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写真や映像を展示しますが テレビ番組の制作や本を書いたり 広告もつくっています コンセプトは全て同じです
セレブとセレブ文化への関心 そしてイメージの重要さです セレブは写真から生まれました
まず 7年前ダイアナ妃が亡くなったとき どのようにこのコンセプトを始めたかを説明します ダイアナ妃の死の瞬間 イギリスはまるで 時間が止まったようでした 人々は彼女の死をみなで嘆くことにしました
私はこの現象に引き付けられ そして考えました ダイアナ妃のイメージを 無作法にかつ物理的に拭い去ることは可能か
そこで銃で彼女の写真を撃ちました しかしイメージを消し去ることはできませんでした もちろん一般市民の人々も同様です
彼女の死に対するメディアの書き方は ポルノ的要素があるように感じました どの血管やどの身体部分が残されているといったように
そして後部座席でどのようにして死んだか このような大衆の覗き見趣味に 大変興味を持ちました このような残虐なイメージを創りました
その後で彼女のイメージを 入れ替える事が可能かどうか考えました そこでダイアナ妃に似た人を起用しました 彼女を正しい位置と角度に置いて 人々の想像のなかにあった何かを創りだしてみました
人々は考えました 彼女はドディと結婚するつもりだったのか?
彼女は妊娠していたのか? 彼女は彼の子どもを欲しかったのか?
彼女が死んだとき 彼女は妊娠していたのか?
このダイアナと ドディと 彼らの想像上の混血児のイメージを創りました このイメージが登場して 当時は人々からの大変な抗議を巻き起こしました
私はメディアとプレスのイメージについて もっとコメントをし続けたのです 私はメディアのイメージについて引用しはじめました ザラザラの画像にしたり 出入り口から撮影したり 民衆や見る人々をもっと刺激するために 見る人がもっと自分の覗き見趣味に気づくように
これはダイアナが 自分の夫にキスしているカミラを見ているイメージです これは一連のイメージでした
ダイアナとドディの子ども風のイメージと共に 他のアートギャラリーの展示です
例えばこれはジェーン・スミスとジョー・ブロッグスです けれどもみなさんはカミラと女王だと思うでしょう 私は 自分が本当だと思うことは必ずしも本当でないということ
そしてカメラは嘘をつくということに魅了されています イメージを大量に浴びせかけると 真実でないことをいとも簡単に語れることを
私はいかに写真が私たちを誘惑するかについての プロジェクトに取り組み続けています 実物より写真を見ることのほうがもっと興味深いことです
そして同時に 写真は実物から私たちの目をそらすのです これはある種の興奮させるものとして働きます
写真はティーザーになるし 欲望や覗き見を掻き立てるのです 自分の持っていないものほど欲しくなるのです
写真に本当の被写体は存在しません 写真はその人物により興味を持たせるのです
だから有名人の雑誌が上手くいくのだと思います 有名人について多くの写真をみるほど もっと知っていると感じるようになります しかしあなたは彼らを知らないのです するともっと彼らを知りたいと思うようになります
女王は彼女の種馬が....するのを見るために しばしばでかけます
イギリスには 「女王がトイレに座っているのを想像できない」という表現があります
このイメージは大変な反響を呼びました 私はムカつくアーティストとして引き合いに出され マスコミはそれについて書きました これがどれだけ酷いかについて 丸々何ページも使って
こうしてメディアとの関係が一巡するのが 面白いと思いました マスコミについて私はコメントをしました そしてメディアによってのみ 私たちは事実と情報を知るということについて なぜなら私たちは本当の人々を知らないからです 私たちのうちのごくわずかしか本当の人々を知りません 私のコメントはマスコミに戻り そして彼らは私の汚い作品を効果的に宣伝しました
これらの新聞 タブロイド誌 論争は すべてこの作品について取り上げていました 映画は人々が実際にその作品を見る前に禁止されていました 政治家たちも巻き込まれました いろいろなことが起きました -- 素敵な見出しです
そして突然 一面に出はじめたのです
私は表紙に載せていいか尋ねられ 掲載料も支払われました
私はある意味突然認められて それも興味あることでした
どうやって -- 胸が悪くなりますけれど -- ジャーナリストたちが私から話を聞くために または私の写真を撮るために嘘をついて 私の作品は素晴らしいといいながら 次の瞬間には私についてのひどい見出し作ったのです
これは例えば Tatlerに載った写真です
これはエイプリルフールでしたが ある人々は今でも本当だと思っています
ある日夕飯のとき私は誰かの隣に座っていました 彼らは女王の素敵な写真があるということを話していました 女王がウィリアムヒルの外側で座っている写真です
私はその当時 偶像視される人々についての 誇張表現について模索していました ダイアナとマリリン それから私たちの人生の中での 有名人の大切さについて
彼らは私たちが気づきさえしない間に どうやって共通の認識を勝ち取るのでしょう それは一体どのようにして起こるのでしょう
これが私がダイアナの格好をしたものです 私は大量殺人犯のマイラ・ヒンドリーのように見えます
マリリンについてたくさんの作品を作りました 最大の偶像であるマリリンを 出入り口や雨戸から撮影することで より興奮させようと試みました 完全に人工的なリアリティを作り出すために ある角度からだけ見せました
これはマリリンのそっくりさんです とても手がかかりました
はじめ彼女は全然マリリンには見えません しかし彼女に支度をさせ かつらをつけ メイクアップを施すころには 彼女はマリリンそっくりに見えます 彼女の夫が彼女と気づかない位に これらの写真から このそっくりさんだと気づかない位に 私はそれをとても興味深いと思います
法律上の問題が生じました 写真はとても本物らしく見えるからです あなたならどうやってこの問題を乗り越えますか
なぜならそれは明らかに 現在の私たちの文化について 何が本当か私たちは見分けられない というコメントをしています
私たちは何か物を見ているとき どうやってそれが本物かを知るのでしょう
私の見解では これを出版することが重要なのです しかしそれは同時に 混乱を引き起こすのです 私の側からは意図的ではありますが― その混乱は私が働いているどの展示場にとっても問題です
私がする何もかもに長い免責条項がつけられました 私は 全てのヨーロッパかイギリスの有名人について説明を加え 私の扱う公人についてコメントをしました
うわさについても ビン・ラディンとサダム・フセインが繋がっていると イラク戦争前に言いふらされ
明らかにイギリスの国民は チャールズより ウィリアムが王位につくほうを好んでいると思うので
その願い もしくは欲望を 私の作品で取り扱っていると思うのです
そして何人かのそっくりさんで作品をつくった結果 本当にそっくりで 本物かどうか区別がつきません
コカコーラのシュウェップスの広告キャンペーンをやりました それは合法性の点からみて とても興味深いのです
しかしそれは私にとって困難でした なぜならそれは私の芸術作品だからです 私は広告を手がけるべきなのでしょうか
私は作品がどんな点でも妥協しないことを確認しました そして作品の一貫性が保たれることを
しかしロゴが入ると 作品の意味は変わります すべての解釈は 狭められて 商品を売ることにつながっていく それがあなたがしているすべてなのです
ロゴをとれば 解釈の可能性を拡げることができる それは作品を不確定的なものに戻します 広告というのは 確定的なものですから
このイメージはかなり興味深いものです 私は3年前にそれを作りました
それはカミラがウエディングドレスを着ているもので 繰り返しになりますが イメージは 最近の彼女の結婚式の前に 再利用されそうになりました
トニー・ブレアとチャーリーです 合法性について とても気をつけなければなりませんでした
それは明らかにとても大きな会社で 私たちは小さく「しーっ それは本物じゃないってわかるでしょ」 そうイメージの横に付け加えました
そしてマーガレット・サッチャーが 獄中のジェフリー・アーチャーを訪ねているところです
私はセルフリッジズに 一連のウインドーをやって欲しいと頼まれました ウィンドーの一つにサウナバスを建て シーンを作りました ウインドーの中にそっくりさんで 実物のシーンをつくるのです ウインドーは全て蒸気で曇らせました
トニー・ブレアが 彼のスピーチを読み上げて練習しているところです キャロル・カプリンと一緒にヨガをやらせました スヴェンが当時の浮気相手のウルリカ・ヨンソンと いちゃついているところです
これは大成功でした なぜならこのイメージは翌日報道されたからです 全ての新聞 タブロイド紙で
それはちょっとした通行妨害でした 警察は群集の交通整理をしなければいけなかったのですから しかしとても楽しかったのです 私にとってパフォーマンスをすることはすばらしいことでした
しかも 人々はこの写真を撮っていました このイメージは世界中にすばやく配信されたのです
さらにイメージです: 私はタッシェン出版と新しい本をつくっています 私はある種のグローバルマーケットのために取り組んでいます 私の以前の本はイギリス向けのものでした 新しい本はユーモラスと言えると思います
私はもともとユーモラスでない出身ですが 真面目派です 突如おもしろいも作品になります
自分の作品がユーモラスであるかどうかは どちらでもよいことです イメージの重要性や どうやってすべての情報をイメージから読み取るかを 扱うことが大事なことなのですから
映像がが正しく構成されており そして偶像の映像を構成するのに 特定の技術が必要であるとすればとても難しいことです
このイメージは 例えば ある意味ぴったりです エルトンがプライベートでしているだろうことを 正確にまとめているからです そしてまたサダム・フセインや コーランを逆さまに読んでいるジョージ・ブッシュに 何が起きているのか表しているからです
例えばジョージ・ブッシュが射撃訓練をしているところです ビン・ラディンとマイケル・ムーアを撃つ練習を
そして撃つ対象の写真を変えると それは突然気味の悪い そしておそらくもっと身近でないものに変わります
トニー・ブレアが踏み台として使われているところです ラムズフェルドとブッシュが アブ・グレイブ監獄の写真を後ろにして笑っているところです ブッシュの真剣さ 知性はいかがでしょう
背後で 何が起こっているかについてコメントしています いま私たちは監獄で何が起きていたかを知っていますが
事実 ジョージ・ブッシュとトニー・ブレアは この最中ずっと楽しんでいたのです
コメントしています ジャック・ニコルソンが彼のセレブ人生において 何をしようとしているか 先日車で移動中に怒り出して ドライバーをゴルフクラブで殴ったのです
これらのそっくりさんを見つけるのはとても難しいことです だから私はいつも道で人々に近づいて 私についてくるように そして私の写真や映画に出てくれないかと頼むのです
ときどき本物に似ている誰かだと誤解して 本物の有名人に頼んでしまいます とても恥ずかしいことです
私はまた 話題性のある問題について ガーディアン紙と一緒に仕事をしています 彼らの新聞で 1週間に1ページ 話題に取り組むのは とても面白いことです
ジェイミー・オリバーと学校給食 ブッシュとブレアがイスラム教文化とうまくやるのに困難を感じているところ すべての狩猟問題 王室が狩猟をやめるのを拒否しているところ 津波問題 そしてハリー とても興味深いと思った ゴードン・ブラウンについてのブレアの見方 コンディとブッシュ
一年前に作ったものですが 意味が変わってきています そして起ったことは本当に酷いことです しかし恐れは 物事が起きる前に 私たちの心の中をよぎっていたものです
だからこのイメージは一年前に作られ そしてそれが今意味を持つのです
最後にもう少し映像をお見せしましょう クリス・アンダーソン:ありがとう | I show a number of photographs and films, but I also make television programs, books and some advertising, all with the same concept.
And it's about our fixation with celebrity and celebrity culture, and the importance of the image: celebrity is born of photography.
I'm going to start with how I started with this concept seven years ago, when Princess Diana died. There was a sort of a standstill in Britain the moment of her death, and people decided to mourn her death in a sort of mass way.
I was fascinated by this phenomenon, so I wondered: could one erase the image of Diana, actually quite crudely and physically?
So, I got a gun and started to shoot at the image of Diana, but I couldn't erase this from my memory and certainly it was not being erased from the public psyche.
Momentum was being built.
The press wrote about her death in rather, I felt, pornographic ways -- like, "Which bit of artery left which bit of body?"
and "How did she die in the back of the car?" -- and I was intrigued by this sort of mass voyeurism, so I made these rather gory images.
I then went on wondering whether I could actually replace her image, so I got a look-alike of Diana and posed her in the right positions and angles and created something that was in, or existed in, the public imagination.
So people were wondering: was she going to marry Dodi?
Was she in love with him?
Was she pregnant? Did she want his baby?
Was she pregnant when she died?
So I created this image of Diana, Dodi and their imaginary mixed-race child and this image came out, which caused a huge public outcry at the time.
I then went on to make more comments on the media and press imagery, so I started making reference to media imagery -- made it grainy, shot through doorways and so on and so forth -- to titillate the public or the viewer further in terms of trying to make the viewer more aware of their own voyeurism.
So, this is an image of Diana looking at Camilla kissing her husband, and this was a sequence of images.
And this gets shown in art galleries like this, as a sequence.
And similarly with the Di-Dodian baby imagery -- this is another art gallery installation.
I'm particularly interested in how you can't rely on your own perception.
This is Jane Smith and Jo Bloggs, for instance, but you think it's Camilla and the Queen, and I'm fascinated how what you think is real isn't necessarily real.
And the camera can lie, and it makes it very, very easy with the mass bombardment of imagery to tell untruths.
So, I continued to work on this project of how photography seduces us and is more interesting to look at than the actual real subject matter.
And at the same time, it removes us from the real subject matter, and this acts as a sort of titillating thing.
So, the photograph becomes this teaser and incites desire and voyeurism; what you can't have, you want more.
In the photograph, the real subject doesn't exist so it makes you want that person more.
And that is the way, I think, that celebrity magazines work now: the more pictures you see of these celebrities, the more you feel you know them, but you don't know them and you want to know them further.
Of course, the Queen goes to her stud often to watch her horses ...
watch her horses. .
And then I was sort of making imagery.
In England there's an expression: "you can't imagine the Queen on the loo."
So I'm trying to penetrate that.
Well, here is the image.
All this imagery was creating a lot of fuss and I was cited as a disgusting artist. The press were writing about this, giving full pages about how terrible this was.
Which I found very interesting that it was going full cycle: I was making comments about the press and about how we know facts and information only by media -- because we don't know the real people; very few of us know the real people -- but it was going back into the press and they were publicizing, effectively, my filthy work.
So, these are broadsheets, tabloids, debates were being had all about this work, films were being banned before people had actually had the look at the work, politicians were getting involved -- all sorts of things -- great headlines.
Then suddenly, it started to get on front pages.
I was being asked and paid to do front covers.
Suddenly I was becoming sort of acceptable, which I found also fascinating.
How one moment -- it was disgusting -- journalists would lie to me to get a story or a photograph of me, saying my work was wonderful, and the next minute there were terrible headlines about me.
But then this changed suddenly.
I then started to work for magazines and newspapers.
This was, for example, an image that went into Tatler.
This was another newspaper image.
It was an April fool actually, and to this day some people think it's real.
I was sitting next to someone at dinner the other day, and they were saying there's this great image of the Queen sitting outside William Hill.
They thought it was real.
I was exploring, at the time, the hyperbole of icons -- and Diana and Marilyn -- and the importance of celebrity in our lives.
How they wheedle their way into the collective psyche without us even knowing, and how that should happen.
I explored with actually dressing up as the celebrities myself.
There's me as Diana -- I look like the mass murderer Myra Hindley, I think, in this one. .
And me as the Queen.
I then continued on to make a whole body of work about Marilyn -- the biggest icon of all -- and trying to titillate by shooting through doorways and shutters and so on and so forth, and only showing certain angles to create a reality that, obviously, is completely constructed.
This is the look-alike, so the crafting elements of this is completely enormous.
She looks nothing like Marilyn, but by the time we've made her up and put wigs and makeup on, she looks exactly like Marilyn, to the extent that her husband couldn't recognize her -- or recognize this look-alike -- in these photographs, which I find quite interesting.
So, all this work is getting shown in art galleries.
Then I made a book.
I was also making a TV series for the BBC at the time.
Stills from the TV series went into this book.
But there was a real legal problem because it looks real, but how do you get over that?
Because obviously it's making a comment about our culture right now: that we can't tell what's real.
How do we know when we're looking at something whether it's real or not?
So, from my point of view, it's important to publish it, but at the same time it does cause a confusion -- intentional on my behalf, but problematic for any outlet that I'm working with.
So a big disclaimer is put on everything that I do, and I made narratives about all the European or Brit celebrities and comments about our public figures.
You know, what does Tony Blair get up to in private with his fashion guru?
And also dealing with the perceptions that are put about Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the links that were put about pre-Iraq war.
And what is going to happen to the monarchy?
Because obviously the British public, I think, would prefer William to Charles on the throne.
And it's that wish, or that desire, that I suppose I'm dealing with in my work.
I'm not really interested in the celebrity themselves.
I'm interested in the perception of the celebrity.
And with some look-alikes, they are so good you don't know whether they're real or not.
I did an advertising campaign for Schweppes, which is Coca-Cola, and so that was very interesting in terms of the legalities.
It's highly commercial.
But it was a difficulty for me -- because this is my artwork; should I do advertising? -- at the time.
So I made sure the work was not compromised in any way and that the integrity of the work remained the same.
But the meanings changed in the sense that with the logo on, you're closing all the lines of interpretation down to selling a product and that's all you're doing.
When you take the logo off, you're opening up the interpretations and making the work inconclusive, opposed to conclusive when you are advertising.
This image is quite interesting, actually, because I think we made it three years ago.
And it's Camilla in her wedding dress, which, again, nearly got re-used now, recently prior to her wedding.
Tony Blair and Cherie. And again, the legalities -- we had to be very careful.
It's obviously a very big commercial company, and so this little, "Shh -- it's not really them," was put on the side of the imagery.
And Margaret Thatcher visiting Jeffery Archer in jail.
I then was asked by Selfridges to do a series of windows for them, so I built a sauna bath in one of their windows and created little scenes -- live scenes with look-alikes inside the windows, and the windows were all steamed up.
So, it's Tony Blair reading and practicing his speech; I've got them doing yoga inside there with Carole Caplin; Sven making out with Ulrika Jonsson, who he was having an affair with at that time.
This was a huge success for them because the imagery got shown in the press the day after in every single newspaper, broadsheets and tabloids.
It was a bit of a road stopper, which was problematic because the police kept on trying to clear away the crowds, but huge fun -- it was great for me to do a performance.
Also, people were taking photographs of this, so it was being texted around the world extremely quickly, all this imagery.
And the press were interviewing, and I was signing my book. .
Further imagery. I'm making a new book now with Taschen that I'm working on really for a sort of global market -- my previous book was only for the U.K. market -- that I suppose it could be called humorous.
I suppose I come from a sort of non-humorous background with serious intent, and then suddenly my work is funny.
And I think it doesn't really matter that my work is considered humorous, in a way; I think it's a way in for me to deal with the importance of imagery and how we read all our information through imagery.
It's an extremely fast way of getting information.
It's extremely difficult if it's constructed correctly, and there are techniques of constructing iconic imagery.
This image, for example, is sort of spot-on because it exactly sums up what Elton may be doing in private, and also what might be happening with Saddam Hussein, and George Bush reading the Koran upside-down.
For example, George Bush target practice -- shooting at Bin Laden and Michael Moore.
And then you change the photograph he's shooting at, and it suddenly becomes rather grim and maybe less accessible. .
Tony Blair being used as a mounting block, and Rumsfeld and Bush laughing with some Abu Ghraib photos behind, and the seriousness, or the intellect, of Bush.
And also, commenting on the behind the scenes -- well, as we know now -- what goes on in prisons.
And in fact, George Bush and Tony Blair are having great fun during all of this.
based on the perception we have of the celebrities.
What Jack Nicholson might be up to in his celebrity life, and the fact that he tried to ... he had a bit of road rage and golf-clubbed a driver the other day.
I mean, it's extremely difficult to find these look-alikes, so I'm constantly going up to people in the street and trying to ask people to come and be in one of my photographs or films.
And sometimes asking the real celebrity, mistaking them for someone who just looks like the real person, which is highly embarrassing. .
I've also been working with The Guardian on a topical basis -- a page a week in their newspaper -- which has been very interesting, working topically.
So, Jamie Oliver and school dinners; Bush and Blair having difficulty getting alongside Muslim culture; the whole of the hunting issue, and the royal family refusing to stop hunting; and the tsunami issues; and obviously Harry; Blair's views on Gordon Brown, which I find very interesting; Condi and Bush.
This image I've decided to show having a reservation about it.
I made it a year ago. And just how meanings change, and there were a terrible thing that has happened, but the fear is lurking around in our minds prior to that.
That's why this image was made one year ago, and what it means today.
So, I'll leave you with these clips to have a look. Chris Anderson: Thank you. | {
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「がっはっは! エリックは無茶をするものである! 貨幣単位をラックにするなどと」
「わかる、わかるのである! ラックは控えめであるからな! 竜族も何か贈らねばなるまい」
「エリックはこれから王宮に帰って、仕事なんだろ? 俺も王宮に用事があるしに行くか?」
「がっはっは! 空からぴょんと降りればよいではないか」
「竜族だって大変なのではないか? 宮殿に戻って仕事とかあるんじゃないのか?」
「がっはっは! 竜族には大変なことなど何もないのである」
「そうなのだ! 良かったのであるぞー? おぉっ?」
「ほう? どう違うのか、説明してもらおうか。ケーテ・セレスティス風竜王陛下」
「で? それと公務をさぼっていることと、どのような関係が?」
「なんと! ロックさんでは?」
「なんと! お会いできて光栄です」
ケーテは父ドルゴに謝っていた。 | Kathe’s father followed me to the drawing room.
On the way, we could hear the cheerful voices of the others.
“Gahaha! What a thing to do, Eric! Changing the name of the currency to ruck!”
“Hehe. Still, it turned out to be quite right.”
“Yes, I can see that! Ruck is too reserved! We dragons will also have to do something for him.”
“He won’t like it when he finds out. So you have to ensure that it’s too late when he realizes it.”
“Ah, Eric. You are so wise!”
The two rulers seemed to be enjoying a conversation.
Dorgo stopped.
“That is my daughter’s voice, isn’t it?”
“Yes. She happens to be staying here at the moment.”
“I hope she hasn’t been disturbing you...”
“I would like to see her...”
“Yes, of course...”
Dorgo continued through to the dining room.
Kathe and the others had stayed here after breakfast so they could talk.
I heard Goran’s voice just as Dorgo started to walk.
“Eric, you’re going to the palace to work now, aren’t you? I have business at the palace as well. Should I go with you?”
“Ah, I don’t mind... But wouldn’t it be better to have your entrance recorded?”
As the grand master of the guild, his visits to the palace were public affairs.
And so it was recorded every time he visited.
If there was no record, it would suggest that management had made some mistakes with the documents. Which would mean the department managing the entrance of the palace were not doing their job.
“It’s troublesome, but I suppose I will have to go through the front by carriage. ...So troublesome.”
Goran grumbled. He really didn’t care for the hassle.
“Gahaha! Why don’t you just drop in from the sky!”
“That’s not how you do things here.”
“Being a human seems so hard.”
Kathe said as she sipped her tea.
“Isn’t it hard being a dragon as well? Don’t you have work to do after returning to the palace?”
“Gahaha! There is nothing that is hard for a dragon!”
“It is known! I just ignore the work that I do not want to do, and dad will do it for me!”
Apparently, Kathe called Dorgo, dad.
It wasn’t very kingly, but it was like her.
“Indeed! It is quite good, you know? ...Huh?”
Kathe turned around and realized that her father was standing there.
Her face became tense.
“Dad... Uh, father. What are you doing here?”
“What? Perhaps I have to take my foolish daughter away, as she has been neglecting her public duties.”
“N-no, that’s not what this is.”
“Oh? Tell me thenl, how is it different? Great Wind Dragon Ruler, Kathe Celeste.”
“Uh... The dark...ones...”
“Dark ones?”
“They are running wild. And so I have been thinking about forming an alliance with the humans.”
Kathe explained this with awkward pauses.
Her tail was swinging side to side.
It seemed to go up and down when she was happy and side to side when she was nervous.
Dorgo sighed.
“And? How is that related to you neglecting your responsibilities?”
Dorgo maintained his smile as he stared hard into Kathe’s eyes.
His eyes were not smiling at all.
Honestly, he was a little terrifying.
“...I’m sorry.”
“You must understand that you are the Wind Dragon Ruler.”
Her tail drooped limply on the floor.
Then Dorgo turned to us and bowed.
“I am sorry that you had to witness such a scene.”
“No, no. Please don’t worry about it.”
I said with a smile.
Eric then stood up and approached Dorgo.
“I am Eric Mendilibar, king of the humans. I am pleased to finally meet you.”
“Ah, so you are the Hero King. Your name is known far and wide, even among us dragons.”
After Eric, Goran also introduced himself.
Dorgo also knew about Goran.
“I have heard that you are the greatest Warrior of this generation.”
“Greatest? Well, we are only a humble race among many.”
Then Kathe said,
“Dad, this one is Ruck.”
“What! Isn’t his name Locke?”
“He is Grand Duke Ruck Locke Franzen!”
Dorgo looked at me intently. I could not lie to him.
“Yes. I am.”
“That is a surprise! It’s an honor to meet you.”
“Will you shake my hand?”
“Of course.”
“Also, if you would give me an autograph...”
“I don’t mind, but...”
Dorgo said pretty much the same thing that Kathe had.
“Kathe. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“...Tell you what?”
“That you were staying at Ruck’s mansion!”
“But I did write a report, remember?”
“You wrote something about a Locke.”
“Oh. Maybe I did.”
“You are not very reliable!”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”
Kathe apologized to her father. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 8,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
いわゆる「対テロ戦争」全般を通して、イスラム側と西側の「文明の衝突」という観念は、通常、政治的に不適当で、知的にも間違った考えとして却下されてきた。代わりに、世界が新たな時代を迎えたとするのが最も一般的な解釈とされてきた。特定の文明、すなわち、西側に対すると同時に穏健派に対する戦いを叫ぶ原理主義教徒を抱えるイスラムの、「内側における」対立に特徴づけられる時代である。 | Throughout the so-called “war on terror,” the notion of a “clash of civilization” between Islam and the West has usually been dismissed as politically incorrect and intellectually wrongheaded. Instead, the most common interpretation has been that the world has entered a new era characterized by conflict “within” a particular civilization, namely Islam, with fundamentalist Muslims as much at war against moderates as against the West. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
明日は、セバスチャンさんに新しい本が無いか聞いてみよう。 | “I’ve returned.”
Just as I was going through the entrance hall in order to return to the garden to train, the front door opened and Nicholas entered.
After that, Sebastian was called, and they went to the drawing room in order to hear the report.
I was told that I could attend.
“So, Nicholas. What did His Grace say?”
“Lord Ekenhart...”
Apparently, Nicholas had been able to meet Mr. Ekenhart at the halfway point between this mansion and the main residence.
This was due to the fact that Mr. Ekenhart had been taking his time and traveling at a leisurely pace.
It turned out that my herbs had also been useful, and Nicholas thanked me.
I was glad to hear it.
“I see... Very good. Well, you must be tired, so you can go and rest.” “Yes.”
After finishing his report, Nicholas left the drawing room.
As it would have been a tough ride, he would be quite exhausted.
“Now, I must relay this information to Lady Claire.” “Yes.”
And so Sebastian left in order to speak to her.
I stayed behind with Leo and Ms. Lyra.
As for Milina and Ms. Gelda, they were in the garden watching Tilura and Sherry.
“Watch and wait, huh...”
I thought back on what I had just heard.
Before leaving to see Mr. Ekenhart, Nicholas had done some searching in Ractos as well, and had a grasp on the malicious store.
I suppose he had also spoken with Sebastian as well.
He even knew that the count was involved, that they had been buying all the herbs and medicine in the town, and that they had started selling shortly after the spread of the disease.
After telling everything to Mr. Ekenhart, the reply had been to wait and see.
“Even someone like Mr. Ekenhart isn’t able to take action immediately...”
As the store was in his territory, he could easily have it shut down. Only, it could lead to other complications with the noble house later on.
And so he would rather act once they had irrefutable evidence.
Also, Mr. Ekenhart himself was going to look into this matter with the count.
While it was unlikely to be resolved soon, I still wanted to do something about this store that was hurting the people.
“But I suppose there is no point in me thinking about it.”
I drank the rest of the tea that Ms. Lyra had poured, and then I went out into the garden to switch gears.
“Why are you running too, Milina?”
“Ha...ha... Because I’m quite confident in my athletic ability...”
When I arrived at the garden, I saw that Milina was running with Tilura and Sherry.
Sherry always ran with her, but I didn’t see why Milina needed to run as well.
After running, Milia smiled happily as she caught her breath.
While she was tired, she was clearly having fun. So I suppose it was alright.
“Anyway, I’ll be training here until lunch. Is that fine?”
“Yes. Then we can study after that!”
But first, I had to train.
Moving my body would help me forget all those unpleasant thoughts.
As there was currently no good way to deal with the store, I had been feeling a sense of anger.
After that, I continued to train until Ms. Lyra came to call us.
As studying would take up a lot of my time, I had trained harder than usual. Milina seemed a little worried, but it was fine, as I had the herbs.
...I just had to be careful that I didn’t get sleepy while we studied.
“I’ll study hard!”
After lunch, we went to the drawing room like yesterday in order to study.
As I had been reading late last night, I was quite ahead already.
Thanks to this, I was able to answer Milina’s questions smoothly.
...So it was worth the reduced hours of sleep.
“Mr. Takumi, it’s time for dinner.” “Thank you. Milina, that’s enough for today.” “Yes.”
I nodded to Ms. Gelda, who had come to tell us that dinner was ready, and we finished studying for the day.
We were going through the book at a much faster pace than I expected. I wasn’t sure if it was because I had read ahead, or because it was just easy to understand.
But I went over everything in my head as I headed to the dining hall.
As Milina was now here as a servant, she would eat with them.
They had a separate place to eat their meals.
“Mr. Takumi, I just talked with Sebastian.” “I see.”
During dinner, Ms. Claire talked about what she had heard concerning her father.
She had an angry expression, which suggested she too felt frustrated that they were not able to do anything about the store.
We had to wait for Mr. Ekenhart to provoke the count into action, or for Sebastian to find concrete evidence...
“Wuff.” “Kyau. Kyau.”
Seeing that we were in a dark mood, Leo and Sherry tried to cheer us up.
Yes... There was no point in brooding over it like this.
Thanks to their efforts, we were able to get through dinner amidst a peaceful atmosphere.
“Hahaha. That tickles, Leo.”
“Wuff. Wuff.” “Kyau.”
It had been a while since I last saw Leo and Sherry playing with Tilura like this. I mused as I sipped my tea.
Perhaps Tilura had also sensed the dark atmosphere and was trying to lighten the mood.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Takumi.” “No, I should be the one to apologize. Thankfully, we have Leo, Sherry and Tilura to help us.”
I said to Ms. Claire with a chuckle while watching Leo and the others.
Children were often sensitive to the moods of grownups... I had to be more careful.
...Well, Leo wasn’t a child...
Ms. Claire smiled cheerfully after that and watched the others play.
“Well, good night.” “Good night, Ms. Claire.”
After tea time, we said good night to Ms. Claire, and then Tilura and I went to the garden.
We did our daily sword swings, and then retired.
I then read what remained of the book on medicine, and then went to bed.
Tomorrow, I would have to ask Sebastian if he didn’t have any other books. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 10,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
【SK2 「アイテムマスター★★★★★」を習得しました。また、これにより称号「神の創造」を入手しました。】
★★★★★ SKP:1470/2000
Lv0: SKP-0
LvMAX: SKP-2000
ここから、えっと......4日だっけ? その採れた鉱石でなに剣を作ろう。
本当にアイテムマスターってすごい! ......お地蔵様は俺にチート能力あげられなかったって言ってたけど、自力で手に入れちゃったね。
俺は王都から出て、森の中で透明になり、守護のバリアーを張って、空中歩遊で上空に上がり、超高速でトリアエリアル山に向かって走り始めた。 | After returning to the Inn, I opened my status inside my room.
Let’s allocate SKP to 「Blacksmith ★」and 「Enchanter ★」that I got.
On「Enchanter ★」, I also used up SKP to turn it into 「True Enchanter ★★★」 and used up 50 more to max it.
And with that, I now got 4 skills that have 「True」in its name.
I should be able to synthesize that 「????????? ★★★★★」 now!
I then move to the synthesis screen.
[Harvest King ★ ★ ★ ★] +
[Creator King ★ ★ ★ ★] +
[True · Blacksmith ★ ★ ★] +
[True · medicine ★ ★ ★] +
[True · Enchantment ★ ★ ★] +
[True · Cook ★ ★ ★]
→ [Item Master ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★]
Synthesis Cost: Demon Core SS Rank 1, Demon Core S Rank 1, Demon Core A Rank 5.
Synthesis Conditions: All Required skill materials must be at max level.
Necessary Materials for Synthesis are ready.
Alright!... Proceed with synthesis!... Go!...
【SK2 「Item Master ★★★★★」 Learned. A title of 「Creation God」 will also be bestowed. 】
Alright, now it’s time to check information about the skill.
Item Master
★★★★★ SKP: 1470/2000
Lv0: SKP-0
LvMax: SKP-2000
There’s some SKP already allocated. Let’s add 530 more to it. But after this, I only have 2960 SKP left. I have to use it more carefully from now on.
Now then, time to check the Item Masters Effects.
【Treatment, knowledge and creation of all kinds of “Things” becomes the domain of God. However, handling and controlling it is not.
· In Treatment, everything such as skills, speed, usage, collection, storage method etc. of the tool is under the divine area.
· Knowledge can gain knowledge of all “objects”.
· In creation, any materials can be processed as what the creator wants. It is also under this area that needed technologies and speed of production can be controlled. Unless you intend to do so, results of creation would always be a high quality one.
· There are also various effects besides the above mentioned. 】
.........Amazing! In other words, you can make whatever you want when you want it and with any materials you have, you can even make materials yourself, make it in a short time, know location of materials, and how to process and store materials properly... isn’t it?
As expected of a ★★★★★.
It really is amazing.
In any case, I want to test it soon.
Now what to do... Oh, right should I go to Tria Erial Mountains to mine ores. It is also just the right time to test how much mining can be handled by the pickaxe and to search for materials for sampling.
From here, 4 days was it? For now let’s make a sword out that ore. I can’t just use that water sword forever. But then, when do we go?
Ah!... Don’t I have enchantment skills! Let’s enchant my shoes. 「Transparency」「Ultra High Speed」「Air Movement」「Defensive Protection」set。
Actually I haven’t really mentioned this to honnard-san, that I know how to write magic formula. Seriously Item Master is really amazing!... Jizou-sama told me that he wasn’t able to give me any cheats, but then I got the cheats by myself.
Besides, although I was able to do enchantment, it still cost a lot of D Rank Demon Cores and MP to do so. Originally you will need at least an A Rank demon core to enchant 「Ultra High Speed」... ... this is also the effect of Item Master.
By the way, transparency gives an effect the makes the user invisible.
Ultra High Speed boosts your natural speed up to 20 times if you are only running straight using this equipment.
Air Movement as the name implies allows you to move on air like walking for example.
And defensive protection creates a barrier that protects the body which will be useful to disperse collision with things from the air like insects or wind friction.
And apparently, if appraised, these shoes are already on the level of National Treasures.
Well then shall we proceed now?
I then got out of town, upon reaching the forest I turned invisible, activated the barrier, climbed up to the sky at walking pace, and then began running straight towards Tria Erial Mountains at super high speed. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 15,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「ニコル様は可愛らしいですよ? 他の村の子よりもずっと!」
「ええ、村の西が草原になっているでしょう? そろそろ温かくなってきたから、花も咲いてきているでしょ」
「決まり、ね? じゃあ明日はお弁当持って草原ね」
生まれ変わって、そのギフトがどうなったのかはまだ分からないが、指先の器用さやフィニア達に見つからずに体を鍛える事ができている点から、その片鱗は受け継いでいるみたいだった。 | Two more years have passed since I’ve started speaking.
During that time, I have learned a lot of things, like my appearance for example.
I wasn’t able to really determine my looks when I was a baby because I can’t even move my neck, but my hair was bluish silver with the texture like that of a thin silver thread.
Along with that, which I’ve witnessed looking in the mirror, the color of my skin was white enough to say that it was deathly pale, and the color of my eyes were different, which gave me a rather distinct characteristic.
My right eye is red, and my left eye is blue. It seems like I’ve inherited both Lyell’s blue eyes and Maria’s red eyes.
Combining all the features that I’ve inherited, it could be said that I have quite a noticeable appearance. My facial features alone are already quite adorable, and I could already see a promising future even though I am only this young.
Of course, other than that, my body has also grown. However, even though I tried so hard to train my magic and body, the results were not that good.
Although magic still exists in my body, when I try controlling it, it goes out of control and I won’t be able to consciously manipulate it as I wanted.
This body, though I tried muscle training since the infancy period, my build was quite similar to Maria and is somewhat weaker than most children of the same age group.
Well, Maria is actually quite a sturdy person who was able to overcome our tough adventures. She has more physical strength than an average person. Compared to me, even though we were on the same level of experience, I am more frail and weaker than her. Even though my aim is to be similar to the hero Lyell, it seems like I have inherited more of Maria’s features instead.
Today, after a day of training, my family gathered in front of the fireplace and was bonding with each other.
I’m going to be three years old soon, and because my legs have become pretty firm, I am now able to move around freely in the house.
But this evening I just sat on the floor doing some mild stretches.
My physical strength has already been exhausted, but if I’m only doing mild stretches, then the impact on my physical strength won’t be that much.
Lyell, who sitting on the sofa behind me, looked at me with a smile as I do some stretching exercises.
Next to the fireplace is Maria, knitting, and Finia who was sitting beside her.
I was sitting on the floor, aligning my knees and bringing my heel beside my butt.
It would be hard to do this in a male’s body, but this body had no problems with that because of the difference in the body structure of both genders.
Apparently, this body has a considerable problem in terms of physical strength and endurance, but seems to have considerably high dexterity and flexibility.
I secretly spread my left foot and kick my right foot a little.
Moving a few centimeters in this form, I then move to the left.
I repeated this several times and was moving right to left for a while.
But Lyell picked me up from behind and put me on his lap.
「Ya, Lesh–me-go!」
「Don’t hate me, Nicole ... Can’t you play with dad once in a while?」
「Muu ~」
I twisted my body and jumped out of Lyell’s lap.
I’m going to pronounce it more clearly, 「Stop it, release me」 but as my vocal cords are still underdeveloped, I will definitely end up wording it in baby talk.
After escaping, I instantly found my point of protection.
Maria looked at me jumping off and was ready to receive me with open arms.
But well, to jump into my former comrade’s chest would be too embarrassing. So I decided to jump into Finia chest instead, who was standing next to Maria.
Because she is small and petite, I could easily jump up to her chest. Finia hurriedly picked me up as I jumped so suddenly.
Just like how elves look, she has a thin body, with a thin waist and a soft fluffy chest which could make you say that she’s certainly a woman. The smell of fragrant flowers drifted slightly around her which was really comfortable.
I followed the source of the smell and it was drifting from a small bag hung around her waist.
Perhaps it was a potpourrimade with wild grass.
She is wearing such a simple scent which is better compared to noble children wearing perfume.
I stretched out my hand to her waist and took the small bag to check what was inside it. Other than that, I don’t really have any other ulterior motives. I just wanted to see the origins of this flowery scent.
But after seeing my actions, Maria couldn’t help but smile wryly and giggled.
「Nicole is still a girl after all, she seems to be curious about the potpourri」
「It’s not that rare」
「But you know, she was not that keen on such small things before. Not only did she not want to wear skirts, she even asked Lyell to teach her swordsmanship, which was something that a boy would do」
「Nicole-sama is very cute after all, right? You could even say that she’s the cutest in this village!」
Finia emphasizes that while holding me.
Certainly, my appearance is similar to Maria, which is a very good appearance that is neat and mature.
Moreover, because I am considerably smaller and frailer than the average child, it made me look like an adorable aristocratic girl.
But what I am aiming for is the hateful Lyell’s style. With a figure of a Hero who could freely use a sword comparable to the length of his body. It was a form that I was aiming for and was not able to reach. However, with my current body, it seems impossible to also reach that figure even now.
「That’s right, Finia. Won’t you be making potpourris together with everyone tomorrow?」
「Everyone, is it?」
「Yup, I think the west village has now become a meadow? It’s also getting warmer soon, so the flowers will be blooming」
「Thinking about it, it’s about time... Will it not be dangerous going outside of the village? 」
「It’s not only Finia who will come along」
「But, won’t I be protected by Maria-sama instead?」
「Well, it’s not like I’m really that bad at close combat」
「I understand」
Maria was not a priest warrior, but a pure rear-guard. When it comes to combat abilities, she could be considered as the weakest even among the backline like the beastwoman Cortina and the elf Maxwell. However, she still surpasses the strength of ordinary people. Though the current me is far more inferior.
「Then it’s concluded, right? Well then, let’s prepare some packed lunch for tomorrow before going to the meadow」
「Yes, I understand.」
「Also because a ceremonial baptism will be starting soon, let’s take a break before that time arrives」
The ceremony of baptism is a ceremony received by a child three years after birth and is also a ceremony to examine the abilities of the child. In this world, there are children who are given the ability called a blessing, the benefits of that gift give the owner overwhelming effects.
For example, from mythical grade abilities like a different dimension space that can store unlimited objects, eternal youth as the name suggests, and charm ability that could attract others just by eye-contact. There are also blessings like ones possessed by Lyell and Maria that are useful in battles like martial-arts and high speed chanting among others. Additionally, there are also other abilities that aren’t that useful so it’s more of a gamble. Just by having a gift, things that required ordinary people decades to achieve could be learned in just a few years.
Of course, they are things that you could learn even without such abilities, but people who possess the abilities far outshine those who don’t, like in swordsmanship for example, which would greatly boost the ability of one who possesses it compared to one who doesn’t.
However, depending on the presence or absence of such abilities, the growth rate obtained by training will differ a lot. As it was a ceremony to determine those things, residents of this world always take the baptism very seriously.
By the way, Lyell’s gifts are Combat Tactics and Toughness.
This greatly improves his combat abilities and giving him high endurance. By possessing this, he can continue to fight with almost inexhaustible physical strength.
Gadius’ gift is Shield Arts and Robust.
It allows him to receive an enemy’s attack with a shield and also can attack with a shield to repel enemies. And robustness is the ability to endure enemy attacks. With these two Gadius was able to demonstrate a defensive power which could be said to be the life-line of the party.
Maria possessed God’s Miracle and High-Speed Casting. This is a talent mainly focused on the use of sacred magic and the ability to activate it instantaneously.
This allows her to quickly cast sacred magic.
In a battle that even a difference of seconds could mean death, her magic is another life-line aligned with Gadius.
Maxwell’s gift is Aptitude for All Attributes of Magic and Magic Power Increase. It’s the ability to master all kinds of magic and the ability to enhance their effects. Maxwell, who releases wide-range attacks with powerful magic spells, was the main attacker of the party, which is the opposite of Gadius.
Cortina possesses Ingenious Strategy and High-Speed Calculation. Ingenious Strategy is the ability to see through the enemy’s strategy and to derive the optimal strategy and tactics, the High-Speed Calculation is the ability to calculate instantaneously as its name implies. With the combination of these two gifts, she could instantly handle the information in front of us and instruct us on the best course action.
Because of that, she was able to understand why help was needed earlier than anyone else at the time before I died.
Also, I couldn’t forgive Gadius who brought such a request upon us, but more than that, I could not forgive myself who could not properly come up with the right measures to protect myself more than anyone else, I then ended up in this place as a result.
Compared to them, my gift was quite plain. What I had was a Thread Manipulation and Covert Tactics.
It was purely assassination tactics to move around without being noticed by anyone and stopping the enemy’s movement by using steel threads.
That is why there are a lot of disadvantages if I confront an enemy head-on. It could even be said that I was fortunate enough to be able to subjugate that Devil.
I do not yet know what happened to those gifts after being reborn, but it seems like I have inherited those skills seeing how dexterous my fingers are and that my training hasn’t been found out by Finia. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 25,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
私はイラク戦争のレポーターとして バグダッドに滞在していました
アメリカ軍の戦車が バグダッドに到達し始めたその日
パレスティンホテルに残された わずかなジャーナリストたちの 窓の外にまで 戦火が近づいてきました 窓の外にまで 戦火が近づいてきました
バグダッドは黒煙と石油に覆われ ひどい匂いで
視界は遮られていましたが 何が起こっているのかは把握できました
いつもの通り 私は記事を書いていましたが いざ書かなくてはならないとなると 大きな事件が起こるものです
私は16階の部屋で 記事を書きながら 時折窓から外の様子を うかがっていました
突然 大きな爆発音が起こりました
それまで三週間に渡る空襲で ミサイルや1/2トン程もの爆弾とが 降り注いでいましたが その時の衝撃は 私の体の中まで響き とても近い!すぐそこだ!と感じました
15階へ降りると 廊下で叫ぶ人々がー ジャーナリスト達がいました
部屋の一つに入ると そこは正にミサイルが直撃した部屋で
窓のそばで うつ伏せに倒れてたのは タラス・プロツュユクという カメラマンでした
病院で働いたことのある私は 彼を助けようと
すると 胸骨から恥骨にかけて 傷口が開いていたのですが 私は何も見えず 白く輝くものが 視界を遮り 何なのかわかりませんでした
それが消えると 彼の傷が見えました 深刻な傷でした 仲間と 彼の体をシーツでくるみ エレベーターに乗せ 各階で停まりながらやっと1階まで降ろしました
彼を車に乗せ 病院へ送りましたが 車の中で亡くなってしまいました
14階にいたスペイン人のカメラマン ホセ・コウゾは同じく負傷し 手術台の上で亡くなりました ミサイルは 14階と15階の間で爆発したのです 車が去ると私は部屋へ向かいました
血まみれの手のまま戻った ホテルのホールでは 雑用係に呼び止められ 10日滞納していた税金を 請求されました
彼を追い払い 自分にこう言い聞かせました
そうして私は上階の部屋に戻り 記事を書き上げ
送り出しました しかしその後ー 同僚たちを失った悲しみとは別に 何かが気にかかり続けました
あの白い輝くものを見たこと その意味が分からず
それから「どうしよう! こんなことはありえない
あれが何だったのか 何が起こったのかを 知ることのないままだなんて」
そう思いました なぜなら それは私だけでなく 20〜30年の記者活動の中で このようなことが何度も人々に
起こっていたからなのです 私も影響を受けた出来事がありました
例えばレバノンで知りあった男性は 25歳の退役軍人で 5年間ずっと戦っていました 彼は闇の中でも迷わず 動き回れるような 偉大な真の兵士でした 我々は彼を密着取材したのでした
彼の近くなら安全だろうと思ったのです ある日 彼が戻ったというので会いに行くと キャンプでトランプをしていました 誰かが隣室に戻ってきて 武器を置いた時
銃が発射されてしまいました その銃声に 彼はとっさに子供のように テーブルの下に隠れました
彼は震えて パニックに陥っていました
その後 彼が立ち直って 再び戦いに出ることは ありませんでした
その後彼はベイルートのカジノで ディーラーになっていました 彼は眠ることができなく なっていたので丁度良かったのです
私は自問しました 「いったい何が 外傷も与えず人を殺してしまうのだろう?
なぜそんなことになるのか この未知のものは何だろう」
偶然というには あまりにも頻繁です
私は調査を始めました やり方はよく知っています
本を読み 精神科医に問い合わせ 博物館や図書館へ行きー
ついにこの事を知る人々を 突き止めました 軍の精神科医です そしてこれはトラウマと 呼ばれる現象でした
アメリカではPTSDや トラウマ・ニューロシスと呼ばれ これは存在を語られて こなかった現象でした
皆さんは死を体験したことはありますか? 死体のことや 病室で亡くなった祖父や 交通事故にあった人の話ではありません
昔の言い回しにこうあります 「太陽も死もじっと見てはいけない」
それを体験してしまうと 一見何事もなかったように時は過ぎ 数日 数週間 数ヶ月 時には数年
やがて突然 爆発します それはすでに頭に入り込んでしまっているのです 心の窓の前にはそのイメージがあって 頭に入り込んでいるそのイメージは 頭の中を占拠していくのです
男性も女性も 突然 もう眠ることが出来なくなる
苦しみやパニックの発作に襲われます パニック発作です ちょっとした不安などではありません
突然眠ることが出来なくなるのです なぜなら眠ると 毎晩毎晩 同じ悪夢が現れ
同じイメージに苛まれます どんなイメージかというと
例えば ある兵士が建物に侵入すると
待ち構えていた別の兵士が 銃口を彼に向ける
すると銃口は突然巨大になり 形を変え
毛むくじゃらになり 全てを飲み込みます 彼はこう言いました 「俺は死を見たんだ 死んでしまったんだ」
その瞬間から彼は 自分が死んだことに気づいたのでした
これは単なる感覚ではなくて 彼は自分が死んだという確信があったのです
実際は誰かが入ってきて 敵の兵士は逃げたか撃たなかった 彼は撃たれたわけではないのですが その瞬間に 死んでしまったのです
例えば 集団墓地の匂い 私もルワンダでたくさん見ました
例えば 友が呼ぶ声 殺されかけている声 でも自分には何もできない
その声が聞こえるので 毎晩 夜中に目覚め それが何週間も 何ヶ月も続きー 子供のように トランス状態で パニックを起こし 恐怖を感じるのです
私は大の男が子供のように泣くのも見ました 頭の中にあのイメージを見て
恐怖というイメージを 死の虚空のイメージを見て泣くのです その恐怖に似た何かは 何かを隠しており 頭の全てを占領していきます
それには どうしても抗えないのです 働くこともできなくなり 何かを愛でる気持ちも持てなくなる
家に戻ると誰の顔もわからず 自分の顔すらわからない
隠れて家の中で過ごし 閉じこもり 病気になる 誰かが侵入したときに備えて
コインを入れた缶のトラップを 外に仕掛けた人すらいます
そして突然彼らは死にたい 人を殺したい、 隠れたい 逃げ出したい と思い始めるのです
愛されたいのに 憎み
その気持ちに昼夜囚われ ひどく苦しみます
皆「でもどうもないじゃないか! 元気そうだし
怪我もしていない 戦争に行って帰って来ただけじゃないかー」
こうした人々はとても苦しみ 幾人かは自殺してしまいます
彼らには自ら命を絶つことすら 手帳をアップデートするようなものです もう心は死んでしまっているのだから
死んでしまい もう苦しみから逃れようと思うのです
ある人は命を絶ち ある人は呑んだくれて 橋の下で生活するようになります
誰もが こんな話を覚えているでしょう 祖父や叔父がー あるいは隣人が いつも酒を飲み ものも言わず いつも不機嫌で 妻に手を上げ 酒に溺れてしまったり ついには亡くなってしまったり
私たちはなぜ その話はしないのでしょう? なぜ口をつぐんでいるのでしょう?
理由はそれがタブーだからです 死の虚無を表す言葉が
皆がそれを聞きたくないから 話さないのです
私が任地から戻ると 人々は「おや、戻ったかい!」 と言いました
豪華なディナーが組まれました 白いナプキン
キャンドル 招待客たち
「さあ 話してくださいよ」 それで私は経験を話しました
それから20分もすると 皆私を苦い目で見始めました 家の女主人は気持ちが重くなり 顔を伏せてしまいました
私はその晩餐会の 雰囲気を悪くしてしまったのに 気づきました
だから私はもうその話をしません 皆その話を聞く準備が出来ていないので
「やめてください!」 そう言うのです
これは珍しいケースでしょうか? いいえ 非常によくあることです!
イラク戦争に行った兵士の3分の1はー 彼らはPTSD に苦しんでいます
1939年には第一次世界大戦の兵士20万人が 英国の精神病院で治療を受けていました
1987年には米国政府が 10万2千人のー約2倍ですよー 退役軍人たちの自殺を発表しました
これで分かるでしょう 現代の戦争だけじゃなく 古代の戦争でも 本に書かれているように 物語られています
なぜ私たちはこの事について 語らないのか?
もしそのことを語らなければ 破滅が待ち受けています
治療の方法は ただ一つ 幸いにも これは回復し得る 病なのですが ムンクの叫びやゴヤなどを思い出してください そして 治療可能なのです!
トラウマ このあなたを圧倒し 麻痺させ しまいには殺してしまう死との対面から 回復する唯一の方法は その経験を表現する 方法を見つけることです
昔の人はこう言いました 「ただ言葉だけが 我々を一緒につなげるものだ」
言葉がなければ 私たちは人間ではなくなります
このような言葉のない 虚無が支配する 恐怖のイメージに出会った後 そこから抜け出せる唯一の方法は 人間の言葉を発することです
彼らは人間性から 隔絶されたと感じていて
誰とも関わろうとせず 誰も彼らと関わろうとしません
彼らは自分が汚いと感じて 恥じ入っています
誰かこう言いました 「先生 僕はもう地下鉄に 乗らないんですよ だって 周りの人が僕の目に 恐怖を見てしまうんじゃないかと
また別の人は ひどい皮膚病があると思い込み 6ヶ月皮膚科を転々としました ある日 彼は
2度目の通院で彼は精神科医に こう言いました 「頭のてっぺんからつま先まで 全身ひどい皮膚病なのです」
医師は「何故そうなったのだと思いますか?」 と問いました
男は医師に言います「自分は死んでいるから 体が腐って来ている それでだと思います」
人に重大な影響を与える何かを 感じるでしょう
これから回復するためには 恐怖について話さなければなりません
恐怖を人間の言葉にして 秩序を与え さらに語らなければなりません
それができたら もしそれを語ることができたら 少しずつ 言葉に表しながら 人間性を取り戻すことができます
これは重要なことです! 沈黙は私たちを殺してしまうのです!
つまりどういうことか? これは トラウマの後 間違いなく 人は「存在の耐えられない軽さ」を失い 自分が永遠に存在するかのような感覚を失います これは ここに居る私たちは 永遠に居続けられるという 誤った感覚ですが それなしでは途方に暮れてしまいます 「じゃあどうすれば?」
トラウマの生存者たちは この永遠の感覚を失い
軽さを失うのです でも彼らは新しい発見をすることも出来ます
もし死と直面することになっても 隠れたり沈黙を続けず それと向き合うということです それをしたのは 私の友人たち ルワンダのマイケルや イラクのキャロル コンゴのフィリップ 今は偉大な作家となった ソージュ・シャロンドンは トラウマの後に戦場ルポは やめました
私の友人のうち自殺した者も5人います トラウマを生き延びられなかったのです
限りある命を持つ私たちが もし死に直面してしまったら 私たちは人間であり 命は限られているということを理解し 死に向き合い それが誰も見たことのない 最も神秘的な場所なのだと分かることで この体験に意味を持たせることができれば 死に 生き延び 生き返り そして 以前よりも遥かに強くなるでしょう
ありがとうございました | I was in Baghdad, covering the war in Iraq.
That day, Americans tanks started arriving in Baghdad.
We were just a few journalists in the Palestine Hotel, and, as happens in war, the fighting began to approach outside our windows.
Baghdad was covered in black smoke and oil. It smelled awful.
We couldn't see a thing, but we knew what was happening.
Of course, I was supposed to be writing an article, but that's how it always goes -- you're supposed to be writing and something big happens.
So I was in my room on the 16th floor, writing and looking out the window every now and then to see what was happening.
Suddenly, there was a huge explosion.
During the previous three weeks, there had been shelling with half-ton missiles, but this time, the shock -- I felt it inside of me, and I thought, "It's very close.
So I went down to see what was happening.
I went down to the 15th floor And I saw people, journalists, screaming in the hallways.
I walked into a room and realized that it had been hit by a missile.
Someone had been wounded.
There was a man near the window, a cameraman named Taras Protsyuk, lying face-down.
Having worked in a hospital before, I wanted to help out.
So I turned him over.
And when I turned him over, I noticed that he was open from sternum to pubis, but I couldn't see anything, nothing at all. All I saw was a white, pearly, shiny spot that blinded me, and I didn't understand what was going on.
Once the spot disappeared and I could see his wound, which was very serious, my buddies and I put a sheet underneath him, and we carried him onto an elevator that stopped at each of the 15 floors.
We put him in a car that took him to the hospital. He died on the way to the hospital.
The Spanish cameraman José Couso, who was on the 14th floor and also hit -- because the shell had exploded between the two floors -- As soon as the car left, I went back.
There was that article I was supposed to write -- which I had to write.
I returned to the hotel lobby with my arms covered in blood, when one of the hotel gofers stopped me and asked me to pay the tax I hadn't paid for 10 days.
And I said to myself: "Clear your head, put it all aside.
If you want to write, you need to put it all aside."
And that's what I did.
I went upstairs, wrote my article and sent it off.
Later, aside from the feeling of having lost my colleagues, something else was bothering me.
I kept seeing that shiny, pearly spot, and I couldn't understand what it meant.
And then, the war was over.
Later, I thought: "That's not possible. I can't just not know what happened."
Because it wasn't the first time, and it didn't only happen to me.
I have seen things like that happen to others in my 20 to 35 years of reporting.
I have seen things that had an effect on me too.
For example, there was this man I knew in Lebanon, a 25-year-old veteran who had been fighting for five years -- He would crawl in the dark with confidence -- he was a great soldier, a true soldier -- so we would follow him, knowing that we would be safe with him.
And one day, as I was told -- and I've seen him again since -- he was back in the camp, playing cards, when someone came in next door, and discharged their weapon.
As the gun went off, that blast, that one shot, made him duck quickly under the table, like a child.
He was shaking, panicking.
And since then, he has never been able to get up and fight.
He ended up working as a croupier in a Beirut casino where I later found him, because he couldn't sleep, so it was quite a suitable job.
So I thought to myself, "What is this thing that can kill you without leaving any visible scars?
How does that happen? What is this unknown thing?"
It was too common to be coincidental.
So I started to investigate -- that's all I know how to do.
reaching out to psychiatrists, going to museums, libraries, etc.
Finally, I discovered that some people knew about this -- often military psychiatrists -- and that what we were dealing with was called trauma.
Americans call it PTSD or traumatic neurosis. It was something that existed, but that we never spoke about.
So, this trauma -- what is it?
Well, it's an encounter with death.
I don't know if you've ever had an experience with death -- I'm not talking about dead bodies, or someone's grandfather lying in a hospital bed, or someone who got hit by a car.
I'm talking about facing the void of death.
And that is something no one is supposed to see.
People used to say, "Neither the sun, nor death can be looked at with a steady eye."
A human being should not have to face the void of death.
But when that happens, it can remain invisible for a while -- days, weeks, months, sometimes years.
And then, at some point, it explodes, because it's something that has entered your brain -- a sort of window between an image and your mind -- that has penetrated your brain, staying there and taking up all the space inside.
And there are people -- men, women, who suddenly no longer sleep.
And they experience horrible anxiety attacks -- panic attacks, not just minor fears.
They suddenly don't want to sleep, because when they do, they have the same nightmare every night.
They see the same image every night.
What type of image?
For example, a soldier who enters a building and comes face to face with another soldier aiming at him.
He looks at the gun, straight down the barrel.
And this barrel suddenly becomes enormous, deformed.
It becomes fluffy, swallowing everything. And he says -- later he will say, "I saw death. I saw myself dead, therefore I'm dead."
And from then on, he knows he is dead.
It is not a perception -- he is convinced that he is dead.
In reality, someone came in, the guy left or didn't shoot, whatever, and he didn't actually get shot -- but to him, he died in that moment.
Or it can be the smell of a mass grave -- I saw a lot of that in Rwanda.
It can be the voice of a friend calling, and they're being slaughtered and there's nothing you can do.
You hear that voice, and you wake up every night -- for weeks, months -- in a trance-like state, anxious and terrified, like a child.
I have seen men cry -- just like children -- from seeing the same image.
So having that image of horror in your brain, seeing the void of death -- that analogue of horror which is hiding something -- will completely take over. You cannot do anything, anything at all.
You cannot work anymore, you cannot love anymore.
You go home and don't recognize anyone. You don't even recognize yourself.
You hide and don't leave the house, you lock yourself in, you become ill.
I know people who placed small cans outside their house with coins inside, in case someone tried to get in.
All of a sudden, you feel like you want to die or kill or hide or run away.
You want to be loved, but you hate everyone.
It's a feeling that seizes you entirely day in and day out, and you suffer tremendously.
And no one understands.
They say, "There's nothing wrong with you. You seem fine, you have no injuries.
You went to war, came back; you're fine."
These people suffer tremendously. Some commit suicide.
After all, suicide is like updating your daily planner -- I'm already dead, I might as well commit suicide.
Plus, there is no more pain.
Some commit suicide, others end up under the bridge, drinking.
Everyone remembers that grandfather or uncle or neighbor who used to drink, never said a word, always in a bad mood, beat his wife and who would end up either sinking into alcoholism or dying.
And why do we not talk about this?
We don't talk about it because it's taboo.
It's not like we don't have the words to express the void of death.
But others don't want hear it.
The first time I returned from an assignment, They said, "Oh! He's back."
There was a fancy dinner -- white tablecloth, candles, guests.
"Tell us everything!"
Which I did.
After 20 minutes, people were giving me dirty looks, the hostess had her nose in the ashtray.
It was horrible and I realized I ruined the whole evening.
So I don't talk about it anymore. We're just not ready to listen.
People say outright: "Please, stop."
Is that a rare occurrence? No, it's extremely common.
one third of the US soldiers who went to Iraq suffer from PTSD.
In 1939, there were still 200,000 soldiers from the First World War that were being treated in British psychiatric hospitals.
In Vietnam, 54,000 people died -- Americans.
In 1987, the US government identified 102,000 -- twice as many -- 102,000 veterans who died from committing suicide.
Twice as many deaths by suicide than by combat in Vietnam.
So you see, this relates to everything, not just modern warfare, but also ancient wars -- you can read about it, the evidence is there.
So why do we not talk about it?
Why have we not talked about it?
The problem is that if you don't talk about it, you're heading for disaster.
The only way to heal -- and the good news here is that this is treatable -- think Munch's The Scream, Goya, etc. -- it's indeed treatable.
The only way to heal from this trauma, from this encounter with death that overwhelms, petrifies and kills you is to find a way to express it.
People used to say, "Language is the only thing that holds all of us together."
Without language, we're nothing.
It's the thing that makes us human.
In the face of such a horrible image -- a wordless image of oblivion that obsesses us -- the only way to cope with it is to put human words to it.
Because these people feel excluded from humanity.
No one wants to see them anymore and they don't want to see anyone.
They feel dirty, defiled, ashamed.
Someone said, "Doctor, I don't use the subway anymore because I'm afraid people will see the horror in my eyes."
Another guy thought he had a terrible skin disease and spent six months with dermatologists, going from doctor to doctor.
And then one day, they sent him to a psychiatrist.
During his second session, he told the psychiatrist he had a terrible skin disease from head to toe.
The psychiatrist asked, "Why are you in this state?"
And the man said, "Well, because I'm dead, so I must be rotting away."
So you see this is something that has a profound effect on people.
In order to heal, we need to talk about it.
The horror needs to be put into words -- human words, so we can organize it and talk about it again.
We have to look death in the face.
And if we can do that, if we can talk about these things, then step by step, by working it out verbally, we can reclaim our place in humanity.
And it is important. Silence kills us.
So what does this mean? It means that after a trauma, without question, we lose our "unbearable lightness of being," that sense of immortality that keeps us here -- meaning, if we're here, we almost feel like we're immortal, which we're not, but if we didn't believe that, we'd say, "What's the point of it all?"
But trauma survivors have lost that feeling of immortality.
They've lost their lightness. But they have found something else.
So this means that if we manage to look death in the face, and actually confront it, rather than keep quiet and hide, like some of the men or women I know did, such as Michael from Rwanda, Carole from Iraq, Philippe from the Congo and other people I know, like Sorj Chalandon, now a great writer, who gave up field assignments after a trauma.
Five friends of mine committed suicide, they're the ones who did not survive the trauma.
So if we can look death in the face, if we, mortal humans, human mortals, understand that we are human and mortal, mortal and human, if we can confront death and identify it once again as the most mysterious place of all mysterious places, since no one has ever seen it -- if we can give it back this meaning, survive and come back to life, but we'll come back stronger than before.
Much stronger. Thank you. | {
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プレゼンテーションをするのではなく 皆さんとお話をします
同時に 画像も見ていきます セカンドライフ内の生活を垣間見る画像です 皆さんにとって面白いものであればいいなと 思います
スクリーン上の風変わりな画像が 皆さんを引きつけることでしょう
セカンドライフの 大きなアイデアについて話をして ジョンをここに呼び戻しましょう そうすると対話しながら進められますから それから質疑応答に移ります
それでは 最初の質問は 一体全体なぜ仮想世界を作ったのか
それに対する答えはいつも そもそもそのプロジェクトを始めようと考えた クレイジーな人たちがある程度 関わっていると思います
最初に私の生い立ちについて少し話をして 10代の頃にまで遡ります そして 大人になってこういうものを 実際に作り始めたところも話します
私は読書好きな創造的な子供でした まずは電子機器に興味をもち その後コンピュータプログラミングに 興味を持ちました 当時はかなり若かったです
物を分解して また作るということに夢中で 自分の手で出来る木や電子機器 金属やその他何にでも夢中でした
そして私にとってはセカンドライフのようなもの ですが 自分の寝室がありました
どんな10代の子供も 自分が逃げ込める寝室があると思いますが 私は 寝室のドアが上にあがると格好いいな と思ったんです 『スター・トレック』みたいに 普通に開け閉めするのではなく
そうすると格好いいと思ったので 天井に上がって 天井の目地を切って 両親はさぞかし喜んだことと思いますが ドアを天井に上がるようにしたんです
私はガレージのドアの開閉装置を 屋根裏に取り付けました そうすることで ドアが上がりますね
それを施すのにどれほどの時間がかかったか そして私の両親がどれほど怒ったか 想像がつくと思います
私がいつも思うことは 私たちは やりたいことについて たくさんすばらしい考えを持っているのに 大抵 実世界では実際にはできません 実際に材料を集めて あなたが想像したものを 実際に何かを作る段階まで到達することは なかなかできません
私にとっても同じで インターネットが広まって 私はコンピュータプログラミングをやっていて 自分の小さい会社を運営しようとして それでインターネットとコンピュータで やるべきことがわかりました 私はインターネットとコンピュータで 本当にやりたいことが いかに究極なことなのか インターネットとコンピュータを使って
世界を作ってみようと思いました 原子や物を作る方法のような 物理的法則や物事が行われる法則を 再現しようと思いました そしてそれをコンピュータ上で行います 作るのに必要なものは全部そこにありますからね
それがセカンドライフの発端であり 重要な部分だと思います
また インターネットとテクノロジーを使うことは 私たちの間にある創造性とデザインの空間として一般的な傾向だと思います
テクノロジーは皆が共有できる 社会的な方法を 作ることを可能にしています
セカンドライフと仮想世界は一般的に 今現在到達しうる一番の状態であると思います
他の方法で言うなれば 宇宙について考える場合と似ていますね 仮想世界と宇宙がある意味で似ています
ちょっとそれについて話してみるのも 楽しいかもしれません
宇宙に行くということを考えるのは とてもワクワクしますね
数多くの映画や 子供達や 私たちは多かれ少なかれ 宇宙探索について夢をみると思います それはなぜでしょう
ちょっと立ち止まって考えてみましょう どうしてそう思うのか
いくつか思い浮かびます 私たちが映画で見るような 私たち全員が思い描く夢ですね
1つは 宇宙に行ったら 全くのゼロから始められます
その旅では 自分はある意味別の人間になることができます 自分が知っている社会や生活を抜け出します
探索を始める際 おそらく元には戻れませんが 自分自身を変化させなくてはいけません
そして2つには おそらく 宇宙の遠く離れたところまで移動すると そこで何を見つけるのか全くわからないでしょう 一旦宇宙に行くと
実際 地球上で見るものとは全く異なっていて 何でも可能のような感じがする
そういう考えです 私たち人間が欲している 新しいアイデンティティを構築し 何でも可能な場所へと行く
もし本気でそう考えるなら 仮想世界や さらなるコンピュータテクノロジーがある場所は 実践的に可能な 宇宙探索みたいなものです
私たちは宇宙のような 仮想世界のアイデアに 突き動かされています そこでは私たち自身を新たに作ることができて そこには何でもそろっていて そしておそらく何でもできる
スケールの大きさを皆さんに想像してもらうには 宇宙とセカンドライフとでは ほとんどの人には 分かりづらいかもしれませんから たとえば90年代初期のインターネットです
セカンドライフ仮想世界は今日の90年代初期の インターネットみたいなものです みんなが期待していて 1つ1つ考えが出てくる度に 多くの興奮があって そして絶望があって 誰もがこれらが上手く行くわけないと考えて
セカンドライフで起こっているすべてのことは もっと広げると仮想世界で起こっていることは すべて90年代初期に起こっていました
いつも私たちはオフィスで記事を取ってきては セカンドライフという言葉に置き換えられる 記事を見つけてゲームをしています ウェブはセカンドライフに インターネットはバーチャルリアリティに
皆さんもきっと人々が観察し 見つけたことについて書いてある記事と ほぼ同じ記事を見つけると思います
セカンドライフの規模をイメージするには 今現在約2万CPUが稼働しています
現在アメリカ合衆国にある3つの施設の 約2万のコンピュータがつながっています それが仮想空間を作り出しています その仮想空間では1日に約25万人がその中を 歩き回っています 実際に活動している人口としては 小さな都市ほどでしょうか
空間はサンフランシスコの約10倍で 同じ程 建物が密集しています
これで規模のイメージがつかめたでしょうか 現在 すごい勢いで広がっています 新しいサーバーが加わるのは 現在1ヶ月につき5パーセントほどです
もちろん実世界とは異なり 急激に インターネットのように すべてが拡大しています 非常に素早く 急激に
そういうわけで宇宙探索がこれと 上手く重なるんですね そこに存在する物の量や その大きさは決定的だと思います
仮想世界が決定的なのは この空間が真に無限の可能性を 秘めているからです
私たちは人間として その事実にとても敏感になっています
きっとそれを見たら分かることでしょう 宇宙で何でもできると思っていたら そうではない時もある
セカンドライフは今日2万の機械で動いていて 1億個程のユーザーが作り出した物体があり その物体はおそらく相互作用し
何千万もの物体が常に思考している それらには記号が付いているわけですね
物体の量で言えば すでに巨大な世界になっていて そしてそれはとても重要です
例えばだれか『World of Warcraft』を プレーするとしたら World of WarcraftはDVD4枚くらいのサイズです
セカンドライフは 比較すると 約100テラバイトほどの ユーザーが作り出したデータがあり それは大体2万5千倍の大きさですね
繰り返しますが 例えばインターネットと『AOL』や その当時のチャットルームの類や AOLの内容と比べると ここで起こっていることは大きく異なっています 人々ができる事の単純な規模の大きさは 彼らがやりたい事ができるということは かなりすばらしいことだと思います
最後の大きなアイディアは 正しいのはほぼ確実ですが これがどういうものに進化していこうとも ウェブそのものよりも使用量としては大きいものになるということです
一般的に ウェブを使う目的は 情報を系統立て 交換し 作り出し 消費するためです
アイリーンが『グーグル』はデータ主導だと 言ったようなもので
私は世界が情報そのものになった という風に考えます
私たちがやりとりすること 経験することすべては 私たちが情報の海で 浮かんでいるようなものです そして異なった方法でやりとりするのです
ウェブはテキストと画像という形で 情報を作っています
ウェブのほとんどは テキストがつながってできています
これは情報をまとめる1つの方法ですね しかし 仮想世界では他にも2種類 情報にアクセスする方法があるのです それらは大きく異なっていて 重要な方法だと思います とても優れているので ウェブが時代遅れに なったように思ってしまいます
1つ目は 私が言ったように 仮想世界で大きく異なっていることの1つは 仮想世界では皆さんに対して もっとも強力な象徴的シンボルを使って つまり皆さんは人間を使って 情報を表現することが可能だということです
例えば、C-H-A-I-Rという英単語は これを指しますが この物体というのは世間一般のシンボルですね
皆さんはこれが何を意味するのか知っている これを翻訳する必要はないですね
また C-H-A-I-Rを紙に書いて見せながら 皆さんにこの物体を皆さんに見せると もっと記憶に残るものになるでしょう
きっと数日後覚えているかテストをすると 皆さんは私が椅子の話をしていたと よく覚えていることだと思います
皆さんが実際にシンボルを使って 記憶の中の情報をまとめるとき 私たちの生活に根ざした もっとも一般的なシンボルを使うと 皆さんは最大限に脳を刺激し 記憶することができ データを動かしたり 操作することができます
そして仮想世界は私たちが 情報をまとめ 経験するのに最も良い方法です
これは20年間人々が 話し合っていたことだと思います 3Dで 実際の生活をするような環境というのは 私たちには重要な 魔法のような方法ですね
しかし2つ目に これはあまり明らかなことではありませんが 情報を作り 消費し 探るという経験は 仮想世界では絶対的に本質的に 社会性のあることです
私たち人間は社会的な生き物で 情報の手を借りているし 情報の消費を 他の人間と楽しまなくてはなりません
私たちにとって欠かせないことなのです 逃れることはできません
もし『アマゾン』で デジタルカメラだか何かを探していたとします そのページを見ている時 他に5千人ほどの人も 同じページを見ているのです でも 彼らとは話せません
デジタルカメラの同じページを 見ている人たちのほうに向いて 彼らに 「ちょっと、こういうの見たことある? 買おうと思うんだけどさ」とは聞けませんね
例えば 一緒に買い物をするような単純な経験は 社会性のある生き物として どのように私たちが情報を経験しているか という例です
つまり2つ目の点では 私たちは本来共に情報を経験し もしくは情報を共に経験したいと 思っているということは 本質的であり 私たちがつながるために テクノロジーを使うという傾向だと言えます
10年後には 仮想世界は インターネットを使う上で 最も一般的な方法となっていて 共に情報を消費する方法となっているのです
例を挙げるとすると インドの地図を作るようなことでしょうか
おそらくそこで何かを解決するには 実際に他の人々と話し合うことや
助言を求めることが大きく関わってきます 単に統計的に地図を作る他の方法よりも 必要なことでしょう
というわけで これがもう1つの大きな点だと 思います
これがどういった方向に進もうとも それがセカンドライフであれ その子孫であれ 世界中のあらゆる場所で起こっている もっと幅の広いものであれ それがインターネットが使われた結果 発見するであろうものです すべての往来やすべてのユーザーが転化して そうすることでウェブや その中のあらゆるテキストや画像の情報が 道具となり 消費のパターンの一部となるわけです
しかし 大抵パターン自体は このような環境で起こります
大きいアイデアですが かなり擁護もできているとも思います
それでは ここで一旦止めて ジョンに戻ってきてもらいましょう より長く会話ができるのではないかと思います
ジョン ありがとうございます
(拍手) セカンドライフを作る上で 創造する強い衝動があったと思いますが なぜユートピアを作ろうとは 思わなかったのですか
例えば19世紀では 多くの別世界を描いた文学作品は 明らかにユートピア的ですね
すばらしいですね 深い質問です
仮想世界はユートピアになりそうだと ある意味ではそうかもしれません
しかし 答えはノーです その理由としては ウェブ自体が底上げになっている 良い例だからです
つまり 無限の可能性 なんでも起こりうるという魔法が 個人レベルで 『レゴ』ブロックのレベルで 根本的な自由があると自分がよく分かっている 環境でのみ起こる もしあなたが望めば それが仮想世界を作る
人々には そのレベルの自由がなくてはなりません そしてセカンドライフには ユートピアとかそういった傾向が あるのかどうかとよく問われます また 壮大な計画をもって 世界を作ろうとしているのかとも聞かれます
そういったトップダウンの計画は 皆さんを遠ざけてしまいます たとえ良かれと思って それらを作っていてもです
さらに 人間社会は管理されているとき 規則や人と関わる新しい方法 新しい街の配置の仕方などの 壮大な計画に着手すると そういったものは歴史的に見て 決してそれ以上にはならないのです いつも言いながら笑ってしまいますが 『モール・オブ・アメリカ』のようなものです つまり 巨大な全体的にデザインされた建造物です それが作られていると
確かに クレムリンもです そうですね 大きな建物ですね
セカンドライフで初期に作り出した 人々が絶対に使いたいだろうという 確信を持っていたが アバターを作る際に または意思疎通を図る際のツールで 実際に人々が使い始めたら あまり興味を示さなかったものや あなたが思いつかなかったが すぐに人々が欲しいと要求し始めたものの例を 挙げてください
1つは私が気に入っているものです セカンドライフに 私が情熱を持って組み込んだ ある機能があります
それは人々に近寄って もっとプライベートな会話ができる という機能です インスタントメッセージではありません それをするには友達になる必要がありますから
単にプライベートな会話ができるようになる というアイデアです
データ主導デザインの例のうちの1つだと 覚えていますが
私から見ると とても良いアイデアだと思ったのですが ほぼ使われることはなく 結局 その機能を止めたというのを覚えています
結局あきらめて コードから取ってしまいました
しかし もっと一般的な例で かつ ユートピアのアイデアと 大きく関わっているものを挙げましょう
セカンドライフはもともと16のシミュレータを 使っていました 今は2万あります
シミュレータがまだ16だった時に 大体この大学のキャンパスと ほぼ同じサイズしかありませんでした
私たちはそれを区画で分けました ナイトクラブや 実際に踊れるディスコを置いて そして銃で戦える場所も作りました 他にもコニーアイランドにあるような 遊歩道も作りました
区画整備をしましたが もちろん 人々は作りたいように 建物を作ることもできました
開始当初から面白かったのは 私たちは基本的に区画を決めていましたが それをすぐに全く無視して 2ヶ月ほどで 2ヶ月というのはセカンドライフ内の 時間で考えてみてもとても短い時間ですが ユーザーが その当時セカンドライフを使っていた人ですね その人たちがやってきて ディスコを買いたいと言いました
自分たちがその土地を買って ディスコを破壊し 家を建てると言っていたので 彼らに売りました 所有権を移し 大きなパーティーを開いて 建物全体を爆破しました
つまり言いたいのは そこでは一体何が起こるか分からなかった ということです
人々が建てたものについて考えたとき 有名なことですが 『CBGB』もいつかは店を畳まないと いけませんから それが流れというものです
その通りです しかし インターネット時間で 初日に閉まったんです
もう1つのほうの例は 妊娠ですね
セカンドライフでは 赤ちゃんを作ることができます
これはセカンドライフ内の ツールを使うことでできます 妊娠し 子供を持つというのは 生まれ持った概念ですが セカンドライフは リンデンラボ内の プラットフォームの段階では ゲームの特性は全く持ち合わせていません
そういった経験ができる構造を作ろうという 試みもありません ユートピア的意味を込めることになりますから
もちろん 赤ちゃんを作るというメカニズムも 作ろうとしていませんでした 2つのアバターを使って それらを合わせるといったような
しかし 人々は赤ちゃんを作る能力を構築し そして可愛がっている セカンドライフで買って得られる経験ですね 経済組織全体で起こっていることを 伝えるためには とても魅力的な例だと思います
もちろん 経済の存在は全く別の話です
それについては話していませんでしたが 決定的な特徴です
人々が世界で創造する機会を与えられたら やりたいことが2つ出てくると思います
1つは 作り出したものを 正当に所有することです
2つ目は もし彼らが望めば 全体に当てはまるわけではありませんが 自分たちの生計を立てるため 作ったものを売りたいと考えます
ウェブ上でも セカンドライフ上でも当てはまることです
それゆえ 経済の存在は決定的なのです
フィリップ・ローズデールに対して 質問はありますか そちらの方
(初めてお目にかかって あなたは あなたのキャラクターに似ていると思います) フィリップは自分のキャラクター セカンドライフのアバターに似ていると 非難されています
返答してください それから質問の残りに答えます
でも 私のアバターには似ていませんよ
この会場のどのくらいの人が私のアバターを 見たことがありますか
誰か他の人のアバターを けなそうとしているんですか いえいえ でもある同僚は すばらしいアバターを作りました 女性のアバターですが 時々私がなりすましていましたが
でも 私のアバターは 男性で チャップスを着ています
トゲトゲの髪で これよりピンピンしています それにオレンジ色の髪です
そして鎌ひげです 村人といった感じのキャラクターですね
では 質問は
([不明瞭]) 質問は セカンドライフでは 文化がうまく調整されて無かったと思います
独自の文化もないようですし 実世界に存在する差異は セカンドライフ上の地図には 翻訳されていませんね
まず 私たちはまだ本当の初期段階である ということです まだ数年しか経っていません
今 私たちが目撃しているのは 社会に馴染んでいく際の 人間の行動と同じ進化です
公平な批判としては 今日のセカンドライフは 文化的見地からすると ローマというよりも開拓時代の西部地方です
文化を作り出す交流の進化は 実世界のスピードの10倍の速さで 起こっています セカンドライフ内のバーに入ったとすると そこにいる65パーセントが アメリカ外の人間です そして あらゆる言語でしゃべっています
事実 セカンドライフ内で お金を稼ぐ方法の1つに 自分の中にすばらしい翻訳家を引っ張ってきて 基本的にはスクリーンに 『グーグル』や『バベルフィッシュ』や 他の翻訳サイトを置いて すぐに書き言葉を個人間で翻訳することです
セカンドライフ内で多文化の性質や文化が 溶け込んでいるというのは 私たちが到達している実際の世界での 実際の人間関係とかなり関わっています
文化は調整され 出現してくると思います しかし そうなるまでに まだ数年必要になるでしょう 皆さんもそのように予想していると思います
他に質問はありますか そちらの方
はい 統計ですが
セカンドライフ内の平均年齢は32で しかしながら セカンドライフの利用は 実際の年齢が上がるにつれ 劇的に増えています 30歳から60歳まで上がると 60歳代の人も多くいますが 急上昇するのではなく 使用率はとても緩いカーブで 例えば実年齢が 30歳から60歳に上がるにつれて 一週間の利用時間は40%上がっています
多くの人がセカンドライフのことを オンラインゲームの類だと勘違いしています 事実 一般的はあまり魅力がない 今は一般的に批判的に話をしているだけですが オンラインゲームをする人たちには あまり魅力のないものかもしれません なぜならグラフィックスはまだ それとは同等にまで至っていないし もちろんとても良い画像ですよ しかし 一般的にグラフィックスは 『グランド・セフト・オート4』に見るような 美しいグラフィックスと 同程度にはなっていません
平均年齢は32 これはもう言いましたね 65%はアメリカ合衆国外のユーザーです
主な国は イギリスやヨーロッパは 合わせればセカンドライフの約55%の 利用率になります
心理学的な点で言うと ああ セカンドライフでは 男性と女性はほぼ同じ割合です 今現在セカンドライフで活動している 約45%の人々は女性です
女性は活動時間を基に言うと 男性よりも約30〜40%多く セカンドライフを利用しています つまり 男性の方が 登録数は多いということですが 女性のほうが長く利用するということです
心理的な面では セカンドライフ内の人々は 皆さんが思うような人たちとは かなりかけ離れていると思います セカンドライフに入って 彼らと話したり 出会ったりすると 皆さんには是非やってもらって 確かめてもらいたいと思いますが
もし 表現しなくてはならないとすると 皆さんは 『イーベイ』が登場した最初の数年に イーベイに熱中した人たちを覚えていますか
そういう人たちかもしれません 言い換えると早期導入者です
彼らは創造性がありますし 企業家精神に溢れています
多くのユーザーは 大体5万5千人ほどですが キャッシュフローに積極的です 彼らはセカンドライフで行っていることで 実際のお金を稼いでいます クリエイティブで 物を作り 自分のビジネスを作るタイプの 方向性を持っていますね 以上です
あなたは自分自身をとても創造性のある人間だと 言いましたが 若い時に ものづくりが好きだったと
あまり誰かが自分自身のことを 創造性があるとは言わないと思いますが
長い時間自分の部屋で過ごす成績Cの学生の 婉曲表現ではないかと疑っていますが どうでしょうか
私は 確かに成績がCの時もありました 面白いですね
大学生の時 物理学を学んでいましたが 私は社交的な人間ではなかったので いつも本を読んでいました
シャイでした 今はそのような感じは しませんが とてもシャイでした
たくさん引っ越したり そういう経験もしました
私は 自分の世界に閉じこもっていました そして明らかにそれが役にたって 本当に興味のあることに費やせました
では あなたは現時点で 5番目の人生にいるということですか
都市を数えるなら そうですね 学業はあまりうまくいきませんでしたね あなたの言う通りです
私は絶対成績はAを取らなくてはと 考える学生ではありませんでした
私は大学生時代 それまではしてこなかった すばらしい社会経験をしました というのも友人関係です 6、7人の 物理学を一緒に学んでいる友人に会って 彼らには対抗意識がありました 以降Aを取り始めましたが その通りです 成績の良い学生ではありませんでした
最後の質問です そちらの方
(パンフレットで 〜という言葉がありますが〜) 言い直したいですか
はい 言い直します
パンフレットには このように書いている 私たちは実際の自分よりもデジタルな自分 実際の自己より順応性があり 扱いやすいデジタルの自己を好むようになり 事実 人間の生活や経験の多くが デジタル領域に移ることになるかもしれません
恐ろしい変化であり 崩壊である と
きっとあなたが聞きたいのは 私がそれについて どう考えているかということでしょうか それが恐ろしいと言う人たちに対する あなたの返答は何であるか
(もしそれは不気味だという人がいたら あなたは何と答えますか) いくつか言うでしょうね
1つ目はインターネットや電気が かつてそうだったように不気味です
つまり 大きな変化が起こっていて 避けることができません
後戻りすることや意図的な行動 政治的行動は どんなことも テクノロジーの変化で 私たちがつながることを 止めておくことはできません なぜなら創造的で起業家的であるための 基本的な動機は ウェブの時代に起こったように エネルギーを仮想世界に 注ぐということなのです
この変化は 混乱を起こす大きな変化だと考えています
明らかに 私は楽天家で今起こっていることに 大きな信頼を寄せています しかし 冷静な人も これに関して興味のない人も 端から見て 経済的な力が現れているという データを基にすると 以下のように 結論付けなくてはならないでしょう 確実に大転換が起こることになり そしてその変化は強烈に破壊的であり
私たちの生活や生き方の根本 私たちのアイデンティティにも関係している と
私たちがこれまで話してきたことは 仮想世界に存在し それに刺激を受け そこで生き抜き 良い人生を送ることは いわゆる挑戦です そこには 多文化が混在し 多数の言語があり 起業家精神に溢れ 今日の仮想世界には蚤の市的性質があります
仮想世界は私たちが高みを目指すように挑み 私たちは多くの面で自分たち以上に
優れていなければなりません おそらく実際の世界の私たちよりも より学習し より寛容であり より賢く より速く学び そしてより創造的でなくてはなりません
もし それが仮想世界に当てはまるのであれば 恐ろしくて かつ避けることはできませんが これらの変化は 究極的に好転していくもので それゆえ私たちが 乗り越えなくてはならないものなのです
他の多くのこのような内容を話した作家や スピーカーも言ったかもしれませんが 私も言いたいと思います シートベルトを締めてください 変化がやってきますから その変化はとても大きいものですから
フィリップ・ローズデールでした ありがとうございました | I'm not going to show you a presentation. I'm going to talk to you.
And at the same time, we're going to look at just images from a photo stream that is pretty close to live of things that -- snapshots from Second Life. So hopefully this will be fascinating.
You can -- I can compete for your attention with the strange pictures that you see on screen that come from there.
I thought I'd talk a little bit about some just big ideas about this, and then get John back out here so we can talk interactively a little bit more and think and ask questions.
You know, I guess the first question is, why build a virtual world at all?
And I think the answer to that is always going to be at least driven to a certain extent by the people initially crazy enough to start the project, you know.
So I can give you a little bit of first background just on me and what moved me as a -- really going back as far as a teenager and then an adult, to actually try and build this kind of thing.
I was a very creative kid who read a lot, and got into electronics first, and then later, programming computers, when I was really young.
I was just always trying to make things.
I was just obsessed with taking things apart and building things, and just anything I could do with my hands or with wood or electronics or metal or anything else.
And so, for example -- and it's a great Second Life thing -- I had a bedroom.
And every kid, you know, as a teenager, has got his bedroom he retreats to -- but I wanted my door, I thought it would be cool if my door went up rather than opened, like on Star Trek.
I thought it would be neat to do that. And so I got up in the ceiling and I cut through the ceiling joists, much to my parents' delight, and put the door, you know, being pulled up through the ceiling.
I built -- I put a garage-door opener up in the attic that would pull this door up.
You can imagine the amount of time that it took me to do this to the house and the displeasure of my parents.
The thing that was always striking to me was that we as people could have so many really amazing ideas about things we'd like to do, but are so often unable, in the real world, to actually do those things -- to actually cobble together the materials and go through the actual execution phase of building something that you imagine from a design perspective.
And so for me, I know that when the Internet came around and I was doing computer programming and just, you know, just generally trying to run my own little company and figure out what to do with the Internet and with computers, I was just immediately struck by how the ultimate thing that you would really want to do with the Internet and with computers would be to use the Internet and connected computers
to simulate a world to sort of recreate the laws of physics and the rules of how things went together -- the sort of -- the idea of atoms and how to make things, and do that inside a computer so that we could all get in there and make stuff.
And so for me that was the thing that was so enticing.
I just wanted this place where you could build things.
And so I think you see that in the genesis of what has happened with Second Life, and I think it's important.
I also think that more generally, the use of the Internet and technology as a kind of a space between us for creativity and design is a general trend.
It is a -- sort of a great human progress.
Technology is just generally being used to allow us to create in as shared and social a way as possible.
And I think that Second Life and virtual worlds more generally represent the best we can do to achieve that right now.
You know, another way to look at that, and related to the content and, you know, thinking about space, is to connect sort of virtual worlds to space.
I thought that might be a fun thing to talk about for a second.
If you think about going into space, it's a fascinating thing.
So many movies, so many kids, we all sort of dream about exploring space. Now, why is that?
Stop for a moment and ask, why that conceit?
Why do we as people want to do that?
I think there's a couple of things. It's what we see in the movies -- you know, it's this dream that we all share.
One is that if you went into space you'd be able to begin again.
In some sense, you would become someone else in that journey, because there wouldn't be -- you'd leave society and life as you know it, behind.
And so inevitably, you would transform yourself -- irreversibly, in all likelihood -- as you began this exploration.
And then the second thing is that there's this tangible sense that if you travel far enough, you can find out there -- oh, yeah -- you have no idea what you're going to find once you get there, into space.
It's going to be different than here.
And in fact, it's going to be so different than what we see here on earth that anything is going to be possible.
So that's kind of the idea -- we as humans crave the idea of creating a new identity and going into a place where anything is possible.
And I think that if you really sit and think about it, virtual worlds, and where we're going with more and more computing technology, represent essentially the likely, really tactically possible version of space exploration.
We are moved by the idea of virtual worlds because, like space, they allow us to reinvent ourselves and they contain anything and everything, and probably anything could happen there.
You know, to give you a size idea about scale, you know, comparing space to Second Life, most people don't realize, kind of -- and then this is just like the Internet in the early '90s.
In fact, Second Life virtual worlds are a lot like the Internet in the early '90s today: everybody's very excited, there's a lot of hype and excitement about one idea or the next from moment to moment, and then there's despair and everybody thinks the whole thing's not going to work.
Everything that's happening with Second Life and more broadly with virtual worlds, all happened in the early '90s.
We always play a game at the office where you can take any article and find the same article where you just replace the words "Second Life" with "Web," and "virtual reality" with "Internet."
You can find exactly the same articles written about everything that people are observing.
To give you an idea of scale, Second Life is about 20,000 CPUs at this point.
in three facilities in the United States right now, that are simulating this virtual space. And the virtual space itself -- there's about 250,000 people a day that are wandering around in there, so the kind of, active population is something like a smallish city.
The space itself is about 10 times the size of San Francisco, and it's about as densely built out.
So it gives you an idea of scale. Now, it's expanding very rapidly -- about five percent a month or so right now, in terms of new servers being added.
And so of course, radically unlike the real world, and like the Internet, the whole thing is expanding very, very quickly, and historically exponentially.
So that sort of space exploration thing is matched up here by the amount of content that's in there, and I think that amount is critical.
It was critical with the virtual world that it be this space of truly infinite possibility.
We're very sensitive to that as humans.
You know, you know when you see it. You know when you can do anything in a space and you know when you can't.
Second Life today is this 20,000 machines, and it's about 100 million or so user-created objects where, you know, an object would be something like this, possibly interactive.
Tens of millions of them are thinking all the time; they have code attached to them.
So it's a really large world already, in terms of the amount of stuff that's there and that's very important.
If anybody plays, like, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft comes on, like, four DVDs.
Second Life, by comparison, has about 100 terabytes of user-created data, making it about 25,000 times larger.
So again, like the Internet compared to AOL, and the sort of chat rooms and content on AOL at the time, what's happening here is something very different, because the sheer scale of what people can do when they're enabled to do anything they want is pretty amazing.
The last big thought is that it is almost certainly true that whatever this is going to evolve into is going to be bigger in total usage than the Web itself.
And let me justify that with two statements.
Generically, what we use the Web for is to organize, exchange, create and consume information.
It's kind of like Irene talking about Google being data-driven.
I'd say I kind of think about the world as being information.
Everything that we interact with, all the experiences that we have, is kind of us flowing through a sea of information and interacting with it in different ways.
The Web puts information in the form of text and images.
The topology, the geography of the Web is text-to-text links for the most part.
That's one way of organizing information, but there are two things about the way you access information in a virtual world that I think are the important ways that they're very different and much better than what we've been able to do to date with the Web.
The first is that, as I said, the -- well, the first difference for virtual worlds is that information is presented to you in the virtual world using the most powerful iconic symbols that you can possibly use with human beings.
So for example, C-H-A-I-R is the English word for that, but a picture of this is a universal symbol.
Everybody knows what it means. There's no need to translate it.
It's also more memorable if I show you that picture, and I show you C-H-A-I-R on a piece of paper.
You can do tests that show that you'll remember that I was talking about a chair a couple of days later a lot better.
So when you organize information using the symbols of our memory, using the most common symbols that we've been immersed in all our lives, you maximally both excite, stimulate, are able to remember, transfer and manipulate data.
And so virtual worlds are the best way for us to essentially organize and experience information.
And I think that's something that people have talked about for 20 years -- you know, that 3D, that lifelike environments are really important in some magical way to us.
But the second thing -- and I think this one is less obvious -- is that the experience of creating, consuming, exploring that information is in the virtual world implicitly and inherently social.
You are always there with other people.
And we as humans are social creatures and must, or are aided by, or enjoy more, the consumption of information in the presence of others.
It's essential to us. You can't escape it.
When you're on and you're looking for digital cameras or whatever, you're on there right now, when you're on the site, with like 5,000 other people, but you can't talk to them.
You can't just turn to the people that are browsing digital cameras on the same page as you, and ask them, "Hey, have you seen one of these before? Because I'm thinking about buying it."
That experience of like, shopping together, just as a simple example, is an example of how as social creatures we want to experience information in that way.
So that second point, that we inherently experience information together or want to experience it together, is critical to essentially, kind of, this trend of where we're going to use technology to connect us.
these virtual worlds are going to be the most common way as human beings that we kind of use the electronics of the Internet, if you will, to be together, to consume information.
You know, mapping in India -- that's such a great example.
Maybe the solution there involves talking to other people in real time.
Asking for advice, rather than any possible way that you could just statically organize a map.
So I think that's another big point.
I think that wherever this is all going, whether it's Second Life or its descendants, or something broader that happens all around the world at a lot of different points -- this is what we're going to see the Internet used for, and total traffic and total unique users is going to invert, so that the Web and its bibliographic set of text and graphical information is going to become a tool or a part of that consumption pattern,
but the pattern itself is going to happen mostly in this type of an environment.
Big idea, but I think highly defensible.
So let me stop there and bring John back, and maybe we can just have a longer conversation.
Thank you. John. That's great.
John Hockenberry: Why is the creation, the impulse to create Second Life, not a utopian impulse?
Like for example, in the 19th century, any number of works of literature that imagined alternative worlds were explicitly utopian.
Philip Rosedale: I think that's great. That's such a deep question. Yeah.
Is a virtual world likely to be a utopia, would be one way I'd say it.
The answer is no, and I think the reason why is because the Web itself as a good example is profoundly bottoms-up.
That idea of infinite possibility, that magic of anything can happen, only happens in an environment where you really know that there's a fundamental freedom at the level of the individual actor, at the level of the Lego blocks, if you will, that make up the virtual world.
You have to have that level of freedom, and so I'm often asked that, you know, is there a, kind of, utopian or, is there a utopian tendency to Second Life and things like it, that you would create a world that has a grand scheme to it?
Those top-down schemes are alienating to just about everybody, even if you mean well when you build them.
And what's more, human society, when it's controlled, when you set out a grand scheme of rules, a new way of people interacting, or a new way of laying out a city, or whatever, that stuff historically has never scaled much beyond, you know -- I always laughingly say -- the Mall of America, you know, which is like, the largest piece of centrally designed architecture that, you know, has been built.
JH: The Kremlin was pretty big.
PR: The Kremlin, yeah. That's true. The whole complex.
JH: Give me a story of a tool you created at the beginning in Second Life that you were pretty sure people would want to use in the creation of their avatars or in communicating that people actually in practice said, no, I'm not interested in that at all, and name something that you didn't come up with that almost immediately people began to demand.
PR: I'm sure I can think of multiple examples of both of those.
One of my favorites. I had this feature that I built into Second Life -- I was really passionate about it.
It was an ability to kind of walk up close to somebody and have a more private conversation, but it wasn't instant messaging because you had to sort of befriend somebody.
It was just this idea that you could kind of have a private chat.
I just remember it was one of those examples of data-driven design.
I thought it was such a good idea from my perspective, and it was just absolutely never used, and we ultimately -- I think we've now turned it off, if I remember.
We finally gave up, took it out of the code.
But more generally, you know, one other example I think about this, which is great relative to the utopian idea.
Second Life originally had 16 simulators. It now has 20,000.
So when it only had 16, it was only about as big as this college campus.
And we had -- we zoned it, you know: we put a nightclub, we put a disco where you could dance, and then we had a place where you could fight with guns if you wanted to, and we had another place that was like a boardwalk, kind of a Coney Island.
And we laid out the zoning, but of course, people could build all around it however they wanted to.
And what was so amazing right from the start was that the idea that we had put out in the zoning concept, basically, was instantly and thoroughly ignored, and like, two months into the whole thing, -- which is really a small amount of time, even in Second Life time -- I remember the users, the people who were then using Second Life, the residents came to me and said, we want to buy the disco --
because I had built it -- we want to buy that land and raze it and put houses on it. And I sold it to them -- I mean, we transferred ownership and they had a big party and blew up the entire building.
And I remember that that was just so telling, you know, that you didn't know exactly what was going to happen.
When you think about stuff that people have built that's popular -- JH: CBGB's has to close eventually, you know. That's the rule.
PR: Exactly. And it -- but it closed on day one, basically, in Internet time.
You know, an example of something -- pregnancy.
You can have a baby in Second Life.
This is done entirely using, kind of, the tools that are built into Second Life, so the innate concept of becoming pregnant and having a baby, of course -- Second Life is, at the platform level, at the level of the company -- at Linden Lab -- Second Life has no game properties to it whatsoever.
There is no attempt to structure the experience, to make it utopian in that sense that we put into it.
So of course, we never would have put a mechanism for having babies or, you know, taking two avatars and merging them, or something.
But people built the ability to have babies and care for babies as a purchasable experience that you can have in Second Life and so -- I mean, that's a pretty fascinating example of, you know, what goes on in the overall economy.
And of course, the existence of an economy is another idea.
I didn't talk about it, but it's a critical feature.
When people are given the opportunity to create in the world, there's really two things they want.
One is fair ownership of the things they create.
And then the second one is -- if they feel like it, and they're not going to do it in every case, but in many they are -- they want to actually be able to sell that creation as a way of providing for their own livelihood.
True on the Web -- also true in Second Life.
And so the existence of an economy is critical.
JH: Questions for Philip Rosedale? Right here.
JH: The observation is, Philip has been accused of looking like a character, an avatar, in Second Life.
Respond, and then we'll get the rest of your question.
PR: But I don't look like my avatar.
How many people here know what my avatar looks like?
That's probably not very many.
JH: Are you ripping off somebody else's avatar with that, sort of -- PR: No, no. I didn't. One of the other guys at work had a fantastic avatar -- a female avatar -- that I used to be once in a while.
But my avatar is a guy wearing chaps.
Spiky hair -- spikier than this. Kind of orange hair.
Handlebar mustache. Kind of a Village People sort of a character.
So, very cool.
JH: And your question?
JH: The question is, there appears to be a lack of cultural fine-tuning in Second Life.
It doesn't seem to have its own culture, and the sort of differences that exist in the real world aren't translated into the Second Life map.
PR: Well, first of all, we're very early, so this has only been going on for a few years.
And so part of what we see is the same evolution of human behavior that you see in emerging societies.
So a fair criticism -- is what it is -- of Second Life today is that it's more like the Wild West than it is like Rome, from a cultural standpoint.
That said, the evolution of, and the nuanced interaction that creates culture, is happening at 10 times the speed of the real world, and in an environment where, if you walk into a bar in Second Life, 65 percent of the people there are not in the United States, and in fact are speaking their, you know, various and different languages.
In fact, one of the ways to make money in Second Life is to make really cool translators that you drag onto your body and they basically, kind of, pop up on your screen and allow you to use Google or Babel Fish or one of the other online text translators to on-the-fly translate spoken -- I'm sorry -- typed text between individuals.
And so, the multicultural nature and the sort of cultural melting pot that's happening inside Second Life is quite -- I think, quite remarkable relative to what in real human terms in the real world we've ever been able to achieve.
So, I think that culture will fine-tune, it will emerge, but we still have some years to wait while that happens, as you would naturally expect.
JH: Other questions? Right here.
JH: What's your demographic?
PR: So, the question is, what's the demographic.
So, the average age of a person in Second Life is 32, however, the use of Second Life increases dramatically as your physical age increases. So as you go from age 30 to age 60 -- and there are many people in their sixties using Second Life -- this is also not a sharp curve -- it's very, very distributed -- usage goes up in terms of, like, hours per week by 40 percent
many people make the mistake of believing that Second Life is some kind of an online game. Actually it's generally unappealing -- I'm just speaking broadly and critically -- it's not very appealing to people that play online video games, because the graphics are not yet equivalent to -- I mean, these are very nice pictures, but in general the graphics are not quite equivalent to the fine-tuned graphics that you see in a Grand Theft Auto 4.
So average age: 32. I mentioned 65 percent of the users are not in the United States.
The distribution amongst countries is extremely broad.
There's users from, you know, virtually every country in the world now in Second Life.
The dominant ones are -- if you take the UK and Europe, together they make up about 55 percent of the usage base in Second Life.
In terms of psychographic -- oh, men and women: men and women are almost equally matched in Second Life, so about 45 percent of the people online right now on Second Life are women.
about 30 to 40 percent more, on an hours basis, than men do, meaning that more men sign up than women, and more women stay and use it than men.
So that's another demographic fact.
In terms of psychographic, you know, the people in Second Life are remarkably dissimilar relative to what you might think, when you go in and talk to them and meet them, and I would, you know, challenge you to just do this and find out.
But it's not a bunch of programmers.
It's not easy to describe as a demographic.
If I had to just sort of paint a broad picture, I'd say, remember the people who were really getting into eBay in the first few years of eBay?
Maybe a little bit like that: in other words, people who are early adopters.
They tend to be creative. They tend to be entrepreneurial.
A lot of them -- about 55,000 people so far -- are cash-flow positive: they're making money from what -- I mean, real-world money -- from what they're doing in Second Life, so it's a very build -- still a creative, building things, build-your-own-business type of an orientation. So, that's it.
JH: You describe yourself, Philip, as someone who was really creative when you were young and, you know, liked to make things.
I mean, it's not often that you hear somebody describe themselves as really creative.
I suspect that's possibly a euphemism for C student who spent a lot of time in his room? Is it possible?
PR: I was a -- there were times I was a C student. You know, it's funny.
When I got to college -- I studied physics in college -- and I got really -- it was funny, because I was definitely a more antisocial kid. I read all the time.
I was shy. I don't seem like it now, but I was very shy.
Moved around a bunch -- had that experience too.
So I did, kind of, I think, live in my own world, and obviously that helps, you know, engage your real interest in something.
JH: So you're on your fifth life at this point?
PR: If you count, yeah, cities. So -- but I did -- and I didn't do -- I think I didn't do as well in school as I could have. I think you're right.
I wasn't, like, an obsessed -- you know, get A's kind of guy.
I was going to say, I had a great social experience when I went to college that I hadn't had before, a more fraternal experience, where I met six or seven other guys who I studied physics with, and I was very competitive with them, so then I started to get A's. But you're right: I wasn't an A student.
JH: Last question. Right here.
JH: You want to paraphrase that?
PR: Yeah, so let me restate that.
So, you're saying that in the pamphlet there's a statement that we may come to prefer our digital selves to our real ones -- our more malleable or manageable digital identities to our real identities -- and that in fact, much of human life and human experience may move into the digital realm.
And then that's kind of a horrifying thought, of course.
That's a frightening change, frightening disruption.
I guess, and you're asking, what do I think about that? How do I -- JH: What's your response to the people who would say, that's horrifying?
PR: Well, I'd say a couple of things.
One is, it's disturbing like the Internet or electricity was.
That is to say, it's a big change, but it isn't avoidable.
So, no amount of backpedaling or intentional behavior or political behavior is going to keep these technology changes from connecting us together, because the basic motive that people have -- to be creative and entrepreneurial -- is going to drive energy into these virtual worlds in the same way that it has with the Web.
So this change, I believe, is a huge disruptive change.
Obviously, I'm the optimist and a big believer in what's going on here, but I think that as -- even a sober, you know, the most sober, disconnected thinker about this, looking at it from the side, has to conclude, based on the data, that with those kinds of economic forces at play, there is definitely going to be a sea change, and that change is going to be intensely disruptive
relative to our concept of our very lives and being, and our identities, as well.
I don't think we can get away from those changes.
I think generally, we were talking about this -- I think that generally being present in a virtual world and being challenged by it, being -- surviving there, having a good life there, so to speak, is a challenge because of the multiculturality of it, because of the languages, because of the entrepreneurial richness of it, the sort of flea market nature, if you will, of the virtual world today.
It puts challenges on us to rise to. We must be better than ourselves, in many ways.
We must learn things and, you know, be more tolerant, and be smarter and learn faster and be more creative, perhaps, than we are typically in our real lives.
And I think that if that is true of virtual worlds, then these changes, though scary -- and, I say, inevitable -- are ultimately for the better, and therefore something that we should ride out.
But I would say that -- and many other authors and speakers about this, other than me, have said, you know, fasten your seat belts because the change is coming. There are going to be big changes.
JH: Philip Rosedale, thank you very much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ん......おお、開発主任! 本当に久しぶりだな!」
「今まで何をしていたんだ? ああ、さては時間をかけてじっくりと新しい生物兵器を作っていたんだな。感心だなぁ」
「おま、ちょ、待て! 余が悪かった。ぜひ聞きたいから教えてくれ」
「大魔王様。誰も遊びに来てくれなくて本当は暇だったのでしょう? あまり偉そうにしないほうがいいですぞ」
「それで? 確実な方法とは何だ?」
「ほほう。かなりまともな意見だな。つまり生物兵器を何体も作って、一度にあの......何と言ったっけ? シルバーライト男爵領だっけ? そこに送り込むわけだな。いいアイデアだと思うぞ!」
「はっはっは! 余を誰だと思っている。魔族の王、大魔王ベルベレスであるぞ!」
「なるほど。じゃあ、相手が四体だから、こっちの生物兵器を送ればいいのか? あいつらがどんなに強くても、五方向から攻めたら、一カ所はどうしても手薄になるだろう」
「おお! それは確実だ! しかし大丈夫か? 六体も生物兵器を作れるのか?」
「ちくわ? 分かったわ......それにしても、ちくわって野菜なの? 木になるのかしら?」
「ん? アイリスはちくわを知らないのか? ちくわってのは魚のすり身で作るんだ。野菜じゃないぜ」
「熱かった? そう言えばプニガミって猫舌だったわね。どこが舌か分からないけど......ふーふー......これでどう?」
「まだ熱いの? じゃあ魔力で冷却っと。はい、どうぞ」
「美味しいけど熱いのはもっと美味しそうだって? じゃあ食べる?」
「ぷに!? ぷにににに!」
「せ、生物兵器が六つもですか!? ど、どうしましょう! 領民たちをどこに避難させたら......あわわ」
「安心するのじゃシェリル。敵が六体。そしてこっちで戦えるのは......妾にアイリスにイクリプスにジェシカにマリオンに......そしてロシュ! 丁度六人じゃ。楽勝じゃろ」
「もう! 楽しいオデンパーティーを邪魔するなんて、許せないわ!」
「お母さんが怒ってる!? ひぇぇ......敵が可哀想......」
「送り込んだタコ型の生物兵器。アイリス様が意気揚々と切り裂いて、食べてみようかな、とか言いながら持ち帰ったそうですぞ、大魔王様」 | A subordinate requested a meeting with the Great Demon King as he was busy lamenting his idleness.
「It’s been a while, Great Demon King-sama」
「Oh.....Development Head! It’s been a while indeed!」
The same elderly demon who created Iris and Eclipse.
He didn’t see that guy since his last『Ultimate Biological Weapon』.
「What were you doing these days? You probably put a lot of your personal time into developing a new biological weapon. Admirable」
「No, I’ve been playing with my grandchildren because it’s cold outside」
「......I see」
Great Demon King thought of rebuking him, but he didn’t leave the castle either, so he wasn’t in the position to do that.
Instead, he suppressed himself and took a deep breath.
「Well, Development Head. Since you came here in such a cold that must mean you have something to report」
「I thought of a way to capture or, if necessary, eliminate Iris-sama and Eclipse-sama. This time for sure」
「Your confidence proved to be far away from reality.....however, since it’s you, I shall at least hear you out」
「This attitude is somewhat irritating. I’m leaving」
「Stop right there! It’s my fault. Please tell me」
「Great Demon King-sama. You must be quite bored since no one comes. I recommend reining that arrogance in」
「Hm......I was wrong」
Thought he felt somewhat unresigned as he said that.
「So? What’s your foolproof plan?」
「Numbers. The battle is a game of numbers. I’ve been trying to create one strongest unit before but couldn’t quite get it right」
「Hoh. A reasonable opinion. In other words, create multiple biological weapons and send them.....where was that again? Silverlight Barony? Nice idea!」
「Exactly. As perceptive as I expect of Great Demon King to be!」
「Hahaha! Who do you think I am? The King of Demons, Great Demon King Berberos!」
Great Demon King laughed out loud.
While Development Head stood there with a smug face.
「Alright. I understand the concept. How many are were talking about?」
「First and foremost, let’s analyze the combat power of Silverlight Barony. As a matter of course, I should begin with Iris-sama and Eclipse-sama」
「Yeah. Those two are much stronger than everyone else. With them on our side, we can lay waste to humanity in a day」
「Let’s stop crying over the spilled milk. After them, there are dragons. They have powerful dragon breath on top of their huge size. These four are the main fighting force of Silverlight Barony」
「On the second look, the power is too concentrated for a single small village. Perhaps we should start elsewhere」
「You can’t shy away from this. When it comes to destroying humanity, we are destined to clash with Iris-sama and Eclipse-sama one day. Might as well settle this first. If everything goes well, those two might even join us」
「I see. There are four opponents, which means five biological weapons should suffice. If even one wins, the balance will tip into our favor」
「No, no, Great Demon King-sama. Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.. Let’s send six!」
「Oh! This will work for sure! But will we manage to create the whole six of them?」
「Leave that to me. My grandchildren lifted my spirits. Besides, it’s not the first one. This time I’ll manage even faster」
「How reliable!」
「Well, I might have to sacrifice quality a bit」
「.....Well, the battle is a game of numbers after all. It’s better to make a few average ones instead of fussing over every single one」
「I’m going to start right away, please look forward to the project’s completion!」
Having said so, he left the throne room.
For some reason.
Great Demon King couldn’t help but be anxious.
No, it was justified.
Considering none of the previous project succeeded.
However, with six of them going against four it should produce at least some results.
「No ja. Oden is indeed the best when it’s cold」
「Ufufu, I’m glad you like it so much」
Muriel, who was invited to Jessica’s house was busy eating steaming hot oden with a happy face.
Of course. Muriel wasn’t the only one invited.
Iris, Eclipse, Punigami. Sheryl.
「Never thought I’d one day go to all the way here for some oden」
The Guardian Deity of Cunningham Viscounty – Roshe.
I’m hosting an oden party so call Roshe-chan too, Jessica told the Three Pillars
.......It’s sad you can’t get many ingredients in this village but it turned out surprisingly well」
Sheryl said as she munched on some radish.
Exactly as she said, they could only procure potatoes locally at the moment.
Wheat would be added to the roster next year, but that is a matter for another time.
People are also growing chickens, cows, and pigs.
The chicken meat used in this oden comes from the village.
「Hey, hey. Can I add chocolate to oden?」
「Of course not, Eclipse. It’s a bit too incompatible」
Marion immediately rejected Eclipse’s proposal.
「Just a little test~」
「Some things are obvious without any tests. If you insist, you can drink some soup with chocolate in your mouth」
「Didn’t I tell you?」
Marion faced Eclipse with the face of a winner.
Punigami came next to Iris and asked for oden.
「Wait a second. Which do you want?」
「Chikuwa? it even a vegetable? Is anyone bothered by it?」
Iris saw chikuwa for the first time in her life and couldn’t help but doubt.
「Mn? You don’t know? It’s made of fish. Definitely not a vegetable」
「Oh, so it’s made by people. You sure know a lot, Roshe. Are you a chikuwa enthusiast?」
「’s not a great piece of knowledge, you know......?」
「I see」
Iris nodded while deeply impressed.
「Sorry, here is your chikuwa」
「Too hot? Come to think of it, you do have a cat’s tongue. Not like I know where your tongue is......
「Still hot? Then time for some magical cooling. Here」
「It’s delicious but it looks even better when it’s hot? Are you going to try one?」
「I see.....a challenge」
To grant his wish, Iris pushed a piece of chikuwa inside Punigami.
「Puni!? Punininini!」
「Wawawa, don’t struggle so much. You brought it upon yourself!」
「Sorry, I’ve said too much.......still, your body isn’t something that can withstand hot oden」
Just like fish that can’t live on land.
Just like birds that can’t live underwater.
Slimes aren’t made to eat hot oden.
「Sorry, Punigami-chan. I forgot about your cat’s tongue. I’ll make you something cold and delicious next time around, okay?」
「Don’t mind」he sent the apologizing Jessica some words of encouragement.
Just as they were in the middle of their party, a few presences approached the village.
「Six......something is coming from six different directions」
「Big sis, aren’t they biological weapons?」
「Six biological weapons!? W-What should we do!? We have to evacuate somewhere.......awawa」
「Relax, Sheryl. There are six enemies. And there are.....This Mistress, Iris, Eclipse, Jessica, Marion......and Roshe! Six of us. Easy-peasy」
「My my. To be forced to fight in the middle of the oden party」
「Isn’t it fine? Friends should help each other」
「Fine, I guess. Father gave this village a fair share of trouble. Might as well help out a bit」
Despite what she said, she didn’t look all that reluctant.
She had a chance to repay a favor and was rather happy about it.
「Enough! They shan’t be forgiven for disturbing our party!」
「Mother is mad! Heee......I pity our enemies......」
「Punigami are Sheryl are watching the house」
「Punigami-sama. Let’s practice eating steaming hot oden while they are busy fighting」
With everything settled, six faced against six.There was a squid-like one amongst them, so it was turned into oden ingredients as an experiment.Everyone was reluctant at first but it turned out rather nicely.
Iris whispered as she looked at the sky.
「I hope it’s a cow-type biological weapon next. We’ll make a beef stew」
Or so Jessica said.
It’s a scary village if you think of it.
「About the squid-type biological weapon. Apparently, it was cut to pieces and eaten by Iris on a spur of a moment, Great Demon King-sama」 | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 13,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 6
} |
私は若い麻薬密売人で 短気で セミオートを持っていました
しかし 私の物語はそこで終わらず
実は そこから始まったのです それからの23年間は 感謝と謝罪と償いの 物語でした
それは皆さんが想像したり 考えるような形では起きていません
それらは私の人生に 私にとって特に意外な形で もたらされました
多くの皆さんのように 私は優等生名簿に載る 奨学金をもらっていた生徒で 私は優等生名簿に載る 奨学金をもらっていた生徒で 夢は医者になることでした
しかし 私の両親が分かれ そして離婚してから
全てが間違った方向に進みました 実際に起こったことは結構 単純です
17歳の時 3度撃たれました 私の住んでいた デトロイトのブロックの片隅で
医者が弾丸を引き抜き 傷を縫いました そして私が撃たれた場所に そのまま私を送り戻したのです
この苦しい体験の中で 私を抱きしめてくれたり 話を聞いてくれたり 大丈夫だと言ってくれる 人はいませんでした
私が毎日 恐怖におびえ 猜疑的になり 撃たれることに過剰に反応すると 教えてくれる人はいませんでした
私がそのうち 引き鉄を引くであろうことを 教えてくれる人はいませんでした
14ヶ月後の 午前2時 私は銃を撃ち 人を死に至らしめました
私が牢に入った時 私は憎しみに満ち 怒っていて 傷ついていました
親から社会のシステムにまで 責任を押し付けていました
私は撃った時の判断を正当化しました なぜなら私が育った地域では 撃つ人になる方が 撃たれる人になるよりマシだからです
冷たい独房にいながら 私は絶望と 愛のなさと見捨てられた気分を 感じていました
誰も私に関心がないと感じていました 私はこの監禁状態に 敵意を持って反応しました
そして どんどんと トラブルの深みにハマっていきました
闇取引の店を構え 高利貸しをし 違法に刑務所に持ち込まれた 麻薬を売っていました
実は あのころの私は ミシガン更生施設の看守曰く 「最悪中の最悪」でした
これらの活動により 私は独房監禁に送られました 私の投獄期間中 7年半もの間です
私が思うに 独房監禁は 人が入れる場所の中で 最も非人道的で野蛮な所です そして私はそこに入りました
ある日 私が牢の中を歩き回っている時 看守がやってきて 手紙を届けてくれました
いくつかの手紙を読んで 息子のクニャっとした字が 書いてある手紙に行き着きました
息子から受け取る手紙はいつであっても 息子から受け取る手紙はいつであっても 世界で最も暗い場所に射す 一筋の光でした
そして あの日 あの手紙を開いたら 大文字で書いた彼の文字がありました 「お母さんになんで刑務所にいるかきいたよ 殺人だって」
彼はいいます 「お父さん 殺しちゃダメ」
「イエスは見てるよ 彼に祈って」
その時 私は信心深くなく 今も信心深くはないのですが 息子の言葉には
何か深いものを感じました 自分の人生について 今まで 考えなかったことを考えさせられました
私は人生で初めて 自分の息子に殺人犯として 見られるという事実について 思い当ったのです
私は寝台に腰掛け プラトンで読んだ一節を 思い出していました ソクラテスが「弁明」で述べた 「吟味されざる生に 生きる価値なし」
そこが 人生の転換の 出発点でした
しかし それは容易ではありませんでした
私が一つ気が付いたのは これは転換の一部なのですが 4つの鍵となるものが あるということです
まず一つ目は 私には素晴らしい師がいました
今 どうやって刑務所で 良き師を見つけるんだと思ったでしょう
しかし 私の場合 死刑を言い渡されていた 何人かの師は 人生で巡り会えた中で 最高の人たちでした なぜなら 彼らは私に 人生を素直に見つめ直させ 自分の意思決定に 挑戦することを強いたからです
刑務所に行く前は 素晴らしい黒人の詩人や作家や 哲学者がこんなにいたとは 知りませんでした そして私はマルコム・Xの 自叙伝に出会うという 大きな幸運に巡り会いました そして それは自分自身に対する 固定概念を全て打ち砕きました
19年もの間 私の父は 絶対的な信頼を持って 私のそばにいてくれました 父は 私なら人生を好転出来ると 信じていました 父は 私なら人生を好転出来ると 信じていました
さらに私は 現在は2歳になる息子 セコウの母である 素晴らしい女性に出会いました 彼女は健康的に私自身を愛する 術を教えてくれました
あの息子の手紙を 受け取ってから 私は 子供のころと刑務所での体験について 日記をつけ始めました そしてそれは私の心を贖罪に向けて 開かせてくれたのです
服役期間の始めの方に 被害者の親族の一人から 手紙を頂きました その手紙に書いていました 彼女は私を許したと なぜなら彼女は 私が幼い子供で 虐待されていて いくつかの苦難を受けて 一連の判断を誤っただけだと 気づいたからです
私は自分の人生で初めて 自分を許すことに心を開けた気がしました
その体験の後 起こったことが一つあります 共に投獄されている人達のことを そしてどれだけこの体験を共有したいかを
考え始めました そして彼らと 自分たちの体験について 話し始めました そして彼らと 自分たちの体験について 話し始めました そして私は 彼らも同じく 虐待的な環境から来ていることに 打ちのめされました 彼らのほとんどが 助けと 人生の転換を求めていました 不幸にも 250万人を 刑務所に抱える今のシステムは 更生や転生ではなく 収納を目的としています
その時 私は決意しました もし刑務所から釈放される時が 訪れたら 自分の持てる力を全て この現状を変えることに注ぎ込むと
2010年 私は刑務所の外を 20年ぶりに歩きました
想像してみてください フリントストーンが宇宙家族ジェットソンの 一話に登場した時を
私は初めて触れたのです インターネットや ソーシャルメディア 「ナイトライダー」に出てくる KITTのようにしゃべる車
しかし私を最も虜にさせたのは 電話の技術でした
投獄された当時 自動車電話はこんなに大きく 二人がかりで運んでいました
なので想像してみてください 私が初めて ブラックベリーを持ち メールのやり方を覚えているところを
そして周りの人たちは 私が分からないことに気付かず 略語を使っていました LOLとかOMGとかLMAOとか ついにある日 分かったのです 友人とのメールのやり取りの中で 私が彼に何かを依頼すると 彼が「K」と返しました
私の頭の中は 「まじでKって何なんだ」 だったので ハテナを返すと
なので私は「FU」 と返しました
そしたら「なんで罵倒するんだよ」 と返ってきました そしたら「なんで罵倒するんだよ」 と返ってきました 私は「LOL FU」と返しました
やっと理解した の略です やっと理解した の略です そして3年間を早送りしてみると 私はボチボチよくやっていました
MITメディアラボで特別研究員となり BMeという素晴らしい会社で働き ミシガン大学で教えています しかし 社会に復帰してから このような機会に 恵まれる人々は 少ないということには葛藤を覚えました
私は社会復帰を手助けする 素晴らしい人々と共に 働けるという幸運がありました その内の一人が私の友人 カルビン・エヴァンズです
彼は24年間 犯していない罪のために服役していました
私達が話し合ったことの一つが 私の人生の転換に重要だった 三つのことです 一つは認知することです
自分も傷ついていたことを 認める必要がありました
私は被害者の方々に 謝る必要がありました
たとえ受け入れられる見込みがなくとも 正しいことをすることが重要でした
私にとって償いとは コミュニティーに戻り 私と同じ道を歩みつつある 若者と向き合うことでした それは同時に 自分と向き合うことでもありました
牢屋にいた経験から 私が一つ発見したことは 投獄されている 人々のほとんどは 救えるということです そして事実 投獄された人々の90%は いつか社会に復帰します そして私たちはどんな人々が 社会に復帰するかを 定める役割を持っています
今の私の願いは 私たちが大量の投獄者に対して もっと共感的な アプローチで対処することです 「鍵をかけたら捨ててしまえ」 はやめましょう 「鍵をかけたら捨ててしまえ」 はやめましょう それが上手くいかないのは すでに証明されています
私の人生はユニークですが そうである必要はありません
誰でも変わることが出来るのです 私たちがその余地を作り出してあげれば
ですので 皆さんにも 思い描いて欲しいのです 人々が自分の過去に捕らわれず 彼らの悪行や間違いが残りの人生の 全てを決めるようなことがない世界を 全てを決めるようなことがない世界を
私は皆でそんな世界が創れると思います 貴方もまたそうであることを願います
ありがとうございました | I was a young drug dealer with a quick temper and a semi-automatic pistol.
But that wasn't the end of my story.
In fact, it was beginning, and the 23 years since is a story of acknowledgment, apology and atonement.
But it didn't happen in the way that you might imagine or think.
These things occurred in my life in a way that was surprising, especially to me.
See, like many of you, growing up, I was an honor roll student, a scholarship student, with dreams of becoming a doctor.
But things went dramatically wrong when my parents separated and eventually divorced.
The actual events are pretty straightforward.
At the age of 17, I got shot three times standing on the corner of my block in Detroit.
My friend rushed me to the hospital.
Doctors pulled the bullets out, patched me up, and sent me back to the same neighborhood where I got shot.
Throughout this ordeal, no one hugged me, no one counseled me, no one told me I would be okay.
No one told me that I would live in fear, that I would become paranoid, or that I would react hyper-violently to being shot.
No one told me that one day, I would become the person behind the trigger.
Fourteen months later, at 2 a.m., I fired the shots that caused a man's death.
When I entered prison, I was bitter, I was angry, I was hurt.
I didn't want to take responsibility.
I blamed everybody from my parents to the system.
I rationalized my decision to shoot because in the hood where I come from, it's better to be the shooter than the person getting shot.
As I sat in my cold cell, I felt helpless, unloved and abandoned.
I felt like nobody cared, and I reacted with hostility to my confinement.
And I found myself getting deeper and deeper into trouble.
I ran black market stores, I loan sharked, and I sold drugs that were illegally smuggled into the prison.
I had in fact become what the warden of the Michigan Reformatory called "the worst of the worst."
And because of my activity, I landed in solitary confinement for seven and a half years out of my incarceration.
Now as I see it, solitary confinement is one of the most inhumane and barbaric places but find myself I did.
One day, I was pacing my cell, when an officer came and delivered mail.
I looked at a couple of letters before I looked at the letter that had my son's squiggly handwriting on it.
And anytime I would get a letter from my son, it was like a ray of light in the darkest place you can imagine.
And on this particular day, I opened this letter, and in capital letters, he wrote, "My mama told me why you was in prison: murder."
He said, "Dad, don't kill.
Jesus watches what you do. Pray to Him."
Now, I wasn't religious at that time, nor am I religious now, about my son's words.
They made me examine things about my life that I hadn't considered.
It was the first time in my life that I had actually thought about the fact that my son would see me as a murderer.
I sat back on my bunk and I reflected on something I had read in [Plato], where Socrates stated in "Apology" that the unexamined life isn't worth living.
At that point is when the transformation began.
But it didn't come easy.
One of the things I realized, which was part of the transformation, was that there were four key things.
The first thing was, I had great mentors.
Now, I know some of you all are probably thinking, how did you find a great mentor in prison?
But in my case, some of my mentors who are serving life sentences were some of the best people to ever come into my life, because they forced me to look at my life honestly, and they forced me to challenge myself about my decision making.
The second thing was literature.
Prior to going to prison, I didn't know that there were so many brilliant black poets, authors and philosophers, and then I had the great fortune of encountering Malcolm X's autobiography, and it shattered every stereotype I had about myself.
The third thing was family.
For 19 years, my father stood by my side with an unshakable faith, because he believed that I had what it took to turn my life around.
I also met an amazing woman who is now the mother of my two-year-old son Sekou, and she taught me how to love myself in a healthy way.
The final thing was writing.
When I got that letter from my son, I began to write a journal about things I had experienced in my childhood and in prison, and what it did is it opened up my mind to the idea of atonement.
Earlier in my incarceration, I had received a letter from one of the relatives of my victim, and in that letter, she told me she forgave me, because she realized I was a young child who had been abused and had been through some hardships and just made a series of poor decisions.
It was the first time in my life that I ever felt open to forgiving myself.
One of the things that happened after that experience is that I thought about the other men who were incarcerated and how much I wanted to share this with them.
And so I started talking to them about some of their experiences, and I was devastated to realize that most of them came from the same abusive environments, And most of them wanted help and they wanted to turn it around, but unfortunately the system that currently holds 2.5 million people in prison is designed to warehouse as opposed to rehabilitate or transform.
So I made it up in my mind that if I was ever released from prison that I would do everything in my power to help change that.
In 2010, I walked out of prison for the first time after two decades.
Now imagine, if you will, Fred Flintstone walking into an episode of "The Jetsons."
That was pretty much what my life was like.
For the first time, I was exposed to the Internet, social media, cars that talk like KITT from "Knight Rider."
But the thing that fascinated me the most was phone technology.
See, when I went to prison, our car phones were this big and required two people to carry them.
So imagine what it was like when I first grabbed my little Blackberry and I started learning how to text.
But the thing is, the people around me, they didn't realize that I had no idea what all these abbreviated texts meant, like LOL, OMG, LMAO, until one day I was having a conversation with one of my friends via text, and I asked him to do something, and he responded back, "K."
And I was like, "What is K?"
And he was like, "K is okay."
So in my head, I was like, "Well what the hell is wrong with K?"
And so I text him a question mark.
And he said, "K = okay."
And so I tap back, "FU." And then he texts back, and he asks me why was I cussing him out.
And I said, "LOL FU," as in, I finally understand. And so fast forward three years, I'm doing relatively good.
I have a fellowship at MIT Media Lab, I work for an amazing company called BMe, I teach at the University of Michigan, but it's been a struggle because I realize that there are more men and women coming home who are not going to be afforded those opportunities.
I've been blessed to work with some amazing men and women, helping others reenter society, and one of them is my friend named Calvin Evans.
He served 24 years for a crime he didn't commit.
He's 45 years old. He's currently enrolled in college.
And one of the things that we talked about is the three things that I found important in my personal transformation, the first being acknowledgment.
I had to acknowledge that I had hurt others.
I also had to acknowledge that I had been hurt.
The second thing was apologizing.
I had to apologize to the people I had hurt.
Even though I had no expectations of them accepting it, it was important to do because it was the right thing.
But I also had to apologize to myself.
The third thing was atoning.
For me, atoning meant going back into my community and working with at-risk youth who were on the same path, but also becoming at one with myself.
Through my experience of being locked up, one of the things I discovered is this: the majority of men and women who are incarcerated are redeemable, and the fact is, 90 percent of the men and women who are incarcerated will at some point return to the community, and we have a role in determining what kind of men and women return to our community.
My wish today is that we will embrace a more empathetic approach toward how we deal with mass incarceration, that we will do away with the lock-them-up-and-throw-away-the-key mentality, because it's proven it doesn't work.
My journey is a unique journey, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Anybody can have a transformation if we create the space for that to happen.
So what I'm asking today is that you envision a world where men and women aren't held hostage to their pasts, where misdeeds and mistakes don't define you for the rest of your life.
I think collectively, we can create that reality, and I hope you do too.
Thank you. | {
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これは 私の仕事が基礎とするものです
指揮者とオーケストラの間には 揺るぎない絆が必要であり それは互いへの尊敬から生まれるものです それを通して私たちが信じるところの 音楽の物語を紡ぎ出すのです
昔は指揮というと 信頼というよりも 率直なところ強制でさせるものでした
第二次世界大戦以前の指揮者というと みんな独裁者でした 専制君主のような存在で オーケストラ全体ばかりでなく 個々のメンバーの生活の細部まで指図していました
幸い世界は進歩して その中で音楽も進歩しました
今ではもっと民主的な見方と方法がとられており もはや一方通行ではありません
私は指揮者として 音楽のしっかりした外枠を用意する必要がありますが その中には大きな自由があって オーケストラのメンバーを輝かせるのです
私はまた 自分のボディランゲージを強く信頼する必要があります
ご紹介します スコットランド・アンサンブルです
この全体を機能させるには 信頼を築く必要があります
オーケストラへの信頼が必要であり さらに重要なのは 自分自身への信頼です
考えてください 信頼がなかったら何ができるでしょう?
ジェスチャーが大きくなるほど 不明瞭であいまいになり オーケストラの役には立ちません
滑稽なだけです 信頼は消え 嘲りだけが残るでしょう
指揮を始めた頃のことをよく覚えています 惨めなオーケストラ公演の繰り返しで 私が指揮台の上でムキになって ちょっとしたクレッシェンドを— ほんの小さな高まりを作ろうとしても
始めの頃はよく控え室で 長いこと静かに泣いていたものです
イギリスのベテラン指揮者コリン・デイヴィスのアドバイスも 無意味に思えました 「指揮というのはね チャールズ 小鳥をつかむようなものなんだ
私にとって 音楽における根本的で本質的に重要な経験となったのは 南アフリカでの冒険でした 地上でこれほどめくるめく音楽的な国はちょっとないでしょう その音楽文化を通して 1つ極めて根本的な教訓を教えてくれました ともに音楽をやる中で 根源的な深いレベルの 生きた信頼を生み出すことでができるということです
2000年に南アフリカで新しい歌劇団の結成に 取り組む機会がありました
現地に赴き 主に国内あちこちの 非白人居住区でオーディションをしました
2,000人の歌手の歌を聴き 驚くばかりの才能に溢れた 若い歌手40人からなる歌劇団を作りました 大半は黒人でしたが 白人の歌手も何人かいました
最初のリハーサルのとき 白人歌手の一人が 以前 南アフリカ警官隊の 一員だったことがわかりました
旧体制の終わりの時期には 非白人居住区の人々への攻撃に たびたび派遣されていました
この情報がその場の空気に及ぼした影響は 想像に難くないでしょう
南アフリカで何よりも信頼がないのは 白人警官と 黒人コミュニティの間です
私たちは ただひたすら 歌い続けました すると驚くことに信頼が芽生え 友情が花開いたのです
それは深い真実に気づかせてくれました 音楽やその他の創造的活動というのは 時に言葉では辿り着けない場所へと 連れて行ってくれるのです
その映画を作ろうという話になって ケープタウン郊外のカエリチャという 非白人居住区で収録と撮影をしました 曲は全部コーサ語で歌われています
美しい音楽的な言葉です タイトルは「ウ・カルメン・イ・カエリチャ」 「カエリチャのカルメン」という意味です
南アフリカの音楽が どれほどのものか示す証拠として 映画の一部をご覧いただきたいと思います
南アフリカの音楽表現で 私がすっかり魅了されたのは その自由さです
その少なからぬ部分は 彼らが表記法に囚われないという 根本的な事実によるのだと思います
彼らは魔法のように その旋律をベースにたくさんのハーモニーを即興で作り出します 単にそうできるのです
西洋に住む我々の音楽に対する態度や感覚は ずっと融通が利かないものです スキルとシステムがすべてです
一部のエリート 才能ある人間だけのものです
それでもこの地球上の誰もが 日々音楽に関わっているのです
もっと一般的なところでは ここにいる誰もがまったくの自信を持って 映画や文学について
嬉々として話すことでしょうが クラシック音楽の曲となると 自信を持って語れる人が どれほどいるでしょう?
私が言いたいのは その極度の自信のなさを克服し 飛躍して欲しいということです 自分の耳を信頼し 名曲を名曲たらしめている 基本的な筋組織 神経 DNAを 聞き取れるのだと信じてほしいのです
TEDが旋律を表しているのは ご存じでしたか?
3つの音からなるシンプルな調べです T E D
実は作曲家たちが何百年も使ってきた 伝統的な表記法では
Tという音は確かにあるのです 音階をA B C D E F G と歌った後 アルファベットの続きにそのまま進むのです H I J K L M N O P Q R S T ほら
だからT E DはF E Dになります
講演のはじめに演奏した 曲の主題の中には TEDが埋め込まれていました
もう一度やりましょう TEDが際立って突き出すようにやりましょう
皆さん もうすぐお茶の時間です
この素晴らしい3つの音 TEDを歌うんです
もう一度元気よく また狂った風車に戻った感じです
演奏が始まったら 私の合図で皆さん歌ってください
もう一度 気持ちを込めて
TED合唱団のデビューとしては 悪くありません
今立ち上げようとしているプロジェクトで 夢中になっているものがあるのでご紹介したい これはみんなの認識を変え 新たなレベルの信頼を作り出すものです
私の末の子は生まれながらの脳性麻痺で それを受け入れるのがいかに大きなことかは 自分で経験しなければ 分からないと思います
私の素晴らしい娘が私に与えてくれた贈り物が何かというと その子の存在そのものを別にすると これまで見えていなかった 身障者コミュニティの広がりに
私の目を見開かせてくれたことです パラリンピックを見たとき 最高レベルの運動能力を達成するのに 身体障害は壁にならないと示す上で テクノロジーがいかに有用か感心しました
もっともこの事実には厳しい側面もあり 身障者とスポーツは 面白く訴求力あるものとして 結びつきうるということを 世界の多くの人が理解し信頼するようになるには 何十年もかかったのです
それで自問しました その点音楽はどうなんだろう?
イギリスに限っても 優れた音楽の潜在能力を持つ身障者が
何百万といることでしょう だからその能力を育む基盤を作ることにしました
これはイギリス初の 身障者のための国立オーケストラで
「パラオーケストラ」という名前です 最初に即興セッションをしたときの ビデオをご覧いただきます
即興をするときは通常 私は世界中でやっていますが はじめに緊迫した時間帯があって みんな始めるのを怖れ 腹を探り合うような重い沈黙があるのですが
それから突然魔法のようにはじけ 大騒ぎのようになって 何も聞こえず
誰も聞かず 信頼などどこにもなく
それがこの4人の身障者演奏家の場合 5分もせずに うっとりと聞き うっとりと応じ そして並外れて美しい音楽を奏でたのです
22歳の 左利きピアニストです
音楽を作っていると 飛行機を操縦しているパイロットのような気分になります
楽器をまた演奏できるようになりたい 楽器を弾き パフォーマンスすることで得られる喜びはとても大きく
あの音楽家の中の誰かがこの場にいてくれたらと思います 彼らがどれほど素晴らしいか直接見ることができたでしょう
今はまだ信じがたく不可能に思える この夢の実現のために どんな形であれ手を貸してくださる方は どうか知らせてください
最後に 偉大なヨーゼフ・ハイドンの話をしましょう 18世紀後半オーストリアのすばらしい作曲家で 生涯の大半を 楽団とともにニコラウス・エステルハージに仕えました
エステルハージ公は音楽好きでしたが 片田舎の城が 気に入っていて 多くの時をそこで過ごしていました オーストリア=ハンガリー帝国の 国境に近い エステルハージという 大都会ウィーンからは遠く隔たった場所です
1772年のある日 エステルハージ公は 楽団員の家族を 今後城に受け入れないという 布告を出しました
城にいられなくなり ウィーンに帰らなければなりません 当時は滅多に行き来できないような遠隔地です
エステルハージ公は音楽好きだったので ハイドンは交響曲で気持ちを伝えることにしました
幸いエステルハージ公は その演奏の心を察し 音楽家たちは再び 家族と暮らせるようになりました
これは私の話の要点をよく示していると思います 信頼ある所に 音楽は生き続け
信頼ない所で 音楽はしおれてしまうのです | There has to be, between me and the orchestra, an unshakable bond of trust, born out of mutual respect, through which we can spin a musical narrative that we all believe in.
Now in the old days, conducting, music making, was less about trust and more, frankly, about coercion.
Up to and around about the Second World War, conductors were invariably dictators -- these tyrannical figures who would rehearse, not just the orchestra as a whole, but individuals within it, within an inch of their lives.
But I'm happy to say now that the world has moved on, music has moved on with it.
We now have a more democratic view and way of making music -- a two-way street.
I, as the conductor, have to come to the rehearsal with a cast-iron sense of the outer architecture of that music, within which there is then immense personal freedom for the members of the orchestra to shine.
For myself, of course, I have to completely trust my body language.
That's all I have at the point of sale.
It's silent gesture.
I can hardly bark out instructions while we're playing.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Scottish Ensemble.
So in order for all this to work, obviously I have got to be in a position of trust.
I have to trust the orchestra, and, even more crucially, I have to trust myself.
Think about it: when you're in a position of not trusting, what do you do?
You overcompensate.
And in my game, that means you overgesticulate.
You end up like some kind of rabid windmill.
And the bigger your gesture gets, the more ill-defined, blurry and, frankly, useless it is to the orchestra.
You become a figure of fun. There's no trust anymore, only ridicule.
And I remember at the beginning of my career, again and again, on these dismal outings with orchestras, I would be going completely insane on the podium, trying to engender a small scale crescendo really, just a little upsurge in volume.
Bugger me, they wouldn't give it to me.
I spent a lot of time in those early years weeping silently in dressing rooms.
And how futile seemed the words of advice to me from great British veteran conductor Sir Colin Davis who said, "Conducting, Charles, is like holding a small bird in your hand.
If you hold it too tightly, you crush it.
If you hold it too loosely, it flies away."
I have to say, in those days, I couldn't really even find the bird.
Now a fundamental and really viscerally important experience for me, in terms of music, has been my adventures in South Africa, the most dizzyingly musical country on the planet in my view, but a country which, through its musical culture, has taught me one fundamental lesson: that through music making can come deep levels of fundamental life-giving trust.
Back in 2000, I had the opportunity to go to South Africa to form a new opera company.
So I went out there, and I auditioned, mainly in rural township locations, right around the country.
I heard about 2,000 singers and pulled together a company of 40 of the most jaw-droppingly amazing young performers, the majority of whom were black, but there were a handful of white performers.
Now it emerged early on in the first rehearsal period that one of those white performers had, in his previous incarnation, been a member of the South African police force.
And in the last years of the old regime, he would routinely be detailed to go into the township to aggress the community.
Now you can imagine what this knowledge did to the temperature in the room, the general atmosphere.
Let's be under no illusions.
In South Africa, the relationship most devoid of trust is that between a white policeman and the black community.
So how do we recover from that, ladies and gentlemen?
Simply through singing.
We sang, we sang, we sang, and amazingly new trust grew, and indeed friendship blossomed.
And that showed me such a fundamental truth, that music making and other forms of creativity can so often go to places where mere words cannot.
So we got some shows off the ground. We started touring them internationally.
One of them was "Carmen."
We then thought we'd make a movie of "Carmen," which we recorded and shot outside on location in the township outside Cape Town called Khayelitsha.
The piece was sung entirely in Xhosa, which is a beautifully musical language, if you don't know it. It's called "U-Carmen e-Khayelitsha" -- literally "Carmen of Khayelitsha."
I want to play you a tiny clip of it now for no other reason than to give you proof positive that there is nothing tiny about South African music making.
Something which I find utterly enchanting about South African music making is that it's so free.
South Africans just make music really freely.
And I think, in no small way, that's due to one fundamental fact: they're not bound to a system of notation.
They don't read music.
They trust their ears.
You can teach a bunch of South Africans a tune in about five seconds flat.
And then, as if by magic, they will spontaneously improvise a load of harmony around that tune because they can.
Now those of us that live in the West, if I can use that term, I think have a much more hidebound attitude or sense of music -- that somehow it's all about skill and systems.
Therefore it's the exclusive preserve of an elite, talented body.
And yet, ladies and gentlemen, every single one of us on this planet probably engages with music on a daily basis.
And if I can broaden this out for a second, I'm willing to bet that every single one of you sitting in this room about movies, probably about literature.
But how many of you would be able to make a confident assertion about a piece of classical music?
Why is this?
And what I'm going to say to you now is I'm just urging you to get over this supreme lack of self-confidence, to take the plunge, to believe that you can trust your ears, you can hear some of the fundamental muscle tissue, fiber, DNA, what makes a great piece of music great.
I've got a little experiment I want to try with you.
that TED is a tune?
A very simple tune based on three notes -- T, E, D.
Now hang on a minute.
I know you're going to say to me, "T doesn't exist in music."
which composers have been using for hundreds of years, which proves actually that it does.
If I sing you a musical scale: A, B, C, D, E, F, G -- and I just carry on with the next set of letters in the alphabet, same scale: H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T -- there you go.
T, see it's the same as F in music.
So T is F.
So T, E, D is the same as F, E, D.
Now that piece of music that we played at the start of this session had enshrined in its heart the theme, which is TED.
Have a listen.
Do you hear it?
Or do I smell some doubt in the room?
Okay, we'll play it for you again now, and we're going to highlight, we're going to poke out the T, E, D.
If you'll pardon the expression.
Oh my goodness me, there it was loud and clear, surely.
I think we should make this even more explicit.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's nearly time for tea.
Would you reckon you need to sing for your tea, I think?
I think we need to sing for our tea.
We're going to sing those three wonderful notes: T, E, D.
Will you have a go for me?
Audience: T, E, D.
Charles Hazlewood: Yeah, you sound a bit more like cows really than human beings.
Shall we try that one again?
And look, if you're adventurous, you go up the octave.
T, E, D.
Audience: T, E, D.
CH: Once more with vim. There I am like a bloody windmill again, you see.
Now we're going to put that in the context of the music.
The music will start, and then at a signal from me, you will sing that.
One more time, with feeling, ladies and gentlemen.
You won't make the key otherwise.
Well done, ladies and gentlemen.
It wasn't a bad debut for the TED choir, not a bad debut at all.
Now there's a project that I'm initiating at the moment that I'm very excited about and wanted to share with you, because it is all about changing perceptions, and, indeed, building a new level of trust.
The youngest of my children was born with cerebral palsy, which as you can imagine, if you don't have an experience of it yourself, is quite a big thing to take on board.
But the gift that my gorgeous daughter has given me, aside from her very existence, that was hitherto hidden, the community of disabled people.
And I found myself looking at the Paralympics and thinking how incredible how technology's been harnessed to prove beyond doubt that disability is no barrier to the highest levels of sporting achievement.
Of course there's a grimmer side to that truth, which is that it's actually taken decades for the world at large to come to a position of trust, to really believe that disability and sports can go together in a convincing and interesting fashion.
So I find myself asking: where is music in all of this?
in the U.K. alone, with massive musical potential.
So I decided to create a platform for that potential.
It's going to be Britain's first ever national disabled orchestra.
It's called Paraorchestra. I'm going to show you a clip now of the very first improvisation session that we had.
It was a really extraordinary moment.
Just me and four astonishingly gifted disabled musicians.
Normally when you improvise -- and I do it all the time around the world -- there's this initial period of horror, like everyone's too frightened to throw the hat into the ring, an awful pregnant silence.
Then suddenly, as if by magic, bang! We're all in there and it's complete bedlam. You can't hear anything.
No one's listening. No one's trusting.
No one's responding to each other.
Now in this room with these four disabled musicians, within five minutes a rapt listening, a rapt response and some really insanely beautiful music.
Nicholas:: My name's Nicholas McCarthy.
I'm 22, and I'm a left-handed pianist.
And I was born without my left hand -- right hand.
Can I do that one again?
Lyn: When I'm making music, I feel like a pilot in the cockpit flying an airplane.
I become alive.
Clarence: I would rather be able to play an instrument again than walk.
There's so much joy and things I could get from playing an instrument and performing.
It's removed some of my paralysis.
CH: I only wish that some of those musicians were here with us today, so you could see at firsthand how utterly extraordinary they are.
Paraorchestra is the name of that project.
If any of you thinks you want to help me in any way to achieve what is a fairly impossible and implausible dream still at this point, please let me know.
Now my parting shot comes courtesy of the great Joseph Haydn, wonderful Austrian composer in the second half of the 18th century -- spent the bulk of his life in the employ of Prince Nikolaus Esterhazy, along with his orchestra.
Now this prince loved his music, but he also loved the country castle that he tended to reside in most of the time, which is just on the Austro-Hungarian border, a place called Esterhazy -- a long way from the big city of Vienna.
Now one day in 1772, the prince decreed that the musicians' families, the orchestral musicians' families, were no longer welcome in the castle.
They weren't allowed to stay there anymore; they had to be returned to Vienna -- as I say, an unfeasibly long way away in those days.
You can imagine, the musicians were disconsolate.
Haydn remonstrated with the prince, but to no avail.
So given the prince loved his music, Haydn thought he'd write a symphony to make the point.
And we're going to play just the very tail end of this symphony now.
And you'll see the orchestra in a kind of sullen revolt.
I'm pleased to say, the prince did take the tip from the orchestral performance, and the musicians were reunited with their families.
But I think it sums up my talk rather well, this, that where there is trust, there is music -- by extension life.
Where there is no trust, the music quite simply withers away. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「キャゥ? キュゥキュゥ」
「ワフ? ......ワウワウ」
鍋を前足でつつきつつ、もうないの? と問いかけるように首を傾げた。
「キュゥ? キャゥキャゥ!」
そのままライラさんが料理してる所に近付き、話しかける。 | “...So Sebastian has agreed to it?”
“He has. Haven’t you, Sebastian?”
“Yes. While there are some conditions, I have agreed to bring it back with us.”
“I is all right then...”
Ms. Lyra was satisfied by Sebastian’s answer and began to mutter, ‘a fenrir is indeed cute...’ And then she returned to the pot that hung over the fire, and began to serve everyone their food.
As I hadn’t eaten anything but herbs since lunch, I was very hungry.
And so I took my wooden plate and waited in line with Phillip and the others.
It was the familiar orc and vegetable soup, as we had limited supplies while camping out here.
But while it was familiar, it was still delicious, and we didn’t tire of it.
As we all ate our food, we told Ms. Lyra and Johanna about what we had seen while searching through the forest.
Phillip and Nicholas did most of the talking.
I felt that there was some exaggeration when they got to the part where I used Weed Cultivation, but I didn’t correct them.
Though, I did feel quite awkward when such talk resulted in Ms. Lyra and Johanna giving me looks of astonishment and admiration.
“Still, Lady Claire. Are you really fine with leaving the forest now?”
Johanna asked Ms. Claire when they were finished.
“Yes, it is fine. I feel that nothing good will come from staying here much longer. We’ve already taken longer than planned. Besides, we did find a real fenrir. It’s proof that there are others.”
“...That is true... Up until now, humans never went this deep into this forest. And so no fenrirs have been sighted since the founder. But now you can refute those who would say that there are no more fenrirs here.”
“Yes. If I am being honest, I had hopes of meeting a Silver Fenrir, just like my ancestor, but this is enough.”
“Very well. If that is how you feel, Lady Claire, then I will not argue.”
Ms. Claire and Johanna finished talking, and everyone seemed to agree with her that finding the fenrir was enough of an achievement.
For a while, we surrounded the campfire and rested. And just as we started to talk about sleep, the fenrir that was in Ms. Claire’s arms suddenly stirred.
“It has awakened.”
As Ms. Claire carried it, the closed eyelids opened, and its red eyes looked up at Ms. Claire’s face.
Leo, who had been curled up next to me, also realized that it was awake, and she stood up and approached the fenrir.
The fenrir turned away from Ms. Claire to look at Leo. And then it let out a fearful yelp.
It could tell that Leo was a Silver Fenrir.
“It is fine. Good Leo will not attack you. Do not worry.”
Ms. Claire patted the fenrir’s back as she talked to it gently.
Leo moved slowly so as not to frighten the fenrir, and then rubbed her large cheek against it.
“Kyau? Kyu-kyu.”
“Wuff. Wuff-wuff.”
Apparently, Leo and the fenrir were talking.
I could not understand what the fenrir was trying to say, but it looked like Leo was saying that it shouldn’t worry.
Then the fenrir turned its head and looked at its surroundings.
It was trying to understand the situation it was in.
“Wuff? ...Wou-wou.”
The fenrir sounded like it wanted something.
Leo realized this and spoke to it in a concerned voice.
...Perhaps the fenrir was looking for its parents?
The voice had reminded me of when I first found Leo. She had that weak voice as if asking for help. As if wanting her parents.
I had heard it faintly through the rain. The voice that called to her parents, or anyone who might listen.
“...Wou. Wou-wou.”
“What is it, Good Leo?”
Leo moved away from the fenrir and went over to Ms. Lyra.
She prodded the pot with her front paws and tilted her head as if to say, ‘There is no more?’
“I think Leo is asking if there is more food.”
“Even I could understand what she meant just now, Mr. Takumi. However, there is no more, since everyone ate it... However... I could make something simple if you don’t mind waiting?”
Said Ms. Lyra, and Leo nodded as if making a request.
“Very well. Just wait one moment.” “Wuff.”
Ms. Lyra took out some leftover orc meat from her bag, as well as some vegetable scraps.
...I hadn’t realized that we were so low on vegetables.
It was a good thing we had decided to return tomorrow.
The orc meat was as delicious as any luxury meat, but even it would feel plain without some vegetables.
After seeing that Ms. Lyra was cooking, Leo returned to Ms. Claire and put her face close to the fenrir.
“Kyuu? Kyau-kyau!”
When Leo said something to the fenrir, it raised its voice happily.
“Good Leo. What did it say?”
Ms. Claire asked. Leo looked at her sadly once and then moved her mouth as if chewing.
...It was hungry... I think.
“She says that it’s hungry.”
“I that’s why Lyra is...”
As the fenrir pup was hungry, Leo had asked Lyra to make something.
Because Lyra had been the cook during this whole expedition.
In that case...perhaps the fenrir had been yelping and yipping earlier because it was hungry?
It wasn’t asking for help or for its parents, but because it wanted food... Perhaps I was just getting sentimental with thoughts of Leo’s past...
Well, at least I had just been thinking that and not saying it out loud...or it would have been embarrassing...
And so I shook my head once and drove such thoughts away.
And then I walked over to Ms. Lyra, who was cooking, in order to ask her something. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
政府が、能力または理性的政策の欠如のために、市民の基本的要求を満たせない場合は、貧困が主権の効力を引き下げ、あるいは消し去りさえする可能性もある。これは単に疑念のみでなく、国家の失敗とジェノサイドは避難民流入を変動させ、テロリストの定着のきっかけを作り出すかもしれないという見解も反映している。 | Necessity may also lead to reducing or even eliminating sovereignty when a government, whether from a lack of capacity or conscious policy, is unable to provide for the basic needs of its citizens. This reflects not simply scruples, but a view that state failure and genocide can lead to destabilizing refugee flows and create openings for terrorists to take root. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
どこまでウィルおじさんに重荷を背負わせるの? ......もう解放してあげてもいいじゃない。
おじい様がそう言ったのと同時に記憶がプツンと途切れた。 | I thought it was Uncle Will’s young voice that I had never heard before that will remain in my ears for the rest of my life. I was certain that that scream must have been the sound he made when his eyes were ripped out of his head.
I strained my eyes, trying desperately to fix the memory of Uncle Will in my mind’s eye.
In a dimly lit corner of the prison, a young man was crouching.
I could only stand there and stare at the atmosphere of despair.
In fact, even if I had been there, I would not have been able to speak to Uncle Will.
I was certain that I would always feel helpless. I was ashamed of my inability to help Gilles, as I was when I went to the impoverished village for the first time.
People easily mention they would “help”, but they fail to realize how difficult it would be.
People should be more aware of how much responsibility they could bear with that word.
...Once people realized that, they would not be able to say “help” so easily.
I quietly approached Uncle Will, who was crouching.
Even though I knew it was in the past, even though I knew it was in my memory, I wanted to be there.
If this was Uncle Will’s most painful memory, I wanted to be there for him.
It was just my ego, but that was how important Uncle Will was to me....
I heard Grandfather’s voice from the next prison cell.
It must have been before Grandfather and the others were deported. Master Kate and Master Mark must be here as well.
Uncle Will did not answer, though he must have heard Grandfather’s voice. I wanted to hug a boy about my age, who was in a state of abandonment.
“Will-sama, are you all right?”
Grandfather’s worried voice echoed in the prison. Grandfather must have been treated awfully.
There was no way they would be deported unharmed.
“Please...please don’t die.”
I was incredibly angry at the situation. Why should they have to go through this?
What a horrible thing to do.... Prison was a place for scoundrels, wasn’t it?
I looked at Uncle Will, trying my best to suppress my anger.
“...You are a cruel man to say such a thing to me under the circumstances.”
A weak little voice emanated from Uncle Will’s mouth.
He had lost everything he cared about, and to top it off, both of his eyes had been gouged out, moreover he was put in jail.
It would be too much to ask him not to die.
“Please live”, Grandfather’s strong voice, echoed in the dungeon.
Grandfather was the only one who could say such words to him in this situation.
“...For what?”
“For the future of this country someday.”
Grandfather answered immediately.
How much more do you want Uncle Will to bear the burden? You should let him go.
Or was I naive to think that?
“You still want me to work for the country that betrayed me.”
Why should anyone think about the country that ruined their life?
I sympathized with Uncle Will. I took the anger I felt from him against the Duelkis head on.
“One day you will understand. That it is the best revenge against this country.”
“...I don’t understand.”
“That’s fine. I am certain that in time you will understand my words.”
Grandfather might have the ability to calmly analyze things at any time and in any situation.
The situation they had been in would be at a level where they could go insane. If I were in the same situation as them, I wouldn’t know if I could remain like this.
“No matter how many months go by, I will never work for this country.”
Grandfather did not respond to Uncle Will’s words.
After a few moments of silence, “Unless”, Uncle Will, continued,
“...if I ever can see again,, it’s a miracle that can’t happen. Let’s not think about that.”
“...What if someone could perform such a miracle?”
“Then I will devote my life to that one. I promise to do everything in my power to follow their will.”
Uncle Will looked up a little and said in a confident voice.
I remained frozen in place, staring at Uncle Will.
...No way.
So, on the day I gave Uncle Will one eye, he gave me his life?
Did you bet your life on a dream?
“I hope that person will be someone from Duelkis.”
Grandfather said this and at the same time the memory was interrupted by a pause. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
さて、これらの情報から何か発展すれば良いんだけどな。 | “First of all, you can understand what is this, right?”
On the palm of her right hand, Mizuki then conjured up a blue magic sphere.
Her left palm, which wasn’t even slightly disrupted, simultaneously produced a comparable magic power.
“Oh. On both your right and left palms, isn’t there a spherical mass of blue magic power?”
“Hmm. I guess you feel it differently from me after all.”
“What? Wah!?”
In the instant Mizuki said that, water splashed on Pumpkin’s head, and he hurriedly raised his gaze to the top of his own head.
When he did, there was a blue sphere floating there, which was smaller than the one in Mizuki’s hand.
Judging from the situation, could it be that the water poured down from there?
“I get the impression that, in contrast to us spirits and other magical creatures, you see magic rather than sense it.”
“Hmm? Does that mean there’s a difference in the way Mizuki and I perceive magic?”
“Yes, we usually determine the attribute and quantity of magic by the fluctuation and pressure of the magic, and we don’t discern the color of the magic. Maybe it’s your unique skill.”
So, this is what it means, ordinary people and Mizuki sense magic power through pressure and heat, but I sense magic power through sight.
That’s why I didn’t notice the magic secretly planted above my head.
Hmm. There may be pros and cons, but for now, I suppose it’s all good.
“So what about the attributes?”
“Every magic power has its own attribute and each has its own sensation... In your case, it’s probably the difference in color, but there are different types of magic powers. For instance, I’m a water spirit, so I have the water attribute, and you have the earth attribute.”
The blue magic on Mizuki’s hand was then freely manipulated.
Does that mean that the water attribute is blue and the earth attribute is green in my eyes?
Hmm. If that’s the case, then....
“Could it be that the boars living in this forest are fire attributes and the birds are mostly wind attributes?”
“Yes, that’s about right.”
If so, it seems to me that fire is red and wind is yellow.
“There’s also light, dark, and pure magic with no attributes.”
That would leave him with a rough idea that light should be white and dark should be black. And pure magic power had no attributes, which meant it was probably colorless and transparent.
Therefore, it seemed that his perception of magic power was fundamentally influenced by the classical elements of the four major attributes.
What about yellow-green? This is a bit of a mystery.
“The term ‘magic’ refers to the transformation of magic power into a physical phenomenon by some means. In the case of the simplest magic, it is to convert the magic power into the nearest object, which in my instance would be water, as I did earlier.”
“What’s wrong?”
He racked his brains to figure out what Mizuki was talking about.
If Mizuki’s explanation and sensation are accurate, my attribute is earth, then releasing my magic power should cause it to change into earth—actually, dust, but that’s beside the point—or into something similar.
Yet if I gather my magic and release it...
“Well, to Mizuki, this is magic, right?”
He showed Mizuki [Gust Blow].
Mizuki looked incredulous at what she had just observed, and then expressed her astonishment.
“What’s going on here with mine then?”
“E-Even if you ask me, I don’t know!? How can you use wind-attribute magic from earth-attribute magic without any preparation? Ah, but that would explain why you can use flight magic if you can do this kind of thing...”
Hmm. Apparently, even Mizuki didn’t know the reason for this phenomenon.
[Gust Blow] was unquestionably a phenomenon of the wind attribute. But he himself was of earth-attribute. It was a mystery.
Well, I’ll investigate the reason later.
“I don’t understand it anymore. The fact that you have been reincarnated as a pumpkin is already out of the ordinary...”
“Even if you say that, I don’t have a clue either...”
While Pumpkin had no understanding of why he was in this situation, Mizuki said it in an awestruck manner, so he could only reply in this way.
“So, now that I know about the simplest kind of magic, how about the advanced one?”
“Huh? Oh, yes. My bad, but I don’t know the details. Normally, spirits with a plethora of magic power won’t use such complex magic, and even if it’s a magical beast, it has to possess human intelligence to be able to use such potent magic. Because of this, everything that I have seen in the forest is things that humans have utilized.”
I see. Indeed, detailed technology is the exclusive domain of humans, and there is no expectation that spirits or other creatures who don’t need it will use it.
However, even some fragmentary information might be helpful, so he’ll ask Mizuki.
“What exactly is it that these humans were using?”
“Humans differ in their strong attributes depending on their race, but I’ve witnessed people using magic to create fire even though they have wind attributes, or by changing their magic to a different attribute through chanting or tools and using a different attribute than they are proficient in.”
“No, that’s all I need to know.”
I see... chanting and tools. I don’t have those either!
But it seemed that he can change a few attributes by dancing and will, so the question remained, how to cause the desired phenomenon?
Only an actual apprenticeship with a human sorcerer or conducting more investigation would reveal the answer.
“Well, that’s about all I know. I hope that is helpful.”
“Many thanks. If something arises, simply come to me; I’ll be at my base of operations at that egg-shaped boulder over there.”
“Yes, I’ll be a good neighbor if you need anything.”
With that, Mizuki’s lecture on magic and magic power was over, and Pumpkin bid her farewell and departed Lake Accumulation.
Now, if only something could develop from all this information. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「この日のためにクリスタベルさんに教わったクライミング技術その他! まさかこんな場所にいるとは思うまい、ククク。さぁ、どんなアブノーマルなプレイをしているのか、ばっちり確認してあげる!」
「そうそう、この角度なら......それにしても静かね? もう少し嬌声が聞こえるかと思ったのに......」
「はっ!? その手があったか! くぅう、小賢しい! でも私は諦めない! その痴態だけでもこの眼に焼き付け..................」
「ち、ちなうんですよ? お客様。これは、その、あの、そう! 宿の定期点検です!」
「そ、そうそう! 評判は大事です!」
「そ、それは由々しき事態ですね! の、覗きだなんて、ゆ、許せません、よ?」
「おう。にしても一体何があの子を駆り立てるんだか......屋根から降りてくるとか尋常じゃないだろ? 流石に、いくら飯が美味くても別の宿を探すべきかもな」
「ちょっ! ハジメさん! 潰れます! 私の手が潰れちゃいますぅ!」
「ひぃーー! すみません、すみませんでしたぁ! ちょっと調子に乗りましたぁ! だから離してぇ! 壊れちゃう! それ以上は壊れちゃいますからぁ!」
「何さりげなくいい雰囲気作ろうとしてんだ? そもそも、お前の部屋隣だろうが。何でいるんだよ?」
「いいえ、私の勘では、ハジメさんはデレ始めてます! 最初の頃に比べれば大分優しいですもの! このまま既成事実でも作ってやれば...グヘヘ『メキョバキッ』らめぇーー! 壊れるぅーー!」
「ていうかユエ。最近、あんまり止めないよな? どういう心境の変化だ?」
「ん? まぁ、そうだろうな......」
「ぐすっ、あの、せめて私の存在を忘れるのだけは止めてもらえませんか? 虚しさとか寂しさが半端なくて......ぐすっ」
もちろん、ハジメがそんな面倒事をまともに受けるわけがない。最終的には、決闘しろ! というセリフの〝け〟の部分で既に発砲、非致死性のゴム弾が哀れな挑戦者の頭部に炸裂し三回転ひねりを披露して地面とキスするというのが常だった。
あまりにぶっ飛んだネーミングと思考の集団にドン引きのハジメ達。町中でいきなり土下座するとユエに向かって「踏んで下さい!」とか絶叫するのだ。もはや恐怖である。シアに至ってはどういう思考過程を経てそんな結論に至ったのか理解不能だ。亜人族は被差別種族じゃなかったのかとか、お前らが奴隷になってどうするとかツッコミどころは満載だが、深く考えるのが嫌だったので出会えば即刻排除している。最後は女性のみで結成された集団で、ユエとシアに付き纏うか、ハジメの排除行動が主だ。一度は、「お姉さまに寄生する害虫が! 玉取ったらぁああーー!!」とか叫びながらナイフを片手に突っ込んで来た少女もいる。
「う~ん、おや。ちょうどいいのがあるよ。商隊の護衛依頼だね。ちょうど空きが後一人分あるよ......どうだい? 受けるかい?」
「あんた達も体に気をつけて元気でおやりよ? この子に泣かされたら何時でも家においで。あたしがぶん殴ってやるからね」
「あんたも、こんないい子達泣かせんじゃないよ? 精一杯大事にしないと罰が当たるからね?」
バッチリとウインクするキャサリンに、思わず頬が引き攣るハジメ。手紙一つでお偉いさんに影響を及ぼせるアンタは一体何者だ? という疑問がありありと表情に浮かんでいる。
「おや、詮索はなしだよ? いい女に秘密はつきものさね」
「素直でよろしい! 色々あるだろうけど、死なないようにね」
そんな愉快? なブルックの町民達を思い出にしながら、正面門にやって来たハジメ達を迎えたのは商隊のまとめ役と他の護衛依頼を受けた冒険者達だった。どうやらハジメ達が最後のようで、まとめ役らしき人物との冒険者が、やって来たハジメ達を見て一斉にざわついた。
「マジかよ! 嬉しさと恐怖が一緒くたに襲ってくるんですけど!」
「......もっとユンケル? ......商隊のリーダーって大変なんだな......」
「それは頼もしいな......ところで、この兎人族......売るつもりはないかね? それなりの値段を付けさせてもらうが」
「いや、お前、男だろ? 誰が、そんなことッあ、すまん、謝るからっやめっアッーー!!」
ハジメは、愉快? な護衛仲間の愉快な発言に頭痛を感じたように手で頭を抑えた。やっぱりブルックの町の奴らは阿呆ばっかりだと。そんな事を思っていると、背中に何やら〝むにゅう〟と柔らかい感触を感じ、更に腕が背後から回されハジメを抱きしめてくる。
「......いいか? 特別な意味はないからな? 勘違いするなよ?」
「? 何だユエ?」
商隊の女性陣は生暖かい眼差しで、男性陣は死んだ魚のような眼差しでその光景を見つめる。ハジメに突き刺さる煩わしい視線や言葉は、きっと自業自得である。 | “Fufuh, your silliness, thoroughly show me how you sticky you get today!”
The crescent moon sometimes hidden by clouds illuminated the dark night. Even now, the face that possessed radiance peeped from above the clouds that was moved by the wind. That light began to illuminate a certain building on the ground. More accurately, a rope hanging from the roof of that building, and what was illuminated was a girl that displayed excellent rappelling skills, just like a special forces from somewhere.
Surusuru, as she descended to the corner of a window in a certain room on the third floor, she turned around. While being upside down. her face peered in from the upper part of the window.
“For today’s sake, I had Crystabel-san teach me her Climbing technique! I never thought of using it at this place, kukuku. Now, what kind of abnormal plays will you do, I will absolutely confirm it!”
“Haa haa,” rough breathing came from the excited girl as she focused on peeping into the room before her. Concealing herself, this girl was none other than Souna-chan; the inn girl of Brook Town’s “Masaka Inn”. Bright and energetic, able to talk without hesitation, and working hard all over the place. Even though she couldn’t be called beautiful, the inn girl was simply lovely just like a blooming flower on a plain. There was a considerable amount of single men targeting her in this town.
That girl was currently using all the techniques she knew to “peep” on certain guests with all her might. If her expression was seen by the men who fell for her would make them instantly feel as if they’d been disillusioned... ... It was as if she was a perverted old man.
“Kuh, it is dark after all. I can’t see anything. If only the angle shifted a little more...”
“Like this?”
“That’s right, if it’s from this angle... ... Even so, isn’t it too quiet? Even I thought I’d hear more moaning...”
“Isn’t it possible to use magic to intercept the sound?”
“Hah!? There is also that move! Kuu, how crafty! But, I won’t give up! Even if it’s only their silliness, I’ll burn it into my eyes...”
Just saying this once more, here was outside the window on the third floor. Even if Souna was an idiot to the limits, she couldn’t believe she’d hear a voice from nearby. Souna instantly sweated like a waterfall, and gigigi, turned around with an awkward movement just like a machine that was forgotten to be oiled. There was...
Hajime standing in the sky like a Niou statue, with a cold smile plastered across his face.
“I-ich not what you think, you know? Dear customer. This is, that’s, umm, right! A regular inn maintenance!”
“Hou~, in the middle of the night?”
“Th-that’s right~. Look, if I don’t do it some time in the middle of the night, such as during the day, the repair work will end up being seen. Because it’s an inn, there will be some backlash, right?”
“I see, isn’t reputation an important thing?”
“Th-that’s right! Reputation is important!”
“By the way, apparently there is a peeping tom in this inn. Do you know something about it?”
“Th-that’s a serious situation! T-to peep, th-that’s unforgivable, right?”
“Aa, just as you said. Isn’t peeping unforgivable?”
“E, ee, it is unforgivable I think...”
Hajime and Souna looked at each others’ faces and “Hahaha”, “Fufufu”, laughed together. However, Hajime’s eyes weren’t laughing, and even though Souna was laughing, she was trembling a little while sweat continued to drop.
“Hii—, I am sor~ry.”
Hajime suddenly reverted to his serious look and iron clawed Souna’s face. Merimeri, sounds came from Hajime’s fingers. Souna who could only flail around in the air, let out a scream and desperately asked for forgiveness. Souna is an ordinary girl. That’s why Hajime adjusted his power to a level that wouldn’t overdo the punishment. If this was her first offense, then he would’ve be more lenient. But the day after he returned from the Raisen Great Dungeon, and every night since they checked into the inn, she kept trying to peep using various methods. That’s why his leniency was fading. By the way, the reason they were still staying at this inn was because the food was delicious.
Hajime could only let out a sigh and carry Souna, who was now only capable of twitching, in his arm. Souna was finally able to let out a relieved sigh when her face was released. But, when she looked down... ... there were devils. Even though there were smiles on their faces, they were her parents that looked like devils whose eyes didn’t smile, just like Hajime’s.
They noticed that Souna had seen them. She was slowly descending while her parents raised their hands to receive her. It was just like an invitation to hell.
“This time, it’ll probably be forgiven only after a hundred spankings.”
Towards Hajime’s words, Souna remembered her punishments up to now, and was screaming. Surely, at breakfast the next day, he’ll see Souna rubbing her swelling butt with teary eyes. Every night and every morning, Hajime could only sigh at such spectacles.
Having handed Souna over to her parents, Hajime returned to his room and collapsed onto his bed.
“Welcome home.”
The ones who greeted Hajime were of course Yue and Shia. The room was illuminated by moonlight shining in through the windows, and the pair fleeting figures could be seen. The girls sitting on the opposite bed were Yue and also Shia who sat shamelessly. Only wearing negligees, their appearances were somewhat lascivious. Coupled with their beautiful faces, if they were drawn on a painting, it’d be described as a masterpiece even by a second-class writer.
“Ou. Even so, what on earth drives that child... ... to even climb down from the roof, that’s not normal, right? As expected, no matter how delicious the food, we should search for another inn.”
Hajime spoke with an amazed tone. Standing up, Shia laughed and sat on Hajime’s bed. Yue also steadily stood up and moved to Hajime’s bed, then she put her knees below Hajime’s head. As the result, they became lap pillows.
“Surely, our relationship has ignited the flames inside that Souna-chan’s girly mind. It can’t be helped for her to be curious about us. Isn’t that cute.”
“... ... but, for her to become more and more skillful... ... it worries me.”
“Yesterday, she used a handmade snorkel tube to hide at the bottom of the bathtub... ... When I saw her glaring and sparkling eyes, it made me shiver.”
“U~n, certainly, that’s bad manners for an inn’s daughter... ... For now, it’s only towards us but...”
While they chatted about Souna’s eccentric behaviors, Shia quietly drew her body near Hajime. She naturally extended her hand, then guided Hajime’s hand towards her breast. Shia’s face turned crimson, and she was nervous at what might happen from this situation.
Hajime gently grasped Shia’s hand back. Kyuh, he put in more power that made Shia’s body respond with a twitch. Because she was happy, she also put her power into her grasp. Hajime continued to put more strength into his grasp.
“Wa-! Hajime-san! It will be crushed! My hand will be crushed!”
“Hii—! I am sorry, I am really sorry! I just got a little carried away! That’s why release it! It’ll break! I’m going to break if you do anymore than this!”
“What are you trying to do by casually making a good mood? To begin with, your room is next door. So why are you here?”
Towards her hand that was gripped by Hajime, Shia tried to somehow release it while trembling, but she couldn’t release it because of the vise-like grasp.
“Th-that’s, I was just wondering~ if I can get into the same bed ☆, something like that. Rather, our relationship is already at the stage where we kiss. It’s okay if it’s only that much.”
“As if. Even though I have said it was a life-saving action.”
“Well, from my intuition, Hajime-san has started to become dere! Compared to the beginning, you’ve become very gentle! Because that is a fact, then... ... Guhehe “MEKHOBAKIh” Doon’t—! It’s going to break—!”
Unable to endure hearing Shia’s rude plans, Hajime inadvertently put more power into his grip. Shia whose hand was released, trembled at the edge of the bed while crouching and holding her hand to endure the pain. Ignoring Shia, Hajime turned his glance toward Yue. Yue immediately looked straight at Hajime.
“Rather, Yue. Recently, aren’t you too lenient? Did you have a change of heart?”
Yue tilted her head and thought about Hajime’s questions. Just as Hajime said, having returned from Raisen’s Great Dungeon, Yue’s attitude towards Shia become more lenient. Before, when Shia tried to stick to Hajime she’d immediately blow her away without arguing, but recently she didn’t say anything about Shia’s skinship. Even so, if it was something excessive... ... for example when Shia tried to kiss him, she’d immediately become displeased...
“... ... Shia did her best. She’ll continue doing that from now on. Because she likes Hajime and me.”
“Nn? Well, that’s so...”
“... ... I also... ... don’t hate her.”
“No matter what, you’re actually getting along well. I can understand that just by watching. Nn~”
The main point that Hajime guessed from Yue’s few words, Yue was pleased by Shia, but not at the level of thinking of her as someone important.
That was the truth. Inside Raisen’s Great Dungeon was magic power disintegration that was even stronger than in the ravine, so Yue was unable to display her full power. It was the same with Hajime. They could guess how much hardship they’d have experienced if it were just the two of them. Surely, Hajime alone would be able to clear it, in exchange, the probability of him using one or two Holy Waters was high. To be able to conquer it without consuming them could be considered as thanks to Shia.
Just a little while ago, Shia was an existence that had no connection to fighting. Rather than being unrelated, it was more like she disliked it. This girl was surely frightened and uneasy, but she kept following Hajime and Yue without complaining. They went into the hell-like Great Dungeon, and while grinding her teeth, she was finally able to beat it with a splendid result.
She was single-mindedly doing that for the sake of her love towards Hajime, and her friendship toward Yue. Because she wanted to be together with them, Shia had changed herself and advanced ahead with all her might.
Yue of course held jealousy and a desire to monopolize him. Therefore, Shia’s feelings towards Hajime were not easily acknowledged. That’s why, at first, although it was hard to support it... ... towards Shia who’s able to jump straight even after being treated cruelly, friendship was spread after so many times, following that it was further proven by how they conquered the Great Dungeon... ... that became the tangible proof.
If she thought about it, Yue had no memory of anyone she could call her friend. Before she was sealed, she was busy with studying politics. There was no one who could be her friend on equal footing. In other words, she was alone. That’s why, toward Shia who said, “We are comrades~!”, straight without being two faced, excluding the parts about Hajime, from the beginning she was unable to hate her.
Because of that, regarding Hajime recently, “Well, if it is Shia then just a little...”, she showed her generosity.
Yue looked up at Hajime while continuing her words. Her eyes were bewitching and filled with sincerity, confidence, and resolution. Added to Yue’s gleaming smile that also reflected all of the above, she was so lovely, so charming, and made Hajime instinctively hold his breath. As if she was possessing gravity, Hajime was unable to move his glance and could only look at her in admiration. Hajime once again returned the look at Yue.
“... ... Hajime’s heart is already mine.”
“... ...”
No matter who else loves Hajime, no matter who else came to be attached to him, the number one, the most important is... ... me. There was such a declaration. Yue’s declaration of war. A declaration of war toward those they had, and would meet from now on.
Hajime was speechless. He was sucked in by the radiance of her eyes, Yue once again as if entwined by him, caught Hajime’s glance. Following that, Hajime’s hand touched Yue’s cheek, while Yue put her hand over his. The moonlight reflected their shadows on the wall, their shadows slowly became closer. Then, at the moment they almost met...
“Gusuh, umm, can you at least please stop forgetting my existence? It feels so empty and lonely... ... gusuh.”
Shia was sitting while holding her knees on the corner of the bed; while crying and wiping her tears she watched Hajime and Yue create a world for two people.
It was a truly pitiful appearance, Hajime felt somewhat bad, and Yue was telling her to come closer. “Yue-zaa~n”, while shouting that, Shia dived into Yue’s bosom and sniffled. Shia’s head was gently stroked, and because it felt pleasant she closed her eyes, then started to sleep just like that.
Hajime who saw their appearance could only wryly smile and say,
“Rather than a friend, aren’t you more like a mother?”
“... ... I prefer Hajime’s child.”
“... ... Won’t you be gentler to Shia?”
“Nn... ... I love you”
In the end, with Shia on his left side and Yue on his right side, the three of them fell asleep. After this day, Shia who was allowed to be in the same room would dance in ecstasy, and get carried away by repeatedly trying to attack Hajime every night, only to be severely punished by him.
By the way, at the time Shia screamed when her hand was grasped, Souna who heard that further intensified her misunderstanding, curiosity, and her delusions. Then she became an inn girl that possessed high infiltration skills... ... but this was another story.
Accompanied by the sound of bells, the door of the adventurer’s guild: Brook’s branch opened. Three silhouettes entered, they were Hajime, Yue, and Shia who had completely become celebrities after several days. Inside the guild’s cafe, several adventurers spend their time freely just like usual, but there were some who greeted Hajime and his party by raising a hand when they noticed them. As for the men, they looked at Yue and Shia as usual, then turned their glances filled with envy toward Hajime, but there were no malicious ones here.
They had stayed at Brook town for a week, there were several people who didn’t learn and caused a commotion by challenging him to a duel to obtain Yue or Shia during that time. In the past, they were unable to persuade Yue who was known as “Crotch Smasher” because they were frightened by her, as such they tried to capture Hajime and bury him outside the moat.
Of course, Hajime wouldn’t do something as troublesome as that. Finally, “Duel me!”, when the line was only on “Duel,” he already fired the gun. What shot out was a non-lethal rubber bullet that exploded as it hit the pitiful challenger’s head, and made him spin three times, then kiss the ground.
Because of that, in the town, Yue the “Crotch Smasher” and her loved person, the one who was capable of killing his enemy in a blink before the duel even started, Hajime the “Duel Smasher” combination became famous people to be reckoned. Even though they didn’t apply a party name to the guild, the name “Smasher Lovers” already spread, and Hajime who discovered their nickname could only look off into the distance for a while, because of this new memory.
By the way, as a side note, Shia who felt her existence become thinner could only shed tears.
“Oya, the three of you are together today?”
Hajime and his party approached the counter, just as usual, aunt... ... Catherine was there, and she was the one that greeted them just now. Catherine’s voice was filled with surprise because in this one week the ones who came to guild were usually either Hajime alone or Shia and Yue as a pair.
“Aa. We’ll leave the town tomorrow, and because we are indebted to you, we came to greet you. Furthermore, we thought of accepting it if you have any commissions related to our destination”
What he meant by indebted, was how Hajime had borrowed a guild’s room for free. Because he finally gained Gravity magic, he wanted to experiment: combining it with Creation magic, that’s why he needed a spacious room. Catherine who happened to hear about it offered the use of a guild room for free.
It should be noted that Yue and Shia trained to use gravity magic on the town’s outskirts.
“I see. So you’re going to leave. That’ll make me lonely. It’s been lively since you came back here after all~”
“Please give me a break. There is a pervert in the inn, there is also a pervert in the dress store, there are also those perverts who start to prostate when Yue and Shia walk in town and stalker perverts who call them “Onee-sama,” there were also idiots who challenged me to duels... ... there were no decent fellows at all. Of all the guys I met, % are perverts and % are idiots... ... just what’s wrong with this town”
All of the complaints that Hajime said while scowling were the truth. Let alone Souna, everytime Hajime met Crystabel, she always licked her lips while looking at him like a carnivore, he already forgot how many times he felt chills.
Moreover, there were three major factions created inside Brook town, they tried to compete with each other every day. One was the “We want to be stepped on by Yue-chan corps”, the other was the “We want to be Shia-chan’s slaves corps,” and the last one was the “We want to be onee-sama’s siblings corps”. Respectively, they literally hold those as their wishes, and it seems they competed on which side would be the majority.
Hajime and his party could only spurt out their drinks because those names were the opinion of the masses. Suddenly there were people inside the town prostrating to Yue saying “Please step on us!” It made her shiver. It was not known how extreme their thought processes were to be like that for Shia. The demi-human race should have been under discrimination, so the way they wanted to become her slaves was a full chance for tsukkomi, but she immediately refused them because it was unpleasant to think deeply about it. The last was a group of only women, maybe because they saw him as an obstruction to Yue and Shia, they mainly tried to eliminate Hajime. Once, “The harmful and parasitic pest to Onee-sama! I’ll remove his ballssss—!!”, a girl screamed that while thrusting a knife toward him in one hand.
Because it’d be troublesome to kill a girl inside town after all, Hajime only left that girl naked in a tortoise shell-like bondage (because he had no knowledge about it) situation, after hanging her on the highest building, and leaving after sticking on a piece of paper that read, “I’ll kill you next time.” Because of the indifferent content in the paper he left behind, the girls’ extreme actions became more hidden, and that’s a good thing.
Hajime who recalled those events could only frown, while Catherine let out a bitter smile.
“Right, it sure is.”
“Then, where are you going?”
Even though they talked in that manner, Catherine was working diligently. Immediately, she started searching whether there was a request related to Fhuren.
Fhuren was a neutral commercial city. Hajime and his party’s next destination was “Guryuen Great Desert”, where one of the Seven Great Dungeons; “Guryu-en Volcanic Mountain”, resided. Therefore, they must go toward the west of the continent, and on the way was the “Neutral Commercial City Fhuren”, so they wanted to drop by the continent’s number one commercial city. It should be noted that after “Guryu-en Volcanic Mountain”, their next destination was further west of the Great Desert, the Great Dungeon that had sunk into the seabed; “Meljine Seabed Ruin”.
“U~n, oh my. I found something good. A request to escort a merchant company. There’s a vacancy for one person... ... How is it? Are you going to accept?”
Hajime confirmed the contents of the commission he received from Catherine. Certainly, the content was a request to escort a merchant company. It was a medium-scale merchant company, and it seemed to request people as the escorts. Because Yue and Shia were not adventurers, it was perfect for Hajime.
“Is it OK to take my companions along?”
“Aa, no problem. Although there would be complaints if there are too many people, but there are people hired to carry the luggage, and there are also adventurers who brought their slaves along. Furthermore, Yue-chan and Shia-chan are also influential people. To have another two excellent adventurers in addition when hiring a person. There’s no reason to refuse.”
“I see, nn~, what should we do?”
Hajime who was a little hesitant, looked back at Yue and Shia to ask for their opinions. Truthfully, he thought of accepting the request if it had something to do with delivering packages. If it had been only Hajime and his party, they could have used the Magic-Driven vehicle and arrived at Fhuren much sooner than if they had to use a carriage. It would be too troublesome to match the pace of the others in an escort mission.
“... ... No need to travel in a rush.”
“That’s right~, sometimes it may be good to go with other adventurers. We might be able to learn the know-how from the veteran adventurers, right?”
“... ... That’s true. Since we aren’t in a hurry, sometimes it might be good...”
Having heard their opinions, Hajime was, “Fumu”, and told Catherine that he accepted the request. It was just as Yue had said, it would take a lot of time to conquer the Seven Great Dungeons. There’s no telling what kind of mistake they might make if they tried to rush it. That’s why the know-how peculiar to adventurers would likely be useful in their future travels, as Shia had said.
“Here you go. I’ll notify the client, so please go to the front gate tomorrow, first thing in the morning.”
After she confirmed that Hajime received the application form, Catherine turned her eyes toward Yue and Shia who were behind him.
“You must keep yourself healthy, okay? Whenever this child makes you cry, please come back here. I’ll beat him for you.”
“Yes, Catherine-san. Thank you very much for taking care of us!”
Catherine’s kind-filled words made Yue and Shia smile. Shia was especially happy. She seemed to have forgotten that she was of the demi-human race, ever since she arrived at this town. Of course, there were different strokes for different blokes. Not all of them were friendly in regards to Shia, but with Catherine at the top, there were Souna, Crystabel, and some people like her fans, who didn’t discriminate against her, even though she was a demi-human. It was not known whether that was because of the locality or the people’s nature or the flow of this town, but for Shia, this was a warm place, almost like her hometown in the Sea of Trees.
“You too, don’t you let these good girls cry, okay? I’ll punish you if you don’t value them as the most important, alright?”
“... ... Geez, what a meddlesome person. I’ll do that even without you telling me.”
Hajime replied to Catherine’s words with a wry smile. Catherine held out a letter towards Hajime. With a doubtful expression, Hajime received the letter.
“This is?”
“You’re carrying various problems in your arms after all. It is an apology for all the trouble caused by the people of this town. When you arrive at another town’s guild and get into trouble, show this letter to the person in-charge. It might prove to be useful.”
Catherine perfectly added a wink, and Hajime’s cheeks inadvertently cramped. “For a letter to be able to influence the person in-charge, just who on earth are you?”, his doubt could be seen in his expression.
“Oh my, is there a need to investigate me? A good woman is someone that holds secrets, after all.”
“... ... Haa, un’stood. I will gladly take it.”
“It’s good to be obedient! Although a lot of things might happen, please don’t die.”
Catherine was a staff of the guild in a remote countryside town, and held a lot of mysteries. She sent Hajime and his party off with a charming smile that contained attractiveness.
Afterwards, Hajime and his party drew near Crystabel’s place. Although Hajime refused to come along, he could only reluctantly come because of Yue and Shia... ... but, the moment it heard that they wanted to leave town, Crystabel became a huge monster, and tried to attack Hajime, since this was her (Crystabel’s) last chance. Hajime, who was so scared, used the oscillation fracture to bury it. Although Yue and Shia were able to desperately stop the traumatic event... ... The details will be omitted.
When she heard it was their last night, Souna finally managed to trespass into the bathroom with a dignified demeanor. That action was followed by her charging into their room, then her parents, who were completely angered by her, tied her with genuine tortoise shell bondage all night long. The event where she was hung in front of the inn would be omitted. The reason why her parents knew how to tie the tortoise shell bondage will also be omitted.
The next morning.
With pleasant memories of Brook’s townspeople, Hajime and his party arrived at the front of the gate, moved towards the merchant company’s facilitator and other adventurers who accepted the escort request. Apparently they were the last ones to arrive. When the facilitator-like person and the adventurers looked at the incoming Hajime and his party, they caused a commotion at once.
“O-Oi, don’t tell me the remaining three are the “Sma-Love”!?
“It’s true! Although it makes me happy and frightened at the same time!”
“Look at my hands. They haven’t stopped trembling since a while ago, you know?”
“Wait, isn’t it because you’re drunk?”
There were those who were happy with Yue and Shia’s appearance, some hid their groin with both hands while teary-eyed, and one with trembling hands who got tsukkomi’ed by his companion, various reactions. Hajime approached them with a very displeased expression, then the facilitator-like person called out to him.
“Are you the last escorts?”
“Aa, this is the application.”
Hajime showed the application that he took out of his chest pocket. After confirming it, the male facilitator nodded in consent and began to introduce himself.
“My name is Mottou Junker. I am the leader of this merchant company. Although your rank is still blue, I heard you’re excellent adventurers from Catherine-san. I expect you to escort us along the way.”
“... ... Motto(more) Yunker ? ... ... It must be difficult to be the leader of a merchant company... ...”
It was a name that reminded him of a certain health tonic from Japan, and Hajime’s eyes were filled with sympathy. Mottou, who was unable to understand why Hajime looked at him with such eyes, only inclined his neck and replied with, “Well, it was difficult but I’ve become accustomed to it,” as if he was wryly smiling..
“Well, I won’t betray your expectations. I am Hajime. Here are Yue and Shia.”
“That’s reassuring... ... By the way, this person from the Rabbitman tribe... ... Won’t you sell her? I can only pay a moderate price though.”
Mottou glanced at Shia while appraising her. She was a beautiful girl of the Rabbitman tribe who wasn’t blue-haired like the normal Rabbitman tribe member, but possessed gray hair instead. As a merchant’s nature, he couldn’t help but lay his hands on such a rare commodity. He judged her as a slave from her collar, then immediately proposed negotiation to Hajime; the owner. Surely he must be an excellent merchant.
Having received the glance, Shia, “Ugh,” groaned unpleasantly and hid behind Hajime. Yue looked at Mottou with a severe look. The popular perception of a Rabbitman tribe outside the Sea of Trees was a slave, that’s why it was natural to offer trade negotiations for such an unusual slave. There was no reason to blame Mottou.
“Hoo, she seems fairly attached... ... somehow, she also seems to be cherished. Then, I will give you some discounts, how about it?”
“Well, since you seem to be an excellent merchant... ... shouldn’t you already know the answer?”
Although Mottou, who had seen Shia’s appearance, was interested and offered a more appealing proposal, Hajime’s reply was simple. Nevertheless, Mottou felt he should not let go of this chance to negotiate with Hajime, since it will surely bring forth large profit that will only increase thanks to Shia’s charm. That’s why, he tried to give out more bargaining chips to lengthen their conversation.
However, Hajime had read his intentions. Though they were simple words, he voiced them to Mottou with an unwavering will.
“Even if it was god who wanted her, I still wouldn’t let her go... ... Won’t you understand with this much?”
“... ... ... ... Ee, I understand. It can’t be helped. I’ll withdraw here. However, if you ever change your mind, by all means please visit my Junker company. Well then, it’s almost time to depart. For the details on escorting, please ask the leader over there.”
Hajime’s words were actually dangerous ones. If it was done unskillfully, his words would have branded him as a heretic by the Church of the Saints. As a side note, the demon race believes in a different god, they worshipped different gods than the strongest god in history; “Ehito”, but they didn’t directly try to fight the Church of the Saints. Since Hajime didn’t drastically alter his words, therefore, Mottou understood that Hajime, from the bottom of his heart, refused to let Shia go.
Hajime watched as Mottou dejectedly returned to his merchant company, then he noticed the surroundings become noisy again.
“Wow... ... For the sake of a woman, to even say that much... ... It numbed me!”
“As expected of Duel Smasher. He won’t forgive anyone who puts their hands on his woman... ... fuh, what a man.”
“That’s nice~, I also wanted someone to say something like that to me at least once.”
“Wait, you, aren’t you a man? Who would, say someth—, sorry, I am sorry, so sto— Ah——!!”
Having heard the happy conversations of his amused escort companions, Hajime could only hold his head in his hands due to the headache. All of the fellows from Brook town were idiots as expected. While he thought that, ‘Munyuu’, he could feel something soft on his back, furthermore Hajime was embraced closely by the arms that came from behind him.
Hajime turned his head over his shoulder, and saw a close-up of Shia’s face as she rested her chin on his shoulder. Her face completely dyed red, and because she was truly happy, her expression loosened.
“... ... Listen, there was no special meaning to it, so don’t misunderstand, okay?”
“Ufufufu, I know~, ufufufu~”
Although Hajime explained that, in the end it was akin to not abandoning a relative, and not because “she is his woman”, like the surrounding people noisily described. His explanation was not transmitted to Shia. It was because the man she fell for had declared that “Even if it’s god, I won’t let her go.” No matter what his real intentions were by declaring that, a pleasant thing is pleasant.
Even though those words were to quickly break off the negotiation, in a lot of ways it was “overkill,” and Hajime could only feel regret. Yue tokotoko, went to Hajime’s side, then kuikui, she pulled Hajime’s sleeve.
“? What is it, Yue?”
“Nn... ... Don’t worry about it, because that was cool.”
“... ... Thanks for the consolation.”
Having sympathized with Hajime’s feelings, Yue tried to comfort him, and Hajime gently stroked her cheeks while letting out words of gratitude. Yue closed her eyes as if she was pleased by it.
In front of the front gate early in the morning, inside a crowd of people, with a beautiful rabbit-eared girl that looked so happy attached to his back, and another beautiful blonde girl with crimson eyes in his right hand, was Nagumo Hajime.
The ladies of the merchant company looked at them with lukewarm expressions, while the men looked at the spectacle with dead-fish eyes. Toward these annoying gazes and words that pierced Hajime, surely he just reaped what he had sown. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「なんだ? 話の分かる餓鬼」
「残念な知らせだ。私たちはいま金に困っている。そこでとりあえず貴様らの中から一人選べ。今からそいつの臓器を貰うことにする。知っているか? 魔法師の臓器は高く売れるのさ」
「早く決めないとこっちで選ぶぞぉ? クヒヒヒ」
「えっ......まさか......待ってよ、みんな! さっき......」
「うるせぇ! アンノーン、俺は中級魔法師一族だぞ」
「そうだアンノーン。お前は死んでも悲しむ人がいないだろ? 俺らには家族がいる」
「待ってよ! ザック君! ホア君! シュラ君! 仲間って言ったよね!」
「「「ああ、そうだ。だからじゃあな! アンノーン。お前の犠牲は無駄にしないぜ」」」
「やめてください! お願いします。助けてください。何でもするから!」
「ンーンーンー! ンーンーンー!」
セイヤの頭の中で声がした。 | Knowing that this is a dark territory, Zach’s trio turned crazy and started crying out loudly.
「You are noise for guinea pigs, should I send electricity again?」
「「「「Damn it......」」」」
Looking at them, the man wearing the white coat shows off the remote again. As a result, they cannot do anything but keep silent.
「As long as you understand」
「Can I ask something?」
Seiya asks a question for a man in white.
「What, smart guy?」
Apparently, a man in white coat seems to have a relatively good impression of Seiya and answers his question readily.
That’s why Seiya tried to pull more information out of him
「Are you the cause of recent frequent kidnappings in Windistan?」
If the kidnapper of Windistan is also the man in the white coat in front of him, the number of kidnapped magicians should be tremendous.
In other words, it means that there are many people in these organization, and the more people they have, the bigger the chance to commit a mistake.
Seiya hoped for that.
「Wow ... well done. That’s right. Not to mention Windistan, I am also kidnapping from Aquaristan」
Answer beyond anticipation came back and he lost his words, but at the same time, he saw hope.
According to the testimony of a white coat, the three provincial churches of Freestan, Windistan, and Aquaristan should be on the move to search for him.
Then if he can buy some time, help will eventually come.
「Just how many kidnapped magicians did I kill. Kufufufu」
「No way~」
「Take care. Pitiful guinea pigs」
He is a man with crazy eyes. He merely thinks of magicians as just experimental tools, and he feels no guilt regarding lost lives.
This is a problem that must be taken care of immediately. As soon as Seiya got the information, he decided to hold a strategic meeting with Zach’s trio as soon as possible.
The white-robed man said so and tried to leave, but someone rushed over to a man in a white robe and whispered to him.
Then the white robe hearing the story of a man looked at Seiya’s group while grinning and said.
「It is regretful news. We have a shortage of funds right now. So for now, choose one among you. I will take his organs to sell. Did you know? Organs of magicians can sell higher」
「「「「This is......」」」」
「Because I am a gentle person, I will graciously give you some time for selection. Decide in three minutes」
White coat with a smile on his face seemed to be looking forward to their discussion.
What choice will you make with your life as a stake? For the white coat, demonstration of the human ugliness was his favorite food.
「He’s insane ......」
「If you have time to beat around the bush then decide quickly, lab rats. Do you want electricity to flow again?」
「If you do not hurry up I will choose myself. Kihihihi」
Seiya started thinking of what should be done in this situation. We are fellow comrades, we agreed to cooperate with each other. First of all, we should talk with each other without white coat listening, I should buy some time.
Thinking such things Seiya turned to face his comrades, just in time to see them looking back at him.
「 can’t be......wait guys! We just....」
「Shut up! I’m a part of intermediate magician family, Unknown」
「That’s right, Unknown. No one will grief if you die, right? But we have a family」
「We are counting on you, Unknown~ Be brave ~」
「Besides, this is the only use for you anyway」
「Wait a moment,『It seems it’s decided』......」
When a man wearing a white coat says so, the men behind him open the prison and bring Seiya out.
At that time, Zach tried to steal the keys but failed due to painful electric current.
In the first place, Zach’s trio already lost their courage to escape in the face of the crazy man in white robe
「Well then, they did what I told, can’t be helped」
「Wait! Zach-kun! Hoa-kun! Shura-kun! You said we are comrades!」
「「「Oh, that’s right. That’s precisely why! We will not waste your sacrifice, Unknown」」」
The trio watched Seiya off with a crazy smile. Three people are desperate to survive; most likely they will abandon all their friends from now on.
Seiya stared at the three people with hatred seeping from his eyes, but then he was suddenly blindfolded.
Blindfolded Seiya was brought to an unknown place by the men.
On the way he seemed to go up the stairs, so he knew that they were in the basement so far, but Seiya couldn’t care less.
When they arrive in a room, men remove Seiya’s blindfold. It looked like an operating room, and there was a single bed in the middle.
Seiya was laid on the bed in the middle of a room, they restrained him by the neck, wrists, ankles and belly.
His body was restrained, and his magic was sealed by magic seal stone. A bright light was shining on Seiya.
After a while, a white-clothed man who changed into a surgeon garment comes into the operating room. There was a researcher-like assistant next to him, it was a moment right before the surgery.
The man in the white coat and the assistant set the surgical equipment, Seiya tried to free himself, but he couldn’t move because of the restraints.
White coat says to frantic Seiya.
「I am not a demon. I can at least hear your last will, kid」
Whether this was his mercy or he just wanted to play, either one was the same for Seiya. Seiya desperately wants to live.
「Please stop it! I beg you. Save me. I will do anything!」
「I see. Regretfully this is impossible. It is a farewell, kid」
「Nnn! Nnn! 」
The assistant presses the mask against Seiya’s mouth to apply anesthetic. Gradually the anesthesia starts to take effect, depriving Seiya of his consciousness.
As his consciousness gets hazy, Seiya thinks.
(Why me ... why people despise me and call me Unknown ... where are my parents ... why can’t I remember them... ... if only I wasn’t Unknown ... ... if only I had real family ... why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why?)
Seiya felt how pitiful his life was up to this point.
He has no memory until the age of ten, the spells he learned are just basics of the basics. When he entered the academy, he was despised as Unknown by the classmates and received a lynching during training, he was betrayed by people he thought of as comrades ....
(Heh, I’m dying miserably like this. It was a boring life ... .... If only I had more power ..)
If I had not stabbed him back then, if I had not brought my wallet, if I was adopted by Edward, if I had been absent from school today, if I did not go to the magic academy.
Seiya sinks in regret.
And finally, anesthesia seemed to disrupt his thoughts.
Seiya trying to resist against anesthesia, thought further.
If he is going to be killed, it is better to continue to resist anesthesia like this and die painfully, rather than obediently lose consciousness by anesthesia.
Thinking as such Seiya tried to separate his consciousness.
It was at this time.
(Do you feel hate?)
Seiya heard a voice in his head. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
やったわ! なんだか勝った気分だわ。ヘンリお兄様一人なら勝てるのね、私。
凄いわね、私。瞳だけで人を怒らせる事ができるんだもの。 | I wonder what he could be doing here? I stop doing my practice swings as he gets closer and I turn to look towards him.
“Alicia, since you’re years old now, do you want to try checking out the town?”
Even though I’ve been walking to the impoverished village every day, I’ve still yet to visit the nearby town even once.
Are we going, just the two of us I wonder?
“Eric, what do you think you’re doing?” Henry-Oniisama asks walking over to us.
Hm? Did Henry-Oniisama not know that Eric-Sama was here?
Henry-Oniisama loops an arm around Eric-Sama’s neck.
“Eric-Sama and I were just about to go visit the town together~” I tell him.
Henry-Oniisama’s expression turns stern at my words. Giving him a sidelong glance, he scowls at Eric-Sama.
I wonder if he’s mad because he was feeling left out. I guess Henry-Oniisama really wanted to visit the town as well.
“I’m coming too,” he says, grinning, though somehow the expression looks somewhat ominous.
It’s kind of similar to the smile the Albert-Oniisama often has on his face.
“What about Alan-Oniisama?”
“Alan’s studying with the tutor.”
Oh? Even though they’re twins, I guess their tutoring sessions aren’t at the same time.
“Let’s get on the carriage for now,” Eric-Sama says, his expression looking a little forced.
Instead of a carriage, I’d rather go on horseback though... I have properly learned to ride a horse now after all.
“Can’t we go on horseback instead?”
The two of them stiffen at my suggestion.
“Are you saying... that you want to ride together with one of us?”
“No, Oniisama, I meant that I want to ride the horse myself.”
“But, Ali, you’re a girl you know?”
“Are girls not allowed to ride horses by themselves?”
“No, that’s not what I meant, but typically.....”
“I don’t care. I’m going to ride alone. Henry-Oniisama, Eric-Sama, you two can feel free to take the carriage yourselves!”
I’m able to deliver such selfish lines so naturally now. I’ve already become quite the splendid villainess, haven’t I?
Henry-Oniisama and Eric-Sama are both making such dazed looking expressions.
And then Henry-Oniisama heaves a huge sigh.
Oh my. Doesn’t he know that sighing like that will chase away his happiness?
“Got it. Then we’ll go by horse, too.”
Yay! It kind of feels like I’ve won~ I guess I can actually win when Henry-Oniisama is by himself.
“Yeah. It would be weird for us to ride in a carriage while Alicia’s riding a horse,” Eric-Sama says, smiling.
Agh, that face with that expression, what a destructive combination! Beautiful people are so dangerous for the eyes..... But I can’t help myself. I’m openly staring at him.
Noticing my gaze, Eric-Sama covers my eyes with his hand.
....Nah, who would feel shy just cause a little girl was staring at them?
I’m sure he’s just annoyed that I had the audacity to stare at him with these sharp eyes of mine. It must not feel great being stared at by such thin and sharp eyes.... but I feel so blessed to have been born with such a villainous face!
“Come on. Let’s get going,” Henry-Oniisama says, and only then does Eric-Sama remove his hand from my face.
Hm? Eric-Sama, your face looks a little red, you know?
Did I really make him that mad.....?
Amazing. I can anger someone to this extent just with my eyes!? Good show, me! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 8,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「ほう、私が十二の星よりも劣ると? それは流石に自尊心に傷が付くな。
よ! その力を私に示せ!
「ルファス・マファールの名の元に一つとなった我等を相手に、群を群のままぶつける事しか出来ぬお前に勝ち目はない! 将としてのお前は我等が主に遥かに劣る!」
散れ、勇士達よ! この一撃で終わらせる!」
「......な......な!? こ、これは......!
一km? 否。
十km? 否!
二百年前に七英雄が敗れた、その本当の理由を――。 | High above in the air of Midgard.
He was in an area even higher than Vanaheim – in the area around the stratosphere.
Blue skin and gold eyes. Long black hair that reached his back and enveloped in a jet black overcoat. In this world, this man was the King of Demons.
Behind him, there was an army of high-level magical beasts which obeyed him without showing the slightest bit of fatigue.
He – The Demon King Orm endlessly flew high above in the air for a particular goal: going around in search of “that”.
Including today, it would already have been more than a week.
He was informed that it was in this area; however, even as the Demon King, it was difficult to capture “that” which continuously moved around.
Nevertheless, his effort had paid off.
Right now, the thing that he had continued to look for was right in front of his eyes.
“I’ve found it now.”
Orm muttered and looked up. In that place was a ship.
A flying ship with giant wings growing out of it. Above that strange ship full of oxymoronic objects’s mast stood one man.
The tip of his bright golden hair, which shone under the sunlight, curled and spiked up. He was a young man that gave off a delicate and subtle feeling notwithstanding that his countenance maintained a level of manliness.
His muscularly-built body was probably slightly over . The combination of his facial expression and the way he stood made him look graceful.
One of his eyes was hidden behind an eyepatch, combined with what he was wearing, one could not help but think that he was trying to say, “I am a pirate.”
From the top, he wore a white coat and on the back of that was an embedded emblem of black wings.
His name was Castor.
Also known as – The Tyrannical Ways Heavenly Stars, one of the Gemini of the [Twins].
“So you’ve come... I’ve already found out that you were looking around for us since a few days ago. What is your business with me, esteemed Demon King!?”
“Castor, huh? I have no business with you. The thing that I’m interested in, is a hidden treasure in that ship.”
Even with the Demon King in front of him, Castor did not falter. Likewise, the Demon King also did not break his fearless and daring smile.
It was an Explosive atmosphere – nevertheless, both side remained their composure.
It was as if each party knew that the one that was going to come out victorious in the end was themselves. Notwithstanding, in that place, there was not one bit of carelessness or negligence.
“I see, so you’re after the riches. If that’s what you want, I don’t mind giving you what you’re seeking?”
“No no, you see, unfortunately, what I’m seeking isn’t something that can ever be exchanged into gold. What I want... is the Key That Seizes the Heavens.”
“No can do. The only one that can take hold of heaven is my master. It will never be you!”
“So you’re that adamant to be under Alcor, huh. In the end, together with your sister, it seems that’s all you guys will ever amount to.”
Orm sneered as if to provoke him, however, Castor gracefully let it slide.
As a start, neither side revealed their hands and just had a dodgeball with words.
“Indeed, it’s true that I’m under Ruphas-sama. I won’t deny that I loyally follow her commands. However, I never had any intention to be below you, the King of Demons.”
“Is that so (hou), are you suggesting that I’m below the Stars? If you’re going that far, even if it’s me, it hurts my self-esteem. Even I can be sensitive.”
“My apologies, it was insensitive of me. But unfortunately, I’m quite blunt, you see. I only say things that are facts, you see.”
The smiles they were giving off gave a very refreshing feeling, there was not a shred of maliciousness.
As long as one did not listen to the words they were speaking, one would be able to imagine them as best friends of many years having a flowery and nostalgic conversation.
Nevertheless, the words that were spoken were poisonous. It was as if thorns were stuck onto words and then pitched at the other party with all their might.
“Is that so, is that so.... I really want to test that out.”
“I suggest you stop. It’s not my preference to get involved in fights where I can already see the outcome.”
Orm narrowed his eyes a little until only a thin slit was left as if to challenge Castor and the air around him distorted like a mirage.
At that same time, Castor grasped the anchor as if it was his favourite weapon.
Originally, anchors were used to hold a ship in place. However, this anchor’s size was something that a human could hold onto and its length was modified to be like a spear.
An anchor... or rather, it might be better to say that it was a spear that was like an anchor.
But it was only the size was ordinary, its weight was out of the norm.
Lightly grabbing onto that anchor which could shatter the ground just by putting it down, Castor jumped off his beloved ship, Argo.
Subsequently, he stopped mid-air and faced Orm from the front.
“But if you say you’re still going to come, I won’t hesitate in being your opponent. Of course, you’ll have to be prepared for an appropriate amount of scalding.”
“I’ll be let off with just a bit of scalding, huh. How nice of you.”
“Even scalding from a full-body burn is still considered scalding.”
One flash – another flash.
The anchor which was swung at the speed that its sound could only be heard afterwards became like a gale as it assaulted towards Orm.
However, Orm guarded against that with his arms and countered by releasing condensed mana which he formed in his palms.
Castor maintained his composure as he continued to spin the anchor to blow away the condensed mana, subsequently swinging widely.
“Wind, heed my call!”
From the anchor that was swing down, a blade of wind was released.
Dispite being the same Wind attribute, it was on a completely different league when compared to Jupiter of the Luminaries.
If it was a small island, it would not be strange for it to be cut into two by the large blade. And if it hit head-on, even if it was Libra, she would not be able to avoid taking damage.
Nevertheless, even this was blown away with a single hand by Orm as he closed in on Castor, then leaving a scratch on Castor’s cheek with the simple pressure of his kick’s after-effect.
“Fuu. As to be expected, if it’s an individual strength, you’d come out above, huh.”
With just a few seconds’ worth of exchanges, Castor was able to precisely assess and determine the difference between each other’s prowess.
“As to be expected”... if it was an individual fighting prowess, the other side was above him. Even if the other side was doing a handstand, he was not sure if he would be able to win.
However, that was something he already knew from the start and something already pre-determined. It was nothing to be surprised about.
From the very beginning, Castor’s true strength did not come from his individual self. If one were to only consider individual fighting prowess, Leon and Libra would be superior to him.
Nevertheless, he had no doubt in his belief that he was still the one with the greatest war potential within the Tyrannical Ways 12 Heavenly Stars.
The battles were not limited to one own’s power. The [Army]’s strength was what mattered the most.
Castor raised his right hand up into the air.
With that as the signal, many shadowy figures gathered on the deck of Argo.
They all individually released strong and majestic auras, imposingly awaiting for a sortie order.
For the first time, composure disappeared from Orm’s face and he showed a grim expression.
“Heed my call, my comrades (Argonauts)! Show me your power! Our arch-enemy is here!”
Command – at the same time, heroes who were called the [Argonauts] all jumped out.
The number of them was approximately fifty, all of whom were over level 500.
No, many strong ones amongst them even surpassed Castor and reached level 1000.
These heroes were the living remnants from the great battle 200 years ago. No, it was not a correct expression to call them living remnants.
It was because these heroes had, absolutely without a doubt, died once before.
The identity of these guys were those heroes that had once fought on Ruphas’s side.
They were defeated and had lost their lives, yet were reanimated as fairies. They were the warriors who had sworn their loyalties towards the black-winged master.
Some of those that had passed away did not ascend and stayed behind in this world.
They were the vengeful spirits, they were corpses which moved, they were the magical beasts and many other shapes and forms.
However, some of the existences amongst them... only those existences with strong souls were able to become exceptions and retain their previous life’s memories and rationality, allowing them to retain their minds and become [Heroic Spirits].
Castor’s younger sister... the other half of the [Gemini], the Fairy Princess Pollux was able to use her skill [Argonauts] which allowed her to be able to put those Heroic Spirits into artificial bodies made out of mana, thereby reviving them onto this world, turning them into an army.
In exchange for how broken and cheat-like that skill was, she herself had neither the skill in taking command nor possessed battle prowess of her own.
As such, the older brother Castor led them and fought on her behalf.
In other words, it was a skill which could not be utilised if one of them was missing. It was a skill which required the two of them to act as one.
“Look carefully, Demon King! What you see is our real power, our bond! The Fairy Princess’s blade, the Black Wing’s army led by this Castor!”
Matching with Castor’s voice, the Heroic Spirits all aggressively moved out.
Orm’s mana bullets were fully blocked by the Priests’ shields.
The Sword Masters’ swords shredded the magical beasts which followed Orm, and the Grapplers’ fists blew away the giant magical beasts.
One Alchemist transmuted and caused a storm of blades, whilst another Alchemist transmuted a gigantic golem to blow away multiple magical beasts at the same time.
Those that were considered strong 200 years ago were without a doubt, powerful.
Individually, they were mighty warriors possessing strength able to match thousands and could rival an army of a country on their own.
Outside of the time they were under a mobilisation order, the effect of the skill was cancelled; thus, it was not possible for them to increase their number using Monster Tamers’ skill or Alchemists’ transmutation. Nevertheless, it was not a mistake to call them the most powerful squad in Midgard.
Even the Demon King knew of their fearsomeness.
That was exactly why he had brought the army of magical beasts with him.
However – there was too much difference in quality!
The army of magical beasts which were by no means weak was defeated one after another, they were exterminated one-sidedly.
“Listen, Demon King, you’re definitely strong. If it was just based on individual prowess, you are an even match against my master! Those magical beasts are also not weak. But that’s just that.”
If it was a simple comparison of strength, the gathering of the magical beasts was not inferior.
Nevertheless, the battle was still one-sided.
The magical beasts were a group, but they weren’t an army at all. The best they could be called was a “group.”
There existed no order or formation. If there existed a hundred magical beasts, there would be hundred magical beasts fighting in the way they wanted.
However, the army of Heroic Spirits was different. If there was a hundred of them, they would still be one.
Having the strength of the hundred, they moved as one and loyally faced the enemy as one.
They each protected one another’s back, encouraged each other and they each gave courage to others so that they can stand against even the strongest of enemies.
1 + 1 was not 2. It was even possible to become 10 or 100.
That was what the army was. That was what the union meant.
“Against me, in the name of Ruphas Mafahl, you, who command the subordinates to only fight as a group, shall have no chance of winning! As the commander, you are far inferior in quality against my master!”
Castor slid in the air and slammed his weapon into Orm.
Castor’s anchor slammed onto Orm’s arm multiple times, causing the sparks to light up like a firework.
The black overcoat fluttered and the white coat shook.
The two men become a shooting star that swam around in the air which repeatedly clashed with each other.
If this one-on-one were to continue, Orm would surely win.
However, from the side, a Strider provided assistance to Castor by chopping at Orm’s sides dealing a slightest bit of a scratch, followed by the Sorcerer’s magic swallowing Orm.
“This is the end, Demon King! Scatter, Heroic Warriors! This attack will end him!”
Following Castor’s command, the Heroic Spirits all backed out at once.
What was released was an absolute highest-tiered Wood attribute arcane magic!
The storm raged wild and lightning thundered.
What laid behind Castor at that moment was the imposing and majestic aura of fifty gods.
In this world, there was only one true “God” and that was the Goddess Alovenus.
Nevertheless, faith and religion had always branched out based on the age and civilisation at the time. There was a countless number of “Gods” that was created upon the imagination of the people.
This was a result of something or someone after they were buried deep in the darkness of history by the name of Alovenus, perhaps called a heretic leading them to be persecuted and punished, otherwise labelled and treated as a devil would be... an illusion given birth by those deprived beings’ imagination. This was a manifestation and summoning of those.
“— [The God Who Possesses Fifty Names]!”
Matching Castor’s edict, fifty fake gods all moved to attack.
There were those that were born as the Chief of the Gods from the figure of imagination, out of myth or a legend.
There were those that were born as War Gods. There were those that were born as the Gods who presided over the realm of the dead.
There were those demi-gods who inherited blood from both the gods and the people.
There were some fake gods who breathed flame out of their mouths. There were some fake gods who crushed things with their fists.
They created raging storms and thundering lightning and with the glistering aura of the Gods, they trampled everything in their paths into absolute submission.
By the time everything was done and dusted, there no longer existed a single magical beast in the aftermath.
The figure of Orm – there, he no longer existed.
“So it’s done.”
Staying afloat in the air, Castor looked down on the magical beasts.
The magical beasts who could no longer maintain their physical forms returned to mana, bound to bless this world.
In any event, he was able to somehow defend “that thing” that his younger sister had entrusted onto him.
Ever since 200 years ago when his master fell, he had continued to protect that thing using the ship and the spirits.
With the single misuse of that thing, the world would break apart. The Key That Seizes the Heavens. There was no way that he could give such a thing to the demons.
That thing belonged to his master who would one day return.
Although his sister, the fairy princess, did not possess any battle capabilities, she had a strange ability.
And she had announced. She had announced, “Master will definitely return, one day.”
Subsequently, she had ordered Castor to protect the key. All this happened 200 years ago.
He, who could only fight and command things, could not understand. However, he thought that his sister could see things that were to come in the future.
Or perhaps his master had ordered something to his sister before the fateful battle.
That was why Castor was here.
He had continued to fight for the past 200 years because he had believed in his master and his sister.
“Anyways, I’ll change the location of the ship. Before the next thing comes.”
Castor who was convinced of his victory tried to return to the ship.
But it happened right after that.
Suddenly, a black ray of light scattered past the cloud and pierced through the ship.
So there was still an enemy left!
Keeping an eye out on the smoking ship that was sinking down into the clouds in his peripheral, he armed himself with a weapon as he turned around.
The heroes also readied themselves into a battle stance, individually arming themselves with weapons.
And then they saw.
Swimming through the clouds, something enormous... an appearance of something way too enormous.
“..... Wh... wha!? Th, this is....! No way.... It can’t be....!?”
In terms of length... how long was it!?
One km? No.
Ten km? No!
That was something so enormous, something so long... something so abnormal that it could even lap around Midgard....
That enormous shadow split the cloud and stuck its head out, causing the heroes to feel fear.
“Aa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!?”
They were without a doubt, winning as an “army”.
They had successfully exterminated and expelled the “group” that Orm had brought with him.
But they did not know. That in this world, there existed things that were simply unreasonable.
The existence of the absolute “individuals” who stood above an “army”.
For the first time, on that day, they understood.
The true reason why the 7 Heroes were defeated –. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 13,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
そして、最近、2008年の後半になって 再び、その地域が撮影されました 半分が闇に覆われているのは、南半球が 八月の始め頃 つまり、冬であったためです
目を疑うような発見がなされたことについてもお話ししました まさに一生に一度の大発見です 高々と噴き上がるジェットは 南極にある裂け目から噴出されていますが 水が凍ってできた小さな結晶によって形成されており 水蒸気も含んでいます また、炭素やメタンのような単純な有機化合物も存在します
二年前、 我々の予想についてお話ししました このジェットは間欠泉である可能性があり、 地上のくぼみ、あるいは 地下にある液体の水の貯水池から、噴出されているのではないか、と しかし、確証はありませんでした
一方、我々が得た成果から 予想された、この衛星の環境は 前生物化学、あるいは 生命そのものをサポートことができる可能性があり、 興味が非常に高まりました そして、この二年間にわたって さらにエンケラドスを注目してきました
カッシーニ探査機によって この衛星をなんども探査しました ジェットへさらに近く、さらに内側まで さらに濃度が高いところまで そして、今回、 その組成を詳細に計測することができました
その結果、 この衛星から放出されている有機化合物は 以前に報告されたものより、複雑なものであることが分かりました
アミノ酸ではありませんでしたが、 我々は プロパンやベンゼン シアン化水素、ホルムアルデヒドを検出しました
そして、小さな水の結晶は 非常に 凍った塩水のしずくと似通っていたのです この発見から予想できることは ジェットが 液体の水がたまった窪みから噴出しているだけでなく その液体の水は岩盤との接触があるということです
そして、この状況においては 生命の維持に必要な化学的エネルギーおよび 化合物が供給されている可能性があります
我々は、二年前よりさらに確信を深めています つまり この衛星の、南極の地下において 有機体に適した環境、地域が存在している可能性があるのです
もちろん、実際に有機体が存在しているかどうかは まったく別の問題です
それに関しては、再び エンケラドスに 探査機が接近するのを待つべきでしょう それが近い将来であり、 探査機がその疑問に答えるための装備を備えていることを望みます
それまでの間は、想像をしてみようではありませんか 土星系まで旅をして エンケラドスの惑星間間欠泉公園を訪れる日のことを それは可能なのですから
ありがとうございます | And seen just recently in late 2008, here is that region again, now half in darkness because the southern hemisphere is experiencing the onset of August and eventually winter.
And I also reported that we'd made this mind-blowing discovery -- this once-in-a-lifetime discovery of towering jets erupting from those fractures at the south pole, consisting of tiny water ice crystals accompanied by water vapor and simple organic compounds like carbon dioxide and methane.
And at that time two years ago I mentioned that we were speculating that these jets might in fact be geysers, and erupting from pockets or chambers of liquid water underneath the surface, but we weren't really sure.
However, the implications of those results -- of a possible environment within this moon that could support prebiotic chemistry, and perhaps life itself -- were so exciting that, in the intervening two years, we have focused more on Enceladus.
We've flown the Cassini Spacecraft by this moon now several times, flying closer and deeper into these jets, into the denser regions of these jets, so that now we have come away with some very precise compositional measurements.
And we have found that the organic compounds coming from this moon are in fact more complex than we previously reported.
While they're not amino acids, we're now finding things like propane and benzene, hydrogen cyanide, and formaldehyde.
And the tiny water crystals here now look for all the world like they are frozen droplets of salty water, which is a discovery that suggests that not only do the jets come from pockets of liquid water, but that that liquid water is in contact with rock.
And that is a circumstance that could supply the chemical energy and the chemical compounds needed to sustain life.
So we are very encouraged by these results.
And we are much more confident now than we were two years ago that we might indeed have on this moon, under the south pole, an environment or a zone that is hospitable to living organisms.
Whether or not there are living organisms there, of course, is an entirely different matter.
And that will have to await the arrival, back at Enceladus, of the spacecrafts, hopefully some time in the near future, specifically equipped to address that particular question.
But in the meantime I invite you to imagine the day when we might journey to the Saturnine system, and visit the Enceladus interplanetary geyser park, just because we can.
Thank you. | {
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特別な使命とか 秘密の目的みたいな
それで今日の講演にも 使命を用意しました この場にいる人 みんなの寿命を 7分半伸ばします
文字通り 皆さんは この講演を聴けば 7分半長生きするんです
なんか疑っている人も いるみたいですね
いいですよ それが可能だと 証明する数式が ちゃんとあるんです
今はまだ分からない でしょうけど
後で説明しますので 最後の数字にだけ 注目してください この7.68245837分というのが
使命達成の暁に 私が皆さんに プレゼントするものです
皆さんにも秘密の 使命があります
それは このおまけの 7分半の使い道を 見つけるということです
何かいつもとは違うことに 使うべきだと思います これはボーナスで 元々 なかったものなんですから
私はゲームデザイナーなので 「どうせ その時間で何を— させたがっているか分かるぞ ゲームをしろって言うんだ」 と思っているかもしれませんね
もっともな推測です 私はずっとみんなに もっとゲームしましょうと 言い続けてきたわけですから
たとえば最初のTEDTalkの時は 地球全体で週210億時間を ゲームに費やすべきだと 提案したのでした
210億時間といったら 相当な時間です
それだからこそ あのTEDTalkの後 世界の人たちから寄せられた コメントで一番多かったのが これだったんです 「ジェーン ゲームも結構だけど 死の間際になっても アングリーバードで もっと遊びたいと思うの?」
そういう考えはすごく一般的です ゲームは時間の無駄で 後で後悔することになる・・・ どこへ行っても耳にします これは実話なんですが ほんの数週間前 このタクシーの運転手は 私と友人が ゲームカンファレンスのために 町に来たと知ると 振り向いて言ったんです 「ゲームは大嫌いだね 人生の無駄遣いだ
人生の最後に後悔するところを 考えてみなよ」
ゲームは世界を良くする力 であって欲しいし
ゲームに費やした時間を ゲーマーたちに 後悔して欲しくはありません
だから最近この問題を よく考えています
人生最後の時に 私たちはゲームしていた時間を 後悔するのでしょうか?
驚くかも知れませんが 実はこの疑問に対する 科学的な調査結果があったんです
人生の最後を迎える人たちを 世話するホスピスの看護師が 死の間際に人が よく後悔することを 最近記事に書きました
今日は皆さんに それをお教えします 人が死の間際によく後悔する 5つのことです
1番 あんなに仕事ばかり するんじゃなかった
2番 友達と連絡を絶やさず にいればよかった
3番 もっと自分を幸せに してあげればよかった
4番 本当の自分を表す 勇気を持てばよかった
5番 他の人の期待に 合わせるのでなく 自分の夢に忠実に 生きればよかった 私の知る限り もっと ゲームをやればよかったと 言っていた患者さんは いなかったわけですが でもこの5つの 後悔の話を聞いて そこにある人間の深い欲求は ゲームで満たすことができる— そう気付きました
「あんなに仕事ばかり するんじゃなかった」
というのは 多くの場合 もっと家族や 成長しつつある 子どもたちと 過ごすべきだった ということでしょう
いっしょにゲームをするのは 家族にとって良い点が たくさんあります
ブリガムヤング大学 家政学部の 最近の研究によると 子どもたちとビデオゲームをして 多くの時間を過ごした両親は 実生活でも子どもたちとより強い絆を 持っていることが分かりました
「友達と連絡を絶やさず にいればよかった」
何億という人たちが ファームビルやワーズ・ウィズ・フレンズ のようなソーシャルゲームを通して 友達や家族と日常的な 連絡を保っています
ミシガン大学の最近の 研究で明らかになったのは こういったゲームが 人間関係を保つ上で 非常に強力なツールになる ということです
いっしょにゲームを することで 疎遠になりがちな 人たちとも 関係を維持することが できるのです
「もっと自分を幸せに してあげればよかった」
最近 東カロライナ大学 で行われた 画期的な臨床試験の話を 思わずにいられません 患者の不安や抑鬱を 解消する上で
オンラインゲームが薬よりも 高い効果を示したのです 毎日30分オンライン ゲームをするだけで 気分や長期的な幸福度が 劇的に改善されたのです
「本当の自分を表す勇気を 持てばよかった」
アバターというのは 本当の自分を 英雄的な理想化された姿で 表現する方法です
ロビー・クーパーが撮影した このゲーマーと その分身の写真が それをよく表しています
スタンフォード大学では 5年にわたる調査から 理想化されたアバターで ゲームをすることで 実生活での考え方や 行動も変化し より勇敢で野心的になり 目標に集中するようになると 報告しています
「他の人の期待に 合わせるのでなく 自分の夢に忠実に 生きればよかった」
ゲームがこれを実現して いるのか分かりません
スーパーマリオのクエスチョン マークを付けておきました
何でゲームデザイナーが 死の間際の後悔の話なんか しているのかと
思っているかもしれませんね 確かに私はホスピスで 働いたこともなければ 自分自身 死に直面した こともありません
でも最近死にたいと思いながら 3ヶ月ベッドで過ごしました
本当に死にたいと 思っていたんです
2年前のことですが 頭を強く 打って脳震盪を起こしました
脳震盪が治らず 30日過ぎても 絶えざる 頭痛 吐き気 めまい
物忘れ 頭に霞がかかった ような状態が続きました 医者は頭を癒すには
休息が必要だと言って 症状の引き金と なることを禁じました
だから 読書も駄目 書くのも駄目 ゲームも駄目 仕事もメールも駄目 走っても駄目 お酒もコーヒーも駄目
言い換えると 生きている意味がない ような状態です 面白おかしく 話していますが 真面目な話 脳の外傷が 自殺願望に繋がることは よくあるんです
3人に1人に起き 私にも起きました
私の脳が言い始めたのです ジェーン 死にたいでしょ?
もう痛みが消える ことはないのよ
その声があまりに強く 絶えることがないので 自分の命を本当に 心配し始めました はっきり覚えていますが 34日目に こう思ったんです もう自殺するか これをゲームにするしかない
10年以上ゲームの心理学を研究してきて 分かったことがあります ちゃんと学術研究があるんですが ゲームをするときには 私たちはよりクリエイティブになり 意志が強くなり 楽観的になり 他の人に助けを求め やすくなるんです
現実の問題の解決に このゲーマーの 特性を生かしたくて作ったのが 回復ロールプレイングゲーム 「脳震盪ハンター・ジェーン」です
これが私の新しい 秘密の自分となり ハンターとして 最初にしたのは 一卵性双生児の妹のケリーに こう言うことでした 「頭を治すためにゲームを やってるんだけど あんたにも一緒に やってほしいの」
そう言う方が助けを 求めやすかったんです
妹がこのゲームの 最初の仲間になり 続いて夫のキアシュが 加わりました みんなで悪者を見つけて やっつけました
悪者というのは 私の症状を引き起こし 治癒を遅らせるもの 明るい光や 人混みなんかです
そしてパワーアップを集めて 発動させました
これは最悪の日だろうと 多少とも気分を改善し 生産的にしてくれるものです 多少とも気分を改善し 生産的にしてくれるものです
飼っている犬を 10分間抱きしめるとか ベッドから出て近所を 一回りするとか
ゲームは単純です 秘密の自分になり 仲間を集め 悪者と戦い パワーアップを 発動させる
ゲームは単純でも やり始めてほんの数日で 鬱や不安の霧が晴れたのです
消えたんです 奇跡のようでした
頭痛や認知的な症状が 魔法のように治った わけではありません
それは1年以上続き 私の人生でも一番 辛い時期でした
でも症状があり 痛みがあっても 気に病まなくなったんです
それからこのゲームで 驚くようなことが起きました
私はブログを書き ビデオを アップロードして 遊び方を説明しました
でもみんな脳震盪を起こして いるわけじゃないし 「ハンター」になりたい わけでもありません だからゲームの名前を 「スーパー・ベター」に変えました
すぐに世界中のいろんな人から 反響がありました みんな秘密の自分に変身して 仲間を集め 「スーパ・ベター」になって 癌や慢性痛や 鬱やクローン病に 立ち向かったんです
ALSのような不治の病の人まで このゲームをやっていたんです
彼らが寄せてくれたメッセージや ビデオで このゲームが 私同様に彼らにも 力になっていることが 分かりました
「友達や家族と理解が深まった」 「痛みや人生最大の困難に
直面しながらも 幸福を感じられるようになった」 これはどういうことなのでしょう?
こんなに単純なゲームが これほど深刻な 時には生死にかかわる状況で
力強い効果を 発揮するのはなぜなのか 自分で体験していなければ きっと信じられなかったと思います
ここでも科学的な裏付けが あるのが分かりました
人によっては 深刻な出来事の後 より強く より幸せになるんです
それが私たちに起きた ことだったんです
このゲームは科学者が 「心的外傷後の成長」と呼ぶ 体験を促していたのです あまり聞き慣れない言葉ですね
よく聞くのは 「心的外傷後 ストレス症候群」です
でも科学者たちは 心的外傷を起こす出来事が いつまでも私たちを苛む わけではないのを明らかにしました
逆にそれをバネにして 自分の長所を引き出し 幸せな人生を 歩むこともできるのです
心的外傷後の成長を 体験した人が よく口にする 5つの ことがあります
「優先順位が変わり 幸せを 追求するのを怖れなくなった」
「友達や家族と より親密になった」
「自分自身がよくわかるようになり 本当の自分を知った」
「人生に意味や目的を 感じられるようになった」
「自分の目標や夢に専念 できるようになった」
聞き覚えが ありませんか?
心的外傷後の成長の5つの特徴は 死の間際に後悔する5つのことの ちょうど反対なんです
心的外傷を起こす出来事が 後悔せずに人生を送る能力を 開放したかのようです
どうしたら心的外傷を成長に 繋げられるのか?
心的外傷なしで 心的外傷後の成長の 利点だけ得られたら もっといいですよね? 頭を強く打ったりすることなしに・・・
この現象をもっと 理解したくて 科学文献を読み漁って 分かったことがあります 心的外傷後の成長に 寄与する 4種類の回復力があって それを高めるために 毎日できる 科学的に裏付けられた 方法があるんです しかも心的外傷は 不要です
その4種類の力を説明 してもいいんですが それより自分で体験 して欲しいんです
今から全員で この力を つけていきましょう
お約束した 7分半のボーナスを
このゲームで 手に入れるんです 「スーパー・ベター」の 最初の4つのクエストを
皆さんに やり遂げて いただきます
きっとできます そう信じています
じゃあ始めますよ 最初のクエストです
どちらか1つ選んでください 立ち上がって3歩進むか 両の拳を握って 高く頭の上に 5秒間 突き上げてください 始め!
両方やっている人もいますね 頑張り屋さんですね
いいですよ 良くできました これは肉体的回復力+1です 皆さんの体が ストレスに強くなって 早く回復できるように なるということです 肉体的回復力を高める 一番良い方法は じっとしていない ということです
じっと座っていない 時間の1秒1秒が 心臓や肺や脳を 積極的に健康にするんです 心臓や肺や脳を 積極的に健康にするんです
指をちょうど 50回鳴らすか 100から7ずつ減らして 数えてください
お互いの声で カウントを
間違わないで いいですね こんなの初めて見ました
肉体回復力のボーナスポイントです 良くできました
今のは精神的回復力+1です 集中力 自制 決意 意志力を高められます
意志力は筋肉のようなものであることが 科学的研究から 分かっています
小さな挑戦だろうと 諦めずにやれば 指を50回鳴らすとか 100から7ずつ減らしていくといった つまらないことでも 意志力を高められることが 科学的に示されています
良くできました 3つ目のクエストです
この場所では やれるのが決まってしまうんですが 2つから選びます
もしくはYouTubeかGoogleで 好きな動物の赤ちゃんの画像を 見つけてください 携帯で探してもいいし 動物の名前を— 言ってくれたら 探して画面に出します
ナマケモノ キリン ゾウ ヘビ では見てみましょう
赤ちゃんイルカに 赤ちゃんラマ ご覧ください
もう1つ出しましょう 赤ちゃんゾウです
素晴らしい 皆さんが今
感じているのは 感情的回復力+1です 好奇心や愛のような力強い ポジティブな感情を 引き起こす力です 動物の赤ちゃんを見たときとか それが まさに必要なときに起きる感情です 動物の赤ちゃんを見たときとか それが まさに必要なときに起きる感情です
科学文献で見つけた秘訣を お教えしましょう
ネガティブな感情1つに対して ポジティブな感情3つを 1時間か1日か1週間の うちに体験するなら 健康や 問題解決能力が 劇的に向上します
これは3対1のポジティブな 感情の比率と呼ばれています
「スーパー・ベター」の中でも お気に入りの秘訣です
最後のクエストです 誰かと6秒間握手するか 誰かに感謝の気持ちを メールかFacebookかTwitterで 送りましょう 始め!
いい感じ いい感じ
社会的回復力を高める 良い方法は感謝の気持ちです 触れあうのは もっと良いです もう1つ秘訣を お教えしましょう 誰かと6秒間握手すると
信頼のホルモンである オキシトシンの血中濃度が
握手した人たちは 生物化学的に 互いに好きになり 助け合いやすくなります 効果はすぐには消えないので
休み時間の交流の機会に 活用してください 皆さんは4つのクエストを クリアしました
では私の方も7分半の ボーナス寿命を与える
ミッションを完了できたか 見てみましょう もう1つ科学豆知識を ご紹介します この 肉体的 精神的 感情的 社会的の 4つの回復力を
この 肉体的 精神的 感情的 社会的の 4つの回復力を
日常的に高めている人は そうでない人より 10年長く生きることが 分かっています 本当です 3対1の ポジティブな感情の
比率を守り 1時間以上続けて座らず 気にかけている誰かと 毎日連絡を取り 意志力を高める小さな 目標に挑戦するなら そうしない人より 10年長く生きて 最初にお見せした 計算式が導かれます
アメリカやイギリスで 平均寿命は78.1歳ですが 1,000以上の査読付き科学論文から 4つの回復力を 高めることで これを10年伸ばせる ことが分かっています
高めることで これを10年伸ばせる ことが分かっています だから1年当たりでは 4つの回復力によって 寿命を0.128年 — つまり46日 あるいは 67,298分伸ばせます 言い換えると 4つの回復力で 1日当たり 184分 1時間当たり 7.68245837分 寿命を伸ばせるということです 寿命を伸ばせるということです
やりましたね 7分半は皆さんのものです
ねぇ 待って
まだ秘密のミッションが 残っています
この7分半の寿命のボーナスを どう使うつもりですか?
この時間は魔法のランプに お願いするのに似ています
最初にプラス100万個の願い事を 頼むことだってできるんです
だから今日 この7分半を使って 楽しい気分になり 体を動かし 好きな人と連絡を取り 小さなパズルに挑戦するなら 自分の回復力を高め さらに時間を手に 入れられます
しかも それをずっと 続けていけるんです
毎日の1時間1時間 人生の1日1日を 最後の時までずっと しかもその時は 元々よりも 10年先に伸びています
そして最後の時を迎えても もはや あの5つの後悔を することはないでしょう 力と回復力をつけて 自分の夢に忠実な 人生を送っているからです
それに余分の10年があれば もっとゲームをする時間だって とれるでしょう
ありがとうございました | I like special missions and secret objectives.
So here's my special mission for this talk: I'm going to try to increase the life span of every single person in this room by seven and a half minutes.
Literally, you will live seven and a half minutes longer than you would have otherwise, just because you watched this talk.
Some of you are looking a little bit skeptical.
That's okay, because check it out -- I have math to prove that it is possible.
It won't make much sense now.
I'll explain it all later, just pay attention to the number at the bottom: +7.68245837 minutes.
That will be my gift to you if I'm successful in my mission.
Now, you have a secret mission too.
Your mission is to figure out how you want to spend your extra seven and a half minutes.
And I think you should do something unusual with them, because these are bonus minutes. You weren't going to have them anyway.
Now, because I'm a game designer, you might be thinking to yourself, I know what she wants us to do with those minutes, she wants us to spend them playing games.
Now this is a totally reasonable assumption, given that I have made quite a habit of encouraging people to spend more time playing games.
For example, in my first TED Talk, I did propose that we should spend 21 billion hours a week, as a planet, playing video games.
Now, 21 billion hours, it's a lot of time.
It's so much time, in fact, that the number one unsolicited comment that I have heard from people all over the world since I gave that talk, is this: Jane, games are great and all, but on your deathbed, are you really going to wish you spent more time playing Angry Birds?
This idea is so pervasive -- that games are a waste of time that we will come to regret -- that I hear it literally everywhere I go. For example, true story: Just a few weeks ago, this cab driver, upon finding out that a friend and I were in town for a game developers' conference, turned around and said -- and I quote -- "I hate games. Waste of life.
Imagine getting to the end of your life and regretting all that time."
Now, I want to take this problem seriously.
I want games to be a force for good in the world.
I don't want gamers to regret the time they spent playing, time that I encouraged them to spend.
So I have been thinking about this question a lot lately.
When we're on our deathbeds, will we regret the time we spent playing games?
Now, this may surprise you, but it turns out there is actually some scientific research on this question.
the people who take care of us at the end of our lives, recently issued a report on the most frequently expressed regrets that people say when they are literally on their deathbeds.
And that's what I want to share with you today -- the top five regrets of the dying.
Number one: I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
Number two: I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Number three: I wish I had let myself be happier.
Number four: I wish I'd had the courage to express my true self.
And number five: I wish I'd lived a life true to my dreams, Now, as far as I know, no one ever told one of the hospice workers, "I wish I'd spent more time playing video games," but when I hear these top five regrets of the dying, I can't help but hear five deep human cravings that games actually help us fulfill.
For example, I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
For many people, this means, I wish I'd spent more time with my family, with my kids when they were growing up.
Well, we know that playing games together has tremendous family benefits.
A recent study from Brigham Young University School of Family Life reported that parents who spend more time playing video games with their kids have much stronger real-life relationships with them.
"I wish I'd stayed in touch with my friends."
Hundreds of millions of people use social games like FarmVille or Words With Friends to stay in daily contact with real-life friends and family.
A recent study from the University of Michigan showed that these games are incredibly powerful relationship-management tools.
They help us stay connected with people in our social network that we would otherwise grow distant from, if we weren't playing games together.
"I wish I'd let myself be happier."
recently conducted at East Carolina University that showed that online games can outperform pharmaceuticals for treating clinical anxiety and depression.
Just 30 minutes of online game play a day was enough to create dramatic boosts in mood and long-term increases in happiness.
"I wish I'd had the courage to express my true self."
Well, avatars are a way to express our true selves, our most heroic, idealized version of who we might become.
You can see that in this alter ego portrait by Robbie Cooper of a gamer with his avatar.
And Stanford University has been doing research for five years now to document how playing a game with an idealized avatar changes how we think and act in real life, making us more courageous, more ambitious, more committed to our goals.
"I wish I'd led a life true to my dreams, and not what others expected of me."
Are games doing this yet?
I'm not sure, so I've left a Super Mario question mark.
We're going to come back to this one.
who is this game designer to be talking to us about deathbed regrets?
And it's true, I've never worked in a hospice, I've never been on my deathbed.
But recently I did spend three months in bed, wanting to die.
Really wanting to die.
Now let me tell you that story.
It started two years ago, when I hit my head and got a concussion.
The concussion didn't heal properly, and after 30 days, I was left with symptoms like nonstop headaches, nausea, vertigo, memory loss, mental fog.
My doctor told me that in order to heal my brain, I had to rest it.
So I had to avoid everything that triggered my symptoms.
For me that meant no reading, no writing, no video games, no work or email, no running, no alcohol, no caffeine.
In other words -- and I think you see where this is going -- no reason to live. Of course it's meant to be funny, but in all seriousness, suicidal ideation is quite common with traumatic brain injuries.
It happens to one in three, and it happened to me.
My brain started telling me, "Jane, you want to die."
It said, "You're never going to get better."
It said, "The pain will never end."
And these voices became so persistent and so persuasive that I started to legitimately fear for my life, which is the time that I said to myself after 34 days -- and I will never forget this moment -- I said, "I am either going to kill myself or I'm going to turn this into a game."
Now, why a game?
I knew from researching the psychology of games for more than a decade that when we play a game -- and this is in the scientific literature -- we tackle tough challenges with more creativity, more determination, more optimism, and we're more likely to reach out to others for help.
I wanted to bring these gamer traits to my real-life challenge, so I created a role-playing recovery game called Jane the Concussion Slayer.
Now this became my new secret identity, and the first thing I did as a slayer was call my twin sister -- I have an identical twin sister named Kelly -- and tell her, "I'm playing a game to heal my brain, and I want you to play with me."
This was an easier way to ask for help.
She became my first ally in the game, my husband Kiyash joined next, and together we identified and battled the bad guys.
Now this was anything that could trigger my symptoms and therefore slow down the healing process, things like bright lights and crowded spaces.
We also collected and activated power-ups.
This was anything I could do on even my worst day to feel just a little bit good, just a little bit productive.
Things like cuddling my dog for 10 minutes, or getting out of bed and walking around the block just once.
Now the game was that simple: Adopt a secret identity, recruit your allies, battle the bad guys, activate the power-ups.
But even with a game so simple, within just a couple days of starting to play, that fog of depression and anxiety went away.
It just vanished. It felt like a miracle.
Now it wasn't a miracle cure for the headaches or the cognitive symptoms.
That lasted for more than a year, and it was the hardest year of my life by far.
But even when I still had the symptoms, even while I was still in pain, I stopped suffering.
Now what happened next with the game surprised me.
I put up some blog posts and videos online, explaining how to play.
But not everybody has a concussion, obviously, not everyone wants to be "the slayer," so I renamed the game SuperBetter.
And soon, I started hearing from people all over the world who were adopting their own secret identity, recruiting their own allies, and they were getting "super better," facing challenges like cancer and chronic pain, depression and Crohn's disease.
Even people were playing it for terminal diagnoses like ALS.
And I could tell from their messages and their videos that the game was helping them in the same ways that it helped me.
They talked about feeling stronger and braver.
They talked about feeling better understood by their friends and family.
And they even talked about feeling happier, even though they were in pain, even though they were tackling the toughest challenge of their lives.
Now at the time, I'm thinking to myself, what is going on here?
I mean, how could a game so trivial intervene so powerfully I mean, if it hadn't worked for me, there's no way I would have believed it was possible.
Well, it turns out there's some science here, too.
Some people get stronger and happier after a traumatic event.
And that's what was happening to us.
The game was helping us experience what scientists call post-traumatic growth, which is not something we usually hear about.
We usually hear about post-traumatic stress disorder.
But scientists now know that a traumatic event doesn't doom us to suffer indefinitely.
Instead, we can use it as a springboard to unleash our best qualities and lead happier lives.
Here are the top five things that people with post-traumatic growth say: "My priorities have changed."
"I'm not afraid to do what makes me happy."
"I feel closer to my friends and family."
"I understand myself better. I know who I really am now."
"I have a new sense of meaning and purpose in my life."
"I'm better able to focus on my goals and dreams."
Now, does this sound familiar?
It should, because the top five traits of post-traumatic growth are essentially the direct opposite of the top five regrets of the dying.
Now this is interesting, right?
can unlock our ability to lead a life with fewer regrets.
But how does it work?
How do you get from trauma to growth?
Or better yet, is there a way to get all the benefits of post-traumatic growth without the trauma, without having to hit your head in the first place?
That would be good, right?
I wanted to understand the phenomenon better, so I devoured the scientific literature, and here's what I learned. There are four kinds of strength, or resilience, that contribute to post-traumatic growth, and there are scientifically validated activities that you can do every day to build up these four kinds of resilience, and you don't need a trauma to do it.
I could tell you what these four types of strength are, but I'd rather you experience them firsthand.
I'd rather we all start building them up together right now.
Here's what we're going to do.
We'll play a quick game together.
This is where you earn the seven and a half minutes of bonus life that I promised you earlier.
All you have to do is successfully complete the first four SuperBetter quests.
And I feel like you can do it. I have confidence in you.
So, everybody ready?
This is your first quest. Here we go.
Pick one: Stand up and take three steps, or make your hands into fists, raise them over your head as high as you can for five seconds, go!
All right, I like the people doing both.
You are overachievers. Very good. Well done, everyone. That is worth +1 physical resilience, which means that your body can withstand more stress and heal itself faster. We know from the research that the number one thing you can do to boost your physical resilience is to not sit still.
That's all it takes.
Every single second that you are not sitting still, you are actively improving the health of your heart, and your lungs and brains.
Everybody ready for your next quest?
I want you to snap your fingers exactly 50 times, or count backwards from 100 by seven, like this: 100, 93...
Don't give up.
interfere with your counting to 50.
Nice. Wow. That's the first time I've ever seen that.
Bonus physical resilience. Well done, everyone.
Now that's worth +1 mental resilience, which means you have more mental focus, more discipline, determination and willpower.
We know from the scientific research that willpower actually works like a muscle.
It gets stronger the more you exercise it.
So tackling a tiny challenge without giving up, even one as absurd as snapping your fingers exactly 50 times or counting backwards from 100 by seven is actually a scientifically validated way to boost your willpower.
So good job. Quest number three.
Pick one: Because of the room, fate's really determined this for you, but here are the two options.
If you're inside, find a window and look out of it.
If you're outside, find a window and look in.
Or do a quick YouTube or Google image search for "baby [your favorite animal.]" Do it on your phones, or just shout out some baby animals, and I'll put them on the screen.
So, what do we want to see?
Sloth, giraffe, elephant, snake. Okay, let's see what we got.
Baby dolphin and baby llamas. Everybody look.
Got that?
Okay, one more. Baby elephant.
We're clapping for that?
That's amazing.
All right, what we're just feeling there is plus-one emotional resilience, which means you have the ability to provoke powerful, positive emotions like curiosity or love, which we feel looking at baby animals, when you need them most.
Here's a secret from the scientific literature for you.
If you can manage to experience three positive emotions for every one negative emotion over the course of an hour, a day, a week, you dramatically improve your health and your ability to successfully tackle any problem you're facing.
And this is called the three-to-one positive emotion ratio.
It's my favorite SuperBetter trick, so keep it up.
All right, pick one, last quest: Shake someone's hand for six seconds, or send someone a quick thank you by text, email, Facebook or Twitter. Go!
Looking good, looking good.
Nice, nice.
Keep it up.
I love it!
All right, everybody, that is +1 social resilience, which means you actually get more strength from your friends, your neighbors, your family, your community.
Now, a great way to boost social resilience is gratitude.
Touch is even better.
Shaking someone's hand for six seconds dramatically raises the level of oxytocin in your bloodstream, now that's the trust hormone.
That means that all of you who just shook hands are biochemically primed to like and want to help each other.
This will linger during the break, so take advantage of the networking opportunities.
Well, you have successfully completed your four quests, let's see if I've successfully completed my mission to give you seven and a half minutes of bonus life.
Now I get to share one more little bit of science with you.
It turns out that people who regularly boost these four types of resilience -- physical, mental, emotional and social -- live 10 years longer than everyone else.
If you are regularly achieving the three-to-one positive emotion ratio, if you are never sitting still for more than an hour at a time, if you are reaching out to one person you care about every single day, if you are tackling tiny goals to boost your willpower, you will live 10 years longer than everyone else, and here's where that math I showed you earlier comes in.
So, the average life expectancy in the U.S. and the U.K. is 78.1 years, but we know from more than 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies that you can add 10 years of life by boosting your four types of resilience.
So every single year that you are boosting your four types of resilience, you're actually earning .128 more years of life or 46 more days of life, or 67,298 more minutes of life, which means every single day, you are earning 184 minutes of life, or every single hour that you are boosting your four types of resilience, like we just did together, you are earning 7.68245837 more minutes of life.
Congratulations, those seven and a half minutes are all yours.
You totally earned them. Yeah!
Wait, wait, wait.
You still have your special mission, your secret mission.
How are you going to spend these minutes of bonus life?
Well, here's my suggestion.
These seven and a half bonus minutes are kind of like genie's wishes.
You can use your first wish to wish for a million more wishes.
Pretty clever, right?
So, if you spend these seven and a half minutes today doing something that makes you happy, or that gets you physically active, or puts you in touch with someone you care about, or even just tackling a tiny challenge, you're going to boost your resilience, so you're going to earn more minutes.
And the good news is, you can keep going like that.
Every hour of the day, every day of your life, all the way to your deathbed, which will now be 10 years later than it would have otherwise.
And when you get there, more than likely, you will not have any of those top five regrets, because you will have built up the strength and resilience to lead a life truer to your dreams.
And with 10 extra years, you might even have enough time to play a few more games.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
私はすっかり魔法が使えなくなった少年について聞く事を忘れてしまっていた。 | As I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, I can’t help thinking about him.
I wonder if he’s still alive? If he’s about the same age as Grandpa Will, then there’s a decent chance that he is. And if that’s the case, I’d really like to meet him. The only problem is figuring out how to find him.
Albert-Oniisama..... probably wouldn’t know. Plus, he’ll be at school tomorrow so I wouldn’t get the chance to ask him ’til later in the day anyway. Besides, this all probably happened a while ago so Father would be more likely to know something about him.
But even if Father has heard something, will he really divulge that information so easily? No matter how much he dotes on me, I have a feeling that getting to that information isn’t going to be a simple matter.
....Well, it doesn’t hurt to ask I suppose. I’ll go find him first thing tomorrow morning.
With my decision made, I instantly fall fast asleep.
“Alicia, wake up.”
After suddenly hearing Father’s voice, my eyes fly open, all traces of sleep gone.
For Father to have come wake me up himself, what in the world is going on?
I jump out of bed and change my clothes as fast as I can before heading out of my room.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“Alicia, I need to talk to you,” Father tells me seriously.
What could it be? I honestly have no clue.
He turns around and starts walking away so without saying anything I just follow behind him.
Where could he be taking me? Wait, more importantly... Did I do something wrong....? Have my nightly excursions to the impoverished village finally been discovered!?
Before I have the chance to come up with other misdeeds that might have been found out, Father stops. Apparently he’s taking me to a place that I haven’t gone to even once so far: his own rooms.
For him to bring me here, maybe I really have done something wrong?
I follow behind Father as he enters.
......Really? The king again?
Granted, I have raised a couple of flags for just such a visit lately but.....
Even the heads of the five great noble houses are all gathered here together.....
Or maybe they’ve come to discuss removing darkness magic from being one of the five main elements on the grounds of it being primarily cosmetic?
But if that was the case, I would have thought my brothers would be here as well...
“It’s been a while, Alicia.”
What is this? A stress interview?“Alicia, can you use magic?”
So this is about me being able to use magic. They found out about that literally yesterday. Just how fast is the king’s information network?
“Would you demonstrate it for us?”
By way of reply, I lightly snap my fingers.
With the object gathering magic that I just learned, I have all the books in the room gather into one spot. One after another, each of the volumes float into the air and start to form a single stack.
Although this room is rather large, the space has not been used appropriately as papers and books are strewn about everywhere. When the king asked me to use magic, I was actually somewhat glad. From the moment I walked in, I couldn’t stand the mess.
Once all the books had been stacked neatly, next the massive amount of papers lying around begin to gather. I have them join the books on the tower, increasing its already impressive height by another couple inches. Finally, just to be safe, I make sure that each item is stacked perfectly in line to improve the stability.
Alright, it’s perfect!
“Everything was placed so precisely.”
“Exactly. The sides are completely smooth. Nothing is sticking out.”
“When you first start out, you shouldn’t be able to gather everything together so neatly!”
Johan-Sama, Neville-Sama, and Derek-Sama remark one after another like judges evaluating my work.
Was this supposed to be a test?
While staring at my newly built tower, it seems that even the king is finding himself at a loss for words.
“Thank you, Alicia,” Father says, smiling.
The expression is the spitting image of Albert-Oniisama’s usual smile. It’s an expression devoid of joy and filled with hidden meaning. And in this case, it’s urging me to leave the room, so without saying anything further, I walk out the door.
Somehow, even though the day has barely begun, I already feel emotionally drained. I guess that makes it a good time to move around a bit and get some sword practice in.
I head over to the garden where Alan-Oniisama and Henry-Oniisama have already started practicing their dry swings.
All of my thoughts of asking about the boy who was no longer able to use magic have been completely forgotten.) I didn’t realize this had a name. A stress interview is an interview where the interviewer has the intension of making the person undergoing the interview uncomfortable. They will purposely negate everything that you say, act uninterested as you talk, and/or say and do other things to put pressure on you. Apparently this is a somewhat standard practice for job interviews in Japan. The goal seems to be to see how the interviewee handles themselves while in a stressful situation. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 15,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
夜空を見上げれば肉眼でも 沢山の星を観ることができますし
ガリレオが初歩的な望遠鏡を天体へと向けて以来 我々の頭の中にある宇宙は 悠久の時をかけて地球まで届いた 光によって作られてきたのです
今や 現代の望遠鏡を使うことで 私たちは 息をのむほど美しい 宇宙の「無音の映像」を集めてきました こうして集められた画像は ビッグバンまでの宇宙の歴史を遡るアルバムです
しかし 宇宙には実は音があり 「無音の映像」などではないのです
今から皆さんに 宇宙には サウンドトラックがあるということを知ってもらいましょう その宇宙の音楽は 空間そのものによって奏でられます 空間はドラムの様に震え
宇宙のあちこちで起きる 劇的なイベントの記録を
音にして響かせるのです それでは この宇宙の音を 私たちが集めてきた 壮大な宇宙の映像に 加えてみたいと思います
これまで空間の奏でる音を聴いてこなかった私たちは これから数年のうちにもっと 空間のボリュームを上げた方がいいと思いますよ
ここで私たちは 宇宙の音を聴こうという試みの中で ブラックホールと その性質に注目しました なぜならブラックホールはハンマーがドラムを叩くように 時空を叩き 非常に面白い音を聴かせてくれるからです これから私たちが予測した その音を再現してみせます
ブラックホールは 暗い宇宙の中の暗い物体です
少なくとも 光を用いて直接の観測はできません
あくまで間接的に観測を行います ブラックホールは星を破壊し
しかし 光で直接観測することはできません
いつか明るく輝く背景の中で ブラックホールの影を見ることができるかもしれませんが それもまだです
とは言え 見えないブラックホールも 聴くことなら可能かもしれません 空間をドラムのように叩いているんですからね
そもそも空間がドラムのように鳴るというアイデアは 我らがアルバート・アインシュタインに負っています
アインシュタインは もし空間が空っぽだったなら もし宇宙が空っぽだったなら その構造はこの様になると考えました 格子線はもちろん実際にはありませんよ
しかし もし私たちが空間を自由落下しているとしたら こんな格子が描かれていなくても 自分で簡単に描くことができるでしょう なぜなら 落下運動は宇宙の中を 歪みの無い直線に沿って進む 運動だからです ここからが要点ですよ
アインシュタインはまた 宇宙空間にエネルギーや質量が置かれた時 空間は曲げられると考えました 何かが そうですね例えば太陽の すぐそばを自由落下していたとすると その何かは 宇宙の湾曲に沿って運動することになります
そして 地球の運動が太陽に曲げられ ついに太陽の周りに捉えられる あるいは月が地球の周りに捉えられる
ただアインシュタインが気付かなかったのは もし太陽を 直径6kmの小ささまで押しつぶしたとしたら つまり 地球の100万倍の質量を 6kmの小ささまで押しつぶしたとしたら ブラックホールができるということです あまりにも密度が高く 光さえ近づきすぎれば二度と逃げることはできない 宇宙の中の 暗い影です
このことに気付いたのはアインシュタインではなく カール・シュヴァルツシルトでした 彼はユダヤ系ドイツ人で第一次大戦時には ドイツ軍に加わりロシアとの戦線で活動していた 既に周囲に認められた科学者でした
私はよく シュヴァルツシルトが塹壕で 大砲の弾道軌道を計算しながら その合間に アインシュタインの方程式を計算しているという絵を 想像することがあります
アインシュタインが発表した一般相対性理論に 素早く目を通し その理論に興奮したシュヴァルツシルトは
すぐにその方程式のとんでもない解を 見つけました その解が示すものは 異常なものでした 空間そのものが 深い穴の淵に向かって 滝のように吸い込まれていき 光さえも逃げることのできない
空間の湾曲です 光も他のあらゆるものと同様
穴へと引きずり込まれ 後には影しか残りません
彼はアインシュタインへ向けて 「ご覧の通り 戦争が 銃撃戦を除けばとてもよくしてくれたおかげで 日常の煩わしさから逃れ あなたの着想を 深く考える時間がとれました」
と手紙を書き アインシュタインは 彼の算出した正確な解に感銘を受けました 科学者としての熱心さにも感銘を受けたのでしょう
シュヴァルツシルトの着想を プロイセン科学アカデミーに持って行きました
しかしアインシュタインは ブラックホールは数学的な特異解でしかなく
それが実際に存在する天体だとわかるまでは ブラックホールという言葉が 提唱されてから 何十年もかかりました ブラックホールは 非常に質量の大きな星が その寿命を迎える最後の段階で 潰れて死んだ状態なのです
しかし アインシュタインが好んでそうしたように 私たちも思考実験を 行うことはできます 太陽が直径6kmまで潰れたとしましょう そして小さな地球がその周りを回っています ブラックホール化した太陽から 30kmほど離れた所でしょうか この地球は自ら光りを放っています 太陽はもう光を放たず 他に光源がないと困りますから 地球は光を放つ恒星だとしましょう
すると このぺしゃんこのブラックホールから 30kmしか離れていない 軌道でも 地球は公転を続けます
この潰れたブラックホールは マンハッタンにすっぽり入る程の大きさです
とにかくそのような マンハッタンの半分の大きさに収まる程の
物体についての思考実験です ではここに地球を近づけてみましょう 30kmまで近づけます 地球は異常なくブラックホールの周りを公転しています
「ブラックホールは 宇宙の全てを吸い込んでしまう」という俗説がありますが 実際に吸い込まれるにはかなり近づく必要があります
ここで面白いのは 宇宙に浮かぶ観察者の目には 常に地球が映るということです
光の一部は吸い込まれますが 一部は屈折し 回り込むからです
もし「宇宙空母ギャラクティカ」で サイロンと戦っているシーンだとしたら 「ブラックホールに隠れるな!
改めて 太陽はブラックホールにはなりません 質量が足りないのです しかし この銀河には何万ものブラックホールがあります
もしそのひとつが天の川にかかれば このように見えることでしょう
天の川の数千億という星と 輝く塵の川の中に ブラックホールの影を見ることができます
もしそのブラックホールに近づいていくとすれば その背後から曲げられた全ての光を見ることができます しかし ひとたび影の領域に入ると もう何も観察することはできなくなります
そこからは どう逃げようと頑張っても 無駄な抵抗でしかありません もはや光ですら逃れることはできないのです
しかし ブラックホールは外から見て暗いと言っても その中は暗くありません 銀河からのあらゆる光がブラックホールへと吸い込まれるからです
そして 相対論の効果として知られる時間遅延によって ブラックホールに吸い込まれる私たちの 時計の進みは遅くなりますが 私たちの目には 銀河の展開は 早送りで飛び込んでくるようになります それも観察者が潰される瞬間までですが
こんな風にトンネルを抜けると光が見えるなんて 臨死体験みたいですね まあこれは完全な死の体験なのですが
そしてこのトンネルを抜けた先の光がどんなものか 伝えられる人は存在しません
私たちはブラックホールの影を見た事がありません しかし その姿は見えなくても 聴く事はできる筈です
ふたつのブラックホールが長い間一緒に過ごしているという 物理的には十分可能性のある状況を想像してみてください
そのとちらもが ブラックホールになってしまったかつての星です 両方とも太陽の10倍の質量と考えてください
つまり 今度は60kmの直径まで潰されているという状況です
それらはお互いの周りを 毎秒数百回というスピードで周り
最後にはほとんど光の早さで 互いに回り合うようになります
つまり ほんの一瞬で数千キロも 運動することになります その間 周りの空間を歪ませるだけでなく 通る道筋の空間を鳴り響かせるのです 文字通り 時空の波です
空間は ブラックホールから 拡散しながら 同時に伸び縮みし 宇宙を激しく叩きます
そして その波は 光の速さで伝わっていきます
こちらのシミュレーションは NASAのゴッダード宇宙研究所のグループのものです
ご覧頂いているのは お互いの周りを回るブラックホールです 図示されているのは空間の歪みです
そして 見えるでしょうか かなり薄いのですが 発散する赤い波が見えるなら それが重力波です
これは文字通り空間の響きのことで 光の速さでブラックホールから発散し 鳴り響きながら 結局は回転するブラックホールと 融合します
もし近づくことができたなら みなさんの耳も空間の 伸び縮みに共鳴するはずですよ
まあ もちろんその時には
みなさんの頭も伸び縮みしている訳ですから 何が起こっているのかはわからないだろうと思いますが
では その音はどんなものなのか 私たちの予測はこの様なものです
これは私たちのグループのものです ちょっと豪華さの劣るモデルですが
比較的軽いブラックホールが 非常に重いブラックホールに吸い込まれる場面です
この音は 軽い方のブラックホールが重い方に近づくにつれ 空間を激しく叩く音です
とても静かです しかしだんだんと空間を叩き始め ドラムのように震わせていきます
吸い込まれるにつれ だんだんと速く そして大きな音になるでしょう
そして最後には 小さい方が大きい方に飲み込まれる音が聴こえます
ding, ding, dingという感じで
あ 画像はありません ブラックホールは目に見える形の 痕跡を残しませんからね そして空間も塗られていません 歪みもわからないですね
ですが宇宙の休日にその辺りを漂っていたら こんな音が聴こえるはずです 遠くへ逃げたくなりますね
この細かな振動が ブラックホールが融合する時の 特徴的な音です
これが 私たちが宇宙の映像から 予測した音になります
安穏としていますが こうしている間にも この宇宙でふたつのブラックホールが
融合したことでしょう その「音」は 100万光年の距離を旅し 100万年の時を経て 私たちのすぐ側の空間にも届くでしょう
しかしその音は本当にかすかで 未だに聴いた人はいません
そこで人類は地球の表面に 観測装置を作りました そのうちひとつは「LIGO」と呼ばれ 4kmに渡る空間の伸び縮みを 原子核のサイズ以下の正確さで 探知できます
非常に野心的な実験装置です この正確さも数年のうちにさらに向上するでしょう この他にも 空間の挙動を調べる「LISA」という
ミッションが提唱されており 10年以内には スタートする見込みです LISAは 太陽の何百万倍の
さらに何十億倍という大きな質量を持った ブラックホールを観測できると 考えられています
このハッブル望遠鏡の映像の中に ふたつの銀河が見えます
このふたつの銀河は 互いに抱き合ったまま止まっているように見えます
そして そのどちらもの中心に 非常に質量の大きなブラックホールがあると考えられています
しかし この銀河は止まってはいません 合体しようとしているのです
ふたつのブラックホールは衝突し 何十億年という時間スケールで合体しようとしているのです
遥かに超えています しかし LISAはこのふたつのブラックホールの 最期の音を 歴史を先回りして計算し 予測することができます ブラックホールがひとつになる最期の15分を予測できるのです
さらに この装置で観測できるのは 大きな空間の歪みであればブラックホールに限りません 中でも一番大きなものと言えばビッグバンです
「ビッグバン」という言葉はもともと冗談で生まれました 「宇宙が『でっかいバーン!』で始まったとでも?」が始まりです
ですが この表現はかなったものかもしれません 実際にバーンという音が
Proton Studiosの友人が作ったこのアニメーションは ビッグバンを外から観た様子を示しています
実際にこんな観察は無理ですよ 私たちは宇宙の中にいて 「宇宙の外から観る」ことなんてありませんから
どこもかしこも 辺り全てビッグバンです 空間はぐちゃぐちゃに揺れています
その時以来140億年が経ちましたが ビッグバンの音は未だに私たちの周りに残っています
銀河が生まれ 大量の星が銀河の中で生まれました そのうち一つの星 すくなくとも一つの星は 人類が住むことができる星です
その星で私たちは夢中になってこんな観察を行って 計算して コンピュータのコードを書いています
今から10臆年前に ふたつのブラックホールが 衝突したと想像してみてください
その音は今に至るまで空間を震わせています 私たちには未だに
時は経ち 4万年前 私たちは洞窟に絵を描いていました
さらに時は経ちます そして この先20年かそこらで
人類の作る観測装置は より高い性能を持つことでしょう そんな装置ができて 宇宙の音を観測することができた時 宇宙の最初の音を観測することができた時
本当にビッグバンを観測することができた時 その音はこのような音でしょう
ホワイトノイズとも呼ばれる不規則な振動です この音は 私たちの周囲に溢れていると推測されています
そして宇宙の他の作用によって かき消されていないと考えられています そう思うと もしこの音を拾えたなら
そのノイズはきっと音楽として聴こえるでしょう なぜならこのノイズこそ全ての宇宙の 創造のこだまなのですから これから数年のうちに 宇宙の 「音量」を上げることが可能になるでしょう そして もし原始の宇宙の音を
探知することができた時 全ての始まりビッグバンについて もっと理解が進むはずです 人類が悩み続けてきた とらえどころのない 非常に難しい疑問の答えにつながるかもしれません
宇宙の歴史を逆再生すれば 遠い過去にビッグバンが起きたことがわかります その不協和音だって いつか聴くことができると思います しかし それはただひとつのビッグバンだったのでしょうか?
ここで考えるのをやめてはいけません それ以前にもあったのか?
TEDの 不思議を突き詰める精神において 少なくともトーク最期のこの瞬間には 永遠に答えが出ないかもしれない問いかけだって 追い続けてみましょう
問いかけなくてはいけません この宇宙は 壮大な歴史の ほんのごく一部でしかないのでしょうか?
この宇宙は 沢山の宇宙のうちのひとつでしかないのでしょうか? それぞれの宇宙にはビッグバンがあり そのうちいくつかの宇宙ではブラックホールが 鳴り響き そのうちいくつかの宇宙では感覚のある生物が生まれ 過去にでも 未来ででもなく 今 私たちと何かをシェアしているのでしょうか?
考えなくてはいけません いくつもの宇宙があるとしたら そのたくさんの宇宙のどこかに 生命が存在するでしょうか?
多くの宇宙のどこかに生命がいるでしょうか? 私たちのことを考えているでしょうか 彼ら自身の起源について考えているでしょうか
もしそうならば 私はきっと 彼らも同じく 計算をし コンピュータコードを書き 宇宙のかすかな音を聴くために 観測装置を作り 自分たちの起源について そして宇宙に存在する 他の生命について考えていることと思います
ありがとうございました | The Sun burns our peripheral vision.
We see light reflected off the Moon.
And in the time since Galileo pointed that rudimentary telescope at the celestial bodies, the known universe has come to us through light, across vast eras in cosmic history.
And with all of our modern telescopes, we've been able to collect this stunning silent movie of the universe -- these series of snapshots that go all the way back to the Big Bang.
And yet, the universe is not a silent movie because the universe isn't silent.
I'd like to convince you that the universe has a soundtrack and that soundtrack is played on space itself, because space can wobble like a drum.
It can ring out a kind of recording throughout the universe of some of the most dramatic events as they unfold.
Now we'd like to be able to add to a kind of glorious visual composition that we have of the universe -- a sonic composition.
And while we've never heard the sounds from space, we really should, in the next few years, start to turn up the volume on what's going on out there.
So in this ambition to capture songs from the universe, we turn our focus to black holes and the promise they have, because black holes can bang on space-time like mallets on a drum and have a very characteristic song, which I'd like to play for you -- some of our predictions for what that song will be like.
Now black holes are dark against a dark sky.
We can't see them directly.
They're not brought to us with light, at least not directly.
We can see them indirectly, because black holes wreak havoc on their environment.
They destroy stars around them.
They churn up debris in their surroundings.
But they won't come to us directly through light.
We might one day see a shadow a black hole can cast on a very bright background, but we haven't yet.
And yet black holes may be heard even if they're not seen, and that's because they bang on space-time like a drum.
Now we owe the idea that space can ring like a drum to Albert Einstein -- to whom we owe so much.
Einstein realized that if space were empty, if the universe were empty, it would be like this picture, except for maybe without the helpful grid drawn on it.
But if we were freely falling through the space, even without this helpful grid, we might be able to paint it ourselves, because we would notice that we traveled along straight lines, undeflected straight paths through the universe.
Einstein also realized -- that if you put energy or mass in the universe, it would curve space, would pass by, let's say, the Sun and it would be deflected along the natural curves in the space.
It was Einstein's great general theory of relativity.
Now even light will be bent by those paths.
And you can be bent so much that you're caught in orbit around the Sun, as the Earth is, or the Moon around the Earth.
These are the natural curves in space.
What Einstein did not realize was that, if you took our Sun and you crushed it down to six kilometers -- so you took a million times the mass of the Earth and you crushed it to six kilometers across, you would make a black hole, an object so dense that if light veered too close, it would never escape -- a dark shadow against the universe.
It wasn't Einstein who realized this, it was Karl Schwarzschild who was a German Jew in World War I -- joined the German army already an accomplished scientist, working on the Russian front.
I like to imagine Schwarzschild in the war in the trenches calculating ballistic trajectories for cannon fire, and then, in between, calculating Einstein's equations -- as you do in the trenches.
And he was reading Einstein's recently published general theory of relativity, and he was thrilled by this theory.
And he quickly surmised an exact mathematical solution that described something very extraordinary: curves so strong that space would rain down into them, space itself would curve like a waterfall flowing down the throat of a hole.
And even light could not escape this current.
Light would be dragged down the hole and all that would be left would be a shadow.
Now he wrote to Einstein, and he said, "As you will see, the war has been kind to me enough. Despite the heavy gunfire, I've been able to get away from it all and walk through the land of your ideas."
And Einstein was very impressed with his exact solution, and I should hope also the dedication of the scientist.
This is the hardworking scientist under harsh conditions.
And he took Schwarzschild's idea to the Prussian Academy of Sciences the next week.
But Einstein always thought black holes were a mathematical oddity.
He did not believe they existed in nature.
He thought nature would protect us from their formation.
It was decades before the term "black hole" was coined and people realized that black holes are real astrophysical objects -- of very massive stars that collapse catastrophically at the end of their lifetime.
Now our Sun will not collapse to a black hole.
It's actually not massive enough.
But if we did a little thought experiment -- as Einstein was very fond of doing -- we could imagine putting the Sun crushed down to six kilometers, and putting a tiny little Earth around it in orbit, maybe 30 kilometers outside of the black-hole sun. And it would be self-illuminated, because now the Sun's gone, we have no other source of light -- so let's make our little Earth self-illuminated.
And you would realize you could put the Earth in a happy orbit even 30 km outside of this crushed black hole.
This crushed black hole actually would fit inside Manhattan, more or less.
It might spill off into the Hudson a little bit before it destroyed the Earth.
But basically that's what we're talking about.
We're talking about an object that you could crush down to half the square area of Manhattan.
So we move this Earth very close -- 30 kilometers outside -- and we notice it's perfectly fine orbiting around the black hole.
There's a sort of myth that black holes devour everything in the universe, but you actually have to get very close to fall in.
But what's very impressive is that, from our vantage point, we can always see the Earth.
It cannot hide behind the black hole.
The light from the Earth, some of it falls in, but some of it gets lensed around and brought back to us.
So you can't hide anything behind a black hole.
If this were Battlestar Galactica and you're fighting the Cylons, don't hide behind the black hole.
They can see you.
Now, our Sun will not collapse to a black hole -- it's not massive enough -- but there are tens of thousands of black holes in our galaxy.
And if one were to eclipse the Milky Way, this is what it would look like.
We would see a shadow of that black hole against the hundred billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy and its luminous dust lanes.
And if we were to fall towards this black hole, we would see all of that light lensed around it, and we could even start to cross into that shadow and really not notice that anything dramatic had happened.
It would be bad if we tried to fire our rockets and get out of there because we couldn't, anymore than light can escape.
But even though the black hole is dark from the outside, it's not dark on the inside, because all of the light from the galaxy can fall in behind us.
And even though, due to a relativistic effect known as time dilation, our clocks would seem to slow down relative to galactic time, it would look as though the evolution of the galaxy had been sped up and shot at us, right before we were crushed to death by the black hole.
It would be like a near-death experience where you see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's a total death experience.
And there's no way of telling anybody about the light at the end of the tunnel.
Now we've never seen a shadow like this of a black hole, but black holes can be heard, even if they're not seen.
imagine two black holes that have lived a long life together.
Maybe they started as stars and collapsed to two black holes -- each one 10 times the mass of the Sun.
So now we're going to crush them down to 60 kilometers across.
They can be spinning hundreds of times a second.
At the end of their lives, they're going around each other very near the speed of light.
So they're crossing thousands of kilometers in a fraction of a second, and as they do so, they not only curve space, but they leave behind in their wake a ringing of space, an actual wave on space-time.
Space squeezes and stretches as it emanates out from these black holes banging on the universe.
And they travel out into the cosmos at the speed of light.
This computer simulation is due to a relativity group at NASA Goddard.
It took almost 30 years for anyone in the world to crack this problem.
This was one of the groups.
It shows two black holes in orbit around each other, again, with these helpfully painted curves.
And if you can see -- it's kind of faint -- but if you can see the red waves emanating out, those are the gravitational waves.
They're literally the sounds of space ringing, and they will travel out from these black holes at the speed of light as they ring down and coalesce to one spinning, quiet black hole at the end of the day.
If you were standing near enough, your ear would resonate with the squeezing and stretching of space.
You would literally hear the sound.
Now of course, your head would be squeezed and stretched unhelpfully, so you might have trouble understanding what's going on.
But I'd like to play for you the sound that we predict.
This is from my group -- a slightly less glamorous computer modeling.
Imagine a lighter black hole falling into a very heavy black hole.
The sound you're hearing is the light black hole banging on space each time it gets close.
If it gets far away, it's a little too quiet.
But it comes in like a mallet, and it literally cracks space, wobbling it like a drum.
And we can predict what the sound will be.
We know that, as it falls in, it gets faster and it gets louder.
And eventually, we're going to hear the little guy just fall into the bigger guy.
Then it's gone.
Now I've never heard it that loud -- it's actually more dramatic.
At home it sounds kind of anticlimactic.
It's sort of like ding, ding, ding.
This is another sound from my group.
No, I'm not showing you any images, because black holes don't leave behind helpful trails of ink, and space is not painted, showing you the curves.
But if you were to float by in space on a space holiday and you heard this, you want to get moving.
Want to get away from the sound.
Both black holes are moving.
Both black holes are getting closer together.
In this case, they're both wobbling quite a lot.
And then they're going to merge.
Now it's gone.
Now that chirp is very characteristic of black holes merging -- that it chirps up at the end.
Now that's our prediction for what we'll see.
Luckily we're at this safe distance in Long Beach, California.
And surely, somewhere in the universe two black holes have merged.
And surely, the space around us is ringing after traveling maybe a million light years, or a million years, at the speed of light to get to us.
But the sound is too quiet for any of us to ever hear.
There are very industrious experiments being built on Earth -- one called LIGO -- which will detect deviations in the squeezing and stretching of space at less than the fraction of a nucleus of an atom over four kilometers.
It's a remarkably ambitious experiment, and it's going to be at advanced sensitivity within the next few years -- to pick this up.
There's also a mission proposed for space, which hopefully will launch in the next ten years, called LISA.
And LISA will be able to see super-massive black holes -- black holes millions or billions of times the mass of the Sun.
In this Hubble image, we see two galaxies.
They look like they're frozen in some embrace.
And each one probably harbors a super-massive black hole at its core.
But they're not frozen; they're actually merging.
These two black holes are colliding, and they will merge over a billion-year time scale.
It's beyond our human perception to pick up a song of that duration.
But LISA could see the final stages of two super-massive black holes earlier in the universe's history, the last 15 minutes before they fall together.
And it's not just black holes, but it's also any big disturbance in the universe -- and the biggest of them all is the Big Bang.
When that expression was coined, it was derisive -- like, "Oh, who would believe in a Big Bang?"
But now it actually might be more technically accurate because it might bang.
It might make a sound.
This animation from my friends at Proton Studios shows looking at the Big Bang from the outside.
We don't ever want to do that actually. We want to be inside the universe because there's no such thing as standing outside the universe.
So imagine you're inside the Big Bang.
It's everywhere, it's all around you, and the space is wobbling chaotically.
Fourteen billion years pass and this song is still ringing all around us.
Galaxies form, and generations of stars form in those galaxies, and around one star, at least one star, is a habitable planet.
And here we are frantically building these experiments, doing these calculations, writing these computer codes.
Imagine a billion years ago, two black holes collided.
That song has been ringing through space for all that time.
We weren't even here.
It gets closer and closer -- 40,000 years ago, we're still doing cave paintings.
It's like hurry, build your instruments.
It's getting closer and closer, and in 20 ...
whatever year it will be when our detectors are finally at advanced sensitivity -- we'll build them, we'll turn on the machines and, bang, we'll catch it -- the first song from space.
If it was the Big Bang we were going to pick up, it would sound like this.
It's a terrible sound.
It's literally the definition of noise.
It's white noise; it's such a chaotic ringing.
But it's around us everywhere, presumably, if it hasn't been wiped out by some other process in the universe.
And if we pick it up, it will be music to our ears because it will be the quiet echo of that moment of our creation, of our observable universe. So within the next few years, we'll be able to turn up the soundtrack a little bit, render the universe in audio.
But if we detect those earliest moments, it'll bring us that much closer to an understanding of the Big Bang, which brings us that much closer to asking some of the hardest, most elusive, questions.
If we run the movie of our universe backwards, we know that there was a Big Bang in our past, and we might even hear the cacophonous sound of it, but was our Big Bang the only Big Bang?
I mean we have to ask, has it happened before?
Will it happen again?
I mean, in the spirit of rising to TED's challenge to reignite wonder, we can ask questions, at least for this last minute, that honestly might evade us forever.
But we have to ask: Is it possible that our universe is just a plume off of some greater history?
Or, is it possible that we're just a branch off of a multiverse -- each branch with its own Big Bang in its past -- maybe some of them with black holes playing drums, maybe some without -- maybe some with sentient life, and maybe some without -- not in our past, not in our future, but somehow fundamentally connected to us?
So we have to wonder, if there is a multiverse, in some other patch of that multiverse, are there creatures?
Here's my multiverse creatures.
Are there other creatures in the multiverse, wondering about us and wondering about their own origins?
And if they are, I can imagine them as we are, calculating, writing computer code, trying to detect that faintest sound of their origins and wondering who else is out there.
Thank you. Thank you. | {
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事実 ここ米国北東部では コーランの説く楽園に とても近い生活をしています コーランには36回 「流れる川に潤う庭園」とあります
ユニオン湖上のボートハウスで暮らす 私には正にその通りです
コーランを読み初めて 途中で放棄してしまった 数多くの誠意ある非イスラム教徒の方は その異質さに戸惑うようです
歴史家のトーマス・カーライルは ムハンマドを世界のヒーローと認めましたが コーランについては 「これまでにない読み辛さに加え 退屈でわけの分からない寄せ集め」と酷評しています
ここでの問題と思しき点は 私たちが普通に読書するように コーランも読めると思っていることです 雨の日の午後 ポップコーンを持って 気軽に読めるものだと・・・ コーランが神からの ムハンマドに対する啓示であることを忘れ まるで神も単なるベストセラー作家だと言うようなものです
しかしコーランを実際に 読む人が少ないという事実は 引用を容易にしています それも誤った引用をです
抜粋された語句が文脈から離れ ハイライト版として イスラム教根本主義者と反イスラムの 両方に受け入れらています
この前の春 私はムハンマドの 伝記を書く準備をしていました 私はコーランをできる限り正しく読む必要が あるという結論に至りました
私のアラビア語能力は辞書を 要するまでに低下していたので 4つの有名な翻訳版を手に取り 隣に並べて読むことにしました 節ごとに 翻訳とオリジナルの7世紀の アラビア語版を比べていきました
私が前回執筆した本は シーア派とスンニ派分裂にまつわる話で 私は初期イスラム史を詳しく研究していましたので コーランが絶えず 引き合いにだす出来事や その枠組みは知っていました
私は自分がコーランの 旅人にすぎないと 自覚していました 知識があり 経験もありましたが 依然として部外者でした 苦悩しながら他の宗教の 経典を読んでいるユダヤ教徒ですから
このプロジェクトに3週間を費やすことに決めました 実はこれは私の自惚れでした 実際には3ヶ月かかりました
途中 巻末の短く明らかに 神秘的な章まで 飛ばしたい誘惑と戦い
でもコーランのドアの把手を やっとつかんだように思う度 「わかった」と感じても 一晩で忘れてしまい 翌朝に戻ってきては どこに迷い込んだのだろうと思うのです 見覚えのある風景なのですが
コーランとはモーセ五書と 福音書を改定したものだそうです
なので3分の1は 聖書の人物 アブラハム モーゼ ジョセフ マリー ジーザス 物語の再現です
神自身はヤハウェとしての 初期の現れからわかるとおり 嫉妬深く自分のみが唯一絶対神と主張します
ラクダや山 砂漠の井戸 水源の記述を見て私は シナイ砂漠を彷徨った あの年を思い出しました
それから言語はというと そのリズミカルな韻律は ベドウィンの年長者の方が数時間に 渡って物語詩を朗吟してくれた 夜を思わせました
こうして私はアラビア語で 書かれたコーランのみが 真にコーランであると言われる所以を つかみ始めました
ファーティハの節を例にとると 序章は7節で構成された 「主の祈り」と「イスラエルよ 聞け」の合わさったものです
アラビア語では29文字ですが 訳文では65から72文字程になっています
文字数が多ければ多いほど 情報を曖昧にしているようです
アラビア語というのはおまじないの様な いわば催眠術のような 頭で読むよりも心で聞いてくれ といった音質を持っています
アラビア語は口に出されて初めて 耳の中へ 舌の上で奏でられる音楽なのです
つまり英語版のコーランは オリジナルの幻影みたいなもの もしくはアーサー・アーベリーが呼んだような 「コーラン解釈」なのです
コーランが定める通り 忍耐は尊ばれます 驚くことがたくさん書かれています 例えば環境への意識度や 人は神の創造物の管理人にすぎないこと 聖書とは一致していません
聖書は二人称や三人称に男性称を使うことで もっぱら男性に語りかけています コーランでは女性も含まれており 例えば 信ずる男性 信ずる女性や 高貴な男性 高貴な女性の ような形で出てきます
または悪名高い一節 不信心者の殺害
これは確かに書かれています ただしコンテクストはかなり制約されています 聖なる都市メッカの 領域とみなされる場所では 戦いは通常禁止されています その許可には条件がついています
「不信心者はメッカで殺せ」ではなく 殺すことが許されるのは それは猶予期間が切れた場合のみで しかも他に何の約束事もなく そしてカアバ聖殿への道を阻まれ 攻撃を仕掛けられた場合に限ります
それでもなお-- 神は慈悲深く 赦しは無限-- なので 本質的には 殺さないほうが無難です
これは多分最大の驚きでした コーランはなんて柔軟なんだろうか 少なくとも基本的に柔軟性を 欠いていないという点において
「いくつかの節は意味において限定的である」とあり 「その他は多義的である
よこしまな心は 両義に取れる表現を追及し 自分なりの解釈を押し付けることで 不和を作り出そうとする
「神はとらえがたい存在である」 という節が折々登場します 実にコーラン全体が曖昧模糊です 私たち多くが思うよりずっと微妙です
小さなところでは あの処女が待つという 楽園の話もその一例です
四回出てくる単語は 「フーリー」で 黒い瞳の 豊満な胸の乙女と翻訳されています または巨乳の処女
オリジナルのアラビア語版には 「フーリー」の一語のみです
多分これは天使のような 純粋な存在の呼び方なのでしょう またはギリシャ語のクーロスやコレ 永遠の若さでしょうか
しかし本当は誰も知らないのです これが重要な点です
コーランには明確に 天国にて生まれ変わることは その人の知らない別の何かに 生まれ変わることであると 書かれており 私からすれば 処女達よりもこちらの方が かなり魅力的に思えます
コーランには 72人の処女は出てきません この説ができたのは300年後で 大半のイスラム教学者が フーリーは 羽根があり 雲の上でハープを奏でる人と 同様だと解釈しています
処女性ではなく 生殖能力であり
流れる水に潤う 庭園なのです
ありがとうございました | But in fact, here in the northwest, we're living very close to the real Koranic idea of paradise, defined 36 times as "gardens watered by running streams."
Since I live on a houseboat on the running stream of Lake Union, this makes perfect sense to me.
But the thing is, how come it's news to most people?
I know many well-intentioned non-Muslims who've begun reading the Koran, but given up, disconcerted by its "otherness."
The historian Thomas Carlyle considered Muhammad one of the world's greatest heroes, yet even he called the Koran "as toilsome reading as I ever undertook, a wearisome, confused jumble."
Part of the problem, I think, is that we imagine that the Koran can be read as we usually read a book -- as though we can curl up with it on a rainy afternoon with a bowl of popcorn within reach, as though God -- and the Koran is entirely in the voice of God speaking to Muhammad -- were just another author on the bestseller list.
Yet the fact that so few people do actually read the Koran is precisely why it's so easy to quote -- that is, to misquote.
Phrases and snippets taken out of context in what I call the "highlighter version," which is the one favored by both Muslim fundamentalists and anti-Muslim Islamophobes.
So this past spring, as I was gearing up to begin writing a biography of Muhammad, I realized I needed to read the Koran properly -- as properly as I could, that is.
My Arabic's reduced by now to wielding a dictionary, so I took four well-known translations and decided to read them side-by-side, verse-by-verse along with a transliteration and the original seventh-century Arabic.
Now I did have an advantage.
My last book was about the story behind the Shi'a-Sunni split, and for that I'd worked closely with the earliest Islamic histories, so I knew the events to which the Koran constantly refers, its frame of reference.
I knew enough, that is, to know that I'd be a tourist in the Koran -- an informed one, an experienced one even, but still an outsider, an agnostic Jew reading some else's holy book.
So I read slowly.
I'd set aside three weeks for this project, and that, I think, is what is meant by "hubris" -- -- because it turned out to be three months.
I did resist the temptation to skip to the back where the shorter and more clearly mystical chapters are.
But every time I thought I was beginning to get a handle on the Koran -- that feeling of "I get it now" -- it would slip away overnight, and I'd come back in the morning wondering if I wasn't lost in a strange land, and yet the terrain was very familiar.
The Koran declares that it comes to renew the message of the Torah and the Gospels.
So one-third of it reprises the stories of Biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Mary, Jesus.
God himself was utterly familiar from his earlier manifestation as Yahweh -- jealously insisting on no other gods.
The presence of camels, mountains, desert wells and springs took me back to the year I spent wandering the Sinai Desert.
And then there was the language, the rhythmic cadence of it, reminding me of evenings spent listening to Bedouin elders recite hours-long narrative poems entirely from memory.
And I began to grasp why it's said that the Koran is really the Koran only in Arabic.
Take the Fatihah, the seven-verse opening chapter that is the Lord's Prayer and the Shema Yisrael of Islam combined.
It's just 29 words in Arabic, but anywhere from 65 to 72 in translation.
And yet the more you add, the more seems to go missing.
The Arabic has an incantatory, almost hypnotic, quality that begs to be heard rather than read, felt more than analyzed.
It wants to be chanted out loud, to sound its music in the ear and on the tongue.
So the Koran in English is a kind of shadow of itself, or as Arthur Arberry called his version, "an interpretation."
But all is not lost in translation.
As the Koran promises, patience is rewarded, and there are many surprises -- a degree of environmental awareness, for instance, and of humans as mere stewards of God's creation, unmatched in the Bible.
And where the Bible is addressed exclusively to men, using the second and third person masculine, the Koran includes women -- talking, for instance, of believing men and believing women, honorable men and honorable women.
Or take the infamous verse about killing the unbelievers.
Yes, it does say that, but in a very specific context: of the sanctuary city of Mecca where fighting was usually forbidden, and the permission comes hedged about with qualifiers.
Not "You must kill unbelievers in Mecca," but you can, you are allowed to, but only after a grace period is over and only if there's no other pact in place and only if they try to stop you getting to the Kaaba, and only if they attack you first.
And even then -- God is merciful; forgiveness is supreme -- and so, essentially, better if you don't.
This was perhaps the biggest surprise -- how flexible the Koran is, at least in minds that are not fundamentally inflexible.
"Some of these verses are definite in meaning," it says, "and others are ambiguous."
The perverse at heart will seek out the ambiguities, trying to create discord by pinning down meanings of their own.
Only God knows the true meaning.
The phrase "God is subtle" appears again and again, and indeed, the whole of the Koran is far more subtle than most of us have been led to believe.
As in, for instance, that little matter of virgins and paradise.
Old-fashioned Orientalism comes into play here.
The word used four times is Houris, rendered as dark-eyed maidens with swelling breasts, or as fair, high-bosomed virgins.
Yet all there is in the original Arabic is that one word: Houris.
Not a swelling breast nor a high bosom in sight.
Now this may be a way of saying "pure beings" -- like in angels -- or it may be like the Greek Kouros or Kórē, an eternal youth.
But the truth is nobody really knows, and that's the point.
Because the Koran is quite clear when it says that you'll be "a new creation in paradise" and that you will be "recreated in a form unknown to you," which seems to me a far more appealing prospect than a virgin.
And that number 72 never appears.
There are no 72 virgins That idea only came into being 300 years later, and most Islamic scholars see it as the equivalent of people with wings sitting on clouds and strumming harps.
Paradise is quite the opposite.
It's not virginity; it's fecundity.
It's plenty.
It's gardens watered by running streams.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
皆、何も言わずそれぞれに思いを抱きながら段々小さくなっていく馬車を見つめていた。 | “It’s time to go.”
One of the guards grunted in a low voice as he grabbed Alicia’s arm.
Alicia smiled in satisfaction. It was as if she was actually intoxicated with the idea of being exiled.
On the contrary, she seemed to be trying to play the role of a villainess to the very end.
Liz looked at Alicia with a twisted expression on her face. No one noticed the expression on her face, but I definitely saw it with my two eyes. That was the mix of the expressions of envy and jealousy that came out in the open.
She couldn’t stand the fact that everyone gave their attention to Alicia. ...Especially Duke.
“I wonder why Duke doesn’t show up here?”
Henry raises an eyebrow in question.
The reason Duke hasn’t appeared in front of Alicia is because he ordered her to be exiled from the country, so he actually couldn’t be seen sending her off.
And they all think that Duke has amnesia.
...It’s pretty tough not being able to be there to say goodbye to the woman you love the most. His perseverance is amazing.
“Well, no need to stay here any longer. So, I guess this is really goodbye, everyone.”
Alicia raised the corner of her mouth and smiled, and I was transfixed by her strength.
I’ve never loved her strength so much as when she sacrificed one of her eyes and never complained, sticking to her beliefs even when the people around her cursed her.
“Alicia...I’m...lonely. So..., so..., I don’t want you to go.”
I couldn’t help but spit out as I lowered my head. Everyone froze at the sound of my faint voice, and a silence enveloped the room.
I hadn’t meant to say anything like this, I shouldn’t have said anything that would get Alicia in trouble. And yet...
“I’m glad you’re still adorable.”
Alicia gently removed her arm from the guard and rushed over to me. She hugged me tightly.
At that moment, I realized that tears were welling up in my eyes.
I never expected that I would cry....
I was surprised by my own tears. I had thought that I would never shed tears again. I wrinkled my brow, desperately trying to keep the tears from spilling out.
“Gilles is my greatest treasure.”
She whispered in my ear, and my heart tightened even more at her words.
I couldn’t do anything for the young lady who hugged me, calling me a treasure, even though I was dirty and a failure in that poor village.
I tried my best to be useful to Alicia, to catch up with her, but she was always a few steps ahead of me.
“Gilles, thank you for always being so helpful.”
With that, she gently let go of my arm. She quickly walked into the carriage. No one could see inside the carriage from the outside.
I couldn’t help but smile, thinking that it was typical of Alicia to part ways in such a straightforward manner.
Please be safe. That was my only wish as I saw Alicia’s carriage off.
Everyone gazed at the carriage as it became smaller and smaller over the horizon without saying a word, each holding their own thoughts. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「......ツハ! ミツハ!!」
......妄想ちゃうわ! ちょっと、深く思索してるだけだよっ!
* *
* *
「あのようなものを他家の女性達に与えておきながら、どうして私とベアトリスには渡さないのですか! え? いったい、どういうことですか!!」
「......でも、どうしてミツハはお化粧しないの? そんな凄い化粧品を持っているのに......。
「ご、ごめんなさい! ちょっと言い間違えただけですよ! つい、うっかりと本音が......」
うるさいわっっ!! | “......-tsuha! Mitsuha!!!” (Adelaide)
“Are you back with us?” (Adelaide)
“Yeah, sorry...” (Mitsuha)
I was lost in thought again.
It’s what Sabine-chan and Colette-chan called “Mitsuha’s delusion time”.
......I’m not delusional! I’m just deep in thought!
“Anyway, we’re preparing for the th ‘Sorority’ tea party to meet each other and confirm their membership.
Let’s tighten it up!” (Mitsuha)
And then, three weeks later...
The th tea party of “Sorority” was held in the hall of Viscount Reiner’s house... It’s where Adelaide-chan’s Debutante Ball was held, by the way.
Yeah, the ones invited were daughters of noble families below the rank of a viscount, daughters of big merchant companies, daughters of not-so-rich but famous families, daughters of families who’re commoners but have been appointed to important positions, and daughters of renowned scholars... We were very careful in selecting people, so there was no haughty or bad attitude.
If you don’t play your cards right, you will meet “death” in the social world.
Originally, except for a few, those who had “no choice but to be called due to their position”, we selected and invited them based on their family’s position, family members’ personalities, and their own personalities, so there were no weirdos among them.
And some of those who had “no choice but to be invited secretly” heard rumors that “Sorority” is some kind of organization of lower class nobles and commoners who gather together and bend the participants to their will by majority vote, all the targets of the manipulation either declined or ignored the invitation.
They tried not to tell anyone and kept it to themselves, and there were no witnesses to the fact that they had heard such a story.
And if they do tell someone about it, there’s no shame in our way of passing someone by a result of a majority vote and everyone follows said result.
Thus, “Sorority” was able to have its initial and founding members as originally planned.
And the th Tea Party went well, almost as smoothly as the New Continent.
Priority sales of products from “General Trade Mitsuha”... Discounts and limited items. There’s an upper limit on the number of sales though.
Complimentary food and beverages, including unique sweets, are provided during the tea parties.
Orders for the production of framed portraits (members only).
The contribution point system.
......also, makeup tutorials and a demonstration of makeup removal by Colette-chan.
Well, I feel comfortable with a battle-proven stratagem.
One-hit deadly Ichikoro. It’s not “Kukkoro”! (TN: [ 一撃必殺イチコロ。『くっコロ』じゃないよ!] no idea what this means)
All that’s left is to hand out sample cosmetics and everything will be OK!
...I got abducted.
And now, I am confined in a certain mansion.
“Mitsuha, what’s going on!” (Beatrice)
“...Mitsuha, let’s talk for a moment shall we?...” (Iris)
“Gyaaaaaaa!!” (Mitsuha)
Beatrice-chan, Iris-sama.
Apparently, they saw the girls from ‘Sorority House’ at a party somewhere.
...The perfectly created girls...
A sudden influx of pretty and beautiful girls is appearing at parties all over the place.
How could the other women resist digging out its secrets?
......Of course, Iris-sama and Beatrice-chan were no exception.
And what these beautiful girls have in common is...
Yeah, it wouldn’t even take more than a few days to learn about the organization called “Sorority”, the “Viscountess Yamano” who’s behind it, and the special cosmetics offered by “General Trade Mitsuha” that are sold exclusively to “Sorority” members.
Well, I guess, they will find out sooner or later. After the first tea party, the official meeting of “Sorority,” was held. Moreover, I’m not hiding the fact that Sabine-chan and I are attending.
......It’s not like I’m going around spreading it on purpose.
“How could you give such things to the women of other families, but not to me and Beatrice? Huh? What do you think you’re doing?” (Iris)
“Mitsuha, how cruel!!” (Beatrice)
“No, that’s because it’s for members of the ‘Sorority’ only...
Besides, Iris-sama, Beatrice-chan you’re already beautiful enough even without those things...” (Mitsuha)
“Shut up!!” (Iris)
“In the first place, why didn’t you consult with us that you’re setting up such a dubious organization!?
And why wasn’t Beatrice invited to be an ordinary member, or even let her preside over it?!
Do you think it’s funny?! Are you making fun of the Bozes family!!” (Iris)
“N- no, ‘Sorority’ is an organization led by Adelaide-chan, and I’m just helping out...” (Mitsuha)
“I said shut up!” (Iris)
, it’s a “Shut up Don~”...
This is bad...... Should I accelerate the schedule of the lifting Restrictions on the admission of Counts and above?
I’ve been inundated with other applicants for membership from Counts and Dukes...
Right now, it’s supposed to be a “gathering of those below the rank of Viscount”, but since Sabine-chan is an honorary member, I am also an honorary member, or rather, a special member, counselor, advisor, advocate, outside director?... Participating in such a “higher position than ordinary members”, enjoying delicious foods, and being friendly with Her Highness Princess Sabine and Hime Miko, seems to be their motive. They are trying to step on the ordinary members and aim for a dominant position outside of the “Sorority”...
Well, we can’t accept them as higher than the ordinary members, but if they are okay with being the same rank as everyone else, and if there are no problems with the standing position of their house, their family, or their own personalities, etc., and if all the initial members agree, I have no problem with them joining, even those in the higher nobility.
Iris-sama is too old for that, but Beatrice-chan just needs to buy one for Iris-sama as well.
...It’s unlikely that Beatrice-chan’s admission will be rejected.
I, Adelaide-chan, and Sabine-chan will lay the groundwork in advance, and the admission of the Saint-sama will add a flair to “Sorority”.
Besides, Beatrice-chan is a good girl, and she’s not the kind of girl who holds grudges against people.
The Bozes family itself is also an existence that acts as a coordinator for local lords, and it seems that they have not been involved in political disputes in the royal capital until now... In other words, almost no nobles are hostile to them.
On top of that, I plan to spread rumors among the members.
If my best friend Beatrice-chan couldn’t become a member, then my best friend Sabine-chan and I would withdraw from “Sorority”, and the three of us would set up a new social gathering.
And in that case, the former members of “Sorority” who ostracized Beatrice-chan will not be accepted...
Oh, and Adelaide-chan won’t be able to enter either, but that’s just a bluff, a rumor to scare her, it’s not a statement from me, so I don’t care about that. It’s just a rumor from an unknown source.
Well, in the first place, it probably won’t happen... probably.
Well, if something happens, I have a variety of plans in place.
...No loose ends!
“...But Mitsuha, why aren’t you wearing makeup? Even though you have such amazing cosmetics...
With proper makeup, Mitsuha’s plain face could be shaded more to make it look more alive...” (Beatrice)
A bitter blow from Beatrice-chan!
“That’s right, Mitsuha. A woman’s weapon must be constantly polished and sharpened.
You have excellent cosmetics, so use them and do something about your flat chest... Ah!” (Iris)
Iris-sama puts her hand over her mouth with an “Oh shit” look on her face.
...Just now ...What did she just say?
Iris-sama, just now, what did you just say!!
Perhaps because my expression was so horrifying, as expected, Iris-sama seemed to feel guilty and was panicking.
“I-I’m sorry! I just slipped up!” (Iris)
Shut up!! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 20,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
「ママが反対するって思っているのね? うーん。もしかしたら怒るかもしれないけど。お姉ちゃんに任せて。ママも説得して見せるから」
「いやいやいやいや! 落ち着いて聞いてくれ。俺は本当にゴランの子供じゃないんだって」
「相談かしら? お姉ちゃんはしっかりと秘密を守るわ」
やっとセルリスは納得してくれたようだった。 | I returned to my room and fell asleep.
In the morning, I was awakened by the butler and headed towards the dining hall.
Goran was not there.
“Where is Goran?”
“Goran left for work before the rising of the sun.”
He must be doing something in regards to the Vampire Lord matter.
I was enjoying the breakfast that the butler served me, when Serulis appeared.
Goran’s daughter, who wanted to be an Adventurer, was in a bad mood today as well.
She was glaring at me. Yikes.
“Miss Serulis. How much bread...”
“Three, thank you.”
She ate quite a bit from the morning. I guess it was because she was still growing.
That was fine and all, but now she was silently staring daggers in my direction.
“Uh, is there something on my face?”
“You. What’s your relationship with daddy?”
Apparently, she called Goran, daddy.
That was surprisingly cute.
“Well, you might say we are old comrades.”
Serulis was not satisfied by that answer.
Her eyes became even sharper.
“You’re really his son, aren’t you?”
I couldn’t help but spit out the milk I was drinking.
That was a tremendous misunderstanding.
No matter how mysterious this youthful effect had on me, I couldn’t possibly look like his child.
Goran and I were both .
But I didn’t age during the last years in the place between dimensions. In fact, people say I looked younger.
Maybe I looked to be now.
If I was , that would mean that Goran fathered me when he was 15. That was ridiculous.
I calmly wiped the milk from the table and explained to her.
“No, that is completely wrong.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not lying.”
“When he brought you here, I have never seen him happier.”
I was sleeping for a whole week.
She must be talking about that time.
“And he is always worrying about you.”
“Maybe he was just worried because he hasn’t seen me in so long?”
Serulis shook her head.
“I’m his daughter, and yet he won’t say anything if I leave the house for a week without saying a word... It’s not normal.”
I had no words for that.
Even I had wanted to shout, ‘Are you my mother!’ to Goran.
Perhaps it was not strange that she would be suspicious.
However, I had to tell her the truth, in order to protect Goran’s honor.
“I was fighting far away for 10 years. That’s why he is worried.”
“I don’t understand.”
“...Yes, of course not.”
I thought about it again and saw that it would sound senseless.
Just then, the butler came in with Serulis’s food.
“Thank you.”
She was a good kid who could say thank you.
Serulis chomped on her food and said,
“Mom is out because of work. So he’s using this opportunity to bring you in the house.”
“And to think that I believed daddy wouldn’t do something like that.”
Tears were forming in her eyes as she chewed.
Goran had said that his daughter refused to talk with him now.
Maybe this was the reason for it.
It wasn’t because he objected to her becoming an Adventurer.
Serulis must have been lonely after her mother left the country for a long period for work.
And then her father had brought in some stranger into the house.
He was abnormally happy and then worried visibly. And seeing this, she had assumed that I was a child from an affair.
The butler looked at Serulis and said gently,
“Miss Serulis. Lord Goran would never do such a thing.”
“He even forced you to lie. Daddy must pay for doing such a thing.”
“No, I am not lying.”
The butler tried to defend Goran, but Serulis would not back down.
If Goran really had brought in the child of an affair, the butler would have likely covered for him.
And so it was no surprise that Serulis would assume that he was lying now.
Serulis wiped away her tears and looked at me.
“So, are you my older brother?”
“Yes, so you are my younger brother then.”
I sprayed the table with milk once again.
That was an incredible leap in logic right there. I was shocked.
“You can call me sister if you want.”
Serulis said. I wasn’t even sure what to say anymore.
However, it was not good to lose your calm. I quietly wiped the table and said,
“Don’t you think that that is just a little too ridiculous?”
“Not really.”
I may look young, but who grabs a 40-year-old man and claims them as a younger brother? It was very off-putting. This could not continue.
If she won’t believe me, I would just have to show her my Adventurer’s card.
“Here, look at my Adventurer’s card.”
“...F Rank Adventurer. Warrior. Locke.”
Of course, my card had some information hidden. But normally, it was not possible to change what was displayed.
If you didn’t have a family name on your Adventurer’s card, it was safe to assume that you didn’t have a family name.
“So that means daddy doesn’t recognize you?”
“...No, that’s not what it means.”
“But he’s the one who is at fault, not you. As your sister, I will convince him to recognize you officially.”
“You think that mom will be against it? Hmmm. She probably will be upset. But leave it to me. I will persuade mom as well.”
“Life must have been so hard for you. But don’t worry, your big sister will take care of you now.”
Serulis had a strong sense of justice.
It was a virtue worthy of praise, but in this instance, it was a huge pain.
Maybe she just wanted a younger brother. She had become one now and was running wild.
“No-no-no-no-no-no!! Calm down and listen. I’m really not Goran’s child.”
“You’re even worried about inconveniencing him. But, you should inconvenience him just a little for what he did.”
I gave up on trying to persuade her. Instead, I deactivated the magic on the card.
It was very difficult to activate and deactivate the magic.
But it was easy for me.
I looked Serulis in the eyes.
“Can you keep a secret?”
“You want advice? Yes, as your sister, I will keep your secrets safe.”
I think Goran also tended to be delusional some times.
I guess they were similar in that respect.
The Morton family was in serious danger.
And my identity was not important enough to stay hidden when my friend’s household was on the line.
“Alright, then look at this.”
I showed her my Adventurer’s card. Serulis froze.
Now all of the magic was deactivated.
The long, embarrassing titles and jobs were there.
Great Philosopher, Our Saviour, Great High Sorcerer, S Rank.
And my name, Grand Duke Ruck Locke Franzen.
“Wh-what does this mean?”
“That’s what it means.”
Serulis asked me twice. She was so confused.
I waited for her mind to settle.
“So as you can see, I am not Goran’s son.”
Finally, Serulis admitted that I wasn’t. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 13,
"inserted_lines_src": 4,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
「離れすぎだろ! 俺普通の人間だしそこまで歳は離れてないから! クロエは見た目通り18歳でもエルフはやっぱり寿命が長いんだな!」
「今度は離れてなさすぎ! さすが異世界、子供を生むのがずいぶん早いですね! 爺ちゃん婆ちゃんが若い!」
「はいケタ違いきました! バルベラは140歳だけど見た目10歳って、ドラゴンは何歳で大人になるのかな? というか幻想種のドラゴンに『家族』って存在するの?」
「とにかく! その頃の爺ちゃん婆ちゃんは60歳すぎで! まだ5歳だった俺を引き取ったけど、どんな風に接したらいいかわからなくて! 俺もまだショックが癒えてなくて!」
「お祭り......アイヲンモールに......な、何人ぐらいだったんだナオヤ? 100人? ま、まさか200人ということはないよな?」
「ごっ、ごせん、まん......!? ナ、ナオヤ、ウソだろう? そんなに人がいるわけないじゃないか! まったくナオヤは冗談が下手だな!」
「アンナさん、なんか不穏だから止めてくれません? リッチが『命の数』って言い出すと怖すぎるんですけど」
「すべてがキラキラしてるように見えて、『あれはなに? あれは?』って興奮して聞きまくったのを覚えてる。それに、爺ちゃんと婆ちゃんがどこかホッとしてうれしそうだったのも覚えてる」
「さ、さんびゃく、おくだと......? アイヲンモールはバケモノかッ!」
「に、にせん!? ウソだろナオヤ? 里のエルフよりも多いぞ!」
「待ってアンナさん。骨と幽霊以外にまだ何かいるんですか? ねえそれ俺に教えておいてくれません? 夜中にバッタリ遭遇したらチビるんですけど。いやチビらないけど。ビビるだけだけど」
中高生になると友達と行くこともあって、やっぱり楽しかった。デート? よくわかりません。
「よし。やる気出てきた! やっと店長だって自覚してきた!」
「おおっ! ナオヤ、私もやるぞ! もうポンコツ騎士とは呼ばせない! それでナオヤ、明日から何を売るんだ? 私は何をすればいい!?」
............とりあえず、商品考えなきゃ。 | “I lost my parents in a car accident when I was little and my grandma and grandpa took me in.”
Me, Chloe, Anna, and Barbera.
We are sitting around a bonfire in a circle of wooden log chairs.
I start to tell them an old story, but they all listen to me in silence. Barbera looks a little sleepy. Eh, I’m just getting ready to go.
I ignored them for the moment and continued.
“I think that at that time, in Kasugano I was in the countryside and grandparents didn’t know what to do with their ‘grandchildren they suddenly had to raise’. Of course, they were much older than I was at the time.”
“You were far apart in age,...... and with your grandparents being of the Dupois(Dupowa) clan, that would make them over years old. Or more?”
“That’s too far apart! I’m a normal human being and I’m not that old! Chloe may be years old as she looks, but elves have longer life spans after all!”
“If Naoya is a human, and his grandparents had a child at ...... when he was still small, and that child had another child at 8, his grandparents would be about 40 years old?”
“Now they’re not too far apart! As expected of a different world, children are born much earlier! Grandma and grandpa are still considered young here!”
“......2000 years old?”
“Okay, they’re off by a few digits! Barbera is 140 years old but looks 10 years old. I wondered at what age do dragons grow up to be adults? Or rather, do phantasm species like dragons have a ‘family’ concept?”
The common sense is too different.
Apparently, you can’t even casually talk about the old days in another world.
“Anyway! Grandma and Grandpa were over sixty back then! They took me in when I was only five years old, but they didn’t know how to treat me! And I was still in a state of shock at that time!”
I vaguely remember those days.
I remember holding hands with Grandma and Grandpa patting me on the head.
Whenever we ate, Grandpa would ask, “Is it good?” every time we had a meal.
But I don’t remember the taste of the food, even though it was all very extravagant.
I also remember that I didn’t answer and Grandpa made a confused face.
“It was like that for a few months, and then one day, they took me out. She told me there was a new restaurant in Kasugano.”
We got into Grandpa’s old car and drove to the place that had just opened.
“Naoya, is that by any chance?”
“‘Ah, Chloe. It’s the A-I-O-N M-A-L-L SuperMarket. It was at the local Kasugano store that I was assigned after joining AION.”
I heard that Iori-san from the HRD had something to do with that, but that’s okay now.
I still remember it.
It was a huge building that could be seen in the distance at the end of a country road between rice paddies.
Kasugano is in the suburbs, and there were several large stores along the country road, but the building was so big and the site so spacious that it seemed small even to us.
Grandma and Grandpa used to say, “Naoya had his mouth wide open,” which still amuses me today, even after all these years.
“The first time I went to the Aion Mall Kasugano was amazing. There were more cars parked in the parking lot than I’ve ever seen, and there were so many people there that I thought it was a festival.”
” The festival ...... at the Aion Mall ......, how many people were there, Naoya? A hundred people? I don’t think there were 200 people there, right?”
“Haha. Chloe, you are way off. Aion Mall has many stores that receive more than 10 million visitors a year. Aion Shopping Mall, one of the largest malls in Japan, receives more than 50 million visitors a year, you know?”
“5-50, milion......? N-Naoya, are you kidding me? How can there be that many people! You are not very good at jokes, Naoya!”
“Probably the population is different. The transportation systems are different, so the number of people who can easily come would be different too.”
“Ten million, no, fifty million ...... if you count the number of lives around here, no matter how big or small.”
“Anna-san, can you please stop this because it’s kind of disturbing? When Lich starts talking about ‘the number of lives,’ it scares me a little too much.”
For the four days since I became manager, the total number of visitors to the Aion Mall Otherworld Store is 156.
That’s too many digits and Chloe and Anna-san probably can’t believe it. Barbera was out.
“Even when I was a kid, I couldn’t believe there were that many people. But once I got inside, I realized that the Aion Mall was even more incredible.”
I looked up at the building, stunned by its sheer size, and then my grandma and grandpa took me by the hand and led me inside the Aion Mall Kasugano.
I was overwhelmed by the brightness, spaciousness, and beauty of the building.
“There was a movie theater, toy store, bookstore, game center, clothing store, furniture, electronics, groceries, restaurants, food court, you name it. Really, from ‘A’ to ‘Z,’ the Aion Mall had it all.”
The Aion Mall’s Otherworldly Store is still only part of the supermarket. Not just part of the supermarket, but some of the fresh products, just vegetables.
Chloe and Anna-san seem to be imagining what I’m describing. Barbera wakes up.
“Everything seems to be sparkling, and I’m like, ‘What’s this? What is that?’ I remember I was so excited, I kept asking, ‘What’s that? And I also remember my grandma and grandpa looking kind of relieved and happy.”
They probably didn’t know how to deal with their grandchildren, whom they had suddenly decided to raise.
But when they took me to the nearby Aion Mall, they were delighted.
I think I understand their relief now.
“......I guess the Aion Mall is great....”
“Ah, it’s great, Chloe. It depends on the size and the stores, but there are stores with annual sales of more than 30 billion yen per store. The problem is how to count ‘sales’ since there are so many different kinds of stores and tenants.”
“S-stores and tenants ......? Aion Mall is a monstrosity!””
“If anything, the one-horned rabbit is the monster. The dragon, the Lich, the Skeleton and the Ghost are also monsters. There are a lot of monsters in our staff!”
“A little over 80 million yen per business day? You’re going to reach your monthly sales goal of 100 million yen in a little more than a day.”
“Not only that. Including tenants, the number of employees at Aion Mall exceeds 1,000 per store, and most stores have around 2,000 employees.”
“2 thousand? You’re kidding me, Naoya? That’s more than the elves in the village!”
“Oh, the elves are small in number. It seems to be just as I imagined.”
“About 2,000 employees? In the Aion Mall Otherworld Store, there are four of us, plus my skeleton squad, ghosts and others.”
Wait, Anna-san. Are there more than just the skeletons and the ghosts? Hey, can you tell me about that? I’d freak out if I bumped into them in the middle of the night. No, I’m not scared. I’m just freaked out.”
Both Chloe and Anna-san are amazed at the scale of the Aion Mall in Japan.
I guess they couldn’t have imagined it from the Aion Mall’s otherworldly store, where only the building was magnificent. Oh, Barbera’s eyes are about to close.
“There are many employees, which means there are many places to work. The sense of anticipation of what they might sell, the feeling of security that you can find anything you need if you come here, the sense of satisfaction when you find it, and the satisfaction of wanting to go back again. I think that’s what drives sales and customer traffic at Aion Mall in Japan.”
Chloe, the former manager, shrugs at my words.
I’m sure she thought that the Aion Mall Otherworldly Store wasn’t like that.
“For me as a child, Aion Mall was amazing, fun, and sparkling, and I was thrilled when my grandpa and grandma asked me if I wanted to go.”
This happened in my elementary school years, and even in junior high and high school.
When I was in junior high and high school, I would go with my friends, and it was still fun. Going on dates? I’m not quite sure.
Though when I got to college, I often went to the city to have fun.
“That’s why I got a job at Aion Co. I want to do business. I want to tell people who don’t know about Aion Mall, which I admired so much, about its charm. I thought it would be nice to go to the countryside, to a remote island, or even overseas.”
That’s right.
That’s why I wanted to work for AION Co.
Therefore, in my final interview for the job, I said, “I’m going to go to another world and do business in order to convey the charm of the Aion Mall to people who don’t know about it yet. Yes, that sounds interesting!” I answered.
And that’s why......
“I want to make the people of ...... another world excited by the dreams and hopes of the Aion Mall and its visitors.”
The cloudiness I’ve been holding on to since I saw the city has cleared up.
It was probably the cloudiness I had been feeling ever since I came to this world.
It was Aion who suddenly sent me to another world.
I thought, ” I’m the manager, I’m in charge,” but I couldn’t get rid of the feeling of being deceived somehow.
Thanks to that, I thought I was feeling a bit fuzzy, but I wasn’t.
“I’m the manager and in charge of the Aiwon Mall Otherworldly Store, where I make 100 million yen worth of monthly sales, or more, to satisfy the people of the other world.”
The sales are proof that the customers are satisfied.
It sounds pretty, but it is not pretty for a retailer.
Otherwise, first-time customers would not spend money and would not come back.
It’s not a negative reason that I can’t go home unless I make 100 million yen in monthly sales.
“If we can satisfy customers worth 100 million yen, the town will surely change. Just like the Aion Mall Kasugano and the surrounding area did.”
I clenched my fists.
I look up.
“I want the people of this world to be excited, just as I was. I want the people of this world to be excited too.”
Chloe stares at me with sparkling eyes.
Anna-san smiles, and Barbera looks at me with a blank stare.
“Okay. I’m motivated! I finally feel like a manager!”
The three of them don’t give me a second thought.
I have only been a manager for four days!
I was suddenly in a different world, and there were too many surprising things to do!
Moreover, I’ve only done a little tour of the city.
“Oh! Naoya, I’m up for it! I won’t be called a clumsy knight anymore! So, Naoya, what are you going to sell tomorrow? What am I supposed to do!?”
“...... you know, ...... that’s something I’ll think about later on.”
On the roof of the Aion Mall’s Otherworld Store, after four days of business since I became the store manager.
The night passes around the bonfire.
......... For the meantime, I have to think of a product to sell.
A/N: | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 4,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「南雲ぉ! いるのか! お前なのか! 何処なんだ! 南雲ぉ! 生きてんなら出てきやがれぇ! 南雲ハジメェー!」
「あ~、遠藤? ちゃんと聞こえてるから大声で人の名前を連呼するのは止めてくれ」
「!? 南雲! どこだ!」
「くそっ! 声は聞こえるのに姿が見当たらねぇ! 幽霊か? やっぱり化けて出てきたのか!? 俺には姿が見えないってのか!?」
「!? また、声が!? ていうか、誰がコンビニの自動ドアすら反応してくれない影が薄いどころか存在自体が薄くて何時か消えそうな男だ! 自動ドアくらに一回はちゃんと開くわ!」
「奈落の底から自力で這い上がってきたんだぞ? そりゃ多少変わるだろ」
「そ、そういうものかな? いや、でも、そうか......ホントに生きて......」
「っていうかお前......冒険者してたのか? しかも〝金〟て......」
「......つまり、迷宮の深層から自力で生還できる上に、冒険者の最高ランクを貰えるくらい強いってことだよな? 信じられねぇけど......」
「なら頼む! 一緒に迷宮に潜ってくれ! 早くしないと皆死んじまう! 一人でも多くの戦力が必要なんだ! 健太郎も重吾も死んじまうかもしれないんだ! 頼むよ、南雲!」
「ちょ、ちょっと待て。いきなりなんだ!? 状況が全くわからないんだが? 死んじまうって何だよ。天之河がいれば大抵何とかなるだろ? メルド団長がいれば、二度とベヒモスの時みたいな失敗もしないだろうし......」
「は? 聞こえねぇよ。何だって?」
「......死んだって言ったんだ! メルド団長もアランさんも他の皆も! 迷宮に潜ってた騎士は皆死んだ! 俺を逃がすために! 俺のせいで! 死んだんだ! 死んだんだよぉ!」
「で? 何があったんだ?」
「つぅか! 何なんだよ! その子! 何で、菓子食わしてんの!? 状況理解してんの!? みんな、死ぬかもしれないんだぞ!」
「ひぅ!? パパぁ!」
「てめぇ......何、ミュウ当たりしてんだ、ア ゙ァ ゙? 殺すぞ?」
「ふっ、魔王を雑魚扱いか? 随分な大言を吐くやつだ......だが、それが本当なら俺からの、冒険者ギルドホルアド支部長からの指名依頼を受けて欲しい」
「そ、そうだ! 南雲! 一緒に助けに行こう! お前がそんなに強いなら、きっとみんな助けられる!」
「どうしたんだよ! 今、こうしている間にもアイツ等は死にかけているかもしれないんだぞ! 何を迷ってんだよ! 仲間だろ!」
「なっ!? そんな......何を言って......」
「あ、ああ。白崎さんは無事だ。っていうか、彼女がいなきゃ俺達が無事じゃなかった。最初の襲撃で重吾も八重樫さんも死んでたと思うし......白崎さん、マジですげぇんだ。回復魔法がとんでもないっていうか......あの日、お前が落ちたあの日から、何ていうか鬼気迫るっていうのかな? こっちが止めたくなるくらい訓練に打ち込んでいて......雰囲気も少し変わったかな? ちょっと大人っぽくなったっていうか、いつも何か考えてるみたいで、ぽわぽわした雰囲気がなくなったっていうか......」
「わ、私も! どこまでも付いて行きますよ! ハジメさん!」
対面で、愕然とした表情をしながら「え? 何このハーレム......」と呟いている遠藤を尻目に、ハジメは仲間に己の意志を伝えた。
「うわっ、ケツを蹴るなよ! っていうかお前いろいろ変わりすぎだろ!」
迷宮深層に向かって疾走しながら、ハジメの態度や環境についてブツブツと納得いかなさそうに呟く遠藤。強力な助っ人がいるという状況に、少し心の余裕を取り戻したようだ。しゃべる暇があるならもっと速く走れとつつかれ、敏捷値の高さに関して持っていた自信を粉微塵に砕かれつつ、遠藤は親友達の無事を祈った。 | “... Endou?”
Hajime’s mutter made the black-clothed boy, Endou Kousuke, respond with “!,” a response similar to a certain cardboard-loving mercenary when an enemy appeared in a game. He kept looking around and began to shout as if he was irritated, because he could not find the one he was looking for.
“Nagumoo! Are you here!? Is it really you!? Where are you!? Nagumoo! Come out if you’re alive! Nagumo Hajimee—!”
Because his shout was too loud, one by one people began to shut their ears with their fingers. His voice was filled with desperation since he wanted to ascertain whether the should be dead classmate of his had survived.
Yue and the girls turned their gazes towards Hajime. With an expression as if he didn’t want to be involved in this, Hajime scratched his cheek and spoke towards Endou who repeatedly shouted his name out loud.
“Ah~, Endou? I can hear you just fine so stop repeatedly shouting my name.”
“!? Nagumo! Where are you!?”
Endou turned his face towards Hajime, reacting to Hajime’s voice. Hajime was inadvertently taken aback because Endou looked so desperate.
For a moment, Endou’s gaze met Hajime’s, but he immediately averted his gaze and began to look around again.
“Damn it! I can’t see him even though I can hear his voice! Is he a ghost now? As expected, he returned as a ghost!? So that’s why I cannot see him!?”
“No, I am right in front of you, you big idiot. Rather, calm down already. You whose thinness shadow ranked the best in the whole world.”
“!? Again, his voice!? Wait, whose shadow did you say was so thin that even the convenience store’s automatic door didn’t react to it and disappears from time to time! The automatic door opened at least one of three tries!”
“So, it didn’t open two times in three tries... as expected of you.”
After conversing that much, Endou finally noticed the source was the white-haired, eye-patched boy before him and he began to carefully observe Hajime’s face. Towards Hajime, who averted his face since he felt unpleasant due to not having a hobby where he’d be pleased from being watched by a man, Endou spoke as if he could not believe what he perceived.
“Y-You... are you... Nagumo?”
“Haa... yeah, that’s right. Though I look like this now, I am Nagumo Hajime.”
As he carefully observed Hajime from head to toe, Endou became dubious because Hajime was quite different from the one in his memory, but he finally believed Hajime after looking at his features and how he knew about the thinness of his shadow.
“Of course, after all I am right before you now.”
“Somehow, no you have completely changed... Your looks, atmosphere, and tone...”
“I crawled up from that abyss with my own power, you know? So, of course, I’ve changed.”
“I-Is that so? No, but, I see... You really are alive...”
Although Endou was perplexed by Hajime’s blunt attitude, his gaze softened as he was relieved that the classmate he thought to be dead was alive. No matter how he envied him like the other boys because Kaori paid attention to Hajime, and how he pretended to not see Hiyama’s gang bullying Hajime, nothing was more frightening than thinking Hajime had died. Hajime’s death had such a great impact. That’s why Endou was purely glad his classmate was alive.
“Rather... when did you become an Adventurer? Moreover, a “Gold”...”
“Nn~, well it just happened.”
After Hajime replied, Endou’s expression completely changed. The relieved expression he had because his classmate was alive, had changed into an expression as if he was in a pinch. Hajime looked at Endou again and he noticed Endou was in ragtag state. He tilted his head, wondering what had happened.
“... In other words, you came back alive from the depths of the dungeon by yourself, and became strong enough to gain the Adventurers’ highest rank? That’s rather unbelievable...”
“Well, that’s true though.”
After Hajime confirmed what Endou said with a serious expression as the truth, Endou sprang up towards Hajime and gripped his shoulders, and in a voice filled with more desperation than before, he began to speak in sorrow.
“Then, please! Please enter the dungeon with me! We must hurry or else everyone will be dead! We need someone with battle potential even if it is just one person! There’s also the possibility that Kentarou and Kondou have died! That’s why please help us, Nagumo!”
“W-Wait a sec. What’s with you all of a sudden!? I don’t know the situation, you know? So what’s with the dead thing? And can’t Amanogawa somehow do something about it? There’s also Commander Meld, so there’s no need to worry about another failure like when we faced the Behemoth...”
Hajime perplexedly asked back because even though he usually didn’t stand, out Endou wore an expression as if he was truly at his wits’ end. And at the moment Endou heard Commander Meld name, he fell to his knees with a truly dark expression. Next, he muttered with a low, subdued voice.
“Hah? I can’t hear you. So, what did you say?”
“... I said they are dead! Commander Meld, Alan-san, and the other Knights are dead! All of the Knights who entered the dungeon are dead! They died to let me escape! Because of me! They are dead! They died!”
“They died,” Endou said repeatedly like a child throwing a tantrum, and Hajime only replied with two words.
Hajime’s class was not a fighting one, so he didn’t have much encounter with Commander Meld. However, he remembered that Commander Meld was a good person, and he recalled that Commander Meld believed the “incompetent” him before Hajime fell into the abyss. If it was Hajime who just got out of the abyss and heard of Meld’s death, he would have probably just said, “So what?” However, the current him thought it was little regrettable. At the very least, he prayed for their happiness in the next world in his mind.
“So, what happened?”
Still on his knees, Endou tried to explain the situation to answer Hajime’s question, while he hung his head. However, a hoarse voice interrupted him.
“Please continue your conversation inside. After all, you are my guests.”
The owner of the voice was a powerful man with a good body build, and had a large scar on his left eye who was around years of age. It was obvious his eye had the ability to perceive the situation, polished for years, and ambition was overflowing from his body.
With the previous receptionist by the man’s side, Hajime guessed the man must be the head of this guild branch. And because Endou’s wails and shouts made the guild atmosphere returned to one of high tension similar to the time Hajime’s party entered the hall, he thought this was not an appropriate place to have such a talk, and obediently followed the man.
Endou had probably already made such a commotion earlier, and exposed that something had happened to the Hero’s group and the Knights. And that was the cause of the strange atmosphere when Hajime’s party entered the guild.
The man Hajime thought of as the branch head grab Endou’s arm to force him to stand up and lead them to the guild interior without saying anything. Endou was considerably emotionally unstable, and currently had lost all of his strength.
Because the content would not be something pleasant, Hajime’s party moved after the man while expecting the unpleasant.
“... Demon... race, huh.”
Hajime’s mutter rang out inside the reception room of Holad branch Adventurer guild. Seated on the sofa before him were the Holad branch’s head, Lorr Vauabith, and Endou Kousuke, and seated beside Hajime were Yue, Shia with Tio at Shia’s side. Myuu was sitting on Hajime’s lap.
Hajime’s first response after hearing the situation from Endou was something Endou had said during his explanation. The talk of how the Hero’s party was attacked by the demon race and was in pinch, made Endou and Lorr’s put on serious expressions, and the room was filled with an oppressive atmosphere.
...Or so it should be, but the little girl sitting on Hajime’s lap was munching on the snacks, and it made her cheeks swell up like a squirrel, so she didn’t even notice the serious atmosphere. The conversation between Hajime and the others was slightly difficult for Myuu, and she could feel the uneasy atmosphere. However, Hajime gave her a snack so to divert her attention from being uneasy.
“More importantly! What’s with that!? Who’s that child!? Why is she eating the cake!? Doesn’t she understand the situation!? Everyone might have be dead, you know!”
“Eeek!? Papa!”
Unable to endure Myuu’s existence, who destroyed the mood in the room, Endou stood up and said with an angry voice while pointing at her. Surprised, Myuu raised a small scream and clung to Hajime.
Naturally, bloodlust far above an ordinary person could emit, overflowed from Hajime. Papa would not forgive his daughter’s enemy.
“*******... Who are you to snarl at Myuu, ah? AH? Should I kill you?”
Screaming just like Myuu, Endou dropped into the sofa. Because of what Hajime said, “...Really, Hajime is completely a Papa now,” or “Before, Hajime-san casually said “our child”, right~,” or “In the end, this one wonders whether Master will be able to separate from this child once we arrive at Elizen~,” could be heard only to be ignored by him. It was more important for him to calm the frightened Myuu.
While Hajime calming Myuu down, he leered at trembling Endou trembling after he had collapsed into the sofa. Lorr entered the conversation with an amazed expression.
“How then, Hajime. I have roughly understood your situation from Ilwa’s letter. You’ve quite the rampage, haven’t you?”
“Well, all of them were just the course of events.”
Although they were not situations that normally appeared as the course of events, Hajime who shrugged his shoulders as though nothing big had happened, made Lorr curve the edge of his lips, finding it amusing.
“From the letter, with the acceptance of you as “Gold” rank, it was written that you want to be accommodated in the best possible way. I’ve roughly understood the situation... but to annihilate around , demonic beasts with just a handful of people, and decimate the underground organization based in Fhuren in just half a day... that is something unbelievable. But for Ilwa to purposely tell me this through a letter... I won’t think it is strange if someone said you are actually one of the Demon Lords now.”
Lorr’s words made Endou opened his eyes wide to show how surprised he was. Even though he thought Hajime must’ve gotten stronger since he had escaped from the depths of «Orcus Great Dungeon», he thought Hajime was still weaker than himself.
After all, Hajime’s class was “Transmutation Master,” which was a non-fighting class, and he was also called as “incompetent.” Even if someone said he was “Gold” rank, it was just the standard of being an Adventurer in this different world, and couldn’t be compared to those summoned here. That’s why he thought, at the very least, Hajime should be able to repair the destroyed teleportation circle and become his support in battle.
To begin with, Endou came to the Adventurers’ guild to ask high ranked Adventurers to help him in rescuing Kouki’s party. Surely even if he could not take them to the dungeon depth, they would at least be able to protect the area around the teleportation circle. And though there were also stationed knights, they would not do anything before they reported this to the Kingdom, and their level was so low that at most they could do was protect the teleportation circle on 0th floor. He needed Adventurers with at least “Silver” rank to protect the 70th floor’s teleportation circle.
He entered the Adventurer guild with such thoughts and grandly exposed the current situation to those in second floor. He thought he could ask for the Adventurers’ cooperation, for heroes, who were the humanity’s hope, fell into such a predicament along with the annihilation of the Elite Knights. However, in addition to the unexpected request to protect 70th floor’s teleportation circle, made everyone avert their gazes and at the same time, uneasiness about what would happen to the humanity spreaded.
Noticing the commotion, Loor grabbed Endou by the scruff of his neck and dragged him inside to question him, when the receptionist ran inside with Hajime’s status plate.
As such, Endou noticed he had underestimated Hajime’s ability and the possibility that Hajime was even more powerful than him made, Endou astonished when he compared the current and past Hajime.
Even though Endou was stiffened due to the shock, Lorr and Hajime’s talk kept advancing.
“Please don’t say such a stupid thing... How could you think we are as weak as the Demon Lords?”
“Hmm, so even Demon Lords are small fries, huh? What confidence... But, if that’s the truth, I want you to receive a commission with Holad branch Adventurer guild’s head as the referral.”
“... Rescuing the heroes, right?”
Endou returned to his senses when he heard the word rescue. Next, he leaned forward and spoke to Hajime.
“Th-That’s it! Nagumo! Come with me and help them! If you are that strong, we can surely save everyone!”
Although Endou’s eyes shined because he could see the hope, but Hajime’s reaction was an unfavorable one. He was looking at the distance as though he was thinking of something. Endou naturally had thought Hajime would surely help him to rescue the others, so he was perplexed because there was no prompt answer.
“What’s with you!? Even now, they might be dying, you know! Don’t hesitate! Aren’t we comrades!?”
“... Comrades?”
Hajime, who averted his gaze earlier while thinking of something, was once again looking back at the heated up Endou with a cold expression. Endou instinctively backed away due to the coldness in Hajime’s eyes. He hesitated after recalling Hajime’s earlier bloodlust, but he obstinately answered because Hajime was a valuable force that could not be missed.
“Don’t selfishly make me your comrade. Frankly, I only recognize you as nothing but a human ‘from the same world,’ no more, no less. You are no different than the others.”
“Wh—!? Why... why did you say that...”
Hajime’s unexpectedly cold words and leer made Endou confused. Hajime resumed thinking, in other words, he thought of the demerits from rescuing Kouki’s party.
Just as Hajime said, he recognized the classmates as nothing more than acquaintances. Until now, he neither thought of using his power to return to the way he was in the past, nor revenge. He was truly disinterested and thought them as trivial things.
However, he could not just bluntly answer with a “NO.” As for the reason, he connected that answer to the words Aiko said, “lonely way of life.”
Furthermore, Hajime recalled the conversation under the moonlight. Having been called “incompetent” and “weakest” in this different world, there was the girl who said to Hajime, “I will protect Nagumo-kun.” In the end, Hajime was reckless and disappeared as he fell into the abyss, just like what the girl was uneasy about. She had promised “to protect him” to remove her uneasiness, but that promise could not be accomplished. And somehow, Hajime had frequently recalled the time he was about to fall into the abyss and the girl who outstretched her hand with bitter expression after returning to this town.
“Shirasaki... is she safe?”
Hajime muttered and asked the confused Endou. Letting out, “Eh?,” a dubious voice because of the sudden question, Endou panickedly began to speak about Kaori since he thought Hajime would not cooperate if he didn’t say anything.
“Y-Yeah. Shirasaki-san is safe. Rather, we would not have survived if not for her. Jyuugo and Yaegashi-san were dying from the first attack... but Shirasaki-san was truly amazing. Her healing magic was unbelievable, rather... she turned ghastly since the day you fell, you know? She trained so hard, so much that we wanted to stop her... and her aura also changed? She somehow looked mature as though she was always thinking of something, and the fluffy atmosphere around her had disappeared...”
Hajime only replied as such to the Endou who frantically talked even about the unnecessary things. Thus, Hajime looked at his precious partner who watched him as he scratched his head.
“... If it’s something Hajime wants to do, I’ll follow you to wherever it is.”
“... Yue.”
With affectionate gaze, Yue said so and quietly grasped Hajime’s hand. Hajime returned her grasp, watched her gently, and thanked her.
“M-Me too! I’ll follow Hajime-san to wherever it is! Hajime-san!”
“Hmph, of course this one will, too. Master.”
“Umm, umm, that’s, Myuu, too!”
Because Hajime and Yue began to create their own world, Shia and Tio panicky asserted. Although she didn’t understand it well, Myuu clung and insisted so because she didn’t want to be left behind.
Before them, Endou said, “Eh? What’s with this harem...,” with an amazed expression to which Hajime responded with a leer, while telling his comrades what he wanted to do.
“Everyone, thank you. Although I don’t want to purposely make connection between us and the God chosen Heroes... I have someone I’m indebted to. That’s why, I thought to at least help. Well, if it’s them then they might be able to do something themselves.”
Hajime’s real intention was not to help Kouki’s party. He didn’t want to purposely approach either the Heroes or the Mad God who chose them.
However, he thought to at least show his face to Kaori who pushed herself to find him. In addition, he’d help her if she was truly in a pinch. In other words, he had an obligation to Kaori who wanted to protect him and still believed his survival even now.
He didn’t even worry about the risk involved. He had fought the four-eyed wolf in Endou’s story, and the Chimeras’ strength should be below tenth floor of Abyss dungeon, so there was no problem at all.
“E-Excuse me, so, will you go with him?”
“Ah, branch head Lorr. For now, I also want to request something from you...”
“You don’t want to be seen unconditionally helping them by the ones above, right?”
“Yes. There’s one more thing. I want you lend me a room for Myuu until we return.”
“Ah, I don’t mind.”
Resultantly, Endou who breathed a sigh of relief because Hajime would come with him, was ignored while Hajime continued his conversation with Lorr.
As expected, he could not just take a child into the depth of the dungeon, so he entrusted Myuu to the guild. Although Myuu fiercely resisted, somehow everyone was able to calm her down, and Tio was entrusted with baby-sitting and guarding her. Finally, Hajime’s party were able to depart with Endou as their guide.
“Oi, guide us quickly, Endou.”
“Uwah, don’t kick my butt! Rather, you are changing too much!”
“How noisy. As for the time, a day... No, let’s end this in half a day. Though reluctant, we left Myuu behind, so we need to return quickly. I’m also worried because she’s with that pervert.”
“...You, so you really are her father... To create a harem of beautiful girls... just what has happened to turn that Nagumo into this...”
While dashing towards the depth of the dungeon, Endou muttered, trying to comprehend something from Hajime’s attitude and the surroundings. With such powerful help, Endou’s mind regained some composure. If he had the time to talk, he wanted to use it to run faster since he had confidence in his high agility, but it had been smashed to pieces. In addition, Endou was praying for his best friends’ safety. | {
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"missed_lines": 5,
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"inserted_lines_trg": 0
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ベン:私達はシェフで 2004年に 「Moto」をオ−プンしましたが これが よく日本料理店に 勘違いされました おそらく名前や日本語のように見えた ロゴのせいでしょう とにかく そのため 店にない日本料理の リクエストがずいぶんありました 巻き寿司の注文を1万回ほど 受けた頃 私達はリクエストに
応えようと決心したのです これは印刷した食べ物です 味の変身とでも呼ぶ 初めての 挑戦でした 巻きずしの 材料や全ての風味が この小さな紙切れに 印刷されています
ホーマロ:お客さんは じきに このアイデアに飽きてきたので 同じ料理を2度提供しようと考え 私達は印刷した巻き寿司と 同じ方法で 料理の写真を撮り 実際の料理と一緒に出しました
この料理は 基本的に シ−フ−ドとシャンペンだけです
ご覧のシャンペンは 実際は炭酸化したグレ−プです シ−フ−ドと生クリ−ムを加えたこの料理と この写真は全く同じ味なんです ベン:食用の写真だけではありません
食材にちょっと変わった事をして 私達のよく知った味に 変身させてみました 例えば
キャロットケ−キです これをミキサ−にかけ キャロットケーキジュ−スにし 風船に流し込み 液体窒素で凍らせます 中が空洞のキャロットケ−キアイスが できました お皿の上に木星が
浮かんでいるみたいでしょう 私達は素材を変化させ 未知の食材を
作り出すのです ホーマロ:これも私達が 食べた経験のないもの キューバン・ポーク・ サンドイッチから作った キュ−バ葉巻です 肩肉用のスパイスを 灰のように形造り キュ−バポ−クを カラードの葉で巻きます コイーバ・シガ−のラベルを真似た 食べられるラベルを貼り 2ドルの灰皿に入れ 20ドル請求します
食べられないものに似せて 食べ物を作るだけでなく
料理を創る事にしました これはナチョスです 他のナチョスと
私達のナチョスの違いは これはデザ−トだという事です チップスは飴掛けしてあり ビ−フはチョコレ−ト チ−ズはマンゴ−シャ−ベットを
細くしたものを液体窒素で 固めてあります 素材の形を 崩したり造り直したりして このような事ができるのは なかなかクールだと気づきました
お客さんに出す時 料理は本物のように見えるんです チ−ズは溶けだしますし― テ−ブルでこれが出されたら 本物のナチョスが出てきたという 錯覚を起こすでしょう
味わって初めて デザ−トだと気付き ドッキリすることでしょう ホーマロ:キッチンというより 整備工場に近いようなキッチンで これらの料理を 作ってきました 次の段階は このような最先端のラボを 設備することでした
地下室に備え付け 食べ物の研究にまじめに 取り組みました
ベン:私達の研究室がスゴイのは キッチンにサイエンス・ラボが あるからだけではありません 新しい装置や方法で 夢想だにしなかった 創造的な試みができるのです 私達の挑戦する 実験や食材や料理は 少しずつ 変わったものになっていきました
ホーマロ:ここで 味の変身による 面白い料理の話をして実際に作ってみます
何かおいしいものを 食べようとしていますが
牛のえさは 基本的に トウモロコシとビーツと大麦です スタッフにはいつも 突拍子もない挑戦を させるのですが― 牛肉を使わずに 牛のえさだけで ハンバーガーを作れるでしょうか?
たいてい このような 反応をされます ベン:彼はシェフの クリス・ジョ−ンズです 変な仕事をさせらせて 困惑するのは彼だけではありません 私達のアイディアの多くは 咄嗟には理解しがたいでしょう
多くのリサ−チや 試行錯誤が必要で 特に多くの失敗はつきものです 人に説明するのにも 大変時間がかかります
ホーマロ:私とクリスは一日中 頭を突き合わせ 本物のハンバ−ガ−のパティに 近いものを 考え付きました
三つの材料からできています ビーツと大麦とトウモロコシです ハンバ−ガ−のように焼き 見かけも味もそっくりです それだけではなく 牛肉も使いません
食材を別の材料で再現し このように次の次元へ昇華するのが 私達の目指すところなのです
(拍手) ベン:たしかに世界初の血のしたたる 野菜バ−ガ−です クールな効果だと思いませんか
そして「奇跡のべリ−」 これは天然素材で 特別な特徴があります
ミラクリンという糖タンパクを含み 私は食べるたびに 未だに混乱させられます 舌の ある受容器官を だます能力があり 酸っぱさやピリッとした味は なんだかとても甘い味が するように変わります
ホーマロ:レモンを食べたら レモネ−ドの味がするでしょう
そういう技術の経済的効果を 少し考えてみましょう
お菓子やソ−ダの糖類を 完全に天然果実と 入れ替える事が できるかもしれません
ベン:これはスイカを 切っているところです このスイカを使ったアイデアで 食物の輸送距離や エネルギーの浪費 マグロの乱獲を減らそうと考えました つまり地元の有機農産物を使い マグロや遠い場所の 珍しい野菜や料理を作るのです このスイカは ウィスコンシン州産です
ホーマロ:「奇跡のベリ−」は酸味を 甘味に変えますが この「妖精の粉」を スイカにかけると 甘味は旨味に変わります
その後 真空袋に入れて 少量の海苔や 香辛料を加えて巻くと マグロに見えて来ます
次は本物に 近づけるコツです
ベン:素早く液体窒素に浸し きれいな焦げ目を付けると 本物とちょうど同じ 味と歯ごたえになります
ホーマロ:このマグロが実は何であるかは 重要ではないと 覚えておいてください 人や環境にやさしい限り
このアイディアの行く末は? 味覚をだます技術を もっと発達させたら どのような革命を起こす フード・テクノロジーに なるでしょうか?
さて 次の挑戦です
野生植物をたくさん採って 食材にしようと スタッフに言いました 人体に毒でないかぎり シカゴの歩道から採った植物を 混ぜ合わせて 焼いて 皆でMotoで味見をしよう
お客さんに高額を請求して 感想を聞いてみようと― ベン:こんなに大変な仕事を させれば スタッフに 嫌がられるのも分かるでしょう でも最初から料理についての 考え方を変えなければならなかったのです これらの食材は なじみのない植物です 普段食べる事がないため 私達は料理方法を 知りませんでした
クリエイティブな調理法や味付け 舌触りを変える方法を 考えなければならず それが一番の問題でした
ホーマロ:さあ 今こそ未来へ足を踏み出し 飛躍する時です 想像して下さい
発展途上国と先進国が 野生植物をもっと食べたら 食料の輸送距離はキロから メ−トルに短く変わるでしょう もし「食材」の意味を 根本的に変え 原材料の 百科事典を新たに開けば― 例えば 小麦粉の代わりに これらの材料の1つを使ったら エネルギ−の節約にもなるし 無駄も減るでしょう
私達がお客さんに 供したものの例を1つ こちらはわら1梱と 野生リンゴです
この2つの材料から バ−ベキュ−ソ−スを作りました
皆さん本物だと信じましたが タダで手に入れた材料しか使っていないのです
ベン:どうもありがとう | Homaro Cantu: And I'm Homaro.
BR: And we're chefs. So when Moto opened in 2004, people didn't really know that it was a Japanese restaurant, and maybe it was the name, maybe it was the logo, which was like a Japanese character, but anyway, we had all these requests for Japanese food, which is really not what we did. And after about the ten thousandth request for a maki roll, we decided to give the people
what they wanted. So this picture is an example of printed food, and this was the first foray into what we like to call flavor transformation. So this is all the ingredients, all the flavor of, you know, a little piece of paper.
HC: So our diners started to get bored with this idea, and we decided to give them the same course twice, so here we actually took an element from the maki roll and and took a picture of a dish and then basically served that picture with the dish.
So this dish in particular is basically champagne with seafood.
The champagne grapes that you see are actually carbonated grapes. A little bit of seafood and some crème fraiche and the picture actually tastes exactly like the dish. BR: But it's not all just edible pictures.
a little bit different and transform flavors that were very familiar -- so in this case, we have carrot cake.
So we take a carrot cake, put it in a blender, and we have kind of like a carrot cake juice, and then that went into a balloon frozen in liquid nitrogen to create this hollow shell of carrot cake ice cream, I guess, and it comes off looking like, you know, Jupiter's floating around your plate.
So yeah, we're transforming things into something that you have absolutely no reference for.
HC: And here's something we have no reference to eat. This is a cigar, and a Cuban pork sandwich, so we take these spices that go into the pork shoulder, the sandwich and wrap it up in a collard green, put an edible label that bears no similarity to a Cohiba cigar label, and we put it in a dollar ninety-nine ashtray and charge you about twenty bucks for it.
HC: Delicious.
BR: That's not it, though.
look like things that you wouldn't eat, look like dishes that you know.
So this is a plate of nachos.
The difference between our nachos and the other guy's nachos, is that this is actually a dessert.
So the chips are candied, the ground beef is made from chocolate, and the cheese is made from a shredded mango sorbet that gets shredded into liquid nitrogen to look like cheese.
And after doing all of this dematerialization and reconfiguring of this, of these ingredients, we realized because as we served it, we learned that the dish actually behaves like the real thing, where the cheese begins to melt.
So when you're looking at this thing in the dining room, you have this sensation that this is actually a plate of nachos, and it's not really until you begin tasting it that you realize this is a dessert, and it's just kind of like a mind-ripper.
HC: So we had been creating all of these dishes out of a kitchen that was more like a mechanic's shop than a kitchen, and the next logical step for us was to install a state-of-the-art laboratory, and that's what we have here.
So we put this in the basement, and we got really serious about food, like serious experimentation.
BR: One of the really cool things about the lab, besides that we have a new science lab in the kitchen, is that, you know, with this new equipment, and this new approach, all these different doors to creativity that we never knew were there began to open, and so the experiments and the food and the dishes that we created, they just kept going further and further out there.
HC: Let's talk about flavor transformation, and let's actually make some cool stuff.
You see a cow with its tongue hanging out.
What I see is a cow about to eat something delicious. What is that cow eating?
And why is it delicious?
So the cow, basically, eats three basic things in their feed: corn, beets, and barley, and so what I do is I actually challenge my staff with these crazy, wild ideas. Can we take what the cow eats, remove the cow, and then make some hamburgers out of that?
And basically the reaction tends to be kind of like this. BR: Yeah, that's our chef de cuisine, Chris Jones. This is not the only guy that just flips out when we assign a ridiculous task, but a lot of these ideas, they're hard to understand.
They're hard to just get automatically.
There's a lot of research and a lot of failure, trial and error -- I guess, more error -- so we don't always get it right, and it takes a while for us to be able to explain that to people.
HC: So, after about a day of Chris and I staring at each other, we came up with to the hamburger patty, and as you can see it basically forms like hamburger meat.
This is made from three ingredients: beets, barley, corn, and so it actually cooks up like hamburger meat, looks and tastes like hamburger meat, and not only that, but it's basically removing the cow from the equation.
So replicating food, taking it into that next level is where we're going.
BR: And it's definitely the world's first bleeding veggie burger, which is a cool side effect.
And a miracle berry, if you're not familiar with it, is a natural ingredient, and it contains a special property.
a naturally occurring thing. It still freaks me out every time I eat it, but it has a unique ability to mask certain taste receptors on your tongue, so that primarily sour taste receptors, so normally things that would taste very sour or tart, somehow begin to taste very sweet.
HC: You're about to eat a lemon, and now it tastes like lemonade.
Let's just stop and think about the economic benefits of something like that.
We could eliminate sugar across the board for all confectionary products and sodas, and we can replace it with all-natural fresh fruit.
BR: So you see us here cutting up some watermelon. The idea with this is that we're going to eliminate tons of food miles, wasted energy, and overfishing of tuna by creating tuna, or any exotic produce or item from a very far-away place, with local, organic produce; so we have a watermelon from Wisconsin.
HC: So if miracle berries take sour things and turn them into sweet things, we have this other pixie dust that we put on the watermelon, and it makes it go from sweet to savory.
So after we do that, we put it into a vacuum bag, add a little bit of seaweed, some spices, and we roll it, and this starts taking on the appearance of tuna.
So the key now is to make it behave like tuna.
BR: And then after a quick dip into some liquid nitrogen to get that perfect sear, we really have something that looks, tastes and behaves like the real thing.
HC: So the key thing to remember here is, we don't really care As long as it's good for you and good for the environment, it doesn't matter.
But where is this going?
How can we take this idea of tricking your tastebuds and leapfrog it into something that we can do today that could be a disruptive food technology?
So here's the next challenge.
of wild plants, think of them as food ingredients. As long as they're non-poisonous to the human body, go out around Chicago sidewalks, take it, blend it, cook it and then have everybody flavor-trip on it at Moto.
Let's charge them a boatload of cash for this and see what they think. BR: Yeah, so you can imagine, a task assignments that the kitchen staff hated us for. But we really had to almost relearn how to cook in general, because these are ingredients, you know, plant life that we're, one, unfamiliar with, and two, we have no reference for how to cook these things because people don't eat them.
So we really had to think about new, creative ways to flavor, new ways to cook and to change texture -- and that was the main issue with this challenge.
HC: So this is where we step into the future and we leapfrog ahead.
So developing nations and first-world nations, imagine if you could take these wild plants and consume them, food miles would basically turn into food feet. This disruptive mentality of what food is would essentially open up the encyclopedia of what raw ingredients are, even if we just swapped out, say, one of these for flour, that would eliminate so much energy and so much waste.
And to give you a simple example here as to what we actually fed these customers, there's a bale of hay there and some crab apples.
And basically we took hay and crab apples and made barbecue sauce out of those two ingredients.
People swore they were eating barbecue sauce, and this is free food.
BR: Thanks, guys. | {
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ここにお集まりの皆さん どなたも異論はないでしょう
私が懸念するのは それをお金に不自由ない政治家や カリスマ的なロックスターが 口にすると いとも簡単に聞こえるということです
さて私は 潤沢な資金も無ければ 法案を制定できる訳でもない まして ギターを手にしてる訳でもありません
そういうことは 他の誰かに任せます
でも アイディアならあります "ハウジング フォー ヘルス"という アイディアです
"ハウジング フォー ヘルス"は 貧しい人々と共に活動します
そうした人々が住む地域で活動し 彼等を より健康にするのが目的です
過去28年もの間 厳しく 気の遠くなるような 且つ汚い仕事を 文字通り何千人もの人々が オーストラリア各地 また最近では 海外で行ってきました その成果を見ると 明確な目的に基づく計画は 最も劣悪な生活環境すら 改善出来ることが明らかになりました
衛生状態を向上させ 更に貧困そのものを 撲滅できないまでも 減らすことは可能なのです
この物語の起源である 1985年の 中央オーストラリアから始めましょう
ヤミ・レスターという アボリジニの男性が 医療施設を営んでいました
何らかの疾患を抱えて そこを訪れる人のうち 80%は感染症の患者でした 第三世界 ー 開発途上国に多く見られる感染症 劣悪な生活環境が原因の病です
ヤミはアリススプリングスに チームを編成しました
そして彼はプロジェクトに携わる 地元のアボリジニの人々を 自ら選びました
まず最初のミーティングで彼は 資金が無いと告げました なんて幸先がいいでしょうね お金がないんですから 期間は6ヶ月 そしてアボリジニ語で言うところの "uwankara palyanku kanyintjaku" 直訳すると"人々を病気にしない計画" という 意義深い任務を遂行する ー
まず最初に 医師が6ヶ月ほど現場を離れ
まず最初に 医師が6ヶ月ほど現場を離れ 後に我々が目指すことになる
健康であるための9ヶ条に着手したのです そして6ヶ月後 彼はその9つの言葉を書いた 紙切れをくれたんです
健康な生活の9原則: 入浴、洗濯、排水 栄養、密集、害獣・害虫、埃、温度、怪我 健康な生活の9原則: 入浴、洗濯、排水 栄養、密集、害獣・害虫、埃、温度、怪我 さあ 私は それはそれはがっかりしました ちょっと待った 壮大なアイディアには 立派なお題目が付き物 それも沢山の
その時の私 そして今皆さんがご存知ないのは 彼は なぜこれらが目標に成り得るのか 地元や国レベル 更に国際的な保健衛生に関する 何千ページにも及ぶ研究結果を集約していたのです
その後間もなくして イラストが用意されたのには 単純な理由がありました 我々のボスであるアボリジニの人々や 年長者達は 一般的に文盲なので それぞれの項目が意味することを 絵で表わす必要があったんです
私達は彼等のコミュニティと共に活動するのであって 彼等が理解しない言語で 何が起ころうとしてるのか 伝えるようなことはしません
こうして目標が決まりました それらは ー その全てはご紹介出来ませんが ー 人と人々の健康問題を中心に据えて 健康を保つために必要な 物理的な環境の些細なことと 結びつけていくのです
そして最優先課題は ご覧の通り 1日1回の入浴です 特に子供達の
殆どの皆さんは "はあ?随分簡単だな" と 思っていらっしゃいますよね? 殆どの皆さんは "はあ?随分簡単だな" と 思っていらっしゃいますよね?
では今から皆さんに とても個人的な質問をします
今朝ここに来る前に その気になればシャワーを浴びられた人は?
実際に浴びたかどうかは 聞きませんよ
そこまで失礼じゃありませんから はい 結構 はい 大丈夫です 殆どの皆さんがシャワーを浴びられる
では 続いて次の課題です ここにある25軒の家から
これと思う1軒を選んで下さい 選んでいただいたら その家の位置を しっかり覚えていて下さい
皆さん 選びましたか?その選んだ家に
2、3ヶ月住んでいただきますから ちゃんと選んで下さい 場所は西オーストラリアの北西部 とても良い所です
では皆さんの家のシャワーがちゃんと使えるかどうか 見てみましょう
緑のチェックがついた家は シャワーが使えます
赤いバツがついた家は ー うーん よくよく会場を見渡してみると 皆さんには大した影響はなさそうです
なぜって? 皆さん全員 歳をとり過ぎてるからです
そう言われてショックを受ける方もいるでしょう でも事実なんです
怒って席を立たれる前に申し上げると 今回の場合 "歳をとり過ぎてる" と言ったのは この会場にいる皆さんの殆どが 5歳以上だからです
我々が一番着目するのは 0歳から5歳までの乳幼児です
なぜって? 入浴は病原菌を防ぐ手だてで 目や耳や胸 そして皮膚に起こる 一般的な感染症は 生後5年以内に発症した場合 一生涯その器官にダメージを与えるからです
と言うことは 5歳になる頃に 視力が衰え その後も一生そのまま
同様に衰えた聴力も 一生そのまま
呼吸も困難になり 5歳までに
皮膚炎でさえ 当初は我々もさほど深刻な問題とは 思っていませんでしたが 0歳から5歳の間に 軽い皮膚炎を発症した場合 腎不全を引き起こす可能性が増大し 40歳で人工透析が必要になります
これは深刻な問題です だからこのチェックとバツが 子供達にとって とても重要な要素なのです
これらの印は 我々がオーストラリア中で見て回った 7800軒の住宅を示していて
それと同じ比率になってます ご覧の通り35%のこうした さほど有名じゃない住宅には 50,000人の原住民が暮していて うち35%ではシャワーが使えます
またこれらの7800軒のうち 10%の住宅には 安全な電気システムがあり
58%の家では トイレが使用出来ました
検査方法は いたって簡単で一般的です
シャワーの場合は お湯と水の両方が出るか 蛇口は2つとも使えるか 水を汲み上げてシャワーで 頭や身体をちゃんと洗えるか 水が排水口からちゃんと流れるか ー 巧みな設計や美観 エレガントさじゃなく
同様のチェックを電気系統と トイレについても行いました
我々のプロジェクトの目的は 不具合の度合いを測ることではありません 住宅の状態を改善のが目的です
何かを保証したり 報告書を書いたりは しないことにしました
朝 工具や山のような装備品や作業員達と共に現場に行き 初日から現地のチームを訓練して 作業が出来るようにします
初日の夜までには そのコミュニティの 数軒の家は 朝到着した時より 良い状態になっています
そうした活動が全ての住宅が改善されるまで 半年から1年続きます 1軒当りの予算は 総額で 7500ドルです
半年から1年の工期が終了する頃 全ての住宅を再びチェックします
そうした住宅の全ての機能を 改善するのは困難を極めます
1軒ごとに "9つの原則" に基づいた250ヶ所を 検査 チェックし修理を行うのです
成果がこちらです 86%のシャワー が使用可能になり 77%の電気系統が機能するようになり トイレに至っては90%が
ありがとう(拍手) チームの皆が非常に良くやってくれます 彼等の功績です
皆さんにも考えていただきたい 素朴な疑問があるんですが
そもそも なぜこうした活動が必要なんでしょうか?
70%のケースは 定期的なメンテナンスの不足が原因です 誰の家にも起こり得ることです
物は老朽化しますから 本来は州政府か地方自治体がやるべきです それがされないために 不具合が起こるのです
また修理箇所のうち21%は 欠陥工事によるものです 上下逆だったり 前後を誤って取り付けられたものは
動きません だから直さなければならない
もしここ30年の間 オーストラリアに住んでいたら 残るもう1つの原因として "原住民が家屋を荒らすから" と 聞かされてきたことでしょう
それはとても強固な証拠の1つとされています 個人的には実際目撃したことはありませんが 原住民の住宅における問題とされ 妨げになっています
確かに修理箇所のうち9%は 破損や誤用 酷使によるものです
はっきり申し上げたいのは そこで暮らす人々は 問題の原因では全くないということです
もっとしっかり追究しましょう 実際は住民は問題解決のために 大きな役割りを担っているんです
事実 オーストラリア人チームのうち75%は ー 今現在はそれ以上ですが その土地の原住民で 我々が活動するコミュニティの人々です
(拍手) 例えば2010年には831人の原住民が オーストラリア全土で トーレスストレート島で 全ての州で 彼等とその家族が 暮らす家を改善しました とても重要なことです
我々の活動は常に保健衛生に焦点を絞ってきました そこがポイントです
途上国で見かけるばい菌 トラコーマは失明の原因になります
途上国に多い病気ですが ご覧の通り 1990年代後半 とあるアボリジニのコミュニティでは 就学年齢の全児童のうち 95%が 進行性のトラコーマを患っていたのです
さあ どうしましょうか?
まず最初に シャワーを修理します
なぜって? シャワーでばい菌を洗い流すんです
学校にも洗浄施設を造り 子供達が1日に何度でも顔を洗えるようにしました
次に 眼科医曰く埃によって目が傷つくと ばい菌が入り易いとのことです さて どうするか?
埃の博士に連絡したところ ー はい そういう人がいるんです
到着して丸1日経たないうちに その地域の粉塵の殆どは 地表から1メートル 以内に体積している 風で巻き上がるタイプとし 土手を作って埃が家屋に入るのを防ぎ 子供達の目に悪影響を及ぼさないよう 対策することを勧めました
試したところ 粉塵は減少していました
そこでハエの博士に連絡したんです そう 世の中にはそういう人もいるんですね
我々のアボリジニの仲間に言われました 「あんた達白人は もっと世間を知った方がいい」
そのハエ博士は 即座にばい菌を媒介する ある種のハエを特定してくれました
彼はそのコミュニティの学童達に ご覧のような見事なハエ採り用の装置をくれました
子供達が採ったハエは パースの博士の元に送られます
ばい菌が仕掛けに入った頃 博士は 糞コロガシを数匹を返送します
糞コロガシはラクダの糞を食べます エサが減ったハエは やがて死んでいきました そしてトラコーマも減ったのです
1年経つ頃には トラコーマは 極端に減少し その後も増えていません
我々は病の治療を行っただけでなく その原因だった環境を変えたのです
そして遂に 病と決別できたのです
こうした些細な衛生状態の向上や 小さなパズルの1片が 大きな変化をもたらすのです
ニューサウスウェールズ州の衛生局は 進歩的なことで知られていますが ニューサウスウェールズ州の衛生局は 進歩的なことで知られていますが 3年間に渡り独自に審議を行い 我々が過去10年に同州で行った この種のプロジェクトを検証したところ
劣悪な生活環境に起因する疾患で 入院する患者が 40%減少したことが判明しました 40%減ったんです
(拍手) オーストラリアで活用したこうした原則が 他の場所でも使えるという例をご紹介します そうした場所の1つが ネパールです
住民600人の小さな村から まだ村に1つもない トイレを作って欲しいと依頼されました
壮大な計画や 大きなプロジェクトに付き物の 契約もなく ただ2家庭それぞれに トイレを作る それが目的でした
最初のトイレの設計段階で その家庭に昼食に招かれて その家の広間に通されました
彼等は唯一の燃料である生材を使って 調理していたのです
木材から出る煙で息が詰まり 屋内ではとにかく息も出来ません
その後 その地方の主たる疾患と死亡原因が 呼吸器不全であることを知りました
当初はトイレを作って 人々の排泄物を 地表から消すことが目的でした これは大丈夫
でも突然2つ目の問題が浮上したのです どうやって煙害を抑えるか?
解決策はこうです 人糞を集める 動物の糞も集める それを室に入れバイオガス ー メタンガスを 抽出するんです
そのガスで一日だいたい3~4時間の調理が可能で 清潔 無煙 そして使用料も掛かりません
(拍手) 皆さんにお伺いします こうした活動によって 貧困は無くなりますか?
今この間にも作業している ネパールのチームに言わせれば 「冗談じゃない そんなこと企てる前に ー まずはあと300万基のトイレを作らなきゃならない
それ以外 何も考えるつもりはないよ」
でもここにこうして座っている間に この村には100基以上のトイレが設置され 近隣にも数基が作られました
1000人をゆうに超える人々が 日々使用しています
トイレができたことで 路上から人糞が消え そのため 細菌による消化器の感染症にかかることが 極端に少なくなりました カンジ・マヤは母親ですが とても満足しています
今頃は恐らく 無煙の燃料 バイオガスを使って 家族の昼食を作っているでしょう 彼女の肺の状態は良くなり 今後も更に改善するでしょう なぜならもう煙の中で調理していないからです
スリアはバイオガスを抽出した後の 排泄物を室から出すと 農作物の肥料に使います
そして収穫高は3倍になり 家族にもたらされる食料も収入も増えました
最後は チームリーダーのビシュヌです 彼は我々が作り上げたのは トイレだけでなく チームそのものだと思っています そしてそのチームは今 2つの村で作業していて そこでは次の2ヶ所の村の育成を行い こうして活動を拡大させていくのです
それこそが鍵だと 私は考えます(拍手)
それこそが鍵だと 私は考えます(拍手) 住民に問題はありません
問題は劣悪な生活環境や家屋 そして人々に健康被害を及ぼすばい菌です
信仰によって限定されるものではありません どれ1つとして
我々が取り組むべき課題に共通するのは ただ1つ 貧困です 我々が取り組むべき課題に共通するのは ただ1つ 貧困です
2000年の中頃に ネルソン・マンデラが ここからそう遠くないところで言いました 奴隷やアパルトヘイトのように 「貧困は自然現象ではない ー
貧困を作り出すのは人間で 貧困に耐え ー 貧困に打ち克つのも人間だ」
最後に申し上げます 何千人もの 一般の人々の力によって 彼等の途方もない努力によって 実際に衛生状態が改善し そして 僅かかもしれませんが 貧困を減少させたのです
お付き合いいただき ありがとうございました | I don't think anyone in this room would disagree.
What worries me is when politicians with money and charismatic rock stars -- use the words, " ... it all just sounds so, so simple."
Now, I've got no bucket of money today and I've got no policy to release, and I certainly haven't got a guitar.
I'll leave that to others.
But I do have an idea, and that idea is called Housing for Health.
Housing for Health works with poor people.
It works in the places where they live, and the work is done to improve their health.
Over the last 28 years, this tough, grinding, dirty work has been done by literally thousands of people around Australia and, more recently, overseas, and their work has proven that focused design can improve even the poorest living environments.
It can improve health and it can play a part in reducing, if not eliminating, poverty.
I'm going to start where the story began -- 1985, in Central Australia.
A man called Yami Lester, an Aboriginal man, was running a health service.
Eighty percent of what walked in the door, in terms of illness, was infectious disease -- third world, developing world infectious disease, caused by a poor living environment.
Yami assembled a team in Alice Springs.
He got a medical doctor.
He got an environmental health guy.
And he hand-selected a team of local Aboriginal people to work on this project.
Yami told us at that first meeting, "There's no money," -- always a good start -- " ... no money, you have six months, and I want you to start on a project --" which, in his language, he called "Uwankara Palyanku Kanyintjaku," which, translated, is "a plan to stop people getting sick" -- a profound brief.
That was our task.
First step, the medical doctor went away for about six months.
And he worked on what were to become these nine health goals -- what were we aiming at?
After six months of work, he came to my office and presented me with those nine words on a piece of paper.
[The 9 Healthy Living Practices: Washing, clothes, wastewater, nutrition, crowding, animals, dust, temperature, injury] I was very unimpressed. Big ideas need big words, and preferably a lot of them.
This didn't fit the bill.
What I didn't see and what you can't see was that he'd assembled thousands of pages of local, national and international health research that filled out the picture as to why these were the health targets.
The pictures that came a bit later had a very simple reason.
The Aboriginal people who were our bosses and the senior people were most commonly illiterate, so the story had to be told in pictures of what these goals were.
We worked with the community, not telling them what was going to happen in a language they didn't understand.
So we had the goals and each one of these goals -- and I won't go through them all -- puts at the center the person and their health issue, and it then connects them to the bits of the physical environment that are actually needed to keep their health good.
And the highest priority, you see on the screen, is washing people once a day, particularly children.
And I hope most of you are thinking, "What? That sounds simple."
Now, I'm going to ask you all a very personal question.
This morning before you came, who could have had a wash using a shower?
I'm not going to ask if you had a shower, because I'm too polite.
All right, I think it's fair to say most people here could have had a shower this morning.
I'm going to ask you to do some more work.
I want you all to select one of the houses of the 25 houses you see on the screen.
I want you to select one of them and note the position of that house and keep that in your head.
Have you all got a house?
I'm going to ask you to live there for a few months, It's in the northwest of Western Australia, very pleasant place.
OK. Let's see if your shower in that house is working.
I hear some "Aw!" and I hear some "Ah!"
If you get a green tick, your shower's working.
You and your kids are fine.
If you get a red cross, well, I've looked carefully around the room and it's not going to make much difference to this crew.
Why? Because you're all too old.
I know that's going to come as a shock to some of you, but you are.
And before you get offended and leave, I've got to say that being too old, in this case, means that pretty much everyone in the room, I think, is over five years of age.
We're really concerned with kids naught to five.
And why? Washing is the antidote to the sort of bugs, the common infectious diseases of the eyes, the ears, the chest and the skin that, if they occur in the first five years of life, permanently damage those organs.
They leave a lifelong remnant.
That means that by the age of five, you can't see as well for the rest of your life.
You can't hear as well for the rest of your life.
You can't breathe as well.
You've lost a third of your lung capacity by the age of five.
which we originally thought wasn't that big a problem, mild skin infections naught to five give you a greatly increased chance of renal failure, needing dialysis at age 40.
This is a big deal, so the ticks and crosses on the screen are actually critical for young kids.
Those ticks and crosses represent the 7,800 houses we've looked at nationally around Australia, the same proportion.
What you see on the screen -- 35 percent of those not-so-famous houses lived in by 50,000 indigenous people -- 35 percent had a working shower.
Ten percent of those same 7,800 houses had safe electrical systems.
And 58 percent of those houses had a working toilet.
These are by a simple, standard test.
In the case of the shower: does it have hot and cold water, two taps that work, a shower rose to get water onto your head or onto your body, and a drain that takes the water away?
Not well-designed, not beautiful, not elegant -- just that they function.
And the same tests for the electrical system and the toilets.
Housing for Health projects aren't about measuring failure -- they're actually about improving houses.
We start on day one of every project.
We've learned -- we don't make promises, we don't do reports.
We arrive in the morning with tools, tons of equipment, trades, and we train up a local team on the first day to start work.
By the evening of the first day, a few houses in that community are better than when we started in the morning.
That work continues for six to 12 months, until all the houses are improved and we've spent our budget of 7,500 dollars total per house.
That's our average budget.
At the end of six months to a year, we test every house again.
It's very easy to spend money.
It's very difficult to improve the function of all those parts of the house.
And for a whole house, the nine healthy living practices, we test, check and fix 250 items in every house.
And these are the results we can get with our 7,500 dollars.
We can get showers up to 86 percent working, we can get electrical systems up to 77 percent working and we can get 90 percent of toilets working in those 7,500 houses.
Thank you.
The teams do a great job, and that's their work.
I think there's an obvious question that I hope you're thinking about.
Why do we have to do this work?
Why are the houses in such poor condition?
Seventy percent of the work we do is due to lack of routine maintenance -- the sort of things that happen in all our houses.
Things wear out, should have been done by state government or local government, simply not done, the house doesn't work.
Twenty-one percent of the things we fix are due to faulty construction -- literally things that are built upside down and back to front.
They don't work, we have to fix them.
And if you've lived in Australia in the last 30 years, the final cause -- you will have heard always that indigenous people trash houses.
It's one of the almost rock-solid pieces of evidence which I've never seen evidence for, that's always reeled out as "That's the problem with indigenous housing."
Well, nine percent of what we spend is damage, misuse or abuse of any sort.
We argue strongly that the people living in the house are simply not the problem.
And we'll go a lot further than that; the people living in the house are actually a major part of the solution.
Seventy-five percent of our national team in Australia -- over 75 at the minute -- are actually local, indigenous people from the communities we work in.
They do all aspects of the work.
In 2010, for example, there were 831, all over Australia, and the Torres Strait Islands, all states, working to improve the houses where they and their families live, and that's an important thing.
Our work's always had a focus on health. That's the key.
The developing world bug, trachoma, causes blindness.
It's a developing-world illness, and yet, the picture you see behind is in an Aboriginal community in the late 1990s, where 95 percent of school-aged kids had active trachoma in their eyes, doing damage.
OK, what do we do?
Well, first thing we do, we get showers working.
Why? Because that flushes the bug out.
We put washing facilities in the school as well, so kids can wash their faces many times during the day.
We wash the bug out.
Second, the eye doctors tell us that dust scours the eye and lets the bug in quick. So what do we do?
We call up the doctor of dust, and there is such a person.
He was loaned to us by a mining company.
He controls dust on mining company sites.
And he came out and, within a day, it worked out that most dust in this community was within a meter of the ground, the wind-driven dust -- so he suggested making mounds to catch the dust before it went into the house area and affected the eyes of kids.
So we used dirt to stop dust.
We did it. He provided us dust monitors.
We tested and we reduced the dust.
Then we wanted to get rid of the bug generally.
So how do we do that?
Well, we call up the doctor of flies -- and, yes, there is a doctor of flies.
As our Aboriginal mate said, "You white fellows ought to get out more."
And the doctor of flies very quickly determined that there was one fly that carried the bug.
He could give school kids in this community the beautiful fly trap you see above in the slide.
They could trap the flies, send them to him in Perth.
When the bug was in the gut, he'd send back by return post some dung beetles.
The dung beetles ate the camel dung, the flies died through lack of food, and trachoma dropped.
And over the year, trachoma dropped radically in this place, and stayed low.
We changed the environment, not just treated the eyes.
And finally, you get a good eye.
All these small health gains and small pieces of the puzzle make a big difference.
The New South Wales Department of Health, that radical organization, did an independent trial over three years to look at 10 years of the work we've been doing in these sorts of projects in New South Wales.
for the illnesses that you could attribute to the poor environment -- a 40 percent reduction.
Just to show that the principles we've used in Australia can be used in other places, I'm just going to go to one other place, and that's Nepal.
And what a beautiful place to go.
We were asked by a small village of 600 people to go in and make toilets where none existed.
Health was poor.
We went in with no grand plan, no grand promises of a great program, just the offer to build two toilets for two families.
It was during the design of the first toilet that I went for lunch, invited by the family into their main room of the house.
It was choking with smoke.
People were cooking on their only fuel source, green timber.
The smoke coming off that timber is choking, and in an enclosed house, you simply can't breathe.
Later we found the leading cause of illness and death in this particular region is through respiratory failure.
So all of a sudden, we had two problems.
We were there originally to look at toilets and get human waste off the ground, that's fine.
But all of a sudden now there was a second problem: How do we actually get the smoke down?
So two problems, and design should be about more than one thing.
Solution: Take human waste, take animal waste, put it into a chamber, out of that, extract biogas, methane gas.
The gas gives three to four hours cooking a day -- clean, smokeless and free for the family.
I put it to you: is this eliminating poverty?
And the answer from the Nepali team who's working at the minute would say, don't be ridiculous -- we have three million more toilets to build before we can even make a stab at that claim.
And I don't pretend anything else.
But as we all sit here today, there are now over 100 toilets built in this village and a couple nearby.
Well over 1,000 people use those toilets.
Yami Lama, he's a young boy.
He's got significantly less gut infection because he's now got toilets, Kanji Maya, she's a mother, and a proud one.
She's probably right now cooking lunch for her family Her lungs have got better, and they'll get better as time increases, because she's not cooking in the same smoke.
Surya takes the waste out of the biogas chamber when it's shed the gas, he puts it on his crops.
He's trebled his crop income, more food for the family and more money for the family.
And finally Bishnu, the leader of the team, has now understood that not only have we built toilets, we've also built a team, and that team is now working in two villages where they're training up the next two villages to keep the work expanding.
And that, to me, is the key.
People are not the problem.
We've never found that.
The problem: poor living environment, poor housing and the bugs that do people harm.
None of those are limited by geography, by skin color or by religion.
None of them.
The common link between all the work we've had to do is one thing, and that's poverty.
Nelson Mandela said, in the mid-2000s, not too far from here, he said that like slavery and apartheid, "Poverty is not natural.
It is man-made and can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings."
I want to end by saying it's been the actions of thousands of ordinary human beings doing -- I think -- extraordinary work, that have actually improved health, and, maybe only in a small way, reduced poverty.
Thank you very much for your time. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「月に選ばれし少女......」 | “Yeah.”
All three of them were surprised by the response he gave.
“I was the first to notice Ria was a woman, and his speech was also very girly back then.”
“He really was a woman...”
Neil added, while Marius and Ceres froze, muttering quietly. Seeing them like this, Victor was quite surprised.
“I wonder why you didn’t figure it out before.”
“Prince, I don’t remember you telling me that the little guy was a woman.”
Ceres was the first to respond to Victor’s words.
“I didn’t tell you, but you knew what I meant.”
“She’s not sexy at all.”
“She’s a nice girl, though.”
Victor softly uttered in response to Ceres’ words as he gazed at Alicia’s sleeping face.
Albert’s jacket was draped over Alicia as she slept soundly under a thick-trunked tree. Everyone was staring at her.
Her crow-colored feathered hair was still a little wet. A few drops of water drip from her hair. Her eyes were covered with a cloth, but she had a clean, straight nose and thin, well-shaped lips. She looked very feminine.
Everyone began to notice a sense of femininity in her.
“...Are you in love with her?”
Ceres asked Victor in her usual tone, as if she had nothing to fear. It seemed to represent the emotions of everyone present.
Victor furrowed his brow and wore a solemn expression. He then continued his story.
“My type of woman is a woman who is outgoing, has long hair, and is calm and mature.”
“Well, then, why did you save her?”
“Well, she was my father’s to begin with. I couldn’t let her die.”
“Are you certain that’s all?”
“You’re being nosy. You guys should go back to rest.”
Victor glared at Ceres, looking a little irritated. It was rare to see him like this, as he was usually so relaxed.
Saying this, Ceres heads toward a nearby tree. Marius and Neil followed, bowing their heads in gratitude and getting ready to rest.
Soldiers could sleep anywhere, anytime. They could sleep in any position, even if the ground was rickety or chilly.
“I think it’s time for us to go to sleep too.”
Mark nodded in response to Kate’s words, while Albert stood beside Alicia, keeping a close eye on her. Luckily, Marius, Ceres, and Neil had no idea what Albert had done to Alicia.
They only thought that he had taken away her suffering with his special power.
“I’m not going to fall in love with a little kid.”
Albert turned his gaze to Victor as he muttered to himself. Then he looked up at the sky.
“The moon is even more beautiful today.”
The sky was pitch black above the eerie, deadly forest, with numerous stars and the moon shining silently. The moonlight illuminated Alicia, who was sleeping peacefully and comfortably, covered in dirt and mud.
Victor’s eyes widened at the sight. Then, he uttered quietly, in a small voice.
“The girl chosen by the moon...” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
動物学の中で 昆虫学コース 昆虫科学を
受講しました そして どうすればもっと実践的に 昆虫科学分野で活躍できるかを考えました
そして 植物保護の世界 植物を昆虫 害虫から
守ることに興味を持つようになりました 植物保護において 私は生物学によるペストコントロールの 学問に出会いました 生物を 使い 植物の害虫を
減らすことです 植物保護の分野において 農薬の使用を 減らすことが目的です
ところで 生物的ペストコントロールは ここで言う良い虫たちは 何千年もの長い 長い間 地球上で生きてきました しかし人々は この120年間でやっと 生物的なコントロール 自然なコントロール現象についての 使用方法を研究し 発展させるように なりました
生物的ペストコントロールは どの家の裏庭でも見れるからです
葉っぱを裏返せば 微小な虫たちの または1ミリ 1.5ミリ 2ミリ未満の小さなクモたちの 知られざる世界が見えるでしょう 良い虫と悪い虫の区別が出来るようになります
この自然なペストコントロールの現象は どこでも存在するのです
どこにでもあります どう利用するかを知ることが必要です
まずは共に例を見ながら 考えていきましょう
天敵はなんなのか? 生物的コントロールの代理人なのか それとも良い虫のことなのか
ここで虫やクモ ダニについて 話をしたいと思います
6本足の生物は昆虫で 8本足の生物は クモやダニです
これはハダニというやっかいな害虫で クモのように巣をかけます
母虫の両側に 子供の虫がいて 右側に卵が一つ見えます
右側はきゅうりの葉っぱ 真ん中は綿の葉っぱ 左側はトマトの葉っぱです 小さな斑点がついています
ハダニは口で 葉を突きさし 汁を吸うため 葉っぱは緑から白に 変色します
しかし 自然の中には 我々にとって有益なダニもいます
摂食ダニです ハダニと同じように1ミリか2ミリの大きさで すばやく動き ハダニを追いかけ
捕まえます これが狩りの様子です 左側にいる 害虫ダニを針で貫き 体液を吸います
5分後 ただの亡骸となります 干からびた ハダニの死体の 隣に 二匹の満足した 摂食ダニがいます 左にいるのは母ダニ 右に幼虫がいます
24時間で 約5匹のハダニや 害虫、もしくは15~20個の 害虫の卵を
食べることができます いつもお腹が空いています
ところで イスラエルは今春で
気温がぐーんと上がります この害虫が植物にびっしりついているのが見えます ハイビスカスやランタナの 若々しく 新鮮な 春の若葉についています
アマゾネスのようにアブラムシには メスしかいません
メスがメスを生み さらにメスを生みます
アブラムシは 甘露と呼ばれる 粘着性のある甘い汁を出し 植物の上部に つきます どこにでもあるきゅうりの葉が
すす病の黒い菌類に 覆われて 緑から黒に変色しています 寄生スズメバチが
救いの手を出します 捕食者ではありません
寄生虫です 2本足ではなく もちろん8本足の寄生虫です
寄生スズメバチは 2ミリほどの大きさで すばしっこく 鋭く飛びます
この寄生虫の活躍が見られます まるで曲技飛行です
彼女は右側の目標と 向かい合い 腹部を 曲げて卵を一つ アブラムシの 体内に 産み込みます
蹴ったり 噛んだり 汁を放出したりしますが 効き目はありません
アブラムシの体内に 寄生虫の卵が産みこまれます
気温によりますが 数日後に 卵は孵り 幼虫はアブラムシを 内側から食べてしまいます
すべて現実です 自然なのです
みなさんの 裏庭で起きています
これは ミイラ ミ・イ・ラです
アブラムシの死体の映像です 内側までです 数分後に成長中の寄生蜂の 体半分が出てきます
映画で見る事ができます 数分しかかかりません
メスならすぐにオスと交尾するでしょう 時間に限りがあるため、すぐ行動に出ます
生存期間は3~4日間だけ その間に400個の
卵を産む必要があります つまり400匹の アブラムシの体内に
卵を産むということです もちろんこれで終りではありません
天敵はまた豊富にいますが これが最後の例です
害虫から始めます アザミウマです
ところで 彼らのラテン語名を 使わず 奇妙は名前だが 皆がよく知っている名前にしました
これはほっそりした 非常に 悪質な害虫です
しかしアザミウマの成虫によって 移された致命的な疫病のため 食べる事はできません
天敵は ハナカメムシです 非常に小さいです
成虫がアザミウマをたった数分で 刺し、吸いそして 次の獲物へ移り 同じことを繰り返します
もし益虫のハナカメムシを 例えば ピーマン畑に撒けば 花に住み着き このように花は
害虫のアザミウマを一掃され 捕食性の益虫で溢れています 非常に良い状況です
しかし問題は ここでは害虫と天敵の 一対一の様子を見てきました
イスラエル北東部の スデウリヤフ・キブツには 工場があり この天敵達を大量生産しています つまり 自然なコントロール もしくは 生物的なコントロール現象を
拡張しているのです 3万m2の最新式な 温室で捕食ダニや ハナカメムシ 寄生スズメバチ等を
大量生産しています 見晴らしもすばらしいものです 一方にヨルダンの山々 もう一方にはヨルダン渓谷があります 冬はそう寒くなく 夏は心地よい暑さで 彼らを大量生産するのに 大変適しています この大量生産は
決して遺伝子操作をしていません 遺伝子組み換え つまり
GMOはまったくありません 自然から採取し 温室や 気候室に入れ 彼らが繁殖するのに 最適な状況を 提供してやります
一グラムで8万匹います 8万匹もいれば 4千平方メートルの イチゴ畑を ハダニから ほぼ一年間守ることが できます
信じられないかもしれませんが これから年間 数十キログラム増殖できます
これが私の言う この現象の増幅です
一方 すでに均衡性が農薬によって 壊された環境に 提供するため
これらの天敵を農地に用いることによって 農薬を減らし 歯車を多少 元に戻し 自然界の均衡性を少しでも 改善することを目指しています
益虫によって成功した生物的コントロールの 影響をこの表で実際に 見ることができます
例えば イスラエルでは 1千ヘクタール以上 イスラエルの単位では 1万ドナムの ピーマン畑に 生物的コントロール対策を 用いており 実際に殺虫剤を 75%減らすことができました
イスラエルのイチゴはそれ以上の 80%の殺虫剤を 特にイチゴにある害虫ダニを対象とした物を減らしました
そこで問題です 農家の人たちに「どうして生物的コントロール
「どうして益虫ですか?」と訊きます いろいろな
答えを得るでしょう 例えば イスラエルの東南部の グレート・リフト・バレー の上にある アラバ地方では ここはイスラエル農業の 中心部に あたりますが 特にグリーンハウス つまり温室が多いです エイラートまで車を走らせると これらを砂漠の真ん中に見ることができます
クローズアップしてみると これが見られます 祖父母が孫たちと一緒に 天敵である益虫を撒いています 特殊な服と ガスマスクを着用して農薬を撒く代わりに
使用時の安全性が 農家の人々が生物的コントロールを 使う最大の理由です
二番目の理由は 害虫はいつか 農薬に耐性を持つようになるという 考えに恐怖感を 持っているからです 細菌が抗生物質に対して 耐性を持つようになるのと同じです
幸運なことに 生物的コントロールや 自然的コントロールでは 耐性はめったにおきません
これが進化であり 自然の割合なのです 一方の耐性は 化学物質の場合におきます
社会的要請とは 農薬を減らすよう 社会からの要請が強ければ強いほど より多くの農家が可能な限り 農薬を生物的コントロールに 切り替える必要があると 考えるようになります
ここでも 虫たちに 害虫と益虫に 非常に興味を持っている人がいます 頭に虫眼鏡を付けて 慎重に畑の中を 歩いています
最後に 私の描く将来像― 夢について話します
総売上額を見てみますと 世界のバイオ・コントロール産業は 2億5千万ドルです
世界中の穀物業における 殺虫剤の全体像を見てください 百倍くらいだったと思います
では 何をするべきでしょうか?
どのようにしてこのギャップを埋める もしくは狭くすることができるでしょうか?
まず より強く 役に立つ 信頼できる生物的な解決法 益虫を見つけることです それを大量生産するか 実際に農地で保護するのです
第二に 新鮮な農作物への 農薬使用の減少を求める より徹底的で頑固たる 社会からの需要を作り出すことです
第三に 農家のこの産業への 関心を高めることです
最後のスライドです 「自然にチャンスを」とここで
言いたいのです 歌ってもいいです ここでイスラエルと海外の 全てのバイオ・コントロール 願う人と実践する人全てに代わって言います 自然にチャンスを与えてください
ご清聴ありがとうございました | And then, within zoology, the science of insects.
And then I thought, myself, how can I be practical or help in the science of entomology?
And then I moved to the world of plant protection -- plant protection from insects, from bad bugs.
And then within plant protection, I came into the discipline of biological pest control which we actually define as the use of living organisms to reduce populations of noxious plant pests.
So it's a whole discipline in plant protection that's aiming at the reduction of chemicals.
And biological pest control, by the way, or these good bugs that we are talking about, they've existed in the world for thousands and thousands of years, But only in the last 120 years people started, or people knew more and more how to exploit, or how to use, this biological control phenomenon, or in fact, natural control phenomenon, to their own needs.
Because biological control phenomenon, you can see it in your backyard.
Just take a magnifying glass. You see what I have here?
That's a magnifier times 10.
Yeah, times 10.
Just open it.
You just twist leaves, and you see a whole new world of minute insects, or little spiders of one millimeter, one and a half, two millimeters long, and you can distinguish between the good ones and the bad ones.
So this phenomenon of natural control exists literally everywhere.
Here, in front of this building, I'm sure.
Just have a look at the plants.
So it's everywhere, and we need to know how to exploit it.
Well let us go hand by hand and browse through just a few examples.
What is a pest?
What damage [does] it actually inflict on the plant?
And what is the natural enemy, the biologically controlled agent, or the good bug, that we are talking about?
In general, I'm going to talk about insects and spiders, or mites, let us call them.
Insects, those six-legged organisms and spiders or mites, the eight-legged organisms.
Let's have a look at that.
Here is a pest, devastating pest, a spider mite, because it does a lot of webbing like a spider.
You see the mother in between and two daughters, probably on the left and right, and a single egg on the right-hand side.
And then you see what kind of damage it can inflict.
On your right-hand side you can see a cucumber leaf, and on the middle, cotton leaf, and on the left a tomato leaf with these little stipplings.
They can literally turn from green to white because of the sucking, piercing of those spiders.
But here comes nature that provides us with a good spider.
This is a predatory mite -- just as small as a spider mite, by the way, running quickly, hunting, chasing the spider mites.
And here you can see this lady in action on your left-hand side -- just pierces, sucks the body fluids on the left-hand side of the pest mite.
And after five minutes, this is what you see: just a typical dead corpse, shriveled, sucked-out, dead corpse of the spider mite, and next to it, two satiated individuals of predatory mites, a mother on the left-hand side, a young nymph on the right-hand side.
By the way, a meal for them for 24 hours is about five individuals of the spider mites, of the bad mites, or 15 to 20 eggs of the pest mites.
By the way, they are hungry always.
And there is another example: aphids.
By the way, it's springtime now in Israel.
When temperature rises sharply, you can see those bad ones, those aphids, all over the plants, in your hibiscus, in your lantana, in the young, fresh foliage of the spring flush, so-called.
By the way, with aphids you have only females, like Amazons.
Females giving rise to females giving rise to other females.
No males at all.
Parthenogenesis, [as it] was so called.
And they are very happy with that, apparently.
Here we can see the damage.
Those aphids secrete some sticky, sugary liquid called honeydew, and this just globs the upper parts of the plant.
Here you see a typical cucumber leaf that turned actually from green to black because of a black fungus, sooty mold, which is covering it.
And here comes the salvation Here we are not talking about a predator.
Here we are talking a parasite -- not a two-legged parasite, but an eight-legged parasite, of course.
This is a parasitic wasp, again, two millimeters long, slender, a very quick and sharp flier.
And here you can see this parasite in action, like in an acrobatic maneuver.
She stands vis-a-vis in front of the victim at the right-hand side, bending its abdomen and inserting a single egg, a single egg into the body fluids of the aphid.
By the way, the aphid tries to escape.
She kicks and bites and secretes different liquids, but nothing will happen, in fact.
Only the egg of the parasite will be inserted into the body fluids of the aphid.
And after a few days, depending upon temperature, the egg will hatch and the larva of this parasite will eat the aphid from the inside.
This is all natural. This is all natural.
This is not fiction, nothing at all.
Again, in your backyard, in your backyard.
But this is the end result.
This is the end result: Mummies -- M-U-M-M-Y.
This is the visual result of a dead aphid encompassing inside, in fact, a developing parasitoid that after a few minutes you see halfway out.
The birth is almost complete.
You can see, by the way, in different movies, etc., it takes just a few minutes.
And if this is a female, she'll immediately mate with a male and off she goes because time is very short.
This female can live only three to four days, to around 400 eggs.
That means she has 400 bad aphids to put her eggs into their body fluids.
And this is of course not the end of it.
There is a whole wealth of other natural enemies and this is just the last example.
Again, we'll start first with the pest: the thrips.
By the way, all these weird names -- I didn't bother you with the Latin names of these creatures, okay, just the popular names.
But this is a nice, slender, very bad pest.
If you can see this, sweet peppers.
This is not just an exotic, ornamental sweet pepper.
This is a sweet pepper which is not consumable because it is suffering from a viral disease transmitted by those thrip adults.
And here comes the natural enemy, minute pirate bug, "minute" because it is rather small.
Here you can see the adult, black, and two young ones.
And again, in action.
This adult pierces the thrips, sucking it within just several minutes, just going to the other prey, continuing all over the place.
And if we spread those minute pirate bugs, the good ones, for example, in a sweet pepper plot, they go to the flowers.
And look, this flower is flooded with predatory bugs, with the good ones So this is a very positive situation, by the way.
No harm to the developing fruit. No harm to the fruit set.
Everything is just fine under these circumstances.
But again, the question is, here you saw them on a one-to-one basis -- the pest, the natural enemy.
What we do is actually this.
In Northeast Israel, in Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, there is a facility that mass-produces those natural enemies. In other words, what we do there, we amplify, we amplify the natural control, or the biological control phenomenon.
And in 30,000 square meters of state-of-the-art greenhouses, there, we are mass-producing those predatory mites, those minute pirate bugs, those parasitic wasps, etc., etc.
Many different parts.
By the way, they have a very nice landscape -- you see the Jordanian Mountains on the one hand and the Jordan Valley on the other hand, and a good, mild winter and a nice, hot summer, which is an excellent condition to mass-produce those creatures.
And by the way, mass-production -- it is not genetic manipulation.
There are no GMOs -- We take them from nature, we give them the optimal conditions, under the greenhouses or in the climate rooms, in order to proliferate, multiply and reproduce.
And that's what we get, in fact.
You see under a microscope.
You see in the upper left corner, you see a single predatory mite.
And this is the whole bunch of predatory mites.
You see this ampoule. You see this one.
I have one gram of those predatory mites.
One gram's 80,000 individuals, 80,000 individuals are good enough to control one acre, 4,000 square meters, of a strawberry plot against spider mites for the whole season of almost one year.
And we can produce from this, believe you me, several dozens of kilograms on an annual basis.
So this is what I call amplification of the phenomenon.
And no, we do not disrupt the balance.
On the contrary, because we bring it to every cultural plot where the balance was already disrupted by the chemicals.
Here we come with those natural enemies in order to reverse a little bit of the wheel and to bring more natural balance to the agricultural plot by reducing those chemicals.
That's the whole idea.
And what is the impact?
In this table, you can actually see what is an impact of a successful biological control by good bugs.
For example, in Israel, more than 1,000 hectares -- 10,000 dunams in Israeli terms -- of biological pest controlling sweet pepper under protection, 75 percent of the pesticides were actually reduced.
And Israeli strawberries, even more -- 80 percent of the pesticides, especially those aimed against pest mites in strawberries.
So the impact is very strong.
And there goes the question, especially if you ask growers, agriculturists: Why biological control?
Why good bugs?
By the way, the number of answers you get equals the number of people you ask.
But if we go, for example, to this place, Southeast Israel, the Arava area above the Great Rift Valley, where the really top-notch -- the pearl of the Israeli agriculture is located, especially under greenhouse conditions, or under screenhouse conditions -- if you drive all the way to Eilat, you see this just in the middle of the desert.
And if you zoom in, you can definitely watch this, grandparents with their grandchildren, distributing the natural enemies, the good bugs, instead of wearing special clothes and gas masks and applying chemicals.
So safety, with respect to the application, this is the number one answer that we get from growers, why biological control.
Number two, many growers are in fact petrified from the idea of resistance, that the pests will become resistant to the chemicals, just in our case that bacteria becomes resistant to antibiotics.
It's the same, and it can happen very quickly.
Fortunately, in either biological control or even natural control, resistance is extremely rare.
It hardly happens.
Because this is evolution, this is the natural ratio, unlike resistance, which happens in the case of chemicals.
And thirdly, public demand.
Public demand -- the more the public demands the reduction of chemicals, the more growers become aware of the fact they should, wherever they can and wherever possible, replace the chemical control with biological control.
Even here, there is another grower, you see, very interested in the bugs, the bad ones and the good ones, wearing this magnifier already on her head, just walking safely in her crop.
Finally, I want to get actually to my vision, or in fact, to my dream.
Because, you see, this is the reality.
Have a look at the gap.
If we take the overall turnover of the biocontrol industry worldwide, it's 250 million dollars.
And look at the overall pesticide industry I think it's times 100 or something like that.
Twenty-five billion.
So there is a huge gap to bridge.
So actually, how can we do it?
How can we bridge, or let's say, narrow, this gap in the course of the years?
First of all, we need to find more robust, good and reliable biological solutions, more good bugs that we can either mass-produce or actually conserve in the field.
Secondly, to create even more intensive and strict public demand to reduction of chemicals in the agricultural fresh produce.
And thirdly, also to increase awareness by the growers to the potential of this industry.
And this gap really narrows.
Step by step, it does narrow.
So I think my last slide is: All we are saying, we can actually sing it: Give nature a chance.
So I'm saying it on behalf of all the biocontrol in Israel and abroad, really give nature a chance.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ゴホッ! ゲホッ! ゴホッ!」
あの温かくて体に染み渡るスープなら、お酒を大量に飲んだうえ、病み上がりなフィリップさんも飲むことが出来るだろう。 | “I’ll put it here for now.” “Here is the water.”
I picked up the glass sphere from the floor and put it down on the table next to the bed.
It was then that Mr. Hannes came with a wooden bowl of water.
“Cough! Cough! Cough!”
“Drink it carefully and don’t spit any of it out.” “...Cough! ...Ah... Glug.”
As Phillip coughed violently, Mr. Hannes helped him sit up, and I made him drink the water with Ramogi.
Phillip somehow managed to drink all of it.
Now, he should recover soon.
“Oh? What is that...” “Ah, it was what Phillip was holding. I put it over there so it wouldn’t roll away.”
Now that Phillip had finished drinking, it was just a matter of waiting for it to take effect. That was when Mr. Hannes noticed the sphere on the table.
“So he brought it all of the way here.” “But what is it?”
He had been clutching it preciously, even when sleeping.
It wasn’t as perfectly round as the sphere I had seen with Ms. Isabela in Ractos, but it was still round enough to roll if there was nothing in its path.
“That was brought a short while ago by a merchant. He said that it would help improve the taste of the wine if we put it in the storage house.” “Improve the taste...”
Would such a thing really work...? I had never heard of anything like that in Japan... But perhaps this thing was magical and had special effects.
...Though, I didn’t feel anything from it...
After I had started to practice magic with Sebastian, I was able to detect magic energy. Though, only a little.
And there was something about the glass sphere that felt wrong.
“I think it was...a little over one month ago... It wasn’t the same merchant who we buy grapes from, but a different merchant. And he left this here after the visit.”
“One month...”
There was something about it all that made me wonder...
“What else did he do in the village, aside from giving you that sphere?”
As it bothered me, I asked Mr. Hannes for more details.
“Apparently, the merchant who usually visited us could not come. And he brought the grapes instead.”
“I see...and he just left the sphere as well.” “Yes.”
So a different merchant from the usual one came and left that sphere along with the grapes for the wine...
“Now that I think about it, where are these grapes grown?”
When I was at the mansion, wine had not been served even once.
I didn’t know if Ms. Claire or Mr. Ekenhart drank, but it seemed odd that something like wine was not served at all in a noble’s house.
“Quite far away from here... In the lands of the count. We buy them from him and make the wine. Apparently, they do not have enough trees to make the necessary barrels.”
So unlike these lands, the count did not have vast forests.
Still...the count, huh...?
“Is this Count Barsler?”
“Yes. Count Barsler. As he likes wine, in exchange for selling us grapes, we send him our best wine.”
I didn’t know much about nobles in this world, but that name was familiar to me, because I had heard it recently.
Count Barsler... I did not expect to hear that name here...
Over a month and grapes...the glass sphere...that store...the same disease that was spreading in Ractos...
While I was no detective, it seemed obvious to me that there was a connection.
“Do you send any wine to Ractos?” “Well, it is the closest and largest town. So, of course, we send it to them. However, we cannot send too much, as much of it goes to the count...” “Hmm...”
So they did send some to Ractos, but not a lot... In that case, it wasn’t too odd that none was served back at the mansion.
While it wouldn’t be impossible to acquire, perhaps they didn’t care to go through the trouble.
They did live much more comfortably than most people, but they didn’t seem to care too much about certain luxuries.
“I’m quite interested in this wine now. After all, it was very delicious. And since this sphere must be returned, perhaps I could take a look at the storage house?”
“Of course, Mr. Takumi. And I am happy that you have taken an interest in our humble village.”
The whole village worked together to earn a meager living, so they were happy to have their work praised.
And while it may seem a little deceitful, I would take advantage of that and inspect the wine...
I didn’t know why, but I felt I might learn something that would connect it to that store.
“...As for Phillip...he seems fine now.” “He is no longer coughing, and is resting peacefully.”
I picked up the glass sphere from the table as I looked at Phillip.
The Ramogi had been effective, and he was no longer coughing painfully, and his face was not red.
It would be best to just let him sleep for now.
“I’m sorry, but if he wakes up while I’m not here, could you give him the same soup that I had this morning?”
“Yes, very well. We will be preparing lunch soon, so we can have something ready.” “Thank you.”
Before heading to the storage house with the sphere and Mr. Hannes, I asked his wife for some soup.
That soup was hot and would warm him right up. It was the best thing for someone who had drunk so much and was recently ill. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 13,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
死ぬっ! と悟った瞬間、体が宙に浮いたまま止まった。着地する前にギリギリのところで止まることなんてよくある設定だけど、まさか自分がそれを体験するなんて思ってもみなかった。
それって魔法? と聞こうと思ったがやめておいた。
時間って? と聞こうと彼女の方を振り向いた瞬間、シーナはもうその場所にはいなかった。
最後に、彼女のその言葉だけが耳に響いた。 | ...This world was really full of wonders, wasn’t it? I didn’t feel like I was in an Otome Game world.
The world I was living in was so complicated that I was tempted to think that some information from this world might have entered the brain of someone from my previous life and created an Otome Game out of it.
Thinking about this, I felt as if my face was going to touch the ground at any moment.
Was I going to die? The moment I realized that I felt my soul nearly leave my body, I stopped falling and floated in midair. It was a common occurrence in some fiction for the body to stop just before landing, but I never thought I would experience such a thing myself.
I almost kissed the flower garden.
I glanced sideways at Sheena, who was standing surrounded by flowers with a cool expression on her face.
Just as I muttered that, I fell to the ground with a thud.
It didn’t really hurt, but why was I the only one who landed so awkwardly!
I immediately stood up and glared at Sheena. She didn’t seem the least bit afraid of my glare and returned a smile.
“I’ll have Alicia-sama train here.”
“...In such a fairy-tale like place?”
I couldn’t help but tilt my head.
Sheena’s statement surprised me, and I instantly forgot about my embarrassment at the awkward way I had landed.
This place seemed more like a place to relax than a place to work out....
The clean air and pretty little flowers. Furthermore, they release a sweet, sleepy fragrance.
I looked up at the sky from which I had fallen from.
The sky was clear and cloudless with a vivid blue tint. ...How exactly was this working?
“Who’s my partner?”
“...I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Different people fight with different partners.”
...What an exciting turn of events!
Did it really seem like God would come from the sky?
Sheena, sensing the sparkle in my eyes, gave me a wry smile.
“In my case, it was Kushana.”
For a moment, I couldn’t understand her words.
I paused in my thoughts and parroted back, “Kushana?”
“Yes. . the one I most wanted to fight and didn’t want to fight.”
“Does that mean I’m fighting a phantom?”
“It’s a little different, to put it crudely, but that’s how it should work. It is an illusion that is as close to real as possible. The face, the physique, the personality, even the abilities are all the same.”
Was that magic? I was about to ask, but decided not to.
I didn’t think it was a question I should be asking now. I could ask as many questions as I wanted after the training that was about to begin.
“Who did Kushana fight?”
“...I can’t tell you that.”
“I see. ...And what happens if you don’t beat this opponent?”
“You will die.”
“What?” I let out a small gasp.
“Strictly speaking, your soul will be sucked out of you.”
Sheena said in a calm tone.
It was true that losing a battle was the same as dying. But I didn’t understand what she meant by having your soul taken from you.
Because, who would take it...? Enma?
“I don’t understand, but you’re not going to tell me anything now, are you?”
“Yes. When it’s over, you’ll know all about it.”
A warm wind blew softly, gently blowing our hair. I squinted in the direction the wind was coming.
Sheena’s voice was clear as she said, “It’s time.”
Time for what? I turned to look at her, but she was no longer there.
“Good luck.”
Her last words were the only ones that rang in my ears. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「......冗談だ。シェーナを悲しませることをする筈がないだろ? ほら、綺麗な顔に涙は似合わないぞ」
は持ち場に戻ると、頑固者同士で夕方の営業まで仕事を続けた。 | Petra’s break time was over, and in her place Luthors came to rest. Schenna prepared some tea for Luthors.
“Thanks for working so hard. You can rest now.”
“Thanks. I just passed by Petra and she looked quite happy.”
“Well...stuff happened. But more importantly, do you also want to try the three types of rice balls?”
Schenna began forming triangular rice balls with learned efficiency.
“ that I look better at them, you make really well-shaped triangles. Is that also a skill you learned in your past life?”
“I guess so. Actual balls are okay too, but triangular ones are more common. If you practice enough you should be able to form triangular ones as well. You did really well with the salted rice balls before, so I’m looking forward to teaching you tonight.”
“Heheh...I’ll gladly do it with you.”
Luthors took a bite from the dried plum rice ball, and at first grimaced a bit feeling the acidity from the plums she was not used to, then spat out the seeds and took a gulp from the cold tea.
Schenna then began rubbing her back and helping her calm down.
“That reminds me, that was your first time trying dried plums. I’m sorry if it was too sour for you.”
“It’s okay...the first bite caught me off guard, but I think the acidity goes well with the sweetness from the rice so it’s tasty.”
Luthors brought the half-eaten rice ball back to her mouth and then lifted her right hand and formed a circle with her thumb and ring finger.
She then ate the remaining leaf mustard and fried chicken rice balls, and finished her meal with another gulp of tea.
“Thanks for the food. They were all very tasty, though I liked the fried chicken one the most. Which one is your favorite?”
“I guess I’d go with the leaf mustard one here. Though my actual favorite is salmon, but we can’t really get fish here so...”
“One with fish huh. Gafenna has a coastline, so seafood was a big part of the food there, but Priden is landlocked. Maybe I can just go back to Gafenna and buy some fish there if you want?”
“I won’t let you do something so dangerous. It would be a big problem if you get poisoned again, and I don’t want to tend to you when you’re about to die either!”
Schenna refused her idea with a bitter shout.
Gafenna was still in war with Rinsr, so if Luthors went there, there was no guarantee she would be able to return alive. She could easily be captured by either Gafenna’s remaining forces or Rinsr’s soldiers.
“...I’m joking. I would never be able to do something that would make you sad. And you know, tears don’t fit with your beautiful face.”
“You shouldn’t joke like that with an old man. I troublesome knight.”
“Pfft, doesn’t that apply to you too Schenna?”
“I guess we’re both stubborn and joking female knights then.”
Luthors tried to hold back her laughter to say her comeback, which caused Schenna to break out laughing.
Their break time was about to end too, and Grana came to take their place.
The two returned to their work spots, and the two stubborn knights continued working until the day was over. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
青写真があり、 工業的製造があり 作業員のチームが建設します
それはつまりエネルギーが一方向に、自然界から 私達の家や都市へ移転される事を意味しています
私達が、真に持続可能な家や 都市を建設する唯一の方法は それらを自然とつなげることで 切り離す事ではありません
生きているシステムは 代謝と呼ばれる化学反応を通じて 常に自然界と会話していています
エネルギーの産出や吸収によって ある物質が 他の物質に変化するのです
そしてこれが、生きている物質が 持続可能な形で、周辺の資源を 利用する方法です
そこで私は、代謝する物質を 建築に使う事に興味を持ちました
でもそんなものは存在しません 作らなくてはなりませんでした
わたしはバートレット建築学校で 建築家ニールスピラーと仕事をしています そして国際的に、科学者たちと共同作業を行い ボトムアップ方式で、このような新素材を 作っています
協同メンバーの一人は化学者のマーチンハンザックで、 彼は、不活性物質が活性化する過程に
とても興味を持っていました それは、持続可能な素材を考える時、 私が一番興味を持った行程です
これらすべて、とそのマジックは 小さな脂肪性の袋と、その中身の化学メカニズムによります
この小さな袋は、まさしく生きているとしか 言いようのない振舞いをすることができます
複雑な反応を行うことができ、 その一部は実に建築的です
これがそのプロトセルです 環境をデザインしています
こちらは、大気から二酸化炭素を取り出し 炭酸塩に変える プロトセルです
つまり私達はこの技術を押し進めて ボトムアップ的な建築アプローチを 行い、 ビクトリア時代的な、トップダウンの、物質に構造を 押し付ける方法に対峙しようとしているのです
ボトムアップ型素材は 既に存在します
今いるオックスフォオードの街を歩き れんが造りを見てください 私はここ数日そうして過ごしましたが、そうすると 多くは石灰石で作られている事がわかります
もっとよく見ると 石灰石の中に、小さな貝殻や小さな骨が 折り重なっている事がわかるでしょう
それで石灰石の塊自体は 別に興味深いものではありません
しかし、もしもその石灰岩の表面が 実際は、大気と会話していたら どうでしょう
たぶんそうでしょう それは成長するかもしれない
自己修復し、周辺環境の劇的な変化に 対応する事が できるかもしれません
建築家は興味深い素材が 一つでは満足しません
大きく考える でしょ?
そこで代謝する素材をスケールアップすることを考えると 珊瑚礁の修復や 水によって傷んだ街の再生を エコロジカルに進める方法を 考え始める事ができます
その一例は、 もちろん歴史の街、ベネチアです
さて、ベネチアは、海との激しい関係性にあり、 木の杭の上に建設されています
そこで我々は、今作業中のプロトセル技術を使って ベネチアを、持続可能な形で 修復できるかもしれない方法を開発しました
建築家クリスチャンカリガンが 一連のデザインを考えだし、それによって 街の下部に石灰岩の堆積層を生成する可能性を 示しました
これが我々のプロトセル技術で 石灰岩の祖先となる殻を効率的に作り出し 非常に複雑な環境下で、自然素材に 堆積させます
それが木の杭の周りに 創造的かつ巧みに積み上がる必要があります
そこで、ご覧に入れているのは、プロトセルが光から遠ざかり、 暗い基礎部分に向かって 移動しているところです
光に寄ってくるものもあります 種を選べばいいのです
つまり単に一種族だけではなく 化学的に操作できるのです
ここではプロトセルが石灰質を 非常に特異的に、ベネチアの基礎部分に堆積させ 効果的に石化させています
これは明日すぐ起きるわけではありません 時間がかかります
この技術をチューニングし、モニタしながら ベネチアの街の、もっとも傷んだ ストレスのかかった建物に、個別に テストする準備ができるまでにはまだ何年もかかります
しかし、徐々に、建物が修復されるにつれて その街の下に石灰質の珊瑚が堆積していくことになるでしょう
それはまた、周辺の海洋性生態系を引き寄せ 建築物の間に生息する場所を見つけるでしょう
非常に面白い事です 自然界と、そのまま、じかに つながる都市を 建築できるのです
しかしこのことの、おそらく最も刺激的な点は この技術の応用先がどこにでもあるという事です
これは大地の化学です 我々は皆それと関係がある つまりこの技術が、先進工業国にだけでなく 開発途上国にも 応用可能だという事です
まとめると、私はビクトリア型技術と対抗する 代謝性資材を生み出していて ボトムアップ方式の建築をしようとしています
二つ目に、この代謝性素材は 生体システムと類似の特質を備えており 同様の方法で振る舞うということです
建築上、多くの形や機能を 提供する事が期待されます
最後に、未来の観察者は 環境の美しい構造物に驚嘆しながら それが自然のプロセスでできたのか、 それとも人工的なプロセスで できたのか、ほとんど区別が つけられないだろうという事です
どうもありがとう | They're made using Victorian technologies.
This involves blueprints, industrial manufacturing and construction using teams of workers.
All of this effort results in an inert object.
And that means that there is a one-way transfer of energy from our environment into our homes and cities.
This is not sustainable.
I believe that the only way that it is possible for us to construct genuinely sustainable homes and cities is by connecting them to nature, not insulating them from it.
Now, in order to do this, we need the right kind of language.
Living systems are in constant conversation through sets of chemical reactions called metabolism.
And this is the conversion of one group of substances into another, either through the production or the absorption of energy.
And this is the way in which living materials make the most of their local resources in a sustainable way.
So, I'm interested in the use of metabolic materials for the practice of architecture.
But they don't exist. So I'm having to make them.
I'm working with architect Neil Spiller at the Bartlett School of Architecture, and we're collaborating with international scientists in order to generate these new materials from a bottom up approach.
That means we're generating them from scratch.
One of our collaborators is chemist Martin Hanczyc, and he's really interested in the transition from inert to living matter.
Now, that's exactly the kind of process that I'm interested in, when we're thinking about sustainable materials.
So, Martin, he works with a system called the protocell.
Now all this is -- and it's magic -- is a little fatty bag. And it's got a chemical battery in it.
And it has no DNA.
This little bag is able to conduct itself in a way that can only be described as living.
It is able to move around its environment.
It can follow chemical gradients.
It can undergo complex reactions, some of which are happily architectural.
So here we are. These are protocells, patterning their environment.
We don't know how they do that yet.
Here, this is a protocell, and it's vigorously shedding this skin.
Now, this looks like a chemical kind of birth.
This is a violent process.
Here, we've got a protocell to extract carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and turn it into carbonate.
And that's the shell around that globular fat.
They are quite brittle. So you've only got a part of one there.
So what we're trying to do is, we're trying to push these technologies towards creating bottom-up construction approaches for architecture, which contrast the current, Victorian, top-down methods which impose structure upon matter.
That can't be energetically sensible.
So, bottom-up materials actually exist today.
They've been in use, in architecture, since ancient times.
If you walk around the city of Oxford, where we are today, and have a look at the brickwork, which I've enjoyed doing in the last couple of days, you'll actually see that a lot of it is made of limestone.
And if you look even closer, you'll see, in that limestone, there are little shells and little skeletons that are piled upon each other.
And then they are fossilized over millions of years.
Now a block of limestone, in itself, isn't particularly that interesting.
It looks beautiful.
But imagine what the properties of this limestone block might be if the surfaces were actually in conversation with the atmosphere.
Maybe they could extract carbon dioxide.
Would it give this block of limestone new properties?
Well, most likely it would. It might be able to grow.
It might be able to self-repair, and even respond to dramatic changes in the immediate environment.
So, architects are never happy with just one block of an interesting material.
They think big. Okay?
So when we think about scaling up metabolic materials, we can start thinking about ecological interventions like repair of atolls, or reclamation of parts of a city that are damaged by water.
So, one of these examples would of course be the historic city of Venice.
Now, Venice, as you know, has a tempestuous relationship with the sea, and is built upon wooden piles.
for the protocell technology that we're working with to sustainably reclaim Venice.
And architect Christian Kerrigan has come up with a series of designs that show us how it may be possible to actually grow a limestone reef underneath the city.
So, here is the technology we have today.
This is our protocell technology, effectively making a shell, like its limestone forefathers, and depositing it in a very complex environment, against natural materials.
We're looking at crystal lattices to see the bonding process in this.
Now, this is the very interesting part.
We don't just want limestone dumped everywhere in all the pretty canals.
What we need it to do is to be creatively crafted around the wooden piles.
So, you can see from these diagrams that the protocell is actually moving away from the light, toward the dark foundations.
We've observed this in the laboratory.
The protocells can actually move away from the light.
They can actually also move towards the light. You have to just choose your species.
So that these don't just exist as one entity, we kind of chemically engineer them.
And so here the protocells are depositing their limestone very specifically, around the foundations of Venice, effectively petrifying it.
Now, this isn't going to happen tomorrow. It's going to take a while.
It's going to take years of tuning and monitoring this technology in order for us to become ready to test it out in a case-by-case basis on the most damaged and stressed buildings within the city of Venice.
But gradually, as the buildings are repaired, we will see the accretion of a limestone reef beneath the city.
An accretion itself is a huge sink of carbon dioxide.
Also it will attract the local marine ecology, who will find their own ecological niches within this architecture.
So, this is really interesting. Now we have an architecture that connects a city to the natural world in a very direct and immediate way.
But perhaps the most exciting thing about it is that the driver of this technology is available everywhere.
This is terrestrial chemistry. We've all got it, which means that this technology is just as appropriate for developing countries as it is for First World countries.
So, in summary, I'm generating metabolic materials as a counterpoise to Victorian technologies, and building architectures from a bottom-up approach.
Secondly, these metabolic materials have some of the properties of living systems, which means they can perform in similar ways.
They can expect to have a lot of forms and functions within the practice of architecture.
And finally, an observer in the future marveling at a beautiful structure in the environment may find it almost impossible to tell whether this structure has been created by a natural process or an artificial one.
Thank you. | {
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今日の私のトークは、 その主な理由、またはその理由の1つについてですが、 なぜほとんどの人が自分のことを 何らかの方法、姿、形でスピリチュアルだと考えるのか、です。
まさに人間であることの基本的事実なのです、 時に自我がただ溶け去るように思えるのは。
そして、それが起こると、 恍惚を感じ、 私たちはこうした感じを説明するのに 上下の比喩に向かいます。
私たちは、高められたとか、 高揚したといいます。
ここで、このような抽象的なことを、具体的なうまい比喩もなく 考えるのは本当に大変です。
こう考えてくさい、心とはたくさんの部屋がある家のようなもので、 その部屋のほとんどをよく知っていると。
しかし時に、あたかも戸口が 何もないところから現れて 階段に通じているようです。
階段を昇ると 意識変容の状態を経験します。
1902年に、 偉大なアメリカの心理学者ウィリアム・ジェームスは 多種多様な宗教的体験をまとめました。
あらゆる種類の人々の言葉を引用しました、 様々なこうした体験をした人々です。
私にとって最も刺激的だった事例の一つは、 ステファン・ブラッドリーという若者が 1820年にイエスと遭遇した、と思ったことです。
ステファン・ブラッドリー:救世主が人間の姿で 約1秒ほど部屋にいるのを見たと思いました、 両腕を広げて、 「来なさい」と私に言ったように思われました。
以前は、 私は非常にわがままで自分本位でした。
しかし今は、全人類の幸福を望み、 思いやりのある心で、 最悪の敵を赦すことができます。
JH: 注目してください、 どのようにブラッドリーの小さな道徳的な自我が まさに階段の途上で死んだのかに。
そして、この高いレベルで 彼は愛し赦す人になったのです。
世界の多くの宗教が、多くの方法を見つけています、 人々がこの階段を昇る方法です。
これは16世紀のアステカ族の巻物であり ある男がサイロシビンを含むキノコを食べようとし それと同時に、神によって階段の上に引っ張られます。
他の人たちは踊り、回転し、旋回することによって 自己超越にまい進しています。
しかし、すべてのなかで最も変わった境遇は: 戦争です。
戦争に関する非常に多くの本が同じことを言っています。 戦争ほど人々を一つにするものは ありません、と。
そして、人々を一つにすると、並外れた 自己超越の体験の可能性を開きます。
皆さんにグレン・グレイによる本からの 抜粋を再現しましょう。
そして彼は、戦争の後、多くの他の兵士にインタヴューし 戦いにおける男たちの体験をまとめました。
これが、重要な一節です。 彼が階段をおおむね記述した一節です。
グレン・グレイ: 多くの退役軍人によれば 戦いにおける共同活動の経験は 人生の最高の時であったと認めるでしょう。
「私」は無意識に「私たち」に移り、 「私の」は「私たちの」になり、 個人的信条は その中心的重要性を失います。
これは、不死の保証に ほかならないと思います。 そうした瞬間に自己犠牲を それほど相対的に容易にさせるでしょう。
私は倒れるかもしれないが、死にはしない、 私の中の本物であるものが 生き続けるからです、 命をささげた仲間の中で。
JH: これらの事例のすべてに共通するのは、 自我が少なくなるか、溶け去り、 そして気持ちよく、本当に気持ちよくなり、 その感じ方は普段の生活とは全く異なるのです。
エミール・デュルケームの書物の中心的なものです。 デュルケームは、私たちのことをホモ・デュプレックス、 すなわち 2-レベルの人間とさえ考えています。
しかし、時に何かが起こり 相変化を引き起こします。
個々人が一体化します、 1つのチーム、1つの運動、1つの国家に そして、部分の合計をはるかに超えます。
デュルケームはこのレベルを聖のレベルと考えています。 というのは、彼は確信したからです、宗教の機能は 人々を1つの集団、 1つの道徳上のコミュニティに一体化するものであると。
デュルケームは、私たちを一体化するものはなんであれ 神聖さを帯びると信じています。
人々が聖なる物や価値観を 取り囲むと、 彼らはチームとして働き、それを守るために戦うことになります。
デュルケームは記しています、 一揃いの強烈な集合的感情について そして「多くから作られた一つ」という奇跡を成し遂げるのです、 個々人から1つの集団が作られるという奇跡です。
集団的な喜びを考えてみてください。 独裁者を倒したタハリール広場での、
集団的な怒りを考えてみてください。 そして、9/11の後のアメリカ合衆国での 集団的な悲しみ 私たちすべてが感じ、私たちを一つにした悲しみを 考えてみてください。
私が言っているのは、自己超越の能力は 人間存在のまさに基本部分であるということです。
私は、比喩を提案しています、 心の階段についてです。
私たちは、ホモ・デュプレックスであるということです、 この階段は、私たちを俗のレベルから 聖のレベルへ連れて行きます。
この階段を昇ると、 自己の利益が薄れ、 まさにそれほど自己本位でなくなり、 気分がよく、気高く まるで何か高められたかように感じます。 ここで私のような社会科学者にとっての 難しい質問です: この階段は 私たちの進化的設計の特徴なのでしょうか?
これは、自然淘汰の賜物なのでしょうか? 私たちの手のように?
あるいは、システムのバグか、間違いでしょうか-- この宗教的なものは 脳の配線が混線した際に起こる何かなのでしょうか-- ジルは脳卒中になり、このような宗教的経験をしましたが、 あれは単なる間違いなのでしょうか?
新無神論者は、例えば、 宗教は一揃いのミームである主張しています、 寄生ミームのようなものであり、 私たちの心の内側に入り 私たちにあらゆる種類の常軌を逸した宗教的なこと、 自爆攻撃のような自己破壊的なことをさせます。
結局、 一体どうして私たち自身を失うことが 私たちにとっての善になり得るのでしょうか?
一体どうして自己の利益を克服することが 何かの生命体にとって 適応であり得るのでしょうか?
「人間の進化」において、 チャールズ・ダーウィンは多くを割いています、 道徳の進化-- その由来やその理由について。
ダーウィンは記しています、徳の多くが 私たち自身にはほとんど役に立たないが、 私たちの集団には大いに役に立つと。
彼は次のシナリオについて書いています、 初期の人類の二つの部族が接触し 競合したであろうシナリオです。
彼は言います、「一方の部族が 勇敢で思いやりがあり 信頼できる構成員を多く含み その構成員がいつも互いに助け、守り合うなら、 この部族は成功し 他方の部族に勝利したであろう」と。
彼は続けて言います、「自己中心的で論争好きの人たちは 一致団結せず、 一致団結がなければ 何も成し遂げられない」と。
言い換えれば、 チャールズ・ダーウィンは信じていたのです、 集団選択を。
ここで、この考えは過去40年間、議論の的になっていましたが、 今年、見事な返り咲きを果たそうとしています、 特にE.O.ウィルソンの本が四月に出て、 非常に強力な主張を唱えています、 私たちや他のいくつかの種は、 集団選択の賜物である、と
しかし、実際この考え方は マルチレベル選択のとおりです。
では、このように見てみましょう: 集団内でも集団間でも競争が起こっているとします。
このチーム内で 競争があります。
それで、チーム内では、 実際に彼らの利害は互いに対立します。
そして、時には、有利になるでしょう、 そのうちの一人にとって 他の連中の妨害をすることが。
ことによると、彼は最大のライバルの悪口を 監督に言うかもしれません。
しかし、その競争がボート内で 進行する一方で、 この競争はボート間でも進行します。
そして、別のボートと競争するボートにこの連中を乗せると、 協力するしか選択肢はなくなります。 というのは、彼らはすべて運命共同体だからです。
勝つことはできないからです。 と言うか、こうしたことは古臭く聞こえますが、 これが深遠な進化の真相なのです。
集団選択に対する主な反論は常に よしわかった、 協力者の集団はいいが、 協力者の集団は途端に、 ただ乗り連中に占領されることになる、というものでした。 他人の労力を搾取しようする個々人です。
小さな生命体の集団があると仮定します-- バクテリアでも、ハムスターでも; なんでもかまいません-- ここにいるこの小さな集団は協力するように進化しました。
素晴らしいことですね。彼らは、食べ、互いに守り、 共に働き、富を生み出します。
そして、このシミュレーションで分かるように、 彼らが互いに交流すると、ポイントを得て、言わば、成長し、 サイズが二倍になると、分裂するのが分かります。 そしてこれが、彼らが繁殖し、個体群が成長するやり方です。
遺伝子に突然変異があり 彼らの一つが突然変異して利己的な戦略をとります。
それで、緑が青と相互作用するとき、 緑が大きくなり、青が小さくなるのが分かります。
私たちはたった一つの緑でスタートし、 相互作用すると 富、すなわちポイントや食料を得ます。
もし集団がただ乗りの問題を解決できないなら 協力の恩恵を受けることができず 集団選択は始まりもしません。
そして、自然のお気に入りの解決策は みんなを同じボートに乗せることです。
例えば、 なぜ全細胞のミトコンドリアは独自のDNAを 持っているのでしょうか? 細胞核のDNAとは完全に分離した独自のDNAです。
それらはかつてミトコンドリアが 自由生活性のバクテリアであり 一緒になって 超個体となったからです。
どうにかして--たぶん、あるものが他のものを飲み込んだのか; なぜかはわかりませんが-- 彼らの周りに膜ができると、 彼らは全員同じ膜の中にあり、 これですべての富は分業で創られ、 すべての偉大さは協力によって創られ、 膜の内部にこもり 超個体となります。
そしてここでシミュレーションに戻り 超個体の一つを ただ乗り連中、離反者、詐欺師の集団に入れて 何が起こるかを見てみましょう。
大きくて、強くて、効率的なので 資源をとることができます、 緑から、離反者、詐欺師からです。
そして間もなく全集団は 実際にこれらの超個体で構成されます。
ここで皆さんにお見せしたのは 進化の歴史における主要な移行と 呼ばれることがあります。
ダーウィンの法則は変わりませんが、 場に新種のプレーヤーが出現し ものごとが全く変わって見え始めます。
この遷移は、一回かぎりの自然の異常ではなかったのです、 一部のバクテリアで起こっただけではないのです。
再び起こりました、 約一億二千万か一億四千万年前に 一部の単生スズメバチが 小さくて簡単で原始的な巣 すなわち群れを創り始めたときです。
いくつかのスズメバチが同じ群れで一つになると、 協力するしかなくなります、 間もなく彼らは競争を余儀なくされるからです、 他の群れとの競争です。
そして、最も団結力のある群れが勝利します、 まさにダーウィンの言うように。
これらの初期のスズメバチは ミツバチやアリにつながります、 世界を覆い 生物圏を変えたミツバチやアリです。
そして、また起こりました、 さらにもっと壮大に、 過去五十万年に 私たちの祖先が 文化的な生き物になり、 暖炉やキャンプファイアの周りに集まり、 作業を分担し、 体にペイントしはじめ、独自の方言を喋り、 ついに独自の神を崇拝したときに。
彼らがすべて同じ部族になると、 内部に閉じ込められた協力の恩恵を維持することができました。
そして、彼らは強力な力を解き放ちました この星で今までに知られている最も強力な力です。 人間の協力-- 構築と 破壊の力です。
もちろん、人間の集団は、ミツバチの団結力には 遠く及びません。
人間の集団は僅かな瞬間に群れのように見えるかもしれませんが、 その後、分裂する傾向にあります。
実際、多くの場合、 アラブの春の多くの反乱で起こったことを見ると、 多くは、それらの分裂は宗教の線に沿っています。
それにもかかわらず、人々が一緒になって 彼ら自身がすべて同じ行動にでると、 山を動かすことができます。
彼らはそこで自己の利益を 追求していると思われますか?
あるいは、彼らは、社会的な利益を追求し、 それによって彼らが没入し 単に全体の一部になることを要求しているのでしょうか?
オーケー、これが、標準的な TEDのやり方でのトークです。
そしてこれから、全トークをもう一度やることにします、 三分で 言わばもっと広範囲のやり方で。
ジョナサン・ハイト: 私たち人間には、多種多様な 宗教経験があり、 ウィリアム・ジェームスの説明の通りです。
最も一般的なものの一つは、秘密の階段を昇り 自己をなくすことです。
この階段は、私たちを 俗または通常の人生経験から 上に向けて聖、すなわち深くつながった人生経験に 連れて行きます。
私たちはホモ・デュプレックスであり、 デュルケームの説明の通りです。
そして、私たちがホモ・デュプレックスであるというのは マルチレベルの選択によって進化したからであり、 ダーウィンの説明の通りです。
私にはこの階段がバグではなく、適応であるかは 定かではありませんが、 適応だとすれば、 その意味は深遠です。
適応だとすれば、 私たちは宗教的になるように進化したのです。
私たちが組織化された巨大な宗教に参加するように進化した という意味ではありません。
私たちは進化したのです、 周りのすべてに聖を見るように そして他人とチームに参加し 聖なる物、人、考えの周りを回るように、 進化したという意味です。
政治はある程度は俗であり、ある程度は自己の利害に関するものですが、 政治は聖に関するものでもあるのです。
他人と共に参加して 道徳的観念を追求することに関するものです。
善と悪との間の永遠の戦いに関するものであり、 私たちはみな私たちこそ善のチームの側であると信じているのです。
そして最も重要なことは、 この階段が本物なら、 現代生活の不満の絶えざる底流を 説明しています。
というのは、人間存在は、ある程度、ミツバチのように 群れたがる生き物だからです。
私たちは、古い制度を壊し 抑圧に解放をもたらしました。
私たちは地球を変える創造性を解き放ち 広大な富と快適さを生み出しました。
近頃、私たちは飛び回っています、 自由を謳歌する個々のミツバチのように。
しかし、私たちはふと思います: これがあるものすべてなのか?
欠けているのは、私たちはホモ・デュプレックスなのに、 現代の非宗教的な社会が私たちの低い俗の自己を 満足させるように構築されている、ということです。
現代生活の一つの偉大な挑戦は ガラクタの真っただ中で階段を見つけることであり そして頂上まで昇ったら 何か善で気高いことを行うことです。
彼らはみな、大義ないし使命を見つけたいと望んでいます、 彼らが自己を投げ出せるものを。
これによって私は希望を与えられます。 人々は全く利己的なのではありません。
ほとんどの人々は、狭量さを克服し 何か大きなものの一部になりたいと切望しています。
そして、これは、ほとんど400年前に呼び起された この単純なメタファーの たぐいまれな反響を説明しています。
「どんな人間も、 独りで全ての島なのではない。
あらゆる人間は、大陸の一部、 本土の一部分なのである。」
JH: ありがとう。 | Okay, that's the majority.
My Talk today is about the main reason, or one of the main reasons, why most people consider themselves to be spiritual in some way, shape or form.
My Talk today is about self-transcendence.
It's just a basic fact about being human that sometimes the self seems to just melt away.
And when that happens, the feeling is ecstatic and we reach for metaphors of up and down to explain these feelings.
We talk about being uplifted or elevated.
Now it's really hard to think about anything abstract like this without a good concrete metaphor.
So here's the metaphor I'm offering today.
Think about the mind as being like a house with many rooms, most of which we're very familiar with.
But sometimes it's as though a doorway appears from out of nowhere and it opens onto a staircase.
We climb the staircase and experience a state of altered consciousness.
In 1902, the great American psychologist William James wrote about the many varieties of religious experience.
He collected all kinds of case studies.
He quoted the words of all kinds of people who'd had a variety of these experiences.
One of the most exciting to me is this young man, Stephen Bradley, had an encounter, he thought, with Jesus in 1820.
And here's what Bradley said about it.
Stephen Bradley: I thought I saw the savior in human shape for about one second in the room, with arms extended, appearing to say to me, "Come."
The next day I rejoiced with trembling.
My happiness was so great that I said I wanted to die.
This world had no place in my affections.
Previous to this time, I was very selfish and self-righteous.
But now I desired the welfare of all mankind and could, with a feeling heart, forgive my worst enemies.
JH: So note how Bradley's petty, moralistic self just dies on the way up the staircase.
And on this higher level he becomes loving and forgiving.
The world's many religions have found so many ways to help people climb the staircase.
Some shut down the self using meditation.
Others use psychedelic drugs.
This is from a 16th century Aztec scroll showing a man about to eat a psilocybin mushroom and at the same moment get yanked up the staircase by a god.
Others use dancing, spinning and circling to promote self-transcendence.
But you don't need a religion to get you through the staircase.
Lots of people find self-transcendence in nature.
Others overcome their self at raves.
But here's the weirdest place of all: war.
So many books about war say the same thing, that nothing brings people together like war.
And that bringing them together opens up the possibility of extraordinary self-transcendent experiences.
I'm going to play for you an excerpt from this book by Glenn Gray.
Gray was a soldier in the American army in World War II.
And after the war he interviewed a lot of other soldiers and wrote about the experience of men in battle.
Here's a key passage where he basically describes the staircase.
Glenn Gray: Many veterans will admit that the experience of communal effort in battle has been the high point of their lives.
"I" passes insensibly into a "we," "my" becomes "our" and individual faith loses its central importance.
I believe that it is nothing less than the assurance of immortality that makes self-sacrifice at these moments so relatively easy.
I may fall, but I do not die, for that which is real in me goes forward and lives on in the comrades for whom I gave up my life.
JH: So what all of these cases have in common is that the self seems to thin out, or melt away, and it feels good, it feels really good, in a way totally unlike anything we feel in our normal lives.
It feels somehow uplifting.
This idea that we move up was central in the writing of the great French sociologist Emile Durkheim.
Durkheim even called us Homo duplex, or two-level man.
The lower level he called the level of the profane.
Now profane is the opposite of sacred.
It just means ordinary or common.
And in our ordinary lives we exist as individuals.
We want to satisfy our individual desires.
We pursue our individual goals.
But sometimes something happens that triggers a phase change.
Individuals unite into a team, a movement or a nation, which is far more than the sum of its parts.
Durkheim called this level the level of the sacred because he believed that the function of religion was to unite people into a group, into a moral community.
Durkheim believed that anything that unites us takes on an air of sacredness.
And once people circle around some sacred object or value, they'll then work as a team and fight to defend it.
Durkheim wrote about a set of intense collective emotions that accomplish this miracle of E pluribus unum, of making a group out of individuals.
Think of the collective joy in Britain on the day World War II ended.
Think of the collective anger in Tahrir Square, which brought down a dictator.
And think of the collective grief in the United States that we all felt, that brought us all together, after 9/11.
So let me summarize where we are.
I'm saying that the capacity for self-transcendence is just a basic part of being human.
I'm offering the metaphor of a staircase in the mind.
I'm saying we are Homo duplex and this staircase takes us up from the profane level to the level of the sacred.
When we climb that staircase, self-interest fades away, we become just much less self-interested, and we feel as though we are better, nobler and somehow uplifted. So here's the million-dollar question for social scientists like me: Is the staircase a feature of our evolutionary design?
Is it a product of natural selection, like our hands?
Or is it a bug, a mistake in the system -- this religious stuff is just something that happens when the wires cross in the brain -- Jill has a stroke and she has this religious experience, it's just a mistake?
Well many scientists who study religion take this view.
The New Atheists, for example, argue that religion is a set of memes, sort of parasitic memes, that get inside our minds and make us do all kinds of crazy religious stuff, self-destructive stuff, like suicide bombing.
And after all, how could it ever be good for us to lose ourselves?
How could it ever be adaptive for any organism to overcome self-interest?
Well let me show you.
In "The Descent of Man," Charles Darwin wrote a great deal about the evolution of morality -- where did it come from, why do we have it.
Darwin noted that many of our virtues are of very little use to ourselves, but they're of great use to our groups.
He wrote about the scenario in which two tribes of early humans would have come in contact and competition.
He said, "If the one tribe included a great number of courageous, sympathetic and faithful members who are always ready to aid and defend each other, this tribe would succeed better and conquer the other."
He went on to say that "Selfish and contentious people will not cohere, and without coherence nothing can be effected."
In other words, Charles Darwin believed in group selection.
Now this idea has been very controversial for the last 40 years, but it's about to make a major comeback this year, especially after E.O. Wilson's book comes out in April, making a very strong case that we, and several other species, are products of group selection.
But really the way to think about this is as multilevel selection.
So look at it this way: You've got competition going on within groups and across groups.
So here's a group of guys on a college crew team.
Within this team there's competition.
There are guys competing with each other.
The slowest rowers, the weakest rowers, are going to get cut from the team.
And only a few of these guys are going to go on in the sport.
Maybe one of them will make it to the Olympics.
So within the team, their interests are actually pitted against each other.
And sometimes it would be advantageous for one of these guys to try to sabotage the other guys.
Maybe he'll badmouth his chief rival to the coach.
But while that competition is going on within the boat, this competition is going on across boats.
And once you put these guys in a boat competing with another boat, now they've got no choice but to cooperate because they're all in the same boat.
if they all pull together as a team.
I mean, these things sound trite, but they are deep evolutionary truths.
The main argument against group selection has always been that, well sure, it would be nice to have a group of cooperators, but as soon as you have a group of cooperators, they're just going to get taken over by free-riders, individuals that are going to exploit the hard work of the others.
Let me illustrate this for you.
Suppose we've got a group of little organisms -- they can be bacteria, they can be hamsters; it doesn't matter what -- and let's suppose that this little group here, they evolved to be cooperative.
Well that's great. They graze, they defend each other, they work together, they generate wealth.
And as you'll see in this simulation, as they interact they gain points, as it were, they grow, and when they've doubled in size, you'll see them split, and that's how they reproduce and the population grows.
But suppose then that one of them mutates.
There's a mutation in the gene and one of them mutates to follow a selfish strategy.
It takes advantage of the others.
And so when a green interacts with a blue, you'll see the green gets larger and the blue gets smaller.
So here's how things play out.
We start with just one green, and as it interacts it gains wealth or points or food.
And in short order, the cooperators are done for.
The free-riders have taken over.
If a group cannot solve the free-rider problem then it cannot reap the benefits of cooperation and group selection cannot get started.
But there are solutions to the free-rider problem.
It's not that hard a problem.
In fact, nature has solved it many, many times.
And nature's favorite solution is to put everyone in the same boat.
For example, why is it that the mitochondria in every cell has its own DNA, totally separate from the DNA in the nucleus?
It's because they used to be separate free-living bacteria and they came together and became a superorganism.
Somehow or other -- maybe one swallowed another; we'll never know exactly why -- but once they got a membrane around them, they were all in the same membrane, now all the wealth-created division of labor, all the greatness created by cooperation, stays locked inside the membrane and we've got a superorganism.
And now let's rerun the simulation putting one of these superorganisms into a population of free-riders, of defectors, of cheaters and look what happens.
A superorganism can basically take what it wants.
It's so big and powerful and efficient that it can take resources from the greens, from the defectors, the cheaters.
And pretty soon the whole population is actually composed of these new superorganisms.
What I've shown you here is sometimes called a major transition in evolutionary history.
Darwin's laws don't change, but now there's a new kind of player on the field and things begin to look very different.
Now this transition was not a one-time freak of nature that just happened with some bacteria.
It happened again about 120 or a 140 million years ago when some solitary wasps began creating little simple, primitive nests, or hives.
Once several wasps were all together in the same hive, they had no choice but to cooperate, because pretty soon they were locked into competition with other hives.
And the most cohesive hives won, just as Darwin said.
These early wasps gave rise to the bees and the ants that have covered the world and changed the biosphere.
And it happened again, even more spectacularly, in the last half-million years when our own ancestors became cultural creatures, they came together around a hearth or a campfire, they divided labor, they began painting their bodies, they spoke their own dialects, and eventually they worshiped their own gods.
Once they were all in the same tribe, they could keep the benefits of cooperation locked inside.
And they unlocked the most powerful force ever known on this planet, which is human cooperation -- a force for construction and destruction.
Of course, human groups are nowhere near as cohesive as beehives.
Human groups may look like hives for brief moments, but they tend to then break apart.
We're not locked into cooperation the way bees and ants are.
In fact, often, as we've seen happen in a lot of the Arab Spring revolts, often those divisions are along religious lines.
Nonetheless, when people do come together and put themselves all into the same movement, they can move mountains.
Look at the people in these photos I've been showing you.
Do you think they're there pursuing their self-interest?
Or are they pursuing communal interest, which requires them to lose themselves and become simply a part of a whole?
Okay, so that was my Talk delivered in the standard TED way.
And now I'm going to give the whole Talk over again in three minutes in a more full-spectrum sort of way.
Jonathan Haidt: We humans have many varieties of religious experience, as William James explained.
One of the most common is climbing the secret staircase and losing ourselves.
The staircase takes us from the experience of life as profane or ordinary upwards to the experience of life as sacred, or deeply interconnected.
We are Homo duplex, as Durkheim explained.
And we are Homo duplex because we evolved by multilevel selection, as Darwin explained.
I can't be certain if the staircase is an adaptation rather than a bug, but if it is an adaptation, then the implications are profound.
If it is an adaptation, then we evolved to be religious.
I don't mean that we evolved to join gigantic organized religions.
Those things came along too recently.
I mean that we evolved to see sacredness all around us and to join with others into teams and circle around sacred objects, people and ideas.
This is why politics is so tribal.
Politics is partly profane, it's partly about self-interest, but politics is also about sacredness.
It's about joining with others to pursue moral ideas.
It's about the eternal struggle between good and evil, and we all believe we're on the good team.
And most importantly, if the staircase is real, it explains the persistent undercurrent of dissatisfaction in modern life.
Because human beings are, to some extent, hivish creatures like bees.
We're bees. We busted out of the hive during the Enlightenment.
We broke down the old institutions and brought liberty to the oppressed.
We unleashed Earth-changing creativity and generated vast wealth and comfort.
Nowadays we fly around like individual bees exulting in our freedom.
But sometimes we wonder: Is this all there is?
What should I do with my life?
What's missing?
What's missing is that we are Homo duplex, but modern, secular society was built to satisfy our lower, profane selves.
It's really comfortable down here on the lower level.
Come, have a seat in my home entertainment center.
One great challenge of modern life is to find the staircase amid all the clutter and then to do something good and noble once you climb to the top.
I see this desire in my students at the University of Virginia.
They all want to find a cause or calling that they can throw themselves into.
They're all searching for their staircase.
And that gives me hope because people are not purely selfish.
Most people long to overcome pettiness and become part of something larger.
And this explains the extraordinary resonance of this simple metaphor conjured up nearly 400 years ago.
"No man is an island entire of itself.
Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main."
JH: Thank you. | {
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To Sherlock Holmes she is always THE woman.
I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name.
In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex.
It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler.
All emotions, and that one particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind.
He was, I take it, the most perfect reasoning and observing machine that the world has seen, but as a lover he would have placed himself in a false position.
He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.
They were admirable things for the observer--excellent for drawing the veil from men's motives and actions.
But for the trained reasoner to admit such intrusions into his own delicate and finely adjusted temperament was to introduce a distracting factor which might throw a doubt upon all his mental results.
Grit in a sensitive instrument, or a crack in one of his own high-power lenses, would not be more disturbing than a strong emotion in a nature such as his.
And yet there was but one woman to him, and that woman was the late Irene Adler, of dubious and questionable memory.
I had seen little of Holmes lately.
My marriage had drifted us away from each other.
My own complete happiness, and the home-centred interests which rise up around the man who first finds himself master of his own establishment, were sufficient to absorb all my attention, while Holmes, who loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul, remained in our lodgings in Baker Street, buried among his old books, and alternating from week to week between cocaine and ambition, the drowsiness of the drug, and the fierce energy of his own keen nature.
He was still, as ever, deeply attracted by the study of crime, and occupied his immense faculties and extraordinary powers of observation in following out those clues, and clearing up those mysteries which had been abandoned as hopeless by the official police.
From time to time I heard some vague account of his doings:
of his summons to Odessa in the case of the Trepoff murder, of his clearing up of the singular tragedy of the Atkinson brothers at Trincomalee, and finally of the mission which he had accomplished so delicately and successfully for the reigning family of Holland.
Beyond these signs of his activity, however, which I merely shared with all the readers of the daily press, I knew little of my former friend and companion.
One night--it was on the twentieth of March, 1888--I was returning from a journey to a patient (for I had now returned to civil practice), when my way led me through Baker Street.
As I passed the well-remembered door, which must always be associated in my mind with my wooing, and with the dark incidents of the Study in Scarlet, I was seized with a keen desire to see Holmes again, and to know how he was employing his extraordinary powers.
His rooms were brilliantly lit, and, even as I looked up, I saw his tall, spare figure pass twice in a dark silhouette against the blind.
He was pacing the room swiftly, eagerly, with his head sunk upon his chest and his hands clasped behind him.
To me, who knew his every mood and habit, his attitude and manner told their own story.
He was at work again.
He had risen out of his drug-created dreams and was hot upon the scent of some new problem.
I rang the bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been in part my own.
His manner was not effusive.
It seldom was;
but he was glad, I think, to see me.
With hardly a word spoken, but with a kindly eye, he waved me to an armchair, threw across his case of cigars, and indicated a spirit case and a gasogene in the corner.
Then he stood before the fire and looked me over in his singular introspective fashion.
"Wedlock suits you,"
he remarked.
"I think, Watson, that you have put on seven and a half pounds since I saw you."
I answered.
"Indeed, I should have thought a little more.
Just a trifle more, I fancy, Watson.
And in practice again, I observe.
You did not tell me that you intended to go into harness."
"Then, how do you know?"
"I see it, I deduce it.
How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet lately, and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl?"
"My dear Holmes,"
said I,
"this is too much.
You would certainly have been burned, had you lived a few centuries ago.
It is true that I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess, but as I have changed my clothes I can't imagine how you deduce it.
As to Mary Jane, she is incorrigible, and my wife has given her notice,
but there, again, I fail to see how you work it out."
He chuckled to himself and rubbed his long, nervous hands together.
"It is simplicity itself,"
said he;
"my eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe, just where the firelight strikes it, the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts.
Obviously they have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scraped round the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it.
Hence, you see, my double deduction that you had been out in vile weather, and that you had a particularly malignant boot-slitting specimen of the London slavey.
As to your practice, if a gentleman walks into my rooms smelling of iodoform, with a black mark of nitrate of silver upon his right forefinger, and a bulge on the right side of his top-hat to show where he has secreted his stethoscope, I must be dull, indeed, if I do not pronounce him to be an active member of the medical profession."
I could not help laughing at the ease with which he explained his process of deduction.
"When I hear you give your reasons,"
I remarked,
"the thing always appears to me to be so ridiculously simple
that I could easily do it myself,
though at each successive instance of your reasoning I am baffled until you explain your process.
And yet I believe that my eyes are as good as yours."
"Quite so,"
he answered, lighting a cigarette, and throwing himself down into an armchair.
"You see, but you do not observe.
The distinction is clear.
For example, you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room."
"How often?"
"Well, some hundreds of times."
"Then how many are there?"
"How many?
I don't know."
"Quite so!
You have not observed.
And yet you have seen.
That is just my point.
Now, I know that there are seventeen steps, because I have both seen and observed.
By-the-way, since you are interested in these little problems, and since you are good enough to chronicle one or two of my trifling experiences, you may be interested in this."
He threw over a sheet of thick, pink-tinted note-paper which had been lying open upon the table.
"It came by the last post,"
said he.
"Read it aloud."
The note was undated, and without either signature or address.
"There will call upon you to-night at a quarter to eight o'clock," it said, "a gentleman who desires to consult you upon a matter of the very deepest moment.
Your recent services to one of the royal houses of Europe have shown that you are one who may safely be trusted with matters which are of an importance which can hardly be exaggerated.
This account of you we have from all quarters received.
Be in your chamber then at that hour, and do not take it amiss if your visitor wear a mask."
"This is indeed a mystery,"
I remarked.
"What do you imagine that it means?"
"I have no data yet.
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
But the note itself.
What do you deduce from it?"
I carefully examined the writing, and the paper upon which it was written.
"The man who wrote it was presumably well to do,"
I remarked, endeavouring to imitate my companion's processes.
"Such paper could not be bought under half a crown a packet.
It is peculiarly strong and stiff."
"Peculiar--that is the very word,"
said Holmes.
"It is not an English paper at all.
Hold it up to the light."
I did so, and saw a large "E" with a small "g," a "P," and a large "G" with a small "t" woven into the texture of the paper.
"What do you make of that?"
asked Holmes.
"The name of the maker, no doubt;
or his monogram, rather."
"Not at all.
The 'G' with the small 't' stands for 'Gesellschaft,' which is the German for 'Company.'
It is a customary contraction like our 'Co.'
Now for the 'Eg.'
Let us glance at our Continental Gazetteer."
He took down a heavy brown volume from his shelves.
"Eglow, Eglonitz--here we are, Egria.
It is in a German-speaking country--in Bohemia, not far from Carlsbad.
'Remarkable as being the scene of the death of Wallenstein, and for its numerous glass-factories and paper-mills.'
Ha, ha, my boy, what do you make of that?"
His eyes sparkled, and he sent up a great blue triumphant cloud from his cigarette.
"The paper was made in Bohemia,"
I said.
And the man who wrote the note is a German.
Do you note the peculiar construction of the sentence
--'This account of you we have from all quarters received.'
A Frenchman or Russian could not have written that.
It is the German who is so uncourteous to his verbs.
It only remains, therefore, to discover what is wanted by this German who writes upon Bohemian paper and prefers wearing a mask to showing his face.
And here he comes, if I am not mistaken, to resolve all our doubts."
As he spoke there was the sharp sound of horses' hoofs and grating wheels against the curb, followed by a sharp pull at the bell.
Holmes whistled.
"A pair, by the sound,"
said he.
he continued, glancing out of the window.
"A nice little brougham and a pair of beauties.
A hundred and fifty guineas apiece.
There's money in this case, Watson, if there is nothing else."
"I think that I had better go, Holmes."
"Not a bit, Doctor.
Stay where you are.
I am lost without my Boswell.
And this promises to be interesting.
It would be a pity to miss it."
"But your client--"
"Never mind him.
I may want your help, and so may he.
Here he comes.
Sit down in that armchair, Doctor, and give us your best attention."
A slow and heavy step, which had been heard upon the stairs and in the passage, paused immediately outside the door.
Then there was a loud and authoritative tap.
"Come in!"
said Holmes.
A man entered who could hardly have been less than six feet six inches in height, with the chest and limbs of a Hercules.
His dress was rich with a richness which would, in England, be looked upon as akin to bad taste.
Heavy bands of astrakhan were slashed across the sleeves and fronts of his double-breasted coat, while the deep blue cloak which was thrown over his shoulders was lined with flame-coloured silk and secured at the neck with a brooch which consisted of a single flaming beryl.
Boots which extended halfway up his calves, and which were trimmed at the tops with rich brown fur, completed the impression of barbaric opulence which was suggested by his whole appearance.
He carried a broad-brimmed hat in his hand, while he wore across the upper part of his face, extending down past the cheekbones, a black vizard mask, which he had apparently adjusted that very moment, for his hand was still raised to it as he entered.
From the lower part of the face he appeared to be a man of strong character, with a thick, hanging lip, and a long, straight chin suggestive of resolution pushed to the length of obstinacy.
"You had my note?"
he asked with a deep harsh voice and a strongly marked German accent.
"I told you that I would call."
He looked from one to the other of us, as if uncertain which to address.
"Pray take a seat,"
said Holmes.
"This is my friend and colleague, Dr. Watson, who is occasionally good enough to help me in my cases.
Whom have I the honour to address?"
"You may address me as the Count Von Kramm, a Bohemian nobleman.
I understand that this gentleman, your friend, is a man of honour and discretion, whom I may trust with a matter of the most extreme importance.
If not, I should much prefer to communicate with you alone."
I rose to go, but Holmes caught me by the wrist and pushed me back into my chair.
"It is both, or none,"
said he.
"You may say before this gentleman anything which you may say to me."
The Count shrugged his broad shoulders.
"Then I must begin,"
said he,
"by binding you both to absolute secrecy for two years;
at the end of that time the matter will be of no importance.
At present it is not too much to say that it is of such weight it may have an influence upon European history."
"I promise,"
said Holmes.
"And I."
"You will excuse this mask,"
continued our strange visitor.
"The august person who employs me wishes his agent to be unknown to you, and I may confess at once that the title by which I have just called myself is not exactly my own."
"I was aware of it,"
said Holmes dryly.
"The circumstances are of great delicacy, and every precaution has to be taken to quench what might grow to be an immense scandal and seriously compromise one of the reigning families of Europe.
To speak plainly, the matter implicates the great House of Ormstein, hereditary kings of Bohemia."
"I was also aware of that,"
murmured Holmes, settling himself down in his armchair and closing his eyes.
Our visitor glanced with some apparent surprise at the languid, lounging figure of the man who had been no doubt depicted to him as the most incisive reasoner and most energetic agent in Europe.
Holmes slowly reopened his eyes and looked impatiently at his gigantic client.
"If your Majesty would condescend to state your case,"
he remarked,
"I should be better able to advise you."
The man sprang from his chair and paced up and down the room in uncontrollable agitation.
Then, with a gesture of desperation, he tore the mask from his face and hurled it upon the ground.
"You are right,"
he cried;
"I am the King.
Why should I attempt to conceal it?"
"Why, indeed?"
murmured Holmes.
"Your Majesty had not spoken before I was aware that I was addressing Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein, and hereditary King of Bohemia."
"But you can understand,"
said our strange visitor, sitting down once more and passing his hand over his high white forehead,
"you can understand that I am not accustomed to doing such business in my own person.
Yet the matter was so delicate that I could not confide it to an agent without putting myself in his power.
I have come incognito from Prague for the purpose of consulting you."
"Then, pray consult,"
said Holmes, shutting his eyes once more.
"The facts are briefly these:
Some five years ago, during a lengthy visit to Warsaw, I made the acquaintance of the well-knownadventuress, Irene Adler.
The name is no doubt familiar to you."
"Kindly look her up in my index, Doctor,"
murmured Holmes without opening his eyes.
For many years he had adopted a system of docketing all paragraphs concerning men and things, so that it was difficult to name a subject or a person on which he could not at once furnish information.
In this case I found her biography sandwiched in between that of a Hebrew rabbi and that of a staff-commander who had written a monograph upon the deep-sea fishes.
"Let me see!"
said Holmes.
Born in New Jersey in the year 1858.
La Scala, hum!
Prima donna Imperial Opera of Warsaw--yes!
Retired from operatic stage--ha!
Living in London--quite so!
Your Majesty, as I understand, became entangled with this young person, wrote her some compromising letters, and is now desirous of getting those letters back."
"Precisely so.
But how--"
"Was there a secret marriage?"
"No legal papers or certificates?"
"Then I fail to follow your Majesty.
If this young person should produce her letters for blackmailing or other purposes, how is she to prove their authenticity?"
"There is the writing."
"Pooh, pooh!
"My private note-paper."
"My own seal."
"My photograph."
"We were both in the photograph."
"Oh, dear!
That is very bad!
Your Majesty has indeed committed an indiscretion."
"I was mad--insane."
"You have compromised yourself seriously."
"I was only Crown Prince then.
I was young.
I am but thirty now."
"It must be recovered."
"We have tried and failed."
"Your Majesty must pay.
It must be bought."
"She will not sell."
"Stolen, then."
"Five attempts have been made.
Twice burglars in my pay ransacked her house.
Once we diverted her luggage when she travelled.
Twice she has been waylaid.
There has been no result."
"No sign of it?"
"Absolutely none."
Holmes laughed.
"It is quite a pretty little problem,"
said he.
"But a very serious one to me,"
returned the King reproachfully.
"Very, indeed.
And what does she propose to do with the photograph?"
"To ruin me."
"But how?"
"I am about to be married."
"So I have heard."
"To Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meningen, second daughter of the King of Scandinavia.
You may know the strict principles of her family.
She is herself the very soul of delicacy.
A shadow of a doubt as to my conduct would bring the matter to an end."
"And Irene Adler?"
"Threatens to send them the photograph.
And she will do it.
I know that she will do it.
You do not know her, but she has a soul of steel.
She has the face of the most beautiful of women, and the mind of the most resolute of men.
Rather than I should marry another woman, there are no lengths to which she would not go--none."
"You are sure that she has not sent it yet?"
"I am sure."
"And why?"
"Because she has said that she would send it on the day when the betrothal was publicly proclaimed.
That will be next Monday."
"Oh, then we have three days yet,"
said Holmes with a yawn.
"That is very fortunate, as I have one or two matters of importance to look into just at present.
Your Majesty will, of course, stay in London for the present?"
You will find me at the Langham under the name of the Count Von Kramm."
"Then I shall drop you a line to let you know how we progress."
"Pray do so.
I shall be all anxiety."
"Then, as to money?"
"You have carte blanche."
"I tell you that I would give one of the provinces of my kingdom to have that photograph."
"And for present expenses?"
The King took a heavy chamois leather bag from under his cloak and laid it on the table.
"There are three hundred pounds in gold and seven hundred in notes,"
he said.
Holmes scribbled a receipt upon a sheet of his note-book and handed it to him.
"And Mademoiselle's address?"
he asked.
"Is Briony Lodge, Serpentine Avenue, St. John's Wood."
Holmes took a note of it.
"One other question,"
said he.
"Was the photograph a cabinet?"
"It was."
"Then, good-night, your Majesty, and I trust that we shall soon have some good news for you.
And good-night, Watson,"
he added, as the wheels of the royal brougham rolled down the street.
"If you will be good enough to call to-morrow afternoon at three o'clock
I should like to chat this little matter over with you."
At three o'clock precisely I was at Baker Street, but Holmes had not yet returned.
The landlady informed me that he had left the house shortly after eight o'clock in the morning.
I sat down beside the fire, however, with the intention of awaiting him, however long he might be.
I was already deeply interested in his inquiry,
for, though it was surrounded by none of the grim and strange features which were associated with the two crimes which I have already recorded, still, the nature of the case and the exalted station of his client gave it a character of its own.
Indeed, apart from the nature of the investigation which my friend had on hand, there was something in his masterly grasp of a situation, and his keen, incisive reasoning, which made it a pleasure to me to study his system of work, and to follow the quick, subtle methods by which he disentangled the most inextricable mysteries.
So accustomed was I to his invariable success that the very possibility of his failing had ceased to enter into my head.
It was close upon four before the door opened, and a drunken-looking groom, ill-kempt and side-whiskered, with an inflamed face and disreputable clothes, walked into the room.
Accustomed as I was to my friend's amazing powers in the use of disguises, I had to look three times before I was certain that it was indeed he.
With a nod he vanished into the bedroom, whence he emerged in five minutes tweed-suited and respectable, as of old.
Putting his hands into his pockets, he stretched out his legs in front of the fire and laughed heartily for some minutes.
"Well, really!"
he cried, and then he choked and laughed again until he was obliged to lie back, limp and helpless, in the chair.
"What is it?"
"It's quite too funny.
I am sure you could never guess how I employed my morning, or what I ended by doing."
"I can't imagine.
I suppose that you have been watching the habits, and perhaps the house, of Miss Irene Adler."
"Quite so;
but the sequel was rather unusual.
I will tell you, however.
I left the house a little after eight o'clock this morning
in the character of a groom out of work.
There is a wonderful sympathy and freemasonry among horsey men.
Be one of them, and you will know all that there is to know.
I soon found Briony Lodge.
It is a bijou villa, with a garden at the back, but built out in front right up to the road, two stories.
Chubb lock to the door.
Large sitting-room on the right side, well furnished, with long windows almost to the floor, and those preposterous English window fasteners which a child could open.
Behind there was nothing remarkable, save that the passage window could be reached from the top of the coach-house.
I walked round it and examined it closely from every point of view, but without noting anything else of interest.
"I then lounged down the street and found, as I expected, that there was a mews in a lane which runs down by one wall of the garden.
I lent the ostlers a hand in rubbing down their horses, and received in exchange twopence, a glass of half and half, two fills of shag tobacco, and as much information as I could desire about Miss Adler,
to say nothing of half a dozen other people in the neighbourhood in whom I was not in the least interested, but whose biographies I was compelled to listen to."
"And what of Irene Adler?"
I asked.
"Oh, she has turned all the men's heads down in that part.
She is the daintiest thing under a bonnet on this planet.
So say the Serpentine-mews, to a man.
She lives quietly, sings at concerts, drives out at five every day, and returns at seven sharp for dinner.
Seldom goes out at other times, except when she sings.
Has only one male visitor, but a good deal of him.
He is dark, handsome, and dashing, never calls less than once a day, and often twice.
He is a Mr. Godfrey Norton, of the Inner Temple.
See the advantages of a cabman as a confidant.
They had driven him home a dozen times from Serpentine-mews, and knew all about him.
When I had listened to all they had to tell, I began to walk up and down near Briony Lodge once more, and to think over my plan of campaign.
"This Godfrey Norton was evidently an important factor in the matter.
He was a lawyer.
That sounded ominous.
What was the relation between them, and what the object of his repeated visits?
Was she his client, his friend, or his mistress?
If the former, she had probably transferred the photograph to his keeping.
If the latter, it was less likely.
On the issue of this question depended whether I should continue my work at Briony Lodge, or turn my attention to the gentleman's chambers in the Temple.
It was a delicate point, and it widened the field of my inquiry.
I fear that I bore you with these details,
but I have to let you see my little difficulties, if you are to understand the situation."
"I am following you closely,"
I answered.
"I was still balancing the matter in my mind when a hansom cab drove up to Briony Lodge, and a gentleman sprang out.
He was a remarkably handsome man, dark, aquiline, and moustached--evidently the man of whom I had heard.
He appeared to be in a great hurry, shouted to the cabman to wait, and brushed past the maid who opened the door with the air of a man who was thoroughly at home.
"He was in the house about half an hour, and I could catch glimpses of him in the windows of the sitting-room, pacing up and down, talking excitedly, and waving his arms.
Of her I could see nothing.
Presently he emerged, looking even more flurried than before.
As he stepped up to the cab, he pulled a gold watch from his pocket and looked at it earnestly,
'Drive like the devil,'
he shouted,
"Away they went, and I was just wondering whether I should not do well to follow them when up the lane came a neat little landau,
the coachman with his coat only half-buttoned, and his tie under his ear, while all the tags of his harness were sticking out of the buckles.
It hadn't pulled up before she shot out of the hall door and into it.
I only caught a glimpse of her at the moment, but she was a lovely woman, with a face that a man might die for.
"'The Church of St. Monica, John,'
she cried,
'and half a sovereign if you reach it in twenty minutes.'
"This was quite too good to lose, Watson.
I was just balancing whether I should run for it, or whether I should perch behind her landau when a cab came through the street.
The driver looked twice at such a shabby fare, but I jumped in before he could object.
'The Church of St. Monica,'
said I,
'and half a sovereign if you reach it in twenty minutes.'
It was twenty-five minutes to twelve, and of course it was clear enough what was in the wind.
"My cabby drove fast.
I don't think I ever drove faster, but the others were there before us.
The cab and the landau with their steaming horses were in front of the door when I arrived.
I paid the man and hurried into the church.
There was not a soul there save the two whom I had followed and a surpliced clergyman, who seemed to be expostulating with them.
They were all three standing in a knot in front of the altar.
I lounged up the side aisle like any other idler who has dropped into a church.
Suddenly, to my surprise, the three at the altar faced round to me, and Godfrey Norton came running as hard as he could towards me.
"'Thank God,'
he cried.
'You'll do.
"'What then?'
I asked.
"'Come, man, come, only three minutes, or it won't be legal.'
"I was half-dragged up to the altar, and before I knew where I was I found myself mumbling responses which were whispered in my ear, and vouching for things of which I knew nothing, and generally assisting in the secure tying up of Irene Adler, spinster, to Godfrey Norton, bachelor.
It was all done in an instant, and there was the gentleman thanking me on the one side and the lady on the other, while the clergyman beamed on me in front.
It was the most preposterous position in which I ever found myself in my life, and it was the thought of it that started me laughing just now.
It seems that there had been some informality about their license, that the clergyman absolutely refused to marry them without a witness of some sort, and that my lucky appearance saved the bridegroom from having to sally out into the streets in search of a best man.
The bride gave me a sovereign, and I mean to wear it on my watch-chain in memory of the occasion."
"This is a very unexpected turn of affairs,"
said I;
"and what then?"
"Well, I found my plans very seriously menaced.
It looked as if the pair might take an immediate departure, and so necessitate very prompt and energetic measures on my part.
At the church door, however, they separated, he driving back to the Temple, and she to her own house.
'I shall drive out in the park at five as usual,'
I heard no more.
They drove away in different directions, and I went off to make my own arrangements."
"Which are?"
"Some cold beef and a glass of beer,"
he answered, ringing the bell.
"I have been too busy to think of food, and I am likely to be busier still this evening.
By the way, Doctor, I shall want your co-operation."
"I shall be delighted."
"You don't mind breaking the law?"
"Not in the least."
"Nor running a chance of arrest?"
"Not in a good cause."
"Oh, the cause is excellent!"
"Then I am your man."
"I was sure that I might rely on you."
"But what is it you wish?"
"When Mrs. Turner has brought in the tray I will make it clear to you.
he said as he turned hungrily on the simple fare that our landlady had provided,
"I must discuss it while I eat,
for I have not much time.
It is nearly five now.
In two hours we must be on the scene of action.
Miss Irene, or Madame, rather, returns from her drive at seven.
We must be at Briony Lodge to meet her."
"And what then?"
"You must leave that to me.
I have already arranged what is to occur.
There is only one point on which I must insist.
You must not interfere, come what may.
You understand?"
"I am to be neutral?"
"To do nothing whatever.
There will probably be some small unpleasantness.
Do not join in it.
It will end in my being conveyed into the house.
Four or five minutes afterwards the sitting-room window will open.
You are to station yourself close to that open window."
"You are to watch me,
for I will be visible to you."
"And when I raise my hand--so--you will throw into the room what I give you to throw, and will, at the same time, raise the cry of fire.
You quite follow me?"
"It is nothing very formidable,"
he said, taking a long cigar-shaped roll from his pocket.
"It is an ordinary plumber's smoke-rocket, fitted with a cap at either end to make it self-lighting.
Your task is confined to that.
When you raise your cry of fire, it will be taken up by quite a number of people.
You may then walk to the end of the street, and I will rejoin you in ten minutes.
I hope that I have made myself clear?"
"I am to remain neutral, to get near the window, to watch you, and at the signal to throw in this object, then to raise the cry of fire, and to wait you at the corner of the street."
"Then you may entirely rely on me."
"That is excellent.
I think, perhaps, it is almost time that I prepare for the new role I have to play."
He disappeared into his bedroom and returned in a few minutes in the character of an amiable and simple-minded Nonconformist clergyman.
His broad black hat, his baggy trousers, his white tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and benevolent curiosity were such as Mr. John Hare alone could have equalled.
It was not merely that Holmes changed his costume.
His expression, his manner, his very soul seemed to vary with every fresh part that he assumed.
The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when he became a specialist in crime.
It was a quarter past six when we left Baker Street, and it still wanted ten minutes to the hour when we found ourselves in Serpentine Avenue.
It was already dusk, and the lamps were just being lighted as we paced up and down in front of Briony Lodge, waiting for the coming of its occupant.
The house was just such as I had pictured it from Sherlock Holmes' succinct description, but the locality appeared to be less private than I expected.
On the contrary, for a small street in a quiet neighbourhood, it was remarkably animated.
There was a group of shabbily dressed men smoking and laughing in a corner, a scissors-grinder with his wheel, two guardsmen who were flirting with a nurse-girl, and several well-dressed young men who were lounging up and down with cigars in their mouths.
"You see,"
remarked Holmes, as we paced to and fro in front of the house,
"this marriage rather simplifies matters.
The photograph becomes a double-edged weapon now.
The chances are that she would be as averse to its being seen by Mr. Godfrey Norton, as our client is to its coming to the eyes of his princess.
Now the question is,
Where are we to find the photograph?"
"Where, indeed?"
"It is most unlikely that she carries it about with her.
It is cabinet size.
Too large for easy concealment about a woman's dress.
She knows that the King is capable of having her waylaid and searched.
Two attempts of the sort have already been made.
We may take it, then, that she does not carry it about with her."
"Where, then?"
"Her banker or her lawyer.
There is that double possibility.
But I am inclined to think neither.
Women are naturally secretive, and they like to do their own secreting.
Why should she hand it over to anyone else?
She could trust her own guardianship, but she could not tell what indirect or political influence might be brought to bear upon a business man.
Besides, remember that she had resolved to use it within a few days.
It must be where she can lay her hands upon it.
It must be in her own house."
"But it has twice been burgled."
They did not know how to look."
"But how will you look?"
"I will not look."
"What then?"
"I will get her to show me."
"But she will refuse."
"She will not be able to.
But I hear the rumble of wheels.
It is her carriage.
Now carry out my orders to the letter."
As he spoke the gleam of the side-lights of a carriage came round the curve of the avenue.
It was a smart little landau which rattled up to the door of Briony Lodge.
As it pulled up, one of the loafing men at the corner dashed forward to open the door in the hope of earning a copper, but was elbowed away by another loafer, who had rushed up with the same intention.
A fierce quarrel broke out, which was increased by the two guardsmen, who took sides with one of the loungers, and by the scissors-grinder, who was equally hot upon the other side.
A blow was struck, and in an instant the lady, who had stepped from her carriage, was the centre of a little knot of flushed and struggling men, who struck savagely at each other with their fists and sticks.
Holmes dashed into the crowd to protect the lady; but just as he reached her he gave a cry and dropped to the ground, with the blood running freely down his face.
At his fall the guardsmen took to their heels in one direction and the loungers in the other, while a number of better-dressed people, who had watched the scuffle without taking part in it, crowded in to help the lady and to attend to the injured man.
Irene Adler, as I will still call her, had hurried up the steps;
but she stood at the top with her superb figure outlined against the lights of the hall, looking back into the street.
"Is the poor gentleman much hurt?"
she asked.
"He is dead,"
cried several voices.
"No, no, there's life in him!"
shouted another.
"But he'll be gone before you can get him to hospital."
"He's a brave fellow,"
said a woman.
"They would have had the lady's purse and watch if it hadn't been for him.
They were a gang, and a rough one, too.
Ah, he's breathing now."
"He can't lie in the street.
May we bring him in, marm?"
Bring him into the sitting-room.
There is a comfortable sofa.
This way, please!"
Slowly and solemnly he was borne into Briony Lodge and laid out in the principal room, while I still observed the proceedings from my post by the window.
The lamps had been lit, but the blinds had not been drawn, so that I could see Holmes as he lay upon the couch.
I do not know whether he was seized with compunction at that moment for the part he was playing, but I know that I never felt more heartily ashamed of myself in my life than when I saw the beautiful creature against whom I was conspiring, or the grace and kindliness with which she waited upon the injured man.
And yet it would be the blackest treachery to Holmes to draw back now from the part which he had intrusted to me.
I hardened my heart, and took the smoke-rocket from under my ulster.
After all, I thought, we are not injuring her.
We are but preventing her from injuring another.
Holmes had sat up upon the couch, and I saw him motion like a man who is in need of air.
A maid rushed across and threw open the window.
At the same instant I saw him raise his hand and at the signal I tossed my rocket into the room with a cry of
The word was no sooner out of my mouth than the whole crowd of spectators, well dressed and ill--gentlemen, ostlers, and servant-maids--joined in a general shriek of "Fire!"
Thick clouds of smoke curled through the room and out at the open window.
I caught a glimpse of rushing figures, and a moment later the voice of Holmes from within assuring them that it was a false alarm.
Slipping through the shouting crowd I made my way to the corner of the street, and in ten minutes was rejoiced to find my friend's arm in mine, and to get away from the scene of uproar.
He walked swiftly and in silence for some few minutes until we had turned down one of the quiet streets which lead towards the Edgeware Road.
"You did it very nicely, Doctor,"
he remarked.
"Nothing could have been better.
It is all right."
"You have the photograph?"
"I know where it is."
"And how did you find out?"
"She showed me, as I told you she would."
"I am still in the dark."
"I do not wish to make a mystery,"
said he, laughing.
"The matter was perfectly simple.
You, of course, saw that everyone in the street was an accomplice.
They were all engaged for the evening."
"I guessed as much."
"Then, when the row broke out, I had a little moist red paint in the palm of my hand.
I rushed forward, fell down, clapped my hand to my face, and became a piteous spectacle.
It is an old trick."
"That also I could fathom."
"Then they carried me in.
She was bound to have me in.
What else could she do?
And into her sitting-room, which was the very room which I suspected.
It lay between that and her bedroom, and I was determined to see which.
They laid me on a couch, I motioned for air, they were compelled to open the window, and you had your chance."
"How did that help you?"
"It was all-important.
When a woman thinks that her house is on fire, her instinct is at once to rush to the thing which she values most.
It is a perfectly overpowering impulse, and I have more than once taken advantage of it.
In the case of the Darlington substitution scandal it was of use to me, and also in the Arnsworth Castle business.
A married woman grabs at her baby; an unmarried one reaches for her jewel-box.
Now it was clear to me that our lady of to-day had nothing in the house more precious to her than what we are in quest of.
She would rush to secure it.
The alarm of fire was admirably done.
The smoke and shouting were enough to shake nerves of steel.
She responded beautifully.
The photograph is in a recess behind a sliding panel just above the right bell-pull.
She was there in an instant, and I caught a glimpse of it as she half-drew it out.
When I cried out that it was a false alarm, she replaced it, glanced at the rocket, rushed from the room, and I have not seen her since.
I rose, and, making my excuses, escaped from the house.
I hesitated whether to attempt to secure the photograph at once; but the coachman had come in, and as he was watching me narrowly it seemed safer to wait.
A little over-precipitance may ruin all."
"And now?"
I asked.
"Our quest is practically finished.
I shall call with the King to-morrow, and with you, if you care to come with us.
We will be shown into the sitting-room to wait for the lady, but it is probable that when she comes she may find neither us nor the photograph.
It might be a satisfaction to his Majesty to regain it with his own hands."
"And when will you call?"
"At eight in the morning.
She will not be up, so that we shall have a clear field.
Besides, we must be prompt, for this marriage may mean a complete change in her life and habits.
I must wire to the King without delay."
We had reached Baker Street and had stopped at the door.
He was searching his pockets for the key when someone passing said:
"Good-night, Mister Sherlock Holmes."
There were several people on the pavement at the time, but the greeting appeared to come from a slim youth in an ulster who had hurried by.
"I've heard that voice before,"
said Holmes, staring down the dimly lit street.
"Now, I wonder who the deuce that could have been."
I slept at Baker Street that night, and we were engaged upon our toast and coffee in the morning when the King of Bohemia rushed into the room.
"You have really got it!"
he cried, grasping Sherlock Holmes by either shoulder and looking eagerly into his face.
"Not yet."
"But you have hopes?"
"I have hopes."
"Then, come.
I am all impatience to be gone."
"We must have a cab."
"No, my brougham is waiting."
"Then that will simplify matters."
We descended and started off once more for Briony Lodge.
"Irene Adler is married,"
remarked Holmes.
"But to whom?"
"To an English lawyer named Norton."
"But she could not love him."
"I am in hopes that she does."
"And why in hopes?"
"Because it would spare your Majesty all fear of future annoyance.
If the lady loves her husband, she does not love your Majesty.
If she does not love your Majesty, there is no reason why she should interfere with your Majesty's plan."
"It is true.
And yet--Well!
I wish she had been of my own station!
What a queen she would have made!"
He relapsed into a moody silence, which was not broken until we drew up in Serpentine Avenue.
The door of Briony Lodge was open, and an elderly woman stood upon the steps.
She watched us with a sardonic eye as we stepped from the brougham.
"Mr. Sherlock Holmes, I believe?"
said she.
"I am Mr. Holmes,"
answered my companion, looking at her with a questioning and rather startled gaze.
My mistress told me that you were likely to call.
She left this morning with her husband by the 5:15 train from Charing Cross for the Continent."
Sherlock Holmes staggered back, white with chagrin and surprise.
"Do you mean that she has left England?"
"Never to return."
"And the papers?"
asked the King hoarsely.
"All is lost."
"We shall see."
He pushed past the servant and rushed into the drawing-room, followed by the King and myself.
The furniture was scattered about in every direction, with dismantled shelves and open drawers, as if the lady had hurriedly ransacked them before her flight.
Holmes rushed at the bell-pull, tore back a small sliding shutter, and, plunging in his hand, pulled out a photograph and a letter.
The photograph was of Irene Adler herself in evening dress, the letter was superscribed to "Sherlock Holmes, Esq.
My friend tore it open and we all three read it together.
It was dated at midnight of the preceding night and ran in this way:
--You really did it very well.
You took me in completely.
Until after the alarm of fire, I had not a suspicion.
But then, when I found how I had betrayed myself, I began to think.
I had been told that if the King employed an agent it would certainly be you.
And your address had been given me.
Yet, with all this, you made me reveal what you wanted to know.
Even after I became suspicious, I found it hard to think evil of such a dear, kind old clergyman.
But, you know, I have been trained as an actress myself.
Male costume is nothing new to me.
I often take advantage of the freedom which it gives.
I sent John, the coachman, to watch you, ran up stairs, got into my walking-clothes, as I call them, and came down just as you departed.
"Well, I followed you to your door, and so made sure that I was really an object of interest to the celebrated Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
Then I, rather imprudently, wished you good-night, and started for the Temple to see my husband.
"We both thought the best resource was flight, when pursued by so formidable an antagonist;
so you will find the nest empty when you call to-morrow.
As to the photograph, your client may rest in peace.
I love and am loved by a better man than he.
The King may do what he will without hindrance from one whom he has cruelly wronged.
I keep it only to safeguard myself, and to preserve a weapon which will always secure me from any steps which he might take in the future.
I leave a photograph which he might care to possess;
and I remain, dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes,
"Very truly yours,
"What a woman--oh, what a woman!"
cried the King of Bohemia, when we had all three read this epistle.
"Did I not tell you how quick and resolute she was?
Would she not have made an admirable queen?
Is it not a pity that she was not on my level?"
"From what I have seen of the lady she seems indeed to be on a very different level to your Majesty,"
said Holmes coldly.
"I am sorry that I have not been able to bring your Majesty's business to a more successful conclusion."
"On the contrary, my dear sir,"
cried the King;
"nothing could be more successful.
I know that her word is inviolate.
The photograph is now as safe as if it were in the fire."
"I am glad to hear your Majesty say so."
"I am immensely indebted to you.
Pray tell me in what way I can reward you.
This ring--"
He slipped an emerald snake ring from his finger and held it out upon the palm of his hand.
"Your Majesty has something which I should value even more highly,"
"You have but to name it."
"This photograph!"
The King stared at him in amazement.
"Irene's photograph!"
he cried.
"Certainly, if you wish it."
"I thank your Majesty.
Then there is no more to be done in the matter.
I have the honour to wish you a very good-morning."
He bowed, and, turning away without observing the hand which the King had stretched out to him, he set off in my company for his chambers.
And that was how a great scandal threatened to affect the kingdom of Bohemia, and how the best plans of Mr. Sherlock Holmes were beaten by a woman's wit.
He used to make merry over the cleverness of women, but I have not heard him do it of late.
And when he speaks of Irene Adler, or when he refers to her photograph, it is always under the honourable title of the woman.
I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day in the autumn of last year and found him in deep conversation with a very stout, florid-faced, elderly gentleman with fiery red hair.
With an apology for my intrusion, I was about to withdraw when Holmes pulled me abruptly into the room and closed the door behind me.
"You could not possibly have come at a better time, my dear Watson,"
he said cordially.
"I was afraid that you were engaged."
"So I am.
Very much so."
"Then I can wait in the next room."
"Not at all.
This gentleman, Mr. Wilson, has been my partner and helper in many of my most successful cases, and I have no doubt that he will be of the utmost use to me in yours also."
The stout gentleman half rose from his chair and gave a bob of greeting, with a quick little questioning glance from his small fat-encircled eyes.
"Try the settee,"
said Holmes, relapsing into his armchair and putting his fingertips together, as was his custom when in judicial moods.
"I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum routine of everyday life.
You have shown your relish for it by the enthusiasm which has prompted you to chronicle, and, if you will excuse my saying so, somewhat to embellish so many of my own little adventures."
"Your cases have indeed been of the greatest interest to me,"
I observed.
"You will remember that I remarked the other day, just before we went into the very simple problem presented by Miss Mary Sutherland, that for strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination."
"A proposition which I took the liberty of doubting."
"You did, Doctor, but none the less you must come round to my view, for otherwise I shall keep on piling fact upon fact on you until your reason breaks down under them and acknowledges me to be right.
Now, Mr. Jabez Wilson here has been good enough to call upon me this morning, and to begin a narrative which promises to be one of the most singular which I have listened to for some time.
You have heard me remark that the strangest and most unique things are very often connected not with the larger but with the smaller crimes, and occasionally, indeed, where there is room for doubt whether any positive crime has been committed.
As far as I have heard it is impossible for me to say whether the present case is an instance of crime or not, but the course of events is certainly among the most singular that I have ever listened to.
Perhaps, Mr. Wilson, you would have the great kindness to recommence your narrative.
I ask you not merely because my friend Dr. Watson has not heard the opening part but also because the peculiar nature of the story makes me anxious to have every possible detail from your lips.
As a rule, when I have heard some slight indication of the course of events, I am able to guide myself by the thousands of other similar cases which occur to my memory.
In the present instance I am forced to admit that the facts are, to the best of my belief, unique."
The portly client puffed out his chest with an appearance of some little pride and pulled a dirty and wrinkled newspaper from the inside pocket of his greatcoat.
As he glanced down the advertisement column, with his head thrust forward and the paper flattened out upon his knee, I took a good look at the man and endeavoured, after the fashion of my companion, to read the indications which might be presented by his dress or appearance.
I did not gain very much, however, by my inspection.
Our visitor bore every mark of being an average commonplace British tradesman, obese, pompous, and slow.
He wore rather baggy grey shepherd's check trousers, a not over-clean black frock-coat, unbuttoned in the front, and a drab waistcoat with a heavy brassy Albert chain, and a square pierced bit of metal dangling down as an ornament.
A frayed top-hat and a faded brown overcoat with a wrinkled velvet collar lay upon a chair beside him.
Altogether, look as I would, there was nothing remarkable about the man save his blazing red head, and the expression of extreme chagrin and discontent upon his features.
Sherlock Holmes' quick eye took in my occupation, and he shook his head with a smile as he noticed my questioning glances.
"Beyond the obvious facts that he has at some time done manual labour, that he takes snuff, that he is a Freemason, that he has been in China, and that he has done a considerable amount of writing lately, I can deduce nothing else."
Mr. Jabez Wilson started up in his chair, with his forefinger upon the paper, but his eyes upon my companion.
"How, in the name of good-fortune, did you know all that, Mr. Holmes?"
he asked.
"How did you know, for example, that I did manual labour.
It's as true as gospel, for I began as a ship's carpenter."
"Your hands, my dear sir.
Your right hand is quite a size larger than your left.
You have worked with it, and the muscles are more developed."
"Well, the snuff, then, and the Freemasonry?"
"I won't insult your intelligence by telling you how I read that, especially as, rather against the strict rules of your order, you use an arc-and-compass breastpin."
"Ah, of course, I forgot that.
But the writing?"
"What else can be indicated by that right cuff so very shiny for five inches, and the left one with the smooth patch near the elbow where you rest it upon the desk?"
"Well, but China?"
"The fish that you have tattooed immediately above your right wrist could only have been done in China.
I have made a small study of tattoo marks and have even contributed to the literature of the subject.
That trick of staining the fishes' scales of a delicate pink is quite peculiar to China.
When, in addition, I see a Chinese coin hanging from your watch-chain, the matter becomes even more simple."
Mr. Jabez Wilson laughed heavily.
"Well, I never!"
said he.
"I thought at first that you had done something clever, but I see that there was nothing in it, after all."
"I begin to think, Watson,"
said Holmes,
"that I make a mistake in explaining.
'Omne ignotum pro magnifico,' you know, and my poor little reputation, such as it is, will suffer shipwreck if I am so candid.
Can you not find the advertisement, Mr. Wilson?"
"Yes, I have got it now,"
he answered with his thick red finger planted halfway down the column.
"Here it is.
This is what began it all.
You just read it for yourself, sir."
I took the paper from him and read as follows:
On account of the bequest of the late Ezekiah Hopkins, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, U. S. A., there is now another vacancy open
which entitles a member of the League to a salary of 4 pounds a week for purely nominal services.
All red-headed men who are sound in body and mind and above the age of twenty-one years, are eligible.
Apply in person on Monday, at eleven o'clock, to Duncan Ross, at the offices of the League, 7 Pope's Court, Fleet Street."
"What on earth does this mean?"
I ejaculated after I had twice read over the extraordinary announcement.
Holmes chuckled and wriggled in his chair, as was his habit when in high spirits.
"It is a little off the beaten track, isn't it?"
said he.
"And now, Mr. Wilson, off you go at scratch and tell us all about yourself, your household, and the effect which this advertisement had upon your fortunes.
You will first make a note, Doctor, of the paper and the date."
"It is The Morning Chronicle of April 27, 1890.
Just two months ago."
"Very good.
Now, Mr. Wilson?"
"Well, it is just as I have been telling you, Mr. Sherlock Holmes,"
said Jabez Wilson, mopping his forehead;
"I have a small pawnbroker's business at Coburg Square, near the City.
It's not a very large affair, and of late years it has not done more than just give me a living.
I used to be able to keep two assistants, but now I only keep one;
and I would have a job to pay him but that he is willing to come for half wages so as to learn the business."
"What is the name of this obliging youth?"
asked Sherlock Holmes.
"His name is Vincent Spaulding, and he's not such a youth, either.
It's hard to say his age.
I should not wish a smarter assistant, Mr. Holmes;
and I know very well that he could better himself and earn twice what I am able to give him.
But, after all, if he is satisfied, why should I put ideas in his head?"
"Why, indeed?
You seem most fortunate in having an employ・who comes under the full market price.
It is not a common experience among employers in this age.
I don't know that your assistant is not as remarkable as your advertisement."
"Oh, he has his faults, too,"
said Mr. Wilson.
"Never was such a fellow for photography.
Snapping away with a camera when he ought to be improving his mind, and then diving down into the cellar like a rabbit into its hole to develop his pictures.
That is his main fault, but on the whole he's a good worker.
There's no vice in him."
"He is still with you, I presume?"
"Yes, sir.
He and a girl of fourteen, who does a bit of simple cooking and keeps the place clean--that's all I have in the house,
for I am a widower and never had any family.
We live very quietly, sir, the three of us;
and we keep a roof over our heads and pay our debts, if we do nothing more.
"The first thing that put us out was that advertisement.
Spaulding, he came down into the office just this day eight weeks, with this very paper in his hand, and he says:
"'I wish to the Lord, Mr. Wilson, that I was a red-headed man.'
"'Why that?'
I asks.
says he,
'here's another vacancy on the League of the Red-headed Men.
It's worth quite a little fortune to any man who gets it, and I understand that there are more vacancies than there are men, so that the trustees are at their wits' end what to do with the money.
If my hair would only change colour, here's a nice little crib all ready for me to step into.'
"'Why, what is it, then?'
I asked.
You see, Mr. Holmes, I am a very stay-at-home man, and as my business came to me instead of my having to go to it, I was often weeks on end without putting my foot over the door-mat.
In that way I didn't know much of what was going on outside, and I was always glad of a bit of news.
"'Have you never heard of the League of the Red-headed Men?'
he asked with his eyes open.
"'Why, I wonder at that, for you are eligible yourself for one of the vacancies.'
"'And what are they worth?'
I asked.
"'Oh, merely a couple of hundred a year, but the work is slight, and it need not interfere very much with one's other occupations.'
"Well, you can easily think that that made me prick up my ears,
for the business has not been over-good for some years, and an extra couple of hundred would have been very handy.
"'Tell me all about it,'
said I.
said he, showing me the advertisement,
'you can see for yourself that the League has a vacancy, and there is the address where you should apply for particulars.
As far as I can make out, the League was founded by an American millionaire, Ezekiah Hopkins, who was very peculiar in his ways.
He was himself red-headed, and he had a great sympathy for all red-headed men;
so when he died it was found that he had left his enormous fortune in the hands of trustees, with instructions to apply the interest to the providing of easy berths to men whose hair is of that colour.
From all I hear it is splendid pay and very little to do.'
said I,
'there would be millions of red-headed men who would apply.'
"'Not so many as you might think,'
he answered.
'You see it is really confined to Londoners, and to grown men.
This American had started from London when he was young, and he wanted to do the old town a good turn.
Then, again, I have heard it is no use your applying if your hair is light red, or dark red, or anything but real bright, blazing, fiery red.
Now, if you cared to apply, Mr. Wilson, you would just walk in;
but perhaps it would hardly be worth your while to put yourself out of the way for the sake of a few hundred pounds.'
"Now, it is a fact, gentlemen, as you may see for yourselves, that my hair is of a very full and rich tint, so that it seemed to me that if there was to be any competition in the matter I stood as good a chance as any man that I had ever met.
Vincent Spaulding seemed to know so much about it that I thought he might prove useful, so I just ordered him to put up the shutters for the day and to come right away with me.
He was very willing to have a holiday, so we shut the business up and started off for the address that was given us in the advertisement.
"I never hope to see such a sight as that again, Mr. Holmes.
From north, south, east, and west every man who had a shade of red in his hair had tramped into the city to answer the advertisement.
Fleet Street was choked with red-headed folk, and Pope's Court looked like a coster's orange barrow.
I should not have thought there were so many in the whole country as were brought together by that single advertisement.
Every shade of colour they were--straw, lemon, orange, brick, Irish-setter, liver, clay;
but, as Spaulding said, there were not many who had the real vivid flame-coloured tint.
When I saw how many were waiting, I would have given it up in despair; but Spaulding would not hear of it.
How he did it I could not imagine, but he pushed and pulled and butted until he got me through the crowd, and right up to the steps which led to the office.
There was a double stream upon the stair, some going up in hope, and some coming back dejected;
but we wedged in as well as we could and soon found ourselves in the office."
"Your experience has been a most entertaining one,"
remarked Holmes as his client paused and refreshed his memory with a huge pinch of snuff.
"Pray continue your very interesting statement."
"There was nothing in the office but a couple of wooden chairs and a deal table, behind which sat a small man with a head that was even redder than mine.
He said a few words to each candidate as he came up, and then he always managed to find some fault in them which would disqualify them.
Getting a vacancy did not seem to be such a very easy matter, after all.
However, when our turn came the little man was much more favourable to me than to any of the others, and he closed the door as we entered, so that he might have a private word with us.
"'This is Mr. Jabez Wilson,'
said my assistant,
'and he is willing to fill a vacancy in the League.'
"'And he is admirably suited for it,'
the other answered.
'He has every requirement.
I cannot recall when I have seen anything so fine.'
He took a step backward, cocked his head on one side, and gazed at my hair until I felt quite bashful.
Then suddenly he plunged forward, wrung my hand, and congratulated me warmly on my success.
"'It would be injustice to hesitate,'
said he.
'You will, however, I am sure, excuse me for taking an obvious precaution.'
With that he seized my hair in both his hands, and tugged until I yelled with the pain.
'There is water in your eyes,'
said he as he released me.
'I perceive that all is as it should be.
But we have to be careful, for we have twice been deceived by wigs and once by paint.
I could tell you tales of cobbler's wax which would disgust you with human nature.'
He stepped over to the window and shouted through it at the top of his voice that the vacancy was filled.
A groan of disappointment came up from below, and the folk all trooped away in different directions until there was not a red-head to be seen except my own and that of the manager.
"'My name,'
said he,
'is Mr. Duncan Ross,
and I am myself one of the pensioners upon the fund left by our noble benefactor.
Are you a married man, Mr. Wilson?
Have you a family?'
"I answered that I had not.
"His face fell immediately.
"'Dear me!'
he said gravely,
'that is very serious indeed!
I am sorry to hear you say that.
The fund was, of course, for the propagation and spread of the red-heads as well as for their maintenance.
It is exceedingly unfortunate that you should be a bachelor.'
"My face lengthened at this, Mr. Holmes, for I thought that I was not to have the vacancy after all;
but after thinking it over for a few minutes he said that it would be all right.
"'In the case of another,'
said he,
'the objection might be fatal, but we must stretch a point in favour of a man with such a head of hair as yours.
When shall you be able to enter upon your new duties?'
"'Well, it is a little awkward, for I have a business already,'
said I.
"'Oh, never mind about that, Mr. Wilson!'
said Vincent Spaulding.
'I should be able to look after that for you.'
"'What would be the hours?'
"'Ten to two.'
"Now a pawnbroker's business is mostly done of an evening, Mr. Holmes, especially Thursday and Friday evening, which is just before pay-day;
so it would suit me very well to earn a little in the mornings.
Besides, I knew that my assistant was a good man, and that he would see to anything that turned up.
"'That would suit me very well,'
said I.
'And the pay?'
"'Is 4 pounds a week.'
"'And the work?'
"'Is purely nominal.'
"'What do you call purely nominal?'
"'Well, you have to be in the office, or at least in the building, the whole time.
If you leave, you forfeit your whole position forever.
The will is very clear upon that point.
You don't comply with the conditions if you budge from the office during that time.'
"'It's only four hours a day, and I should not think of leaving,'
"'No excuse will avail,'
said Mr. Duncan Ross;
'neither sickness nor business nor anything else.
There you must stay, or you lose your billet.'
"'And the work?'
"'Is to copy out the "Encyclopaedia Britannica."
There is the first volume of it in that press.
You must find your own ink, pens, and blotting-paper, but we provide this table and chair.
Will you be ready to-morrow?'
I answered.
"'Then, good-bye, Mr. Jabez Wilson, and let me congratulate you once more on the important position which you have been fortunate enough to gain.'
He bowed me out of the room and I went home with my assistant, hardly knowing what to say or do,
I was so pleased at my own good fortune.
"Well, I thought over the matter all day, and by evening I was in low spirits again;
for I had quite persuaded myself that the whole affair must be some great hoax or fraud,
though what its object might be I could not imagine.
It seemed altogether past belief that anyone could make such a will, or that they would pay such a sum for doing anything so simple as copying out the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica.'
Vincent Spaulding did what he could to cheer me up, but by bedtime I had reasoned myself out of the whole thing.
However, in the morning I determined to have a look at it anyhow, so I bought a penny bottle of ink, and with a quill-pen, and seven sheets of foolscap paper, I started off for Pope's Court.
"Well, to my surprise and delight, everything was as right as possible.
The table was set out ready for me, and Mr. Duncan Ross was there to see that I got fairly to work.
He started me off upon the letter A, and then he left me;
but he would drop in from time to time to see that all was right with me.
At two o'clock he bade me good-day, complimented me upon the amount that I had written, and locked the door of the office after me.
"This went on day after day, Mr. Holmes, and on Saturday the manager came in and planked down four golden sovereigns for my week's work.
It was the same next week, and the same the week after.
Every morning I was there at ten, and every afternoon I left at two.
By degrees Mr. Duncan Ross took to coming in only once of a morning, and then, after a time, he did not come in at all.
Still, of course, I never dared to leave the room for an instant,
for I was not sure when he might come, and the billet was such a good one, and suited me so well, that I would not risk the loss of it.
"Eight weeks passed away like this, and I had written about Abbots and Archery and Armour and Architecture and Attica, and hoped with diligence that I might get on to the B's before very long.
It cost me something in foolscap, and I had pretty nearly filled a shelf with my writings.
And then suddenly the whole business came to an end."
"To an end?"
"Yes, sir.
And no later than this morning.
I went to my work as usual at ten o'clock, but the door was shut and locked, with a little square of cardboard hammered on to the middle of the panel with a tack.
Here it is, and you can read for yourself."
He held up a piece of white cardboard about the size of a sheet of note-paper.
It read in this fashion:
October 9, 1890.
Sherlock Holmes and I surveyed this curt announcement and the rueful face behind it, until the comical side of the affair so completely overtopped every other consideration that we both burst out into a roar of laughter.
"I cannot see that there is anything very funny,"
cried our client, flushing up to the roots of his flaming head.
"If you can do nothing better than laugh at me, I can go elsewhere."
"No, no,"
cried Holmes, shoving him back into the chair from which he had half risen.
"I really wouldn't miss your case for the world.
It is most refreshingly unusual.
But there is, if you will excuse my saying so, something just a little funny about it.
Pray what steps did you take when you found the card upon the door?"
"I was staggered, sir.
I did not know what to do.
Then I called at the offices round, but none of them seemed to know anything about it.
Finally, I went to the landlord, who is an accountant living on the ground-floor, and I asked him if he could tell me what had become of the Red-headed League.
He said that he had never heard of any such body.
Then I asked him who Mr. Duncan Ross was.
He answered that the name was new to him.
said I,
'the gentleman at No. 4.'
"'What, the red-headed man?'
said he,
'his name was William Morris.
He was a solicitor and was using my room as a temporary convenience until his new premises were ready.
"'Where could I find him?'
"'Oh, at his new offices.
He did tell me the address.
Yes, 17 King Edward Street, near St. Paul's.'
"I started off, Mr. Holmes, but when I got to that address it was a manufactory of artificial knee-caps, and no one in it had ever heard of either Mr. William Morris or Mr. Duncan Ross."
"And what did you do then?"
asked Holmes.
"I went home to Saxe-Coburg Square, and I took the advice of my assistant.
But he could not help me in any way.
He could only say that if I waited I should hear by post.
But that was not quite good enough, Mr. Holmes.
I did not wish to lose such a place without a struggle, so, as I had heard that you were good enough to give advice to poor folk who were in need of it, I came right away to you."
"And you did very wisely,"
said Holmes.
"Your case is an exceedingly remarkable one, and I shall be happy to look into it.
From what you have told me I think that it is possible that graver issues hang from it than might at first sight appear."
"Grave enough!"
said Mr. Jabez Wilson.
"Why, I have lost four pound a week."
"As far as you are personally concerned,"
remarked Holmes,
"I do not see that you have any grievance against this extraordinary league.
On the contrary, you are, as I understand, richer by some 30 pounds, to say nothing of the minute knowledge which you have gained on every subject which comes under the letter A.
You have lost nothing by them."
"No, sir.
But I want to find out about them, and who they are, and what their object was in playing this prank--if it was a prank--upon me.
It was a pretty expensive joke for them, for it cost them two and thirty pounds."
"We shall endeavour to clear up these points for you.
And, first, one or two questions, Mr. Wilson.
This assistant of yours who first called your attention to the advertisement--how long had he been with you?"
"About a month then."
"How did he come?"
"In answer to an advertisement."
"Was he the only applicant?"
"No, I had a dozen."
"Why did you pick him?"
"Because he was handy and would come cheap."
"At half-wages, in fact."
"What is he like, this Vincent Spaulding?"
"Small, stout-built, very quick in his ways, no hair on his face, though he's not short of thirty.
Has a white splash of acid upon his forehead."
Holmes sat up in his chair in considerable excitement.
"I thought as much,"
said he.
"Have you ever observed that his ears are pierced for earrings?"
"Yes, sir.
He told me that a gipsy had done it for him when he was a lad."
said Holmes, sinking back in deep thought.
"He is still with you?"
"Oh, yes, sir;
I have only just left him."
"And has your business been attended to in your absence?"
"Nothing to complain of, sir.
There's never very much to do of a morning."
"That will do, Mr. Wilson.
I shall be happy to give you an opinion upon the subject in the course of a day or two.
To-day is Saturday, and I hope that by Monday we may come to a conclusion."
"Well, Watson,"
said Holmes when our visitor had left us,
"what do you make of it all?"
"I make nothing of it,"
I answered frankly.
"It is a most mysterious business."
"As a rule,"
said Holmes,
"the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it proves to be.
It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling,
just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify.
But I must be prompt over this matter."
"What are you going to do, then?"
I asked.
"To smoke,"
he answered.
"It is quite a three pipe problem, and I beg that you won't speak to me for fifty minutes."
He curled himself up in his chair, with his thin knees drawn up to his hawk-like nose, and there he sat with his eyes closed and his black clay pipe thrusting out like the bill of some strange bird.
I had come to the conclusion that he had dropped asleep, and indeed was nodding myself, when he suddenly sprang out of his chair with the gesture of a man who has made up his mind and put his pipe down upon the mantelpiece.
"Sarasate plays at the St. James's Hall this afternoon,"
he remarked.
"What do you think, Watson?
Could your patients spare you for a few hours?"
"I have nothing to do to-day.
My practice is never very absorbing."
"Then put on your hat and come.
I am going through the City first, and we can have some lunch on the way.
I observe that there is a good deal of German music on the programme,
which is rather more to my taste than Italian or French.
It is introspective, and I want to introspect.
Come along!"
We travelled by the Underground as far as Aldersgate; and a short walk took us to Saxe-Coburg Square, the scene of the singular story which we had listened to in the morning.
It was a poky, little, shabby-genteel place, where four lines of dingy two-storied brick houses looked out into a small railed-in enclosure, where a lawn of weedy grass and a few clumps of faded laurel-bushes made a hard fight against a smoke-laden and uncongenial atmosphere.
Three gilt balls and a brown board with "JABEZ WILSON" in white letters, upon a corner house, announced the place where our red-headed client carried on his business.
Sherlock Holmes stopped in front of it with his head on one side and looked it all over, with his eyes shining brightly between puckered lids.
Then he walked slowly up the street, and then down again to the corner, still looking keenly at the houses.
Finally he returned to the pawnbroker's, and, having thumped vigorously upon the pavement with his stick two or three times, he went up to the door and knocked.
It was instantly opened by a bright-looking, clean-shaven young fellow, who asked him to step in.
"Thank you,"
said Holmes,
"I only wished to ask you how you would go from here to the Strand."
"Third right, fourth left,"
answered the assistant promptly, closing the door.
"Smart fellow, that,"
observed Holmes as we walked away.
"He is, in my judgment, the fourth smartest man in London, and for daring I am not sure that he has not a claim to be third.
I have known something of him before."
said I,
"Mr. Wilson's assistant counts for a good deal in this mystery of the Red-headed League.
I am sure that you inquired your way merely in order that you might see him."
"Not him."
"What then?"
"The knees of his trousers."
"And what did you see?"
"What I expected to see."
"Why did you beat the pavement?"
"My dear doctor, this is a time for observation, not for talk.
We are spies in an enemy's country.
We know something of Saxe-Coburg Square.
Let us now explore the parts which lie behind it."
The road in which we found ourselves as we turned round the corner from the retired Saxe-Coburg Square presented as great a contrast to it as the front of a picture does to the back.
It was one of the main arteries which conveyed the traffic of the City to the north and west.
The roadway was blocked with the immense stream of commerce flowing in a double tide inward and outward, while the footpaths were black with the hurrying swarm of pedestrians.
It was difficult to realise as we looked at the line of fine shops and stately business premises that they really abutted on the other side upon the faded and stagnant square which we had just quitted.
"Let me see,"
said Holmes, standing at the corner and glancing along the line,
"I should like just to remember the order of the houses here.
It is a hobby of mine to have an exact knowledge of London.
There is Mortimer's, the tobacconist, the little newspaper shop, the Coburg branch of the City and Suburban Bank, the Vegetarian Restaurant, and McFarlane's carriage-building depot.
That carries us right on to the other block.
And now, Doctor, we've done our work, so it's time we had some play.
A sandwich and a cup of coffee, and then off to violin-land,
where all is sweetness and delicacy and harmony, and there are no red-headed clients to vex us with their conundrums."
My friend was an enthusiastic musician, being himself not only a very capable performer but a composer of no ordinary merit.
All the afternoon he sat in the stalls wrapped in the most perfect happiness, gently waving his long, thin fingers in time to the music, while his gently smiling face and his languid, dreamy eyes were as unlike those of Holmes the sleuth-hound, Holmes the relentless, keen-witted, ready-handed criminal agent, as it was possible to conceive.
In his singular character the dual nature alternately asserted itself, and his extreme exactness and astuteness represented, as I have often thought, the reaction against the poetic and contemplative mood which occasionally predominated in him.
The swing of his nature took him from extreme languor to devouring energy;
and, as I knew well, he was never so truly formidable as when, for days on end, he had been lounging in his armchair amid his improvisations and his black-letter editions.
Then it was that the lust of the chase would suddenly come upon him, and that his brilliant reasoning power would rise to the level of intuition, until those who were unacquainted with his methods would look askance at him as on a man whose knowledge was not that of other mortals.
When I saw him that afternoon so enwrapped in the music at St. James's Hall I felt that an evil time might be coming upon those whom he had set himself to hunt down.
"You want to go home, no doubt, Doctor,"
he remarked as we emerged.
"Yes, it would be as well."
"And I have some business to do which will take some hours.
This business at Coburg Square is serious."
"Why serious?"
"A considerable crime is in contemplation.
I have every reason to believe that we shall be in time to stop it.
But to-day being Saturday rather complicates matters.
I shall want your help to-night."
"At what time?"
"Ten will be early enough."
"I shall be at Baker Street at ten."
"Very well.
And, I say, Doctor, there may be some little danger, so kindly put your army revolver in your pocket."
He waved his hand, turned on his heel, and disappeared in an instant among the crowd.
I trust that I am not more dense than my neighbours, but I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity in my dealings with Sherlock Holmes.
Here I had heard what he had heard, I had seen what he had seen, and yet from his words it was evident that he saw clearly not only what had happened but what was about to happen, while to me the whole business was still confused and grotesque.
As I drove home to my house in Kensington I thought over it all, from the extraordinary story of the red-headed copier of the "Encyclopaedia" down to the visit to Saxe-Coburg Square, and the ominous words with which he had parted from me.
What was this nocturnal expedition, and why should I go armed?o
Where were we going, and what were we to do?
I had the hint from Holmes that this smooth-faced pawnbroker's assistant was a formidable man--a man who might play a deep game.
I tried to puzzle it out, but gave it up in despair and set the matter aside until night should bring an explanation.
It was a quarter-past nine when I started from home and made my way across the Park, and so through Oxford Street to Baker Street.
Two hansoms were standing at the door, and as I entered the passage I heard the sound of voices from above.
On entering his room I found Holmes in animated conversation with two men,
one of whom I recognised as Peter Jones, the official police agent, while the other was a long, thin, sad-faced man, with a every shiny hat and oppressively respectable frock-coat.
Our party is complete,"
said Holmes, buttoning up his pea-jacket and taking his heavy hunting crop from the rack.
"Watson, I think you know Mr. Jones, of Scotland Yard?
Let me introduce you to Mr. Merryweather, who is to be our companion in to-night's adventure."
"We're hunting in couples again, Doctor, you see,"
said Jones in his consequential way.
"Our friend here is a wonderful man for starting a chase.
All he wants is an old dog to help him to do the running down."
"I hope a wild goose may not prove to be the end of our chase,"
observed Mr. Merryweather gloomily.
"You may place considerable confidence in Mr. Holmes, sir,"
said the police agent loftily.
"He has his own little methods, which are, if he won't mind my saying so, just a little too theoretical and fantastic, but he has the makings of a detective in him.
It is not too much to say that once or twice, as in that business of the Sholto murder and the Agra treasure, he has been more nearly correct than the official force."
"Oh, if you say so, Mr. Jones, it is all right,"
said the stranger with deference.
"Still, I confess that I miss my rubber.
It is the first Saturday night for seven-and-twenty years that I have not had my rubber."
"I think you will find,"
said Sherlock Holmes,
"that you will play for a higher stake to-night than you have ever done yet, and that the play will be more exciting.
For you, Mr. Merryweather, the stake will be some 30,000 pounds;
and for you, Jones, it will be the man upon whom you wish to lay your hands."
"John Clay, the murderer, thief, smasher, and forger.
He's a young man, Mr. Merryweather, but he is at the head of his profession, and I would rather have my bracelets on him than on any criminal in London.
He's a remarkable man, is young John Clay.
His grandfather was a royal duke, and he himself has been to Eton and Oxford.
His brain is as cunning as his fingers, and though we meet signs of him at every turn, we never know where to find the man himself.
He'll crack a crib in Scotland one week, and be raising money to build an orphanage in Cornwall the next.
I've been on his track for years and have never set eyes on him yet."
"I hope that I may have the pleasure of introducing you to-night.
I've had one or two little turns also with Mr. John Clay, and I agree with you that he is at the head of his profession.
It is past ten, however, and quite time that we started.
If you two will take the first hansom, Watson and I will follow in the second."
Sherlock Holmes was not very communicative during the long drive and lay back in the cab humming the tunes which he had heard in the afternoon.
We rattled through an endless labyrinth of gas-lit streets until we emerged into Farrington Street.
"We are close there now,"
my friend remarked.
"This fellow Merryweather is a bank director, and personally interested in the matter.
I thought it as well to have Jones with us also.
He is not a bad fellow, though an absolute imbecile in his profession.
He has one positive virtue.
He is as brave as a bulldog and as tenacious as a lobster if he gets his claws upon anyone.
Here we are, and they are waiting for us."
We had reached the same crowded thoroughfare in which we had found ourselves in the morning.
Our cabs were dismissed, and, following the guidance of Mr. Merryweather, we passed down a narrow passage and through a side door, which he opened for us.
Within there was a small corridor, which ended in a very massive iron gate.
This also was opened, and led down a flight of winding stone steps, which terminated at another formidable gate.
Mr. Merryweather stopped to light a lantern, and then conducted us down a dark, earth-smelling passage, and so, after opening a third door, into a huge vault or cellar, which was piled all round with crates and massive boxes.
"You are not very vulnerable from above,"
Holmes remarked as he held up the lantern and gazed about him.
"Nor from below,"
said Mr. Merryweather, striking his stick upon the flags which lined the floor.
"Why, dear me, it sounds quite hollow!"
he remarked, looking up in surprise.
"I must really ask you to be a little more quiet!"
said Holmes severely.
"You have already imperilled the whole success of our expedition.
Might I beg that you would have the goodness to sit down upon one of those boxes, and not to interfere?"
The solemn Mr. Merryweather perched himself upon a crate, with a very injured expression upon his face, while Holmes fell upon his knees upon the floor and, with the lantern and a magnifying lens, began to examine minutely the cracks between the stones.
A few seconds sufficed to satisfy him, for he sprang to his feet again and put his glass in his pocket.
"We have at least an hour before us,"
he remarked,
"for they can hardly take any steps until the good pawnbroker is safely in bed.
Then they will not lose a minute,
for the sooner they do their work the longer time they will have for their escape.
We are at present, Doctor--as no doubt you have divined--in the cellar of the City branch of one of the principal London banks.
Mr. Merryweather is the chairman of directors, and he will explain to you that there are reasons why the more daring criminals of London should take a considerable interest in this cellar at present."
"It is our French gold,"
whispered the director.
"We have had several warnings that an attempt might be made upon it."
"Your French gold?"
We had occasion some months ago to strengthen our resources and borrowed for that purpose 30,000 napoleons from the Bank of France.
It has become known that we have never had occasion to unpack the money, and that it is still lying in our cellar.
The crate upon which I sit contains 2,000 napoleons packed between layers of lead foil.
Our reserve of bullion is much larger at present than is usually kept in a single branch office, and the directors have had misgivings upon the subject."
"Which were very well justified,"
observed Holmes.
"And now it is time that we arranged our little plans.
I expect that within an hour matters will come to a head.
In the meantime Mr. Merryweather, we must put the screen over that dark lantern."
"And sit in the dark?"
"I am afraid so.
I had brought a pack of cards in my pocket, and I thought that, as we were a partie carree, you might have your rubber after all.
But I see that the enemy's preparations have gone so far that we cannot risk the presence of a light.
And, first of all, we must choose our positions.
These are daring men, and though we shall take them at a disadvantage, they may do us some harm unless we are careful.
I shall stand behind this crate, and do you conceal yourselves behind those.
Then, when I flash a light upon them, close in swiftly.
If they fire, Watson, have no compunction about shooting them down."
I placed my revolver, cocked, upon the top of the wooden case behind which I crouched.
Holmes shot the slide across the front of his lantern and left us in pitch darkness--such an absolute darkness as I have never before experienced.
The smell of hot metal remained to assure us that the light was still there, ready to flash out at a moment's notice.
To me, with my nerves worked up to a pitch of expectancy, there was something depressing and subduing in the sudden gloom, and in the cold dank air of the vault.
"They have but one retreat,"
whispered Holmes.
"That is back through the house into Saxe-Coburg Square.
I hope that you have done what I asked you, Jones?"
"I have an inspector and two officers waiting at the front door."
"Then we have stopped all the holes.
And now we must be silent and wait."
What a time it seemed!
From comparing notes afterwards it was but an hour and a quarter, yet it appeared to me that the night must have almost gone and the dawn be breaking above us.
My limbs were weary and stiff, for I feared to change my position;
yet my nerves were worked up to the highest pitch of tension, and my hearing was so acute that I could not only hear the gentle breathing of my companions, but I could distinguish the deeper, heavier in-breath of the bulky Jones from the thin, sighing note of the bank director.
From my position I could look over the case in the direction of the floor.
Suddenly my eyes caught the glint of a light.
At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement.
Then it lengthened out until it became a yellow line, and then, without any warning or sound, a gash seemed to open and a hand appeared,
a white, almost womanly hand, which felt about in the centre of the little area of light.
For a minute or more the hand, with its writhing fingers, protruded out of the floor.
Then it was withdrawn as suddenly as it appeared, and all was dark again save the single lurid spark which marked a chink between the stones.
Its disappearance, however, was but momentary.
With a rending, tearing sound, one of the broad, white stones turned over upon its side and left a square, gaping hole, through which streamed the light of a lantern.
Over the edge there peeped a clean-cut, boyish face, which looked keenly about it, and then, with a hand on either side of the aperture, drew itself shoulder-high and waist-high, until one knee rested upon the edge.
In another instant he stood at the side of the hole and was hauling after him a companion, lithe and small like himself, with a pale face and a shock of very red hair.
"It's all clear,"
he whispered.
"Have you the chisel and the bags?
Great Scott!
Jump, Archie, jump, and I'll swing for it!"
Sherlock Holmes had sprung out and seized the intruder by the collar.
The other dived down the hole, and I heard the sound of rending cloth as Jones clutched at his skirts.
The light flashed upon the barrel of a revolver, but Holmes' hunting crop came down on the man's wrist, and the pistol clinked upon the stone floor.
"It's no use, John Clay,"
said Holmes blandly.
"You have no chance at all."
"So I see,"
the other answered with the utmost coolness.
"I fancy that my pal is all right, though I see you have got his coat-tails."
"There are three men waiting for him at the door,"
said Holmes.
"Oh, indeed!
You seem to have done the thing very completely.
I must compliment you."
"And I you,"
Holmes answered.
"Your red-headed idea was very new and effective."
"You'll see your pal again presently,"
said Jones.
"He's quicker at climbing down holes than I am.
Just hold out while I fix the derbies."
"I beg that you will not touch me with your filthy hands,"
remarked our prisoner as the handcuffs clattered upon his wrists.
"You may not be aware that I have royal blood in my veins.
Have the goodness, also, when you address me always to say 'sir' and 'please.'"
"All right,"
said Jones with a stare and a snigger.
"Well, would you please, sir, march upstairs, where we can get a cab to carry your Highness to the police-station?"
"That is better,"
said John Clay serenely.
He made a sweeping bow to the three of us and walked quietly off in the custody of the detective.
"Really, Mr. Holmes,"
said Mr. Merryweather as we followed them from the cellar,
"I do not know how the bank can thank you or repay you.
There is no doubt that you have detected and defeated in the most complete manner one of the most determined attempts at bank robbery that have ever come within my experience."
"I have had one or two little scores of my own to settle with Mr. John Clay,"
said Holmes.
"I have been at some small expense over this matter, which I shall expect the bank to refund, but beyond that I am amply repaid by having had an experience which is in many ways unique, and by hearing the very remarkable narrative of the Red-headed League."
"You see, Watson,"
he explained in the early hours of the morning as we sat over a glass of whisky and soda in Baker Street,
"it was perfectly obvious from the first that the only possible object of this rather fantastic business of the advertisement of the League, and the copying of the 'Encyclopaedia,' must be to get this not over-bright pawnbroker out of the way for a number of hours every day.
It was a curious way of managing it, but, really, it would be difficult to suggest a better.
The method was no doubt suggested to Clay's ingenious mind by the colour of his accomplice's hair.
The 4 pounds a week was a lure which must draw him, and what was it to them, who were playing for thousands?
They put in the advertisement, one rogue has the temporary office, the other rogue incites the man to apply for it, and together they manage to secure his absence every morning in the week.
From the time that I heard of the assistant having come for half wages, it was obvious to me that he had some strong motive for securing the situation."
"But how could you guess what the motive was?"
"Had there been women in the house, I should have suspected amere vulgar intrigue.
That, however, was out of the question.
The man's business was a small one, and there was nothing in his house which could account for such elaborate preparations, and such an expenditure as they were at.
What could it be?
I thought of the assistant's fondness for photography, and his trick of vanishing into the cellar.
The cellar!
There was the end of this tangled clue.
Then I made inquiries as to this mysterious assistant and found that I had to deal with one of the coolest and most daring criminals in London.
He was doing something in the cellar--something which took many hours a day for months on end.
What could it be, once more?
I could think of nothing save that he was running a tunnel to some other building.
"So far I had got when we went to visit the scene of action.
I surprised you by beating upon the pavement with my stick.
I was ascertaining whether the cellar stretched out in front or behind.
Then I rang the bell, and, as I hoped, the assistant answered it.
We have had some skirmishes, but we had never set eyes upon each other before.
I hardly looked at his face.
His knees were what I wished to see.
You must yourself have remarked how worn, wrinkled, and stained they were.
They spoke of those hours of burrowing.
The only remaining point was what they were burrowing for.
I walked round the corner, saw the City and Suburban Bank abutted on our friend's premises, and felt that I had solved my problem.
When you drove home after the concert I called upon Scotland Yard and upon the chairman of the bank directors, with the result that you have seen."
"And how could you tell that they would make their attempt to-night?"
I asked.
"Well, when they closed their League offices that was a sign that they cared no longer about Mr. Jabez Wilson's presence--in other words, that they had completed their tunnel.
But it was essential that they should use it soon, as it might be discovered, or the bullion might be removed.
Saturday would suit them better than any other day, as it would give them two days for their escape.
For all these reasons I expected them to come to-night."
"You reasoned it out beautifully,"
I exclaimed in unfeigned admiration.
"It is so long a chain, and yet every link rings true."
"It saved me from ennui,"
he answered, yawning.
I already feel it closing in upon me.
My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplaces of existence.
These little problems help me to do so."
"And you are a benefactor of the race,"
said I.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, perhaps, after all, it is of some little use,"
he remarked.
"'L'homme c'est rien--l'oeuvre c'est tout,' as Gustave Flaubert wrote to George Sand."
"My dear fellow,"
said Sherlock Holmes
as we sat on either side of the fire in his lodgings at Baker Street,
"life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent.
We would not dare to conceive the things which are really mere commonplaces of existence.
If we could fly out of that window hand in hand, hover over this great city, gently remove the roofs, and peep in at the queer things which are going on, the strange coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes, the wonderful chains of events, working through generations, and leading to the most outre results, it would make all fiction with its conventionalities and foreseen conclusions most stale and unprofitable."
"And yet I am not convinced of it,"
I answered.
"The cases which come to light in the papers are, as a rule, bald enough, and vulgar enough.
We have in our police reports realism pushed to its extreme limits, and yet the result is, it must be confessed, neither fascinating nor artistic."
"A certain selection and discretion must be used in producing a realistic effect,"
wremarked Holmes.
"This is wanting in the police report,
where more stress is laid, perhaps, upon the platitudes of the magistrate than upon the details, which to an observer contain the vital essence of the whole matter.
Depend upon it, there is nothing so unnatural as the commonplace."
I smiled and shook my head.
"I can quite understand your thinking so."
I said.
"Of course, in your position of unofficial adviser and helper to everybody who is absolutely puzzled, throughout three continents, you are brought in contact with all that is strange and bizarre.
But here"
--I picked up the morning paper from the ground
--"let us put it to a practical test.
Here is the first heading upon which I come.
'A husband's cruelty to his wife.'
There is half a column of print, but I know without reading it that it is all perfectly familiar to me.
There is, of course, the other woman, the drink, the push, the blow, the bruise, the sympathetic sister or landlady.
The crudest of writers could invent nothing more crude."
"Indeed, your example is an unfortunate one for your argument,"
said Holmes, taking the paper and glancing his eye down it.
"This is the Dundas separation case, and, as it happens, I was engaged in clearing up some small points in connection with it.
The husband was a teetotaler, there was no other woman, and the conduct complained of was that he had drifted into the habit of winding up every meal by taking out his false teeth and hurling them at his wife, which, you will allow, is not an action likely to occur to the imagination of the average story-teller.
Take a pinch of snuff, Doctor, and acknowledge that I have scored over you in your example."
He held out his snuffbox of old gold, with a great amethyst in the centre of the lid.
Its splendour was in such contrast to his homely ways and simple life that I could not help commenting upon it.
said he,
"I forgot that I had not seen you for some weeks.
It is a little souvenir from the King of Bohemia in return for my assistance in the case of the Irene Adler papers."
"And the ring?"
I asked, glancing at a remarkable brilliant which sparkled upon his finger.
"It was from the reigning family of Holland,
though the matter in which I served them was of such delicacy that I cannot confide it even to you, who have been good enough to chronicle one or two of my little problems."
"And have you any on hand just now?"
I asked with interest.
"Some ten or twelve, but none which present any feature of interest.
They are important, you understand, without being interesting.
Indeed, I have found that it is usually in unimportant matters that there is a field for the observation, and for the quick analysis of cause and effect which gives the charm to an investigation.
The larger crimes are apt to be the simpler,
for the bigger the crime the more obvious, as a rule, is the motive.
In these cases, save for one rather intricate matter which has been referred to me from Marseilles, there is nothing which presents any features of interest.
It is possible, however, that I may have something better before very many minutes are over, for this is one of my clients, or I am much mistaken."
He had risen from his chair and was standing between the parted blinds gazing down into the dull neutral-tinted London street.
Looking over his shoulder, I saw that on the pavement opposite there stood a large woman with a heavy fur boa round her neck, and a large curling red feather in a broad-brimmed hat which was tilted in a coquettish Duchess of Devonshire fashion over her ear.
From under this great panoply she peeped up in a nervous, hesitating fashion at our windows, while her body oscillated backward and forward, and her fingers fidgeted with her glove buttons.
Suddenly, with a plunge, as of the swimmer who leaves the bank, she hurried across the road, and we heard the sharp clang of the bell.
"I have seen those symptoms before,"
said Holmes, throwing his cigarette into the fire.
"Oscillation upon the pavement always means an affaire de coeur.
She would like advice, but is not sure that the matter is not too delicate for communication.
And yet even here we may discriminate.
When a woman has been seriously wronged by a man she no longer oscillates, and the usual symptom is a broken bell wire.
Here we may take it that there is a love matter, but that the maiden is not so much angry as perplexed, or grieved.
But here she comes in person to resolve our doubts."
As he spoke there was a tap at the door, and the boy in buttons entered to announce Miss Mary Sutherland,
while the lady herself loomed behind his small black figure like a full-sailed merchant-man behind a tiny pilot boat.
Sherlock Holmes welcomed her with the easy courtesy for which he was remarkable, and, having closed the door and bowed her into an armchair, he looked her over in the minute and yet abstracted fashion which was peculiar to him.
"Do you not find,"
"I did at first,"
she answered,
"but now I know where the letters are without looking."
Then, suddenly realising the full purport of his words, she gave a violent start and looked up, with fear and astonishment upon her broad, good-humoured face.
"You've heard about me, Mr. Holmes,"
she cried,
"else how could you know all that?"
"Never mind,"
said Holmes, laughing;
"it is my business to know things.
Perhaps I have trained myself to see what others overlook.
If not, why should you come to consult me?"
"I came to you, sir, because I heard of you from Mrs. Etherege,
whose husband you found so easy when the police and everyone had given him up for dead.
Oh, Mr. Holmes, I wish you would do as much for me.
I'm not rich, but still I have a hundred a year in my own right, besides the little that I make by the machine,
and I would give it all to know what has become of Mr. Hosmer Angel."
"Why did you come away to consult me in such a hurry?"
asked Sherlock Holmes, with his finger-tips together and his eyes to the ceiling.
Again a startled look came over the somewhat vacuous face of Miss Mary Sutherland.
"Yes, I did bang out of the house,"
she said,
"for it made me angry to see the easy way in which Mr. Windibank--that is, my father--took it all.
He would not go to the police, and he would not go to you, and so at last, as he would do nothing and kept on saying that there was no harm done, it made me mad, and I just on with my things and came right away to you."
"Your father,"
said Holmes,
"your stepfather, surely, since the name is different."
"Yes, my stepfather.
I call him father, though it sounds funny, too,
for he is only five years and two months older than myself."
"And your mother is alive?"
"Oh, yes, mother is alive and well.
I wasn't best pleased, Mr. Holmes, when she married again so soon after father's death, and a man who was nearly fifteen years younger than herself.
Father was a plumber in the Tottenham Court Road, and he left a tidy business behind him, which mother carried on with Mr. Hardy, the foreman;
but when Mr. Windibank came he made her sell the business,
for he was very superior, being a traveller in wines.
They got 4700 pounds for the goodwill and interest, which wasn't near as much as father could have got if he had been alive."
I had expected to see Sherlock Holmes impatient under this rambling and inconsequential narrative, but, on the contrary, he had listened with the greatest concentration of attention.
"Your own little income,"
"Oh, no, sir.
It is quite separate and was left me by my uncle Ned in Auckland.
It is in New Zealand stock, paying 4 1/2 per cent.
Two thousand five hundred pounds was the amount, but I can only touch the interest."
"You interest me extremely,"
said Holmes.
"And since you draw so large a sum as a hundred a year, with what you earn into the bargain, you no doubt travel a little and indulge yourself in every way.
I believe that a single lady can get on very nicely upon an income of about 60 pounds."
"I could do with much less than that, Mr. Holmes, but you understand that as long as I live at home I don't wish to be a burden to them, and so they have the use of the money just while I am staying with them.
Of course, that is only just for the time.
Mr. Windibank draws my interest every quarter and pays it over to mother, and I find that I can do pretty well with what I earn at typewriting.
It brings me twopence a sheet, and I can often do from fifteen to twenty sheets in a day."
"You have made your position very clear to me,"
said Holmes.
"This is my friend, Dr. Watson, before whom you can speak as freely as before myself.
Kindly tell us now all about your connection with Mr. Hosmer Angel."
A flush stole over Miss Sutherland's face, and she picked nervously at the fringe of her jacket.
"I met him first at the gasfitters' ball,"
she said.
"They used to send father tickets when he was alive, and then afterwards they remembered us, and sent them to mother.
Mr. Windibank did not wish us to go.
He never did wish us to go anywhere.
He would get quite mad if I wanted so much as to join a Sunday-school treat.
But this time I was set on going, and I would go;
for what right had he to prevent?
He said the folk were not fit for us to know, when all father's friends were to be there.
And he said that I had nothing fit to wear, when I had my purple plush that I had never so much as taken out of the drawer.
At last, when nothing else would do, he went off to France upon the business of the firm, but we went, mother and I, with Mr. Hardy, who used to be our foreman, and it was there I met Mr. Hosmer Angel."
"I suppose,"
said Holmes,
"that when Mr. Windibank came back from France he was very annoyed at your having gone to the ball."
"Oh, well, he was very good about it.
He laughed, I remember, and shrugged his shoulders, and said there was no use denying anything to a woman, for she would have her way."
"I see.
Then at the gasfitters' ball you met, as I understand, a gentleman called Mr. Hosmer Angel."
"Yes, sir.
I met him that night, and he called next day to ask if we had got home all safe, and after that we met him--that is to say, Mr. Holmes, I met him twice for walks, but after that father came back again, and Mr. Hosmer Angel could not come to the house any more."
"Well, you know father didn't like anything of the sort.
He wouldn't have any visitors if he could help it, and he used to say that a woman should be happy in her own family circle.
But then, as I used to say to mother, a woman wants her own circle to begin with, and I had not got mine yet."
"But how about Mr. Hosmer Angel?
Did he make no attempt to see you?"
"Well, father was going off to France again in a week, and Hosmer wrote and said that it would be safer and better not to see each other until he had gone.
We could write in the meantime, and he used to write every day.
I took the letters in in the morning, so there was no need for father to know."
"Were you engaged to the gentleman at this time?"
"Oh, yes, Mr. Holmes.
We were engaged after the first walk that we took.
Hosmer--Mr. Angel--was a cashier in an office in Leadenhall Street--and--"
"What office?"
"That's the worst of it, Mr. Holmes, I don't know."
"Where did he live, then?"
"He slept on the premises."
"And you don't know his address?"
"No--except that it was Leadenhall Street."
"Where did you address your letters, then?"
"To the Leadenhall Street Post Office, to be left till called for.
He said that if they were sent to the office he would be chaffed by all the other clerks about having letters from a lady, so I offered to typewrite them, like he did his, but he wouldn't have that, for he said that when I wrote them they seemed to come from me, but when they were typewritten he always felt that the machine had come between us.
That will just show you how fond he was of me, Mr. Holmes, and the little things that he would think of."
"It was most suggestive,"
said Holmes.
"It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.
Can you remember any other little things about Mr. Hosmer Angel?"
"He was a very shy man, Mr. Holmes.
He would rather walk with me in the evening than in the daylight, for he said that he hated to be conspicuous.
Very retiring and gentlemanly he was.
Even his voice was gentle.
He'd had the quinsy and swollen glands when he was young, he told me, and it had left him with a weak throat, and a hesitating, whispering fashion of speech.
He was always well dressed, very neat and plain, but his eyes were weak, just as mine are, and he wore tinted glasses against the glare."
"Well, and what happened when Mr. Windibank, your stepfather, returned to France?"
"Mr. Hosmer Angel came to the house again and proposed that we should marry before father came back.
He was in dreadful earnest and made me swear, with my hands on the Testament, that whatever happened I would always be true to him.
Mother said he was quite right to make me swear, and that it was a sign of his passion.
Mother was all in his favour from the first and was even fonder of him than I was.
Then, when they talked of marrying within the week, I began to ask about father; but they both said never to mind about father, but just to tell him afterwards, and mother said she would make it all right with him.
I didn't quite like that, Mr. Holmes.
It seemed funny that I should ask his leave, as he was only a few years older than me;
but I didn't want to do anything on the sly, so I wrote to father at Bordeaux, where the company has its French offices, but the letter came back to me on the very morning of the wedding."
"It missed him, then?"
"Yes, sir;
for he had started to England just before it arrived."
that was unfortunate.
Your wedding was arranged, then, for the Friday.
Was it to be in church?"
"Yes, sir, but very quietly.
It was to be at St. Saviour's, near King's Cross, and we were to have breakfast afterwards at the St. Pancras Hotel.
Hosmer came for us in a hansom, but as there were two of us he put us both into it and stepped himself into a four-wheeler,
which happened to be the only other cab in the street.
We got to the church first, and when the four-wheeler drove up we waited for him to step out, but he never did,
and when the cabman got down from the box and looked there was no one there!
The cabman said that he could not imagine what had become of him, for he had seen him get in with his own eyes.
That was last Friday, Mr. Holmes, and I have never seen or heard anything since then to throw any light upon what became of him."
"It seems to me that you have been very shamefully treated,"
said Holmes.
"Oh, no, sir!
He was too good and kind to leave me so.
Why, all the morning he was saying to me that, whatever happened, I was to be true; and that even if something quite unforeseen occurred to separate us, I was always to remember that I was pledged to him, and that he would claim his pledge sooner or later.
It seemed strange talk for a wedding-morning, but what has happened since gives a meaning to it."
"Most certainly it does.
Your own opinion is, then, that some unforeseen catastrophe has occurred to him?"
"Yes, sir.
I believe that he foresaw some danger, or else he would not have talked so.
And then I think that what he foresaw happened."
"But you have no notion as to what it could have been?"
"One more question.
How did your mother take the matter?"
"She was angry, and said that I was never to speak of the matter again."
"And your father?
Did you tell him?"
and he seemed to think, with me, that something had happened, and that I should hear of Hosmer again.
As he said, what interest could anyone have in bringing me to the doors of the church, and then leaving me?
Now, if he had borrowed my money, or if he had married me and got my money settled on him, there might be some reason, but Hosmer was very independent about money and never would look at a shilling of mine.
And yet, what could have happened?
And why could he not write?
Oh, it drives me half-mad to think of it, and I can't sleep a wink at night."
She pulled a little handkerchief out of her muff and began to sob heavily into it.
"I shall glance into the case for you,"
said Holmes, rising,
"and I have no doubt that we shall reach some definite result.
Let the weight of the matter rest upon me now, and do not let your mind dwell upon it further.
Above all, try to let Mr. Hosmer Angel vanish from your memory, as he has done from your life."
"Then you don't think I'll see him again?"
"I fear not."
"Then what has happened to him?"
"You will leave that question in my hands.
I should like an accurate description of him and any letters of his which you can spare."
"I advertised for him in last Saturday's Chronicle,"
said she.
"Here is the slip and here are four letters from him."
"Thank you.
And your address?"
"No. 31 Lyon Place, Camberwell."
"Mr. Angel's address you never had, I understand.
Where is your father's place of business?"
"He travels for Westhouse & Marbank, the great claret importers of Fenchurch Street."
"Thank you.
You have made your statement very clearly.
You will leave the papers here, and remember the advice which I have given you.
Let the whole incident be a sealed book, and do not allow it to affect your life."
"You are very kind, Mr. Holmes, but I cannot do that.
I shall be true to Hosmer.
He shall find me ready when he comes back."
For all the preposterous hat and the vacuous face, there was something noble in the simple faith of our visitor which compelled our respect.
She laid her little bundle of papers upon the table and went her way, with a promise to come again whenever she might be summoned.
Sherlock Holmes sat silent for a few minutes with his fingertips still pressed together, his legs stretched out in front of him, and his gaze directed upward to the ceiling.
Then he took down from the rack the old and oily clay pipe, which was to him as a counsellor, and, having lit it, he leaned back in his chair, with the thick blue cloud-wreaths spinning up from him, and a look of infinite languor in his face.
"Quite an interesting study, that maiden,"
he observed.
"I found her more interesting than her little problem,
which, by the way, is rather a trite one.
You will find parallel cases, if you consult my index, in Andover in '77, and there was something of the sort at The Hague last year.
Old as is the idea, however, there were one or two details which were new to me.
But the maiden herself was most instructive."
"You appeared to read a good deal upon her which was quite invisible to me,"
I remarked.
"Not invisible but unnoticed, Watson.
You did not know where to look, and so you missed all that was important.
I can never bring you to realise the importance of sleeves, the suggestiveness of thumb-nails, or the great issues that may hang from a boot-lace.
Now, what did you gather from that woman's appearance?
Describe it."
"Well, she had a slate-coloured, broad-brimmed straw hat, with a feather of a brickish red.
Her jacket was black, with black beads sewn upon it, and a fringe of little black jet ornaments.
Her dress was brown, rather darker than coffee colour, with a little purple plush at the neck and sleeves.
Her gloves were greyish and were worn through at the right forefinger.
Her boots I didn't observe.
She had small round, hanging gold earrings, and a general air of being fairly well-to-do in a vulgar, comfortable, easy-going way."
Sherlock Holmes clapped his hands softly together and chuckled.
"'Pon my word, Watson, you are coming along wonderfully.
You have really done very well indeed.
It is true that you have missed everything of importance, but you have hit upon the method, and you have a quick eye for colour.
Never trust to general impressions, my boy, but concentrate yourself upon details.
My first glance is always at a woman's sleeve.
In a man it is perhaps better first to take the knee of the trouser.
As you observe, this woman had plush upon her sleeves, which is a most useful material for showing traces.
The double line a little above the wrist, where the typewritist presses against the table, was beautifully defined.
The sewing-machine, of the hand type, leaves a similar mark, but only on the left arm, and on the side of it farthest from the thumb, instead of being right across the broadest part, as this was.
I then glanced at her face, and, observing the dint of a pince-nez at either side of her nose, I ventured a remark upon short sight and typewriting, which seemed to surprise her."
"It surprised me."
"But, surely, it was obvious.
I was then much surprised and interested on glancing down to observe that, though the boots which she was wearing were not unlike each other, they were really odd ones;
the one having a slightly decorated toe-cap, and the other a plain one.
One was buttoned only in the two lower buttons out of five, and the other at the first, third, and fifth.
Now, when you see that a young lady, otherwise neatly dressed, has come away from home with odd boots, half-buttoned, it is no great deduction to say that she came away in a hurry."
"And what else?"
I asked, keenly interested, as I always was, by my friend's incisive reasoning.
"I noted, in passing, that she had written a note before leaving home but after being fully dressed.
You observed that her right glove was torn at the forefinger, but you did not apparently see that both glove and finger were stained with violet ink.
She had written in a hurry and dipped her pen too deep.
It must have been this morning, or the mark would not remain clear upon the finger.
All this is amusing, though rather elementary, but I must go back to business, Watson.
Would you mind reading me the advertised description of Mr. Hosmer Angel?"
I held the little printed slip to the light.
"Missing," it said, "on the morning of the fourteenth, a gentleman named Hosmer Angel.
About five ft. seven in. in height; strongly built, sallow complexion, black hair, a little bald in the centre, bushy, black side-whiskers and moustache; tinted glasses, slight infirmity of speech.
Was dressed, when last seen, in black frock-coat faced with silk, black waistcoat, gold Albert chain, and grey Harris tweed trousers, with brown gaiters over elastic-sided boots.
Known to have been employed in an office in Leadenhall Street.
Anybody bringing--"
"That will do,"
said Holmes.
"As to the letters,"
he continued, glancing over them,
"they are very commonplace.
Absolutely no clue in them to Mr. Angel, save that he quotes Balzac once.
There is one remarkable point, however, which will no doubt strike you."
"They are typewritten,"
I remarked.
"Not only that, but the signature is typewritten.
Look at the neat little 'Hosmer Angel' at the bottom.
There is a date, you see, but no superscription except Leadenhall Street, which is rather vague.
The point about the signature is very suggestive --in fact, we may call it conclusive."
"Of what?"
"My dear fellow, is it possible you do not see how strongly it bears upon the case?"
"I cannot say that I do unless it were that he wished to be able to deny his signature if an action for breach of promise were instituted."
"No, that was not the point.
However, I shall write two letters, which should settle the matter.
One is to a firm in the City, the other is to the young lady's stepfather, Mr. Windibank, asking him whether he could meet us here at six o'clock tomorrow evening.
It is just as well that we should do business with the male relatives.
And now, Doctor, we can do nothing until the answers to those letters come, so we may put our little problem upon the shelf for the interim."
I had had so many reasons to believe in my friend's subtle powers of reasoning and extraordinary energy in action that I felt that he must have some solid grounds for the assured and easy demeanour with which he treated the singular mystery which he had been called upon to fathom.
Once only had I known him to fail, in the case of the King of Bohemia and of the Irene Adler photograph; but when I looked back to the weird business of the Sign of Four, and the extraordinary circumstances connected with the Study in Scarlet, I felt that it would be a strange tangle indeed which he could not unravel.
I left him then, still puffing at his black clay pipe, with the conviction that when I came again on the next evening I would find that he held in his hands all the clues which would lead up to the identity of the disappearing bridegroom of Miss Mary Sutherland.
A professional case of great gravity was engaging my own attention at the time, and the whole of next day I was busy at the bedside of the sufferer.
It was not until close upon six o'clock that I found myself free and was able to spring into a hansom and drive to Baker Street, half afraid that I might be too late to assist at the denouement of the little mystery.
I found Sherlock Holmes alone, however, half asleep, with his long, thin form curled up in the recesses of his armchair.
A formidable array of bottles and test-tubes, with the pungent cleanly smell of hydrochloric acid, told me that he had spent his day in the chemical work which was so dear to him.
"Well, have you solved it?"
I asked as I entered.
It was the bisulphate of baryta."
"No, no, the mystery!"
I cried.
"Oh, that!
I thought of the salt that I have been working upon.
There was never any mystery in the matter, though, as I said yesterday, some of the details are of interest.
The only drawback is that there is no law, I fear, that can touch the scoundrel."
"Who was he, then, and what was his object in deserting Miss Sutherland?"
The question was hardly out of my mouth, and Holmes had not yet opened his lips to reply, when we heard a heavy footfall in the passage and a tap at the door.
"This is the girl's stepfather, Mr. James Windibank,"
said Holmes.
"He has written to me to say that he would be here at six.
Come in!"
The man who entered was a sturdy, middle-sized fellow, some thirty years of age, clean-shaven, and sallow-skinned, with a bland, insinuating manner, and a pair of wonderfully sharp and penetrating grey eyes.
He shot a questioning glance at each of us, placed his shiny top-hat upon the sideboard, and with a slight bow sidled down into the nearest chair.
"Good-evening, Mr. James Windibank,"
said Holmes.
"I think that this typewritten letter is from you, in which you made an appointment with me for six o'clock?"
"Yes, sir.
I am afraid that I am a little late, but I am not quite my own master, you know.
I am sorry that Miss Sutherland has troubled you about this little matter,
for I think it is far better not to wash linen of the sort in public.
It was quite against my wishes that she came, but she is a very excitable, impulsive girl, as you may have noticed, and she is not easily controlled when she has made up her mind on a point.
Of course, I did not mind you so much, as you are not connected with the official police, but it is not pleasant to have a family misfortune like this noised abroad.
Besides, it is a useless expense, for how could you possibly find this Hosmer Angel?"
"On the contrary,"
said Holmes quietly;
"I have every reason to believe that I will succeed in discovering Mr. Hosmer Angel."
Mr. Windibank gave a violent start and dropped his gloves.
"I am delighted to hear it,"
he said.
"It is a curious thing,"
remarked Holmes,
"that a typewriter has really quite as much individuality as a man's handwriting.
Unless they are quite new, no two of them write exactly alike.
Some letters get more worn than others, and some wear only on one side.
Now, you remark in this note of yours, Mr. Windibank, that in every case there is some little slurring over of the 'e,' and a slight defect in the tail of the 'r.'
There are fourteen other characteristics, but those are the more obvious."
"We do all our correspondence with this machine at the office, and no doubt it is a little worn,"
our visitor answered, glancing keenly at Holmes with his bright little eyes.
"And now I will show you what is really a very interesting study, Mr. Windibank,"
Holmes continued.
"I think of writing another little monograph some of these days on the typewriter and its relation to crime.
It is a subject to which I have devoted some little attention.
I have here four letters which purport to come from the missing man.
They are all typewritten.
In each case, not only are the 'e's' slurred and the 'r's' tailless, but you will observe, if you care to use my magnifying lens, that the fourteen other characteristics to which I have alluded are there as well."
Mr. Windibank sprang out of his chair and picked up his hat.
"I cannot waste time over this sort of fantastic talk, Mr. Holmes,"
he said.
"If you can catch the man, catch him, and let me know when you have done it."
said Holmes, stepping over and turning the key in the door.
"I let you know, then, that I have caught him!"
shouted Mr. Windibank, turning white to his lips and glancing about him like a rat in a trap.
"Oh, it won't do--really it won't,"
said Holmes suavely.
"There is no possible getting out of it, Mr. Windibank.
It is quite too transparent, and it was a very bad compliment when you said that it was impossible for me to solve so simple a question.
That's right!
Sit down and let us talk it over."
Our visitor collapsed into a chair, with a ghastly face and a glitter of moisture on his brow.
"It--it's not actionable,"
he stammered.
"I am very much afraid that it is not.
But between ourselves, Windibank, it was as cruel and selfish and heartless a trick in a petty way as ever came before me.
Now, let me just run over the course of events, and you will contradict me if I go wrong."
The man sat huddled up in his chair, with his head sunk upon his breast, like one who is utterly crushed.
Holmes stuck his feet up on the corner of the mantelpiece and, leaning back with his hands in his pockets, began talking, rather to himself, as it seemed, than to us.
"The man married a woman very much older than himself for her money,"
said he,
"and he enjoyed the use of the money of the daughter as long as she lived with them.
It was a considerable sum, for people in their position, and the loss of it would have made a serious difference.
It was worth an effort to preserve it.
The daughter was of a good, amiable disposition, but affectionate and warm-hearted in her ways, so that it was evident that with her fair personal advantages, and her little income, she would not be allowed to remain single long.
Now her marriage would mean, of course, the loss of a hundred a year, so what does her stepfather do to prevent it?
He takes the obvious course of keeping her at home and forbidding her to seek the company of people of her own age.
But soon he found that that would not answer forever.
She became restive, insisted upon her rights, and finally announced her positive intention of going to a certain ball.
What does her clever stepfather do then?
He conceives an idea more creditable to his head than to his heart.
With the connivance and assistance of his wife he disguised himself, covered those keen eyes with tinted glasses, masked the face with a moustache and a pair of bushy whiskers, sunk that clear voice into an insinuating whisper, and doubly secure on account of the girl's short sight, he appears as Mr. Hosmer Angel, and keeps off other lovers by making love himself."
"It was only a joke at first,"
groaned our visitor.
"We never thought that she would have been so carried away."
"Very likely not.
However that may be, the young lady was very decidedly carried away, and, having quite made up her mind that her stepfather was in France, the suspicion of treachery never for an instant entered her mind.
She was flattered by the gentleman's attentions, and the effect was increased by the loudly expressed admiration of her mother.
Then Mr. Angel began to call,
for it was obvious that the matter should be pushed as far as it would go if a real effect were to be produced.
There were meetings, and an engagement, which would finally secure the girl's affections from turning towards anyone else.
But the deception could not be kept up forever.
These pretended journeys to France were rather cumbrous.
The thing to do was clearly
to bring the business to an end in such a dramatic manner that it would leave a permanent impression upon the young lady's mind and prevent her from looking upon any other suitor for some time to come.
Hence those vows of fidelity exacted upon a Testament, and hence also the allusions to a possibility of something happening on the very morning of the wedding.
James Windibank wished Miss Sutherland to be so bound to Hosmer Angel, and so uncertain as to his fate, that for ten years to come, at any rate, she would not listen to another man.
As far as the church door he brought her, and then, as he could go no farther, he conveniently vanished away by the old trick of stepping in at one door of a four-wheeler and out at the other.
I think that was the chain of events, Mr. Windibank!"
Our visitor had recovered something of his assurance while Holmes had been talking, and he rose from his chair now with a cold sneer upon his pale face.
"It may be so, or it may not, Mr. Holmes,"
said he,
"but if you are so very sharp you ought to be sharp enough to know that it is you who are breaking the law now, and not me.
I have done nothing actionable from the first, but as long as you keep that door locked you lay yourself open to an action for assault and illegal constraint."
"The law cannot, as you say, touch you,"
said Holmes, unlocking and throwing open the door,
"yet there never was a man who deserved punishment more.
If the young lady has a brother or a friend, he ought to lay a whip across your shoulders.
By Jove!"
he continued, flushing up at the sight of the bitter sneer upon the man's face,
"it is not part of my duties to my client, but here's a hunting crop handy, and I think I shall just treat myself to--"
He took two swift steps to the whip, but before he could grasp it there was a wild clatter of steps upon the stairs, the heavy hall door banged, and from the window we could see Mr. James Windibank running at the top of his speed down the road.
"There's a cold-blooded scoundrel!"
said Holmes, laughing, as he threw himself down into his chair once more.
"That fellow will rise from crime to crime until he does something very bad, and ends on a gallows.
The case has, in some respects, been not entirely devoid of interest."
"I cannot now entirely see all the steps of your reasoning,"
I remarked.
"Well, of course it was obvious from the first that this Mr. Hosmer Angel must have some strong object for his curious conduct, and it was equally clear that the only man who really profited by the incident, as far as we could see, was the stepfather.
Then the fact that the two men were never together, but that the one always appeared when the other was away, was suggestive.
So were the tinted spectacles and the curious voice, which both hinted at a disguise, as did the bushy whiskers.
My suspicions were all confirmed by his peculiar action in typewriting his signature, which, of course, inferred that his handwriting was so familiar to her that she would recognise even the smallest sample of it.
You see all these isolated facts, together with many minor ones, all pointed in the same direction."
"And how did you verify them?"
"Having once spotted my man, it was easy to get corroboration.
I knew the firm for which this man worked.
Having taken the printed description. I eliminated everything from it which could be the result of a disguise--the whiskers, the glasses, the voice, and I sent it to the firm, with a request that they would inform me whether it answered to the description of any of their travellers.
I had already noticed the peculiarities of the typewriter, and I wrote to the man himself at his business address asking him if he would come here.
As I expected, his reply was typewritten and revealed the same trivial but characteristic defects.
The same post brought me a letter from Westhouse & Marbank, of Fenchurch Street, to say that the description tallied in every respect with that of their employe James Windibank.
Voila tout!”
"And Miss Sutherland?"
"If I tell her she will not believe me.
You may remember the old Persian saying,
'There is danger for him who taketh the tiger cub, and danger also for whoso snatches a delusion from a woman.'
There is as much sense in Hafiz as in Horace, and as much knowledge of the world."
原題:The Boscombe Valley Mystery
Copyright(C)2006 coderati
原題:The Five Orange Pips
Copyright(C)2006 coderati
原題:The Man with the Twisted Lip
Copyright(C)2006 coderati
原題:The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
Copyright(C)2006 coderati
原題:The Adventure of the Speckled Band
Copyright(C)2006 coderati
原題:The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb
Copyright(C)2006 coderati
原題:The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor
Copyright(C)2006 coderati
原題:The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet
Copyright(C)2006 coderati
原題:The Adventure of the Copper Beeches
Copyright(C)2006 coderati | {
"source": "mutiyama",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
邪魔にならないように髪編みにし、動きやすい服装に着替える。スカートよりはズボンのほうがいいかな? 怪我しても面倒なので裾丈は長いものにした。いつも家に居るときはキュロットかスカートパンツだけど、流石に山の中を歩くのには適していない。上も丈夫な生地のもの。なめした革で造った胸当てを装着して、腰に短剣を下げる。最後にその上からマントを羽織り、フードを被る。完璧だ。
......どうしよう? 一緒に来てくれれば凄く心強いけど。
「それで、ノルンはどうする? このままこの森に残る? それとも......一緒に来る?」
え? 家を残していく? 燃やす? そんな馬鹿な。あれだけ苦労して造った家になんでそんなことをしないといけないのか。そもそも【ストレージ】は収納量無制限、であれば収納するもののひとつあたりの大きさも無制限のはずだ。そしてこんなこともあろうかと、家を増築したときにわざわざ石垣を作ったのだ。家の基礎部分はその石垣の中。石垣部分ごと収納すれば何の問題もない。庭も畑も持っていける。可動式庭付き一戸建てだ。素晴らしい。
とまあ、久しぶりに【ストレージ】の酷いチートを実感しつつ準備完了。辺りはもう日が落ちかけていて大分暗くなってきた。闇夜に乗じて脱出でござる! ニンニン!
周囲を窺う。私の自宅まで押しかけてきた連中は居ない。前良し! 後ろ良し! 右良し! 左良し! お前に良し! 私に良し! んー、良し!
それから2日ほど歩いて漸く街道に辿り着いた。 | Well now, since I’ve already decided on it, I should start making preparations to escape at night.
......But to be honest, I didn’t need to make any preparations. All my belongings were basically just stored in Storage. There was actually one last thing, but that can be left for last.
It was currently evening. The groups of people have also returned to their villages. It seems there wasn’t anyone hiding about, and Detection wasn’t picking up anything.
I braided my hair to prevent it from getting in the way and changed into clothes that were easier to move in. I also changed from my skirt into trousers. The hem of the skirt was long and it would be troublesome if I got injured because of it. At home, I usually wear culottes or skirt pants, but those weren’t suitable for walking in the mountains. The top was also made of durable fabric. I put on a leather breastplate and strapped my short sword to my waist. And the final touch, I wore my cloak with the hood up. Perfect.
Norn was curled up in front of the fireplace, but had now risen and was looking at me.
.....What should I do? It would be very reassuring if Norn and Bell were to come with me.
Norn was silently looking at me.
“Norn, I have decided to leave this forest.”
“So what will you do, Norn? Will the two of you remain in this forest? Or......will you two come with me?”
It seems the two would come with me. I was happy, or rather, very happy.
......Also, this wasn’t a conclusion I came up with for my own convenience. When the level of Life Magic went up, I became able to understand what Norn was saying. But Bell was still too young so her words weren’t too clear, I couldn’t understand it very well. It’s not like I’m being desperate or anything, okay?
Well since everything was settled, I should head out immediately. After waking up the sleeping Bell, we headed outside the house.
I had lived in this house for quite a long time.
......I thought back on the days spent here. I have to leave this forest. But I still didn’t want to leave this house behind.
I placed the house into Storage.
All that was left was the drainage.
Eh? You thought I was going to leave the house behind?Or burn it? That’s just stupid. I worked hard to build this house so I’m not going to do any of that. In the first place, Storage has an unlimited storage capacity, so I should be able to store any item regardless of the size. Furthermore, when I expanded the house I also built a stone wall around it. So the entire house was within the boundaries of the stone wall. As such, if I stored the entire stone wall there shouldn’t be any problems. I would even be able to bring along the garden. A transportable house along with a garden. How wonderful.
I didn’t want people going into my bedroom, so I never planned on leaving the house behind.
It’s been a while, but I again realized just how cheat-like the Storage skill was. The sun was already setting and it was getting darker outside. Let’s take advantage of the dark night and escape now!
.......After walking for about five hours, I decided to take a short break. To be honest, I actually didn’t have to take a break. Sleepiness, stamina, fatigue recovery. I have potions for all of them. But I didn’t want to overdo it.
Norn and I were both alright, but Bell was still a child and lacked stamina. Also, I would be troubled if I used potions and became misled about the extent of my own limits.
I was currently traveling eastward. If I remember correctly, in this direction beyond all the villages there should be a town called Harula. I’ve heard that it’s fairly safe town and has a guild. The village where Coco lives in was towards the southeast, so if I head this far I shouldn’t encounter any of them again.
On a side note, the baron who governs this area lives in a town called Neizan, towards the south of the forest. The toad-faced merchant was also there. So I will never go there.
I watched Bell while eating a light meal, she appeared to be rather energetic so she probably thought we were on an outing or hunting at night. But we’re actually pulling off a night escape, alright?
Since Norn told me she would be on the lookout, I took a nap for about an hour before continuing on. In terms of distance, I believe we should exit the forest around tomorrow afternoon?
We traveled through the forest without any problems, but I did kill a few orcs and goblins by sniping them along the way.
I examined our surroundings. It seems there weren’t any pursuers following us. Nothing on the front, the back, the right, and the left! Everyone was alright, I’m also alright! All clear!
Let’s exit the forest and start heading towards the roads!
I thought about the future while walking on the grassland alongside Norn and Bell.
There weren’t many people who knew what I look like. To be precise, there should only be two. One of them was Neil. He was able to see my face due to my own carelessness. I wished he would forget about it, but that wasn’t going to happen. The other person was Coco. Since she’s shorter than me, she was always looking up at me. So my face should have been almost completely visible even with my hood on. But if I go to Harula, there shouldn’t be any problems. Both of them were living in a village in the forest. There were also the children who I lived with in the orphanage before.But it has been over a year, so my hair has grown and become longer. Furthermore, I think my face has changed quite a lot since I was now healthier and less skinnier due to eating a balanced diet. As such, they shouldn’t be able to recognize me on first sight. Or at least I think so. The toad-faced merchant has only seen me from a distance a few times, so I should also be alright there.
When I think about it like this, aren’t I better off than I thought?
Yes, as long as I be careful everything, it will be alright!
After walking for about two days, I finally reached the roads. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
セバスチャンさんがクレアさんが森に行ってすぐと、帰って来てからの二回報せを出したって言ってたな。 | be so indifferent about your own clothes... What kind of person was this...? He had been described as hearty.
In any case, Tilura. I hope you won’t say such things right in front of him?
I think it was one of the top things a daughter can say to her father that would shock him the most...
It was then that I swore that if I ever had a daughter in the future, I would be careful to be clean and tidy.
And so unlike breakfast time, we all entered the dining hall in a relaxed mood.
Apparently, they had come up with good strategies on how to deal with the duke.
Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda were in the room and serving the food.
After that, we ate until we were quite full, and then we rested and drank some of Ms. Lyra’s tea as we waited for the duke’s arrival.
Immediately after lunch, a maid entered the room and announced that the house had finished preparations for welcoming their master.
They must have been very busy... My hat was off to them.
“Any time now...”
“Lady Claire, as we discussed.” “I know.”
“I’m getting nervous.”
Sebastian was saying something to Ms. Claire. It was probably about what she was going to say in regards to the marriage proposals.
Tilura looked nervous about meeting her father after being away for so long. But out of everyone, I was clearly the most nervous, as I was seeing him for the first time.
Even if the others had all assured me that he was careless or unconcerned with details, this was still a nobleman.
They say that your first impression is important, and I did not want this to be a failure.
As for Leo, she was leisurely drinking her milk. Sherry was riding on top of Leo’s back and looking at everyone as if wondering what was going to happen now.
Well, Leo did not seem like the type to get nervous while meeting people.
As for Sherry, she was too young to know the significance of meeting someone who is important.
Or perhaps it didn’t matter, and they just didn’t get nervous around humans to begin with.
As I thought of such things, the door of the dining hall opened and a butler entered.
“His Grace has arrived.”
And with those words, I could sense the room growing even more tense.
It was one thing for me and the servants to be this way, but Ms. Claire and Tilura were just meeting their father...
Sebastian gestured for Ms. Claire to move forward, and Tilura and I got to our feet.
Leo and Sherry followed suit. Leo took her position next to me, and Sherry moved next to Ms. Claire.
“...Let’s go then. Mr. Takumi, Tilura, Sebastian.” “Yes, Ms. Claire.”
“Yes, My Lady.”
“Let’s go.” “Wuff?”
Leo and Sherry were just as oblivious as before, and did not understand what the fuss was about. But there was no time to explain, as we left the dining hall.
But really, it was just the master of the house. Why was this the atmosphere of people going to fight the final boss in a game...?
I was one to talk, since I was just as nervous. But this was just a family reunion, and not an actual fight.
Yet such thoughts were not enough to calm my nerves, and like that, we came out into the entrance hall.
Dozens of maids and butlers stood in a row here. There were so many, that I wondered if the entire household was present.
Though, I was quite sure that it actually took many more people to manage a mansion of this size, so it was likely just those who were free at this time.
Ah, Ms. Helena was here too.
And I saw Phillip and Nicholas near the door.
“His Grace, Duke Ekenhart Liebert has arrived!”
Rang a voice from just outside, and everyone in the hall straightened their backs.
I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, but I copied the servants and fixed my posture as well.
I was currently standing behind Ms. Claire and Tilura, and next Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda.
Still, his name was Ekenhart, huh?
I had not been told his name before this. Still, the name gave the impression of a beautiful gentleman.
Phillip and Nicholas opened the doors from both sides, and then a man walked in, followed by three armored guards.
“Welcome back, Your Grace, Duke Ekenhart!”
The servants all raised their voices in unison and greeted their master.
Ekenhart saw this and nodded. Then he turned to look at Ms. Claire.
Ms. Claire and Tilura stepped forward.
Sebastian was right behind them.
“It is good to have you back, father. I’m afraid I must have caused you much distress, and for that I am sorry.”
“Welcome back, father.”
“Claire...I am just glad that you are all right... You two...have grown even prettier than when I last saw you... It makes me very happy.”
Oh...? This man was covering his face with his large hands and crying... What happened?
In fact, he was not really the handsome gentleman I had been expecting.
His mouth was covered in stubble, and his beard and sideburns were connected. He had a rough, wild look.
Even his clothes made me realize that the others had been speaking the truth. Had he been walking around town, no one would suspect that he was a nobleman.
...In fact, had he been carrying an axe, people might mistake him for a bandit... That was what the old man looked like. Though, he was currently crying at the sight of his daughters.
Had he only trimmed his beard, he could look like a dandy older man... I mused while looking at the sobbing Ekenhart.
That being said, this crying had the effect of erasing any sense of nervousness that one might have felt from his physical appearance.
Well, he still looked strong. And you would probably go flying off into the air if he hit you. But this was Ms. Claire’s father, and he wouldn’t do anything like that... I think.
However, to think that Ms. Claire came from him... She must take after her mother.
“Father, I wish you wouldn’t cry in front of other people like this.” “Oh...I’m sorry.”
“Your Grace, had you waited, you would have received a message that explained that Lady Claire is well.”
Upon hearing this, Mr. Ekenhart roughly wiped away the tears and stopped crying.
Yes, Sebastian did say that he had sent out a second message after Ms. Claire returned. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 4,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
それは、我々がなれるはずだと信じているものと 忘れてしまった伝統の間に 浮遊している何かなのだ、と
ここでこうした素晴らしい人たちの話を聴いていると ものすごく刺激されます こんなに多くの素晴らしいアイデアとビジョンに
それなのに、外の環境を見回すと 建築がいかに変化に抵抗するものかがわかるのです
それなのに、結局最後には 壁一つを変えるのさえ難しいのです
しかし、今まで存在したことのないものを作ることに私は興味があります 未だかつて存在したことのないもの 自分の心と魂の世界以外では、決して入ったことのない場所
建築は、コンクリートと鉄と 土の成分でできているのではない
その驚きこそが、偉大な都市、我々が持つ偉大な空間を を作り上げているものです
これこそが建築です 建築は物語なのです
ところでそれは、ハードな素材を通じて 語られる物語です
それは起こりそうにないことに対する努力と 闘いの物語です
偉大なビルディング、教会、寺院、 ピラミッド、仏塔、 インドの町々などを思い浮かべる時 それがなにか抽象的なアイデアでなく 人々によって実現されていることに驚きます
こちらをご覧下さい 私が重要な建築物について 信じていることがらです
美術評論家や建築評論家や都市計画者が 重要視することではありません
でもこれらは酸素のように必要なのです 我々がビルの中で生活し、都市で生活し、 社会空間で繋がり合うために
将軍や、政治家や、経済学者なら鬱屈していてもいいし マイナーキーの音楽家も暗い色の画家もそうです
このような時でさえ 建築家は偉大なアイデアをもって成功することができます 小さくないアイデアです 偉大な都市を考えて下さい
これらは、ある意味では必ずしも 良い時代に作られているわけではありません
しかしそれでも建築のエネルギーとパワーが これらの建築が占める社会・政治空間を動かしたのです
エスプレッソコーヒーのようなものです つまりコーヒーのエッセンスです
表現は、多くの建築から消えています なぜなら建築は中性性の領域、 意見を主張しない状態の領域、価値観を持たない 領域のものと考えられているからです
それでも、私は表現性、 街の表現性、我々自身の空間の表現性が 建築に意味を与えると信じています
表現的な空間は、単に我々が 既に知っていることを確認する場所ではありません
生活とは、麻酔薬でニコニコしているようなものではありません 歴史の深淵に手を拡げ 一度も行ったことのない場所や 運が悪ければそこにいたような場所まで手を広げることです
急進性とは何か? それは何かに根ざしていること 伝統のどこか深くに根を持つこと
死んだ姿をホルムアルデヒドで保存する ことではありません
実際は、自分たちがその一部である 宇宙の事象とライブに繋がることであり 確かに今起きていることについての物語です
実際は、我々自身の行動が、物語を ある方向に押し進めているのです
このソビエト的建築は 保守的です
感情を保持し、伝統を保持し、それが 心が前進するのを阻んでいたのです もちろん急進性とは、それに対抗することです
そして我々の建築とは、我々自身の 感覚と対抗するものです
私は常にそれに反対します 感情が必要だと思うのです
倫理の領域、我々は何者かという 哲学上の謎に、感情を持ち込んでも構いません
感情は、街の空間、街の生活に 導入すべき重要な規範だと思います
そしてもちろん、冷たく無感情なものと感情との対決が 都市自身が培ってきた 会話だと思います
都市の形だけでなく 感情を吹き込んだという事実が重要です 都市を造る人の感情だけでなく そこに住む人の感情についても...
「説明不能」と「理解済み」 我々はいつも全てを理解しようとしすぎます
言語なのですが、我々が言葉で書くことができるような 構成可能な記号に切り詰められるものではありません
外で見かけるほとんどのビルは、あまりに平凡で 非常に短いストーリーだけを話します つまり「私は何も話すことがないよ」です
そこで実際に重要なのは 言葉では全く表現不可能な 建築的要素を取り入れることなのです なぜならそれは比率や、素材や、 光のなかで作動しているからです
それは様々な源泉— あまり前頭葉的でなく、どちらかというと 生命そのものや、街の歴史や、 人々の歴史に埋め込まれたような
複雑なベクトル配列と結びつきます それ故に、建物はわかりやすいのがいいという考えは 間違った考えだと思います それは建築を平凡さに落とし込みます
しかしコンピュータは手のグローブであってはいけない 手そのものが、コンピュータをドライブしなくてはいけない
なぜなら、手は 全く原始的で、生理的にあいまいだが ある「源泉」を持っている それが何かは明らかでないし それを神秘的に捉える必要もないが
手は、我々の自律性を越えた力から 贈られたのだ思います
そして我々が手で描く時 それはコンピュータに似せるかもしれないが、コンピュータ描画ではなく 「源泉」からもたらされるものであり それは全く知られていないもの、正常でないもの、見たことのないものです そして手は―本当に、仕事をしている全ての皆さんにとって― いかに我々の手がコンピュータに従うのではなく、 コンピュータを我々の手に従わせるかが重要なのです
私たちは、シンプルさはよいことであるという宣伝に 慣らされています 私はそうは思いません
皆さんの話を全部聞くと、思想の複雑さ、 多層になった意味の複雑さは圧倒的だと感じます
そして建築も、そこから逃げてはいけないのです 脳外科、原子物理学、 遺伝子学、経済学などは とても複雑な分野です
建築だけがそこから逃げて、シンプルな世界という 幻想を提示してはいけません
建築は複雑です 空間は複雑なのです
その空間は驚くべきものなので しばしば称揚される単純さに 還元できないのです
だから、建築も、我々が持っているそれぞれの空間や それぞれの深い知識の複雑さを反映する 必要があると思います
「政治」の語源「ポリテア」は都市です 我々全体なのです
そして、建築という行為は 個人住宅であっても、他人から見れば政治的行為です 他人にも見えるからです
従ってまた、純粋な建築、 抽象的な存在に過ぎない自律的な建築という世界に 逃げ込むことは、 私には出来ません
そして私は、伝統的建築との相互作用、 —それは時に非常に難しいのですが— 歴史と対峙し、普通の予測を飛び越えた 立場をとり、批評を呼び起こすような相互作用を信じています
しかしシミュレートできないものが一つあります それは人間の心、魂です
そして建築はそれらと緊密に織り合わさっています なぜなら我々は「どこかで」生まれ、死ぬのですから
だから建築のリアリティは肉体的です 知的ではないのです
それは現実で、手が触れられるドア、窓、 敷居、ベッドのような そういう平凡なもので、にもかかわらず 私は、全てのビルで、仮想空間を、 非常に謎が多くリッチな仮想空間を採り上げ 現実世界に作り出そうとするのです
オフィスのための空間: 持続可能な空間で、 そこは仮想性の中でも機能し、 かつ、現実の何かとしても実現できるもの
習慣とは何か? 自分自身への足かせです
教会は、予想外で 常に予想外でしょう
フランク・ゲーリーの建造物 あれは将来も予想外であり続けるでしょう
私たちに安定という間違った感覚を 植え付ける慣習的な建築ではなく 緊張に満ちた建築、 それ自身を突き抜け 人間の魂と心に触れる建築が 我々を因習のくびきから解き放ちます
似通った建築を見ていると 同じ観点、同じ光線、同じ素材の世界に 慣れさせられてしまいます
そしてあなたの建築は、それ自身の一部である技術や驚きに 制限されてしまうのです
「生」とはなにか? それは 裸の体験、贅沢とは無縁で 高価な素材とも無縁、 高尚な文化に関連した 洗練とも無縁です
「生」であることは、空間では 持続可能性が実際に、未来には 生の空間になることであり 装飾されていない空間 どんなしきたりにもはまらない空間 しかし温度は冷たく、欲望には抵抗できる
空間です いつも付き従うよう訓練された 犬の様ではない空間、 他の可能性、他の経験を示す方向へ 自ら向かっていく空間、 過去のどんな建築のボキャブラリーにもない空間です
このような併置にもとても興味があります そこに新しいエネルギーのスパークが起きるからです
つまり私はなにか、丸くなく尖ったものが好きで 現実にフォーカスしたもの、 非常に小さな空間でさえも変えてしまうような パワーと影響力が好きなのです
建築は科学のように偉大なものではないでしょうが ある焦点を通じて アルキメデス的な方法で 世界のあり方を増幅できるのです
しばしば建物一つがあれば 我々の可能性、事績、そして世界がいかに 安定と不安定の間に止まっているかの体験を変えることができるのです
にもかかわらず、全ての社会空間、また 全ての公共空間は 凡庸な思想や技術以上の何かを 伝えようとしているのだと信じています それは何か尖ったもので その指し示す方向は 前、後ろ、横、周りなど様々です
自分たちがどちらへ向かっているかも分からず なぜそこへ向かっているかも分かりません
だから私は、同じものを何度も焼き直して使い回しする 忘却可能な再利用には興味がないのです それらは批評家の称賛を受けます
しかし私はなにか 全く聞いたことのないもの、 それにたとえ傷があっても、それを扱っている方が 意味なく空虚になったことを何度も繰り返すよりも よいのです
そして我々の記憶だけでなく 我々を思い出す人々の記憶のことです つまり建築は静かにしてはいないという事です
それは物語を告げます 物語があいまいな欲求に到達します
それは、既に埋められた何千もの モノにたどり着き それを全く予想しなかった財産として蘇らせます
だから、建築が静かなものであるという認識は 全く私にはアピールしないのです
だから、本当に、私が重要だと信じる 建築の使命は 振動する、 多元性の空間を創ることです それは非常に平凡な活動を変換し 全く別の期待値に引き揚げるのです
ショッピングセンターを 娯楽会場というより美術館のような泳ぎ回れる場所として作る
またそれはリスクでもあります 建築はリスキーであるべきです
莫大なお金やその他を使いますが、しかし、そう、 それは安全ではいけないのです
なぜ安全であっていはいけないかというと、もし安全なら それは我々が望む方向へ進んで行かないでしょうから
そしてもちろん リスクは世界の全ての下に横たわっています
これまでにないほど 目がくらむような 空間のリスクです 先進的な都市ではそうあるべきです
リスクは、本当に建築を動かし それに傷があっても、既製品の空虚さが 繰り返される今よりも はるかに良い世界に連れて行きます
それは、最小限の手段で 繰り返すことのできないもの、 他の場所では絶対にシミュレートできないものを作ることです
そして、私たちが呼吸できる空間が必要です 夢見る空間が必要です
単に、私たちの中の幾人かのための 高級な空間だけでなく 世界の誰もに重要です
都市の家庭の空間に、自然が入り込める 場所を作り出すことです
これまでに一度も日の目を見たことのない何かが 密度の高い内部構造に入れる場所です
私は全体主義国家のために作られた 美しい建物が嫌いです
我々はこのような建物をあまりに称賛し過ぎです 美しいと思うのです
しかし人々に自由を与えない社会の 貧困を考えるとき、私はこのような建物を 称賛することができません
そしてもちろん、グラウンド・ゼロ 他に何があるでしょう?
これは感情的です 多数の利害があります
政治的です 非常に多くの団体が参加しています
非常に多くの利害があります お金 そして政治権力
そして、多くの混沌、多くの困難の中でも 以下の言い方が嫌いです: 「これは白紙だ、建築家さん 好きなようにやってくれていいよ」
そして汚れた言葉「妥協」のことです 妥協は悪くありません
妥協は、もし芸術的ならば もしそれが戦略に対抗できればー これは最初のスケッチと最後のレンダリングですが― そう違いはないのです
そして、妥協、合意は 私が信じるものです
そしてグラウンド・ゼロ 多くの困難にもかかわらず、前進しています
困難です 2011,2013,フリーダム・タワー、記念碑
私は、他の何千もの人たちと同じように 船で移民してきて、 その点からアメリカを見て刺激を受けました
これがアメリカだ これが自由だ
これが私が夢見ていることです スカイラインに現れる個人主義です それを復元したいと思います
そして最後に、それはアメリカが表す自由、 移民としての私だけでなく、世界の全ての人のための自由です ありがとう
(拍手) クリス・アンダーソン:質問があります
つまりあなたは、 グラウンド・ゼロ計画の過程で、あなたが作り出した オリジナルな、素晴らしいデザインが失われたことにけりをつけたのですか?
ダニエル・リベスキンド:我々は、自分たちが 権威主義者であること、自分たちが起きること全てに 決断を下せるという考え方を直さなくてはなりません
私はブロンクスで育ちました 敗者になるな、闘いで 諦めるやつにはなるな、と教えられました
信じるもののためには闘わなくてはなりません 勝ち取りたいもの 全てが得られるわけではありません しかし舵取りはできます
そして私は、グラウンド・ゼロに作られるものは 意味があり、刺激的で 後の世代に、犠牲について、またこの事件の 意味を伝えると思います
CA:どうもありがとうございました | It's something which is suspended between what we believe we can be, and a tradition we may have forgotten.
And I think, when I listen to these incredible people here, I've been so inspired -- so many incredible ideas, so many visions.
And yet, when I look at the environment outside, you see how resistant architecture is to change.
You see how resistant it is to those very ideas.
We can think them out. We can create incredible things.
And yet, at the end, it's so hard to change a wall.
We applaud the well-mannered box.
But to create a space that never existed is what interests me; to create something that has never been, a space that we have never entered except in our minds and our spirits.
And I think that's really what architecture is based on.
Architecture is not based on concrete and steel and the elements of the soil.
It's based on wonder.
And that wonder is really what has created the greatest cities, the greatest spaces that we have had.
And I think that is indeed what architecture is. It is a story.
By the way, it is a story that is told through its hard materials.
But it is a story of effort and struggle against improbabilities.
If you think of the great buildings, of the cathedrals, of the temples, of the pyramids, of pagodas, of cities in India and beyond, you think of how incredible this is that that was realized not by some abstract idea, but by people.
So, anything that has been made can be unmade.
Anything that has been made can be made better.
There it is: the things that I really believe are of important architecture.
These are the dimensions that I like to work with.
It's something very personal.
It's not, perhaps, the dimensions appreciated by art critics or architecture critics or city planners.
But I think these are the necessary oxygen for us to live in buildings, to live in cities, to connect ourselves in a social space.
And I therefore believe that optimism is what drives architecture forward.
It's the only profession where you have to believe in the future.
You can be a general, a politician, an economist who is depressed, a musician in a minor key, a painter in dark colors.
But architecture is that complete ecstasy that the future can be better.
And it is that belief that I think drives society.
And today we have a kind of evangelical pessimism all around us.
And yet it is in times like this that I think architecture can thrive with big ideas, ideas that are not small. Think of the great cities.
Think of the Empire State Building, the Rockefeller Center.
They were built in times that were not really the best of times in a certain way.
And yet that energy and power of architecture has driven an entire social and political space that these buildings occupy.
So again, I am a believer in the expressive.
I have never been a fan of the neutral.
I don't like neutrality in life, in anything.
I think expression.
And it's like espresso coffee, you know, you take the essence of the coffee.
That's what expression is.
It's been missing in much of the architecture, because we think architecture is the realm of the neutered, the realm of the kind of a state that has no opinion, that has no value.
And yet, I believe it is the expression -- expression of the city, expression of our own space -- that gives meaning to architecture.
And, of course, expressive spaces are not mute.
Expressive spaces are not spaces that simply confirm what we already know.
Expressive spaces may disturb us.
And I think that's also part of life.
Life is not just an anesthetic to make us smile, but to reach out across the abyss of history, to places we have never been, and would have perhaps been, had we not been so lucky.
So again, radical versus conservative.
Radical, what does it mean? It's something which is rooted, and something which is rooted deep in a tradition.
And I think that is what architecture is, it's radical.
It's not just a conservation in formaldehyde of dead forms.
It is actually a living connection to the cosmic event that we are part of, and a story that is certainly ongoing.
It's not something that has a good ending or a bad ending.
It's actually a story in which our acts themselves are pushing the story in a particular way.
So again I am a believer in the radical architecture.
You know the Soviet architecture of that building is the conservation.
It's like the old Las Vegas used to be.
It's about conserving emotions, conserving the traditions that have obstructed the mind in moving forward and of course what is radical is to confront them.
And I think our architecture is a confrontation with our own senses.
Therefore I believe it should not be cool.
There is a lot of appreciation for the kind of cool architecture.
I've always been an opponent of it. I think emotion is needed.
Life without emotion would really not be life.
Even the mind is emotional.
There is no reason which does not take a position in the ethical sphere, in the philosophical mystery of what we are.
So I think emotion is a dimension that is important to introduce into city space, into city life.
And of course, we are all about the struggle of emotions.
And I think that is what makes the world a wondrous place.
And of course, the confrontation of the cool, the unemotional with emotion, is a conversation that I think cities themselves have fostered.
I think that is the progress of cities.
It's not only the forms of cities, but the fact that they incarnate emotions, not just of those who build them, but of those who live there as well.
Inexplicable versus understood. You know, too often we want to understand everything.
But architecture is not the language of words.
It's a language. But it is not a language that can be reduced to a series of programmatic notes that we can verbally write.
Too many buildings that you see outside that are so banal tell you a story, but the story is very short, which says, "We have no story to tell you."
So the important thing actually, is to introduce the actual architectural dimensions, which might be totally inexplicable in words, because they operate in proportions, in materials, in light.
They connect themselves into various sources, into a kind of complex vector matrix that isn't really frontal but is really embedded in the lives, and in the history of a city, and of a people.
So again, the notion that a building should just be explicit I think is a false notion, which has reduced architecture into banality.
Hand versus the computer.
Of course, what would we be without computers?
Our whole practice depends on computing.
But the computer should not just be the glove of the hand; the hand should really be the driver of the computing power.
Because I believe that the hand in all its primitive, in all its physiological obscurity, has a source, though the source is unknown, though we don't have to be mystical about it.
We realize that the hand has been given us by forces that are beyond our own autonomy.
And I think when I draw drawings which may imitate the computer, but are not computer drawings -- drawings that can come from sources that are completely not known, not normal, not seen, yet the hand -- and that's what I really, to all of you who are working -- how can we make the computer respond to our hand rather than the hand responding to the computer.
I think that's part of what the complexity of architecture is.
Because certainly we have gotten used to the propaganda that the simple is the good. But I don't believe it.
Listening to all of you, the complexity of thought, the complexity of layers of meaning is overwhelming.
And I think we shouldn't shy away in architecture, You know, brain surgery, atomic theory, genetics, economics are complex complex fields.
There is no reason that architecture should shy away and present this illusory world of the simple.
It is complex. Space is complex.
Space is something that folds out of itself into completely new worlds.
And as wondrous as it is, it cannot be reduced to a kind of simplification that we have often come to be admired.
And yet, our lives are complex.
Our emotions are complex.
Our intellectual desires are complex.
So I do believe that architecture as I see it needs to mirror that complexity in every single space that we have, in every intimacy that we possess.
Of course that means that architecture is political.
The political is not an enemy of architecture.
The politeama is the city. It's all of us together.
And I've always believed that the act of architecture, even a private house, when somebody else will see it, is a political act, because it will be visible to others.
And we live in a world which is connecting us more and more.
So again, the evasion of that sphere, which has been so endemic to that sort of pure architecture, the autonomous architecture that is just an abstract object has never appealed to me.
And I do believe that this interaction with the history, with history that is often very difficult, to grapple with it, to create a position that is beyond our normal expectations and to create a critique.
Because architecture is also the asking of questions.
It's not only the giving of answers.
It's also, just like life, the asking of questions.
Therefore it is important that it be real.
You know we can simulate almost anything.
But the one thing that can be ever simulated is the human heart, the human soul.
And architecture is so closely intertwined with it because we are born somewhere and we die somewhere.
So the reality of architecture is visceral. It's not intellectual.
It's not something that comes to us from books and theories.
It's the real that we touch -- the door, the window, the threshold, the bed -- such prosaic objects. And yet, I try, in every building, to take that virtual world, which is so enigmatic and so rich, and create something in the real world.
Create a space for an office, a space of sustainability that really works between that virtuality and yet can be realized as something real.
Unexpected versus habitual.
What is a habit? It's just a shackle for ourselves.
It's a self-induced poison.
So the unexpected is always unexpected.
You know, it's true, the cathedrals, as unexpected, will always be unexpected.
You know Frank Gehry's buildings, they will continue to be unexpected in the future.
So not the habitual architecture that instills in us the false sort of stability, but an architecture that is full of tension, an architecture that goes beyond itself to reach a human soul and a human heart, and that breaks out of the shackles of habits.
And of course habits are enforced by architecture.
When we see the same kind of architecture we become immured in that world of those angles, of those lights, of those materials.
We think the world really looks like our buildings.
And yet our buildings are pretty much limited by the techniques and wonders that have been part of them.
So again, the unexpected which is also the raw.
And I often think of the raw and the refined.
What is raw? The raw, I would say is the naked experience, untouched by luxury, untouched by expensive materials, untouched by the kind of refinement that we associate with high culture.
So the rawness, I think, in space, the fact that sustainability can actually, in the future translate into a raw space, a space that isn't decorated, a space that is not mannered in any source, but a space that might be cool in terms of its temperature, might be refractive to our desires.
A space that doesn't always follow us like a dog that has been trained to follow us, but moves ahead into directions of demonstrating other possibilities, other experiences, that have never been part of the vocabulary of architecture.
And of course that juxtaposition is of great interest to me because it creates a kind of a spark of new energy.
And so I do like something which is pointed, not blunt, something which is focused on reality, something that has the power, through its leverage, to transform even a very small space.
So architecture maybe is not so big, like science, but through its focal point it can leverage in an Archimedian way what we think the world is really about.
And often it takes just a building to change our experience of what could be done, what has been done, how the world has remained both in between stability and instability.
And of course buildings have their shapes.
Those shapes are difficult to change.
And yet, I do believe that in every social space, in every public space, there is a desire to communicate more than just that blunt thought, that blunt technique, but something that pinpoints, and can point in various directions forward, backward, sideways and around.
So that is indeed what is memory.
So I believe that my main interest is to memory.
Without memory we would be amnesiacs.
We would not know which way we were going, and why we are going where we're going.
So I've been never interested in the forgettable reuse, rehashing of the same things over and over again, which, of course, get accolades of critics.
Critics like the performance to be repeated again and again the same way.
But I rather play something completely unheard of, and even with flaws, than repeat the same thing over and over which has been hollowed by its meaninglessness.
So again, memory is the city, memory is the world.
Without the memory there would be no story to tell.
There would be nowhere to turn.
The memorable, I think, is really our world, what we think the world is.
And it's not only our memory, but those who remember us, which means that architecture is not mute.
It's an art of communication.
It tells a story. The story can reach into obscure desires.
It can reach into sources that are not explicitly available.
It can reach into millennia that have been buried, and return them in a just and unexpected equity.
So again, I think the notion that the best architecture is silent has never appealed to me.
Silence maybe is good for a cemetery but not for a city.
Cities should be full of vibrations, full of sound, full of music.
And that indeed is the architectural mission that I believe is important, is to create spaces that are vibrant, that are pluralistic, that can transform the most prosaic activities, and raise them to a completely different expectation.
Create a shopping center, a swimming place that is more like a museum than like entertainment.
And these are our dreams.
And of course risk. I think architecture should be risky.
You know it costs a lot of money and so on, but yes, it should not play it safe.
It should not play it safe, because if it plays it safe it's not moving us in a direction that we want to be.
And I think, of course, risk is what underlies the world.
World without risk would not be worth living.
So yes, I do believe that the risk we take in every building.
Risks to create spaces that have never been cantilevered to that extent.
Risks of spaces that have never been so dizzying, as they should be, for a pioneering city.
Risks that really move architecture even with all its flaws, into a space which is much better that the ever again repeated hollowness of a ready-made thing.
And of course that is finally what I believe architecture to be.
It's about space. It's not about fashion.
It's not about decoration.
It's about creating with minimal means something which can not be repeated, cannot be simulated in any other sphere.
And there of course is the space that we need to breathe, is the space we need to dream.
not just luxurious spaces for some of us, but are important for everybody in this world.
So again, it's not about the changing fashions, changing theories.
It's about carving out a space for trees.
It's carving out a space where nature can enter the domestic world of a city.
A space where something which has never seen a light of day can enter into the inner workings of a density.
And I think that is really the nature of architecture.
Now I am a believer in democracy.
I don't like beautiful buildings built for totalitarian regimes.
Where people cannot speak, cannot vote, cannot do anything.
We too often admire those buildings. We think they are beautiful.
And yet when I think of the poverty of society which doesn't give freedom to its people, I don't admire those buildings.
So democracy, as difficult as it is, I believe in it.
And of course, at Ground Zero what else?
It's such a complex project.
It's emotional. There is so many interests.
It's political. There is so many parties to this project.
There is so many interests. There's money. There's political power.
There are emotions of the victims.
And yet, in all its messiness, in all its difficulties, I would not have liked somebody to say, "This is the tabula rasa, mister architect -- do whatever you want."
I think nothing good will come out of that.
I think architecture is about consensus.
And it is about the dirty word "compromise." Compromise is not bad.
Compromise, if it's artistic, if it is able to cope with its strategies -- and there is my first sketch and the last rendering -- it's not that far away.
And yet, compromise, consensus, that is what I believe in.
And Ground Zero, despite all its difficulties, it's moving forward.
It's difficult. 2011, 2013. Freedom Tower, the memorial.
And that is where I end.
I was inspired when I came here as an immigrant on a ship like millions of others, looking at America from that point of view.
This is America. This is liberty.
This is what we dream about. Its individuality, demonstrated in the skyline. It's resilience.
And finally, it's the freedom that America represents, not just to me, as an immigrant, but to everyone in the world. Thank you.
Chris Anderson: I've got a question.
So have you come to peace with the process that happened at Ground Zero and the loss of the original, incredible design that you came up with?
Daniel Libeskind: Look. We have to cure ourselves of the notion that we are authoritarian, that we can determine everything that happens.
We have to rely on others, and shape the process in the best way possible.
I came from the Bronx. I was taught not to be a loser, not to be somebody who just gives up in a fight.
You have to fight for what you believe. You don't always win everything you want to win. But you can steer the process.
And I believe that what will be built at Ground Zero will be meaningful, will be inspiring, will tell other generations of the sacrifices, of the meaning of this event.
Not just for New York, but for the world.
Chris Anderson: Thank you so much, Daniel Libeskind. | {
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いま手掛けてる中では 最もワクワクするもので とてもシンプルな内容ですが
世界中に計り知れない程の 影響をもたらすかもしれません
実は地上で最も大きな健康問題 のひとつについての取り組みです 5歳以下の子供達を 死に至らしめる1番の原因は
水を媒介とする病気でしょうか? 下痢や栄養失調でしょうか?
違います! 1番の原因は 室内での調理からでる煙による 急性呼吸器感染症です みなさん、信じられますか?
私は相当ショックを受け 愕然としました
より害の少ない調理用燃料を 作り出せないものでしょうか?
より安全なストーブを 開発できないでしょうか?
いったい何が毎年2百万人もの死を 引き起こすのでしょう?
ビル・ジョイが炭のナノチューブ の不思議について お話をされていましたね そこで私は炭化した 大きなチューブについて つまり 炭の不思議について お話したいと思います これはハイチ共和国の田舎の写真 98%の森林が伐採されました
実はこうした光景は ハイチではよく目にします
森林伐採は多くの環境問題 を引き起こします やがてハイチに住む全ての人々に 悪影響をもたらします 数年前 何千人もの死者をだした 深刻な洪水がありました 土壌を守るための森林が
丘からなくなったことに起因します 雨が降ると 雨水が川へ満ち溢れ 洪水を起こすのです
今日ここまで森林が減って きた原因の1つに 人が"料理する"ことと関係があります その為に 人は木を切り 木炭を作ります
人々が決して環境問題に 無頓着だからではありません
むしろ 皆とてもよく理解しています ただ他の選択肢がないのが現状です
ハイチでは化石燃料が 簡単に手に入りませんし 太陽熱では美味しく調理 することもできません
だから こうした現状があります
ハイチではこのような家族に 出会うことは珍しくありません 彼らは木を追い求めて森へ向かい 木を切り倒し 木炭を作るのです 言うまでもなく 調理用の 代替燃料を探すため 多くの努力がなされています
4年ほど前 ある学生チームを 引き連れて ハイチへ向かい 平和部隊のボランティア と共に活動しました
その中に こんなボランティアがいました これは彼がいた村で 彼が作った装置です
仕組みは 古紙を圧縮し 燃料として使用できる 塊を作ることですが
困ったことに この装置は とても動作が遅かったのです
そこでエンジニアの生徒達が 単純な改良に取りかかりました すると実に3倍の速さになったのです
生徒達がとても喜んだことは 容易に想像できるでしょう
生徒達はその燃料を実験用に MITに持ち帰りました
実験室で明らかになったことは この塊は燃えませんでした
実際 その塊をよく見てみると ここに見えると思いますが ”アメリカ平和部隊”と書いてあるでしょ
実は この村には 古紙は存在しませんでした このボランティアが村へ持ち帰った アメリカ政府の書類の
稀にみる"再利用"の良い事例ですが なにせこのアメリカ政府の書類は 村から800キロも離れていました
従って なにか別の良い方法で 料理用の代替燃料を作り出す 必要性を感じました
私たちが実現したかった事は その地域で簡単に手に入る原料を 使った燃料の生成です
ハイチでも よくみかける 小規模の砂糖精製工場です サトウキビから ジュースを搾り取ったあとのカスは “バガス”と呼ばれてます
バガスは 他の何の役にも立ちません 栄養素も残っていませんので
砂糖精製工場の横に 焼却時まで ただただ山積みになっています
私たちがやりたかった事は この資源ゴミを活かす方法をみつけ 木炭のように人々が 簡単に調理できる燃料に まるで木炭のように 生まれ変えることでした
そこで数年 研究に没頭しました
まずサトウキビの搾りカスを集め 55ガロンのドラム缶で作った シンプルな窯を使いました
しばらくして 窯に火を入れ 窯の中に酸素が 入らないよう密閉します すると炭化された物質ができます
しかし このままのでは 燃料として使えません
粒子が細かく一瞬で燃え尽きるので 調理には向いていませんでした
好都合なことに学生達の中に ひとりガーナ出身者がおり “ココンテ”と呼ばれる 彼の母親が 昔つくった料理を覚えていました とても粘り気のあるお粥のようで キャッサバイモの根が原料でした 私達はキャッサバイモの調査をかけ "マニオック"という別名でハイチでも栽培 されていることを突き止めました
実際 キャッサバイモは 世界中どこでも栽培されてました ユッカ、タピオカ、マニオック、 キャッサバイモ すべて同じものです とてもでんぷん質な根菜です
それを使えば とても濃く 粘り気のあるお粥を作れますし このお粥を使えば 炭化したサトウキビの カスをしっかり接着することもできます
それがまさしく私たちの"発明"です そして直ぐにハイチへ飛び発ちました
彼らが“エコール デ シェーボン” つまり 炭の学校の初めての卒業生 そして ー ー そうです 私は MIT だけでなく 実は CIT でも教鞭を執っています
そして これが私たちが作ったものです
それでは 皆様を異なる大陸へ! ここはインドです これはインドで一般的に使われてる 調理用燃料 牛の糞です
ハイチ以上に 本当に けむたい煙をだすんです 牛の糞やバイオマスを燃料 として調理をすることで
深刻な健康被害がでることに ご理解いただけると思います 特に 子供や女性が 影響を受けやすいです なぜなら彼らこそ調理の 火の側にいるからです
私たちはインドでこの炭を作る 技術を紹介できるか 確かめたかったんです
ところがインドにはサトウキビも キャッサバイモもありませんでした しかし私たちも諦めませんでした
すぐさまその地域で手に入る生物資源 について調査しました
インドには麦わらもありましたし 稲わらもみつかりました
少量の牛の糞でした もともと牛の糞自体 インドでは燃料代わりでしたね 様々な比較テストを行い 炭の塊ができました これは牛の糞です
こちらの方がとても調理用燃料として きれいなことがお分かり頂けるでしょう
実際 お湯を沸かすのも早いんですよ
あとから判明したことで 木炭との比較テストを行うと 燃焼時間が短いことが分かりました そして塊は少し脆く 調理中にも
燃焼力が徐々に弱まること も分かりました 私達はハイチで作った 木炭にも負けない
より競争力のある丈夫な燃料を 作る方法をみつけたかった
早速 MIT に戻りインストロン 実験機を使って より良いパフォーマンスを出せる 燃料の塊を作るための 最適な圧縮率を 丹念に調べ上げました
実験室では生徒が検証しつつ それと平行作業で ハイチでは地域パートナーが プロセス改善に努め インドでも横展開 できるようにしました
その後 燃料をつくるための安価な プレス機を開発しました 完成した燃料は以前より長く燃え 木炭に比べ さらに衛生的でした
ついにハイチの市場で 売買できる燃料よりも 高性能燃料を作り上げる ことに成功しました 実に素晴らしい成果でしょう?
残念ながら ハイチだけでも毎年3000万 もの木々が自然破壊されています
もし このプロジェクトが実施されれば 木々の大部分を救える可能性があります
さらに燃料から得られる収益は 2億6千万ドルにものぼります
ハイチにとっては大きな額です ー 人口わずか8百万人 平均収入400ドル以下の国にとっては
ハイチにつぎ インドでも炭燃料 プロジェクトを推進できました
興味深いことに カリフォルニア大学バークリー校に リスク分析が専門の友人がいまして
彼は 木そのものと 炭を燃やすことの 健康被害を研究調査しました 彼の分析結果によれば
世界中の調理燃料を木から炭に 変えることで100万人もの死を 防げることを発見しました 実に素晴らし発見ですね! 今までは木を切り倒すしか 方法はありませんでした
しかし今の我々なら 農業廃材を用い 調理用燃料を 作る手段があります
とてもワクワクすることに 先月ガーナへ旅行した時 のエピソードなんですが
とても凄いことなんですよ! 炭燃料プロジェクトよりもっと 原始的な技術で実現してました 想像できますか? それがこれです
いったい何でしょうか? トウモロコシの穂軸を炭化したものです
さらに素晴らしいことに 塊にしなくても扱える手軽さ ー 原材料のままの形なんです これは私のノートパソコンですが
ニックのようにサンプル を持って参りました
機能的で 実地テスト済み いつでも出荷できます
この技術の素晴らしいところは 簡単に技術移転できる点です
サトウキビの炭化物の場合 燃料を塊にする為の 技術者育成が必須ですし 接着剤を作るのに多くの 手間を必要としますが これは始めから塊なんです
だから 今 私の人生の中で一番 エキサイティングなことなんです 私の人生で"一番"というと少し 寂しいコメントに聞こえますが
でも 一度 手に取ってみると 最前列の皆さんのように そうです すごいですよね とにかく ー ー これはロバート・ライトが言ってた ゼロサムゲームではない 完璧な例だと思います
健康面での利益に加え 環境面の利益もあります
さらにとても信じ難い事に 経済的な利益まであるのです
今まで炭に使っていたはずの お金を貯金に回すことができ 余分にできた炭は 市場を通じて 炭を作れない人たちに 商売ができます
健康と経済 そして 環境と経済において トレードオフのない関係 はとても稀です
従って このプロジェクトは とてもワクワクするだけでなく このプロジェクトを通して どこまで 発展できるかがとても楽しみなのです
さて これから作り上げようとする 未来像を思い描くとき 必要なことは 今の私達の置かれている状況を十分に 認識することから始まります
ただ"我々"が今置かれている状況 という意味ではなく
世界のどこかで 女性が家族を養う為 穀物を製粉するのに 毎日2-3時間を使う状況がある ということを認識すること
世界のどこかでは 先進的な建築材というのは 手作りセメントでできた天井用タイル を意味することを認識すること そして世界のどこかでは 毎日10時間労働をしても たった月60ドルしか稼げない 現実があることを認識することです つまり 水を汲むのに女性や子供が 年間400億時間使っている現実があります
言い換えると カリフォルニア州 に住むすべての就労者が 一年間水汲みしかしないのに 等しい時間です
もし この会場がインドだとしたら 3人しか車を持てない状況であり
この会場がアフガニスタンだとしたら 一人しかインターネットの使い方 を知らない世界であり
この会場がザンビアだとすれば 300人が農家で 100人がエイズ感染者です
そしてこの会場の半分以上の方が 1日1ドル以下で生活しています
こうした本質的な問題こそ "解決策"が必要なんです
こうした問題に気づき 目を向けられるよう エンジニアや デザイナー ビジネスマン 起業家達 を教育する必要があります
まさに私たちが見つけなければ いけない解決策です
個人的に 特筆すべき分野と して考えているのは
ひとつがマイクロファイナンスと 小規模事業の促進のための技術革新 そうすることで貧困層の人々が 今ある困難な状況から 抜け出すことができる筈ですが 現実はできていません 彼らはこれまで通りの伝統的な籠編みや 養鶏などに従事したままです しかし今や小規模で始められる
新しい技術と商品があります 私達の次の目標は 貧しい農家のために農作物に 付加価値をつける技術を 作り出すことです
我々自身 基本に立ち返り 戦略の見直しをすべきです 農家に高等教育を与えることで 農家以外の職業に就いてもらう ことを目指すのではなく 貧しいままの農家にならないように 武装すべきです
これを効率的に展開できる方法 を編み出すべきです
こうした貧しい地域で暮らす人々に対し 適切な資源と道具を提供し 彼ら自身のチカラで 問題解決しなければなりません それが最良の解決策なのです
私達が外部から支援することで 彼らの問題解決をしてはなりません
このような未来像をつくるべく いま共に動かなければいけません
ご清聴 ありがとうございました
(拍手) クリス・アンダーソン:えーと他に、他に誰か質問がある方がいないか確認する間に、 従事された他のプロジェクトに関してもお話を伺えますか?
エイミー・スミス:他のプロジェクトといえば、 低コストでの水質検査の調査方法の開発です。 そうすることで、ある社会の人々が自分自身でシステムを管理できるようになり、 いつそれらが起動しているかやどのように処理されるかも知ることができます。
1つの本当に注目すべき点は太陽による水の殺菌です。 そしてその殺菌力の改善です。
企業家や投資家を見つける必要がありますか? また規模を拡大する上で何が必要でしょうか?
規模の拡大は困難なものです。 求めている人々は収入もなく分断化された人々です。
ですので物事を進めるためにアメリカ方式では 通じません。
年間30人もの学生が現地へ行き、 実行し前へ進もうとしています。
長期的な面でも行動をしております。 2,3年で解決するとはおもっていません。 5年先、10年先をみていなければなりません。
このようなビジョンがあれば、前へ進んでいけると考えております。 | I think it's one of the most exciting that I'm working on, but I think it's also the simplest.
It's a project that has the potential to make a huge impact around the world.
It addresses one of the biggest health issues on the planet, the number one cause of death in children under five.
Which is ...? Water-borne diseases? Diarrhea? Malnutrition?
No. It's breathing the smoke from indoor cooking fires -- acute respiratory infections caused by this. Can you believe that?
I find this shocking and somewhat appalling.
Can't we make cleaner burning cooking fuels?
Can't we make better stoves?
How is it that this can lead to over two million deaths every year?
I know Bill Joy was talking to you about the wonders of carbon nanotubes, so I'm going to talk to you about the wonders of carbon macro-tubes, which is charcoal. So this is a picture of rural Haiti. Haiti is now 98 percent deforested.
You'll see scenes like this all over the island.
It leads to all sorts of environmental problems and problems that affect people throughout the nation. A couple years ago there was severe flooding that led to thousands of deaths -- that's directly attributable to the fact that there are no trees on the hills to stabilize the soil.
So the rains come -- they go down the rivers and the flooding happens.
Now one of the reasons why there are so few trees is this: people need to cook, and they harvest wood and they make charcoal in order to do it.
It's not that people are ignorant to the environmental damage.
They know perfectly well, but they have no other choice.
Fossil fuels are not available, and solar energy doesn't cook the way that they like their food prepared.
And so this is what they do.
You'll find families like this who go out into the forest to find a tree, cut it down and make charcoal out of it. So not surprisingly, there's a lot of effort that's been done to look at alternative cooking fuels.
About four years ago, I took a team of students down to Haiti and we worked with Peace Corps volunteers there.
This is one such volunteer and this is a device that he had built in the village where he worked.
And the idea was that you could take waste paper; you could compress it and make briquettes that could be used for fuel.
But this device was very slow.
So our engineering students went to work on it and with some very simple changes, they were able to triple the throughput of this device.
So you could imagine they were very excited about it.
And they took the briquettes back to MIT so that they could test them.
And one of the things that they found was they didn't burn.
So it was a little discouraging to the students.
And in fact, if you look closely, right here you can see it says, "US Peace Corps."
As it turns out, there actually wasn't any waste paper in this village.
And while it was a good use of government paperwork for this volunteer to bring it back with him to his village, it was 800 kilometers away.
And so we thought perhaps there might be a better way to come up with an alternative cooking fuel.
What we wanted to do is we wanted to make a fuel that used something that was readily available on the local level.
You see these all over Haiti as well. They're small-scale sugar mills. And the waste product from them after you extract the juice from the sugarcane is called "bagasse."
It has no other use.
It has no nutritional value, so they don't feed it to the animals.
It just sits in a pile near the sugar mill until eventually they burn it.
What we wanted to do was we wanted to find a way to harness this waste resource and turn it into a fuel that would be something that people could easily cook with, something like charcoal.
So over the next couple of years, students and I worked to develop a process.
So you start with the bagasse, and then you take a very simple kiln that you can make out of a waste fifty five-gallon oil drum.
After some time, after setting it on fire, you seal it to restrict the oxygen that goes into the kiln, and then you end up with this carbonized material here.
However, you can't burn this.
It's too fine and it burns too quickly to be useful for cooking.
So we had to try to find a way to form it into useful briquettes.
And conveniently, one of my students was from Ghana, and he remembered a dish his mom used to make for him called "kokonte," which is a very sticky porridge made out of the cassava root. And so what we did was we looked, and we found that cassava is indeed grown in Haiti, under the name of "manioc."
In fact, it's grown all over the world -- yucca, tapioca, manioc, cassava, it's all the same thing -- a very starchy root vegetable.
And you can make a very thick, sticky porridge out of it, which you can use to bind together the charcoal briquettes.
So we did this. We went down to Haiti.
These are the graduates of the first Ecole de Charbon, or Charcoal Institute. And these -- That's right. So I'm actually an instructor at MIT as well as CIT.
And these are the briquettes that we made.
Now I'm going to take you to a different continent. This is India and this is the most commonly used cooking fuel in India. It's cow dung.
And more than in Haiti, this produces really smoky fires, of cooking with cow dung and biomass as a fuel.
Kids and women are especially affected by it, because they're the ones who are around the cooking fires.
So we wanted to see if we could introduce this charcoal-making technology there.
Well, unfortunately, they didn't have sugarcane and they didn't have cassava, but that didn't stop us.
What we did was we found what were the locally available sources of biomass.
And there was wheat straw and there was rice straw in this area.
which they used ordinarily for their fuel.
And we did side-by-side tests, and here you can see the charcoal briquettes and here the cow dung.
And you can see that it's a lot cleaner burning of a cooking fuel.
And in fact, it heats the water a lot more quickly.
And so we were very happy, thus far.
But one of the things that we found was when we did side-by-side comparisons with wood charcoal, it didn't burn as long.
And the briquettes crumbled a little bit and we lost energy as they fell apart as they were cooking.
So we wanted to try to find a way to make a stronger briquette so that we could compete with wood charcoal in the markets in Haiti.
So we went back to MIT, we took out the Instron machine and we figured out what sort of forces you needed in order to compress a briquette to the level that you actually are getting improved performance out of it?
And at the same time that we had students in the lab looking at this, we also had community partners in Haiti working to develop the process, to improve it and make it more accessible to people in the villages there.
And after some time, we developed a low-cost press that allows you to produce charcoal, which actually now burns not only -- actually, it burns longer, cleaner than wood charcoal.
So now we're in a situation where we have a product, which is actually better than what you can buy in Haiti in the marketplace, which is a very wonderful place to be.
In Haiti alone, about 30 million trees are cut down every year.
There's a possibility of this being implemented and saving a good portion of those.
In addition, the revenue generated from that charcoal is 260 million dollars.
That's an awful lot for a country like Haiti -- with a population of eight million and an average income of less than 400 dollars.
So this is where we're also moving ahead with our charcoal project.
And one of the things that I think is also interesting, is I have a friend up at UC Berkeley who's been doing risk analysis.
And he's looked at the problem of the health impacts of burning wood versus charcoal.
And he's found that worldwide, you could prevent a million deaths switching from wood to charcoal as a cooking fuel. That's remarkable, but up until now, there weren't ways to do it without cutting down trees.
But now we have a way that's using an agricultural waste material to create a cooking fuel.
One of the really exciting things, though, is something that came out of the trip that I took to Ghana just last month.
And I think it's the coolest thing, and it's even lower tech than what you just saw, if you can imagine such a thing.
So what is this? This is corncobs turned into charcoal.
And the beauty of this is that you don't need to form briquettes -- it comes ready made. This is my $100 laptop, right here.
And actually, like Nick, I brought samples.
So we can pass these around.
They're fully functional, field-tested, ready to roll out.
which is also remarkable about this technology, is that the technology transfer is so easy.
Compared to the sugarcane charcoal, where we have to teach people how to form it into briquettes and you have the extra step of cooking the binder, this comes pre-briquetted.
And this is about the most exciting thing in my life right now, which is perhaps a sad commentary on my life.
But once you see it, like you guys in the front row -- All right, yeah, OK. So anyway -- And this is, I think, a perfect example of what Robert Wright was talking about in those non-zero-sum things.
So not only do you have health benefits, you have environmental benefits.
But this is one of the incredibly rare situations where you also have economic benefits.
People can make their own cooking fuel from waste products.
They can generate income from this.
They can save the money that they were going to spend on charcoal and they can produce excess and sell it in the market to people who aren't making their own.
It's really rare that you don't have trade-offs between health and economics, or environment and economics.
So this is a project that I just find extremely exciting and I'm really looking forward to see where it takes us.
So when we talk about, now, the future we will create, one of the things that I think is necessary is to have a very clear vision of the world that we live in.
And now, I don't actually mean the world that we live in.
I mean the world where women spend two to three hours everyday grinding grain for their families to eat.
I mean the world where advanced building materials means cement roofing tiles that are made by hand, and where, when you work 10 hours a day, you're still only earning 60 dollars in a month. I mean the world where women and children spend 40 billion hours a year fetching water.
That's as if the entire workforce of the state of California worked full time for a year doing nothing but fetching water.
It's a place where, for example, if this were India, in this room, only three of us would have a car.
If this were Afghanistan, only one person in this room would know how the use the Internet.
If this were Zambia -- 300 of you would be farmers, 100 of you would have AIDS or HIV.
And more than half of you would be living on less than a dollar a day.
These are the issues that we need to come up with solutions for.
These are the issues that we need to be training our engineers, our designers, our business people, our entrepreneurs to be facing.
These are the solutions that we need to find.
I have a few areas that I believe are especially important that we address.
One of them is creating technologies to promote micro-finance and micro-enterprise, so that people who are living below the poverty line can find a way to move out -- and that they're not doing it using the same traditional basket making, poultry rearing, etc. But there are new technologies and new products that they can make on a small scale.
The next thing I believe is that we need to create technologies for poor farmers to add value to their own crops.
And we need to rethink our development strategies, so that we're not promoting educational campaigns to get them to stop being farmers, but rather to stop being poor farmers.
And we need to think about how we can do that effectively.
We need to work with the people in these communities and give them the resources and the tools that they need to solve their own problems. That's the best way to do it.
We shouldn't be doing it from outside.
So we need to create this future, and we need to start doing it now.
Thank you.
Chris Anderson: Thank you, incredible. Stay here. Tell us -- just while we see if someone has a question -- just tell us about one of the other things that you've worked on.
Amy Smith: Some of the other things we're working on are ways to do low-cost water quality testing, so that communities can maintain their own water systems, know when they're working, know when they treat them, etc.
We're also looking at low-cost water-treatment systems.
One of the really exciting things is looking at solar water disinfection and improving the ability to be able to do that.
CA: What's the bottleneck preventing this stuff getting from scale?
Do you need to find entrepreneurs, or venture capitalists, or what do you need to take what you've got and get it to scale?
AS: I think it's large numbers of people moving it forward.
It's a difficult thing -- it's a marketplace which is very fragmented and a consumer population with no income.
So you can't use the same models that you use in the United States for making things move forward.
And we're a pretty small staff, which is me.
So, you know, I do what I can with the students.
We have 30 students a year go out into the field and try to implement this and move it forward.
The other thing is you have to do things with a long time frame, as, you know, you can't expect to get something done in a year or two years; you have to be looking five or 10 years ahead.
But I think with the vision to do that, we can move forward. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
そして俺は大地の精霊王に別れを告げると、巨大な樹を後にしてサンサーラエッグ村に戻るのであった。 | “So, in the end, who are you and how long have you lived here?”
“Gununu... why is this...?”
“Hieee! Nigyaaaah!?”
Now that the self-proclaimed Earth Spirit King has grown docile, Pumpkin was about to ask her a question, but she was defiant, so he used [Resonance] to force mutual resonance of their magic power.
A spirit’s body was constituted by magic power. When this was done, the whole body was violently jolted in small increments, which made them feel extremely sick.
“Ugh... how can you use [Resonance]...?”
“Forget about that, just start talking already.”
The reason why she was treated poorly compared to Mizuki, even though they were both spirits, was because she left too adverse of an impression on him when they first met.
After that, Pumpkin made a number of threats before she became completely compliant. Against that kind of intimidation, she was forced into silence through further threats.
“Hmm. Well, fine. First of all, I am the Earth Spirit King. I am a King, therefore I do not have an individual name. I have been living here for about years under a certain contract, and I regulate the earth’s veins throughout the entire Lean Forest.”
“What do you mean by ‘heh’? The plants in this forest flourish every day because of my service! And if you’re using [Resonance], then that means we’re both under contract with the same people!!”
This was when the words that would not be elusive came out of the lips of Earth Spirit King.
The Earth Spirit King and I are contracted to the same person? Is there any contract under which I am engaged? Well, I suppose the barony of Senko country could be regarded as a contract if I think about it, but there is no way that the Spirit King of the Earth would say that we are contracted to the same person... When given some thought... yeah. I can only think of one person, or rather a God.
“No mention of their name. Now is that guy’s time. Judging by the fact that you have a fragment of that guy, they’re probably watching you.”
The Earth Spirit King, perhaps recognizing from the look on Pumpkin’s face that the party with whom he had a mutual contract was Lean, warned him that he was being watched.
But still, being watched... I am sure it is nighttime now... Today is a full moon and it is relatively bright, right? Can they see us even in that?
No, beyond the brightness, the magic power around this tree should normally obscure its visibility. But if they can see us, it is likely that they are observing us with fairly special eyes.
And if there is a possibility that an entity has such eyes and I have a fragment of that guy... it is most likely a weapon that is causing “Kage-Ochi”.
“Earth Spirit King. Do you know them?”
“I do know. But I cannot speak now. I am jamming them, but with my ability, there is a strong likelihood that they will find out.”
“I understand. Then don’t mention it.”
For Pumpkin’s part, he was hoping to collect as much information as he could about the weapon, but in light of the fact that they were watching them, it was not advisable for her to talk about it.
Izumi mentioned that the weapon would evolve itself in line with the situation... If their weaknesses were discussed, he had to consider the potential for them to develop countermeasures in conjunction with that information.
That was really tricky...
In the meantime, he will just have to wait until the next time they meet to figure out a barrier spell like the one Lowizc used before. Then he’ll be able to listen to what she has to say.
“I’m sorry. Rather than apologies for not being able to talk, I’ll give you this, ostensibly to show that this is what you’ve been seeking.”
The Earth Spirit King then sprouted a branch from the trunk of a nearby tree and tossed it in his direction.
The branch was roughly a meter and a half long, with one end rounded off and the other very easy to hold.
Furthermore, although Pumpkin can’t tell right now due to having lowered his magic vision, the presence emanating from the branch undoubtedly indicated that it had a significant quantity of magic power.
How should I put it... I feel it is very easy to use as a material for a cane.
“It’s a branch with my power in it. I don’t know why you have a fragment of that guy, but as a material, it must be as potent as a fragment of that guy.”
“Indeed, the amount of magic power imbued in it is tremendous,” Pumpkin said, shaking the branch lightly.
However, it was also long enough to be a spear with a spearhead attached, so he felt that it could be made in a variety of ways, depending on how it was processed.
“By the way, Earth Spirit King? Do you have any more suggestions for materials that might work well for this branch?”
Even though I have shown respect for her... well, if she says she doesn’t want me to, I will be speaking informally then.
“So, what kind of material is suitable for my branch huh? I have a few ideas.”
As she stated this, the Earth Spirit King’s face lit up.
This information was favorable. Despite not learning anything about the weapon, the information that allowed him to empower himself was equally essential.
“To the best of my knowledge, there is a city north of here called San Holo and a volcanic island across the sea south of here called Santac Island.”
“San Holo and Santac Island?”
“Yes. According to the Wind Spirit King, there is a self-declared Demon King in San Holo who is in possession of a gem endowed with a significant amount of magic power. As for Santac Island, dragons live there. Their own bodies are valuable as raw materials, but I hear that they produce even better ores and have even better furnaces.”
I see. North and south. This is good information.
Whichever way I go, this is a crucial matter.
“I get it. I’ll try to visit there sooner or later. Well then, excuse me.”
“Yes. Perhaps one day we may discuss what I know.”
After bidding farewell to the Earth Spirit King, Pumpkin left the giant tree and headed back to Samsara Egg Village. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「この戦いの半分以上はメディアという戦場で起こっており、(それは、)我々はメディア戦争において(ムスリムの)心と精神のために戦っている(からだ)」。こう発言したのは、広報長官などではなく、ウサマ・ビン・ラーディンの副官アイマン・アル・ザワヒリであった。 | “More than half of this battle is taking place on the battlefield of the media, [for] we are in a media battle in a race for the hearts and minds of [Muslims].” The speaker was not some public relations executive, but Osama bin Laden’s chief lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
最も影響する問題は 何だろうかと考えていました そして持続可能な輸送手段と 持続可能なエネルギー生成が
極めて重要だろうと 思ったのです 環境問題を 別にしたとしても
持続可能なエネルギーの問題は 私たちが今世紀中に 解決しなければならない 最大の課題です 仮に 二酸化炭素排出が 環境に悪くなかったとしても 炭化水素資源を使い果たして しまうことを考えれば 何か持続可能な手段を 見つける必要があります
アメリカでは 電力のほとんどを 化石燃料を燃やすことで 得ています
電気自動車が どうしてエネルギー問題の 解決に繋がるんですか?
1つは たとえ同じ燃料を使って 発電所で発電し 電気自動車を 充電するのであっても その方が状況は 良くなるということで
たとえば天然ガス これは最も一般的な 炭化水素燃料ですが 現在のゼネラル・ エレクトリック製の 天然ガスタービンで 燃やすと 効率は60%くらいですが
同じ燃料を内燃機関の 自動車で使うと 効率は20%程度になります
その理由は 発電所では 重量のある物や 嵩張る物でも 使うことができ 廃熱で蒸気タービンを回して 二次動力源とすることも できるからです
結果として 送電時のロス等を考慮しても 発電所で燃やして 電気自動車を充電する方が 同じ燃料を 少なくとも2倍 効率良く使えるのです
スケール・メリット があるわけですね
もう1つの理由は 持続可能な発電手段は どのみち必要になる ということです
そうであるなら 輸送手段として 電気自動車を選ぶのは 理にかなった ことでしょう テスラの組立工場の 映像があるんですが 最初の映像を 流しましょう この自動車の製造工程の どこが革新的なのでしょう?
電動輸送時代の到来を 加速させるためには— 実際あらゆる輸送手段は 1つの例外を除いて 完全に電化されるだろうと 思っています 例外は ロケットなんですが—
ニュートンの第3法則を 覆す方法はないので
問題は どうやって 電動輸送時代の到来を
加速させるかということです 自動車に関して言えば エネルギー効率の 極めて良い車を 考え出す必要があって それにはまず 車体をすごく 軽くすることです ご覧いただいているのは 北米で生産されているものとしては 唯一 総アルミ製の ボディとシャーシです
大きなバッテリーパックを付けても 軽量な車を作るために ロケット設計の技術を たくさん取り入れています
そして このサイズの 車としては 最小の抗力係数を 持っています
だから基本的に エネルギー消費量が非常に低く また最も先進的な バッテリーパックを備えていて 実用に耐える走行距離を 実現しています 実際400キロくらい 走ることができます
バッテリーパックは すごく重たいものですが それでも うまくやれば 軽量な車体と 重いバッテリーの組み合わせで 優れた効率性を 実現できるということですね
ええ バッテリーの重さを 相殺するため 車の他の部分を 非常に軽くし 高速で長く走れるよう 空気抵抗を小さくしているんです
モデルSのユーザの間では どれだけ長く走れるか 競うなんてことも 行われています
最近1回の充電で676キロ走った という強者がいました
その記録を作ったブルーノ・バウデンが この会場にいますよ お見事
それは良かったんですが 問題は 記録を作ろうと時速29キロで ずっと走っていたため 警官に止められたそうです そこまでしなくとも 通常のコンディションなら 時速105キロで 400キロ走れます 悪くない数字でしょう
次のビデオを 見てみましょう テスラが雪の中を 走っているところです
別にニューヨーク・タイムズを 当てこすってるわけじゃありません
一番驚くことは 何でしょう? 電気自動車を 扱っていると
車の反応性には 本当に驚くものがあります 皆さんに あの感覚を 体験して頂きたいのですが 車に溶け込んで 一体になったかのような 感じがします ターンや加速が 超能力でも使っているかのように 瞬時にできるんです
電気自動車の 反応性の為せる技です
ガソリン自動車には 無理な話です
とても本質的な違いで 実際に運転してみて 初めて分かることです
とても素晴らしい車だと 思いますが 高価ですよね
これを大衆向けの乗り物にする 計画というのは あるんでしょうか?
ええ テスラではずっと 3段階のプロセスを 考えてきました 第1段は 少量の高価な車 第2段は 中くらいの数量と価格の車 第3段は 大量で低価格の車です
だから今は 第2段階です
最初は10万ドルの スポーツカーのロードスターでした
次が5万ドルからという モデルS
そして第3世代の車は 3〜4年内に 開発したいと 考えていますが 3万ドルくらいに なるでしょう
本当に新しい テクノロジーというのは 大衆市場に 受け入れられるまでに 3つのメジャーバージョンを 要するのが普通です
私たちはその方向に 進んでおり 実現できることに 自信を持っています
短い通勤であれば 運転していって 帰ってから家で 充電すればよいわけですが
高速な充電ステーションの全国的な ネットワークというのは現在ありません
そのようなものは 実現されるのか それとも一部の主要ルートにだけ できるのでしょうか?
実際には みんなが思っているより ずっと多くの 充電ステーションがあります テスラでは スーパーチャージング・テクノロジー というのを開発していて モデルSを買った人は 永久的に 無料で利用できます
これは多くの人が 知らずにいることかもしれません
カリフォルニア州とネバダ州は 既に網羅していて 東海岸のボストンから ワシントンDCの間も 網羅しています
今年末には ロサンゼルスから ニューヨークまで スーパーチャージャー網で 大陸を横断して 行けるようになります これを使うと 他のより 5倍速く充電できます
重要なのは 運転時間と 停止時間の比率を 6〜7程度まで持っていく ということです
3時間運転したら 20〜30分休憩したいでしょう 普通の人はそうします
だから朝9時に 出発したら 昼には休憩して 何かお腹に入れ トイレに行き コーヒーを飲んでから 出発するという具合です
消費者向けのアピールとしては フル充電には1時間かかり
10分ではできないことを 分かってもらう必要があるけど
良い報せは 環境保護に 貢献できることで おまけに電気がタダになって 一文も払わなくていいと
多くの人は 1時間でなく 20〜30分休むという使い方を すると思っています
実際のところ 260〜270キロくらい走ったら 30分ほど休んでから 出発した方が 良いでしょう
なるほど これはあなたの エネルギーへの取り組みの一面で
別に ソーラーシティという 太陽光発電の会社もやっていますね
これはどこが 特別なんでしょう?
前にも言いましたが 私たちは電気の持続可能な 消費だけでなく 生産も行う必要があります 発電の中心的な方法は 太陽光になると 私は確信しています
これはいわば 間接的核融合です
空には太陽という 巨大核融合炉があり 私たちは ただそれを 人類文明のために 少しばかり利用すれば いいだけです
多くの人があまり 意識していないのは 世界は既にほとんど太陽エネルギーで 動いているということです
太陽がなかったら 地球は絶対温度3度の 凍った世界に なってしまいます 水が循環するのも 太陽の力によってです
生態系全体が太陽エネルギーで 動いているんです
でも石油には 何千年分もの 太陽エネルギーが 凝縮されているわけで 太陽光でそれと張り合うのは 難しいでしょう たとえばシェールガスとは とても競合できない どうやって商売しようと しているんですか?
実際のところ 太陽エネルギーは 天然ガスを含め あらゆるものを 圧倒することになるだろうと思っています
そうでなければいけません でないと深刻な問題を抱えることになります
ソーラーパネルを消費者に 売っているわけではありませんよね?
いいえ 売ってもいます ソーラーパネルを買うこともできるし リースすることもできます
多くの人は リースする方を選びます
太陽光システムの いいところは 燃料も運用コストも かからないことで 一度 設置すれば ほっといても
何十年も機能し続けます たぶん100年くらい使えるでしょう
だから重要なのは 初期の設置コストを いかに引き下げるか 融資のコストをいかに 低くするかということで この2つが太陽光発電の 主要なコストなんです
この面で私たちは 大きな前進をしており それが天然ガスに勝てると 自信を持っている理由です
つまり消費者に 対するウリは 初期費用が そんなにかからず—
初期費用ゼロで 皆さんの屋根に パネルを設置しますと
その後 お支払い頂く リース期間は通常どれくらいですか?
20年リースが一般的です ここでのセールスポイントは あなたが言われたように明快で
初期投資不要で 電気代が下がる
消費者にとっては いいことずくめですね
リスクなし 支払いは今よりも下がる
でも あなたにとっては どうです? 長期的には ソーラーパネルの電気は 誰のものになるのか?
会社としてどうやって 利益を出すのか?
基本的に ソーラーシティ自身は 資金を 企業や— 銀行から 調達します
Googleはここで 大きなパートナーの1社です
彼らは投資のリターンを 期待しています
この資金を使って ソーラーシティは ソーラーパネルを買って屋根に取り付け 家や会社の持ち主に 月々のリース料を払ってもらいます リース料は電気代よりも 安くなります
あなた自身は その電力から 長期的に利益を得られますね
新しい種類の分散型電力網を 構築しているわけで
その通りです 巨大な分散型電力網ができます
これは良いことだと思います 電力はずっと独占事業で 人々に選択肢はありませんでした
この独占に 競争をもたらせる 初めての機会なんです 電力網は電気会社が 独占していたのを 今やみんなが屋根の上に 持てるようになった
家を持つ人や 企業にとって とても力になることだと 思います
そして あなたは 将来— アメリカの主要な電力源は 10年 20年 あるいは— あなたの生きているうちに 太陽光になると思っているわけですね?
太陽光が主力になることには とても自信を持っています たぶん大半が そうなるでしょう 私は20年以内に 主力が 太陽光になると予言していて
ある人と賭けもしています その「主力」の定義は?
他のどの電力源よりも 多くなること
なるほど ちなみに誰と賭をしたんですか?
友人ですが 名前は伏せておきます
私たちだけに教えてよ この賭をしたのは 2、3年前なので 18年後には 他の何よりも太陽光発電が 多くなっていると考えています
あなたがした もう1つの賭けの 話にいきましょう ある種クレージーな賭です
あなたはPayPalを 売って得た資金で
よりにもよって なんでまた そんなことを?
宇宙事業で小金持ちに なったという 男のジョークで からかわれかねません
お察しの通り「元々は大金持ちだった」 というのがオチです
だから先手を打って 大金を小金に変える一番早い方法を— 探していたんだと 答えることにしています
すると相手は 「マジかよ?」と
妙なことに あなたはマジだった で どうなったんです?
危ない時もありました 全然うまくいかなくて
瀬戸際までいきましたが 乗り越えられました 2008年のことです
SpaceXの目標は ロケット技術を発展させることで 宇宙に進出する文明に なることは 人類にとって 極めて重要だと 思っています そのために素早く完全に再利用できる ロケットが必要なんです
それは子どもの頃からの 夢とかですか?
火星に行くことを 夢見ていたとか?
子どもの頃 確かにロケットを 作ったりしましたが 将来の仕事としては 考えていませんでした それはむしろ 未来をワクワクする 刺激的なものにするために
何が起きる必要があるか という視点から来たものです これは根本的な違いを もたらすと思っています 宇宙に進出する文明を持ち 星々を探検し 複数の惑星に広がる— すごくエキサイティングな 人類の未来と 永遠に地球に閉じ込められたまま 絶滅をもたらす事態が— 起こるのを待つ という違いです
あなたはロケット製造のコストを 75%も削減したとか 計算の仕方で数字は多少変わりますが
どうしてそんなことが 出来たんですか?
NASAはずっと長い間 やってきたわけですよね?
私たちは様々な技術を 大きく進めました 機体 エンジン 電子機器 打ち上げの運用
革新したことは 山ほどあります 私たちがしたことを この場でお話しするのは ちょっと難しいんですが— 真似されたら 困りますものね
特許を取ってないから 私からするとすごく興味深いことです
ええ 特許は取りません 特許を取るのは 取らないのより危険だと?
我々の主要な競争相手は国家で 特許を強制できるか 疑わしいもので すごく興味深いですね
でも やらなければならない 大きなイノベーションが まだ残っていますね それについて話してください
その大きなイノベーション というのは— あのビデオを流しましょう これを見ながら何をやっているのか教えてください
ロケットの問題が 何かというと 使い捨てだと言うことです
現在のロケットは みんな使い捨てです
スペースシャトルは 再利用可能ロケットを 作る試みでしたが メインタンクは毎回捨てていたし 再利用される部分も 次の飛行までに9ヶ月と1万人の人手をかけて 修理する必要がありました
結果としてスペースシャトルは 1回の打ち上げに10億ドルもかかり
どう見ても割が良くない いったい今の何ですか? なんか着陸したみたいですが?
ロケットの各段が自分で 打ち上げ場に戻ってきて 数時間内にまた 打ち上げの準備ができる— ということが 重要なんです
すごい 本当の再利用可能ロケットですね ええ 多くの人が知らないのは 燃料のコストはすごく 小さいということです
ジェット機と 大して違いません
燃料のコストは ロケットのコストのうちの 0.3%ほどに過ぎません
ロケットが本当に 再利用可能になれば 宇宙飛行のコストは 百倍も改善できるんです
それが再利用の 重要な理由です
私たちが使う 輸送手段は 飛行機 電車 自動車 バイク 馬 いずれも再利用可能で ロケットだけが例外です
宇宙に進出する文明になるために これは解決すべき問題なんです
さきほど私に 聞かれましたが 毎回 船を焼かなきゃいけないとしたら 船旅に果たして— どれほど人気があるかと ある種の船旅には かなり問題でしょう
再利用は確かに 転換をもたらす技術で あなたの夢である いつか人類を大規模に
火星に送るということの実現に 道を開くことになるでしょう
あなたは火星への植民を 考えているんですよね? ええ SpaceXは 他の会社や政府と協力して そういう方向に進まなければ と思っています 複数の惑星に広がり 他の惑星—現実的な 選択肢としては火星ですが 基地を作り 本当に複数の 惑星にまたがる 種となるまで 築いていく必要があります
その「再利用可能にしよう」というのは どこまで進んでいるんですか? 今見たのは シミュレーション映像でしたが
最近 その点で 大きな進展がありました グラスホッパー・テスト・ プロジェクトと呼んでいますが 垂直着陸の部分を テストしています この飛行の最終段階が 特に難しいんですが
テストで良い結果が 出ています
ジョニー・キャッシュの 格好をした カウボーイのマネキンを ロケットにくくりつけてあります では映像を見ましょう 何をしているか考えると すごい映像です
こんなの見たことないと思います ロケットが飛び立ち それから— このロケットは 建物の12階くらいの 大きさです
40メートルの高さで ホバリングしています 絶えず角度を 調整しています ピッチとヨーを メインエンジンで ロールを石炭ガス噴射機で 制御しています
すごいね イーロン いったいどうやって やったんですか?
これらのプロジェクトは PayPal ソーラーシティ テスラ SpaceX どれもかけ離れていて ものすごく野心的な プロジェクトです
どうして そのような革新が 1人の人間に できるのでしょう?
あなたの何が 特別なのか?
正直なところ 分かりません
良い答えを 持ち合わせていません
私は仮説を持っています 承りましょう
私の理論では あなたにはデザインを システムのレベルで考える能力があって デザインと テクノロジーと ビジネスを TEDならぬTBDですね デザイン テクノロジー ビジネスを ひとまとめにして わずかな人にしか 出来ないような仕方で 総合することができる そして ここが肝心なんですが そのまとめ上げたものに すごく自信を持っていて とんでもなく大きなリスクも 負うことができる
あなたは自分の財産をそれに賭け しかも何度もやっています
ほとんど誰にも できないことです
その秘伝のタレを教えることは できないでしょうか?
それを教育システムに組み込んだり 誰かに伝えることはできないものか?
あなたがしたのは 本当に驚くべきことだから
考えるための素晴らしい フレームワークがあります
物理学です 原理と推論—
つまり物事を本質的な 真理まで煮詰め そこから 推論するということです アナロジーで推論する というのでなく
我々は生きていく上で アナロジーによる 推論をしています これは本質的には 人のしていることを真似て 少しだけ変えるということです
そうしなければ 日常生活も 精神的に困難になります
しかし何か新しいことを しようという時は 物理学のアプローチを 使う必要があります
物理というのは 量子力学のような 直感に反する 新しいものを
だから そのようにするのが 重要だと思っています そしてまたネガティブなフィードバックに 注意を払うことも重要です 特に友人に意見を 求めることが大切です
シンプルなアドバイスに 聞こえるかもしれませんが ほとんど誰も やっていないことで すごく力になるんです
見ている子どもたち 物理を勉強しよう
丸一日でも続けたいところですが TEDに来ていただき感謝します
こちらこそ すごく良かった 本当にいかしてました
ご覧なさい 拍手に答えなきゃ 本当に素晴らしかった
ありがとうございました | I thought about, what are the problems that are most likely to affect the future of the world or the future of humanity?
I think it's extremely important that we have sustainable transport and sustainable energy production.
That sort of overall sustainable energy problem is the biggest problem that we have to solve this century, In fact, even if producing CO2 was good for the environment, given that we're going to run out of hydrocarbons, we need to find some sustainable means of operating.
CA: Most of American electricity comes from burning fossil fuels.
How can an electric car that plugs into that electricity help?
EM: Right. There's two elements to that answer.
One is that, even if you take the same source fuel and produce power at the power plant and use it to charge electric cars, you're still better off.
So if you take, say, natural gas, which is the most prevalent hydrocarbon source fuel, if you burn that in a modern General Electric natural gas turbine, you'll get about 60 percent efficiency.
If you put that same fuel in an internal combustion engine car, you get about 20 percent efficiency.
And the reason is, in the stationary power plant, you can afford to have something that weighs a lot more, is voluminous, and you can take the waste heat and run a steam turbine and generate a secondary power source.
So in effect, even after you've taken transmission loss into account and everything, even using the same source fuel, you're at least twice as better off charging an electric car, then burning it at the power plant.
CA: That scale delivers efficiency.
EM: Yes, it does.
And then the other point is, we have to have sustainable means of power generation anyway, electricity generation.
So given that we have to solve sustainable electricity generation, then it makes sense for us to have electric cars CA: So we've got some video here of the Tesla being assembled, which, if we could play that first video -- So what is innovative about this process in this vehicle?
EM: Sure. So, in order to accelerate the advent of electric transport, and I should say that I think, actually, all modes of transport will become fully electric with the ironic exception of rockets.
There's just no way around Newton's third law.
The question is how do you accelerate the advent of electric transport?
And in order to do that for cars, you have to come up with a really energy efficient car, so that means making it incredibly light, and so what you're seeing here is the only all-aluminum body and chassis car made in North America.
In fact, we applied a lot of rocket design techniques to make the car light despite having a very large battery pack.
And then it also has the lowest drag coefficient of any car of its size.
So as a result, the energy usage is very low, and it has the most advanced battery pack, and that's what gives it the range that's competitive, so you can actually have on the order of a 250-mile range.
CA: I mean, those battery packs are incredibly heavy, but you think the math can still work out intelligently -- by combining light body, heavy battery, you can still gain spectacular efficiency.
EM: Exactly. The rest of the car has to be very light to offset the mass of the pack, and then you have to have a low drag coefficient so that you have good highway range.
And in fact, customers of the Model S are sort of competing with each other to try to get the highest possible range.
I think somebody recently got 420 miles out of a single charge.
CA: Bruno Bowden, who's here, did that, broke the world record.EM: Congratulations.
CA: That was the good news. The bad news was that to do it, he had to drive at 18 miles an hour constant speed and got pulled over by the cops. EM: I mean, you can certainly drive -- if you drive it 65 miles an hour, 250 miles is a reasonable number.
CA: Let's show that second video showing the Tesla in action on ice.
Not at all a dig at The New York Times, this, by the way.
of driving the car?
EM: In creating an electric car, the responsiveness of the car is really incredible.
So we wanted really to have people feel as though they've almost got to mind meld with the car, so you just feel like you and the car are kind of one, and as you corner and accelerate, it just happens, like the car has ESP.
You can do that with an electric car because of its responsiveness.
You can't do that with a gasoline car.
I think that's really a profound difference, and people only experience that when they have a test drive.
CA: I mean, this is a beautiful but expensive car.
Is there a road map where this becomes a mass-market vehicle?
EM: Yeah. The goal of Tesla has always been to have a sort of three-step process, where version one was an expensive car at low volume, version two is medium priced and medium volume, and then version three would be low price, high volume.
So we're at step two at this point.
So we had a $100,000 sports car, which was the Roadster.
Then we've got the Model S, which starts at around 50,000 dollars.
And our third generation car, which should hopefully be out in about three or four years will be a $30,000 car.
But whenever you've got really new technology, it generally takes about three major versions in order to make it a compelling mass-market product.
And so I think we're making progress in that direction, and I feel confident that we'll get there.
CA: I mean, right now, if you've got a short commute, you can drive, you can get back, you can charge it at home.
There isn't a huge nationwide network of charging stations now that are fast.
Do you see that coming, really, truly, or just on a few key routes?
EM: There actually are far more charging stations than people realize, and at Tesla we developed something called a Supercharging technology, and we're offering that if you buy a Model S for free, forever.
And so this is something that maybe a lot of people don't realize.
We actually have California and Nevada covered, and we've got the Eastern seaboard from Boston to D.C. covered.
By the end of this year, you'll be able to drive from L.A. to New York just using the Supercharger network, which charges at five times the rate of anything else.
And the key thing is to have a ratio of drive to stop, to stop time, of about six or seven.
So if you drive for three hours, you want to stop for 20 or 30 minutes, because that's normally what people will stop for.
So if you start a trip at 9 a.m., by noon you want to stop to have a bite to eat, hit the restroom, coffee, and keep going.
CA: So your proposition to consumers is, for the full charge, it could take an hour.
So it's common -- don't expect to be out of here in 10 minutes.
Wait for an hour, but the good news is, you're helping save the planet, and by the way, the electricity is free. You don't pay anything.
EM: Actually, what we're expecting is for people to stop for about 20 to 30 minutes, not for an hour.
It's actually better to drive for about maybe 160, 170 miles and then stop for half an hour and then keep going.
That's the natural cadence of a trip.
CA: All right. So this is only one string to your energy bow.
You've been working on this solar company SolarCity.
What's unusual about that?
EM: Well, as I mentioned earlier, we have to have sustainable electricity production as well as consumption, so I'm quite confident that the primary means of power generation will be solar.
I mean, it's really indirect fusion, is what it is.
We've got this giant fusion generator in the sky called the sun, and we just need to tap a little bit of that energy for purposes of human civilization.
What most people know but don't realize they know is that the world is almost entirely solar-powered already.
If the sun wasn't there, we'd be a frozen ice ball at three degrees Kelvin, and the sun powers the entire system of precipitation.
The whole ecosystem is solar-powered.
CA: But in a gallon of gasoline, you have, effectively, thousands of years of sun power compressed into a small space, so it's hard to make the numbers work right now on solar, and to remotely compete with, for example, natural gas, fracked natural gas. How are you going to build a business here?
EM: Well actually, I'm confident that solar will beat everything, hands down, including natural gas.
CA: How?
EM: It must, actually. If it doesn't, we're in deep trouble.
CA: But you're not selling solar panels to consumers.
What are you doing?
EM: No, we actually are. You can buy a solar system or you can lease a solar system.
Most people choose to lease.
And the thing about solar power is that it doesn't have any feed stock or operational costs, so once it's installed, it's just there.
It works for decades. It'll work for probably a century.
So therefore, the key thing to do is to get the cost of that initial installation low, and then get the cost of the financing low, because that interest -- those are the two factors that drive the cost of solar.
And we've made huge progress in that direction, and that's why I'm confident we'll actually beat natural gas.
CA: So your current proposition to consumers is, don't pay so much up front.
EM: Zero.CA: Pay zero up front.
We will install panels on your roof.
You will then pay, how long is a typical lease?
EM: Typical leases are 20 years, but the value proposition is, as you're sort of alluding to, quite straightforward.
It's no money down, and your utility bill decreases.
Pretty good deal.
CA: So that seems like a win for the consumer.
No risk, you'll pay less than you're paying now.
For you, the dream here then is that -- I mean, who owns the electricity from those panels for the longer term?
I mean, how do you, the company, benefit?
EM: Well, essentially, SolarCity raises a chunk of capital from say, a company or a bank.
Google is one of our big partners here.
And they have an expected return on that capital.
With that capital, SolarCity purchases and installs the panel on the roof and then charges the homeowner or business owner a monthly lease payment, which is less than the utility bill.
CA: But you yourself get a long-term commercial benefit from that power.
You're kind of building a new type of distributed utility.
EM: Exactly. What it amounts to is a giant distributed utility.
I think it's a good thing, because utilities have been this monopoly, and people haven't had any choice.
So effectively it's the first time there's been competition for this monopoly, because the utilities have been the only ones that owned those power distribution lines, but now it's on your roof.
So I think it's actually very empowering for homeowners and businesses.
CA: And you really picture a future where a majority of power in America, within a decade or two, or within your lifetime, it goes solar?
EM: I'm extremely confident that solar will be at least a plurality of power, and most likely a majority, and I predict it will be a plurality in less than 20 years.
I made that bet with someone —CA: Definition of plurality is?
EM: More from solar than any other source.
CA: Ah. Who did you make the bet with?
EM: With a friend who will remain nameless.
CA: Just between us. EM: I made that bet, I think, two or three years ago, so in roughly 18 years, I think we'll see more power from solar than any other source.
CA: All right, so let's go back to another bet that you made with yourself, I guess, a kind of crazy bet.
You'd made some money from the sale of PayPal.
You decided to build a space company.
Why on Earth would someone do that?
EM: I got that question a lot, that's true.
People would say, "Did you hear the joke about the guy who made a small fortune in the space industry?"
Obviously, "He started with a large one," is the punchline.
And so I tell people, well, I was trying to figure out the fastest way to turn a large fortune into a small one.
And they'd look at me, like, "Is he serious?"
CA: And strangely, you were. So what happened?
EM: It was a close call. Things almost didn't work out.
We came very close to failure, but we managed to get through that point in 2008.
The goal of SpaceX is to try to advance rocket technology, and in particular to try to crack a problem that I think is vital for humanity to become a space-faring civilization, which is to have a rapidly and fully reusable rocket.
CA: Would humanity become a space-faring civilization?
So that was a dream of yours, in a way, from a young age?
You've dreamed of Mars and beyond?
EM: I did build rockets when I was a kid, It was really more from the standpoint of what are the things that need to happen in order for the future to be an exciting and inspiring one?
And I really think there's a fundamental difference, if you sort of look into the future, between a humanity that is a space-faring civilization, that's out there exploring the stars, on multiple planets, and I think that's really exciting, compared with one where we are forever confined to Earth until some eventual extinction event.
CA: So you've somehow slashed the cost of building a rocket by 75 percent, depending on how you calculate it.
How on Earth have you done that?
NASA has been doing this for years. How have you done this?
EM: Well, we've made significant advances in the technology of the airframe, the engines, the electronics and the launch operation.
There's a long list of innovations that we've come up with there that are a little difficult to communicate in this talk, but -- CA: Not least because you could still get copied, right?
You haven't patented this stuff. It's really interesting to me.
EM: No, we don't patent.CA: You didn't patent because you think it's more dangerous to patent than not to patent.
EM: Since our primary competitors are national governments, the enforceability of patents is questionable. CA: That's really, really interesting.
But the big innovation is still ahead, and you're working on it now. Tell us about this.
EM: Right, so the big innovation— CA: In fact, let's roll that video and you can talk us through it, what's happening here.
EM: Absolutely. So the thing about rockets is that they're all expendable.
All rockets that fly today are fully expendable.
The space shuttle was an attempt at a reusable rocket, but even the main tank of the space shuttle was thrown away every time, and the parts that were reusable took a 10,000-person group nine months to refurbish for flight.
So the space shuttle ended up costing a billion dollars per flight.
Obviously that doesn't work very well for — CA: What just happened there? We just saw something land?
EM: That's right. So it's important that the rocket stages be able to come back, to be able to return to the launch site and be ready to launch again within a matter of hours.
CA: Wow. Reusable rockets.EM: Yes. And so what a lot of people don't realize is, the cost of the fuel, of the propellant, is very small.
It's much like on a jet.
So the cost of the propellant is about .3 percent of the cost of the rocket.
So it's possible to achieve, let's say, roughly 100-fold improvement in the cost of spaceflight if you can effectively reuse the rocket.
That's why it's so important.
Every mode of transport that we use, whether it's planes, trains, automobiles, bikes, horses, is reusable, but not rockets.
So we must solve this problem in order to become a space-faring civilization.
CA: You asked me the question earlier of how popular traveling on cruises would be if you had to burn your ships afterward.EM: Certain cruises are apparently highly problematic.
CA: Definitely more expensive.
So that's potentially absolutely disruptive technology, at some point, to take humanity to Mars at scale.
You'd like to see a colony on Mars.
EM: Yeah, exactly. SpaceX, or some combination of companies and governments, needs to make progress in the direction of making life multi-planetary, of establishing a base on another planet, on Mars -- being the only realistic option -- and then building that base up until we're a true multi-planet species.
CA: So progress on this "let's make it reusable," how is that going? That was just a simulation video we saw.
How's it going?
EM: We're actually, we've been making some good progress recently with something we call the Grasshopper Test Project, where we're testing the vertical landing portion of the flight, the sort of terminal portion which is quite tricky.
And we've had some good tests.
CA: Can we see that?EM: Yeah.
So that's just to give a sense of scale.
We dressed a cowboy as Johnny Cash and bolted the mannequin to the rocket. CA: All right, let's see that video then, because this is actually amazing when you think about it.
You've never seen this before. A rocket blasting off and then -- EM: Yeah, so that rocket is about the size of a 12-story building.
So now it's hovering at about 40 meters, and it's constantly adjusting the angle, the pitch and yaw of the main engine, and maintaining roll with cold gas thrusters.
CA: How cool is that? Elon, how have you done this?
These projects are so -- Paypal, SolarCity, Tesla, SpaceX, they're so spectacularly different, they're such ambitious projects at scale.
How on Earth has one person been able to innovate in this way?
What is it about you?
EM: I don't know, actually.
I don't have a good answer for you.
I work a lot. I mean, a lot.
CA: Well, I have a theory.EM: Okay. All right.
CA: My theory is that you have an ability to think at a system level of design that pulls together design, technology and business, so if TED was TBD, design, technology and business, into one package, synthesize it in a way that very few people can and -- and this is the critical thing -- feel so damn confident in that clicked-together package that you take crazy risks.
You bet your fortune on it, and you seem to have done that multiple times.
I mean, almost no one can do that.
Is that -- could we have some of that secret sauce?
Can we put it into our education system? Can someone learn from you?
It is truly amazing what you've done.
EM: Well, thanks. Thank you.
Well, I do think there's a good framework for thinking.
It is physics. You know, the sort of first principles reasoning.
Generally I think there are -- what I mean by that is, boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there, as opposed to reasoning by analogy.
Through most of our life, we get through life by reasoning by analogy, which essentially means copying what other people do with slight variations.
And you have to do that.
Otherwise, mentally, you wouldn't be able to get through the day.
But when you want to do something new, you have to apply the physics approach.
Physics is really figuring out how to discover new things that are counterintuitive, like quantum mechanics.
It's really counterintuitive.
So I think that's an important thing to do, and then also to really pay attention to negative feedback, and solicit it, particularly from friends.
This may sound like simple advice, but hardly anyone does that, and it's incredibly helpful.
CA: Boys and girls watching, study physics.
Learn from this man.
Elon Musk, I wish we had all day, but thank you so much for coming to TED.
EM: Thank you. CA: That was awesome. That was really, really cool.
Look at that. Just take a bow. That was fantastic.
Thank you so much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
英国に400店舗を持つスーパーマーケットと衣料の大手チェーン店マークス&スペンサーが、先日、コーヒーや紅茶など計36ライン全般を、「倫理的生産物」のマーケティングシンボルであるフェアトレード製品に切り替えることを発表した。200店のCafé Reviveコーヒーチェーン店ではすでに、扱うコーヒーと紅茶はフェアトレード製品のみになっている。この他にも、フェアトレードの木綿で作られたシャツやその他の製品を盛んに宣伝している。発表は、発展途上国の農民が英国民に、フェアトレードがいかに自分たちの地域を支援してくれたかを伝えるトークツアーを含むフェアトレード製品の2週間プロモーション「Fairtrade Fortnight」の間にあった。 | Marks & Spencer, a supermarket and clothing chain with 400 stores throughout Britain, recently announced that it is converting its entire range of coffee and tea, totaling 38 lines, to Fairtrade, a marketing symbol of “ethical production.” The chain already sells only Fairtrade tea and coffee in its 200 Café Revive coffee shops. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「欠点とか、聞いたことがねぇんだけど? いや、そういえば爺さんは戦闘中に
「そして......身体を強引に作り変える魔法じゃぞ? 下手すれば気を失うくらいの激痛が走るんじゃよ」
「ほら、この間地脈とか見つけただろ? あそこで魔法を使えばどうにかならないか?」
「じゃろう? そして魔道具作りに関しては超一流。今回のようなケースならば、最も頼りになる御仁じゃ」
「だが、コルティナが付き添うって言えばどうするんだ? 夜中に家を出るんだから、そういうこともあるかもしれないぞ」
こうして俺は、再びアストの元に訪れることになったのだった。 | That evening, I was taken back to Raum by Maxwell. Cortina had naturally already returned to her own home, so she wasn’t in his mansion. Mateus had been given some work to do, so he wasn’t there, either.
“Now then, Reid.”
“Well, yesterday...”
Thus, Maxwell explained to me the situation with Cortina. It was quite unexpected for me to find out that she was under so much stress. As a strategist, her fortitude was a tower above the rest. I believed that to be the case.
“Didn’t expect that from Cortina... As for Elliot, it was within expectations.”
The reason I used the name Haumea and also left a proof of my connection with Maxwell was in a way to drag Elliot out.
If he found out that I was involved in it, he would naturally stick his nose into it, which also meant that this matter of sacrifices would get intervened by the power of the state.
If the kingdom decided to get involved, then they’d have a hard time escaping no matter how well they can hide. The real problem was Cortina.
“I would not say that this is the limit of how long you can keep hiding it, but she would be too pitiable if you do not bring salvation to her heart already.”
“I really do feel bad about this, but I just can’t... Hey, isn’t there some way to learn Polymorph faster?”
“As if there would be. Moreover, that spell has its share of flaws.”
“Flaws? I never heard about that. Actually, you never used it during battles now that I think about it.”
Rather, not just battles, I don’t remember him using it even during normal times even once. Maybe it was due to the flaws that he mentioned.
“That is correct. For one, that spell can only be used on the user. This is why I can’t just cast it on you.”
“And that’s why I’m trying so hard to learn it, huh.”
“And... It changes your body forcibly, do you understand? In the worst case, it can cause enough pain to make you faint.”
“That much!?”
“Yes, that is why it is impossible to use in battles. Losing consciousness there would be quite dangerous. And it is painful enough that you would not want to use it even outside of battles, if you could help it. No one would use it for no reason.”
“Seriously... Still, I’m sure I can endure it.”
“I hope that will be the case. But learning it comes first.”
“Even if you say that, that spell’s ranked high up even in the high-ranked spells.”
At present, I barely scratched the surface of the middle ranked spells. I lacked quite a bit of skill for a high-ranked spell like Polymorph. Naturally, since I was already at mid-rank at eleven years old, I was already considered a genius.
Even so, it was not enough to match up to the urgency of the situation.
“What is it, Reid. Did you think of something?”
“Yeah. Look, people who can’t use teleportation magic can still teleport by using magic circles, right? Can’t we use an external factor to assist with casting Polymorph the same way?”
“External factor... You say?”
“Like, we discovered a ley line some time ago, right? What if we cast the spell there, would that help?”
“We buried that place though.”
“Please, you can easily dig it back up.”
I didn’t believe that would really allow me to use the spell. However, maybe this old man could think of something using the information I provided.
He started to ponder for some time while putting a hand on his beard. Then finally, he raised his head and offered a suggestion.
“You do know that you would not be able to use it so easily, right?”
“Of course.”
Now that he brought it up, I thought back on Den. Because he made his nest above a ley line, he underwent an evolution and developed a high intellect for an Ogre. He should currently be taking shelter in my hideout, and living quietly there.
Certainly, it could be said that the ley line’s influence caused him to undergo a change from an ogre into a new species.
“As you said, it is possible to supplement a spell if you borrow the power of a ley line. However, that would only be in terms of making up for the lack of magic power.”
“That’s not enough?”
“It seems that you have forgotten, but you have no problems when it comes to the magic power amount itself. What hindered the growth of your ability was instead your problem with the release and control of your magic power.”
“That’s true. So the ley line is basically useless?”
“At present, yes. But thanks to this I have thought of a plan that could overcome this.”
“A plan to overcome... So there’s a way?”
As expected, he seemed to have thought of something. I looked at him filled with expectations. If this went well, I could dispel Cortina’s anguish.
“If they didn’t, an average person wouldn’t be able to use them.”
“Right, in other words, they can be used even if you cannot use the spell itself. Magic Items make that possible.”
“Magic Items... Aste, huh!”
He was a Magic Item specialist. He had both deep knowledge and the skill to implement it. Certainly, if it’s him he might just be able to make a Magic Item loaded with Polymorph.
“I see, and he’s already aware of my circumstances. If he’s willing to help, there’s no one more reliable than him!”
“Right? And he is cut above the rest when it comes to creating Magic Items. There is no one better than him for cases like this.”
“True. In that case, we should quickly—”
“Wait, where do you think you are going?”
“Where, you ask? To Aste, obviously.”
“You have just returned to Raum. At least show your face to Cortina first, she is your guardian!”
“Oh, whoops.”
If we didn’t contact her and didn’t return until late night, she would obviously worry. While Maxwell was indeed accompanying me, I was still a kid in body. I had to stick to the curfew.
“First show your face to Cortina and tell her about Fina as well. That should help distract her from her feelings somewhat.”
“After that—Let us see. Come to this mansion once again when night comes. You can just tell her that you have to come at night because the ritual spell you are learning is related to the stars, and she should let you do that.”
“Again with the technical stuff...”
By stars, he meant the rotation of them. Depending on the ritual, the position of the stars was important to the spells. And that meant that they had to be done at night.
It was a good excuse for me to slip out of the house.
“I will write a note too. With that, you should have no problem leaving the house.”
“But what if she says she wants to escort me? Since I’d be leaving at nighttime, that could easily happen.”
“Hmm, in that case, ask that Finia accompany you instead. She is also my disciple, so there should be no problem to come here while also protecting you.”
“And, when she comes here, we’d still have to deceive her somehow, right?”
“I will tell her to do some cleaning. We can tell her we have to go somewhere while she’s busy doing that.”
“Will it really go so well?”
“If this goes well and you turn back into Reid, head over to Cortina by yourself. I will make sure to keep Finia in the mansion.”
“That would be appreciated, but we don’t know if this would even work.”
“We will know when the time comes.”
He responded with a scheming smile.
Thus, It has been decided that we would visit Aste. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 22,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
どうして闘技場......? 皆の顔が引きつるのが分かった。
何を言っているの? ライオン? 何匹? どれぐらいの大きさ? 性別は?
もし、私がこんな格好じゃなかったら優遇されていたのかしら? いや、その前に、貴族とバレて違う馬車で送られていたかもね。
私は口の端を少し上げて、腹をくくった。 | ...Compared to my shabby rags, his beautiful clothes resembled something like a suit. I can’t tell if it’s casual or formal attire. I mean, thinking about it, this otome game’s worldview was pretty amazing.
“Where am I?”
“This is the basement of the Ravaal Kingdom’s arena.”
The man answered Phil’s question immediately.
Why the arena...? I could see everyone’s faces twitching.
Oh, I see. We’ve been exiled from the country. I mean, our lives are worth so little. Maybe we’ll just be a freak show in this country.
“Well, I’ll let you fight tomorrow morning.”
The man said and pointed at Phil with a creepy smile on his face.
Phil froze, his eyes dazed, just staring at the man’s finger.
Wait a minute, we don’t have the stamina to fight right after we get here, and of course we would probably die. Though, it depended on what the opponent was...
“How about... a hungry lion as an opponent?”
What are you talking about? Lions? How many lions? How big are they? What gender?
My brain was racing in circles and I couldn’t sort it out. I was a little confused by the reality that had suddenly hit me. I knew that exile was not something to be taken lightly, but this could be very bad....
If I hadn’t been dressed like this, would I have been treated better? No, before that, they might have found out that I was a noble and sent me away in a different carriage.
Well, it’s pointless to think about it at this point.
“Tomorrow... morning?”
“Don’t worry. You can eat as much as you want until you’re full.”
“Wait, wait, wait... Can’t we do this a little later?”
“I’m afraid I can’t allow that.”
“...what about time to work out, or, you know, prepare my mind.”
Phil faltered with frightened eyes as he spoke.
“And, besides, I’m the oldest one here. So, I need some time.”
He looks at the man as if he were begging God for help.
In contrast, the man looks down at Phil in return with a very cold stare.
It’s not that he doesn’t have a heart, but it makes me realize that he really only sees us as tools of his trade.
“Hey, please, just a bit.”
“Don’t interfere with me, you criminal. You’ve been casted away, deported. At least be useful as lion food.”
The man said, covering Phil’s mouth forcefully with one hand.
Phil’s eyes widened at the sharp, piercing words, and I could see that his eyes were tearing up a little.
... You really mean it, don’t you? That’s pretty harsh. I guess this is another test in order to become a villainess...
I wonder if my biography will state that once I was almost fed to some captive lions.
That’s good. I’m fine with that. I’m going to survive this predicament.
I lifted the edges of my mouth a little grinning, showing my determination. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「た、助けてくれ! ちょっとした出来心だったんだ!」
「す、すまなかった! 謝るから、命だけは!」
「お願いだ! 助けてくれ!」
「タクミ様......この方はタクミ様にも刃を向けたのですよ? 許すのですか?」
それらを見つつ、考え付いた事を整理しながらカレスさんに話し掛けた。 | After listening for a full minute, the man understood that Leo was a Silver Fenrir, and what it is that he had done.
Leo seemed to have joined Sebastian, and was now growling in a low and threatening way... Leo really did like to join in on the fun.
Now that I think about it, he had just called Leo a wolf last time, and this time he seemed to think she was a fenrir.
I suppose it was because he didn’t know about Ms. Claire or the duke’s family.
Now that he knew who it was he had antagonized, and what could happen to him now, the blood seemed to drain from his face as he grew pale.
I didn’t know that humans could even look that pale.
“He-help me! I was acting out of impulse!”
“Do you really think that’s going to get you out of this...?”
“I-I’m sorry! I repent! But just spare my life!”
The man began to plead desperately with Sebastian.
“Sebastian...don’t you think you’re going a little too far...?”
“Hmm. But it’s important to put the fear into them. Or they might do the same thing again...”
Ms. Claire muttered with uncertainty as she watched Sebastian threaten the man.
Someone who would do the same thing after being caught once needed to learn to be afraid, or they would just repeat the same thing again.
Well, I did think he had accomplished that now...
“What should we do...?”
“I beg you! Spare me!”
Sebastian continued to threaten the man, as if he was still undecided.
This was getting very drawn out?
“I think he gets the point, Mr. Sebastian.”
“Mr. Takumi... He attacked you as well, didn’t he? You wish to forgive him?”
When Sebastian turned to face me, his eyes were still narrowed and his voice low.
It was honestly a little unnerving... You could tell that this was a man who had experienced a lot...
And though I was a little overwhelmed, I continued.
“Well, he wasn’t even good enough to put up a fight at all. As long as he knows that there will be no next time.”
“I see... If that’s how you feel, Mr. Takumi.”
So saying, Sebastian stood up straight again and let out a sigh.
Perhaps Sebastian had continued for so long because he was waiting for Ms. Claire or me to intervene.
If that was the case, then he was quite the actor...
“Leo. You can get off of him now. Ah, Johanna. Can you tie his hands up?”
“Very well.”
Leo nodded and then lifted her paw.
Johanna had been standing next to Ms. Claire, and just like the last time, she produced a rope from somewhere and used it to tie the man’s hands and feet.
...I only needed his hands to be tied...
As the man had no will to resist now, he just lay there quietly.
“Now, you finally understand what you have done. Are you remorseful?”
I asked. The man nodded repeatedly, like some kind of broken doll.
“O-of course. I am so sorry... While I didn’t know, I caused a lot of trouble...”
The man said as he nodded at me.
So he was capable of speaking politely after all... Though, the mohawk moving up and down ruined the effect a little...
Now, what should we do from here...
After Johanna finished tying the man up, he sat upright. I watched him and pondered the question.
As the binding around his hands and feet were also connected, the only thing he could move freely was his head.
“Ms. Claire and Sebastian. I suppose it would usually be up to the duke to decide the man’s fate. But would you mind if I handled it?”
“...Indeed... The table was broken, and there was other damage to the store... But it was you who he threatened with the knife. So I do think that you have that right, Mr. Takumi.”
“Well, you were also the one to restrain him. While this is not the passing of authority, I suppose we can turn a blind eye this time... Don’t you agree, Mr. Kalis?”
“Yes... I will leave it to Mr. Takumi. We made more than enough profit off the new products in order to cover the cost of the table.”
Ms. Claire, Sebastian, and Mr. Kalis all agreed.
Even Johanna and Nicholas nodded.
Well, perhaps there was a lot of trouble that would come if the duke dealt with it, but Sebastian and the others said they would let it pass this time.
I was grateful for how accommodating they all were.
“But, what about everyone else who is gathered here?”
“Of course, it is something that everyone should know. Do you all understand? The duke’s family is not involved in this matter.”
The spectators who had been watching all nodded at Sebastian’s words.
As they all seemed to trust the duke, perhaps it wasn’t necessary to speak so threateningly, Sebastian?
In any case, I was glad to see that everyone was satisfied here.
Now, I had to think about what I would do with the man.
“Leo could eat...”
I had only muttered it as a joke, but the man shuddered, and Leo shook her head with disgust.
Don’t worry, even I wouldn’t make Leo eat a human.
“Well, I was just joking... But still...”
I could just hand him over to the guards, but then he might run away again... Though it seemed quite unlikely with how scared he was now.
And if I handed him over, there would be no point in having gotten everyone’s permission.
“Mr. Kalis.”
As I had one idea, I called out to Mr. Kalis, who was standing nearby.
At this point, the clerks had picked up the fallen herbs, and were lining them up on a new table that had been brought out.
This table was smaller, but it was fine, as there were now fewer herbs to sell.
I watched them and gathered my thoughts together before explaining my idea to Mr. Kalis. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
私は強制的に働かされていた人たちの方を向きます。 | The interior of “Red Tilt Taiji Cave” consisted of rocks from floor to ceiling, with lantern-like lights dangling from the ceiling. Although the door appeared to be composed of stone, it was as light as wood.
And so far, everything is going well, but...
“Why is everything bright red!”
“(My eyes hurt!)”
The entire area was a solid red, as Mugi and Izumi indicated. Even the lighting was red as if the flooring, walls, and ceilings were splattered with vivid red paint, and of course, the doors themselves were red as well.
While on the subject, I have once heard that certain drug addicts exhibit symptoms that cause them to drench their rooms in a single hue, causing me to wonder if this was one of those cases.
Or was this a unique feature of this dungeon, like the mist in “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest,” for the purpose of taking measures against intruders...? Well, this reasoning was more than likely.
“Let’s find the rest area for now. Given the enemy’s continuous surveillance in this colorful space, it would be more exhausting than we had anticipated.”
While suggesting the idea to the two of them, I searched for the presence of the surrounding creatures.
Since a cluster of numerous creatures appeared to be congregating in that direction, I instructed both of them that we should proceed in that direction.
“(This is awful...)”
“(You can clearly distinguish the nature of the master of this dungeon by this...)”
After slightly opening the door of the room where there were numerous presences of living creatures, we took a gander at what was going on inside.
And within the room, a significant number of people were working nonstop on massive cogwheels, which were common in manga detention camps. Those who were found taking a break or arriving late will be lashed with a whip and subjected to physical punishment by the Karajin, who resembled punks.
However, by simply viewing the outside and observing this facility, it was evident how the Spice King had elevated his level to level . It was likely that the Spice King was unaware of the fact that slaying enemies outside the dungeon will result in a reduction in the amount of experience gained, which was why he assigned his Karajin to hunt them down. The bulk of them would be killed during the hunt, and the others would be forced to do some sort of hard labor. That was most likely what he has been up to.
If I may additionally remark, I was inclined to believe that the humans whom the Spice King had transformed into his kin were inherently vulgar individuals who were fond of such practices. They didn’t seem to be distressed at all. Alternatively, they might have already been indoctrinated. Well, in either case, they were beyond salvation.
Even so, watching a scene like this reminded me of what kind of character a Demon King essentially possesses. And also that Kurokiri was heterogeneous as a Demon King.
“(Izumi. We should dash in right away...)”
“(Please hold on.)”
That was unwise to do so.
I halted Mugi and Izumi, who were about to burst out at any moment.
“(What is it!?)”
“(First of all, let’s verify the situation. If we’re going to seize control, we also have to be mindful of the Spice King and consider what might happen after rescuing them.)”
At my words, both Mugi and Izumi stayed still.
“(Looks like both of you’ve calmed down now. Then let’s move on. If we’re going to do this, let’s have it thoroughly executed.)”
As a result, we each sought a separate entrance, which I, Izumi, and Mugi entered from there.
The man’s legs were staggering. Nevertheless, he could not afford to stop. For if he did, he would be killed.
“I... can’t do it any further...”
Yet, the man paused briefly.
At that moment, a Karajin struck the man with his whip, and the sound of skin being slapped and a scream resonated throughout the area. Then whether the man’s scream had lifted his spirits or not, the Karajin sought to wield the whip again... and then things were set in motion.
A different Karajin, initially brandishing the whip, abruptly shrieked out. That Karajin had not been wounded in any part of the body. However, a blue flame surfaced before the Karajin’s eyes, and as the flame fluctuated, his turmoil visibly escalated until he eventually fainted while foam flowed out of his mouth.
“There goes the first one.”
What was employed against this Karajin was Mugi’s ≪Fox Fire≫. Not only did ≪Fox Fire≫ inflict fire attribute damage, but it was also capable of illusory effects. It can induce an illusory effect by exposing the eyes to its light for a prolonged period of time, albeit this was an infrequent occurrence.
And simultaneously, another Karajin, who was also brandishing the whip, slumped, powerless to even raise his voice while clutching his crotch and frothing.
Well, if you are a man, you can probably figure out what happened to this Karajin without elaborating on the details. But if I dare to describe it in-depth, I would have to say that Izumi approached the opponent while clad in ≪Mist Cloak≫ to avoid being spotted, and with ≪Strength Enhancement≫ activated, she delivered a kick with all her vigor towards the opponent’s groin.
Incidentally, after hearing this account later, Kurokiri broke out in a cold sweat and remarked, [What an audacious act...]
“You’re the last one.”
And before the whip was wielded, Ichiko drew near to the Karajin, who ended up being the sole remaining member of the group, with her ≪Short-range Teleportation≫ and ≪Mist Cloak≫. She then unleashed ≪Decapitation≫ with her bare hands but what was severed wasn’t his head, only his consciousness.
The surrounding people displayed expressions of astonishment and consternation as they directed their attention towards our unexpected presence.
“(We did itー)”
“Now, how should we proceed from here onwards?”
As I turned towards the people who were compelled to labor, I declared, “Human beings, make your choice.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 5
} |
子供達へ顔を見せるのは明日以降に薬草採取に行ったときでいいかなー? と言うことで、今日は少し早いけど宿に戻ることにしよう。色々作りたいものもあるし。
と言うわけで宿に戻ると、出迎えてくれたのはアリサさんだった。いつもならリリーさんが出迎えてくれるのに、どうしたんだろう? さっきお昼の時にサレナさんの所にいたから今日はお休みかな?
部屋に着い。お風呂はいつも早めにか遅くに入ってるけど、どっちにしてもまだまだ早い。晩御飯もまだまだ。でも時間通りに食堂に行くのは色々と気が引ける。今日からは時間ずらそうかな? うん、そうしよう。
前世の私はお酒大好きだったので! 大好きだったので! 大事なことなの言いました。
気を取り直して、次は何にしよう? うどん? あ、蕎麦粉も手に入ったし蕎麦も作ろう。と言うわけで次は麺類。こねるこねる。
んー、そろそろご飯食べに行っても大丈夫かな? 流石にピークは過ぎてる筈だから人は少ないはず......
ありがたい話である。お礼にゼリーを渡しておいた。部屋に帰ってから食べる! とめちゃくちゃ喜んでた。うん、可愛い。
明日は久しぶりに薬草採取しにいこうかな? なんて考えているうちに眠りに落ちた。 | I guess I’ll show my face to the children when I go gathering for herbs tomorrow? In that case, let’s just head back to the inn early today. There were also various things I wanted to make.
When I returned back to the inn, Arisa came out to greet me. Normally, it would be Lily, where was she? She was visiting Salena during lunch so perhaps she had a break for today?
But when I asked Arisa, it seems that she didn’t have a break today and was supposed to be working. Apparently, she had gone out for lunch in the afternoon and upon returning she was acting rather sluggish. I’m sorry, that would be my fault.
It seemed that Arisa knew something had happened, or rather that it was related to me.......she was staring at with a light gaze, but I pretended not to notice and escaped to my room.
I entered my room and took a break. I generally took a bath really early or late, but right now was still too early. And it still wasn’t time for dinner yet. But going to the dining hall too early would also bring various troubles. Should I just go later than usual for today? Right, let’s go with that.
In that case, I had a lot of time. As such, I decided to spend the time making things.
Since I had rice now, I decided to make sake and mirin first. Both of them were necessary for cooking. I had also used sake for the chili shrimp. Marinating shrimp inside it would also give it a tender taste. I took out the remaining koji I had made using the rice from before. I started the sake making process, but the smell started to make me dizzy. However, I was careful not to let the smell spread throughout the room since the smell was quite strong.
Sake huh......I want to drink it. I really want to drink it.
Because I loved drinking in my previous life! I loved it! I said it twice because it’s important.
In this world, you were an adult once you reached . You were allowed to drink from that age, but I am only years old right now, so it would be a bit too much to start drinking. As such, I would be patient, really patient.
Even though I was a minor, it wasn’t like I would get in trouble for drinking. That said, if a child just started chugging alcohol, it would still be something that would be frowned upon.
Although I did buy wine since I used it for cooking, I also made sake and even beer so that I could drink it in the future. I also sold common hop as stomach medicine to the apothecary. I also plan to make whiskey and brandy in the future. But that was still a long way off.
Uhh, I want to drink........but I will be patient. But since I was in the middle of preparing food with it, I have no choice but to taste it. Ahhhh!
Now that I was re-energized, what should I do next? Udon? Ah, since I have buckwheat flour I could make soba then. So next would be noodles. I started kneading them.
Speaking of noodles, I want to eat pasta. After I finished making long pasta, I made several kinds of short pasta. But since the sauces would have a strong smell, I didn’t make them inside the inn.
Speaking of strong smells, I should test out making curry. I had a lot of spices, so I should be able to make it but it will definitely be hard.
However, the balance in this world sure was strange.
Even though there were soy sauce and miso, there weren’t many recipes for using them, and the cooking techniques were also skewed in various ways. No, it might be possible that these were all due to the influences of other reincarnators, maybe some kind of chef reincarnated in this world before?
Considering that and the various matters regarding the cook at the inn, I suppose I shouldn’t let anyone eat the curry.
Consommé was also a highly acclaimed Western dish, but I don’t recall the inn ever serving it. But since it was a high-class dish, I highly doubt I would have a chance to eat it here anyways.
I gave Lily and Salena a lot of food without thinking too much about it, and I taught the children various things too, but when I think calmly there could be various issues in doing so. It would seem I might’ve been too careless. I would have to be a bit more careful from now on.
I was more mentally mature than my physical age due to my memories of my previous life. But as expected, there was still a difference between my previous self’s memories and the consciousness of my current body, this was something I realized at times.
With all these complex thoughts in mind, I actually stopped cooking for a bit. While I continued preparing the ingredients and focusing on seasonings that didn’t have strong smells, it became just a bit past dinner time.
Hmm, I guess it should be okay to go eat now? There shouldn’t be much people left since the rush hour should’ve already passed......
But just as I was thinking this, there was a knock on my door. Who could that be?
When I opened the door, Arisa was standing there. She had a tray in her hands with food on top of it. Apparently, she came to check up on me because I didn’t come down to the dining hall.
I invited her to join me since it was boring to eat alone and because she had gone out of her way to come to my room.
“I thought you didn’t come down because you were sleeping~”
“Ah, I just thought there might be a fuss downstairs.”
“I see, it was something like that~ In fact, there were quite a few people waiting for Ren. It was the correct choice not to come down~”
Apparently, they were still waiting for me down in the dining hall. I probably wouldn’t be able to eat in peace in this inn’s dining hall anymore.
“It should be fine if Lily and I are there, so don’t worry~.”
I was glad to hear that. I gave her some jelly as thanks. She was overjoyed and said she would enjoy it after returning to her room. Yep, cute.
Ah, I just decided to be more careful from now on, but I.......
After that, I took a bath and went to bed. Additionally, I was using my own bed. I had replaced the other bed with my own before going to sleep.
Or rather than calling it a bed, it was more like a berth. And a berth was hard.
The first day I stayed at this inn I managed to fall asleep since I was tired, but on the second day my back was sore and I couldn’t sleep well. I probably shouldn’t get too accustomed to luxury......
The bed I was using wasn’t the one from my bedroom in my house, but instead the one from the guest room. The one in my bedroom was king size and didn’t fit in this room. The room I was in was single-sized. I wonder why I chose to make something so big......well, it was comfortable though.
It has been a while but I guess I will go gather herbs tomorrow? And so I fell asleep while thinking of such matters. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
図々しくも、そんな事が書いてあった。こんな街中でカーバンクルを預かれと? 精神的苦痛がとんでもない事になりそうなんだが!
「......あの白い子よね? 確かニコルちゃんの話ではファーブニルが連れて行ったんじゃ?」
「それにしても預けるって......保護指定幻獣よ? 簡単に預かるわけにはいかないわ」
「うっ、も、もちろんわかってたわよ! ほら、遅刻するわよ? この子はわたしに任せて、早く学院に行きなさい」
「わぁ、何その子! あ、おはよう、ニコルちゃん、今日は早いんだね!」
「洞窟で会ったって子だよね? ここまで着いて来ちゃったの?」
「へぇ、ひょっとしてコルティナ様の家で飼うのかしら? わたしも欲しい」
その未来に思い到り、俺はあまりのおぞましさに背筋を震わせたのだった。 | Forwarding the time by a few weeks, the days passed without incident and we returned back to our normal everyday life. It was already July and the warm weather had started to take over.
That day, I opened the door while feeling extremely gloomy. Usually, Michelle and Letina would be the ones greeting me now, but...
it was here. The Carbuncle that I had parted with a few weeks prior was standing at my door, carrying some kind of wrapping on its back.
“Why are you here?”
It skilfully put down the wrapping and took out a letter from it. Cortina realized that I hadn’t left for school for some reason and came out to check what was going on.
“Is something wrong, Nicole—wait a minute, the Carbuncle!?”
“Yeah, no idea why it’s here.”
I wasn’t sure what to say, so I simply stated the fact. I accepted the letter and read the contents. It appeared to be a message from the White God written with polished letters.
“It seems that it has taken a liking to you so I decided to leave it to you. It seems it’s attached to that Mikey kid too so please take it along and have them meet sometime.”
She wrote something so shameless. Did she just seriously tell me to keep it downtown? I can already tell that’s gonna cause me extreme mental anguish!
“...Is it that white girl? I remember you said Fafnir took it away, didn’t you?”
“She seemed to be acquaintanced with Fafnir.”
“Still, to adopt it, huh... It’s a protected beast, you know? It’s not something you can just adopt.”
“Can we?”
I cutely tilted my head and asked for permission. She was the head of this house, after all. I couldn’t keep a pet without her permission. That’s why I tried to butter up to her as much as I could. This conversation sounded a lot like how kids often went, “mommy, can we keep it?”
“No, we have to send it back to where it came from... Is what I would normally answer here, but...”
The pet in question was a protected Mythical Beast so she couldn’t irresponsibly drive it away. If she did and it was subject to poaching, then all that responsibility could instead fall on her shoulders.
Fortunately enough, Cortina was a celebrity in this country, so she could be flexible in some regards. It would be easy for her to get permission to keep it if she asked Maxwell. However, the troubles that action would bring with it couldn’t be waved off either.
For that reason, she hesitated on giving the immediate reply... But at that moment, the Carbuncle took out another letter and an item. Accepting those, I went ahead and read the letter.
“Of course, I’m not asking you to do it for free. As thanks, I present this item to the guardian. This is a potion made by diluting the dragon’s blood and adjusting the composition. It can increase the user’s life span. This one bottle is three people’s worth.”
What the Carbuncle took out was a small bottle with a pale red liquid in it. If what the letter said was true, it was nothing short of a mythical grade item. If the word got out about this item, it could very well lead to war.
“What in the world did I just receive...”
I muttered without thinking. Michelle’s bow was one thing, but this was already on a whole another level. But after Cortina read the explanation, she was quick on her decision.
“Okay, you are part of our family from now on!”
“Wai-, are you sure!?”
“I am, I am. I have to show tolerance as the family head here!”
She said that while grabbing the bottle. Her real thoughts were as clear as day.
“You just want that, don’t you?”
But that was odd in its own right. Cortina was still considered young for a cat beastmen. She wasn’t so old that she needed to worry about her age. Even when it came to Maxwell, while he was indeed old for an Elf, he still had another human’s lifespan left.
“Cortina, you are still young, you know?”
“No, it’s not like I’m planning to use it on myself...”
After she said that much, it finally hit me. She didn’t want that for herself, but perhaps for my parents—Lyell and Maria. Those two were humans with a normal lifespan. While the old age didn’t show on Maria, it was quite obvious with Lyell. It was unthinkable that Cortina who had a long lifespan failed to notice that.
Maxwell was already used to partings that accompanied his lifespan, but Cortina was still young and her mental state wasn’t as firm.
As such, she willingly bit the bait that was dangling before her eyes. Naturally, she couldn’t be certain whether this potion truly extended one’s life, but she still judged that it was better than nothing.
Not to mention, she could have it appraised as long as we had Maxwell with us. Even if it was poison, all we had to do was to ask Maria to Purify it.
“I see, so it’s for mom and dad...”
“Oh, Nicole, why are you so good at guessing. But that aside, I have to confirm one thing first.”
She turned towards the Carbuncle and said something unbelievable with a meek expression.
“You... Aren’t Reid, right?”
Carbuncle could obviously not understand what she was talking about. It could understand words, but not the contents.
“Like that could be true...”
“Ugh, I-I know that already! Anyway, you’ll be late, you know? Leave this little one to me and hurry to the school.”
Just as I replied back, Letina showed up across the street. Michelle’s door opened right after and she showed up with her giant bow. When they looked my way and saw the Carbuncle, their excitement shot through the roof.
“Waah, what is that! Ah, morning, Nicole. You’re up early today!”
“Morning, Michelle. This is the Carbuncle. You know, the one from the Elf town.”
“The one you met in the cave? Did it follow you all the way here?”
“No, more like it was driven away, I guess?”
That Goddess pushed it on me, so I guess you could call it being driven away... Or maybe it’s not that simple?
“Oh, are you going to be keeping it at Lady Cortina’s house? I want one too!”
“Morning, Letina. If you call yourself a lady, you should be greeting people first.”
“Good morning, Nicole. I never thought you’d be preaching me about lady manners.”
Hearing Letina says that, I recalled my recent conduct. I flirted in the bathroom, exchanged presents with Finia and made blunders, and drank the fruit juice in all smiles.
It felt as if my dignity and stoicism from my past life had already disappeared without a trace. Given my conduct, instead of the “Peerless Hero”, wasn’t I on the route to becoming a “Wife”?
Shivers of disgust traveled down my spine upon that frightful realization. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 20,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
破壊の影に 私は魂の場所を見つけました
彼らの祈りを聞きました 彼らと一緒に生活しました
そして20年間、東側諸国を歩き続けました 東ヨーロッパから中央アジア、 コーカサス山脈、 中東 北アフリカ ロシアと
ある日、オクサス川にかかる 橋を渡っていました
アフガンの戦士は私を見てすごく驚いていました 私のパスポートにスタンプするのを忘れていたんです
で、私はわかったんです 彼の驚きは安全の証拠だったって
で、私は旅を続けました 馬、ヤク、トラック、ヒッチハイキングしながら イランの国境から 下まで。ワハーン回廊の端までです
ここに行く途中で ノア、アフガニスタンの隠れた光を見つけたんです
私の唯一の武器は 私のノートとライカでした
私はスーフィ教のお祈りを聞きました つつましいムスリム教の人達 タリバンから嫌われている人達です
この隠れた川は ジブラルタルからインドまでの
神秘主義とつながっています 礼儀正しい外国人を 涙とともに祝福してくれ プレゼントとして私を受け入れてくれた
モスクです 私たちが知っているのは 私たちが守っていると見せかけている この国と人々、 村です 痛みと空腹を癒す 唯一の薬は アヘンでしょうか?
この人達はアヘン中毒で、 カブールにある家の屋根の上に乗っています 戦争が始まった10年後です
これは遊牧民の女の子たちです アフガンのビジネスマン達の娼婦になりました 戦争が終わった10年後のこれらの
このナイロンバック製の服を着て 中国製です ブルカという名前です
ある日、 アフガニスタンで最大の学校で 女学校です
1万3000人の女の子が ここで勉強しています 地下の教室は さそりだらけです
彼女たちの勉強に対する愛が とても強くて私は泣きました
タリバンの死の警告について 私たちは何を知っているのでしょうか ドアは釘で閉められている家が多い中 誰が自分の娘をあえて学校に行かせるのでしょう
この地域は危険で、タリバンだらけです でも、あえて彼らはそうした
私のねらいは、声を持たない人達に 声を与えること 隠れた光を見せること 駆け引きの裏に隠され メディアに無視された小さな世界 地球規模の紛争の未来です
ありがとう | I met humble people.
I heard their prayer and ate their bread.
Then I have been walking East for 20 years -- from Eastern Europe to Central Asia -- through the Caucasus Mountains, Middle East, North Africa, Russia.
And I ever met more humble people.
And I shared their bread and their prayer.
This is why I went to Afghanistan.
One day, I crossed the bridge over the Oxus River.
I was alone on foot.
And the Afghan soldier was so surprised to see me that he forgot to stamp my passport.
But he gave me a cup of tea.
And I understood that his surprise was my protection.
So I have been walking and traveling, by horses, by yak, by truck, by hitchhiking, from Iran's border to the bottom, to the edge of the Wakhan Corridor.
And in this way I could find noor, the hidden light of Afghanistan.
My only weapon was my notebook and my Leica.
I heard prayers of the Sufi -- humble Muslims, hated by the Taliban.
Hidden river, from Gibraltar to India.
The mosque where the respectful foreigner is showered with blessings and with tears, and welcomed as a gift.
What do we know about the country and the people that we pretend to protect, about the villages where the only one medicine to kill the pain and to stop the hunger is opium?
These are opium-addicted people on the roofs of Kabul 10 years after the beginning of our war.
These are the nomad girls who became prostitutes for Afghan businessmen.
What do we know about the women 10 years after the war?
Clothed in this nylon bag, made in China, with the name of burqa.
I saw one day, the largest school in Afghanistan, a girls' school.
13,000 girls studying here in the rooms underground, full of scorpions.
And their love [for studying] was so big that I cried.
about the death threats by the Taliban nailed on the doors of the people who dare to send their daughters to school as in Balkh?
The region is not secure, but full of the Taliban, and they did it.
My aim is to give a voice to the silent people, to show the hidden lights behind the curtain of the great game, the small worlds ignored by the media and the prophets of a global conflict.
Thanks. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
【VRMMO】Next Stage Online総合スレ part1854
『Next Stage Online』について総合的に語るスレです
燃やすぞ! 燃やすぞ! 燃やすぞ!
おい! おい! おい!
◆ ◆ ◆
本人の了承を得ぬまま、勝手にNSOの顔にされるキュージィであった。 | [VRMMO] Next Stage Online General Thread part: Anonymous Runner
A general thread to discuss ‘Next Stage Online.’
While most subjects are allowed, party requests, complaints, trolling and bragging have their own threads.
The next thread will be created automatically.: Anonymous Runner
Burn! Burn! Burn it!
Hey! Hey! Hey!: Anonymous Runner
Even those who aren’t playing are attracted by the fire.
5: Anonymous Runner
The event’s balance was a little off. That’s all, right?
6: Anonymous Runner
I wouldn’t say it was just ‘a little off.’
7: Anonymous Runner
8: Anonymous Runner
It’s those people who are making the biggest fuss. lol
9: Anonymous Runner
It’s too boring an issue to be the cause of such an uproar.
You can freak out when there is money trouble, or sudden shutdowns, numerous bugs or when it’s impossible to log in.
10: Anonymous Runner
The VR gaming world is a frightening place...
11: Anonymous Runner
The battle in the center and the final battle were actually quite great.
But there just wasn’t enough polish.
12: Anonymous Runner
That being said, relying too much on player abilities would result in inequality as well.
13: Anonymous Runner
The map is too big.
14: Anonymous Runner
In the first place, it’s ridiculous to have turf wars and strategy in a VRMMO!
15: Anonymous Runner
But ridiculous events made on impulse are what’s so interesting about this great age of VR.
16: Anonymous Runner
You can’t maintain balance when players of every class are mixed together.
Tens of thousands participated in the event.
17: Anonymous Runner
Maybe they should split them up like an FPS.
Though, I suppose it would be a different game then.
18: Anonymous Runner
This will likely be a one off event.
19: Anonymous Runner
Is the balance really that bad?
20: Anonymous Runner
It’s true that balancing a game with that many players is difficult.
But just how these 2nds were able to take MVP and other titles...
21: Anonymous Runner
People complain if only 3rds can accomplish anything.
But they complain when 2nds do well.
22: Anonymous Runner
I won’t complain if I do well.
23: Anonymous Runner
24: Anonymous Runner
Yeah, there would have been backlash if only 3rds could do well. So I don’t see why it’s a problem that some 2nds excelled.
In the first place, those two did great in the previous event as well.
25: Anonymous Runner
The winner of the battle royale, and the player with the most kills.
Not too many people talked about it, though.
26: Anonymous Runner
Yeah, people were more focused on the confident pro gamers, and not so much the results of the event.
27: Anonymous Runner
It was a pro team called Mad Slime, right?
They didn’t do much this time either.
28: Anonymous Runner
Isn’t this Nekoko Strange a pro gamer too?
A real veteran.
29: Anonymous Runner
Though, they are apparently related somehow, but not much is known.
30: Anonymous Runner
Nekoko is a rookie.
A new star that has recently appeared in the game world.
31: Anonymous Runner
She has reflexes like a wild animal.
Must be pretty young.
32: Anonymous Runner
So the pros are getting beaten by kids and old men now.
33: Anonymous Runner
I like that old bowman.
34: Anonymous Runner
35: Anonymous Runner
I teamed up with that old bowman once. lol
It was a while ago.
His reflexes seemed slow and I thought he would quit soon enough. And now look how far he’s gone! Hahaha.
By the way, I’m the one who told him to use the bow.
36: Anonymous Runner
37: Anonymous Runner
I was with him during the last battle, and he was amazing.
He was constantly hitting his targets with precise movements.
But I don’t think he’s very good with running.
38: Anonymous Runner
So the old guy isn’t a pro, right?
There’s like no info about him.
39: Anonymous Runner
I asked him, and he said he was working at a company until recently.
40: Anonymous Runner
He just shares that, huh...
41: Anonymous Runner
Well, he didn’t say which company, so he’s safe!
42: Anonymous Runner
He got the MVP, so he must have contributed a lot to his team.
43: Anonymous Runner
He basically destroyed a 3rd on his own, and then took down their base. No one contributed more imo.
44: Anonymous Runner
Yeah, the difference with other players was overwhelming.
45: Anonymous Runner
Yeah, he did really well.
And yet people are posting his screenshot everywhere as if it’s his fault the event was bad. lol
46: Anonymous Runner
That old guy is undoubtedly the MVP, but the pictures are too good to share.
47: Anonymous Runner
There’s something very nonchalant about his expression.
Why does he look like that?
48: Anonymous Runner
He usually looks a little more serious.
I wonder why they used that picture...
49: Anonymous Runner
Well, he’s the new face of NSO, so the event had some meaning after all.
50: Anonymous Runner
51: Anonymous Runner
And I was able to run wild beginning to end.
52: Anonymous Runner
Now it’s up to management to see if the people who came to look will end up staying.
We’ve been hearing about new features for a while that have yet to be implemented, so they must be taking their time with it.
53: Anonymous Runner
Grow cards, scramble, unison...
I like that there will be three new features at once.
54: Anonymous Runner
Apparently, it’s going to make exploring the field a lot more fun. You couldn’t ask for more as a solo player.
Events aren’t the only thing in MMOs!
◆ ◆ ◆
And so without his consent, Kyuji had been declared the new face of NSO. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 11,
"inserted_lines_trg": 28
} |
「白いの? いや、まあいい。で、どうするのかな? この場で僕を殺すかい?」
ニコルの言葉にそう答えると、クファルは全力で襲い掛かっていったのだった。 | A road near the northern street. Ice scattered during the day’s battle had melted, submerging the street. In the corner of the road, a shadow stirred slightly. That something crawled out from the fallen bag, wriggling as it tried to take a human form. But it failed to do that, as it lacked the necessary mass.
from somewhere or it will be bad.”
What crawled out was a viscous monster. In other words, a Slime. Needless to say, it was Kufar.
He spoke those vague words as his body trembled.
What Cortina destroyed earlier was a part of him, though it was too big to call it that. It was a body detached from his core.
Kufar had hypothesized that Lyell and others would attack the moment he put his hand on Nicole. And to make absolutely sure that he was safe, he had put his own core inside the bag while putting a dummy core in the part and manipulating it from the outside.
This was thanks to his special ability to manipulate his body parts even after they got separated from his core. However, his control could not reach very far. Once his body part left the effective radius, it would turn into something like a golem that followed the initial command.
Hiding in the luggage and controlling it from the road was his limit.
For the time being, he proceeded to absorb the surrounding water to increase his mass. He was a viscous liquid by nature, so he was quickly able to regain his mass with water. However, he would just grow weak at that rate, and he needed some time to get accustomed to his body.
“Fortunately I managed to deceive that female cat, so I should be safe for the time being... But I won’t be able to leave the city immediately.”
It was due to the riot that happened during the day that he was able to remain exposed in his Slime form, even if it was night.
Then again, it seemed that the riot had been suppressed... or rather, settled peacefully quite fast, so the harm was less than expected. However, this uproar made people nervous and they refrained from leaving their homes. Thanks to that, Kufar was saved from the public eye.
The mucus that made up most of his body was frozen, destroyed, and washed away with water by Cortina. For that reason, Kufar, who hid in the bag with almost nothing but his core, only had the size of a small rat. However, by absorbing the surrounding puddles, he managed to grow to the size of a child.
“Still, that female cat... No, I should call her Cortina. I should reevaluate her.”
The Strategist Cortina. A hero who was far weaker than the rest of the Six Heroes. So everyone, all the time, started by aiming for her.
And as a matter of fact, every time someone aimed at her, she was forced into a difficult fight. However, each time, she dragged them into traps, luring them to her allies, and turning the tables around them.
“I suppose I should call her tenacious. Or perhaps, careful?”
This time as well, Kufar was prevented from escaping by her. Considering that Lyell and others were not with her, he had to assume that other members also failed their escapes.
“Something that can’t be measured as pure combat power, huh. What a nuisance...”
Survive without letting the enemy display their strength, and then throw in a fight during a fatal timing. Doing that was not as easy as the words suggested. She could do that over and over as if nothing, so she was quite nasty.
Having said that, even if he aimed for someone else, each of them excelled in different aspects, so he had no way of confronting them.
“I’m more compatible against Lyell, but Maria is constantly with him. Leaving Cortina aside for now, it leaves Gadius and Maxwell.”
Considering Gadius’ stamina, there was a chance that Kufar’s poison would not even work on him. As for Maxwell, it was hard enough to find a chance to face him alone. And he might get evaporated the moment they meet.
“Which leaves Reid, after all. But still, how did he survive...”
Still, Kufar had a personal grudge against Reid, but he was not someone he would assertively want to attack.
The present Reid—Nicole, was not as famous as the Six Heroes, and she had a half-demon among her comrades, so the ordinary half-demons had a good opinion of her.
That was something Kufar learned in Raum when he was investigating people around Cortina, so while it may be somewhat dated, it probably did not change all that much.
Even if he defeated someone like that, it would only result in antagonizing the half-demons themselves.
While thinking of such things, Kufar continued to devour not just the water, but also garbage like sand and rocks. He was extremely reluctant to do so, as these ingredients would simply increase his mass but not strength.
“Hmph, as expected, it’s better to eat something that has some kind of power.”
Both the ability to manipulate his body parts, and his non-Slime powers and agility were things he obtained by devouring the Devils and their summoners.
In the end, devouring beings with power made it easier to incorporate their strength into his own. Eating water and gravel like this was making him painfully aware that he was a Slime.
But if he didn’t, he would fail to even maintain his body. If his core was not covered in at least some mucus, it would crumble down like sand. It was one thing when he was in the water pouch, but now, he needed to provide it with some moisture or it would be too dangerous.
“Maybe I should go back and try assassinating the Pope one more time?”
“I don’t think you can do that.”
A clear voice resounded through the road where only Kufar was present.
He immediately checked the surroundings. He really did not have to do such an action, but this was a habit from the time he was a human, which he was obstinately clinging to.
But then, he discovered the source somewhere else from where he was looking. Had he not been a slime, it probably would have taken him some longer.
The source was the rooftop of one of the houses. There stood Nicole with her bluish-silver hair rustling in the wind.
The only thing that he found different was that she was wearing an eyepatch on her right eye. He wondered whether they failed to completely heal her.
Next to her, there was also a boy that he had never seen.
“Nicole... So you really did recover.”
“Yeah, fortunately. I’m embarrassed to say it aloud, but I can’t thank Whitey enough.”
“Whitey? Well, whatever. So, what will you do? Kill me here?”
“Do I have a reason not to?”
Nicole jumped down from the rooftop. Just before she landed, she used the threads hooked to the rooftop to decelerate her fall. Kufar confronted her, who descended as if flying. It was hard for him to even put up a proper fight in his current condition. Since he could not fight her head-on, he had to take some kind of measures.
“Then... there’s no helping it!”
As he answered her with those words, Kufar rushed towards her with all his strength. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 21,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
こんな風に ずっと音が鳴り響いているのです
例えば これはサイチョウという 大きな鳥です
遠くから互いに歌を交わしている テナガザルの声です
これを録音したのは テナガザルの保護区だったので 沢山のテナガザルの声が聞こえます でも実は このとき森の中から 一番重要な音が出ていることに 私は気づいていませんでした 私だけでなく 他の誰も気づきませんでした
ご存知の通り ここはテナガザルの保護区です
職員は1日の大半を テナガザルの保護に費やしますが 周辺の違法伐採から森を守ることにも
多くの時間を取られています 森の音から テナガザルや昆虫などの音を 取り去ってみましょう 背景でずっと鳴っている音があります 遠くから聞こえる チェーンソーの音です
この保護区にはフルタイムの 森林警備隊員が3人配置されています 任務は違法伐採を取り締まることです ある日 旅行者として もう一度森の中を訪れると 5分も歩かないうちに 伐採現場に出くわしました 歩いて5分 警備隊の詰所から 数百メートルのところでした
でも チェーンソーの音は届きませんでした 理由は 先ほどお聞かせしたように 大きな森の音に消されたからです
びっくりして 受け入れ難かったです この現代において 保護区の詰所から たった数百メートルで発生する チェーンソーの猛烈な音が 誰にも聞こえないなんて と思いました
まさかそんなはずはないと思えますが 事実です
エンジニアとしては超クールな ハイテクの解決策を編み出したいと 常々思っていますが でも 現場は熱帯雨林の真っ只中なんです
シンプルで広範囲に利用できる 解決策が必要です 私たちは森の中に必要なものが
全部そろっていることに気づきました 既存のものを使って
違法伐採を阻止できそうでした では既存のものとは?
まず 人材です
森林警備を専門とする フルタイムのスタッフが3人 いつでも現場に 駆けつけられる状態でした でもまずは 伐採に気づかなければなりません
そして意外にも重要なことがわかりました なんと 森の中なのに ネットに接続できたのです
森のど真ん中の 誰もいないところで 携帯電話が受信できました
最寄りの道路まで数百キロもあるのに 電話が通じたんです 電気もないのに 携帯の電波の感度は良好でした 町にいる人はいつもSNSを見て 携帯でネットを閲覧しています それで 私はひょっとしたら できるんじゃないかなと思ったんです 森の中の音を使って 人間の耳には聞こえない チェーンソーの音をアプリで拾って
でもそのためには デバイスを木に取り付けなければ
なんらかのデバイスで 森の音を拾って 既存の携帯ネットワークに接続し 地上の人間に警告を送ることができれば 森林の違法伐採を阻止できるかもしれません
でも その前に熱帯雨林の保護について 話したいと思います というのは 雨林の保護について ずいぶん前から言われていて
私の世代は 子供のころから 熱帯雨林保護について 同じようなメッセージを 聞かされてきました 「熱帯雨林の保護は緊急の課題だ 昨日1日で サッカー場何個分もの 森林が破壊された
「いや 緊急どころか まだ熱帯雨林は 半分も残っているじゃないか」 「だけど もっと緊急な 気候変動などの問題が深刻化している」と
にもかかわらず 私が当時 ほとんど認識していなかった事実は 森林破壊が地球温暖化に与える影響が 世界中の飛行機 列車 乗用車 トラック 船舶 全部よりも大きいことです
森林破壊は 気候変動の2番目の要因です
またインターポールによると 熱帯雨林で行われる伐採の90%が 私たちが見たのと同じ 違法伐採だということです
ですからもし森林法を 徹底することができれば 温暖化の原因の17%をなくすことができ 短期間で大きな成果となるでしょう
これが実現すれば 気候変動の問題を 手っ取り早く安上がりに解決できるかも
私たちの構想するシステムを 紹介しましょう
一見 超ハイテクに見えます
森の中でチェーンソーの音がした瞬間に デバイスでその音を拾って 既存の標準GSMネットワークで警報を送り 森林警備隊に知らせる 警備隊が現場に駆けつけて 伐採を阻止するのです
現場に乗り込んだのに 伐採後ということはなくなります
遠くにある衛星から 伐採現場を 指をくわえて見るだけでもありません リアルタイムで介入するのです
一番安上がりで手っ取り早いと 言いましたが 動作するかどうかも 安く早くできるかもわかりません
ところが 木に取り付けるデバイスが 携帯電話であれば コストダウンは可能でした
毎年 数億台の携帯電話が処分されます アメリカだけでですよ アメリカ国外で処分される数を入れたら もっとになります 携帯電話は捨てたものではありません
こんな風に 箱に入れ 電源の確保も必要です
電源の確保には 高い技術が必要で エンジニアの課題です 木が茂る森の中で 携帯電話の電源を確保することは なんとかして 木陰で太陽光発電をすることは 未解決課題でした そこでこのユニークな 太陽光発電パネルを開発しました 実はこれも パネル製造の副産物を リサイクルしています
組み立て現場です 両親の家のガレージです
場所を提供してくれた 両親に感謝です
ご覧ください デバイスを 木に取り付けたところです
ここから見ると 森の木陰に うまく隠れていますね
これはとても大事です なぜなら たとえチェーンソーの音を聞き取れても 1キロ先の音が聞き取れても 約3平方キロメートルの範囲をカバーできても 誰かが取り外してしまったら このエリアの保護ができなくなります
動作確認のため またインドネシアに行きました 同じ場所ではなく別の テナガザルの保護区で 違法伐採に悩まされている地域です
開始から2日目に 違法伐採の チェーンソーの音を感知しました
我々は木登りを終えて 地上に降りて
みんなでタバコを 吸っているところでした そこにメールを受信し 他のみんなも聞き耳を立てたんです すると チェーンソーの音が聞こえました ごくかすかな音でした このときまで誰も気づいていませんでした
そして 伐採者を阻止しに現場へ向かいました
このとき私はこれまでの努力を 後悔しているところです
私は 山の向こうで何が起きているか 不安がっています
彼が行くなら 私も行かなければならない というわけで 彼は山の向こうにたどり着き 伐採者を止めることができたのです
伐採者にしてみれば びっくりです 今までこんな形で中断されたことがなく 衝撃だったようです これ以降 伐採者は戻ってこなかったそうです
実は 伐採者たちのおかげで
このシステム全体の動作を 目の当たりにしました 現場で伐採者と遭遇したことで リアルタイムで現場に入って阻止できれば 伐採者は怖がって二度と やって来ないと確信できたのです
だから ありがとうございます(拍手) いろんな人に話して このことが くちコミで広がり すごいことが起こりはじめました
世界中の人から メールや電話が 集まってきました
なんと アジア全域 アフリカ全域 南米全域から このシステムは使えると 言ってくれました 重要なのは 特別かもしれないと思っていたのですが 森林の中で通信が良好だということです
そして当然 森林は周辺部が もっとも違法伐採の脅威にさらされていたのです
さらにすごいことに 人々が自分の古い携帯電話を 寄付してくれたんです
こうやって今や私たちが 手にしたシステムは 地上の人材、既存の人材を使って 既存のネット接続サービスを 使ったり改良を加えたりしながら 世界中の人が送ってくれた 中古の携帯電話を使っています 自分たちの古い携帯電話が もう一度何かの役に立てば嬉しいと そんな感じです
もし残りのデバイスに全部 リサイクル品を使うことができれば まさに リサイクルの上をいく 「アップサイクル」です
だから このシステムはなんら ハイテク由来のシステムではないんです
これは既存の技術だけを使っています 私が確信していることは 携帯電話に限らず いつも既に材料はそろっていて 誰だって同様に 新しい使い方で効果的な発明が できるのです
ありがとうございました | There's this constant cacophony of noise.
Some things actually do stick out.
For example, this here is a big bird, a rhinoceros hornbill.
This buzzing is a cicada.
This is a family of gibbons.
It's actually singing to each other over a great distance.
The place where this was recorded was in fact a gibbon reserve, which is why you can hear so many of them, but in fact the most important noise that was coming out of the forest that time was one that I didn't notice, and in fact nobody there had actually noticed it.
So, as I said, this was a gibbon reserve.
They spend most of their time rehabilitating gibbons, protecting their area from illegal logging that takes place on the side.
And so if we take the sound of the forest and we actually turn down the gibbons, the insects, and the rest, in the background, the entire time, in recordings you heard, was the sound of a chainsaw at great distance.
They had three full-time guards who were posted around this sanctuary whose job was in fact to guard against illegal logging, and one day, we went walking, again as tourists, out into the forest, and within five minutes' walk, we stumbled upon somebody who was just sawing a tree down, five minutes' walk, a few hundred meters from the ranger station.
They hadn't been able to hear the chainsaws, because as you heard, the forest is very, very loud.
It struck me as quite unacceptable that in this modern time, just a few hundred meters away from a ranger station in a sanctuary, that in fact nobody could hear it when someone who has a chainsaw gets fired up.
It sounds impossible, but in fact, it was quite true.
So how do we stop illegal logging?
It's really tempting, as an engineer, always to come up with a high-tech, super-crazy high-tech solution, but in fact, you're in the rainforest.
It has to be simple, it has to be scalable, everything we needed was already there.
We could build a system that would allow us to stop this using what's already there.
Who was there? What was already in the forest?
Well, we had people.
We had this group there that was dedicated, three full-time guards, that was dedicated to go and stop it, but they just needed to know what was happening out in the forest.
The real surprise, this is the big one, was that there was connectivity out in the forest.
There was cell phone service way out in the middle of nowhere.
We're talking hundreds of kilometers from the nearest road, there's certainly no electricity, but they had very good cell phone service, these people in the towns were on Facebook all the time, they're surfing the web on their phones, and this sort of got me thinking that in fact it would be possible to use the sounds of the forest, pick up the sounds of chainsaws programmatically, because people can't hear them,
and send an alert.
But you have to have a device to go up in the trees.
So if we can use some device to listen to the sounds of the forest, connect to the cell phone network that's there, and send an alert to people on the ground, perhaps we could have a solution to this issue for them.
But let's take a moment to talk about saving the rainforest, because it's something that we've definitely all heard about forever.
People in my generation have heard about saving the rainforest since we were kids, and it seems that the message has never changed: We've got to save the rainforest, it's super urgent, this many football fields have been destroyed yesterday.
and yet here we are today, about half of the rainforest remains, and we have potentially more urgent problems like climate change.
But in fact, this is the little-known fact that I didn't realize at the time: Deforestation accounts for more greenhouse gas than all of the world's planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships combined.
It's the second highest contributor to climate change.
Also, according to Interpol, as much as 90 percent of the logging that takes place in the rainforest is illegal logging, like the illegal logging that we saw.
So if we can help people in the forest enforce the rules that are there, then in fact we could eat heavily into this 17 percent and potentially have a major impact in the short term.
It might just be the cheapest, fastest way to fight climate change.
And so here's the system that we imagine.
It looks super high tech.
The moment a sound of a chainsaw is heard in the forest, the device picks up the sound of the chainsaw, it sends an alert through the standard GSM network that's already there to a ranger in the field who can in fact show up in real time and stop the logging.
It's no more about going out and finding a tree that's been cut.
It's not about seeing a tree from a satellite in an area that's been clear cut, it's about real-time intervention.
So I said it was the cheapest and fastest way to do it, but in fact, actually, as you saw, they weren't able to do it, so it may not be so cheap and fast.
But if the devices in the trees were actually cell phones, it could be pretty cheap.
Cell phones are thrown away by the hundreds of millions every year, hundreds of millions in the U.S. alone, not counting the rest of the world, which of course we should do, but in fact, cell phones are great.
They're full of sensors.
They can listen to the sounds of the forest.
We do have to protect them.
We have to put them in this box that you see here, and we do have to power them.
Powering them is one of the greater engineering challenges that we had to deal with, because powering a cell phone under a tree canopy, any sort of solar power under a tree canopy, was an as-yet-unsolved problem, and that's this unique solar panel design that you see here, which in fact is built also from recycled byproducts of an industrial process.
These are strips that are cut down.
So this is me putting it all together in my parents' garage, actually.
Thanks very much to them for allowing me to do that.
As you can see, this is a device up in a tree.
What you can see from here, perhaps, is that they are pretty well obscured up in the tree canopy at a distance.
That's important, because although they are able to hear chainsaw noises up to a kilometer in the distance, allowing them to cover about three square kilometers, if someone were to take them, it would make the area unprotected.
So does it actually work?
Well, to test it, we took it back to Indonesia, not the same place, but another place, to another gibbon reserve that was threatened daily by illegal logging.
On the very second day, it picked up illegal chainsaw noises.
We were able to get a real-time alert.
I got an email on my phone.
Actually, we had just climbed the tree. Everyone had just gotten back down.
All these guys are smoking cigarettes, and then I get an email, and they all quiet down, and in fact you can hear the chainsaw really, really faint in the background, but no one had noticed it until that moment.
And so then we took off to actually stop these loggers.
I was pretty nervous.
This is the moment where we've actually arrived close to where the loggers are.
This is the moment where you can see where I'm actually regretting perhaps the entire endeavor.
I'm not really sure what's on the other side of this hill.
That guy's much braver than I am.
But he went, so I had to go, walking up, and in fact, he made it over the hill, and interrupted the loggers in the act.
For them, it was such a surprise -- they had never, ever been interrupted before -- that it was such an impressive event for them, that we've heard from our partners they have not been back since.
They were, in fact, great guys.
They showed us how the entire operation works, and what they really convinced us on the spot was that if you can show up in real time and stop people, it's enough of a deterrent they won't come back.
So -- Thank you. Word of this spread, possibly because we told a lot of people, and in fact, then some really amazing stuff started to happen.
People from around the world started to send us emails, phone calls.
What we saw was that people throughout Asia, people throughout Africa, people throughout South America, they told us that they could use it too, and what's most important, what we'd found that we thought might be exceptional, in the forest there was pretty good cell phone service.
That was not exceptional, we were told, and that particularly is on the periphery of the forests that are most under threat.
And then something really amazing happened, which was that people started sending us their own old cell phones.
So in fact what we have now is a system where we can use people on the ground, people who are already there, who can both improve and use the existing connectivity, and we're using old cell phones that are being sent to us that want their phones to be doing something else in their afterlife, so to speak.
And if the rest of the device can be completely recycled, then we believe it's an entirely upcycled device.
So again, this didn't come because of any sort of high-tech solution.
It just came from using what's already there, and I'm thoroughly convinced that if it's not phones, that there's always going to be enough there that you can build similar solutions that can be very effective in new contexts.
Thank you very much. | {
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2月17日 ニューヨーク・タイムズが 日曜版のトップに 遊びに関する記事を載せたのは重大なことです
このページの下には “ 男女を問わず
真面目で 危ういほど楽しい
そして進化の新説を生み出すもの” とあります
悪くありませんが 表紙を見ると 何かが欠けています
これはヨーロッパの中庭の絵で 124種類の遊び方が描かれています
若者も 年寄りも 一人遊びや 身体を使った遊び ゲーム からかい
全てがここに描かれています これはその時代の 中庭の典型的な様子だったと思います
ではここで 驚くべき出来事を お話ししようと思います
カナダのマニトバ県チャーチル市の北のハドソン湾地域は 10~11月はまだ氷が張りません
この 550キロある雄の白クマは 野生で大変お腹が空いています
ドイツ人写真家のノーバート・ローシングは リードにつながれたエスキモー犬を撮影していました
突然 左側から野生の雄の白クマが現れます 獲物を狙う目つきです
アフリカに行ったり 野犬に追われたりした人は この目つきを見たら 危ないことが分かるでしょう
でも その獲物を狙う目つきの先にいる 雌のエスキモー犬は 尻尾を振って 遊びのお辞儀をします
すると 予期せぬことが起こります
決まりきった行動― 白クマの食事で 終わってしまうはず― が変わるのです
この白クマは 立ち上がります ツメは立てず キバも剥き出していません
大自然の世界です 肉食の本能を覆して 普通なら死に至る戦いを避けたのです
注意深く見ると エスキモー犬は 白クマにノドを出しています その二頭はいつもと違う状態にあります
この状態で この二頭は可能性を探りあっています
彼らは遊びのシグナルがなかった場合には できなかったことを し始めます
この素晴らしい事例が示すのは 私たちが共有している自然の掟には 弱肉強食の壁を乗り越える力があるということです
ジョンは私が以前 殺人犯を研究していたと言いました そのとおりです
テキサス大学で起きた銃撃殺人事件に大変驚きました この悲惨な無差別殺人の犯人を詳しく見てみたら 遊びとの関係から言うと この犯人には著しく 遊び感覚が欠乏していました
多くの権威ある科学者から構成された委員会は 調査の結果 遊び心が欠けていたこと 成長期に不可欠な遊ぶ気持ちを抑圧したことが 悲劇を引き起した遠因だと結論づけました
その調査結果は今も説得力があります 残念ながら バージニア工科大学の悲劇が物語っています
私は犯罪を犯す傾向がある人々の別の研究でも 遊びの重要さを実感しましたが まだ 遊びの本質は理解していませんでした
人々の遊び方の歴史を長期間研究して ようやく理解していなかった 遊びの本質がわかってきたように思います
でも これから説明する見方によって 遊びを分類することができ 考え方がしっかりすると思います
この写真は 人間としての遊びの出発点です
お母さんと赤ちゃんの目が合う時 赤ちゃんが人懐っこい微笑みを作れるようになると 自然にお母さんは喜びでいっぱいになります
彼女は赤ちゃん語で優しくささやき 微笑み そして赤ちゃんも真似します
もし二人を脳波測定器につないでいたら 右脳の波長が調和しているのが見えるでしょう このように私たちは最初の遊びの喜ばしい状態における 生理状態を徐々に理解できるようになってきました
あらゆる複雑な遊びは この赤ちゃんの遊び方を 基礎に発展したと考えられます
今から遊びの見方を ひとつ話そうと思いますが 遊びは一種類だけではありません
身体を使った遊び 引力に逆らおうという自然な欲求を見てみましょう
アンラッキーな日には これを試して下さい 上下にジャンプして 身体をクネクネして きっと元気が出るでしょう
この子と同じように感じるでしょう 彼は単純に遊んでいます
もし目的が より大事なら たぶん遊び ではないのです
遊びにはもうひとつの種類があります 物を使って遊ぶことです
この日本猿は雪玉を作りました 坂を転がすつもりです
他の猿に向かって投げるつもりはありません これは戯れることの基本動作です
人間の手は物体を操りながら 手は脳と連動しようとしています 脳は手と連動しようとしています 遊びが手と脳を結びつける役割を担っているのです
今朝 ジェット推進研究所について講演がありました JPLは素晴らしい施設です
JPLは二人のコンサルタント フランク・ウィルソンとネート・ジョンソン に仕事を依頼しました フランク・ウィルソンは神経科医で ネート・ジョンソンは機械技師です
ジョンソンはロングビーチの高校で 機械工学を教えていましたが 生徒たちの問題解決能力が低下している事に気づき
その原因を調査しました 彼の結論によると 車修理のような課題をクリアできない生徒たちは 手を使って物を作る経験に乏しかったのです
二人は共に JPL に雇用されました
JPL NASA そしてボーイングは 研究者や技術者を採用する際 ハーバード大学やカリフォニア工科大学の 最優秀な学生であろうとも 車修理をしたり 幼少時に手を使って物を作ったり 手の遊びをしていなければ 問題解決能力がないと見なします
つまり 遊びは実用的だし とても重要なのです
遊びが生まれる元は好奇心や探究心です でも安全な探究でなければなりません
これは大丈夫でしょう この男の子は人体に興味があります お母さんです あまりよろしくない状況ですが
好奇心 探究心は遊びの一部です
仲間が欲しい場合には 社交的な遊びが必要です
社交的な遊びは今日の話のポイントのひとつで 遊びの副産物です
これらの雌ライオンは遠目では 争っているように見えます
近寄って見ると 白クマとエスキモー犬と同じです ツメは立てず 毛も逆立っていません 優しい目をして キバも剥き出しておらず バレエを踊っているかの如くです みんな遊んでいる時の特徴です
例えば幼稚園児は 跳んだり 殴ったり 口笛を吹いたり 叫んだり 取り乱したり それらを通して学んだ感情の調節や 社会的な副産物― 認識 情緒 身体的― を 自由に発達させるべきです
観る遊び 儀式的な遊びも 私たちの遊びのひとつです
ボストン出身の方は お分かりでしょう まさに貴重な レッドソックス ワールド・シリーズ優勝の瞬間
写っている人々の顔と身体の表現を見て下さい ぼやけていますが 全員喜んでいるが良く分かるでしょう
この写真が大好きです 私の娘です もうすぐ40歳になります これを見ると 幼稚園の頃の 彼女のお話や想像する力 糸をつむぐ能力等を思い出します
遊びの中でとても重要な要素は 創造的な一人遊びです
この写真も大好きです 人間の本当の姿が見られますから
私たち人間は心の中に 自分だけの物語を持っています
このブッシュマンは 逃した魚はこ~んなに大きかったと 言っていると思います 誇張は遊びの基本要素のひとつです
では 遊びは脳にどういう影響を及ぼすのでしょうか
遊びが人間の脳に及ぼす影響は充分に解明されていません 研究のために必要な予算が充分にないのが一因です
飲酒運転犯罪の研究をした時は 多額の助成金をもらえました 研究成果も挙がったので関係は良かったのです しかし 遊びについて30分も話をすると 遊びを真面目なテーマと思わないのは明らかでした
それは数年前のことで 古い考え方だったと思います 今は 遊びが大事だという風潮になってきました 科学が進んだおかげです
三次元の遊びは小脳を活性化させて 決定権を司る前頭葉にたくさん刺激を与え 連想記憶を発達させる 等々
ですから 私にとっては 遊びの研究に縁がなかった 他の分野の人々に参画してもらいながら 遊びの神経科学を一緒に研究することは 科学者として とてもやりがいがあります
設立された非営利団体 全国遊び機構 の目標でもあります
これは遊びの研究の方法のひとつで 256個の電極の脳電図測定器です
被試験者の表情が暗いのが残念ですが この器具は研究に不可欠な可動性を発揮します
そして今お母さんと赤ちゃんの遊びについて 別の研究も進行中です
この写真をお見せする もうひとつの理由は 遊びについて私の考えを整理するためです
動物の世界には お決まりの遊びがあります
動物の世界でネズミを例にとると 若いネズミは チューチュー鳴いたり レスリングしたり 寝技をかけたり 本能的に決まった遊び方をします その遊びを抑圧したらどうなるでしょう
ネズミの被験グループのひとつに遊ぶ行動を止めさせ もうひとつのグループは自由にしておきます そして彼らに 猫の匂いがする首輪を与えると 両方とも本能的に逃げて隠れます
賢いでしょう 猫に殺されたくないですよね
でも遊べなかったグループは 隠れ場所から出られず 死んでしまいます
遊んだグループは 徐々に周囲を探検し 周りの物をもう一度試しだします
これから分かる事は 少なくともネズミにとっては ちなみに ネズミは人間と同じ神経伝達物質を持ち 脳皮質の構造も似ています― 遊びは生死に関わる重要な問題なのです
さて これは遊び欠乏の結果です けっこう時間がかかりました ホーマーを座らせて fMRI SPECT さらにEEGを撮りました 彼はカウチポテトなので 脳みそが縮小してしまいました
ペット 家畜 さらにネズミも 遊びが欠乏すると 正常に脳が発達しないことが分かっています
我々の結論は「遊び」の逆は「仕事」ではなくて 「鬱病」だということです
遊びのない人生を考えてみましょう ユーモアも 戯れも 映画も ゲームも ファンタジーも 何もない人生を
大人であれ 子どもであれ 遊びのない文化や人生を 想像して下さい
私たちの種の特徴は 一生通じて遊ぶように出来ていることです
数週間前にカーメルビーチで撮影した この犬の意図はみなさん分かりますよね
この動作の次に必ず来るのが 遊びです
でも大人になると 遊びの信号を忘れてしまいます
この写真でジェーン・グドールはチンパンジーと一緒に 「遊びの顔」をしています
遊びの信号は 声 顔 身体 ジェスチャー等です
分かるでしょう 集団の遊びが始まると グループのメンバーが遊びの信号を交わしながら 安心感を得ることはとても大事です
皆さんは この単語を知らないでしょう でも私達の生物学的な名前と同じくらい重要な単語です
人類学者や数多くの研究によると 私たち人間は 全ての生物の中で幼生生殖性が一番強くて 一番若々しくて 一番適応性を持っていて 一番柔軟です
故に 私たちは一番の遊び屋さんなのです
これから遊びについて もうひとつの考え方 すなわち 遊びの経歴を 説明します
みなさんの個人的な遊びの経歴は独特で たぶん深く考えたことはないでしょう
これはケビン・カロルという 究極の遊び人が書いた本です
ケビン・カロルは非常に不遇な境遇で育ちました 母はアルコール依存症 父は不在 フィラデルフィアのスラムに住み 黒人で 弟の面倒をみました
ある日 閉じこめられた部屋の窓から 遊び場を見た時 心の中に 不思議な気持ちが沸きあがりました
そして人生が変わりました 貧困な境遇から 行く末は刑務所か死と思われましたが 彼は言語学者になり (プロ・バスケットボール) 76ersのトレーナーになり 啓発活動家にもなりました
彼は 自分の人生を変えたのは 遊び と述べています
さて もうひとつ進行中の遊びの経歴を見てみましょう
アル・ゴアが副大統領だった時 それから落選しましたが印象的だった 大統領選挙戦を振り返ると 少なくとも人前では 彼は冷たい人で個性を発揮していなかったと 多くの人は思い出すかもしれません
公表されている彼の経歴を調べれば 精神科医の私から見たら 彼の人生は運命づけられていたように思えます
彼は間違いなく遊ぶ能力を持っていると 私は思います それは確かですが 現在の彼と比べると当時は 自分の情熱と 内に潜められた力に 耳を貸さなかったために 彼の個性はまだ十分に 開花していなかったのだと思います
そこで みなさんにお薦めしたいことは 自分の人生を振返って 幼い頃を思い出して 一番鮮明な 楽しくて 遊んでいる時の イメージを思い浮かべて欲しいのです おもちゃ 誕生日 旅行 何でもいいです
その日の気持ちを思い出して 今の生活にどう影響しているか考えて下さい
もしかしたら転職するかもしれません 実際にカウンセリングした多くの人は 自分の遊び方を通して個性を開花した結果 転職しました
あるいは自分の個性を見直し優先づけすることで 人生をより豊かにできるかもしれません
私たちはグループで活動します この写真は スタンフォード大学のデザイン学部で デイビッド・ケリーや多く人々のおかげで開講した デイビッド・ケリーや多く人々のおかげで開講した 「遊びから革新まで」という講座の様子です 「遊びから革新まで」という講座の様子です
この講座の目標は 白クマとエスキモー犬と同じ状態を作ることにより 人間の遊びの状態と想像力の重要性さを調べることです 白クマとエスキモー犬と同じ状態を作ることにより 人間の遊びの状態と想像力の重要性さを調べることです 「遊びの行動 発達 生物学的な根本を探索し デザインの観点から理論を適用して ビジネス上の革新を促進すること 学生は幅広いデザインの仕事に関与する 社会人と協業して研究をする」
約3ヵ月経過したところで とても楽しいです
クラスの優等生です このラブラドールは遊びについて たくさん教えてくれました そしてとても年輩でボロボロな教授です
ブレンダン・ボイルとリッチ・クランダールです 右脇にいる人は ジョージ・スムートと共に ノーベル賞受賞が有望視される 神経学者スチュアート・トムソンです
IDEOのブレンダンと一緒に 私達は教室の端から 学生達が遊びの原則を実行するのを見学しています
学生達のプロジェクトのひとつは 会議をつまらなくしている原因を見つけ 対策を立てるというものです
これからお見せするのは 学生自作の映画です
「フロー」というのは やっていることに熱中すると 出現する心理的状態のことです
特徴は 精力的に集中すること 全面的な関与 そして活動プロセスの成功です
私達が実感した会議の問題は 次々に会議の予定があって そのたびに 仕事が中断することです
会議出席者は何時になったら残してきた 仕事に戻れるか知りません
デザイン学部では賢明な学生 時には毛皮で覆われた犬が 終わったらすぐ脱げる会議をデザインしました
なぜなら また必要な時のために 会議を文字通りクローゼットに掛けられるからです
着た途端 楽しくて 豊かで 役に立つ会議ができるのです
でも脱いだ瞬間に 本当の行動が起こります
(拍手) 皆さんにお勧めしたいのは 違う生き方― 仕事と遊びを わざわざ分離して 遊ぶ時間を別にとるのではなく 普段の生活を 分刻みで いつでも 身体 物 社交 空想 変身等の遊びと融合する生活をしよう ということです
そうすれば より豊かな生活が手に入ると思います
(拍手) 博士がおっしゃったことを聞いた人の中には 誤解する人がいるような気がします すなわち この研究についての素人的な心理学の解釈によれば もしかしたら 動物と人間にとって遊びとは 大人になるためのリハーサルだと
ええ それは正しくないと思います 動物がそのことを私達に教えてくれたと思います
もし 猫に遊ばせるのを止めても― 猫は小物とじゃれるのが好きなことは 誰でも知っていますが それを止めるのです 遊ばない猫も 遊ぶ猫と同じ位 上手に狩りができました
一方 子供の場合は キングコングの真似や カーレース・ドライバーや 消防士のふりをしても 全員がカーレース・ドライバーや消防士消防士に なるわけではありません
つまり みんなが信じ込んでいる 遊びは将来のための予行という解釈と 遊びは特別な生物学的現象という解釈には 大きな違いがあります
4, 5年に渡って動物を追いかけた経験のおかげで 私の見方は 普通の開業医から 現在へと変わりました 生物学的には眠りや夢と同じ位 遊びも重要だという考えです
生物学的に眠りと夢を研究して分かったのは 動物は寝て 夢を見ながら 復習等の活動をして記憶力を高めるのです ですから眠りと夢はとても重要なのです
哺乳動物や 神経が十分に発達している動物にとっては 眠りと夢の次の進化の過程は 遊びです
白クマもエスキモー犬も カササギも熊も あなたも 私も 愛犬も 種を超えて一緒に遊べる事実は 遊びは特別な現象であることを示しています
学習や脳の発達にとっては とても大切なことです
ですから暇な時だけ 遊べばいい訳ではありません
教授は科学者の一人として他の研究者と同じく 助成金を確保するために 提言等して ご自分を正当化しなければなりません でも博士が発表したデータの中には けっこう刺激的なことが入っています
他の科学者やメディアが間違った解釈をして 次のような状況を引き起すのを どうやって防ぎますか 例えばモーツァルトのたとえのように MRI結果は 遊びは知力を高めることを証明した
では子供たちを集めて囲いに入れて 数ヵ月遊ばせれば 全員が天才になって ハーバ-ドへ行けるだろう
人々が教授の研究を誤解して こんな行動をとる心配はありませんか
私が知っている唯一の方法は さらに研究を重ねて正しい知識を蓄積し 広げることです 即行の遊びでもピエロでも何でもいいのですが 遊びを見せることです
一方ではfMRIの専門家 フランク・ウィルソンや 神経内分泌学者と共に 他分野の一流科学者を集めます
そして全員が一致団結して 遊びの研究をするのです そしたら みんな結果を まじめに取るでしょう
残念ながら研究は不十分で 国立科学財団 国立精神健康研究所 含めて 誰も真剣に取り組もうとはしません
がんや心臓病の研究で聞くような取組みは 遊びについては皆無です
でも私が思うに 遊びは生存のために 公衆の健康の基礎を学ぶことと同じぐらい 基本的で長期的に大切なものです
スチュアート・ブラウン博士 どうもありがとうございました | It's got to be serious if the New York Times puts a cover story of their February 17th Sunday magazine about play.
At the bottom of this, it says, "It's deeper than gender.
Seriously, but dangerously fun.
And a sandbox for new ideas about evolution."
Not bad, except if you look at that cover, what's missing?
You see any adults?
Well, lets go back to the 15th century.
This is a courtyard in Europe, and a mixture of 124 different kinds of play.
All ages, solo play, body play, games, taunting.
And there it is. And I think this is a typical picture of what it was like in a courtyard then.
I think we may have lost something in our culture.
So I'm gonna take you through what I think is a remarkable sequence.
North of Churchill, Manitoba, in October and November, there's no ice on Hudson Bay.
And this polar bear that you see, this 1200-pound male, he's wild and fairly hungry.
And Norbert Rosing, a German photographer, is there on scene, making a series of photos of these huskies, who are tethered.
And from out of stage left comes this wild, male polar bear, with a predatory gaze.
Any of you who've been to Africa or had a junkyard dog come after you, there is a fixed kind of predatory gaze that you know you're in trouble.
But on the other side of that predatory gaze is a female husky in a play bow, wagging her tail.
And something very unusual happens.
That fixed behavior -- which is rigid and stereotyped and ends up with a meal -- changes.
And this polar bear stands over the husky, no claws extended, no fangs taking a look.
And they begin an incredible ballet.
A play ballet.
This is in nature: it overrides a carnivorous nature and what otherwise would have been a short fight to the death.
And if you'll begin to look closely at the husky that's bearing her throat to the polar bear, and look a little more closely, they're in an altered state.
They're in a state of play.
And it's that state that allows these two creatures to explore the possible.
They are beginning to do something that neither would have done without the play signals.
And it is a marvelous example of how a differential in power can be overridden by a process of nature that's within all of us.
Now how did I get involved in this?
John mentioned that I've done some work with murderers, and I have.
The Texas Tower murderer opened my eyes, in retrospect, when we studied his tragic mass murder, to the importance of play, in that that individual, by deep study, was found to have severe play deprivation.
Charles Whitman was his name.
And our committee, which consisted of a lot of hard scientists, did feel at the end of that study that the absence of play and a progressive suppression of developmentally normal play led him to be more vulnerable to the tragedy that he perpetrated.
And that finding has stood the test of time -- unfortunately even into more recent times, at Virginia Tech.
And other studies of populations at risk sensitized me to the importance of play, but I didn't really understand what it was.
And it was many years in taking play histories of individuals before I really began to recognize that I didn't really have a full understanding of it.
And I don't think any of us has a full understanding of it, by any means.
But there are ways of looking at it that I think can give you -- give us all a taxonomy, a way of thinking about it.
And this image is, for humans, the beginning point of play.
When that mother and infant lock eyes, and the infant's old enough to have a social smile, what happens -- spontaneously -- is the eruption of joy on the part of the mother.
And she begins to babble and coo and smile, and so does the baby.
If we've got them wired up with an electroencephalogram, the right brain of each of them becomes attuned, so that the joyful emergence of this earliest of play scenes and the physiology of that is something we're beginning to get a handle on.
And I'd like you to think that every bit of more complex play builds on this base for us humans.
And so now I'm going to take you through sort of a way of looking at play, but it's never just singularly one thing.
We're going to look at body play, which is a spontaneous desire to get ourselves out of gravity.
This is a mountain goat.
If you're having a bad day, try this: jump up and down, wiggle around -- you're going to feel better.
And you may feel like this character, who is also just doing it for its own sake.
It doesn't have a particular purpose, and that's what's great about play.
If its purpose is more important than the act of doing it, it's probably not play.
And there's a whole other type of play, which is object play.
And this Japanese macaque has made a snowball, and he or she's going to roll down a hill.
And -- they don't throw it at each other, but this is a fundamental part of being playful.
The human hand, in manipulation of objects, is the hand in search of a brain; the brain is in search of a hand; and play is the medium by which those two are linked in the best way.
JPL we heard this morning -- JPL is an incredible place.
They have located two consultants, Frank Wilson and Nate Johnson, who are -- Frank Wilson is a neurologist, Nate Johnson is a mechanic.
He taught mechanics in a high school in Long Beach, and found that his students were no longer able to solve problems.
And he tried to figure out why. And he came to the conclusion, quite on his own, that the students who could no longer solve problems, such as fixing cars, hadn't worked with their hands.
Frank Wilson had written a book called "The Hand."
They got together -- JPL hired them.
Now JPL, NASA and Boeing, before they will hire a research and development problem solver -- even if they're summa cum laude from Harvard or Cal Tech -- if they haven't fixed cars, haven't done stuff with their hands early in life, played with their hands, they can't problem-solve as well.
So play is practical, and it's very important.
Now one of the things about play is that it is born by curiosity and exploration. But it has to be safe exploration.
This happens to be OK -- he's an anatomically interested little boy and that's his mom. Other situations wouldn't be quite so good.
But curiosity, exploration, are part of the play scene.
If you want to belong, you need social play.
And social play is part of what we're about here today, and is a byproduct of the play scene.
Rough and tumble play.
These lionesses, seen from a distance, looked like they were fighting.
But if you look closely, they're kind of like the polar bear and husky: no claws, flat fur, soft eyes, open mouth with no fangs, balletic movements, curvilinear movements -- all specific to play.
And rough-and-tumble play is a great learning medium for all of us.
Preschool kids, for example, should be allowed to dive, hit, whistle, scream, be chaotic, and develop through that a lot of emotional regulation and a lot of the other social byproducts -- cognitive, emotional and physical -- that come as a part of rough and tumble play.
Spectator play, ritual play -- we're involved in some of that.
Those of you who are from Boston know that this was the moment -- rare -- where the Red Sox won the World Series.
But take a look at the face and the body language of everybody in this fuzzy picture, and you can get a sense that they're all at play.
Imaginative play.
I love this picture because my daughter, who's now almost 40, is in this picture, but it reminds me of her storytelling and her imagination, her ability to spin yarns at this age -- preschool.
A really important part of being a player is imaginative solo play.
And I love this one, because it's also what we're about.
We all have an internal narrative that's our own inner story.
The unit of intelligibility of most of our brains is the story.
I'm telling you a story today about play.
Well, this bushman, I think, is talking about the fish that got away that was that long, but it's a fundamental part of the play scene.
So what does play do for the brain?
Well, a lot.
We don't know a whole lot about what it does for the human brain, because funding has not been exactly heavy for research on play.
I walked into the Carnegie asking for a grant.
They'd given me a large grant when I was an academician for the study of felony drunken drivers, and I thought I had a pretty good track record, and by the time I had spent half an hour talking about play, it was obvious that they were not -- did not feel that play was serious.
I think that -- that's a few years back -- I think that wave is past, and the play wave is cresting, because there is some good science.
Nothing lights up the brain like play.
Three-dimensional play fires up the cerebellum, puts a lot of impulses into the frontal lobe -- the executive portion -- helps contextual memory be developed, and -- and, and, and.
So it's -- for me, its been an extremely nourishing scholarly adventure to look at the neuroscience that's associated with play, and to bring together people who in their individual disciplines hadn't really thought of it that way.
And that's part of what the National Institute for Play is all about.
And this is one of the ways you can study play -- is to get a 256-lead electroencephalogram.
I'm sorry I don't have a playful-looking subject, but it allows mobility, which has limited the actual study of play.
And we've got a mother-infant play scenario that we're hoping to complete underway at the moment.
The reason I put this here is also to queue up my thoughts about objectifying what play does.
The animal world has objectified it.
In the animal world, if you take rats, who are hardwired to play at a certain period of their juvenile years and you suppress play -- they squeak, they wrestle, they pin each other, that's part of their play.
If you stop that behavior on one group that you're experimenting with, and you allow it in another group that you're experimenting with, and then you present those rats with a cat odor-saturated collar, they're hardwired to flee and hide.
Pretty smart -- they don't want to get killed by a cat.
So what happens?
They both hide out.
The non-players never come out -- they die.
The players slowly explore the environment, and begin again to test things out.
That says to me, at least in rats -- and I think they have the same neurotransmitters that we do and a similar cortical architecture -- that play may be pretty important for our survival.
And, and, and -- there are a lot more animal studies that I could talk about.
Now, this is a consequence of play deprivation. This took a long time -- I had to get Homer down and put him through the fMRI and the SPECT and multiple EEGs, but as a couch potato, his brain has shrunk.
And we do know that in domestic animals and others, when they're play deprived, they don't -- and rats also -- they don't develop a brain that is normal.
Now, the program says that the opposite of play is not work, it's depression.
And I think if you think about life without play -- no humor, no flirtation, no movies, no games, no fantasy and, and, and.
Try and imagine a culture or a life, adult or otherwise without play.
And the thing that's so unique about our species is that we're really designed to play through our whole lifetime.
And we all have capacity to play signal.
Nobody misses that dog I took a picture of on a Carmel beach a couple of weeks ago.
What's going to follow from that behavior is play.
And you can trust it.
The basis of human trust is established through play signals.
And we begin to lose those signals, culturally and otherwise, as adults.
That's a shame.
I think we've got a lot of learning to do.
Now, Jane Goodall has here a play face along with one of her favorite chimps.
So part of the signaling system of play has to do with vocal, facial, body, gestural.
You know, you can tell -- and I think when we're getting into collective play, its really important for groups to gain a sense of safety through their own sharing of play signals.
You may not know this word, but it should be your biological first name and last name.
Because neoteny means the retention of immature qualities into adulthood.
And we are, by physical anthropologists, by many, many studies, the most neotenous, the most youthful, the most flexible, the most plastic of all creatures.
And therefore, the most playful.
And this gives us a leg up on adaptability.
Now, there is a way of looking at play that I also want to emphasize here, which is the play history.
Your own personal play history is unique, and often is not something we think about particularly.
This is a book written by a consummate player by the name of Kevin Carroll.
Kevin Carroll came from extremely deprived circumstances: alcoholic mother, absent father, inner-city Philadelphia, black, had to take care of a younger brother.
Found that when he looked at a playground out of a window into which he had been confined, he felt something different.
And so he followed up on it.
And his life -- the transformation of his life from deprivation and what one would expect -- potentially prison or death -- he become a linguist, a trainer for the 76ers and now is a motivational speaker.
And he gives play as a transformative force over his entire life.
Now there's another play history that I think is a work in progress.
Those of you who remember Al Gore, during the first term and then during his successful but unelected run for the presidency, may remember him as being kind of wooden and not entirely his own person, at least in public.
And looking at his history, which is common in the press, it seems to me, at least -- looking at it from a shrink's point of view -- that a lot of his life was programmed.
Summers were hard, hard work, in the heat of Tennessee summers.
He had the expectations of his senatorial father and Washington, D.C.
And although I think he certainly had the capacity for play -- because I do know something about that -- he wasn't as empowered, I think, as he now is by paying attention to what is his own passion and his own inner drive, which I think has its basis in all of us in our play history.
So what I would encourage on an individual level to do, is to explore backwards as far as you can go to the most clear, joyful, playful image that you have, whether it's with a toy, on a birthday or on a vacation.
And begin to build to build from the emotion of that into how that connects with your life now.
And you'll find, you may change jobs -- which has happened to a number people when I've had them do this -- in order to be more empowered through their play.
Or you'll be able to enrich your life by prioritizing it and paying attention to it.
Most of us work with groups, and I put this up because the, the design school at Stanford, thanks to David Kelley and a lot of others who have been visionary about its establishment, has allowed a group of us to get together and create a course called "From Play to Innovation."
And you'll see this course is to investigate the human state of play, which is kind of like the polar bear-husky state and its importance to creative thinking: "to explore play behavior, its development and its biological basis; to apply those principles, through design thinking, to promote innovation in the corporate world; and the students will work with real-world partners on design projects with widespread application."
This is our maiden voyage in this.
We're about two and a half, three months into it, and it's really been fun.
There is our star pupil, this labrador, who taught a lot of us what a state of play is, and an extremely aged and decrepit professor in charge there.
And Brendan Boyle, Rich Crandall -- and on the far right is, I think, a person who will be in cahoots with George Smoot for a Nobel Prize -- Stuart Thompson, in neuroscience.
So we've had Brendan, who's from IDEO, and the rest of us sitting aside and watching these students as they put play principles into practice in the classroom.
And one of their projects was to see what makes meetings boring, and to try and do something about it.
So what will follow is a student-made film about just that.
Narrator: Flow is the mental state of apparition in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing.
Characterized by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement and success in the process of the activity.
An important key insight that we learned about meetings is that people pack them in one after another, disruptive to the day.
Attendees at meetings don't know when they'll get back to the task that they left at their desk.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Some sage and repeatedly furry monks at this place called the designed a meeting that you can literally step out of when it's over.
Take the meeting off, and have peace of mind that you can come back to me.
Because when you need it again, the meeting is literally hanging in your closet.
The Wearable Meeting.
Because when you put it on, you immediately get everything you need to have a fun and productive and useful meeting.
But when you take it off -- that's when the real action happens.
Stuart Brown: So I would encourage you all to engage not in the work-play differential -- where you set aside time to play -- but where your life becomes infused minute by minute, hour by hour, with body, object, social, fantasy, transformational kinds of play.
And I think you'll have a better and more empowered life.
Thank You.
John Hockenberry: So it sounds to me like what you're saying is that there may be some temptation on the part of people to look at your work and go -- I think I've heard this, in my kind of pop psychological understanding of play, that somehow, the way animals and humans deal with play, is that it's some sort of rehearsal for adult activity.
Your work seems to suggest that that is powerfully wrong.
SB: Yeah, I don't think that's accurate, and I think probably because animals have taught us that.
If you stop a cat from playing -- which you can do, and we've all seen how cats bat around stuff -- they're just as good predators as they would be if they hadn't played.
And if you imagine a kid pretending to be King Kong, or a race car driver, or a fireman, they don't all become race car drivers or firemen, you know.
So there's a disconnect between preparation for the future -- which is what most people are comfortable in thinking about play as -- and thinking of it as a separate biological entity.
And this is where my chasing animals for four, five years really changed my perspective from a clinician to what I am now, which is that play has a biological place, just like sleep and dreams do.
And if you look at sleep and dreams biologically, animals sleep and dream, and they rehearse and they do some other things that help memory and that are a very important part of sleep and dreams.
The next step of evolution in mammals and creatures with divinely superfluous neurons will be to play.
And the fact that the polar bear and husky or magpie and a bear or you and I and our dogs can crossover and have that experience sets play aside as something separate.
And its hugely important in learning and crafting the brain.
So it's not just something you do in your spare time.
JH: How do you keep -- and I know you're part of the scientific research community, and you have to justify your existence with grants and proposals like everyone else -- how do you prevent -- and some of the data that you've produced, the good science that you're talking about you've produced, is hot to handle.
How do you prevent either the media's interpretation of your work or the scientific community's interpretation of the implications of your work, kind of like the Mozart metaphor, where, "Oh, MRIs show that play enhances your intelligence.
Well, let's round these kids up, put them in pens and make them play for months at a time; they'll all be geniuses and go to Harvard."
How do you prevent people from taking that sort of action on the data that you're developing?
SB: Well, I think the only way I know to do it is to have accumulated the advisers that I have who go from practitioners -- who can establish through improvisational play or clowning or whatever -- a state of play.
So people know that it's there.
And then you get an fMRI specialist, and you get Frank Wilson, and you get other kinds of hard scientists, including neuroendocrinologists.
And you get them into a group together focused on play, and it's pretty hard not to take it seriously.
Unfortunately, that hasn't been done sufficiently for the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Mental Health or anybody else to really look at it in this way seriously.
I mean you don't hear about anything that's like cancer or heart disease associated with play.
And yet I see it as something that's just as basic for survival -- long term -- as learning some of the basic things about public health.
JH: Stuart Brown, thank you very much. | {
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「ん? ミュウ?」
常にハジメの傍に寄り添い、ハジメの心を繋いできたユエからも、本人達の知らないうちに、ミュウはいろいろなものを吸収していたらしい。ハジメを励ますなら、〝ユエおねえちゃん〟みたいにすればいい! と思ったようだ。
だが、ハジメはまだ、ミュウを侮っていたようだ。ハジメ達を見てきたミュウの辞書に、妥協とか、半端という言葉はなかったらしい。やるからには徹底的に! と言わんばかりに、真っ直ぐな眼差しを向けながら、その小さなモミジのような手を、むにっとハジメの頬に添えた。
寝たままの状態なので下がれず、手はミュウの背中に添えられているので押さえることも出来ず、止めきれなかったハジメの唇――の端に(辛うじて顔を逸らせた)、ミュウの唇がむちゅううう! と当てられた。子供っぽい、タコさん唇にしたキスだが、キスはキスだ。
「誰が〝旦那様〟で、なにが〝ママのもの〟ですかっ! どさくさに紛れて夫婦しないで下さい!」
慌てた香織に引き離されたミュウが、不満気に唇を尖らせる。「や~! パパとチュウするの! お口にするの!」とハジメの上で駄々を捏ねる。
「あぁ? 交渉できる立場だと思ってんのか? そんなもん、俺の気分次第に決まってんだろうが。精々、手揉みしながらにこやかな対応を心掛けろよ。こちとら、フリードを筆頭に魔人族には散々殺意を向けられてんだ。今、生かされているだけでもむせび泣きながら感謝しろ」
「あぁ? それだけか? 誤魔化してんじゃねぇだろうな? 信仰と子供、庇えるのは二つに一つだぞ、こら」
背後から「どう見てもヤクザ......」という呟きが聞こえたが華麗にスルーだ。更に、「パパ、格好良いの!」というミュウの呟きに、「えっ!? あれはいいの!?」と驚愕の声が上がったが、それも達人スルーだ。
「ほ、本当だ! 別に、信仰を試されるような質問でもないのに嘘などつかない! まして息子の命がかかっているんだぞ! 本当に、これだけしか知らないんだ!」
流石に、八割方はハジメを正気に戻す為だったとはいえ、ミュウが体を張って庇った相手をさくっと殺ってしまうのはいかがなものか。まして、「もう、無抵抗な者達を惨殺することはないはず......ないよね?」という空気が漂っている中、「え? 普通に皆殺しにするけど、何か問題でも?」などと言って、それを実行してしまえば......間違いなく空気が死ぬ。居た堪れないことこの上ないことになるだろう。
「そうだよ! なんとかもう一度作れないのか!?」
「頼むよ、南雲! ガッツを見せてくれ!」
「皆さん、静かに! 騒がないで下さい! 落ち着いて!」
「南雲君はそんな嘘をつきません! ......つきません。......つきません、よ? ......つきま............せんよね?」
そこは押し切れよ! と内心で愛子に愚痴をこぼしつつも自業自得な面はあるので、ハジメは眉をしかめるに止める。突然の朗報と、直後の失望に落ち着かない様子のクラスメイト達へ、ハジメの容赦ない言葉が放たれる。
そんなっ! と再び騒ぎ始めたクラスメイトに、ハジメは〝威圧〟を放って強制的に黙らせつつ、彼等に現状の再認識をさせる言葉を吐いた。
「大体、お前等、今すぐ帰れたとしてその後どうすんだ? クソ神をぶっ殺さなきゃ、次の標的は地球だぞ? 意味ないだろうが」
「どうして、そう言い切れるのっ! 言葉一つでなんでも出来て、魔法なんか比べ物にならないくらい強力で、おまけに使徒とかフリードとか魔物とか......恵里と......光輝くんまで向こう側に......正真正銘の化け物なんだよ?」
「相手が化け物? 多勢に無勢? そんなことが、何か障碍になるのか?」
「忘れてないか? 俺は、お前等が無能と呼んでいたときに奈落へ落ちて這い上がって来たんだぞ?」
「だぁあああああっ! よしっ、くよくよすんのは終わりだ! 南雲や鈴にばっか格好はつけさせねぇ! 光輝の馬鹿野郎は俺がぶっ叩いて正気に戻してやるぜ!」
「ん? なんだ、姫さん」
「えっとですね。大侵攻のときに、ハジメさん達、最高戦力が【神域】に乗り込んでしまった場合、その間、攻撃を受ける王都はどうすれば......エヒト達の言葉が正しければ始まりは【神山】から、ですよね? 使徒の力を考えると大結界もそう長く保つとは思えませんし......何か、【神門】を一時的に封じるような手立てはありませんか?」
「ゲート、とな? ご主人様よ。アーティファクトは全て破壊されたのではないのかの?」
「なんと! では、ゲートキーも?」
「か、回収をっ! 回収を急がないとっ! 私の体が......」
「過去の光景を〝再生〟するんだね? メルジーネの大迷宮で体験したときみたいに」
「えぇ!? わ、私ですか!? っていうか扇動!?」
「さぁ、立ち上がれ人々よ! 善なるエヒト様を騙り、偽使徒を操り、今、この世界を蹂躙せんとする悪しき偽エヒトの野望を打ち砕くのだ! この神の御使い〝豊穣の女神〟と共に! って感じでな。頑張れ」
「頑張れ、じゃあないですよ! なんですか、その演説! よくそんな言葉がスラスラと......南雲君の方が余程扇動家じゃないですか」
それはクラスメイト達も同じらしかった。なんとなく、星を前に操り糸を垂らして、クツクツと嗤いながら香ばしいポーズを決めるハジメを幻視してしまい「あれ? エヒトと変わらなくない?」と首を傾げている。一部の女子が「なぐも......いえ、ハジメ様......」とか呟いてポーとしているが、一刻も早く正気に戻るべきだろう。
「ん? いっちょ頼むって......」
「っ!! はい! 任せて下さい! もうバンバン扇動しちゃいますよ! 社会科教師の本領発揮です!」
その耳に、「きょ、教師と生徒......エ○ゲじゃないかっ」とか「あ、愛ちゃんが魔王の毒牙に......」とか「カサノヴァよ......あそこにいるのはカサノヴァだわ! 目を合わせちゃダメ! 妊娠しちゃう!」とか聞こえてくる。頬がピクるのを止められない。
「ご、ごほんっ! な、南雲さん......わ、私も頑張りますね!」
「はい! 頼まれました! 王女の権力と人気を見ていて下さい! 民衆なんてイチコロですよ!」
「はいなの! お手伝いするの!」
「え? あ、ああ。そうだけど......」
「遮蔽物はあった方がいいだろう? 詳しいことは王都の専門家に聞け。後でお前専用のアーティファクトも送ってやるから、平原に戦いやすい場を作るんだ」
「一生に一度、奮い立つべきときがあるとするのなら、それは今、このときこそがそうだっ。今、このとき、魂を燃やせ! 望みのために一歩を踏み込め! そして、全員で生き残れ! それが出来たなら、ご褒美に故郷へのキップをプレゼントしてやる!」
返って来たのは当然、無数の咆哮だった。 | The sensation that felt like drifting at the bottom of dark water was gradually brightening. Faint light began to turn visible from behind closed eyelids, the ears that were soaked in silence began to catch noises.
“――Pa――don’t di――pa”
“Open you――, Hajime――”
Multiple voices that seemed to feel desperate naturally shook Hajime’s consciousness. An awful sense of weariness made Hajime want to give an exaggerated cliché speech like “Five more years”, but he somehow swallowed back that impulse and awoke.
At the same time, the warmth enveloping his body was permeating gently to his core, it was sweeping away his weariness while producing vitality like a fuel poured into an engine.
Due to that, while feeling his consciousness rapidly surfacing, Hajime quietly opened his eyes.
Right away in his sight, there were several faces reflected in a circle like a roulette board. If a man of the world went through the same experience, he surely couldn’t help but to whisper “Aa, I’m dead. This place is heaven...” because of the beautiful women, beautiful girl, and beautiful little girl that lined up there.
Myuu, Shia, Kaori, Tio, Shizuku, each of them called Hajime’s name with their respective way of calling along with a sigh of relieve. Without exception, at the corner of the girls’ eyes, something shining gathered. Surely, they were greatly worried.
“... aa. I made you all worry. My damage... Kaori huh. Thank you.”
“It’s fine. Something like that doesn’t matter. I’m really glad. Your heart even stopped for a moment there......hics, really, I’m really glad...”
“S, so my heart stopped. ... That makes me, even more grateful.”
“Good grief desu. If it wasn’t Kaori-san, just what would happen there... really, Hajime-san was too reckless desu”
From the words of Kaori who was overcome with emotion and began to cry, Hajime guessed that he was quite in a pickle just now, with cramped cheeks he expressed his gratitude. To such a Hajime, Shia tightly hugged his one remaining arm while huffing in anger.
“... Really my bad. I’m not going to run wild anymore.”
“Papa, you are fine already?”
“Yeah. ... Myuu too, I’m sorry. I showed you something uncool. Also, thanks. For stopping papa. Myuu, you are already far stronger than papa, huh.”
“Ehehe. Myuu is papa’s daughter nano~. That’s why that’s only obvious nano”
Myuu showed a really wide smile while pressing her face at Hajime’s chest and nuzzling there. It seemed that other than feeling proud, she was also feeling embarrassed from getting praised. Hajime used his right hand that was liberated by Shia and gently caressed Myuu’s head.
“Well, at any rate. The most important thing is that Goshujin-sama is safe. It’s vexing that I couldn’t do the ‘mouth to mouth’ though...”
“You, just what were you trying to do while I was wandering between the border of life and death...”
“Oi, Yaegashi. Why are you looking away with an awkward face?”
“No, nothing, it’s not like I wanted to kiss or a, ny, nything you know?”
Shizuku looked plenty agitated. Around the time when she spoke about kissing, it made it impossible already to even try to use artificial respiration as an excuse, but it seemed the person herself didn’t notice. Hajime spontaneously wanted to insert a tsukkomi there, “Where has the Yamato Nadeshiko gone?” like that.
Looking carefully, Shia and Kaori were also turning their gaze beyond, their worried faces just now had gone somewhere else.
It appeared that it ended only with an attempt, but it seemed that everyone had the feeling of wanting to attack Hajime in his sleep. Considering how Hajime awoke right after the healing, and the devils were still kneeling with perplexed expressions, it, fortunately, seemed like not much time had passed since Hajime lost consciousness.
Although, all in all, Hajime noticed how this joking atmosphere was purposefully created. By all rights, there should be one more person here, an important companion who usually emitted a sense of presence that no one could ignore should be here.
She wasn’t here――the one who was hurt by that fact wasn’t just Hajime. Even so, Shia and the others acted in their own capacity to be considerate to Hajime, so that his heart wouldn’t be lonely and break, they supported him with a clowning antic atmosphere like this.
(Really, this is just pathetic for me. This ‘me’ that was so hung up on Yue that I got supported by these girls, to give up everything by myself... )
Not just Hajime, even Yue, before at the Ice and Snow Cavern she was beaten into shape by Shia. Surely not just Shia, even Kaori, and others also supported and saved them.
This journey began only with the two of them at the bottom of the abyss with the resolve to turn the world into an enemy. But before they realized it, those that would try to protect monstrous people like them had gathered so many.
Coming here, Hajime strongly felt this obvious thing once again. The memory of bitter defeat was repainted by the smile of his reliable comrades. He quietly made a vow. He looked up to the sky and thought of his beloved who was waiting for him there.
Looking at such a Hajime who was making a hard to describe expression where pain and resolve were tangled with each other, Shia and the others immediately opened their mouths to call him...
However, as expected, the little girl with remarkable growth easily beat the lined up female camp to the punch.
“Papa, it’s fine nano.”
“Hm? Myuu?”
The sudden words made Hajime tilt his head, in contrast, Myuu showed a smile that looked a little bit like an ‘Onee-san’. That smile somehow made him feel déjà vu, yes...
(By any chance, is she, mimicking Yue?)
Before this, when she stepped forward into a dangerous ground in order to stop Hajime, Myuu mimicked Hajime and wrung out her courage. Inside the short but dense time that they spent together, Myuu obtained one kind of strength. But the thing that Myuu obtained wasn’t only from Hajime.
While the people themselves weren’t aware, it seemed that Myuu was absorbing various things from Yue who was always snuggling by Hajime’s side with her heart connected to him. It appeared that Myuu thought if it was for encouraging Hajime, then she just needed to be like ‘Yue-oneechan’!
Really, toward that encouragement from his gallant daughter, Hajime’s expression also slackened slowly.
But, Hajime was still underestimating Myuu. Myuu’s lexicon who had come this far looking at Hajime and the others didn’t seem to have the word of compromise or halfway. If you do something, do it thoroughly! As though to say that, Myuu sent a straightforward gaze and with that hand that was small like a maple leaf she propped up Hajime’s cheek.
And then...
“In place of Yue-oneechan, Myuu will make papa energetic nano!”
“No, Myuu, what are yoooou!?”
Hajime was still lying down so he couldn’t draw back, his hand was propped on Myuu’s back so he also couldn’t pin her down, Hajime who couldn’t stop her had his lips――corner (he barely averted his face) came into contact
” ” “Aa~~~!!” ” ”
“Hmm, far from just us, to even take Goshujin-sama by surprise... Myuu, what a terrifying child!”
The shriek of Shia, Kaori, and Shizuku and Tio’s off-point admiration resounded. Hajime didn’t see because he was closely surrounded by Shia and others, but Aiko and others seemed to be also right behind Shia and company making a crowd, as their screams were also raised. It went without saying just who was it that was screaming.
Due to the immediate evasion that he somehow performed, Hajime at least avoided the abnormal situation of becoming the partner of a young girl. Furthermore, it was his daughter’s first kiss, although for the people around it seemed that it didn’t really matter.
If looked from the side, it was a scene of Hajime getting pushed down by a little girl and then kissed with her all. It was understandable. What was fearsome was the reproduction ratio of Myuu’s imitation of Yue. Or else was it the eroticism of the vampire princess that often pushed down Hajime that Myuu could copy it...
But, at that time, in the hall that was displaying the hellish situation, a nonchalant voice resounded as though it didn’t read the situation or place.
“My my, well well. Even for my daughter, that is really bold. But you see, Myuu. Myuu is the daughter, that’s why you must not aim at the lips. Husband’s lips belong to mama, you know?”
“Just who is the ‘husband’ and what’s with that ‘belong to mama’ desu-! Please don’t slip into the confusing and act like a married couple!”
Unnoticed Remia had twisted in her body beside Shia and prattled such thing. Shia vigorously put her tsukkomi there.
Myuu who was wrenched away by a panicked Kaori pouted her lips in dissatisfaction. “No~! Myuu is doing chuu with papa nano! It’s at the mouth nano!” She threw a tantrum on top of Hajime.
From the classmates who gathered at slightly distanced spot something like “His poisonous fang even went to that kind of small child... Sex maniac demon king” or “... Lolicon” or “That kind of thing, with father and daughter... that’s too abnormal-” or “Nagumo-san, that’s seriously screwed up -su” were audible, but Hajime didn’t hear anything at all, truly. He was making an expression that made even the devils shudder, but he said that he wasn’t bothered and so he wasn’t bothered.
Hajime pulled himself together and made a serious expression while raising his upper body. And then with his gaze, he somehow mentally conveyed about taking care of Myuu to Remia.
Eventually, Myuu would surely need some education. At this rate, she would grow into a high spec girl in various meanings imitating all of them, smiling fearlessly while picking a fight (TN: Shia, I think), normally acting innocent (TN: Shizuku), not forgetting to be gentle and considerate to others (TN: Kaori), but scattering charm everywhere on a whim (TN: Yue). Hajime wanted so that Myuu absolutely wouldn’t learn from the remaining person who was a matchless pervert.
Hajime shook his head as though to sweep away an unpleasant imagination, and then he suddenly performed transmutation and created a sword that looked like a katana from the stone floor.
It was slender and made from stone, but using compression transmutation it had high density and super heavyweight. Also, wind claw was enchanted on it so the surrounding of the blade looked to be faintly swaying, as a stone katana that was made improvised it possessed an abnormal intimidating air.
The eyes of Shia and the others turned around from Hajime’s sudden act, and then Hajime’s gaze turned to the devils which made them stiffen slightly in nervousness.
“Ha, Hajime-kun...”
Toward Kaori who called to him with a worried voice, Hajime stood up while sending her a glance. After that, he turned his gaze at Myuu who was staring fixedly at him from inside Remia’s arms. Hajime shrugged his shoulders while lightly chuckling, implicitly conveying “It’s fine”.
There was no emptiness in Hajime’s eyes, recognizing that he was drifting off his usual air of aloofness, Kaori and others sighed in relieve. Myuu also smiled widely.
Hajime confirmed that and turned on his heel, while everyone was watching him attentively, he stood up imposingly in front of the devils.
“Now then, I don’t really have any expectation, but there is something that I must ask you guys. If you don’t know then I don’t mind, but I won’t tolerate any falsehood or silence. Of course, it’s your personal freedom to be stubborn... know that the compensation will be expensive. If the person beside you is important then be honest.”
Hajime tapped the stone katana on his shoulder while threatening naturally. Behind him, he could hear someone among the classmates whispered “It’s just like a thug...” but he ignored it.
“I, if we answer, will you let us live?”
“Aa? You think you are in a position where you can negotiate? Something like that is obviously depending on my mood. You better endeavor your best to rub your hands together with a smile while talking. We here got thoroughly aimed with killing intent by the devil race with that Freed at the top of the list. Right now, you should be bawling in tears and be grateful instead, just by me letting you all live like this.”
From behind a whisper of “This is not really different from before, is it?” could be heard but Hajime ignored it.
Hajime opened his mouth while glaring at the surviving devils who went quiet.
“Spit out what you know regarding the Holy Precincts. Also, I remember you guys saying something like wanting Kaori... the apostle to open the Divine Gate, but can an apostle open the Divine Gate alone?”
That question was answered with hesitation by a devil who seemed to be the father who covered his child before this.
“Regarding the Holy Precincts, we only heard that it was a paradise for us, the devil race. If we can be welcomed there, we heard that we can become an even more excellent race. There is also something like prospering even more in the new land... I don’t understand much about the Divine Gate. It’s just, we only thought that perhaps if it’s the apostle-sama, then she could do something somehow...”
“Aa? That’s all you got? You aren’t trying to trick me here, are you? Your faith and your child, what you can protect is just one between the two just so you know, eh.”
Hajime lightly slapped the stone katana on the cheek of the man. The young boy hugged by the man shrieked “hii” while sending Hajime a gaze of terror.
From behind a whisper of “No matter how you see it, that’s a yakuza...” was audible but Hajime beautifully ignored it. Further the whisper of “Papa, that’s so cool!” from Myuu and a shocked voice of “Eh!? It’s fine like that!?” were raised, but those too were masterfully ignored.
“It, it’s true! I, it’s not like that question tests my faith or anything so I don’t lie in this! Even more, this concerns my child’s life here! Really, other than this, I don’t know anything!”
“Chih, useless. What about the other?”
“N, no, anything, more than that is...”
“Me, me too...”
“Ple, please, at least only my child’s life-”
while his eyes narrowed in displeasure, it made the devils tremble with fear and beg for their lives. From behind a whisper of “No matter how you look, the villain is Nagumo...” was audible but it was godly ignored.
“Haa, can’t be helped huh. It’s different matter if it’s Freed’s aide or perhaps a soldier, but civilian is just that, yeah.”
Even while sighing deeply, Hajime didn’t look that discouraged. He then shook his head once and quietly narrowed his eyes. “No way, are we going to be cut down just like this!?” The devils thought that and their bodies twitched in shivers.
Red sparks ran around them. But, right after they imagined the worst, the stone floor around them transformed and became a cage in a few seconds.
“For the time being stay quiet there. If you think of something no good and get troublesome... you got it right?”
Space magic was enchanted on the cage, fixing it in the space itself, it was impossible to escape from there with average strength. Making that cage to imprison the devils in other words also meant that they wouldn’t have even their lives taken. Understanding that, the devils sighed in relief, although their nervousness was still there.
The classmates too, although it was the devil race, they were glad that this ended without them needing to see the scene of scared children getting slaughtered before their eyes.
As for Hajime, although he had recovered his sanity, he had the thought to just cut down these devils who tried to kill Hajime and the others so they could go to Holy Precincts, but...
As expected, although eighty percent of it was that Hajime returned to his sanity, Myuu had also put her body at risk to protect them. Just simply killing them felt wrong. To say nothing of how in the middle of the drifting atmosphere of “There shouldn’t be any slaughtering of unresisting people anymore... there won’t be any right?”, if he said something like “Eh? I’m going to normally massacre them but, is there any problem?” and carried it out... undoubtedly the atmosphere would die. Surely it would become an incomparably unbearable atmosphere there.
And so, with the intention of quickly lopping off their necks if they made any stupid movements, for the time being, Hajime put the matter regarding the treatment to the devils on hold.
Hajime turned his back to the imprisoned devils and returned to Shia and the others. And then, he performed a transmutation that was the most conspicuous from everything until now and in the blink of an eye, he created a table and chairs according to the number of people.
“For the time being, all of you sit down. Let’s talk about the matter from here on.”
Shia and the others nodded powerfully at those words while the classmates were taking their breaths with bewilderment.
By the way, there were two table sets. The side where Hajime, Shia, Kaori, Tio, Shizuku, Suzu, Ryutaro, then Aiko, Liliana, Remia, and Myuu gathered. The classmates other than those people were at the other. Although Myuu was throwing a tantrum that it was better to be on Hajime’s lap, Remia who read the atmosphere held Myuu in her arms.
Putting aside the displeased Myuu, Hajime looked over all present with a serious gaze and opened his mouth.
“First, sorting the information. The god that introduced himself as Ehito took over Yue’s body, but, if Ehito’s words are true then to completely grasp that body at the very least will take three days.”
Once Hajime cut off his words, everyone made a pained expression. Everyone understood well just how much Hajime treasured Yue coupled with his rampage just now, so they couldn’t help but sympathize with him.
Although, Shia and Kaori, Tio, and then Shizuku were returning strong gazes that didn’t shake for even a bit.
Inside the girls’ minds, the recovery of Yue was already determined fact. They believed that they would take her back without fail. That was why there was no reason to be gloomy or behave seriously. The joking conversation and frivolous talk from before this were also mostly displaying that attitude.
Shia continued after Hajime’s words.
“To take back Yue-san, we have to go to this Holy precinct they mentioned, is it? But, that golden gate didn’t let Hajime-san pass. If the people who can pass through are limited by Ehito, then a different plan is necessary desu.”
“You’re right. ... We needed either obtaining a different method to go to the Holy Precincts, or possibly a method that can break through the Divine Gate that is expected to manifest at the large invasion three days later.”
“Hmm, as for the method to go directly... Goshujin-sama. As expected, the crystal key...”
Tio asked Hajime. To that, Hajime sighed deeply while shaking his head.
“No good. It was together in the treasure warehouse. Indeed, if we have that it will be surely possible to directly ride into the Holy Precincts but... without Yue, at best, perhaps I can make a degraded version of it.”
Aiko and the others who didn’t know about crystal key tilted their head, so Shizuku who was at Aiko’s side explained with a pained look. Actually, Hajime had already obtained the method to return to earth. Aiko and the classmates who were told that quieted down, a moment later the audience hall was filled with shocked voices.
“You guys are noisy. Either way, it was destroyed so there is no meaning. Don’t make a fuss.”
“But, but, even though perhaps we can finally go home...”
“That’s right! Can’t you make it one more time somehow!?”
“I beg you, Nagumo! Show us your guts!”
Sonobe, Imura, and Tamai sent Hajime pleading words. The other classmates also made a loud ruckus while sending Hajime imploring gazes.
The gaze of Hajime who scowled in irritation went toward the table of the classmates in strain. Aiko who got a really bad premonition let out a scolding in panic.
“Everyone, be quiet! Please don’t make a fuss! Calm down!”
“Bu, but Aiko-chan-sensei...”
Toward Aiko who was hopping up and down while remonstrating them, the students quieted down for the moment. Even so, the students who were in the mental state like a horse that had a carrot dangled in front of their eyes were mumbling their mouth wanting to say something.
Aiko talked toward them who were like that in a very kind and detailed way.
“Listen well, everyone. Sensei really understand how you all are feeling, but please listen to Nagumo-kun’s words calmly. The artifact for going home was already lost, to make that one more time, Yue-san’s power is necessary. Even if all of you make a fuss here, that truth won’t change.”
“However, the possibility that Nagumo is lying because he prioritizes taking back the girl is...”
“Nagumo-kun won’t lie like that! ... He won’t. ... He won’t, you know? ... He will... ... not won’t you?”
For some reason, after Aiko strongly objected, she was gradually losing momentum and directed a troubled gaze at Hajime. As might be expected from someone who had been made to experience various things using the name of the ‘Goddess of Harvest’, Aiko noticed that she couldn’t declare that Hajime wouldn’t lie in the middle and her confidence was gone.
Hajime in his heart gripped ‘Keep pushing through right there!’ to Aiko, but it was also him reaping what he sowed, so Hajime stopped with only making a scowl. Hajime let out merciless words at the classmates who were not in a calm state from the sudden good news and the disappointment that followed right after.
“I’m not lying, I guess. Either way, I don’t have any intention to waste my time just so you guys can go home. After this, I will focus all my strength in taking back Yue after all. Going home is secondary.”
‘No way-!’ The classmates began to clamor once more, but Hajime’s ‘Coercion’ that he released forcefully shut them up while he spoke out the words that made them reconfirm the current situation.
“Besides, you lot, if you can go home right away then what are you going to do afterward, huh? If the ****** god isn’t murdered, his next target is earth, you know? That’s just meaningless.”
“Uu, now that you say that...”
“Certainly, he said something like that...”
“Damn it all... just leave us alone already.”
Hajime’s words made the classmates covered their face, falling prostrated on the table, or grieving. Giving a glance at them who were like that, Hajime brought the talk back on track.
“And so. Returning to the talk, if it is with a degraded version of the crystal key perhaps it’s possible to break through that Divine Gate. It’s vexing but... there is nothing to do but wait until the large invasion three days from now when the apostles reappear.”
“it will be easier if Ehito is worried when Aruvheit doesn’t come back and he come out himself from the other side, though...”
Kaori murmured that, but the possibility seemed low. Ehito most likely wouldn’t come out until he became able to completely control the body, and the time that he was able to do that would be the time of the large invasion. In that case, it didn’t change that it would be the other side who came and this side who had to go to them.
“... Before talking about that, can we win, I wonder?”
The one who murmured that was Suzu. She was looking down and a thick shadow covered her face. Surely, she was remembering when they were unable to do any single thing when facing Ehito.
Everyone made a complicated expression. In the middle of that, it was Hajime who easily answered.
“We’ll win.”
Suzu objected at that light tone with a slightly sullen expression.
“Yeah. Even so, I’ll win the next time.”
“How, can you say that-! He can do anything to us just with a word, his magic is powerful without compare. To make matters worse, the apostles, Freed, monsters... and Eri... even Kouki-kun are on the other side... that guy is genuinely a monster, you know?”
It appeared Suzu’s heart was almost breaking a little bit. Eri who she wished to be reunited with didn’t listen to her at all. Far from that, she was thrown into confusion easily and unable to do anything. Actually, the monsters that she summoned using the simple gate in the middle of battle were also instantly killed by the apostles.
Although it couldn’t be denied that she was still not used to metamorphosis magic, even the age of god magic that she finally obtained with great pain ended up as nothing. Suzu was gritting her teeth from her powerlessness.
And then above all, the illusion that Ehito put her into――at that time, Suzu and the others tasted the sensation of being torn into pieces within an instant that felt so real they mistook it for reality. Their hands and legs severed with blood spraying everywhere, and while they tumbled down and fell down, their upper body and lower body separated, their shoulders fell, and last their neck went flying.
The sensation of an invisible sword caressing from outside to inside, even now Suzu could remember it. She remembered it clearly. Ryuutaro and Shizuku were also the same. They patted their necks and limbs with expressions of discomfort. They also didn’t have any sensation in their own limbs for a while. Amidst such a situation, the mental strength of Shizuku who went as far as undoing her binding curse and recovered her movement to fight was worthy of praise.
But, for Suzu, remembering the fear she felt of being dead while alive was something that was hard to endure. Just from thinking that she might be made to feel that one more time made her body naturally wither.
Hajime said without even any care to such a Suzu.
Suzu reflexively looked up. Hajime continued.
“The opponent is a monster? We are outnumbered? Will something like that become any kind of obstacle?”
“Do you forget? When I was called incompetent by you guys, I fell into the abyss and crawled up until here, you know?”
Suzu was spontaneously befuddled. The classmates who looked down with an expression of despair thinking there was no way they could win against god also raised their faces.
“There was nobody helping, there was also no food. The surrounding was teeming with monsters. What’s more, I also got no talent with magic, even my left hand was gone... But, I survived.”
The audience hall became as still as death. Everyone was naturally listening closely to Hajime’s words.
“This is the same thing. Whether the opponent is a god or his army, doesn’t matter... Right now, I’m alive. That guy missed his chance to kill me. In addition, he also gave us the information himself.”
Hajime’s eyes were shining fiercely, blazing with killing intent. The corner of his mouth was lifted up, his canine was bared as though he was going to bite his enemy to death. That savage appearance that made anyone hallucinate a wild wolf aiming for its prey. A sound of someone gulping their saliva resounded.
“I’ll steal Yue back, and kill that guy. It’s time to change the attacker and defensive sides. I am the hunter, that guy is the prey. I’ll chase him until the end of the world and make him raise a scream of death and agony. I’ll teach that self-proclaimed god who believed without a doubt that he was special, just who is the monster here.”
Hajime sent his gaze that was still fiercely glaring at Suzu. Then, Hajime asked Suzu who for some reason blushing even while trembling.
“Taniguchi. If you said that it’s impossible already for you then close your eyes and plug your ears. I’ll make all these ends, everything.”
Those words weren’t Hajime’s consideration for Suzu. It was the reverse. Those words were testing Suzu. Those words asked her whether it was fine if it ended like this. Where she still couldn’t say what she wanted to say satisfactorily. Where the other party still didn’t even look at her. If Suzu said that she was fine with that, then while she was closing her eyes and plugging her ears, everything――including dealing with Eri, would be finished by Hajime.
Saying it in reverse, as long as Suzu was still standing up then Hajime would let her do as she pleased about the matter of Eri.
Hajime’s gaze was also further directed at Ryuutaro and Shizuku.
Both of them noticed the implicit words filled in that gaze. Namely, whether they would leave the matter of Kouki to Hajime, or would they do something themselves. Those choices were entrusted to them. Naturally, in case they left it to Hajime, there was only the one choice of obliteration. That too was also clearly conveyed to the two.
There was silence for a while. Hajime’s severe words and atmosphere made the classmates lose their words. If there were people who shrunk back in fear from that, then there were also people who directed sparkling bright gazes or people who stared with blushing cheeks, or people whose expression turned into a face that concealed some kind of determination.
Among them, the first one who opened her mouth was Suzu. With a gloomy and weak atmosphere until just now blown away, she stared back straight at Hajime with a determined look.
“That’s unnecessary you know, Nagumo-kun. Leave the matter of Eri and also Kouki to Suzu. Because I’ll walk to where they are whether it’s the Holy Precincts or where ever!”
While emitting the air of the usual mood she made, Suzu grinned fearlessly.
As though getting triggered by such girl, the quiet Ryuutaro raised a roar.
“DAAAAAAAAA-! Yosh-, I have enough acting wishy-washy like this! I ain’t gonna let only Nagumo and Suzu be the one that keeps acting cool! I’m gonna beat up that stupid idiot Kouki and make him return to his senses, yeah!”
Ryuutaro punched his fist in his other hand’s palm in front of his chest and made a similar fearless smile. It seemed that this muscle brain was actually also plainly feeling down. His best friend was turned to the enemy side, and when even Suzu showed a slight resistance, he himself was unable to resist the binding curse and the illusion. He lost his confidence feeling that he was worthless, but now it seemed he was already fine.
Looking at that, Shizuku “Fufufu” chuckled.
“I guess. That idiot Kouki needs to be punished hard, not just hard but really haa~rd, also my feeling won’t be cleared without knocking down that irritating grin on Eri... Be, besides, if it’s the place where Nagumo-kun is going, I intend to follow no matter where it is... not just now, but from here on too, okay...”
Looking at Shizuku who was saying that kind of thing while stealing glances at Hajime with blushing cheeks, the classmates sent her a suspecting glance. They didn’t know about Shizuku’s feeling, so they never even in their wildest imagination thought that even Shizuku who was one of the two great beauties of their class would be felled.
No, it seemed that with Nagayama’s party and Sonobe’s group of Ai-chan protection squad as first in the list, several students――especially the girl students had sensitively guessed it. And then, after they alternately stared at Shizuku and Hajime with a little surprise, they then nodded as though in comprehension of something.
A part of the girls went “It’s Don Juan. He is the Don Juan of the modern times. ... Nagumo-kun is just too dreadfulll” with blushing cheeks while sending glancing looks at Hajime, but right now was a serious time so Hajime ignored it. (EN: Hajime’s ignore has become the th God’s Age Magic)
“I see. Then the one that will enter into the Holy Precincts will be us and Taniguchi, then Sakagami... well. It’s just the usual members recent, I guess. If Amanogawa comes out at the other side then you guys do as you like. However... I’m not going to allow any halfhearted effort.”
“Yep, thank you Nagumo-kun.”
Suzu and Ryuutaro said their thanks cheerfully. Hajime waved his hand lazily to tell them to not mind it while moving on to the next talk. But, there Liliana called for a halt.
“Sa, say~, Nagumo-san, can I speak for a bit?”
“Hm? What is it, princess.”
“You see. At the time of the great invasion, Hajime-san, and the others, the strongest battle force will ride into the Holy Precincts, while all of you are there, what should the capital who receives the attack... if Ehito-sama’s words are correct then they will come from the God Mountain as the origin, right? Thinking about the strength of the apostle, it’s unthinkable that even the great barrier will be able to hold out for long... is there something, a way to temporarily seal the Divine Gate?”
It was a natural worry for a princess of Hairihi Kingdom. If the apostle’s disintegration ability was used in full, even the great barrier wouldn’t hold out for long. To say nothing of fighting the apostle honestly from the front, the only one who could do that was someone like Hajime. It was unknown how long it would take until Hajime and others could beat Ehito, but during that time it was clear as day that at the very least a great number of people would be slaughtered.
Hajime who was looked at with pleading gaze nodded once.
“I was thinking to talk about that now.”
“And what do you have to say?”
“I cannot stomach that Ehito. That’s why, from here on, I’m not going to let anything, not a single thing, go according to that guy’s plan. I don’t care what will happen to the people of this world but... nevertheless, it’s extremely unpleasant if I let that guy laugh loudly in his dying moments thinking of all the people he slaughtered. That’s why, whether it is his apostles or underlings, Freed or all those monsters, wholesale slaughter is on the menu for all of them. Everything that guy has, even his expectation that he has, I’ll wreck them all thoroughly to the root and branch.”
‘Ku-ku-ku’ Looking at Hajime who was actually chuckling with a crooked face made the classmates draw back. Even Liliana who asked him was making a cramped face. Although, as expected, there were some of the girls who were staring at Hajime with red cheeks and heated expressions.
“E, err, in other words, are you saying that you will be able to do something about the invading large army of apostles?”
“Let’s see. Putting aside the detail of the concrete method for later. For now, what I’m thinking is to freely share my artifacts. I’ll super strengthen the common soldiers, adventurers, and the mercenaries. I’ll equip everyone with a weapon, I also planned to implement anti-aircraft weapons. We only have three days so it will be severe, but about that, you guys will also cooperate, right?”
When Hajime looked around, powerful nods were returned conveying that naturally, they would cooperate. Unexpectedly, even several of the students whose hearts had broken and withdrew from battle also sent him powerful gazes. Perhaps they were provoked by Hajime’s strong fighting spirit.
Liliana closed her eyes while pondering. After a beat, she opened her mouth.
“I think there will be pandemonium from the apostle’s attack, but fortunately, when we were kidnapped they were only focusing on that so there should not be that much damage to the soldiers and knights. However, even so, I think there is a limit of the battle strength that we can mobilize within three days. Whether they will be enough against the mighty apostle as the opponent or not is... in addition, even for argument’s sake we can gather the number, can Nagumo-san prepare powerful artifacts that can even oppose the apostle in that many numbers?”
“Yeah, I can. About the number of people, we will use the gate and gather them from various places. For that sake, while I’m preparing the artifacts, you guys have to fly around the world to all the places.”
“Gate, is it? Goshujin-sama. Weren’t all the artifacts hath been destroyed already?”
Tio tilted her head while asking. Certainly, the key hole type artifact ‘Gate Hole’ was installed all over the world so they were safe, but the essential key type artifact ‘Gate Key’ to open the gate was stored inside the ‘Treasure Warehouse’, so it was supposed to be destroyed together.
Indeed, if they could use a gate then it would be easy to gather battle forces from all over the world within three days, but...
“Actually, things like items that cannot be replaced or several important things, before we passed through the gate at the border of Shunee snow field, I transferred them behind, inside the ground.”
“What! Then, the gate key too?”
“Yeah. In case something happened, so that Myuu and others can escape I brought the crystal key that can be used effectively here but that backfired, but... items like the compass, the proof of dungeon conquer, and the remaining god water... of course, the gate key too should be buried there. Ah, also, Kaori’s former body too. It’s underground so it must be relatively cold, I think it will be okay but... if we don’t dig it out quickly the ice will melt and it will turn into a grave.”
“Re, retrieve it-! If we don’t hurry to retrieve it-! My body will...”
When Hajime talked about Kaori’s former body, everyone’s expression turned into realization. If Hajime didn’t prepare for the unexpected situation, right about now Kaori’s body would be dust. It was a fine play from Hajime.
Although, Kaori couldn’t help but become fretful when the grave was mentioned. Hajime stroked the flustered Kaori to calm her down.
“I see, I understand well. ... However, there is one more problem. As expected, if we speak that the world might end three days later, just how many people will believe that and gather... to say nothing of how what we will fight the apostles. In the worst case, there is the possibility that we will be the bad guys...”
Liliana was making a complicated expression while pointing out even more issues. But, it seemed that in regard to those too, Hajime happened to have the answer in hand.
“Regarding that, I think we can manage somehow. We will have Kaori or Tio to use regeneration magic.”
“Regeneration... magic?”
Liliana tilted her head. In contrast, Kaori guessed what Hajime wanted to say and clapped her hand.
“You mean ‘regenerating’ the scene of the past isn’t it? Just like what we experienced at the great labyrinth of Merujiine.”
“That’s right. Regenerate of what happened here and preserve it in an artifact for image recording. Then show it to the upper brass of every place. The guys that we had met and talked with until now... Catherine of Brook, Iruwa of Fuhren, Roa of Holuad, Ranzi of Ankaji, Alfrerick of Fea Belgen, Gahard of the empire, if it’s those guys then they won’t doubt us. It will be easy to gather the battle force.”
Naturally, princess Liliana of the kingdom and the guild master of the adventurer guild were also included. Even in this world, they were all key people with power.
Despite saying that he had no interest in the people of this world, he had an extravagant line-up of connections. While feeling dizzy at the mentioned names who she knew were quite the big shots, Liliana thought that indeed if it was those members, then they would surely treat this seriously.
“Next is... that’s right. It’s better if we also use sensei to give incitement.”
“Ee!? M, me!? No, wait, incitement!?”
Aiko who suddenly had the talk turned to her trembled. Toward such an Aiko, Hajime raised his voice loudly.
“Now, stand up everybody! We will smash the ambition of the evil fake Ehito who dared to falsify himself as the virtuous Ehito-sama and manipulate fake apostles, who right now is about to trample this world! Fight together with this messenger of god, the ‘Goddess of Harvest’! Something like that. Do your best.”
“Do your best, that’s not it! Just what is with that speech! How can you say those kinds of words so smoothly... it’s Nagumo-kun who is the great agitator here.”
“Don’t mind the little thing here sensei. The seed we sprinkled is almost blooming. Then isn’t it fine if we water and grow it up, and then harvest all the yummy crops? As might be expected from a farmer.”
“Just who was the one who did all that...”
Aiko stared fixedly at Hajime with an exasperated face. It was also like this in the town of Ur, Aiko was convinced that Hajime absolutely possessed the talent of an agitator.
It seemed that the classmates were also of the same opinion. They somehow got the vision of Hajime in front of stars dangling manipulating string down while chuckling with a cool pose, “Eh? Isn’t this the same like Ehito?” they were tilting their heads pondering. Though several of the girls were whispering “Nagumo... no, Hajime-sama...” with red cheeks, but here they must return to their sanity immediately.
Hajime smiled wryly at Aiko who although she realized that the method was effective and understood that this had to be done, but for some reason, she wasn’t fully accepting it.
“This is a battle that will become an all out war of humanity. Even if the battle force is gathered but a mere disorderly crowd will be meaningless. A powerful leader is necessary. And someone like a king of a country will be insufficient for that. The only one who can do this is just Aiko-sensei. Really please.”
Hajime’s words made Aiko twitched for a moment. Since a while ago she kept trembling. It was as though she was a small animal. And then such an Aiko who was like a small animal, for some reason she began to send glancing looks at Hajime while fidgeting. And then, she timidly asked the doubtful Hajime.
“Na, Nagumo-kun. Just now, at the end there, what did you say?”
“Hm? Really please...”
“N, no, not that.....about me, you called me, A, Aiko-sensei weren’t you?”
“... Is there, any problem?”
“N, no. Nagumo-kun, usually you only call me ‘sensei’ so...”
“Is that so?”
Hajime tilted his head. Aiko was fidgety, or rather she was being bashful while she opened her mouth with looking up eyes.
“You did. ... That... can you, say that just now, one more time?”
“... Just now, about the last bit?”
“Yes. However, this time, say it without ‘sensei’...”
Hajime’s cheeks were cramping. At the same time, the small animal who kept glancing at him with an upward glance while blushing at the opposite seat made him wanted to put a tsukkomi whether she understood her own standpoint and the surrounding situation.
Aiko’s ‘coaxing’ made the classmates to make a fuss. “Eh, what is this?” or “What, this atmosphere...” or “I, it’s a lie right...” or “Hajime-sama... as expected” Murmurs like those could be heard. Incidentally, the sound of grinding teeth was resounding from the lot of Ai-chan protection squad.
Perhaps because of nervousness, but the voice of the surrounding didn’t reach Aiko. If she was speaking like this understanding everything... then how terrifying that was. That was because Ai-chan had thrown to the winds various things to charge until this far. Doing something like abandoning her teacher self had the risk of collapsing her identity. Hajime could only pray that she wasn’t acting like this while knowing that it should not be.
However it was also a problem for her to lose strength just before the final battle, having said that, it didn’t seem like any deception would work on the current Aiko who was running wild. Even when he sent his gaze at Shia, Kaori, and Shizuku, everyone was only smiling wryly and didn’t send him any lifeboat. He wished that they wouldn’t sympathize with the complicated heart of a maiden at this kind of time.
Hajime was sighing deeply, in the middle of the gathering piercing attention, he resolved himself and opened his mouth.
“... Aiko, please.”
“-!! Yes! Leave it to me! I’m going to incite them like mad! This is the time for a teacher of social study to show her real ability!”
Was incitement the real ability of a social study teacher... he wanted her to apologize to all the social study teachers in the country. Hajime once again sighed while taking off his gaze from Aiko who was absurdly in high spirit.
Toward his ears, “Te, teacher and student... is this ero game-” or ‘A, Aiko-chan got the poisonous fang of the demon king...” or “Casanova... the guy there is a Casanova! You mustn’t meet his eyes! You will get pregnant!” those murmurs could be heard. The twitching of Hajime’s cheeks couldn’t be stopped.
“Co, cough-! Na, Nagumo-san... I, I will work hard too!”
For some reason, Liliana raised her voice. Her cheeks were dyed bright red, her almond shaped eyes were shining in sparkles with some kind of expectation.
“... Yeah, do your best, princess.”
“... I will work hard!”
“I will work hard!”
“I, I will work, hard, hics-”
“... ... ... ... ... ...Please, Liliana.”
“... Lily.”
“Guu... please, Lily.”
“Yes! You can rely on me! Please look at the influence and popularity of a princess! The likes of the masses will be beaten hand down!”
He got the feeling that something a princess absolutely must not say had been said somehow, but surely it was just his imagination. The princess-sama who was always loved by the masses should not be thinking of something like ‘it’s so easy to manipulate the mass huh’.
The clamor of the classmates knew no end. The eyes looking at Hajime were already becoming gaze filled with awe or gaze containing strange heat. Perhaps it could be said that these gazes were even more emotional than the one directed at Ehito or Aruvheit.
“... Haa. Let’s conclude this.”
Hajime let out a sigh and then he looked around at everyone, changing the atmosphere stiffly in one breath. Hajime went on with Aiko and Liliana’s words and tolerated the mood of his classmates, were also with the intention of softening the atmosphere somewhat.
With the danger to the world approaching, to say nothing of the danger that was threatening even their birthplace, Earth too, there was nobody here that wasn’t feeling the mental burden. So that none of the classmates would run wild from pessimism, Hajime regulated the atmosphere so that it wouldn’t be too tense.
Hajime’s serious expression changed the soft atmosphere into one with nervousness in one go. Aiko and Liliana were also properly changing their atmospheres to the degree that made anybody wonder just where the embarrassing or sweet air they had been exposing until now had gone to. This attitude in this aspect was truly as expected from a teacher and a princess.
Surely their ‘coaxing’ was something from their heart, but if the atmosphere was tensed like this from the start then they undoubtedly wouldn’t say such things. Looked like they were reading the mood sensitively. Although it was unknown whether they were doing it intentionally or unintentionally.
The classmates were also lured by that, even while their bodies were quite relaxed, they also seemed able to feel the tension.
Hajime confirmed that and opened his mouth.
“The objective that I prioritize most is taking back Yue. In order to do that at the great invasion three days from now, I will go through the Divine Gate that we think will be open at that time and enter the Holy Precincts. Regarding Nakamura and Amanogawa, I leave them to Taniguchi and others. What’s left is the interception of the invading apostles.”
Hajime stopped talking for once and confirmed whether they understood. Everyone strongly nodded, so judging that, there was no problem, Hajime continued his words.
“I’m telling you the plans from now until three days later. First, I plan to head to the deepest part of Orcus. To mass produce artifacts, the environment of Orcus is the most optimum, after all. For this, I want Kaori, Myuu, and Remia to come along as helpers.”
“Yes, got it Hajime-kun.”
“Yes, nano! Myuu will help nano!”
“Please say anything about what I can do.”
Kaori, Myuu, and Remia gave back a pleasant reply. Hajime put Myuu and Lemia at his side was in preparation in the unlikely event so that they wouldn’t be taken hostage again, but he also had the intention to make them take care of his needs (EN: Giggity) while he was concentrating in mining and transmuting, so his reason also wasn’t just something on the surface.
Hajime nodded back at Kaori and the rest, then this time he moved his gaze to Shia.
“Shia, you go to Raisen great labyrinth.”
“... I see. I will ask for Miledy’s cooperation, am I?”
“Correct. If she has the information about Ehito or the Holy Precincts even just for a little, then that’s a good deal already. That time we were forcefully ejected so it’s unknown whether there is a shortcut or not. At least we got the proof of conquering, but if it doesn’t react at the spring at Brook’s outskirts, then you have to go through inside the labyrinth again.”
“I think that perhaps, she will let me pass but... even if it’s no good, this time I swear I’ll clear the labyrinth in half a day. If it’s the current me, that great labyrinth is no different than a playground.”
“I also think so. I’ll leave it to you.”
“Yes desu!”
Hajime smiled at Shia who nodded energetically. Next, Hajime called to Tio.
“Yes. I understand. Goshujin-sama is asking me to return home, correct?”
“As expected. If there is a danger to the world, then the law of dragon race also doesn’t matter. Even if they aren’t as strong as Tio, if the strength of the dragon race is added with my artifacts, they should be able to fight even the apostles.”
“I think so. As expected, there is no choice for the dragon race to not move in this situation. Let me guarantee their strength too. However, the hidden village is... quite far. Truly accomplishing it within three days is not possible...”
“About that, let’s manage it somehow using the artifact.”
Hajime was rearranging the order of priority in his head while moving his gaze further.
“Yaegashi, you go to the empire. The same like the Hairihi Kingdom, it’s possible to go there using the gate, I’ll duplicate the gate key to go to the kingdom before you depart after persuading Gahard to send the battle force to the kingdom.”
“That’s... fine but, why am I the one going?”
“That’s because Yaegashi is Gahard’s favorite. Just to be sure, I’m taking into account so that the talk will be smooth. After all, there must be some people there that hold a grudge from the case with the restriction choker. Thinking about the negotiating ability and battle strength, there is no one else I can leave this to.”
“Mu. I understand that, more or less, but... you know my feeling, yet you send me at the place of a man wooing me, that’s a little shocking. Well, I understand that this is not the time to say that kind of thing so it’s fine but...”
“... My bad. If Gahard screws around then just give my name. Say that if he tried wooing Yaegashi Shizuku, then Nagumo Hajime won’t stay quiet.”
“-... Su, a surprise attack is cowardly.”
Shizuku slightly blushed while conveying her consent.
“The students and Liliana will go to the capital. Gather the battle force and raise their moral with their speech. Incite them skillfully so that they can fight mercilessly even against apostles. And then, the battlefield will be the plain in front of the capital. There is no way we are going to fight inside the capital even after knowing that they will attack from the God Mountain at the back of the capital, after all.”
“In that case, we need to evacuate the people out of the capital then. Although the gate can be used, evacuating all the people in three days is... looks like we need to hurry.”
“It’s fine if we send the civilians to the empire capital in place of their battle force that we will pull on our side. right?”
“But, Nagumo-kun. To fight the apostles who can fly at the sky on a plain is disadvantageous...”
“I plan to take a measure of an anti-aircraft weapons and heavy weapons, and so on. Also, Nomura-!”
Nomura Kentarou of Nagayama party whose name was suddenly called went “oO!?” with a strange voice. Not even in his wildest dream, he imagined that his name would be called in this timing.
“You are an earth elementalist, right?”
“Eh? A, yeah. That’s right but...”
“Then, collect the workers in the capital and the guys with an aptitude for earth element magic, it’s fine even if it’s simple but create a fortress on the plain.”
“For, a fortress?”
“It’s better to have shelter right? Ask about the detail to the specialist in the capital. Later I’ll send you an artifact exclusively for you, so create a place that is easy to fight on the plain.”
“Go, got it. I’ll try.”
Further after Nomura, Hajime also gave instructions at other classmates too here and there. They nodded from being swallowed by the momentum. Hajime gave them some kind of concrete roles with the intention that they could finish this without them getting crushed by the tension that was heightening moment by moment.
Also, as soon as the production of the heavy weapons were finished, Hajime planned to send them to the capital in order, but for the lecture on how to use the weapon, it was more effective to have the classmates to do it. Even if they didn’t know the detail of the mechanism, but they should be able to handle the weapon compared to the resident of this world who in the first place didn’t know the concept of heavy firearms.
“Taniguchi, Sakagami, you two go to the forest of trees. Talk to the lot of Haulia and Fair Bergen and send the bunches that can fight to the capital. If you finished with that, contact me. I’ll receive you in Orcus. Until the time limit, you two will focus on subjugating the monsters of the abyss and strengthening them. After all, you two finally manage to get metamorphosis magic.”
After that, they talked a little bit more about the details, and then while floating a fearless smile before the three days that surely would be the densest time of their life, Hajime once more ran his gaze to everyone.
And then, a beat later, his mouth slowly opened.
“The enemy introduced himself as a god. In addition, he boasted mightiness that corresponds to it. Every single member of his army consist of a one man army. There are even monsters outside of common sense and strengthened puppet soldiers that don’t fear death.”
Calm voice. Yet, it resounded extremely clearly.
“But, that’s all. Those guys are not invincible or anything. Just like what I did, the god and his apostle can be killed. Humans can bring down the paranormal existence.”
The figure of the talking Hajime was one armed and one eyed with white hair that looked as though his life was sucked out from him. Those things showed the path this man who was called incompetent had walked until this point. Those were the proof of how he butchered a great number of monsters, turned them into his nourishment and crawled up here. And then, he actually showed the proof in front of everyone in this place. That human could win even against god.
That was why they naturally could understand. Even if he had lost once, even after his important person had been stolen, he would make even those situations into his nourishment. The bloodied and wounded young man in front of their eyes, turned any kind of impossible into possible.
The words that shook the heart whether one wanted it to or not continued.
“There is no need to think that this fight is for the sake of someone whose face you don’t know, much less the world. There is no need to shoulder that kind of thing. Like how I am fighting for the sake of taking back my beloved, it’s fine for everyone here to fight each for your own reason. There is nothing large or small about those reasons. There is no weight or anything. Because you want to go home. Because you want to meet your family, for the sake of your friend, for your lover, merely just for surviving, merely because you cannot stomach this... whatever is fine.”
For a beat, Hajime’s words cut off. But, everyone in this place became self-aware of their own wishes. Impulses welled up inside their chests.
As though waiting for that, Hajime unleashed his words. Blazing like flame, yet permeating like water, powerful like earth, yet enveloping like wind, it was such words...
“If there is a time where you must muster your all for once in your life, then now is exactly that time-. Right now, in this time, burn your soul! Take the step for the sake of your wish! And then, all of you survive! If you manage to do that, then I’ll present you the reward of the ticket for going home!”
The sound of gulping reverberated. A throbbing sound like alarm bell could be heard. The clenched fists, the firmly stepping feet, the gritting teeth groaned creakingly. It was as though their will naturally rose up like a roar.
Among the people who were delirious with fever, Hajime enchanted them with gleam and fangs like a wild wolf.
And then a word.
What came back was naturally countless roars. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 13,
"inserted_lines_src": 4,
"inserted_lines_trg": 8
} |
「む? そっちに何かあるのか?」
「なんですって! ......ああ、それはハムですね。おそらく豚肉のハムです」
「はい! そうであります」
シアは嬉しそうに笑った。 | After capturing everyone that was in Kabino’s mansion, I went out to call Shia and the district manager. Shia had captured five men and the district manager had caught three. That meant that we had arrested thirty-three men in all.
The district manager became speechless for a second after seeing the twenty-five men that Serulis and I arrested.
“...You were able to take on this many?”
I looked at him with a serious expression.
“Miss Serulis is Lord Morton’s daughter. And while she doesn’t have much experience as an Adventurer, her combat ability is the equivalent of a B Rank.”
“Is that so. Then it must be in her blood. As they say, the child of a dragon will be a dragon.”
I nodded.
Serulis stood next to us and was looking very red.
There were things that she likely wanted to say, but suggesting that I had done most of it could lead to my identity being exposed.
And while I hadn’t said anything that was a lie, I thought I should apologize to her later.
“Both Mister Locke and Sister Serulis are amazing!”
Milka and Grulf looked very happy.
Serulis made a report of the situation to the district manager.
After that, we went around the mansion with him to search the place.
I would use magic to search for hidden passages.
They contained documents that were evidence of their crimes, on top of lots of gold bars and money.
“Hm? Is there something over there?”
Grulf had been sniffing around in the area and was now barking at what looked like an ordinary shelf.
I checked inside and saw an assortment of food items. They all looked expensive.
And in the far back was a locked box.
When I opened the box with a quick spell, out came the most luxurious-looking ham.
“Grulf. You wanted to eat this?”
Grulf tilted his head as if he had no idea what I was talking about. However, his wagging tail betrayed him.
He clearly barked because he had smelled something delicious. Ah, well. He was a wolf.
However, the district manager’s eyes widened when he saw the ham I was carrying.
“Mi-mister Locke. That thing!”
“It was inside of this shelf. It’s not surprising. Villains always seem to eat well.”
“No-no, that is not what I meant. Is that not a prohibited ham?”
Prohibited ham? I have never heard of such a thing.
“Yes. It is called ham, as it resembles normal ham. However, it is a cursed tool made by the blasphemous cursing of the meat of a holy beast.”
“What would you use such a thing for?”
“I am but a humble man who does not know all of the details. But according to the rumors, it is used in rituals that allow you to take over a person’s mind.”
If even the district manager did not know, then it must be a highly kept secret.
One of the district manager’s subordinates continued,
“I heard that it is used with sacrifices when summoning devils.”
“Regardless, it a terrifying thing.”
“Yes. I do not know much, but just owning these can get you the death penalty.”
It was clear that the men in power were trying desperately to control these.
“Mister Locke. This is wonderful. The mere fact that it has been discovered here means that this man will never walk free again.”
“That really is wonderful. However, it wasn’t me. It was Grulf, here.”
“Oh my. Mister Grulf. Thank you so much.”
Grulf looked very smug as he sat down and puffed out his chest.
And I had assumed he was only hungry. Perhaps I owed him an apology.
In any case, I might as well praise him for now.
Grulf wagged his tail happily.
After that, Grulf was quite excited as he continued the search.
“Oh, did you find something again?”
He was barking at another shelf.
I inspected it, and out came a ham.
“District manager. Grulf found another ham.”
“Good gracious! ...Ah, that is just a ham. I am sure it was from a pig.”
“It’s not forbidden?”
“No, I am sure you will find that it is sold at any meat shop.”
It was just a normal ham.
However, Grulf was sitting down with a smug expression and a wagging tail.
“...Good boy!”
I hesitated for a second, but Grulf was trying his best. And so I praised him with a good petting.
After that, Shia looked towards us and said,
“Mister Locke. There is a suspicious smell coming from over here!”
“I see. Let’s take a look.”
For some reason, Shia’s tail was wagging furiously.
The place that Shia had indicated did not look particularly suspicious.
However, after searching the area with magic, I saw that there was a hidden door.
“It’s shut tightly. Very strange.”
“Yes! I agree.”
I opened the door with magic and saw that behind it was countless weapons.
“Its a storage for weapons...”
“This is an incredible amount. Did they mean to start a coup?”
“Or they meant to sell them to someone who was going to start a coup.”
So saying, Shia’s eyes brightened. Her ears flapped and her tail wagged vigorously.
Understanding what this all meant, I patted her on the head.
She laughed happily. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 13,
"inserted_lines_trg": 9
} |
「奥にいる敵はどんなやつなんだ? 知っているんだろう?」
「協力して倒すというのはどうだ? それとも、独力で何とかしないと駄目なのか?」
そこには背の高いイケメンなヴァンパイアが不機嫌そうな表情で立っていた。 | Some time had passed since we had started walking.
Ario and Josh would not be able to hear us anymore if we talked in hushed voices.
I asked Shia:
“What’s this enemy that lurks here? You know, don’t you?”
“Wh-why do you assume that I know?”
“You said yourself. The Goblin Lord was only a weakling who was in your way.”
Apparently, she had wanted to keep it hidden.
“There is a most fearsome foe. I would not blame you if you ran away after hearing about it.”
She said plainly.
“It is a fearsome monster...a Vampire Lord.”
She muttered seriously. It was definitely stronger than what I was expecting.
Vampires sucked your blood and were horrible creatures.
And among them, the vampire king was the most horrible. The Vampire Lord.
And they had incredible vitality. They didn’t die from a few slashes.
They could even turn into mist or bats.
They also had the ability to charm, and often controlled animals and monsters who were lower than them.
And so there was no way that I could not kill it.
It would be too late once the villagers had their blood sucked and joined his kind.
“No, you aren’t!”
Then she continued more seriously.
“But please, run away if you feel afraid. Yes, it would be best for you to run.”
“I have no need to run. If anything, maybe you should run?”
She had a pained expression. There must be something to this.
“I don’t know what your reasons are...but you were struggling against the Goblin Lord. Do you really think that you can take on a Vampire Lord?”
“But still, I have...”
“Well, never mind that. Just don’t get in my way, alright?”
“Are you not going to listen to me?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Then I won’t.”
It was normal for Adventurers to have their hidden agendas.
I didn’t want people to ask about my name or what I was doing the last years.
“I am the chief’s daughter of a beastfolk tribe to the east...”
I was being so nice in not prying further, but she started to talk anyway.
Maybe she wanted to tell me. Maybe she thought that it would ease her mind a little.
“My family has hunted vampires for generations.”
Beastkin of the wolf variety were immune to the charms and blood-sucking of vampires.
And so I had heard that it was not rare for them to take up the occupation of vampire hunting.
Perhaps Shia was of the wolf variety.
“We fought against a group of vampires... And we killed them until there was only one left...”
“My father, the chief, he was badly wounded in the fight...and so the Vampire Lord managed to escape.”
“That’s too bad.”
“Allowing the vampire to escape was a grave error for our tribe. And so I must hunt down this last one myself.”
“I see. So, what will happen if I kill this Vampire Lord first?”
“That a problem for me.”
I stopped walking in order to ask for more details.
Shia explained that it was unforgivable to let your cornered prey escape.
In order to make up for this mistake, someone from the tribe had to kill the vampire.
That was their rule.
“Still, I’m the one who came to this nest first. I even got the quest from the guild.”
“That may be the case, but...”
“What if we worked together to kill it? Or do you have no choice but to do it completely alone?”
“I can still save my tribe from the disgrace, even with your cooperation.”
And so I started to walk again.
Shia chased after me. Her thick tail swayed every time she walked.
“I have my reasons for fighting...but Mister Locke, you can still run away.”
“I have no reason to. I’m not afraid of any Vampire Lord.”
“Well, I...”
She was impressed.
“Let’s hurry up a little. Vampires become more active during the night.”
“That is true.”
I started to run.
As Shia caught up with me, I handed her the Devil King sword.
“What for?”
“You must be worried about your current sword. So I’m lending you this one.”
“I’m strong even when bare-handed.”
So saying, I practically forced Shia to take the sword.
“...I am grateful.”
“Don’t mention it.”
As we ran, we encountered three goblins.
I don’t even stop.
As I run past them, I slam a fist into the face of one.
The goblin flew into the wall and stopped moving.
The remaining two were mortified.
I kicked one. Its skull cracked and it rolled limply to the floor.
The last one ran away at top speed.
But I was faster. I caught up to it and slammed a foot into it.
“Yo-you really are strong with your bare hands.”
I was actually a Sorcerer. And I had also risen to S Rank.
And my physical capabilities were not low, I think.
I usually had Eric and the others hold the front line as I supported them with magic from the rear.
Eric and Goran were also abnormally capable.
There was no chance that enemies would get passed them and reach me.
However, fighting solo for years had built me up physically.
I had to dodge their vicious attacks and shoot powerful magic back at them.
Compared to all that, handling goblins with my bare hands was nothing.
I kicked a few more goblins after that, as we ran to deeper in.
It did not take long to reach the furthest depths.
There, a tall and handsome vampire stood with an irritated expression. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 9,
"inserted_lines_trg": 9
} |
「合体奥義!? ちょっと早くない?」
「そう、それそれ! もしあの結界が純粋に高い防御力と耐久力を誇るものだとしても、いろんな方法で威力を底上げした4つの奥義を食らって付かないとは思えない。でも、無効化する効果を持っているのならば、無傷なのもうなずける。だって、さっきの攻撃は攻撃として扱われていないのだから......!」
デカい、重い、強い! それで十分!
「でもぉ、合体奥義を使う前に塔の中から攻め込むってのもアリじゃないですか? あの緑色のスライムちゃんが覆っているのはあくまでも外側ですし、普通に中の階段をのぼって屋上に行けば......」
「あっ! なるほど!」
「ガー坊! いくぞ!」
「ガァー! ガァー!」
よくやったガー坊! 後は任せてくれ!
「あれぇ!? こんなに早く結界が破壊されるとは想定外ですよ!?」
「ふ、ふん......! 想定外なのはタイミングの方だけ! いずれ破壊されること自体は想定済みです! こちらは4人、そちらも4人! まだ勝負は始まったばかりです!」
「へ......? あっ!?」
「この場所で因縁を終わらせよう! スライムマン!」 | “Combined charge attack?! Isn’t it a bit early for that?”
Necoco protested.
As using a combined charge attack would result in a long cool down for your Unison, it would be a significant blow to our fighting force.
Garbow was our scout, and could also make clones.
I wished that I didn’t have to use it, but there was a reason that I didn’t have a choice this time.
“I think that the barrier can only be destroyed by one hit of a charge attack that deals tremendous damage at once. For instance, instead of using attacks that do damage each for a total of , it’s better to use one attack that does 0 damage... See?”
“In other words, any attacks that are lower than the requirement are nullified. So unless you can exceed that line, you can hit it a hundred times and it will be pointless!”
“Yes, exactly! If that barrier was purely something with high defense ability and durability, I don’t think that it would have come out unscathed after being hit by 4 powerful charge attacks. But if there was some kind of nullifying effect, it would make sense. After all, those attacks weren’t even treated as attacks...!”
My Inferno Arrow Tempest was a combination of Inferno Arrow and Heavenly Wing Arrow Storm. You could call it a fused charge attack that was a pure evolution of Burning Arrow Storm.
Necoco’s Thunder Sky Sever Claws was a thunder cutting attack.
And Dual Claws were a skill that allowed you to use a charge attack twice in a row while ignoring the cool down.
In other words, it could make Necoco’s charge attacks twice as powerful.
The demerit was that the cool down was also doubled.
It seemed like a pretty bad demerit, but as the charge attack’s cool down was short to begin with, and lacked power, Necoco would grumble that her attacks only did decent damage after she used Dual Claws.
Unison Maestro allowed Satomi to use his Unison’s skills and charge attacks.
Through this, he could activate the same charge attack as Gochu simultaneously, and raise its firepower.
Furthermore, as some of Gochu’s stats would be added to Satomi, he could do a little extra damage while fighting with his staff.
As he was able to resist even during an ambush, Satomi said that there was no need to be too protective over him.
As for Anne’s Giant Daybreak Star... It was a fused charge attack that she had used a lot on the Ghost Float.
It was big, heavy, and strong! That was enough!
And so it was ridiculous that the barrier had taken no damage after being hit by all of them.
It must be nullifying all damage that was under a certain level...!
“But can’t we just go and attack from inside of the tower before you resort to combined charge attacks? That green slime is just covering the outside, so we should be able to go up the stairs and...”
“No, that’s too dangerous. They would know that we would try to attack them from inside. After all, they can’t see what we’re doing because of the barrier. So the only thing they can focus on is the stairs.”
“Ah! That’s true!”
Even when I was a beginner, I had been cautious enough to place mines near the entrance of the tower.
And so I doubted that pros like Slime Man would have no security measures.
Clearly, the correct thing to do was break in from the front...!
“I’ll destroy the barrier. The rest of you, prepare to take over the roof as soon as the barrier goes down.”
They all said ‘understood.’
Now that it was decided, it was time to put it into action.
“Garbow! Let’s go!”
“Gar! Gar!”
The first combined charge attack was Meteor Bow.
I had unlocked it during the zodiac event, when we were doing the hidden beast trial, and our ‘bond points’ had reached the necessary level.
The second combined charge attack likely needed more bond points and for the Unison to have finished their 3rd evolution.
I think that the reason that he didn’t learn the second one right after his 3rd evolution was because the required bond points had gone up.
And so it was necessary to rack up more bond points after he evolved into Ravenalligate.
“Combined charge attack...!”
This time, Garbow did not fall apart and combine with my bow.
Garbow transformed completely and he himself turned into a single arrow...!
It was the exact opposite of Meteor Bow, which unleashed numerous arrows like meteors.
This only shot one arrow, and it did not glow and was not particularly fast.
Instead, it was thick and rotated at a great speed, which caused it to grow hot from the friction with the air, making it glow red.
And it destroyed everything that it touched as it moved in a straight line...!
Due to the effect of Star Area Range, I could not make it curve.
And I could not combine it with other skills by using Arrow Fusion.
And it could not be canceled once released.
The arrow was like the will of a stubborn man, and was my strongest trump card that could crush even the stars...!
The Slime Barrier popped!
Well done, Garbow! Leave the rest to me!
We’ll go to the finals together...!
“Huh!? I didn’t expect you to break the barrier so quickly!”
Slime Man’s voice echoed from the top.
I replied in a loud voice.
“A barrier like this won’t even buy you any time!”
“Hmph...! The timing was just a little unexpected! I knew it would break eventually! It’s four against four! The battle has only just begun!”
“Is that right?”
“Huh...? Ah!?”
Slime Man screamed.
Yes. There was no one around me now.
This was our plan.
Necoco would use her claws to climb up the walls of the building and enter it as soon as the barrier was destroyed. Then she would assassinate one of the members of Slime Man.
Just as all attention moved to her, Satomi, Gochu, and Anne would climb up the stairs loudly in order to distract them.
Like this, the enemy would have to look in two directions at once.
If they were hesitant while facing Necoco, then only a silent death would await them.
The quick reflexes that came from her young age meant that she would attack before they had time to utter a word.
And then, my job was to distract the most dangerous member of Slime Man!
I just needed a few seconds. I just wanted to avoid having Necoco and Slime Man clash head on.
I rated him highly as a player.
And so I had purposely provoked him so that his attention would be on me.
“Let’s end this here! Slime Man!” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 18,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「男? 女?」
教室に入ってきたセイヤの姿を見て、男子生徒たちは、なんだか普通だな、的な目を向け、女子たちは、一部で可愛いかも!? というような視線を向けていた。
「どこから来たんだ? アクエリスタンの中か?」
「はっ? なんでそうなるんだ?」
「セイヤ君近づく気? それだけはやめといたほうがいいわよ。学園生活を捨てるようなもんだもの」
ユアさん、あなた親衛隊にファンクラブがあって、なんで友達できないんですか? という疑問が浮かぶセイヤだったが、すぐにユアが人間不信だったことを思い出す。
ユアがセイヤのほうに向かってきたことで、セイヤはまさか自分のほうに来るのでは? と考える。
セイヤは心の中で、自分の学園生活が終わったと思うのだった。 | There was a commotion in Seiya’s new class right now.
「Hey, it seems a transfer student is coming today」
「Male? Female? 」
It seems that the rumors about the transfer student have already reached the classroom.
「It seems he is a guy」
「I wonder who he is」
「Is he a pretty boy?」 []「I don’t know that much」
The transfer student was a hot topic in the classroom. A lot of people were looking forward to seeing their new classmate.
When the chime rang, Yayuna entered the classroom and the students took their seats.
Of course, there was also Yua, sitting in the back row, close to the window. And around Yua, there were girls sitting as if surrounding her.
Then, as Yayuna was sitting, she declared to the students:
「Today I will introduce to you a new friend. He is Kiritsuna Seiya-kun. Please come in」
Hearing Yayuna, Seiya obediently stepped into the classroom.
Looking at the new transfer student, the boys thought that he was kind of normal, and the girls thought that he was somewhat cute. A lot of people directed their eyes at him.
「I’m Kiritsuna Seiya, I will be in your care from now on. I’m an elementary magician of light attribute, best regards」 []
As a matter of course, Seiya said that he specializes in the light attribute, and failed to mention his dark attribute.
Classmates were curiously eyeing Seiya, but he didn’t care. Only Yua, the girl in the back row, was in his line of sight.
「Seiya-kun, please sit there, it’s empty right now」
「All right」
Listening to Yayuna, he sat in his new seat
Seiya’s seat was in the second row close to the corridor. When Seiya took his seat, students around him wanted to approach him, but they were in the middle of the class and restrained themselves.
The system in Arsenia Magic Academy was the same as in Senabia Magic Academy, six hours a day. Therefore, a sufficient amount of rest was provided between lectures.
During the break, students tried to approach Seiya.
「I’m Aruna, best regards」
An orange-colored girl with a short hair sitting on his left named herself as Aruna and shook his end. Seiya felt that she was an active type of a girl who always smiled.
「I’m Glenn, hello」
The boy that named himself Glenn was sitting in front of him.
Glenn had a short black hair and was wearing a refreshing smile on his face.
「I am Connie. Nice to meet you」
The student seating diagonally to the left of Seiya was Connie. He had yellow hair and was wearing glasses. He seemed to be the knowledgeable type. []
When Seiya finished re-introducing himself, everyone around him fired a barrage of questions in his direction.
First of all, Aruna asked a question.
「Kiritsuna seems like a rare surname. It should be a pretty famous name, is there anyone with the same surname?」
「Only me, it’s no wonder you didn’t hear about my surname」
「Oh, I see. I’m sorry」
「It’s fine」
Aruna immediately apologized, but Seiya didn’t mind.
She apologized because she thought that Seiya was the only one left. In fact, however, he didn’t know much himself.
The next to ask a question was Glenn.
「Where are you from? Do you live in Aquaristan?」
「I’m from Windistan」
「That is quite far away. How rare」
It is rare for people to transfer, but it’s not like this never happens.
Sometimes people transfer because of their work, but even then it is in boundaries of Aquaristan.
So in the end, students like Seiya were quite rare.
Because Seiya answered Glenn’s question, Connie wanted to ask next but was interrupted by a loud angry voice.
「Huh? Why did that happen? 」
The voice was resounding from the back of the classroom. There three boys and four girls were arguing with each other, and Yua was behind those girls.
Seiya looked at the quarrelling people, while Aruna and Glenn said.
「They are doing it again. They never tire」
「Well, both parties are stubborn after all」
Facing the two, Seiya asked.
「What are they doing?」
「Oh, you don’t know yet」
「You better not involve yourself in that one」
「Yeah, you should be careful around them Seiya-kun. Otherwise, you might get some troubles on your head」
Three people said that it is better not to involve yourself, but he had to. It seemed like Yua was involved one way or another, and Yua was his fiancée.
That’s why he asked them for details.
「So, is this a fight?」
「Seiya-kun is quite curious~」
「Well, I guess it does not matter if you know」
「I also agree」[]
Looking for confirmation from Glenn and Connie, Aruna explained the circumstances.
「Fine then. Um, Seiya-kun, there is a beautiful white-haired girl behind them, right?」
Seiya was convinced.
It was Yua, she was the cause of that argument. And he was about to be involved too.
「Her name is Yua Arunia. A member of a special magician’s family」
Seiya knew but pretended to be unaware to avoid questions.
「And the four girls around Yua-sama are her royal guards」
「Royal guards!?」
Raiga said that she had no friends, but she had a royal guard for some reason.
Seeing his surprised expression, Aruna explained further.
「Those girls will crush every boy that tries to approach her」
「Are you planning to get close to her? You’d better quit. You will throw away your future school life」
「I see......」
Apparently, it was his destiny to throw away his calm school life.
His happy school life ended on his first day after transfer, he thought it was somewhat funny.
「That is dangerous.....」
「Certainly Yua is cute, but you will die before you get closer. Some of the members of the royal guard are advanced magicians」
「That’s too.......」
「Well, the best way is to stay away」
Even if they say to stay away, Seiya is already too close.
Seiya thought what to do from now on, while Connie and Glenn continued their explanation.
「There is also a fan club in the name of Yua-sama among the boys」 []「Fan club?!」
「Yes, it is a club that is formed from % of the male population. Of course, there are also advanced magicians, like in the guard」
Yua-san, you have a fan club and a royal guard, why can’t you make any friends? This question suddenly floated inside his head, but he then remembered her trust problems.
「And what kind of activities does this club do?」
Having learned about the existence of this fun club, Seiya somehow understood a lot about this academy.
In other words, men are trying to approach her, while women are trying to prevent it.
「Is it always so intense?」
It was a bit too intense for a fight. Seeing a glimpse of his own bleak future, he asked that question.
「That might not be true」
「It’s usually calmer」
「Then why?」
「That’s because Yua-san came to school after a long absence」
Seiya finally understood everything with Aruna’s explanation.
After being kidnapped, she spent all her time beside Seiya, until they reached Aquaristan.
Meanwhile, the academy was still active, but Yua wasn’t able to attend it.
That means that Yua wasn’t around for a while. []
「I got it」
After he said that, Seiya looked at Yua. And their eyes aligned.
Apparently, Yua was watching Seiya, and Seiya’s eyes seemed to say「You are a bunch of problems」.
Receiving his eye contact, she puffed her cheeks and emanated a pouting appeal.
Seiya wanted to rescue her, but because he didn’t want to cause problems on his first day here, he looked away.
Yua understood that he won’t rescue her, so she made a move herself.
She stood up and walked towards the corridor.
Seeing her move, the members of the guard and the fan club also tried to follow her.
But just before Yua entered the corridor, she suddenly turned to the left, and proceeded towards the front of the classroom.
( way....)
What if she wanted to approach him? Thought Seiya.
And as expected, Yua walked to Seiya’s seat and sat on his lap.
The whole classroom was stunned by Yua’s behavior.
But her expression of love was not over yet.
Yua lifted Seiya’s arm and positioned it as if he was embracing her. She seemed to say that she was already claimed.
I’m finished.......
Seiya understood, his calm school life has ended. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 5,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
「絶対に死ぬなよ」と。 | If he had strolled around town without his cape, he would have been ridiculously conspicuous. But maybe that day will also come soon.
I hope that one day he will be able to dress however he wants and go out on the town to get noticed and have fun without worrying about his position.
Vian didn’t seem to have anywhere in particular he wanted to go, so we decided to leave.
More than anything, I was worried about that little boy with spotted disease.
Anyway, I must not let his body get cold. His condition would get worse and worse if he was confined in such an unsanitary place.
Maybe Vian could sense that I wanted to go home.
We made it back from the city without being discovered. The sky was already dark by the time we arrived at the castle. I yawned instinctively.
The day passed by so quickly.
We sneaked back to Vian’s room, where we carefully took off our dresses and changed into our usual attire.
I thought I would never be able to wear a dress in the Ravaal Kingdom, but unexpected events happen, I suppose.
Vian finished changing first and started working on his remaining tasks. The speed with which he switched from Vivian to Vian was truly wonderful. It was like he was transforming into a different person.
I finished getting dressed and went to see Vian. He noticed my arrival and quickly put the papers in his hand on the desk.
“I guess this is goodbye for a while.”
Vian looked lonely.
It was not like I was going to die... Well, but I was going to risk my life to find Maddie.
“Thank you for your help, even if it was only for a short time.”
I sincerely bowed.
It was truly a pleasure to work with Vian. It was inspiring to see him at work, up close and personal.
Even though my motive for coming here was impure because Victor sent me here, I was rather grateful to him because I met a wonderful person like Vian.
“What, you’re suddenly being respectful?”
Vian’s voice sounded perplexed. I gently raise my head and gaze into his yellow-green eyes.
“I am very honored to work for the prince.”
As I said this, Vian’s face turned serious; the Vivian element faded away.
“I’m proud to have worked with you, too.”
Oh, how nice it was to hear those words from Vian!
Those were the best compliments I had ever received.
“You’re going to have to work harder under Victor, and I’m looking forward to seeing Alicia grow even more.”
He smiled confidently. It made me smile back.
“I promise I won’t let you down.”
We looked firmly into each other’s eyes.
After a moment, I bowed lightly and left the room. As soon as I left the room, Vian’s voice echoed in my ears.
“Don’t ever die.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「意思。それは重要なことだろうか? やりたいと思えばやり、やりたくないと思えばやめる。それが許されるのは幼児まで。逃げてばかりでは人生もままならん」
「......それを選ぶのは本人ではないか? 選んだ末にままならない人生になっても、それが本望ということもある」
「なぜだ? 生まれながらに家に縛られて生きていかねばならないと? 選ぶ自由はないと?」
「誰もが己の理想を抱えている。そうすればいいと口で言えど、叶うことのないものが多い。争いがなくならぬのはどうしてか? 理想とはぶつかるものだからだ」
ミトロフは残ったワインをひと息に飲み干す。苦味と渋味ばかりがあとに残った。 | “It was fortunate for my sister to have met someone like you—she has always been earnest, and it must be hard for her to live in this diverse city.”
Mitrof thought to himself, ‘Why am I with a knight?’
If they had been sitting at the dinner table of some mansion, it might have been more understandable. However, the two of them were sitting on a curb off the beaten path of the market street.
The sight of a knight in armor sitting with a wine-filled wooden cup, holding his knees, was quite conspicuous. People passed by in a hurry, staring wide-eyed, as if saying they didn’t want to get involved.
The knight was talking to Mitrof, either intentionally ignoring or not noticing the strange looks.
“There is a role that one is born with—kings become kings, knights become knights, aristocrats become aristocrats, and carpenters become carpenters—just as I cannot make wine even if I wish, there are those who cannot become knights even if they long for it.”
Saying nothing, the knight drank wine from a wooden cup, and of course, he did not take off his helmet. He inserted a long, thin metal pipe from his pocket into the gap in his helmet, and drank it that way, making a relieving sound.
Next to him, Mitrof also drank the wine. He did not expect much from the wine sold at the stall, but it tasted exceptionally bad.
Although he had become accustomed to the life of an adventurer, he could not seem to get used to the poor quality of the wine. With low-quality wine, it was difficult to escape reality.
“However, the food from the food stalls is delicious—the spices are well used.”
The knight skillfully inserted the sliced meat from his small knife into his helmet.
As they walked along, the knight became interested in certain dishes and tried to buy them with silver coins. Each time, the shopkeeper had a troubled expression, and the other customers moved away. Mitrof reluctantly paid, and before they knew it, both of their hands were full, so they sat on the side of the road to eat.
Although he regretted his reckless behavior, Mitrof nodded in agreement that the food from the food stalls was indeed delicious.
The seasoning is simple, but the ingredients are fresh, and the taste is rich, favored by physically active people such as knights and adventurers and those who love drinking.
“To tell the truth, I have also dreamed of living in a city like this.”
Suddenly, the knight spoke up.
“Youth makes people foolish. I once left home and tried to live in the city. I had a feeling that my true life was there.”
“It’s not good to speak of foolishness as if it were a bad thing.”
“There are things that you cannot achieve if you’re not foolish; however, you should not remain foolish forever. It was a good experience for me back then—that girl will learn from this experience too.”
The skewers enter the helmet, and when they come out, the meat at the tip has disappeared. As if it were magic, the knight ate the meat.
“... Then, what about Canule’s will?”
Mitrof asked. The knight paused, then nodded as if he had just remembered.
“I am still not used to that name—yes, Canule—that’s a fake name appropriate for the kid.”
The knight chuckled.
“Will. Is it really that important? You can do what you want, and if you don’t want to do it, you can stop. That’s allowed only up to the age of a toddler—you cannot lead a successful life just by running away.”
“...But isn’t it up to the individual to choose?—Even if their life becomes unbearable after making their choice, it could be what they wanted.”
Mitrof said. He knew that it was a painful argument to make for himself.
The knight’s words pierced Mitrof’s chest. He knew he shouldn’t blame himself, but he felt like he had been punched.
“If you’re a commoner, that may be fine, but I am a knight—Canule is also a knight—if you were born into a knight’s house, you must live as a knight.”
“Why? Do we have to live our entire lives bound by our family from birth?—Do we have no freedom of choice?”
The knight asserted
“We must protect our family’s honor; we have a responsibility to uphold what our ancestors have been protecting; we can’t simply reject it because of our selfish desires—our way of life has been firmly established since birth—like this sword.”
The knight placed his hand on the sword he carried on his shoulder. For the knight, the sword was an important symbol. When he was appointed a knight, swearing loyalty to his master was done by holding up a single sword.
“But...being locked up until death is not the duty of a knight.”
Mitrof hesitated but spoke his mind anyway. He knew it was presumptuous of him to speak out.
“Every family has its own problems—It’s none of your business.”
“Of course, I know that—but I can’t help but say something.”
“I suppose because you are her employer.”
The knight remembered the previous argument. He replied with a sarcastic tone, and Mitrof nodded in agreement.
“Besides, she is my “companion.” And... I don’t know if it’s okay to say this, but I consider her my “friend.”—I can’t stand to just accept a future where Canule is unhappy.”
“I don’t understand.”
The knight spoke honestly.
Mitrof’s throat tightened. He didn’t know what to say to someone who didn’t understand.
“No, I’m sorry—I understand what you’re trying to say—It’s a splendid spirit.”
The knight said this as he inserted the metal tube into his armor and drank the wine with a swoosh.
“But with just that splendid spirit, do you think things will always go your way?”
Mitrof closed his lips. The knight wasn’t looking at Mitrof. The helmet was facing the passing people on the street.
“Everyone has their own ideals—even though we say we should do it that way, there are many things that cannot be achieved. Why is there still conflict? It’s because ideals clash with each other.”
The helmet faced Mitrof. No expression was visible on the hidden face, and yet Mitrof understood that those eyes were firmly fixed on him.
“A knightess who has received a curse and fled in an inhuman form cannot be left unattended forever. “If she is not coming back home, then she must be killed,” my father said—that’s how to maintain the honor of a knight’s household.”
Mitrof’s eyes widened. He felt the cruelty of living as a knight.
“If you don’t have the determination and strength, you can’t even stick to your selfishness—do you understand?”
The knight stood up and put down his cup. He readjusted his sword to his waist and secured it with a red cord with tassels. He continued to speak.
“That child is not of a fierce temperament and fears opposing others—but... you know what I’m talking about—please think about it carefully.”
With a suggestive tone, Mitrof furrowed his brows.
However, the knight did not say anything more and left behind the words, “Gratitude for the meal will always be given.”
Even after the clanging sound of the knight’s armored footsteps fade away, Mitrof sat there, licking the wine.
There is such a thing as a predetermined way of life when you are born. There is honor and responsibility in it. Certainly, that is so.
Then he thought, ‘should I have done something too?’
Should he not have simply followed his expulsion, bowed to his father, and fulfilled his duties as a noble?
As a noble, could he have done something?
As an adventurer, what was he doing?
As Mitrof, what did he want to do?
He didn’t know anything. The answer wasn’t something that could be bought at the market or at the bottom of a cup.
Mitrof drank the rest of the wine in one gulp. Only bitterness and astringency remained. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「俺の『風雲弓』と『風雲の羽織』の場合はどうなんでしょうか? 今さっき手に入れたばかりの『雲海の亀龍の甲羅』で進化するとのことですが......」
「他の装備に関しては進化させる素材が揃っておらん! だから、最初の依頼通り修理させてもらう。それに進化に関しても選択権は装備の持ち主であるお前さんにある。さあ、どうする?」
「もちろん可能だ! このワシほどの腕前があればヒョイと表示できるぞ!」
◆ ◆ ◆
種類:両手武器弓 攻撃:40 射程:50
「......はっ! ああっ、それは良かった!」
「こっちも完全修理には少し時間がかかるらしいです。まあ、そちらほどではありませんが......。これからキュージィさんはどうするんです? 僕はもう少しこの山を探索しようと思います。ゴチュウの力を借りれば装備がなくとも何とかなりますからね」
俺の次なる試練はうお座、双魚迷宮だ! | “So, what’s this about my equipment evolving...!”
Once we were back at the workshop, I asked him about it before he could become evasive.
It was the same with the Turtle Dragon. He would not offer more information if you just sat back and waited.
If I wanted to know something, I would have to keep asking...!
“Don’t worry, I will talk to you seriously when it’s about work. Equipment what it sounds like!”
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m just joking. Basically, you use specific materials in order to remake equipment into something more powerful.”
“You turns into something else entirely?”
“It depends. Most of the time it will mean superior performance and more skills within a weapon, but there are also times when the way that it’s used is changed dramatically. So to be honest, it all depends on the equipment.”
“And so how will it be for my Windcloud Bow and Windcloud Haori? If they were to evolve by using this Cloudsea Turtle Dragon Shell...”
In spite of it being a shell the size of an island, the actual item was small and easy to carry around.
Not as small as those pet turtles you keep in tanks, but still smaller than a tortoise.
“No, only the Windcloud Haori can evolve with that. A different material is used for the Windcloud Bow.”
“A different material?”
“Yes, it’s the Dark Wolf Fang!”
That was...the rewards for beating the Lupus trial from the hidden labyrinth.
I remember that the large black fang evoked the idea of a wolf being struck down by lightning after infuriating Zeus.
But I didn’t see how it was related to the Windcloud Bow...
“As for your other equipment, you don’t have the right materials! And so I will merely repair them, as you initially requested. As for the evolution, you are the owner and have the right to decide. So, what will you do?”
“...Would it be possible for me to first see their capabilities after evolving?”
“Of course! With my ability, I can make it appear very easily!”
And then two windows appeared in front of me.
They both contained information about the Windcloud Bow and Windcloud Haori after evolving.
“Th-this is...!”
After seeing this, I immediately made my decision.
◆ ◆ ◆
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Satomi.”
“No, if anything, that was very fast.”
Satomi was waiting outside of the workshop.
I personally didn’t care too much if he learned about my new evolved equipment, but I wasn’t going to force him to see it if he said that he wouldn’t.
“He says that everything will be finished in days.”
“It takes that long...?”
“As it’s rare, he needs that much time to repair and evolve it. And in my case, there are items that need to be repaired and that will evolve, so it will take time to finish everything. He also took away a lot of materials. He only sent me off to get the Cloud Strands because he didn’t have enough, but there was also plenty of stuff he needed that I already had. Still, he didn’t take anything too rare.”
“That’s the cost of repairing something that will get damaged anyway... It really makes you want to avoid getting hit. Of course, my style involves taking damage to begin with, but I feel bad for people who fight as an advance guard.”
“Indeed. But everything in this game, from equipment, skills, experience, materials and money is acquired through fighting monsters. In order to get all of that, you have no choice but to repair your equipment.”
“Well, it’s true that everything that doesn’t have a clear use starts to pile up anyway. And they wouldn’t want to make the game so that players have too much materials and money stocked up. It’s because you don’t have enough of something that you go out adventuring.”
“Yes, yes. And if the cost of repairing equipment is higher, then there will be more tension when fighting. It reinforces my idea that it’s best to attack from a distance where the enemy can’t launch a counter attack.”
“I see... But what I find truly surprising is that once you’ve dropped off your Windcloud set here, you’ve practically returned to the beginner Mister Kyuji.”
I scratched my head awkwardly.
I was currently wearing my beginner equipment, which felt very nostalgic now.
Of course, I had gone on many adventures up until now, and had picked up decent equipment that monsters dropped.
But they weren’t a complete set.
If you only cared about stats when equipping them, the overall look would be pretty lame.
In that case, while plain, I thought that I would rather wear the beginner set for now.
Besides, I had some fond memories attached to it.
“Still, this Spider Shooter is a good bow, even now.”
“If that’s what you say, Mister Kyuji, then I won’t argue with you. In any case, I have to talk to Mister Yu about my repairs as well...”
Satomi was holding back laughter as he entered the workshop.
But I really did think that it looked good on me...this beginner set.
However, I could also admit that it wasn’t very good in terms of stats.
And so until the Windcloud set returned, I would concentrate on the trials that didn’t involve combat.
It was one of the heavenly maidens from the workshop.
They took on the jobs that ordinary craftsmen could do, and so she asked me if there was anything she could repair or evolve that wasn’t rare.
I looked at the window that appeared and searched for something.
But the Windcloud set was more than enough for me, and doing something to my other equipment would require materials.
I didn’t want to upgrade something mediocre and run out of materials that I might need later on...
“Ah, could you evolve this one?”
And like that, she ran back into the workshop.
I heard ‘finally, some decent work’ being muttered from within. But I pretended not to hear it.
Now, I wonder how long it would take to evolve ordinary equipment.
“It’s finished!”
“It is!?”
Apparently, it was just rare equipment that took so long.
I accepted the Spider Shooter: Cloud and checked it.
◆Spider Shooter: Cloud
Type: Two-handed Weapon(Bow)
Attack: Range: Weapon Skill: Web Cloud Arrow
Web Cloud Arrow
Unleashes an arrow that creates a sticky cloud net.
Can be activated 9 times a day without using any MP.
Compared to the Windcloud Bow, it was certainly a downgrade, but the Spider Shooter was a good weapon that I still used occasionally because of the weapon skill ‘Web Arrow’ that allowed me to slow down enemies.
And now, through the use of Cloud Spider Legs, which were a by-product of the previous hunt, I have been able to evolve it.
The bow used to have black hairs on it like a spider, but now they were white and fluffy.
It was still gross-looking at a glance, but it was actually quite soft and comfortable to hold. And so I preferred it like this.
As for the stats, both Attack and Range had been raised by 20 points.
Of course, the biggest difference was the skill, ‘Web Cloud Arrow.’
And so I decided to test the effect in the testing ground they had right next to the workshop.
It was kind of like a small park where you could test weapons and skills.
“Web Cloud Arrow!”
The head of the unleashed arrow was round like a sphere.
The original Web Arrow was the same, and the sphere would explode when it reached the enemy, and a net would spring out.
The difference here was the size of the net.
Previously, when using it on a monster that was human-size, you would have to target the knees or the rest of the net would not reach the ground, but now it would be able to cover someone completely.
That meant it could be effective against larger monsters as well...!
Not only that, but the number of uses had increased from 8 to 9, and that was without using MP.
I had thought that the limit was 8 to make it the same as the number of legs a spider had.
8 was a lot already, but 9...
“Mister Kyuji. I’m finished.”
“...Huh? Oh, that’s great!”
“It’s also going to take a little time to repair everything. Though, not as long as yours... What are you going to do now? I’m going to explore the mountains a little more. Even without my armor, I should be able to get by as long as Gochu is with me.”
“I’m thinking about continuing with the non-combat trials. Oh, but I’m not actually sure which ones those are...”
“I can tell you of one that I know of if you want?”
...Hmm. What should I do?
I suppose if he could do it without spoiling everything.
“Alright. Could you just tell me the name and not what you have to do?”
“The name of the labyrinth is...Pisces. It’s the Pisces trial.”
Pisces. And no combat...
I had an idea of what that might mean. And perhaps it wouldn’t be bad as my first trial for returning to the event.
Very well. The next trial will be the Pisces labyrinth! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
何が違うんだ? 僕はキャザー・リズのことは嫌いだ。
「そうなのね! 私も彼と仲が良いのよ。凄いよね、デュークって。魔法に関しては最年少でレベル100になったし、賢いし、強いし、まさに理想よね!」
「ジル君!? どうしたの?」
キャザー・リズを嘲笑うようにそう言った。 | She was probably oblivious to the darker side of people. She always had a smile on her face, no matter how bad the attitude of the student.
I think I understand why she is so popular. I felt as if my mind was being purified when I was around her. Her magical power was comforting.
I was idly observing Liz Cather, and before I knew it, she was standing in front of me.
“I felt like you were looking at me.”
She gave me a gentle smile.
When I didn’t say anything, Liz Cather continued.
“You seem kind of calm today. I thought you didn’t like me because you’ve been staring at me all this time.”
What was the difference? I didn’t like Liz Cather.
She arches an eyebrow and smiles.
I’d never felt anything like this before, so what was it? What was this strange sense of guilt I was feeling? Was this the power of charm?
Or had I just misunderstood Liz Cather until now?
“Gilles, are you good friends with Duke?”
“Well, not really.”
He’s the youngest person to reach level in magic, he’s smart, he’s strong, he’s the perfect guy!”
Even though I didn’t ask her, she talked about Duke with a sparkle in her eye.
“But sometimes he looks somewhat lonely...”
That was probably because Alicia wasn’t there.
“I wish I could do something. We don’t talk much these days...”
“What kind of conversations did you have before?”
“Well...we used to talk a lot about classes. I used to ask him questions.”
I’m not sure why I’m having a normal conversation with her. And that too, without any aversion.
“Actually, I wanted to get to know Alicia-chan. I still do. I believe she rejects everyone around her so much because she is lonely.”
She spoke only from her imagination.
I listened quietly, not because I liked Liz Cather’s stories, but because I wanted to be able to understand her way of thinking. I’d like to understand her a little bit before making a decision.
“I still believe I can save Alicia-chan. If I keep reaching out to her, one day we will understand each other. So, I won’t give up.”
...What the hell was she saying?
I knew Liz Cather had a flower garden in her head, but I had no idea she was so far gone.
She was not a bad person, but she was a very harmful person to me.
I was ashamed of myself for even trying to open my heart to her.
After all, Alicia was the only one for me.
I sighed heavily in front of her.
“Gilles! What’s wrong?”
“I wonder how I can help her now that she has been exiled.”
I said to Liz Cather mockingly. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
「まだ隠している力があるでしょう? さあ見せて下さい。エリスさんも何か隠しているようでしたし、あなたにも何か奥の手があるはずでしょう?」
「一応聞いておきますが、あなたは何者です? こんな所にこの国の
の流れが不自然な事......? 何があるというのです?」
やはり何かある――のだろうか? しかし――
「戦いのための戦いを喜ぶというのか? 正義なき力に何の意味があるというのだ?」
「愚か者め! 正義なき力など、血の通わぬ死に体と同じだ!」
「黙れ! 貴様のような者に力があるなどと――私が許さんッ!」
「貴様......! ほざいたな......っ!」
イングリスはちらり、とシスティアに視線を送る。 | 「Yup, I’m not too bad.」
Inglis nodded to herself and followed the roughed up Cystia into the abandoned church.
She was able to evade the vehement attacks of a Hyrule Menace without relying on a weapon, and even delivered a strike.
With that in her mind, she nodded her head imperceptibly at her own growth.
This was the result of her training by avoiding the rain of light from Rafinha’s Artifact to further improve her skills.
Recently, simply avoiding what she could see or hear didn’t feel like enough anymore, so she had tried cutting off her senses while evading as well.
「... B̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲!」
Cystia got back up on her feet while scowling at her like a feral dog.
「You still have a hidden ability, don’t you? Please show it to me. Miss Eris also seemed like she hid something from me, so I’m sure you also have a trick up your sleeves.」
「Eris? Ah, the Hyrule Menace affiliated with this nation...」
「Do you two know each other?」
「Don’t know her. Never met her.」
In short, she was a famous character, so it wasn’t strange for someone to know her name. The other one was called Ripple, if Inglis remembered correctly. Clearly, Cystia was not one of the two who was affiliated with their nation.
「If I may ask, for formality sake, who are you? Why is a Hyrule Menace who isn’t even affiliated with the nation here?」
「Hmph. Don’t you worry about that.」
Although, she could really care less about it, she didn’t plan on asking again, or to try and force an answer.
「What about you...」
「...Even though lady Cyrene is a good person and everyone in her vicinity adores her?」
After staying in the lord’s castle for the last three days, Inglis knew that everyone there was happy to have Cyrene as their lord. Her popularity was through the roof.
Especially the children she took in, they loved her like she was their own mother.
「What’s important is not who leads the people, but how they lead us. Isn’t that true?」
「Yeah, on the surface but it’d be too late by the time you notice it. Couldn’t you sense how strange the town was?」
「Are you talking about the peculiar flow of the mana...? Is there something going on?」
「Go find out yourself.」
There IS something, after all? But, still...
「...While it does bother me, I don’t have a reason, nor the motivation to look into it.」
「We simply ran out of money from overeating and decided to lend a hand in order to earn some quick cash. Although, I guess there is an upside to our food habit, after all, I’m fighting you because of it.」
「Are you saying you’re enthralled for the sake of the fight itself? What is even the meaning behind your power if you don’t use it for what is just?」
「You imbecile! Strength without a cause is just the same as a body without blood, a corpse and nothing more!」
「That is not true. Strength is talent, disciplined training, and experience built through battles. If one spews out some nonsense belief while lacking training and battle experience to back them, now that is a corpse.」
She spoke of her experience in her past life as King Inglis.
She worked too much for her kingdom and the people in it that she had no time left to pursue her own strength.
Now, after years of hard work, perhaps her current self had far surpassed King Inglis’ strength.
「Shut your mouth! I will never allow people like you to have strength!」
「If so, defeat me and prove yourself. Judging from our previous bout though, that’s impossible, isn’t it?」
Inglis then openly chuckled as though she was putting airs in front of Cystia.
Her provocation was as clear as day, but it seemed to be very effective for the prideful Cystia.
She cast a distinct glare filled entirely with the intent of killing Inglis.
After which, a low hum vibrated through the area as a unique aura sprung forth from Cystia, making her body look hazy. It was as if she was standing in a mirage.
「Let’s see if you can take this!」
Cystia thrust her spear out in front of her even though Inglis was at a considerable distance away from her and was by no means within reach.
Inglis twisted her body intuitively.
The golden spearhead appeared there as though it was chasing after her back, grazing her flank in its rush.
Her clothes were torn and blood dripped from a few shallow cuts.
「Hmph. You did well evading that.」
「I see. Now, this is what I expected...!」
A thrust deployed from outside her range suddenly attacked me from behind.
She’s able to attack whilst ignoring the space and distance... is that how it is?
It’s pretty dangerous. I could only avoid that one just now mostly by intuition. If she were to attack me consecutively...
Interesting. I can’t ask for less from an opponent!
「You can only laugh for now!」
Cystia brandished her spear again.
Without a moment’s delay, Inglis broke into a run at high speed.
A beat after, the golden spearhead pierced the floor underneath her as she ran around the church without pause.
Even if the spear emerged from behind her or under her, as long as she kept moving, she would leave it in the dust. It would be too dangerous for her to stop.
Cystia’s ability that ignored distance caused her spear to pierce holes all over the abandoned church while pursuing Inglis. Floors, windows, walls, not a place was left intact, making it resemble a beehive.
However, as Inglis ran around at her full speed, Cystia couldn’t deliver a solid blow on her, managing only grazes at most.
After which—
「Take this!!」
Suddenly, the spearhead emerged in front of Inglis, at the same height as her eyebrows.
Cystia thought that since attacking from behind or below didn’t work, then she’d just attack her from the front!
She wouldn’t be able to just avoid it like this.
However, this was exactly what Inglis was waiting for!
「Here it comeesss!」
She reached out and grasped the stump of the head.
This kind of attack was predictable as long as she kept calm and waited...!
「Kh... W-, what!?」
Cystia tried to pull her spear back, but Inglis held it tight and had no intent to let it go.
「Now, what will you do...!?」
Said Inglis as she sent a playful glance to Cystia. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 24,
"inserted_lines_trg": 5
} |
改革派の権力は (保守派に比べて) 弱いが、 国際社会にとって独裁制のサウジの受け入れやすい一面である。新王 Abdullah は一族の中でも年長であり、妥当性があるように思われる。改革派は部分的な地方自治体選挙、首脳会談、女性の権利 (いつか車の運転を認められる可能性もあるらしい!) などについて議論している。 | Their new leader, King Abdullah, appears to have legitimacy because of his seniority in the family. The reformers talk about partial municipal elections, national dialogue, and the rights of women, who they hint may one day even be allowed to drive cars! | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
さあ、王は王らしく愛する姫の為に頑張らせてもらうとしようか。 | One of the Octopus King’s tentacles was lifted up and swung downward at both Ichiko and Izumi, with the Octopus King’s subordinates around him also caught in the flailing.
“Argh!” “Mun!”
Through the teleportation ability of ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫, Ichiko was able to free herself from the range of the downward swing, whereas Izumi successfully maneuvered her axes in both hands to deflect the Octopus King’s legs.
Nevertheless, the recoil from the devastating blow proved to be too severe, resulting in Izumi’s hands being bent in an unnatural shape.
Her arms, though, after being bent in such an abnormal posture, returned to their original configuration with a peculiar movement, followed by the complete restoration of her broken arms.
“More importantly, there are more monsters incoming again!”
While Izumi healed her wounds and Ichiko slightly diverted her attention away from the Octopus King, the situation deteriorated.
From the Octopus King’s body, tons of demons were summoned yet again, and they began to enclose the area around Ichiko and Izumi.
“We must defeat these monsters first!”
“Got it!!”
When Ichiko ejected an enormous number of Flying Swords, she let them soar around in all directions, while Izumi spawned a great number of wolves and let them charge forward.
With their attacks, the number of demons will not increase any further but neither will they decrease. It was likely their speed of extermination was counterbalanced by the Octopus King’s speed of summoning.
So when will the equilibrium falter?
“≪Chaos Plosion≫.”
That had already been decided. It was when another force was exerted on the state of equilibrium.
The name of the skill unleashed by the Octopus King was ≪Chaos Plosion≫. It was an explosion-type skill that was a ranged attack. Nonetheless, the current situation was that Ichiko and Izumi were surrounded by a multitude of the Octopus King’s subordinates. Given such a situation, what would happen if a ranged attack skill was employed?
The ≪Chaos Plosion≫ launched by the Octopus King will wreak havoc on all those around him, friend or foe alike, while scattering waves of blackened water caused by the blending of all colors. In addition...
“On top of that, he’s recovering!?”
“Chaos”, the attribute of ≪Chaos Plosion≫, contained the power to heal the HP of the practitioner equivalent to the damage inflicted.
Furthermore, the Octopus King had the capacity to call a substantial array of demons at a low cost.
What would ensue should these two conditions be combined? The outcome was fairly simple.
“Ichiko nee-chan, this is not good!”
“I know! If this continues, we will be in an endless loop!”
By using ≪Birth of the One Deeper Than Chaos...≫, the Octopus King summoned a mass of demons to encircle the enemies and immobilize them. Once the movement was restrained, he will execute ≪Chaos Plosion≫ to affect all allies and deliver damage to enemies. He then consumed the recovered HP to produce a vast amount of demons again via ≪Birth of the One Deeper Than Chaos...≫, causing the infinite loop to be formed.
Not to mention, owing to the high status that was unique to a Demon King, in the case of the Octopus King, not only was the loop established, but his recovery rate was even greater.
“≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫!”
“≪Pack of Wolf Carrying Life and Death≫!”
Needless to say, Ichiko and Izumi immediately realized this looping tactic, and they set their sights on the main body, the Octopus King, with little attention focused on the demons in the surroundings. There were only two methods to break this loop tactic with the cards in their hands.
Of the two options, they opted for the measure that would reduce the Octopus King’s HP by surpassing the speed of recovery from the absorption attack.
The Octopus King, on the other hand, wasn’t so naive as to let them proceed with ease. With a squeal, the Octopus King momentarily interrupted their movements, then seized this brief opening to perform ≪Cut Off≫ and sent them both flying to the bottom of Ryo and the others in a heartbeat.
“Ugh... Lady Ryo.”
“Are you alright!?”
“I can heal myself in no time, so take care of Ichiko nee-chan!”
The two were flung away and collided with Deborah’s ≪Faith Barrier≫ and naturally, Ichiko and Izumi sustained corresponding damages.
Izumi, nonetheless, healed her wounds with her own skills, and Ichiko returned to the front line after Hachi tended to her injuries.
“Still, the Octopus King’s tactic is the worst of all...”
“Ranged absorption and low-cost, high-speed summoning. You won’t find a craftier tactic anytime soon.”
“What do we do now? Should I call Fox Princess-sama?”
As Ryo and Ichiko discussed this while adjusting their positions, Mugi showed them the pendant she must have kept in her pocket: “The King Acts for the Sake of His People”
“No, we have enough firepower on our own right now. But in order to collapse the Octopus King’s tactic, what we need is ranged firepower. Therefore, the Fox Princess is incompatible.”
“So are you calling in the Mist King?”
Mugi looked at Ichiko as if to say, “What are we planning to do?”
“Ichiko. Are you going to use
Ryo, however, gave Ichiko a trusting gaze, as if understanding her intentions.
“Yes, I will use the ≪The Lord Transcends Reason for My Sake≫. So please buy me some time,” Ichiko said, her face solemn as though she had already made up her decision.
“I see.”
“Understood, Ichiko nee-chan.”
“I don’t follow the details, but if you’ve got a trick up your sleeve, show it to us.”
Everyone present there nodded in agreement with Ichiko’s words.
Ichiko then drew in a deep breath once, meditates, and began to assemble her words.
[Kurokiri. Can you hear me?]
“Is that you, Ichiko?”
A message from Ichiko reached my ears as I was monitoring the battles in various locations in my private room.
“Since you called me up like this, does that mean something has happened?”
Ichiko and the others were now in the dungeon of the Octopus King.
Under normal circumstances, communication was not possible in a dungeon to which one does not belong, but in Ichiko’s case, communication was possible only when she invoked the power of ≪The Lord Transcends Reason for My Sake≫, hence her message was delivered to me.
And the fact that the communication was coming in now was a sign that they were struggling reasonably hard.
[Yes, I am counting on you.]
“Okay, whenever you’re ready.”
After Ichiko’s words, I hastily made preparations, using the Fox Princess’ special pressure-resistant technology.
As for the battle on the surface, I had already issued all the instructions, so with or without me, things will just have to flow in their course.
[Let’s begin.]
Before my feet, a glowing magic circle was conjured up.
Now, as a King, let me strive to exert my utmost efforts for the sake of my beloved Princess. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 5
} |
私は放浪家みたいなものです 都市をいくつも 歩き回っては そこらへんのデザインを探しています
一年間に写真は 5000枚ほど撮ります そこからおもしろそうなものを選び 編集して お見せしようと思い立ったわけです
選定には基準を3つ設けました 一つ目は 手の届く範囲にある 洗練されたデザイン 二つ目に ただのもの デザイン業界では デザイン業界で知られるような 手の届かないものではなく 路上で見つかるデザインはただで 誰でもアクセスできます 三つ目は メッセージ性です
1950年代には よく見られたデザインで
ブラジル文化に似合った 流動的で有機的なパターンです よいデザインは文化を豊かにします
サンフランシスコや ニューヨークには似合いません
これは私の好きな 情報交換ハイウェイです 私の暮らすアナログの世界では 歩行者が行き交い 交流し 多様性が行き来します 私は足元にある単純なものには 大きな意味があると考えています
10年ほど陶器の デザイナーをしていて 実用的なデザイン つまり日常的に 使われるありふれた作品中の ちょっとした質感や配色に 興味を持っていたんです
そこでDesign Within Reachという 企業を立ち上げました シンプルなデザインの製品を扱い 優れたデザイナーを広めるだけでなく 彼らの特性・個性を売りとしています 今のところは成功しているようです
仕事を始めて数年間 デザインを求めて ヨーロッパを旅しました
アムステルダムで 驚いたことがあります デザインストアで 何人ものデザイナーと話をしていると そこのものは大抵似通っており デザイン業界に押し寄せる グローバル化の波に気づかされました 皆さんも世界の デザイン事情はご存じでしょう 独自の文化を反映するデザインは なかなか見つからなくなってきました
アムステルダムを歩いていて 目にとまったのは デザインストア内の商品ではなく 外 つまり路上のものでした 当たり前のことでしょうが 現代主義に冒されていない都市には 独特の建築や雰囲気が残っています 自転車が重要な交通手段である所では 歩行者の権利が
さて 私は毎週ニュースレターを 発刊していますが このことを記事にすると 大きな反響を呼びました 公共の場にある ありふれたデザインは 地域にとって 大切な基盤であり 対話の 一形態でもあるのです
そこでヴィトラのある バーゼルやイタリア北部など デザインを探して 多くの時間を過ごした― ヨーロッパの都市を思い返してみると 必ず大量の自転車と 歩行者専用道路があります これらの都市には自転車や 歩行者の交通に関連する 何か重要なデザインの 要素があるはずだ と考えるようになりました 懐疑的な人はこう言うでしょう
「いや 共通項は大学や 学校ということであり 住人に車を買う余裕がないだけだ」 しかし これらの多くの地域では 歩行者交通も確保されています
この二輪車をデザイナーバイクと 呼ぶ人はいないでしょう デザイナーバイクはチタニウムとか モリブデンでできています
しかし アムステルダムのような場所の デザインはどこか目新しく そして デザインの本質とは 有用性であると考えました
そこでこれを デザイナーバイクではなく デザインの模範例として 再定義しました
このアムステルダムの経験以来 街中でデザイナーの署名のない デザインの中の共通項を探すことに 時間を費やすようになりました
ついこないだ サンティアゴ・カラトラバの この橋を見るために ブエノス・アイレスを訪ねました
彼はスペインの 建築家兼デザイナーです
観光ガイドを見ながら この橋へと向かいました わたしは橋の比喩的 象徴的 構造的要素が好きです しかし 川の泥が堆積して 橋はほとんど 使用されておらず残念でした
そこで気づいたことは デザインというものはしばしば 見るものの期待を 裏切るということです
しかし この地域には 他にも面白いものがありました ここはいわゆる開発地区で 建設中の建物が多くありました
遠くからでは何の変哲もありませんが 近くで見てみると モンドリアンやディーベンコーンを 思い起こさせる美しい パターンが目に飛び込んできます
しかしこれは産業資材ですら 少し 色や活気を 加えてやると 意図せずして ちょっとした静物画に なるという一例です
更に近づけば 違った様相が見えてきます
こういった偶然が作り出す 小さなデザインというのは 新鮮に感じられます
こういった作品はどこか 建物が完成しても このシンプルな足場ほどの 美しさを放つことはないという どこかこの世の道理のようなものを 教えてくれます
もう少し先に 目に楽しい 構造物を見つけました 縦横の線と斜めの ちょっとした装飾のラインに 赤紫の曲がったライン そこに作業員という装飾が加わり まるで都会の中に 絵画が現れたようでした
この一瞬を撮る 静物画を 探すという作業は 音楽かなにかに耳を 傾けるようなものなんです そこが私はとても 気に入っているんですけどね
アントワーヌ・プリドックは サンディエゴのペトコパークという
素晴らしい野球場の デザインをしました 現地の資材を ふんだんに利用していますが
内側では インテリアのような 造りが見られます 野球を見にくる方もいますが
私はこのデザインを見に行きます 垂直に立つ木々が 建築学的な中断をもたらしています
赤色は大抵の場合 ”止まれ”と暗示しています
感情を包含する赤は注意を引きます 彼女のように にらみ返してくる感じがします
これはイタリアの 立ち入り禁止のテープです
こちらはニューヨークの工事現場です 赤色にはこの子犬の かわいさなどに匹敵する 訴えかける力が備わっています
こちらも赤色に惹かれました メールボックス ドアサービス 配管― まるで異なる公共事業が 楽観的にも
一つのデザインを 作り上げているようですね
なぜかイタリアのものは よく見えますよ
壁にかかったメニューですら バランスがとれて見えます
これは裏路地などを 見歩いているからだと思います
赤は滑稽でもあり このかわいそうにも 設計ミスのために 埋もれたハバナの消火栓も 十分な注意を惹きます
単純なブロックや素材も 色があれば活気づきます ニューヨークではよく訳もなく
直線 対 曲線
これがニューヨーク市内の ベンチに対する 私の印象です
他には なんと言いますか 興味深い解釈のできる 保護柱に遭遇したこともあります いやいや おもしろいですね
こちらは サンフランシスコの路地ですが この18ヶ月間放置された ゴミ箱がいい具合に 45度の角度を保ちながら 周囲と調和することで なんでもない駐車場を 作品にしています
この様に 行く先々には 自然にできた 作品たちが転がっているのです
商業化の侵略をうけておらず ブランドの名前やロゴは見当たらず 物理的に周囲がよく見えるんです
こちらは歩行者天国の防護柱ですが 植民地時代の大砲を 再利用したものです
キューバには輸入規制があるため 代替品利用が必要ですが しかし素晴らしい遊び場でもあります
何故イタリアがモダンデザインの リーダーなのか考えてみたことがあります
私の専門 家具という分野においては 完全なるトップです
オランダも悪くないですが イタリアは素晴らしい
この小さな通りを 見つけたのはベネチアでした 共産主義団体の本部が カソリックの寺と壁を共有しています
そこで気づいたのですが イタリアという場所では 異なるイデオロギーや 多様性を認め合い これを問題視しないのです それどころか無視する場合もあります しかし 互いに ぶつかり合うこともなく このような突飛なことにも 寛容であるため イタリアのデザインは革新的であり 寛容なのではと思います
この写真に見るようにイタリアでは 過去と現在が調和しています このことは文化に大きく影響します 公共のスペースや 歩道は保護されており こういったオブジェを直に 鑑賞することができます イタリア人はこのようにして 現代化を初めとする 諸々の恐怖を乗り越えることが 出来るのです
所変ってこちらは サンフランシスコの通りです
この風景は私に言わせれば 都会特有のおしつけです
私はよく歩くので気がつきましたが ここでは企業が 公共のスペースを 損ねてしまっています
これを目にして思いました 「都市の問題を扱う出版物が 問題の原因となることがあるのです」 皆さん 考えてみてください 社会政策ではこれらを変えられません 企業側が真剣に取り組むべきなんです
それが顕著に見られるのが またイタリアです 雑誌などを売っているだけでも とても明確に周囲環境への 管理がされていることが覗えます
私は歩くか スクーターに 乗り通勤しています 駐車はこの小さな路地にします
先日 いつも通り出勤すると とまっているバイクが全て赤色でした
Photoshopなどをいじる方は 驚かないでしょうが このときは スクーターを降りた瞬間 バイク乗りたちが 一致団結して なにか共謀でもしているかのような 印象を受けて 本当に驚きました こういったものとの遭遇には
いつも備えておくべきということを 思いださせてくれました
そこで私は考えました イエローデイなら サンフランシスコで 皆さん合意のもと 何かインスタレーションを作れるなと
しかし それ以外にも パターンや反復のもつ 心動かす力を思い出させてくれます
異なる構成要素を繋ぐパターンよりも 強力な手法は他には ないのではないでしょうか
12月にはマイアミの アートショーを訪ねました 数時間美術作品を眺めていましたが その価格には驚きましたね まぁ 鑑賞自体は楽しめましたけど
外にでるとパーキングサービスの壁が 車の鍵で埋め尽くされ 小さな素敵な コラージュになっていました そこで頭に浮かんだのが ところ狭しと吊される 東京の絵馬でした
パターンに異なる要素を つなぐ力があるなら 応用範囲は 無限ではないでしょうか
人物の写真をあまり撮らない理由は 自然なデザインの 邪魔になってしまうからです
さて スペインのレストランで ある天気の良い日に たまたま自分たちしか客がない 昼食をとっていました ワインを飲み 地元文化や 食事を楽しんでいたんですが とても静かでラッキーと 思っていた矢先 バスから団体の観光客が降りてきて レストランに一斉に
なだれ込んできました 瞬く間に 大男が大声を出したりと 雰囲気は一変してしまいました 大変居心地が悪くなり
退去を余儀なくされました その時 太陽が出始めたんです 穴の開いた日よけを通じて 観光客に光のパターンが映し出され 人々は背景となりました それを見てどこか満足感を得て
レストランをあとにしました さて 私の考えでは パターンは 悪趣味なレストランといった 社会の悪の根源を 根絶する力があると思います しかし まじめな話 この光景には 産業界が 多かれ少なかれ 生み出してしまっている 支配的側面を垣間見ました 更に単一文化の中では 文化的多様性の保全というのは
最後にお見せする写真は また 歩道に関するものですが 少し補足しましょう 私はどこか楽観的なところがあります
第二次大戦後 自動車の普及により 多くの都市部は荒廃してきました
都市部では無作為に作られた 駐車場ばかりが目につきます
都市デザインは運輸省によって 支配されました 車のせいにするのは簡単ですが
私はこれには反対です しかし ここ数年間で こういった変化が 見られるようになり 文化の中心としての 都市環境の重要性が
再認識されるようになりました 公共部門における 私たちの意思表明は より大きな全体に対する
貢献なのだと思います 都市部というのは常に 外界と交流し 変化が起こる場所です
そうして芸術や インスピレーションが生まれ 皆が足を運ぶのです
しかし 同時に都市部の 尊厳も認知されているようです
シカゴのような場所は 国際的な発展を遂げてきました
米国は都市計画・都市再生における リーダーになりつつあります そこでシカゴの例を挙げます シカゴ市長のデイリーは デザイン界のヒーローです 政治的プロセスを経て 地域発展に尽力しています
こんな街のショッピング通り― ミシガン通りのフラワーボックスには お金がかかっていると思いますよね? しかし実際 行くと分かりますが フラワーボックスは 通りごとに別々のもので 植物も多種多様なんです
市の団体が何種類もの 植物育てるなんて 素晴らしいと思います
同じようにシカゴ中に 見られる要素ですが こちらはBig D Designと 呼ばれるものです フランク・ゲーリの フリッツカーパビリオンです
このデザインを重要と思う理由は その外観のためではなく 社会的に大切な役割を 果たしているからです
例えば この地域では 無料のコンサートが よく開かれています 音響システムは素晴らしいですよ
しかし市が行った公共への働きかけは とても重要で 国際的規範といってもいい程です
私はサンフランシスコ市長委員会にて 国際デザインコンサルタントを していますが シカゴはトップであると みなされており この点市長デイリー氏らに 敬意を表したいと思います
テクノロジー関連のものも 一つは入れようとこちらの
シカゴの ミレニアム・パークを選びました スペインのデザイナーのプレンサが 作ったものですが この地域の人々の 個性や性格を 映し出すような デジタルディスプレーです
多様性を包括しながら それをよく表現していると思います この公共部門での テクノロジーとアートの 融合というのは米国が
リーダーシップを発揮できる分野です シカゴはほんの一例に過ぎません
ありがとうございました | I take about 5,000 photographs a year, and I thought that I would edit from these, and try to come up with some images that might be appropriate and interesting to you.
And I used three criteria: the first was, I thought I'd talk about real design within reach, design that's free, not design not quite within reach, as we're fondly known by our competition and competitors, but stuff that you can find on the streets, stuff that was free, stuff that was available to all people, and stuff that probably contains some other important messages.
I'll use these sidewalks in Rio as an example.
A very common public design done in the '50s.
very consistent with the Brazilian culture -- I think good design adds to culture.
Wholly inconsistent with San Francisco or New York.
But I think these are my sort of information highways: I live in much more of an analog world, where pedestrian traffic and interaction and diversity exchange, and where I think the simple things under our feet have a great amount of meaning to us.
How did I get started in this business?
I was a ceramic designer for about 10 years, and just loved utilitarian form -- simple things that we use every day, little compositions of color and surface on form.
This led me to starting a company called Design Within Reach, a company dealing with simple forms, making good designers available to us, and also selling the personalities and character of the designers as well, and it seems to have worked.
A couple of years into the process, I spent a lot of time in Europe traveling around, looking for design.
And I had a bit of a wake-up call in Amsterdam: I was there going into the design stores, and mixing with our crowd of designers, and I recognized that a whole lot of stuff pretty much looked the same, and the effect of globalization We know a lot about what's going on with design around the world, to find design that reflects a unique culture.
I was walking around on the streets of Amsterdam and I recognized, you know, the big story from Amsterdam isn't what's in the design stores, it's what's out on the streets, and maybe it's self-explanatory, but a city that hasn't been taken over by modernism, that's preserved its kind of architecture and character, and where the bicycle plays an important part of the way in which people get around and where pedestrian rights
are protected.
And I write a newsletter that goes out every week, and I wrote an article about this, and it got such enormous response that I realized that design, that common design, that's in the public area means a lot to people, and establishes kind of a groundwork and a dialog.
I then kind of thought about the other cities in Europe where I spend a lot of time looking for design, like Basel, where Vitra is located, or in northern Italy -- all cities where there are a whole lot of bicycles, and where pedestrian areas -- and I came to the conclusion that perhaps there was something about these important design centers that dealt with bicycles and foot traffic, and I'm sure the skeptic eye would say, no, the correlation there
is that there are universities and schools where people can't afford cars, but it did seem that in many of these areas pedestrian traffic was protected.
You wouldn't look at this and call this a designer bike: a designer bike is made of titanium or molybdenum.
But I began looking at design in a place like Amsterdam and recognized, you know, the first job of design is to serve a social purpose.
And so I look at this bike as not being a designer bike, but being a very good example of design.
And since that time in Amsterdam, I spent an increasing amount of time in the cities, looking at design for common evidence of design that really isn't under so much of a designer's signature.
I was in Buenos Aires very recently, and I went to see this bridge by Santiago Calatrava.
He's a Spanish architect and designer.
And the tourist brochures pointed me in the direction of this bridge -- I love bridges, metaphorically and symbolically and structurally -- and it was a bit of a disappointment, because of the sludge from the river was encrusted on it; it really wasn't in use.
And I recognized that oftentimes design, when you're set up to see design, it can be a bit of a letdown.
But there were lots of other things going on in this area: it was a kind of construction zone; a lot of buildings were going up.
And, approaching a building from a distance, you don't see too much; you get a little closer, and you arrive at a nice little composition that might remind you of a Mondrian or a Diebenkorn or something.
But to me it was an example of industrial materials with a little bit of colors and animation and a nice little still life -- kind of unintended piece of design.
And going a little closer, you get a different perspective.
I find these little vignettes, these little accidental pieces of design, to be refreshing.
They give me, I don't know, a sense of correctness in the world and some visual delight in the knowledge that the building will probably never look as good as this simple industrial scaffolding that is there to serve.
Down the road, there was another building, a nice visual structure: horizontal, vertical elements, little decorative lines going across, these magenta squiggles, the workmen being reduced to decorative elements, just a nice, kind of, breakup of the urban place.
And, you know, that no longer exists.
You've captured it for a moment, and finding this little still life's like listening to little songs or something: it gives me an enormous amount of pleasure.
Antoine Predock designed a wonderful ball stadium in San Diego called Petco Park.
A terrific use of local materials, but inside you could find some interior compositions.
Some people go to baseball stadiums to look at games; I go and see design relationships.
Just a wonderful kind of breakup of architecture, and the way that the trees form vertical elements.
Red is a color in the landscape that is often on stop signs.
It takes your attention; it has a great amount of emotion; it stares back at you the way that a figure might.
Just a piece of barrier tape construction stuff in Italy.
Construction site in New York: red having this kind of emotional power that's almost an equivalent with the way in which -- cuteness of puppies and such.
Side street in Italy.
Red drew me into this little composition, optimistic to me in the sense that maybe the public service's mailbox, door service, plumbing.
It looks as if these different public services work together to create some nice little compositions.
In Italy, you know, almost everything, kind of, looks good.
Simple menus put on a board, achieving, kind of, the sort of balance.
But I'm convinced that it's because you're walking around the streets and seeing things.
Red can be comical: it can draw your attention to the poor little personality of the little fire hydrant suffering from bad civic planning in Havana.
Color can animate simple blocks, simple materials: walking in New York, I'll stop.
I don't always know why I take photographs of things.
A nice visual composition of symmetry.
Curves against sharp things.
public seating in the city of New York.
I've come across some other just, kind of, curious relationships of bollards on the street that have different interpretations, but -- these things amuse me.
Sometimes a trash can -- this is just in the street in San Francisco -- a trash can that's been left there for 18 months creates a nice 45-degree angle against these other relationships, and turns a common parking spot into a nice little piece of sculpture.
So, there's this sort of silent hand of design at work that I see in places that I go.
Havana is a wonderful area.
It's quite free of commercial clutter: you don't see our logos and brands and names, and therefore you're alert to things physically.
And this is a great protection of a pedestrian zone, and the repurposing of some colonial cannons to do that.
And Cuba needs to be far more resourceful, because of the blockades and things, but a really wonderful playground.
I've often wondered why Italy is really a leader in modern design.
In our area, in furnishings, they're sort of way at the top.
The Dutch are good also, but the Italians are good.
And I came across this little street in Venice, where the communist headquarters were sharing a wall with this Catholic shrine.
And I realized that, you know, Italy is a place where they can accept these different ideologies and deal with diversity and not have the problem, or they can choose to ignore them, but these -- you don't have warring factions, and I think that maybe the tolerance of the absurdity which has made Italy so innovative and so tolerant.
The past and the present work quite well together in Italy also, and I think that it's recognizable there, and has an important effect on culture, because their public spaces are protected, their sidewalks are protected, and you're actually able to confront these things and I think this helps people get over their fear of modernism and other such things.
A change might be a typical street corner in San Francisco.
And I use this -- this is, sort of, what I consider to be urban spam.
I notice this stuff because I walk a lot, but here, private industry is really kind of making a mess of the public sector.
And as I look at it, I sort of say, you know, the publications that report on problems in the urban area also contribute to it, and it's just my call to say to all of us, public policy won't change this at all; private industry has to work to take things like this seriously.
The extreme might be in Italy where, again, there's kind of some type of control over what's happening in the environment is very evident, even in the way that they sell and distribute periodicals.
I walk to work every day or ride my scooter, and I come down and park in this little spot.
And I came down one day, and all the bikes were red.
Now, this is not going to impress you guys who Photoshop, and can do stuff, but this was an actual moment when I got off my bike, and I looked and I thought, it's as if all of my biker brethren had kind of gotten together and conspired to make a little statement.
And it reminded me that -- to keep in the present, to look out for these kinds of things.
It gave me possibilities for wonder -- if maybe it's a yellow day in San Francisco, and we could all agree, and create some installations.
But it also reminded me of the power of pattern and repetition to make an effect in our mind.
And I don't know if there's a stronger kind of effect than pattern and the way it unites kind of disparate elements.
I was at the art show in Miami in December, and spent a couple of hours looking at fine art, and amazed at the prices of art and how expensive it is, but having a great time looking at it.
And I came outside, and the valets for this car service had created, you know, quite a nice little collage of these car keys, and my closest equivalent were a group of prayer tags that I had seen in Tokyo.
And I thought that if pattern can unite these disparate elements, it can do just about anything.
I don't have very many shots of people, because they kind of get in the way of studying pure form.
I was in a small restaurant in Spain, one of those nice days where you had the place kind of to yourself, and you have a glass of wine, and enjoying the local area and the culture and the food and the quiet, and feeling very lucky, and a bus load of tourists arrived, emptied out, filled up the restaurant.
In a very short period of time, completely changed the atmosphere and character with loud voices and large bodies and such, and we had to get up and leave; it was just that uncomfortable.
And at that moment, the sun came out, and through this perforated screen, a pattern was cast over these bodies and they kind of faded into the rear, and we left the restaurant kind of feeling O.K. about stuff.
And I do think pattern has the capability of eradicating some of the most evil forces of society, such as bad form in restaurants, but quite seriously, it was a statement to me that one thing that you do, sort of, see is the aggressive nature of the industrial world has produced -- kind of, large masses of things, and when you -- in monoculture, and I think the preservation of diversity in culture
is something that's important to us.
The last shots that I have deal with -- coming back to this theme of sidewalks, and I wanted to say something here about -- I'm, kind of, optimistic, you know.
Post-Second World War, the influence of the automobile has really been devastating in a lot of our cities.
A lot of urban areas have been converted into parking lots in a sort of indiscriminate use.
A lot of the planning departments became subordinated as it is on Wal-Mart; I'm not going to do that.
But they're real examples in urbanization and the change that's occurred in the last number of years, and the heightened sensitivity to the importance of our urban environments as cultural centers.
I think that they are, that the statements that we make in this public sector are our contributions to a larger whole.
Cities are the place where we're most likely and to mix with other people.
We go there for stimulation in art and all those other things.
But I think people have recognized the sanctity of our urban areas.
A place like Chicago has really reached kind of a level of international stature.
The U.S. is actually becoming a bit of a leader in kind of enlightened urban planning and renewal, and I want to single out a place like Chicago, where I look at some guy like Mayor Daley as a bit of a design hero political processes and all that to improve an area.
You would expect a city like this to have upgraded flower boxes on Michigan Avenue where wealthy people shop, but if you actually go along the street you find the flower boxes change from street to street: there's actual diversity in the plants.
And the idea that a city group can maintain different types of foliage is really quite exceptional.
There are common elements of this that you'll see throughout Chicago, and then there are your big-D design statements: the Pritzker Pavilion done by Frank Gehry.
My measure of this as being an important bit of design is not so much the way that it looks, but the fact that it performs a very important social function.
There are a lot of free concerts, for example, it has a phenomenal acoustic system.
But the commitment that the city has made to the public area is significant, and almost an international model.
I work on the mayor's council in San Francisco, on the International Design Council for Mayors, and Chicago is looked at as the pinnacle, and I really would like to salute Mayor Daley and the folks there.
I thought that I should include at least one shot of technology for you guys.
This is also in Millennium Park in Chicago, where the Spanish artist-designer Plensa has created, kind of, a digital readout in this park that reflects back the characters and personalities of the people in this area.
And it's a welcoming area, I think, inclusive of diversity, reflective of diversity, and I think this marriage of both technology and art in the public sector is an area where the U.S.
can really take a leadership role, and Chicago is one example.
Thank you very much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「あの、シェイラ様ですよね! 私ずっと応援していて! お会いできて光栄です!」
「はい、絶対言い触らしません! 叙任おめでとうございます! これからも頑張ってください!」
「ありがとう。注文いいかな? エールと、君のお勧めの肉料理がいいな」
「......クソ! あの子結構可愛いなって思ってたのに! おいしいとこかっさらいやがって!」
「やっぱり誠実さが大切なんじゃないかな? コディは婚約者がいるからって、差し入れを丁寧に断ってるんでしょ?」
「うん。待ってる間、この辺に残ってるやつ食べてていい? 今日お昼ごはん抜いてて」
「のろけ? 確かにセイリュウには会ったけど、のろけてなんか......え? あれがのろけになるの?」
「え? 普通に楽しんで来いって言われたけど」
ゼクスとコディは笑い合うと、飲み直すためのエールを注文するのだった。 | Sheila was walking briskly through the crowded streets of the downtown area.
Her rose-colored hair was casually tied up in a bun and she had a gallant profile. What attracted the eye more than anything else was the dazzling pure white uniform she wore on her slender physique.
It was a well-known story that the first female knight in the Kingdom of Steitz was born recently.
Dressed in the Order of the Imperial Knights uniform, Sheila couldn’t help but stand out. Even though she didn’t have time to change, she regretted it just a little.
‘Even if I’m in plain clothes, I still look flashy around here....’
She wasn’t sensitive enough to be bothered by the stares, but if a man suddenly fell down when he looked back at her, or if a woman let go of her lover and admired her, it was hard not to be bothered.
Sheila hurriedly entered the pub where they were meeting.
The pub frequented by her friends seemed to be very prosperous. The not-so-spacious pub was filled with the sound of happy laughter.
As soon as she entered, a delicious smell tickled her nose, and Sheila suddenly remembered how hungry she was.
“Oh, it’s Sheila. Come here!”
As she was looking for a familiar face at the doorway, she was approached from the back.
He had short, sand-colored hair and hazel eyes that seemed mischievous at first glance, yet possessed a shrewdness and intelligence. It was Zechs Gallant, a friend of hers during their academy days.
“I knew you’d come in the Imperial Knights uniform. But don’t worry. The place is frequented by the Patrol Corps, and the nobles of the Imperial Knights sometimes show up here, so the customers have a certain tolerance for it.”
“And I chose a seat that wouldn’t draw attention.”
As Cody Aswan, another friend of hers, said, the seats were tucked away in the back of the restaurant, keeping a good distance from the other customers.
It had been a while since she had seen his gentle smile, so Sheila naturally relaxed her shoulders.
“Zechs, Cody, long time no see. Sorry I’m late.”
On her way to the table, she called out to the waitress who was just passing by.
A young girl wearing a simple apron and a triangular bandana jumped up with a bright red face as soon as she recognized Sheila.
“Um, you’re Sheila-sama, right? I’ve been rooting for you for a long time! It’s an honor to meet you!”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too. But it’s after hours now, and I’m afraid I’m going to annoy my friends, you know?”
Sheila put her index finger to her mouth, and the girl nodded repeatedly, her eyes glistening.
“Yes, I’ll never mention a thing about you here! Congratulations on your ordination! Please continue to do your best!”
“Thank you. May I order something? I’d like some ale and your recommended meat dish.”
“We’ve got some nice red meat today, so we’re serving a steak with garlic, salt, and pepper!”
“It sounds delicious. Okay, I’ll have a big bowl of that.”
With a smile and a wave of her hand, Sheila took her place at the table.
Zechs, who had been watching the exchange sullenly, slowly opened his mouth.
“Such an amiable response as soon as you enter the place, huh?”
“Since I was officially knighted, I’ve been attracting attention wherever I go. That’s why my seniors are always so strict with me.”
Her eyes were completely fixed.
Looking down at the table, it looked like they had been drinking and eating a lot. It was almost finished.
“Damn...! I thought she was pretty cute! You’re stealing all the good ones!”
Zechs, who had emptied his mug of ale in one gulp, ranted like a sore loser.
Sheila sighed in dismay as she tossed the nuts from the table into her mouth.
It had been about a month since they last saw each other, but during that time, she had heard that Zechs had broken up with his girlfriend. It was understandable that he was upset, but she didn’t want him to take it out on her.
“I was just thanking her, okay?”
“You were so suave that even a playboy pale in comparison to you. Please teach me the secret to getting all the girls to come on to me.”
“Zechs gets dumped for saying things like that. You should learn your lesson a little bit.”
They had become much more robust since joining the Patrol Corps that it would be strange if they weren’t popular.
“I think it’s all about integrity. I mean, Cody politely refuses to accept a gift because he has a fiancée, doesn’t he?”
“No, I’m not that known. Compared to Sheila, who is popular with both men and women in the royal capital.”
Although the person in question was embarrassed and modest, his popularity was tremendous, as there was a line of women who wouldn’t give up even if he refused them.
His calm yet dependable demeanor was what attracted women to him.
“I haven’t received any gifts recently....”
“Fair point...”
Finally dropping, Zechs looked up wildly when he heard the footsteps of the approaching waitress.
“Damn it, I want another ale!”
“Oh, me too, please. Sheila, let’s have a toast.”
“Sure. Can I eat the leftovers around here while we wait? I skipped lunch today.”
Sheila reached for the intestines that were left on the plate. If eaten together with mustard, the tangy spiciness and juices overflowing from the meat filled her hungry stomach.
“It’s because Sheila got to work a little late. When we first joined the Patrol Corps, we were exhausted every day.”
Cody then moved his plate of pasta closer to her. As one would expect from someone who had known Sheila for so long, he was well aware of her appetite.
“Come to think of it, I’ve never had a drink with you before. I thought in Denan Village you had to only be fifteen years old to be an adult.”
“I’ve always thought that herbal tea tasted better than the liquor made in the village. Zechs has been an adult for less than half a year, and yet he’s settled in well at the pub.”
“I’ve only been coming and going for a while.”
While they were talking, the ale was brought to them.
After thanking the waitress, they each raised their glasses.
“Well, it’s nice to be recognized as a knight, isn’t it?”
“Congratulations, Sheila.”
“Thank you.”
Sheila and her friends laughed and clinked their glasses.
After graduating from the Steitz Academy, it took six months for Sheila to be knighted. Originally, she was supposed to be appointed when she graduated, but because she revealed that she was a woman while still in school, it was difficult for her to be recognized.
There were quite a few women who were working as secretaries without being knighted, so she didn’t regret taking action to influence the law.
From there, however, things got chaotic.
While her classmates were starting to work, she was being dragged to advisory bodies, noble councils, and the like. Sheila, who was better at physical exercise, was forced to suffer mentally.
It was only a month ago that she was finally accepted as a member of the Order of the Imperial Knights.
Cody and the others were already accustomed to working in the Patrol Corps, so Sheila couldn’t help but feel impatient.
“I envy you two. I had to face the possibility of being kicked out anytime because I’m low-ranking, a woman, and a commoner. They only give me measly chores to do.”
When Sheila complained, Zechs patted her on the back.
“It pisses me off, too, but you’ve always been able to overcome adversity like that.”
“You’ll just have to work hard to get them to acknowledge you. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
Once the two of them had encouraged her, Sheila couldn’t continue to complain.
There was no time to be depressed in the first place. Shaila chugged her glass.
“Well, it’s just easier not to be bullied as badly as when I was at the academy. I have Jornwerner-sensei and Leidyrune-senpai looking after me.”
“Leidyrune-sama’s connections with the upper echelons of the Faril Divine Kingdom are so well known, that even the most important members of the nobility won’t go out of their way to make a big scene.”
“But Jornwerner-sensei also became quite overprotective. He’s like another Clauschezade-sensei.”
As Sheila kept her mouth shut at the strange analogy, Cody laughed beside her.
“Sheila originally had a lot of overprotective allies, didn’t she? His Royal Highness Felix, the younger brother of the former King, was at the top of that list. It was thanks to him and His Royal Highness Wilfrecht that you were able to get knighted, wasn’t it?”
“Everyone is really nice to me.”
“However, His Highness Wilfrecht, he’s changed a lot. In the past, he used to be so fragile, but now he’s a beautiful royal prince who is famous in neighboring countries, right?”
Wilfrecht, who was aptly described as “flowery,” had undergone a drastic change after a period of halted growth.
While maintaining his beautiful appearance and inner beauty, he now possessed a dignified strength, suppleness, and masculinity. These days, it was said that his marriage proposals kept pouring in.
“Don’t you think it’s a waste?”
“The engagement. You’re breaking up really easily, aren’t you?”
The fact that he kept his voice low meant that he probably hadn’t forgotten that it was something that should be kept secret.
In the first place, Sheila’s engagement, which was entwined with various speculations, wasn’t announced publicly. Because of the problems that arose under the surface when the current His Majesty ascended to the throne, it was a time-limited engagement that also served as Wilfrecht’s protection.
“It was a temporary engagement to begin with. Don’t tarnish His Highness’ honor.”
“But he’s royalty and he looks like that, so maybe he’s already a little wobbly?”
Even if it was a joke, it was of poor quality.
Sheila and Cody’s eyes grew cold as Zechs continued to laugh.
“Zechs, that’s just the way it is.”
“I guess you were dumped by your dream woman because you judge people based on their gender and appearance?”
Zechs hung his head in shame at his friends’ harsh words. It seemed he still hadn’t recovered from his broken heart.
“I understand that Zechs, who is used to thinking about profit, cares about titles and careers. But I think it’s good to be honest in your work and maintain a sincere attitude with the people you care about. Sometimes it’s part of the duty to work hard for nothing, isn’t it?”
Cody’s eyes lit up as if he was impressed by Sheila’s unusual admonition.
“You’ve really grown up, Sheila.”
Sheila shyly scratched her head and smiled, happy to be praised by the man who had helped her troublesome self since she joined the school.
“I had just left the village at that time, so I didn’t understand the subtlety of the human heart at all.”
“But you’re not quite there yet. The other day, Seiryuu kept going on about you endlessly while being depressed.”
Sheila blinked at Zechs’ comment.
“I’m sure I met Seiryuu, but he didn’t seem to be saying anything.... Eh? Do you mean....?”
Her cheeks flushed with heat.
Maybe it was because she was still unaccustomed to drinking, or perhaps she was getting drunk.
“.... I didn’t realize it. I always thought that he was just thinking about it casually...”
When Sheila revealed her honest feelings, her friends looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.
“I think it was quite obvious, if you ask me.”
“I’ve never seen him smile except when he’s with Sheila.”
Cody changed the subject for Sheila, who was flustered.
“By the way, did Clauschezade-sama say something about today’s gathering?”
“Huh? He told me to go and enjoy myself.”
While Sheila tilted her head, Zechs seemed to know what he meant.
“No way. Cody, you can’t possibly think he’d be jealous of us....”
Cody smiled and pointed out the window as Zechs snorted with his chin resting on his hand.
Standing with his arms crossed, there was a man who looked out of place in the downtown area. He had silverish-white hair, peacock-colored eyes, and an ironclad expressionless face, just like a doll.
As soon as Zechs recognized the figure, he reflexively straightened his posture.
“Eh, Clausche?”
It was Sheila who rushed to her feet. She quickly walked out of the pub and went to him.
By the time she returned after exchanging a few words, her cheeks were dyed in the same rosy color as her hair.
“He had something to do nearby, so he came to pick me up on the way. He said he didn’t want me to be in danger on my way home. I’m sorry, I know I just got here....”
“Don’t worry about it. We’re here today to celebrate Sheila, so you don’t need to pay. We can save the steaks for the next time we come back here.”
“Thank you, I’ll make it up to you.”
Sheila laughed happily and ran to Clauschezade’s side.
Zechs sighed in dismay.
“.... I don’t know what kind of danger the first female knight in the history of the Kingdom of Steitz, who is treated as a hero by the people of the capital, would fall into when it’s still evening.”
“I’m not sure about me, but Zechs just broke up with his own girlfriend, so maybe that’s why.”
Looking out the window, he could see the two people’s backs receding into the crowd.
The distance between them hadn’t changed since their days at the academy.
That meant they had been special to each other for a long time.
“Seeing those two makes me want to meet Lulu for some reason.”
“Cody, you’re not going to be a fool in love, are you? Ah~ I want some love, too.”
“That’s how life is, Zechs.”
Zechs and Cody laughed at each other and ordered more ale to drink. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 5,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
この世界の街はどんなところなんだろう。大きな期待と、ちょっとの不安を感じながら地上に降りていった。 | A few days have passed since I turned the surrounding area into a winter wonderland.
Since I’ve been diligently practicing my Breath, I can now use my fire breath like a heat ray, my water breath like a water cutter, and my wind breath like an air hammer. Still, I don’t have any magic similar to the one Ruti used. It seemed really convenient so that’s extremely unfortunate.Still, I’m really glad that I can do more things, so while I was making today’s dinner, I unconsciously began humming.
「Aren’t you in a good mood?」
「Well, yeah. Now that I can do a lot more, of course I’m going to be in a good mood.」
Well true that; Ruti replied while she helped me with the preparations. It really is nice to be with someone. It’s really comforting to have someone to talk to. I’m probably living a more fulfilling life compared to when I was living on my own as a freeter. Well, except for the fact that I’m still naked.「Natsuki, I want to talk about something later, but are you free?」
Hearing her question I replied, “Then just tell me while we eat,” while carrying our food.
「So, what do you want to talk about?」
I ask her while eating my deer steak. Since it’s seasoned, it’s really delicious.「
well, since I’m fully rested and my food supplies are looking good, I was thinking that it’s about time for me to go for Arst.」
That’s right.Ruti crashed here on her way but she was traveling to Arst in the first place. It’s just been a few days since, but it was so fun to be together with her so I completely forgot.
「I see... It really felt like we would be together for quite a long time, but that was the plan in the first place after all... 」Feeling indescribable loneliness, I feel downhearted.「So it’s just a suggestion, but would you mind coming with me as well?」
... Well, I don’t but... Is it okay? Or rather, I don’t have any clothes you know?」
「Exactly. I’ll lend you my cloak in the meantime, so let’s buy you some clothes once we reach a town. I do have enough money for that, after all.」
I was really hesitant after hearing that she’ll pay for me but Ruti insisted that I should at least let her do this much for helping her. Still, I do want some clothes, so even though she was reluctant, I convinced her that I’ll pay her back for the clothes and other needed expenses in the future.
「You don’t really need to pay it back, though.」
「No no, you need to be rigid when it comes to money.」
「You’re really stubborn with weird things... Well, alright then. In that case, we should spend the whole day tomorrow to prepare and depart the morning after that.」
After that, we swiftly decided on our rough plans.
「Ruti! Wait for me-!」
... I’m already going really slow, though.」
Finishing our preparations, we excitedly started our trip but we encountered an unexpected problem.
I’ve practiced my Breath a lot, but as for the crucial flight practice, not much at all.
It’s not a problem if I’m just flying in the surrounding area around the shelter, but this time I’m flying for a long distance, and at quite a high speed on top of that. But because I didn’t practice, I can’t get any speed and I get tired quickly.
Hii... Hii...
!」「Come on, keep it up. Just bear it until you get used to it. For now, let’s fly until we reach that big tree, okay?」
「Too far-!」
Ruti you monster! Screaming so in my mind, I continue flying while regretting that I didn’t practice.
I’m tired...」
「Well, good job! We’re going a bit slower than planned but we should be able to up our pace once you get used to it in about two days, so we’re probably fine. Also, I don’t have anything for your fatigue; but flying uses magic power, so you should be able to speed up if you focus on your wings while using magic power, you know? 」
After receiving the water Ruti took out from her shadow, I drop my shoulders upon hearing her say that and mutter out my complaint;
「... I would have wanted to hear that earlier...」◇◆◇
I might have gotten the hang of it; since, as Ruti said, I’m now used to flying long distances after two days and now I can enjoy our midair trip.
I did get cocky and did some barrel rolls, loops and such, which resulted in me getting airsick...
I’ll just ignore Ruti’s appalled expression.
And then, after flying over the forest continuously for about a week. The time has finally come.
「Look Natsuki! We can see it now!」
And at the place where Ruti pointed to, there was a lush and ever-expanding grassland. From then on, it’s now Arst Kingdom’s territory. The sight of the grass being swayed by the wind made it seem like a giant green carpet that absolutely captivated me.
It might seem like nothing special to the people used to seeing it; but for me who has seen nothing but the forest since I arrived in this world, it’s such a moving sight.
「Once we completely leave the forest, we’ll look for a highway, and walk from there, okay?」
「Got it!」
I wonder what the towns of this world look like? Feeling great expectation, and a little bit of suspense, I descend to the ground. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
でもそういえば野営の準備は逆で担当してたなぁ......なんでだっけ? ......あ、確か僕が吐息の練習も兼ねてやりたいっていったんだった。もう前と状況は違うから今度野営するときは逆にしよう。
「ん? あれ、もうこんな時間? 結構仕込みに時間とられてたんだね」
かんぱーい! とパーティーが始まった。
「んー! 前々から気になってた果実酒を思い切って買ってみたけど、これは当たりだね!」
「パーティーにかこつけて買ったのか? まったくちゃっかりしてるな」
「えへへ。でもいいじゃない、こうやって美味しいお酒が飲めるんだから。団長だって仕事が忙しくて久しぶりのお酒でしょ? それなら美味しい物飲めた方がいいじゃない」
「リーズナーさん遅いのです! はい! お連れのお客様一名ご案内です!」
あれ、何気にフィルがかなりデキ上がってる。というかチルも......。大丈夫かなぁ? チルが飲みなれてるとはちょっと思えないんだけど。
「そりゃあ飲んでるわよぉ。初めて飲んだけどあの果実酒を蒸留? したっていうお酒美味しいわねぇ」
それでも三分の一じゃないですかヤダー! 果実酒も大分飲んでたはずだし飲みすぎだと思う。でもルティが限界まで飲んだところみたことないし意外に大丈夫なのかな? まぁ大分ろれつの回ってないカインに比べれば余裕あるんだろうけど。
ってきっつぅ!? ふわっと甘い良い香りなんで、くいっと飲み込んだら次の瞬間喉がカーッと熱くなる。美味しいけどえらい強いよこれ。
「うはは! ナツキぉ面食らってるなぁ? うひゅめてない樽出しだからうあいけど強いぜぇ」
面食らってる僕をみてカインがげらげら笑ってる。というか樽出しってことはウィスキーでいうカスクストレングス? 初めて飲んだよ。
「お店のほうは明日は臨時休業かな? この様子だとナツキちゃんしかまともに動けなさそうだからね」
さて、残ったみんなを寝室と客間に運ばないと。明日は二日酔いの介抱かな。 | As the two of us came up with the menu and prepared a party-use table cloth and decorative flowers in a panic, two weeks quickly passed.
「We set the date at two weeks just to make sure, but somehow, it still felt quite quick.」
「I know, really. But yeah, I’m glad that the flowers made it in time.」
Since there aren’t really a lot of flowers in this season, the florist we rushed into even told us 「As this is somewhat abrupt, we may not be able to meet your expectations, alright?」.
But luckily, we didn’t need a lot, so they somehow managed to prepare them this morning. Man, that was cutting close. Thank you, random florist. We’ll be in your care this coming spring when we need seeds and stuff to fix up our garden’s flower bed.
「Yeah. Oops, we probably should move the chairs and start preparing now or we might not finish in time.」
「Then I’ll go ahead with the preparations, so please handle the furniture arrangement, Natsuki.」
Today’s party is in a stand-up buffet style. At first, we thought of having seats, but we felt that it might make the party seem too formal, so we didn’t go with it. Besides, Ruti and I naturally don’t know if there are seating etiquettes or stuff like that.
After Ruti went to prepare, I moved aside the floral decors for now and arranged the tables and chairs by myself. After all, I’m the one more suited for heavy work.
But now that I think about it, we do the opposite when setting up camp, right?...... Why was it again? ......Ah, that’s right, I wanted to do the cooking so I can practice with my breath. Since we’re in a different situation now, we should do the opposite the next time we go out camping.
By the time we had a chance to breathe after finishing the preparations, I heard a knock on the door.
「Hm? Wait, it’s already this late? The preparations really took a lot of time, huh.」
「Hey now, no time for idling, let’s hurry up and welcome them in. We’re the ones that invited them, you know?」
Whoops, my bad. They even came here in the middle of this cold weather, we should hurry up.
「Good evening. Thanks for inviting Cain over too.」
「Yo. Thanks for today. Really looking forward to some good food. By the way, since we’re celebrating, take this.」
「Wow, thanks. Since we’re already here, let’s have some of this with everyone.」
The guys from the café just arrived. And since Ryzna-san didn’t come with them, it looks like he really is going to be late.
Cain brought with him some good-looking alcohol but this, this looks like distilled stuff......
Looks really tasty but it’s probably strong, I should be careful with this.
「It looks like we made it in time.」
「Please arrange your schedule so you can finish your work with more time to spare. We barely avoided being late, you know?」
「The leader is careless in some ways after all. Well, we got here on time, so no need to fuss on the details, right?」
「Yup, yup. And hey, we should greet the princesses now.」
「Good evening. Thank you for coming today. Come, it’s cold, isn’t it? Let’s hurry inside.」
Everyone from the Order of Mages arrived in a perfect time. With this, all that’s left is Ryzna-san. I feel a bit bad about it, but we should probably start now. It’s not good to make the others wait too, after all.
Still, the guys from the order brought a gift as well, but to think it would be alcohol too...... This one seems good too, so I might end up drinking too much and that will be scary.
I asked Ruti to introduce the café guys and the order people to each other, and I began bringing in the food. Really, who could have thought that my past experience with working part-time in dining halls would come in useful not only in the café but in my own home as well. You never really know what comes in handy.
「As expected of a professional. To think that one can carry that much. May I assist?」
「Ah, sorr~y. I’ll help out to~o.」
As I was bringing in the food, Nera-san and Chris went out of their way and called out to me.
「It’s fine, don’t worry about it. You’re the guests today, so make yourself at home. Also, Nera-san, I’m probably the only one that can carry things like this, you know?」
「That’s ri~ght, it’s probably impossible for m~e and Firu-san to d~o.」
Both of my hands carry, not plates but
, three on each, while my tail carries an ice pail and a pot. It’s a power move made possible by my experience and physical capabilities.
Particularly carrying a tray between the pinky and the ring finger while keeping it balanced is something I’m confident that only I can do.
Soon enough, I finished bringing in the food and giving everyone a glass.
「Then once again, thank you for coming, everyone. We did our best with the food as thanks for every day, so enjoy.」
「Other than the alcohol, we prepared various other drinks as well, so please feel free to have a drink.」
Cheers!With that, the party began.
「Mmmn! We tried buying the fruit wine that we were curious about for a long time ago, but it’s a jackpot!」
「It’s a bit expensive for casual drinking, so we didn’t buy it, you see?」
「So you used the party as an excuse then? Geez, how shrewd.」
「Ehehe. But it’s fine, isn’t it? You got to drink something good after all, leader. You haven’t had alcohol in a while since you’re busy with work, right? Then isn’t it great that you get to drink some good stuff?」
「Now that you’ve mentioned it, it really has been a while, hasn’t it...... Which reminds me, I’ve eaten some of the food already but it definitely tastes like something that would go well with a drink.」
「Well that’s because, you know, alcohol and food are best enjoyed together after all. Overall, we made them to go with the alcohol, so feel free to enjoy everything.」
「I see. Then I’ll do as you say and indulge myself on the food and drinks.」
Considering his standing, the leader definitely has had really good food before, so I was concerned that it wouldn’t suit his taste, but it seems like there’s nothing to worry about. The others seem to be enjoying the food too, so I’m really glad to see that.
As we were eating and drinking, Kerry was glared at by a smiling Nera-san when he was about to make a pass at Chris, Jeff and Cain surprisingly hit it off with each other and were making a racket, and we were enjoying all the amusing stuff happening when a knock resounded from the door.
「Good evening. I’m sorry for being late.」
「Ryzna-san, welcome in. That’s my line, sorry for starting ahead without you.」
「Ryzna-san, you’re late! Here! Guide the customer’s guest in!」
「Ye~s! With pleasu~re!」
Huh, before I realized it, Firu is already pretty drunk. Or rather, Chris...... Are you okay? I don’t really see her as someone good with alcohol.
Also, that exchange is a bit wrong, you know?
「This is...... I probably need to up my drinking pace if I want to catch up with them, don’t I?」
「Well...... But it’s fine even if you don’t push yourself, okay?」
Firu, Chris, and basically everybody else are pretty drunk, but as we introduced Ryzna-san, they quickly had another toast.
And as I went to get more food again, I noticed that the food got quite cold.
Just to be sure, we’ve taken this into account when we chose what to cook but it’s still true that these taste better when warm after all. Still, there isn’t really anything like a microwave here, so yeah. It can’t be helped, huh.
「H~e~y, Natsuki, what’s wron~g?」
「Nothing, it’s just that the food got cold...... Hm?」
Ruti rode on my back while asking me so. I nonchalantly replied to her but her tone is different from the usual. Besides that, even though she often puts her arms around mine, she’s never made me piggyback her before.
Feeling something off, I turned to look at her and right before me was her glazed eyes.
「Ruti, have you been drinking a lot?」
「Well of course I’m drinkin~g. It’s the first time I tasted it, but that distilled(?) fruit wine or whatchamacallit was deliciou~s.」
Ahh, so that thing Cain and the others brought was some kind of brandy then. I already expected it to be something distilled, but that’s pretty expensive......
Distilled alcohol, not just brandy, are delicious in general. They went on their way to bring it after all, so maybe I should have some too.
......Wait, the contents of the bottle decreased by a lot but how much did she really drink out of it?
「There’s only a third left in the bottle, you didn’t just drink all of that, right?」
「Of cours~e not, Cain drank some as well, so I likely had about half at mos~t.」
Ruti already drank a lot of the fruit wine, so I really think that she already had too much. Still, I haven’t seen Ruti drink herself to her limit yet, so maybe she’s still unexpectedly fine? Well, I guess compared to Cain who can’t even speak straight anymore, she’s probably doing well.
Either way, there’s nothing I can do since it already happened, so I decided to try some too while still carrying Ruti behind me, who’s rubbing her horns with mine.
Gaah!? Since it had a gentle sweet smell, I swallowed it in one gulp and the next instant, my throat burned up. It’s delicious, but it’s damn strong.
「Uwhaha! Supaised, Natsukee? It’z pure frej cask, zo id’s goo bat trongg.」
Seeing me reel back, Cain laughs at me. Rather, fresh cask? Is this the so-called cask strength stuff in whiskey? First time I had any.
Well with how strong this is, it’s no wonder that Cain and Ruti got this drunk......
「S~o, if the food is cold then you just need to heat them up, righ~t?」
「You say that like it’s simple, but how do we heat it up?」
「Just like thi~s...... Zoi!」
The food on the table immediately began letting out steam. Contrary to her hilariously dumb sounding yell, her precision is ridiculous. Is she really even drunk...... I’m somewhat losing confidence, in a lot of ways.
Ah, the order guys turned a bit sober. Well, that’s understandable.
「I’ve already thought of this before, but in what world did you two even come from, princess?」
「Even if you ask me...... I can’t do that much too, you know.」
「Even though you say that, somehow your standards feel different from ours to begin with, yeah?」
Jeff and Kerry are pretty mean. You say that but you two win more times during training. Geez.
After that, we continued drinking and chatting around until some of us gradually drank themselves unconscious.
「I get Cain, Firu, and Chris but I didn’t expect the leader to get knocked out.」
「It’s likely his first drink in a while after all and there’s his fatigue from work as well.」
「Even though it might be just paperwork, having a lot of it is still pretty tough. Should we have the leader stay overnight?」
「No, I’ll carry him home. Please prioritize the others instead.」
Nera-san is pretty red but she can still talk properly and is still clear-minded. In that case, it’s probably fine.
「We should probably have the café closed tomorrow. By the looks of it, Natsuki-chan is probably the only one that would be able to work properly after all.」
「Sorry about it. That’ll help out a lot. It might be best to have these three stays over tonight but what about you Ryzna-san?」
「I’m doing okay, so I’ll be going home. I also need to get in touch for tomorrow after all.」
Ryzna-san is fine too, so he’s going home. It seems like he’s going to put the café on a holiday tomorrow and I feel a bit bad about that. After that, the last ones still fine are Jeff and Kerry but just barely. Ruti is clinging onto me and mumbling something so I guess she’s anything but fine in her case.
「Well then, it’s about time, so let’s end it here. I’m really glad you all came today. Take care on your way home, okay?」
Today was pretty fun, see you!
I feel like we overdid it a bit, but I’m glad that everyone seemed to have enjoyed it.
Now then, I should carry the others that are left to the bedroom and the guest room. And maybe take care of their hangover tomorrow, I guess? | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
さり気なく、チャンスは逃さんとばかりにイチャつくハジメとユエに、シアが寂しい! 構って! オーラを出し、ティオがそれに便乗する。ハジメは、しょうがないなぁと少し困った表情で、シアのウサミミを軽く撫で、ティオの方は頬をムニィーと摘んでやった。それだけで、二人共やたら嬉しそうな表情をするのだから、ハジメとしても、何とも困ったものである。
「最後のガーディアンがいるはず......じゃな? ご主人様よ」
一瞬前までハジメがいた場所を、マグマ蛇がバクンッ! と口を閉じながら通り過ぎる。ハジメは、空中で猫のように体を反転させながら、銃口を通り過ぎるマグマ蛇の頭に照準し発砲した。必殺の破壊力を秘めた閃光が狙い違わずマグマ蛇の頭を捉え、弾き飛ばす。
すると、ハジメの軌跡を追うようにしてマグマの海からマグマ蛇が次々と飛び出し、その巨大な顎門をバクンッ! バクンッ! と閉じていった。
ハジメの腕にそっと触れながら安否を気遣うユエに、ハジメは前方から目を逸らさず、そっと触れ返すことで応える。そのハジメの目には、ザバァ! と音を立てながら次々と出現するマグマ蛇の姿が映っていた。
「でも、さっきハジメさんが撃った相手、普通に再生してますよ? 倒せるんでしょうか?」
「久しぶりの一撃じゃ! 存分に味わうが良い!」
「おいおい、魔石が吹き飛んだ瞬間は確認したぞ? 倒すことがクリア条件じゃないのか?」
「ハジメさん! 見て下さい! 岩壁が光ってますぅ!」
「これ目じゃ! 今のところ妾が一歩リードじゃな。ご主人様よ! 妾が一番多く倒したら
「なっ! ティオさんだけずるいです! 私も参戦しますよ! ハジメさん、私も勝ったら一晩ですぅ!」
その光景を見て、「やっぱり、ユエさんが一番の強敵ですぅ!」とシアが、「ユエはバグっとるよ! 絶対、おかしいのじゃ!」とティオが、それぞれ焦りの表情を浮かべて悪態をつきつつ、より一層苛烈な攻撃を繰り出し、討伐数を伸ばしていった。
まるで天より放たれた神罰の如きそれは、ハジメがかつて瀕死の重傷を負った光。いや、それより遥かに強力かも知れない。大気すら悲鳴を上げるその一撃は、攻撃の瞬間という戦闘においてもっとも無防備な一瞬を狙って放たれ――ハジメを、最後のマグマ蛇もろとも呑み込んだ。 | «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» probably has fifty floors.
Since it was the current floor Hajime’s party was in. The “probably” part was because the floor’s situation was a little special. Frankly, they didn’t understand anything about the current floor.
But more accurately, Hajime’s party were currently on board a brown colored boulder, like a small boat, on the magma that was flowing like a big river, mid-air.
“It feels like Indiana-san in hard mode eh...” Hajime muttered while recalling the Earth’s most famous and too aggressive Archeologist.
As for the reason why they were in this situation... truthfully, it was Hajime’s mistake. Hajime’s party had noticed the magma that continued to scorch them, was sometimes making unnatural movement while they were searching for the Serene stone right before they completed the floor.
More accurately, the flow of the magma greatly changed even though there was nothing obstructing it before, or the current suddenly slowed, or there was only a part of magma flowing in the air, and it overflowed, thus the magma dripped below.
However, those happened on the magma away from the passage, so they didn’t worry about it because it would not disturb them from conquering the floor. However, Hajime by chance used “Mineral Enquiry” to the surrounding and found out that the cause of the magma’s unnatural movement was “Serene Stone.” It seemed the magic power inside the magma was calmed by “Serene Stone,” similar to obstructing the magma flow.
Hajime’s party then thought that the place where the magma’s movement was strongly obstructed would have a large amount of “Serene Stone.” Thus they searched for it and they indeed discovered a large amount of “Serene Stone” buried in that place. While noting the magma’s movement, Hajime’s party collected a considerable amount of “Serene Stone.” Afterwards, they came to a certain location while thinking there would be much stone in reserve.
It was a place enclosed by the magma flowing in mid-air like a huge wall. Hajime transmuted a stair to approach it and came to know that a large amount of “Serene Stone” was buried there when he used “Mineral Enquiry.”
Immediately, Hajime used “Mineral Separation” to only collect “Serene Stone,” but he was careless because he kept collecting “Serene Stone” due to lack of concentration from the heat. He didn’t put much attention to the surrounding wall of magma.
Hajime noticed this mistake when he stored the “Serene stone” into “Treasure Box.” It was because magma spouted with tremendous momentum from the wall the moment the effect of “Serene Stone” had disappeared.
Hajime immediately jumped back, but the magma was spouting with tremendous power just like water gushing out from the cracked and thus collapsed dam. The hole from where it spouted expanded and more rushed out.
The overly tremendous momentum of the magma made the surrounding immediately filled with magma. Hajime used transmutation to create a small boat before Yue’s barrier was broken, and the party boarded it. The small boat was immediately heated up by the magma, but there was no problem since Hajime had strengthened the boat using “Strength Endowment” derived from “Vajra.”
Following that, they continued to drift along the flow of the magma and was flowing mid-air before they were aware of it. They flowed into the depth of «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» using different route from the stairs. Flowing as they felt the scorching heat from the streaming magma, and ended up where they were currently at.
By the way, normally they would’ve stopped on the riverbed when they were about to ride on the magma’s sky road, but Shia used “Effect Endowment” of gravity magic to reduce the boat’s weight, and thus they were able to get on the magma. “Effect Endowment” made it possible to adjust the weight of the thing Shia touched as if it were her own.
“Ah, Hajime-san. There’s another tunnel.”
“We art almost at the level of the foot of this mountain. Be prepared, okay?”
Seeing the direction Shia pointed at, Hajime’s party was would indeed continue to flow into a big hole on the wall along with the magma. They understood the magma was continuing to flow downward. Until now, they’ve entered a tunnel every time they descent a floor, it might be a shortcut if compared to normally using the stair.
While nodding at Tio’s advice, Hajime’s party drifted into the tunnel. The magma’s sky road was continuing in the middle of the big tunnel like a snake. After the magma’s sky road was going lower, it suddenly cut off right after a curve. No, more accurately, it was a sudden downward slope similar to a waterfall.
“Again... everyone, don’t get shaken off!”
Yue and the girls nodded at Hajime’s words and they either clung to the edge of the small boat or Hajime’s waist. After feeling the anxiousness similar to when the climbing jet coaster about to go down from the first falling point, Hajime’s party’s boat finally fell.
Sound of wind entered their ears. Shia used gravity magic to shift the weight while Tio controlled the wind as they descend on the rapid magma. The magma’s speed increased by times as if it didn’t have any viscosity.
Transmuting spikes on his shoes to fix his posture, Hajime cautiously watched over the surroundings. After all, usually at such time...
Clicking his tongue, he pulled out Donner at the same time, and Hajime unhesitatingly pulled the trigger. Explosive sound resounded. It rang out three times accompanied with three flashes that cut through the air without deviating and destroyed the targets. The ones that came attacking Hajime’s party were the bat-type monsters that scattered magma from their wings.
These Magma Bats were not much of a threat alone. They only have considerable speed and capable of scattering magma like flame bullets. They were only small fries to Hajime’s party.
However, the troublesome point about Magma Bats was they attacked in group. Thirty more could be found if one was seen, just like Black G demonic beasts, appearing from the crack of the boulder wall.
Even now, although Hajime instant-killed three Magma Bats, as expected, they could hear sound of a large amount of fluttering wings amidst the wind coming from the rapid descent.
“... Hajime, leave the left and behind to me.”
“Ah, I will leave it to you. Shia, Tio, you control the boat.”
“Mhm, leave it to this one. How about *** spanking as a reward?”
Ignoring Tio’s perverted remark that could neither be taken as joke nor real, Hajime and Yue were back to back diagonally on the boat. Then, crowd of Magma Bats could be seen.
It was not an exaggeration to call them as one living creature. The numerous Magma Bats were moving as one big mass, like a group perfectly ordered birds. Their appearance was just like a dragon if seen from the side. It might be more accurate to call it a fire dragon because each of its wings was cladded in blazing magma.
The mass of Magma Bats approaching Hajime’s party divided into two on their way, creating pincer attack from the front and behind. No matter how weak they were alone, the numerous them were moving as one huge creature and normally would overwhelm anyone with their number.
However, the party here were a group of cheat-like individuals. The demonic beasts that became fertilizer on the ground near the town of Ul were the proof the party wouldn’t be so weak being overwhelmed by just number.
Hajime took out Metzelei from “Treasure Box,” set it beside his waist and pulled the monster’s trigger.
With the ringing of the peculiar shooting sound, the storm of death exhibited its undoubtable might and one rapid fire pierced through various targets. The bullets crushed the wall of the cave in the distance while the Magma Bats were killed and fell into the ground without being able to resist.
Furthermore, Hajime took out Orkan using the other free hand, placed it on his shoulder, and mercilessly fired it. Spark created, and the rockets flew and pierced into the middle of Magma Bats who were grouping due to Metzelei’s barrage, scattering violent impacts along with roaring sounds.
The result was clear. The crowd of Magma Bats were crushed and falling just like a short squall.
Similar thing happened to the Magma Bats attacking from the rear.
“”Storm Dragon.””
Yue’s right hand thrust straight, and the moment she muttered that, a green sphere of wind was created. Following that, the sphere transformed, forming a dragon in less than no time. The wind dragon, who was a compilation of green-colored wind and called “Storm Dragon,” glared at the crowd of Magma Bats once, and it opened its jaws, moving to devour its preys.
Naturally, the Magma Bats shot flame bullets towards “Storm Dragon,” then they divided into two again to dodge the dragon. However, all of Yue’s “dragons” were a compound of gravity magic and other element. Naturally, “Storm Dragon” was not just composed of normal wind; it was composed of wind blades that were pulled by gravity to create a dragon. Once it moved, it would be difficult for the prey to escape.
Magma Bats, just like the other demonic beasts that became the food of “Thunder Dragon” and “Azure Dragon,” couldn’t resist from being pulled towards “Storm Dragon.” Thus the body cladded by wind blades cut the demonic beasts’ bodies to pieces, scattering flesh and blood. It should be noted that the reasons Yue didn’t use “Thunder Dragon” or “Azure Dragon” was because the Magma Bats were strong against heat and Yue judged it was enough to just cut their wings.
In the end, “Storm Dragon” came within the crowd and released the million wind blades formed its body in all direction, completely annihilating the Magma Bats.
“Um~, Master and Yue’s annihilating force art fearful no matter how many times I has’t seen i.”
While controlling the boat on the rapid current, Tio and Shia were praising them with awkward feeling. Shrugging his shoulders as he put out Metzelei and Orkan into “Treasure Box,” Hajime lightly touched the Yue’s cheek with his chest then returned to look at the front. Yue, after narrowing her eyes in happiness from being touched, returned to look at the surrounding with caution.
Hajme and Yue who casually took the chance to flirt made Shia exuded aura that expressed, Shia is lonely! Hold me!, which Tio took advantage of. Making slightly troubled expression after thinking it couldn’t be helped, Hajime lightly stroked Shia’s rabbit ear then pinched Tio’s cheek. Hajime was troubled such things could make the two raised joyed expressions.
Hajime’s party were considerably composed even though they were attacked by demonic beasts as they descended the rapid, magma’s sky road. However, as if to take down their composure, the descending magma up until now suddenly began to ascend.
After climbing several tens of meters with tremendous speed, they could see light ahead of them. It was the exit of the tunnel. However, the problematic thing was the magma was cut off for real this time.
“Hold on tight!”
With Hajime’s command, Yue and the girls once again clung to the small boat. Having ridden on the magma rapid’s speed, the small boat was thrown outside with tremendous momentum.
While having his dantian attacked by the feeling of being in mid-air, Hajime quickly confirmed the condition of the surrounding. The space Hajime’s party falling into was similar to the room where the last trial of «Raisen Great Dungeon» took place; a vast space.
However, it wasn’t spherical like the room in «Raisen Great Dungeon». It has distorted shape which made it impossible to completely understand how vast the space was, but it was at least more than three kilometers. Almost all part of the ground was filled with magma, but the boulders appeared in some places and created footholds. On the surrounding walls were protruding places and conversely, there were also shaved off places. In the air was as expected, numerous rivers of intersecting magmas, and disappearing below, into the ocean of magma.
Flare-like pillars of fire spouted from the boiling, scorching ocean. If there was something called boiler of hell, it must be looked like this. That was the impression Hajime’s party got.
However, the most noticeable thing was the small island in the center of the ocean of magma. The island was raised around meters above the magma’s surface, an island or rock. If it was only that, then it would just become a foothold big enough for them, but the island was covered by dome of magma. The spherical magma was just like a small version of sun, but the thing in the middle of the island was enough to catch the attention of Hajime’s party.
“”O’ wind.””
The small boat turned over by the momentum was fixed by Tio in the air, then each of them returned to their own duty as they once again boarded the small boat. Yue used “Soar” to adjust the boat’s falling speed. The boat softly landed on the ocean of magma, and the party maximized their vigilance because this place was obviously different from the ones they had seen.
“... Is that the dwelling?”
Yue muttered as she took a look at the middle of the magma-domed island.
“From the depth, I think it is okay to think so... but, if it really is...”
“There should be the last guardian of some sort... right, Master?”
“We used something similar to shortcut, so is it too farfetched to say we have passed the test, Hajime-san?”
Hajime’s thought was confirmed by Tio, who was looking at the surrounding with sharp gaze, made her not to be thought as a perverted ********* if some small accidents were overlooked. Even seeing their tightened expression, Shia muttered optimist words while looking at a certain direction.
Tracing Shia’s gaze, Hajime could see a staircase beyond the large foothold. The staircase continued into the wall made him think that perhaps they would’ve come from that staircase if they used the proper route.
Even so, no matter how impossible it was for someone to use magma’s sky road, it was too much of an optimist to think the shortcut even passed through the last trial room. It’d be nice if it really is~, Shia said, but her cautious look expressed that even she couldn’t believe that.
It was correct for them to be cautious because immediately, bullet-like magma shot out from the magma flowing in the air.
“Hmph, leave it to this one!”
Tio shouted as she activated her magic, thus masses of flame shot out from the ocean of magma, countering magma approaching from above.
However, that attack was only the beginning signal. Immediately after Tio countered the incoming blazing masses and scattered them, more blazing masses were shot out from the ocean of magma like a machinegun.
“Tch, scatter!”
Judging they would only be a target on their current place, the small boat, Hajime told the other to scatter as he jumped towards the nearby foothold, abandoning the small boat. The numerous blazing masses crushed the small boat where Hajime’s party were before, thus it sunk into the ocean of magma.
With each of them in different foothold, Hajime’s party intercepted the incoming blazing masses. Though they easily intercepted those, Hajime’s party were irritated because it didn’t seem to ever end. They were also irritated the heat coming from the ocean of magma that the distorted air.
To break from this situation, at the same time Hajime finished reloading Donner-Schlag using gunspin, and aimed Schlag muzzle over his shoulder without turning around. Thus the elbow of his artificial arm was faced forward and fired to intercept the masses of magma in front, while Schlag rapid-fired to shoot down the masses of magma approaching Yue behind him.
His intention was completely read by Yue without a word. She immediately activated gravity magic using this chance.
“”Absolute Calamity.””
At the same time the name rang out, a black, swirling sphere appeared in the middle of Hajime’s party, pulling the incoming masses of magma one after another. The black, small star swallowed everything and used its supergravity to compress them.
With the room between the barrage of magma masses by Yue’s magic, Hajime used “Aerodynamic” to jump into the air, trying to reach the magma-domed middle island.
The most troublesome thing about the barrage that attacked Hajime’s party was the endlessness. This place was obviously the last trial of «Guryuu-en Great Volcano», but because there’s no visible enemy unlike the other dungeons he had been in, he didn’t know what to do to clear it. As such, Hajime thought of getting on the suspicious island.
While running in the air towards the middle island, Hajime used “Telepathy.”
“I am going to look around the middle island. Cover me.”
The masses of magma outside of the range of Yue’s “Absolute Calamity” came to attack Hajime, but Tio intercepted those using numerous flame bullets from the ocean of magma. Shia didn’t expand Doryukken and used its shotgun mode to intercept. Yue, while maintaining “Absolute Calamity,” also intercept using numerous flame bullets from ocean of magma just like Tio.
With covering from Yue and the girls, Hajime approached straight towards the middle island, and he was about to do the last jump using “Aerodynamic.”
However, at that moment,
Hearing the bellowing, majestic roar, a gigantic serpent came to attack from right under Hajime who was in mid-air with its opened mouth.
Maybe because its whole body was clad in magma, neither heat perception nor sign perception noticed it in this place filled with magma. Moreover, the ocean magma itself was filled with magic power so magic power perception also didn’t notice it, so the gigantic Magma Serpent was able to completely make a surprise attack.
However, Hajime twisted his body using his superhuman reflex and was barely able to evade the mouth.
In the place Hajime was before, crunch, the Magma Serpent chomped and passed through. Hajime flipped his body in mid-air just like a cat, aimed the muzzles at the passing Magma Serpent’s head and fired. The flash with certain killing destructiveness didn’t miss its mark and hit the Magma Serpent’s head, blowing it away.
“What !?”
However, the raised voice was not the Magma Serpent’s death throes, but Hajime’s astonished voice.
Naturally, the cause was the Magma Serpent. After all, the Magma Serpent’s head was certainly hit and burst, but the thing scattered was only magma, none of the inside matter. He had seen demonic beasts cladded in magma in «Guryuu-en Great Volcano», but they were only wearing the magma, and had their own flesh. None was composed of only magma.
Hajime immediately recovered and tried to shoot the other parts of the creature to experiment. Numerous flashes mercilessly penetrated the Magma Serpent’s body, but as he thought, there’s no flesh at all. This Magma Serpent seemed to be composed of only Magma.
Though surprised, Hajime had immobilized the Magma Serpent for now by blowing all over of its body, so he once again jumped towards the middle island using “Aerodynamic”, passing by the serpent’s side.
However, the Magma Serpent’s attack hasn’t ended yet. At the moment Hajime passed through its side, it suddenly hurled its body towards Hajime even though it had lost its head and parts of its body.
Hajime made the shotshell in his artificial arm burst and barely succeeded to evade using its recoil. And at this time, a chill ran down Hajime’s spine. Following his instinct, Hajime burst out the shotshells in succession immediately and used “Aerodynamic” to withdraw from there in high speed.
One attack after another, the Magma Serpents came out of the ocean of magma, chasing after Hajime’s track. Those huge mouths crunch, crunch, chomped.
Retreating while rotating in the air, Hajime landed on a nearby foothold. Yue and the girls came to his side. The barrage of blazing masses temporarily stopped.
“... Hajime, are you unhurt?”
“Ah, no problem. More importantly, the real things finally appear.”
Yue, who was worried about his safety, touched his arm. Hajime returned her touch, and answered without looking away from the front. Fwuush With each sound, Magma Serpents appeared one after another before Hajime.
“As expected, that middle island is the last stop. Well thee seemth to say defeat us if thou want to pass.”
“But, the one Hajime-san shot before regenerated, you know? Are they beatable?”
Around Magma Serpents appeared, glaring at Hajime’s party. Even the Magma Serpent that received gunfires from Hajime before had already restored to its former appearance as if nothing had happened.
Shia was frowning as she pointed that out. At Raisen Great Dungeon, she was confused by the regenerating knights, but now she was calmly thinking on how to pass this. It was shown by how her rabbit ears were restlessly moving about. Wryly smiling at Shia who became quite courageous, Hajime told them his guess.
“It might be similar to the Vachram from before, having a core, a magic stone, to form the magma body. Though my magic eye cannot specify the location because the obstruction from the magma... there’s nothing else but to destroy the core.”
Everyone nodded at Hajime’s words and they simultaneously attacked the Magma Serpents.
The Magma Serpents rose like the solar flare shot out masses of flame from their mouth as they tensed. The twenty attacked from all direction. Normally, one would be swallowed by the numerous masses of magma without being able to escape.
“It hath been a long time since this one used this attack! So, taste all of it!”
A huge amount of black magic power appeared before Tio’s thrust her hands out. It then compressed in less than no time, and fired in the next moment. It was the Ryuujin tribe’s Breath.
Thus the black flash, whose dreadful power forced Hajime to defend with all of his might, eliminated all of the Magma Serpents in front of Tio without any trace left. Furthermore, she swung it as if it was a black colored flash blade and annihilated other Magma Serpents.
Immediately, eight Magma Serpents were annihilated, thus Hajime’s party dashed out from the hole of the encirclement.
As expected, by annihilating them without leaving a trace, the magic stone would also be annihilated no matter where the location was, but it was the Great Dungeon’s quality to not make it that easy.
The remaining Magma Serpents instantly crushed the foothold where Hajime’s party were before, falling into the ocean of magma and disappeared, but their numbers went back up to 20 the next time they re-appeared.
“Oi oi, I’ve confirmed the disappearance of the magic stones, you know? Was defeating it not the condition to clear this trial?”
Hajime’s expression distorted from the doubt. Hajime had activated “Light Speed” at the time Tio’s breath was about to reach the Magma Serpent and he confirmed the moment when the magic stone inside Magma Serpent was annihilated by the Breath using his increased kinetic vision.
Hajime came to doubt the condition for conquering this dungeon, and Shia raised her voice while pointing at the middle island.
“Hajime-san! Look at that! The wall is shining!”
When he looked at the middle island, it was indeed as Shia said. A part of the rockwall shot light as big as a fist. He didn’t notice it up until now, but the orange-colored light was coming from some kind of crystal buried under the wall of rock.
Hajime used “Farsight” to confirm it, but although it was difficult to confirm due to camouflage, he understood a large amount of similar crystals were buried on the rockwall of the middle island in orderly fashion. The middle island was cylindrical, so considering the interval between crystals and the island’s surface area, around 100 crystals were buried. And the crystals that currently shooting out light were eight... the same number of Magma Serpents Tio annihilated before.
“I see... so we need to defeat a hundred of these Magma Serpents to clear it, huh.”
“... In this heat, fighting a hundred of them... it matched the dungeon’s concept.”
Needless to say, having suffered from the heat and surprise attacks, the challengers were driven into the situation where they needed to concentrate the most in the very end; nastiness suitable for a Great Dungeon.
Indeed, even Hajime’s party were quite exhausted, mentally. However, their expressions didn’t show any exhaustion, they were wearing fearless smile because they had found out the method to conquer the dungeon.
They regained their spirit when they came to understand what they must do, and they once again attacked the Magma Serpents. Along with the downpouring masses of magma, the Magma Serpents made irregular movements to catch and burn their prey.
Hajime’s party spread out again and respectively began to counterattack.
With dragon wings grown out of her back, Tio floated using the wind she regenerated and used tornado along with vacuum blades to attack, bombarding the serpent. It was a wind element, mid-ranked offensive magic, “Imperial Cannon.”
“This is the ninth! Presently, this one is leading, Master! If this one defeated the most of them then this one wants a lot of rewards (punishments)! Of course, only two of us at night!”
Tio shouted while slashing the ninth Magma Serpents to pieces. Hajime tried to refuse with an amazed expression, but Shia interrupted him.
“Wha-! It’s unfair if it’s only Tio-san! I am also entering this challenge! Hajime-san, one night with me if I win!”
After shouting, Shia jumped above a Magma Serpent and swung down Doryukken onto its head from upper-stance. At the moment of impact, ripple of light blue colored magic power spread, next a violent impact was generated. The serpent immediately exploded from the head part until the ocean of magma. Sparkling minerals fluttered from the remains of Magma Serpent. It was the magic stone crushed by the impact from “Magic Shockwave”.
Masses of magma were approaching Shia, who was still mid-air from killing one of Magma Serpent, from behind. Shia used the recoil from Doryukken’s outburst and evaded. However, as if it was aiming for this, a Magma Serpents with its mouth opened come attacking to where Shia would fall.
However, Shia wasn’t that worried about it, she threw a disk taken out from the holster on her back into the air. It was a disk with diameter of 30 centimeters, and it didn’t fall but floated slightly lower place than Shia. Shia put her foot on it weightlessly and once again danced in the air.
The disk used the same principle as Cross Bit to float in the air, becoming foothold, and moving according Shia’s will by using induction stone. This, coupled with Shia’s weight adjustment, made it possible to do a combat like “dancing in the air”.
With its calculation coming off, the Magma Snake passed through the empty space under Shia. Transforming Doryukken, Shia aimed the muzzle towards the serpent and pulled the trigger. What shot out wasn’t the usual bullet but a slug bullet.
However, it wasn’t a normal slug bullet. It was a bullet created from special ore that Hajime endowed with characteristic of “Magic Shockwave,” thus it would generate shock wave from the supplied magic power at the same time it hit the target. By force alone, it far surpassed the grenade bullet.
Along with the roar of Doryukken, the fired slug bullet didn’t miss its target while hitting the Magma Serpent from back of its head, thus from its head to its body, the Magma Serpent was swallowed by the regenerated explosion. That impact once again crushed the magic stone which now fluttered as it sparkled in the air.
“Oi, girls. You, don’t just selfishly...”
“... Then, I want one day of date for the two of us.”
Hajime opened his mouth to retort on Tio and Shia’s one-sided competition, but he was interrupted by Yue who also wanted to participate in the competition of annihilation. Putting aside the things at night, the increasing number of companions decreased their time alone, so Yue seemed to want a one full day of just the two.
Exuding aura of having fun, however, the magic Yue activated was a brutal one. It was her latest favorite, “Thunder Dragon.”
However, due to her being more and more skillful on using it, the “Thunder Dragon” that appeared was numbered seven. At almost the same time, they moved toward their respective targets. Thundering roars rang out. The Magma Serpents who were trying to devour Yue was conversely devoured one after another by the group of Thunder Dragons without even leaving a mass of magma behind, so their magic stone inside their body had also broken.
Seeing that spectacle, Shia said, “As I thought, the most powerful enemy is Yue-san~!” Tio said, “Yue is bugged! Twas absolutely odd!” Both of them made hasty expressions while cursing. They pull out more severe attacks, adding the number of things they annihilated.
“... It’s not like I care. But, they seem to having fun.”
Shrugging his shoulders towards the three enthusiastic girls that made him as the prize of the competition, Hajime somewhat given up. Then, without turning around, he rapidly fired Schlag over his shoulder towards the incoming Magma Serpent behind him.
The bullets were fired evenly on the Magma Serpent’s body and the impacts blown the serpent’s body. At the same time, the impacts made the magic stone fluttered in the air. Repelling the masses of magma that flew from the previous half body, Hajime pinpoint shot through the falling magic stone right before it fell into the ocean of magma.
The bullet Hajime fired from Schlag was the similar exploding bullet like Shia’s. However, because it would be problematic if the bullets were too big, their power didn’t reach slug bullet’s. Of course if he used Schlagen, then it would be possible to bring out that much of a destructive power. However, it was the first time the bullets were used, similar to an experiment, so he only used the two guns.
The normal sized bullet didn’t have the power to blow away the Magma Serpent along with its magic stone, so Hajime now used around 2 shots to blown off the magma armor and sniped the exposed magic stone using Donner’s pinpoint attack. Naturally, the Schlagen was capable of ignoring the magma armor and penetrate through the magic stone, but it had too much penetrative power added that it wasn’t easy to locate the magic stone thus wasn’t suitable for aiming at the magic stone.
Now, another two Magma Serpents were attacking Hajime from his right and left, but he withdrew in high speed using “Aerodynamic” and “Ground Shrinker.” He flipped mid-air and fired Schlag in inverted pose.
One explosive sound rang out. However, the fired masses of killing intent were four. The Magma Serpents, who were attacking from right and left with tremendous momentum didn’t have any chance to be confused from the suddenly disappearing prey. They were attacked by the impact coming from above thus had its magma bodies dispersed, exposing the core, the magic stone.
At the same time, two flashes of light were fired from Donner and shot through the two magic stone without even one millimeter of error.
If one looked, the crystals regularly buried on the outer circumference of the rockwall of the middle island mostly emitted light, only eight haven’t. That was done even though not that much time passed since the real fight begun.
If Hajime’s party’s guess, where «Guryuu-en Great Volcano»’s concept was for a prolonged battle while having one’s concentration down due to nasty environment, was right, then the expectation of the creator of this trial could be said as completely off the mark because they were Hajime and his party.
Tio’s Breath destroyed more Magma Serpents
Shia used a blow from Doryukken and at the same time fired the slug bullet into another Magma Serpent, blasting them.
— Four left.
Two Magma Serpent were trying to do a pincer attack on Yue, ambushing from below where the ocean of magma. However, above them was “Thunder Dragon” coiling around Yue, obstructing them thus it became a standstill. Following that, the two Magma Serpents were now attacked by four “Thunder Dragons” from both of their sides, and were devoured.
— Two left.
A Magma Serpent was rapidly charging at Hajime while scattering bullet-like masses of magma. However, Hajime was swaying like a dancing falling leaf and avoided the masses of magma. When he was about to be devoured by the Magma Serpent, he fired Schlag and they passed through each other. The serpent blown away while the inertia made the magic stone jumped out which then sniped by Donner and Hajime didn’t even need to look at it.
Finally, the last Magma Serpent was surprise attacking from the ocean of magma below. Hajime flew up using “Aerodynamic” and fired Schlag, towards the interior of the opened mouth of Magma Serpent coming from below.
At the moment of impact, red shockwave scattered the magma. The gap created slightly revealed the magic stone. Hajime poised the Donner in his right hand. When he was about to fire the last attack, he watched Yue and the girl’s satisfied looks.
“This is the end.”
Looking at it in the edge of his vision, Hajime fired the last attack for the sake of conquering «Guryuu-en Great Volcano».
— And at that moment.
A beam poured down from above.
The light looked like divine punishment shot from the heaven, was the light that mortally injured Hajime before. No, it might be far stronger than that. The attack even made the air screamed was fired, aiming at the time of battle where Hajime most wide opened — swallowing Hajime along with the last Magma Serpent. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 9,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「おおぉぉぉぉぉっ......! 何という力で御座いましょう......! 凄まじい――!」
「す、凄いわね......! 前に見た時よりも凄いかも......!」
「ああぁぁぁぁ――校舎が......! せっかく建て直してるのにぃぃぃ――っ!」
「凄いです、ユア先輩――! まるで反応できませんでしたし、受けた腕がまだ痺れています......!」
「――無傷......? メガネさんは一発で泡吹いたのに――」
「え? どういうことですか? シルヴァ先輩――」
「イングリス君、受けに回るな! ユア君の攻撃は読み辛い! 攻撃は最大の防御だ!」
「はいシルヴァ先輩! ご忠告ありがとうございます!」
「どうした......!? なぜ仕掛けないんだ――?」
「おぉぉっ! 流石イングリス殿ですなぁ! その可憐なお姿からの、豪胆かつ豪快な立ち振る舞い! 見ているだけで痺れて参りますぞおぉぉぉっ!」
「むぐっ......! ぐぐぐ......!」
「......いい? 行くよ?」
「はいっ! お願いします――!」
「――! そこですっ!」
再びミリエラ校長の悲鳴が響き渡った。 | 「OOoooohhhh! What astounding power! Marvelous!!!」
Count Weissmall had his eyes opened wide at the display of Yua’s strength.
「G-, Glis actually got blown away so far!」
「A-, amazing! Perhaps even more than before!」
「Considering Senior Yua’s personality, perhaps she has always exerted the least amount of effort all this time... But now, she must be pretty serious!」
Seeing everyone’s reaction, Yua puffed up her chest.
On the other hand, Principal Miliera was clutching hard on her head.
「Principal, please worry about Glis before that!」
「I’m alright, Rani!」
The crashed framework shook once again. This was because Inglis violently jumped away from it.
「You’re amazing, senior Yua! I almost couldn’t react to you at all, and my arm is still numb from it!」
Yua tilted her head at the sight of Inglis, whose eyes were sparkling with excitement.
「Unharmed......? Four-eyes there foamed bubbles from his mouth in just one hit though...」
「D-, don’t say anything unnecessary!!」
Shouted Silva in anger.
「I’m quite confident with my sturdiness, despite my looks.」
「I see...then, another pow, coming through.」
Looking at Yua who was about to make another move, Silva murmured under his breath.
「......Inglis needs to be on the offensive. Or else she’ll be in danger!」
「Eh? What do you mean, senior Silva?」
Rafinha, who was nearby, asked for an explanation.
「You only know it when you’re actually facing her, it is hard to see through Yua’s attacks. She approaches you so fast you’d think there’s no hint or presence of her at all, and before you know it, a frighteningly powerful blow is already aimed at you! You might have more options if you could defend against it, but that would prove impossible. That one blow from before, Inglis did well reacting to it. It was, I guess it’s as expected of her, but whether or not she can receive the same blow again and again......」
「That’s why, it’s better to attack before she’s on the receiving end?」
「Yeah, exactly.」
Silva affirmed Rafinha’s conclusion.
「Inglis, don’t receive the blow! Yua’s attacks are hard to read! Offense is the best defense here!」
「Yes, senior Silva! Thank you very much for the feedback!」
However, despite her answer, Inglis didn’t take any initiative. A second passed, two seconds, three seconds——nothing happened.
Yua, who had taken what little defensive posture, tilted her head quizzically.
「What’s wrong?! Why aren’t you attacking?」
「I mean, she’s Glis... If you told her that, she will absolutely stay on the receiving end.」
「Sounds right......That’s what Inglis would do...」
「What a troubling person that girl is.」
Rafinha, Leone, and Liselotte smiled bitterly.
「Yes. That’s what it is. Thanks to you, I now know how I will fight this out.」
Inglis looked at Silva and gave him a smile.
A battle had to be won by taking your opponent’s biggest strength. Only by doing so, you could grow the most.
If offense was the best defense, then Inglis would never go on the initiative. Never.
She would be on the receiving end to that blow, and she would deal with it!
「Oooh! As expected of Miss Inglis! You can see her dauntless, glorious demeanor from her lovely figure! I am enthralled just by seeing her!!」
He was free to think what he wanted, but, if possible, it would be great if he didn’t say it out loud. It was making Inglis lose her mind.
「Senior Silva, why don’t you do something about Mister Redas!」
「I got that. Sorry for the nuisance......Come on, brother. You need to be quiet.」
「Mgh......! Gghghg......!」
Silva sighed and covered Redas’ mouth with his hand. Now she could concentrate.
「......Good? I’m coming, K?」
「Yes!! Please do!」
Yua once again assumed her attack pose. Inglis quickly took a stance to intercept.
This time, she relieved herself of the hypergravity magic, and instead manifested an ice sword. She normally conjured one the size of a one-handed sword, but this time, the sword was the size of a two-handed sword, almost as tall as her own body.
This was another vindication of her improving mastery over managing energy. She now could change the size of her conjured sword. A result of her daily training. It would be favorable if she could do it while also keeping up the hypergravity, but she wasn’t quite there yet.
「Big ones are meaningless if you can’t hit!」
Yua mumbled a little before moving into action.
「You’re right. That’s not what it is for!」
Inglis threw the ice sword she had just created upward. She then swung an elegant, roundhouse kick to it.
Despite its graceful motion, the power behind the kick was unbelievable, as it shattered the ice swords into shards. The fine shards of ice glittered, lavishly dancing down like powdery snow. The reason she enlarged her ice sword was to increase the number of ice shards that would be scattered.
And these icicles were the screen to see through Yua’s attack.
If that hard-to-react movement of Yua was something that was physical in nature, Inglis could observe the icicles wavering around. And, if that movement was some form of sorcery, then these icicles that were created magically and had traces of mana in them would be affected by the flow of energy.
In short, this was a trick to detect Yua’s movement, whether it was physical or magical.
Perhaps Inglis could repel Yua’s attack without any setback whatsoever if she used Ether Armor or something similar. However, she couldn’t see the point of doing so.
It was important to put yourself in a situation that required ingenuity in order to make the battle you had yield as much personal growth as possible.
「——! There!」
Left rear! There were no changes in the icicles’ physical positions, but Inglis could feel a faint fickle of mana from there. Inglis swung a middle kick in that direction, despite the fact that she couldn’t see anything there.
An instant after that, Yua’s figure appeared there as though her destination was already set in stone.
——I got her!
This time, it was Yua who was blown far and wide, her head plunged into the frames of the school building.
Once again, Principal Miliera’s shriek echoed. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 17,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
とりあえずこれで授爵式の準備はできた。緊張するなぁ。 | After Nera-san took our measurements, she immediately went back home. She could have at least sat down for a while, I would’ve even poured her some tea......
Anyway, the date for the granting and orientation(introduction) will be on our next day off. Thanks to this, we won’t be a burden to everyone this time.
? Wait, but this means we won’t be able to rest on our day off, right?「I won’t have any time to spend with Ruti, right?」(Natsuki)
「I won’t have any time to spend with Natsuki now.」(Ruti)
「Even if you two harmoniz~e, there’s nothing you can do about it, you kno~w?」(Chris)
Our precious date time! I knew that this can happen when we’re working two jobs, but I didn’t think this through at all, this is a bit depressing.
「Shall we have more after-work dates then?」(Ruti)
「Yeah, we’re only free at night after all.」(Natsuki)
But there aren’t that many shops open at night, you know? And most of them are pubs and stuff.
, but it might be nice to buy some alcohol and drink them back in our room. But maybe it’s better to drink in a pub with some nice ambiance after all...... I’ll ask Ruti about this later.
, what’s wrong? You seem less energetic than usual, you know?」(Old man)
An elderly regular suddenly told me while I was taking his order. It looks like my feelings of not being able to get a proper day off was written all over my face.
「Ah, well, Ruti and I decided to join something called the Order of Mages, but because of something we need to do there, we won’t have any days off this week and stuff.」(Natsuki)
「I see. By the way, what’s this Order of Mages thing?(Old man)
This old man... he should be someone born and raised here if I remember correctly, but it seems like even he doesn’t know about the order.
This lack of recognition, isn’t this a bit dangerous? And the fact that Ryzna-
「Hmm, to put it simply, they’re like the Order of Knights but only with magic instead of swords and spears, I guess?」(Natsuki)
「Oh, then this means that they’re on the same status as the Order of Knights, right? That’s amazing. Congratulations.」(Old man)
I wasn’t really curious about it so I didn’t know, but it looks like the Order of Knights is really admired by the general public.
「Thanks. So with that being said, if we’re not in the café as frequently in the future, it should be because we’re doing something at the Order of Mages that time.」(Natsuki)
「Hmm, that’s unfortunate...... I should tell the others as well.」(Old man)
「Are you acquainted with the other regulars?」(Natsuki)
All of our regulars come at random times, so I didn’t really think that they knew each other, though.
「Oh, you don’t know about it? There are fan clubs for each employee here. So, of course the members would know each other.」(Old man)
Wait, what, I’ve never even heard anything about that.
「So you actually didn’t know about it. The chairman is Ryzna-san, you know? 」(Old man)
I instantly turned my head to the counter. Ryzna-san’s eyes met with mine for a moment, but maybe sensing something, he immediately avoided my gaze. Is he an esper?「Geez, I can’t believe him...... by the way gramps, whose fan are you?」(Natsuki)
Although I said all that, I couldn’t help but ask. Well, that’s, I’m really curious, as a girl and all, yeah?
. There are some members that switch from Natsuki-
Hearing that, I instantly felt happier. Still, you can’t really blame the people who switched over to the Ruti faction. Ruti’s cute after all!
「Fufu, thanks, gramps. Well, I’m going back to work.」(Natsuki)
As a service, I winked as I waved him goodbye.
!? Bloodlust from all over the cafe!?It looks like doing this kind of thoughtless action is a bit dangerous. I’ll be careful next time.
「Natsuki? We have something to talk about later, alright?」(Ruti)
, your smile is scary. Yup, I need to be really careful.
「Haa, today would’ve been our day off though~.」(Natsuki)
And just like that, it’s already the scheduled day. Usually, we would be on a date by now but......
「You’ve been saying that since forever...... Come on.」(Ruti)
With an “It can’t be helped” kind of tone, Ruti shows me her arm. I latch on to it without any second thought.
「I want to stay like this the whole day~.」(Natsuki)
「Don’t be unreasonable. I’m holding myself back too, you know?」(Ruti)
. Well, we don’t have a choice. Still, I feel like our roles have been reversed lately. Hmm, well who cares about the minor stuff.
is already waiting for us. But for some reason, she has a weird look on her face.
「Sorry to keep you waiting. Is there a problem?」(Natsuki)
「Ah, it’s nothing...... Just, considering the male mages of the order, I feel a bit bad.
noticed something after seeing us being so
「Now then, shall we depart? We need you two to change at the headquarters first.」(Nera)
「By change, do you mean the uniform? But Nera-
「Since we had your share rushed first, our uniforms hasn’t been made yet.」(Nera)
, I don’t know why but sorry about that. I tried asking her about it while we were moving and it seems like the rush is because, instead of preparing a ceremonial dress just for the peerage ceremony, it’ll be easier for us if we wore a uniform, and this ceremony can act as the unveiling of the new uniforms as well. He’s surprisingly thoughtful, that leader.
As we reached the castle, we were immediately guided to a room inside the headquarters so that we can change.
「Ohh, isn’t it actually cute?」(Natsuki)
「You’re right. Also, it’s much better than I expected.」(Ruti)
Since the uniform thing came out of nowhere, we honestly didn’t expect too much from it appearance-wise, but this looks surprisingly good.
The uniform’s overall tone is black, the bottom is a culotte skirt but the top is the orthodox cutter shirt with a necktie and jacket.
Also, we have a hat. A tiny one that you fasten with a hairpin. The way it’s just sitting on my head is really cute. But the boots are the usual closed-toe ones, so I can’t use my toenail when in full uniform,
, but since it looks so nice, I feel like I’d be scared to get it dirty during work though.
For now, we’re fully prepared for the peerage ceremony. Don’t get nervous, me. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 29
} |
「まことに。なぜ我らは王都殲滅から呼び戻されたのですか? 部下共も早く人間共の血を啜りその血肉を喰らいたいと躍起になっておりまする」
「ええっ! カミーラちゃん、魔王軍を裏切ったの? 馬鹿ね、ゾルグ様を裏切るなんて。殺しちゃえ♪」
「何にしても裏切りは容赦せぬ! なぜに総督は裏切り者を放置しておる!」
「ま、まさか! そんな存在が......」
「全滅! あんた、覚醒して腕がにぶったんじゃない?」
「鉄壁のニールゼンか、小賢しい。総督、それでこのまま黙って見ているだけじゃないでしょうね? 俺は我慢がならぬ!」
「ガルム、出撃は禁ずる! 今動いても戦力が削られるだけだ」
「はっ! キラーの単細胞ぶりは覚醒しても治らなかったようだな。それで奴の部隊も全滅したのか?」
「それで情報収集してろってか! そんなのは性にあわん。それに邪神? ゾルグ様に匹敵するお方などいるわけがない。総督、悪いが好きにさせてもらう」
「お待ちなさい! 総督のご命令ですぞ!」
「なっ!? そ、総督、正気ですか! あやつらはあまりの無法ぶりにゾルグ様自ら封印された輩ですぞ!」
魔邪三人衆、その戦闘力は計り知れない。人知れず邪神軍包囲網が形成されつつあった。 | This was the castle of the Demon King Army; a citadel in a small country. Although even if it was called a ‘country’, it was merely the size of a small city, and was an insular nation isolated from its neighbours. A few weeks earlier, the Demon King Army had invaded here, and it became the headquarters of the Demon King Army.
Hidler sat down heavily upon the throne in this castle, and overlooked the surroundings with a glare. Lined up before him were the demons who had survived the life-and-death struggle of the earlier great battle.
“Sir Hidler, I cannot agree with your decision to suspend the human clean-up!”
“I feel the same. We of the Demon King Army have waited ages for this very moment, you know!”
“Indeed. Why have we been recalled from the Royal Capital Extermination? My subordinates are now desperately eager to drink the blood of humans and devour their flesh.”
The demons whose duty was to exterminate the humans were now kicking up a fuss. The battle instincts of the demon race was tremendous. It seems that there was quite a lot of resentment from being forced to hold back.
“You lot, this is disrespectful to Viceroy Hidler!”
The one who roared at the noisy demons was the Chief of the Demon King Army Intelligence Division, Yose. Although he was a small man, he was the brains of the Demon King Army, and the power of his intelligence analysis was critical to the army.
“It’s fine, Yose.”
“H-, However...”
“It is fine.”
Hidler stood up from the throne, and gave a sweeping glare over the clamouring demons. The pressure was extraordinary, and the people around all curled themselves up to a degree incomparable to when they had received Yose’s roar.
“You are all aware of Camilla’s betrayal, are you not. Settling that issue takes precedence over the humans.”
“Ehh! Camilla betrayed the Demon King Army? Betraying Master Zolg? What an idiot. Let’s kill her ♪”
The one who made a slitting motion at her neck was the recently awakened demon, Luxembourg. She was one of the Six Demon Generals, and a demonic beastman. She had an appearance like a cat, had four flexible limbs, and had a red eye like burning fire, and a blue eye like ice. Unlike her lovely appearance, she was the host to a brutal and wicked personality.
“To think that Ser Camilla, who had both wisdom and talent, as well as deep loyalty would...”
The one who was lost for words was the recently awakened demon, Poe. In pure strength, Poe was foremost amongst the Six Demon Generals. His entire body was clad with tough scales, of a hardness that dragons couldn’t compare to. He had the nature of a military man, but was a demonic dragonoid who would become ferocious in battle.
“No matter what, betrayal is unforgivable! Why are you leaving a traitor as is, Viceroy!”
With brutal emotions clear in his eyes, the Demon General Garm howled. He was a demon that controlled a vicious dragon, and fought together with it.
“Your questions are all very natural ones. Were it only Camilla, I would have handed down punishment myself. The problem is the one that Camilla has sworn new allegiance to, the Evil God.”
“Viceroy, what type of being is this Evil God?”
“Evil God Dark Matter. Their strength may rival Demon King Zorg.”
“I-, It can’t be! That kind of being...”
A commotion spread through the demons. That was natural. Demon King Zorg held so tremendous a power that no other could compare. Hidler himself had believed that nobody could be powerful enough to rival him.
But that day, that Evil God had withstood a knifehand from Camilla, and easily defeated Iron Wall Nielsen.
What were they?
Hidler had secretly used mana detection on the Evil God. He had expected mana that was at the very least above the Six Demon Generals, roughly on par with himself but...
That prediction of his weakly crumbled away. Their mana seemed bottomless. Hidler himself couldn’t stop his cold sweat. When it came to that Evil God, even if the whole army attacked at once, it would be meaningless; they would probably just be killed. Now convinced of this, he decided to withdraw while the Evil God was preoccupied with Camilla.
Indeed. Although he felt bad, he decided to use Camilla as a sacrifice. For the sake of Zorg’s revival, he couldn’t allow the Demon King Army to be annihilated. He believed that Camilla’s betrayal was also because she was abandoned by the Demon King Army.
However, when Hidler was retreating, he ordered Yose to stay there and solely gather intelligence. Because of that, he knew about how the intruder girl was the Evil God, and about Camilla’s defeat.
“It is unbelievable, but it is the truth. Because of that, I have decided that we will avoid fighting both the human forces and the Evil God Army at once, and prioritize intelligence collection first.”
“So that’s how it was. And so, what intelligence on the Evil God were we able to obtain?”
“Yose, explain the state of the scouting unit.”
“W-, Well― the Evil God Army was on guard, and our scouting unit was annihilated.”
Yose was deeply ashamed as large amounts of sweat ran down his forehead. The scouting unit had followed Yose’s command. Being annihilated was an unbelievable disgrace. It was natural that even the calm-headed Yose panicked.
“Annihilated! You, hasn’t your skill gotten dull after reawakening?”
“Enough, Luxembourg. So Yose, what happened?”
Demon General Poe had stopped the angered Luxembourg and continued the conversation. Yose, whose commands he had followed fanatically in the last Great War, had suffered a failure. It meant that the Evil God Army was just that formidable.
“Y-, Yes. The final report from the unit stated that they were observing the Evil God stronghold, and had been encircling it, but they were discovered by their household guard, led by Nielsen, and were completely destroyed.”
“Iron Wall Nielsen, huh. How cunning. Viceroy, we aren’t just going to sit quietly after this, right? I can’t stand it!”
Demon General Garm yelled angrily with a frenzied look. Garm’s disposition was intense. It seems that hearing that his own forces were defeated made him unable to stand it.
“Garm! I forbid you to attack. Making a move now would only reduce our forces.”
“But is it fine being looked down on by the enemy like this!?”
“Ser Garm, it is as the Viceroy says. Ser Kira also shook off Viceroy Hidler’s restraints, and meaninglessly lost his life.”
“That Kira died?”
“Yes. Ser Kira ignored the Viceroy’s warnings, completely fell for the Nielsen Unit’s provocations, and tragically lost his life.”
“Hah! Looks like re-awakening did nothing to help his simple-mindedness huh. So then his Kira Unit was annihilated as well.”
“It is as you say. After losing Ser Kira, the members of the unit fell into a panic, and without acting together as an organization, they were individually crushed by the Nielsen Unit.”
“And because of that you’re telling us to gather intelligence!? I can’t agree. And that Evil God? There’s no way they have power that compares to Master Zorg. Viceroy, sorry but I’ll be doing as I please.”
Garm opened the door and left. Shining bloodlust was being released from him, and it was likely that he would now head on to attack the Evil God Army.
“Wait! This is the Viceroy’s order, you know!”
“That’s enough. If saying it won’t get through to him, then he probably won’t understand unless he feels it himself.”
“Understood. Then, what is the strategy for our next move?”
“Yose, you will continue to gather intelligence. This time, choose the best to bring with you.”
“Then what about us?”
“Luxembourg, you, Poe and the others are to come with me. There is something we must do.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“We will unseal the Demonic Evil Three.”
“Wha-!? V-, Viceroy, are you sane!? They’re so lawless that Master Zorg sealed them himself, you know!”
Yose’s expression changed, and he advised Hidler. As the Chief of the Intelligence Division, and the strategist of the Demon King Army, it was something that he ought to oppose.
“This one is also opposed. Although we all belong to the Demon King Army, their way of thinking is completely different to ours!”
Demon General Poe also vehemently objected. Poe who always took care of his surroundings and would absolutely obey an order from above was now voicing his objections. You could infer from this just how lawless the Demonic Evil Three were.
“I am aware. I also find their disrespect towards Master Zolg repulsive. However, their combat strength is on another level. There is nobody who can oppose the Evil God but them.”
“...If you go to say that much, then I understand. We will also help to undo the seal.”
The Demonic Evil Three; their battle strength was immeasurable. Without them knowing, the siege of the Evil God Army was on its way. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
ビリーはこう答えました 「お父さんはピアノを弾いているよ 麻薬サロンで」
先生はびっくりして 家に電話をかけました 「今日 息子さんからお聞きして驚いたのですが
お父さんの職業はピアニストなのですか? 麻薬サロンの」
父親は言いました 「すみません もちろん全くのウソです」
でも8歳の男の子に 父親が政治家だなんて 説明できないですよね」 私も政治家ですが この様な場でも 実のところ 世界のどこで誰に会っても 私が職業を明かすと 変な目を向けられます まるで私が 蛇・猿・イグアナの合わさった 気味の悪い何かであるかのように こういう経験を通して強く感じるのは 何かが間違っているということです
民主主義が誕生して400年になります 国会で働く議員たちは 私から見ると 皆 すばらしく 学歴も優秀です 国民の教養 エネルギー 学識も 高まりつつあります それなのに この国は 深い深い失望に陥っています
新しく議員になる人の中には 医者、実業家、教授 著名な経済学者、歴史家、作家 大佐から特務曹長にいたる あらゆる軍の関係者などがいます
しかし 私を含め 国会議員は皆 国会を出て この古い建物の横を通るとき ふと 自分の無力さを感じ まるで自分が消えてしまうような そんな気持ちになるのです
発展途上国の至るところでも問題になっており 中所得国でも同様です ジャマイカでは... 例えばジャマイカの国会議員ですが 彼らはたいていこんな人達です ローズ奨学生として アメリカの一流大学を卒業した優等生たち しかしジャマイカの首都の中心には とても悲惨な光景が広がっています 世界中の中所得国で見られる光景ですが ぼろぼろの 半分廃墟と化した 建物の並ぶ
ひどい光景なのです 過去30年間こうなのです 1980年にエリート家族出身の党首が ハーバード出身の経済学博士である党首と 政権交代した頃には 麻薬をめぐる争いにより この街で 800人以上が殺されました
しかし10年前には 民主主義への期待が 非常に高まっているように思えました ブッシュ前米大統領は 2003年の一般教書演説で 民主主義は世界にはびこる悪を滅ぼす 唯一の力であると国民に呼びかけました 民主的な政府は 人民を尊重し 隣国を尊重し 自由は平和をもたらすと言うのです
当時の著名な学者たちも 民主化により 様々な便益がもたらされると賛同しました
民主化は繁栄や安全をもたらし 宗派の争いをなくし テロリストを守る政府はなくなると考えたのです
これまで イラクやアフガニスタンで 民主主義の政府が生まれましたが まだ これらの便益をもたらしてはいません
アフガニスタンでは 選挙を行うことに 成功しています それも大統領選挙 議員選挙を含む 3回もの選挙です では 選挙は何をもたらしましたか?
社会は繁栄し 法は整備され 安全は確保されたでしょうか? 答えは No です 国家の法制度は機能しておらず 汚職は横行し 市民社会と呼べるようなものは ほとんど存在せず メディアは独立しつつありますが 腐敗したと見なされる政府に対する 国民の不満はいまだに大きく 安全は全く確保されていません とても危険です
パキスタンや サブサハラ・アフリカの多くの国でも 民主主義と選挙が 腐敗した政府や不安定で 危険な国と共存しています 腐敗した政府や不安定で 危険な国と共存しています
私は市民とよく話をしますが 以前イラクでこんな出来事がありました 現地の人に こう聞かれました 「私達の目の前で 暴徒が 政府の建物をめちゃくちゃに荒らしているが これが新しい民主主義なのか?」と
これまで多くの中所得国や 途上国を訪問しましたが どこへいっても同じような問題があります
先進国でも同じだと言えるかもしれませんね では どうすればいいのでしょうか
民主主義を諦めることが正解なのでしょうか もちろん違います もし イラクやアフガニスタンで 今回のような作戦を再び展開し 突然 民主主義以外のシステムを 推進するとしたら そんなの馬鹿げています
民主主義以外は 私達の価値観に反しており 人々の望むものではなく また 私達の利害にも反しています
例えば イラクを巡って 民主主義の導入を遅らせるべき ではないかと議論されました ボスニアでは 選挙を実施するのが早すぎたために 宗派間の闘争や過激派政党が 活発になりました この教訓を生かして 2003年にイラクの選挙を 2年後に遅らせることが決まりました 選挙教育や民主化に 力を注いでいこうとしました
その結果なにが起こったでしょうか? 私のオフィスの外では 群衆が選挙の実施を要求しているのです これはリビアで撮られた写真ですが イラクでも同じ光景に遭遇しました 私が外に出て「暫定州政府の 何が不満なのか?
スンニ派とシアイ派のリーダーを始め 7つの 大きな部族のリーダーがいて キリスト教徒もいて サービア教徒もいて 女性の代表もいて すべての政党が議会に存在している 彼らの何が問題なのか?」と聞きました
すると彼らは 「選ばれた人が問題なのではない 選んだのが あなた達であることが 問題なんだ」と答えました
アフガニスタンでは 人里離れた集落でも 誰が自分達を統治するのか決めるのに 誰もが参加したいと思っています
どんなに辺境の土地に行っても 選挙権はいらないと 言う人はいませんでした
世論調査などで こんなデータが得られます 84%の英国民が イギリスの政治は崩壊していると感じており 2003年にイラクで世論調査を行い どのような政治形態がよいかを聞いたところ 返ってきた答えは アメリカが7% フランスが5% イギリスは3% 40%もの人が ドバイの政治形態がよいと答えました
ドバイは君主制を採用する裕福な国で 民主主義ではありません でも このような数字は気にせずに 民主主義の価値を認め 民主主義を守るべきです でもそのためには 民主主義を手段として 扱うことをやめるべきでしょう
民主主義の重要性を説くのに その利益を理由にするのはやめましょう
人権や女性の権利の重要性も同様に 人権や女性の権利の重要性も同様に
それはなぜか なぜならこれらの主張は とても危険だからです 例えば 「有益な情報を得ることが出来ないので 拷問は間違っている」という主張や 「労働力が2倍に増えて 経済成長が促されるので 女性の権利を認めることは重要だ」 という主張があったとしましょう すると 北朝鮮の役人は こう言うかもしれません 「私達は拷問によって多くの有益な情報を 得ることができているがね」
サウジアラビアの役人はこう主張するでしょう 「おかげさまで私達の経済は順調に成長しているよ あなたの国よりよっぽどね だから女性の権利を認める必要は ないのではないかな」
民主主義はある目的のための 手段ではありません
つくるためのものでもありません 自国や周辺諸国の平和を 保障するためのものでもありません
民主主義はそれ自体が重要なのです 公平や自由といった概念を反映し 個人の尊厳を認め 公平な選挙権により 一人一人に政府を形成する 権利を保証する
だから民主主義は重要なのです もし私達が民主主義にもう一度 勢いを付けたいと考えるのなら 市民や政府の プロジェクトに参加していく必要があります
民主主義とは 単なる構造を指すのではありません
それに対する姿勢であり 行動でもあるのです
ここでお話しした後 私は『Any Questions』という ラジオ番組に出演します お聞きになればお気付きになるでしょう こういったラジオ番組で 政治家は どんな質問にも「わかりません」とは 絶対に答えません 何を聞かれてもです
子供の税金の控除はどうなるのか 南極のペンギンの将来はどうなるのか 中国の大都市の成長は 環境問題に どう影響するか そんな質問を政治家にすると 彼らは必ず何か答えてくれます
こんなふうに何でも 知っているふりをするのは もうやめましょう
時には政治家も 有権者が求めているもの 有権者と約束したものを 実現することができない あるいは実現すべきでないと 言えるようになるべきです
次に私達がすべきことは 社会の気風を 理解することです
今 社会は かつてないほど 教養が高く 活力にあふれ 健全で 何事にも関心や情熱を持って 社会に貢献したいという市民で構成されています それこそが社会の気風なのです
かつては 今 私たちがいるような 天井に 王位に就いた王などの 素晴らしい絵が飾られた 大きな広間が 政府の中心でしたが 以前 イギリス国王の首が飛ばされた この歴史的な場所や このような権威の象徴であるような場所から 次第に 市庁舎の方 庶民の持つ力により近く 位置するようになりました この力をもっと利用する必要があるのです
イギリスの場合 フランスを見習い 市長が直接選ばれる フランスのコミューン制度を 導入すべきかもしれません
アフガニスタンの場合は 大統領選挙や議員選挙のような 大きな選挙に集中するよりも アフガニスタンに根付いたシステム つまり地区レベルで直接選挙を行い 州の長を選ぶという方法を とるべきだったのかもしれません
これらが上手く機能するために必要なことは 真摯な言葉でしょうか 地域レベルでの民主主義でしょうか カギを握っているのは政治家ではありません
政治家が正直であるためには 市民の協力が不可欠です そしてメディアは 政治家と市民とを つなげる役割を果たし 政治家を正直たらしめる必要があります
地域レベルでの民主主義が活発ということは そこに住む 全ての市民が 活発に政治参加しているということです
つまり もし民主主義が再建され もう一度活発な民主主義が達成されるためには 市民が政治家を信頼すること そして同時に 政治家が市民を信頼することが必要なのです
ありがとうございました (拍手) | And little Billy says, "My father plays the piano in an opium den."
So the teacher rings up the parents, and says, "Very shocking story from little Billy today.
Just heard that he claimed that you play the piano in an opium den."
And the father says, "I'm very sorry. Yes, it's true, I lied.
But how can I tell an eight-year-old boy that his father is a politician?" Now, as a politician myself, standing in front of you, or indeed, meeting any stranger anywhere in the world, when I eventually reveal the nature of my profession, they look at me as though I'm somewhere between a snake, a monkey and an iguana, and through all of this, I feel, strongly, that something is going wrong.
Four hundred years of maturing democracy, colleagues in Parliament who seem to me, as individuals, reasonably impressive, an increasingly educated, energetic, informed population, and yet a deep, deep sense of disappointment.
My colleagues in Parliament include, in my new intake, family doctors, businesspeople, professors, distinguished economists, historians, writers, army officers ranging from colonels down to regimental sergeant majors.
All of them, however, including myself, as we walk underneath those strange stone gargoyles just down the road, feel that we've become less than the sum of our parts, feel as though we have become profoundly diminished.
And this isn't just a problem in Britain.
It's a problem across the developing world, and in middle income countries too. In Jamaica, for example -- look at Jamaican members of Parliament, you meet them, and they're often people who are Rhodes Scholars, who've studied at Harvard or at Princeton, and yet, you go down to downtown Kingston, and you are looking at one of the most depressing sites that you can see in any middle-income country in the world:
a dismal, depressing landscape And this has been true for 30 years, and the handover in 1979, 1980, between one Jamaican leader who was the son of a Rhodes Scholar and a Q.C. to another who'd done an economics doctorate at Harvard, over 800 people were killed in the streets in drug-related violence.
Ten years ago, however, the promise of democracy seemed to be extraordinary. George W. Bush stood up in his State of the Union address in 2003 and said that democracy was the force that would beat most of the ills of the world. He said, because democratic governments respect their own people and respect their neighbors, freedom will bring peace.
Distinguished academics at the same time argued that democracies had this incredible range of side benefits.
They would bring prosperity, security, overcome sectarian violence, ensure that states would never again harbor terrorists.
Since then, what's happened?
Well, what we've seen is the creation, in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, of democratic systems of government which haven't had any of those side benefits.
In Afghanistan, for example, we haven't just had one election or two elections. We've gone through three elections, presidential and parliamentary. And what do we find?
Do we find a flourishing civil society, a vigorous rule of law and good security? No. What we find in Afghanistan is a judiciary that is weak and corrupt, a very limited civil society which is largely ineffective, a media which is beginning to get onto its feet but a government that's deeply unpopular, perceived as being deeply corrupt, and security that is shocking, security that's terrible.
In Pakistan, in lots of sub-Saharan Africa, again you can see democracy and elections are compatible with corrupt governments, with states that are unstable and dangerous.
And when I have conversations with people, I remember having a conversation, for example, in Iraq, with a community that asked me whether the riot we were seeing in front of us, this was a huge mob ransacking a provincial council building, was a sign of the new democracy.
of the middle and developing countries that I went to, and to some extent the same is true of us.
Well, what is the answer to this? Is the answer to just give up on the idea of democracy?
Well, obviously not. It would be absurd if we were to engage again in the kind of operations we were engaged in, in Iraq and Afghanistan if we were to suddenly find ourselves in a situation in which we were imposing anything other than a democratic system.
Anything else would run contrary to our values, it would run contrary to the wishes of the people on the ground, it would run contrary to our interests.
I remember in Iraq, for example, that we went through a period of feeling that we should delay democracy. We went through a period of feeling that the lesson learned from Bosnia was that elections held too early enshrined sectarian violence, enshrined extremist parties, so in Iraq in 2003 the decision was made, let's not have elections for two years. Let's invest in voter education. Let's invest in democratization.
The result was that I found stuck outside my office a huge crowd of people, this is actually a photograph taken in Libya but I saw the same scene in Iraq of people standing outside screaming for the elections, and when I went out and said, "What is wrong with the interim provincial council?
What is wrong with the people that we have chosen?
There is a Sunni sheikh, there's a Shiite sheikh, there's the seven -- leaders of the seven major tribes, there's a Christian, there's a Sabian, there are female representatives, there's every political party in this council, what's wrong with the people that we chose?"
The answer came, "The problem isn't the people that you chose. The problem is that you chose them."
I have not met, in Afghanistan, in even the most remote community, anybody who does not want a say in who governs them.
Most remote community, I have never met a villager who does not want a vote.
So we need to acknowledge that despite the dubious statistics, despite the fact that 84 percent of people in Britain feel politics is broken, despite the fact that when I was in Iraq, we did an opinion poll in 2003 and asked people what political systems they preferred, and the answer came back that seven percent wanted the United States, five percent wanted France, three percent wanted Britain, and nearly 40 percent wanted Dubai, which is, after all,
not a democratic state at all but a relatively prosperous minor monarchy, democracy is a thing of value for which we should be fighting. But in order to do so we need to get away from instrumental arguments.
We need to get away from saying democracy matters because of the other things it brings.
human rights matters because of the other things it brings, or women's rights matters for the other things it brings.
Why should we get away from those arguments?
Because they're very dangerous. If we set about saying, for example, torture is wrong because it doesn't extract good information, or we say, you need women's rights because it stimulates economic growth by doubling the size of the work force, you leave yourself open to the position where the government of North Korea can turn around and say, "Well actually, we're having a lot of success extracting good information with our torture at the moment,"
or the government of Saudi Arabia to say, "Well, our economic growth's okay, thank you very much, considerably better than yours, so maybe we don't need to go ahead with this program on women's rights."
The point about democracy is not instrumental.
It's not about the things that it brings.
legitimate, effective, prosperous rule of law.
It's not that it guarantees peace with itself or with its neighbors.
Democracy matters because it reflects an idea of equality and an idea of liberty. It reflects an idea of dignity, the dignity of the individual, the idea that each individual should have an equal vote, an equal say, in the formation of their government.
But if we're really to make democracy vigorous again, if we're ready to revivify it, we need to get involved in a new project of the citizens and the politicians.
Democracy is not simply a question of structures.
It is a state of mind. It is an activity.
And part of that activity is honesty.
After I speak to you today, I'm going on a radio program called "Any Questions," and the thing you will have noticed about politicians on these kinds of radio programs is that they never, ever say that they don't know the answer to a question. It doesn't matter what it is.
If you ask about child tax credits, the future of the penguins in the south Antarctic, asked to hold forth on whether or not the developments in Chongqing contribute to sustainable development in carbon capture, and we will have an answer for you.
We need to stop that, to stop pretending to be omniscient beings.
Politicians also need to learn, occasionally, to say that certain things that voters want, certain things that voters have been promised, may be things that we cannot deliver or perhaps that we feel we should not deliver.
And the second thing we should do is understand the genius of our societies.
Our societies have never been so educated, have never been so energized, have never been so healthy, have never known so much, cared so much, or wanted to do so much, and it is a genius of the local.
One of the reasons why we're moving away from banqueting halls such as the one in which we stand, banqueting halls with extraordinary images on the ceiling of kings enthroned, the entire drama played out here on this space, where the King of England had his head lopped off, why we've moved from spaces like this, thrones like that, towards the town hall, is we're moving more and more towards the energies of our people, and we need to tap that.
That can mean different things in different countries.
In Britain, it could mean looking to the French, learning from the French, getting directly elected mayors in place in a French commune system.
In Afghanistan, it could have meant instead of concentrating on the big presidential and parliamentary elections, we should have done what was in the Afghan constitution from the very beginning, which is to get direct local elections going at a district level and elect people's provincial governors.
But for any of these things to work, the honesty in language, the local democracy, it's not just a question of what politicians do.
It's a question of what the citizens do.
For politicians to be honest, the public needs to allow them to be honest, and the media, which mediates between the politicians and the public, needs to allow those politicians to be honest.
If local democracy is to flourish, it is about the active and informed engagement of every citizen.
In other words, if democracy is to be rebuilt, is to become again vigorous and vibrant, to learn to trust their politicians, but for the politicians to learn to trust the public.
Thank you very much indeed. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「あ、あっちの眼鏡? それともあそこに座ってる本好きガール?」
本当にいつもメルだけは緊張感がない。 | Mel crawls into the bushes, her eyes darting about.
Only Duke was left standing as she forced us to sit in the bushes, leaning forward to look for a target.
It was pointless for us to hide.
“Oh, what about the glasses guy over there? Or that bookworm girl sitting over there?”
“First, they must be someone who is smitten with Liz.”
Mel gasped at Henry’s words and stuck her tongue out a little.
“Maybe you’d like to become a blind follower?”
“Well, the only way to break the spell would be for you to think more clearly than Liz, right?”
“Perhaps it’s better to start with the hard mode first because once we’ve unlocked someone who believes strongly in her, the rest will be easy.”
“Right, that’s true.”
“Well, I guess I should go for that fitness-oriented redhead after all.”
Mel interrupted the conversation between Henry and me. She pointed out Eric, who was with another student.
He stood out because of his large stature. He was helping a female student in carrying a large number of books.
... When you look at him this way, he appears to be nothing more than a nice guy. But he always directed his outrageous hostility toward Alicia.
However, I felt that the hostility of the Liz faction of the student council members toward Alicia eased when they found out that the king had given Alicia a “villainous role”.
“Eric, he seems to be a bit of a pain in the neck”
Henry muttered as he looked at him.
“Who’s going to call out to him?”
“I’ll go.”
Mel’s words are interrupted by a voice from behind., Duke?
I couldn’t picture Duke and Eric talking to each other.
I knew Duke wouldn’t fail, but I still asked him if he was sure about this.
“I’ll figure it out.”
He always performed flawlessly, without the slightest hint of fear. He really was the textbook definition of a prince.
With this in mind, I watched Duke as he walked towards Eric.
He drew the attention of all the students nearby the moment he stepped out of the bushes.
I knew that it was impossible to take one’s eyes off that charisma, even if he was called a mad prince.
As a prince, he must have felt a lot of pressure to have so many people staring at him all the time. There must have been hardly any time to take a break.
Alicia was the only one who could heal him in such a situation. He would do anything for that woman, right?
“The constant yammering has subsided, but he still gets so much attention, it’s hard on him.”
“It’s good that Duke has Alicia.”
“I want Aliali all to myself too!”
Mel didn’t care that Henry and I were speaking in hushed tones and began shouting loudly.
We desperately covered her mouth so as not to be noticed by those around us.
Mel was always the only one who wasn’t worried about what was going on. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
そしてその事に関する見解を目にする時 話の主題は合っているにもかかわらず ポイントを完全に見逃してしているという気がするのです
議論の焦点である問題は デジタルテクノロジーが 人間が生活費を稼ぐという能力に 影響を及ぼしているかどうかということです 少し違った言い方をするならば アンドロイドたちは仕事を奪っているのでしょうか
アメリカのGDPがゆっくりながら安定した成長に戻って 大不況が終り 他の経済指標も回復し始めると 急ぎ足で健全な状態に戻りました
大企業の収益はかなり高く 実際 銀行収益も含めれば これまでないくらいに高いのです
ビジネス投資も勢いがあり 設備投資や ハードウェア ソフトウェアの分野では 最高記録です
欠けているものは何かというと 雇用です
グラフの赤線は人口に対する雇用率です 言い換えるなら アメリカで就業している 生産年齢の人の割合です
大不況で落ち込んでいるのがわかると思いますが それからまったく立ち直ってないのです
しかし これはただの不況の話とは違います
ここ10年 全体的に雇用は停滞してきました 10年ごとに比較をしていくと 記録のある中で2000年代だけが 10年の始めより終わりの方が 働いている人が少ないのです
この国で働ける労働者数と 仕事の数をグラフにしてみると そこには時間とともにどんどん広がっているギャップがあり 大不況のときに ギャップが大幅に広がりました
簡単な計算をしてみました ここ20年のGDPの成長率と 労働生産性の成長を使い かなり単純な方法で 経済成長を維持するためには どれだけの仕事が必要になるか 予想を試みました これが導き出された線です
いかがですか? そしてこちらは 今後の生産年齢の人口に関する
政府の予測を示します これらの予測が正確なら ギャップが埋まることはありません
これらの予測が正確だとは思えない これが問題です
特に 私が導き出した仮定は かなり楽観的すぎると思います なぜなら 計算において 未来の労働生産性の成長率は 過去のものと同じであろうと仮定したからです でも実際そうなるとは思っていません 周囲を見ると テクノロジーが労働人口に及ぼす影響について
まだ何も目にしていないと思うからです ここ2,3年ほどで 私たちは今まであり得なかったスキルや 能力をもったデジタルツールを目にするようになりました そしてそれは 私たちのする仕事に 深くくいこんできました
歴史上これまで 他の言語に翻訳したいものがあった場合 人間にやらせてきました
現在では 多言語で瞬時の 自動翻訳サービスを無料で使用できます スマートフォンをはじめ 多くの機器で利用できます
使ったことがある方もいるでしょうが これらのサービスは完璧ではありませんが まずまずではあります
歴史上これまで レポートや記事などの 文章が必要な場合 誰かにやらせてきました
今は違います これは しばらく前の
アップルの収益に関する 『フォーブス』オンライン版の記事です
そしてこれはまずまずなんかではありません 完璧です
多くの人はこれを見てこう言うでしょう 「でもね これはとっても特殊で限定されたタスクだ 知識労働者のほとんどは実際はジェネラリストであり
彼らがしていることは 多くの専門技術と知識を基にして 予測のつかないような要求にも 即座に反応することだ それを自動化するのは物凄く難しいことなんだよ」と
最近で一番印象深い知識労働者のひとりは ケン・ジェニングスという男です
右に座っているのがケンで ジェパディ用にプログラムされた― IBM のスーパーコンピューター ワトソンに 3倍の得点で負けたところです
このようにテクノロジーが 一般的な知識労働者に 何ができるかということを垣間見る時 このジェネラリストという概念に とりたてて特別な何かが あるわけではない と思いはじめたのです 特に ワトソンと Siri をつなげて 言われたことを理解したり それに音声で答えるような テクノロジーがあれば なおさらです
今のSiriは完璧にはほど遠く 可笑しい間違いもありますが Siri やワトソンのようなテクノロジーが ムーアの法則に従って進歩していくと そして実際そうなると思いますが 6年で2倍や4倍どころではなく 16倍も良くなっているはずだと 覚えておくべきでしょう
だから多くの知識労働が この技術に影響されると思い始めました
さらにデジタルテクノロジーは 知識労働だけに影響するのではなく 物理的な世界へも勢力を及ぼし始めています
少し前にGoogleの無人自動車に乗る機会があり 評判通り 本当にクールなものでした のろのろ運転の国道101号線でも非常にスムーズに 対応したということは 私が保証します
アメリカでは約350万人が トラックの運転で生計を立てており 中には このテクノロジーで 影響される人もいると思います
ヒューマノイド ロボットは 現在まだ非常に未熟で
しかし 急速に改良が進んでいます 国防総省の投資部門であるDARPAはこの動きを 加速させようとしています
要するに アンドロイドは 私たちの仕事に迫ってきています
短期的には 起業家精神を奨励し インフラ投資することで 雇用を牽引することができます なぜなら ロボットは今日まだ
橋の補修が不得意だからです しかし 遠くない将来 ここにいるほとんどの人々が 生きているうちに 非常に生産的であるが 多くの労働力は必要とされない という経済に推移していくことになるでしょう
その移行に対処することが 私たちの社会が直面する 最大の課題となるでしょう
ヴォルテールの言葉は この理由をうまく表しています 「仕事は 3つの大いなる悪 すなわち 退屈 非行 貧困から私たちを救ったのだ」と
しかしこのような課題があっても 私は個人的に いまだデジタルをものすごく前向きに捉えていて 我々が現在開発中であるデジタルテクノロジーが いずれ私たちを 陰鬱な未来ではなく ユートピア的な未来に 導いてくれると 絶大な自信を持っているのです ここで 途方もなく広範な質問をしたいと思います
人類の歴史において 最も重要な進歩といえばなんでしょうか?
この質問にどんな答えをもらったか いくつかお話します こんな質問をしたら
簡単に終わりのない議論が始まります 西洋と東洋の両方における哲学のシステムが 多くの人々の世界観を変えたことを
挙げる人もいるでしょう こう言う人もいるでしょう 「いや実際 大きな出来事 進歩といえば 文明を変え 無数の人々の生き方に影響した 主要な宗教が確立したことだ」
また一方で こう言う人もいるでしょう 「実際に文明を変えたり手を加えたり 人々の生活も変えたものは帝国だ 人類の偉大な発展とは 征服と戦争の歴史だ」
そうしたら そこへ大体必ず陽気な誰かが 「ねえ 疫病のことを忘れてないか」 なんて割り込んできます この質問に対する楽観的な答えもあります 大航海時代によって世界の幕が開いたと
指摘する人もいます また 世界のよりよい操作を可能にする 数学のような知的な業績を語る人もいます また芸術と科学が
こうして議論は延々と続きます それは無限の議論であり 決定的な唯一の解はありません
しかし 私のような頭でっかちはこう言います 「データではどうなんだ?」
そこで 興味あるもののグラフを作り始めます 例えば世界の総人口や 社会発展の指標や 社会の高度化の状況などをグラフにします
こうしたアプローチによって 大きな出来事や人間の歴史上の主要な発展があれば グラフのカーブは大きく曲がるはずだからです
さてこうしてデータをプロットすると たちどころに不思議な結論に至ります
実際 どの答えも たいして重要ではないのです グラフに 何の影響も与えないのです
人間の歴史においてグラフを曲げたもの 90度近く曲げてしまった ただ1つの事件 出来事は テクノロジーの発達です
蒸気エンジンと関連したテクノロジーは 産業革命によって世界を変えて 人間の歴史に多大な影響を与えました 歴史家イアン・モリスの言葉によれば それ以前のものすべてを お笑い草にしてしまいました
私たちの筋肉の力を無限に増幅して 筋力の限界を克服してしまったからです
私たちは今 個々の脳の限界を克服して 知能を無限に増幅しようとしています
これが 筋力の限界を克服することに匹敵する 重大な事でないわけがありませんよね?
繰り返しになるかもしれませんが 昨今のデジタルテクノロジーの変化には まだまだ先があるということや
経済と社会の状況を考えると 私の唯一の結論は
我々はまだ何も見ていないということ お楽しみはこれからです
資本や労働でもありません アイデアによって回るのです
イノベーションや 新しいアイデアを生み出す仕事が 経済生活において我々に可能な 最も強力で基本的な仕事です かつて我々はこのように革新を行ってきました
エリート機関から引き抜いてきて 別のエリート機関に送り込み イノベーションを待つのです
さて-- キャリアの全てをMITと― ハーバードで過ごしてきた 白人にとってこれは何の問題もありません でも問題だと思う人もおり パーティーに勝手にやってきて 技術革新のドレスコードを緩めてしまいました
写真はトップコーダー・プログラミング・チャレンジの受賞者で この子達がどこで育って どこの学校に通ったとか 見た目がどうかなど 誰も気にも留めないでしょう 皆が気にすることは
仕事の質や アイデアの質です
技術に促進される世界で 幾度となく 実際に目の当たりにすることです
技術革新の仕事はよりオープンになってきます より包括的で 透明性が増し メリット重視になります MIT やハーバードがどう思おうと続くのです こんな展開について 私はこの上なく嬉しく思っています
時々こう言われます 「テクノロジーは大事でも まだ豊かな世界に向けたツールにすぎない これらのデジタルツールは 低所得層が生活を向上するのに 何の役にも立っていない」
はっきり言います そんなことはない
経済学者のロバート・ジェンセンは すばらしい研究をしました 少し前のこと インドの漁村であるケララ州で 人々が携帯電話を手に入れたとき 何が起こったか詳細に観察したのです
『Quarterly Journal of Economics』 のような 経済学専門誌への原稿では 非常に冷静で慎重な言葉づかいが求められますが
彼の論文を読むと感じることは ジェンセンが おい これは大事だぞと 私たちに叫びかけているということ
出荷価格を安定させ 経済的生活の見通しが立ちました
水揚げの廃棄は 減るどころか皆無になりました
どの村でも買い手と売り手 双方の生活が 眼に見えて改善したのです ジェンセンが非常に運よく
テクノロジーによって物事が改善された漁村に たまたま居合わせたのだとは思いません そうではなく テクノロジーがある環境や―
コミュニティーに初めて導入されるたびに 幾度となく起こることを 非常に注意深く記録に残したのです 人々の生活や福祉は劇的に改善します
だからすべての証拠を見回して この先の伸びしろを考えると 私は絶大なデジタル楽観主義者となります 物理学者フリーマン・ダイソンの言葉が 誇張ではないと思い始めます
「デジタル テクノロジーは 素晴らしいギフトです」 デジタルテクノロジーが花開き 拡大し 深まり 世界中でより重要になっている今 この時代に生きていることは 素晴らしい幸運なのです
確かに アンドロイドは私たちの仕事を奪っています しかし その事実に注目しすぎると ポイントを完全に見逃します
ポイントは 私たちが違う何かをできるようになり これから取り組もうとしているのは 世界中の貧困と― 重労働と不幸を減らそうということに違いないと 確信しています
私たちは地球への負担をより軽くする 術を学んでいくだろうと 確信しています 新しいデジタルツールによって起こることが とても大規模で非常に有益で それ以前のすべてのものが お笑い草になるほどのものだと
確信しています 最後に デジタルの進歩を 最前列の席で見てきた
ご存知ケン・ジェニングスに賛同し 彼の言葉で締めたいと思います こんな言葉です 「私は 個人的に コンピューターによる君主制を歓迎します」 どうもありがとうございました (拍手) | And as I look at the conversation, it strikes me that it's focused on exactly the right topic, and at the same time, it's missing the point entirely.
the question is whether or not all these digital technologies are affecting people's ability to earn a living, or, to say it a little bit different way, are the droids taking our jobs?
And there's some evidence that they are.
The Great Recession ended when American GDP resumed its kind of slow, steady march upward, and some other economic indicators also started to rebound, and they got kind of healthy kind of quickly.
Corporate profits are quite high; in fact, if you include bank profits, they're higher than they've ever been.
And business investment in gear -- in equipment and hardware and software -- is at an all-time high.
So the businesses are getting out their checkbooks.
What they're not really doing is hiring.
So this red line is the employment-to-population ratio, in other words, the percentage of working-age people in America who have work.
And we see that it cratered during the Great Recession, and it hasn't started to bounce back at all.
But the story is not just a recession story.
The decade that we've just been through had relatively anemic job growth all throughout, especially when we compare it to other decades, and the 2000s are the only time we have on record where there were fewer people working at the end of the decade than at the beginning.
This is not what you want to see.
When you graph the number of potential employees versus the number of jobs in the country, you see the gap gets bigger and bigger over time, and then, during the Great Recession, it opened up in a huge way.
I did some quick calculations. I took the last 20 years of GDP growth and the last 20 years of labor-productivity growth and used those in a fairly straightforward way to try to project how many jobs the economy was going to need to keep growing, and this is the line that I came up with.
Is that good or bad?
This is the government's projection So if these predictions are accurate, that gap is not going to close.
The problem is, I don't think these projections are accurate.
In particular, I think my projection is way too optimistic, because when I did it, I was assuming that the future was kind of going to look like the past, with labor productivity growth, and that's actually not what I believe. Because when I look around, I think that we ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to technology's impact on the labor force.
Just in the past couple years, we've seen digital tools display skills and abilities that they never, ever had before, and that kind of eat deeply into what we human beings do for a living.
Let me give you a couple examples.
Throughout all of history, if you wanted something translated from one language into another, you had to involve a human being.
Now we have multi-language, instantaneous, automatic translation services available for free via many of our devices, all the way down to smartphones.
And if any of us have used these, we know that they're not perfect, but they're decent.
Throughout all of history, if you wanted something written, a report or an article, you had to involve a person.
Not anymore.
This is an article that appeared in Forbes online a while back, about Apple's earnings.
It was written by an algorithm.
And it's not decent -- it's perfect.
A lot of people look at this and they say, "OK, but those are very specific, narrow tasks, and most knowledge workers are actually generalists.
And what they do is sit on top of a very large body of expertise and knowledge and they use that to react on the fly to kind of unpredictable demands, and that's very, very hard to automate."
One of the most impressive knowledge workers in recent memory is a guy named Ken Jennings.
He won the quiz show "Jeopardy!" 74 times in a row.
Took home three million dollars.
That's Ken on the right, getting beat three-to-one by Watson, the Jeopardy-playing supercomputer from IBM.
So when we look at what technology can do to general knowledge workers, I start to think there might not be something so special about this idea of a generalist, particularly when we start doing things like hooking Siri up to Watson, and having technologies that can understand what we're saying and repeat speech back to us.
Now, Siri is far from perfect, and we can make fun of her flaws, that if technologies like Siri and Watson improve along a Moore's law trajectory, which they will, in six years, they're not going to be two times better or four times better, they'll be 16 times better than they are right now.
So I start to think a lot of knowledge work is going to be affected by this.
And digital technologies are not just impacting knowledge work, they're starting to flex their muscles in the physical world as well.
I had the chance a little while back to ride in the Google autonomous car, which is as cool as it sounds. And I will vouch that it handled the stop-and-go traffic on US 101 very smoothly.
There are about three and a half million people who drive trucks for a living I think some of them are going to be affected by this technology.
And right now, humanoid robots are still incredibly primitive.
They can't do very much.
But they're getting better quite quickly and DARPA, which is the investment arm of the Defense Department, is trying to accelerate their trajectory.
So, in short, yeah, the droids are coming for our jobs.
In the short term, we can stimulate job growth by encouraging entrepreneurship and by investing in infrastructure, because the robots today still aren't very good at fixing bridges.
But in the not-too-long-term, I think within the lifetimes of most of the people in this room, we're going to transition into an economy that is very productive, but that just doesn't need a lot of human workers.
And managing that transition is going to be the greatest challenge that our society faces.
Voltaire summarized why; he said, "Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need."
But despite this challenge -- personally, I'm still a huge digital optimist, and I am supremely confident that the digital technologies that we're developing now are going to take us into a Utopian future, not a dystopian future. And to explain why, I want to pose a ridiculously broad question.
I want to ask: what have been the most important developments in human history?
Now, I want to share some of the answers that I've gotten in response to this question.
It's a wonderful question to ask and start an endless debate about, systems of philosophy in both the West and the East that have changed how a lot of people think about the world.
And then other people will say, "No, actually, the big stories, the big developments are the founding of the world's major religions, which have changed civilizations and have changed and influenced how countless people are living their lives."
And then some other folk will say, "Actually, what changes civilizations, what modifies them and what changes people's lives are empires, so the great developments in human history are stories of conquest and of war."
And then some cheery soul usually always pipes up and says, "Hey, don't forget about plagues!" There are some optimistic answers to this question, so some people will bring up the Age of Exploration and the opening up of the world.
Others will talk about intellectual achievements in disciplines like math that have helped us get a better handle on the world, and other folk will talk about periods when there was a deep flourishing of the arts and sciences.
So this debate will go on and on.
It's an endless debate and there's no conclusive, single answer to it.
But if you're a geek like me, you say, "Well, what do the data say?"
And you start to do things like graph things that we might be interested in -- the total worldwide population, for example, or some measure of social development or the state of advancement of a society.
And you start to plot the data, because, by this approach, the big stories, the big developments in human history, are the ones that will bend these curves a lot.
So when you do this and when you plot the data, you pretty quickly come to some weird conclusions.
You conclude, actually, that none of these things have mattered very much. They haven't done a darn thing to the curves.
There has been one story, one development in human history that bent the curve, bent it just about 90 degrees, and it is a technology story.
The steam engine and the other associated technologies of the Industrial Revolution changed the world and influenced human history so much, that in the words of the historian Ian Morris, "... they made mockery out of all that had come before."
And they did this by infinitely multiplying the power of our muscles, overcoming the limitations of our muscles.
Now, what we're in the middle of now is overcoming the limitations of our individual brains and infinitely multiplying our mental power.
How can this not be as big a deal as overcoming the limitations of our muscles?
So at the risk of repeating myself a little bit, when I look at what's going on with digital technology these days, we are not anywhere near through with this journey.
And when I look at what is happening to our economies and our societies, my single conclusion is that we ain't seen nothing yet.
The best days are really ahead.
Let me give you a couple examples.
Economies don't run on energy.
They don't run on capital, they don't run on labor. Economies run on ideas.
So the work of innovation, the work of coming up with new ideas, is some of the most powerful, most fundamental work that we can do And this is kind of how we used to do innovation.
We'd find a bunch of fairly similar-looking people ...
We'd take them out of elite institutions, we'd put them into other elite institutions and we'd wait for the innovation.
Now -- as a white guy who spent his whole career at MIT and Harvard, I've got no problem with this. But some other people do, and they've kind of crashed the party and loosened up the dress code of innovation.
So here are the winners of a Topcoder programming challenge, and I assure you that nobody cares where these kids grew up, where they went to school, or what they look like.
All anyone cares about is the quality of the work, the quality of the ideas.
And over and over again, we see this happening in the technology-facilitated world.
The work of innovation is becoming more open, more inclusive, more transparent and more merit-based, and that's going to continue no matter what MIT and Harvard think of it, and I couldn't be happier about that development.
I hear once in a while, "OK, I'll grant you that, but technology is still a tool for the rich world, these digital tools are not improving the lives of people at the bottom of the pyramid."
And I want to say to that very clearly: nonsense.
The bottom of the pyramid is benefiting hugely from technology.
The economist Robert Jensen did this wonderful study a while back where he watched, in great detail, what happened to the fishing villages of Kerala, India, when they got mobile phones for the very first time.
And when you write for the Quarterly Journal of Economics, you have to use very dry and very circumspect language.
But when I read his paper, I kind of feel Jensen is trying to scream at us and say, "Look, this was a big deal.
Prices stabilized, so people could plan their economic lives.
Waste was not reduced -- it was eliminated.
And the lives of both the buyers and the sellers in these villages measurably improved."
Now, what I don't think is that Jensen got extremely lucky and happened to land in the one set of villages where technology made things better.
What happened instead is he very carefully documented what happens over and over again when technology comes for the first time to an environment and a community: the lives of people, the welfares of people, improve dramatically.
So as I look around at all the evidence and I think about the room that we have ahead of us, I become a huge digital optimist and I start to think that this wonderful statement from the physicist Freeman Dyson is actually not hyperbole.
This is an accurate assessment of what's going on.
Our technologies are great gifts, and we, right now, have the great good fortune to be living at a time when digital technology is flourishing, when it is broadening and deepening and becoming more profound all around the world.
So, yeah, the droids are taking our jobs, but focusing on that fact misses the point entirely.
The point is that then we are freed up to do other things, and what we're going to do, I am very confident, what we're going to do is reduce poverty and drudgery and misery around the world.
I'm very confident we're going to learn to live more lightly on the planet, and I am extremely confident that what we're going to do with our new digital tools is going to be so profound and so beneficial that it's going to make a mockery out of everything that came before.
I'm going to leave the last word to a guy who had a front-row seat for digital progress, our old friend Ken Jennings.
I'm with him; I'm going to echo his words: "I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords." Thanks very much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「それ以上こっちに来るなよ......! あっ、あーーーーーーっ!」
ギリリリリ......ビュッ! ザグッ!
――ぴこんっ! 新たなスキル【弓術I】を獲得しました。
キリリリリ......シュッ! ザクッ!
――ぴこんっ! 新たなスキル【不動狙撃の構え】を獲得しました。
早速その効果を検証してみよう! | This time, I planned to go even deeper into the woods.
The enemies that were closer to the edge were too easy, and there was a higher chance that I’d be seen by other players.
This was a hunting ground designed for full parties, and while I wasn’t even at the recommended level, there was no penalty for being here.
Besides, I just thought of it as a way to easily enjoy a thrilling fight. There didn’t seem to be any downsides.
“Now, let’s do this.”
Climb up into a tree, wait for the enemy, and ambush them from above.
Hey, this wasn’t cowardice.
There was a huge difference in level, and the enemies could one-shot me!
Still, it was rare for enemies to get very close to me with this style.
And my arrows were strong enough to take them down.
What was scary, was that there were some enemies whose weak spots were very small.
The worst were the thin, long and fast snake-type monsters.
They had small heads and slithered, making them difficult targets.
If that wasn’t bad enough, they would also climb up the trees and spit poison.
Thankfully, I had stocked up on healing items with the money from my last adventure.
I had considered picking up some weapons and armor, but figured that anything that I could afford now was likely to be of questionable quality.
Perhaps it was best to rely on item drops from monsters.
“Level , huh? Put the points into Range and...that’s now. And with the Beginner’s Bow, that’s a max reach of meters. Things are looking good!”
I was getting more skills. It was good progress.
It wouldn’t be very fun if you became too strong as soon as you started. Heh.
I could hear something.
It was definitely a new monster.
But I didn’t see anything on the ground...
“Ah, woaaahhh!!!”
It was just what I had been afraid of!
A spider monster had been living at the top of this tree!
And it was already quite close to me!
Damn it, I hate bugs!
You could turn down the gore in this game, but there was nothing you could do when it came to arachnophobia.
They weren’t going to swap the character models for you or anything.
The hairs and the eyes were so realistic!
“Don’t come any closer...! Ah, ah...!”
I lost my balance and fell from the tree branch!
But then again, it allowed me to create some distance between us!
“In Flight Arrow!”
Giririri...byuu! Zhunk!
The arrow pierced the spider just as I hit the ground.
The one saving grace seemed to be that bugs didn’t have the highest endurance.
While I had hit my hip, I also took some damage. But as long as I was alive, it was nothing that some items couldn’t fix.
—Beep! You have acquired the skill, ‘Archery I.’
◆ Reason for acquiring
‘The first step in the way of the bow’
Have a moderate amount of experience with the bow.
[Archery I]
+10 for attacks and range when using a bow.
Apparently, I had been rewarded for going against something I hated.
This one was a passive skill.
It was simple, but also useful.
Not the flashiest skill, but I was glad to have it.
It felt like I was finally being recognized in the game as an archer.
“Well, I might as well continue training.”
This last fight had presented me with a new problem.
I wanted to be able to attack enemies from far away. And I was sacrificing attack power and endurance for range.
Of course, this meant that enemies would want to get up close and attack.
And so I would have to be sensitive to approaching enemies in order to deal with them.
Concentrate and detect every presence outside of my own...
You know, just close your eyes and the enemy will appear in your mind and...
Even though our avatars had physical abilities that exceeded our own, I doubted something so inhuman was possible.
Not without a special skill.
In this case, being sensitive to approaching enemies meant listening carefully to sounds and movement around you.
The spider earlier. It had made rustling noises as it moved... The sounds of leaves brushing against it.
Had I been listening carefully, I wouldn’t have panicked and fallen from the tree.
Well, part of it was due to my hatred of spiders...still.
It would be better to practice on the ground instead of in a tree.
A lone, weak-looking player like me was an attractive target for enemies.
And so I would detect them quickly and kill them before I was within range of their attacks.
The first thing that appeared, were wolf monsters... A whole pack.
They clearly saw that they had the advantage in numbers, and they didn’t even try to hide as they came.
This wasn’t so much practice, but a complete disaster.
But then again, if I managed to kill all of them here, wouldn’t that mean tremendous growth as a player?
Both in terms of level and experience.
“Come and get me. I’m ready.”
This game emphasized action.
Levels and skills were important as well, but calm and calculated play...was what would get you out of dangerous situations. It was how you moved.
This old man would make it out while looking cool and rugged.
My first shot sent a confidently howling wolf to the ground.
It went through its head, destroying it in one hit.
Alright. If I could one-shot them, I had a chance!
Simple movements.
Don’t be afraid. Just shoot.
One, two, three... Chip away at their numbers.
Then the pack split into two.
What to do?
Attack from one side? Alternate between the two...?
It might be best to try to take out one side as quickly as possible.
My accuracy will suffer if I keep having to change direction.
Still, it wasn’t easy targeting a wolf that was running from right to the left, but I somehow managed to take down the three that were on that side.
The remaining wolves on the other side were getting close!
Calm down. This was just a game. Enjoy it.
There was no penalty for dying at this stage. The only thing that will hurt is my pride.
“Still, what man wouldn’t fight until the end.”
Kiriririri...shu! Zhunk!
Right before its fangs reached me, I managed to shoot down the last one.
I let out a deep sigh. My knees were shaking.
Even though I told myself I was just enjoying a game, clearly the rest of me didn’t think so.
The wolves felt so real. I was afraid that if I didn’t stop them, I would be torn apart and eaten.
And yet, I had won.
I had survived.
I was so happy that I shivered.
So, this was virtual reality... This was why it was so popular all over the world!
—Beep! You have acquired a new skill, ‘Immobile Sniping Stance.’
‘Immovable Sniper.’
Killed many enemies from afar without moving.
[Immobile Sniping Stance]
If you do not move for over 30 seconds, your range will be tripled.
However, if you attack while this is activated, you will not be able to move from your position for the next 30 seconds.
“Thi-this is kind of amazing?”
The description was longer and more detailed than usual.
However, my eye was immediately drawn to ‘tripled range.’
I had to put this to the test immediately! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
そし目が放たれ、刃が首に食い込むのが見えました。 | Through Lady Ryo’s ≪Heal≫, my broken bones were attached together accompanied by moderate pain and heat.
“I’m sorry. Thank you.”
“More importantly, I’m counting on you to be the vanguard. I can only perform a surprise attack.”
Hesitation or doubt was absent from Lady Ryo’s eyes as she said this, but rather, her eyes were brimming with anguish as if she was prepared for whatever may arise.
I am certain that Lady Ryo has already recognized that Houki-san cannot be saved anymore.
As I wordlessly re-created the weapon in my right hand, I positioned myself in front of Lady Ryo and braced myself so that she can react at her convenience behind me.
And while we were getting into position, Houki also rose and held her bamboo broom as if it were a naginata.
“Just in case, I have to ask you. Do you know how to return Houki to her original state, Ichiko-san?”
“No, I’m afraid I don’t. Besides, I don’t think that thing would leave room for such a thing in this circumstance.”
Her disappointment was momentarily apparent at my words, but she quickly regained her composure. It seemed that Lady Ryo had grown much sturdier over the past ten years.
However, it was very saddening to realize that she had become stronger on such an occasion.
“That ‘thing’ you’re referring to... is about Shigan, right? What exactly is her true identity?”
“Kurokiri and I call her the God of Calamity. The details will have to wait for later.”
After saying that, I assumed full combat readiness. Lady Ryo then followed suit and began to take action.
“I understand. Then, Ichiko-san.”
Under Lady Ryo’s ≪Command≫, my body rushed towards Houki with great vigor.
Houki silently swung down her bamboo broom as the wind howled.
By using ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫, I evaded Houki with my two-handed sword, and from there, I slashed at her back.
However, Houki avoided my maneuver by using the bamboo broom that made contact with the ground as a pivot point and tried to swing it down again as if to repay my action.
Now, until a while ago, I would have had to teleport to the rear or some other direction to escape in order to terminate the loop. But now, while I was parrying the blow...
“≪Mist Slap≫!”
Lady Ryo can attack Houki, whose offense had been stopped and who was now unable to move!
Houki was clad in more mist than usual and was blasted away by Lady Ryo’s attack, the same as before. But this time, she landed on the ground, taking a passive stance.
“This seems to be working somehow.”
“But Lady Ryo, you are a healer by nature. Please don’t make a move unless there is a chance that you can exploit with certainty.”
“I understand. It seems that ≪Mantle of Mist≫ is effective against Houki as well, so I won’t do anything rash.”
≪Mantle of Mist≫. It was one of the skills she acquired after parting with me. The effect, according to Kurokiri, was an enhancement skill limited to Kirijin. In other words, the fact that Houk was a Kirijin remained intact even after she took on that form?
If so, that means there was a possibility that she may use a race-specific skill, which she has not brought out at the moment. That would be something to be wary of.
“Tch! Not again!”
“I’ll stop it!”
When we observed the power building up at the tip of Houki’s bamboo broom, Lady Ryo and I rushed off.
Right before the ray of light was about to be discharged, I managed to get under Houki and wielded the long sword in my right hand to knock the bamboo broom upward.
Yet, the instant the sword brushed against the bamboo broom, instead of being met by a solid metallic sound, there was a wind noise followed by an absent sensation, signaling that I had struck in the air.
If I was to look at Houki, I will find that Houki was standing next to me before I know it, clad in ≪Mist Cloak≫.
Apparently, she had applied the effect of ≪Covert Proficiency I≫ to ≪Mist Cloak≫ to mislead us about her location.
The cluster of power had already peaked at a critical point, and the tip of the bamboo broom was aimed at me.
I began to witness the release of the power in slow motion. Even if I teleported, I will not make it in time at this stage.
And then, just as the light hit me, I was thrust sideways, and the flow of time restored to its original course.
“What just...”
“Somehow, I managed to make it in time.”
After being shoved aside, I was sent flying by the blast originating from the recoil of the projectile. When I glanced around, Lady Ryo was hurling a strangely ornamented sword at the spot where I had just been, and I can see what looked like a hand growing out from around the location where she flung it.
Judging from the circumstances before and after, that hand must have been the thing that pushed me out of the way.
While I was mulling this over, the sword was shattered into powder, and Lady Ryo was beginning to charge towards Houki.
Nevertheless, the disparity in strength between Houki and Lady Ryo was too steep, and the battle will wind up being a defensive one. If things continued as they were, a few more exchanges would be our limit.
I hastily got up and rushed towards Houki.
Houki’s assaults were evidently more efficient than they were at the outset of the combat. Simultaneously, the emotion that I can perceive in her eyes was also transitioning to one riddled with pain. It was likely that the God of Calamity’s control was gradually intensifying.
Once this happened, there was no time to dwell on the consequences, nor was there any sense of caring for Houki so as to finish her off with as minimal pain as possible.
The only thing she needed now was to be liberated from the God of Calamity as swiftly as possible, and that was what I have grasped now.
Therefore, I will utilize it.
“‘I am the one who leaps through the void, the sword with boundless forms. I seek the head of my adversary, the flower of life, the fountain of blood. Leap, O blade. Until I reach what I seek, cast this blade down upon my foe’. Lady Ryo!”
I approached Houki and recited a chant at once.
Whether they detected something unsettling in the chanting or not, Lady Ryo jumped back, and Houki attempted to escape too, but I drew even closer to her by teleporting.
I closed the distance to zero.
“‘Cut! Slice! Sever! Outer Skill Senkiri-kaishaku’.”
Then, with the proclamation of the skill’s activation, I conjured a long sword compounded of a copious amount of the outstanding metal I had amassed over the last decade and drove it towards Houki’s neck.
Houki’s stance got thrown off by the initial hit. From the second blow, a faint cut appeared on her neck. With the third blow, it left a definite wound.
“I’m sorry, Houki-san, but this is the only way I could save you...”
I can’t help but offer an apology even though an apology would not have sufficed.
Then came the fourth blow, and I saw the edge of the blade sinking into her neck. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
「いた。どうする? どう見ても不審人物なんだが......」
「じゃからと言って無視するわけにもいかんじゃろう? 何せ場所が場所じゃ」
「だからってどうやって聞き出す? 正面から『なにしてるんですかぁ?』なんて聞いてくるわけにもいくまい」
どうやら彼らは、何かの儀式魔術を行っていたようだ。 | We used Maxwell’s teleportation magic to arrive near the Evil Dragon’s nest. Then I used my Stealth Gift to sneak closer to the nest entrance... Where I discovered a watchman.
He had his hood completely covering his face, so it made him suspicious for doing that in a place as devoid of people as this.
We took our distance from him and kept ourselves hidden.
“There he is. So what do we do? He is clearly someone suspicious...”
“We can not ignore him now, can we? Given what this place is.”
The Evil Dragon’s nest held big significance for us. That remained unchanged even after we defeated the Evil Dragon. Even if there was nothing there now, this was still weighing on our minds.
“How do we get him to talk then? I don’t think we’ll get anywhere if we just go and ask ‘what are you doing here’ to him.”
“Given the way he is acting, he is already guaranteed to be someone shady. That said, we cannot judge someone with only that much proof.”
“I suppose it would be faster if we sneak through the surveillance somehow and check what they are up to inside with our own eyes.”
With my Stealth, it was easy to avoid the eyes of this single guard and sneak inside. However, Maxwell wouldn’t be able to do that. My Gift couldn’t extend its ability to other people.
“In that case, I shall use Conceal so give me a bit.”
He immediately started chanting as he said that, and his figure disappeared soon enough. We were quite separated from the guard, so he shouldn’t have heard his chanting.
In fact, the guard stood still like a shadow.
“Alright, that should work.”
I heard his boastful remark from nearby.
I moved along the shade of the walls and made my way towards the entrance. I erased the sound of my footsteps, my presence, and approached at a dead angle.
“Maxwell, are you following?”
I asked in a voice low enough to be covered by the rustling of the plants. Maxwell was currently invisible, so even I couldn’t see him. I had to ask him directly like this to confirm it.
If I approached any further, there would be no opportunity to ask it anymore.
“Do not worry. I can keep up as long as you do not hurry too much. Unlike you, I only have to mind my footsteps.”
“In that case, poke my shoulders or back periodically from now on so I know where you are.”
I heard his voice from behind. After that, I approached the guard to the limit.
If I was certain that they were some ruffians I would have killed him here and now, but aside from the fact that this was the Evil Dragon’s nest, they were simply staying in a cave after climbing a mountain. It was a little lacking as a reason to assault them.
The man stood still and remained vigilant with no change in his expression. I couldn’t find an opportunity to sneak in.
He was observing the surroundings like a doll with no idle movements. Just as I was wondering how to handle this, there was some sound in the opposite direction from me. The man noticed it and looked towards it.
On the other end of his suspicious gaze, a single pigeon peeked its head from the grass. And then, it quickly disappeared back into the grass as if startled.
It was most likely Maxwell’s familiar. Either way, this was the chance I needed to sneak in. Thus, I made use of the small opening before he turned his head back to sneak inside.
I wasn’t invisible like Maxwell, but I was still confident that I wouldn’t get detected as long as I wasn’t directly in their sight.
I used a sliding motion to jump inside. The moment I passed by him, the guard’s gaze returned to its normal location.
I wasn’t sure if Maxwell managed to follow me, but soon enough I sensed a tap on my shoulder. It seemed that he was properly following me.
I silently nodded at his signal and advanced further inside.
The inside of the cave was dark where you couldn’t even see what was at your feet properly. If we used light here, the guard or the people ahead could discover us.
Just as I decided to continue my way carefully, I heard Maxwell’s voice once again.
“Hold on, this would be difficult for you, right? I shall cast Night Sight on you.”
He murmured in a quiet but clear voice. Then he followed it with a barely distinguishable chant and cast his spell.
“Oh, I can see.”
“Good to know. Then I shall make myself invisible once more.”
There was one guy at the entrance. Maxwell counted three adults and five children. In other words, there should be two adults and five children inside.
We concealed our footsteps and headed deeper inside. Given that it was the nest of the Evil Dragon, this cave was around thirty meters in length and width, and it also had quite a big depth.
Before long, we arrived at the actual nest without running to anyone. That place, unlike the darkness until now, was brilliantly illuminated by torches and Light spells.
Seeing the sight before my eyes, I reflexively let out my voice. I could also sense Maxwell swallow his saliva behind me.
There was a magic circle drawn at the center of the place, with the five children lined up around it.
In the center of that circle was one man. And he was chanting something with intense concentration. The other man stood alert outside of the circle.
It appeared that they were performing some kind of ritual spell. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 23,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
更に数か月後王と人間の代表が集まり、第1回日本人魔会議が開催され、その場で四魔王間での大規模攻勢を禁止する条約が締結された。 | “Now, this will take a little time, and I need you to buy me some time.”
With my right hand in front of me, palmed up, the power was concentrated there slightly at a time.
“Well, that seems to be an intriguing move.”
“Don’t implicate me and the Snow Sage in this.”
The Snow Sage lowered his knees and adopted a stance in preparation for the Dragon Sovereign’s onslaught, while the Fox Princess pooled her strength to strike even more searing than before, her fan lighting up with blue flames once more.
“I don’t know what you’re going to do... but get out of my house!”
The Dragon Sovereign began to amass cherry-blossom-colored flames in her oral cavity, and when it was enough to escape from her mouth, it was vivaciously shot at me with immense heat and intensity.
“I don’t think so. ≪Multiple Ice Barriers≫.”
However, the Snow Sage intervened between me and the Dragon Sovereign, erecting a five-layer of ice barriers to keep the flames at bay.
Nevertheless, the potent flames were progressively melting the wall that the Snow Sage had fashioned, and if this situation persisted, the barriers would be melted away in a matter of seconds. Yet...
“Oh dear, you are full of openings.”
The Fox Princess glided beneath the Dragon Sovereign’s chin even swifter than previously, exceeding the speed of sound, and while doing so, she propelled a kick into the Dragon Sovereign’s mouth from above and below, inducing her mouth to close.
An explosion took place in the Dragon Sovereign’s mouth as a consequence of the impact, driving her into a state of shock and anguish that left her slumped over.
“She’s really impressive. Well then, it’s my turn, ‘Black blood flows in my body. All is devoured by the black mist. Now, let my blood become an ice storm and devour everything...’”
The black mist clumped together in my right hand, initially resembling a series of bubbles clinging to each other, but gradually the bubbles burst to coalesce into a sphere, ultimately producing a perfect black sphere.
Then I directed it at the Dragon Sovereign...
“Here it comes! If you don’t want to get caught in the middle of this, you better run! ‘Outer Skill ・Kurokiribaku’!!”
“This kind of thing is... argh!”
“What! This must be a joke!?”
“Uh-oh! That’s beyond dangerous!”
The Dragon Sovereign’s scales collided with the black sphere. A thick layer of black fog and frost blanketed the area at that point, depriving the Dragon Sovereign of her HP, MP, and SP, which were absorbed into my body.
Unfortunately, as Kurokiribaku was activated, the Fox Princess and the Snow Sage were fleeing at full speed out of its range.
“Hah... you! If you are capable of this kind of skill, why didn’t you thoroughly explain it to us beforehand!”
“Indeed! I’ve never seen such a crazy skill before!”
The Fox Princess and the Snow Sage were both complaining to me.
“Hahaha! It would have been a treat if you guys had been embroiled in this anyway.”
But frankly speaking, I wouldn’t have minded if they had gotten tangled up in it. After all, you’re both my adversaries by nature.
Well, if I say that, they will inevitably react in this manner.
“Gah... ggh... what is this ice...”
Our eyes began to catch sight of the Dragon Sovereign as the mist cleared.
The Dragon Sovereign’s right arm and right wing were overlayed in black ice, and her movement was quite sluggish, presumably because her power was flowing towards me little by little from there.
Outer Skill ・Kurokiribaku.
It was a skill that combined ≪Devouring Black Mist≫ and ≪Mist Plosion≫. The area of drain was optimum.
Incidentally, since the power itself had been heightened, it can also be used as a purely enhanced version of ≪Mist Plosion≫.
“Now, Dragon Sovereign. Are you feeling motivated enough to emerge into the public eye?”
“Tsk... hah... who will...”
“Hmm. Then, I’ll give you another shot...”
“Stop it. If you continue to do this, she will really die.”
Despite the Dragon Sovereign’s tenacious resistance or the substantial wounds she had sustained, I tried to follow up with an attack, but I was halted by the Fox Princess.
“Now, Dragon Sovereign. I understand that you prefer not to associate with the outside world. Nonetheless, in the current world, we as Demon Kings wield immeasurable power, and that power is indispensable for the sake of human beings. So, at the very least, if you don’t want to be affiliated with this, you need to at least have a kin to inform the people outside that you don’t want to be involved or it’ll turn out to be a dilemma.”
“For the sake of... humans?”
The Dragon Sovereign’s eyes widened, demonstrating her startlement.
“Mm-hmm. Since our time is running out, we’ll let you go this time, but should you still be unwilling to emerge after this, we’ll be here to subjugate you next time. You’d better think carefully about what your next step will be.”
Having released the drain effect of the Kurokiribaku, I gave my final advice to the Dragon Sovereign and prepared to leave.
“You’ve been behaving like this all along, haven’t you?”
The Fox Princess also began to prepare to leave, and her figure slowly faded away.
“Hah, it’s been a while since I’ve been roughed up, and I’m refreshed. My back aches somewhat though.”
The Snow Sage deactivated his skill, becoming smaller and smaller, and prepared to return to his dungeon, tapping his lower back.
“Ah... uh...”
Our gradual departure mystified the Dragon Sovereign.
“Hmm. If you have created a kin, send them to the Fox Princess for the time being. She’ll teach you what you need to know.”
“What! You’re pushing the responsibility on me!”
“Hahaha. We are neighbors who get along well with each otherー”
And then we returned to our dungeon, leaving a bewildered Dragon Sovereign behind.
A few weeks later. “Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame” joined up with the three Demon Kings.
After several months, representatives of the Four Demon Kings and humans assembled for the first Japanese Demon Conference, where a pact was signed prohibiting large-scale aggression among the Four Demon Kings. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
その後、数日かけて建物の外周部と外観について調べた俺たちは調査結果にいくらかの素材と共に本格的な冬が始まる前にサンサーラエッグ村へと帰る事になった。 | “Hmm... It is an unusual architectural style after all...”
On the subsequent day, Gorky was in a team with one of the scholars that were accompanied by several other adventurers when they arrived near the building.
Anks was in a different party heading in the opposite way to explore the building’s exterior while Crave was waiting at the base.
They were split up into two groups for two reasons: first, without defenders, the base would be destroyed by forest animals; second, given the number of people and the time needed, separating into two groups would facilitate the investigation go more efficiently.
“Can you find out that much by simply observing the external appearance of the place?”
“I mean, just the sight of the trees and such are already extraordinary...”
A square box-shaped building with tree branches and leaves poking out from all places of it stood before the group, and the scholars who encountered it let out a roar, while the other adventurers who had not had a first-hand observation of the building were dazed and awestruck aside from Gorky.
“I can’t go into detail, but the exterior of a building is very distinctive from one period to the next.”
“I see.”
The scholar’s words elicited a nod of approval from Gorky.
Truthfully, this was a subject that escaped Gorky’s comprehension, but considering that each one of them had a different race, equipment, and abilities, perhaps even the buildings themselves were equally unique.
“Moreover, since the trees are growing in tandem with the building, it is possible to determine how long the building has been abandoned by assessing how well the trees have developed. However, in this case, the concentration of magic power in the surrounding area is too high for this approach to be of any use.”
The scholar then appeared subtly uneasy, as though recalling that he had suffered Magic Intoxication yesterday after arriving near the structure.
“Don’t worry about what happened yesterday.”
“Is that so...? For my part, I feel that I have inconvenienced you adventurers a tremendous deal...”
“No, depending on how you look at it, it can also be viewed as an opportunity to set up a solid base of operations.”
“Right. Even several of the base team members said that things will go more smoothly starting today.”
“Yeah, yeah. Even we were able to recover from the fatigue of the journey.”
“We also got some good drawings.”
“Look, Gorky’s buddy said something like that, too.”
“Sorry... no, thank you all. Then I shall firmly carry out my responsibility.”
But there they all encouraged the scholars.
In fact, as other adventurers have said, there was nothing particularly problematic about the scholars collapsing in that place.
All that mattered was how to conduct the investigation efficiently and safely, and since they were able to build a better-than-expected base of operations while the scholars were adjusting to the density of magic power, from an overall viewpoint, it was a positive outcome.
Or rather, Gorky always made sure that one of the members of the party who actually conducted the investigation would have a Spalpkin in their party to confirm the density of magic power. This was out of concern for the fact that severe Magic Intoxication could really endanger their lives, including Gorky, necessitating that the strictest precaution be taken regarding their physical condition.
“Now that the scholars have been mentioned, I was wondering, what’s the concentration of magic power like in this area? Being a Human, I don’t feel anything in particular, but the Spalpkin’s eyes can see the magic power, right?”
And here one of the guys from the party came up to Gorky and asked about it.
“The concentration of it in this area is about the same as in our base. But...”
“The concentration over there is very high.”
Saying this, Gorky pointed towards the center of the building.
In the direction to which he pointed, the concentrated magic power was remarkably denser than the place where they were now, and those who could see magic like Spalpkin could see it rising and shimmering like a heat haze.
Unless their perceptive skill was exceptionally low, anybody could recognize the presence of magic power when it was so dense, even if they weren’t a Spalpkin.
“Oh, I knew it. No wonder I thought there was a strange presence.”
“There’s definitely an intimidating or obnoxious atmosphere there. At any rate, that makes me feel like I can’t get anywhere near it.”
The other members of the team likewise perceived the magic power, and they all expressed that they were feeling some kind of presence.
“The center... wait a minute. Let me use my far-sighted magic.”
“Ah, that thing. That’s a useful magic, isn’t it?”
One of the adventurers then produced a small wand and an object resembling a lens from his bag and mumbled something incomprehensible like an incantation.
“‘Longsight’... Ah, it’s futile. I can’t see anything, probably because the concentration of magic power in the atmosphere is too strong.”
But the outcome seemed to be unsatisfactory, and he was starting to feel a little down.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ll spare you the detailed theory, but it seems that the concentration of magic power in the place where I attempted to observe was too high compared to the magic power concentration expected by this magic, and some strange interference is taking place. Even we might get Magic Intoxication if we approach it thoughtlessly.”
“Woah... what the hell is that...”
The adventurer who used the magic of far-sightedness caused all of them to show a dull look.
As adventurers, the amount of magic power in their bodies was higher than that of ordinary people owing to the practice of traveling to places with a high concentration of magic power, partaking of foods containing dense magic power, and undergoing training, but even people like themselves had no clue how much danger could be awaiting them in a place with a concentration of magic power that could induce Magic Intoxication.
“I mean, if someone like me went there, wouldn’t I die?”
“No one’s life can be guaranteed, that much is certain.”
Furthermore, if a person with average magic power were brought to a site with such intensity of magic power, there was a great likelihood that they would experience acute Magic Intoxication.
In any case, there was no room for a scholar to be introduced to such a perilous place, therefore, it was suggested later that they should be exempted from the investigation this time.
After that, having spent several days investigating the perimeter and exterior of the building, along with some materials, it was settled that they would return to Samsara Egg Village before winter set in. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「何? そんな馬鹿な! そのような危険を招くだけの書類など、そもそも初めから作っておらぬわ!!」
「ばっ、馬鹿な! 表沙汰にできぬ話の議事録など、残すはずがない!
「ミツハ、どうしてこんな面倒なことをしてるの? 前の時みたいに、倉庫の中身を全部奪っちゃえばいいじゃん......」
そして武器を振り回していいのは、自分も武器を振り回される覚悟がある者だけだということを......。 | A few days have passed since then.
Things have progressed a bit.
The employees of Larushia Trading who rushed to the royal castle that day were naturally stopped by the gatekeeper, and apparently, there was a commotion between the gatekeeper and the employees who were shouting for help.
And then, the people under the control of our “groundwork” rushed to the scene.
From there, it was quick, apparently.
Several of the soldiers ran to Larushia Trading, while some others reported to their respective superiors.
By the time the authorities headed for Larushia Trading arrived, the guards had already left, but they took statements from Larushia herself, her employees, and the crowd of spectators who were still there, and also interviewed the people in detail about the attack on Larushia Trading.
Until now, it seems that the reporting of incidents was held at the Guard HQ, so please take your time visiting...... to learn more about the incident.
Of course, I also gave a clear explanation about yesterday’s “the case in which a girl who is the head of a noble family in another country was frightened and almost violently attacked”.
I’ve also told the people above a lot of things while I’m laying the groundwork, but it’s the information that the people on the field the interviews got were the most important.
And soon after, the nobles who were in conflict with the guard-affiliated nobles, like the royal army, the royal knights who were bitter that the guys in the guard HQ were acting unethically instead of protecting the security of the Royal Capital, and the honest guards, whose guts were churning under the unreasonable orders from their superiors, all launched their attacks.
A sudden, unannounced inspection by the investigators. Moreover, to avoid being held back to buying time to hide the documents, they took many soldiers with them......
The guard who tried to forcibly stop them was hit in the neck with the pommel of the sword drawn by a soldier, and while he was frozen in place, he was tied up and carried off somewhere.
The other guards seemed to have stopped resisting at all because of this so out-of-the-ordinary forcefulness.
......Yeah, I heard that the atmosphere was such that if you were not behaving properly, you could have been cut down on the spot for treason. Well, you don’t want to follow the instructions of a bad superior and be defeated as a scoundrel......
And somehow, pieces of evidence of wrongdoings were discovered one after another.
Without hesitation, the investigators head straight for the hiding place of the back taxes.
The back books and plans for evil deeds that should’ve never been left in such a place, but we’re proudly left in a desk drawer or a filing cabinet.
For some reason, the picture hanging in front of the hidden safe was at an angle, and the safe hidden behind it was slightly visible.
Then, with pinpoint accuracy, the investigators repeatedly asked questions one after another to only those who were doing wrong.
The evil deeds were either done by oneself without anyone finding out, or at most by two or three people with whom would never speak about the deed.
If there were more people involved, there will always be someone who’ll rat out or straight-up betray them.
When they realize that they can no longer get away with it, they’ll think of ways to get their crimes reduced, such as by having only themselves be exonerated......
Well, even on modern earth, there’s a system of plea bargaining. I guess that was one of the right ways to do it......
Anyway, for some reason... It seemed that all the pent-up pus in the guardsmen had been drained out by the activities of the investigators, who have unusually good instincts.
......Yeah, apparently...
I don’t know anything about it, and besides, it has nothing to do with me at all. I only heard those rumors.
Although there had been bad rumors about the guards, the other faction had been unable to do anything drastic because if they had conducted a forceful investigation without any proof and failed to seize conclusive evidence, they would have been fatally damaged by a counterattack on their part. Evidence and witnesses can be easily erased at any time...
So, until now, no forceful measures had been taken, but there were witnesses who “knew perfectly well where things were” in advance, who were also handed some evidence in advance just in case, and who will never get easily threatened to flip their testimony or die suddenly.
I mean, who would have been stupid enough to pass up an opportunity like this?
“Th, the guards got busted, and all of the people who were involved with them and making money got caught!” (Owner)
“Yes, and those who were promoted to fill the vacancies, as well as those who transferred in from other departments to fill in, are all good and solid......” (Watchman)
The watchman in charge of dealing with the guard reported it to the Enova Chamber of Commerce’s business owner with a blue face, but, of course, that was not the only problem.
“And according to the information I got, the inspector general who conducted the investigation seized a large amount of evidence, some of which may indicate a connection to our business association......” (Watchman)
“What? That’s absurd! I would never have created such a risky document in the first place!” (Owner)
Bartoad, the merchant owner of the Enova Chamber of Commerce, shouted, but.......
“No, that’s what I’ve heard. The meeting was written down in notes......” (Watchman)
“Wha, don’t be stupid! There is no way I would keep notes of a conversation that could get exposed!
Damn it, either those guys from the Guard HQ created it to threaten us later, or it’s forged evidence that the inspector general’s guys created and mixed it in with the seized documents...
If it’s a fake, it’s not a problem if the supporting research finds discrepancies......” (Owner)
In fact, those documents were transcribed by Mitsuha based on the recorded data and were mixed in with the documents of the guard HQ in advance...... for clarity.
Therefore, the content itself was quite accurate. It was easy to know that it was true if one performed a fact-check based on it.
“Anyway, it seems that a lot of bad documents were seized.
And as a result, stores with close ties to the guard faction could be investigated like a sack of potatoes......” (Watchman)
......That’s not good.
It was very bad.
“In any case, we didn’t even make such dangerous documents, let alone give them to the guards. I’m sure the same goes with the other stores...... No one would be stupid enough to do that.
The guards must have thought, ‘If we can seize the weakness of the Enova Chamber of Commerce, they can be a source of money later on,’ and kept a record of it. Those idiots......
However, the only created records were unauthorized. Both handwriting and signatures would be only from the guards. All we have to do is claim that the documents were forged in an attempt to defraud us and extort money from us.” (Owner)
It’s a bad situation, but not a fatal one.
Although it’s necessary to distribute a considerable amount of money to each department, with the power that money can buy, the testimony of a commoner can be easily suppressed. Both the content of the testimony and the very existence of the witness.......
“The inspector general may investigate the guard faction all he wants, but he cannot forcefully investigate a private store, a large store that is in good standing with the nobility and influential people, without any evidence. If they make a bad move, they will make enemies of all the merchants in the country.
If that were to happen, no matter how high his noble position might be, he would not get away with it scot-free.
Yes. It’s not time to panic yet......” (Owner)
The Enova Chamber of Commerce owner did not know that Mitsuha and Larushia had their hands all the way to ‘the top’.
And, of course, there were also a number of documents scattered throughout other stores and his own store that the investigators can easily find...... Which he was unaware of.
“Mitsuha, why are you going through all this trouble? Why don’t you just take everything in the warehouse, like you did the last time......” (Colette)
Colette-chan said such a thing, but I, too, have a policy.
The last time, that was, when the Rephilia trade was attacked, the warehouse was robbed of its merchandise.
So I took the contents of the baddies’ warehouse over there.
Other than that, I have not done anything that would violate the civic law.
This time, no merchandise was taken.
And since a lot of the merchandise was destroyed or rendered unusable, I ruined all their merchandise on the sales floor as well. Without taking away anything.
There were many ways to do it, such as transferring them to an isolated island offshore and leaving them there, or physically ‘crushing’ their stores.
......But that won’t do.
The perpetrators were firmly aware that there was an aggressor who was against them and who it was...... Although, they have neither proof nor can explain to anyone why they were being targeted.
To let the likes of them know the fear that there’s “someone they should never mess with”.
And to let all honest merchants and the public know that Larushia Trading and Viscount Yamano were honest business partners with no ties to illegal activities.
As a bonus, I can tell them what kind of position they will be in their own country and the dealings with neighboring countries if they make enemies of the “International Network of Women Business Owners” member stores.
Yes, connections against connections. Power against power.
Do not think you were the only one who has weapons.
And the one who can wield weapons must be prepared to be struck back as well...... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 14,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
俺はベビーベッドの縁を伝い歩き、つかまり立ちの練習を始めたのである。 | Since then, a short amount of time has passed once more.
I finally recovered from the shock of knowing that I was born as a girl.
—–I’m certainly a girl. My chest is certainly growing a little bit, but I won’t grow that much, right?
Half forcing myself to accept the facts, I returned to my daily training again.
I moved my limbs to build my muscular strength, and then training my magical power control before going to sleep.
As far as magical power is concerned, there has been no response as usual, but I had once received a warning from Maxwell: 「This won’t happen in a day」
To begin with, even in my current state, I’m already far ahead compared to my previous life, because at that time I couldn’t even feel my magical power.
「Mou, Nicole, you’re looking very sharp again today. If you don’t go to sleep soon, you’ll end up feeling sleepy later.」
At night, I was practicing magical manipulation before going to sleep.
Somehow I felt motivated working today, so I want to continue further.
However, Maria who thought that I was having troubles going to sleep, carried me in her arms.
「That’s right. If I don’t go to sleep soon, it will be a bit troublesome」
「Ara, dear. I was taking care of Nicole you know.」
「If it’s about this much, she probably won’t care right?」
While Maria was carrying me towards the double-sized bed near the crib, Lyell leaked such a lover’s talk.
You people... Are you going to do that here in this bed?
If things end up going in this direction, I obstinately won’t go to sleep. Couples should die, there’s no mercy.
I was really determined—–and before I realized, it was already morning.
That time I concluded that a baby’s body can’t stay up until late at night.
Before I died, Maria was doing missionary work at a church in a remote region.
Because of the complete devastation caused by the evil dragon to the three countries, it was not possible to re-establish them as a country anymore.
So we decided to unify the three countries into a single one, and excluding Maxwell, the five of us would govern it.
Of course, all of us were clueless when talking about national power.
Fortunately, we have found a survivor, a boy who carries the blood of royalty from one of the three countries, and with that reason, the boy was pushed to be the king, the nobility that was able to survive also joined as his assistants and the nation rebuilding was resumed.
But even for us, we weren’t cold-hearted enough to just pretend that nothing happened.
When they were asking for rescue, we immediately lend our powers to them.
Even though Maxwell was now separated and is living in his own country, we could deal with just about any circumstances even with only the five of us.
In the first place, it could also be said that the most unsolvable problems would be easily solved just by using our names.
The inspection of the orphanage which was the cause of my death was the only job that ended in this kind of strange circumstance.
But it’s different now.
Receiving shock from my death, Cortina moved away from this territory, Maria gave birth, and the heroes’ party almost got dissolved.
On another note, the young king was able to barely reorganize the nation by the end of the year, so Lyell and Maria were able to retire without worries.
Now they are fully enjoying their plain ordinary retirement life, although they didn’t even realize my feelings.
—Brace yourself, me. If I don’t take a stand here and now, when will I do so!?
Right now I was on the fence of my crib, desperately trying to stand up with trembling legs.
Skipping even the guided stand, I will show them the results of the Spartan Training.
It’s not like Maria is always there watching me all the time.
Right now, she went out to buy a meal.
Of course, to ensure that nothing happens to me during those times, she reduced the burden of childcare by hiring a servant.
She was a beautiful elf girl who is about years old working as a servant, which is strange and not something one would encounter in such a remote region.
When Maria has to take her eyes off me, she is directed to take care of me.
However, even that girl is currently washing my diapers right now, so I’m all alone.
As a babysitter, she still has a lot of flaws, but right now I’m thankful for that.
I don’t want anyone to know that I’m able to stand now.
「Auaa–, nuaa–!」
With my fighting spirit rising, I stood erect and firm on my own feet.
It’s been almost one year since I was reborn in this world.
Although I started training to acquire strength far earlier than a normal baby, it was all useless.
It was all because of my decision to have an unbalanced diet.
Since I had been reborn, I stubbornly refused drinking Maria’s milk, because of that my body became very frail and my growth was stunned.
Thanks to my frequent repeated fever, both my parents became really worried.
That Lyell ******* didn’t matter, but I was worried about hurting Maria’s heart.
When my physical condition was finally stabilized, they also decided that it would be alright to leave me to another person, resulting to the final steps of employing a servant.
Anyway, I have no doubts that there’s no one watching me right now.
Even while staggering, I was able to stand up, that’s why I raised my short arm above my head and let out a victory cry!
But this is only my first step, literally.
From this point on, I have various missions awaiting me.
First of all, I need to go to Maria’s private room to read her grimoires and bible, it’s necessary for me to accumulate knowledge about magic.
Half a year after sensing my magical power, I still haven’t succeeded in manipulating it.
Perhaps there was a mistake in my training method.
Perhaps there was a problem with my magic aptitude.
I have to know of a method in order to investigate those.
I continued walking while holding the edge of my crib, and also started practicing to stand up without supporting myself. | {
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"inserted_lines_src": 0,
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2001年9月21日 第二次大戦以来 最悪の アメリカ本土への攻撃から10日後
誰もが 次の飛行機を 心配しています
その前夜 大統領は 固い誓いを述べました 「我々は 敵を裁きの場に立たせるか 敵に正義の報いをもたらす」
一方 ダラスでは タイヤ店とストリップ劇場に囲まれた 小さな地区のコンビニエンスストアで 1人のバングラデシュ移民が レジを打っています
レイスデン・ブーヤンは 祖国では 空軍将校という地位にありましたが
ITの授業と 2か月後に控える 結婚の資金を稼ぐには コンビニでのバイトも仕方ありません
そして 9月21日 店に刺青の男が入ってきます
レイスデンは対処法を知っています お金をカウンターに置くのです
ところが この時 男はお金に触ろうともしません
「なんですか?」と レイスデンが応じます
アメリカの真の正義を自称する 刺青の男は 同時多発テロの報復として レイスデンを撃ちました
レイスデンは 顔面を数百万匹の蜂に 刺されたような痛みを感じます
でも実際には 大量の熱い 散弾銃のペレットが頭に穴を開けます
彼はカウンターの後ろに 血まみれで倒れ
脳が出ないように額を手で押さえます 自分の頭に すべてを賭けてきたからです
コーランを唱え 神に生きたいと願いました
家主であるコンビニのオーナーも 彼を追い出しました
すぐに彼はホームレスとなり 救急車への電話代も含めて 6万ドルの治療費が借金として残りました
それでも レイスデンは生きていました
数年経ち 彼は自問していました 神の恩に報いるため そして 新たな人生に値する人間になるために 何ができるか・・・
実際 彼はこう信じるようになりました 「これは 誰もがチャンスに 値しないと思う人間に訪れた ― 第2のチャンスなんだ」と
12年前 大学を出たての私は 社会で進むべき道を模索していました
オハイオ生まれで インド系移民の子の私は 両親に対する 極めつけの反抗をすることに決めました 彼らが苦労して飛び出した インドに移住することにしたのです
私はムンバイで半年過ごそうと 思っていましたが 6年になりました
私は作家になり 自分が魅力的な物語の まっただ中にいることに気づきました いわゆる「第三世界」の至る所で 希望が芽生えつつあったのです
6年前 アメリカに戻って あることに気づきました アメリカン・ドリームは健在でしたが それはインドだけの話でした
アメリカでは それほどではありませんでした
実際にはアメリカは2つの別々の社会 すなわち ― 夢の社会と恐怖の社会とに 断絶していると感じました
その後 驚くべき2人の人生の物語 ― ダラスのコンビニで激しくぶつかった 2つのアメリカの物語を 偶然知りました
すぐに私はもっと詳しく知りたいと思い 最終的には彼らの本を 書くことになりました 彼らの話は 断絶したアメリカの物語であり それをどうやって 修復するかという物語でした
撃たれた後も レイスデンの人生は 決して楽にはなりませんでした
入院した翌日 病院から退院させられました
でも健康保険に入っていなかったので 病院から追い出されたのです
バングラディッシュの家族は 「帰っておいで」と言いましたが
彼は こう応えました 「思うところがある」
彼はテレマーケティングの仕事を見つけ 後に オリーブ・ガーデンの ウエーターになりました イタリア料理店ほど 白人恐怖を 克服しやすい場所があるでしょうか?
敬虔なイスラム教徒として アルコールを飲まず 触れることすらありませんでした
ただ アルコールを売らないと 給料に響くことも知りました
彼はアメリカ的現実主義者の卵らしく 論理的に考えました 「神だって私を飢えさせようとは お思いにならないはずだ」
数か月間で レイスデンはオリーブ・ガーデンの アルコール販売で一番の売り上げを 誇るようになりました
彼は自分にデータペース管理を 教えた男性を見つけ
最終的にダラスの一流IT企業に落ち着き 年収数十万ドルの職を得たのです
アメリカがレイスデンに 味方するようになってからも 彼はツイている人間にありがちな 思い込み すなわち ― 「これが当たり前で 特別ではない」などと 思わないようにしました
そして彼はこう考えました 幸運にもアメリカに生まれたのに 自分が得たような第2のチャンスを 手に入れられない人がたくさんいると
彼はオリーブ・ガーデンで それを目の当たりにしました 彼の同僚の多くは 子どもの頃 恐ろしい体験をしていました 家庭崩壊や無秩序 薬物中毒や犯罪などです
裁判の時 自分を撃った男にも 同じような経験があったと 聞いていました
高嶺の花だったアメリカに 手が届くようになるにつれて レイスデンは 第2のチャンスなど ほとんどない ― もう一つのアメリカの現実も 次第に理解するようになりました
レイスデンを撃った男は アメリカの貧しい地域で育ちました
遠目にはマーク・ストロマンは いつもパーティでは目立ち 女の子をおだてるのが 上手に見えました
前の晩に どんなにドラッグや 喧嘩をしても 必ず出勤しました
でも 彼はいつも悪魔と戦っていたのです
彼もまた アメリカの若者たちの 希望を打ち砕く 3つの関門を経て社会に出ました 悪い両親 悪い学校 悪い刑務所です
彼が子どもの頃 母親は悔しそうに言いました 「お前を中絶するのに 50ドル足りなかった」
彼は時々学校に行っては 同級生に いきなりナイフを 突きつけました
その彼が 時々祖父母の所へ行き 馬に優しくエサをやっていました
髭が生える前に逮捕され 少年院や刑務所に送られました
彼は にわか白人至上主義者で 近所の多くの子どもと同様 父親は麻薬漬けで 不在がちでした
やがて 彼は死刑囚監房に入れられました 2011年に起こした「反ジハード」で 彼が撃った店員は1人ではなく 3人だったからです
不思議なことに 初めてストロマンが更生した施設が 死刑囚監房でした
彼の人生に関わった人々には 人徳と思いやりがありました 牧師やジャーナリスト ヨーロッパのペンパルなどです
彼らは話を聞いてくれ 一緒に祈り 彼が自問自答するのを手伝ってくれました
ついに自分の人生を決定づけた 憎悪と向き合ったのです
ホロコーストの生存者 ヴィクトール・フランクルの本を読み 自分のかぎ十字の刺青を悔やみました
犯罪を起こしてから10年目の 2011年のある日 あるニュースがストロマンの耳に入りました
銃撃の唯一の生存者が 自分の命を救うために戦っているというのです
銃撃事件から8年後 2009年の後半に レイスデンはメッカ巡礼に行きました
群衆の中で 彼は湧き起る感謝とともに 義務も感じたのです
2001年 死に瀕していたあの時 もし助かったら 生涯をかけて人類に尽くすと 神に約束したことを思い出したのです
その後は自分の人生を 再び築くので精一杯でした
彼はよくよく考えた上で 報恩の方法として イスラム世界と西洋世界の間の 報復の連鎖を断つ 手助けをする決意をしました
イスラムと慈悲の教義の名の下に 公にストロマンを許すことにしたのです
そして死刑執行の中止を求めて テキサス州とリック・ペリー州知事を 相手取って訴訟を起こしました まさに顔を撃たれた人間がすることです
ただレイスデンの慈悲は信仰だけで 生じたものではありませんでした
新たなアメリカ市民である彼が 確信するようになったのは ストロマンは「傷ついたアメリカ」の落とし子で 薬殺すれば済む問題ではないということです
私はその考え方に感動し 『The True American』という本を書きました
全米に向けてレイスデンは訴えました 自分は 言わばアメリカの養子だが 自分が受けた慈悲を アメリカ生まれの ストロマンにも与えて欲しいと
あの時 コンビニで 2人の男ではなく 2つのアメリカが衝突したのです
一方は今でも夢を持って努力し 明日は今日の上に築かれると信じています もう一方は 運命のなすがままに ストレスと混乱と絶望に屈し 昔からある逃げ場 すなわち 偏狭な同胞意識に逃げ込んだのです
そしてレイスデンこそが 移民にもかかわらず 襲撃されたにもかかわらず ホームレスになり トラウマを抱えたにもかかわらず 夢の社会の住民だったのです 一方 ストロマンはアメリカ生まれの 白人という特権を持ちながら 対極にある 傷ついた社会の住民でした
私はこの2人の男の物語は アメリカの寓話だと気付きました
私が誇りをもって 「祖国」と呼ぶこの国は すべてにおいて 衰退しているわけではありません スペインやギリシャのように 全員の将来が暗いわけではありません
アメリカは先進国の中で 最も成功した国であると同時に 最も失敗した国でもあります
世界最高の会社を次々と起業する一方で 飢えている子どもは 記録的な数にのぼります
大多数の平均余命が短くなる一方で 世界でも最高の病院を築いています
現代のアメリカは まるで 元気で若々しい肉体が 脳卒中に襲われたような状態です 半身からは 生気が奪われ 残りの半身だけが 心配になるほど健康なのです
2011年7月20日 涙ながらにレイスデンが ストロマンの死刑中止を 求めて証言した直後に ストロマンは 自分が愛した祖国の手で 薬殺刑に処せられました
その数時間前 まだレイスデンが ストロマンを救えると思っていた時 2人の男は 事件以来 2度目の言葉を交わしました
レイスデン「マーク 私が 最も哀れみ深く 慈悲深い神に 祈っていることを知ってほしい
私はあなたを許すし 憎んでもいない
ありがとう 兄弟」
さらに驚くべきことに 処刑後 レイスデンはストロマンの長女 アンバーに手を差し伸べたのです 前科があり薬物依存の彼女に
「君は父親を失ったかもしれないが おじさんを得たんだよ」と 彼女に言いました
彼女にも第2のチャンスを つかんで欲しかったからです
人類の歴史をパレードに例えるなら アメリカの山車は ネオンに彩られた 「第2のチャンス」の祭壇でしょう
ところがアメリカは 移民の子どもには 気前よく第2のチャンスを与えるのに アメリカ生まれの子どもには 最初のチャンスすら与えなくなりました
アメリカは 誰でもアメリカ人として 受け入れる 光り輝く存在です
でも すべてのアメリカ人が 成功できるわけではありません
過去10年で700万人の外国人が アメリカ国籍を取得しました
一方 どのくらいのアメリカ人が 中流階級の地位を手に入れたでしょうか?
実は 人数は減少しているのです
時を遡ると 事態は もっとはっきりします 60年代以降 中流階級は 20%減少していますが 主な原因は 人々が中流から 転落していったためです
私が全米を調査した結果 この問題は単なる不平等ではなく はるかに深刻なものです
1つだったアメリカの生活が 中央から2つに分裂したのです
裕福な層は どんどん上昇して 教養のある一部のエリート集団や 仕事やお金 人脈の発信源へと 流入しています 一方 貧困層は どんどん下にこぼれ落ち 幸運な人々は ほとんど経験しない
つながりもなく 行き詰まった生活へと転落しています 自分は99%の1人だと 安心しないでください
もし近所に高級スーパーがあるなら 軍隊で務めた家族がいないなら 時給ではなく 年俸をもらっているなら 知り合いが ほとんど大卒なら 覚せい剤を使っている 知り合いがいないなら 離婚歴がないなら あなたが犯罪歴のあるアメリカ人 6,500万人の1人では ないなら・・・ あなたがこのすべて もしくは一部に当てはまるとしたら
自分が今 起きている問題に 気づいておらず 問題の一端を担っている 可能性を認めるべきです
前の世代の人々は 奴隷を解放し 不況を乗り越え ファシズムを倒し ミシシッピのフリーダム・ライドを経て 新しい社会を築かねばなりませんでした
私の世代の道徳的な課題は この2つのアメリカを 再び結びつけ 分裂するのではなく もう一度 1つになることを目指すことです
もっとツイートしようと もっとすごいアプリを作ろうと プロのコーヒー焙煎サービスを始めようと 解決できる問題ではありません
繁栄するアメリカに暮らす 私たち一人ひとりが レイスデンと同じように 疲弊したアメリカを 自分の問題として引き受けるという 道徳的な課題なのです
ボルチモアで オレゴンで アパラチア地方で 彼のように新しい目的を見つけるのです
他の地域の実態を知り 希望や悲しみを証言することで レイスデンのように 自分たちに何ができるか問いましょう
より慈悲に満ちた国にするには どうしたらいいのでしょうか?
私たちは世界で最も 発明に長けているのですから 自分たちのアメリカだけでなく もう一つのアメリカの問題も解決できるはずです
私たち作家やジャーナリストは そちら側のアメリカで 事務所を閉鎖するのではなく 記事を書くことができるはずです NYやサンフランシスコ発の アイデアに代わって
そちら側のアメリカのアイデアに 資金を援助できるはずです
そちらのアメリカの背に聴診器を当て そこで教え そこで裁判所に行き 物づくりをし 祈ることができるはずです
2分されたアメリカは もう一度 共に歩み 共に耕し 関係を築き 挑むことを学ぶのです
再び組み立てられ 新しくなった 「チャンスの社会」を 私たちが始めるのです
ありがとう | "Where are you from?"
It's September 21, 2001, 10 days after the worst attack on America since World War II.
Everyone wonders about the next plane.
People are looking for scapegoats.
The president, the night before, pledges to "bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies."
And in the Dallas mini-mart, a Dallas mini-part surrounded by tire shops and strip joints a Bangladeshi immigrant works the register.
Back home, Raisuddin Bhuiyan was a big man, an Air Force officer.
But he dreamed of a fresh start in America.
If he had to work briefly in a mini-mart to save up for I.T. classes and his wedding in two months, so be it.
Then, on September 21, that tattooed man enters the mart.
He holds a shotgun.
Raisuddin knows the drill: puts cash on the counter.
This time, the man doesn't touch the money.
"Where are you from?" he asks.
"Excuse me?" Raisuddin answers.
His accent betrays him.
The tattooed man, a self-styled true American vigilante, shoots Raisuddin in revenge for 9/11.
Raisuddin feels millions of bees stinging his face.
In fact, dozens of scalding, birdshot pellets puncture his head.
Behind the counter, he lays in blood.
He cups a hand over his forehead to keep in the brains on which he'd gambled everything.
He recites verses from the Koran, begging his God to live.
He senses he is dying.
He didn't die.
His right eye left him.
His fiancée left him.
His landlord, the mini-mart owner, kicked him out.
Soon he was homeless and 60,000 dollars in medical debt, including a fee for dialing for an ambulance.
But Raisuddin lived.
And years later, he would ask what he could do to repay his God and become worthy of this second chance.
He would come to believe, in fact, that this chance called for him to give a second chance to a man we might think deserved no chance at all.
Twelve years ago, I was a fresh graduate seeking my way in the world.
Born in Ohio to Indian immigrants, I settled on the ultimate rebellion against my parents, moving to the country they had worked so damn hard to get out of.
What I thought might be a six-month stint in Mumbai stretched to six years.
I became a writer and found myself amid a magical story: the awakening of hope across much of the so-called Third World.
Six years ago, I returned to America and realized something: The American Dream was thriving, but only in India.
In America, not so much.
In fact, I observed that America was fracturing into two distinct societies: a republic of dreams and a republic of fears.
And then, I stumbled onto this incredible tale of two lives and of these two Americas that brutally collided in that Dallas mini-mart.
I knew at once I wanted to learn more, and eventually that I would write a book about them, for their story was the story of America's fracturing and of how it might be put back together.
After he was shot, Raisuddin's life grew no easier.
The day after admitting him, the hospital discharged him.
His right eye couldn't see.
He couldn't speak.
Metal peppered his face.
But he had no insurance, so they bounced him.
His family in Bangladesh begged him, "Come home."
But he told them he had a dream to see about.
He found telemarketing work, then he became an Olive Garden waiter, because where better to get over his fear of white people than the Olive Garden?
Now, as a devout Muslim, he refused alcohol, didn't touch the stuff.
Then he learned that not selling it would slash his pay.
So he reasoned, like a budding American pragmatist, "Well, God wouldn't want me to starve, would he?"
And before long, in some months, Raisuddin was that Olive Garden's highest grossing alcohol pusher.
He found a man who taught him database administration.
He got part-time I.T. gigs.
Eventually, he landed a six-figure job at a blue chip tech company in Dallas.
But as America began to work for Raisuddin, he avoided the classic error of the fortunate: assuming you're the rule, not the exception.
In fact, he observed that many with the fortune of being born American were nonetheless trapped in lives that made second chances like his impossible.
He saw it at the Olive Garden itself, where so many of his colleagues had childhood horror stories of family dysfunction, chaos, addiction, crime.
He'd heard a similar tale about the man who shot him back when he attended his trial.
The closer Raisuddin got to the America he had coveted from afar, the more he realized there was another, equally real, America that was stingier with second chances.
The man who shot Raisuddin grew up in that stingier America.
From a distance, Mark Stroman was always the spark of parties, always making girls feel pretty.
Always working, no matter what drugs or fights he'd had the night before.
But he'd always wrestled with demons.
He entered the world through the three gateways that doom so many young American men: bad parents, bad schools, bad prisons.
His mother told him, regretfully, as a boy that she'd been just 50 dollars short of aborting him.
Sometimes, that little boy would be at school, he'd suddenly pull a knife on his fellow classmates.
Sometimes that same little boy would be at his grandparents', tenderly feeding horses.
He was getting arrested before he shaved, first juvenile, then prison.
He became a casual white supremacist and, like so many around him, a drug-addled and absent father.
And then, before long, he found himself on death row, for in his 2001 counter-jihad, he had shot not one mini-mart clerk, but three.
Only Raisuddin survived.
Strangely, death row was the first institution that left Stroman better.
His old influences quit him.
The people entering his life were virtuous and caring: pastors, journalists, European pen-pals.
They listened to him, prayed with him, helped him question himself.
And sent him on a journey of introspection and betterment.
He finally faced the hatred that had defined his life.
He read Viktor Frankl, the Holocaust survivor and regretted his swastika tattoos.
He found God.
Then one day in 2011, 10 years after his crimes, Stroman received news.
One of the men he'd shot, the survivor, was fighting to save his life.
You see, late in 2009, eight years after that shooting, Raisuddin had gone on his own journey, a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Amid its crowds, he felt immense gratitude, but also duty.
He recalled promising God, as he lay dying in 2001, that if he lived, he would serve humanity all his days.
Then, he'd gotten busy relaying the bricks of a life.
Now it was time to pay his debts.
And he decided, upon reflection, that his method of payment would be an intervention in the cycle of vengeance between the Muslim and Western worlds.
And how would he intervene?
By forgiving Stroman publicly in the name of Islam and its doctrine of mercy.
And then suing the state of Texas and its governor Rick Perry to prevent them from executing Stroman, exactly like most people shot in the face do.
Yet Raisuddin's mercy was inspired not only by faith.
A newly minted American citizen, he had come to believe that Stroman was the product of a hurting America that couldn't just be lethally injected away.
That insight is what moved me to write my book "The True American."
This immigrant begging America to be as merciful to a native son as it had been to an adopted one.
In the mini-mart, all those years earlier, not just two men, but two Americas collided.
An America that still dreams, still strives, still imagines that tomorrow can build on today, and an America that has resigned to fate, buckled under stress and chaos, lowered expectations, an ducked into the oldest of refuges: the tribal fellowship of one's own narrow kind.
And it was Raisuddin, despite being a newcomer, despite being attacked, despite being homeless and traumatized, who belonged to that republic of dreams and Stroman who belonged to that other wounded country, despite being born with the privilege of a native white man.
I realized these men's stories formed an urgent parable about America.
The country I am so proud to call my own wasn't living through a generalized decline as seen in Spain or Greece, where prospects were dimming for everyone.
America is simultaneously the most and the least successful country in the industrialized world.
Launching the world's best companies, even as record numbers of children go hungry.
Seeing life-expectancy drop for large groups, even as it polishes the world's best hospitals.
America today is a sprightly young body, hit by one of those strokes that sucks the life from one side, while leaving the other worryingly perfect.
On July 20, 2011, right after a sobbing Raisuddin testified in defense of Stroman's life, Stroman was killed by lethal injection by the state he so loved.
Hours earlier, when Raisuddin still thought he could still save Stroman, the two men got to speak for the second time ever.
Here is an excerpt from their phone call.
Raisuddin: "Mark, you should know that I am praying for God, the most compassionate and gracious.
I forgive you and I do not hate you.
I never hated you."
Stroman: "You are a remarkable person.
Thank you from my heart.
I love you, bro."
Even more amazingly, after the execution, Raisuddin reached out to Stroman's eldest daughter, Amber, an ex-convinct and an addict.
and offered his help.
"You may have lost a father," he told her, "but you've gained an uncle."
He wanted her, too, to have a second chance.
If human history were a parade, America's float would be a neon shrine to second chances.
But America, generous with second chances to the children of other lands, today grows miserly with first chances to the children of its own.
America still dazzles at allowing anybody to become an American.
But it is losing its luster at allowing every American to become a somebody.
Over the last decade, seven million foreigners gained American citizenship.
In the meanwhile, how many Americans gained a place in the middle class?
Actually, the net influx was negative.
Go back further, and it's even more striking: Since the 60s, the middle class has shrunk by 20 percent, mainly because of the people tumbling out of it.
And my reporting around the country tells me the problem is grimmer than simple inequality.
What I observe is a pair of secessions from the unifying center of American life.
An affluent secession of up, up and away, into elite enclaves of the educated and into a global matrix of work, money and connections, and an impoverished secession of down and out into disconnected, dead-end lives that the fortunate scarcely see.
And don't console yourself that you are the 99 percent.
If you live near a Whole Foods, if no one in your family serves in the military, if you're paid by the year, not the hour, if most people you know finished college, if no one you know uses meth, if you married once and remain married, if you're not one of 65 million Americans with a criminal record -- if any or all of these things describe you, then accept the possibility that actually,
you may not know what's going on and you may be part of the problem.
Other generations had to build a fresh society after slavery, pull through a depression, defeat fascism, freedom-ride in Mississippi.
The moral challenge of my generation, I believe, is to reacquaint these two Americas, to choose union over secession once again.
This ins't a problem we can tax or tax-cut away.
It won't be solved by tweeting harder, building slicker apps, or starting one more artisanal coffee roasting service.
It is a moral challenge that begs each of us in the flourishing America to take on the wilting America as our own, as Raisuddin tried to do.
Like him, we can make pilgrimages.
And there, in Baltimore and Oregon and Appalachia, find new purpose, as he did.
We can immerse ourselves in that other country, bear witness to its hopes and sorrows, and, like Raisuddin, ask what we can do.
What can you do?
What can you do?
What can we do?
How might we build a more merciful country?
We, the greatest inventors in the world, can invent solutions to the problems of that America, not only our own.
We, the writers and the journalists, can cover that America's stories, instead of shutting down bureaus in its midst.
We can finance that America's ideas, instead of ideas from New York and San Francisco.
We can put our stethoscopes to its backs, teach there, go to court there, make there, live there, pray there.
This, I believe, is the calling of a generation.
An America whose two halves learn again to stride, to plow, to forge, to dare together.
A republic of chances, rewoven, renewed, begins with us.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「セーラ、いい加減にしないか! ティムは確かに妙な言葉を使うようになったが、俺の見た限り姉妹仲よさげだったぞ」
「あっ!? ティレア、待ちなさい!」
また魔王軍ごっこで遊んできたのね。今度は視察を名目として俺も遊びに参加させたいってところかな? 普段だったに遊んでやっても良かったが......。
「反省したってことよね? もう二度とあんな真似はしないと誓ったはずよね?」
「あの人間にですか? 分をわきまえるように言ったはずですが......はっ!? もしや、お姉様に無礼でも働きましたか? それでお姉様はお怒りなんですね? まったく仮とはいえ親であったので甘い顔をしておりました。即刻処分――」
「全然わかってないじゃないの! 私が怒っている原因はあなたなのよ!」
「ひっ、申し訳ございません。わ、我がお姉様に、何かご無礼を......? 我は一体何を......? 我は――」
「ティムぅう! あんまり私をがっかりさせないでよね」
「落ち度どころじゃねぇえよぉ! 私の期待を裏切りやがって。お前はしばらく床に寝てろぉお――ッ!」
「ぐぉおおお! テ、ティレア様。い、一体なぜお怒りなのでしょうか?」
「はぁ? 理由はてめぇの頭で考えろ。その頭はかざりか? この変態野郎が!」
「はぁ、はぁ、はぁ、テ、ティレア様、私の命をご所望であればどうぞお取りください。ですが、せめてカミーラ様へのお怒りは解いて頂けませんか? 臥してお願い申し上げます」
「な、何を言うか! 我の後追いは許さぬ。近衛隊全員死ねば誰がお姉様の覇業をお支えするのだ」
「だぁああああ! もう本当やめてよね。いつ私があなたの命を欲しいなんていったの! 冗談でもそういうこと言うのはやめなさい!」
ふ~俺もせっかく育てた従業員が死ぬのを見たくはない。 | “Elder sister, I have returned.”
I heard the sound of the door opening, along with Timu’s voice. It seems that she’s back. Normally I’d receive her with a smile, but things are different today.
“Mum, Dad, leave Timu to me. I’ll definitely make her reflect.”
“Tilea, stop. How many times do I have to say it before you understand? That girl isn’t Timu. You’ll be killed!”
“Cut it out already, Sera! It’s true that Timu is suddenly speaking in a strange way, but from what I can see, the two of them are getting along just fine.”
“Dad’s right, Mum. There’s no way anything like that will happen between Timu and I.”
“And Tilea. I think you’re the bigger problem for making Timu call you ‘elder sister’. You’re not picking on your sister, right?”
“No, no, I’m not making her, you know. Timu said she wanted to call me that no matter what, so.”
Uu. Daddy, you’re pretty sharp!
That’s right. I’m not making her call me that, but I’m not stopping her either.
I-, Isn’t it fine? I just wanted to taste the world of “Marimiteh” a little.
“First I’ll make sure to give Timu a good scolding as her older sister. Dad, wait here with Mum a little, okay?”
“Ah-!? Tilea, wait!”
“Sera, we’re waiting here.”
“Dear, let go of me. I have to stop her... Are you okay with Tilea being killed!”
“Won’t you cut that out already!”
“Aahh. Why won’t you understand!”
“Tilea, Sera’s tired and isn’t seeing reality. Make sure to have a good talk with Timu.”
“Mn, I’ll leave Mum to you, okay?”
“Yeah, leave it to me.”
Mum kept shrieking things like “Timu is a demon” or “Tilea’s going to be killed”. Looks like I need to hurry up and reconcile them. I headed to Timu’s room in order to bring back their feelings for each other.
“Ah, elder sister. The truth is I’m in the middle of reorganizing the Household Guard, and we would be delighted if you could come for an inspection.”
“If the Household Guard are able to gaze upon your countenance, I am sure the morale will increase spectacularly.”
The reorganization of the Household Guard...
So you guys have been playing Demon King Army again, huh. By this inspection thing, are they inviting me to play with them this time? Normally I’d be fine with that, but...
“I’m not going. Timu, for now you’re forbidden to go outside.”
“Timu, sit down over there.”
“U-, Understood.”
Timu sat down with a meek expression, and I moved to face her. We were now sitting on either side of the table. I glared at her.
“Elder sister...?”
Timu seemed to have sensed my bad mood. She looked at me anxiously. Uu, if you look at me with such a sad face, it’ll be hard for me to lecture you too, you know.
But I have to. If I spoil her again, it’ll just be a repeat of last time.
“Timu, do you have anything to say to me?”
“Let me see. Because of your training methods, I have powered up spectacularly. Although I am incompetent, please allow me the privilege of assisting in your domination.”
“No, that’s not what I mean... Timu, do you remember when I spanked you last time?”
“Yes. It brings me utmost shame. I am painfully aware of my foolishness and weakness at that time.”
“You’ve reflected, right? You swore to me that you wouldn’t do something like that again, right?”
“Yes, I will not commit the same blunder again.”
So you’re going to play dumb to the end, huh. Even if you aren’t violent to me anymore, if you’re violent to Mum, it’s the same thing, you know. Or could it be that you were just thinking it’d be fine as long as I didn’t find out!
Timu, to think that you’ve become such a coward... Big sis is sad.
Aah~ This is like that “my child is different” pattern, isn’t it. A parent trusts their child too much, and doesn’t even realize when their child turns into a delinquent. It’s a dangerous sign.
“Then, do you remember what you said to Mum over these last few days?”
“That human? As I recall, I warned her to know her place but... Hah-!? Could it be that she was rude to you in some way? And that’s why you’re angry, isn’t it, elder sister? Honestly, she was my parent, even if temporary, so I went easy on her. I shall immediately dispose―”
“You don’t understand at all! I’m angry because of YOU!”
“Hii-, my deepest apologies. W-, Was I dis, respecful to you, in some way...? What did I...? I―”
“Hi-, hii-, I-, a-, aah-”
Timu was apparently confused because she was completely flustered. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her mouth kept opening and shutting wordlessly.
“Do you really not know?”
“Hii-, u-, umm, was it that I did not immediately... dispose, of her?”
“TIMUUUU! Don’t disappoint me so much.”
Timu finally began to cry and shake. Seeing my little sister tremble like this suddenly made me feel crazily guilty.
Pervert (Nielsen) took a step forward in front of me.
“Milady. Although I do not know what is wrong, please tell Lady Camilla the problem concretely, or she will be confused.”
“It is fine, Nielsen. I am in the wrong for failing to live up to elder sister’s expectations.”
“H-. However, this is too much. From what I can see, you have served Lady Tilea without a single mistake.”
“Outsiders should stay out of it. This is a family matter!”
“U-, Understood. Please forgive me for speaking out of place. However, as a loyal servant, please allow me to say this; please find it in yourself to believe Lady Camilla.”
Pervert (Nielsen) desperately covers for Timu. He looked like a selfless knight. But beneath that, he’s actually somebody who trampled on my kind Mum’s heart. Seeing him act like a loyal servant now just pisses me off more. I feel bad for Timu, but you aren’t getting any mercy.
“D-, Did I blunder in some way?”
“IT ISN’T AT THE LEVEL OF ‘BLUNDER’! You completely betrayed my expectations. SLEEP ON THE FLOOR FOR A WHILEEEEE!”
I stood up from my chair and kicked Pervert (Nielsen) flying. Pervert (Nielsen) vigorously tumbled across the floor. And then, with Pervert (Nielsen) still lying down, I began to grind his head into the floor with my foot.
“GUOOOOOOH! L-, Lady Tilea. W-, Why is it that you are so angry?”
“Hahh? How about you use your f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g head. Is that head of yours just for decoration, you pe̲r̲v̲e̲r̲t̲e̲d̲ b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲!”
“Ah-, ah-, elder sister. Please stop this. Nielsen is dying.”
“Timu, I’m trying to kill him, so of course he is.”
“E-, elder sister. Nielsen is a talent indispensable for your path of domination. Please find it in yourself to forgive him. I shall bear his sin instead.”
As usual, the trust between them is no joke. I really just want to keep crushing him like this until he dies, but I can’t let Timu feel sad either.
Pervert (Nielsen), looks like you’ve barely escaped death. If it wasn’t for Timu’s words, I’d have seriously, done it, yanno. I slowly removed my foot from his head.
“Hahh, hahh, hahh. L-, Lady Tilea, if you desire my life, please take it by all means. However, could you at least dispel your anger towards Lady Camilla? I humbly implore you.”
Pervert (Nielsen) rubbed his forehead against the floor as he entreated me. He entreated me for Timu’s sake while enduring the pain from when I kicked him flying. When I see him acting this meek, it makes me want to tell him to act that way around Mum as well.
“Nielsen, stop that. Look at elder sister’s countenance. She truly looks disappointed that I betrayed her expectations. I disappointed elder sister. After committing such a failure, how would you have me live? I shall end myself right here!”
“L-, Lady Camilla, I beg of you to reconsider...”
“Enough. I have decided to sacrifice myself to elder sister.”
“Lady Camilla...”
“Elder sister, for your sake I would happily offer you my life. I am truly joyful that you have given me such undeserved affection thus far.”
“...Understood. I shall not allow you to depart this world by yourself, Lady Camilla. Having come to this, all members of the Household Guard shall follow you into the afterlife.”
“W-, What are you saying! I shall now allow that. If all the Household Guard dies, who shall support elder sister in her domination.”
“H-, However...”
“It is fine. I shall watch over elder sister’s exploits from Valhalla.”
And like that, a chain of
You can’ts
...What the heck is this farce?
I’m actually angry, you know.
But despite that, the two of them are playing Master-Servant even at a time like this. Being forced to watch this stupid drama has made me want to scold them even more, but perhaps I was being overwhelmed by how serious their performances were because I couldn’t find a chance to butt in.
Or rather, you’re not actually going to die, right?
...Once somebody is too chuunibyou, you can’t even laugh at this. She might really go with the flow and die after all.
“Aah~ Sorry to interrupt while you guys are getting so into it, but...”
“Elder sister, I have persuaded Nielsen. I believe he will continue to serve you faithfully. With this, I can die at ease.”
“DAHHHHHHHH! Seriously just stop that already. When exactly did I say I wanted your life! Even as a joke you shouldn’t say something like that, so cut it out now!”
“I-, It was not a joke and―”
“Timu, from now on you aren’t to speak about dying again. I won’t allow anybody to kill my cute sister no matter what. Even if it’s you, Timu.”
“E-, elder sister. Uuu, to think that you care about me so... I-, I truly did not know what I did wrong. Uu-, uu-, please forgive this deplorable me.”
Hahh~ Come on, make that face like the world is ending. Seeing Timu break into tears made my chest tighten in sadness.
I can’t do it anymore!
There’s no way I can spank her when she’s making a face like this. I’m saying this myself, but I know I’m spoiling her.
“Come on, don’t cry anymore.”
I began wiping her sobbing face with a handkerchief, taking care to be gentle enough that her eyes wouldn’t swell.
“Uu, elder sister.”
“Timu, stop treating Mum with that kind of stupid attitude. No, not just Mum, but all the people around you too.”
“W-, What do you mean by that?”
“Huu~ Do I have to explain every little thing for you to get it?”
“N-, No. I understand. It is fine. elder sister, I shall show you that I understand. So please, please don’t abandon me.”
“Timu, there’s no way that I’d abandon you, right? I’m not angry anymore. Anyway, make sure you think deeply about what I said today, and tell me your response later, okay?”
“Y-, Yes. I shall not disappoint you again, elder sister.”
“I see. I’ll be expecting the best from you.”
Embracing her, I gently stroked her head. The stiff expression disappeared from Timu’s face and she looked relieved.
“Sorry. I scared you, didn’t I.”
“E-, elder sister, hic-, I’ll do it. I’ll definitely live up to your expectations.”
Good, good. I wrapped my arms around her even more tightly. So that Timu would calm down, I gently continued to hug her.
After that, I looked at the groveling Pervert (Nielsen) like he was a dung beetle. If I had my way, I’d have immediately executed him.
“And that goes for the one on the floor as well. Think carefully about the meaning behind my words!”
“Understood. I shall also exert myself to meet your expectations, Lady Tilea.”
I certainly hope you do. Because I won’t be gentle to you like I am to Timu. The next time you do something this stupid again...
Huu~ After having raised him this much, I don’t want to see my employee die either. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 5,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
これは、選挙における政党の得票が50%にも満たない状況にありながら、議会の多数党を基盤に「パワーをつかむ」ことができたヒットラーを想起させる。より最近の例では、ヨーロッパ旧共産圏における選挙で権力を握ったグループで、彼らが掲げる民主主義の「成績証明書」は、控えめに言っても胡散臭い。 | One remembers Hitler, who, while his own party did not quite get 50% of the vote, could base his “seizure of power” on a parliamentary majority. More recently, elections in the post-communist countries of Europe have brought groups to power whose democratic credentials are dubious, to say the least. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
あれ、木......よね? 木が攻撃してきたんだけど...。
人がいた? とんでもない。
普段、お金にケチなアイツが、『薬買ってくるか? スポーツドリンク飲めよ』なーんて、風邪に良さそうな色んなもの自腹で買ってくるんだもん。
助けて...痛いの...苦しいの......有夢......あゆむ......アユム......... | 「Ouch...」
I woke up. Currently, I am in a bush that I was blown away into.
That tree... That tree attacked...
It had a face it must have been a monster.
It is already sunset. I guess I fainted?
In other words...I am suddenly close to death?
Oh no... ...I cannot move rashly!
A sound chased after the despair of that thought. Yes, the sound of my stomach.
That’s right... food... there isn’t any food?
On the other hand, there are only trees around here, and I can’t find anything like nuts.
The worst, I am in the worst position.
There is nothing to eat. What should I do?
I try to use [Water Magic] to produce water. I wonder if I will be able to drink it.
Good. I was able to drink it.
I have managed to secure a source of water... but I have no choice now but to fill my belly with only water.
If there is a beast, it will be troubling. So, I decided to climb a tree to spend the night.
I’m very hungry. I wonder what I should do after this.
I woke up to a bad situation. What is it?
That tree is now wondering around nearby.
As soon as I became aware, I quieted my breath.
No way, why is this happening?
For how long do I need to hide?
My stomach is going to growl in hunger. But, if I make a sound now I will die.
I desperately cover my mouth and suppress my stomach.
It seems like the tree has now passed by.
But still, I am terribly hungry. But what could I possibly eat... there are only leaves...
But if I don’t eat anything, before long I won’t be able to move.
Then I’d just starve to death and become monster prey. Absolutely not!
I eat the leaves of the tree I climbed.
I put the dark-green leaves in my mouth and cry as a eat them. Uuuuuuu...
I got down from the tree, hid my breath, and slowly, slowly walked away.
Really, my only salvation is that I have water to drink. Without this, I...
While walking, I heard a sound. Maybe it could be a person.
I moved in the direction that I heard the sounds from.
Was it a person? It was far from it.
It was a fight between that tree monster and an ant like monster.
While I pondered about this, the ant seems to have won against the tree’s whip.
...the ant is stronger than the tree....huh. I need to be careful.
I move away slowly so as not to make any noise.
I walk forward. And I keep on moving. How long have I walked?
Actually from a bit ago, while walking, I started getting a headache, abdominal pain, and nausea.
I feel really bad... I am really hungry... uugh...
But, but, I can’t fall down here.
Maybe he is in this world. The one... The one I love...
I want to meet Ayumu, I absolutely cannot die!
I walk. I push myself to continue walking. I continue to walk until evening.
I feel pain all over my body from that whip. I clime a tree to go to sleep.
Despite resting... my headache and abdominal pain did not go away.
I feel horrible. It felt like I would die.
Ah... I remembered a time I caught a cold, and he desperately took care of me...
Normally, he was stingy with money. But then he would say 『Did you buy medicine? You can drink this sports drink.』, and then would buy things that would be helpful for a cold with his money.
At the time I was extremely happy...
After that, he caught a cold from taking care of me.
... Right now, there is no one to take care of me.
Currently, the only things I can find to eat are leaves.
Awful, bitter, the taste makes me nauseous, I don’t want to eat it, but it can’t be helped.
Haa... this is horrible, my reincarnated life.
Today again I walk.
Because of how bad I am feeling, I moving pretty slowly.
In order to leave this forest, I single mindedly walk forward, one step at a time.
Along the way, I saw a monster, but I managed to hide in the brush until it passed by.
My hunger, headache, and nausea are even worse than yesterday.
Damnit, this is the worst.
I continue to walk forward like that.
I found something.
It... has a human face, the body of a lion, and a scorpion tail... I’ve seen this from games, it is a Manticore...
And in front of it is a large tree.
The Manticore tore the big tree in an instant.
If that monster finds me, I will really die!
I must escape. I hide under the brush, crawl while fighting my hunger, headache and nausea.
The fear of dying drives me forward despite my pain.
I have no idea how far I’ve come.
But, surely, this is far enough... with that small thought of relief, I loose all my strength.
The only things that I am aware of now are that I am alive, hungry, have a headache, and nausea.
I cannot move...
If I cannot move from here, does that mean that I am going to die?
No, no way! I don’t want to die yet....
Help me... it hurts... I am suffering.. Arimu... Ayumu... Ayumu... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
「......いけめん? しょた? あいどる? ......詳しく!!」
* *
* *
「いんちょーせんせー、アルフィー、がんばってきぞくさまのせったいしてるよ! これで、おかねがもーかるんだよねー!」
台無しだよっ!! | “......Eh?”
The headmaster with a blank face.
Oh, come on, you were totally going to have the Society play, didn’t you?...
“... Ah, please ask the musicians...” (Headmaster)
Micchan and I let out a voice of doubt at the headmaster’s answer, which seemed to have been rushed.
No, because...
“I’m sure it would be difficult to ask a musician to play not only once or twice, but for many consecutive times, and not only during performances but also during rehearsals, wouldn’t it?
Aristocratic musicians, who do it as a hobby are not going to take on the role as the support musician for a group of amateurs, who are also looking for donations the whole time, right?
A commoner musician with a patron will not be able to go against the wishes of the patron and will not be able to do whatever he pleases.
And the commoner musicians who have not yet received a patron have to do something other than music to make ends meet, so they can’t afford to do volunteer work.
They are people who are in a situation where they need help and not the other way around...
Even if you try to hire and pay them, the orphanage probably doesn’t have that kind of money at the moment. If the people who are paid to perform a job, it’s no longer ‘the activities of cute orphanage children’.
If it becomes just a commercial activity, you will only get a market-rate commission rather than a large donation, and in the first place, if it becomes such a fishy story, the orphanage children would not be invited to a nobleman’s party. Normally, they would ask a professional performer, or a musician whom a noble or merchant they know is a patron of or a newcomer whom they have found and patronized, right?” (Mitsuha)
Yes, the whole premise of “lovely angels” and “I’m a wonderful person who helps orphans” will be destroyed and ruined.
At my explanation, the headmaster stiffened with an astonished face.
Ah~, she was going to let us do it, so she just hurriedly said an alternative plan because we rejected it, but she didn’t think about it that far...
“Mitsuha-san...” (Michelle)
Micchan gave me instructions with her gaze.
Yeah yeah. Do something about it, right?
I know, I know...
“Are there any graduates from here... or rather, people from here who don’t have very good jobs?” (Mitsuha)
“Eh, of course... Or rather, there are a few people who don’t...” (Headmaster)
Is that so?
The people who came from the Orphanage are very afraid that they will bring down the name of the orphanage, reduce the donations, and eliminate job opportunities for their juniors because of them.
Therefore, the probability of betraying the employer or doing something strange is very low. They are far more trustworthy than other, ordinary employees.
Those who were adopted and raised by the ones who adopted them also work hard because they have a strong desire to not cause trouble to their parents-in-law and to repay their kindness.
But for those who are unaware of such facts, hiring orphans seems like a big risk.
That’s why it’s rare for them to get hired for important jobs, jobs that deal with money, or customer service.
Therefore, inevitably, a lot of them got jobs that require heavy lifting or simple work, the wages and working environment are not very good, and it seems that there are not many chances of getting a raise or getting promoted as the years go by.
If so...
“Let’s scout out some of those people who are around or years old!
We’ll choose a wildly handsome guy, a small animal shorty, a leopard or wildcat girl, or a firm sisterly character!
Let’s appeal to a wide age range with support performers for the young children’s idols to further emphasize soothing and comfort!” (Mitsuha)
“...Ikemen? Shota? Aidoru?...details!!”
The headmaster’s face says “Goodness gracious!” when she hears unfamiliar words.
However, she seemed to understand the general nuance of the conversation. As expected, wisdom comes with age.
“...That being said, even those from orphanages, where many are small due to poor nutrition, should be fine with normal adult instruments if they are around years old or so.
And if the children of aristocrats were given music lessons that they learn little by little, but it takes them several years to learn. So if we train them every day from morning to night, they should be able to learn in a few months what.
...Anyway, your livelihood depends on it...” (Mitsuha)
Besides, if they had to carry the burden of repaying the debt to the orphanage and the amount of food for the younger students, they would be willing to die doing their best. That’s not the same spirit as a child of nobility who learns with the only intention of passing!
“A noble’s daughter is also desperate because her life depends on it!” (Michelle)
Micchan objected.
“... Ah, did I say it out loud?” (Mitsuha)
“It was out in full force!
Mitsuha-san, if you don’t fix that habit, you won’t be able to live in society, you know?” (Michelle)
It’s not only bad for socializing, but also for business...
“Anyway, we can keep up appearances if the graduates from the orphanage come back and help out for the juniors.
Whether the children will be hired as staff at the orphanage and paid a salary, or whether they will have another job where they have more freedom of time, will be considered at a later date.
If the orphanage employees who are paid to work help the children with their activities, or if former orphans who have other jobs come to help, then the image would not be destroyed. The audience has no way of knowing whether or not they are being paid for their services.
...Anyway, we’re aiming for a wide audience with a double feature of angels and supporting performers with a little bit of fallen angel or devilish charm!” (Mitsuha)
“, yes...”
The headmaster nodded at me with a black-and-white look in her eyes.
We would discuss the details later, so Micchan and I hurried back to the garden.
No, what would we do without seeing the smiling interaction between the orphans and the juvenile group?!
That’s what we’re here for today. It’s the main event!
Oh, everyone is getting along!
The main group was just watching over them kindly, and they hardly interfered or intervened!
Yes, oh yes, children are so innocent and cute......
The headmaster, who came out to the garden with us, is also smiling gently.
And a pretty young girl among the orphans yelled at the headmaster with a smile.
“Incho-sensei, Alfie, will do her best to help the family! With this, I’m going to make a lot of money!” (Alfie)
The whole garden was frozen...
No, well, she’s a young child, it can’t be helped.
Yep... It’s ruined!! | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 6,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
そしてその木はいまだに毎年、一月十六日の雪の時節に花咲かせるのである。 | JIU-ROKU-ZAKURA
訳者:武田 正代 (
In Wakegori, a district of the province of Iyo (1), there is a very ancient and famous cherry-tree, called Jiu-roku-zakura, or "the Cherry-tree of the Sixteenth Day,"
because it blooms every year upon the sixteenth day of the first month (by the old lunar calendar),-- and only upon that day.
Thus the time of its flowering is the Period of Great Cold,-- though the natural habit of a cherry-tree is to wait for the spring season before venturing to blossom.
But the Jiu-roku-zakura blossoms with a life that is not -- or, at least, that was not originally -- its own.
There is the ghost of a man in that tree.
He was a samurai of Iyo;
and the tree grew in his garden;
and it used to flower at the usual time,-- that is to say, about the end of March or the beginning of April.
He had played under that tree when he was a child;
and his parents and grandparents and ancestors had hung to its blossoming branches, season after season for more than a hundred years, bright strips of colored paper inscribed with poems of praise.
He himself became very old,
-- outliving all his children;
and there was nothing in the world left for him to live except that tree.
And lo! in the summer of a certain year, the tree withered and died!
Exceedingly the old man sorrowed for his tree.
Then kind neighbors found for him a young and beautiful cherry-tree, and planted it in his garden,-- hoping thus to comfort him.
And he thanked them, and pretended to be glad.
But really his heart was full of pain;
for he had loved the old tree so well that nothing could have consoled him for the loss of it.
At last there came to him a happy thought:
he remembered a way by which the perishing tree might be saved.
(It was the sixteenth day of the first month.)
Along he went into his garden, and bowed down before the withered tree, and spoke to it, saying:
"Now deign, I beseech you, once more to bloom,
-- because I am going to die in your stead."
(For it is believed that one can really give away one's life to another person, or to a creature or even to a tree, by the favor of the gods;
-- and thus to transfer one's life is expressed by the term migawari ni tatsu, "to act as a substitute.")
Then under that tree he spread a white cloth, and divers coverings, and sat down upon the coverings, and performed hara-kiri after the fashion of a samurai.
And the ghost of him went into the tree, and made it blossom in that same hour.
And every year it still blooms on the sixteenth day of the first month, in the season of snow. | {
"source": "mutiyama",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「うるさい......うるさいうるさいうるさい! 俺は人間だ、半魔人であっても、スライムなんてものじゃない!」
「ああ、そうだとも! 貴様はまた人間に生まれたようだが、俺はこのありさまだ! つくづく恵まれた奴だよ、貴様はぁ!」
「対して貴様は人間に生まれ変わったか。前世では英雄、今世では人間。まったく俺とは大違いだな! その幸運に吐き気がする」
別に敗北したわけではないが、まるで負け犬のような捨て台詞を残して、俺はその場を後にしたのだった。 | When I first saw that form, I thought it was some kind of jade Golem in human shape.
But that wasn’t it.
In reaction to his squirming, that body started jolting and swaying. That made me realize that it was soft... viscous liquid shaped like a human.
“D-Damn you...W-What have you done...”
“...This is the first time I’ve seen an intelligent Slime.”
“Shut up... Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I am a human! I may be a half-demon, but I’m not some Slime!”
“What are you...”
Kufar was trying his best to keep his collapsing body in a human shape.
So the reason why my sword and threads passed through him was that he didn’t possess any flesh, huh?
There was also his color. It looked like that poison that spread illness in Raum.
“Disease Slime. I heard they were rare species, but I never thought they were intelligent as well.”
But thinking about it, there were cases like Den too. There was a possibility that they would gain high intellect if they mutated under the Ley Line influence. This guy was probably one of those extreme cases.
“Then what about you, huh?!”
“I died and reincarnated into this ugly form. Then what about you who killed me?”
“You think I’ll tell you?”
“Then I’ll make you... Crimson Four—”
“As if I’d let you!”
He tried to cast Jamming on me, but I shot my thread at him. The physical damage was mostly ineffective against Slimes, but Enchanted equipment could still deal good damage.
This was one of the reasons why I couldn’t deal any damage to him the last time we met in the city.
At any rate, I couldn’t reveal my identity to this guy now.
I was freeloading at Cortina’s house, and was in a state where I couldn’t go into hiding right away.
In other words, if he got to know my identity, he would have the opportunity to attack any time, while my actions would be limited.
And that could also lead to a situation where Cortina, and my other comrades, would get to know my identity.
While Kufar was chanting, my diagonal slash landed on him without managing to dodge it. My current attack that used Mythril instead of piano threads, seemed to have dealt adequate damage, breaking his posture.
“You don’t even scream from pain, and still call yourself human.”
“Since I know what you are, you have no hope of beating me any longer. If I knew you were a Slime, I would have dealt with you differently.”
Not to mention, my gauntlets were equipped with the ability to instantly enchant my threads. You could even say they were a natural enemy for this guy.
After his unknown factor went away, he no longer had any hope of winning.
“Your luck ran out the moment you decided to approach Cortina.”
“I’ll kill you. I’ll definitely—”
With katana in my right and thread in my left hand, I prepared for mid to short quarter attacks.
The acid he fire the last time wasn’t from some equipment he hid in his arm, but from his body itself. In which case, I was probably already in his attack range. I had to stay alert.
As expected, Kufar swung his arm without moving from the place.
It was the acid attack. But I already expected it.
I swung my arm in a similar manner and knocked down the acid with threads. Once I finished knocking everything down, I closed in on him in one go and thrust my katana.
“That’s quite a barefaced scream. Slimes shouldn’t have a sense of pain.”
I commented and once again kicked off his leather armor. I chose the armor because if I stepped on any other body part, my food could have gotten submerged and dissolved.
The armor guarding his body also acted as sort of a container that held his body.
After rolling on the ground, the distance opened up between us again. Kufar yelled in grief as he got up.
“I’m saying I am a human!”
“I don’t know who you’re supposed to be but—wait, did you say Half-Demon?”
Right, he called himself a Half-Demon earlier. And that he was reborn.
Thinking back, this guy was probably the one who interfered in contacting Maxwell during the Goblin battle.
To add, the group he was in was trying to summon Devils.
Someone calling himself a Half-Demon, and Devil summoning, on top of the thing about reincarnation. I finally connected the dots between those facts.
“You, are you the priest—from back then?”
The ritual that became the reason behind my death. The one behind it was the orphanage priest.
What if he had gotten reborn just like me? But unlike me, into something other than human?
The answer to that was provided to me by his following yell.
“Yeah, that’s right! You seem to have gotten reborn as a human again, but I ended up like this! What a blessed guy you are, huh!”
“Hah, I thought my life was f̲u̲c̲k̲e̲d̲ up, but here you are.”
“If I hadn’t received the Ley Line’s influence, I wouldn’t even realize that I used to be a human and spent my life as a predator led by natural instincts.”
“That would have been way better for the greater good.”
“But you got reborn as a human huh? A Hero in previous life, human in this one. Quite different from me, huh! That fortune of yours makes me nauseous!”
“Hey, it’s not like my fortune was the only reason I got to be a hero!”
It was probably true that being reborn as a human was a fortune. I hadn’t considered what it would be like if I was reborn as some other lifeform. However, the glory of my previous life was something that I obtained by pouring sweat and blood into it. I didn’t want it attributed to my luck.
I flew my threads at him flared by my irritation. A slime that lacked in agility could never dodge that attack.
It tore his armor, but didn’t stop and that and sent him flying behind.
His main body was torn now, so I just needed to deal the finishing blow and this troublesome incident would come to a close.
I carefully approached him while being alert for surprise attacks. But then, different voices interrupted me.
“You, what are you doing there!”
“Suspicious, don’t move!”
“Are you the one who killed our Master!”
Looking there, I saw several horsemen coming my way. They were most likely the subordinates of Lichtenberg that I finished off earlier.
They probably turned back to search for the killer.
“Tsk, what a bad timing...”
I only turned away for a moment, then looked back at Kufar. But he was no longer there.
Similar to Blobs, the higher species of Slimes, he also seemed to possess the mimicry skill. When it came to Blobs that had low intelligence, they only possessed enough ability to camouflage as grass and such, but with the human intellect, it was a dangerous ability.
Thinking about the applications of my Illusion Ring, I could understand how effective that ability was.
I quickly slashed the place he used to be on with threads, but I didn’t feel any response.
A superior Slime possessing human intellect. The mimicry and predation skills it possessed were quite troublesome in a way.
However, I couldn’t waste time and chase after him now.
There were four knights on horseback rushing towards me now. They were no match for me, but I wanted to avoid needless murder, so it was a number I would rather not fight.
“—Should I withdraw?”
Even if their superior was a wretch, it didn’t mean that all his subordinates were bad. It would be one thing if they were people who understood and willingly committed crimes like during the time with the slave merchant, but these people were actual knights. They weren’t trash like Fred.
It wasn’t my intention to get normal people involved in this. Besides, I couldn’t make light of a surprise attack from the lurking Slime.
“Agh dammit! Remember this, Kufar!”
I didn’t lose or anything, but I still ended up leaving that loser’s line behind as I left the place. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 23,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
1928年8月26日の晩 -- メイ・ドナヒューは 約11キロ東の町 グラスゴーから列車で訪れたペイズリーの メイ・ドナヒューは 約11キロ東の町 グラスゴーから列車で訪れたペイズリーの ウェルメドウ・カフェで ジンジャービア・フロートという、 アイスクリームとジンジャービアをミックスしたものを 友人のおごりで食べました アイスクリームとジンジャービアをミックスしたものを 友人のおごりで食べました
ジンジャービアの暗色不透明な瓶のラベルには “D.スティーヴンソン,グレンレーン, ペイズリー”とありました
彼女はフロートを食べ進め 残りのジンジャービアを タンブラーに注いだところ 残りのジンジャービアを タンブラーに注いだところ 腐敗したカタツムリの死骸が グラスの表面に浮かび上がりました 腐敗したカタツムリの死骸が グラスの表面に浮かび上がりました
その3日後 彼女は グラスゴー王立病院に入院し その3日後 彼女は グラスゴー王立病院に入院し 激しい胃腸炎およびショックと 診断されました 激しい胃腸炎およびショックと 診断されました
後に起こされた、ドナヒュー対スティーヴンソンの訴訟は 重要な判例となりました 判旨はこうです ビール製造者スティーヴンソン氏は ドナヒュー夫人に対し ビール製造者スティーヴンソン氏は ドナヒュー夫人に対し 明確な注意義務を負っていた -- それは例え契約関係がなかったとしても ひいては 夫人本人が飲料を購入しなかったとしても 同様であると判決を下しました。
裁判官の1人 アトキン卿は こう述べました 「合理的に予見可能な範囲において 隣人を傷つける恐れのある行為 「合理的に予見可能な範囲において 隣人を傷つける恐れのある行為 または不作為を回避しなければならない」 実際 注意義務がなければ スティーヴンソンが廃業するまでに
実際 注意義務がなければ スティーヴンソンが廃業するまでに どれほどの人が胃腸炎で 苦しまざるをえなかったでしょうか
では この話を心にとめておいてください 重要な原則ですから
昨年 ハンサード・ソサエティという 議会制民主主義の強化と 昨年 ハンサード・ソサエティという 議会制民主主義の強化と 国民の政治関与の促進を目指す 超党派の慈善団体が 政治的関与に対する年度監査の報告書に 「政治とメディア」のみに焦点をあてた 一章を加え公開しました 「政治とメディア」のみに焦点をあてた 一章を加え公開しました
その調査にはやや憂鬱な見解が 示されています その調査にはやや憂鬱な見解が 示されています
タブロイド紙には 読者の政治的市民権を前進させる力はないようです 新聞を全く読まない人と比べてもです 新聞を全く読まない人と比べてもです
タブロイドしか読まない人は 新聞を何も読まない人と比べて 悲観的な政治観に賛成する傾向が 2倍ほどあります 悲観的な政治観に賛成する傾向が 2倍ほどあります
そういった読者の 政治への関心が低いわけではありません
それらの読者たちは 政治に対して悲観的な 評価をするメディアを消費しているため それらの読者たちは 政治に対して悲観的な 評価をするメディアを消費しているため 民主主義そのものや 民主主義における 自分自身の役割に対して 宿命論的で 皮肉な態度をとるようになるのです
ですから この調査が次のように 結論づけられていることは 少しも不思議ではありません ですから この調査が次のように 結論づけられていることは 少しも不思議ではありません 「新聞 特にタブロイドは民主主義で メディアが果たすべき重要な役割を果たしていないようだ」 「新聞 特にタブロイドは民主主義で メディアが果たすべき重要な役割を果たしていないようだ」
では会場内に この見解に本気で 異議を唱えようという人がいるでしょうか
しかし もしハンサードが正しいなら-- 大抵の場合 正しいのですが 私たちは 非常に深刻な問題を 抱えていることになります 今からの10分間を使って この問題に 焦点を当てたいと思います 今からの10分間を使って この問題に 焦点を当てたいと思います
「ペイズリー・カタツムリ事件」以来 特にここ十数年の間に 「ペイズリー・カタツムリ事件」以来 特にここ十数年の間に 市民社会の多くの場面に関連する 注意義務の概念について 市民社会の多くの場面に関連する 注意義務の概念について
非常に多くの考えが生まれました 一般に 注意義務は 個人 あるいは 個人から成る集団が 肉体的 心理的 経済的に 他人に害を及ぼす恐れのある行為を 行う際に生じます 他人に害を及ぼす恐れのある行為を 行う際に生じます
また それは主に その理由が明白な範囲に限られています 例えば 子供や若者 軍務に就く人々 -- 年長者や弱者に対する 共感的反応などです
概念が以下のようなことに 拡張されることは稀です 現行の政治制度の脆さという 他の問題と等しく重要な議論や 誠実さ 正確さ 公平さが 情報に基づく参加型民主主義を 築き 組み込むプロセスの根幹であるとの考えにまで議論が及ぶことはないのです 考えれば考えるほど不思議に思います
考えれば考えるほど不思議に思います 数年前 イングランド北東に 学校を新設しました 数年前 イングランド北東に 学校を新設しました 数年前 イングランド北東に 学校を新設しました
生徒はその学校を Academy 360と改名しました
ガラス天井の荘厳な エントランスホールを歩いて行くと ガラス天井の荘厳な エントランスホールを歩いて行くと 正面の壁に炎文字で 派手に描かれていたのは 正面の壁に炎文字で 派手に描かれていたのは マルクス・アウレリウスの名言でした 「それが事実でないなら口にするな それが正しくないならするな」 「それが事実でないなら口にするな それが正しくないならするな」
それをじっと見ていた私に気づき 教頭は 「教育理念です」と言いました
ロンドンへの帰りの列車で その名言が頭から離れませんでした
私は考え続けました あのような簡単な理念が 互いへの最低限の期待となるまでに
本当に2000年以上もかかったのかと 今こそ 注意義務の概念を発展させ 我々が共有してはいるものの ますます危機にさらされている 民主主義の価値への配慮を含めるまで 広げるときではないのかと
結局 多くの職業における 注意義務の欠如は あっけないほどすぐに過失の罪とされます そうであれば 社会の健全性と 当然それを支える価値を 事実上 見過ごしているという考えに 平然としていられるものですか
では どなたか正直に 根拠に基づいて言える方はいますか 「ハンサードが激しく非難したメディアが 本質的に脆い我々の民主主義社会を 傷つけ ひいては損害を与えうるような 合理的に予見可能な行為を避けるのに 十分注意を払っている」と 合理的に予見可能な行為を避けるのに 十分注意を払っている」と
すると こう主張する人も出てくることでしょう 「自己検閲という形の検閲に陥りかねない」と 「自己検閲という形の検閲に陥りかねない」と 私はそうは思いません
「表現の自由」と 「より広範なモラルと社会的責任」の バランスをとることが
可能なはずなのです 映画製作者としての経験を例に その理由を説明させてください 映画製作者としての経験を例に その理由を説明させてください
私のキャリアにおいて 次のような考えは決して受け入れませんでした 「映画製作者は 自分の人生や家族 -- 自分が暮らす社会の未来に関して 重要な価値に囚われずに 作品を重視すべきだ」
映画製作者の責任として 自分たち自身が 住みたいと思う世界よりも劣るところまで
作品の価値を貶めてはいけません 私が思うに 映画製作者 ジャーナリスト ブロガーさえも メディアが持つ本質的な力と 研ぎ澄まされた専門技術を結びつけるときに 社会の期待を直視する必要があります
当然 強制的な義務ではないものの 有能な映画製作者や 信頼の置けるジャーナリスト -- ブロガーさえも 完全には避けて 通れないものだと思います
我々は念頭に置くべきです 個人の自由や仲間 創造的自由の観念は 西洋思想の歴史の中で比較的新しく 西洋思想の歴史の中で比較的新しく そのため 軽視されやすく 非常に早く損なわれうるということを
失われやすい貴重なもので 一度失ったり 放棄すると 取り戻すのは非常に難しいのです
そして防御の第一線は 道徳規範でなければなりません 検閲や立法により強いられたものではなく 道徳規範と誠実さです
他者と協力して取り組む際の誠実さと 他者と協力して取り組む際の誠実さと 社会の中で機能する道徳規範です
これらの規範は 持続可能な社会の課題と 一致している必要があります
連帯責任の要素の一つです 芸術家やジャーナリストが リアルな世界を取り上げる責任 -- 芸術家やジャーナリストが リアルな世界を取り上げる責任 -- 同時に 統治する側において 世界を直視する責任や
病巣となりえる不正への誘惑に 屈しないという責任と ワンセットになる必要があります しかし ここ数年で顕著に示されているように
しかし ここ数年で顕著に示されているように そのような責任の大半が 大抵のメディアで無きものとされ 結果として 西欧諸国中で 抗議団体による過度に単純化した政策が 主に幻滅した高齢者層に受け入れられたり 少なくとも一部の若者の典型として 少なくとも一部の若者の典型として 政治的無関心と些事のみに没入するなど 政治的無関心と些事のみに没入するなど 現代に見られる逸脱は 人生から 活気に満ち 知識を基にした議論や関わりを 押し殺してしまいかねません ここで活気が重要と考えます
熱烈な自由主義信者の主張は こうかもしれません ドナヒュー対スティーヴンソンは 却下されるべきだった いずれはスティーヴンソンは 廃業に至っただろう もしカタツムリが混入した ジンジャービアを売り続けていたら
しかし ほとんどの人は 注意義務を履行するために ある小さな役割を受け入れています キーワードは合理的ということです
裁判官は問わねばなりません 相応の注意を払っていたか 行為の結果が 合理的に予見可能であったかを 行為の結果が 合理的に予見可能であったかを
高圧的な国家権力を示すどころか 合理性に関する小さな常識テストです 結局のところ 大半の民主主義に関する 論調や内容を方向づける メディアに適用していただきたいのです
民主主義を機能させるためには 分別のある男女が 時間をかけて難しく 時には複雑な問題を理解し議論する 必要があります 合意とまではいかなくとも 少なからず有効で実行可能な 妥協に至るような理解を 目指そうとする雰囲気も必要です
政治とは選択であり 選択肢の中での優先順位が政治です
対立する指向から いつでもどこでも できる限り事実に基づいて 一致を目指すものです
しかし もし事実自体が歪められていたら 解決はさらなる対立を生むだけでしょう 必然的に伴う 社会へのストレスや 緊張とともに 必然的に伴う 社会へのストレスや 緊張とともに
メディアは決心せねばなりません 自分の役割を煽り立てるものか それとも情報を流すものかを
なぜなら結局は それは信頼と 指導の結合だからです なぜなら結局は それは信頼と 指導の結合だからです
50年前の今週 ジョン・F・ケネディ大統領は 軍縮と公民権 -- 二つの画期的なスピーチをしました
一つ目のスピーチはすぐさま 部分的核実験禁止条約に至り 二つ目のスピーチは 1964年公民権法に至るなど 両方とも大躍進を意味しました
うまく導かれ情報に基づいた民主主義は 非常に偉大なものを成し遂げられますが 前提条件が存在します
我々はそれらの決定が 自身ではなく すべての人の最高の利益のための 行為だと信じねばなりません 我々には 事実に基づき明確に練られた
選択肢が必要です 限られた議題を求めがちな 一部の強力で操作的になりかねない 法人の提示する選択肢ではなく 一部の強力で操作的になりかねない 法人の提示する選択肢ではなく 自分で判断するための正確で 公平な情報を必要としています
もし まともで充実した生活を 子孫にもたらしたいなら もし まともで充実した生活を 子孫にもたらしたいなら できるだけ大きな範囲に 活気に満ちた 願わくば永久の民主主義の 注意義務を行使する必要があります
ご清聴ありがとうございました | On the evening of the 26th of August, 1928, May Donoghue took a train from Glasgow to the town of Paisley, seven miles east of the city, and there at the Wellmeadow Café, she had a Scots ice cream float, a mix of ice cream and ginger beer bought for her by a friend.
The ginger beer came in a brown, opaque bottle labeled "D. Stevenson, Glen Lane, Paisley."
She drank some of the ice cream float, but as the remaining ginger beer was poured into her tumbler, a decomposed snail floated to the surface of her glass.
Three days later, she was admitted to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and diagnosed with severe gastroenteritis and shock.
The case of Donoghue vs. Stevenson that followed set a very important legal precedent: Stevenson, the manufacturer of the ginger beer, was held to have a clear duty of care even though there was no contract between them, and, indeed, she hadn't even bought the drink.
One of the judges, Lord Atkin, described it like this: You must take care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbor.
Indeed, one wonders that without a duty of care, how many people would have had to suffer from gastroenteritis before Stevenson eventually went out of business.
Now please hang on to that Paisley snail story, because it's an important principle.
Last year, the Hansard Society, a nonpartisan charity which seeks to strengthen parliamentary democracy and encourage greater public involvement in politics published, alongside their annual audit of political engagement, an additional section devoted entirely to politics and the media.
Here are a couple of rather depressing observations from that survey.
Tabloid newspapers do not appear to advance the political citizenship of their readers, relative even to those who read no newspapers whatsoever.
Tabloid-only readers are twice as likely to agree with a negative view of politics than readers of no newspapers.
They're not just less politically engaged.
They are consuming media that reinforces their negative evaluation of politics, thereby contributing to a fatalistic and cynical attitude to democracy and their own role within it.
Little wonder that the report concluded that in this respect, the press, particularly the tabloids, appear not to be living up to the importance of their role in our democracy.
Now I doubt if anyone in this room would seriously challenge that view.
But if Hansard are right, and they usually are, then we've got a very serious problem on our hands, and it's one that I'd like to spend the next 10 minutes focusing upon.
Since the Paisley snail, and especially over the past decade or so, a great deal of thinking has been developed around the notion of a duty of care as it relates to a number of aspects of civil society.
Generally a duty of care arises when one individual or a group of individuals undertakes an activity which has the potential to cause harm to another, either physically, mentally or economically.
This is principally focused on obvious areas, such as our empathetic response to children and young people, to our service personnel, and to the elderly and infirm.
It is seldom, if ever, extended to equally important arguments around the fragility of our present system of government, to the notion that honesty, accuracy and impartiality are fundamental to the process of building and embedding an informed, participatory democracy.
And the more you think about it, the stranger that is. A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of opening a brand new school in the northeast of England.
It had been renamed by its pupils as Academy 360.
As I walked through their impressive, glass-covered atrium, in front of me, emblazoned on the wall in letters of fire was Marcus Aurelius's famous injunction: If it's not true, don't say it; if it's not right, don't do it.
The head teacher saw me staring at it, and he said, "Oh, that's our school motto."
On the train back to London, I couldn't get it out of my mind.
I kept thinking, can it really have taken us with that simple notion as being our minimum expectation of each other?
Isn't it time that we develop this concept of a duty of care and extended it to include a care for our shared but increasingly endangered democratic values?
After all, the absence of a duty of care can all too easily amount to accusations of negligence, and that being the case, can we be really comfortable with the thought that we're in effect being negligent in respect of the health of our own societies and the values that necessarily underpin them?
Could anyone honestly suggest, on the evidence, that the same media which Hansard so roundly condemned have taken sufficient care to avoid behaving in ways which they could reasonably have foreseen would be likely to undermine or even damage our inherently fragile democratic settlement.
Now there will be those who will argue that this could all too easily drift into a form of censorship, albeit self-censorship, but I don't buy that argument.
to balance freedom of expression with wider moral and social responsibilities.
Let me explain why by taking the example from my own career as a filmmaker.
Throughout that career, I never accepted that a filmmaker should set about putting for their own life, their own family, and the future of the society in which we all live.
I'd go further.
A responsible filmmaker should never devalue their work to a point at which it becomes less than true to the world they themselves wish to inhabit.
As I see it, filmmakers, journalists, even bloggers that come with combining the intrinsic power of their medium with their well-honed professional skills.
Obviously this is not a mandated duty, but for the gifted filmmaker and the responsible journalist or even blogger, it strikes me as being utterly inescapable.
We should always remember that our notion of individual freedom and its partner, creative freedom, is comparatively new in the history of Western ideas, and for that reason, it's often undervalued and can be very quickly undermined.
It's a prize easily lost, and once lost, once surrendered, it can prove very, very hard to reclaim.
And its first line of defense has to be our own standards, not those enforced on us by a censor or legislation, our own standards and our own integrity.
Our integrity as we deal with those with whom we work and our own standards as we operate within society.
And these standards of ours need to be all of a piece with a sustainable social agenda.
They're part of a collective responsibility, the responsibility of the artist or the journalist to deal with the world as it really is, and this, in turn, must go hand in hand with the responsibility of those governing society to also face up to that world, and not to be tempted to misappropriate the causes of its ills.
Yet, as has become strikingly clear over the last couple of years, such responsibility has to a very great extent been abrogated by large sections of the media.
And as a consequence, across the Western world, the over-simplistic policies of the parties of protest and their appeal to a largely disillusioned, older demographic, along with the apathy and obsession with the trivial that typifies at least some of the young, taken together, these and other similarly contemporary aberrations are threatening to squeeze the life out of active, informed debate and engagement, and I stress active.
The most ardent of libertarians might argue that Donoghue v. Stevenson should have been thrown out of court and that Stevenson would eventually have gone out of business if he'd continued to sell ginger beer with snails in it.
But most of us, I think, accept some small role for the state to enforce a duty of care, and the key word here is reasonable.
Judges must ask, did they take reasonable care and could they have reasonably foreseen the consequences of their actions?
Far from signifying overbearing state power, it's that small common sense test of reasonableness that I'd like us to apply to those in the media who, after all, set the tone and the content for much of our democratic discourse.
Democracy, in order to work, requires that reasonable men and women take the time to understand and debate difficult, sometimes complex issues, and they do so in an atmosphere which strives if not agreement, then at least a productive and workable compromise.
Politics is about choices, and within those choices, politics is about priorities.
It's about reconciling conflicting preferences wherever and whenever possibly based on fact.
But if the facts themselves are distorted, the resolutions are likely only to create further conflict, with all the stresses and strains on society that inevitably follow.
The media have to decide: Do they see their role as being to inflame or to inform?
Because in the end, it comes down to a combination of trust and leadership.
Fifty years ago this week, President John F. Kennedy made two epoch-making speeches, the first on disarmament and the second on civil rights.
The first led almost immediately to the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and the second led to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, both of which represented giant leaps forward.
Democracy, well-led and well-informed, can achieve very great things, but there's a precondition.
We have to trust that those making those decisions are acting in the best interest not of themselves but of the whole of the people.
We need factually-based options, clearly laid out, not those of a few powerful and potentially manipulative corporations pursuing their own frequently narrow agendas, but accurate, unprejudiced information with which to make our own judgments.
If we want to provide decent, fulfilling lives for our children and our children's children, we need to exercise to the very greatest degree possible that duty of care for a vibrant, and hopefully a lasting, democracy.
Thank you very much for listening to me. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
もちろん、過去の埋葬そして国粋主義の亡霊の締め出しに大失敗した大陸において、EUはアジア人から和解、平和、そして繁栄のモデルと見なされることも多い。しかし、もしヨーロッパのパフォーマンスが減少の一途をたどるとしても、この認識は生き残るだろうか?おそらく、そうなればアジア人はヨーロッパモデルを、政治版ヴェネチアとして見るようになるだろう-過去の栄光に対する懐古的な感情と、博物館風の品質への羨望とを持って訪ねる場所 として。 | Of course, on a continent that has largely failed to bury its past and close the door to nationalist ghosts, the EU is also often regarded by Asians as a model of reconciliation, peace, and prosperity. But if Europe’s performance continues to decline, would this perception survive? | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「......いい答えだ」 | Perhaps because her smile was somewhat distorted, Claushezade raised his eyebrows quizzically.
Still, he didn’t change his attitude toward Sheila, who tried to behave as usual. She was relieved because being kind to her would make her slack.
“.... I believed that Claushezade-sensei would definitely come.”
“It just so happened that my next destination was the Patrol Corps, and I was on my way here. If I had stayed at the border, I might not have made it in time.”
“Hahaha, I’m sorry.”
Claushezade sighed deeply, and Sheila could only smile wryly.
When she confronted Crow in the alleyway, she pretended to let go of her weapon and cut off the blue bracelet on her right wrist.
It was the new magical tool that was given to Sheila to let Claushezade know if she was in danger as she began her field training.
It was made of a thin string that alerted Claushezade to danger as soon as it was cut, and it worked. Thanks to this, she was able to ask for help from Claushezade without being suspicious.
She thought they could figure something out when he came since he said he could follow the location of the bracelet.
“.... However, I think it’s necessary to change the conditions for disarming the magical tool that sealed off your spirit arts. It must have been disconcerting for you to be unable to use magic in such a situation. I’m fully responsible for this.”
Sheila blinked, as this was the first time she had heard him speak of his own fault.
Certainly, it might have been convenient if she could use the spirit art, but after informing him of the danger, it was almost the same as using it, so she didn’t expect him to apologize.
“Um, do you mean that I can take it off in case of an emergency? That would be very helpful, but I’m still sorry for making you worry.”
“Of course, I’ll set all sorts of conditions.... You’ve been apologizing a lot since a few minutes ago. You seem to misunderstand that I am angry, but this is just you being angry with yourself. I’ve come to realize that your life is more important than keeping a secret.”
Her heart was thumping, and she was at a loss for words for a moment. She didn’t want to cry in a place like this.
She wanted him to stop being kind to her by surprise. Perhaps he was the one who misunderstood that Sheila wasn’t feeling well because of her fear.
Wanting to somehow block out her emotions, she hurriedly spoke of another topic.
“B-by the way, did you receive the floor plans for this place?”
“..... This was a floor plan? I wondered what kind of curse drawing it was.”
What he reluctantly pulled out of his pocket was a piece of tightly wrapped sheet.
As expected, the floor plan was soaked with blood and couldn’t be read at all. It was slightly crusty from Mick’s drool.
“The lady who picked it up made a big fuss, thinking that someone was seriously injured somewhere, and the town fell into a state of confusion for a time.”
“I’m very sorry!”
Sheila instantly paled, as she had no idea it would be such a big deal.
When she waved her hand around in panic, Claushezade grabbed her right hand. His gaze was fixed on the scar on her fingertip from when she had drawn the floor plan.
He narrowed his eyes slightly and gently held her hand as if he were touching a fragile snowflake. A gentle white light spilled from Claushezade’s fingertips. It was healing magic.
“However, thanks to the commotion, we were able to get this to our hands.... If you look closely, you can see traces of a site written on it, so I was able to make the connection that it might be your work.”
“Claushezade-sensei’s calmness and intelligence are admirable. I will kneel down and offer you a prayer of thanks.”
“Stop it. I don’t want to be in the position of giving you blessings like the spirits.”
The wound was warm and slightly itchy. She could feel the wound slowly healing, just like when she was treated at the practice match before.
“I hope you didn’t do anything reckless with these fingers.”
“..... I was in a fight until just now.”
Unable to make eye contact with Claushezade, Sheila kept staring at the dim healing light.
She wondered if he was also concentrating on healing, so he won’t have to see her face. She must be looking very pitiful right now.
Unable to endure it, Sheila finally opened her mouth.
“I’m sorry, Claushezade-sensei.”
Once she spoke, the words came pouring out like a dam. The emotions that she had been suppressing were now stirring in her chest again.
“We fought, but I couldn’t catch him. He was a boy who was hired by the Count. He was far more skilled than me, but I feel like I used that as an excuse. I couldn’t bring myself to follow him when he ran away.”
She didn’t even know what she was talking about. Claushezade, who didn’t know the details, would be confused and unable to understand. Nevertheless, he still kept quiet.
“.... Claushezade-sensei, why is the world so unreasonable? Everyone should want to live laughing together, but that seems to be the hardest thing to do. Is my happiness, my love, hurting someone somewhere?”
The village deep in the mountains was boring, with no beautiful jewelry or dresses. There was no luxury. But instead, there was no end-of-the-world despair. Everyone loved the little things in front of them and was content with the happiness that was within their reach.
“.... I didn’t know that being deeply involved with people could be so scary.”
She felt like she was going to be overwhelmed by her emotions.
Tears slid down her cheeks. No matter how much she wiped them away, she couldn’t, and eventually, Sheila gave up. She let her tears and snot flow freely.
After a while, he hesitantly pulled her into his embrace.
Claushezade’s large hand gently stroked her head. It was a terribly clumsy gesture. She wondered if he had never dealt with a crying child before and felt it was a little funny.
“Is this okay? I have snot on my nose.”
“..... It’s annoying, but it’s unavoidable.”
“It’s unavoidable.... At least tell me a white lie there.”
“What’s the point of telling a lie to someone like you?”
Sheila agreed. It was a simple statement, but she felt as if she was being told that there was no need to cover it up, so she decided to hold on to him without hesitation.
“I simply wanted to be a knight. I wanted to be someone who could protect the people I love. But now I’m not sure anymore.”
She had come this far based solely on her admiration for Claushezade. When she thought about it, she felt like she was only chasing her ideal figure. She should have known that a knight’s job wasn’t all glitz and glamour.
It wasn’t like she had lost her desire to become a knight. However, if she were to express her greatest wish right now―
“――I want to save those who are hurt by crime.”
If Sheila couldn’t eradicate crime, she at least wanted to protect their hearts.
The kidnapped children and Crow. They were in completely different positions, but somehow their wounded eyes were similar. She didn’t want to see those dark eyes anymore, no matter who they belonged to.
“.... If there is another opportunity, will you be able to catch the boy at that time?”
Sheila looked up at Claushezade’s question. She wiped the snot off her nose with his clothes as she did so, and his temples twitched, but he didn’t seem to care.
This time she was able to look straight back into his peacock eyes.
Because despite the embarrassment of her weakness, he was still able to wrap his arms around Sheila’s miserable self.
“――Yes. I’ll catch him next time.”
Claushezade’s eyes softened as she returned the affirmation with pursed lips.
“.... Good answer.” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「でもまず誰か共闘しないか~? ま倒そうぜ〜」
「どうしたぁアンノーン? 反撃しないのか?」
「ザックどうする? とどめさすか?」
「調子に乗っているんじゃねーよ! アンノーンごときが! 我、火の加護を受ける者。今、我に火の加護を。『
その瞳には憎悪の念が渦巻いていた。 | The trio of Zach, Hoa and Shura surrounded Seiya.
You can’t escape even if you want to. There are no people in the surroundings and it seems that they won’t encounter anyone anytime soon. Although no one would have helped Seiya even if they saw.
The three people stare at Seiya with disdain.
「Let us have fun fighting, Unknown」
「It’s a survival after all. Everyone is an enemy」
「But who should we fight first~? Let’s first defeat a single person~」
「I agree. Well then, let’s start from Unknown! 」
Three of them, having finished their farce, started casting magic towards Seiya one after another.
The spells cast by three people one after another land on Seiya, scorching hot wind blades burn and slice Seiya’s body.
Seiya is under a storm of numerous attacks, but it does not reach his protected spots。
Thanks to the special barrier which is put in the training dome Seiya’s body is fine. However, since the damage itself goes to the spirit, Seiya has an expression of agony.
Both of the spells that three people used are classified as beginner spells, but it was a powerful attack for Seiya who cannot use magic satisfactorily.
Even though he managed to prevent this round of attacks with Hollins, but it won’t be strange if Seiya’s will have a lapse in concentration as time goes on.
「What’s happened, Unknown? You won’t fight back?」
「Or you can’t fight back?」
「Come to think of it, you can’t even use magic properly~」
Three people laughed loudly while watching the Seiya defending. Certainly, Seiya could not use magic well enough, but if it is those three it is possible to counterattack.
However, Seiya absolutely refused to act.
If he counterattacks here, he will be bullied even harsher. Seiya is aware that Zach is such a type of a person.
And Zach’s trio also knew that Seiya won’t fight back.
「I, who received protection of light......ehh」
「Ha-ha, if you do not chant it properly, magic won’t come out, Unknown」
「What should we do Zach? Shall we finish him?」
「No, not yet. I have yet to fight properly. Gahahahahahahaha」
Seiya does not counterattack but tries to defend himself with a defensive spell. However, before the chant is completed, it is forcibly interrupted.
The trio knew that Seiya will not fight back, as such defensive magic was unneeded. Attacking to their heart’s content they didn’t bother with defense at all.
Three people were tormenting Seiya, but only Zach raised laughter of delight from the bottom of his heart, somewhat different from the other two.
Seeing the delighted appearance of Zach, Hoa and Shura started to hesitate.
Seiya thought that Zach was behaving strangely today. Usually, they make Seiya retire quite swiftly, but today was different.
Tormenting Seiya over and over, he does not seem satisfied and continues his assault.
Looking at the state of Zach, Seiya understood that he was in danger. However, there is no way the three people will forgive him if he tries to use defensive magic
While numerous attacks continued to hit Seiya, he thinks of a way out.
It is a spell that he always practiced during the third hour.
He never succeeded, but Seiya was convinced that with his spell he could overcome this predicament.
He didn’t know if it will succeed.
However, Seiya’s instincts tell him to use that spell here.
Seiya starts to move the light attribute magical power inside his body while preventing attacks that are likely to become fatalities with twin swords Hollins. There is no need to be impatient. Thinking to himself as such, Seiya calms down.
「Unknown is trying to do something」
「It will misfire anyway」
「Useless struggle~」
Three people knew that Seiya was up to something, but since he was not chanting, they were convinced that magic will misfire.
In theory, it is said that casting magic without chant is possible, but such a feat can only be achieved by a magician with some power. And Seiya is not such a magician.
An ordinary magician needs an aid of a magic stone to omit the chant, but even if Seiya in front of him has a magic stone, he couldn’t believe he will use it.
In other words, it is impossible for Seiya to unleash a spell without chanting. Zach’s trio thought as such.
While breathing out, Seiya was quite impatient at the bottom of his heart. If the spell he tries to complete does not succeed, he won’t be able to tell what will happen to him.
Seeing the state of Zach, if he couldn’t cast it well, there will be no end to Seiya’s torment.
The moment before completion of Seiya’s spell, the trio finally noticed. While having no idea what Seiya tries to do, they were able to perceive strange magical waves, different from usual.
The impatient trio immediately launched a fierce assault.
Those spells launched by the three people were supposed to hit Seiya. However, at the next moment, the figure of Seiya, who had an expression of agony until the moment ago, disappears from the sight of three people in a blink of an eye.
The trio saw their spells hit the ground while raising dust clouds. Completely unable to process what happened.
Being unable to find his figure, they were able to understand that he surely didn’t retire.
Three people quickly looked around trying to find Seiya, and found him a slight distance away from them.
Seiya’s body is shining clad in the magical power of the light attribute. To be exact, it would be better to say that he is wearing the magical power of light.
(That will work!)
Seiya was elated in his mind due to successful casting.
The magic used by Seiya is his original magic『Mantle of Light』. It clads the body in the power of light and makes use of 『rising』special effect of the light attribute to dramatically raise his physical abilities.
If you cannot defend and cannot fight back, just avoid the enemy. Seiya thought so and used 『Mantle of Light』.
As for results, Zach’s trio was unable to grasp the way Seiya moved out of their field of vision.
Zach rages in anger and thinking of Seiya. It didn’t defend nor counterattacked, just avoided him. That was the most humiliating thing for Zach.
Despite focusing on the attack all the way, despite concentrating on the appearance of Seiya, he still could not capture his movements and was taken aback.
Moreover, Zach does not know the spell used by Seiya, nor does he heard of it. He was inferior to Seiya the Unknown.
That fact was unacceptable to Zach.
「Don’t be so arrogant! You a just an Unknown! I, who received protection of fire, call upon your power『Fire Bullet』」
And Seiya continuously avoids Zack’s attacks. This further raises Zach’s anger, but Seiya does not care.
Their attacks did not hit him anymore.
「You guys, help right now. Let’s attack together」
Two people are disturbed seeing Zach’s demon-like face. But immediately cast their spells towards Seiya.
「 I, who received protection of wind, call upon your power『Wind Blade』」
Not being able to hit Seiya irritates Zach greatly.
(After all, it is slow)
Seiya, feeling himself getting stronger, can counterattack however he desires.
With the help of 『Mantle of Light』it is easy to escape from Zach and it is easy to attack him either.
(In that case, I will do just that)
Seiya, who decided to counterattack, tries to slash at Zach while holding Hollins in both hands. Zach was still unable to react to the speed of Seiya.
In this case, it was OK to fight all three people.
However, after the moment he took a first step Seiya feels the body suddenly getting heavier. Then he stumbled and fell to the ground.
Unexpectedly the magical power of the light that had been wrapped around the body of Seiya disappeared and the state of 『Mantle of Light』 had been released.
「Yo, Unknown」
Zak is smiling while staring at Seiya who is stunned by the disappearance of 『Mantle of Light』.
Hate was radiating from his eyes. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 13,
"inserted_lines_trg": 10
} |
『そう? それならいいのだけれど』
久しぶり......? いや、それで正しいのだけれど、シエルにしてみればほぼ初対面のはずなのでなんだか変な感じだ。
『良いわよ? 何を聞くのかしらね』
「喧嘩を売っているのかしら? 買わなくてよ」
フリーレさんはカロルさんにそう告げたかと思うと、こちらを向いて「そう言うわけだから、恨むならそこの氷のを恨みなさいな」と宣言した。 | Today, we arrived at the Hunter Guild Headquarters by ourselves. Fiiyanamia wanted to come as well, but we convinced her to stay. It’s not because I hate her or anything, it’s just that
has so much influence. Being with her would limit our movements.
Actually, rather than that, other people might get overly attentive, just like with yesterday, which would drag on conversations. While we might already be on her side, we should still fare better alone compared to when Fiiyanamia is with us.
Entering the Hunter Guild, as expected, eyes shifted to Ciel. This is inevitable. After all, it’s likely rare for there to be hunters of Ciel’s age at the Hunter Guild Headquarters.
Still, there should be some present. While hunters coming from the outside are only of B-rank and above, there are hunters that were here in the Central to begin with as well. It wouldn’t be good if they disallow people already in Central to become hunters, after all.
Also, what kind of guild headquarters would it be if it doesn’t allow the surrounding residents to be hunters.
That’s why there should be some present. In particular, some children who have hunter parents might even be taught how to become a hunter from an early age. That aside, I wonder what the Central hunters would be hunting?
While monsters exist everywhere in this world, they’re more frequent in places untouched by people and, in the case of Central,
should have a complete grasp on this place, I imagine. In other words, she should be able to control the monster population and make it so that monster attacks basically never happen in Central. With that in mind, there should be less of a demand for hunters.
However, there’s still a lot of hunters here at the headquarters, befitting its size.
It’s as if Fiiyanamia isn’t even thinking of controlling them, and although it is possible that she is leaving this task to the hunters, as someone who traveled here from the national border, I do not believe that it is as straightforward as that. It was Ciel who did the actual walking, though.
『Ain, is there something wrong?』
『No, nothing at all.』
『Really? Okay then, I guess.』
Called by Ciel, I stopped my line of thought. Whatever the answer is, I can just ask
or our hunter acquaintances later on. For now, we need to settle the A-rank qualification thing from yesterday.
Ciel headed to the reception desk and had someone there call the guild master, or I guess it’s grand master since he’s the leader of the headquarters.
At first, the receptionist was confused but after hearing the name Cielmer, something seemed to have clicked, as she had Ciel wait while she headed towards the back. It looks like this information has been spread without any issue. Though, it is unlikely that the staff is uninformed about either Fiiyanamia’s child or someone who is likely to visit the Hunter Guild in the near future.
As I started to think this might take a while, someone from the back where the guild staff are located called out to us, 「Aren’t you Cielmer?」 Looking there, I see a familiar face who is surprised to see Ciel.
「Celia, long time.」
「...Yes, it’s been a while. I didn’t expect us to be reunited so soon.」
Long time...? Well, yes, that is the right way to answer but this should practically be their first time meeting for Ciel, so it’s somewhat strange. Hearing Ciel’s reply, Celia lost her words for a moment before responding while having a slightly strained smile.
Since Ciel is speaking instead of me and we have a vastly different way of speaking, perhaps it’s giving her some weird conclusions? Even if that’s the case, I’m really impressed that she’s continuing on as if there’s nothing wrong.
The only reason her smile feels strained is because we’ve been with Celia for some time, too. So I imagine that people who just met her would see absolutely no difference.
「She’s here in Central. She’ll likely come if I call her, shall I?」
「If possible.」
「Understood. But before anything else, Cielmer. I’m sincerely sorry about the Hunter Guild.」
To Celia who’s lowering her head, Ciel gave a short reply. In my opinion, Celia doesn’t really need to apologize but I suppose it’s her way of drawing the line. An adult response, I suppose. I find that admirable.
Raising her head, Celia used some sort of magic item and seems to be contacting someone. She talked about calling Carol, so I suppose it’s related to that. After operating the magic item, Celia turned to Ciel once again.
「There is a lot I want to talk about but for now, I’m really glad to be able to see you again, Cielmer.」
「I want to talk with you too, Celia. But maybe it’s better together with Carol.」
「That’s true. I’m sure Carol is looking forward to see you as well.」
『Ciel, there’s something I want to ask, may we switch for a moment?』
『I don’t mind? I wonder what it is.』
Since it’s a good opportunity to ask about what I’ve been wondering earlier, I asked to switch and Ciel gladly complied. I can retain Ciel’s colors if I suppress my divine energy, so she wouldn’t know from our appearance that we switched. And since I’m taking over from Ciel, I mimic Ciel’s speech.
「By the way, how do hunters work at Central?」
「Right, it’s your first time here at Central, isn’t it? While Central does have similar requests seen in other countries, the major difference is-...」
「What? You came here without even knowing that?」
Ah, okay. I completely forgot the usual pattern. There was a prideful voice of a boy. While it might be my fault for displaying ignorance, if he’s paying attention to the previous conversation, he should know what Ciel’s rank is. Him not realizing this is just telling of his capacity... in my opinion.
『I’m sorry. Because of me, it seems like we’ve gotten into something troublesome.』
『It’s not Ain’s fault at all. It’s those coming to pick a fight who’s bad. Besides, if it’s too annoying, we can just fight them off!』
Ciel cheerfully answered but... is it fine to choose this method now? Up until now, to avoid being discovered by Rispelgia due to standing out, we’ve tried to settle things as peacefully as possible. However, we don’t need to worry about that anymore. What it means to pick a fight with an A-class hunter, the boy cutting in the conversation should know well. Showing him some pain for his unlucky choice might be good.
「Don’t ignore me.」
From a mocking tone, his voice changed to an angered one. That reminds me, I didn’t really think about it much but since I know his approximate position from detection, I haven’t even turned my face to him yet.
「She isn’t someone the likes of you can simply lay a hand on. If you prefer not to die, pull back that hand of yours.」
As we turned towards the voice, we saw a young lady with bright red hair, wearing a witch-like hat and having upturned eyes, pointing at the boy. The boy, who appeared to be not even twenty, looked at her and turned completely pale. He then quickly bowed deeply and exclaimed, 「I’m sorry!」 before hastily leaving the guild.
「I was fine.」
「I know full well that it wasn’t a problem for you. Looking at your barrier, it’s easy to guess that you’re a B-rank hunter.」
It seems like this lady isn’t underestimating Ciel from her appearance. Well, she has properly gauged the strength of the spherical barrier I’ve consciously put up, so I guess it’s just natural. Still, I wonder why she’s confident that Ciel is B-rank?
I noticed her presence through detection, but it didn’t seem like she overheard Ciel and Celia’s conversation. In other words, all she could do was guess Ciel’s rank from my barrier. However, people don’t normally use their full strength in these sorts of situations.
Because of that, I should be seen as
B-rank. Or at least, that’s what I think.
「So you’re the record breaker for the youngest to reach B-rank Viviana was talking about?」
I see, she’s related to Viviana-, huh. Viviana does know that Ciel became B-rank and if we’re talking about B-rank hunters of Ciel’s age, Ciel’s likely to be the only one. And she wouldn’t have expected Ciel to be A-rank so soon.
「You’re, Viviana’s acquaintance?」
「Ah! I haven’t introduced myself yet, have I?」
For some reason, this person is really dramatic. Is she the type that isn’t satisfied unless she stands out? Her movements are noble-ish, or rather... like, she gives the impression of a high-handed daughter of a noble all grown up. And for the “Scorching Hot Princess” I hear from the surroundings, that’s probably her nickname.
If I’m not mistaken, I remember that Carol had the nickname “Ice Witch,” but she didn’t seem to like it very much. It looks like it’s the opposite for her, she seems to enjoy being called by her nickname. Ice and scorching heat are extreme opposites and, from their personalities, they probably wouldn’t get along too well.
Still, I missed the chance to return Ciel’s body.
「I am Friere Iazick. A B-rank hunter called by others as the Scorching Hot Princess. My relationship with Viviana, correct? I am her mentor!」
Resting her palm on her chest, the Scorching Hot Princess Friere introduced herself. With her outfit, she really stands out. She said that she’s Viviana’s mentor but I’m honestly amazed that she went to study under this person. Or maybe Friere is simply an excellent teacher?
「I’m Cielmer.」
「Cielmer, is it? I no longer care about the small fry from earlier, can I ask you of a request?」
「Could you have a mock battle with me?」
『So she says, what should we do?』
『I don’t mind either way. If I would act like a mirror, then does that mean I can accept it?』
『In this case, she doesn’t quite have good will nor ill intent... I would say it’s more curiosity? Ciel, are you curious about her?』
『If I have to be honest, not really. But so I get interested in people, maybe it’s better to accept. What do you think, Ain?』
『Then I guess we should accept it. If you still aren’t interested afterwards, let’s take that result as a learning experience regardless.』
『Okay, understood,』
With the discussion settled 「The conditions?」 I urged her to continue.
「Thank you for accepting. First of all, the reward. How about gold coins, regardless of the outcome?」
「For a B-rank request, too much.」
「True. But I consider the experience to be worth this price. The battle rules will be that of the usual hunter rules. No killing allowed and try to keep large injuries to the minimum. The opponent’s surrender or incapacity to continue, and/or the landing of a solid blow will determine the victor. How about that?」
「Understood. The witness?」
「Celia, I’d like to ask this of you.」
Friera requested for Celia, but she only replied with a troubled look. I’m sure Celia has her own work to do and doesn’t she need someone to formally process this request too? As expected, she has the uninhibited boldness of a noble daughter.
「I’ll do it.」 Suddenly, I heard a sigh-mixed reply coming from behind.
Seeing who it was, Friere glared sharply at her.
「What are you here for, Ice?」
「I have business with that girl. Been a while, hasn’t it? Cielmer.」
「Carol, long time.」
Since she talked to me, I curtly replied. As expected, Carol was surprised as well, but she immediately showed a smile.
「I’ll have a long, thorough conversation with you later. For now, it’d be refreshing if you beat up the red one there for me.」
「Are you selling me a fight? I’m not buying it.」
「Yeah, yeah. You’re fighting with that girl, right? It’s a great opportunity, so go ahead and suffer a complete utter loss.」
「Since you’re saying that much, then I’ll show you a decisive victory. Don’t come crying later!」
Right after Friere declared so, she turned to me 「That being the case, if you want to blame anyone, blame it on Ice over there.」 and said so. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 5,
"inserted_lines_src": 45,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |