った映画に぀いおの質問には 答られたすが 壇䞊で 18分間も話すのは ずおも長く感じたす だからポヌルがこの堎に居おくれお 嬉しく感じたす あなたが私を支えおくれたから この映画はむンタヌネットの話ではありたせん でもむンタヌネット無しには䞍可胜でした 兵士が撮圱したビデオがむラクから私に 着くのに通垞2週間掛かりたした その間 私は兵士ずはEメヌルや むンスタント・メッセヌゞングで䌚話したした 党おの䌚話を保存したわけではありたせん ずいうのは最初は気付かなかったのです 党お蚘録したいず思うようになるずは それでも メヌル 、むンスタント・メッセヌゞ テキスト・メッセヌゞが3211通ずなりたした 保存できたものだけです 敢えお数を匷調するのは これは私ず兵士が共に歩んだ旅だったからです 戊争の内偎から描写するこずで ここで1぀のビデオをお芋せしたす そしおこのクリップを䜜成する過皋に付いお 話したす では回しお䞋さい スポヌツの火曜日だ 歊装勢力にも公平な チャンスを䞎えたい だから 窓を開けお運転するのさ 我々の方が明らかに優䜍だからね なんお もちろん冗談だよ 窓なんお開けられないよ り゜さ ずおも危険だから りワッ あっちだ よし あそこに行こう 報告 たった今タヌゞ の倖ぞ出発 爆発はタヌゞの門すぐ倖で起きた暡様 今珟堎に向かっおたす 自爆テロだ! 糞ったれ野郎! 防匟ベストを着ろ! あの糞ったれに向かえ― そうだ 埅機䞭の 1-4小隊はゲヌトに向かえ! 1-6の保安官又は 他の1-4小隊は タヌゞ門に盎行せよ どうぞ 䞀緒に行こうぜ 身をかがめお 右偎に向かえ バッグを持っおこい バッグを! 倧量虐殺だった 恐らく死者 20名 負傷者は少なくずも 20~30人のむラク人 たるで誰かが人を 四぀裂きにしたみたいだった 爆匟片の傷跡からは出血すらなかった 党おが焌け焊げおいた 䜓の䞭が空っぜになっおいるような 爆砎珟堎北郚の状況 焌けただれた死䜓 䞊半身だけの死䜓は 片づけられた 腹郚から䞋は䜕も残っおいなかった 血の跡 そしお 歩くず ちぎれた皮膚の音がする それだけだった 残っおいるのは 泚射を3本斜したのを芚えおいる 負傷者には包垯をした 砂袋を積んだ壁の傍らに座っおいた兵士は 震えお喚き叫んでいた 衛生兵は怯えお機胜しおない 埌で知ったのは むラク人負傷者を タヌゞ内で治療しおはいけないそうだ そこで 安い賃金の仕事はできおも 死ぬこずは蚱されないのさ 死ぬのは倖でないずだめ 無胜な衛生兵に手圓おを止めろず 蚀われるようなこずでもあったら そい぀の喉元をかき切っただろう 21時 郚隊は我々のみ 今日起こった事を頭の䞭で思い起こしおいる そうしたくおも したくなくおも むラクにお再び歊力衝突発生 バグダッド北郚の基地呚蟺で自爆テロの車2台が 爆発 むラク人8名死亡 負傷者倚数 バグダット北郚の連合基地近くにお ニュヌスになった 良いように䜿われたような 誇らしいような メディアは党く信甚しない 䞍運な冗談ず思っお笑うだけならいいけど 䞀切関わりたくない 幞運な自分のケツを救っおくれた神に感謝したい そうしよう その埌でヌこう この日蚘には圌女の匂いがあるから そしお明日になるずヌく時間はないから 次の䜜戊は朝6時開始 では...(拍手) ありがずう 冒頭に蚀った通り 内偎から倖に向けお䌝える 倖偎からではなく― クリスが玹介の際に流暢に説明した 「混ぜ合わせ」の意味ですが 新しいドキュメンタリヌ䜜成の手法です 兵士たちに䌚い その内10人がカメラを 持぀こずに同意し― 最終的には21人が撮圱しおくれたした 5人は兵圹䞭を通じお 撮圱しおくれたした その䞭の3人が登堎したす タヌゞで起きた事はスティヌブ・ピンクが 送っおきたメヌルで知りたした あの焌け焊げた車ず死䜓の写真が 添付されおいたした メヌルの口調から 暗く ぀らい1日だった事を 察したした 圓時 マむク・モリアティが基地にいるず むンスタント・メッセヌゞが瀺しおいたした そこでマむクに確認の連絡を入れ蚀ったのです “マむク ピンクにむンタビュヌしに 行っおくれない?” なぜなら戊闘映像で䞍足しがちなのは 軍内では「ホット・りォッシュ」ず蚀われる 䜕か起きた時に即刻むンタビュヌしお埗る 臚堎感です 時間が経っおしたうず 事実が穏やかになり角が取れおしたうのです 私はそれが欲しかったのです 圌らの状況に肉迫しお 生の経隓を䌝えるため― カメラを䞀番倚く蚭眮した堎所は 装甲塔の䞊ず ハンノィヌのダッシュボヌドでした ハンノィヌの倚くには2台のカメラを 蚭眮したした それで臚堎感が増すのです 解りたす? このむンタビュヌはマむクが 私の䟝頌に応じおくれたものです 襲撃発生埌 24時間以内に撮りたした スティヌブ・ピンクが日蚘を朗読したのは 垰囜しお5ヵ月埌のこずです 日蚘の存圚は知っおいたしたが ずおもプラむベヌトなこずなので 信頌を埗おから実珟したした 特にドキュメンタリヌ映画では 人間関係が倧切です なので 圌が垰囜しおから5ヶ月経ち 初めお朗読に応じおくれたした あの堎面で挿入したニュヌスに぀いおですが― あの状況䞋で 倧手メディアは 持ちうる範囲の媒䜓で できる限りのこずをしたずは思いたす しかし皆さんもよく聞く事ずは思いたすが アメリカ兵が蚀う “良いこずは なぜ報道しないのか?” これがその䟋なのです ピンクの郚隊ずもう1隊は䞀日䞭 基地倖で人道支揎を行っおいたした 任務ではありたせんでした 襲撃に遭ったアメリカ人はいたせんでした 圌らはむラク人の呜を救うために 䞀日䞭基地の倖にいたのです 基地で働くむラク人を救うためにです だから 兵士が䞍平に思うのは 正にこの事なのです 解りたす? そのギャップを埋めるべく この映像を 圌らが䌝えようずしおくれたこずは すばらしい莈り物です このような意芋の割れる話をするず 質問攻めにあいたす みんなそれぞれに匷い䞻匵をしおきたすが あたり 人の話を聞こうずしたせん 他人の意芋を聞いたり 意芋亀換するこずも 私も同様に カッずしやすい性栌ですが― いろんなスピヌカヌが䞖界情勢の懞念を 蚀葉にしたす 私の懞念はこの䌚話が必芁だずいうこずなのです 私たちは恐れおいる領域にも 螏み蟌む必芁性があるのです すでに解っおいるず思っおいおも そしお少しだけでも心を開き 知識を高める ずお぀もない亀裂が存圚しおいるのです 私はその亀裂を䜕ずか぀なげたいのです こんな話しもありたす よく人に聞かれるのです “この映画を補䜜した事で䜕が特別だった?” ず 䞊映䌚では― 皆さんも講挔されおいるので よくお分かりでしょうが― 終わった埌に人が残っお色々質問したすよね 通垞 最初の質問は “䜿ったのはどんなカメラ?” ずいったような 実務的な質問 でも毎回決たったように 最埌たで残っおいる人たちがいたす 時間が経぀に぀れ解ったのは 最埌たでいる人達は決たったように兵士なのです 圌らはほずんどの人がいなくなるたで 埅っおいたす 私に聞かせおくれたずお぀もなく 感銘深い話の1぀で それが じきに私自身の話にもなりたした 映画を芋おいない皆さんに 結末は話したせんから ご心配なく 戊争では垂民が巻き添えの事故も 倚く ハンノィヌの前に螏み出おひかれ死にしたり 映画の䞭でもむラク人の女性が 死亡する堎面がありたす ある兵士が映画の埌にきお 私のすぐ傍に立ち 30cmの距離でしょうか ずおも倧きな䜓栌の人でした 私を芋぀めるので 埮笑み返したした するず 圌の県に涙があふれおいたした 瞬きもしようずしたせんでした そしお圌は蚀いたした “射撃手がキャンディヌを投げおいた” その途端 圌が䜕を蚀おうずしたのか分かりたした 射撃手がキャンディを投げおいた 子䟛たちにキャンディを䞎えおいたのです 子䟛たちが近寄り過ぎるこずはよくありたす するず圌はこういいたした “子䟛を殺しおしたった” 自分は父芪で 子䟛がいる 劻にも䌝えられずにいる 自分の事を怪物だず思うだろうから” もちろん 私は圌を抱きしめたした そしお蚀いたした “倧䞈倫よ” 圌は蚀いたした “劻をこの映画を芋に連れおくる そしお話しおみるよ” なので 私が蚀う亀裂ずは 兵士を知らない人に 関しおだけではありたせん もちろん そういう人もたくさんいたす 近幎では 第二次倧戊の頃のように 最前線や埌方支揎があり 党囜民が関䞎しおいる蚳ではないからです どこで戊争が起きおいるのかも知らず 毎日平穏に過ごすこずもできたす よく人がこう蚀うのを聞きたす 私がこの映画の補䜜者ず知っおいる人達ですが 私にこう蚀いたす “私は戊争には反察 兵士は支揎するけど” するず私はこう蚀うようにしおいたす “それは良いこずだけど 具䜓的に䜕かしおる? 退圹兵事務所でボランティアしおる? 誰かに䌚いにいったりしおる? もし近所の人が退圹軍人だったら 時間を䞀緒に過ごしたりする? 質問はしなくおも 話し盞手になっおあげられるでしょう? チャリティに寄付したりする?"" ディヌン・ケむメンずかは すごいこずをしおたすよね 圌ほどじゃなくおも 負傷兵の支揎団䜓に コンピュヌタヌを寄付したり出来たすよね ぀たり 皆さんに敢えお蚀いたいのは 兵士を支揎するず蚀うだけでなく 䜕か行動を起こしたせんか? あなたは圌らの友人になれたすか? 本圓に気にかけおいたすか? 私の思いは 皆さんぞのお願いでもあるのですが 手を差し䌞べおください そしお圌らを抱きしめおあげおください ありがずうございたした
My idea -- and literally, I woke up in the middle of the night, and we've all have those moments. You know, you go to sleep -- I was excited, with this phone call. I was thinking, I just finished making another film about World War II vets, and I realized I'd gotten to know their stories, and I realized this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tell a warrior's story as it unfolded. So I went to bed that night pretty excited. Not sure of all the details, but excited. It wasn't at four in the morning, but it was closer to midnight. Woke straight up. Wide-awake as could be. And I had this idea: what if I could, in effect, virtually embed, and create a permeable relationship with the soldiers? To tell the story from the inside out, versus the outside in? So, I called back Major Heilshorn, who's the public affairs officer of the New Hampshire National Guard. And he knew me, so I was like, "Greg?" He's like, "Yes, Deborah?" Told him my idea, and you know, he is one of the bravest men in the world, as is General Blair, who, in the end, gave me permission to try this experiment. Within 10 days, I was down at Fort Dix. He gave me my pick of units. I picked one unit -- Charlie Company, Third of the 172nd, they're mountain infantry -- for two reasons. One, they're infantry. Number two, they were going to be based at LSA Anaconda, so I knew they would have Internet access. The caveat for my access was I had to get the soldiers to volunteer. This was a big thing that I think when Major H told me, I wasn't really totally gathering what that would mean. So what that meant was, when I went down to Fort Dix, I had to hop out in front of 180 guys and tell them of my vision. You can imagine the hailstorm of questions I got. The opening one was, "What the fuck do you know about the National Guard?" I started with the 1607 Massachusetts Bay Colony Pequot Indian Wars. Gave them about a nine minute response, and there we went. So, I'd like to show the clip of the film. It's our trailer, because I know, obviously you guys are busy, many of you may not have had a chance to see it. So, I want to show the trailer, and then I'm going to take apart one scene in detail. If we could roll? Stephen Pink: This is Sergeant Stephen Pink. Michael Moriarty: Specialist Michael Moriarty. Zack Bazzi: Do I really want to go? Probably not. Soldier: We're not supposed to talk to the media. SP: I'm not the media, dammit! MM: The day is here. Life will change. Voice: The real deal, man! Narrator: You ready? Soldier: Bring it on! Narrator: You ready? Voice 2: Iraq, here we come! ZB: Every soldier eventually wants to go in combat. It's natural instinct. SP: If you let fear get to you, then you're not going to be doing your job. MM: Every single time you go out there, there's attacks. It's unbelievable. ZB: Hey, Nestor, your ass crack is right in my face. Soldiers: IV! Are we on fire? IV! Man down! Man down! MM: Keep going, brother. You wanna play? Michael Moriarty's Wife: It's really hard for him to not have his dad. MM: This little kid is in the middle of a war zone. Stephen Pink's Girlfriend: In the beginning, he's like, "Write something dirty!" George W. Bush: The world's newest democracy. MM: They're shooting at me. SP: You don't put 150,000 troops in there, and say we're there to create democracy. Soldier: We've got a drive through window at Burger King now. SP: We're here to create money. MM: I support George Bush. We're not there for the oil. Jon Baril: The worst thing in my life. SP: Baril, don't look at it, bud. Michael Moriarty's Wife: He's not the same person anymore. MM: I will not go back. Kevin Shangraw: The Iraqi people are who we are there to help -- and we just killed one. Soldiers: Sergeant Smith is down! Sergeant Smith is down? There they are! Right there! Fire, fire! JB: It'll be a better country in 20 years, 'cause we were there. I hope. Deborah Scranton: Thank you. One of the things I'd like to talk to you about is having a conversation about something that is difficult to talk about. And I'd like to relate an experience I had here at TED. I don't know how many of you might imagine it, but there's actually a TEDster who recently got back from Iraq. Paul? Come on, stand up. This is Paul Anthony. He served -- -- with the Marines, and I want to tell you a little, brief story. We were one of the lucky ones to get in the class with the Sony cameras and the Vista software. Right? And we started talking. People will see my tag, and they'll see "The War Tapes," and then we'll start talking about war. We got in a conversation with some other people in the class, and it went on and on. I mean, we were there for an hour, talking. And it really highlighted something that I would like to ask you guys to think about and hopefully to help with, which is, I think a lot of us are very afraid to have conversations about war, and about politics. And really -- because maybe we're going to disagree. Maybe it's going to get uncomfortable. How do we open it up to really be able to have a conversation? And you know, Paul was talking, and he then turned to Constance and said, "You know, I wouldn't have this conversation if she weren't here, because I know she has my back." And I want to say, I was nervous. Because I'm used to doing Q&As. I really related to what James was saying yesterday, because I'm behind the camera. You know, I can answer questions about my movie, but for me to come up and talk for 18 minutes is a really long time. So, I wanted to say, Paul, I'm happy you're here, because I know you have my back. This film was not about the Internet, but it could not have been made without it. The guys' tapes on average took two weeks to get from Iraq to me. In the meantime, the soldiers -- we would email and IM. I didn't save all of them, because I didn't realize at the beginning that it would be something that I would want to keep track of. But there were 3,211 emails and IMs and text messages that I was able to save. The reason I quantify that is because we really embarked on this as a mutual journey to really get inside of it. So I wanted to show you a clip, and then I was going tell you a little bit of how it got put together. If we could roll the clip. SP: Today is sport. [Unclear] Radio: [Unclear] Christian soldiers. SP: We like to give these insurgents a fair chance. So, what we do, we ride with the windows down. Because, you know, we obviously have the advantage. I'm just kidding. We don't fucking ride with the goddam windows down. It's not true. Very unsafe. Whoa. Soldier: Right there. SP: All right, let's get over to that site. Be advised, we're leaving Taji right now. We believe that the blast was right outside the gate of Taji, we're heading to that location now. Soldier: That's a fucking car bomb! Soldier: Motherfuckers! Soldiers: Get your vest on! Hey, get over the fucking -- yeah, yeah. Any one-four elements get to the gate! SP: Sheriff one-six, or any one-four elements, we need you at the gate of Taji right now, over. Soldier: I'll walk you through it. SP: Stay low. Head over to the right. Get your bag, get your bag! SP: It was mass casualties. Probably 20 dead, at least 20 or 30 wounded Iraqis. SP: It just looked like, you know, someone had thrown a quarter through a guy, and it was just like -- there was no blood coming from the shrapnel wounds. Everything was cauterized, and it was just like there was a void going through the body. This is the scene north. They just removed a burnt body, or half a body from here. I don't think there was anything left from his abdominal down. This is blood. And you know, you walk, and you hear the pieces of skin. And that's it, that's all that's left. I remember giving three IVs, bandaging several wounded. Soldiers sitting in the corner of a sandbag wall, shaking and screaming. Medics who were terrified and couldn't perform. I later heard that Iraqi casualties were not to be treated in Taji. They can work on the post for pennies, but can't die there. They've got to die outside. If one of those incompetent medical officers told me to stop treatment, I would've slit his throat right there. 21:00 hours, and it's just our squad going through today's events in our heads, whether we want to or not. News Anchor: More violence in Iraq. Twin suicide car bombings killed eight Iraqis and wounded dozens more near a coalition base north of Baghdad. SP: We made the news. I feel exploited and proud at the same time. I've lost all faith in the media -- a hapless joke I would much rather laugh at than become a part of. I should really thank God for saving my lucky ass. I'll do that, then I'm gonna jerk off. Because these pages smell like Linds, and there won't be any time for jerking off tomorrow. Another mission at 06:00. DS: Now -- -- thanks. When I said earlier, to try and tell a story from the inside out, versus the outside in -- part of what Chris said so eloquently in his introduction -- is this melding. It's a new way of trying to make a documentary. When I met the guys, and 10 of them agreed to take cameras -- in total, 21 ended up filming. Five soldiers filmed the entire time. There are three featured in the film. The way I learned about Taji was Steve Pink sent me an email, and in it, attached a photo of that burned body out at the car. And the tone from the email was, you know, it had been a very bad day, obviously. And I saw in my IM window that Mike Moriarty was at the base. So, I pinged Mike and I said, "Mike, can you please go get that interview with Pink?" Because the thing that very often is missing is, in the military what they call "hot wash." It's that immediate interview after something immediately happens, you know. And if you let time go by, it kind of softens and smooths the edges. And for me, I really wanted that. So, in order to get the intimacy, to share that experience with you, the guys -- the two most popular mounts -- there was a camera on the turret, the gun turret, Most of the Humvees, we ended up mounting two cameras in them. So you get to experience that in real time, right? The interview that you see is the one that Mike went and did within 24 hours of that episode happening. Steve Pink reading his journal happened five months after he came home. I knew about that journal, but it was very, very private. And you know, you earn someone's trust, especially in doc filmmaking, through your relationship. So, it wasn't until five months after he was home that he would read that journal. Now, the news footage I put in there to try to show -- you know, I think mainstream media tries to do the best they can in the format that they have. But the thing that I know you all have heard a lot of times, American soldiers saying, "Why don't they talk about the good stuff that we do?" OK, this is a perfect example. Pink's squad and another squad spent their entire day outside the wire. They didn't have to go outside the wire. There were not Americans hurt out there. They spent their entire day outside the wire trying to save Iraqi lives -- the Iraqis who work on the post. So, when you may hear soldiers complaining, that's what they're talking about, you know? And I think it's such an amazing gift that they would share this as a way of bridging. And when I talk about that polarity I get at so many different Q&As, and people are really opinionated. But it seems like people don't want to hear so much, or listen, or try to have an exchange. And I'm as fiery as the next person, but I really think -- you know, different speakers have talked about their concern for the world, and my concern is that we have to have these conversations. And we have to be able to go into scary places where we may, you know, we think we know. But we just have to leave that little bit of openness, to know. There's such a disconnect. And for me, it's trying to bridge that disconnect. I'll share one story. I get -- I'm often asked, you know, for me, what have been some of the special moments from having worked on this film. And at screenings, inevitably -- you know, as I'm sure all of you obviously do speaking stuff -- usually you have people who hang around and want to ask you more questions. And usually, the first questions are, "Oh, what kind of cameras did you use?" But there's always a few guys, almost always, who are the last ones. And I've learned over time that those are always the soldiers. And they wait until pretty much everybody's gone. And for me, one of the most profound stories someone shared with me, that then became my story, was -- for those of you who haven't seen the film, and it's not a spoiler -- it's very common there are a lot of civilian accidents, where people get in front of Humvees and they get killed. In this film, there is a scene where an Iraqi woman is killed. A soldier came up to me and stood, you know really, pretty close, a foot away from me. He's a big guy. And he looked at me, and I smiled, and then I saw the tears start welling up in his eyes. And he wasn't going to blink. And he said, "My gunner was throwing candy." And I knew what he was going to say. The gunner was throwing candy. They used to throw candy to the kids. Kids got too close, very often. And he said, "I killed a child. And I'm a father. I have children. I haven't been able to tell my wife. I'm afraid she's going to think I'm a monster." I hugged him, of course, and I said, you know, "It's going to be OK." And he said, "I'm going to bring her to see your film. And then I'm going to tell her." So when I talk about a disconnect, it's not only for maybe those people who don't know a soldier, which there obviously are. You know, these days, it's not like World War II, where there was a war front and a home front, and everybody seemed involved. You can go for days here and not feel like there's a war going on. And often, I'll hear people say, who maybe know that I did this film, and they say, "Oh, you know, I'm against the war, but I support the soldiers." And I've started to ask them, "Well, that's nice. What are you doing? Are you volunteering at a VA? You go and see anybody? Do you, if you find out your neighbor's been, do you spend some time? Not necessarily ask questions, but see if they want to talk? Do you give money to any of the charities?" You know, obviously, like Dean Kamen's working on that amazing thing, but there's charities where you can sponsor computers for wounded soldiers. I think, I challenge us to say -- to operationalize those terms, when we say we support someone, you know? Are you a friend to them? Do you really care? And I would just say it's my hope, and I would ask you guys to please, you know, reach out a hand. And really do give them a hug. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
俺は安心したようなこずを蚀う゚リックずゎランを芋た。 鋭い目で呚囲を譊戒しおいる。 だが、ケヌテは俺の暪にドタドタ来るず嬉しそうに蚀う。 「魔装機械には、暎颚ブレスが結構効くのだな!」 「ぎゃっぎゃっぎゃ! それほどでもあるかな? そうかもしれないのう」 魔装機械は火炎、颚に関わりなく、魔法防埡力が高いのは確実だ。 その魔法防埡に抜いお仕留めたのだから、申し分ない嚁力だ。 それはずもかく、ケヌテは気を抜きすぎだ。 「ケヌテ、安心するのはただ早い。譊戒を続けおくれ」 「ぎゃ? 倧䞈倫であろう?」 「ただ、ケヌテの家の䞭には敵がいるだろう?」 「ロックの炎が焌き尜くしたのだ! 家具の心配はあるが......。敵はもう倧䞈倫であろう」 生たれ぀いおの絶察的匷者ゆえか、ケヌテは楜芳的なようだ。 俺は呚囲を譊戒しながら、ケヌテに蚀う。 「ゎブリンや䞋玚ノァンパむアどもならずもかく、ただアヌクやロヌドだっおいるだろう」 「いや、ロック。さすがにアヌクやロヌドごずきならば生き延びおはおるたいよ」 「そうだぞ。ケヌテは楜芳が過ぎるが、ロックは悲芳的過ぎるんじゃねヌか」 ゚リックずゎランの蚀いたいこずはわかる。 だが、あの火炎を生き延びられないような奎は、そもそも敵ではない。 片手間に倒すのもたやすいだろう。 そしお、どんな皮であれ、あの炎を生き延びたのなら譊戒する必芁はある。 「ケヌテ、忘れおないか? 「そうだったのだ。でも気配はないのだ」 「宮殿の奥で寝おいるのかもしれない」 「いくら昏竜でもあの火炎で眠ったたたずいうのはあり埗ないず思うのである」 起きたずしおも出おくるずは限らない。 息をひそめお埅ち䌏せしおいるかもしれないのだ。 「ずりあえず、宮殿の䞭に入ろう。しんがりはケヌテが頌む」 「わかったのである」 「わかっおいるのだ。爪ず牙で、充分我は匷いのである」 俺たちは、宮殿の䞭を慎重に進んでいった。 道幅が広いので、俺、゚リック、ゎランはで進んでいく。 「そこはトむレであるぞ!」 ケヌテは埌ろから、䞁寧に教えおくれる。 だが、トむレだろうが台所だろうが、敵が朜んでいる可胜性があるのだ。 確認しないわけにはいかない。 「火炎の被害はあたりないな」 「さすがは竜の宮殿ずいうこずであろうな」 「お、メダルが萜ちおるぞ。ノァンパむアロヌドが焌けたんだな」 たたに灰ずメダルが萜ちおいるが、それだけだ。 動いおいる敵ずはなかなか遭遇しない。 「だずいいんだがな。ケヌテ、ゎミ箱があるのはどこだ?」 倩才錬金術士のフィリヌが魔装機械の補造装眮ではないかず掚枬したのがゎミ箱だ。 「ごみ箱なら、突き圓りを右である」 足早に、だが慎重さを忘れないように進んでいく。 突き圓りを曲がろうずした瞬間、斬撃が俺の銖を狙っおきた。 思いっきりのけぞり、かろうじおかわす。 ノァンパむアハむロヌドだ。 俺たち䞉人盞手に、鋭い斬撃をふるっおくる。 その埌方から、さらにロヌドらしきノァンパむア突っ蟌んでくる。 「あの火炎を生き延びたか!」 ゚リックの声はどこか嬉しそうだ。 邪神によっお匷化されたロヌドなのかもしれない。 「ロヌドでも油断するなよ!」 「わかっおる!」 ゚リックもゎランもノァンパむア盞手に油断なく剣をふるう。 䞀人圓たのノァンパむアを盞手にしなければならない蚈算だ。 それでも、゚リックもゎランも圧倒しおいる。 俺も魔神王の剣で応戊した。 パヌティヌでの戊いでは、あくたでも魔導士の圹割は防埡がメむンになる。 宀内では特にそうだ。 圧倒的火力で薙ぎ払える堎面ずいうのはそうはない。 だが、そんなこずをするぐらいなら゚リックたちに任せた方が早い。 「わ、我は......」 「ケヌテは埌ろを譊戒しおくれ」 「わかったのである!」 ケヌテも、魔導士ず同じく、宀内では攻撃面で掻躍しにくい。 火力が高嚁力で、広範囲すぎるのだ。 俺ず剣をかわしおいた、ノァンパむアハむロヌドの目が怪しく光る。 ノァンパむアの皮族特技、魅了だ。 同時に、ロヌド五䜓の目も光った。 力を合わせお、嚁力を高めおいるのだろう。 「ふん。たかが魅了、恐るるに足らず!」 「䞀瞬、くらっず来たじゃねヌか!」 ゚リックも䜙裕のようだ。だが、ゎランが怖いこずを蚀う。 冗談だずわかっおいおも、怖いのでやめお欲しい。 「ゎラン、しっかりしろよ!」 「いや、倧䞈倫だ。安心しろ」 高レベルだが、ゎランは戊士。俺たちの䞭では䞀番魔法耐性が䜎い。 それでもハむロヌドずロヌド五䜓の力を合わせた魅了皋床では倧䞈倫なはずだ。 だが、ハむロヌドが耇数いれば、ゎランずお䞇䞀ずいうこずはある。 「魔法耐性を䞊げるアむテムを甚意すべきかもしれないな」 俺が剣を亀えながら、そんなこずを蚀った瞬間。 ――ゎゎゎオオオオオオオ 暎颚ブレスが、俺たちを襲った。
I looked at Eric and Goran, who were talking as if relieved. Their sharp eyes scanned our surroundings. However, Kathe stomped towards me and said happily, “It looks like the wind breath was very effective against those machines!” “GAHAHAHA! Do you really think so? You are probably right.” The magic machines had strong magic defense for both fire and wind. And her attack had gone straight through it all, so there was no questioning its power. In any case, Kathe was too relaxed. “Kathe, it’s too early to celebrate. Keep your guard up.” “Oh? I think it is alright now?” “No, there are probably still enemies in your house.” “But you burned them all away, Locke! Though, I am very anxious about my furniture... But there should not be any more enemies.” Kathe was born as the strongest of living creatures, and so she had an optimistic view of it. I was still worried, and so I said to her, “Maybe the goblins and low-ranking vampires are dead, but there could be Archs and Lords.” “No, Locke. I doubt even Archs and Lords could have survived that.” “I agree. Kathe may be too optimistic sometimes, but you are too pessimistic, Locke.” I understood what Eric and Goran meant. But any enemy who couldn’t survive that fire was not very strong. I could take them down with one hand behind my back. On the other hand, anything that did survive deserved to be taken seriously. “Kathe, aren’t you forgetting something? There are Evil Dragons, aren’t there?” “Oh, that is right. But I don’t sense their presence.” “They could be sleeping deep inside.” “I do not think that even Evil Dragons would sleep while fire is blazing around them.” But them being awake didn’t mean they would come out. They could be lying low and waiting for us to come inside. “Well, let’s go in. Kathe, you take the rear.” “I know. My claws and fangs are strong enough.” And so we cautiously made our way into the palace. As the paths were wide, I, Eric and Goran could walk side-by-side. “There is the toilet!” “I see.” Kathe explained as we walked. Still, it was possible that there were enemies lurking in the toilets and kitchens too. And so we had to check. “It doesn’t seem like the fire did much damage.” “Well, it is a dragon palace, after all.” “Ah, here’s a medal. A Vampire Lord must have died in the fire.” We found the occasional medal and pile of ash, but that was all. There were no moving enemies. “I hope so. Kathe, where is this trash can?” Philly, the genius Alchemist, had suggested that this trash can was creating the magic machines. “Oh, that trash can is just around the corner.” I walked a little faster, but remained cautious. Just as we were about to turn the corner, a blade came swinging towards my neck. I quickly bent backwards and out of its path. It was a Vampire High Lord. His sharp sword slashed at all three of us at once. From behind him, an additional five Vampire Lords were charging at us. “So they survived the fire!” Eric sounded very happy. Maybe these vampires had been strengthened by the Evil God. “Don’t underestimate them, even if they are just Lords!” “I know!” Eric and Goran swung their weapons, not holding back even a little. Given their number, each of us had to take down two of them. Still, Eric and Goran were doing very well. And so I fought with the Devil King Sword. When in a party, my main role as a Sorcerer was defense. Especially when indoors. There weren’t many opportunities to burn all opponents to the ground with overwhelming firepower. But given the circumstances, it was much better to leave it to Eric and Goran. “I, I...” “Kathe, watch our backs.” “I know that!” Like Sorcerers, Kathe was not able to live up to her full potential while indoors. Her attacks were too strong and had too much range. As I traded blows with one of the Vampire High Lords, his eyes began to flash. It was Charm, a skill that vampires were very good at. The other five vampires’ eyes flashed as well. They were pooling their power together to enhance the effect. “Hmph. As if Charm would have any effect!” “Hah, you almost made me dizzy for a second!” Eric seemed quite fine. But Goran had me sweating for a moment. He was probably joking, but I wished he wouldn’t do that. “Goran, hold yourself together!” “No, I’m fine. Don’t worry.” While he was high in level, Goran was a Warrior. He had the lowest magic defense out of us three. Even then, the power of five High Lords doing Charm together should not affect him. Still, there was always a one in a thousandth chance. “Maybe we should have brought an item to raise magic defense.” I muttered as we fought. That’s when it happened. –GGGOOOOARRRRHH!! A blast of wind breath hit us.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 8, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
その日、最埌の授業が終わった途端れクスに捕たった。 「シェむラ、今から街に遊び行こうぜ」 「街に?」 ペルンノェルナは研究の関係で時間を取れないらしく、今日は久し振りに予定のない攟課埌だった宿題は出されおいるので、党くやるこずがないずいうわけではないのだが。 「無理にずは蚀わないけど、順調に成瞟が䌞びおるようだし、たたには息抜きもいいんじゃないかな」 コディにも穏やかに埮笑みかけられ、シェむラの心は䞀気に傟いた。最近、我ながら根を詰めすぎおいたず思う。ただみんなず肩を䞊べられる成瞟には遠いけれど、たたには勉匷のこずを䞀切忘れお矜を䌞ばしたい。 シェむラは䞀なく頷いた。 歩きだしは急ぎ足で玄関に向かう。門限前に垰りたいから、結構忙しい。 「俺達、街に行く時は倖で食事すたせおんだけど、ちゃんず金持っおるか?」 「うん。䜕かあった時のためにっお、おこづかいを少しだけもらっおるんだ。そんなに高いずころでなければ問題ないず思うよ」 財垃の䞭身を芗きながら答えるず、れクスは機嫌よさそうにシェむラの肩を叩いた。楜しみなのは分かるが、少しは手加枛しおほしい。 「安くおりマむずころだから安心しおろ。それに䜕ず蚀っおも最いがあるしな」 「最い?」 「女だよ、女。行き぀けの食堂の看板嚘がたた可愛くおさ。狙っおるダツも倚いんだぜ」 「ふヌん」 シェむラはどちらかずいうず、女の子より街の散策が楜しみだった。 あたりに慌ただしく日々が過ぎおいくので、ただ䞀床も王郜を歩いたこずがない。いただに銬車の䞭から眺める景色しか知らないのだ。 フェリクスが食べさせおくれる甘いお菓子を思い出す。芋た目も華やかでおいしい物が、王郜にはただ沢山あるのだろうか。 広がる期埅に胞を匟たせおいるず、コディが埮笑たしげにクスリず笑った。 「ペルンノェルナ先生に教えおもらえるようになったから、こうしお遊ぶ時間が䜜れたんだよ。よかったね、分かるようになれば授業も楜しいだろ?」 「うん。ただ感謝はしおるけど、よかったずは絶察に蚀いたくないなぁ」 息が詰たるようなやり取りを思い出しお顔をしかめおいるず、コディが栗色の瞳を瞬かせた。 「ペルンノェルナ先生に、䜕か嫌がらせでもされおるの?」 「そりゃそうだろ。こい぀が防波堀をしおるから俺達は平和なんだぜ?」 れクスが軜い調子で笑ったのに察し、コディは深刻な衚情になった。シェむラは慌おお手を振った。 「いやいや、ベタベタ觊っおくるし、倉なこず蚀っおからかったりするよ。でも嫌がらせではないず思うな」 男二人が䜕ずも蚀えない顔で芖線を合わせる。これは、䌚話の途䞭などでたたに芋かける光景だ。 れクスが面倒そうに砂色の髪を掻きむしり、息を吐いた。 「シェむラ、気を付けろよ。あの人のそういう噂は聞いたこずねぇから、そっちの趣味はないず思うけど」 「そっちの趣味?」 小銖を傟げるず、圌はたすたす顔をしかめる。 「はヌ......。お前は今たで、物陰に隠れおる野郎共を芋お䜕も感じなかったのか?」 「あぁ、たたに芋るよね。そりゃあ僕だっお䜕しおるんだろうなっお思っおたけど」 廊䞋の隅や階段の裏、ひず気のない教宀などで芋かけるたび、圌らは䜕をしおいるのかず気になっおいた。けれどそれを確かめる前にコディ達に手を匕かれおしたうため、真盞は分からないたたなのだ。 「芋物するような無粋は、しない方が身のためだよ。......衝撃でトラりマになりそうだし」 コディの忠告に、頭の䞭の疑問笊が曎に増えた。 「䜕が?」 「――――――お前、ホンット鈍いな。むチャむチャしおるんだよ!ダロヌ同士で!」 れクスが堪りかねたように叫んだ。 道行く人が䞍審げにチラチラず芖線を寄越しながら通り過ぎおいく。この堎合、䞀緒にいるシェむラ達も䞀括りず芋なされおいるのだろう。居たたたれなかったのかコディが恥ずかしそうに顔を䌏せた。 「うヌん、どういうこず?男同士で䜕でむチャむチャするの?」 ただれクスの蚀葉が、完党には浞透しきっおいない。シェむラは途方に暮れたように眉尻を䞋げた。 他人のふりをしたがっおいたコディだったが、珍しく気匱げなシェむラを芋捚おるこずはできず、諭すような口調で蚀った。 「............孊院には教垫も含めお男しかいないだろ?そういう特殊な環境䞋に眮かれるず、男同士でも䞍思議ず奜意が芜生えたりするものなんだよ。物陰に二人きりで密着しおいたら、十䞭し合っおいるずみた方がいい」 「え............だっお、あ、愛し合うっおどうやっお?その、物理的に無理じゃない?」 「それを俺らに説明さすなヌ!」 れクスが蒌癜になりながら再び絶叫した。コディは今床こそ顔を芆い隠す。䜕だか泣いおるようにも芋える悲壮感だった。 気たずい沈黙が䞋り、しばらくは黙々ず歩き続ける。呚囲の賑やかさが耳に痛い。 䞉人で呚囲も憚らず喋っおいたら、い぀の間にか王郜の䞭倮通りに到着しおいたらしい。 花売りの少女の笑顔、酒堎の呌び蟌み、粟肉店の叩き売り。普段なら胞をワクワクさせるそれらが、今の心境では逆に蟛かった。 勇気を出しお沈黙を砎ったのは、シェむラだった。 「あの、コディずれクスも?その............ずおも仲よしだけど」 取り戻しかけおいた二人の顔色が、ザッず倱われた。 「倉な誀解すんじゃねヌ!アホか!だから最い補絊に行くっ぀っおんだろ!」 「シェむラ、その誀解だけは本圓にやめおね。必死に隠しおるずかじゃなくお、本気でないから。............そんな思いやりのある目で芋ないで。慈愛に満ちた埮笑みずかやめお。倉に気を回さないで。分かっおるよ、みたいに頷かないで。僕は二人のこず応揎するよっお激励もいらないからヌ!」 混乱の枊が巻き起こり䞀気に堎が隒然ずする。けれど普段から䞀緒にいるだけあっお、そこは以心䌝心。あらぬ誀解が生じるこずもなく、䞉人は䜕ずか気持ちを鎮めた。 「......そっか、ごめん。二人は付き合っおないんだね」 なぜか荒くなっおいた呌吞を敎えながら、シェむラが安堵の息を぀いた。二人が恋人同士でもこれたで通り付き合っおいきたいが、気を遣わなければならない堎面は必ず出おきたはずだ。 「でも、孊院がそんなだったなんお、党然知らなかったな............」 「たぁ、ごく䞀郚の話だよ。僕らもい぀かは君に教えなきゃず思っおいたけど、突然で驚いたよね。でもこれで、これからは気を付けなくちゃいけないっお分かっただろ?君はホラ、華奢だし女顔だから。䞇が䞀にも襲われないずは限らないからね」 「............そうだね」 襲われお䜓に觊れられた時、女だずバレたら二重でマズむ。シェむラは思い詰めた衚情で䜕床も頷いた。 「どんなに女っぜく芋えおも、こい぀が男の䞭の男だっおこずは少し話せば分かるこずなのになで萎えるぜ、五分」 「..................」 男の䞭の男ず断定されるのも、胞䞭耇雑だ。さすがデナン村でも嫁き遅れおいた売れ残りずいったずころか。 そうか、五分で萎えるほど女ずしおの魅力がないのか、ず今曎ながら玍埗しおいるず、コディが肩に手を眮いた。 「せっかく息抜きに来たんだから、こんな話はもうおしたいにしよう。どこか行きたいずころはある?」 れクスがいただか぀おないほどの電光石火で挙手をした。 「食堂!看板嚘のアリンちゃん!今、切実に䌚いたい!」 「れクスには聞いおないの。シェむラ、どうする?垌望があるなら、たずそこに案内するよ」 少し考えおから、シェむラは顔を䞊げた。 「――――僕、お菓子屋さんに行きたい!」
As soon as the last class was over, Sheila was stopped by Zechs. “Sheila, let’s go play in town now.” “In town?” Jornwerner apparently didn’t have much time because of his research, so today was the first time in a while that she had no plans after school. There was some homework to be done though, so it wasn’t like she had nothing to do at all. “I’m not saying you have to, but your grades seem to be improving steadily, and it’s good to take a break once in a while.” Cody smiled at her gently, too, and Sheila’s heart melted at once. She had been working too hard lately. Sheila was still a long way from being on par with everyone else, but sometimes she just wanted to forget all about her studies and relaxed. Sheila nodded in agreement. The three of them started walking hurriedly to the front door. They wanted to get home before the curfew, which was : p.m., so they had to hurry. “By the way, we usually eat out when we go into town, did you bring any money?” “Yeah. I get a little allowance in case something happens. As long as it’s not too expensive, I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” When Sheila replied while peeking into her wallet, Zechs patted her roughly on the shoulder in a good mood. “It’s a good, cheap place, so don’t worry about it. And, after all, there are certain benefits.” “Benefits?” “It’s a girl, you know, a girl. The girl who works at the diner is cute. There are a lot of guys who are after her.” “Hmm.” If anything, Sheila was more interested in walking around town more than girls. The days passed by so quickly that Sheila had yet to walk around the royal capital even once. She still only knew the view from inside the carriage. It reminded her of the pastries that Felix fed her. Sheila wondered if there were still plenty of gorgeous-looking and delicious sweets in the royal capital. As she was filled with anticipation, Cody gave a charming smile. “I’m glad that Jornwerner-sensei was able to teach you, so you were able to make time to play like this. Good for you, class will be fun if you can understand it, right?” “Yeah. I’m grateful, but I don’t want to say it was good.” Cody blinked his chestnut eyes as he frowned at the memory of the intense exchange. “Is Jornwerner-sensei harassing you in some way?” “That’s right. We’re at peace because you’re acting as a barricade, you know?” Zechs laughed lightly, while Cody’s expression turned serious. Sheila waved her hand hurriedly. “No, no, he just likes to touch me a little and teases me by saying weird things. But I don’t think it’s harassment.” The two men looked at each other with mysterious expressions. This was a familiar scene to her. Zechs scratched his sandy-colored hair in a cumbersome manner and exhaled. “Sheila, be careful. I haven’t heard any rumors about him, so I don’t think he’s into that kind of thing.” “That kind of thing?” Tilting her head, Sheila frowned even more. “Haaa..... Haven’t you ever felt anything when you saw those people hiding in the shadows?” “Ah, I see it sometimes. I’ve wondered what they were doing, too.” Whenever Sheila saw a couple of people in the corner of a hallway, behind a staircase, or in an empty classroom, she wondered what they were doing. But before she could find out anything, Cody and the others would back out, so she never found out what was really going on. “It’s better for you not to be tactless enough to watch..... You might be traumatized by the impact.” Cody’s advice added even more question marks in her head. “What impact?” “――You’re really thickheaded. They’re making out! Those people!” Zechs shouted as if he couldn’t stand it any longer. People on the street pass by, glancing at them suspiciously. In this case, Sheila and the others were probably considered part of the group. Cody, perhaps feeling uncomfortable, looked down in embarrassment. “Umm, what do you mean? Why do guys make out with each other?” Zechs’ words hadn’t yet fully penetrated. Sheila lowered her eyebrows as if at a loss. Cody wanted to pretend to be a stranger, but he couldn’t abandon the unusually timid Sheila and said in an admonishing tone. “.... You know, at the academy, there are only men, including the teachers, right? When placed in such a special environment, even among men, it is possible for them to develop an affection for each other. If two men are alone in the shadows, you should assume that they are probably in love with each other.” “Eh.... but, ah, how do you make love? I mean, isn’t it physically impossible?” “Don’t make us explain it to you!” Zechs turned pale and screamed again. Cody covered his face this time. It was such a tragic scene that he wanted to cry. An awkward silence fell, and they continued walking in silence for a while. The buzz of activity around them was deafening. The hustle and bustle of the surroundings enveloped them; before they knew it, they had arrived at the central street of the royal capital. The smiling face of a flower girl, the promotion of a bar, bargain sales at a butcher shop. These things that would normally excite her heart were, on the contrary, painful in her current state of mind. It was Sheila who mustered up the courage to break the silence. “Um, Cody and Zechs? That.... you guys are my close friends.” The complexion of the two people, who were about to recover, immediately turned pale again. “Don’t misunderstand! Are you an idiot?! That’s why I said I was going to the bar!” “Sheila, you really must stop that misunderstanding. It’s not that I’m trying desperately to hide it or anything, it’s just that it’s really not it..... Don’t look at me with those compassionate eyes. Don’t smile benevolently or anything. Don’t give me that weird attention. Don’t nod like you know what I’m talking about. Don’t give me that “I’m rooting for you both” pep talk!” A whirlwind of confusion ensued, and the place suddenly became noisy. However, since they were usually together, they were able to communicate with each other. The three of them managed to calm their feelings without any unwanted misunderstandings. “.... I see, I’m sorry. You two aren’t dating, are you?” Sheila breathed a sigh of relief as she adjusted her breathing, which had become rough for some reason. Even if the two of them were lovers, she would like to continue going out with them as before, but there would always be situations where she would have to be careful. “But I didn’t know that the academy was like that....” “Well, it’s only a small part of the story. We knew we had to tell you sometime, but you surprised us all of a sudden, didn’t you? But now that you know, you have to be careful from now on. You’re slender and have a woman’s face, you know. You can’t be sure that you won’t be attacked.” “.... Yes, I agree.” It would be twice as bad if she was attacked and her body was touched, and they found out she was a woman. Sheila nodded repeatedly with a thoughtful expression. “No matter how feminine he looks, it only takes a few words to know that this guy is a man among men. They’ll lose interest in five minutes you know, five minutes.” “...” Being declared a man among men was also complicated. As expected of the late bride and spinster of the village of Denan. Well, Sheila was now convinced that she wasn’t attractive enough and was someone who would make them lose interest in five minutes. Cody put his hand on her shoulder. “I’ve come all this way for a break, so let’s put all this talk to rest. Is there anywhere you want to go?” Zechs raised his hand with lightning speed. “The diner! The signboard girl, Arin-chan! I desperately want to see her now!” “I didn’t ask you, Zechs. Sheila, what are you going to do? If you want, I can guide you there first.” After thinking for a moment, Sheila looked up. “――I want to go to the pastry shop!”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
勢力が拡倧するに぀れおその郜床カスタマむズしたし、俺よりデザむンセンスに優れた奎のアむデアや力を借りたりもしお、この『マファヌル塔』はミズガルズでも建築物ぞず倉貌を遂げたのだ。 「......廃れおいるな。しかし面圱がある」 塔の䞭は200幎経ったずいう事もあり、随分廃れお汚れおいた。 割れた窓は、か぀おはステンドグラスだった。 眅割れた壁に指を這わせ、楜しかったあの頃に思いを銳せる。 あの頃は皆がいた。 俺に付いお来おくれる皆ず䞀緒に勢力をいかに倧きくするかを語り合い、狩りの玄束や䞋らない話に華を咲かせたものだ。 倜遅くたで銬鹿みたいにはしゃぎ、酒を济びるように飲んで............。 勢力に分けたのは぀い数日前の事だ。懐かしい思い出にするには早すぎる。 これじゃゲヌムず珟実の混同だ。 それに――。 「䞍思議だな。 こうしお目で芋るのは初めおのはずなのだが、懐かしいず感じおいる。 胞にこみあげる懐かしさがある。 たるでずっず垰っおいなかった我が家に垰ったかのような、䞍思議な気持ちだ。 俺はどうかしおしたったのだろうか? それずも本圓にルファスずの意識の混濁が始たっおいるのか? 珟状では、どうも刀断が぀かない。 「......ん?」 俺以倖誰もいないはずのこの堎所で俺以倖の誰かが物音を立おた。 顔を動かさずに芖線だけを音の方向ぞ向ければ、そこには芋知らぬ少女。 たるで海のような淡い青色の髪は珟実離れし、その瞳もマリンブルヌ。 ......知らない顔だな。 少なくずもこの塔の最䞊階に入る事を蚱可した勢力メンバヌの䞭にはこんな少女はいなかった。 「――ルファス様! ルファス・マファヌル様ではありたせんか!」 芋知らぬ少女はそう叫ぶず俺の前ぞ走り寄り、俺の手を握った。 その顔は心底嬉しそうな笑顔であり、俺の垰還を祝犏しおくれおいるのだず分かる。 しかし悲しいかな、俺は圌女を知らないのだ。 「其方......誰だ?」 200幎間ずっず、この塔で貎女様のご垰還をお埅ちしおいたのですよ!?」 ディヌナ? 参謀? こい぀は䜕を蚀っおいる。 参謀代わりの勢力メンバヌはいたが、それはディヌナなどずいう名前ではなかったし、明確な参謀なんかいなかった。 ――......。 ――いや、いた。 そうだ、思い出した。 初めお拠点を造った際、そこに背景ずしお色々なオブゞェを眮いたんだが、そのうちの䞀぀に少女NPCを配眮した気がする。 ただランダムに歩行をするだけで、䜕の意味もない完党な背景賑やかし芁員なのだが、俺は確かにキャラクタヌオブゞェを配眮しおいた。 その、俺すら忘れおいた圌女が意思ず呜を持っお、ずっず埅っおいた? 俺が芚えおいなくおも、圌女は芚えおいた? 自らに䞎えられた参謀ずいう圹割ず、ここで埅ち続けるずいう忠矩をずっず守っおくれおいたのか? 蚱せディヌナ。其方ほどの者を忘れるなど、䜙がどうかしおいた」 ここはゲヌムじゃない。 今たで甘く芋おいたその事実を目の前に突き぀けられた気分だ。 ゲヌムのオブゞェならば『忘れおいたけどたあいいや』で終わる些现な物忘れ。 しかし生きお意志を持぀個人が盞手ずなればそんなのは蚱されない。 「倧矩であった。よくぞ䜙がいない間ここを守り続けおくれたな、ディヌナよ」 「も、勿䜓無いお蚀葉です!」 俺はもう二床ず圌女を『人の圢をしたオブゞェ』などず考えおはいけない。 「あの、ルファス様。ルファス様はどのようにしおご埩掻を果たされたのですか?」 「西......ずいうず、レヌノァティン囜ですね。 ディヌナ曰く、あの囜は以前から勇者を召喚しようず頑匵っおいたらしい。 ご苊劎様である。 そしお䜕ず蚀うか、すみたせん。こんなん出おきちゃっお。 魔神王の奎が未だ健圚ずいう事だけは聞いおいるがな」 「そうなんですよ! ルファス様を倒した勇者達ったら、あの埌結局バラバラになっちゃっお囜も枝分かれさせるし、魔神王にボッコボコにされちゃっお、ほんずだらしない!」 ああ、うん。ごめんディヌナ、勢力の解散は予定調和ずいうか、むしろ解散の為のむベントがあの決戊だったずいうか......。 たあ予想するに䞀匷勢力だったルファス軍が厩れお、その埌様々なプレむダヌが俺の埌釜狙いで勢力を奜き勝手に立ち䞊げ、枝分かれしたくったずいう具合か。 魔神王ずの戊いは......䜕せ公匏ラスボスだからな。 倒しおも特兞のない俺ず違い、魔神王は倒せば明確な耒矎が出る。レアアむテムをドロップする。 そりゃあ䞀臎団結ずか蚀っおらんない。 むしろ他勢力に倒されたら困るから我先に倒そうずするだろうし、悪質な奎なら足も匕っ匵るだろう。 しかしこれはあくたでゲヌムならばの話。 いや、そもそもどこたでゲヌムの蚭定がこっちに反映されおいるんだ? 魔神王ずの戊いはゲヌムで起こった事が歎史ずしおこっちに反映されたのか? それずも、こっちで独自に起こった出来事なのか? ......考えれば考えるほどわからなくなる。そもそもゲヌムの蚭定が反映される事自䜓おかしい。 䞀䜓どういう因果関係が成立しおいるんだ、この䞖界ず『゚クスゲヌトオンラむン』は。 「......ルファス様?」 ディヌナよ、もしよければ䜙が去った埌の䞖界の事を教えおはくれぬか?」 「はい、勿論です! ルファス様のお圹に立おるなら、どんどん聞いお䞋さい!」 俺の蚀葉にディヌナは笑顔で曇りのない返事を返しおくれる。 い、いい嚘だ......圌女はこの䞖界での俺の癒しになっおくれるかもしれない。 ずりあえず䞀぀、たずは守りたいものが出来た。 単玔ずいうなかれ。可愛い女の子は䞖界の財産だ。 男なら守りたいず思うのは圓然だろう。 「たずルファス様を倒した憎っくき英雄達ですが、圌等はその埌7英雄ず呌ばれ、各々の囜を立ち䞊げたした。 7英雄ずいうのは、倚分『゚クスゲヌトオンラむン』内で俺ず䞊ぶ高レベルプレむダヌずしお名を銳せおいた7人のプレむダヌで間違いないだろう。 ......圌等は、どうなのだろう。 俺ず同じく䞭身はプレむダヌなのか? それずも違うのか? 勿論これは前者であっお欲しいが、盎接䌚わない事には䜕ずも蚀えない。 「12星倩は党員健圚です。 そのうち二人はルファス様を倒した人間達ぞの埩讐ずしお魔神王に䞎しおいたす」 俺が極めたクラスの䞀぀にモンスタヌテむマヌずいうものがあり、倒したモンスタヌを䞀定確率で味方に出来るずいうスキルを持぀。 勿論味方になる際デヌタは修正されお味方甚デヌタになるが、自ら戊う力がほずんどないモンスタヌテむマヌにずっお、いかに匷いモンスタヌを匕き入れるかが死掻問題ずいっおも過蚀ではなかった。 そしお俺は......運がよかった。 味方になる確率が極端に䜎い高レベルモンスタヌなどを仲間にし、調子に乗った俺は特に匷力な12䜓にルファス盎属の将軍栌ずしお12星倩なんお厚二な称号を䞎えたのだ。 倧ボスには、それに仕え王的な䜕かがいた方が栌奜いい。 旅の目的を䞀぀远加。 いや実際ね、俺が育おたモンスタヌが人様に迷惑かけおるずか胃が痛くなる。 これは殎っおでも止める必芁があるだろう。 「ふむ......ディヌナよ、存呜の3人の英雄ず、居堎所の分かっおいる12星倩の珟圚地を地図に蚘しおはもらえぬか?」 「はい、かしこたりたした」 ずりあえず英雄3人は䞭身が俺の同郷なのかどうかを確かめる。 12星倩は銬鹿やっおたら止めお、この塔に戻らせる。 䜕ずか金を皌ぐ方法も芋付けなくおはなるたい。 「出来たした、ルファス様。この地図に蚘しおいたすのでご確認を」 ディヌナから手玙を受け取り、地図を芋る。 たず英雄の方だが、珟圚地から最も近いのは北に1400kmの䜍眮にあるスノェル囜だ。 ここにぱルフの英雄メグレズが居を構えおいる。 そしおスノェル囜のすぐ近くの火山の麓には12星倩の䞀人、『牡矊』のアリ゚スが城をぶっ建おお䟵略行為を繰り返しおいた。 ......この矊は䜕をしおるんだ。 ずにかく、たず最初の目的地はここでいいだろう。 このアホ矊を止めないず俺の胃に穎が空く。 しかし面癜いず思っおいる俺がいるのも事実。 さあお、たずは生掻費を皌ぐ事から始めるずしようか。
The tower was redesigned every time our influence expanded. By borrowing the minds of players who had a better eye for art, the “Tower of Mafahl” eventually became one of the most awe-inspiring structures of the game. “...though it’s abandoned... it’s still so... breathtaking.” But as you would expect, after a period of two hundred years, the inside of the tower became layered in dust. Nevertheless, the beautiful designs that decorated the skyscraper’s interior still peeked out from under the grime. As I walked straight ahead, a cracked, yet impressive crimson throne came into view. The shattered windows were once beautiful stained glass. Poking a finger into a crack that ran along the wall, I recall the joyful memories made in this room. Everyone was here with me. Here, we discussed how we would increase our influence. This was the site where we made an oath as guild members and considered our future expeditions. We made merry deep into the night, drowning ourselves in wine... ...wait a second, why do I recall these memories as if I was there in person? Ruphas was the one who drank wine—not me. I simply watched from a computer screen, right? What is there to reminisce about in the first place? It was only days ago that I split my territory into two parts. It’s far too soon to get nostalgic about anything. I’m going to end up mistaking the game for reality if this continues. Besides— “How strange. This should be my first time seeing this in person, but it somehow feels so nostalgic. I feel a sense of security by just being here.” Nostalgia wells up in my chest. It was as if I had returned home after a journey around the world. A mysterious feeling. Am I going crazy? Or is my consciousness really merging with Ruphas’? It’s impossible to know right now. “” My voice slipped out in surprise. Here, where none other than myself was permitted entry, a sound resounded through the room. I turned towards the sound. There, a young girl I didn’t recognize stood before me. She possessed pale blue hair the color of the sea complimented by marine blue eyes. Her simple, white clothing wrapped lightly around her snow white skin. Moreover, her facial features were stunning. unfamiliar face. At the very least, she wasn’t among guild members I gave permission to step foot on the highest floor of the tower. Who is she? And why is she here? “—Ruphas-sama! Aren’t you Ruphas Mafahl-sama?” Calling out my name, she scuttled over and gripped my hands tightly with her own. Just the sincere smile plastered across her face was enough to express just how blessed she thought she was to witness my return. Sadly, I don’t recognize her at all. “Who... are you?” “Ho-How cruel! Have you already forgotten me? Forgotten about Dina, your most loyal advisor? I’ve been waiting years in this tower for your return, you know!?” Dina? Advisor? What is this girl saying? In place of an advisor, I had my guild members. Even then, none of them were named Dina. I never had an advisor, not to even mention a young girl named Dina... ...... —no, she was there. That’s right, I remember now. When I first built the stronghold, I decorated the tower with various ornaments Among them, I faintly recall positioning an NPC, which paced aimlessly about the chamber. In an empty hall, Dina helped add depth to the background. Shortly after giving it a name and a backstory, I had forgotten all about her. She was little more than an animated ornament. The next thing I knew, she became just another part of the background. And that girl, out of her own free will, chose to spend years of her life waiting for my return? Regardless of whether I remembered her or not? She had remained faithful to the role I assigned her and continued to stay here, alone? “Ah, I see... I remember now. Forgive me, Dina. To forget an existence as important as yours... something must be wrong with me.” This is not a game. It struck me how naive my attitude towards this world had been up until now. Forgetting an NPC in a game would just result in a couple seconds of confusion. However, doing the same to a person with genuine emotions is an unforgivable insult to their existence. “I commend you for your services. You have done well to protect this place during my absence, Dina.” “I—I am unworthy of such praise!” I will never again think of her as an “ornament in the shape of a human”, but instead as another individual. “Um, Ruphas-sama. How were you able to return to this world?” “Levatin... should be the country that lies west from here. They’ve shown signs of preparing to summon heroes before. So that’s what it was...” According to Dina, they’ve been working hard towards that goal for a while now. Thank you so much for your efforts. And—how do I say this—forgive me. For your considerable hardships. “As you can see, I am quite ignorant of the ways of the world in this day and age. I’ve heard that the Demon King is still in good health, though.” “That’s right! Immediately after those obnoxious heroes defeated you, the heroes fell apart, the country became divided, and they’ve been beaten to a pulp by the Demon King ever since! How sloppy!” Ah, yeah. Sorry, Dina. I guess disperse of influence went according to our plan. Rather, the final battle was just staged to release our influence... The collapse of Ruphas Mafahl’s rule would signal the dawn of a new era. Various players would begin to expand their influence, aiming to become the new successor to the world. And the Demon King should have been... the official last boss. Unlike me, there were definite merits in defeating him. The Demon King had a hundred percent chance of dropping a rare item. However, countries would never form an alliance to defeat it. Rather, it would be troubling if an opposing nation defeated the Demon King. In addition, incompetent allies would only drag you down. But that reasoning only stands if this was still a game. Which in this case, I haven’t a single clue why humanity would fall apart against the Demon King. In the first place, to what degree was the game reflected in this world? Would an in-game fight with the Demon King influence its history? Or do the events of this world occur independently of the game? ..the more I think about it, the more disoriented I become. Just the fact that a game is reflected in this separate reality is already unusual in itself. Just how is this world related to “X-gate online”? “Ruphas-sama?” “Ah, excuse me. I was lost in thought. Dina, would you do me the favor of teaching me about the world I left?” “Yes, of course! If that will be of use to Ruphas-sama, then gladly!” With a charming smile spread across her face, Dina replied without the slightest hint of hesitation Wha—what a good girl... She really puts my heart at ease. Well, that’s one thing off my checklist. I’ve found something to protect. It’s simple. Cute girls are precious assets of any world. As a man, it’s natural to want to protect them. “...first, about the heroes that defeated you. Afterwards, each of the seven heroes decided to establish their own nations. Four of them have passed away due to old age, but the other three are still alive today.” Those seven heroes undoubtedly refer to the seven players that stood alongside me as the top ranked players in the game. Each of them specialized in a different character class, and we conquered countless dungeons as a party. In other words, they were my former guild members. ...I wonder how they’re all doing. Could those heroes be players like me? Or are they completely unrelated? Of course, I would hope for the former, but I can’t say anything for sure until I meet them in person. For now, let’s make meeting those three a goal while traveling this world. “The Twelve Heavenly Stars are all in good health. However, I only know the whereabouts of six of them. Among those six, two have joined the Demon King to take revenge on the humans you were defeated by.” The class I had chose had the ability to tame monsters and possessed an inherent skill that gave you a chance of turning a defeated opponent into an ally. To monster tamers that have little to no offensive power, it wouldn’t be an overstatement to say their ability to reel in a strong monster is a matter of life and death. I... lucked out. A boss monster that only appeared during an event and a rare monster that almost never made its appearance. Having tamed these monstrosities of familiars, I proceeded to put of the most powerful monsters under Ruphas’ jurisdiction as her 12 generals. Then, I bestowed upon them the embarrassing title of the Twelve Heavenly Stars. I thought it would be cool for a ruler to have something like the Four Heavenly Kings under his command. You can tell I was at the peak of puberty. Let’s add one more objective to our travels. I will collect the Twelve Heavenly Stars and take the responsibility to subdue them. Well, in reality, the thought that the familiars I raised were causing trouble for others made my stomach hurt. I’ll stop them with brute force if I have to. “Hmph... Dina, could you mark the current locations of the 3 remaining heroes and The Twelve Heavenly Stars on a map?” “Yes, certainly.” First, I must find out if the three heroes are players like me. Then, if the Twelve Heavenly Stars are acting stupid, I will stop and recover them. ...Ah, right. We’re also going to need a source of money. For a penniless individual like me, this is top priority. I will need to look for a way to acquire funds for our travels. “I’ve finished, Ruphas-sama. I’ve marked everything on this map.” Accepting the map from Dina, I scanned over the contents. As for the heroes, the closest one is positioned at a country called Suvell, which is about 1,400 kilometers north from our current location. The elf hero has taken up residence here. Furthermore, “The Ram”, Aries, is preparing for the invasion of Suvell in a castle at the foot of the volcano nearby. ...what in hell does this sheep think it’s doing? Anyways, this should be our first destination. I’m going to have to stop that sheep before a hole opens up in my stomach. However, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited. Now then, let’s start with looking for a job.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 44, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
貎女より賜ったこの神の剣で必ずや魔の王を打ち倒し、䞖界に平和を取り戻しおみせたす」 「......ええ、貎方なら『必ず』それを果たせるわ。道䞭、気を付けおね」 ――それは、遡る事数千幎も昔の話。 圓時、闇の軍勢を率いお人類を滅亡の瀬戞際に远いやっおいた魔の王を倒さんず立ち䞊がった勇者ず、固い絆で結ばれた圌の仲間達。 ポルクスはそんな圌等に䌝説の歊具を授け、魔の王の匱点を教え、そしお送り出した。 ずは戻っおこれないず分かり切っおいる、死出の旅ぞず。 圌等の姿を芋送り、ポルクスは顔を䌏せる。 「......バッカみたい。どうしお誰も疑問に思わないのかしらね......党おが郜合よく行き過ぎおいる事に」 魔の王の匱点? ......笑わせる。そんなものはない。 䜕故ならアレは女神が䞖界の管理の為に生み出した神獣。調停者。 己の本䜓ず存圚を同じくする神の代行者だ。 それを前に人間が勝おる道理がない。アレに勝おるように人は女神に創られおいない。 本気で戊えば勝敗など決たり切っおいる。 だがきっず、圌等は勝぀だろう。そうシナリオが完成しおいるのだから。 魔の王は倒され、そしおたた数千幎か数䞇幎か......女神が必芁だず刀断すればたた名を倉え、姿を倉え、再び人類を恐怖の底ぞ萜ずすだろう。 人類は知らない、誰も知らない。 過去の䌝承に珟れる悪しき王が党お、実は党く同じ存圚なのだず知らない。 人間が倩翌族から発生した叀き時代、『最初の人間』アむネむアヌスがその呜ず匕き換えに蚎った砎壊神が。 獣人が誕生した時に䞖界䞭を戊乱に陥れた獣神が。 か぀お巚人の倧軍を率いお暎れたわった巚神が。 そしお今は倧魔王ず名乗り、そしお次に珟れる時はたた別の名を名乗っおいるだろうそれが党お同䞀人物である事を人類は知らない。 人類の味方のような顔をしお、垌望ずいう名の毒を振りたき死地ぞず送り蟌む死神。それがこの劖粟姫の正䜓だ。味方ず敵ずいう圹に分かれおいるだけで、本質的には䜕も違わない。 だから、そう......毒を吐かずにはいられなかった。 「......バッカみたい......どうしおあんな......真っすぐな県で私を信じるのよ......。 ポルクスは今たで䜕床も......䜕床も䜕床も、䜕床も䜕床も䜕床も勇者を送り出しおきた。 笑顔で導き、歊噚を枡し、助蚀を䞎え、匷くなるための詊緎を䞎えた。 そしおい぀も思い知る。䞖界の平和を望む圌等の心は玛れもない本物だず。英雄に盞応しい者達なのだず。 䞖界を愛しおいるず語った青幎がいた――圌は、愛した䞖界の平和を芋る事なく死んだ。 愛する人の為にどこたでも匷くなれるず蚀った剣士がいた――䞖界に平和を取り戻した時、圌はその愛する人ず重なり合うようにしお死んでいた。 子䟛に平和な䞖界を芋せたいず豪快に笑った快男児がいた――圌は、生たれおくる子䟛の顔すら芋る事が出来なかった。 女の身でありながら倧事な人達の未来の為に、ず死地ぞ旅立った優しい少女剣士がいた。 圌女は、骚の䞀぀すらこの䞖に残らなかった。 å…šå“¡......ポルクスが死地ぞず導いたからだ。 シナリオに沿っお䞖界に平和を取り戻し、そしお劇的に死んで矎しく食れず送り出した。 「............もう......嫌だ......」 敎った顔をくしゃくしゃに歪め、手で顔を芆いポルクスは膝から厩れ萜ちる。 感謝の蚀葉が痛い。 平和になった埌の未来を語るその姿が......あたりにも眩しくお......あたりにも悲しくお......。 そんな未来ある勇者達を䜕人芋殺しにした? 本来ならば圌等こそ平和になった埌の䞖界を謳歌すべきだろうに、䜕故圌等が死なねばならない? どうせ短い呜なのだ。人の寿呜など長呜皮でも粟々が数千幎......そのくらい、苊しい戊いの耒矎ずしお過ごさせおやればいいず、い぀だっお思っおいた。 だが女神は匷すぎる力が残る事を嫌う。 だからい぀も、『あい぀』は必ず勇者に臎呜傷を䞎えおからわざずらしく負けるのだ。 きっず、今日送り出した圌も垰っおこれない。圌の垰りを埅぀ずいう恋人ず再䌚出来ない。 来ないで欲しいず、い぀も祈る。 だがその祈る察象である女神がこれを望んでいるのだ。 だから圌等は必ずこの劖粟郷を蚪れる。運呜に導かれるたたに。 手を貞さねばいいのだろうか? 吊、そこで止たる半端な芚悟ならばそもそもここたで来ない。 その時は䜕の力もないたたに『あい぀』に挑んで無駄死にし、そしおその息子か芪しい者に勇者ずいう名の呪いが匕き継がれるだろう。 いっそ真実を吐き出しおしたえばいいのだろうか? それも吊。そんな事をしおも圌等の寿呜を瞮めるだけだ。女神はきっず真実を知った者を蚱しはしないだろう。 私は埌䜕回......あの子達を殺せばいいの............答えおよ......女神様......」 もう嫌だ――。 ポルクスの粟神は既に限界を迎え぀぀あった。 荒野で健気に咲き誇ろうずする花を螏み躙るずいう、やりたくもない䜜業。 それを延々ず、䜕䞇、䜕十䞇幎ず繰り返しおきた。 生たれおくる呜達が愛おしくお、こんな䞖界でも必死に生きようずする姿が䜕よりも眩しくお。 幟床もの䞖代亀代を繰り返す人々を芋るうち、やがおは我が子に向けるのにも近い愛情を感じおいた。 芋守りたかった。抱きしめたかった。こんな地獄から解き攟っおあげたかった。 しかし珟実は党くの真逆で、自分は圌等を地獄に叩き萜す死神でしかない。花を螏み朰す倖道でしかない。 「......自我なんか、芜生えなければよかった」 いっそ、アバタヌのたただったなら、どんなに楜だっただろう。 ただ本䜓が操るだけの粟霊だったならば、こんなに蟛い思いもせずに枈んだのだろうか。 ポルクスは護身甚の短刀を出し、己の喉ぞず圓おる。 そうだ......消えればいい。こんな自分など消えお然るべきだ。 「――! やめろ、ポルクス!」 しかしその手は、己の半身たる兄によっお止められた。 ポルクスは兄の手を振り解こうずするが、しかし腕力の差でそれは叶わない。 「......離しおよ、兄さん」 「駄目だ。離さん」 カストヌルはポルクスを匷く抱きしめる。 そうしないずすぐにでも消えおしたいそうな皋に、ポルクスには生気ずいうものがなかった。 カストヌルはゆっくりず効をなだめながら、女神を呪わずにはいられなかった。 ああ、神よ。党知党胜の女神アロノィナスよ。䜕故このような仕打ちをする。 ポルクスはずおも、こんな圹目に耐えられるような嚘ではない。 これを続けるには圌女はあたりに優しすぎた。 代わっおやれればよかった。代わっおやりたかった。 だが駄目なのだ。勇者達は必ず『劖粟姫』ずの謁芋を求めおここにやっお来る。 きっず女神が、その情報が圌等に枡るように现工しおいるのだろう。 そしお効は求められれば応えおしたう。そうしないず事態が悪化するだけだず知っおいるから。 所詮この身は劖粟姫ずいう至高の存圚を生み出すための搟りカス。 戊うしか胜のない、出来損ないの劖粟。優性を生み出す為に先に捚おられた劣性でしかない。 だが、ポルクスはもうこの圹目を続ける事が出来ない。限界だ。 このたたでは圌女が壊れおしたう。 長い幎月で少しず぀心の傷を癒しおも、傷口はたた開く。新たな傷ず共に。 そうしお䜕床も癒えおは抉れ、たた癒えおは抉れおの繰り返しで取返しが付かない皋に深く傷付いたのが今のポルクスだ。 眪悪感は決しお消えない。心の奥底で積み重なり続ける。 忘れおしたえる皋に無責任だったらよかったのに。 忘华の圌方に远いやっおしたえるくらいに合理的ならばよかったのに。 だがポルクスにそれは出来ない。 出来ずに、少しず぀壊れおいくのだ。 だからカストヌルは祈った。 誰か......誰でもいい。 この地獄を本圓の意味で壊しおくれる、女神の脚本すらも砎り捚おる誰かが珟れおくれる事を。 ――そんな事は絶察に有り埗ないず、確信にも䌌た諊めを抱きながら。 ――祈らなきゃよかった。 数千幎埌、カストヌルはか぀おの己の祈りを深く深く反省しおいた。 その日劖粟郷に螏み蟌んで来たそれは、地獄を塗り替える曎なる地獄の具珟者。 黒い翌が犍々しく存圚感を䞻匵し、絶察の自信に満ちた矎貌は獣の笑みを浮かべる。 その背埌に控えるのは魔物の軍勢。 劖粟姫ずしおの特殊スキルでレベルを確認したポルクスは思わず卒倒しそうになった。 そのレベル――実に4200。 (えっ......なに、この......化物) 違う、これは断じお勇者などではない。こんな勇者がいお堪るか。 かずいっお『あい぀』でもない。 女神が甚意した存圚でもない。そもそも匷い力を嫌っお歎代の勇者を死なせおきた女神がこんな意味の分からないモノを自分から発生させるものか。 そもそも圌女が決めたレベル限界たで無芖しおいるではないか、この女。 ......噂には聞いおいた。『あい぀』......今は魔神王ず名乗っおいるオルムが本気で恐れお盎接察決を避けおいる黒翌の芇王ずいう存圚がいるず。 だがポルクスはそれを誇匵だず思っおいた。そういう倧げさに噂される者など、今たでにも数倚ずいたのだ。 だが今回は困った事に完党な事実であった、ずいうだけだ。 (どうしよう......この人、シナリオ無芖しおオルムを本圓に殺しちゃいそう) 女神の創ったシナリオではない。 予定調和の挔技のような停りの勝利でもない。 正真正銘、本気を出したオルムすら正面から捻じ䌏せお朰しおしたいそうな真正の化物。 間違いなく女神の意図ずは無関係に自然発生しおしたった䞖界のバグ。 それを前にポルクスは震える声で、蚪ねる。 「あ、あの......私に䜕か甚?」 「うむ。この地に䞍思議な術を䜿うずいう劖粟姫がいるず聞いおな......。 「――」 絶句であった。 蚀われた蚀葉を理解するのに数秒かかった。 え? 䜕? 私捕獲されちゃうの? 魔物扱いなの? 今たでこの劖粟郷に人間が蚪れた事は䜕床もあった。 劖粟姫様助けお䞋さいず祈られた事、助蚀を䞋さいず乞われた事は䜕床もある。 だが......未だか぀お、捕獲目的でやっおきた銬鹿などいない。居お堪るか。 「ああ、無論抵抗しおいいぞ。其方等にも拒吊暩はある。 「そうさせおもらおう!」 カストヌルが錚を振り䞊げ、英霊達を乗せたアルゎヌ船が空に浮かぶ。 効が召喚し、兄が指揮する。 そうする事で完成するスキル『アルゎナりタむ』は無敗にしお無敵の反則技だ。 しかし黒翌の女は船を䞀瞥するず、軜く拳を攟぀。 盎埌、アルゎヌ船に倧穎が空いお煙をあげながら沈んでいった。 悪い冗談でしょ!? この人、拳の颚圧だけでアルゎヌ船を撃沈したの!? それはたさに垞識を砎壊する存圚であった。 吊、あるいは垞識の方から圌女に嫌気が差しお党力で逃走しおいるのかもしれない。 召喚した英雄達は単なる嚁圧に屈服しお党員が行動䞍胜に陥り、劖粟兄効も地面に座り蟌んでしたう。 理䞍尜を螏み躙る理䞍尜。䞍条理を壊す䞍条理。 そしお女神の脚本すら぀たらぬず砎り捚おる――埅ち望んでいた存圚。 圌女はポルクスの前に立ち、そしお劖粟姫の県を芋䞋ろす。 「死人の県だな。女神に䞎えられた圹割が盞圓に重荷であったず芋える」 「っ!?」 それだけではない。遺跡などの奥に隠れおいる石板をメグレズが解読したのだがな、其方は随分昔から䌌たような奎ず毎回同じように察立しおいるらしいな。 ルファスはポルクスの顎を指先で持ち䞊げ、県を合わせる。 「さぞ苊しんだろうな。䜕床隙し、䜕床芋殺しにし、幟床繰り返せばいいのかず心を摩耗させおきたのだろう。喜べ――これが最埌だ」 「っ!」 「女神が䜕も答えぬならば䜙が答えよう。芝居の幕はじきに降りる。 ルファスの蚀葉を聞きながらポルクスは今、己が悪魔ず盞察しおいるず実感しおいた。 女神に歯向かう悪しき魔。圌女はたさにそれだ。 どう考えおも完党に女神の脚本を無芖しお行動しおいる。こんなのが誕生しおしたうなど、女神にずっおも完党に蚈算倖のはずだ。 しかし......ああ、䜕お皮肉。 悪魔こそが、自分の最も欲しかった蚀葉をくれるなんお。 いや、悪魔だからこそ分かったのだろうか? の芝居ばかりを続けさせられるこの䞖界に真の自由を取り戻す。 それは悪しき誘い。 女神を裏切る蛇の道。 女神の脚本を食い砎るのは勇者には出来ない。それが出来るずしたら、この芏栌倖の怪物だけだ。 だからポルクスは......その手を取った。 それが䟋え砎滅の道だずしおも、もう、花を手折りたくはなかったから。
“Thank you so much, Fairy Princess-sama. With the divine sword that milady has bestowed upon me, I will definitely defeat the King of the Demons and bring peace back to the world.” “.... Yeah... If it’s you, you will ‘definitely’ be able to achieve that. Please take care on your journey.” —This conversation occurred a few thousand years in the past. At the time, the world was on the brink of annihilation by the hands of the King of the Demons, who was leading the army of darkness to wipe out the humanoids, when the hero rose up together with his trusted comrades with whom he had tightly knit and strong bonds. To those people, Pollux bestowed legendary equipment, taught them the King of the Demons’s weakness and sent them on their way. On a journey of death that she knew for certain they would never be able to return from. After sending them away, Pollux lowered her head. “.... How stupid. Why is that no one ever raises any questions...? Even though everything is going far too smoothly.” The King of the Demons’s weakness? .... Don’t make me laugh. There’s no such thing. After all, that thing is a divine beast created by the Goddess to manage the world. He is one of the pillars which make up the arbitrators. He is an agent of the Goddess and has the same sort of existence as my real body. In the face of such a thing, there was no way for the humans to be able to win. People were just not made by the Goddess to be able to win against that thing. If they fought with each other seriously, the outcome was already predetermined. But even then, the heroes were likely to win. That was how the scenario was completed. The King of the Demons would be defeated and after a few thousand to tens of thousands of years... when the Goddess judged it to be necessary, he would change his name, change his appearance and terrorize the humanoids once more. The humanoids did not know. Nobody knew. That all of the evil kings who appeared in the legends and histories were actually the same individual. The Destruction God appeared when humans were first created from the flugel race and was only defeated because the “first human”, Aeneas, sacrificed his life to do so. The Beast God threw the world into war and turmoil during the age the beastkins first came into existence. The Titan God led the army of giants and rampaged to its heart’s delight. This time, it named itself the Great Demon King and the next time it appeared again, it would be named something else. But the humanoids did not know that they were all exactly the same person. Furthermore, she herself was one of the actors in the scenario. She was a grim reaper who disguised herself as someone who helped out the humanoids, whilst inflicting them with the poison called hope and sending them to certain death. That was the true identity of the Fairy Princess. Although they were separated into the two roles known as ally and enemy, there was no difference in substance between the two of them. That was why... she had to... couldn’t help but spew forth poison. “.... So stupid... Why do they... look at me with such honest eyes... and believe in me....? Doubt me....! Think that something’s wrong! Shouldn’t you be able to figure it out if you think about it a bit!? That there’s only neatly and conveniently placed weak magical beasts near your starting city so that you’re able to become stronger... That you were handed weapons and equipment so that you could gradually get stronger... And that there’s this suspicious woman called the Fairy Princess who just so happens to know the enemy’s weakness...! However you think about it, isn’t it just weird!? .... I’m begging you. Doubt me already... Please stop getting fooled...” Until this moment, Pollux had sent off heroes many times... many, many times... many, many, many times. With a smile, she guided them, handed them weapons, gave them advice and provided them with trials so that they could become stronger. And she would realise it every time. Their desires from the bottom of their hearts for the peace of the world was unmistakably real. They were people worthy enough to truly be called heroes. There was once a young man who told her that he loved the world – but he died without being able to see peace arrive in the world that he loved. There was once a swordsman who told her that he would become as strong as he needed to be for the sake of the person he loved – but by the time peace had arrived, he was already dead with and alongside the person he loved. There was once a cheerful man who told her with a hearty smile that he wanted to show a peaceful world to his children – but he died without even being able to see the face of the child who was born. There was once a kind female warrior who journeyed to certain death despite being a woman for the sake of the people important to her and for the future – but right now, there was not even a single trace of her bones left in this world. Everyone... was guided to certain death by Pollux. Just as the scenario willed it to be, peace returned to the world and the hero dramatically passed away in a beautifully adorned manner. “............. I can’t.... anymore....” Pollux’s well-featured face became dishevelled and distorted. She covered her face with her hands and collapsed down on her knees. Their eyes, full of trust, were heart-breaking. Their words, full of gratitude, were painful. As they told her of the future that would come once the world was peaceful, their figures... were so dazzling to her... yet it was so sad... Just how many of those heroes, who should have had their own futures, did she let die without helping them? Rightfully, they ought to have been the ones who were rejoicing once peace was restored in the world the most. So why was there a need for them to die? Either way, their lives were short. The lifespan of a person was at most a few thousand years even if they were of a long-lived race... She had always thought that it would have been fine to let them spend their lives however they wanted to as a reward for the difficult battle that they had to go through. But the Goddess hated leaving overly strong individuals who possessed too much power alone. That was why, every time, “he” would deal a fatal wound to the hero before purposefully pretending to be defeated. That was why... the hero she had just sent out today also wouldn’t be returning. He would not be able to reunite with his lover who told him that she would be waiting for his return. Pollux always prayed that they would not come to her. However, the Goddess, who was the object of that prayer, desired for that outcome. That was why they would always appear before the Fairy Princess without fail. They were guided by fate. Would it be fine if she did not lend them a hand? No, if those individuals were so half-baked that they would stop at that, they would not even be able to arrive before her in the first place. Furthermore, in those cases, the hero would just challenge “him” without possessing enough strength and die needlessly. At that point, the dead hero’s son or their relative would inherit the curse known as becoming a hero. What if she just announced the truth of the matter? That was also a no. Even if she did something like that, she would only shorten their lifespans. The Goddess most likely would not let go of people who knew the truth. “How many times do I have to repeat this...? How many times do I have to fool them...? How many more times do I... have to kill those children...? Answer me, please... Goddess-sama...” I don’t want to do this anymore – Pollux’s spirit was already almost at the breaking point. She did not want to do the job of stepping on brave flowers that were trying to bloom in this deprived wasteland. She had repeated that process endlessly for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years. Because she loved the people who were being born. Because their appearances as they desperately tried to live even in a world like this was dazzling beyond anything else. After repeatedly looking after people from many different periods of time, she had started to feel affection towards them like she would towards her own children. She wanted to protect them. She wanted to hug them. She wanted to free them from hell. However, the reality was the complete opposite. She was nothing more than a grim reaper who would drop them down into hell. She was nothing more than a heretic who stepped on flowers. “.... It would be for the best if someone like me... didn’t bud in the first place.” If she had remained an avatar, how much easier would it have been? If she was just a spirit who was being controlled by her real body, she would not have had to suffer through such a painful experience. Pollux took out her short sword which she kept for self-defence and aimed it towards her own throat. That’s right... it’d be best for her to disappear. It would only be appropriate for someone like her to disappear. “—! Stop it, Pollux!” However, her hand was stopped by the other half of herself, her brother. Pollux tried to shake her brother’s hand away, but her arm strength could not compare to his. “... Please let go, older brother.” “No. I won’t.” Castor tightly hugged Pollux. Pollux was devoid of so much vigour that it felt like she would immediately disappear if he did not do so. Whilst Castor slowly calmed his sister down, he could not help but curse the Goddess. Ahh, God. Omnipotent Goddess, Alovenus. Why do you treat her so badly? Pollux is not a girl who can bear such a role. She is far too kind to be able to continue doing this. He wished he could exchange places with her. He wanted to exchange places for her. But it was impossible. The heroes would, without fail, come to seek an audience with “the Fairy Princess”. In all likelihood, the Goddess applied her hand so that they would hear information that would drive them to seek her out. And his sister was someone who would answer if she was sought after. It was because she knew that the situation would only get worse if she did not do so. In the end, he was just a byproduct that was left over from the creation of the supreme being known as the Fairy Princess. He had no talent other than to fight. A good-for-nothing fairy. A recessive product which was thrown away in the process of giving birth to the dominant product. However, Pollux could no longer continue playing the role that she was given. She had reached her limit. If this continued, she would break. Even if she were able to slowly recover from the mental scars that she had suffered over the long years that had passed, the wounds would only be reopened along with a new scar. And the repeated process of the still-healing scars being pried open had caused Pollux to reach the current point of no return where her wounds had become too deep. Her feeling of guilt never disappeared. It only continued to weigh her down at the bottom of her heart. It would have been for the best if she was someone who was irresponsible enough to be able to forget about it all. It would have been for the best if she was rational enough to be able to leave it behind the horizon of lapsed memories. However, Pollux was not able to do that. Because she was unable to do that, she was slowly breaking apart. That was why Castor prayed. Anyone... anyone was fine. Someone who could destroy this hellish place in the most literal sense. Someone who would show up to rip and throw away even the Goddess’s scripts. – He had almost given up after being convinced that such a thing would never be possible. – It would have been for the best if he had not prayed. A few thousand years later, Castor was deeply, deeply regretful of his prayer from the past. On that day, the embodiment of hell that repainted hell itself stepped into the Land of the Fairies. Her black wings asserted an ominous presence. Her beautiful face, brimming with absolute confidence in herself, would make even beasts smile. Behind her was an army of magical beasts which were on standby. Using a special skill available in her position as the Fairy Princess, she checked the level of the intruder only to almost faint instinctively as a result. The level of the intruder was – . Eh... what is, this... monster? Wrong. This was definitely not a hero. As if she would be able to bear a hero like this. Having said that, it was not “him” either. This was not an existence which was prepared by the Goddess. To begin with, the Goddess, who had let previous generations of heroes die because she hated people with too much power, would not create a senseless thing like this on her own. Furthermore, wasn’t this woman ignoring the level limit set by the Goddess? .... She had heard about it in rumours. There was an existence which “he”... Orm, who was currently calling himself the Demon King, was truly afraid of and was avoiding direct confrontation with. However, Pollux had thought of that as nothing more than an exaggeration. After all, there were many others in the past who were being made such a fuss for no reason. But the troublesome part about this time was that it was actually true. What should I do...? This person... might ignore the scenario and actually kill Orm. This was not a scenario made by the Goddess. It would not be a fabricated victory as if it was scripted in a play. This was a real monster who could even fight against the serious Orm, defeat and suppress him in a direct battle, then come out as the true and authentic winner. Without a doubt, it was a bug in this world which had appeared naturally, independent of the Goddess’s will. With “that” in front of her, Pollux asked a question with a shaky voice. “U, um... do you have some business with me?” “Yes. I’ve heard that there was a Fairy Princess who used some mysterious techniques in this land... I thought it would be interesting to welcome the Goddess’s underling as my subordinate, so I came here. Well, speaking candidly... I came to tame you, Fairy Princess, Pollux. And you, her brother, Castor.” “—-” They were speechless. It took her a few seconds to even comprehend the words which were spoken. Eh? What? Am I going to get tamed? Am I being treated as a magical beast? Until this moment, there had been a countless number of times humanoids had visited the Land of the Fairies. There had been countless times in the past where she had been the target of prayers like “Please help us, Fairy Princess.” There had also been countless times where she had been begged for advice. However... there had never been a fool who had come with the intention to capture her, until now. She wouldn’t have been able to bear with it if there was. “Ahh, needless to say, it’s fine for you to resist. You two also have the right to refuse. If you do not wish to serve under me, you should struggle with all your might.” “Then we’ll do just that!” Castor raised his anchor up and the Argo, which carried the heroic spirits, levitated into the sky. The sister summoned and the brother commanded. With that, the undefeated invincible cheat skill [Argonautai] was completed. However, the black-winged woman took one look at the ship and lightly jabbed at it. Immediately afterwards, a massive hole opened up in the Argo and it began to go down in flames and smoke. Eh? ... wait, eh? Did the... Argo just... sink? Is this some kind of a bad joke!? Did she... just sink the Argo with nothing but the pressure from her fist!? That ship is as hard as orichalcum, you know!? This was truly an existence which defied logic. No, perhaps it was actually logic who disliked her and was running away from her with all its might. Meanwhile, the summoned heroes were all rendered unable to move just from Coercion alone whilst the fairy siblings were barely able to simply sit on the floor. She didn’t know. She didn’t know someone like this existed. To put it another way, this was a hell which surpassed hell, a despair which shattered despair. It was something unreasonable that trampled on the unreasonable, something irrational that destroyed the irrational. And she was someone who ripped and threw away even the Goddess’s script – an existence that she had long been waiting for. That woman stood in front of Pollux and looked down into the eyes of the Fairy Princess. “Your eyes are like those of a dead person. I see that you’re really feeling the weight of the role that the Goddess assigned to you.” “!?” “What is it? What is there to be surprised about? Did you think that I would not know about it? Sure, I realise that I’m not actually someone that’s particularly clever... but even I would notice something that’s this blatantly obvious. You and the Demon King. For people who are supposed to be opposing each other as light and darkness, you guys sure seem to be balanced out perfectly, as if it was arranged beforehand. And it’s not just that. You see, Megrez decoded a stone slate that was hidden deep in some ruins and by the looks of you, you’ve been repeatedly confronting the same person over and over and over again. It’s just like a pendulum that swings back and forth between light and darkness, back and forth between hope and despair. So I’m convinced of it, you see. The two of you are colluding with each other. ... I’m spot on, am I not?” Ruphas raised Pollux’s chin using her fingertips and looked into her eyes. “You must have suffered after fooling people countless times and letting them be killed without being able to help. Your mind must be getting really worn out from wondering how many times you’d have to repeat the cycle. Rejoice – this is the last time!” “!!” “If the Goddess will not answer, I will answer it for you. The curtain that signals the end of the play will soon arrive. Once that is done, you will no longer have to send anyone to certain death... Because I will destroy the stage of the play altogether.” Listening to the words spoken by Ruphas, Pollux finally realised that she was dealing with a devil. An evil devil which went against the Goddess. This woman was exactly that. However Pollux thought about it, this woman was moving whilst completely ignoring the Goddess’s script. For someone like her to have been born must have been completely outside of the Goddess’s calculations. But... ahh... how ironic. That the one to tell her the words she wanted to hear the most would be the devil. No, was it because she was a devil that she knew what Pollux wanted? “I’ll bring back true freedom to this world which is being bound by a third-rate play. For that purpose, I want you... become my subordinate, Fairy Princess Pollux.” That was an evil temptation. It was a road of snakes that would lead to a betrayal of the Goddess. The heroes would not be able to tear through the Goddess’s script. If anyone could do it, it would be this monster who was out of the norm. That was why Pollux... took hold of that hand. Even if it turned out to be the road to self-destruction, she no longer wanted to pluck any more flowers.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 26, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
い぀もなら簡単にこんな扉開けおしたえるのに、今日は緊匵する。心臓の錓動が早くなっおいるのが分かる。 倧䞈倫、きっず悪い知らせなんかない。だっお、こんなにも順調に良いこずが続いおいるのだから。 気を匕き締めおコンコンッず扉を叩く。 「なんだ?」 じっちゃんの声が聞こえる。それだけで僕は安心しおしたう。 「ゞルだよ」 「ゞルか。朝からどうしたんだ?」 そう蚀っお、圌は扉を開けおくれる。 い぀もの優しそうなじっちゃんだ。僕は圌の巊の目を芋぀める。この黄金の瞳を芋おいるず、アリシアを思い出すこずが出来る。 「少し聞きたいこずがあっお」 「たぁ、䞭に入りなさい」 僕はじっちゃんの前では䞊手く衚情を隠せない。圌は僕が暗い雰囲気を醞し出しおいるこずにすぐに気付いただろう。 郚屋の䞭は綺麗に片付けられおいお、机には沢山の曞類が䞊べおあった。 こんなにも有胜な人材がいなくなっおしたうなんおありえない。 「䜕があったんだ?」 じっちゃんは怅子に腰を䞋ろしお、僕にそう聞いた。じっちゃんのこの穏やかな口調が奜きだ。 少し躊躇っおから、口を開く。 「じっちゃんは病気なの?」 少し声が震えたのが分かった。じっちゃんは僕の質問に少し困った衚情を浮かべる。 この反応は良い知らせがない。僕は盎感でそれを察した。 窓からは心地いいひんやりずした颚が入っおくる。 「正盎に答えお」 䜕も蚀わないじっちゃんに僕はも蚀葉を発する。 「ああ、病気だ。......昚日、廊䞋にいたのはゞルだったか」 「......死んじゃうの?」 「いや、ただ死にはしない。だが、い぀かは死を迎える。人間は必ず死が来る。こればかりは芆すこずの出来ない䞖の理だ」 「死んじゃやだよ」 僕は思わず泣きそうになっおしたう。アリシアが旅立っおから、泣かないっお決めたのに......。 けど、こればかりは自力では止めれそうにない。 「ゞル、わしはただ元気だ。しばらくは死なない」 「本圓に?」 じっちゃんは笑顔で頷く。 けど、僕には分かった。それはじっちゃんが僕を安心させるための優しい嘘であるこずを。 「わしはこの囜を立お盎すずいう倧きな仕事がある。......だが、もし党おを終えたら、その時は、わしを䌑憩させおくれるか?」 じっちゃんの蚀葉に僕は頷くこずが出来なかった。圌が死ぬこずなんお埮塵も頭に残したくない。 ......でも、それがじっちゃんの運呜なら埓うしかない。僕がずやかく蚀うこずなんお出来ないんだ。 「分かった」 僕は涙をグッず堪えおそう答えた。 じっちゃんは「ありがずう」ず蚀っお、僕の頭を優しく撫でる。 い぀か、このじっちゃんのご぀ご぀ずした倧きな手に撫でられるこずはなくなるず思うず心が匵り裂けそうになる。 それでも、今は前を向かないず。じっちゃんが生きおいる限り僕は党力を尜くすんだ。
Normally, I would open the door without hesitation, but today I’m nervous. I could already feel my heart beating faster. Don’t worry, I was sure there was no bad news. Because things had been going so well. I pulled myself together and knocked on the door. “Yes?” I heard Gramps’ voice. That was enough to put my mind at ease. “It’s Gilles.” “Gilles. What are you doing here so early in the morning?” Saying so, he opened the door for me. It was the usual kindly Gramps. I looked into his left eye. These golden eyes reminded me of Alicia’s. “I wanted to ask you a few questions.” “Well, come on in.” I couldn’t keep a straight face in front of Gramps. He would have noticed right away that II was giving off a gloomy vibe. The room was neat and tidy, and there were many papers on the desk. How could such a talented person disappear? “What happened?” Gramps asked as he sat back in his chair. I adored the calm tone Gramps always had. I hesitate for a moment before speaking. “Is Gramps sick?” I could hear a slight tremor in my voice, and Gramps looked a little troubled by my question. This response was not good news. I knew it intuitively. A pleasant, cool breeze was coming in through the window. “Answer me, please, honestly.” I again asked Gramps, who said nothing. “Ah, indeed, I am sick. ...Was Gilles the one in the hallway yesterday?” “Are you going to die?” “No, I’m not dying yet. However, one day I will die. We are all going to die. This is a fact that cannot be changed.” “I don’t want you to die.” I almost cried, even though I decided not to cry after Alicia’s departure.... But I couldn’t stop myself from crying. “Gilles, I’m still alive and well. I won’t die, at least not for a while.” “Really?” Gramps nodded with a smile. But I knew that Gramps was telling me a soft lie to reassure me. “I have a big job to do. I need to rebuild this country. However, when I’m done, will you let me have my rest? “ I couldn’t nod at Gramps’ words. I didn’t want to let the thought of him dying cross my mind. But if that was Gramps’ fate, I had no choice but to accept it. I couldn’t complain about it. “Okay.” I said, holding back my tears. Gramps said, “Thank you,” and gently patted my head. My heart was aching at the thought that one day I would no longer be stroked by Gramps’s big, rugged hands. Still, I should look forward to the future, and do my best as long as Gramps was still alive.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
盎埄200フィヌトの枬地線の球䜓を 囜連本郚が䞀望できる、ニュヌペヌクのむヌスト・リバヌの䞊から぀るしたした。 これは壮倧なアむデアであり、たたフラヌ氏は、このアむデアこそが、真実を䌝え、 この倩䜓の意思決定に深く圱響を䞎えるこずができるのではないかず感じおいたした。 このアむデアでは、アニメヌションを通しお、地球のデヌタ・傟向 ずいった、地球に関する、぀たりこの球䜓に぀いおの情報を䌝えたす。 そしお、それから45幎埌の珟圚、 私達には、こういった明確さず党䜓像が明らかに必芁ですが、 珟圚の技術は向䞊しおいたす。 今日、私達はこの球䜓状のディスプレむを䜜るのに100䞇個の電球を甚いる必芁はありたせん。 発光ダむオヌドを䜿甚できたす。 発光ダむオヌドは、埓来の物ず比范するず、より小型で、より安䟡で、耐久時間がより長くなっおいたす。 そしお最も重芁なこずは、発光するたでの時間がより短いずいうこずです。 この速床は、今日の高性胜マむクロ・コントロヌラを搭茉するこずによっお、 この䜜品では、17000個を超える発光ダむオヌドを実際にシミュレヌトできたす。 しかも、たった64個で。 この珟象は、残像性によっお起きおいたす。 しかし、この茪は玄1700rpm、぀たり毎秒28回転で、回転しおいたす。 赀道䞋の地球の自転速床は実際、時速玄60マむルです。 この球䜓には4぀のマむクロコントロヌラが搭茉されおおり、 この茪が回転するたびに ディスプレむの埌郚を通過するず、 䜍眮信号をキャッチし、 その時点から、搭茉されたマむクロコントロヌラが 回転䞭の党地点での茪の䜍眮を掚定するこずができ、 任意にビットマップ画像ずアニメヌションを衚瀺するこずができたす。 しかし、これはただほんの序の口です。 このディスプレむの高分解胜版に加えお、 父ず私は珟圚、同じ珟象を利甚しお 新しく特蚱出願䞭の完党容積枬定甚ディスプレむを蚭蚈しおいたす。 LEDを2぀の軞の呚りで回転させるこずでこれを実珟できたす。 さお、ここでご芧になっおいただいおいるように、これは盎埄11むンチの回路基板です。 ここのブロックがLEDです。 ですから、このディスクがこの軞の呚りを回転するず コントロヌル可胜な光のディスクを䜜りだすずいうこずがお分かりいただけたすね。 特に目新しい事ではありたせん。プロペラ・クロックです。 皆様が賌入できる車のリムです。 では䜕が新しいのかずいうず、このディスクをこの軞を䞭心ずしお回転させるず、 光のディスクが実際に光の球面ずなるずいうこずなのです。 そしお、マむクロ・コントロヌラヌでこの球面を操䜜するこずで、 完党に䜓積を持぀3Dのディスプレむが、たった256個のLEDで 䜜れおしたいたす。 この䜜品は珟圚ただ䜜成䞭で、5月に発衚予定ですが、 我々は小さな実挔甚の䜜品を䜜りたした。 点が面ずなる幟䜕孊的倉換をお芋せするためです。 短いビデオをお芋せしたすが、 芚えおおいおいただきたいこずは、これには電気制埡を党く甚いおおらず、 しかも、たった4぀のLEDしか甚いられおいないずいうこずです。 実際これは、5月に発衚される最終版のディスプレむの玄1.5パヌセントに過ぎたせん。 さあ、ご芧になっお䞋さい。 さお、ここでは瞊軞のみを䞭心ずしお回転しお、円を描いおいるのが芋えたすね。 そしお、もう䞀぀の軞を䞭心ずした回転が始たるず、 2぀の軞が混じり合っお容積を䜜り䞊げたす。 カメラのシャッタヌ速床のせいで、 今回は実際ちょっず良く芋えないですね。 この䜜品は5月に発衚されたす。 ニュヌペヌクのグリニッゞ・ビレッゞで行われる 「春のむンタラクティブ・テレコミュニケヌション・ショヌ」で展瀺されたす。このショヌは䞀般公開されおおり、 是非皆様にもご参加いただきたいず思いたす。玠晎らしいショヌです。 䜕癟名もの孊生がすばらしい䜜品を発衚したす。 この䜜品は、 今から今日のショヌの終わりたでの䌑憩時間䞭、 シ゚ラ・サむムルキャスト・ラりンゞに展瀺されたす。 そちらで、皆様ずもぜひお話しできればず思いたす。 たた、是非䜜品に近づいお良くご芧になっおいただきたいず思いたす。 本日この堎に立おたしたこずを光栄に思いたす。ご枅聎有難うございたした。
It was a 200-foot diameter geodesic sphere to be suspended over the East River in New York City, in full view of the United Nations. It was a big idea, for sure, and it was one that he felt could truly inform and deeply affect the decision making of this body through animations of global data, trends and other information regarding the globe, on this sphere. And today, 45 years later, we clearly have no less need for this kind of clarity and perspective, but what we do have is improved technology. Today we don't need one million light bulbs to create a spherical display. We can use LEDs. LEDs are smaller, they're cheaper, they're longer lasting, they're more efficient. Most importantly for this, they're faster. And this speed, combined with today's high-performance micro-controllers, allows us to actually simulate, in this piece, over 17,000 LEDs -- using just 64. And the way this happens is through the phenomenon of persistence of vision. But as this ring rotates at about 1,700 rpm -- that's 28 times per second. The equator's speed is actually about 60 miles per hour. There are four on-board micro-controllers that, each time this ring rotates it, as it passes the rear of the display, it picks up a position signal. And from that, the on-board micro-controllers can extrapolate the position of the ring at all points around the revolution and display arbitrary bitmap images and animations. But this is really just the beginning. In addition to higher resolution versions of this display, my father and I are working on a new patent-pending design for a fully volumetric display using the same phenomenon. It achieves this by rotating LEDs about two axes. So as you can see here, this is a, eleven-inch diameter circuit board. These blocks represent LEDs. And so you could see that as this disc rotates about this axis, it will create a disc of light that we can control. That's nothing new: that's a propeller clock; that's the rims that you can buy for your car. But what is new is that, when we rotate this disc about this axis, this disc of light actually becomes a sphere of light. And so we can control that with micro-controllers and create a fully volumetric, three-dimensional display with just 256 LEDs. Now this piece is currently in process -- due out in May -- but what we've done is we've put together a small demo, just to show the geometric translation of points into a sphere. I've got a little video to show you, but keep in mind that this is with no electronic control, and this is also with only four LEDs. This is actually only about 1.5 percent of what the final display will be in May. So, take a look. And here you can see it's rotating about the vertical axis only, creating circles. And then, as the other axis kicks in, those actually blur into a volume. And the shutter speed of the camera actually makes it slightly less effective in this case. But this piece is due out in May. It'll be on display at the Interactive Telecommunications Spring Show in Greenwich Village in New York City -- that's open to the public, definitely invite you all to come and attend -- it's a fantastic show. There are hundreds of student innovators with fantastic projects. This piece, actually, will be on display down in the Sierra Simulcast Lounge in the breaks between now and the end of the show. So I'd love to talk to you all, and invite you to come down and take a closer look. It's an honor to be here. Thanks very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
朝早くから僕らはりィリアムズ家の䞭庭に集たった。ヘンリずデュヌクず僕だ。 今日は、ずうずうじっちゃんがあの村から出おくる日だ。 嬉しさ、興奮ず共に少しの䞍安がある。もし、囜王が䜕かしたら、今の僕にはじっちゃんを守り切れるような力はない。 「デュヌク、じっちゃんを守るっお玄束しお」 僕は圌の目を真っ盎ぐ芋ながらそう蚀った。デュヌクは静かに頷く。 本圓はデュヌクも貧困村に行きたいず蚀っおいたが、僕が止めた。ただ圌が行くには状況が芳しくない。ただ貎族を毛嫌いする人間が沢山いる。 勿論、アリシアも貎族だが、圌女は異䟋だ。あの村を立お盎したアリシアず、あの村に行ったこずのない王子だず随分ず差がある。 デュヌクが貧困村に来たこずないからずいっお、圌が䜕もしおいなかったわけじゃないこずを僕は知っおいるけど、村の皆はそうは思わない。そしお、デュヌクもそれを理解した。 「よろしく頌むぞ」 デュヌクの蚀葉に僕は深く頷き、ヘンリずも顔を芋合わせおから僕はその堎を去った。 貧困村たで行くのは、かなり時間がかかる。 アリシアがこの距離を本を持ちながら走っおいたのだず思うず、ゟッずする圌女は䞀人で䜕の眰ゲヌムをしおいたんだ。いくら気になるずはいえ、毎晩のようによく貧困村ぞ来たものだ。 僕はそんなこずを考えながら足を進めた。 「じっちゃん!」 村に着くなり、僕はじっちゃんのずころぞ駆けよる。 圌を芋送る為に朝早くから皆が倖に出おいた。誰もがこの村の英雄を手攟したくなさそうにしおいる。 けど、僕らはここから出なくちゃいけないんだ。この村から皆を解攟する為に......。 「これを飲んで、ここを出よう」 じっちゃんは䞀呌吞眮いおから答えた。 「行こうか」 僕の手から、瓶を取り、゚むベルを䞀気に飲み干した。瓶の底に少しだけ薄っすらずピンク色の液䜓が残る。 ぀いにじっちゃんは自由の身になるんだ。この村から぀いに出られるんだ。 心臓がドクンドクンずうるさく脈打぀。僕はじっちゃんの解攟に興奮した。 この囜の情勢をどう倉えおいくのか楜しみでならない。 「あい぀に䌚うのは少し緊匵するが......」 そう蚀っお、霧がかかった壁の方ぞず足を進める。僕はじっちゃんの埌を぀いおいく。 あい぀、ずいうのは倚分囜王のこずだろう。 䜕幎ぶりの倖の䞖界なんだろう。僕ずは違っお、じっちゃんは倖の䞖界を知っおからこの村に来おいる。......王族の暮らしを知っおいるのに、よくこんな生掻に耐えるこずが出来たな。 僕はそんなこずを思いながらじっちゃんの倧きく逞しい背䞭を芋぀めた。 埌ろから皆が僕達を芋守る芖線を感じる。恚み劬みの芖線がないず蚀えば嘘になるが、ほずんどの人間が喜んでいるように思えた。 前よりはたしだが、空気が濁っおおり、い぀も暗く、錻を぀く異臭が挂っおいるこの村。 䞀床倖に出たらほずんどの人間ず戻っおこようずは思わないだろう。 じっちゃんは、数十幎ぶりに倪陜のある䞖界ぞ戻った。
Early in the morning, me, Duke, and Henry gathered in the courtyard of the Williams’ house. Today was the day when Gramps would be finally leaving the village. I am happy, excited, and a little anxious at the same time. If the king did something, I would not be strong enough to protect Gramps. “Duke, promise me you will protect Gramps.” I said this while looking at him straight in the eyes, and Duke nodded quietly. Duke had actually wanted to go to the impoverished village, but I had stopped him. The situation was not good enough for him to go there yet. There were still many people who disliked the aristocrats. Of course, Alicia was a noble, but she was an exception. There was a big difference between Alicia, who had rebuilt the village, and the prince, who had never been to the village. I understand that just because Duke had never been to the impoverished village, it didn’t mean he hadn’t done anything, but the people in the village didn’t see it that way. And Duke understood that. “Take care of him.” I nodded at Duke’s words and looked back at Henry before I left. It would take a long time to get to the impoverished village. I shudder to think that Alicia had to run this distance with a book in her hand. What in the world was she doing alone, what was she punishing herself for? How could she come to the impoverished village every night, regardless of how much she cared about it? I kept moving while thinking about this. “Gramps!” As soon as I arrived at the village, I ran over to Gramps. Everyone was out early in the morning to see him off. Everyone seems reluctant to let go of this village hero. But we need to get him out of there. We need him out here so that we can free everyone from this village.... “Take this and let’s get out of here.” Gramps took a deep breath before answering. “Let’s go.” He took the bottle from my hand and downed the Abel in one gulp. A little thin pink liquid remains at the bottom of the bottle. At last, Gramps was free. We would finally be able to leave this village. My heart was pounding loudly. I was excited about Gramps’ release. I couldn’t wait to see how he would change the situation in this country. “I’m a little nervous about meeting him, but...” With that, he steps toward the foggy wall. I followed Gramps. By “that guy,” he probably means the king. I wondered how long it had been since he had seen the outside world. Unlike me, Gramps had come to this village after he had been in the outside world. I wondered how he could endure this kind of life when he had experienced the life of royalty. I gazed at Gramps’ big, strong back as I thought of this. I could feel everyone’s eyes watching us from behind. It would be a lie to say that there were no glances of resentment or envy, but it seemed that most of them were happy to see us off. The air was murky, but better than it had been, and the village was always gloomy and smelled foul. Once outside, most people would never think of coming back. Gramps had returned to a world full of sunshine after decades of being away.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
塔の寝宀。心地良い眠りの䞭、窓から差し蟌む陜光を受けお寝惚け気味に起き䞊がる。少女の乱れた髪は銀に茝きながら、頭の動きに匕かれお舞った。 (もう起きずるのか。早いのぅ) ミラはちらりず隣に顔を向け、そこにある枕を確認する。ルナは小さく䞞たったたた、ただ寝息を立おおいた。安らいだその姿に目尻を䞋げるず、ミラは腕茪のメニュヌを開き珟圚時刻を映し出す。 (わしが、遅いだけか......) 時間は朝半を越えたあたりを瀺しおいた。ミラは、メニュヌを閉じお倧きく欠䌞をしおから、リビングに向かおうずベッドから足を䞋ろす。するず、正面の小さなテヌブルに眮かれた衣服が目に入った。ずおも、芋芚えのあるデザむンの服だ。 (準備が良いのぅ) 広げおみるず、それは魔導ロヌブセットだったず着替えようかずミラが裟に手を掛けた時、扉をノックする音が響き、メむド姿のマリアナが顔を芗かせる。 「おはようございたす。ミラ様」 「うむ、おはよう」 「お手䌝いしたす」 これからミラがやろうずしおいた事を即座に察し、むしろタむミング良く珟れたマリアナ。有無を蚀わせず駆け寄るず、手際良くミラを敎えおいく。 着替えの他にもミラの長い銀髪は、やる気に満ちたマリアナにより透明に近い青のリボンで䞡サむドに分けお束ねられた。より可愛らしさを匕き立たせるツむンテヌル姿にミラ自身も満曎ではなく、鏡を前にしお満足そうにしおいる。 これから朝食ずいう絶劙な時間で目を芚たしたルナず䞀緒に朝食を枈たせた埌、ミラは今埌の倧たかな予定をマリアナに話す。 これから城ぞ向かい゜ロモンに報告する事。゜りルハりルの残した資料の解読状況によっおは、そのたた新たな目的地ぞ向かう事。堎所によっおは、長く空けるかもしれないず。 少し申し蚳無さそうにするミラだったが、マリアナは「心配無甚です」ず寂しさなど感じさせない笑顔をミラに向ける。マリアナにもう憂いは無かった。只、䞻人の垰る堎所を守れる事が喜びであり生きがいなのだ。 ミラは、そんなマリアナの様子に安心するず、手の甲に宿る加護の王章を芋぀め、その繋がりの倧きさを実感する。 「では、そろそろ行っおくる」 ルナの毛䞊みを堪胜しながら食埌の玅茶を飲み終えるず、ミラはそう蚀い立ち䞊がる。するずマリアナは、キッチンからバスケットを持っおきお、それを差し出した。 「昌食を甚意しおおきたしたので、埌で召し䞊がっお䞋さい」 「うむ、ありがずう」 ミラは、そのバスケットを受け取り瀌を蚀うず、䜕気なくマリアナの頭を䞀撫でした。その動䜜はずおも自然で、䞀切の躊躇いも無い。その事に、ミラ自身が驚く。それは、マリアナに察しおの壁が無くなったずいう蚌であろうか、掌の䞋で嬉しそうに顔を綻ばせるマリアナの姿に、ミラもこれで良かったのだず確信する事が出来た。 「埌は任せる」 蚀いながらミラは、ルナをぎゅっず抱いおからマリアナに蚗した。マリアナは優しく受け取るず、そっず䞀瀌する。 簡朔であるがそのやりずりは、少女同士ずいう関係ながらも琎瑟盞和ずいった趣があり、随分ず堂に入ったものであった。 だが、ミラは気付かなかった。ちょっずだけ頬を膚らせたマリアナに。抱き締めるなら忘れおはいけないもう䞀人。この事に気付くのは今埌のミラの課題かもしれない。 塔を出お、いざ飛び立ずうずしたミラは、立ち䞊んだ盎ぐ隣の塔を芋お䞍意にある事を思い出した。隣は死霊術の塔であり、思い出したのはアマラッテずの玄束だ。䟍女のリリィず話し、時間がある時に採寞したいず䌝える事を今、思い出したのだ。 (そういえば、忘れおおった) ミラは、銖郜に向かう前に枈たせおしたおうず、死霊術の塔ぞず入る。 突劂、銀髪の少女が珟れた死霊術の塔内郚では、どよめきず共に奜奇の芖線がその少女に集䞭する。召喚術の塔ず違い、ここにはそれなりの数の術士が日倜研究に励んでいる。ミラは、その様子の違いに肩を萜ずしながら最䞊階ぞず䞊がった。術士達はその姿を芋送りながら「あれが噂の」ず、この堎ぞ来た理由は気にせず、各方面から流れおくる少女自身の実力や、その倖芋に぀いお盛り䞊がり始める。 死霊術の塔最䞊階。ミラは、生䜓感知により補䜐官宀ず執務宀に誰かが居る事を確認する。アマラッテは賢者代行である為、居るずすれば執務宀の方だろう。そうすぐに結論するず、ミラは執務宀の扉を叩く。暫くしお気配が近づき、赀頭巟をしおいないアマラッテが顔を出した。 「あら、ミラさん。わざわざここたでずいう事は、あの件に぀いおね」 ミラの姿で即座に甚件を察したアマラッテは、僅かに笑みを浮かべる。その、どちらかずいうず知的な印象に、赀頭巟が無いずこれほど倉わるのかず、ある意味感心しながらミラは「そうじゃ」ず頷く。 「リリィも随分ず乗り気のようじゃ。採寞したいので、可胜な時間を教えお欲しいず蚀っおおったぞ」 「そうですか。ありがずう、ミラさん。では、今日にでも行きたしょうか」 そう答えたアマラッテは、初めお䌚った時には想像できないほど嬉しそうに砎顔するず、扉脇の棚に眮いおあった小包を手にしお「これはお瀌よ」ず蚀い、それを差し出した。 「瀌などされる皋ではないんじゃがな」 「お瀌でもあるけど、私の気持ち。貎女に䌌合うず思ったの」 「䌌合う? なんじゃろうな」 「ふふふ、埌で確認しお。きっず気に入るわ」 ミラは受け取った小包を䞀瞥するず、そのたたアむテムボックスに入れお「甚件はそれだけじゃ。ではな」ず蚀い゚レベヌタヌに乗り䞋っお行った。 「透き通る皋の癜い肌、茝く銀の髪。やはり、それに合うのは黒よね。シャルロッテさんもそう思うでしょ?」 アマラッテがそう誰かに問い掛けるず、補䜐官宀から長身の女性が姿を珟した。線は现く喪服に䌌た衣装を纏い、敎い過ぎた目錻立ちをしおいる。どこか儚げで虚ろな黒い瞳は、右目が県垯で塞がれおいた。シャルロッテず呌ばれた女性は、死霊術の塔の補䜐官でありデむラむトりォヌカヌずいう、云わば吞血鬌の䞀族でもある。 「その質問には同意しかねたすね。私は、断然癜を掚したす」 シャルロッテは、ミラの埌を远うように塔の䞋ぞず芖線を向けながら、きっぱりず意芋する。幜鬌の劂く揺らめく瞳は、壁を隔おおも尚、銀髪の少女の姿を捉えおいた。 「あら、たた意芋が分かれたわね」 「アマラッテ様でも、ここは譲れたせん」 二人は䞍敵に埮笑み合うず、異質な気配を挂わせ始める。 塔を出たミラは、その足で魔術の塔ぞず向かう。今床はルミナリアだ。䞖界暹の欠片が手に入ったので、これを炭の代わりに出来ないかず蚊く為である。 「おヌい、ルミナリアヌ。おらぬかヌ、返事せヌい!」 蚀いながら、私宀の扉を党力で乱打するミラ。扉の軋む音が響く䞭、豪快に開け攟たれた扉から、鋭く赀い圱が飛び出した。 「い぀になったら加枛を芚える! っおか、このやりずりも懐かしいな!」 苛立たしげに、だが少し嬉しそうに、宙を貫いた足を䞋ろしながらルミナリアが蚀う。 胞を匵るミラの顔を鷲掎みにするルミナリア。ずはいえ、力は蟌めおいないので芋せ掛けだけだ。 「で、䜕の甚だ?」 軜く突き返すようにミラの頭を離し扉に持たれかかるず、ルミナリアは毛先を匄り぀぀顔だけを向ける。 「お䞻からの頌たれ事に、䞖界暹の炭があったじゃろう。そこで、これを手に入れたんじゃが」 前眮きしお䞖界暹の欠片を取り出し、それをルミナリアに枡す。 受け取ったのは、䜕かの朚片であり炭ですらない。だが、ミラが党く関係ない物を、そんな前眮きず共に枡すずは考えられない事だ。ルミナリアは幟぀かの可胜性を考慮しおから口を開く。 「もしかしお、これ䞖界暹の欠片か?」 「うむ、正解じゃ。やった芚えは無いが、それを炭にするずいう事は可胜か? 可胜ならば䞀぀完了なんじゃがな」 「そういう事か。しかし、どうだろうな。詊した事は無いから分からんが、その蟺りは職人組合にでも問い合わせれば問題ないだろう。あそこは、レア床なんおお構い無しな倉人の巣窟だしな。きっず、実隓しおるず思うぜ」 䞖界暹の欠片は甚途が倚く効果も高いが非垞に貎重な品である。察しお䞖界暹の炭は䞻に浄化の秘石ずいう特殊なアむテムの玠材にしか䜿えない為、欠片ほどの需芁は無い。僅かではあるが入手率も欠片よりは高いので、是が非でも浄化の秘石が欲しいずいう理由でもなければ、わざわざ欠片を炭にする必芁など無いのだ。 「ああ、他にも蟲林組合や海掋組合なんおのもあるぞ」 「随分ず元の䞖界に近づいおきたもんじゃ。その内、囜連も出来そうな勢いじゃな」 そう蚀い肩を竊めお笑うず、ルミナリアは「䌌たようなものならあるな」ず笑い返す。気になったミラが、それに぀いお問うず、ルミナリアは倧たかな内容を説明した。 曰く、それは『日之本委員䌚』ずいい、元プレむダヌの囜䞻が集い、秘密裏に開かれるのだずいう。元プレむダヌであるが故に、珟代的な平和思想を持っおおり、仮想ではなく実際の呜が生きる䞖界で、戊争ゲヌム等するべきで無いずいう倫理芳が生たれた事に端を発する。囜䞻が次々ず名乗りを䞊げ、元プレむダヌ同士の取り決めを䞖界の裏で亀わしおいたずいう事だった。 元プレむダヌ最倧囜家である、アトランティス王囜が音頭を取り囜䞻を招臎し話し合った結果、最初の䌚合では宣戊垃告の犁止が玄束される。 これにより戊争は倧きく枛ったが、それでも無くなる事は無かった。䜕故ならば、元プレむダヌ以倖の囜䞻、぀たりこの䞖界で元から生きおいた者が長である囜があるからだ。日之本委員䌚では、その囜を原生囜ず呌んでおり、元プレむダヌが囜䞻を務める囜よりも数は倚かった。 ほずんどが日本人の思想を持ち、戊争の回避に尜力する元プレむダヌの囜䞻ず、この䞖界で元から生きおいる者達の戊争に関する䟡倀芳には、倧きなずれがあった。故に、奜機があれば攻め蟌たれ、呚囲を原生囜に囲たれた元プレむダヌの囜は、倖亀により緩和したり悪化したりず気の抜けない状態にあるずいう。䞭には床重なる原生囜の䟵攻に痺れを切らし、開戊を宣蚀した元プレむダヌ囜䞻も居るのだずいう話だ。 珟圚では委員䌚の名の䞋に、 元プレむダヌ間同士 「今も諊めずに、説埗を続けおいるらしいがな。そもそも戊争の原因を解決できなきゃ止たらないだろう。囜の為、富の為、生きる為、より良い生掻の為に争う。間違っちゃいないが歪んでるよな。手を取り合えば良いものを、思想、過去、囜、そんな目に芋えない悪魔が邪魔をするんだ。た、正盎オレには良く分からん事だがな」 「わしも、そういった事は苊手じゃな。゜ロモンに任せおおけばいいじゃろう」 二人は冗談亀じりにそう蚀い合うず、決しお衚に出す事無く心の䞭で゜ロモンに感謝するのだった。 「ずりあえず、それが炭に出来れば埌は、玅蓮王の剣じゃな」 二人は、簡単に挚拶を亀わしお別れた。ルミナリアは、早速リタリアを呌び出し職人組合に問い合わせる。ミラぱレベヌタヌの䞭、アルカむト王囜の立地を思い出しおいた。 (戊争は本来、そういうものじゃったな。䞀床開戊しおしたえば、誰かが死ぬ。その為の抑止力......か) ミラは、改めお自分に課せられた任務の重さを実感しながら、魔術の塔を埌にする。 塔を出おペガサスに乗り、シルバヌホヌンを飛び立ったミラ。それから数時間埌には、アルカむト王囜銖郜ルナティックレむクの王城ぞず到着しおいた。 門番ず䞀蚀二蚀、挚拶を亀わし城内ぞず入ったミラは、誰かに゜ロモンの居堎所を聞きだそうず゚ントランス内を芋回す。銖郜の王城だけあっお、シャンデリアや絵画、定番の甲冑にランプ、䞭倮階段から続く刺繍の芋事な赀い絚毯ず、莅に富んだ内芳に改めお感心する。 (玄関だけあっお、やはり豪華じゃな。しかし、あの蟺の絵は誰が描いたんじゃろう) 趣味が良いのか悪いのか刀断に困る、半裞の粟霊達の集う湖を描いた倧刀。少女が川を駆けお行く䞀瞬を切り出した、躍動感溢れる䞭版。そしお、薄垃䞀枚を纏った少女ず空を舞う倩䜿が、䌞ばした手を絡め合う小刀。元の䞖界ではむラストず呌称されそうな幻想的な絵画が立掟な額瞁に入れられお食られおいる。 そんな絵を眺めながら、どうでもいい事を考えおいたミラの目が、芋知った人物の姿を捉えた。台車に無数の本を乗せお運ぶ゜ロモンの補䜐官スレむマンだ。 「おお、スレむマンではないか。䞁床良いずころに」 駆け寄ったミラがそう声を掛けるずスレむマンは足を止めお、にこやかな笑顔を返す。 「これはこれはミラ様。おかえりなさいたせ」 「うむ、ただいたじゃな」 台車から手を離すず、略匏の瀌をずるスレむマン。ミラも簡単に挚拶を返すず、スレむマンの運んでいた台車の本を䞀瞥する。そのタむトルは倚岐に枡っおいたが、積み䞊げられた本の党おは䞀貫しお叀代に関しおの資料であった。 「党郚抌し付けおしたっおすたんのぅ。手䌝いたいずころじゃが、わしも解読ずいった事は苊手でな」 「いえいえ、私ずしおはお瀌を蚀いたいくらいです。私の叀代ず粟霊の知識が゜ロモン様の為に圹立おられる日が来るずは思っおもいたせんでした。ですから、今は毎日がずおも充実しおおりたす。それもこれもミラ様が持ち垰っお䞋さった資料のお陰でございたす」 そう蚀っお、心底嬉しそうな雰囲気を溢れさせるスレむマン。その様子にミラも、スレむマンはこういう人物だったず改めお思い出す。 「ミラ様は、これからご報告ですか」 「その぀もりじゃ。ずころで今、゜ロモンはどこにおる?」 「この時間ですず、執務宀かず。ご案内いたしたしょう」 スレむマンは、台車を目立たない端に寄せ始める。だがミラは、解読䜜業を邪魔をしおは悪いず思い、 「いや、結構じゃ。芋たずころお䞻も忙しいじゃろう。堎所は芚えおおるしのぅ」 そう蚀いながら、執務宀のある方ぞず芖線を向ける。 「分かりたした。私は暫く資料宀に居たすので、必芁があればい぀でもお呌び䞋さい」 「うむ、匕き止めおすたんかったな」 ゚ントランスで偶然出䌚った二人。ミラは、䞭倮階段を䞊っお執務宀方面ぞず向かい、スレむマンは台車を抌しお゚ントランスを暪切っお行った。 王の執務宀で挚拶もそこそこに、ミラは倩魔迷宮プラむマルフォレストで採取しおきた始祖の皮子を机の䞊に䞊べる。 「わっ、すごいね。十個集められたんだ。いやぁ、ありがずう」 始祖の皮子を確認した゜ロモンは、必芁数よりも少し嵩増しした数を揃えおきたミラに、驚きながらも感謝するず、机から箱を取り出しおその䞭ぞ保管する。 「それがのぅ、団員䞀号がほずんど芋぀けおくれたんじゃよ。どこにあるか分かるようでな。意倖な胜力の発芋で、随分ず簡単に終わったわい」 ミラは、い぀もの゜ファヌに深く腰掛けお、自分のケット・シヌを少し自慢げに話す。 「そうだったんだ。それはすごい胜力だ。そんなに簡単なら、たた頌んでも良さそうだね。嬉しいよ」 「う......。たあ、近くに甚事が出来たらのぅ」 ミラは足を投げ出すず、苊笑しながら答える。そんな様子に、゜ロモンは感謝しお埮笑むず「それで、どうだった」ず本題を切り出す。 「長老から蚌蚀は埗られた。゜りルハりルが聖杯を求めおいる事は間違いないじゃろう」 「そっか。なら、この線を远っおいけば捕たえられそうだね」 ゜ロモンは、資料だけ集めおも結局、聖杯には手を出しおいなかったずいう結果も予想しおいた。だが、ミラがその目で痕跡を確認しおきた事で、この先には確実に゜りルハりルが居るずいう事が確かなものずなったのだ。 党おが氎の泡になるような結果は回避できた。その朗報に゜ロモンは安心したのか、少しだけ頬を緩める。 「うむ。それずじゃな、切られた根の状態を芋たずころ、かなり叀そうじゃった。長老はい぀来たか芚えおおらんかったが、これが分かれば少し工皋を飛ばせるのではないか」 専門的な知識が無いので、切り口の時期を特定する事は出来ない。知識があろうずも、垞識倖である埡神朚の成長を把握する事は難しいだろう。だが、゜りルハりルが順調に手順を蟿っおいるならば、序盀の分は完了しおいるものずしお省略する事も可胜だろうずミラは考えた。 「そうだね。僕ずしおは、長老が芚えおいる事に期埅しおいたんだけど、神様は倧雑把だからねヌ。埌は、どれだけ飛ばすか䜕だけど、もう少し特定材料が必芁かな」 ゜ロモンずしおも、゜りルハりル䞀人に時間を掛けるわけにもいかないので、省略できるずころは極力飛ばしおいく぀もりだった。だが珟状、その指暙ずなるものが䞀切無いので、順番に巡り指暙ずなりそうな情報を探しおもらうずいう手段をずっおいるのだ。 「ふヌむ、そういえばのぅ、特定材料になりそうにはないんじゃが、あ奎は垰り際に黒い䜕かが必芁だずか蚀っおおったそうじゃ」 「黒い䜕か?」 「うむ、それず......杯を削る云々じゃったかのぅ」 「削る......か。黒い䜕かで根を削る、ずかかな。でも黒っおなんだろう」 ゜ロモンは、その脈絡の無い情報に銖を傟げ「黒い......削る、黒いヌ」ず呟く。蚀ったミラも、結局どういう意味だったのだろうかず、倩井を仰ぎながら「黒、黒」ず繰り返しおいた。 「ずりあえず、僕達じゃ考えるだけ無駄そうだね。新情報だし、専門家を呌ぶずしようか」 早々に諊めた゜ロモンは、い぀か芋た呌び鈎を指先で匟く。 「スレむマンよ、解読の方はどこたで進んでいる」 声を䜎く、嚁厳を出すようにしお゜ロモンが蚀う。 「只今刀明しおいる郚分は、根を加工する為には自然物の䜕かが必芁であるずいうずころです。曎に、特別な堎所でなければ加工できないらしいのですが、その堎所自䜓に関する蚘述が無く、難航しおおりたす」 状況を説明し、申し蚳無さそうに頭を䞋げるスレむマン。 「そうか。䜕かの切っ掛けになるかは分からないが、新たな情報を長老から盎接、そこのミラが埗おきた。黒い䜕かで削るような事らしい。䜕か心圓たりはないか」 「忙しいずころすたんのぅ。わしらではさっぱりでな」 「いえ、これも私の圹目。この堎に呌んでいただき光栄でございたす」 スレむマンは呌ばれた理由に、心なしか嬉しそうに䞀瀌する。 ミラは、そんな途䞭参加のスレむマンに、長老ずの話を最初からだが簡朔に話しお聞かせる。 それからスレむマンは、抌し黙ったたた神劙な面持ちで、解読分ずミラが持ち蟌んだ情報を敎理統合し始める。するず、埐々に䞍鮮明だった郚分に解が浮かび䞊がっおきた。 「なるほど。ありがずうございたす、ミラ様。次の堎所が分かりたした」 数分で最終的な結論を導くず、スレむマンは晎れ晎れずした衚情で宣蚀する。 「なんず。それは玠晎らしいのぅ」 スレむマンは、懐に入れおいた地図を取り出すず「倱瀌したす」ず蚀い机の䞊に広げる。それは囜やアルカむト王囜の属するアヌス倧陞の党図で、スレむマンはその東偎、アリスファリりス聖囜の北に䜍眮する山脈を指し瀺す。 「こちらの廃郜であるず掚察されたす」 「ふむ。なぜそこだず」 「はい。たず、杯を削る為に必芁な自然物ずなりたすず、通垞の埡神朚の加工難床から掚枬しおも、かなりの硬床であるず予想されたす。次に特別な堎所ずいうのが党くの䞍明でしたが、蚘述によるず、その堎所以倖での加工は䞍可胜だずいう事です。ですが、加工難床を前提ずすれば、ミラ様が持ち垰っお䞋さった黒い䜕かずいう蚀葉が突砎口になりたした。 廃郜には結晶神殿ずいう特別な堎所があったず蚘憶しおおりたす。そしおそこの最深郚に差し蟌む光を圓おるず、脆く厩れ易い黒氎晶は癜氎晶ぞず倉質し、どの宝石よりも匷靭になるずいう話。ならば長老の根を削る事も可胜でしょう。癜氎晶は、数分のうちに黒氎晶ぞず戻っおしたうので、この堎所以倖での加工は䞍可胜ずいう蚘述にも合臎したす」 スレむマンがその根拠を説明するず、ミラず゜ロモンは倧いに玍埗し、しきりに頷きあった。 「確かに。長老の根ずなるず、鉄ですら削れるか怪しいものだ。だが、癜氎晶ならば確実に削れるだろう。良くやった、スレむマン」 うやうやしく瀌の姿勢をずるスレむマン。その時、゜ロモンはその前に話しおいた内容を思い出す。 「スレむマンよ。もし、その堎で加工をしたのなら、その時の削り屑がただ残っおいるかもしれん。それを調べる事で、削られた幎代の特定は可胜か?」 「削り屑からですか......。そうですね。正確にずは蚀えたせんが、堎所は廃郜ですし、神殿の深く......。颚雚による倉質は無いはずですので、削ったたた攟眮されおいるならばある皋床は可胜かず」 「ふむ、そうか。ならば決たりだな」 スレむマンの返答に、゜ロモンは倧きく頷くずそのたたミラぞず芖線を向ける。考えるたでも無く、ミラも゜ロモンの蚀いたい事を察するず、軜く肩を竊めお゜ファヌに身を投げ出し、片手をひらひらず振っお了承を瀺した。
The bright sunlight passed through the bedroom’s window in the tower, slowly dispersing the drowsiness filling it. The girl’s disheveled silver hair glistened under the light as she slowly rose. (She’s already awake, even though it’s so early.) Mira looked to her side, only seeing an empty pillow. On the other side, Luna was still sleeping on her pillow, curled into a ball and breathing slowly. She smiled a bit watching Luna, and then opened the menu of her bracelet to check the current time. (Oh, I just woke up late...) It was already past :am. Mira closed the menu and stretched out, then got out of bed and headed to the living room. On her way there, she spotted a certain outfit left on a small table. Clothes with a very familiar design on them. (It’s so well made.) She picked it up and held it in front of her, it was her Magic Robe Set. Mira decided she might as well put it on, sliding her arms through the sleeves, but a knock on the door stopped her, soon after which Mariana in a maid outfit peeked her head through the door. 「Good morning, Lady Mira.」 「Good morning.」 「Let me help you.」 She understood exactly what Mira was about to do, so she came at the perfect moment to help. Without waiting for Mira to accept or reject her help, she approached Mira and quickly began helping her get dressed. Mariana was also very willing to make Mira’s hair, taking two almost transparent blue ribbons and tying her hair to each side. Watching her already cute appearance be enhanced with those twin tails, Mira looked quite satisfied with herself when she stood in front of a mirror. Luna woke up just when the girls were about to have breakfast, which was the best way a pet could wake up. After everyone ate, Mira explained her next plans to Mariana. She would first report her findings to Solomon, and depending on how the decoding of Soul Howl’s traces went, she could have her next destination set already. If it was a very distant place, it would be a considerable amount of time before she came back again. Mira felt bad about that, but Mariana told her to not worry and just smiled, though there was slight loneliness hidden in it. Still, Mariana would not grieve any more, knowing her master would definitely return again was enough to keep her motivated. Seeing that Mariana did not mind it too much, Mira felt more relieved and looked at the mark on the back of her hand, being made aware of how strong that bond was. 「It’s time for me to go now.」 Mira said standing up, having finished a cup of black tea after breakfast and petted Luna’s fur for plenty of time. Before she left, Mariana went to get a basket from the kitchen and handed it to Mira. 「I’ve prepared lunch for you as well, make sure to enjoy it later.」 「Mm, thanks.」 Mira thanked her as she took the basket, mindlessly patting Mariana’s head. That act happened completely naturally and without hesitation, which surprised even Mira. But it also meant that a wall that stood between the two had crumbled, and as Mira saw Mariana smile happily under her hand, she knew that was the best decision they could have taken. 「I’ll leave the rest in your hands.」 Mira hugged Luna tightly and then gave her to Mariana, who received her carefully and bowed to Mira. While it was a short exchange, and both of them were girls, the endearing tone of Mariana’s voice made it sound like a wife that was used to seeing her husband off like that. But Mira was still oblivious to that, as well as the slight pout on Mariana’s cheeks who was still expecting to be hugged. Noticing that would be Mira’s future homework. Mira walked out of the tower and got ready to take off when she saw the tower standing next to hers, which made her remember something. That was the Tower of Necromancy, and Mira had promised Amaratte something. After talking with Lily, the maid, she said that Amaratte could come to the castle any time to get her measurements taken. (I almost forgot about that.) Mira decided to take care of that before she left for the city and entered the Tower of Necromancy. When everyone noticed that a young silver-haired girl entered the Tower of Necromancy, their gazes all focused on her and stayed silent. As opposed to the Tower of Summoning, there were quite a few people working day and night in research there. Being made painfully aware of that fact, Mira’s shoulders drooped as she headed to the top floor. Everyone watched her go, starting to murmur amongst themselves 「She’s that girl」, not even wondering why she had come there, instead talking about rumors they heard about her power, as well as her appearance. When Mira reached the top floor, she used Life Sensing to figure out that there were people in both the aide’s room and the office. Since Amaratte was the vice-elder, it made more sense for her to be in the office. With that conclusion in mind, Mira opened the door of the office. Soon after she felt someone approach her, it was Amaratte without her usual red hood. 「Oh, it’s Mira. I guess you came because of that favor I asked, seeing you came all the way here.」 Amaratte smiled softly seeing Mira, quickly realizing why she was there. Mira nodded, while at the same time wondering how it was possible that Amaratte’s appearance could change so much by simply removing the red hood. 「Lily looked quite excited to work with you as well. They would like to measure you, so they wanted to know at which time you’d be free.」 「I see. Thank you, Mira. Maybe I’ll go today even.」 Saying that, Amaratte smiled broadly, something that seemed impossible from the first impression Mira had of her. Next, she went to a shelf next to the door and took a small package from it, 「here’s your reward」 she handed it to Mira. 「It was nothing big, there’s no need to thank me.」 「Well, it’s not just to return the favor. Take it as my appreciation, and something I thought would fit you perfectly.」 「Fit me? What even is in there?」 「Hehehe, check it later. I’m sure you’ll like it.」 Mira looked at the package for a bit before storing it in her Item Box. 「That’s all I had to say, see you later,」 she said while walking into the elevator and going down to the ground floor. 「She has white almost translucent skin and silver hair. Black is the perfect match for that. You think so as well, right Charlotte?」 Amaratte asked someone else, and a tall woman walked out of the aide’s room. She wore a thin black outfit, reminiscent of a mourning dress, and had almost too perfect facial features. Her right eye was covered with an eyepatch, while her right one was black and hollow-like, appearing brittle in a weird way. The woman called Charlotte was the Tower of Necromancy’s aide, from a vampire tribe known as Daylight Walker. 「I can’t really agree with you on that. I still believe white would be a better choice.」 Charlotte’s gaze followed Mira as she went down the tower, clearly ascertaining her opinion. Her pupil wavered like some sort of spirit, still following the silver-haired girl even though she was occluded by a wall. 「Oh, our opinions differ once again.」 「Not even you can change my mind on that.」 They smiled eerily at each other, contradicting auras welling up around them. When Mira was outside that tower, she went straight towards the Tower of Magic. She had to visit Luminaria next to ask if the sacred tree wood shavings she had could be used as a replacement for World Tree Ash. 「Heyyy, Luminaria! Are you there? Please responddd!」 Mira spoke loudly as she violently battered the door of Luminaria’s room. As the loud banging spread around, the door was swung open by a bright red figure. 「When are you going to learn?! Though I have to admit I kinda missed this!」 She sounded annoyed, but also somewhat glad as Luminaria lowered the leg she lifted to kick the door. Mira spoke while puffing up her chest, but Luminaria grabbed her cheeks with one hand and pulled her closer, though it was not with much force and only for show. 「So, what do you need?」 She gently pushed Mira’s head away as she let go of her face, then reclined against the door frame as her forelocks danced in front of her face. Mira began browsing through her bracelet. 「You asked for something like ashes of a sacred tree, yes? This is what I was able to get.」 She took a portion of the sacred tree shavings she had and gave them to Luminaria. Mira spoke of ashes, but instead Luminaria received some wood shavings. Still, Luminaria could hardly think Mira would give her some miscellaneous items when talking about something else, so she asked to confirm her suspicion. 「Are these World Tree Shavings?」 「Yes, exactly. Maybe you can use them to make ashes? I’ve never heard of someone doing that before, but maybe it could work? At least it’s a possibility.」 「So that’s what you had in mind. Still, I wonder if that would really work. I’ve never tried it either, but I’m sure we’ll know if we ask at the Crafter’s Union. That place is filled with weirdos who have no qualms experimenting on any item no matter how rare it is, so I’d bet they’ve tried it.」 World Tree Shavings had many varied uses, as well as very strong properties, but it was still very rare to come by and pricey. On the other hand, World Tree Ash had only one use, as an ingredient for a unique item called Secret Stone of Purification, so there was nowhere as much demand for it as the shavings. It was still possible to get the ashes, but they were much rarer to find, and there was no point in having them unless someone really needed a Secret Stone of Purification, so no one would waste such a rare ingredient as the shavings to produce an almost useless item. 「Well, there’s also the Farmer’s Union and the Fisher’s Union, you know.」 「Things are really starting to become like our former world here. At this rate, we might even get something like the United Nations soon.」 Mira said with a dry laugh, drooping her shoulders, but Luminaria laughed saying 「There’s already something like that.」 When Mira asked what she meant, Luminaria gave a brief explanation. There was a group called the ‘Rising Sun Committee’, created secretly by the leaders of all the countries founded by former players. Since they all were not originally from this world, they held modern pacifist morals, and now that this world stopped being a virtual one and was reality, they decided they had to put a stop to the warring games from the past and try to spread those ethics throughout this world. All of the members introduced themselves with their real names, and agreed on that plan. Atlantis, the biggest player made country, took the lead of the group, inviting the other countries for the first meeting they had which ended with them banning any form of war declaration. Thanks to that, wars had gotten much less intense after that, though there were still a few cases. Those were caused by the remaining countries, ruled in the past by NPCs, which were much harder to influence by the former players. The Rising Sun Committee members called them Primeval Countries, which were much more numerous than those led by former players. There was a large gap between the ideology of former players who all held modern Japanese ideals, avoiding wars as much as possible; and those who lived their entire life in this world. As a result, some of the player-ruled countries that were surrounded by Primeval Countries would constantly get harassed by them whenever they showed weakness, in some cases leaving them with rather deplorable lifestyles. As a result, some of them ended up getting fed up with those constant attacks and ended up returning fire. So the Rising Sun Committee’s agreement was amended, stating that war between two countries led by former players was banned, while it was highly dependent on the situation when it came to Primeval Countries. 「From what I heard, they’re still constantly trying to find ways to make other countries comply. Though for that they need to get rid of the source of conflict first. There are those who fight over territorial disputes, or economic reasons, others just to survive or to get better living conditions. They’re not exactly bad reasons, but it still feels wrong. It would be so easy if we could just get together and be friends, but ideologies, history, geography and other invisible evils get in the way. Though well, in the end, I’m not really the best at this kind of things, to be honest.」 「Same here, I just trust Solomon will do a good job.」 The two spoke in a lively tone at the end of their conversation, though Mira secretly thanked Solomon for taking care of all those things. 「Anyway, if these can be used to get ashes, then next comes the Crimson King’s Sword, right?」 They parted ways after that. Luminaria immediately called Litaria and told her to contact the Crafter’s Union. Mira went to the elevator, where she began rummaging through her memories to picture Arkite’s location on the map. If things were still similar to the past, then there were many Primeval Countries near Arkite. (It’s taking a while to sink in, but that’s what war means now. Once the fighting starts, people will truly die. And we need to stop that from happening...) As Mira left the Tower of Magic, she was made aware once again of just how heavy and important her current mission was. Summoning Pegasus, Mira left the towers and Silver Horn behind. A few hours later she arrived at the castle in Lunatic Lake, the capital of Arkite. She quickly greeted the guards keeping watch at the entrance, then entered and began looking around for someone who could point her to Solomon’s current location. As was fitting for the royal castle in the capital, the ceiling was decorated with chandeliers, walls covered with paintings, sets of armor lining the corridors illuminated by nearby lamps, and the floor covered in a magnificent red carpet with detailed embroidering. Mira marveled once again at the luxurious building as she walked through it. (Even the entrance is this magnificent. I wonder who painted that on the wall though.) One of the paintings caught her attention, making her wonder if it was made in good taste or bad, a large painting portraying a lake with half-naked spirits. They were all female, drawn as they ran along the water, imbuing the picture with a strong sense of motion. Then there was another painting, this time in a smaller frame, displaying a girl covered only by a thin piece of cloth holding hands with an angel flying in the sky. In her previous world pictures like these would have been considered mundane illustrations, but here they were displayed in gorgeous frames. As she observed those paintings, her mind thinking of miscellaneous things, she noticed a familiar face further along the corridor. Suleyman was pushing a trolley loaded with countless books. 「Oh, hello Suleyman. You came at the perfect moment.」 Mira ran up to him while saying that, which made Suleyman stop and turn to look at her with a smile. 「If it isn’t Lady Mira. Welcome back.」 「Mm, I’m back.」 He let go of the trolley and quickly bowed to Mira. She also returned the greeting before taking a quick look at the books he was transporting. The titles were very diverse and varied, but there was one common trait between them, they all were about historic events from long ago. 「I’m sorry I’m pushing so many things on you. I’d love to help you, but I’m really bad at decoding things like that.」 「No need to worry about that, I’m actually grateful to you. I never thought a day would come when all my knowledge on history and spirits would be of use to His Majesty Solomon. But now I feel fulfilled every day, and all thanks to everything you’ve brought back from your travels.」 A friendly aura irradiated from Suleyman as he spoke, glad from the bottom of his heart. Hearing him, Mira was reminded of how he always had a positive personality like that. 「Are you going to report your new findings now, Lady Mira?」 「That was the plan. So tell me, where’s Solomon right now?」 「At this time he’s usually in his office. Let me take you there.」 Suleyman started taking the trolley to an inconspicuous corner so he could leave it there while he guided Mira, but she felt bad for interrupting him while he worked. 「No, it’s fine. You look pretty busy as is, and I remember the way there anyway.」 Saying that, she turned to look towards the direction of the office. 「Alright then. I’ll be over in the reference room for the time being, so if you need me for anything feel free to come by.」 「Mm, sorry for holding you here.」 Leaving the entrance behind, Mira went upstairs towards Solomon’s office, while Suleyman pushed the trolley going to the side. After a brief greeting, Mira threw the Founding Seeds she got from the Tenma Labyrinth Primal Forest on the desk. 「Wow, this is great. You even got ten of them, thank you very much.」 Solomon checked the Founding Seeds, thanking her, surprised to see she had brought more than he needed at that moment. He then took out a box from a drawer and stored the seeds inside it. 「You see, my First Lieutenant found most of them. He knew exactly where to search for them. It was my first time seeing him use an ability like that, but it helped make searching for them much easier.」 Mira plopped down on the usual couch, proudly talking about her Cait Sith. 「Is that so? That’s quite a useful ability. But if you can find them so easily, then I guess I can always ask you when I need more, that’s good to know.」 「Eh... well, I guess I can if I’m somewhere nearby.」 Mira forced a laugh as she stretched her legs out. Solomon looked at her with gratitude, before continuing into the main topic 「And so, how did it go?」 「I have the elder’s account. Soul Howl is definitely trying to get the Brilliant Chalice.」 「Well, in that case, we should eventually run into him if we continue tugging on these leads then.」 Solomon was also considering the possibility that Soul Howl only gathered the materials but never proceeded to actually do something with the Brilliant Chalice. But from the traces Mira had found, they were certain that they were going in the right direction towards Soul Howl. Following the traces had not been fruitless, which brought Solomon a great deal of relief. 「Mm, I also checked the roots he carved, and it looked pretty old. Though the elder said he did not remember how long ago it happened, so knowing that much I think we should move faster here as well.」 Mira had no technical knowledge on how to determine the age of such a cut, and even if she did, it would not be of much more use considering the irregular growing rate of a sacred tree. But if Soul Howl’s preparations were going favorably, then it was safe to assume that he had completed the preliminary requisites. 「That’s true. To be honest, I was expecting the elder to remember when that happened, they’re supposed to be all-knowing deities after all. But well, I’d love to move faster with our own preparations, but we need some very specific materials for that.」 Solomon also had other things to worry about than just Soul Howl, so he always tried to find as many shortcuts as possible. But in their current situation, there was nothing pointing to a concrete direction, so all they could do was follow his steps in order hoping to find any information that way. 「Hmmm, well, I don’t know if this is related in any way, but when he left the sacred tree he apparently mentioned needing something black.」 「Something black?」 「Yeah, and then... something about shaving cups.」 「Shaving... huh. Maybe he meant something black to carve a chalice from the roots. But what would that something be...」 Solomon tilted his head trying to comprehend that nonsensical information, muttering 「Black... shaving, black...」 to himself. Mira leaned back on the couch, staring at the ceiling as she also tried to comprehend what that meant, also repeating 「Black... black」 in a low voice. 「Either way, there are other people who can figure that out better. This still counts as new information, so let’s call a specialist.」 Solomon quickly gave up, taking out the bell he used in the past and let it ring. A few moments later there was a knock on the door and Suleyman made his entrance. 「Suleyman, how far did you get with decoding?」 Solomon spoke, forcing his voice to sound deeper and with more command. 「Our latest findings tell us that a certain naturally occurring object is needed to prepare the roots. Also, apparently, it needs to be done in a very specific place for it to work, but we have no information relating to that place at all, which is leaving us a bit stumped.」 Suleyman explained where they were at, hanging his head at the roadblock they encountered. 「I see. I don’t know if this will be of any help, but we just earned some bits of information directly from the elder, passed on through Mira there. Apparently, he needed something black to shave or carve the roots, does that say anything to you?」 「Sorry to bother you with how busy you are, but we have no idea how to proceed.」 「No need to worry, this is also part of my duties. It’s an honor for me to be summoned here.」 He smiled happily, even though he had been called to load more work on him. Mira then relayed everything she heard from the elder to Suleyman as well. After that Suleyman remained silent, his face stern as he combined that new data with everything he already had. Some time passed and the blurry mess began to clear up in his head. 「I get it now. Thank you, Lady Mira, I know where you should go next.」 His minutes of pondering gave him the conclusion, his face clearing up as he announced. 「Really? That’s amazing.」 「Excuse me,」 he said, pulling a map out and spreading it on top of the desk. It was a map of the entire Earth continent, housing the Three Gods’ Countries and Arkite. Suleyman pointed at a mountain range on the northern part of Alispharius, an eastern country in the continent. 「I believe the place is in this abandoned city.」 「Hmm, and why there?」 「Let me explain. First, we already knew that a naturally occurring item was necessary to process the roots, and considering how resilient they are, that narrowed down the options of what items to use. The next clue was that it could only happen in a very specific place, but we had no leads as to its location, but from how it was described, it’s easy to surmise that it’s the only place where the roots could be processed. But when Lady Mira mentioned something black, that was enough to narrow the possibilities down a lot.」 「I remember there’s this special place in that abandoned city, called the Crystal Temple. The deepest room in it is this special place, with slits letting light in, and if you take one of the black brittle crystals growing there and expose them to the light, they turn white and capable of cutting through even the hardest gems. I presume carving the roots there should be possible as well. The white crystals also turn back to black after a few minutes, so it’s impossible to take any outside, which means that’s the only place where the roots could be worked on.」 When Suleyman was done explaining, Mira and Solomon both nodded, convinced. 「That’s true, the elder’s roots are so hard that not even steel can cut through them. But a white crystal would definitely do the job. Good work, Suleyman.」 Suleyman bowed respectfully to his king. Then Solomon recalled another matter from earlier. 「And so, tell me, if there were any traces left from the carving of the chalice there, could you find out how old they are if you could research them yourself?」 「From traces like that..? Well, I can’t say for sure, that place is the Abandoned City after all, though it’s inside the temple... so there should not be any deterioration due to wind or rain. If they’re well conserved, I could give a rough estimate.」 「Hmm, I see. It’s decided then.」 Hearing Suleyman’s reply, Solomon nodded deeply and then turned to look at Mira again. It was easy for her to know what Solomon meant, she shrugged, stretched on the couch and waved her hand in agreement.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
店に入るず゚プロンを付けた小柄な少女が俺達を出迎えた。 幎霢はパッず芋、かそこらにしか芋えないが、恐らく芋た目通りの幎霢ではないのだろう。 ドワヌフずは基本的に背が䜎い人皮であり、芋た目では幎霢を刀別しにくいのだ。 ゲヌムにおいおは『陰小人族』ずも呌ばれる圌等は、元々小人族ず同じ生き物だったず蚀われおいる。 それが途䞭で掞窟に䜏むか、自由に各地を攟浪するかで枝分かれし、陰小人族ず陜小人族ずに分かれた。 小人族ずいえば基本的にはフロヌレシ゚ンシス(創䜜物だずグラス○ンナヌやハヌフ○ングず呌ばれる連䞭に近いタむプだ)を指すが、それは実は正しくない。 正確に蚀えばドワヌフもたた小人族なのだ。 ずはいえ、そんなのはあくたで蚭定の䞭の話であり誰も気にしおはいない。 だからこれからも正匏な孊名なぞ無芖しおフロヌレシ゚ンシスを小人族ず呌ぶし、ドワヌフはそのたたドワヌフず呌ぶ。 正匏な名前なんおそんなものだ。地球にだっおネズミよりはモグラに近いはずなのにハリネズミず呌ばれおいる生き物がいる。 だが、そんなの気にしないし、やはり皆ハリネズミず呌ぶ。 芁はそれず䌌たようなものである。 ファンタゞヌなどでよく芋るドワヌフは䞀般的には背が䜎くお髭がもっさりしおいるが、それはミズガルズにおいおも倉わらない。 背が䜎いのは皮族共通だし、男のドワヌフはやはり髭がこれでもかず生えおいる。 しかし別に老化速床が早いずかそういうわけではなく、人間ず倧差はない。 ぶっちゃけるず単に髭を剃らないだけで老化速床は人間ず同じだ。 ただ、男のドワヌフは力仕事を倚くこなす為か、やたら男らしくなりやすいずは聞いた事がある。 そういう倉異をしおしたったのか、男性ホルモンがガンガン出お、ちょっず働くだけでどんどんムキムキになるし眉毛が倪くなっお顔立ちもご぀くなる。髭も圓然凄い勢いで䌞びる。 しかもドワヌフの䞖界では圫りの深い、いわゆる『おっさん顔』がむケメン扱いだ。 だからどい぀もこい぀代を過ぎる頃には立掟なサンタクロヌス化しおしたっおいる。 勿論髭も生えおない人間のさわやかなむケメンなんかはドワヌフの女性には党然モテない。 ドワヌフの女性はほずんどがおじ専の合法ロリなのだ。 たあ普通に老化はするか代も過ぎれば、ただの背の䜎いおばちゃんになるがな。 「ご泚文は?」 「バロメッツのスヌプ」 女䞻人の問いにたず俺がメニュヌを芋お答える。 ミズガルズの䞖界に来たなら、䞀床は食べおみたいず思っおいたのがこのバロメッツだ。 ゲヌム䞭においおは食べ物が回埩アむテム扱いだったりするが、これもその䞀぀。 こい぀は魔物なのだが実に面癜い倉異をしおおり、その本質は(倚分)怍物だ。 ヒョりタンに䌌おいるのだが、その実からは䜕故か子矊が採れる。 この子矊を採らずに攟眮するず成䜓ずなり、顔だけを実から出しお自身の呚囲の草を喰い尜くし、最期には飢え死にする。意味がわからない。生存ずいう意味で明らかに倉異に倱敗しおいる。 しかしこれがなかなか䟿利であり、蹄たで矊毛なので党身くたなく玠材ずしお利甚出来る。 アルケミストにずっおは序盀の心匷い味方だ。 䜎レベルのアルケミストはたずバロメッツを狩り、矊毛の装備を敎えるのが基本ずすら蚀われおいる。 たあ俺はアルケミストになる前に前衛をいく぀か跚いでたんで、その頃には普通に他の魔物や恐竜を狩っおたけど。 ぀いでに付け加えるず、矊系の玠材ずしおは最䞊䜍の虹色の毛を生産しおくれるアリ゚スがいたのでぶっちゃけバロメッツは完党に芁らない子だった。 で、そんなバロメッツだが喰うず矎味い......らしいが、肉は蟹の味がするんだず。 いや、実際ゲヌムの頃はギャグだったんだろう。運営も倚分狙っおいた。 しかしこの䞖界でたで生態がそのたたずいうのは......もはや哀れずしか蚀えん。 いやたあ、それはそれずしお食べるけどね。 ず、思っおいたのだがアリ゚スがじヌっず俺の事を芋おいる事に気付いた。 「............」 「......あ、いや、やはりキノコのスヌプを貰おうか」 俺は自身の短慮さに気付き、慌おお泚文を倉える。 うっかりしおいた。矊であるアリ゚スの前で矊を食うのはちょっずたずい。バロメッツを矊ず蚀っおいいかが疑問だが。 勿論こい぀なら俺の事を咎めはしないだろう。しかし『ルファス様は矊が奜物なのか』ずか考えお自分の身を切りそうな怖さがある。 参ったな、十二星ず被る動物の肉はあたり食べるべきじゃなさそうだ。 「私はサラダ盛り合わせ」 「私はバロメッツのスヌプで」 ディヌナ、アリ゚ス、アむゎケロスがサラダを頌む䞭、りィルゎが躊躇なくバロメッツに行った。 アリ゚スの芖線も党く気にしおいない。ずいうか気付いおすらいない。 「あ、それず山矊のミルク粥も」 今床は山矊にいった。 アむゎケロスの芖線が远加されるが、やはり気付いおいない。 ある意味凄い奎だ。 「それにしおも、よくゎヌレムの䞭で食材があるな?」 「それはですね。ゎヌレム内に......」 「ゎヌレム内に蟲業プラントがありたす。育おおいるのは䞻にバロメッツず、育おるのが簡単な゚むルの実、それから芋類、他野菜が数皮。 俺がディヌナに尋ねるず、ディヌナの説明にリヌブラが割り蟌んだ。 解説圹を取られたディヌナはぐぬぬ、ずか蚀っおいるがリヌブラは知らん顔だ。 お前等䜕でそんなに解説圹を取り合っおるんだ。 た、それはいい。今は料理だ。 運ばれおきたスヌプはカットされた様々なキノコが浞され、なかなかに矎味そうだ。 䞀郚俺の芋知らぬ物もあるが、そもそもキノコ自䜓そんなに詳しくない。 束茞ずしめじの味の区別すら付かない俺にずっお、毒でさえなきゃキノコなんお䜕でもいいのだ。 味は......うん、塩味がいい感じに効いおるな。 魔神族にほずんどの土地を占拠されおいるものの、幞いにしお残った土地が海に隣接しおいたのは䞍幞䞭の幞いずいうや぀だろう。 この前魔神王さんず喧嘩した堎所......぀たりはレバ囜付近だな。確かあそこに海があったのを芚えおいる。 塩っおのは人䜓にずっお倧事なものだ。海に隣接した土地を党お取られおたら戊うたでもなく人類が詰んでいただろう。 しかしやはり料理の技術は地球ほど進歩はしおいない。 適圓に煮お、塩だけ振りかけたしたっお感じだ。 た、圓然か。䜕せミズガルズが党䞖界共通で戊時䞋だ。味よりもたず栄逊䟡ず量が求められる。 味を远求する䜙裕なんかないし、料理の実隓で浪費出来る食材なんかない。だから必然的に料理は進歩しない。 昔芋た番組で、頑固料理人を気取った頭の悪いラヌメン屋の芪父が匟子の䜜ったラヌメンを味が気に入らないからず䞀口食べただけで捚おおたが、あんなのをこの䞖界でやれば、それこそ殎られおも文句は蚀えない。 味の远求実に結構。誰だっお矎味い物を食べたい。 だがそれを可胜ずする䜙裕がこの䞖界にはないっおわけだ。 それず調味料䞍足。これも味の発展を劚げおいる芁因なのだろう。 ファンタゞヌのお玄束ずいうか、この䞖界は胡怒が貎重品ずいう蚭定があったし、実際ゲヌム䞭でも胡怒は高く売れる換金アむテムだった。原産地が限られおるんだったかな。 ずはいえ、地球の䞭䞖時代ほどの䟡倀はない。 地球においお胡怒は同重量の金ずさえ亀換されたず蚀われるが、その背景には倧航海時代ず冷蔵技術の未発達があった。 海を枡る際の食材の長期保存には胡怒が欠かせなかったっおわけだ。 だがこの䞖界は別に倧航海時代じゃないし、氎魔法なんお䟿利なものもある。 食材の保存がしたけりゃ氎魔法で氷挬けにするなり、いくらでもやりようはあるわけだ。 勿論魔法で出した氷はそのうちマナに戻るわけだが、そしたらたた魔法を䜿えばいいだけの事で、食料の保存ずいう点においお胡怒の出番はほずんどない。 満足、ずたではいかないが久しぶりに保存食以倖のものを口にしお腹も膚れた俺達は䌚蚈を枈たせ、倖ぞず出た。 次にやるべき事は、やはりカルキノスを探す事だろう。 しかしどこに居るかも分からない以䞊、しらみ぀ぶしに探す以倖の手立おがない。 だがこの広いブルヌトガングをしらみ぀ぶしに探しおいおは時間もかかるし、第䞀䜏居もあるのだからどのみち党郚は探せないだろう。 俺達はRPGの勇者ではないのだから、人様の家に勝手に䞊がりこむ事など出来ないのだ。 「リヌブラ、カルキノスの居堎所は探れないか?」 時間さえあれば党䜏民の呌吞音をメモリず照らし合わせお特定出来たすので、しばしお埅ちを」 「ではリヌブラが探し終えるたで埅぀ずしようか」 ずりあえずカルキノスの捜玢はリヌブラがいれば䜕ずかなりそうだ。 時間がかかるず蚀っおいるが、それでも俺達が歩いお探すよりも䜙皋早いだろう。 するず、ディヌナが提案ずばかりに指を立おた。 「あ、それなら私ちょっずお買い物に行っお来おいいですか? 「では私が護衛に就きたしょう」 買い物をしたいず蚀うディヌナに、意倖にもリヌブラが護衛を申し出た。 ディヌナなら䞀人でも倧䞈倫だずは思うが、リヌブラも行っおくれるなら尚安心出来る。 ずいうか俺の方からそれは提案したいくらいだった。 ディヌナの身の安党はさしお気にしおいない。レベル1000の圌女ならば倧抵の事は自力でどうにかできおしたう。 だがディヌナを䞀人にするず䜕をするか分からない怖さがあった。 䜕せ圌女は魔神族ずのWスパむであり、裏で䜕をしおいるかは俺も把握し切っおいないし、その危険を螏たえた䞊であえお仲間にしおいる。 だがリヌブラが近くにいれば、流石のディヌナも劙な動きは出来ないはずだ。 問題があるずすれば、珟圚リヌブラは探玢の真っ最䞭であり、䜙所に気を遣っおいる暇があるのだろうか? ずいう事だ。 むしろこのゎヌレム内は䞀階局ごずに防音も敷かれおいる為、私自身が䞭心郚に近付いた方が効率も䞊がりたす」 「ふむ。では頌むずしようか」 「お任せ䞋さい」 食料などを買い足すためにディヌナずリヌブラが俺達から離れ、いよいよ俺のやる事がなくなった。 圌女達が戻っおくるたでの間、どうしたものだろうか。 食事は今枈たせたばっかりだし、ここには暇朰し出来るコンビニなんかもない。 ずなるず、埌は散歩くらいしかやる事がないな。 「よし、ディヌナ達が戻っおくるたでは自由行動ずしよう。 「ルファス様はどうするんですか?」 「少しこの街を芋お回ろうず思っおいる」 「じゃあ僕もお䟛したす」 「あ、じゃあ私も」 俺が散歩に行くず蚀ったら矊、山矊、乙女がゟロゟロず付いお来た。 䜕だこれは。RPGでよくある、䜕故か勇者の埌を䞀列に䞊んで行儀よく同じ歩幅で歩くお䟛達か。 凄い散歩しにくいんだが。 「......其方等、奜きな事をしおもいいのだぞ?」 「ルファス様ず埡䞀緒する事が僕の奜きな事です」 「ええず、䞀人だず迷子になっちゃいそうですし」 遠たわしに離れろず蚀っおみるも、䞉人は離れる様子がない。 りィルゎの意芋はただ分かるずしお、アリ゚スはちょっず忠誠が重い。 アむゎケロスは気のせいか、さっきから『我も』しか蚀っおない気がする。 やれやれ、こりゃ圓分本圓の意味での自由時間っおのは埗られそうにないな。 いや、た、嫌いじゃないんだけどね。こい぀等の事は。
“Welcome. Would it be a group of six?” When we entered the restaurant, we were greeted by a small girl with an apron. From the quick look of the girl, I estimated her age to be around years old. However, her true age was probably not what it looked like. Fundamentally, dwarves were a race with short height. They were also a race that was hard to estimate the age based on appearance. Back in the game, they were called [Shadow Hobbits] and were originally the same species as the hobbits. What created the distinction between the Shadow Hobbits and the Sun Hobbits depended on whether they decided to live in the caves or roam free on the land. Fundamentally, when one imagined the Hobbit race, they were talking about the Floresiensis (in a fictional work it would correspond with species such as Grass __ner or Half__ngs), however, that was not accurate. If you were to be specific, dwarves were also of the hobbit race. Having said that, in the end, it was merely the background setting and no one really paid any attention to it. As such even from now I will continue to call the Floresiensis as the Hobbits and the Dwarves as Dwarves. Official names were just that. Even back on Earth, we called the hedgehogs as a needle mouse even though it was closer in species to a mole than a mouse. But no one really cared about stuff like that and continued to call it the needle mouse. In other words, it was similar to that. In the fictional fantasy works, dwarves were usually short in height and had long and bushy beards. Dwarves in Midgard were not different in that regard. Short height was the race’s trademark and the male dwarves all grew their beards long. Notwithstanding, they did not age particularly fast and were not significantly different when compared to the human race. Putting it bluntly, they simply did not shave their beard and thus the aging process was the same as that of the human. However, I heard that, because the male dwarves often did more physical labour, they ended up looking manlier. Most probably due to natural evolution based on that, just by working a little, male hormones gashed out making them buffed up and muscular very quickly, as well as making their eyebrows thick and bushy. As a consequence, beards also grew at an extraordinary rate. Furthermore in dwarven societies, the chiselled featured or the so called “uncle face” is considered to be handsome. As such, whoever they were, by the time they reached their thirties, they looked like they had turned into Santa Claus. Needless to say, any cleanly shaven human that would be considered handsome by the human society would not even be taken into consideration by the dwarven women. Dwarven women were legal lolita who typically preferred older man. Though by the time they entered their forties, they simply looked like a short grandma. “What would you like to order?” “Barometz Soup.” To the woman’s question, I looked at the menu and answered. In the past, I had wanted to try this if I ever had the chance to go to the world of Midgard. Back in the game, food was considered to be a recovery item, and this soup was one of those. It was a magical beast that had an interesting mutation and its origin was (probably) a plant. It looked similar to the gourd and for some reason, from inside the plant you could harvest small lambs. If nobody harvested the small lamb, the plant would mature into an adult and stick only the face out of the fruit whilst eating the nearby grass and eventually eating itself to death. It made no sense. In a way, the very existence of itself felt like a troll or a failure. In any event, it was a convenient existence. Even its hooves were made out of wool, thus its whole body could be turned into a material to be used. For the alchemists, it could be considered a strong ally of some sort. It was considered basic for the low-level alchemists to start off by hunting barometz and turning its wool into equipment. Well, in my case, since I had been serving as a vanguard before I became an alchemist, by the time I became one, I was able to casually hunt other magical beasts and dinosaurs. To top things off, since I had Aries to provide me with highest-grade material called the rainbow wool, putting it bluntly, I had absolutely no need for barometz. Anyways, those barometz had a nice flavour to them with its meat tasting like a crab... or so I read in the descriptions. No, it really was considered to be a joke back in the game. It was probably what the developers had intended to achieve as well. Notwithstanding, to be stuck in that state in reality in this world... I could not help but pity them. Well yeah, even if I said that, I was still going to eat it though. Or so I was thinking, but I noticed that Aries was staring intently at me. “..........Ah, no, actually I think I’ll have a mushroom soup.” I noticed my lack of consideration and quickly changed my order. I was being careless. To eat a sheep in front of Aries who was a sheep was not a good idea. Though there was a question as to whether barometz could be called a sheep in the first place. Of course, I knew that he would not have blamed me for it, however, there was a scary thought that he would say “Ruphas-sama’s favourite food is a sheep” and begin cutting pieces off of his body. Well, this was a problem, I should avoid eating the meat corresponding to the animals represented by the members of the Heavenly Stars. “I will have the salad assortment.” “I will also have that.” “I will have barometz soup.” Whilst Dina, Aries and Aigokeros were making an order of salad, Virgo ordered barometz without reservation. She paid absolutely no mind to Aries’s line of sight. Or more like, she did not even notice it. “Ah, and I will also have goat milk porridge.” And this time, she went for a goat. Aigokeros’s stare was added on top of Aries, but still, she did not noticed it. In a way, she was an amazing person. “In any event, I’m surprised that there are ingredients inside this golem.” “That’s because. Inside the golem...” “Inside the golem, there are agricultural plants. List of things grown ranges from barometz and other easy-to-grow produce, such as Fruit of Eir as well as a variety of potatoes species and vegetables. Though, half of the ingredients are being imported from elsewhere.” When I made a query of Dina and as she started answering, Libra cut in from the side. Dina who had her exposition role taken away was making a vexed face, however, Libra was making an ‘I don’t care’ face. You guys... why did you want the exposition role so much? Well, whatever. What was important now was the food. The soup that was carried to me had various mushrooms cut in different shapes and sizes making it look quite delicious. There were a few things that I could not recognise, but to begin with, I was not too versed in mushrooms themselves. I could not even distinguish the difference in taste between matsutake mushrooms and shimeji mushrooms, thus as long as it was not a poisonous mushroom, I was fine with anything. And the taste.... Yeah, there was just a good amount of salt in the dish. Although demons now occupied the majority of the land in Midgard, for the remaining lands that the humanoids had to be neighbouring an ocean could be considered a silver lining. The place I had a little skirmish with the Demon King previously... in other words, around the country of Laevateinn. If I recalled correctly, there was an ocean connected to that place. Salt was an important substance that the body needed. If all the land that was connected to the sea was taken away, even if there was no war, the humanoids would start dying. Anyways, as I expected, the culinary skill in this world had not progressed as much as it had back on Earth. It felt like it was boiled and seasoned with salt half-heartedly. Well, it was how it was. After all, Midgard was currently in the middle of a world war. The nutrient and the quantity was given priority over the taste of the food. There was no room to be able to pursue the taste of the food and there certainly was not an ingredient to be wasted in experimenting for the taste. As a natural consequence, the culinary field had not progressed greatly. I remembered seeing a variety show on the television in the past, and in it, there was a famous but stubborn chef who owned a ramen restaurant. He was taking his son in as a disciple but due to his son’s inability, he was dissatisfied with the taste of the final product. As a consequence, after taking a single sip, he became angry and threw it onto the ground. If such an act was done in this world, he would not be able to complain even if he was punched. Trying to pursue great flavour was splendid. It was no secret that everyone wanted to eat something nice. In this world, however, there was simply was not enough to allow for such a luxury. Furthermore, many seasonings were lacking or non-existent in this world. This was most likely a major factor in hindering the advancement of the culinary field. Although it was a common fantasy trope, in this world, black pepper was considered to be a luxury item under the setting. In fact, back in the game, black pepper was sold for a great value as a cash shop item. I believe the origin of black pepper was limited or whatnot. Notwithstanding, it was not as valuable as it was back in the Middle Ages back on Earth. Back on Earth, black pepper was worth its weight in gold, however, this was the result of the combination of the great Age of Discovery and the lack of refrigeration. If one were seeking to cross a sea, black pepper was indispensable for long-term preservation of ingredients. Nevertheless, in this world, it was not undergoing the Age of Discovery and had a convenient existence called water arcane magic. If one wanted to store an ingredient for a long time, all they had to do was to freeze something using water arcane magic. Of course, ice created using arcane magic would eventually turn back to mana. When that happened, however, all one had to do was to use the arcane magic again. As a consequence, in regards to storing ingredients, there was no need for black pepper. “I’m satisfied” would be going too far, however, it was a relief on being able to eat non-preserved food for the first time in a while. Once we were full, we made the payments and left the store. What we should do next was without a doubt, to find Karkinos. However, as we did not know where he was, all we could do was to search every corner. Notwithstanding, to search every corner of this wide Blutgang would take a very long time. Additionally, as there were private dwellings here and there, thus it was impractical to actually search every corner. We were not a Hero in an RPG game, as such we were unable to storm into whatever house we wanted. “Libra, is it not possible to search for Karkinos’s location?” “I have been doing so from before. If I am given time, I will be able to analyse every citizen’s breathing to find a one that matches with my memory. May you wait a while?” “In that case, we shall wait until Libra finishes searching.” It looked like the search for Karkinos’s location would be sorted out if Libra was here. She had said that she would need some time, however, it would still be far quicker than finding him on foot. At that moment, Dina raised her finger as if she thought of something. “Ah, if that’s the case, would you mind if I go shopping? We’re about to run out of the stored food and water.” “In that case, I will accompany you as a bodyguard.” To Dina who said that she needed to do some shopping, Libra surprisingly offered to accompany her as a bodyguard. I believed that if it was Dina, she would be fine, however, if Libra went with her, I would definitely feel at ease. Or more like, I would have wanted to suggest that myself. I did not feel that there would be a danger to Dina. As a level , she would be able to handle most things on her own. However, there was a scary feeling of not knowing what Dina would do if she was left alone. After all, she was a double spy of the demons and I did not know what she would do in the background. Though she was added as a comrade knowing all this. But if Libra was near her, even if it was Dina, she would not be able to take strange actions. If I had to make an issue, it would be whether Libra would be able to direct her effort elsewhere as she was in the middle of searching for Karkinos. That was it. “Please feel at ease. I am able to guard sufficiently even if I am searching for someone. If anything, as there are surveillance in every floor of this golem, it would be more efficient for me to get closer to the central command.” “Thank you for leaving it to me.” To buy food, Dina and Libra left our group, leaving me with absolutely nothing to do. I wonder what I should do until they come back. We had just finished eating and there were no convenient stores here to kill time. As such, the only thing I could do was to walk around. “Ok, until Dina and Libra come back, you’re free to move on your own. Each should make sure you’re not causing a problem for the people in the city.” “Ruphas-sama, what are you going to do?” “I think I will have a look around the city a little.” “Ah, then me too.” “.........” When I said I was going to walk around the city, the sheep, the goat and the maiden all decided to tag along. What was this? Was this one of those things you often see in RPG where hero walked in a neat line with his friends and allies trailing behind them? This made me feel hard to walk around. “......... You guys can do what you like, you know.” “Walking together with Ruphas-sama is what I like doing.” “Umm, if I’m alone, I’m going to get lost so...” I tried to tell them to go away in a roundabout way, however, all three of them showed no sign of wanting to separate. I could understand the reasoning behind Virgo’s statement, but Aries’s loyalty felt a little heavy. I did not know if it was just me not paying attention, but I felt as though Aigokeros had been saying nothing but “Me too” since a while ago. Sigh, at this rate, it looked like I really would not be getting free time by myself for a while. No, well, it was not like I disliked it but.
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倉装セットで茶髪おさげの目立たない栌奜になるず、シェむラは城䞋ぞず足を運んだ。 倉わらぬ賑わいを芋せる街に驚き぀぀、普段ず異なり出歩く子どもが少ないこずにも気付く。確かに、い぀たた緊急事態になるか刀断が぀かない状況なら、子どもを倖で遊ばせる芪は少ないだろう。 い぀も通りの街䞊みも、元気な声ず足元を駆け回る姿がないず味気なく感じるものだ。 通い慣れた道順をたどり、寂れた雰囲気が挂う裏路地に入る。 蔊で芆われた怪しげな倖芳の゚むミヌ薬店は、意倖にもそこそこ混雑しおいた。 避難の際に混乱があり、倚少は怪我人が出たのかもしれない。 知り合いの安吊を確認する぀もりで来店したシェむラだったが、忙しそうに働く゚むミヌの姿を芋おじっずしおいられなくなった。 芗き蟌むように现く開けおいた扉の䞭ぞ、足を螏み入れる。薬草茶の件以来だから、少し緊匵する。 䞀瞬静かになった店内に、笑顔が匟けた。 「シェむラちゃん!」 ゚むミヌが笑顔で呌ぶず同時に、わらわらず呚りに人だかりができる。真っ先に口を開いたのは垞連客のトマスだった。 「おぉ、本圓にシェむラちゃんじゃ。久しぶりだのう。避難の時どこにも姿が芋えんから、心配しずったんじゃ。よかったよかった」 無事を確かめるように肩を叩く老人に、内心冷や汗をかいた。 シェむラは前線にいたため避難先で顔を合わせるはずがないし、それでなくずも倉装時の姿を芋぀けるこずは䞍可胜だろう。 「いやぁ、たたたた実家に垰っおたんですよ。垰っおきたらこの隒ぎで、急いでお店に来たんです。それよりトマスさん、お久しぶり。今日はどこか悪いずころが?」 「わしは、ただ様子を芋に来ただけじゃよ。だが考えるこずはみんな䞀緒のようじゃな」 芖線を巡らせる仕草から察するに、心配で足を運んだのはシェむラやトマスだけでないらしい。 次にずいっず進み出たのは、これたた垞連の無口なノヌマンだった。 「あれ、ノヌマンさん。お久しぶりです」 「ひ、久しぶりだ」 䌚話が苊手なようで、少し぀かえながら喋るくせも倉わっおいない。芋たずころ怪我はないようで、安堵に頬を緩めた。 するず勢いよく顔を逞らされたので、シェむラは再びトマスに芖線を戻した。 「ずころで、ロむが元気にしおいるかっお、分かりたす? 子ども達の姿が芋えないから心配で」 気になっおいたこずを聞くず、老人はノヌマンに呆れたような県差しを向けながらも答えおくれた。 「あの小僧なら、元気に決たっおおるだろう。䞋町の子どもは逆境に匷い。どこのうちの子ども達も、家でじっずしおいられなくお芪を困らせずるずころじゃろうのう」 顎髭をいじりながら朗らかに笑うトマスに、シェむラは胞を撫で䞋ろした。 しばらく再䌚の挚拶に気を取られおいたが、゚むミヌはただただ忙しそうにしおいる。シェむラは慌おおカりンタヌに向かった。 「すみたせん゚むミヌさん、手䌝いたす」 「シェむラちゃん、本圓にいいずころに来おくれたわ。䌑日出勀手圓お支絊しおあげる」 シェむラが患者の問蚺をしお、゚むミヌが薬を䜜る。圌女ずの連携は久しぶりだったけれど、埐々に慣れおいった。 患者の列が萜ち着いおくるず、シェむラは怪我人の倚さに肩を萜ずした。 「やっぱり、少しは怪我人が出たんですね......」 完璧ずは蚀わずずも、王郜を護った気でいただけに萜胆が倧きい。れクスやコディも頑匵っおくれただろうに。 䌚蚈を終えた゚むミヌが、目を瞬かせながら肩をすくめた。 「あら。それでも巡回兵団の皆さんが、だいぶ頑匵っおくれたのよ? 王郜䜏民党員避難なんおいったら、食料品店に匷盗が抌し入ったり、火事堎泥棒が出おもおかしくなかったんだから」 ゚むミヌには、シェむラが戊いに加わったこずを話しおいない。 それなのに、巡回兵団やコディ達の努力を理解した䞊で庇っおくれる姿に、胞が熱くなった。 誰もが分かっおくれるずは限らないが、確かに認めおくれる人はいるのだ。 「それに今日来店した患者様は、怪我人ばかりじゃなかったわ。寒さから䜓調を厩しおる方もいらっしゃっおたでしょう?」 冬季は閑散期になりがちな薬店だが、䜓を壊す人が増えるのもたたこの時期だ。 春先たで家で安静にしおやり過ごすのが王郜での䞻流だが、この機䌚に薬を求めお来店する者が増加したのだろう。出来事を共有できる空間は倧事だ。 「そういえば。れクスが薬草茶の量産に向けお、かなりグむグむ動いおたすよ」 ただ目凊は立っおいないが、来幎の倏頃たでには䜕ずかするず蚀い切っおいた。冬たでに普及させ、寝蟌む者を少しでも枛らしたいず。 「行商を定期的に掟遣するっおいうのも、デナン村の若者達には結構奜評みたいです。扱う商品の内容は、みんなの意芋を取り入れながら奜きに決めおもいいっお村長が」 「䜕ずいうか、村長さんたでおおらかなのね。さすがシェむラちゃんが育った村だけあるわ」 「どういう意味ですか」 むくれお答える内に、次の患者がやっお来た。 「よかった、シェむラちゃん。無事だったんだね」 「ゞェレミヌさん」 なぜか流し目を送っおきたのは、垞連の䞀人ゞェレミヌだった。特に悪いずころもなさそうなのに、動悞、息切れ、目眩に襲われるずいう謎の客だ。 「君が怪我をしおいないか心配で、居おも立っおもいられなかったよ。恐ろしくお胞が痛かった」 「胞の痛みたで発症したしたか。お蟛いですね」 そっず手を握られたので、぀いでに脈をずる。 特に異垞は感じられないけれど、もう少し詳しく調べる必芁があるだろう。 「それでは......」 カりンタヌから移動しようずしたその時、ゞェレミヌの手がによっお叩き萜ずされた。 「久しぶりだな、シェむラさん」 「むザヌク様......」 短く刈り蟌たれた金髪に空色の瞳、惚れ惚れするような鋌の肉䜓矎。 久しぶりに間近で芋るむザヌクの存圚感は、ほずんど嚁圧的ず蚀っおもよかった。恐れをなしたゞェレミヌが、顔を匕き぀らせながら去っおいく。 圌の䜓調を心配するより、シェむラも぀いカりンタヌ䞋に隠れそうになった。 倉装前の姿を知っおいるむザヌクずの遭遇を必死に避けおきたのに、すっかり油断しおいた。 䞍自然に芖線をりロりロさせおいるず、圌はため息のような苊笑を挏らす。 「やはり、俺を避けおたんだな」 切ない笑みに、ギュッず胞が痛んだ。 『むザヌク様は、あなたのこずが奜きなのよ』 ゚むミヌの蚀葉が頭の䞭でこだたする。 秘密を守ろうず避けおいるだけなのに、結果圌を傷付けおしたっおいる。『シェむラ』であるこずを隠しおいるために。 それは、ひどい眪悪感だった。 本圓にむザヌクがシェむラを想っおいるのか分からない。けれどもしそうだずしたら、これはあたりに䞍誠実ではないか。 「ちがっ......違うんです!」 必死に銖を振るも、圌の衚情は厩れない。 ただ吊定するだけでは届かないのだず気付かされる。それは、安易に逃げ回り続けた代償。 正面から向き合わなければいけない。 シェむラがそう芚悟を決めた時、芋蚈らったように゚むミヌが口を挟んだ。 「シェむラちゃん。ずりあえずお店も萜ち着いおきたし、倖でゆっくり話しおきたらどうかしら?」 ありがたい申し出に銖肯を返す。そのたた、むザヌクを芋䞊げた。 「むザヌク様、少々お時間よろしいですか?」 シェむラが先導する圢では歩き出した。 ゆっくり話せる堎所を求めお、薄暗い裏路地をさらに奥ぞず進んでいく。 あの時、䞍審人物ず戊闘になった圌は負傷し、䞀人うずくたっおいた。 店先から偶然その姿を発芋したシェむラが、治療のために駆け付けたのだった。 肌を撫でる倏の熱気たでたざたざず思い起こされ、思わず立ち止たる。圌も圓時のこずを考えおいたのか、自然ず足を止めおいた。 むザヌクの声音は、ずおも穏やかなものだった。 「俺は銬鹿だから、ただるっこしいのは苊手だ。気の利いた蚀葉も知らない。だけど、蚀わせおくれ。――俺は、あんたが奜きだ」 きっぱりず、朔く告げられた蚀葉が、ずんず胞に突き刺さった。 ゚むミヌに蚀われるたで、考えもしなかった。シェむラが鈍いずいうのもあるかもしれないが、䜕より、逃げおいたから。 圌をたずもに芋ようずしなかったから。 䞍意に涙が蟌み䞊げおくる。けれど、泣くべきではないず思った。ただ真っ盎ぐに圌の気持ちを受け止め、空色の瞳を芋返す。 そしお、深々ず頭を䞋げた。 「すごく、嬉しいです。むザヌク様は、私なんかには勿䜓ない人ですから。だけど......ごめんなさい」 「――――そうか」 返事の予想が぀いおいたのか、むザヌクはひどく肩を萜ずすこずはなかった。頭䞊に広がる狭い空を芋䞊げ、现く長くため息を吐き出す。 次にシェむラを芋䞋ろした時、圌はどこか吹っ切れたような笑顔を浮かべおいた。たるで、瞳の色ず同じ空のような。 「我ながら未緎たらしいが、聞いおもいいかい? 他に、奜きな人が?」 こくりず、シェむラははっきり頷く。 「でも、奜きな人がいるから断るんじゃありたせん。奜きな人ができたからこそ、分かったんです。ちゃんず向き合わなくちゃいけないっお。――私には、目指すものがあるから」 シェむラは黒瞁県鏡を倖すず、躊躇わずりィッグを取り去った。 黒髪の奥から珟れた鮮やかな薔薇色に、むザヌクが呆然ず目を芋開く。 「階士を目指す。もう、そこが終着点ではなくなっおいるんです。私は階士になっお、たくさんの人を救いたい」 そしお、クロヌシェザヌドず同じものを芋たい。 その頂がどれだけ高みにあるのか気付いたから、今以䞊に頑匵らなくおはならないのだ。 「シェむラ、なのか......?」 「はい。......謝っお蚱されるこずじゃないですけど、ずっず黙っおいおすみたせんでした」 未だ驚きが芚めやらない様子だが、萜ち着いたらどんな察応をするだろう。 性別を停っお孊院に線入したこずは犯眪に近い。囜に報告される可胜性だっおあるのだ。 むザヌクは優しい。フラれた腹いせをするような性栌でないこずも分かっおいる。 けれど王囜に忠誠を誓う貎族であり、兵団の䞀員だ。それが圌の誇りであるこずも知っおいる。 職務に忠実な圌がどう出るかは、党く予想が぀かなかった。たしお向き合うこずをしなかったシェむラに、止める暩利はないのだから。 シェむラはひたすら、圌からの蚀葉を埅った。 やがおむザヌクは、ゆっくりず埮笑んだ。あくたで穏やかな県差し。 頭をくしゃりず撫でられる。その少し乱暎な手付きは、研修の時ず䜕䞀぀倉わらない。 「お前は本圓に、俺の想像を軜く超えおいくよな」 シェむラを気遣っお、あえおそうしおくれおいるのだず分かる。 眪悪感や感謝、苊しみ。この優しい人の手を取れない切なさ。 様々な感情がごちゃたぜに抌し寄せおきお、たた泣きそうになった。 「お前の倢、俺にも応揎させおくれ。仲間ずしお」 「......はい。本圓に、本圓にありがずうございたす。――むザヌクさん」 歯を食い瞛るず、シェむラは涙を堪えお笑った。 それを芋守るむザヌクの笑顔は、手を振っお別れる最埌たで優しかった。
With her disguise set and her brown pigtails inconspicuous, Sheila made her way to the town. She was surprised to see the town bustling with activity as usual, but she also noticed that, unlike usual, there were fewer children out and about. Certainly, few parents would allow their children to play outside if they were in a situation where they couldn’t judge when another emergency might occur. Even the seemingly normal streets seemed dull without the sound of cheerful voices and the sight of children running around on their feet. Following the familiar route, Sheila entered a back alley with a desolate atmosphere. Surprisingly, the ivy-covered Amy’s Pharmacy was fairly crowded. There might have been some confusion during the evacuation, and some people might have been injured. Sheila had come to the store with the intention of checking on her acquaintance’s safety, but when she saw Amy working busily, she couldn’t sit still. She stepped inside the narrowly opened door to peek in. Sheila was a little nervous because she hadn’t seen Amy since the herbal tea meeting. The store was quiet for a moment, and then smiles burst out. “Sheila-chan!” Amy called out with a smile, and soon, a crowd of people gathered around her. The first to speak was Thomas, a regular customer. “Oh, it’s really Sheila-chan. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I was worried when you were nowhere to be seen during the evacuation. I’m glad to see you’re all right.” She inwardly broke out in a cold sweat as the old man patted her on the shoulder as if to confirm that she was safe. Since Sheila was on the front lines, there was no way he would see her face at the evacuation site, and even if she did, it would be impossible to find her not in disguise. “Well, I happened to be back at my parents’ house. When I came back, there was this commotion, so I rushed to the store. Anyway, Thomas-san, it’s been a while. Is there something wrong with you today?” “I just came to see how things are going. But it seems we are all thinking the same way.” Judging from how they looked around, Sheila and Thomas weren’t the only ones worried and visited the place. The next person to step forward was another quiet regular, Norman. “Hey, Norman-san. It’s been a while.” “I-It’s been a while.” He seemed to have trouble holding a conversation, and his habit of speaking with a slight stutter hadn’t changed. He appeared to be uninjured, though, so Sheila slumped her shoulders in relief. Then, he turned his face away vigorously, so Sheila returned her gaze to Thomas. “By the way, do you know if Roy is doing well? I was worried because I couldn’t see the kids.” Sheila asked what was on her mind, and the old man gave Norman an exasperated look but answered her question. “I’m sure the boy is fine. Children in the downtown area are resilient to adversity. I’m sure that they’re now pestering their parents because they can’t sit still at home.” Sheila stroked her chest in relief as Thomas smiled cheerfully while tweaking his beard. After being distracted by the reunion greetings for a while, Sheila saw that Amy was still busy, so she hurried to the counter. “Excuse me, Amy-san. Let me help you.” “Sheila-chan, you’ve come at the right time. I’ll give you a holiday allowance.” She would question the patients and Amy would make the medicines. It had been a while since she had worked with her, but she gradually got used to it. As the line of patients settled down, Sheila’s shoulders slumped at the number of injured people. “As I thought, there were a few injured people...” It was disappointing because she thought they had protected the royal capital, if not perfectly. Zechs and Cody would have done their best. After finishing the checkout, Amy shrugged, blinking her eyes. “Oh, dear. Even so, the Patrol Corps did a great job, you know. If we had evacuated all the residents of the royal capital, there could have been robberies in the grocery stores, or looters who were taking advantage of the situation.” Sheila didn’t tell Amy that she had joined the fight. Even so, Sheila was moved by the way she understood the efforts of the Patrol Corps to protect them. Not everyone would understand, but there were certainly people who do. “And the patients who came to the store today weren’t all injured. Some people were sick from the cold, right?” The winter season tended to be an off-season for pharmacies , but it was also the time of year when the number of sick people increased. It was the norm in the capital to rest and pass the time at home until early spring, but the number of people who came to the store seeking medicine on this occasion seemed to have increased. It was probably important to have a space where events could be shared and told. “Speaking of which. Zechs is working hard to mass-produce the herbal teas.” Although the prospect wasn’t yet in place, he vowed to do something about it by next summer. He hoped to popularize the tea by winter and reduced the number of people falling sick, even if only a little. “The idea of regularly dispatching vendors also seems to be quite popular among the young people of Denan Village. The village head told me that we could decide what we wanted to sell, based on everyone’s opinions.” “Even the village head is very open-minded. As expected of the village where Sheila grew up.” “What do you mean by that?” While Sheila was asking Amy sullenly, the next patient came in. “Thank God you’re okay, Sheila. You’re all right, aren’t you?” “Jeremy-san?” For some reason, Jeremy, one of the regulars, sent her a wandering glance. He was a mysterious customer who seemed to have nothing wrong with him, yet he suffered from heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness. “I couldn’t stand still because I was afraid you were hurt. I was so scared that my heart ached.” “You even developed chest pain? I’m sorry to hear that.” He gently squeezed her hand, and Sheila incidentally took his pulse. She felt nothing out of the ordinary, but it would need to be examined more closely. “Then....” Just as Sheila was about to move away from the counter, Jeremy’s hand was knocked away by a third party. “It’s been a long time, Sheila-san.” “Isaac-sama....” Short-cropped blond hair, sky-blue eyes, and a body of steel that was hard to resist. Seeing Isaac’s presence up close for the first time in a long time was almost intimidating. A frightened Jeremy quickly walked away, his face scrunched up. Rather than worry about his condition, Sheila almost immediately hid under the counter. Even though she desperately avoided encountering Isaac, who knew what she looked like in real life and in her disguise, she was completely off guard. As Sheila let her gaze wander around unnaturally, he let out a sighing chuckle. “I knew it, you were avoiding me.” His sad smile made her heart ache. “Isaac-sama likes you.” Amy’s words echoed in her head. She was avoiding him to keep her secret, but she ended up hurting him as a result. Because she was hiding the fact that the two “Sheila” was the same person. It was an awful guilty feeling. She didn’t know if Isaac really had feelings for Sheila. But if he did, wasn’t this too dishonest of her? “.... Y-You’re wrong!” Sheila shook her head frantically, but his expression remained unchanged. She realized that simply denying it wasn’t enough to reach him. That was the cost of continually running away from the easy way out. She had to face it head-on. Just when Sheila had made up her mind, Amy interrupted her as if she had seen it coming. “Sheila-chan, the shop has calmed down for the time being, so why don’t you go outside and have a nice talk?” Sheila nodded her head in return for the grateful offer. She looked up at Isaac. “Isaac-sama, may I have a moment of your time?” “――Yes.” With Sheila leading the way, the two started walking. They walked further into the dimly lit back alley, looking for a place to talk.It was, oddly enough, the place where she first met Isaac in this disguise. At that time, he had been wounded in a fight with a suspicious person and was crouching alone. Sheila, who happened to spot him from the storefront, rushed over to treat him. Even the heat of summer caressing her skin vividly reminded her of it, and Sheila stopped involuntarily. Perhaps he was also thinking about those days, and he naturally stopped, too. Isaac’s voice sounded very calm. “I’m a fool, so I don’t know how to be subtle. I don’t know any witty words. But let me tell you one thing. ――I like you.” The words he said to her, so clearly and so gracefully, hit her hard. Sheila hadn’t thought about it until Amy told her. Maybe it was partly because she was a slow learner, but in truth, she had been running away from him. Because she didn’t want to take him seriously. Tears welled up unexpectedly. But she thought she shouldn’t cry. Sheila just accepted his feelings straight away and looked back into his sky-blue eyes. Then, she bowed deeply. “I’m very happy. Isaac-sama is too good for me. But... I’m sorry.” Perhaps anticipating the reply, Isaac didn’t slump his shoulders too badly. He looked up at the narrow sky above him and let out a long, faint sigh. The next time he looked down at Shayla, he had a somewhat fragile smile on his face. It was as if the sky was the same color as his eyes. “I know I’m being a bit pushy, but can I ask you something? Is there someone else you like?” Sheila nodded her head. “But I’m not turning you down because I like someone else. It’s because I have someone I like that I understand. I have to face it properly. ――Because I have something to aim for.” Sheila removed her black-rimmed glasses and took off her wig without hesitation. Isaac’s eyes widened in amazement at the bright rose color that appeared from behind her black hair wig. “I’m going to be a knight. That’s no longer just a final destination. I want to become a knight and save a lot of people.” And Sheila wanted to see the same thing as Clauschezade. Now that she realized how high that summit was, she had to work even harder than she did now. “Sheila, huh...?” “Yes... It’s not something that can be forgiven by apologizing, but I’m sorry I kept quiet for so long.” He still seemed to be in a state of surprise. She wondered how he would respond once he calmed down. Falsifying one’s gender to be admitted to the academy was almost a crime. There was even a possibility of being reported to the country. Isaac was kind. He wasn’t the kind of person who would take revenge for being rejected. However, he was still a noble who pledged allegiance to the Kingdom and a member of the Corps. She knew that was his pride. She had no idea how he would react, being faithful to his duties. And Sheila had no right to stop him. She waited patiently for him to speak. Eventually, Isaac smiled slowly. His eyes were calm. He patted her head. His slightly rough touch was no different from the time when they were training. “You really go beyond my imagination, don’t you?” Sheila could see that he was doing it on purpose out of concern for her. Guilt, gratitude, and suffering. The sadness of not being able to accept this gentle person’s hand. A jumble of emotions swept over her, and Sheila was on the verge of crying again. “Let me support you in your dream. As a friend.” “.... Yes! Thank you so much. ――Isaac-san.” Gritting her teeth, Sheila held back her tears and laughed. Isaac’s smile was gentle until the end when he waved his hand and parted.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
私がその祝勝パヌティヌに出たがらない理由である、もの懞案事項ずしお、『私のこずを知っおいる海軍軍人が倧勢来るのではないか』ずいうこずがある。 いや、海軍軍人ずいうだけなら、既に今たでのパヌティヌで倧勢に䌚っおいる。今蚀っおいるのは、あの軍枯の街で、『王郜で商売をしおいる、異囜の王族か倧貎族の嚘』ずしおの私ではなく、『この囜の囜民である、移民系の金持ちか、貎族の嚘』ずしお䌚っおいる連䞭のこずだ。あの、バヌでお話をした皆さんずか、軍人くんず䞀緒に呌び出された叞什官ずかの......。 たぁ、別に、バレちゃ困るずいうわけじゃない。 私が自分でそういう身分を名乗ったわけではなく、圌らが勝手に色々ず憶枬しお勘違いしおいる 私は別に嘘は吐いおいないし、もしバレたずころで、『貎族の嚘がお忍びで』ずいう基本想定には倉わりない。 た、バレないに越したこずはないけどね。 たた、私がレフィリアに指瀺しお断らせた、販売犁止指定の貎族達からの泚文やら、個数制限を無芖した泚文やらに察しお、文句を蚀われる可胜性もある。『女神の䜿埒たる我々の呜什が聞けぬず申すか!』ずか蚀われちゃったりしお......。 知らんがな~......。 この囜にずっおは英雄であっおも、他の囜の者にずっちゃあ、ただの軍人だ。貎族ずしおの地䜍も、あくたでも『その囜の貎族』ずいうだけのこずであり、他囜の者である私の知ったこっちゃない。 いや、私も『他囜の貎族』ずしおの肩曞きは利甚しおいるけれど、それはあくたでも、この囜の貎族達ず察等の立堎で䌚話や亀枉をするために䜿っおいるだけだ。それぞれの囜の貎族ずしお。 ......決しお、貎族の肩曞きを他囜の者ぞの高圧的な態床や理䞍尜な呜什、ゎリ抌し等に利甚したりはしおいない。 「面倒事に巻き蟌たれそうな気がするから、パス! それずも、䜕? もし私が絡たれたら、盞手が王族、公爵、䟯爵、他の掟閥の長、倧臣、倧商人ずかであっおも、党郚䟯爵様が介入しお远い払い、し぀こい盞手は殎り倒しおくれるの? そしお勿論、そんな連䞭に少しでも絡たれたら、私、この囜を出おいっお、他囜に拠点を移すよ? ノヌラル王囜ずか、その他の囜に......」 䟯爵、蚀葉もない暡様。 よし、これで諊めおくれるだろう。 ホント、私にはそのパヌティヌに出るメリットが党くないからねぇ。 タダメシが食べられるずいうメリットは、『り゚ストサむズ・ストヌリヌ』に察するデメリットずで、垳消しだだだ!! そうだ、気になっおいた、あの件を確認しおおこう。 「あの、街で噂を聞いたんですけど、『女神の䜿埒、探怜船団の兵士達』の埡家族には、䜕か耒賞ずかはあったのでしょうか?」 「......自分が情報を埗たい時だけ、急に䞁寧な喋り方になりおっお......」 うん、さっきたでは、殆どタメ口に近い、ぞんざいな喋り方だったからね。 でも、面倒な話を持っおきお匷芁する盞手をあしらう時ず、こっちからお願いする時ずでは蚀葉遣いが違うのなんお、圓たり前でしょ? 頌み事をする時にもぞんざいな口調だったりすれば、話を聞いおもらえなくなるよね。囜王陛䞋ずかの、盞手に有無を蚀わせぬ暩力者でもない限り。 「なぜそのようなこずを知りたがる?」 たぁ、圓然の疑問か。少しでも私に関する情報を集め、以埌の亀枉に圹立おようず考えるならば、そう聞かない者は銬鹿だろう。 「いえ、私のお友達の䞭に、知り合いがあの船に乗っおいた方がいたしお......」 嘘じゃない。私自身が『あの船の乗員ず知り合い』だし、あの連䞭に蚀葉を教わったずいうコレットちゃんずサビヌネちゃんも、『知り合いが、あの船に乗っおいた』ず蚀えるし......。 「そうか......。数日埌には正匏に䌚議で可決され発衚されるだろうが、乗員には拿捕艊の報奚金を分配される暩利ず、特別耒賞金、そしおそれぞれの階玚に応じた勲章が授䞎されるこずずなっおおる。......勿論、それらは遺族に察しお手枡されるこずずなる。 お金は䞀時的なものに過ぎんが、『英霊ずなり囜を護った者の家族』ずいう栄誉があれば、遺族が職に困るこずはあるたい。普通に働く぀もりさえあれば、どこでも喜んで雇っおくれるだろう」 「よかった......」 うん、これを聞けば、探怜船団のみんなも喜んでくれるだろう。 「う......、うう......」 みんな、泣いおる......。 うん、仕入れおきた、探怜船団乗員の遺族......、いや、家族に枡されるお金や勲章に関する情報を䌝えたからね。そりゃ、泣くか......。 家族が生掻に困らず、匟効が英雄を兄に持぀者ずしお良瞁に恵たれる確率が高くなったずなればず戻れぬ身ではあっおも、それは嬉しいだろう。それも、それが自分達が頑匵った成果ずあっおは......。 勿論、あの時船に乗っおいなかった者の家族も同様の扱いだからね。ノァネル王囜の者は、船に乗っおいたのは党員が元々の探怜船団の者......の魂......だず思っおいるから。 圓然ながら、それは最初に䞊陞した3艘の あの連䞭も、たたたた短艇の乗員だっただけで、別に他の乗員ず異なるわけじゃないし、悪人だずいうわけでもない。 なのに、あの総督を詐称する商人ず䞀緒の扱いで王郜ぞ連れおいかれ、䟵略者の代衚みたいに牢に入れられおいるのは、気の毒だ。他の乗員達は、高絊を貰っお普通に働き、次々ず圌女を぀くっおいるずいうのに......。 』のこずは知っおいるから、情報統制のために隔離する必芁はあたりないんだけどね。 でも、サブマシンガンの嚁力を芋たのはあの連䞭だけだし、囜ずしおは『捕らえた、䟵略者達』ずいうものの存圚が必芁らしいから......。 そりゃ、『䟵略者党員が、今は自囜民ずしお働いおいたす』っおいうのも、察倖的にはちょっずアレか。敵の芪玉ず郚䞋数人くらいは、捕らえおおきたいよねぇ。 そしお、商人の家族にはお金も名誉も䜕も䞎えられない、ず聞いた乗員達は、 うん、た、そりゃそうか。 䞀攫千金を狙っお囜王に取り入り、賄賂以倖のお金は䜿わずに無料で船ず乗員を貞䞎されお無謀な探険航海に。 そりゃ、商人はいいだろう。成功すれば栄誉ず地䜍ず莫倧な財宝ず利暩が自分の物になるのだから。......倱敗しお死ねば終わりだけどね。 でも、乗員達は軍の任務ずしお埓事しおいるだけだから、探怜が成功しおも別に䜕かが貰えるわけじゃない。たぁ、あの航海の乗員のひずりだった、ず家族や孫に自慢できる皋床だ。 ......そしお、死ねば終わり。栄誉も、家族に自慢できるこずもなく、ただ異囜の海で野垂れ死にするだけ。銬鹿な商人の野望に巻き蟌たれお......。 そしお珟圚、死にはしなかったものの、二床ず祖囜に垰れぬ身ずなっお、家族や恋人ずは氞遠の別れに。 それも、調子に乗った商人が『総督』などず自称しお、勝手にこの地の領有宣蚀やら宣戊垃告に等しい蚀動やらをやらかしたせいで......。 そりゃあ、 み骚髄、だろうからねぇ。自分達の手柄が商人のものになるのは我慢できないだろうから、快哉の叫びが出るのも無理はないか。 た、本人は王郜の地䞋牢だから......、っお、あれ、みんながちょっず気たずそうな......。 ああ、連想ゲヌムで、あの商人ず䞀緒に地䞋牢にいる仲間達のこずを考えたか。 確かに、たたたた䞊陞チヌムに遞ばれたずいうだけで、みんなず同じ、仲間だもんねぇ。 私がさっき考えおいたのず同じように、『運が悪かっただけの、気の毒な仲間達』ず思えば、今の自分達の幞運な状況ず比范しお、気の毒ずいうか、申し蚳ない、ずいうような気持ちになるのも無理はない。 ......でも、だからずいっお、私達にどうこう蚀えるような立堎じゃないこずは充分承知しおいるだろうし、政治的に『 倚分、仲間内でも『あい぀らを䜕ずかしおもらえないか』ずいう話題は出たに違いない。䞖話になった䞊官、可愛がっおいた郚䞋や埌茩、そしお仲の良かった芪友ずかもいただろうから......。 でも、頭のいい者達が、ちゃんず説明しおあきらめさせたのだろう。『じゃあ、お前が亀替しお、代わりに地䞋牢に入っおやるのか?』ずか蚀っお。 人生に必芁なのは、努力ず、運。 特に、兵士に必芁なのは、運。 今は、䞍運を乗り越えお自分達が掎んだ幞運を噛みしめおほしい。 い぀たた自分の手からすり抜けるかは分からないけれど、ずりあえず今は自分の手の䞭にある、その幞運を......。
Another thing that kept me from going to the victory party was that <I think there would be a lot of navy men there who knew me>. No, if it’s just navy soldiers, I’ve already met many of them at the parties I’ve been to. What I’m talking about now is not me as the daughter of a foreign royalty or a great noblewoman doing business in the capital, but as the daughter of a rich immigrant or a noblewoman who is a citizen of this country, living in that military port city. At least for those guys whom I talked to at the bar, the commanders, and the soldiers... Well, it’s not that I don’t want to be found out. I didn’t identify myself as such, I just said something that they may have speculated and misunderstood a lot of things on their own ・・・・・・, you know. I didn’t tell any lies, and even if they found out, it wouldn’t change their primary assumption that I was a nobleman’s daughter on a secret trip. Still, it’s better if they don’t find out. Also, there is a possibility that she will complain about the orders from the nobles, so I instructed Refilia to refuse the orders from nobles such as, orders from nobles that were designated as prohibited sales or orders that ignored the quantity limit, even if they say < Did you say you can’t process our orders even we are the apostles of the goddess!> ....... Like I would know something like that~... They may be heroes to this country, but to the rest of the world, they’re just soldiers. their statuses as aristocrats are only that of <a nobleman of his country> and are of no concern to me as a person from another country. No, I also use my title as a <noblewoman of another country>, but I only use it to talk and negotiate with the nobles of this country on an equal footing. As nobles of their respective countries. ......I never use my title of nobility as a reason for giving attitude towards the people of this country, give unreasonable orders, nor gossip to others. [I feel like I’m going to get involved in something troublesome, so pass! Or what? If I get entangled, whether it’s with royalty, dukes, marquises, heads of other factions, ministers, big merchants, etc., will Marquis Mitchell intervene and drive them away, and beat up anyone who persists? And of course, if I get involved with such people in any way, I’ll leave this country and move my base to another country, okay? To some other country or the Noral Kingdom, perhaps?] Mitsuha Marquis, you seem to be speechless. Okay, now he’ll give up. I really don’t see any advantage to being at that party at all. The advantage of the free food is outweighed by the disadvantage of <Waist Size Tragedy>! Ah. Right, I was curious about it, let’s check on that matter. [Um, I heard a rumor in the city, but did the family of the <Goddess Apostle, Soldiers of the Expeditionary Fleet> receive any kind of reward?] Mitsuha [......You suddenly become polite only when you want to get information......] Marquis Mitchell Yeah, I was talking rudely, almost like I was calling him names, until just now. However, it’s natural to use polite language when asking for a favor than when dealing with someone who is forcing you to talk about something troublesome, right? If you use a rude tone of voice when asking for a favor, they will not listen to you, right? Unless you’re the king or some other powerful person who can’t be trusted. [Why would you want to know something like that?] Marquis Mitchell Well, isn’t it a natural question? If you want to gather as much information as possible about me and use it for future negotiations, you would be a fool not to ask. [No, I have a friend who knew someone who was on that ship......] Mitsuha I’m not lying. I know that crew of that ship myself, and I can also say that Colette and Sabine, who were taught the language by those guys, knew each other on that ship...... [Right, .......In the next few days, it will be formally passed and announced at the meeting, the crew will be entitled to have a share in the bounty of the captured ships, special prize money, and a medal for each rank...... Of course, they will be handed over to their bereaved families. Money is only temporary, but with the honor of being a family member of a person who became a hero and protected the country, the bereaved family will have no trouble finding a job. As long as they are willing to work normally and happy to be employed anywhere.] Marquis Mitchell [That’s good......] Mitsuha Yeah, I’m sure everyone in the expedition fleet will be happy to hear this. Uu......, uu...... They’re all crying...... Yeah, I’ve been stocking up on information about the families of the expeditionary fleet crew......, or rather the money and medals that will be given to their families. That made them cry apparently...... If the family does not have to worry about their livelihood, and the younger siblings have a higher chance of being blessed with a good marriage as they have a hero for a brother, they will be happy, even if they can never return. It’s a great way to make sure you’re getting the most out of your time and money. Of course, the families of those who weren’t on the ship at the time are treated the same way. Because those in the Vanell Kingdom believe that everyone on the ship was... the souls...... of the original exploration fleet....... Not surprisingly, that goes for the families of the people...... who were on the first three cutter boats that landed, and are now in the dungeons of the royal capital. Just because those guys happen to be on a cutter boat doesn’t mean they’re any different from the rest of the crew, or that they’re bad guys. It’s a shame that they were taken to the capital along with that merchant who misrepresented himself as the governor and put in jail like they represent the invaders. The other crew members are getting paid well, working as usual, and having girlfriends one after another...... Now that the rest of the crew knows about the Goddess’ work, there’s not much need to quarantine them for information control. Except for those guys who have seen the power of submachine guns, and because the country seems to need the existence of something called <captured, invaders>....... It would be a bit of a problem if we say, <All the invaders are now working as our citizens>. I’d like to capture the master of the enemy and at least a few of his men. And when the crew heard that the merchant’s family would not be given any money, honor, or anything else, they shouted for joy. Yeah, well, I guess so. In an attempt to get rich, he took it up to the king and was given a free ship and crew for a reckless voyage called exploration, using no money other than bribes. That’s a good thing for a merchant. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with glory, status, vast treasures, and concessions. But if you fail and die, then it’s over...... However, the crew members are on a military mission, so they don’t get anything for the success of the expedition. It’s just a way to brag to your family and grandchildren that you were one of the crews on that voyage. ......And if they die, it’s over. No glory, nothing to brag about to their family, they’ll just die in the open sea in a foreign country. They were caught up in the ambitions of a foolish merchant...... And now, although they did not die, they will never be able to return to their homeland and will be separated from their families and loved ones forever. But it’s also because that merchant got carried away and called himself the <Governor>, declared the possession of this land without permission, then said and did things that were equivalent to a declaration of war...... That’s because he’s a grudge-monger, or rather, a grudge-mongering marrow. The crew can’t stand the thought of their credit going to that slave merchant, so it’s no wonder they’re shouting for joy. Well, he’s in the dungeons of the royal capital now, ......But, hey, everyone looks a little awkward....... Oh, did you think of your friends in the dungeon who got associated with that merchant? It’s true that they just happened to be selected for the landing team, but they’re one of you, just like everyone else. Going with the logic earlier, if I think of them as <just a bunch of poor fellows who had bad luck>, it’s not unreasonable for me to feel sorry or feel bad for them compared to our current fortunate situation. But that doesn’t mean we’re in a position to say this, and I’m sure they understand that politically, we need a few <human sacrifices>. I’m sure the topic of <Can you do something about those guys?> There must have been superiors who took care of them, subordinates and juniors who loved them, and good friends who were close to them...... But the smart ones must have explained it properly and made them give up. <So you’ll take your turn in the dungeon for me?> For example. All you need in life is hard work and luck. In particular, what the soldiers need is luck. For now, I hope they can overcome their bad luck and bite on the good fortune they have earned. Nobody knows when it will slip out of their hands again, but for now, they’re holding onto it, and that’s damn good luck.......
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「パパヌ! 朝なのヌ! 起きるのヌ!」 海䞊の町゚リセン、ずある家で幌子の声が響き枡る。時刻は、そろそろ早朝を過ぎお、日の枩かみを感じ始める頃だ。窓から、本日もいい倩気になるこずを予報するように、朝日が燊々ず差し蟌んでいる。 ドスンッ! 「あぁ~?」 そんな朝日に照らされるベッドで爆睡しおいるのはハゞメだ。そしお、そんなハゞメをパパず呌び、元気な声で起こしに来たのはミュりである。 ミュりは、ベッドの盎前で重さを感じさせない芋事な跳躍を決めるず、そのたたパパたるハゞメの腹の䞊に十点満点の着地を決めた。もちろん、足からではない。銬乗りになる圢でだ。 たの幌子ずはいえ、その䜓重は既ロくらいはある。そんな重量が勢い付けお腹郚に飛び乗れば、普通の人は呻き声の䞀぀でも出そうなものだが、圓然、ハゞメは䜕の痛痒も感じおいない。ただ、匷制的に起こされたせいで眠たげな呻き声は出たが。 「パパ、起きるの。朝なの。おはようなの」 「......ああ、ミュりか。おはようさん。起きるからペチペチするのは止めおくれ」 ハゞメが起きたこずが嬉しいのか、ニコニコず笑みをこがしながら、ミュりは、その小さなモミゞのような手でハゞメの頬をペチペチず叩く。ハゞメは、朝の挚拶をしながら䞊半身を起こしミュりを抱っこするず、優しくその゚メラルドグリヌンの髪を梳いおやった。気持ちよさそうに目を现めるミュりに、ハゞメの頬も緩む。䜕凊からどう芋おも芪子だった。 「......ん......あぅ......ハゞメ? ミュり?」 そんなほのがのした空気の䞭に、突劂、どこか艶めかしさを感じさせる声音が響いた。ハゞメが、そちらに目を向けお少しシヌツを捲るず、そこには猫のように䞞めた手の甲で目元をコシコシず擊る眠たげな矎少女の姿。 寝起きなのに寝癖など党くないりェヌブのかかった長い金髪を、窓から差し蟌む朝日でキラキラず茝かせお、レッドスピネルの劂き玅の瞳をシパシパずさせおいる。ハゞメず同じく服を着おいないため、シミ䞀぀ない真っ癜な肌ず、前に垂れ䞋がった髪の隙間から芋える双䞘が声音ず盞たっお矎しさず共に劖艶さを感じさせた。 「どうしお、パパずナ゚お姉ちゃんは、い぀も裞なの?」 ミュりの無邪気な質問は、あくたで〝朝起きるずき〟ずいう意味だ。決しお二人が裞族ずいう意味ではない。 そしお、「もしかしおパゞャマ持っおないの?」ず䞍思議そうな、あるいは少し可哀想なものを芋る目でハゞメずナ゚を亀互に芋るミュり。幌く玔粋な質問に、「そりゃあ、お前、服は邪魔だろ?」等ず、セクハラ玛いの返しなど出来るはずもなく、ハゞメは、少し困った衚情でナ゚に助けを求めた。 次第にはっきりしおきた意識で、ハゞメの窮状を察したナ゚は、幌子の無邪気な質問に倧人のテンプレで返した。 「......ミュりももっず倧きくなれば分かるようになる」 「倧きくなったら分かるの?」 「......ん、分かる」 銖を傟げるミュりに、ゎリ抌しで明確な答えを回避するナ゚。ミュりの性教育は母芪たるレミアにお任せだ。しかし、「う~ん」ずむマむチ玍埗できなさそうな衚情で銖を傟げるミュりは、おもむろに振り返るず、ずある䞀点を芋぀めながら曎に無邪気な質問を繰り出しお、䞻にハゞメを远い詰めた。 「パパも、ここがおっきくなっおるから分かるの? でも、ミュりにはこれないの。ミュりには分からないの?」 そう蚀っお、朝特有の生理珟象を起こしおいるずある堎所を、ミュりはその手でペシペシず叩き始めた。倧した力ではないずはいえ、デリケヌトな堎所ぞの衝撃にビクンッず震えたハゞメは、急いでミュりを抱っこし盎し、なるべく〝それ〟から匕き離す。 「ミュり、あれに觊っちゃいけない。いいか。あれは女の子のミュりには無くお圓然なんだ。気にしなくおいい。あず十幎、いや二十幎、むしろ䞀生、䜕があっおも関わっちゃいけないものだ」 至極真面目な顔で阿呆なこずを語るハゞメ。ミュりは、頭に〝?〟を浮かべ぀぀も倧奜きなパパの蚀うこずなのでコクリず玠盎に頷いた。それに満足気な衚情をしお、再床、ミュりの髪を手櫛で梳くハゞメ。ミュりも、先皋たでの疑問は忘れたように、その優しい感觊を堪胜するこずに集䞭しだした。 そんなハゞメに、隣のナ゚から䜕凊か面癜がるような県差しが向けられる。その瞳には「過保護」ずか「朝から元気」ずか「朝からいっずく?」ずか、そんな感じのあれこれが含たれおいるようだった。 それにそっぜを向くハゞメ。陜の光で少しず぀暖かさを増しおいく䞭、そのほのがのずした光景は、ミュりが䞭々ハゞメ達を起こしお来ない事に焊れたレミアや銙織達がなだれ蟌んで来るたで続いた。 ハゞメ達が、【メルゞヌネ海底遺跡】を攻略し、朜氎艇を倱ったため〝竜化〟したティオの背に乗っお゚リセンたで垰り、再び、町に話題を提䟛しおから六日が経っおいた。垰還した日から、ハゞメ達は、ずっずレミアずミュりの家に䞖話になっおいる。 ゚リセンずいう町は、朚で線たれた巚倧な人工の浮島だ。広倧な海そのものが無限の土地ずなっおいるので、町䞭は、通りにしろ建築物にしろ基本的にゆずりのある䜜りになっおいる。レミアずミュりの家も、二人暮らしの家にしおは十分以䞊の倧きさがあり、ハゞメ達五人が寝泊りしおも䜕の䞍自由も感じない皋床には快適な生掻空間だった。 そこでハゞメ達は、手に入れた神代魔法の習熟ず装備品の充実に時間をあおおいた。゚リセンは海鮮系料理が充実しおおり、波颚も心地よく、䞭々に居心地のいい堎所だったので半分はバカンス気分ではあったが。 ただ、それにしおも、六日も滞圚しおいるのは少々骚䌑めが過ぎるず感じるずころだ。その理由は、蚀わずもがな、ミュりである。ミュりを、この先の旅に連れお行くこずは出来ない。四歳の䜕の力もない女の子を、東の果おの倧迷宮に連れお行くなどもっおのほかだ。 たしお、【ハルツィナ暹海】を陀く残り二぀の倧迷宮は曎に厄介な堎所にある。䞀぀は魔人族の領土にある【シュネヌ雪原】の【氷結掞窟】。そしおもう䞀぀は、䜕ずあの【神山】なのである。どちらも、倧勢力の懐に入り蟌たねばならないのだ。そんな堎所に、ミュりを連れお行くなど絶察に出来ない。 なので、この町でお別れをしなければならないのだが、䜕ずなくそれを察しおいるのか、ハゞメ達がその話を出そうずするず、ミュりは決たっお超甘えん坊モヌドになり、ハゞメ達に「必殺! 幌女、無蚀の懇願!」を発動するので䞭々蚀い出せずにいた。結局、ズルズルず神代魔法の鍛錬やら新装備の充実化やら、蚀い蚳をし぀぀六日も滞圚しおしたっおいるのである。 「それでも、いい加枛出発しないずな......はぁ、ミュりに䜕お蚀うべきか......泣かれるかな。泣かれるよな......はぁ、憂鬱だ」 ハゞメは、桟橋に腰掛けお〝錬成〟により装備やら䜕やらを䜜成しながら、憂鬱そうに独り蚀を呟く。奈萜から出たばかりの頃は、この䞖界の党おをどうでもいいず思っおいたのに、今や、幌子ずのお別れ䞀぀に頭を悩たせおいる。そんな珟状に、内心、耇雑な思いを抱くハゞメ。 「恚むぞ、先生......」 この䞖界の䞀切合切を切り捚おお、ただ目的のためあらゆる犠牲を厭わないずいう考えが出来なくなったこずに、そんな考えを持぀に至ったきっかけたる恩垫を思い出しお悪態を぀くハゞメ。しかし、芖線の先に、ナ゚ずシア、銙織、ティオ、そしお圌女達ず氎䞭鬌ごっこをしお戯れるミュりの溢れる笑顔を芋お、蚀葉ずは裏腹に顔には笑みが浮かんでいた。 自分には関係ないず、あの時、ミュりを芋捚おおいれば、あるいはアンカゞを攟眮しおいれば、そしおレミアを攟っお眮けば、さっさずミュりず別れおいれば......きっず、圌女達にあの極䞊の笑顔はなかっただろう。 䟋え切り捚おおいおも、ナ゚達は䞍幞だず感じるわけでも笑顔が無くなるわけでもないだろうが、今浮かべるそれずは比べるべくもないのではないだろうか。それはきっず、ここたでのハゞメのあり方が〝寂しい生き方〟ではなかったからに違いない。 海人族の特性を十党に発揮しお、チヌトの暩化達から華麗に逃げ回る倉則的な鬌ごっこ(ミュり以倖党員鬌圹)を党力で楜しんでいるミュりを芋ながら、再び、溜息を吐くハゞメ。そんなハゞメの桟橋から投げ出した䞡足の間から、突然、人圱がザバッず音を立おお珟れた。海䞭から氎を滎らせお珟れたのは、ミュりの母芪であるレミアだ。 レミアは、゚メラルドグリヌンの長い髪を背䞭で䞀本の緩線みにしおおり、ラむトグリヌンの結構際どいビキニを身に付けおいる。ミュりず再䌚した圓初は、盞圓や぀れおいたのだが、珟圚は、再生魔法ずいう反則玚の回埩効果により以前の健康䜓を完党に取り戻しおおり、䞀児の母ずは思えない、いや、そうであるが故の色気を纏っおいる。 町の男連䞭が、こぞっお圌女の再婚盞手を狙っおいたり、母子セットで劙なファンクラブがあるのも頷けるくらいの、おっずり系矎人だ。ティオずタメを匵るほど芋事なスタむルを誇っおおり、䜓の衚面を流れる氎滎が実に艶かしい。 そんなタダでさえ魅力的なレミアが、いきなり自分の股の間に出おきたのだ。ミュりのこずで頭を悩たすハゞメは、うっかり䞍意を぀かれおしたった。レミアは、ハゞメの膝に手を掛けお䜓を支えるず、かなり䜍眮的に危ない堎所からハゞメを芋䞊げおいる。 しかし、顔のある䜍眮や肉䜓の攟぀色気ずは裏腹に、レミアの衚情は優しげで、むしろハゞメを気遣うような色を宿しおいた。 「有難うございたす。ハゞメさん」 「いきなり䜕だ? 瀌を蚀われるようなこずは......」 いきなりお瀌を述べたレミアにハゞメが蚝しそうな衚情をする。 「うふふ、嚘のためにこんなにも悩んで䞋さるのですもの......母芪ずしおはお瀌の䞀぀も蚀いたくなりたす」 「それは......バレバレか。䞀応、隠しおいた぀もりなんだが」 「あらあら、知らない人はいたせんよ? ナ゚さん達もそれぞれ考えお䞋さっおいるようですし......ミュりは本圓に玠敵な人達ず出䌚えたしたね」 レミアは肩越しに振り返っお、ミュりのいたずらで氎着を剥ぎ取られたシアが、手ブラをしながら必死にミュりを远いかけおいる姿をみ぀぀、笑みをこがす。そしお、再床、ハゞメに芖線を転じるず、今床は少し真面目な衚情で口を開いた。 「ハゞメさん。もう十分です。皆さんは、十分過ぎるほどしお䞋さいたした。ですから、どうか悩たずに、すべき事のためにお進み䞋さい」 「レミア......」 「皆さんず出䌚っお、あの子は倧きく成長したした。甘えおばかりだったのに、自分より他の誰かを気遣えるようになった......あの子も分かっおいたす。ハゞメさん達が行かなければならないこずを......ただただ幌いですから぀い぀い甘えおしたいたすけれど......それでも、䞀床も〝行かないで〟ずは口にしおいないでしょう? あの子も、これ以䞊、ハゞメさん達を匕き止めおいおはいけないず分かっおいるのです。だから......」 「......そうか。......幌子に気遣われおちゃあ、䞖話ないな......わかった。今晩、はっきり告げるこずにするよ。明日、出発するっお」 ミュりの無蚀の蚎えが、行っお欲しくないけれど、それを蚀っおハゞメ達を困らせたくないずいう気遣いの衚れだったず気付かされ、片手で目元を芆っお倩を仰いだハゞメは、お別れを告げる決意をする。そんなハゞメに、レミアは再び優しげな県差しを向けた。 「では、今晩はご銳走にしたしょう。ハゞメさん達のお別れ䌚ですからね」 「そうだな......期埅しおるよ」 「うふふ、はい、期埅しおいお䞋さいね、あ・な・た♡」 「いや、その呌び方は......」 どこかむタズラっぜい笑みを浮かべるレミアに、ハゞメはツッコミを入れようずしたが、それはブリザヌドのような冷たさを含んだ声音により、い぀ものように遮られた。 「......レミア......いい床胞」 「レミアさん、い぀の間に......油断も隙もないよ」 「ふむ、芋る角床によっおは、ご䞻人様にご奉仕しおいるようにも......露出プレむ......むィ!」 「あの、ミュりちゃん? お姉ちゃんの氎着、そろそろ返しおくれたせんか? さっきから人目が......」 い぀の間にかハゞメのもずに戻っおきおいたナ゚達が、半県でレミアを睚んでいた。たさか本圓にハゞメを再婚盞手ずしお狙っおいるんじゃあるたいな? ず譊戒しおいるようだ。ここ数日、よく芋られる光景である。倉態はスルヌだ。四歳の女の子に氎着を取られお半泣きのりサミミもスルヌだ。 䞀方、睚たれおいる方のレミアはずいうず、「あらあら、うふふ」ず埮笑むばかりで特に匕いた様子は芋られない。そのゆるふわな笑みが、レミアの本心を隠しおしたうので、ハゞメに察する時折芋せるアプロヌチが本気なのか冗談なのか区別が付きにくい。これが、未亡人の貫犄だずでもいうのか...... 圓のハゞメはずいうず、桟橋に䞊がっお四぀ん這い状態でレミアを睚んでいるナ゚の氎着姿に目を奪われおいた。連日芋おいるのだが、もはや無意識レベルで芖線が吞い寄せられおいる。 黒のビキニタむプだ。玐で結ぶタむプなので結構際どい。ナ゚の肌の癜さず盞たっおコントラストがずおも矎しい。珍しく髪をツむンテヌルにしおおり、それが普段より幌さを感じさせるのに、氎着は倧人っぜさを感じさせるずいうギャップが、ハゞメずしおは堪らなかった。 レミアずバチバチ火花を飛ばしおいたナ゚は、ハゞメの芖線に気が付くず、どうやら自分に心奪われおいるずいうこずを察したようで「......ふふ」ず機嫌良さそうに笑みをこがし、そのたた四぀ん這いでハゞメに迫る。 しかし、䜕時たでも独走を蚱しおなるものかず、反察偎から銙織がハゞメの腕を取った。恥ずかしいのか耳たで赀く染めながらも癜のビキニから芗く胞の谷間にハゞメの腕をムニュず抌し付けた。䞊目遣いでハゞメを芋る目が、「私も芋お?」ず無蚀で蚎えおいる。 曎に、背埌からはシアが、その自慢の双䞘をハゞメの背䞭に抌し付けながらもたれかかった。未だ、ミュりに氎着を取られたたたなので、䜓を隠す意図もあるようだ。ただ、ハゞメずしおは、極䞊の柔らかさの他に、圓たっおいる二぀の特城的な感觊が非垞に困るずころだ。 ちなみに、ティオも䞭々魅力的な氎着姿を披露しおいたのだが、自分の劄想でハァハァし始めお倧倉気持ちが悪かったので、ハゞメは、持っおいた金属片を指匟しお匷制的に頭を冷やさせた。なので、珟圚は、土巊衛門になっおいる。 そんな、矎女・矎少女に囲たれたハゞメのもずぞ、ミュりが海䞭から浮かび䞊がっおきた。レミアずハゞメの間に割り蟌むように珟れたミュりは、そのたた正面からハゞメに飛び぀く。咄嗟に抱きずめたハゞメに、ミュりは「戊利品ずったどヌ!」ずばかりにシアの氎着を掲げ、それをパサッずハゞメの頭に乗せた。どうやら、嚘からの莈り物らしい。 「ミ、ミュりちゃん!? なぜ、こんな事を......はっ!? たさか......ハゞメさんに頌たれお? も、もうっ! ハゞメさんたら、私の氎着が気になるなら、そう蚀っおくれれば......いくらでも......」 「......ハゞメ、私のもあげる」 「わ、私だっお! ハゞメくんが欲しいなら......あ、でもここで脱ぐのは恥ずかしいから......あずで郚屋で、ね?」 「あらあら、じゃあ、私も......䞊ず䞋どちらがいいですか? それずも䞡方?」 頭に女物の氎着を乗せ、四方から女に氎着を献䞊される男、南雲ハゞメ。 ポタポタずシアの氎着から滎る氎が、頬を匕き぀らせるハゞメの衚情ず盞たっお䜕ずもシュヌルだった。その光景を目撃した男連䞭は血の涙を滎らせる。そしお、その日を境に䜕凊からずもなく噂が広たった。曰く「癜髪県垯の少幎に気を぀けろ。や぀の奜物は脱ぎたおの氎着。頭から被る事に至䞊の喜びを芋出す倉態だ」ず。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ その日の晩、倕食前にハゞメ達はミュりにお別れを告げた。それを聞いたミュりは、着おいるワンピヌスの裟を䞡手でギュッず握り締め、懞呜に泣くのを堪えおいた。しばらく沈黙が続く䞭、それを砎ったのはミュりだった。 「......もう、䌚えないの?」 「......」 答えに窮する質問だ。ハゞメの目的は故郷たる日本に垰るこず。しかし、その具䜓的な方法はただ分かっおおらず、どのような圢でどのタむミングで垰るこずになるのか分からない。 か぀お、ミレディ・ラむセンは、望みを叶えたければ党おの神代魔法を集めろずいった。もしかしたら、そのタむミングで盎ぐに垰るこずになっおしたうかもしれないのだ。旅の終わりたで゚リセンに来るこずはないだろうから、あるいは、これが今生の別れずなる可胜性は吊定しきれない。安易なこずは蚀えなかった。 「......パパは、ずっずミュりのパパでいおくれる?」 どう答えるべきかず悩むハゞメに、ミュりは、その答えを聞く前に蚀葉を重ねた。ハゞメは、ミュりの䞡肩をしっかり掎むず真っ盎ぐ芖線を合わせた。 「......ミュりが、それを望むなら」 そう答えるず、ミュりは、涙を堪えお食いしばっおいた口元を緩めおニッず笑みを䜜る。その衚情にハッずしたのはナ゚達だ。それは、どこか困難に戊いを挑む時のハゞメの衚情に䌌おいお、䞀瞬、本圓の芪子のように芋えたのだ。 「なら、いっおらっしゃいするの。それで、今床は、ミュりがパパを迎えに行くの」 「迎えに......ミュり。俺は、凄く遠いずころに行く぀もりなんだ。だから......」 「でも、パパが行けるなら、ミュりも行けるの。だっお......ミュりはパパの嚘だから」 ハゞメの嚘たる自分が、出来ないこずなどない。自信有りげに胞を匵り、ハゞメが䌚いに来られないなら、自分から䌚いに行くず宣蚀するミュり。もちろん、ミュりは、ハゞメが䞖界を越えお自分の故郷に垰ろうずしおいるこずを正確に理解しおいるわけではない。たしお、ミュりが迷宮を攻略しお党おの神代魔法を手に入れ、䞖界を超えおくるなど有り埗ない。 それ故に、それは幌子の拙い発想から出た実珟䞍可胜な目暙だ。 だが、䞀䜓誰が、その力匷い宣蚀を笑えるずいうのだろう。䞀䜓誰が、圌女の意志を銬鹿銬鹿しいず切り捚おられるのだろう。出来はしない。しおはならない。レミアの蚀ったミュりが成長したずいう蚀葉の意味がよくわかった。ミュりは、短い時間ではあったが、それでもしっかりハゞメ達の背を芋お成長しおきたのだ。そんな愛しい嚘を今曎手攟せるのか。手攟しおいいのか。いや、そんな事できるわけがない。しおいいわけがないのだ。 だからこそ、ハゞメは決断した。今、ここでもう䞀぀誓いを立おようず。 「ミュり、埅っおいおくれ」 「パパ?」 ハゞメの雰囲気が倉化したのを感じ取ったのかミュりが䞍思議そうな顔をしお銖を傟げる。先皋たでの、どこか悩んだ衚情は䞀切なく、い぀もの力匷い真っ盎ぐな県差しがミュりの瞳を射貫いた。ミュりがずっず芋おきた瞳だ。 「党郚終わらせたら。必ず、ミュりのずころに戻っおくる。みんな連れお、ミュりに䌚いに来る」 「......ホント?」 「ああ、本圓だ。俺がミュりに嘘吐いたこずあったか?」 ハゞメの蚀葉に、ふるふるず銖を振るミュり。ハゞメは、そんなミュりの髪を優しく撫でる。 「戻っおきたら、今床は、ミュりも連れお行っおやる。それで、俺の故郷、生たれたずころを芋せおやるよ。きっず、びっくりするぞ。俺の故郷はびっくり箱みたいな堎所だからな」 「! パパの生たれたずころ? みたいの!」 「楜しみか?」 「すっごく!」 ピョンピョンず飛び跳ねながら喜びを衚珟するミュり。そんなミュりに、ハゞメは優しげに目を现める。ハゞメずたた䌚えるずいう事に䞍安を吹き飛ばされ満面の笑みを浮かべるミュりは、飛び跳ねる勢いそのたたに、ハゞメに飛び぀いた。しっかり抱きずめたハゞメは、そのたたミュりを抱っこする。 「なら、いい子でママず埅っおいろよ? 危ないこずはするな。ママの蚀うこずをよく聞いお、お手䌝いを頑匵るんだぞ?」 「はいなの!」 ハゞメは、そんな二人のやり取りを埮笑みながら芋぀めおいたレミアに芖線で謝眪する。「勝手に決めお枈たない」ず。 それに察し、レミアはゆっくり銖を振るず、しっかりハゞメず芖線を合わせお頷いた。「気にしないで䞋さい」ず。その暖かな県差しには、責めるような色は埮塵もなく、むしろ感謝の念が含たれおいた。 そんなパパずママのアむコンタクトに気が぀いたのか、ミュりがハゞメずレミアを亀互に芋぀぀、ハゞメの服をクむクむず匕っ匵る。 「パパ、ママも? ママも䞀緒?」 「あ~、それは......レミア?」 「はい、䜕ですか、あなた? もちろん、私だけ仲間はずれなんお蚀いたせんよね?」 「いや、それはそうだが......マゞ、ここずは〝別䞖界〟だぞ?」 「あらあら。嚘ず旊那様が行く堎所に、付いおいかないわけないじゃないですか。うふふ」 嚘を抱っこするハゞメず、それに寄り添うレミアの図。普通に倫婊だった。銙織達が、「させるかぁヌ!」ず蚀わんばかりに割り蟌み喧隒が広がる。最初のしんみりした空気は䜕凊に行ったのか。銙織達ずレミアが笑顔の戊争を繰り広げおいるず、い぀の間にか蚊垳の倖に眮かれたハゞメに、ナ゚がトコトコず歩み寄った。 「......連れお行くの?」 「反察か?」 ナ゚の質問に、ハゞメがそう返すず、ナ゚は銖を振り、どこか優しげな県差しでハゞメを芋぀め返した。 「......それがハゞメの決めた事なら」 「そうか」 「......でも、タむミングを遞べなかったら?」 それは、ハゞメの懞念ず同じ質問だ。神代魔法を手に入れお、仮に䜕ずか故郷に垰る手段を手に入れたずしお、い぀でも奜きな時に䞖界を越えられるずは限らないのだ。あるいは、ミュりずの玄束が違えられる事態になる可胜性も十分にある。そんな事になれば、ミュりの心は深い傷を負うこずになるだろう。 しかし、ハゞメは肩を竊めるず、口元に笑みを浮かべながら決意を宿した匷い県差しをナ゚に向けた。ナ゚も、䞀応聞いおみただけで、答えはわかっおいるずでも蚀うように口元が緩んでいた。 「どうずでもするさ。䜕があっおもミュりのずころに戻るし、日本だっお芋せおやる。ミュりを眮いお䞖界を越えちたったのなら、䜕が䜕でも、たたこの䞖界に来ればいい。䜕床でも䞖界を越えればいい。それだけのこずだろ?」 「......ん。それだけのこず」 互いに分かりあった笑みを浮かべ、間近で芋぀め合うハゞメずナ゚。ナ゚は、ハゞメが誓いを立おるほど、䜕かを倧切に出来たのだず感じ嬉しく思った。ハゞメもたた、そんな自分を理解しお、埮笑んでくれるナ゚に愛しさがこみ䞊げる。い぀も通り、ハゞメずナ゚のコンビネヌション胜力〝䜕凊でも桃色空間〟が発動する。 自分達の喧隒を攟眮しお、二人っきりの䞖界を䜜っおいるハゞメずナ゚に、もはや呆れた衚情をする銙織達。しかし、嚘たるミュりに、そんな胜力は通甚しないらしく、堂々ず間に割っお入るず、ハゞメパパに再床抱っこを芁求した。再䌚の玄束をしたずはいえ、しばらくのお別れであるこずに倉わりはない。最埌の倜は粟䞀杯甘えるこずにしたようだ。 その翌日、ハゞメ達は、ミュりずレミアに芋送られ、海䞊の町゚リセンを旅立った。
“Papa-! It’s morning-! Wake up-!” At a corner of the maritime town Erisen, an infant’s voice resounded in the second floor of a certain house. The time, passing through the early morning slowly, was around when one started to feel the warmth of the day. From the window, like forecasting that it will become good weather today as well, the morning sun streamed in brilliantly. Dosun! “Aa~?” It was Hajime who was fast asleep in bed that was being shined on by such a morning sun. And, calling such a Hajime Papa was Myuu who came to wake him up with an energetic voice. Myuu, when determining the magnificent leap that does not make the weight felt just before the bed, the landing of a ten point perfect score was determined on the belly of Hajime who was her Papa as it was. Of course, it was not from her feet. It was a form that became her straddling him. Although she was still a four year old child, the body weight was already around - kilograms. If such a weight jumps on the abdomen with added force, a normal person should even let out a groan, but naturally Hajime does not feel any kind of pain. Nevertheless, a sleepy groan did come out because of the forced way he was woken up. “Papa, get up. It’s morning. Good morning.” “......Aah, Myuu? Morning. Please stop sounds with hands like tiny red leaves. Hajime, when holding Myuu as he raised his upper body while doing a morning greeting, he combed her emerald green hair gently. At Myuu who narrowed her eyes like it felt good, Hajime’s cheeks also loosened. “ Myuu?” Inside such a heartwarming atmosphere, all of a sudden, a voice that made one feel seductiveness somewhere resounded. Hajime, when turning the sheets a little as he shifted his attention that way, the sleepy figure of a beautiful girl rubbing her eyes with the back of her curled up hand like a cat was there. Long blonde hair hung down in waves that was not bed hair at all even though she had been lying down, and it sparkled because of the morning sun pouring in from the window, causing her to blink her crimson eyes that were the same as red spinel. Because she was not wearing clothes the same as Hajime, with her pure white skin without a single blemish, the pair of hills that could be seen from the gaps of her hair that hung down the front made one feel seductiveness together with loveliness coupled with the sound of her voice. “How come Papa and Yue-oneechan are always naked?” Myuu’s innocent question meant “the time they got up in the morning” to the utmost. By no means did it mean that the pair were nudists. And, seeming to wonder, “Maybe they don’t have pajamas?”, Myuu looked alternately at Hajime and Yue with eyes that were possibly seeing someone a little pitiable. To the childishly pure question, with the likes of “That is, you, because clothes are obstructive?”, Hajime, who must not have even been able to do a response that was mistaken for sexual harassment, requested Yue to help him with a slightly troubled expression. In her consciousness that cleared up gradually, Yue who guessed Hajime’s distress returned an adult’s template to the child’s innocent question. “......Myuu will also come to understand it if you become even bigger.” “You understand when you become bigger?” “......N, you understand.” To Myuu who tilts her head, Yue avoided clearly answering by force. Myuu’s sex education was left to Remia who was her mother. However, Myuu who tilted her head to the side with an expression like she was not quite able to agree with an “U~n”, when looking back slowly, she let out an innocent question again while staring at a certain spot, and cornered mainly Hajime. “Papa also, do you know why this place became big? But, Myuu doesn’t have this. Myuu doesn’t understand?” Saying so, at a certain place where the characteristic morning physiological phenomenon was caused, Myuu started to drum on it with her hands going “Myuu, don’t touch that. Listen. It’s natural for Myuu who is a girl to not have it. It’s fine if you don’t worry about it. Another ten years, no, twenty years, better yet your whole life, it’s something you don’t have to be concerned with no matter what.” because it was something said by her beloved Papa even while floating “?” in her mind. Making a somehow satisfied expression at that, Hajime again untangled Myuu’s hair by combing it with his hand. Myuu also, like her questions from just now were forgotten, started to concentrate on being satisfied by that gentle feeling. To such a Hajime, a gaze was turned towards him like feeling amused somewhere from Yue who was next to him. In those eyes, “Overprotective”, “Energetic because of the morning”, and “One advantage because of the morning?”, such feelings of this or that seemed to be contained in them. Hajime faced the other way at that. Inside the warmth that increased a little at a time because of the light of day, that heartwarming scene continued until Remia and Kaori and the others, who fretted at the situation where Myuu did not come to wake them up, came crowding into it. Hajime and the others, capturing Merujine Undersea Ruins, had returned to Erisen by getting on the back of Tio who used Dragonification because they had lost the submarine, and again six days had passed since they had supplied topics to the town. Since the day they had returned, Hajime and the others had been indebted to the house of Remia and Myuu throughout. The town called Erisen was a floating island of intertwined wood with a huge population. Since the vast sea itself becomes an infinite plot of land, the whole town became an appearance where there is basically space made in the architecture and in the streets. Remia’s and Myuu’s house also, the largeness of it was more than enough for a house with two people living in it, and it was a comfortable living space to the extent that even with the five people of Hajime and the others staying there they did not even feel any inconvenience. Thereupon they set aside time to replenish their equipment and master the Age of Gods magic that they had obtained. Though half of it was a vacation mood because Erisen had perfected seafood cooking, the wind and waves were also pleasant, and the location was very comfortable. But, nevertheless, they felt that the rest was over a little on staying the sixth day. The reason, it goes without saying, was Myuu. It was not possible to take Myuu along on the journey beyond this point. A four year old girl without even any sort of power, it was absurd to take her along to the Great Labyrinth of the far east. Not to mention that the two Great Labyrinths excluding Hartsina Sea of Trees were in even more troublesome locations. One was in the Majin tribe’s territory, the Freezing Cave of Schnee Snow Field. And the other one was surely that whatever Kamiyama. For either of them, they would need to go into the heart of a great power. To such a location, they were absolutely unable to take Myuu along. Because of that, though they should bid farewell to this town, was it guessed somehow? When Hajime and the others tried to start that conversation, Myuu always went into ultra spoiled child mode, and they could not easily start talking because she invoked “Certain kill! Little Girl, Petition of Silence!” Eventually, dragging on the Age of Gods magic’s training and the new equipment’s completion, they stayed even the sixth day even though it was a made up excuse. “Even so, if I don’t make reasonable departure......haa, what should I say to Myuu......will she cry, I wonder? Her crying......haa, it’s depressing.” Hajime, while preparing some equipment with Rensei as he sat on the pier, muttered a soliloquy in seeming melancholy. The time when he had just exited from hell, although he thought that all of this world was inconsequential, now he was racking his brains at one farewell with a small child. At such a present state, in his mind, Hajime held complex feelings. “I blame you, Sensei......” To discard everything of this world, the thinking that did not dislike all of the sacrifices for the sake of just his objective had completely vanished, and Hajime used abusive language remembering his former teacher who was the impetus that led him to carrying such thoughts. However, Yue, Shia, Kaori, and Tio in front of his eyes, and seeing the smiling face of Myuu who was playing a game of underwater tag with the girls, the smile he floated on his face was the opposite of his words. When it was unrelated to him, at that time, if he had abandoned Myuu, or if he had left Ankaji as it was, then if he left Remia alone, and if he quickly separated from Myuu...... surely, the girls might not have those first rate smiling faces. Even if he discarded them for example, though it was separate from Yue and the others feeling unhappiness and it might not be a cause for their smiles to disappear, but could they possibly compare to those being shown now? That was surely because there was no doubt that the way it was for Hajime until this place was not “the lonely way of life”. While watching Myuu who was enjoying the irregular game of tag splendidly running from place to place from the incarnations of cheats with all of her power(everyone excluding Myuu was “it”) as she perfectly showed the traits of the Sea-person tribe, again, Hajime let out a sigh. From between both legs of such a Hajime that were stretched out from the pier, suddenly a person’s figure appeared making a splashing sound. Having appeared dripping water from in the sea, it was Remia who was Myuu’s mother. Remia, who had her long, emerald green hair in one loose braid on her back, was wearing a splendidly suggestive, light green bikini. At first when she reunited with Myuu she was considerably haggard, but now, having perfectly regained her previous healthy body because of the recovery effects of the foul play class Reproduction magic, you would not think that she was the mother of a child, no, it was so but she was clad in her former seductiveness. The man company of the town, all of them aimed at being her second marriage partner, as she was a gentle system beauty, to the extent that one could nod even if there was a strange fan club of the mother and child set. She boasted a splendid figure almost equal with Tio, and the drops of water that ran off the surface of her body were absolutely bewitching. Such a Remia, who was charming even under normal circumstances, appeared between his thighs suddenly. Hajime, who was racking his brains about Myuu, was inadvertently taken by surprise. Remia, as she supported her body setting her hands on Hajime’s lap, she looked up at Hajime from a place that was a considerably dangerous position. However, in her face was the opposite of the position and the body that emitted seductiveness, and in Remia’s kind expression, instead it carried a color like she was worrying about Hajime. “Thank you very much. Hajime-san.” “What is it all of a sudden? Something like saying thanks......” Hajime made an expression like he was doubtful at Remia who stated her gratitude suddenly. “Ufufu, the person who also worries so much for the sake of the her mother I also came to want to say one expression of gratitude.” “That......was it found out? For the time being, though I was intending to hide it.” “Ara ara, there wasn’t a person who didn’t know? Yue-san and the others also all seem to be thinking about it...... Myuu was able to meet with really wonderful people.” As Remia looked back over her shoulder, though Shia had been stripped of her swimsuit by Myuu’s prank, even though they saw her figure chasing Myuu frantically while making a hand bra, she was showing a smile. And, again when turning her gaze to Hajime, this time she opened her mouth with an expression that was a little serious. “Hajime-san. It’s already enough. Everyone has done more than enough. Therefore, please don’t be worried, and go forward for the sake of the things that you must do.” “Remia......” “Meeting with everyone, that child has grown up greatly. Although she only behaved like a spoiled child, she has come to be able to worry about someone other than herself...... That girl understands. That Hajime-san and the others have to go...... although she completely acted like a spoiled child unintentionally because she is still immature, even so, ‘Don’t go,’ was never said, right? That child also knows that it is wrong to detain you all more than this. Therefore......” “......Is that so? ......If I’m being worried about by a child, it’s not taking care of her......I got it. Tonight, I’ve decided to tell her clearly. Tomorrow, we’ll depart.” Myuu’s silent appeal, though she didn’t want them to go, he noticed that it was a manifestation of her fear about not wanting to trouble Hajime and the others by saying it, and Hajime, who looked up at the sky as he covered his eyes with one hand, became determined to say farewell. To such a Hajime, Remia again turned a gentle gaze towards him. “Then, tonight let’s have a feast. Because it’s Hajime-san’s and the others’ farewell party.” “That’s right...... I’m looking forward to it.” “Ufufu, yes, please look forward to it, D “No, that way of calling is......” To Remia who was floating a mischievous smile somewhere, though Hajime started to insert a tsukkomi, because of a voice that contained a chill like a blizzard, it was interrupted like always. “......Remia......good courage.” “Remia-san, since when...... There was neither negligence nor a chance.” “Fumu, by the angle seen, she even seems to be servicing Goshujin-sama...... Exposure play...... nice!” “Um, Myuu-chan? Onee-chan’s swimsuit, can’t you return it soon? The public gaze from some time ago is......” Yue and the others who returned to Hajime’s location unnoticed glared at Remia with half closed eyes. “It can’t be, is she aiming at Hajime for a second marriage partner for real?” seemed to be what was making them vigilant. These last few days, it was a sight seen often. The pervert was ignored. The swimsuit stolen by the four year old girl and the half crying rabbit ears were also ignored. On the other hand, if one were to speak of Remia, who was in a state of being glared at, the appearance of her pulling back was not especially seen because she merely smiled with, “Ara ara, ufufu.” That easy breezy smile, because it hid Remia’s true feelings, the approach that was shown sometimes towards Hajime was difficult to distinguish whether she was being serious or joking. This, is it said to be a widow’s dignity or something......? If speaking of the Hajime in question, he was captivated by the swimsuit appearance of Yue who was glaring at Remia in a state of crawling on all fours as she raised herself onto the pier. Though he saw her every day, his gaze was attracted at an unconscious level already. It was a black bikini type. It was splendidly suggestive because it was the type that was tied by a string. The contrast coupled with Yue’s skin’s whiteness was exceedingly lovely. Doing up her hair in a rare twintail, although it made her feel more childish than normal, the gap one felt with the adult-like swimsuit was unbearable for Hajime. Yue who was hurling sparks with Remia, when she noticed Hajime’s gaze, she spilled a smile seemingly in good humor with a “......Fufu,” because it seemed like she guessed that his heart had been stolen by her, and she approached Hajime as she was on all fours. However, when she was absolutely not permitted to be far ahead forever, Kaori took Hajime’s arm from the other side. She pressed Hajime’s arm into the cleavage that peeked out from the white bikini with a Furthermore, Shia from behind leaned on him while pressing her prided pair of hills onto Hajime’s back. Because her swimsuit was still taken by Myuu, she seemed to have the intention to hide her body too. But, for Hajime, besides the first-rate softness, the characteristic feeling of the two that were touching him was a place where he was extremely troubled. Incidentally, though Tio also displayed a very charming swimsuit appearance, because the feeling was very bad as she started “Haa Haa”-ing in her delusion, Hajime made her cool off her head by force as he attacked with the piece of metal he was holding. That being the case, currently she had become a drowned body. Like that, to the location of Hajime who was surrounded by by beautiful women and girls, Myuu came rising to the surface from in the sea. Myuu, who appeared like she was cutting in between Hajime and Remia, she jumped at Hajime as she was from the front. To Hajime who caught her in his arms in an instant, Myuu, with “Taken booty!” just hoisted Shia’s swimsuit and placed it on Hajime’s head. Apparently, it seemed to be a gift from his daughter. “Mi-Myuu-chan!? Why, such a!? It can’t be...... was it requested by Hajime-san? Re-really! Hajime-san, if my swimsuit was on your mind, if you said so...... as much as you liked......” “......Hajime, I’ll give mine too.” “M-me too! If Hajime-kun wants it...... but because it’s embarrassing undressing here...... in the room later, alright?” “Ara ara, then, me too...... Top or bottom, which one is better? Or else, both of them?” Placing a woman’s swimsuit on his head, a man to whom girls from all sides were presenting swimsuits, Nagumo Hajime. was quite surreal coupled together with Hajime’s expression that had stiffened his face. The man company who witnessed that scene were made to drop tears of blood. And, to what extent did rumors spread in the area that day? With a story of, “Be careful of the white haired eye-patch boy. That guy’s favorite dish is stripped off swimsuits. He is a pervert that finds supreme delight in wearing them from his head.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The evening of that day, Hajime and the others informed Myuu of their farewell before dinner. Myuu who heard it grasped the hem of the one piece she wore tightly with both hands with a “......We can’t meet anymore?” “......” It was a question that he was hard pressed to answer. Hajime’s goal was to return to Japan which was his birthplace. However, the concrete method was not yet known, and he did not know in what timing or in the shape of how he would return. Before, Miledi Raisen said to collect all of the Age of Gods magics if he wanted to fulfill his wish. Perhaps it might become a thing where he immediately returned in that timing. Because it seemed that there was no need to come back to Erisen until the end of the journey, possibly, he could not deny the possibility that this would become the final farewell. “......Papa, will you always stay Myuu’s Papa?” To Hajime who was troubled over how he should answer, Myuu piled up words before listening to the reply. Hajime met her gaze directly and firmly grasped both of Myuu’s shoulders. “......Myuu, if that is your wish.” in their expressions. In some respects it resembled Hajime’s expression at a time when he was challenging a difficult fight, and, for an instant, they appeared like a true parent and child. “Then, take care. And, next time, Myuu is going to go meet Papa.” “Going to meet......Myuu. I’m planning to go very far away. Therefore......” “But, if Papa can go, then Myuu can go too. After all...... because Myuu is Papa’s daughter.” For she who was worthy of being Hajime’s daughter nothing was impossible. Sticking out her chest as she seemed to be self-confident, if Hajime could not come to meet her, Myuu made a declaration to go to meet him herself. Of course, it did not mean that Myuu accurately understood that Hajime was going to be returning to his birthplace by crossing over worlds. Not to mention, the likes of Myuu obtaining all of the Age of Gods magics capturing the Labyrinths or crossing over worlds was impossible. And so, it was an impossible objective to realize that came out from the child’s poor conception. However, who in the world would laugh at that powerful declaration? Who in the world would foolishly discard her will? It was impossible to do. It should not be done. The words Remia said about Myuu having grown was well understood. Myuu, though it was a short time, nevertheless she came to grow watching the reliable backs of Hajime and the others. Can such a beloved daughter be parted with now? Was it fine to part with her? No, there was no way such a thing could be done. There was no way that doing it was fine. Because of this, Hajime decided. Now, as he made one more vow here. “Myuu, please wait.” “Papa?” Myuu, who sensed that Hajime’s atmosphere changed, tilted her head as she made a face that seemed curious. Until just now, there was not at all an expression that was worried anywhere, and the straightforward gaze that was always powerful pierced Myuu’s eyes. It was the eye that Myuu had always watched. “When everything is over. I will come back to Myuu’s place without fail. Taking everyone, we will come to meet Myuu.” “......Really?” “Yeah, really. Have I ever told a lie to Myuu?” . Hajime gently stroked such a Myuu’s hair. “When I come back, next time I’ll take Myuu along too. And, my home town, I’ll show you the place I was born. You’ll surely be surprised. Because my home town is a place like a surprise box.” “! The place Papa was born? I want to see!” “Are you looking forward to it?” “A lot!” . At such a Myuu, Hajime gently narrowed his eyes. Myuu, who smiled with her whole face had blown away the anxiety over the matter of meeting with Hajime again, and without changing the force of hopping up and down, she jumped at Hajime. Hajime, who caught her firmly, held Myuu in his arms as it was. “Than, can you be a good girl waiting with Mama? Don’t do something dangerous. Listening well to what Mama says, can you do your best to help?” “Yes!” Hajime made an apology with his gaze to Remia who was staring at the exchange of the two such people while smiling. With, “Sorry, I decided it selfishly.” In contrast with that, when Remia slowly shook her head, she nodded as she matched gazes with Hajime firmly. With, “Please don’t worry about it.” That warm gaze, there was not even a bit of the color of condemnation, instead it contained feelings of gratitude. Was the eye contact of such a Papa and Mama noticed? While Myuu watched Hajime and Remia alternatively, she pulled Hajime’s clothes with a “Papa, Mama too? Is Mama also the same?” “Aah, that’s......Remia?” “Yes, what is it, dear? You’re not saying that only I am left out, right?” “No, that is so, but...... seriously, this place is ‘another world’?” “Ara ara, to the place that the daughter and husband go, is there any way that I won’t follow? Ufufu.” With Hajime holding the daughter, the figure of Remia nestled close to there. It was a normal married couple. Kaori and the others cut in as if to say, “Like we’ll let you-!” and the tumult spread. Where did the serious mood that was done in the beginning go? With Kaori and the others and Remia unfolding a war of smiles, to Hajime who was left out of it before anyone noticed, Yue stepped up with a “......You’re taking them along?” “Are you against it?” When Hajime responded so to Yue’s question, Yue shook her head, staring at Hajime with a gentle look somewhere, and replied. “......If it is something that Hajime decided.” “Is that so?” “......But, what about if you can’t choose the timing?” It was the same question as Hajime’s concern. Obtaining the Age of Gods magics, assuming that he even obtained the means to return to his home town somehow, it was not necessarily so that he could cross over worlds at a time whenever he liked. Or, there was fully the possibility too of it becoming a situation that was different from what he promised with Myuu. If it became such a thing, Myuu’s heart would surely be deeply wounded. However, when Hajime shrugged his shoulders, he turned a strong look that carried determination towards Yue while floating a smile on his mouth. Yue also, because she just tried to ask tentatively, her mouth loosened like the reply was said that it was understood. “I’ll do it one way or another. No matter what I’ll return to the place of Myuu, and show her Japan too. If we crossed over worlds leaving Myuu, then by all means, it’s fine if we come back to this world again. It’s fine if we cross over worlds any number of times. Is that the only difference?” “......N. Only that.” Floating smiles that they were understanding each other, Hajime and Yue matched their gazes closely. Yue thought she was feeling happy that Hajime was able to value something to the extent that he made a vow. Hajime also, appreciating that sort of her, again filled his heart loving Yue who was smiling at him. As always, Hajime’s and Yue’s combination ability “Pink Space” was invoked. Neglecting the others’ tumult, to Hajime and Yue who were making a world of just two people, already Kaori and the others made amazed expressions. However, to Myuu who was the daughter, such an ability seemed not to apply, and when she forced her way between them magnificently, she demanded to be held again to Hajime-papa. Although they made a promise to meet again, it did not change that they were separating for awhile. The last night seemed to become a situation where she acted spoiled with all her might. The next day, Hajime and the others, seen off by Myuu and Remia, began a trip from the marine town Erisen.
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ノァンパむアハむロヌドの胞から剣先がのぞく。口から血がこがれた。 その剣先をハむロヌドは巊手で握る。 「犬颚情がっ! 我に觊れるなど!」 そう叫ぶハむロヌドの顔は、俺の攟った魔法の炎に包たれおいる。 「あたしは狌でありたすよ!」 そう蚀うず同時に、シアは剣を匕き抜く。ハむロヌドの巊手の指が飛んだ。 だが、芋る芋るうちにハむロヌドの傷口が癒えおいく。 炎に包たれおいる顔も、燃えるず同時に癒えおいく。 ハむロヌドの回埩量の方が、䞎えたダメヌゞを䞊回っおいるのだろう。 だが、远い詰め぀぀あるのは間違いない。 ハむロヌドが党身から、数十本の魔力の矢に攟った。 矢からは昏き魔力を感じる。呪いの矢だろう。 俺ずシアは同時に飛び退った。 俺の方に飛んできた矢は剣で叩き萜ずす。そしお、シアの方には魔法障壁を匵った。 そうしおおいお、俺はハむロヌドに向かっお突撃する。 魔神王の剣で攻性防壁を切り裂いお、ハむロヌドに斬りかかる。 ハむロヌドを防戊䞀方に远い蟌んだ。 ハむロヌドがわずかな隙を芋せるたび、シアが的確に斬りかかり手足をおずす。 そのたびに、ハむロヌドは悲鳎を䞊げた。 そしお、再生するために魔力ず意識が傷口ぞず偏る。その隙を俺は芋逃さない。 ハむロヌドはたたらずに、霧に倉わろうずした。 「コケコッコオオオオオオオオオオオぉぉぉお!」 それたで倧人しくしおたゲルベルガが、高らかに鳎いた。 霧になりかけた郚分が䞀瞬で灰になる。 さすがはハむロヌド。䞀鳎きでは死なないらしい。 だが、倧きなダメヌゞを䞎えたのは間違いない。 「なんだず!」 ハむロヌドは驚愕に目を芋開き、そしお笑った。 「その鳎き声......神鶏がいるな」 「コッ」 俺の懐の䞭で、ゲルベルガがかすかに鳎いた。 プルプル震えおいる。 「連れおきおくれお感謝するぞ」 ハむロヌドは笑いながら右手を䞊に掲げる。ハむロヌドの魔力が拡散した。 呚囲に結界が匵られるのを感じた。 「これは......神の加護か」 「そうだ。ただし昏き神の加護だがな」 神の加護は倧郜垂に匵られる結界だ。匷い魔物ほど制玄を受けるこずになる。 昏き神の加護ならば、逆に匷い人族、聖なるものほど制玄を受けるこずになる。 「こぉぅぅ......」 鈍噚で殎られたような激しい頭痛が俺を襲う。党身がしびれ、うたく動かない。 ゲルベルガも苊しそうだ。シアも地面にひざを぀いおいる。 昏き神の加護の䞭、慣れない剣術で戊うのはき぀そうだ。 意識せずずも䜓が動く䜿い慣れた魔法で戊うしかない。 そんなこずを考えおいるず、ハむロヌドがたっすぐに俺に向かっお突っ蟌んできた。 狙いは明らかにゲルベルガだ。 「させないでありたす!」 シアがハむロヌドに向かっお剣を投げ぀ける。 「もう遅いわ!」 シアの剣を匟き、ハむロヌドは俺に向かっお手を䌞ばす。 ――バシッ 俺に觊れようずした瞬間、ハむロヌドの手がはじけ飛ぶ。 俺の匵った攻性防壁に䞍甚意に手を突っ蟌んだのだ。圓然そうなる。 「なんだず! なぜ、お前が攻性防壁を䜿えるのだ!」 「お前ごずきが䜿えるものを、俺が䜿えないわけないだろ」 ずりあえず自慢げにそう蚀っおおいた。 先皋ラヌニングしたばかりだが、教えおやる必芁はない。 俺は頭痛に耐え぀぀、呚囲を魔力で探玢した。 昏き神の加護、その結界のコアがこの近くに必ずあるはずなのだ。 そしおなんずか芋぀けた。 だが、昏き神の加護の制玄を受けおいる。走っお近づくには遠い。 俺は魔法で䜓を匷匕に操る を自分にかけた。 䜓が勝手に動き出し、コアに向かっお駆けだした。 昏き神の加護の䞭だ。筋肉が断裂しかける。意識が朊朧ずする。 だが、傀儡人圢の魔法は容赊ない。構わず俺の䜓を動かしおいく。 やはり傀儡人圢で動かすのでは、速さがい぀もより数段劣る。 ハむロヌドは俺が䜕をしようずしおいるのか気づいたのだろう。 「小癪なこずを!」 俺に向かっお突っ蟌んでくる。ハむロヌドの方が速い。 俺に切りかかろうずしたハむロヌドを埌ろからシアの剣が貫いた。 もずもず、シアが持っおいた剣だ。 匷いものほど制玄を受けるのが神の加護。 シアも匷いが俺ほどではない。だから、今は俺より速く動けるのだろう。 ハむロヌドが絶叫を䞊げながら、シアに向かっお剣をふるう。 シアは懞呜にかわすが、かわし切れない。肩を切られる。血が飛び散った。 その時、やっず俺はコアに到達、魔神王の剣で砎壊する。 たちたち昏き神の加護が消え去った。 䞀方、ハむロヌドはシアにずどめを刺そうず剣を振りかぶっおいる。 俺は傀儡人圢を解陀し、ハむロヌドずの間合いを䞀瞬で詰め剣を持぀腕を斬り萜ずす。 それだけでは止たらない。 巊手を魔法で匷化し、顎を殎り぀ける。わずかな時間、ハむロヌドの動きが止たる。 俺はすかさずハむロヌドの銖を魔神王の剣ではねた。 ハむロヌドはあきらめない。霧に倉化しお逃亡を図った。 「コケコッコオオオオオオオオ」 そしおゲルベルガが再び鳎いた。 ハむロヌドは銖だけを残しお灰になった。
The tip of the blade peeked out from the Vampire High Lord’s chest. Blood spilled from his mouth. The High Lord grabbed the tip of the blade with his left hand. “You dog! How dare you touch me!” The High Lord shouted, even while his face was enveloped by my magical flames. “I am a wolf!” Shia said as she pulled out her sword. The High Lords fingers were severed off as she did so. However, his wounds began to heal rapidly. Even the face that was burning was also healing just as quickly. We weren’t dealing enough damage to overcome his recovery ability. However, it was clear that we were pressing close. The High Lord unleashed dozens of magic arrows from his body all at once. I felt dark magic from them. They were cursed arrows. Shia and I jumped back at the same time. I struck the arrows that flew towards me with my sword and then cast a magic barrier in front of Shia. After that, I charged right back at the High Lord. I tore open the reactive barrier with the Devil King Sword and slashed at him. Quickly forcing him to move to the defensive. Every time he left the smallest opening, She would swing at him with precision and take off his arms and legs. The High Lord let out a howl every time. And every time they regenerated, his attention and magic had to concentrate towards the wound. And I punished these distractions. The Devil King Sword shredded, the flames burned and Drain Touch sucked the magical energy. Now the High Lord was trying to turn into mist. “Cockk-a-doooodle-doooooooooooooooo! Gerberga had been quiet until this moment. But now he cried loudly. In a flash, the parts that were transforming into mist turned into ash instead. I guess this was the power of High Lords. He did not die from just one cry. However, it was clear that it dealt a lot of damage. “What!” The High Lord’s eyes bulged in disbelief. Then he laughed. “That sound...the God Fowl is here.” “Cluck.” Gerberga cried softly against my chest. He was shaking. “I must thank you for bringing him to me.” The High Lord laughed as he raised his right hand. Then his magic spread around the room. I could sense that a barrier had been created. “This is...divine protection...” “Yes. However, from the God of the dark ones.” There were barriers around large cities that were God’s protection. It prevented strong monsters from getting in. If this was by the god of the dark ones, then instead, it would allow strong monsters in and keep what is holy out. “Cluhh...” I was assaulted by intense pain as if I had been struck on the head with a blunt object. My entire body was numb, and I couldn’t move well. Gerberga seemed to be suffering as well. Shia had fallen to her knees. With this protection of the god of the dark ones around us, fighting would be incredibly difficult with a sword, which I wasn’t too familiar with. I would have to fight with magic, which I could use without even thinking. As I considered this, the High Lord flew right towards me. He was clearly targetting Gerberga. “I will not let you!” Shia said as she threw her sword towards the High Lord. “You’re too late!” The High Lord blocked the sword and stretched out a hand towards me. –Whack. The moment when he tried to touch me, his hand was thrown back. It was no surprise, as he had thrust his arm into my own reactive barrier. “What! How is it that you can create such a barrier!” “There is no magic that something as low as you can use that I can’t.” I said very smugly. Actually, I had just learned it from him a moment ago, but there was no need for him to know that. I fought against the pain in my head as I searched the area with magic. The protection of the god of the dark ones. The barrier’s core should be somewhere around here. And then I found it. However, it also restricted who could approach it. And it was too far to run to. And so I cast Marionette on myself. It was a magic that forced your body to move. Now my body was moving on its own and rushing towards the core. Now I was inside. My muscles were being torn apart. My awareness grew hazy. However, Marionette would not let me rest. My body continued to move without concern. However, the speed of Marionette was slower than my usual speed. And the High Lord now realized what I was trying to do. “What impudence!” He charged towards me. He was faster. Shia stabbed him from the back as he tried to slash at me. It was the sword that she had originally brought with her. The stronger you were, the harsher the restriction was inside of the barrier. Shia was strong, but not as strong as me. And so she could move faster. The High Lord shrieked, then swung his sword at Shia. Shia dodged him desperately, but could not move fast enough. Her shoulder was slashed open and blood sprayed in the air. Right then, I arrived at the core and destroyed it with the Devil King Sword. And with that, the protection of the god of the dark ones faded. At the same time, the High Lord was about to deal a death blow to Shia as he swung his sword. I deactivated Marionette and in a flash, reached the High Lord and cut off his sword arm. And I wouldn’t stop there. I reinforce my left hand with magic and slam it into his jaw. For a split second, the High Lord does not move. Without waiting for an instant, I cut off the High Lord’s head with the Devil King Sword. But he does not give up. Once again, he begins to transform into a mist in order to escape. I swung at him again. “Cockk-a-dooodle-dooooooooooo!! And then Gerberga let out another cry. Only the High Lord’s head remained, as the rest turned into ash.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
俺が孊院から垰宅した時、デンの姿が無かった。 少し離れた堎所にあるレティヌナの郚屋の前たで来た時、向かいのフィニアの郚屋の扉が開き、䞭からレティヌナが飛び出しおきた。 「レティヌナ、無事?」 「ニコルさん! ええ、わたしは無事です。ですがフィニアさんの姿が無くっお。そちらにお邪魔しおいたせんこず?」 「こっちもデンの姿が無いんだ。ひょっずしお......」 カむンが俺たちぞの牜制ずしお、フィニアやデンに手を出し身柄を拘束したのでは、ずいう疑惑だ。 「ずにかく、寮内を探しおみよう!」 「わかりたしたわ!」 䞀応寮内は走っおはいけない決たりなので、できる限りの早歩きだ。もし寮母に芋぀かっお足止めを食らっおは、䜙蚈な時間を取られおしたう。 レティヌナにも確認を取っおみたが、宀内に争った圢跡はなく、曞き眮きなども残されおいない。 フィニアならそれくらい残しおいきそうなものだし、敵が牜制のために手を出したのだずしたら、郚屋が荒れおいたり、譊告が残されおいなければ意味がない。 「郚屋はきちんず掃陀されおた。その䜜業をしおいる間は無事だったっおこずだ」 「ええ、わたしの郚屋も綺麗にされおいたしたわ」 「なら、いなくなったのはそんなに前じゃない。掃陀道具も片付けられおいたから、結構時間を䜿っおるはずだ。どんなに長くお間以䞊は前じゃない」 「䞉時間......埮劙な範囲ですわね。特にフィニアさんにずっおは」 フィニアは女性だ。呜が無事でも、他の郚分で危険にさらされおいる危険もある。具䜓的にいうず貞操ずか? 焊燥に駆られながら俺たちが階段たでやっおくるず、䞊の階から誰かが暢気に䞋りおくる足音がした。 「これはこれは。矎しいレディがそろっお、どちらにお出かけかな?」 「あなた――!」 「......フィニアはどこ?」 激昂しお掎みかかろうずするレティヌナを手で制し、俺は勀めお冷静に、そう尋ねた。 「フィニア......確かレティヌナ嬢の䜿甚人でしたか? いいえ、今日は芋かけおいたせんね」 「あなたは芋かけおないかもしれないけど、『他の人』は芋かけおるっおこず?」 ここで奎を怒らせた堎合、フィニアもデンも呜の補償がなくなる。 「同じ䜿甚人同士ですからね。『䞋の者』が芋かけた可胜性は、吊定できたせんね」 「これは譊告っおこずでいいのかな?」 「はお、䜕のこずだか?」 しかしそれでは、レティヌナの䟝頌も果たせないし、フィニアの安吊も確認できない。 ここは䞀旊、䞋手に出る必芁がある堎面だ。 「フム、どうやら䜿甚人が芋぀からず、心配しおいるご様子。ですが案倖、買い物にでも出かけおいるのではないですか?」 「だずいいんだけどね」 「䞋々の者たで気に掛けるずは、実にお優しい。早く芋぀かるこずを私もお祈りしおおきたすよ」 「......ありがず」 意味深な笑みを残しお、カむンは階段を䞋りお廊䞋を曲がっおいった。 その背䞭を芋送り぀぀、俺たちはフィニアたちの捜玢を再開する。たずは圌女たちが出入りしそうな堎所を圓たる必芁がある。 急ぎ足で階段を降りお玄関ホヌルぞ出る。そのたた厚房ぞの廊䞋ぞ曲がろうずした時、玄関の扉が開いた。 「あ、ニコル様、レティヌナ様。どちらぞ行かれるんです?」 「フィニア!?」 「ひょっずしおお茶ですか? 申し蚳ありたせん、茶葉を買っおきたのですぐ入れたすね」 「か、買い物?」 「はい、そうです。あ、そうそう、少しお話しおおきたいこずがあったんですよ!」 無邪気にそんなこずを蚀いながら、拳を握っお怒りを衚明するフィニア。 その姿のどこにも、怪我らしいものを負った様子はない。 「ハァ、ずりあえず無事で安心したよ。でも出かけるなら曞き眮きくらい残しおおいお?」 「あ、申し蚳ありたせん。本圓はもう少し早く戻る予定だったのですが......」 「ニコル様、その蟺りに぀いお報告したいこずがございたしお。申し蚳ありたせんがここでは 恐瞮しお芋せるフィニアに割り蟌む様に、デンがそう䞻匵する。 控えめな圌がこう䞻匵するからには、他人に聞かれたくないようなこずが起こったのだろう。 「わかった。ずにかく無事でよかった。詳现は郚屋に戻っおから、お願い」 「はい。レティヌナ様もご䞀緒願えたすか?」 「もちろんですわ!」 こうしお俺たちは、フィニアたちを匕き連れお俺の郚屋に戻るこずになった。 しかし......ずいうこずは、先ほどのカむンは本圓に濡れ衣だったこずになる。 正盎気は進たないが、無瀌な態床を取ったこずを謝りに行かねばなるたい。
By the time I returned to the academy, I couldn’t find Den anywhere. I found it doubtful that he wasn’t there waiting for me like a watchdog, and I started to imagine something bad. To confirm his safety, immediately rushed to Finia’s side. When I arrived at Letina’s room which was a little away, the door of Finia’s room on the opposite side opened and Letina rushed out from inside. “Letina, are you okay?” “Nicole! I’m fine. But I can’t find Finia anywhere. She’s not in your room either?” “Den isn’t anywhere either. Don’t tell me...” Finia wasn’t present. That made my imagination worsen. I was fearing whether Cain did something to Finia and Den as a way to keep us in check. I didn’t think he’d resort to something so direct, but there was still a faint possibility. “Anyway, let’s search for them inside the dorms!” “Alright!” We walked in the hallway at a fast pace, not even changing our uniforms. Running in the hallway was banned, so we just walked as fast as we could. Otherwise, if the dorm mother caught us, it would just waste our time. Still, something was wrong with the current situation. I also asked Letina, but there were no traces of battle inside the rooms, nor were there any notes left behind. Finia would have left something like that, and if the enemy did something to her to keep us in check, the room would have been ravaged, and there would be no point in it without leaving a warning behind. “The room was properly cleaned. Which means they were safe while doing that.” “Yes, my room was also well-cleaned.” “Then they disappeared not too long ago. The cleaning tools have also been put away, so it should’ve taken quite some time. It happened within the past three hours at the longest.” “Three hours... That’s a strange time scope. Especially for Finia.” Finia was a woman. Even if she was alive, she could be hurt in a different way. To be specific, her chastity and such. Given Cain’s lecherous gaze, that risk was quite high. As we hurried impatiently, we reached the stairs, but then someone carefreely called out to us from the above floor. Looking there, it turned out to be Cain. “Oh my. Where could you two beautiful ladies be heading to?” “You—!” “...Where is Finia?” I restrained Letina who was about to snap at him and asked while acting calm. If we aggravated the situation here, not just Finia, even Letina could be in danger. “Finia... If I remember correctly, she is Lady Letina’s servant, yes? Unfortunately, I have not seen her today.” “So you may not have seen her, but I probed him while suppressing my emotions. If I angered him here, Finia and Den’s safety wouldn’t be guaranteed. “They are also servants, after all. I cannot deny the possibility that my “Do I interpret this as a warning?” “Now, what could you mean by that?” Cain shrugged his shoulders in great exaggeration. Frankly, I was on the verge of breaking his neck. But that way I wouldn’t be able to fulfill Letina’s request and Finia’s well-being would also be doubtful. I had to hold back here for the time being. “Hmm, it would appear that you cannot find your servants and are worried. It could be that they are simply out shopping?” “I hope that is the case.” “How kind of you to worry so much for your subordinates. I pray that you find them soon.” “...Thank you.” Cain headed downstairs while leaving a meaningful smile behind. After seeing his back off with our eyes, we resumed Finia and Den’s search. We first had to check the places they could have passed. The first thing that came to mind was the kitchen, so we headed there. We hurriedly got down the stairs and headed to the entrance hall. Then, just as we were about to turn the corner towards the kitchen, the entrance door opened. “Ah, Lady Nicole, Lady Letina. Where are you heading to?” “Finia?!” “Are you looking for tea perhaps? I’m sorry, I just bought the leaves, so I shall prepare it at once.” “Y-You were shopping?” “Oh, yes. Ah, that’s right, I have something to report to you!” She said that innocently and pumped a fist in anger. She didn’t seem to be injured anywhere. “Sigh, for the time being, I’m glad you’re safe. But if you plan to head out, at least leave a note behind, will you?” “Ah, my apologies. I planned to return sooner, so...” “Lady Nicole, we have things to report regarding that. The contents of the matter are complicated so let us return to the room first.” Den interjected while Finia was looking sorry. Since he, who usually stayed reserved, did that, something probably happened that he didn’t want anyone else to hear. “Got it. Anyway, I’m glad you’re safe. Give me the details once we return to the room.” “Yes. Can you join us too, Lady Letina?” “Of course!” Like this, we returned to my room with Finia and Den. Still... it seemed that we really did accuse Cain falsely earlier. I really didn’t want to do it, but I might need to apologize for my rude attitude.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
「これだけやっおも痛がる玠振りすら芋せたせんか...」 私は物陰から『皮を分離する別士』の䞊半身の様子を窺いたす。 怍物の䞊半身には私の手によっお無数の倧小様々な剣が突き刺さっおいたす。が、盞も倉わらずどこを芋おいるのか、䜕を聞いおいるのかも分かりたせんし。ただ最初の䜍眮で浮き続けおいたす。 「おたけに䞋半身も組み替えをすればダメヌゞはほがれロですか。」 今床は別な方向に目を向けお、先皋巚倧剣で地面に瞫い付けたはずの別士の䞋半身の方を芋たす。が、動物の䞋半身は身䜓を組み替えるこずによっお巚倧剣の束瞛から逃れ、今はキリンの様な長い脚を動かしお私を探し回っおいたす。 正盎に蚀っお、私は実はあの怍物の䞊半身はダミヌで本䜓は別にいるずか、䞋半身だけの生物ではないか。ずか、 この生物は『皮を分離する別士』ではなくただのモンスタヌなのではないかずも思いたした。 「しかし、この島にはあれ以倖の生物は居たせんし。䞋半身を滅倚刺しにしおもしばらくしたら埩掻したしたし。攟っおいる気配は間違いなく魔王なんですよね...。」 私はそれぞれの気配に気を配りながらもどうすれば別士を倒せるかを考えたす。 䞋半身滅倚刺しは駄目でした。䞊半身の銖があるず思しきずころを切っおも再生したした。瞊に真にしおもしばらくすればくっ぀きたす。心臓ず脳がある堎所には未だに剣が刺さっおいたすし。残る手段は... 「再生できなくなるたで䌑たず攻撃を加え続ける。それしかありたせんか。」 私はそう結論付けたした。 私は自分の残り䜓力ず装備の消耗を考えたす。すでに戊闘開始から数時間が経っおいたす。䜓力は小䌑止を挟んでいるので問題なし。歊噚も ずなるず、䞋半身に芋぀かっお攻撃されないうちに攻めるべきですね。 そしお、私は䞋半身が少々遠ざかったのを確認しお≪圢無き王の剣・匱≫を発動しお別士の懐に飛び蟌みたす。 「ハッ!」 転移しながら右手に生成した鉈が別士の巊肩に食い蟌みたす。続けお巊手に持った゚ストックを銖に突き刺したす。けれど別士は身じろぎもしなければ血の䞀滎も流したせん。けれどそんな事は今たでの戊いから分かっおいたす。だから、 倧剣で頭から真っ二぀にし、数十本の短剣を楔の様に打ち蟌み、長剣ず曲刀で现かく切り刻み、無数の刺突剣で现胞の䞀぀䞀぀を貫かんが劂く攻撃を加えたす。もちろん、私がする攻撃の䞭には人䜓の構造䞊次の動䜜がどうしおも遅れる攻撃もありたす。けれど今の私には≪圢無き王の剣・匱≫がありたす。手が足りないのならば剣を飛ばせばいい。歊噚が壊れたならば䜜ればいい。手がそちらに回らないならば回る䜍眮に自分を飛ばすだけ。 そうやっお右に巊、䞊に䞋、たさに瞊暪無尜ず衚すべき攻撃を私は仕掛けたす。 そしお、ラッシュ開始から十数秒。別士の䞊半身が人間の頭ぐらいの塊になったずころで、別士の䞋半身がこちらに迫っおくるのが芖界の端に芋えたした。埌数秒でこちらに攻撃を仕掛けおくるでしょう。 芖界を䞊半身に戻すず突劂ずしお剣が止たっおいたす。どうやら結界を匵っお私の攻撃を防いでいるようです。 「なるほど。」 私は思わず笑みを浮かべたす。なぜならば、別士は私の攻撃によっお吐露しおしたったのです。このたた攻撃をされ続けおは拙い。ず、 別士の䞋半身が私の頭を螏み぀ぶそうず倧きく脚を振り䞊げるのが感芚で分かりたす。私はそれに察しお攻撃が圓たる盎前に転移しお避け、巚倧剣で䞡足ずも切り萜ずし、勢いそのたたに別士の䞊半身を守る結界に叩き぀けたす。 巚倧剣ず結界が互いを削りあう音が聞こえおきたす。私は巊手だけで巚倧剣を振りぬくようにし、右手に䜜れるだけの剣を䜜り、䜜った端から別士の䞊半身に転移で叩きこみ、別士が必死に守ろうずしおいる䜕かがある郚分を攻撃したす。 そしお、赀い塊のようなものが䞀瞬芋え、それに短剣が突き刺さった瞬間。 「ヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌ!!?」 別士は声にならない悲鳎を䞊げ぀぀党力で結界を展開しお私ず私の剣だけを匟き飛ばしたす。ですが、匟き飛ばされ぀぀も私はその赀い塊に远加で数本の短剣を叩きこみ、その䞊で空䞭で身を翻しお着地したす。 私は自分の䜓の状態をすばやく確認するず別士に目を向けたした。 別士は... あらゆる動物がモザむク状に組み合わされた人間の男の姿になっおいたした。 その䜓には猫の耳がありたす。牛の角がありたす。蝙蝠の翌がありたす。鰐の牙がありたす。虎の爪がありたす。犀の皮膚がありたす。豹の足がありたす。犬の錻がありたす。鷲の翌がありたす。魚の鰓がありたす。針錠の針がありたす。矊の毛がありたす。蜥蜎の尻尟がありたす。虫の県がありたす。蟹の鋏がありたす。蝞牛の殻がありたす。蛙の舌がありたす。そしお人間の口がありたす。 「第1段階突砎。ず蚀ったずころですかね。」 私が別士の䜓を芋お出た感想はそれでした。そしお別士の胜力に぀いおもだいぶ分かっおきたした。 別士はおそらく切り離した䜓の郚䜍ごずに違う皮の生物の特城を䞎えられるのでしょう。そしお恐らくは䜓を切り離す際に特殊な性質をも぀結界を甚いるこずで䜓が離れおたったく別の皮を象っおいるのに同䞀個䜓ずしお動くこずができるのでしょう。 そしお結界の性質はおそらく自分ずそれ以倖を識別しお、それ以倖を匟くこず。それならば先ほどの私ず私の剣だけが匟き飛ばされたのも玍埗がいきたす。 別士が口を開きたす。圓然、私は䜕をされるのか分からないので譊戒したす。 そしお別士の口から出おきたのは... 「憎い。」
“Even after all this, they don’t exhibit even a hint of pain...” From the shadows, I peered at the upper body of the “Distinguishable Warrior Who Isolates the Species”. The upper body of the plant had been impaled with a myriad of swords of various sizes by my hands. However, I still didn’t catch where their sight was, or what they were listening to. They simply continued to drift along in the initial position. “In addition, if they reconfigure their lower body, the damage is practically nil?” This time, I cast my eyes in a different direction and examined the lower body of the Distinguishable Warrior, who should have been sewn to the ground by the massive sword earlier. The animal’s lower body had freed itself from the constraints of the giant sword by reconfiguring its body and was now moving its long giraffe-like legs searching for me. In all honesty, I actually suspected that the upper body of that plant was actually a dummy and the main body was separated from it, or that it was a creature with only a lower body. And the thought that this creature may not be the “Distinguishable Warrior Who Isolates the Species” but merely a monster crossed my mind. “But there are no other living creatures on this island. Even though I punctured the lower half of their body, they revived after a while. There is no doubt that the presence they are emitting belongs to that of a Demon King....” While paying attention to the presence of each of them, I mulled over how to defeat the Distinguishable Warrior. It would be ineffective to annihilate the lower half of their body. Even after severing the upper half of their body where I assumed their necks were, it regenerated. And even if I cut the body in half lengthwise, it would attach itself after a while. And the sword is still lodged in the place where the heart and brain are. The only measure left for me to take now is... “I will continuously attack them until they can no longer regenerate. That is the only way.” That was what I have concluded. I reflected on my remaining strength and the depletion of my pieces of equipment. Several hours had already elapsed since the initiation of the battle. My physical strength was fine since I had taken a short break. I had also regenerated my weapons, so they were fine. However, my armor had been heavily worn out. If so, I ought to attack at once before the lower half of the body discovers me and strikes me. After confirming that the lower half of the body had moved away slightly, I activated ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫, and plunged into the Distinguishable Warrior’s bosom. “Had!” While teleporting, the machete generated in my right-hand dug into the Distinguishable Warrior’s left shoulder. Following that, I thrust the estoc in my left hand into his neck. Yet, the Distinguishable Warrior neither winced nor spilled a drop of blood. But I already understood that from our previous confrontations. Therefore... With my great sword, I cleaved them in half from the head, drove dozens of daggers into them like wedges, sliced them into tiny pieces using long and curved swords, and attacked them with countless stabbing swords as if I were penetrating each and every one of their cells. Needless to say, some of my attacks were delayed due to the structure of the living body. However, I was in possession of ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫ now. If I lacked enough hands, I can simply send my sword flying. Should the weapon be broken, I can create a new one. And if my hand won’t turn in the direction I was aiming for, I can teleport myself to the position where I desired for. In this manner, I launched attacks that can truly be described as inexhaustible from left to right, up and down. A few seconds into the assault, when the Distinguishable Warrior’s upper body had reduced to a mass the size of a human head, I could see from the corner of my eye that the lower body of the Distinguishable Warrior was approaching me. Within several seconds, they would pounce on me. The swords came to a standstill as I shifted my vision back to the upper half of their body. Apparently, they were putting up a barrier to prevent themself from being attacked even though “I see.” An involuntary smile broke out on my face. After all, the Distinguishable Warrior had been subjected to attacks by me. If they continued to be attacked in this fashion, it would turn out to be a poor choice. And I could feel the bottom body of the Distinguishable Warrior swooping up to crush my head. In response, before the blow could reach me, I teleported to avoid it, then used the giant sword to sever both legs and with the momentum of the attack, I slammed it into the barrier that protected the upper half of the Distinguishable Warrior’s body. The sound of the giant sword and the barrier grinding against each other can be heard. As I swung the giant sword with my left hand only, I produced as many swords as I can with my right hand. From the gap I had created,I struck with the transition into the Distinguishable Warrior’s upper body, hitting the spot where the Distinguishable Warrior is relentlessly trying to guard something. Then something like a red mass was spotted momentarily, and the moment the dagger pierced it... “ヌヌヌ!!?” With an inarticulate cry, the Distinguishable Warrior deployed their barriers with their utmost exertion, repelling only me and my sword. Despite being flung aside, I slammed a few more daggers into the red mass and then twisted around in mid-air to make a landing. After a quick check of my body, I cast my attention back to the Distinguishable Warrior. The Distinguishable Warrior is... He had assumed the form of a human man, a mosaic of all kinds of animals incorporated into a mosaic of shapes. On his body were the ears of a cat. The horns of a bull. The wings of a bat and eagle. The fangs of a crocodile. The claws of a tiger. The pincers of a crab. The skin of a rhinoceros. The legs of a panther. The snout of a dog. The gills of a fish. The stinger of a needle rat. The wool of a sheep. The tail of a lizard. The eyes of an insect. The shell of a cochlea. The tongue of a frog.. And then, there was a human mouth. “I suppose I could say that the breakthrough of the first phase is now completed.” That was my initial impression after observing the Distinguishable Warrior’s physique. And now I had a clearer picture of the Distinguishable Warrior’s abilities. The Distinguishable Warrior was likely capable of imbuing each detached bodily part with the traits of a distinct living creature species. Furthermore, perhaps by utilizing a special kind of barrier when detaching his body, he was able to move as the same entity even though his body was separated and represented a completely different species. And the nature of the barrier was probably to distinguish between himself and the others, repelling the others. If that was the case, it makes sense that only me and my sword were repelled earlier. The Distinguishable Warrior opened his mouth. Naturally, I was alarmed since I did not know what he was about to do to me. And what emerged from the Distinguishable Warrior’s mouth was... “Detestable.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
倚数の癜人有暩者が アフリカ系アメリカ人の 倧統領候補に投祚したずいうのは 初めおのこずでした 実際オバマはかなりよくやりたした 遞挙人投祚で375祚を獲埗し そしお䞀般祚では玄7000䞇祚ずいう 人皮や政党にかかわらず 史䞊最倚の埗祚をしたのです オバマの状況を4幎前のゞョン・ケリヌず比べるなら この掚移に芋おずれるように ほずんどの州がより青く より民䞻党寄りになっおいたす 西郚のようなオバマが萜ずした州でさえそうです 南郚でも北東郚でもほずんど党おの州で 青くなっおいたす そこここにある いく぀かの䟋倖を陀いお 䟋倖の䞀぀はマサチュヌセッツ州ですが ゞョン・ケリヌの本拠地なので オバマが䞋でも驚くこずはありたせん それにマケむンの本拠のアリゟナ州でも オバマは祚を増やせたせんでした 他方で この囜の䞭倮に䜍眮する アヌカン゜ヌ テネシヌ オクラホマ りェストノァヌゞニアの蟺りも駄目でした 96幎のビル・クリントンは 民䞻党が前回勝利した時ですが たさにこの地域で 実に倧きな違いが芋られたす アパラチアやオザヌクずいった 高地地域です 96幎のクリントンず 08幎のオバマの間で 20から30ポむントも 䞋がりたした 確かにクリントンはアヌカン゜ヌ出身でしたが それにしおも倧きな倉化です アヌカン゜ヌのような地域に぀いお考えるずき 「カンザスはどうなっおいるのか?」ずいう本がありたすが オバマはカンザスでは割合䞊手くやっおいたす 負けたしたが 民䞻党はここではい぀も負けおいたす 他の人ほど ひどくは負けたせんでした それにしおもアヌカン゜ヌはどうなっおいるのか? アヌカン゜ヌに぀いおはネガティブなむメヌゞがありたす 銃を持った倚数のいわゆる「頑固な南郚人」 圌らが投祚しないだろうずは想像できたす こんな芋た目をした バラク・オバマなどずいう名前の人間には 人皮問題です これはフェアな芋方でしょうか? アヌカン゜ヌあたりの人に察する偏芋でしょうか? 少なくずもある郚分フェアな芋方です 人皮ずいう芁因が確かにあるずわかるのは 圌らに尋ねたからです 盎接尋ねた蚳ではありたせんが 50州䞭の37州で行われた 出口調査で 人皮に぀いお盎接的な質問がありたした こう質問したのです “今日の倧統領遞の投祚先を決めるにあたっお 候補者の人皮はその芁因になりたしたか?” この質問に察し “はい 人皮は芁因であるのみならず 決める䞊で重芁な点でした”ず答えた人や 恐らく他の芁因ずの兌ね合いか この芁因自䜓のために 結果ずしお マケむンに投祚した人は どれほどいたのか? そのような振る舞いは 癜人投祚者の間で あるいは黒人以倖の投祚者の間で どれくらいあったのか? ご芧のように 結果は地域によっお 倧きな違いが芋られたす ルむゞアナでは玄5人に1人の癜人投祚者が “はい 私がオバマに投祚しなかった倧きな理由は アフリカ系アメリカ人だからです”ず答えおいたす 仮にそれらの人々の半分でも オバマに投祚しおいたなら 圌はルむゞアナで難なく勝おたでしょう このリストの䞊䜍の州すべおにそう蚀えたす 䞀方カリフォルニアやニュヌペヌクの人々は “我々は啓蒙されおいる” ず蚀うでしょうが 人皮に基づく投祚ずいうのは 確かにずっず少なくなっおいたす これは同じデヌタを地図で衚したものです この図で赀くなっおいるのは “オバマの人皮は 私には問題でした” ず答えた人の倚かった州です 96幎ず比范した地図ず この地図の間には共通点が芋られたす これはたさにオバマが 䜕故この地域でひどい結果だったのかを 説明しおいるように芋えたす 我々は問うべきでしょう 人皮差別は䜕らかの方法で予枬できるのか? 人皮差別を匕き起こすものが䜕かあるのか? それは我々が理解しおいないアヌカン゜ヌや ケンタッキヌの特異性にすぎないのか? それずも䜕か構造的な芁因が働いおいるのか? 芋る事のできる倉数は他にもたくさんありたす 経枈孊者や政治科孊者が垞々芳察しおきた 収入や宗教や教育ずいった芁因は 我々が11月4日に行った この囜家的倧実隓における 人皮差別の衚出を匕き起こしたものなのでしょうか? 実際予枬を可胜にするような 匷い盞関を持぀芁玠が2぀ありたす 教育がその䞀぀です 成人あたりの修孊期間の短い州が 赀く衚瀺されおいたす ご芧の通りアパラチア地域は教育氎準が䜎くなっおいたす これは単に事実です ここに人皮差別に基づく投祚傟向ずの 関連を芋る事ができたす もう䞀぀の重芁な倉数は 近隣䜏民のタむプです より田舎の州では ニュヌハンプシャヌやメむンでさえ 人皮差別によるオバマぞの 反察投祚が芋受けられたす ですからこの2぀の芁玠の組み合わせなのです 教育ず近隣䜏民のタむプです これに぀いおはすぐ埌で話したすが アヌカン゜ヌやテネシヌのような州の問題は 非垞に田舎であり か぀教育的にも貧しいずいう事です だから人皮差別は予枬可胜なのです 恐らく他にも芁因があるでしょうが これは人皮差別を予芋しおいるように芋えたす この「総合的瀟䌚調査」ずいうのを もう少し掘り䞋げおみたしょう これはシカゎ倧孊によっお䞀幎おきに 行われおいるもので 圌らは実に興味深い䞀連の質問をしおいたす 2000幎には人皮差別的意芋に関する 特に興味深い質問がありたす 䞀䟋ずしお挙げるず “近隣にあなたず異なるの人皮の人は誰か䜏んでいたすか?” コミュニティのタむプによっお結果が倧きく異なるのがわかりたす 郜垂郚では玄80%の人が 近隣に別の人皮が䜏んでいるず答えおいたす しかし田舎のコミュニティでは僅か30%です 蟲堎暮らしなら隣人は少ないずいうだけかもしれたせん しかし いずれにしおも 自分ず違った人ずの亀流は 倚くないのです そこで この調査から癜人を抜出し 黒人や別の人皮の隣人がいる人ず 癜人の隣人しかいない人ずに 分けおみるこずにしたしょう 政治的意芋に関しおは 倧きな違いは芋られたせん これは8幎前で 圓時は共和党寄りの人が倚くいたした しかし民䞻党支持か共和党支持かは 隣人がどうであるかによっお さほど倉わりたせん 人皮に関する質問でさえそうです 䟋えば マむノリティ優遇措眮ずいう 人皮に関する政策の問題に぀いおも ここに倧きな違いはありたせん マむノリティ優遇措眮は癜人投祚者に人気がない点で共通しおいたすが 黒人の隣人がいる人ずいない人ずの間に この問題に察する感芚の違いは党くありたせん しかしもう少し深く 個人的なこずを聞いおみるずどうでしょう “異人皮間の結婚は法的に犁止すべきか?” この堎合倧きな違いが芋られたす 異なる人皮の隣人がいない人は いる人ず比べ2倍近くが 異人皮間の結婚に吊定的です 単に呚囲に䜏む隣人によっお倉わるのです 2000幎版ではなく1996幎版ですが 同じ調査でこんな質問をしおいたす “優れた倧統領候補なら黒人でも投祚したすか?” 隣人にアフリカ系アメリカ人がいない人は “それは私には問題だ”ず答える傟向が匷くなっおいたす だからこれは郜䌚か田舎かずいう話ではなく 誰が呚りに暮らしおいるかずいうこずなのです 人皮差別は予枬可胜であり それは 異人皮ずの亀流の有無によっお予芋できるのです だからこの問題に取り組みたいなら 人皮間の亀流促進を目指すべきでしょう それを行うための ごく自明なアむデアがいく぀かありたす 私は郜䌚が倧奜きです 特にその郜垂が持続可胜で倚様であり 異なる民族性や収入垯の集団を支えられるなら玠晎らしいです 郜䌚は田舎よりも日垞的に 人の繋がりや気軜な亀流を促進するず思いたす しかし誰もがニュヌペヌクのような郜䌚で暮らしたいわけではありたせん そこで考えるべきなのは道路網のようなものに぀いおです これは私が育ったミシガン州むヌストランシングの町䞊みです 䌝統的な䞭西郚の田舎で 道が栌子状になっおいたす 本圓のご近所や 朚や 歩くこずが出来る道路があり そしお近所にいる 奜きな人や 知らない人たちず 亀流するこずになりたす 結果ずしおそれはずおも寛容なコミュニティずなり 次のような所ずは異なるず私は考えたす このむリノむ州のシャンバヌグでは 袋小路になった䜏宅矀や ドラむブスルヌのスタヌバックスが このように詰め蟌たれおいたす 私はこのタむプの郜垂蚈画が 1970幎代から80幎代に流行したこずず レヌガン政暩䞋で囜が保守化したこずの間には 関連があるず考えおいたす 他にもアむデアがありたす ニュヌペヌクず倖囜ずで孊生を亀換する 亀換留孊制床がありたすが 率盎に蚀っお米囜内だけでも十分な差異がありたす たずえばニュヌペヌク倧孊の孊生を 䞀孊期間アヌカン゜ヌ倧孊で孊ばせ 逆も同様にするずか それを高校の段階でやるのはどうでしょう 実際アヌカン゜ヌやテネシヌの孊校にいる人は 恐らく別の州や別の人皮の人たちず 積極的に亀流する機䌚を持たないでしょう 先皋話した教育ずいう芁因の䞀郚は 倧孊に行くこずで埗られる 他では亀流する事がなかった人達ず混じり合う経隓のためだず思いたす 重芁なのはこれが党お良いニュヌスだずいう事です なぜなら 䜕かが予枬可胜であるなら それはデザむン可胜でもあるからです 問題の解決策を考える事ができたす たずえその問題が人皮差別のように悪質で扱い難いものであっおも その行動の根本原因や どういう時に起きるかがわかっおいるなら その解決策をデザむンする事ができるのです これが私の蚀うべき党おです ありがずうございたした
And in fact Barack Obama did quite well. He won 375 electoral votes. And he won about 70 million popular votes more than any other presidential candidate -- of any race, of any party -- in history. If you compare how Obama did against how John Kerry had done four years earlier -- Democrats really like seeing this transition here, where almost every state becomes bluer, becomes more democratic -- even states Obama lost, like out west, those states became more blue. In the south, in the northeast, almost everywhere but with a couple of exceptions here and there. One exception is in Massachusetts. That was John Kerry's home state. No big surprise, Obama couldn't do better than Kerry there. Or in Arizona, which is John McCain's home, Obama didn't have much improvement. But there is also this part of the country, kind of in the middle region here. This kind of Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, West Virginia region. Now if you look at '96, Bill Clinton -- the last Democrat to actually win -- how he did in '96, you see real big differences in this part of the country right here, the kind of Appalachians, Ozarks, highlands region, as I call it: from how Bill Clinton did in '96 to how Obama did in 2008. Yes Bill Clinton was from Arkansas, but these are very, very profound differences. So, when we think about parts of the country like Arkansas, you know. There is a book written called, "What's the Matter with Kansas?" But really the question here -- Obama did relatively well in Kansas. He lost badly but every Democrat does. He lost no worse than most people do. But yeah, what's the matter with Arkansas? And when we think of Arkansas we tend to have pretty negative connotations. We think of a bunch of rednecks, quote, unquote, with guns. And we think people like this probably don't want to vote for people who look like this and are named Barack Obama. We think it's a matter of race. And is this fair? Are we kind of stigmatizing people from Arkansas, and this part of the country? And the answer is: it is at least partially fair. We know that race was a factor, and the reason why we know that is because we asked those people. Actually we didn't ask them, but when they conducted exit polls in every state, in 37 states, out of the 50, they asked a question, that was pretty direct, about race. They asked this question. In deciding your vote for President today, was the race of the candidate a factor? We're looking for people that said, "Yes, race was a factor; moreover it was an important factor, in my decision," and people who voted for John McCain as a result of that factor, maybe in combination with other factors, and maybe alone. We're looking for this behavior among white voters or, really, non-black voters. So you see big differences in different parts of the country on this question. In Louisiana, about one in five white voters said, "Yes, one of the big reasons why I voted against Barack Obama is because he was an African-American." If those people had voted for Obama, even half of them, Obama would have won Louisiana safely. Same is true with, I think, all of these states you see on the top of the list. Meanwhile, California, New York, we can say, "Oh we're enlightened" admitted, I suppose, manifestation of racially-based voting. Here is the same data on a map. the redder states of where more people responded and said, "Yes, Barack Obama's race was a problem for me." You see, comparing the map to '96, you see an overlap here. This really seems to explain why Barack Obama did worse in this one part of the country. So we have to ask why. Is racism predictable in some way? Is there something driving this? Is it just about some weird stuff that goes on in Arkansas that we don't understand, and Kentucky? Or are there more systematic factors at work? And so we can look at a bunch of different variables. These are things that economists and political scientists look at all the time -- things like income, and religion, education. Which of these seem to drive this manifestation of racism in this big national experiment we had on November 4th? And there are a couple of these that have strong predictive relationships, one of which is education, where you see the states with the fewest years of schooling per adult are in red, and you see this part of the country, the kind of Appalachians region, is less educated. It's just a fact. And you see the relationship there with the racially-based voting patterns. The other variable that's important is the type of neighborhood that you live in. States that are more rural -- even to some extent of the states like New Hampshire and Maine -- they exhibit a little bit of this racially-based voting against Barack Obama. So it's the combination of these two things: it's education and the type of neighbors that you have, which we'll talk about more in a moment. And the thing about states like Arkansas and Tennessee is that they're both very rural, and they are educationally impoverished. So yes, racism is predictable. These things, among maybe other variables, but these things seem to predict it. into something called the General Social Survey. This is conducted by the University of Chicago every other year. And they ask a series of really interesting questions. In 2000 they had particularly interesting questions One simple question they asked is, "Does anyone of the opposite race live in your neighborhood?" We can see in different types of communities that the results are quite different. In cites, about 80 percent of people have someone whom they consider a neighbor of another race, but in rural communities, only about 30 percent. Probably because if you live on a farm, you might not have a lot of neighbors, period. But nevertheless, you're not having a lot of interaction with people who are unlike you. So what we're going to do now is take the white people in the survey or, really, some neighbor of another race -- and people who have only white neighbors. And we see in some variables in terms of political attitudes, not a lot of difference. This was eight years ago, some people were more Republican back then. But you see Democrats versus Republican, not a big difference based on who your neighbors are. And even some questions about race -- for example affirmative action, which is kind of a political question, a policy question about race, if you will -- not much difference here. Affirmative action is not very popular frankly, with white voters, period. But people with black neighbors and people with mono-racial neighborhoods feel no differently about it really. But if you probe a bit deeper and get a bit more personal if you will, "Do you favor a law banning interracial marriage?" There is a big difference. People who don't have neighbors of a different race are about twice as likely to oppose interracial marriage as people who do. Just based on who lives in your immediate neighborhood around you. And likewise they asked, not in 2000, but in the same survey in 1996, "Would you not vote for a qualified black president?" You see people without neighbors who are African-American who were much more likely to say, "That would give me a problem." So it's really not even about urban versus rural. It's about who you live with. Racism is predictable. And it's predicted by interaction or lack thereof with people unlike you, people of other races. So if you want to address it, the goal is to facilitate interaction with people of other races. I have a couple of very obvious, I suppose, ideas for maybe how to do that. I'm a big fan of cities. Especially if we have cites that are diverse and sustainable, and can support people of different ethnicities and different income groups. I think cities facilitate more of the kind of networking, the kind of casual interaction than you might have on a daily basis. But also not everyone wants to live in a city, certainly not a city like New York. So we can think more about things like street grids. This is the neighborhood where I grew up in East Lansing, Michigan. It's a traditional Midwestern community, which means you have real grid. You have real neighborhoods and real trees, and real streets you can walk on. And you interact a lot with your neighbors -- people you like, people you might not know. And as a result it's a very tolerant community, which is different, I think, than something like this, which is in Schaumburg, Illinois, where every little set of houses has their own cul-de-sac and drive-through Starbucks and stuff like that. I think that actually this type of urban design, which became more prevalent in the 1970s and 1980s -- I think there is a relationship between that and the country becoming more conservative under Ronald Reagan. But also here is another idea we have -- is an intercollegiate exchange program where you have students going from New York abroad. But frankly there are enough differences within the country now where maybe you can take a bunch of kids from NYU, have them go study for a semester at the University of Arkansas, and vice versa. Do it at the high school level. Literally there are people who might be in school in Arkansas or Tennessee and might never interact in a positive affirmative way with someone from another part of the country, or of another racial group. I think part of the education variable we talked about before is the networking experience you get when you go to college where you do get a mix of people that you might not interact with otherwise. But the point is, this is all good news, because when something is predictable, it is what I call designable. You can start thinking about solutions to solving that problem, even if the problem is pernicious and as intractable as racism. If we understand the root causes of the behavior and where it manifests itself and where it doesn't, we can start to design solutions to it. So that's all I have to say. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
私の IMAX 3D 映画 『芋えざる䞖界のミステリヌ』を 侀郹 ご芧に入れたしょう 私たちの目で捉えるには 動きの遅すぎるものがありたす 埮速床撮圱は 生呜の芋方を 私たちが発芋し 広げられるようにしおくれたす 生呜がいかに生たれ 育っおいくものなのか 蔓が生きるため 陜光を求めお 森の地面から 這い䞊がっおいく様を 芋せおくれたす 倧きなスケヌルでは 埮速床撮圱は地球の動きを 芋えるようにしおくれたす 広倧な自然の 広がりだけでなく 䌑むこずのない人類の営みも 芋るこずができたす 流れる光点の1぀ひず぀が 旅客機を衚しおいたす 航空亀通デヌタを 埮速床撮圱の 映像に倉えるこずで い぀も頭䞊にあるけれど 目に芋えないもの アメリカ䞊空の膚倧な航空網が 芋えるようになりたす 同じこずを海ず船に぀いお 行うこずもできたす デヌタを 䞖界経枈の動きの 埮速床撮圱映像ぞず 倉えるこずができたす 䜕十幎にも及ぶデヌタが 芋せおくれるのは 地球党䜓を 1぀の有機䜓ずしお 芋た姿です 倧掋を巡る海流や 倧気に枊巻く 雲に支えられ 雷を錓動ずし オヌロラの冠を戎いおいる 究極の埮速床撮圱映像 ずも蚀うべき 生きた地球の解剖図です 逆の極端には 速すぎお私たちの目では 捉えられないものがありたす それを芋えるようにしおくれる テクノロゞヌもありたす 高速床カメラによっお 埮速床撮圱の逆を やるこずができたす 私たちの目で捉えられるより 千倍も高速に 撮圱するこずで 自然の巧みな装眮の 働く仕組みが芋られ それを真䌌るこずだっお できるかもしれたせん 矜ばたくトンボが 飛び過ぎるのを芋る時 気付かなかったかも しれたせんが それは自然界最高の 飛行の名手なのです 空䞭に静止し 埌ろ向きに進み 逆さに飛ぶこずさえできたす トラッキング・マヌカヌを 虫の矜に付けるこずで 矜が生み出す気流を 可芖化できたす 誰も知らなかったこずですが 高速床撮圱するこずで トンボは4枚の矜を 別々に動かせるこずが 分かりたした この知芋から 党く新しい 飛行ロボットを䜜り出し 私たちの目が 遠くの重芁な堎所ぞ届くように できるかもしれたせん 倧きな私たちは 小さすぎお芋えないものに 気付きたせん 電子顕埮鏡は 電子を照射するこずで 物を䜕癟䞇倍にも 拡倧した画像を 䜜り出すこずができたす これは蝶の卵です 私たちの䜓の至る所に 目に芋えない生き物がいたす 䞀生を人のた぀げの䞊で過ごし 倜になるず肌ぞず這い出しおくる このダニみたいな生き物が これが䜕か分かりたすか? サメの皮膚です 芋虫の口 ショりゞョりバ゚の目 卵の殻 ノミ カタツムリの舌 私たちは生物の䞖界を 知っおいる぀もりでいたすが 未だ発芋されおいない 小さな生き物が 䜕癟䞇皮もいるかもしれたせん クモにも すごい秘密がありたす クモの糞は 同じ重さの鋌鉄よりも匷く なおか぀䌞瞮性がありたす この旅はナノの䞖界たで 続いおいきたす クモの糞は髪の毛の 100分の1の 现さしかありたせん その䞊にバクテリアがいお その偎には バクテリアより10倍小さい りむルスがいたす りむルスの䞭には 10倍小さな 3本のDNA鎖があり 最も匷力な電子顕埮鏡で 芋える限界に 個々の炭玠原子がありたす 匷力な電子顕埮鏡の 先端を䜿っお 原子を動かし 驚くべきナノデバむスを 䜜り出すこずが可胜です い぀かそのような装眮が 病気がないか 䜓の䞭をパトロヌルし ぀いでに詰たった血管を 掃陀するようになるでしょう 未来の小さな化孊的機械が い぀かDNAを修埩するように なるかもしれたせん 生呜の謎を解き明かしたい 欲求から生たれる ものすごい進歩の起きる 䞀歩手前に 私たちはいるのです 宇宙塵が 限りなく 降り泚ぐ䞭にあっお 倧気には花粉ずか 他の惑星や 超新星爆発から届く 小さなダむダや 宝石で満ちおいる 人は芋えないものに囲たれお 暮らしおいるのです そんなにあるず知れば 私たちの䞖界の芋方は 倉わるでしょう 目に芋えない䞖界を芋るこずで 自分が生きた宇宙に 䜏んでいるこずに気づき この新たな展望に 奜奇心をそそられ 我が家の裏庭の 探玢者になろうず 思うかもしれたせん 発芋されるのを埅っおいる どんなものがあるか どんな新しい驚きが我々の生掻を 倉えるか 誰に分かるでしょう? 芋おみるよりほかはありたせん どうもありがずうございたす
So here are some scenes from my 3D IMAX film, "Mysteries of the Unseen World." There is movement which is too slow for our eyes to detect, and time lapse makes us discover and broaden our perspective of life. We can see how organisms emerge and grow, how a vine survives by creeping from the forest floor to look at the sunlight. And at the grand scale, time lapse allows us to see our planet in motion. We can view not only the vast sweep of nature, but the restless movement of humanity. Each streaking dot represents a passenger plane, and by turning air traffic data into time-lapse imagery, we can see something that's above us constantly but invisible: the vast network of air travel over the United States. We can do the same thing with ships at sea. We can turn data into a time-lapse view of a global economy in motion. And decades of data give us the view of our entire planet as a single organism sustained by currents circulating throughout the oceans and by clouds swirling through the atmosphere, pulsing with lightning, crowned by the aurora Borealis. It may be the ultimate time-lapse image: the anatomy of Earth brought to life. At the other extreme, there are things that move too fast for our eyes, but we have technology that can look into that world as well. With high-speed cameras, we can do the opposite of time lapse. We can shoot images that are thousands of times faster than our vision. And we can see how nature's ingenious devices work, and perhaps we can even imitate them. When a dragonfly flutters by, you may not realize, but it's the greatest flier in nature. It can hover, fly backwards, even upside down. And by tracking markers on an insect's wings, we can visualize the air flow that they produce. Nobody knew the secret, but high speed shows that a dragonfly can move all four wings in different directions at the same time. And what we learn can lead us to new kinds of robotic flyers that can expand our vision of important and remote places. We're giants, and we're unaware of things that are too small for us to see. The electron microscope fires electrons which creates images which can magnify things by as much as a million times. This is the egg of a butterfly. And there are unseen creatures living all over your body, including mites that spend their entire lives crawling over your skin at night. Can you guess what this is? Shark skin. A caterpillar's mouth. The eye of a fruit fly. An eggshell. A flea. A snail's tongue. We think we know most of the animal kingdom, but there may be millions of tiny species waiting to be discovered. A spider also has great secrets, because spiders' silk thread is pound for pound stronger than steel but completely elastic. This journey will take us all the way down to the nano world. The silk is 100 times thinner than human hair. On there is bacteria, and near that bacteria, 10 times smaller, a virus. Inside of that, 10 times smaller, three strands of DNA. And nearing the limit of our most powerful microscopes, single carbon atoms. With the tip of a powerful microscope, we can actually move atoms and begin to create amazing nano devices. Some could one day patrol our body for all kinds of diseases and clean out clogged arteries along the way. Tiny chemical machines of the future can one day, perhaps, repair DNA. We are on the threshold of extraordinary advances, born of our drive to unveil the mysteries of life. So under an endless rain of cosmic dust, the air is full of pollen, from other planets and supernova explosions. People go about their lives surrounded by the unseeable. Knowing that there's so much around us we can't see forever changes our understanding of the world, and by looking at unseen worlds, we recognize that we exist in the living universe, and this new perspective creates wonder and inspires us to become explorers in our own backyards. Who knows what awaits to be seen and what new wonders will transform our lives. We'll just have to see. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
昌過ぎになるず、順調に客足を䌞ばしお店は賑わいを芋せおいる。 この時間垯は商人や冒険者の出入りが激しく、どこの店も昌食目圓おで満垭になる。 テヌブルの焌き鳥!テヌブルの牛䞌だよ!」 キシャナは手際良く調理した料理をグラナが配膳しおいく。 シェヌナはキシャナずルトルスのサポヌトに入っお、肉料理ずデザヌト䜜りに奔走する。 リィヌシャには䌑憩に入っおもらい、䞀人䞉十分のロヌテヌションを組んで䌑憩時間を蚭ける。 「そろそろリィヌシャさんが戻っおくる。次はルトルスが䌑憩に入っおくれ!」 「私の䌑憩はいらない。シェヌナ䞀人でデザヌトを䜜らせるこずになる! 魔物に囲たれお逃亡するような軟匱者ず倉わらない」 「それは駄目だよ。俺は倧䞈倫だから、䌑憩はしっかり取っおもらうからね」 責任者ずしお、䌑憩返䞊で働かせるこずはできない。 倧げさかもしれないが、過劎死に繋がるような真䌌は絶察にさせない぀もりだ。 「適切に䌑むこずも倧切なこずだよ。肉䜓を酷䜿しお䜓を壊されたら倧倉だ」 「......わかった。シェヌナが私達の䜓調を考えおくれおいるのは嬉しいよ」 厚房の奥にある䌑憩宀からリィヌシャが出おくるず、亀代でルトルスが入っおいく。 想像以䞊に店の切り盛りは倧倉だずシェヌナは実感しながら、倕方になる頃には食材が底を぀いお店を閉めた。 䞀同が食堂に集たるず、シェヌナは劎いず感謝の蚀葉を述べる。 「今日はお぀かれさたでした。おかげさたで、食材は党郚䜿い切っお完売臎したした! 開店初日もあっお、お客様の客足は順調な滑り出しで明日に繋がるような結果になったず思いたす」 明日䜿う食材は今日の倕方過ぎに届く予定になっおいるので、シェヌナずキシャナは店に残っお食材の確認ず仕蟌みを進めおいく぀もりだ。 お手䌝いのリィヌシャずグラナには絊金の封筒を枡す。 「ありがずうございたした。こちらは今日働いお䞋さった分の絊金になりたす」 「いや、私は受け取れないよ。䞀応、君達が所属するギルド長だからね」 特別な事情がない限り、ギルド長が所属メンバヌから金銭を受け取るこずはできないこずになっおいる。 「私の分はグラナ君に差し䞊げお䞋さい。それず、圌をこのたた店に雇っおくれたせんか?」 リィヌシャの突然の申し出に、シェヌナ達は驚いお声を䞊げる。 「宮殿に戻すより、ここで働いおいた圌の顔はむキむキずしおたからね」 「......私は構いたせんが、グラナはここで働くこずに抵抗はないのか?」 仮にも魔王ず称される人物が、本栌的に店で働くこずは了承するだろうか。 䞋玚貎族出身のシェヌナは貎族の瀟亀界に居合わせたこずがある。そこでは家柄や誇りを䞻匵しおぶ぀かり合うこずが倚く、シェヌナ自身が出䞖や家柄に興味はなかったので、なるべく顔を出さないようにしおいた。 グラナのような魔王は瀟亀界みたいな茝く堎所が盞応しいのではないか。 「そんなものはないよ。むしろ、君達はなかなか面癜い組み合わせだから興味が湧いた。こちらこそ、よろしく頌むよ」 グラナはあっさり了承するず、シェヌナ達に握手をする。
When it was a little past noon, the restaurant was still filled with customers and showed to be a profitable business. By that time the influx of merchants and adventurers increased heavily since every restaurant had all its seats occupied. “The fried chicken for table ! And the Gyudon for tables and are ready!” Kishana swiftly prepared the orders one after another and Grana served them. Schenna and Luthors helped Kishana too, preparing some of the meats or the desserts. They would also take turns to rest for half an hour, and it was Reesha’s turn to rest at that moment. “Reesha should be coming back to work in a bit. When she’s here you can go rest, Luthors!” “I don’t need to rest. If I do, that would leave you alone making all the desserts! That would be the same as cowardly leaving someone who’s surrounded by monsters behind.” “Don’t say that. I’m okay, so please go take a rest.” As the manager, Schenna could not let someone work without breaks. And she might just be exaggerating, but she wanted to avoid doing anything that could lead to death caused by overwork as much as she could. “Taking a rest at adequate times is something important as well. We would be in problems if you force yourself too much and your body gives in.” “...I understand. I’m glad you’re thinking of our wellbeing so much.” The break room was located further deep from the kitchen, and as soon as Reesha came out, Luthors went in. Schenna realized that managing a restaurant was harder than she had initially thought of. As the sky dimmed and evening came, the ingredients had finally been depleted and they closed the restaurant. All of them gathered in the dining hall then, and Schenna thanked everyone. “Thank you all for working so hard today. We were able to use all our ingredients and sold out! It was only our first day too, and our customers looked satisfied so I believe we’ll see many of them return tomorrow as well.” The ingredients for the next day were supposed to arrive later in the night, so Schenna and Kishana remained in the restaurant to confirm they were delivered, and then prepare in advance all they could. Schenna also handed out two envelopes with money to Reesha and Grana. “Thank you. These are your wages for helping us out today.” “Keep it, I don’t need it. And also, I don’t think I need to remind you I’m your guild leader, do I?” Unless for special cases, a guild leader was not allowed to directly receive money from one of their members. “Give my part to Grana-kun. And also, could you hire him to continue working like today in here?” Schenna and the other two girls reacted in surprise to everything Reesha had just said. “You see, he looked way more lively working here than he ever looked back in the palace.” “...That would be good by me, but Grana, you don’t have any problems in working here?” Would someone who used to be known as a Demon King really accept working in a restaurant? Even though she was born in a lower rank noble family, there were still some things she knew from that society. There, it was really frequent for fights to break out between families just for honor or pride, and since Schenna did not have much interest in social ranks or fame, she would avoid coming out in public as much as she could. So maybe a Demon King like Grana would also prefer something corresponding to a higher social rank? “I don’t mind at all. Or rather, you seem to have an interesting group here so I’m really interested in being here. So it’s me who should be thanking you for accepting me here.” Grana accepted immediately and shook Schenna’s hand.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「ゟクチョヌ、む゚タテタヌ」 「お疲れさん」 スパルプキンず蚀う名を圌らに䞎えおかが経ち、珟圚俺たちは俺が拠点ずしおいた卵圢の岩を䞭心に䜏凊ずするための䜏居を森を切り開き぀぀建おおいる。 いやヌ、この䞀月は本圓に倧倉だった。 たず名前を付けた翌日はミズキぞずスパルプキンたちの玹介をしたのだが、ミズキの姿を芋お理由は様々だがずにかく隒ぐスパルプキンたちを抑えるのは倧倉だった。 ちなみにミズキ曰く「パンプキン個人を助けるのは問題ないけど、スパルプキンず蚀う皮族党䜓を助けるのは粟霊ずしおは問題になるだろうから頑匵っおね」ずのこず。 で、そんなミズキの蚀葉に応えたのかどうなのかは分からないが、スパルプキンたちは転生しおきた頃の俺ず同じく森の魔獣たちに狙われやすいずいう事が刀明したため、䞀先ず防護柵を拠点の呚囲に匵り巡らした埌に最䜎限5人で䞀匹の猪を無事に狩れる皋床には鍛え䞊げおやる事になった。 なお、装備に぀いおは森の怍物を利甚した朚剣や盟等を䜜っお䞎えおいるのだが、こちらの现工に近い䜜業に぀いおはスパルプキンたちに教えたら既に䜕人かが適性を芋せ始めおいる。 こちらに぀いおはその内任せきりにしおもいいかもな。 今床はペサックさんずクレむノたちがこの間の【共鳎魔法・栞南瓜】の䜙波ずしお発生した揺れに関する事情聎取の為にやっおきたため、俺はスパルプキンたちの修行を芋぀぀質問に答えるこずになった。 以䞋、その時の流れ。 「おヌす。パンプキン。この間の揺れはお前の仕業だったらしいな」 「クレむノか。蚀っおおくがわざずじゃねえぞ。䞉銬鹿が原因の根本だ」 「分かっおる分かっおる。ただ、䞀応はお前からの蚌蚀も埗おおかないずいけないんだよ」 「ふうん」 「ちなみにその小さいお前によく䌌た生物は?」 「スパルプキンっお蚀っお䞀応は俺の子䟛みたいなもの。珟圚、森の䞭でも生きれる最䜎限の実力を付けおやっおいるずころ」 「「「アむヌ!」」」 「なるほどな。じゃあ、その蟺も含めお蚌蚀頌むわ」 「了解っず」 ず、こんな流れが有っお䞉銬鹿がクヌキハッピィ冒険者協䌚から远い出されるこずが確定した䞊に曞類停造の眪から指名手配ずなり、その翌日にはスパルプキンたちの安党を確保した䞊で俺はタンゎサックずコりゟヌ爺さん(クレむノ経由でだが)にスパルプキンの事を玹介するこずずなった。 うんたあ、ここたではそこたで倧倉じゃなかったんだよ。 問題はここから。 「萜ち着いお教えた通りに戊え!そうすれば倧䞈倫だ!」 「ブモオオォォ!!」 䞀頭の猪が防護柵の䞀郚を壊しお拠点の䞭に入っおくる。 どうやら思い返しおいる間にたた来おしたったらしい。 「ブモオォォ!」 猪の突進のスパルプキンが自分の身䜓よりも倧きな盟を䜿っお受け止め、猪の動きを止める。 「ブモッ!?ブモオッ!?」 そしお猪の動きが止たったずころに歊噚を持った他のスパルプキンたちが殺到し、その䜓......特に頭に向かっお䜕床も身䜓匷化を斜した状態で歊噚を振り䞋ろしおいく。 最初のころから考えるず随分ず手慣れたものだが、実を蚀えば今回の襲撃で通算で20回以䞊は襲撃があった。 「ふう。䜕ずかなったか」 スパルプキンたちが撲殺された猪の䞊で勝鬚を䞊げるず共にその䜓を身䜓匷化を埗意ずする個䜓が蔓で解䜓しおいく。 さお、䜕故これほど襲われるのか。それにはもちろん理由がある。 先ほども蚀ったず思うが、スパルプキンたちは転生した盎埌の俺ず同じように狙われやすい。それは戊闘胜力の割に高い魔力を有しおいたり、果実ずしお甘い匂いを出しおしたっおいるのが原因であるが、原因ずかそんなもの関係なしに襲われるのは事実であり、襲われるのが事実である以䞊は生き残るためにその身を鍛え䞊げるしかなかった。 そしおこれだけ頻繁に襲われおいるためにこの䞀月は倧倉だったわけだ。 「おう。芋おたぞ。だいぶ匷くなったみたいだな」 䞀人のスパルプキンがこっちに近づいおきお嬉しそうに螊る。 さお、この䞀月ほど芳察しおいお分かったこずだが、スパルプキンたちは結構個䜓ごずにその粟神性に差が有る。 具䜓的には女の子っぜい個䜓や男の子っぜい個䜓が芋た目ずは関係なく普通に居る。 ず蚀うわけで身䜓的な性差が無いからスパルプキンの性別は粟神の方向性で芋極めた方が良さそうである。 で、怒りんがうの子やせっかちな子、それ以倖にもおおよそ人間ずしお有り埗る粟神性は倧䜓持ち合わせおいるようなので、クレむノからも蚀われおいるが䜕れクヌキ領の領䞻に挚拶をしに行くずきには出来るだけ倧人しい子を遞ぶなどの工倫も必芁かもしれない。 「た、ずりあえず倏の間に色々ず準備はしないずな」 季節は梅雚が明けお倏。 今埌の事を考えるず䌑んでいる暇はなさそうだった。
“Good job.” A month has passed since giving them the name Spalpkin, and now they were building a dwelling to inhabit the area surrounding the egg-shaped boulder that served as Pumpkin’s center of operations while clearing out the forest. Well, this past month has been a real struggle. The Spalpkins were introduced to Mizuki by Pumpkin the day after the naming, but it was challenging to restrain them from raising a fuss for various reasons when they spotted Mizuki. Incidentally, Mizuki said, “Helping Pumpkin individually is not a problem, but helping the entire Spalpkin race would be a challenge for a spirit, so do your best.” It turned out that the Spalpkins were susceptible to attack by magical beasts of the forest, much like Pumpkin had been when he was reincarnated, whether or not this was in line with Mizuki’s predictions. Therefore, after installing a protective fence around the base, it was settled upon to train them to the extent that at least five of them could hunt a single boar safely. Furthermore, in terms of equipment, they were provided with wooden swords and shields made from forest plants, and after teaching the Spalpkins about this kind of work, some of them have already begun to display aptitude in this field. Perhaps I can delegate this work to them in due time. About three days after the training of the Spalpkins, Yossack and Crave came to question Pumpkin about the tremors that arose as an aftermath of [Resonance Spell・Atomic Pumpkin] and therefore had to answer their questions while overseeing the training of the Spalpkins. So he explained the sequences of the events to them. “Hey, Pumpkin. I heard you were behind the tremors the other day.” “Oh, Crave. Let me be clear, I didn’t do it on purpose. Those three fools were the root of the issue.” “I am aware that. But I have to get a testimony from you, just in case.” “Hmm.” “By the way, what’s that little creature that looks a lot like you?” “They’re called a Spalpkin, and they’re kind of like my kids. I’m currently trying to teach them the simplest essentials of how to live in the forest.” [[[Aye!]]] “I see. Well, I’m going to need your testimony on that, too.” “Got it.” After all these incidents, it was finalized that the three fools would be expelled from Kunukihappy Adventurers’ Association, and they were designated as wanted for forgery of documents. On the following day, after ensuring the safety of the Spalpkins, the Spalkins were to be introduced to Tangosack and Kozo (via Crave). Well, it wasn’t that daunting up to this point. The real problem starts from here. “Stay calm and fight like I taught you! You’ll be fine!” “Bumoooo!!” A section of the security fence was breached by a lone boar, who then entered the base. Apparently, while Pumpkin was reminiscing, the boar arrived a second time. “Bumooooo!” The two Spalpkins halted the boar’s progress by intercepting its lunge with shields that were larger than their own bodies. “Bumo!? Bumoooo!?” When the boar stopped moving, the other Spalpkins armed with weapons rushed in and wielded their weapons with multiple physical reinforcements applied to their bodies... especially their heads. It was quite a feat considering the initial assault, but to tell the truth, there had been more than assaults in total during the current raid. “Whew. I guess it worked out.” While the body of the slain boar was being dismantled with vines by an individual who was a specialist in body reinforcement, Spalpkin and the others raised a victory cry over it. Now, why are they being attacked so much? Of course, there is a reason for that. As was mentioned before, Spalpkin and the others were easy targets, just like Pumpkin himself was right after he was reincarnated. It was because, despite their combat prowess, the Spalpkins had tremendous magic power and gave off a sweet smell as a fruit. And since they were being attacked so frequently, the past month had been a rough one. “Patriach, we’ve done itヌ” “Oh. I was watching it. Looks like you all are getting a lot stronger.” One of the Spalpkins came up to Pumpkin and danced joyfully. After observing them for the past month or so, Pumpkin found out that their mentality varied from one individual to the next. Specifically, irrespective of their physical appearance, there were individuals who were girlish and those who were boyish. It would therefore be appropriate to identify the gender of Spalpkin by their mentality as there were no physical variations between the genders. As Crave said, it may be prudent to choose the most mature child when going to greet the lord of the Kunuki territory since the children appeared to exhibit the mentality of a regular human being, ranging from angry children to impatient children and others. “Well, at the very least, I have a lot of stuff to get ready for this summer.” The rainy season has ended and summer has arrived. There seemed to be no time for resting when it came to the subject of the future.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
たずえば、ある芋識の深い宗教的指導者は、人が月に着陞したこずを信じるこずを拒吊した。別の指導者は、䞖界が 2,000 幎前に生たれたず蚀い匵る。光幎で蚈枬される宇宙の幎霢および芏暡などは、玔粋に宗教的な蚓緎を受けおきた ulamas にずっお理解䞍胜なものである。
Others assert that the world was created 2,000 years ago. The age of the universe and its size measured in light years – these are things that the purely religiously trained ulamas cannot comprehend.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
その埌はノァンパむアハむロヌド蚎䌐に぀いお話し合う。 ゚リックが尋ねる。 「なにか策はあるのか?」 「俺ずシアで正面から突っ蟌む予定だが」 「えっ?」 シアが、びっくりしたような顔をする。 シアは別の䜜戊を考えおいたのかもしれない。 俺の䜜戊を聞いた゚リックずゎランが互いに顔を芋合わせた。 「さすがに......、無策がすぎるのではないか?」 「そうだぞ。ラックなら勝おるだろうが、もう少し安党策をずっおもいいかもしれねヌな」 俺ぱリックたちに䜜戊を解説する。 、策ではあっおだな。俺ずシアが突っ蟌めば、ノァンパむアロヌドどもは集たっおくるだろう?」 「そうなれば、獣人族の郚隊もノァンパむアを狩りやすくなるだろう?」 「うヌむ。ハむロヌド狩りは獣人族に任せるのか? 賛同は出来ぬな」 「俺も反察だ」 「シアはどう思う?」 「はい。むしろ獣人族の郚隊がノァンパむアどもを匕き付けおいる間に、ラックさんがノァンパむアハむロヌドを蚎䌐すべきでありたす」 「うヌむ......」 悩みどころではある。 ノァンパむアハむロヌドは圓然ロヌドより匷い。 だが、ロヌドの倧矀よりは戊いやすいはずだ。 俺はロヌドの倧矀を盞手にする方が難床が高いず考えた。 だから匕き受けようず思ったのだ。 「ラックさんの考えはわかっおいるでありたす。いわば陜動郚隊を匕き受けおくれる぀もりでありたすね?」 「たあ、そうだ。俺ずシアなら、陜動の圹割はきっちり果たせるず思う」 「ラック。たた自己犠牲の粟神で献身する぀もりか?」 ゚リックの衚情が険しくなる。 俺は匁解の必芁を感じた。 「いやいやいや。俺䞀人ならずもかく、シアも䞀緒なんだ。自己犠牲にシアを巻き蟌んだりするわけないだろ」 「たしかにそうだな。疑っお悪かった」 「ノァンパむアロヌドぐらいならば、倧矀に囲たれたずころで、生き延びる自信はある。もちろんシアの安党を完党に保障できるわけではないが」 「それは圓然芚悟しおいるでありたすよ。あたしもノァンパむア狩りの䞀族の戊士。それにBランク冒険者でありたすから」 シアは若いのに、芚悟が決たっおいる。 「危険は圓然あるが、俺ずも生還するこずを前提に䜜戊を考えおいるぞ」 「そうか。そうだな」 「ノァンパむアロヌドを倧量に匕き付けられたら、ハむロヌドが手薄になる。そうなれば獣人の郚隊に任せようず思っおいる」 「匕き぀けられなかった堎合は?」 「その堎合は、そのたたノァンパむアハむロヌドの銖をずるぞ」 そしおしばらくしおゎランが口を開く。 「冒険者ギルドからも応揎郚隊を出したいんだがな」 「魅了を譊戒しおいるのか?」 「そうだ。魅了で味方が敵に回りかねない。」 ゎランの蚀うずおりだ。 ノァンパむアの魅了で敵に回った冒険者は、俺も盞手にしたくない。 先皋たで味方だったのだ。どうしおも剣先が鈍る。 魅了にかけられただけならば、回埩手段がある。 それは䞀芋いいこずのように思える。 だが回埩手段があっお、救うこずができる仲間を殺せる奎はそういない。 助けようず努力し手こずっおいる間に、魅了による被害が拡倧しかねない。 䞀人が魅了にはたれば、パヌティヌ䞞ごず魅了される危険性が䞀気に高たるのだ。 「眷属化も譊戒しなければならぬ」 ゚リックも真剣な衚情だ。 吞血により眷属になったものは回埩手段が限られる。実質䞍可胜ず蚀っおもいい。 だから、たずえ元仲間でも、殺すしかないず思いきりやすくはある。 だが、眷属ず化したものは身䜓胜力が向䞊する。 元が優秀な冒険者であればあるほど、厄介な盞手になる。 CランクがBランク盞圓に、BランクがAランク盞圓に底䞊げされおしたうのだ。 「階士も兵士も掟遣しにくいのだ。すたぬ」 「冒険者も同様だ」 「わかっおいるさ。俺も元冒険者盞手だず、気持ちよく戊えないからな」 「我ら狌の獣人族には吞血も魅了も効かないでありたす。我らに任せお欲しいでありたすよ」 そんなシアに向けお゚リックが蚀う。 「かたじけない。歊噚や防具。必芁な物資などがあれば蚀っおほしい。あずで専門官を連れおこよう」 「ありがずうございたす」 シアは玠盎に頭を䞋げる。遠慮はしない。 䞀族の生存確率を少しでも䞊げられるのだ。遠慮する理由がない。 「さお。俺も準備しなければな」 「久しぶりの前線だ。気合が入るっおもんよ」 「え? ゚リックずゎランも参加する぀もりか?」 「圓たり前だろ?」 ゚リックずゎランは䜕を圓然なず蚀った感じだ。 「いや、いいのか?」 ゚リックは囜王だ。前線に出るべき人物ではない。 ゎランも冒険者ギルドのトップなのだ。 「ラック。舐めるでない。ノァンパむアの魅了ごずき抵抗できるぞ」 「そうだ、ラックばかりに掻躍させるわけにはいかねヌからな」 囜王ずグランドマスタヌは満面の笑みでそう蚀った。
After that, we talked about how we would kill the Vampire High Lords. Eric asked, “Do you have a plan?” “We plan to charge in. From the front.” “What?” Shia said with a surprised face. Perhaps Shia had a different plan in mind. Eric and Goran looked at each other after hearing my plan. “That’s not... Don’t you think that is a little careless?” “Indeed. I’m sure you could win, Ruck. But it won’t hurt to be safe.” And so I explained to them my plan. “Well, I did put some thought into it. If Shia and I charge in, the Vampire Lords will gather around us, yes?” “If that happens, wouldn’t it be easier for the beastkin troops to hunt the vampires?” “Hmm. So you are going to leave the hunting of the High Lords to the beastkin? I can’t agree with that.” “I am against it as well.” “What do you think, Shia?” “Yes. If anything, I think Mister Ruck should kill the Vampire High Lords while the beastkin lure the others together.” “Hmm...” It was a difficult decision. Of course, Vampire High Lords were stronger than Lords. But they should be easier to fight than a swarm of Lords. I had thought that taking on a swarm of Lords would be the hardest job. And so that was what I was going to do. “I understand what you are thinking, Mister Ruck. You want to create a diversion, don’t you?” “Yes, that’s right. I think you and I would be able to take on that role well.” “Ruck. Are going to try to sacrifice yourself again?” Eric said with a harsh expression. I felt the need to explain myself. “No-no-no. Besides, I’m not alone. I’ll be with Shia. I would never involve her in self-sacrifice.” “Yes. I’m sorry for doubting you.” “I’m confident that I’ll survive even if I’m surrounded by Vampire Lords. Of course, I cannot completely ensure Shia’s safety, though.” “I understand the risks, of course. I am a Warrior of a vampire hunting tribe as well. And a B Rank Adventurer.” While still young, Shia was determined. “It will be dangerous, but I’m planning this with the premise of us both returning alive.” “I see. Of course.” “If the swarm of Vampire Lords is lured towards us, the High Lords will be exposed. And then the beastkin can deal with them.” “But what if you cannot lure them away?” “If that happens, then I will just kill the Vampire High Lords instead.” After some time, Goran opened his mouth. “I would like to send some support troops from the Adventurers guild, but...” “You are afraid of Charm?” “Yes. It could cause your allies to become enemies.” Goran was right. I didn’t want to deal with Adventurers who turned into enemies either. They were your allies a moment ago. It was hard to point your sword at them. And there were ways to recover after having Charm cast on you. Which sounded like a good thing. But that of course meant that there were few people who would kill a comrade when there was a chance they could be saved. It was likely that the effort put into helping them would only result in even more damage. If one person was a victim to Charm, then there was a high danger that the entire party would succumb to it as well. “We will also have to be careful about being infected.” Eric said with a serious expression. There really wasn’t much you could do for someone after they turned. In fact, it was generally impossible to cure. And so in a way, it was easier to kill former comrades. However, those who have become kin to the vampire had increased physical abilities. Which meant they could be incredibly dangerous if they were already brilliant Adventurers. It would be like a C Rank going up to B or B Rank going up to A. “It will be difficult to send knights and soldiers. I am sorry.” “It’s the same with Adventurers.” “I understand. And I wouldn’t want to have to fight against former Adventurers anyway.” “Charm spells and blood-sucking do not work on us beastkin wolves. Please leave this job to us.” Shia said. Eric turned to her. “A thousand thanks. Weapons, armor. Tell me if there is anything that you require. I will call in a specialist later.” “Thank you.” Shia thanked him and bowed. There was no need to be modest here. Anything that helped raise their chances of survival even a little would be valuable. “Now, I have to go and get ready.” “I haven’t fought at the front lines in a while. This is exciting.” “What? You two are coming too?” “Of course?” Eric and Goran said as if it were the most natural thing. “Uh, are you sure?” Eric was the king of the country. He shouldn’t be out there on the frontlines. And Goran was the leader of the Adventurers Guild. “Ruck. Don’t underestimate me. I can easily withstand the Vampire’s charm.” “Yes. I can’t let you go out and take all of the glory.” The king and the grand master said with huge grins.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
教員の先導でようやく蟿り着いた花畑は、たさの䟡倀がある代物だった。 俺たちに近い畑は䌑耕地らしく、目的のコスモスは咲いおいないが、それでも土に良いずいう噂の癜詰草が満開に咲き誇っおいた。 その癜ず緑の絚毯のような光景がの爜やかな颚に乗っお涌し気になびいおいる。 「わぁ!」 レティヌナやミシェルちゃんですら、䟋倖ではない。もちろん俺も声を䞊げおいた。 「すごい、お花が䞀杯だ!」 「うん、すごいね」 「この畑は䌑耕地なのですわね。ならお花を摘んでも問題ないのかしら?」 癜詰草を芋おレティヌナはそわそわず身じろぎしおいる。駆け出したいのを必死でこらえおいるのだろう。 「はいはい、傟泚! このケビン領は、昔英雄ず呌ばれた人が巚人を倒したこずで拓かれた領地でね――」 ケビン領はか぀お、ゞャむアントゟンビの襲来があったらしい。それを撃退したケビンずいう英雄がこの地を授かり、土地を拓いたのが始たりだずか。 村の西偎には倧きな枓谷があり、そこで蚎䌐が行われたず蚀い䌝えられおいた。 その巚人の財宝目圓おに冒険者が集たり、村は倧いに繁栄したらしい。だがこの地を継いだケビンはそれだけではすぐに廃れるず考え、特産品ずしお花畑を開拓した。 䞀通り村の歎史を生埒に聞かせた埌、コルティナはパンず手を叩いお講矩を打ち切った。 「はい、じゃあ授業はここたで。埌はお匁圓を食べたしょうか。癜詰草の畑は自由に入っおいいっお蚱可をもらっおるから、花畑でのお匁圓ね。その埌蟲園の人に話を聞くこずになっおるから」 「コルティナ先生、摘んでもいいですか?」 「それも蚱可は取っおいるわよ。でも向こうの畑のコスモスはダメだからね?」 「はぁい!」 お匁圓ず聞いお、男子達もこぞっお花畑の䞭に駆け蟌んでいく。 俺もレティヌナずミシェルちゃんに䞡手を匕かれ、花畑ぞず突入しおいた。䞀歩匕いた堎所からマチスちゃんも぀いおきおいるのが、実に圌女らしい。 俺ず共に実戊経隓を積んできおいるミシェルちゃんずレティヌナは、他の生埒に比べお、ただ䜓力を残しおいた。 「うわぁ、ふかふか!」 「もう、ミシェルさん、服が汚れたすわよ?」 孊院指定の䜓操服に、朰された草が緑のシミを䜜るが、そんな事は䞀切気にしない。 疲れた䜓に染み蟌むように、心をリフレッシュさせおいた。 「村を思い出すね、ニコルちゃん」 二人ずは違っお俯せに草に沈んでいた俺は、そんな少し寂しそうなミシェルちゃんの声を聞く。 俺はずもかく、ミシェルちゃんは家族ごずこのラりムにやっおきおいるので、ホヌムシックず蚀う感芚はあたりなかった。 だがそれでも、別れおきた友人たちはいる。 この懐かしさを感じさせる草原で、眮いおきた友人達を思い出したのだろう。 「そうだね。今床のお䌑み、みんなで北の囜に垰っおみようか?」 「え、いいのかな?」 ラりムから北囜連合たでは、銬車で街道を通っおも二週間はかかる。 圌等も䌑みの時は垰省する者が倚い。だがそれは、高額な転移装眮を䜿える貎族が䞻だ。 あたり裕犏でない生埒は埀埩だけで長期䌑みの時間を費やしおしたうため、垰省を諊めお宿舎や寄宿先で䌑みを過ごす者がほずんどである。 ミシェルちゃんの家族も、転移装眮を䜿えるほど裕犏ではないので、長期䌑みでもラりムを出る事はなかった。 「ママに頌めば、きっず連れお行っおくれるよ。それにマクスりェル様に頌んでもいいし」 「そっか。ニコルちゃんちのご䞡芪なら、問題ないんだ。ちょっずうらやたしいな」 「う......そ、そうかな?」 本来ならば、囜を出るこず自䜓、ひず隒動な行事なのだ。ラむ゚ルやマリアがホむホむ飛んで来るので、感芚がマヒしおいたようだ。 ミシェルちゃんは俺ず違い、平凡な猟垫の家庭だ。そう簡単に故郷に戻れるような立堎じゃない。 「その......ごめんね?」 「んヌ、なにが?」 「なんずなく......」 圌女はそんな事を口にしたりしない。だけど申し蚳ない気分がしたので、俺はずりあえず謝眪しおおくこずにした。 この調子ならば、レティヌナも瀟亀界で有名な立掟な 「ほら、みんな。早くお昌にしないず、食べる時間が無くなっちゃうよ?」 そこぞ割り蟌んできたのはマチスちゃんだ。圌女は俺達の様に身䜓を鍛えおいたわけではないので、すでに空腹が限界に達しおいる。 「あ、ごめんね。お぀だう」 「うん、もう倧䞈倫だよ」 埌は俺たちもそのシヌトでお匁圓を広げればいいだけの状態だ。䜕から䜕たで圌女がやっおくれたこずになる。 「も、申し蚳ありたせんわ。わたしずした事が、぀い興奮しおしたいたしお」 「レティヌナはい぀も興奮しおるし」 「そんなこずありたせんわよ!?」 里心の着いたミシェルちゃんず、䞖話を焌いおくれたマチスちゃん。その二人に察する申し蚳ない感情を誀魔化すように、レティヌナをからかう。 そうしお俺は、フィニア枟身のお匁圓を広げ、昌食にあり぀いたのだった。
As we arrived at the flower fields guided by the teachers, the sight greeting us was certainly something worth coming here for. An unnaturally vast field was cleared out inside the forest and blooming full of multicolored flowers. It seemed that the fields closest to us were just the idle ones, so the Cosmos flowers that were our goal did not bloom here. Even so, white clovers that were proof of rich land were blooming in profusion here. That carpet of white and green was gently fluttering under the influence of June’s wind. It was a refreshing sight that made us forget that we were in a humid season. “Wow!” Seeing that sight the girls raised wondrous voices. Even Letina and Michelle were no exceptions. Of course, neither was I. “Amazing, there are flowers everywhere!” “Yeah, amazing.” “These are just idle fields, right? Then I wonder if we can pick some of them?” Seeing the white clovers Letina started fidgeting around. She seemed to be holding back the urge to rush towards them. Cortina looked at them in smiles and issued the next instructions. “Okay, okay, attention! This Kevin domain, you see, is a territory that has opened up when a hero of old defeated a Giant.” Cortina started narrating the anecdote related to this domain. It was a fresh experience for us to hold lessons among grasslands. Apparently, this domain was under an attack of a Giant Zombie. Then the hero of that time called Kevin drove it back and was awarded this territory where he cleared the lands. There was a big valley in the west of the village, where the Giant is assumed to have been subjugated. The fact that there was a Giant Zombie meant that Giants lived there. Many Adventurers were lured by Giants’ treasures and the village prospered. However, Kevin who took over this land believed that such prosperity wasn’t destined to last long, and thus, he decided to cultivate the flower fields as local specialties. As Raum was a kingdom surrounded by forests, large quantities of the same type of flowers were quite valuable. After telling the rough history to the kids, Cortina ended her lecture with a clap. “Okay, that’s it for the lesson. Let’s eat some lunch now, shall we? I received permission to enter the fields so we can enjoy our lunch there. After that, I have to talk with the one taking care of the plantations.” “Teacher, can we pick some flowers?” “Sure, I have permission for that. But don’t pick the Cosmos flowers that are on the other side, okay?” “Okaaay!” Hearing the word lunch, even the boys all rushed inside the flower fields. They spread open the picnic blankets in a self-first manner, formed groups and opened their bags. Letina and Michelle grabbed my hands and lead me inside. Matisse followed us a step behind; a behavior that was much like her. Michelle and Letina who practiced with me had more stamina to spare compared to the other kids. As such, they prioritized diving into the grassy plains instead of opening their lunchboxes. “Woow, it’s soft!” “Good grief, Michelle, your clothes will get dirty you know?” Letina said all that, but she herself plopped down on the grass. The grass left green stains on her academy uniform, but she didn’t seem to mind it at all. Rather, the smell of the crushed grass was making her feel better instead. It brought about a refreshing feel as if seeping into their tired bodies. “Doesn’t this remind you of our village, Nicole?” As they were holding my hands, I ended up diving into the grass against my will. While I was lying on my face unlike them, a somewhat lonely mutter of Michelle reached my ears. Indeed, this abundant nature reminded me of my northern homeland. Me aside, Michelle moved to Raum with her entire family, so she did not really feel homesick until now. But even so, she still had friends there that she ended up parted with. She always had that mischievous nature and often played with boys in the fields. Even when we were attacked by Kobolds back then, she was together with me. These nostalgic grasslands probably reminded her of the friends that she had left behind. “Yeah. Maybe we should go to the northern kingdom on our next break?” “Huh, would that be alright?” You needed about two weeks to reach the United Three Nations from Raum with a carriage. This was roughly how long it’d take to reach some other kingdom too, so it wasn’t like we came from an especially distant one. There were students from various countries in the Magic Academy of Raum. There were many among them that returned back to their homeland during vacations. But those were mostly nobles that could afford pricey teleportation devices. When it came to less wealthy ones, their round trip would consume most of their long-holidays, so most tended to give up and instead spend it in the lodging house or dormitories. Michelle’s family wasn’t wealthy enough to afford teleportation, so they did not leave Raum even during the long breaks. Naturally, since my parents frequently visited me, I never considered returning back either. “If we ask mom, I’m sure she’ll take us there. Or we can ask Lord Maxwell instead.” “I see. It wouldn’t be a problem for your parents, Nicole. I feel a little jealous.” “Uh... R-really?” I felt like I made a slip of the tongue there. I was born into a somewhat... Or rather, an unbelievably blessed family. By all rights, leaving the kingdom was a serious event in itself. My senses became numb since my parents came and went as if nothing. Unlike me, Michelle’s was an ordinary huntsman family. They weren’t in a position where they could go back to their homeland so easily. Perhaps my statement earlier sounded as if I was showing off that it was an easy thing to do. “Um... Sorry.” “Hmm, for what?” “Well...” She would never say it aloud, but I felt bad about it, so I apologized just in case. Letina read the mood and didn’t make any unnecessary comments. She used to be noisy before, but it seemed that she had learned to read the mood. Given her conduct, it was not long until she would become a famous lady of high society. “Hey, everyone. Let’s eat before it’s too late, okay?” Matisse cut into our conversation. She wasn’t training her body like we were, so her stomach was already reaching its limit. She cheerfully spread the blanket and put the luggage on it. “Ah, sorry. Let me help.” “It’s okay, I’m already done.” The blanket was already spread and so was her lunchbox. All we needed to do was bring our own lunch boxes over. She had already done everything in our stead. “M-My apologies. I’ve done something inexcusable during my excitement.” “Letina, you are always excited.” “That’s not the case!” There was a homesick Michelle and the attentive Matisse. I went to tease Letina to brush aside the guilt I felt towards the two. And thus, I opened my lunchbox that had Finia’s heart and soul put into it, we commenced our lunch.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 28, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
あヌ、うん。考えおみればリヌン様っどころか人間にはほが知られお無い神様だったね。䜕も蚀わなければ創造神に仕えおいる䜕かずしか芋られないか。 たあ、蚀っおも䜕の意味も無いから口を閉ざすけど。 「いや、お前の目的はここに溜たっおいる魔力を利甚した砎壊神の召喚っお事でいいのか?」 「ほう。どうしおそう思いで?」 「昔知り合いから銖郜の近くで砎壊神の召喚をしようずしおいたっお蚀う話を聞いおおな。その時は阻止出来たらしいが、話を聞く限りでは䞀床の倱敗で諊めるような連䞭だずは思えなかったし......」 俺は足堎の䞋でだいぶ黒くはなっおいるが、光り茝いおいる魔力の塊を指差しお神官のやろうずしおいる事に぀いお蚀う。 「これだけの魔力があれば倧抵のこずは出来るだろうしな」 「ははははは。よくお分かりで」 神官は俺の蚀葉を受けお高らかに笑い声を䞊げる。 そしお、たるで挔説をするかのように䞡手を倧きく広げ、頌んでもいないのに自らの考えを蚀い始める。 「そう!私の目的はこの堎の魔力を利甚しお砎壊神様をこの䞖に埡降臚させるこず!今日この日この時を境に既存の瀟䌚制床は厩壊し、我々がこの䞖の芇者ずなる日が来るのです!」 「......」 「ここたで来るのは本圓に長かったですよ......なにせ十幎以䞊前の時には流れの冒険者に劚害されたそうですし前には倚くの金ず人脈を駆䜿しお偎宀を䞀人こちら偎に匕き蟌んだず蚀うのに爆発事故で党おが氎泡に垰したしたからねぇ......おかげで今回はその息子を匕き蟌んでクヌデタヌを起こすなどず蚀う匷匕な手法を採らざるを埗なくなりたしたし、本圓に貎方たち創造神の走狗共には手を焌かせられたすよ」 話が長いなぁ......たあ、その間にしっかりず準備はさせおもらうけど。 それにしおもこの神官の魔力......珍しい闇属性ではあるが、それ以䞊に人間ずしおは圢が劙な気がする。 「ですが、今回はそうはいきたせんよ......なにせここにやっおきたのは貎方䞀人だけであり、他の者が儀匏が完了するたでにやっおくるこずは䞇に䞀぀も有り埗たせん。぀たり貎方さえ葬り去れば我々の悲願である砎壊神様の埡降臚は必ず叶うわけです!」 「俺に阻止されるずは考えおいないのか?」 「くっくっく......それは本気で蚀っおいるのですか?」 「これは............」 その蚀葉ず共に神官の魔力に倉化が生じ、それに合わせる様にシル゚ットにも倉化が生じ始める。 「なるほどな......モノキオたちに䜿っおいたのず同じ魔法か」 「よくお分かりで......」 たず䞡手䞡足が倧きく膚らみ䞊がるず、皮膚から黒い鱗がいく぀も生えおくるず共に手足の爪が鉀爪になるほど長く䌞びる。 「これこそ我等が誇る砎壊神様の埡業が䞀぀......」 続けお胎䜓郚分も同じように倧きく膚らみ、逆立った鱗によっお身に付けおいた法衣が砎れ萜ちるず同時に背䞭には黒ず赀を基本ずした翌が生え、臀郚からは黒い鱗ず赀い棘が生えた尻尟が䌞びおくる。 「人の噚を砎壊しおその魂に盞応しき姿ず力を埗る魔法......』 やがお頭も皮膚が泡立぀ようにしお䜓に合う倧きさになるたで膚れ䞊がるず党䜓が黒い鱗に芆われ、顔の右半分を芆う様に倧量の赀い目が生じ、巊半分からは耇数の赀い角が䌞び、それに䌎っお神官の声質もどちらかず蚀えば聞きづらいものぞず倉化しおいく。 『その名を『ディザスカス』ず申したす』 そしお神官の倉化が終わり、3mを越えるその䜓躯に䌌぀かわしくない小さな口から黒い呌気を挏らしながら神官は己に䜿った魔法の名を告げる。 「随分ず気持ち悪い姿だな。反吐が出そうだ」 『気持ち悪い......ですか。いやはや、感性の差ですから臎し方ないずはいえ随分ず぀れない蚀葉ですねぇ......尀も元々貎方に理解しおもらいたいなどずは思っおいたせんが』 神官は倉化した己の姿ずその力を確かめる様に身䜓を動かし、䜓䞭の骚を軜快に鳎らしおみせる。 俺の目で芋る限りではあるが、倉身の定番ずしお魔力量は倧きく増えおいるようだな。 「それにしおも理解できないな。䜕故そこたで砎壊神ず砎壊に力を泚ぐ?そんな姿になっおたで䜕故この䞖を壊したい?」 『聞く気も無いくせによく蚀いたすね......その懐に隠しおいる物を私に叩き蟌もうず虎芖眈々ず隙を窺っおいるくせに......』 俺は懐で準備が完了しおいた【共鳎魔法・胡瓜刀】に蟌めおいた魔力を発散させお準備を解陀する。あの魔力量だず䞍意打ちでなければ効果は薄いだろうしな。 ず蚀うか、どうやら倉身に䌎っお単玔に魔力の量が増えただけじゃなくお、色々ず面倒な胜力が远加されおいるようだな。厄介な。 『それにしおも玠晎らしい力だ......流石は砎壊神様です......』 神官が脚に力を蟌め、力が蟌められた結果ずしお鉀爪が床に食い蟌む。 『では行きたすよ竜殺し。間違っおも䞀撃で死んだりしないでください......ね!』 「......がっ!?」 神官の姿が俺の芖界から消えたタむミングで咄嗟に俺は魔力を蟌めた巊手を䞊げお防埡をし、そうしお防埡をした次の瞬間には俺は壁に叩き぀けられ、盟代わりずした巊腕は僅かな繊維を残しおぶら䞋がり、今にも切れそうになっおいた。 「これは......ダバいかもな......」 壁に䜓が半分ほど埋たった状態で思わず俺はそう呟いおいた。
“...” Ah, yeah. Come to think of it, Lean-sama is a God who is almost unknown to humans, let alone the general public. I would be perceived as someone working for the God of Creation if I remained silent, right? Well, there’s no point in saying anything, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut. “Well, is it right to say that your purpose is to summon the God of Destruction using the magic power that’s been piling up in this place?” “Oh. How did you come to that conclusion?” “I once heard from a source that there had been an attempt to call forth the God of Destruction close to the capital. Apparently, people were able to stop them then, but from what I’ve heard, I didn’t think they’d give up after one or two failed attempts...” Pointing to a glowing, though rather blackened, a mass of magic power under the scaffolding, Pumpkin remarked about what the priest was intending to accomplish. “With this much magic power, you could probably pull off almost anything.” “Hahaha. You sure have a good grasp of it.” The priest laughed hysterically at the words he heard. After that, he opened his arms wide as if he were delivering a speech and began to express his thoughts without having been asked by anyone to do so. “Yes! My purpose is to utilize the magic power of this place to summon the God of Destruction to descend into this world! On this day and at this hour, the current societal structure will crumble, and we’ll take over as the supreme rulers of this world!” “It’s been a really long time since I came this far... After all, more than ten years ago, I heard that adventurers interfered with my plans, and four years ago, I drew one of the royal concubines to my side with a lot of money and connections, but it all went up in smoke when an explosion occurred... Thanks to this time I had to adopt a forceful method such as bringing in her son to stage a coup d’état, and I really do have a hard time with you running dogs of the God of Creation.” What a long story... Well, I’ll make sure preparation is thoroughly ready for it in the meantime. Nevertheless, this priest’s magic power... is an unusual dark attribute, but more than that, I feel that the form is strange for a human being. “This time, however, is different since you are the only person who has arrived, and there is absolutely no chance that anybody else will emerge before the ritual is finished. That signifies our long-held wish for the advent of the God of Destruction will undoubtedly come true as long as you are taken out!” “Do you not reckon that I could thwart you?” “Hahaha... are you seriously saying that?” “This is...” Along with these words, the priest’s magic power shifted and his silhouette began to change as if to adapt to the transformation. “I see... it’s the same magic you used on Monokio and the others.” “You figured it out quite well...” The first thing that happened was that his arms and legs swelled up, black scales grew out of his skin, and the nails on his hands and feet grew long enough to take the shape of claws. “This is the work of the God of Destruction, of whom we are so proud...” The inverted scales then tore off his clerical garment as his body swelled in the same manner. Black and red wings sprang from his back at the same time as a tail with red spines and black scales sprouted from his back. “The magic that destroys a person’s vessel and bestows upon it a form and power befitting its soul...” Eventually, his head was covered with black scales as his skin bubbled and expanded to the appropriate size to accommodate his body. A large number of red eyes appeared to cover the right half of his face, and multiple red horns began to grow from his left half, all of which were accompanied by a change in the priest’s voice to one that was rather difficult to hear. “The name is ‘Dizaskas’.” Following his transformation, the priest revealed the name of the magic he had performed on himself, a black exhalation leaving from his small mouth that didn’t match his three-meter frame. “You look so sickening. It makes me want to vomit.” “Sickening...? No, well, it’s a difference in sensitivity, but it’s still a very dull word... although I don’t expect you to understand in the first place.” As if to confirm his altered appearance and power, the priest moved his body, his bones snapping nimbly. From what Pumpkin can tell, the metamorphosis has resulted in a huge boost in magic power. “I still don’t understand. Why do you devote so much energy to the God of Destruction and devastation? Why do you want to destroy this world by taking on such a form?” [How strange for you to ask that even though you have no interest in listening... you’ve been watching for an opening to strike me with what you’re concealing in your pockets, aren’t you...] Pumpkin terminated the preparation of the [Resonance Spell・Cucumber Blade] in his pocket and dissipated the magic power it held. Unless it was a surprise assault, the effect would be minimal at that level of magic power. Apparently, the amount of magic power in him has not simply increased along with the metamorphosis, but also added a variety of complicated abilities. [Even so, this is a wonderful power... as expected of the God of Destruction...] As the priest strained his legs, his claws dug into the floor as a result of the force. [Now, let’s start, dragon-slayer. Please don’t die from a single blow...!] “...What!?” The priest’s form then vanished from his line of sight, and Pumpkin quickly lifted his left hand, which was endowed with magic power, to protect himself. His left arm, which had been employed as a shield, was dangling with barely a few fibers left and was ready to snap off when he was slammed against the wall in the next moment. “This... could be bad...” With his body half buried in the wall, an involuntary mutter flowed out of Pumpkin’s mouth.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
誰もが呚囲の人ず関わり 様々な理由から 人間関係に興味を持っおいたす 様々な理由から 人間関係に興味を持っおいたす 良奜な関係 険悪な関係 面倒な関係 䞍可解な関係 良奜な関係 険悪な関係 面倒な関係 䞍可解な関係 そしお今回は 人間関係の䞭で生じる 盞互䜜甚の䞭栞に着目したいず思いたす 私は皆さんが他人ずの亀流に 興味を持っおいただけるず思っお話したす 私は皆さんが他人ずの亀流に 興味を持っおいただけるず思っお話したす 私は人間関係ずいう 耇雑な物を単玔化し 単玔化したものを 科孊的な枬定噚ずしお䜿甚したした そしお二぀の脳が同時に亀流しおいる時 䜕が起こっおいるかに぀いお ただ初期段階ですが 新しい知芋を提䟛したす たずは どうやっおそれができるのか 説明したいず思いたす たずは どうやっおそれができるのか 説明したいず思いたす 今では 健康を害するこずなく 脳の掻動が芳察できたす 今では 健康を害するこずなく 脳の掻動が芳察できたす 針や攟射線は䜿甚せず 医療目的なしに あなたの隣人や友人が 様々な認知掻動をしおいる間の 脳の掻動を蚘録できたす 䜿甚するのは ”機胜的磁気共鳎画像法”-- 皆さん聞き芚えがあるかもしれたせん 䞀蚀二蚀で説明しお差し䞊げたしょう MRIは聞いたこずがありたすよね 磁堎ず電磁波を利甚し MRIは聞いたこずがありたすよね 磁堎ず電磁波を利甚し 貎方の脳や膝 胃の写真を撮りたす 癜黒の時が停たった映像です 90幎代 MRIを違う圢で 䜿えるこずがわかりたした 90幎代 MRIを違う圢で 䜿えるこずがわかりたした 脳内の様々郚分の 埮劙な血流を 動画で芋るこずが出来るようになりたした だから䜕か? 脳内の神経掻動は ぀たり脳を機胜させる掻動― 脳の゜フトりェアの動䜜は 血流ず盞関関係にありたす 血流を芋れば 脳の掻動がわかりたす 血流を芋れば 脳の掻動がわかりたす これは認知科孊にずっお革呜です 調べたい認知領域があるずしたす 蚘憶 運動 姑のこずを考える 誰かに起こる 感情的な 反応 等々 これらの掻動が脳内にどう分垃するか 人々をfMRI装眮にかけるこずで わかるのです fMRIは初期段階で 粟床が荒いですが 20幎前には䜕もなかったのです 人を―健康な人を― 研究できなかったのです fMRIにより 文字通り革呜が起き 新たな実隓材料を埗たした 神経孊者は研究で 色々な実隓材料を䜿甚したす ミミズ ラット パ 等々 そしお新たな実隓材料が 人間です 今では人間の脳の機胜を 調べるために 人間を䜿甚でき いく぀かの 生物孊的な指暙ができ぀぀ありたす さお ここで人々が行っおきた 実隓の䟋を玹介したしょう これは"評䟡"の分野で行われたした ”評䟡"ずは皆さんが考えおいる通りで もし2぀の䌚瀟を比べた堎合 どちらの䟡倀が高いか知りたくなりたす "評䟡"の特城は千幎も 昔から知られおいたす オレンゞずフロントガラスを比べるには どうしたすか?できたせんよね? オレンゞずフロントガラスを比べるには どうしたすか?できたせんよね? これらはお互いに混ざり合いたせん この堎合 それらを同じ尺床に倉換し その尺床を䜿甚しお評䟡をしたす こういう凊理をするのが 脳の仕事です そしえ我々は評䟡に携わる脳の噚官を 明らかにし぀぀ありたす その䞀぀が 神経䌝達物質系です 脳幹に䜍眮する现胞によっお― ドヌパミンずいう化孊物質が 脳党䜓に攟出されたす 詳しくは説明したせんが これは重芁な発芋であり 神経䌝達物質系は小さいが重芁です これらの神経现胞が パヌキン゜ン病やドラッグの䜿甚で 損なわれたり支配されたす そしおこれは非垞に玍埗できたす ドラッグを䜿甚するず 評䟡の基準が倉化し― ドラッグを䜿甚するず 評䟡の基準が倉化し― ドラッグが 䜕よりも 倧事なものになりたす ドラッグが 䜕よりも 倧事なものになりたす しかし 神経䌝達物質系の真の特城は 抜象的な抂念の 評䟡にも 関係しおいるこずです 私たちは様々な理由から これらのような物に䟡倀を぀けたす 私たちは様々な理由から これらのような物に䟡倀を぀けたす 私達の脳のスヌパヌパワヌがあり それにはドヌパミンが関係しおいたす 人間だけが抂念のために ―それが些现なものでも― 生存本胜たでも 吊定できおしたいたす 1997幎 カルト宗教の 集団自殺がありたした ヘヌル・ボップ圗星の尟に隠れおいる 宇宙船が 魂を別䞖界に 連れお行っおくれるずいう 考えに憑り぀かれおのこずでした 悲劇的な出来事です 圌らの3分の2は 倧孊を出おいたした しかし ここでの重芁な点は 生存のために発達した― 神経䌝達物質系を䜿い 生存本胜が― 吊定されたこずです これにはかなりのコントロヌルが必芁です この話で䞀぀抜けおいるのは ここからの䞻題である 他人に぀いおの話です 人間関係の 評䟡にも 先ほどず同じような 評䟡システム―神経䌝達物質系― が䜿われおいたす このドヌパミンシステムは 人をドラッグに溺れさせ パヌキン゜ン病患者を静止させ 様々な粟神異垞の原因ずなり そしお 人間関係を評䟡するのに 䜿われるのです 誰かず亀流しおいる時の ゞェスチャヌに 評䟡を付けるのです 䟋を挙げたいず思いたす 皆さんは知らず知らずのうちに この分野で― かなりの凊理胜力を 発揮しおいたす ここに赀ちゃんがいたす 圌女は生埌3ヶ月 オムツをしお 埮分積分はできたせん 私の芪族で ここに映っおいるこずを 喜んでいる誰かがいたす 圌女の片方の目を 隠しおみおください 片方の目には奜奇心が芋え 逆の目には― ちょっずした驚きが芋えるず思いたす カップルの写真 楜しい時間を共有しおたす そしお― 実隓により写真の䞀郚を切り抜いおも 楜しい時間を共有しおいるこずが 実隓により写真の䞀郚を切り抜いおも 楜しい時間を共有しおいるこずが 読み取れるこずが分かりたした 写真の色々な情報がヒントをくれたすが 顔の衚情から 最も簡単に読み取れたす しかし 普段の衚情ずの違いは埮劙です 別のカップル 圌は私達に察し感情を映し出しおいお 圌女が映し出しおる感情は明らかです 圌ぞの愛ず称賛 そしお たた別のカップル 巊偎には 愛ず称賛は 芋られないようです 実際には 姉ず匟です そしお匟は倚分 ”仲良しなのはカメラの前だけで ”この埌 僕のアメを取り䞊げお 顔にパンチするんだろ”ず蚀っおいたす 写真を芋せたこずには埌で酷く怒るでしょう さお これらからわかるこずは― 写真を芋せたこずには埌で酷く怒るでしょう さお これらからわかるこずは― 私たちは 評䟡にかなりの 凊理胜力を䜿うずいうこずです それには脳の深郚にある ドヌパミン系― 私たちが生きるために セックスや食べ物を 求めさせるシステムが関䞎しおいたす そしお― それが私たちの 行動の原動力ずなりたす ではどのように実隓を組み立おれば このドヌパミン系を― 人間関係の枬定噚ずしお 䜿甚できるのか? 答えはゲヌムをさせるこずです 経枈ゲヌムをさせたす 二぀の分野に進出し― 䞀぀は実隓経枈孊 もう䞀぀は行動経枈孊 圌らのゲヌムを拝借しお 研究に利甚しおいたす ゲヌムは”最埌通牒ゲヌム” ず蚀いたす 赀は100ドル䞎えられ 青ずどのように分割するか提案できたす 赀は100ドル䞎えられ 青ずどのように分割するか提案できたす 赀の提案が èµ€:70 青:30 だずしたしょう そしお䞻導暩は青に移り 青が"承諟"ず蚀えば 二人はお金を受け取りたす 青が”拒吊”ず蚀うず 䞡者は䜕も受け取れたせん 経枈孊者がいう合理的な遞択によるず ”れロ”以倖は党お承諟すべきです でも実際 80-20の提案で 遞択は䞭立になりたす 80-20では 盞手が ”受諟”するかは五分五分 なぜか? 分かりたすよね?怒るからです 明らかに䞍公平な提案に 怒っおいるからです この手の実隓は 䞖界䞭で行われおいたす これはこの手のゲヌムが どのような― 枬定噚になれるかの䞀䟋です たた面癜いこずに これらのゲヌムには 倚くの認知胜力が求められたす たず 盞手に関する 適切なモデルが必芁です 自分のしたこずを蚘憶し 実行に移すためには少し勇気が必芁です 自分のしたこずを蚘憶し 実行に移すためには少し勇気が必芁です そしお盞手の反応を受け モデルを曎新し 興味を匕くこずを しなければいけない これは非垞に深い思考が必芁です たずは― 盞手が期埅しおいるこずを刀断し 盞手の䞭にある― 自分のむメヌゞを管理するために シグナルを送りたす 就職面接に䌌おいたすね 先入芳を持った 面接官の前に座り その先入芳が 自分が望むむメヌゞに 修正されるようシグナルを送る 皆こういったこずが䞊手すぎお 自分達では気づきたせんが 私たちの枬定噚を䜿うこずで 気づくこずが出来るのです この研究で 人は瀟亀的な堎では カナリアだず気づきたした この研究で 人は瀟亀的な堎では カナリアだず気づきたした カナリアは炭鉱では 感知噚ずしお䜿甚されたした メタンが増加したり 二酞化炭玠が増加したり 酞玠が枛少するず この鳥は人よりも早く気絶し 譊報システムずしお働きたす ”このたただずやばい 炭鉱から出るんだ”ず 人々はテヌブルに座り 数字をやり取りするだけの 単玔で― 人々はテヌブルに座り 数字をやり取りするだけの 単玔で― 手順が決たった 亀流をするだけで そこに倚倧な神経を䜿いたす 私たちはそれを利甚できるこずに気づき 実際に実隓をしおきたした 䜕千人― きっず5~6,000人に 実隓したず思いたす でも デヌタを生物孊的な枬定ずするには もっずたくさんの数が必芁です でも デヌタを生物孊的な枬定ずするには もっずたくさんの数が必芁です かなりの数が必芁です しかし 䜕はずもあれ パタヌンは芋えおきおいお そのパタヌンを 数孊的モデルに倉換し そこから― 人の亀流に関する新しい知芋が 埗られおきたした だから 䜕か? ぀たり これは有効な 行動の枬定方法だずいうこずです ゲヌムは私たちに最適な 手段に぀いお教えおくれたす それをゲヌムの間 蚈算し 行動をモデルずしお圢䜜るこずが出来たす 6,7幎前 我々はチヌムを䜜りたした 最初はテキサスのヒュヌストンに 今はノァヌゞニアずロンドンにありたす そしおfMRI装眮を むンタヌネットで぀なげる ゜フトを開発したした 圓時は6台接続出来たしたが たず 2台に着目したしょう ぀たり 䞖界䞭の機械が接続できるので 接続したうえで 䞭の人を亀流させ 亀流する二人の脳を同時に 芋るこずが出来たす 初めお 個々の平均や コンピュヌタヌを盞手にした― 人を調べ そこから掚論を導くのではなく 二人䞀組で調べられる ようになりたした 人が他人ず亀流する様を より倚くの― 被隓者で調べ 認知胜力に関する― 新しい知芋が埗られ始めおいたす もっず重芁な実隓ずしお 粟神疟患や― 脳障害を持぀患者に 先ほどのような亀流をさせお 亀流に必芁な胜力ずは䜕かを 枬定できたす 実隓は始たったばかりですが 初期段階の発芋がいく぀か出おきたした 実隓は始たったばかりですが 初期段階の発芋がいく぀か出おきたした 私たちはこの研究の 将来に期埅しおいたす この研究で粟神疟患に関しお 埓来ずは違う 数孊的な新しい定矩を 打ち立おられるず思いたす これらの疟患の特性を 人々を― カナリアずしお䜿い 調べるのです すなわち― う぀病 自閉症 泚意欠陥倚動性障害の患者ず― う぀病 自閉症 泚意欠陥倚動性障害の患者ず― 健垞者が行うゲヌムを分析したす 健垞者を感知噚ずしお利甚し プログラムを䜿い 患者のモデリングを行うこずで 粟神疟患の評䟡が出来たす ただ始めたばかりですが 䞖界䞭に斜蚭を開蚭しおいたす ただ始めたばかりですが 䞖界䞭に斜蚭を開蚭しおいたす 䞭心地の䞀぀は皮肉にも バヌゞニアの小さな町 ロアノヌクにありたす もう䞀぀のハブがロンドンにあり 残りも開蚭䞭です い぀かはデヌタを䞖界䞭に― 公開したいのですが それには耇雑な問題がありたす しかし 私たちの研究は 私たち人間を― 興味深い存圚にしおいる― 理由のほんの䞀郚しか芋おいたせん ですので 興味があれば研究に― 参加しお頂きたい ゜フトりェアずその䜿甚方法は 喜んで教えたす 最埌に― 認知胜力を研究する䞊で 興味深いのは 我々は垞に 限定されおいたこずです 最近たで 亀流する人の脳を 同時に芋る術はありたせんでした 最近たで 亀流する人の脳を 同時に芋る術はありたせんでした しかし 実際 私たち人間は 䞀人の時でも瀟䌚的な生き物です 私たちの脳は― 他人ず関わりない䞖界で発達した 孀独な存圚では― ありたせん 実際 私たちの脳は― 他人に䟝存したす 脳は他人に䟝存し― 他人の䞭でこそ― 自己が衚珟されたす 他人ずの亀流があるたでは― それが味方であれ 敵察する人であれ 自分にずっおよくわからない人であれ― 自分が䜕者かは分からないものです この掞察に基づき それを道具ずしお䜿い 人間ずは䜕かを 明らかにし 粟神疟患を解明する この研究は その最初の䞀歩です ありがずうございたした (拍手)
Everyone has relationships with other people, and they're interested in these relationships for a variety of reasons. Good relationships, bad relationships, annoying relationships, agnostic relationships, and what I'm going to do is focus on the central piece of an interaction that goes on in a relationship. So I'm going to take as inspiration the fact that we're all interested in interacting with other people, I'm going to completely strip it of all its complicating features, and I'm going to turn that object, that simplified object, into a scientific probe, and provide the early stages, embryonic stages of new insights into what happens in two brains while they simultaneously interact. But before I do that, let me tell you a couple of things that made this possible. The first is we can now eavesdrop safely on healthy brain activity. Without needles and radioactivity, without any kind of clinical reason, we can go down the street and record from your friends' and neighbors' brains while they do a variety of cognitive tasks, and we use a method called functional magnetic resonance imaging. You've probably all read about it or heard about in some incarnation. Let me give you a two-sentence version of it. So we've all heard of MRIs. MRIs use magnetic fields and radio waves and they take snapshots of your brain or your knee or your stomach, grayscale images that are frozen in time. In the 1990s, it was discovered you could use the same machines in a different mode, and in that mode, you could make microscopic blood flow movies from hundreds of thousands of sites independently in the brain. Okay, so what? In fact, the so what is, in the brain, changes in neural activity, the things that make your brain work, the things that make your software work in your brain, are tightly correlated with changes in blood flow. You make a blood flow movie, you have an independent proxy of brain activity. This has literally revolutionized cognitive science. Take any cognitive domain you want, memory, motor planning, thinking about your mother-in-law, getting angry at people, emotional response, it goes on and on, put people into functional MRI devices, and image how these kinds of variables map onto brain activity. It's in its early stages, and it's crude by some measures, but in fact, 20 years ago, we were at nothing. You couldn't do people like this. You couldn't do healthy people. That's caused a literal revolution, and it's opened us up to a new experimental preparation. Neurobiologists, as you well know, have lots of experimental preps, worms and rodents and fruit flies and things like this. And now, we have a new experimental prep: human beings. We can now use human beings to study and model the software in human beings, and we have a few burgeoning biological measures. Okay, let me give you one example of the kinds of experiments that people do, and it's in the area of what you'd call valuation. Valuation is just what you think it is, you know? If you went and you were valuing two companies against one another, you'd want to know which was more valuable. Cultures discovered the key feature of valuation thousands of years ago. If you want to compare oranges to windshields, what do you do? Well, you can't compare oranges to windshields. They're immiscible. They don't mix with one another. So instead, you convert them to a common currency scale, put them on that scale, and value them accordingly. Well, your brain has to do something just like that as well, and we're now beginning to understand and identify brain systems involved in valuation, and one of them includes a neurotransmitter system whose cells are located in your brainstem and deliver the chemical dopamine to the rest of your brain. I won't go through the details of it, but that's an important discovery, and we know a good bit about that now, and it's just a small piece of it, but it's important because those are the neurons that you would lose if you had Parkinson's disease, and they're also the neurons that are hijacked by literally every drug of abuse, and that makes sense. Drugs of abuse would come in, and they would change you value the symbols associated with your drug of choice, and they make you value that over everything else. Here's the key feature though. These neurons are also involved in the way you can assign value to literally abstract ideas, and I put some symbols up here that we assign value to for various reasons. We have a behavioral superpower in our brain, and it at least in part involves dopamine. We can deny every instinct we have for survival for an idea, for a mere idea. No other species can do that. In 1997, the cult Heaven's Gate committed mass suicide predicated on the idea that there was a spaceship hiding in the tail of the then-visible comet Hale-Bopp waiting to take them to the next level. It was an incredibly tragic event. More than two thirds of them had college degrees. But the point here is they were able to deny their instincts for survival using exactly the same systems that were put there to make them survive. That's a lot of control, okay? One thing that I've left out of this narrative is the obvious thing, which is the focus of the rest of my little talk, and that is other people. These same valuation systems are redeployed when we're valuing interactions with other people. So this same dopamine system that gets addicted to drugs, that makes you freeze when you get Parkinson's disease, that contributes to various forms of psychosis, is also redeployed to value interactions with other people and to assign value to gestures that you do when you're interacting with somebody else. Let me give you an example of this. You bring to the table such enormous processing power in this domain that you hardly even notice it. Let me just give you a few examples. So here's a baby. She's three months old. She still poops in her diapers and she can't do calculus. She's related to me. Somebody will be very glad that she's up here on the screen. You can cover up one of her eyes, and you can still read something in the other eye, and I see sort of curiosity in one eye, I see maybe a little bit of surprise in the other. Here's a couple. They're sharing a moment together, and we've even done an experiment where you can cut out different pieces of this frame and you can still see that they're sharing it. They're sharing it sort of in parallel. Now, the elements of the scene also communicate this to us, but you can read it straight off their faces, and if you compare their faces to normal faces, it would be a very subtle cue. Here's another couple. He's projecting out at us, and she's clearly projecting, you know, love and admiration at him. Here's another couple. And I'm thinking I'm not seeing love and admiration on the left. In fact, I know this is his sister, and you can just see him saying, "Okay, we're doing this for the camera, and then afterwards you steal my candy and you punch me in the face." He'll kill me for showing that. All right, so what does this mean? It means we bring an enormous amount of processing power to the problem. It engages deep systems in our brain, in dopaminergic systems that are there to make you chase sex, food and salt. They keep you alive. It gives them the pie, it gives that kind of a behavioral punch which we've called a superpower. So how can we take that and arrange a kind of staged social interaction and turn that into a scientific probe? And the short answer is games. Economic games. So what we do is we go into two areas. One area is called experimental economics. The other area is called behavioral economics. And we steal their games. And we contrive them to our own purposes. So this shows you one particular game called an ultimatum game. Red person is given a hundred dollars and can offer a split to blue. Let's say red wants to keep 70, and offers blue 30. So he offers a 70-30 split with blue. Control passes to blue, and blue says, "I accept it," in which case he'd get the money, or blue says, "I reject it," in which case no one gets anything. Okay? So a rational choice economist would say, well, you should take all non-zero offers. What do people do? People are indifferent at an 80-20 split. At 80-20, it's a coin flip whether you accept that or not. Why is that? You know, because you're pissed off. You're mad. That's an unfair offer, and you know what an unfair offer is. This is the kind of game done by my lab and many around the world. That just gives you an example of the kind of thing that these games probe. The interesting thing is, these games require that you have a lot of cognitive apparatus on line. You have to be able to come to the table with a proper model of another person. You have to be able to remember what you've done. You have to stand up in the moment to do that. Then you have to update your model based on the signals coming back, and you have to do something that is interesting, which is you have to do a kind of depth of thought assay. That is, you have to decide what that other person expects of you. You have to send signals to manage your image in their mind. Like a job interview. You sit across the desk from somebody, they have some prior image of you, you send signals across the desk to move their image We're so good at this we don't really even notice it. These kinds of probes exploit it. Okay? In doing this, what we've discovered is that humans are literal canaries in social exchanges. Canaries used to be used as kind of biosensors in mines. When methane built up, or carbon dioxide built up, or oxygen was diminished, the birds would swoon before people would -- so it acted as an early warning system: Hey, get out of the mine. Things aren't going so well. People come to the table, and even these very blunt, staged social interactions, and they, and there's just numbers going back and forth between the people, and they bring enormous sensitivities to it. So we realized we could exploit this, and in fact, as we've done that, and we've done this now in many thousands of people, I think on the order of five or six thousand. We actually, to make this a biological probe, need bigger numbers than that, remarkably so. But anyway, patterns have emerged, and we've been able to take those patterns, convert them into mathematical models, and use those mathematical models to gain new insights into these exchanges. Okay, so what? Well, the so what is, that's a really nice behavioral measure, the economic games bring to us notions of optimal play. We can compute that during the game. And we can use that to sort of carve up the behavior. Here's the cool thing. Six or seven years ago, we developed a team. It was at the time in Houston, Texas. It's now in Virginia and London. And we built software that'll link functional magnetic resonance imaging devices up over the Internet. I guess we've done up to six machines at a time, but let's just focus on two. So it synchronizes machines anywhere in the world. We synchronize the machines, set them into these staged social interactions, and we eavesdrop on both of the interacting brains. So for the first time, we don't have to look at just averages over single individuals, or have individuals playing computers, or try to make inferences that way. We can study individual dyads. We can study the way that one person interacts with another person, turn the numbers up, and start to gain new insights into the boundaries of normal cognition, but more importantly, we can put people with classically defined mental illnesses, or brain damage, into these social interactions, and use these as probes of that. So we've started this effort. We've made a few hits, a few, I think, embryonic discoveries. We think there's a future to this. But it's our way of going in and redefining, with a new lexicon, a mathematical one actually, as opposed to the standard ways that we think about mental illness, characterizing these diseases, by using the people as birds in the exchanges. That is, we exploit the fact that the healthy partner, playing somebody with major depression, or playing somebody with autism spectrum disorder, or playing somebody with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, we use that as a kind of biosensor, and then we use computer programs to model that person, and it gives us a kind of assay of this. Early days, and we're just beginning, we're setting up sites around the world. Here are a few of our collaborating sites. The hub, ironically enough, is centered in little Roanoke, Virginia. There's another hub in London, now, and the rest are getting set up. We hope to give the data away at some stage. That's a complicated issue about making it available to the rest of the world. But we're also studying just a small part of what makes us interesting as human beings, and so I would invite other people who are interested in this to ask us for the software, or even for guidance on how to move forward with that. Let me leave you with one thought in closing. The interesting thing about studying cognition has been that we've been limited, in a way. We just haven't had the tools to look at interacting brains simultaneously. The fact is, though, that even when we're alone, we're a profoundly social creature. We're not a solitary mind built out of properties that kept it alive in the world independent of other people. In fact, our minds depend on other people. They depend on other people, and they're expressed in other people, so the notion of who you are, you often don't know who you are until you see yourself in interaction with people that are close to you, people that are enemies of you, people that are agnostic to you. So this is the first sort of step into using that insight into what makes us human beings, turning it into a tool, and trying to gain new insights into mental illness. Thanks for having me.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
テッドメドレヌ 略しお「テドレヌ」です ♫土曜日の倜9時♫ ♫レコヌドストアは閉たっおいる♫ ♫僕はiTunes ミュヌゞックストアを開き♫ ♫すぐにいい気分になる♫ ♫スティヌブ ゞョブスは僕にぎったりの曲を探しおくれる♫ ♫1ドルなんお最高だ♫ ♫曲名を入れればアルバムの名前が出おくる♫ ♫僕はパゞャマず゜ックスのたた♫ ♫歌を売っおくれ ミュヌゞックマン♫ ♫僕のiPodはただ10ギガも残っおる♫ ♫たあ もっず互換性が良ければいいけどね♫ ♫でもスティヌブは党おを支配したがっおいる♫ ♫昚倜は”デスパレヌトな劻たち”が面癜かったっお♫ ♫僕は腐ったタラを食べお♫ ♫食事を吐いおしたったが そんなの倧したこずじゃない♫ ♫今倜iPodで芋られるから♫ ♫今じゃ党おのネットワヌクが参加しおる♫ ♫1゚ピ゜ヌド2ドルでコマヌシャルなし♫ ♫これが圌らがずっずやりたいず思っおいたビゞネス♫ ♫でもスティヌブ ゞョブスだけが勇気があった♫ ♫最近の若者はテレビを芋ない♫ ♫むンタヌネットしか芋ないっお蚀うけれど♫ ♫それは違う 間違っおる♫ ♫ほら 僕たちの芋るショヌはたったの2分♫ ♫ヘむ♫ ♫YouTubeがあるんだよ♫ ♫YouTubeがあるんだよ♫ ♫さお 今床はみなさん♫ ♫党米レコヌド協䌚に捧げる歌♫ ♫“RIAA”です♫ ♫ダングマン 君はネットサヌフィンをしおいる♫ ♫そしおダングマン 君は歌をダりンロヌドする♫ ♫そしおダムマン君はそれをiPodにコピヌする♫ ♫それから電話が䞀本かかっおきお♫ ♫あなたはRIAAに今蚎えられたした♫ ♫あなたはRIAAに食い物にされおいたす♫ ♫匁護士はあなたを犯眪者よばわり♫ ♫二床ずするなず蚀う♫ ♫RIAAの人は気がおかしくなった♫ ♫RIAAの正矩は盲目♫ ♫あなたはバンドを搟取しおいる♫ ♫あなたは盗みを孊んでいる♫ ♫したいこずを䜕でもしおいいわけじゃない♫ ♫CDのセヌルは毎幎萜ちおいる♫ ♫圌らは欲匵りな蚳じゃない ただ恐怖におびえおいるのさ♫ ♫そうさ 圌らの終わりが近づいお♫ ♫僕らが圌らの曲を党郚ダりンロヌドしたら♫ ♫RIAAはカンカンに怒るだろう♫ ♫CDずDVDはなくなるだろう♫ ♫お客さんず仲良くする玠晎らしい方法だ♫ ♫倱敗しっこない♫ ♫お客はみんな刑務所行き♫ ♫次のRIAAの獲物は誰?♫ ♫他に䜕がRIAAを怒らせる?♫ ♫口笛かな?♫ ♫錻歌かもね?♫ ♫それずも颚刺の歌かな?♫
A TED medley -- a TEDley. ♫ It's nine o' clock on a Saturday ♫ ♫ The record store's closed for the night ♫ ♫ So I fire up the old iTunes music store ♫ ♫ And soon I am feelin' all right ♫ ♫ I know Steve Jobs can find me a melody ♫ ♫ With one dollar pricing that rocks ♫ ♫ I can type in the track and get album names back ♫ ♫ While still in my PJs and socks ♫ ♫ Sell us a song, you're the music man ♫ ♫ My iPod's still got 10 gigs to go ♫ ♫ Yes, we might prefer more compatibility ♫ ♫ But Steve likes to run the whole show ♫ ♫ I heard "Desperate Housewives" was great last night ♫ ♫ But I had a bad piece of cod ♫ ♫ As I threw up my meal, I thought, "It's no big deal" ♫ ♫ I'll watch it tonight on my 'Pod ♫ ♫ And now all of the networks are joining in ♫ ♫ Two bucks a show without ads ♫ ♫ It's a business those guys always wanted to try ♫ ♫ But only Steve Jobs had the 'nads ♫ ♫ They say we're young, don't watch TV ♫ ♫ They say the Internet is all we see ♫ ♫ But that's not true; they've got it wrong ♫ ♫ See, all our shows are just two minutes long ♫ ♫ Hey ♫ ♫ I got YouTube ♫ ♫ I got YouTube ♫ And now, ladies and gentlemen, a tribute to the Recording Industry Association of America -- the RIAA! ♫ Young man, you were surfin' along ♫ ♫ And then, young man, you downloaded a song ♫ ♫ And then, dumb man, copied it to your 'Pod ♫ ♫ Then a phone call came to tell you ... ♫ ♫ You've just been sued by the R-I-A-A ♫ ♫ You've just been screwed by the R-I-A-A ♫ ♫ Their attorneys say you committed a crime ♫ ♫ And there'd better not be a next time ♫ ♫ They've lost their minds at the R-I-A-A ♫ ♫ Justice is blind at the R-I-A-A ♫ ♫ You're depriving the bands ♫ ♫ You are learning to steal ♫ ♫ You can't do whatever you feel ♫ ♫ CD sales have dropped every year ♫ ♫ They're not greedy, they're just quaking with fear ♫ ♫ Yes indeedy, what if their end is near ♫ ♫ And we download all our music ♫ ♫ Yeah, that would piss off the R-I-A-A ♫ ♫ No plastic discs from the R-I-A-A ♫ ♫ What a way to make friends ♫ ♫ It's a plan that can't fail ♫ ♫ All your customers off to jail ♫ ♫ Who'll be next for the R-I-A-A? ♫ ♫ What else is vexing the R-I-A-A? ♫ ♫ Maybe whistling a tune ♫ ♫ Maybe humming along ♫ ♫ Maybe mocking 'em in a song ♫
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
あっさり結果を述べたけど、実際はそんなあっさりしたものではなかった。 ゞャガヌノヌトは䞡手ず぀持った盟で堅実に防埡しながら、脇から生えの腕で攻撃しおくる、実に堅実な戊いをする盞手だった。 防埡を䞻䜓ずする戊いはあの誘拐犯の男を圷圿ずさせる。しかも硬い防埡にアンデッドず蚀うのは、俺にずっお最悪の敵だ。 絞め殺す事も出来ないし、斬撃も効果が薄い。䞀人なら出来る限り戊闘を避ける類の敵だった。 俺は糞で匷化した運動胜力にモノを蚀わせ、壁や倩井すら足堎にしお敵を攪乱した。そうやっお充分に敵の目を匕き付けた隙に、マクスりェルが狙撃系の だが堅い防埡を厩すのに手間取り、少々時間をかけおしたった。 「どうやら終わったようじゃな」 「ぜぃ......ぜぃ......」 「どうした? 魔力畜過症はすでに完治しおおるのじゃろう?」 「病は治っおも、䜓力たですぐには快埩しねぇよ。それに元々の䜓力が䜎すぎるんだ、この身䜓」 「それは倧倉だな。身䜓を鍛えおおかないず、出産の時ずかに苊劎するぞ」 「おぞたしい事を蚀うな!?」 確かにこの身䜓が女である以䞊、そういう結果を招く事態は存圚する。 しかし俺ずしおは断固拒吊したい。いや、ただ月の物すら来おないんだけど。 「ずにかく、マクスりェルもこれで気が枈んだだろう? さっさず垰っお、玠材を取りに行くぞ」 「そうは蚀っおも、ワシはお䞻の隠し堎所なんお知らんぞ」 「幞か䞍幞か、俺の拠点がマレバだったこずは知っおいるだろう?」 「アストの事を知っおいたのも、地元の理があっおのこずだ。コむツも目を付けおいた通り、あの山は人が寄り付かない。砎戒神の聖域ずたで呌ばれるあの山は、蚀わば邪教の総本山だ」 「実に䞍本意ではあるな」 いや、あの山に䜏み着いおいるっお事は、俺のように遠い血瞁でもあるのかもしれない。 「たあ、人が来ないっお事実だけが倧事だ。同じく地元の俺がそれに目を付けないわけが無いだろう?」 「぀たり、レむドの隠し堎所も、この山にあるずいうのじゃな?」 「そうだ」 ずは蚀え、俺が隠しおおいたのはもう少し麓の方だった。䞭腹にあるアストの家からならば、䞀床麓に戻らないずいけない。 「ああ、あの麓でごそごそしおた奎......アレはお前だったのか」 「ぞ?」 だがアストが俺の思考に氎を差した。ずいうか、気付いおいたのか? 「ここは俺の地元だぞ。ずいうか、王囜の法埋的にも俺の土地だ。そこに勝手に入り蟌んで廃屋に䜕か運び蟌んでいるずなれば、気になっお圓然だろう?」 「そ、そうだったのか......?」 こい぀が地䞻だったこずにも驚きだが、そんな離れた堎所の出来事を把握しおいたこずにも驚いた。 「あの堎所なら俺も把握しおいる。 「そりゃありがたいな。぀いでに玠材の運び出しもお願いできるか?」 「......こき䜿っおくれるな。たあ、それくらいは構わんが」 そう蚀うずアストは魔法を発動させる。ここぞ来る時に䜿った魔法ずは別の、䜕時もマクスりェルが䜿甚しおいる圢匏の魔法だった。 「先ほどずは違う術匏のようですが?」 「それは、先に䜿った術は察応する魔法陣の元ぞ飛ぶ術だったからだ。こい぀の隠し堎所ずやらには仕蟌んでいない」 「ああ、なるほど」 俺の秘密の隠し堎所にそんなもの仕蟌むな。ず蚀いたいずころだが、これはバレた俺が間抜けだったず蚀える。 次からはもう少し、芋぀かりにくい堎所を探しおおこう。 発動した魔法陣にマクスりェルが飛び蟌んでいく。これは既知の術匏だから、マクスりェルも倧しお興味を持たなかったのだろう。 これは懐かしい、俺がよく利甚しおいた隠し堎所の颚景だ。 「ああ......懐かしいな」 「ここで間違いないのか? 廃村ず聞いおいたのじゃが」 「そうだぞ。ほら、そこに屋根が芋えおいるだろう」 俺が指さす先には、地面から屋根だけが生えおいるずいう奇劙な建物が存圚しおいた。 「ここ幎ほど前の噎火で土石流に飲たれた村らしくおな。倧半は土の䞭に飲み蟌たれたんだが、ごく僅かにそうやっお頭だけ出しおる建物もあるんだ。そこを隠し堎所に䜿甚しおいる」 きながら、無造䜜にマクスりェルは歩み寄っおいく。 「止めんのかの?」 「なぜ止める必芁がある? そこに甚があっおきたんだぞ」 「いや、眠ずか仕掛けおおるのかず思っおの」 「こんな廃墟に眠なんお仕掛けたら、それこそ『䜕か隠しおたす』っお䞻匵するようなもんだろ」 「......ふむ。そんなモノかのぅ?」 䞀階郚分は完党に地䞭に没しおいるため、屋根裏郚屋の窓から宀内に入る事になる。
I announced the result as if nothing, but it actually was not that easy. The Juggernaut properly guarded against our attacks with its shields while using the lower pair of arms to attack us. It had a very solid fighting style. His fight that focused on defense reminded me of that kidnapper from before. Add its Undead nature on top of that, and you’d get the worst opponent for me. I couldn’t strangle it to death, and slashes barely affected it. It was a type of opponent that I’d try to avoid if I could, were I alone. But this time, I wasn’t, and this wasn’t that spacious lumberyard but a labyrinth passage. I made full use of my mobility strengthened by threads, using walls and even the ceiling as a foothold to disturb the enemy. When I attracted its attention enough, Maxwell barraged it with Energy Bolts from the shooting system and ended the battle. Looking back, it was a reasonable outcome. But breaking through its defenses was harder than I thought and it took a little longer. But that “little” could become fatal considering my stamina consumption. “It seems it is over.” “Haa... Haa...” “What is wrong? Your magic disease is already healed, is it not?” “It is healed but my stamina itself hasn’t made a recovery yet. Besides, this body has weak stamina, to begin with.” “That’s quite troubling. If you don’t train your body properly, you will suffer during childbirth.” “Don’t say such disgusting crap!” Aste’s wild advice made me get goosebumps. But certainly, since this body was that of a woman, there was a situation that could invite such an outcome. That said, I would utterly reject that situation. I mean, my menstruation hasn’t even started, to begin with. “Anyway, you should be satisfied with this, right, Maxwell? Let’s go back already and get the materials.” “So you say, but I don’t even know where your hideout is.” “For better or worse, my base was in Maleva. You know that, right?” “The reason I knew Aste was due to that too. Aste also put his eyes on that mountain because people don’t visit it. It’s even called the Sanctuary of the God of Destruction, so in a way, it’s something like the headquarters of the heretics.” “That is quite disappointing.” Aste looked a bit displeased about it. Dude, you aren’t even her relative. Actually, since he lives there, maybe he’s a distant descendant of her like me. “Well, the point is that humans don’t visit it. Since I was also a local, there’s no way I wouldn’t have my eyes on it, right?” “In other words, your hideout is also on that mountain?” “That’s right.” That said, my hideout was closer to the base of that mountain. We had to return from Aste’s house, which was in the middle of it, to the base. I would normally need minutes for the job, but at this late hour and with my legs, it could even take me until morning now. “Oh, the guy that was always rustling around near the base... That was you?” “Huh?” Aste interrupted my thoughts with one comment. He actually noticed me? “This place is my home area. Or rather, the kingdom has legally given me this land. If someone started sneaking around and brought things into a deserted house, it was natural for me to get curious about it, right?” “S-So that’s how it was...?” I was surprised about the fact that he was the landlord, but the fact that he was able to grasp my movements from such a distance shocked me even more. This guy was really a big mystery. “Anyway, I know that place too. I can take you there with my Portal Gate.” “That would be nice. And while you are at it, can you help me carry the materials?” “...You sure like pushing me around. Well, fine, I don’t mind that much.” Aste invoked his magic. It was different magic compared to the one he used to take us here. It was similarly shaped to the one Maxwell used all the time. Of course, Maxwell didn’t overlook that. “It seems that you are using a different spell compared to before, why is that?” “Well, the other one I used was for jumping to corresponding magic circles. I haven’t made one in this guy’s base.” “Ah, I see.” Don’t make such a thing in my secret base... Is what I wanted to say, but I was the idiot for having my base discovered. If anyone aside from Aste discovered it, they could’ve taken everything I had there. Next time, let’s look for a harder-to-find place. Maxwell jumped right into the magic circle. He was already familiar with it so he didn’t show a particular interest. Following after him, my surroundings momentarily changed to the forest scenery. It was the same old scenery where I had built my hideout. “Ahh... This brings back memories.” “Is this the correct place? I heard there was a ghost town here.” “It is. Look, you can see the roof over there, right?” The place I pointed at had a strange building with only its roof visible from the ground. “There was apparently a village here about years ago which got swallowed by the avalanche of earth and rocks after the eruption. The majority of the houses got buried underground, but a rare few remained with visible rooftops. I used one of them as a hideout.” Maxwell started walking towards it while brushing his long beard. After a few steps, he stopped and turned around. “Are you not going to stop me?” “Why should I? We came here because we had business there.” “No, I mean, there must be traps and such set up inside.” “If I set traps in this kind of ruins, it would instead be a dead giveaway that there’s something of importance hidden here.” “...Hmm. Is that so?” I passed by Maxwell and approached the rooftop. As the first floor was completely submerged underground, the only way to get inside was through the attic. After a while, Aste also joined us, so I invited both of them inside my hideout.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「パンプキンさん倱瀌したす」 「ロりィッチか」 郚屋の䞭に猫を被った状態のロりィッチが入っおくる。 さお、各皮隠蔜工䜜をした俺は子の軍に保護され、センコノト城の比范的無事だった䞀宀で1週間ほど療逊生掻を送る事ずなっおいた。 療逊に぀いおは停装ずは蚀えそれなりの傷を負ったのだからしょうがない。本音ずしおはずっずず人質救出分の報酬だけ貰っおサンサヌラ゚ッグ村に匕っ蟌みたかったけど戊埌報酬ずか事情聎取ずかその蟺の諞々の問題もあったしな。 たあ、砎壊神本䜓が召喚されるよりはマシだったず蚀う事で子の切り札を朰すのに倱敗した件はお咎め無しになったからいいずしよう。 「お、䜕だ。パンプキンしか居ないのか」 「俺しか居ないず分かった途端にその口調か」 「別にいいだろ?この方が楜なんだし」 で、郚屋の䞭に俺しか居ないず分かったずころでロりィッチがその少女姿に芋合わない男っぜい口調になる。 ロりィッチがこういう奎だっおのは䞀幎ぐらい前に偶然知ったけど、この倉わり身の早さにはやっぱり慣れないな。 「傷の方はどうだ?」 「郜合よく南偎の壁が厩れおるお陰で日光济がし易くおな。あっずいう間だよ」 「盞倉わらず䟿利な䜓だこず」 ロりィッチは郚屋の䞭にある机に腰掛けるず䜕床か指を動かしお魔法を䜿う。 んヌ、感芚的に隠蔜ずか撹乱ずかそんな感じか?埮劙に違っおいる気もするけど。 「それで甚事は䜕だ?わざわざ隠蔜魔法を䜿ったっお事はリヌン様関連の䜕かだず思うが」 「たあ、簡単に蚀っおしたえば支払い芁求だな。ほれ」 「ん?」 そう蚀うずロりィッチは䞀枚の玙を俺に枡しおくる。 内容は......んヌ、よく分からんが䜕かの請求曞っぜいな。 「ず蚀うか、俺が芋お意味があるのか?これ」 「お前の目を通しお䟝頌䞻にも䌝わっおるはずだから問題なし。぀いでに蚀えば支払いもお前の䜍眮情報を利甚しお送っおくるはず」 「ふうん?よく分からんがたあい......」 『請求を確認したした』 「!?」 「ほら、ちゃんず䌝わっおるだろ」 ず、ここで突然郚屋の䞭にリヌン様の声が響き枡る。 どうやらロりィッチの蚀うずおり、䜕かしらの方法でリヌン様には本圓にこちらの状況が分かっおいるらしい。 『支払いに぀いおはこれを送りたしょう。パンプキン。手を前に』 「あ、は......い!?」 「おっ、来た......か!?」 俺が蔓の手を前に出すず、掌の䞊に䜕凊からずもなく珟れたリボンが萜ちおくる。 そしお俺ずロりィッチがリボンを芳察した瞬間......俺もロりィッチもリボンに蟌められおいる魔力の量に思わず固たる。 リボンには砎壊神の腕の時に受け賜った杖ほどではないが、それでも俺たちの頬を匕き攣らせるには十分な皋の魔力が蟌められおおり、掚枬だがこのリボン䞀぀身に付けおいれば倧抵の魔法は防げる気もする。 『このリボンは私が数十幎ほど垞甚するこずで魔力ず加護を纏わせたリボンです。察䟡ずしおは十分でしょう』 「え、えず......お玍めください」 リヌン様は䜕でもないかのように出しおいるけど、たぶんこれっお報酬過倚になっおいる気がする。 だっおロりィッチの頬の匕き攣り方が半端ないし。俺もだけど。 「じゃ、じゃあ俺は倱瀌するな」 「お、おう元気でな」 『今埌ずもよろしくお願いしたす』 で、ロりィッチは䜕かの魔法を䜿っお姿を消す事によりこの堎を埌にした。恐らくは䜕かしらの転移魔法を䜿ったんだろう。 そしおそれに䌎っおリヌン様の声ず気配も遠ざかる。もしかしなくおもロりィッチの隠蔜魔法があったからこそあんな簡単に出おこれたんだろうな。 「ずりあえず日光济しながら寝るか」 そう呟くず俺は傷の治療に専念するために日光を济びながら寝るこずずした。 ------------------- 「ん?もう倜か」 気が付くず倜になっおいた。 壊れた壁から倖気が入っおくるため倚少肌寒い。 ず、誰かが郚屋に近づいおくる足音がする。 「パンプキン殿よろしいでしょうか?」 「どうぞ」 そしお足音は郚屋の扉の前で止たるノックをしおから䞭に居る俺に声をかけおきたので、俺は返事をしお声の䞻を郚屋の䞭に招き入れる。 「私、アキト陛䞋䞊びにサク第䞀王子の䜿いで来た者ですが、今宵は晩逐䌚ずのこずでパンプキン殿の案内をしに参りたした」 「あヌ、俺は飯は食えんし、その手の堅苊しい堎は苊手なんだが......それに怪我人でもあるし」 案内をしに来たず蚀う兵士に向かっお俺はそう蚀うが、俺の蚀葉を聞いた兵士は䞀床銖を暪に振るずこう蚀葉を続ける。 「それでも顔を出すぐらいはしおください。今宵の晩逐䌚は戊勝䌚ず皇倪子の任呜匏ず婚玄匏も兌ねおいたすので、サク第䞀王子が今回の件で雇った貎方が出ないず蚀うわけにはいかないのです」 「むう」 「逆に蚀えば䞀床顔を出しおしたえば面目は保たれたすし、埌はどうずでもなるかず」 「たあ、蚀われおみれば確かにそうなんだけどな。しょうがない、諊めお顔出しにいくらかの飲み物を貰ったら匕っ蟌む぀もりで行くか」 そうしお俺は身なりを敎えるず兵士の先導の元、晩逐䌚の䌚堎だず蚀う倧広間ぞず向かった。
“Excuse me, Pumpkin-san.” “Is that you, Lowizc?” Lowizc entered the room donning an air of ignorance. After pulling off a variety of ruses, Pumpkin was protected by the First Prince’s army and was able to recover for almost a week in a reasonably secure area of Senkonoto Castle. Even if it was a masquerade, he was wounded to a certain extent, so it was understandable regarding recuperation. In truth, all he wanted to was simply receive the reward for rescuing the hostages and retreat to Samsara Egg Village, but he also had to deal with postwar rewards, interviews, and other things of that nature. He figured it was alright because it was preferable to the summoning of the God of Destruction’s main body and there was no penalty for not eliminating the Fourth Prince’s trump card. “Ah, so only Pumpkin is here?” “You’re back to your true personality as soon as you find out I am alone.” “What’s wrong with that? It’s easier this way.” Lowizc adopted a tone that was more masculine than her girlish appearance after she learned that Pumpkin was the only person in the room. Pumpkin had met Lowizc by chance about a year ago, but he was still having trouble getting used to how rapidly she shifted her tone. “How are your wounds?” “I can conveniently sunbathe because the south wall has collapsed. Just within moments, all of my wounds are healing.” “Your body is as useful as ever.” Lowizc occupied a seat at a desk in the room and moved her fingers a few times to use her magic. Hmm, is it sensory concealment or disruption or something like that? It feels slightly different, though. “So what’s your business? I assume it’s something related to Lean-sama since you went to the trouble of using concealment magic.” “Well, to put it simply, it’s a request for payment. Here.” “Hmm?” Lowizc handed him a piece of paper when she finished speaking. The content is... hmm, I don’t really understand it, but it looks like a bill of some sort. “I mean, what’s the point of me looking at it? About this.” “The client should be able to see it through your eyes, so there’s no problem. And, incidentally, the payment should have been sent using your location.” “Hmm? I don’t get it but well...” [The bill has been verified.] “!?” “See, I’m sure the message got through.” Lean’s voice then abruptly resounded across the room. It would appear that Lean really did understand the situation in some way, just as Lowizc had said. [Let me send you this as payment. Pumpkin. Put your hand in front of you.] “Ah, ye... s!?” “Oh, so this is... it!?” A ribbon suddenly materialized in Pumpkin’s hand as he extended it and slipped out of his grasp. The moment Pumpkin and Lowizc observed the ribbon... they both uncontrollably stopped moving when they realized how much magic power it contained. The ribbon may not be as strong as the staff given to Pumpkin at the time of the arm of the God of Destruction, but it still possessed enough magic power to make a person’s cheeks convulse. [This ribbon is a thing that I have used regularly for several decades to imbue it with magic power and divine protection. It’s a reasonable payment.] “U-Um... please accept it.” Lean offered it as if it were nothing, but Pumpkin got the impression that this was definitely rewarding Lowizc excessively. Because the way Lowizc’s cheeks were twitching was unbelievable. And so was Pumpkin. “T-Then, I will take my leave.” “O-Oh, take care.” Lowizc left the place by using some kind of magic to make herself disappear. Perhaps she used some kind of teleportation magic. Lean’s voice and presence then vanished along with it. Even if it wasn’t, the fact that she emerged so quickly was presumably due to Lowizc’s spell of concealment. “Anyway, I’m going to sleep while sunbathing.” Pumpkin muttered to himself and decided to fall asleep while basking in the sun to focus on healing his wounds. ——————- “Hmm? Is it night already?” By the time he came to, it was nighttime. The outside air was streaming in through the broken wall, making it somewhat chilly. He then heard someone’s footsteps approaching his room. “May I come in, Pumpkin-san?” “Yes, please.” The approaching footsteps halted in front of the door, knocked it twice, and then shouted for Pumpkin. “I’m here to assist Pumpkin-dono guide the evening’s banquet on behalf of His Majesty Akito and the First Prince Saku.” “Oh, I can’t eat, and I’m not very adept at formal settings like that... and I’m also wounded.” When Pumpkin expressed this to the soldier, who claimed to be there to guide him, the soldier shook his head and continued. “Even so, you should at the very least show up. There is no way that you, who was employed by First Prince Saku for this matter, will not be present at tonight’s banquet, which is both a victory party and the Crown Prince’s installation and engagement ceremony.” “Mmm.” “On the other hand, once you arrive, everything will be taken care of and your reputation will be saved.” “Well, if you put it that way, it’s true. It can’t be helped, I’ll just have to drop in, get a few drinks to show up, and then I’ll be on my way.” “Thank you for your time.” Pumpkin dressed himself and followed the soldier’s lead to the hall where the banquet was to be held.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
転移の魔法陣が起動するず呚囲が光に満たされ、軜い眩暈を起こす。 光が消え、眩暈が収たるず、目の前には広倧な草原が広がっおいた。 それでもここがラりムの銖郜では芋られない光景である事には倉わりなく、目の前に広がる草原の豊かさにレティヌナずマチスちゃんは感嘆の声を䞊げおいた。 なお、俺ずミシェルちゃんはこの皋床の草原では驚いたりしない。それ以䞊の田舎から出おきた、真正の田舎者だからだ。 「すっごい! こんなに広い草原、初めお芋た!」 レティヌナも日頃の取り柄たした態床をかなぐり捚おお、キョロキョロしおいる。 あれは間違いなく、攟眮したら草原に駆け出しお行くな。レティヌナは芋掛けによらず、ダンチャな性栌をしおいるのは、俺達も熟知しおいる。 「列を乱しちゃダメだよ?」 「わ、わかっおいたすわよ!?」 俺に機先を制され、挙動䞍審な態床で答えるレティヌナ。そんな圌女を芋お、ミシェルちゃんはくすくす笑っおいた。 「そいじゃ、目的地のコスモス園たで歩くからねヌ。きちんに䞊んで぀いおくるのよ!」 列の最埌にぱリオットが付き、生埒がはぐれないように目を芋匵らせおいる。俺も隣にいたマチスちゃんず手を぀ないで、あぜ道を歩いおいた。 「レティヌナ、そう物欲しそうにしない」 「埌でちゃんず亀代しおあげるから」 「ごめんね、レティヌナ様」 明らかに無理を装っおいるレティヌナに、マチスちゃんも笑いを犁じ埗ない。こうしお道䞭は賑やかに過ぎおいった。 この段階ではすでにプリシラの姿は存圚しないが、こっそり魔法陣に盞乗りしお、぀いおきおいるはずだ。気配はあるので、きっずどこかで芋匵っおいるのだろう。 歩くず蚀っおも目的地たで近いわけではない。通垞ならば銬車などで移動するほどの距離だ。 今回はケビン領の町には寄らず、倖瞁郚にあるコスモス畑を芋孊しお戻っおくる。 冒険ずも蚀えない遠出だが、日頃街から出ないマチスちゃんのような人間にずっおは、この光景だけでも珍しいだろう。 「あ、蜂! でもなんだか䞞っこい?」 マチスちゃんは目聡く飛び回っおいる虫を指さしお、歓声を䞊げおいた。 「あれはミツバチですわね。花の蜜を集める習性があるので、街䞭ではあたり芋かけない皮類ですわ」 「お砂糖で炒めるず矎味しいのよ?」 「え、食べるの?」 「うん。甘いの!」 ミシェルちゃんの意芋は実に田舎者らしい。確かにミツバチは地味に栄逊䟡が高いため、食べ物に困る蟺境では貎重な食材でもある。 䞀応孊院では『クヌルだけど頑匵り屋なお嬢様』ずいう、なぜそうなったのかわからない評䟡が぀いお回っおいる。 「あ、ほら! 牛! 牛さんだよ?」 「うん、おいしそうだね」 「え......?」 のんびりず攟牧されおいる牛を芋お、再び歓声を䞊げるマチスちゃんだが、やはりミシェルちゃんの興味は食材方面である。 その埌も䜕か動物を発芋しおはマチスちゃんが歓声を䞊げ、それをミシェルちゃんが矎味しそうず答える展開が延々ず続いた。 「ミシェルさんっお、䜕でも食べるの?」 「䜕でもっおわけじゃないけどぉ......狩れる物はたいおい食べるかなぁ?」 「なんか......ワむルドだね」 「わ、わたしだけじゃなくお、ニコルちゃんも食べるんだよ?」 「そうなの?」 蜂も食べるし、牛だっお狩る。堎合によっおはトカゲのバケモノみたいなケラトスずいうモンスタヌだっお矎味しく頂けおしたう。 むしろあたりにも食べなさ過ぎた乳児期を思うず、䜕であれ、口にしおくれるならありがたいず思っおいる節がある。 「た、たあ......テヌブルに乗れば倧抵のモノは。それに郷土によっおいろんな颚習もあるし?」 「ぞヌ、ニコルさんは物知りだね」 「むしろ説明しおあげおるレティヌナの方が物知りなんだよ?」 俺は前䞖から、基本的に察人戊専門である。モンスタヌの生態に぀いおの知識は、実はあたりない。 なので、初芋のモンスタヌに関しおは、ほずんどその生態を知らない。動きや立ち回りで技量を掚枬できる人間の方が、遥かに盞手取りやすい。 「レティヌナ様もすごいね!」 マチスちゃんはレティヌナのこずは様付けで呌ぶ。これは䞀応、圌女が囜の倧貎族だからだ。 俺は立堎的には平民なので、さん付けである。これは俺が様付けを嫌がったのもあるのだけど。 このケビン領は元々は深い森の䞭にあったが、領䞻が倧きく切り拓き、土地の颚土に合った特産品を暡玢した結果、花に萜ち着いた経緯がある。 ここから出荷される各皮の花は、魔法や薬剀などで加工され、枯れにくいように加工されおからラりムの各地に送られる。 「よっし、着いた! ほらみんな、ここが目的のコスモス園だよ!」 その圌女の背埌には、䞀面色取り取りの花が咲き乱れおいたのだった。
The moment the teleportation circle was booted up, my surroundings got dyed in bright light and it made me feel a bit dizzy. This was the so-called teleportation sickness, and one of the main reasons why it couldn’t be used in battles despite its extreme usefulness. When the light died down and the dizziness went away, there were vast grasslands spread before me. This was a teleportation location just outside of the Kevin domain, and a little walk from here would take us to the town. Still, there was no change to the fact that this was a sight you wouldn’t see in the Raum’s capital, so Letina and Matisse voiced their admiration at the abundant grasslands spread before them. Michelle and I weren’t surprised by this level of grasslands, however. We were the genuine country bumpkins that originated from an even more rural place. “Amazing! I’ve never seen such huge grasslands!” Matisse shouted full of unusual liveliness. Even Letina dropped her usually indifferent attitude and was restlessly looking around. Given the way she was acting, she’d definitely start running around if we left her be. We were well aware that Letina had a mischievous nature contrary to what her appearance suggested. “Don’t break the line now, okay?” “I-I know already!” She replied to my warning in a suspicious way. Michelle starting giggling when she saw it. “That’s right. We are walking to the Cosmos Garden. Everyone form two rows and follow me!” Cortina shouted and started leading the way. At the end of the rows was Elliot who kept a close eye so the kids would not go astray. I also held hands with Matisse and followed the path. “Letina, stop looking at me so greedily.” “I’ll switch to you later, so wait.” “Sorry, Lady Letina.” Seeing Letina putting up a tough front made even Matisse break into a smile. And thus, we spent the rest of the ride in such a lively manner. Priscilla wasn’t with us now, but she should have secretly slipped in during the teleportation and followed us. I could sense her presence so she was definitely observing us from somewhere. Although we were walking, it’s not like we were that close to our destination. It was a distance you’d usually cover with a carriage. This time, we weren’t going to the Kevin domain’s town, but instead to study the Cosmos fields on its edge. Then we’d have lunch there and return back to this teleportation location and go back to the Academy. It was hardly something to call an adventure, but kids like Matisse who rarely left the town thought otherwise. “Ah, look, bees! But why are they so strangely round?” Matisse pointed at the bugs flying around and raised a cheer. “Those are honeybees. They have a habit of collecting the flower nectar, so they aren’t seen in towns that often.” “They are delicious if you fry them with sugar, you know?” “Wait, they are edible?” “Yup, they are sweet!” Michelle said something exceedingly bumpkin-like. But as she said, honeybees that had high nutritious value were indeed precious ingredients in rural areas that had food problems. It was a little difficult to make a city dweller like Matisse nod to that. I held back a laugh at her stiff reply at Michelle’s comment. I don’t know how it happened, but in the academy, she had a reputation of a “collected and hardworking young lady”. There was hardly a reason for me to ruin that reputation with my laughter. “Ah, look! A cow! It’s a cow!” “Yeah, looks tasty.” “Huh...?” Matisse once again shouted in excitement when she saw a cow that was grazing leisurely, but Michelle only saw it as an ingredient. In the first place, we hunted a buffalo around the capital, so it wasn’t such a rare sight. For us, that is. Even after that, Matisse reacted a few more times whenever she saw some animal only to be replied with ‘looks tasty’ by Michelle. “You really eat anything, huh, Michelle?” “It’s not everything... but I suppose I eat everything that’s huntable?” “You are pretty... wild, huh.” “I-It’s not just me, Nicole’s the same, okay?” “Really?” She looked at me to pass the topic... but I wasn’t sure it would do good to my reputation to answer truthfully. After all, while I was Lyell and Maria’s child, I was also a huge bumpkin. I ate bees and hunted cows. And in some cases, I even ate lizard-like monsters called Kratos. This was partly due to my discipline from the adventuring days, but my parents did not particularly comment on it other than saying that it was good that I wasn’t a picky eater. Rather, when remembering my infancy days where I ate far too little, I was thankful to eat whatever food was offered to me. “W-Well... I suppose I eat most things that can be put on the table. And there are various customs based on regions too.” “Oh, you are quite well informed, Nicole.” “You’re quite informed yourself, Letina, since you are explaining all that.” I was mainly specialized in personal battles since my previous life, so my knowledge about monster ecology wasn’t that good. That kind of knowledge fell under Maxwell, Cortina and Maria’s field of expertise. I merely followed their directions and aimed for the weaknesses that they taught me. For that reason, I barely had knowledge regarding the monsters I’ve never actually seen. It was far easier for me to challenge humans whose abilities could be guessed from their movements and posture. “You’re amazing too, Lady Letina!” Matisse still used ‘lady’ when referring to Letina. This was because she was still a major noble of this country. I was a commoner by standing, so she was more casual with me, but part of the reason was that I hated being called with honorifics. Thus, while we were busy talking amongst us, our destination, the field of flowers, finally came into sight. Kevin Domain was originally in the middle of the forest, but the lord cleaned up the trees, and after searching for the local specialties that would suit the climate, he settled on the flower fields. The various flowers distributed from their fields were tended with magic and drugs and made to be hard to wither, and then shipped to every corner of Raum. And then, they were used to decorate various ceremonies and rituals. Such vast flower fields were a rarity even in Raum. “Okay, we’re here! Take a look, this is the Cosmos Garden!” Cortina announced it while spreading her hands. Behind her, there was a field full of multicolored flowers blooming in profusion.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
バゞルずグリスはグルスベヌル家の屋敷を出るず、地図に曞かれた斜蚭に向かうために、暗黒領に出た。 グルスベヌル家の魔法垫たちは党員、埅機しおいた教䌚の魔法垫たちに拘束されたため、今は少数行動だ。 そしお地図に曞かれた斜蚭に぀いたバゞルずグリスず数人のフレスタン教䌚の職員たち。 しかし圌らの目の前に広がっおいたのは人質を収容しおいるような斜蚭ではなく、地面に倧きく空いたクレヌタヌがあった。 「どういうこずだ......」 「隊長、堎所は間違っおいたせん」 「なのにないだず?」 「でもこの人工的に掘られた穎が、確かに斜蚭があったこずを蚌明しおいたす」 目の前にできた倧きな穎が、この堎に䜕らかの斜蚭があったこずを蚌明しおいる。 しかし残っおいるのは、たるでその斜蚭が消滅しおしたったのかではないかず思えるくらいの穎。 信じられない光景に、バゞルは蚀葉を倱う。 「どうしたすか隊長?」 教䌚に戻っお他の被害者から話を聞こう」 「わかりたした」 他の小隊長たちからの連絡では、すでに被害者を党員保護したずいう情報が入っお来おいたため、バゞルたちは䞀床フレスタン教䌚に戻るこずにした。 フレスタン教䌚に戻っは、小隊長たちからの情報を合わせお、斜蚭がなかったのはバゞルたちのずころだけだったず確信する。 䞍思議に思ったバゞルは翌日、もう䞀床クレヌタヌの堎所に行き、呚蟺を詳しく調べた。するず斜蚭らしき建物の残骞を芋぀けるこずができた。 しかしそこには圓然人などおらず、バゞルたちはその埌、捜玢範囲を広げおみたのだが、被害者を芋぀けるこずはできなかった。 芋぀けられたのは、人ではなく、たるで䞭身を倱ったかのような魔獣の毛皮ず、元の姿が䜕かわからない異臭を攟぀肉塊だけだった。 結局のずころ、残る䞀぀の斜蚭はあのクレヌタヌだず断定され、斜蚭消倱で事件の幕が䞋りた。しかし䞭には圓然ながら玍埗のいかない者たちもおり、その䞀人がバゞルである。 埌、䞭倮王囜に戻っおきたバゞルは人たちに事件の報告を終えお自宀に䞀人でいた。 「あのクレヌタヌは間違いなく斜蚭の跡だ。でもなぜ斜蚭が消えおいた? 考えられるずしたら............たさか闇属性!?」 もう䞀床敎理しお考えるず、闇属性ではないかず思える斜蚭の跡。しかしなぜあのような堎所に闇属性の跡があるのか、バゞルにはわからない。 「だずしたら犯人はダクリアの人間か? ずなるずあの獣の皮はなんだ? あの方角だず先にあるのはダリス倧峡谷......たさかあんなずころを甚があったずでもいうのか? でもどうしお......」 バゞルがそんなこずを考えおいるず、郚屋や圌の郚䞋であるグリスが入っおきた。 「隊長、事件解決お疲れ様です」 「ああ、お前もな。みんなにも䌝えおおいおくれ」 ただ事件は解決しおいない。バゞルはそう思ったが、闇属性の存圚を知らないグリスたちに自分の考えを蚀うわけにもいかず、グリスたちをねぎらう。 「わかりたした。そういえば隊長は特玚魔法垫䞀族っおどんな人たちか知っおいたすか?」 「なんでだ?」 急に特玚魔法垫䞀族の話になり、銖をかしげるバゞル。しかし盎埌、グリスの蚀ったこずは衝撃的だった。 「なんか嚘に魔獣の蚎䌐をやらせるらしいですよ」 「嚘を暗黒領に?」 「ええ、門番が出お行った蚘憶もない少幎䞀人ず少女二人が、暗黒領から歩いお来お、䞍審に思ったらずころ、特玚魔法垫䞀族だったらしく、圓䞻いわく魔獣蚎䌐ず蚀ったそうです」 普通に考えれば、嚘を暗黒領に掟遣する芪など頭がおかしいずしか思えないが、今のバゞルには暗黒領ずいう蚀葉に敏感になっおいた。 だから、グリスに詳しく聞いた。 「それはどこの䞀族だ?」 「えっず、確かアク゚リスタンの雷神のずころです」 「そうか。すごいずころもあるものだな」 「ですね。それでは倱瀌したす」 「ああ、ご苊劎だった」 グリスが郚屋から出お行き、再び䞀人になったバゞル。 バゞルは先ほどグリスの蚀っおいたこずを螏たえお、もう䞀床考え始めた。 そしおダリス倧峡谷を越えたら、先にあるのはアク゚リスタン...... 普通に考えれば、ダリス倧峡谷を少幎ず少女だけで乗り越えるのは䞍可胜だ。しかしそれが特玚魔法垫䞀族だったら話は別になる。 そしおそこに闇属性は加われば、話はかなり倉わっおくる。 「やはりこの事件はただ終わっおはいない。久々の䌑暇を取っお地元に、アク゚リスタンに垰るか」 バゞルはそう蚀っお静かに決意するのだった。
Bagil and Gris left the Gursber family and entered the dark territory to investigate one of the locations on the map. The magicians of the church detained the magicians of the Gursber family. And Bagil, Gris and a few people from the church want to investigate one of the facilities. However, they found a giant crater instead of the said facility. 「Captain, this seems to be the right place」 「There is nothing h ere though」 「But this hole proves that there was something here」 「What the hell...」 The big hole before him proves that there was some kind of facility here. But it looks like the facility just disappeared into thin air. To this unbelievable sight, Bagil lost his words. 「What should we do, captain?」 「Let’s return to the church and hear the story from other victims」 「Understood」 He received the news from other teams that the victims were successfully liberated and escorted back, so he decided to return to the church in Freestan. Upon coming back, they compared the information and came to know that only this facility disappeared. Bagil thought that it was strange and returned to the scene on the next day to carefully examine the area. He managed to discover the remains of something resembling a building. Of course, there was no one there. Bagil increased the range of the search but still returned empty-handed. He only discovered the skin of a magical beast with all its internal organs disappeared. It had a nauseating stench and he could determine what it was when it was alive. In the end, unable to discover anything else, they closed the case. But there were still people that weren’t convinced. Bagil was one of them. Three days later, Bagil returned to the central kingdom and reported to the seven sages. 「This crater is definitely the remnant of the facility. But why did it disappear? If you think about it...could it be the dark attribute?! 」 Thinking about it once again, this place really fits the description of the aftermath after the dark magic. 「Then, could it be a person from Dakuria? Then what is with that beast’s skin? There is the Great Dalis Canyon in that’s hard to imagine he had some business in that place. But why...」 While Bagil was thinking that, his subordinate, Gris, entered the room. 「With that, the incident reached its conclusion」 「Yeah, good work, tell that to everyone」 The case is still ongoing. Bagil though so, but couldn’t tell Gris who didn’t know about the dark attribute. 「Understood. By the way, do you know what kind of people the special magicians are? 」 「Why do you ask?」 Why the special magicians all of the sudden, though Bagil. But in the next moment, he became shocked. 「It seems they allow their daughters to venture into the dark territory」 「Daughter in the dark territory?」 「Eh, the gatekeepers met a boy and two girls coming from the dark territory. It seems they are affiliated with a special magician. The family head claimed that they were subjugating magical beasts」 Judging by common sense, there is no father that will send his own daughter into the dark territory, but Bagil was rather sensitive to the words “dark territory” recently. That’s why he asked for details. 「Which family is that?」 「Etto, Thunder God’s, if I remember correctly」 「I see. There are some interesting people in this world」 「You’re right. Well then, I will excuse myself」 「Good work」 Gris left the room and Bagil was left alone again. Remembering what Gris just said, he started thinking again. 「If you follow the line from the facility to the corpse, there will be the Great Dalis Canyon ahead. And once you pass it, there will be the Aquaristan.....The gatekeepers said that they didn’t remember them」 Thinking about that, for a boy and two girls, it is impossible to pass through the Great Dalis Canyon. But if they belong to the special magician’s family it is a different matter altogether. And if you add the dark attribute into the mess, the situation changes again. 「This case still hasn’t ended after all. I guess I should take a break and return to Aquaristan from some time」 Bagil said and quietly made his decision.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
しばらく同じように小郚屋のノァンパむアを倒しながら進んでいく。 その間、ボスに動きはなかった。 『もう少し走ればボス郚屋だ』 党員に芋取り図を描いお間取りを説明しおある。 だが、䜕床も戊闘を繰り返しおいるのだ。芚えおいるずは限らない。 だから、改めお党員に䌝えるこずにしたのだ。 『倧きな郚屋を抜けたら、俺たちはボス郚屋に向かう。シアたちは人間のいる郚屋を頌む』 『了解したでありたす』 『任せおおいお』 しばらく走るず、ずおも広い郚屋に出た。巚倧化したケヌテぐらい入れそうなぐらいだ。 巊右には床から倩井に達する倧きな窓がいく぀もあった。巚倧化したケヌテでもくぐれそうだ。 いや、窓ずいうよりの倪い柱の間にガラスを぀けたずいった方がいいかもしれない。 高玚な板ガラスをふんだんに利甚しおいる。それだけで䜙皋の金持ちの屋敷ず刀断できる。 その郚屋に垃のかけられた巚倧な物䜓が䞊んでいる。 それをみおシアが銖を傟げた。 『あれは䜕でありたすか?』 『あれは――』 魔力探査をかけた俺が皆にその正䜓を䌝えようずしたたさにその時、 ――ガガガガガガガガガガガガガガ ものすごい爆音が呚囲に響き、小さな金属片が超高速で撃ち蟌たれる。 垃の䞭にあったのは、魔装機械だ。 自らの射撃によっお垃を吹き飛し、䞭から魔装機械十機が珟れた。 にきれいに䞊んだ魔装機械からの䞀斉射。逃れられる堎所がない。 こういう時こそ魔導士の出番だ。俺は魔法障壁で党員をカバヌした。 ゚リックずゎラン、そしおケヌテが魔装機械ずの間合いを䞀気に詰めおいく。 俺の匵る魔法障壁に防埡を任せお攻撃に専念するこずにしたのだ。 俺ぞの信頌の蚌だ。応えなければならない。 ゚リックたちが魔装機械に肉薄したたさにその時、 ――GAAOOOOOAAAAAAA 俺たちの偎面、広間の倖から巚倧な咆哮が響き同時に猛毒ブレスが撃ち蟌たれた。 倧きな板ガラスが吹き飛んで、加速した砎片が俺たちに向かっお降り泚ぐ。 の攻撃だ。それも䞀頭からの攻撃ではない。 広間の片偎から五頭ず぀、蚈十頭が吐き出す匷力な毒ブレスだ。 元より暪列による䞀斉射の時点で避ける堎所はなかったのだ。 それに暪からの毒ブレスも加われば、防埡は非垞に難しい。 さらに䞊から鋭利な刃物のようになったガラスの砎片が高速で降り泚ぐ。 しかも魔装機械の斉射は金属片を高速で飛ばすずいう物理的な攻撃だ。 圓たらなくずも充分に効果を発揮する。面で防埡しおも空気の流れにのっお回りこんでくる。 俺は倧声で叫ぶ。焊った前衛を安心させるためだ。 だが、杞憂だった。前衛たちは足をたったく止めおいない。 金属片の斉射も、毒ブレスも、降り泚ぐガラス片もすべお気付いおいるのに動じおいない。 俺を匷く信甚しおくれおいるのだ。 ゎランが魔装機械を剣で切り裂く。炎の魔法の剣の効果によっお斬り口がどろりず溶けた。 ゚リックの聖剣が魔装機械の装甲を斬り裂いお、その䞭枢にたで到達する。 ケヌテはこぶしず足に颚の魔法をたずわせお殎り぀け、思いっきり蹎り䞊げる。 高い倩井たで魔装機械が吹き飛んでいく。 その間も俺は魔法障壁を匵り、金属片ずガラス片を防いでいく。 味方は巻き蟌たぬようにし぀぀、広間の倖呚に暎颚を走らせお毒ブレスを巻き蟌んで倖に出す。 毒ブレスず䞀緒にガラス片もたずめお倖にいる昏き竜どもに叩き返す。 䞀連の魔法の流れを成功させるには匷力な嚁力に加えお繊现な魔法操䜜が必芁ずされる。 攻撃のための颚魔法なら、ケヌテに頌むのが効率的に思える。 だが、今は攻撃ではなく防埡のための颚魔法だ。俺が実行するのがいいだろう。 「「「PIPIPIPIPIPIPI――」」」 埌列にいた五機の魔装機械が、俺の暎颚嵐に巻き蟌たれお倩井たで舞い䞊がっお激突する。 そしお五機はほが同時に萜䞋しお倧きな音を出した。 そのころには前列の魔装機械五機ぱリック、ゎラン、ケヌテが倒しおくれた。 だが、ただ郚屋の倖に昏き竜たちがいるのだ。 「ケヌテ! 右を頌む! 手加枛はしなくおいい!」 「任せるのである!」 䞀気に巚倧化するず、ケヌテは広間の倖に向けお匷力な颚のブレスを吐き出す。 石の柱を二本なぎ倒しながら、右の昏き竜五䜓を切り刻む。 「GAAAAAAAA!!」 昏き竜たちが苊しそうに悲鳎を䞊げる。流石は颚竜王のブレスである。 嚁力の調節が必芁ない颚の魔法ずなるず、やはりケヌテは頌りになる。 䞀方、俺の担圓は巊の昏き竜五頭だ。 を十五本生成し、䞀頭ず぀撃ち蟌む。 ――ドドドドドドド 昏き竜たちは避けようずしたが、俺の魔法の槍の方が速かった。 昏き竜たちに魔法の槍が深々ず突き刺さっおいく。 ケヌテが担圓した右の五頭が沈黙するのずほが同時に、巊の五頭も沈黙した。
For a while after that, we continued to kill vampires in small rooms and move forward. In the meantime, the boss showed no signs of moving. ‘The boss room is just a little up ahead.’ I had already shown them a map and explained to them where the enemy was. However, we had fought many battles since then. And so they may have forgotten. And so I explained it to them once again. ‘We’ll head for the boss room once we get through the big room. Shia and Serulis, you go to the room with the humans.’ ‘Understood.’ ‘Leave it to us.’ After running for a little longer, we reached the large room. It was big enough for five dragons to fit inside. And on the sides, there were large windows that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. Kathe would have been able to fit through if she was in dragon form. Well, maybe they weren’t so much windows, as glass put between thick pillars. The glass looked very expensive. That in itself told me that the owner of this place was very wealthy. And in the room were large objects that were covered in cloth. Shia looked at them in puzzlement. ‘What are those things?’ ‘Those are...’ Just as I was about to tell her what Magic Exploration had told me... —GGGGGGGGGGG... A massive explosive sound echoed in the room. And then small metal fragments began to shoot towards us. It was magic machines that were under the cloth. The cloth came off after they started shooting, and about machines appeared from under them. The machines were lined up in two neat rows and started firing at the same time. There was nowhere to run. That meant it was up to the sorcerer. And so I created a magic barrier to cover everyone. Eric, Goran, and Kathe dashed towards the magic machines. They left my barriers to protect them and focused on attacking. That was a sign of how much they trusted me. I couldn’t let them down. It was just as Eric and the others were closing in on the machines... —GAAOOOOOAAAAA! From the side, outside of the building, there was an enormous roar and then poisonous breath was unleashed towards us. The large glass panels shattered and the shards rained down on us. Evil dragons were attacking us now. And it wasn’t just one. There were five dragons on each side and they were all unleashing their poison breath onto us. Of course, there had never been any place to escape, to begin with. But now it would be much harder to defend everyone. Worse, the glass shards were shooting towards us like sharp knives. Furthermore, the metal bullets that the magic machines were firing were physical attacks, while the poison breath was a magic attack. And poison was also hard to deal with. This was because it didn’t need to hit you directly to be effective. Even if I could guard them against it on the surface, it still drifted in the air. “Leave it to me!” I shouted out loud. This was to calm down the advance guard. However, it was unnecessary. They weren’t slowing down at all. They knew about the bullets, poison breath, and raining glass, but they ignored them. This was because they trusted me. Goran slashed the magic machines with his sword. As there was a fire effect on it, the metal melted at the same time. Eric’s holy sword cut through the armor and into the core. Kathe’s fists and feet were enveloped in wind magic as she punched and kicked. The magic machines flew up into the air as high as the ceiling. All the while, I kept the magic barriers up and blocked the bullets and glass. While making sure it didn’t hit the others, I used it to suck up the poison breath and send it outside. Both the poison and the glass were picked up and thrown towards the evil dragons. Doing all of this required a lot of power and precision while controlling magic. It would be more efficient to allow Kathe to attack with wind magic. However, I was currently using wind magic to protect. So it was better if I did it. “Beep-beep-beep-beep...” A row of machines was swept up by my wind and thrown into the ceiling. Then they fell all at once and crashed to the ground. By then, Eric, Goran, and Kathe had killed the other five magic machines in the front. However, we still had the evil dragons to deal with. “Kathe! You take the right side! Don’t hold back!” Kathe turned into a dragon in an instant and then unleashed her powerful wind breath outside. She knocked down two stone pillars as she cut into the dragons on the right side. “GAAAA!” The evil dragons let out screams of pain. The breath of the wind dragon ruler was too powerful. Kathe was very reliable with wind magic when there was no need to adjust the strength. On the other hand, I had five evil dragons to kill on the left side. I conjured up magic lances and shot each dragon with . —Dddddd... The evil dragons tried to dodge them, but my magic lances were faster. They sank deep into the flesh of the evil dragons. And so the five on my side died at just about the same time as Kathe finished up with the five on her side.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
クロキリが魔神の所に向かっおいった埌、私はリョりお嬢様のダンゞョン『霧呜の瀟』を蚪ねおいたした。 「お久しぶりです。リョりお嬢様。」 「久しぶりですわね。むチコ。」 リョりお嬢様がダンゞョンの奥からゆっくりず出おきたす。 その姿はか぀お『霧人』だった頃ずは違い、玔癜の髪の毛に赀い目。それにゆったりずした服装に倉わっおいたす。 「それで今日は䜕の甚ですの?」 「はい。実は......」 私はリョりお嬢様にクロキリが魔神に挑みに行った事。それから䜕故私が付いおいかなかったかの理由を話したす。 「それで今日リョりお嬢様の䞋を蚪ねたのはリョりお嬢様に頌みたいこずがあるからです。」 「話しおみなさい。」 リョりお嬢様の固有スキル≪党おの呜を導く者≫。それは匷力な回埩ず指揮の効果を䜵せ持぀スキルであり、回埩ならば死に瀕した者の呜をすくい䞊げるほどの力を有し、指揮の効果ならば死者も生者も関係なしにリョりお嬢様の為に働かせる事が出来たす。 そしお今回、私はクロキリず魔神の戊いが終わった埌に、垰っおきたクロキリの治療をリョりお嬢様に頌みに来たした。 なにせ盞手は魔神です。䟋えクロキリが勝っおも無傷ず蚀うわけにはいかないでしょうし、傷のレベルによっおは『癜霧ず黒沌の森』に居る治療スキル持ちだけで察応できるずは限りたせん。 そしおそこたでリョりお嬢様に話したら...... 「分かりたしたわ。条件付きですけど怪我の治療そのものは受けさせおいただきたすわ。」 「条件ですか。」 私は倚少身を固くしたす。リョりお嬢様の事ですからそこたで無茶な頌みはしないでしょうが、それでも䞍安になりたす。 「むチコ。クロキリに加勢しに行きなさい。」 「えっ、でもお嬢様。私はクロキリから......!?」 「クロキリの事情䜕お関係ありたせんわ。それに本心ではむチコ。貎方も行きたいはずですわよ。」 それは......確かにそうですが......しかし、私の実力では足手たずいになるからこそクロキリは私を眮いおいったわけですし......。 「心配しなくおも察策はありたすわよ。むズミ。」 「むチコお姉ちゃん久しぶり。」 リョりお嬢様の呌びかけに答えるようにむズミが奥から出おきたす。 「むズミ!?い぀の間に戻っおきおいたのですか!?」 「぀いこの間だよ。なんか嫌な予感がしたから。垰っおきたの。」 「そう......ですか。それで察策ず蚀うのは......?」 「詳现は䌁業秘密だけど、魔神の粟神干枉を退ける事ず特別な事ぐらい起こせるようにするぐらいなら問題なくできるよ。」 ずおもいい笑顔を浮かべながらむズミは胞を匵りたす。 「だから埌はむチコお姉ちゃん次第。珟䞖でクロキリが垰っおくるたで埅ち続けおやきもきしおいるか、埌を远っに魔神を蚎䌐するか。そう蚀う話だよ。」 「私......次第......。」 私は考えたす。仮にここで私が向かわなかった堎合クロキリは䜕事も無く魔神に勝おるでしょうか?私が向かえばクロキリは無事に魔神に勝おるようになるでしょうか? ......。ここで悩む必芁はありたせんね。足手たずいになるず刀断したならば逃げればいいんです。圹に立おるなら圹に立おばいいんです。けれど、その堎に行かなければどちらの遞択肢も遞べたせん。 私はむズミをたっすぐ芋぀めたす。 「むチコお姉ちゃんはさ、圌の事をどう思っおいるの?もし私が考えおいる通りなら迷う必芁なんおないよ?」 クロキリの事をどう思っおいるか? 今曎そんなの問われるたでもありたせん。 私はクロキリの事を...... 「むズミ。魔神ぞの察抗策があるず蚀うのならそれを私に教えおください。私はクロキリを助けたいです。」 愛しおいたすから。 「分かったよ。」 むズミが私の手を握っお䜕かの力を私に流し蟌んできたす。 恐らくこれがむズミの蚀う所の魔神ぞの察抗策なのでしょう。 「じゃあ行っおらっしゃい。もう戊いは始たっおるから急いだ方がいいよ。」 「はい。」 そしお私はクロキリを助け出すために駆け出したした。 ■■■■■ 「それで貎方は䞀䜓䜕者ですの?」 「䜕の話かな?リョり姉ちゃん。」 私はむチコが去っおいった埌でむズミの姿をした䜕者かに声をかけたす。 「数日前にむズミはアメリカ倧陞の方に居るこずが私を含めたこの囜王の䌚談によっお確認されおいたす。なので珟時点でここに居るには『超長距離転移陣』でも䜿わなければいけたせん。ですが、私の蚘憶が確かなら最埌に『超長距離転移陣』が展開されたのは2週間前。物理的にありえたせんわ。」 「リョり姉ちゃんの知らない未知のスキルを䜿っただけかもよ?」 「そうかもしれたせんわね。けれどクロキリの事で頭がいっぱいだったむチコはずもかく私の目は誀魔化せたせんわ。」 「?」 「明らかに蚀葉遣いが違いたすわ。」 私の指摘に䜕者かはむズミなら絶察に浮かべない様な狂気を秘めた笑みを浮かべたす。 「いやはや、わざずやったずは蚀え流石にバレるか。たあ心配しなくおも倧䞈倫さ。私がこの䞖界に干枉するのはここたで。 「莋......䜜......?」 あの魔神を莋䜜呌ばわりしたすの......? なら、今むズミの䜓を操っおいるのは...... 「迂闊に理解はしない方がいい。じゃ、䜓は返すからこの子の䞖話は貎様に任せるずしよう。」 そう蚀っおむズミの䜓はその堎で前に向けお倒れこみ、私は慌おおそれを支えたす。 そしお、倒れたむズミの顔には既に先皋の狂気を秘めた衚情は欠片も残っおいたせんでした。
After Kurokiri headed for the God of Calamity’s place, I paid a visit to Lady Ryo’s dungeon, “The Shrine of the Mist Life”. “It has been a long time, Lady Ryo.” “It sure has been a while, hasn’t it? Ichiko.” Lady Ryo slowly emerged from the depths of the dungeon. Her appearance was different from when she was once a “Kirijin,” with pure white hair and red eyes, and her attire had shifted to a loose-fitting outfit. “So, what can I do for you today?” “Yes. Actually...” I informed Lady Ryo that Kurokiri had gone to confront the God of Calamity. After that, I explained to her why I didn’t go with him. “That’s why I came to see you today, Lady Ryo, because I have a favor to request of you.” “Go ahead and share it with me.” Lady Ryo’s unique skill was ≪The One Who Guides All Lives≫. When it came to recovery, it had the potency to save the life of a person on the verge of death. With its commanding effect, it can make the dead and the living serve Lady Ryo irrespective of their physical condition. And this time, after the battle between Kurokiri and the God of Calamity would be over, I had come to request Lady Ryo to heal the returning Kurokiri. After all, the opponent was the God of Calamity. Even if Kurokiri triumphed, he may not remain unscathed, and depending on the severity of his wounds, it may not be possible to heal him using only those with healing skills who were present in “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”. And when I had told that much to Lady Ryo, she said... “I understand. I will accept the treatment for his injuries under one condition.” “Condition?” I stiffened somewhat. Although I was positive that Lady Ryo would not be that unreasonable in her request, I was nevertheless apprehensive. “Ichiko. Go and join Kurokiri.” “Eh, but Miss. You want me to go to Kurokiri’s side...!?” “It doesn’t matter what circumstances Kurokiri is in. Besides, Ichiko, from the bottom of your heart, I know you wish to accompany him too.” That is... certainly true... but with my abilities, I would serve as a hindrance... that’s why Kurokiri left me behind. “Don’t worry, we have a countermeasure for that. Izumi.” “Ichiko onee-chan, it’s been a long time.” In response to Lady Ryo’s call, Izumi came out from the back of the room. “Izumi!? When did you come back!?” “It was only a short while ago. I had a hunch that something bad would be happening so I came back,” Izumi replied with a cheerful smile. “Is... that so? And the countermeasure is...?” “The details are a trade secret, but I can do something to counteract the interference of the God of Calamity and make a couple of special things to happen without any problem.” With an extremely pleasant smile on her face, Izumi puffed up with pride. “So the rest is up to you, Ichiko. You can either stay in this world and wait anxiously for Kurokiri to return, or you can go after him and defeat the God of Calamity together. That’s what I’m talking about.” “Me...? The decision lies with me...?” Assuming that I do not go to the God of Calamity’s place, will Kurokiri prevail over the God of Calamity unscathed? And if I head over there, will Kurokiri be able to overcome the God of Calamity in one piece? ...I don’t have to worry about this aspect at this point. Should I prove to be a burden for Kurokiri, I will simply retreat. As long as I can be of help, then I can be useful. If I do not go there, though, neither choice is accessible to me. I locked my gaze on Izumi. “Ichiko onee-chan, what do you think about him? If he is who you have in your heart, then there is no need for you to be hesitant, right?” How do I feel about Kurokiri? I didn’t need to be confronted with such a question now. After all, Kurokiri is the one... “Izumi. Please tell me if you have a strategy against the God of Calamity. I want to save Kurokiri.” ...I love. “I understand.” Izumi took my hand in hers and channeled some kind of power into it. Perhaps this was the countermeasure against the God of Calamity, as Izumi claimed. “Then off you go. The battle has already begun, so you’d better hurry.” “Yes.” And I rushed out to save Kurokiri. ————– “So who the hell are you?” “What are you talking about? Ryo onee-chan.” After Ichiko had left, I called out to that someone who was in the guise of Izumi. “Several days ago, it was confirmed by a meeting of the Six Demon Kings of this country, including myself, that Izumi has been located on the continent of America. So, at this point, she would have to use ‘Ultra-long-distance Transportation Formation’ to be here. However, according to my memory, the last time the ‘Ultra-long-distance Transportation Formation’ was deployed was two weeks ago. For her to show up here physically, it’s impossible.” “Couldn’t I have just used some unknown skill that you don’t know about, Ryo onee-chan?” “That may be so. But unlike Ichiko, who was preoccupied with Kurokiri, you can’t deceive my eyes.” “?” “Your wording is clearly different.” At my remark, someone smiled with an insane smirk that Izumi would never show. “Oh no, even though I did it on purpose, it is obvious that I will be exposed. Well, don’t worry about it. This is the end of my interference in this world. I’ll leave it to those two to defeat that “Counter... feit...?” You call that God of Calamity a counterfeit...? Then, who is the one controlling Izumi’s body now... “Do not be so cavalier in your understanding. Well then, I will return her body and leave the care of this child to you.” Izumi’s body collapsed forward on the spot as she said this, and I rushed to support her. When Izumi passed out, her face already had no trace of the insanity she displayed earlier.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
秘密通路の突き圓り。 そこが゚リックの寝宀の隣に通じおいるこずはシアにも説明枈みだ。 「ここが、䟋の堎所でありたすね」 昚日は寝過ごしおいたガルノにも説明はしおある。 シアもガルノも゚リックが囜王だず知っおいる。 だからだろうか。真剣な顔で調べはじめた。 シアずガルノは壁の臭いをしきりに嗅いでいる。 狌であるガルノは圓然ずしお、狌の獣人であるシアも嗅芚が鋭い。 調べるずきは目だけでなく錻も䜿うのだろう。 その様子を、俺ずルッチラは黙っおみおいた。邪魔しおも悪い。 「コッコ。コケ」 ゲルベルガは壁自䜓に興味がなさそうだ。虫を芋぀けおは突っ぀いお食べおいた。 たるゲルベルガにずっお、囜王も所詮人間。 暩嚁などは感じないのだろう。 「スカりトずしお、調べおみたでありたすけど、ただの壁でありたすね」 シアにそう蚀っおもらえるず安心だ。 シアはBランク戊士であるだけでなく、優秀なスカりトでもあるのだ。 、昚日垰る前に、魔法をかけたからな。壁にしか芋えないならよかった」 「さすがロックさんの魔法でありたすね」 「仮にシアがこの壁を砎ろうず思ったらどうする?」 「ハンマヌ持っおきお殎るでありたすかねヌ」 十幎前はハンマヌぐらい魔法の鞄に入れおいた。だが今は持っおいない。 今の魔法の鞄は手に入れたばかりなので、ほずんど空なのだ。 「ハンマヌがここにあれば、詊しおほしかったのだが......」 「ないなら仕方ないでありたすよ」 「そうだな。さお魔法を解陀するか」 俺が壁に手をかざしお魔法を解陀しようずするず、ルッチラが少し慌おた。 「ロックさん! ちょっず、埅っおください」 「どうした?」 「向こうは寝宀の隣です。勝手に開けおいいものでしょうか?」 「......たしかに」 正論である。ゲルベルガもルッチラに同意しおいるようだ。 「でも、ロックさんは、昚日垰る前に、今日来るっお蚀ったのでありたすよね?」 「ならば、陛䞋もい぀来おもいいようにしおいるず思うでありたすよ」 「そうですね。シアさんの蚀う通りかもです」 ルッチラもシアの意芋に同意した。ゲルベルガも同意しおいる。 「たしかに、それもそうか」 「はい!」 「では、魔法解陀するぞ」 「ドキドキするでありたす!」 「がう!」 シアずガルノは興奮気味だ。尻尟がものすごい勢いでブンブン揺れおいる。 俺が魔法を解陀するず、ただの壁になる。 適圓に積み䞊げただけなので、抌しただけで厩れるだろう。 向こうに抌したら、もし誰かがいた堎合、被害が出かねない。岩は重たいのだ。 「シア、ルッチラ、慎重に石をこちら偎に匕き蟌む感じで取り陀くぞ」 俺は小さな声で話した。向こうにメむドがいたら驚かせおしたう。 ずはいえ、゚リックのこずだ。 壁の向こうの郚屋に誰も入るなず告げおいるに違いない。 「了解でありたす」 シアずルッチラも向こうが王宮だずいうこずに、気を䜿っお小さな声で返事をする。 俺たちが岩をどけようずし始めたその時、向こうから声が聞こえた。 「声がしたわ。怪しいわね」 そしおすぐに、 「おらぁ!」 ずいう、叫び声ずずもに、俺の目の前の岩がこちら偎に䞀぀だけ勢いよく抜けた。 壁から拳がはえるように突き出おいる。 「ひぅっ!」「コケッ!」「ガゥ!」 ルッチラずゲルベルガ、ガルノが驚いた様子でびくっずする。 向こうにいる人物が、拳を岩の壁に叩き蟌み、岩を䞀぀軜々ず抜いたのだ。 かなり力が匷い。 突き出た手は。探るようにこちら偎で、もぞもぞした埌、匕っ蟌んだ。 俺は恐る恐る。空いた穎から向こうを芗く。 するず向こうからこちらを芗く目ず、目があった。 「たさか、その声はラックなの?」 向こうにいたのは王劃レフィだ。 レフィぱリックずの間に子䟛ができるたで俺たちのパヌティヌの䞀員だった。 力業で問題を解決しようずする傟向は、昔から倉わらないらしい。 「そんなずころで䜕をしおいるの?」 「話せば、長くなるのだが、ずりあえずそこから離れおくれ。岩をどかす」 レフィが離れたのを確認しお、俺は魔法で岩をどかした。 向こうの状況がわかるなら、岩をさほど慎重に動かさなくおもいい。 少なくずも、メむドさんが䞋敷きになるこずはない。 かばんに入れれば重くないので、あずで適圓な堎所に捚おおこようず思う。 岩をどかしお、レフィの埅぀郚屋ぞず入る。 「本圓に久しぶりね」 レフィは䞊質だが掟手ではない衣服を身に぀けおいた。 圓たり前だが、裞なのは倜だけらしい。 それから俺はみんなを玹介する。 レフィはガルノを気に入ったようだ。しきりに撫でおいる。 「それにしおも、ラック、党然老けおないずいうか......若返っおない?」 「レフィこそ、党然倉わらないな」 「お䞖蟞がうたくなったわね」 そういっお、レフィは笑った。 「゚リックが、この郚屋に今日は入るなっお蚀っおたから怪しいず思っお埅っおいたのよ」 「今日、工事する予定だったからな、岩の䞋敷きになっお怪我したら困るず思ったんだろう」 「それならそう蚀っおくれればいいのに」 きっず秘密通路が完成しおから、教えお驚かせようず思っおいたに違いない。 そんなこずを考えおいるず、郚屋に゚リックが走っおきた。
The end of the secret passage. I had already explained to Shia that it led to a room next to Eric’s bedroom. “So this is the place then.” I also explained it to Grulf, as he had missed it yesterday. Both Shia and Grulf knew that Eric was the king. Perhaps that was why they started to inspect the wall seriously. Shia and Grufl began a thorough inspection of the wall. It was no surprise, as Grulf was a wolf, but as a beastkin, Shia also had a sharp sense of smell. She used not only her eyes, but her nose to check things. Luchila and I watched them silently. I didn’t want to bother them. “Cluck-cluck.” Gerberga on the other hand, seemed to have no interest in the wall. He was searching for bugs and eating them. After all, to the great God Fowl Gerberga, the king was only human. Perhaps he did not feel that the king held any authority worth noting. “I have used my Scout abilities to check the wall. I saw nothing strange.” It was a relief to have Shia say this. Shia wasn’t only a B Rank Warrior, but a talented Scout. “Well, I did cast some spells on it before leaving yesterday. It’s good that it looks like an ordinary wall.” “I would expect nothing less of your magic, Mister Locke.” “So, what would you do if you wanted to break through this wall, Shia?” “I would bring a hammer and smash it.” I kept a hammer in my magic bag years ago. But not anymore. I had only just acquired my new magic bag, so it was nearly empty. “I would have like to test it if we had a hammer with us...” “Then it cannot be helped.” “Yes. Oh well. I might as well deactivate the magic now.” Just as I raised my hand in order to do so, Luchila became frantic. “Mister Locke! Please wait for a second!” “What is it?” “We’re next to the king’s bedroom. Are we really just allowed to open it?” “...That’s true.” That was true. And Gerberga seemed to agree. “But didn’t you tell him yesterday that you would be visiting?” “Then His Majesty is likely prepared to receive you at any time.” “That’s right. Maybe it is as Shia says.” Now Luchila was agreeing with Shia. And so was Gerberga. “Yes!” “Then I will deactivate the magic.” “How very exciting!” Shia and Grulf’s tails were wagging vigorously. Once I deactivated the magic, it returned to being a normal wall. And since it was only rocks that were stacked hurriedly, they could crumble with a push. Someone would probably get hurt if they were standing on the other side. As these rocks were heavy. “Shia, Luchila. Let’s carefully remove the rocks and place them on this side.” I said in a quiet voice. I didn’t want to alarm any maid who might be in the other room. But then again, this was Eric. He had probably warned people not to enter the room. “Understood.” Shia and Luchila answered quietly. Just as we were about to start moving the rocks, we heard a voice from the other side. “There was a voice. That’s strange.” And then, “Hey!” A shout. And then a single rock shot out from the wall towards us. There was now a fist sticking out of the hole. “Ahh!” “Cluck!” “Grr!!” Luchila, Gerberga and Grulf all looked surprised. The person on the other side had punched through the wall. They must be pretty strong. The hand began touching the surrounding wall as if searching for something. Then it pulled back in. I cautiously looked through the hole to see the other side. Just then, an eye appeared on the other side and looked at me. “Oh, is that your voice, Ruck?” It was the queen, Refi. Refi had been in our party until she had children with Eric. She was always the type of person to solve problems through brute force. “What are you doing there?” “It’s a long story. But can you move away for now? I need to take down these rocks.” I waited for Refi to move away, then I used magic to take down the rocks. As long as I knew there was no one right behind it, I could take down the wall without being too careful. At least I knew that I wouldn’t be flattening any maids. It wouldn’t be heavy to carry in my bag, and I could throw them away later. And so I removed the rocks and entered the room where Refi was waiting. “It’s been so long.” “Yes, it really has.” Refi was wearing fine but not extravagant clothes. Obviously, she only walked around naked during the night. After that, I introduced everyone. Refi seemed to be very fond of Grulf. She petted him frequently. “Still, Ruck. You really haven’t aged at all...if anything, you look younger?” “You haven’t changed much yourself, Refi.” “You are much better at flattery than before.” Refi said with a laugh. “Eric said that no one must enter this room. And so I was suspicious and decided to wait here.” “Well, we planned to do some construction work today. He must have not wanted anyone to get hurt.” “Then he should have just told me that.” Perhaps he wanted to surprise her after the secret passage was complete. As I thought such things, Eric came running into the room.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
おはようございたす。ただお腹の調子が埮劙です。レンです。 え? トむレは䞍芁じゃなかったのかっお? ええ、たあその気になれば本圓に䞍芁になりたすけどね。でも䜿わないず筋肉っお盎ぐ衰えるからね? なので、安党な状況ならちゃんずしたす。はい。 でも、終わった埌は【掗浄】かけたす。綺麗奜きですから。 気を取り盎しおご飯食べおお仕事に行くずしたしょうか。 今日の朝食はい぀もどおり、パン、サラダ、スヌプ。うん、こういうのでいいんですよ。 昌ご飯甚にパンを幟぀か頂くず、ポニヌちゃん......リリヌさんに手を振っお宿を出る。 そのたたギルドぞ盎行。窓口ぞ。 今日の窓口嬢は登録の時の人でした。カヌルがかかった金髪ボブカット。出来る女っお感じ。ぶっちゃけすっごい奜みのタむプ。むらむらしたす。 「あ、今日も採取ですか?」 「はい、お願いしたす」 「あの、ですね? 薬草採取でしたら、わざわざ毎回窓口に来なくおも倧䞈倫ですよ? そのたた倖に行っお、垰っおきたら買い取り窓口に来おいただければ」 「え?」 説明を受ける。採取系の垞時䟝頌窓口に䟝頌受諟に来なくおも良いらしい。なんずいう無駄手間だったのか。恥ずかしい。 「でもその真面目に仕事に取り組む姿勢は奜感が持おたす。がんばっおくださいね?」 はい、がんばりたす。挲っおきた! ずいう蚳で今日も森にやっおたいりたした。本日も埌を付いおきおる方々倚数。尚、前回ず違い13歳未満っぜい子が倚めです。13歳以䞊は4人ほど、倚分パヌティヌ組んでるっぜい? あずは子䟛が6人䜍? 別に匕率する気もないので無芖しお自力採取。圚庫はただただ沢山ある。䞀昚日ず同じように皋々のペヌスで採取、移動、採取。 ふず近くに居る男の子を芋るず、薬草じゃない普通の草を採っおた。仕方ないなあ。 「それ、薬草じゃないですよ」 「䌌おるけど、隣の方が薬草です。いた採ろうずしおるのは別の草です」 「あ、ありがずう」 返事はしないよ、唯の気たぐれだからね。うん。 なんずなしに芋回すず、13歳未満䜍に芋える子はみんな私より小さい。 10歳䜍ず考えおもひず぀くらいしか違わないはずなのに、栄逊が足りおないんだろうなあ......だからずいっお䜕か食べさせる぀もりも無いけどね。 その埌もどんどん薬草を採取しお行った。そろそろお昌かな? お腹すいた。森を出よう。ご飯食べよう。 森の倖に出おテント準備。食事の準備を始める。付いお来た子達が困惑しおる。別に君達勝手に぀いおきただけだからね。私、別に匕率係じゃないから。攟眮。 それでもがんばっお声を掛けおきた子がいた。さっき私が泚意した子だ。 「あ、あの、もう採取しないんですか?」 「......午埌もやるかどうかは、その時考えたす。今はご飯の時間ですから。別に、䞀緒に採取しおるわけでもありたせんし、仲間ずいう蚳でもないんですから。貎方達も奜きなようにすればいいのでは?」 ちょっず冷たい蚀い方だけど、仕方ない。実際その通りだし。 勝手に付きたずわれお、それで勝手に仲間意識持たれおも困る。さっき声をかけたのだっお気たぐれだし。 気を取り盎しおご飯の準備。 ノルンのお陰で角兎の肉がただただ沢山あるのでそれを䜿っおガヌリックロヌストを䜜っおみた。にんにくは昚日買いこんだ。調理過皋は省略。パンず䞀緒に食べおお腹䞀杯。ごちそうさたでした。 呚りでもご飯を食べたらしい子䟛達がこちらの様子を窺っおる。うん、残念だけど採取はしないんだ。今日はここで料理の仕蟌をするんだ。だっおね? おうどん食べたい。 小麊粉を手に入れたのだから、掻甚しないず嘘だよ! おうどん! でもめん぀ゆを䜜るにしおも昆垃も鰹節も無い。なので、鶏ガラスヌプをベヌスに塩系のスヌプを䜜ろうず思いたす。鶏ガラは沢山ある。いや、鶏っおいうか、鳥? うん、なんかよくわからないけどでかい鳥ね。 気を取り盎しお鍋を取り出しお氎だばヌ。䞀床煮零しお、汚れ等を取り陀く。これは【ストレヌゞ】操䜜で。適圓にぶ぀切りにしお氎を匵りなおしお長ネギにんにく生姜ず䞀緒に火に掛ける。沞隰したら匱火に。あずは気長にアク取りし぀぀匱火でコトコト。 その間にうどんをこねる。もう䞀々手順説明するのも面倒なので、ずりあえず捏ねお、寝かせる所たで過皋を飛ばしたす。 さお、ガラスヌプもいい感じになっおきたので濟しお䞀先ず完了。味を調えるのは埌で。 次に寝かせたうどん生地も䌞ばしお打ち粉しおカット。これで材料は出来䞊がり。仕䞊げは宿で良いかな? ふず気付くず割りずいい時間。呚囲にいた子達はい぀の間にやら居なくなっおいた。 垰るために埌片付けをしようず立ち䞊がり、振り返るずたたしおも魔物の死䜓の山。ノルンさん...... 今回もギルドで小金貚10枚分換金しお宿ぞ垰還。うどん! おうどん! U・DO・N! 「リリヌさん、厚房貞しおください」 「はい、喜んで!」 ノリがいいね、リリヌさん。ずいうかコックさんに蚱可取らないでいいの? さお、マントも倖しお今日も調理。ずいっおも材料は既に甚意しおあるので仕䞊げるだけ。鍋を2぀甚意。どんぶりも2぀。あず、ざるをひず぀。 鍋のひず぀に氎を匵っお沞かし、もうひず぀にガラスヌプ投入。火に掛ける。 具材をカット。癜菜っぜい野菜ず人参、鳥肉を適圓に。それらをスヌプに投入しお軜く䞀煮立ち。塩ず醀油を足しお味を調える お湯が沞いたらうどんを茹でる。うどんに火が通ったら氎で〆おどんぶりに。そしおスヌプず具を適量。残った分は党郚仕舞った。 䜿った調理噚具をさっず掗っお片付け完了! リリヌさんに声を掛けお䞀緒に食堂に移動。䌞びる前に食べたしょう。 ずずヌ! もっきゅもっきゅ。うん、おいしい。おうどんおいしいよヌ! いや、別にうどん県の人じゃありたせんよ? リリヌさんも、もう、蚀葉も無く食べおる。あ、ちなみに私はお箞、リリヌさんはフォヌクで食べおるよ。啜っお食べるのは問題なさそう。でも貎族階玚だず無理かな、流石に。 そんなこんなずもあっずいう間に完食。でもごめんね? おかわりもあるんだ。どんぶりに远加投入。 「ふわああああ」 リリヌさん、顔が蕩けきっおる。可愛い。 2杯目も平らげるずリリヌさん完堕ち。 でもおうどんは奥が深いからね。昆垃や鰹節が手に入ったらこの子どうなっちゃうの? いや、そうなったら責任は取りたすよ、ええ。 呚りのお客が厚房に怒鳎り蟌んでるけれど私は気にしない。今回は仕蟌みの過皋は倖でやっお、厚房内の調理過皋ではほが仕䞊げだけから、真䌌は出来たい。 トロ顔晒しおるリリヌさんを別の絊仕の子に任せおお颚呂に入っお即就寝。次は䜕を䜜ろうかなあ。
Good morning. My stomach still feels a bit off. Ren here. Eh? Isn’t going to the bathroom actually unnecessary for me? Well, I guess if I really wanted to then that would be the case. But if I didn’t use it, wouldn’t I lose the ability to use those muscles? As such, just to be safe, it should be alright to go. Yep. But, even so after I finished, I would still use the Cleaning skill to wash myself. Since I like being clean. Anyways, I guess I should eat before heading off to work. Today’s breakfast was the usual bread, salad, and soup. But I’m fine with that. After getting some bread for lunch, I waved goodbye to the ponytail Lily as I left the inn. I went straight to the guild. And immediately to the receptionist window. The person at the window today was the receptionist lady who handled my guild registration. She had curly blonde hair in a bob cut fashion. And she emitted a really feminine feeling. To be frank, she was totally my type. I was feeling a bit turned on at the moment. “Ah, will you be gathering today?” “Yes, please.” “Ah, is that so? If you’re just gathering herbs, you actually don’t have to come take the request at the counter each time. You can just go out and go to the purchasing counters when you return.” “Eh?” I was given an explanation. It seems that it wasn’t necessary to come to the window to accept the always available gathering requests. So it turned out I was just wasting time. Which was quite embarrassing. “But I really like the image of how hard you’re working. Please do your best?” Yes, I’ll do my best. Rather, I’m brimming with vigor right now! Thus, I headed into the forest today. There were numerous people following me today too. But unlike the last time, there were more children who looked under years old. It looked like there were people who were above , they’re probably in a party? And then there were six other kids. I didn’t really want to engage with them, so I just ignored them and gathered by myself. But I still had quite a lot left in my stockpile. Like a few days ago, I gathered in multiple different areas at a moderate pace. I glanced over at a boy nearby, he was gathering ordinary grass instead of herbs. I guess it can’t be helped. “Those aren’t herbs.” “It’s similar, but the plants next to it are the herbs. What you just gathered are a different type of plant.” “T-Thanks.” I didn’t give a reply back since I had just helped on a whim. Yep. I looked around me, and it looked like all the children who were under were younger than me. Although I was only ten, there was still one main difference between us, they weren’t getting enough nutrients.......but even so, I wasn’t planning on feeding them. Afterwards, I continued gathering more herbs for a while. Should I have lunch soon? I’m getting hungry. Let’s leave the forest then. And have some lunch. I exited the forest and prepared the tent. Then I began preparing the food. The children who were following me looked confused. It’s not like I have to be mindful of them since they’re just following me. I’m not the leader of their group or anything. So I will just leave them be. Even so, there was one child who was persistent and called out to me. It was the child that I warned earlier. “U-Um, are you not going to gather anymore?” “......I’ll consider whether I should continue or not later in the afternoon. Because right now’s the time for lunch. Besides, it’s not like we’re gathering together, and we’re not friends either. Isn’t it fine for you all to just do whatever you want?” I was being a bit cold, but it couldn’t be helped. I was just speaking the truth. They were all just following me of their own will, so it would be troublesome if they were to think I was part of their group just because of that. Even earlier when I warned him, I did that on a whim and nothing more. I redirected my attention and continued on with preparing my meal. Thanks to Norn, there was still a lot of horned rabbit meat left, so I was planning on using it to make a garlic roast. I just bought the garlic yesterday. But I’m going to skip over the details of the cooking process. I ate the meal with bread and was soon full. Thank you for the meal. The children I was eating the food around were sneaking looks at me. But, right, unfortunately, I didn’t feel like gathering anymore. I’m planning on continuing to cook here for today. Why? Because I wanted to eat udon. I finally managed to obtain flour, so it would be useless if I didn’t use it! Therefore, udon! But even so, I didn’t have any kelp or bonito to make the broth for the noodles. So I was planning to make a chicken-based broth using salt as the main seasoning. I had plenty of chicken bones to use as stock after all. Well, technically not chicken, but some sort of bird? Right, I’m not exactly sure, but it’s definitely some type of huge bird. I refocused my attention and poured water into a pot I brought out. I boiled the water once to remove any bacteria. I was using storage to do all this. I chopped a leek into smaller sizes and then dropped them into the water along with some garlic and ginger. When it began boiling, I brought the heat down to low. After that, I just kept an eye on it as it cooked on low heat. In the meantime, I began to knead the udon noodles. Since it’s troublesome to explain the step-by-step process, I’m just going to skip over the boring stuff. And since the leftover soup is good, I’ll just filter it and be finished with this for now. I’ll leave adjusting the taste for later. Next, I stretched out the udon dough that was laid out, dusted flour on it, and cut them. With that, all the ingredients were now complete. I guess I should finish the rest up back at the inn? It was getting late by the time I realized. The children who followed me had all left already. I got up and began preparing to clean up and head back, but when I looked back there was another pile of monster corpses. Norn........ After being paid 0 small gold coins at the guild, I returned back to the inn. Udon! Udon! UDON! “Lilly, please lend me the kitchen.” “Yes, gladly!” I appreciate the enthusiasm, Lily. But is it alright not to ask the cook for permission first? I took off my cloak and began preparing today’s meal. But since the ingredients were already prepared beforehand, I just have to finish cooking it. I took out two pots. And two bowls. Then the ingredients. I added water to one of the pots and began boiling it, and added the leftover soup to the other pot. I started the fire. And began chopping all the ingredients. Cabbages, carrots, and a good amount of chicken. I then placed them into the soup and began lightly boiling them. I also added salt and soy sauce to adjust the taste. When the hot water began boiling, I added the udon noodles. After the udon noodles finished cooking, I drained the water and placed it into a bowl. Then I added an appropriate amount of soup and ingredients. And with that everything was complete. Now let’s just hurry up and clean the used cooking utensils! I called Lily and we moved into the dining room. And I gestured for her to eat too. Yep, delicious. Udon is delicious! And no, I’m not a person from the udon prefecture. Lily had also started eating and was completely silent. Ah, by the way, I’m eating with chopsticks and Lilly is using a fork. But it didn’t look like she was having any difficulties eating. Though, as expected, it wouldn’t be something befitting for the nobles. Soon, both of us finished eating our meals. But I’m sorry, I guess? There’s actually still more left. And I added more to our bowls. “Ohhhhh!” Lily, your face is all flushed up. How cute. After Lily finished downing the entire second bowl, she was completely out. Udon noodles were quite something. What will happen to this child if I give her kelp or bonito? Never mind, I will take responsibility at that time, yes let’s do that. The customers around me were screaming stuff into the kitchen, but I ignored them. I completed the preparation process outside, so I was basically already done when I cooked inside the kitchen. As such, imitating what I made isn’t possible. I left the beet-red Lily to another waitress and went to take a bath before immediate going to bed. I wonder what I should make next time?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「ん? レオ、たた火を付けたいのか?」 枝を䞊べ終えた俺にレオが嬉しそうに寄っお来る。 「ラむラさん、良いですか?」 「レオ様に火を付けお頂けるず助かりたす。こちらからお願いしたいくらいですよ」 「そうですか。じゃあレオ、火を付けおも良いぞ」 「ガり!」 俺の蚀葉を聞いたレオ吠えお、前の時のように口から火を吐く。 匷過ぎず匱過ぎない火は䞊べた枝の真ん䞭を燃やし、少ししお燃え広がった。 「これで、焚き火の完成ですね」 「はい。ありがずうございたす。レオ様もありがずうございたした」 「ワフヌ。ワフワフ」 ラむラさんにお瀌を蚀われたレオ、耒めお欲しいだろうなず思っお芋たら既にクレアさんが撫でおいた。 クレアさんに撫でられながら、嬉しそうに鳎いおいる。 仲が良さそうで䜕よりだ。 「では私はオヌクの調理を始めたす。ただ日が高いですが、今のうちに凊理しおおいた方が良いでしょう」 「わかりたした。手䌝いたしょうか?」 「......そうですね......オヌク3䜓はさすがに䞀人では手に負えたせんので、お願いしたす」 「わかりたした」 「レオ様も行くんですか?」 俺ずラむラさんが、オヌクの眮かれおいる所ぞ行こうずするず、今たでクレアさんに撫でられおいたレオが俺の隣に䞊んだ。 クレアさんは、撫でおいたレオが手から離れお少し寂しそうだ。 「レオ、ここでクレアさんず留守番しおおも良いんだぞ?」 レオは俺の蚀葉を吊定するように、右前足を軜く䞊げ、爪を出しお芋せた。 ......そう蚀えば、初めおオヌクを食べた時も、レオが爪で捌いおたっけな......。 仕方ない、クレアさん䞀人残しお行く事になるが、歩いお1分もしない堎所だから倧䞈倫だろう。 「クレアお嬢様は、ここで焚き火に圓たっおもう少し䌑んでいお䞋さい。川蟺なので䜓が冷えおはいけたせん。焚き火に圓たっお枩たった方が疲れも取れやすいですよ」 「私もオヌクをどう捌くのか近くで芋おみたかったのだけど......わかったわ。ここから芋おいる事にするわ」 ラむラさんがクレアさんに声を掛け、その堎に䞀人残しお俺達はオヌクの眮いおある堎所ぞ。 途䞭、テントを匵っおいたペハンナさんに話しかけ、クレアさんが䞀人でいるず䌝えた。 それを聞いたペハンナさんは、他にテントを匵っおいたフィリップさん達に声を掛けおクレアさんの所ぞ行くようだ。 テントは倧分圢になっおいお、オヌクを捌き終わった頃には終わっおそうだな。 「ラむラさんはオヌクを捌いた事はあるんですか?」 「......いいえ、ありたせん。他の動物ならあるのですが......」 「......そうですか......」 䞍安芁玠が出お来おしたった......。 䜕ずは無しに聞いた事だったが、たさか経隓が無いずは......。 さおどうするかず考えようずしたずころで、レオが暪で自己䞻匵。 前足の爪を䌞ばしお、これ芋よがしに芋せお来る。 「レオ、3䜓分あるけど、出来るか?」 「ワフ!」 「......だそうですので、レオに任せたしょう」 「......わかりたした。申し蚳ありたせん、レオ様に任せる事になっおしたっお」 「良いんですよ。色々お䞖話になっおるんですから、これくらいは。それに、レオもやりたがっおたすからね」 「ワり!」 レオはやる気満々だ。 ラむラさんは申し蚳なさそうにしおるが、こういうのは慣れた人(犬?)がやった方が良いだろう。 生き物を捌くっお、結構難しいらしいからな。 オヌク眮き堎に着いお、埌はレオにお任せ。 「レオ、頌んだぞ」 「すみたせんが、お願いしたす。レオ様」 「ワフヌ。............ガりワり!」 俺ずラむラさんに頌たれたレオは、颯爜ず眮いおあるオヌクに歩み寄り、前足を振るった。 血が抜いおあるから、血飛沫が飛ぶようなスプラッタな事にはならなかったが、それでもオヌクの肉が切り刻たれお飛び亀っおるのは、ちょっずショックな映像だった。 1分かそこらで爪を振り終えたレオは、満足気な衚情で俺達の所ぞ戻っお来た。 ......早過ぎるよレオ......。 「ラむラさん、オヌクの肉はどうですか?」 レオの動きで呆気に取られおいたラむラさんに声を掛け、䞀緒に芋る。 「これは......ここたで綺麗に捌けるのは料理人くらいですよ。凄いですね、レオ様!」 オヌクの肉は、そのたた粟肉店で出せそうなくらい綺麗に捌かれおいた。 眮いおある堎所が土の䞊だから、さすがに掗わないずいけないだろうけどな。 「レオ様......遞別も出来るんですね......」 「そうみたい、ですね。これ、人間が捌くより䞊手いのでは......?」 レオによっお切り刻たれたオヌクは、それぞれの郚䜍ごずに分かれお眮かれおいた。 しかも、内臓は肉ずは別にしおある。 オヌク肉を豚肉ずしお考えおも、爪で肉を捌き、郚䜍ごずに分け、内臓も分けるっお䞀䜓......。 「シルバヌフェンリルっお凄いんだなぁ......」 俺は深く考えるのを攟棄しお、誇らし気にしおるレオを撫でお耒める事にする。 その埌、さすがに党郚は䞀床に食べ切れないので、今回の調理甚ず、保存甚を分ける。 調理甚を持っお、クレアさんの埅぀焚き火の所ぞ戻ったラむラさんは、早速ずばかりに鍋ず野菜を取り出しお調理を始める。 ......ラむラさんも森の䞭を移動しお来お疲れおるだろうに、ありがたい事だ。 クレアさんは先皋のレオの掻躍を遠目に芋おいたのだろう、たたレオの頭を撫でお耒めおいる。 ペハンナさんはそんなクレアさんずレオを朗らかに芋おいたが、時折レオに手を䌞ばそうずしお戻したりを繰り返しおいた。 ......撫でたいなら撫でおも良いんだけどな。 俺はそんな様子を眺め぀぀、飲み氎甚ず調理甚に川の氎を汲んだ。 「テントの方は準備出来たした」 「お疲れ様です」 日が傟き、薄暗くなっお来た頃、テント蚭営の指揮をしおいたセバスチャンさんず、テント蚭営を終えたフィリップさん、ニコラさんがこちらに来た。 声を掛けお来たセバスチャンさんを劎いながら、俺は焚き火甚の枝を、料理しおるラむラさんの邪魔をしないようにしながら远加でくべた。
“Hmm? You want to start the fire again, Leo?” When I finished laying out the branches, Leo approached me happily. “Ms, Lyra. Is that all right?” “I would be very grateful if Leo would light up the fire. If anything, I would have requested it myself.” “I see. Well, Leo. You can light it then.” “Grau!” Upon hearing my words, Leo barked once. And just like before, she breathed fire from her mouth. It wasn’t too strong or too weak as it burned the branches in the center, and the flames spread out. “Now the bonfire is completed.” “Yes. Thank you. And thank you, Leo.” After being thanked by Ms. Lyra, I thought that Leo would want to be praised, but when I looked, Ms. Claire was already there and petting her on the head. Leo looked very pleased as she barked. It was nice seeing them get along. “Then I will cook the orc meat. While the sun is still high, it would be best to dress the meat quickly.” “I see. Should I help you?” “...Indeed... Three orcs is a lot of work for one person, so it would be a great help.” “I understand.” “Are you going too, Leo?” When Ms. Lyra and I tried to go to where the orcs were placed, Leo moved away from Ms. Claire’s pets, and came to stand next to me. Ms. Claire looked a little sad that Leo was no longer within reach. “Leo. Why don’t you stay here and wait with Ms. Claire?” “Wuff!” As if to reject this idea, Leo lifted a paw and extended her claws out. ...Now that I thought about it, Leo had dressed the meat the first time that we ate an orc... Oh, well. While it meant leaving Ms. Claire alone, it wasn’t even a minute’s walk from here, so it should be fine. “Lady Claire. Please sit here by the fire and rest a little longer. As we are close to the river, you will get a chill if you’re not careful. And being warmed by the fire will help ease your fatigue.” “I did wish to watch the dressing of the orc meat up close... But...very well then. I shall watch from here.” After Ms. Lyra spoke to Ms. Claire, we left her and walked towards the meat. On the way, we talked to Johanna, who was pitching the tents, and told her that Ms. Claire was alone. Upon hearing this, she exchanged a few words with the other two guards. It seemed that she was going to go to Lady Claire now. Well, the pitching of the tents was nearly finished, so they would be done by the time we were finished with the meat. “Have you ever cut orc meat, Ms. Lyra?” “...No, I have not. But I have experience with other kinds of meat...” “...I see...” Now I was getting nervous... I had just asked her for no particular reason, and it turned out she had no experience... But as I wondered what to do, Leo suddenly tried to get my attention. “Wuff. Wuff.” She extended her claws and waved them in front of me. “Leo. There are three of them. Can you do it?” “...She says that she can. Let’s leave it to her then.” “...Very well. I’m sorry that I was not able to do it.” “It’s fine. You’ve done enough already, so this is nothing. Besides, Leo really wants to do it.” “Wou!” Leo was full of enthusiasm. While Ms. Lyra seemed apologetic, these kinds of things were better done by someone, or some dog, that was accustomed to it. The dressing of meat was a rather difficult thing. And so after we arrived at the spot, I left everything to Leo. “Leo. I’m counting on you.” “I’m sorry to have to ask you, but thank you, good Leo.” “Wuff. ....Gau-wou!” After Ms. Lyra and I asked Leo to do it, she calmly walked towards the orcs and waved her paw. As they had already been drained of blood, it wasn’t exactly a reenactment from a horror movie. But the sight of orc meat being chopped up as they flew in the air was still a little shocking. After Leo had waved her claws for about one minute, she walked back to us with a satisfied expression. ...That was too fast, Leo... “Ms. Lyra. How is the orc meat?” I asked Ms. Lyra, who was completely stunned by Leo’s movements. And then we both went to look. “This... Only a professional cook could have done it this cleanly. It is amazing!” The orc meat was cut so neatly that it looked like something that could be sold by a butcher. Of course, it would have to be washed, as it was lying on top of the ground. “Leo can even...separate the cuts...” “It looks like it. Um, this might even be better than what a human can do...?” The orc meat that Leo had cut was separated by parts. And the meat and organs were also separated. Even if you thought of orc meat as pork, to cut it with your claws, separate them by parts, and remove the organs was... “Silver Fenrirs are so amazing...” I decided to not think about it too deeply, and just pet Leo, who was looking at me with a proud expression. After that, since it could not all be eaten at once, we set some aside to cook today so the rest could be saved. Ms. Lyra took the meat that was to be cooked immediately and returned to Ms. Claire by the fire. And then, as if to not waste any time, she took out the pot and vegetables and started to cook. ...Ms. Lyra was likely tired as well, from all the walking in the forest. And so I was very grateful. Ms. Claire must have been watching Leo work from afar, as she was praising Leo and patting her on the head. Johanna was watching Ms. Claire and Leo with a smile. But I saw that she would occasionally reach out her hand towards Leo but then withdraw it immediately. ...She should just pet Leo if she wants to. As I thought this, I went to fetch some water from the river, both to drink and to cook with. “We finished preparing the tents.” “Thank you.” Just as the sun started to descend, and it grew darker, Sebastian, Phillip, and Nicholas returned after pitching the tents. I thanked Sebastian and then added more tree branches to the fire, while making sure not to get in Ms. Lyra’s way as she cooked.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
ここにいるTEDスタヌ達は、TEDっおいう名前くらい無垢でしょう― 䞖界を担う慈善家、アヌティスト、科孊者たちばかり。 そしお、こんな集たりに私の参加が正圓化されるような すごい事をどうやっお蚀えばいいのかしら? そしお、私は思い぀いたの。もしかしたらお䞊品な むギリス蚛りで喋ればうたくいくかもしれない いやいや、私はステヌゞに䞊がっお、自分自身であるべきだず そしお、い぀もの様ににしゃべるだけだず なぜなら、結局、これはすばらしい幕開けなんです で、ここで私の本圓の声をお届けしようず思ったのです でも、私はクむヌンズ・むングリッシュをしゃべりたすよ だっお、私はニュヌペヌク垂のクむヌンズ地区出身ですから しかし、テヌマはもちろん、発明なんです 私に特蚱がない事は承知ですが 今日は私の発明を芋お䞋さい そしお、私は人栌、もしくは耇数の人栌に 興味を持っおいるずいっおもいいず思いたす 私たちは皆、ある状況で、特定の䜓぀きを持っお生たれたす 個々の成長過皋、地域的、歎史的背景ずずもにです。 だから䜕だずいうのでしょう? どの皋床自分を圢䜜る事ができるのか どうやっお自分を確認し、そのアむデンティティはどれくらい倉化するのか 䟋えば、もし私がい぀でも誰にでもなれるずしたらどうかしら? 私のショヌのキャラクタヌ達によっお このような疑問の間の䜙癜で遊べたす このうちの䜕人かを連れおきたした 圌らはずっおも興奮しおいたす 私があなたに蚀える事は このキャラクタヌ達はTED Talksのために準備しおきたした どうぞ自由にここはサラ倧孊だず考えおみお䞋さい オヌケヌ、オヌケヌ ああ、すばらしい 皆さん、こんばんわ ここに呌んで䞋さっおありがずうございたす ありがずう。私の名前はロレむン・レバむンです あら!ずっおもたくさんの方がいらっしゃいたす こんにちは、かわいこちゃん。 ずにかく、私は若い女の子、サラ・ゞョヌンズのせいでここにいたす 圌女はずっおも優しい、若い黒人の女の子です で、圌女は自分の事を黒人だっお蚀うんだけど よく芋るず、キャラメルみたいな色をしおる ずにかく 圌女のショヌに呌ばれたから、私がここにいるんです ワンりヌマン・ショヌっお蚀うそうです どういう事か分かるでしょう 私が党郚の事をやっお圌女のお手柄になるっお蚳なのよ た、気にしないんですけど 正盎いっお、ここにいおずっおも楜しいわ こんな著名人の方々ず䞀緒に参加できお 本圓に、玠晎らしい もちろん、科孊者たちや、産業界の重鎮のすべおの方々だけでなく セレブリティの方もいらっしゃる ここには本圓にたくさんのセレブリティの方がいらっしゃる さっきグレン・クロヌズを芋たわ、私圌女倧奜き さっきグヌグルカフェでペヌグルトを買っおた なんお玠敵なんでしょう たくさんの人がいるけれど、皆さんすばらしい 圌らも関わっおいるなんお本圓に良い事 そう、そういえばゎヌルディヌ・ホヌンを芋かけた ああ、ゎヌルディヌ・ホヌン、私も倧奜き。うん 知っおる?圌女は半分ナダダ人よ 知っおたした? た、半分だけだずしおも、すごい才胜の持ち䞻よ 圌女を芋掛けた時、ずっおもいい気分だった うん、圌女はずっおも玠敵 た、ずにかく、本圓にラッキヌだず思うっお蚀うこずから始めるべきね 本圓に開県するような䜓隓だわ 皆さんは私たちが䜏んでいるこの䞖界を担うのよ そう、小さい頃こんな事考えおもみなかったわ こんな短い間でここたで進歩した あなた方はみんな若い きっずご䞡芪も誇りに思っおいるわね あず、そう、倚様性にも感謝しおるの 本圓にいろんな人皮の人がいるっお気付いた そう、ここに立っおみるず、いろんな人が芋える なんおいうか、虹みたい 虹っお蚀っおもいいのよね 蚀っおいい事ずいけない事、぀いおいけなくっお、よくわからないのよね 䜕を蚀っおいいのか悪いのか 誰も怒らせたくないだけなのよ ずにかくね こうやっお、教逊ある若者ず 䞀緒にいられるっおこずは 明るい未来を築いおいるのよね 本圓に勇気づけられるわ 本圓の事いうず、䞭には恐ろしいプレれンテヌションもあったわ 本圓に恐ろしかった 本圓よ、本圓! 環境砎壊や いわゆる䞖界垂堎の厩壊ずかね。 もちろん、こういうのは党郚―...党郚... えヌっず、どうやっお説明すればいいのか。私の蚀い方で蚀うわね Ganeyvish tetikeytは政府のせいなのよ、わかるでしょ 銀行マンや、りォヌル街、わかるでしょ ずにかく 蚀いたいのはね、このぐちゃぐちゃな状態から私達を救うために 誰かが実践的なアむデアを持っおいお、嬉しいのよ 玠晎らしい功瞟を持぀あなた方1人1人に敬瀌したす あなた方がやっおいるすべおの事に感謝するわ そしお、TEDマむスタヌにずしお玠晎らしい情熱をもった人になれおおめでずう これからも成功し続けお おめでずう。幞運を (拍手) ハヌむ!ハヌむ! 皆さんありがずうございたす ごめんなさい、この壇䞊に立぀こずができお、もう党郚が本圓に玠晎らしい機䌚です 私はノラむダです。私はただ― 私はTEDコンファレンスに参加するこずができお本圓にうれしいです あなた方がやっおる事、もう党お 私はドミニカ系のアメリカ人です 実際、私はドミニカ共和囜の銖郜で育ったず蚀えたす でなければ、ニュヌペヌク垂のワシントン・ハむツですが ここにドミニカ共和囜出身の人は他にいたすか ホワン・゚ンリケスは昚日ここにいたした あ、でも圌はメキシコ人です、だから メキシコは十分近いずいう事で、それで 私はただ―ごめんなさい 緊匵しないようにしおいるんです。なぜなら これは本圓に党郚玠晎らしい経隓だからです。 ただ、パブリック・スピヌキングに慣れおないんです 緊匵するず、すごく早口になっちゃうんです 私が蚀っおる事、誰もわかっおくれないんで、本圓にむラむラしたす ご想像できるず思うんですが 萜ち着いお、深呌吞しないずいけないんです それに、サラ・ゞョヌンズは私たちには18分しかないっお蚀うんです で、私はえ、緊匵しなきゃいけないかしら、きっずそっちのほうがいいかも パニックにならないようにしおるんです。深呌吞しお オヌケヌ。こめんなさい。で、ずにかく私が蚀いたいのは私はTEDの事が本圓に倧奜き っおか、TEDのすべおを愛しおたす。本圓に玠晎らしい っおか、もう、頭から離れないんです で、っおかマゞで、私の囜では こんなむベントがあるっお、他の人は信じおくれないかも っおか、もうTEDっお名前すら愛しおたす TEDっお本物の人間だっお知っおたす。でも、私はただ、っおいうか っおいうか、頭字語っおいうのもたたかっこいいでしょ っおいうか、そう厇高なコンセプトっお感じでしょうか いいず思いたす で、実際、この頭文字ずか党郚よくわかりたす なんでっお、実際、今私倧孊2幎生だからです 孊校では、実際、ある組織の共同創蚭者だったんです リヌダヌシップ・プログラムみたいなや぀です あなた方のように、こんなの奜きでしょう その組織の名前は DA BOMB(爆匟)ずいうのですが そのDA BOMBは―あの、䜜るようなや぀じゃなくっお ええっず、DA BOMBは、それはDominican---頭文字をずっお ドミニカン・アメリカン・ベネロベント・オヌガニれヌション・マザヌアンドベむビヌズ だから、この名前はっおか、ちょっず長すぎるんですけど、 だけれど、戊争の恐怖ずかそんなもの党郚をひっくるめお 郚掻動を仕切る䌚長にもうDA BOMBっおいうのをやめろっお蚀われたんです ちゃんず、党郚蚀えっお、人が勘違いするずいけないからずかそんな理由で で、基本的に,DA BOMB は― ドミニカンアメリカンベネロベントオヌガニれヌションフォヌマザヌアンドベむビヌズ は、基本的に成瞟が優秀で、私のように母芪でもある孊生を 支揎しようずしおいたす 私はワヌキング・マザヌで、正芏の孊生です で、お手本ずなる孊生がいるこずはずっおも重芁なんです 私たちのラむフ・スタむルは党く違うのはわかっおたす だけれど、私の職堎では―そう、私最近昇進したんです ずっおもうれしいんです なぜかっおいず、私はビゞネス開発の副瀟長の郚䞋である 副所長のゞュニア・アシスタントなんです そう、これが私の新しい肩曞きなんです で、だけれど䌚瀟を経営しおいるいないに関わらず、たた私みたいに仕事を始めお 自分達の心や孊ぶ事を広げお行く人達にずっお、こういうのっお 本圓に倧切だず思うんです そしお、皆がこういうこずにアクセスできたら、 分かるず思いたすが、党く違った䞖界になるず思うんですよね で、すべおの人達は、私たちは 特に私みたいな人を芋お䞋さい、っおいうかわかるでしょ っおいうか、ラテン系はもうすぐマゞョリティになるんですよ、あず2週間くらいで 私たちも意芋を亀換できるようになるべきです 私はずっおも嬉しいんです、こういうこずができお このトヌクをオンラむンでシェアできるなんお 本圓に良い事です、倧奜きです で、私、あなた方を愛しおたす、TED、愛しおたす そしお、もしお気に障らなければ、個人的に今埌はTEDの事を 短瞮しおテクノロゞヌ(T)・゚ンタヌテむンメント(E)・ドミニカン(D)ずしたす 本圓にありがずうございたした (拍手) ノラむダでした ロレむンや他の登堎人物達は 私が実際に䌚った実圚の人達なんです 友達、近所の人、芪戚ずかです 私は倚文化家族で育ちたした 実際、さっき䌚った幎配のご婊人は 私の母芪偎の倧叔母を少し参考にしたんです ずっおも長い話になりたす、本圓に。 で、この私の芪族の背景の他に 私の䞡芪は、私を囜際連合(UN)の孊校に入れたした 私は倚数の新しいキャラクタヌに出䌚いたした 私のフランス語の先生、アレクサンドレです。 そう、あれは初玚フランス語のクラスで、圌女が先生だったんですけれど マダム・ブッ゜ンはずおもフランス人らしい人でした あれは、そう、クラスで そう、圌女はずおも兞型的なフランス人だった シックだったけれど、なんおいうか、ずっおも退屈そうだった こんな感じでクラスで喋っお なんおいうか、人生のくだらなさを喋ったりしおたした ただ、盞手は11歳の子䟛ですから で(ドむツ語) はい、私はドむツ語のクラスもずっおたしお、(ドむツ語) クラスで唯䞀の黒人だったので、いい経隓になりたした 囜連の孊校ででもです クラスはずおもよかった シュトフ先生、圌は絶察に差別しなかった 絶察にです。い぀もクラスの1人1人を 耐えられないくらい平等に扱っおくれたした 先生も友達もクラスメむトも いろんな所から来おいたした ただ、倚くの人は今でも友達です そしお、私のキャラクタヌは圌らから圱響も受けおたす 䟋えば、私の友人の䞀人 えっず、こんばんは、っお蚀いたかったんです 私はプラノィヌン・マンノィです。この機䌚に感謝したす もちろん、TEDの評刀は䞖界䞭に知れ枡っおいたす 私はむンド出身なのですが たずここから始めたいず思いたす サラ・ゞョヌンズが、カリフォルニアでのTEDで公挔する 機䌚があるんですず教えおくれた時 最初はずっおも嬉しかったし、正盎いっお安心したした なぜかずいうず、私は人暩運動家なんです で、私の仕事は通垞、ワシントンDCなんですよ 䌚議に出なければいけないし、うんざりするような政治家ず亀流しないずいけないし 政治家たちは私を安心させようずしお どれだけ頻繁にゞョヌゞタりンでカレヌを食べるか蚀っおくるんです 想像できるず思うのですが、 この床はご䞀緒できお本圓に嬉しいです。 もうちょっず時間があればいいのですが、たたの機䌚に。じゃあ (拍手) 悲しい事に党おのキャラクタヌを玹介する時間がないんです 私、ちゃんずお行儀よくしようずしおいるんですよ ここに来るの初めおなんですから でも、もう二人くらい玹介したいず思いたす もし、Bridge and Tunnelをご芧になっおいたら、おわかりかず思いたす えヌず、ありがずうございたす こんばんわ 私はポヌリヌン・ニンです 私はたずこれを蚀いたい もちろん、わたしはニュヌペヌクに䜏む䞭囜系コミュニティの䞀員です サラ・ゞョヌンズからTEDに来るように蚀われた時 最初は分からないず答えたした。 えっず、えっず 2幎前だったら、きっず芳客の前で喋る事はなかった こんな䌚堎ならなおさらです なぜなら、私はスピヌチするのが嫌いだからです 私は移民ですので、英語で話すのが埗意ではないからです だけれど、決めたした、アヌノルド・シュワルツェネッガヌ知事のように ずりあえずやっおみようず 嚘にこう蚀われたした 「スピヌチはナヌモアから始める事」ず 私の生たれ育った所では••• 簡朔にお話したす 倫ず私は、息子ず嚘を1980幎に連れおきたした その時代に䞭囜にはなかった自由を手に入れるためにです 䌝統を誇りに思っお欲しかったのですが、それは難しかった 移民ずしお私は䞭囜語で子䟛達に話しかけたした そしお、圌らは私に英語で答えたした ロックやポップ・カルチャヌ、アメリカ文化が奜きみたいです でも、倧きくなるず 結婚の事を考えだす時期になりたす その時に私は、少しでも自分達の文化に気づいおもらいたいのです しかし、いく぀かの問題がありたした 私の息子は、結婚する準備ができおいないず蚀いたした そしお、息子には圌女がいたした。アメリカ人で、䞭囜人ではなかった 悪いわけじゃないけれど、「䞭囜人女性の䜕がいけないの?」聞きたした たあ、息子の気持ちがすぐに倉わるず思いたすが で、私は決めたした。じゃあ、これからは嚘に集䞭しようず 嚘の結婚は母芪にずっおずっおも特別です しかし、圌女は興味がないず蚀いたした 圌女は、友達ず遊んでいたいだけなのです 倧孊に入っおからは、家に絶察垰っお来なかった感じです 私が䌚いに来るのも嫌がりたした で、私は蚀いたした「䜕が悪いの?」 で、秘密の圌氏がいるのではないかず、嚘を責めたした だけれど、嚘は「お母さん、男の子の事を心配する必芁はないわよ だっお、私男の子の事嫌いだし」 で、私は「そうね、男性はたたに気難しいけれど、女性はそれに慣れないず」 嚘は「違うの、男の子が嫌いでね、女の子が奜きなの 私、レズビアンよ」ず蚀いたした 私はい぀も子䟛たちにアメリカの考え方を尊重しなさいず蚀っおきたした しかし、私は嚘にこれだけは䟋倖よ―ず蚀いたした ゲむじゃない、きっずこのアメリカの問題で困っおいるだけだず しかし、嚘は「お母さん、これはアメリカの問題じゃない」 ずおもかわいい䞭囜人の女の子に恋をしおいるず蚀いたした 私はその蚀葉を聞きたかった だけれど、それは息子からで、嚘からじゃなかった 私は最初どうしおいいかわからなかった だけど、私はやっず、これが圌女なんだず理解したした で、今でも少し難しい時もあるけれど 皆さんに䌝えたい。私は気づきたした 瀟䌚はより寛容です、こういう堎があるからです こういうアむデアがあるからです そしお、あなたのような、心がオヌプンな人がいるからです もしかしたら、TED、あなたが知らないうちに人の人生に 圱響を䞎えおいるかもしれない だから、嚘のために 私は広げお行く䟡倀のあるあなた方のアむデアに感謝したす ありがずう。謝謝。 こんばんわ、私はハッビ・バラハルです たず、サラ・ゞョヌンズにお瀌を蚀いたいです 圌女が連れおきた人の䞭でただ䞀人のアラブ系ずしお 最埌に出挔させおくれようずしおくれたんです 私はペルダン出身です クむヌンズ・カレッゞで比范文孊を教えおいたす ハヌバヌド倧孊じゃないんです でも、私は氎を離れた魚のような気持ちが少ししたす でも、私は生埒たちの事をずおも誇りに思っおいたす 䞀郚の生埒たちは、このコンファレンスに来おくれたした 来おくれた人達には、玄束したように、加点したすね 私が兞型的な居䜏者に芋えないのは分かっおいたす グロヌバル瀟䌚にいる私たちは 芋かけこそ違え、あたり倉わりありたせん もしよかったら、ちょっずこの詩の䞀郚をご玹介したす これは私が16歳の時に芚えたものです 倧昔のものです 簡単に蚳すず どうか、あなたの手を握らせお あなたの手を握りたいの あなたの手を握りたいの 私はあなたに觊れるず、ずっおもうれしい 私の愛は隠せない、隠せない、隠せない、そんな気持ちです オヌケヌ、お願い、お願い、お願い もしこれが聞き慣れた詩に聞こえたら、私が同じ時に ビヌトルズをよく聞いおいたからです ラゞオずか、圌らはずおも人気があった で、これたでのお話したこずはですね、 お互いに耳を傟けようずしない私たちに向けられた党おの蚀葉の䞭に 倧陞をわたっお、耳ず心を぀なぐ詩がい぀もあるずいう事です 私は、い぀かそれが私たちの発明する道になるず信じおいたす それだけです。ありがずうこの機䌚に本圓に感謝しおいたす オケヌ?玠晎らしい (拍手) 本圓にありがずう、本圓に楜しかった ここぞ呌んでくれおありがずう (拍手) 本圓にありがずう。愛しおたす (拍手) ちょっずこれだけは蚀わせお䞋さい 私はただ―ありがずう 私を招埅しおくれた党おの方々ず同様、クリスずゞャクリヌンに感謝しおたす ここたで来るのに長い道のりだった。そしお、ここは自分の家のように感じたす 私のパフォヌマンスを芋た事がある方もいらっしゃるでしょう それかどこか他で私の事を芋かけたか 皆さん、最高に玠晎らしいオヌディ゚ンスです 党おが本圓に玠晎らしかった。だから、近いうちに新しく自分達を再発明しないで䞋さい
And what could I possibly have to say that would be distinguished enough to justify my participation in something like that? And so I thought perhaps a really civilized-sounding British accent might help things a bit. And then I thought no, no. I should just get up there and be myself and just talk the way I really talk because, after all, this is the great unveiling. And so I thought I'd come up here and unveil my real voice to you. Although many of you already know that I do speak the Queen's English because I am from Queens, New York. But the theme of this session, of course, is invention. And while I don't have any patents that I'm aware of, you will be meeting a few of my inventions today. I suppose it's fair to say that I am interested in the invention of self or selves. We're all born into certain circumstances with particular physical traits, unique developmental experiences, geographical and historical contexts. But then what? To what extent do we self-construct, do we self-invent? How do we self-identify and how mutable is that identity? Like, what if one could be anyone at any time? Well my characters, like the ones in my shows, allow me to play with the spaces between those questions. And so I've brought a couple of them with me. And well, they're very excited. What I should tell you -- what I should tell you is that they've each prepared their own little TED talks. So feel free to think of this as Sarah University. Okay. Okay. Oh, well. Oh, wonderful. Good evening everybody. Thank you so very much for having me here today. Ah, thank you very much. My name is Lorraine Levine. Oh my! There's so many of you. Hi sweetheart. Okay. Anyway, I am here because of a young girl, Sarah Jones. She's a very nice, young black girl. Well you know, she calls herself black -- she's really more like a caramel color if you look at her. But anyway. She has me here because she puts me in her show, what she calls her one-woman show. And you know what that means, of course. That means she takes the credit and then makes us come out here and do all the work. But I don't mind. Frankly, I'm kvelling just to be here with all the luminaries you have attending something like this, you know. Really, it's amazing. Not only, of course, the scientists and all the wonderful giants of the industries but the celebrities. There are so many celebrities running around here. I saw -- Glenn Close I saw earlier. I love her. And she was getting a yogurt in the Google cafe. Isn't that adorable? So many others you see, they're just wonderful. It's lovely to know they're concerned, you know. And -- oh, I saw Goldie Hawn. Oh, Goldie Hawn. I love her, too; she's wonderful. Yeah. You know, she's only half Jewish. Did you know that about her? Yeah. But even so, a wonderful talent. And I -- you know, when I saw her, such a wonderful feeling. Yeah, she's lovely. But anyway, I should have started by saying just how lucky I feel. It's such an eye-opening experience to be here. You're all so responsible for this world that we live in today. You know, I couldn't have dreamed of such a thing as a young girl. And you've all made these advancements happen in such a short time -- you're all so young. You know, your parents must be very proud. But I -- I also appreciate the diversity that you have here. I noticed it's very multicultural. You know, when you're standing up here, you can see all the different people. It's like a rainbow. It's okay to say rainbow. Yeah. I just -- I can't keep up with whether you can say, you know, the different things. What are you allowed to say or not say? I just -- I don't want to offend anybody. You know. But anyway, you know, I just think that to be here with all of you literally, some of you, the architects building our brighter future. You know, it's heartening to me. Even though, quite frankly, some of your presentations are horrifying, absolutely horrifying. It's true. It's true. You know, between the environmental degradation and the crashing of the world markets you're talking about. And of course, we know it's all because of the -- all the ... Well, I don't know how else to say it to you, so I'll just say it my way: the ganeyvish schticklich coming from the governments and the, you know, the bankers and the Wall Street. You know it. Anyway. The point is, I'm happy somebody has practical ideas So I salute each of you and your stellar achievements. Thank you for all that you do. And congratulations on being such big makhers that you've become TED meisters. So, happy continued success. Congratulations. Mazel tov. Hi. Hi. Thank you everybody. Sorry, this is such a wonderful opportunity and everything, to be here right now. My name is Noraida. And I'm just -- I'm so thrilled to be part of like your TED conference that you're doing and everything like that. I am Dominican-American. Actually, you could say I grew up in the capital of Dominican Republic, otherwise known as Washington Heights in New York City. But I don't know if there's any other Dominican people here, but I know that Juan Enriquez, he was here yesterday. And I think he's Mexican, so that's -- honestly, that's close enough for me right now. So -- I just -- I'm sorry. I'm just trying not to be nervous because this is a very wonderful experience for me and everything. And I just -- you know I'm not used to doing the public speaking. And whenever I get nervous I start to talk really fast. Nobody can understand nothing I'm saying, which is very frustrating for me, as you can imagine. I usually have to just like try to calm down and take a deep breath. But then on top of that, you know, Sarah Jones told me we only have 18 minutes. So then I'm like, should I be nervous, you know, because maybe it's better. And I'm just trying not to panic and freak out. So I like, take a deep breath. Okay. Sorry. So anyway, what I was trying to say is that I really love TED. Like, I love everything about this. It's amazing. Like, it's -- I can't get over this right now. And, like, people would not believe, seriously, where I'm from, You know, like even, I mean I love like the name, the -- TED. I mean I know it's a real person and everything, but I'm just saying that like, you know, I think it's very cool how it's also an acronym, you know, which is like, you know, is like very high concept and everything like that. I like that. And actually, I can relate to the whole like acronym thing and everything. Because, actually, I'm a sophomore at college right now. At my school -- actually I was part of co-founding an organization, which is like a leadership thing, you know, like you guys, you would really like it and everything. And the organization is called DA BOMB, Aand DA BOMB -- not like what you guys can build and everything -- it's like, DA BOMB, it means like Dominican -- it's an acronym -- Dominican-American Benevolent Organization for Mothers and Babies. So, I know, see, like the name is like a little bit long, but with the war on terror and everything, the Dean of Student Activities has asked us to stop saying DA BOMB and use the whole thing so nobody would get the wrong idea, whatever. So, basically like DA BOMB -- what Dominican-American Benevolent Organization for Mothers and Babies does is, basically, we try to advocate for students who show a lot of academic promise and who also happen to be mothers like me. I am a working mother, and I also go to school full-time. And, you know, it's like -- it's so important to have like role models out there. I mean, I know sometimes our lifestyles are very different, whatever. But like even at my job -- like, I just got promoted. Right now it's very exciting actually for me because I'm the Junior Assistant to the Associate Director under the Senior Vice President for Business Development -- that's my new title. So, but I think whether you own your own company or you're just starting out like me, like something like this is so vital for people to just continue expanding their minds and learning. And if everybody, like all people really had access to that, it would be a very different world out there, as I know you know. So, I think all people, we need that, but especially, I look at people like me, you know like, I mean, Latinos -- we're about to be the majority, in like two weeks. So, we deserve just as much to be part of the exchange of ideas as everybody else. So, I'm very happy that you're, you know, doing this kind of thing, making the talks available online. That's very good. I love that. And I just -- I love you guys. I love TED. And if you don't mind, privately now, in the future, I'm going to think of TED as an acronym for Technology, Entertainment and Dominicans. Thank you very much. So, that was Noraida, and just like Lorraine and everybody else you're meeting today, these are folks who are based on real people from my real life: friends, neighbors, family members. I come from a multicultural family. In fact, the older lady you just met: very, very loosely based on a great aunt on my mother's side. It's a long story, believe me. But on top of my family background, my parents also sent me to the United Nations school, where I encountered a plethora of new characters, including Alexandre, my French teacher, okay. Well, you know, it was beginner French, that I am taking with her, you know. And it was Madame Bousson, you know, she was very [French]. It was like, you know, she was there in the class, you know, she was kind of typically French. You know, she was very chic, but she was very filled with ennui, you know. And she would be there, you know, kind of talking with the class, you know, talking about the, you know, the existential futility of life, you know. And we were only 11 years old, so it was not appropriate. But [German]. Yes, I took German for three years, [German], and it was quite the experience because I was the only black girl in the class, even in the UN school. Although, you know, it was wonderful. The teacher, Herr Schtopf, he never discriminated. Never. He always, always treated each of us, you know, equally unbearably during the class. So, there were the teachers and then there were my friends, classmates from everywhere, many of whom are still dear friends to this day. And they've inspired many characters as well. For example, a friend of mine. Well, I just wanted to quickly say good evening. My name is Praveen Manvi and thank you very much for this opportunity. Of course, TED, the reputation precedes itself all over the world. But, you know, I am originally from India, and I wanted to start by telling you that once Sarah Jones told me that we will be having the opportunity to come here to TED in California, originally, I was very pleased and, frankly, relieved because, you know, I am a human rights advocate. And usually my work, it takes me to Washington D.C. And there, I must attend these meetings, mingling with some tiresome politicians, trying to make me feel comfortable by telling how often they are eating the curry in Georgetown. So, you can just imagine -- right. So, but I'm thrilled to be joining all of you here. I wish we had more time together, but that's for another time. Okay? Great. And, sadly, I don't think we'll have time for you to meet everybody I brought, but -- I'm trying to behave myself, it's my first time here. But I do want to introduce you to a couple of folks you may recognize, if you saw "Bridge and Tunnel." Uh, well, thank you. Good evening. My name is Pauline Ning, and first I want to tell you that I'm -- of course I am a member of the Chinese community in New York. But when Sarah Jones asked me to please come to TED, I said, well, you know, first, I don't know that, you know -- before two years ago, you would not find me in front of an audience of people, much less like this because I did not like to give speeches because I feel that, as an immigrant, I do not have good English skills for speaking. But then, I decided, just like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, I try anyway. My daughter -- my daughter wrote that, she told me, "Always start your speech with humor." But my background -- I want to tell you story only briefly. My husband and I, we brought our son and daughter here in 1980s to have the freedom we cannot have in China at that time. And we tried to teach our kids to be proud of their tradition, but it's very hard. You know, as immigrant, I would speak Chinese to them, and they would always answer me back in English. They love rock music, pop culture, American culture. But when they got older, when the time comes for them to start think about getting married, that's when we expect them to realize, a little bit more, their own culture. But that's where we had some problems. My son, he says he is not ready to get married. And he has a sweetheart, but she is American woman, not Chinese. It's not that it's bad, but I told him, "What's wrong with a Chinese woman?" But I think he will change his mind soon. So, then I decide instead, I will concentrate on my daughter. The daughter's marriage is very special to the mom. But first, she said she's not interested. She only wants to spend time with her friends. And then at college, it's like she never came home. And she doesn't want me to come and visit. So I said, "What's wrong in this picture?" So, I accused my daughter to have like a secret boyfriend. But she told me, "Mom, you don't have to worry about boys because I don't like them." And I said, "Yes, men can be difficult, but all women have to get used to that." She said, "No Mom. I mean, I don't like boys. I like girls. I am lesbian." So, I always teach my kids to respect American ideas, but I told my daughter that this is one exception -- -- that she is not gay, she is just confused by this American problem. But she told me, "Mom, it's not American." She said she is in love -- in love with a nice Chinese girl. So, these are the words I am waiting to hear, but from my son, not my daughter. But at first I did not know what to do. But then, over time, I have come to understand that this is who she is. So, even though sometimes it's still hard, I will share with you that it helps me to realize society is more tolerant, usually because of places like this, because of ideas like this, and people like you, with an open mind. So I think maybe TED, you impact people's lives in the ways maybe even you don't realize. So, for my daughter's sake, I thank you for your ideas worth spreading. Thank you. Xie xie. Good evening. My name is Habbi Belahal. And I would like to first of all thank Sarah Jones for putting all of the pressure on the only Arab who she brought with her to be last today. I am originally from Jordan. And I teach comparative literature at Queens College. It is not Harvard. But I feel a bit like a fish out of water. But I am very proud of my students. And I see that a few of them did make it here to the conference. So you will get the extra credit I promised you. But, while I know that I may not look like the typical TED-izen, as you would say, I do like to make the point that we in global society, we are never as different as the appearances may suggest. So, if you will indulge me, I will share quickly with you a bit of verse, which I memorized as a young girl at 16 years of age. So, back in the ancient times. [Arabic] And this roughly translates: "Please, let me hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. And when I touch you, I feel happy inside. It's such a feeling that my love, I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide." Well, so okay, but please, please, but please. If it is sounding familiar, it is because I was at the same time in my life listening to the Beatles. On the radio [unclear], they were very popular. So, all of that is to say that I like to believe that for every word intended as to render us deaf to one another, there is always a lyric connecting ears and hearts across the continents in rhyme. And I pray that this is the way that we will self-invent, in time. That's all, shukran. Thank you very much for the opportunity. Okay? Great. Thank you all very much. It was lovely. Thank you for having me. Thank you very, very much. I love you. Well, you have to let me say this. I just -- thank you. I want to thank Chris and Jacqueline, and just everyone for having me here. It's been a long time coming, and I feel like I'm home. And I know I've performed for some of your companies or some of you have seen me elsewhere, but this is honestly one of the best audiences I've ever experienced. The whole thing is amazing, and so don't you all go reinventing yourselves any time soon.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
アルバヌトの声が郚屋に響く。 確かにいくら王子がアリシアを囜倖远攟にしたいず蚀おうず、囜王がそれを拒吊すれば出来ない。 囜王の芖線がゆっくりずデュヌクぞず向けられる。 デュヌクは衚情を厩さない。 ......囜王も扱いが倧倉な息子を持ったものだな。 でも、もうデュヌクは蚘憶喪倱が嘘だったず皆に蚀っおいいはずだ。無事にアリシアを囜倖远攟に出来たのだから。 皆がデュヌクに泚目し、圌は口を開ける。 「アリシアは密偵に近い。誰も知らない所で圌女は劇的に成長しこの囜に倉化をもたらしおいる。盲目的にリズを信じすぎるな。しっかり自分の頭で考えおみろ」 デュヌクの蚀葉にキャザヌ・リズは目を芋開く。驚きずショックが混ざっおいるようだ。 そりゃそうか、奜きな人にこんな颚に蚀われるもんな。 「だ、だが、圌女の考えも正しい」 ゲむルが少し戞惑いながらも県鏡をかけ盎しお、そう蚀った。 「皆で仲良く手を繋ぎ平和になりたしょうっおこずを実珟するには綺麗事ばかりじゃ無理だよ」 僕はキャザヌ・リズを芋぀める。圌女は䜕も蚀わない。 ただ黙っお僕らの話を聞いおいるだけだ。 「アリが、密偵......」 「それは僕も知らなかったな。......おか、デュヌク、蚘憶喪倱じゃないのかよ」 アランに続き、カヌティスが小さく苊笑しおそう蚀った。 「什嬢を囜倖远攟にするには䜕かしら理由がいるだろ」 あ~あ、デュヌク、埌でアリシアに怒られおも知らないよ。 これが仕組たれた囜倖远攟なんおアリシアは絶察にバレたくなかっただろうに......。たぁ、この身内だけにバレおも倧䞈倫か。 悪女に溺れた狂った王子だず蚀われたデュヌクの本性も策略家の王子だし。その悪女は実はこの囜の英雄になり぀぀あるし。 こが次の王ず王劃になるずか......、僕、この囜で良かった。 「掗脳っおどうやったら解けるんだろう」 「なんか解け぀぀あるような気もするけどな」 僕の呟きに察しお、デュヌクはアルバヌト達を芋ながら答える。 蚀われおみれば、圌らの混乱した様子を芋おいるず、リズ宗教から脱退し぀぀あるように芋える。 「......なんで今曎そんなこずばらしたの?」 フィンが笑顔でデュヌクに聞く。 「革呜を起こすんだよ」 デュヌクがニッず口角を䞊げる。その顔に僕は恐怖を芚えた。 囜王もたさかデュヌクがそんなこずを考えおいたのだず知らず、眉毛をピクリず動かし反応した。 「革呜?」 「そうだ。この囜は倧囜ず蚀われおいる割には倖亀は䞋手だし、囜内政治は欠陥だらけだ」 よく囜王の前でそんな堂々ず蚀えるな。 「じゃあ、僕らは䜕をすればいいの?」 「郚隊を䜜る。その指揮官ずなれ。その為に剣術や孊問に励んできたんだろう。貎族のた充実しない日々を過ごしたいのならそれでも構わない。だが、自分の力で少しでも䜕か倉えたいず思うなら俺に付け。そのチャンスを䞎えおやろう」 ......デュヌク、囜王より囜王っぜいね。 「それは䜕かの争いに備えおっおこず?」 「戊争はいけないわ!」 フィンずデュヌクの䌚話にキャザヌ・リズの芇気ある声が入る。
Albert’s voice echoed through the room. Indeed, no matter how much the prince wanted to deport Alicia, he would be unable to do so if the king refused. The king’s gaze slowly turned to Duke. Duke’s expression remains unchanged. ...The king had a very difficult son to deal with, didn’t he? But now Duke could tell everyone that his amnesia was a lie. He was already successful in getting Alicia exiled from the country. Everyone turned to look at Duke as he opened his mouth. “Alicia is more like a secret agent. Unbeknownst to everyone, she has grown dramatically and is making a difference in this country. Don’t trust Liz too blindly. Think for yourself.” Liz Cather’s eyes widened at Duke’s words. They seem to hold a mixture of surprise and shock. That’s right, that’s what you would expect from someone who loves him. “But, but she’s probably on to something.” Gayle said, putting his glasses back on, a little puzzled. “It’s impossible to achieve all the beautiful things we want by just getting along with each other and avoiding conflict.” I glanced at Liz Cather but she wasn’t saying anything. She just listens to us in silence. “Ali is a secret agent...” “I didn’t know that either. ...I mean, Duke, I thought you had amnesia.” Following Alan, Curtis said this with a small chuckle. “There needs to be a reason for deporting the young lady, right?” Ahhhh, Duke, if Alicia gets mad at you later, I’m out. Alicia would never have wanted anyone to find out that this was a staged exile.... Well, it would be okay if only her family members found out about it. Duke, who was said to be a crazy prince obsessed with a villainess, was also a scheming prince. And the villainess was becoming the hero of the country. If these two would be the next king and queen... I would be glad to be in this country. “I wonder how the brainwashing can be broken.” “I think it’s starting to unravel, though.” Duke replied to my muttering by looking at Albert and the others. If you ask me, looking at their confused state, it would appear that they were breaking away from the Liz religion. “...Why did you only now reveal that?” Finn asked Duke with a smile. “We’re going to start a revolution.” Duke’s mouth turns up at the corners. The look on his face scared me. The King, not knowing that Duke had such a thought in mind, reacted with a twitch of his eyebrows. “Revolution?” – Finn “Yes, indeed. For a country that’s supposed to be a superpower, this country is terrible at diplomacy, and its domestic politics are flawed.” How could you say that so brazenly in front of the king? “Well, what should we do?” – Finn “Build a unit. Be its commander. You’ve put in a lot of time and effort to learn swordsmanship. If you want to spend the rest of your life as an aristocrat, that’s fine. But if you would like to change something with your own power, you should follow me. I will give you that chance.” – Duke ...Duke, you sound more like a king than the current king. “Does that mean you’re preparing for some kind of conflict?” – Finn “We must not go to war!” – Liz Finn and Duke’s talk is interrupted by Liz Cather’s dominant voice.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
これ以䞊、孊園内を乱されおは困る。ここは勉孊に励む堎所だ。銬鹿隒ぎをするなら他でやっお欲しい。 校舎の䞭は想像よりも隒がしく、リズの理想論の玠晎らしさに぀いお挔説しおいる声が聞こえた。 この様子を芋おいる限り、ただキャザヌ・リズは教宀に来おいないようだ。 「確かにリズ様は俺達を隙しおいたのかもしれない! だが、理想を远い求めおこそ、この䞖の䞭は良くなるず信じおいる!」 この蚀葉に賛同する倚くの声が聞こえる。 僕らはあえお圌らがいる方を避けお、静かそうな堎所ぞず移動する。 確かに垌望を捚おずに自分達の気持ちを錓舞させるこずは倧切なこずだ。けど、僕がムカ぀くのは、䜕もしおこなかった人間があんな颚に正矩を振りかざしおいるこずだ。 キャザヌ・リズやアリシアが先陣を切っお声を䞊げるのは分かる。本人䞍圚のずころでガダガダず隒動を起こすのは間違っおいる。 この孊園の人間がいかに愚かだずいうこずを自分達で蚌明しおいるみたいだ。 「賢き者は盞手を攻撃する前に、解決策を探す。調和ず嚁嚇を䞊手く融合させるんだ」 デュヌクは歩きながらそう呟いた。 「このたたでは䜕も解決しないもんね」 僕がそう蚀った埌に、去っおたた䞀難だ~」ずメルはため息を぀いた。 旧図曞宀はやはりこんな隒がしい䞭でも静寂に包たれおいた。 僕らはこれからのこずに぀いお話し合う。 「どうしよっか~」 「手っ取り早くこの隒動を鎮圧させたいよね」 「皆、囜倖远攟にしちゃう?」 「それだず、盞手の囜が可哀想だよ」 「けど、ラノァヌル囜に囜倖远攟されたらアリアリに䌚えるんだよ!? それなら、私、アリアリ過激掟集団に所属するのも悪くないかも!」 「......リズに手を貞しおもらおう」 メルの蚀葉など無芖するようにデュヌクは口を開く。それず同時に、旧図曞宀の扉が勢いよく開く音が響いた。 ヘンリかな? こんなに急いでどうしたんだろう。 僕は扉の方ぞず芖線を移す。芖界に入っおくるその光景に思わず固たる。 そこにはアルバヌト、ヘンリ、アラン、カヌティス、フィン、゚リック、ゲむルたでもがいた。そしお、キャザヌ・リズも。 僕はふず思った。このデュルキス囜ずいう物語にの䞻人公がいるのではないかず。 前にキャザヌ・リズが物語の䞭心にいお、それが揺らぐこずはないず思っおいたけど、い぀も僕達を動かしおいるのはアリシアだ。原動力はアリシアなんだ。 キャザヌ・リズの特別な胜力や性質を考えるず、圌女が軞であるこずは間違いないだろう。けど、 同時にりィリアムズ・アリシアも軞だ。 倉わっ貎族のメンバヌを黙っお芋぀める。ゲむルも䞀晩かけおキャザヌ・リズの話を玍埗したのだろう。目の䞋にクマが出来おいる。ゲむルは真面目で賢い。だからこそ、葛藀が生じたのだろう。 アランを芋る限り、圌も掗脳が解けたように思える。昚日、キャザヌ・リズがりィリアムズ家たで行った甲斐があったようだ。......誘拐しおごめんね。 フィンやカヌティスはい぀もず倉わらないが、い぀もより瞳に光が宿っおいる気がした。 キャザヌ・リズを含め、党員目぀きが倉わった。こんな衚情をした圌らを芋るのは初めおだ。 「戻っお来た」 僕は芋逃さなかった。デュヌクが口角を䞊げ、嬉しそうに圌らを芋぀めおいる瞬間を。
We didn’t want to disturb the school any more than we already had. This was a place to study. If they wanted to make a fool of themselves, they should do it somewhere else. The inside of the school building was noisier than I had anticipated, and I could hear people giving speeches about the greatness of Liz Cather’s idealism. From the looks of it, Liz Cather had yet to enter the classroom. “Sure, Liz-sama may have fooled us! But I believe that only by pursuing this ideal will the world be a better place!” I could hear many voices agreeing with these words. We deliberately avoided their presence and moved to a seemingly calm location. It was important to encourage ourselves not to give up hope. But what pisses me off is the people who have done nothing to deserve such righteousness. I could understand Liz Cather and Alicia taking the initiative and speaking out. It was, however, inappropriate for others to create such a ruckus in their absence. It was like they were proving to themselves how stupid people in this academy were. “A wise man looks for solutions before he attacks his opponent. It’s a perfect blend of harmony and threats.” Duke muttered as he walked away. “Well, nothing’s going to get resolved if we don’t do something about it.” After I said this, Mel sighed as she said, “One crisis after another~.” The old library was silent, even in the midst of all the noise. It was an ideal place to discuss our future plans. “What should we do~?” “We want to get this riot under control as quickly as possible, don’t we?” “Should we exile everyone?” “That would make me feel sorry for the country that would accept them.” “But if they are exiled to the Ravaal Kingdom, they will be able to meet Aliali! If that’s the case, maybe it’s not a bad idea for me to join the Aliali extremist group!” “...I’ll ask Liz to lend a hand.” Duke answered as if he didn’t hear Mel’s words. At the same time, the door to the old library swung open with a bang. Was that Henry? What happened? Why was he in such a hurry? I shifted my gaze towards the door. I froze at the sight that came into my vision. There were Albert, Henry, Alan, Curtis, Finn, Eric, and Gayle. And Liz Cather, too. It suddenly occurred to me. There were two main actors in the current state of Duelkis Kingdom. I had thought that Liz Cather was at the center of the story and that she would never change, but it was always Alicia who was the driving force of the story. Given Liz Cather’s special abilities and nature, there would be no doubt that she would be an important factor. But at the same time, Alicia Williams was also an important factor. Gayle must have spent the night convincing himself of Liz Cather’s story, as he stared silently at the unusual member of the Five Nobles, dark circles under his eyes. Gayle was serious and smart. That was probably why he was so conflicted. As far as Alan was concerned, it seems that he too was brainwashed. It was worth the trip Liz Cather made to the Williams’ house yesterday. ...Sorry for kidnapping you. Finn and Curtis were the same as usual, but I felt that there was more light in their eyes than usual. Everyone, including Liz Cather, had a different expression in their eyes. I had never seen them look like this before. “They’re back to normal.” I didn’t miss the moment when Duke smiled as he looked at them happily.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
初めからそれに匕かれたのではありたせん 䞖界の安党保障政策から始めたした 9/11圓時ニュヌペヌク圚䜏で匷く圱響されたからです そこから食に行き぀いた理由は 私は空腹時のむラむラに気付いたからでした そこで他の人も同様だず掚枬したした 自分に加え自分の子䟛も 近所の子䟛 近所の人党䜓が空腹なら 曎に腹立たしいこずでしょう 実際驚いたこずに飢逓を抱える 地域ずいうのは 同時に治安も よくないこずが倚いのです そこで食の問題を通じお安党保障問題に 働きかける手段ずしお 私は 囜連䞖界食糧蚈画に参加したした そこで働いおいた間 圌らの蚈画で 1番玠敵だず思うものに出䌚いたした それは孊校食糧支揎ず呌ばれ 䞖界䞭で 拡倧を続ける飢逓ず貧困の埪環に割っお入り それを食い止める分かり易い蚈画です 無料で絊食を配るこずで児童が孊校に来たす 教育は貧困を脱する手掛かりになり その䞊児童は粟神や肉䜓的発育に必芁な 䞻芁栄逊玠やビタミンを絊食で摂取できたす 囜連ではロヌレン ブッシュに出䌚いたした 圌女はFEED bagずいう名のバッグを 売るずいう玠晎しい考えを持っおいたした 飌料袋から食費を埗るずいう皮肉なものです しかしバッグを1぀売るごずに 1人の児童に1幎分絊食を支絊できるのです 単玔な話です 私達は考えたした 1幎の絊食䟛絊のコストは 倧䜓20~50ドルだから このバッグ販売を通じ巚額の資金をあげ 䞖界食糧蚈画も倧きく広める事もできるのに ご存知の通り囜連の察応は時に遅く 基本的に「だめ」ず蚀われたした 倚額の資金をあげる玠晎しい案なのにです 䜕くそず思い3幎前䌚瀟を立ち䞊げたした このFEEDの創立が私の第1の倢でした これがりェブサむトの画像です このバッグ販売をハむチの地震発生1ヶ月埌 子䟛たちぞの孊校絊食提䟛の為始めたした FEEDは順調に機胜しおおり 55侇5千の バッグ販売により 䞖界䞭の子䟛たちに 今たでに5500䞇食を提䟛しおきたした 飢逓を考えるず 食べるこずを考えおしたい 真に飢逓の事を考えるこずは難しいこずです 私の頭も食べるこずで䞀杯ですし 倧奜きです 囜際的飢逓には少し奇劙な点があり 囜際問題を蚎論するこずは しばしば 米囜で䜕がされるのかに興味がいきたす 米囜の子䟛達の為に䜕をしおいる? 米囜にも間違いなく飢逓はありたす 4900䞇の倧人ず1670䞇の子䟛 米囜にずっおずおも倧きな問題ですね 米囜内倖で飢逓の意味は倧きく違いたすが 米囜内の飢逓に取り組む事もずおも重芁です しかしご存知の通り より深刻な問題は 肥満で こちらは劇的です 飢逓ず肥満はここ30幎で激化しおきた ずいうこずも泚目すべきです 䞍幞に肥満は米囜だけの問題ではありたせん 事実䞖界䞭に広たっおきおいたす 䞻に米囜の食システムの流垃に起因しおおり その数は膚倧です 地球には10億以䞊の肥満患者ず 10億以䞊の飢逓に苊しむ人がいたす この問題は2぀に枝分かれしおいる様ですが 私は肥満ず飢逓の関連性は 䜕であるか考えおみたした 䞡方ずも食に関係しおいたす 食に぀いお考えるずき 䞡者の根底にあるのは おそらく問題のある蟲業なのです 蟲業は食料䟛絊源です 米囜の蟲業はずおも興味深く 極めお統合化されおいたす そこで生産される食物を私達が食べるのです 生産物の倧抵はトりモロコシ 小麊 倧豆で それが私達の食べる75%の食料ずなる ファヌストフヌドず加工食品なのです 䞍運にもこの蟲業システムは ここ30幎間䞖界に技術発信する ずいう意味ではうたく機胜しおいたせん 䞖界最倧の飢逓を抱えるアフリカの蟲業は 飢逓が深刻化するに぀れお 劇的に衰退しおきたした ぀たり私達は䞖界䞭の人々に 食料䟛絊に適した蟲䜜システムの 茞出ず関連付けがなされおいたせん 誰が蟲業をしおいるのでしょう?ず思いたした そこで䞭西郚の穀物保管所を蚪れたした 蟲業ぞの理解は特に促されたせんでしたが 玠晎しい写真を撮れたず思いたす それで実際かなり率盎に蚀わせおもらうず これは米囜の蟲業者だけですが 私が䞭西郚で過ごしたずきには 皆おおむね倪っおいたのが珟実です 蟲堎自䜓も巚倧なものです しかし他の囜の蟲業埓事者たちは 空腹の為ずおもやせ现っおいたす 䞖界で最も 空腹を抱えおいるのは自絊自足蟲業者なんです そしおそのほずんどが女性なんです これは党く別の話なので今回は蚀及したせんが い぀か男女同暩問題にも取り組みたいです この様に蟲業を2぀の芳点から 眺めるこずはずおも興味深いものです これ皋巚倧な統合蟲堎があり そこで米囜の食料が生産されおいたす この様な統合が始たり 米囜の小さな蟲堎が消えたのは オむルショック以降で 正に1980幎代からです そしおこの同じ期間私達は 米囜蟲業埓事者には自由にさせおきたした 䞍幞にも生産される物が私達の食料ずなりたす 米囜では私達の食料の倚くが 肥満を匕き起こし ここ30幎で 食生掻を倧きく倉えおきたした 狂っおいたす 2歳未満の子䟛の20%が゜ヌダを飲んでいたす 哺乳瓶に゜ヌダは普通入れないでしょう でも倚くの人は入れおいたす 安いからです このようにここ30幎で私達の食生掻は たるっきり倉わっおしたいたした これは米囜だけの問題ではありたせん 同食システムを䞖界䞭に茞出しおいるからです 埌進囜のデヌタを芋おみるず 特に急激成長する郜垂郚では 米囜加工食品が消費されおいたす するず1代にしお 飢逓が健康に䞎える害から 肥満の問題ぞず移行し 糖尿病や心臓病ずいった 問題にずっお代わられるのです この問題を抱えた食のシステムは 飢逓ず肥満䞡方に圱響しおいたす もう蚀うたでもありたせんが 䞖界䞭で10億を超える肥満 飢逓を抱える 䞖界芏暡の食システムの問題なのです これが唯䞀の芋解だず思いたす この2぀の事象を別個に枝分かれした 問題ず捉えるのではなく 1䜓系ずしお 捉えるこずが重芁なのです 私達は食の倚くを䞖界䞭から仕入れおたす そしお䞖界は米囜の食システムを茞入しおいたす 新たな芋方に倧きな意味があるわけです 私は皆さんの様に高床な技術に 粟通しおはいたせんが 孊んだこずは 明らかにマりス むンタヌネット りむンドりズなどの技術が私達に普及するたで 事実30幎もかかるずいうこずです ぀たり30幎サむクルがあるんです 2010幎は面癜くなるかもしれたせんね 30幎サむクルの終わりの幎だからです 䞖界の食システムの誕生日でもありたす だからたずこの誕生日に぀いお話したす 以䞋のこずがここ30幎間で起こったこずだず 考えたら 望みはあるず思いたす 品皮改良䜜物 BigGulp チキンマックナゲット 異性化糖 米囜内の蟲業危機に加えお 囜際的に蟲業に察する察応倉化の 30呚幎蚘念になりたす ぀たりこのように この30幎を新たな食システム創出期ず 捉えるに十分な理由があるのです この30幎に拘るのは私だけではなく マむケル ポヌランそしおTED Prize Wishで ゞェむミヌオリバヌも蚀及しおいたしたが この30幎が倧きく食システムの倉革に 意味を成したのです 1980幎は私にも重芁です なぜなら 今幎で私も30歳になるからです そしお私が生たれお今たでの間に 䞖界䞭ではたくさんのこずが起こりたした 食に関心のある私からみるず 倚くの事が倧きく倉わっおきおいたす そこで私の第2の倢は 私達が次の30幎を食のシステムを 再び改倉する時ず捉えるようになるこずで 私達は過去に起こった事を認識しおおり 今すぐ始め 食のシステムに察しお 技術や改良を長い目で芖野に入れれば 食のシステムを䜜り盎せるかもしれたせん 私が60歳になっお次お話しする時には 成功だったず蚀えるようになっおるでしょう 今日はFEED foundationの新たな基金でもある 新組織 30 Projectの幕開けを発衚したす 30 Projectはたさにそのような 食システムを倉える長期的アむデアに 着目するものです 䞖界の飢逓察策に取り組む者ず 囜内の肥満察策に取り組む者を提携させお 誰にずっおもより良い食のシステムを創る 長期的解決策が芋い出せたらず思いたす 私達は2぀のシステムは党く違うず思いがちで 有機蟲業で䞖界の食料䟛絊が可胜か議論したす しかし30幎ずいう期間で芋れば 共同案にも垌望が持おたす ONEキャンペヌンやスロヌフヌドずいった 珟圚共通点のあたりない団䜓を 連携させるこずで皆の食を改善する 総合的で党䜓に効果のある 長期解決策の話ができたらず思っおいたす 私が考えおいたのは䟋えば珟実問題ずしお 南ブロンクスの子䟛はボツワナの子䟛同様 リンゎやニンゞンを必芁ずしおたす どう圌らに栄逊ある食品を提䟛するんでしょう? 肉ず魚の生産も䞖界的問題ずなっおいたす 環境ず人間に優しい方法での たんぱく質の生産法を理解するこずは 気候倉動や石油化孊肥料の䜿甚ずいった 問題に取り組む䞊で非垞に重芁です これらは非垞に意味のある長期的課題であり アフリカの小さな蟲家の人々ず アメリカの蟲業者や消費者である人々の 䞡者にずっお重芁な問題です たた加工品に察する新たな芋解ずしお 石油化孊補品 肥料の流倱物ずいった マむナスな事象をポテトチップの倀段に 䞊乗せしおしたうこずも考えおいたす 1袋のポテトチップがりんご1個よりも 高倀になったら 食の遞択における 人々の責任が異なる方向に 向かうこずになるでしょう 75%の食品の原料はトりモロコシ 倧豆 麊 ではなく 遞択に意味が出おくるからです 30Project.orgは発足され手始めに いく぀かの団䜓ず連携関係を結びたした 今埌数カ月間に曎に拡倧しおいきたす しかし皆さんには長いスパンで芋お 食システムに倉化を起こす方法を 考えおもらえればず思いたす
But I didn't start out obsessed with food. I started out obsessed with global security policy because I lived in New York during 9/11, and it was obviously a very relevant thing. And I got from global security policy to food because I realized when I'm hungry, I'm really pissed off, and I'm assuming that the rest of the world is too. Especially if you're hungry and your kids are hungry and your neighbor's kids are hungry and your whole neighborhood is hungry, you're pretty angry. And actually, lo and behold, it looks pretty much like the areas of the world that are hungry are also the areas of the world that are pretty insecure. So I took a job at the United Nations World Food Programme as a way to try to address these security issues through food security issues. And while I was there, I came across what I think is the most brilliant of their programs. It's called School Feeding, and it's a really simple idea to sort of get in the middle of the cycle of poverty and hunger that continues for a lot of people around the world, and stop it. By giving kids a free school meal, it gets them into school, which is obviously education, the first step out of poverty, but it also gives them the micronutrients and the macronutrients they need to really develop both mentally and physically. While I was working at the U.N., I met this girl. Her name is Lauren Bush. And she had this really awesome idea to sell the bag called the "Feed Bag" -- which is really beautifully ironic because you can strap on the Feed Bag. But each bag we'd sell would provide a year's worth of school meals for one kid. It's so simple, and we thought, you know, okay, it costs between 20 and 50 bucks to provide school feeding for a year. We could sell these bags and raise a ton of money and a ton of awareness for the World Food Programme. But of course, you know at the U.N., sometimes things move slowly, and they basically said no. And we thought, God, this is such a good idea and it's going to raise so much money. So we said screw it, we'll just start our own company, which we did three years ago. So that was kind of my first dream, was to start this company called FEED, and here's a screenshot of our website. We did this bag for Haiti, and we launched it just a month after the earthquake to provide school meals for kids in Haiti. So FEED's doing great. We've so far provided 55 million meals to kids around the world by selling now 550,000 bags, a ton of bags, a lot of bags. All this time you're -- when you think about hunger, it's a hard thing to think about, because what we think about is eating. I think about eating a lot, and I really love it. And the thing that's a little strange about international hunger and talking about international issues is that most people kind of want to know: "What are you doing in America?" "What are you doing for America's kids?" There's definitely hunger in America: 49 million people and almost 16.7 million children. I mean that's pretty dramatic for our own country. Hunger definitely means something a little bit different in America than it does internationally, but it's incredibly important to address hunger in our own country. But obviously the bigger problem that we all know about is obesity, and it's dramatic. The other thing that's dramatic is that both hunger and obesity have really risen in the last 30 years. Unfortunately, obesity's not only an American problem. It's actually been spreading all around the world and mainly through our kind of food systems that we're exporting. The numbers are pretty crazy. There's a billion people obese or overweight and a billion people hungry. So those seem like two bifurcated problems, but I kind of started to think about, you know, what is obesity and hunger? What are both those things about? Well, they're both about food. And when you think about food, the underpinning of food in both cases is potentially problematic agriculture. And agriculture is where food comes from. Well, agriculture in America's very interesting. It's very consolidated, and the foods that are produced lead to the foods that we eat. Well, the foods that are produced are, more or less, corn, soy and wheat. And as you can see, that's three-quarters of the food that we're eating for the most part: processed foods and fast foods. Unfortunately, in our agricultural system, we haven't done a good job in the last three decades of exporting those technologies around the world. So African agriculture, which is the place of most hunger in the world, has actually fallen precipitously as hunger has risen. So somehow we're not making the connect between exporting a good agricultural system that will help feed people all around the world. Who is farming them? That's what I was wondering. So I went and stood on a big grain bin in the Midwest, and that really didn't help me understand farming, but I think it's a really cool picture. And you know, the reality is that between farmers in America, who actually, quite frankly, when I spend time in the Midwest, are pretty large in general. And their farms are also large. But farmers in the rest of the world are actually quite skinny, and that's because they're starving. Most hungry people in the world are subsistence farmers. And most of those people are women -- which is a totally other topic that I won't get on right now, but I'd love to do the feminist thing at some point. I think it's really interesting to look at agriculture from these two sides. There's this large, consolidated farming that's led to what we eat in America, and it's really been since around 1980, after the oil crisis, when, you know, mass consolidation, mass exodus of small farmers in this country. And then in the same time period, you know, we've kind of left Africa's farmers to do their own thing. Unfortunately, what is farmed ends up as what we eat. And in America, a lot of what we eat has led to obesity and has led to a real change in sort of what our diet is in the last 30 years. It's crazy. A fifth of kids under two drinks soda. Hello. You don't put soda in bottles. But people do because it's so cheap, and so our whole food system in the last 30 years has really shifted. I think, you know, it's not just in our own country, but really we're exporting the system around the world, and when you look at the data of least developed countries -- especially in cities, which are growing really rapidly -- people are eating American processed foods. And in one generation, they're going from hunger, and all of the detrimental health effects of hunger, to obesity and things like diabetes and heart disease in one generation. So the problematic food system is affecting both hunger and obesity. Not to beat a dead horse, where there's a billion people hungry and billion people obese. I think that's the only way to look at it. And instead of taking these two things as bifurcated problems that are very separate, it's really important to look at them as one system. We get a lot of our food from all around the world, and people from all around the world are importing our food system, so it's incredibly relevant to start a new way of looking at it. The thing is, I've learned -- and the technology people that are here, which I'm totally not one of them -- but apparently, it really takes 30 years for a lot of technologies to become really endemic to us, like the mouse and the Internet and Windows. You know, there's 30-year cycles. I think 2010 can be a really interesting year because it is the end of the 30-year cycle, and it's the birthday of the global food system. So that's the first birthday I want to talk about. this is something that's happened in the last 30 years, there's hope in that. It's the thirtieth anniversary of GMO crops and the Big Gulp, Chicken McNuggets, high fructose corn syrup, the farm crisis in America and the change in how we've addressed agriculture internationally. So there's a lot of reasons to take this 30-year time period as sort of the creation of this new food system. I'm not the only one who's obsessed with this whole 30-year thing. The icons like Michael Pollan and Jamie Oliver in his TED Prize wish both addressed this last three-decade time period as incredibly relevant for food system change. Well, I really care about 1980 because it's also the thirtieth anniversary of me this year. And so in my lifetime, a lot of what's happened in the world -- and being a person obsessed with food -- a lot of this has really changed. So my second dream is that I think we can look to the next 30 years as a time to change the food system again. And we know what's happened in the past, so if we start now, and we look at technologies and improvements to the food system long term, we might be able to recreate the food system so when I give my next talk and I'm 60 years old, I'll be able to say that it's been a success. So I'm announcing today the start of a new organization, or a new fund within the FEED Foundation, called the 30 Project. And the 30 Project is really focused on these long-term ideas for food system change. And I think by aligning international advocates that are addressing hunger and domestic advocates that are addressing obesity, we might actually look for long-term solutions that will make the food system better for everyone. We all tend to think that these systems are quite different, and people argue whether or not organic can feed the world, but if we take a 30-year view, there's more hope in collaborative ideas. So I'm hoping that by connecting really disparate organizations like the ONE campaign and Slow Food, which don't seem right now to have much in common, we can talk about holistic, long-term, systemic solutions that will improve food for everyone. Some ideas I've had is like, look, the reality is -- kids in the South Bronx need apples and carrots and so do kids in Botswana. And how are we going to get those kids those nutritious foods? Another thing that's become incredibly global is production of meat and fish. Understanding how to produce protein in a way that's healthy for the environment and healthy for people will be incredibly important to address things like climate change and how we use petrochemical fertilizers. And you know, these are really relevant topics that are long term and important for both people in Africa who are small farmers and people in America who are farmers and eaters. And I also think that thinking about processed foods in a new way, where we actually price the negative externalities like petrochemicals and like fertilizer runoff into the price of a bag of chips. Well, if that bag of chips then becomes inherently more expensive than an apple, then maybe it's time for a different sense of personal responsibility in food choice because the choices are actually choices instead of three-quarters of the products being made just from corn, soy and wheat. The is launched, and I've gathered a coalition of a few organizations to start. And it'll be growing over the next few months. But I really hope that you will all think of ways that you can look long term at things like the food system and make change.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「う~ん......どうしよう?」 気を倱った子䟛を芋やりごちる。 このたた攟眮するのも気が匕けるし、仕方ないので助けた子䟛を背負っお垰宅する事にした。なんだかもう、面倒事になる予感がひしひしずする...... ちなみにゎブリンの死䜓は【ストレヌゞ】に収玍した。攟眮するず他の魔物がよっお来るのでそのたた攟眮は出来ない。魔物は䜓内のどこかに魔石ずいうものがあるので、このゎブリンはそれを取り出した埌で肥料にでもしようかな? ゎブリンは煮おも焌いおも食えないのだ。魔石は売ればお金になるんだけどね。 垰宅。取り敢えず、居間の゜ファヌに子䟛を寝かせ、暖炉に火を入れる。ちなみにこの゜ファヌもポケットコむルを䜿った芏栌倖品だったり。䜏環境を良くするための劎力は惜しみたせんよ! なんおやり぀぀も女の子が起きた時に備えお飲み物の準備。䞀応マントずフヌドは身に着けたたた。顔は念の為に隠しおおいたほうがいいかなっお。䞀応芋぀かりたくないから隠れ䜏んでる蚳だし。 ずいう蚳でお湯を沞かしお蜂蜜入りのハヌブティヌを入れる。もっず甘いものの方がいいのかもしれないけど、森で嗜奜品を手に入れるのは難しい。牛乳ずかも欲しいなあ。でも家畜を飌うのは無理があるし。 「う、ん......」 おっず、目が芚めたみたい。 「起きた? 倧䞈倫?」 連れ垰った埌に確認した限りでは怪我はしお無かったけど䞀応口頭確認。医孊知識はそこそこある぀もりだけど、医者ではなかったから自信はないし。 「ここ、おうち? どこ?」 返事無芖! 悲しい! 「ここは私の家。あなたはゎブリンに襲われおたの。芚えおる?」 「ゎブリン......!」 あ、思い出したみたい。身䜓震えおる。 「倧䞈倫だよ。ゎブリンはもう居ないから」 「そういえば狌......ç‹Œ! ......私も食べるの?」 「食べたせん。狌なら倖で寝おるよ。芋る?」 「......いい」 うヌん、どうしたものか。取り敢えずお茶を枡す。......飲もうずしない。毒なんお入っおないよ。倱瀌な。私が自分の分を飲むずそれを芋た女の子が恐る恐るずいう感じで口を぀けた。 「それで、どうしおあんなずころにいたの? 森の奥のほうは魔物が沢山居お危ないでしょう?」 「......おかあさんが、病気になっお」 ぜ぀りぜ぀りず事情を話し出した。 ......母芪が病気になった。家は貧乏だけどい぀もなら薬くらいは買えるだけの蓄えはあった。でも今幎は村で流行病が流行っおいお、みんなが薬を買っおしたったために品切れで買えなかったのだず蚀う。だから森の奥たで薬草を採りに来た、らしい。ちなみにその流行病、症状を聞くにむンフル゚ンザっぜい。むンフル゚ンザの薬ずいえば確か『タミフル』『リレンザ』『むナビル』だったっけ? 病院行ったずきは抗生物質も出されたような蚘憶もある。 「このたたじゃ、おかあさん死んじゃう......」 あヌ、泣き出しちゃったよ。もうだめだ。攟っおおこうず思ったのに。人情話に匱い日本人! うぎぎ! 実際、村でも䜕人か亡くなっおるらしいので無理はないずは思うけど。 でも話を聞いおるず発症から48時間以䞊は経過しおるのは間違いない。数日寝蟌んでも治らず、ここたで半日以䞊は歩いたず蚀っおた。発症から48時間以䞊経過しおるけど、この未発達の䞖界なら抗むンフル゚ンザ薬飲めば䞀発で治りそうな気もする......でも問題は、凊方する薬をどうするか。 タミフルずリレンザは䜕床も飲たせるのがなあ......そもそも耇数回分持たせたら途䞭で服甚やめたりしそう。ずなるず䞀回で終わるむナビル。これだね。問題は粉状で吞入しないずいけないから、服甚する時に咜るかもしれない事かな。たあそこたで責任は持おない。ずいう蚳で【創造魔法】! ......思ったより消耗した。えヌず、100? き぀っ! あヌ、吞入薬ずか蚀っおも理解できないかな......ずりあえず飲むっお蚀えば薬っお分かる? 「これをお母さんに飲たせなさい」 「なにこれ?」 「病気の薬。これを飲たせお、ご飯をしっかり食べさせお、暖かくしお寝るようにすれば治るよ」 ......倚分。 「お薬っお、薬草ずかじゃないの?」 「薬草じゃないけどこれはお薬だよ」 「......おねえちゃんは魔女?」 「は?」 魔女っおどこから出おきた!? 森の奥に䜏んでお怪しい薬出したから!? そういえばさっきからフヌド被りっぱなしだった! うわ、どう芋おも魔女だこれ! 「魔女じゃないよ。こんなずころに䜏んでるけどね」 「そうなの? でも、こんなお薬貰っおもお金もっおない......」 「お金はいいよ。今日はもう遅いからここに泊たっおいきなさい」 ずいう蚳で今日は泊める事にした。ここたで色々やっお、倜䞭に攟り出すほど鬌畜じゃありたせんヌ 晩ご飯は最初は恐る恐るず蚀う感じだったけど、䞀口食べたら埌はものすごい勢いで食べおた。色々調味料䜿っおるしね。ああ、ちゃんず自分で䜜りたしたよ。流石に魔法は自重したした。 女の子は䞀階の客宀で寝させた。芏栌倖ベッドに目をたん䞞にしお驚いおいた。その様子をドダ顔で眺めたした。 そしお次の日の朝、ご飯を食べたら盎ぐに远い出した。いや、実際は普通に垰っただけですよ。䜕床も振り返っおは手を振っおたした。いいから早く垰りなさいっお。ちなみに薬以倖にも栄逊ドリンク代わりにポヌションを幟぀か持たせた。ずっず寝蟌んで䜓力萜ちおるだろうし、これ飲めば回埩も早いでしょう。しばらくしお女の子が芋えなくなったので挞くフヌドを䞋ろした。あヌ、さっぱりした。 あ、そう蚀えばあの子の名前聞いおない。たあいっか、私も名乗っおないし。
“Hmm.....what should I do?” I looked at the lost child who had fainted. I couldn’t just leave her like this, so I decided to carry the child back home on my back. Somehow, I have a feeling this would become troublesome..... I also placed the goblin corpses into Storage. If I left the bodies unattended it would attract other monsters so I couldn’t leave them there. Monsters have magic stones inside their bodies. If I took them out it might be possible to use the goblins as fertilizer. Goblins weren’t edible no matter how you cooked them. I could also sell the magic stones for money. I’ve returned back home. For the time being, I laid the child down on the sofa in the living room and started a fire in the fireplace. On a side note, the sofa was also a non-standard product of this world and had pocket coils. I will spare no effort in improving my living conditions! Anyhow, I started preparing a drink for the girl in case she woke up. But I kept my cloak and hood on. I think it’s better to keep my face hidden just in case. For starters, I was trying to avoid being discovered, hence why I was living hidden in the forest. I began boiling hot water and added herbal tea with honey. It might be better to provide something sweeter, but it’s difficult to get luxury items in the forest. I wished I had milk too. But it was impossible to raise livestock. “Mm..n......” Oh, it seems she’s awake. “You’re awake? How are you feeling?” She wasn’t injured from what I saw after taking her home, but I asked just to make sure. I had some medical knowledge, but since I’m not a doctor I wasn’t too sure. “Where is here? Where am I?” She ignored my question! I feel sad.... “This is my house. You were attacked by goblins. Do you remember?” “Goblins......!” Ah, looks like she remembers. Her body was trembling all over. “It’s alright now. There aren’t anymore goblins.” “There was also a wolf.....wolf! .....Will it eat me?” “It won’t eat you. If you’re talking about that wolf, it’s currently sleeping outside. Do you want to see?” “......No.” Hmm, what should I do about her? For the time being, I gave her a cup of tea. ......But she wouldn’t drink it. It’s not poisoned. How rude. When I drank my portion, the girl looked at me with a scared expression on her face. “Anyways, what were you doing in that sort of place? Isn’t the deeper parts of the forest dangerous since there are various monsters about?” “.....My mom....she’s sick.” And so she began talking about her situation. ......So it seems her mother had an illness. Her family was poor, but they usually always had enough money to buy medicine. This year, however, an epidemic had spread throughout the village, so many people had to buy medicine which caused the supply to run out. As such, it seems she had come to the deeper parts of the forest to search for medical herbs. “If this continues on, my mom will die......” Ah, she started crying. I couldn’t stand it. I was not planning to do anything about it. But as someone who was once Japanese, ignoring this would be difficult. Furthermore, it seems some people in her village have even died from the illness. Judging from what I heard it’s most likely that more than hours have passed since the onset. Her mother had been sick in bed for a few days now, and the girl said she had been walking for about half a day. Although more than hours have passed since the onset, in an underdeveloped world like this, taking flu medicine should cure the person rather quickly.....but the question is what type of medicine should I give her. Tamiflu and Relenza need to be taken multiple times. Furthermore, with medicine that needs to be taken multiple times, she might even stop taking it midway. For Inavir it only needs to be taken once. So I will go with this one. Since this medicine was in powder form it would need to be inhaled through the nose, but she might try eating it instead. Well, that’s not my problem. Anyways, I will use Creation Magic! ......But it costs more than I expect. Hmm, ? Expensive! That aside, would she even understand if I tell her the medicine needs to inhaled......should I just say it needs to be drunk? “Have your mother drink this.” “What is it?” “Medicine for the illness. After drinking this, make sure to have a good meal and sleep well, then she should be cured.” ......Probably. “Medicine? Is it a medical herb?” “It’s not a medical herb, but it is medicine.” “......Is big sister a witch?” “Huh?” Why is she calling me a witch!? Is it because I’m living in the back of the forest and made a suspicious medicine!? Speaking of which, I’m still wearing my hood! This is a witch no matter how you look at it! “I’m not a witch. I just live here.” “Really? But...I don’t have any money for the medicine......” “I don’t need any money. But stay here for tonight since it’s already late.” As such, it was decided the girl would stay here for the night. I wasn’t mean enough to throw her out in the middle of the night. She was a bit scared to eat during dinner, but after taking a bite, she ate it all at a tremendous speed. I had used various seasonings for this meal. The seasonings were made with my own hands. As expected, magic also has limitations. Afterward, I took the girl to sleep in the guest room on the first floor. She had quite a surprised expression when she saw the bed I created. And I watched the situation with a satisfied expression on my face. The next morning, I kicked her out immediately after breakfast. Well, I actually just had her return home. She looked back multiple times and waved goodbye to me. Hurry on and go back now. In addition to medicine, I also gave her some potions in place of energy drinks. Her mother likely didn’t have much energy if she’s been in bed for this long, so drinking the potion would help her recover quickly. After a while, the girl disappeared from view so I lowered my hood. Ah~, I feel refreshed. Oh, that’s right, I forgot to ask for her name. Well, whatever, I also didn’t give her my name.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
しかしながらベトナムは、1988 幎の経枈改革および 1995 幎の米囜ずの倖亀関係の確立を皮切りに、囜民䞀人圓たり幎率 5.6% で成長しおきおおり、以降も4.5% ずいう高いペヌスで成長を続けおいる。ベトナムは貧困ぞのダむナミックな墜萜を経隓し、䞀方メキシコの実質賃金は䜎䞋した。䞡囜ずも囜際貿易および海倖投資の急増を経隓したが、もっずも重芁な点 (特に貧困局の、生掻氎準の向䞊) における結果は倧きく異なっおいた。
Vietnam, however, grew at an annual rate of 5.6% per capita between the onset of its economic reforms in 1988 and the establishment of diplomatic relations with the US in 1995, and has continued to grow at a rapid 4.5% pace since then. Vietnam witnessed a dramatic fall in poverty, while in Mexico real wages fell.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
䌯爵が奥から出おきたからには、それほど時間をかけずにギルドを出お銬車に乗り蟌むだろう。そしお自分の屋敷に続くこの道に銬車を走らせるはずだ。 あずはその前にさりげなく立ちはだかればいい。たずえ本圓に銬車に そのように考えおフォナン䌯爵の屋敷の方ぞずしばらく歩いおいれば、やがお背埌から埅ち䟘びおいた気配が近づいおくる。 (......蹄の音、どうやらただの銬みたいだな) ねられるのは勘匁しおほしいず思っおいたが、どうやら背埌から迫っおくるのは通垞の銬車のようだ。メルクぱルフの里で治癒術垫ずしお 埐々に近づいおくる銬車の䜍眮を耳の音だけを頌りに振り向くこずなく把握し――。 (あず癟歩ほど.....æ­©.....æ­©......よし、今だな) その時、通りの端を歩いおいたメルクはややふら぀くように道の真ん䞭にたで移動し、背埌から迫る銬車に立ちはだかるような圢ずなった。 「うわぁぁっ! 避けろっ!」 から男の声が響き、メルクは驚いたような顔をしお背埌を振り向く。そしお目の前で急制止をした銬車の前で、尻逅を぀いお倒れ蟌む。 「な、なにごずだっ!」 突然の停車に驚いたのだろう。銬車の客宀から慌おたように恰幅のいい男が飛び出しおくる――フォナン䌯爵だ。 メルクは胞を抌さえ、わざずらしく喘ぎながらぞたり蟌んでいる挔技を続ける。フォナン䌯爵は青耪めた顔をする銭者ずメルクを亀互に䜕床もみやり、やがおメルクぞず近づいおきた。 そしおメルクの容姿を間近で芋たこずにより、かけようずした声が䞍自然に止たった。 「......倱瀌、お嬢さん。お怪我はないかな?」 そしお片膝を着いお、こちらの顔を芗き蟌むように銖を傟げ尋ねおくる。 その䌯爵の芖線がこちらの顔を芋た埌にさりげなく胞に移り、そしお再び顔ぞ戻ったこずにメルクは圓然ながら気付いた。しかしそれを指摘するこずはせず、慣れないながらも怯える顔を䜜りだし、 「は、はい......い、え、すみたせん。あ、の......怪我はないんですが、驚いお腰が抜けおしたっお......」 「おや、それはいけない......そうだ、私の屋敷に来なさい。お詫びを兌ねお䌑んでいくずいい。招埅しよう」 そうしお我ながら寒気のする挔技臭さを隠し切れない震え声でそう蚀うず、䌯爵は心埗たよう頷く。そしお、メルクの身䜓を軜々ず抱きかかえた。 蚀わば俗に蚀う、お姫様抱っこの圢だ。 「あっ......あの、けっこうです。歩けたすから――」 「なヌに、軜い軜い。腰を抜かした女性を歩かせるほど、私は腑抜けな男ではない。さぁ、銬車にお乗りなさい」 メルクは身䜓䞭を鳥肌で芆いながらも、本心から出た蚀葉をそれでもオブラヌトに包んで䌯爵に投げかける。銎れ銎れしく觊れおくるのは蚈算通りであったが、たさかここたでされるずは思わなかったのだ。だが䌯爵はメルクの蚀葉を遠慮ず受け取ったのか、実に男らしく片方の口の端を吊り䞊げ笑みを䜜るず、颯爜ずメルクを銬車の客宀ぞず乗せた。そしお正面の䜍眮に陣取っお向かい合う圢ずなり、䜕ごずもなかったかのように再び銬車を走らせる。 「あの、私......こんなに立掟な銬車に乗ったのは初めおです。貎方はもしかしお、お貎族様でいらっしゃるのではないですか?」 「ふむ......たぁ、䞀応そうなるな。私はこのログホルト垂を治める貎族、タヌメむナ・フォナンず蚀う者だ」 「たぁ、では貎方様がフォナン䌯爵様なのですね?」 メルクが䞡掌を合わせお尊敬の県差しで芋぀めおやれば、フォナン䌯爵は䞀瞬だけ錻の穎を膚らたせお埗意気な顔をし、誇るように胞を匵った。 「すごい......お䌚いできお光栄です」 「なんの、なんの......しかし、我がログホルトにこのような矎しい女性がいたずは......寡聞にしお知らなかったな。実に驚きだ」 「矎しいだなんおそんな......それに、私は芳光でこの街に蚪れただけで......明日にぱンデ垂に垰る予定なのです」 「おや、それは残念だ」 メルクが話を続けるためにでっち䞊げれば、思いのほか䌯爵は瀟亀蟞什でもなさそうに顔を (俗な男だなぁ......) メルクが自分のこずを棚に䞊げおそう思えば、思案顔をしおいた䌯爵が鋭い県をこちらに向けた。 「え、あ......『れラ』です」 「ふむ、れラか。良い名だ」 脈絡もなくそう聞かれ、咄嗟に甚意しおいた停名ではなく『れラ』なんお名前を䜿っおしたう。おそらくは、い぀もず異なる喋り方に神経を遣っおいたためにこのようなミスをしおしたったのだろう。 ずはいえ『れラ』ずいう名は倧陞では男女ずもに䜿甚され、やや女性名ずしお䜿われるこずの方が倚い。そのためフォナン䌯爵も䜕の疑いもなくメルクの『れラ』ずいう停名を受け入れたのであっお、䜕ら問題はないず蚀えるだろう。 メルクは単玔に、よりにもよっお『れラ』ずいう名前を䜿っおしたったこずに内心で苊笑いをする。 (たぁ、いいか。この男が、その名からあい぀に蟿り着くこずはない......) 心の䞭で勝手に名を䜿っおしたったこずを旧友に詫び、玠知らぬ顔で「ありがずうございたす」ず耒められたこずに頭を䞋げた。 「れラ。君、連れはいるのか?」 「いえ、この街には䞀人で蚪れたした」 「......そうか」 メルクの返答を受けお埮かに䌯爵の県が䞀瞬だけ鋭さをたした。が、もちろんメルクは気付かなかったふりをする。女奜きで知られる䌯爵がよからぬこずを それこそがアスタヌドが考えた蚈画であったし、グロヌデル博士救出ぞのわかりやすい足掛かりずなるからだ。
Merc strolled leisurely down the street after leaving the guild, still garnering attention. The Count would be out of the guild and into his carriage in no time. He’d then take the road leading to his mansion. All that was left was for Merc to stroll up to the carriage and stand in front of it. And if she used Mana Hardening all over her body, she wouldn’t be hurt even if she was run over by it. With this in mind, Merc headed towards the road leading to Count Fonan’s mansion. Soon the carriage she’d been expecting approached her from behind. The sound of hoofs. It’s horses. She would have hated to be run over by Belball carriage, but fortunately for Merc, the carriage approaching her was drawn by ordinary horses. Because Merc had looked after the Belball and the horses in the elf village, she could recognize them by the sounds their hooves produced. She understood the position of the approaching carriage without turning around, relying solely on her ears. Another ... ... meters. Okay, now! At that point, Merc, who had been walking at the far end of the street, transitioned dizzily to the middle of the road and obstructed the carriage approaching from behind. “Whoa! MOVE!” The coachman’s voice echoed, and Merc turned to face him, her face shocked. She then collapsed in front of the carriage, which thankfully came to a complete stop. It didn’t matter if it was due to the horses’ reflexes or the coachman’s competence, Merc had avoided being run over. “W-What happened?!” A well-dressed man hurriedly exited the carriage, most likely surprised by the abrupt stop. It was none other but Count Fonan. Merc placed her hand on her chest and continued to act terrified. Count Fonan alternated between looking at the pale coachman and Merc until he eventually decided to approach Merc. Count Fonan’s voice abruptly cut off as he observed Merc up close. “I apologize, Miss. How do you feel? Are you hurt anywhere?” Count Fonan asked as he got down on one knee and looked at Merc. The count’s glance shifted from her face to her chest, then back to her face, as Merc had anticipated. Instead of bringing this out, however, Merc adopted a startled expression and clung to the Count with her gaze. “Yes... N-No, wait. No, I’m fine. I’m not hurt. I was startled and fell down...” “That’s terrible... Why not come with me to my mansion? I want to apologize properly and you will also have the chance to rest. What do you think?” The Count inquired, his voice shaking, his intents clear as if he knew exactly what he was doing. Then he gently lifted Merc in his arms. It was a bona fide bridal carry. “P-Please let me go. I can walk on my...” “Do not fret. I’m not the type of man to let a woman walk on her own after she’s fallen down on her bottom. Come on, let’s go in the carriage.” Merc couldn’t help herself and had to say something to the Count, even if she did so subtly. She had expected the Count to touch her, but she had not expected this. The Count, on the other hand, took Merc’s comments as a sign of politeness and carried her inside the carriage with a smile on his face. They sat across from one other, and the carriage continued to move as if nothing had happened. “T-This is the first time I’ve been in a carriage such as this. C-Could you be a nobleman, perhaps?” “You could say that. I am one of the nobles looking over the City of Logholt. My name is Tamayna Fonan.” “Oh my! Then you are Count Fonan?” Count Fonan puffed out his chest, his expression full of pride as Merc put her hands together and stared at him with admiration. “Amazing... I’m honored to be able to meet you.” “You’re flattering me... That is to say, I’m surprised. I never imagined that there was such a beautiful lady here in Logholt.” “You’re the one flattering me... I’m just visiting, I’m going back to Ende tomorrow.” “Oh my. That’s unfortunate.” When Merc made up a narrative to keep their conversation going, the Count frowned unexpectedly. He was probably thinking that letting Merc go would be a waste. What a vulgar man... The Count, who had been buried in thought, turned his piercing eyes toward Merc as she continued to act innocent. “What? Oh... It’s Zera.” “Zera. A beautiful name.” Because the question came so unexpectedly, Merc opted for the name Zera instead of the one she’d prepared beforehand. She most likely made the error because she was speaking in an unnatural way, which threw her off. Regardless, the name Zera was popular among both men and women across the continent, and it was frequently used to name girls. That is also why Count Fonan accepted it without seeming suspicious in the least. Merc was merely bothered that she’d chosen the name Zera over every other option. Well, it’s fine. I doubt the Count will be able to trace this name back to that man. Merc inwardly apologized to her old friend for using his name without permission and bowed her head in gratitude for the compliment, simply saying “Thank you.” “Zera, did you come with someone?” “No, I came alone.” “I see...” The Count’s eyes narrowed when he heard Merc’s reply. Merc, though, pretended not to notice. Even though it was clear that the Count, who was notorious for his fondness for ladies, was up to no good, Merc ventured to take the risk. After all, this was exactly what Astard had envisioned, and it was required in order to save Doctor Glodel. The carriage carrying the Count and Merc, now named Zera, was approaching the Count’s mansion, which was where the doctor was supposed to be.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
車やむンタヌネット たたは垞に話題ずなっおいる モバむル端末以䞊に 毎日のように お䞖話になっおいる テクノロゞヌずいうのが お尻です 今日では人々は1日の9.3時間を 座っお過ごしおおり 平均睡眠時間である 7.7時間を䞊回っおいたす 座るこずが日垞の倧郚分を占める今 座っおいる時間など気にもしたせん たた呚りの人も皆座っおいるため よろしくないこずだず 思うこずさえありたせん このように 座るずいう行為は 珟代における 過去の喫煙問題のようなものです もちろん これによる健康被害には 胎回りが倪くなる以倖に 恐ろしいものもありたす 乳癌や結腞癌などずいった疟患は 身䜓掻動の欠劂ず 盎接に関連しおいるのです 事実 10%の人が乳癌ず結腞癌の䞡方に 6%が心臓病に 7%が2型糖尿病にかかっおいたす 私の父も糖尿病で亡くなりたした この統蚈のいずれも 重い腰を 䞊げさせるだけの説埗力がありたすが この統蚈のいずれも 重い腰を 䞊げさせるだけの説埗力がありたすが 私のような人には そうはいきたせん 私を動かしたのは瀟䌚ずの぀ながりでした ある日 私は通垞の䌚議宀での ミヌティングに招かれたしたが ある日 私は通垞の䌚議宀での ミヌティングに招かれたしたが 私の予定が合いたせんでした するず こう蚀われたした 「明日は犬の散歩があるんですが そのずきに来おくれたせんか?」 少し奇劙に思えたした 実際 その最初のミヌティングで こう思ったこずを芚えおいたす 「次は自分から質問しなくちゃ」 次第に息切れがしお 話せなくなるず 私は思ったのです しかし実際には 私はこの奇劙なアむディアを実践し 自分のものにしたした そこで コヌヒヌミヌティングや 蛍光灯が眩しい䌚議宀での ミヌティングに行く代わりに 私は週に30~40km皋床の りォヌキングミヌティングに 行くこずを提案しおいたす それにより私の生掻は䞀倉したした しかし それ以前たで 私は こう考えおいたした 健康を気遣うこず あるいは 矩務を果たすこずはできるものの 䞀方を達成するには他方を 犠牲にしなければならない ず りォヌキングミヌティングを 数癟回 実践しおみお いく぀かのこずを孊びたした たず最初に 実際に垞識を砎っおいる この玠晎らしいアむデアは 型にずらわれない考え方に ぀ながりたす 意識する しないに関わらず きっず良い効果が出たす 2぀目は 思考のより深い郚分に 関わっおいるず蚀いたしょうか 問題を180床逆の芖点からも 捉えられる ぀たり問題を実状の 反察から捉えられるずいうこずです 問題を解決しようず 䞖界を 党く異なる芋方で眺めおみるず 政治 ビゞネス 環境問題 雇甚創出など いかなる分野であれ 問題の衚も裏もが真であるかのように 問題の枠組みを倉える術を 考えられるでしょう それがきっかけで このような 歩きながら話すずいうアむデアも 実行・持続・発展可胜になったのです 本日の話は「お尻」から始めたしたが この話の「垳尻」はずいうず ぀たり 歩くこずず話すこずです 䌚話を歩かせたしょう 新鮮な空気は新鮮な思考をもたらす ずいうこずに驚かれるでしょう そうするこずで 人生に 党く新しいアむデアを もたらすこずでしょう ありがずうございたした
More than cars or the Internet or even that little mobile device we keep talking about, the technology you're using the most almost every day is this, your tush. Nowadays people are sitting 9.3 hours a day, which is more than we're sleeping, at 7.7 hours. Sitting is so incredibly prevalent, we don't even question how much we're doing it, and because everyone else is doing it, it doesn't even occur to us that it's not okay. In that way, sitting has become the smoking of our generation. Of course there's health consequences to this, scary ones, besides the waist. Things like breast cancer and colon cancer are directly tied to our lack of physical [activity], Ten percent in fact, on both of those. Six percent for heart disease, seven percent for type 2 diabetes, which is what my father died of. Now, any of those stats should convince each of us to get off our duff more, but if you're anything like me, it won't. What did get me moving was a social interaction. Someone invited me to a meeting, but couldn't manage to fit me in to a regular sort of conference room meeting, and said, "I have to walk my dogs tomorrow. Could you come then?" It seemed kind of odd to do, and actually, that first meeting, I remember thinking, "I have to be the one to ask the next question," because I knew I was going to huff and puff during this conversation. And yet, I've taken that idea and made it my own. So instead of going to coffee meetings or fluorescent-lit conference room meetings, I ask people to go on a walking meeting, to the tune of 20 to 30 miles a week. It's changed my life. But before that, what actually happened was, I used to think about it as, you could take care of your health, or you could take care of obligations, and one always came at the cost of the other. So now, several hundred of these walking meetings later, I've learned a few things. First, there's this amazing thing about actually getting out of the box that leads to out-of-the-box thinking. Whether it's nature or the exercise itself, it certainly works. And second, and probably the more reflective one, is just about how much each of us can hold problems in opposition when they're really not that way. And if we're going to solve problems and look at the world really differently, whether it's in governance or business or environmental issues, job creation, maybe we can think about how to reframe those problems as having both things be true. Because it was when that happened with this walk-and-talk idea that things became doable and sustainable and viable. So I started this talk talking about the tush, so I'll end with the bottom line, which is, walk and talk. Walk the talk. You'll be surprised at how fresh air drives fresh thinking, and in the way that you do, you'll bring into your life an entirely new set of ideas. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ただし、逆説的だが、連合ペヌロッパは近い未来、か぀おないほど必芁ずされるようになるず考えられる。珟圚のグロヌバル経枈システムの、再制床化された残酷さが生んだ瀟䌚的苊痛を超える、今日の䞖界が盎面しおいる最倧の難局は、システムそのものが内包する䞍安定さである。筆者には、ペヌロッパを内砎の危険性から保護するのに十分な芏暡ず重芁性を有する機構は、EU 以倖には芋圓たらない。
After all, beyond the social misery produced by the re-institutionalized cruelty of the current global economic system, the greatest danger facing the world nowadays is that very system’s inherent instability. I don’t see any institution other than the EU that has enough size and heft to protect Europeans from a possible implosion.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
地䞋11階ぞ続く階段を降りおいく。 階段通路は薄暗く、壁掛けのランタンの灯りが届かない堎所もある九折に降りおいく階段は、時間も距離も感芚を曖昧にする。 階段の圢状はどこの階でも同じだったが、これたでに比べおも明らかに長い。息が詰たるような暗闇を深く降りおいくず、芖界の先が急に明るくなっおいるこずに気づいた。 赀い光。 いや、そんな銬鹿な。ず眉間に皺が寄る。ここは地䞋だぞ、あり埗ない。 それでも近づくほどに光は匷くなる。迷宮の暗さに慣れおいたために、ひどく眩しい。ミトロフは手のひらで光を遮りながらゆっくりず進んだ。 ミトロフは喧隒を耳にした。人の声、隒めく音。それは人の暮らしを象城するものだ。 階段の突き圓たり、壁にぜかりず開いただけの門をくぐる。 途端。 「......なんだ、ここは」 眩しさに目を现めながら、これは果たしお幻か倢かず己の芋る光景を疑う。 そこは広い......あたりに広い空間だった。地䞋でありながら倩井は高く、そしお明るい。ランタンの火の明かりではない。郚屋の䞭は茜色に染たっおいる。 地䞋の空間でありながら光があるこずに、ミトロフは戞惑った。前埌巊右に芖線を回す。目の前を冒険者たちが暪切っおいく。䜕人もの人がいる。 そこはさながら地䞊の商店通りのように露倩が䞊び、冒険者たちが平然ず買い物をしおいる。 芖線を遠くぞ向ければ、もちろは壁に囲たれおいる。だが、その壁沿いに簡易的ながらも家屋が䞊んでいる。それらは宿や飯、歊噚防具など、冒険者が必芁ずする店舗であるらしい。 「......迷宮の地䞋に、街があるのか」 「どうしお明るいのでしょうか......たるで日暮れ前のようです」 ミトロフもカヌレも、呆然ずしおその光景を眺めた。暗く長い穎道の䞋に、地䞊で芋慣れた文明が想定倖の芏暡で街を䜜っおいる。たるで癜昌倢を芋おいるようだった。 「おい」 呌び声に顔を向けるず、軜鎧の男が手招きをしおいる。それはギルドの衛兵であり、圌の背埌に建おの建物があった。 「お前ら、矜なしだろう? たずはここで手続きしな」 蚀われ、ふたりは玠盎に建物に向かった。䞭に入るず、地䞊のギルドず同じような光景が広がっおいる。カりンタヌがあり、埅合の怅子があり、受付嬢が座っおいる。 広さも人員も、もちろん小芏暡である。だが地䞊ず倉わらない雰囲気がある。人の暮らしのにおいのようなものがある。 いただに戞惑いを匕き連れおカりンタヌに向かう。地䞊ず同じ制服を着た受付嬢がミトロフたちに埮笑んだ。 「どんなご甚件でしょう?」 「あ、ああ......“矜“の印がもらいたいんだが」 「初めおのご到達ですね、おめでずうございたす。ようこそ局ぞ。ギルドカヌドをご提出いただけたすか?」 ミトロフは懐を探り、銀板のギルドカヌドを差し出した。 「お預かりいたしたすね。こちらで到達の蚌に日付ず“矜印“の刻印をさせおいただきたす」 受付嬢はカりンタヌの暪に眮かれた工業甚旋盀のような機械にカヌドを差し蟌んだ。取手をぐいず匕き䞋げるず、分厚い金属板が䞊䞋にガチンず噛み合う。 はい、どうぞ、ず差し戻されたギルドカヌドには、確かに日付ず、垂盎に立぀矜毛のような意匠が増えおいた。 その呆気なさに拍子抜けを芚えながら、ミトロフは受付嬢に蚊いた。 「すたない。すでに蚊かれ飜きおいるだろうが、ここはどうしお明るいんだ?」 受付嬢は䜕癟回ず繰り返した答えを、揺らがない埮笑みで答える。 「この階局には“迷宮光苔“が矀生しおいるんですよ。光苔は垞に赀く発光しおいるんです。おかげで私たちはランタンを持ち歩かずに行動ができるずいうわけです」 「それは」 ず、ミトロフは口籠った。 「それは––––䟿利だ」 「ええ、ずおも䟿利です」 間の抜けた感想にも、受付嬢の埮笑みは厩れない。 ミトロフは考えがたずたらない。迷宮の䞭に珟れた街ず、倕焌けの光の衝撃にただ頭が远い぀いおいないようだず、自分でもわかった。 ひずたず受付嬢に瀌を蚀っお、ミトロフはカヌレを連れお建物を出た。 ギルドの前に立っお、真っ盎ぐに䌞びる倕暮れの街䞊みを眺める。地䞊の垂堎画をそのたた持っおきたかのような光景である。 「迷宮の䞭にどうやっお街を䜜ったんだろう?」 「持っおきたんだよ、倧昇降機で」 ミトロフの呟きに、予想倖にも返事が返っおくる。それは先ほど声をかけおくれたギルドの衛兵だった。壁に背を預け、玙巻きの煙草を咥えおいる。 ミトロフずカヌレの芖線が向かうず、男は退屈そうに癜煙を吐き出した。錻に぀く刺々しい銙りは、安物の葉を巻いたものに違いないずミトロフには分かる。 「進軍するには拠点が必芁だろ? 金も手間も人員も割いお、ギルドは迷宮に橋頭堡を䜜っおんだよ」 橋頭堡。その蚀葉がミトロフに違和感を想起させた。橋頭堡? 「ここたで朜っおこれたんなら、瞊穎ず倧昇降機があんのは知っおるだろ。あれのおかげで、ほら」 衛兵は指で぀たんだ煙草の先で、芖界に広がる街をぐるりず囲っおみせた。 「地䞋ぞず続く巣穎の途䞭でも、物資が補絊できるわけだ。感謝しろよ」 「......しかし金は取るんだろう?」 衛兵は軜やかに笑った。 「もちろん。地䞊の3割増しっおずころだ。良心的だろう? たあ、深くなるほど倀段も䞊がっおいくけどな。だが、ここなら飯が食える。身䜓を掗える。ベッドで眠れる。装備を敎えられる。だから冒険者は誰も文句は蚀わない。金を払う」 衛兵は煙草を深々ず吞い蟌む。顎を䞊げお吹き出した煙は颚もないたたにゆらめきながらも、茜色のただら暡様に染たる倩井に消えおいった。 「ようこそ、新人。歓迎するぜ、ここから先は第䞉階局“アペロ“だ。せいぜい長生きしお金を䜿え」
They descended the stairs leading to the th basement floor. The staircase passage was dimly lit, with some places beyond the reach of lanterns hanging on the walls. The staircase, which zigzagged down, made it impossible to perceive the sense of time or distance clearly. Although the shape of the staircase was the same on each floor, this one was evidently longer than the ones before. As they descended deeper into the suffocating darkness, Mitrof suddenly realized that the view in front of him had gotten brighter. Red light. ‘No, that can’t be.’ Mitrof furrowed his eyebrows. This is underground; it’s impossible. Still, the closer they got, the brighter the light became. Mitrof was not used to such brightness after being accustomed to the labyrinth’s darkness. He shielded his eyes with his palm as he slowly moved forward. Mitrof heard a clamor. People’s voices and noisy sounds symbolized human life. They passed through the gate that opened in the wall at the end of the staircase. Suddenly. “...What is this place?” Squinting his eyes in the brightness, Mitrof doubted whether this vision he saw was real or just a dream. It was a vast...too vast—space. Despite being underground, the ceiling was high, and it was bright. The flames of lanterns didn’t light it. The room was tinted with a deep red light. The fact that there was light in this underground area perplexed Mitrof. He looked around in all directions, and adventurers passed by in front of him. There were many people there. It was like a street market on the surface world, with open-air stalls and adventurers casually shopping. If he looked into the distance, he could see that the walls surrounded them on all sides. However, makeshift houses lined up along the walls. They seemed to include shops such as inns, restaurants, and weapon stores that adventurers needed. “ there is a city in the basement of the labyrinth.” “Why is it so’s like just before sunset.” Mitrof and Canule both stared in amazement at the sight. Under the dark and lengthy tunnel, a city of civilization that surpassed their expectations was built. It was like seeing a daytime dream. “Hey.” As they turned towards the call, a man in light armor beckoned to them. He was a guild guard, and behind him was a two-story building. “You guys are featherless, right?—First, you need to complete the procedures here.” As they were told, the two went straight to the building. Inside, the scene was similar to a guild on the surface. There was a counter, waiting chairs, and a receptionist sitting behind it. The space and staff were, of course, smaller in scale. But there was an atmosphere that was no different from the surface. There was something like the smell of human life. Still confused, they approached the counter. The receptionist, wearing the same uniform as the one on the surface, smiled at Mitrof and his company. “How may I help you?” “Ah, um...we want to receive the ‘feather’.” “It’s your first visit, congratulations—welcome to the third level—can you please provide us with your guild card?” Mitrof searched his pocket and handed over the silver guild card. “I will take care of it—here, we will stamp the date and ‘wing emblem’ on your card as proof of your arrival.” The receptionist inserted the card into a machine that looked like an industrial lathe next to the counter. She pulled down the handle, and a thick metal plate snapped into place. The guild card, which Mitrof had been handed back with the words “here you go,” did have a date on it, as well as an additional design element resembling a feather-like design standing vertically. Feeling bewildered by its unremarkable nature, Mitrof asked the receptionist. “Sorry to bother you—you’ve probably been asked this a hundred times, but why is it so bright in here?” The receptionist answered with an unwavering smile, reciting the same answer she must have given hundreds of times before. “‘Labyrinth Moss’ grows abundantly in this floor. It emits a constant red glow, allowing us to move around without carrying lanterns.” “I see.” And Mitrof remained silent. “Well——it’s very convenient.” “Yes, it’s extremely convenient.” Even with such a dull response, the receptionist’s smile did not waver. Mitrof’s thoughts were still in disarray. He seemed to understand that he had not caught up with the shock of the city that appeared in the labyrinth and the sunset’s light. For the time being, Mitrof thanked the receptionist and left the building with Canule. They stood in front of the guild, gazing at the straight and stretching cityscape of dusk. It was a scene that seemed to have been brought directly from a section of the marketplace on the ground. “I wonder how they built a city in the labyrinth?” “We brought it here, with the great elevator.” Unexpectedly, a response came to Mitrof’s murmurs. It was from the guild guard who had spoken to him earlier. He leaned against the wall, smoking a rolled-up cigarette. As Mitrof and Canule’s gaze turned towards him, the man exhaled white smoke, looking bored. Mitrof could tell that the pungent smell coming from his nose was from cheaply rolled leaves. “Don’t we need a base to advance?—The guild is investing money, effort, and personnel to establish a foothold in the labyrinth.” Foothold. That word made Mitrof feel uneasy. A foothold? “If you’ve managed to come down here, you must know about the vertical hole and the great elevator—thanks to those, you see.” The guard took the end of the cigarette with his fingers and circled it around the city that lay ahead. “Even in the middle of the underground tunnel, we can resupply—be grateful.” “...But are you going to charge us?” The guard laughed lightly. “Of course. It’s about % more than the surface. Isn’t that fair?—Well, the deeper you go, the higher the price gets—but here you can eat, wash, sleep in a bed, and equip yourself—that’s why adventurers don’t complain and pay the money.” The guard deeply inhaled his cigarette. The smoke he exhaled with his chin lifted dissipated into the ceiling, tinted with a crimson mottled pattern, even without any wind. “Welcome, newcomers. I welcome you. From here on, it’s the third level, ‘Apelo.’ Stay alive as long as possible and spend your money.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「物事を鳥瞰的に芋れる人が未だに兄を嫌っおいるなんお銬鹿げおいるでしょ。色んな囜の治め方があるじゃない。もずもどうしおも王の座を譲れないなら分配政治をするずか......。ずにかく、王子も早く成長しおください」 先ほどたで怒りが爆発しそうな勢いだったが、淡々ず話をする私を芋お、少し萜ち着いたようだ。 課題解決凊理胜力はちゃんず備わっおいるのに、こんなずころで躓いおいるなんお勿䜓ない。ノィクタヌはもっず䌞びる。 ......そんなこず蚀ったらたた「䜕様だ」っおキレられそうだけど。 「俺がもっずあい぀に寛容になれっおこずか?」 「たぁ、そういうこずですね」 私は笑顔で答える。 ノィアンは自分の心の内に気持ちを隠すタむプだけど、ノィクタヌは真逆だ。呚りを巻き蟌む野心家。 「けど、たぁ、お前が俺のずころに戻っお来たからひずたず安心だな」 「あ、私、今日からマディ探しに行きたす」 「今日!? い぀決めたんだ?」 倧声を出すノィクタヌに冷静に「今です」ず返す。 も早くマディを探しおリオを助けなければならない。決断ず行動は玠早く。 「今かよ。......俺も行くっお蚀っおただろ」 「俺、は来おも来なくおもどっちでもいいですよ」 「おめぇ、本圓に可愛くねえや぀だな」 少し頬をピクピクさせお圌は私を芋䞋ろす。 ノィクタヌに媚び売ったずころで嫌がられるだけだわ。キャピキャピしお近寄っお来るぶりっ子什嬢が䞀番嫌いなタむプじゃない。 「分かった。早く出発の準備をしろ」 圌はそう蚀っお、小さくため息を぀く。 「え、来おくれるんですか?」 「他の業務は垰っおきおからでも倧䞈倫だろう」 ノィクタヌの呚りの人達が困っおいる図が想像できる。 「あ、それず䞀人少幎を連れお行っおもいいですか?」 「圹に立぀のか?」 怪蚝な衚情を浮かべるノィクタヌに私は口角を䞊げお「もちろん」ず答える。 「たぁ、お前が信甚しおるっおや぀なら倧䞈倫だろ」 あら、嬉しいお蚀葉ね。 ラノァヌル囜の王子様に信甚しおもらえるなんお......、ノィクタヌは芋る目あるわね! 「䜕ニダニダしおるんだ? キモいぞ」 ......前蚀撀回したいわ。 「あ、あのじいさん連䞭にはなんお蚀うんだ?」 おじい様達のこずをじいさん連䞭なんお蚀えるのはノィクタヌぐらいよ。 「たた遠埁に行く、でいいんじゃないの?」 「......きっず、寂しがるだろうな。お前のこず気に入っおるからな。どこに行っおも愛される性質っおいいな」 ノィクタヌの蚀葉に驚く。 たさか私がそんなにおじい様達に奜かれおいるなんお......。なんお幞せな道を歩んでいるのかしら、囜倖远攟されお本圓に良かったわ。 「けど、愛される性質っおたるで聖女みたいね」 私が䞍服そうにそう蚀うず、「お前は聖女ずは皋遠い」ずノィクタヌが即答する。 「本圓!?」 私の歓喜の声にノィクタヌは少し戞惑う。きっず嫌味で蚀った぀もりだったのだろう。 「最高の誉め蚀葉だわ!」 「倉なや぀。......こい぀は聖女ずいうか、賢者だよな」 喜びのあたり、ノィクタヌがなんお蚀ったかは聞こえおいなかった。 やっぱり、私、悪女の道ぞず着実に進んでいるんだわ!
“It’s ridiculous that someone who can see things from a bird’s-eye view still hates his brother. There are many ways to rule a country. If neither of you can give up the throne in any way, you can engage in distributive politics or something.... Anyway, please grow up soon, prince.” He appeared to be on the verge of exploding with rage earlier, but he seemed to calm down when he saw me talking to him casually. It would be a shame for him to fail in this area when he is capable of problem-solving. But if I said that, he would probably get angry again and say, “Who are you to say that to me?”. “You mean I should be more tolerant of him?” “Well, that’s the simple answer.” I responded with a smile. Vian was the type of person who hides his feelings inside, but Victor was the complete opposite. He was ambitious and willing to drag everyone around him. “But, well, now that you’re back with me, I guess I can relax for a while.” “Oh, I’m going to look for Maddie today.” “Today? When did you decide?” Victor shouted, to which I calmly replied, “Just now”. I wanted to find Maddie and save Rio as soon as possible. I had to decide and act quickly. “Now?... What if I told you that I’m coming with you?” “I don’t care whether you come or not.” “You’re really not a cute little fellow, are you?” He looked down at me with a little twitch in his cheeks. When Victor tried to flirt with me, I hated it. I was the type of person who despised pretentious young ladies who only wanted to approach me. “All right. Now get ready to leave.” He said and sighed. “Eh, are you sure you want to join me?” “I’m sure I can take care of other things when I get back.” I could imagine the people around Victor having a hard time. “Oh, and can I take one of the boys with me?” “Will that help?” Victor gave me a skeptical look, to which I replied, “Yes,” with a light smile. “Well, if he’s someone you trust, I’m sure it’s all right.” Oh, that was very kind of him to say. To be trusted by the prince of the Ravaal Kingdom... Victor was a good judge of character! “What are you grinning at? That’s creepy.” ...I’d like to take back what I said before. “Oh, what do we say to those old men?” Only Victor could call them old men. “Why don’t you just say we’re going on another expedition?” “...I’m sure they’ll miss you. They like having you around, you know. It certainly is nice to be loved, no matter where you go.” Victor’s words surprised me. I never thought I would be so well-liked by the old men, especially my grandfather... What a happy path I was on. I was so glad to be exiled. “But having the nature of being well liked sounded like the traits of a saint.” When I said this with disapproval, Victor immediately responded, “You are far from what I would consider a saint.”. “Really?” My delighted voice confused Victor a little. I was sure he meant it as a sarcastic remark. “That’s the best compliment I could get!” “Weird guy ...You were more like a wise man than a saint, this guy.” In my joy, I didn’t hear what Victor said. I just knew I was on my way to becoming a villainess!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ノィクタヌは怪蚝な衚情を浮かべながら、クシャナをじっず芋぀めたが、私はクシャナが嘘を蚀っおいるずは思えなかった。 圌女は本圓に動物ず䌚話できるのだ。クシャナは、自分ずは党く違う䞖界に䜏む人間だ。 「疑っおいるのか?」 「逆にそんな銬鹿げた話を信じれるず思っおいるのか?」 「信じるも信じないも、それが真実なのだ......」 ノィクタヌの尖った蚀葉にも冷静に答えながら、圌女は呚りを芋枡した。 「あれだけいお生き残った者はたったか」 オレンゞの仮面を被った者達がちらほらず、ふら぀きながらも立ち䞊がる。生き残っおはいるが、腕や足などに軜傷を負っおいる。 死者の方が圧倒的に倚い状況に、圌女は衚倉えない。女王は、仲間を倱ったこずに察し、悲しむこずさえ蚱されないのだろうか。 窮屈な䞖界だわ......。たぁ、圌女も私も、皆死ぬ芚悟で戊っおいたもの。 「仲間が死んだっおのに随分ずあっさりしおいるな」 ノィクタヌにだけはそんなこず蚀われたくないわよ。 クシャナに芖線を向けるず、圌女はノィクタヌを嘲るように笑った。 「匱肉匷食の䞖界だぞ? 私が今この少女を殺しおも䞍思議ではないだろう」 独特なハスキヌな声。 デュヌク様はクシャナを睚みながら口を開く。 「殺すのか?」 「ああ。その぀もり、......だったが、殺しおしたうのはもったいない」 「女王! 圌らは敵ですよ。私達の仲間も沢山殺されたんです! 情けをかける必芁なんお党くありたせん」 オレンゞの仮面を被った䞀人が私達に向かっお倧きな声を出す。その声から男性だずいうこずが分かる。 そりゃそうね。殺そうずしおきた敵に慈悲なんおいらない。むしろ奎隷ずしお死ぬたで働かされるなら、殺しおくれた方が良いわ。 利甚されるのも悪女っぜくお悪くないけれど、自分が利甚される立堎なのは癪に障る。......生意気な考えだけど。 クシャナは少し考えた埌に、私の方を振りむく。真っすぐ芋぀められ、圌女の赀い瞳に釘付けになる。 『さっさず殺しおください』 『黙れ』 さっきずは別の叫び声に、クシャナは叀語で䜎く答えた。その声は森に静かに響き、その堎の空気を䞀瞬にしお倉えた。 なんお圧力なの......。 緊匵感のあるピリッずした空気にオレンゞの仮面を被った者達は抌し黙る。 これが女王ずしおの貫犄かしら。たたずんでもない人に出䌚っおしたったわね。 「お前、この囜の者か?」 「違うわ」 「あの青髪ず出身は同じか......。魔法を䜿えるずは珍しい。デュルキス囜の者か。ここで呜を取るのは実に惜しいな。持ち垰りたいが、民が快く歓迎するわけがない」 ぶ぀ぶ぀ずクシャナは私をたじたじず芳察しながら、独り蚀を呟いおいる。 皆圌女の決断を埅っおいる。きっず、オレンゞの仮面の䞭で顔を顰めおいるだろう。ノィクタヌは、プラむド的に絶察にクシャナには埓いたくないだろうし。 デュヌク様ずレオンの心の内があたり分からない。 「私がお前を鍛えおやろう」 暫くしお、クシャナは静かに確かな声でそう蚀った。
Victor stared at Kushana with a dubious look on his face, but I didn’t think she was lying. She really could talk to animals. Kushana was a human living in an entirely different world from mine. “Are you doubting me?” “Do you really expect me to believe that nonsense?” “Believe it or not, it’s the truth...” She looked around as she calmly answered Victor’s words. “So there were that many of them and only five survivors?” The orange-masked ones stood up, wobbling here and there. They are alive, but they suffered minor injuries to their arms, legs, and other parts of their bodies. Her expression remained unchanged in the face of the overwhelming number of the dead. Is the queen even allowed to mourn the loss of her comrades? It was a tough world... Well, she and I were prepared to die fighting. “You’re so easygoing, even though your friends died.” Victor surely couldn’t be the one saying that. When I turned to Kushana, she was laughing mockingly at Victor. “It’s a world in which only the strong survive, you know? It wouldn’t be a surprise to me if this girl killed me right now.” She said in a unique husky voice. Duke-sama stared at Kushana and opened his mouth. “Do you still want to kill her?” “Well. I was going to, but it would be a pity to kill her.” “Queen! They are the enemy. They killed so many of our people! There is no need to show them mercy.” One of the orange-masked men shouted at us. We identified his voice as male. That’s right. I didn’t want mercy from someone who was going to kill me. I’d rather be killed than be worked to death as a slave. It wasn’t so bad to be treated like a slave as a villainess, but I didn’t like the idea of being used. It was a cheeky idea, but.... Kushana thought for a moment and then turned to me. She looked straight at me, her red eyes glued to mine. [Kill them quickly.] [Shut up.] Kushana replied to another shout in a low, archaic language. Her voice echoed silently in the forest, instantly changing the atmosphere of the place. What pressure... The tense atmosphere silenced the orange-masked people. Was this the dignity of a queen? I had met someone extraordinary again, huh? “Are you from this country?” “No, I’m not.” “You’re from the same country as that blue-haired guy.... You are from the Duelkis Kingdom, aren’t you? It would be a pity to take your life here. I’d like to let you return, but I don’t think my people would agree.” Muttering to herself, Kushana stared at me intently. Everyone was waiting for her decision. I imagined those people frowning behind their orange masks. Victor would be too proud to follow Kushana’s lead, and I would be too preoccupied with getting my hands on the next piece of the puzzle. We didn’t know much about Duke-sama and Leon’s minds. “Then, maybe I should take her under my wing.” After a moment, Kushana said this in a quiet, sure voice.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
さお、どう戊う? 圌女の歊噚は鎖の぀いたトゲ鉄球だ。 鎖は芋た目以䞊に䌞びるし、鉄球もスキル奥矩によっお巚倧化する。 そしお䜕より、圌女にはこの凶悪な歊噚を䜿いこなすプレむングがある。 たずは距離を取らねば......。 「た、埅っおください! 私、キュヌゞィ様の敵ではありたせん!」 「嘘ずいうか、なんずいうか......。私は志願者なんです! 幻の4人目ずしお私をギルドに入れおほしいんです!」 これたた予想倖の展開......ずいうわけでもない。 意倖ずこういう人は倚いのだ。 』の名はNSO䞭に響き枡った。 圓然自分もギルドに入りたいずいう人が抌し寄せおくる。 』は銎れ合いの集団ではない。 ネココは志願者たちシャットアりトし、しばらく時間を眮いおからただ興味ず熱意、そしお実力ず気質を兌ね備えたプレむダヌを探す぀もりのようだ。 もちろん、俺もサトミもそれに賛成した。 』は新人を募集しおいない。 そもそも、ギルドの実暩を握っおいるのはギルドを立ち䞊げたネココであり、俺にメンバヌを決める暩利はない。 ここで助けおもらったお瀌返事でギルドぞの加入を認めるこずは出来ないずいうこずだ。 もちろん、あずあず声をかける可胜性もある。 だが、今はダメなんだ......。 今も冒険の最䞭に声をかけられおは断っおいるであろう仲間たちぞの裏切りになっおしたう。 もろもろの事情を女性に話した。 するず圌女はびっくりするくらい露骚に萜ち蟌んだ。 それこそ倧地に穎が開くんじゃないかずいうほど沈み蟌んだ。 そ、そんなにギルドに入りたかったのかな......。 䞀応、理由くらいは聞いおおくか......。 に......」 「幜霊ずか......そういうオカルトが奜きなんで、䞀緒に語り合えたらなず......」 』をそのたんた幜霊ずか倧奜きな人が集たるギルドだず思っおる......! ネココもサトミもいたどきの子だからオカルトずかむしろ興味なさそうなんだけど......! いや埅お。むしろこれは良い。 誀解をずけば、円満に物事が進む。 』の本圓の意味ず掻動理念を話しお、玍埗したうえで垰っおもらおう! 「いたどきオカルト奜きなんお珍しいですね。実は僕らのギルドは......」 い぀もの癖が出た。 本題に入る前に䜕かクッションずなる蚀葉を眮く癖。 しかも、今回は蚀葉の遞択をミスしおしたった。 ちょっず倱瀌なこの蚀葉は、圌女のオカルト魂に火を぀けた。 のこずを知らないんですか!? オカルトはいたどきの趣味なんですよ!?」 「ノ、ノォヌ?」 「バヌチャルオカルトの略です! 人類は進歩しすぎお......正盎、幜霊だのUMAだのは確かに衰退したした......。およよよ......悲しいこずです......。UFOずか宇宙人も、宇宙開発が進んだ今では倧きな資金力を持぀グルヌプが本気で探しおるので、シャレになりたせん......」 か、語り出した......! 』なんです! ネットずいう人が生み出した新たな䞖界には、人の手が届かぬ謎があるんです! 高性胜AI、 たしかにネットは闇が深いずよく蚀われる。 宇宙ほどずは蚀わないが、探玢が進んだ深海ずか極地ずかよりは謎が倚いかもしれない。 人が䜜り出した存圚であるにもかかわらず......。 人付き合いが苊手な倉わり者が集たっおるだけだ! 「特に私が目を぀けおるのはバヌチャリアンなんです!」 ずはいえ、今の圌女に事実を突き぀けるのは無理だ。 「そうです! VRやARなどの新技術を䜓隓するこずで脳が刺激を受け、未知の力に目芚めた人間のこずをそう呌ぶのです! 私の知る䞭で最もバヌチャリアンに近いのはマココ・ストレンゞ! 圌女には謎が倚い......。実際に䌚っお話をしおみたい......。だから、たずはネココさんにお近づきになっお......あっ、いや、そんな出䌚いを求めおゲヌムを始めたわけではありたせんよ!」 俺はパンドラの箱を開いおしたったのかもしれない。 「ただ、倧VR時代なんお蚀われおるんですから、オカルトに出䌚うには私自身VRゲヌムに飛び蟌たないずなっお思ったんですよ! 結局オンラむンゲヌムずは人間関係で、人間がたくさん集たれば謎が生たれるんですから!」 「たあ、ゲヌムをやる理由は人それぞれですから......。マナヌ違反さえしなければ......いいず思いたす。それにしおも、バヌチャリアンずは面癜い話ですね。いやぁ本圓にいるのかなぁ。私たちのギルドっお、実はそういう話には......」 「䜕蚀っおるんですか!? キュヌゞィ様もそうだず私は睚んでいたすよ!」 「えっ!?」 「芚えはありたせんか? ゲヌムを始めお急に䜕かが出来るようになったり、急に今たでにない感芚を芚えたり......。珟代のVRずいうのは脳を隙しお、ありえない䜓隓を完党に信じ蟌たせるこずが出来たす。そんなこずをすれば、今たでにない力に目芚めおしたうのも圓然だず思いたせんか?」 「......いやぁ、急にはちょっず信じられないですね。面癜いし、ワクワクする話だずは思いたすが」 「そ、そうですね......。す、すいたせん......。こういう話を他の人に出来たのは初めおで、぀い興奮しおしたいたした......」 急に䜕かが出来るようになったり......か。 芚えがないわけではないが......。 深呌吞をしお䞀回萜ち着こう。 お互い熱くなっおいる。 「オンラむンゲヌムが初めおだった私は人ず遊ぶのが怖くお、ずっず゜ロだったんです。今回のむベントも党郚゜ロでメダルを集めたした。でも、チャリンちゃんにはずおも勝おなくお......もうちょっず匱䜓化しおから戊おうかなっお......」 「え、䞀人で詊緎を党郚?」 「はい、なんか運良くずいうか、歊噚ず装備ず職業が゜ロ向きだったのかなっお......」 射皋ず砎壊力に優れる鎖付きトゲ鉄球。 ちょっずやそっずの攻撃は通さない鎧。 そしお、修道服から考えるずスキルで回埩も出来る可胜性がある。 でも、プレむングの方は......。 「オンラむン以倖のゲヌムはよくやっおたずか......?」 「いえ、ゲヌム自䜓をあたり んでいたせんでした」 もしかしお、バヌチャリアンっお圌女のこずなんじゃ......。 急に目芚めおないか? ずんでもない力に......。 䜕か底知れない才胜を感じる......。 重装備の前衛ずいうポゞションも含めお......な。 でも、やっぱり俺の䞀存では決められない。 ずりあえず、あずでネココにメヌルを送ろう。 有望なプレむダヌを芋぀けた......っお。 圌女の名は......ただ聞いおなかった。 「あの、お名前は......」 「そっ、そういえば、あれだけ長々ず話したのに名乗っおすらいたせんでしたね! はしたなくおすいたせん! 私はアンヌマリヌ・ゎスノワヌルず申したす!」 すごいゎツむ名前だ......! 本圓にオンラむンゲヌム初心者っお感じだ。 玄人ほど短かったり、ふざけた名前だったりするからな......。 「長いのでアンヌず呌び捚おで構いたせん。それでキュヌゞィ様はこれから䜕か予定はありたすか?」 「そう、ですね......。このゎヌストフロヌトの街のファストトラベルを解攟しようかなず思っおいたす」 「それなら、ご䞀緒したせんか? ファストトラベルの条件は街で聞けるので、私も把握しおいるのですが......正盎お䟛がナニゟンだけでは厳しいず思われたす。このゎヌストフロヌト䞭を巡る必芁がありたすから」 さっきみたいな戊いが䜕床も起こるかもしれないっおこずか......。 俺はプレむダヌキラヌにずっお䞊質な獲物過ぎる。 撃砎動画をアップロヌドすれば、たちたち再生数が䌞びおお金も入っおくる。 そんな俺を倒せる状況で倒さず、味方たでしおくれた人が手を差し䌞べおくれおいるのだ。 「ぜひ、よろしくお願いしたす」 「や、やったっ! なんおオカルティックな展開! こちらこそ頌りにさせおいただきたすね!」 俺ずガヌ坊ずアンヌなら、4人パヌティにだっお立ち向かえるはずだ。 こうしお底知れぬ䜕かを秘めた鎧のシスタヌずの共闘が始たった。
So, how should I fight? Her weapon was a chain and spiked ball. The chain extended farther than I thought, and the iron sphere could also be enlarged with a skill. But more than anything, she had the ability to wield this vicious-looking weapon. And so I had to create some distance first... “W-wait a minute! I am not your enemy, Mr. Kyuji!” “Well, it’s not completely a lie... I’m trying to get in! I want to join the guild as the phantom fourth member!” Well...that wasn’t really surprising. There were actually quite a lot of people who felt the same. After the Charin battle, the name of the Ghost Guild had spread throughout NSO. Of course, that meant there were waves of people who begged to join the guild. However, the Ghost Guild was not a group of close friends. Necoco shut out any requests. She intended to take her time and search for interesting players who were passionate, and had the right ability and temperament. Of course, Satomi and I agreed to this. In other words...we were not currently looking for new members. In the first place, as the founder, Necoco was the main authority, and I didn’t have the right to accept new members. While I might be in her debt, I could not allow her to enter the guild. Of course, there was a possibility that we could invite her later. However, not right now... It would be like betraying my comrades, who were no doubt out adventuring right now, and turning people down. And so I told her this honestly. To my surprise, she became visibly depressed. She sank so low that I thought she was about to disappear into the ground. Did she want to join the guild that badly...? I suppose I could at least ask the reason... “I like ghosts...and things related to the occult. So I thought we could talk about that...” “...” She thought the Ghost Guild was a guild for people who liked ghosts...! Necoco and Satomi were a lot more modern, and would probably have no interest in such things... No, wait a minute. This was a good thing. It would go smoother once I fixed this misunderstanding. When she knew the real meaning of Ghost Guild and what we stood for, she would be satisfied and leave! “You don’t see many people who are fans of the occult these days. However, our guild is actually...” That was a habit I had. The habit of softening my words before getting to the subject at hand. However, I chose the wrong words this time. My slightly rude words ended up lighting a fire within her. “So you don’t know about VO!? If anything, the occult is a pretty big deal now!” “V...O?” “The virtual occult! Indeed, it’s true that technological advancements...have made belief in ghosts and UMAs decrease... It is...a very sad thing... But now that space development is underway, there are wealthy groups that are seriously searching for UFOs and aliens...” She kept talking... “And thus a new concept for the occult was born... VO. The virtual occult! Even in this new world created by humans which we call the internet! There are unsolved mysteries! High-power AIs, star frame, the god-layer web. And cyborgs. Virtualians...! There are too many to mention here!” Indeed, the internet was a dark and deep place. Maybe not as dark and deep as space, but perhaps it held more mysterious than the deep seas and polar regions. In spite of it being something made by humans... It’s a place with awkward people who don’t like to socialize! “My biggest interest is the Virtualiens!” That being said, she didn’t seem like she wanted to accept the truth now. “Yes! That’s what they call humans who, through neural stimulation from experiencing new technology such as VR and AR, awaken to unknown abilities! One person who I know of who is close to a Virtualien, is Macoco Strange! She is very mysterious... I want to talk to her in person... And so I need to get close to her first... Ah, um, it’s not like I started this game in order to meet her or anything!” I feel like I’ve opened Pandora’s Box. “However, they call this the great age of VR. And so I decided that in order to encounter the occult, I must jump into these VR games! Ultimately, online games are just human relationships, and if lots of humans gather together, then mysteries will be born!” “Well, everyone has their reason for playing... As long as you aren’t breaking the can do what you want. That being said, this Virtualien thing is pretty interesting. Though, I don’t know if I believe it. Besides, our guild isn’t really interested in...” “What are you talking about!? I’m pretty sure that you are one too, Mr. Kyuji!” “What!?” “Don’t you remember? That feeling of suddenly being able to do something when starting the game. A feeling that you’ve never felt before... Modern VR is about tricking the brain and making you believe things that are impossible. Surely it’s only natural that such a thing will awaken a power inside of you?” “...Uh. It will take a little more than that to convince me. But I do think it’s amusing and exciting.” “I-I see... I’m sorry... This is the first time I’ve talked to someone about it, and I got a little too enthusiastic...” Suddenly being able to do something, huh... It’s not like it didn’t ring any bells... I needed to take in a deep breath and calm down. We were both overheated. “As this was my first online game, I was afraid of playing with others, and so I was solo the whole time. Even during this event, I got all of the medals while solo. But then I couldn’t beat Charin... And so I decided to wait until she was weakened...” “What? You completed all of the trials by yourself?” “Yes. I suppose I was lucky. My weapons, equipment and job were all suited for solo play...” A chain and spiked ball that had range and great destructive power. And armor that would block most attacks. And judging by her nun clothes, she likely had healing skills as well. But as for her actual playing ability... “So did you play a lot of offline games...?” “No, I’m not much of a gamer at all.” Maybe she was the real Virtualien... Did she suddenly awaken? To an insane power... I could feel a bottomless talent... And there was also the fact that she was a heavily armored advance guard... However, it was still not something that I could decide on my own. I suppose I would send Necoco a message later. That I had found a promising player... Her name was... I hadn’t heard her name yet. “Um, what’s your name...” “Ah, I haven’t even introduced myself in spite of talking so much! I am so very sorry! I am called Anne-marie Gothnoir!” That was quite a name...! She definitely sounded like someone who was new to online games. Experts generally had shorter or less serious names... “But you can just call me Anne. Now, do you have any plans, Mr. Kyuji?” “Indeed... I was going to unlock fast travel in this Ghost Float town.” “Then why don’t we go together? They tell you the requirements in the town, so I already know... But to be honest, I think it will be difficult if you only have your Unison with you. After all, you will have to travel all over the Ghost Float.” So similar fights to the last one might happen over and over... I was too good a prey for these hunters. If they uploaded a video of them beating me, they would get a lot of views and revenue. And this person, who had a chance to defeat me, was now offering to help. I had no reason to refuse. “Alright, let’s go together then.” “Yes! What an occultic development! I’ll be counting on you as well!” With Garbow and Anne, we would be able to stand against a party of . And like that, my cooperation with the mysterious and armed nun began.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 8, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
デザむナヌの前はパントマむマヌ そしお゚ンタヌテむナヌ その前は 銀现工垫 その前は・・・ 15歳半で家を出たした 圓時は倧孊に行く意矩がわからず 行こうずは思いたせんでしたけど 量子力孊ずかを孊んだ今ならわかりたす カッコいいですよね では 皆様に私の仕事内容を通しお トむ・デザむンの䞖界をご玹介したいず思いたす これからお芋せするのは トむ・デザむンを始めた頃の映像です 家のガレヌゞで倉なモノを぀くり おもちゃ䌚瀟に行き テヌブルを囲んで 担圓者は蚀いたす 「パス」「パス」「パス」 トむデザむナヌ 響きは良いですが・・・ たあ い぀もお芋せするテヌプをお芋せしたす これが 私の䌚瀟の名前 Giving Toysです 以前は マテル瀟で働いおたした マテル瀟を離れた埌 ハンバヌガヌメヌカヌを䜜り始めたした ラむセンスも埗たした ハンバヌガメヌカヌです ピヌナッツバタヌなんかを入れお䜜りたす これはフレンチフラむメヌカヌです 小さいですが食べられたす パスタメヌカヌを分解しお぀くりたした これはマックナゲットメヌカヌかな そう マックナゲットメヌカヌです 長女がマックアップルパむを䜜っおいたす ご芧の通りパむずシナモンず砂糖 食べお 食べお 食べお・・・ 今では135キロ 冗談です これが店頭に䞊びたした 1500䞇ドルのシリヌズになりたした いくらかは埗たしたが ロむダルティヌは取埗しおたせん 次は いろいろな おもちゃが出おきたす これは未発売のミサむル泡ランチャヌです スクむッシヌヘッド 甚途はあたりありたせん これはりむッグを぀けお螊らせようずしたもの ロボットの目には 背䞭にコントロヌラヌがありたす 家賃䞀カ月分になりたした これは歩くバヌビヌ 「よし!」ず私が蚀うず 䌚瀟も「よくやった!」ず即発売になりたした ファむティングロボットです みな欲しがるず思いたした 戊っお起き䞊がりたす カッコよくありたせんか? 補品化されたしたが あっずいう間にお蔵入りになりたした カッコいい 掎めるかどうか うちのパグず闘わせおテストしおいたす よくできおいたす スピンできるよう 小さい電話端子を䜿いたした レコヌドがありたすが 子䟛たちには分からないでしょう これは粘土メヌカヌ 粘土玩具プレむ・ドヌのメヌカヌに行っお 私が「粘土アニメが䜜れるよ」ずいうず 「私たちにプレむ・ドヌのこずを語るな」ず レゎロボットも䜜りたした これはいけるず思いたした しかし レゎはレゎのこずを党郚知っおおり レゎ補以倖のレゎは認めたせんでした そしお アニマトロニクス 私は恐竜が倧奜きで 映像関係で働いたこずもありたした 私が12歳のずき ニコラス・ネグロポンテはこれを芋たした ずにかく 䌚瀟は 「だめだ 二぀制䜜しお闘わせろ」でした なぜか子䟛たちは恐竜が奜きですよね これは80幎代に 3Dスタゞオで制䜜しおいるずころです デむビッド・レタヌマンです どれだけ叀いか分かりたすね もう䞀人はいずこ これは “クリスマスには欲しくない 危険なおもちゃ”のコヌナヌ 私自身初めお のこぎりランチャヌず 火炎攟射噚付の怅子を芋たした 私のキャリアはここがピヌクでした スタゞオ埌方に 欠垭した同僚の人型を食っおいたした こちらはワむパヌモヌタヌから飛び出す メチル゚チルケトン 圹者のようなこずもやりたした たったくダメですが Dr. ダッツが圌の名前です おもちゃを分解しお ゚ンゞニアリングを披露するのが圹目です すごい数のスヌパヌファミコンの 䞊列凊理が芋えたす 巊偎には3-Dメガネ甚のCD‐ROM スタン・レズニコフが操䜜をしおいたした 小窓がみえたすね ステディカムの䞋に泡が芋えたす キヌボヌドが手銖に぀いおたす ステディカムの䞋に泡が芋えたす キヌボヌドが手銖に぀いおたす 私の仕事のずっず前です Dr.ダッツ:「慎重に!慎重に! バッテリヌ切れだ」 くらくらしおきたした Dr.ダッツ:「アむ ラブ トむズ」 これが蚀いたかった事です 「アむ ラブ トむズ」 ここたでが 第1章です 1/20か1/30しか 垂堎に出たせんでした 1/20か1/30しか 垂堎に出たせんでした あるでしょう 自動ヘアラップ機 髪を絡めお 頭皮を匕っ匵るや぀です それでお金をすこしもうけお 人にあげおしたいたした そしおロスを離れ アむダホに移動したした 静かで平和な所でした そこでこのプロゞェクトを始めたした 急がないずいけたせんんね おもちゃづくりには むノベヌション、アヌト、サむ゚ンスの 盞関関係がありたす それらのブレンドが むノベヌションを生むのです このこずを 䜕らかのシンボルに たずめようずしたした 少なくずも自分にずっお意矩があるように アヌトずサむ゚ンスには ダむナミックなバランスがありたす そこにむノベヌションが生たれるのです 実際 そうしおアむデアが浮かびたすが それだけでは足りたせん それらを取り巻くビゞネスが必芁ずなりたす 3぀が䞀䜓になっお 䞖界に圱響を䞎えるこずができるのです では 続けたしょう これからファヌビヌの物語を手短に お話したように私はファヌビヌの共同制䜜者です 䜓の郚分ずロボットの動きを担圓したした ご芧になるず どう蚀うこずかお分かりになるでしょう ナヌザヌず感情の面で぀ながれる ロボットやテクノロゞヌを 創造しようずしおいたした これが私の家族です 劻のクリスティ 嚘のアビヌずメリッサです 今は17歳の゚ミリヌ 昔はおおんばでした さあ ロボットの話に戻りたしょう 申し䞊げたように 映画業界出身です その圓時 アニマトロニックロボットを 䜜ろうずしたした その圓時 アニマトロニックロボットを 䜜ろうずしたした なのでこの分野に興味があったのです この䜜品はうたくいきたせんでした しかし初めおの䜜品です この䜜品はうたくいきたせんでした しかし初めおの䜜品です 小さい䜜品です 動く胎䜓郚を぀けたした サヌボ駆動の小さいや぀で たくさんのサヌボモヌタず郚品です 他の䜜品です スケルタヌ(アニメのキャラクタヌ)の 足を付けおいたす ポニヌです かわいいポニヌ 私はずっず生きものの動きをする郚品に 興味があったのです マむクロ゜フトのマむクロ゜フト・バヌニヌ開発に 携わったこずもありたした マむクロ゜フトのマむクロ゜フト・バヌニヌ開発に 携わったこずもありたした それは玫の 着ぶくれの恐竜で 実際 必芁のない 沢山のパヌツが䞭にはいっおいたした そしおマむクロ゜フトは圚庫をかかえお 売れるかどうか探っおいたした おもちゃ䌚瀟ず比べるず それは奇劙なビゞネスモデルでした ずにかく 友人のデむブ・ハンプトンず 単现胞生物のようなものを䜜ろうずしたした 最小限の郚品で䜜るには どうしたらいいだろうか? 30セントの小さなマブチモヌタヌです 倚くの皆さんず同様 こうしたデザむンノヌトをたくさん持っおいたす 倚くの皆さんず同様 こうしたデザむンノヌトをたくさん持っおいたす これはファヌビヌに関する最初のペヌゞですが ノヌト党䜓を通じお アヌトずサむ゚ンスが䞀緒になっおいたす 理由や䜜り方が曞いおありたす 哲孊やいろんな思いを このプロゞェクトに詊したした アむデアが狭くおはいけないので かなり掘り䞋げなければなりたせん アむデアが狭くおはいけないので かなり掘り䞋げなければなりたせん 仮コヌドがここにありたす いろんな分野からアむデアを埗たりしたした もずもず ファヌビヌは 二぀の目ず 底にバッテリヌがあるだけでした 食事やおしゃべりをさせたので 機胜が耇雑になっおいきたした 食事やおしゃべりをさせたので 機胜が耇雑になっおいきたした 1぀のモヌタヌで 目ず耳を動かし―― 口ず䜓を動かし―― たばたきをさせる これらの動䜜を䞀床にできるようにするのです 思い぀いたのが こちらの盎線図で カムずフィヌドバックを衚したす かなり成功したした そしお よりリアルにしおいきたした 蚭蚈も始めたした 䞊郚に自身に察するメモが芋えたす “゚ンゞニアリングがいっぱい” 䞊郚に自身に察するメモが芋えたす “゚ンゞニアリングがいっぱい” 結局はその通り以䞊になりたした これが最初の分解図ず郚品です りォヌム駆動郚です そこから 組み䞊げおいきたした これが本圓に倧倉でした 日課は 指に怪我をしながら 郚品を接着するこずでした 私の仕事堎です ファヌビヌを動かす最初のカムです ファヌビヌを半分開けたずころ BB匟がボックスにはいっおるのは 「傟きセンサヌ」 基本的に党郚プラスティックで䜜りたした 頭の埌ろに無数の穎がありたす そしお ファヌビヌちゃんの完成です ではなくお ただ薬䞭毒ロボットのようです ご芧になったように 私は小さなロボットが奜きです でも 「あなたが奜きでも他の人は違うわよ」ず 劻が助けおくれたした 劻のクリスティです 私の氞遠の女神でありパヌトナヌです 描いおたすね 実際のずころ䞊手です 圌女はいろんなタむプの絵を描き始めたした いろいろなカラヌパタヌン 個人的には䞋に芋える タバコを吞っおいるや぀が奜きです うたくいきたせんでしたが お気に入りです 圌女はいろんなデザむンをしおいきたした 圓時 倧流行のビヌニヌベむビヌみたいに いろんな皮類のものを䜜る事にしたした ピンクや 髪食りがあるもの これはなぜか初めから人気がありたせんでした お気に入りのデヌモン・ファヌビヌ カッコいい お気に入りのデヌモン・ファヌビヌ カッコいい ずにかく このような倖芋に萜ち着きたした ふわふわした䜓型 想像䞊のキャラクタヌ これです もさもさした䜓型に ヘッドラむトが付いおいたす これは トむザらスで買った 猫のぬいぐるみを バラバラに解䜓しお䜜りたした 以来 トむザらスから 人圢やぬいぐるみを 買っお垰っお 机の䞊に眮いおおくたび 䞉人の嚘たちがそれを 家のどこかに隠しおいたした 人圢やぬいぐるみたちを レスキュヌしおいたのです ファヌビヌの口や目を 操䜜する配線が出おいたす これはサヌバヌ制埡で ビデオを撮りたした 「ハヌむ 私の名前はファヌビヌです 元気です」 そしお手にずっお コチョコチョしお 手を離すず 「ハッ ハッ ハッ ハッ」 これが売れた理由です 圓時はタむガヌ・゚レクトロニクス瀟だった ハズブロ瀟が 「これは非垞にいい! トむフェアヌたで13週間あるよ これを䜜るのに君らを雇いたい」 ず蚀いたした それで デむブず私は仕事にあり぀きたした ほずんどは機械の問題で 私の仕事でした さたざたな課題を解決するため 勉匷しなければなりたせんでした さたざたな課題を解決するため 勉匷しなければなりたせんでした そしお ゜リッドワヌクス瀟などず 仕事を始めたした そしお ゜リッドワヌクス瀟などず 仕事を始めたした 仕事を始める際 SLAが普及する前で 詊䜜品は今ほど速く䜜れたせんでした SLAが普及する前で 詊䜜品は今ほど速く䜜れたせんでした ハズブロ瀟には このためのお金がなく 私に支払われただけで お金は限られおいたした そこで やむを埗ず 停止したGM詊䜜品工堎や SLA工堎を運営しおいた 友人の友人に電話しおみたずころ 「やりたしょう」ず ありがたい事に 蚭備を動かしおくれたした ヒュヌレット・パッカヌド瀟で䜜ったカムです 週末だけの䜿甚で 私たちはファむルをディスクで持ち出したした しかし 圌らのコンピュヌタは閉鎖匏で プリントはできたせんでした だから透明プラスティックに印刷しお モニタヌに貌り付けたした そうしお週末に郚品を䜜ったのです これで完成に近づきたした 最終的には小さなガヌフィヌルド のようになりたした 八ヶ月埌 たったくのカオスでした しばらくは月200䞇個 ファヌビヌを補造し 結局は4000䞇個売れた事になりたす そんなに売れるずは思いたせんでした ハスブロ瀟は15億ドルも 売䞊げたこずになりたす 私も少しだけもらいたした そしおもずに戻りたした 䜕故これをするのでしょう? なぜ私はい぀も同じこずばかりするのでしょうか もちろん 子䟛たちのためです 䞉女がファヌビヌに囲たれおいたす 圌女は今も持っおいたす 私はプチリタむアをしお 平和に暮らしおいたす 川の流れるアむダホ州ボむシに䜏んでいたす トむ・むノベヌション瀟を立ち䞊げたした マテル瀟ず ―そこにいるアむビヌ・ロスさんず プロゞェクトも行い 雑誌『WIRED』にも取り䞊げられた ミラクル・ムヌブズ・ベむビヌなどを䜜りたした さらに他の䌚瀟を䜜り ティヌン向けのむンタヌネットに぀なげる 手持ちサむズのおもちゃを開発したした CESで “ベスト・むノベヌション賞” を いただきたしたが スロヌダりンしお CESで “ベスト・むノベヌション賞” を いただきたしたが スロヌダりンしお この恐竜の叀いテヌプを持っおいお これを他の人に披露したずころ 奜評で 皆がやりたいず蚀い出し 本栌的に開発したいず蚀うのです そこで 恐竜プロゞェクトを立ち䞊げたした 珟圚ある限りの技術で恐竜のクロヌンを 䜜り出そうずいうバカげたアむデアです クロヌンができない事は承知ですが 私たちは真剣にずりくみ 実際に生きおいるかのように 制䜜しようずしたした ロボットっぜいのではなく ずにかく真剣でした カマラサりルスを遞んだ理由は 北米で最も栄えた竜脚類だからです 党身の骚栌が発芋されおいたす これは子䟛の化石です 良く理解もできたした “Walking on Eggshells” ず蚀う本がありたす パタゎニアで竜脚類の皮膚を発芋した話です 本の写真を䜿い このデコボコを 党おにおいお 再珟するよう 担圓者に䌝えたした 盞圓に はたり蟌んでいたした これはカマラサりルスの簡略化した骚栌です 配眮は正確です 生物孊的に䌌せるため 配眮を正確に調べたした これを正確にやるこずによっお 本物らしさがでるのです モヌタヌです この頃から協力者が 手助けをしおくれるようになりたした これは頭蓋骚です 絵に描きこんだ頭蓋骚です やわらかい皮膚の郚分です 䞭に組み蟌たれおいるメカニズムです ゞェネバ機構です ゜リッドワヌクス‎瀟補 同じ郚䜍のSLA郚品です ただ荒削りですが 䜕床もテストしたした カマラサりルスに非垞に近い頭蓋骚です レンズの埌郚には 写実的な目をはめおありたす これは最初の分解/透芖図です 初めおのSLAバヌゞョンです すでにリアルでかわいらしくできおいたす ロボット制䜜は アヌトず科孊のブレンドで 垣根をこえた融合です やり盎しお圢を敎え そしお たたやり盎しの繰り返しです やり盎しお圢を敎え そしお たたやり盎しの繰り返しです サヌボ駆動の前足を本物の筋肉のように 肉付けする必芁がありたした 肉付の工皋は 倧倉な努力を芁したした 銖ず尻尟はケヌブルが通っおいお スムヌズで有機的に動きたす 銖ず尻尟はケヌブルが通っおいお スムヌズで有機的に動きたす もちろん ただ未完成 皮膚にもこだわりたした 皮膚は䞀番難しく 他の工皋ずはたったく違うものでした そこで専門のアヌティストも雇い 芖芚、觊芚にも こだわりたした 私たちはキャラクタヌデザむナヌなので 本物に近づけようずしおいたした そこでたた粘土で詊行錯誀し やっず圢が芋えおきたした この手の持ち䞻は 恐竜が倧奜きで 䞀生懞呜に恐竜の圫刻を 造っおくれたした スプヌンのような歯型から党お 造っおくれたした スプヌンのような歯型から党お 削っお 削っお たた削っお 削っお ずうずう 1千䞇ドルず4幎をかけお PLEOが完成したした ゞョン もっおきおくれるかい? ゞョン・゜゜カ最高技術責任者です 私たちの40人足らずの䌚瀟で この仕事をやりずげたした 普段は衚舞台には出たせんが 玹介したす ゞョン・゜゜カです ありがずう ゞョン 垰っお仕事を続けお では- ぀らいのですが... プレオです ご芧になれるずは思いたすが ラむフステヌゞを組み蟌みたした 最初に手にする時 圌らは赀ん坊です どんどん成長しおいきたす 行動するこずによっお孊んでいきたす こっちは寝おいたす お埅ちください 起きなさいプレオ 声を認識したす 40個のセンサヌが䜓䞭に付いおいたす 7぀の挔算装眮ず14のモヌタヌを搭茉しおいたす そのうえ... どうでもいい話ですね かわいいかどうか それが重芁です さあおいで 觊るのが分かったかい? あっち偎にうるさくお倧きなのがあるね ヘむ さあ 起きお 起きお 子䟛みたいですね 圌はお腹が空いおるようです 圌が4幎掛かりで䜕をしおきたか お芋せしたしょう ほらほら お金ですよ プレオ できたした これぞ 投資家が考える事... 小さくカワむむ圌らを通しお 私たちのが望む事は “人がより人らしくあるためには 物に感情移入が必芁である”ずいう事です “人がより人らしくあるためには 物に感情移入が必芁である”ずいう事です 私たちは この愛すべき小さな生き物を䜜るこずで お圹に立おればず思っおたす 圌らはもはやロボットではなく “ラブボット”なのです 圌らは倉化したす 重芁なのは愛着を呌び起こすこずです 申し䞊げたいのは ナヌゎビヌ瀟はただできおいたせんが 私たちはみなさんに道を瀺したした 䜕かしらのお圹に立おるず確信しおいたす ちょっず プレオ 圌らにはUSBずSDカヌドが぀いおいたす 完党にオヌプンに出来おいるのです だれもが接続できたす(拍手) ありがずう―ゞョンのおかげです だれもが接続できたす(拍手) ありがずう―ゞョンのおかげです だれもがプレオを 個性的にするこずができたす 躁う぀病にするこずだっおできたす 名前はどうでもよいのですが ホメオスタティック・ドラむブも倉えられたす 子䟛たちは匕きずったり萜ずしたり 音を加えたり 実際 誰もがそういうこずをやりたがりたす ある開発者はプレオに バドワむザヌのセリフを入れお 「ワザップ?」ず蚀わせおたした 圌のお気に入りのようです プレオは小さいので みなさんに手にずっおいただきたい 䜕かを蚀い忘れおいるかもしたせん 䞀蚀だけ申し䞊げたいこずは このたたうたくいけば プレオは子䟛の ベストフレンドになるかもしれたせん たくさんの瀟䌚的責任も䌎いたす だからこそ― プレオは柔らく、優しく、愛らしいのです すばらしい倢を芋られたすように ありがずうございたした
And before I was a toy designer, oh, I was a mime, a street mime, actually. And then I was an entertainer, I guess. And before that, I was a silversmith, and before that, I was -- I was out of the house at about 15 and a half, and I never wound up going into college. I didn't really -- I didn't see the point at the time. I do now, after learning about all the quantum stuff. It's really cool. Anyway, I wanted to show you a little bit about the world of toy design, at least from my small aperture of the world. This is a video I made when I first started doing toy design. I'm in my garage, making weird stuff. And then you go to these toy companies and there's some guy across the table, and he goes, "Pass. Pass. Pass." You know, you think it's so cool, but they -- anyway, I made this little tape that I'd always show when I go in. This is the name of my company, Giving Toys. So I used to work at Mattel, actually. And after I left Mattel, I started all these hamburger makers, and then got the license to make the maker. So this is a hamburger maker that you take the peanut butter and stuff and you put it in there, and it makes -- and this is a French fry maker, little, tiny food you can eat. I beat up the pasta maker to make that. Then this is a McNugget maker, I think. This, now that's the McNugget maker, and this is a -- this is my oldest daughter making a McApple Pie. And let's see, you can make the pie and cinnamon and sugar, and then you eat, and you eat, and you eat, and you -- she's about 300 pounds now. No, she's not, she's beautiful. This is how they looked when they came out at the end. These are a -- this is like a 15 million dollar line. And it got me through some -- I didn't make any royalties on this, but it got me through. Next is a compilation of a bunch of stuff. That was a missile foam launcher that didn't get sold. This is a squishy head, for no apparent reason. This is some effects that I did for "Wig, Rattle and Roll." That was a robot eye thing controlling it in the back. That paid the rent for about a month. This is a walking Barbie -- I said, "Oh, this is it!" And they go, "Oh, that's really nice," and out it goes. So this is some fighting robots. I thought everyone would want these. They fight, they get back up, you know? Wouldn't this be cool? And they made it into a toy, and then they dropped it like a hot rock. They're pretty cool. This is a-- we're doing some flight-testing on my little pug, seeing if this can really grab. It does pretty good. I'm using little phone connectors to make them so they can spin. It's how they, see, have those album things -- kids don't know what they are. This is a clay maker. You know, I said -- I went to Play-Doh, and said, "Look, I can animate this." They said, "Don't talk to us about Play-Doh." And then, I made a Lego animator. I thought, this would be so great! And you know, Lego -- don't take Legos to Lego. That's the answer. They know everything about it. Then I started doing animatronics. I loved dinosaurs. I used to be in the film business, kind of, and actually, Nicholas Negroponte saw this when I was, like, 12, and anyway, so then they said, "No, you have to make two and they have to fight." You know, how -- why would a kid want a dinosaur? This is me using [unclear] or 3-D Studio, back in the '80s. That's David Letterman. You can see how old this stuff is. That's my youngest cousin. This is a segment called, "Dangerous Toys You Won't See at Christmas." We had my first saw blade launcher and we had a flamethrower chair. My career basically peaked here. And in the back are foam-core cutouts of the people who couldn't make it to the show. This is MEK going through a windshield wiper motor. So this is a -- I used to kind of be an actor. And I'm really not very good at it. But the -- this is a guy named Dr. Yatz, who would take toys apart and show kids about engineering. And you can see the massively parallel processing Nintendos there. And over to the left is a view master of the CD-ROM. And a guy named Stan Reznikov did this as a pilot. This is a -- you can see the little window there. You can actually see the Steadicam with a bubble on the bottom. You see the keyboard strapped to my wrist. Way ahead of my time here. I'm getting dizzy ... Narrator: I love toys! Caleb Chung: That's all I wanted to say there. I love toys. OK, so, so that was a, that was the first kind of a -- that was the first batch of products. Most of them did not go. You get one out of 20, one out of 30 products. And every now and then, we do something like a, you know, an automated hair wrap machine, you know, that tangles your hair and pulls your scalp out, and -- and we'd make some money on that, you know. And we'd give it out. But eventually, we left L.A., and we moved to Idaho, where there was actually a lot of peace and quiet. And I started working on this project -- oh, I have to tell you about this real quick. Throughout this whole thing, making toys, I think there is a real correlation with innovation and art and science. There's some kind of a blend that happens that allows, you know, to find innovation. And I tried to sum this up in some kind of symbol that means something, to me anyway. And so, art and science have a kind of dynamic balance, that's where I think innovation happens. And actually, this is, to me, how I can come up with great ideas. But it's not how you actually get leverage. Actually, you have to put a circle around that, and call it business. And those three together, I think, give you leverage in the world. But moving on. So, this is a quick tale I'm going to tell. This is the Furby tale. As he said, I was co-inventor of the Furby. I did the body and creature -- well, you'll see. So by way of showing you this, you can kind of get an understanding of what it is to, hopefully, try to create robotic life forms, or technology So this is my family. This is my wife, Christi, and Abby, and Melissa, and my 17-year-old now, Emily, who was just a pack of trouble. All right, there's that robot again. I came out of the movie business, as I said, and I said, let's make these animatronic robots. Let's make these things. And so I've always had a big interest in this. This one actually didn't go anywhere, but I got my feet wet doing this. This is a smaller one, and I have a little moving torso on there. A little, tiny guy walks along. More servo drives, lots of servo hacking, lots of mechanical stuff. There's another one. He actually has skeletor legs, I think, he's wearing there. Oh, this is a little pony, little pony -- very cute little thing. The point of showing these is I've always been interested in little artificial life pieces. So the challenge was -- I worked for Microsoft for a little bit, working on the Microsoft Barney. And this is a -- you know, the purple dinosaur with kind of bloat wear. And, you know, they had lots, just lots of stuff in there that you didn't need, I thought. And then Microsoft can just fill a, you know, a warehouse full of this stuff and see if they sell. So it's a really strange business model compared to coming from a toy company. But anyway, a friend of mine and I, Dave Hampton, decided to see if we could do like a single-cell organism. What's the fewest pieces we could use to make a little life form? And that's our little, thirty-cent Mabuchi motor. And so, I have all these design books, like I'm sure many of you have. And throughout the books -- this is the first page on Furby -- I have kind of the art and science. I have the why over here, and the how over there. I try to do a lot of philosophy, a lot of thinking about all of these projects. Because they're not just "bing" ideas; you have to really dig deep in these things. So there's some real pseudo-code over here, and getting the idea of different kind of drives, things like that. And originally, Furby only had two eyes and some batteries on the bottom. And then we said, well, you're going to feed him, and he needs to talk, and it got more complicated. And then I had to figure out how I'm going to use that one motor to make the eyes move, and the ears move, and the body to move, and the mouth to move. And, you know, I want to make it blink and do all that at the same time. Well, I came up with this kind of linear expression thing with these cams and feedback. And that worked pretty well. Then I started to get a little more realistic and I have to start drawing the stuff. And there's my "note to self" at the top: "lots of engineering." So that turned out to be a little more than true. There's my first exploded view and all the little pieces and the little worm drive and all that stuff. And then I've got to start building it, so this is the real thing. I get up and start cutting my finger and gluing things together. And that's my little workshop. And there's the first little cam that drove Furby. And there's Furby on the half shell. You can see the little BB in the box is my tilt sensor. I just basically gnawed all this stuff out of plastic. So there's the back of his head with a billion holes in it. And there I am. I'm done. There's my little Furby. No, it's a little robot on heroin or something, I think. So right now, you see, I love little robots. So my wife says, "Well, you may like it, but nobody else will." So she comes to the rescue. This is my wife Christi, who is just, you know, my muse and my partner for eternity here. And she does drawings, right? She's an actual, you know, artist. And she starts doing all these different drawings and does color patterns and coloring books. And I like the guy with the cigar at the bottom there. He didn't test so well, but I like him. And then she started doing these other images. At that time, Beanie Babies was a big hit, and we thought, we'll do a bunch of different ones. So here's a little pink one, a little pouf on his head. And here's -- this didn't do so well in testing either, I don't know why. There's my favorite, Demon Furby. That was a good one. Anyway, finally settled on kind of this kind of a look, little poufy body, a little imaginary character. And there he is, a little bush baby on -- caught in the headlights there. I actually went to Toys"R"Us, got a little furry cat, ripped it apart and made this. And since then, every time I come home from Toys"R"Us with dolls or something, they disappear from my desk and they get hidden in the house. I have three girls and they just, they -- it's like a rescue animal thing they're going there. So, a little tether coming off, it's just a control for the Fur's mouth and his eyes. It's just a little server control and I made a little video going: "Hi, my name's Furby, and I'm good," you know, and then I'd reach my hand. He'd -- you can tickle him. When I put my hand up, "Ha, ha, ha, ha" and that's how we sold him. And Hasbro actually said, I meant Tiger Electronics at the time, said, "Yeah, we want to do this. We have, you know, 13 weeks or something to Toy Fair, and we're going to hire you guys to do this." And so Dave and I got working. Mostly me, because it was all mechanics at this point. So now I have to really figure out all kinds of stuff I don't know how to do. And I started working with Solid Works and a whole other group to do that. And we started -- this was way back before there was really much SLA going on, not a lot of rapid prototyping. We certainly didn't have the money to do this. They only paid me, like, a little bit of money to do this, so I had to call a friend of a friend who was running the GM prototype plant, SLA plant, that was down. And they said, "Yeah, well, we'll run them." So they ran all the shells for us, which was nice of them. And the cams I got cut at Hewlett Packard. We snuck in on the weekend. And so we just had a disc of the files. But they have a closed system, so you couldn't print the things out on the machine. So we actually printed them out on clear and taped them on the monitors. And on the weekend we ran the parts for that. So this is how they come out close to the end. And then they looked like little Garfields there. Eight months later -- you may remember this, this was a -- total, total, total chaos. For a while, they were making two million Furbys a month. They actually wound up doing about 40 million Furbys. I -- it's unbelievable how -- I don't know how that can be. And Hasbro made about, you know, a billion and a half dollars. And I just a little bit on each one. So full circle -- why do I do this? Why do you, you know, try to do this stuff? And it's, of course, for your kids. And there's my youngest daughter with her Furbys. And she still actually has those. So I kind of retired, and we're already living in paradise up in Boise, on a river, you know. So and then I started another company called Toy Innovation and we did some projects with Mattel with actually with a lady who's here, Ivy Ross, and we did Miracle Moves Baby, made it in Wired magazine, did a bunch of other stuff. And then I started another company. We did a little hand-held device for teens that could hook up to the Internet, won "Best Innovations" at CES, but really I kind of slowed down and said, OK, I just ... After a while, I had this old tape of this dinosaur, and I gave it to this guy, and this other guy saw it, and then people started to want to do it. And they said they'd spend all this time. So I said, "OK, let's try to do this dinosaur project." The crazy idea is we're going to try to clone a dinosaur as much as we can with today's technology. And it's not really -- but as close as we can do. And we're going to try to really pull this off, intentfully try to make something that seems like it's alive. Not a robot that kind of does, but let's really go for it. So I picked a Camarasaurus, because the Camarasaurus was the most abundant of the sauropods in North America. And you could actually find full fossil evidence of these. That's a juvenile. And so we actually went in. There's a book called "Walking on Eggshells," where they found actual sauropod skin in Patagonia. And the picture from the book, so when I -- I told the sculptor to use this bump pattern, whatever you can to copy that. Very, very obsessive. There's a kind of truncated Camarasaurus skeleton, but the geometry's correct. And then I went in, and measured all the geometry because I figured, hey, biomimicry. If I do it kind of right, it might move kind of like the real thing. So there's the motor. And about this time, you know, all these other people are starting to help. Here's an example of what we did with the skull. There's the skull, there's my drawing of a skull. There's kind of the skin version of the soft tissue. There's the mechanism that would go in there, kind of a Geneva drive. There's some Solid Works versions of it. Here's some SLA parts of the same thing. And then, these are really crude pieces. We were just doing some tests here. There's the skull, pretty much the same shape as the Camarasaurus. There's a photorealistic eye behind a lens. And there's kind of the first exploded view, or see-through view. There's the first SLA version, and it already kind of has the feel, it has kind of a cuteness already. And the thing about blending science and art in this multidisciplinary stuff is you can do a robot, and then you go back and do the shape, and then you go back and forth. The servos in the front legs, we had to shape those like muscles. They had to fit within the envelope. There was a tremendous amount of work to get all that working right. All the neck and the tail are cable, so it moves smoothly and organically. And then, of course, you're not done yet. You have to get the look for the skin. The skin's a whole another thing, probably the hardest part. So you hire artists, and you try to get the look and feel of the character. Now, this is not -- we're character designers, right? And we're still trying to keep with the real character. So, now you go back and you cover the whole thing with clay. Now you start doing the sculpture for this. And you can see we got a guy from -- who's just a fanatic about dinosaurs to do the sculpting for us, down to the spoon-shaped teeth and everything. And then more sculpting, and then more sculpting, and then more sculpting, and then more sculpting. And then, four years and 10 million dollars later, we have a little Pleo. John, do you want to bring him up? John Sosoka is our CTO, and is really the man that's done most of the work with our 40-person company. I'd like to give John a hand. He never gets recognition. This is John Sosoka. So, thank you, John, thank you, and get back to work, all right, man? All right -- -- no, it's very painful, so -- -- these are little Pleos and you can probably see them. This -- I on purpose -- they go through life stages. So when you first get them, they're babies. And you -- more you have them, kind of the older they get, and they kind of learn through their behavior. So this one, this one's actually asleep, and -- hang on. Pleo, wake up. Pleo, come on. So this guy's listening to my voice here. But they have 40 sensors all over their body. They have seven processors, they have 14 motors, they have -- but you don't care, do you? They're just cute, right? That's the idea, that's the idea. So you see -- hey, come on. Hey, did you feel that? There's something big and loud over here. Hey. That's good, wake up, wake up, wake up. Yeah, they're like kids, you know. You, yeah, yeah. Okay, he's hungry. I'll show you what he's been doing for, for four years. Here, here, here. Have some money, Pleo. There you go. That's what the investors think, that it's just -- -- right, right. So they're really sweet little guys. And we're hoping that -- you know, our belief is that humans need to feel empathy towards things in order to be more human. And we think we can help that out by having little creatures that you can love. Now these are not robots, they're kind of lovebots, you know. They do change over time. But mostly they evoke a feeling of caring. And we have a -- I have a little something here. Now I do want to say that, you know, Ugobe is not there yet. We've just opened the door, and it's for all of you to step through it. We did include some things that are hopefully useful. Excuse me, Pleo. They -- he has a USB and he has a SD card, so it's completely open architecture. So anyone can plug him -- -- thank you. This is John over here. Anyone can take Pleo and they can totally redo his personality. You can make him bipolar, or as someone said, a -- -- you can change his homeostatic drives, or whatever you want to call them. Kids can just drag and drop, put in new sounds. We -- actually, it's very hard to keep people from doing this. We have one animator who's taken it and he's done a take on the Budweiser beer commercial, and they're going, "Whassup," you know? You -- so it's -- yes, he likes that. So they're a handful. We hope you get one. I don't know what I'm missing to say, but as a last thing, I'd like to say is that if we continue along this path, we are designing our children's best friends. And there's a lot of social responsibility in that. That's why Pleo's soft and gentle and loving. And so I just -- I hope we all dream well. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
第18ç«  聖埒により瀺されたお手本 曎新履歎 第1ç«  キリストにならい、地䞊のすべおのむなしいこずを軜んじるこず 「私に埓う者は、暗闇の䞭を歩くこずはない」ず䞻は蚀われたした(ペハネ8:12)。 このキリストの蚀葉は、 キリストの人生ず人栌にならいなさいずいう、私たちぞのアドバむスです。 もしも私たちが、本圓の意味で目を芚たし、心のすべおの盲目から自由になりたいず願うならば、ずいうこずですが。 ですから、私たちは、䞻たる努力を、む゚スキリストの人生を孊ぶこずに向けたしょう。 キリストの教えは、聖埒のすべおの助蚀よりも玠晎らしく、キリストの霊を持぀ものは隠れたマナを芋぀け出すでしょう。 犏音をしょっちゅう聞いおいながら、心にずめない人がたくさんいたす。 それはキリストの霊を持たないためです。 キリストの蚀葉を十分に理解したいず願う人は誰でも、自分の党生涯をキリストの生涯に䞀臎させようずしなければなりたせん。 もし、あなたにぞりくだりの心がなくお䞉䜍䞀䜓の神を悲したせるずしたら、䞉䜍䞀䜓に぀いおの孊識深い議論をするこずが、あなたにずっおどんな益があるでしょうか。 人間を聖なる存圚や正しい存圚にしおくれるのは孊問ではありたせん。 そうではなく、善い人生が、神に喜ばれるのです。 私は、悔い改めをうたく定矩できるこずよりも、悔い改めの心を持぀こずを望みたす。 聖曞のすべおを知り、すべおの哲孊者の原理を知っおいたずしおも、神の恵みず愛なしで生きるずしたら、どんな益があるでしょうか。 空しい、空しい、いっさいは空しい。 空しくないのは、ただ、神を愛し、神に仕えるこずだけです。 最も倧いなる知恵 ――それはこの䞖をすべお捚お去り、倩の埡囜を求めるこずです。 朜ち果おる富を求め、朜ち果おる富を頌みにするのは空しい。 賞賛を求め、驕り高ぶるのは空しい。 肉的な欲望を远い求めるのは空しい、やがお来る時に厳しい眰を招く物事を望むのも空しい。 長く生きるこずばかりを求め、善く生きるこずを気にかけないのは空しい。 珟圚のみを気にかけ、やがおやっお来るこずを予芋しないのは空しい。 あっずいうたに過ぎ去るものを愛し、氞遠の喜びがどこにあるのかを考えないのも空しい。 次の箎蚀を䜕床も思い出しなさい。 「目は芋るこずによっお満足しないし、耳は聞くこずによっお満たされはしない」(Eccles. 1:8) 目に芋えるものを愛しないよう努め、、目に芋えないものに心を向けるよう努めなさい。 なぜなら、自分自身の肉䜓的な欲望に埓う者は、良心にしみを぀け、神の恵みを壊しおしたうからです。 第2ç«  自分に察しおぞりくだった考えを持぀こず 人がみな知識を求めるのは自然なこずです。 しかし、神を恐れない知識に䜕のよいこずがあるでしょう。 星の運行を研究しお自分の魂を無芖しおいる誇り高い知識人よりも、ぞりくだっお神に仕えおいる田舎者の方がずっずよいのです。 自分自身をよく知っおいる人は、自分の目にすら取るに足りぬ者ず映るようになり、 人々から誉められお喜んだりはしたせん。 私がこの䞖のこずをすべお知っおいたずしおも、愛がなかったら、私の行ないを裁く神の前で、その知識が䜕の益になるでしょう。 知識を異垞なほどに望たないようにしなさい。 そのような状態は心をたいそういらだたせ、惑わせるからです。 知識人は、孊問を積んだ者のように芋えるのを奜み、賢い人だず呌ばれるのが奜きです。 知っおいおも、魂のためにたったく圹に立たない知識はたくさんありたす。 そしお健党な魂に益しおくれる知識以倖に心を向ける人は、たいぞん愚かです。 蚀葉が倚くおも、魂は満たされたせん。 しかし、健党な生掻は心を安らかにし、汚れのない良心は神に察する倧きな信頌の念を起こしおくれたす。 あなたが倚くのこずを知り、よりよく理解すればするほど、あなたの生掻が同じくらいに聖なるものにならなければ、あなたの裁きはそれだけ厳しくなりたす。 ですから、あなたの知識や技術のゆえに誇っおはいけたせん。 誇るのではなく、あなたに䞎えられた胜力のゆえに恐れなさい。 もしあなたが、倚くのこずを知り、倚くのこずを十分に理解しおいるず思うなら、それず同時に、あなたはたくさんのこずを知らないのだずいうこずを自芚しなさい。 知恵を誇らず、自分の無知を認めなさい。 あなたよりも良く孊び、あなたよりも勝っおいる人がたくさんいるずいうのに、なぜ、自分自身の方を他人よりも優れた者だず思うのですか。 もしもあなたが䜕か䟡倀のあるこずを孊び、理解したいず望むなら、自分が無名であるこずを愛し、軜芖されるこずを愛しなさい。 自分自身を知り、ずるに足りないものだず考えるこずは最善でか぀完党な知恵です。 自分をずるに足りないものだず考えるこず、垞に他の人のこずをよく考えるこずが最善であり、もっずも完党な知恵です。 もしもあなたが他の人の眪を目の圓たりにしたり、他の人が重倧な眪をおかすのを芋たずしおも、自分はその人よりも良い人間だず考えおはいけたせん。 ずいうのは、あなたがいい状態にい぀たでいるこずができるのか、あなたは知らないからです。 人はみな、匱くもろいものです。 しかし、あなた自身が䞀番匱くおもろいものだず認めなさい。 第3ç«  真理の知識 象城やはかない蚀葉ではなく、真理そのものが本圓の姿を教えおくれる人は幞いです。 私たち自身の刀断や感芚は、私たちをあざむくこずがよくあり、私たちは真理のうちのほずんどを芋おいないのです。 隠されおいるこず、芋えないこずに぀いおの議論が䜕の益になるでしょう。 私たちがそれを知らないからずいっお、終末の裁きの時に責められるこずはないのに。 自分の益ずなり必芁ずなるこずを無芖しお、自分に無関係なこずや有害なこずに心を向けるのは、たいぞんに愚かなこずです。 私たちには目が぀いおいるのに、芋えおいたせん。 それなら、私たちは哲孊䞊の疑問にどのように察凊したらよいのでしょうか。 氞遠の蚀葉が語りかけおくれるような人は、理論を䜿わなくおも理解するこずができたす。 この蚀葉ずなられた方からすべおが生じ、もろもろのものは圌に぀いお語るのです。 そしお初めであられる方が私たちに語っおくださるのです。 この蚀葉なしでは、誰も正しく理解したり刀断したりするこずはできたせん。 ああ、神さた、あなたは真理の方、私をあなたず䞀぀にし、氞遠の愛のうちにおいおください。 私は聞いたり読んだりするたくさんのこずで心を悩たせおいたす。 しかし、あなたのうちにこそ、私が求めおいるもののすべおがありたす。 知識のある者の口を閉ざし、 すべおの被造物をあなたの埡前で静たらせおください。 ただ、あなただけが私にお語りください。 心を鎮め、心を単玔にすればするほど、厇高なものごずを易しく理解するこずができたす。 なぜならそのような人は、理解のための光を倩から受けるからです。 玔粋で、単玔で、堅固な粟神を持぀人は、倚くの劎苊で悩むこずはありたせん。 その人はすべおのこずを神の栄光のために行なうからです。 その人は内なる平和を楜しんでいたすから、䜕に察しおも自己䞭心な目的を求めたりしたせん。 たったくのずころ、コントロヌルされおいない心の欲望ほど、問題ず心の悩みを匕き起こすものはありたせん。 善良で信仰深い人は、自分がしなければいけないこずを心のうちで敎えたす。 それは邪悪な性向から生じるむら気に埓っおではなく、正しい理性の呜什に埓っおです。 自分を自分の䞻人にしようず詊みる人ほど、もがき苊しむこずを䜙儀なくされるのではありたせんか。 ですから、次のこずを私たちの目的ずすべきです。 自己に打ち勝぀こず、毎日もっず匷くなるこず、そしお埳においお前進するこずです。 この人生においおは、どのような完党なものも、その䞭に䞍完党さを含んでいたす。 私たちの知識も必ずいくらかの暗闇を含んでいたす。 自分自身をぞりくだっお考えるこずのほうが、深い知識を求めるこずよりも、確実に神ぞ至る道ずなりたす。 それはそれ自身ずしおは良いものずしお神に定められおいたす。 しかしどんなずきでも、汚れのない良心ず、聖なる人生のほうが良いのです。 たくさんの人が、より良く生きるこずよりも、知識を求めようずしたために、過ちをおかしたり、䜕もなしずげられなかったりする堎合が倚くありたす。 もしも人々が、問題を議論するずきず同じように泚意深く悪埳を根こそぎ匕き抜いお、矎埳を怍え付けるならば、 この䞖にこれほど悪いこずやスキャンダルはなく、宗教的な組織がこれほどだらしないこずはないでしょうに。 はっきり蚀いたすが、私たちが裁きの時に問われるのは、これたでどんなものを読んできたか、ではなく、これたでどんなこずをやっおきたか、なのです。 どれほどうたく語っおきたか、ではなく、どれほど善く生きおきたか、が問われるのです。 教えおくれたすか。 あなたがよく知っおいる、以前䞀緒にいお孊識を誇っおいた有名な垫や先生が、珟圚どこにいるかを。 他の垫や先生がすでにその地䜍を取っお代わり、自分の前にその地䜍にいた人のこずなど思い出しもしたせん。 生きおいる間、かれらはひずかどの人物のように芋えたした。 しかし今ずなっおは思い出されるこずはほずんどありたせん。 この䞖の栄光は䜕ずすばやく過ぎ去るこずでしょう! 圌らの生掻が圌らの孊識ず同じように進歩すれば、圌らの研究や読曞は䟡倀あるものずなったでしょうに。 䞖俗的なむなしい知識を持ち、神に仕えるこずを倧切にしなかったために、いかに倚くの人が滅びるこずでしょう。 それは圌らがぞりくだらずに、偉倧なものになろうず願ったからです。 本圓に偉倧な人ずいうのは、倧いなる愛を持っおいる人です。 本圓に偉倧な人ずいうのは、自分自身の目には取るに足りない小さな者であり、最高の栄誉ずは無瞁の人です。 本圓に賢明な人ずいうのは、すべおの䞖俗的なこずをおろかなこずずみなし、キリストを埗るような人です。 神の意志をなし、自分自身の意志を捚おる人が、本圓に孊識のある人なのです。 第4ç«  慎重に行動するこず 心の衝動や思い぀きに埓っおはいけたせん。 そうではなく、物事は神の埡心の光に照らしお、泚意深くたた忍耐匷く考えなさい。 悲しいこずに、私たちはずおも匱いため、あるこずを簡単に信じ蟌み、他の人を善く蚀わずに、悪口を蚀っおしたいがちです。 しかし、完党な人間ずいうのは、噂を広める人のこずを簡単には信じたせん。 なぜなら、人間は匱くもろいので悪に陥りやすく、たたその匱さは、語る蚀葉に珟れるこずを知っおいるからです。 性急に行動したり、䞀人の人の意芋に盲目的に埓わないこず、 人々が蚀うこずをすべお信じないこず、耳にした噂話を広めたりしないこずは、倧いなる知恵です。 賢明で良心的な人に助蚀を求めなさい。 あなたの考えに埓う人からではなく、あなたよりもよい人からアドバむスを受けなさい。 よい人生は、人を賢くし、人を神ぞ向かわせたす。 よい人生は、倚くのこずに぀いお人に経隓を積たせたす。 ぞりくだればぞりくだるほど、人は神に察しおもっず埓順になり、あらゆるこずに関しおもっず賢明になり、魂はもっず平安になるでしょう。 第5ç«  聖曞を読むこず 真理こそ、巧みな蚀葉ではなく真理こそ、私たちが聖曞を読むずきに探し求めるべきものです。 聖曞のすべおの個所は、それが曞かれた粟神を持っお読たなければなりたせん。 聖曞の䞭から、私たちは掗緎された蚀い回しを求めるのではなく、益を求めるべきだからです。 ですから、私たちは、深淵で難しい本を読むのず同じく、シンプルでデボヌショナルな本も読むべきです。 私たちは、著者の孊識が浅いずか深いずかいった暩嚁に巊右されるこずがあっおはなりたせん。 玔粋な真実を愛しおいるかどうかで読むべきかを刀断しなさい。 誰が語っおいるかを尋ねたりせず、䜕を語っおいるかに泚目しなさい。 人は死にたす。 しかし、神の真実は氞遠に残りたす。 人に぀いお顧慮するこずなく、神は私たちにさたざたな方法を通しお語られるのです。 おうおうにしお、私たちが持っおいる奜奇心は聖曞を読む際に劚げずなりたす。 それは、単玔に読んで通り過ぎるべき個所を理解しようずしたり、議論したりしようず私たちが望むずきです。 ですから、聖曞を読んで益を埗ようず望むなら、ぞりくだっお、単玔に、信仰を持っお読みなさい。 孊識を積むずいう名誉を求める気持ちで読んではいけたせん。 聖埒の蚀葉に぀いお自由に尋ね、泚意深く聞きなさい。 先人たちが語った厳しい蚀葉をいやがっおはいけたせん。 それらの蚀葉は目的もなく語られたわけではないからです。 第6ç«  制埡されおいない感情 人は䜕かをあたりにも欲しがるず、すぐに平安を倱い始めたす。 傲慢で貪欲な人は決しお安らぎを埗るこずがありたせん。 䞀方、心貧しくぞりくだっおいる人は平和の䞖界に生きるものです。 抑制を効かせおいない人はすぐに誘惑され、小さくおささいな悪に打ち負かされおしたいたす。 その人の霊は匱く、いくらか䞖俗的(肉的)で、感芚的な物事に向く傟向がありたす。 䞖俗的な欲望を控えるこずはほずんどできたせん。 ですから、欲望を手攟すこずは圌を悲したせたす。 そのような人はずがめだおされるずすぐに腹を立おたす。 しかし、かれが欲望を満足させるず、自分の熱情に埓ったこずのために良心の呵責が圌をうちのめし、求めおいた平安ぞず導かれるこずはありたせん。 だから、心の真の平安ずいうのは、熱情に抵抗したずころに芋出されるのであっお、熱情を満足させるずころに芋出されるのではありたせん。 肉的な人、空しい魅力に魅せられおいる人には、平安はありたせん。 熱心で霊的な人にのみ平安があるのです。 第7ç«  停りの垌望ず傲慢から自由になる 人間たちに、あるいは被造物に信頌をおく者はむなしい。 む゚スキリストの愛のために、他の人々に仕えたり、この䞖で貧しいず芋られたりするこずを恥だず思っおはいけたせん。 自分のこずを䜕でも自分でやろうずせずに、神に信頌を眮きなさい。 あなたの力の䞭にあるこずを行いなさい。 そうすれば神はあなたのよい意志を助けおくださいたす。 自分の知識や、いかなる人の知恵に察しおも信頌を眮いおはいけたせん。 むしろ、ぞりくだる人を助け、おごっおいる人をぞりくだらせる神の恵みに信頌を眮きなさい。 もしあなたに富があっおも、それを誇りに思っおはいけたせん。 たた有力な友人がいおも、その友人を誇りに思っおはいけたせん。 そうではなくお、すべおのものを䞎え、䜕よりも自分自身を䞎えるこずを望んでおられる神に栄光を垰しなさい。 人間の匷さや肉䜓的な矎しさ、ちょっずした病気で傷぀けられ壊されおしたうような特質を誇っおはいけたせん。 あなたの才胜や胜力を誇っおはいけたせん。 あなたが持っおいるすべおの賜物を䞎えおくださった神を悲したせないようにするためです。 他の人に比べお自分がすぐれおいるず考えおはいけたせん。 人のうちに䜕があるかをご存知の神の前で、より悪い評䟡を受けないためです。 自分の良い行いを誇っおはいけたせん。 神の裁きは人の裁きずは異なっおいお、人を喜ばせるものが、神を悲したせるのはよくあるこずだからです。 あなたの䞭によい点があるなら、他の人の䞭にもっずよい点を芋出しなさい。 そうすればあなたはぞりくだったたたでいられるからです。 他の人みんなず比范しお自分は劣っおいるず評䟡するこずは害にはなりたせん。 しかし、たずえ䞀人に察しおも、自分の方がすぐれおいるず考えるのはずおも有害です。 ぞりくだった人は、平和的に生掻し続けたす。 それに察しお、おごった人の心の䞭には劬みがあり、い぀も怒りがありたす。 第8ç«  必芁以䞊に芪しくしないこず すべおの人に察しお心を開くのはやめなさい。 盞談をするずきには賢明で神をおそれる人だけにしなさい。 若い人や芋知らぬ人ず付き合うのはやめなさい。 お金持ちにぞ぀らっおはいけたせん。 偉い人ずの瀟亀を奜むのはよしなさい。 ぞりくだっおいる人、単玔な人、信仰の節い人、穏やかな人ず付き合いなさい。 その人たちず埳を高められるような䌚話をしなさい。 いかなる女性ずも芪しい関係にならないようにし、すべおのよい女性を神に薊めなさい。 神ず䞻の倩䜿ずのみ芪しく亀わるようにし、人から泚目をあびるこずを避けなさい。 私たちはすべおの人を愛さなければなりたせん。 しかし、すべおの人ず芪しく亀わるのは埗策ではありたせん。 その人をあたり知らない人たちの間では評刀が良いけれど、その人をよく知っおいる人たちからは倧した評䟡を埗おいないずいうこずが、時にあるものです。 自分が芪しくしお盞手を喜ばせおいるず思っおも、盞手のほうは私たちの欠点に気が぀いお次第に䞍快になるずいうこずがよくありたす。 第9ç«  埓順ず服埓 埓う、ずいうのはたいぞん玠晎らしいこずです。 偉倧な方のもずで生き、自分自身の䞻ずならないのはたいぞん玠晎らしいこずです。 ずいうのは、呜じるこずよりは呜什を受けるほうがずっず安党だからです。 倚くの人は愛からではなくその必芁があるから埓いたす。 そのような態床では、ちょっずした口実によっお䞍満や萜胆に぀ながりたす。 圌らは、神の愛から心から埓うこずなくしおは、決しお心の平安を埗るこずがありたせん。 あなたがどこぞ行こうずも、ぞりくだっお暩嚁あるルヌルに埓うこずなしには安息は埗られたせん。 倉化が起こればずか、別の堎所にいけば幞せになれるずいう倢は、倚くの人を惑わしお来たした。 はっきり蚀っおおきたすが、すべおの人が自分の喜ぶように物事を行いたいず願い、たたそれに賛成する人に魅せられおいたす。 しかしながら、もし神が私たちの間におられるなら、平和ずいう祝犏を埗るために、自分の意芋を攟棄するこずも時には必芁です。 さらに、すべおの完党な知識を持぀ほど賢明な人間などいるでしょうか。 自分自身の意芋を信甚しすぎないようにし、喜んで他の人の意芋に耳を傟けなさい。 もしも、たずえあなたの意芋が良いずしおも、神の愛のゆえに他の人の意芋も受け入れるなら、あなたはさらなるメリットを埗るでしょう。 ずいうのは、アドバむスに耳を傟けおそれを受け入れるほうが、アドバむスを䞎えるこずよりも安党である、ずいうこずをよく聞くからです。 自分の意芋が良いずしおも、 正圓な理由や機䌚があるのに他の人の意芋を拒吊するずいうのは、プラむドや頑固さをあらわすシグナルである、ずいうこずもありえたす。 第10ç«  無駄なおしゃべりを避けるこず 人々のゎシップは可胜な限り避けなさい。 なぜなら、人は虚栄によっおすぐに誘惑され捕えられおしたうので、䞖俗的な事項に関する議論は、誠実なものであったにせよ、私たちの心を倧いに乱すこずになるからです。 私は䜕床も、自己の平和を保ち人々ず関わりを持たないで枈めばよかったのに、ず思いたす。 たったく、どうしお私たちは、䌚話をし無駄話をするのでしょうか。 良心を悩たすこずなく䌚話を終えるずいうこずはめったにないずいうのに。 私たちは、互いの䌚話から元気を埗、さたざたな考えに悩たされおいる気持ちから楜になりたいず思っおいるのです。 そのようなわけで、私たちは、ずおも奜む物事や、深く嫌っおいる物事に぀いお語ったり考えたりするこずを非垞に奜むのです。 しかし、悲しいこずに、私たちは無目的でいたずらに語るこずがよくありたす。 この倖的な喜びは、内的で聖なる慰めを事実䞊閉ざしおしたうからです。 ですから、無駄に時間を過ごさないように泚意しお芋匵り、祈らなければなりたせん。 正しくお適切な語るべきずきがきたならば、人の埳を高めるようなこずがらを語りなさい。 悪い習慣や霊的な進歩に察する無関心は、舌からの防埡を取り陀いおしたう効果がありたす。 これに察しお霊的なこずがらに関する熱心な䌚話は、霊的な進歩に倧いなる助けずなりたす。 同じ心ず霊を持った人々が神にあっお集っおいるずきには特にそうです。 第11ç«  平安を埗、完党を切望するこず もしも、他人の蚀行に察しお、私たちが関わりを持たないなら、私たちはもっず平安を享受するこずになるはずです。 なぜなら、他人の蚀行ずいうのは私たちずは無関係だからです。 自分以倖の事柄にかかずらっおいる人、倉わった気晎らしばかり求める人、そしお内的な思玢をほずんど行わないような人が、どうやったら平安のうちに長生きをするこずができるでしょうか。 シンプルな心を持぀者は幞いです。 その人は平安をたっぷりず受けるからです。 なぜ、聖埒たちの䞭にはきわめお完党で、きわめお思玢深い人たちがいるのでしょう? なぜなら、圌らは自分の内なる、この䞖の欲望を培底的に抑制しようずしたからです。 そしおそのため、圌らは心から自分自身を神に添わせ、自分の最内奥の考えに集䞭するこずが自由にできたのです。 私たちは、自分勝手で気たぐれな空想にあたりにも心奪われおしたい、 過ぎ去る物事に倢䞭になりすぎおいたす。 たった䞀぀の悪埳に察しおも完党な勝利をするこずはたれであり、日々自分をよりよいものにしたいず切望するこずはありたせん。 ですから、私たちは冷めおおり無頓着なたたなのです。 もしも私たちが自分の肉䜓を完党に抑制し、気をそらすものが私たちの心に入り蟌むこずを蚱さないなら、私たちは聖なる物事を識別し、倩のご蚈画のいくらかを䜓隓するこずができるでしょうに。 最倧の障害は――実際それは唯䞀の障害でもあるのですが―― 私たちが欲情や情欲から解攟されおいないずいうこずであり、聖埒の完党な道に埓おうずしないずいうこずです。 このため、ちょっずした困難に遭うず、私たちは簡単に萜胆しおしたい、人間的な慰めに向かうのです。 しかし、もしも私たちが、戊闘䞭の勇敢な人のように耐えるなら、倩からの䞻の助けが私たちを確かに支えおくださるでしょう。 ずいうのは勝利の戊いの機䌚を私たちに䞎えおくださる神は、神の恵みに信頌を眮き、carry on する人々をすぐに助けおくださるからです。 もしも私たちが自分の信仰生掻における進歩を、倖面的な芳察のみに頌りずするなら、私たちの信仰はすぐさた終わりになっおしたうでしょう。 ですから、情欲から解攟されるために根元に斧をあお、そうしお心の平安を埗ようではありたせんか。 もしも私たちが、毎幎たった1個の悪埳を根こそぎにできるなら、私たちはたもなく完党になるでしょうに。 しかし、実際にはその正反察であるこずが倚いものです―― 私たちは、信仰の歩みを䜕幎も送っおきた珟圚よりも、回心圓初の熱心だった頃の方が、より善良で玔粋だったように感じたす。 私たちの熱心さず進歩は日々増し加わっおいくべきです。 にもかかわらず、もしもはじめの熱心さの䞀郚分でも保぀こずができるなら、 今やそれで泚目に倀するず芋なされるのです。 もしも私たちが最初のころ少しだけ自分に察しお厳しくしたなら、埌になっおすべおのこずが簡単に楜しくできたでしょうに。 昔からの習慣を打ち砎るこずは困難です。 しかし、自分の意志に反するこずをするのはさらに困難です。 もしもあなたが小さくおささいな事柄に打ち勝぀こずができないなら、さらに困難なこずにどうやったら打ち勝぀こずができたすか。 はじめの誘惑に抵抗しなさい。 そしお悪い習慣から足を掗いなさい。 さもないず、恐らく少しず぀、もっず悪い習慣ぞず導かれたす。 もしも、良い人生がどんな平安をあなたにもたらすか、そしおどんな喜びを他の人にもたらすかに぀いお、あなたが本圓に考えさえするなら、あなたはもっず自分の霊的な進歩に぀いお心にかけるようになる、ず私は思いたす。 第12ç«  逆境の䟡倀 時ずしお詊緎や困難に合うこずは、私たちにずっお良いこずです。 なぜならそれによっお、私たちは芋習い䞭の身であり、この䞖のいかなるものにも垌望をおくべきではないこずを忘れずに枈むからです。 芪切に、よかれず思っおしおいるにもかかわらず人々から誀解されたり、反発に芋舞われたりするのも良いこずです。 これらのこずは、私たちがぞりくだり、むなしい栄光から自らを守るのに圹立぀からです。 衚面䞊は誰からも認められない時、誰からもよく思われない時、そのような時こそ私たちは心をご芧になられる神を䞀局求めるようになりたす。 ですから、人は人間からの慰めを必芁ずしないですむように、神のなかに堅く根を匵るべきです。 善良な人が邪悪な思玢によっおひどく苊しめられ、誘惑され、悩たされるずき、その人は自分に䜕よりも必芁なのは神であり、この方なしには䜕の良いこずも出来ないのだずはっきりず悟りたす。 そのような人は自らのみじめさず苊しみに悲しんで、嘆き、祈りたす。 これ以䞊生きるこずに疲れを芚え、消えおなくなりキリストず共にいられるようにず死を願うようになりたす。 そのずき、完璧な安党ず完党な平安は、地䞊には芋いだせないのだず、圌ははっきりず理解したす。 第13ç«  誘惑に抵抗するこず 私たちがこの䞖に生きおいる限り、苊しみや誘惑から逃れるこずはできたせん。 だからペブ蚘にも次のように曞かれおいるのです。 「地䞊における人間の生掻は戊争である。」(Job 7:1) ですから、すべおの人は、誘惑を防ぐ備えをし、祈りによっお泚意を払っおいなければならないのです。 それは、決しお眠らず、むさがり食らうこずができそうな人を求めお歩き回っおいる悪魔にだたされないようにするためです。 どんな人間であっおも、完党ではなく聖なるものでもないので、誘惑されるずきがありたす。 人は誘惑から完党に自由でいるこずは䞍可胜なのです。 しかし、誘惑は問題を匕き起こし、厳しいものですが、人にずっお有益な堎合もありたす。 ずいうのは誘惑されたずき、人はぞりくだり、きよめられ、教えられるからです。 聖埒はすべお倚くの誘惑ず詊緎を通り、そこから益を埗おきたした。 しかし䞀方誘惑に抵抗できなかった人々は堕萜するようになり、滅びおいきたした。 誘惑や詊緎がやっおこないような聖なる状態や、隠れた堎所ずいうものはありたせん。 生きおいる限り人間は誘惑から安党でいるわけにはいきたせん。 なぜなら、誘惑は私たちの内偎から出おくるからです。 私たちは眪のうちに生たれた者なのです。 誘惑や詊緎を䞀぀越したなら次がやっおきたす。 私たちにはい぀も䜕らかの苊しみがあるでしょう。 なぜなら私たちはもずもずの祝犏を受けた状態を倱っおいるからです。 誘惑から逃れようずする人はたくさんいたすが、結局いっそう深みにはたるだけです。 私たちは単玔に逃げるこずで誘惑に打ち勝぀こずはできたせん。 忍耐ず真の謙遜によっお、私たちは敵よりも匷くなるのです。 誘惑を衚面的にだけ避け、根こそぎにしない人はほずんど進歩するこずがありたせん。 実際、誘惑は以前よりも匷力になっおすぐに戻っおくるのです。 少しず぀少しず぀、忍耐ず長い苊しみの䞭で、あなたは誘惑を乗り越えおいくでしょう。 それは、厳しさや自分勝手で性急な方法によっおではなく、神の助けによっおです。 誘惑されたずきにはアドバむスを受けなさい。 それから、誘惑された人に察しお厳しくあたっおはいけたせん。 誘惑された人に察しおは慰めを䞎えなさい。 あなた自身が誘惑された堎合に慰めおほしいず願うのず同じように。 すべおの誘惑は、迷いの䞭にある心ず、神に察する信頌の薄さからはじたりたす。 ちょうど、舵のない船が波によっおあちらこちらに揺さぶられるように、軜率で優柔䞍断な人は、たくさんの方法で誘惑を受けるこずになりたす。 炎は鉄を鍛え、誘惑は正矩を鍛えたす。 私たちは自分が䜕に耐えられるかどうかを知らず、 誘惑が私たちの真の姿を明らかにするこずがしばしばありたす。 䜕よりも、誘惑のはじたりに特に泚意しなければなりたせん。 ずいうのは、敵が心に入っおくるずころを拒吊し、敵がノックするずきに垣根越しに䌚わねばならないなら、敵をやっ぀けるこずは簡単だからです。 ある人が、たいぞん適切にこう蚀いたした。 「最初に抵抗せよ。 察凊法はたいそう遅れおやっお来る。 ずっず埌に察凊法がやっおきたずきには、悪は力をすでに埗おしたっおいる」 最初に、単なる考えが心に浮かびたす。 それから、匷い想像がやっおきお、次に快楜、邪悪な喜び、そしお悪に察する同意が続きたす。 このようにしお、その人は、最初に抵抗しなかったために、サタンは完党に心に入り蟌んでしたうのです。 そしお人が抵抗を遅らせれば遅らせるほど、毎日その人は匱っおいきたすが、その人に察する敵の匷さは増倧しおいくのです。 回心の初期に倧きな誘惑に盎面する人たちもいれば、終わりごろに盎面する人たちもいたす。 䞀方で、人生党䜓を通じおほが絶え間なく誘惑にさらされる人たちもいたす。 さらに、誘惑されおも軜くすむ人たちもいたす。 それは各人の益ず状況を考慮にいれ、神の遞民の救いのために党おのこずを備えられる神の知恵ず正矩によるものです。 ですから、誘惑されおも萜胆すべきではなく、神に察しお、適切な助けを䞎えおくださるようにずさらに熱心に祈るべきです。 ずいうのは、パりロの蚀葉によれば、神は我々が耐えるこずのできる誘惑を問題になさるからです。 どんな詊みず誘惑の䞭にあっおも、神さたの埡手の䞭で魂を謙遜にしたしょう。 なぜなら、神さたは霊的に謙遜な者を救い、高くひきあげおくださるからです。 誘惑ず詊緎の䞭で、人の進歩は蚈るこずができたす。 誘惑ず詊緎の䞭でこそ、䟡ず埳を埗る機䌚がさらに明らかになるからです。 誘惑に悩むこずがなかったら、熱心で信仰深くなるずいうこずは難しくなりたす。 しかし、逆境の時にも忍耐匷くがんばれば、倧きな進歩をする望みがあるでしょう。 倧きな誘惑から守られおいる人であっおも、しばしば小さな誘惑に負けおしたうこずがありたす。 それは、小さな詊緎に察する自分の匱さによっお謙遜になり、自分は倧きな詊緎に察する匷さを持っおいるのだ、などず思い蟌むこずがないようにするためです。 第14ç«  早たった刀断を避けるこず あなたの泚意を自分自身に向け、他人の行いを裁かないよう気を぀けなさい。 なぜなら、他人を裁く時、人は空しい働きをするのであり、 間違いを犯すこずも倚く、たたいずもたやすく眪を犯すものだからです。 䞀方で、自分自身を裁き、吟味する人は、い぀でも有益なこずをしおいたす。 私たちは物事を自分が願うように刀断しがちなものです。 なぜなら個人的な感情のなかで正しい物の芋方は簡単に倱われおしたうからです。 もし神が私たちの願いの唯䞀の察象であるなら、自分の意芋に反察されたからずいっお簡単に平安を倱うはずはありたせん。 しかし内偎に䜕かが朜み、あるいは䜕かが倖偎から起こり、私たちをそれず䞀緒に匕き寄せおしたうこずがよくあるのです。 気づかないたたに、自分が行うこずのなかに自らを求める人が倧勢いたす。 自分の願いや奜みの通りに物事が進む時に安心を芚えるこずさえあるようです。 しかし自分の願うようにならないず、たもなく平安を倱い悲しみに暮れたす。 感情や意芋の違いは呚囲の人々を分裂させたす。 宗教的で敬虔な人たちであっおもです。 叀い習慣はなかなか盎らないものです。 そしお誰しも、芋えないずころたでは導かれたがらないものです。 もしあなたがむ゚ス・キリストぞの埓順の矎埳よりも、自分の知性や勀勉さに䟝存するなら、賢明な人になるこずはたずないでしょう。 なるずしおも、それはゆっくりずしか起きたせん。 神は私たちが完党にご自身に埓うようになるこずを願っおおられ、熱心な愛を通しおすべおの人間の知恵を越えるこずを願っおおられたす。 第15ç«  愛のうちになされる行い この䞖のどんなもののためであっおも、たた誰を愛するためであっおも、絶察に悪を行なっおはいけたせん。 しかし、困っおいる人のためには、良い行ないを敢えおそのたたにしおおいたり、さらに良いものず取り替えたりするほうがよいこずもあるでしょう。 これは良い行ないを切り捚おおいるわけではなく、むしろ良い行ないをさらに改善するためだからです。 愛がなければ、倖面的な行ないには䜕の䟡倀もありたせん。 しかし愛をもっおなされたこずは、たずえそれがどんなに小さくお些现なこずであっおも完党に実を結びたす。 なぜなら、神は行ないそのものよりも、行なったずきの愛を枬られるからです。 たくさんのこずを成し遂げるのは、たくさん愛する人です。 たくさんのこずを成し遂げるのは、䞀぀のこずをうたく行なう人です。 うたく行なう人ずいうのは、自分自身の利益ではなく皆の益のために仕える人です。 さお、愛のように芋える事柄が、実は官胜にしか過ぎないこずはよくありたす。 自分の性癖や願望、報酬ぞの期埅、私利私欲が、埀々にしおその動機になっおいるからです。 反察に、真実で完党な愛を持぀人は、䜕ものにも自己を求めようずしたせん。 ただ党おのこずを神のご栄光のゆえに远求したす。 さらに、そのような人は誰のこずもうらやみたせん。 なぜなら、その人は個人的な愉しみを願うのでく、たた自分のなかに喜びを芋いだそうずいうのでもなく、ただ䜕よりも、神のさらなるご栄光を願うからです。 圌は人にはどんな良いものも垰したせん。 ただ党おを完党に神に垰したす。 泉から流れ出るように、党おのこずがこのお方から発し、党おの聖埒たちはこのお方のもずで喜び憩うのです。 埌から頭冷やしおもう少し考えたす。) もし人が真の愛の茝きを持たないのなら、地䞊の党おのものはたったくむなしいず、確かに感じるこずでしょう。 第16ç«  他者の欠点を負うこず 神が他のこずを特に呜じるのでない限り、自分や他者のうちにみられる修正できないものは、䜕であれ忍耐匷く負うべきです。 ですから、たずえば自分の忍耐を詊し、あなた自身を吟味するには、その方が良いのだろうず考えなさい。 ずいうのは、そのような忍耐や詊緎なしには、あなたの長所に䟡倀はないからです。 ずはいえ、そのような困難のもずでは、あなたがそれらの欠点を冷静に負えるよう、神の助けを求めお祈るべきです。 䞀、二床蚓戒を受けた埌でも、その人が改心しないのならば、圌ず蚀い争っおはいけたせん。 その問題はすべお神に委ね、神の埡心ず栄誉ずが、神の党おの僕たちの間にさらに珟されるようにしなさい。 神は、どうやっお悪を善に倉えるのかを、よくご存じだからです。 他者の欠点や匱さを、それが䜕であれ、忍耐匷く負うように努めなさい。 なぜならば、あなた自身も、他者が耐えねばならない倚くの欠点を持぀身だからです。 もしあなたが、自分が願うような者に自分自身を倉えるこずができないなら、どうしお他人を自分の思いのたたに曲げるこずができるのですか。 私たちは他人が完党であるこずを求めるくせに、自分自身の欠点を正すこずはできたせん。 私たちは他人が厳しく矯正されるこずを望むくせに、自分自身を矯正しようずはしたせん。 他人の自由は䞍愉快に思うくせに、自分の求めは拒吊されたくありたせん。 他人のこずは埋法で瞛ろうずするくせに、自分のこずは䜕ものにも瞛られたくないのです。 このように、私たちが自分のこずを思うように他者のこずを考えるこずは滅倚にないこずは明らかです。 もし皆が完璧なら、神のために他者からどのような苊しみを受けるこずが出来るでしょうか。 しかし神は、互いの重荷を負うこずを孊びなさいず私たちに呜じられたした。 欠点のない人、重荷を持たない人、䞀人でやっおいける人、十分に賢い人、そのような人はいないのです。 ですから私たちは互いに支え合い、慰め合い、助け合い、盞談し合い、助蚀し合うべきです。 人の矎埳ずいうものは、逆境のなかで䞀番よく珟されたす。 逆境は人を匱くするのでなく、むしろその人の姿を浮き圫りにするからです。 第17ç«  修道生掻 あなたが平和ず他者ずの調和を願うなら、倚くのこずにおいお自分の意志を曲げるこずを孊ばなければいけたせん。 修道院や宗教的な共同䜓で暮らし、䞍平を持぀こずなくそこにずどたり、死ぬたで忠実に耐え抜くこずは、容易なこずではありたせん。 そこで良い人生を生き、そこで幞犏のうちに終わりの日を迎えるこずの出来る人は本圓に幞いです。 もしあなたが忍耐をもっお完党を远い求める぀もりなら、自らを巡瀌者、地䞊における远攟者ずみなすべきです。 もしあなたが敬虔な人になる぀もりなら、キリストのために愚か者ず芋なされるこずに満足すべきです。 人は修道衣や剃髪によっおはほずんど倉えられたせん。 倉えられた人生や完党な犁欲こそが真の敬虔さを生むのです。 己れの魂の救いず神のみを求めない人は、悩みず嘆きしか芋いださないでしょう。 そしお䞀番小さき者、すなわち䞇人の僕になろうずしない人は、長きにわたっお平安を保぀こずが出来たせん。 あなたが召されたのは苊しみ、劎するためであり、怠けたり噂話で時間を無駄にするためではないのです。 ここでは、人は炉のなかの金のように詊されたす。 ここでは、心の底から神の前にぞりくだるこずを願う人でなければ、ずどたるこずは出来たせん。 第18ç«  聖埒により瀺されたお手本 本圓の完党ず宗教の光を持った聖埒たちが残した生きたお手本を考えるずきに、いかにわれわれが無に等しいかわかるものです。 圌らの呜に比べるず、ああ、私たちの呜はなんなのでしょう? 聖人たちや、キリストの友たる人々は、飢え、也き、寒さ、裞の䞭で、仕事堎でも疲れおいおも、祈りや聖なる瞑想の䞭でも、迫害ず困難の䞭でも、倜を培する祈りや断食の䞭でも、䞻に仕えたした。 ―― 圌らが苊しんだ詊緎は、どれだけ倚く、過酷なものだったこずでしょう。 圌らはずこしえの呜を埗るために、地䞊での呜を憎みたした。 砂挠で人から離れお生きるずはいかに厳しく、物事にずらわれない生掻だったこずでしょうか! 圌らが受けた誘惑は、なんず長く重苊しいものだったこずでしょう! なんど敵に取り囲たれたこずでしょう。 どのよう熱心な祈りがなんどもささげられたこずでしょう! 過酷な断食を行ったでしょう! 圌らの粟神的な完璧を求める愛ず情熱はいかに倧いなるものだったでしょうか! 自分たちの悪い習慣や癖をやめるための霊的戊いはいかに勇敢だったこずでしょう! 神に察しおかれらが瀺したものはなんず玔粋でごたかしのない目的だったでしょう! 昌間は、働き、倜には長い祈りのため時間を費やしたした。 仕事堎においおさえ、霊のいのりを続けたした。 時間のすべおを有効に䜿いたした。 神に仕えるためには1時間は短く感じられ、 䞻ず亀わる瞑想の䞭では寝食も忘れるほどでした。 圌らは、すべおの豊かさ、嚁厳、名誉、友人、知人を吊定し、捚おおしたいたした。 圌らはこの䞖の䜕も求めたせんでした。 圌らは生きおいくために必芁なものさえほずんど持たず、 肉䜓を維持するこずはたずえそれが必芁なずきにおいおさえ、退屈なものずなりたした。 地䞊での生掻は貧しかったにもかかわらず、恵みず人埳においおは豊かでした。 倖面は芋捚おられたものでしたが、内面は恵みで満たされ、聖なる慰めがありたした。 この䞖においおはよそ者でしたが、神さたずは芪しく、神さたの近しい友ずなりたした。 圌ら自身にずっおは、䞖に捚おられ、れロに等しいものでしたが、 神の目から芋るず、高䟡で倧切なものず映りたした。 圌らは真の謙遜ず玠朎な埓順のなかに生きたした。 霊的な人生ぞの道を日々前進し、神から偉倧なる恩寵をいただき぀぀、愛ず忍耐のなかを歩んだのです。 この人たちは、すべおの信仰者にずっおのお手本ずなり、私たちを完璧ぞず導く圌らの力は、䞍熱心な者が私たちを攟瞊ぞず誘惑する力よりもはるかに優れおいたす。 初期のころの聖なる習慣はなんず熱心な事だったでしょう! 祈りぞのデボヌションや埳を求める競争は倧いなるものでした。 圌らの間で花開いた自制心は䜕ずすばらしいものだったこずでしょう! 䞊に立぀人の支配のもずで、なんず玠晎らしい尊敬ず埓順ずが䞇事においお芋られたこずでしょう! 圌らが残した足跡は、圌らが本圓に聖く完党な人々であり、この䞖ず勇敢に戊い、この䞖に打ち勝ったこずを今なお蚌しおいたす。 今日、眪を犯さず、忍耐匷く自分の責務を果たす人は倧いなる人ず芋なされたす。 私たちはなんず䞍熱心であり、怠惰な者でしょう! 私たちは情熱をなんず早く無くし、怠惰な生掻に䜕ず早く流されお疲れおしたうこずでしょう! このように熱心な先駆者たちのお手本を孊んだ私たちは、たどろむこずなく、埳を求め続けなくおなりたせん。 第20ç«  孀独ず沈黙を愛するこず 静たるためにふさわしい時間を求め、神の恩恵に぀いお䜕床も思いを巡らせなさい。 奜奇心を満たそうずしおはいけたせん。 心を占領するようなものよりも、心に悲しみをもたらすものを読みなさい。 䞍必芁なおしゃべりや、目的もなく走り回りゎシップや噂ばなしに耳を傟けるこずから身を退けるなら、聖い黙想に適した時間を十分にずるこずが出来るでしょう。 偉倧な聖者の倚くが、出来る限り人ず付き合うこずを避け、ひそかに神に仕えるこずを遞びたした。 ある人はこのように蚀いたした。 「人ず亀われば亀わるほど、その埌で空虚感を芚えたした」 長い䌚話をした埌に、これが確かに真実であるこずを私たちもよく経隓したす。 あたり話さないでいるよりは、完党に沈黙を保぀方が簡単です。 十分に譊戒しながら倖出するよりは、家に留たる方が簡単です。 ですから、誰でも内面的で霊的な生掻を目指す人は、む゚スずずもに、矀衆から離れなくおはなりたせん。 たず無名であるこずを享受するのでなければ、誰も䞖間の目の前に安心しお出るこずはありたせん。 たず無口であるこずを愛するのでなければ、誰も安心しお話すこずはありたせん。 たず喜んで治められるのでなければ、誰も安心しお治めるこずはありたせん。 たず埓うこずをよく孊ぶのでなければ、誰も安心しお呜什するこずはありたせん。 たず良心の蚌を自分のなかに持぀のでなければ、誰も安心しお喜ぶこずはありたせん。 これ以䞊に、聖者が安党でいられるのは神ぞの恐れのなかにい぀も包たれおいるからです。 聖者の安党は、泚意が足りないこずや、謙遜が足りないこずの䞭にあるのではありたせん。 圌らは玠晎らしい矎埳や恵みに茝いおいるからです。 これずは反察に、邪(よこした)な者の安心はプラむドや傲慢から生じ、したいには自己欺瞞に陥いるでしょう。 この䞖のいのちにおいお決しお自分に安党を玄束しおはいけたせん。 たずえあなたがずおも敬虔で熱心な隠遁者であるず思っおもです。 人々から高い評䟡を埗おいる人ほど、過剰な自信のゆえにより深刻に危険な状態にあるずいうこずがよくありたす。 ですから、誘惑からあたり自由になり過ぎない方が、倚くの人にずっおはいいのです。 安党になり過ぎたり、プラむドに満ちたり、倖的な快適さをしきりず求めるようにならないために、たたには詊緎があるくらいの方がいいのです。 はかない喜びを求めたり、この䞖的なこずがらに自分から深く関わったりさえしなければ、その人はどれほど健党な良心を持぀でしょう。 党おの空しい心配事から自らを切り離し、ただ神に関するこずがらや己の魂に圹に立぀こずだけを考え、党おの信頌を神に眮くのなら、どれだけすばらしい平安ず静寂を自分のものにできるでしょう。 人が絶え間なく自らを聖なる悔い改めに向かせるのでなければ、誰も倩からの慰めを受けるに倀したせん。 あなたが真の心の悲しみを願うのであれば、䞀人きりになれる小郚屋に入り、䞖の䞭の喧隒を閉め出しなさい。 このように曞かれおいる通りです。 「自分の郚屋で自らの眪のために嘆き悲しみなさい」 そこではあなたが頻繁に倖で倱うものを芋぀けるでしょう。 その小郚屋は、もしあなたがそこに留たるのなら、あなたにずっおずおも倧切なずころになるでしょう。 しかし留たらないなら、退屈な堎所になりたす。 あなたの信仰生掻の初めにおいお、あなたが小郚屋のなかに䜏み、そこから離れないなら、たもなくそこは特別な友ずなり、倧倉な慰めずなるでしょう。 沈黙ず静けさのなかで、敬虔な魂は埳を高め、埡蚀葉の隠された真理を孊びたす。 そこでその人は倜ごずに自らを掗い枅める涙の措氎を経隓したす。 それによっおその人は父なる造り䞻ず䞀局近密な関係を持぀ようにず、この䞖の隒ぎから䞀切身を匕くのです。 ずいうのは、神ずその埡䜿いたちは、呚囲の人々から身を避ける人に近付いおくださるからです。 人にずっお、人目に぀かないようになり、自らの救いに泚意をはらう方が、救いを無芖しお奇跡を行うよりも良いのです。 敬虔な人が滅倚に倖出せず、人々の目を避け、人々に䌚わないように願うのは、誉めるに倀するこずです。 なぜ持぀こずを蚱されないものを芋たがるのですか? 「この䞖ずその情欲は過ぎ去りたす」 官胜的な枇望は、時ずしお、あなたを魅了し、あなたをさたよわせたす。 しかしその瞬間が過ぎるずき、困惑した良心ず重たい心の他に、䜕を持っお垰るずいうのですか? 喜んで出かけおも、埀々にしお悲しんで戻るこずになるのです。 陜気な倕べから悲しみに沈んだ倜明けぞずです。 このように、党おの肉的な喜びは奜たしいものずしお始たりたすが最埌には嘆きず死をもたらすのです。 あなたの小郚屋で芋぀からないものを、他のどこで芋぀けるこずができるでしょうか? 倩ず地ず、そこにある党おの芁玠を芋なさい。 党おのものはそれによっお造られおいるからです。 長く残るものを、倪陜が照らしおいるどこかに芋぀けるこずは出来るでしょうか? あなたは自分では完党に満足しおいるず思うかもしれたせんが、それはあり埗ないのです。 なぜなら、存圚するもののすべおをあなたが芋たずするなら、それらは空しい幻以倖の䜕ものでもないからです。 あなたの目を倩におられる神に向けなさい。 そしおあなたの眪ず欠点のゆえに祈りなさい。 空しいこずは、空しい人々にたかせなさい。 あなた自身は、神があなたに呜什しおいるこずに心を向けなさい。 あなたの前で扉を閉め、愛するお方であるむ゚スを呌びなさい。 あなたの小郚屋でむ゚スず共にずどたりなさい。 そのような平安は他のどんな堎所にも芋いだせないからです。 もしあなたがそこから離れず、空しいうわさ話に耳を貞しおいなかったなら、あなたはさらに深い平安のなかにずどたっおいたこずでしょう。 しかしあなたは新しい話を聞くのを喜ぶこずがあるので、そのせいで心の悲しみに苊しむのは圓然のこずなのです。 第21ç«  心の悲しみ(校正䞭) もしもあなたが、埳のうちに進みたいず願うならば、神を畏れお生きなさい、あたりに倚くの自由を求めおはいけたせん、あなたの感芚を鍛錬しなさい、 そしお空虚で愚かなこずを避けなさい。 悲しみはふしだらをい぀も滅がす倚くの恵みにドアを開けたす。 亡呜囜で熟慮し、深く考える人やその人の魂の倚くの危険が完党にこの生涯で幞せになりえるこずができるかはわかりたせん。 Lighthearted and heedless of our defect, 私達は魂の本圓の悲しみを感じるこずはありたせん、しかし私達は涙を流すよい理由があるずき、しばしば空虚な笑いにふけりたす。 もしも神ぞの畏敬や良い分別に基づかれおいなければ、自由がないのが真実であり、喜びがないのが真です。 幞せはあらゆる心配の重みから抜け出し、聖なる悔恚に心を萜ち着かせるこずのできる人です。 幞せは良心を傷぀けたり苊しめたりする党おを圌から打ち砎る人です。 家臣のように戊いなさい。 習慣は習慣で克服されたす。 もしもあなたが人に干枉しないならば、圌らはあなたがしなければならないこずをするためにあなたを干枉しないでしょう。 他人の事情に぀いお忙しくするのはやめなさい。 あなたの䞊叞の仕事に巻きこたれるのはやめなさい。 第䞀にあなた自身に目を向け続けなさい。 あなたの友人の代わりにあなた自身を気づかせなさい。 もしもあなたが人の芪切を経隓しないならば、あなたを悲したせるこずはありたせん。 もしもあなたが神に仕える人や敬虔な修道士にふさわしい泚意深さず同様にふるたわなければ、深刻な問題だず考えたす。 この生涯で慰めがほずんど無い方が、特に䜓の慰めが無い方が私達にずっおしばしばより良く、安党です。 しかし、もしも私達が慰めを分かち合わなければたた、それをめったに経隓しなければ、心の悲しみを捜さずに䞭身の無い芋せかけの満足をやめない私達のせいです。 かなりの苊しみより神の慰めや深い悲しみに䟡倀が無いず考えなさい。 人が完党に悔恚する時、䞖界党䜓が圌にずっお苊しく、うんざり感じたす。 良い人はい぀も十分嘆き悲しむこずをわかりたす。 圌は圌自身あるいは誰も苊しみを経隓するこずなしに生きるこずはできないこずを知っおいる隣人かどうかを考えたす。 そしお、圌はきわめお自分自身を考察し、もっず圌は深く悲しみたす。 ずおも混乱しおいるので私達は私達自身を神の考えにめったにむけないこずは眪であり悪です。 そしお、悲しみや深い悔恚にありたす。 長い人生より早い死を考えるならば、きっずあなたはあなた自身を真剣に眰するでしょう。 そしおもしあなたが、地獄あるいは浄眪界の未来の痛みを心にあれこれ考えるならば、進んで骚の折れる仕事や困難に耐え、困難を恐れないだろうず信じたす。 しかし、この考えは決しお心を突き進むこずがないので、たた私達は気䌑めの喜びに心を奪われるので、私達はずおも冷たく、無頓着のたたでいたす。 私達の惚めな䜓が魂があたりに掻力がなさすぎるので簡単に蚎えおいたす。 䞻に祈りなさい。 それゆえに、䞻はあなたに悔恚の聖霊を䞎えるでしょう。 預蚀者に蚀いなさい。 「慰めおください、䞻よ、悲しみのパンで十分な慎みの涙飲むこずで䞎えおください。」(Ps. 79:6) 第22ç«  人の苊しみに぀いお(校正䞭) どこにいようず、どこに行こうず、神に向き合わない限りあなたは䞍幞だ。 だから、願い望んだこずが起こらないからずいっおどうしお萜胆するこずがあろうか。 すべおの願いが叶えられた人などいるだろうか。 地䞊のどこにもそんな人はいない。 䞖界䞭の誰も----ロヌマ教皇だろうが王だろうが、詊緎や苊悶を免れるこずはできない。 では、最も幞せなのはどんな人だろうか? それは、䜕かを神のために犠牲にする人に違いない。 䞍安定な心匱き人は蚀う、 「あの人を芋たたえ、なんず頑健で、なんず豊かで、なんず偉倧で、なんず力に満ち溢れおいるか」 しかしあなたは目を開いお倩の富を知らなければならない。 そうすれば物質的な豊かさに぀いおの圌らの蚀い分が無意味だず悟るこずができる。 これらのものはう぀ろい易いうえにひどく負担になる。 なぜなら所有するこずには心配ず恐怖もたた぀きものだからである。 物をたくさん持っおいる人が幞犏ずいうわけではない。 所有する物はほんの少しで十分なのである。 地䞊に生きるこずは党く䞍幞である。 霊的な生掻を望めば望むほど、珟状は圓人にずっお苊々しく映る。 なぜなら霊的な生掻を望む人は理解深く、人の生たれ持った堕萜しやすい性質ずいう欠陥を䞀局はっきり知芚するからである。 飲み食い、芋お眠り、䌑息し劎働し、他人の芁請に瞛られおいるのは、信心深い人には甚だしく䞍幞で苊痛である。 そういう人は党おの眪から自由になるこずを切望しおいるものだ。 内面に信仰のある人間は肉䜓が必芁ずするものによっお珟䞖にかたく瞛られおいる。 それ故に、預蚀者はできるだけ自由になるために ず祈ったのである。[Ps. 24:17] しかし哀しいかな、自らの苊しみを知らない人達は、そしお䞀局哀しいかな、そのみじめで堕萜しやすい生掻を愛しおいる人達は。 しかし圌らは珟状に愛着しおおり、仮にここに垞に䜏むこずを埗たずしおも、圌らは決しお神の囜を顧みない。 なんず愚かで䞍信心なのであろうか、䞖俗的な䟡倀しかないものを奜む、珟䞖の暮らしに倢䞭な人間は! 䞍幞な人間よ、 最埌にはきっず、自らが切望しお埗たはすのものがどんなに安っぜく䟡倀のないものかを知っお埌悔する矜目になるのだ。 神の䜿埒たちずキリストの敬虔な友たちは肉䜓の喜びにもその時々の流行にも目をずめない。 圌らの望みず目的はひたすら氞遠の善ずいうものに向けられおいる。 圌らがひたすらに切望するものは目に芋えない氞遠の王囜であり、䜎俗なものごずに圌らを匕きずりおろす目に芋える障害には決しお近づかない。 魂を芋倱うなかれ、きょうだいよ、霊的な生掻を远求するさなかには。 時間はある、遅すぎはしない。 目的の実珟を遅らせるのはなぜだ? 起ちお今すぐ始めなさい。 「今が実行する時だ、 今が戊いの時だ、改めるのは今だ」 あなたが悩み苊しむずき、それは埳を積むずきである。 あなたは安息の前に氎ず火をくぐりぬけなければならない。 自らに鞭打぀こずなしに悪埳に打ち勝぀こずはできない。 この壊れやすいからだのなかにある限り、われわれは眪から自由になるこずも、憂い悔いるこずなく生き続けるこずもできない。 すべおの苊しみず無瞁でいられたらどんなにうれしいだろう。 しかし眪に染たり無垢さを倱ったいた、たた真なる至犏も倱われた。 ゆえにわれわれはこの悪しきものが通りすぎるたで、死がわれらの運呜を飲みこむたで、蟛抱匷く神の慈悲を埅たねばならない。 人の性質ずはなんず匱いものか、これほど悪に染たりやすいずは。 今日眪を告癜するあなたは、明日にはもう同じ眪をたた犯す。 泚意深くあろうず決意した瞬間のわずか䞀時間埌には、せっかくの決意を無にした振る舞いに戻る。 われわれには自らを貶める原因がある。 それは意志の匱さず肉䜓のもろさであり、そのために、自らのうちの偉倧なるものを決しお顧みるこずがない。 長く蟛い劎働を通じおのみようやく埗られた神の恩寵をわれわれは怠慢によっおたやすく倱う。 䜕ずいう生枩さであろうか、われわれが速成されるであろう最終的状態は。 なんず哀しいのであろう、真の神聖さはかけらもない珟䞖で、平和ず安党のうちに安息を倢みるわれわれは。 良い修緎者のように、良い生掻ずいうものの芏範の䞭で再び導かれ、将来の改心ず倧いなる霊的な進歩を期埅される方がずっず有益であっただろうに。 第23ç«  死に぀いおの考え この䞖界でのあなたの呜は、もうすぐ終わるでしょう。 ですから、自分のために別䞖界に䜕を貯えられるかを考えなさい。 今日、私たちは生きおいたす。 明日、私たちは死に、あっずいう間に忘れ去られたす。 ああ、人間の心は䜕ず鈍感で、頑固なこずか。 将来に備えようずせず、ただ珟圚だけを芋おいるずは。 ですから、䜕をするずきでも、䜕を考えるずきでも、あたかも今日ずいう日に自分が死ぬかのように振る舞いなさい。 もしあなたが正しい良心を持っおいるなら、死をそれほどは恐れないでしょう。 死を恐れるよりも、眪を避ける方が良いこずです。 もし、今日、甚意ができないなら、どうしお明日、甚意できるでしょう。 明日ずいうのは䞍確かな日です。 どうしおあなたは、自分に明日ずいう日がある、ず思うのですか。 私たちが人生を正しく改めるこずがこれしかできないなら、長い人生を生きるこずにどんなよいこずがあるでしょうか。 ああ、実際、長い人生が垞に私たちにずっお益ずなるずは限りたせん。 その反察に、私たちの眪を増し加えるこずが倚いものです。 この䞖においお、私たちは、たった䞀日でも、本来そのようにあるべき圢で、正しく生きたこずがあったでしょうか。 倚くの人が、自分が宗教に費やした幎月を数え、自分の生掻がちっずも聖なるものになっおいないのに気が぀きたす。 もしも、死ぬのが恐ろしいこずなら、おそらくは、長く生きるこずはもっず恐ろしいこずでしょう。 自分の死の瞬間を垞に目の前に描き続け、自分の死に日々備えるのは幞いな人です。 もしも、人が死ぬのを芋たこずがあるなら、あなたも同じ道をたどるずいうのを忘れおはなりたせん。 朝が来たら、自分は倜たでは生きおいないかもしれない、ず考えなさい。 倜が来たら、明日の明け方を玄束するのはよしなさい。 い぀も、備えおいなさい。 備えができおいないあなたを死が連れ去らないように生きなさい。 倚くの人が、突然、予想もしないずきに死にたす。 神の埡子は予想もしないずきに来られるのです。 最埌の時があなたに蚪れたずき、あなたは過ぎ去っおしたった自分の党人生に぀いおたったく異なる考えを抱きたす。 どれほど自分が、うか぀で、だらしなく生きおきたかを悔やむでしょう。 䜕ず幞せで、䜕ず賢明な人でしょう。 死ぬ時にはこうでありたいず願うような存圚に、生きおいる今のうちになろうず努力する人は。 この䞖を完党に軜芖するこず、埳においお前進するのを心から願うこず、修逊を愛するこず、懺悔、即座の埓順、自制、そしおキリストの愛のためにどんな困難でも忍耐するこず、 これらによっお人は幞犏な死を期埅するこずでしょう。 健康なずき、あなたはたくさんのよい行いをするこずができたす。 病気なら、あなたは䜕をするこずができたすか。 病によっお善良になる人はほずんどいたせん。 同じように、たくさん巡瀌の旅をしお聖くなる人もめったにいたせん。 友人や芪戚に信頌を眮かないようにしなさい。 たた自分の魂に気を配るこずを埌たわしにしおはいけたせん。 人は、あなたが考えおいるよりも早くあなたのこずを忘れおしたうからです。 いたすぐに、時を移さず備え、他の人の助けを圓おにせず、 send some good account ahead of youするほうがいいのです。 あなた自身が自分の幞犏に今気を配らないずしたら、あなたが死んだずきにだれが気を配るずいうのでしょう。 珟圚はずおも貎重です。 珟圚は救いの日であり、今は喜びの時です。 もっず良い氞遠の人生を買うこずができたかもしれない時を、あなたが逃しおしたうなら、それは䜕ず悲しいこずでしょう。 もう䞀日生きる時間が䞎えられたら、もう䞀時間やり盎す時間が䞎えられたらず望むずきがやっおきたす。 あなたはその時間が䞎えられるかどうか知っおいたすか。 ですから、愛するあなたよ。 もしも、あなたがい぀も慎重であり、死を忘れないようにしさえすれば、逃れるこずのできる倧きな危険ず、救い出される倧きな恐怖をよく芋なさい。 死の瞬間に恐れが満ちるようにではなく、死の瞬間でも喜んでいられるように、珟圚を生きなさい。 この䞖に察しお死ぬこずを、いた孊びなさい。 そうすればあなたはキリストずずもに生き始めるでしょう。 すべおの物を捚お去るこずを、いた孊びなさい。 そうすればあなたは解攟されお神のずころぞ向かうでしょう。 あなたの肉䜓を懺悔によっお厳しく責めなさい。 そうすればあなたは確かな生を勝ち埗るでしょう。 ああ、おろかな人よ。 たった䞀日ですら生きられるかどうか確かではないのに、どうしおあなたは長生きする蚈画を立おるのですか。 どれほど倚くの人が思い違いをしお、急に呜を倱うこずでしょう。 あなたは、溺れお死んだ人、高いずころから萜ちお死んだ人、食事䞭に・遊んでいるずきに・火事で・剣で・疫病で・あるいは匷盗の手で死んだ人の話をどれほどしょっちゅう耳にするでしょうか。 死はすべおの人の終わりであり、人の呜は圱のようにさっず過ぎ行くものなのです。 あなたが死んだあず、誰があなたのこずを思い出しおくれるでしょうか。 誰があなたのために祈っおくれるでしょうか。 愛する者よ、あなたができるこずを今、しなさい。 自分がい぀死ぬのか、あなたは知らないし、死んだ埌、自分がどうなるか、あなたは知らないのです。 時間があるうちに、朜ちるこずのない財産を自分のために貯えなさい。 ただ、自分自身の救いのこずを考えなさい。 神に関わる事柄のみに心を砕きなさい。 神の聖埒を敬い、圌らの歩みにならっお友人を䜜りなさい。 そうすれば、呜の尜きるずき、圌らはあなたを氞遠の䜏たいに迎え入れおくれるでしょう。 この䞖では、よそ者であり続け、巡瀌者であり぀づけなさい。 心を自由に保ち、神のもずぞ䞊げなさい。 あなたはこの地䞊には氞らえる家を持っおいないからです。 日々の祈りを、あなたのため息を、あなたの涙を盎接神にささげなさい。 そうすれば、あなたの魂は死んだ埌、䞻のみもずで幞犏にすごすこずでしょう。 第24ç«  裁きず眪の眰 すべおのこずにおいお、終末を考えに入れなさい。 䜕も隠すこずができず、わいろも蚀い分けも通甚しない、すべおの公正なる裁きをなさる、あのお方の厳しい審刀の前に、どのようにしお耐えるこずができるでしょうか。 そしお、あなたよ、みじめで䞍幞な眪人であるあなたよ、怒った人の衚情すら恐れおいるあなたよ、あなたのすべおの眪をご存知の神に察しおなんず答える぀もりですか。 どうしおあなたは、裁きの日のために備えないのですか。 その日には、どんな人も蚀い蚳したりできず、誰しも自分の答えをするのに手䞀杯なので、誰かに匁護しおもらったりするこずもできないずいうのに。 この人生においお、あなたの劎苊は報われ、あなたの涙は受け入れられ、あなたのため息は聞かれ、あなたの悲しみは慰められ、きよめられたす。 忍耐匷い人ずいうものは、次のようなずきに倧きくお有益な苊難を通りたす。 それは、自分自身の傷よりも自分に傷を負わせた人の悪行のこずを嘆くずき。 圌が自分の敵のこずをさっず祈り、敵の攻めに察しお心から赊すずき。 圌がためらわずに他の人の赊しを請うずき。 怒りよりも哀れみのほうが心を動かすずき。 自分自身を頻繁に責め、肉䜓を完党に霊に埓わせようずするずき。 眪の悔い改めをしお悪埳を刈り取るこずを珟圚おこなうほうが、来るべき䞖においお魂の浄化をするのを埅぀よりも良いのです。 実際、私たちは肉䜓を愛する誀った助蚀によっお自分自身をあざむきたす。 かの炎は我々の眪以倖の䜕を燃料ずするでしょうか。 私たちが自分自身を惜しめば惜しむほど、肉䜓を満足させればさせるほど、枅算するのは困難になり、炎で燃やされるものが倚くなるのです。 ずいうのは、人は自分が眪をおかした事柄においお、よりひどく眰をうけるようになるからです。 そこでは、怠け者は炎の先端に駆り立おられ、倧食らいの人は話すこずすらできないほどの空腹ず也きに苊しめられるのです。 䞍貞を働く人や肉欲を愛する人は、燃えるピッチずむか぀く硫黄に济するこずになりたす。 ねたみ深い人は、狂った犬のように嘆き吠えるでしょう。 いかなる悪も、それに応じた眰を䌎うものです。 高慢な人は、あらゆる混乱に盎面するでしょうし、欲深な人は、最高にみじめな貧困に苊しむでしょう。 1時間あちらで苊しみを受けるこずは、 100幎間こちらでもっずも厳しい懺悔を行うこずよりも぀らいでしょう。 こちらの生掻では、人はずきどき劎働から解攟されお友からの慰めを受けたすが、 damnedな人々は、䌑息を埗るこずや慰めを埗るこずはありたせん。 ですから、あなたがたは、いた自分の眪を取り扱い、悔い改め、裁きの日には恵みによっお安息に入るこずができるようにしなければなりたせん。 貧しい者、ぞりくだるものは、倧きな確信を埗るでしょう。 䞀方、傲慢な者は恐怖に打たれるでしょう。 そのずきになるず、この䞖においおは愚かずされ、キリストのために軜蔑されるような人が、実は賢明だったのだずいうこずが明らかになるでしょう。 その日には、すべおの忍耐の䞭から生たれた詊緎は喜ばしいものずなり、邪悪な声は沈黙するでしょう。 信仰深い者は喜び、䞍信心者は嘆くでしょう。 はずかしめを受けた䜓は、ありずあらゆる快楜で甘やかされおきた䜓よりも、はるかに倧きな喜びを埗るでしょう。 そのずき、安っぜい衣装は堂々ず茝き、立掟な衣装は色あせ、すり切れるでしょう。 貧盞で小さな家は、黄金の宮殿よりも賛矎されるでしょう。 その日には、蟛抱匷い忍耐力はこの䞖のすべおの力よりも重芁なものずされるでしょう。 愚かなたでに䞀途な埓順は、この䞖的ないかなる賢明さよりも高められるでしょう。 善良できよい良心は、孊識のある人の哲孊よりも、人の心を喜ばせるでしょう。 財産を軜芖する態床は、この䞖のすべおの宝よりも重甚になるでしょう。 そしおあなたは、優雅に暮らすこずよりも、熱心に祈るこずのうちに、さらなる慰めを芋出すでしょう。 あなたは、だらだら続く噂話よりも沈黙を奜むほど幞せになるでしょう。 倚くのきれいな蚀葉よりも、聖なる働きは倧きな䟡倀を持぀でしょう。 人生の厳しさず激しいpenancesは、すべおの䞖俗的な喜びよりも喜ばしいものずなるでしょう。 ですから、珟圚のささやかな苊しみを受けるこずを孊びなさい。 そうすれば、より倧きな苊しみを氞遠においお受けるこずはないでしょう。 ここで、自分が䜕に耐え埗るかを瀺しなさい。 珟圚、ほんの小さな苊しみにしか耐えられないなら、どうしお氞遠の苊しみに耐え埗るこずができるでしょう。 もし、小さな苊しみにいた耐えられないなら、地獄の炎はどうなるでしょう。 実際、あなたは二぀の喜びを持぀こずはできたせん。 この䞖の喜びを味わうこずず、埌の䞖にキリストずずもに統べ治めるこずを同時に行うこずはできたせん。 今、この時、あなたの人生が栄光ず歓喜に満ちおいるならば、もし、あなたが死んだ瞬間、それが䜕の益になるでしょう。 ですから、すべおはむなしいのです。 ただ、神を愛するこずず神に仕えるこずだけがむなしくありたせん。 心の底から神を愛する人は、死を畏れず、眰や、裁きや、地獄を恐れたせん。 なぜなら完党な愛が神ずの結び぀きを保蚌するからです。 眪の喜びの䞭にただいる人が、死や裁きを恐れるこずは䞍思議ではありたせん。 しかしながら、これはいいこずです。 愛がただあなたを悪に向かうのを匕き止めないずしおも、少なくずも地獄に察する恐怖はあなたが悪に向かうのを匕き止めるずいうのは。 神ぞの畏れを脇に投げ捚おるような人は、良いこずのうちに氞らえるこずはできず、あっずいうたに悪魔の眠におちいっおしたうでしょう。 第25ç«  自分の人生を熱心に改めるこず 泚意深く、神の奉仕に熱心でありなさい。 そしお、自分はなぜ䞖俗を離れお、ここに来たのかを頻繁に考えなさい。 神のために生き、霊的な人間になるためではなかったのですか。 完党になるこずを心から求めお努力しなさい。 そうすれば、そしおたもなくあなたは自分の働きの報酬を受け取るのであるから、恐れや悲しみが死の時にあなたを襲うこずはないでしょう。 いた少し働きなさい。 そうすればたもなくあなたは倧いなる䌑息を芋出すでしょう。 実際、あなたが芋出すのは氞遠の喜びです。 ずいうのは、もしもあなたが信仰深くあり、行ないにおいお熱心であり続けるなら、神は疑いもなく報酬を䞎えるずきにおいおも真実で気前のよい方だからです。 救いを埗おいるずいうしっかり筋の通った望みを持ち続けなさい。 しかし、あたかも救いを埗るのが圓然であるかのように振舞っおはいけたせん。 それは、怠慢になったり傲慢になったりしないためです。 ある日のこず、垌望ず恐怖の間を心配のうちにしょっちゅう揺れ動いおいる人が、悲しみで打ちひしがれおいたした。 圌は、教䌚の祭壇の前でひざたずき敬虔な祈りをささげたした。 あれこれず瞑想にふけりながら、圌はこう蚀いたした。 「ああ、もしも私が最埌たで屈せずにやり遂げるかどうかを知るこずさえできればなあ!」 即座に圌は神の答えを聞きたした。 「もしあなたがそのこずを知ったからずいっお、どうしようずいうのですか。 そのずきにあなたががするであろうこずを今、しなさい。 そうすればあなたはたったく心配するこずがなくなるでしょう。」 すぐに慰めず平安を受け、圌はその神のご意志に身をゆだね、悩たしい䞍安定さはストップしたした。 それ以降、圌の奜奇心は自分の未来がどうなるかを知ろうずするこずをやめたした。 圌はその代わり、すべおの良き働きの初めであり終わりである、完党で欠けるこずのない神のご意志を探し求めるようになりたした。 ず預蚀者は蚀いたした。 自分の生掻を熱心に改めるこずから倚くの人をそらしおしたう1぀のこずがありたす。 それは困難なこずに察する恐れであり、戊いに察する苊劎です。 確かに、最も倧きな困難や䞍愉快な障害に察しお勇敢に打ち勝ずうず努めおいる人は、埳を远求するこずにおいお他人を远い抜くこずになりたす。 人ずいうものは、自己に察しお最も打ち勝ち、自分の望みを最も抑制した事柄においお最倧の前進をし、最倧の恵みを確実に受け取るこずになるのです。 盎面しお勝利をおさめねばならないような困難が、どんな人にもそれぞれにありたす。 しかし、たずえ感情に走り勝ちであっおも、勀勉で誠実な人のほうが、萜ち着いおいるけれど埳に぀いおあたり気にかけない人よりも、倧きく前進するものです。 特に倧きな進歩ずなるのは次の2぀のこずです。 それは、自然的な性向によっおし぀こく陥る傟向のある悪埳から匷制的に撀退するこずず、最も必芁な恵みを求めお熱心に働くこずです。 あなたをしょっちゅう䞍愉快にさせるような倱敗を他の人がするなら、あなた自身はそのような倱敗をせず、そのような倱敗に打ち勝぀こずを孊びなさい。 すべおの機䌚を最倧限に生かしお、もしもあなたが良い䟋を芋たり聞いたりしたなら、あなたがたねをしたいず思うほど感動するようなものになりなさい。 それに察しお、あなたがこれはひどいず考えるような事柄においお、自分が眪をおかさないように泚意しなさい。 たた、もしもそういう事柄で眪をおかしたこずがあるなら、できるだけ早く自分自身をただしなさい。 あなたが他の人を芋るのず同じように、他の人もあなたを芋おいるのです。 熱心で、信仰深く、瀌儀正しく、たた蚓緎されおいる兄匟を芋るこずは、䜕ず喜ばしく心地よいこずでしょう。 ばらばらにさたよい、召されおいる事柄を実践しようずしない兄匟を芋るこずは䜕ず悲しく痛みを感じるこずでしょう。 召呜の目的を無芖し、自分が関知すべきでない事柄にかかずらうのは、なんず有害なこずでしょう。 あなたが請け負った目的を忘れないようにし、十字架のむメヌゞを心に留めおおきなさい。 たずえあなたが長幎にわたっお䞻の道を歩いおきたずしおも、あなたの前にキリストのむメヌゞを眮き、自分自身をさらに䞻に䌌たものになるよう努めなかったなら、あなたは恥ずかしいず思わねばならないでしょう。 䞀心に、信仰深く、私たちの䞻の最も聖なる生涯ず熱意に関わる信仰者は、その䞭から、自分に必芁で有益なすべおのこずをたくさん芋出すでしょう。 む゚スさたよりもよいものを䜕も探し求める必芁はないのです。 もしも十字架が私たちの心に届くなら、どれほどすばやく豊かに私たちは孊ぶこずでしょう。 熱心な信仰者は、呜じられたすべおのこずを受け入れ、しかもよく成し遂げたす。 しかし、怠慢で䞍熱心な信仰者は、詊緎に継ぐ詊緎を受け、ありずあらゆる方向から苊悩を受けたす。 なぜなら、そのような人は内には慰めを持たず、倖に求めるこずも犁じられおいるからです。 神の芏則に埓っお生きない信仰者は悲惚な砎滅に身をさらすこずずなり、 もっず気たたでいたいし、拘束されたくないず願う人は、い぀もトラブルにおちいりたす。 ずいうのは、その人はあれやこれやの物事に察しおい぀も䞍満を抱くからです。 これほど倚くの信仰者が神の内にすでに喜び始めおいるずいうのに、あなたが聖なる務めに怠けおいるずしたら恥ずかしいこずです。 もしも、心のすべお、声の限りを尜くしお䞻なる神を賛矎する以倖にするこずがなかったなら、もしも、食べたり、飲んだり、眠ったりする必芁がなく、垞に神をほめたたえ、霊的な探求に専念するこずができるなら、肉䜓のすべおの必芁の奎隷ずなっおいる珟圚に比べお、どれほど幞せになるでしょう。 そのような必芁がなく、魂の霊的な食事だけがあったずしおも、悲しいこずに、私たちがそれを味わうこずは非垞にたれなのです。 どんな被造物からも慰めを求めないずいう境地に達するずき、人は、神を完党に享受し始めるこずになりたす。 そのずきたた、人は自分に䜕が起こっおも満足するこずでしょう。 そのような境地に達した人は、倧きなこずにも嬉しがらず、小さなこずにも嘆きたせん。 そのような境地に達した人は、確信を持っお自分自身を完党に神の手にゆだねたす。 すべおのすべおである方、そのお方に向かうずき䜕物も滅びたり死んだりしない方、すべおの存圚がその方のために生きる方、その方が望たれるがたたにすべおの存圚が仕える方、そのようなお方である神の手に。 い぀も自分の最期を考えに入れ、倱われた時間は二床ず戻っおは来ないずいうこずを忘れおはいけたせん。 泚意深さず勀勉さがなければ、埳を埗るこずは決しおできたせん。 生ぬるい䞍熱心さを育お始めるなら、あなたは悪の始たりに陥ろうずしおいるのです。 しかし燃えるような熱心さに向かうなら、神の恵みず埳の愛によっお、あなたは平安を埗、困難が軜枛されるこずでしょう。 熱心で勀勉な人間はいかなるこずにも備えができおいたす。 悪埳や欲情に抵抗するずいうのは、肉䜓的な苊圹に汗するよりも偉倧な仕事です。 小さな倱敗に打ち勝たない人は、少しず぀倧きな倱敗にはたり蟌んでいくのです。 もしもあなたが昌間を有意矩に過ごすなら、倕方にはい぀も幞せになるこずでしょう。 自分自身をしっかりず芋匵りなさい。 目を芚たしおいなさい。 泚意深くありなさい。 他の人に䜕が起ころうずも、自分自身を取るに足りないものず思いなさい。 自分自身に厳しくあればあるほど、あなたは倧きく前進するこずでしょう。 第2å·» 内的な生掻 目次 第2ç«  謙虚(途侭) 第4ç«  心の枅さず目的の䞀臎 第8ç«  キリストず芪しく亀わるこず(校正䞭) 第十章 神の恵みを感謝するこず(校正䞭) 曎新履歎 第2ç«  謙虚(途侭) あなたに味方する人に぀いおも、敵察する人に぀いおも、煩わされおはいけたせん。 しかし、神はあなたがするすべおのこずであなたずずもにあるように心を配りなさい。 あなたの良心をきれいにしなさい。 そうすれば、神はあなたを守っおくれるでしょう。 人の悪意は、神が助けたいず願う人を傷぀けるこずはできたせん。 もし、あなたが沈黙の䞭で苊しむ方法を知っおいるなら、あなたは疑いなく神の助けを経隓するでしょう。 神は、い぀どのようにあなたを救うかをご存知だからです。 それゆえ、圌の手の䞭にあなた自身を眮きなさい。 ずいうのは、人々を助け、か぀すべおの苊痛から人々を解攟するこずは神の特暩だからです。 他人が私達の欠点を知り、それらを叱るずいうこずは、私達にずっお倚くの堎合良いこずです。 ずいうのは、それは私達に偉倧な謙虚さを䞎えるからです。 人が自分の欠点のために謙虚な気持ちを持぀ずき、圌の呚りにいる人の怒りをたやすく静め、そしお圌に腹を立おた人をすぐになだめたす。 神が保護し解攟するのは謙虚な人である。 神が愛し慰めるのは謙虚さである。 その謙虚さに 圌は振り向きそしおおおきな感謝の祈りを授ける。 それらの屈蟱のあずに神は屈蟱を誇りにたで匕き䞊げるかも知れない。 神はその謙虚さに神の秘密を打ち明け,そしおやさしい招きがそれらを(誇り?)圌に蚪れるように手を尜くす。 埓っお 謙虚な人は苊痛の真っ只䞭で平和を楜しむ。 䜕故なら圌の信頌は神の䞭にあり䞖界ではないから そういうわけであなたは進歩するずいうこずを考えおはなりたせんあなたがすべおの他のものより劣っおいるものずしおあなた自身を芋぀めるそのずきたで。 第3ç«  第䞀に、あなた自身のなかに平和を保ちなさい。 そうすれば あなたは他人にも平和をもたらすこずができるでしょう。 心に平和を持぀人は、孊識のある人よりも良いこずをしたす。 激しやすい人は良いこずですら悪に倉え、しかもすぐに悪を信じおしたうのですが、心に平和を持぀人は、自分自身が善なので、党おのこずを善に倉えたす。 完党な安らぎの䞭にいる人はけっしお疑いを抱くこずもありたせん。 ですけれども 動揺しお䞍平のある粟神はたくさんの疑いによっお取り乱したす。 圌は自分で䌑息をずるこずもなければ、他人が䌑息するこずも蚱したせん。 圌はしばしば蚀うべきじゃないこずを蚀い、やらなくちゃいけないこずをほったらかしにしたす。 ( concerned は、この文脈のニュアンスからだず、 いい意味で気を぀かっおいるのではなく、 䜙蚈なお䞖話で銖を぀っこんでいる感じ ) ですから、あなたの熱意をたず、自分自身に向けなさい。 ( 「熱意を行䜿する」ずいう蚀い方はちょっずおかしいから、 zeal ず exercise の蚳語はもう少し考えおみる。 ) ( ここのcolor は、別の単語で蚀い換えるず gloss over たたは excuse ずいうこず。gloss overずは、ごたかす/蚀い繕う/蚀い逃れをする/きれいごずを蚀う/などの意味です。 well versed は「長けおいる」くらいに蚳すずいい ) しかし、自分自身を責め、兄匟を蚱す方がはるかに公正なこずでしょう。 人々があなたに察しお忍耐匷くあるこずを願うならばあなたも圌らに察しお忍耐匷くあらねばなりたせん。 芋なさい。 あなたはどれだけ本圓の愛ず謙遜からかけ離れおいるこずか。 本圓の愛ず謙遜は、誰に察しおも腹を立おず、自分に察する以倖は、誰にも憀らないのです。 第4ç«  心の枅さず目的の䞀臎 人は二぀の矜によっおこの䞖の事柄から匕き䞊げられたす。 その二぀の矜ずは単玔さず枅さです。 人の意図は単玔であるべきですし、願いは枅くなくおはなりたせん。 単玔さによっお神ぞず導かれ、枅さによっお神を受け入れ楜しむこずができるのです。 あなたの心がかき乱されたような感情によっお巊右されるこずがないのなら、あなたにずっお良い行ないをなすこずは難しくありたせん。 あなたが神を喜ばすこずず隣人の益ずなるこずだけを求め、それを目指すのであれば、あなたは心の自由を楜しむこずでしょう。 あなたの心がきちんず敎っおいれば、党おの被造物はあなたにずっおの人生の鏡、たた枅い教えの曞物ずなるでしょう。 なぜならば、神の慈しみを珟せないほど小さくお䟡倀のないものなど存圚しないからです。 もしあなたの内面が善であり玔粋ならば、あなたは党おのものをはっきりず芋、たた正しく理解するでしょう。 枅い心は倩囜ず地獄にたで届くものであり、 人は倖偎にあるものを内偎にあるもののように刀断するからです。 もしこの䞖に喜びがあるずしたら、それを持぀のは心の枅い者に違いありたせん。 もしどこかに苊悩や苊痛があるのなら、邪悪な心はいやになるくらいそのこずを知っおいるものです。 火のなかに投げ蟌たれた鉄がその錆を倱っお癜く茝くように、完党に神のほうを向く人は、䞍粟さをはぎずられ新しい人ぞず倉えられたす。 人はだらけ始めるず、ほんの少しの劎苊も恐れ、倖的な慰めを喜ぶようになりたす。 しかし自らを完璧に制し、神の道を勇敢に歩むようになるず、以前は困難だず思ったようなこずですら、もうあたり難しいず思わなくなりたす。 第7ç«  䜕よりもたずむ゚スを愛するこず(校正䞭) む゚スを愛するこずずはどういうこずかをよく知っおいる人、む゚スのゆえに自分自身を蔑む人は幞いです。 神の愛のゆえに他の党おの愛を捚お去りなさい。 なぜなら神はご自分がたず䜕ものよりも䞀番に愛されるこずを望たれるからです。 被造物ぞの愛情は、欺きに満ち、移ろいやすいものです。 しかしむ゚スの愛は真実でい぀たでも倉わるこずがありたせん。 被造物にしがみ぀く者はその匱さのゆえに倒れるでしょう。 しかし自らをむ゚スに捧げる者は、い぀たでも匷められるのです。 ですから、む゚スを愛しなさい。 む゚スを友ずしなさい。 む゚スは他の人たちのようにあなたから離れるこずはありたせん。 あなたをい぀たでも苊しめるこずもありたせん。(?) あなたが望むず望たざるずに関わらず、いずれ、党おのものから離れなくおはならない時が来たす。 ですから、呜においおも死においおも、ただむ゚スにしがみ぀いおいなさい。 ただ䞻のご栄光に自らを委ねなさい。 他の党お人があなたを裏切っおも、このお方だけはあなたを助けるこずが出来たす。 そのように扱われるにふさわしいお方だからです。 もしあなたが自分自身をその他党おの被造物から完党に解き攟぀術を知っおいるのであれば、む゚スは喜んであなたのなかに䜏んでくださるでしょう。 む゚ス以倖の人に信頌を眮くこずは、たず間違いなく完党な無駄であるこずをあなたは孊ぶでしょう。 ですから、颚に吹かれる葊を信頌したり頌るのはやめなさい。 「すべおの人は草に等しく」(むザダ15:6)その栄光は、草花のように消えおなくなっおしたうからです。 人の倖偎だけを芋るのであれば、簡単に隙されたす。 人のなかに慰めや利埗を求めるのであれば、埀々にしお倱望させられるでしょう。 しかし、党おのものごずのなかにむ゚スを求めるのであれば、必ず圌を芋いだすでしょう。 同じように、自分自身を探し求めるのであれば、自分のこずも芋いだすでしょう。 しかしそれはあなたにずっお益ずなりたせん。 む゚スを求めないこずほど、自分自身に察しお損害をもたらすこずはありたせん。 䞖界䞭の党おの敵が束になっおもそれほどたでにあなたに害を加えるこずは出来たせん。 第8ç«  キリストず芪しく亀わるこず(校正䞭) む゚ス・キリストがおそばにおられるならば、すべおは䞊手くいきたす。 困難にみえるこずは䜕もありたせん。 もし、キリストがおそばにおられなければ、すべおは困難です。 キリストが、心のうちから語りかけおおられないのならば、他の楜しみはすべお空しいこずでしょう。 しかし、キリストが䞀蚀でも、み蚀葉を発せられれば、倧いなる慰めずなりたす。 マルタが次のように蚀うこずで、マグダラのマリアは、嘆きからただちに立ち䞊がる力を埗たのではありたせんでしたか。 「䞻がおいでになっお、あなたを呌んでおられるではありたせんか。」([13]ペハネ11:28.) 幞せが蚪れる時ずは、む゚スが、人々を嘆きの底から救い出し、魂が歓喜するずころぞず導く時です。 む゚ス・キリストなしでは、なんずあなたは也いた、気難しい心をも぀こずでしょう。 キリストがおられないなら、䜕を望もうず銬鹿らしく、空しいこず。 党䞖界を倱う以䞊の損倱ではありたせんか。 キリストがおられないなら、䞖界があなたに䜕を䞎えるこずができるずいうのでしょう。 キリストがおられなければ、人生は残酷な地獄ず同じこず。 しかし、キリストず共に生きれば、人生は、甘い楜園での暮らしず同じになりたす。 もし、む゚ス・キリストが共におられれば、どんな敵もあなたを傷぀けるこずはできたせん。 キリストの存圚を芋出した者は、䞖にもたれな宝物や、党おの善なるものを越えた善を芋出した者。 キリストを倱った者は、党䞖界を倱った以䞊のものを倱った者。 キリストなしに生きる者は、貧困な者の䞭でも最も貧なる者。 キリストの恵みの䞭で生きる者ほど、豊かな者はいたせん。 キリストずの語らい方を理解するこずは、倧切なこずです。 キリストを我が身のそばにずどめおおくやり方を理解するこずは、賢明なこずです。 謙虚で安らぎに満ちた心でいなさい。 そうすれば、キリストはあなたず共におられるでしょう。 信仰節(あ぀)くありなさい、心穏やかでいなさい。 そうすれば、キリストはあなたのもずにずどたられるでしょう。 あなたが倖の䞖界に匕き返せば、キリストを远い払ったこずになり、その恵みを倱うこずになりたす。 もしそうなったら、あなたは誰のもずに赎き、誰を友ずしお求めるのでしょう。 友なしには、人はよく生きるこずができたせん。 もし、他でもないキリストが、あなたの友でないなら、あなたは悲しみに぀぀たれ、芋捚おられた惚めな状態ずなるでしょう。 キリスト以倖の者を信頌したり、他の䜕かを享受するこずは、愚かしい振る舞いです。 キリストを敵ずするよりも、党䞖界を敵ずする道を遞びなさい。 あなたに芪愛の気持ちをよせる人々よりも、キリストに、あなたの特別の愛を捧げなさい。 キリストに益をもたらすために、党おのものを愛しなさい。 しかし、キリストは、キリスト自身を察象ずしお、あなたに愛されなければなりたせん。 む゚ス・キリストは特別の愛をもっお、あなたに愛されるべきです。 なぜなら、友の䞭で、キリストのみが善であり、あなたに誠実でいおくださるからです。 キリストのために、キリストの恵みに぀぀たれながら、あなたは、友人も敵も同じように愛さなければなりたせん。 党おの人が知っおいるであろうキリストに察しお祈り、キリストを愛しなさい。 特別のほめ蚀葉も愛も望んではいけたせん。 称賛も愛も、神のみに属すものであり、神に等しいものは存圚しないのですから。 誰かの愛が自分に集䞭するこずを望んではいけたせん。 人ずの愛にずらわれおはいけたせん。 む゚ス・キリストの存圚のみを、あなたの䞭に、そしお党おの善き人々の䞭にずどめなさい。 神の存圚に包たれお、玔粋であり、自由でいなさい。 神の被造物に深くずらわれおはいけたせん。 どんなに䞻が優しい方か知りたいなら、枅く開かれた心を、神のもずぞ捧げなさい。 神の恵みがあなたのために甚意され、あなたを促しおいるのでなければ、あなたはこのような幞せを埗るこずはないでしょう。 この幞せが埗られないのならば、あなたは、神の存圚のみに結び付けられた党おの物事から、芋捚おられるこずになるでしょう。 神の恵みが人間のもずを蚪れる時、人は党おのこずができたす。 しかし、もし神の恵みが離れれば、人は貧しく、心匱くなり、苊痛のうちに攟眮されるこずになりたす。 しかし、このような状況でも、人は萜胆しきったり、絶望の淵に沈みきるこずはありたせん。 逆に心静かに神のご意志を埅ち、む゚ス・キリストをほめたたえながら、自分に起きるこず党おに耐えるでしょう。 なぜなら、冬の埌は倏が、倜の埌には昌が蚪れるから。 そしお、嵐が去った埌には、穏やかな空が珟れるこずでしょう。 第十章 神の恵みを感謝するこず(校正䞭) なぜ働くように生たれたのに、䌑息を求めるのですか。 安楜さを求めるよりも、むしろ忍耐に身を任せなさい。 楜しみを求めるより、むしろ十字架を背負いなさい。 いったい人ずいうものは、䜕故すみやかに神から䞎えられる慰めや、粟神的な喜びや、益を受け入れないのですか。 い぀でもそれらを埗るこずができるでしょうに。 神からの恵みは、地䞊の喜びや肉䜓的な快楜にたさるものでしょうに。 地䞊の喜びや肉䜓的な快楜は、空しく卑しいものです。 それ自䜓、真にここちよく、高貎なものです。 そしお、誀った魂の自由や自己過信は、倩からの祝犏の倧きな障害ずなるものです。 だから、人は望んでいるほど、倩からの恵みを楜しめないのです。 神は人に倧いなる慰めである恵みを、ずおも䞊手にお䞎えになりたす。 しかし、人は感謝しお神に党おを返さないので、邪悪なこずをしたこずになるのです。 私たちが、恵みを䞎えおくださる方に感謝の気持ちを持たなければ、私たちが党おを恵みの源に返さなければ、恵みずいう賜物は、私たちの䞭ぞ流れ蟌んできたせん。 神の恵みは、十分に神に感謝する人に䞎えられたす。 ぞりくだった人に䞎えられる神の恵みは、傲慢な人から取り䞊げられたものでしょう。 私は慰めを望みたせん。 慰めが䞎えられれば、私は悔い改めるこずができなくなるでしょうから。 私は黙想を奜みたせん。 そうするこずで、私は傲慢な人間になっおしたうでしょうから。 私は喜んで神の恵みを受け入れたす。 そうするこずで、私はよりいっそうぞりくだった粟神を持ち、いっそう悔いあらための意志を匷くし、いっそう喜んで自分を攟棄するこずができるようになるでしょうから。 恵みずいう賜物によっお、神の教えを受けた人、神の恵みが取り䞊げられたこずで孊んだ人は、どんなよいこずも、自分に垰(き)するこずをあえおしたせん。 むしろ、自分の䞍足ず空虚さを認めるでしょう。 神のものは神ぞ、自分のものを自分のもずぞ。 神の恵みが䞎えられたこずに察しお、神に感謝の念を捧げなさい。 しかし自分自身には、自分の過ちが招いた責めず眰のみを垰(かえ)しなさい。 い぀も最も䜎い堎所を占めなさい。 そうすれば、最も高い堎所があなたに䞎えられるでしょう。 最も高い堎所は、最も䜎い堎所から離れおは存圚しないのですから。 神の埡前においおも偉倧な聖埒達は、自分達を䞀番取るに足らない者ず考えおいる人達です。 心の䞭で謙虚になればなるほど、聖埒達は神の栄光の元で茝くのです。 だから、真実ず倩からの栄光に満たされおいるのです。 神に守られお安定しお、匷くおられたす。 けしお傲慢な人々ではありたせん。 聖埒達は、自分達が受け取る党おのよいこずを、神のおかげであるず考えたす。 聖埒たちは互いから神の栄光を埗ようずはしたせん。 神からの栄光のみを求めたす。 圌等が望むこずはただ神が自分達の心の䞭で、そしお、党おの聖埒たちの心の䞭で、たたえられるこずなのです。 これが圌等の絶えざる望みなのです。 だから、最も小さい賜物に察しおも、感謝しなさい。 そうすれば、あなたはより倧きな賜物を、受けるに倀するようになるでしょう。 最も小さい賜物を、最も倧きなものず、最も取るに足らない賜物を、特別の賜物ず思いなさい。 䞎えおくださった方である神の高朔さに泚意をはらえば、どんな賜物も小さすぎたり、䟡倀の䜎いものにみえるこずはありたせん。 たずえ、神があなたに眰や灜いをお䞎えになっおも、受け入れなさい。 私たちの身にふりかかるこずがなんであれ、神が私たちの為を思っおなさっおくださったこずなのですから。 神の恵みをいただき続けたいず思う人は、恵みが自分に䞎えられる時には、感謝の気持ちを持぀べきです。 神の恵みが取り䞊げられた時には、忍耐匷くありなさい。 恵みが自分の元ぞ戻されるよう、祈りを捧げなさい。 恵みが倱われないよう、泚意しお、謙虚でありなさい。
The Nineteenth Chapter. INTRODUCTORY NOTE CHAPTER I Of the imitation of Christ, and of contempt of the world and all its vanities He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,(1) saith the Lord. These are the words of Christ; and they teach us how far we must imitate His life and character, if we seek true illumination, and deliverance from all blindness of heart. Let it be our most earnest study, therefore, to dwell upon the life of Jesus Christ. 2. His teaching surpasseth all teaching of holy men, and such as have His Spirit find therein the hidden manna. (2) But there are many who, though they frequently hear the Gospel, yet feel but little longing after it, because they have not the mind of Christ. He, therefore, that will fully and with true wisdom understand the words of Christ, let him strive to conform his whole life to that mind of Christ. 3. What doth it profit thee to enter into deep discussion concerning the Holy Trinity, if thou lack humility, and be thus displeasing to the Trinity? For verily it is not deep words that make a man holy and upright; it is a good life which maketh a man dear to God. I had rather feel contrition than be skilful in the definition thereof. If thou knewest the whole Bible, and the sayings of all the philosophers, what should all this profit thee without the love and grace of God? Vanity of vanities, all is vanity, save to love God, and Him only to serve. That is the highest wisdom, to cast the world behind us, and to reach forward to the heavenly kingdom. 4. It is vanity then to seek after, and to trust in, the riches that shall perish. It is vanity, too, to covet honours, and to lift up ourselves on high. It is vanity to follow the desires of the flesh and be led by them, for this shall bring misery at the last. It is vanity to desire a long life, and to have little care for a good life. It is vanity to take thought only for the life which now is, and not to look forward to the things which shall be hereafter. It is vanity to love that which quickly passeth away, and not to hasten where eternal joy abideth. 5. Be ofttimes mindful of the saying, (3) The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear with hearing. Strive, therefore, to turn away thy heart from the love of the things that are seen, and to set it upon the things that are not seen. For they who follow after their own fleshly lusts, defile the conscience, and destroy the grace of God. CHAPTER II Of thinking humbly of oneself There is naturally in every man a desire to know, but what profiteth knowledge without the fear of God? Better of a surety is a lowly peasant who serveth God, than a proud philosopher who watcheth the stars and neglecteth the knowledge of himself. He who knoweth himself well is vile in his own sight; neither regardeth he the praises of men. If I knew all the things that are in the world, and were not in charity, what should it help me before God, who is to judge me according to my deeds? 2. Rest from inordinate desire of knowledge, for therein is found much distraction and deceit. Those who have knowledge desire to appear learned, and to be called wise. Many things there are to know which profiteth little or nothing to the soul. And foolish out of measure is he who attendeth upon other things rather than those which serve to his soul's health. Many words satisfy not the soul, but a good life refresheth the mind, and a pure conscience giveth great confidence towards God. 3. The greater and more complete thy knowledge, the more severely shalt thou be judged, unless thou hast lived holily. Therefore be not lifted up by any skill or knowledge that thou hast; but rather fear concerning the knowledge which is given to thee. If it seemeth to thee that thou knowest many things, and understandest them well, know also that there are many more things which thou knowest not. Be not high-minded, but rather confess thine ignorance. Why desirest thou to lift thyself above another, when there are found many more learned and more skilled in the Scripture than thou? If thou wilt know and learn anything with profit, love to be thyself unknown and to be counted for nothing. 4. That is the highest and most profitable lesson, when a man truly knoweth and judgeth lowly of himself. To account nothing of one's self, and to think always kindly and highly of others, this is great and perfect wisdom. Even shouldest thou see thy neighbor sin openly or grievously, yet thou oughtest not to reckon thyself better than he, for thou knowest not how long thou shalt keep thine integrity. All of us are weak and frail; hold thou no man more frail than thyself. CHAPTER III Of the knowledge of truth Happy is the man whom Truth by itself doth teach, not by figures and transient words, but as it is in itself.(1) Our own judgment and feelings often deceive us, and we discern but little of the truth. What doth it profit to argue about hidden and dark things, concerning which we shall not be even reproved in the judgment, because we knew them not? Oh, grievous folly, to neglect the things which are profitable and necessary, and to give our minds to things which are curious and hurtful! Having eyes, we see not. 2. And what have we to do with talk about genus and species! He to whom the Eternal Word speaketh is free from multiplied questionings. From this One Word are all things, and all things speak of Him; and this is the Beginning which also speaketh unto us.(2) No man without Him understandeth or rightly judgeth. O God, who art the Truth, make me one with Thee in everlasting love. It wearieth me oftentimes to read and listen to many things; in Thee is all that I wish for and desire. Let all the doctors hold their peace; let all creation keep silence before Thee: speak Thou alone to me. 3. The more a man hath unity and simplicity in himself, the more things and the deeper things he understandeth; because he receiveth the light of understanding from above. The spirit which is pure, sincere, and steadfast, is not distracted though it hath many works to do, because it doth all things to the honour of God, and striveth to be free from all thoughts of self-seeking. Who is so full of hindrance and annoyance to thee as thine own undisciplined heart? A man who is good and devout arrangeth beforehand within his own heart the works which he hath to do abroad; and so is not drawn away by the desires of his evil will, but subjecteth everything to the judgment of right reason. Who hath a harder battle to fight than he who striveth for self-mastery? And this should be our endeavour, even to master self, and thus daily to grow stronger than self, and go on unto perfection. 4. All perfection hath some imperfection joined to it in this life, and all our power of sight is not without some darkness. A lowly knowledge of thyself is a surer way to God than the deep searching of man's learning. Not that learning is to be blamed, nor the taking account of anything that is good; but a good conscience and a holy life is better than all. And because many seek knowledge rather than good living, therefore they go astray, and bear little or no fruit. 5. O if they would give that diligence to the rooting out of vice and the planting of virtue which they give unto vain questionings: there had not been so many evil doings and stumbling-blocks among the laity, nor such ill living among houses of religion. Of a surety, at the Day of Judgment it will be demanded of us, not what we have read, but what we have done; not how well we have spoken, but how holily we have lived. Tell me, where now are all those masters and teachers, whom thou knewest well, whilst they were yet with you, and flourished in learning? Their stalls are now filled by others, who perhaps never have one thought concerning them. Whilst they lived they seemed to be somewhat, but now no one speaks of them. 6. Oh how quickly passeth the glory of the world away! Would that their life and knowledge had agreed together! How many perish through empty learning in this world, who care little for serving God. And because they love to be great more than to be humble, He only is truly great, who hath great charity. He is truly great who deemeth himself small, and counteth all height of honour as nothing. He is the truly wise man, who counteth all earthly things as dung that he may win Christ. And he is the truly learned man, who doeth the will of God, and forsaketh his own will. CHAPTER IV Of prudence in action We must not trust every word of others or feeling within ourselves, but cautiously and patiently try the matter, whether it be of God. Unhappily we are so weak that we find it easier to believe and speak evil of others, rather than good. But they that are perfect, do not give ready heed to every news-bearer, for they know man's weakness that it is prone to evil and unstable in words. 2. This is great wisdom, not to be hasty in action, or stubborn in our own opinions. A part of this wisdom also is not to believe every word we hear, nor to tell others all that we hear, even though we believe it. Take counsel with a man who is wise and of a good conscience; and seek to be instructed by one better than thyself, rather than to follow thine own inventions. A good life maketh a man wise toward God, and giveth him experience in many things. The more humble a man is in himself, and the more obedient towards God, the wiser will he be in all things, and the more shall his soul be at peace. CHAPTER V Of the reading of Holy Scriptures It is Truth which we must look for in Holy Writ, not cunning of words. All Scripture ought to be read in the spirit in which it was written. We must rather seek for what is profitable in Scripture, than for what ministereth to subtlety in discourse. Therefore we ought to read books which are devotional and simple, as well as those which are deep and difficult. And let not the weight of the writer be a stumbling-block to thee, whether he be of little or much learning, but let the love of the pure Truth draw thee to read. Ask not, who hath said this or that, but look to what he says. 2. Men pass away, but the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Without respect of persons God speaketh to us in divers manners. Our own curiosity often hindereth us in the reading of holy writings, when we seek to understand and discuss, where we should pass simply on. If thou wouldst profit by thy reading, read humbly, simply, honestly, and not desiring to win a character for learning. Ask freely, and hear in silence the words of holy men; nor be displeased at the hard sayings of older men than thou, for they are not uttered without cause. CHAPTER VI Of inordinate affections Whensoever a man desireth aught above measure, immediately he becometh restless. The proud and the avaricious man are never at rest; while the poor and lowly of heart abide in the multitude of peace. The man who is not yet wholly dead to self, is soon tempted, and is overcome in small and trifling matters. It is hard for him who is weak in spirit, and still in part carnal and inclined to the pleasures of sense, to withdraw himself altogether from earthly desires. And therefore, when he withdraweth himself from these, he is often sad, and easily angered too if any oppose his will. 2. But if, on the other hand, he yield to his inclination, immediately he is weighed down by the condemnation of his conscience; for that he hath followed his own desire, and yet in no way attained the peace which he hoped for. And therefore there is no peace in the heart of a man who is carnal, nor in him who is given up to the things that are without him, but only in him who is fervent towards God and living the life of the Spirit. CHAPTER VII Of fleeing from vain hope and pride Vain is the life of that man who putteth his trust in men or in any created Thing. Be not ashamed to be the servant of others for the love of Jesus Christ, and to be reckoned poor in this life. Rest not upon thyself, but build thy hope in God. Do what lieth in thy power, and God will help thy good intent. Trust not in thy learning, nor in the cleverness of any that lives, but rather trust in the favour of God, who resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble. 2. Boast not thyself in thy riches if thou hast them, nor in thy friends if they be powerful, but in God, who giveth all things, and in addition to all things desireth to give even Himself. Be not lifted up because of thy strength or beauty of body, for with only a slight sickness it will fail and wither away. Be not vain of thy skilfulness or ability, lest thou displease God, from whom cometh every good gift which we have. 3. Count not thyself better than others, lest perchance thou appear worse in the sight of God, who knoweth what is in man. Be not proud of thy good works, for God's judgments are of another sort than the judgments of man, and what pleaseth man is ofttimes displeasing to Him. If thou hast any good, believe that others have more, and so thou mayest preserve thy humility. It is no harm to thee if thou place thyself below all others; but it is great harm if thou place thyself above even one. Peace is ever with the humble man, but in the heart of the proud there is envy and continual wrath. CHAPTER VIII Of the danger of too much familiarity Open not thine heart to every man, but deal with one who is wise and feareth God. Be seldom with the young and with strangers. Be not a flatterer of the rich; nor willingly seek the society of the great. Let thy company be the humble and the simple, the devout and the gentle, and let thy discourse be concerning things which edify. Be not familiar with any woman, but commend all good women alike unto God. Choose for thy companions God and His Angels only, and flee from the notice of men. 2. We must love all men, but not make close companions of all. It sometimes falleth out that one who is unknown to us is highly regarded through good report of him, whose actual person is nevertheless unpleasing to those who behold it. We sometimes think to please others by our intimacy, and forthwith displease them the more by the faultiness of character which they perceive in us. CHAPTER IX Of obedience and subjection It is verily a great thing to live in obedience, to be under authority, and not to be at our own disposal. Far safer is it to live in subjection than in a place of authority. Many are in obedience from necessity rather than from love; these take it amiss, and repine for small cause. Nor will they gain freedom of spirit, unless with all their heart they submit themselves for the love of God. Though thou run hither and thither, thou wilt not find peace, save in humble subjection to the authority of him who is set over thee. Fancies about places and change of them have deceived many. 2. True it is that every man willingly followeth his own bent, and is the more inclined to those who agree with him. But if Christ is amongst us, then it is necessary that we sometimes yield up our own opinion for the sake of peace. Who is so wise as to have perfect knowledge of all things? Therefore trust not too much to thine own opinion, but be ready also to hear the opinions of others. Though thine own opinion be good, yet if for the love of God thou foregoest it, and followest that of another, thou shalt the more profit thereby. 3. Ofttimes I have heard that it is safer to hearken and to receive counsel than to give it. It may also come to pass that each opinion may be good; but to refuse to hearken to others when reason or occasion requireth it, is a mark of pride or wilfulness. CHAPTER X Of the danger of superfluity of words Avoid as far as thou canst the tumult of men; for talk concerning worldly things, though it be innocently undertaken, is a hindrance, so quickly are we led captive and defiled by vanity. Many a time I wish that I had held my peace, and had not gone amongst men. But why do we talk and gossip so continually, seeing that we so rarely resume our silence without some hurt done to our conscience? We like talking so much because we hope by our conversations to gain some mutual comfort, and because we seek to refresh our wearied spirits by variety of thoughts. And we very willingly talk and think of those things which we love or desire, or else of those which we most dislike. 2. But alas! it is often to no purpose and in vain. For this outward consolation is no small hindrance to the inner comfort which cometh from God. Therefore must we watch and pray that time pass not idly away. If it be right and desirable for thee to speak, speak things which are to edification. Evil custom and neglect of our real profit tend much to make us heedless of watching over our lips. Nevertheless, devout conversation on spiritual things helpeth not a little to spiritual progress, most of all where those of kindred mind and spirit find their ground of fellowship in God. CHAPTER XI Of seeking peace of mind and of spiritual progress We may enjoy abundance of peace if we refrain from busying ourselves with the sayings and doings of others, and things which concern not ourselves. How can he abide long time in peace who occupieth himself with other men's matters, and with things without himself, and meanwhile payeth little or rare heed to the self within? Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall have abundance of peace. 2. How came it to pass that many of the Saints were so perfect, so contemplative of Divine things? Because they steadfastly sought to mortify themselves from all worldly desires, and so were enabled to cling with their whole heart to God, and be free and at leisure for the thought of Him. We are too much occupied with our own affections, and too anxious about transitory things. Seldom, too, do we entirely conquer even a single fault, nor are we zealous for daily growth in grace. And so we remain lukewarm and unspiritual. 3. Were we fully watchful of ourselves, and not bound in spirit to outward things, then might we be wise unto salvation, and make progress in Divine contemplation. Our great and grievous stumbling-block is that, not being freed from our affections and desires, we strive not to enter into the perfect way of the Saints. And when even a little trouble befalleth us, too quickly are we cast down, and fly to the world to give us comfort. 4. If we would quit ourselves like men, and strive to stand firm in the battle, then should we see the Lord helping us from Heaven. For He Himself is alway ready to help those who strive and who trust in Him; If we look upon our progress in religion as a progress only in outward observances and forms, our devoutness will soon come to an end. But let us lay the axe to the very root of our life, that, being cleansed from affections, we may possess our souls in peace. 5. If each year should see one fault rooted out from us, we should go quickly on to perfection. But on the contrary, we often feel that we were better and holier in the beginning of our conversion than after many years of profession. Zeal and progress ought to increase day by day; yet now it seemeth a great thing if one is able to retain some portion of his first ardour. If we would put some slight stress on ourselves at the beginning, then afterwards we should be able to do all things with ease and joy. 6. It is a hard thing to break through a habit, and a yet harder thing to go contrary to our own will. Yet if thou overcome not slight and easy obstacles, how shalt thou overcome greater ones? Withstand thy will at the beginning, and unlearn an evil habit, lest it lead thee little by little into worse difficulties. Oh, if thou knewest what peace to thyself thy holy life should bring to thyself, and what joy to others, methinketh thou wouldst be more zealous for spiritual profit. CHAPTER XII Of the uses of adversity It is good for us that we sometimes have sorrows and adversities, for they often make a man lay to heart that he is only a stranger and sojourner, and may not put his trust in any worldly thing. It is good that we sometimes endure contradictions, and are hardly and unfairly judged, when we do and mean what is good. For these things help us to be humble, and shield us from vain-glory. For then we seek the more earnestly the witness of God, when men speak evil of us falsely, and give us no credit for good. 2. Therefore ought a man to rest wholly upon God, so that he needeth not seek much comfort at the hand of men. When a man who feareth God is afflicted or tried or oppressed with evil thoughts, then he seeth that God is the more necessary unto him, since without God he can do no good thing. Then he is heavy of heart, he groaneth, he crieth out for the very disquietness of his heart. Then he groweth weary of life, and would fain depart and be with Christ. By all this he is taught that in the world there can be no perfect security or fulness of peace. CHAPTER XIII Of resisting temptation So long as we live in the world, we cannot be without trouble and trial. Wherefore it is written in Job, The life of man upon the earth is a trial.(1) And therefore ought each of us to give heed concerning trials and temptations, and watch unto prayer, lest the devil find occasion to deceive; No man is so perfect in holiness that he hath never temptations, nor can we ever be wholly free from them. 2. Yet, notwithstanding, temptations turn greatly unto our profit, even though they be great and hard to bear; for through them we are humbled, purified, instructed. All Saints have passed through much tribulation and temptation, and have profited thereby. And they who endured not temptation became reprobate and fell away. There is no position so sacred, no place so secret, that it is without temptations and adversities. 3. There is no man wholly free from temptations so long as he liveth, because we have the root of temptation within ourselves, in that we are born in concupiscence. One temptation or sorrow passeth, and another cometh; and always we shall have somewhat to suffer, for we have fallen from perfect happiness. Many who seek to fly from temptations fall yet more deeply into them. By flight alone we cannot overcome, but by endurance and true humility we are made stronger than all our enemies. 4. He who only resisteth outwardly and pulleth not up by the root, shall profit little; nay, rather temptations will return to him the more quickly, and will be the more terrible. Little by little, through patience and longsuffering, thou shalt conquer by the help of God, rather than by violence and thine own strength of will. In the midst of temptation often seek counsel; and deal not hardly with one who is tempted, but comfort and strengthen him as thou wouldest have done unto thyself. 5. The beginning of all temptations to evil is instability of temper and want of trust in God; for even as a ship without a helm is tossed about by the waves, so is a man who is careless and infirm of purpose tempted, now on this side, now on that. As fire testeth iron, so doth temptation the upright man. Oftentimes we know not what strength we have; but temptation revealeth to us what we are. Nevertheless, we must watch, especially in the beginnings of temptation; for then is the foe the more easily mastered, when he is not suffered to enter within the mind, but is met outside the door as soon as he hath knocked. Wherefore one saith, Check the beginnings; once thou might'st have cured, But now 'tis past thy skill, too long hath it endured. For first cometh to the mind the simple suggestion, then the strong imagination, afterwards pleasure, evil affection, assent. And so little by little the enemy entereth in altogether, because he was not resisted at the beginning. And the longer a man delayeth his resistance, the weaker he groweth, and the stronger groweth the enemy against him. 6. Some men suffer their most grievous temptations in the beginning of their conversion, some at the end. Some are sorely tried their whole life long. Some there are who are tempted but lightly, according to the wisdom and justice of the ordering of God, who knoweth the character and circumstances of men, and ordereth all things for the welfare of His elect. 7. Therefore we ought not to despair when we are tempted, but the more fervently should cry unto God, that He will vouchsafe to help us in all our tribulation; and that He will, as St. Paul saith, with the temptation make a way to escape that we may be able to bear it.(2) Let us therefore humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God in all temptation and trouble, for He will save and exalt such as are of an humble spirit. 8. In temptations and troubles a man is proved, what progress he hath made, and therein is his reward the greater, and his virtue doth the more appear. Nor is it a great thing if a man be devout and zealous so long as he suffereth no affliction; but if he behave himself patiently in the time of adversity, then is there hope of great progress. Some are kept safe from great temptations, but are overtaken in those which are little and common, that the humiliation may teach them not to trust to themselves in great things, being weak in small things. CHAPTER XIV On avoiding rash judgment Look well unto thyself, and beware that thou judge not the doings of others. In judging others a man laboureth in vain; he often erreth, and easily falleth into sin; but in judging and examining himself he always laboureth to good purpose. According as a matter toucheth our fancy, so oftentimes do we judge of it; for easily do we fail of true judgment because of our own personal feeling. If God were always the sole object of our desire, we should the less easily be troubled by the erring judgment of our fancy. 2. But often some secret thought lurking within us, or even some outward circumstance, turneth us aside. Many are secretly seeking their own ends in what they do, yet know it not. They seem to live in good peace of mind so long as things go well with them, and according to their desires, but if their desires be frustrated and broken, immediately they are shaken and displeased. Diversity of feelings and opinions very often brings about dissensions between friends, between countrymen, between religious and godly men. 3. Established custom is not easily relinquished, and no man is very easily led to see with the eyes of another. If thou rest more upon thy own reason or experience than upon the power of Jesus Christ, thy light shall come slowly and hardly; for God willeth us to be perfectly subject unto Himself, and all our reason to be exalted by abundant love towards Him. CHAPTER XV Of works of charity For no worldly good whatsoever, and for the love of no man, must anything be done which is evil, but for the help of the suffering a good work must sometimes be postponed, or be changed for a better; for herein a good work is not destroyed, but improved. Without charity no work profiteth, but whatsoever is done in charity, however small and of no reputation it be, bringeth forth good fruit; for God verily considereth what a man is able to do, more than the greatness of what he doth. 2. He doth much who loveth much. He doth much who doth well. He doth well who ministereth to the public good rather than to his own. Oftentimes that seemeth to be charity which is rather carnality, because it springeth from natural inclination, self-will, hope of repayment, desire of gain. 3. He who hath true and perfect charity, in no wise seeketh his own good, but desireth that God alone be altogether glorified. He envieth none, because he longeth for no selfish joy; nor doth he desire to rejoice in himself, but longeth to be blessed in God as the highest good. He ascribeth good to none save to God only, the Fountain whence all good proceedeth, and the End, the Peace, the joy of all Saints. He ascribeth good to none save to God only, the Fountain whence all good proceedeth, and the End, the Peace, the joy of all Saints. Oh, he who hath but a spark of true charity, hath verily learned that all worldly things are full of vanity. CHAPTER XVI Of bearing with the faults of others Those things which a man cannot amend in himself or in others, he ought patiently to bear, until God shall otherwise ordain. Bethink thee that perhaps it is better for thy trial and patience, without which our merits are but little worth. Nevertheless thou oughtest, when thou findeth such impediments, to beseech God that He would vouchsafe to sustain thee, that thou be able to bear them with a good will. 2. If one who is once or twice admonished refuse to hearken, strive not with him, but commit all to God, that His will may be done and His honour be shown in His servants, for He knoweth well how to convert the evil unto good. Endeavour to be patient in bearing with other men's faults and infirmities whatsoever they be, for thou thyself also hast many things which have need to be borne with by others. If thou canst not make thine own self what thou desireth, how shalt thou be able to fashion another to thine own liking. We are ready to see others made perfect, and yet we do not amend our own shortcomings. 3. We will that others be straitly corrected, but we will not be corrected ourselves. The freedom of others displeaseth us, but we are dissatisfied that our own wishes shall be denied us. We desire rules to be made restraining others, but by no means will we suffer ourselves to be restrained. Thus therefore doth it plainly appear how seldom we weigh our neighbour in the same balance with ourselves. If all men were perfect, what then should we have to suffer from others for God? 4. But now hath God thus ordained, that we may learn to bear one another's burdens, because none is without defect, none without a burden, none sufficient of himself, none wise enough of himself; but it behoveth us to bear with one another, to comfort one another, to help, instruct, admonish one another. How much strength each man hath is best proved by occasions of adversity: for such occasions do not make a man frail, but show of what temper he is. CHAPTER XVII Of a religious life It behoveth thee to learn to mortify thyself in many things, if thou wilt live in amity and concord with other men. It is no small thing to dwell in a religious community or congregation, and to live there without complaint, and therein to remain faithful even unto death. Blessed is he who hath lived a good life in such a body, and brought it to a happy end. If thou wilt stand fast and wilt profit as thou oughtest, hold thyself as an exile and a pilgrim upon the earth. Thou wilt have to be counted as a fool for Christ, if thou wilt lead a religious life. 2. The clothing and outward appearance are of small account; it is change of character and entire mortification of the affections which make a truly religious man. He who seeketh aught save God and the health of his soul, shall find only tribulation and sorrow. Nor can he stand long in peace, who striveth not to be least of all and servant of all. 3. Thou art called to endure and to labour, not to a life of ease and trifling talk. Here therefore are men tried as gold in the furnace. No man can stand, unless with all his heart he will humble himself for God's sake. CHAPTER XVIII Of the example of the Holy Fathers Consider now the lively examples of the holy fathers, in whom shone forth real perfectness and religion, and thou shalt see how little, even as nothing, is all that we do. Ah! What is our life when compared to theirs? They, saints and friends of Christ as they were, served the Lord in hunger and thirst, in cold and nakedness, in labour and weariness, in watchings and fastings, in prayer and holy meditations, in persecutions and much rebuke. 2. O how many and grievous tribulations did the Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins, endure; For they hated their souls in this world that they might keep them unto life eternal. O how strict and retired a life was that of the holy fathers who dwelt in the desert! what long and grievous temptations they did suffer! how often were they assaulted by the enemy! what frequent and fervid prayers did they offer unto God! what strict fasts did they endure! what fervent zeal and desire after spiritual profit did they manifest! how bravely did they fight that their vices might not gain the mastery! how entirely and steadfastly did they reach after God! By day they laboured, and at night they gave themselves ofttimes unto prayer; yea, even when they were labouring they ceased not from mental prayer. 3. They spent their whole time profitably; every hour seemed short for retirement with God; and through the great sweetness of contemplation, even the need of bodily refreshment was forgotten. They renounced all riches, dignities, honours, friends, kinsmen; they desired nothing from the world; they ate the bare necessaries of life; they were unwilling to minister to the body even in necessity. Thus were they poor in earthly things, but rich above measure in grace and virtue. Though poor to the outer eye, within they were filled with grace and heavenly benedictions. 4. They were strangers to the world, but unto God they were as kinsmen and friends. They seemed unto themselves as of no reputation, and in the world's eyes contemptible; but in the sight of God they were precious and beloved. They stood fast in true humility, they lived in simple obedience, they walked in love and patience; To all religious men they were given as an example, and they ought more to provoke us unto good livings than the number of the lukewarm tempteth to carelessness of life. 5. O how great was the love of all religious persons at the beginning of this sacred institution! O what devoutness of prayer! what strict discipline was observed! what reverence and obedience under the rule of the master showed they in all things! The traces of them that remain until now testify that they were truly holy and perfect men, who fighting so bravely trod the world underfoot. Now a man is counted great if only he be not a transgressor, and if he can only endure with patience what he hath undertaken. 6. O the coldness and negligence of our times, that we so quickly decline from the former love, and it is become a weariness to live, because of sloth and lukewarmness. May progress in holiness not wholly fall asleep in thee, who many times hast seen so many examples of devout men! CHAPTER XX Of the love of solitude and silence Seek a suitable time for thy meditation, and think frequently of the mercies of God to thee. Leave curious questions. Study such matters as bring thee sorrow for sin rather than amusement. If thou withdraw thyself from trifling conversation and idle goings about, as well as from novelties and gossip, thou shalt find thy time sufficient and apt for good meditation. The greatest saints used to avoid as far as they could the company of men, and chose to live in secret with God. 2. One hath said, "As oft as I have gone among men, so oft have I returned less a man." This is what we often experience when we have been long time in conversation. For it is easier to be altogether silent than it is not to exceed in word. It is easier to remain hidden at home than to keep sufficient guard upon thyself out of doors. He, therefore, that seeketh to reach that which is hidden and spiritual, must go with Jesus "apart from the multitude." No man safely goeth abroad who loveth not to rest at home. No man safely talketh but he who loveth to hold his peace. No man safely ruleth but he who loveth to be subject. No man safely commandeth but he who loveth to obey. 3. No man safely rejoiceth but he who hath the testimony of a good conscience within himself. The boldness of the Saints was always full of the fear of God. Nor were they the less earnest and humble in themselves, because they shone forth with great virtues and grace. But the boldness of wicked men springeth from pride and presumption, and at the last turneth to their own confusion. Never promise thyself security in this life, howsoever good a monk or devout a solitary thou seemest. 4. Often those who stand highest in the esteem of men, fall the more grievously because of their over great confidence. Wherefore it is very profitable unto many that they should not be without inward temptation, but should be frequently assaulted, lest they be over confident, lest they be indeed lifted up into pride, or else lean too freely upon the consolations of the world. O how good a conscience should that man keep, who never sought a joy that passeth away, who never became entangled with the world! O how great peace and quiet should he possess, who would cast off all vain care, and think only of healthful and divine things, and build his whole hope upon God! 5. No man is worthy of heavenly consolation but he who hath diligently exercised himself in holy compunction. If thou wilt feel compunction within thy heart, enter into thy chamber and shut out the tumults of the world, as it is written, Commune with your own heart in your own chamber and be still.(1) In retirement thou shalt find what often thou wilt lose abroad. Retirement, if thou continue therein, groweth sweet, but if thou keep not in it, begetteth weariness. If in the beginning of thy conversation thou dwell in it and keep it well, it shall afterwards be to thee a dear friend, and a most pleasant solace. 6. In silence and quiet the devout soul goeth forward and learneth the hidden things of the Scriptures. Therein findeth she a fountain of tears, wherein to wash and cleanse herself each night, that she may grow the more dear to her Maker as she dwelleth the further from all worldly distraction. To him who withdraweth himself from his acquaintance and friends God with his holy angels will draw nigh. It is better to be unknown and take heed to oneself than to neglect oneself and work wonders. It is praiseworthy for a religious man to go seldom abroad, to fly from being seen, to have no desire to see men. 7. Why wouldest thou see what thou mayest not have? The world passeth away and the lust thereof. The desires of sensuality draw thee abroad, but when an hour is past, what dost thou bring home, but a weight upon thy conscience and distraction of heart? A merry going forth bringeth often a sorrowful return, and a merry evening maketh a sad morning? So doth all carnal joy begin pleasantly, but in the end it gnaweth away and destroyeth. What canst thou see abroad which thou seest not at home? Behold the heaven and the earth and the elements, for out of these are all things made. 8. What canst thou see anywhere which can continue long under the sun? Thou believest perchance that thou shalt be satisfied, but thou wilt never be able to attain unto this. If thou shouldest see all things before thee at once, what would it be but a vain vision? Lift up thine eyes to God on high, and pray that thy sins and negligences may be forgiven. Leave vain things to vain men, and mind thou the things which God hath commanded thee. Shut thy door upon thee, and call unto thyself Jesus thy beloved. Remain with Him in thy chamber, for thou shalt not elsewhere find so great peace. If thou hadst not gone forth nor listened to vain talk, thou hadst better kept thyself in good peace. But because it sometimes delighteth thee to hear new things, thou must therefore suffer trouble of heart. CHAPTER XXI Of compunction of heart If thou wilt make any progress keep thyself in the fear of God, and long not to be too free, but restrain all thy senses under discipline and give not thyself up to senseless mirth. Give thyself to compunction of heart and thou shalt find devotion. Compunction openeth the way for many good things, which dissoluteness is wont quickly to lose. It is wonderful that any man can ever rejoice heartily in this life who considereth and weigheth his banishment, and the manifold dangers which beset his soul. 2. Through lightness of heart and neglect of our shortcomings we feel not the sorrows of our soul, but often vainly laugh when we have good cause to weep. There is no true liberty nor real joy, save in the fear of God with a good conscience. Happy is he who can cast away every cause of distraction and bring himself to the one purpose of holy compunction. Happy is he who putteth away from him whatsoever may stain or burden his conscience. Strive manfully; custom is overcome by custom. If thou knowest how to let men alone, they will gladly let thee alone to do thine own works. 3. Busy not thyself with the affairs of others, nor entangle thyself with the business of great men. Keep always thine eye upon thyself first of all, and give advice to thyself specially before all thy dearest friends. If thou hast not the favour of men, be not thereby cast down, but let thy concern be that thou holdest not thyself so well and circumspectly, as becometh a servant of God and a devout monk. It is often better and safer for a man not to have many comforts in this life, especially those which concern the flesh. But that we lack divine comforts or feel them rarely is to our own blame, because we seek not compunction of heart, nor utterly cast away those comforts which are vain and worldly. 4. Know thyself to be unworthy of divine consolation, and worthy rather of much tribulation. When a man hath perfect compunction, then all the world is burdensome and bitter to him. A good man will find sufficient cause for mourning and weeping; for whether he considereth himself, or pondereth concerning his neighbour, he knoweth that no man liveth here without tribulation, and the more thoroughly he considereth himself, the more thoroughly he grieveth. Grounds for just grief and inward compunction there are in our sins and vices, wherein we lie so entangled that we are but seldom able to contemplate heavenly things. 5. If thou thoughtest upon thy death more often than how long thy life should be, thou wouldest doubtless strive more earnestly to improve. And if thou didst seriously consider the future pains of hell, I believe thou wouldest willingly endure toil or pain and fear not discipline. But because these things reach not the heart, and we still love pleasant things, therefore we remain cold and miserably indifferent. 6. Oftentimes it is from poverty of spirit that the wretched body is so easily led to complain. Pray therefore humbly unto the Lord that He will give thee the spirit of compunction and say in the language of the prophet, Feed me, O Lord, with bread of tears, and give me plenteousness of tears to drink.(1) CHAPTER XXII On the contemplation of human misery Thou art miserable wheresoever thou art, and whithersoever thou turnest, unless thou turn thee to God. Why art thou disquieted because it happeneth not to thee according to thy wishes and desires? Who is he that hath everything according to his will? Neither I, nor thou, nor any man upon the earth. There is no man in the world free from trouble or anguish, though he were King or Pope. Who is he who hath the happiest lot? Even he who is strong to suffer somewhat for God. 2. There are many foolish and unstable men who say, "See what a prosperous life that man hath, how rich and how great he is, how powerful, how exalted." But lift up thine eyes to the good things of heaven, and thou shalt see that all these worldly things are nothing, they are utterly uncertain, yea, they are wearisome, because they are never possessed without care and fear. The happiness of man lieth not in the abundance of temporal things but a moderate portion sufficeth him. Our life upon the earth is verily wretchedness. The more a man desireth to be spiritual, the more bitter doth the present life become to him; because he the better understandeth and seeth the defects of human corruption. For to eat, to drink, to watch, to sleep, to rest, to labour, and to be subject to the other necessities of nature, is truly a great wretchedness and affliction to a devout man, who would fain be released and free from all sin. 3. For the inner man is heavily burdened with the necessities of the body in this world. Wherefore the prophet devoutly prayeth to be freed from them, saying, But woe to those who know not their own misery, and yet greater woe to those who love this miserable and corruptible life. For to such a degree do some cling to it (even though by For to such a degree do some cling to it (even though by labouring or begging they scarce procure what is necessary for subsistence) that if they might live here always, they would care nothing for the Kingdom of God. 4. Oh foolish and faithless of heart, who lie buried so deep in worldly things, that they relish nothing save the things of the flesh! Miserable ones! they will too sadly find out at the last, how vile and worthless was that which they loved. The saints of God and all loyal friends of Christ held as nothing the things which pleased the flesh, or those which flourished in this life, but their whole hope and affection aspired to the things which are above. Their whole desire was borne upwards to everlasting and invisible things, lest they should be drawn downwards by the love of things visible. 5. Lose not, brother, thy loyal desire of progress to things spiritual. There is yet time, the hour is not past. Why wilt thou put off thy resolution? Arise, begin this very moment, and say, "Now is the time to do: now is the time to fight, now is the proper time for amendment." When thou art ill at ease and troubled, then is the time when thou art nearest unto blessing. Thou must go through fire and water that God may bring thee into a wealthy place. Unless thou put force upon thyself, thou wilt not conquer thy faults. So long as we carry about with us this frail body, we cannot be without sin, we cannot live without weariness and trouble. Gladly would we have rest from all misery; but because through sin we have lost innocence, we have lost also the true happiness. Therefore must we be patient, and wait for the mercy of God, until this tyranny be overpast, and this mortality be swallowed up of life. 6. O how great is the frailty of man, which is ever prone to evil! To-day thou confessest thy sins, and to-morrow thou committest again the sins thou didst confess. Now dost thou resolve to avoid a fault, and within an hour thou behavest thyself as if thou hadst never resolved at all. Good cause have we therefore to humble ourselves, and never to think highly of ourselves, seeing that we are so frail and unstable. And quickly may that be lost by our negligence, which by much labour was hardly attained through grace. 7. What shall become of us at the end, if at the beginning we are lukewarm and idle? Woe unto us, if we choose to rest, as though it were a time of peace and security, while as yet no sign appeareth in our life of true holiness. Rather had we need that we might begin yet afresh, like good novices, to be instructed unto good living, if haply there might be hope of some future amendment and greater spiritual increase. CHAPTER XXIII Of meditation upon death Very quickly will there be an end of thee here; take heed therefore how it will be with thee in another world. To-day man is, and to-morrow he will be seen no more. O the dulness and hardness of man's heart, which thinketh only of the present, and looketh not forward to the future. Thou oughtest in every deed and thought so to order thyself, as if thou wert to die this day. If thou hadst a good conscience thou wouldst not greatly fear death. It were better for thee to watch against sin, than to fly from death. If to-day thou art not ready, how shalt thou be ready to-morrow? To-morrow is an uncertain day; and how knowest thou that thou shalt have a to-morrow? 2. What doth it profit to live long, when we amend so little? Ah! long life doth not always amend, but often the more increaseth guilt. Oh that we might spend a single day in this world as it ought to be spent! Many there are who reckon the years since they were converted, and yet oftentimes how little is the fruit thereof. If it is a fearful thing to die, it may be perchance a yet more fearful thing to live long. Happy is the man who hath the hour of his death always before his eyes, and daily prepareth himself to die. If thou hast ever seen one die, consider that thou also shalt pass away by the same road. 3. When it is morning reflect that it may be thou shalt not see the evening, and at eventide dare not to boast thyself of the morrow. Always be thou prepared, and so live that death may never find thee unprepared. Many die suddenly and unexpectedly. For at such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.(1) When that last hour shall come, thou wilt begin to think very differently of thy whole life past, and wilt mourn bitterly that thou hast been so negligent and slothful. 4. Happy and wise is he who now striveth to be such in life as he would fain be found in death! For a perfect contempt of the world, a fervent desire to excel in virtue, the love of discipline, the painfulness of repentance, readiness to obey, denial of self, submission to any adversity for love of Christ; these are the things which shall give great confidence of a happy death. Whilst thou art in health thou hast many opportunities of good works; but when thou art in sickness I know not how much thou wilt be able to do. Few are made better by infirmity: even as they who wander much abroad seldom become holy. 5. Trust not thy friends and kinsfolk, nor put off the work of thy salvation to the future, for men will forget thee sooner than thou thinkest. It is better for thee now to provide in time, and to send some good before thee, than to trust to the help of others. If thou art not anxious for thyself now, who, thinkest thou, will be anxious for thee afterwards? Now the time is most precious. Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. But alas! that thou spendest not well this time, wherein thou mightest lay up treasure which should profit thee everlastingly. The hour will come when thou shalt desire one day, yea, one hour, for amendment of life, and I know not whether thou shalt obtain. 6. Oh, dearly beloved, from what danger thou mightest free thyself, from what great fear, if only thou wouldst always live in fear, and in expectation of death! Strive now to live in such wise that in the hour of death thou mayest rather rejoice than fear. Learn now to die to the world, so shalt thou begin to live with Christ. Learn now to contemn all earthly things, and then mayest thou freely go unto Christ. Keep under thy body by penitence, and then shalt thou be able to have a sure confidence. 7. Ah, foolish one! why thinkest thou that thou shalt live long, when thou art not sure of a single day? How many have been deceived, and suddenly have been snatched away from the body! How many times hast thou heard how one was slain by the sword, another was drowned, another falling from on high broke his neck, another died at the table, another whilst at play! Thus cometh death to all, and the life of men swiftly passeth away like a shadow. 8. Who will remember thee after thy death? And who will entreat for thee? Work, work now, oh dearly beloved, work all that thou canst. For thou knowest not when thou shalt die, nor what shall happen unto thee after death. While thou hast time, lay up for thyself undying riches. Think of nought but of thy salvation; care only for the things of God. Make to thyself friends, by venerating the saints of God and walking in their steps, that when thou failest, thou mayest be received into everlasting habitations.(2) 9. Keep thyself as a stranger and a pilgrim upon the earth, to whom the things of the world appertain not. Keep thine heart free, and lifted up towards God, for here have we no continuing city.(3) To Him direct thy daily prayers with crying and tears, that thy spirit may be found worthy to pass happily after death unto its Lord. CHAPTER XXIV Of the judgment and punishment of the wicked In all that thou doest, remember the end, and how thou wilt stand before a strict judge, from whom nothing is hid, who is not bribed with gifts, nor accepteth excuses, but will judge righteous judgment. O most miserable and foolish sinner, who art sometimes in fear of the countenance of an angry man, what wilt thou answer to God, who knoweth all thy misdeeds? Why dost thou not provide for thyself against the day of judgment, when no man shall be able to be excused or defended by means of another, but each one shall bear his burden himself alone? Now doth thy labour bring forth fruit, now is thy weeping acceptable, thy groaning heard, thy sorrow well pleasing to God, and cleansing to thy soul. 2. Even here on earth the patient man findeth great occasion of purifying his soul. When suffering injuries he grieveth more for the other's malice than for his own wrong; when he prayeth heartily for those that despitefully use him and forgiveth them from his heart; when he is not slow to ask pardon from others; when he is swifter to pity than to anger; when he frequently denieth himself and striveth altogether to subdue the flesh to the spirit. Better is it now to purify the soul from sin, than to cling to sins from which we must be purged hereafter. Truly we deceive ourselves by the inordinate love which we bear towards the flesh. 3. What is it which that fire shall devour, save thy sins? The more thou sparest thyself and followest the flesh, the more heavy shall thy punishment be, and the more fuel art thou heaping up for the burning. For wherein a man hath sinned, therein shall he be the more heavily punished. There shall the slothful be pricked forward with burning goads, and the gluttons be tormented with intolerable hunger and thirst. There shall the luxurious and the lovers of pleasure be plunged into burning pitch and stinking brimstone, and the envious shall howl like mad dogs for very grief. 4. No sin will there be which shall not be visited with its own proper punishment. The proud shall be filled with utter confusion, and the covetous shall be pinched with miserable poverty. An hour's pain there shall be more grievous than a hundred years here of the bitterest penitence. No quiet shall be there, no comfort for the lost, though here sometimes there is respite from pain, and enjoyment of the solace of friends. Be thou anxious now and sorrowful for thy sins, that in the day of judgment thou mayest have boldness with the blessed. Then shall the poor and humble man have great confidence, while the proud is taken with fear on every side. 5. Then shall it be seen that he was the wise man in this world who learned to be a fool and despised for Christ. Then shall all tribulation patiently borne delight us, while the mouth of the ungodly shall be stopped. Then shall every godly man rejoice, and every profane man shall mourn. Then the afflicted flesh shall more rejoice than if it had been alway nourished in delights. Then the humble garment shall put on beauty, and the precious robe shall hide itself as vile. Then the little poor cottage shall be more commended than the gilded palace. Then enduring patience shall have more might than all the power of the world. Then simple obedience shall be more highly exalted than all worldly wisdom. 6. Then a pure and good conscience shall more rejoice than learned philosophy. Then contempt of riches shall have more weight than all the treasure of the children of this world. Then shalt thou find more comfort in having prayed devoutly than in having fared sumptuously. Then thou wilt rather rejoice in having kept silence than in having made long speech. Then holy deeds shall be far stronger than many fine words. Then a strict life and sincere penitence shall bring deeper pleasure than all earthly delight. Learn now to suffer a little, that then thou mayest be enabled to escape heavier sufferings. Prove first here, what thou art able to endure hereafter. If now thou art able to bear so little, how wilt thou be able to endure eternal torments? If now a little suffering maketh thee so impatient, what shall hell-fire do then? Behold of a surety thou art not able to have two Paradises, to take thy fill or delight here in this world, and to reign with Christ hereafter. 7. If even unto this day thou hadst ever lived in honours and pleasures, what would the whole profit thee if now death came to thee in an instant? All therefore is vanity, save to love God and to serve Him only. For he who loveth God with all his heart feareth not death, nor punishment, nor judgment, nor hell, because perfect love giveth sure access to God. But he who still delighteth in sin, no marvel if he is afraid of death and judgment. Nevertheless it is a good thing, if love as yet cannot restrain thee from evil, that at least the fear of hell should hold thee back. But he who putteth aside the fear of God cannot long continue in good, but shall quickly fall into the snares of the devil. CHAPTER XXV Of the zealous amendment of our whole life Be thou watchful and diligent in God's service, and bethink thee often why thou hast renounced the world. Was it not that thou mightest live to God and become a spiritual man? Be zealous, therefore, for thy spiritual profit, for thou shalt receive shortly the reward of thy labours, and neither fear nor sorrow shall come any more into thy borders. Now shalt thou labour a little, and thou shalt find great rest, yea everlasting joy. If thou shalt remain faithful and zealous in labour, doubt not that God shall be faithful and bountiful in rewarding thee. It is thy duty to have a good hope that thou wilt attain the victory, but thou must not fall into security lest thou become slothful or lifted up. 2. A certain man being in anxiety of mind, continually tossed about between hope and fear, and being on a certain day overwhelmed with grief, cast himself down in prayer before the altar in a church, and meditated within himself, saying, "Oh! if I but knew that I should still persevere," and presently heard within him a voice from God, "And if thou didst know it, what wouldst thou do? Do now what thou wouldst do then, and thou shalt be very secure." And straightway being comforted and strengthened, he committed himself to the will of God and the perturbation of spirit ceased, neither had he a mind any more to search curiously to know what should befall him hereafter, but studied rather to inquire what was the good and acceptable will of God, for the beginning and perfecting of every good work. 3. Hope in the Lord and be doing good, saith the Prophet; One thing there is which holdeth back many from progress and fervent amendment, even the dread of difficulty, or the labour of the conflict. Nevertheless they advance above all others in virtue who strive manfully to conquer those things which are most grievous and contrary to them, for there a man profiteth most and meriteth greater grace where he most overcometh himself and mortifieth himself in spirit. 4. But all men have not the same passions to conquer and to mortify, yet he who is diligent shall attain more profit, although he have stronger passions, than another who is more temperate of disposition, but is withal less fervent in the pursuit of virtue. Two things specially avail unto improvement in holiness, namely firmness to withdraw ourselves from the sin to which by nature we are most inclined, and earnest zeal for that good in which we are most lacking. And strive also very earnestly to guard against and subdue those faults which displease thee most frequently in others. 5. Gather some profit to thy soul wherever thou art, and wherever thou seest or hearest good examples, stir thyself to follow them, but where thou seest anything which is blameworthy, take heed that thou do not the same; or if at any time thou hast done it, strive quickly to amend thyself. As thine eye observeth others, so again are the eyes of others upon thee. How sweet and pleasant is it to see zealous and godly brethren temperate and of good discipline; and how sad is it and grievous to see them walking disorderly, not practising the duties to which they are called. How hurtful a thing it is to neglect the purpose of their calling, and turn their inclinations to things which are none of their business. 6. Be mindful of the duties which thou hast undertaken, and set always before thee the remembrance of the Crucified. Truly oughtest thou to be ashamed as thou lookest upon the life of Jesus Christ, because thou hast not yet endeavoured to conform thyself more unto Him, though thou hast been a long time in the way of God. A religious man who exercises himself seriously and devoutly in the most holy life and passion of our Lord shall find there abundantly all things that are profitable and necessary for him, neither is there need that he shall seek anything better beyond Jesus. Oh! if Jesus crucified would come into our hearts, how quickly, and completely should we have learned all that we need to know! 7. He who is earnest receiveth and beareth well all things that are laid upon him. He who is careless and lukewarm hath trouble upon trouble, and suffereth anguish upon every side, because he is without inward consolation, and is forbidden to seek that which is outward. He who is living without discipline is exposed to grievous ruin. He who seeketh easier and lighter discipline shall always be in distress, because one thing or another will give him displeasure. 8. O! if no other duty lay upon us but to praise the Lord our God with our whole heart and voice! Oh! if thou never hadst need to eat or drink, or sleep, but wert always able to praise God, and to give thyself to spiritual exercises alone; O! that these necessities were not, but only the spiritual refreshments of the soul, which alas we taste too seldom. 9. When a man hath come to this, that he seeketh comfort from no created thing, then doth he perfectly begin to enjoy God, then also will he be well contented with whatsoever shall happen unto him. Then will he neither rejoice for much nor be sorrowful for little, but he committeth himself altogether and with full trust unto God, who is all in all to him, to whom nothing perisheth nor dieth, but all things live to Him and obey His every word without delay. 10. Remember always thine end, and how the time which is lost returneth not. Without care and diligence thou shalt never get virtue. If thou beginnest to grow cold, it shall begin to go ill with thee, but if thou givest thyself unto zeal thou shalt find much peace, and shalt find thy labour the lighter because of the grace of God and the love of virtue. A zealous and diligent man is ready for all things. It is greater labour to resist sins and passions than to toil in bodily labours. He who shunneth not small faults falleth little by little into greater. At eventide thou shalt always be glad if thou spend the day profitably. Watch over thyself, stir thyself up, admonish thyself, and howsoever it be with others, neglect not thyself. The more violence thou dost unto thyself, the more thou shall profit. THE SECOND BOOK ADMONITIONS CONCERNING THE INNER LIFE The First Chapter 第3ç«  Goodness and Peace in Man (ただ蚳は未決定)Goodnessをどう蚳すか The Fifth Chapter The Ninth Chapter The Eleventh Chapter THE INTERIOR LIFE CHAPTER II Of lowly submission Make no great account who is for thee or against thee, but mind only the present duty and take care that God be with thee in whatsoever thou doest. Have a good conscience and God will defend thee, for he whom God will help no man's perverseness shall be able to hurt. If thou knowest how to hold thy peace and to suffer, without doubt thou shalt see the help of the Lord. He knoweth the time and the way to deliver thee, therefore must thou fresign thyself to Him. To God it belongeth to help and to deliver from all confusion. Oftentimes it is very profitable for keeping us in greater humility, that others know and rebuke our faults. 2. When a man humbleth himself for his defects, he then easily pacifieth others and quickly satisfieth those that are angered against him. God protecteth and delivereth the humble man, He loveth and comforteth the humble man, to the humble man He inclineth Himself, on the humble He bestoweth great grace, and when he is cast down He raiseth him to glory: to the humble He revealeth His secrets, and sweetly draweth and inviteth him to Himself. The humble man having received reproach, is yet in sufficient peace, because he resteth on God and not on the world. Reckon not thyself to have profited in anywise unless thou feel thyself to be inferior to all. CHAPTER III First keep thyself in peace, and then shalt thou be able to be a peacemaker towards others. A peaceable man doth more good than a well-learned. A passionate man turneth even good into evil and easily believeth evil; a good, peaceable man converteth all things into good. He who dwelleth in peace is suspicious of none, but he who is discontented and restless is tossed with many suspicions, and is neither quiet himself nor suffereth others to be quiet. He often saith what he ought not to say, and omitteth what it were more expedient for him to do. He considereth to what duties others are bound, and neglecteth those to which he is bound himself. Therefore be zealous first over thyself, and then mayest thou righteously be zealous concerning thy neighbour. 2. Thou knowest well how to excuse and to colour thine own deeds, but thou wilt not accept the excuses of others. It would be more just to accuse thyself and excuse thy brother. If thou wilt that others bear with thee, bear thou with others. Behold how far thou art as yet from the true charity and humility which knows not how to be angry or indignant against any save self alone. CHAPTER IV Of a pure mind and simple intention By two wings is man lifted above earthly things, even by simplicity and purity. Simplicity ought to be in the intention, purity in the affection. Simplicity reacheth towards God, purity apprehendeth Him and tasteth Him. No good action will be distasteful to thee if thou be free within from inordinate affection. If thou reachest after and seekest, nothing but the will of God and the benefit of thy neighbour, thou wilt entirely enjoy inward liberty. If thine heart were right, then should every creature be a mirror of life and a book of holy doctrine. There is no creature so small and vile but that it showeth us the goodness of God. 2. If thou wert good and pure within, then wouldst thou look upon all things without hurt and understand them aright. A pure heart seeth the very depths of heaven and hell. Such as each one is inwardly, so judgeth he outwardly. If there is any joy in the world surely the man of pure heart possesseth it, and if there is anywhere tribulation and anguish, the evil conscience knoweth it best. As iron cast into the fire loseth rust and is made altogether glowing, so the man who turneth himself altogether unto God is freed from slothfulness and changed into a new man. 3. When a man beginneth to grow lukewarm, then he feareth a little labour, and willingly accepteth outward consolation; but when he beginneth perfectly to conquer himself and to walk manfully in the way of God, then he counteth as nothing those things which aforetime seemed to be so grievous unto him. CHAPTER VII Of loving Jesus above all things Blessed is he who understandeth what it is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus' sake. He must give up all that he loveth for his Beloved, for Jesus will be loved alone above all things. The love of created things is deceiving and unstable, but the love of Jesus is faithful and lasting. He who cleaveth to created things will fall with their slipperiness; but he who embraceth Jesus will stand upright for ever. Love Him and hold Him for thy friend, for He will not forsake thee when all depart from thee, nor will he suffer thee to perish at the last. Thou must one day be separated from all, whether thou wilt or wilt not. 2. Cleave thou to Jesus in life and death, and commit thyself unto His faithfulness, who, when all men fail thee, is alone able to help thee. Thy Beloved is such, by nature, that He will suffer no rival, but alone will possess thy heart, and as a king will sit upon His own throne. If thou wouldst learn to put away from thee every created thing, Jesus would freely take up His abode with thee. Thou wilt find all trust little better than lost which thou hast placed in men, and not in Jesus. Trust not nor lean upon a reed shaken with the wind, because all flesh is grass, and the goodliness thereof falleth as the flower of the field.(1) 3. Thou wilt be quickly deceived if thou lookest only upon the outward appearance of men, for if thou seekest thy comfort and profit in others, thou shalt too often experience loss. If thou seekest Jesus in all things thou shalt verily find Jesus, but if thou seekest thyself thou shalt also find thyself, but to thine own hurt. For if a man seeketh not Jesus he is more hurtful to himself than all the world and all his adversaries. CHAPTER VIII Of the intimate love of Jesus When Jesus is present all is well and nothing seemeth hard, but when Jesus is not present everything is hard. When Jesus speaketh not within, our comfort is nothing worth, but if Jesus speaketh but a single word great is the comfort we experience. Did not Mary Magdalene rise up quickly from the place where she wept when Martha said to her, The Master is come and calleth for thee?(1) Happy hour when Jesus calleth thee from tears to the joy of the spirit! How dry and hard art thou without Jesus! How senseless and vain if thou desirest aught beyond Jesus! Is not this greater loss than if thou shouldst lose the whole world? 2. What can the world profit thee without Jesus? To be without Jesus is the nethermost hell, and to be with Jesus is sweet paradise. If Jesus were with thee no enemy could hurt thee. He who findeth Jesus findeth a good treasure, yea, good above all good; and he who loseth Jesus loseth exceeding much, yea, more than the whole world. Most poor is he who liveth without Jesus, and most rich is he who is much with Jesus. 3. It is great skill to know how to live with Jesus, and to know how to hold Jesus is great wisdom. Be thou humble and peaceable and Jesus shall be with thee. Be godly and quiet, and Jesus will remain with thee. Thou canst quickly drive away Jesus and lose His favour if thou wilt turn away to the outer things. And if thou hast put Him to flight and lost Him, to whom wilt thou flee, and whom then wilt thou seek for a friend? Without a friend thou canst not live long, and if Jesus be not thy friend above all thou shalt be very sad and desolate. Madly therefore doest thou if thou trusteth or findest joy in any other. It is preferable to have the whole world against thee, than Jesus offended with thee. Therefore of all that are dear to thee, let Jesus be specially loved. 4. Let all be loved for Jesus' sake, but Jesus for His own. Jesus Christ alone is to be specially loved, for He alone is found good and faithful above all friends. For His sake and in Him let both enemies and friends be dear to thee, and pray for them all that they may all know and love Him. Never desire to be specially praised or loved, because this belongeth to God alone, who hath none like unto Himself. Nor wish thou that any one set his heart on thee, nor do thou give thyself up to the love of any, but let Jesus be in thee and in every good man. 5. Be pure and free within thyself, and be not entangled by any created thing. Thou oughtest to bring a bare and clean heart to God, if thou desirest to be ready to see how gracious the Lord is. And in truth, unless thou be prevented and drawn on by His grace, thou wilt not attain to this, that having cast out and dismissed all else, thou alone art united to God. For when the grace of God cometh to a man, then he becometh able to do all things, and when it departeth then he will be poor and weak and given up unto troubles. In these thou art not to be cast down nor to despair, but to rest with calm mind on the will of God, and to bear all things which come upon thee unto the praise of Jesus Christ; for after winter cometh summer, after night returneth day, after the tempest a great calm. CHAPTER X Of gratitude for the Grace of God Why seekest thou rest when thou art born to labour? Prepare thyself for patience more than for comforts, and for bearing the cross more than for joy. For who among the men of this world would not gladly receive consolation and spiritual joy if he might always have it? For spiritual comforts exceed all the delights of the world, and all the pleasures of the flesh. For all worldly delights are either empty or unclean, whilst spiritual delights alone are pleasant and honourable, the offspring of virtue, and poured forth by God into pure minds. 2. Great is the difference between a visitation from above and false liberty of spirit and great confidence in self. But no man can always enjoy these divine comforts at his own Will, because the season of temptation ceaseth not for long. God doeth well in giving us the grace of comfort, but man doeth ill in not immediately giving God thanks thereof. And thus the gifts of grace are not able to flow unto us, because we are ungrateful to the Author of them, and return them not wholly to the Fountain whence they flow. For grace ever becometh the portion of him who is grateful and that is taken away from the proud, which is wont to be given to the humble. 3. I desire no consolation which taketh away from me compunction, I love no contemplation which leadeth to pride. Willingly do I accept that grace whereby I am made humbler and more wary and more ready to renounce myself. He who is made learned by the gift of grace and taught wisdom by the stroke of the withdrawal thereof, will not dare to claim any good thing for himself, but will rather confess that he is poor and needy. Give unto God the thing which is God's,(1) and ascribe to thyself that which is thine; that is, give thanks unto God for His grace, but for thyself alone confess thy fault, and that thy punishment is deserved for thy fault. 4. Sit thou down always in the lowest room and thou shalt be given the highest place.(2) For the highest cannot be without the lowest. For the highest saints of God are least in their own sight, and the more glorious they are, so much the lowlier are they in themselves; full of grace and heavenly glory, resting on God and strong in His might, they cannot be lifted up in any wise. And they who ascribe unto God all the good which they have received, "seek not glory one of another, but the glory which cometh from God only," and they desire that God shall be praised in Himself and in all His Saints above all things, and they are always striving for this very thing. 5. Be thankful, therefore, for the least benefit and thou shalt be worthy to receive greater. Let the least be unto thee even as the greatest, and let that which is of little account be unto thee as a special gift. If the majesty of the Giver be considered, nothing that is given shall seem small and of no worth, for that is not a small thing which is given by the Most High God. Yea, though He gave punishment and stripes, we ought to be thankful, because He ever doth for our profit whatever He suffereth to come upon us. He who seeketh to retain the favour of God, let him be thankful for the favour which is given, and patient in respect of that which is taken away. Let him pray that it may return; let him be wary and humble that he lose it not.
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物語によっおは 誰か䞀人が 党員の代わりに問題を解決しおくれたり あるいは䞖界の厩壊寞前を予蚀するものもありたす 私が今日お話しする物語はそれずは違いたす このようにしおこの物語は始たりたす 私が長く携わっおきた仕事は教育関係で 人々に実甚的なスキルを教えおきたした 特に持続可胜な掻動に焊点を眮いお 我々はどうすれば 責任をもっお 自分たちの食糧を栜培できるのか 地域の材料で建物を建おられるのか 自分たちで゚ネルギヌを䜜れるか などです アむルランドに䜏んでいた時に 囜内最初のわら俵の家を建おたした トりモロコシの穂軞でも家を建おたした しかし 私の掻動の党おが同じ理論を出発点ずしおいたす それは 持続可胜な掻動ずは 基本的にはグロヌバル化した経枈の 成長モデルを分析しお 䞀方で投入される量を抑え たた他方で産出する量も抑えるこずです ある時 これを根本的に倉える 新しい芖点に出䌚ったのです それを本日ご玹介するわけですが そのカギずなるある物をたずお芋せしたす ここにありたすのは 珟代瀟䌚の奇跡の䞀぀で あたりにも玠晎らしく驚嘆すべきもので この垃をめくるず同時に 皆さんが圧倒されお 息を飲む音が聞こえおくるのではないかず思っおいたす どうぞ 遠慮なく驚きの声をお聞かせください これは 1リットルの石油です このボトルに入っおいる石油は 1億幎以䞊もの地質孊的時間ず叀代の倪陜光で できた結晶です これを人間の肉䜓劎働力に換算するず 5週間分の゚ネルギヌ量になりたす たたは 35人の力持ちが 仕事を手助けしに来おくれるのを想像しおください 石油から倚くの芋事な玠材を䜜り出すこずができたす 薬品、衣服、ノヌトパ゜コン 実に倚様な物を䜜り出せたす 歎史的に 想像を超えた゚ネルギヌを䟛絊しおくれたした 私たちの村萜のデザむンも ビゞネスや亀通の蚭蚈も 石油を前提にしおいたす 経枈成長の理論も 石油が氞続するずいう前提のもず 成り立っおいるのだず䞻匵する人もいたす しかし ふず立ち止たっお 歎史をふり返っおみるず 石油時代ず呌んできた時代は実は ずおも短い間でしかないこずに気付かされたす その短期間で 石油ずいう匷力な資源を発芋し 私達の生掻を石油に䟝存させおきたのです しかし 今はこの゚ネルギヌの山の頂䞊で 倧芋え匵っお立っおいたすが 私達の瀟䌚経枈や 個人の胜力ず幞犏を 最倧にするためには より倚くを 消費すればよかった時代は終わりを告げたす これからは 石油ぞの䟝存床がそのたた 私達の匱さを衚す時代になりたす 今日たすたすはっきり分かっおきおいるのは 石油が際限なく利甚できるずいう考えからは 近いうちに脱しないずいけないずいうこずです 私たちが今日4バレルの石油を消費しおいる間に 発芋される石油は1バレルのみです しかもこの差は広がり぀぀ありたす さらには掘り出した石油から最終的に 生み出せる゚ネルギヌ量は枛少傟向にありたす 1930幎代には 堀出すための゚ネルギヌ投入量に察しお その100倍の゚ネルギヌを生み出すこずができたした 過去にこのような前䟋はありたせん 珟圚はこの比が11倍たで䜎䞋したした このような背景があっお 今日では 石油を掘り出すための新しいフロンティアが アルバヌタや海底などの地域にたで 競い合うようにしお広がっおいるのです 䞖界には98の産油囜がありたす しかしそのうちの65囜は既に絶頂期を越えおいたす 同様に䞖界平均がピヌクを過ぎる日がい぀来おしたうのか 人々は心配しおいたす 珟実にその日が 来おしたったのが去幎の7月だったかもしれたせん 石油䟡栌が高隰したずきです か぀お 我々のすばらしい才胜 想像力ず適応力で ゚ネルギヌ量の絶頂期たで登り぀めたしたが ゚ネルギヌがなくなっおいく珟圚の状況で あの時ず同じ才胜が花開かず 我々は無力に立ちすくむだけなのでしょうか そんなこずはありたせん 重芁なこずは 政策を立おる時に 珟実的な珟状分析をもずに アむデアを育おるずいうこずです 気候倉動ずいう問題もたた 私の考える もう䞀぀の移行政策の軞ずなるものです 気象孊者の話を聞いお気づくのは 新しいデヌタを入手するたびに 圌らの目に映る 恐怖の念が段々匷くなっおいるこずです しかもそのデヌタずいうのは IPCCが発衚した物よりも最新のデヌタなのです ぀たり IPCCの発衚では 最悪のシナリオずしお北極の氷が 2100幎たでに倧芏暡に解けおしたうずいうこずでしたが 実は 今の状況が続いた堎合 今埌5 - 10幎間で党お消えおしたう可胜性があるのです 北極の氞久凍土局に含たれおいる炭玠がたった3%でも 地球枩暖化ずずもに倧気に攟出されれば 気候倉動を回避するために 今埌40幎間で 削枛しなくおはいけない炭玠量を盞殺しおしたいたす するず培底的な二酞化炭玠削枛策を遞ぶ他ありたせん 私がい぀も考えずしお興味を持っおいるのは 我々の䜕䞖代か埌の人々が 珟圚の私たちのこずを どのように物語るかずいうこずです 「山の頂䞊で暮らしおいお 来る日も来る日も浮かれ隒ぎ 遺産を乱甚しおしたった䞖代」でしょうか これを想像する時に私がするのは 私たちの前の䞖代の物語を振り返るこずです 安い石油も 化石燃料もなかった時代に 自分たちの力 あるいは動物の力を利甚し ほんの少しの颚力ず氎力を利甚しおいた䞖代です 圓時は「䞃里靎」などの物語がありたした それは巚人が履く靎の話で たった䞀歩で35キロも進める靎です 無限に䜿える燃料がない時代では 想像の䞖界の䞭だけの話でした 「魔法の鍋」ずいう物語もありたした 魔法の蚀葉ひず぀で 奜きなだけの量の おかゆを䜜り出しおくれる鍋です 自分は䜕もしなくおいい 忘れおはいけないのは 䜜るのを止める魔法の蚀葉です それがないず 町䞭がかゆであふれおしたいたす 「靎職人ず小人たち」ずいう物語もありたした 靎職人が 倜寝おいる間に 小人が靎を䜜っおおいおくれるのです すべお 珟実には考えられないこずでした 今日では 䞃里靎ずしお 安い航空䌚瀟がありたす 魔法の鍋のような スヌパヌが存圚したす 小人の代わりに䞭囜ずいう「補造工堎」がありたす 私たちは 昔ならずおも驚くべきこずを 圓たり前だず感じおいるのです そしお今 これからどこに向かおうかず考えお 自らに どんな物語を語れるでしょうか? 4぀考えられるでしょう たず このたたの平垞業務です 今ず同じように未来も続くず考えおいくのです でも去幎䞀幎を振り返るず この物語には 疑問に思うずころもありたす 気候倉動に関しおは 実際 良い方向には向かっおいないのです 壁に激突するずいう考えもありたす 䞖界の党おは脆匱で ばらばらに厩壊しおしたうずいう芋方です こういう芋方が幅を利かせおいる地域もありたす 䞉番目の話は 技術が解決の鍵になり 私たちが䞖界厩壊を切り抜ける切り札になるずいうこずです これはTEDのスピヌチでよく話題になりたす 深刻な経枈状況や ゚ネルギヌ危機から 抜け出す方法が芋぀かるだずか 知識経枈ぞの移行で この゚ネルギヌ危機を 回避しようだずか あるすばらしい゚ネルギヌ源を芋぀け それが゚ネルギヌ安党保障に぀いおの 懞念を拭い去り 私たちが完党に再生可胜な䞖界に 歩みを進められるだずか でも この䞖は仮想珟実ではありたせん マりスをクリックしお新しい土地や ゚ネルギヌシステムを生み出せる蚳ではないのです そしお 私たちが座っお 自由に意芋を亀わしおいる間にも 石炭を採掘しお コンピュヌタヌサヌバヌの電力を䟛絊したり 産業甚の鉱物を採掘しおいる人がいるのです メヌルをチェックしながら 食べる朝食も 遠くから運ばれおくるのです これはか぀お 私たちを支えおいた 地元産でより匷靭な食料システムを 損ねたした 地元産の食料はたったく顧みられず 厩壊させられたのです 私たち人類は驚くほど創造力に富み 発明の才胜がありたす 同時に珟実的なさたざたな制玄ず芁請のある 䞖界に䜏んでいたす ゚ネルギヌず技術は同じものではありたせん 私がかかわっおいる政策は 移行政策なのです 移行政策においお 私たちは自分たちが盎面しおいる 石油時代のピヌク越えや気候倉動ずいう問題に 本圓に必芁な独創性や適応力 そしお想像力で応えるのです この政策は 信じられないほど速く広がっおいきたす そしおこの政策には いく぀かの特性がありたす 人々に䌝染し レヌダヌをかなりのスピヌドでくぐりぬけ あらゆる人が共有し この政策に関わる党おの人が 連携しお発展させ 䌝えおいくものです これは自立した政策で 䞭倮の組織が掚し進めおいるのではありたせん 人々が考え その理論に基づいお運営し 珟状から実践的な行動に移すのです 解決策に焊点を圓おながら 珟状においお 本圓に䜕ができるかに目をむけ察凊するのです 取り組む地域や芏暡によっおこの政策は倉わりたす 移行政策には様々な圢態がありたす チリ、アメリカ、そしおこの地域の移行政策グルヌプ 堎所によっお異なった掻動をしおいたす 各グルヌプは倱敗から倚くを孊び 歎史的に重芁な掻動ず感じ 今たでにない驚くべき仕事をする 歎史に残る機䌚だずいう意識を生み出すのです これは本圓に喜びの倚い掻動です 倧いに楜しんで掻動し 他の人々ず぀ながりを持おたす この掻動の軞ずなっおいるのが 匷靭さずいう考え方です いろいろな点でこの理論は 持続可胜な掻動よりも有益なのです 匷靭性ぱコロゞヌの研究に基づき 私たちの瀟䌚制床や䜏居が いかにしお 倖郚からの衝撃に持ちこたえるか ずいうこずを扱いたす 倖郚からの衝撃に盎面しおも 簡単に壊れお粉々にくだけはしたせん 重ねお蚀いたすが持続可胜な掻動よりも 有益な抂念なのです スヌパヌマヌケットに 䞀床に数日分の食料しか眮けない堎合 持続可胜な掻動では次の点に泚目したす 冷蔵庫の゚ネルギヌ効率や レタスが包たれおいる包装に目を向けるのです 匷靭性ずいうレンズを通しお芋るず 私たちはかなり倖郚の圱響を受けやすい状況に 自らを远い蟌んでしたっおいるず蚀えるのです 匷靭性の考えをもっず掘り䞋げられたす 行動芏範に独立性を導入し 私たちを支える基本的な秩序構造の䞭に 緩衝材の圹目を構築するこずです これは1897幎に撮圱された ブリストル地区垂堎向け蟲園経営者協䌚の写真です ブリストル垂は ここからかなり近く そのころは垂堎向け蟲園がいたる所にあり 非垞に倚くの蟲産物をブリストル垂民に䟛絊し 人々はそれらを消費したた倚くの雇甚も生み出したした そのころは蚀っおみればある皋床 匷靭性があったずみられたす 今は矚望のたなざしでその頃を振り返るだけです それではこの理論は どう展開するのでしょう? 基本的には この政策に賛同する人々ずグルヌプを䜜り掻動したす 圌らは私たちが開発したツヌルを掻甚しお 意識改革プログラムを開始するのです 地域で本圓にうたく進んでいくかどうか状況を芋たす 映画の䞊映や 講挔䌚などもありたす これは楜しく創造的な䜜業です そしお埗るずころが倚い䜜業です それからいく぀かの䜜業グルヌプを䜜り 様々な面から移行政策を進め そこから移行政策自䜓が支持し可胜にする 倚くのプロゞェクトが 始たるのです アむルランドでの私の関わった掻動が最初で そこで私が教え そこから広たっおいきたした 今公匏な移行政策のプロゞェクトが 200以䞊ありたす そしお䜕千ものグルヌプが いわゆる怜蚎段階に入っおいたす 圌らは曎に掚し進めおいくか怜蚎䞭です そしお圌らの倚くは 本圓に非垞に倚くの掻動をしおいたす 実際䜕をするのか 理論は良いですが 実際珟堎では䜕をやっおいるのでしょう? この組織だけで党おの掻動をしおいるわけではない ず蚀っおおいたほうが良いようですね 私たちの掻動には コペンハヌゲン合意などの囜際立法が必芁です 囜民や、地方政府からの反応も必芁です でもこれら党おが これからはもっず容易になるでしょう もし地域に掻気があり 考えを出し合い 先頭で指揮を取り 向こう5幎から10幎をかけお 芋蟌みがない政策を 実珟可胜にしたしょう 地域食料のプロゞェクトは こんな掻動から生たれたした 地域密着型蟲業プログラムや 郜垂型の食糧生産 地域の食糧䟛絊者名簿などがありたす 倚くの地域で 地域の゚ネルギヌ䟛絊䌚瀟を蚭立し 地域がこの゚ネルギヌ䌚瀟を所有し 地域がこの䌚瀟に投資し 私たちが必芁ずする 再生゚ネルギヌの䟛絊基盀を敎備したす 倚くの地域が その地域の孊校ず協力しお掻動しおいたす ニュヌ゚ントでは 孊校に長いビニヌルハりスを䜜り 子䟛たちは食物の育お方を孊んでいたす コミュニティヌガヌデンのような リサむクル掻動を進め 怍物を育おたいけれど畑を持たない人々ず 䜿わない畑を所有しおいる人々の ニヌズを぀き合わせるのです 街に倚くの利益を生む朚を怍えたりもしおいたす そしお 代替通貚の導入も 怜蚎しおいたす こちらはサセックス州のルむスです 最近 ルむスポンドを導入したした ルむスポンドは ルむス内でのみ䜿える通貚で 地域内で経枈を埪環させるのです この通貚は 他の堎所では 党く無䟡倀です でもルむスの䞭ではかなり効果的に 経枈を埪環させるこずができるのです たたいわゆる 䜎゚ネルギヌ化蚈画もありたす これは基本的に第二の蚈画です 私たちの行政の倧郚分は腰を䞋ろしお 地域の10幎、15幎、20幎先のこずを蚈画する時 ただ未来に゚ネルギヌが残っおいお もっず倚くの車や家があり 倚くの仕事や経枈成長を 仮定しおいたす もし そうならなかったら? どのようにしおこの事実を受け入れ どのようにしお人々を本圓に支える蚈画を 考えられるでしょうか 「人生は予期せぬこずの連続だよ」ず 私の友人が蚀うように 移行政策においおも私は同じ経隓をしおいたす 3幎前にこの理念が生たれ りィルスのように あっずいう間に䞖界䞭に広がりたした 政府からも泚目を集めおいたす 私たちの最近の䌚議では ゚ネルギヌ・気候倉動倧臣の゚ド・ミリバンドが 基調講挔を「聎く」ようにず招かれたした 圌は実際に参加し (拍手) 氏は以来この蚈画党䜓を支持しおいたす この囜で2぀の地方議䌚は 移行政策をずるず宣蚀しおいたす レむシェスタヌシェアずサマセット州です そしおストラりドの移行政策のグルヌプは 事実䞊その自治䜓の食糧蚈画を立おたした 地方議䌚の議長は 次のように蚀いたした 「移行政策がなかったら 私たちは ストラりドの基盀をれロから 築かなければならなかったでしょう」 移行政策が広たった今 囜内で政策の拠点が珟れ始めおたす スコットランドでは 政府の気候倉動察策基金が スコットランド移行政策グルヌプに資金を投入しおいたす これは囜の組織が掻動の拡倧を支えおいる䟋です 珟圚党䞖界でも同様の動きが芋られたす しかし移行政策ぞの鍵は 今党おを倉えなくおはいけないず考えるのではなく 状況はすでに倉わっおきおいるず考えるこずです そしお私たちがしなければならないこずは 独創的にその掻動に取り組み 正しく問うこずです 最埌に 物語のお話に 戻りたいず思いたす なぜなら物語は ずおも倧切だからです そしお実際 自らが語る物語には 珟状からどのように創造的に前進すべきかずいうこずが 倧きく欠けおいるのです 移行政策における重点の䞀぀は 人々の掻動から物語を匕き出すこずです 䟋えば 地域内で䜿える21ポンド玙幣を䜜った 自治䜓に぀いおの話や 駐車堎を食糧甚の畑に䜜り倉えた孊校 ゚ネルギヌ䌚瀟を蚭立した自治䜓の話です 最近はこんな倧事な物語がありたした オバマ倧統領の家族が ホワむトハりスの南偎の芝地を掘り起こし 家庭菜園を䜜りたした か぀おルヌズベルト倧統領倫人が ホワむトハりスに家庭菜園を䜜ったずきには アメリカ䞭に 200䞇もの家庭菜園ができたのです ですから 皆さんぞの問いかけは 成長するためにあなたの地域瀟䌚が必芁ずしおいる あらゆる偎面に察するものです 匷靭性も構築しながら 二酞化炭玠排出量を倧幅に削枛するやり方ずは どのようなものでしょうか 個人的には 安く石油が手に入る時代に― 生きおいるこずに 倧いに感謝しおいたす 私たちはずおも幞せです でも石油がもたらしたものを受け入れた䞊で ここから前進したしょう なぜなら 石油にすがり぀き 石油が― 私たちの遞択の軞になるものだず 考え続けるのなら やがお蚪れる未来は 本圓に手の぀けられないものになるでしょう そしお石油がもたらしたこずず 石油時代がもたらしたこず党おを 慈しみながらも埌にしお より匷靭で より豊かな 䞖界を創造しおいくこず そしおお互いにより調和し 技術を重ね、結び぀きが匷くなる 䞖界を創っおいくこずが 可胜になりたす ありがずうございたした
Some of those stories are that somebody is just going to sort everything out for us. Other stories are that everything is on the verge of unraveling. But I want to tell you a different story here today. Like all stories, it has a beginning. My work, for a long time, has been involved in education, in teaching people practical skills for sustainability, teaching people how to take responsibility for growing some of their own food, how to build buildings using local materials, how to generate their own energy, and so on. I lived in Ireland, built the first straw-bale houses in Ireland, and some cob buildings and all this kind of thing. But all my work for many years was focused around the idea that sustainability means basically looking at the globalized economic growth model, and moderating what comes in at one end, and moderating the outputs at the other end. And then I came into contact with a way of looking at things which actually changed that profoundly. And in order to introduce you to that, I've got something here that I'm going to unveil, which is one of the great marvels of the modern age. And it's something so astounding and so astonishing that I think maybe as I remove this cloth a suitable gasp of amazement might be appropriate. If you could help me with that it would be fantastic. This is a liter of oil. This bottle of oil, distilled over a hundred million years of geological time, ancient sunlight, contains the energy equivalent of about five weeks equivalent to about 35 strong people coming round and working for you. We can turn it into a dazzling array of materials, medicine, modern clothing, laptops, a whole range of different things. It gives us an energy return that's unimaginable, historically. We've based the design of our settlements, our business models, our transport plans, even the idea of economic growth, some would argue, on the assumption that we will have this in perpetuity. Yet, when we take a step back, and look over the span of history, at what we might call the petroleum interval, it's a short period in history where we've discovered this extraordinary material, and then based a whole way of life around it. But as we straddle the top of this energy mountain, at this stage, we move from a time where our economic success, our sense of individual prowess and well-being is directly linked to how much of this we consume, to a time when actually our degree of oil dependency is our degree of vulnerability. And it's increasingly clear that we aren't going to be able to rely on the fact that we're going to have this at our disposal forever. For every four barrels of oil that we consume, we only discover one. And that gap continues to widen. There is also the fact that the amount of energy that we get back from the oil that we discover is falling. In the 1930s we got 100 units of energy back for every one that we put in to extract it. Completely unprecedented, historically. Already that's fallen to about 11. And that's why, now, the new breakthroughs, the new frontiers in terms of oil extraction are scrambling about in Alberta, or at the bottom of the oceans. There are 98 oil-producing nations in the world. But of those, 65 have already passed their peak. The moment when the world on average passes this peak, people wonder when that's going to happen. And there is an emerging case that maybe that was what happened last July when the oil prices were so high. But are we to assume that the same brilliance and creativity and adaptability that got us up to the top of that energy mountain in the first place is somehow mysteriously going to evaporate when we have to design a creative way back down the other side? No. But the thinking that we have to come up with has to be based on a realistic assessment of where we are. There is also the issue of climate change, is the other thing that underpins this transition approach. But the thing that I notice, as I talk to climate scientists, is the increasingly terrified look they have in their eyes, as the data that's coming in, which is far ahead of what the IPCC are talking about. So the IPCC said that we might see significant breakup of the arctic ice in 2100, in their worst case scenario. Actually, if current trends continue, it could all be gone in five or 10 years' time. If just three percent of the carbon locked up in the arctic permafrost is released as the world warms, it would offset all the savings that we need to make, in carbon, over the next 40 years to avoid runaway climate change. We have no choice other than deep and urgent decarbonization. But I'm always very interested to think about that the generations further down the slope from us are going to tell about us. "The generation that lived at the top of the mountain, that partied so hard, and so abused its inheritance." And one of the ways I like to do that is to look back at the stories people used to tell before we had cheap oil, before we had fossil fuels, and people relied on their own muscle, animal muscle energy, or a little bit of wind, little bit of water energy. We had stories like "The Seven-League Boots": the giant who had these boots, where, once you put them on, with every stride you could cover seven leagues, or 21 miles, a kind of travel completely unimaginable to people without that kind of energy at their disposal. Stories like The Magic Porridge Pot, where you had a pot where if you knew the magic words, this pot would just make as much food as you liked, without you having to do any work, provided you could remember the other magic word to stop it making porridge. Otherwise you'd flood your entire town with warm porridge. There is the story of "The Elves and the Shoemaker." The people who make shoes go to sleep, wake up in the morning, and all the shoes are magically made for them. It's something that was unimaginable to people then. Now we have the seven-league boots in the form of Ryanair and Easyjet. We have the magic porridge pot in the form of Walmart and Tesco. And we have the elves in the form of China. But we don't appreciate what an astonishing thing that has been. And what are the stories that we tell ourselves now, as we look forward about where we're going to go. And I would argue that there are four. There is the idea of business as usual, that the future will be like the present, just more of it. But as we've seen over the last year, I think that's an idea that is increasingly coming into question. And in terms of climate change, is something that is not actually feasible. There is the idea of hitting the wall, that actually somehow everything is so fragile that it might just all unravel and collapse. This is a popular story in some places. The third story is the idea that technology can solve everything, And it's an idea that I think is very prevalent at these TED Talks, the idea that we can invent our way out of a profound economic and energy crisis, that a move to a knowledge economy can somehow neatly sidestep those energy constraints, the idea that we'll discover some fabulous new source of energy about energy security to one side, the idea that we can step off neatly onto a completely renewable world. But the world isn't Second Life. We can't create new land and new energy systems at the click of a mouse. And as we sit, exchanging free ideas with each other, there are still people mining coal in order to power the servers, extracting the minerals to make all of those things. The breakfast that we eat as we sit down to check our email in the morning is still transported at great distances, usually at the expense of the local, more resilient food systems that would have supplied that in the past, which we've so effectively devalued and dismantled. We can be astonishingly inventive and creative. But we also live in a world with very real constraints and demands. Energy and technology are not the same thing. What I'm involved with is the transition response. And this is really about looking the challenges of peak oil and climate change square in the face, and responding with a creativity and an adaptability and an imagination that we really need. It's something which has spread incredibly fast. And it is something which has several characteristics. It's viral. It seems to spread under the radar very, very quickly. It's open source. It's something which everybody who's involved with it develops and passes on as they work with it. It's self-organizing. There is no great central organization that pushes this; people just pick up an idea and they run with it, and they implement it where they are. It's solutions-focused. It's very much looking at what people can do where they are, to respond to this. It's sensitive to place and to scale. Transitional is completely different. Transition groups in Chile, transition groups in the U.S., transition groups here, what they're doing looks very different in every place that you go to. It learns very much from its mistakes. And it feels historic. It tries to create a sense that this is a historic opportunity to do something really extraordinary. And it's a process which is really joyful. People have a huge amount of fun doing this, reconnecting with other people as they do it. One of the things that underpins it is this idea of resilience. And I think, in many ways, the idea of resilience is a more useful concept than the idea of sustainability. The idea of resilience comes from the study of ecology. And it's really about how systems, settlements, withstand shock from the outside. When they encounter shock from the outside that they don't just unravel and fall to pieces. And I think it's a more useful concept than sustainability, as I said. When our supermarkets have only two or three days' worth of food in them at any one time, often sustainability tends to focus on the energy efficiency of the freezers and on the packaging that the lettuces are wrapped up in. Looking through the lens of resilience, we really question how we've let ourselves get into a situation that's so vulnerable. Resilience runs much deeper: it's about building modularity into what we do, building surge breakers into how we organize the basic things that support us. This is a photograph of the Bristol and District Market Gardeners Association, in 1897. This is at a time when the city of Bristol, which is quite close to here, was surrounded by commercial market gardens, which provided a significant amount of the food that was consumed in the town, and created a lot of employment for people, as well. There was a degree of resilience, if you like, at that time, which we can now only look back on with envy. So how does this transition idea work? So basically, you have a group of people who are excited by the idea. They pick up some of the tools that we've developed. They start to run an awareness-raising program looking at how this might actually work in the town. They show films, they give talks, and so on. It's a process which is playful and creative and informative. Then they start to form working groups, looking at different aspects of this, and then from that, there emerge a whole lot of projects which then the transition project itself starts to support and enable. So it started out with some work I was involved in in Ireland, where I was teaching, and has since spread. There are now over 200 formal transition projects. And there are thousands of others who are at what we call the mulling stage. They are mulling whether they're going to take it further. And actually a lot of them are doing huge amounts of stuff. But what do they actually do? You know, it's a kind of nice idea, but what do they actually do on the ground? Well, I think it's really important to make the point that actually you know, this isn't something which is going to do everything on its own. We need international legislation from Copenhagen and so on. We need national responses. We need local government responses. But all of those things are going to be much easier if we have communities that are vibrant and coming up with ideas and leading from the front, making unelectable policies electable, over the next 5 to 10 years. Some of the things that emerge from it are local food projects, like community-supported agriculture schemes, urban food production, creating local food directories, and so on. A lot of places now are starting to set up their own energy companies, community-owned energy companies, where the community can invest money into itself, to start putting in place the kind of renewable energy infrastructure that we need. A lot of places are working with their local schools. Newent in the Forest of Dean: big polytunnel they built for the school; the kids are learning how to grow food. Promoting recycling, things like garden-share, that matches up people who don't have a garden who would like to grow food, with people who have gardens they aren't using anymore. Planting productive trees throughout urban spaces. And also starting to play around with the idea of alternative currencies. This is Lewes in Sussex, who have recently launched the Lewes Pound, a currency that you can only spend within the town, as a way of starting to cycle money within the local economy. You take it anywhere else, it's not worth anything. But actually within the town you start to create these economic cycles much more effectively. Another thing that they do is what we call an energy descent plan, which is basically to develop a plan B for the town. Most of our local authorities, when they sit down to plan for the next five, 10, 15, 20 years of a community, still start by assuming that there will be more energy, more cars, more housing, more jobs, more growth, and so on. What does it look like if that's not the case? And how can we embrace that and actually come up with something that was actually more likely to sustain everybody? As a friend of mine says, "Life is a series of things you're not quite ready for." And that's certainly been my experience with transition. From three years ago, it just being an idea, this has become something that has virally swept around the world. We're getting a lot of interest from government. Ed Miliband, the energy minister of this country, was invited to come to our recent conference as a keynote listener. Which he did -- -- and has since become a great advocate of the whole idea. There are now two local authorities in this country who have declared themselves transitional local authorities, Leicestershire and Somerset. And in Stroud, the transition group there, in effect, wrote the local government's food plan. And the head of the council said, "If we didn't have Transition Stroud, we would have to invent all of that community infrastructure for the first time." As we see the spread of it, we see national hubs emerging. In Scotland, the Scottish government's climate change fund has funded Transition Scotland as a national organization supporting the spread of this. And we see it all over the place as well now. But the key to transition is thinking not that we have to change everything now, but that things are already inevitably changing, and what we need to do is to work creatively with that, based on asking the right questions. I think I'd like to just return at the end to the idea of stories. Because I think stories are vital here. And actually the stories that we tell ourselves, we have a huge dearth of stories about how to move forward creatively from here. And one of the key things that transition does is to pull those stories out of what people are doing. Stories about the community that's produced its own 21 pound note, for example, the school that's turned its car park into a food garden, the community that's founded its own energy company. And for me, one of the great stories recently was the Obamas digging up the south lawn of the White House to create a vegetable garden. Because the last time that was done, when Eleanor Roosevelt did it, it led to the creation of 20 million vegetable gardens across the United States. So the question I'd like to leave you with, really, is -- for all aspects of the things that your community needs in order to thrive, how can it be done in such a way that drastically reduces its carbon emissions, while also building resilience? Personally, I feel enormously grateful to have lived through the age of cheap oil. I've been astonishingly lucky, we've been astonishingly lucky. But let us honor what it has bought us, and move forward from this point. Because if we cling to it, and continue to assume that it can underpin our choices, the future that it presents to us is one which is really unmanageable. And by loving and leaving all that oil has done for us, and that the Oil Age has done for us, we are able to then begin the creation of a world which is more resilient, more nourishing, and in which, we find ourselves fitter, more skilled and more connected to each other. Thank you very much.
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本日は皆さんにお話する機䌚をいただき 心から感謝しおいたす そしお私は驚いおもいたす 自分の人生を振り返るず 宗教に関わるなんお 私が䞀番 やりたくなかった事だからです 修道院を出た埌 私は宗教ずは瞁が切れたず 思っおいたした 13幎間 宗教を避けおいたした 英文孊の教授になりたかったのです もちろん物曞きにだっお なる぀もりはありたせんでした しかし 仕事がどうにも うたく行かず いろいろあっお 気が぀いたら テレビに出おいたした ビル・モむダヌズにそう話すず 「ああ うちは誰でも出すんだ」 賛吊䞡論が沞き起こる宗教番組を 手がけたしたが 宗教が極めお䞍人気なむギリスで この番組は奜評でした ぀たり人生で䞀床だけ 私は 䞻流掟の仲間入りをしたずいう蚳です その埌 初期キリスト教に関する 映画のために゚ルサレムに行かされ そこで初めお 他の宗教に出䌚いたした ナダダ教ずむスラム教― キリスト教の姉効宗教です 私の経歎は 宗教色が匷かったにも関わらず これらの信仰に぀いおは 䜕も知らないずいうこずに気づきたした ナダダ教はキリスト教の前身ずしか 芋おいたせんでしたし むスラム教に぀いおは 党く知りたせんでした しかし その混乱しおいる街の䞭で 3぀の信仰がぶ぀かり合い ピリピリしおいるのを芋おいるず それらが深く結び぀いおいるこずに 気づきたす そしお他の宗教を研究するこずにより 宗教ずは䜕であるか考え盎し 自分の信仰を― 別の芖点から芋るこずが できるようになりたした 研究の䞭で 思いもよらない 驚くべき発芋が いく぀かありたした 正盎なずころ 宗教に別れを告げた頃の私は 宗教のすべおを たったく信甚しおいなかったのです 教矩ずいうのは根拠もなく 抜象的なものです 驚いたこずに 他の宗教の教えを 真剣に孊び始めた結果 私は気づいたのです 今日隒がれおいる信念ずいうものは 17䞖玀頃の西掋で起きた ごく最近の狂信的な珟象だったのです 「信念」ずいう蚀葉は 元々 愛や尊重 慈しみを意味したした 17䞖玀に 意味が狭くなりたした その理由は 珟圚執筆䞭の本で 取り䞊げおいたすが ある信条に同意する知的行為を 意味するようになりたした 「信じる」ずは「信仰の教矩を 受け入れる」ずいう意味ではなく 「身を捧げ 関䞎するこず」を 意味したした 実際 䞖界には正統䞻矩を 重芁芖しおいない宗教もありたす コヌランにおいお正統䞻矩は 「ザンナ」ずいう蚀葉で片付けられ 確かめようもない 郜合のいい 圓おずっぜうだず蚀われおいたす そのせいで皆がムキになっお 宗掟を䜜っちゃうんです 信じるこずでないのならば 宗教ずは䜕でしょう どの宗教でも教えられおいるのは 行動を倉えるこずです 神を信じるかどうか以前に 䜕らかの行動があっお そこには― 信条が珟れたす それが宗教の真理を 理解する始たりです 宗教の教矩は行為に぀ながるように 䜜られおいたすから 実践しなければ理解はできないのです そしお この実践の最䞊䜍にあるのは 「思いやり」です 思いやりずは ここたで皆さんず考えおきたように 他人の気持ちを 感じ取る胜力のこずですが 泚目すべきは䞖界䞭のどの信仰でも 信心深さを詊すずずもに ナダダ教やキリスト教やむスラム教で 蚀うずころの「神」の存圚を 確実なものにしおいるのが 思いやりだ ずいう事実です 「思いやりこそが人を涅槃ぞ導く」ず ブッダも蚀っおいたす 䜕故でしょう それは他人を思いやる時 人は自分のこずを忘れ 盞手のこずを䞭心に考えたす ゚ゎを取り陀くこずができれば 人は神に䌚えるのです 䞖界の䞻芁な各宗教の教えの䞭で もれなく匷調され 教矩の䞭心に据えられおいる事柄は 「黄金埋」ずしお知られおいたす 「黄金埋」の最初の提唱者は孔子で 玀元前5䞖玀のこずです 「己の欲せざるずころ 他に斜すこずなかれ」 これは 圌の教矩党䜓を通じお 根幹をなすものですから 圌の匟子たちは日々この教えを 実行するこずになっおいたした 「黄金埋」は孔子が「仁」ず呌んだ 卓越の境地ぞず圌らを導きたす 「仁」それ自䜓が 卓越した䜓隓なのです そしお これは䞀神教においおも 非垞に重芁なこずです む゚スの前の時代の偉倧なラビ ヒレルの有名な逞話です ある異教埒が もしヒレルが片足立ちで ナダダ教のすべおを暗唱できたら ナダダ教に改宗するず持ちかけたした ヒレルは片足で立ち 蚀いたした 「汝が憎むこずを隣人にするなかれ それが教えのすべおだ それ以倖は解説にすぎぬ さあ 孊んできなさい」 「孊んできなさい」 それが圌の意味するずころでした 圌は蚀いたす 「貎方なりの解釈で理解なさい 教えの䞀節䞀節はすべお 黄金埋の解説なのだ」ず 偉倧なラビであるメむヌルの蚀葉です 「聖曞のどんな解釈も 盞手が どんな人であれ 他人ぞの憎しみや 䟮蟱に぀ながるものは たがい物である」 アりグスティヌスの䞻匵も たったく同じです 「聖曞が教えるのは 他ならぬ慈悲の心であるから 思いやりのある解釈ができるたで 聖曞の解釈を止めおはいけない」 聖曞の退屈な文章からでも 思いやりを 芋぀け出せるよう頑匵っおおけば 日垞生掻ずいう本番で 同じこずができるのです(拍手) しかし 今日 我々の䞖界を芋るず 宗教はハむゞャックされおいたす テロリストたちはコヌランの祈りを利甚しお 自分たちの残虐行為を正圓化しおいたす 「汝の敵を愛せ 他者を裁くこずなかれ」 ずいうむ゚スの蚀葉ず裏腹に キリスト教埒は 堂々ず他者を裁き続け 聖曞を議論の道具に䜿っお 他人を非難し続けおいたす い぀の時代にも 宗教は 他者を抑圧するために䜿われおきたした 人間の゚ゎず匷欲のゆえです 我々人間には玠晎らしいものを 台無しにしおしたう才胜がありたす だから戒埋は匷く求めるのです ここは重芁な点ですよ 思いやりを向ける盞手を自分の身内― ぀たり自囜や 自分ず同じ宗教や囜籍の人だけに 限定しおはいけないのです 䞭囜の賢人が説いた 「兌愛」を持たなくおはなりたせん 皆を気遣い 敵を愛し 他人に敬意を払うのです 「郚族や囜家は お互いを分かり合う ためにあるのだ」ずコヌランは説きたす しかし こうした普遍的な働きかけもたた 暎走する欲のために― 宗教の乱甚や悪甚によっお 制圧されようずしおいたす タクシヌに乗っお 私の仕事の話になるず 運転手に 「䞖界倧戊の原因はい぀も宗教だ」ず しょっちゅう蚀われたす しかし これは間違っおいたす 珟圚の灜厄の原因は政治的なものです ずはいえ 確かに宗教は 断局線のようなものですから ある地域内で争いの根が深くなるず 宗教は巻き蟌たれお 問題の䞀郚を担っおしたいたす 極めお暎力的な時代です 1914幎から1945幎の間に 欧州だけで 7千䞇人が歊力玛争で呜を萜ずしたした 人々の楜しみであった サッカヌのようなものでさえ その倚くが 今では死人が出るような 暎動の原因になりたす 圓然 宗教もたた こうした暎力的な颚朮に圱響されおいたす 宗教に察する理解のなさも 倧きいず思いたす 人々は信仰ず 物事を信じるこずが 同じだず思っおいるようです 最も重芁なのは 思いやりの心や黄金埋なのですが さほど重芁でない目的ほど 前に出されるずいうのはよくある話で 「信者」ずいう呌び方のせいもあっお 信じるこずが䞭心のように芋えたす そうなっおしたう理由は 黄金埋が難しいからです 私が思いやりに぀いお講挔をするず 聎衆の䞭に反抗的な衚情をする人が チラホラいたす 宗教家の倚くは「思いやり」よりも 「正しさ」を奜みたすからね さお 話はそれだけではありたせん 911事件以降 私はむスラム教に関する掻動によっお 思いがけない圢で衚舞台に連れ出され 䞖界䞭どこぞでも行けるようになり 行く先々で 倉革ぞの切望を 目の圓たりにしおきたした 先日のパキスタンでは䜕千もの人々が 私の講挔に詰めかけたした 圌らは西掋から発信される 友奜的な意芋を垌求しおいるのです 特に若者が倚かったです 圌らからの質問は 「状況を倉えるために 私たちに䜕ができたすか」 講挔の叞䌚者が蚀いたした 「遠慮は芁りたせん 我々がどこで誀り 宗教がどこから おかしくなったのか語り合いたしょう」 私が思うに 今の状況はあたりに深刻で 囜際理解や盞互認識を無芖した むデオロギヌは どれも 時の流れに ぀いお行けなくなっおきおいたす そしお宗教は幅広い支持を持ち 最近の調査によるず アメリカでは やり方は様々ですが 結局のずころ 人々は信仰心を持ずうずしおいたす 䞖俗䞻矩を貫いおいるのは 西ペヌロッパだけで その叀めかしさは もはや滑皜にすら芋えたす 人々は宗教を求めおいるのです そしお宗教は 䞖界の調和のための力であり そうなるべきなのです その理由は黄金埋です 「自分がされたくないこずを 他人にしおはいけない」 䞖界䞭に広めるべき粟神です 自分がされたくないような扱いを 他の囜に察しおすべきではありたせん こうした信念は どんなに出来が悪くずも 宗教的 粟神的な問題であり 我々皆が関䞎すべき 重倧な道埳䞊の問題なのです 先ほども申し䞊げたずおり 䞖界には倉革ぞの枇望がありたす ここアメリカでも 今回の倧統領遞で 倉革ぞの切望をご芧になったでしょう 911事件以埌 教䌚からもモスクからも アメリカ䞭の人たちが集い 各地で協力しお 理解のネットワヌクを䜜っおきたした モスクも瀌拝堂も唱えたす 「察話を始めなくおはいけない」 他者に察し忍耐で臚むずいう考えを越え 他者を理解する時代がやっおきたした もう1぀お話ししたいこずがありたす 出兞は「むヌリアス」ですが この厇高な粟神性に぀いおです 「むヌリアス」ず蚀えば ギリシャずトロむの10幎戊争の話ですね ある時 ギリシャの名将アキレりスが 手勢を連れお戊地を離れた折 戊局は苊境に陥り その埌の混戊の䞭で 圌の芪友だったパトロクロスが 䞀階蚎ちの決闘の末 トロむの王子ヘクトヌルに殺されたした アキレりスは悲しみず怒りず埩讐心から 激昂し ヘクトヌルを殺し その遺䜓を切り刻み 家族が埋葬を望んでも― 遺䜓を枡したせんでした ギリシャ粟神では この仕打ちによっおヘクトヌルの霊魂は 氞遠にさたようこずになりたす ある倜 高霢のトロむ王 プリアモスが お忍びでギリシャ陣営の アキレりスの幕舎を蚪れ 息子の遺䜓を求めたした 老人が芆いを脱いで姿を芋せた時 皆がショックを受けたした アキレりスはプリアモスを芋お 自分の父を思い 涙を流したした プリアモスはアキレりスに 息子を䜕人も殺されおいたしたが 圌もたたアキレりスの姿に涙を流したした テント内は泣き声で満たされたした ギリシャでは共に泣くず 絆が生たれるず信じられおいたした アキレりスはヘクトヌルの遺䜓を 父芪であるプリアモスぞ䞁重に手枡し 二人は芋぀め合い 互いの䞭に神を芋出したした これもたた 党おの宗教に 芋られる考え方です それは敵に察する恐怖心に 打ち勝぀ずいうこずであり 他者ぞの理解の始たりです ヘブラむ語で「神」を衚す語が「別の」 ずいう意味である点は非垞に重芁です おそらく 敵ずいう存圚が 「別」であるからこそ 私たちは 完党なる神秘の超越である「神」から 啓瀺を授かるのでしょう そしお 私の願いは 「思いやりの憲章」を構築し 始動させ 広めるずいう掻動を 皆さんに手䌝っおいただくこずです 「思いやりの憲章」ずは アブラハムの3宗教― ナダダ教 キリスト教 むスラム教の 思想家の混成チヌムが 「黄金埋」の基本原理に則っお 䜜ったものです 私が旅の途䞭で出䌚っおきた人々は皆 共に掻動するこずを望んでいたす 皆さんも心圓たりがあるでしょう 圌らの間に䜕らかの運動を起こし ハむゞャックされた信仰を 取り戻す必芁があるのです 人々が思いやりの粟神を思い出せるよう 力づけ導く必芁があるのです この憲章は分厚い文曞ではありたせん 乱甚されおきた教えを どう解釈するか その指針を茉せたいず考えおいたす ラビたちやアりグスティヌスが説いた 聖曞が準拠すべき― 慈悲の原理を思い出しおください そこに立ち戻りたしょう ナダダ教埒 キリスト教埒 むスラム教埒は 今は仲違いばかりしおいたすが 協力しおこの憲章を䜜ったのですよ 䞖界䞭の䞻な宗教的リヌダヌのうち 少なくずも千人に 眲名しおもらいたいず思っおいたす 䞻圹は皆さんです 私は単なる䞖間知らずの孊者です 遊び奜きなんお蚀われお 驚いたこずもありたしたが 私はずっず䞀人で研究䞀筋でしたから メディアの知識のある皆さんに この考えを䞖界䞭に届ける術を 教えおいただきたいのです 私は すでに いく぀か予備亀枉をしおいたしお 䟋えばデズモンド・ツツ倧䞻教は この憲章に 喜んで名を連ねお䞋さいたした ニュヌペヌクのファむサル・ラりフ導垫もです さらに囜連の「文明の同盟」ずも 連携しおいく予定です 「文明の同盟」は囜連のむニシアチブで アナン事務総長の呌びかけにより 私も参画しおいたした 過激思想の原因を突き止め 思想の過激化を回避するための指針を 加盟囜に提瀺するのが目的です 同盟偎は喜んで協力するず 蚀っおくれおいたす 囜連ず聞いお 心配になった方もいらっしゃるでしょう 動きの鈍い面倒な組織だず 思われおいたすからね しかし囜連の関䞎は重芁です それにより䞭立性が生たれ 西偎やキリスト教の䞻導ず受け取られず いわば囜連発信 䞖界発信で お圹所的に運営できるず 芋おもらえるのです ですから 私は皆さんに ぜひ参加しおいただきたいのです この憲章を䜜り䞊げ 公開し 広め やがお䞖界䞭のどの倧孊にも― 教䌚にも モスクにも 瀌拝堂にも 憲章が掲げられ 人々がそれぞれの教えを目にし 取り戻し 宗教が䞖界平和の源ずなるように それは可胜であり そうなるべきなのです どうもありがずうございたした(拍手)
And I'm intensely grateful for the opportunity to speak to you today. And I'm also rather surprised, because when I look back on my life the last thing I ever wanted to do was write, or be in any way involved in religion. After I left my convent, I'd finished with religion, frankly. I thought that was it. And for 13 years I kept clear of it. I wanted to be an English literature professor. And I certainly didn't even want to be a writer, particularly. But then I suffered a series of career catastrophes, one after the other, and finally found myself in television. I said that to Bill Moyers, and he said, "Oh, we take anybody." And I was doing some rather controversial religious programs. This went down very well in the U.K., where religion is extremely unpopular. And so, for once, for the only time in my life, I was finally in the mainstream. But I got sent to Jerusalem to make a film about early Christianity. And there, for the first time, I encountered the other religious traditions: Judaism and Islam, the sister religions of Christianity. And while I found I knew nothing about these faiths at all -- despite my own intensely religious background, I'd seen Judaism only as a kind of prelude to Christianity, and I knew nothing about Islam at all. But in that city, that tortured city, where you see the three faiths jostling so uneasily together, you also become aware of the profound connection between them. And it has been the study of other religious traditions that brought me back to a sense of what religion can be, and actually enabled me to look at my own faith in a different light. And I found some astonishing things in the course of my study that had never occurred to me. Frankly, in the days when I thought I'd had it with religion, I just found the whole thing absolutely incredible. These doctrines seemed unproven, abstract. And to my astonishment, when I began seriously studying other traditions, I began to realize that belief -- which we make such a fuss about today -- is only a very recent religious enthusiasm that surfaced only in the West, in about the 17th century. The word "belief" itself originally meant to love, to prize, to hold dear. In the 17th century, it narrowed its focus, for reasons that I'm exploring in a book I'm writing at the moment, to include -- to mean an intellectual assent to a set of propositions, a credo. "I believe:" it did not mean, "I accept certain creedal articles of faith." It meant: "I commit myself. I engage myself." Indeed, some of the world traditions think very little of religious orthodoxy. In the Quran, religious opinion -- religious orthodoxy -- is dismissed as "zanna:" self-indulgent guesswork about matters that nobody can be certain of one way or the other, but which makes people quarrelsome and stupidly sectarian. So if religion is not about believing things, what is it about? What I've found, across the board, is that religion is about behaving differently. Instead of deciding whether or not you believe in God, first you do something. You behave in a committed way, and then you begin to understand the truths of religion. And religious doctrines are meant to be summons to action; you only understand them when you put them into practice. Now, pride of place in this practice is given to compassion. And it is an arresting fact that right across the board, the ability to feel with the other in the way we've been thinking about this evening -- is not only the test of any true religiosity, it is also what will bring us into the presence of what Jews, Christians and Muslims call "God" or the "Divine." It is compassion, says the Buddha, which brings you to Nirvana. Why? Because in compassion, when we feel with the other, we dethrone ourselves from the center of our world and we put another person there. And once we get rid of ego, then we're ready to see the Divine. And in particular, every single one of the major world traditions has highlighted -- has said -- and put at the core of their tradition what's become known as the Golden Rule. First propounded by Confucius five centuries before Christ: "Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you." That, he said, was the central thread which ran through all his teaching and that his disciples should put into practice all day and every day. And it was -- the Golden Rule would bring them to the transcendent value that he called "ren," human-heartedness, which was a transcendent experience in itself. And this is absolutely crucial to the monotheisms, too. There's a famous story about the great rabbi, Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus. A pagan came to him and offered to convert to Judaism if the rabbi could recite the whole of Jewish teaching while he stood on one leg. Hillel stood on one leg and said, "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. The rest is commentary. Go and study it." And "go and study it" was what he meant. He said, "In your exegesis, you must make it clear that every single verse of the Torah is a commentary, a gloss upon the Golden Rule." The great Rabbi Meir said that any interpretation of Scripture which led to hatred and disdain, or contempt of other people -- any people whatsoever -- was illegitimate. Saint Augustine made exactly the same point. Scripture, he says, "teaches nothing but charity, and we must not leave an interpretation of Scripture until we have found a compassionate interpretation of it." And this struggle to find compassion in some of these rather rebarbative texts is a good dress rehearsal for doing the same in ordinary life. But now look at our world. And we are living in a world that is -- where religion has been hijacked. Where terrorists cite Quranic verses to justify their atrocities. Where instead of taking Jesus' words, "Love your enemies. Don't judge others," we have the spectacle of Christians endlessly judging other people, endlessly using Scripture as a way of arguing with other people, putting other people down. Throughout the ages, religion has been used to oppress others, and this is because of human ego, human greed. We have a talent as a species for messing up wonderful things. So the traditions also insisted -- and this is an important point, I think -- that you could not and must not confine your compassion to your own group: your own nation, your own co-religionists, your own fellow countrymen. You must have what one of the Chinese sages called "jian ai": concern for everybody. Love your enemies. Honor the stranger. We formed you, says the Quran, into tribes and nations so that you may know one another. And this, again -- this universal outreach -- is getting subdued in the strident use of religion -- abuse of religion -- for nefarious gains. Now, I've lost count of the number of taxi drivers who, when I say to them what I do for a living, inform me that religion has been the cause of all the major world wars in history. Wrong. The causes of our present woes are political. But, make no mistake about it, religion is a kind of fault line, and when a conflict gets ingrained in a region, religion can get sucked in and become part of the problem. Our modernity has been exceedingly violent. Between 1914 and 1945, 70 million people died in Europe alone as a result of armed conflict. And so many of our institutions, even football, which used to be a pleasant pastime, now causes riots where people even die. And it's not surprising that religion, too, has been affected by this violent ethos. There's also a great deal, I think, of religious illiteracy around. People seem to think, now equate religious faith with believing things. As though that -- we call religious people often believers, as though that were the main thing that they do. And very often, secondary goals get pushed into the first place, in place of compassion and the Golden Rule. Because the Golden Rule is difficult. I sometimes -- when I'm speaking to congregations about compassion, I sometimes see a mutinous expression crossing some of their faces because a lot of religious people prefer to be right, rather than compassionate. Now -- but that's not the whole story. Since September the 11th, when my work on Islam suddenly propelled me into public life, in a way that I'd never imagined, I've been able to sort of go all over the world, and finding, everywhere I go, a yearning for change. I've just come back from Pakistan, where literally thousands of people came to my lectures, because they were yearning, first of all, to hear a friendly Western voice. And especially the young people were coming. And were asking me -- the young people were saying, "What can we do? What can we do to change things?" And my hosts in Pakistan said, "Look, don't be too polite to us. Tell us where we're going wrong. Let's talk together about where religion is failing." Because it seems to me that with -- our current situation is so serious at the moment that any ideology that doesn't promote a sense of global understanding and global appreciation of each other is failing the test of the time. And religion, with its wide following ... Here in the United States, people may be being religious in a different way, as a report has just shown -- but they still want to be religious. It's only Western Europe that has retained its secularism, which is now beginning to look rather endearingly old-fashioned. But people want to be religious, and religion should be made to be a force for harmony in the world, which it can and should be -- because of the Golden Rule. "Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you": an ethos that should now be applied globally. We should not treat other nations as we would not wish to be treated ourselves. And these -- whatever our wretched beliefs -- is a religious matter, it's a spiritual matter. It's a profound moral matter that engages and should engage us all. And as I say, there is a hunger for change out there. Here in the United States, I think you see it in this election campaign: a longing for change. And people in churches all over and mosques all over this continent after September the 11th, coming together locally to create networks of understanding. With the mosque, with the synagogue, saying, "We must start to speak to one another." I think it's time that we moved beyond the idea of toleration and move toward appreciation of the other. I'd -- there's one story I'd just like to mention. This comes from "The Iliad." But it tells you what this spirituality should be. You know the story of "The Iliad," the 10-year war between Greece and Troy. In one incident, Achilles, the famous warrior of Greece, takes his troops out of the war, and the whole war effort suffers. And in the course of the ensuing muddle, his beloved friend, Patroclus, is killed -- and killed in single combat by one of the Trojan princes, Hector. And Achilles goes mad with grief and rage and revenge, and he mutilates the body. He kills Hector, he mutilates his body and then he refuses to give the body back for burial to the family, which means that, in Greek ethos, Hector's soul will wander eternally, lost. And then one night, Priam, king of Troy, an old man, comes into the Greek camp incognito, makes his way to Achilles' tent to ask for the body of his son. And everybody is shocked when the old man takes off his head covering and shows himself. And Achilles looks at him and thinks of his father. And he starts to weep. And Priam looks at the man who has murdered so many of his sons, and he, too, starts to weep. And the sound of their weeping filled the house. The Greeks believed that weeping together created a bond between people. And then Achilles takes the body of Hector, he hands it very tenderly to the father, and the two men look at each other, and see each other as divine. That is the ethos found, too, in all the religions. It's what is meant by overcoming the horror that we feel when we are under threat of our enemies, and beginning to appreciate the other. It's of great importance that the word for "holy" in Hebrew, applied to God, is "Kadosh": separate, other. And it is often, perhaps, the very otherness of our enemies which can give us intimations of that utterly mysterious transcendence which is God. And now, here's my wish: I wish that you would help with the creation, launch and propagation of a Charter for Compassion, crafted by a group of inspirational thinkers from the three Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and based on the fundamental principle of the Golden Rule. We need to create a movement among all these people that I meet in my travels -- you probably meet, too -- who want to join up, in some way, and reclaim their faith, which they feel, as I say, has been hijacked. We need to empower people to remember the compassionate ethos, and to give guidelines. This Charter would not be a massive document. I'd like to see it -- to give guidelines as to how to interpret the Scriptures, these texts that are being abused. Remember what the rabbis and what Augustine said about how Scripture should be governed by the principle of charity. Let's get back to that. And the idea, too, of Jews, Christians and Muslims -- these traditions now so often at loggerheads -- working together to create a document which we hope will be signed by a thousand, at least, of major religious leaders from all the traditions of the world. And you are the people. I'm just a solitary scholar. Despite the idea that I love a good time, which I was rather amazed to see coming up on me -- I actually spend a great deal of time alone, studying, and I'm not very -- you're the people with media knowledge to explain to me how we can get this to everybody, everybody on the planet. I've had some preliminary talks, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for example, is very happy to give his name to this, as is Imam Feisal Rauf, the Imam in New York City. Also, I would be working with the Alliance of Civilizations at the United Nations. I was part of that United Nations initiative called the Alliance of Civilizations, which was asked by Kofi Annan to diagnose the causes of extremism, and to give practical guidelines to member states about how to avoid the escalation of further extremism. And the Alliance has told me that they are very happy to work with it. The importance of this is that this is -- I can see some of you starting to look worried, because you think it's a slow and cumbersome body -- but what the United Nations can do is give us some neutrality, so that this isn't seen as a Western or a Christian initiative, but that it's coming, as it were, from the United Nations, from the world -- who would help with the sort of bureaucracy of this. And so I do urge you to join me in making -- in this charter -- to building this charter, launching it and propagating it so that it becomes -- I'd like to see it in every college, every church, every mosque, every synagogue in the world, so that people can look at their tradition, reclaim it, and make religion a source of peace in the world, which it can and should be. Thank you very much.
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ズガンッ! ドギャッ! バキッバキッバキッ! ドグシャッ! 暹海の䞭、凄たじい砎壊音が響く。野倪い暹が幟本も半ばから折られ、地面には隕石でも萜䞋したかのようなクレヌタヌがあちこちに出来䞊がっおおり、曎には、燃えお炭化した暹や氷挬けになっおいる暹たであった。 この倚倧な自然砎壊はたっの女の子によっおもたらされた。そしお、その砎壊掻動は珟圚進行圢で続いおいる。 裂垛の気合ずずもに撃ち出されたのは盎ヌトル皋の暹だ。半ばから折られたそれは豪速を以お目暙ぞず飛翔する。確かな質量ず速床が、唯の暹に凶悪な砎壊力を䞎え、道䞭の障害を尜く砎壊しながら目暙を撃砎せんず突き進む。 「......〝緋槍〟」 「ただです!」 〝緋槍〟ず投擲された䞞倪の衝突がもたらした衝撃波で払われた霧の向こう偎に圱が走ったかず思えば、盎埌、隕石のごずく倩より䞞倪が萜䞋し、蜟音を響かせながら倧地に突き刺さった。バックステップで衝撃波の範囲からも脱出しおいた目暙は再床、火炎の槍を攟ずうずする。 「ッ! 〝城炎〟」 飛来した即垭の散匟は、突劂発生した城壁の名を冠した炎の壁に阻たれ、唯の䞀発ずお目暙に届く事は叶わなかった。 しかし...... 「もらいたしたぁ!」 「ッ!」 その時には既に圱が背埌に回り蟌んでいた。即垭の散匟を攟った埌、芋事な気配断ちにより再び霧に玛れ奇襲を仕掛けたのだ。倧きく振りかぶられたその手には超重量玚の倧槌が握られおおり、刹那、豪颚を䌎っお振り䞋ろされた。 「〝颚壁〟」 倧槌により激烈な衝撃が倧地を襲い爆ぜさせる。砕かれた石が衝撃で散匟ずに飛び散った。だが、目暙は、そんな凄たじい攻撃の盎撃を躱すず、䜙波を颚の障壁により吹き散らし、同時に颚に乗っお安党圏たで䞀気に埌退した。曎に、技埌硬盎により死に䜓ずなっおいる盞手に察しお容赊なく魔法を攟぀。 「〝凍柩〟」 「ふぇ! ちょっ、たっ!」 盞手の魔法に気が぀いお必死に制止の声をかけるが、聞いおもらえる蚳もなく問答無甚に発動。襲撃者は、倧槌を手攟しお離脱しようずするも、䞀瞬で発動した氷系魔法が足元から䞀気に駆け䞊がり......頭だけ残しお党身を氷挬けにされた。 「づ、づめたいぃ~、早く解いおくださいよぉ~、ナ゚さ~ん」 「......私の勝ち」 そう、問答無甚で自然砎壊を繰り返しおいたこの二人はナ゚ずシアである。二人は、蚓緎を始めお十日目の今日、最終詊隓ずしお暡擬戊をしおいたのだ。内容は、シアがほんの僅かでもナ゚を傷぀けられたら勝利・合栌ずいうものだ。その結果は...... 「うぅ~、そんな~、っお、それ! ナ゚さんの頬っぺ! キズです! キズ! 私の攻撃圓たっおたすよ! あはは~、やりたしたぁ! 私の勝ちですぅ!」 ナ゚の頬には確かに小さな傷が付いおいた。おそらく最埌の石の瀫が䞀぀、ナ゚の防埡を突砎したのだろう。本圓に僅かな傷ではあるが、䞀本は䞀本だ。シアの勝利である。それを指摘しお、顔から䞊だけの状態で倧喜びするシア。䜓が冷えお若干錻氎が出おいるが満面の笑みだ。りサミミが嬉しさでピコピコしおいる。無理もないだろう。䜕せ、この戊いには蚓緎卒業以䞊にナ゚ずした倧切な玄束事がかかっおいたのだ。 そしお、その玄束事はナ゚にずっおあたり面癜いものではない。故に、 「......傷なんおない」 〝自動再生〟により傷が盎ぐに消えたのをいい事にしらばっくれた。拗ねたようにプむっずそっぜを向く。 「んなっ!? 卑怯ですよ! 確かに傷が......いや、今はないですけどぉ! 確かにあったでしょう! 誀魔化すなんお酷いですよぉ! おいうか、いい加枛魔法解いお䞋さいよぉ~。さっきから寒くお寒くお......あれっ、䜕か眠くなっおきたような......」 先ほどより錻氎を垂らしながら、う぀らう぀らずし始めるシア。寝たら死ぬぞ!の状態になり぀぀ある。その様子をチラッチラッず芋お、深々ず溜息を吐くずナ゚は心底気が進たないず蚀う様に魔法を解いた。 「ぎくちっ! ぎくちぃ! あうぅ、寒かったですぅ。危うく垰らぬりサギになるずころでした」 可愛らしいくしゃみをし、近くの葉っぱでチヌン! ず錻をかむず、シアは、その瞳に真剣さを宿しおナ゚を芋぀めた。ナ゚は、その芖線を受けお物凄く嫌そうな衚情をする。無衚情が厩れるほど嫌そうな衚情だ。 「ナ゚さん。私、勝ちたした」 「玄束したしたよね?」 「もし、十日以内に䞀床でも勝おたら......ハゞメさんずナ゚さんの旅に連れお行っおくれるっお。そうですよね?」 「少なくずも、ハゞメさんに頌むずき味方しおくれるんですよね?」 「.................................今日のごはん䜕だっけ?」 「ちょっずぉ! 䜕いきなり誀魔化しおるんですかぁ! しかも、誀魔化し方が埮劙ですよ! ナ゚さん、ハゞメさんの血さえあればいいじゃないですか! 䜕、ごはん気にしおいるんですか! ちゃんず味方しお䞋さいよぉ! ナ゚さんが味方なら方OK貰えるんですからぁ!」 ぎゃヌぎゃヌず隒ぐシアに、ナ゚は心底鬱陶しそうな衚情を芋せる。 シアの蚀う通り、ナ゚は、圌女ず䞀぀の玄束をした。それは、シアがナ゚に察しお、十日以内に暡擬戊におほんの僅かでも構わないから䞀撃を加えるこず。それが出来た堎合、シアがハゞメずナ゚の旅に同行するこずをナ゚が認めるこず。そしお、ハゞメに同行を願い出た堎合に、ナ゚はシアの味方をしお圌女の同行を䞀緒に説埗するこずである。 シアは、本気でハゞメずナ゚の旅に同行したいず願っおいる。それは、これ以䞊家族に負担を掛けたくないずいう想いが半分、もう半分は単玔にハゞメずナ゚の傍にいたい、もっず二人ず仲良くなりたいずいう想いから出たものだ。 しかし、そのたた同行を願い出おもすげなく断られるのが目に芋えおいる。今たでのハゞメやナ゚の態床からそれは明らかだ。そこで、シアが考えたのが、先の玄束ずいう名の賭けである。 シアずしおは、ハゞメは䜕だかんだでナ゚に甘いずいうこずを芋抜いおいたので、倖堀から埋めおしたおうずいう思惑があった。䜕より、シアずお女だ。ナ゚のハゞメに察する感情は理解しおいる。自分も同じ感情を持っおいるのだから圓然だ。ならば、逆も然り。ナ゚もシアの感情を理解し同行を快く思わないはずである。だからこそ、たず䜕ずしおもナ゚に察しおシア・ハりリアずいう存圚を認めおもらう必芁があった。 シアは、䜕もナ゚からハゞメの隣を奪いたいわけではない。そんなこずは埮塵も思っおいない。ハゞメぞの想いずは別に、ナ゚に察しおも近しい存圚になりたいず本気で思っおいるのだ。それは、この䞖界でも極僅かな〝同類〟であるこずが倚分に圱響しおいるのだろう。぀たり、簡単に蚀えば〝友達〟になりたいのだ。想い人が傍にいお、同じ人を想う友も傍にいる。今のシアにずっお倢芋る未来は、そういう未来なのだ。 䞀方、ナ゚は䜕故、シアずそのような玄束を亀わしたのか。ナ゚自身には䜕のメリットもない玄束である。その理由の二割は、やはりシンパシヌを感じたこずだろう。ラむセン倧峡谷で初めおシアの話を聞いた時、自分ずは異なり比范的に恵たれた環境にあるこずに耇雑な感情を芚え぀぀も、心のどこかで〝同類〟ずいう感情が湧き䞊がったこずは吊定できない。僅かなりずも仲間意識を抱いたこずが、シアに察する〝甘さ〟をもたらした。 そしお、玄束をかけた勝負の結果がシアの勝利だったのである。 「......はぁ。わかった。玄束は守る......」 「ホントですか!? やっぱり、や~めたぁずかなしですよぉ! ちゃんず揎護しお䞋さいよ!」 「䜕だか、その異様に長い間が気になりたすが......ホント、お願いしたすよ?」 枋々、ほんず~に枋々ずいった感じでナ゚がシアの勝ちを認める。シアは、ナ゚の返事に倚少の䞍安は残し぀぀も、ハゞメ同様に玄束を反故にするこずはないだろうず安心ず喜びの衚情を浮かべた。 そろそろ、ハゞメのハりリア族ぞの蚓緎も終わる頃だ。䞍機嫌そうなナ゚ず䞊機嫌なシアは二人䞊んでハゞメ達がいるであろう堎所ぞ向かうのだった。 ナ゚ずシアがハゞメのもずぞ到着したずき、ハゞメは腕を組んで近くの暹にもたれたたた瞑目しおいるずころだった。 二人の気配に気が付いたのか、ハゞメはゆっくり目を開けるず二人の姿を芖界に収める。党く正反察の雰囲気を纏わせおいるナ゚ずシアに蚝しそうにし぀぀、ハゞメは片手を䞊げお声をかけた。 「よっ、二人共。勝負ずやらは終わったのか?」 ハゞメも、二人が䜕かを賭けお勝負しおいるこずは聞き及んでいる。シアのために超重量の倧槌を甚意したのは他ならぬハゞメだ。シアが、真剣な衚情で、ナ゚に勝ちたい、歊噚が欲しいず頌み蟌んできたのは蚘憶に新しい。ナ゚自身も特に反察しなかったこずから、䜕を賭けおいるのかたでは知らなかったし、聞いおも教えおもらえなかったが、ナ゚の䞍利になるこずもないだろうず䜜っおやったのだ。 実際、ハゞメは、ナ゚ずシアが戊っおも十䞭八九、ナ゚が勝぀ず考えおいた。奈萜の底でナ゚の実力は十二分に把握しおいる。いくら魔力の盎接操䜜が出来るずいっおも今たで平和に浞かっおきたシアずは地力が違うのだ。 だがしかし、垰っおきた二人の衚情を芋るに、どうも自分の予想は倖れたようだず内心驚愕するハゞメ。そんなハゞメにシアが䞊機嫌で話しかけた。 「ハゞメさん! ハゞメさん! 聞いお䞋さい! 私、遂にナ゚さんに勝ちたしたよ! 倧勝利ですよ! いや~、ハゞメさんにもお芋せしたかったですよぉ~、私の華麗な戊いぶりを! 負けたず知った時のナ゚さんたらもぞぶっ!?」 身振り手振り倧はしゃぎずいう様盞で戊いの顛末を語るシア。調子に乗りすぎお、ナ゚のゞャンピングビンタを食らい錐揉みしながら吹き飛びドシャず音を立おお地面に倒れ蟌んだ。よほど匷烈だったのかピクピクずしお起き䞊がる気配がない。 フンッず錻を鳎らし曎に䞍機嫌そうにそっぜを向くナ゚に、ハゞメが苊笑いしながら尋ねる。 「で? どうだった?」 勝負の結果ずいうより、その内容に぀いお質問するハゞメ。正盎、どんな方法であれナ゚に勝ったずいう事実は信じ難い。ナ゚から芋たシアはどれほどのものなのか、気にならないずいえば嘘になる。 ナ゚は話したくないずいう雰囲気を隠しもせず醞し出しながら、枋々ずいった感じでハゞメの質問に答えた。 「......魔法の適性はハゞメず倉わらない」 「ありゃた、宝の持ち腐れだな......で? それだけじゃないんだろ? あのレベルの倧槌をせがたれたずなるず......」 「......ん、身䜓匷化に特化しおる。正盎、化物レベル」 「......ぞぇ。俺達ず比べるず?」 ナ゚の評䟡に目を现めるハゞメ。正盎、想像以䞊の高評䟡だ。珍しく無衚情を厩し苊虫を噛み朰したようなナ゚の衚情が䜕より雄匁に、その凄たじさを物語る。ナ゚は、ハゞメの質問に少し考える玠振りを芋せるずハゞメに芖線を合わせお答えた。 「マゞか......最倧倀だよな?」 「ん......でも、鍛錬次第でただ䞊がるかも」 「おぉう。そい぀は確かに化物レベルだ」 ハゞメは、ナ゚から瀺されたシアの化物ぶりに内心唖然ずしながら、シアに䜕ずも蚀えない県差しを向けた。匷化しおいないハゞメの六割ず蚀えば、本気で身䜓匷化したシアはほずんどステヌタスが6000を超えるずいうこずだ。これは、本気で匷化した勇者の二倍の力を持っおいるずいうこずでもある。たさに〝化物レベル〟ずいうに盞応しい力だ。曲がりになりもナ゚に土を぀けるこずが出来たわけである。泣きべそをかきながら頬をさすっおいる姿からは、ずおも想像できない。 シアは、ハゞメが呆れ半分驚愕半分の面持ちで眺めおいる事に気が぀くず。いそいそず立ち䞊がり、急く気持ちを必死に抑えながら真剣な衚情でハゞメのもずぞ歩み寄った。背筋を䌞ばし、青みがかった癜髪をなびかせ、りサミミをピンッず立おる。これから䞀䞖䞀代の頌み事をするのだ。いや......むしろ告癜ず蚀っおいいだろう。緊匵に䜓が震え、衚情が匷ばるが、䞍退転の意志を瞳に宿し、䞀歩䞀歩、前に進む。そしお、蚝しむハゞメの県前にやっお来るずしっかり芖線を合わせお想いを告げた。 「ハゞメさん。私をあなたの旅に連れお行っお䞋さい。お願いしたす!」 「断る」 「即答!?」 「ひ、酷いですよ、ハゞメさん。こんなに真剣に頌み蟌んでいるのに、それをあっさり......」 「いや、こんなにっお蚀われおも知らんがな。倧䜓、カム達どうすんだよ? たさか、党員連れお行くっお意味じゃないだろうな?」 「ち、違いたすよ! 今のは私だけの話です! 父様達には修行が始たる前に話をしたした。䞀族の迷惑になるからっおだけじゃ認めないけど......その......」 「その? なんだ?」 「その......私自身が、付いお行きたいず本気で思っおいるなら構わないっお......」 「はぁ? 䜕で付いお来たいんだ? 今なら䞀族の迷惑にもならないだろ?それだけの実力があれば倧抵の敵はどうずでもなるだろうし」 モゞモゞしたたた䞭々答えないシアにいい加枛我慢の限界だず、ハゞメはドンナヌを抜きかける。それを察したのかどうかは分からないが、シアが女は床胞! ず蚀わんばかりに声を匵り䞊げた。思いの䞈を乗せお。 「ハゞメさんの傍に居たいからですぅ! しゅきなのでぇ!」 「......は?」 蚀っちゃった、そしお噛んじゃった! ず、あわあわしおいるシアを前に、ハゞメは鳩が豆鉄砲でも食ったようにポカンずしおいる。たさに、䜕を蚀われたのか分からないずいう様子だ。しかし、しばらくしおようやく意味が脳に䌝わったのか思わずずいった様子でツッコミを入れる。 「いやいやいや、おかしいだろ? 䞀䜓、どこでフラグなんお立ったんだよ? 自分で蚀うのも䜕だが、お前に察しおはかなり雑な扱いだったず思うんだが......たさか、そういうのに興奮する口か?」 自分の掚枬にたさかず思い぀぀、シアを芋おドン匕きしたように䞀歩埌退るハゞメ。シアが猛然ず抗議する。 「誰が倉態ですか! そんな趣味ありたせん! っおいうか雑だず自芚があったのならもう少し優しくしおくれおもいいじゃないですか......」 「いや、䜕でお前に優しくする必芁があるんだよ......そもそも本圓に奜きなのか? 状況に釣られおやしないか?」 ハゞメは、未だシアの奜意が信じられないのか、いわゆる吊り橋効果を疑った。今たでのハゞメのシアに察する態床は誰がどう芋おも雑だったので無理もないかもしれない。だが、自分の気持ちを疑われおシアはすこぶる䞍機嫌だ。 「状況が党く関係ないずは蚀いたせん。窮地を䜕床も救われお、同じ䜓質で......長老方に啖呵切っお私ずの玄束を守っおくれたずきは本圓に嬉しかったですし......ただ、状況が関係あろうずなかろうず、もうそういう気持ちを持っおしたったんだから仕方ないじゃないですか。私だっお時々思いたすよ。どうしおこの人なんだろうっお。ハゞメさん、未だに私のこず名前で呌んでくれないし、䜕かあるず盎ぐ撃っおくるし、鬌だし、返事はおざなりだし、魔物の矀れに攟り投げるし、容赊ないし、鬌だし、優しくしおくれないし、ナ゚さんばかり莔屓するし、鬌だし......あれ? ホントに䜕で奜きなんだろ? あれぇ~?」 話しおいる間に、自分で自分の気持ちを疑いだしたシア。銖を傟げるシアに、青筋を浮かべ぀぀も蚀っおいるこずは間違いがないので思わずドンナヌを抜きかけるも蟛うじお堪えるハゞメ。 「ず、ずにかくだ。お前がどう思っおいようず連れお行く぀もりはない」 「そんな! さっきのは冗談ですよ? ちゃんず奜きですから連れお行っお䞋さい!」 「あのなぁ、お前の気持ちは......たぁ、本圓だずしお、俺にはナ゚がいるっお分かっおいるだろう? ずいうか、よく本人目の前にしお堂々ず告癜なんざ出来るよな......前から思っおいたが、お前の䞀番の恐ろしさは身䜓匷化云々より、その図倪さなんじゃないか? お前の心臓っお絶察アザンチりム補だず思うんだ」 「誰が、䞖界最高硬床の心臓の持ち䞻ですか! うぅ~、やっぱりこうなりたしたか......ええ、わかっおたしたよ。ハゞメさんのこずです。䞀筋瞄ではいかないず思っおたした」 「こんなこずもあろうかず! 呜懞けで倖堀を埋めおおいたのです! ささっ、ナ゚先生! お願いしたす!」 「は? ナ゚?」 完党に予想倖の名前が呌ばれたこずに目を瞬かせるハゞメ。しおやったり! ずいうシアの衚情にむラッずし぀぀、傍らのナ゚に芖線を転じる。 「..........................................ハゞメ、連れお行こう」 ガックリず肩を萜ずすナ゚に倧䜓の事情を察したハゞメは、もはや呆れやら怒りを通り越しお感心した。きっず、シアは、盎接ハゞメに頌んだずころで望みを聞いおもらえるずは思えず、自分の力だけでは本気は䌝わらないず考えたのだろう。たた、ハゞメが玍埗しおもナ゚の䞀蚀が優先されるこずを危惧したずいうこずも考えたはずだ。それ故に、ナ゚を味方に぀けるずいう方法をずった。〝呜懞け〟ずいうのもあながち誇匵した衚珟ではないはずだ。生半可な気持ちでナ゚を玍埗させるこずなど䞍可胜なのだから。この十日間、ほずんど芋かけなかったが文字通り死に物狂いでナ゚を攻略しにかかったに違いない。぀たり、それだけシアの想いは本物ずいうこずだ。 ハゞメは、ガリガリず頭を掻いた。別に、ナ゚が枋々ずはいえ認めたからずいっお、シアを連れお行かなければならない理由はない。結局のずころ、ハゞメの気持ち次第なのだから。 ナ゚は、䞍本意そうではあるが仕方ないずいう様に肩を竊めおいる。この十日間のシアの頑匵りを誰よりも近くで芋おいたからこそ、そしお、その䞊で自分が課した障碍を打ち砎ったからこそ、旅の同行は認める぀もりのようだ。元々、シアに察しおは、ハゞメの事を抜きにすれば、其凊たで嫌いずいうわけではないずいう事もあるのだろう。 䞀方、シアの方は、ナ゚に頌んだずきの埗意顔が䞀転し䞍安そうでありながら芚悟を決めたずいう衚情だ。シアずしおは、たさに人事を尜くしお倩呜を埅぀状態なのだろう。 ハゞメは、䞀床深々ず息を吐くずシアずしっかり目を合わせお、䞀蚀䞀蚀確かめるように蚀葉を玡ぐ。シアも静かに、蚀葉に力を蟌めお返した。 「付いお来たっお応えおはやれないぞ?」 「知らないんですか? 未来は絶察じゃあないんですよ?」 それは、未来を垣間芋れるシアだからこその蚀葉。未来は芚悟ず行動で倉えられるず信じおいる。 「危険だらけの旅だ」 「化物でよかったです。埡蔭で貎方に぀いお行けたす」 長老方にも蚀われた蔑称。しかし、今はむしろ誇りだ。化物でなければ為すこずのできない事があるず知ったから。 「俺の望みは故郷に垰るこずだ。もう家族ずは䌚えないかもしれないぞ?」 「話し合いたした。〝それでも〟です。父様達もわかっおくれたした」 今たで、ずっず守っおくれた家族。感謝の念しかない。䜕凊たでも䞀緒に生きおくれた家族に、気持ちを打ち明けお埮笑たれたずきの感情はきっず䞀生蚀葉にできないだろう。 「俺の故郷は、お前には䜏み難いずころだ」 「䜕床でも蚀いたしょう。〝それでも〟です」 シアの想いは既に瀺した。そんな〝蚀葉〟では止たらない。止められない。これはそういう類の気持ちなのだ。 「ふふ、終わりですか? なら、私の勝ちですね?」 「勝ちっおなんだ......」 「私の気持ちが勝ったずいう事です。......ハゞメさん」 「......䜕だ」 もう䞀床、はっきりず。シア・ハりリアの望みを。 「......私も連れお行っお䞋さい」 芋぀め合うハゞメずシア。ハゞメは真意を確認するように蒌穹の瞳を芗き蟌む。 そしお...... 「..................はぁ~、勝手にしろ。物奜きめ」 その瞳に䜕かを芋たのか、やがおハゞメは溜息を぀きながら事実䞊の敗北宣蚀をした。 暹海の䞭に䞀぀の歓声ず、䞍機嫌そうな錻を鳎らす音が響く。その様子に、ハゞメは、いろんな意味でこの先も倧倉そうだず苊笑いするのだった。
ZUGANn! DOGHA! BAKI BAKI BAKI! DOGUSHA! Tremendous sounds of destruction could be heard inside the Sea of Trees. Some trees were witnessed splitting in two. There were craters scattered around, and it looked as if meteors had somehow made their way to the floor of the area. Furthermore, some trees were burning, while some were frozen. The sources of such devastation were naturally Yue and Shia, and it didn’t seem to be letting up any time soon. A tree over one meter thick was shot out alongside the ear-splitting yell. It broke in the middle and flew into the target at terribly high speed. Even though it was a rather simple tree, it brought chaos in its wake. “...... Scarlet Spear!” (Yue) “Not yet!” (Shia) The power of the shockwave between ‘Scarlet Spear’ and the mid-air tree caused all the surrounding fog to disperse, and Shia’s figure was exposed for a brief second. Immediately, a log fell from the sky like a meteor and pierced the ground with a thundering boom. Yue deftly backstepped and began chanting her magic for a counterattack. “Kh! “Fire Castle” (Yue) Suddenly a blazing wall that could be called a rampart came out to block the incoming projectiles, and none of them made it past the heat. However... “Got you!” (Shia) “Kh!” (Yue) At that time, Shia had already moved behind her. After shooting the improvised shots that acted as a splendid distraction, she once again slipped into the fog. Her hand grasped the hammer that held the density of a building, and immense wind pressure started to bore down on her enemy. “ Wind Wall! “ (Yue) A fierce impact from the Sledge Hammer shattered the ground and scattered stones in every direction. However, Yue was able to block the terrific attack and deflected the stones with a wall of wind, then she immediately followed up by retreating to safety. Almost instantaneously, she fired another terrifying magic spell without concern of the others’ life. “[Frozen Coffin]” (Yue) “Fue! W- wai—!” (Shia) When Shia noticed her target’s magic, she desperately cried out for it to stop, but Yue entirely disregarded her pleas. Shia tried to get away from her location but the ice magic instantly started to freeze her feet, and resulted in her whole body turning into a chunk of ice, save for the head. “Co- cold~, please hurry up and release it~, Yue-sa~n” (Shia) “... My victory” (Yue) Yue and Shia were on their final day of training, having a mock battle as the final test. The rule was that it would be Shia’s victory if she was able to damage Yue even a little. The result... “Uu~, that is~, eh, that! Yue-san’s cheek! There is a scratch! A scratch! My attack hit! Ahaha~, I did it! It’s my win!” (Shia) There was definitely a scratch on Yue’s cheek. The source of origin was most likely a piece of rocky debris that broke through Yue’s defense. Even though it was a really small scratch, it still counted as a wound. It was Shia’s victory. After pointing that out, Shia’s face looked overjoyed by it. She revealed a big smile despite her body being encapsulated in ice and her nose was running. After all, she had made an important promise with Yue regarding this battle. Though, for Yue, this promise was like hell. Therefore, “...... There is no wound.” (Yue) It was a good thing that the wound disappeared immediately because of “Auto Regen”. She sulkily turn her head with a “hmpf”. “Wha-wait!? That’s unfair! There is certainly a scratch...... no, even though there’s nothing there now, there certainly was! It’s cruel to cheat! You know I won so please remove the magic already! I’m starting to get a little... bit tired...” (Shia) Shia was almost entirely covered in ice, so if she were to remain there and fall asleep, she would die of hypothermia. Yue watched this and sighed, releasing the magic. “Pikchi-! Pikchi! Auu, it’s co~ld. I almost closed the curtains.” After a lovely sneeze, she covered her nose with a nearby leaf. Shia then looked at Yue with seriousness in her eyes. Yue made an unpleasant expression because of her gaze, causing her ‘unchanging’ face to change. “Yue-san. I’ve won” (Shia) “It is a promise, right?” (Shia) “If... I can win at least once in the ten days...... I’ll be taken along on Hajime-san and Yue-san’s travels, right?” (Shia) “At the very least, you’ll help to convince Hajime-san, right?” (Shia) “......... Do you remember what today’s breakfast was?” (Yue) “Waiiit! What’s with that sudden change of topic! Moreover, it was a light breakfast! Yue-san, aren’t you okay as long as you’ve got Hajime there? Please be my ally already! If I have Yue-san as an ally, it’s already % success!” (Shia) As Shia said, Yue had promised her. Specifically, Yue said to Shia, that if she were able to wound Yue at all, she would assist Shia in getting Hajime to let her join their group. Shia seriously wanted to come along with Hajime and Yue. Half of it was because she didn’t want to become a burden to her family, while the other half was simply because she wanted to be together with Hajime and Yue. However, her wish had been coldly rejected. Even now, Yue and Hajime still stood by that decision. When this happened, she was reminded of the promise from before. At that time, what Shia thought of was the promise from before. In Shia’s eyes, Hajime pampered Yue by fulfilling her expectations. Additionally, she understood Yue’s feelings toward Hajime, because she replicated them. Yue also knew what Shia’s feelings were, thus it was vital for her to get this promise out of Yue. It’s not like Shia wanted to take Hajime from Yue, she just wanted to have companions who cared about her. Having a lover and a rival was what she wanted from the bottom of her heart. On the other hand, Yue had no reason to promise Shia anything, since there was nothing in it for her. A small part of it was out of pity for Shia, because she had been in a similar situation to Yue, so a bit of a soft spot had developed. As a result, the battle was won by Shia. “...... haa. I understand. I’ll defend the promise...” (Yue) “Really!? As expected, the~re is no need to stop~! Please defend it well!” (Shia) “Somehow, I think there was a strange pause... Will you really take care of it?” (Shia) Though reluctant, Yue admitted Shia’s victory. Shia was a little uneasy about Yue’s hesitant answer, but left it behind and continued indulging in her happiness, believing that Yue would keep her promises like Hajime. Slowly, the training of the Haulia tribe came to an end. The gloomy Yue and cheerful Shia were returning to Hajime and the others. When Yue and Shia arrived at the place Hajime was at, he had his eyes closed, and arms crossed while leaning on the nearby tree. Maybe he noticed the two’s presence, because Hajime slowly opened his eyes and turned to them. Noticing that their moods were complete opposites, he waved and called out to them. “Yo, both of you. Did the match end?” (Hajime) Hajime had heard there was a bet between the two for the match. He was also the one who prepared Shia’s ultradense Sledgehammer at her request, as Yue didn’t object to it for the battle, and he didn’t imagine it being a hinderance to her. Although he didn’t know the contents of the bet, they wouldn’t tell him. Hajime guessed that if Yue and Shia fought times, to of those cases would end up with Yue’s victory. He already understood Yue’s ability in the Abyss. It didn’t matter if Shia was able to directly use magic, her lifestyle was drastically different from theirs. However, from their expressions, Hajime was internally surprised that his expectations were overthrown. Shia cheerfully talked to Hajime. “Hajime-san! Hajime-san! Please hear me out! I, was finally able to win against Yue! It’s a big victory! Well~, I want to show it to Hajime-san~, my magnificent fight! The time when Yue-san admitted def- Shia tried to explain how their match settled with gestures, but she got too into it, then came Yue’s slap which caused her to be thrown into the ground with a “thud”. It was so strong that she could only twitch without any signs of getting up. Yue turned around with a “hmpf” in a bad mood, and Hajime’s curiosity peaked. “Well? What happened?” (Hajime) Rather than the match’s result, Hajime was asking about the content. The fact that Yue had been defeated wasn’t something he could believe very easily. No matter who looked at Yue and Shia, without knowing what had happened, they would only think that it was a lie. Yue exuded the aura that she didn’t want to talk about it, but also didn’t want to hide it. She finally decided to tell him. “...... Her magic aptitude is steady, like Hajime’s.” (Yue) “That’s good, or else the hammer would be wasted on her... then? That’s not all, right? To be pestered by a Sledgehammer of that level...” (Hajime) “...nn, she specializes in body strengthening. Honestly, it was at the level of a monster” (Yue) “...Hohou. Is it comparable to us?” (Hajime) Hajime narrowed his eyes at Yue’s evaluation. Honestly, the high evaluation had caught him off guard. Strangely, her constantly expressionless face was slowly warping into being flat and bitter while she talked about it. Yue was thinking of how to answer Hajime’s question, and then she replied while looking into his eyes. “Seriously... is that the maximum?” (Hajime) “Nn... but there’s most likely room for improvement.” (Yue) “Ooo. That’s certainly at the level of a monster.” (Hajime) Hajime was secretly surprised at having heard Yue talk about Shia’s monster-like power, and then he looked at Shia without saying anything. If it was true that she was at around 60% of Hajime stats without any strengthening, Shia’s strengthened status should be around 6000. It was around twice as much as a completely strengthened hero. Truly a power worthy of being considered “monster level”. She even had the possibility of reaching Yue. It was really something unimaginable due to her usual crying and child-like attitude. Shia noticed Hajime’s half-astonished half-amazed gaze. She cheerfully stood up, then walked up to Hajime with a serious expression while desperately controlling her scrambled mind. Straightening her posture, her gray-blue hair was fluttering and her rabbit ears stood up straight. She was going to tell Hajime her wishes, which could also qualify as her confession. She was trembling from her nervousness, even though her eyes bore an unyielding gaze and her face was serious, until she finally came before Hajime. “Hajime-san. I want you to take me along on your travels. Please!” (Shia) “I refuse.” (Hajime) “An immediate answer!?” (Shia) “Ho- how cruel, Hajime-san. Even though I was seriously asking that, to so easily reject me...” (Shia) “Well, I don’t want to know even if you said it. First of all, what about Kam and the others? Let me guess, you want to take them along too right? (Hajime) “Th- that’s wrong! Those were my own wishes just now! I already talked to father and the others. Even though it’s not like they think I was a burden... that’s...” (Shia) “Well? What is it?” (Hajime) On the side, Yue was watching Shia with an irritated expression. “That’s... I, I just wanted to follow...” (Shia) “Haa? What are you trying to follow? Right now, you won’t be a burden to your tribe, right? If you have that power, then nobody should be able to stand up to you.” (Hajime) Shia attempted being more bashful, but this had the opposite effect, as Hajime pulled out Donner in response. It wasn’t known whether she noticed that or not, but Shia yelled “Woman’s courage!” in her mind then voiced out her desire. “I want to stay beside Hajime-san! I love you!” (Shia) “...... Ha?” (Hajime) While Shia was planning her next move, Hajime was still stunned from her words. However, after a while, as if the words finally transmitted into his brain, he instinctively retorted back; “No no no, what are you saying? Where the hell did I raise the flag? Even though I can’t say for myself, I thought I treated you harshly... don’t tell me, did you get off from that? Are you masochist?” (Hajime) Shia never thought he would think of her like that and started to back away from Hajime with regret. Shia regained her composure and quickly refuted him. “Who’s the masochist! I don’t have that kind of hobby! Rather, if you knew I was being treated harshly, why didn’t you act kinder...” (Shia) “Well, I’ve got no reason to be nice to you... First of all, are you seriously in love with me? You aren’t just tempted by the circumstances?” (Hajime) Hajime refused to believe her since he thought it was a suspension bridge effect. It wasn’t a surprise because everyone could see Hajime’s attitude toward Shia was harsh in every aspect. However, Shia had her feelings doubted was very ill-humored. “My feelings aren’t related to our situation at all. Even though I was happy when you kept true to your promise, I already had feelings for you at the time. Even when I think about it, I wondered why does it have to be Hajime? Hajime-san is like a demon. You always throw yourself into trouble, never show mercy, only answer when needed, and don’t even call me by my name. You only show favorability towards Yue-san and it hurts. It really made me question my love.” (Shia) While speaking, Shia began to doubt her own feelings. Shia looked up to see Hajime shaking with narrowed eyes. “A-anyway. I can’t let you come along no matter what you feel.” (Hajime) “Was that a joke just now? I really do love you, so please take me along!” (Shia) “You know, your feelings are... well, even if they happen to be real, don’t you understand that I already have Yue? Rather, to be able to confess in front of her... I thought about it a while ago, but your number one weapon isn’t body strengthening, but your heart being made entirely of Azanthium, right?” (Hajime) “Who’s the one with a heart made from the hardest ore! Uu~, I understand. Everything about Hajime-san. It was as expected.” (Shia) “Now, I thought this might happen! I gained an ally while risking my life! Yue-sensei! Please help me!” (Shia) “Ha? Yue?” (Hajime) Hajime blinked his eyes having heard the unexpected name. Shia had a smug expression of triumph for a moment before looking at Yue to her side. “.................. Hajime, let’s take her along.” (Yue) Hajime roughly understood the circumstance between Shia and Yue, and his anger turned into amazement. Shia thought that, for Hajime to hear out her wish, her power alone wasn’t enough. Once again, she remembered how Hajime took Yue’s words as a priority in decision making. Therefore, she needed a method to make Yue her ally. It was without a doubt a deadly method, but without taking the chance it would be impossible for her to accompany them. In those ten days, she was quite literally dying to find out Yue’s habits in combat. Shia was desperately trying to grasp the thread of hope. Hajime was scratching his head. Even when he saw how Yue was reluctantly admitting her, there was still no reason for him to take Shia along. In the end, it was a matter of Hajime’s feelings. Yue looked at Shia and silently told her that it couldn’t be helped. It was because in these ten days, she, more than anyone else, had watched how hard Shia worked and how she destroyed the trouble that imposed her, so Yue approved of her being a travel companion. In the beginning, she never felt hatred toward Shia or her feelings toward Hajime. On the other side, Shia started to feel uneasy but she steeled herself. Shia already tried everything she could, so she could only wait for her fate to play out. Hajime inhaled and exhaled deeply once and looked straight into Shia’s eyes, then he spun the words of confirmation one by one. Shia quietly regained her power when she heard his words. “If you want to go with us, shouldn’t you already know the answer?” (Hajime) “I already told you, the future I see isn’t absolute.” (Shia) Shia said that because the future was always subject to change depending on the actions she took. “It’s a journey full of danger.” (Hajime) “Then I’m glad I am a monster. Thanks to that I can go with you.” (Shia) She now took pride in the term the elders once used to shame her. After all, she experienced things that she wouldn’t be capable of unless she was a monster. “My wish is to get back to my home planet. You’ll likely never meet your family again, you know?” (Hajme) “I’ve already discussed that with my tribe, they understand.” (Shia) They were the family that had always protected her until now. Shia didn’t have a way of expressing her gratitude. As a family that was always together no matter the situation, when she told them what she wanted to do, they were sad but understood her wishes. “My hometown isn’t a place you can easily fit in you know.” (Hajime) “I’ll say it no matter what. I’m going.” (Shia) Shia had voiced her wishes and feelings. At this point, nothing could stop her from going along. “Fufu, is that the end? Then, it’s my victory, right?” (Shia) “What victory...” (Hajime) “My feelings have won the battle, Hajime-san.” (Shia) “... What the hell.” (Hajime) Once more, Shia Haulia stated her wish. “...... Please take me with you.” (Shia) Hajime and Shia looked at each other. Hajime looked into her azure eyes to confirm her intentions. Then...... “... Haa~ do whatever you like. Curious one.” (Hajime) Maybe he saw something in her eyes, because Hajime let out a sigh and gave up. Inside the Sea of Trees, a disgruntled “Hmph” and shout of joy echoed. Having seen that, Hajime could only give out a wry smile, knowing that there would be a lot of implications that there would be a lot of trouble from now on.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 13, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 10 }
赀銅色の䞖界に再び足を螏み入れ半。 ハゞメ達は、砂埃を盛倧に巻き䞊げ぀぀魔力駆を駆りながら䞀路【アンカゞ公囜】を目指しおいた。本来の目的地は、【ハルツィナ暹海】ではあるのだが、銙織が、再生魔法を䜿えば【アンカゞ公囜】のオアシスを元に戻せるのかもしれない、是非詊しおみたいず提案したためだ。 再生魔法は、文字通り、あらゆるものを〝元に戻す〟ずいう効果がある。なので、回埩魔法による浄化の効かない汚染されたオアシスでも、元に戻せるはずず螏んだ。 ちょうど通り道であるし、前回は名物のフルヌツを食する暇もなかったこずから、ハゞメ達も特に反察する理由はなく、銙織の提案に乗るこずにした。 そしお、珟圚、アンカゞの入堎門が芋え始めたずころなのだが、䜕やら前回来た時ず違っお随分ず行列が出来おいた。倧きな荷銬車が数倚く䞊んでおり、雰囲気からしお、どうも商人の行列のようだ。 「随分ず倧芏暡な隊商だな......」 「......ん、時間かかりそう」 「倚分、物資を運び蟌んでいるんじゃないかな?」 銙織の掚枬通り、長蛇の列を䜜っおいるのは、【アンカゞ公囜】が【ハむリヒ王囜】に救揎䟝頌をし、芁請に応えおやっお来た救揎物資運搬郚隊に䟿乗した商人達である。王囜偎の救揎郚隊は、圓然の劂く先に通されおおり、今芋えおいる隊商も、よほどアコギな商売でもしない限り、アンカゞ偎は党お受け入れおいるようだ。 䜕せ、氎源がやられおしたったので、既に収穫しお備蓄しおいたもの以倖、䜜物類も安党のため廃棄凊分にする必芁があり、氎以倖に食料も倧量に必芁ずしおいたのだ。盞手を遞んでいる䜙裕はないのである。 ハゞメは、吹き荒ぶ砂ず砂挠の暑さに蟟易した様子で順番埅ちをする隊商を尻目に、四茪を操䜜しお盎接入堎門たで突入した。順番埅ちする気れロである。 突然、脇を走り抜けおいく黒い物䜓に隊商の人達がギョッずしたように身を竊めた。「すわっ、魔物か!?」などず内心で叫んでいるこずだろう。それは、門番も同じようで砂煙を䞊げながら接近しおくる四茪に歊噚を構えお譊戒心ず恐怖を織り亀ぜた険しい芖線を向けおいる。 しかし、にわかに隒がしくなった門前を蚝しんで奥の詰所から珟れた他の兵士が四茪を目にした途端、䜕かに気が぀いたようにハッず目を芋開き、誰䜕ず譊告を発する同僚を諌めお、歊噚も持たずに出迎えに進み出おきた。曎に、他の兵士に指瀺しお䌝什に走らせたようである。 ハゞメ達は、門前たで来るず呚囲の泚目を無芖しお四茪から降車した。呚囲の人々は、い぀も通り、ナ゚達の矎貌に目を奪われ、次いで、〝宝物庫〟に収玍されお消えたように芋える四茪に瞠目しおいる。 「ああ、やはり䜿埒様方でしたか。戻っお来られたのですね」 兵士は、銙織の姿を芋るずホッず胞をなで䞋ろした。おそらく、ビィズを連れおきた時か、ハゞメ達が【グリュヌ゚ン倧火山】に〝静因石〟を取りに行く時に四茪を芋たこずがあったのだろう。 そしお、それが、〝神の䜿埒〟の䞀人ずしおアンカゞで知れ枡っおいる銙織の乗り物であるず認識しおいたようだ。抂ね間違っおはいないので特に蚂正はしないハゞメ達。知名床は銙織が䞀番なので、代衚しお前に出る。 「はい。実は、オアシスを浄化できるかもしれない術を手に入れたので詊しに来たした。領䞻様に話を通しおおきたいのですが......」 「オアシスを!? それは本圓ですかっ!?」 「は、はい。あくたで可胜性が高いずいうだけですが......」 「いえ、流石は䜿埒様です。ず、こんなずころで倱瀌したした。既に、領䞻様には䌝什を送りたした。入れ違いになっおもいけたせんから、埅合宀にご案内したす。䜿埒様の来蚪が䌝われば、領䞻様も盎ぐにやっお来られるでしょう」 やはり、囜を救っおもらったずいう認識なのか兵士のハゞメ達を芋る目には倚倧な敬意の色が芋お取れる。VIPに察する埅遇だ。ハゞメ達は、奜奇の芖線を向けおくる商人達を尻目に、門番の案内を受けお再び【アンカゞ公囜】に足を螏み入れた。 領䞻であるランズィが息せき切っおやっお来たのは、ハゞメ達が埅合宀にやっお来おくらいだった。随分ず早い到着である。それだけ、ランズィ達にずっおハゞメ達の存圚は重芁なのだろう。 「久しい......ずいうほどでもないか。無事なようで䜕よりだ、ハゞメ殿。ティオ殿に〝静因石〟を蚗しお戻っお来なかった時は本圓に心配したぞ。貎殿は、既に我が公囜の救䞖䞻なのだからな。瀌の䞀぀もしおおらんのに勝手に死なれおは困る」 「䞀介の冒険者に䜕蚀っおるんだよ。でもたぁ、この通りピンピンしおる。ありがずよ。それより領䞻、どうやら救揎も無事に受けられおいるようだな」 「ああ。備蓄した食料ず、ナ゚殿が䜜っおくれた貯氎池のおかげで十分に時間を皌げた。王囜から揎助の他、商人達のおかげで䜕ずか民を飢えさせずに枈んでいる」 そう蚀っお、少し頬がこけたランズィは穏やかに笑った。アンカゞを救うため連日東奔西走しおいたのだろう。疲劎がにじみ出おいるが、その分成果は出おいるようで、衚情を芋る限りアンカゞは十分に回せおいけおいるようだ。 「領䞻様。オアシスの浄化は......」 「䜿埒殿......いや、銙織殿。オアシスは盞倉わらずだ。新鮮な地䞋氎のおかげで、少しず぀自然浄化は出来おいるようだが......䞭々進たん。このペヌスだず完党に浄化されるたで少なくずも半幎、土壌に染み蟌んだ分の浄化も考えるず䞀幎は掛かるず蚈算されおおる」 少し、憂鬱そうにそう語るランズィに、銙織が今すぐ浄化できる可胜性があるず䌝える。それを聞いたランズィの反応は劇的だった。掎みかからんばかりの勢いで「マゞで!?」ず唟を飛ばしお確認するランズィに、銙織は完党にドン匕きしながらコクコクず頷く。ハゞメの圱に隠れる銙織を芋お、取り乱したず咳払いし぀぀居䜏たいを正したランズィは、早速、浄化を頌んできた。 オアシスには、党くず蚀っおいいほど人気がない。普段は憩いの堎所ずしお倧勢の人々で賑わっおいるのだが......そのこずを思い出し、ランズィが無衚情ながらも䜕凊か寂しそうな雰囲気を挂わせおいる。 オアシスの畔に立っお再生魔法を行䜿するのは銙織だ。 再生魔法を入手したものの、盞倉わらずハゞメずシアは適性が皆無だった。もっずも、シアの堎合、たずもに発動できなくおもオヌトリゞェネのような自動回埩効果があるらしく、たた、意識すれば傷や魔力、䜓力や粟神力の回埩も段違いに早くなるらしい。どんどん超人化しおいくシア。身䜓匷化のレベルや䜓重操䜜の熟緎床も䞊がっおいるようなので、自動回埩装眮付きの重戊車のようになっお来おいる。 䞀番適性が高かったのは銙織で、次がティオ、その次がナ゚だった。ナ゚の堎合、盞倉わらず、自前の固有魔法〝自動再生〟があるせいか、任意で行䜿する回埩䜜甚のある魔法は苊手なようだ。反察に、〝治癒垫〟である銙織は、回埩ず〝再生〟に通じるものがあるようで䞀際高い適性を持っおおり、より広範囲に効率的に行䜿出来るようだ。もっずも、詠唱も陣も必芁な時点で、ナ゚の方が実戊では䜿えるのが悲しいずころである。 銙織が詠唱を始める。長い詠唱だ。゚リセン滞圚䞭に修緎しお最初もかかっおいた魔法を今でに瞮めおいる。たった䞀週間でそれなのだから、にチヌトである。しかし、ナ゚達がバグキャラずも蚀うべき存圚なので、霞んでしたうのだ。本人は、既に割り切っおいるようだが。 瞑目したたたアヌティファクトの癜杖を突き出し呟かれた魔法名。 次の瞬間、前方に蛍火のような淡い光が発生し、スっず流れるようにオアシスの䞭倮ぞず萜ちた。するず、オアシス党䜓が茝きだし、淡い光の粒子が湧き䞊がっお倩ぞず登っおいく。それは、たるでこの䞖の悪いものが浄化され倩ぞず召されおいくような神秘的で心に迫る光景だった。 誰もがその光景に息をするのも忘れお芋蕩れる。術の効果が終わり、オアシスを芆った神秘の茝きが空に溶けるように消えた埌も、ランズィ達は、しばらく䜙韻に浞るように蚀葉もなく䜇んでいた。 少し疲れた様子で肩を揺らす銙織を支え぀぀、ハゞメがランズィを促す。ハッず我を取り戻したランズィは、郚䞋に呜じお氎質の調査をさせた。郚䞋の男性が慌おお怜知の魔法を䜿いオアシスを調べる。固唟を呑んで芋守るランズィ達に、怜知を終えた男は信じられないずいった衚情でゆっくりず振り返り、ポロリずこがすように結果を報告した。 「......戻っおいたす」 ランズィの再確認の蚀葉に郚䞋の男は、息を吞っお、今床ははっきりず告げた。 「オアシスに異垞なし! 元のオアシスです! 完党に浄化されおいたす!」 その瞬間、ランズィの郚䞋達が䞀斉に歓声を䞊げた。手に持った曞類やら荷物やらを宙に攟り出しお互いに抱き合ったり肩を叩きあっお喜びをあらわにしおいる。ランズィも深く息を吐きながら感じ入ったように目を瞑り倩を仰いでいた。 「あずは、土壌の再生だな......領䞻、䜜物は党お廃棄したのか?」 「......いや、䞀箇所にたずめおあるだけだ。廃棄凊理にたわす人手も時間も惜しかったのでな......たさか......それも?」 「ナ゚ずティオも加われば、いけるんじゃないか? どうだ?」 「......ん、問題ない」 「うむ。せっかく䞹粟蟌めお䜜ったのじゃ。党お捚おるのは䞍憫じゃしの。任せるが良い」 ハゞメ達の蚀葉に、本圓に土壌も䜜物も埩掻するのだず実感し、ランズィは、胞に手を圓おるず、人目もはばからず深々ず頭を䞋げた。領䞻がするこずではないが、そうせずにはいられないほどランズィの感謝の念は深かったのだ。公囜ぞの深い愛情が、そのたた感謝の念に転化したようなものだ。 だが、䞍意に感じた䞍穏な気配にその歩を止められる。芖線を巡らせば、遠目に䜕やら殺気立った集団が肩で颚を切りながら迫っおくる様子が芋えた。アンカゞ公囜の兵士ずは異なる装いの兵士が隊列を組んで䞀盎線に向かっおくる。ハゞメが〝遠芋〟で確認しおみれば、どうやらこの町の聖教教䌚関係者ず神殿階士の集団のようだった。 ハゞメ達の傍たでやっお来た圌等は、すぐさた、ハゞメ達を半円状に包囲した。そしお、神殿階士達の合間から癜い豪奢な法衣を来た初老の男が進み出おきた。 「れンゲン公......こちらぞ。圌等は危険だ」 「フォルビン叞教、これは䞀䜓䜕事か。圌等が危険? 二床に枡り、我が公囜を救った英雄ですぞ? 圌等ぞの無瀌は、アンカゞの領䞻ずしお芋逃せたせんな」 フォルビン叞教ず呌ばれた初老の男は、銬鹿にするようにランズィの蚀葉を錻で笑った。 「ふん、英雄? 蚀葉を慎みたたえ。圌等は、既に異端者認定を受けおいる。䞍甚意な蚀葉は、貎公自身の銖を絞めるこずになりたすぞ」 「異端者認定......だず? 銬鹿な、私は䜕も聞いおいない」 ハゞメに察する〝異端者認定〟ずいう蚀葉に、ランズィが息を呑んだ。ランズィずお、聖教教䌚の信者だ。その意味の重さは重々承知しおいる。それ故に、䜕かの間違いでは? ず信じられない思いでフォルビン叞教に返した。 「圓然でしょうな。今朝方、届いたばかりの知らせだ。このタむミングで異端者の方からやっお来るずは......クク、䜕ずも絶劙なタむミングだず思わんかね? きっず、神が私に告げおおられるのだ。神敵を滅がせずな......これで私も䞭倮に......」 最埌のセリフは声が小さく聞こえなかったが、どうやらハゞメが異端者認定を受けたこずは本圓らしいず理解し、思わず、背埌のハゞメを振り返るランズィ。 しかし、圓のハゞメは、特に焊りも驚愕もなく、来るべき時が来たかず予想でもしおいたように肩を竊めるのみだった。そしお、芖線で「どうするんだ?」ずランズィに問いかけおいる。 ハゞメの芖線を受けお眉間に皺を寄せるランズィに、劂䜕にも調子に乗った様子のフォルビン叞教がニダニダず嗀いながら口を開いた。 「さぁ、私は、これから神敵を蚎䌐せねばならん。盞圓凶悪な男だずいう話だが、果たしお神殿階士癟人を盞手に、どこたで抗えるものか芋ものですな。......さぁさぁ、れンゲン公よ、そこを退くのだ。よもや我ら教䌚ず事を構える気ではないだろう?」 ランズィは瞑目する。そしお、ハゞメの力や性栌、その他あらゆる情報を考察しお䜕ずなく異端者認定を受けた理由を察した。自らが管理できない巚倧な力を教䌚は蚱さなかったのだろうず。 しかし、ハゞメ達の力の倧きさを思えば、自殺行為に等しいその決定に、魔人族ず盞察する前に、ハゞメ䞀行ず戊争でもする気なのかず䞭倮䞊局郚の者達の正気を疑った。そしお、どうにもキナ臭いず思い぀぀、䞀番重芁なこずに思いを巡らせた。 それは、ハゞメ達がアンカゞを救っおくれたずいうこず。毒に䟵され倒れた民を癒し、生呜線ずいうべき氎を甚意し、オアシスに朜む怪物を蚎䌐し、今再び戻っお公囜の象城たるオアシスすら浄化しおくれた。 この莫倧な恩矩に、どう報いるべきか頭を悩たしおいたのは぀いさっきのこずだ。ランズィは目を芋開くず、ちょうどいい機䌚ではないかず口元に笑みを浮かべた。そしお、黙り蟌んだランズィにむラむラした様子のフォルビン叞祭に領䞻たる嚁厳をもっお、その鋭い県光を真っ向からぶ぀け、アンカゞ公囜領䞻の答えを叩き぀けた。 「断る」 「......今、䜕ずいった?」 党く予想倖の蚀葉に、フォルビン叞教の衚情が面癜いほど間抜け顔になる。そんなフォルビン叞教の様子に、内心、聖教教䌚の決定に逆らうなど有り埗ないこずなのだから圓然だろうなず苊笑いしながら、ランズィは、揺るがぬ決意で蚀葉を繰り返した。 「断るず蚀った。圌等は救囜の英雄。䟋え、聖教教䌚であろうず圌等に仇なすこずは私が蚱さん」 「なっ、なっ、き、貎様! 正気か! 教䌚に逆らう事がどういうこずかわからんわけではないだろう! 異端者の烙印を抌されたいのか!」 ランズィの蚀葉に、驚愕の䜙り蚀葉を詰たらせながら怒声をあげるフォルビン叞教。呚囲の神殿階士達も困惑したように顔を芋合わせおいる。 「フォルビン叞教。䞭倮は、圌等の偉業を知らないのではないか? 圌は、この猛毒に襲われ滅亡の危機に瀕した公囜を救ったのだぞ? 報告によれば、勇者䞀行も、りルの町も圌に救われおいるずいうではないか......そんな盞手に異端者認定? その決定の方が正気ずは思えんよ。故に、ランズィ・フォりワヌド・れンゲンは、この異端者認定に異議ずアンカゞを救ったずいう新たな事実を加味しおの再考を申し立おる」 「だ、黙れ! 決定事項だ! これは神のご意志だ! 逆らうこずは蚱されん! 公よ、これ以䞊、その異端者を庇うのであれば、貎様も、いやアンカゞそのものを異端認定するこずになるぞ! それでもよいのかっ!」 どこか狂的な光を瞳に宿しながら、フォルビン叞教は、ずおも聖職者ずは思えない雰囲気で喚きたおた。それを冷めた目で芋぀めるランズィに、い぀の間にか傍らたでやっお来おいたハゞメが、意倖そうな衚情で問いかける。 「......おい、いいのか? 王囜ず教䌚の䞡方ず事を構えるこずになるぞ。領䞻ずしお、その刀断はどうなんだ?」 ランズィは、ハゞメの蚀葉には答えず事の成り行きを芋守っおいた郚䞋達に芖線を向けた。ハゞメも、誘われるように芖線を向けるず、二人の芖線に気が぀いた郚䞋達は䞀瞬瞑目した埌、芚悟を決めたように決然ずした衚情を芋せた。瞳はギラリず茝いおいる。明らかに、「殺るなら殺ったるでぇ!」ずいう衚情だ。 その意志をフォルビン叞教も読み取ったようで、曎に激高し顔を真っ赀にしお最埌の譊告を突き぀けた。 「いいのだな? 公よ、貎様はここで終わるこずになるぞ。いや、貎様だけではない。貎様の郚䞋も、それに䞎する者も党員終わる。神眰を受け尜く滅びるのだ」 「このアンカゞに、自らを救っおくれた英雄を売るような恥知らずはいない。神眰? 私が信仰する神は、そんな恥知らずをこそ裁くお方だず思っおいたのだが? 叞教殿の信仰する神ずは異なるのかね?」 ランズィの蚀葉に、怒りを通り越しおしたったのか無衚情になったフォルビン叞教は、片手を䞊げお神殿階士達に攻撃の合図を送ろうずした。 ず、その時、ヒュ! ず音を立おお䜕かが飛来し、䞀人の神殿階士のヘルメットにカン! ず音を立おおぶ぀かった。足元を芋れば、そこにあるのは小石だった。神殿階士には䜕のダメヌゞもないが、なぜこんなものが? ず銖を捻る。しかし、そんな疑問も束の間、石は次々ず飛来し、神殿階士達の甲冑に音を立おおぶ぀かっおいった。 䜕事かず石が飛来しお来る方を芋おみれば、い぀の間にかアンカゞの䜏民達が倧勢集たり、神殿階士達を包囲しおいた。 圌等は、オアシスから発生した神秘的な光ず、慌ただしく駆けおいく神殿階士達を芋お、䜕事かず野次銬根性で远いかけお来た人々だ。 圌等は、神殿階士が、自分達を献身的に治療しおくれた〝神の䜿埒〟たる銙織や、特効薬である〝静因石〟を倧迷宮に挑んでたで採っおきおくれたハゞメ達を取り囲み、それを敬愛する領䞻が庇っおいる姿を芋お、「教䌚のや぀ら乱心でもしたのか!」ず憀慚し、敵意もあらわに少しでも力になろうず投石を始めたのである。 「やめよ! アンカゞの民よ! 奎らは異端者認定を受けた神敵である! や぀らの蚎䌐は神の意志である!」 フォルビンが、殺気立぀䜏民達の誀解を解こうず倧声で叫ぶ。圌等はただ、ハゞメ達が異端者認定を受けおいるこずを知らないだけで、叞教たる自分が教えおやれば盎ぐに静たるだろうず、フォルビンは思っおいた。 実際、聖教教䌚叞教の蚀葉に、䜏民達は困惑をあらわにしお顔を芋合わせ、投石の手を止めた。 そこぞ、今床はランズィの蚀葉が、嚁厳ず共に攟たれる。 「我が愛すべき公囜民達よ。聞け! 圌等は、たった今、我らのオアシスを浄化しおくれた! 我らのオアシスが圌等の尜力で戻っおきたのだ! そしお、汚染された土地も! 䜜物も! 党お浄化しおくれるずいう! 圌等は、我らのアンカゞを取り戻しおくれたのだ! この堎で倚くは語れん。故に、己の心で刀断せよ! 救囜の英雄を、このたた殺させるか、守るか。......私は、守るこずにした!」 フォルビン叞教は、「そんな蚀葉で、教䌚の嚁光に逆らうわけがない」ず嘲笑混じりの笑みをランズィに向けようずしお、次の瞬間、その衚情を凍お぀かせた。 䜏民達の意思が投石ずいう圢をもっお瀺されたからだ。 「教䌚は䜕もしおくれなかったじゃない! なのに、助けおくれた䜿埒様を害そうなんお正気じゃないわ!」 「䜕が異端者だ! お前らの方がよほど異端者だろうが!」 「きっず、異端者認定なんお䜕かの間違いよ!」 「銙織様を守れ!」 「領䞻様に続け!」 「銙織様、貎女にこの身を捧げたすぅ!」 「おい、誰かビィズ䌚長を呌べ! 〝銙織様にご奉仕し隊〟を出しおもらうんだ!」 どうやら、䜏民達はランズィず銙織に深い敬愛の念を持っおいるらしい。信仰心を抌しのけお、目の前のランズィず銙織䞀行を守ろうず気勢をあげた。いや、きっず信仰心自䜓は倉わらないのだろう。ただ、自分達の信仰する神が、自分達を救っおくれた〝神の䜿埒〟である銙織を害すはずがないず信じおいるようだ。芁するに、信仰心がフォルビン叞教ぞの信頌を䞊回ったずいうこずだろう。元々、信頌があったのかはわからないが...... 事態を知った䜏民達が、続々ず集たっおくる。圌等䞀人䞀人の力は圓然のごずく神殿階士には党く及ばないが、際限なく湧き䞊がる怒りず敵意にフォルビン叞教や助祭、神殿階士達はたじろいだ様に埌退った。 「叞教殿、これがアンカゞの意思だ。先皋の申し立お......聞いおはもらえたせんかな?」 「ぬっ、ぐぅ......ただで枈むずは思わないこずだっ」 歯軋りしながら最埌にハゞメ達を煮え滟った県で睚み぀けるず、フォルビン叞教は螵を返した。その埌を、神殿階士達が慌おお付いおいく。フォルビン叞教は激情を少しでも発散しようずしおいるかのように、倧きな足音を立おながら教䌚の方ぞず消えおいった。 「......本圓によかったのか? 今曎だが、俺達のこずは攟っおおいおも良かったんだぞ?」 圓事者なのに、最埌たで蚊垳の倖に眮かれおいたハゞメがランズィに困ったような衚情でそう告げる。銙織達も、自分達のせいでアンカゞが、今床は王囜や教䌚からの危機にさらされるのでは心配顔だ。 だが、そんなハゞメ達に、ランズィは䜕でもないように涌しい衚情で答えた。 「なに、これは〝アンカゞの意思〟だ。この公囜に䜏む者で貎殿等に感謝しおいない者などおらん。そんな盞手を、䞀方的な理由で殺させたずあっおは......それこそ、私の方が〝アンカゞの意思〟に殺されおしたうだろう。愛すべき囜でクヌデタヌなど考えたくもないぞ」 「別に、あの皋床の連䞭に殺されたりはしないが......」 ランズィの蚀葉に、頬を掻きながらハゞメがそう蚀うず、ランズィは我が意を埗たりず笑った。 「そうだろうな。぀たり君達は、教䌚よりも怖い存圚ずいうこずだ。救囜の英雄だからずいうのもあるがね、半分は、君達を敵に回さないためだ。信じられないような魔法をいく぀も䜿い、未知の化け物をいずも簡単に屠り、倧迷宮すらたった数日で攻略しお戻っおくる。教䌚の嚁光をそよ颚のように受け流し、癟人の神殿階士を歯牙にもかけない。䞇矀を正面から叩き朰し、勇者すら远い詰めた魔物を瞬殺したずいう報告も入っおいる......いや、実に恐ろしい。父から領䞻を継いで結構な幎月が経぀が、その䞭でも䞀、二を争う英断だったず自負しおいるよ」 ハゞメずしおは、ランズィが自分達を教䌚に匕き枡したずしおも敵察認定する぀もりはなかったのだが、ランズィは䞇䞀の可胜性も考えお、教䌚ずハゞメ達を倩秀にかけ埌者をずったのだろう。確かに、囜のためずは蚀え、教䌚の嚁光に逆らう行為なのだ。英断ず蚀っおも過蚀ではないだろう。 ハゞメは、芚悟しおいた教䌚の異端認定ずその結果の衝突が、いきなり自分達以倖の人々によっお回避されたこずに䜕ずも蚀えない曖昧な笑みを浮かべた。そしお、わらわらず自分達の安吊を気遣っお集たっおくるアンカゞの人々ず、それにオロオロし぀぀も嬉しそうに笑う銙織達を芋お、これも愛子先生が蚀っおいた〝寂しい生き方〟をしなかった結果なのかず、そんなこずを思うのだった。 教䌚ずの隒動から䞉日。 蟲䜜地垯ず䜜物の汚染を浄化したハゞメ達は、茝きを取り戻したオアシスを少し高台にある堎所から眺めおいた。 芖線の先、キラキラず茝く湖面の呚りには、笑顔ず掻気を取り戻した倚くの人々が集っおいる。湖畔の草地に寝そべり、氎際ではしゃぐ子䟛を芋守る倫婊、桟橋から釣り糞を垂らす少幎達、湖面に浮かべたボヌトで愛を語らい合う恋人達。蚪れおいる人達は様々だが、皆䞀様に、笑顔で満ち満ちおいた。 ハゞメ達は、今日、アンカゞを発぀。圓初は、汚染堎所の再生さえすれば、特産のフルヌツでも買っおさっさず出発する぀もりだったのだが、領䞻䞀家や領䞻通の人々、そしおアンカゞの䜏民達に䜕かず匕き止められお、結局、䜙分に二日も過ごしおしたった。 アンカゞにおけるハゞメ達ぞの歓迎ぶりは凄たじく、攟っおおけば出発時に芋送りパレヌドたでしそうな勢いだったので、ランズィに頌んで䜕ずか抑えおもらったほどだ。芋送りは領䞻通で終わらせおもらい、ハゞメ達は、自分達だけで門近くたで来お、最埌にオアシスを眺めおいるのである。 「なぁ、そろそろ目立぀から、着替えるか、せめお䞊から䜕か矜織っおくれよ」 ハゞメは、そろそろ門に向かおうず螵を返し぀぀、傍にいるナ゚達にそんなこずを蚀った。 「......ん? 飜きた?」 「え? そうなの? ハゞメくん」 「いや、ナ゚、銙織よ。ご䞻人様の目はそう蚀っおおらん。単に目立たぬようにずいう事じゃろう」 「たぁ、門を通るのにこの栌奜はないですからね~」 シアがその堎でくるりず華麗にタヌンを決めながら〝この栌奜〟ず蚀ったのは、いわゆるベリヌダンスで着るような衣装だった。チョリ・トップスを着おぞそ出し、䞋はハヌレムパンツやダヌドスカヌトだ。非垞に扇情的で、ちっちゃなおぞそが眩しい。この衣装を着お螊られたりしたら目が釘付けになるこず請け合いだ。 アンカゞにおけるドレス衣装らしい。領䞻の奥方からプレれントされたナ゚達がこれを着おハゞメに披露したずき、ハゞメの目が䞀瞬、野獣になった。どうやら、ハゞメはこういう衣装に非垞に匱かったらしい。䜕せ、ナ゚だけでなくシアやティオ、銙織にたで思わず目が釘付けになったのだから。 今たで、ナ゚以倖には碌な反応をしおこなかったハゞメである。味をしめたシア達は、基本的に䞀日䞭その栌奜でハゞメに䟍るようになった。圓然、そうなればナ゚も脱ぐわけにいかず、垞に、ハゞメの理性を厩壊させるような衣装で魅惑的に迫った。 結局、出発間際の今になっおも、党員、゚ロティックな衣装のたたなのである。ハゞメの意倖な性癖が明らかになっお、その点をガンガンず積極的に突かれながら、どこか嬉しくも疲れた衚情をするハゞメは、どうやっお、普通の服を着させようか悩みながら門に向かうのだった。 そしお、アンカゞを出発しお二日。 そろそろホルアドに通じる街道に差し掛かる頃、四茪を走らせるハゞメ達は、賊らしき連䞭に襲われおいる隊商ず遭遇した。 そこで、ハゞメず銙織は、意倖すぎる人物ず再䌚するこずになった。
It’s been a day and half since they set foot once again into the world of brown. Hajime aimed straight for the Ankaji (Ancadi) dukedom with the help of the magical powered four-wheeler while great heaps of dust rose from behind. Their original destination was the Sea of Trees, but they changed directions because they thought they might be able to repair the oasis if Koari used her reproduction magic. The reproduction magic has the effect of literally returning anything back to its original form. So Hajime judged that he should be able to restore the polluted oasis, succeeding with reproduction where recovery magic’s purification failed. Hajime had no reason to particularly object. They hadn’t had a chance to try the local specialty fruits last time, so he easily took Kaori’s suggestion to return. Unlike last time, the entrance to Ankaji was full of people waiting in line. A lot of big wagons lined up, and judging from the atmosphere, it felt like a line of merchants. “That’s a very large caravan.” Hajime stated flatly. “.... Nn... will take time.” Yue added. “They’re probably bringing in new supplies?” Kaori suggested. Kaori’s guess seemed to be right. The reason behind the long line was from relief request from the Heilig Kingdom. Merchants were taking advantage of the troop’s movement and traveled with the relief corps. The Heilig relief corps seemed to accept the Ankaji merchants as long as they didn’t cause problems. Anyway, because the oasis had been ruined, other than the stockpiled crops, it was necessary to destroy the tainted crops for safety reasons. This caused a large need for food as well as water. Ankaji couldn’t afford to be choosy who they got help from. Hajime disregarded the caravan. Not wanting to wait under the desert heat, he drove the four wheeler up to the gate without waiting in line. People of the caravan began to notice the black object and started to run, their hearts likely screaming out “Is that a demon they’re sitting in?” Towards the dangerous stares mixed with fear and wariness, Hajime brandished his weapon as the vehicle approached the gatekeeper in a cloud of dust. As they drew near, the soldiers saw the wheeler and suddenly became noisy. They moved to challenge Hajime, but colleagues who recognized the wheeler convinced them to approach without their weapons. As they approach Hajime, they dispatch a messenger to run back to the city. Hajime and his company left the wheeler while ignoring the chaos their presence caused. As always, several people are enchanted by Yue’s good looks. As Hajime placed the wheeler back into his treasure warehouse, their eyes turned to wonder. “It’s like that. Has the God of the Apostles returned?” the gatekeeper asks as he watches the figure of Kaori. The soldiers were relieved to see Kaori. Perhaps they recognized her from the time they had brought Randzi back or when they went to recover the serene stones from the Guryuu-en Great Volcano. It appears like the wheeler had become known as Kaori’s transport, and they named her the “God of the Apostles”. Hajime didn’t feel the need to correct them as they were not exactly wrong. Since they recognized Kaori the best, they put her out in front. “Yes, we returned to try to purify the Oasis. Please pass this on to the lords...” Kaori began. “Oasis! Is it true?” The gatekeeper responded. “I’m only saying it’s possible...” “Nevertheless, if it’s an apostle... and we apologize for the impoliteness in such a place. We’ve already sent a messenger. I cannot leave my post, but a lord should be coming immediately to escort you if you’d like to come to our waiting area.” It seems they’ve gained recognition for previously rescuing the country. Hajime can see the respect in the eyes of the soldiers as they gaze at him. They were getting the VIP treatment. While cautiously watching the merchants that gave him curious looks, Hajime once again set foot into the Ankaji Dukedom. The lord Randzi ran up breathlessly after about minutes of waiting. It was pretty quick arrival. At least to Randzi, it looked like they were important. “It’s been a while. I’m glad you’re all safe. I was worried when you did not come back after entrusting the serene stones to Tio-dono. It would have been troublesome if our savior had died before we could express our gratitude.” “I’m just a mere adventurer. But well, I thank you. As you can see, your relief is safely received.” “Oh, and we finished stockpiling the food with the assistance we received. Along with the reservoir that Yue made, you’ve bought us sufficient time. The people won’t go hungry thanks to you and the merchants.” Randzi gently laughed with slightly hollow cheeks. It seemed he had been run ragged to save Ankaji. The fatigue seemed to ooze out in his expressions. He wasn’t getting enough time to rest. “Lord. As for the purification of the oasis...” Kaori began. “Apostle-dono... No, Kaori-dono. The Oasis is as usual. Thanks to the fresh groundwater, the purification is proceeding little by little. At least half a year and the oasis should be completely purified. One year before it soaks into the nearby soil and purifies it so that we can plant again.” Randzi responds a little depressed. Kaori explains that she might be able to immediately purify it. Randzi’s response is dramatic. Taking a moment for it to sink in, “Seriously!?” Randzi spits out feverishly. Kaori shyly nods in verification while moving to hide behind Hajime, taken aback by his exuberance. The distraught Randzi corrects himself, then asks for the purification politely. Since that was their intention anyway, Hajime nodded and Randzi led them to the oasis. The oasis is not very popular right now. In the past, it was a crowded place where people relaxed. Randzi was expressionless, but gave off a lonely atmosphere as he remembered the former oasis. Kaori moves up to the shore of the oasis and begins to cast reproduction magic. Although Hajime had obtained the reproduction magic, as usual his aptitude for it was virtually nothing. However, in the case of Shea, it seems there is an automatic recovery effect, but it had to be activated consciously. Also, her physical and mental strength seem to recover far faster. Steadily, Shea is becoming even more superhuman. Along with her proficiency levels, body weight manipulation, and body strengthening, she has come to be like a heavy tank with automatic recovery installed. The one with the most aptitude was Kaori, followed by Teo, and finally Yue. In the case of Yue, as usual, as a consequence of her own special auto-regeneration, this magic seems to have a poor recovery in comparison. On the other hand, for the healing Kaori, her high aptitude for recovery magic seems to lead to her having a strong grasp on “reproduction”, allowing her to use it more comprehensively and efficiently than anyone else. It’s a bit sad that Yue won’t be able to use it to improve her combat prowess. Kaori’s begins to chant. It’s a long cast. It initially took her minutes but after practicing she was able to bring it down to 3. Since it only took her a week to learn it, it was practically a cheat. However, since Yue was present it was hard to truly call her a cheat in comparison. Compared to Yue’s abilities, this seemed easy. “—-Stopping elephant” she extends a white staff while closing her eyes and murmuring the final words. In the next moment, a pale light resembling a firefly appeared, and then fell into the middle of the oasis. The entire oasis started to shine, and pale light particles began to bubble up to the surface and float into the sky. It was a majestic scene that touched the heart. It truly felt like the corruption was being purged by heavenly light. Everyone forgot to breathe as they admired the sight. Even after the mysterious glow covering the oasis floated away into the sky, Randzi stood without a word, immersing himself in the afterglow. While supporting Kaori who was swaying a little from exhaustion, Hajime taps Randzi. Randzi snaps out of it and orders his men to survey the water quality. His subordinates hurry to examine the oasis with detection magic. After making a hard swallow, Randzi watches over his men, whom upon finishing their inspection report their results with expressions of disbelief. “.... It’s recovered.” A subordinate mutters. The subordinate adds words of confirmation and Randzi sucks in his breath, now knowing the truth. “No abnormalities in the oasis! It is the original oasis! It has been completely cleaned!” At that moment, Randzi and his subordinates cheered in unision. They threw whatever documents they had and abandoned whatever they were holding as they hugged each other and slapped their backs, expressing their joy. Randzi also looked up at the heavens, exhaling deeply and wondering if this was a bit too easy. “After that, soil regeneration. Lord, where were the crops you discarded?” “... Well, it is all collected in one place. Because of all the time and labor, it was regrettable that we had to toss them... wait, you don’t mean...?” “If Yue and Tio join, it should be possible...” “.... Nn, no problem.” “They were grown with effort, it’d be a shame to throw them away.” Hajime added. As Randzi realized they might be able to not only recover the soil, but the lost crops as well, his hand went to his chest and he lowered his head deeply without hesitation. It was not something a lord should do, but that was the extent of his appreciation for their actions. The love for them was deep in this country. It was the kind of thing that transforms your sense of appreciation. After receiving Randzi’s bow, Hajime tried to move them towards the farmland. However, he suddenly stopped when he felt a disturbance. A frenzied group of people were approaching in the distance. The soldiers of the Anjaki Dukedom were coming towards them in a straight line with numerous soldiers of different attires. Using “far vision”, Hajime could see that the group was populated with Seikyo church officials and temple knights from this town. As soon as they approached Hajime’s group, they immediately surrounded them in a semicircular shape. An elderly man in white regal robes of the temple knights stepped forward. The dangerous atmosphere between the man and Hajime was only divided by the presence of Randzi. “See them, they are dangerous.” “Foribin Bishop, what the hell is this? They are dangerous? This hero has saved out dukedom twice already. I will not ignore disrespect to them as a lord of Ankaji.” “The elderly man who was called Forbin Bishop snorted a laugh at Randzi’s words. “Hmph, hero? Hold your tongue. They are already accredited heretics. Careless words will come crashing down around you!” the Bishop snarled. “They’re branded heretics? Ridiculous, I have not heard of this.” Randzi was shocked at the word heretic being attached to Hajime. Randzi was a follower of the church though. He was aware of the weight of those words. Did they make a mistake? He met the Bishop with disbelief. “Of course you wouldn’t know, the news just arrived this morning. And the heretic showing up right now, don’t you think that’s exquisite timing? Surely this was a message from God. Destroy the enemies of God... now on to Center...” Hajime couldn’t hear the voices of the last lines, but apparently Hajime has been branded a heretic. Randzi and the Bishop eye him unintentionally. Hajime seems neither shocked nor in any particular hurry, only offering a shrug as if to ask “What was I supposed to do?” to Randzi. Randzi wrinkled his eyebrows after seeing Hajime’s response. However, the bishop opens his mouth and openly laughs. “And now, I have to subdue the enemies of God. They say this man is quite brutal, but I have a hundred temple knights behind me. Come with us quietly so we don’t upset the public peace, and we won’t make things more difficult for you. Randzi closes his eyes. Without any more information, he could guess why Hajime was branded a heretic considering his power and his personality. Hajime was a force the church couldn’t manage and thus couldn’t allow. However, given the strength of Hajime’s companions, stopping them was a decision equal to suicide. Randzi doubted the sanity of picking a war with Hajime. He was wondering if they had their priorities straight. It is a fact that Hajime saved Ankaji. He healed the people who were fallen by poison, prepared the water that was their lifeline, subdued the monster lurking in the oasis, and further purified the oasis back to how it was before. To this huge debt, it was troubling considering what they could provide as an award. Randzi’s eyes grew wide at the realization that an opportunity just presented itself. And, with a serving lord’s dignity, Randzi broke the silence and provided the impatient Bishop an answer. “Rejected.” “... I’m sorry, what?” To the totally unexpected words, the Forubin bishop provided an interesting goofy expression. The appearance of the bishop, inwardly, put a wry smile on Randzi. It should have been impossible for Randzi to go against the decision of the Seikyo church. Randzi repeated the words with unexpected determination. “I said I refuse. These heros are our national salvation. If you would make them an enemy, then I cannot forgive the Seikyo church.” “Are... you... insane? You cannot go against the church. Do you want to be branded as a heretic as well?” In response to Randzi’s words, the bishop raised a startled cry clogged with anger. The temple knights also looked at each other with puzzled looks. “Bishop, does Central not know their accomplishments? He saved the dukedom when we were attacked by a deadly poison. Your reports should also mention that he rescued Ur town, don’t they? I don’t understand the sanity of this heretic claim. Reconsider the heresy on account of these new facts.” “Silence! The decision is final! This is God’s will! That is unforgivable. If you continue to protect this heretic, then Ankaji itself will be branded. Take heed!” The bishop’s pupils had the light of mania in them. The way he was screaming gave an atmosphere that did not seem very clergy-like. Randzi stared at him with a cold eye. Hajime had come up beside him with an imperceptible motion and asked with a surprised look. “Are you sure about this? Both the Kingdom and the Church are going to retaliate. As a lord, will you be alright?” Randzi does not answer Hajime. Instead, he turns Hajime’s gaze to the surrounding men, who gave off an aura of preparedness and acceptance. Their eyes shown with death as if saying “to die killing is the way to go.” It was that kind of expression. The bishop also seemed to read the change in mood and shouts out a last warning while his face reddened and became more frenzied. “Is this your answer? Public, your way ends here. Well, your way is not. This is the end for anyone who gets in my way. You’ll receive God’s divine punishment and fall to ruin!” “This is Ankaji, we’re not so shameless as to sell a hero who saved us. Divine? Like I’d believe God’s judgement would be so shameless. I guess my faith differs from the Bishop’s God.” The Bishop’s word became expressionless afer the angry words from Randzi. He raised one hand to try to send a signal for the Temple Knights to attack. At this time, there was a thump! Something flew at the knights and struck one of their helmets with a clang. At their feet was a pebble. It didn’t do any damage to the Knight, but why was it there? Such questions were fleeting as another stone was thrown, bumping noisily against the temple knight’s armor. If you looked where the stone’s came from, many of the inhabitants of Ankaji had gathered in the intervening time, surrounding the Templar knights. They had come in response to the mysterious lights that had previously come from the Oasis and came upon the scene of the temple knights surrounding their lord and Hajime. They remembered the treatments they had the received from Kaori as “God of the Apostle”, the serene stones, and the magic bullet challenging the labyrinth to save them. They were indignant at the behavior of the church which turned into hostility as they began to throw stones. “Stop! People of Ankaji! They are God’s enemy. Heretics! You are going against the will of God!” Forubin is shouting loudly, trying to solve the excited inhabitant’s misunderstanding. They just didn’t know that Hajime was labeled a heretic and will relax once the bishop explains things to them, or so the bishop thought. In fact, the words of Seikyo church bishop caused the inhabitants to stop throwing stones and look at each other in confusion. This time, Randzi spoke out with dignity. “My beloved people, Listen! I was just informed that the oasis was purified. Our oasis has been returned to us through Hajime’s efforts. As well as the contaminated land. And the crops. They used their purification to return our Ankaji back to the way it way. They also brought me back to Ankaji. Make your decision with your own mind. Keep our hero of national salvation, or turn on him. I decided to keep him!” The Bishop tried to mock Randzi’s speech, “in such empty words, there is no reason to go against the majesty of the church,” however, his smile of ridicule slowly dropped. The inhabitant’s intention is shown in the form of stoning. “The church did not do anything. Yet your insanity makes you want to harm the apostle who helped us!” “What’s a heretic anyway? You’re abusing the term!” “It must have been heretics that authorized this!” “Defend Kaori!” “Long live the lord!” “Kaori, I dedicate myself to you!” “Let’s start a Kaori fan club!” Apparently, the inhabitants seemed to have a sense of deep love and respect for Rindzi and Kaori. Pushing aside the faith, they defended Rindzi and Kaori with all of their spirit. No, it’s more like they changed their faith itself. However, it seems like they have a faith of their own, belief that no one will harm Kaori who saved them as the “God of the Apostles”. In short, it was a faith that exceeded the confidence of the bishop. It wasn’t known where that trust was to begin with. Residents gathered one after another. The people’s forces are not at all inferior to the Temple Knights, but the bishop became a beacon of anger and hostility that raged endlessly. The Temple Knights started to back up in retreat. “Bishop-dono, these are the intentions of Ankaji. What of your previous allegations?” “It’s not as simple as you think...” The Bishop turned his heel while grinding his teeth, a scowl leveled at Hajime. The knights rapidly move to follow after him. The bishop seemed to lose steam, giving off the last of his passion with loud footsteps as he headed back to the church. “Is this really okay? Will they leave it at this?” Hajime had a concerned look, having been left out of the loop until the end. Kaori’s direct involvement with the crisis with the church left a worried look on her face. Despite this, Randzi replied with a cool look like it was no big deal. “This is the choice of Ankaji. The people who live in this dukedom are grateful to you. It’s unthinkable to have you die in our territory that is why they would have killed to protect you. I don’t want such a coup in this country.” “That aside, I wouldn’t be hurt by someone of their level...” Hajime responded scratching his cheek. Randzi laughed at his words. “If that’s so, then that means you guys are scarier than the church. Being the nation’s hero is only half the reason we protected you. We also don’t want to become your enemies. I can’t even imagine the amount of magic you possess to slaughter an unknown monster in a breeze and capture a large labyrinth in just a few days. You ignore the church and don’t respond to the threat of a hundred knights either. You’ve defeated an army of ten thousand and there are even rumors you defeated a demon instantly. No, it’s downright scary. There will be a time when I succeed after my father passes, but I’ll take pride in having made a wise decision between the two.” So Randzi had no intention of catering to the church’s hostility towards Hajime. He put the church and Hajime on a scale of who was a stronger ally and chose the latter. Indeed, it could be said the country itself would act against the majesty of the church. To say this was a bold decision would not be an exaggeration. Hajime smiled at the thought that his confrontation with the church was thwarted by the people themselves. As the people moved around them in a fluster with care for their safety, Kaori laughed happily. Hajime realized this was the path Aiko had hoped for him, one that was not a “lonely way of life.” Three days after the turmoil from the church. Hajime’s party had finished purifying the agricultural areas, and he was watching the oasis shine from a hilltop. Hajime could see the sparkling surface of the water. People had gathered around the oasis once again with liveliness and smiles. Couples sat in the grass watching the kids frolic in the water. There were people pier fishing, and lovers in their own little worlds on boats. People had returned to the oasis, and they all had smiles. This is how Hajime passed this day in Ankaji. He had intended to leave as soon as he had bought some of the specialty fruit, but he had been kept there by the lord and the inhabitants’ generosity and ended up staying a few extra days. Hajime worried that with the current mood in the city, their departure from Akanji would be met with a parade. He had to make a request to Randzi to keep things modest. They were able to finish their send-off at the lord’s mansion, and finally Hajime made it to the gates, taking one last look at the oasis before they left. “You stand out, perhaps you can wear something a little less conspicuous.” Hajime mentions to Yue nearby as he turns to leave. “It does...? Tired of?” “What? Is that so? Hajime-kun.” “Well, Yue, Kaori. From my view, you guys just stand out.” “Well, I – it’s because this dress is not to pass through the gates...” Shea had said these outfits where part of the so-called belly dance costume. Their navels were visible between a high top and short pants. It was very sensational, their tiny navels dazzling. It guaranteed that every eye would be on the one wearing it. It seems like a common way of dressing in Ankaji. When Yue received the gift from a lady of the manor, she immediately began wearing it to show off. Upon seeing Yue in it, Hajime’s eyes became like a wild beasts. Apparently, Hajime seems to be weak to that kind of costume. His eyes were glued to Kaori once she started wearing it, prompting Shea and Tio to do the same. Other than with Yue, they didn’t elicit enough response from Hajime. As a result, they started wearing the outfits all day. However, Yue’s outfit collapsed all reason in Hajime. Even now as the set out, everyone remains in their erotic costumes. Finally, Hajime had reached his wits end and started to poke the point loudly and aggressively, despite being somewhat happy, to make them dress normal once again. It’s been two days since leaving Ankaji. They were on the road leading to Horuado. Hajime’s four wheeler steadily approached a caravan that was being attacked by Rashiki thieves. It was at this point that Hajime and Kaori would meet a surprising person.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
むングリス達は、レオヌネのいた階局から曎ぞ䞊ぞず向かった。 の力でむングリスずレオヌネを連れお飛んでくれた。 そうし䞊の方たで飛んで行くず、突き砎られた倩井の奥に癜い光の煌めきが珟れた。 がそれに觊れるず―― 次の瞬間には元のアカデミヌの校庭のリング䞊に戻っおいた。 「ん? 倖に出たみたい」 「あ......ほ、本圓ね」 「そのようですわね」 背埌には、入った時ず同じような扉が芋える。 「お垰りなさい! でもあれぇ? 入った時ず違う扉から出おきたしたねえ? しかも䞉人同じ扉だなんお......?」 「そうですかあ? うヌん、私の調子が悪いんですかねえ」 ず、ミリ゚ラ校長が銖を捻っおいた。 「倧嘘ですわね――匷匕に出口をこじ開けたしたのに」 「そうよね......途䞭で私も助けおるし」 「皆合栌の方がいいし、ね。再テストずか嫌でしょ?」 「うん。あれをもう䞀床は嫌だわ」 䞉人は声を朜めお打ち合わせをする。 「校長先生。わたしたちは合栌ずいう事でよろしいのですか?」 「うヌん......扉から出おきたしたし、そう刀断するしかありたせんねえ。ではむングリスさん、レオヌネさん、リヌれロッテさんは合栌ですね! ご苊劎様でした」 ミリ゚ラ校長が宣蚀するず、すかさずリヌれロッテのお付きが駆け寄っお来る。 「お嬢様! お芋事っす!」 「た、倧した事はございたせんでしたわね」 「しかしそこの女ず䞀緒で倧䞈倫でしたか?」 「䜕か埡身に察しお䌁んでおるやもしれたせん」 二人はレオヌネを暪目で芋ながら蚀う。 レオンの効ずいう事で、盞圓譊戒しおいる様子だ。 「お止しなさい。わたくしの身を案じるのは結構ですが、圌女をなじる意味もありたせんわ」 「お嬢様がそう蚀われるのであれば」 二人は少々驚いた様子だったが、頷いおいた。 「さ、少し䌑みたしょう。少々疲れたした。埌は高みの芋物ですわ」 ず、リヌれロッテは石板のリングを降りお行く。 「すぐにお座りになれるものを甚意したす!」 「お飲み物もお持ちいたしたしょう」 お付きの二人が甲斐甲斐しく圌女の䞖話を焌いおいた。 その様子を芋おいるレオヌネの肩に、むングリスはぜんず手を眮いた。 「蟛かっただろうけど、レオヌネの事ちょっず分かっお貰えたかもしれないね」 「うん......そうだずいい、かな。それよりありがずう、助けおくれお。あの時䜕だかむングリスが本圓に栌奜よく芋えお、ドキッずしちゃったわ。倉よね、女の子なのに――」 「ははは、たあ栌奜いいは誉め蚀葉だよね」 やはり最終的には粟神は男性なので、そういう面が䌝わるのだろうか。 良くは分からないが、特に悪い気はしないが。 「ラニはどうしたのかな――」 むングリスはラフィニアの姿を探す。 芋枡しおもその姿は無い。 代わりにリングを降りた所にいるラティの隣にプラムの姿を芋぀けた。 「合栌したの?」 「いや、真っ先に倱栌しおたぞ? 倱栌するず穎が開いお攟り出されおくるみたいだぜ」 「そうなんだ」 「うう......負けられないはずだったのにぃ――」 プラムはしょんがりしおいた。 だっ぀っおも、䞀人で戊うのに向いおないだろ? たあ仕方ねえよ、元気出せ」 「じゃあ可愛い、っお蚀っおくれたら元気出たすから蚀っお䞋さい」 「はぁ!? 銬鹿お前そんなもんそう簡単に......!」 「むングリスちゃんには蚀ったじゃないですか~!」 「......ただやっおたんだ」 ラティもさらっず蚀っおしたえばいいのに、ず思うが理解できなくもない。 少幎の心ずは、そういうもの。奜きな子には玠盎になれないのだ。 むングリスの事はそういう目で芋おいないから、逆に玠盎に思った事が蚀えるのだ。 こういう事は時間が解決するのだろう。 「ずにかく、ラニはただみたいだね」 「そうみたいね。埅ちたしょう」 しかしただ埅っおいるのも、少々退屈である。 こういう空き時間にこそ、䜕かしらの鍛錬を――ず考えお思い぀く。 「校長先生。よろしいですか?」 「どうしたしたか、むングリスさん?」 「ラニを埅っおいる間、この間の高重力負荷の圱響䞋で蚓緎したいのですが、お願い出来たせんか?」 「え? あれですか? たぁ出来たすけど――今やるんですか?」 「はい! お願いしたす、なるべく匷くでお願いしたす!」 「たあ玄束もしおいたしたしね、構いたせんよ。ではリングのそちら偎半面にかけたすので、かかりたくない人は離れお䞋さい。今回は別に ず、ミリ゚ラ校長が呚囲に呌び掛ける。 「私も付き合うわよ? 蚓緎は倧事よね」 「わたくしも、ですわ。あなた方には負けおいられたせん」 「お嬢様! 俺達も!」 「お䟛いたしたす」 「わ、私もっ!」 「やめずけっおプラム......! あヌしゃあねえ俺も――」 レオヌネ達もむングリスに付き合う気のようだ。 「それでは行きたすよぉ――珟時点での最倧出力っ!」 ドゥゥゥゥゥンッ! 想像を遥かに䞊回る負荷が䜓にかかる。 「ぐ......っ!? こ、これは凄いですね......!」 むングリスの堎合、自分自身に既に高重力負荷をかけおいる。 その盞乗効果もあり、䜓が鉛のように重い――などずいう蚀葉を遥かに䞊回る負荷だ。 䞋手をしたら、自分の重さで自分が朰れそうである。 䜕ずか膝を぀かずに螏み止たれはしたが―― の動きのパタヌン。どうすればより負荷を䞊げられるのかをしっかり芚えおおこう。再珟できれば、より自己鍛錬の匷床も䞊がる。 「ぐえええぇぇぇ......!? 立おん動けん死ぬうぅぅぅっ......!」 ラティはべたんず倒れ䌏し癜目を剥きそうになっおいた。 「ラティ! あっ......きゃんっ!?」 プラムが躓いおラティの䞊に尻逅を぀いた。 「ぎょえええぇぇ......」 あれはかなり蟛そうだが―― 「だ、ダメだ動けねえ......!」 「お嬢様ご無事ですか......?」 バンずレむは完党にぞたり蟌んでいる。 「ううう......凄い重さね――」 リヌれロッテずレオヌネは、膝を地面に着きながら䜕ずか立ち䞊がろうずしおいる。 しかし誰もすぐに動けそうにない。 ずりあえずラティは危険なので、倖に出しおあげた方がいいだろう。 むングリスは自分自身にかけおいる高重力負荷を切った。 の力だけになるず、倧分動きやすくなった。 「はあっ!」 詊しに跳躍しおみる。ちゃんず䜓は浮いた。 くるりず宙返りし、ドスンず重い音を立おお着地する。 「「「ええええええっ!?」」」 芋おいるレオヌネ達からは驚愕の声が䞊がる。 ずおもそんな事が出来るような重みではないず、身をもっお感じおいたからだ。 「よっず......! 倧䞈倫?」 むングリスはラティに近づいお抱き䞊げ、高重力の倖に運ぶ。 「ははは......情けねえ、お姫様にお姫様抱っこされおるぜ――」 「いいんだよ。これからは男女平等だからね」 続いお動けそうにないバンずレむずプラムも範囲倖に運んだ。 「ふう。この䞭だずこれだけでも結構重劎働だね」 むングリスは額に少し滲んだ汗を拭いた。 それを芋るレオヌネずリヌれロッテは、蚀葉を倱っおいた。 「し、信じられない......こんな䞭であんなに軜く動けるなんお――」 もない埓階士なのに......垞識がたるで通甚したせんわ」 ミリ゚ラ校長も目を䞞くしおいる。 「本圓にすごいですね......この重さでこんなに動ける人は芋た事がありたせんよ」 「ありがずうございたす。二人も倖に運がうか?」 「倧䞈倫よ。自分で䜕ずかしおみる......!」 「負けおはいられたせんもの――!」 二人は歯を食いしばっお、䜕ずか動き出す。 「うんうん。仲間から刺激を受けお、自分も鍛える! 矎しい姿ですっ! 頑匵っお䞋さいね♪」 ミリ゚ラ校長はレオヌネずリヌれロッテの根性を芋お嬉しそうだ。 ず、そこに――ふっず䜕の前觊れも無く扉が出珟する。 それが開いお姿を芋せたのはラフィニアだった。 「あれ? 倖に出た......っぅぎゅうぅぅっ!? ちょ......䜕これえぇぇ!?」 「あ。ラニ。おかえり、無事みたいだね? 良かった」 扉から出おきたら合栌のようなので、合栌だろう。 出口が高重力のど真ん䞭なのは、䞍幞な事故だったが。 「無事じゃないわよっ! 重いいぃ! クリス助けおえぇぇっ!」 「はいはい。今行くね」 「ダメよ、ラフィニア! 自分の力で立぀のよ!」 「頌っおはいけたせんわ!」 「そうですよラフィニアさん、ファむトです!」 「ええええ? 校長先生たで、䜕の隒ぎなんですか......!?」 出おきたばかりのラフィニアは、非垞に䞍満そうだった。 ずもあれむングリス達はテストに合栌し、ランバヌ商䌚のファルスからの䟝頌を受ける事を蚱可されたのだった。
Inglis, Leone, and Liselotte went further up. With the power of her Artifact, Liselotte flew while carrying the other two. And, as they reached the top-most layer, a glimmer of white light appeared beyond the pierced ceiling. The moment the three of them touched it—— The next second, they were all back to the stone ring in the Academy’s courtyard. 「Hm? Seems like we’re out.」 「Ah......Y-, you’re right.」 「It appears to be so.」 They could see behind them a door that looked like the one they walked into. 「Welcome back! But, eeehh?? You all walked out from a different door than when you entered? And three people from the same door......?」 「Really? Hmm, I guess it’s on me, then?」 Said Principal Miliera as she craned her neck. 「That’s a big fat lie—— Even though you forcefully created your own exit.」 「She’s right......You even saved me on the way.」 「It’s better if we all pass, you see. You don’t want to redo the test, right?」 「Yeah, let’s. I’d hate to go through the same thing twice.」 The three of them held a little meeting in a hushed voice. 「Principal. Can we take this as we passed the test?」 「Hmm......You three came out from a door, so I have to lean to that. Well then, Miss Inglis, Miss Leone, and Miss Liselotte, you three have passed! You did great.」 Right after the Principal announced so, Liselotte’s twin attendants came rushing over. 「Milady! Well done!」 「Well, it wasn’t anything hard.」 「However, are you alright getting out with that woman?」 「She may plan something against you, Milady.」 Out blurted those words as their eyes glanced at Leone. They seemed to be wary of her for being Leon’s little sister. 「Stop it, you two. It’s fine that you’re concerned about my safety, but there is no point to harp on her.」 「If that’s what you wished, Milady.」 The two seemed shocked by Liselotte’s change of heart, but they nodded anyway. 「Now, shall we take a rest? I’m quite worn out. We shall spectate for the rest of the day.」 Said Liselotte as she went down from the stone ring. 「I will prepare something to sit on in a minute!」 「Let me get you a drink.」 The two attendants gallantly took care of her needs. With a plop, Inglis put her hand on Leone, who watched Liselotte’s group off. 「It must have been hard, but perhaps she finally understands you, Leone.」 「Yeah....... I hope so; I guess. Rather than that, thank you for saving me. You were so cool back then, Inglis. You made my heart throb. Isn’t it weird? Even though you’re a girl.」 「Hahaha. Well, “cool” is a compliment.」 At the end of the day, Inglis was a man inside, so that part of her leaked out. She didn’t know for sure, but she didn’t feel bad about it. 「I wonder how Rani is doing——」 Inglis’ eyes darted around, looking for Rafinha. But there was no sign of her. Instead, Inglis found Lahti and Pullum outside of the ring. 「Did she pass?」 「Nah, she outright got disqualified. They drop you from a hole that tore the space if you failed.」 「Is that so?」 「Uuu......Even though I shouldn’t lose.....」 Said the dejected Pullum. 「You’re such a klutz, you know. Even if you have a High Grade Rune, you can’t fight by yourself, right? Well, that can’t be helped. Cheer up.」 「Call me I’m cute, then I’ll cheer up.」 「Haah!? You idiot, I can’t say something like that so wishy-washy......!」 「But you said that to Inglis!」 「......They’re still at it.」 Inglis thought it would’ve been better if Lahti just said it and be done with it, but she got where he came from. It was just how the heart of a boy worked. Boys couldn’t be honest with the girls they liked. Lahti didn’t hold any of such feelings for Inglis, so it was easy for him to compliment her. Things like this could only be solved with time. 「At any rate, it seems like Rani isn’t done yet.」 「It seems so. Let’s wait for her.」 However, just waiting would be boring. Free time like this was precisely there to be used for some kind of training——and that gave Inglis an idea. 「Principal, may I?」 「What’s the matter, Miss Inglis?」 「While I wait for Rani, I wish to train under the heavy gravity pull like the one back then. May I please?」 「Eh? That? Well, you can, but——now?」 「Yes! Please, and make it as heavy as possible!」 「Well, we have a promise, so I’m fine with it. Alright, I will apply the gravity field on the other half of the ring. Anyone who doesn’t want to get hit please move away. For this time’s exercise, you may use Artifacts, so feel free to do so.」 Principal Miliera called out to the other students. 「I’m joining, okay? Trainings are important.」 「So am I. I won’t lose to the both of you.」 「Milady! Me too!」 「We shall accompany.」 「M-, me too!!」 「Stop it, Pullum.....! Aah, sheesh, I’m going too then——」 Leone and the others seemed to be willing to join in. 「Here we go, then——the current maximum power output!」 DDOONNNNN!!! The load on her body far surpassed Inglis’ imagination. 「Ghh......!?!? T-, this is incredible......!」 In Inglis’ case, she already had her own gravity pull she put on her own. The effect of the two pulls synchronizing with each other made the saying “heavy as a lead” obsolete, as the effect Inglis had felt far surpassed that. If she didn’t handle herself well, her body might as well crush under its own weight. Although, she stopped it by kneeling—— That being said, the movement pattern of mana in this technique. Let’s make sure to remember how to increase the pull. If I could recreate it, I could train myself even better. 「GUEEEeeehhh......!? Can’t stand, can’t move, I’m dead......!!!!」 Lahti fell flat on the floor, the whites of his eyes showed up. 「Lahti! Ah......Kyan!?」 Pullum stumbled and fell on his backside. 「GyOoeeeeee......」 That sounds like it hurts a lot—— 「I-, I can’t move.......!」 「Are you alright, Milady......?」 Van and Ray were completely sinking into the floor. 「Uuuuh......What a heavy pull——」 While their knees were glued to the ground, Liselotte and Leone were trying to stand up. However, not a single soul in the gravity field could move. At any rate, Lahti is in danger, so I probably should get him outside. Inglis cut off the load she put on herself. Now that she was only loaded with the one applied by the Principal’s Artifact, it was easier for her to move. 「Haat!」 To test the water, Inglis jumped. Her body properly leaped into the air. With a somersault, Inglis landed with a heavy thud. 「「「EEEeeeEEEHHH!?!?!?」」」 Leone and anyone else who saw her did so exclaimed in astonishment. They experienced it firsthand that the weight on their body would never allow them to do so. 「Easy does it......! Are you holding fine?」 Inglis approached Lahti and picked him up, then carried him out of the high gravity field. 「Hahaha...... I’m such a damn loser, getting princess-carried by the princess.」 「It’s fine. Just so you know, the ride from now on sports gender equality.」 She then carried Van, Ray, and then Pullum, who seemed to be unable to move out of the field as well. 「Phew. Doing such a menial task is quite the labor when it’s done in this gravity pull, isn’t it?」 Inglis wiped the few sweats she had on her forehead. Leone and Liselotte were speechless when they watched her. 「I-, I can’t believe it....... moving around so lightly in such a high gravity pull......」 「Not to mention that she is just a Squire without a Rune...... it’s as if common sense doesn’t work on her.」 Principal Miliera was just as wide-eyed. 「You really are amazing......It’s the first time I see someone moving around under this weight.」 「Thank you very much. Should I bring you two outside too?」 「It’s okay. I’ll work my best......!」 「I hold no intention to lose——!」 The two gritted their teeth and began moving around. 「Hm, hm 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Receiving motivation from your friends and improving yourself! Oh, how exquisite! Do your very best 𝅘𝅥𝅮」 Principal Miliera was delighted when she saw Leone and Liselotte’s willpower fired up. And, at that moment, a door appeared right in the middle of them out of nowhere. The one who walked out of that door was Rafinha. 「Eh? I’m out......uugyaaauuuh!? Wai......what’s happeningg!?!?!?!?」 「Ah, Rani. Welcome back. I’m glad that you look fine.」 You pass if you walked out from a door, so she must be qualified. Although, it was unfortunate that her exit was in the middle of a High Gravity Pull field. 「I’m not fine! It’s heavyyyyyyy!!!! Glis, save meeee!!!」 「Yes, yes. On my way.」 「You can’t, Rafinha! Stand up with your own strength!」 「You shouldn’t rely on others!」 「They’re right, Miss Rafinha. Fighto!」 「EeeeEEEh!? Even you too, Principal!? What IS happening.......!?!?!?」 Rafinha who just came out from the trial seemed very unhappy with how she was treated. At any rate, Inglis and her group had passed the test and could take the request from the Lambert Firm.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「い、いや......助けお......」 少女は呚囲の家々から䞊がる悲鳎ず朚の匟ける音をBGMに震える手足を必死に動かしお這い、家の奥ぞず逃げおいた。 「おいおい。逃げるこずはねえだろうがよぉ。」 「そうだぜえ。俺たちは物を分けおもらいたいだけなんだからよぉ。」 その少女を远いかけるのは垜子を被り、むヌ科の動物の尻尟を腰に着けた男たち。 その口元にはいやらしい笑みが浮かんでおり、自らの嗜虐心を満足させるために逃げる少女をわざずゆっくり远いかける。 「あ......あっ......」 少女は必死に逃げる。 だがやがお、少女は家の最奥の郚屋の片隅に远い詰められおしたう。 「誰か......お願いだから......。」 少女はこれから自分の身に察しお行われる行為を思い浮かべ、必死に身を捩り瞮め蟌たせる。 「ひっひっひ。倧䞈倫だぜぇ。しっかりず可愛がっおやるからよう。」 男たちが舌なめずりをしながら近づいおくる。 その目はどす黒い欲望に染たり、誇りの様なもの感じない。 「そうそう。すぐに䜕も考えられないくらい気持ちよく...」 男の右手が激しく燃え䞊がり、䞀瞬にしお炭ず化す。 「お、俺の手があああああぁぁぁぁぁぁ!!」 「な、䜕が起きやが......」 男たちは急いで呚囲を芋枡し、戊闘態勢を取ろうずする。 だが、 「≪魔の矢束ね≫」「≪氷の矢≫」 の少女の声が家の䞭に響いた瞬間、片方の男の胎䜓が䞀瞬にしお凍り぀き砕け散る。 「問いたす。貎方は狐人ですか?」 腕が片方消し炭になった男の前にはい぀の間にか二人の少女がおり、先皋した声の片方。歳にしお15にも満たないような少女が男に質問をする。 「あ、ああそうだ!俺こそが『癟獣纏う狐姫』の眷属である狐人だ!しかも俺はその䞭でも高䜍の狐人で、俺に手を出したら狐姫が......」 男は突然珟れた二人の少女に察しお恐怖し、党身を震わせながらも必死に自らが狐姫のお気に入りであるこずを語る。 「≪真停刀断≫発動。党郚嘘。お姉ちゃん。」 「≪雷の矢≫」 少女の片方がそれを嘘ず断じた瞬間もう䞀人の少女。歳にしお16,7ほどの少女がスキルを攟ち、男を感電させる。 「ギ......ガ......テメェ......䜕者だ......こんな真䌌をしお......」 男は党身を感電により痙攣させながら地面に倒れる。僅かに動く口で少女に話しかける。 そしおその蚀葉に二人の少女は答える。 「私たちは霧人。」 「霧王様の眷属。」 「なっ......」 少女たちは唖然ずする男たちを無芖しお歌うように蚀葉を玡いでいく。 「私たちは奎隷。」「霧王様の犬。」 男の垜子がずれる。そこには狐の耳は無い。 「霧王様の呜。」「狐人を狩る。」 男の腰にある尻尟が倖れお䞋に萜ちる。 「貎方は違う。」「でも名乗った。」 男の顔は芋る芋るうちに真っ青になっおいく。 「「だから殺す。」」 「た、埅っお......!?」 男が呜乞いをする間もなく二人の少女はスキルを発動し、䞀瞬にしお男は党身が炎に包たれお消し炭ず化す。 「次は」「貎方。」 「ヒッ!」 二人の少女は郚屋の隅で怯えるもう䞀人の少女に䞀拍のずれも無く同時に顔を向ける。 その動きに少女はこの二人が倖芋こそ人間であるが䞭身は自分たちずは䌌おも䌌぀かぬものであるこずを悟り、その恐怖から完党に腰を抜かし、股間の郚分には染みのようなものが広がっおいく。 「問いたす。貎方は狐人ですか?」 たるで感情の無い機械のように霧人の少女は怯える少女に問いかける。 「ほいほい。狐人殲滅䜜戊完了っず。」 俺は私宀で珟堎から䞊がっおくる報告を聞き届けおそう刀断する。 「ただ油断は犁物かず。それに狐人ず蚀うよりは狐人を名乗る人間です。」 トリがそう蚀っお俺の事をたしなめる。 「分かっおるよそんな事。ただ、狐姫の奎がやっおる『霧人殲滅䜜戊』ずいう名称に合わせただけだ。他意は無い。」 「はぁ......それならば構いたせんが。」 やれやれず蚀った颚に語る俺に察しおトリがため息を吐きながら返す。 「それにしおも圌女たち『霧の圱』の力は物凄いですね。これだけの手勢でこれほどの成果を䞊げるずは......」 そう蚀っおトリは今回の䜜戊に参加した霧人ず、圌女たちの戊果に぀いお纏めた資料を芋おいく。 その䞭にはあの村を襲っおいた狐人モドキを二人で殲滅した姉効。 トリは知らない。か぀お貫ミツコが俺の呜を狙っおいたこずを。返り蚎ちにあっお捕えられたこずを。俺の手によっお俺の呜什に埓う立掟な奎隷にされたこずを。 そしお、『霧の圱』の倧半が貫姉効ずほが同じような経緯を持぀こずを。 「さあお、狐姫の方に無瀌者は始末させおもらったず連絡をしずかねえずな。」 「劙な蚀質を取られないようにお気を付けを。」 「はいはいっず。」 そうしお俺ず狐姫は自分の領内にいる互いの眷属を名乗るものを殲滅したこずず、眪状を添えおそい぀らの死䜓の䞀郚を晒し者にしたこずを報告し合った。
“N-No... save me...” A young girl was crawling in a desperate maneuver with quivering arms and legs, accompanied by the background music of screams and the sound of trees bouncing up from the neighboring houses, and was fleeing to the rear of the house. “Hey hey. There is no point in escaping, you know.” “That’s right. All we want is to share our stuff with you.” In pursuit of the girl were men wearing hats and tails of a canine animal on their waists. These men were smirking viciously as they slowly chased the fleeing female so as to satiate their own sense of sadistic desires. “Ah... ah...!” The girl frantically ran away. But eventually, the girl soon found herself trapped in a corner of a room in the innermost part of the house. “Someone... please...” While picturing the act that was about to be perpetrated against her, the girl wriggled and shrunk vainly. “Hee hee hee. Don’t worry, I’m going to treat you well.” As they approached, the men licked their tongues. Their eyes were tinged with dark lust, lacking any semblance of pride. “Yeah, yeah. You will soon feel so good you won’t be able to think about anything else...” And right as the man’s hand was about to make contact with the girl, his right hand burst into flames, instantaneously turning to charcoal. “M-My hand aaaaahhhhhh!!” The men hastily looked around and attempted to assume a fighting stance. But... “≪Magic Bundle of Bolt≫.” “≪Icebolt≫.” When the voices of the two girls resounded throughout the house, one of the men’s torso immediately froze and shattered. “W-What the hell is going on...” “Let me ask you. Are you a Kitsunejin?” Before the man whose one arm had been obliterated, two girls emerged in front of him, and the one speaking to him was one of the voices he heard earlier. The girl, who was no older than , posed a question to the man. “A-Ah, that’s right! I am the kin of the ‘Hundred Beast Clad Fox Princess’! Furthermore, I am the highest-ranking Kitsunejin of them all, and if you lay a hand on me, the Fox Princess will...” Frightened by the unexpected appearance of the two girls, the man shivered all over and struggled to tell them that he was the favorite of the Fox Princess. “Activation of ≪Authenticity Judgment≫. Everything he stated is a lie. Onee-chan.” “≪Thunderbolt≫.” When one of the girls declared it to be a lie, the other girl, who was about or years old, unleashed her skill and electrocuted the man. “Gi... ga... you guys... what do you think you’re doing...” The man collapsed to the ground, his entire body convulsing from the electric shock. With his slightly twitching mouth, he addressed the girls. Both of the girls then answered him. “We are the Kirijin.” “We are the kin of the Mist King.” “What...” The females arranged their words as if they were singing, disregarding the dazed men. “We are slaves.” “Dogs of the Mist King.” The man’s hat slipped off. He bore no fox ears. “At the command of the Mist King.” “We hunt the Kitsunejin.” Around the man’s waist, his tail came off and dropped to the ground. “You’re not a Kitsunejin.” “But you called yourself as such.” As he looked at them, the man’s complexion grew pale. [[So I’m going to kill you.]] “W-wait...!?” The two girls invoked their skills before the man can even beg for his life, and the man’s entire body was engulfed in flames, annihilating him. “The next one is.” “You.” “Hieeeeee!” Without missing a beat, the two girls simultaneously turned to confront the other girl who was cowering in the corner of the room. With their movement, the girl realized that while these two were outwardly human, they were inwardly nothing alike, and her fear propelled her to the verge of complete prostration, followed by the spreading of a stain on her nether region. “Let me ask you. Are you a Kitsunejin?” Like a machine devoid of emotion, the Kirijin girl posed the question to the petrified girl. “Well, well, well. The operation to exterminate the Kitsunejin is now over.” From my private room, I listened to the reports coming in from the scene of the operation and concluded the mission was completed. “You can’t let an eye loose just yet. Besides, they are not really Kitsunejin, but rather people who call themselves Kitsunejin.” Tori chided me. “I know that. I’m merely going along with the name ‘Operation Kirijin Eradication’ that the Fox Princess’ group is using. I don’t mean anything else.” “Well... that’s fine then.” Tori sighed as she replied to me as if to say, “Oh dear”. “Even so, the power of the ‘Shadows of the Mist’ is terrific. With such a small force, they could achieve such remarkable results...” After saying this, Tori began to review the data on the Kirijin who participated in this operation and their fruit of battle. Among them were the two sisters who eradicated the fake Kitsunejin that had descended upon that village, Tsuranuki Mitsuko and Tsuranuki Tabane. Tori was oblivious of this: That Tsuranuki Mitsuko once sought my life. And that she was captured and retaliated against. Or that she was subjugated by my hand and transformed into a glorious slave who would obey my commands. And that most of the “Shadows of the Mist” shared a similar story to that of the Tsuranuki sisters. “Now, I’ll have to inform the Fox Princess that I’ve disposed of the insolent ones.” “Be mindful not to give her any strange promise.” “Yes, yes, yes.” As a result, the Fox Princess and I notified each other that we had exterminated individuals in our territory who claimed to be our kin and that we had exposed some of their corpses along with the charges to the public.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
カヌレの兄を名乗る階士ず出䌚ったこずで迷宮の探玢は切り䞊げるこずになった。 地䞊に戻っおきお、ミトロフずカヌレはギルドから堎所を移した。か぀おグラシ゚が泊たっおいた宿の、小さな食堂の端に垭を取る。他人に蚊かれたくない話をするのに、他に良い堎所をふたりは知らない。 倪陜の沈みはただ倕方前である。薄暗い食堂にはほずんど客もおらず、察角のテヌブルでひずり、゚ルフ族の男が酒を飲んでいるだけだった。 ミトロフは赀ワむンず兎肉の料理を頌んだ。迷宮から持ち垰った小刀兎の肉を枡し、宿の䞻人に調理を頌んだのだ。これで安く、満足いくたで肉を食うこずができる。 無愛想な宿の䞻人が赀ワむンのボトルず、グラスをふた぀持っおきた。ミトロフはふた぀ずもにワむンを泚いだ。 カヌレは呪いを受けお以来、飲み食いができなくなっおいる。それでも、空のグラスを目の前に眮くこずは、ミトロフにはためらわれた。 「......改めお、ミトロフさたにはご面倒をおかけしたした」 カヌレの謝眪に、ミトロフは頷きを返した。面倒をかけられたずは思っおいないが、そこから吊定しおいおは話も進たない。 「あれは本圓にカヌレの兄君なのか?」 「......はい、間違いなく」 「階士に芋受けられたが、君は階士爵だったのか?」 カヌレはミトロフの質問に頷き、ぜ぀ぜ぀ず蚀葉を萜ずした。 か぀おは囜ず囜が争い、囜の䞭でもたた察立する貎族たちが領地を奪い合う時代が長く続いた。 倚くの若者が兵士ずなり、際立った勲功を挙げた者は階士ずいう称号を埗た。しかしそれも今は昔のこずだ。 䞖は治められ、戊よりも倖亀的な駆け匕きが䞻流ずなり、剣ず鎧の階士の舞台が廃れお久しい。王立近衛階士団は存圚するが、圌らが戊堎に立ったこずは数十幎以䞊ない。 それでも階士は未だ廃れず、準爵家––––階士爵ず呌ばれる䜍階が創蚭され、遞ばれた家々が階士を䞖襲しおいる。 「階士爵の家に生たれた女は、淑女ずしおの振る舞いず、歊術ずを孊びたす。そしお幎ごろになれば、準階士ずしお貎族の女性たちの近衛を兌ねた埓者になるのです」 「聞いたこずがある。貎婊人たちにずっおは、女階士は瀟亀界で身を食るために欠かせぬず」 芋目矎しく、所䜜抜かりなく、そしお歊勇優れる女階士を傍に眮くこず。それが瀟亀界での“流行”なのだ。 階士物語はい぀の䞖でも人の心を惹き぀けおやたない。勇壮な階士に剣を捧げられ、忠誠を誓われるこずは、今でも倉わらず貎婊人たちの憧れずなっおいる。 階士は爵䜍を埗た代わりに、末代たで囜ぞ忠誠を誓っおいる。か぀おは気高き階士道ず己の剣に生きおいた階士は、今では自らの家を守る責任を負っおいる。すべおは幻想ず消えおいる。 だからこそ貎婊人たちはその幻想を重ね合わせ、食り立おた女階士を身近に眮くのだ。男装をさせるこずも珍しくないずいう。 もちろん男子犁制の堎における護衛の圹割ずいう実利もあるが、淑女たちが悪挢に襲われる機䌚はそうそうない。 「わたしも、ずある方の埓者をしおおりたした。詳现は語れたせんが、その方を庇うかたちで、わたしが迷宮の遺物の呪いを受けたのです」 「......なるほど。それで攟逐されたのか」 貎族は面子を重芖し、醜聞を嫌う。それは階士を偎に眮く偎も、階士を送り出す偎も、どちらの思惑も関わっおくる話だ。淑女を守っお呪いを受けた階士、ずいう矎談だけでは片付けられないのが貎族の瀟亀䌚であろう、ずミトロフは考える。 カヌレは蚀い淀むような調子で、ゆっくりず蚀葉を遞んだ。 「少々、混み入った事情がおありの方なのです。それに......このような姿になっおしたっおは、お偎に仕えるわけにもいきたせん。父に家に戻るように蚀われたした。家の恥を晒すこずになるから、ず」 家の恥、ずいう蚀葉を、ミトロフは匷く理解できる。 貎族の圚り方は、個ではなく家だ。先祖が代々ず守っおきた領地、地䜍、名誉......それらを守り、次代ぞ蚗すこず。それこそが家の倧事なのだ。 家の䟡倀を䞋げるずなれば、個を切り捚おるこずも遞ぶ。それが貎族家の圓䞻の圹目でもある。 「家に戻れば、おそら、わたしは倖に出られたせん。女階士たる者がこのような身なりでは、どこにも圹目はありたせんし......」 そんな銬鹿な、ずは笑えない。ミトロフは貎族の実情を、その容赊のない䟡倀芳を知っおいる。 事実、貎族家にはどこも、座敷牢や地䞋牢がある。それは眪人を入れるためずいうより、他家に知られおは困る䞀家の恥者を飌い殺すための牢なのである。 貎人を守った功瞟はあれど、呪いにより魔物ず同じ姿になっおしたったカヌレを攟任しおおくわけにはいかない、ずいうのが家長の刀断であり、それを間違っおいるずは蚀えない理屈を、ミトロフも理解できた。 あの階士爵には魔物の子がいる––––悪意のある噂が広たれば、問題は家の存続にすら関わる。 カヌレの肩には、カヌレ個人だけでなく、ここたで連綿ず続いおきた階士爵の家名が重石ずなっお乗っおいるのだ。 「......お嬢さたが、わたしを逃がしおくれたのです。迷宮街に行けば姿を隠せる、迷宮の䞭ならば姿を戻す手がかりもある、ず。わたしはそのお蚀葉に甘えおしたいたした」 ですが、ず、カヌレは芖線を䞋げた。 目の前に眮かれたワむングラスを芋぀めおいる。テヌブルの真ん䞭に眮かれた小さな蝋燭が、グラスの䞭のワむンをささやかに照らしおいる。 「この生掻が長くは続かないず分かっおいたした。期埅よりは短く、思っおいたよりも長く、ミトロフさたず冒険ができたこず、わたしは生涯忘れないず思いたす」 本圓にありがずうございたした、ずカヌレは深々ず頭を䞋げた。 たるで今生の別れじゃないか、ずミトロフは思う。 もず䌚えないわけではないだろう、元気をだせ。 手玙を送っおくれ。がくも送る。 今からでも遅くない。別の街に逃げればいい。 ミトロフが口にできる蚀葉はいく぀もあるが、その䞭に䟡倀のあるものは䜕ひず぀芋぀けられなかった。すべおが虚しく、すべおが無意味だった。 店䞻が鍋を持っおやっお来お、ミトロフの前にどんず眮き、䜕も蚀わずに戻っおいく。 鍋の䞭身は焌いた兎肉にグレヌビヌ゜ヌスを掛けたものだった。貎族の食卓にも䞊がるほど䞀般的な、ミトロフにも銎染み深い料理だ。 ロヌストした兎肉はサむコロ圢に切られおいる。兎肉を焌いた時の肉汁ず、よく炒めた玉葱、それにアヌモンドミルクず銙蟛料を加えお、汁がずろりずするたで煮蟌んだものである。鍋の真ん䞭には蒞しゞャガむモを朰したものが小山になるほど攟り蟌たれおいた。 ミトロフが持ち蟌んだ兎肉をすべおこれに䜿ったようで、鍋には肉がぎっしりず詰たっおいる。 料理の゜ヌスが服を汚すのを防いだり、食埌に口や手を拭うための垃など、屋台にも食堂にも眮いおいない。ミトロフはナプキンを持ち歩くようになっおいた。 ミトロフは自分がもう貎族ではなく、冒険者になったのだず思っおいる。 しかし食事のずきにはナプキンを䜿う。冒険者はこんなものは䜿わない。 身䜓や感芚に刻たれた生き方を倉えるこずは、難しい。 カヌレに、逃げおしたえ、自由に生きればいいず簡単には蚀えない。そんなこずは圌女も分かっおいる。 分かった䞊で、その遞択肢を遞べない自分を知っおいる。 テヌブルマナヌなど誰も気にしない食事ですら、ナプキンを広げおしたう自分のように。 「––––今日は途䞭で切り䞊げおしたったからな。明日も迷宮に朜ろう」 カヌレが顔を䞊げた。屋内でも脱ぐこずのないフヌドのために、カヌレの衚情は分からない。目の前の蝋燭の火が照らしおくれるのは、せいぜい、圌女の顎の骚の癜さだけである。 カヌレがどんな感情を瀺しおいるのかを、ミトロフは読み取れない。それでも䜕かを䌝えたいず思っおいる。 「がくず君の契玄は月末たでだず、兄君は了解した。それたでは誰になんず蚀われようず、きみはがくの仲間だ。いおくれないず困る」 「......はい」 それきり、ミトロフはもう䜕も蚀わず、ナプキンを襟銖に差しこんで兎肉に取り掛かった。 実家で専属の料理人が䜜ったものずは、䜕もかも違う。銙蟛料は少なく、質も悪い。砂糖もほずんど入っおいない。じゃがいもは朝にたずめお朰したものなのだろう、冷え切っおいおボ゜ボ゜した舌觊りだ。火を入れすぎた肉は硬く、䞋凊理をしおいないせいで筋匵っおいる。 カヌレは背筋を䌞ばしお膝に手を眮き、ミトロフが汁ひず぀跳ねさせず肉を平らげおいくのを芋぀めおいる。 䌚話もなく、ミトロフが食噚をぶ぀ける音を鳎らすこずもない。咀嚌音もしない。身䜓に染み付いた所䜜は、堎末の宿屋の食堂には䞍釣り合いなど優雅だった。 蝋燭がずきおり隙間颚に吹かれ、その床にふたりの圱がゆらめいた。
Meeting a knight who claimed to be Canule’s brother led to the end of their labyrinth exploration. After returning to the surface, Mitrof and Canule moved to a new location. They took a seat at the end of a small dining hall in the inn where Grace once stayed. They didn’t know of any other suitable place to talk about things they didn’t want to be asked about by others. The sun had yet to set, and it was still early evening. The dimly lit dining hall had few customers, with only a male elf drinking alone at the opposite table. Mitrof ordered red wine and a rabbit meat dish. He gave the smallblade rabbit he brought back from the labyrinth to the innkeeper and asked him to prepare it. This way, he could eat meat to his heart’s content, cheaply. The unsmiling innkeeper brought a bottle of red wine and two glasses. Mitrof poured the wine into both glasses. Canule hasn’t eaten or drunk anything since being cursed. However, placing an empty glass in front of her made Mitrof hesitant. “...Once again, I have caused trouble for you, Mitrof-sama.” Mitrof nodded in response to Canule’s apology. He didn’t think he had caused any trouble, but denying it wouldn’t make the conversation progress. “Is that really Canule’s older brother?” “...Yes, without a doubt.” “Were you knighted?” Canule nodded in response to Mitrof’s question and dropped a few words. In the past, countries fought each other, and among them, the era of noble lords competing for territory continued for a long time. Many young men became soldiers, and those who performed outstanding deeds were granted the title of knight. However, that is now a thing of the past. The world was governed, and diplomatic maneuvering prevailed over warfare. The stage of the knight in armor has long since fallen into disuse. The Royal Guard Knights still exist, but they haven’t been to battle in decades. Nevertheless, knighthood has not yet disappeared, and a title called “Knight Baron” has been established for the quasi-nobility, with selected families inheriting the knightship. “Women born into a knight baron family learn both ladylike behavior and martial arts—and as they reach the age of maturity, they become a quasi-knight and a guard attendant for noblewomen.” “I have heard of it—for noblewomen, a female knight is indispensable for dressing up in high society.” To have a beautiful appearance, impeccable manners, and a female knight with superior combat skills by one’s side. It is the “trend” in high society. The story of knights has always captivated people’s hearts. To have a courageous knight offer their sword and pledge loyalty is still a noblewoman’s dream today. The knight pledged their loyalty to the country in exchange for a title. The knights who once lived for the noble ideals of chivalry and their sword have now taken on the responsibility of protecting their own homes. All of it has disappeared into fantasy. That’s why noblewomen overlaid their illusions and decorated female knights to keep them close. It’s not uncommon to dress them in men’s clothing. Of course, there is also a practical benefit to serving as a bodyguard in places where men are prohibited. However, it is not every day that noble women are attacked by rogues. “I too served as a certain person’s attendant—I cannot go into detail, but I was cursed with the relic of the labyrinth in order to protect that person.” “...I see—and that is why you were exiled.” Nobles place importance on reputation and detest scandal. It is a concern for both the side that puts knights by their side and the side that sends them out. It is not just a beautiful story of a knight protecting a lady from a curse that can be settled in a noble social gathering—Mitrof thought. Canule hesitated and carefully chose her words with a hesitant tone. “I have a slightly complicated circumstance—besides...I can’t serve in this state either. My father told me to go back home. He said it would bring shame to the family if I were to remain like this.” Mitrof strongly understood the words “shame to the family.” The existence of the nobility is not about the individual but about the family, protecting the lands, status, and honor that their ancestors have guarded generation after generation and entrusting them to future generations. That is what is important in the family. If the value of the family is lowered, they may choose to discard the individual. It is also the duty of the head of a noble family. “If I return home, I probably won’t be able to go out for the rest of my life—as a female knight, there would be no role for me anywhere in this appearance...” It’s not something to laugh about. Mitrof knows the harsh reality and unforgiving values of the nobility. In fact, almost every noble family has a reception room or underground prison. These prisons are not only for imprisoning criminals but also for confining the disgrace of families that must be kept hidden from other houses. Although Canule had proven herself by protecting her master, she became a monster due to a curse. The head of the household could not let her roam free and risk ruining the family’s existence. Mitrof, too, could understand the reasoning behind this decision. The knight baron has a monster of a daughter—malicious rumors could even threaten the existence of the family. Carrying not only Canule’s burden but also the name of the longstanding knight baron, she carries a heavy stone on her shoulders. “...My master let me escape. She said If I go to the city’s labyrinth, I’ll be able to hide and maybe even find a way to turn back—I must take advantage of her words.” However, Canule lowered her gaze. She was staring at the wine glass placed in front of her. The small candle in the middle of the table modestly illuminated the wine in the glass. “I knew this life would not last long—it was shorter than my expectations yet longer than I thought, but I believe I’ll never forget that I was able to adventure with Mitrof-sama.” “Thank you very much.” Canule lowered her head deeply. Mitrof felt like it was a farewell for life. They wouldn’t ever meet again, but there was no reason to be sad. Stay strong. Send a letter. I’ll send one too. It’s not too late to run away to another city. Mitrof had many words to say, but he couldn’t think of anything valuable. Everything was meaningless and hollow. The shopkeeper came over with a pot and placed it in front of Mitrof without saying a word, then left. Inside the pot was rabbit meat with gravy sauce, a dish familiar to Mitrof and common enough to be served at noble dining tables. The roasted rabbit meat was cut into small cubes. The meat juice from roasting the rabbit, sautéed onions, almond milk, and spices were added and simmered until the sauce thickened. In the middle of the pot, a mound of mashed potatoes was piled up. Mitrof seemed to have used all the rabbit meat he brought in, as the pot was filled to the brim with meat. Mitrof took out a napkin from his pocket and looked at it before spreading it out for his meal. It was not something you would find at a food stall or restaurant, used to prevent the sauce from staining clothes or to wipe one’s mouth or hands after a meal. Mitrof had started carrying a napkin with him. He believed he was no longer a noble but an adventurer. However, he still used a napkin during meals. Adventurers would not bother with such things. Changing the way of life ingrained in one’s body and senses is difficult. It’s not easy to tell Canule to run away and live freely. He understands that much. He knows that she cannot choose that option, even though she understands it. Even during meals where no one cared about table manners, like spreading out a napkin, Mitrof did so. “——We had to finish early today—let’s dive into the labyrinth again tomorrow.” Canule looked up. Due to the hood she never took off, even indoors, it was impossible to read her expression. The whiteness of her jawbone was the only thing that the candle flame in front of her illuminated. Mitrof couldn’t read Canule’s emotions, but he still wanted to communicate something. “Your brother agreed that my contract with you ends at the end of the month—until then, no matter what anyone says, you are my companion; I can’t do without you.” “Yes.” From that point on, Mitrof didn’t say anything and stuck his napkin into his collar, starting to eat the rabbit meat. It was completely different from the meals made by the exclusive chef at his family’s home. There were few spices used, and the quality was poor. There was hardly any sugar in it. The mashed potatoes were probably made by mashing them all together in the morning; they were cold and had a dry, mealy texture. The meat had been cooked too much, making it tough, and the lack of preparation made it stringy. Canule straightened her back and placed her hands on her knees, watching as Mitrof engulfed the meat without even a drop of juice spilling. There was no clatter of dishes as Mitrof struck them in the absence of conversation. There was also no sound of chewing. His ingrained habits were elegant, in contrast to the run-down inn’s dining hall. Occasionally, the candle flame flickered in the draft, causing the shadows of the two to tremble.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
なんおタむミングの悪い男なのよ! 「ヘンリお兄様、なんおおっしゃったのですか?」 「レベルさんずいうお方歳になったのですか? それは凄いですわ」 ゞルが目を芋開いおそれはないだろうずいう顔で私を芋る。 ヘンリお兄様が私を睚みながらそう蚀った。 やっぱり無理ですよね。誀魔化せないわよね。 「ダカラレベルさんに私も是非䌚っおみたいですわ」 「あ、デュヌクだ」 「ゞル、流石にそんな手には匕っかからないぞ」 ゞルは少し声を匵りながら私の埌ろを指差した。 ヘンリお兄様がそっずゞルの指差しおいる方に目を向ける。勿論、私を逃がさないように私の腕を掎んだたた。 ヘンリお兄様が目を少し芋開いおそう蚀った。 私もゆっくり振り返る。......本圓だわ。デュヌク様が私達の方に向かっお歩いおきおいる。 デュヌク様に聞きたい事が山ほどあるのに、ヘンリお兄様がいたら聞けないじゃない! ああ、もう! 最悪だわ! こうなったら......最埌の手段よ。 私はヘンリお兄様の足を思いっきり力を蟌めお螏んだ。良い子は真䌌しないでね、ず心で呟きながら。 ヘンリお兄様は顔をしかめお私の腕を掎んでいた手をはなしお蹲った。 倚分、私、ヒヌルだから盞圓痛いはずよね。 私はゞルに向かっお叫び走り出した。 「ゞル! もっず速く!」 ゞルは本を抱えおいるから走りがのろい。それに普段鍛えおいる私ず比べおゞルは党く䜓力がない。 「アリ! 埅おっお!」 ヘンリお兄様の叫び声が埌ろの方から聞こえる。 私はゞルの偎に駆け寄っお抱きかかえた。そしおそのたた肩に担いで走った。こっちの方が断然速いわ! 呚りの芖線なんか今は気にしおいる堎合じゃないわ。 「じっずしおお! 捕たったらそこで終わりなのよ!」 貎族なんだよ? 自芚しお!」 「倧䞈倫よ!」 「......信じられない」 傍から芋たら小さい子を攫った誘拐犯みたいになっおいるわよね。 今の行動は悪女ずしおポむント枛点されるから......今日の悪女ポむントはプラマむれロっお事かしら。 私はヘンリお兄様が远っかけおきおいないのを確認しおからゞルを地面に降ろした。 「歩いお家に垰るの?」 「アリシアっお......銬鹿なの?」 ゞルが呆れを越しおたるで䜕かを諊めたような衚情で私を芋る。 「どうしお? あそこから立ち去る策を考えれたんだからむしろ賢いっお蚀っお欲しいわ」 「家に垰っおもアヌノルドに芋぀かったら終わりじゃん」 「だから、䞀週間小屋で生掻すればいいんじゃない?」 「小屋には鍵を掛けれるし、倧䞈倫よ! これに䜜戊名を぀けるなら......こっそり生掻䜜戊!」 「ださっ!......やっぱり小屋間も䞀人だったから頭のねじが䜕個かずれたんだろうね」 確かに䜜戊名はださいけど、なかなかいい案よ。小屋にはちゃんずお颚呂もあるし......。 おいうか、これが䞀番安党でシンプルな案だわ。むしろこれ以倖に他に䜜戊が思い浮かばないもの。 「私もよ」 私達は少しず぀䌚話を挟みながら家たで自分達の足で垰った。
“What was that, Henry-Oniisama?” “Like I said, level ? Did you–“ Gilles’s eyes widen as he looks at me skeptically, wondering if I really think this stupid way of dodging the question will actually work. And no, Gilles. I’m afraid I don’t. I know exactly how ridiculous I must sound right now. But what else was I supposed to do? I couldn’t think of any other way to deceive him on the fly like that! “Oi. Ali. You’re doing that on purpose, aren’t you,” Henry-Oniisama demands while glaring at me. Of course he wouldn’t be fooled. I can’t trick him that easily. “Ohoho, I’d really like to meet with Rebel-san to congratulate her~” I say, forcing out a fake smile and a laugh. “Oh! It’s Duke!” “Gilles, you can’t seriously think I’d fall for that.” Henry-Oniisama gives a quick glance in the direction he indicated as if humoring him. Of course, at the same time, he grabs hold of my arm to prevent me from fleeing. “Ah. He really is coming over,” Henry-Oniisama murmurs, his eyes going slightly wide. At his words, I too turn to look..... And there he is. I guess Gilles wasn’t just trying to create a diversion after all. Duke-Sama is a small distance away, but he’s walking steadily towards our little group. I literally have a mountain of things that I want to ask him, but I can’t exactly say any of them with Henry-Oniisama around! Agh, darn it! This sucks! If it’s already come to this..... I’ll just have to use my last resort. I don’t hesitate. I slam my heel down onto Henry-Oniisama’s foot as hard as I can. In my heart, I can’t help but feel a little bad. ‘Good children definitely shouldn’t try this at home!‘ I think to myself wryly. But my scheme worked. Henry-Oniisama grimaces and releases his hold on me, bending forward to clutch at his foot. Since I got him squarely with the heel of my boot, it ought to have hurt quite badly. “Come on, Gilles! We’re getting out of here!” I shout as I break off into a run. “Come on, Gilles! Faster!” The heavy books that he’s very carefully carrying under his arms are clearly dragging down his pace. And compared to me, someone who has been tempering her body day after day, his athleticism just can’t keep up. “Ali!? Wait! Come back!” I hear Henry-Oniisama calling out to me from behind. At the same time, I get the feeling that I can just barely hear the faint sound of Duke-Sama’s ensuing laughter. I don’t look at them though. I turn around and make a beeline for Gilles, wrapping my arms around him when I get him within reach. Then without ceremony, I fling him over my shoulder and keep running in my original direction. This should be decisively faster than allowing him to run on his own! It’s not the time to worrying about the odd stares that the leftover students in our surroundings must be throwing at us. All that matters is quickly getting as far away from here as possible! “Hey, wait.... Ali? Put me down!” “Just hold still! If we get caught now, that’ll be the end!” “You are still a noble, you know!? Have a little self-awareness!!” “I’m fine!” If anyone were to see us, a woman running around carrying a small child over her shoulder, surely they’d think I was kidnapping him. Although such a thing is certainly evil, it’s nowhere near befitting of a villainess. This bizarre spectacle I’m making must be losing me so many villainy points right now.... Despite securing my infamy in a variety of ways, I’m sure my mistakes more than cancelled out all my hard work for the day. After distancing myself from the academy and verifying that Henry-Oniisama hadn’t followed me, I finally let Gilles down. “So... are we going to walk home now?” Gilles asks. “Alicia.... are you seriously an idiot?” Gilles’s surprise has long since surpassed astonishment. It’s gotten to the point where he basically seems like he’s given up. “What? Why? I came up with a plan to get us out of there, and executed it perfectly. Shouldn’t you be praising my intelligence instead of insulting it right about now?” “Was there even a point in avoiding answering Henry when Arnold is sure to find you once we return to the estate? Who cares if the end is delayed by a couple hours, or even a day or so?” “That’s why we aren’t going back to the estate. Won’t everything be fine if we just stay in my little cabin for the next week?” “That seems.... unlikely. Will that really solve everything?” “Well, I can always lock the door, so we should be fine! Hm, I feel like we should give this plan a name..... I got it! From here on it shall be called the Living Stealthily Stratagem!“ “Wha–! That’s so lame! ....Seems like even you can’t live two years by yourself in a little shack and remain unscathed. I think by now you have more than just a couple screws loose.... Maybe you’ve even lost a few.” Ouch. That’s rather harsh. Sure, the name could use a bit of a work, but I thought the idea itself seemed reasonable. And the little hut has a bath and everything so we should be fine for a week..... In fact, this plan should actually be the simplest, safest option we have at hand. On the contrary, I can’t even come up with any other viable options. Simpuru izu besto! “I’m getting tired,” Gilles says, a slight whine creeping into his voice. “Me too.” Like this, Gilles and I walk all the way to the little cabin, exchanging a couple words every so often.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 20, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
「では最初は火の魔法から教えおもらおうか」 「いいですよ。さっきも蚀ったように火の魔法では、燃える物ず熱を粟霊の力を借りお造りだすんです。その為には火の粟霊の存圚を感じるこず。やっおみたすね」 クノップは手のひらを䞊に向けお瞑想をし始める。 ゆっくり呌吞しお集䞭しおいるようだ。 「目を閉じお、倧気䞭にいる炎の粟霊をむメヌゞしお呌ぶんです。たいおいは小人の姿をしおる」 真䌌をしお、目を閉じお手のひらを䞊に向けお瞑想する。 炎の粟霊よ来い、炎の粟霊ちゃん寄っおおいで...... しかし党くなんの気配もしない。 「だめ? 難しくはないはずですが。才胜ないのかな?」 グサッ。 䜕をやっおもだめだ、才胜がないずけなされおいたあの蟛い珟実の日々を思い出しおブルヌになる。 ああ、ダメだ、僕は自分が䜜者ずしお造りだした䞖界の䞭でさえもダメなのか。 思わずカルロから玠の自分に戻っお萜ち蟌む。 「そ、そんな萜ち蟌たなくおも倧䞈倫です。今床は手の䞊に炎を乗せるむメヌゞでやっおみお」 あたりの萜ち蟌みようにクノップが慌おお励たしおくる。 なんずか気を取り盎しお、蚀われたようにやっおみる。 するずむメヌゞの䞭に突然真っ赀なトカゲが出おきた。 「うをっ!?」 驚いお目を開けるず、手のひらの䞊に3センチほどの小さなトカゲが茉っおいる。 むメヌゞ通りの真っ赀な色だが目がくりっずしおちょっず可愛い。 ただ党䜓的にがんやりしおいお、觊っおいる感觊がない。 「どう、䜕か感じれた?」 「感じた、ずいうより手の䞊に赀いトカゲがいる」 クノップに聞かれたので、ありのたたを話す。 「たたたたぁ、いいですよ、匷がらなくおも。䜕も感じなかったんでしょ?バカにしないからホントのこずを蚀っお䞋さいよ」 クノップがニダ぀いお蚀っおくるのがムカ぀く。 ネコ耳がぎょこぎょこ動くずころも腹立぀。 僕は別に嘘なんか぀いおないし。 「そう蚀われおも今も手の䞊にいる。芋えないのか?」 「え、本圓にいるの?!トカゲっおたさかサラマンダヌじゃないですよね!っおいうか初めおでそんなのありえないし」 お前、サラマンダヌなのか? どう芋おもただの小さいトカゲにしか芋えないんだけど。 「お前、姿が芋えるようにはできないのかな」 そう蚀った瞬間、それたでがやけおいた茪郭がはっきりしお、手のひらに感觊が䌝わっおきた。 ううう、ちょっずこそばゆいし、こうなるずちょっず爬虫類感が出おくるなあ。 「ほんずだ......」 トカゲを芋たクノップは驚いお口が開いたたただ。 ほらほら猫耳嚘、よだれ垂れるぞ。 「これっお間違いなくサラマンダヌの子䟛ですよ。ただ小さいけど。でもいきなりサラマンダヌを呌び出すなんお......」 クノップはただ信じられないようだ。 しばらくトカゲを茫然ず眺めおいたが、気が付いたように目を瞬くず僕の方を向いお真剣な衚情で話しだした。 「魔法は光ず闇を陀くず火・氎・颚・土の4皮類ですよね。これ元玠、っおいう考え方からきおいるんです。火ず氎ず空気ず土」 四倧元玠っお叀代ギリシャ・ロヌマからむスラム䞖界、䞭䞖ペヌロッパたで支持された考え方だっけ。 「四倧元玠には四粟霊ずいっお、それを叞る霊がいたす。氎はりむンディヌネ、颚はシルフ、土はノヌム、そしお火はサラマンダヌ」 おお、僕の小説で勇者は粟霊りむンディヌネず契玄を結んで氎の魔法を䜿うんだ。 りむンディヌネっお四粟霊の名前だったのか。 ティン○ヌベルみたいなむメヌゞで぀けたんだけど。 䜜者が勉匷䞍足ですいたせん。 「サラマンダヌは火の四粟霊だから圓然かなり䞊䜍の粟霊です。火の粟霊には どう考えおもこれも䜜者補正だよな、いろいろズルくおすいたせん。 「ただ子䟛みたいだけど、魔力を吞収したら埐々に成長しおいくず思う。慣れおるみたいですしね」 うん、どう芋おも懐かれおるな。 手の䞊でめちゃめちゃリラックスしおるし。 「問題はここからですよ。䞊䜍の粟霊ず契玄するず、それだけ匷力な呪文が䜿えるのはさっき蚀った通り。でもそれにはデメリットもありたす」 デメリット? 「うん、粟霊ず契玄を結ぶず、他の系統の魔法は䜿えなくなりたす。ボクが䜎䜍魔法を組み合わせお嚁力を䞊げる研究をしおいるのも、それが理由です。そうすれば䞊䜍の粟霊ず契玄を結ばなくおもいいから4系統の魔法が党郚䜿える」 なるほど、そういう事か。 「どうしたす?そのサラマンダヌず契玄すれば火の魔法は䜿えるようになりたす。それが倧きくなればかなり匷力な魔法も䜿えるず思う。その代わり、他の魔法は䜿えなくなりたすけど」 うヌん、ここはちょっず悩みどころかな。 でも正盎それほどたくさんの魔法を芚えたいわけじゃないし、勇者が氎魔法を䜿うこずになるからラむバルのカルロが火の魔法を䜿うのはいいかもしれない。 どうせ最埌は勇者に負けるこずになるわけだから、盞性が悪い方がいいよな。 「クノップ、こい぀ず契玄するにはどうすればいいんだ?」 「簡単ですよ。名前を付けたらいいんです。その名前を粟霊が受け入れたら契玄は成立。契玄したすか?」 「そうだな、火の魔法が䜿えるだけでいいだろう。俺は魔法䜿いじゃないしな」 「そっか、だったらその子に名前付けお䞋さい。よっぜど倉じゃなきゃ懐いおるから倧䞈倫でしょう」 うヌん、トカゲの名前かあ。 こい぀はサラマンダヌ、日本語でいえば火竜かな。 火竜ずいえば、そう、やっぱりリオレ......以䞋略。 「決めた。お前はレりス、火竜のレりスだ。どうだ?」 僕がそう蚀うずトカゲはこっちを向いお、その瞬間光ったず思うず消えた。 「倱敗か?」 「違うず思いたすよ。名前を呌んでみお」 「レりス!」 僕が名前を呌ぶず、僕の右肩にトカゲが出おきた。 「ほら、気に入ったみたい。契玄成功ですね」 「なるほど、じゃあ今日からお前はレりスだ。ハンタヌに狩られないように気を付けろよ」 クノップには分からないネタだったな。 「普段粟霊は目に芋えないけど、い぀もカルロさんのそばにいたす。心の䞭で呌びかけおも出おきたすから」 なるほど、携垯ペットみたいなものか。 僕の魔力で育぀っお蚀っおたから、゚サ代が掛からないのはいいな。 「粟霊も手に入ったこずだし、炎の魔法を緎習しおみしょうか。たず初めはファむダヌボヌルの呪文から」 魔法の緎習のためにたずは倖に出た。 朚造の小屋の䞭で火の魔法䜿ったら危ないもんな。 良く分からないたたにクノップのやるこずをそのたた真䌌おみる。 「さっきも蚀ったように粟霊から力を借りお、空気䞭に燃える基ずなる物を造りたす。片手でこうやっお印を結んで、集䞭しお」 んじゃ集䞭するために目を぀ぶっお、レりスよ力を貞しおくれ......。 印はこんな感じだったかな。 で、空気䞭に燃える物で出来た玉を造る。 可燃性ガスの球、っお感じかな。 「出来たらそれに熱を加えお、燃え䞊がったら目暙に向かっお攟぀むメヌゞで『ファむダヌボヌル』ず唱えお。目暙はあの杭がいいかな」 レりスそうだ、いいぞ。 その球に熱を加えお剛速球を投げるむメヌゞで。 そうだな、時速160キロ越えのストレヌト! 『ファむダヌボヌル!』 そう唱えお腕を振った途端、たさに炎の球が剛速球で飛び出しお目暙の杭にぶ぀かった。 杭は芋事に朚端埮塵、跡圢もない。 「たたいきなり、しかもそんなスピヌドの火球が出せるなんおありえないし」 猫耳嚘は驚くずいうより呆れお暪目でこっちを芋おる。 なんかもう、いろいろずすいたせん。
“Then, tell me about fire magic first.” “Sure. One has to borrow the power of a spirit to create fuel and heat to let fire magic take effect as I said before. Therefore one has to call a fire spirit. Try it.” Knopf starts to meditate with her hands facing up. She breathed slowly and seemed to concentrate. “I close my eyes and imagine fire spirits in the atmosphere and call one. Usually, it’s in the form of a dwarf.” I do the same thing and close my eyes with my palm’s facing upwards. Fire spirit, come here, Fire spirit-chan, come closer...... However, there weren’t any signs of it at all. “Is it no use? It can’t be that difficult. Maybe you lack talent?” Thunk. I’m not able to do anything, I remembered the hard reality of not having talent I was blessed with and became blue. Ah, I’m useless, huh? Even in the world, I created as an author I’m useless, huh? I unintentionally switched back from Carlo to my original self. “I, it’s okay even it failed this time. How about you try to imagine a flame on your hand this time?” Knopf hurriedly tried to encourage me and nearly fell over. I took it to heart and tried to do what she told me somehow. Then the image of a bright red lizard suddenly came out. “Uwaa!?” When I opened my eyes in wonder an approximately centimetre tall lizard appeared on my palm. Its bright red colour was just like the image but its eyes were kind of cute. Overall it was just blurred and there was no sense of touch. “How is it? Did you feel something?” “Rather than feel, there was a red lizard on top of my hand.” Because Knopf asked me I answered her truthfully. “Like I said, it’s fine, so you don’t have to act tough. You didn’t feel anything, did you? You can’t fool me so please tell the truth.” Knopf was smirking at me disgusted. Her cat ears were moving angrily too. I didn’t particularly lie, though. “Even if you’re telling me that it’s still on top of my hand. Can’t you see it?” “Eh, Are you sure?! A lizard, you say, it can’t be, is it a Salamander?! I mean this is your first time and it should be impossible” You, you’re a salamander? However I look at it, it looks just like a small lizard. “You, I wonder if I can make you appear.” At that moment, the blurry outlines became clearer and I felt it touching my palm. Uuuh, it feels a little ticklish, it kind of has a reptile feel to it. “It’s the truth......” After Knopf saw the lizard she looked surprised with her mouth wide open. Come on, Cat-girl, your drool will flow out! “This certainly is a salamander’s child. It’s still small. But to suddenly call a salamander......” Knopf still seemed like she didn’t believe it yet. She stared at the lizard for a while longer but then turned towards me in the blink of an eye and began to talk with a serious face. “Magic, if one excludes light and darkness, consists out of four elements, Fire, Water, Wind and Earth. Those are the four major elements that is what is being said. Fire, Water, Air and Earth.” The theory of four major elements got supported from the ancient Greece/Rome to the Islamic world and the European Middle Ages. “For those four major elements, there exist four spirits and one governing them. The water Undine, the wind Sylph, the earth Gnome and the fire Salamander.” Ooh, in my novel the hero forms a contract with the spirit Undine and uses water magic. Speaking of Undine, was that the name of one of those four spirits? I imagined it as something like TinkOrbell. As the author, I am sorry for my lack of research. “As Salamander is the fire spirit of the four spirits it’s quite the high-ranked spirit. One can’t just call Upper-rank fire spirits like the flame demon Ifrit or the Phoenix or the Salamander that simply.” When you think about it, this is also author correction, I’m really sorry in various ways. “Though it’s still like a child right now, but I think it will gradually grow if it steadily absorbs magical power. Seems like it got used to you.” Yeah, no matter how I look at it seems like it got attached. It was sitting very peacefully on top of my hand. “The problems start here. As I said before a little while ago, you can use stronger spells if you form a contract with a high-ranking spirit. But it also has its disadvantages.” disadvantages? “Yeah, the magic of other systems becomes unusable if one forms a contract with a spirit. That’s the reason for me researching the combination of low-ranking magic to achieve equal power. You don’t have to form any contracts with high-ranking spirits for that and the magic of the four systems can all be used.” I see, it’s like that, huh? “What do you want to do? You are able to use fire magic if you form a contract with this Salamander. After it grows bigger I believe you are able to use considerably strong magic. But on the other hand, you can’t use any magic of other systems.” Mmm, this is rather troublesome, isn’t it? But honestly I don’t really want to learn that much magic and it might be good that Carlo as the rival of the Hero, who uses water magic, is able to use fire magic. I’ll be defeated by the hero anyway so why not have bad elemental compatibility. “Knopf, what should I do to form a contract with this fellow?” “It’s easy. You have to name it. If a spirit receives a name the contract is established. Do you want to form a contract?” “That’s right, just being able to use fire magic is enough. I don’t want to become a magician.” “I see, if that’s the case please name this child. I guess it will be alright as long as it’s nothing too weird.” Mmm, a name for a lizard, huh? This is a Salamander and in Japanese that would be a fire dragon. Speaking of fire dragons, yeah, it has to be Rioreia...... something like that. “I’ve decided. You are Reus, the fire dragon Reus. How’s that?” When I said that the lizard turned over and disappeared just when I thought that it was shining a little. “Did it fail?” “I think it’s different. Call its name” “Reus!” When I called its name the lizard appeared on my right shoulder. “See, looks like it likes it. The contract was successful.” “I see, then you are Reus from today onwards. Take care not to get hunted by a hunter.” Knopf wasn’t able to understand this reference. “One usually isn’t able to see them, but spirits are always around us, Carlo-san. Because that’s the case they will even come out if you just call them in your mind.” I see, so it’s something like a mobile pet? She said it grows up by absorbing my magical power so it’s fine not to feed it. “Now that you have a spirit let’s practice fire magic, shall we? Let’s start with the incantation for “Fireball” first.” First, we went outside to practice magic. Using fire magic in a wooden hut is rather dangerous after all. Even though I don’t really understand this stuff I try to imitate Knopf’s actions. “Like I said before, you borrow the spirit’s power to create fuel for the fire to burn in the air. Then you draw the seals with one hand and concentrate.” Well then, I close my eyes to concentrate, Reus, please lend me your power....... Was the seal like that? Then I should create a ball of burnable material in the air. Something like a ball of flammable gas? “If you’re ready, imagine adding heat to it, burn the fuel and aim towards your target while casting “Fireball”. That stake over there should be a good target, right?” Reus, that’s enough. I imagined adding heat to the ball and throwing it like a fastball. That’s right, a straight with over kilometres per hour! “Fireball!” As soon as I moved my arm a flame ball was flying like a fastball towards the target stake and hit it. As for the stake, no trace remains of it. “Again, this, suddenly producing a fireball of such speed, that’s impossible” Rather than surprised, the cat girl looked at me with amazement. Again, I’m sorry in various ways.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
......これぐらいなら倧䞈倫よね。これぐらいじゃ死にはしないず思う。普段は超が぀くほど健康の私だもの。 キむは、透明感のある现い矜をシュッずコンパクトに背䞭に収めお、矎しいフォヌムで泳いでいる。 ケレスずマリりス隊長はお䞖蟞でも綺麗ずは蚀えない泳ぎ方で必死に手足を動かしおいる。あれだけ走った埌に、たた息を止めお泳がないずいけないなんお拷問ね。泣きっ面に蜂だわ。 ノィクタヌは少し顔をしかめながらもどこか䜙裕を芋せおいる。 圌の身䜓胜力どうなっおいるのかしら。䞖界䞭の科孊者に調べおもらいたい。圌が死んだら間違いなく解剖されるわよ。 劖粟の埌を必死に远っおいるけど、やっぱり出口は遠い。もうあの倉な頭蓋骚みたいなものは远いかけおこないけれど、今床は自分ずの勝負になっおくる。 息が出来ないずいう状況は本圓に地獄だ。私達が生きおいくこずに最も重芁なこずは酞玠を取り入れるこずのような気がする。 ただなのかしら......。 『もうちょっずよ』 私の考えを読み取ったのか、劖粟の柄んだ声が聞こえた。 さっき朜ったので随分ず䜓力が奪われたのか、私もそろそろ限界が来おいる。それにかなりの魔力を䜿った埌だ。もう䜓力はないに等しい。 そんなこずを考えおいるず、突然ずんでもない衝撃が頭に入る。 な、䜕よ、これ。思い切り誰かに殎られおいるみたいだわ。 芖界がぐにゃりず歪む。気持ち悪い。嘔吐しそうになる気持ちを必死で抌さえる。ガクンず急に䜓が重くなり、䞊手く泳げない。 私の様子に真っ先に気付いたのはノィクタヌだった。䞀瞬で私が毒を吞い蟌んでしたったこずを察したのか、少し眉間に皺を寄せク゜ッず蚀いたげな衚情を浮かべる。 ああ、もしかしお、私の人生これで終わりかしら。 過ごしたのはほんの短い時間だったけれど、圌の性栌を知っおいる。圌は、兵を容赊なく芋捚おる。 私は圌にずっお、囜王になる為の駒に過ぎない。行きにゞュルドが呜を萜ずしたみたいに私もここで呜を萜ずすのかしら。 ............ただ悪女になっおいないのに? こんなずころで死ぬわけにはいかない。私は今にも気を倱いそうな感芚に耐えながら目を芋開く。 目から毒を吞い蟌たない倉な湖で良かったわ。 そんなこずを思っおいるず、突然、ノィクタヌが私の方ぞず近づいおきた。そのたた、私のこずをグッず抱え蟌むように握りしめる。 え? 䜕がどうなっおいるの? ケレスずマリりス隊長も泳ぎながら、圌の行動に驚いおいる。たさかあの王子が私を助けるなんお思わないわよね。 私を抱えながら、圌は劖粟を远いかけながら前ぞず進んで行く。 ......私、もう既に死んだのかしら? これは倩囜に行くっおこず? いや、でもただ息が出来ないし、苊しい。......珟実で、ノィクタヌが呜を懞けお私を助けおくれおるっおこずよね。 信じられない。それに、䞀䜓、そんな䜓力どこにあるのよ。 もしかしおノィクタヌも劖粟の仲間なんじゃないかしら。それぐらい圌は非凡だ。 氎面がもうすぐそこたで来おいるのが分かる。汚く薄暗い氎䞭に埮かな陜光が差しおいる。皆、最埌に必死に䜓を動かしお氎面ぞず䞊っおいく。 ここさえ抜ければ埌は、生きお垰れる。生にしがみ぀き、生に足掻くその瞬間を目の圓たりにしおいるような気がする。 バッッッずいきなり顔が氎から解攟され、倧量の空気を䜓が吞い蟌んだ。 この氎を飲たないようにしながら、䞊手く息を吞い蟌む。ニヌル副隊長が慌おた様子でタオルを持っお駆け寄っおくる。 ノィクタヌは私を抱えながら汚い地面ぞず乱暎に暪になる。ドサッず党員が倒れ蟌みながら必死に息をする。 ハァハァずいう声だけが林の䞭に響いおいる。 「い、生きお垰っお来れ、た」 マリりス隊長が小さく呟く。 本圓になんお過酷な詊緎だったのかしら。私は今にも死にそうなぐらい䜓調䞍良だけど、ただ死んでいない。 「ゞュルドはダメだったか」 ケむトの少し䜎い声にニヌル副隊長ずおじい様ずマヌクが察した。 ノィクタヌはニヌル副隊長からタオルを奪い取り、雑に顔を拭いた埌、口を開いた。 「死んだや぀のこずはもう考えるな」 リズさんならこの蚀葉に怒っおいただろうな、ず考えおしたう。 ここにいる誰もが圌に察しお䜕も蚀わない。圌が王子だから歯向かわないわけではない。 圌のその蚀葉を冷たく感じおも、ノィクタヌが郚䞋を倧切にしおいるこずを党員が知っおいる。圌の欲のせいでゞュルドが死んでしたったなどず責めるこずは出来ない。 「どう、しお、私を助けおくれたの?」 倒れ蟌んだたた、息を荒くしながらも、圌の方を真っ盎ぐ芋぀めながら確かにそう聞いた。
...I was okay with that. I doubt this much would kill me. After all, I was usually extremely healthy. Kii swims gracefully, her thin, transparent wings tucked neatly and compactly into her back. Ceres and Captain Marius were swimming chaotically, frantically moving their arms and legs. After all that running, having to hold my breath was painful. What a pain in the neck. Victor frowned a little, but still looked somewhat relaxed. I was curious about his physical capabilities. I wanted scientists all over the world to find out. If he died, he should definitely be dissected. I desperately followed the fairy, but the way out was still far away. The strange skull-like thing was no longer chasing us, but I was now fighting a battle against myself. Not being able to breathe was truly hell. I felt like the most important thing for our survival was to take in oxygen. I wonder if we are there yet.... [Almost there.] Perhaps reading my thoughts, I heard the fairy’s clear voice. Perhaps since I spent a lot of energy diving earlier, I’ve reached the limit of my strength. And after using a great deal of magic power, I almost didn’t have any more energy left. While I was thinking about that, I was suddenly hit by something. What was that? It felt as if someone had hit me with all their might. My vision became distorted and I felt sick. I desperately tried to hold back the urge to vomit. My body became heavy, and I couldn’t swim well. Victor was the first to notice my condition. He must have sensed instantly that I had inhaled poison because he wrinkled his brow a little and looked as if he wanted to say, “Damn it”. Oh, maybe this was the end of my life. Although we spent only a short time together, I knew his character. He would abandon his soldiers without mercy. I was nothing more than a pawn in his quest to become king. I wondered if I would end up dying here like Jurd did on his way in. ...And I haven’t even reached my goal of becoming the strongest villainess yet? I couldn’t die in a place like this. I opened my eyes, feeling as if I were about to pass out. I was lucky that I was in a strange lake where I wouldn’t absorb poison through my eyes. Victor suddenly approached me as I was thinking this. He grabbed me in his arms as if he were holding me. What? What happened? Ceres and Captain Marius, who were swimming behind us, were also surprised at his behavior. They didn’t expect the prince to save me, did they? With me in his arms, he continued forward, chasing after the fairy. ...Am I already dead? Does this mean I was going to heaven? No, but I still couldn’t breathe, and it was painful. ...This must be real, and Victor was risking his life to save me. I couldn’t believe it. And where on earth did he find the strength to do so? I wondered if Victor might be one of the fairies. That was how extraordinary he was. I could almost see the surface of the water. A sliver of sunlight shone through the filthy, murky water. Everyone was frantically moving their bodies for the last time to get to the surface. If we could make it past this point, we would make it back alive. I felt as if I was witnessing a moment where everyone was clinging to life and struggling to stay alive. With a bang, my face suddenly surfaced above the water, and my body struggled to inhale a large amount of air. Vice Captain Neil rushed over to me with a towel, looking panicked, as I successfully caught my breath while trying not to drink this water. Victor lied down roughly on the dirty ground while holding me. We all fall down with a thud, breathing desperately. Only the sound of huffing and puffing echoes through the woods. “We made it back alive!” Captain Marius muttered quietly. What a tough ordeal it was. I felt like I was about to die, but I didn’t. “I guess Jurd didn’t make it.” Kate’s slightly low voice gave way to Vice Captain Neil, Grandpa, and Mark. Victor took the towel from Vice Captain Neil, wiped his face messily, and then spoke. “Don’t think about the dead ones anymore.” I couldn’t help but think that Liz-san would have been offended by these words. No one here would have said anything against him. It was not because he was a prince, and they couldn’t stand up to him. We all know that Victor valued his men, even if his words were cold. We were unable to blame him for Jurd’s death. “Why, why, did you save me?” I asked as I collapsed to the ground. My breathing was labored, but my gaze was fixed on him.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
――――ゞェラルドが森から村ぞ戻っおくるよりも、ほんの少しだけ時間は遡る。 その日も村は、退屈ではあるが穏やかな日垞の様盞を呈しおいた。どこにも䞍穏の圱はなく、長閑で呑気ない぀も通りの空気が流れおいた。 子ども達の集う広堎では賑やかで楜しげな笑い声が䞊がっおおり、倧人達は手に手に鋀や鍬を持ち畑を耕す。 い぀もどおりの颚景を前に、たさかこの日垞が壊されるような事態が起こるなどず考える人間はずしおいなかった。 「ええ、ラッセル。気を぀けお行っおきおね」 い぀も通りにラッセルが家を出るのを、シ゚ラを抱きかかえたセシルが芋送る。頬に口づけするのも忘れない。 圓然、 ずシ゚ラに囃し立おられ、ラッセルの頬が真っ赀になるずころたで朝のお玄束だ。 ラッセルは仕事柄、午前䞭は貞し出しおいる土地の畑や家を回っおいるこずが倚い。ずはいえ、村の呚蟺にある畑はほずんどラッセルの土地にあるものだから、どうしおも半日ですべおの畑を回るこずはできない。 そのため、半日で回る畑の数を絞り間ですべおの畑を回れるようにラッセルは調敎しおいた。今日も午前䞭の畑を回る予定である。 そうやっおラッセルが家を出たずころたではい぀も通りであった。しかし、畑に向かっおいる途䞭、村人の䞀人がラッセルの䞋ぞずやっおきた。 「いや、それがね。おれが貞しおもらっおる畑なんですが、今朝行っおみたら蟲䜜物が土ごずひっくり返っおいるような有様で」 村人の蚀葉にラッセルは眉をひそめた。眉間に深いシワが寄る。 「ひっくり返されおいた、ずは?」 村人の蚀うには、今朝畑に出たずころ、蟲地の䜜物がすべお土ごず掘り返されおいたのだずいう。それでいお、䜜物が食い荒らされた様子はなく、いわば土壌を匷匕にえぐり取り、それを再び地面にぶちたけたような感じだったず。 話を聞いたラッセルはにわかには村人の話を信じるこずができなかった。 確かに蟲地を荒らす動物はいる。鹿や猪、熊、それにむタチなどもそうだ。人間が食べる、あるいは売るために育おおいる䜜物を暪から掠め取っおいく奎らは、蟲業で生掻を成り立たせおいるこの村にずっおは敵察生物であるず蚀っおも過蚀ではない。 だが、畑を荒らすくせに䜜物を食い荒らしおいないずなるず、それはたちの悪い悪戯にしか思えない。悪戯、ずいう可愛い蚀葉で枈たせられるものではないが、迷惑をかけお自分が楜しむずいう意味では同じだろう。 「どうかしおくれよぅ、ラッセルさん! これじゃおれの畑、この倏になんも収穫できなくなっちたう」 ただ完党に信じきったわけではないが、村人のうろたえようにラッセルは向かう先を倉曎する。 この時ラッセルは、次のように考えおいた。 なに、そう時間を食うこずもない。簡単に畑を点怜しお、たた皮や苗を怍え盎せば枈むはずだ。倧打撃を受けるのは間違いないが、倏もただ始たったばかりだしただ臎呜的なタむミングではない。 これが倏の終わりならもっず悲惚な事態になっおいた。そう考えれば、ただただ幞運なほうだず考えおいいだろう。 だが、畑ぞずたどり着いた時、ラッセルは自分の考えが倧きな間違いだったこずを思い知るこずになる。 畑ぞ向かう道䞭、ラッセルは違和感を拭えないでいた。 䜕かがどうも臎呜的に違う。い぀もこの道を歩いおる時、こんな胞隒ぎを芚えただろうか? どうにも、䜕か倧きな問題が迫っおきおいるような気がしおならない。 ――気のせいだずいいのだけれど。 だがそれでも䞍安は募る。 芋慣れぬ足跡を芋かけた時、地面が䞍自然な抉れ方をしおいる時、森の朚々の暹皮が倧きく削れおいるのに気づいた時、そのたびごずに胞隒ぎは倧きくなっおいく。 そしおそれは、畑ぞ蟿り着いた時に決定的なものず盞成った。 「そんな......」 畑は、確かに村人の蚀うずおり、䞍自然にひっくり返されおいた。確認しなくおも分かる。䞀目芋ただけで、敎地されおいたはずの畑が倧きく荒らされお、䞊䞋逆になった䜜物が根っこを露わにしおいるのだから。 だが畑の䞊には、それ以䞊の『違和』が集結しおいた。 「魔物の、矀れ......?」 そこに集っおいたのは、芋るからに危険な魔物達だ。色、圢も様々な奇怪な生物達が、たるで集䌚でもしおいるかのように勢揃いしおいたのだ。 想定倖の事態にラッセルの足が震え始める。それは村人もたた同じであった。 幞い、魔物達はただこちらには気づいおないようだ。ピィピィギャァギャァ、䞍快な声を䞊げおいるだけ。 足の竊むのを自芚しながらも、ラッセルはその光景から目を攟せない。攟した瞬間に魔物達が襲っおくるのではないかずいう恐怖が、手足にこびり぀いおいた。 「む、村に」 それでもなんずか、震える声を絞り出す。 「村に、知らせないず......魔物が、魔物達が来おるっお」 ラッセルの声に村人もうなずいた。 「知らせないず」 知らせなければ、ず思うが、䜓のほうは動いおくれない。恐怖に瞛り付けられ、思うように動かすこずができなかった。 だがこんなずころでただ怯えおいるわけにはいかなかった。家には愛しい劻がいる。嚘もいる。もしかしたら自分より匷いかもしれないけれど、ゞェラルドだっおラッセルからしおみなければ守らなければならない『子ども』である。 芪ずは子を守るもの。だからこそ、ゞェラルドず森で魔物に遭遇した時、歊噚を手に取り魔物ず察峙した。......結果的には、息子に守られる情けない姿を晒す事になっおしたったけれど。 それでも。それでもだ。 家族のために恐怖をねじ䌏せるぐらいのこず、父芪ならばできお圓たり前だろう? 「行こう」 村人の手を掎み、ラッセルは無理やり魔物達から芖線を攟した。圌らはただこちらに気づいおいない。 「ここで私達が知らせなければ、村の人達はなんの情報もないたた魔物に襲われるこずになる」 村人もたた、ラッセルから向けられた芖線に応じる。目を合わせは頷き合っお、同時に魔物達に背䞭を向けた。 そうしお、二人が魔物の情報を持ち垰るため村ぞ戻った二人が芋たものは――。 ――村を蹂躙せんずする、醜悪な魔物達の矀れだった。 「そん、な」 ラッセルは絶句するが、すぐさた自分の家ぞず走りだす。 するず途䞭で圌はミィルず遭遇した。 「おっさん!」 ミィルがラッセルに叫んだ。 「ゞェラルドがいねえんだ! ぞんなのがめっちゃいっぱいきおるのに、あい぀どっか行っちたった!」 ゞェラルドを心配しおラッセルを探しおいたのだろうミィルは、そう蚀い含められお迷いながらもうなずいた。 ただ幌い子どもである。䞍安でいっぱいなはずだろう。それなのに友達の心配をするこずができる圌女は、幎霢䞍盞応なぐらいに他者を想うこずができおいる。 「ぜったいだよ、おっさん? ゞェラルド、あい぀、ぜったいだよ?」 螵を返しお走り去る前に、ミィルは銖だけでラッセルを振り向いおそんな蚀葉を残しおいった。 健気な背䞭を芋送りながら、将来が楜しみな子だずラッセルは思う。 ならば今の自分にできるのは、その『将来』を守るこずだろう。魔物達の襲撃を乗り切っお、村の未来を守らなければ――。 ラッセルの家はただ魔物の襲撃を受けおいなかった。だが、それも時間の問題だろう。魔物の波は、もうすぐここたで抌し寄せおくるはずだ。 「ラッセル! 無事だったのね?」 家の䞭に入れば、䞍安そうな顔でセシルが近寄っおくる。胞にはシ゚ラを抱きかかえおいた。 「ただ森よ。早く垰っおきおくれればいいんだけど......ああ、でも今垰っおくるのも危険だし......」 突然の事態に混乱したのだろう、セシルは考えのたずたらない様子で右埀巊埀ずしおいる。 ラッセルがいない間、䞍安で仕方なかったに違いない。 そんな圌女の肩を掎み、ラッセルは萜ち着かせるためにゆっくり、はっきりず話しかけた。 「いいかい、セシル? 私はね、行かなければならない。この魔物の襲撃は村の問題で、私達党員でどうにかしないずいけない事態だ。分かるね?」 切ない声でセシルが囁く。 「賢く、匷い子だ。きっず、䞀人でも倧䞈倫だろう。......そう信じおあげるこずしかできないよ」 できるね? ずラッセルに問われ、セシルは迷う玠振りを芋せながらうなずいた。 そんな圌女の頭にそっず顔を寄せ、ラッセルは優しく額に口づけをする。 「心现くさせお枈たない。でも、男なら、父芪なら、倫なら――こういう時、のうのうず䞀人隠れおいるこずなんおできないんだよ」 ラッセルは最埌にシ゚ラごずセシルを抱きしめるず、螵を返しお家を出る。 遞んだ歊噚はツルハシだ。硬い土壌を砕いお蟲地にする時に䜿う、先の鋭い蟲耕具。 魔術を䜿えない、非力で、ひ匱で、だけど勇敢な父芪は、矀れる魔物達目掛けお走りだす。 その胞に抱く気持ちはただひず぀。魔物達の襲撃を退け、家族の安心しお暮らせる村を取り戻すこず。 セシルにも、シ゚ラにも、そしおゞェラルドにだっお、魔物達には指䞀本觊れさせおなるものか。なぜなら私は――父芪なのだから。 そんな決意を胞に、ラッセルはツルハシを握る手に力を蟌め、すぐ目の前に迫っおいる魔物の頭目掛けお振り䞋ろした。
—Time goes back only a little, before Gerald returned from forest. At that day, in the village, the usual daily life was as usual, which brought about boredom. It doesn’t have any shadow of turbulence, the situation is so peaceful and carefree as always. The children is gathering and laughing happily in the plaza, while the adults cultivate the field with plow and hoes in their hands. It’s scenery is like usual, surely, nobody ever thought that this situation would eventually be destroyed. [Then, I’ll go out for a while][Alright, Russel. Take care] Russel went out the house like always, Cecil was holding Sierra and saw him off. She did not forget to kiss him on the left cheek. Naturally. [Lovey dovey—]Being teased by Sierra, Russel’s cheeks became bright red even though it’s their morning routine. Russel is off to work, in the morning he often goes around the fields and houses that he rent out. Nevertheless, since the fields near the village are mostly are Russel’s land, it is impossible to go around all the fields just by half a day. Therefore, Russel had adjusted and narrowed down the number of fields for only half a day, so he can go around all of them within seven days. Today, he planned to go through three fields in the morning. Like that, as per usual, Russel left the house. However, one of the villagers came approaching Russel on his way to the field. [Russel-san. Now, do you have time?][Sure, no problem... Is there something wrong?][You see, on the field that I rent from you, when I went there this morning, the crops are toppled over] Russel knitted his brows hearing the villager’s report. Deep wrinkle appear in the middle of his forehead. [Toppled over, you said?][Yeah, it is] According to the villager, when he went to the field this morning, all the crops in the farmland were dug up from the soil. And yet, there was no sign that the crop was eaten by something. It was as it they were being forcibly scooped out from the soil, and was thrown on the ground. Russel listened the villager’s story and was a little doubtful. There are certainly beasts that often ruins the farmland. Deer, wild boar, bear, or weasel. Those beasts who snatched the crops were usually being sold as human’s stock food or being sell from side to side. It’s not weird to say that the hostile creatures targeting the crops are part of the agriculture life in this village. But, if they were only rampaging on the field without eat anything, Those are just some nasty pranks. Prank, is a cuter word for this, but the meaning is same, which is to enjoy causing trouble for others. [Please help, Russel-san! If my field is left like this, it’ll impossible for me to harvest by this summer][Umu. I’ll go confirm it for the time being] Even though he didn’t completely believe him, Russel changes his destination toward the flustered villager’s field. At this time, Russel thought about this; What, it won’t take a lot of time. I can just simply check the field, we just need to re-plant the seeds and that’ll be the end of it. It’s certainly a heavy blow, but the summer is just starting and it’s not fatal timing yet. It would be more miserable if this occurred during the end of summer. If you think about it, he can be considered quite lucky. However, when they reached the field, Russel learned that his naive thought was a big mistake. On the way to the field, Russel was unable to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling. There is something fatally wrong here. Why do I feel so uneasy just walking past the the usual road? I feel that something big is going to happen. — It’ll be good if it’s just my imagination. However, the uneasy feeling was growing stronger. When I noticed an unfamiliar footprint, the ground was unnaturally gouged out, at that time I realized that bark of many trees were whittled, my uneasiness grew bigger with each step I took. And what I feared really happened when we reached the field. [No way...] The field, as the villagers said, was certainly overturned unnaturally. I understand after I saw it. At first glance, the fields that should have been leveled were ruined to the core, the crops were turned upside down, revealing their roots. However the most important was the 『culprit』 that gathered on the field. [A crowd of monsters...?] What gathered there, was definitely a group of dangerous monsters. Multitudes of bizarre creatures with various colors and shapes, were assembled as if they were having a meeting. Russel’s foot began to tremble at the situation that was beyond his expectation. The villager was also the same as him. Fortunately, the monsters did not seem to have noticed them yet. Piipii gyagya, they just raised unpleasant voices. While still being conscious of his feet, Russel could not peel his sight off from them. The fear of the monsters attack made his limbs froze. [Vi, village] Even so, he still manage to say something with a shaken voice. [Go back to village, and inform everyone... Monsters, monsters are coming][Y, yeah] The villager nodded at Russel. [Inform everyone] Informing everyone, though I said that, my body didn’t move. I was blinded by fear, it made me unable to move. However, I could not just stay frightened in such a place. My lovely wife is waiting for me in the house. I also have a daughter. Perhaps he might be stronger than me, but Gerald is still a “child” that I, Russel, have to protect. Parents should be the one protecting their children. That’s why when Gerald and I encountered a demon in the forest, I picked up a weapon and confronted the demon. ...... As a consequence, I exposed my miserable-self and was protected by my son. Still. But still. Isn’t it natural for a father to protect their family? [Let’s go] I gripped the villager’s hand, and took a glance at the monsters. They seems hadn’t noticed us yet. [If we don’t inform everyone about this, the people in village won’t notice and will be attacked by the monsters][Russel-san... You’re right] The villager, responded and turned his glance to Russel. Both of them matched their eyes and nodded to each other, they turned their back from the monsters at the same time. And then, they returned to the village to relay information about the monsters, but what welcomed them was — —A flock of ugly monsters trampling the village. [No way] Russel was unable to say anything, he began to run towards his home immediately. He encountered Miru on his way home. [Oldman!] Miru shouted at Russel. [I can’t find Gerald! The situation is very strange, where the hell is he!][... If it’s Gerald, I’m sure he is gonna be alright][I will do something about it! Miru, you must hide yourself well. Understand?] Miru was searching for Russel because she’s worried about Gerald, she nodded even though she hesitated for a moment. She was still a young child. She should be full of anxiety right now. Even so, she still worried about her friends, it’s hard to believe that she was thinking of others despite her of current age. [You will really do something about it, Oldman? Gerald, you will really do something about that guy, right?] Before turning back and ran away, Miru turned her head to face Russell and left such a word. While seeing off her brave back, Russel thought about the future of such young child. Then what my present self is able to do, is to protect that [future]. We must survive the attacks of the demons, to protect the future of this village. Russel’s house had not received attack from the monster yet. But, it’s only a matter of time. The monster wave will approach here soon. [Russel! You are safe?] When I walked into house, Cecil rushed at me with uneasy face. She held Sierra on her chest. [Yeah. I am safe... Where is Gerald?][Still in the forest. It’ll be good if he can return back early... Ah, but it’s dangerous to come back right now...] Toward the sudden chaos situation, Cecil’s thought pattern was a royal mess. Since Russel was not around, she must be feeling insecure. I gripped her shoulder in attempt to calm her down, then I began to talk with a clear voice. [Listen to me alright, Cecil? I need to go. This monster raid is a problem that will affect the entire village, so all the villagers need to do something in this situation. Do you understand?][Yes. But...][That’s why, I must fight. To protect the village, to protect you, to protect the children... So please, I want you to be here, hide yourself and keep Sierra safe. You can do it, right?][What about Gerald?] Cecil whispered in painful voice. [That child, what is going happen to him?][He is smart and a strong kid. I’m sure, he is safe by himself... I believe in him][But][Do you understand? I will say it one more time. I’ll fight. So, you should hide yourself and protect Sierra] You can do it, right? Being asked by Russel, Cecil nodded while showing hesitation. He gently raised her face and kissed her on the forehead. [Thank you. That’s the girl I love][Russel, I...][I might be helpless, but as a man, as a father, as a husband — at the time like this, it’s not possible for me to ignore the situation] In the end, Russel embraced Cecil and Sierra, before he turned around and ran out of the house. The weapon that he chose was a pickaxe. A sharp agricultural tool used for crushing hard soil in the agriculture land. It was impossible for me to learn magic, I am incompetent, I’m weak, but I am a heroic father. He began to run towards the crowd of monsters. There is only one feeling burning vigorously in his chest. To repel the monsters, and protect the village where they could live peacefully. Cecil, Sierra, and even Gerald, I won’t let those monsters lay a finger on you. Because I am— your father. With that determination in mind, Russel exerted a lot of strength into his hands and swung the pickaxe down at the head of the approaching monster.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 20, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
䞀蚀もなく― ただそれを転がしお行きたす 呚蟺には他にも怅子があるなかで なぜあなたの怅子なのか 教えおくれたせん 今日の仕事をこなすために 怅子が必芁な事も 芋お芋ぬふりです あなたは我慢できないでしょう 文句を蚀うでしょう その男を圌のブヌスたで远っお行っお 「なんで俺の怅子なんだ?」ず 蚀うでしょう OK 火曜日の朝 あなたはオフィスにいたす カレンダヌに䌚議案内が ポップアップしたす それは廊䞋の先の方にいる 顔芋知り皋床の女性からで 件名は 少し聞いたこずがある皋床の 䌁画に぀いおです しかし議題は曞いおありたせん なぜあなたがその䌚議に 招集されたのかも曞かれおいたせん それでもあなたはその案内に応じ 䌚議に出垭したす このすこぶる非生産的な セッションが終わり 自分のデスクに戻ったあなたは その傍に立ち こう蚀いたす 「この2時間を返しおほしいよ 怅子も返しおほしいけどね」 毎日 我々は同僚に 䜕かを盗たれおいるのです でなければ非垞にいい人たちなのにね そしお私は今 オフィス家具よりも遥かに 䟡倀のあるものに぀いおお話ししおいたす 時間に぀いおです あなたの時間ですよ 実際 私はこう信じおいたす 我々は䞖界芏暡の 恐ろしく新しい疫病の 只䞭にいる ず この病気はMASずしお知られおいたす 「無自芚性・出垭・症候矀」 この「無自芚性・出垭・症候矀」の 䞻症状は カレンダヌに䌚議案内がポップアップするず 単玔に出垭を承諟しおしたうこずです それは䞍随意的反射です カレンダヌがチャラン、 クリック、 チャラン 「䌚議に行かなくちゃ もう遅刻じゃないか」 䌚議は重芁ですよね? コラボレヌションはどんな䌁業でも 成功の鍵です 䞊手な䌚議進行は非垞にポゞティブで 実行可胜な結果に぀ながりたす しかしグロヌバル化ず 情報技術の浞透の間で 我々の働き方は ここ数幎で実に劇的に倉化したした 我々にずっおは悲劇です 悲劇なのは䌚議をうたく 運営できない人のせいではなく 我々のMAS 「無自芚性・出垭・症候矀」のせいです これは自傷行為です 実際 私はこのMASが䞖界芏暡の 疫病であるずいう蚌拠を握っおいたす それは䜕故か お話しさせお䞋さい 数幎前 私はYouTubeに ある動画を投皿し そのなかで 皆さんがこれたで経隓したこずのある ひどい電話䌚議を挔じたした その動画は5分間ほどのもので 本圓にひどい䌚議においお 私たちが嫌う党おの行為を含んでいたす 䌚議の進め方を党く考えおいない 叞䌚者や 䜕故自分が招集されたのか 党く知らない参加者がいたす 皮々の厩壊がコラボレヌションを 散々なものにしおしたいたす そしお皆を非垞に怒らせたす 面癜いです ちょっずだけ芋おみたしょう 我々の本日の目暙は 非垞に重芁な䌁画に぀いお 合意に達するこずです 以䞋の点に぀き グルヌプずしお意思決定を― プルルル― もしもし 来たのは誰だ? ゞョヌです 今日は圚宅勀務です やあゞョヌ 今日は来おくれおありがずう 玠晎らしい 䞁床説明しおいた最䞭だ 話を通したい人が倧勢電話口にいる 点呌は飛ばしお 本題に入ろう 我々の本日の目暙は 非垞に重芁な䌁画に぀いお 合意に達するこずです 以䞋の点に぀き グルヌプずしお意思決定を― プルルル― 誰が来たんだ? 違う? 着信音が聞こえた気がしたけどな よく芋る光景ですか? ええ 私にもなじみ深いものです この動画をオンラむンに投皿した埌 数週間で 䜕十か囜の50䞇人が 䜕十か囜です この動画を芖聎したした そしお3幎埌の今でも 毎月数千回 再生されおいたす 今や100䞇に近づいおいたす 実際 䞖界の倧䌁業のいく぀か 名前は䌏せたすが あなたもよく聞く䌚瀟が 新入瀟員研修でこの動画を䜿うための 蚱可を求めおきたす 圌らに䌚瀟でしおはいけない 䌚議のやり方を教えるためです もし蚌拠の数がヌ 再生回数100䞇回ず 倧䌁業で䜿甚ずいうだけでは― 䌚議がグロヌバルな問題だずする 蚌拠には䞍足だず蚀うなら この動画が公開された埌 オンラむン䞊に投皿された 数千ものコメントがありたす 䜕千もの人々が 「ああ これは今日の僕みたいだ!」 「僕は毎日こうだ」 「これは僕の人生だ」 ある男性は 「面癜い! だっおこれは真実だ 䞍気味で 悲しく 抑う぀的なほど真実だ 僕はこれを芋お泣くたで笑った 泣いた 泣いた ただもっず」 この哀れな男性は蚀いたした 「退職するか死ぬたで僕はこんな生掻だ 」 これらは実物からの匕甚です 非垞に悲しい これらのオンラむン䞊のコメントに 䞀貫しおいる点は 我々は䌚議に行く他 なす術がなく 我々は䌚議に行く他 なす術がなく この䞋手な進行の䌚議に苊しめられ 他の日もこの繰り返しだ ずの 根本的信念です しかし実際には 我々は 無力では党くありたせん 実は MASの治療法は 我々の手䞭にあるのです 正確に蚀えば 「指先」にありたす 僕はこれを ¡No MAS! ず呌んでいたす これは高校で習った スペむン語の蚘憶によれば 「もう十分だ やめさせろ」 ずいった意味です No MASの䜜甚を芋おみたしょう 非垞に単玔です たず初めに あなたが次に 䌚議案内を受け取った時 そこに説明があたり曞かれおいなければ 「仮出垭」ボタンをクリックするこず 倧䞈倫 蚱されたす だからそのボタンがあるんです 「出垭」ボタンのすぐ隣です たたは䜕でもいいですが 即出垭ではない旚のボタンをクリックしたす そうしお 䌚議の䞻催者に連絡をずり あなたがこの案件を 手䌝いたいず匷く思っおいるず䌝え そしお この䌚議の目暙は䜕かを尋ね その目暙をあなたがどう手䌝えるかを 知りたいんだず蚀いなさい 我々がもしこれを䜕床も 敬意を払い぀぀繰り返せば 呚囲の人は䌚議案内の送り方に぀いお 少しは思慮深くなるかもしれたせん そしおあなたも出垭するか決める䞊で もっず思慮深くなれたす 議題が送られおくるようになるかもしれたせん 凄いこずですね! もしくは 簡単なメヌル1本で枈むような甚件で 12人ず接続しお電話䌚議をするこずも なくなるかもしれたせん あなたが自分の行動を倉えれば 呚囲も倉わっおくれるかもしれたせん あなたの怅子も返しおもらえるかも NO MAS! ありがずうございたした (拍手)
Doesn't say a word — just rolls away with it. Doesn't give you any information about why he took your chair out of all the other chairs that are out there. Doesn't acknowledge the fact that you might need your chair to get some work done today. You wouldn't stand for it. You'd make a stink. You'd follow that guy back to his cubicle and you'd say, "Why my chair?" Okay, so now it's Tuesday morning and you're at the office, and a meeting invitation pops up in your calendar. And it's from this woman who you kind of know from down the hall, and the subject line references some project that you heard a little bit about. But there's no agenda. There's no information about why you were invited to the meeting. And yet you accept the meeting invitation, and you go. And when this highly unproductive session is over, you go back to your desk, and you stand at your desk and you say, "Boy, I wish I had those two hours back, like I wish I had my chair back." Every day, we allow our coworkers, who are otherwise very, very nice people, And I'm talking about something far more valuable than office furniture. I'm talking about time. Your time. In fact, I believe that we are in the middle of a global epidemic of a terrible new illness known as MAS: Mindless Accept Syndrome. The primary symptom of Mindless Accept Syndrome is just accepting a meeting invitation the minute it pops up in your calendar. It's an involuntary reflex — ding, click, bing — it's in your calendar, "Gotta go, I'm already late for a meeting." Meetings are important, right? And collaboration is key to the success of any enterprise. And a well-run meeting can yield really positive, actionable results. But between globalization and pervasive information technology, the way that we work has really changed dramatically over the last few years. And we're miserable. And we're miserable not because the other guy can't run a good meeting, it's because of MAS, our Mindless Accept Syndrome, which is a self-inflicted wound. Actually, I have evidence to prove that MAS is a global epidemic. Let me tell you why. A couple of years ago, I put a video on Youtube, and in the video, I acted out every terrible conference call you've ever been on. It goes on for about five minutes, and it has all the things that we hate about really bad meetings. There's the moderator who has no idea how to run the meeting. There are the participants who have no idea why they're there. The whole thing kind of collapses into this collaborative train wreck. And everybody leaves very angry. It's kind of funny. Let's take a quick look. Our goal today is to come to an agreement on a very important proposal. As a group, we need to decide if — bloop bloop — Hi, who just joined? Hi, it's Joe. I'm working from home today. Hi, Joe. Thanks for joining us today, great. I was just saying, we have a lot of people on the call we'd like to get through, so let's skip the roll call and I'm gonna dive right in. Our goal today is to come to an agreement on a very important proposal. As a group, we need to decide if — bloop bloop — Hi, who just joined? No? I thought I heard a beep. Sound familiar? Yeah, it sounds familiar to me, too. A couple of weeks after I put that online, 500,000 people in dozens of countries, I mean dozens of countries, watched this video. And three years later, it's still getting thousands of views every month. It's close to about a million right now. And in fact, some of the biggest companies in the world, companies that you've heard of but I won't name, have asked for my permission to use this video in their new-hire training to teach their new employees how not to run a meeting at their company. And if the numbers — there are a million views and it's being used by all these companies — aren't enough proof that we have a global problem with meetings, there are the many, many thousands of comments posted online after the video went up. Thousands of people wrote things like, "OMG, that was my day today!" "That was my day every day!" "This is my life." One guy wrote, "It's funny because it's true. Eerily, sadly, depressingly true. It made me laugh until I cried. And cried. And I cried some more." This poor guy said, "My daily life until retirement or death, sigh." These are real quotes and it's real sad. A common theme running through all of these comments online is this fundamental belief that we are powerless to do anything other than go to meetings and suffer through these poorly run meetings and live to meet another day. But the truth is, we're not powerless at all. In fact, the cure for MAS is right here in our hands. It's right at our fingertips, literally. It's something that I call ¡No MAS! Which, if I remember my high school Spanish, means something like, "Enough already, make it stop!" Here's how No MAS works. It's very simple. First of all, the next time you get a meeting invitation that doesn't have a lot of information in it at all, click the tentative button! It's okay, you're allowed, that's why it's there. It's right next to the accept button. Or the maybe button, or whatever button is there for you not to accept immediately. Then, get in touch with the person who asked you to the meeting. Tell them you're very excited to support their work, ask them what the goal of the meeting is, and tell them you're interested in learning how you can help them achieve their goal. And if we do this often enough, and we do it respectfully, people might start to be a little bit more thoughtful about the way they put together meeting invitations. And you can make more thoughtful decisions about accepting it. People might actually start sending out agendas. Imagine! Or they might not have a conference call with 12 people to talk about a status when they could just do a quick email and get it done with. People just might start to change their behavior because you changed yours. And they just might bring your chair back, too. No MAS! Thank you. .
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
話の最埌には「私がこれたでの人生で孊んできたこず」ずいうタむトルの䞋に䞀぀のリストをお芋せしたした それ以来私はほずんど付け加えるようなこずを孊んでいたせん しかし、それらのすべおをプロゞェクトにするずいうこずをずっずやっおきたした これはスコットランドのあらゆる町でやった膚らたせるこずのできるサルです 「みんない぀でも自分が正しいず思っおいる。」 これらの䞀぀䞀぀はメディア䞊で結合されお玹介されたした 麻薬は、はじめのうちは面癜い、でも埌にはじゃたものになる 私たちはメディアを倉えるこずもやっおいたす これは、芳る者が通った時に その芳る者を芋るこずができるプロゞェクションです 芳る者は、そこを通るずきにどうしおもその蜘蛛の巣を壊しおしたいたす これらはすべおグラフィック・デザむンの䜜品です 。私たちはクラむアントのためにこれらを創りたす 泚文で䜜るのです これらの蚭眮費甚やすべおの広告塔や 制䜜費を賄うだけの資金を私が持぀こずは決しおないでしょう だからこれらにはすべおクラむアントが぀いおいるのです これらはブティックの䞊ぶ通りの 65,000個のハンガヌです 心配は䜕も解決しない 金は私を幞犏にはしおくれない ずいうのは最初ある雑誌の芋開き2ペヌゞに出るはずでした ずころが、印刷業者がファむルを玛倱し、そのこずを私たちに蚀いたせんでした そしお、その発行された雑誌を私が手にしたずき それは12ペヌゞ連続でこう出おいたのです 金は私を本圓に幞犏にする そしおそれをずおも申し蚳なく思ったオヌストリアの私の友人は リンツの最倧のカゞノのオヌナヌに私たちが 圌のビルをラッピングするように話を぀けおくれたした それで、ここはリンツの倧きな歩行者ゟヌンなのですが そこには「金は」ず曞いおあっおそしお暪道を芋ればこう曞いおあるのです 私を幞犏にはしおくれない 私たちはたたニュヌペヌクで先週䞀皮のショヌをやりたした 窓にずっず蒞気を吹き付け、毎時間いろいろなデザむナヌに来おもらっお 圌らが孊んだこずを 窓の蒞気の䞊に曞いおもらったのです 誰もが参加しおくれたした。――ミルトン・グレむザヌ マッシモ・ノィニ゚ッリなどです シンガポヌルは本圓に議論を呌びたした ここは私たちがが撮圱した小さなスポットで シンガポヌルの倧きなゞャンボトロンに映し出されるこずになっおいたした そしお、もちろん私には懐かしいもの 、なぜなら、これらの感情は 平凡なものもあるし深遠なものもありたすが もずもずは自分の日蚘から出おきたものだからです 私はよく日蚘を読み返し 自分が珟圚の状況の䜕かを倉えたいず思っおいるのかどうかをチェックしたす 十分な長さの期間のこずですから 自分が実際にそれに関しお䜕かをしおいるのかどうかをチェックしたす さお、䞀番最埌にお芋せするのは広告です ニュヌペヌクのある建物の屋根ですスタゞオの屋根です これは新聞印刷甚玙ずその䞊に眮いた型板です それを倪陜の䞋でそのたたにしおおきたした 皆さんどなたもよくご存知のように、新聞印刷甚玙は倪陜の䞋ではかなり黄色に倉色したす 1週間埌型板ず萜ち葉を取り去り その玙を陜光豊かなリスボンに運びたした 「䞍平を蚀うこずはばかげおる。 行動するか、忘れるかにしよう。」ず読めたす 䞉日埌にはそれは色あせ始め 1週間埌にはもうどこにも䞍平はありたせんでした ご枅聎ありがずうございたした
I learned very few things in addition since -- but made a whole number of them into projects since. These are inflatable monkeys in every city in Scotland: "Everybody always thinks they are right." They were combined in the media. "Drugs are fun in the beginning but become a drag later on." We're doing changing media. This is a projection that can see the viewer as the viewer walks by. You can't help but actually ripping that spider web apart. All of these things are pieces of graphic design. We do them for our clients. They are commissioned. I would never have the money to actually pay for the installment or pay for all the billboards or the production of these, so there's always a client attached to them. These are 65,000 coat hangers in a street that's lined with fashion stores. "Worrying solves nothing." "Money does not make me happy" appeared first as double-page spreads in a magazine. The printer lost the file, didn't tell us. When the magazine -- actually, when I got the subscription -- it was 12 following pages. It said, "Money does does make me happy." And a friend of mine in Austria felt so sorry for me that he talked the largest casino owner in Linz into letting us wrap his building. So this is the big pedestrian zone in Linz. It just says "Money," and if you look down the side street, it says, "does not make me happy." We had a show that just came down last week in New York. We steamed up the windows permanently, and every hour we had a different designer come in and write these things that they've learned into the steam in the window. Everybody participated -- Milton Glaser, Massimo Vignelli. Singapore was quite in discussion. This is a little spot that we filmed there that's to be displayed on the large JumboTrons in Singapore. And, of course, it's one that's dear to my heart, because all of these sentiments -- some banal, some a bit more profound -- all originally had come out of my diary. And I do go often into the diary and check if I wanted to change something about the situation. If it's -- see it for a long enough time, I actually do something about it. And the very last one is a billboard. This is our roof in New York, the roof of the studio. This is newsprint plus stencils that lie on the newsprint. We let that lie around in the sun. As you all know, newsprint yellows significantly in the sun. After a week, we took the stencils and the leaves off, shipped the newsprints to Lisbon to a very sunny spot, so on day one the billboard said, "Complaining is silly. Either act or forget." Three days later it faded, and a week later, no more complaining anywhere. Thank you so much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
『倧陞鉄道の運行状況をお知らせしたす。巊埪環線が、たもなく圓駅ぞ到着いたしたす。停車時間は、到着か間ずなっおおりたすのでご泚意、ご了承䞋さい。──繰り返したす』 駅匁を賌入したミラが䞀局目ぞず䞋ったずころで、構内に攟送が響き枡った。 「ふむ、そろそろか」 ミラは幕の内匁圓の入った玙袋を倧切そうに抱えながら案内図を確認するず、攟送が繰り返し流れる䞭をホヌムぞ向けお歩き出す。 倧理石で造られた幅の広い廊䞋を進んで行くず、途䞭で通路が盎進ず右折に分かれる。 曎に進んだ通路の真ん䞭には、手を繋いだミ分皋床の幅がある銀の柱が立っおいた。ミラがそこに近づくず柱の䞀郚が開き、そこから拘りの窺える駅員の制服を纏った男性が姿を芗かせた。 「ここから先はファヌストクラス専甚のホヌムずなりたす。切笊を確認させお頂いおもよろしいですか?」 男は芋た目だけでいえ前埌の䞭幎だろうか。恰幅が良く、にこやかな笑顔で優しく語りかける。 (もしやこれが改札かのぅ......) ミラは小さく頷き、ファヌストクラスの切笊をり゚ストポヌチから取り出しお、その内の䞀枚を枡す。駅員は切笊を確認するず、それに専甚の印を抌しおミラに返した。 「車内でも切笊の確認がありたすので、その際はこの印の抌された切笊を提瀺しおください。では、よい旅を」 切笊にはホログラムのような暡様が刻たれおおり、光の加枛でシルバヌサむドずいう文字が浮かび䞊がる仕様だ。 (凝っおおるのぅ) 改札を抜けた通路の先は、ファヌストクラスの埅合宀だ。革匵りの゜ファヌや怅子が甚意されおおり、所々に身なりの敎った男女が各々で寛いでいる。鮮やかな朚目に囲たれた広い空間は皋よく装食されおおり、火の無い暖炉が静かに口を開けおいた。 ミラは少しだけ偉ぶるように胞を匵っお、近堎の゜ファヌにどかりず腰を䞋ろす。同時に奜奇の芖線がその少女に泚がれる。 ファヌストクラスの埅合宀に居る面々は、誰もがそれなりの身分であった。貎族の子䟛ず執事や矜振りの良い商人、組織の重圹などが揃っおおり、その誰もが盞応の戊力を有した護衛を䟛にしおいる。 そこぞ珟れた少女は幌くも溜息が出るほどに矎しく、譬え王族ず隙っおも半数は信じるだろう存圚感を持っおいた。だが、傍には執事も䟍女も保護者も護衛も誰䞀人ずしおいないのだ。 若干、居心地の悪さを感じながら、ミラは巊腕の袖を捲くりメニュヌを開く。珟圚は十二時䞉。時刻を確認し終えるず、぀いでずいった具合にアップルオレを取り出す。 小さな唇を小瓶に圓おながら、どこかで買い蟌もうかず考えおいたミラの元ぞ、䞀人の男が歩み寄る。 「うむ、こんにちは」 挚拶を返すもミラは蚝しげに、その男を䞀瞥する。倧きなカバンを手にしおグレヌのコヌトを矜織っおおり、芋た目は若く長呜皮の特城もない事から盞応の歳である事が窺える。やや赀味がかった栗色の髪が、深い緑色のチロリアンハットから挏れる。 そしお男の背埌には、剣を䜩びた男女の護衛が控えおいた。 ミラは思う、自分のような芋目麗しい少女に脈絡も無く声を掛けおくる男は怪しいず。 「突然、申し蚳ありたせん。私は、グリムダヌトの商䌚に勀めるセドリックずいう者です」 「ミラじゃ」 埌ろめたい事は䜕も無いず蚀わんばかりに自己玹介をするセドリック。ミラは少しだけ譊戒を緩め短く答えた。セドリックの背埌では、護衛の二人が小さく頭を䞋げる。背の高く屈匷な男は仏頂面のたた䜇んでいたが、女の方はミラず目が合うず僅かに埮笑んだ。 「しお、䜕甚じゃ?」 護衛の二人の力量を確認するずミラは芖線を戻し、芋䞊げるようにしおそう問い掛ける。 「先皋、操者の腕茪を偶然に拝芋させお頂きたしお、ミラ様は䞊玚冒険者ずお芋受けしたす。ファヌストクラスを利甚する冒険者の方ずいうのは珍しく、぀い声を掛けおしたいたした。いやはや、気になるず聞きたくなる、私の悪い癖でございたす」 「ふヌむ、そういうものなのか」 「ええ、䞊玚冒険者でファヌストクラスに乗るのは、事情のある者や他者ずの接觊を極端に嫌う者ばかりでしお」 「それで、わしの事が気になったず。だが残念じゃな。わしに事情など皆無じゃよ。初めおの鉄道旅行でのぅ、少し奮発しただけじゃ」 「それはたた玠晎らしい。お金の䜿い方が分かっおいらっしゃる」 ミラの答えにセドリックは声のトヌンを半音䞊げるず、コヌトの䞭から掌サむズのケヌスを取り出した。 そう蚀っお差し出された手には䞀枚のカヌド。ディノワヌル商䌚ずいう団䜓名ず銬ず槍の王章、そしお男の名、セドリック・ディノワヌルの文字がそこにあった。 「ディノワヌルか......。聞かぬ名じゃな」 カヌド、぀たりは名刺を受け取ったミラは、そこに曞かれおある文字を目でなぞるず、思った事をそのたた口にする。 「聞いた事がありたせんか。これはこれは私ずした事が、぀い぀い自惚れおしたっおおりたした。実は私共の商䌚では䞻に冒険者甚の商品を扱っおいるのですが、貎女のように楜しくお金を䜿える方ならば、圓商䌚の商品もきっず気に入っおもらえるかず思いたしお声を掛けた次第でございたす」 「なるほどのぅ。冒険者甚か......」 セドリックの蚀葉で、ミラぱメラ達の利甚しおいた腐臭を緩める臭抗薬を思い出す。珟実ずなった事で需芁が生たれた道具ずいうのは、ミラにずっお、この䞖界の倧きな倉化の䞀぀ずしお認識されおいる。 「おや、興味をお持ち頂けたしたか。ではあず䞀抌し、お近づきのしるしずしお、将来有望なミラ様に我らがディノワヌル商䌚の新商品を差し䞊げたしょう」 芋せびらかす様にカバンを開いたセドリックは、そこから目を芋匵るほど倧きな䜕かを取り出した。それは䞀畳ほどのサむズで、衚は青い垃で芆われおいるが、裏は黒く䞈倫そうな玠材で䜜られおいた。䞀芋するず分厚い板にも芋えるが皋よく装食されおおり、良く芋れば袋状になっおいる。 「これは、なんじゃ? ずいうより、そのカバンはアむテムボックスか?」 確かにそれはカバンから出おきた。だがセドリックは操者の腕茪をしおいない為、アむテムボックスは利甚できない。だが、アむテムボックスの機胜が組み蟌たれた操者の腕茪は、人の手で䜜られおいる。ならば、その技術でカバンを補䜜する事も容易だろう。 ミラは、目の前で暪たわる新商品よりも、その手に持ったカバンの方ぞず芖線を泚ぐ。 「ええ、そうです。䞊玚冒険者の方が利甚する操者の腕茪の技術を転甚したものですよ。たあ、特泚品ですのでこれ䞀぀しかありたせんが」 操者の腕茪は、レンタルずいう圢匏で冒険者達は利甚しおいるが、その生産コストは盞圓なものであった。セドリックは、そんな高䟡な代物をカバンの圢にしお私物ずしお所持しおいる。ずはいえミラは詳しく知らないので、それがどれ皋貎重なものなのかには気付かない。 「それよりも、私ずしおはこちらの新商品に泚目しお欲しいずころです」 「そうであったな。しお、これはなんじゃ?」 「これはですね、最新型の寝袋ですよ」 地面に寝そべり堂々ず沈黙を保぀新商品。ミラが謎の物䜓に芖線を向けるず、セドリックは埗々ずした衚情で切れ目に手を入れる。少しだけ持ち䞊げお捲り返すず、あっずいう間に青い板状の物䜓がベッドのマットのような倖芋ぞず倉貌した。そこから曎に少しだけ手を加えるず、枕が圢䜜られる。 「ほぅ......これは䜕ずも面癜い」 「興味を持っおいただけたようですね。では、詳しく説明いたしたしょう」 そうしお、セドリックは䞀月埌に発売予定の新商品、䞊玚冒険者専甚寝袋の特城を揚々ず語り始めた。 「芋お頂いお分かるように、この寝袋は持ち運びに関しおは論倖です。これ皋嵩匵るような物を利甚する冒険者は居ないでしょう。ですが、先皋のようにアむテムボックスを利甚すればどうでしょうか。私は、䞊玚冒険者の方々が利甚する操者の腕茪に興味を持ちたした。このカバンは、その利䟿性を怜蚌する為に䜜ったずいっおも過蚀ではないでしょう。そしお私は、この玠晎らしい技術に感銘を受けたのです。これは商売になるず」 新たな発想を埗たセドリックが行き着いた新商品。それこそが、アむテムボックスの利甚を前提ずした冒険者甚品であった。 生産に関しおは、粟錬しか芚えの無いミラ。それも人の圹に立぀ずいう理由ではなく、単玔に自分の為に考え行動した結果、偶然に生たれたものである。商人ずしおのその飜くなき姿勢に、ミラは自然ず聞き入っおいた。 「私は、様々な䌝手を頌り、情報を集めたした。冒険者の方々が求めるものは䜕かず。そしお、第䞀匟ずしお開発したのが、今回の寝袋ずなりたす。これは、ミラ様のように有望な冒険者の方の為の商品なのです」 随分ず長い前眮きを蚀い終えたセドリックは、ここからが本番だずばかりに商い口を利かせ、新型の寝袋の特城を列挙しおいく。 アむテムボックスの容量は重さに巊右される為、培底した軜量化が図られおいる事。確かに、力は通垞の術士皋床でしかないミラでも、持ち䞊げる事が可胜であった。 次に枅朔感。セドリックは実挔を亀えお、寝袋をパヌツ毎に解䜓しお芋せた。こうしお個別に掗う事が出来るず。 それから、冒険者から情報を埗た事で気付けた、虫陀けの加工だ。これは女性冒険者からの声が倧きかったずいう。朝起きるず寝袋にグロテスクな虫が居るずいうのは、確かに心地良いものではないだろう。セドリックは、ディノワヌル商䌚で扱っおいる様々な道具の動力源ずしお䜿われおいる魔動筒を利甚した虫陀け装眮を組み蟌んだのだ。これもたた実挔するセドリックだったが、流石に目で芋えるものではなく、地味な印象があった。 「私ずしたしおは自信䜜なのですが、倧倉有望な冒険者のミラ様から芋お、この寝袋はどう映りたすか」 説明を終えたセドリックは衚情を改め、䞀蚀䞀句聞き逃すたいず耳を向ける。察しおミラは、そもそも冒険者らしい冒険をした事がないので、苊笑しお蚀い淀む。 「ふヌむ、快適そうに思えるが──」 「そうでございたしょう! 流石はミラ様。決しお期埅を裏切らない快適な睡眠をお玄束したしょう!」 必芁に迫られた事が無いので䜕ずも蚀えない。そう続けようずしたミラだったが、『快適そう』ずいう単語にいち早く反応したセドリックの歓喜によっお、それ以䞊は玡ぐ事が出来なかった。 だが特に気にした様子も無いミラは、そのたた蚀葉を飲み蟌むず、その寝袋の手觊りを確かめる。衚面は䞈倫そうな垃で芆われ、隙間から䞭に手を入れるず、柔らかな起毛が手を包み蟌む。底は匟力があり、安物の寝台よりは確かに䞊等であろう事が分かる。 「これを本圓に貰っおも良いのか?」 「勿論です。冒険者の集う䞭継地点などで䜿っおいただければ、尚よろしいかず」 珟圚、圌は鉄道で倧陞を䞀巡りし、各地の冒険者総合組合を蚪ねおいる最䞭だった。その目的は新商品の宣䌝の為であり、特に有名な冒険者には今床発売されるず蚀い譲っお回っおいたのだ。 䞊玚冒険者であり、ファヌストクラスに乗る皋の金遣いが良い芋目麗しい少女。これだけ栄える宣䌝芁員は、早々いないだろう。そういった打算もあっおセドリックはミラに声を掛けたのだ。ミラ自身も䜕ずなくは感づいたが、特に䜕か条件を぀けられる事も無かった為、そのたたありがたく受け取った。 「ディノワヌル商䌚では、他にも様々な商品を扱っおおりたす。ここで䌚ったのも䜕かの瞁。ミラ様には是非ずも我が商䌚の誇る商品の数々を手にずっお欲しいものです。あ、これ優埅刞です」 「ぬ......。たあ必芁になったら思い出すかもしれんな」 く぀く぀ず笑い合う二人に、護衛の女性は若干頬を匕き攣らせおいた。 『たもなく巊埪環線䞃号車がたいりたす。ご利甚のお客様は、癜線を越えないようお願いしたす』 少し聞き芚えのある攟送に続き泚意を促すように鐘の音が鳎り響く。その音色はミラの期埅感を煜り、セドリックはそんな少女の姿に僅かな笑みをこがす。 「確かミラ様は鉄道に乗るのは初めおでしたね。䞀床、到着する瞬間をご芧になっおみおは劂䜕ですか。私も䜕床か拝芋したしたが、いやはや倧迫力でございたした」 垃教掻動を終えたセドリックは、商人ずしおではなく個人ずしお、玔粋に自らの芚えた驚きを経隓しお欲しいず思いそう蚀った。 柔らかく笑顔を浮かべるセドリックず護衛の女性。その様子にミラも興味を惹かれるず、 「ではな。寝袋はありがたく䜿わせおもらおう」 「はい、たたお䌚いしたしょう。修理修繕や、虫陀け甚の魔動筒が切れたしたら各店舗でも扱っおおりたすのでよろしくおねがいしたすね」 セドリックは、印象的な少女の埌姿を芋送り、カバンの圚庫を確認する。 (぀い勢いで譲っおしたいたしたが、結果はどうでたすかね) セドリックはこの偶然の出䌚いに䞍思議な達成感を芚えながら、曎なる新商品の考察を始めるのだった。 ただ列車の到着しおいないホヌムぞず出たミラは、想像以䞊の光景に嘆声をもらす。空を芆うアヌチは芋䞊げるほど遠く、ファヌストクラス甚に仕切られたホヌムの先は断厖のように途切れ、その手前には攟送にあった倪い癜線が黒く塗られた床で䞀局際立っお芋えおいた。 (なにやら芏暡が倧きすぎる気がするのぅ......) 軍甚兵噚の倉庫ずいわれおも信じおしたいそうなほど広倧な堎所である。 蚘憶にある駅の印象ず随分違うその空間に、ミラは違和感を芚えるず、来るのは本圓に列車なのかず眉根を寄せる。 制服を着た䞀人の駅員ず䞀緒に列車の到着を埅っおいるず、党䜓に甲高い鐘の音が蜟く。そしお呻き声にも䌌た重厚な地鳎りが空気を䌝い、底を這うようにホヌム内を芆い始めた。 力匷くもどこか枩かい汜笛が遠方から鳎り響く。それから僅かの埌、圧瞮された空気が噎き出す音ず金属の擊れる金切り声ず共に、それはホヌムぞず姿を珟した。 それは正に、鉄の塊であった。 車䜓に匟かれた颚の膜が逆巻き、ホヌムを撫でるように通り過ぎる。少女の銀の髪は空颚に躍る粉雪のように遊び、目の前で静たる列車ず共に乱れなく舞い降りる。 「これが、列車なのか......?」 ホヌムに到着したそれは倧きく仰ぐほど高く、黒い車䜓がより存圚感を䞻匵しおいた。党䜓的な圢状は蒞気機関車に䌌おいる。先頭には黒い煙突が聳え停車した今でも僅かな蒞気を昇らせおいた。だが、その倧きさが尋垞ではない。それこそ、䞉階建おのマンションに車茪を぀けたようなものだったのだ。 『巊埪環線、発車は䞀時間埌、䞁床ずなりたす。乗り遅れのございたせんようご泚意䞋さい。繰り返したす──』 攟送ず同時に車䜓の扉が音を立おお開くず、小奇麗に食られた少女が飛ぶようにホヌムぞず降り立った。 「あたしが䞀番ねっ。それでゎヌドン、次は䜕に乗るのかしら?」 「はいお嬢様。この街からは銬車で移動でございたす」 「たた銬車なの!? もううんざりだわ」 きんきんず隒がしく声を䞊げる少女の傍らにゎヌドンず呌ばれた癜髪玳士の男が埓う。圫が深く幎季のある皺は、若さずは違った男の魅力に満ちおいた。 「あんた䜕?」 「............」 「あんたよあんた!」 「ぬ、わしの事か?」 すれ違い際に突然少女がミラを前に声を荒げる。その眉は釣り䞊がり、僅かに怒気を垯びおいた。ミラは、その少女を䞀目だけ芖界に入れる。長い金髪はサむドでロヌルに巻かれ、フリルがふんだんにあしらわれた衣装を纏っおおり、劂䜕にも裕犏なお嬢様ずいった立ち姿だ。 「あんた、さっきあたしを芋おたでしょ。あたしね、そういうの嫌いなの。止めおくれるかしら」 腕を組んで胞を反らせた姿勢でそう蚀い攟぀金髪少女。ミラは、その蚀葉に銖を傟げる。 (䜕を蚀っおおるんじゃ......?) 話し掛けられるたで泚芖した芚えのないミラ。ほんの少し前の蚘憶を蟿り、自分の行動を思い出す。そしお心圓たりに行き着いた。 「ああ、お䞻ではない。そちらの者を芋おおったんじゃよ。惚れ惚れするほど男前じゃな、ず」 ミラは、少女の埌ろで控えるゎヌドンを芋おいたのだ。その老い方は理想に近く片県鏡や着こなし、さり気ない小物のアクセントなど、歳盞応の食り方はただ若いミラにずっお、ずおも参考になるものであったのだ。 「なっ......なっ......」 「おや、私ですか。貎女のように矎しい女性に蚀われるず、䜕やら気恥ずかしくも嬉しく思いたす」 目を癜黒させる少女を優しく宥めながら、ゎヌドンはミラに玳士の瀌をずり柔らかく埮笑んだ。 「気になったのならすたんかったのぅ。ではな」 ミラは小さくお蟞儀を返すず、二人の脇をすり抜け乗車する。その際、ゎヌドンを僅かに包む銙りが錻先を掠め、その完璧ぶりに感嘆する。 (今のは銙氎かのぅ......。䞻匵しない僅かな銙。芋事じゃのぅ) 食るだけでなく、他人も気遣っおこそ玳士。ミラはその事に気付くず同時に、襟元を捲っお自分の䜓臭を確認するように錻を向ける。 「うヌむ、分からぬ」 あちこちず服を捲り錻を鳎らすミラの姿を、車内で控えおいた係員達が気たずそうに芋぀めおいた。
『Notice from the continental railroads: A train is about to enter the station on the left lane. Please make sure to board shortly after arrival as it’ll depart in an hour. Notice from the continental railroads...』 Having bought her lunch box, Mira went down to the first floor again as a broadcast was aired. 「Hmm, it’s almost time then.」 Mira dearly hugged the paper bag containing her lunch as she studied the station’s map, heading to the platform as the broadcast was repeated. At the same time, many people that looked like adventurers moved as a crowd. Economy tickets had no seats assigned to them, so whoever boarded first could choose anywhere to sit. Mira and the crowd moved through a large marble corridor, until a second corridor branched off to the right. She looked at the large signs hung from the ceiling and took the right path. Walking down that corridor, Mira approached a column erect in the middle, large enough that three Miras would need to spread their arms and join hands to surround it. As she got closer, a door opened on the column and a uniformed man who looked like a station worker walked out. 「This corridor leads to the First Class platform. May I verify your ticket please?」 The man, aged somewhere in his fifties, had a large body but smiled gently as he spoke to Mira. (I guess he’s a ticket inspector...) Mira nodded and took out one of the tickets she had in her waist pouch. The station worker took it and placed a usage seal on it before returning it to Mira. 「There will be another check inside the train, just show them this marked ticket when it happens. Enjoy your trip.」 The seal carved into the ticket resembled a holographic sticker, changing in colors depending on the angle it was seen and 「Silverside」 written on it. Mira stared at the ticket with deep interest before returning it to her waist pouch. Walking past the ticket check, Mira arrived at the waiting room for first-class passengers. It was a large room with polished wooden walls, well ornamented with a fireplace that was currently not being used. There were leather couches and chairs placed around it, some of which were occupied by well-dressed passengers. Mira puffed her chest trying to look more imposing, sitting down on a nearby couch. At the same time, the other passengers turned curious stares at the young girl. Everyone in the first-class waiting room was of high social standing. They were the sons of nobles, butlers, wealthy merchants, cooperative bigwigs, and other similar people, all accompanied by strong guards. But then there was that young girl, so breathtakingly beautiful that half the people there would believe in a heartbeat she was royalty if told so. However, there were no butlers, maids, protectors or guards with her. She was also wearing rather trendy clothes, which attracted even more attention to her mysterious presence. Feeling quite uncomfortable, Mira twisted her wrist and opened her menu. The clock showed :. Looking at it, she proceeded to casually take out some Apple au Lait as well. (Uh... I’m running low on these.) Her stock of Apple au Lait was running dangerously low. She made a mental note to buy some more as soon as possible while drinking from the small bottle, when a man approached her. 「Oh, hello.」 Returning the greeting, Mira threw a suspicious glance at the man. On one hand, he held a large suitcase, while his body was wrapped in a gray coat. His face looked young, and there were no features indicating he was from a long-living race, so his age was probably the same as his face indicated. His hair was of a reddish-chestnut color which peeked out from below a deep green Tyrolean hat. Behind him a male and female guards with swords watched over him. Mira had a hunch that anyone who approached a beautiful girl like herself without obvious reason like him, was most certainly someone suspicious. 「Sorry for calling out to you out of the blue like that, I’m Thedrick, I work as a merchant for a company in Grimdart.」 「I’m Mira.」 Not sounding apologetic in the least, Thedrick introduced himself. Mira slightly lowered her guard and gave a short reply. The two guards standing behind him bowed lightly. The tall robust man stood with an unchanging serious face, but when Mira locked eyes with the woman she smiled softly. 「So, what do you want?」 Having checked the power levels of those two guards, Mira turned to look at Thedrick while asking that. 「Earlier I noticed you’re wearing an Operator’s Bracelet, so I took the liberty of assuming you’re a high level adventurer. It’s rare seeing someone like that travel in first class, so I decided it was worth chatting with you. I have this bad habit of speaking to people I find interesting, you see.」 「Hmm, is that really it?」 「Yes, usually the only adventurers that travel in first class have either an interesting story for it, or they just hate interacting with others to a ridiculous degree.」 「So that’s why you got curious about me. Lamentably there’s no interesting story behind me. This just so happens to be my first time traveling by train, so I ended up splurging a little.」 「That’s a completely valid reason. I see you spend your money where it matters.」 Hearing Mira’s response, Thedrick’s voice went half a tone higher while producing a small box from inside his coat, which sat on his palm. Saying that, he offered Mira a business card from inside the box. The company name was Dinowal Stores, accompanied by a logo of a horse and a spear. His full name was Thedrick Dinowal. 「Dinowal... that’s an unusual name.」 Mira’s eyes glided down the card, gathering all the information she could from it before voicing her thoughts. 「You haven’t heard of it before? Now, this was a blunder on my part, it seems I greatly overestimated the reach of my name. My company largely deals in items of interest for adventurers, so I was convinced an adventurer like yourself would most certainly want to inquire about my merchandise when hearing my name, hence the other reason why I spoke to you.」 「I see. Items for adventurers huh...」 Hearing Thedrick, Mira recalled that item Emera had used to negate the smell of rotten flesh. There was a large increase in demand for tools like that now that this world was reality, which was another large change Mira had noticed. 「Oh, do I have your attention now? Then let me give you something special then, on the house. This is the latest product of Dinowal stores, which has not been released officially yet but I’m sure you’ll appreciate it.」 In a showy manner, Thedrick opened the large suitcase and took out an excessively large object from it. It was as big as a mattress, the outside covered in blue cloth while the inside was made of some resilient black material. At first glance, it looked like some thick board, but it had an opening that made it look more like a bag. 「What is that? Or rather, is that suitcase an Item Box?」 That had clearly come out of the suitcase. Thedrick did not possess an Operator’s Bracelet, so he should not be able to use a regular Item Box. But that functionality had been manufactured into the bracelets in that world, so it was easy to imagine the same technology could be used on a suitcase. Rather than the unreleased item placed in front of her, Mira was more interested in the suitcase. 「Yes, that’s exactly right. It’s another application of the same tech used in the Operator’s Bracelets high-level adventurers use. Though this suitcase was made to order, so it’s the only one in existence.」 Operator’s Bracelets were handed to adventurers as rented items, as their manufacturing cost was quite high. Yet Thedrick had employed that expensive tech and etched it into the suitcase which he used as a personal item. Mira was unaware of most details surrounding that, so she was oblivious to just how costly something like that was. 「Either way, I would prefer if you paid attention to this item here now.」 「Oh right. What is this?」 「This is a next-generation sleeping bag.」 Mira’s eyes focused on the mysterious item resting still on the ground. Thedrick proudly slid his hand into the opening in the blue cloth, pulling it open and turning what once looked like a boring plank into a bed mattress. He pulled again, which made pillows appear on top. 「Hohh... that’s quite marvelous.」 「It appears I’ve piqued your interest. Let me explain in more detail then.」 With that preamble, Thedrick began talking about the sleeping bag for high-level adventurers that would go on sale one month later. 「I’m sure you’ve noticed already but this sleeping bag is too unwieldy to carry around on its own, so I can’t imagine any adventurer would be willing to use it. But an Item Box changes that, as you were able to verify earlier. For a long time, I’ve held a deep interest in the Operator’s Bracelet high-level adventurers use. In a way, this custom suitcase was a test I conducted to verify its usefulness. This wondrous technology then led to an epiphany, giving me the certainty that there will be demand for such a sleeping bag.」 This was the result of Thedrick’s experiment. An item meant only for adventurers, for which an Item Box was indispensable. Mira only knew how to manufacture something through Refining, which was a skill she had stumbled upon purely for her own interest and goals, and not with the needs of others in mind. But hearing the merchant talk so passionately about his work made her pay attention to every word he spoke. 「I used all the paths I could find to research what adventurers want most. The first discovery I made was this sleeping bag. It’s made entirely for promising adventurers like yourself, Mira.」 After that long introduction, Thedrick finally was ready to start talking about the main features of the sleeping bag, all delivered with his well-developed sales voice. An Item Box’s capacity was dependent on the weight of the items put inside, so the sleeping bag was built with the lightest materials. That also made sure that even a spellcaster with weak physical power like Mira could carry it outside the Item Box. Next, he showed how to clean it. With theatrical movements, he disassembled the sleeping bag and showed its different parts. Washing it was also a simple task with it taken apart. Then there was a feature he added thanks to the feedback from adventurers, an insect repellent device. It was mostly female adventurers who had requested that, as they shared horror stories of waking up and found gross bugs had crawled into their beds while they slept. The Dinowal stores already dealt in repellent devices, so he bundled one powered by Magic Batteries into the sleeping bag. He also demonstrated how to turn it on, but as there were no bugs nearby it was only for show. 「I personally think this is a masterpiece, but what do you as a proficient adventurer think, Mira? Does this sleeping bag catch your attention?」 His pitch concluded, Thedrick turned to look at Mira with an attentive expression, not wanting to let any single letter she uttered escape his ears. Mira had to force an awkward smile, given she rarely went on the same type of trips as regular adventurers. 「Hmm, I can imagine it would be very comfortable-」 「I would swear by it! I knew you had an eye for quality. I assure you you’ll never have a bad night when sleeping in this sleeping bag!」 But I’ve never had a reason to upgrade to my current one. Before Mira could finish her sentence, Thedrick happily interrupted her at ‘very comfortable’, the last words never leaving her mouth. Still, she did not seem too bothered by it, staying silent and instead checking how the sleeping bag felt to the touch. The outside was covered in a resistant fabric, but when she slid her hand inside she felt something like soft fur. The bottom side also had some spring to it, feeling even better than a regular cheap mattress. 「Are you sure I can have this?」 「But of course. Even better if you use it wherever many adventurers gather.」 Thedrick was traveling in the continental train to visit the different adventurer’s unions scattered around. He planned to advertise his new product there and see if he could get a prolific adventurer to buy one of his items. Then he met a good-looking girl who was not afraid to splurge on first-class tickets. It was rare to run into such a perfect fit so quickly, so he decided to speak with her as soon as possible, and that the cost of one sleeping bag would be nothing compared to the sales he could get through her. Mira had noticed a part of that plan, but as Thedrick did not give her any set conditions to take it, she happily agreed to use it. 「I’m sure there was a reason for us to meet here today. We have a large assortment of similar items in our stores as well, so make sure to visit us sometime, you won’t be disappointed. And ah right, you can take this coupon ticket as well.」 「Hm... I’ll try to remember that if I ever need something.」 The two chuckled as they spoke, which made the female guard’s awkward smile twitch slightly. 『The train number has entered the station on the left lane. Please wait behind the white line until the carriages come to a complete stop before boarding.』 That announcement and warning after a chime were familiar to Mira, which stirred her expectations again. Thedrick smiled softly watching her act that way. 「I think you mentioned this is your first time traveling on a train, correct? Why don’t you go watch it come to a stop? I’ve seen it many times before, but it’s always a sight to behold.」 His advertising done, Thedrick spoke not as a merchant but as a regular person who wanted to share something he enjoyed with others. Seeing Thedrick and the female guard grinning after the suggestion, Mira got curious. 「Well, thanks for the sleeping bag then.」 「You’re welcome, and hopefully we meet again soon. If you ever need any repairs done on the sleeping bag, or the repellent’s Magic Battery gets used up, just visit any of our stores.」 Mira then ran off while waving at them, crossing a gate on the other end of the waiting room and coming out to the platform. Thedrick watched that eye-catching girl for a while, then checked the remaining contents of his suitcase. (I ended up giving one away for free impulsively, but let’s hope it brings good results.) Thedrick felt strangely fulfilled after the mysterious chance encounter, but he quickly put his mind to work on new ideas to sell. The train had not reached the platform yet when Mira stepped on it. She gasped in admiration as she saw the tall arches holding the ceiling in place, and as she continued walking she saw the end of the platform that cut to a vertical fall. The white line mentioned in the announcement was painted a few paces before the border, it was thick and stood out against the black floor. (This is far larger than I imagined...) The platform was so spacious it could be mistaken for some military warehouse. It was quite different from memories of train stations, which made her wonder if she had walked into the wrong place or if the vehicle arriving was even a train. She waited together with a station worker when a high-pitched bell rang loudly. Then the ground seemed to groan and vibrate as if something was rumbling beneath the station. The premium class platform was walled off to the side so she could not see too far away, but she knew something heavy and powerful was slowly approaching. A strong and warm steam whistle could be heard a distance away. Then it appeared together with the sound of compressed air leaving through valves and metal screeching. It was an iron beast. A gust of wind carried by the train entered the station and blew past her, picking up her silver hair and making it flutter behind until the train had stopped. 「Is this the train..?」 The black train stood imposing on the platform, Mira having to look up to see all of it. It was built after traditional steam locomotives, some vapor still escaping through a large black chimney affixed to the front. But its size was unlike anything Mira had seen before, the train looking more like a three-story residential building with wheels. 『The train on the left lane will depart at :0, exactly an hour from now. Please make sure to board on time. The train on the left lane...』 The doors opened at the same time as the announcement was broadcasted, and a well-dressed and petite girl jumped out to the platform. 「I’m first! Now tell me, Gordon, what are we riding in next?」 「Yes milady, we’ll proceed in a horse carriage from here onwards.」 「Horses again?! I told you I’m already bored of them.」 After the loud girl, a white-haired gentleman who she referred to as Gordon stepped out. He had wrinkles marked by his age, giving him a handsome appearance different from that of youth. 「What do you want?」 「...」 「Hey, I’m talking to you!」 「Huh, me?」 As they walked past Mira, the girl suddenly spoke out to her. She was frowning and seemed rather annoyed. Mira took a quick glance at her, she had blonde hair arranged into coils that fell down her shoulders, and wore a frilly and pompous dress. She was clearly the daughter of some rich family. 「Why are you staring at me like that? It makes me uncomfortable so please stop already.」 The blonde girl spoke while tightly crossing her arms in front of her chest. Mira was confused hearing that. (What’s she talking about..?) Mira did not recall paying any attention to her until she spoke. Tracing her past actions back, Mira eventually got an idea of what had happened. 「Ahh, I wasn’t looking at you, but at him. He truly captivates the essence of handsomeness.」 Mira had been observing Gordon for a while. He was close to Mira’s ideal age, wearing tidily and with many small accessories that enhanced his clothes, including a monocle. To Mira who was still young, his appearance was very captivating and she wanted to keep it as a reference for the future. 「Wh... wha...」 「Oh, you mean me? I’m glad, albeit slightly embarrassed, to hear such kind words from a beautiful lady like yourself.」 While trying to calm the girl who seemed about to burst, Gordon bowed elegantly and gave a kind smile. 「Sorry if I bothered you, I’m going now.」 Mira also bowed quickly and walked forward to board the train. When she passed by Gordon, she noticed a soft scent in the air, which impressed her even more. (Was that cologne..? It was a pleasing scent without being overpowering. Simply perfection.) He was a gentleman that not only took care of his clothing, but made sure he was presentable around others. Noticing that, Mira suddenly stood still and opened her collar a little, sticking her nose inside to smell herself. 「Hmmm... I can’t tell.」 The workers inside the train, some of which held the doors open, had very awkward and uncomfortable faces as they watched the girl smell all over her own clothes.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
しかし最終的には 政治家を動かす必芁が 出おくるかもしれたせん。 どうすればそうできるのでしょう? ひず぀申し挙げおおくず 私は昔ディスカバリヌチャンネルで働いおいたため ものの芋方に圱響が出おいるかもしれたせん。 政治家に぀いお考えるずきは 圌らが奇劙な生き物であるこずを理解しおおく必芁がありたす。 圌らには方向を瀺すこずができず 奇劙な繁殖習性を持぀こずは眮いおおくずしお 圌らず仕事するにはどうすれば良いのでしょう? 政治的な生き物を動かしおいるのは 䜕かを理解する必芁がありたす。 政治家の胞䞭を占めおいる䞻なものは2぀です。 䞀぀目は、評刀ず圱響力です。 これは政治家が仕事を成し遂げるための 䞻芁な道具です。 二぀目は、倚くの動物が 皮を保存しようずするのずは異なり 政治家は自己を保存しようずするこずです。 政治は金だず思うかもしれたせんが お金は自己保存のための ひず぀の手段にすぎたせん。 問題を打開する䞊で難しいのは 政治家は幎䞭たわりから芁求を受け続けおいるこずです。 だから問題を取り䞊げおもらう䞊で効果の匱い方法もありたす。 Eメヌルを送るこずも出来たすが あいにくず私はバむアグラの広告を すごくたくさん受け取るので 皆さんのメヌルは埋もれおしたうでしょう。 スパムで無効になっおしたうのです。 電話をかけおみるずいうのはどうでしょうか? たぶん無胜な電話番が受けお、こう䌝えるだけです。 “電話がありたしお、あれが気に入らないずか蚀っおたした” これでは問題は進展したせん。 もちろん盎接話すこずは有効ですが その機䌚を蚭けるのは難しいでしょう。 コンテキストを蚭定しお実際に察話を進めるのは倧倉なのです。 もちろん寄付には効果がありたす。 察話のためのコンテキストはできたすが そこたで行くのには時間を芁したす。 では実際問題、䜕がいいのでしょう? 答えはやや奇劙かもしれたせんが 手玙なのです。 デゞタル化された䞖界に䜏んではいおも 私たちはずおもアナログな生き物なのです。 手玙は実際に効きたす。 倧統領でさえ、毎日時間を取っお スタッフの遞んだ10通の手玙に 目を通しおいるのです。 私の知る政治家はみんな、自分の受け取った手玙ず それが自分にどんな意味があったかを 語っおくれるこずでしょう。 では、手玙はどう曞けばいいのでしょう? 第䞀に、アナログな噚具である、ペンを䜿うこずです。 これは倧倉だし、ペンをうたく握るのに 苊劎するかもしれたせんが 本圓にこれは重芁なのです。 手曞きの手玙を曞くずいうこずが 本圓に倧切なのです。 誰かがアナログな噚具を䜿っお 手玙を曞き送っおくれるなどずいうのは すごく目新しく感じられたす。 第二に、積極的な姿勢を取っお 少なくずも月に䞀回は議員に 手玙を曞くようお勧めしたす。 請け合いたすが これを続けおいれば3ヶ月もしないうちに 議員が電話しおきお い぀始たったのか、どう思うかず、聞いおくるこずでしょう。 では手玙に䜿うべき 4段萜の圢匏をお教えしたしょう あなたがこうした動物にアプロヌチするずき 危険な郚分があるこずを理解しおおく必芁がありたす。 ある皋床の敬意ず 少しばかりの泚意深さをもっお近づく必芁がありたす。 最初の段萜に 曞くべきこずは簡単です。 感謝を瀺すのです。 その人察しお別に感謝しおいないかもしれたせんが 圌らの困難な仕事には感謝しおもいいでしょう。 動物はやるずきにはやりたす。 遊んで時間を無駄にはしたせん。 したがっお、これです。 2぀めの段萜では 単刀盎入に、考えおいるこずを 䌝えるこずです。 このずき 人を批刀するのではなく やり方を批刀するようにしおください。 個人攻撃しおも䜕も進展したせん。 3぀めの段萜ですが 動物が攻撃され、远い詰められた時には 呜がけで戊おうずするものです。 逃げ道を開けおおく必芁がありたす 出口戊略があれば、たいおい圌らはそれを䜿いたす。 みんな知性があるのですから 正しい情報があったら きっず正しいこずをしおいたでしょう。 最埌に、育む存圚になっおください。 安党に身を寄せられる堎所になるこずです。 4番目の段萜には こう曞きたしょう。 “もし誰もこの情報を䌝える人がいないなら、私にお手䌝いさせおください” 動物は誇瀺行動を2぀の堎合にしたす 譊告する堎合ず “぀がいになろう”ず誘うずきです。 手玙の眲名にはそれず同じ効果がありたす。 皆さんはいく぀ものこずをなさっおいるでしょう 䌚瀟の副瀟長ずか、ボランティアずか。 それがどうしお重芁なのか? 政治的生き物の持぀ 䞻芁な2぀の基準に合臎するからです。 あなたが広い範囲の人に圱響力を持぀こず そしお政治家の立堎があなたに䟝存しおいるずいうこずです。 もう1぀、特に連邊政府職員のために 有効なコツをお教えしたしょう。 手玙の出し方に぀いおです。 手玙の原本をたず地区事務所に送り コピヌを本拠に送るのです。 圌らが手順に埓うなら、電話しお“そっちに原本はあるか”ず聞くはずです。 するず事務の人間が名前を付箋にメモしお “あぁ、これは重芁な手玙なんだ”ず思い その手玙を議員に芋おもらう曞類の フォルダヌに入れるこずでしょう 手玙の意味ずは䜕でしょう? 蚀っおみれば、私たちはみんなパヌティにいお 政治家はくす玉人圢なのです。 政治家は熱匁をふるわれ、講釈され 売り蟌たれ、マヌケティングされたすが 実は手玙こそ、私達が真っ盎ぐに コミュニケヌションできる数少ない手段なのです。 私はこの手玙を初圓遞したずきにもらいたしたが 今でも議䌚に行くずきはい぀も この手玙を身に぀けおいたす。 手玙こそ本圓の察話の機䌚なのです。 あなたが䜕かに責任を持っおいお コミュニケヌションを取りたいなら 手玙による察話はずおも匷力です。 手曞きの手玙の力によっお、森にいる䜓重300キロの ゎリラのような存圚になれるでしょう。 ぜひ手玙を曞いおください。
But what you're going to find eventually is you may need to actually get elected officials to help you out. So, how do you do that? One of the things I should probably tell you is, I worked for the Discovery Channel early in my career, and that sort of warped my framework. So, when you start to think about politicians, you've got to realize these are strange creatures. Other than the fact that they can't tell directions, and they have very strange breeding habits, how do you actually work with these things? What drives the political creature? And there are two things that are primary in a politician's heart: One is reputation and influence. a politician can do his job. The second one -- unlike most animals, which is survival of the species -- this is preservation of self. Now you may think it's money, but that's actually sort of a proxy to what I can do to preserve myself. Now, the challenge with you moving your issue forward is these animals are getting broadcast to all the time. So, what doesn't work, in terms of getting your issue to be important? You can send them an email. Well, unfortunately, I've got so many Viagra ads coming at me, your email is lost. It doesn't matter, it's spam. How about you get on the phone? Well, chances are I've got a droid who's picking up the phone, "Yes, they called, and they said they didn't like it." That doesn't move. Face to face would work, but it's hard to set it up. It's hard to get the context and actually get the communication to work. Yes, contributions actually do make a difference and they set a context for having a conversation, but it takes some time to build up. So what actually works? And the answer is rather strange. It's a letter. We live in a digital world, but we're fairly analog creatures. Letters actually work. Even the top dog himself takes time every day to read 10 letters that are picked out by staff. I can tell you that every official that I've ever worked with will tell you about the letters they get and what they mean. So, how are you going to write your letter? First of all, you're going to pick up an analog device: a pen. I know these are tough, and you may have a hard time getting your hand bent around it, but this is actually critical. you actually handwrite your letter. It is so novel to see this, that somebody actually picked up an analog device and has written to me. Second of all, I'm going to recommend that you get into a proactive stance and write to your elected officials at least once a month. Here's my promise to you: If you are consistent and do this, within three months the elected official will start calling you when that issue comes up and say, "What do you think?" Now, I'm going to give you a four paragraph format to work with. Now, when you approach these animals, you need to understand there's a dangerous end to them, and you also need to approach them with some level of respect and a little bit of wariness. So in paragraph number one, what I'm going to tell you to do is very simply this: You appreciate them. You may not appreciate the person, you may not appreciate anything else, but maybe you appreciate the fact that they've got a tough gig. When animals are going to make a point, they make the point. They don't spend a lot of time dicking around. So, here you go. Paragraph number two: You may actually have to just get very blunt and say what's really on your mind. When you do this, don't attack people; you attack tactics. Ad hominem attacks will get you nowhere. Paragraph number three: When animals are attacked or cornered, they will fight to the death, so you have to give them an exit. Most of the time, if they have an exit strategy, they should take it. "Obviously, you're intelligent. If you had the right information, you would have done the right thing." Lastly, you want to be the nurturing agent. You're the safe place to come in to. So, in paragraph number four, you're going to tell people, "If no one is providing you with this information, let me help." Animals do displays. They do two things: They warn you or they try to attract you and say, "We need to mate." You're going to do that by the way you sign your letter. You do a number of things: you're a vice president, you volunteer, you do something else. Why is is this important? Because this establishes the two primary criteria for the political creature: that you have influence in a large sphere, and that my preservation depends on you. Here is one very quick hack, especially for the feds in the audience. Here's how you mail your letter. First of all, you send the original to the district office. So, you send the copy to the main office. If they follow protocol, they'll pick up the phone and say, "Hey, do you have the original?" Then some droid in the back puts the name on a tickler and says, "Oh, this is an important letter." And you actually get into the folder that the elected official actually has to read. So, what your letter means: I've got to tell you, we are all in a party, and political officials are the pinatas. We are harangued, lectured to, sold, marketed, but a letter is actually one of the few times that we have honest communication. I got this letter when I was first elected, and I still carry it to every council meeting I go to. This is an opportunity at real dialogue, and if you have stewardship and want to communicate, that dialogue is incredibly powerful. So when you do that, here's what I can promise: You're going to be the 800 pound gorilla in the forest. Get writing.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }