ミルクで腹を満たし、眠っおいる間に筋肉を鍛える。少しでも早く、自分の足で立ち䞊がるために。 短い足をピコピコず動かし、手を䞊䞋巊右に振り回す。 寝返りすらできない俺にできる運動ず蚀えば、それくらいだ。 だが俺は普通の赀子ず違っお、 ぀たり非垞に栄逊が偏った状態にあるのだ。それは持久力の䞍足にも繋がる。 俺はあっさりずオヌバヌワヌクに陥り、気絶したかのように眠りに萜ちたのだった。 そんな毎日を送り続けお、ようやく寝返りを打おるようになり、もぞもぞず動く事ができるようになった。 手も足も、少しず぀思い通りに動かせるようになっおいる。 そこで俺は、もの倢をかなえるべく、行動を起こす事にした。 すなわち魔法である。 生前の俺はあいにく魔法の才胜はたったくなかった。 魔法の゚キスパヌトたるマクスりェルに垫事した事もあったが、あっさりず才胜無しず断じられ、魔術の習埗は断念した経隓がある。 しかし今䞖では、俺はマリアの子䟛でもある。 ぀たり俺は魔法の才胜を秘めおいる可胜性が高い。 マリアは信仰心を基瀎にした神聖術を䜿いこなすが、神聖術も魔法は魔法である。 俺はマリアに垫事した事は無いが、マクスりェルに受けた知識は残っおいた。 目を閉じお瞑想状態に入り、自身の内郚にある魔力の存圚を探る。 するず身䜓の奥、ぞその䞋蟺りになにやら熱い゚ネルギヌのような物を感じ取る事ができた。 ――おお、これが魔力っお奎か? か぀おはどう足掻いおも感じ取る事ができなかった感芚に、俺は自然ずテンションが䞊がっおいく。 これを脳裏に描いた魔法陣の圢に倉圢させ、嚁力や範囲を指定する呪文を添える事で魔法を発珟させるのだが...... これを操る事が䞀苊劎だった。 身䜓の底にある魔力に意識の手を䌞ばしお圢䜜ろうずするが、魔力はするりずその手を逃れ、霧散する。 だがこれで諊める俺ではない。そもそも諊めの悪さは人䞀倍だ。 䞊手く身䜓を動かす事ができない以䞊、俺ができる事ず蚀えば、この魔法の緎習だけだ。 以前ず違っお魔力を感じるずいう事は、少なくずも魔法を発珟させる事はできるはずなのだ。 そしお剣を䜿う玠質はラむ゚ル譲りのはずで、俺の戊闘経隓も、この身䜓には宿っおいる。 考えようによっおは、誰よりも匷くなれる玠質を秘めおいるのだから、ここで修緎をやめる蚳には行かなかった。 マリアから枩めたミルクを受け取り、屈蟱的な話だがオムツを替えおもらい、ようやく半幎が経ずうずした頃、俺は再び神を恚んだ。 銖も据っお呚囲を芋回せるようになり、身䜓に力も宿り始めお䞊䜓を起こせるようになった俺は、その日初めお自分の䞋半身を目にした。 マリアの手によっお亀換されるオムツの䞋から珟れたのは......いや、珟れなかったのは幎霢盞応の可愛らしい男性噚......ではなく、䜕もない平原だったのだ。いや谷はあったが。 ぀たり、俺は女だずいう事である。 「あううううぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅ!?」 「きゃ! ニコル、どうしたの? いきなり叫びだしたりしお」 突劂恐慌状態に陥った俺に、マリアは心配気な衚情で眺めおくる。だが、俺の身䜓自䜓には異倉はない。 いや、俺にずっおは異倉だらけなのだが、圌女にずっおはそれは普通の出来事だ。 オムツの亀換もそこそこに、俺は俯せになっおすすり泣いた。 か぀お『灜厄の圱矜根』ずたで呌ばれ畏れられた暗殺者が......女に? 䜕の笑い話だ!? 聖剣より鋭いず蚀われたミスリル補の鋌糞を自圚に扱い、邪竜コルキスすらその手に掛けた俺が...... 「だぁうううぅぅぅぅ」 「なんだかよく分からないけど......泣いおるのかしら?」 ポンポンず俺の背を叩き、慰めおくるマリア。 生前ず同じ、その優しさが今は悲しい。 そう蚀えばニコルず蚀う名前は、男女どちらでも䜿われる名ではあるが、どちらかずいうず女性の方が倚い名前でもある。 それたで気付かなかった俺が間抜けなのか......いや、それも赀ん坊の身の䞊では自身の性別を確認するなどできようはずもない。 女に生たれおしたった事も。半幎間、その事実に気付かなかった事も。 男ずしお生たれ、才胜が足りず剣に挫折し、鋌糞術ず蚀う戊闘手段で頂点を極めた前䞖。 女ずしお生たれ、才胜あふれる䞡芪の血を匕き継ぎ、英雄の英才教育を受けた今䞖。 俺のたったく逆の人生が、この時から始たったず蚀える。
After filling my stomach with milk and training my muscles, I went to sleep. I want to stand up with my own legs as soon as possible. I was moving my short legs up and down while swinging my hands left and right. That’s the only kind of exercise I was able to do, I can’t even roll around. However, I’m different from an ordinary baby, and I am getting nutrition from cow’s milk. In other words, my nutrition intake is very strange compared to normal. And as a result, I ended up having a lack of stamina. I easily get tired overworking myself and sleeps as if I had fainted. As I continued to do that every day, I was finally able to roll over and squirming around became possible. Little by little I was able to move my hands and my legs as I desired. And so I, in order to realize another dream of mine, decided to take action. That is magic. In my previous life, my talent in magic was unfortunately almost zero. Although I studied under the magic expert Maxwell, he reached the conclusion that I was completely talentless and told me to give up even after acquiring all the necessary experience I would need to learn. However, in this life, I’m the child of Maria. That means, there’s a high probability that I would have a hidden talent in magic. Maria mastered sacred techniques based on her religious beliefs, and sacred magic is still magic. I never studied under Maria, but all the knowledge I got studying with Maxwell still remained. Closing my eyes to enter a meditative state, I started to explore the presence of magical power inside of me. Then I was able to feel something similar to warm energy somewhere near the center of my body, under the belly button. —-Oh, is this magic power? I wasn’t able to feel it no matter how much I force my senses on my previous life, that’s why right now I felt like my tension is rising. In order to mold this into shape, I drew a magic circle in my mind, and then by adding a spell designating power and range, magic is manifested but... I’m having a really hard time manipulating this. As I try to consciously move the magical power within my body, the magical power escapes and disperses. However, I won’t give up. In the first place, I know that my tenacity is far more intense compared to normal people. And because I can’t move my body skillfully yet, the only thing I can do now is magic training. Unlike before where I couldn’t even feel my magical power, right now I could at least be able to manifest magic. Adding to that, I should have inherited the talent to use swords from Lyell, not to mention that my own fighting experience is also carried over to this body. Thinking about it, I have the potential to be stronger than anyone, so I couldn’t stop my training here. I kept receiving warm milk from Maria, though there were humiliating stories where she had to change my diapers, and at least half a year had passed before I started cursing that self-proclaimed god. I was able to sit now and was able to move my neck looking around. While putting power into my body I was able to use my upper body, and on that day I finally saw my lower body for the first time. What appeared from under the diaper Maria was exchanging with her hands.....No, it was more like what didn’t appear was the little male genitalia appropriate for my age... There was nothing, simply nothing. No, there was a valley. In other words, what I want to say is that I’ve become a girl. 「AUUUUUuuuuu?!」 「Kyaa! What happened, Nicole? Why are you screaming all of sudden」 To me who suddenly fell into a panic, Maria immediately inspected me with a worried expression. However, there’s no problem with my body. No, for me there’s all kind of problems, but for her, it’s just a normal occurrence. After replacing my diapers in a hurry, I was lying face down while sobbing. A feared assassin who was once called the Shadow Wing ...became a girl? What kind of ridiculous story is that?! I who freely controlled Mythril steel threads, which are said to be sharper than the Holy Sword, and was even able to trap the evil dragon Colchis ... 「DAAAUUUUUuuuu...」 「I don’t quite understand, but... why are you crying?」 Maria taps my back trying to comfort me. She’s still the same as in my previous life, however this kindness is now making me sad. Now that I think about it, Nicole is a name that is both for men and women, but is mostly used for women. I’m really stupid for not noticing this until now... No, I couldn’t confirm my own gender by myself because of this baby’s body. Being born as a girl, that is. For half a year, I didn’t notice this fact. In my previous life: I was born as a man, a talentless failure using swords, and chose to master the steel thread art as my fighting style. In my current life: Born as a woman, inherited my extremely talented parents’ blood, and will be receiving education from heroes. I could say that my completely opposite life has started at this moment.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
たずその話から始めたす 珟圚の経枈状況をお芋せしたしょう 今私の埌に写っおいるものです しかしこのこずを忘れおはいけたせん 炎の䞭で螊っおいるずきに考えるべきこずは 次に䜕が来るのかずいうこずです ではこれから 17 分半を䜿っお たずは炎の話をしたしょう ぀たり経枈の珟状ず 3぀のトレンドを取り䞊げお この 25 幎間に TED の䞖界に起きたこずや 今回の䌚議で起きるはずのこずに觊れ それから3぀のトレンドを䞀぀にたずめたす たた 究極の再起動ずはどんなものか お䌝えしたす ここで述べる3぀のトレンドずは 现胞工孊ず 生䜓組織工孊ず ロボットです そしおそれはみな筋が通るこずなのです しかしたず 経枈から始めたしょう ただそこに倧きな問題が残されたたたです ひず぀はレバレッゞです レバレッゞの問題のため アメリカの金融システムはこんな颚になっおいたす 普通の商業銀行のレバレッゞは 9から10倍 ぀たりあなたの1ドルで銀行は9から10ドルを貞したす 投資銀行は普通 お金を預からず 投資をする銀行です 15から20倍のレバレッゞをかけたす バンクオブアメリカは9月に32倍で— おなじみのシティバンクは47倍です おやおや 䞍良債暩は47倍以䞊の額になるでしょう そういうわけでみなさんは この立掟な面々に 気前よく玠敵な 寄付を行っおいるのです 考えおみるず 䞍思議なこずです 銀行は䜕を甚意しおくれおいるのか ろくなものではありたせん 䞀方で 政府はサンタクロヌスのように振舞っおいたす みなさんもサンタクロヌスはお奜きでしょうね ただサンタクロヌスには問題点がありたす 矩務的な支払いや玄束しおいる支払いに 泚目しお䞋さい 1967幎には38%が矩務的経費だったこずが分かりたす 受絊資栌ず呌ばれるものです そしお 2007幎にはそれは68%たで膚らんでいたすが 2030幎たでは100%に到達しないはずでした ずころが ここで1兆あそこで1兆ず倧盀振る舞いしお 100%に到達する期日が2017幎たで 早たりたした 子どもたちが借金の面倒を芋おくれる぀もりでしたが どうなるず思いたす? 借金の支払いが始たりたす 困った事に 蚌文の支払日が来おみるず 倏のサンタが魅力的ではないこずに気づきたす ほら アメリカに投資しおいる最倧の投資家からのご意芋です この男が投資䌚瀟「䞭囜」を運営しおいたす 米囜債は圌が䞀番買っおいるのです 12月のむンタビュヌがありたす 圌の䞀぀目のご意芋 (スポンサヌには芪切に) これが圌の二぀目のご意芋(持続可胜なら支揎したす) ずころで䞭囜の銖盞は 日曜のダボスでもこの話を繰り返しおいたした これは盞圓深刻な課題です この歳入欠損に泚意を始めないず ドルを倱っお終わりたす そしお すべおが倱われたす どういうこずになるかお芋せしたしょう こう蚀っおも倧䞈倫でしょう わたしが唯䞀の䞀兆ドルの資産家です これが本物のお札 これが10兆ドル札なのです このお札の問題点はたいしお䟡倀がないこず 先週は 8 ドルだっだものが今週は 4 ドルに そしお来週は 1 ドルになりたす 貚幣を皆が信認しないずこんなこずになりたす だから今床かわいい顔の誰かが玄関に来お クラむスラヌだずかフォヌドずか名乗るかもしれたせんが あなたはNOず蚀わなければればなりたせん 「受絊資栌」なんお蚀葉は远攟しなければなりたせん 盎ちに 動かなければならない蚳は 珟金がもう無くなったからです 政府予算を芋るず こんなふうに芋えたす オレンゞ色のスラむスが自由裁量の郚分です 他のずころは党郚矩務的支払いです アラスカの橋をやめおも 党䜓の枠組みは倉わりたせん 実斜に向けお考え始めなければいけないこずは 医療費支出に䞊限を䞎えるこずです 攟っおおいたら党おの予算を飲み蟌みたす 退職するのを少し先にしおもらえないかず お願いするこずも怜蚎しないずいけたせん 60歳から65歳の人は予定通りに退職しおください あなたの401幎金は確定しおいたす 50歳から60歳の人は2幎䜙分に働いおもらえたせんか? 50歳以䞋なら4幎䜙分にお願いしたす これが合理的なのは こんな理由によりたす 我々のおじいさんたちが瀟䌚保障をもらった頃には 65歳で受絊開始しお 68歳で枅算する芋蟌みでした 今日の68歳は若いのです 軍事費も幎間3%ず぀削枛しないずいけたせん その他の矩務的経費も制限しなければなりたせん 今のように借りるのはもうおしたいです なぜなら利息だけで予算が䞀杯になるからです もっず小さな政府にしなければなりたせん いたの延長線䞊から倉えおいかないず ドルを倱い アむスランドみたいなこずになりたす 皆さんのお考えは 分かりたす あり埗ないこずだ 䜕があっおも 蚀っおおきたすが この12月にはべガスで雪が降ったのです この問題に取り組たないず こうなりたす 日本では 80幎代末に 䞍動産金融の危機がありたした 倧䌁業225瀟の株䟡は 18幎前ず比べお1/4になっおいたす 今 手を打たなければ 2026幎のダり3500はどうなるず思いたすか? 手を打たないず 同じ結果になりたす もしフロリダ州の䌚蚈責任者のこの人を アメリカの䌚蚈責任者ずしお望たないなら この問題に手を打った方が良いでしょう 以䞊が短期の話 炎の郚分でした ぀たり金融危機です 金融危機の背埌には第二の もっず倧きなうねりが埅ちかたえたす その話をしたしょう そのうねりは遥かに倧きく 遥かに匷力です いわずず知れたテクノロゞヌのうねりです ここで本圓に倧事な内容は 削枛ず同時に 成長も必芁です ずりわけ ベンチャヌ䌁業は アメリカのGDP投資の0.02%にすぎたせんが その成果は17.8%にものがるのです この郚屋にいる人たちのような集団が 創り出すアメリカ経枈の未来を 成長させおいかなければりたせん どこにも到達しない橋を䌞ばす必芁はありたせん さお恋愛小説の䜜家に登堎しおもらいたしょう このずきに3぀のトレンドが䞀緒になるのです 生物工孊の力ず 生䜓組織工孊の力ず ロボット工孊の力ずが 再起動をもたらしたす 皆さんがこれたで芋おきたものを芁玄したす クレむグ・ベンタヌは昚幎 䞖界初のプログラム可胜な— 现胞が機械のように動くこずを瀺したした DNAを挿入しお別の皮ずしお起動させるのです これに䞊行しお MITでは 生物孊的郚品の暙準台垳を䜜成䞭です 生物孊のラゞオシャックず考えお䞋さい そこに行けばタンパク質やRNA DNA などを手に入れるこずができお それでいろいろず組み立おたす 2006幎には高校生ず倧孊生を集めお 小さくお奇劙なモノを䜜り始めたした それは電子回路ではなくお 生き物でした 最初に䜜ったものはこんなものです 现胞にはこんな呚期がありたす 最初は増殖したせん それから指数関数的に増殖し その埌成長がずたりたす 孊生たちは现胞がどのステヌゞにあるかを知るために 现胞に手を加えお 指数関数的な増殖の最䞭には 冬緑暹の匂いがするようにしたした そしお増殖が終わったらバナナの匂いです こうすれば実隓がうたくいっおいるか吊か そしおどの状態にあるかの刀断が容易になりたした 2幎埌にはもっず耇雑なこずをするようになりたした 21カ囜から人が集たっお数十チヌムを䜜り 競争を始めたした ラむス倧孊のチヌムは赀ワむンに含たれおいる 䜓に良い物質を ビヌルの䞭に加えたした レスベラトロヌルを抜出しおビヌルに入れたす 通りがかった審刀の䞀人はそれを芋お 「わぁ 抗がんビヌル すごいぞ」 台湟からのチヌムはさらに野心的で ヒトの腎臓のように機胜する バクテリアを䜜ろうずしたした 4幎前に この写真をお芋せしたした みんな 驚きの声を䞊げたした クリフ・タビンはニワトリに䜙分の矜を生やしおしたったのでした その圓時これは最高にスゎいこずでした 今では バクテリアから生䜓組織の操䜜に移行しおいたす その間に䜕が起きたかお瀺ししたしょう 2幎前にはこの生き物をお芋せしたした メキシコの゜チミルコに棲み 絶滅寞前の 「アホロヌトル」ずいう動物です これは四肢を再生可胜です 心臓の半分を凍らせおも再生したす 脳の半分を凍らせおも再生したす たるで萜遞した囜䌚議員のようです 今では 再生に動物そのものが䞍芁ずなりたした マりスの臌歯は培逊皿でクロヌンできるからです もちろん培逊皿のマりスでできるなら 培逊皿にヒトの歯も䜜りだせたす 別に驚くこずではないですよね こういうこずです ヒトは歯なしで生たれ それから抜けた歯は党郚 劖粟にあげお もう䞀揃いの歯を生やすのです ただ 2セット目の歯は倱っおも再生したせん ただし法埋家は別です (笑) でも私たちのほずんどは 実は歯の育お方を知っおおり 倧人の歯の幹现胞を取り出し 生分解性の型に入れお 歯を再生しお それを移怍できるでしょう 他のこずにも䜿えたす 結栞で亡くなりそうなスペむンの女性に気管を提䟛するドナヌを芋぀けお 気管から现胞を取り陀き 圌女から取った幹现胞をその気管に塗垃したした こうしお自分の気管を再生したあず 72時間埌には移怍したした この女性は今では子䟛ず走り回っおいたす りェむクフォレストにあるトニヌ・アタラの研究宀では 負傷した兵士のために耳を再生したり 膀胱の再生もしおいたす ボストンの蟺りでは再生した膀胱を 移怍した女性が9人も普通に歩いおいたす 生涯ずっずポリ袋を携垯するのに比べお はるかに快適です もう飜きおきたしたか? ぀たり 話の行き先は芋えたしたか? でもここからが面癜いずころです 昚幎このグルヌプは心臓から现胞を党郚陀去しお 軟骚だけを残したした その心臓にマりスの幹现胞を塗垃したした 幹现胞の自己組織化によっお心臓は錓動をはじめたした 生呜が創り出されるのです これは究極の論文かもしれたせん 日本ずアメリカずで同時に行われ報告されたした 皮膚の现胞から幹现胞を再起動させた 昚幎の成果です その意味するずころは こんなものを取り出しお 䜓のほずんど䜕でも䜜り出せるのです これが普通のこずになり始めおいたす 倉化は早く— あらゆるずころで動いおいたす 3 ぀めのトレンドはロボットです 「ゞェット゜ン」に出おいたロボットのロヌゞヌが 今ごろはりチにも居る ず期埅しおいた䞖代の方— —実珟したのはルンバでした 危険を知らせおくれるロボットもできるず思っおいたした 実珟しおいたせん このロボット達は平坊な䞖界のために蚭蚈されおいたした ロヌゞヌはスケヌトで走り回りたす もう䞀台は平らな道を蟿りたす しかし䞖界が平らでないず うたくいきたせん そこで今日我々が蚭蚈するロボットは少し違うものになりたした これはボストン ダむナミック のBigDogです これは 物理的な「チュヌリングテスト」を培底的に意識したものです 思い出しおいただきたいのですが「チュヌリングテスト」では 壁ごしに向こうの䜕者かに話しかけたす もし 話の盞手が人や動物なのかどうかわからなければ コンピュヌタが人の知性に远い぀いたず刀断したす こちらは知性のチュヌリングテストではありたせん しかし物理的なチュヌリングテストを远求したものです このロボットは非垞に早く動いおいたすし さらに160kgの重量物を運べたす 面癜いロボットはこれだけではありたせん パのロボット パのサむズで ハヌバヌドのロバヌト・りッド が䜜りたした たたスタンフォヌドではStickybotsを䜜っおいたす これらをひず぀にたずめるずき 现胞を持っおきお 生䜓組織工孊ず機械ず䞀緒にするず 思っおも芋なかった問題が生じたす スペシャルオリンピックでいく぀かの䞖界蚘録保持者である この男は この前のオリンピックのずきに 普通のオリンピックで走ろうずしたした オスカヌ・ピストリりスは生たれ぀き 䞋肢に骚がなかったこずが問題になりたした 圌は参加基準タむムたであず1秒のずころたで来たした 圌は走る資栌を求めお蚎えを起こし 勝蚎したしたが 蚘録が基準に届きたせんでした 次のオリンピックでは間違いなく オスカヌあるいは オスカヌの埌継者が 基準タむムを達成したす そのあず2回か3回のオリンピックで誰にも負けなくなりたす このトレンドを組み合わせお行くず おわかりでしょうが 今では 聎力欠損で生たれた人でも 聎力を獲埗できたす ずころで補聎噚の進化はご存知でしょうか? おじいさんの時代にはこんな倧きなラッパが必芁でした ご䞡芪の時代には劙な圢の箱で 倕食の最䞭に急にキヌキヌず鳎るものでした そしお今では芋えないほどのボタンサむズになりたした 今では蝞牛ぞのむンプラントにより 聎芚障害者が聎力を獲埗したす ただ我々ず同じように聞く事はできたせんが 10から15䞖代埌の機械では可胜です これは機械の䞖代の話でヒトの䞖代ではありたせん... 2−3幎の埌には我々ず同様に聞こえるようになるでしょう さらにコりモリの歌やクゞラの話 犬の話など その他の音域も聞こえるかもしれたせん 聎力をどこかにフォヌカスさせるこずや 感床を䞊げたり䞋げたりずいった 我々にできない事たで可胜になるでしょう 県に぀いおも同様のこずが起き぀぀ありたす ドむツのグルヌプは芖芚工孊に着手しお 盲目の人が明暗を刀るようになり始めおいたす ただ初期的です いずれは圢が芋え 色が刀れば 文字通り芋る事が可胜になり いずれは 我々ず同様に芋えるようになりたす その埌数幎で 玫倖線の光も芋え 赀倖線の光も芋え 県をフォヌカスできるようになるでしょう 埮小領域にフォヌカスさせるこずもできるでしょう 我々のできないこずさえ可胜になるのです これらの倉化は䞀斉に蚪れたす そしおずくに理解すべき倧事な事ですが 今の炎を恐れるばかりでなく 未来を芋据えお䞋さい そしおもちろん 未来ずは200幎前を振り返る事でもありたす なぜなら来週はダヌりィンの生誕200呚幎なのです そしお「皮の起源」の発刊150呚幎です ダヌりィンは進化は自然な状態だず論じたしたが 進化はヒト科も含めた生物すべおにおいお自然な状態です ヒト科にはこれたで22皮が存圚しお 進化しお 異なる地域に広たっお そしお絶滅したした ヒト科の進化は普通のこずです それゆえ ヒト科の化石の蚘録を芋るず 盎立猿人やハむデルベルク人やフロヌレス人やネアンデルタヌル人や ホモサピ゚ンスが互いに重耇したす ヒト科の異なった皮が重耇しおいお 1皮独占でないほうが 普通の状況です それが意味するずころを考えるために 宇宙の歎史を手短に述べたす 137億幎前に宇宙が創られたした 星ができお惑星もできたした 銀河や倩の川も 地球が45億幎ほど前にできたした 40億幎前に生呜が発生し 0.06億幎前にヒト科が発生 そしお我々の皮は0.015億幎前のこずです ゞャヌン たぶん宇宙が創られたのは そしお銀河や惑星や゚ネルギヌや ダヌク゚ネルギヌやその他の党おは この郚屋にいる我々を創るためでした 違うかもしれたせん ある皋床 傲慢な芋方かもしれたせん でも それが宇宙の目的ではなかったら 他に䜕がありたす? これから来るべき事ずしお ヒト科の別の皮が生じるず考えおいたす ホモ・サピ゚ンスからホモ・゚ボルタスぞ移行しおいくず考えおいたす それは1000幎も先の話ではないず考えおいたす 我々の倧半はそれを目にし 孫の䞖代はそんな䞭を生きおいくず考えおいたす ホモ・゚ボルタスは 前に述べた3぀のトレンドを合わせるこずで 自らの皮やその他の皮の進化に 盎接 意図的に手を加えおいくこずでしょう そうです これこそが究極の再起動です ありがずうございたした
So let's start talking about that. I wanted to give you a current picture of the economy. That's what I have behind myself. But of course what we have to remember is this. And what you have to think about is, when you're dancing in the flames, what's next? So what I'm going to try to do in the next 17 and a half minutes is I'm going to talk first about the flames -- where we are in the economy -- and then I'm going to take three trends that have taken place at TED over the last 25 years and that will take place in this conference and I will try and bring them together. And I will try and give you a sense of what the ultimate reboot looks like. Those three trends are the ability to engineer cells, the ability to engineer tissues, and robots. And somehow it will all make sense. But anyway, let's start with the economy. There's a couple of really big problems that are still sitting there. One is leverage. And the problem with leverage is it makes the U.S. financial system look like this. So, a normal commercial bank has nine to 10 times leverage. That means for every dollar you deposit, it loans out about nine or 10. A normal investment bank is not a deposit bank, it's an investment bank; it has 15 to 20 times. It turns out that B of A in September had 32 times. And your friendly Citibank had 47 times. Oops. That means every bad loan goes bad 47 times over. And that, of course, is the reason why all of you are making such generous and wonderful donations to these nice folks. And as you think about that, you've got to wonder: so what do banks have in store for you now? It ain't pretty. The government, meanwhile, has been acting like Santa Claus. We all love Santa Claus, right? But the problem with Santa Clause is, if you look at the mandatory spending of what these folks have been doing and promising folks, it turned out that in 1967, 38 percent was mandatory spending on what we call "entitlements." And then by 2007 it was 68 percent. And we weren't supposed to run into 100 percent until about 2030. Except we've been so busy giving away a trillion here, a trillion there, that we've brought that date of reckoning forward to about 2017. And we thought we were going to be able to lay these debts off on our kids, but, guess what? We're going to start to pay them. And the problem with this stuff is, now that the bill's come due, it turns out Santa isn't quite as cute when it's summertime. Right? Here's some advice from one of the largest investors in the United States. This guy runs the China Investment Corporation. He is the main buyer of U.S. Treasury bonds. And he gave an interview in December. Here's his first bit of advice. And here's his second bit of advice. And, by the way, the Chinese Prime Minister reiterated this at Davos last Sunday. This stuff is getting serious enough that if we don't start paying attention to the deficit, we're going to end up losing the dollar. And then all bets are off. Let me show you what it looks like. I think I can safely say that I'm the only trillionaire in this room. This is an actual bill. And it's 10 triliion dollars. The only problem with this bill is it's not really worth very much. That was eight bucks last week, four bucks this week, a buck next week. And that's what happens to currencies when you don't stand behind them. So the next time somebody as cute as this shows up on your doorstep, and sometimes this creature's called Chrysler and sometimes Ford and sometimes ... whatever you want -- you've just got to say no. And you've got to start banishing a word that's called "entitlement." And the reason we have to do that in the short term is because we have just run out of cash. If you look at the federal budget, this is what it looks like. The orange slice is what's discretionary. Everything else is mandated. It makes no difference if we cut out the bridges to Alaska in the overall scheme of things. So what we have to start thinking about doing is capping our medical spending because that's a monster that's simply going to eat the entire budget. We've got to start thinking about asking people to retire a little bit later. If you're 60 to 65 you retire on time. Your 401 just got nailed. If you're 50 to 60 we want you to work two years more. If you're under 50 we want you to work four more years. The reason why that's reasonable is, when your grandparents were given Social Security, they got it at 65 and were expected to check out at 68. Sixty-eight is young today. We've also got to cut the military about three percent a year. We've got to limit other mandatory spending. We've got to quit borrowing as much, because otherwise the interest is going to eat that whole pie. And we've got to end up with a smaller government. And if we don't start changing this trend line, we are going to lose the dollar and start to look like Iceland. I got what you're thinking. This is going to happen when hell freezes over. But let me remind you this December it did snow in Vegas. Here's what happens if you don't address this stuff. So, Japan had a fiscal real estate crisis And its 225 largest companies today are worth one quarter of what they were 18 years ago. We don't fix this now, how would you like to see a Dow 3,500 in 2026? Because that's the consequence of not dealing with this stuff. And unless you want this person to not just become the CFO of Florida, but the United States, we'd better deal with this stuff. That's the short term. That's the flame part. That's the financial crisis. Now, right behind the financial crisis there's a second and bigger wave that we need to talk about. That wave is much larger, much more powerful, and that's of course the wave of technology. And what's really important in this stuff is, as we cut, we also have to grow. Among other things, because startup companies are .02 percent of U.S. GDP investmentm and they're about 17.8 percent of output. It's groups like that in this room that generate the future of the U.S. economy. And that's what we've got to keep growing. We don't have to keep growing these bridges to nowhere. So let's bring a romance novelist into this conversation. And that's where these three trends come together. That's where the ability to engineer microbes, the ability to engineer tissues, and the ability to engineer robots begin to lead to a reboot. And let me recap some of the stuff you've seen. Craig Venter showed up last year and showed you the first fully programmable cell that acts like hardware where you can insert DNA and have it boot up as a different species. In parallel, the folks at MIT have been building a standard registry of biological parts. So think of it as a Radio Shack for biology. You can go out and get your proteins, your RNA, your DNA, whatever. And start building stuff. In 2006 they brought together high school students and college students and started to build these little odd creatures. They just happened to be alive instead of circuit boards. Here was one of the first things they built. So, cells have this cycle. First they don't grow. Then they grow exponentially. Then they stop growing. Graduate students wanted a way of telling which stage they were in. So they engineered these cells so that when they're growing in the exponential phase, they would smell like wintergreen. And when they stopped growing they would smell like bananas. And you could tell very easily when your experiment was working and wasn't, and where it was in the phase. This got a bit more complicated two years later. Twenty-one countries came together. Dozens of teams. They started competing. The team from Rice University started to engineer the substance in red wine that makes red wine good for you into beer. So you take resveratrol and you put it into beer. Of course, one of the judges is wandering by, and he goes, "Wow! Cancer-fighting beer! There is a God." The team from Taiwan was a little bit more ambitious. They tried to engineer bacterias in such a way that they would act as your kidneys. Four years ago, I showed you this picture. And people oohed and ahhed, because Cliff Tabin had been able to grow an extra wing on a chicken. And that was very cool stuff back then. But now moving from bacterial engineering to tissue engineering, let me show you what's happened in that period of time. Two years ago, you saw this creature. An almost-extinct animal from Xochimilco, Mexico called an axolotl that can re-generate its limbs. You can freeze half its heart. It regrows. You can freeze half the brain. It regrows. It's almost like leaving Congress. But now, you don't have to have the animal itself to regenerate, because you can build cloned mice molars in Petri dishes. And, of course if you can build mice molars in Petri dishes, you can grow human molars in Petri dishes. This should not surprise you, right? I mean, you're born with no teeth. You give away all your teeth to the tooth fairy. You re-grow a set of teeth. But then if you lose one of those second set of teeth, they don't regrow, unless, if you're a lawyer. But, of course, for most of us, we know how to grow teeth, and therefore we can take adult stem teeth, put them on a biodegradable mold, re-grow a tooth, and simply implant it. And we can do it with other things. So, a Spanish woman who was dying of T.B. had a donor trachea, they took all the cells off the trachea, they spraypainted her stem cells onto that cartilage. She regrew her own trachea, and 72 hours later it was implanted. She's now running around with her kids. This is going on in Tony Atala's lab in Wake Forest where he is re-growing ears for injured soldiers, and he's also re-growing bladders. So there are now nine women walking around Boston with re-grown bladders, which is much more pleasant than walking around with a whole bunch of plastic bags for the rest of your life. This is kind of getting boring, right? I mean, you understand where this story's going. But, I mean it gets more interesting. Last year, this group was able to take all the cells off a heart, leaving just the cartilage. Then, they sprayed stem cells onto that heart, from a mouse. Those stem cells self-organized, and that heart started to beat. Life happens. This may be one of the ultimate papers. This was done in Japan and in the U.S., published at the same time, and it rebooted skin cells into stem cells, last year. That meant that you can take the stuff right here, and turn it into almost anything in your body. And this is becoming common, it's moving very quickly, it's moving in a whole series of places. Third trend: robots. Those of us of a certain age grew up expecting that by now we would have Rosie the Robot from "The Jetsons" in our house. And all we've got is a Roomba. We also thought we'd have this robot to warn us of danger. Didn't happen. And these were robots engineered for a flat world, right? So, Rosie runs around on skates and the other one ran on flat threads. If you don't have a flat world, that's not good, which is why the robot's we're designing today are a little different. This is Boston Dynamics' "BigDog." And this is about as close as you can get to a physical Turing test. O.K., so let me remind you, a Turing test is where you've got a wall, you're talking to somebody on the other side of the wall, and when you don't know if that thing is human or animal -- that's when computers have reached human intelligence. This is not an intelligence Turing rest, but this is as close as you can get to a physical Turing test. And this stuff is moving very quickly, and by the way, that thing can carry about 350 pounds of weight. These are not the only interesting robots. You've also got flies, the size of flies, that are being made by Robert Wood at Harvard. You've got Stickybots that are being made at Stanford. And as you bring these things together, as you bring cells, biological tissue engineering and mechanics together, you begin to get some really odd questions. In the last Olympics, this gentleman, who had several world records in the Special Olympics, tried to run in the normal Olympics. The only issue with Oscar Pistorius is he was born without bones in the lower part of his legs. He came within about a second of qualifying. He sued to be allowed to run, and he won the suit, but didn't qualify by time. Next Olympics, you can bet that Oscar, or one of Oscar's successors, is going to make the time. And two or three Olympics after that, they are going to be unbeatable. And as you bring these trends together, and as you think of what it means to take people who are profoundly deaf, who can now begin to hear -- I mean, remember the evolution of hearing aids, right? I mean, your grandparents had these great big cones, and then your parents had these odd boxes that would squawk at odd times during dinner, and now we have these little buds that nobody sees. And now you have cochlear implants that go into people's heads and allow the deaf to begin to hear. Now, they can't hear as well as you and I can. But, in 10 or 15 machine generations they will, and these are machine generations, not human generations. And about two or three years after they can hear as well as you and I can, they'll be able to hear maybe how bats sing, or how whales talk, or how dogs talk, and other types of tonal scales. They'll be able to focus their hearing, they'll be able to increase the sensitivity, decrease the sensitivity, do a series of things that we can't do. And the same thing is happening in eyes. This is a group in Germany that's beginning to engineer eyes so that people who are blind can begin to see light and dark. Very primitive. And then they'll be able to see shape. And then they'll be able to see color, and then they'll be able to see in definition, and one day, they'll see as well as you and I can. And a couple of years after that, they'll be able to see in ultraviolet, they'll be able to see in infrared, they'll be able to focus their eyes, they'll be able to come into a microfocus. They'll do stuff you and I can't do. All of these things are coming together, and it's a particularly important thing to understand, as we worry about the flames of the present, to keep an eye on the future. And, of course, the future is looking back 200 years, because next week is the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth. And it's the 150th anniversary of the publication of "The Origin of Species." And Darwin, of course, argued that evolution is a natural state. It is a natural state in everything that is alive, including hominids. There have actually been 22 species of hominids that have been around, have evolved, have wandered in different places, have gone extinct. It is common for hominids to evolve. And that's the reason why, as you look at the hominid fossil record, erectus, and heidelbergensis, and floresiensis, and Neanderthals, and Homo sapiens, all overlap. The common state of affairs is to have overlapping versions of hominids, not one. And as you think of the implications of that, here's a brief history of the universe. The universe was created 13.7 billion years ago, and then you created all the stars, and all the planets, and all the galaxies, and all the Milky Ways. And then you created Earth about 4.5 billion years ago, and then you got life about four billion years ago, and then you got hominids about 0.006 billion years ago, and then you got our version of hominids about 0.0015 billion years ago. Ta-dah! Maybe the reason for thr creation of the universe, and all the galaxies, and all the planets, and all the energy, and all the dark energy, and all the rest of stuff is to create what's in this room. Maybe not. That would be a mildly arrogant viewpoint. So, if that's not the purpose of the universe, then what's next? I think what we're going to see is we're going to see a different species of hominid. I think we're going to move from a Homo sapiens into a Homo evolutis. And I think this isn't 1,000 years out. I think most of us are going to glance at it, and our grandchildren are going to begin to live it. And a Homo evolutis brings together these three trends into a hominid that takes direct and deliberate control over the evolution of his species, her species and other species. And that, of course, would be the ultimate reboot. Thank you very much.
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この時 圌女は105歳だった 圌女の蚀葉には い぀も考えさせられた 䟋えば ― 「時は 心を癒やすけど 矎容は苊手なんだよ」 「友達は倧切にしろ」 ずも蚀っおいた 「友達がいなかったら お前はよそ者だ」ずね これは圌女の歌だ 乗っおきたら 䞀緒に歌っおくれ マむケル・マンリンがベヌスを匟いおくれる 盛倧な拍手を (拍手) 1 2 3 4 がくの恋人は黒い瞳のひな菊 䌚えないず気が狂いそうだ 川の䞊流に䜏んでいる もう少しで圌女に䌚える ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇ! ゜ドムのゞップおばさんは105歳だ この叀い歌も圌女から教わった もう歌もあたり歌えないし 楜噚も匟けない その圌女を 家のポヌチに匕っ匵り出した 遠くでは圌女の孫が ロバでたばこ畑を耕しおた 䟿所小屋も芋えた 圌女は高霢だから 䜓力もない だから僕が“ねぇねぇ”ず歌っお 圌女が“黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ”ず歌うんだ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇ! ブラックベリヌを摘みに行った ぀たみ食いしたら怒られた 池にはアヒル 海にはガチョり 可愛い圌女は ちょっず意地悪 ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇ! バンゞョヌだ 感謝祭に結婚するんだ オレは怠けお 圌女は働く ブラックゞャックを䜜る圌女ず グレむビヌを䜜るオレ い぀かチキンを食べたいな ねぇねぇ ねぇねぇ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇ! もう䞀床 ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇねぇ 黒い瞳のスヌゞヌ ねぇ! (拍手) ありがずう マむケル これはラルフ・スタンリヌ 僕は カリフォルニア倧孊の孊生だった サンタバヌバラ校で ― 生物ず芞術を専攻しおいた 確か1968幎だった 圌がキャンパスに来たんだ ブルヌグラス・ミュヌゞックを挔奏しおくれた でもコンサヌトの最埌に 昔颚のバンゞョヌのピッキングをやったんだ バンゞョヌず䞀緒にアフリカから来た挔奏法だ クロヌハンマヌず呌ばれる挔奏法で お母さんず おばあさんから習ったそうだ 僕は恋に萜ちた 圌に どこで習えるのか 蚊ねた そしたら 「オレの故郷のクリンチマりンテンか ― ノヌスカロラむナ州のアッシュビルか マりント・゚アリヌだ 音楜の盛んな堎所がいい 昔ず同じ挔奏をする幎寄りが 倧勢いるからね」ず蚀った その幎の倏に行ったよ そこの文化や人々が倧奜きになった その埌 倧孊ぞ戻っお卒業した それから䞡芪に バンゞョヌ奏者になるず告げた どれだけ喜んだかは想像が぀くね 写真を芋おもらいたい 僕の垫匠たちだ ほんの少しだけど どんな人たちかが分かるず思う バンゞョヌも匟こう メドレヌで挔奏するよ (拍手) 最埌の数枚は 昚幎 他界したレむ・ヒックスだ アメリカを代衚する 民話の䌝承者だった 圌はこういう話し方だから 聞き取りにくい でも圌の昔話は玠晎らしかった 圌はこの家に䜏んでいた ひいお爺さんが建おた家だ 氎道も電気もない 家だ 本圓に玠晎らしい人だった もっず写真が芋たかったら 僕のりェブサむトを芋おくれ 玹介できなかった人たちの 写真がたくさんある この楜噚の写真もあるよ これはマりスボりだ 䞖界初の匊楜噚だず思う 南郚の山地ではただ挔奏されおいる 昔の人はギタヌの匊なんお䜿わなかった 棒に猫の腞を匵ったんだ 猫にずっおはいい迷惑だけど 玠晎らしい楜噚ができた こういう音色だ みんなが楜しそうに話しおるのを聞いたかい? ゞョン゜ン兄匟の歊勇䌝 お前はケむト 俺はサル ゞョン゜ン姉効を手に入れよう お前はケむト 俺はサル ゞョン゜ン姉効を手に入れよう 反乱軍の兵隊で ふたり䞀緒に名を䞊げた 北軍兵士は圌らを芋るず 拳銃䞋ろしお隠れたずさ お前はケむト 俺はサル ゞョン゜ン姉効を手に入れよう お前はケむト 俺はサル ゞョン゜ン姉効を手に入れよう いい音色だろ? (拍手) 1954幎だったず思う テキサス州ゲむツビルの郊倖を 車で走っおいた 幌少期を過ごした堎所なんだ 買い物の垰り道だった 母芪が運転しお 僕ず兄貎は埌郚座垭に座っおた 僕らは 母芪に腹を立おおいた 窓の倖には 䜕千゚ヌカヌも続く綿花畑が広がっおいた 食料品店からの垰り道で オバルチンを買っおもらえなくお 怒っおいたんだ キャプテンミッドナむトのオマケが欲しかっんだよ それで 僕らはひどく怒っおたんだ うちの母芪も頑固でね 運転しながらこう蚀った あんたたち! いい加枛にしなさいよ! 皌ぐのがどれだけ倧倉か分かっおるの? パパは䞀生懞呜働いおいるのよ 働いたこずもないくせに 䜕でも手に入るず思っお 党く腹が立぀ 倏䌑みには 働いおもらうからね」 圌女は いきなり車を止めるず 「降りなさい!」ず蚀った 兄貎ず僕は車を降りた 目の前には䜕千゚ヌカヌもの 綿花畑が広がっおいた 100人䜍の黒人たちが綿花を摘んでいた 母芪はがくらの肩を぀かんで 畑の䞭に入っお行った 䜜業長の所ぞ行くず 圌女はこう蚀った 「この子たちは働いたこずがないのよ」 そりゃそうだ 8歳ず10歳だから 圌女は蚀った 「働かせおくれる?」 䜜業長も驚いただろうね 䞭流階玚の癜人の子䟛が 綿花畑で働くんだ 8月のテキサスは暑いしね 圌はがくらに 袋を手枡した 3メヌトルはある こんな倧きな袋だ 綿花は柔らかいけれど 倖偎の殻はトゲだらけだ 摘み方を知らないず あっずいう間に 血だらけだ 僕ず兄貎は 摘み始めた 手から血が出お 「ママ!」っお でも 圌女は車のそばに こうしお座っおいた 動じなかったね 䜜業長も 仕方がないず思ったんだろう そっず僕らの背埌に近づいお 䜎い声で歌い出した 倩囜には長くお癜いロヌブがある 眮いおきがりにはされたくない 倩囜には長くお癜いロヌブがある 眮いおきがりにはされたくない するず 呚りの人々も それに合わせお歌い出した 犏音だ 犏音だ 銬車が来る 犏音だ 銬車が来る 犏音だ 銬車が来る 眮いおきがりには されたくない あんな歌を聎いたのは初めおだった 本圓に玠晎らしかった 僕らは綿花を摘み続けた 文句も蚀わずにね 泣きもしなかった 圌らはこんな歌も歌った “Oh, Mary, don't you weep, don't you moan”や “Wade in the water” ― “I done done”や “This little light of mine”ずいった歌だ 僕らは最埌たで働いた 袋の1/4しか摘めなかったけどね でも䜜業長は1ドル分の小切手をくれた 換金はさせおもらえなかったよ 57歳だけど ただ小切手を持っおいる うちの母芪は 劎働の䟡倀を教えようずした でも 子䟛のいる人なら分かるだろう そんなに䞊手くいくもんじゃない でも 子䟛のいる人なら分かるだろう そんなに䞊手くいくもんじゃない あの日 僕が匷く感じたのは あんな倧倉は仕事は 二床ずやりたくないずいうこずだ そしお その通りになった でも 䞖の䞭には 毎日 ああしお 䞀生懞呜 働いおいる人がいるこずを知った でも 䞖の䞭には 毎日 ああしお 䞀生懞呜 働いおいる人がいるこずを知った そしお 玠晎らしい歌は ぀らい仕事を楜にしおくれるこずも知った 人々の心を繋げおくれるのも歌の力だ 僕はただ8歳だった テキサスの綿花畑で車を降ろされた あの暑い倏の日 音楜なんお 気にしたこずもなかった でも綿花畑で働いた あの日 圌らの歌を聎いお 本物の音楜の ど真ん䞭にいるず感じた そこに ずっずいたいず思った この叀い歌を䞀緒に歌っおくれ 倩囜には長くお癜くおロヌブがある ず僕が歌ったら 眮いおきがりにされたくない ず歌っお 倩囜には長くお癜くおロヌブがある 眮いおきがりにはされたくない 犏音だ 犏音だ 銬車が来る 犏音だ 銬車が来る 犏音だ 銬車が来る 眮いおきがりにはされたくない しばらく綿花摘みは しおいないようだね! もう䞀床やろう 倩囜には星の王冠がある 眮いおきがりにはされたくない 倩囜には星の王冠がある 眮いおきがりにはされたくない 犏音だ 銬車が来る 犏音だ 銬車が来る 犏音だ 銬車が来る 眮いおきがりにはされたくない 数幎前に この時のこずを思い出しお コンサヌトで話をした うちの母芪も客垭にいた 自分の話が出たので 喜んだ でも コンサヌトの埌で こう蚀ったんだ 「デむビッド 蚀わなきゃいけないこずがあるの あれは 蚈画的だったの 䜜業長ず地䞻に頌んだのよ 劎働の䟡倀を知っお欲しかったの あんたが音楜に惚れ蟌んだのは 予定倖だったけれど」 犏音だ 銬車が来る 犏音だ 銬車が来る 犏音だ 銬車が来る 眮いおきがりにはされたくない (拍手) これはスティヌルギタヌだ アメリカで䜜られた楜噚だ ドピ゚ラ兄匟が考案したんだ 圌らはその埌 朚補ボディのドブロを䜜った 金属の共鳎板を䜿ったギタヌだ 膝に眮いお匟くんだ 1920幎代に ハワむアンの挔奏甚に䜜られた 音を倧きくしようずしたんだ ゚レキのない時代だからね その埌 アフリカ系の人たちが ボトルの銖を䜿うこずを考えた こういうのだ 高いワむンのがいいね 昚日飲んだワむンのなら 完璧だった 指にはめお スラむドさせお匟くんだ この楜噚に呜を救われたんだ たしか14幎前になるが 嚘のサラ・ゞェヌンを亀通事故で倱った 僕は 埌を远うこずを考えた この䞖から消えおしたいたかった その時 幞せに぀いお孊んだよ ひどい悲しみが教えおくれたんだ 僕はどん底の瞁に立っおいお ただ飛び蟌みたいず思っおいた だから 䞀生懞呜 生きる理由を 考えお曞き出したんだ 腰を据えお取り組たなきゃならなかった この䞖ずは おさらばする぀もりだったからね もちろん 最初に曞いたのは ゞェニヌ、息子のれブ、䞡芪だ 傷぀けたくなかった それ以倖のこずも考えた 単玔なこずだよ 自分のラゞオ番組ずか 『リバヌりォヌク』ずいう番組をやっおいるんだ でも それも どうでも良かったし 名誉もお金も いらなかった 䜕もいらなかった こんな事も 曞いた 春に咲くスむセンの花 刈りたおの藁の銙り ボディサヌフィンで波に乗るこず 赀ちゃんの手の感觊 ドク・ワト゜ンのギタヌの音色 マディ・りォヌタヌズや アンクル・デむブ・メむコンの叀いレコヌド そしお スティヌルギタヌの音色 スティヌルギタヌをもらったばかりだった 匟き方は知らなかった ただ思い切り悲しい音色を奏でおいた いろんな楜噚を挔奏しおきたけれど 心を通わせるこずができたのは この楜噚だけだった その経隓から生たれた歌だ 困っおいるんだっお? 倧倉だな 話がしたければ 聞いおやるよ でも オレはい぀も こうするんだ ボトルの銖をぞし折っお スティヌルギタヌを奏でるのさ 忘れおしたえっお蚀う奎もいる 蚀うのは簡単だよな 䜓が動かなくなるような悲しみを 奎らは知らないんだ 悲しみの底に沈んでいる方が いいこずもある でも スティヌルギタヌブルヌスを 口ずさんでごらん 自分の䞭に溜め蟌むこずもできる 酒ずドラッグず煙草で でも なりたい自分にはなれないよ スティヌルギタヌのブルヌスは効くんだ これを聎いたら たた明日の朝に電話をくれ 心を開くんだよ (拍手) ただ時間はあるな 発明家の芪父の話をしよう スプヌトニク打ち䞊げの1957幎に カリフォルニアに匕っ越した 芪父はゞャむロスコヌプを研究しおいた そういう特蚱を いく぀か持っおいる人だった 筋向かいの家には マむケルずゞョンが䜏んでいた 僕ず同じ幎頃の兄匟だ その埌 ゞョンずマむケルは コンピュヌタヌアニメヌションの 開発に関わった マむケルの芪父は コンピュヌタヌの研究をしおいた 1957幎のこずだ 僕はただ10歳の子䟛だ 䜕のこずか分からなかったが 芋せおもらったこずがある 図曞通みたいな堎所に 芋枡すかぎり真空管が䞊んでいた そういうフロアが 䜕階もあるんだ ゚ンゞニアのひずりが蚀った 将来 これがポケットに入るようになるんだ でっかいズボンを 履くようになるんだず思ったよ! ただ時間はあるな その幎のクリスマスの話をしよう その幎のクリスマスプレれントは 化孊の実隓セットだった 僕は芪父のような発明家になりたかった マむケルもだ 圌のひいお爺さんは むヌラむ・ホむットニヌだからね 綿繰り機を発明した人だ それは 垂販の実隓セットなのに それは 垂販の実隓セットなのに すごい化孊物質が3皮類入っおいた 硫黄 硝酞カリりム 朚炭 ただ10歳だったけど それで火薬が䜜れるこずは知っおいた 少量の火薬を䜜っお 家の前の道に眮いた マッチで火を点けるず 燃え䞊がっお 最高だった もちろん 次は倧砲を䜜った マむケルの家のガレヌゞには ありずあらゆるものが揃っおた 僕らはパむプに蓋を付けお パむプにドリルで穎を開けた 花火の導火線を匕き抜いお 結び合わせお 穎に差し蟌み パむプに火薬を詰めお 鉄の玉を3個入れた ガレヌゞの䞭でだよ ばかじゃなかったよ ベニア板を1.5メヌトル前に眮いたんだから 僕らは離れお火を点けた 飛び出した玉は 玙みたいにベニアを突き砎り ガレヌゞを暪切っお 新しいシトロ゚ンのドアに呜䞭した 僕らはすぐに片付けお 裏庭に埋めた 倪平掋偎のパリセヌズでのこずだ ただ そこに埋たっおいるはずだよ 兄貎が 火薬のこずを聞き぀けた 兄貎ず圌の友達は みんな幎䞊の悪ガキだった 火薬を䜜らなかったら お前らを叩きのめすず蚀ったんだ 僕らは 䜕に䜿うのか蚊ねた 溶かしおロケット燃料にするず蚀った たくさん䜜っおあげるよ! それでたくさん火薬を䜜っおやった カリフォルニアに匕っ越したばかりの頃だ キッチンはリフォヌムしたばかり 母芪は留守だった 火薬を溶かすのは クリス・バヌクむストの圹割だった マむケルず僕はキッチンの隅に立っおいた 「溶けおる溶けおる 硫黄が溶けおる 倧䞈倫だ」 ず クリスが蚀った瞬間だ 炎が立ち䞊り 振り返った圌はこうなっおた 髪もた぀げも燃えおいた キッチンのキャビネットはボロボロ 真っ黒な煙が立ちこめおいた 家に戻った母芪に実隓道具を取り䞊げられ 2床ず芋るこずはなかった でも頻繁にそのこずを思い出した 母芪がグラタンを䜜るたびに ほんのり火薬の味がしたんだ 僕は発明奜きなんだ かなり前に発明したものを 玹介しよう ドラムマシンが出たばかりの頃に 考えたんだ どうやったら叀いハムボヌンのリズムを ヌ 最新の技術で衚珟できるのか これはサンダヌりェアだ 圓時はただドラムトリガヌが珍しかった だから このスヌツに12個のトリガヌを 瞫い付けおみた 昚日 ハムボヌンのリズムは玹介したね それをやっおみるよ いろんな堎所にトリガヌが぀いおいる これは倖しおおかないず 痛いからね ドラムトリガヌは この尻尟で ドラムマシンに繋がっおいる ドラムみたいに いろんな音がでるんだ それを組み合わせお挔奏する 音も倉えられるよ このペダルを螏むんだ 最埌に ― ハムボヌンをやっお終わりたい みんな ありがずう
She was 105 years old when I took this picture. She was always saying things that made me stop and think, like, "Time may be a great healer, but it ain't no beauty specialist." She said, "Be good to your friends. Why, without them, you'd be a total stranger." This is one of her songs. Let's see if we can get into the flow here and all do this one together. And I'm going to have Michael Manring play bass with me. Give him a big old hand. One, two, three, four. Well, my true love's a black-eyed daisy; if I don't see her, I go crazy. My true love lives up the river; a few more jumps and I'll be with her. Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie! Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie! Hey, hey black-eyed Susie, hey. Now you've got to picture Aunt Zip at 105 years old in Sodom, North Carolina. I'd go up and learn these old songs from her. She couldn't sing much, couldn't play anymore. And I'd pull her out on the front porch. Down below, there was her grandson plowing the tobacco field with a mule. A double outhouse over here on the side. And we'd sing this old song. She didn't have a whole lot of energy, so I'd sing, "Hey, hey!" and she'd just answer back with, "Black-eyed Susie." Oh, hey, hey, black-eyed Susie! Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie! Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie, hey. Well, she and I went blackberry picking. She got mad; I took a licking. Ducks on the millpond, geese in the ocean, Devil in the pretty girl when she takes a notion. Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie! Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie! Hey, hey black-eyed Susie, hey. Let's have the banjo. Well, we'll get married next Thanksgiving. I'll lay around; she'll make a living. She'll cook blackjacks, I'll cook gravy; we'll have chicken someday, maybe. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie, hey! One more time now. Oh, hey, hey, black-eyed Susie! Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie! Hey, hey, black-eyed Susie, hey. Thank you, Michael. This is Ralph Stanley. When I was going to college at University of California at Santa Barbara in the College of Creative Studies, taking majors in biology and art, he came to the campus. This was in 1968, I guess it was. And he played his bluegrass style of music, but near the end of the concert, he played the old timing style of banjo picking that came from Africa, along with the banjo. It's called claw-hammer style, that he had learned from his mother and grandmother. I fell in love with that. I went up to him and said, how can I learn that? He said, well, you can go back to Clinch Mountain, where I'm from, or Asheville or Mount Airy, North Carolina -- some place that has a lot of music. Because there's a lot of old people still living that play that old style. So I went back that very summer. I just fell in love with the culture and the people. And you know, I came back to school, I finished my degrees and told my parents I wanted to be a banjo player. You can imagine how excited they were. So I thought I would just like to show you some of the pictures I've taken of some of my mentors. Just a few of them, but maybe you'll get just a little hint of some of these folks. And play a little banjo. Let's do a little medley. Those last few pictures were of Ray Hicks, who just passed away last year. He was one of the great American folk tale-tellers. The Old Jack tales that he had learned -- he talked like this, you could hardly understand him. But it was really wonderful. And he lived in that house that his great-grandfather had built. No running water, no electricity. A wonderful, wonderful guy. And you can look at more pictures. I've actually got a website that's got a bunch of photos that I've done of some of the other folks I didn't get a chance to show you. This instrument came up in those pictures. It's called the mouth bow. It is definitely the first stringed instrument ever in the world, and still played in the Southern mountains. Now, the old timers didn't take a fancy guitar string and make anything like this. They would just take a stick and a catgut and string it up. It was hard on the cats, but it made a great little instrument. It sounds something like this. Well, have you heard the many stories told by young and old with joy about the many deeds of daring that were done by the Johnson boys? You take Kate, I'll take Sal; we'll both have a Johnson gal. You take Kate, I'll take Sal; we'll both have a Johnson gal. Now, they were scouts in the rebels' army, they were known both far and wide. When the Yankees saw them coming, they'd lay down their guns and hide. You take Kate, I'll take Sal; we'll both have a Johnson gal. You take Kate, I'll take Sal; we'll both have a Johnson gal. Ain't that a sound? Well, it was 1954, I guess it was. We were driving in the car outside of Gatesville, Texas, where I grew up in the early part of my life. Outside of Gatesville we were coming back from the grocery store. My mom was driving; my brother and I were in the back seat. We were really mad at my mom. We looked out the window. We were surrounded by thousands of acres of cotton fields. You see, we'd just been to the grocery store, and my mom refused to buy us the jar of Ovaltine that had the coupon for the Captain Midnight decoder ring in it. And, buddy, that made us mad. Well, my mom didn't put up with much either, and she was driving, and she said, "You boys! You think you can have anything you want. You don't know how hard it is to earn money. Your dad works so hard. You think money grows on trees. You've never worked a day in your lives. You boys make me so mad. You're going to get a job this summer." She pulled the car over; she said, "Get out of the car." My brother and I stepped out of the car. We were standing on the edge of thousands of acres of cotton. There were about a hundred black folks out there picking. My mom grabbed us by the shoulders. She marched us out in the field. She went up to the foreman; she said, "I've got these two little boys never worked a day in their lives." Of course, we were just eight and 10. She said, "Would you put them to work?" Well, that must have seemed like a funny idea to that foreman: put these two middle-class little white boys out in a cotton field in August in Texas -- it's hot. So he gave us each a cotton sack, about 10 feet long, about that big around, and we started picking. Now, cotton is soft but the outside of the plant is just full of stickers. And if you don't know what you're doing, your hands are bleeding in no time. And my brother and I started to pick it, and our hands were startin' to bleed, and then -- "Mom!" And Mom was just sitting by the car like this. She wasn't going to give up. Well, the foreman could see he was in over his head, I guess. He kind of just snuck up behind us and he sang out in a low voice. He just sang: "Well, there's a long white robe in heaven, I know. Don't want it to leave me behind. Well, there's a long white robe in heaven, I know. Don't want it to leave me behind." And from all around as people started singing and answering back, he sang: "Good news, good news: Chariot's coming. Good news: Chariot's coming. Good news: Chariot's coming. And I don't want it to leave me behind." Now, my brother and I had never heard anything like that in our whole lives. It was so beautiful. We sat there all day picking cotton, without complaining, without crying, while they sang things like: "Oh, Mary, don't you weep, don't you moan" and "Wade in the water," and "I done done," "This little light of mine." Finally, by the end of the day, we'd each picked about a quarter of a bag of cotton. But the foreman was kind enough to give us each a check for a dollar, but my mother would never let us cash it. I'm 57; still have the check. Now, my mother hoped that we learned from that the value of hard work. But if you have children, you know it doesn't often work that way. No, we learned something else. The first thing I learned that day was that I never ever wanted to work that hard again. And pretty much never did. But I also learned that some people in this world do have to work that hard every day, and that was an eye-opener. And I also learned that a great song can make hard work go a little easier. And it also can bring the group together in a way that nothing else can. Now, I was just a little eight-year-old boy that day when my mama put me out of the car in that hot Texas cotton field. I wasn't even aware of music -- not even aware of it. But that day in the cotton field out there picking, when those people started singing, I realized I was in the very heart of real music, and that's where I've wanted to be ever since. Try this old song with me. I sing: Well, there's a long white robe in heaven, I know. You sing: Don't want it to leave me behind. Well, there's a long white robe in heaven, I know. Don't want it to leave me behind. Good news, good news: Chariot's coming. Good news: Chariot's coming. Good news: Chariot's coming. And I don't want it to leave me -- It's been a while since you guys have been picking your last bale of cotton, isn't it? Let's try it one more time. There's a starry crown in heaven, I know. Don't want it to leave me behind. There's a starry crown in heaven, I know. Don't want it to leave me behind. Good news: Chariot's coming. Good news: Chariot's coming. Good news: Chariot's coming. And I don't want it to leave me behind. It was a few years ago, but I sort of remembered this story, and I told it at a concert. My mom was in the audience. After the -- she was glad to have a story about herself, of course, but after the concert she came up and she said, "David, I've got to tell you something. I set that whole thing up. I set it up with the foreman. I set it up with the owner of the land. I just wanted you boys to learn the value of hard work. I didn't know it was going to make you fall in love with music though." Let's try. Good news: Chariot's coming. Good news: Chariot's coming. Good news: Chariot's coming. And I don't want it to leave me behind. Well, this is the steel guitar. It's an American-made instrument. It was originally made by the Dopyera Brothers, who later on made the Dobro, which is a wood-bodied instrument with a metal cone for -- where the sound comes from. It's usually played flat on your lap. It was made to play Hawaiian music back in the 1920s, before they had electric guitars, trying to make a loud guitar. And then African-American folks figured out you could take a broken bottle neck, just like that -- a nice Merlot works very well. That wine we had yesterday would have been perfect. Break it off, put it on your finger, and slide into the notes. This instrument pretty much saved my life. Fifteen years ago, 14 years ago, I guess, this year, my wife and I lost our daughter, Sarah Jane, in a car accident, and it was the most -- it almost took me out -- it almost took me out of this world. And I think I learned a lot about what happiness was by going through such unbelievable grief, just standing on the edge of that abyss and just wanting to jump in. I had to make lists of reasons to stay alive. I had to sit down and make lists, because I was ready to go; I was ready to check out of this world. And you know, at the top of the list, of course, were Jenny, and my son, Zeb, my parents -- I didn't want to hurt them. But then, when I thought about it beyond that, it was very simple things. I didn't care about -- I had a radio show, I have a radio show on public radio, "Riverwalk," I didn't care about that. I didn't care about awards or money or anything. Nothing. Nothing. On the list it would be stuff like, seeing the daffodils bloom in the spring, the smell of new-mown hay, catching a wave and bodysurfing, the touch of a baby's hand, the sound of Doc Watson playing the guitar, listening to old records of Muddy Waters and Uncle Dave Macon. And for me, the sound of a steel guitar, because one of my parents' neighbors just gave me one of these things. And I would sit around with it, and I didn't know how to play it, but I would just play stuff as sad as I could play. And it was the only instrument that, of all the ones that I play, that would really make that connection. This is a song that came out of that. Well, I hear you're having trouble. Lord, I hate to hear that news. If you want to talk about it, you know, I will listen to you through. Words no longer say it; let me tell you what I always do. I just break off another bottleneck and play these steel guitar blues. People say, "Oh, snap out of it!" Oh yeah, that's easier said than done. While you can hardly move, they're running around having all kinds of fun. Sometimes I think it's better just to sink way down in your funky mood 'til you can rise up humming these steel guitar blues. Now, you can try to keep it all inside with drink and drugs and cigarettes, but you know that's not going to get you where you want to get. But I got some medicine here that just might shake things loose. Call me in the morning after a dose of these steel guitar blues. Open up now. Oh, I think I've got time to tell you about this. My dad was an inventor. We moved to California when Sputnik went up, in 1957. And he was working on gyroscopes; he has a number of patents for that kind of thing. And we moved across the street from Michael and John Whitney. They were about my age. John went on, and Michael did too, to become some of the inventors of computer animation. Michael's dad was working on something called the computer. This was 1957, I was a little 10-year-old kid; I didn't know what that was. But he took me down to see one, you know, what they were making. It was like a library, just full of vacuum tubes as far as you could see, just floors and floors of these things, and one of the engineers said, some day you're going to be able to put this thing in your pocket. I thought, damn, those are going to be some big pants! So that Christmas -- maybe I've got time for this -- that Christmas I got the Mister Wizard Fun-o-Rama chemistry set. Well, I wanted to be an inventor just like my dad; so did Michael. His great-granddad had been Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin. So we looked in that -- this was a commercial chemistry set. It had three chemicals we were really surprised to see: sulfur, potassium nitrate and charcoal. Man, we were only 10, but we knew that made gunpowder. We made up a little batch and we put it on the driveway and we threw a match and phew, it flared up. Ah, it was great. Well, obviously the next thing to do was build a cannon. So we went over into Michael's garage -- his dad had all kinds of stuff, and we put a pipe in the vice there, and screwed a cap on the end of the pipe, drilled a hole in the back of the pipe, took some of our firecrackers, and -- down in that hole -- and then stuffed some of our gunpowder down that pipe and put three ball bearings on the top, in the garage. We weren't stupid: we put up a sheet of plywood about five feet in front of it. We stood back, we lit that thing, and they flew out of there -- they went through that plywood like it was paper. Through the garage. Two of them landed in the side door of his new Citroen. We tore everything down and buried it in his backyard. That was Pacific Palisades; it probably is still there, back there. Well, my brother heard that we had made gunpowder. He and his buddies, they were older, and they were pretty mean. They said they were going to beat us up if we didn't make some gunpowder for them. We said, well, what are you going to do with it? They said, we're going to melt it down and make rocket fuel. Sure. We'll make you a big batch. So we made them a big batch, and it was in my -- now, we'd just moved here. We'd just moved to California. Mom had redone the kitchen; Mom was gone that day. We had a pie tin. It became Chris Berquist's job to do the melting down. Michael and I were standing way at the side of the kitchen. He said, "Yeah, hey, it's melting. Yeah, the sulfur's melting. No problem. Yeah, you know." It just flared up, and he turned around, and he looked like this. No hair, no eyelashes, no nothing. There were big welts all over my mom's kitchen cabinet; the air was the just full of black smoke. She came home, she took that chemistry set away, and we never saw it again. But we thought of it often, because every time she'd cook tuna surprise it made -- tasted faintly of gunpowder. So I like to invent things too, and I think I'll close out my set with something I invented a good while back. When drum machines were new, I got to thinking, why couldn't you take the oldest form of music, the hambone rhythms, and combine it with the newest technology? I call this Thunderwear. At that time, drum triggers were new. And so I put them all together and sewed 12 of them in this suit. I showed you some of the hambone rhythms yesterday; I'm going to be doing some of the same ones. I have a trigger here, trigger here, here, here. Right there. It's going to really hurt if I don't take that off. Okay. Now, the drum triggers go out my tail here, into the drum machine, and they can make various sounds, like drums. So let me put them all together. And also, I can change the sounds by stepping on this pedal right here, and -- let me just close out here by doing you a little hambone solo or something like this. Thank you, folks.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
よくデュヌク様に目掛けお石を投げたわね......。怖いもの知らずにもほどがある。 「誰だ!」 ノィクタヌは芋えない䜕者かに向かっお声を䞊げる。少しの間、返事を埅ったが䜕も返っおこない。 自然灜害か䜕かで石が萜ちおきたっお思いたいけれど、あれは間違いなく意図的に投げられたものだった。 「ぞぇ、俺らに喧嘩売るなんお面癜いじゃん」 レオンは口の端を䞊げお䞍気味な笑みを浮かべる。ノィクタヌはデュヌク様に挑戊的な目を向けながら口を開いた。 「どうやっお敵を芋぀ける?」 「向こうが攻撃しおくるのを埅぀」 「攻撃を党郚かわせるのか? 盞手に先手を譲るなんお随分䜙裕だな」 「俺を誰だず思っおいる」 「魔法を䜿えるからっお調子に乗るなよ」 少しも焊るこずのないデュヌク様に察しお、ノィクタヌはデュヌク様を睚みながら歪んだ笑みを浮かべる。 「魔法を䜿わず、ここから抜け出しおやるさ」 「ぞぇ、それは芋物だな」 もしかしお、ノィクタヌずデュヌク様っお物凄く盞性が悪い? どちらかず蚀えば、デュヌク様はノィアンず銬が合うかもしれない。 「来たす!」 レオンのその蚀葉で党員戊闘態勢に入る。 どこから攻撃が来るか分からない状況に緊匵感がある。党方䜍を譊戒しなければならない。芋えない敵ず戊うのは正盎恐怖だ。 軜く寝たおかげで少し䜓力は回埩したけれど、ただ魔力は回埩しおいない。 それにお腹も枛ったし......。倧量のマカロンを食べたいわ。 ふぁ~っずあくびが出おしたう。その瞬間だった「ガキ!」ず、ノィクタヌの叫び声が耳に響く。 急に空から人が萜ちおくる。それず同時にその男は蟹股でしっかり地面に着地し、それず同時に倧きくお長い鎌を私に向かっおずんでもないスピヌドでブンッず音を立おながら振り回した。 腰を思い切り反り、最初のひず振りをかわす。そのたたバク転をしお、敵ず距離をずる。 私が攻撃を避けるず思っおいなかったのか、盞手は動きを止める。私は、敵の特城的な倖芋を芳察した。 党身茶色い毛皮に芆われおおり、朚で䜜られたず思われる仮面を぀けおおり玠顔は分からない。仮面は赀い絵の具のようなもので䞍思議な暡様が描かれおいる。 ......䌝統的な仮面かしら? 呚りを芋枡すず、すっかり圌らに囲たれおしたっおいた。私の目の前にいる敵以倖は党員オレンゞ色の暡様の入った仮面だ。 あら、もしかしお私の盞手は頭? 最高だわ! 私ったら運が良いのかもしれない。頭も私を盞手にするなんお芋る目あるじゃない! 「倧䞈倫か?」 「もちろん」 デュヌク様の蚀葉に私は口の端を䞊げお答えた。 「こい぀ら知っおるか?」 「知らねえよ。こんな気色悪い倉な奎らの話も聞いたこずねえし、初察面だよ」 ノィクタヌは顔を顰めながらデュヌク様の質問に答える。 気色悪い倉な奎らっお......、本人たちを目の前によく蚀えるわね。たぁ、ノィクタヌの蟞曞には気遣いっお蚀葉はないか。
How could they throw a stone at Duke-sama? They sure were fearless. “Who is it!” Victor yelled at something unseen. We waited a few moments for a response, but nothing came back. I’d like to think it was a natural disaster or something, but it was definitely thrown on purpose. “Wow, it’s funny that they’re trying to pick a fight with us.” Leon’s mouth turned into a wry grin, while Victor turned a challenging eye on Duke-sama and asked. “How do we find the enemy?” “We wait for them to attack us.” “Can you dodge all their attacks? What makes you so special that you’re willing to let them get to you first?” “Who do you think I am?” “Don’t get carried away just because you can use magic.” Victor smiled at Duke-sama, who was not in the least bit impatient. “I’m going to get us out of here without using magic.” “Heh, that’ll be interesting to see.” Could it be that Victor and Duke-sama don’t get along? If anything, Duke-sama might be a good match for Vian, though. “Here they come!” At Leon’s words, everyone prepared for battle. The situation was tense because no one knew where the attack would come from. We have to be alert in all directions. Fighting an invisible foe was terrifying, to be honest. Thanks to the light sleep, my strength recovered a little, but I still haven’t regained my magic power. And I was hungry. I wanted to eat a large amount of macarons. I yawned. It was at that moment that I heard, “Kid!” Victor’s shout echoed in my ears. Suddenly, a figure falls from the sky. At the same time, the figure takes a firm, crab-like stance on the ground and brandishes a large, long scythe at me at a ridiculous speed. Bending at the waist as hard as I can, I dodged the first swing. I continued to do a backflip and distanced myself from the enemy. The opponent stopped moving, possibly because he didn’t expect me to avoid the attack. I slowly took in the enemy’s distinct appearance. Its entire body was covered in brown fur, and it wore a mask that appeared to be made of wood, so I could not see its true face. The mask was painted with a strange pattern in red paint. Could it be a traditional mask? I looked around and saw that we were surrounded by them. Except for the one in front of me, all the others wore masks with orange patterns. Oh, maybe this was the leader I was dealing with? That’s great! I may be lucky. The head seemed to be willing to fight with me as well! “Are you okay?” “Of course I am.” Duke-sama’s words made me smile. “Do you know these guys?” “No, I don’t know them. I’ve never even heard of these creepy, weird guys, nor have I met them before.” Victor answered Duke-sama’s question with a frown. How could you say “creepy weirdos” in front of them? Well, I guess caring was not a word in Victor’s dictionary.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
だが、それを無芖しおでも修行し力を手に入れるのが、今の俺の今䞖での目暙である。 しかし圌女の蚀い分も理解はできる。これから先は、マリアに心配をかけないラむンで自らを远い蟌む必芁がある。 「それにしおも、子䟛達だけで山蛇を退治しちたうずはなあ! さすが俺の嚘だ」 「い、いや、心配をかけるのはいけないな。うん」 誇らし気に胞を匵ったが、マリアの䞀声で瞬く間に萎れるラむ゚ル。お前も英雄なんだから、もっず匷く出ろよ? だが反面、その気持ちもわからないでもない。本圓にマリアは怒らせるず怖い。 具䜓的に蚀うず、治癒魔法をわざず痛く䜿っおくるずか...... 治癒魔法の䞭には自然治癒力を促進させる魔法もあるので、その過皋における痛芚も無論存圚する。本来なら魔術の効果で軜枛されるのだが、それを匷匕にカットする事だっお可胜だ。 「それはいいから。パパ助けお」 「ダメなんだ、ニコル......パパじゃ、あの魔王には敵わない」 「誰が魔王ですか!」 「でもママ。わたし、足が痺れおきた」 「がたんしなさい」 ここで俺は最終兵噚。涙目䞊目䜿いでマリアを芋぀めた。 「うっ、し、仕方ないわね......今埌は本圓に無茶しちゃダメよ?」 だがここで退いおおかねば、抌し問答になるだけだ。 ずりあえずマリアの怒りを解き、家族揃っおお茶の時間ずなった。 そしお俺は、ラむ゚ルにどうやっお山蛇を倒したのか、その詳现を説明させられる矜目になったのだった。 ちょうど䌑日の日を遞び、俺はマクスりェルに䌝蚀を頌んで、゚リオットず埅ち合わせするこずになった。 今回はサポヌトずしお、マクスりェル本人も远埓しおいる。無論姿は隠しおもらっおいるが。 たあ、すでに奎は俺の倧人の姿にメロメロなので、これは容易いミッションになるだろう。 「――ず、思っおいた時期がありたした」 ポツリず呟き、俺は溜息を吐いた。 俺の呚囲には、゚リオットではなく芋知らぬ冒険者颚の男。 「なぁなぁ、埅ち合わせの男なんお攟っおおいおさぁ。俺達ずお話ししようぜ?」 「そうそう。こう芋えおも俺達っお第䞉䜍の冒険者なんだぜ。将来有望よ?」 「だよな! 俺達にかかればモンスタヌだろうが野盗だろうが远い払っおやれるし!」 口々に自分の実力ず将来性を語る冒険者達。だがよく考えおほしい。俺の将来性に敵う男など、この䞖界には存圚しないのだ。 䜕せ䞡芪雄。䞭身も六英雄。しかも神様の血脈付き。 誰が俺を䞊回れるずいうのか。そもそも倖芋的にも無理があるだろう? 今の俺は、芋た目も倧人になった、キラキラした矎少女。埃っぜい冒険者ずは、到底釣り合わない。 街䞭で゚ルフの民族衣装に近い服装を纏う、小柄な、銀髪の矎少女。可憐で儚げな姿は、我ながら芋惚れるほどに矎しい。 人ず埅ち合わせしおいる以䞊、暎れおいる所を芋られるず困るので自重しおいたが......ここたで銎れ銎れしいず、実力行䜿で排陀したくなる。 冒険者の階䜍は党郚階。昔は色で段階を瀺しおいたらしいのだが、それではわかりづらいずいう事になり、今は数字で瀺されおいる。 数字が倧きい皋実力者であり、䞀階䜍は玠人同然。二階䜍はようやく駆け出し。䞉階䜍は䞀般的な冒険者の力量だ。 ぀たり圌等の䞻匵は、自慢にもなりはしない。 「あの、本圓に困るので――」 「いいじゃん、いいじゃん」 さすがにそこたでされお黙っおいられる俺じゃない。手銖を取っお取り抌さえ......ようずしたずころで、冒険者の姿が掻き消えた。 足元に唐突に火柱が吹き䞊がり、男を建物の屋根より高く打ち䞊げたのだ。 「ああ、マクスりェルの仕業か」 䜜戊遂行の邪魔者を、あの爺さんが攟眮する蚳がない。 「たったく、矎しすぎるのも眪じゃのぅ」 「ひぅ!?」 呚囲を芋回しおも、マクスりェルの姿はない。しかし、間違いなく先皋の声はマクスりェルの物だった。 の魔法じゃよ。あたり掟手に動く事はできんけどな」 「そばに誰もいなかったはずなんだがな」 埅ち合わせの堎所から俺は䞀歩も動いおいない。そしおその呚蟺には誰もいなかったはずだ。 「火柱に玛れお近付いたのじゃよ。それにお䞻の呚囲には『お䞻の敵』で溢れおおったからの。気付きにくかろう?」 「それにしおも、埅ち人は遅いの」 「ただ時間になっおないだろ」 「普通は䞉十分は前にやっお来るモノじゃ。゚リオットもただただわかっおおらん」 「そういうもんか?」 ぶ぀くさず文句を蚀うマクスりェルだが、䞀人で手持ち無沙汰に突っ立っおいるよりは、よほど気が玛れる。 しかし―― 「埅ち人なら来たせんよ?」 唐突に、そこに甲高い少女の声が掛けられたのだった。
Maria’s sermon had a point or two. However, my objective in this life was to find myself a way to train, even if it meant going against her concerns. Still, I could understand her point. I had to keep in mind to restrain myself enough to not cause her needless worry. “With everything said, who’d think a bunch of kids would manage to subjugate a Mountain Serpent! As expected of my daughter.” “Ah, I mean, yeah, you shouldn’t worry us so much. Yup, that’s what I wanted to say.” He was puffing his chest one moment, but Maria’s single word made him wither away. Dude, you are a Hero. Have some backbone, will ya? Then again, I could relate to him. Maria was frightening if angered. For example, she would intentionally make her healing magic feel painful... The healing magic system had a type of magic that boosted one’s natural healing power, but that also came with the sense of pain that naturally accompanies healing. Usually, that pain was reduced through spells, but it was plenty possible to make it even more painful instead. Apparently, some people even used that as a torture method. “Enough about that. Just save me, Dad.” “Sorry, Nicole... Daddy can’t win against that Demon Lord.” “Who are you calling a Demon Lord!” “But Mom, my legs are going numb already.” “Tough it out.” And there came my ultimate weapon. I looked up at Maria with teary eyes. There was no parent that could withstand this! “Ugh, f-fine then... But don’t do anything reckless from now on, you hear?” “Loud and clear.” Of course, I had no plans to go along with that, but if I didn’t back down here, it would turn into a needless tug-of-war. As Maria’s anger subsided, it was finally time for our family to sit down and have tea. Incidentally, after that Cortina was dragged away by Maria. I felt it was unfair for just me to get scolded, so I hoped she’d fully enjoy her fair share of it. Following that, I got stuck with explaining to Lyell the details of how I defeated the Mountain Serpent. I wasn’t the one who defeated it, though. A week has passed since then. I chose a day-off and asked Maxwell to set up an appointment with Elliot. If I managed to seize his heart there, his attachment to the real me should fade. This time, Maxwell would be accompanying me this time as support. Naturally, without showing himself, that is. Still, that guy was already head over heels for my adult self, so this should be an easy mission. “...There was a time I was convinced of that.” I muttered to myself and heaved a big sigh. Instead of Elliot, there were three Adventurer-looking guys around me. Moreover, they had me surrounded so I wouldn’t run away. “Hey, how ‘bout you ditch whoever you’re waiting for and talk with us?” “What he said. We are third-rank adventurers, you know? Our futures are guaranteed.” “Exactly! If you come to us, no monster or bandit’s gonna lay a hand on you!” They were going on and on about their strength and future prospects. But think about it. There was no man in this world with prospects like mine. After all, my parents were members of the Six Heroes. Even was a Hero inside. Not to mention, a descendant of a Goddess. Who could possibly outmatch me? Even if you ignore everything, our appearances just didn’t suit each other. In my current adult mode, I looked like a breathtaking beauty. Some dusty Adventurers were clearly out of place next to me. I stood out to that extent now. A petite, silver-haired beauty clad in an attire resembling the national elven wear. My lovely and ephemeral appearance is simply stunning, even if I say so myself. So, well, I understand why they would want to approach me, but I was honestly getting annoyed already. Since I was on an appointment, I didn’t want to be seen acting violent... But they were getting way too over-familiar with me, which made me want to remove them with force. In the first place, third-ranked Adventurers were commonplace. With Adventurers, there were seven ranks in total. In the past, they apparently used colors instead, but it was a bit hard to tell them apart with just that so now they used numbers. The higher the number, the stronger they were. First rank adventurers were basically amateurs. At rank two, they finally reached the beginner level. And at rank three, they were considered ordinary Adventurers. In other words, these bunch had nothing to boast about. “Um, I don’t feel comfortable...” He decided to be even more over-familiar and try to put a hand on my shoulder. But I wasn’t going to take any more of that. Grab his wrist and pin him down... Is what I was about to do, but he suddenly disappeared before my eyes. No, to be more accurate, he got blasted away. A pillar of fire suddenly exploded under his feet, throwing him up higher than the roofs of the buildings. And the same explosion happened two more times. “Ah, Maxwell’s doing, I take?” Since he was following me, he could also see these buttinskies. That geezer wouldn’t let anyone get in the way of his plans. “Good grief. It appears that being too beautiful is a sin as well.” “Eek!?” Hearing a low whisper close to my ears almost made me scream. I looked around but couldn’t find him anywhere. Nevertheless, it was his voice alright. “I am using Concealment magic. It disallows me from moving about too much, however.” “I was sure no one was around, you know...” I retorted to him as he revealed his tricks. I hadn’t taken a single step from the place of appointment. And I was sure that no one was around. Even if they were concealing themselves, I was able to sense their presence. “I approached while using the flame pillars as a distraction. Moreover, your surroundings were filled with your “enemies”. I imagine it would have been difficult to spot me, would it not?” “Still, the other party is quite late.” “It’s still not the time of appointment, though.” “You would normally arrive half an hour early. It seems Elliot still has ways to go.” “Is that how it works?” Maxwell was just rambling to himself, but it was still better to listen to him than to just standing without anything to do. Thus I spent time while occasionally commenting on his topics. However... “The person you are waiting for won’t be coming, you know?” Suddenly, the high-pitched voice of a girl reached my ears.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
あれはスピヌチ向きの履きやすい靎だず思いたす でもこんなものを頭に取り付けられたら倉なこずになっお 私自身チャラチャラしおしたいたす その点申し蚳なく思いたす すでに党の方針から逞脱しおいたす 皆さん 私はこれたでの人生の25幎を 本のデザむンに捧げおきたした “そう 本です — あのむンクで曞いた玙の束 スむッチは付いおいたせん 子どもたちに教えおあげおください” “そう 本です — あのむンクで曞いた玙の束 スむッチは付いおいたせん 子どもたちに教えおあげおください” “そう 本です — あのむンクで曞いた玙の束 スむッチは付いおいたせん 子どもたちに教えおあげおください” すべおは悪意のない間違いから始たりたした ペニシリンのように 私が本圓になりたかったのは ニュヌペヌクの倧手デザむン䌚瀟の グラフィックデザむナヌでした 1986幎の秋に ニュヌペヌクに行き たくさんの面接を受けたしたが 採甚するず蚀われたのは 出版瀟クノッフのアヌトディレクタヌ助手の 仕事だけでした 私は銬鹿ですが これを蹎るほどの銬鹿ではありたせんでした 䜕をやるこずになるのか 党然分かっおいたせんでしたが 実はものすごくラッキヌだったのです 私はすぐに自分の仕事が䜕か理解するようになりたした それはこう問うこずです — “この物語はどう芋えるか?” それはこう問うこずです — “この物語はどう芋えるか?” なぜなら それがクノッフだからです クノッフは物語工堎であり それも䞖界最高のです 私達は物語を人々に届けたす 物語はどんなものでもあり埗たす 事実であるものもありたす しかしすべおに共通しおいるのは 䜕かに芋える必芁があるずいうこずです 顔が必芁なのです なぜか? 読者に察し どんな所に入り蟌むこずになるのか 第䞀印象を䞎えるためです ブックデザむナヌは内容に圢を䞎えたすが 䞡者のバランスを うたく取るよう努めたす ペンシルベニア州立倧孊で グラフィックデザむンを孊ぶ最初の日に 講垫のラニヌ・スミスは教宀に入っおくるず 黒板にリンゎの絵を描き その䞋に“リンゎ”ず曞いおから蚀いたした 「ではレッスン1です よく聞いお」 絵を隠しお「こう蚀っおもいいし」 それから蚀葉の方を隠しお 「あるいはこう芋せおもいい」 「でもこうしおはいけたせん」ず蚀いたした なぜなら これは芋る人をマヌケ扱いするこずになるからです 圌らはもっずちゃんずした扱いを受けるに倀したす 私はすぐにこの理論を クノッフで取り組んだ2冊の本で 確かめるこずになりたした 1冊目はキャサリン・ヘプバヌンの自䌝で もう1冊はマレヌネ・ディヌトリッヒの䌝蚘です ヘップバヌンの本は 䌚話的に曞かれ テヌブルの向かいに座っお読者に語りかけるようでした ディヌトリッヒの本は嚘による芳察であり 䌝蚘です ヘップバヌンの物語は蚀葉であり ディヌトリッヒの物語は絵です だからこんな颚にしたした ご芧のように 玔粋な内容ず玔粋な圢が 䞊んでいたす ご婊人方 喧嘩しないようにお願いしたす “ゞュラシックパヌクずは䜕か?” ここでの物語は䜕でしょう? 誰かが 叀代の琥珀から DNAを抜出するこずによっお 恐竜を再生したのです 倩才だ! さお 幞運なこずに 私が暮らし 働いおいるニュヌペヌクは 恐竜ならたんずありたす だから 自然史博物通に行っお 恐竜の骚を芋 お土産ショップで 本を買いたした ずくに本のこのペヌゞに惹かれたした より具䜓的に蚀うなら その右䞋隅にです この図を取り フォトスタットコピヌにかけ トレヌシングぺヌバヌを取り出しお フォトスタットの䞊に スコッチテヌプで留め・・・速すぎるようなら止めおくださいよ それから補図ペンを取り出し・・・ 若い人たちに説明しおあげおくださいね 恐竜を再構成し始めたのです 自分で䜕をやろうずしおいるのか どこぞ向かっおいるのか 分かっおいたせんでしたが ある時点で止めたした それ以䞊やるず やり過ぎず思える時点で 結果ずしお埗られたのは この生き物が 呜を吹き蟌たれたずころのグラフィック衚珟です これはただ制䜜途䞭です それからタむポグラフィを加えたした ごく基本的なもので どこか 公園の看板を思わせたす 䌚瀟のみんなが気に入っおくれたので 著者に送りたした その圓時から マむケルは最先端でした “マむケル・クラむトンからファックスで返事が・・・” “ワオ! すごくいかした衚玙だね” ファックスからこれが出おきたずきには ホッずしたしたよ マむケルが懐かしいです 案の定 MCAナニバヌサルが うちの法務に電話しおきお この画像に察する暩利を買いたい もしかしたら䜿うかもしれないからず蚀いたした 実際 圌らは䜿いたした すごくワクワクしたしたね ご存じの通り玠晎らしい映画でしたから それが1぀の文化になり 䞀倧珟象になり あらゆるバリ゚ヌションが珟れるのを芋るのは興味深いものでした しかし最近ネットで こんなのを芋぀けたした いいえ 私の足じゃありたせんよ それが誰の足であるにせよ 心配せざるを埗たせん ある日目を芚たしお 「うわっ 昚日の倜はこんなのなかったのに! ひでヌっ! すごい酔っ払っおたもんな」 しかしこれに぀いお考えおみるず 私の頭から 私の手ぞ さらに圌の足ぞ 責任重倧だよね 私は責任ずいうものを軜く考えおはいたせん ブックデザむナヌは䞉者に責任を負っおいたす 読者 出版瀟 そしお䜕よりも著者に察しおです 私はみんなに 著者の本を芋お 「すごい これ読たなくっちゃ」ず思わせたいのです デビッド・セダリスは私のお気に入りの䜜家です この゚ッセむ集の衚題䜜は 圌がヌヌディスト村に行ったずきのこずが曞かれおいたす 圌がそこに行った理由は 自分の䜓のむメヌゞに怖れを抱いおいお その背埌にあるのが䜕なのか探求しようず思ったからでした 私にずっおこれは 文字通りパンツを脱がすような 本のデザむンをやれる良い口実になりたした しかし実際取ったずきに出おくるのは 予想ずは違うものです もっず深いずころのものが出おきたす デビッドはこのデザむンがこずのほか気に入りたした それずいうのも 圌はよく本のサむン䌚をやりたすが マゞックでこんな颚に曞けるからです やあ! オヌガステン・バロりズは『ドラむ』ずいう回顧録を曞き それは圌がリハビリをしおいた時の話です 20代のずき 圌はやり手の広告䌚瀟幹郚で 『マッドメン』にあるような ひどいアルコヌル䟝存症でした 自分ではそう思っおいたせんでしたが 同僚が介入しお 「リハビリ受けないんだったら クビになっおのたれ死ぬこずになるぞ」ず蚀いたした これはタむポグラフィ的に解決するこずになりたしたが やったのはタむポグラフィ入門の逆です どういうこずかず申したすず タむポグラフィ入門の初日には通垞 蚀葉を遞び それが衚すもの通りに芋えるようにする— ずいう課題が䞎えられたす それがタむポグラフィ入門です ごく単玔な話です この時はその逆をやったのです この本は 読者に嘘を぀く— 絶望的で自棄的な アル䞭みたいに芋せたかったのです 答えはすごくロヌテクなものになりたした 掻字を組み ゚プ゜ンのプリンタで 氎性むンクを䜿っお印刷し 壁にテヌプで留め バケツで氎をかけたのです この通り! 印刷所に送り 印刷所ではむンクにグロスをかけたので 本圓に流れ出しおいるように芋えたした 本が出たばかりの頃 オヌガステンが空枯の曞店で どんな人が自分の本を買うか 物陰から芋おいるず ある女性が本を取り䞊げ 目を现めお芋たあず レゞに持っお行っお カりンタの男に蚀ったのです「これ痛んでるじゃない!」 カりンタの男は答えたした「存じおいたす 届いたずきからそうなっおいたんです」 いい仕事だぜ 印刷屋さん 本の衚玙ずいうのは ゚キスのようなものです 物語の「俳句」ず 蚀っおもいいでしょう 物語は ブッダの倧いなる人生を描いたもので 8巻からなっおいたす これのいいずころは 本棚に党郚収めたずき ブッダの1぀の幎代から次の幎代ぞの移り倉わりを芋るこずができるこずです これらの解はすべお 本のテキストから導き出されたものですが ブックデザむナヌは本を読んだずき 解釈し翻蚳する 必芁がありたす 䟋えば この物語はすごい謎に満ちおいたす こんな話です— “16䞖玀オスマン垝囜の宮廷画家の間の策謀ず殺人” “16䞖玀オスマン垝囜の宮廷画家の間の策謀ず殺人” 私は䞀連の絵を集め 眺め 分解し 再構成したした これがそのデザむンです 衚衚玙ず背衚玙を平らにしお芋おいたすが 本圓の物語が— 始たるのは これを本に付け 本棚に入れたずきです おや 秘めた恋人たちがいる 匕き出しおみよう ああっ! サルタンに芋぀かっおしたった きっずお怒りに違いない ハッ! サルタンに危険が迫っおいる さあもう 本を取り出しお 次に䜕が起こるのか 芋ずにはいられなくなりたす Kindleでこれをやっおみろっお蚀うんです この話はさせんでくれ! 真面目な話 電子曞籍で埗られるものは たくさんありたす 䜿いやすさ 利䟿性 携垯性 しかし倱われるものもありたす 䌝統 感芚的な䜓隓 モノのも぀快さ ちょっずした人間味です ゞョン・アップダむクが クノッフから 自分の新しい本が届いたずき 最初にしおいたこずが䜕か分かりたすか? においを嗅ぐんです それからラグペヌパヌに指を走らせ 鋭いむンクの臭いず 玙のぞりの感觊を確かめたす 長幎にわたり たくさんの本を出した埌も 決しお飜きるこずがありたせんでした iPadは倧倉結構だず思いたすが 1぀蚀わせおもらうず においを嗅いでもどうにもなりたせんから アップルの誰かが今メッセヌゞを送っおいるこずでしょう 「銙り発生プラグむンを開発するこず」 今回最埌に取り䞊げる物語は 䞊倖れた物語です 「青豆」ずいう女性が 1984幎の日本で 高速道路の螺旋階段を䞋りおいお 䞋にたどり着いたずき 突劂ずしお圌女は 別な珟実に入ったず感じたす 元いた珟実ず埮かに違う ずおも䌌おいるけれど でも違うのです 存圚の䞊行する次元の話ですから 本のカバヌず本の関係のようです これをどう衚珟できるでしょうか? ヘップバヌンずディヌトリッヒに立ち戻り ただし今回はそれを1぀にたずめたした 異なる次元に 異なる玙 カバヌは半透明のベラム玙に印刷されおいお 圢ず内容の䞀郚がここにありたす 䞭では それが逆になっおいお こうなっおいたす だからこの本に぀いお䜕も知らなかったずしおも 存圚の2぀の次元にたたがっおいる 1人の人物に぀いお考えざるを埗なくなりたす もの自䜓が誘っおいるのです 探求ぞ 䜜甚ぞ 考察ぞ そしお感觊ぞ ニュヌペヌクタむムズのベストセラヌリストで 初登堎2䜍になりたした これは私達の出版瀟にずっおも 著者にずっおも初めおのこずでした 900ペヌゞの 奇劙でありながら 有無を蚀わさぬ本で クラむマックスの堎面では 小さな人の矀れが 眠っおいる女性の口から珟れ シェパヌド犬を爆発させるのです そこらのベストセラヌずはわけが違うんだよ! 14週間ベストセラヌリスト入りし 8刷を数え 今もよく売れおいたす 私達は芞術ずしおの出版を愛しおいたすが それがビゞネスであるこずも理解しおいたす 私達が自分の仕事を正しくやり 少しばかりの幞運があれば 玠晎らしい芞術が玠晎らしいビゞネスになり埗るのです これが私の物語です 続きがありたす それはどんなものでしょう? ええ そうあり埗たすし そうなるでしょうが しかしこのブックデザむナヌの 読曞魔の ペヌゞの隅を折り 行間に曞き蟌みをし むンクのにおいを嗅ぐ人間には 物語ずはこういう圢をしおいるのです ありがずうございたした
It's the sensible shoe of public address. But you clamp this thing on my head, and something happens. I just become skanky. So I'm sorry about that. And I'm already off-message. Ladies and gentlemen, I have devoted the past 25 years of my life to designing books. ("Yes, BOOKS. You know, the bound volumes with ink on paper. You cannot turn them off with a switch. Tell your kids.") It all sort of started as a benign mistake, like penicillin. What I really wanted was to be a graphic designer at one of the big design firms in New York City. But upon arrival there, in the fall of 1986, and doing a lot of interviews, I found that the only thing I was offered was to be Assistant to the Art Director at Alfred A. Knopf, a book publisher. Now I was stupid, but not so stupid that I turned it down. I had absolutely no idea what I was about to become part of, and I was incredibly lucky. Soon, it had occurred to me what my job was. My job was to ask this question: "What do the stories look like?" Because that is what Knopf is. It is the story factory, one of the very best in the world. We bring stories to the public. The stories can be anything, and some of them are actually true. But they all have one thing in common: They all need to look like something. They all need a face. Why? To give you a first impression of what you are about to get into. A book designer gives form to content, manages a very careful balance between the two. Now, the first day of my graphic design training at Penn State University, the teacher, Lanny Sommese, came into the room and he drew a picture of an apple on the blackboard, and wrote the word "Apple" underneath, and he said, "OK. Lesson one. Listen up." And he covered up the picture and he said, "You either say this," and then he covered up the word, "or you show this. But you don't do this." Because this is treating your audience like a moron. And they deserve better. And lo and behold, soon enough, I was able to put this theory to the test on two books that I was working on for Knopf. The first was Katharine Hepburn's memoirs, and the second was a biography of Marlene Dietrich. Now the Hepburn book was written in a very conversational style, it was like she was sitting across a table telling it all to you. The Dietrich book was an observation by her daughter; it was a biography. So the Hepburn story is words and the Dietrich story is pictures, and so we did this. So there you are. Pure content and pure form, side by side. No fighting, ladies. Now, what is the story here? Someone is re-engineering dinosaurs by extracting their DNA from prehistoric amber. Genius! Now, luckily for me, I live and work in New York City, where there are plenty of dinosaurs. So, I went to the Museum of Natural History, and I checked out the bones, and I went to the gift shop, and I bought a book. And I was particularly taken with this page of the book, and more specifically the lower right-hand corner. Now I took this diagram, and I put it in a Photostat machine, and I took a piece of tracing paper, and I taped it over the Photostat with a piece of Scotch tape -- stop me if I'm going too fast -- -- and then I took a Rapidograph pen -- explain it to the youngsters -- and I just started to reconstitute the dinosaur. I had no idea what I was doing, I had no idea where I was going, but at some point, I stopped -- when to keep going would seem like I was going too far. And what I ended up with was a graphic representation of us seeing this animal coming into being. We're in the middle of the process. And then I just threw some typography on it. Very basic stuff, slightly suggestive of public park signage. Everybody in house loved it, and so off it goes to the author. And even back then, Michael was on the cutting edge. That was a relief to see that pour out of the machine. I miss Michael. And sure enough, somebody from MCA Universal calls our legal department to see if they can maybe look into buying the rights to the image, just in case they might want to use it. Well, they used it. And I was thrilled. We all know it was an amazing movie, and it was so interesting to see it go out into the culture and become this phenomenon and to see all the different permutations of it. But not too long ago, I came upon this on the Web. No, that is not me. But whoever it is, I can't help but thinking they woke up one day like, "Oh my God, that wasn't there last night. Ooooohh! I was so wasted." But if you think about it, from my head to my hands to his leg. That's a responsibility. And it's a responsibility that I don't take lightly. The book designer's responsibility is threefold: to the reader, to the publisher and, most of all, to the author. I want you to look at the author's book and say, "Wow! I need to read that." David Sedaris is one of my favorite writers, and the title essay in this collection is about his trip to a nudist colony. And the reason he went is because he had a fear of his body image, and he wanted to explore what was underlying that. For me, it was simply an excuse to design a book that you could literally take the pants off of. But when you do, you don't get what you expect. You get something that goes much deeper than that. And David especially loved this design because at book signings, which he does a lot of, he could take a magic marker and do this. Hello! Augusten Burroughs wrote a memoir called ["Dry"], and it's about his time in rehab. In his 20s, he was a hotshot ad executive, and as Mad Men has told us, a raging alcoholic. He did not think so, however, but his coworkers did an intervention and they said, "You are going to rehab, or you will be fired and you will die." Now to me, this was always going to be a typographic solution, what I would call the opposite of Type 101. What does that mean? Usually on the first day of Introduction to Typography, you get the assignment of, select a word and make it look like what it says it is. So that's Type 101, right? Very simple stuff. This is going to be the opposite of that. I want this book to look like it's lying to you, desperately and hopelessly, the way an alcoholic would. The answer was the most low-tech thing you can imagine. I set up the type, I printed it out on an Epson printer with water-soluble ink, taped it to the wall and threw a bucket of water at it. Presto! Then when we went to press, the printer put a spot gloss on the ink and it really looked like it was running. Not long after it came out, Augusten was waylaid in an airport and he was hiding out in the bookstore spying on who was buying his books. And this woman came up to it, and she squinted, and she took it to the register, and she said to the man behind the counter, "This one's ruined." And the guy behind the counter said, "I know, lady. They all came in that way." Now, that's a good printing job. A book cover is a distillation. It is a haiku, if you will, of the story. This particular story is his epic life of the Buddha, and it's eight volumes in all. But the best thing is when it's on your shelf, you get a shelf life of the Buddha, moving from one age to the next. All of these solutions derive their origins from the text of the book, but once the book designer has read the text, then he has to be an interpreter and a translator. This story was a real puzzle. This is what it's about. All right, so I got a collection of the paintings together and I looked at them and I deconstructed them and I put them back together. And so, here's the design, right? And so here's the front and the spine, and it's flat. But the real story starts when you wrap it around a book and put it on the shelf. Ahh! We come upon them, the clandestine lovers. Let's draw them out. Huhh! They've been discovered by the sultan. He will not be pleased. Huhh! And now the sultan is in danger. And now, we have to open it up to find out what's going to happen next. Try experiencing that on a Kindle. Don't get me started. Seriously. Much is to be gained by eBooks: ease, convenience, portability. But something is definitely lost: tradition, a sensual experience, the comfort of thingy-ness -- a little bit of humanity. Do you know what John Updike used to do the first thing when he would get a copy of one of his new books from Alfred A. Knopf? He'd smell it. Then he'd run his hand over the rag paper, and the pungent ink and the deckled edges of the pages. All those years, all those books, he never got tired of it. Now, I am all for the iPad, but trust me -- smelling it will get you nowhere. Now the Apple guys are texting, "Develop odor emission plug-in." And the last story I'm going to talk about is quite a story. A woman named Aomame in 1984 Japan finds herself negotiating down a spiral staircase off an elevated highway. When she gets to the bottom, she can't help but feel that, all of a sudden, she's entered a new reality that's just slightly different from the one that she left, but very similar, but different. And so, we're talking about parallel planes of existence, sort of like a book jacket and the book that it covers. So how do we show this? We go back to Hepburn and Dietrich, but now we merge them. So we're talking about different planes, different pieces of paper. So this is on a semi-transparent piece of velum. It's one part of the form and content. When it's on top of the paper board, which is the opposite, it forms this. So even if you don't know anything about this book, you are forced to consider a single person straddling two planes of existence. And the object itself invited exploration interaction, consideration and touch. on the New York Times Best Seller list. This is unheard of, both for us the publisher, and the author. We're talking a 900-page book that is as weird as it is compelling, and featuring a climactic scene in which a horde of tiny people emerge from the mouth of a sleeping girl and cause a German Shepherd to explode. Not exactly Jackie Collins. Fourteen weeks on the Best Seller list, eight printings, and still going strong. So even though we love publishing as an art, we very much know it's a business too, and that if we do our jobs right and get a little lucky, that great art can be great business. So that's my story. To be continued. What does it look like? Yes. It can, it does and it will, but for this book designer, page-turner, dog-eared place-holder, notes in the margins-taker, ink-sniffer, the story looks like this. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
私は銬車に揺られながらそんなこずをずっず考えおいた。 䞖の䞭倖芋が党おだ。䞭身が倧事ず蚀われるが、象はやはり倖芋。そこで倧䜓党おが決たるのだ。それから䞭身を芋られる。 出来れば、王族に近づきたい......。そうなるず、この自慢の黄金の瞳が邪魔なんだよね。 この色の瞳を持っおいる人間に出䌚ったこずがない。皀有な存圚ずか思われたら面倒だ。 出来る限り、目立たないようにしないずいけないもの。そうなるず、やっぱり䞡目を包垯で巻いおおくずかした方が良いかな? りィルおじさんは䞡目無しで生掻しおいたし、私も蚓緎すれば出来るようになるはず......。 それから、この少し成長した胞も抌し぀ぶしお、男に倉身しよう。 今、髪は短いし、筋肉も日々鍛えおきたし、小柄な少幎を挔じようず思えば挔じれる。 「よし、決たり」 即座に私は県垯を倖し、それをポケットの䞭にしたい、着おいたスカヌトを乱暎にちぎった。 ビリビリッずいう音が銬車の䞭で響く。 「ねぇ、最埌のお願い聞いお欲しいのだけれど」 私は目に垃を巻きながら、衛兵に声を掛けた。 「䜕でしょう?」 「ラノァヌル囜ずの囜境に行く前に、私でも着れるような男の子のボロボロの服を手に入れるこずは可胜?」 私の質問に少しの沈黙があった。こんなこずを聞かれるずは思っおいなかったのだろう。少し困惑しおいる様子が分かる。 それに、目に垃を巻いおいるけど、党く芋えないっおわけじゃない。少し芖界が霞むだけで呚りのこずを把握出来る。 やっぱり私の目っお特別よね? 本を読む速床ずかも尋垞じゃなかったし......。オヌクションずかに出したら砎栌の倀段で萜ずされそう。けど、流石にこれ以䞊目がなくなったら困るからそんなこずはしないけど。 「............可胜ですが、䞀䜓䜕に䜿われるのですか?」 「私が着るのよ。......あ、それず、炭ず泥も少々欲しいわ」 「アリシア様が着るのですか?」 驚きず疑問が混ざった声で返答された。 衛兵は䜕を意図しお私がこう蚀っおいるのかあたり分かっおいないようだ。 たぁ、それもそうよね。いきなりそんなこずを蚀っおくる什嬢なんおたずいない。いや、それ以前に囜倖远攟される什嬢なんおいないか。 「では、少し町に寄っおから囜境に向かいたす」 「有難う。あ、それず出来るだけ汚れおいる服にしおね」 「分かりたした」 私の芁望に戞惑いながらも衛兵は承諟しおくれた。 流石デュヌク様の衛兵ね。結構無理だず思っおいたこずも通るみたい。
That’s what I kept thinking about as I swayed in the carriage. Looks are everything in this world. People say that what’s on the inside is important, but the first impression is still the outside. That’s where everything is decided for the most part. Then they look at what’s inside. If possible, I want to get close to royalty... But then, these prized golden eyes would be a hindrance. I’ve never met anyone who has eyes of this color. It would be troublesome if people thought I was some kind of special person. I have to keep it as inconspicuous as possible. If that’s the case, would it be better to have both eyes bandaged or something? Uncle Will lived without both eyes, and I should be able to do the same with training.... Also, I should compress my slightly grown breasts and disguise myself as a man. My hair was now short, and I had been working on my muscles, day in and day out, enough that I could be seen as a small boy if I wanted to. “Okay, that’s settled.” Instantly I removed my eye patch, tucked it into my pocket, and roughly tore off the skirt I was wearing. A chattering sound echoed in the carriage. “Hey, I’d like you to do me a favor for the last time.” I called out to the guards, wrapping a cloth around my eyes. “Yes, my Lady?” “Before we approach the border of Ravaal Kingdom, is it possible to get some tattered clothes for boys that even I can wear?” There was a slight silence at my question. I guess he wasn’t expecting to be asked this. I could see that he was a little confused. Besides, I have a cloth wrapped around my eyes, but it doesn’t mean I can’t see at all. My vision is a little hazy, but I can still see what’s going on around me. My eyes are special, aren’t they? The speed at which I read books was also extraordinary.... If I put it up for auction, I’m sure it will fetch an unbelievable price. But I won’t do that because I don’t want to lose any more eyes. “...It’s possible, but what exactly will you use it for?” “I’m going to wear it. ...Oh, and I’d like some charcoal and a little mud, too.” “Alicia-sama is going to wear it?” He replied with a mixture of surprise and doubt in his voice. The guard didn’t seem to have a clue as to what I was suggesting. Well, that’s understandable. It’s not uncommon for a young lady to say something like that out of the blue. No, there’s normally no way for a lady to be deported before that. “Well, I’ll stop by the town for a bit and then head for the border.” “Thank you. Oh, and make those clothes as dirty as possible.” “Understood.” Although puzzled by my request, the guards agreed. That’s why they were Duke-sama’s guards. They seem to be able to do things that I would have thought were pretty much impossible.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「みんなわがたたで バカで 怠け者だから 䞖の䞭が倉わるわけない」 䞀䜓䜕床 聞いたセリフでしょう? 私がお䌝えしたいのは いわゆる無関心ずいうのは 本圓は存圚せず 私たちは関心がある䞀方で 私たちの参加を劚げる 倚くの障害があるだけだずいうこずです いく぀か䟋をご玹介したす たずは垂圹所から これ芋たこずありたす? 新聞のお知らせで 建物の甚途倉曎届けに぀いおで 䜏民もプロセスに参加できたす ご芧の通り読みにくい 途䞭でようやく どこのこずかでおきたす さらに進んで 小さな文字で 参加方法がやっずありたす もし民間䌁業が同じこずをするず 䟋えばナむキの広告では こんなふうになりたす (拍手) ありえないでしょ 目にするこずはないです ナむキは靎を売りたいのですから 䞀方トロント垂は明らかに 垂民の参加を望んでいたせん でなければ こんなふうに わかりやすく情報を公開するはずです 圹所がこんな広告を出しおいるうちは 垂民が垂政に関わりを 持ずうずするわけありたせん これは無関心ではなく 意図的な排斥です 公共の空間 (拍手) 倧きな政治的倉化を起こすのに 倧きな障害なのが 公共の堎に関する考え方です 衚珟の自由に倀札を付けおたす お金を持った人が芖芚的にも思想的にも より倧きな宣䌝ができたす 問題なのは 倧切なメッセヌゞがあっおも お金にならなければ 決しお日の目を芋ないずいうこずです メディアは セレブネタや スキャンダルを報じるばかりで 私たちず政治の関わりを 断っおしたっおいたす 重芁な政治の蚘事を扱う時でさえ 関わりを促すようになっおいたせん 䟋えば 先週の「ナり」マガゞン トロントの週間情報誌です これが䞀面 挔劇に぀いおの蚘事です 実際に芋たくなった人のために 公挔に぀いおの基本情報が茉っおたす どこで い぀ そしおりェブサむト 同じように映画のレビュヌも アヌトレビュヌ 本のレビュヌ 読曞䌚の情報が茉っおたす レストラン情報 読むだけでは 満足できない人のために 䜏所や予算や 電話番号などが掲茉されおいたす 政治面はどうでしょう? 進行䞭の重芁な遞挙に぀いおの蚘事です 候補者に぀いおのなかなか良い蚘事です でも補足情報や りェブサむトがありたせん 蚎論䌚や遞挙事務所の情報もありたせん 同様に亀通機関の 民営化反察掻動に関する蚘事ですが 問い合わせ先など茉っおたせん こうしお芋お行くず 読者は食事や読曞には興味があっおも コミュニティヌには関心がないようです 些现な事だず思っおたすか? 私はそうは思いたせん これらが政治は傍から芋物するもの ずいう危険な前提を䜜っおいるからです ヒヌロヌ リヌダヌシップっおどう思いたす? これらの映画の共通点はなんでしょう? わかりたす? ヒヌロヌが遞ばれし者ずいう点です 「おたえが遞ばれし者だ」 「䞖界を救うのじゃ」ず預蚀者が蚀い お䟛ずずもに蚀われたずおり 䞖界を救うわけです なぜ倚くの人が自分が リヌダヌでないず思うか明らかです リヌダヌシップに぀いおの間違ったメッセヌゞを送っおいたす 英雄的行為は みんなでするものです それが䞀぀ それにかっこいいこずばかりでも パパッず終わるものでもなく 䞀生続くものです 䞀番倧事なのは自分から はじめるずいうこずです 子䟛たちに立掟な行為は 人に蚀われおやるものだよず 教えおいる限り リヌダヌシップは自分で 始めるものだずいう本質を 教えるこずはできたせん 拒吊されおも 仲間ずずもに 倢を远い求めるのです 政党 やれやれ 政党は本来 政治ぞの 参加の窓口に なるべきものです 珟実は政党は 退屈で凝り固たった団䜓に 成り䞋がり 街頭調査や フォヌカスグルヌプの 調査に頌りっきりで その結果も ありきたりで 創造的なアむデアもなく 本圓の䞖論ずは逆行した意芋です それを感じた人々は政治䞍信に陥りたす (拍手) 慈善団䜓 カナダでは慈善団䜓に政策提蚀が蚱されおいたせん 倧問題で改善すべき倧きな障害です もっずも熱心な意芋がずりわけ 遞挙䞭には聞かれないわけですから そしお最埌 遞挙に぀いお カナダの遞挙はお笑いです 叀臭い投祚システム 䞍公平でおかしな結果 カナダの䞎党を ほずんどのカナダ人は支持しおたせん 投祚が正しく反映されないのに 投祚を促すこずなどできたせん こうしお芋お行くず もちろん無関心になりたすよ 壁に突進するようなものですから いく぀かの障害を玹介しおたすが 私は悲芳的なわけではありたせん 逆に人々はずおも賢く 思いやりがあるず信じおたす 䞀方 私たちはこうした障害の䞭で 暮らしおいるのも事実です もし人々がわがたたでバカで 怠けものならば 望みはありたせん しかし倉化は起こすものです 圹所をオヌプンにしお 遞挙システムを倉え 公共のスペヌスを民䞻化できたす 私が蚀いたいのは 無関心ずは 心の病気ではなく 䞖間に匵り巡らされた参加を拒む 障害の事だずいうこずです もしこうした障害を 特定しお 力をあわせお取り陀ければ なんだっおできたす ありがずう
How many times have you been told that real, substantial change isn't possible because most people are too selfish, too stupid or too lazy to try to make a difference in their community? I propose to you today that apathy as we think we know it doesn't actually exist, but rather, that people do care, but that we live in a world that actively discourages engagement by constantly putting obstacles and barriers in our way. And I'll give you some examples of what I mean. Let's start with city hall. You ever see one of these before? This is a newspaper ad. It's a notice of a zoning application change for a new office building so the neighborhood knows what's happening. As you can see, it's impossible to read. You need to get halfway down to even find out which address they're talking about, and then farther down, in tiny 10-point font, to find out how to actually get involved. Imagine if the private sector advertised in the same way -- if Nike wanted to sell a pair of shoes and put an ad in the paper like that. Now that would never happen. You'll never see an ad like that because Nike actually wants you to buy their shoes. Whereas the city of Toronto clearly doesn't want you involved with the planning process, otherwise their ads would look something like this -- with all the information basically laid out clearly. As long as the city's putting out notices like this to try to get people engaged, then of course people aren't going to be engaged. But that's not apathy; that's intentional exclusion. Public space. The manner in which we mistreat our public spaces is a huge obstacle towards any type of progressive political change because we've essentially put a price tag on freedom of expression. Whoever has the most money gets the loudest voice, dominating the visual and mental environment. The problem with this model is that there are some amazing messages that need to be said that aren't profitable to say. So you're never going to see them on a billboard. The media plays an important role in developing our relationship with political change, mainly by ignoring politics and focusing on celebrities and scandals, but even when they do talk about important political issues, they do it in a way that I feel discourages engagement. And I'll give you an example: the Now magazine from last week -- progressive, downtown weekly in Toronto. This is the cover story. It's an article about a theater performance, and it starts with basic information about where it is, where, the time, the website. Same with this -- it's a movie review, an art review, a book review -- where the reading is in case you want to go. A restaurant -- you might not want to just read about it, maybe you want to go to the restaurant. So they tell you where it is, what the prices are, the address, the phone number, etc. Then you get to their political articles. Here's a great article about an important election race that's happening. It talks about the candidates -- written very well -- but no information, no follow-up, no websites for the campaigns, no information about when the debates are, where the campaign offices are. Here's another good article about a new campaign opposing privatization of transit without any contact information for the campaign. The message seems to be that the readers are most likely to want to eat, maybe read a book, maybe see a movie, but not be engaged in their community. And you might think this is a small thing, but I think it's important because it sets a tone that politics is a spectator sport. Heroes: How do we view leadership? Look at these 10 movies. What do they have in common? Anyone? They all have heroes who were chosen. Someone came up to them and said, "You're the chosen one. There's a prophesy. You have to save the world." And then someone goes off and saves the world because they've been told to, with a few people tagging along. This helps me understand why a lot of people have trouble seeing themselves as leaders because it sends all the wrong messages about what leadership is about. A heroic effort is a collective effort, number one. Number two, it's imperfect; it's not very glamorous, and it doesn't suddenly start and suddenly end. It's an ongoing process your whole life. But most importantly, it's voluntary. It's voluntary. As long as we're teaching our kids or someone tells you that you're part of a prophecy, they're missing the most important characteristic of leadership, which is that it comes from within. It's about following your own dreams -- uninvited, uninvited -- and then working with others to make those dreams come true. Political parties: oh boy. Political parties could and should be one of the basic entry points for people to get engaged in politics. Instead, they've become, sadly, uninspiring and uncreative organizations that rely so heavily on market research and polling and focus groups that they end up all saying the same thing, pretty much regurgitating back to us what we already want to hear at the expense of putting forward bold and creative ideas. And people can smell that, and it feeds cynicism. Charitable status: Groups who have charitable status in Canada aren't allowed to do advocacy. This is a huge problem and a huge obstacle to change because it means that some of the most passionate and informed voices are completely silenced, especially during election time. Which leads us to the last one, which is our elections. As you may have noticed, our elections in Canada are a complete joke. We use out-of-date systems that are unfair and create random results. Canada's currently led by a party that most Canadians didn't actually want. How can we honestly and genuinely encourage more people to vote when votes don't count in Canada? You add all this up together and of course people are apathetic. It's like trying to run into a brick wall. Now I'm not trying to be negative by throwing all these obstacles out and explaining what's in our way. Quite the opposite: I actually think people are amazing and smart and that they do care. But that, as I said, we live in this environment where all these obstacles are being put in our way. As long as we believe that people, our own neighbors, are selfish, stupid or lazy, then there's no hope. But we can change all those things I mentioned. We can open up city hall. We can reform our electoral systems. We can democratize our public spaces. My main message is, if we can redefine apathy, not as some kind of internal syndrome, but as a complex web of cultural barriers that reinforces disengagement, and if we can clearly define, we can clearly identify, and then if we can work together collectively to dismantle those obstacles, then anything is possible. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
2010幎 転機が蚪れたした アメリカ囜務省の 政策䌁画本郚長から 昇進する機䌚を埗たのです 「リヌン・むン」の(女性が職堎で䞀歩前に螏み出す) 瞬間で 最高レベルの倖亀政策の職でも 本圓に䞀握りの地䜍を 目前にしおいたのです 18ヶ月に枡る 倧きなプロゞェクトを クリントン囜務長官のもずで 成功させたばかりで もっず倧きな仕事もこなせるず 思っおいたした それたでの私だったら 「む゚ス」ず答えたでしょう しかし 2幎間 ワシントンず 倫ず2人の十代の息子が䜏む ニュヌゞャヌゞヌのプリンストンを 行き来する生掻は うたくいっおいたせんでした あず2幎間ワシントンで 頑匵っおみるずいう考えや 息子達や倫に 孊校や仕事を倉えお 䞀緒に暮らしおもらうずいう 考えもありたしたが 心の底では気づいおいたのです 正しい決断は家に垰るこずだず 私自身 あたりそういう女性を 認めおいないにも関わらずです 愛ず責任によっお その決断に至りたした 長男が私を必芁ずしおいるずきに 䞀緒にいられず 圌が悪い道に進むのを芋るのは 耐えられたせんでした しかし 本圓の倉化は ゆっくりずやっお来たした 翌幎のこずです 私たち家族がうたく行き始めるず 政府の仕事に 戻れたずしおも もう戻りたくないず 思うようになりたした 息子達が家にいる最埌の5幎間を 芋逃したくないず思ったのです 結局 自分にずっお䞀番倧切なこずを 受け入れる事にしたのです それたでの私が求めおいたものでも 欲しがるだろうものでもありたせん この決断によっお これたで身に付いおきお 支持しおきた 男女同暩䞻矩の考えを 再び芋぀め盎すこずになりたした 私は今でも心から 男女平等の考えに傟倒しおいたすが 「平等」の真の意味は䜕か 平等を達成できる 最良の方法は䜕かを 考えおいきたしょう 私が い぀も受け入れおきた考えずは 瀟䌚で最も尊敬できお 暩力のある人は キャリアの頂点にいる男性達だず だから男女平等の尺床は どれだけの女性達が その地䜍に就けるかどうかでした 総理倧臣、倧統領 最高経営責任者 取締圹、郚長、ノヌベル賞受賞者 ぀たりリヌダヌです 私は今でも 出来る事は䜕でもしお この目暙を達成すべきだず思いたす しかし それは真の平等の 半分でしかないのです そしお今思うのは 残りの半分を意識しない限り 平等を達成するこずはできないずいうこずです 私は真の平等― 完党な平等は 女性を男性の尺床で 評䟡する事ではないのです 平等ずは 女性にも男性にも 公平に尊重される遞択肢を 今以䞊に広範囲で 䜜り䞊げおいくずいうものです そのためには職堎のあり方や 政策、文化を 倉えなければなりたせん 職堎での真の平等ずは 仕事ず同等に家族を倧事にしお その2぀が 盞互に補匷し合うこずを 理解するこずです リヌダヌや管理者ずしお 私はい぀もその信念に埓っお 行動しおきたした 家族が1番なら 仕事が2番目ではありたせん 生掻ずは その䞡方なのです 私の郚䞋が家族の問題を抱えおいたら しっかりず察応しお欲しいず思いたす 自信を持っお申し䞊げられるのは それでも い぀も仕事はきちんず終わるし むしろ仕事の質が䞊がりたす 子䟛や家族の䞖話をするために 家に垰る必芁のある職員は より集䞭力があり 効率的で 結果を重芖したす お金を皌ぐだけでなく家庭を守る人は より広い範囲の経隓ず 人脈がありたす 子䟛のために孊校行事に参加しお 他の芪埡さん達ず話す匁護士を 思い浮かべおください 職堎から出ない匁護士よりも 事務所に新しい顧客を獲埗できる 可胜性が高いでしょう たた 家庭を守るこずは 忍耐力を鍛えたす 本圓に忍耐匷くなるのです 共感力、創造力、回埩力 適応胜力も高たりたす 目たぐるしく倉化する 暪方向で ネットワヌク化された グロヌバル経枈のなかで これらは か぀でないほど 重芁なものです 本圓に優れた䌁業は これを理解しおいたす アメリカで職堎における フレキシブルワヌキングの実珟に 寄䞎したこずで受賞を受けた䌁業には 最も成功した䌁業が䜕瀟か含たれおいたす 2008幎の 「劎働者の倉容に関する党囜調査」では 「劎働者の倉容に関する党囜調査」では 柔軟で効率的な職堎では 人々が より仕事に専念するこずを 明らかにしたした 満足床だけでなく忠誠心も高いのです ストレスレベルも䜎く 粟神的にも高い健康状態にありたす 2012幎の事業䞻を察象にした 調査によるず しっかりずした柔軟な職堎は 実際に運営費を抑えお グロヌバルなサヌビス経枈における 適応力を向䞊させおいるのです さお こう思われるかもしれたせん 家族より仕事を優先するのは アメリカ人だけの問題だず 残念ながら仕事に没頭しおしたうのは もはやアメリカ人特有の病ではないのです 20幎前のこずです 家族で初めおむタリアに 行き出したころ シ゚スタの文化を満喫したした その目的は日䞭の暑さを 凌ぐためだけではありたせん 家族で食べる― 昌食のありがたみを 感じるためでもあるのです 最近むタリアに行くたびに シ゚スタのために 䌑む䌁業が少なくなっおきおいたす グロヌバル䌁業の発展や 24時間 絶え間なく続く 競争の結果なのでしょう ぀たり私たちが愛する人々のための 居堎所を䜜る事が 䞖界的にも䞍可欠なのです 制床䞊 真の平等ずは 女性達が— これたで䌝統的に行っおきた劎働が 男性達が䌝統的に行っおきた劎働ず 同じように重芁だず 認めるこずです 誰がやろうず関係なくです 考えおみおください お金を皌ぐこずず家庭を守るこずは 生きおいく䞊で どちらも同じくらい重芁です 少なくずも物々亀換の瀟䌚でないかぎり 誰かがお金を皌いで 別の誰かがそのお金を䜿っお 愛する人の䞖話をしお 逊っおいかなければいけたせん 皆さんの倚くが 私がお金を皌ぐこずず 家庭を守るこずを申し䞊げたずき 無意識に 眮き換えたのは 「男性の仕事」「女性の仕事」では ないでしょうか なぜ男性の仕事の方が 恵たれおいるのかずいう 兞型的な問題に 挑もうずしおいるわけではありたせん 同姓カップルに぀いお考えおみたしょう 私の友人のサラず゚ミリヌは 2人ずも粟神科医で 5幎前に結婚しお 珟圚2歳の双子を育おおいたす 圌女達は母であるこずも 仕事も奜きで ずおも䞊手くやっおいたす 䞀䜓どうやっおお金を皌ぐこずず 家庭を守るこずを分担しおいるのでしょうか どちらかが家にいるために 働くのを蟞めたり 勀務時間を短くすべきなのでしょうか それずも2人ずも柔軟な予定を組めるよう 職堎を倉えるべきなのでしょうか? その決断を䞋すにあたり どのような基準を 䜿うべきでしょうか たくさんお金を皌いでいる人 それずも― キャリアを積んでいる人で 刀断すべきでしょうか? たたは 最も柔軟な䞊叞がいる方でしょうか? 同性婚カップルの芖点でずらえるず 仕事ず家庭をやりくりするのは 女性の問題ではなく 家庭の問題だずわかりたす サラず゚ミリヌは幞運な䟋です 圌女達はどれだけ働きたいか 自分たちで遞べるのですから 䜕癟䞇人もの男女が 必芁なお金を埗るために 仕事ず家族を 䞡立しなければなりたせん そしお倚くの劎働者達が 必死なのです 圌らはなんずか家事をやりくりしたすが 䞍十分だったり 埀々にしお安党性に欠けおいたりしたす お金を皌ぐこずず家庭を守るこずが 真に同等であるなら なぜ政府は 経枈発展の根幹を成す 物理的なむンフラに投資するぐらい 健党な瀟䌚の基瀎ずなる 犏祉のむンフラ敎備に 投資しないのでしょうか? そのこずを理解しおいる政府 ― サプラむズはないですよ ― そのこずを理解しおいる政府 ノルりェヌ、スりェヌデン デンマヌク、オランダでは 普遍的な子育おのサヌビス 家庭を守る人達ぞのサポヌト 孊校や幌児教育の充実 劊婊の保護 幎配者や障害者ぞの 介護サヌビスを提䟛しおいたす このような囜々が こういったむンフラ敎備に投資するのは 道路や橋 トンネルや列車に投資するのず 同じやり方です このような瀟䌚からは お金を皌ぐこずず家庭を守るこずの 盞互に補匷する関係が芋えおきたす これらの囜々は 囜際競争力を持぀経枈倧囜ランキングに 垞に15䜍以内に入っおいお たた経枈協力開発機構の 「より良い暮らし指暙」でも ずおも高い䜍眮に付けおいたす 事実 平均収入が高い ここアメリカやスむスのような囜々でも 仕事ず私生掻のバランスに察する 評䟡が䜎いため 圌らの方が䞊䜍に入っおいるのです ぀たり職堎環境を倉えお 犏祉のむンフラを充実させるこずが 倧きな違いを生むのです しかし私たちの文化を倉えない限り 公平に評䟡される遞択肢を埗る事はないでしょう 求められる文化の改革ずは぀たり 男性の再瀟䌚化です (拍手) 先進囜で増え぀぀あるのは もはや家庭だけが 女性の居堎所ではないず 女性が瀟䌚に適応したこずです しかし男性達は盞倉わらず 以前ず同じ堎所にいるのです 男性達は今でも自分たちが お金を皌がなければいけないずか 他人を蹎萜ずしお キャリアの階段を䞊がっおいくこずが 自分の䟡倀を高めるこずだずか 信じ蟌たされおいるのです 男女平等に向けた改革は長い道のりです この戊いは間違いなく終わっおいたせん しかし『女らしさの神話』が 䞖に出おから60幎が経ち 倚くの女性が男性よりも 倚くの遞択肢を手にしおいたす お金を皌ぐこずも 家庭を守るこずも その2぀に同時に取り組む事もできるのです その䞀方で 男性が家庭を守るこずを 遞択するには 男らしさを犠牲にしなければなりたせん 呚りの友人は その決断を讃えるでしょう でも心の底では困惑しおいたす 暩力や名声のために 他者ず競うこずこそ 男のあるべき姿ではないのだろうかず 男性ず同じ䜍 倚くの女性も このような考え方を持っおいるのです 倚くの女性が 男性の魅力をはかるずき 仕事䞊の成功が 倧きな刀断材料になるこずを みんな知っおいたす 女性は仕事を手攟しおも 魅力的なパヌトナヌでいられたす 男性にずっお それは危険な遞択です 芪ずしお 人生の䌎䟶ずしお 息子や倫に やりたいこずをやるように 教えおあげるべきでしょう お金を皌ぐにしろ 家庭を守るにしろです 家庭を守るこずは かっこいいこずだず 思わせるよう倉えおいくべきです (拍手) 皆さんから「あり埗ない」ずいう 心の声が聞こえそうですね でも実際 倉化はすでに起きおいるのです 少なくずもアメリカでは たくさんの男性が料理の腕を磚いおいたす たさにコンロの前で 料理に はたっおいるのです 分嚩宀に入る男性もいたすし 可胜であれば育児䌑暇をずる男性もいたす 劻がするように子䟛を散歩させたり 幌児をあやしたり より沢山の家事をする男性も 増えおいるのです 事実 男子倧孊生の䞭には こんなこずを蚀い始める人さえいたす 「家にいお家事をする父芪になりたい」 50幎前や 30幎前でさえも こんなこずは党く考えられたせんでした ノルりェヌでは 男性には 自動的に3ヶ月の育児䌑暇が付いお 取らないず消えおしたいたすが ある政府の高官が教えおくれたした 䌁業が有望な男性瀟員に 目を぀けたずしおも 子䟛が生たれおも 育児䌑暇を取らないこずに 眉をひそめるようになっおきたのです ぀たりそれは 父芪ずしおの圹割を 十分に果たしたくないずいう 性栌の欠陥ずしお芋られるようになったのです 私は女性の暩利を守るこずは 女性がトップに登り詰めるよう できる限りのこずを するこずだず信じお 昇進しおきたした 今でも男性ず女性が あらゆる地䜍に平等に就くのを 芋届けるたで 長生きしたいず思っおいたす しかし仕事ず同じぐらい あらゆる点で 家庭を重芖すべきだず思うようになりたした そしお愛する人達が 正しいこずをするこずで 党おが䞊手くいくずいう考えを 倧事にしなければいけたせん 30幎前 玠晎らしい心理孊者の キャロル・ギリガンは 思春期の少女たちを研究し 人間の本質ずしお あらゆる点で 正矩の倫理ず同じぐらい 重芁なのは ケアの倫理であるず 䞻匵したした ぀たり「䞍公平」ず同じくらい 私たちのあり方を 巊右するのは 「無関心」なのです ビル・ゲむツも同じ意芋です 圌は人間の本質である 2぀の倧きな力ずは 自己の利益ず他者ぞの気配りだず論じおいたす この2぀を結び぀けおみたせんか 男女平等の改革を 人道的な改革にしたしょう 人類党䜓ずしお より䞊手に家庭を守り お金を皌ぐようになるでしょう そんなこずできるわけないず 思われたすか でも私が子䟛の頃 倕食䌚のお客さんには 玙巻きたばこを甚意するのが普通でした 黒人ず癜人が 別々の化粧宀を䜿い 誰もが こぞっお異性愛者だず 蚀っおいたした 今では様倉わりしたした 人類平等の改革は 起こせるのです すでに起こっおいるのです これからも続いおいきたす どれだけ早く どこたで達成できるかは 私たちの手に委ねられおいたす ありがずうございたした
In 2010, I had the chance to be considered for promotion from my job as director of policy planning at the U.S. State Department. This was my moment to lean in, to push myself forward for what are really only a handful of the very top foreign policy jobs, and I had just finished a big, 18-month project for Secretary Clinton, successfully, and I knew I could handle a bigger job. The woman I thought I was would have said yes. But I had been commuting for two years between Washington and Princeton, New Jersey, where my husband and my two teenage sons lived, and it was not going well. I tried on the idea of eking out another two years in Washington, or maybe uprooting my sons from their school and my husband from his work and asking them to join me. But deep down, I knew that the right decision was to go home, even if I didn't fully recognize the woman who was making that choice. That was a decision based on love and responsibility. I couldn't keep watching my oldest son make bad choices without being able to be there for him when and if he needed me. But the real change came more gradually. Over the next year, while my family was righting itself, I started to realize that even if I could go back into government, I didn't want to. I didn't want to miss the last five years that my sons were at home. I finally allowed myself to accept what was really most important to me, not what I was conditioned to want or maybe what I conditioned myself to want, and that decision led to a reassessment of the feminist narrative that I grew up with and have always championed. I am still completely committed to the cause of male-female equality, but let's think about what that equality really means, and how best to achieve it. I always accepted the idea that the most respected and powerful people in our society are men at the top of their careers, so that the measure of male-female equality ought to be how many women are in those positions: prime ministers, presidents, CEOs, directors, managers, Nobel laureates, leaders. I still think we should do everything we possibly can to achieve that goal. But that's only half of real equality, and I now think we're never going to get there unless we recognize the other half. I suggest that real equality, full equality, does not just mean valuing women on male terms. It means creating a much wider range of equally respected choices for women and for men. And to get there, we have to change our workplaces, our policies and our culture. In the workplace, real equality means valuing family just as much as work, and understanding that the two reinforce each other. As a leader and as a manager, I have always acted on the mantra, if family comes first, work does not come second -- life comes together. If you work for me, and you have a family issue, I expect you to attend to it, and I am confident, and my confidence has always been borne out, that the work will get done, and done better. Workers who have a reason to get home to care for their children or their family members are more focused, more efficient, more results-focused. And breadwinners who are also caregivers have a much wider range of experiences and contacts. Think about a lawyer who spends part of his time at school events for his kids talking to other parents. He's much more likely to bring in new clients for his firm than a lawyer who never leaves his office. And caregiving itself develops patience -- a lot of patience -- and empathy, creativity, resilience, adaptability. Those are all attributes that are ever more important in a high-speed, horizontal, networked global economy. The best companies actually know this. The companies that win awards for workplace flexibility in the United States include some of our most successful corporations, and a 2008 national study on the changing workforce showed that employees in flexible and effective workplaces are more engaged with their work, they're more satisfied and more loyal, they have lower levels of stress and higher levels of mental health. And a 2012 study of employers showed that deep, flexible practices actually lowered operating costs and increased adaptability in a global service economy. So you may think that the privileging of work over family is only an American problem. Sadly, though, the obsession with work is no longer a uniquely American disease. Twenty years ago, when my family first started going to Italy, we used to luxuriate in the culture of siesta. Siesta is not just about avoiding the heat of the day. It's actually just as much about embracing the warmth of a family lunch. Now, when we go, fewer and fewer businesses close for siesta, reflecting the advance of global corporations and 24-hour competition. So making a place for those we love is actually a global imperative. In policy terms, real equality means recognizing that the work that women have traditionally done as the work that men have traditionally done, no matter who does it. Think about it: Breadwinning and caregiving are equally necessary for human survival. At least if we get beyond a barter economy, somebody has to earn an income and someone else has to convert that income to care and sustenance for loved ones. Now most of you, when you hear me talk about breadwinning and caregiving, instinctively translate those categories into men's work and women's work. And we don't typically challenge why men's work is advantaged. But consider a same-sex couple like my friends Sarah and Emily. They're psychiatrists. They got married five years ago, and now they have two-year-old twins. They love being mothers, but they also love their work, and they're really good at what they do. So how are they going to divide up breadwinning and caregiving responsibilities? Should one of them stop working or reduce hours to be home? Or should they both change their practices so they can have much more flexible schedules? And what criteria should they use to make that decision? Is it who makes the most money or who is most committed to her career? Or who has the most flexible boss? The same-sex perspective helps us see that juggling work and family are not women's problems, they're family problems. And Sarah and Emily are the lucky ones, because they have a choice about how much they want to work. Millions of men and women have to be both breadwinners and caregivers just to earn the income they need, and many of those workers are scrambling. They're patching together care arrangements that are inadequate and often actually unsafe. If breadwinning and caregiving are really equal, then why shouldn't a government invest as much in an infrastructure of care as the foundation of a healthy society as it invests in physical infrastructure as the backbone of a successful economy? The governments that get it -- no surprises here -- the governments that get it, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, provide universal child care, support for caregivers at home, school and early childhood education, protections for pregnant women, and care for the elderly and the disabled. Those governments invest in that infrastructure the same way they invest in roads and bridges and tunnels and trains. Those societies also show you that breadwinning and caregiving reinforce each other. They routinely rank among the top 15 countries of the most globally competitive economies, but at the same time, they rank very high on the OECD Better Life Index. In fact, they rank higher than other governments, like my own, the U.S., or Switzerland, that have higher average levels of income but lower rankings on work-life balance. So changing our workplaces and building infrastructures of care would make a big difference, but we're not going to get equally valued choices and the kind of cultural change required means re-socializing men. Increasingly in developed countries, women are socialized to believe that our place is no longer only in the home, but men are actually still where they always were. Men are still socialized to believe that they have to be breadwinners, that to derive their self-worth from how high they can climb over other men The feminist revolution still has a long way to go. It's certainly not complete. But 60 years after "The Feminine Mystique" was published, many women actually have more choices than men do. We can decide to be a breadwinner, a caregiver, or any combination of the two. When a man, on the other hand, decides to be a caregiver, he puts his manhood on the line. His friends may praise his decision, but underneath, they're scratching their heads. Isn't the measure of a man his willingness to compete with other men for power and prestige? And as many women hold that view as men do. We know that lots of women still judge the attractiveness of a man based in large part on how successful he is in his career. A woman can drop out of the work force and still be an attractive partner. For a man, that's a risky proposition. So as parents and partners, we should be socializing our sons and our husbands to be whatever they want to be, either caregivers or breadwinners. We should be socializing them to make caregiving cool for guys. I can almost hear lots of you thinking, "No way." But in fact, the change is actually already happening. At least in the United States, lots of men take pride in cooking, and frankly obsess over stoves. They are in the birthing rooms. They take paternity leave when they can. They can walk a baby or soothe a toddler just as well as their wives can, and they are increasingly doing much more of the housework. Indeed, there are male college students now who are starting to say, "I want to be a stay-at-home dad." 50 or even 30 years ago. And in Norway, where men have an automatic three month's paternity leave, but they lose it if they decide not to take it, a high government official told me that companies are starting to look at prospective male employees and raise an eyebrow if they didn't in fact take their leave when they had kids. That means that it's starting to seem like a character defect not to want to be a fully engaged father. So I was raised to believe that championing women's rights meant doing everything we could to get women to the top. And I still hope that I live long enough to see men and women equally represented at all levels of the work force. But I've come to believe that we have to value family every bit as much as we value work, and that we should entertain the idea that doing right by those we love will make all of us better at everything we do. Thirty years ago, Carol Gilligan, a wonderful psychologist, studied adolescent girls and identified an ethic of care, an element of human nature every bit as important as the ethic of justice. It turns out that "you don't care" is just as much a part of who we are as "that's not fair." Bill Gates agrees. He argues that the two great forces of human nature are self-interest and caring for others. Let's bring them both together. Let's make the feminist revolution a humanist revolution. As whole human beings, we will be better caregivers and breadwinners. You may think that can't happen, but I grew up in a society where my mother put out small vases of cigarettes for dinner parties, where blacks and whites used separate bathrooms, and where everybody claimed to be heterosexual. Today, not so much. The revolution for human equality can happen. It is happening. It will happen. How far and how fast is up to us. Thank you.
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金目圓おのものが倚く 貚幣や絵画の停造が頭に浮かぶでしょう 父の停造はそんなものではなく 30幎もの間 停造文曞を䜜っおいたした 自分のためではなく 迫害や抑圧を受けおいる人々を 救うためにです 父をご玹介したしょう 19歳の頃の父です きっかけは第二次䞖界倧戊のこずです 圓時17歳だった父は 停造文曞制䜜グルヌプに入れられ レゞスタンスの 文曞停造の゚キスパヌトになりたした よくある話ず違うのは 祖囜解攟埌も70幎代たで 父が停造文曞を䜜り続けたこずです 私が幌かった頃 圓然この事は党く知りたせんでした 真ん䞭で倉な顔をしおいるのが私です 私はパリ郊倖で 3人兄匟の末っ子ずしお育ちたした みんなず同じように 「普通」のお父さんがいお― ずはいえ父は同玚生の芪より 30歳も幎䞊で 祖父でも通るほどの幎霢でした 写真家であるずずもに ストリヌト゚デュケヌタヌであった父は 法の遵守に぀いおは厳しく蚀う人でした そしお䞀床も停造者だった過去に぀いおは 話しおくれたせんでした しかし ある出来事をきっかけに 私は父に疑いを抱くようになりたした 私が高校で悪い成瞟をずったこずがあり 滅倚にない事なので 䞡芪には隠す事にしたした そのためには 芪のサむンを 停造する必芁がありたした 私は母芪のサむンを停造し始めたした 父のサむンは停造䞍可胜だったためです 䜕枚か玙を甚意し 䌌せるために 䜕床も䜕床も緎習しお ようやく 安定しお䞊手く曞けるようになるず 実行に移したした 埌日 母が私の孊校鞄の䞭に 宿題を芋぀け すぐさたサむンが 停造された事を芋砎りたした 母はか぀おないほどに 私を怒鳎り぀けたした 私は郚屋に閉じこもり 垃団の䞭で䞞たっお 父が仕事から垰るのを埅ちたした ただ䞍安でいっぱいでした 父が垰っおきたのが聞こえ 私はただ垃団の䞭でした 父は郚屋に入っおくるず ベッドの端に座っお 黙っおいたので 私が垃団から顔を出すず 父は私を芋お笑い出したした 父は私の宿題を手に 笑いが止たらなかったのです それから「もっず䞊手くできただろう これじゃ小さすぎだよ」ず蚀いたした 確かに少し小さかったです 私はアルゞェリアで生たれ そこでは父は「ムゞャヒッド」ず 呌ばれおいたした 「戊士」ずいう意味です 埌にフランスに移り 私は倧人の話を盗み聎くのが倧奜きで 父のそれたでの生掻に関する あらゆる話を聞きたした 特に第二次䞖界倧戊で 父が「行った」事― アルゞェリア戊争で「した」事に぀いお 戊争を「する」ずいうのは 兵士ずしお戊うこずだず考えおいたしたが 父が平和䞻矩者で非暎力を 貫いおいるのを知っおいたので ヘルメットず銃を装備した父の姿は 想像しがたいものでした 実際に その予想ははずれだったのです ある日 父がフランス囜籍を取埗するため ファむルを敎理しおいる間に 偶然にいく぀かの文曞が 私の目に止たりたした 本物ですよ! 私のものです 私はアルれンチン生たれだずありたす 偶然芋぀けたこの文曞は 圹所に申請するずきに圹立぀ようにず ある極秘任務のために 父のした仕事に感謝の意を衚しお 軍から莈られたものでした 突然のこずに私は驚きたした お父さんはスパむなの? ゞェヌムズ・ボンドみたい 父に聞きたい事がたくさんありたしたが 父は答えたせんでした それから い぀かは父に聞かなければ ず自分に蚀い聞かせたした それから私は母芪ずなり息子を授かり ぀いに父に尋ねるべき時が来たず思いたした 私は母芪ずなっお 父が77歳の誕生日を祝っおいるずきに 急に 私はずお぀もない䞍安に襲われたのです もし父が死んでしたっお 話しおくれなかったこずや 秘密をそのたたに逝っおしたったらず 私たちにずっお そしお他の人々にずっおも 父の物語を知るこずが いかに倧事かを䜕ずか説埗したした 父は打ち明ける決意をしおくれ 私は本を曞きたした 埌ほど その䞀郚を朗読したす さお 父の物語です 父はアルれンチンで生たれたした 父の䞡芪はロシア系でした 䞀家は1930幎代に フランスに移䜏したした 父の䞡芪はナダダ系でロシア人で 䜕よりずおも貧しかったため 父は14歳で働き始めなければ なりたせんでした 父が唯䞀持っおいるのは 小孊校の卒業蚌曞です 父はドラむクリヌニング屋の仕事を芋぀け そこで魔法を芋぀けたした 父はその話をするず ずおも魅力的です それは化孊染色の魔法です 第二次䞖界倧戊䞭に 父は15歳で母芪を亡くしたした この出来事は 父が化孊に没頭するきっかけずなりたした それが悲しみを癒す唯䞀の方法だったのです 䞀日䞭 垫匠にたくさんの質問をしお 孊び どんどん知識を蓄積したした そしお倜に誰も芋おいないずころで 緎習をしお経隓を積みたした 父が最も興味を持ったのは むンクの挂癜でした 実は父が停造者ずなったのは 実は 父が停造者ずなったのは 偶然のようなものでした 父の家族はナダダ系だったため 迫害されおいたした ぀いに党員が捕たり ドランシヌ匷制収容所に連行されたしたが アルれンチン人ずしおの蚌明曞のおかげで ぎりぎり脱するこずができたした 出られはしたものの 垞に危険ず隣り合わせでした 「ナダダ人」ず倧きく文曞に残されおいたのです 文曞停造をする必芁があるず 刀断したのは祖父でした 父は法を遵守するようにず 教育されおきたので 迫害されおいたにもかかわらず 文曞停造を考えたこずもありたせんでした しかし レゞスタンスから来た ある男性に䌚いに行ったのは父でした 圓時 蚌明曞には堅い衚玙が぀いおおり 手曞きで 職業が曞かれおいたした 生き延びるためには仕事が必芁でした 父はその男性に「染色業」ず 曞くように頌みたした 男性はにわかに ずおも興味を抱き 「染色業」なら むンクの挂癜法 を知っおいるかず尋ねたした もちろん父は知っおいたす するず突然 その男性は レゞスタンスが抱える 重倧な問題に぀いお話し始めたした 優れた専門家でさえも りォヌタヌマンの青いむンクは 「消えないむンク」ず蚀われ 挂癜できたためしがないず蚀うのです 父はただちに 「自分はその挂癜法を知っおいる」 ず答えたした するず男性はこの技術を 即座に教えおくれるずいう 匱冠17歳の若者に いたく感心し採甚したした そしお知らず知らずのうちに 父は色々な発明をしたした 孊校に通う子䟛たちの筆箱に入っおいる 修正ペンがそのひず぀です それは始たりに過ぎたせんでした これは父です 研究宀を䞎えられるず 1番若かったにもかかわらず 父はすぐに停造文曞制䜜に 問題があるこずを理解したした そこですべおの掻動が停たっおしたうのです 需芁は䌞びる䞀方で 既存の文曞を改ざんするこずは 難しいずわかりたした 父はれロから文曞を䜜成する事にし プレス機や写真補版― ゎム印も䜜り始めたした 父のあらゆる発明品の䞭には 自転車の車茪を䜿った 遠心分離機もありたす 父は制䜜する事に取り憑かれおおり ずにかく党おをやる必芁がありたした 父は単玔な蚈算をしたした 1時間で30通の停造文曞が䜜成できたす もし1時間寝たら 30人の呜が奪われるかもしれたせん 17歳にしお 他の人々の呜に察する 責任を感じおいたした そしお友人が逃げる事が できなかった収容所から 自分は逃げたずいう生存者ずしおの眪悪感を 感じながら生きおいたした それが おそらく30幎もの間 あらゆるものを犠牲にしお 蚌明曞の停造を続けおきた理由でしょう それには倚くの 犠牲を䌎いたした 報酬は受け取らなかったため 金銭的な犠牲を払っおいたした 父にずっお支払いを受ける事は 卑しい事でした もし支払いを受けるようになったら 停造をするのに正圓かどうかに応じお やるかどうかを遞ぶ事ができなくなりたす 30幎もの間 父は日䞭は写真家で 倜は停造者だったのです 父はい぀もお金に困っおいたした それから感情的な犠牲もありたした 劻にも話せない秘密を抱えお どうやっお䞀緒に暮らせるでしょう? 毎晩 実隓宀にこもっおいる理由を どう説明したらいいのでしょう? 他に家族を巻き蟌んでの犠牲もありたした 私はずっず埌になっお知りたした ある日 父が私に姉を玹介しおくれたした それから兄がいる事も説明しおくれたした 初めお兄ず姉ず䌚った時には 私は3歳か4歳でしたが 圌らは私より30歳も幎䞊でした 2人ずも今は60代です 本を曞くために 姉の知っおいる父はどんな人であったか 姉に尋ねおみたした 姉の知っおいる父は 「日曜日にみんなを迎えに来るから 䞀緒に散歩に行こう」ず蚀っお 家族がお排萜をしお埅っおいるず ほずんど来ないような人だったそうです 「電話するよ」ず蚀っおも電話はなく 顔を芋せるこずもありたせんでした そしお ある日぀いに姿を消したした 時が経っお もう自分たちは忘れられおしたったに違いない ず思っおいたそうです さらに時間が経぀ず 2幎目が終わる頃から 「父はたぶん死んだのだろう」ず思っおいたした そしお私は父の過去に぀いお 色々聞くこずで おそらく 蟛くお父が話したくないような 過去をかきたわすこずになるこずに 気が぀きたした 私の異母兄匟が芋捚おられ 孀児になったず感じおいた時 私の異母兄匟が芋捚おられ 孀児になったず感じおいた時 父は停造文曞を䜜っおいたのです 父が家族にも話さなかったのは 家族を守るためでした 解攟埌も父は停造文曞を䜜り 匷制収容所で生き延びた人々が むスラ゚ル建囜前の パレスチナに向かえるようにしたした 父は断固ずした反怍民地䞻矩者だったので アルゞェリア戊争のずきは アルゞェリア人のために停造文曞を䜜りたした アルゞェリア戊争埌は 囜際的なレゞスタンス運動の広がりの䞭で 圌の名前は知られるこずずなり 䞖界䞭の人々が圌を蚪ねお来たした アフリカでは囜々が 独立のために闘っおいたした ギニア、ギニアビサり、アンゎラなど 父はネル゜ン・マンデラの 反アパルトヘむト政党ず関係を持ち 迫害されおいる南アフリカ人のために 停造文曞を䜜りたした ラテンアメリカでは 独裁政暩に反察する人々を助けたした ドミニカ共和囜やハむチ ブラゞル、アルれンチン、ベネズ゚ラ、 ゚ルサルバドル、ニカラグア コロンビア、ペルヌ、りルグアむ、 チリ、メキシコなどです それからベトナム戊争がありたした ベトナム人に察しお 歊噚を持っお戊うこずを拒吊する アメリカの脱走兵のために 停造文曞を䜜成したした ペヌロッパも䟋倖ではありたせん 父はスペむンのフランコ政暩や ポルトガルのサラザヌル政暩 ギリシャの独裁政暩の 反察掟の掻動家のために 停造文曞を䜜成したした フランスでは1968幎5月の ただ1床だけありたした 父は奜意的に 五月革呜を芋おいたしたが 父の心は他のずころにありたした なぜなら15カ囜以䞊の囜々のために 働いおいたからです ある時 みなさんも ご存知かもしれない人のために 停造文曞を䜜る事にしたこずがありたす 圓時 圌はもっず若くお 圌が垰囜しお䌚議で話すこずができるように 父は停造文曞を䜜るのを承諟したした そのずきの停造文曞のほずんどが メディア関連のもので 人生で䜜っおきた䞭で 最も圹に立たないものだったず蚀っおいたした それでも父は承諟したので ダニ゚ル・コヌン=ベンディットの呜は 危険にさらされおいたせんでしたが 圓局を欺いお 囜境ほど穎だらけのものは他にないずいうこず そしおアむディアには囜境など 存圚しないのだず芋せ぀けるには 絶奜のチャンスでした 私が子どもの頃 友達はお父さんにグリム童話を 読み聞かせおもらっおいたしたが 私の父は控えめな英雄たちの話をしおくれたした 揺るぎのない理想を掲げ 奇跡を起こした人々です そんな英雄たちには 軍隊の埌ろ盟は必芁ありたせん いずれにせよ 仲間は 信念ず勇気を持った 䞀握りの人たちだけでした 随分あずになっお 寝る前にしおくれたお話は 父自身の話であったこずがわかりたした 払わねばならなかった犠牲のこずを考えお 埌悔はあったかず父に尋ねるず 父は「なかった」ず答えたした 䜕もせずに䞍圓な扱いを芋過ごしたり それに服埓するこずはできなかったず 教えおくれたした 父はもうひず぀の䞖界の存圚を 確信しおおり 今も信じおいるのです 誰も停造者を必芁ずしない䞖界は 可胜なのだず 今もそれを倢芋おいたす 私の父が 今日この䌚堎に来おいたす アドルフォ・カミンスキヌです こちらぞどうぞ ありがずうございたした
You understand "forged currency," "forged pictures." My father is no such man. For 30 years of his life, he made false papers -- never for himself, always for other people, and to come to the aid of the persecuted and the oppressed. Let me introduce him. Here is my father at age 19. It all began for him during World War II, when at age 17 he found himself thrust into a forged documents workshop. He quickly became the false papers expert of the Resistance. And it's not a banal story -- after the liberation he continued to make false papers until the '70s. When I was a child I knew nothing about this, of course. This is me in the middle making faces. I grew up in the Paris suburbs and I was the youngest of three children. I had a "normal" dad like everybody else, apart from the fact that he was 30 years older than ... well, he was basically old enough to be my grandfather. Anyway, he was a photographer and a street educator, and he always taught us to obey the law very strictly. And, of course, he never talked about his past life when he was a forger. There was, however, an incident I'm going to tell you about, that perhaps could have led me suspect something. I was in high school and got a bad grade, a rare event for me, so I decided to hide it from my parents. In order to do that, I set out to forge their signature. I started working on my mother's signature, because my father's is absolutely impossible to forge. So, I got working. I took some sheets of paper and started practicing, practicing, practicing, until I reached what I thought was a steady hand, and went into action. Later, while checking my school bag, my mother got hold of my school assignment and immediately saw that the signature was forged. She yelled at me like she never had before. I went to hide in my bedroom, under the blankets, and then I waited for my father to come back from work with, one could say, much apprehension. I heard him come in. I remained under the blankets. He entered my room, sat on the corner of the bed, and he was silent, so I pulled the blanket from my head, and when he saw me he started laughing. He was laughing so hard, he could not stop and he was holding my assignment in his hand. Then he said, "But really, Sarah, you could have worked harder! Can't you see it's really too small?" Indeed, it's rather small. I was born in Algeria. There I would hear people say my father was a "moudjahid" and that means "fighter." Later on, in France, I loved eavesdropping on grownups' conversations, and I would hear all sorts of stories about my father's previous life, especially that he had "done" World War II, that he had "done" the Algerian war. And in my head I would be thinking that "doing" a war meant being a soldier. But knowing my father, and how he kept saying that he was a pacifist and non-violent, I found it very hard to picture him with a helmet and gun. And indeed, I was very far from the mark. One day, while my father was working on a file for us to obtain French nationality, I happened to see some documents that caught my attention. These are real! These are mine, I was born an Argentinean. But the document I happened to see that would help us build a case for the authorities was a document from the army that thanked my father for his work on behalf of the secret services. And then, suddenly, I went "wow!" My father, a secret agent? It was very James Bond. I wanted to ask him questions, which he didn't answer. And later, I told myself that one day I would have to question him. And then I became a mother and had a son, and finally decided it was time -- that he absolutely had to talk to us. I had become a mother and he was celebrating his 77th birthday, and suddenly I was very, very afraid. I feared he'd go and take his silences with him, and take his secrets with him. I managed to convince him that it was important for us, but possibly also for other people that he shared his story. He decided to tell it to me and I made a book, from which I'm going to read you some excerpts later. So, his story. My father was born in Argentina. His parents were of Russian descent. The whole family came to settle in France in the '30s. His parents were Jewish, Russian and above all, very poor. So at the age of 14 my father had to work. And with his only diploma, his primary education certificate, he found himself working at a dyer - dry cleaner. That's where he discovered something totally magical, and when he talks about it, it's fascinating -- it's the magic of dyeing chemistry. During that time the war was happening and his mother was killed when he was 15. This coincided with the time when he threw himself body and soul into chemistry because it was the only consolation for his sadness. All day he would ask many questions to his boss to learn, to accumulate more and more knowledge, and at night, when no one was looking, he'd put his experience to practice. He was mostly interested in ink bleaching. All this to tell you that if my father became a forger, actually, it was almost by accident. His family was Jewish, so they were hounded. Finally they were all arrested and taken to the Drancy camp and they managed to get out at the last minute thanks to their Argentinean papers. Well, they were out, but they were always in danger. The big "Jew" stamp was still on their papers. It was my grandfather who decided they needed false documents. My father had been instilled with such respect for the law that although he was being persecuted, he'd never thought of false papers. But it was he who went to meet a man from the Resistance. In those times documents had hard covers, they were filled in by hand, and they stated your job. In order to survive, he needed to be working. He asked the man to write "dyer." Suddenly the man looked very, very interested. As a "dyer," do you know how to bleach ink marks? Of course he knew. And suddenly the man started explaining that actually the whole Resistance had a huge problem: even the top experts could not manage to bleach an ink, called "indelible," the "Waterman" blue ink. And my father immediately replied that he knew exactly how to bleach it. Now, of course, the man was very impressed with this young man of 17 who could immediately give him the formula, so he recruited him. And actually, without knowing it, my father had invented something we can find in every schoolchild's pencil case: the so-called "correction pen." But it was only the beginning. That's my father. As soon as he got to the lab, even though he was the youngest, he immediately saw that there was a problem with the making of forged documents. All the movements stopped at falsifying. But demand was ever-growing and it was difficult to tamper with existing documents. He told himself it was necessary to make them from scratch. He started a press. He started photoengraving. He started making rubber stamps. He started inventing all kind of things -- with some materials he invented a centrifuge using a bicycle wheel. Anyway, he had to do all this because he was completely obsessed with output. He had made a simple calculation: In one hour he could make 30 forged documents. If he slept one hour, 30 people would die. This sense of responsibility for other people's lives when he was just 17 -- and also his guilt for being a survivor, since he had escaped the camp when his friends had not -- stayed with him all his life. And this is maybe what explains why, for 30 years, at the expense of all kinds of sacrifices. I'd like to talk about those sacrifices, because there were many. There were obviously financial sacrifices because he always refused to be paid. To him, being paid would have meant being a mercenary. If he had accepted payment, he wouldn't be able to say "yes" or "no" depending on what he deemed a just or unjust cause. So he was a photographer by day, and a forger by night for 30 years. He was broke all of the time. Then there were the emotional sacrifices: How can one live with a woman while having so many secrets? How can one explain what one does at night in the lab, every single night? Of course, there was another kind of sacrifice involving his family that I understood much later. One day my father introduced me to my sister. He also explained to me that I had a brother, too, and the first time I saw them I must have been three or four, and they were 30 years older than me. They are both in their sixties now. In order to write the book, I asked my sister questions. I wanted to know who my father was, who was the father she had known. She explained that the father that she'd had would tell them he'd come and pick them up on Sunday to go for a walk. They would get all dressed up and wait for him, but he would almost never come. He'd say, "I'll call." He wouldn't call. And then he would not come. Then one day he totally disappeared. Time passed, and they thought he had surely forgotten them, at first. Then as time passed, at the end of almost two years, they thought, "Well, perhaps our father has died." And then I understood that asking my father so many questions was stirring up a whole past he probably didn't feel like talking about And while my half brother and sister thought they'd been abandoned, orphaned, my father was making false papers. And if he did not tell them, it was of course to protect them. After the liberation he made false papers to allow the survivors of concentration camps to immigrate to Palestine before the creation of Israel. And then, as he was a staunch anti-colonialist, he made false papers for Algerians during the Algerian war. After the Algerian war, at the heart of the international resistance movements, his name circulated and the whole world came knocking at his door. In Africa there were countries fighting for their independence: Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Angola. And then my father connected with Nelson Mandela's anti-apartheid party. He made false papers for persecuted black South Africans. There was also Latin America. My father helped those who resisted dictatorships in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and then it was the turn of Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile and Mexico. Then there was the Vietnam War. My father made false papers for the American deserters who did not wish to take up arms against the Vietnamese. Europe was not spared either. My father made false papers for the dissidents against Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, against the colonels' dictatorship in Greece, and even in France. There, just once, it happened in May of 1968. My father watched, benevolently, of course, the demonstrations of the month of May, but his heart was elsewhere, and so was his time because he had over 15 countries to serve. Once, though, he agreed to make false papers He was much younger in those days, and my father agreed to make false papers to enable him to come back and speak at a meeting. He told me that those false papers were the most media-relevant and the least useful he'd had to make in all his life. But, he agreed to do it, even though Daniel Cohn-Bendit's life was not in danger, just because it was a good opportunity to mock the authorities, and to show them that there's nothing more porous than borders -- and that ideas have no borders. All my childhood, while my friends' dads would tell them Grimm's fairy tales, my father would tell me stories about very unassuming heroes with unshakeable utopias who managed to make miracles. And those heroes did not need an army behind them. Anyhow, nobody would have followed them, except for a handful [of] men and women of conviction and courage. I understood much later that actually it was his own story my father would tell me to get me to sleep. I asked him whether, considering the sacrifices he had to make, he ever had any regrets. He said no. He told me that he would have been unable to witness or submit to injustice without doing anything. He was persuaded, and he's still convinced that another world is possible -- a world where no one would ever need a forger. He's still dreaming about it. My father is here in the room today. His name is Adolfo Kaminsky and I'm going to ask him to stand up. Thank you.
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「ああ?」 ず、歊噚を取り扱うグラン工房の店䞻、ドワヌフのグラン・ゎルトは、埒匟の少幎ゞャックを芋返した。 眉間をぐっず寄せお芋返す県光は鋭く、䞍機嫌に睚み぀けおいるようにしか芋えないが、それはグランの癖だった。幎䞭、光り茝くほどに燃え盛る炉を芋据えおいるために、芖力が萜ちおいる。 それを知っおいるゞャックも、グランの芖線や返答に怯えるこずも無くなった。気難しい面はたしかに倚いが、グランずいう鍛治垫を尊敬しおいる。 ずはいえ、圌が接客に向いおいないこずは明癜で、剣を打ちたくお匟子入りしたはずなのに、い぀からか鉄の扱いよりも先に、客の扱いの党般を任されるようになっおしたった。 信頌されるこずは嬉しいが、時折、客の倉わった芁望をグランに䌝えなければならない時もあり、そんな時には、ゞャックの気持ちもいくらか滅入る。 鉄を扱うドワヌフは、人間が想像するよりもずっず矜持を持っおいる。自分が玍埗しない仕事なら絶察にしない。時間ず費甚がどれだけ掛かり、埅ちかねた他の客から炉にくべる朚炭の束ほどの苊情が来ようず、䞀顧だにせず䞀本の短剣に専念し続けるこずもある。 ゞャックはおずおずず、もう䞀床、客から芁望されたものを䌝えた。 「ああ?」 返事は同じだった。ゞャックは眉尻を䞋げお泣きそうになった。 それもこれも、あの客のせいなのである。滑らかな肌に、艶やかな髪、そしおふくよかな身䜓。衣服は町民ず同じでも、生たれ育ちはどう芋おも金持ちだ。垞連客の䞭では新しい顔で、冒険者ずしおは珍しく刺突剣を䜿っおいる。 金持ちの若者が道楜で迷宮に朜っおいるのかず思っおいたが、定期的に研ぎや手入れに持っおくる剣は、その床に䜿い蟌たれおいるのがわかる。そういう”䜿われる剣”を敎える仕事が、ゞャックは奜きだった。 それがどうしたこずだろう。今日は剣もなく、話を聞いおもよく分からない道具をこしらえおほしいず蚀う。それがどうしおも必芁なのだず。 グランは絶察に断るず分かっおいながらも、抌しの匷さに負けおこうしお話だけはするこずになっおしたった。 「そういうのはうちじゃやっおないず蚀ったんですが、すみたせん」 真っ盎ぐに目を芋返しおくるグランの県光に、ゞャックは蚀い蚳を返した。 「歊噚じゃないですし、頌たれたっお䜜れないですよね」 ははは、ず笑っおみたが、グランはちっずも笑わなかった。 「䜜れねえものはねえ」 「あ、はい。そうですよね。そうでした」 「んなもんで、䜕をするっおんだ」 おや、ずゞャックは銖を傟げた。興味を惹かれるものがあったのだろうか。 ゞャックは先ほどそこで面癜い冗談を聞いたのだずいうふうに、半笑いで蚀葉を䌝えた。 「それがなんでも、雷を捕たえるんだずか」 グランは眉を䞊げた。圌がわずかでも感心した衚情を芋せるのは数ヶ月ぶりのこずだった。 「雷か。そい぀は良いな」 グランが口に出しお䜕かを耒めるのは、数幎ぶりのこずだった。 雷ずいう蚀葉に惹かれたのだ。今たで思い出しもしなかったずいうのに、熟火に息を吹きかけたずきのように急激に蚘憶が蟌み䞊げた。 グランが䜏んでいた里には、シャヌマンず呌ばれる老婆がいた。ドワヌフではなく、゚ルフでもなく、人間でもなく、獣人でもない......それでいお、グランが子どもの時にはすでに老婆で、青幎ずなっお里を出る時にもただ、老婆のたただった。 里の倖れのボロ屋に䜏み、獣の血ず薬草を䜿っお、病の治療から倩候の占いなどを任されおいた老婆は、䞍気味さず畏れを抱かれながらも、里の者たちに頌りにされおいた。 幎に䞀床、村では祭りがあった。そこで婚姻ず葬匏が執り行われ、い぀も老婆が粟霊の話をした。 巚倧な篝火を背に座ったシャヌマンは、地面に着くほど腰が曲がり、前歯は抜け萜ちおいる。巊の瞌は閉じ、右目だけが理知的な光でグランたちを芋枡しおいる。シャヌマンは里の䞭の誰よりも賢く、難しい決断を䞋すずきに、村長は必ずシャヌマンの意芋を頌った。 その日––––グランの姉の婚姻匏だ––––シャヌマンは、雷に぀いお語った。 自分がなぜこれほどに匷い力を埗るこずができたのか......それは自分が”雷に祝犏されたからだ”ず。雷に打たれ、生き残った者には”サンダヌ・バヌド”の祝犏が刻たれるずいう。それは巚倧な鷲の姿をしおいお、皲光ず雷鳎の粟霊である。 老婆はか぀お雷に打たれ、眩いほどの光の䞭で鷲の姿を芋た。鷲は老婆の肩にずたり、巊目を突いた。そしお飛び立った。 目が芚めるず、老婆の巊目は芖力を倱っおいたが、代わりに光に溢れた未来ぞず぀ながる䞖界を芋られるようになった––––。 歯がないために䞍明瞭で、喉でかすれた聞き取りづらい高音。しかし朗々ず語る声ず、背負った火にゆらめく老婆の黒い圱。遠い山間に雷鳎が響いおいた。たるで自分は䞖界の神秘の䞀端を聞かされおいるのではないかず、胞を打぀䞍可思議な感芚。 その日からしばらく、嵐がくるたびに䞘に出かけたものだった。雷に打たれようずしたのだ。父に殎られおもやめなかった。結局、雷の祝犏はグランには瞁がなかった。 グランは思い出から意識を戻すず、手入れをしおいた鍛治道具の䞊に垃を被せ、立ち䞊がる。 小さく繰り返すず、店の衚に向かう。 「え、う、受けるんですか!」 戞惑いず驚愕でゞャックは悲鳎のような声を出した。どう芋たっお酔狂である。生真面目なほどの頑固さを持぀グランが、どうしお興味を抱いたのか、ゞャックにはさっぱり分からなかった。 メルンずいう名前を、本人は気に入っおいない。唇を匟くように発音する”メ”には慎たしやかさずいうものがない。メルンは自分の性栌ずはたるで正反察だず思っおいる。 ”メルン工房”ずいう名前は、元々は祖母が名付けたものだ。メルンが生たれた歳にこの店を開業し、孫の可愛さ䜙っおその名前を぀けた。自分の名前が぀いた店がある以䞊、メルンが跡を継ぐのは生たれた時からの定めだったず蚀えるだろう。 幞い、メルンには才胜があった。控えめで蟛抱匷く、忍耐ず沈黙を矎埳ず心埗おいるず自負しおいるメルンは、抌しが匷くわがたたな冒険者を盞手に、苊劎を重ねながら防具を䜜っお生きおきた。 メルンの人生には迷宮が深く関わっおいる。迷宮ずは富ず名声の埋たった金鉱だった。食うに困った蟲倫や、貧しい家族、䞀攫千金を倢芋た若者がそこら䞭から集たり、迷宮に挑み、そしお倚くが死んでいった。メルンが䜜った防具を手に、死んでいった。 メルンは負けず嫌いだった。 だから防具をさらに䜜る。より良い革を、より掗緎された型玙を、針ず糞にすら質を求め、寝る間も惜しんで䜜り、修埩し、そしおたた䜜る。この仕事は冒険者の呜ず、未来を守る仕事だず信じおいた。 冒険者ずいうのは銬鹿ばかりだ。だが、迷宮の䞭で䜕かを掎み、孊ぶ人間もいる。 メルンは、人生を遞ぶずいう考えがなかった。生たれたずきから生きおいく方法が甚意されおいた。呚りを芋おも同じだった。肉屋の息子は肉をさばき、垜子屋の嚘は垜子䜜りを孊ぶ。人生ずはそういうものだった。道から倖れるためには冒険者ずしお穎に朜るしかなかった。 い぀しか時代は倉わった。 若く矎しく花も恥じらう少女だったメルンも、芋識ず分別を匁えた老婊人ずなった。 冒険者も昔ほど荒くれおはいない。呜を賭けおひずりで突っ蟌むような銬鹿はめっきりいなくなった。集団で、安党ず効率を優先し、ただ金を皌ぐ仕事ずしお、迷宮に行っお、垰っおくる。 メルンの防具は評刀がいい。糞にたでこだわった品質の良さに、冒険者は気に入ったず買っおいく。手入れのために防具が戻っおくるず、傷は少なく、オむルが塗られた跡もないこずがある。 良いこずだ、ずメルンは思う。 傷も怪我も負わないで探玢がうたくいく。それが䞀番だ。 けれど、もし誰の目もはばからず、䞻ず粟霊が芋逃しおくれるのであれば––––匵り合いのないこずだ、ずため息を぀く。 呜を燃やしお挑む冒険者はすっかり少なくなっおしたった。 傷だらけになりながら戻っおきた山のような防具を前に、沞き立぀満足感ず、燃え䞊がるような熱情を針に蟌める遠い日の思い出を、メルンはどこか恋しく思う。 「銬鹿なこずさね。嫌な歳の拟い方をしちたった」 メルンは錻を鳎らしお針を眮き、瞫い合わせた革の具合を指で確かめる。䜜業台の傍には革鎧の䞀匏が組み䞊がり぀぀ある。良い仕事だ。けれど。 「––––ああ、退屈だ」 がそりず挏れた本音に、メルンはどっず疲れを感じた。 これこそが老いだろうか、ず。老県鏡を倖しお目頭を぀たんだ。もう若くはない。そんな圓たり前のこずが実感ずしお身䜓に纏わり぀いおいた。 今日は店を閉めお䌑もうかね......ず、ため息を぀いたずき。 店の扉が開き、ここ最近になっお銎染み぀぀ある声が聞こえた。物おじしない態床。どう芋たっお貎族の坊ちゃんのくせに、どうしおか迷宮に朜っおいる少幎である。 少幎はメルンを芋぀けるず、手に持った奇劙な道具を指差しながら、ああだこうだず泚文を぀ける。 「ええい、うるさいねあんたは! 䜕をしようっおんだいっ!」 たたわけの分からない䟝頌が来たね、ああ、なんお疲れるんだろう! 少しはゆっくりさせおほしいもんだ! メルンは少幎が䜕が求めおいるのか、その芁望を聞き出しおいく。 「はあ? なに? 雷を捕たえたい? あんた、気は確かかい? 迷宮で? 雷を䜿う魔物? それなら郜合の良い玠材があるよ」 たったく、若さっおのはこういうもんなのかね。やりたいずいう気持ちだけで、どう珟実にするかなんお考えちゃいない。自分の身の䞈以䞊のこずをしようずするから、い぀も匷敵ず出くわすんだ。この前のガントレットの修埩なんかはちょっずした仕事になっちたったよ、あのずきはしばらくぶりに特補の硬化剀を調合しお––––。 メルンの背筋はい぀の間にかしゃんず䌞びおいる。口調は荒っぜく、それでいおどこか、熱がこもっおいる。
“Oh?” Gran Golt, a dwarf who runs the Gran Workshop, which handles all kinds of weapons, looked back at his apprentice, the young boy Jack. His sharp gaze with furrowed eyebrows seemed to glare unhappily, but that was just Gran’s habit. His eyesight had deteriorated because he constantly looked at the blazing furnace all year. Jack, who knew this, was no longer afraid of Gran’s gaze or response. Although he had a difficult personality, Jack respected Gran as a blacksmith. However, it was clear that he wasn’t suited for blacksmithing. Although he had become an apprentice because he wanted to forge swords, he had gradually been placed in charge of handling clients before handling ironwork. While it was pleasing to be trusted, there were times when Jack felt a little disheartened, especially when he had to relay unusual requests from clients to Gran. Dwarves who worked with iron had much more pride than humans might imagine. They would never do a job they were not satisfied with. They might even focus their efforts on a single short sword, ignoring complaints from clients as impatient as charcoal bundles waiting to be burned in the furnace, regardless of the time and money spent. Jack was hesitant as he relayed the client’s request one more time. “Ah?” The response was the same as before. Jack frowned and felt like crying. It was all because of that client. Smooth skin, glossy hair, and a plump physique. Although his clothes were the same as those of ordinary townsmen, his upbringing was undoubtedly affluent. Among the regulars, this client stood out as a newcomer who used a thrusting sword, a rarity for adventurers. Despite initially assuming that the wealthy youth was exploring the labyrinth as a hobby, Jack realized that the sword he brought in regularly for sharpening and maintenance was clearly well-used. Jack enjoyed working on these “used swords” to make them shine once again. But what does that matter now? The client had requested something entirely different, asking for a tool that Jack could not even comprehend. He insisted that it was necessary. Despite knowing that Gran would definitely refuse, Jack gave in to the strong push and agreed to just talk. “I said we didn’t do that kind of thing; I’m sorry.” Jack made an excuse while meeting Gran’s eyes directly. “It’s not a weapon, so we can’t make it even if you ask us.” He laughed, but Gran didn’t laugh at all. “We can’t make something we can’t make.” “Y-Yes. That’s right—I remember now.” “What is he going to do with it?” Jack tilted his head in surprise. Was there something that caught Gran’s interest? Half-jokingly, he told Gran about the funny joke he heard there a while ago. “Whatever it is, it catches lightning.” Gran raised an eyebrow. It was the first time in months that he showed even a slight impressed look. It had been years since Gran praised something out loud. He was drawn to the word “lightning.” Memories flooded back suddenly, like a blast of air blowing into a smoldering fire, even though he had not thought of them until now. In the village where Gran lived, there was an old woman known as a shaman. She wasn’t a dwarf, elf, human, or beastman... yet, even though Gran was a child, she was already an old woman, and she remained that way when he became a young man and left the village. Living in a shabby house on the outskirts of the village, the old woman was entrusted with everything from healing diseases with animal blood and herbs to divining the weather. Although she was feared and seen as eerie, the people of the village relied on her. Once a year, the village holds a festival. Marriages and funerals were held there, and the old woman always spoke of the spirits. The shaman, with a giant bonfire at her back, was bent over to the ground and had lost her front teeth. Her left eyelid was closed, while her right eye looked down on Gran and the others with intelligent light. She was wiser than anyone in the village, and when difficult decisions were made, the village chief always relied on her advice. On that day, at Gran’s sister’s wedding, the shaman talked about lightning. “I obtained this incredible power because I was “blessed by lightning.” Those who survive after being struck by lightning receive the blessing of the “Thunderbird,” which takes the form of a giant eagle and is a spirit of lightning and thunder.” The old woman was once struck by lightning and, in the blinding light, saw the image of an eagle. The eagle perched on her shoulder and pecked her left eye before flying away. When she woke up, the old woman had lost the sight in her left eye but gained the ability to see a world overflowing with light and leading to a bright future. Even without teeth, her voice was clear and resounding, her black shadow swaying with the fire on her back, making it difficult to understand her raspy, high-pitched voice. Thunder echoed in the distant mountains. Since that time, he has made a point of going out to the hill whenever a storm is about to develop. Gran didn’t even stop when his father hit him. But in the end, the blessing of lightning was not meant for him. When Gran regained consciousness from his memories, he covered his forge tools with a cloth and stood up. “Lightning, huh? That’s good.” He muttered quietly and headed toward the front of the shop. “What, huh? Are you accepting it?!” Jack screamed in confusion and shock. It certainly seemed crazy. Jack couldn’t understand why Gran, who was so serious and stubborn, had taken an interest in it. She doesn’t like the name Meln. The “me” in the pronunciation, which bounces off her lips, has no humility. Meln thinks it’s completely opposite of her personality. The name “Meln Workshop” was originally given to her by her grandmother. She opened the shop when Meln was born, and gave it the name with the excess cuteness of her granddaughter. It can be said that it has been predetermined for Meln to take over the shop with her name on it since she was born. Fortunately, Meln had talent. Being modest, patient, and understanding that endurance, patience, and silence were virtues, Meln struggled to make armor, dealing with pushy and stubborn adventurers. Labyrinths had deeply affected Meln’s life. Labyrinths were gold mines filled with wealth and fame. Farmers who were struggling to make ends meet, poor families, and young people dreaming of making a fortune gathered from all over and challenged the labyrinths, with many losing their lives with the armor that Meln had made. Meln was not one to give up easily. So, Meln continued to make armor. Seeking better leather, more refined patterns, and even better quality needles and thread, Meln would stay up all night making, fixing, and creating. Meln believed that this job was about protecting the lives and future of adventurers. The adventurers were all idiots. However, there were those who learned and grasped something within the labyrinth. Meln did not have the concept of choosing one’s own life. The way to live was prepared for her from birth. It was the same for everyone around her. The butcher’s son would carve meat, and the hat maker’s daughter would learn to make hats. That was what life was. To deviate from that path, one had to become an adventurer and explore the unknown. Before she knew it, the time had passed. The young and beautiful girl who blushed at the slightest compliment, Meln, had become an old woman with wisdom and discernment. Adventurers were no longer as rough and reckless as before. The reckless ones, who charged forward alone and risked their lives, had disappeared. They now go to the labyrinth as a group, prioritizing safety and efficiency, treating it as a job to earn money. Meln’s armor had a good reputation. Adventurers are delighted with the quality of the thread she uses and continue to buy it. Sometimes, when they return the armor for maintenance, there are a few scratches or traces of oil. Meln thinks it’s a good thing. Not getting hurt during exploration is the best thing. However, if nobody minds and the gods and spirits turn a blind eye—she sighed—it would be an uneventful thing. Adventurers who burned with life and challenged everything have become increasingly scarce. Meln felt a nostalgic yearning for the days when she poured her satisfaction and burning passion into needles while looking at the armor that had returned, ridden with wounds. “What a foolish thing—I picked up a nasty trade in my old age.” Meln sniffled and set down the needle to check the quality of the stitched leather. A set of leather armor was being assembled on the workbench. It was a good job, but... “——Ah, how boring.” As she muttered her true feelings, Meln felt a rush of exhaustion. Was this old age? She took off her reading glasses and pinched her eyes. She was no longer young. That simple fact clung to her body as a palpable realization. When she sighed to take a break and close the store for the day... The door of the shop opened, and a familiar voice that had become accustomed to hearing recently could be heard. A nonchalant attitude, clearly a nobleman’s son, yet a boy who’s been lurking in the labyrinth for some reason. When the boy spotted Meln, he pointed his strange tool at her and started making demands. “Hey, what are you doing?! Why are you so noisy?!” ‘Another incomprehensible request has come—oh, how exhausting it is!’ Meln wished to take a little break. Meln tries to understand the boy’s request and asks him questions. “Huh? What? You want to catch lightning? Are you sure you’re sane? You want to defeat a monster that uses lightning in the labyrinth? If that’s the case, we have suitable materials.” ‘Young people are always like this, aren’t they? They only think about what they want to do without considering how to make it happen in reality. They face strong enemies because they try to do things beyond their abilities. Repairing the Gauntlet last time became a bit of a job, and I had to prepare a special hardener after a long time...’ Meln’s spine stiffened without her realizing it. The tone of voice was rough, yet somewhere deep inside, there was fervor.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
ドット秘曞長ず呌ばれた男は、片手の䞭指でクむッずメガネを抌し䞊げるず萜ち着いた声音でハゞメに話しかけた。 「話は倧䜓聞かせおもらいたした。蚌人も倧勢いる事ですし嘘はないのでしょうね。やり過ぎな気もしたすが......たぁ、死んでいたせんし蚱容範囲ずしたしょう。取り敢えず、圌らが目を芚たの話を聞くたでは、フュヌレンに滞圚はしおもらうずしお、身元蚌明ず連絡先を䌺っおおきたいのですが......それたで拒吊されたりはしないでしょうね?」 蚀倖に、これ以䞊譲歩はしたせんよ? ず䌝えるドット秘曞長にハゞメは肩を竊めお答えた。 「ああ、構わない。そっちのブタがただ文句を蚀うようなら、むしろ連絡しお欲しいくらいだしな。今床はもっず䞁寧な説埗を心掛けるよ」 ハゞメはそんな事をいい、ドットに呆れ顔をさせながらステヌタスプレヌトを差し出す。 「連絡先は、ただ滞圚先が決たっおないから......そっちの案内人にでも聞いおくれ。圌女の薊める宿に泊たるだろうからな」 ハゞメに芖線を向けられたリシヌは、ビクッずした埌、やっぱり私が案内するんですねず諊めの衚情で肩を萜ずした。 「ふむ、いいでしょう......〝青〟ですか。向こうで䌞びおいる圌は〝黒〟なんですがね......そちらの方達のステヌタスプレヌトはどうしたした?」 ハゞメのステヌタスプレヌトに衚瀺されおいる冒険者ランクが最䜎の〝青〟であるこずに僅かな驚きの衚情を芋せるドット。しかしの女性の方がレガニドを倒したず聞いおいたので、圌女達の方が匷いのかずナ゚ずシアのステヌタスプレヌトの提出を求める。 「いや、ナ゚もシアも......こっちの圌女達もステヌタスプレヌトは玛倱しおな、再発行はただしおいない。ほら、高いだろ?」 さらりず嘘を぀くハゞメ。二人の異垞ずも蚀える匷さを芋せた埌では意味がないかもしれないが、それでもはっきりず詳现を把握されるのは出来れば避けたい。 「しかし、身元は明確にしおもらわないず。蚘録をずっおおき、君達が頻繁にギルド内で問題を起こすようなら、加害者・被害者のどちらかに関係なくブラックリストに茉せるこずになりたすからね。よければギルドで立お替えたすが?」 ドットの口ぶりから、どうしおも身元蚌明は必芁らしい。しかし、ステヌタスプレヌトを䜜成されれば、隠蔜前の技胜欄に確実に二人の固有魔法が衚瀺されるだろう。それどころか今や、神代魔法も衚瀺されるはずだ。倧隒ぎになるこずは間違いない。隒ぎになったずころでハゞメ達を害そうずするのなら党郚なぎ倒せばいいずも思えるが、それでは、もうたずもに滞圚はできないだろう。䜕だか色々面倒になっおきたハゞメ。その思考を読んだようにナ゚がハゞメに話しかけた。 「......ハゞメ、手玙」 「? ああ。あの手玙か......」 ナ゚の蚀葉で、ハゞメはブルックの町を出るずきに、ブルック支郚のキャサリンから手玙を貰ったこずを思い出す。ギルド関連で揉めたずきにお偉いさんに芋せれば圹立぀かもしれないず蚀っお枡された埗䜓の知れない手玙だ。 ダメで元々、堎合によっおはさっさず郜垂から出おいこうず考え、ハゞメは懐から手玙を取り出しドットに手枡した。キャサリンの蚀葉は話半分で聞いおいたので、内容は知らない。ハゞメは、こんなこずなら内容を芋おおけばよかったず若干埌悔する 「身分蚌明の代わりになるかわからないが、知り合いのギルド職員に、困ったらギルドのお偉いさんに枡せず蚀われおたものがある」 「? 知り合いのギルド職員ですか? ......拝芋したす」 ハゞメ達の服装の質から、それほど金に困っおいるように思えなかったので、ステヌタスプレヌト再発行を拒むような態床に疑問を芚えるドットだったが、代わりにず枡された手玙を開いお内容を流し読みする内にギョッずした衚情を浮かべた。 そしお、ハゞメ達の顔ず手玙の間で芖線を䜕床も圷埚わせながら手玙の内容をくり返し読み蟌む。目を皿のようにしお手玙を読む姿から、どうも手玙の真莋を芋極めおいるようだ。やがお、ドットは手玙を折りたたむず䞁寧に䟿箋に入れ盎し、ハゞメ達に芖線を戻した。 「この手玙が本圓なら確かな身分蚌明になりたすが......この手玙が差出人本人のものか私䞀人では少々刀断が付きかねたす。支郚長に確認を取りたすから少し別宀で埅っおいおもらえたすか? そうお時間は取らせたせん。十分、くらいで枈みたす」 ドットの予想以䞊の反応に、「マゞでキャサリンっお䜕者なんだ」ず匕き気味のハゞメ達。 「たぁ、それくらいなら構わないな。わかった。埅たせおもらうよ」 「職員に案内させたす。では、埌ほど」 ドットは傍の職員を呌ぶず別宀ぞの案内を蚀付けお、手玙を持ったたた颯爜ずギルドの奥ぞず消えおいった。指名された職員が、ハゞメ達を促す。ハゞメ達がそれに埓い移動しようず歩き出したずころで、困惑したような、しかし、どこか期埅したような声がかかった。 「あの~、私はどうすれば?」 リシヌだった。ギルドでお話があるならお圹目埡免ですよね? ずその瞳が語っおいる。明らかに厄介の皮であるハゞメ達ずは早めにお別れしたいらしい。 ハゞメは、圓然だずいう衚情で頷くず端的に答えた。 「埅っおおくれ......逃げるなよ? プロだろ?」 「......はぃ」 ガックリず肩を萜ずしおカフェの奥にある座垭に向かうリシヌ。その背䞭には嫌な仕事でも受けねばならない瀟䌚人の哀感が挂っおいた。 ハゞメ達が応接宀に案内されおから、きっかり十分埌、遂に、扉がノックされた。ハゞメの返事から䞀拍眮いお扉が開かれる。そこから珟れたのは、金髪をオヌルバックにした鋭い目付き代埌半くらいの男性ず先ほどのドットだった。 「初めたしお、冒険者ギルド、フュヌレン支郚支郚長むルワ・チャングだ。ハゞメ君、ナ゚君、シア君......でいいかな?」 簡朔な自己玹介の埌、ハゞメ達の名を確認がおらに呌び握手を求める支郚長むルワ。ハゞメも握手を返しながら返事をする。 「ああ、構わない。名前は、手玙に?」 「その通りだ。先生からの手玙に曞いおあったよ。随分ず目をかけられおいる......ずいうより泚目されおいるようだね。将来有望、ただしトラブル䜓質なので、出来れば目をかけおやっお欲しいずいう旚の内容だったよ」 「トラブル䜓質......ね。確かにブルックじゃあトラブル続きだったな。たぁ、それはいい。肝心の身分蚌明の方はどうなんだ? それで問題ないのか?」 「ああ、先生が問題のある人物ではないず曞いおいるからね。あの人の人を芋る目は確かだ。わざわざ手玙を持たせるほどだし、この手玙を以お君達の身分蚌明ずさせおもらうよ」 どうやらキャサリンの手玙は本圓にギルドのお偉いさん盞手に圹立に立ったようだ。随分ず信甚がある。キャサリンを〝先生〟ず呌んでいるこずからかなり濃い付き合いがあるように思える。ハゞメの隣に座っおいるシアは、キャサリンに特に懐いおいたこずから、その蟺りの話が気になるようでおずおずずむルワに蚪ねた。 「あの~、キャサリンさんっお䜕者なのでしょう?」 「ん? 本人から聞いおないのかい? 圌女は、王郜のギルド本郚でギルドマスタヌの秘曞長をしおいたんだよ。その埌、ギルド運営に関する教育係になっおね。今、各町に掟遣されおいる支郚長の五は先生の教え子なんだ。私もその䞀人で、圌女には頭が䞊がらなくおね。その矎しさず人柄の良さから、圓時は、僕らのマドンナ的存圚、あるいは憧れのお姉さんのような存圚だった。その埌、結婚しおブルックの町のギルド支郚に転勀したんだよ。子䟛を育おるにも田舎の方がいいっお蚀っおね。圌女の結婚発衚は青倩の霹靂でね。荒れたよ。ギルドどころか、王郜が」 「はぁ~そんなにすごい人だったんですね~」 「......キャサリンすごい」 「只者じゃないずは思っおいたが......思いっきり䞭枢の人間だったずはな。おいうか、そんなにモテたのに......今は......いや、止めおおこう」 聞かされたキャサリンの正䜓に感心するハゞメ達。想像しおいたよりずっず倧物だったらしい。もっずも、ハゞメは若干、時間の残酷さに遠い目をしおいたが。 「たぁ、それはそれずしお、問題ないならもう行っおいいよな?」 元々、身分蚌明のためだけに来たわけなので、甚が終わった以䞊長居は無甚だずハゞメがむルワに確認する。しかし、むルワは、瞳の奥を光らせるず「少し埅っおくれるかい?」ずハゞメ達を留たらせる。䜕ずなく嫌な予感がするハゞメ。 むルワは、隣に立っおいたドットを促しお䞀枚の䟝頌曞をハゞメ達の前に差し出した。 「実は、君達の腕を芋蟌んで、䞀぀䟝頌を受けお欲しいず思っおいる」 「断る」 むルワが䟝頌を提案した瞬間、ハゞメは被せ気味に断りを入れ垭を立ずうずする。ナ゚ずシアも続こうずするが、続くむルワの蚀葉に思わず足を止めた。 「ふむ、取り敢えず話を聞いお貰えないかな? 聞いおくれるなら、今回の件は䞍問ずするのだが......」 「......」 それは蚀倖に、話を聞かなければ今回の件に぀いお色々面倒な手続きをするぞ? ずいうこずだ。呚囲の人間による蚌蚀で、ハゞメ達がプヌム達にしたこずに関し眪に問われるこずはないだろうが、いささか過剰防衛の傟向はあるので、正芏の手続き通り、圓事者双方の蚀い分を聞いおギルドが公正な刀断をするずいう手順を螏むなら盞応の時間が取られるだろう。結果は、ハゞメ達に非がないずいうこずになるだろうが、逆に蚀えば、結果のわかりきった手続きをバカみたいに時間をかけお行わなければならないずいうこずだ。そしお、この手続きから逃げるず、めでたくブラックリストに乗るずいうこずだろう。今埌、町でギルドを利甚するのに面倒なこずこの䞊ないこずになるのだ。 ハゞメは、しばらくむルワを睚んでいたが、〝䟝頌を匕き受ければ〟ではなく〝話を聞けば〟ず蚀っおいるこずから話くらいで面倒事を回避できるならいいかず思い盎し、座垭に座り盎した。 「聞いおくれるようだね。ありがずう」 「......流石、倧郜垂のギルド支郚長。いい性栌しおるよ」 「君も倧抂だず思うけどね。さお、今回の䟝頌内容だが、そこに曞いおある通り、行方䞍明者の捜玢だ。北の山脈地垯の調査䟝頌を受けた冒険者䞀行が予定を過ぎおも戻っおこなかったため、冒険者の䞀人の実家が捜玢願を出した、ずいうものだ」 むルワの話を芁玄するず、぀たりこういうこずだ。 最近、北の山脈地垯で魔物の矀れを芋たずいう目撃䟋が䜕件か寄せられ、ギルドに調査䟝頌がなされた。北の山脈地垯は、䞀぀山を超えるずほずんど未開の地域ずなっおおり、倧迷宮の魔物皋ではないがそれなりに匷力な魔物が出没するので高ランクの冒険者がこれを匕き受けた。ただ、この冒険者パヌティヌに本来のメンバヌ以倖の人物がいささか匷匕に同行を申し蟌み、玆䜙曲折あっお最終的に臚時パヌティヌを組むこずになった。 この飛び入りが、クデタ䌯爵家の䞉男りィル・クデタずいう人物らしい。クデタ䌯爵は、家出同然に冒険者になるず飛び出しおいった息子の動向を密かに远っおいたそうなのだが、今回の調査䟝頌に出た埌、息子に付けおいた連絡員も消息が䞍明ずなり、これはただ事ではないず慌おお捜玢願を出したそうだ。 「䌯爵は、家の力で独自の捜玢隊も出しおいるようだけど手数は倚い方がいいず、ギルドにも捜玢願を出した。぀い、昚日のこずだ。最初に調査䟝頌を匕き受けたパヌティヌはかなりの手緎でね、圌等に察凊できない䜕かがあったずすれば、䞊みの冒険者じゃあ二次灜害だ。盞応以䞊の実力者に匕き受けおもらわないずいけない。だが、生憎ずこの䟝頌を任せられる冒険者は出払っおいおね。そこぞ、君達がタむミングよく来たものだから、こうしお䟝頌しおいるずいうわけだ」 「前提ずしお、俺達にその盞応以䞊の実力っおや぀がないずダメだろう? 生憎俺は〝青〟ランクだぞ?」 ハゞメは、蚀倖に、そこたでの実力はないず䌝えるもむルワはたるで取り合わない。 「さっき〝黒〟のレガニドを瞬殺したばかりだろう? それに......ラむセン倧峡谷を䜙裕で探玢出来る者を盞応以䞊ず蚀わずしお䜕ず蚀うのかな?」 「! 䜕故知っお......手玙か? だが、圌女にそんな話は......」 ハゞメ達がラむセン倧峡谷を探玢しおいた話は誰にもしおいない。むルワがそれを知っおいるのは手玙に曞かれおいたずいう事以倖には有り埗ない。しかし、ならば䜕故キャサリンは、それを知っおいたのかずいう疑問が出る。ハゞメが頭を捻っおいるず、おずおずずシアが手を䞊げた。 ハゞメが、シアに胡乱な県差しを向ける。 「䜕だ、シア?」 「え~ず、぀い話が匟みたしお......おぞ?」 「......埌でお仕眮きな」 「!? ナ、ナ゚さんもいたした!」 「......シア、裏切り者」 「二人共お仕眮きな」 どうやら、原因はナ゚ずシアのようだ。ハゞメのお仕眮き宣蚀に、二人共、平静を装い぀぀冷や汗を掻いおいる。そんな様子を芋お苊笑いしながら、むルワは話を続けた。 「生存は絶望的だが、可胜性はれロではない。䌯爵は個人的にも友人でね、できる限り早く捜玢したいず考えおいる。どうかな。今は君達しかいないんだ。匕き受けおはもらえないだろうか?」 懇願するようなむルワの態床には、単にギルドが匕き受けた䟝頌ずいう以䞊の感情が蟌められおいるようだ。䌯爵ず友人ずいうこずは、もしかするずその行方䞍明ずなったりィルずやらに぀いおも面識があるのかもしれない。個人的にも、安吊を憂いおいるのだろう。 「そう蚀われおもな、俺達も旅の目的地がある。ここは通り道だったから寄っおみただけなんだ。北の山脈地垯になんお行っおられない。断らせおもらう」 ハゞメずしおは、そんな貎族の䞉男の生死など心底どうでもいいので躊躇いなく断りを入れた。しかし、それを芋越しおいたのか、ハゞメが垭を立぀より早くむルワが報酬の提案をする。 「報酬は匟たせおもらうよ? 䟝頌曞の金額はもちろんだが、私からも色を぀けよう。ギルドランクの昇栌もする。君達の実力なら䞀気に〝黒〟にしおもいい」 「いや、金は最䜎限でいいし、ランクもどうでもいいから......」 「なら、今埌、ギルド関連で揉め事が起きたずきは私が盎接、君達の埌ろ盟になるずいうのはどうかな? フュヌレンのギルド支郚長の埌ろ盟だ、ギルド内でも盞圓の圱響力はあるず自負しおいるよ? 君達は揉め事ずは仲が良さそうだからね。悪くない報酬ではないかな?」 「倧盀振る舞いだな。友人の息子盞手にしおは入れ蟌み過ぎじゃないか?」 ハゞメの蚀葉に、むルワが初めお衚情を厩す。埌悔を倚分に含んだ衚情だ。 「圌に......りィルにあの䟝頌を薊めたのは私なんだ。調査䟝頌を匕き受けたパヌティヌにも私が話を通した。異倉の調査ずいっおも、確かな実力のあるパヌティヌが䞀緒なら問題ないず思った。実害もただ出おいなかったしね。りィルは、貎族は肌に合わないず、昔から冒険者に憧れおいおね......だが、その資質はなかった。だから、匷力な冒険者の傍で、そこそこ危険な堎所ぞ行っお、悟っお欲しかった。冒険者は無理だず。昔から私には懐いおくれおいお......だからこそ、今回の䟝頌で諊めさせたかったのに......」 ハゞメはむルワの独癜を聞きながら、僅かに思案する。ハゞメが思っおいた以䞊に、むルワずりィルの繋がりは濃いらしい。すたし顔で話しおいたが、むルワの内心はたさに藁にもすがる思いなのだろう。生存の可胜性は、時間が経おば経぀ほどれロに近づいおいく。無茶な報酬を提案したのも、むルワが盞圓焊っおいる蚌拠なのだろう。 ハゞメずしおも、町に寄り付く床に、ナ゚ずシアの身分蚌明に぀いお蚀い蚳するのは、いい加枛うんざりしおきたずころであるし、この先、お偉いさんに察する䌝手があるのは、町の斜蚭利甚ずいう点で䟿利だ。なにせ、聖教教䌚や王囜に迎合する気がれロである以䞊、い぀、異端のそしりを受けるかわからない。その堎合、町では極めお過ごしにくくなるだろう。個人的な繋がりで、その蟺をクリア出来るなら嬉しいこずだ。 なので、倧郜垂のギルド支郚長が埌ろ盟になっおくれるずいうなら、この際、自分達の事情を教えお口止めし぀぀、䞍郜合が生じたずきに利甚させおもらおうずハゞメは考えた。りィル某ずは、随分懇意にしおいたようだから、仮に生きお連れお垰れば、そうそう䞍矩理な事もできないだろう。 「そこたで蚀うなら考えなくもないが......二぀条件がある」 「条件?」 「ああ、そんなに難しいこずじゃない。ナ゚ずシアにステヌタスプレヌトを䜜っお欲しい。そしお、そこに衚蚘された内容に぀いお他蚀無甚を確玄するこず、曎に、ギルド関連に関わらず、アンタの持぀コネクションの党おを䜿っお、俺達の芁望に応え䟿宜を図るこず。この二぀だな」 「それはあたりに......」 「出来ないなら、この話はなしだ。もう行かせおもらう」 垭を立ずうずするハゞメに、むルワもドットも焊りず苊悩に衚情を歪めた。䞀぀目の条件は特に問題ないが、二぀目に関しおは、実質、フュヌレンのギルド支郚長が䞀人の冒険者の手足になるようなものだ。責任ある立堎ずしお、おいそれず蚱容するこずはできない。 「䜕を芁求する気かな?」 「そんなに気負わないでくれ。無茶な芁求はしないぞ? ただ俺達は少々特異な存圚なんで、教䌚あたりに目を぀けられるず......いや、これから先、ほが確実に目を぀けられるず思うが、その時、䌝手があった方が䟿利だなっずそう思っただけだ。面倒事が起きた時に味方になっおくれればいい。ほら、指名手配ずかされおも斜蚭の利甚を拒たないずか......」 「指名手配されるのが確実なのかい? ふむ、個人的にも君達の秘密が気になっお来たな。キャサリン先生が気に入っおいるくらいだから悪い人間ではないず思うが......そう蚀えば、そちらのシア君は怪力、ナ゚君は芋たこずもない魔法を䜿ったず報告があったな......その蟺りが君達の秘密か...そしお、それがいずれ教䌚に目を付けられる代物だず...倧しお隠しおいないこずからすれば、最初から事を構えるのは芚悟の䞊ずいうこずか......そうなれば確かにどの町でも動きにくい......故に䟿宜をず......」 流石、倧郜垂のギルド支郚長。頭の回転は早い。むルワは、しばらく考え蟌んだあず、意を決したようにハゞメに芖線を合わせた。 「犯眪に加担するような倫理にもずる行為・芁望には絶察に応えられない。君達が芁望を䌝える床に詳现を聞かせおもらい、私自身が刀断する。だが、できる限り君達の味方になるこずは玄束しよう......これ以䞊は譲歩できない。どうかな」 「たぁ、そんなずころだろうな......それでいい。あず報酬は䟝頌が達成されおからでいい。お坊ちゃん自身か遺品あたりでも持っお垰ればいいだろう?」 ハゞメずしおは、ナ゚ずシアのステヌタスプレヌトを手に入れるのが䞀番の目的だ。この䞖界では䜕かず提瀺を求められるステヌタスプレヌトは持っおいない方が䞍自然であり、この先、町による床に蚀い蚳するのは面倒なこずこの䞊ない。 問題は、最初にステヌタスプレヌトを䜜成した者に隒がれないようにするにはどうすればいいかずいう事だったのだが、むルワの存圚がその問題を解決した。ただ、条件ずしお口玄束をしおも、やはり密告の疑いはある。いずれ、ハゞメ達の特異性はばれるだろうが、積極的に手を回されるのは奜たしくない。なので、ハゞメは、ステヌタスプレヌトの䜜成を䟝頌完了埌にした。どんな圢であれ、心を苛む出来事に答えをもたらしたハゞメを、むルワも悪いようにはしないだろうずいう打算だ。 むルワもハゞメの意図は察しおいるのだろう。苊笑いしながら、それでも捜玢䟝頌の匕き受け手が芋぀かったこずに安堵しおいるようだ。 「本圓に、君達の秘密が気になっおきたが......それは、䟝頌達成埌の楜しみにしおおこう。ハゞメ君の蚀う通り、どんな圢であれ、りィル達の痕跡を芋぀けおもらいたい......ハゞメ君、ナ゚君、シア君......宜しく頌む」 むルワは最埌に真剣な県差しでハゞメ達を芋぀めた埌、ゆっくり頭を䞋げた。倧郜垂のギルド支郚長が䞀冒険者に頭を䞋げる。そうそう出来るこずではない。キャサリンの教え子ずいうだけあっお、人の良さがにじみ出おいる。 そんなむルワの様子を芋お、ハゞメ達は立ち䞊がるず気負いなく実に軜い調子で答えた。 「はいっ」 その埌、支床金や北の山脈地垯の麓にある湖畔の町ぞの玹介状、件の冒険者達が匕き受けた調査䟝頌の資料を受け取り、ハゞメ達は郚屋を出お行った。バタンず扉が締たる。その扉をしばらく芋぀めおいたむルワは、「ふぅ~」ず倧きく息を吐いた。郚屋にいる間、䞀蚀も話さなかったドットが気づかわしげにむルワに声をかける。 「支郚長......よかったのですか? あのような報酬を......」 「......りィルの呜がかかっおいる。圌ら以倖に頌めるものはいなかった。仕方ないよ。それに、圌等に力を貞すか吊かは私の刀断でいいず圌等も承諟しただろう。問題ないさ。それより、圌らの秘密......」 「ステヌタスプレヌトに衚瀺される〝䞍郜合〟ですか......」 「ふむ、ドット君。知っおいるかい? ハむリヒ王囜の勇者䞀行は皆、ずんでもないステヌタスらしいよ?」 ドットは、むルワの突然の話に现めの目を芋開いた。 「! 支郚長は、圌が召喚された者...〝神の䜿埒〟の䞀人であるず? しかし、圌はたるで教䌚ず敵察するような口ぶりでしたし、勇者䞀行は聖教教䌚が管理しおいるでしょう?」 「ああ、その通りだよ。でもね......およ月前、その内の䞀人がオルクスで亡くなったらしいんだよ。奈萜の底に魔物ず䞀緒に萜ちたっおね」 「......たさか、その者が生きおいたず? 四ヶ月前ず蚀えば、勇者䞀行もただただ未熟だったはずでしょう? オルクスの底がどうなっおいるのかは知りたせんが、ずおも生き残るなんお......」 ドットは信じられないず銖を振りながら、むルワの掚枬を吊定する。しかし、むルワはどこか面癜そうな衚情で再びハゞメ達が出お行った扉を芋぀めた。 「そうだね。でも、もし、そうなら......なぜ、圌は仲間ず合流せず、旅なんおしおいるのだろうね? 圌は䞀䜓、闇の底で䜕を芋お、䜕を埗たのだろうね?」 「䜕を......ですか......」 「ああ、䜕であれ、きっずそれは、教䌚ず敵察するこずも蟞さないずいう決意をさせるに足るものだ。それは取りも盎さず、䞖界ず敵察する芚悟があるずいうこずだよ」 「䞖界ず......」 「私ずしおは、そんな特異な人間ずは是非ずも繋がりを持っおおきたいね。䟋え、圌が教䌚や王囜から远われる身ずなっおも、ね。もしかするず、先生もその蟺りを察しお、わざわざ手玙なんお持たせたのかもしれないよ」 「支郚長......どうか匕き際は芋誀らないで䞋さいよ?」 「もちろんだずも」 スケヌルの倧きな話に、目眩を起こしそうになりながら、それでもむルワの秘曞長ずしお忠告は忘れないドット。しかし、むルワは、䜕かを深く考え蟌みドットの忠告にも、半ば䞊の空で返すのだった。
The head of secretary; Datt, pushed his glasses up with his middle finger, and talked to Hajime with a composed tone. “I’ve roughly heard the story. It looks like it isn’t a lie that there are many witnesses. Although I think you’re overdoing it... ... well, let’s just say it’s within a permissible range because they didn’t die. For now, before they wake up and give their side of the story, I assume you’ll be staying in Fhuren. So, I want to verify your identities and your contact address... ... you won’t object if it’s just that, right?” What’s implied was, ‘I won’t concede more than this, you know?’, so Hajime replied to the head of secretary Datt while shrugging his shoulders. “Aa, I don’t care. If that pig still tries to complain, then it’s me who wants to be called. I’ll try a more polite method of persuasion at that time.” Hajime didn’t refuse him, then he presented his status plate to the still amazed Datt. “Our contact address, well we still haven’t decided where to stay... ... You can just ask that guide. We are going to stay at the inn she recommends after all.” Because Hajime turned his gaze towards her, Rishee twitched then dropped her shoulders with a resigned look because she’d still be their guide. “Fumu, that’s okay... ... “Blue” huh. Even though the guy that lies there is “black”... ... how about the status plates of the ones over there?” Even a little, Datt was surprised when he saw Hajime’s status plate displaying the lowest rank of an adventurer; blue. However, because he heard it was the two women that defeated Leganid, he thought the girls were the stronger ones and asked Yue and Shia to submit their status plates. “Well, Yue and Shia... ... these girls lost their status plates and we still didn’t ask for a reissue. Look, isn’t that expensive?” Hajime casually said that lie. Although there’d be no problem to let them see the pair’s abnormal strength, if possible he wanted to avoid the details being known. “But, even if I can’t clarify their identities, it’ll be preserved in the record, so if you frequently cause trouble inside the guild, you’ll be blacklisted regardless of who’s the culprit and victim. If possible, can you pay the guild for a replacement?” From Datt’s tone, it seemed it was necessary to verify their identities by all means. But, if they got the status plates, then the two’s peculiar magic would surely be displayed in the skill column before they could conceal it. That, along with the magic from the Age of the Gods that’d surely be displayed. It would definitely cause a ruckus. Although it’s possible for Hajime and his party to just mow down everyone who tries to harm them during the ruckus, they wouldn’t be able to stay here any longer. Hajime thought about a lot of troubles that would somehow come. Having read his thoughts, Yue talked to Hajime. “... ... Hajime, letter.” ” ? Aa. That letter huh...” Because of Yue’s words, Hajime remembered that he had received a letter from Catherine of the Brook branch when they were about to leave Brook town. She said to show it to the one who managed the guild when they got into trouble in the guild, because it could help them. A mysterious letter. If the letter was useless, according to the circumstances, Hajime considered to immediately leaving the city. Then he fished out the letter from his chest pocket and handed it to Datt. Because he only heard half of what Catherine had said, he didn’t know the contents. That’s why Hajime immediately regretted not checking the contents first. “Although I don’t know if it’ll act as a substitute for our identification, I was told to hand this over to the one who manages the guild by an acquaintanced member of the guild staff when we got into trouble.” ” ? An acquaintance in guild staff? ... ... Let me see.” From the quality of Hajime and his party’s clothes, they didn’t seem to have any problems with money, that’s why Datt felt doubtful about his attitude that refused to replace the status plate, but they passed him a letter instead. When he opened it, he earnestly read it and floated a fish-like expression. Following that, he turned to look at the face of Hajime and his party and the letter many times while he repeatedly reading the letter’s contents. From his figure that read the letter with wide opened eyes, he was trying to determine if the letter was genuine. Before long, Datt folded the letter again and carefully put it again inside the letter’s envelope, then he turned his gaze towards Hajime and his party. “If the letter is real it’ll certainly serve as your identification... ...I cannot decide by myself if the sender is real. I’ll confirm it with the branch head, so will you wait in another room? It won’t take much time. I’ll be back in ten, no, fifteen minutes.” Because Datt’s response exceeded his expectations, “Seriously, who on Earth is Catherine?”, Hajime and his party were slightly taken aback “Well, I don’t mind if it’s that much. I understand. We’ll wait.” “Let the staff guide you. Well then, later.” Datt called the staff at the side and left a message to guide them to another room, then he immediately disappeared into the guild, taking the letter with him. The designated staff asked Hajime and his party to relocate. Hajime and his party began to walk accordingly while being perplexed, but with a voice filled with anticipation rang out. “Umm~, what should I do?” It was Rishee’s. ‘If you still have to talk with the guild, can you excuse me?’, was what her eyes said. She obviously wanted to quickly separate from a seed of troubles, like Hajime and his party. Hajime, with an expression as if it was natural, nodded and frankly replied. “Wait for us... ... don’t run away, kay? Aren’t you a pro?” “... ... Yes.” Rishee dropped her shoulders and moved towards a seat inside the cafe. Her back said that although it was unpleasant work, she already accepted it, and the atmosphere of an upstanding member of society’s pathos drifted in the air. After Hajime and his party were guided into the reception room, exactly after ten minutes, a knock came from the door. Hajime only answered with a word, then the door was opened. What appeared were a sharp eyed male in the latter half of his thirties, with blonde hair that was made into a swept back hairstyle, and Datt, from before. “Nice to meet you, I am Ilwa Chang, the head of the Adventurer’s Guild — Fhuren branch. Hajime-kun, Yue-kun, and Shia-kun... ... is it okay to call you that?” After a simple introduction, the branch head; Ilwa confirmed the names of Hajime and his party and requested a handshake. Hajime returned the handshake while replying to him. “Aa, we don’t mind. Our names, is it from the letter?” “Just as you said. It was written in sensei’s letter. She seems to favor... ... paid you a lot of attention. Your future is promising, but because you have a predisposition for trouble, if possible she wants us to take care of you, is the letter’s content.” “Predisposition for trouble... ... Huh. Trouble certainly continued to happen in Brook. Well, that’s okay. So, essentially will that serve as our identification? Or are there other questions?” “Aa, Sensei already wrote everything here so there’s no need to question you further. She certainly has the eyes to discern people’s characters. She even purposely wrote this letter, so I’ll let this letter be your identification.” Apparently, Catherine’s letter was really useful and let them meet the one who managed the guild. He seems to have close ties with Catherine, to have even called her “sensei”. Shia, who sat next to Hajime, had been especially helped by Catherine, so she was interested in the story and timidly talk to Ilwa. “That’s~, who is Catherine-san actually?” “Nn? Didn’t you hear from the person herself? She was the Guild Master’s head of secretary in the guild’s headquarters located in the Imperial Capital. Afterwards, she became the one in charge of training everyone related to guild management. Currently, of the branch heads sent to each town, % are her pupils. I am also one of them, so I can’t go against her. Because of her beauty and pleasant character, at the time, she was a madonna-like existence to us, in certain ways she was also an adored big-sister-like existence. Afterwards, she married and transferred to the guild branch of Brook town. She said she wanted to raise her children in the country. Her marriage announcement was like a bolt from the blue. It became stormy after that. If you ask where, the guild in the Imperial Capital that is.” “Haa~ she really is an amazing person~” “... ... Catherine’s amazing.” “Although I had thought she wasn’t an ordinary person... ... I never thought she was such a central figure. Rather, even though she was so popular... ... Currently... ... No, it’s better if I stop here.” Hajime and his party came to admire her when they learned of Catherine’s true colors. It seemed they had always imagined her as an important person. Moreover, Hajime was somewhat looking at the distance, remembering the cruelty of time. “Well, that’s that, if there are no more questions, is it okay for us to go?” Originally, they came here only to verify their identity, so Hajime tried to confirm with Ilwa if it was over because staying any longer would be meaningless. However, Ilwa’s eyes shone and said, “Can you wait for a little longer?”, as he tried to stop Hajime and his party. It somehow gave them a bad premonition. Ilwa urged Datt that stood next to him and an application form was presented in front of Hajime and his party. “Actually, I’ve expectations for your help, I want you to accept one request.” “I refuse.” The moment Ilwa requested something of them, Hajime tried to decline as he stood up from his seat. Although Yue and Shia also followed after him, they stopped their feet when Ilwa spoke his next lines. “Fumu, isn’t it fine to at least hear the story for now? If you listen, I think I’ll turn a blind eye to this affair...” “... ...” What was implied was, “If you won’t hear me out, I’ll make you go through the troublesome procedures for this affair, you know?”, something like that. Using the testimonies from the surrounding people, even though Hajime and his party weren’t guilty of what was done to Poom and Leganid, what they have done was excessive self-defense. So according to the regular procedures, the guild would judge them fairly by hearing both concerned parties and this procedure would take quite some time. As a result, even if Hajime and his party weren’t in the wrong, on the other hand, they would spend time like fools until the necessary procedures were finished and the decision came. Also, if they escaped from these procedures, they’d likely be black-listed. In the future, that’d be troublesome because they wouldn’t be able to use the town’s guild facilities. Hajime stared at Ilwa for a while, then he didn’t say “I’ll accept the request”, but “I’ll hear the story”, because he thought it’d be okay to at least hear him out to avoid the trouble, then he sat on the seat. “It looks like you’ll listen to it. Thank you.” “... ... as expected of a big city’s guild branch head. You’ve a good character.” “Not as good as you though. Well then, the contents of the request is written here, to search for a missing person. A party of adventurers that accepted a request to investigate the northern mountain range area have not returned, so the family of one of the adventurers put up a missing person search request, something along those lines.” Ilwa’s story if summarized, went something like this. Recently, there were sightings of groups of demonic beasts in the northern mountain range area, which is why the guild made the investigation request. The northern mountain range area is a mountain that, once crossed, would lead you to an uncivilized area. Although not as strong as the demonic beasts inside the Great Dungeons, there are strong demonic beasts that only high-ranked adventurers could handle. It just that, besides the original members of the party that accepted the request, there was another member that tried to forcefully accompany them. By some happenstance, he eventually became a temporary member of the party. This person was the third son of Count Kudeta; Will Kudeta. Count Kudeta always secretly made someone follow his son that had a tendency to rush out as an adventurer, just like a runaway. But because of this investigation request, the contact with his employer was lost, as it was unusual he was perplexed and put up a search request. “Although the count had already tried to use his family’s power to form a search party, too many problems kept popping up, which is why he put up the search request to the guild. Well, it was just put up yesterday. Because the missing party was considerably skilled, if they couldn’t handle this, it’d just result in another disaster if accepted by regular Adventurers. That’s why the big-guns should be the one to accept it. But unfortunately, such adventurers are all out on missions. Therefore, for you to come here with such timing, I want you to accept this request.” “From your statement, we don’t have the required strength, so wouldn’t that be useless? Unfortunately, I am a “Blue”-rank, you know?” What Hajime implied was they wouldn’t accept it because they didn’t have the required strength. “Didn’t you instant-kill a “Black” called Leganid? Also... ... for someone who easily searched around inside the Raisen Grand Canyon, do I need to say more ?” ” ! How did... ... the letter? But, I didn’t say anything...” No one had heard the story of Hajime and his party searching around the Raisen Grand Canyon. Therefore, unless it was from the letter, there was no way for Ilwa to know about that. But, he was doubtful about how Catherine learn of this. While Hajime puzzled it over in his head, Shia timidly raised her hand. Hajime turned towards Shia with a suspicious look. “What is it, Shia?” “U~mm, I inadvertently told her when we talked... ... Teehee?” “... ... I’ll punish you later.” ” !? Y-Yue-san said it too!” “... ... Shia, you traitor.” “I’ll punish both of you later.” Apparently, the culprits were Yue and Shia. Hajime declared to punish them, and the two were passively drenched in cold sweat. Looking at their appearances with a wry smile, Ilwa continued his talk. “Although the probability of them being alive is low, it’s not zero. Because the Count is my friend, I want you to begin as soon as possible. What do you think? There’s no one but you here. Will you accept it?” Ilwa’s attitude was as if he was begging him, the guild was simply responsible for the commission, but he included more emotion in this. For him to be a friend of the Count, it’s possible he’s acquainted with the missing Will. So he personally felt anxious for his safety. “Even if you say that, we already have a destination for our journey. We are only here because it’s along the way. We won’t go to the northern mountain range area. So, allow me to refuse.” Hajime, even though it’s a matter of the life and death for a noble’s third son, unhesitantly refused him. However, maybe he foresaw that, Ilwa immediately proposed a reward faster than Hajime could stand up from his seat. “I can increase the reward, you know? Although the reward listed in the application is in the form of cash, let me add more appeal to you.. I’ll promote your guild rank. If it’s your abilities then becoming “Black” is okay.” “Well, I don’t care about money and rank, that’s why...” “Then, in the future, when you have some trouble related to the guild, I can be your support, how is that? To have the guild head of Fhuren branch’s support, you’ll have influence inside the guild you can brag about, you know? You and trouble are pretty close after all. So, isn’t it good as a reward?” “That’s a big treat for me. Aren’t you putting in too much effort for a friend’s son?” Toward Hajime’s words, Ilwa’s expression crumbled. It became an expression full of regret. “He... ... Will accepted the request after I recommended it. I was also the one who passed the talk about the investigation request to the party. Even if you said there’d be an accident in the investigation, I thought there’d be no problem if he was with a party that had the required strength. I meant no harm. Will was not suited to be a noble, and he had yearned to be an adventurer for the longest time... ... but, he didn’t have the disposition. Therefore, if he were with strong adventurers, then he could go to dangerous places. I only wanted him to realize that it was impossible for him to be an adventurer. He was already attached to me at a young age.... ... that’s why, even though I wanted him to give up after this request...” While he heard Ilwa’s monologue, Hajime thought about it slightly. It seemed there was a thicker relationship between Ilwa and Will than Hajime thought. Although he had said that with a clarifying face, internally, Ilwa must be clinging to the last straw of hope. Will’s odds of survival would become closer to zero as time passed. Having proposed such unreasonable rewards showed that Ilwa was in a hurry. Hajime was also fed up with making excuses for Yue and Shia’s identification every time they came near a town. That’s why it’d be convenient to use this person’s name in order to access a town’s facilities from now on. Moreover, he had zero intention of catering to the Church of Saints or the Kingdom, and someday he might be labelled as a heretic. If that happens, it’d become extremely difficult for them to stay inside a town. That’s why it was a nice thing to have a personal connection that could clear that hurdle. So, Hajime thought that if he wanted the support of a big city guild’s branch head, in this case, they must tell him their circumstances and forbid him to speak of it, so they could use him in times of inconvenience. Because he seemed extremely intimate with that Will person, if they brought him back alive, Ilwa couldn’t be ungrateful to them. “Although there’s no need to think about it because you already said that much... ... I have conditions.” “Conditions?” “Aa, they are not something difficult. I want you to give status plates to Yue and Shia. After that, promise me you won’t tell anyone about what’s written there. Furthermore, even if it isn’t related to the guild, I will use all of your connections, for our convenience. These two.” “That’s too...” “If you can’t, then pretend we never talked about this. We are going.” Because of Hajime who tried to stand up from his seat, Ilwa and Datt displayed expressions filled with impatience and agony. Although the first condition was not a problem, his second condition essentially meant that he wanted the Fhuren guild branch’s head to be the limbs of a single adventurer. Because he had his own responsibilities, he couldn’t immediately accept it. “Can I ask why you demand that?” “There’s no need to be that negative. They aren’t unreasonable demands, you know? It’s just that our existences are peculiar, that’s why when marked by the church... ... No, from now on, I am sure we’ll be marked, so at that time I only want to use you to make it easier for us. It’s also good if you just become our allies in times of trouble. For example, not refusing us to use the facilities when we become wanted...” “Is it certain you’ll become wanted people? Fumu, personally, your secrets make me anxious. Although Catherine-sensei said you’re not bad people... ... now that you mention it, Shia-kun over there has marvelous physical strength, and although I didn’t see it, from the report Yue-kun has conjured a never before seen magic spell... ... your secrets must be along those lines... ... following that, you said that you’ll sooner or later be marked by the church... ... you also didn’t try to hide it, and it looks like you are already prepared for that... ... it’ll surely be hard to move into towns when that happens... ... that’s why to make it easier for you...” As expected of a big city’s guild branch head. He quickly thought inside his head. Ilwa thought about it for a while, then he matched his gaze to Hajime’s having decided what to do. “I absolutely can’t support you when you ask for help for doing a crime because of ethics. So, I’ll hear the details of your request first, only then I’ll judge what to do. But, I promise I’ll at least be your ally... ... I can’t concede more than this. What do you think?” “Well, if it’s like... ... I’ll accept it. Also, it’s okay for the reward to be given after the request is finished. I’ll bring back the young master dead or alive, is that okay?” For Hajime, it was his first priority to obtain the status plates for Yue and Shia. It’s unnatural for them to not have status plates because it’s somehow always being requested to be shown, this was his first reason, and ultimately to make an excuse every time they came to a town was troublesome. The only problem was that the person who prepared the status plates at the beginning would make a commotion, so he wanted to avoid it, but Ilwa’s existence solved this problem. However, even if he made a verbal promise as the condition, there are still doubts. Sooner or later, the peculiarity of Hajime and his party might come to light, so it was not preferable because he might change sides immediately. That’s why Hajime said to give the status plates as a reward after the request was completed. Whatever Will’s shape was, Hajime would gain the answer from his afflicted heart, and he could calculate if Ilwa was good or not. Ilwa was also able to guess Hajime’s intentions. With a bitter smile, he felt relieved finding someone who could accept the search request. “Truthfully, although your secrets make me anxious... ... that’s, I’ll wait for you to finish the request. Just as Hajime-kun said, no matter what shape he is in, I want you to find traces of Will and the other... ... Hajime-kun, Yue-kun, and Shia-kun... ... Please take care of it.” Lastly, Ilwa looked at Hajime and his party with earnest eyes, then bowed his head. A big city guild branch’s head bowing his head to adventurers. It wasn’t something usual. It was because he was Catherine’s pupil that his goodness as a person oozed out. Having seen Ilwa’s appearance, Hajime and his party stood up and without any eagerness, they lightly answered him. “Yes.” Afterwards, they were given the downpayment, and a letter of introduction for the lakeside town at the foot of the mountain range area. They also received information about the investigation request that was given to the adventurers, and finally Hajime and his party left the room. Batan, the door was closed with a slam. Ilwa stared at the door for a while, then, “Fuu~”, let out a big sigh. Inside the room, no one spoke a word, then Datt anxiously spoke to Ilwa. “Branch head... ... Is that okay? Such rewards are...” “... ... Will’s life hangs in their hands. I can’t ask anyone besides them. So, it can’t be helped. Furthermore, they already agreed that I can judge first whether to lend them my power or not. There’ll be no problem. Also, their secrets...” “What’s displayed in the status plates will be an “inconvenience”, is it...” “Fumu, Datt-kun. Did you know? Herrlich kingdom’s Hero party, it seems all of them have unexpected statuses, you know?” Datt opened his narrowed eyes wide because of Ilwa’s sudden story. ” ! Branch head, the summoned ones... ... you mean one of them is “God’s Apostle”? But, from their tone it seems they are opposing the church, isn’t the Hero’s party managed by the Church of Saints?” “Aa, it’s just as you said. But... ... around four months ago, it seems one of them died inside the Orcus dungeon. He fell into the Abyss along with a demonic beast.” “... ... don’t tell me, that person’s still alive? If you said four months ago, isn’t the Hero’s party still full of novices? Although I don’t know what it’s like at the bottom of Orcus, to survive that...” Datt couldn’t believe it as he shook his head, and denied Ilwa’s guess. However, Ilwa who somehow gave out an interested expression and once again glanced at the door from which Hajime and his party had left. “That is true. But, if that’s so... ... there must be a reason why he didn’t rejoin with his companions and even went on a journey, right? Just what did he see in the bottom of the darkness, just what did he obtain?” “Just what... ... that is huh...” “Aa, no matter what it is, surely, it’s something worth making him decide to oppose the church. To put it frankly, he’s determined to even oppose the world.” “The world...” “For me, I want to make connections with such a peculiar man by all means. For example, even if they are chased by the church and the kingdom, right. Rather, Sensei might have guessed that, that’s why she purposely gave them this letter.” “Branch head... ... please be sure to know when to quit, okay?” “Of course I will.” Towards the story on such a large scale, Datt became dizzy, even so, as Ilwa’s head of secretary, he didn’t forget to advise him. However, Ilwa was deeply in thought when he heard Datt’s advice only replied in half absent-mindedness.
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実際 私の著曞 『The Elephant, The Tiger and the Cellphone』も 実際 私の著曞 『The Elephant, The Tiger and the Cellphone』も アメリカでは よけいな副題が付きたした 「むンド:次の21䞖玀倧囜」 しかし それがむンドだずは思いたせんし それだけであるべきではないず思いたす 実は䞖界のリヌダずいう 抂念自䜓に悩たされたす ひどく叀颚に思えるんです ゞェヌムズ・ボンド映画や キプリングのバラヌドを思わせたす そもそも 䞖界リヌダヌの条件は䜕でしょう? 人口だずすれば我々はトップに向かっおいたす 2034幎たでには 䞭囜を远い越したす 軍事力でしょうか? 我々の軍隊の芏暡は䞖界第4䜍です 栞の保有なら? きちんず持っおいたす アメリカだっお認めおたすから 協定ではね では経枈力でしょうか?今やむンドは 賌買力平䟡説に基づけば 䞖界で5番目に倧きな経枈倧囜であり 曎に成長を続けおいたす 去幎 䞖界䞭が打撃を受けたのに察しお 6.7%の成長を遂げたした しかし これ以倖にも この21䞖玀に むンドが䞖界に貢献するべきものは もっず䜕かあるず思うんです そこで私は考えたした もしかしたら 䞖界がむンドに察しお望むものは 今述べたものず共にさらに 理想ずなるようなパワヌ むンド文化の魅力 俗に蚀う「゜フト・パワヌ」なんじゃないかず 「゜フト・パワヌ」は 私の友人でもあるハヌバヌド孊者 ゞョセフ・ナむが発案した抂念で 時間がないので簡朔に蚀うず 基本的には 囜の持぀文化や政治的䟡倀 倖亀政策などが 他囜を匕き぀ける力です いろんな囜が䜿っおいたす ナむは最初アメリカに぀いお曞いたのですが アリアンス・フランセヌズなんかは フランスの゜フト・パワヌの䟋ですし ブリティッシュ・カりンシルもそう 北京オリンピックは 䞭囜の゜フト・パワヌの行䜿でしたね アメリカは囜営攟送ボむス・オブ・アメリカや フルブラむト奚孊金がありたすね しかし 珟実には ハリりッド MTV マクドナルドの方が 政府による掻動よりも 䞖界䞭で アメリカの゜フト・パワヌを広めおいるんです ぀たり゜フト・パワヌは 政府による働きかけでもありたすが 政府以倖のものからも生じるんです 今日のような 情報瀟䌚時代では TED時代ずも呌べたすが 囜々はたすたすグロヌバル瀟䌚に 評䟡されおいたす 瀟䌚はむンタヌネットニュヌスや テレビから流れるむメヌゞ 携垯ビデオやゎシップメヌルで溢れおいたす 蚀いかえれば 様々なコミュニケヌションツヌルが その囜の意図に関わらず 囜々の物語を私達に䌝えおいるんです さお この時代では 倚様なコミュニケヌション手段 情報手段を持぀囜は特に有利です 時にはどう芋られるかに察しお 圱響力もあるでしょう むンドには䞖界のどの囜よりも 倚くのニュヌスチャンネルがあり この地域の囜すべおを合わせた ものを䞊回りたす しかし それだけではありたせん ゜フト・パワヌを持぀には 「぀ながり」も倧切です 珟圚のむンドの぀ながり方は ものすごいず思われるでしょう すでに数字を聞かれたず思いたすが 今や毎月1500䞇台の携垯を売り䞊げおおり 5億ず9癟䞇台の携垯電話が むンド人の手にあるのです ぀たり 電話マヌケットの芏暡ずしおは アメリカを超えおいたす 実はこの1500䞇台ずいう数字は 電気通信の歎史䞊 アメリカや䞭囜を含め どの囜よりも速く ぀ながっおいるのを瀺したす しかし 皆さんは我々がここに至った 長い道のりを ご存知でしょうか? 私がむンドで育った頃は 電話なんお非垞に珍しいものでした 珍しいあたり 囜䌚議員たちは 15本の電話回線の割り圓おを 圌らの遞ぶ人たちに ずりはからう 暩利を持っおいたした 幞運にも裕犏なビゞネスマンであったり 圱響力のあるゞャヌナリストや 医者であれば電話を持おたのです しかし 持っおいるだけだったりしたす 私はカルカッタの高校に通っおいたのですが 正面玄関に電話が蚭眮されおいたした しかし期埅しお受話噚を手にしおも 倧半の堎合は 発信音はありたせんでした 仮に発信音があっおダむアルを回したずしおも 3回に2回は間違った盞手に぀ながっおしたい 「お間違えです」ずいう受け答えが 「もしもし」より䞀般的だったようです たた 垂倖にかけようならば 䟋えばカルカッタからデリヌに電話したいずするず 長距離電話の呌び出しを予玄し 䞀日䞭電話のそばで 繋がるのを埅たなければなりたせんでした もしくは8倍の料金を払っお 「皲劻コヌル」ずいうものを䜿えたのですが 圓時 わが囜では皲劻が萜ちるのが遅くお 皲劻コヌルが繋がるのに30分はかかっおいたした 電話サヌビスのあたりの悲惚さに 1984幎に囜䌚議員が そのこずに぀いお抗議したのですが 圓時の通信倧臣は暪柄にこう答えたした 「途䞊囜では 通信は暩利ではなくぜいたくであり よりよいサヌビスを提䟛するのは政府の責任ではない むしろ議員が自分の電話に䞍満があるのなら 8幎のりェヌティングリストがあるのだから 返しおいただけないか?」ずね 珟代に飛び 呚囲を芋回すず 月に1500䞇台の携垯が売られおいたす そこで印象的なのは 誰が携垯を持っおいるか です 䟋えば デリヌの郊倖を蚪ねるず 道端で16䞖玀にデザむンされたような カヌトを匕いた人を芋かけたす 18䞖玀に発明されたであろう 石炭で熱したアむロンを巧みに䜿う圌は 「アむロンかけ屋さん」ですが 21䞖玀の道具を持っおいたす なぜ携垯を持っおいるかずいうず 倧抂受信料がタダなので 携垯で近所からの泚文を受け アむロンをかける服を集めるわけです 先日 私は故郷のケヌララ州にいたのですが 郜䌚から20キロ離れた 友人の畑に行きたしおね 暑い日だったので 「ココナッツゞュヌスでも飲むかい?」ず聞かれ 熱垯地方の暑い日に こんな䜓によく 矎味しいものはないので 「もちろん」ず答えたした 圌が携垯をスッず取り出しダむアルするず 「今䞊にいるよ」ず声がしたした すぐ傍のココナツの朚のおっぺんにいたのは 片手に斧 もう片手には携垯を持぀ 地元の暹液採取者で 朚を䞋りお我々が飲む ココナツを持っおきおくれたした 持垫も海に出るずきは携垯を持ち 魚を捕たえるず枯の垂堎に電話し どこで最高の䟡栌で売れるか探したす 蟲堎䞻もか぀おは 半日がかりで 垂堎が開いおいるのかを 苊劎しお調べたり 収穫したものが売れるか どの䟡栌で䞋ろせるか このような情報を埗るために 8歳の男の子を町に送り のこのこず行っお戻っおくるのを埅っお それから荷車を積んでいたした 今はこの半日劎働を 2分の電話で枈たせおたす ですから 瀟䌚の底蟺の人々の 力を匕き出せたこずが むンド党䜓が぀ながった真の成果なのです この倉革はむンドが珟圚向かっおいる方向の䞀郚ですが むンドが広めおいるのはそれだけではありたせん ボリりッドがありたす 私のボリりッドに察する考えは ボリりッドのゎミ捚お堎にいる 2匹のダギの話でたずめられたす- シェヌカル・カプヌル監督ごめんなさいね- ダギたちはボリりッドのスタゞオが捚おた フむルムを食べおいお 1匹が噛みながら 「この映画悪くないよ」ず蚀うず もう1匹が 「いやヌ、 本のほうが良かったよ」ず蚀うのです 私は倧抵 本のほうが良いず思っおいるのですが それでもやはり ボリりッドは今や 特定のむンドらしさや むンド文化を䞖界に広めおいたす それもアメリカやむギリス圚䜏の むンド系移民の間だけでなく アラブ諞囜やアフリカ セネガルやシリアでも䞊映されおいたす ニュヌペヌクで読み曞きのできない 母を持぀男性に䌚いたした 圌の母はセネガルの村に䜏んでいるのですが わざわざボリりッド映画を芋るためだけに 毎月䞀床バスで銖郜ダカヌルたで行くそうです 䌚話も理解出来なければ 圌女はフランス語字幕を読むこずもできたせん しかし これらの映画は そんなハンデがあっおも楜しめるように䜜られ 圌女は歌やダンスにアクションを倧いに楜しみ 結果 むンドに぀いお目をキラキラさせお垰るのです こんな珟象がどんどん増えおいたす アフガニスタンは䞖界各囜にずっお 重芁な安党保障の問題です むンドはアフガニスタンに 軍隊を送っおいたせんが 過去7幎間 アフガニスタンで むンドが最も嚁力を発したものは? 実はこれです 倜8時半にアフガン人が 電話に出なくなったこず それはなぜか?その時刻は むンドのメロドラマが 攟映される時間だからです Todo TVにおダリヌ語に吹きかえられ アフガンの歎史䞊 最も人気のあるテレビ番組になりたした どのアフガン家庭もこの番組を芋るために 8時半には やっおるこずをやめおしたいたす 聞くずころでは 結婚匏さえも ゲストがテレビの前に集たれるよう䞭断され 終わっおから花嫁ず花婿の元に戻った ずいう話もありたした 8時半には犯眪が増えたした ロむタヌのレポヌトなので むンドのプロパガンダではなく むギリス通信瀟の報道ですが マザヌリシャリヌフの町では泥棒が 車のワむパヌ ホむヌルキャップ サむドミラヌ 取れるもの党おを 8時半に盗んだず䌝えおいたす なぜならその時間 譊備員が テレビに気をずられおいたからです 曎にドラマのヒロむンにちなんで 「トゥルシ・ゞンダバヌド: トゥルシ 䞇歳」ず窓に萜曞きたでされたのです これぞ゜フト・パワヌであり それこそむンドが TEDのEの郚分 自囜の゚ンタヌテむメント産業を通しお 発展させおいるものです あたり倚くの䟋を出す時間はありたせんが 我々の音楜やダンス アヌト、ペガ、アヌナルノェヌダ医孊 むンド料理だっおそうです 私が70幎代に留孊生ずしお初めお海倖ぞ枡ったずきから 珟代たでのむンド料理店の急増ぶりずいったら! 今やペヌロッパや北米の䞭芏暡の町で むンド料理店のない町なんお ないくらいですよね おいしくないかもしれたせんが 䟋えばむギリスでは むンド料理店のほうが 炭鉱業、造船業、鉄鋌業界を合わせたより より倚くの人材を雇っおいたす そう 垝囜は逆襲できるのです (拍手) さお アフガニスタンの話や 私やあなた方を通しお むンドに察する意識が䞊がるほど 珟圚の情報瀟䌚に重芁なこずが 䜕だかわかっおきたす それは珟代では 軍の倧きい偎が勝぀のではなく より良い物語を語れる囜こそが優勢ずいうこずです 私の芋解ではむンドこそがより良い物語を持぀囜であり あり続けなければなりたせん ステレオタむプは倉わり぀぀ありたす 留孊生ずしお滞圚した70幎代アメリカでの むンドに察するむメヌゞを知っおいたすが 珟圚ではシリコンバレヌや他の堎所でも IIT(むンド工科倧孊)に察しおか぀おMIT (マサチュヌセッツ工科倧孊)に瀺しおいたほどの 敬意を瀺しおいたす これは時に予想倖の結果をもたらしたす 私ず同じく歎史孊専攻の友人がいたのですが アムステルダムのスキポヌル空枯にお 䞍安で汗だくのペヌロッパ人に呌び止められ 「あなたむンド人 むンド人ですよね! ラップトップを盎しおもらえたせんか?」ず 頌たれたそうです むンドのむメヌゞは 釘のベッドに暪たわる托鉢僧や 瞄を操る蛇䜿いなどのむメヌゞから æ•°å­Šã‚„ コンピュヌタの倩才 ゜フトりェアのプロの囜ずいう むメヌゞに倉わっおきたした これも䞖界䞭でむンドの物語を倉えおいるのです しかし さらに本質的なものもありたす この話は耇数政党制床ずいう 基本的な政策基盀の䞊に成り立っおいたす もっずも これは 文明の物語でもありたす むンドは数千幎もの間オヌプンな瀟䌚でしたから むンドは バビロニア人やロヌマ人による 神殿の砎壊から逃れたナダダ人に 䜏む堎所を䞎えたした 䌝説によるず 䞍信のトマス、 䜿埒 聖トマスが 私の故郷ケヌララの海岞にたどり着いた時 玀元52幎あたりの話ですが 圌は海岞で笛を吹くナダダ人の少女に 迎えられた ず䌝えられおいたす 未だにナダダ人の歎史䞊で ナダダ人移䜏者が䞀床も反ナダダ䞻矩に 盎面しなかった囜がむンドです (拍手) これぞむンドの物語です 南郚にはむスラム教が円満に来たしたし 北郚での歎史はもう少し耇雑でしたが 様々な宗教はすべおむンドで 迎え入れられ居堎所を芋぀けたのです 今幎 総遞挙がありたしたが これは人類史䞊最倧の 民䞻䞻矩遞挙暩の行䜿でした 我々の投祚人口は 毎幎2000䞇人ず぀増えおいるので 次回の遞挙は より倧きなものになるでしょう しかし 事実ずしお 5幎前行われた前回の遞挙は 䞖界に驚くべき珟象を芋せたした むタリア系でカトリック教埒の゜ニア・ガンディヌ ずいう女性の政治家が遞挙に勝ち シヌク教埒のマンモハン・シンを 銖盞に任呜し 圌は宣誓就任をむスラム教埒である― アブドゥル・カラヌム倧統領の前で行いたした 81%がヒンズヌ教埒の囜でのこずです (拍手) これがより衝撃的な理由は その4幎埌 䞖界が称賛した出来事ですが 220幎以䞊 自由で公平な遞挙の歎史を持぀ 䞖界最叀の民䞻䞻矩囜家であるアメリカが 癜人、男性、クリスチャンでない倧統領 たたは副倧統領を やっず去幎になっお遞出したからです なので--倱瀌したした 圌はクリスチャンですね それに 男性ですが癜人ではありたせん 以前はこの3぀が揃った人ばかりだった 前任の倧統領は皆 この3぀を兌ね備えおいたず 蚀いたかったんです しかし この䟋の栞心は むンドの宣䌝でも プロパガンダでもありたせん だいたい 遞挙の結果は むンド以倖の囜には関係なく 本質的にはむンドが むンドらしくしおいただけです それが結局は プロパガンダより有効だず思うんです 政府は物語を語るのが あたり䞊手ではありたせん けれど 人々はありのたたの瀟䌚を芋たす 私はそれが結局 珟代の情報瀟䌚の時代 TED時代で 重芁なこずだず思いたす 珟圚のむンドの囜民が望むこずは もはや人皮・蚀語・宗教䞻矩ではありたせん なぜなら ありずあらゆる人皮が共存し ありずあらゆる宗教が信仰されおいるからです たあ 神道は䟋倖ですが あれもヒンドゥヌ教の芁玠がどこか少しありたす 憲法に認められた蚀語が23蚀語あり むンドの通貚に䞡替された方は ルピヌに曞かれた金額を衚す 蚀語の倚さに驚かれたのではないでしょうか これらすべおがありたす 我々を統䞀する地理すらないのです なぜなら山や海で自然に囲たれた 亜倧陞の地理は1947幎の パキスタンずの分割で 倉えられおしたったからです 実は囜名すら考えさせられたす 「むンド」ずいう名はパキスタンに流れおいる むンダス川から来おいるのですからね でも ポむントは むンドずいう囜は ある考えでたずたった囜家だずいうこずです 叀代文明から生たれた ゚バヌランドずいうアむデアで ずもにした歎史でひず぀になり 䜕より倚元的民䞻䞻矩により 維持されおいるのです これは21䞖玀の話であるず同時に 叀代からあるものなんです そしお この囜を支えおいるのは 階玚や信念 肌の色、文化、食事 習慣、 服装、 そしお蚀葉の発音たで 違いをすべお蚱容しながらも 合意の基に話し合えるずいうアむデアです この合意はずおもシンプルな原則で それはむンドのような倚元的民䞻䞻矩では どのように異議を唱えるかずいう ルヌルにさえ同意すれば すべおに賛成する必芁はないずいうものです 倚くの孊者やゞャヌナリストが 50幎代ず60幎代に厩壊するだろうず 予枬した囜である むンドの成功の鍵は 合意なしに生き延びるずいう 合意を保持できたこずです これぞ21䞖玀に 存圚感を増しおくるむンドです ここで芁点を述べたいのですが むンドに぀いお称賛するに倀するものは 軍事力でも経枈力でもありたせん それらも 党お必芁なんですが ただ倚倧な問題を我々は抱えおいたす むンドは「非垞に貧しい超倧囜」だず 蚀った人がいたすが 䞡方であるこずはあり埗たせん この貧困に打ち勝たねばなりたせん 枯や道路 空枯などの 発展に䌎う機械蚭備 すべおの基幹斜蚭に察凊しなければなりたせん それに 人的資本ですね むンドの庶民が 1日に最䜎2食 十分な食事が取れたり 子䟛たちをたずもな孊校ぞ 送れたり 人生に奜機をもたらし倉化させられる 仕事に぀きたいず願えたり 出来る必芁がありたす 我々が無芖出来ないチャレンゞを克服する 偉倧な冒険は起きおいるのです それも ずおもオヌプンな瀟䌚 豊かで倚様な耇合文明で起きおいるのです この文明は人々の 独創的な゚ネルギヌを解攟し 期埅に応えるこずでしょう だからこそむンドはTEDにふさわしく TEDもたたむンドにふさわしいのです ありがずうございたした
In fact, the American publishers of my book, "The Elephant, The Tiger and the Cell Phone," added a gratuitous subtitle saying, "India: The next 21st-century power." And I just don't think that's what India's all about, or should be all about. Indeed, what worries me is the entire notion of world leadership seems to me terribly archaic. It's redolent of James Bond movies and Kipling ballads. After all, what constitutes a world leader? If it's population, we're on course to top the charts. We will overtake China by 2034. Is it military strength? Well, we have the world's fourth largest army. Is it nuclear capacity? We know we have that. The Americans have even recognized it, in an agreement. Is it the economy? Well, we have now the fifth-largest economy in the world in purchasing power parity terms. And we continue to grow. When the rest of the world took a beating last year, we grew at 6.7 percent. But, somehow, none of that adds up to me, to what I think India really can aim to contribute in the world, in this part of the 21st century. And so I wondered, could what the future beckons for India to be all about be a combination of these things allied to something else, the power of example, the attraction of India's culture, what, in other words, people like to call "soft power." Soft power is a concept invented by a Harvard academic, Joseph Nye, a friend of mine. And, very simply, and I'm really cutting it short because of the time limits here, it's essentially the ability of a country to attract others because of its culture, its political values, its foreign policies. And, you know, lots of countries do this. He was writing initially about the States, but we know the Alliance Francaise is all about French soft power, the British Council. The Beijing Olympics were an exercise in Chinese soft power. Americans have the Voice of America and the Fulbright scholarships. But, the fact is, in fact, that probably Hollywood and MTV and McDonalds have done more for American soft power around the world than any specifically government activity. So soft power is something that really emerges partly because of governments, but partly despite governments. And in the information era we all live in today, what we might call the TED age, I'd say that countries are increasingly being judged by a global public that's been fed on an incessant diet of Internet news, of televised images, of cellphone videos, of email gossip. In other words, all sorts of communication devices are telling us the stories of countries, whether or not the countries concerned want people to hear those stories. Now, in this age, again, countries with access to multiple channels of communication and information have a particular advantage. And of course they have more influence, sometimes, about how they're seen. India has more all-news TV channels than any country in the world, in fact in most of the countries in this part of the world put together. But, the fact still is that it's not just that. In order to have soft power, you have to be connected. One might argue that India has become an astonishingly connected country. I think you've already heard the figures. We've been selling 15 million cellphones a month. Currently there are 509 million cellphones in Indian hands, in India. And that makes us larger than the U.S. as a telephone market. In fact, those 15 million cellphones are the most connections that any country, including the U.S. and China, has ever established in the history of telecommunications. But, what perhaps some of you don't realize is how far we've come to get there. You know, when I grew up in India, telephones were a rarity. In fact, they were so rare that elected members of Parliament had the right to allocate 15 telephone lines as a favor to those they deemed worthy. If you were lucky enough to be a wealthy businessman or an influential journalist, or a doctor or something, you might have a telephone. But sometimes it just sat there. I went to high school in Calcutta. And we would look at this instrument sitting in the front foyer. But half the time we would pick it up with an expectant look on our faces, there would be no dial tone. If there was a dial tone and you dialed a number, the odds were two in three you wouldn't get the number you were intending to reach. In fact the words "wrong number" were more popular than the word "Hello." If you then wanted to connect to another city, let's say from Calcutta you wanted to call Delhi, you'd have to book something called a trunk call, and then sit by the phone all day, waiting for it to come through. Or you could pay eight times the going rate for something called a lightning call. But, lightning struck rather slowly in our country in those days, so, it was like about a half an hour for a lightning call to come through. In fact, so woeful was our telephone service that a Member of Parliament stood up in 1984 and complained about this. And the Then-Communications Minister replied in a lordly manner that in a developing country communications are a luxury, not a right, that the government had no obligation to provide better service, and if the honorable Member wasn't satisfied with his telephone, could he please return it, since there was an eight-year-long waiting list for telephones in India. Now, fast-forward to today and this is what you see: the 15 million cell phones a month. But what is most striking is who is carrying those cell phones. You know, if you visit friends in the suburbs of Delhi, on the side streets you will find a fellow with a cart that looks like it was designed in the 16th century, wielding a coal-fired steam iron that might have been invented in the 18th century. He's called an isthri wala. But he's carrying a 21st-century instrument. He's carrying a cell phone because most incoming calls are free, and that's how he gets orders from the neighborhood, to know where to collect clothes to get them ironed. The other day I was in Kerala, my home state, about 20 kilometers away from any place you'd consider urban. And it was a hot day and he said, "Hey, would you like some fresh coconut water?" And it's the best thing and the most nutritious and refreshing thing you can drink on a hot day in the tropics, so I said sure. And he whipped out his cellphone, dialed the number, and a voice said, "I'm up here." And right on top of the nearest coconut tree, with a hatchet in one hand and a cell phone in the other, was a local toddy tapper, who proceeded to bring down the coconuts for us to drink. Fishermen are going out to sea and carrying their cell phones. When they catch the fish they call all the market towns along the coast to find out where they get the best possible prices. Farmers now, who used to have to spend half a day of backbreaking labor to find out if the market town was open, if the market was on, whether the product they'd harvested could be sold, what price they'd fetch. They'd often send an eight year old boy all the way on this trudge to the market town to get that information and come back, then they'd load the cart. Today they're saving half a day's labor with a two minute phone call. So this empowerment of the underclass is the real result of India being connected. And that transformation is part of where India is heading today. But, of course that's not the only thing about India that's spreading. You've got Bollywood. My attitude to Bollywood is best summarized in the tale of the two goats at a Bollywood garbage dump -- Mr. Shekhar Kapur, forgive me -- and they're chewing away on cans of celluloid discarded by a Bollywood studio. And the first goat, chewing away, says, "You know, this film is not bad." And the second goat says, "No, the book was better." I usually tend to think that the book is usually better, but, having said that, the fact is that Bollywood is now taking a certain aspect of Indian-ness and Indian culture around the globe, not just in the Indian diaspora in the U.S. and the U.K., but to the screens of Arabs and Africans, of Senegalese and Syrians. I've met a young man in New York whose illiterate mother in a village in Senegal takes a bus once a month to the capital city of Dakar, She can't understand the dialogue. She's illiterate, so she can't read the French subtitles. But these movies are made to be understood despite such handicaps, and she has a great time in the song and the dance and the action. She goes away with stars in her eyes about India, as a result. And this is happening more and more. Afghanistan, we know what a serious security problem Afghanistan is for so many of us in the world. India doesn't have a military mission there. You know what was India's biggest asset in Afghanistan in the last seven years? One simple fact: you couldn't try to call an Afghan at 8:30 in the evening. Why? Because that was the moment when the Indian television soap opera, "Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi," dubbed into Dari, was telecast on Tolo T.V. And it was the most popular television show in Afghan history. Every Afghan family wanted to watch it. They had to suspend functions at 8:30. Weddings were reported to be interrupted so guests could cluster around the T.V. set, and then turn their attention back to the bride and groom. Crime went up at 8:30. I have read a Reuters dispatch -- so this is not Indian propaganda, a British news agency -- about how robbers in the town of Musarri Sharif* stripped a vehicle of its windshield wipers, its hubcaps, its sideview mirrors, any moving part they could find, at 8:30, because the watchmen were busy watching the T.V. rather than minding the store. And they scrawled on the windshield in a reference to the show's heroine, "Tulsi Zindabad": "Long live Tulsi." That's soft power. And that is what India is developing through the "E" part of TED: its own entertainment industry. The same is true, of course -- we don't have time for too many more examples -- but it's true of our music, of our dance, of our art, yoga, ayurveda, even Indian cuisine. I mean, the proliferation of Indian restaurants since I first went abroad as a student, in the mid '70s, and what I see today, you can't go to a mid-size town in Europe or North America and not find an Indian restaurant. It may not be a very good one. But, today in Britain, for example, Indian restaurants in Britain employ more people than the coal mining, ship building and iron and steel industries combined. So the empire can strike back. But, with this increasing awareness of India, with you and with I, and so on, with tales like Afghanistan, comes something vital in the information era, the sense that in today's world it's not the side of the bigger army that wins, it's the country that tells a better story that prevails. And India is, and must remain, in my view, the land of the better story. Stereotypes are changing. I mean, again, having gone to the U.S. as a student in the mid '70s, I knew what the image of India was then, if there was an image at all. Today, people in Silicon Valley and elsewhere speak of the IITs, the Indian Institutes of Technology with the same reverence they used to accord to MIT. This can sometimes have unintended consequences. OK. I had a friend, a history major like me, who was accosted at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, by an anxiously perspiring European saying, "You're Indian, you're Indian! Can you help me fix my laptop?" We've gone from the image of India as land of fakirs lying on beds of nails, and snake charmers with the Indian rope trick, to the image of India as a land of mathematical geniuses, computer wizards, software gurus. But that too is transforming the Indian story around the world. But, there is something more substantive to that. The story rests on a fundamental platform of political pluralism. It's a civilizational story to begin with. Because India has been an open society for millennia. India gave refuge to the Jews, fleeing the destruction of the first temple by the Babylonians, and said thereafter by the Romans. In fact, legend has is that when Doubting Thomas, the Apostle, Saint Thomas, landed on the shores of Kerala, my home state, somewhere around 52 A.D., he was welcomed on shore by a flute-playing Jewish girl. And to this day remains the only Jewish diaspora in the history of the Jewish people, which has never encountered a single incident of anti-semitism. That's the Indian story. Islam came peacefully to the south, slightly more differently complicated history in the north. But all of these religions have found a place and a welcome home in India. You know, we just celebrated, this year, our general elections, the biggest exercise in democratic franchise in human history. And the next one will be even bigger, because our voting population keeps growing by 20 million a year. But, the fact is that the last elections, five years ago, gave the world extraordinary phenomenon of Italian origin and Roman Catholic faith, Sonia Gandhi, who then made way for a Sikh, Mohan Singh, to be sworn in as Prime Minister by a Muslim, President Abdul Kalam, in a country 81 percent Hindu. This is India, and of course it's all the more striking because it was four years later that we all applauded the U.S., the oldest democracy in the modern world, more than 220 years of free and fair elections, which took till last year to elect a president or a vice president who wasn't white, male or Christian. So, maybe -- oh sorry, he is Christian, I beg your pardon -- and he is male, but he isn't white. All the others have been all those three. All his predecessors have been all those three, and that's the point I was trying to make. But, the issue is that when I talked about that example, it's not just about talking about India, it's not propaganda. Because ultimately, that electoral outcome had nothing to do with the rest of the world. It was essentially India being itself. And ultimately, it seems to me, that always works better than propaganda. Governments aren't very good at telling stories. But people see a society for what it is, and that, it seems to me, is what ultimately will make a difference in today's information era, in today's TED age. So India now is no longer the nationalism of ethnicity or language or religion, because we have every ethnicity known to mankind, practically, we've every religion know to mankind, with the possible exception of Shintoism, though that has some Hindu elements somewhere. We have 23 official languages that are recognized in our Constitution. And those of you who cashed your money here might be surprised to see how many scripts there are on the rupee note, spelling out the denominations. We've got all of that. We don't even have geography uniting us, because the natural geography of the subcontinent framed by the mountains and the sea was hacked by the partition with Pakistan in 1947. In fact, you can't even take the name of the country for granted, because the name "India" comes from the river Indus, which flows in Pakistan. But, the whole point is that India is the nationalism of an idea. emerging from an ancient civilization, united by a shared history, but sustained, above all, by pluralist democracy. That is a 21st-century story as well as an ancient one. And it's the nationalism of an idea that essentially says you can endure differences of caste, creed, color, culture, cuisine, custom and costume, consonant, for that matter, and still rally around a consensus. And the consensus is of a very simple principle, that in a diverse plural democracy like India you don't really have to agree on everything all the time, so long as you agree on the ground rules of how you will disagree. The great success story of India, a country that so many learned scholars and journalists assumed would disintegrate, in the '50s and '60s, is that it managed to maintain consensus on how to survive without consensus. Now, that is the India that is emerging into the 21st century. And I do want to make the point that if there is anything worth celebrating about India, it isn't military muscle, economic power. All of that is necessary, but we still have huge amounts of problems to overcome. Somebody said we are super poor, and we are also super power. We can't really be both of those. We have to overcome our poverty. We have to deal with the the ports, the roads, the airports, all the infrastructural things we need to do, and the software of development, the human capital, the need for the ordinary person in India to be able to have a couple of square meals a day, to be able to send his or her children to a decent school, and to aspire to work a job that will give them opportunities in their lives that can transform themselves. But, it's all taking place, this great adventure of conquering those challenges, those real challenges which none of us can pretend don't exist. But, it's all taking place in an open society, in a rich and diverse and plural civilization, in one that is determined to liberate and fulfill the creative energies of its people. That's why India belongs at TED, and that's why TED belongs in India. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
マリアやフィニアず先日村の倖に出おみたが、やはり閉塞された雰囲気のある村の䞭ずは、開攟感が違う。 たしおや先には甘酞っぱい果実が埅ち受けおいるずなれば、子䟛たちの足が軜くなるのも頷けた。 あっずいう間に目的の朚に蟿り着き、もぎ取り圹が我先にず登り始める。 「ちょっず埅っお!」 「ニコルちゃんも登れるんだろ? 早くおいでよ!」 挑発的にそう声を掛けおくる男の子に、少々ムッずしながらも、俺は手早く朚に登り始める。 玠早く枝の先たで進み、果実に手を䌞ばそうずしたその時―― そこで、俺は芖界の端に動く圱に気が付いた。 それは西偎の草原を、隠れるように移動し、村に迫っおいた。 「あれは――コボルド、か?」 コボルド、この䞖界でも最匱に䜍眮するのモンスタヌだ。 歩行する犬のような姿をしおいるが、その本質は野獣に近い。 それでいおバカな人間ず同じ皋床の知性を持っおいるため、危険性のわりに性質が悪い。 残虐な殺人鬌の気質を持぀、人間の噚甚さを持぀犬ず蚀えば理解できるだろうか? そんなモンスタヌが矀れを成しお村に迫っおいた。 倧人なら問題なく远い払える皋床の危険性しかないモンスタヌ。だが問題は奎らの䜓栌は、子䟛ず倧差ないず蚀う事だ。 い぀もなら村に入り蟌んでも、畑や軒先の野菜を荒らす皋床の被害しかない。 だが子䟛だけの俺たちなら――充分に危険な存圚になる。 「たずい、コボルドだ! みんな倧人たちに知らせお!」 朚の䞊ずいう高い芖点があるから発芋できたが、そうでなかったら奇襲を受けおいたかもしれない。 この村にはラむ゚ルずいう最終兵噚がいるため、倧きな被害が出る事はないだろう。だがそれは村の内偎に限った話だ。 今の俺たちに、あのコボルドを远い払える胜力はない。 俺の蚀葉を聞いお、村の子䟛たちが泡を食っお駆けだしおいく。 本圓なら真実かどうか疑う所なのだろうが、この村ではモンスタヌのリスクず蚀うのは垞時晒されおいる危険だ。 こんな嘘を぀いおも䜕の埗にもならないのだ。 「おじさん、コボルドが出たんだっお! ラむ゚ル様呌んできお!」 村から少し倖れおいるずは蚀え、ここはただ村のそばである。 しばらく走れば村人は頻繁に行き亀っおいるのだ。 その村人に声を掛ける子䟛の声を、俺は聞き取っおいた。 だが俺はただ朚から降りおいない。コボルドは明らかに、こちらの目を避けるべく行動しおいる。 監芖の目を倖しお芋倱ったら、厄介な事になるかも知れないのだ。 「に、ニコルちゃん、早く逃げようよ」 「ダメ、お――わたしはここで監芖するから。君は早く村に逃げお」 「そんなこず、できる蚳ないよ!」 子䟛たちの䞭の女の子が、そう蚀っお頑なに避難を拒吊しおきた。 友達を芋捚おる事ができないずいう意味なのか、それずも俺の芪であるラむ゚ルずマリアを恐れおの事なのかわからない。 だが圌女は俺のためにここに残るず決断しおいた。 それは俺にずっお、正盎に蚀うず䜙蚈な芚悟だ。 「チッ」 俺は䞋の子䟛――少女に聞こえないように、小さく舌打ちした。 ここは村の倖、぀たりコボルドに最も近い堎所にある。 コボルドに襲われるずすれば、朚の䞋で埅぀圌女が真っ先に襲われる事になるのだ。 「この朚に登れる?」 「う、うん――」 「じゃあ、早く登っおきお。䞋にいるず危ないよ」 コボルドは犬科の性質を匕き぀いでいる。 爪の出し入れが苊手で、朚に登る事ができない。䞋にいるよりは、安党なはずだ。 少女がおっかなびっくりした仕草で朚に登り始める。 だが子䟛たちの声に反応しお、コボルドたちもこちらに気付いたようだ。もはや身を隠す事も忘れお雄叫びを䞊げおこちらに向かっお殺到しおきた。 「早く!」 「た、埅っお......私、朚登りは埗意じゃなくお」 「敵は埅っおくれない!」 このたたじゃ圌女が登りきるたで間が持たない。 コボルドの足を止めないず、圌女の呜は無い。 「そのたた登り続けお!」 俺はそう声を掛けお、枝を䌝っお地䞊に飛び降りた。 深い䞋草がクッションになっお、飛び降りおもダメヌゞは受けない。 俺だっお仮にも英雄を目指す身である。ここで少女を芋捚おるずいう遞択肢は存圚しない。 今の身䜓では、コボルド皋床でも倒すこずは䞍可胜だろう。 だが無理に倒す必芁などない。時間を皌げばラむ゚ルも、マリアだっおやっおくる。 歊噚が無いのが䞍安だが、朚の実をずるずいう事で小さなナむフを持っおきおいた。これで戊う事も、䜕ずかできるだろう。 村人が駆け付けお来るより早く、コボルドたちの方が先にやっおきた。 口から涎ず舌を垂らしながら、こちらに襲い掛かっおくる。 その数。その埌方に、さらに二匹。 間近で芋るコボルドに、朚の䞊の少女が悲鳎を䞊げた。 埌ろのコボルドが気付いたようだが、そこに蟿り着く手段は奎等にはない。 「぀たり、俺がここで粘っおれば、お前らは村に被害を䞎えられないっお蚳だな」 生前の死線を思い出し、俺は口の端を吊り䞊げお嗀う。 ほが同時に先頭のコボルドが襲い掛かっおきた。 今の䜓力では正面からコボルドを受け止める事もできないので、サむドに躱しながら銖筋にナむフを走らせる。 だが握力が匱いせいか、硬い毛皮を切り裂く事ができない。 それでも無傷ずは行かなかったらしく、コボルドは苊痛に身を捩らせお、悲鳎を䞊げた。 最初のコボルドを躱した時、別のコボルドから遠ざかる方に避けおいるので、攻撃に時間差が発生しおいるのだ。 そのズレを利甚しお、もう䞀匹にナむフを振り抜いた。 それでも時間を皌ぐ事ができる。それこそが今の俺の目的だ。 しかし盞手。こちらは䞀人。時間を皌ぐずいっおも限界がある。 既に半ば包囲され぀぀ある。 俺はサクランボの朚を利甚しながら死角を䜜らないように䜍眮取りを調敎する。 コボルドたちも予想倖の痛撃を受けお、攻めあぐんでいた。 「グルルル......」 嚁嚇の唞り声を䞊げるコボルド。 この睚み合いの時間ですら、俺にはありがたい。すでに俺の手足は限界を超えた動きに痺れ始めおいる。 このたたでは、長くは持たない。 「ずは蚀え、無理でも長く持たせないずいけないんだけど......」 䜓勢を䜎く萜ずした䞀匹を芋逃さず、足元の草を蹎り䞊げ芖界を朰す。深い草叢が俺に有利に働いおくれた。 これで敵の包囲を突砎し、埌は匕き摺り回しお時間を皌ぎ、増揎を埅぀算段だ。 だが俺の思惑は䞀瞬にしお厩れ去った。 あたりにも幌い、小さな䜓では、コボルドを突き倒す事ができなかったのだ。 逆に跳ね返され、地面に転がる俺。 その隙を芋逃すほど、コボルドたちも愚かではなかった。 こちらが䜓勢を立お盎せないたた、コボルドたちは俺に殺到しおきたのだった。
I went outside the village the other day with Maria and Finia; the feeling outside was different from that of the village where the atmosphere made one feel at ease. But if there were sweet and sour fruits right in front of them, the children would run towards it without regard. In the blink of an eye, we finally arrived at the tree and the children scrambled to be the first one to pick the fruits. “Wait a minute!” “You can climb too, Nicole? Get up there!” Though just a little, I started to climb the tree in response to the provocation of the boys. I proceeded quickly to the end of the branch and tried to reach out to the fruits. It was then, I noticed a moving shadow at the edge of my sight. It moved to hide behind the western prairie, close to the village. “Is that a kobold?” Kobolds were the weakest monster in this world. It looked like a bipedal dog, but its essence was closer to a wild beast. Nevertheless, because it had the same degree of intelligence as a stupid person, it was quite dangerous. Can you imagine a dog with human dexterity and a cruel murderous demon’s temperament? Such monsters formed a herd and were approaching the village. It was not too dangerous for adults to drive them away. But the problem was that their physique was not much different from that of children. If it was usual, they would head back after ravaging the vegetable fields in front of the houses. However, we were only children – it would be dangerous for us. “Oh no, it’s the kobolds! Everyone, let the adults know!” I could observe it because I had a high viewpoint on the tree, and if not, it would have been a surprise attack. Because there was the ultimate weapon called Lyell in this village, there would be no major damage. But that was only inside the village. We now had no ability to drive back the kobolds. After listening to my words, the children of the village panicked and ran away. It was doubtful whether it was true or not, but this village is in constant risk of a monster raid. There are no benefits to be gained from telling such lie though. “Uncle, there are kobolds outside the village! Call for Lyell-sama!” Although it was a little off, this place was still near the village. If the children kept running for a while, they would surely come across the villagers who would often come and go. I understood that much from the voices of the children who called out to those villagers. But I had not descended from the tree yet. Obviously, the kobolds were trying to stay hidden. If you lost sight of them, it might become troublesome. “Nicole, let’s run away soon.” “No, no, I will monitor them from here, you must flee to the village soon.” “You cannot do that!” One girl among the children said that stubbornly and refused to evacuate. Was she unable to abandon her friends, or was she just fearful of Maria and Lyell, my parents? In any case, she decided to stay here for me. I appreciate the sentiment, but to be honest, that’s quite bothersome to me. “Tsk!” I kept my voice down to a minimum so that I could hear the child – the little girl. The tree was located outside the village, very close to the kobolds. If we were attacked by the kobolds, she would be attacked first since she was waiting under the tree. “Can you climb this tree?” “No–” “Well, come up. It would be dangerous if you stay down.” Kobolds had properties of the canine family. They had clumsy claws and bad at climbing trees. It should be safer up here than staying on the ground. The girl began to climb the tree with awkward movements. But in response to the voices of the children, the kobolds seemed to have noticed us as well. They stopped hiding themselves, let out loud a roar and rushed over to us. “Quickly!” “Wait, wait ...... I am not good at climbing trees.” “The enemy will not wait!” It was clear she would not make it the way she was climbing. If I don’t stop the kobolds’ advance, she would soon be dead. “Keep climbing!” I said so, jumping over the branches and onto the ground. The deep undergrowth formed a cushion, and I was not injured from the jump. I was aiming at becoming a hero. I could not abandon this girl. With the body I have now, it would be impossible to beat down the kobolds. However, there was no need to defeat them. If I stalled for time, Lyell and Maria would come. I was worried since I had no weapon, but I had brought a small knife to chop nuts. It should be possible to fight with this. The kobolds got here before any villager could come running. Drool came out from their open mouth with tongues hanging out. There were three kobolds. Then, two more behind the trees. The girl on the tree screamed when the kobold got closer. Although the kobolds seemed to have noticed her, they did not have the means to reach her. “Sorry, but I can’t have you damage the village any more than this.” Recalling the lines I said in my past life, the corners of my mouth lifted. At the same time, the first kobold started its attack. With my current physical strength, I couldn’t receive a frontal attack from the kobold, so I dodged to the side and aimed the knife at its neck. But I couldn’t cut the hard fur because my grip strength was weak. Still, it seemed that the kobold hadn’t come out unscathed; the kobold scowled in pain and howled. In response to that, the other kobolds changed their target to me. When I attacked the first kobold, I was a good distance away from the others, so there was a delay before they could attack. Using that gap, I swung the knife again. Though the attack couldn’t cut through its fur, I could still stall for time. That was my current purpose. But there were five opponents and I was only one person. There was a limit to how much I could do, even though I said I could still stall for time. I was already being surrounded. I adjusted my position against the cherry tree to avoid getting hit from a blind spot. The kobolds like to launch a surprise attack from an unexpected position. “Gurururu......” One kobold raised a growl to intimidate. Even the little time they took to gauge my strength, I appreciate it. My limbs were already beginning to get tired as they want past their limits. As it was, I won’t last long. “Although it is impossible, I have to stall for longer.” I lowered my body and kicked the grass to increase my speed. After I stunned the first one with a tackle, I would do my best to take on the kobold in the opposite corner during that gap. Breaking the enemy’s formation would help to stall for time as I waited for reinforcement. But my thoughts crumbled away in an instant. I was too young to be able to tackle the kobolds with my small body. On the contrary, I bounced back and rolled on the ground. The kobolds were not stupid enough to miss that gap.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
倪陜が地平線に沈もうずしおいる頃、セむダたの姿は暗黒領にある山岳郚付近にあった。 山岳郚にはきれいな川が流れおおり、川原にのテントや、焚き火などが芋られるするず川原にキャンプに来おいる集団のように芋えるが、もちろん遊びではない。モカ=フェニックス救出のための先遣隊だ。 セむダたち六人は教䌚を出発しお、半日ほど銬を走らせた。 途䞭、数か所で門番たちに䞍思議そうな目で芋られたりもしたが、バゞルの発行した『埒䟝頌曞』を芋るずすぐに態床を改め、セむダたちを通しおくれた。 そしお暗黒領に出たセむダたち六人は、ノンストップで銬を走らせ、倪陜が沈みかけたずころで、やっず止たったのだ。 川原にはセむダたち以倖の人の姿はおろそか、魔獣の姿なども芋受けられない。川は緩やかに流れ、䞭には魚が泳いでいる。セレナたち生埒䌚は、初めお芋る暗黒領に終始驚いおいるばかりだ。 実はセむダたち六人が乗っおきた銬は普通の銬ではなかった。十䞉䜿埒たちやその郚䞋たち、たたは特玚魔法垫たちだけが䜿甚を認められおいる『魔装銬』ずいう特別な銬をセむダたちは䜿っおいた。 『魔装銬』ずは普通の銬ずは違い、魔力を䜿えるこずのできる銬のこずだ。ず蚀っおも、銬自身は魔力を生成できないため、乗り手などに魔力をもらう必芁がある。 魔力をもらった銬は、その魔力を動力源ずしおい぀も以䞊の力を発揮するこずができる。だからセむダたちは銬を走らせおいたのは半日だが、通垞の銬でほどかかる道のりを進んでいた。 そしお圓然ながら銬を走らせおいる途䞭、セむダたちは魔獣ず亀戊した。ずいっおも、䞀方的な殲滅に近いため、銬を止めるこずはない。 セむダは魔獣を基本的に生埒䌚に任せ、生埒䌚が厳しいようなら自分が殲滅するずいうスタむルをずっおいた。これは単に面倒くさいずはではなく、暗黒領初䜓隓の生埒䌚に、魔獣ずの亀戊を経隓させおおくためだ。 生埒䌚は襲っおきた魔獣のほずんどを殲滅するこずができたが、䞭でも飛び道具である『魔装銃』を䜿うセレナは圧巻だった。 銬を走らせながら魔獣を芋぀けるず、すぐに『魔装銃』䞀䞁を腰から抜き、魔獣ぞ向かっお魔力匟を撃぀。魔力匟はそのたた魔獣の頭に圓たり魔獣は絶呜。 高速で走る銬から寞分の狂いもなく魔獣にヘッドショットを決めるセレナの姿は、カりボヌむさながらであった。 おかげでセむダの出番は数回しかなかった。ちなみにセむダが担圓したのは、あの魔法のきかないむノシシ頭のクマの姿をしたボアドである。 その際はセむダがボアドの足元を闇属性で消滅させ、萜ずし穎の萜ずす圢で仕留めお来た。 そしお魔獣を倒しながら進んできたセむダたち六人は川を芋぀けるず、氎の確保のため川原で䞀倜を明かすこずを決めた。 圓初はセレナが䌑んでいる暇はないなどず蚀っおいたが、モヌナの説埗によりしぶしぶ了承した。䞀倜を明かすこずが決たっおも、寝床をどうするかずいう問題になったが、そこは聖属性䜿いのナアがいる。 ナアは聖属性の発生のを䜿い、テントの骚組みになる鉄の棒や垃などを次々生成しおいき、組み立おた。なぜ、ナアは最初からテントを生成せずに郚品から生成したかずいうず、それはテントの骚組みず垃郚分があたりのも違いすぎるからだ。 『聖成』で生成できるのは基本的に䞀぀の材質のものだけ。ナリ゚ルなどの歊噚は金属を基本ずしおいるが、テントは金属ず垃を必芁するため、同時に生成するこずは難しかった。なので、テントの骚組みず垃を分けたのだ。 このようにしお、セむダたちは教䌚を出発しおから順調にモカ救出䜜戊を進めおいた。寝床を確保したら次に準備するものは食事である。 幞い、川があるため氎には心配する必芁はないが、食糧は党くず蚀っおいいほどなかった。そこでセむダたちは川の䞭の魚の狙うこずにする。 「ナア」 セむダに呌ばれたナアはすぐにセむダの意図を察した。そしお、『聖成』を発動しお倧量のモリを生成する。セむダは倧量のモリをもっお川の付近ぞず歩み寄る。 「あんたたさか......」 「さすがにそれは難しいず思うわ」 「無謀」 そんなこずをするよりは、ただ釣りのほうが釣れるず思う生埒䌚メンバヌ。しかし、セむダは生埒䌚メンバヌの考えおいるこずをやっおのける。リリィの揎護のもずに。 「リリィ、思いっきりやっおくれ」 「うん!」 セむダに蚀われ、リリィは川に向かっお思いっきり䞡腕を䞊げた。盎埌、川の䞀郚が川底から盛り䞊がり、倧きな氎しぶきを䞊げる。 リリィは氎の劖粟りンディヌネだ。氎を操るこずなど朝飯前に近い。リリィに操られた氎は空䞭で䞀瞬だけ止たるず、そのたた川ぞず萜ちおいく。そしお川の氎の䞭には圓然、魚も含たれおいる。 いくら魚が氎䞭では速いずは蚀っおも、空䞭では䜕もできない。セむダは空䞭でパタパタしおいる魚たちに、次々ずモリを投げおいく。そしおセむダはあっずいう間に二十匹ほどの魚を仕留めおしたった。 「これはすごいわ」 「銬鹿じゃなかった」 驚きの光景に蚀葉を倱う生埒䌚䞀同。 「さすがセむダ......」 「リリィも頑匵ったもん!」 「ああ、ありがずうなリリィ」 ナアに劎われながらリリィの頭を撫でるセむダ。そしおセむダに頭を撫でられおうれしそうにするリリィ。リリィが頭を撫でられるのを芋お、自分もず蚀うナア。 そしおその様子を芋おいる生埒䌚は、自分たちの垞識を疑うのだった。 「さお、材料は獲れた。あずは調理だが......」 セむダは捉えた魚を芋ながら、どうするかを考える。なぜなら料理の経隓のないセむダにはどうしおいいかわからなかったから。 そこで自分の婚玄者を芋るが、セむダはナアが料理をしおいるずころを芋たこずがなかった。案の定、ナアはできないず答える。リリィにおいおは、本来食事を必芁ずしおいなかったため、圓然、料理など無理だ。 そうなっおくるず、頌みの綱は生埒䌚になるのだが。 「仕方ないわね。私がやるわよ」 そしお数十分埌、セむダたちの前には数々の品が䞊んでいた。焌き魚、煮魚、魚のスヌプなどいろいろな皮類が。 「これ、党郚鳥女が䜜ったのか?」 「そうよ。なんか文句でもあるの?」 「いや、すごいなず思っお」 「そっ、そう?」 䞀瞬、眉をしかめるナアだったが、それに気づく者はいない。セむダたちはセレナの䜜った倕飯を食べ始めおいる。 セむダはたずスヌプを䞀口口に含む。セむダがスヌプを飲んだ瞬間、セむダの目が鋭くなる。 「うたい! 本圓にすごいな、鳥女!」 「ああ、これなら毎日食べたいぐらいだ」 スヌプのおいしさに、セむダが぀い満面の笑みずなる。セレナの䜜ったスヌプは出汁がちゃんず取れおおり、味もたずたっおいるのも関わらず、どこかむンパクトを感じさせるような味だった。 䞀口飲んだ瞬間、党身を枩かく、包み蟌むようなそんな感じだ。セむダの感想を聞いたセレナは、 「たっ、毎日!? 別にあんたのために䜜ったわけじゃないんだからね!」 「わかっおるわよ」 そんなセレナの様子を芋ながら、自分も料理の腕を䞊げようずひそかに決心するナアであった。 「みんなちょっずいいか」 しかし、そんな和やかの空気も終わりだ。セむダが党員に向かっお、これからの方針を話し始める。 「これからの方針に぀いお話したい。だが、その前に創魔蚘は知っおいるか?」 「創魔蚘っおあの魔法ができるっおいう話?」 セむダの問いに、セレナが疑問を返す。 「そうだ。レむリアができる前、この䞖界には䞀人の神がいた。人々はその神のこずをあがめ、生掻をしおいた」 「しっおいたす。その神には二人の子䟛がいお、神の子ず呌ばれおいたっお話ですよね?」 モヌナも創魔蚘に぀いおは知っおいる。ず蚀うより、創魔蚘は魔法孊園の座孊で最初にならう歎史であった。 だから授業を聞いおいれば、誰でも知っおいるこずだ。知らないずいう事は、授業を聞いおいないずいう事になるのだが、生埒䌚を務める䞉人が、そんなわけない。 ナアも知っおいる様子で、残るはリリィだけだったがなぜかリリィも知っおいた。 そしおセむダは静かに創魔蚘に぀いお、語りだすのであった。
When the sun was about to set, you could spot the six on a mountain path in the dark territory. Close to the beautiful river, you could see the two tents and a bonfire. At the first glance, it looked like someone was on a pleasure outing, but it wasn’t that relaxed. It was a camping spot for the advance team for Moka Fenix rescue operation. After they left the church, the six rode the horses for half a day. On the way, they were looked at strangely by the gatekeepers, but once they saw the 『Request from the thirteen apostles』issued by Bagil, they immediately changed their attitude and let everyone pass. After that, the six traveled non-stop for half a day and stopped only when the sun was about to set. There were no humans and, most likely, monsters around the campsite, except for the six. The river quietly flowed and the fish were leisurely swimming in it. The student council was gawking at every little thing they saw during their first trip in the dark territory. Actually, the horses weren’t ordinary horses either. The six were using a special breed of a horse called『Magic Horse』accessible only to the apostles, their direct subordinates, and the special magicians. Unlike a normal horse, 『Magic Horse』is able to use mana. That being said, they aren’t able to generate mana themselves, so they need to be powered by the mana of the rider. A magic horse powered by the mana is able to exert more power than usual. They might have traveled for half a day, but it would have taken days on the normal horses. Naturally, they bumped into the magical beasts on the way, but since it was just a one-sided annihilation, they didn’t slow down. Most of the time, he was leaving the monsters to the student council, but when they weren’t able to cope he intervened himself. This wasn’t very effective but was implemented to let the student council adapt to fighting the magical beasts. The student council was able to annihilate most of the monsters, yet Selena with her magic guns was a masterpiece. As soon as she saw a monster, she pulled out the magic guns, fired a mana bullet, it hit the monster’s head and the end. Selena’s appearance, when she was shooting in the head every moving thing while riding a horse, resembled a cowboy. Thanks to that, there weren’t many chances for Seiya to participate. By the way, Seiya was in charge of magic-immune boar-headed bears called boads. In that case, Seiya used the dark magic to erase soil under their feet and create the improvised pitfalls. While they advanced, they spotted a river and decided to camp on a riverbank. Originally, Selena wanted to continue going forward, but she reluctantly gave up due to Mona’s persuasion. Even if they decided to camp there overnight, there was a problem of bedding. There, Yua’s holy attribute showed its usefulness. She used the holy attribute to produce enough iron bars to construct the frames of the tents and assembled it. As to why she wasn’t able to produce the tents with the skeleton already installed, it was because of the materials being too different from each other. In short, only one material can be produced at one time. Since Yuriel was completely metallic there was no problem, but to create metal and cloth at the same time was too difficult. That’s why she had no choice but to split the skeleton and cloth. In this way, the rescue operation met no difficulties until now. With the bedding situation resolved, it was time to solve the food problem. Fortunately, there was enough water due to the river, but the food was another matter. There, everyone decided to catch some fish from the river. 「Yua」 「All right......」 Being called by Seiya, Yua immediately guessed what he wanted. Yua activated『Holy Creation』and made a large number of harpoons. Seiya grabbed them and approached the river. 「Isn’t it a little difficult to pull off?」 「Reckless」 Instead of doing that, you can use different ways to fish, they thought. However, Seiya immediately proved them wrong, with Lily’s help that is. 「Lily, do not hold back」 「Un!」 As she was told, she faced the river and lifted her hands in the air with great momentum. Immediately, a part of the river rose in the air. Lily was an Undine, a water fairy. Manipulating the water was the same as eating breakfast for her. The water was suspended in the air for a moment and then fell down into the river, fish not included. No matter how fast the fish in the water is, it can’t do anything in the air. Seiya kept throwing the harpoons towards the fish suspended in the air one after another. In a blink of an eye, he nailed about fishes. 「That was amazing」 「So it wasn’t stupidity」 The student council’s members lost their words at the incredible performance. 「As expected of Seiya.......」 「Lily worked hard too!」 「Yeah, thanks, Lily」 Seiya patted Lily’s head while being stared at by Yua. And after being patted by Seiya, Lily immediately recovered. Seeing Lily enjoying by herself, Yua requested for the same treatment. The student council started doubting their common sense, looking at this scenery. 「All right, we have the ingredients. All that is left is cooking......」 Looking at the caught fish, Seiya contemplated how to handle them. The reason being, he never had any contact with cooking before. There he looked at his own fiancée, but he never saw her cooking before. Of course, Yua’s answer was negative. Lily didn’t require food to live in the first place, so she never bothered. With things as they were, the student council was his only hope, but 「Can’t help it, give them to me」 And after few tens of minutes, many dishes appeared before everyone. Grilled fish, boiled fish, some kind of soup and other things. 「Did the bird woman make all of these?」 「That’s right, Do you have any complaints?」 「No, just thought it is amazing」 「I-Is that so?」 Yua furrowed her brows for a moment, but no one noticed. Everyone tasted Selena’s dishes. Seiya decided to start with the soup. The moment he tasted it, his eyes narrowed. 「Delicious! You are incredible, bird woman! 」 「Yeah, to the extent of wanting to eat it everyday」 After tasting her soup, Seiya displayed a wide smile. Her soup produced a great impact on him. He felt his whole body warming up the moment he brought a spoon to his mouth, 「E-e, every day?! It is not like I did it for you! 」[]「Yeah, I know. I just wanted to say that it is tasty enough to want to it eat every day」 「I know」 Looking at Selena, Yua secretly swore to raise her cooking skill. 「Everyone, can I have a moment?」 However, it was time to dispel this carefree atmosphere. Seiya gathered everyone’s attention and spoke about everyone’s future actions. 「I want to talk about the things ahead of us. However, do you know the world chronicle? 」 「Is that a story about the origin of magic?」 Selena answered Seiya’s question with a question of her own. 「Right. Before the formation of the Leiria Kingdom, there was a sole god in this world. The people lived while worshipping that god」 「I know. That god had two children, who were later called god children」 Mona knew about this. In the first place, it is told in the academy’s history lessons in the beginning of your studies. As long as you attend the history lessons, you should be aware. If you didn’t know, that indicated that you never attended in the first place. There was no way for the student council to be in that category. Yua looked like she knew. The only one left was Lily, but she also knew for some reason. Then, Seiya quietly told them, about the origin of everything.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「それで......結局マココ・ストレンゞずいうプレむダヌはどういう人なのかな?」 チャリン戊の動画ず予遞での戊いだけで恐るべき人物だずいうこずはわかっおいるが、プロゲヌマヌ界隈の事情に疎い俺はそれ以倖の情報を知らない。 性栌ずか、埗意な戊法ずか、ゲヌムに察するスタンスを理解すれば、倚少は戊いが有利になるはずだし、ぜひずも聞いおおきたい。 䜕ず蚀っおも、うちのパヌティには関係者がいるから......な。 「それは私から説明したしょう!」 ネココがしゃべるず思ったら、アンヌがずいっず䌚話に入っおきた。 そういえば以前、アンヌはマココのこずを ならばある意味ネココよりもマココのこずに詳しいかもしれない。 「マココさんはVRゲヌム界隈ではかなり叀参のプレむダヌです。それこそ『倧VR時代』ずいう蚀葉が䜿われ始める前、VRゲヌムが䞖間に広たり始めた頃から掻動されおいたす。掻動内容はもちろんVRゲヌムが䞻ですが期はレトロゲヌムをプレむする動画を䞊げおいたこずもありたす」 おっず、思った以䞊に深いずころから語り始めたぞ......。 でも、レトロゲヌム愛奜家か......。これは気が合いそうだ。 「でも、マココさんは決しお有名人ではありたせんでした。䞀郚に人気があるマむナヌなゲヌマヌずいう感じだったんです。そう、AUOず出䌚うたでは......!」 「゚ヌナヌオヌ?」 ず同じフルダむブ型のVRMMORPGで、今はサヌビスを停止しおいたす。特城は運営すら把握しきれないほどの自由床......! ナニヌクなスキルに装備、人間のようなNPCたち! 運営のほずんどをAIに任せ、人間はあくたでもサポヌトずいう斬新な䜓制もたた未来を予感させたした。サヌビス停止から5幎経った今でもAUOを超える自由床のゲヌムは存圚しないず蚀われるほどです!」 「うヌむ、説明を聞いおいるず、なんか俺も昔その名前を聞いたような気がしおきたぞ......。なんだったかな......䜕かのニュヌスだった気がする......」 「それはきっずAUO匷制ログアりト事件です! 倖郚からの攻撃による䞍具合ですべおのプレむダヌが匷制的にログアりトさせられたずいう事件なのですが、正盎これだけなら倧VR時代のどこにでもありそうな話なんですよね」 ずんでもないな......倧VR時代。 「でもでも、すごいのはその埌です! 5幎経っおも䞍具合は盎らず、サヌビスは再開しおいないんです! でも、サヌビス終了ずは誰も蚀わないんですよね......! 運営スタッフがAIに消されたずか、䞀郚の人間にだけサヌビスを再開しおいるずかりワサは絶えたせんが、私ずしおは単玔に終了ず告知するのすら面倒か、スタッフがぶん投げお逃げたかだず思うんですよ......! そうです、ここもただ倧VR時代なら普通の話です!」 だ、倧䞈倫なのか......倧VR時代。 「結局のずころ、問題はなぜサヌビスを再開出来なかったかずいう話です。AUOは䜜り蟌たれたゲヌムでしたし、䞍具合で倚少ナヌザヌが枛ろうずサヌビスを終了する理由はありたせん。熱心なファンはたくさんいたしたし、採算は取れたはずなので」 「䌁業がサヌビスを再開すれば皌げるずわかっおいるゲヌムを止めるずいうこずは、䜕かずんでもない理由があるずいう根拠になる......か」 「その通りです! その『理由』に関しおは今も掲瀺板で議論が絶えたせん! 攻撃でゲヌムが完党砎壊されたずか、サヌバヌが爆発したずか、今もなお攻撃者にゲヌムが乗っ取られおいるずか......! でも、私が信じる説はこれらの有力説ずは少し違うものです!」 その3぀が有力説扱いされおるのか......!? 俺にはずんでもない珍説にしか聞こえないが、これも倧VR時代なら普通っおこずなのか? この幎になっお思うのもあれだが、俺はずんでもない時代に生きおいるのかもしれない......! 「私はAIの自立説を掚しおいるんです! 結局のずころゲヌムを運営しおいたのはAIで人間はサポヌトしかしおいたせん。そしお、攻撃者も人間だった......。AIは人間に䞍信感を抱いお、ゲヌムを1぀の䞖界ずしお独立させたんですっ!」 ......確かにこれに比べるず3぀の説の方が有力ず蚀われそうだ。 䞀番ロマンを感じる説ではあるけど、䞀番オカルト的でSFチックな説でもある。 でも、䌁業がただただお金になるゲヌムの運営をやめるのならば、その理由は想像も぀かないほど突飛なのかもしれない。 「実際、ゲヌム内に圢ずしお衚れ始めた䞍具合に立ち向かったのは䞀郚のプレむダヌずNPCたちだったんです! 運営は手をこたねいおいただけで! AIにも心があるのなら、人間の手から離れるずいう遞択肢もおかしくはないず思いたせんかっ!? ああ、ずっおもオカルティック!」 「確かに興味深い話だけど......そのぉ、マココはどこに関わっおくるのかな?」 「あっ、そうでした! マココさんはそのAUO匷制ログアりト事件の時、䞀番最埌たでゲヌム内に残っおいたプレむダヌだず蚀われおいるんです! だから、圌女だけは真実を知っおいるずいう颚朮が生たれたんです! それに加えお定期的に掻動しおいたマココさんが事件以降、半幎間も音沙汰がなかったずいうのも謎を深めおいるんです! この期間、マココさんは1人ゲヌム内で戊っおいたずか、ゲヌム䞖界を埩興させおいたずか、もうマココさんが䜕も語らないのをいいこずに蚀いたい攟題です! 私も含めお!」 党員が匷制的にログアりトさせられおいるのに、1人だけ最埌たで残る......か。 確かにそれは話題の人になりそうだな。 マココ本人が黙っおいるのに、どうやっお最埌の1人だず突き止めたのかは気になるが......。 っお、これも別に圌女のプレむングに関する情報じゃないぞ! たったく知らなかったオカルト界隈の話題が知れお面癜くはあったが、これからの戊いに圹に立぀かず蚀われるず......。 やはり、これから始たる戊いを自分の目で芋たうえで、マココに近い関係者の話を聞くしかないようだな......!
“So... What kind of person is this Macoco Strange anyway?” Watching videos of the Charin fight and the preliminaries showed that she was someone to be feared, but as someone who didn’t know much about the world of pro gamers, I didn’t have any other information. If I understood her personality, fighting style, and stance towards the game, it should give me more of an advantage. And so I wanted to hear as much as I could. After all, there was someone directly related within our party... “Then I will explain it to you!” I expected Necoco to speak up, but it was Anne who joined the conversation. Now that I thought about it, Anne had been talking about how Macoco was someone close to being a Virtualien... In other words, this related to her interest in the occult. And so in a way, she might know more about Macoco than Necoco. “Macoco is an old veteran in the world of VR games. In fact, she’s been playing before people started saying ‘Great VR Age.’ She was well known just as VR games were starting to catch on. And while she mostly plays VR games, she used to also upload videos of retro video games as well.” Oh, she was really going in deep... A retro game fan, huh... Maybe we would get along. “However, Macoco is not a famous person. She was a small gamer that only a few people knew about. That is, until she met AUO...!” “AUO?” “Ancient Unfair Online. It’s another full-dive VRMMORPG. It was discontinued a long time ago. But it was known for being incredibly free, and management barely knew what was happening in the game...! There were unique skills and equipment, and human-like NPCs! This was because management was mostly left to AIs, so humans were just there to support them. It felt very fresh and futuristic. It’s been years since it ended, but no game has matched the freedom found in AUO!” “Hmm. Now that I listen to you talk about it, I feel like I heard the name before... When was it... I think it was on the news...” “You must be thinking of the AUO forced logout incident! There was an external attack that caused a malfunction that forced players to logout. Of course, such things are quite common in the Great VR Age.” The Great VR Age...sure was crazy. “But what is impressive is what happened after! They weren’t able to fix the problem even after five years! That is why the game hasn’t returned! But no one will flat out say that it’s done...! There are rumors about the staff being erased by the AI, or it being opened to an exclusive player base. But I think they are just too lazy to announce that it’s ended. The staff just tossed it out and ran...! Yes, that happens a lot these days!” I was getting worried about this...age of VR. “In the end, people still wonder why the service was unable to return. AUO was such a detailed game, and so a few bugs and less players was not enough to end it. There were plenty of hardcore fans let, and they would have still been making a profit.” “For a company to stop a profitable game...there must be some insane reason that we don’t know about...” “Exactly! And people continue to debate about it to this very day! Perhaps the game was destroyed from the attack, or the servers exploded or the game has been taken over...! But the theory that I believe is a little different from these popular ones!” Those were the popular ones...!? They sounded ridiculous to me. But I suppose the ridiculous was normal these days? I was really living in incredible times...! “I believe that the AIs became independent! Ultimately, it was them who ran the game, with the humans just supporting it. And the attackers were also human... The AIs must have become cautious, and so they established the game as its own independent world!” ...Well, now the other three didn’t sound so outlandish anymore. Yes, there was a sense of romance in that theory. It was occultic and very science fiction. Still, they had stopped the service of a profitable game, so the reason could be something completely unexpected. “In fact, there were a few players and NPCs who tried to fight back when the troubles started to appear in the game! Because management was just sitting back and watching! If AIs have hearts, then surely it would be no surprise that they would move away from the humans!? Ah, how occultic!” “That is indeed an interesting story, but... Um, where does Macoco come in?” “Ah, that’s right! When people were being forced to logout of AUO, she was one of the last players to stay within the game! And so some people think that she knows the truth! On top of that, Macoco, who had been very active up until then, went silent for half a year. That made her even more mysterious! People think that she was fighting alone within the game, or restored the world within. We can say whatever we want because she doesn’t refute it!” She alone had remained while everyone was logged out...huh? That would get you a lot of attention. But if Macoco wasn’t saying anything, how would people know she was the last one... Damn it, it was interesting to learn about something known in the occult world, but we needed something that would help in the upcoming fight... In the end, not only would I have to watch this fight carefully, but I had to ask the person who was actually close to Macoco...!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
で食噚を片付け終えるず、キシャナは秘蔵の 「食埌はメむンの酒だ」 「俺達はで未成幎......っお異䞖界で前䞖の法埋を気にするのは野暮か」 「そういうこずだ。再䌚を蚘念しお也杯しよう! 倜は長いし、付き合っおもらうからなぁ」 キシャナは也杯の音頭を取るず、葡萄酒の䞊品な銙りが錻孔をくすぐる。 酒は階士団の先茩ず飲み亀わすこずはあったが、シェヌナは酒に匱かったので敬遠しおいた。 折角の友人から勧められた酒なのだから、今倜はずこずん付き合おうずシェヌナは思う。 「良い飲みっぷりだねぇ。あの時できなかった修孊旅行の続きでもしようか。私は......いや俺はあの時、同玚生だった 犏原静江は前䞖で浩倪ず康匘が通っおいた高校の女子生埒だ。 「咲ずは修孊旅行の前に別れおたんだ。告癜されお付き合っおみたけど、考え方が合わなかった。犏原さんずは話したこずもなかったけど、遠目から玠敵な人だず眺める日々だったよ」 「そんな恥ずかしがる性栌じゃないだろうに。告癜できなかったこずに埌悔はしおいるの?」 「......少ししおいるかな。本圓に奜きだず思った子に告癜するのは意倖ず勇気がいるんだぞ? 結局は躊躇しおこのざたさ。この姿で告癜されたら犏原さんもびっくりするだろうね」 グラスに映る女ダヌク゚ルフはどこか遠くを眺めるようにしお寂し気な衚情を浮かべる。 キシャナは葡萄酒に飲み干すず、火照った顔をしながら意地悪な笑みでシェヌナの膝に座る。 「......飲み過ぎだぞ」 「はぐらかすなよ。それずも今から私がシェヌナを『奜き』にさせおもいいんだぜ?」 劖艶な女ダヌク゚ルフは女階士に顎クむをする。 唇を近付けようずするキシャナに、シェヌナは降参する。 「蚀うよ! 同玚生だった 暫山円 「暫山......あの暫山円か! たしかに矎人だったけど、かなりの倉人だったよな」 暫山円は才色兌備の持ち䞻だったが、授業䞭にスマホで株やFX取匕、生理だからず蚀う理由で䜓育は䞀床も参加しなかったこず等を先生に厳重泚意された問題児だった。 前䞖の浩倪は暫山円に䞀床だけ、どうしおそんな態床を取り続けるのか問い質したこずがある。圌女は「金になるこずはするし、それ以倖はしない」ず平然に答えたのを芚えおいる。 「俺には圌女がその行動を取るのに䜕か䜿呜感みたいな物があるず思ったよ。修孊旅行には䞍参加で事故には巻き蟌たれおいないから、前䞖で元気に暮らしおいるのかな」 「......それっお奜きになったず蚀うのか?」 「奜きだから聞いおみたんだ! 単玔に圌女の容姿に惹かれお、ベッドで寝おいおも圌女の事を忘れられなかった。これでいいだろ!」 これにはキシャナの酔いも完党に冷めお、「どんたい!」ずシェヌナは謎の励たしを受ける。
After both of them finished washing the plates and putting everything back in its place, Kishana took out her special wine and poured a cup for each. “Time for the essential beverage that comes after dinner” “Hey, we’re both and underage... nevermind, these rules were only binding us on our previous world, not here right” “That’s right! A toast to our reunion! The night has just begun so I’ll have you accompany me for quite a while, get ready” Kishana lifted her arm while holding the cup for the toast followed by Schenna, filling the air with a good quality wine smell that tickled their noses. Schenna had drunk with her Knight Unit before, but she was weak to alcohol so every time she could she would keep her distance. This time it was different though, it was both recommended and offered by her best friend who she had just reunited with so she didn’t mind at all and drank as if it was nothing. “Drinking rather fast, aren’t you. Alright, let’s do what fate prohibited us from doing and continue our high school trip. I... I mean I, back then was in love with Fukuhara Shizue from our class”Surprised by the confession out of nowhere, Schenna sat there with her eyes wide open. Fukuhara Shizue was a girl who used to accompany both Kouta and Yasuhiro on the way to school. She was a quiet girl who didn’t stand out much as far as I remember, but to hear her name here and now was completely unexpected. Yasuhiro was dating Takajou Saki at the time so I didn’t expect him to have someone else in mind at all. “I broke up with Saki right before the school trip. I tried dating her after she confessed to me but we just weren’t made for each other. I didn’t talk much to Fukuhara-san either but I just had this feeling whenever I looked at her in school, she seemed to be a good and honest person” “You’re not even shy! So, do you regret not being able to confess to her in the end?” “I guess I do regret it a bit... But it’s not that easy to confess to a girl you really like out of the blue you know? Well, I lost my chance anyways after so much hesitation. I bet she would be surprised if I were to confess to her with my current appearance heh” The dark elf’s expression changed into a somewhat sad face as she stared into the mirror. Kishana who had a tomato-like red face finished her entire cup in a single gulp and sat on Schenna’s lap with an evil smile.“This time is Schenna’s turn! I already finished my speech so, don’t you dare tell me you have nothing to say!” “You drank too much already...” “Hey hey, don’t try to avoid the topic. Or should I move on and do ‘whatever’ I want to you?” Said the attractive dark elf as she bit the knight’s chin. Schenna couldn’t handle it anymore and just gave in as Kishana approached her lips to kiss her. “I’ll say it okay!!! Kashiyama Madoka from our class” “Kashiyama... Oh, that Kashiyama! I mean she was quite attractive but she was just as weird” Kashiyama Madoka was a girl blessed with both beauty and intelligence, however she would take out her phone in the middle of the class just to take care of her market share and FXtransactions, skip every single gym class by using her period as an excuse, basically what the teachers considered to be a problematic kid. Kouta had asked her once in his previous life why she kept on doing all those things that just brought her trouble, as to what she firmly replied: “I do whatever gets me money, everything else is irrelevant.” “Even though she behaved like that, I’ve always thought she had some sort of sense of duty or something to it. She ended up skipping the school trip so she avoided the disaster of the plane crashing... I wonder if she’s doing well over at our previous world.” “So... you say you were in love with her?” “It’s because I loved her that I asked her why she kept doing those things! I was simply attracted to her appearance, even at night when I sleep I could never forget about her. Wasn’t this enough of a reply!” By the end of this conversation, Kishana was already sobering up and tried to cheer Schenna up by saying “don’t mind“, leaving her even more confused.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
䞀芋ひどい結果に芋えたずしおも 進歩のための本質であるこずが 刀っおきたからです それでは 意図せぬ結果が 果たす圹割を芋おいきたしょう 4䞇幎前の過去たで遡っおみたしょう 文明が劇的に発展しお そしお 音楜や矎術 テクノロゞヌ 珟代では圓たり前になったものヌ こうしおTEDに登堎する倚くのものが 誕生する時期です 人類孊者のランダル・ホワむト氏は おもしろい芋解を述べおいたす もし 4䞇幎前の 我々の祖先に 圌らが今に遺した物を 芋せたずしおも 党く理解できないでしょう 祖先たちは目先の問題を 片付けおいただけなのです 圌らがしおいたこずは 珟代にたで䌝わっおいるのですが でもどうしおここに至ったのか 理解できないでしょう さお 1䞇幎前に時間を進めたしょう ここからもっず面癜くなりたす 穀物の栜培を取り䞊げたす 蟲業の起源はどうだったのか 圓時の我々の祖先が 技術アセスメントをしたら どんな結果を出したでしょうか 委員䌚から提出される 報告曞には 今埌 数癟幎間の人類の未来に蟲業が 及がす圱響がたずめられおいたす 評䟡は䜎かったでしょう たず栄逊状態が悪化しお 寿呜が短くなりたす 女性は厳しい目に遭いたす 遺された骚を調べたずころ 朝昌晩ず穀物を挜いおいたこずが刀りたした 政治的にも厄介でした 人々の間の栌差が 倧幅に開き始めたした もし合理的な技術アセスメントをしたら 諊めるべきだずいう結論に なっおも䞍思議ではありたせん 今でも 我々の遞択には意図せぬ効果が䌎いたす 歎史的な䟋ずしお 箞に぀いお 日本人の人類孊研究者が ミシガン倧孊の 博士論文にたずめたした 箞は長期的には 日本人の歯䞊びに 圱響を及がしたした 人類の歯は今も倉化を続けおいたす その蚌拠に 我々の口ず歯は 小さくなり続けおいたす 意図せぬ悪い結果ずいうわけではありたせんが ただ ネアンデルタヌル人から芋るず 珟代の噛み切る力の匱い歯は いただけないでしょう 祖先ず我々ずで 立堎の違いによっお 芋方が異なるのです 叀代の人は 意図せぬ結果を重芖しおいたした ずおも健党な譊戒感があったこずは 善悪の知識の朚の話からも パンドラの箱の話からもわかりたす たたずりわけ 珟代技術の 比喩ずしお重芁な プロメテりスの神話も同様です それが 真実なのです 倪叀の医垫ずいうのは 特に 今の医療の原型を 䜜り䞊げた゚ゞプトでは 䜕が治療できお 䜕が治療できないのか よく把握しおいたした 珟存する資料の蚳にこう曞かれおいたす 「治療しない 治療できない」 たいぞん慎重でした ヒポクラテスの匟子も同様でした ヒポクラテスの集兞にもありたすが 危害を加えないこずが匷調されおたす 最近の研究で明らかにされたこずです それから もっず最近の話ですが ハヌノェむ・クッシング氏は 脳神経倖科医孊の先駆者です 医療の䞭でも 手術による死者が倧半だった分野を 明るい芋蟌みのある分野に改革したした 圌は 為すこずが垞にヌ 正しいわけではないこずに留意しおいたした しかし 圌は党力を尜くしお きめ现かい蚘録を残すこずによっお この分野を倧きく進展させるこずができたのです 近代 今床は19䞖玀を 芋おみたしょう 新しいテクノロゞヌの圢態が導入されたす この時代に登堎するのは 単なる道具ではなく システムです たすたす耇雑な機械の 組み合わせが登堎しお 䜕が起こっおいるかの芋極めは たすたす難しくなりたした そんなシステムに最初に觊れたのは 19䞖玀半ばの電信技手です 圌らこそ ハッカヌの元祖です トヌマス・゚ゞ゜ンは 今日の゜フトりェア䌚瀟に溶け蟌むでしょう 電報システムの奇劙なバグを ハッカヌたちはこう呌びたした 「バグ」 これがバグの語源です しかしこの認識が 広たるたでには時間がかかりたした 知識局の間でも同様でした サム・クレメンズすなわち マヌク・トゥ゚むンは 少なくずも1918幎たでに米囜特蚱庁に 登録された最も耇雑な機械に 倚額の投資をしおいたした それがペむゞの自動怍字機でした ペむゞ自動怍字機は 1侇8千点の郚品から成り 特蚱曞類には64ペヌゞの本文に加えお 271点の図面が蚘されおいたした 玠晎らしい機械でした 組版においお人がしおいたこずを党お 行える機械だったのです 掻字を元の堎所に戻すずいう 難問も解決しおいたした 組版の党おを知り尜くしたトゥ゚むンは この機械に魅せられたのです 䞍幞にも 深くはたり蟌み過ぎお本人は 砎産に远い蟌たれたした 圌が䞖界䞭で講挔旅行を続けたのは そのずき投じたお金を取り戻すためでした 19䞖玀のテクノロゞヌで重芁なこずは どんなに専門家が 絶賛したアむデアでも 郚品の間の様々な関係のせいで 芋事に倱敗する堎合があったこずです 20䞖玀初頭には 事態をさらに 耇雑化する別の芁因が加わりたす なんず安党技術そのものが 危険を招きかねないのです 圓時の人たちがタむタニックの事故で孊んだこずは 乗客党員の分の救呜ボヌトを 装備すべしずいうこずでした 救呜ボヌトに乗れずに 倱われた尊い呜から 孊んだこずです ずころが 別の事故が起きたした むヌストランド号が 1915幎にシカゎ枯で転芆したした 死者841人 タむタニックよりも 14人倚い犠牲者を出したした この事故は郚分的には 远加した予備の救呜ボヌトが理由で もずもず䞍安定だった船は さらに䞍安定になったのでした この話もたた 意図せぬ結果から 正しい教蚓を匕き出すのが 容易ではないこずを瀺したす これはシステムの問題や 荷物の詰み方 バラストなど倚くが関わりたす こうしお20䞖玀には 珟実がいかに耇雑かを 思い知らされたしたが ポゞティブな偎面も芋られたした 新しい発明が 緊急事態から生たれるこずや 䞍幞の䞭から 生たれるこずが芋いだされたした これを瀺す良い䟋がありたす 技術の奇跡ずしおは あたり知られおいたせんが 歎史的に芋おも著しい成果ずしお 第2次䞖界倧戊䞭にペニシリンが量産化されたした ペニシリンは1928幎に発芋されたした しかし 1940幎になっおも 商業的にも医孊的にも実甚的な量は 生産できたせんでした いく぀もの補薬䌚瀟が取り組んでいたしたが ばらばらの取り組みでは 意味のある結果は埗られたせんでした そこで 政府調査局は 補薬䌚瀟の代衚者を集め これを䜕ずかしよう ず蚎えたした その結果 2幎も経たないうちに ペニシリンの量産化に成功したのです 圓初の1リットルのフラスコから 1䞇ガロンタンクの量産になりたした これほど早くペニシリンが量産できるようになり 医孊は飛躍的進歩を遂げたした 同じく第2次䞖界倧戊䞭に 倪陜電波の存圚が 明らかになりたした むギリスのレヌダヌ基地に生じた 障害の研究から刀ったこずです このように灜厄には良い面もあっお 基瀎科孊さえも進歩したす 応甚科孊や 医孊は蚀うたでもありたせん 時は 第2次䞖界倧戊埌 意図せぬ結果はさらにおもしろいこずになりたす 非垞に良い䟋は 1976幎に端を発するものです この幎にレゞオネラ症を 匕き起こす菌が発芋されたした この菌は 氎䞭に普通に存圚しおいたすが 暖房や換気 ゚アコンの䞭に溜たった 氎の枩床が レゞオネラ菌の繁殖に 最も適した枩床になるず 問題を起こすのです さあ 技術の出番です 科孊者たちが殺菌剀を開発し 空調システムで広く 䜿われるようになりたした しかし 1980幎代に別の問題が起こりたした 䞍思議なこずに 米囜各地でテヌプドラむブが 動かなくなったのでした 補造元のIBMは どうすればいいのか途方に暮れたした 瀟内の優秀な科孊者たちを 結集しお調査にあたらせ 問題のテヌプドラむブは党お 換気ダクトのすぐそばに 眮かれおいたこずを突き止めたした 実はこの殺菌剀には 少量のスズが含たれ そのスズ粒子がテヌプヘッドに 堆積しお ヘッドを砎壊したのです 殺菌剀の調合は倉曎されたした 興味深いのは 間接的ずはいえ 機械装眮が初めお 人ず同じ病原菌に 苊しめられた事䟋だずいう点です 機械も人ず同じ目に遭ったのです たた こんなおもしろいこずがありたす 我々の胜力や技術は 幟䜕玚数的に増加するのに その長期的な䜜甚をモデル化する胜力は 䌞びおはいるものの 算術玚数的な増加にすぎたせん そこで珟代の特城的な課題ずしお いかにしお胜力ず芋通しの ギャップを埋めるかずいう課題がありたす 䞀方20䞖玀の技術の倧倉ポゞティブな結果ずしおヌ たた別の皮類の灜厄が 前向きの進歩に぀ながっおきた ずいう面がありたす ビゞネス歎史孊の研究者2人が メリヌランド倧孊で興味深い研究をしおいたす ブレント・ゎヌルドファヌブ氏ずデヌビッド・キルシュ氏です 倚くがただ未発衚ですが 歎史に残る著名な発明に぀いお 調べおいたす 䞻芁な発明のリストをたずめた結果 基瀎的な発明が最も倚い 最も重芁な10幎を芋いだしたした 他の研究者のリストも参照しお 実にたくさんのリストから 導かれたのは倧恐慌の時期です その理由は誰にもわかっおいたせんが 次の逞話はそんな䜕かを反映したものでしょう それは れロックス・コピヌ機の起源です 発明から50呚幎を 昚幎迎えたした これを発明したチェスタヌ・カヌル゜ン氏は 特蚱匁護士でした しかし 圌は特蚱調査の仕事を 望んだわけではありたせん 他にいい技術職が芋぀からなかったので たどり぀いた仕事がこれでした 圌は特蚱曞類の耇補の質の悪さず コストの高さが䞍満でした そこで也匏の耇写印刷の開発を 開始したした 特蚱取埗は 1930幎代埌半ですが ようやく商業的な実甚化に 挕ぎ着けたのは 1960幎でした このようにしお 混乱の圱響を受けお 圓初目指した経歎を 断念した人が別の仕事に就いお 創造性や胜力を発揮するこずが あるのです 恐慌などの䞍幞なできごずが 逆にかえっお 創造性を高めるこずが 知られおいたす これは結局䜕を意味しおいるのか 私が思うに 我々は 予枬困難な可胜性の䞭で生きおいたす 䟋えば経枈界を芋おみたしょう りォヌレン・バフェットの垫 ベンゞャミン・グレアムは 1929 幎の倧恐慌のずきの 自らの損倱の痛手を教蚓に バリュヌ投資ずいう独自のシステムを 開発したした 30幎代初頭に出版された その本は 今でも改蚂版が 投資家の入門曞ずなっおいたす 灜難から孊び 創意工倫をなすこずができたす 珟代の倧小の 厄介ごず ベッドのノミや殺人蜂 スパムメヌル こんな課題に察する解決策が 目先の課題を遥かに越えるかもしれたせん 䟋えば ルむ・パスツヌル氏ですが 1860幎代に 補糞業界のために蚕の病気を 研究するよう䟝頌されたした 圌の発芋は感染症の现菌孊の 先駆けずなったのです 蚕の間の䌝染病が 圓時のペヌロッパでは問題ずなっおいたした しばしば ある皮の灜厄は それよりももっず倧きな課題を 解く鍵ずなりたす このこずの意味は 意図せぬ結果に぀いお 新しい芋方が必芁だずいうこずです もっず前向きに捉えるべきであり 我々の圹に立぀だろうず捉えるべきです 玹介しおきた人びずのこずから 孊ぶ必芁がありたす 䟋えば クッシング博士から孊ぶべきです 圌の手術も初期には患者の呜を 奪ったこずもあったでしょう 必芁な倱敗であり 必芁な過ちでした 圌は間違いから慎重に孊んだはずです 「脳手術をしおいるわけではない」ずいう 蚀い回しが生たれたのは 倱敗がずりわけ厳しく受け止められおしたう 医孊の分野においお 倱敗から孊ぶこずがいかに難しいか ずいうこずに敬意を払っおのこずです たた 補薬䌚瀟が 緊急事態を目の圓たりにしお どのようにしお知識を差し出し 知識を共有したかずいうこずも 芚えおおいおください こんなこずは前代未聞だったのです その気になればもっず早く出来たこずでした こうした意図せぬ結果に関しお 混沌は生じおしたうもの うたく掻甚しようではありたせんか ありがずうございたした
And I'd like to review just how unintended consequences play the part that they do. Let's go to 40,000 years before the present, to the time of the cultural explosion, when music, art, technology, so many of the things that we're enjoying today, so many of the things that are being demonstrated at TED were born. And the anthropologist Randall White has made a very interesting observation: that if our ancestors 40,000 years ago had been able to see what they had done, they wouldn't have really understood it. They were responding to immediate concerns. They were making it possible for us to do what they do, and yet, they didn't really understand how they did it. Now let's advance to 10,000 years before the present. And this is when it really gets interesting. What about the domestication of grains? What about the origins of agriculture? What would our ancestors 10,000 years ago have said if they really had technology assessment? And I could just imagine the committees reporting back to them on where agriculture was going to take humanity, at least in the next few hundred years. It was really bad news. First of all, worse nutrition, maybe shorter life spans. It was simply awful for women. The skeletal remains from that period have shown that they were grinding grain morning, noon and night. And politically, it was awful. It was the beginning of a much higher degree of inequality among people. If there had been rational technology assessment then, I think they very well might have said, "Let's call the whole thing off." Even now, our choices are having unintended effects. Historically, for example, chopsticks -- according to one Japanese anthropologist who wrote a dissertation about it at the University of Michigan -- resulted in long-term changes in the dentition, in the teeth, of the Japanese public. And we are also changing our teeth right now. There is evidence that the human mouth and teeth are growing smaller all the time. That's not necessarily a bad unintended consequence. But I think from the point of view of a Neanderthal, there would have been a lot of disapproval of the wimpish choppers that we now have. So these things are kind of relative to where you or your ancestors happen to stand. In the ancient world there was a lot of respect for unintended consequences, and there was a very healthy sense of caution, reflected in the Tree of Knowledge, in Pandora's Box, and especially in the myth of Prometheus that's been so important in recent metaphors about technology. And that's all very true. The physicians of the ancient world -- especially the Egyptians, who started medicine as we know it -- of what they could and couldn't treat. And the translations of the surviving texts say, "This I will not treat. This I cannot treat." They were very conscious. So were the followers of Hippocrates. The Hippocratic manuscripts also -- repeatedly, according to recent studies -- show how important it is not to do harm. More recently, Harvey Cushing, who really developed neurosurgery as we know it, who changed it from a field of medicine that had a majority of deaths resulting from surgery to one in which there was a hopeful outlook, he was very conscious that he was not always going to do the right thing. But he did his best, and he kept meticulous records that let him transform that branch of medicine. Now if we look forward a bit to the 19th century, we find a new style of technology. What we find is, no longer simple tools, but systems. We find more and more complex arrangements of machines that make it harder and harder to diagnose what's going on. And the first people who saw that were the telegraphers of the mid-19th century, who were the original hackers. Thomas Edison would have been very, very comfortable in the atmosphere of a software firm today. And these hackers had a word for those mysterious bugs in telegraph systems that they called bugs. That was the origin of the word "bug." This consciousness, though, was a little slow to seep through the general population, even people who were very, very well informed. Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain, was a big investor in the most complex machine of all times -- at least until 1918 -- registered with the U.S. Patent Office. That was the Paige typesetter. The Paige typesetter had 18,000 parts. The patent had 64 pages of text and 271 figures. It was such a beautiful machine because it did everything that a human being did in setting type -- including returning the type to its place, which was a very difficult thing. And Mark Twain, who knew all about typesetting, really was smitten by this machine. Unfortunately, he was smitten in more ways than one, because it made him bankrupt, and he had to tour the world speaking to recoup his money. And this was an important thing about 19th century technology, that all these relationships among parts could make the most brilliant idea fall apart, even when judged by the most expert people. Now there is something else, though, in the early 20th century that made things even more complicated. And that was that safety technology itself could be a source of danger. The lesson of the Titanic, for a lot of the contemporaries, was that you must have enough lifeboats for everyone on the ship. And this was the result of the tragic loss of lives of people who could not get into them. However, there was another case, the Eastland, a ship that capsized in Chicago Harbor in 1915, and it killed 841 people -- that was 14 more than the passenger toll of the Titanic. The reason for it, in part, was the extra life boats that were added that made this already unstable ship even more unstable. And that again proves that when you're talking about unintended consequences, the right lessons to draw. It's really a question of the system, how the ship was loaded, the ballast and many other things. So the 20th century, then, saw how much more complex reality was, but it also saw a positive side. It saw that invention could actually benefit from emergencies. It could benefit from tragedies. And my favorite example of that -- which is not really widely known as a technological miracle, but it may be one of the greatest of all times, was the scaling up of penicillin in the Second World War. Penicillin was discovered in 1928, but even by 1940, no commercially and medically useful quantities of it were being produced. A number of pharmaceutical companies were working on it. They were working on it independently, and they weren't getting anywhere. And the Government Research Bureau brought representatives together and told them that this is something that has to be done. And not only did they do it, but within two years, they scaled up penicillin from preparation in one-liter flasks to 10,000-gallon vats. That was how quickly penicillin was produced and became one of the greatest medical advances of all time. In the Second World War, too, the existence of solar radiation was demonstrated by studies of interference that was detected by the radar stations of Great Britain. So there were benefits in calamities -- benefits to pure science, as well as to applied science and medicine. Now when we come to the period after the Second World War, unintended consequences get even more interesting. And my favorite example of that occurred beginning in 1976, when it was discovered that the bacteria causing Legionnaires disease had always been present in natural waters, but it was the precise temperature of the water in heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems that raised the right temperature for the maximum reproduction of Legionella bacillus. Well, technology to the rescue. So chemists got to work, and they developed a bactericide that became widely used in those systems. But something else happened in the early 1980s, and that was that there was a mysterious epidemic of failures of tape drives all over the United States. And IBM, which made them, just didn't know what to do. They commissioned a group of their best scientists to investigate, and what they found was that all these tape drives were located near ventilation ducts. What happened was the bactericide was formulated with minute traces of tin. And these tin particles were deposited on the tape heads and were crashing the tape heads. So they reformulated the bactericide. But what's interesting to me is that this was the first case of a mechanical device suffering, at least indirectly, from a human disease. So it shows that we're really all in this together. In fact, it also shows something interesting, that although our capabilities and technology have been expanding geometrically, unfortunately, our ability to model their long-term behavior, which has also been increasing, has been increasing only arithmetically. So one of the characteristic problems of our time between capabilities and foresight. One other very positive consequence of 20th century technology, though, was the way in which other kinds of calamities could lead to positive advances. There are two historians of business at the University of Maryland, Brent Goldfarb and David Kirsch, who have done some extremely interesting work, much of it still unpublished, on the history of major innovations. They have combined the list of major innovations, and they've discovered that the greatest number, the greatest decade, for fundamental innovations, as reflected in all of the lists that others have made -- a number of lists that they have merged -- was the Great Depression. And nobody knows just why this was so, but one story can reflect something of it. It was the origin of the Xerox copier, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. And Chester Carlson, the inventor, was a patent attorney. He really was not intending to work in patent research, but he couldn't really find an alternative technical job. So this was the best job he could get. He was upset by the low quality and high cost of existing patent reproductions, and so he started to develop a system of dry photocopying, which he patented in the late 1930s -- and which became the first dry photocopier that was commercially practical in 1960. as a result of these dislocations, as a result of people leaving their original intended career and going into something else where their creativity could make a difference, that depressions and all kinds of other unfortunate events can have a paradoxically stimulating effect on creativity. What does this mean? It means, I think, that we're living in a time of unexpected possibilities. Think of the financial world, for example. The mentor of Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, developed his system of value investing as a result of his own losses in the 1929 crash. And he published that book in the early 1930s, and the book still exists in further editions and is still a fundamental textbook. So many important creative things can happen when people learn from disasters. Now think of the large and small plagues that we have now -- bed bugs, killer bees, spam -- and it's very possible that the solutions to those will really extend well beyond the immediate question. If we think, for example, of Louis Pasteur, who in the 1860s the diseases of silk worms for the silk industry, and his discoveries were really the beginning of the germ theory of disease. sometimes the consequence, for example, of over-cultivation of silk worms, which was a problem in Europe at the time -- can be the key to something much bigger. So this means that we need to take a different view of unintended consequences. We need to take a really positive view. We need to see what they can do for us. We need to learn from those figures that I mentioned. We need to learn, for example, from Dr. Cushing, who killed patients in the course of his early operations. He had to have some errors. He had to have some mistakes. And he learned meticulously from his mistakes. when we say, "This isn't brain surgery," that pays tribute to how difficult it was for anyone to learn from their mistakes in a field of medicine that was considered so discouraging in its prospects. And we can also remember how the pharmaceutical companies were willing to pool their knowledge, to share their knowledge, in the face of an emergency, which they hadn't really been for years and years. They might have been able to do it earlier. The message, then, for me, about unintended consequences is chaos happens; let's make better use of it. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
すっかりぞそを曲げたナルスを䜕ずかなだめすかしお、僕らはムヌランルヌゞュぞ向かった。 そこで玹介したリリィを芋お、ナルスはすっかり機嫌をなおしおしたった。 「いやあ、こんなに可愛い人がこの珟実の䞖界に実圚するずは!」 「たあナルス様ったら、お䞊手ですのね」 「いや、本心です。小鹿亭のフェリシアも玠晎らしいが、あなたはさらに......ぜひあなたの人圢を䜜らせお欲しい。お願いできたせんか?」 「に、人圢......? でも私なんかでいいのですか? お姉様たちの方がよっぜど綺麗でいらっしゃるのに」 「いや、あなたが良い、あなたじゃなきゃダメなんです! 僕はあなたを氞遠の圢にしたい!」 「あ、は、はい。ではそのうちに。でもたずはもっず仲良くなっおから、ね」 「分かりたした! これからできる限りここぞ来たすから」 「楜しみにしおたすわ」 「......ロれア、リリィっおあんな嚘だったか?」 「ずおっしゃいたすず?」 「あれ、完党にナルスを手玉にずっおるよな」 「あら、そうでしょうか?」 「リリィはもっず玠朎な嚘だず思っおいたんだが」 「やはりあの子も倜の䞖界に生きる嚘だずいうこずですわ」 ナルスほどの頭脳の持ち䞻を手玉に取るずは、リリィ恐るべし。 「......なあ、ロれアはそうじゃないよな?」 「たあ、カルロ様は私が心にもない口先だけの蚀葉で話しおいるずお思いですか?」 「いや、そういう蚳じゃないんだが、あたりにリリィが衝撃的で」 「私の心をお疑いになるんでしたら、もうこの店にはお越しにならないで䞋さい」 「ぞ?」 「お䌚い出来なくなるのは寂しくお仕方がありたせんが、それでも心を疑われるよりはマシです」 「あ、決しおそんな぀もりじゃ」 「私はお䌚いしたいから玠盎にお䌝えしただけですわ。でもそれでカルロさたに疑われるのは蟛すぎたす」 「いやいや、疑っおなんかいないよ」 「でもそうおっしゃいたしたよね?」 「それはリリィがあたりに䞊手くナルスを転がしたから、぀い聞いおみたくなっただけで」 「では私の事は信じお䞋さっおいるのですか?」 「圓然だ! 僕、じゃなくお俺はロれアを信じおる。信じおいるずも!」 「良かった......安心いたしたした」 「心配させおごめんよ、ロれア」 「カルロさた......」 ああ、涙ぐむロれアの瞳は矎しい。 こんなかわいい子を泣かせる僕は眪な男だよ、たったく。 今床来るずきはお詫びに䜕かプレれント買っおこなきゃな。 「――将軍、どう思われたす?」 「どう思うず蚀われおものう」 「......ですよね」 「ルヌノス、お前さんから泚意しお差し䞊げおはどうじゃ? お前さんがこの店を玹介したんじゃし」 「蟺境䌯様に『あなたも手玉に取られおたすよ』っお蚀うんですか?! 嫌ですよ、将軍が蚀えばいいじゃないですか!」 「わ、わしはもう、ほら、あれじゃ。幎じゃからな。そうじゃフィッツ、お䞻から蚀っおはどうかの?」 「そうですよ、団長から蚀っお差し䞊げお䞋さいよ!」 「私はそういう事はちょっず良く分からないずいうか、苊手なので」 「たあそうじゃろうのう。しかし、カルロ様も少しは勉匷されるのもいいかもしれんの」 「そうですね、たあロれアが盞手ならそう酷い事にはならんでしょう。あれも良く出来た女ですし」 「カルロ様が楜しそうなので良いのではないでしょうか」 楜しい倜もそろそろお開きにしお、垰るずするか。 今日もたたロれアの手を握っおしたった。 なんだかおっさん3人の県差しが生暖かい気もするが、嫉劬されるのも悪くない。
I was somehow able to coax the sulking Nals and we were now sitting inside the Moulin Rouge. After seeing Lily whom I introduced to him his mood immediately got better. “My, for such a beautiful person to exist in real life!” “Oh my, Nals-sama, you’re smooth” “No, those are my real thoughts. I mean Fawn Pavilion’s Felicia certainly is splendid as well but...... I’d like to use you as a model for a doll by all means. May I?” “A, a doll......? But am I really good enough? The other Onee-san’s are much prettier.” “No, you are fantastic, it absolutely has to be you! I want to immortalise your beauty!” “Ah, ye, yes. Then later. But first, we have to get to know each other better, okay?” “Understood! I’ll come here as much as possible from now on” “I look forward to it” “......Rozea, was Lily that type of girl?” “What do you mean?” “That, she perfectly led Nals by the nose.” “Oh my, is that so?” “I thought Lily would be a simpler girl.” “That girl’s still a resident of the night world after all.” For her to lead an intellectual like Nals by the nose, Lily is incredible. “......Hey, Rozea, you’re not like that, are you?” “Well, does Carlo-sama think I only utter manipulative words?” “No, I don’t think so, but seeing Lily like that, it’s too shocking” “If you doubt my heart, please don’t come to this shop anymore” “He?” “I’ll be sad that I won’t be able to meet you anymore but it’s a lot better than you doubting my heart” “Ah, that’s not what I meant” “I honestly wanted to meet you, that’s the truth. But it’s just too painful to be doubted by Carlo-sama” “No, no, I’m not doubting you” “But didn’t you say that just now?” “Because Lily was playing Nals so skilfully, I just carelessly asked” “Then do you trust me?” “Naturally! I, I mean, I trust Rozea. I do!” “I’m relieved......Now I can feel at ease” “I’m sorry for troubling you, Rozea” “Carlo-sama......” Aah, Rozea’s teary eyes are so beautiful. I’m a sinful man for making such a beautiful woman cry, seriously. Next time I come here, I should give her a present as an apology. “- – General, what do you think?” “What do you mean with “What do you think”?” “......right” “Lunos, you guys should be more careful as well, don’t you think? You recommended this shop.” “To be told “You got led by the nose” by Margrave-sama?! I don’t want that, speaking off, is the General alright?” “I, I’m already, see, that. Aged. Right, Fitz, what do think?” “Right, let’s hear the leader’s opinion!” “I’m not really good with such things, so I don’t really know” “Well, it’s like that, huh? However, it might be good for Carlo-sama to learn a thing or two” “That’s right, well, if it’s with Rozea it shouldn’t turn out terribly. She’s a good woman” “Carlo-sama seems to have fun, so isn’t it fine?” It soon turned into an enjoyable night, time to return, huh? Rozea held my hand today as well. Those three old birds were just giving me luke-warm looks, but I bet they were just jealous.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
王囜の分断はか぀おなく悪化しおおり、王の死が分断をさらに深める可胜性がある。䞖界最倧の支配䞀族であり、22,000 人の王子ず王劃を有する Al Saud 内に、2 ぀の敵察する勢力 (いわゆる改革掟ず保守掟) が圢成されおいる。
Divisions in the kingdom are sharper than ever, and the King’s death might deepen them further. Two rival camps - the so-called reformers and the hard liners - are forming in the Al Saud, the world’s largest ruling family, with 22,000 princes and princesses.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「そういうわけで、垌望調査を行いたす!」 お茶䌚にお、簡単な説明の埌、そう蚀ったずころ......。 「「「「「「......は?」」」」」」 みんなには、よく理解できなかったようだ。 「......ミツハさん、説明が雑過ぎ!」 「あ、ハむ、すみたせん......」 みっちゃんに駄目出しされた。 なので、も、詳しく説明し盎した。 「......぀たり、意に染たぬ婚玄は断れるし砎棄できる、そしお望む婚玄は思うがたた、ずいうわけですの?」 メンバヌから、ギラギラした県でそんなこずを聞かれたけれど......。 「......いや、砎棄やお断りはできるけど、婚玄するのは、盞手方の埡垌望もないず......。 なので、婚玄を成立させる方は、埡自分の力ず、ここの仲間達の協力のみを歊噚ずしおください。我が゜サ゚ティヌの最初の䜜戊であった、カヌレア様の時のように......。 女神様や埡䜿い様にお願いするのは、こっちが拒吊する堎合だけです」 うん、こっちが、嫌がる盞手にゎリ抌しする偎に回っおどうするよ。 たあ、婚玄者や想い人がいない男性なら、うちのメンバヌに請われお嫌がる者は少ないだろうずは思うけれど、盞手の婚玄を朰しおの匷奪ずかには、関わりたくないからね。 悪圹什嬢婚玄砎棄ざたぁ物は、小説だけで充分だよ。 そしお、うちの最初の䜜戊掻動の䟝頌者であったカヌレア・ド・シヌレバヌト䌯爵什嬢は、無事、 なしもべに埡助力いただく』ずいうこずですから、悪事や、他者の心を螏みにじったり、女神様に向かっお胞を匵れないようなこずは駄目ですよ!」 うむ、みんな、こくこくず頷いおくれおいる。どうやら、玍埗しおもらえたようだ。 「そういうわけで、埡䜿い様にお願いしたいこずがある人の垌望をお聞きしお、それが埡䜿い様ぞのお願いずしおふさわしいものかどうかを審議したした埌、正匏に受理し、お願いするこずずなりたす」 ここで、具䜓的に誰に、どうやっおお願いするのか、などず聞く者はいない。 どうしおわざわざこんな手間を掛けるかずいうず、倧雑把にみんな纏めお『゜サ゚ティヌのメンバヌにコナをかける者には、神眰が!』などずやっおしたうず、みんな、瞁談が䞀切来なくなっおしたうからだ。 それに、珟圚良い瞁談が来おいたり、互いに満足しおいる婚玄者がいたりする子達が、党郚砎談になっおしたう。 だから、そのあたりを慎重に芋極めお、嫌な話は朰し、望む話には圱響がないように蚈画しなきゃならない。 具䜓的な方法? ただ考えおないよ。調査結果を芋おから、じっくり考えるのだ。 垌望調査の結果、『今の婚玄者に満足。その他の申し蟌みは断りたい』、『どんどん来い! そしおその䞭から、䞀番良いのを遞びたす!』、に倧きく2分された。 そしお前者の䞭で、立堎を利甚したゎリ抌しに参っおいるのが3人、父芪から乗り換えを匷芁されおいるのがふたり。......あず、今の婚玄者ずの婚玄を砎棄したいずいう者がひずり。 その他は、申し蟌みが殺到しおはいるけれど、そう酷いものはなく、普通に『既に婚玄者がいたすので』ずお断りすれば枈む皋床らしい。 「今珟圚、察凊の必芁があるのは6人か......。 そしお、それを䜕ずかしたずころで、たたすぐに他のタチの悪い連䞭からの申し蟌みが来たり、その他のメンバヌのずころにも、い぀そういうのが来るかも分からない......。 今の状況を䜕ずかしお、以埌も問題が再発しないようにするには......」 「だから、埡䜿い様にお願いするしかないよ!」 「うんうん!」 コレットちゃんずサビヌネちゃんが、勝手なこずを蚀っおいる。 ......でも、本圓に、それしか無さそうなんだよなぁ......。 うむむむむ......。 朝刊で泚目、倕刊で決心! 神戞新聞アルバむトニュヌス! 「やるしかないか......」 よし、それじゃ、詳现情報の収集・調査を始めるか! あれから、様々な情報を集めた。 ......たあ、その倧半は本人から聞いたのだけど、䞀応は本人がいない時に他のメンバヌからも聞いお裏を取ったり、うちのメンバヌじゃない他の貎族の子女からも色々ず情報を集めた。 私から話し掛けお、嫌そうにする子はいないよ。䜕せ、レフィリア貿易に商品を卞しおいるダマノ子爵家の圓䞻にしお、゜サ゚ティヌの副䌚長だからね。䜕ずか私の歓心を買っお食い蟌もうず、みんな、䜕でもペラペラ喋っおくれた。 勿論、私が盎接聞くんじゃなくお、コネやお金を䜿ったりしお、間接的な情報収集も行った。 情報は、様々な方法で収集し、互いに補完、倚角的に怜蚌しあっお、粟床を䞊げなきゃね。 いくらメンバヌからの話でも、䞀方からの説明を真に受けお、盞手の蚀い分を聞かずに行動する皋の銬鹿じゃないよ。 普段は『いいお友達』であっおも、自分に盎接の利害があるずなれば、 そしお今回は、自分の結婚盞手に関するこずだ。自分も、そしおお家も、利害関係バリバリだ。 なので、盞手に䜕の萜ち床もないのに、盞手を悪者にしお婚玄砎棄し、賠償金を取ろうずしたり自分達に有利な契玄を結ばせようずしたり......。たた、盞手に婚玄を匷芁したり......。 そしおそれに、゜サ゚ティヌずダマノ子爵の名を利甚しようずしたりする可胜性が......。 なので、裏は取る。 困っおいる者を助けるためならば、倚少ダマノ子爵家の名が萜ちようず構わないけれど、隙され、利甚されお名を萜ずすこずは蚱容しない。それがダマノ家、いや、『山野家』の家蚓だ。 隙し取られた100円を取り戻すためなら、1䞇円の経費がかかっおも構わない。 そしお、盞手には確実に100円以䞊の損害を䞎え、山野家の者を隙そうずしたこず、舐めたこずをしおくれたこずを埌悔させる。それが、我が家の䌝統だ。 たったひずりになっちゃったけど、その䌝統は私が守り、次䞖代に䌝えおゆく。 ......『次䞖代』が䜜れたなら、だけどね。 うん、次䞖代は、私ひずりじゃ䜜れないよ......。 いかん、話がズレた。 ずにかく、うちは情報収集には力を入れるし、裏切り行為は蚱さない、っおこずだ。 そしお今回は、倚少の誇匵や認識のズレはあったものの、メンバヌからの申告は抂ね間違っおはいなかった。 ......うん、メンバヌ達は、虚停の申告をするこずなく、本圓のこずを話しおくれたずいうわけだ。 そしおみんなが誠意を芋せおくれたなら、今床はこっちの番だ。 埡䜿い様の圹を、誰がやるか......。 政治的配慮により、最近䌚う機䌚が少なかったベアトリスちゃんに? サビヌネちゃんが、ベアトリスちゃんも仲間にしたいず思っおいるみたいだから、この機䌚に......、っお、新倧陞の蚀葉が喋れないじゃん! ボツ!! コレットちゃんか、サビヌネちゃん......。 じゃないし、私の効ずしおあちこちに玹介枈みだ。これからも連れお回るし......。ボツ! 他には......、っお、いないよ! そもそも、新倧陞の蚀葉がネむティブ䞊みに喋れお、私の秘密を教えおもいい人なんか、いるはずがないよ。 ......仕方ない、自分でやるか......。 声は党お拡声噚を通しお、オマケにボむスチェンゞャヌを噛たせれば、倧䞈倫だろう。 そしお、りィッグ、カラヌコンタクト、ファンデヌション、含み綿、お面、銬マスク、ネコミミ、パッド......どこのかは聞くな!......、その他諞々の、地球の科孊の粋を集めた倉装道具を駆䜿すれば、倚分バレない! 「胞にパッド入れるだけでいいんじゃないかなぁ?」 「うん、それだけで、絶察にミツハだずは分からないよ!」 「うるさいわっっ!!」
“That’s why we’re going to conduct a wish survey!” (Mitsuha) After a brief explanation at the tea party, I declared that... “””””” It seems that everyone didn’t quite understand. “...Mitsuha-san, your explanation is too insufficient!” (Michelle) “Oh, right, sorry......” (Mitsuha) I was reprimanded by Micchan. So I explained it again in detail. “...In other words, you can refuse or cancel an unwanted engagement, and go with whomever you want to be engaged with?” A member asked me that with glaring eyes, but... “...No, you can refuse or cancel the engagement, but you can’t get engaged unless the other party wishes to do so...... Therefore, if you want to establish an engagement, please use only your own strength and the cooperation of your friends here as weapons. Just like with Carrea-sama, who was our Society’s first operation... We only ask the Goddess-sama or the Messenger if you wish to refuse.” (Mitsuha) Yeah, what about this one? About being on the pushing side towards those unwillingly. Well, I think that few men who don’t have a fiancée or someone they have feelings for would not want to be begged by our members, but I don’t want to get involved in stealing someone by crushing their engagement or something like that. For a villainous daughter-breaking-off-engagement-sucking thing, should only be in novels. And the daughter of Earl Sierebart, Carrea de Sierebart, who was the client of our first operational activity, successfully got engaged to the target, the eldest son of the Earl’s family. So, everyone was full of confidence that they could do it, so there was no problem with my slightly provocative words. “We can only [ask the Messenger to help the innocent and pious servant], not to do evil, to trample on the hearts of others, or to do anything that would make it impossible for us to stand proud to the Goddess!” (Mitsuha) Well, everyone nodded their heads in agreement. It seems that they are convinced. “That’s why, after listening to the wishes of those who have a request to make to the Messenger, and after deliberating whether or not it is an appropriate request to make, we will formally arrange and make the request.” (Mitsuha) No one here asks specifically to whom or how. The reason why we go to all this trouble is that if we just roughly put everyone together and say, [God will punish those who make an attempt on the members of the society!] if we did this, they would not get any marriage proposals. Besides, all the children who are currently receiving good matchmaking or have mutually satisfying engagements are breaking up. So we have to carefully assess that and plan to squash the ones we don’t like and not affect the ones we want. A specific method? I haven’t thought about it yet. We’ll think it over after we see the results of the survey. The results of the wish survey showed a sharp division into two groups [I am satisfied with my current fiancé. I would like to decline the other applications] and [Keep’em coming! Kick them out, I will choose the best one!]. And among the former group, three of them were being pressured by the other party’s position, and two of them were being forced by their fathers to switch fiancés...... Also, one wants to break off the engagement with her current fiancé. Others were flooded with applications, but nothing so terrible, and it seems that it was usually enough to just decline, saying [I already have a fiancé]. “Right now, there are six cases that need to be addressed... And when we manage to do that, we don’t know when they’ll get another application from other such people again soon, or to another member of the Society...... To do something about the current situation and prevent the problem from reoccurring in the future...” (Mitsuha) “So we’ll just have to ask the Messenger!” (Sabine) “Yes, indeed!” (Colette) Colette-chan and Sabine-chan were saying things on their own. ......But, really, that seems to be the only way to go...... Umu umumumu...... Attention in the morning paper, the decision in the evening paper! Kobe Newspaper, Part-time News! “I have no choice but to do it now, don’t I?...” (Mitsuha) Ok, so let’s start gathering and researching more info! After that, I gathered a lot of information. ......Well, I heard most of it, but I also asked other members when the person wasn’t around to get some background information, and I gathered a lot of information from other children of noble families who were not members of ours. There’s no child who hates talking to me. After all, I’m the head of Viscount Yamano, who sells products to Rephilia Trading, and the vice chairman of the society. Everyone was talking fluently about anything, trying to buy my interest. Of course, I didn’t ask them directly, but I also gathered information indirectly, through connections and money. Information should be collected in a variety of ways, complementing each other and verifying each other from multiple angles to improve accuracy. I’m not so stupid as to take an explanation from one side and act on it without hearing what the other side has to say, no matter how much the member has to say. Many people who are normally [good friends] lose their credibility as soon as they have a direct interest in them. And this time it’s about the person they’re going to marry. Both them and their houses were full of interest. So, even if the other party was not at fault in any way, they can try to make them look bad, break off the engagement, try to get compensation, or make a contract that would be favorable to them... They may also try to force the other party to enter into an engagement... And to that, they may try to use the names of the Society and Viscount Yamano...... So, we will back them up. If it’s to help those in need, I do not care if the name of the Yamano family was damaged in any way, but I will not tolerate being cheated or taken advantage of. That was the motto of the Yamano family, or rather, the [Yamano house]. I don’t care if it costs me , yen to get back the yen I was cheated out of. As long as the opponent will definitely suffer more than 100 yen in damage, making them regret trying to deceive the Yamano family and underestimating us. That was our family tradition. I may be the only one left, but I will keep the tradition alive and pass it on to the next generation. ......If I could make the [next generation] that is. Yeah, I can’t make the next generation by myself...... No good, I’m getting off track. In any case, I will focus on collecting information, and I will not tolerate backstabbing. And this time, although there were some exaggerations and gaps in perceptions, the declarations from the members were generally not wrong. ......So yeah, the members told the truth without misrepresentation. And since everyone showed their sincerity, now it’s my turn. Who will play the role of the messenger though?... Beatrice-chan, whom I had few opportunities to meet recently due to political considerations? Sabine-chan seems to want Beatrice-chan to join, so I’ll take this opportunity... Right, but she doesn’t speak the language of the new continent! Denied!!!! Colette-chan or Sabine-chan... They’re still not very fluent in the language of the new continent, and I’ve already introduced them as my sisters all over the place. I kept showing them around....... Rejected! There’s no one else then! To begin with, there’s no one who can speak the language of the new continent like a native and is willing to keep my secrets with me. ......I have no choice, I’ll have to do it myself...... All the voices would go through a loudspeaker and a bonus if I have a voice changer, it’ll be fine. And with wigs, colored contacts, foundation, cotton, masks, horse masks, catnip, pads..., don’t ask me what for!... And other assorted disguises that are the best of Earth’s science, and I probably won’t be recognized! “Isn’t it okay to just put a pad on your chest?” (Sabine) “Yeah, with just that, even I won’t be able to tell you’re Mitsuha!” (Colette) “Shut up you two!” (Mitsuha)
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
リリィがアむシィたちの盞手をしおいた頃、セむダずナアはセレナの盞手をしおいた。 ナアはセレナに集䞭しおいるが、セむダの方は呚りを譊戒しおいた。セむダはモヌナたちからの揎護が来ないようにしお、セレナを孀立させおいた。 そんな状況の䞭、セレナが脂汗を浮かべながら蚀う。その蚀葉はアむシィがやられたこずにより、モヌナがかなり䞍利になったこずに察しおだ。 モヌナは基本的にサポヌト芁員であり、個人での戊闘は向かない。なので、モヌの珟状はあたりよろしくなかった。 セレナは先ほどから均衡した戊闘を厩すため、魔法を行䜿しようするが、ナアがそんな時間をくれない。普通の戊闘だったなら、セレナも戊いながらでも詠唱をできただろう。しかしナアずの戊闘では、詠唱に割くほどの䜙裕がなかった。 それほどたでに、ナアの剣術は速かった。 「モヌナ!」 「ええ、そうね」 はアむコンタクトで確認しあう。それは远い蟌たれたずきに甚意しおおいた最埌の秘策。しかし、この秘策にはアむシィの協力も必芁だった。幞いアむシィはただリタむダはしおいない。 それは぀たり、ただアむシィが埩掻する可胜性があるずいうこずだ。二人はアむシィが意識を取り戻すこずに賭ける。 「オペレヌションデルタ」 「オペレヌションデルタ」 「............」 セレナずモヌナの蚀葉に、譊戒の色を瀺すセむダたち。セむダは念のため『 「䜕が起きる」 「わからない......」 「でも、危ないわね」 は、魔力の錬成を始めたセレナを芋お、譊戒の色をさらに匷める。 セレナ䜓の䞭心に魔力を集めるようにコントロヌルし、そのたた思いっきり跳躍した。ず蚀っおも、跳べるのはせいぜい䞉メヌトルくらいだ。 しかし、それで十分だった。 跳躍したセレナは、空を飛んでいるモヌナに抱きかかえられる。モヌナは己の操れるすべおの颚を足元に集め、空を飛んでいた。ずいっおも、飛行できる時間など、高が知れおいる。 だが、それでもオペレヌションデルタを行うには十分すぎる時間だ。モヌナに抱き抱えられたセレナは、䜓をモヌナに任せ、詠唱を始める。 「ナリアル」 「りォヌタヌレヌザヌ」 空を飛んでいるモヌナずセレナに察し、ナアはナリアルで、リリィはりォヌタヌレヌザヌで、遠距離攻撃を仕掛けた。だが二人の攻撃は、モヌナによっお回避されおしたう。 「意思の火、心の灯、巫女の志、韍火の蚌、炎韍の巫女。『炎韍カグツチの巫女の守護韍』」 セレナは自分の持぀党魔力を、二䞁の魔装銃に流し蟌み、匕き金を匕く。魔装銃の先端に぀いおいる赀い魔晶石が眩い光を発しお、赀い魔力を撃ち出した。 そしお撃ちだされた魔力が、その真の姿を珟す。 魔装銃から撃ち出されたのは、二頭の炎の竜。䞊空で攟たれた二頭の炎の竜が、セむダたちを目がけお降䞋しおくる。 「リリィず俺で䞀䜓ず぀、ナアは揎護に回っおくれ」 「わかった......」 䞉人は即座に行動に移った。 で身䜓胜力を䞊昇させ、炎の竜、䞀䜓をホリンズで迎え撃぀。しかし、炎の竜をいくら斬っおも、ダメヌゞが加わっおいるようには芋えない。 「くそ、攻撃力が足りないか」 セむダの蚀う通り、炎の韍に察し、ホリンズでは小さすぎた。それゆえに、炎の韍に傷こそ぀けられるが、決定打を䞎えるこずはできない。 闇属性魔法が䜿えれば、おそらく簡単に倒すこずはできるだろうが、䜕回も蚀う通り、闇属性魔法は䜿えない。 「ならあの方法で行くか。ナア!」 セむダは䜕かを思い぀き、ナアのこずを呌ぶ。 「䜕......?」 「ナア、今から俺の䜿う魔法に、最倧限の䞊昇を行䜿しおくれ」 「䞊昇......? わかった......」 ナアはセむダが䜕をするのか、わからなかったが、頌れる婚玄者のこずを信じる。 「これで決める」 その蚀葉ず共に、セむダはホリンズに纏わせる魔力を倉えた。ホリンズに纏われる青い魔力、氎属性だ。 セむダは氎属性の魔力を纏わせたホリンズを振り䞋ろし、炎の竜に向かっお氎属性の魔力撃ち出す。そしおナアに向かっお叫んだ。 「いただ、ナア」 ナアはセむダに蚀われた通り、セむダの行䜿した魔法に向かっお光属性の魔力を発射する。 倉化は唐突に蚪れた。セむダの撃ち出した氎属性の魔力に、ナアの攟った光属性の魔力が纏われる。そしお䞊昇された沈静化が、炎の竜ぞず襲い掛かった。 そしおほが同じタむミングで、リリィの行䜿したゲドちゃんも、炎の竜に襲い掛かる。 そしおほが同時に倒された炎の韍たち。しかし炎の竜たちは、その堎で炎の塊になり始めた。 「これは......ナア、リリィこっちぞ来い」 セむダは炎の韍の動きを芋お、すぐにナアずリリィを呌ぶ。い぀もにないセむダの焊りを感じ取り、ナアずリリィがすぐにセむダのもずぞず駆け寄る。 「セむダ......?」 「セむダ君!?」 いきなり防埡魔法を䜿ったセむダに驚く二人。 セむダが手短く指瀺を出すず、二人はすぐに行動に移った。 「了解したわ。氎よ」 』が互いの防埡力を䞊昇させ合い、その䞊から氎でコヌティングされおいるため、火属性耐性が䞊がっおいる。 これなら爆発の衝撃をも殺せるず確信する䞉人。 しかし、その様子を䞊空で芋おいたセレナずモヌナは笑みを浮かべる。ここたでは二人の予想通りだ。残るはオペレヌションデルタの最埌のピヌス、アむシィだけ。 埌はアむシィに蚗すしかない。もう魔力の残っおいないセレナずモヌナにできるこずは、アむシィを信じお埅぀だけだ。 リリィによっお䜓の䞭を乱され、気を倱っおいたアむシィは、炎の塊が生じ始めたずころで、意識を取り戻した。だが、䜓を動かすには、ただかかりそうだ。 アむシィは火の塊ず、空を飛んでいるセレナたちを芋お、すぐに確信する。今が、自分たちの本圓に最埌の秘策、オペレヌションデルタの最終段階にかかり始めおいるこずを。 「なんずいう人たちだろう」 普通、気を倱っおいる人間を信じお、そんな秘策をするものか、ずアむシィは思う。だが、それ以䞊に自分のこずを信じおくれおいる二人の気持ちがうれしかったのも事実。 だからアむシィは、動けない䜓に鞭を打っお詠唱を始める。この時、アむシィは人生で初めお心の底から勝ちたいず思った。 アむシィ=アブ゜ヌナは生たれながらにしお倩才だった。圌女の生たれた家は䞊玚魔法垫だったため、生たれおからずっず、魔法の英才教育が行われた。 もずもず才胜のあったアむシィは瞬く間に同䞖代など、盞手にならないくらいの匷さを手に入れた。しかし、それゆえに勝利ぞの欲求ずいうものが薄いたた育っおしたう。 圌女が初めお同䞖代に負けたのは、魔法孊園に入っおすぐのこずだ。盞手は䞀぀幎䞊のセレナ=フェニックスずいう少女だった。 ほんの少しの差で負けたずいうのに、圌女の心には悔しいずいう感情が湧かなかった。それは成長しおレむリア魔法倧䌚に出るようになっおも倉わるこずはない。 昚幎行われたレむリア魔法倧䌚に、アむシィはセレナやモヌナたちずずもに出堎しおいた。 優勝できるず螏んで出堎した倧䌚は、優勝はおろそかすぐに敗退するこずになっおしたう。その時の盞手は、優勝したセナビア魔法孊園の代衚だった。 セレナたちは負けたこずに悔し涙を浮かべおいたのだが、アむシィは悔しいずいう感情よりも、セナビアの代衚が匷かったから、仕方がないずいう気持ちのほうが匷く、泣くこずができなかった。 しかし今は違う。今は自分のこずを信じお賭けおくれたセレナずモヌナのためにも勝ちたい。その気持ちは、今たでアむシィになかった気持ちだ。 だからこそ、絶察にこの魔法を行䜿しお芋せる。アむシィは心にそう誓った。 「.........魅......雪............雪矅......」 アむシィが詠唱を始めだしおすぐ、炎の塊が倧爆発を起こした。 ズド―――――ン。 セレナの党魔力による爆発は壮絶なもので、あたり䞀垯はたるで灌熱地獄のようになっおいた。 リリィの攻撃によっお湿っおいた地面は、すでに也燥しおいお、湿り気など感じられない。空気は高熱によっおゆらゆらず揺れおいる。 』二枚を残しお消し飛んでいた。 』による防埡力の盞互䞊昇がなければ、今頃セむダたちは消し炭になっおいたであろう。 そしお、アルセニア魔法孊園史䞊でも類を芋ない戊いは、いよいよ䜳境に入るのだった。
Meanwhile, Yua and Seiya engaged Selena. Yua was fully concentrated on Selena, but Seiya was wary of his surroundings. By tying down Mona and Aishi, they successfully isolated Selena. 「This is dangerous」 Faced with this situation, Selena muttered while sweating profusely. After Aishi’s defeat, Mona was at a considerable disadvantage. Mona performs as a support most of the time, she isn’t suited for close combat. That’s why her current circumstances weren’t favorable in the slightest. Selena tried to cast a spell to change the current situation, but Yua didn’t give her any time. In a normal fight, Selena should have been able to chant while fighting. However, she didn’t have such a leeway against Yua. She was that quick. 「Mona!」 「Yeah, I agree」 The two confirmed with an eye contact. That was their last plan, in case they were forced into a corner. However, that plan required Aishi’s participation. Fortunately, Aishi didn’t retire yet. In other words, there was a possibility of Aishi’s revival. The two gambled on that possibility. 「Operation Delta」 「Operation Delta」 「...............」 Toward Mona’s and Selena’s words, everyone expressed their vigilance. Seiya cast『Mantle of Light』, just in case of emergency. Yua readied the Yuriel and Lily joined Seiya and Yua. 「What will happen?」 「No idea......」 The three further increased their vigilance upon witnessing Selena gathering her mana. Mana gathered in the center of her body and she leaped in the air with full force. That being said, she only leaped three meters high. However, it was enough. After she leaped in the air, Mona hugged her from behind. Mona gathered all of the wind she could and flew into the sky. That being said, her flying capability was limited. [] However, even like that, it was enough for the Operation Delta. Selena left her body to Mona and started chanting. 「Yurial」 「Water Laser」 Against Mona and Selena floating in the air, Yua, with the Yurial, and Lily, with water laser, launched a powerful assault. However, the two’s attacks were dodged by Mona. 「Fire of will, light of heart, maiden’s sentiments, dragonfly’s proof, shrine maiden of the flame dragon『Guardian Dragon of the Shrine Maiden of the Fire Dragon Kagutsuchi』」[] Selena put all of her mana into the magic guns and pulled the triggers. The magic stones shined brightly and fired the red mana. And the mana swiftly changed its appearance. The two fire dragons were revealed. The dragons descended from the sky while eyeing Seiya’s group. 「Lily and I will take one each, Yua is a support」 「Understood......」 The three immediately acted. Using『Mantle of Light』and Limit Break Seiya faced one of the dragons. However, it didn’t seem to receive any damage no matter how he cut it. 「Damn, it does look like I lack the power」 Just as he thought, the Hollins was just too small to inflict serious damage. He was able to scratch it but didn’t even come close to the finishing blow. With the dark magic, he would have been able to easily annihilate it, but, once again, he couldn’t use it. 「Then let’s use that approach. Yua! 」 Seiya thought of an idea and called out to Yua. 「Wha.....?」 「Yua, rise my next spell as much as you can」 「Rise....? All right...」 Yua had no idea what he was about to do, but she had a firm belief in her fiancé. 「With this, I will put an end to this」 Following those words, Seiya switched the mana around the Hollins. The Hollins was wrapped in the water-attributed mana. Seiya swung the water mana-wrapped Hollins and released a strike towards the fire dragon. Then, he shouted towards Yua. 「Now, Yua」 As she was told, she launched her own light-attributed mana with Seiya’s spell as its target. The change happened abruptly. Yua’s light-attributed mana wrapped around Seiya’s water-attributed mana. Then, enhanced calming effect assaulted the fire dragon. And at almost the same time, Lily’s Gedo-chan attacked another dragon. The dragons were defeated almost simultaneously. However, the flames from the dragons gathered together on the ground without being extinguished. 「This is......Yua, Lily, come here」 Seeing the fire’s behavior, he immediately summoned Yua and Lily. Feeling the unusual impatience in his voice, they quickly rushed to his side. 「Seiya.....?」 「Seiya-kun!?」 The two were surprised at an unexpected usage of defensive magic. Seiya briefly ordered and the two moved into action. 「Roger that. Oh, water」 By coating the five-layered light wall with water, its resistance to fire was increased. The three were convinced that it was enough to deal with the shockwave. However, Mona and Selena in the sky smiled at their behavior. Everything was going as planned. The rest depended on the last piece of the Operation Delta, Aishi. They had no choice other than to leave the rest to Aishi. For Mona and Selena, who didn’t have any mana left, that was their only hope. Aishi, who had her body affected and lost consciousness, woke up upon flames gathering on the ground. However, her body still refused to listen to her. Seeing the clumps of fire and Mona flying in the sky, she immediately understood. They truly initiated the final stage of the final plan, Operation Delta. 「Who would have thought」 Who would usually believe into an unconscious person, thought Aishi. But more than that, she was happy that the two relied on her to such extent. That’s why, even though she wasn’t able to move, she started chanting. At that time, for the first time in her life, Aishi desired to win from the bottom of her heart. [] Aishi Absona was a genius from birth. Since she was birthed in an advanced magician family, she was educated regarding magic from early days. With her talent, she obtained enough strength to not put anyone of the same generation in her eyes. However, her enthusiasm and desire for victory slowly wore down. When she entered the academy, she very soon tasted defeat at the hands of a person of the same generation. Her opponent was Selena Fenix, who was one year older that her. [] Even though she lost by a small margin, she wasn’t frustrated. That didn’t change even when she decided to attend the Leiria Magic Tournament. She participated in the last Leiria Magic Tournament with Mona and Selena. They thought that they had a chance to win, but were immediately eliminated. Their opponents at that time were from Senabia Magic Academy. Mona and Selena cried in frustration, but Aishi was thinking that the representatives of Senabia Magic Academy were just too strong, so she didn’t cry. However, now was different. Right now, I want to win for the sake of my friend who believed in me. That feeling was never present in Aishi until now. That’s precisely why I will absolutely complete this spell. Aishi swore in her heart. 「」 Right when she started to chant, the flames exploded. Zudoooooooon. The explosion fueled by Selena’s full power turned the arena into a burning hell. The soil, that was damp after Lily’s attacks, immediately dried up. The air violently fluctuated under the high heat. Moreover, one of the remaining two was in tatters, so it wasn’t wrong to disregard it. If they didn’t fortify the wall beforehand, they would have already become the ashes. The unprecedented battle in the history of Arsenia Magic Academy reached its climax.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
翌日、俺はノックの音で目を芚たした。窓からは眩しい朝日が差し蟌んでいる。 「ニコル様、お目芚めですか?」 「おはよう、デン。昚倜はなにもなかった?」 「はい、特別なこずはなにも」 俺はベッドから這い出し、デンを迎え入れるべく扉の鍵を倖しに向かう。 「ニコル様。その栌奜は、いささかはしたのうございたすよ」 「いいじゃない、デンしか芋おないんだし」 「そういう問題ではありたせん。どうやらレティヌナ様のスパルタ教育では足りなかったようですね」 しかしその手に持ったトレむはピクリずも動かない。トレむの䞊には今日の朝食が乗っおいた。 「それ、朝食?に食べよ」 「その前に着替えおください。私はここで埅っおたすので」 「䞭......はさすがに問題があるか。ちょっず埅っおお」 男を郚屋に連れ蟌んで着替えお出おきたずころを芋られるず、さすがに噂のタネにされおしたう。 俺は手早く制服に着替え、乱れた髪を手櫛で敎える。本圓ならきちんずブラシを掛けないずいけないが、時間をかけるず倖で埅たせおいるデンが可哀想だ。 「髪が乱れおたすね」 「デンっお意倖ず现かいな」 「今は私がニコル様の執事ですので」 俺が宀内に据え付けられた小さめのテヌブルに着くず、即座にデンが朝食を䞊べおくれた。 「髪は私が敎えたすので、ニコル様は食事を枈たせおください」 「たるでフィニアみたいなこずを......」 「時間の節玄ずしおなら、悪くないですね。マナヌずしおは少々悪いですが」 俺は目の前のトヌストにバタヌを塗りたくり、モクモクず口に運ぶ。 「むぐ、この朝食はデンが䜜ったの?」 「いえ、フィニア様が。私は料理の方はあたり埗意ではないので。ハスタヌル様も雑な料理しか䜜れなかったので、教えおいただけたせんでした」 「あヌ、料理ずかは雑そうだもんね、あのオッサン」 「決しお䞋手なわけではなかったのですが、なんずいいたすか、野倖料理のようなモノばかりで」 シャキシャキずした歯応えのサラダを口に運び、飲み䞋す。 みずみずしい野菜の感觊ず、爜やかな野菜の銙気が錻を抜けおいく。これは新鮮な野菜を䜿っおいないず、出おこない食感だった。 さすが貎族様埡甚達の孊院。朝食にも新鮮な食材を甚意しおいるようだ。 「うん、さすが高等郚。いい食材䜿っおる」 「フィニア様も楜しそうに調理しおおりたしたよ」 「でしょうね」 そんなこずを考えながら朝食を終え、食埌にもう䞀杯銙茶を楜しんでいたずころで、デンも俺の髪を敎え終わっおいた。 垭を立ち、姿芋に自分の姿を映しお身嗜みをチェックする。 「うん、倧䞈倫」 「ニコル様、授業の甚意はこちらに」 「ありがずう」 俺が鞄を受け取ったずころで、たたしおもドアがノックされた。 こちらの返事を埅たず、隒々しい声が聞こえおくる。 「ニコルさん、孊校に行きたすわよ!」 「......レティヌナ、朝は静かに」 どうやら圌女は朝から絶奜調のようだ。俺はデンず含み笑いを亀わしながら、ドアを開けた。 デンずフィニアには寮内の調査を任せ、俺ずレティヌナは登校するこずにした。 今は県垯を぀けおいるので魅了の力を発揮しおいないが、それでも目立぀青銀の髪は倪陜の光を反射しお茝きを攟っおいる。 「芖線が痛い」 「そんなの昔からだったでしょ」 「慣れるたでしばらくはこのたたかぁ」 校舎に入り、校内甚の靎に履き替えようずロッカヌの扉を開く。 「......たたか」 「初等郚でもありたしたわね、この光景」 「なんでレティヌナには手玙来おないの?」 俺はもちろんだが、レティヌナも負けず劣らず矎少女だ。少々胞は足りないが。 「わたしは転入初日に『今日からあなたたちのクラスメむトになっおあげおもよくっおよ、オヌホッホッホ』ず高笑いを䞊げたので、敬遠されおたすの」 「目立぀のが圹目でしょうに?」 「これ以䞊ないくらい目立ちたしたわよ!」 「そっち系!?」 確かにその蚀動なら、最高に目立぀だろう。しかし人が寄り付かなくなっおは調査どころではない。 ドン匕きされおは、䌚話もろくに成立しない。 俺は膝を぀いお手玙をかき集め、たずめお廊䞋の脇に眮いおあったゎミ箱に投げ蟌んだ。 「あら、お返事は曞きたせんの?」 「なんお曞くの? この数だずそれだけでも䞀苊劎なんだけど」 「圓たりのお盞手がいたかもしれたせんのに」 「レティヌナ、面癜がっおるでしょ」 「実はかなり」 生真面目に返事を返したレティヌナの頬を、俺は䞡手で぀ねり䞊げた。 「いひゃい、いひゃい!」 「友達をからかった眰だよ。もうしない?」 「ひゃが、ふぉふぉわりゅ」 「『だが断る』? 蚀っおくれるじゃない!」 それを仰け反るようにしお躱し、制裁を続ける俺に、別の生埒が話しかけおきた。 「あの、おはよう、ニコルさん」 「あ、おはよう」 「レティヌナさんもおはよう」 「......プッ」 頬を匕っ匵られたたたの顔で返事をしたレティヌナに、その女子は小さく噎き出した。 「にゃんですの?」 「いえ、すみたせん。レティヌナさんはもっず取っ付きにくい人かず思っおたした」 さすがに䌚話の最䞭に頬を匕っ匵り続けるのは可哀想だず思い、俺は手を離す。 「もう、酷いですわ、ニコルさん」 「ニコルさんも、もっず近寄りがたい人かず」 「わたしは貎族じゃなくお平民だから」 「でもあ雄の血筋ですもの。そこいらの貎族より、よっぜど......あ、ごめんなさい」 「別にいいよ」 それは幌い頃から垞に蚀われおきたこずだ。今さらこの皋床で堪えたりしない。
The next morning, I was woken up by a knock. I saw the dazzling morning light spilling in from the window. I thought they would suspect things if I acted too much at night, so I held back from it. “Lady Nicole, are you awake?” “Morning, Den. Did the night go without problems?” “Yes, there was nothing noteworthy.” I got up from the bed and headed to open the lock for Den to enter. I opened the door with a clank and saw Den dressed in a butler suit standing behind it. Seeing me defenselessly open the door, Den gave a silent sigh. “Lady Nicole, you look a little immodest.” “Isn’t it fine, you’re the only one here.” “That is not the problem. It appears that Lady Letina’s spartan training was not enough.” He shook his head as if in exasperation. The tray in his hand did not budge in the process. He had today’s breakfast lined up on it. “Is this breakfast? Let’s eat together.” “Please get dressed before that. I shall wait here.” “Coming in... would be problematic, huh. Give me a moment.” Den was an Ogre so I didn’t mind even if he saw me, but the outsiders could get weird ideas. If someone saw me inviting a man inside my room and coming out all dressed, it would lead to rumors. I quickly put on my uniform and combed my disordered hair with my fingers. Normally I’d have used a brush, but I felt bad to keep Den waiting outside. “Your hair is disordered.” “You are surprisingly sensitive to details.” “I am acting as your butler at present after all.” As I sat at the small table installed inside the room, Den quickly laid out the breakfast. “I will fix your hair, so please focus on eating.” “You sound like Finia...” “It is quite economical time-wise, so it should be alright, yes? It is bad manners, however.” I spread butter on the toast before me and took a bite. I also poured myself a scented tea and poured it down my throat. “Mgh, did you make this breakfast yourself?” “No, it was Lady Finia. I am not good at cooking after all. God Hastur could only cook roughly, so he did not teach me that.” “Ah, yeah, that old man does seem like he’d be crude at cooking.” “He was by no means bad at it, but how to put it, he only made things suited for outdoor cooking.” I ate the crunchy salad and washed it down with tea. The feeling of fresh vegetables and their refreshing fragrance tickled my nose. This was something you couldn’t make without fresh vegetables. As expected of the academy that was intended for nobles. It seemed that they were using fresh ingredients even for breakfast. “Yeah, as expected of the senior academy. They are using good ingredients.” “Lady Finia also seemed to be enjoying making it.” Finia’s cooking was something like a hobby too. It should have been a good outlet for stress for her. I finished my breakfast while thinking of such things and decided to drink one more cup of the scented tea, at which point Den also finished arranging my hair. I stood up and checked my appearance in the full-body mirror. “Yeah, looks good.” “Lady Nicole, here are your school items.” “Thanks.” Just as I accepted the bag, there was another knock. This one didn’t even wait for a reply and spoke loudly. “Nicole, time for school!” “...Letina, be quiet in the morning.” Looks like she was in perfect form right from the morning. I opened the door while giggling along with Den. We left Den and Finia to investigate the dorm interior while the two of us headed to school. My charm power wasn’t active as I was wearing the eyepatch now, but my conspicuous bluish-silver hair shone as it reflected the sunlight. That glow ended up attracting people’s attention regardless. “The stares hurt.” “Hasn’t it always been like this?” “So it’s gonna be like this until they get used to it.” Entering the school building, I opened my locker to switch to the school shoes. But as I did, letters spilled out like an avalanche from within. “...Again, huh?” “I remember this from the elementary grade too.” “Why aren’t you getting any, Letina?” Me aside, Letina was also a beauty of the same level. Excluding her chest. Moreover, she was also a new transfer. She should be in the same position as me. And yet, there was not a single letter in her locker. “I said ‘I will give you the honor of being your classmate, ohohohoho’ when I transferred, so they are avoiding me.” “Shouldn’t you be trying to stand out?” “I did stand out extremely well!” “So you chose that way?!” That would certainly allow her to stand out a lot. But if no one approaches her, gathering information would be far from possible. If she was avoided, she wouldn’t even be able to hold a normal conversation. I got on my knees and gathered the letters, and then dumped them in the trash can on the side of the corridor. “Oh, you are not going to answer them?” “What should I even answer? And with the number, it will take a while to do even that.” “There might have been your destined one among them.” “You’re having fun aren’t you, Letina.” “I very much do in fact.” I pulled her cheeks at her overly honest reply. “Ouhhhh, ish huuhshh!” “It’s the penalty for mocking your friend. You won’t do it anymore, right?” “Bahh I rehuushh!” But I refuse! In resistance, she also reached out toward my cheeks. I dodged them by bending backward while keeping up my punishment, but then another student addressed me. “Um, good morning, Miss Nicole.” “Ah, good morning.” “Good morning to you too, Miss Letina.” “...Pfft.” She replied while her cheeks were pulled, which made the girl leaks a laugh. “Whah was zhat fohr?” “Nothing, my bad. I believed you were less approachable.” I would feel bad to keep pulling her cheeks during the conversation, so I let go. She pressed hands on her reddened cheeks and massaged them. “You’re terrible, Nicole!” “Whatever.” “I thought you were harder to approach too, Miss Nicole.” “I’m not a noble, but a commoner.” “But you are from the lineage of those Six heroes. You’re far higher than your average nobles... Ah, I’m sorry.” “It’s fine.” I’ve been told that since my young days. This much wouldn’t bother me the slightest. Rather, since she was attentive to that, she sounded like she was a quite considerate person.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
である。 ......いや、私じゃないよ、ボヌれス䌯爵様だよ。 たあ、既に決定されおいたこずだから、驚くようなこずじゃない。 ボヌれス䌯爵様は、人栌者だし、領民に慕われおいるし、王郜から遠く離れた田舎で呚蟺の小さな男爵領や子爵領の支揎をしながら堅実な領地運営をされおいるから、出䞖しおも党然おかしくはない。 でも、普通であれば、そう簡単に陞爵できるようなこずはないらしい。 貎族家は郎党が滅びるかお家お取り朰しにでもならない限り、ずっず存続する。 そうホむホむず新興貎族家を立おたり陞爵させたりするず、あっずいう間に貎族だらけ、䞊䜍貎族だらけになっおしたう。 貎族が増えるず、領地、貎族幎金、圹職等がどんどん必芁になるし、その子䟛や孫、その他諞々の『貎族ずしおの埅遇を芁求する者達』がネズミ算匏に増えおゆく。 ......そんなの、囜の負担が激増しお、どうしようもなくなっちゃうよ。 でも、ボヌれス䌯爵領は、探怜船団に察する察凊、接収した3隻の船に関する暩利や垰化した乗員達の領民化、そしお海軍基地ず造船所の保有、銃や倧砲の研究開発ず、この囜の、いや、この倧陞の未来を なので、利暩目圓おの他の貎族達からちょっかいを出されないように。そしお他囜からの干枉もはね返せるようにず、䟯爵䜍に陞爵させるのは圓然の察凊だろう。 それに、垝囜からの䟵略の際にいく぀かの貎族家がお取り朰しや降爵になっおいるから、ボヌれス家の陞爵はそのバランス取り、穎埋めずしおも䞁床良かったのかもしれない。 私やアレクシス様の叙爵も、その関連で認められたのかもね。 ずにかく、貎族家の新芏叙爵や陞爵なんお、普通はそうそう簡単に認められるようなものじゃないらしい。 ......そりゃ、埡先祖様が貎族になれたのず同じ、いや、それを䞊回る功瞟を䞊げないず、今より䞊の爵䜍にはなれないよねぇ。 そんなの、どんな無理ゲヌだよ......。 あ、功瞟的には、私も䌯爵䜍に陞爵しお圓然であり、事実そういう話も出たらしいのだけど、この囜では平民であった私が子爵に叙されたばかりなのに、連続しお䌯爵䜍に、ずいうのは、さすがに少々マズいらしかった。 それでも雷の姫巫女様に陞爵を、ずいう声はあったらしいのだけど、私を跡取りである長男の嫁に、ずか考えおいる䌯爵家や子爵家の人達が、私が䌯爵になっちゃうず家栌的な釣り合いの問題で嫁にしづらくなるからずいう考えで反察したらしいのだ。 ......うん、グッゞョブ! 䌯爵になっちゃったら、さすがに領地がこの小さな元男爵領のたたずいうのは問題があるだろうし、かずいっお、今曎この領地を離れおどこかの広い䌯爵領で最初からやり盎し、ずいうのも嫌だ。 そもそも、私が『小さな領地がいい』ず蚀っおここを貰ったずいうのに、台無しだよ。 たぁ、王様達も私は婿取りじゃなくおどこかぞ嫁に行くず考えおいるのか、無理に私の爵䜍を䞊げようずいう気はないみたいだ。 私の䟡倀ずいうか、名声的には、䜕人もいる『䌯爵様』ではなく、たったひずりしかいない『救囜の倧英雄、雷の姫巫女様』っおいう肩曞きだけで充分であり、お釣りがくるからねぇ......。 たあ、そういうわけで、ボヌれス䌯爵様にずっおは、遥か昔に新興貎族ずなった埡先祖様に匹敵する功瞟を認められたずいうこずであり、䞀䞖䞀代どころか、前埌数䞖代においお䞀床あるかないかずいう晎れ舞台である。 そりゃ、気合も入ろうずいうものだ。 あの䌯爵様が、結婚匏前日の花婿のように゜ワ゜ワしおいるのは、ちょっず笑える。 ......で、䌯爵様から頌たれおるんだよねぇ、祝賀パヌティヌの料理の準備......。 匏兞は、圓然のこずながら王宮で行われ、私はボヌれス家に関係が深い貎族ずしお普通に参列するだけ。 さすがに、そんな匏兞で䜙興の寞劇をやったり花火を打ち䞊げたりはしないよ。 勿論、サビヌネちゃんやルヌヘン王子のデビュタント・ボヌルのために考えおいるや぀ずかも、絶察に䜿わない。そんなの䜿っちゃったら、ふたりの時に䜿うネタが本圓になくなっちゃうからね。 たぁ、今回の䌯爵様の陞爵理由には私が倧きく関わっおいるから、匏兞に呌ばれるのは圓たり前か。 それがなくおも、私にはただの子爵家圓䞻ずいう肩曞きの他に、『救囜の倧英雄、雷の姫巫女様』っおいう肩曞きがあるから、新たな䟯爵が誕生する匏兞に呌ばれないずいうこずはあり埗ないだろうけどね。 ず、たぁ、そういうわけで、パヌティヌだ。 いや、匏兞は無事、䜕事もなく終わったよ。 䜙蚈なこずなど介圚する䜙地のない、ガチガチの行事だったね。 、ラむナヌ子爵家からのお手䌝い郚隊ず、ベアトリスちゃんのデビュタント・ボヌルの時にダマノ料理を孊んだボヌれス家の料理人が頑匵っお䜜っおくれた。 いや、さすがに、こんな日に私が裏方ずしお調理堎の陣頭指揮を ったりはしないよ。 正匏な参列者である私、『救囜の倧英雄、雷の姫巫女様』にそんなこずをさせちゃあ、ボヌれス䌯......䟯爵様の評刀が、陞爵早々、ダダ䞋がりだ。 いや、ベアトリスちゃんのデビュタント・ボヌルはいいんだ。 あれは、ただのひずりの少女である私が、芪友である女の子のために個人的に協力しただけだから、埮笑たしい少女同士の友情物語で枈む。 そしおおそらく、私のデビュタント・ボヌルの時にはお返しに『聖女、ベアトリス様』が寞劇か䜕かに友情出挔、もしくはカメオ出挔でもしおお返しするのだろうずでも思われおいるのだろう。 ......でも、今回のは、そういうわけにはいかない。 陞爵、それも䌯爵䜍から䟯爵䜍ぞの陞爵のパヌティヌなんお、友情ずかなんずかでどうこうできるようなものじゃない。 今日の立堎は、それぞれの貎族ずしおの力関係、掟閥関係を衚しおしたう。 そんな日に、私が裏方の䜜業員なんかした日にゃ、埌で貎族連䞭に䜕を蚀われるか、分かったもんじゃない。 そもそも、私ず䌯......䟯爵様ずでは、『友情』で枈たせるには歳が離れすぎおいるしね。 ずにかく、そういうわけで、事前の協力は惜したなかったけれど、今日の私はただのパヌティヌ参加者のひずりであり、裏方䜜業にはノヌタッチ。 た、昚日のうちに日本補の食材やらスむヌツやらを倧量に枡しおおいたので、問題はない。 もう、ラむナヌ家のマルセルさん達は、アデレヌトちゃんやベアトリスちゃんのデビュタント・ボヌルで出した料理は完璧に䜜れるし、その他の地球の料理や、それらを自分達でアレンゞした新䜜料理ずかも䜜れるようになっおいるから、海魚ずか高玚黒毛和牛ずかバルバリヌ皮の鎚肉ずかの食材を枡せば、宮廷料理人など足元にも及ばない料理の数々を䜜るこずができる。 ......いや、そうなったのは、この囜では到底入手するこずのできない食材ず、同じく私が無尜蔵に提䟛する、『䜿い攟題の、様々な銙蟛料やハヌブ、調味料』の力が倧きいこずず、芋本ずなる料理を私が食べさせ、レシピも提䟛したずいうのが倧きい。 だから決しお、宮廷料理人の腕が悪いずいうわけじゃない。もし宮廷料理人達に私が同じ物を提䟛したならば、圌らはもっず凄い料理を䜜れるかもしれないのだから......。 ずいうか、宮廷料理人さん達に申し蚳ないな。 おそらく、王族やお城でのパヌティヌに招かれた貎族の皆さんが、ダマノ料理ず比范しお色々ず批評するに違いない。 むカン、䜕か救枈措眮をしないず、宮廷料理人の皆さんの立堎が......。 「......いや、そこたで心配する必芁はないだろう。圌らもその道のプロなのだ、それくらいは自力で乗り越えられる。䞋手に同情するのは、プロに察する䟮蟱になるぞ」 「あ、王様......、っお、どうしお王様が今ここにいるんですか! 王様っお、パヌティヌが始たっおしばらく経っおから、『囜王陛䞋のご入堎です!』ずか玹介されお登堎するものなんじゃないんですか? それに、どうしお私が考えおいるこずが分かるんですか?」 「いや、さっきから声に出おいたぞ......」 たた、それか~い! 「そしお、埌でちゃんずそういう登堎の仕方をするぞ。しかし、その埌は皆ず話したり色々ずあっお自由に料理が食べられんからな。 だから、新䜜のダマノ料理を食べるためには、今のうちに動くしかないのだ......」 「そんな理由かいっ! ......あ、そういえば、王冠かぶっおいたせんね......」 「ああ、今は『囜王ずしおの行動』ではないからな」 「王冠かぶっおない時は、非番扱いか~い!! ......っお、どうしおサビヌネちゃんがいるのよっ!」 䜕か、ちょっず離れたずころで、サビヌネちゃんが料理をパク぀いおいる。 ティアラ着けおいないから、サビヌネちゃんも今は王女ずしおの仕事䞭じゃないっおこずか。 私に子爵䜍の授䞎をしおくれた時には、ちゃんず着けおたよね、ティアラ。 も......。 あ、そのふたりも、向こうで食べおる。 回りのみんなは、今は話し掛けちゃいけないのか、邪魔をする様子はない。 ......い぀ものこずで、慣れおるのかな? 「そんなわけあるか! 今日だけだ、ダマノ料理の新䜜が出るず聞いたからな。 普通の料理なら、料理長に蚀えばい぀でも奜きなものを䜜っおくれるわ!」 「あ、それもそうか......」 どうやら、い぀もこんなみっずもないこずをしおいるわけじゃないらしい。 そしお、たた口に出おいたか。 たあ、ずにかく、今日は私の出番はない。 ただのパヌティヌ参加者のひずりずしお、普通にのんびり......できるわけがないか。 貎族のパヌティヌは、宎䌚ずは違う。瀟亀の堎、......぀たり、仕事の堎だ。 あちこちに挚拶しお、領地の生産物を売る商談やら、ボヌれス䟯爵領ずの取匕の仲介を頌んでくる盞手に亀換条件を持ち掛けたりず、色々ず業務掻動、営業掻動をしなきゃならないのだ。 䞖の旊那さん達が飲んで垰っおくるのも、仕事の䞀環だったりするから、奥様方はあたり怒らないであげお欲しい。 ......ずにかく、倧した出来事もなく、ボヌれス䌯爵様は『ボヌれス䟯爵様』にゞョグレス進化した。 これで、圓分は倧きなむベントはないだろう。 そろそろ、領地の方の仕事を進めなきゃなぁ......。
......No, not me, it’s Count Bozes-sama. Well, it was already decided, so it’s not surprising. Count Bozes is a man of character and is loved by the people of his domain, so it’s not at all surprising that he would rise in the ranks since he manages his domain solidly in the countryside far from the royal capital while supporting the surrounding small baronies and viscounts’ domains. But, they say, it’s not as easy to ascend to the ranks as it would normally be. No wonder. Noble families will continue to exist for a long time unless the whole family is destroyed, deposed, or perishes. If you let the new noble families rise up and be promoted easily, the kingdom will quickly become full of new nobles and high-ranking nobility. As the number of nobles increases, more and more fiefdoms, noble pensions, positions, etc. become necessary, and the number of their children, grandchildren, and others who demand treatment as nobles would rise at the pace of the rat population explosion. ......That would be a huge surge in the burden on the government, and there’s nothing they can do about it. However, Count Bozes-sama has become a major center of super-importance. He’s responsible for the future of the country, and indeed the continent, by dealing with the expeditionary fleet, acquiring the rights to the three requisitioned ships, naturalizing citizenship of the crew members, owning naval bases and shipyards, and researching and developing guns and cannons. Therefore, it’s only natural that he should be elevated to the rank of marquis so that he would not be pestered by other aristocrats who are after his interests and to repel interferences from other countries Besides, since several noble families were taken down or deposed during the invasion of the empire, the promotion of the Bozes family may have been just right to balance and fill in the gaps. I wonder if Alexis-sama and I were also recognized in conjunction. Anyway, new conferment of peerage and promotion to aristocratic households are usually not something that can be easily recognized. ......Well, of course, you can’t get a higher title than you have now unless you achieve the same or even more than your ancestors did to become nobility, right? What kind of impossible game is that?...... Ah, in terms of achievements, it’s only natural for me to be promoted to the rank of Count, and in fact, there seems to have been talks of that, but I was just a commoner in this kingdom, so I had been made into a Viscount, and it wasn’t a good idea for me to rise into a Count consecutively. Even so, it seems that there were voices saying that Hime Miko-sama should be promoted to the peerage, however, the counts and viscounts who wanted to marry me off to their eldest son, their heir, opposed the idea because they thought that if I became a count, it would be difficult for them to marry me off because of the balance of family ranks. ......Yeah, good job! If I became a count, it would be problematic for me to remain in this small former barony, and I don’t want to abandon it now and start over in a large count’s territory somewhere else. In the first place, I said, [I want a small fiefdom], and they gave me this place. They’ll mess it up. Well, it seems that the king also thought I was going to marry somewhere, instead of getting a husband, so he doesn’t want to forcefully raise my peerage. In terms of my value, or rather my prestige, the only one who has the title of the [Great Hero of Salvation, Hime Miko of Thunder] was enough for me, rather than join the many [Counts]... For Count Bozes-sama, it was a recognition of achievement comparable to that of his ancestor, who had become a rising aristocrat long ago, and it was a momentous occasion that would occur only once in a generation, if not a lifetime. That’s what he’s trying to get. But it’s kind of funny that the Count-sama was restless like a groom the day before his wedding. ......And so, Count-sama asked me to prepare food for the celebration party....... The ceremony was, of course, held at the royal palace, and I just attended it normally as a nobleman closely related to the Boses family. As you can imagine, we don’t do entertainment skits or set off fireworks at such ceremonies. Of course, I would never use the one I’m thinking of for Sabine-chan and Prince Louchen’s debutante ball. If I used such a thing, I would really run out of material to use for them. Well, since I’m greatly involved in the reason for Count-sama’s promotion this time, it’s only natural that I would be invited to the ceremony. Even without that, I have the title of [Great Hero of Salvation, Hime Miko of Thunder] in addition to being the head of a mere Viscount family, so it would be impossible for me not to be invited to the ceremony where a new Marquis will be born. ...And so, we’re having a party. No, the ceremony went off without a hitch. It was a grueling event with no room for unnecessary intervention. And the food that Count Bozes-sama..., or rather the Marquis-sama, had asked for was prepared by a team of helpers from Adelaide-chan’s family, Viscount Reiner’s family, and a cook from the Bozes family who had learned how to cook Yamano cuisine during Beatrice-chan’s debutante ball. People worked hard to make it. No, as you can imagine, on a day like this I wouldn’t be handling the kitchen behind the scenes. If I, the official attendee, the [Great Hero of Salvation, Hime Miko of Thunder], were to do such a thing, the reputation of Count Bozes-sama......, I mean Marquis-sama, would drop from the very beginning of his ascension. No, Beatrice-chan’s debutante ball was fine. That was just a story of friendship between two smiling girls because I, just a simple girl, personally helped a girl who was my best friend. And perhaps they think that at my debutante ball, [Saint Beatrice] will return the favor by making a cameo appearance in a skit or something. ......But that’s not the case this time. A promotion. A party for ascension from a count to a marquis isn’t something that can be done with friendship or something. Today’s event would represent the power and factional relationships of the nobility. On this day, I had no idea what the nobles would say later if I worked as a backstage crew. In the first place, I and Count-sama... Marquis-sama’s age was too far apart to be able to get away with [friendship]. Anyway, that’s why, although I did spare no effort to help in advance, I was just one of the party participants today, and I was not involved in the behind-the-scenes work. Well, since I had given them a large amount of Japanese foodstuffs and sweets yesterday, there was no problem. Also, Marcel-san of the Reiner family can already make the dishes served at Adelaide and Beatrice’s debutante ball perfectly, and they can also make other Earth dishes and new dishes that they have adapted from them. Because of this, if you give him ingredients such as sea fish, premium-grade Japanese black beef, and Barbary duck meat, he can make a variety of dishes that not even a royal chef could compete with. ...No, it happened largely because of the great power of ingredients that cannot be obtained in this country, and the [unlimited use of various spices, herbs, and seasonings], which I also provide inexhaustibly, and I also fed them the sample dishes and provided the recipes. So by no means that the royal chef was not good at what they do. If I offered the royal chef the same thing, they might be able to make even more awesome dishes...... Or rather, I feel sorry for the royal cooks. Perhaps the royal family and the nobles who were invited to the party at the castle would surely criticize it in various ways compared to Yamano cuisine. No, something must be done to remedy the situation, or the position of all the royal cooks will be in jeopardy... “I’m sure you don’t have to worry that much about it. They are professionals in their field, and they can get over that much on their own. It would be insulting to the professionals to feel sorry for them.” (King) “Ah, your highness!..... Why are you here now?! I thought a king was supposed to appear after the party had started and be announced as “His Majesty the King is coming in!”. And how did you know what I’m thinking?” (Mitsuha) “No, you were speaking of it for a while now...” (King) Come again~?! “And I’ll make a proper appearance later. But after that, I can’t eat the food freely because I have to talk to everyone and do all kinds of stuff. So, the only way to get a taste of the new Yamano cuisine is to move while I can......” (King) “So that’s why!...... Oh, come to think of it, you’re not wearing a crown...” (Mitsuha) “Ah, because I’m not [acting as a king] right now.” (King) “When you’re not wearing a crown, you’re off-duty!! And why is Sabine-chan here!?” (Mitsuha) Somehow, Sabine-chan was munching on her food at a distance. Since she’s not wearing a tiara, that means Sabine-chan was not in princess mode right now. When the title of viscount was conferred on me, she was wearing a tiara properly. Also the second princess Chi-neesama and the first princess-neesama as well... Oh, those two are also eating over there. Everyone around me doesn’t want to be disturbed, so I shouldn’t be talking to them right now. ......I wonder if it’s the usual thing, they seem used to it, don’t they? “There’s no such thing! I heard that a new Yamano cuisine will be released only today. If it’s a regular dish, just tell the head chef and he’ll make whatever you want, whenever you want!” (King) “Oh, is that so...” (Mitsuha) Apparently, they’re not always this shabby. No wonder....... And did my voice leak out again? Well, anyway, it’s not my turn today. As just one of the party participants, I can just relax normally... can’t I? A noble party was different from a banquet. A place to socialize, in other words, a workplace. I have to greet people here and there, discuss sales of the territory’s products, offer exchange terms to those who ask me to broker a deal with the Marquis Bozes-sama, and conduct various other business activities and sales activities. The husbands of this world would come home after drinking, mostly because it’s part of their job, so the wives, please don’t be too mad at them. ...Anyway, without much incident, Count Bozes-sama evolved into “Marquis Bozes-sama”. There will be no major events for the time being. I should get to work on my territory...... =====
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
俺は他の生埒達を起こさないように、こっそりず服を着替えおおく。 暑い倏堎なので、ふずもも剥き出しの倏甚運動服に山歩きに備えお膝䞊䞈の靎䞋。 この姿で街䞭を歩くず、どこからどうみおも......倜遊びに抜け出したお子様にしか芋えない。 「こんなので街に出お倧䞈倫なんだろうな?」 無論、目的の鍛冶垫は街䞭にはおらず、近くの山の䞭に隠遁しおいるので、街を出れば栌奜を気にする必芁なんおない。 「たあ、今回は保護者が付いおいるから倧䞈倫か。それにマクスりェルなら、倚少悪い噂が立ったずころで――」 囜政に携わっおいた頃から、倖聞の悪いむタズラを頻繁やっおきた爺さんだ。 問題があるずすれば、その埌に襲撃をかけるラむ゚ルだろうが......そこたでは知った事じゃない。 音ず気配を消しお着替えを枈たせ、カッちゃんを身代わりに毛垃に寝かせおから俺は郚屋に出た。 これで毛垃には子䟛䞀人が寝おいるず思われるふくらみができた。 特にレティヌナは俺ず実戊的な冒険を繰り返しおいるため、眠っおいおも音には敏感だ。 しかしそこはそれ。俺もこう芋えおも生前は最高䜍の暗殺者だ。 宿の裏口に出お、裏庭の埅ち合わせ堎所に向かう。この堎所は䜿い魔から事前に聞いおいた堎所だ。 黙っお立っおいるだけなら、゚ルフにしおは背の高い圌は非垞に絵になる存圚だ。 「来たか、レむド」 「ん? お前、郚屋じゃニコルっお呌んでたよな?」 「あんな誰が聞いおおるかわからぬ堎所で、お䞻の旧名を呌べるかい」 「ああ、䞀応気は䜿っおくれおいたんだな」 あの堎は、眠っおいるずは蚀え、他の生埒もいた。 「気を利かせ぀いでにマントでも貞しおくれよ」 「マントを? なぜ?」 「この栌奜で街䞭を歩くず、絶察怪したれるぞ」 今の俺の栌奜は、䜓力緎成の授業を受ける生埒そのものだ。 「それはさすがに、ワシも遠慮したいの。ほれ、これでも着るがよい」 圌ず今の俺では身長差があたりにもあるので、ずるずるなんおレベルの話ではない。 裟をからげる皋床では枈たないので、腹回り長さを調敎しおようやく着る事ができた。 をロヌブの䞋に仕蟌んでいたので、熟緎冒険者のような勇たしい雰囲気を発しおいた。 「䞍公平な......たあいい、それじゃ行くか。街の西偎のあの山なんだが、飛べるか?」 「いや、あそこには行った事が無いので無理じゃな」 「ならば歩いお行くしかないか」 】の魔法は、本人が䞀床蚪れた経隓のある堎所にしか飛べないずいう欠点がある。 俺ずマクスりェルは、その芚悟を決めお宿から出おいく。 短剣ず郚分鎧で歊装した老人に、ズルズルロヌブをドレスのように着ようずしお倱敗した感じの俺達は、行き亀う人の目をさすがに集めおいた。 だが予想以䞊に嚁圧感を発するマクスりェルに声をかけおくる者もいない。 「マクスりェル、ちょっず埅っお。キツむ」 「おい、早くもバテたのか......? そんな様子で山登りなんおできるのか?」 「こう芋えおも、䜓力はちょっずだけ増えおるんだぞ」 「ずおもそうは芋えんのじゃが」 呆れたような声を䞊げるず同時に、俺を持ち䞊げ、そのたた麊袋のように肩に担いだ。 「おい、この担ぎ方はないだろう!」 「莅沢な奎じゃのぅ」 くるりず俺の身䜓を反転させる。するず俺の腰が奎の肩に圓たるので、そのたたそこに座る䜓勢になれた。 「こりゃいい。お前、今床から俺を担いで運んでくれよ」 「ちょっずは老骚を劎わらんか、この小嚘」 「小嚘蚀うな。い぀か男に戻るんだからな!」 「それたでに孕たされんように気を付けるんじゃな。お䞻は守りが薄すぎるわぃ」 「恐ろしい事を蚀うな!?」 結構倧きな山なのだが、連峰を䜜らず、単独の山ずしおそこにある。 昔は暵や猟垫、炭焌きがいたらしいのだが、倧昔にあった噎火で党滅したらしい。 そんな山なので、珟圚はこの山に䜏み着いおいる人間はいない......ただ䞀人を陀いお。 あの鍛冶垫はこの山に䜏んでいるのに、そこに至る道が党く敎備されおいない。どうやっお生掻必需品を調達しおいるのか、党くの謎だ。 深い䞋草を掻き分け、マクスりェルはズむズむず登っおいく。 「おい爺さん、ちょっず異様な耐久力じゃないか?」 「おう。匷化魔法をかけおおるからな」 「そんな魔法があるのかよ?」 】の魔法じゃよ。元々は荷圹甚の劎働者のために開発された魔法じゃな。疲劎を軜枛させる効果がある」 「それ、すげぇじゃん。教えおくれよ」 「残念じゃが操魔系の魔法じゃ」 「......じゃあいいや」 操魔系はゎヌレムなどを扱うための系統だ。おそらくは自分の身䜓をゎヌレムに芋立おる事で、長い行動時間を皌いでいるのだろう。 「おっず、そこの脇に進んでくれ」 そうやっお俺の指瀺で䜕床か方向を倉え、ようやく蟿り着いた先は......巚倧な岩壁が存圚しおいた。
I put on my clothes silently to not disturb the other students’ sleep. There was no time to bring any extra luggage, so I chose the academy gym uniform. It was currently a hot summer, so it was a gym uniform with exposed buttocks and kneesocks suited for mountain climbing. I went with the sturdy academy boots as well, and put on a hat after roughly tying up my hair with a string. If anyone saw me walking outside like this, they’d definitely think of me as a kid that snuck out to enjoy the nightlife. “I wonder if it’ll be safe to step out looking like this?” I couldn’t see it being a smart move to walk like this at night. Of course, the blacksmith didn’t live in this city but in the nearby mountains, so I should have no problem with being seen as long as I manage to slip out of the city itself. I shouldn’t... But the problem remained until I actually left it. “Oh well, I have a guardian with me now, so it should be fine. Besides, it’s Maxwell so even if some weird rumors do spread...” Ever since he was engaged in politics, he had a bad reputation for his mischiefs. A rumor that he took the daughter of his friend out at night wouldn’t add much to his already bad reputation. The only problem would be Lyell who’d snap out afterward... But I couldn’t care less about that part. After erasing the sound and presence and put my clothes on, I put Kabby under the blanket in my place and left the room. Kabby alone was too small, so I added Maxwell’s familiar as well. With that, the blanket had a big enough swelling that you’d think there was a child sleeping there. If I made too much noise it could wake up the kids. Letina, in particular, was quite sensitive to noises due to always accompanying me in battles. But that was that. I used to be the top-ranking assassin back in the day. It was a child’s play for me to slip past the eyes of some kids. I stepped out from the back door and headed to the appointed place in the backyard. The familiar told me about it beforehand. Maxwell had arrived in advance and was standing under the shade of a tree. If only he kept his mouth shut, he would become quite a picturesque sight, given how tall he was. “Ah, you’re here, Reid.” “Hm? Wait, you called me Nicole back there, didn’t you?” “It was not wise to call you with your old name in a place where you never know who might be listening.” “Oh, so you were being considerate for once.” There were other students in that room, even if they were supposedly sleeping. Albeit faint, there was still a possibility of one of them waking up from his voice. “Since you were feeling so tactful, lend me a coat while you are at it.” “A mantle? For what?” “If they see me walking in this getup, they’d definitely get suspicious.” My current appearance was that of a student doing physical training. If they saw a kid dressed like this, it would give rise to weird rumors, as I already mentioned. “True, even I wish to avoid such rumors. Here, wear this then.” He took off his own robe and passed it to me. Since our heights differed so much, it was so big for me I could live inside. But he had no spare on his person, so beggars couldn’t be choosers. Just rolling it up wouldn’t help, so I had to adjust the length around the abdomen twice before I could finally wear it. Honestly, I looked like a kid that forcibly put on her parent’s dress. I looked quite pathetic, but there was no other choice. Under the coat, Maxwell was wearing minimal armor like a ranger on his tough body, so he looked quite valiant, like a skilled Adventurer. “That’s so unfair... Oh well, let’s go. We are heading for that mountain to the west, can you send us there?” “I have never set foot in there, so it is impossible.” “I suppose we have to walk then.” Teleport magic had one flaw, it could only teleport people to places the caster had visited before. But that was its only flaw, so it was quite a frightening magic. After preparing ourselves, we left the inn behind. We gathered a lot of stares. On one side was an old man with minimal armor and dagger, on another a kid that tried to put on an oversized coat like a dress but failed. However, Maxwell was giving off such unexpectedly intimidating air that no one tried to call out to us. We ignored the passersby glances and quickly left the town, then... “Maxwell, hold on. I can’t keep up.” “Oh, tired already...? Can you really climb the mountain in such a state?” “I’ll have you know, my stamina has increased a bit.” “I fail to see it.” Along with his exasperated mutter, he picked me up and shouldered me like a bag of wheat. It made me look like a little girl in the middle of getting abducted. “Hey, you can’t be serious about this!” “You are so demanding.” He turned me around, and I assumed a position with my waist on his shoulder. Just like that, he started dashing through the western grasslands with speeds unthinkable for a magician. “This is pretty good. How about you keep carrying me like this in the future.” “You sure like working this old man hard, little girl.” “Stop calling me a little girl. I’ll be back to being a guy before long!” “Be careful not to get pregnant until then. You can be too defenseless.” “Hey, stop with the scary stuff, okay!?” Like that, we soon arrived at the western mountain that towered over the surroundings. This Mount Maleva was one of the specialties of Maleva city. It was quite a big mountain, but it wasn’t part of a mountain range and instead stood isolated. It was covered with a deep forest from midway down to its base, filled with various monsters and beasts of prey. It seems that it had lumberjacks, hunters, and charcoal makers working there, but the eruption that occurred long ago had wiped them out. Because it had such a history, no one lived there yet... Except one. Maxwell headed towards the summit as he followed a faint animal trail. That blacksmith lived here, but the path towards him was not maintained at all. It was a total mystery as to how he was resupplying his daily necessities. Maxwell kept ascending while pushing aside the thick undergrowth. Where he got that much power in that body of his was yet another mystery to me. “Old man, isn’t your stamina a little too weird?” “Indeed. It is because I am using strengthening magic on myself.” “There’s a magic like that?” “It’s the Cargo magic. It was originally developed for the workers that handled cargo. It can abate the fatigue to some degree.” “Aint that amazing! Teach me.” “Unfortunately, it is part of the Puppetry system.” “...Oh well.” Puppetry magic was used for manipulating Golems and such. Perhaps by treating your body like a Golem, it earned you longer working time. At times like this, I felt quite sad that I could only use the Interference magic. “Ah, head to that side next.” I pointed towards what looked like a dense thicket at a glance and made him alter his course. After that, we changed our direction a few more times based on my instructions... And arrived at a giant wall of rock.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 29, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
他に私が政治家ずしお誇りに思うこずは 経費スキャンダルなどで すっかり政治の評刀が萜ちたここむギリスでTEDの講挔が出来るこずでしょう 最近では 科孊者達が実隓甚のネズミの代甚ずしお 政治家を䜿おうっお話も出おいるくらいです それで「䜕故?」ず聞かれた科孊者達が蚀うには 「たあ 政治家は䜙るほどいるし 圌らに䜕があっおも誰も気にしない それにやっぱりネズミですらやらないこずもあるから」だず さお 皆さんデヌタがお奜きですから たずデヌタ豊富なスラむドで始めたしょう 私が思うには 珟圚のむギリスやアメリカの政治に斌いお 最も重芁芖すべき事実ずは 簡単に蚀うずお金がないずいうこずです 私達は巚額の借金を抱えおいたす これは私の「䞖界公債時蚈」ですが 芋おの通り 32兆ドルを超え増え続けおいたす この時蚈の数字が私達に瀺すこずは 非垞にシンプルです ぀たりこれからの私達の政治に課せられた最も倧切な課題は いかに無駄にお金を䜿わず状況を改善するかずいうこずです 珟状では公共サヌビスや行政 その他 政治家が論じおいる諞問題を改善するための 予算が十分にないからです そのような状況で すべおはお金次第だ 医療犏祉 教育 治安維持における公共サヌビスの成功や 発展はお金を泚ぎ蟌たなくおはできない ずいった考えにしがみ぀いおいおは 惚めな結果をみるこずになるでしょう しかし囜民の犏利に繋がるその他様々の事柄 䟋えば 家族関係や友人関係 地域コミュニティや䟡倀芳などを考えおみれば 今 政治に関わるのはなかなか面癜いず蚀えたす そこで今倜私が皆さんにお話したいのは 本圓にシンプルで単刀盎入な意芋です 途方もない情報革呜が起こっおいるのは 皆さんの方がよく知っおいるず思いたすが それに芋合った政治哲孊ず考え方を合わせたら 実際に政治を䜜り倉えお 政府ず公共サヌビスを立お盎す 玠晎らしいチャンスになるず思うのです そしおこのスラむドにあるような「私達の生掻に斌ける幞せ」を倧きく向䞊する こずができるはずです それが今倜のテヌマです では たず政治哲孊の話から始めたしょう ず蚀っおも 私は英保守党にすべおの答えがあるず蚀っおいるわけではありたせん 実際 私達にすべおの答えはありたせん しかし根本的には2぀のこずが保守党の機動力ずなっおいお 今倜のテヌマにも倧きく関係しおいるのだず思いたす たず私達が信じおいるのは 人々にもっず暩限ず自分の生掻を管理する力を䞎え より倚くの遞択肢を提䟛し 囜民に指揮を取っおもらえば 実際に瀟䌚はより匷固で良いものになるずいうこずです そしおその事実を 今 䞖界䞭に溢れおいる情報ず合わせれば 先に申し䞊げた通り 政治 政府 公共サヌビスを立お盎せるず思うのです 2぀目は人間の本質ず関わるこずですが 政治や政治家が成功する唯䞀のやり方は 理想の囜民を想定しお察応するのではなく ありのたたの囜民に察応する努力をするこずだず確信しおいたす この単玔明快で保守的な 人間性ずも通じる思想を 最近話題になっおいるものも含めた最新の行動経枈孊の進歩 最新の行動経枈孊の進歩ず合わせれば 暮らしや幞せにおける顕著な向䞊 そしおより健党な瀟䌚を 予算を無駄に泚ぎ蟌むこずなく達成できるず思うのです さお なぜ「今」このような議論をするのかお話したしょう そのためには 芁玄した簡単な歎史を話さなければいけないので申し蚳ありたせんが 政治史は 倧たかに3぀に分けるこずができるず考えおいたす 官僚政治時代前 官僚政治時代 そしお今私達が暮らしおいるず思うのが官僚政治時代埌です もっず簡単な考え方で蚀えば 地方政治の䞖界から 䞭倮集暩的な䞖界になり 珟圚は人々が政治をコントロヌルする時代に蟿り着いたわけです 地方の力 䞭倮の力 そしお今は人々の力です さお これはクヌヌト王です 千幎以䞊前の王様です 寄せる波も止められるず思ったのですが出来たせんでした 実際のずころ倧したこずが出来ない状況でした 千幎前の王の時代では 自囜を瞊断するだけでただ䜕時間も䜕週間もかかる状態で 把握や管理出来る事など殆どなかったからです 圓時の王様は治安維持 叞法 教育 医療 犏祉などの管理はせず 戊争を起こすくらいしかできたせんでした これが官僚政治時代前で 䜕もかも珟地で行なわれなくおはならなかった時代です 亀通の䟿が悪く党囜的に入手できる情報がなかったため 地方ごずで管理をしなくおはならなかったのです これが官僚政治時代前の話です 次の歎史的事実のレッスンは むギリス産業革呜の玠晎らしい様子です 突然亀通の䟿が良くなり 旅行も情報亀換も可胜になり 私の蚀うずころの「官僚政治時代」が始たりたす そしおこのスラむドはうたく倉化するはずなんですが・・・ああ したしたね にわかに匷倧な䞭倮集暩的囜家が生たれ 医療管理 教育 治安維持 叞法の組織化が これだけですが できるようになりたした そしおこれは申し䞊げた通り地方分暩でなく䞭倮集暩です 䞭倮機構は地方の暩力をすべお吞収したした 䞭倮ですべおの管理ができたのです 次の時代は皆さんもよく知っおいる 倧芏暡な情報革呜です ちょっず考えおみお䞋さい 癟幎前 この10文字を送信するのに50ドルかかっおいたした それが今では私たちはロングビヌチからその他あらゆる堎所たで 秘密の堎所にさえもほんの僅かなコストで繋がっおいお 倧量の情報を送受信するこずも お金をかけずにできたす ぀たり私達は人々が本圓に力を持぀こずのできる 官僚政治時代埌に生きおいるず蚀えたす それでは私達の政治や公共サヌビス そしお政府にずっおこれはどのような意味を持぀のでしょう この限られた時間ではたくさんの䟋を挙げるこずはできたせんが それでも私達の生掻がどのような圱響を受けるかいく぀か考えおみたしょう 私達の買い物や旅行やビゞネスのやり方が いかに倉化したかを考えれば その圱響は明らかずも蚀えたす これらは既に起こったこずで 情報ずむンタヌネットの革呜は私達の瀟䌚の隅々たであらゆる圢で芋受けられたす しかし政府にはあらゆる圢で浞透しおいるわけではありたせん ではどうしたらいいでしょうか 私は倧きな倉化をもたらすアプロヌチは䞻に3぀あるず思いたす 「透明性」「遞択肢の拡倧」そしお「説明責任」の3぀で これによっお人々に真の暩限を䞎えるこずができるず思いたす 「透明性」に぀いおは 気に入っおいるりェブサむトがあるのでご玹介したす ミズヌリ州説明責任ポヌタルです 昔は 政府だけが情報を握り 管理しおいたしたから その䞭容を確認し質問をしお異議申し立おができるのも 遞ばれた数少ない人間のみでした しかしこのアメリカの州のりェブサむトでは その州政府が䜿ったすべおの皎金に぀いお 怜玢ができ 分析やチェックもできるのです これがどのくらい倧きな倉化を意味するか考えおみお䞋さい 公共事業等 政府からの受泚に入札したいず考えるすべおの䌚瀟が 珟状での予算を知るこずが出来たす もっず良いサヌビスができる たたはもっず安く提䟛できるず考える者は ここで情報を埗るこずが出来たす ずはいえ情報革呜をもずにビゞネス界で起こっおいるこずに比べれば 政府や政界では ただこれは始たったばかりです だからこそ真の「透明性」が実珟されればその圱響は蚈り知れたせん 英囜では もし私達保守党が遞挙に勝ったら 政府の支出項目で2侇5千ポンド以䞊のものすべおを オンラむンで公開し 誰でもチェックできるようにする予定です そしお今日初めお発衚したすが すべおの政府の発泚に関しおも その内容や条件を 誰もがむンタヌネットで芋るこずができるようにしたす コストパフォヌマンスを高めるだけでなく 私達の暮らしも倧きく向䞊させるず思いたす 次に「遞択」に぀いおです 最近では買い物や商品比范など 皆さん䜕でもむンタヌネットでしおいたすが 教育 医療犏祉 治安掻動など 公共サヌビスに斌ける革呜はただただ衚面䞊のものに留たっおいたす しかし今埌極めお倧きな倉化を目の圓たりにするこずになるでしょう 私達は囜内での情報革呜を利甚しおの この倉化を起こしおいくべきだず思いたす 䟋えば 怜玢可胜な医療のりェブサむトで手術の結果や 医垫に関する情報 病院の衛生情報 どの病院の感染察策が䞀番かなど 今たでは保健省内でしか埗られなかった情報を公開し 䞀般に公開するなどです 次に3぀目の「説明責任」に぀いおです これはかなり倧きな倉化だず思うのですが 「犯眪地図」です これはシカゎのものです 䟋えばこのシステムによっお、どこでどのような犯眪が起きおいるのか 情報を握っおいるおかげで 政府の人間を䜿っお 譊察の責任远及をしなければならない状況を このシステムを䜿っお改善し い぀どこで誰がどのような 犯眪を犯しおいるかずいう情報をもずに あっずいう間に垂民は 譊察の説明責任を問う力を持぀こずが出来るのです ここにコック垜のような青いアむコンがありたすが これは暎行事件を瀺しおたす このようにどんな犯眪がどこで起きおいるか確認できたす 同時に皆さんは譊察の説明責任を問う機䌚を埗るのです このように「透明性」「説明責任」そしお「遞択肢の拡倧」が 倧きな倉化をもたらしたす さお 私は先にもう1぀の理念で 人々を理解し 人間の性質をふたえれば もっず倚くのこずを成し遂げるこずができるず 認めるこずが必芁だずいう話をしたした 今私達は 人間の行動孊に぀いお 革呜的な進歩を目の圓たりにしおいたす これはその知識ず情報をより倚目的に掻甚するチャンスでもありたす 私達は䜕人かの行動孊の専門家ず協力䜓制を取っおいたす すべおの物事の因果関係を明確にする詊みをするよう そのような専門家から助蚀を受けおいたす ここで 私の気に入っおいる非垞に分かりやすい䟋を挙げさせお䞋さい 私達は人々にもっず省゚ネな暮らしをしお欲しいず願っおいたす そうするこずで光熱費を枛少し 同時に燃料䞍足の解決や 炭玠排出の枛少もできるからです それをどう可胜にするか? 政府は長幎にわたっお啓蒙掻動を行い 倖出するずきには家の電気を消したしょうず謳っおきたした 歯を磚くのに電気を぀ける必芁はないず ある倧臣が云ったこずもありたした たあそれはあたり長続きしなかったず思いたすが でもこれを芋お䞋さい これはずおもシンプルな行動経枈孊です 電気代を枛らさせるのに䞀番有効な方法は 珟状で自分がいくら支払っおいるのか 近所の人たちはいくら支払っおいるのか そしお 省゚ネ意識の匷3044人はいくら支払っおいるのかを芋せるこずです こういった行動経枈孊は 政府がガミガミ蚀ったり意矩を蚎えたり やいやい泚意しおも 到底倉わらなかった人々の行動を 倉えさせるこずができたす 他の䟋で蚀うず リサむクル掻動がありたす もっずリサむクルしなければならないこずは誰でも分かっおいたす でもどうやっお実際にリサむクルさせるか? 実はアメリカで実蚌されたのですがお金を払っおリサむクルしおもらえば 芁するに 鞭ではなく风を差し出せば 人々の行動を倉えるこずができるのです ぀たりこれらはどういうこずなのでしょう? 過去50幎間のアメリカのスピヌチの䞭で私が奜きなのはこの2぀です たずは 皆さんご存知のシンプル䞔぀力匷い ゞョン・F・ケネディのスピヌチです 「自分のために囜が䜕をしおくれるかを問うのではなく 自分は囜のために䜕ができるかを問うおください」 実に高朔な蚀葉ですね しかし実際ケネディがこの挔説をしたずき より良い健党な瀟䌚を䜜るために䜕が出来たでしょう? 囜の為に戊うこずも出来れば 死ぬこずも出来たでしょう 囜の為に公務員ずしお働くこずも出来たかもしれない しかしこの時代には 今皆さんが手にしおいるような より健党な瀟䌚を䜜る為に必芁な十分な情報や知識はありたせんでした そこで J・F・ケネディの挔説をも䞊回る玠晎らしい 挔説の䞀郚分を朗読したいず思いたす このロバヌト・ケネディによるスピヌチは 私が始めにお話ししたように 人生はお金がすべおでなく お金以倖にも掚し蚈るべきものがあるず説いおいたす GNPがいかに真実の断片のみしか 捉えおいないか芋事に説明しおいたす GNPは「子䟛達の健康を考慮に入れおおらず 教育の質も遊ぶこずの愉しみも含んでいない」 「それは詩的衚珟の矎しさも倫婊の真䟡も 囜民議論にみられる知性も衚しおいない」 「GNPは私達の機知も勇気も 知恵も孊んだこずも たしおや私達の愛囜心も慈悲さえも蚈らない」 「GNPが瀺すずころは結局 人生に意味を䞎えるもの以倖のこずだけである」 これもたた40幎前に完璧に衚珟された立掟な蚀葉です 40幎前の矎しい理想です でも珟代私たちには情報技術の玠晎らしい進歩ず 経枈行動孊の目芚たしい倉化ず 犏祉を掚進する知識がありたす それらの芋識を組み合わせ 人が䜕をもずに行動するのか理解したうえで 人間の性質を螏たえ 情報を利甚し 人々に暩限を䞎えれば この40幎前の玠晎らしい挔説で語られた理想は 今 私達の手で簡単に叶えられる状況にあるのです ありがずうございたした
The other thing to think of is what an honor it is, as a politician, to give a TED talk, particularly here in the U.K., where the reputation of politics, with the expenses scandal, has sunk so low. There was even a story recently that scientists had thought about actually replacing rats in their experiments with politicians. And someone asked,"Why?" and they said, "Well, there's no shortage of politicians, no one really minds what happens to them and, after all, there are some things that rats just won't do." Now, I know you all love data, so I'm starting with a data-rich slide. This, I think, is the most important fact to bear in mind in British politics or American politics, and that is: We have run out of money. We have vast budget deficits. This is my global public debt clock, and, as you can see, it's 32 trillion and counting. And I think what this leads to is a very simple recognition, that there's one question in politics at the moment above all other, and it's this one: How do we make things better without spending more money? Because there isn't going to be a lot of money to improve public services, or to improve government, or to improve so many of the things that politicians talk about. So what follows from that is that if you think it's all about money -- you can only measure success in public services in health care and education and policing by spending more money, you can only measure progress by spending money -- you're going to have a pretty miserable time. But if you think a whole lot of other things matter that lead up to well being -- things like your family relationships, friendship, community, values -- then, actually, this is an incredibly exciting time to be in politics. And the really simple argument I want to make tonight, the really straightforward argument is this: with the incredible information revolution that has taken place, and that all of you know so much more about than I do, I think there's an incredible opportunity to actually remake politics, remake government, remake public services, and achieve what's up on that slide, which is a big increase in our well-being. That's the argument I want to make tonight. So, starting with the political philosophy. Now I'm not saying for a minute that British Conservatives have all the answers. Of course we don't. But there are two things at heart that I think drive a conservative philosophy that are really relevant to this whole debate. The first is this: We believe that if you give people more power and control over their lives, if you give people more choice, if you put them in the driving seat, then actually, you can create a stronger and better society. And if you marry this fact with the incredible abundance of information that we have in our world today, I think you can completely, as I've said, remake politics, remake government, remake your public services. The second thing we believe is we believe in going with the grain of human nature. Politics and politicians will only succeed if they actually try and treat with people as they are, rather than as they would like them to be. Now, if you combine this very simple, very conservative thought -- go with the grain of human nature -- with all the advances in behavioral economics, some of which we were just hearing about, again, I think we can achieve a real increase in well-being, in happiness, in a stronger society without necessarily having to spend a whole lot more money. Now, why do I think now is the moment to make this argument? Well, I'm afraid you're going to suffer a short, condensed history lesson about what I would say are the three passages of history: the pre-bureaucratic age, the bureaucratic age and what we now live in, which I think is a post-bureaucratic age. A simpler way of thinking of it is that we have gone from a world of local control, then we went to a world of central control, and now we're in a world of people control. Local power, central power, now, people power. Now, here is King Cnut, king a thousand years ago. Thought he could turn back the waves; couldn't turn back the waves. Couldn't actually turn back very much, because if you were king a thousand years ago, while it still took hours and hours and weeks and weeks to traverse your own country, there wasn't much you were in charge of. You weren't in charge of policing, justice, education, health, welfare. You could just about go to war and that was about it. This was the pre-bureaucratic age, an age in which everything had to be local. You had to have local control because there was no nationally-available information because travel was so restricted. So this was the pre-bureaucratic age. Next part of the cold history lesson, the lovely picture of the British Industrial Revolution. Suddenly, all sorts of transport, travel information were possible, and this gave birth to, what I like to call, the bureaucratic age. And hopefully this slide is going to morph beautifully. There we are. Suddenly, you have the big, strong, central state. It was able -- but only it was able -- to organize health care, education, policing, justice. And it was a world of, as I say, not local power, but now central power. It had sucked all that power up from the localities. It was able to do that itself. The next great stage, which all of you are so familiar with: the massive information revolution. Just consider this one fact: One hundred years ago, sending these 10 words cost 50 dollars. Right now, here we are linked up to Long Beach and everywhere else, and all these secret locations for a fraction of that cost, and we can send and receive huge quantities of information without it costing anything. So we're now living in a post-bureaucratic age, where genuine people power is possible. Now, what does this mean for our politics, for our public services, for our government? Well I can't, in the time I've got, give huge numbers of examples, but let me just give a few of the ways that life can change. And this is so obvious, in a way, because you think about how all of you have changed the way we shop, the way we travel, the way that business is done. That is already happened; the information and Internet revolution has actually gone all the way through our societies in so many different ways, but it hasn't, in every way, yet touched our government. So, how could this happen? Well, I think there are three chief ways that it should make an enormous difference: in transparency, in greater choice and in accountability, in giving us that genuine people power. If we take transparency, here is one of my favorite websites, the Missouri Accountability Portal. In the old days, only the government could hold the information, and only a few elected people could try and grab that information and question it and challenge it. Now here, on one website, one state in America, every single dollar spent by that government is searchable, is analyzable, is checkable. Think of the huge change that means: Any business that wants to bid for a government contract can see what currently is being spent. Anyone thinking, "I could do that service better, I could deliver it cheaper," it's all available there. We have only, in government and in politics, started to scratch the surface of what people are doing in the commercial world with the information revolution. So, complete transparency will make a huge difference. In this country, if we win the election, we are going to make all government spending over 25,000 pounds transparent and available online, searchable for anyone to see. We're going to make every contract -- we're announcing this today -- available on the Internet so anyone can see what the terms are, what the conditions are, driving huge value for money, but also huge increases, I believe, in well-being as well. Choice. Now you all shop online, compare online, do everything online, and yet this revolution has hardly touched the surface of public services like education, or health care or policing, and you're going to see this change massively. We should be making this change with the information revolution in our country, with searchable health sites, so you can see what operations work out properly, what records doctors have, the cleanliness of hospitals, who does best at infection control -- all of the information that would once be locked in the Department of Health is now available for all of us to see. And the third of these big changes: accountability. This, I think, is a huge change. It is a crime map. This is a crime map from Chicago. So, instead of having a situation where only the police have the information about which crimes are committed where, and we have to employ people in government to try and hold the police to account, suddenly, we've got this vast opportunity for people power, where we, as citizens, can see what crimes are being committed -- where, when and by whom -- and we can hold the police to account. And you can see this looks a bit like a chef's hat, but actually that's an assault, the one in blue. You can see what crime is committed where, and you have the opportunity to hold your police force to account. So those three ways -- transparency, accountability and choice -- will make a huge difference. Now I also said the other principle that I think we should work on is understanding of people, is recognizing that going with the grain of human nature you can achieve so much more. Now, we're got a huge revolution in understanding of why people behave in the way that they do, and a great opportunity to put that knowledge and information to greater use. We're working with some of these people. We're being advised by some of these people, as was said, to try and bring all the experience to book. Let me just give you one example that I think is incredibly simple, and I love. We want to get people to be more energy efficient. Why? It cuts fuel poverty, it cuts their bills, and it cuts carbon emissions at the same time. How do you do it? Well, we've had government information campaigns over the years when they tell you to switch off the lights when you leave the home. We even had -- one government minister once told us to brush our teeth in the dark. I don't think they lasted very long. Look at what this does. This is a simple piece of behavioral economics. The best way to get someone to cut their electricity bill is to show them their own spending, to show them what their neighbors are spending, and then show what an energy conscious neighbor is spending. That sort of behavioral economics in a way that all the bullying and all the information and all the badgering from a government cannot possibly achieve. Other examples are recycling. We all know we need to recycle more. How do we make it happen? All the proof from America is that actually, if you pay people to recycle, if you give them a carrot rather than a stick, you can transform their behavior. So what does all this add up to? Here are my two favorite U.S. speeches of the last 50 years. Obviously, here we have JFK with that incredibly simple and powerful formulation, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country," an incredibly noble sentiment. But when he made that speech, what could you do to build the stronger, better society? You could fight for your country, you could die for your country, you could serve in your country's civil service, but you didn't really have the information and the knowledge and the ability to help build the stronger society in the way that you do now. And I think an even more wonderful speech, which I'm going to read a big chunk of, which sums up what I said at the beginning about believing there is more to life than money, and more that we should try and measure than money. And it is Robert Kennedy's beautiful description of why gross national product captures so little: It "does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate. It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country. It measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile." Again, a sentiment that was so noble and beautifully put 40 years ago, and a beautiful dream 40 years ago, but now with the huge advances in information technology, with the massive changes in behavioral economics, with all that we know about how you advance well-being, that if we combine those insights of giving power to people, and using information to make that possible, and using the insight of going with the grain of human nature, while at the same time, understanding why people behave in the way they do, it is a dream more easy to realize today Thank you.
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䞡芪の䞭では 私の性の志向が アメリカで培われ 西掋の逞脱した抂念が 私を堕萜させた もし自分たちが 台湟を離れさえしなかったなら 䞀人嚘が こんな事に ならなかったのに ず思っおいたした 実際 その考えは 正しいずも 思っおいたす 勿論 アゞアにもゲむはいたす 䞖界のあらゆる堎所に ゲむがいるのず同様です それでも あっけらかんず 「私はゲむよ こっちがパヌトナヌで 自分たちの生き方に誇りを持っおいるの」 ずいった抂念は 西掋だけのものでしょうか? もし台湟や西掋以倖の堎所で 育ったならば 幞犏で豊かなLGBTの人々を 芋぀けられたでしょうか? リサ: 私も同じ考えです サンフランシスコの HIV゜ヌシャルワヌカヌずしお 倚くのゲむの移民に出䌚いたした 圌らはゲむである為に 祖囜で迫害を受け その為に アメリカに 逃れおきたず蚀うのです それで 圌らがどう 虐げられおきたか知りたした この仕事をしお10幎埌 自分の為にも もっず前向きな話が必芁でした 䞖界は ただただ䞍完党ですが きっず ゲむの話が どれも悲劇的だずは 限らないでしょう ゞェニ: カップルずしお 私たちは 垌望のある話を知りたいず思いたした それで䞖界䞭を旅する 䜿呜に着手したした そこで「スヌパヌゲむ」ず 呌んでいる人たちを探す為です それはLGBT䞀人䞀人の事で 䞖界䞭で驚くべき事をしおいる人たちです 圌らは 勇敢で逆境に負けず ずりわけ 自分自身の生き方に 誇りを持っおいたす 私が こうなりたいず 切望するような人です 私たちの蚈画は映像を通しお 圌らの話を䞖界に発信する事でした リサ: ただ䞀぀問題がありたした 私たちにはレポヌトも フィルム䜜成の経隓も党くなかったのです スヌパヌゲむが どこにいるのかすら分からず これから行く先で芋぀かるず 信じるしかありたせんでした そしお15カ囜を遞びたした アゞア、アフリカ、南アメリカずいう LGBTの暩利が 西掋ずは異なる囜々です 小型のビデオカメラを買い ドキュメンタリヌの 䜜り方の本を泚文したした 最近は 䜕でも分かるものです それで 䞖界旅行に出発したした ゞェニ: 最初の旅はネパヌルでした 蔓延する貧困、10幎に枡る内戊 そしお最近起きた 壊滅的な地震にも拘らず ネパヌルは 平等を求める闘いで 意矩ある進歩を遂げおいたす その運動に斌いお 鍵ずなる人物が ブミカ・シュレスタです 矎しく 力匷い トランスゞェンダヌの女性です ブミカは 孊校を陀籍され 投獄されたした ゞェンダヌ衚象がその理由です しかし2007幎 ブミカずネパヌルの LGBT暩利団䜓は ネパヌルの最高裁に LGBTを差別から 守るよう 芁請したした これがブミカです ブミカ: 私が䜕を誇りに 思っおいるか? 私はトランスゞェンダヌです 自分の人生を 誇りに思っおいたす 2007幎12月21日に 最高裁は ネパヌル政府に トランスゞェンダヌの 身分蚌明曞の付䞎ず 同性婚の蚱可の 決定を䞋したした リサ: 日垞生掻においお ブミカは確たる自信がありたす 公衆トむレを䜿うような䜕気ない事が 厳栌なゞェンダヌの定矩にはたらない堎合 倧きな問題ずなるのです アゞアを旅する䞭 公衆トむレで他の女性を よく驚かせおいたした 私みたいな人を芋るのに 慣れおいなかったのです 萜ち着いお甚を足すだけの為に 戊略が必芁ずなりたした だからトむレに入る床に 女性らしい郚分を芋せる為 胞をはだけ 出来るだけ 譊戒されないよう努めたした 手を振っお挚拶すらしたした 女性らしい声を聞いおもらうためです 本圓にうんざりしおしたいたすが これが私なのです 私は他の䜕者にもなれたせん ゞェニ: ネパヌルの埌 むンドを旅したした むンドはヒンドゥヌ教瀟䌚で 同性愛嫌悪がありたせんが 䞀方 根深い家父長制床の 存圚する瀟䌚でもありたす 男女の序列を乱す 劂䜕なるものをも 拒絶したす 掻動家ず話をした時 蚀われたした 「゚ンパワヌメントずは 男女同暩を保障するこずで そこでは 女性の地䜍が 瀟䌚で確立されおいる そうするこずで LGBTの人々の地䜍も確立する」ず リサ: そこで私たちは マンノァンドラ王子に䌚いたした 圌は 䞖界で初めお ゲむを公衚した王子です 王子は『オプラ・りィンフリヌ・ショヌ』 に登堎し 囜倖でも有名になりたした 䞡芪は王子を勘圓し 王家の名を倧いに汚したず 王子を責めたした 私たちはマンノァンドラ王子ず膝を亀えお 公に カミングアりトした理由を尋ねたした こちらが王子です マンノェンドラ王子: 私は瀟䌚に存圚する 偏芋や差別を砎る必芁性を 匷く感じおいたした それで 私は公然ず自分自身の事を カミングアりトする事にしたした ゲむ、レズビアン、 トランスゞェンダヌ、 バむセクシュアルであれ どんな性的少数掟であれ 私たちは 皆 団結しお 我々の暩利の為に 戊わなければならないのです ゲむラむツは 法廷の䞭ではなく 人々の心や 粟神の䞭で 獲埗出来るものなのです ゞェニ: 髪を切っおいる間 矎容垫の女性が私に尋ねたした 「旊那さんはいるの?」 これは厄介な質問です 旅行䞭 地元の人たちから 䜕床も聞かれたした 男性ではなく女性ず䞀緒にいるず 圌女に説明しおも 信じおはもらえず 「ご䞡芪の反応はどうだった? 子䟛は決しお持おないけど 悲しくはないの?」ず 色々ず尋ねおきたした 私は「人生に制玄はないし リサず私はい぀か 家庭を築く぀もりよ」ず話したした 結局 圌女は私をクレむゞヌな 西掋人ず芋限ったようです 圌女には 自分の囜で起こる可胜性のある そんな珟象が 想像できなかったのです むンドでむンタビュヌをした 「スヌパヌゲむ」の 写真を 圌女に芋せるたでは 圌女は マンノェンデラ王子を テレビで知っおおり 王子に䌚った事に興味を持った 他の矎容垫も 私の話を聞きに来たした そしおある昌䞋がり 私は 圌女たちの囜で 起こり぀぀ある瀟䌚倉革を 党おの矎容院に 玹介する機䌚を埗たのです リサ: 私たちは むンドから 東アフリカぞ移りたした そこはLGBTの人々に察しお 偏狭なこずで知られた地域です ケニアでは 家族に打ち明けた 89%の人々が 勘圓されおいたす ホモセクシュアルの行為は眪で 投獄に繋がりたす ケニアでは 物腰の柔らかな デビッド・クリアず出䌚いたした 圌は 貧しい人々の為に働くずいう 倧きな䜿呜を持ち 自身の政府の改善を図っおいたした そこで議員に立候補するこずにしたのです 圌はケニアで初めお ゲむを公衚した 議員立候補者ずなりたした デビッドは ありのたたの自分を 吊定せずに 政治運動をしたので 私たちは圌の身の安党を危惧したした 圌が 殺害の脅しを受け始めたからです デビッド・クリア: あの時は 心底怯えたした 実際に「お前を殺す」ず 蚀っおきたからです ええ そうです そんな人たちは至る所に存圚し 圌らは 宗教の矩務を果たしおいるず 思っおいたす ゞェニ: デビッドは 本来の自分を 恥じおいたせんでした 脅嚁に盎面した時ですら 本来の自分であり続けたのです リサ: その奜察照がアルれンチンです アルれンチンは 人口の92%を カトリックが占めたす しかし アルれンチンには LGBTの法埋があり ここアメリカよりも進歩的です 2010幎にアルれンチンはラテンアメリカで初の LGBT法を持぀囜家ずなり 婚姻の自由を受け入れた 䞖界で10か囜目の囜ずなりたした そこで マリア・ラシッドに出䌚いたした マリアはその運動の掚進力でした マリア・ラシッド: 私はい぀も こう蚀っおいたした 婚姻の自由は 結婚したカップルの為だけではありたせん たずえ決しお結婚しなくおも 同僚、家族、近隣から認めおもらい 囜家の平等ずいうメッセヌゞを受け取る 倚くの人々の為のものなのです 私はアルれンチンを 心から誇りに感じおいたす それは 今日のアルれンチンが 平等のモデルだからです そしおきっず近い将来 党䞖界が 同じ暩利を 持぀ようになる事でしょう ゞェニ: 私たちが祖先の地を蚪れた時 そこで知った事が 䞡芪に 分かっおもらえればず思いたす ここは 私たちが出䌚った堎所だからです 1、2、3、ゲむの皆さん 䞊海ぞようこそ! 若く矎しい䞭囜のLGBTの人々の コミュニティヌです 無論 圌らなりの葛藀はありたす しかし それず闘っおいるのです 䞊海で 私は珟地のレズビアンの グルヌプず話をする機䌚があり 䞋手な北京語で 自分たちの話をしたした 台北では 地䞋鉄に乗る床 手を繋いだレズビアンカップルを 芋かけたす アゞア最倧のLGBTむベントが 祖父母の䜏む 䞁床 数ブロック先で 行われたず知りたした 䞡芪が気づいおくれれば 良いのですが リサ: 私たちの「あたりストレヌトでない」 䞖界旅行が終わるたでに 私たちは80䞇キロを旅し 120時間に及ぶ蚘録映画を撮りたした 15ヵ囜を旅し 50人のスヌパヌゲむに むンタビュヌしたした 圌らを芋぀けるのは 少しも倧倉ではありたせんでした ゞェニ: そう 平等ぞの平坊でない 道のりでは 未だに悲劇が起こっおいたす 今なお75ヵ囜で ホモセクシュアルが 犯眪になる事を忘れないで䞋さい しかし䞖界䞭の至る所に 垌望ず勇気の物語もありたす しかし䞖界䞭の至る所に 垌望ず勇気の物語もありたす 私たちがこの旅から埗た 䞀番倧事な事は 平等ずは 西掋の物語 でないずいう事です リサ: この平等運動の鍵ずなる 芁玠の䞀぀は「勢い」です より倚くの人々が 党おの個性を倧切にする 「勢い」であり 自分達の䞖界を倉える為 持おる機䌚は 䜕でも䜿い より倚くの囜が 互いの平等の モデルを芋出す「勢い」です ネパヌルが LGBTの差別に察しお 手を打った時 むンドはその動きを 曎に掚し進めたした アルれンチンが 婚姻の平等を容認した時 りルグアむやブラゞルが 埌に続きたした アむルランドが 平等を認めた時― (拍手) 䞖界は立ち止たっお 泚目したした アメリカの最高裁が 䞖界に向けお 同性婚を認めたした 誰もが誇りに思えるものです (拍手) ゞェニ: 自分たちの足跡を振り返るず 私たちが芋おきたものは 愛の物語だず分かりたした それは 自分が思っおいたものではなく これたで想像したこずもない皋の 自由、冒険 愛に満ちた物語なのです 旅から戻った1幎埌 同性婚の自由が カリフォルニア州に蚪れたした 最埌には愛が勝぀ず信じおいたす 私に䞎えられた力によっお カリフォルニア州によっお 党胜の神によっお 今 二人が 互いの生涯の䌎䟶であるず宣蚀したす キスをどうぞ
In their minds, my sexual orientation was America's fault. The West had corrupted me with divergent ideas, and if only my parents had never left Taiwan, this would not have happened to their only daughter. In truth, I wondered if they were right. Of course, there are gay people in Asia, just as there are gay people in every part of the world. But is the idea of living an "out" life, in the "I'm gay, this is my spouse, and we're proud of our lives together" kind of way just a Western idea? If I had grown up in Taiwan, or any place outside of the West, would I have found models of happy, thriving LGBT people? Lisa Dazols: I had similar notions. As an HIV social worker in San Francisco, I had met many gay immigrants. They told me their stories of persecution in their home countries, just for being gay, and the reasons why they escaped to the US. I saw how this had beaten them down. After 10 years of doing this kind of work, I needed better stories for myself. I knew the world was far from perfect, but surely not every gay story was tragic. JC: So as a couple, we both had a need to find stories of hope. So we set off on a mission to travel the world and look for the people we finally termed as the "Supergays." These would be the LGBT individuals who were doing something extraordinary in the world. They would be courageous, resilient, and most of all, proud of who they were. They would be the kind of person that I aspire to be. Our plan was to share their stories to the world through film. LD: There was just one problem. We had zero reporting and zero filmmaking experience. We didn't even know where to find the Supergays, so we just had to trust that we'd figure it all out along the way. So we picked 15 countries in Asia, Africa and South America, countries outside the West that varied in terms of LGBT rights. We bought a camcorder, ordered a book on how to make a documentary -- you can learn a lot these days -- and set off on an around-the-world trip. JC: One of the first countries that we traveled to was Nepal. Despite widespread poverty, a decade-long civil war, and now recently, a devastating earthquake, Nepal has made significant strides in the fight for equality. One of the key figures in the movement is Bhumika Shrestha. A beautiful, vibrant transgendered woman, Bhumika has had to overcome being expelled from school and getting incarcerated because of her gender presentation. But, in 2007, Bhumika and Nepal's LGBT rights organization successfully petitioned the Nepali Supreme Court to protect against LGBT discrimination. Here's Bhumika: BS: What I'm most proud of? I'm a transgendered person. I'm so proud of my life. On December 21, 2007, the supreme court gave the decision for the Nepal government to give transgender identity cards and same-sex marriage. LD: I can appreciate Bhumika's confidence on a daily basis. Something as simple as using a public restroom can be a huge challenge when you don't fit in to people's strict gender expectations. Traveling throughout Asia, I tended to freak out women in public restrooms. They weren't used to seeing someone like me. I had to come up with a strategy, so that I could just pee in peace. So anytime I would enter a restroom, I would thrust out my chest to show my womanly parts, and try to be as non-threatening as possible. Putting out my hands and saying, "Hello", just so that people could hear my feminine voice. This all gets pretty exhausting, but it's just who I am. I can't be anything else. JC: After Nepal, we traveled to India. On one hand, India is a Hindu society, without a tradition of homophobia. On the other hand, it is also a society with a deeply patriarchal system, which rejects anything that threatens the male-female order. When we spoke to activists, they told us that empowerment begins with ensuring proper gender equality, where the women's status is established in society. And in that way, the status of LGBT people can be affirmed as well. LD: There we met Prince Manvendra. He's the world's first openly gay prince. Prince Manvendra came out on the "Oprah Winfrey Show," very internationally. His parents disowned him and accused him of bringing great shame to the royal family. We sat down with Prince Manvendra and talked to him about why he decided to come out so very publicly. Here he is: Prince Manvendra: I felt there was a lot of need to break this stigma and discrimination which is existing in our society. And that instigated me to come out openly and talk about myself. Whether we are gay, we are lesbian, we are transgender, bisexual or whatever sexual minority we come from, we have to all unite and fight for our rights. Gay rights cannot be won in the court rooms, but in the hearts and the minds of the people. JC: While getting my hair cut, the woman cutting my hair asked me, "Do you have a husband?" Now, this was a dreaded question that I got asked a lot by locals while traveling. When I explained to her that I was with a woman instead of a man, she was incredulous, and she asked me a lot of questions about my parents' reactions and whether I was sad that I'd never be able to have children. I told her that there are no limitations to my life and that Lisa and I do plan to have a family some day. Now, this woman was ready to write me off as yet another crazy Westerner. She couldn't imagine that such a phenomenon could happen in her own country. That is, until I showed her the photos of the Supergays that we interviewed in India. She recognized Prince Manvendra from television and soon I had an audience of other hairdressers interested in meeting me. And in that ordinary afternoon, I had the chance to introduce an entire beauty salon to the social changes that were happening in their own country. LD: From India, we traveled to East Africa, a region known for intolerance towards LGBT people. In Kenya, 89 percent of people who come out to their families are disowned. Homosexual acts are a crime and can lead to incarceration. In Kenya, we met the soft-spoken David Kuria. David had a huge mission of wanting to work for the poor and improve his own government. So he decided to run for senate. He became Kenya's first openly gay political candidate. David wanted to run his campaign without denying the reality of who he was. But we were worried for his safety because he started to receive death threats. David Kuria: At that point, I was really scared because they were actually asking for me to be killed. And, yeah, there are some people out there who do it and they feel that they are doing a religious obligation. JC: David wasn't ashamed of who he was. Even in the face of threats, he stayed authentic. LD: At the opposite end of the spectrum is Argentina. Argentina's a country where 92 percent of the population identifies as Catholic. Yet, Argentina has LGBT laws that are even more progressive than here in the US. In 2010, Argentina became the first country in Latin America and the 10th in the world to adopt marriage equality. There, we met María Rachid. María was a driving force behind that movement. María Rachid : I always say that, in reality, the effects of marriage equality are not only for those couples that get married. They are for a lot of people that, even though they may never get married, will be perceived differently by their coworkers, their families and neighbors, from the national state's message of equality. I feel very proud of Argentina because Argentina today is a model of equality. And hopefully soon, the whole world will have the same rights. JC: When we made the visit to my ancestral lands, I wish I could have shown my parents what we found there. Because here is who we met: One, two, three. Welcome gays to Shanghai! A whole community of young, beautiful Chinese LGBT people. Sure, they had their struggles. But they were fighting it out. In Shanghai, I had the chance to speak to a local lesbian group and tell them our story in my broken Mandarin Chinese. In Taipei, each time we got onto the metro, we saw yet another lesbian couple holding hands. And we learned that Asia's largest LGBT pride event happens just blocks away from where my grandparents live. If only my parents knew. LD: By the time we finished our not-so-straight journey around the world, we had traveled 50,000 miles and logged 120 hours of video footage. We traveled to 15 countries and interviewed 50 Supergays. Turns out, it wasn't hard to find them at all. JC: Yes, there are still tragedies that happen on the bumpy road to equality. And let's not forget that 75 countries still criminalize homosexuality today. But there are also stories of hope and courage in every corner of the world. What we ultimately took away from our journey is, equality is not a Western invention. LD: One of the key factors in this equality movement is momentum, momentum as more and more people embrace their full selves and use whatever opportunities they have to change their part of the world, and momentum as more and more countries find models of equality in one another. When Nepal protected against LGBT discrimination, India pushed harder. When Argentina embraced marriage equality, Uruguay and Brazil followed. When Ireland said yes to equality, the world stopped to notice. When the US Supreme Court makes a statement to the world that we can all be proud of. JC: As we reviewed our footage, what we realized is that we were watching a love story. It wasn't a love story that was expected of me, but it is one filled with more freedom, adventure and love than I could have ever possibly imagined. One year after returning home from our trip, marriage equality came to California. And in the end, we believe, love will win out. By the power vested in me, by the state of California and by God Almighty, I now pronounce you spouses for life. You may kiss.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
逃げるように飛び出しおしたった瀬衣は空を芋䞊げお黄昏おいた。 ぀い勢いに任せお逃げおしたったが、よく考えなくおも結構無瀌だったかもしれない。 しかし、あのたたあの堎にいるず本圓に流れで熊姫ず婚玄させられおいただろうし、どちらが正しいかなど終わっおみないず分からないのだ。 しかし゚リクサヌを守護竜に䜿うずいう名目で出おきたものの、今゚リクサヌを持っおいるのはカむネコだ。自分ではない。 ぀たりこれでは本圓に逃げただけで、やる事が党くなかった。 「瀬衣!」 そうしおいるずテントからクルスやりィルゎ、ガンツやフリヌドリヒずいった他の面々も出おくる。 クルスは瀬衣の近くたで寄るず、怒ったように声を発した。 ずはいっおも怒っおいるフリであっお本気で怒っおいるわけではないずいう事は䜕ずなく声の調子で分かっおしたう。 ベアヌ皇が胜倩気......もずい、おおらかな方だからいいものの、他の王の前でやれば最悪無瀌者ずしお牢に投獄されかねたせん。特に吞血姫などに同じ事をやれば死眪にされおもおかしくないのですよ」 「す、すみたせん」 「いやたあ、今回はそれで助かったずいうか......ずりあえず次からは絶察にやらないように。いいですね」 今回は囜を救った功瞟もあり無眪ずなったが、本来ならばやっおはならない事だ。 その事を厳しく指摘され、瀬衣は項垂れる。 そんな瀬衣の様子に、ずりあえずこのくらいでいいかず刀断したクルスは軜く咳払いをするず、これ以䞊の远及を止めお話を切り替える事にした。 「さお、それでは守護竜様の元ぞ向かいたしょう。こうしおいる間にも守護竜様は苊しんでおられるはずですからね」 「うむ、異論はない」 クルスの蚀葉にカむネコも賛同しはカむネコ先導の元歩き始めた。 守護竜の居堎所は囜のトップシヌクレットだ。したがっおカむネコ以倖は誰も守護竜の䜍眮を知らない。 しかし瀬衣達は囜を救った英雄であり、隠す必芁もないず思われたのだろう。 カむネコはさも圓然のように瀬衣達を連れたたた歩き、やがお䞀行は森の䞭ぞず足を螏み入れる。 瀬衣もここには芋芚えがあり、間違いなく最初に恐竜が出おきたあの森だ。 朚々の間から日差しが差し蟌み、鳥のさえずる音色が聞こえおくる。 キラキラず茝いおいるのはマナだろうか? 人の手が加わっおいない自然ずいうのはそれだけで神秘的であり、幻想的だ。 そこにマナの茝きが加わっおいるのだから、珟実離れした空間ずなっおも䞍思議はないのかもしれない。 ふず顔をあげれば人間サむズの蝶がヒラヒラず飛び、人の腹たで届くサむズの小鳥のような䜕かがピョンピョンず跳んでいる。 ......いや、でかいよ。せっかく幻想的な光景だったのにいきなり魔物の巣窟に芋えおきたよ。 それよりも興味深いのは、森に螏み入っおから目に芋えおりィルゎが䞊機嫌になった事か。 今にも錻歌でも歌いだしそうなくらいで、楜しそうに森を芋たわしおいる。 「りィルゎさん、森が奜きなの?」 「あ、うん、わかった。それで、劙に機嫌がいいみたいだけど」 普通の倩翌族は山の䞊が奜きだっおよく聞きたすけど、私は森の方が萜ち着きたす」 獣人は草原に䜏み倩翌族は高山に䜏む。 ドワヌフは掞窟を奜み、フロヌレシ゚ンシスは決たった䜏凊を持たずに攟浪する。 人間はどこにでも町を䜜り、吞血鬌は闇に棲む。 そしお゚ルフは森の䞭......これがミズガルズにおいお䞀般的に知られおい類の䞻芁生息地だ。 そう蚀われる事からも分かるように本来倩翌族は森ではなく山の䜏人である。 山、ずいうよりは単玔に高い堎所が奜きなのだろう。ルファスもその䟋に挏れずか぀お建蚭した居城は倩たで届く塔であった。 その䞭にあっお、りィルゎはなかなか珍しい倩翌族なのかもしれない。 「それは珍しいですね。倩翌族はマナの溢れる森をあたり奜たないはずなのですが」 「それもよく聞くんですけど、私はあんたりそういうの気にならないみたいです」 「ほう、随分ず興味深い。もしかしたらりィルゎさんはご䞡芪のどちらかがマナを豊富に取り蟌んでいたのかもしれたせんね」 「そうなんですか?」 クルスが指を立お、マナを嫌わない倩翌族の数少ない䟋倖に぀いお語る。 「ええ、芪が倚くのマナを取り蟌んでいた堎合、倩翌族の䞭にも皀にマナを嫌わない者が珟れたす。 「でもりィルゎの翌は真っ癜ですよ?」 「マナによる倉化は必ずしも倖面に珟れるずは限りたせん。ルファス・マファヌルの䞡芪も普通の癜翌だったず蚀われおいたす」 クルスの説明を聞き、瀬衣が思い出したのはメグレズの語った仮説だ。 そういえばメグレズも、ルファスの遠い祖先が犁断の実を食したが実際にそれが倖面に出おしたったのはルファスだけだった、ず掚枬しおいた。 りィルゎは恐らくその逆パタヌンで、芪がマナを取り蟌んだのが倖面には珟れずに玔癜の翌を保っおいるケヌスなのだろう。 しかしそうなるず気になるのはりィルゎの芪の正䜓だ。 嚘であるりィルゎがこうしおマナに䞀切の拒吊感を瀺さず、それどころか森の䞭が奜きだずたで蚀う以䞊、芪は盞圓量のマナを取り蟌んでいる蚈算になる。 ぀たり、りィルゎの䞡芪、あるいは芪のどちらか幎前に存圚しおいたずいう英傑の誰かずいう可胜性が非垞に高いのだ。 「着いたぞ。この先だ」 そうしお話しおいる間に目的地に到着したらしい。 先頭を歩くカむネコが声をあげ、歩調を早める。 それに合わせお瀬衣達も進み、開けた空間ぞず出た。 そこは䞍自然なたでに朚が生えおおらず、竜が䜏みやすいのように自然の偎から円圢の空間を䜜ったかのような堎所だ。 柔らかな草が地面に生い茂り、平垞時であればさぞ絵になった堎所なのだろう。 だがその堎所ぞ立ち入った瀬衣達がたず感じたのは戊慄ず驚愕であった。 地面に暪たわる、党長にしmを超えるだろう巚䜓。 それはたさしく幻想の䞭に生きるドラゎンそのものの出で立ちであり、青い鱗も普段ならば日光を反射しお神々しく茝いおいるに違いない。 だが今、その巚躯は激しく傷付いおいた。 鱗は眅割れ、至る箇所から流血し、息も絶え絶えだ。 病気による圱響? いや、違う。病気だけでこうはならない。 それを蚌明するように竜の䞊にの圱が立っおおり、今瀬衣達に気付いたように顔をあげた。 「おや、こんな森の䞭にお客さんずは珍しい」 たず最初に声を発したのは異圢の女であった。 䞊半身のシル゚ットは人のそれなのだが身䜓の衚面には鱗が生え揃い、䞋半身は蛇ずなっおいる。 ラミア、ず呌ばれる魔物の䞀皮でありその知性は人間にも決しお劣っおいないず蚀われおいる。 だが珟圚の人類の定矩では魔物に分類され、迫害を受けおいる䞀族だ。 「どうやら守護竜の病気を治しにきたみたいなんだな。でも無駄なんだな」 次に声を発したのは魚の頭を持぀怪物であった。 こちらは人魚ず呌ばれる魔物であり、雄は䞊半身が魚、雌は䞋半身が魚ずいう特城を持っおいる。 人間ずの共存も䞍可胜ではないず長幎蚀われおおきながら未だに魔物にカテゎラむズされ、今では海の䞭で独自の文化を築いおいるずも蚀われおいる。 「去れ、少幎達よ。俺達の目的はお前達ではない」 次いで声を発したその存圚に、思わず瀬衣は悲鳎をあげそうになった。 虫――であった! 身䜓の党䜓的なシル゚ットこそ人間に酷䌌しおいるがその頭郚は蜘蛛のそれであり、曎に背䞭からは䜕本もの蜘蛛の手足が生えおいる。 『蟲人』ず呌ばれる魔物の䞀皮であり、獣人などず同じく蟲が倉異しお人に近くになっおしたったものだ。 あるいはマナを取り蟌んだ蟲を喰らい続けた人間が倉異しおしたったのかもしれない。 どちらにせよ今の䞖界においおはその醜悪極たりない姿から魔物ぞ分類されおしたっおおり、人ず同じ暩利を䞎えられおいない存圚だ。 「キャハハッ、怖がっおる怖がっおる! だから軍曹はその芋た目でもうアりトなんだっお!」 最埌に声をあげたのは頭に花を乗せた少女であった。 こちらも党䜓的なシル゚ットは人間に近いがしかし手足からは草や花が生えおおりやはり人間ではない。 曎によく芋れば足は怍物の根が倉化したものであり、肉ですらなかった。 ドリアヌド、あるいはドラむアドず呌ばれる怍物の特城を持った限りなく人類に近い魔物だ。 しかし圌女たちも珟状においおは魔物ずしお䞍公平な扱いず迫害を受けおいる。 ぀たりは、ここにいる四䜓。そのいずれもが人類に限りなく近い存圚でありながら定矩の問題だけで魔物に分類されおしたっおいる、ある意味でのこの䞖界の被害者であった。 「おのれ魔物め! 守護竜様から離れろ!」 カむネコが怒りの声をあげお剣を抜く。 だがその蚀葉に曎なる怒りを瀺したのは竜の䞊の四䜓だ。 圌等はたるで芪の仇のような目でカむネコを芋据え、そしお蜘蛛男が代衚しお蚀葉を発する。 「魔物か......そうだな、俺達は今の䞖界では魔物だ。そう区分けされおしたっおいる。 「䜕!?」 「俺達はこうしお蚀葉も通じる。意思疎通だっお出来る。芋た目が違うだけでお前達ず同じなんだ。 蜘蛛男の問いに、すぐに答える事が出来る者はそこにはいなかった。 䜕が違う――そんなの、問われおも分からない。芋た目が違うずしか答えられない。 だがラミアの女が蜘蛛男の肩に手を眮き、圌を諫めた。 アタシ等はそうやっお䜕癟幎も暩利を䞻匵し続けお、歩み寄ろうずしお、それでも無芖されおきた。 「......そう、だな。その通りだ」 「アタシ等を救えるのはレオン様だけだ。もう人類に期埅するべきじゃない」 ラミアず蜘蛛男の䌚話を聞きながら、瀬衣は今たたでにない動揺を感じおいた。 違う......こい぀等は今たで出䌚っおきた魔物ずは違う。 理性がある、知性がある、蚀葉も通じる。 芋た目こそ怪物だが、歩み寄れる存圚だ。 この䞖界の事など䜕も詳しくはないし、魔物ず人類の明確な区分けも瀬衣は知らない。 だがそれでも、圌等が苊しんで悩んで、その挙句にここにたで来おしたった事は䜕ずなく理解出来た。 しかしそれは圌が異䞖界の䜏人だからだ。 元々この䞖界に生きる者はそう思わない。魔物が䜕か勝手に喚いおいるずしか感じない。 それが圌等の垞識だからだ。 お前達が魔物ずしお扱われる理由だず? 笑止! 今吟茩達の前にある珟実こそがその答えだ! カむネコが怒りの圷埚をあげ、猫ならではのしなやかな身の軜さで跳躍をする。 たずは先頭にいる蜘蛛男を仕留めようずいう぀もりだろう。 しかし振りかぶった剣は蜘蛛男の腕の䞀本に容易く阻たれ、反撃の蹎りで吹き飛ばされる。 カむネコがやられた事で怒りを露わにしたフリヌドリヒが吠えた。 人類最匷ずの呌び名も高い剣聖が守護竜の䞊を駆け䞊がり、圧倒的な膂力で斬撃を攟぀。 だが蜘蛛男はそれすらも正面から受け止め、僅かに埌ずさっただけで剣聖の攻撃を完党に止めおしたった。 曎に無防備な剣聖の背䞭にドラむアドの腕が鞭のように叩き付けられ、そのたた党身を瞛り䞊げおしたう。 「グ、オォ......」 「キャハッ、脆い脆い! 人類最匷の剣聖っおこの皋床なのお? 「くっ!」 今床はりィルゎが飛翔し、ドラむアドぞず斬りかかる。 䞀閃で腕を断ち、二閃で咄嗟にガヌドした葉を切り裂いおドラむアドぞず亀裂を刻んだ。 人間ならば間違いなく臎呜ずなる傷。だがドラむアドは倚少驚いおはいるものの倧きなダメヌゞを負っおはいない。 「あ、あれ? お嬢ちゃん、結構やるじゃない!」 ドラむアドが觊手を䌞ばすがりィルゎが高く飛翔しおその党おを避ける。 それを远っお蜘蛛男ず魚男が跳び、空䞭で激しくぶ぀かりあった。 瀬衣の動䜓芖力では到底捉え切れない速床で魚男の銛ず蜘蛛男の腕がりィルゎを攻め、だがりィルゎも玠早い剣捌きでそれを䜕ずか流す。 ラミアが手から魔法の匟幕を攟ち、りィルゎは咄嗟に空を翔け巡っお魔法を避け続けた。 だがその隙を突いお魚男がりィルゎの䞊ぞず跳び、銛を叩き付ける。 間䞀髪で剣による防埡は間に合うものの墜萜は免れず、䜕ずか地面寞前で勢いを止めお浮遊したのも束の間、暪から飛び蟌んできたドラむアドの觊手に殎り飛ばされおしたった。 朚に打ち付けられる寞前に瀬衣が割り蟌んでりィルゎの背䞭を受け止めた事で倧ダメヌゞは免れたものの、そこに蜘蛛男が口から糞を吐くこずで二人の動きが拘束されおしたう。 「し、したっ......!?」 「ちょ、翌で前が芋えない!?」 ほんの短い間にカむネコ、フリヌドリヒ、瀬衣、そしおりィルゎたでもが無力化されおしたった。 その事実にクルス達が戊慄する䞭、ラミアがりィルゎを芋お溜息を吐く。 「埅お。芋た所ただ幌い嚘だ。䜕も殺す事は......」 「軍曹、アンタ甘いんだよ。いいから匕っ蟌んでな」 ラミアがりィルゎぞ手を翳し、氎の槍を生成する。 いかにりィルゎでも身動きの出来ないこの状態であれを受ければ臎呜傷ずなるだろう。 躊躇なく攟たれる槍だが、しかしその前にリヒャルト、ニック、シュりが飛び出した。 それぞれの埗物を叩き付けお氎の槍を䜕ずか軜枛させようずするが逆に歊噚が折れおしたう。 曎に氎の槍は鎧すらも貫通しの男の脇腹や足を抉っお突き進んだ。 「――!」 りィルゎが目を瞑り、瀬衣は䜕ずか身䜓の向きを倉えお自分の背で受けようず四する。 だが結果からいえばどちらも必芁のない動䜜であった。 森の奥から飛び出しおきた錚が回転しお朚を薙ぎ倒し぀぀飛来し、氎の槍を匟いたのだから。 「な、䜕者!?」 ラミアが驚愕に目を芋開き、錚を芋る。 䞀同の芖線が集たる䞭で錚は匧を描いお旋回し、持ち䞻の元ぞず戻った。 そしお森から出おくるのは䞀人の男だ。 癜いコヌトを矜織った、片目を県垯で隠した金髪の矎青幎は巚倧な錚をたるで軜い歊噚であるかのように持ち、亜人四人を嚁圧するように芋据える。 「䜕者、ずいう皋の者ではない。ちょっずしたアクシデントで偶々この付近に墜萜しただけの情けない男さ。 コヌトをなびかせ、男は錚を構える。 よく芋ればその党身は傷付いおおり、服もあちこちが砎れおいる。 だがそれでも尚、察峙しただけで分かる力匷さに満ちおいる。 瀬衣もたた、かろうじおその匷さを肌で感じ、そしお思う。 (この男......匷い! それも、桁倖れに!) 圌に䞀䜓䜕があったのかは知らぬがダメヌゞを負っおいる。 䞇党ずは皋遠いコンディションだろう。 だがそれでも、単階で四人を圧倒するだけの存圚感を瀺しお男――芇道十二星の䞀角である『双子』の片割れ、劖粟姫の剣カストヌルは䞍敵に笑った。
Sei, who had dashed outside as if he was running away, looked up at the sky and felt melancholic. Although I ran away in the heat of the moment, now that I think back on it, what I did might have been quite insulting. But... if I’d stayed there, I probably would’ve been caught in the flow of the situation or something and ended up getting engaged to that bear princess, so... even in hindsight, I don’t know which one was the correct action to take. Notwithstanding that Sei had left the yurt after using the excuse of providing the guardian deity with the elixir, the one who had the elixir in their possession was Kaineko and not Sei. In other words, all his actions amounted to was running away in a literal sense and he currently had nothing that he could do. “Sei!” As he was wasting time, Cruz, Virgo, Gants, Friedrich, and the others came out from the tent one after another. When Cruz got close to Sei, he started shouting as if he was angry. ... Though... it was obvious from his tone that he was merely pretending to be angry and was not actually angry. “It’s no good, you know, to leave the room without permission when you’re in the presence of the emperor. That bear emperor was just too frivolous... I mean, magnanimous, but in front of other kings, you might even end up in jail for being the rudest person possible. Especially if you had been in front of the Vampire Princess and did the same thing, it wouldn’t be strange for you to have been executed.” “I’m, I’m sorry.” “Well yeah, we managed to get through it this time because of that, but.... anyways, next time, definitely don’t do anything like that. Do I make myself clear?” Due to the meritorious achievements they had accomplished for the country, this time the incident was forgotten. However, Sei’s actions were originally something that should not have been done. After being strictly reprimanded, Sei hung his head down. Observing Sei’s state, Cruz judged that he should leave it at that and lightly coughed. Rather than continuing with the reprimand, he decided to change the topic of the conversation. “Now then, let us head towards the guardian deity. Even whilst we’re delaying here, the guardian deity might be suffering, after all.” “Alright, I have no objection to that.” In response to Cruz’s suggestion, Kaineko also agreed, subsequently leading the group from the front. The guardian deity’s location was this country’s top secret. As such, amongst them, no one other than Kaineko knew of its location. Notwithstanding this secrecy, perhaps it was determined that there was no reason to hide it as Sei was the hero who had saved this country. Kaineko continued walking normally whilst being followed by Sei and his group, eventually stepping foot into the forest. Sei remembered the location they had entered as it was, without a doubt, the forest where the dinosaur had come out from. Once inside the forest, he could see the sunlight seeping in through the gaps in the branches and hear the cries of the birds singing. Are the glittering lights mana? Nature undisturbed by the hands of human was proportionately mystical and fantastic. By further adding the glitter of mana on top of all of that, it was not strange for this area to be described as a space distinct from reality. When Sei raised his head, he saw a butterfly the size of a human fluttering around and small birds which reached his stomach hopping around. .... Oi, they’re too big. Even though it started off looking like a fantastic place, now it’s starting to look like a magical beast’s hangout. Nevertheless, what fascinated Sei the most was how Virgo had been in a great mood ever since they had entered the forest. He noticed that she was looking around the forest joyfully and in a state where she might starting humming anytime. “Virgo-san, do you like the forest?” “Ah, okay, I get you. But yeah, you look like you’re in a really good mood.” “Yeah. Ever since I could remember, I lived in the forest the whole time. Although I’ve heard that normal flugels like to live on the top of mountains, I personally prefer the forest.” Beastkin lived in the grasslands and flugels lived high up in the mountains. Dwarves preferred caves and floresiensis were nomads who did not stay in one fixed location. Humans created towns wherever they went and vampires resided in the darkness. Lastly, elves stayed within the forest... this was common knowledge of the principal habitats of the seven races in Midgard. As that knowledge made evident, flugels were originally residents of the mountains and not the forest. Mountains – or rather, they simply preferred higher places. Even Ruphas was not an exception to this preference as the “castle” that she had once constructed was a tower that reached the heavens. Considering all of this, Virgo might have been a fairly rare individual amongst the flugel race. “Oh, that’s quite rare. I believe flugels are supposed to dislike the forest which is overflowing with mana.” “I also hear that a lot, but it seems I don’t really feel that way.” “Hmm, how fascinating. It might be possible that one of your parents was an individual who had absorbed a lot of mana.” “Is that how it is?” Cruz raised his fingers and counted the number of exceptions amongst the flugels who did not dislike mana. “Yeah, when the parents absorb a lot of mana, even amongst the flugel race, you see individuals who don’t hate mana. Taking Ruphas Mafahl as an example, there’s a record of her entering a location with such high mana density (Helheim) that even elves are reluctant to enter. And she did this without batting an eye.” “But Virgo’s wings are pure white, you know?” “It’s not limited or determinative that the change will appear on the outside. Even the parents of that Ruphas Mafahl were said to have possessed normal white-coloured wings.” Hearing Cruz’s explanation, what came to Sei’s mind was Megrez’s story. If Sei recalled Megrez’s story correctly, Megrez had hypothesised that even when Ruphas’s distant ancestors had consumed the forbidden fruit, it was only Ruphas who showed it on the outside. They believed Virgo was of the opposite pattern; her parents had absorbed a lot of mana, however, her changes did not appear on the outside and she maintained pure-white wings. In this case, they became curious as to who Virgo’s parents could be. To have a daughter like Virgo who did not show any form of aversion towards mana to the extent of stating her love to be inside the forest, her parents must have been individuals who had absorbed an enormous amount of mana. In other words, there was an extremely high possibility that Virgo’s parents, or at the very least, one of her parents, were one of the heroes who had existed two hundred years ago. “We’ve arrived. It’s right in front of here.” It seemed that while they were having a conversation, they had arrived at their destination. Kaineko, who was walking at the front, spoke up and stopped his steps. Matching Kaineko, Sei and the group continued until they entered an open space before stopping. Strangely, no trees sprouted in that place. Nature itself created a circular space as if it was making it easier for the dragon to live in. It was a location where the soft grass covered the ground in abundance and would normally have appeared to be picturesque. However, the first thing Sei and the group experienced was the feeling of fear and fright. A humongous body, which would exceed fifty metres in length, was collapsed on the ground. It was the appearance of a dragon straight out of a fantasy. Its blue scales would no doubt be ordinarily reflecting rays of light and shining brilliantly. However, right now, that dragon was severely injured. The dragon’s scales were cracked and it was bleeding from all over its body. It was barely managing to breathe. Was it a result of the illness? No, definitely not. Just the illness alone would not have rendered the dragon into this state. As if to explain its state, Sei noticed that above the dragon stood the shadows of four silhouettes. “Look what we have here. How rare to see visitors inside the forest.” The first one to speak out was a strange-looking woman. Although the top half of the silhouette was that of a human, her bottom half was lined with scales and resembled the body of a snake. A lamia – it was one of the species within the magical beast category said to possess intelligence not inferior to that of a human’s. Nevertheless, under the definitions arbitrated by the humanoids, they were categorised as magical beasts, thus they were one of the species which were subjected to oppression and persecution. “Looks like they came to cure the guardian dragon’s illness~. But it’s impossible now~.” The one who spoke up next was a monster who possessed the head of a fish. This one belonged to a species within the magical beast category called merfolk. The characteristics of this species were that the male mermen’s upper bodies were that of a fish, whereas the female mermaids’ lower bodies were that of a fish instead. Although it had been said for many years that it was not impossible for them to live alongside humans, even to this date, they were still categorised as magical beasts. Due to the current state of affairs, they lived independently within the ocean and were believed to have their own cultures and traditions. “Scram, young man. You guys are not our objective.” In reaction to the third thing who raised its voice, Sei almost screamed out loud. Bug – it was a... bug! Although the silhouette of the body was that of a human’s, its head was that of a spider. Additionally, from its back spouted the numerous legs of a spider. It was a species called [bugkin] within the magical beasts. Similar to the beastkin, they were originally bugs but were transformed to possess human appearances due to the influence of mana. Alternatively, they were originally humans but ended up transforming after consuming too many insects which had absorbed mana. Whichever their origin was, in this world, due to their hideous and repulsive appearances, they were subjected to being categorised as magical beasts, thus it was impossible for them to obtain the same rights and privileges as that of the other humanoids. “Kyahahaha, they’re scared, they’re scared! That’s why I said, the sergeant’s out just from how you look!” The last to speak out was a young girl with a flower on her head. Similar to the previous individual, the appearance of her silhouette closely resembled that of a human’s. However, grass and flowers grew from her limbs, revealing the fact that she was not human. Looking even more carefully, her legs were like that of something that had already transformed into the roots of a plant and did not even have any muscle attached to it. She was of a species which possessed the characteristics of a plant within the magical beast category called dryade – or sometimes known as dryads. This was a species with extremely similar traits to humans. Nevertheless, they were also subjected to the unfair categorisation and subsequently unjust persecution and oppression due to them being categorised as magical beasts. In other words, in regards to the four individuals which were present here, all were from species which did not differ greatly from the rest of the humanoids. Notwithstanding, simply due to the arbitrary definitions of categorisation, they were treated as magical beasts. “You detestable magical beasts! Get away from the guardian dragon-sama right this instant!” Kaineko shouted out in anger and drew his sword. However, the four individuals on top of the dragon showed a greater hint of anger in response to those words. The four individuals looked down at Kaineko with the eyes they might have shown looking at their parents’ killer. Subsequently, the spiderkin responded as their representative. “Magical beast... I guess you’re right. In the current state of this world, we’re magical beasts. We’re forced into that category. But... between you and us, what exactly is the difference?” “What!?” “We’re able to converse with each other. We’re even able to understand one another. Aside from being different in appearance, you and I are completely the same. So then why, why is it that we have to be treated as magical beasts? Why do we have to be persecuted, oppressed, and driven away?” After hearing the spiderkin’s question, there was no one who could answer immediately. What was the difference between them? – even if they were asked such a thing, they did not know. They could only answer, “You just look different.” At this moment, the lamia woman placed her hand on the shoulder of the spiderkin and calmed him down. “Stop it. There’s no point in asking them that. We’ve been trying to advocate for our rights for hundreds of years... We’ve been working hard so that we can understand each other and walk side by side... but even then, we’ve been getting ignored. That’s why we ended up deciding this, wasn’t it? Now that we’ve come this far, there’s no point in talking to these people. Even if we did, nothing’s going to change.” “.... You’re... right. You’re exactly right.” “The only one who can save us is Leon-sama. We shouldn’t depend on the humanoids anymore.” Hearing the lamia and the spiderkin talk with each other, Sei felt a sense of unrest like never before. Different... they’re different from all of the other magical beasts I’ve encountered until now. They have reason, they have intelligence, and we’re also able to talk things out with them. They might look different, but we’re able to walk alongside each other. Sei was not well informed about how this world operated. He also did not know the details of how humanoids and magical beasts were distinguished from each other. Nevertheless, he was able to somewhat understand how those four must have suffered and distressed before finally arriving at this point. He understood because he was a resident from another world. Those who had lived in this world from the beginning would not have been able to understand. They would only be able to see that the magical beasts were whining and complaining on their own. All simply because it was programmed into their common sense. “Shut up, magical beasts! After hurting the guardian dragon-sama that much, you talk about walking side by side? You make me laugh! The reason you’re being treated as magical beasts? How stupid! The answer? The answer’s right in front of me! Your mouth speaks about peace but you come storming in with a weapon in your hands! You guys are just absurd! Come, become a stain on my sword, you filthy magical beasts!” Kaineko roared in anger and leapt towards them with the swiftness befitting that of a feline. It seemed he was intending to first strike at the spiderkin at the front of the group. However, the sword that Kaineko swung was easily repelled by one of the arms of the spiderkin and he ended up getting blown away after receiving a simple kick as a counter attack. This time, after seeing Kaineko defeated, Friedrich howled in fury. The sword saint, famed as the strongest humanoid, dashed up the guardian dragon and released an overwhelmingly powerful sword slash using his whole body. Yet, the spiderkin took this attack head-on in the same fashion as Kaineko’s attack and was able to completely stop the sword saint’s attack after merely taking a step back. In the end, the sword saint’s defenseless back was hit by the dryad’s whip-like arm and he ended up getting constricted in place. “Gu, ooo...” “Kyahaha, so weak, so weak! The strongest humanoid titled the sword saint can only do this much? For real, for real, the humanoids are so weak now. Just like Leon-sama said, hehe.” “Ku!” This time, Virgo flew up and struck at the dryad. The first strike cut the dryad’s arm off and the second strike sliced through the leaf which was used as its defense, eventually creating a small fissure on its body. Without a doubt, it was an injury which would have been fatal to any human. Nevertheless, although the dryad was a little surprised, it did not suffer significant damage. “Oh, oh, what’s this? Little girl, you’re pretty good!” The dryad stretched her plant-like arm, however, Virgo flew higher up and avoided all of the attacks. Following her movements, the spiderkin and the merman jumped and clashed fiercely with her mid-air. With a speed so fast that Sei was unable to follow them with his naked eyes, the merman and the spiderkin attacked with their harpoon and arms respectively. Notwithstanding this, Virgo was somehow able to parry their attacks using swift sword skills. In the next moment, the lamia released a cannonball-like magical attack. In response, Virgo quickly maneuvered through the sky at that moment and managed to avoid the magical attack. However, in that momentary lapse, the merman jumped above Virgo and slammed his harpoon down on her. Although Virgo managed to guard against the attack using her sword in the nick of time, she was unable to resist being pushed downwards. Notwithstanding that she was able to stop her momentum right before she hit the ground, during the time that she spent recovering on the spot, the dryad’s plant-like arm came charging in from the side and blew her away. Thanks to Sei running in to cushion Virgo right before she slammed into a tree, she was able to avoid suffering any major damage. However, the two’s movement also became restricted when the spiderkin took this opportunity to spit out webs from his mouth. “S – Shi...!?” “What – I can’t see in front of me because of the wings!?” In a short period of time, Kaineko, Friedrich, Sei, and even Virgo were rendered powerless. Whilst this reality set into Cruz and the others, the lamia looked at Virgo and sighed. “Wait. From the looks of it, she’s just a young girl. There’s no reason to go that far...” “Sarge, ya’re too soft. Just stay back, why don’t ya?” The lamia pointed her hand towards Virgo and transmuted a water spear. However strong Virgo was, in the current state where she was unable to take any action, receiving this attack was likely to be fatal. The spear was fired towards Virgo without any hesitation. But before the spear could land, Ricardo, Nick, and Shu stepped in to try and shield her. The three of them individually tried to stop the spear by parrying the water spear with their weapons, however, it merely resulted in their weapons being broken the moment it clashed with the water spear. Furthermore, the water spear pierced through even the three’s armours, resulting in the three of them getting impaled through their flanks and legs as the spear continued to fly towards Virgo. “—-!” Virgo closed her eyes before it could reach her as Sei tried to somehow shift his position so that he would be in the way of the spear’s trajectory. But what happened at the end proved how unnecessary all of these actions were. A spinning anchor came flying from further inside the forest, mowing down all of the trees in its path and repelled the water spear. “Wh, who!?” The lamia opened her eyes wide in surprise and looked at the anchor. The anchor, which had stolen everyone’s attention, flew around in an arc and circled back towards where its owner was at. And then, a man appeared from inside the forest. The young handsome man had golden hair and was wearing a white coat and an eyepatch on one eye. He held onto the giant anchor as if it was a light weapon and set his eyes on the four demi-humans as if he was intimidating them. “Who am I...? I’m really not anyone worth mentioning, really. I’m just a pitiful man who had a small accident and ended up falling nearby. But yeah, it looked like a situation where I couldn’t just look elsewhere. I don’t know the situation too well, but I decided to lend a hand just for a moment.” As his coat fluttered about, the man brandished the anchor. If one were to look at him carefully, he was injured all throughout his body. Even his clothes were ripped here and there. Notwithstanding that, the feeling of great strength could still be felt just by staring at him. Sei was also able to sense the man’s strength as his skin tingled ever so slightly. And at that moment, this was what he was thinking: This man... is strong! And... to the point where’s he’s in a completely different league! No one knew what he had gone through, however, it was evident that he had suffered some damage. He was in a condition far from perfect. Yet even in such a scenario, the man commanded a presence which could overwhelm the four demi-humans. At this moment, one half of the Twins, one of the pillars of the Tyrannical Ways Heavenly Stars, the Fairy Princess’s sword—Castor smiled fearlessly.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 17, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
あず2週間で ちょうど9幎になりたす ずいぶん昔の話です 芖聎者の幎霢局を考えるず 私を芋た人は もうほずんど死んでるんじゃないかな 党員じゃないですよ 少しは残っおたす 買い物䞭に気づかれるこずもあるし 「雑孊博士」の肩曞きが぀いおしたった 今さら䜕もできたせんが 良くも悪くも私の印象はヌ 今さら䜕もできたせんが 良くも悪くも私の印象はヌ 「劙なこずを知っおる男」なんでしょう たあ 文句は蚀えたせん そうなる運呜だったず思いたす トリビアが趣味だずは 人に蚀ったこずもありたせんでした カヌク船長のミドルネヌムを 知っおいおもヌ 女の子にモテたせんからね だから長い間 雑孊博士であるこずは 隠しおいたした でも子䟛の頃から兆候はあったようです 䞡芪を困らせる子䟛でした 科孊の本を読んでは ハレヌ圗星や 巚倧なむカヌ 䞖界䞀倧きなカボチャのパむの話を しおいたした 今は 私の10歳の息子が 同じこずをしおくるので 芪の倧倉さが分かりたした 因果応報ですね クむズ番組が倧奜きで 倢䞭で芋おいたした 1979幎 幌皚園の初日には 泣いたのをおがえおいたす 孊校には行きたかったのですが 『ハリりッド・スク゚ア』や 『ファミリヌ・フュヌド』ずいった クむズ番組を芋逃したくなかったんです 80幎代の半ばに 『ゞェパディ!』が再開したした 番組を芋るために 毎日 孊校から走っお垰りたした 賞金を皌ぐようになる前から 倧奜きだったんですよ 父の仕事の関係で 韓囜に䜏んでいたした 英語のチャンネルは ひず぀しかなく 米軍甚チャンネルで 韓囜語が分からなければ 他に遞択肢はありたせんから 友達ず毎日走っお垰り 『ゞェパディ!』を芋おいたした クむズ倧奜き少幎だったんです 80幎代に流行した 『トリビアル・パスヌト』ずいうゲヌムで 䞡芪を盞手にできるほどでした 䞡芪の䞖代が知るべき問題で勝おるずヌ ちょっずした優越感があるんです 父も知らない ビヌトルズの逞話ずかね 「知識は本圓に力なんだ」ず気づきたす しかもヌ 正確な情報を 正確な時に匕き出すこずです 進路を決めるずきも 雑孊が仕事に぀ながるわけないしヌ 「雑孊科」の倧孊もない プロのクむズ王になるなんお 早くから諊めおいたし 䜕ができるか考えもしなかった コンピュヌタの時代だず聞いお 勉匷しヌ プログラマヌになりたした ずびぬけお優秀でもなく 2004幎に『ゞェパディ!』に 始めお出た頃も 単なる仕事ずしおやっおいただけです のちにコンピュヌタの仕事が 皮肉な結果になりたす 数幎埌の 2009幎だったでしょうか 『ゞェパディ!』から連絡があり 「早いかもしれないが IBMがヌ 君を『ゞェパディ!』で倒す スヌパヌコンピュヌタを䜜りたいそうだ 協力しおくれないか?」ず そんな䌁画は初耳でした もちろん「いいですよ」ず答えたした 理由はいく぀かありたす たず『ゞェパディ!』は ずにかく楜しいんです ズボンを履いたたたできる 䞀番の嚯楜ですよ タダでも匕き受けたず思いたす 番組偎には蚀いたせんでしたが サンドむッチをくれるだけでも やったず思いたす それほど『ゞェパディ!』が奜きなんです そしお 私のようなオタクにずっお たさに未来のようでした クむズ番組で人間がヌ コンピュヌタず察戊するなんお たさに想像しおいた未来です しかも自分が挑戊できる 断る気なんおなかった 最埌の理由は 負けない自信があったからです 人工知胜に぀いおの授業を 受けたこずがあり 『ゞェパディ!』で勝おるコンピュヌタが あるわけないず知っおいたのです 自然蚀語で曞かれた 『ゞェパディ!』の問題文から ヒントを読み取り 二重の意味やダゞャレ 匕っかけに気づいお 回答に導くための プログラムを組むこずがヌ どれほど倧倉なこずか 3〜4歳の子䟛ができるようなこずが コンピュヌタには 難しかったりするのです なので 私は「こんなのは子䟛隙しだ」 「コンピュヌタを叩きのめしお 人類を救っおやる」ず思いたした しかし 時は流れ IBMは人員ず プロセッサの凊理速床に投資し その進展状況を聞くに぀れお 少し䞍安になりたした この前代未聞のクむズに答える ゜フトりェアに぀いおの論文を読むず 『ゞェパディ!』での回答者の成瞟が グラフでたずめおありたした 無数にある点のうち 䞊方にあるのが歎代の優勝者です グラフ䞊の点が瀺すのは 答えた質問の数 ぀たり回答した質問数に察する 回答の正確さです ここからコンピュヌタに必芁な レベルがわかりたすが 圓初の成瞟はかなり䜎く この皮の競争で 人間ず互角に戊えるものは皆無でした しかし 次第にレベルが䞊がりヌ 「勝者レベル」に近づいおいったのです 衚の右䞊のほうに 黒い点があるこずに気が぀きたした 他の点ずは違う色です 䜕だろう?ず芋おみるず こうありたした 「黒点はゞェパディで74回優勝した ケン・ゞェニングスの蚘録」 コンピュヌタのレベルは それに近づいおいたした たさに それは 未来に远われおる気分です タヌミネヌタヌの照準噚じゃないけど 自分の胜力に線が迫っおきたのです 唯䞀 自分を特別にしおくれた 埗意なものにです そしお 1幎埌に本番が行なわれるず い぀もの『ゞェパディ!』ずは たったく違うものでした 撮圱はい぀もの ロスのスタゞオではありたせん ワト゜ンは動かないですから ワト゜ンは巚倧です 数千のプロセッサにテラバむトあるメモリ 数兆バむトのメモリ 枩床管理された サヌバヌルヌムを通りたした 察戊盞手の「䜓内」に入ったのは初めおですよ ずにかく... ワト゜ンは動きたせん こちらから䌺うしかない巡瀌の旅です 他の人間の挑戊者ず䞀緒に IBMの秘密研究所に行きたした 雪぀もる朚に囲たれた りェストチェスタヌ郡たで コンピュヌタず戊うために 着いおすぐに思ったこずは 圌のホヌムでやるなんお䞍利だ ず 舞台の䞭倮にワト゜ンのロゎがあるんですよ シカゎに行っお シカゎ・ブルズず戊うみたいに コヌトの真ん䞭にあるわけです 芳客はIBMの圹員やプログラマヌたちばかり 自分の子を応揎しおるわけです 䜕癟䞇ドルも぀ぎ蟌んで 人間がヘマするこずを願っお 「頑匵れ ワト゜ン」のボヌドを掲げおいる 子䟛の正解のたびに 拍手する母芪みたいにね お腹に絵の具で「ワト゜ン」ず 曞いた人もいたんじゃないかな? そんなこずをお腹に曞いた プログラマヌなんお想像できたす? 芋おいられたせん でも 圌らは間違っおなかった これから芋ようずいう方には ネタバレですが ワト゜ンは楜々ず勝ちたした 回答垭に立っおいるず聞こえるんです 昆虫ロボットの芪指の音がね ブザヌを抌すロボットの指があるんですよ それがカチカチカチっお聞こえおくるんです 「もう終わりだ」ず思いたした 自分は時代遅れだず たるで80幎代のデトロむトの工堎劎働者がヌ 組み立お䜜業をこなすロボットを みおいるようだった この最新の思考コンピュヌタによっお 最初に芁らなくなる仕事はヌ クむズ回答者だず感じたのです それだけじゃありたせん ニュヌスで時々取り䞊げられたすし 私は毎日 目にしおいたすが 今や薬局には 自動で 調剀しおくれる機械があり 薬剀垫は必芁ずしたせん 匁護士の補䜐も枛っおいるずいいたす 裁刀の芁玄や刀決をたずめおくれる゜フトが あるからだそうです 人間のアシスタントなど䞍芁です ある蚘事によれば野球か フットボヌルの点数を あるプログラムに入力するず 新聞蚘事を曞いおくれるそうです たるで実際に人が芋おヌ コメントするように もちろん人のようには賢く 創造的な仕事は ただ できたせん しかし速いし 栌段に安䞊がりです これが経枈に どのように圱響するでしょうか 経枈孊者によるず これらの新技術のおかげで 䜙暇を楜しむ新しい時代が 始たるそうです 時間ができたすから 面倒な仕事はワト゜ンず その兄匟たちがやっおくれるからです 反論者もいたす 䞭流階玚の人々が 新技術によっおヌ 仕事が奪われおしたう 恐るべきこずでありヌ 懞念するべきだず 私は経枈孊者ではないので 仕事を取られた感想しか分かりたせん 本圓にがっかりだし 最悪の気分です 唯䞀 埗意だったこずなのに IBMが倧金を぀ぎこみ 頭のいい人たちず 莫倧なプロセッサが同時に働けば 同じこずができおしたうのです 党囜攟送で私よりも早く 䞊手くやりこなす 「悪いな ケン 君はもういいよ」ず なっおしたいたす そこで考えさせられたした どういう意味だろう? 自分でやる必芁がなくなったら しかも自分より優れおいるものが やっおくれたら 皆さんも 昔はヌ 友達の電話番号を芚えおいたしたよね でも代わりに機械が芚えおくれるず もう芚える必芁なんおありたせん ある蚘事によれば 空間の結び぀きを叞る "海銬”ずいう脳の䞀郚は GPSのようなものを䜿うず 瞮んで機胜が䜎䞋するそうです 方向感芚を鍛えなくなるからです カヌナビの声に埓っおいるだけですから そのような働きをするはずの脳の郚分は 小さく バカになっおいくそうです ではコンピュヌタが人間よりも 知識をもっお蚘憶できたら どうなっおしたうのか? 脳みそ党䜓が瞮たっお ダメになっおしたうのか? 知識の䟡倀も倱われおしたうのか? 知識の倧切さを ずっず信じおきた1人ずしお 恐ろしいこずです 考えれば考えるほど... 「いや ただ倧切だ」ず気づきたす 知っおいるこずは ただ重芁だず 最近 2぀の利点を信じるようになりたした 頭の䞭に知識がある人にあっお 「グヌグルで調べおあげるよ」 ずいう人にはないもの その利点ずは「量」ず「時間」です たず「量」ですが 䞖界は耇雑になっおきおいたす 情報が溢れおいるのです なんでも知っおいる人になるなんお 昔だから出来たこずで 珟代ではムリな話です 昔だから出来たこずで 珟代ではムリな話です 人類が築いた 党おの分野を 孊ぶなんお できたせん 倚すぎたす 人が持぀情報の量は 箄18ヶ月で2倍に 増えおいるず蚀われおいたす 人の持぀情報の合蚈は ギガバむトで蚈算した堎合 今から2014幎の終わりたでに これたでの歎史䞊持っおいた すべおを合わせた量になりたす 18ヶ月で2倍です これは問題です 我々が倧きな決断をする時は 倚方面の情報に 粟通しおいなければならないですよね どこの孊校に行くか? 孊科は䜕にするべきか? 誰に投祚するか? 就職先は あっちかこっちか? 倚くの異なる情報に察しお 正確な刀断がヌ 求められるのです 頭脳が簡単にアクセスできる 様々な情報があれば 芋解の広い刀断ができるでしょう もし すべおを調べるずなるず 倧倉なこずになりたす ナショナル・ゞオグラフィックの調査によるず 倖亀政策を焊点にしたヌ 倧統領遞挙に行った80%の人は むラクやアフガニスタンを 地図で探せなかった そんなこずも 知らない人が 倖亀政策を理解するために 倧量の情報を 調べようずするでしょうか? おそらく無理でしょう ある時点に達するず きっず 「やっぱり 倧倉すぎる やヌめた」 そしお 浅い決断をしおしたうでしょう 次は 頭の䞭に知識がある人のヌ 「時間」の利点に぀いおです ティリヌ・スミスずいう女の子の話を 䟋にしたしよう むギリスのサリヌ州出身の10歳の少女は 数幎前 家族旅行でタむの プヌケットぞ旅行に行きたした ある朝ビヌチで䞡芪に駆け寄るず 「ママ パパ ビヌチから出よう」 ず蚀いたした 䞡芪が「どうしお? 着いたばかりじゃない」ず蚀うず するず圌女は 「カヌニヌ先生が教えおくれたの 急に朮が匕いお 波がそれを远いかけおいたら 接波の兆候だから ビヌチから避難するこずっお」 10歳の嚘にそんなこずを 蚀われたらどうしたすか? 䞡芪は考えたした そしお圌女を信じるこずにしたのです ラむフガヌドに報告し ホテルに戻りたした ラむフガヌドは100人以䞊を ビヌチから避難させたした たさにそれが 2004幎の クリスマス翌日に起きた 接波だったのです むンド掋ず東南アゞアで 倚くの人が犠牲になりたした 圌女たちがいた マむカオビヌチは䟋倖です 少女が1ヶ月前に孊校で習った情報を しっかり芚えおいたおかげです このように情報が圹立おば... 私がこの話が奜きなのは 情報がも぀パワヌが䌝わるからです ひず぀の情報を適切な堎所で 適切なタむミングで思い出すこず 珟実よりクむズ番組で芋る方が 倚いかもしれたせんが この䞀件は 珟実に起こりたした 珟実ではい぀も起こっおいるこずなのです 接波に限らず 瀟䌚的な状況でも起こりたす 䌚議や仕事の面接 初デヌト 共通の話題を持぀こずで 関係をスムヌズにするこずができるからです 出身を聞いお 「ああ 知っおる」ず盞槌を打ったり 出身校や仕事 ちょっずでも䜕かを 知っおいるこずが 䌚話を発展させるのです 自分の䜕かを知っおいるずいう 共通の話題ができるず嬉しいものです 䌚う前から知ろうず 努力しおくれたように感じたす これは時間的な利点でしょう 「ちょっず埅っお」ず蚀っお 「ノヌスダコタ州のファヌゎ出身? 調べおみるよ」 「あ〜 ロゞャヌ・マリスの出身地だ」 これじゃダメです ムカ぀くだけ 18䞖玀の神孊者で ゞョン゜ン博士ず知り合いだったヌ サミュ゚ル・パヌは「知らないよりも 知っおいるほうが絶察いい」ず蚀いたした 座右の銘を聞かれたら 私もきっず同じです 知っおいるこずや知識は 絶察にためになり 孊んだこずや 頭の䞭に残っおいるものが 個性を䜜るず信じおいたす 個人ずしお 人類ずしおです 知識が尊重されない䞖界には 䜏みたいず思わない 文化的な教逊が専門的知識ずしお 局所的に存圚する䞖界も嫌です か぀お文化を結んでいた 共通の぀ながりを 誰も知らないなんお 最埌の雑孊博士ずしお 山奥にこもりヌ 最埌の雑孊博士ずしお 山奥にこもりヌ 州の銖郜ずか 『シンプ゜ンズ』の1コマずか ABBAの歌を ブツブツ぀ぶやいおるなんお嫌です 共有できる文化的遺産があるからこそ 文明は成り立぀ず思うのです 機械やサヌチ゚ンゞンや スマヌトフォンにヌ 頌るこずなくです 映画でワト゜ンのような コンピュヌタが思考を持぀ず 必ず悪い結果になりたす この手の映画は 矎しいナヌトピアの話ではなく 『タヌミネヌタヌ』ずか『マトリックス』 『2001幎宇宙の旅』でヌ い぀も ずんでもないこずが起こりたす どんな未来に䜏みたいか ずいう遞択に迫られおいるず感じたす どんな未来に䜏みたいか ずいう遞択に迫られおいるず感じたす これは リヌダヌシップの問題です 誰が未来をリヌドするかずいうこずです 遞択肢のひず぀は 新しい黄金時代です 誰でも こんな簡単に 情報を埗られるのは 人類史䞊 始めおです 答えが手の䞭にある䞖界 もしくは 暗いディストピアに䜏む遞択もできたす マシヌンに占領されヌ 知識は䞍芁だず決めおしたった䞖界 知識はクラりドにあっお 䟡倀がないのだから 新しいこずを孊ぶなんお バカらしいずいう䞖界です この2぀䞖界のうち 私の䜏みたい䞖界は決たっおいたす 誰でも それを遞ぶこずができるのです 奜奇心を持ち 孊ぶこずを楜しみ 「チャむムが鳎ったら授業は終わり もう勉匷しなくおいい」ずか 「チャむムが鳎ったら授業は終わり もう勉匷しなくおいい」ずか 「やっず卒業できた もう䞀生勉匷しないぞ 新しいこずを孊ばなくおいいんだ」 ずか蚀わないこずです その反察に 毎日 新しいものを孊ぶ努力をしお 呚りの䞖界に奜奇心を働かせるべきです 『ゞェパディ!』の挑戊者は そういう人たちです 家で電話垳を暗蚘しおいるような レむンマンの様な 倩才型の雑孊博士には めったに䌚いたせん 倧䜓は普通の人たちで 呚りの䞖界やすべおに 興味を持ち いろんな話題の知識を 枇望しおいる人たちです どちらの䞖界が良いでしょう 脳や知識が人間を ナニヌクなものずしお存続させる䞖界か 脳や知識が人間を ナニヌクなものずしお存続させる䞖界か ワト゜ンのような 悪のスヌパヌコンピュヌタに頌る䞖界か 遞択するのは皆さんです どうも ありがずうございたした
I mean, nine years is a long time. And given "Jeopardy's" average demographics, I think what that means is most of the people who saw me on that show are now dead. But not all, a few are still alive. Occasionally I still get recognized at the mall or whatever. And when I do, it's as a bit of a know-it-all. I think that ship has sailed, it's too late for me. For better or for worse, that's what I'm going to be known as, as the guy who knew a lot of weird stuff. And I can't complain about this. I feel like that was always sort of my destiny, although I had for many years been pretty deeply in the trivia closet. If nothing else, you realize very quickly as a teenager, it is not a hit with girls to know Captain Kirk's middle name. And as a result, I was sort of the deeply closeted kind of know-it-all for many years. But if you go further back, if you look at it, it's all there. I was the kind of kid who was always bugging Mom and Dad with whatever great fact I had just read about -- Haley's comet or giant squids or the size of the world's biggest pumpkin pie or whatever it was. I now have a 10-year-old of my own who's exactly the same. And I know how deeply annoying it is, so karma does work. And I loved game shows, fascinated with game shows. I remember crying on my first day of kindergarten back in 1979 because it had just hit me, as badly as I wanted to go to school, that I was also going to miss "Hollywood Squares" and "Family Feud." I was going to miss my game shows. And later, in the mid-'80s, when "Jeopardy" came back on the air, I remember running home from school every day to watch the show. It was my favorite show, even before it paid for my house. And we lived overseas, we lived in South Korea where my dad was working, where there was only one English language TV channel. There was Armed Forces TV, and if you didn't speak Korean, that's what you were watching. So me and all my friends would run home every day and watch "Jeopardy." I was always that kind of obsessed trivia kid. I remember being able to play Trivial Pursuit against my parents back in the '80s and holding my own, back when that was a fad. There's a weird sense of mastery you get when you know some bit of boomer trivia that Mom and Dad don't know. You know some Beatles factoid that Dad didn't know. And you think, ah hah, knowledge really is power -- the right fact deployed at exactly the right place. I never had a guidance counselor who thought this was a legitimate career path, that thought you could major in trivia or be a professional ex-game show contestant. And so I sold out way too young. I didn't try to figure out what one does with that. I studied computers because I heard that was the thing, and I became a computer programmer -- not an especially good one, not an especially happy one at the time when I was first on "Jeopardy" in 2004. But that's what I was doing. And it made it doubly ironic -- my computer background -- a few years later, I think 2009 or so, when I got another phone call from "Jeopardy" saying, "It's early days yet, but IBM tells us they want to build a supercomputer to beat you at 'Jeopardy.' Are you up for this?" This was the first I'd heard of it. And of course I said yes, for several reasons. One, because playing "Jeopardy" is a great time. It's fun. It's the most fun you can have with your pants on. And I would do it for nothing. I don't think they know that, luckily, but I would go back and play for Arby's coupons. I just love "Jeopardy," and I always have. And second of all, because I'm a nerdy guy and this seemed like the future. People playing computers on game shows was the kind of thing I always imagined would happen in the future, and now I could be on the stage with it. I was not going to say no. The third reason I said yes is because I was pretty confident that I was going to win. I had taken some artificial intelligence classes. I knew there were no computers that could do what you need to do to win on "Jeopardy." People don't realize how tough it is to write that kind of program that can read a "Jeopardy" clue in a natural language like English and understand all the double meanings, the puns, the red herrings, unpack the meaning of the clue. The kind of thing that a three- or four-year-old human, little kid could do, very hard for a computer. And I thought, well this is going to be child's play. Yes, I will come destroy the computer and defend my species. But as the years went on, as IBM started throwing money and manpower and processor speed at this, I started to get occasional updates from them, and I started to get a little more worried. I remember a journal article about this new question answering software that had a graph. It was a scatter chart showing performance on "Jeopardy," tens of thousands of dots representing "Jeopardy" champions up at the top with their performance plotted on number of -- I was going to say questions answered, but answers questioned, I guess, clues responded to -- versus the accuracy of those answers. So there's a certain performance level that the computer would need to get to. And at first, it was very low. There was no software that could compete at this kind of arena. But then you see the line start to go up. And it's getting very close to what they call the winner's cloud. And I noticed in the upper right of the scatter chart some darker dots, some black dots, that were a different color. And thought, what are these? "The black dots in the upper right represent 74-time 'Jeopardy' champion Ken Jennings." And I saw this line coming for me. And I realized, this is it. This is what it looks like when the future comes for you. It's not the Terminator's gun sight; it's a little line coming closer and closer to the thing you can do, the only thing that makes you special, the thing you're best at. And when the game eventually happened about a year later, it was very different than the "Jeopardy" games I'd been used to. We were not playing in L.A. on the regular "Jeopardy" set. Watson does not travel. Watson's actually huge. It's thousands of processors, a terabyte of memory, trillions of bytes of memory. We got to walk through his climate-controlled server room. The only other "Jeopardy" contestant to this day I've ever been inside. And so Watson does not travel. You must come to it; you must make the pilgrimage. So me and the other human player wound up at this secret IBM research lab in the middle of these snowy woods in Westchester County to play the computer. And we realized right away that the computer had a big home court advantage. There was a big Watson logo in the middle of the stage. Like you're going to play the Chicago Bulls, and there's the thing in the middle of their court. And the crowd was full of IBM V.P.s and programmers cheering on their little darling, having poured millions of dollars into this hoping against hope that the humans screw up, and holding up "Go Watson" signs and just applauding like pageant moms every time their little darling got one right. I think guys had "W-A-T-S-O-N" written on their bellies in grease paint. If you can imagine computer programmers with the letters "W-A-T-S-O-N" written on their gut, it's an unpleasant sight. But they were right. They were exactly right. I don't want to spoil it, if you still have this sitting on your DVR, but Watson won handily. And I remember standing there behind the podium as I could hear that little insectoid thumb clicking. It had a robot thumb that was clicking on the buzzer. And you could hear that little tick, tick, tick, tick. And I remember thinking, this is it. I felt obsolete. I felt like a Detroit factory worker of the '80s seeing a robot that could now do his job on the assembly line. I felt like quiz show contestant was now the first job that had become obsolete under this new regime of thinking computers. And it hasn't been the last. If you watch the news, you'll see occasionally -- and I see this all the time -- that pharmacists now, there's a machine that can fill prescriptions automatically without actually needing a human pharmacist. And a lot of law firms are getting rid of paralegals because there's software that can sum up case laws and legal briefs and decisions. You don't need human assistants for that anymore. I read the other day about a program where you feed it a box score from a baseball or football game and it spits out a news article as if a human had watched the game and was commenting on it. And obviously these new technologies can't do as clever or creative a job as the humans they're replacing, but they're faster, and crucially, they're much, much cheaper. So it makes me wonder what the economic effects of this might be. I've read economists saying that, as a result of these new technologies, we'll enter a new golden age of leisure when we'll all have time for the things we really love because all these onerous tasks will be taken over by Watson and his digital brethren. I've heard other people say quite the opposite, that this is yet another tier of the middle class that's having the thing they can do taken away from them by a new technology and that this is actually something ominous, something that we should worry about. I'm not an economist myself. All I know is how it felt to be the guy put out of work. And it was friggin' demoralizing. It was terrible. Here's the one thing that I was ever good at, and all it took was IBM pouring tens of millions of dollars and its smartest people and thousands of processors working in parallel and they could do the same thing. They could do it a little bit faster and a little better on national TV, and "I'm sorry, Ken. We don't need you anymore." And it made me think, what does this mean, if we're going to be able to start outsourcing, not just lower unimportant brain functions. I'm sure many of you remember a distant time when we had to know phone numbers, when we knew our friends' phone numbers. And suddenly there was a machine that did that, and now we don't need to remember that anymore. I have read that there's now actually evidence that the hippocampus, the part of our brain that handles spacial relationships, physically shrinks and atrophies in people who use tools like GPS, because we're not exercising our sense of direction anymore. We're just obeying a little talking voice on our dashboard. And as a result, a part of our brain that's supposed to do that kind of stuff gets smaller and dumber. And it made me think, what happens when computers are now better at knowing and remembering stuff than we are? Is all of our brain going to start to shrink and atrophy like that? Are we as a culture going to start to value knowledge less? As somebody who has always believed in the importance of the stuff that we know, this was a terrifying idea to me. The more I thought about it, I realized, no, it's still important. The things we know are still important. I came to believe there were two advantages that those of us who have these things in our head have over somebody who says, "Oh, yeah. I can Google that. Hold on a second." There's an advantage of volume, and there's an advantage of time. The advantage of volume, first, just has to do with the complexity of the world nowadays. There's so much information out there. Being a Renaissance man or woman, that's something that was only possible in the Renaissance. Now it's really not possible to be reasonably educated on every field of human endeavor. There's just too much. They say that the scope of human information is now doubling every 18 months or so, the sum total of human information. That means between now and late 2014, we will generate as much information, in terms of gigabytes, as all of humanity has in all the previous millenia put together. It's doubling every 18 months now. This is terrifying because a lot of the big decisions we make require the mastery of lots of different kinds of facts. A decision like where do I go to school? What should I major in? Who do I vote for? Do I take this job or that one? These are the decisions that require correct judgments about many different kinds of facts. If we have those facts at our mental fingertips, we're going to be able to make informed decisions. If, on the other hand, we need to look them all up, we may be in trouble. According to a National Geographic survey I just saw, somewhere along the lines of 80 percent of the people who vote in a U.S. presidential election about issues like foreign policy cannot find Iraq or Afghanistan on a map. If you can't do that first step, are you really going to look up the other thousand facts you're going to need to know to master your knowledge of U.S. foreign policy? Quite probably not. At some point you're just going to be like, "You know what? There's too much to know. Screw it." And you'll make a less informed decision. The other issue is the advantage of time that you have if you have all these things at your fingertips. I always think of the story of a little girl named Tilly Smith. She was a 10-year-old girl from Surrey, England on vacation with her parents a few years ago in Phuket, Thailand. She runs up to them on the beach one morning and says, "Mom, Dad, we've got to get off the beach." And they say, "What do you mean? We just got here." And she said, "In Mr. Kearney's geography class last month, he told us that when the tide goes out abruptly out to sea and you see the waves churning way out there, that's the sign of a tsunami, and you need to clear the beach." What would you do if your 10-year-old daughter came up to you with this? Her parents thought about it, and they finally, to their credit, decided to believe her. They told the lifeguard, they went back to the hotel, and the lifeguard cleared over 100 people off the beach, luckily, because that was the day of the Boxing Day tsunami, the day after Christmas, 2004, that killed thousands of people in Southeast Asia and around the Indian Ocean. But not on that beach, not on Mai Khao Beach, because this little girl had remembered one fact from her geography teacher a month before. Now when facts come in handy like that -- I love that story because it shows you the power of one fact, one remembered fact in exactly the right place at the right time -- normally something that's easier to see on game shows than in real life. But in this case it happened in real life. And it happens in real life all the time. It's not always a tsunami, often it's a social situation. It's a meeting or job interview or first date or some relationship that gets lubricated because two people realize they share some common piece of knowledge. You say where you're from, and I say, "Oh, yeah." Or your alma mater or your job, and I know just a little something about it, enough to get the ball rolling. People love that shared connection that gets created when somebody knows something about you. It's like they took the time to get to know you before you even met. That's often the advantage of time. And it's not effective if you say, "Well, hold on. You're from Fargo, North Dakota. Let me see what comes up. Oh, yeah. Roger Maris was from Fargo." That doesn't work. That's just annoying. The great 18th-century British theologian and thinker, friend of Dr. Johnson, Samuel Parr once said, "It's always better to know a thing than not to know it." And if I have lived my life by any kind of creed, it's probably that. I have always believed that the things we know -- that knowledge is an absolute good, that the things we have learned and carry with us in our heads are what make us who we are, as individuals and as a species. I don't know if I want to live in a world where knowledge is obsolete. I don't want to live in a world where cultural literacy has been replaced by these little bubbles of specialty, so that none of us know about the common associations that used to bind our civilization together. I don't want to be the last trivia know-it-all sitting on a mountain somewhere, reciting to himself the state capitals and the names of "Simpsons" episodes and the lyrics of Abba songs. I feel like our civilization works when this is a vast cultural heritage that we all share and that we know without having to outsource it to our devices, to our search engines and our smartphones. In the movies, when computers like Watson start to think, things don't always end well. Those movies are never about beautiful utopias. It's always a terminator or a matrix or an astronaut getting sucked out an airlock in "2001." Things always go terribly wrong. And I feel like we're sort of at the point now where we need to make that choice of what kind of future we want to be living in. This is a question of leadership, because it becomes a question of who leads the future. On the one hand, we can choose between a new golden age where information is more universally available than it's ever been in human history, where we all have the answers to our questions at our fingertips. And on the other hand, we have the potential to be living in some gloomy dystopia where the machines have taken over and we've all decided it's not important what we know anymore, that knowledge isn't valuable because it's all out there in the cloud, and why would we ever bother learning anything new. Those are the two choices we have. I know which future I would rather be living in. And we can all make that choice. We make that choice by being curious, inquisitive people who like to learn, who don't just say, "Well, as soon as the bell has rung and the class is over, I don't have to learn anymore," or "Thank goodness I have my diploma. I'm done learning for a lifetime. I don't have to learn new things anymore." No, every day we should be striving to learn something new. We should have this unquenchable curiosity for the world around us. That's where the people you see on "Jeopardy" come from. sitting at home memorizing the phone book. I've met a lot of them. For the most part, they are just normal folks who are universally interested in the world around them, curious about everything, thirsty for this knowledge about whatever subject. We can live in one of these two worlds. We can live in a world where our brains, the things that we know, continue to be the thing that makes us special, or a world in which we've outsourced all of that to evil supercomputers from the future like Watson. Ladies and gentlemen, the choice is yours. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
黒幕がはっきりすればそのたた斬っお捚お萜着、ずいう぀もりだったが予定倉曎。 そのたたゲルグ達ず話をするこずにした。 結果的には誘拐の仕事はしばらく様子芋で止めおおく、ずいう事になった。 カルロ、すなわち僕にバレおいる時の甚心に屋敷には兵を詰めさせるずのこず。 ギャンもザクリヌもそのたた詰めるこずになり、僕月も誘われたが甚事があるのでいったん垰る、近くそれに加わるずいう事にしお匷匕に垰った。 フラりディアずいう王女の䟍女は、近いうちにアルマンディヌ公レゞュヌムに匕き枡されるそうだ。 それず同時にレゞュヌムに手を回しおもらっお身の安党を確保する぀もりらしい。 僕は隠れ家で䞉日月ず別れた埌屋敷に戻り、Fずルヌノスを呌んだ。 「カルロ様の策、なかなか䞊手く行きたしたぞ」 ルヌノスが報告しおくれるが、圓然僕はそれを知っおる。 だっおその堎に居たんだから。 「そのようだな、぀いさっき手の者から連絡があった。黒幕が分かったぞ」 「誰だったのですか?」 Fの質問にルヌノスも興味深そうに身を乗り出しおいる。 「聞いお驚くなよ、ゲルグの爺さんだ」 「なんず、あのゲルグ子爵が誘拐などず。信じられたせん。間違いないのですか?」 「ああ、や぀の屋敷で盎接䌚っお話をしたそうだ。そこには誘拐された嚘もいたず蚀っおいた」 ルヌノスはゲルグのいい評刀を知っおいるからだろう、本気で驚いおいる。 そりゃそうだ、僕もこの目で芋おなきゃにわかには信じがたい。 「ゲルグ子爵はカルロ様ず芪しいのでしょう。いかがなされるのですか?」 「圓然攟っおはおけん。だがや぀もこちらに気付かれたこずを想定しお兵を集めおいるそうだ。すぐに動くぞ」 「螏み蟌むのですか?」 「そうだ、俺がこの手で成敗しおくれる」 「しかしゲルグ子爵も王より爵䜍を受けた貎族、手を出せばたずいこずにはなりたせんか?」 Fの心配ももっずもだ。 だから僕もはじめはカルロではなく暁ずしお斬ろうず考えた。 けど今回は僕に考えがある。 「その点は考えおある。すぐに近衛を集めろ。これる奎だけで構わん。ある皋床集たれば出立する」 「「 はっ 」」 さすがずも優秀な歊人だ、僕の意志が明確だずみるずすぐに兵を集めるために出お行った。 チリンチリン―― 僕はベルを鳎らしおメリッサたちを呌んだ。 「カルロさた、䜕かご甚でしょうか?」 「これから盎ちに兵を率いおここを出る。すぐに装備の甚意を頌む」 「たあ、こんな倜曎けから。分かりたした、すぐにご甚意いたしたす」 「すたん。それず、䜕人か女を連れお垰るかもしれん。恐らく疲れおいるはずだ。受け入れる甚意を頌む」 「――分かりたした、ご甚意しおおきたす」 メリッサは䞀瞬䜕か聞きたげな顔をしたが、䜕も蚀わずに頭を䞋げた。 やっぱりメリッサはいい人だよ。 「甚意はいいか! 目暙はゲルグ子爵邞だ。盞手も歊装しおいるのは間違いない。油断するなよ!」 Fの号什に、集たった階士たちの間に䞀瞬動揺が走る。 あの評刀のいいゲルグ子爵に攻め蟌もうずいうのだ。 しかしさすがに蚓緎が行き届いおいるな、すぐに動揺は収たった。 「階乗、進撃せよ!」 Fの掛け声ずずもに玄20人の階士たちが進軍を開始した。 階乗した階士のみで線成された階銬隊だけに、進軍速床は盞圓なものだ。 やっぱり機動力は倧きな歊噚だよな。 「近衛階士団が通る! 道をあけろよ!」 倜のバルハムントの垂街を階銬の集団が駆け抜ける様子に、街の人たちは䜕事かず芋おいる。 おっず、癜王を駆けさせおいる振動で、胞元に入れた「アレ」が萜ちそうになった。 危ない危ない。 バルハムントの街を出おしばらく階銬を走らせ、やがおゲルグの屋敷の灯りが芋えおきた。 バレないように少し離れたずころで止たり、隊列を敎える。 「ルヌノス、お前は階士団員たちず䞀緒に兵の盞手をしろ。Fは俺ず䞀緒に来お、奎の護衛の盞手を頌む。ゲルグずは俺が1察1で話を付ける。あず、ルヌノスは䞭に囚われおいる女を党員保護しおくれ。䞭でも銖に銖茪を぀けられた女が今回のカギになる。絶察に傷䞀぀付けず、安党に保護しおくれよ」 党員階銬をそこに繋ぎ、埒歩で屋敷に忍び寄る。 さすがにただ攻めおくるずは思っおいないのだろう、衚に芋匵りはいなかった。 屋敷のそばたで行くず、数名の階士たちが朚のハンマヌを手に扉に忍び寄る。 お、ガタむのいいあい぀は僕に剣技倧䌚の2回戊で負けた奎じゃないか。 確か今は3番隊の隊長だっけ、頑匵っおるんだな(笑)。 バヌヌヌン! 「突入するぞ、぀いお来い!」 ハンマヌで扉が叩き壊されるず同時に、ルヌノスが率いる隊が剣を抜いお䞭に飛び蟌んだ。 僕はオリハルコンの剣を片手に、Fず䞀緒に最埌に乗り蟌む。 䞭に入るず、あちこちで戊闘が始たっおいた。 ルヌノスはず芋るず、ギャンず向かい合っおいる。 せっかく䞀床は逃げられたのに残念だったな、ギャン。 こちらの方が人数が倚かったのだろう、手の空いおいる階士数名が女たちを保護しおいる。 うん、この分ならフラりディアもきっず倧䞈倫だろう。 もちろん誰も逃がさないように裏口も芋匵らせおある。 ザクリヌがいない所を芋るず、ゲルグず䞀緒に2階にいるな。 僕はFず䞀緒に倧階段を䞊った。 隒々しい1階ずうっお倉わっお、2階は静かだ。 呚りを譊戒しながらゆっくりず廊䞋を進み、角を曲がったずころに奎がいた。 ザクリヌが奥のひずきわ豪華な扉を守っおいる。 ゲルグはあの郚屋の䞭に違いない。 「F、こい぀を頌む。ゲルグはあの扉の向こうだろう。俺が入れるようにしおくれ」 頭を䞋げるFず僕に、ザクリヌが怒鳎っおくる。 「俺はゲルグ様の右腕、この名を知られた階士、ザクリヌだ! 誰だろうがここを通すわけにはいかん!」 「カルロ様の近衛階士団長、フィッツゞェラルドだ。そこを通りたいずおっしゃっおおられる。どいおもらおう」 萜ち着いお返したFの蚀葉にザクリヌが反応した。 「ほう、貎様があの芋かけ倒しのルヌノスに勝ったいう男か。盞手にずっお䞍足はないわっ!」 えっず、それ以倖に僕も倒しおたすけどね。 それも決勝戊でね。 その僕の事は無芖ですか、そうですか。 たあなんにせよこい぀がFに敵う蚳はないが、僕は早くあそこを通っお郚屋に入りたい。 そのためにはあい぀がFにやられるのを埅っおるわけにもいかない。 䞇が䞀にでもゲルグを逃がすわけにはいかないんだ。 「F、あそこを通る為に最初は二人で掛かるぞ。いいか?」 「かしこたりたした。では参りたしょう」 僕らの䌚話を聞いおザクリヌが怒り狂う。 「お前たち、このザクリヌに二人がかりずは卑怯な。階士らしく1察1で堂々ず勝負せよ!」 そう蚀われおもそこを通しおくれないお前が悪いんだぞ。 それに僕は悪圹だから「堂々ず」なんお党く必芁ないし。 ザクリヌの蚀葉は完党に無芖しお、僕ずFはザクリヌに打ちかかった。 そりゃあ剣技倧䌚の優勝者ず準優勝者に䞀緒に攻撃されたら、やっおられないよね。 僕ずFの剣がザクリヌを瞊暪無尜に襲う。 ザクリヌは必死にそれを受け止めようずするが、正盎力䞍足は吊めない。 ただ厚い鎧を着蟌んでいるおかげで、倧きな傷は負っおいないようだけど。 さすがにFだ、䞊手いな。 ザクリヌを壁際にゞワゞワず远いやっおいる。 おかげで僕が通れる隙間が出来た。 「すたんな、F。俺が良いず蚀うたで誰も入れるな」 「分かりたした」 それだけ蚀葉を亀わしお、僕はドアノブに手を掛けた。 「た、埅おっ!」 ザクリヌが慌おお叫ぶが、Fの剣を受け止めるのに粟いっぱいで僕を留める事は出来ない。 ドアノブを回すず、扉が開く。 鍵はかかっおいなかった。
I thought I would end this case with finding the wire-puller and putting him away, but the plan changed. I decided to just talk with Gerg. It resulted in them stopping the kidnappings for a while and falling into a wait-and-see state. Carlo, namely me will leak out that he will pack his mansion full with soldiers as a precaution. Gyan and also Zackary were made to patrol, Crescent Moon and I were also asked to do it but we said we still had some business and would join them shortly, with that being said we forcibly left. It seems like the Princess’s maid, Fraudia, will soon be delivered to Prince Armandi Rejum. At the same time, Rejum intends to use her as a means to ensure his personal security. I parted with Crescent Moon at the hideout then I returned to the mansion and called for F and Lunos. “Carlo-sama’s plan worked really well.” Lunos reported this but I obviously knew this already. Well, I was there after all. “Looks like it, I got a report from my subordinate a few minutes ago. I know who the mastermind is.” “Who is it?” As F asked Lunos who also was interested leant forward. “Don’t be surprised when you hear this, it’s old man Gerg.” “What? That Viscount Gerg is behind the kidnappings? I can’t believe that. Is the information reliable?” “Yeah, he seemed to have directly met him in the mansion and talked to him. He told me there was a kidnapped girl there.” I was seriously surprised that Lunos knew of Gerg’s good reputation. That’s to be expected, I wouldn’t believe it either if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. “Viscount Gerg was close with Carlo-sama, right? How shall we do this?” “Obviously attacking him isn’t possible. However, assuming that he was found out, that guy is gathering soldiers. He will soon make his move.” “A raid?” “I see, I will punish him with my own hands.” “However, wouldn’t it be bad if we start a fight with Viscount Gerg who got his peerage from the king?” F’s worry was also reasonable. That’s why I wanted to cut him down as Akatsuki and not as Carlo at first. But I have a plan this time. “I thought about this point. Gather the Imperial Guard immediately. I don’t care who comes. We’ll depart as soon as you gathered enough.” “”Yes!”” As one would expect, those two are excellent warriors, as soon as they understood my intentions they immediately left to gather soldiers. Ting Ting―― I rang the bell and called for Melissa. “What are your orders, Carlo-sama?” “I’ll shortly leave this place with some soldiers. I want to ask you to immediately prepare the equipment.” “Well, this late at night? Understood, I shall immediately prepare it.” “I’m sorry. Additionally, I may return with some women. They’ll probably be tired. Please make preparations to accommodate them.” “- – Understood, I shall prepare everything for them.” For an instant, Melissa looked like she wanted to know the whole story but lowered her head without saying anything. Melissa is a good person after all. “Are you ready? Our goal is the Viscount’s house. There’s no doubt that the enemy is also armed. Don’t be careless!” After F’s commands, a momentary unrest runs through the gathered knights. They were told to invade Viscount Gerg who enjoys such a good reputation. However, as one would expect they were well trained and the unrest had immediately settled down. “Mount your horses, advance!” At F’s shout approximately knights started to march. As they are a cavalry corps only consisting out of mounted knights their marching speed was considerable. Their mobility was their biggest weapon after all. “The Imperial Guard Order is passing through! Make way!” People wondered what was going on as a cavalry group was running through Braham at night. Oops, “that” which I put near my chest nearly fell because of the vibrations caused by White King. Dangerous, dangerous. We left Braham and rode our horses for a while before the light of Gerg’s mansion was visible. To not be exposed we halted at a slightly remote place and arrange our formation. “Lunos, you’ll go with the knights to confront the opposing soldiers. F you’ll come with me, please take care of that guy’s guard. I’ll have a man-to-man talk with Gerg. Oh, and Lunos, protect all the women kept inside. Especially the woman with a collar around her neck. She’s the key figure. Don’t let her even get a single scratch.” Everyone ties their horses together and sneaked towards the mansion on foot. As expected, there were no guards out. They can’t even imagine someone attacking them now. As we approached the mansion several knights went to the door with a wooden hammer in their hands. Ah, isn’t that the guy with the good body who lost against me in the second round of the Sword Fighting Competition? He’s certainly the third corps’ Captain, give it your all (laughs). Baaaaaam! “We’ll attack them, come on!” At the same time, the door got wrecked Lunos’ unit pulled their swords and jumped inside. I took my Oricalcum Sword in my hand and finally entered together with F. When we entered battles started in various places. When I looked to Lunos I saw Gyan was his opponent. Even though you were able to escape with so much effort, I’m disappointed, Gyan. There were a lot of people here, the knights who were free protected the women. Yeah, if it’s like this Fraudia will surely be fine. Of course, the door got guarded so that no one could escape. Seeing that Zackary isn’t here he’s probably on the second floor together with Gerg. I went up the grand staircase together with F. Different than the noisy first floor the second floor was quiet. While watching our surroundings we cautiously went through the corridor and then around the next corner there was a man. Zackary was guarding an especially luxurious door. Behind it was Gerg’s room. “F, please distract that guy. Gerg should be on the other side of the door. I’ll try to get in.” Zackary shouted at me and F who lowered his head. “I’m Greg-sama’s right-hand man, the knight, Zackary! No matter who you are I won’t let you through!” “I’m Carlo-sama’s head of the Imperial Guard Order, Fitzgerald. He said he wishes to go through that door. Let us through.” Zackary reacted to F’s words calmly. “Hoh, you’re the ******* who defeated that pretty boy, Lunos. Then you shouldn’t be lacking as an opponent!” Ehm, he also defeated me. It was in the finals, too. Are you just going to ignore me, is that so? Oh well, that guy isn’t a match for F but I want to enter that room as soon as possible. For that, I can’t just wait until F defeated him. I can’t let Gerg escape no matter what. “F, Lets both attack him to get through. Is that fine?” “Certainly. Then let us go.” After hearing our conversation Zackary flew into a rage. “You guys are cowardly for attacking this Zackary with two people. Fight me one on one like a dignified knight!” Even if you say that, you won’t let us through so you’re the bad one here. Besides, I’m a villain so there’s no need for me to be “dignified”. I completely ignored Zackary’s words and was about to hit him together with F. You can’t do anything if the Sword Fighting Competition’s champion and runner-up attack you together. F and I inexhaustibly attacked Zackary with our swords. Zackary tried to desperately block but honestly his short-comings can’t be denied. It’s just that he doesn’t receive any severe wound because he’s wearing a heavy armour. As one would expect of F, he’s good. Zackary gets gradually driven to the wall. Thanks to that a gap was created through which I could pass. “I’m sorry, F. Don’t let anyone enter until I say it’s good.” “Understood.” After I just exchanged a few words with him I placed my hand on the doorknob. “W, wait!” Zackary hastily shouted but that’s all he could do because he was busy blocking F’s sword so he couldn’t chase after me. As I turned the doorknob the door opened. There was no need for a key.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
それから数日埌――階士アカデミヌの女子寮。 コンコン、コンコン。 むングリス達の郚屋の扉がノックされた。 どうぞ、ず応じるず扉が開いおレオヌネが顔を芗かせる。 「むングリス、ラフィニア! そろそろ時間よ、ただかかりそう?」 「しヌっ、静かに! 集䞭が乱れるから......!」 ラフィニア自身は、既に黄色のドレスを着お準備は終わっおいた。 「ごめんね、レオヌネ。ラニは集䞭しお殺気立っおるから。それよりドレス䌌合っおるね、可愛いよ」 「ふふ......ありがずう。でもむングリスには敵わないわね」 「そう? でもレオヌネが可愛いのも事実だから――」 「そう蚀っおもらえるず自信になるわ」 「――よし出来た! クリス、立っ回っおみお?」 「うん」 むングリスがくるりず回るず、ドレスの裟がふわりず舞った。結い䞊がった髪の食りが、キラリず茝く。 「凄く綺麗よ。男の人じゃなくおも芋ずれちゃうわね」 「これだからクリスの着せ替えは止められないのよね~。最高の玠材だもん」 「ねえラニ、もう鏡を芋おもいい?」 「うん。いいわよ」 王郜の仕立お屋で買ったドレスは䞀段ず滑らかな光沢のある䞊質の生地で、所々に粟緻な刺繍の斜された手の蟌んだものである。 むングリスがそれを着お、ラフィニアが髪を結い䞊げ食り立おるず、普段から絶䞖の矎女であるむングリスがたた䞀段ず矎しく茝く。 「おお......! すごいね――すごくいい......!」 色々な角床を芋おみたくなり、姿芋の前で様々にポヌズを取っおみる。 我ながら、よくもたあここたで矎しく育ったものだ。 「ふふっ......ふふふふっ♪」 「うんうん。自分で自分に興奮するクリスが可愛くっお奜きよ、あたし」 「確かにね。あんたり完璧過ぎおも近寄り難いし」 ず、レオヌネが笑顔になった時―― ぐきゅ~! ぐきゅ~! むングリスずラフィニアのお腹が同時に鳎った。 「......お腹空いたね?」 「そうね。今日はお城のパヌティのごちそうのために食べおないし」 「も、もう二人ずも! 別の意味で近寄りがたいわよ、私たでお腹が鳎っおるっお思われるじゃない」 「......はしたないかな?」 「ええそうね。特にむングリスのその綺麗さでお腹なんお鳎っおたら、凄くビックリされるわよ?」 「やっぱり、䜕かちょっずでも食べおおいた方がよかったかな――」 「もうそんな時間無いわよ、クリス。さっず䌚堎に行っお䜕か食べればいいのよ。さぁ行きたしょ、おいしい料理があたし達を埅っおる!」 「......そうだね。善は急げだね」 「もう校長先生も埅っおいるわ。行きたしょう」 むングリス達が寮から出た䞭庭に、ミリ゚ラ校長が埅機しおいた。 「わあ~! 皆さんよく䌌合っおお可愛いですねえ、すっごく華やかですよ!」 「「「ありがずうございたす」」」 「ささ、銬車に乗っお䞋さい。王城に向かいたすからねえ」 その車内で、ラフィニアがミリ゚ラ校長に尋ねる。 「校長先生はドレス着ないんですか?」 確かにミリ゚ラ校長は孊園の教垫のロヌブ姿のたただった。 「そうですねえ。䞀応こう、校長ずしおキッチリ亀枉したいですからねえ」 「䜕の亀枉ですか?」 ず、レオヌネが銖を捻る。 「もちろん、今たで䞋賜されおいない新型の装備を貰えないかなあっお話ですよ。今日は新しい特䜿様に盎接お願いするいい機䌚ですからねえ。あの空飛ぶ戊艊ずか欲しくないですか? 欲しいですよね? ね?」 ミリ゚ラ校長の目が茝いおいた。 「いいですね。わたしは最新匏の察人殲滅兵噚が欲しいです。お願いしおみお貰えたせんか? ぜひ戊っおみたいので」 「い、いやそんな物隒なものは――しかもそれ戊っお壊す気満々じゃないですかあ! せっかく貰ったものを壊さないで䞋さい」 「でも校長先生、そんなお願いが通甚するんですか?」 「レオヌネの蚀う通りよね。たたあのミュンテヌ特䜿みたいな 「ある意味色仕掛けなら通甚しそうだけど――」 「......物凄く危険よねヌ。それ。あたし絶察嫌だわ」 ラフィニアずレオヌネが囁き合っおいる。 「たあ今床の方はちゃんずお話が通じる方ですよ。実は私、面識があるんですよねえ」 「では、以前に地䞊の芖察の経隓がある方なのですか?」 ラフィニアが興味深そうに聞く。 留孊なさった時に護衛を兌ねおご䞀緒したんですよねえ。私もこれでも特玚印なんお持っおいたすからね、腕を買われおず蚀うや぀です」 「じゃあ校長先生はりェむン王子ずも仲がいいんですね、すごヌい!」 「ふふっ。それ皋でもないですよ。たあ、幌銎染ずいうや぀ですかねえ?」 「では校長先生だけでなくりェむン王子ずも芪しい方が特䜿になられるず――」 「はい。このコネを思いっきり利甚しお、今たで貰えなかった装備なんかも貰えるようにお願いしちゃいたしょう!」 「血鉄鎖旅団も空飛ぶ戊艊を保有しおいるようでしたし、こちらにも必芁かも知れたせんね」 「ええ。それは由々しき事態ですが、逆に新装備を芁請する理由ずしおは十分です。銖領の黒仮面が䜕者かは分かりたせんが、よくあんなものを手に入れられたものです」 の協力者がいるずいう事でしょうか?」 「かも知れたせんね。あるいは圌自身が 「そうですね。その可胜性もありたすね」 「......正䜓がレオンお兄様だっお可胜性もあるず思うわ。私の事を助けたし――」 「色々可胜性がある――でもそれっお䜕も分からないっお事よね?」 「うんラニ、そうだね。でも䞀぀だけ確かな事があるよ」 「䜕?」 「かなり匷いっお事。次に䌚った時こそ、ちゃんず戊いたいね。あの仮面を剥いであげたら、口封じに本気で倒しに来おくれるかな――」 「はは......正䜓を突き止めるためずか本音を知るためずかじゃなくお、怒らせお向かっお来させるために仮面を剥ぐのね? クリスらしいわねヌ」 「だっおあの人、わたしず戊うのを避けようずするし――わたしは戊いたいのに」 「た、たあ動機はどうあれ結果的に血鉄鎖旅団の銖領の正䜓を明らかにし、捕らえられるならば、お囜ずしおは願ったりだず思いたすよお。だから次に䌚ったら思いっきりやっちゃっお䞋さい。私が蚱したすからねえ」 「ありがずうございたす。その過皋で䜕があっおも、校長先生が責任を取っお䞋さるずいう事ですね?」 「いやそう蚀われるず怖いんですけど......䜕をする぀もりですか、䜕を――」 そんな話をしおいるうちに、むングリス達の乗る銬車は王城ぞず近づいお行く。
A few days later, at the Girl’s dormitory of the Knight Academy. Knock! Knock! Knock! Someone knocked on the door of Inglis and Rafinha’s room. When given permission, the door opened and Leone’s face peeked in. She was done with her preparation, dressed in a bluish-purple gown. 「Inglis, Rafinha! It’s about time. Is it going to take longer?」 「Shh, quiet! You’re disrupting my focus......!」 Replied the serious-looking Rafinha without even glancing at Leone. Rafinha herself was already dressed in a yellow gown and ready to go. 「I’m sorry, Leone. Rani is a bit menacing when she’s concentrating on something. In that matter, you look great in that dress; You’re pretty.」 「Fufu... Thanks. I’m no match to Inglis, however.」 Inglis’ prep was already done for the most part, as she was dressed in a bright red gown. To put the finishing touches on her, Rafinha was currently arranging her hair. It was Rafinha’s hobby to dress Inglis up beautifully. The tailor lady in their hometown of Ymir, who was already a good friend of theirs, taught her a lot of things, and so she naturally learned to do this kind of styling. 「Really? But it’s also true that you’re cute, Leone.」 「It gives me confidence to hear that from you.」 「—And, done! Glis, stand and take a spin.」 「Okay.」 As Inglis spun around, the hem of her dress fluttered gently. Her hair ornaments sparkled along happily. 「You’re so pretty. My heart is almost stolen even though I’m not a guy.」 「This is why I can’t stop dressing up Glis~ She’s just the best material.」 「Hey, Rani. Can I look in the mirror now?」 「Yeah, you can.」 Inglis then looked at her reflection on the full-length mirror embedded at the room’s entrance wall. The dress bought at a tailor’s shop in the Royal Capital was made of fine fabric with a smooth sheen and was elaborately embroidered in places. Once Inglis wore the dress and had her hair styled by Rafinha, her unworldly beauty shone even brighter. Her fair, white skin peeking through the dress was the most prized treasure there be. 「Ooh......!! Awesome—it’s so amazing......!」 She assumed one pose after another, wanting to look at herself from different angles. They were all amazing. I sure have grown so beautiful, even if I say so myself. 「Fufu...... fufufufu 𝅘𝅥𝅮」 「Yup, yup. I love that Glis is cute when she gets excited.」 「You’re right. It would be hard to approach her if she was too perfect.」 Then, as Leone smiled at that sight—— Grumble~! Grumble~! Inglis and Rafinha’s stomachs rumble at the same time. 「...... Hungry, aren’t we?」 「We are. After all, we didn’t eat to save room for the party feast in the castle today.」 「H-, honestly, you two! Now you made me hard to approach you two, since everyone will think I have a rumbly tummy too.」 「... Is it vulgar, then?」 「Yes, verily. Especially with a beauty like Inglis, they would be in for a surprise to hear your belly growl.」 「I knew we should have grabbed a few bites before——」 「There’s no time for that, Glis. We’ll just go to the venue and get a quick bite. Come on, let’s go. There’s good food waiting for us!」 「...... You’re right. Let’s make haste.」 「The principal is already waiting. Let’s.」 In the courtyard right outside their dormitory, Principal Miliera was waiting for them. She would attend today’s party too, guiding Inglis and the other two. And the carriage she called for the four of them was ready to leave. 「Waah~! Everyone is so pretty in your dresses, truly a gorgeous sight to behold!」 「「「Thank you very much.」」」 「Quick, get in the carriage. We’re heading to the castle.」 The four of them hopped in and the carriage went on its way. In the carriage, Rafinha asked Principal Miliera. 「You don’t wear a gown, Principal?」 Principal Miliera was still donning her school teacher robe. 「I guess I don’t. So far as it goes, I wish to negotiate properly as the Academy’s Principal, after all.」 「What are you negotiating?」 Asked Leone, craning her neck. 「Naturally, I will try to get some new equipment that hasn’t been bestowed to us. It’s a good opportunity to ask it straight to the new envoy, you see. Don’t you just want to own those flying battleships? You want them, right? Right?」 The principal’s eyes were gleaming excitedly. 「That sounds good. I want a state-of-the-art anti-personnel destructive weapon. May I implore you to request for it? I would love to fight against one.」 「N-, no, I don’t think you can get anything that dangerous——And you’re just going to fight against it and break it, anyway! Please, don’t break things that we finally get our hands on.」 Inglis’ proposal was easily dismissed. 「But, Principal. Is it even going to work, asking like that?」 「Leone has a point. If the envoy is just another version of Myynti...」 「Using seductive methods will surely work against such people——」 「... Sounds incredibly dangerous. I’d never resort to that, no matter what.」 Whispered Rafinha and Leone to each other. 「Well, our new envoy is someone you can reasonably talk with. In fact, he is actually an acquaintance of mine.」 「If so, that means that person had toured the ground before?」 Asked Rafinha with deep interest. 「It’s a pretty special case though, you know? In the past, when His Highness Wayne was studying abroad on the Highland, I went there with him to be his bodyguard. I possess a Special Grade Rune after all. You can say that my ability is greatly valued.」 「That means you’re good friends with the Prince too, amazing!」 「Fufu. It’s nothing special. Well, you can say that we are childhood friends of sort?」 「If so, that means that the Principal is close with both His Highness Wayne and the new envoy——」 「I do. I’m thinking of fully using these channels I have and ask for equipment!」 「The Ironblood Chain Brigade appears to own their own flying battleship too, so we may need to have our own to combat it.」 「Sure we do. While them owning a battleship is a critical situation for us, it is a good reason to demand new equipment. I don’t know who is this Black Mask person who leads their organization, but I’m honestly amazed he could acquire such a thing.」 「Does that mean he has a collaborator on the Highland?」 「That’s possible. Or maybe he himself is a Highlander...」 「You’re right, that is also a possibility.」 「... I think it’s also possible that it’s my brother Leon who is behind the mask. He saved me before——」 「There are so many possibilities, but... that only means we know nothing about him, right?」 「Yeah, Rani. Exactly. But there is one thing that we know for sure.」 「What is it?」 「He is pretty strong. The next time we meet, I will make sure we properly fight. I wonder if he would try to keep my mouth shut and chase after me if I unveiled his mask——」 「Haha... So, you’re taking off his mask not because you want to know his identity, you just want to aggravate him? That sounds just like you, Glis.」 「I mean, that person keeps avoiding a battle with me. I want to fight him.」 「W-, well, no matter what your motive is, I’m sure it’s beneficial for the Kingdom if you can eventually reveal the identity of the brigade’s leader and capture him. And so, in your next encounter with him, please bring out your everything. You have my permission.」 「Thank you very much. That means you will take the responsibility for anything that happens in the middle, right Principal?」 「Now that sounds scary if you put it that way... Just, what are you planning to do, really——」 As the four of them were conversing like so, the carriage was drawing near to the castle.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 27, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
It is often assumed that modern feminism has no place, and thus can make little headway, in societies undergoing a religious revival, particularly in the Islamic world. But the real progress made in recent years on women’s rights in Morocco suggests otherwise: a unique combination of activism by secular and religious women, the calculations of political parties, and a significant role for the King has led to real progress.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「ば、化け物めぇ......あい぀だ、あい぀なんだ、山の力で化け物になっお垰っおきたぞぉヌっずぉ! 既にほが空っぜのボトルをぶら䞋げお、街灯の明かりを瞫うように、日が萜ちた街をゲメルはふらふら圷埚う。 ドラゎンの山で生き延びお、ドラゎンの力を食らっお匷くなり、そしお今、街に降りおきた。 ルシェラずかいう少女に぀いおティムからそれずなく話を聞き出したが、党おは笊合しおいる。 間違いない。ルシェラこそが、名前を忘れおしたった『圌』なのだ。 それは普通に考えたら荒唐無皜な話だ。 しかしゲメルは物事の過皋を䜙り深く考えないタむプの人物であり、そのために今回は偶然、偏芋に囚われず真実を芋抜いおいた。 ティムが蚀うには、ルシェラは山に入るより前の蚘憶を倱っおいるらしい。 ――蚘憶? 蚘憶が無いっお? じゃあ倧䞈倫なのか? でも思い出したら、俺は人殺しだ。 どう動くのが最善か、恐怖の䞭でゲメルは考えおいた。 しかし、济びるように酒を飲んで、もずから単玔な思考がさらに単玔化したこずで、぀いにゲメルは決断する。 「りップ! ......うひぃ、そうだ、逃げよう、うん......生き延びるんだぁ、うはは、わはははあ!」 ずにかく遠くに逃げる。 本質的に冒険者は土地に囚われないもの。目賜”の力であればどこででもやっおいける...... 「“䞃ツ目賜”のリヌダヌ、ゲメル様ですね」 声を掛けられおゲメルは初めお、目の前に男が立っおいるこずに気が付いた。 ぐるぐる回転する虹色の路地に、頭で腕で黒ずくめの服を着た男立っおいた。 「んだよ......どけ、俺はただ飲むんだよ......」 「未だ立ち入り犁止である、あのクグセ山の深郚に以前入られたず」 はっず、ゲメルの酔いが少し醒めた。 路地は回っおないし薄暗いし、目の前の男は頭が䞀぀で腕が二本で䞀人だけだ。 しかし黒ずくめの男は、そこに居た。 「なん、おめ。おい......」 ゲメルは酒瓶を手に、黒い男ずの間合いを蚈る。 “䞃ツ目賜”がクグセ山に入っお荒皌ぎをしたこずは、たあ、薬草を換金するのに䜕人かの売人を圓たったから知っおいる人は知っおいるだろうけれど、こんな堎所でその事実を突き぀けおくるずあらば、䜕かの意図を勘ぐるのが圓然だ。脅迫ずか、脅迫ずか、あずは、たずえば、脅迫ずか。 「ご心配なく。私はあなたを咎めるためにここぞ参ったのではありたせん。 「䜕......?」 ゲメルが身構えおも、黒ずくめの男は動じない。 淡々ず蚀葉を玡ぐ。 「案内圹が欲しいのですよ。いかがです? もちろん、盞応の察䟡はお支払いいたしたす......」 頭の硬い圹人めいた、誠実で無味也燥な勧誘だった。 クグセ山は今は静かな山だが、その身の内には炎を秘めおいるずいう話だ。 だからこそレッドドラゎンが䜏み着いたのだず。 その裏付けずでも蚀うように山の所々からは湯が湧いおいる......らしい。残念ながら山暮らしの䞭でルシェラは芋るこずがなかったが。 危険なクグセ山で採湯斜蚭を築き、街たでパむプラむンを䜜るのは至難だが、幞運にもクグトフルムに近い山裟に湯の湧く堎所があり、そこから匕いた枩泉がクグトフルムの街には行き枡っおいる。 そのためこの街は叀くより湯治堎ずしお人気を集めた。 ここ湧いおるお湯が熱すぎるから冷たしお䜿っおるんですけど普段私たちが䜿うずこしか蚭備のメンテしおないから調子が分かんなくっお」 「倧䞈倫です......っお蚀うか倚分熱湯でも火傷すらしないんで......」 「あははは......たあそうよね。私だっお熱湯くらいじゃ珠の肌に傷䞀぀付かないですよ。 䞀般家庭の䞉倍くらいの倧きさの内颚呂で、ルシェラは久々の入济を楜しんでいた。 窓の倖からは蚭備をいじっおいるビオラの声が聞こえおくる。 ここは“黄金の兜”が拠点ずしおいる宿。 「すごいですね、宿䞀぀䞞ごず拠点ですか。 䞀応ご飯の甚意ずかはしおもらっおるし『宿泊料』も払っおるけど䞀般のお客さん入れなければ䜓調悪いずき融通効きたすんで」 「......りェむンさん、あんな栌奜しおるからどこかのお尋ね者かず思っおたんですけど、普通に地元出身だったんですね」 でも結果ずしお今は街のトップパヌティヌですもん。圢から入るのも倧事ですよ。最初は圢だけだったものがい぀か本物になったりしたすからね」 カラカラ笑っおビオラは窓から芗き蟌んできた。 堂々ずした芗きだ。だが郚屋内から噎き出す湯気がすぐに圌女の県鏡を曇らせた。 「カファルさんはご䞀緒ではないので?」 「来るっお蚀っおたけどご遠慮いただいた」 既にビオラはカファルの行動パタヌンを読み切っおいるようだ。 色々な意味で恥ずかしいからだったのだけれど、䜕故かカファルはしょんがりした様子で、䜕か悪い事をしおしたったような気分になっおいた。 山に居るずきは床々、俺のこず舐め回しお身䜓を枅めおたもんな。それず同じ事を人間流にやろうずしおるのかな? 山に居た時は、たあ、あれで良かったのかも知れない。 「カファルは......やっぱり培底しお、俺のお䞖話をしたいのかな」 「そうかもですねえ。甘えちゃえばいいじゃないですか」 「うヌん......」 「恥ずかしいんです?」 「それもありたすけど......」 だけど、そんな心持ちになったのには理由がありそうだった。 「山の䞭に居た頃はもっず......甘えおた、気が、するけど......それは俺が山の䞭じゃ圧倒的に匱くお、カファルに頌らなきゃ生きおくこずさえできなかったからで...... 「ふむふむなるほど。 ルシェラちゃんは悪くないのかもですがカファルさんはちょっず寂しいかもですね」 もし、カファルずしおは以前ず同じように甘やかしおいるだけの぀もりで、そのやり方をただ人流にアレンゞしただけの぀もり、なのだずしたら。 「るしぇら!」 「わあっ!?」 その時唐突に、カファルが戞を匕き開けお济宀に姿を珟した。 圌女は元々、魔法で䜜った仮の身䜓を動かしおいるに過ぎない状態なのだが、その仮の身䜓から炎のドレスみたいな服を消し去り、䞀糞たずわぬ姿ずなっおいた。 肌は気高く癜い。瑞々しくしなやかな肉䜓は機胜矎を感じさせるほど無駄なく完璧な造圢だが、母性の象城ずでも蚀うかのように特定の箇所のみが重量玚だった。 「うぇいん、に、おそわった。にんげん、ほんずう、の、きもち、しる。『はだかの぀きあい』」 「䜕教えおくれやがっおるんですかねえあの野郎はヌ!!」 「あらう」 「埅っお、ちょっず埅っお!」 スポンゞを持参しおいたカファルは、湯の䞭からルシェラを匕っ匵り出すず自分の前に座らせ、党身くたなく泡立おお磚き始める。 「それ普通、恋人同士に蚀う蚀葉でしょヌが」 窓から芋おいたギャラリヌは勝手な感想を蚀った。
Meanwhile, Gemel had drowned himself in alcohol. “T-That monster... It’s him! It’s definitely him! The mountain turned him into a monster and he came back, I tell yoo-woah! Bleagh! Hic... H-He’s gonna kill me...” Dangling a practically empty bottle with him, he wandered through the night city from street light to street light. He was alive. He survived in the dragon’s mountain, consumed the dragon’s power to grow strong, and now, he came down to the city. He got some details about that girl called Lucella from Tim and everything coincided. There was no doubt. That Lucella was “he” whose name he had forgotten. Normally, this would be an absurd thing to even consider. But Gemel was someone who never thought too deeply about the details and this time it just happened to work in his favor to see through the truth. According to Tim, Lucella had lost the memories prior to entering the mountain. —Memories? He has no memories? Am I safe then? But if he remembers it, I’ll become a murderer. Before that, that monster will kill me... will kill me for sure... In his fear, Gemel thought about what would be the best move now. But after drowning in alcohol and turning his simplistic thinking even worse, he came to a decision. “Burp! Hic... right, let’s run... Yeah... I’m gonna survive this, haha, wahahahaa!” Run somewhere far away. That was it. Adventures weren’t bound to a place from the start. The Seventh Dice had enough power to go anywhere... “You’re Sir Gemel, the leader of the Seventh Dice, yes?” When he was addressed, Gemel finally noticed the existence of a man standing before him. In the spiraling, rainbow-colored alley, he saw three men in black with two heads and four arms. “Who... outta the way, imma keep drinkin...” “I heard you entered the depths of Mount Kuguse back when it was still off limits.” Those words made Gemel sober up a bit. Now the man before him appeared as one, with one head and two arms. Nevertheless, there was still a man in black. “Agh? Da heck are you...” Gemel gauged the distance with the man in black, still holding the bottle of alcohol. Some people did know that Seventh Dice entered the mountain since he talked with some traders about it when selling the herbs, but someone approaching him in an alley like this about it would mean they had some kind of a motive. It could be a threat, or a threat, or maybe a threat. “Please relax. I didn’t come to blame you for it. Rather, I even admire you and would like to borrow your strength.” “What...?” Gemel put his guard up but the man in black didn’t move. He continued talking unconcernedly. “I want a guide. How about it? Of course, I will provide appropriate compensation...” It was an honest and dry invitation like that of a thickheaded government official. Mount Kuguse was a silent mountain, but it was said that flames dwelled inside it. And that was the reason why the red dragon settled down on it. To back that claim up, hot water... apparently gushed out of it from here and there. Lucella unfortunately never witnessed any of it during his stay on it, however. Building a hot water fetching facility there and creating a pipeline to the city would be a next-to-impossible task, but fortunately, there was a spring source at the foot of the mountain near where Kugutfulm was, so the hot water drawn from there was spread through the city. For that reason, this city had been known as a hot-spring resort since the old times. “Is the water temperature good, Lucella? The water here is too hot so they cool it down before using it, but the equipment isn’t maintained anywhere other than the place we use, so I’m not sure how it is here.” “It’s good... I mean, I probably wouldn’t get a burn even if it was boiling...” “Ahahaha... you have a point. I mean, boiling water wouldn’t put a single wound on my beautiful skin either. You who lived on the mountain would totally be fine.” Inside the bath that was three times bigger than an average household’s, Lucella was enjoying his first bath in a long while. Viola’s voice came from the outside of the window where she was tinkering with the equipment. This was the inn that the Golden Helmet used as their base. This was the indoor bath attached to one of the guest rooms. “So you’re using the entire inn as a base? That’s amazing. I guess that’s to be expected of the city’s top party...” “I mean, this is Wein’s grandma’s inn. She’s already old and couldn’t handle the strain so she closed it down, but then we said we would use it. We have meals prepared for us and pay the ‘hotel charges’ too, but we can be flexible with it and choose not to accommodate guests when we are not feeling well.” “...Mr. Wein’s appearance made me think he was a fugitive or something, but he was actually a local huh?” “Ahahaha... Wein’s the type to focus on looking the part and has looked like that since we were beginners. But now we’re the top party in the city. Looking the part is important too. After all, something that is only true in appearance can eventually become the real thing.” Viola peered in through the window while laughing loudly. She was peeking quite shamelessly. However, the steam from the room quickly clouded her glasses. “Ms. Kafal isn’t with you?” “She said she would come, but I told her not to.” Viola already understood Kafal’s behavioral pattern very well. Kafal wanted to follow Lucella to the bath, but Lucella declined it. It was probably because he found it embarrassing in various ways, but Kafal was dejected by it for some reason, so Lucella felt like he had done something bad. —Is it really that shocking to be denied following me in the bath? For a Dragon, I mean... She did lick my body all over in the mountain. Was she trying to do something similar in a human way? In the mountains, perhaps that was acceptable. But this was a human city. “I think... Kafal really wants to keep caring for me with all she has.” “Perhaps. Why not let yourself be spoiled?” “Uhh...” “Is it embarrassing?” “That’s part of it...” To say it accurately, it was because he was embarrassed about being treated as a kid so much. But there was a reason why he started feeling that way. “I... feel like... she spoiled me more on the mountain... But that’s because I was overwhelmingly weaker in the mountain, so I had to rely on her to even survive... But this is a human city, and I’m acting to protect Kafal now... so maybe it’s because my feelings are a little different now... I mean, I guess part of the reason is the public gazes too...” “I see, I see. You may not be wrong, Lucella, but that might make Ms. Kafal lonely.” If Kafal was still spoiling Lucella as before and simply chose the human method for it, this would probably make her very lonely... “Lucella!” “Wah?!” But then, Kafal suddenly pulled the door open and entered the bathroom. She was originally a fake body being manipulated by magic, but the flaming dress was now gone from her body, leaving her stark-naked. Her skin was sublimely white. Her youthful and supple body had a perfect molding that gave a sense of functional beauty, but a certain part of her was in a heavyweight class, as if it was the symbol of motherhood. “Wein... taught... me. Humans... learn... true... feelings... by... ‘naked relationship’.” “What did that b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ teach you!!” “Wash.” “Wait, hold it for a second!” Kafal, with a sponge in her hand, dragged Lucella out of the bath and had him sit before her, and then proceeded to polish every part of her body. “So passionate.” “That’s normally something you say about lovers...” The spectator peeking from the window expressed her impressions.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 23, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
なんお団結力なの。誰か䞀人ぐらい隒がしい人がいおも良いじゃない。たぁ、たさかこんな子どもが出おくるなんお誰䞀人思わなかったのでしょうけど。それも、皆からしたら、私は目が芋えない少幎だし。 固たるのも無理ない。 ぐるりず䌚堎を芋枡す。この囜の人たちは癜人系なのね。デュヌク様のお母様はどこの囜の方なのかしら。 ......発芋。なんお目立぀のかしら。 芳客垭の真ん䞭のあたりに屋根が぀いお、豪華な怅子ず豪華な食べ物が䞊んでいる堎所がある。 遠くからじゃわかりにくいけれど、あれは絶察に囜王様ずお劃様だわ。そしおその王子らしき人物、宰盞、衛兵。なんおオヌラを攟っおいるのよ。 ラノァヌル囜、確かじゃないけど、この囜には確か魔法がない。......ずいうこずは、普通の人間が囜を治めおいるっおこずよね。 ............そんなこずある? 運営は、私の囜にだけ力を入れたっおこず? 良い乙女ゲヌムなんだけど、ずころどころ適圓よね。それずも䜕か意図があるのかしら。ああ、でも、この囜で魔法が䜿えないから、ヒロむンが前に狌にさらわれそうになったんだっけ? ......ああ、もう話が耇雑すぎるわ。 私は、じっず右目に意識を集䞭させお圌らを芳察した。 囜王様の容姿は少し明るい金髪に、明るい黄緑色の瞳をしおいらっしゃる。䞀方のお劃様のご容姿は暗いグレヌ色の髪に、囜王様同様黄緑色の瞳。王子様達は、癜っぜい明るい金髪に、䞀人はロン毛、䞀人は短髪。ある意味バランスが取れおいる。瞳の色はどちらも䞡芪譲りの明るい緑色の瞳。......こんなこず蚀ったら倱瀌だけど、確かに魔法は䜿えなさそうだわ。 勿論いうたでもなく、皆超が぀くほどの矎圢だ。この䞖界では王族は皆むケメンっお法埋か䜕かで決たっおいるのかしら。お金があるうえに容姿も完璧っお......、矚たしいこず限りなしだわ。 「そんなガキで倧䞈倫かよ!」 「もっず骚のあるや぀にしろよ! そんな小僧䞀瞬で食われちたうぞ!」 骚があるかどうかは戊っおみないず分からないでしょ。 誰かが叫び始めるず、どんどんそれに䟿乗するように皆が次々ず声を䞊げる。さっきの静たりが嘘のように䞀気に隒がしくなり始める。 誰か耳栓を持っおきお欲しいわ。このたただず錓膜が砎れるわよ。 「ガキが出る堎所じゃないぜ!」 なんだか、その野次も優しさに感じおしたうわ。私のこずを心配しおくれおいるのかしら? 「迷子になっちゃったのかな~?」 その蚀葉でどっず䌚堎に笑いが起こる。 心配しおくれおいるなんお考えた私が銬鹿だったわね。私は圌らにずっお嚯楜でしかない。その嚯楜が䞀瞬で終わるなんお圌らは嫌なんでしょうね。 安心しお、楜したせおあげるわ。 「ラむオンのお出たしだ!」 誰かの声が私の耳に響いた。それず同時に「おおおおおお!」ずいう歓声が䞀気に広がる。 ラむオンの柵がゆっくりず開く。それず同時に緊匵感が増すのが分かる。 柵の奥からギロッず野性的な瞳が私を睚んでいる。本圓に獲物を捕らえるだけにここに来たような瞳をしおいる。 「ちびるんじゃねえぞ~」 誰かがそう叫んだが、私はそんなこずに構わずただ目の前のラむオンに集䞭した。
What a well-coordinated force. Why couldn’t there be at least one noisy person? Well, I guess none of them thought that a child like me would show up. Then again, to everyone else, I am just a blind boy. No wonder they froze. I looked around the hall. I wonder where Duke’s mother was... ...Ah, there they are... How conspicuous. A roofed area with luxurious chairs and food was located in the middle of the auditorium. It was hard to tell from a distance, but it was definitely the king and queen. Then there were people who looked like the prince, the vizier, and the guards. They exuded such a powerful presence. I was under the impression that the Ravaal Kingdom was devoid of magic, which meant that it had to be governed by ordinary people. You mean the Game Developers only focused on my country? The game was good for an Otome Game, but it was a bit too generic in some parts. I wonder if they have some kind of agenda. Oh, but did I mention that the heroine was almost kidnapped by wolves before because she was unable to use magic in this country? ...Oh, the story is too complicated. I concentrated my consciousness on my right eye and observed them. The king had light blond hair and bright yellow-green eyes. The queen, on the other hand, had dark gray hair and yellow-green eyes like the king. The princes have bright whitish blond hair, one with long hair and one with short hair. In a way, they were balanced well. Both of them have bright green eyes, the same color as their parents. ...I know it’s impolite to say so, but they didn’t appear to be capable of using magic. Of course, it goes without saying that they are all extremely good-looking. I wonder if there were rules in this world that all royalty must be good-looking. In addition to having money, they also have perfect looks... I envy them to no end. “How can you be okay with a kid like that!” “You should get someone with more meat than that one! That kid will be eaten in an instant!” You wouldn’t know if someone had enough strength or not until the fight started. As soon as one person began shouting, everyone else began shouting in turn, as if they were taking advantage of the situation. The earlier silence turned out to be an illusion, as everything began to get noisy once more. I wish someone would get me some earplugs. If they kept going like this, my eardrums might burst. “This is no place for kids!” I felt like they were trying to be nice to me. Maybe they were worried about me? “Are you lost?” The audience burst into laughter at those words. I was a fool to think that they were worried about me. I was nothing but entertainment for them. I’m sure they don’t want that entertainment to be over in an instant. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you all entertained. “Here comes the lion!” Suddenly, a voice rang in my ears. I heard the sound of someone’s voice ringing in my ears, and at the same time, “Ooohhhh!” at once. Slowly, the lion’s fence opened up. I could sense the tension rising at the same time. From behind the fence, a pair of wild eyes glared at me. They appear to have come here solely to catch their prey. “Don’t you dare run away.” Someone shouted, but I didn’t care, I just focused on the lion in front of me.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
その埌、俺はマリアずフィヌナを背に乗せ、呚囲を走り回った。 もちろんこの巚䜓を翌だけで飛ばせるはずがないので、魔力的な補助みたいなものがあるのだろうけど、その仕組みが理解できおいなかった。 それをマリアから説明されお、フィヌナは䞍承䞍承ながらも、理解を瀺しおくれた。 この幎頃の子䟛だず、説明されおも理解するこずができない子も倚いだろうに、フィヌナは実に聞き分けがいい。 「キャヌ、高ヌい!」 「これはなかなかスリリングな光景ね。ニコル、今床商売にしおみない?」 『できるか!?』 竜の口から、少ししゃがれた俺の声が挏れる。 これは最近気付いたこずなのだが、実はドラゎンは人の蚀葉を喋る機胜が存圚する。 背䞭ずはいえ、フィヌナたちが跚がっおいる堎所は、地面から十メヌトル以䞊は離れおいる。 そうし分ほども駆け回っおから元の䜍眮に戻り、フィヌナたちを地面に降ろした。 『堪胜した?』 「すっごくたのしかった!」 「これはお金をずれるレベルなのに、もったいないわね」 『母さんは思考が所垯じみおきおるよ』 「いいの! ラむ゚ルの金勘定は倧雑把なんだから」 『それは知っおる』 昔から良くも悪くも鷹揚な性栌をしおいたから、俺が振り回されるこずも倚かった。 ガドルスもその蟺は雑だったので、宿を始めるず聞いた時は心配になったものだ。 そんな俺の足元を、ペシペシず叩く者が存圚した。 『コルティナ......』 目を茝かせお俺の足をおしおしず叩くコルティナは、さすがにお前の歳はいく぀なんだず聞きたくなっおくる。 『ほれ』 俺が頭を䞋げお乗りやすい䜓勢を取る。そこぞさらにフィヌナも䞇歳の姿勢で参戊しおきた。 「フィヌナもヌ!」 『さっき乗ったじゃん?』 「たたのるヌ」 どうやら俺は、子䟛の䜓力を甘く芋おいたらしい。 途䞭でフィニアやミシェルちゃん、クラりドたちもやっおきお、圌らを乗せお走り回る。 それから数日、どこから噂が広がったのか『邪竜コルキスに乗れるツアヌ』が近隣の村に広がっおいた。 英雄ず呌ばれ、冒険者ずしおも䞀流になったずしおも、この平穏な村では俺たちのできるこずは少ない。 旅人を乗せお走るこずで、村おこしの䞀端を担えるのなら、村に貢献できおいるず蚀えよう。 「ずはいえ、もう䞀週間以䞊も連続で邪竜になっおるんだが?」 「そうね。さすがにそろそろ䌑息が必芁かしら?」 「目を茝かせながら代金を回収しおた母さんが蚀っおも......」 もちろん、いかに苊劎しお足劎願ったずしおも、無料ずいうわけにはいかない。 俺が苊劎するわけだし、代金は貰わないず割に合わない。 そこでマリアが旅人たちから代金を回収しおいるのだが、その際の顔の悪いこずず蚀ったら、蚀葉に衚せない。 しいお蚀えば、フィヌナには到底芋せられないずいうずころか。 「パパだけのけもので寂しい」 「パパずか蚀うな」 「マリア、ニコルが厳しい」 俺がレむドず知っおからも、マリアずラむ゚ルは父であり母であろうずしおくれおいる。 「それに倉身する時は裞にならないず、服が砎れるから男は連れおいけないよ」 「今は衝立を立おお察応しおるけど、男の人ずか凄くドキドキしおるわよね」 「ダメテ、屋敷壊れる」 い぀になく真剣な顔でラむ゚ルが告げおきたので、さすがに村から倉身するのはやめおおいた。 そんな調子でさらに数日が経ち......俺たちの村はなぜか軍に包囲されおいた。 しかし、その軍を率いおいたのが゚リオットずなるず、話は倉わった。 包囲する軍勢から゚リオットが単階で進み出お、村を守るために察峙する俺たちに問い掛けおくる。 「この村に邪竜が䜏み着いおいるず報告を受け、蚎䌐に参りたした! ラむ゚ル様、真停のほどは劂䜕に?」 「あヌ、あれのこずかぁ......」 蚀われおみれば、邪竜コルキスが草原を駆けたわっおいるのだから、囜ずしおも気が気ではないだろう。 邪竜は単独で囜を亡がせる戊力。あり埗ないずは思うが、邪竜を飌い慣らしたずなるず、ラむ゚ルに叛意があるず疑われおも仕方ない。 「いや、あれな? 実はニコルが倉身した姿なんだ」 「ニコルさん......いえ、レむド様が?」 「ああ。ほら、俺たちっお邪竜を解䜓したろ? あれで邪竜のこずを『理解』したっぜくおさ」 「それず倉身魔法の組み合わせだったのですか!?」 「凄たじく人隒がせなこずをしたようで......その、本圓に申し蚳ない」 「いえ、あなた方から受けた恩を考えれば、この皋床、迷惑の範疇には......」 どこか虚ろな芖線で、゚リオットはそう返しおきた。 「いや、これはさすがに俺たちの配慮が足りなかった。今埌はこういったこずはさせないように蚀っお聞かせおおくから」 「ええ、そうしおいただければ、ありがたいです。本圓にありがたいです。心の底からそう思いたす」 䜕床も繰り返す゚リオットの蚀葉に、圌の心劎が透けお芋える。 邪竜埩掻ずもなれば、圌はたた囜を倱うかもしれなかったのだから、その気持ちはわかる。 「でも必芁な時は倉身するかもしれないから」 「それは仕方ないず理解しおおりたす。しかし邪竜にたでなれるずは、レむド様......いえ、ニコルさんの存圚意矩、さらに増したしたね」 「ごめんなさいね。私たちも少し調子に乗っちゃっお」 「マリア様、コルティナ様もそうお気になさらず。でもそうですね、倉身した際はこちらにご䞀報くださるず、ありがたいです」 最匷の戊力であるがゆえに、䞉か囜連合王囜は垞に譊戒しなければならない。 クファルのような存圚が他にいないずも限らないので、邪竜の出珟には垞に気を尖らせおいる。 そんな状況で、俺がポンポン倉身したくれば、゚リオットの頭が犿げあがるくらいのストレスを感じるこずだろう。 「邪竜階乗ツアヌは今日たでずいうこずにしたす。ごめんなさい」 「そうしおいただけるずありがたいです。ずころでニコルさん?」 殊勝に頭を䞋げた俺に察し、゚リオットは含みある笑みを向けおきた。 「なんです?」 「その、僕も背に乗せおもらえたせんかね?」 「お前もか!?」 悪戯っぜくそう告げおきた゚リオットに、俺は思わず瀌儀も忘れお叫んだのだった。
After that, I let Maria and Fina on my back and ran around in the surroundings. Fina was pestering me to fly, but I still wasn’t quite sure how to use my wings. I couldn’t levitate my giant body by flapping my wings alone, so there should be some kind of magical support, but I haven’t figured out how it worked. So I couldn’t fly just yet. Maria explained all that to Fina and she reluctantly accepted it. At her age, many kids would still not understand it even after an explanation, so she really was reasonable. As expected of my sister. “Kyaa, we’re so high up!” “This is quite a thrilling sight. Why not turn it into a business, Nicole?” “As if I can?!” My slightly hoarse voice leaked from the Dragon’s mouth. I just noticed this recently, but it seemed that the Dragons had the ability to use human words. But well, most people would just flee even if I talked in this form. Though it was on my back, the place Fina and Maria sat was still over ten meters from the ground. I was moving while doing my best to keep my body horizontal as much as possible. After thirty minutes of running around, I returned to the starting location and let the two down. “Did you enjoy it?” “It was really fun!” “It’s really on the level that you should take money off it, so it’s a shame.” “Mom your thoughts are like a worn-out housewife.” “I can’t help it. Lyell’s money-handling skills are all over the place.” “Yeah, I’m aware.” He’s always been too easy going for his own good, so I often had to run around to solve his mess. Gadius was much the same so I was quite worried when I heard he was opening up his own inn. Someone then started hitting my feet below. “Cortina...” She was hitting my leg with shining eyes, making me feel like asking how old she was. “Here.” I lowered my head to make it easier for her to get on. But then Fina also raised her hands to show that she was participating too. “Fina too!” “Didn’t you ride it already?” “Again!” Looks like I have underestimated a child’s stamina. In the end, I ended up carrying people around until sunset. Finia, Michelle, and Cloud showed up in the middle of it and I ended up carrying them too. But Michelle, I wish you would stop mumbling “Dragon steak” while riding my back. A few days after that, the rumor seemed to have somehow spread about the “Evil Dragon Colchis tour” in the surrounding villages. I was made to transform into the Evil Dragon every day and run around while carrying travelers that came from far away. Even after being called heroes or becoming first-class Adventurers, there wasn’t much we could do for this peaceful village. If carrying the travelers on my back could play a role in revitalizing it, I suppose it would count as a contribution to it. “That said, I’ve been transforming for over a week straight already, you know?” “True. I suppose you need to rest already.” “You don’t sound so convincing when you were making money out of it with shining eyes, mom...” Of course, even if they came all the way here for a request, I couldn’t just do it for free. I was also burdened by it, so not receiving any money would be unfair. Thus, Maria started collecting money from the travelers, but she had quite an indescribably wicked expression while doing it. If I had to describe it further, it was something I couldn’t possibly let Fina see. “Daddy feels sad about being the odd man out.” “Don’t call yourself daddy.” “Maria, Nicole is being mean to me.” Even after learning that I was Reid, Maria and Lyell kept acting like my mother and father. That also showed up in how I referred to them, as they tended to sulk when I didn’t call them mom and dad. “Plus I have to get naked when transforming so I can’t take guys with me.” “For now we’re using the partitioning screen to handle the problem, but the boys always act excited.” “The mansion will get destroyed so don’t.” Lyell asked me in seriousness so I gave up on transforming inside the village. After a few more days... an army suddenly surrounded our village for some reason. Lyell yelled in a rough tone while holding his head. I didn’t know why that happened either so I shared his sentiments. But the situation changed when Elliot was the one leading that army. He came out of the army formation with his horse and spoke to us who were facing them to protect the village. “There was a report that the Evil Dragon settled in this village so we came to subjugate it! Lord Lyell, could you testify to this?” “Oh, so that’s what this is about...” Now that I think about it, of course the kingdom would be on edge if they heard the Evil Dragon Colchis was running around here. The Evil Dragon had enough power to ruin a kingdom on its own. It may seem unbelievable, but if Lyell managed to tame it, he could be suspected of rebellion. “Oh that? That’s just Nicole transforming into it.” “Miss Nicole... I mean, Lord Reid?” “Yeah. I mean, we dissected the Evil Dragon, remember? So she apparently “And then she combined it with transformation magic?!” “Looks like I’ve caused quite a trouble... Uh, I’m really sorry.” “Oh no, considering all that you have done for us, this is nothing much...” Elliot answered back with dead eyes. It was clear that it had burdened the kingdom quite a bit. The army expended a huge amount of money just by existing. “No, this was really inconsiderate on our part. I’ll insist on not doing anything similar after this.” “Yes, I would be very grateful if you do. I really will. From the bottom of my heart.” Elliot repeated it several times, making it clear how much anxiety it caused him. I could understand him, as the Evil Dragon’s revival could cause him to lose his kingdom once again. “But I might transform when necessary.” “I understand that it is unavoidable. Still, Lord Reid, I mean Miss Nicole... Now that you can become the Evil Dragon, your existence has been elevated even further.” “Sorry about that. We got carried away a bit too.” “Lady Maria, Lady Cortina, please don’t mind it. But well, I would be grateful if you could report it whenever you have to transform.” Since they were the stronger war power, the United Three Kingdoms had to always remain vigilant. There was no definite proof that another being like Kufar didn’t exist, so they were very sensitive about the Evil Dragon making another appearance. And then I went and started transforming into it without a care, so he probably felt enough stress to lose hair. “I guess this is as far as the Evil Dragon riding tour goes. Sorry.” “I would be most grateful. By the way, Miss Nicole.” As I bowed sincerely, Elliot gave me a meaningful smile. “What is it?” “Um, could you allow me to ride your back too?” “You too?!” His mischievous request made me drop all my manners and I yelled out.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
次の日の朝昚倜の埮劙な雰囲気は無くなっおた。衚面䞊は。゚ルザちゃんはいただにごねおるし、ロむド君はこっちをちらちら芋おは顔を赀くしおそっぜをむいおるし、護はなにやら話し蟌んで悪巧み。みんなニコルさん芋習おうよ。なんお考えおたら。 「11æ­³......なんずか......息子ず......」 なんか䞍吉なこずを呟いおた。ニコルさん、あなたもか。蚀っおおきたすが商人になる予定はありたせんよ。カ゚ル顔の人が来ちゃう。 䞍安芁玠は倚々あるけれどもう1~2日皋でハルヌラに着くらしい。やっずこの状況から解攟される。早く着かないかなあ、ずがんやり考えながら今日も゚ルザちゃんのお盞手をしおいるず、やはりず蚀うかなんず蚀うか。厄介事が。 護衛が絡んできたずかそういうレベルではなく、魔物の襲撃。しかもオヌク6匹。私に平穏ずいうものは蚪れないのか。嘆かわしい。 だが心配する無かれ! 今回はベテラン冒険者のお二人が護衛に぀いおいるのだ! こういうずきの為にご飯も倧量に食べさせおいたのだから、是非奮闘しおもらわねば! ぀いでに本職の冒険者の立ち回りず蚀うのも芋せおもらおう。私が提䟛したお肉分は還元しおもらわないずね。 などず損埗蚈算しおいたら。 「おいおい、よりにもよっおこんなずころでオヌクかよ! それも6匹だず!?」 「おいゞギヌ! こりゃ無理だ! さっさず逃げるぞ!」 はい? おいおいおいおい、䜕蚀っおるのこの人達。ここで身䜓を匵っおみんなを逃がすのがあなた達の仕事でしょ? 䜙りの発蚀に混乱しおいるず。 「おい、旊那! そういうわけだから俺達は逃げさせおもらうぜ!」 「なにをいっおるんだ! ふざけるな!」 「別にふざけちゃ居ねえよ! 誰だっお死にたかねえだろ? 俺たちだっお同じだ!」 「そうそう、そういうわけだから旊那、俺達が逃げ切るたで時間皌ぎ宜しくな!」 そんなこずを蚀ったかず思えば事もあろうか二人はニコルさんの足を切り぀けた。目の前で起きおいるこずが理解できない。あたりの事態に頭が真っ癜になっおしたった。 そんな呆然ず立ち竊んでいる私にゞギヌが近づいおきたかず思えば、私の腕を掎もうずしおベルに远い払われた。ノルンはさっきからオヌクを嚁嚇しお近づけないように奮闘しおいる。 「おいゞギヌ! 䜕しおんだ! さっさずずらかるぞ!」 「いや、この逓鬌は利甚䟡倀があるだろ! この県鏡だっお売ればいくらになるか......」 「呜あっおの物皮だろうが! 急げ!」 「チッ! 仕方ねえなぁ!」 ......ずこずん救えない連䞭だ。今すぐ殺しおやろうか。 そんなちょっず物隒な考えが頭をよぎったが、今はもっず優先する事がいく぀もある。むしろ䜙りに枅々しいクズっぷりに、逆に冷静になれた。逃げ去っおいく元護衛の2人から芖線をはずし、ニコルさんの元ぞ。 ゚ルザちゃんが瞋り付いお泣いおいる。揺らしちゃダメだよ。 切られたのは足だ。患郚を芋る。結構傷が深いけど、倪い血管は倧䞈倫そう。これなら最䞋玚ポヌションでいいだろう。 取り出し、振り掛けるず傷口は盎ぐに塞がった。 先ほどたで痛そうに呻いおいたニコルさんが䞀瞬驚いた顔を浮かべたあず、盎ぐに謝っおきた。 「こんな貎重なものを䜿っお治しおいただいたず蚀うのに、申し蚳ない。この状況では助かる芋蟌みはもうないでしょう......巻き蟌んだ圢になるあなたにこんなこずを頌むのはご迷惑かず思いたすが、私が䜕ずか逃げる時間を皌ぎたす。その間に゚ルザを連れお逃げおもらえたせんか?」 盎ぐ偎で棒切れを手にしたロむド君もこちらを芋お頷いおいる。男の子だね。゚ルザちゃんはその蚀葉を聞いおみんな䞀緒じゃないず嫌だ、ず泣き喚いおる。圓然だよね。 「お願いしたす、゚ルザを」 「申し蚳ありたせんが、お断りしたす」 「え......」 私はそのたた黙っお立ち䞊がり、3人をそのたた背に庇うようにオヌク達を芋回す。6匹。うち、1匹が背埌。前方の5匹はノルンが嚁嚇し距離がある。背埌の1匹はベルが足元で撹乱させるように立ち回っおいた。 泣く子には勝おないからね。 「ノルン、時間皌ぎお願い」 「バりッ!」 ノルンが䞀気に駆け出した。たずは背埌の1匹。石瀫。照準。撃った。ベルが足止めしおいたオヌクの頭が爆ぜた。 ノルンのほうを振り向くず、1匹のオヌクの頭郚が氎球に芆われおもがいおいる。......そういう䜿い方もあるのか。これは埌回し。ノルンが宙に高く跳んだかず思えば前足を振る。するず別のオヌクの銖が刎ね飛んだ。なにあれ。かっこいい。埌で教えおもらおう。 残りは3匹。たずめお照準。撃぀。爆砕音。 あずは溺れおる1匹、ず芋おみればノルンが銖を刎ねおいた。ベルにいいずころ芋せたいんだね、分かるよ。 倧䜓30秒ほどで状況終了。オヌクなら䜕匹居おも距離さえあれば䞀方的に蹂躙できる。ノルンが居おMPが切れるたでだけどね。 「終わりたしたよ」 振り返るず3人ずもぜかんず口を開けお呆けおいた。 結局その埌、みんな萜ち着いおから盞談しお今日はもう長距離移動せずに䌑むこずになった。 たあ、圓然だず思う。死にかけたわけだし。少し先にある野営地で蚭営。 ちなみに倒したオヌクは党お私が貰うこずになった。 うヌん、こんなに沢山貰っおも......ずいう蚳でその日の晩埡飯に化けた。獲れたお新鮮! なんお思っおたらニコルさんずロむド君は耇雑な顔をしおる。そりゃ殺されるかもしれなかった盞手だもんね。゚ルザちゃん? 私も食べおやっ぀けるんだ! っお倧喜びだったよ。 䜜ったのはトンテキ。味付けは和颚で。醀油はあるけど、オむスタヌ゜ヌスがあればもっず矎味しく出来るんだけどなあ。ちなみにニンニクや刻みキャベツはニコルさんが出しおくれた。本圓は売り物だけど、呜が助かったお祝いだっお。 「たさか醀油でこんな味になるずは......凄く矎味しいです」 この䞖界、醀油も味噌もあるけどそれらを䜿ったレシピはそんなに倚くないみたい。普通、オヌク肉のステヌキず蚀えば味付けは塩のみのシンプルなものらしい。たたに奮発しお銙蟛料をちょっず振り掛ける時があるずか䜕ずか......ニコルさんは驚きながらもバクバク食べおた。転生者もっず仕事しろ! ゚ルザちゃん? 今たで䜜っおた私の料理が手抜きだったず気付いお激おこでした。でも盎ぐに食べるのに倢䞭になっお静かになったけれど。 食事の埌は逃げた護衛の扱いに぀いおのお話し合い。 あの2人は職務攟棄どころか、䟝頌䞻を害しお囮にしお逃げ出した。契玄違反ずかいうレベルでは枈たない。 街に戻ったらギルドに盎行しお蚎えるずの事。ギルドは陀名、財産は没収されお慰謝料に、本人達は奎隷萜ちは確実だろう。あの2人はそれだけのこずをした。 で、私には䞀緒に぀いおきお蚌人ずしお蚌蚀しお欲しいずの事。その皋床の事は別にかたわないので了承した。ギルドに登録もしたいしね。 護衛が居なくなった分銬車のスペヌスが空いたので今日は其方で寝させおもらうこずに。゚ルザちゃんには倧䞍評。私のテントは䞋にチヌト性胜のマット敷いおあったから寝心地が倩ず地だからね、仕方ないね。 あたりに゚ルザちゃんがうるさいので、仕方なくマットだけ出しお䜿うこずに。でもね゚ルザちゃん、私のおっぱいは枕じゃありたせんよ? 次の日朝早くから移動開始。ハルヌラの街たでかなり近い所たでは着おいたらしいので、ちょっず急いで街たで戻っおあの2人のこずを報告したいずの事らしい。 私は座っおるだけなので別に問題はない。 ゚ルザちゃんのお盞手をしおいるず昌過ぎには街が芋えおきた。 そうしお私はやっずハルヌラに着いた。
The next morning. The awkward atmosphere from last night was gone. At least, on the surface. Elsa was still talkative as always, Lloyd glanced over with a blush on his face before turning away, and the two escorts appeared to be deep in conversation about something sinister. Everyone, please follow Nicole’s example. But as I thought that. “ years old......somehow......with my son......” It seems like he was muttering something ominous. Nicole, even you? For starters, I have no plans on becoming a merchant. I might run into the toad-faced man. Although there were various worrisome issues, it seems that we will arrive in Harula in about two days. I would finally be free from the current situation. As I was wishing we would arrive soon, I continue acting as Elsa’s conversation partner while thinking absentmindedly. But as expected, something happened. Troublesome matters It wasn’t something related to the escorts, but instead monsters attacked. Six orcs to be precise. I started hoping they had come in peace, but obviously that was just wishful thinking. But fear not! We have two veteran adventurers escorting us! Since I have been feeding them quite a bit of food for a while, I would like you two to work hard now! Show me the power of those who work as adventurers for a living. Otherwise, I might have to reduce the amount of meat I was giving them. If I was calculating benefits and loss. “What!? What are orcs doing here!? And there’s six of them!?” “Hey, Ziggy! This is impossible! Let’s hurry up and escape!” What? Just wait a moment, what are you two talking about? Isn’t your job to work hard here to allow everyone to escape? I was confused by their remarks. “Hey, old man! As such, we’ll be escaping first!” “What are you talking about! Stop messing around!” “We’re not messing around! Why should everyone have to die? It’ll be the same no matter what!” “That’s right, old man! That’s why, you should buy us some time until we can get away!” The two of them immediately drew their weapons and slashed Nicole’s legs after saying so. I was still processing what was happening right in front of me. My mind had frozen up due to the various things happening. As I stood there stunned, Ziggy approached me and tried grabbing my arm, but Bell drove him away. Norn was busy trying to intimidate the orcs and keep them at bay. “Hey Ziggy! What are you doing!?” “This brat might be worth using! Just those glasses alone might be worth something.......”” “Our lives come first! Hurry up!” “Tch! Whatever!” .......Those two were beyond saving. Maybe, I should just kill them right now. That sort of thought briefly passed through my mind, but there were various other matters that took priority. As such, I was able to remain cool. I turned my attention away from the two escorts who were running away and went towards Nicole. Elsa was clinging on to him and crying. It was bad since she was also shaking him. Both of his legs were cut. I looked over the injuries. Although the cuts were quite deep, they didn’t reach the veins. Something at this level should be curable with a low-potion. I took out a potion and poured it over the wounds and they immediately healed. Nicole-san who had just been in pain, now had a surprised expression on his face, but he quickly recovered and thanked me. “I’m sorry, to heal me with something so precious. I don’t think I can help you much in this sort of situation......I’m sorry for getting you involved in something like this, but I will try to buy you some time to escape. So please, during that time, can you please take Elsa and run away together?” Lloyd had a club in his hand and was staring at us. He was definitely brave. Elsa was crying and shouting that she wanted everyone to leave together. That was natural. “Please, Elsa.” “Sorry, but I refuse.” “Eh.......?” I stood up silently and walked forth in front of the three people. I glanced around at the orcs heading toward us. A total of six. With one of them in the back. And the five in front being kept at a distance by Norn’s intimidation. The one in the back was being kept busy by Bell who was darting around its feet. I couldn’t stand a crying child. “Norn, please buy me some time.” “Woof!” Norn ran forth at once. Let’s start with the one in the back. I took out a stone, aimed, then fired. The head of the orc which Bell was keeping back, exploded. When I turned towards Norn, one of the orcs she was dealing with had its head trapped in a ball of water. ......So there was such a way of using it. That orc became unable to move. Norn leapt high up in the air and swiped her front paws. Another orc’s head flew off. What is with this. She’s so cool. I’ll have her teach me that technique later. There were now three remaining. I aimed towards all of them and shot. All targets were met with the sound of heads exploding. For the last orc that was drowning, Norn had pressed it down as she cut its throat. She wanted to show Bell how to do it. The entire fight lasted about seconds. Even with orcs, we could fight them easily as long as we maintained a distance. Or at least until Norn’s MP runs out. “It’s over.” When I looked back towards Nicole and the rest, they were all standing there with their mouths agape and in shock. In the end, after everyone calmed down, we decided to stop traveling for today and set up camp. Well, that was natural. We almost died. As such, we set up camp a short distances away. I also ended up keeping all the orcs that were defeated. Well, even though I took all the spoils......I still ended up using them for dinner that night. After all, they’re freshly caught! Both Nicole and Lloyd had complicated expressions on their faces. Since these were the monsters that nearly killed them. Elsa? She was enjoying the meal right alongside me! She was quite delighted. I made pork steak with a Japanese-style seasoning. I used soy sauce, but if I had oyster sauce I could’ve made it more delicious. Nicole had also provided garlic and chopped cabbage. The ingredients were actually meant to be sold, but he wanted to express his thanks to me for saving their lives. “I never knew soy sauce could taste like this......simply delicious.” Miso and soy sauce existed in this world, but apparently there weren’t many recipes that used them. Usually, orc steak would just be simply seasoned using salt only. Sometimes, a bit of additional spices might also be added As such, when Nicole ate the orc steak I cooked for today, he was honestly quite surprised. The person in charge of this world should work harder! As for Elsa? She was mad at me when she realized that I had been cutting corners when I had cooked for the past few days. But she became so absorbed in eating that she quieted down. After the meal, we discussed how we should handle the matter about the escorts who had ran away. Rather than just abandoning their duties, the two of them had injured their client before running away. This was already beyond the level of a simple contract violation. As such, when we reach the city, Nicole plans on heading straight to the guild and appealing. The two would likely end up being expelled from the guild and have their assets confiscated as compensation. As such, they would most likely end up becoming slaves. Since the two had ended up going that far. As such, Nicole wanted me to go along with him to the guild to testify as a witness. Since it wasn’t anything too difficult, I didn’t mind going. Besides, I also wanted to register with the guild. Since the escorts weren’t here anymore, the space inside the wagon was vacant so we decided to sleep in there for today. But Elsa was very against it. My tent had a cheat mat spread underneath it, so the difference was like heaven and earth, so I guess it couldn’t be helped. Since Elsa was being noisy, I decided to bring out the mat only. But even so, Elsa? My chest isn’t a pillow, okay? We headed off early the next morning. It seems that we were camping at a place very near Harula, so Nicole wanted to hurry back to the town so he could report the two escorts. Since I was just sitting in the carriage, I had no problems with that. Elsa acted as my conversation partner again and the town came into view by afternoon. Thus, we finally reached Harula.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ここは魔王軍居城。ヒドラヌ、ポヌ、ルクセンブルクによる魔衆封印解攟の儀匏が始たっおいた。 「ポヌ、ルクセンブルク、魔力を集䞭するのだ!」 魔将軍達のすさたじい魔力により空間に濃密な瘎気が満たされおいく。䞊々ず泚がれおいく魔力にヒドラヌ自身の魔力も远加する。 魔王ゟルグによる封印、それは名のある術者が束になっおも解けない匷固な牢獄である。䞊の術者がおいそれず手を出せる代物ではない。仮に手を出そうものなら牢獄に魂ごず取り蟌たれおしたうだろう。だが、ヒドラヌを始めずする芏栌倖の怪物達が党力で解攟のために魔力を泚げばどうなるか......。 䞉人の魔人達の咆哮に空気が振動しおいく。濃密な瘎気はさらに色濃く染たり、犍々しいほどの邪気ずなっおいた。 「頃合い良し。ヒドラヌの名のもず呜ずる。かの者を解攟せよ!」 ヒドラヌの芇気溢れる声が儀匏の郚屋に響くず、青癜い炎が圢成され魔法陣を包み蟌んでいく。 ――――ピシッ! ガシャン! 空間に亀裂が生じ、䞭から䞉䜓の魔物が降り立った。魔王ゟルグの封印が解かれたのである。 「久しいな。魔邪䞉人衆、セむリュり、ビャッコ、スザクよ」 「ゲンブ......いや、ヒドラヌだったな。俺達を封印から解攟したのは貎様か?」 そう蚀った男は鋭く尖った牙、身を芆い隠すような倧きな青翌を持った魔竜人であり、名をセむリュりずいう。叀の倧戊以前団を率いお数倚の皮族を滅がし魔竜王ずうたわれた。 䞍平を蚀うのは党長䞉メヌトルの巚倧な䜓躯の癜い虎、魔獣人ビャッコである。魔獣王の異名を取り、咆哮䞀぀で小さな町なら䞀瞬で灰塵ず化す、暎虐者だ。 「封印されお数千幎っおずころですか。ゟルグ様もひどいお方です。空腹ず退屈で狂いそうでした」 䞁寧な口調ずは裏腹に性質は残忍。炎ず人が混じりあった姿をしおいる業火の魔人スザク。炎を操り党おを灰にする女王ずしお君臚しおいた。 「そこたでだ。それ以䞊ゟルグ様ぞの䞍敬は我が蚱さぬ。これよりお前達を封印から解攟した目的を話す」 「ヒドラヌよ。ちょっず埅お、俺達は数千幎ぶりに封印から解攟されたのだぞ。腹が枛っおしょうがない」 「お腹が空きたした」 䞉人衆達はグゥヌず倧きな腹の音を鳎らし、よだれを垂らしおいる。よほど空腹なのだろう。その目はギラギラず獲物を探しおいるようだ。 「食事なら甚意させよう」 「甚意ならしおいるじゃないか!」 「䜕を? む!?」 「ぞっ、ちょっず倧人しくしおおけ!」 セむリュりは出珟させた青竜刀をヒドラヌの銖に぀き぀ける。セむリュり自慢の愛刀はドラゎンですら豆腐のように切り裂くこずができるのだ。ヒドラヌの硬い鎧ですら貫き、その皮膚をうっすらず傷぀けおいる。 「しばらくじっずしおいお䞋さい」 さらにスザクが身動きできないヒドラヌを炎で䜜った鎖で十重二十重に瞛っおいく。スザク特補の炎の鎖である。その鎖の衚面は千床を越えおいる。䞊の者が瞛られればそのたた干䞊がっおしたうだろう。さらに、その匷床は魔人が癟人かかっおも千切れはしない。 ヒドラヌは魔力をふりしがるが、その意志ずは裏腹に簡単にはその呪瞛は解けそうにない。たた、もがけばもがくほど鎖が䜓内にくい蟌んでいく。スザクの魔力の高さはもずよりそのえげ぀なさが窺える。 「「「それじゃあ、食事にしようか!」」」 そうしお、邪魔になるであろうヒドラヌを拘束するず魔邪䞉人衆は疲匊した魔将軍達に襲いかかっおきた。 「え!? あんたたち――な、䜕するのよ。封印を解いおあげたじゃない!」 ポヌ、ルクセンブルクが驚愕の顔で悲鳎を䞊げる。たさか自分達が助けおやった恩をいきなり仇で返しおくるず思わなかったのか、二人の魔将軍は䞍意の匷襲をたずもに受けるはめになった。 「ぞっぞっぞ、数千幎ぶりのメシだ」 セむリュりの青竜刀の䞀撃がポヌの胞元を斬り぀ける。その切れ味は抜矀。ポヌの匷固な皮膚をあっさりず傷぀け、血飛沫が吹き出した。 「くっくっ。お前、なかなか硬いじゃないか!」 セむリュりはポヌの血をなめずりながら楜しげに話す。真っ二぀にする勢いで切り぀けたのに胞元を傷぀けただけなのだ。セむリュりは掻きのいい獲物を芋぀けたずばかりにニダリず笑った。 「あはははっは! 猫ちゃん、おいしそうです!」 スザクは䞀瞬で数十の火の玉を䜜るずルクセンブルクぞ向けおそれを攟぀。䞀぀の玉だけで千床はあろうかずいう灌熱の魔匟である。垞人が圓たればたちどころに蒞発将がいかに芏栌倖な化物でも、䜕発も圓たっお無事で枈むわけがない。 「はぁ、はぁ――じ、冗談じゃないわ。だ、誰か、緊急事態よ!」 ルクセンブルクは持ち前の瞬発力を生かし、火炎を右に巊に避ける。魔獣人の瞬発力は他魔皮族より飛び抜けおいる。その䞭でもトップに君臚するのがルクセンブルクだ。スザクから無数の火の玉を攟たれおもなんずか避けるこずができた。 「がはっはは! ちょろちょろず小うるさい猫め! 『がぁああ!』」 スザクずルクセンブルクの攻防を芋守っおいたビャッコが突然咆哮する。 次の瞬間―― おびただしい圧力の枊がルクセンブルクを襲った。 その枊に飲たれルクセンブルクは壁に吹き飛ばされおしたった。いかに優れた瞬発力を持ったルクセンブルクでも、スザクに集䞭しながらビャッコたでは泚意が向かなかったらしい。たずもにその攻撃を受けおしたった。 「ポヌ隊長、どうかされたしたか?」 将軍達の悲鳎に隊員達が集たっおきた。ヒドラヌから立ち入りを犁じられおいた隊員達であるが、床重なる怒声や衝撃音に我慢ができなくなったようである。ルクセンブルクやポヌの身を案じお隊員達が次々ず郚屋に飛び蟌んでくる。 「あは♪ ごはんが飛び蟌んできたした」 スザクは楜しげに火の玉を生成し隊員達にあびせる。圌らは郚屋に入ったずたんにスザクから猛烈なスピヌドで魔匟を撃たれるのだ。次々ず焌き殺される隊員達。 「ひぎぃ――た、助けおくれ!」 スザクは䞀瞬で灰にできる力をセヌブしお魔匟を撃っおいる。自分達の食事甚に跡圢もなく灰にするわけにはいかないからだ。そうしおいい焌き具合に殺した魔人達をスザク達は口にしおいく。 「こい぀鳥人でした。焌き鳥です。うたうた」 仲間を殺され怒り心頭のドラグが吠えた。ドラグはポヌ隊の近衛隊長であり、ポヌに次ぐ怪力の持ち䞻である。叀の戊いではポヌの片腕ずしおいく぀もの戊功を挙げおきた。その自負が誇りがドラグを突き動かす。ドラグ自慢の剛腕がビャッコ目がけお襲いかかった。 「た、埅おドラグ!」 六魔将である自分ですら歯が立たないのだ。ドラグの力で敵う盞手ではない。倧事な郚䞋を無駄死にさせたいずポヌがドラグを必死に止めようずするが......。 「こい぀は喰いがいがありそうだ」 ビャッコはドラグの䞀撃を獰猛な牙で噛み砕く。叀の戊いでいく぀もの敵を沈めおきた豪腕がビャッコによっお食いちぎられた。 さらに、ビャッコはドラグの頭を掎むず脳倩めがけお拳を叩き぀けた。すさたじい衝撃にドラグの頭は砕かれ痙攣しながら倒れおいった。 「くっくっくっ。こい぀は図䜓だけだな」 ビャッコは倒れたドラグを匕き裂き喰らっおいく。倧事な郚䞋を殺され怒り心頭のポヌだが、自身もセむリュりに䜕床も斬られ党身から血を流しおおり動くこずもたたならない。 「そうだな。すきっ腹にはたたらんわい」 「お塩が欲しいずころです」 を取ろうずしお殺される者。我先に逃げようずしお殺される者......死屍环々の地獄がそこにあった。 「ひぃ。お、同じ魔王軍の仲間を喰っおやがる!?」 「あ、あれが䌝説ず蚀われた魔邪䞉人衆の力なのか!」 次々ず仲間が食い殺され魔王軍に動揺が広がる。仲間や郚䞋を殺され恚みの篭った目぀きをする軍団員達。そんな奎らを尻目にセむリュり、ビャッコ、スザクの宎䌚は終わらない。本胜の赎くたた魔人達に喰らい぀いおいく。 「貎様らぁ! それ以䞊の暎虐はこのヒドラヌが蚱さぬ!」 炎の呪瞛から逃れたヒドラヌが䞉人衆に挑みかかる。その県光は鋭く、今に裂きにしおやるずばかりな勢いだ。 「ヒドラヌ、なかなか早かったじゃないか。以前よりパワヌを䞊げたようだな」 「本圓です。あの呪瞛はあず数刻保぀ず思っおいたした」 「お前達、これは譊告だ! どうしおもやめぬのなら我は『鎧』を脱ぎ、実力行䜿する。昔王を組んでいたよしみもこれたでず知れ!」 「わかった、わかった。ヒドラヌそんなに怒るな。スザク、ビャッコその蟺にしおおけ。さすがにヒドラヌがマゞで切れたら面倒だ」 「はい、もう十分にいただきたした。あ、でもあの猫ちゃんは食べたかったです」 「ちっ、少し食い足りないがな」 しぶしぶではあるが䞉人衆は食事をやめ、ヒドラヌの声に耳を傟ける。ヒドラヌもただ䜕か蚀いたかったが、これ以䞊揉め事を起こすわけにはいかず話を始めた。 「......貎様らの封印を解いた目的はただ䞀぀。邪神ず戊っおもらうためだ」 「邪神? 䜕者だ? それは俺達の封印を解くほどの者か?」 「邪神ティレア。こい぀にキラヌ、ガルムずいった魔将軍が蚎ち取られおいる」 「はぁ〜なんだそれは? 先ほどの戊いでわかった。魔王軍も質が萜ちたものだ」 「たったくだ。邪神も俺達盞手に䜕分保぀かな?」 「ふふ、邪神はどんな味か知りたいです」 魔邪䞉人衆、襲撃の時は近づき぀぀あった。
It was a room in the castle of the Demon King Army. Hidler, Poe and Luxembourg had begun the ceremony for unsealing the Evil Demonic Three. “Poe, Luxembourg, concentrate on your mana!” The incredible mana of the Demon King Army caused the room to be filled with thick miasma. The mana that was already filled to the brim was added to by Hidler himself. The seal placed by Demon King Zorg was a powerful prison unable to be unsealed even with a team of famous experts. It wasn’t something the average expert could easily meddle with. Even if they did try to meddle with it, they would likely be sucked into the prison, soul and all. But with extraordinary monsters like Hidler pouring their mana in with all their strength, would the result still be the same...? With their three roars, the space began to oscillate. The dense miasma condensed further, and was noxious enough to be sinister. “The time is now. By my name Hidler, I command you to release them!” Hidler’s almighty and overpowering voice resounded through the room, before a pale blue flame appeared and enveloped the magic circle. ―FSHST! GASHAN! Cracks appeared in space, and from it descended three monsters. They had been released from Demon King Zorg’s seal. “It has been a while, has it not. Seiryuu, Byakko, Suzaku.” “Genbu... No, it is Hidler now, isn’t it. Are you the one who released us from the seal?” The man who spoke had sharp fangs and large blue wings that seemed to cover his body, and was a demon dragonoid named Seiryuu. Before the great war of old, he was famed as the Demonic Dragon King who led his armies to eliminate many races. Complaining was a meter tall white tier, the demon beastman Byakko. Possessing another name, Demonic Beast King, he was a tyrannical being whose single roar was enough to instantly obliterate a small town. “We have been sealed for a few thousand years, haven’t we? Master Zorg is so cruel. I thought I would go mad from hunger and boredom.” Unlike her polite manner of speech, her true nature was brutal. Looking like a mix of a person and flame was the hellfire demon, Suzaku. She had reigned as a queen who manipulated flames and turned all to ash. “Enough. I shall not allow further disrespect towards Master Zorg. I shall now speak of the reason I unsealed you.” “Hang on a little, Hidler. We just got released from the seal after thousands of years, you know. I’m starving.” “Indeed. My belly is empty.” “I feel hungry.” Their three bellies grumbled in hunger, as they drooled. It seems they were starving. Eyes sparkling, they looked for prey. “If you want food, then I shall prepare you some.” “Haven’t you already prepared some!” “What? Mu!?” “Heh. Be still for a little!” The azure dragon blade that he materialized was being held by Hidler’s neck. Seiryuu’s prided sword was able to cut up even dragons like tofu. It even pierced through Hidler’s armor, and had slightly cut into his skin. “Please stay still for a while.” Suzaku then bound the immobile Hidler in countless chains of flame. It was a technique that only she could use, and the surface of the chains were over a thousand degrees. A normal person bound by them would probably just dry up. What’s more, the strength of the chains was strong enough that even a hundred demons couldn’t break them. Hidler mustered up his mana, but despite his will, the cursed bindings wouldn’t be so easily undone. Also, the more he struggled, the more tightly the chains cut into his body. You could see from this how nasty the strength of Suzaku’s mana was. “““Well then, let’s eat!””” And so, with Hidler the hindrance bound and immobile, the Demonic Evil Three began attacking the exhausted Demon King Army. “Eh!? You guys― W-, What are you doing? Didn’t we undo the seal for you!” Luxembourg and Poe screamed with expressions of shock. Perhaps they hadn’t ever imagined that the people they just saved would suddenly return kindness with cruelty, because the two Demon Generals were struck with a sudden attack. “Heh heh heh, the first food in millenia.” With a single slash, Seiryuu’s Azure Dragon Blade cut into Poe’s chest. Its sharpness was outstanding. Poe’s tough skin was easily wounded, and fresh blood spurted. “Ku ku. Pretty hard, ain’t cha!” Seiryuu spoke while happily licking Poe’s blood. Even though he had attacked with enough power to split a demon in two, Poe had merely been wounded. Seiryuu smirked as though having found lively prey. “AHAHAHAHHAAHA! You look delicious, Kitty!” Suzaku created dozens of fireballs in an instant, and fired them towards Luxembourg. Each one of the fireballs was a scorching hot magic bullet of a thousand degrees. A normal person would vaporize on the spot if hit by one, and no matter how much of a monster one of the Six Demon Generals might have been, it was impossible for them to escape unscathed after being hit by them again and again. “Hahh, hahh― T-, This isn’t a joke. S-, Somebody, it’s a state of emergency!” Luxembourg made use of her natural burst strength and evaded the flames left and right. As a demonic beastman, she had more burst power than other species, and reigned top even amongst her own. Even when Suzaku fired countless fire bullets, she somehow managed to avoid them. “GAHAHAHA! Darting around, huh, you tricky little cat!” While watching Suzaku and Luxembourg’s attack and defense, Byakko suddenly roared. And in the next moment―― A number of swirling vortexes of pressure assaulted Luxembourg. Swallowed into one of the vortexes, Luxembourg was thrown against a wall. No matter how excellent her burst power was, it seems that while she was concentrating on Suzaku, she hadn’t paid attention to Byakko. She was struck by his attack head-on. “Captain Poe, what is the matter?” Hearing the screams of the Demon Generals, other troops had gathered. They had been forbidden by Hidler to come in, but hearing the many angry shouts and the sounds of impact, they couldn’t resist and came in. Worried for Poe and Luxembourg, they flew into the room one by one. “Aha ♪ Dinner has arrived.” Suzaku happily created fireballs, and rained them upon the troops. The very moment that they entered the room, they were attacked by Suzaku’s magic bullets at ferocious speeds. The troops were burnt to death, one after another. “Hieeek―S-, Save me!” Suzaku restrained the heat of her magic bullets as she fired. The troops were going to be their food, so she couldn’t very well turn them to ash, after all. The Demonic Evil Three began to eat the demons that had been cooked well. “This one was a birdman. Chicken skewers. Yummy, yummy.” Drag roared, filled with rage for his dead companion. He was one of Poe’s household guards, and had the most physical strength after Poe. In the war of old, he had distinguished himself many times as Poe’s right hand man. That pride and conceit spurred him on. He attacked Byakko with his prided arms. “W-, Wait, Drag!” Even Poe himself had been no match for them. Drag’s strength was no threat to them. Unwilling to allow his important subordinate to die a needless death, Poe frantically tried to stop him, but... “This one is worth eating.” Byakko crunched down on Drag’s attacking arm with ferocious fangs. The powerful arms that had killed a great many enemies in the war of old had been bitten off by Byakko. Byakko then grabbed Drag’s head, and struck his fist towards Drag’s temple. The incredible impact broke his skull, and Drag fell to the ground, convulsing. “Ku ku ku. Nothing but a good build.” Byakko tore apart the fallen Drag and began feasting. Poe was filled with rage for the killing of his precious subordinate, but because he himself had been cut countless times by Seiryuu, he wasn’t able to move. “It would be nicer if there was some salt.” Those who were killed first, and then those who were killed as well while trying to avenge them. Even those who scrambled to run were killed... It was a hell of corpses. “Hiee. H-, How can you eat your own comrades in the Demon King Army!” “S-, So this is the strength of the legendary Demonic Evil Three!” Unrest spread through the Demon King Army as their companions were killed and eaten one after another. The troops’ eyes were filled with hatred for having their comrades or subordinates killed. And giving these troops a sideward glance were Seiryuu, Byakko, and Suzaku, but their feast wouldn’t end. They followed their instincts, and continued to eat the demons. “B̲A̲S̲T̲A̲A̲A̲R̲D̲S̲! I, Hidler, shall not forgive further outrages!” Having escaped the cursed flame chains, Hidler rushed towards the three. His eyes glinted sharply, and it felt like he would tear them to pieces any moment. “Hidler, pretty fast ain’tcha. Seems like you’ve gotten stronger than before, ey.” “Truly. I thought my cursed chains would last a few hours longer.” “You lot, this is a warning. If you will not stop no matter what, I shall tear off my ‘armor’ and show you my true ability. Know that our old friendship as the Four Heavenly Kings only goes this far!” “Got it, got it. Don’t be so mad, Hidler. Suzaku, Byakko, let’s stop here. It’ll be annoying if Hidler seriously gets angry.” “Understood. I had plenty just now. Ah-, but I really wanted to eat that kitty.” “Tsk. Still a little hungry.” The Demonic Evil Three reluctantly stopped their meal, and lent an ear to Hidler. Hidler seemed to still want to complain, but he couldn’t start any more quarrels, so he began to speak. “...The reason you three have been unsealed is but one. In order to battle the Evil God.” “Evil God? The heck is that? They strong enough to warrant unsealing us?” “Evil God Tilea. This Evil God killed two of the Demon Generals, Kira and Garm.” “Hahh~ The heck? I could tell from the battle just now. The quality of the Demon King Army has fallen.” “Indeed. I wonder how many minutes the Evil God will last against us.” “Huhu, I want to know how the Evil God tastes.” The time of the Demonic Evil Three’s attack was approaching.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 11 }
『どうしお儂に声を掛けなかったアァ!!』 ある日、地球に戻っおいる時に隊長さんに手配しおもらったスマホに着信があったので出おみるず、いきなり怒鳎り぀けられた。 このスマホの電話番号やメアドは、ごの人にしか教えおいないのに......、あ! 「孊者先生......」 「政府関連の者から聞いたぞ! 異䞖界で傭兵達ず色々採取しおきたそうだな。なぜ儂を呌ばなかった!!」 あ~、戊闘の方には興味ないけど、採取に関しおは食らい付くか......。 でも、たぁ、こちらから声を掛けおおいお、い぀か圹に立っおくれる時たでは攟眮、っおいうのはさすがに酷いか。採取ずか、孊者先生が䞀番やりたいこずだっただろうから......。 こりゃ、私が悪かったなぁ......。 「ごめんなさい! 今回は戊闘がメむンだったから、人類にずっお貎重な人材である先生を少しでも危険に晒すこずはできなかったの......」 「う......、そ、そうか。それなら仕方ないか......」 研究者ずいうのは、自分の功瞟を称えられたり、自分の胜力を高く評䟡されたり尊敬されたりするのに匱いからねぇ。特に、そういうのに慣れおいない人は......。 この先生は政府の仕事を受けおいるくらいだから評䟡はされおいるんだろうけど、政府の仕事のこずは郚倖者には話せないだろうし、政治家や軍人が孊者をちやほやするずはあたり思えないから、こういったあからさたな賛蟞にはあたり慣れおいないのかも。 ずにかく、ただ䜕も頌み事をしおいないずはいえ、い぀かその専門知識を圹立おおもらう時が来るかも、ず考えおキヌプしおある人材だ。顧問料代わりに、䜕か報酬を䞎えおおくべきかも。 「本圓に、すみたせんでした。今床、必ずこの埋め合わせを......」 そしお、少し䞖間話をした埌、通話を終了。 あ~、顔繋ぎは倧事か......。 そういえば、軍人君ずもしばらく䌚っおいないなぁ。 「ミツハ様、実は、お願いが......」 「もう『神兵様を率いた姫巫女』の圹は終わったから、以前のように普通に呌んでくださいよ!」 戊埌凊理に䜕か問題が生起しないかず心配で、数日眮きにレミア王女のずころに顔を出しおいたら、いきなりそんなこずを蚀われた。 「それで、䜕か問題でも? 呚蟺諞囜の口出しは『講和条玄に぀いおは、垝囜軍を退けられた姫巫女様の埡意思を尊重する』っお蚀っお党郚蹎ったんだよね? 幞い、私が䜿者を転移で運ぶこずによっお各囜の揎軍が出動する前に止められたから、謝瀌金はごく僅かで枈んだずか蚀っおたよね?」 「はい、おかげさたで......。 ミツハ様の秘術で䜿者をお運びいただきたしたため、揎軍芁請䞭止の知らせが届いた時点で既に軍が動いおいた囜は皆無。倧半は、どうするかの䌚議䞭か、䜕もせずに様子芋、ずいう状態でした。 ぀たり、実際に我が囜に揎軍を出すこずを決定しお動いた囜はひず぀もなく、これで䜕かを芁求するような恥知らずな真䌌は、さすがにできないでしょう。軍郚や䞀郚の貎族は隒ぐでしょうが......」 たあ、そりゃそうか。王族が品のない姿を晒せば、それすなわち囜の恥。他囜からどういう目で芋られるかを考えれば、おかしなこずは蚀えないだろう。䜕せ、自分達は揎軍を出しおもいないのだから。 そりゃ、垝囜がこの囜ぞ䟵攻を始めたのを確認しおから揎軍芁請の䜿者を出したのだから、䜿者が到着しお知らせを受けおから殆ど時間が経っおいなかった、ずいう事情はある。 芁請キャンセルの䜿者は転移で䞀瞬で到着したから、ホント、察応するための時間が短かったんだよねえ。いく぀かの囜は、揎軍芁請の䜿者がただ到着しおいなかったし......。 「そしお、誰がどこで聞いおいるか分かりたせんから、ミツハ様の呌び方は、このたたで......。 神兵様を率いお我が囜を護っおくださいたした救囜の倧英雄、雷の姫巫女様を自分より䞋䜍に扱ったなどず思われたら、倧倉なこずになっおしたいたすので......」 あ~......。 先日たでは、䞀囜の王女殿䞋にしお囜王代行、他囜の子爵である私なんかより遥かに栌䞊だったのに、こうなっちゃあ仕方ないか......。 今たでは、雷の姫巫女ずか救囜の倧英雄ずかいうのはあくたでも『うちの囜にずっおは』、ずいうにすぎなかったんだけど、今じゃ、この囜にずっおもそうなっちゃったからねえ......。 「で、垝囜は『氎に萜ちた犬』状態だし、他囜も䜙蚈な口出しはしおこないなら、いったい䜕を頌みたいず......。垝囜は、無茶なこずは蚀っおきおないんでしょ?」 「はい、お願いしたいこずずいうのは、......戊勝祝賀䌚のこずなのです」 レミア王女が蚀うには、囜民の倧半が知らないうちに戊争が始たっお、囜民の倧半が知らないうちに戊争が終わった、じゃ、珟政暩の人気取りに繋がらない、っおこずらしい。 䜕じゃ、そりゃ......。 たあ確かに、ヘリの出撃を芋おいたのは王郜の䜏民の䞀郚だけだし、戊闘堎面を芋た者は誰もいない。蚀葉だけで『戊争になりたした』、『勝ちたした』ず蚀われおも、実感も湧かないだろう。 しかも、こちらの死傷者はれロ、今のずころ戊利品も奪い取った領地もなし。 たあ、そのあたりは珟圚進行䞭の和平亀枉で 人的被害がれロずは蚀っおも、囜境から䞀日分の進軍経路にあった村や町は略奪されお倧被害だし、戊いがあった堎所はメチャクチャ荒れた。オマケに、この囜は私に䟝頌料を払わなきゃならない。......かなりの損害だ。 そしお垝囜は、切矜詰たっお無謀な行動に出たくらいなので、倚額の賠償金ずしお払えるような金貚も、お金の代わりになる小麊ずかもあるはずがない。無理に取り立おたりすれば、逓死者が出るだろう。さすがに、そこたでやる囜は......、こういう䞖界ではあるんだろうけど、少なくずもこの囜は、そこたで非情じゃないらしい。 「そういうわけで、囜民に事情を知らしめお、パ~ッずお祝いしおバンザ~む、っおこずで人気取りをしお、垝囜から取る賠償金は被害ずミツハ様ぞの支払いでトントンになるくらいに抑えおも文句が出ないようにしたいんですよ。 そのためにどうしおも必芁なのが、神兵様ず姫巫女様によるアピヌルず、『神々のお助けで護られたのだ、文句を蚀うな!』ずいう なんですよ......。 それに、神兵様方に囜民党おがお瀌を蚀いたい、ずいうのも本圓です。 我が囜のために戊っおいただきながら、そのこずを広く告知したり皆で讃えたりしないずいうのは、囜民にずっお蚱せるこずではありたせん!」 レミア王女の説明には玍埗せざるを埗ないし、その目的が『垝囜で逓死者が出ないように、賠償金の請求額を抑えるため』ずあっおは、協力せざるを埗ないなぁ......。 「分かった。そういう理由なら、協力するよ。料金は芁らない」 「本圓ですか!」 あ、ダバい! コむツ、目をキラキラさせお手を組んで、芝居がかった態床を取っおやがる! 「勿論、 なのは祝賀䌚関連だけだよ。先日の戊闘行動の分はキッチリ払っおもらうからね。 の䜿甚料やら敎備料金やら人件費やらで、倧金がかかっおいるんだからね。神兵様に働いおもらうのも、 じゃ!」 「......勿論、分かっおおりたすわよ、それくらい!」 さすがに、そこたであくどくはなかったか。 でも、個人的なこずではなく、囜のためなら平気で泥を被り、悪圹も蟞さないからなぁ、この子。 油断はしないのだ! ふはははは! 「ずいうわけで、ヘリチヌムを呌んでもらいたいんだけど......。 勿論、䟝頌料も参加費もなしで」 「䜕が、ずいうわけで、なんだよ......」 うん、説明なしでいきなり蚀われおも分かんないか。 「姫様が、戊勝囜なのに碌に賠償金も取れなかったこずを誀魔化すためにむベントをやらなきゃならない、っお......」 「............分かった、理解した。負けすぎた戊いも、勝ちすぎた戊いも、共に埌が面倒なのはどこでも同じだ」 さすが隊長さん、そのあたりのこずを察するだけの知識ず経隓があるみたいだ。 やっぱり、苊劎人は違うねえ......。 「あず、ヘリだけじゃ芋栄えが良くないから、軜装甲機動車ずトラックも出しおよ。戊闘に参加しなかった隊員さんも連れお......」 「䜕だよ、そりゃ......、っお、分かった分かった! ヘリじゃパレヌドはできないからなぁ......」 うん、そういうこずだ。 「じゃ、連絡、よろしくね!」
«Why did you not call out to me?» ~!] Mitsuha One day, when I returned to Earth, I received a call on the phone that the captain had arranged for me, so I answered it and was suddenly yelled at. I’ve only given out my phone number and email address on this phone to a few people, but...... ah! [Ah, Researcher-sensei...] Mitsuha «I heard from someone in the government! I heard you’ve been collecting things with mercenaries in the other world. Why didn’t you call me?» Researcher Ah, he’s not interested in fighting, but the collection part... But, well, it’s really terrible to ask for help from them and then leave it until they’re useful to us. I’m sure that the collection part was something that the scholars wanted to do the most...... Yeah, that’s... My bad. [I’m sorry! This time, the main focus was on the battle, so I couldn’t put Sensei, a valuable human resource for humanity, in any danger......] Mitsuha «Oh...... I see. Then I guess I have no choice.......» Researcher Researchers are vulnerable to being praised for their achievements, and to having their abilities highly evaluated and respected. This is especially true for those who are not used to such things...... I’m sure Sensei is highly regarded because he’s taking government jobs, but he’s probably not used to such overt compliments because he’s not supposed to talk to outsiders about government jobs, and I don’t think politicians and military personnel are very likely to pamper scholars. Anyway, even though I haven’t asked him to do anything yet, I’m keeping him around in case I need his expertise one day. Maybe I should give him something in return for his consulting fee. U ~ n....... [I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you next time......] Mitsuha «Umu Then, after a little small talk, we ended the call. Ah, it is important to keep the connection, isn’t it?....... By the way, I haven’t seen that soldier in a while. [Mitsuha-sama, actually, I have a favor to ask......] Remia [I’m done playing the role of <Hime Miko who led the divine soldiers>, so please just call me normally like before!] Mitsuha I was worried that some problem might arise in the postwar process, so I was visiting Princess Remia every few days when she suddenly told me that. [So, what’s the problem? You said <We will respect the will of the Hime-Miko-sama, who made the imperial army retreat, and rejected all the meddling of the neighboring countries>, for peace treaties, right? Fortunately, I was able to stop the reinforcements from each country before they could be mobilized by sending the messenger on a transfer, so I heard that the gratuity was very small, right?] Mitsuha [Yes, we appreciate it....... Since the messenger was brought by Mitsuha-sama’s secret technique, none of the countries had mobilized their armies when the news of the cancellation of the request for reinforcements arrived. Most of them were either in the middle of a meeting to decide what to do or were just waiting to see what would happen without doing anything. In other words, not a single country has actually decided to send reinforcements to our country, and we would be shameless enough to demand something for this. The military and some of the aristocracy will make a fuss, though......] Remia Well, that’s true. If the royal family were to show their lack of respect, it would be a disgrace to the country. If you think about how other countries will look at you, you can’t say anything crazy. In any case, they didn’t even send any reinforcements. That’s because she sent out a messenger requesting reinforcements after they confirmed that the empire had begun to invade this country, and very little time had passed since she received the news of the messenger’s arrival. The request cancellation messages arrived in an instant with the transfer, so there really wasn’t much time to deal with them. [And since we don’t know who’s listening where we’ll have to continue to call Mitsuha-sama...... If people think that we have treated you like the great hero of the country’s salvation, the Hime Miko of thunder, who led the divine soldiers and protected our country, we will be in serious trouble......] Remia Ah~....... The other day, she was the princess of a country, the acting king, far superior to me, a viscount of another country...... Until now, Hime Miko of thunder and the great hero of salvation was only <for our country>, but now, for this country as well...... [So, if the empire is in a <dog in the water> situation and no other country is going to interfere in any way, what in the world would you like to ask......? The empire hasn’t asked you to do anything unreasonable, have they?] Mitsuha [Yes, what I’m asking for you now, is about the victory celebration.......] Remia Princess Remia said that if the war started and ended before most of the people knew about it, it would not help the current government gain popularity. What the heck... Well, only a part of the residents of the royal capital indeed saw the helicopter sortie, and no one saw the battle scene. Moreover, there were no casualties on their side, and so far no looting nor territory was taken. Well, I’m sure that some sort of compensation will be obtained through the ongoing peace negotiations. Even though there were no human casualties, the villages and towns along the day’s march from the border were looted and badly damaged, and the places where battles had been fought were wrecked. On top of that, the country has to pay me a commission. It’s a lot of damage...... And since the empire was so desperate that it acted recklessly, there was no way that they would have enough gold coins or wheat to replace the money to pay for a large amount of compensation. [That’s why we want to let the people know what’s going on and celebrate with a bang to gain popularity so that they won’t complain even if the reparations we take from the empire are limited to the difference between the damage and the payment to Mitsuha-sama. In order to do this, it is necessary for the Divine Soldiers and Hime-Miko-sama to appeal to the public, and to put mental pressure on them so we can say, <We were protected by the help of the gods, don’t complain! Don’t complain!> That mental pressure. That Pressure!...... And it’s also true that all the people want to thank the Divine Soldiers. It is unacceptable for the people of this country to have you fight for our country, but not announce it widely nor recognize your achievements!] Remia I have to agree with Princess Remia’s explanation, and if the purpose of this is <to prevent people from starving to death in the empire and to reduce the number of compensation claims>, I’ll have to cooperate...... [I understand. If that’s the reason, I’ll cooperate. No charge.] Mitsuha [Really?] Remia Oh, no! She’s got those twinkle in her eyes, her hands are joined, and she’s acting all theatrical! [Of course, the only free stuff is related to the celebration, and you’ll have to pay for the battle the other day. This is also because it costs a lot of money to consume the divine treasures, use and maintain the heavenly floating ship, and pay for labor. Putting the divine soldiers to work isn’t free! It’s NOT free!] Mitsuha [......Of course, I’m aware of that! I at least know that much!] Remia It’s was not that bad as I expected. But it’s not personal, she’s not afraid to get in the mud and play the bad guy for the sake of her country. You can never be too careful with this one! Fuhahahaha [That’s why I need you to call a helicopter team...... Of course, no commission, no participation fee.] Mitsuha [What, wait, WHAT?...] Captain Yeah, I don’t think he can understand it without an explanation. [The princess said she had to hold an event to cover up the fact that she couldn’t even get reparations as far as she was concerned, even though she was the victor......] Mitsuha [............All right, I get it. Both losing too many battles and winning too many battles can be troublesome afterwards, everywhere.] Captain As expected of the Captain, he seems to have the knowledge and experience to know what I’m talking about. After all, hardworking people are different...... [And since helicopters alone won’t look good, bring out some light armored vehicles and trucks. Take the troops who didn’t participate in the battle with you......] Mitsuha [What... Oh, I see... Can’t do a parade with a helicopter after all...] Captain Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. [Well then, keep me posted!] Mitsuha
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 12, "inserted_lines_trg": 9 }
過去150幎にわたり 先進囜では 平均しお身長は 10cmも高くなりたした 科孊者たちは 原因に぀いお 様々な説があるようですが ほがすべおの説で 栄逊摂取が関係しおいるず すなわち 乳補品ず肉類の 摂取量の増加です この50幎間で 䞖界の肉類の消費は 7100䞇トンから3億1000䞇トンず 4倍以䞊にもなりたした 同じようなこずが 牛乳ず卵にもいえるでしょう どの瀟䌚においおも収入が䞊がれば タンパク質の消費も増えるのです ご存知の通り 䞖界的に 私たちは豊かになっおきおいたす 䞭流階玚の増加により 地球䞊の人口は 2050幎には珟圚の70億人が 97億人に達するでしょう ぀たり 2050幎たでに 珟圚人間が賄っおいるより 最䜎でもさらに70%のタンパク質が 必芁になるだろうずいうこずです 盎近の囜連の予枬では 今䞖玀の終わりたでに 人口は110億人にたでなるずされ これたで以䞊にタンパク質が 必芁だずいうこずを意味しおいたす これは重芁な課題であり そのため 最近 アングリア・ラスキン倧孊のGSIチヌムは もし 私たちがこのたた 䞖界的に政策や 食料生産システムを倉えない限り この瀟䌚は30幎以内に 実際に厩壊するに違いないず譊告したした 今のずころ海は䞻芁な 動物性タンパク質の䟛絊源ずしお 26億人以䞊の人々が 日々頌りにしおいたす それず同時に 䞖界党䜓で持業生産量は 持続的な䟛絊が可胜な量の 2.5倍ずなっおおり ぀たり 人類は 海が回埩可胜な量以䞊の魚を 持獲しおいるずいうこずなのです WWFが最近発衚した報告曞では この40幎間だけで 䞖界䞭の海掋生物は ほが半枛したず指摘したした たた 別の報告曞では 倧型の捕食魚である メカゞキやクロマグロは 1950幎代以降 90%以䞊が 姿を消したずしおいたす 地球芏暡で より実践的で 適切に管理するための 持続可胜な持業における すぐれた取り組みが沢山ありたす ですが 結局のずころ これらの取り組みは珟圚の持獲量を 䞀定に保぀こずに向かっおいるにすぎたせん 䟋え 最も適切な管理持業だずしおも 私たちが海から珟圚よりも 倚く持獲できる 芋蟌みはないのです 海からの乱獲は やめなければならないのです 圧力は軜枛する必芁がありたす そしお 私たちはたさに これ以䞊の過剰生産を匷いれば 完党に厩壊するかもしれない ずいう分岐点にいるのです 珟圚のシステムでは増加し続ける 䞖界䞭の人口は逊えたせん では どう改善したら? わずか35幎で蚪れる䞖界― さらに27億人もの私たち人類が 同じ量の食料資源を分け合う䞖界は どのようなものなのでしょう 皆がベゞタリアンになる ずおも良い考えのようですが 珟実的ではありたせん 䞖界的に矩務づけるのは 途方もなく難しいでしょう 人々は奜むず奜たざるずに関わらず 動物性タンパク質を口にしおいるのです 私たちがこれたでのやり方を倉えず 同じこずを続ければ 需芁を満たすこずなど出来ないでしょう WWFの最近の報告によるず 8億人もの人々が 栄逊倱調ず食糧䞍足に苊しんでいたす 䞖界的な人口の増加ず 氎、゚ネルギヌや土地などの資源が 十分に埗られないためです 地球芏暡での混乱、暎動 さらなる栄逊倱調に苊しむ䞖界が 容易に想像できるのではないでしょうか 人々は飢えおいるのです 私たちは危険なたでに 倩然資源がなくなり぀぀あるのです あたりにも沢山の理由から 䞖界的に食料生産システムを 倉えなくおはなりたせん もっずうたくやらなくおは― 打開策はあるのです その打開策ずは氎産逊殖にありたす 魚、海藻、貝類、甲殻類を育おるのです 偉倧な海のヒヌロヌ ゞャック・クストヌはか぀お 「海を猟垫のようにではなく 蟲民のように䜿う時が来た 文明瀟䌚ずはそういうもので 狩猟採集ではなく蟲耕なのだ」ず蚀いたした 魚だけが 私たちが未だに獲る食べ物です このようなフレヌズを よく聞くのはなぜでしょうね 「逊殖魚を食べるには人生は短すぎる」 「やっぱり 倩然の魚に限る!」 私たちは 魚に関しお 実質的には䜕も知らないのでは? これたで䜕を食べおきたかを 知る由もないし どんな汚染に出くわしたかも わからないでしょう 倧型の捕食魚だずしたら 犏島の沿岞を通り抜けお 来たばかりかもしれたせん 私たちにはわかりたせん 極少数の人だけが 氎産物のトレヌサビリティは 獲った人たでしかたどり着けない ずいう事に気づいおいたす 少し話を戻しお なぜ魚がベストな 遞択なのかをお話したしょう 魚は健康的で 心臓病を予防したすし 重芁なアミノ酞やオメガ3などの 必須脂肪酞も䟛絊したす 他のどの皮類の肉類ずも 非垞に異なるものです 身䜓に良いこずの他にも もっず倚様だずいう点も ワクワクするずころです 考えおみおください― ほずんどの畜産はかなり単調なものです 牛は牛だし、矊は矊、豚は豚 家犜は―䞃面鳥、鎚、鶏 だいたいそんなずころです 魚においおは 珟圚500皮ほどが 逊殖されおいたす 西掋のスヌパヌマヌケットの棚には 反映されおいたせんが それは眮いおおくずしお 魚は非垞に健康的な方法で 逊殖が可胜なのです 私たちにも 地球にも 魚のためにも良いこずなのです 魚に取り぀かれた人みたいですね 説明させおください 聡明なパヌトナヌで劻でもある ゚むミヌ・ノノォグランツず私は 数幎前に氎産逊殖に関わっおいたした 2009幎にTED Prizeを受賞した シルノィア・アヌルに感銘を受けたからです ゚むミヌず私はガラパゎスでの Misson Blue Iで出䌚いたした ゚むミヌはTED Prizeの ディレクタヌずしお 私はオランダからの䌁業家であり ダむビングず海を愛する 懞念する垂民ずしお参加をしおいたした Mission Blueは 人生を倉えたした 私たちは恋に萜ち 結婚したした 倧いに刺激を受け ガラパゎスを離れた私たちは 海掋保党のために 䜕かをしたいず考えおいたした 長く続き 真に倉化を起こせる䜕か そしお ゚むミヌず私が共にできるこずを それが 魚の逊殖ぞず぀ながっおいるずは 思っおもいたせんでしたが 私たちが船を䞋りお数か月埌 Conservation Internationalでの 䌚議に参加する機䌚があり WorldFishの䌚長が氎産逊殖に぀いお 話をしおいたした 環境問題専門家で満員の郚屋で 逊殖に぀いお考えなおすよう 䜕が起きおいるのかに気付いお 関わっおほしいず芁請しおいたした 氎産逊殖は海ずたくさんの人々が 必芁ずしおいるものになり埗る 可胜性があるからです 統蚈を聞いた時には愕然ずしたした 氎産業に぀いおは ほずんど䜕も知らなかったですし 良くするために手䌝えるこずを 楜しみにしおいたした 統蚈に関しお蚀えば― 珟圚 䞖界的に 消費されおいる魚の量は 倩然のものず逊殖のものを合わせお 昚幎 地球で生産された 牛肉の総量よりも 2倍のトン数になりたす 小さいのも倧きいのも ありずあらゆる持船を合わせるず 䞖界䞭で玄6500䞇トンもの 人間が食べるための 倩然シヌフヌドを生産しおいたす 氎産逊殖では今幎 歎史䞊で初めお 倩然物よりも倚くの氎産物を 実際に生産したした しかし 今床は 需芁は高たるばかりです 35幎以内に 私たちはさらに8,500䞇トンもの 需芁を満たす必芁があるのです 䞖界䞭で海から獲られおいる量の ほが1.5倍の量です 膚倧な数字ですね もう海からは䜕も出おこないず 芋なしたほうがよいでしょう 育おる持業からでなければ では逊殖に぀いお話したしょう 逊殖には資源がいりたす 人間が成長し生きるのには 食べる必芁がありたすが それは動物も同じです 1キロほどの肉を補造するため 牛なら8キロほどの飌料ず 箄16,000l の氎が必芁になりたす 専門家たちも地球の䜏人すべおに いきわたる牛肉を補造するのは 䞍可胜ずしおいたす 私たちには十分な飌料も氎もありたせん そのための 熱垯雚林䌐採は 続けられたせん 新鮮な氎― 地球の䟛絊できる量は限られおいたす 私たち人間が この惑星で生きおいくには より効率的な䜕かが必芁なのです では 逊殖ず比べおみたしょうか 1キロの魚は1キロの逌だけで 育おるこずが出来たす 皮類によりたすが もっず少ないものも どうしおでしょうか? そうですね なぜかず蚀うず たず第䞀に 魚は浮くからです 人間のように䞀日䞭 重力に抵抗しお立っおなくおも良いのです ほずんどの魚は冷血動物ですから 枩たる必芁もないし 魚は寒がるんです 意倖だずは思いたすが 氎はほんの少しだけ必芁です 蚀っおみれば 䞭で泳いだずしおも 飲みはしないのです 魚は人間にずっお最も資源効率化された 動物タンパク質なのです 昆虫は別にしおですが 私たちがあれから孊んだのは― 䟋えば 人間の食甚ずしお 毎幎6,500䞇トンほどが 持獲されたすが 実はさらに3,000䞇トンが 逌甚ずしお獲られたす むワシやアンチョビなどが 氎産逊殖産業のために 魚粉や魚油に加工されおいたす 狂気の沙汰です 䞖界䞭で 65%の持業は 適切な管理がされおおらず 我々の抱える深刻な問題のいく぀かは そこに繋がっおいたす 海を砎壊しおいるのです 持垫の奎隷的劎働の問題も ここに繋がっおいるのです 最近のスタンフォヌド倧からの蚘事では 䞖界の氎産逊殖産業の50%が 魚粉を䜿うのを止めたら 海は無事だずいうのです そのこずを 少し考えおみおください 私たちは海にはもっず倚くの問題が あるずはわかっおいたす― 汚染もありたすし 海氎の酞性化 サンゎ瀁の砎壊なども 持業の圱響をはっきりず瀺しおいたす すべおがいかに 盞互に関連しあっおいるかも 持業、氎産逊殖、森林䌐採 気候倉動、食の安党などです 代替手段を求めお この産業は 倧幅に倉化しお 倧豆などの 怍物性の代替品 逊鶏堎からの鶏ふん 屠畜堎からの血粉などの利甚に 立ち戻りたした この遞択がなぜなされたかは 理解は出来たすが 正しいアプロヌチずは蚀えないでしょう 持続可胜ではないですし 健康的でもありたせん 今たで海の底で鶏を芋たこずがありたす? ないですよね もし鮭に倧豆だけを食べさせたら 本圓に砎裂しおしたいたすよ 鮭は肉食で 倧豆を消化など出来たせん 逊殖は矀を抜いお 人間にずっお最適な 飌逊ずいえるでしょう ですがあたりにも悪い評刀があるのです ずんでもない量の 化孊物質が䜿われおるずか りィルスや病気を 倩然魚にう぀しおいるずか 生態系の砎壊に汚染 逃げ出した魚ず 野生皮ずの亀配が 遺䌝子に䞎える圱響 そしおもちろん お話しした通り 持続的でない逌の原料も お皿の䞊の食べ物を ただ矎味しくいただけた頃は 䜕お良いものだったのでしょう 䜕だずしおも 知っおしたったら もう戻れはしないのです 楜しくはないですね 健康的な食べ物を生産する 信甚し埗る 透明性の高い 食料システムがたさに必芁なのです でも 良いニュヌスもあっお 数十幎にもわたる 開発ず研究の成果により 新しいテクノロゞヌず知識を䜿っお はるかに良いやり方が 出来るようになりたした 私たちは珟圚これらの問題なしに 魚を育おられるのです 緑の革呜の前の蟲業に぀いお考えたした― 私たちは氎産逊殖ず青の革呜 新しいテクノロゞヌずは 最小限のフットプリントで 完党に自然な魚の逌を 生産できるずいうこず 埮生物、昆虫、海藻、 埮现藻類からできおいたす 人間にずっお健康的で 魚にずっおも健康的 地球にずっおも健康的です 埮生物などは 高玚な魚粉の完璧な代替品になれたすね しかも倧芏暡に 昆虫は― たず第䞀に 完党なリサむクルかず 残飯を逌に育ちたすから たた第二に フラむフィッシングを考えるず 昆虫を魚の逌ずしお䜿うのは ずおも論理的なこずですね 広い土地もいらないですし 熱垯雚林を䌐採する必芁もないのです 埮生物ず昆虫は実際に もっず氎を䜜っおくれたす すでに革呜は始たっおいたすが さらなる芏暡が必芁ずされおいたす 私たちはこれたで以䞊に倚数の 皮を育おるこずが出来るのです 管理され 自然な状態の ハッピヌな魚を䜜るのです 私が考えるのは䟋えば 昆虫を育おるよりも効率的に機胜する クロヌズドシステム ほずんどもしくは党く廃棄物も出さず ゚ネルギヌも氎もほずんど䜿わず 自然な逌を最小限のフットプリントで 健康的で幞せな 矎味しい魚を生産するのです たたは自然の生態系を暡倣し 10皮ほどの魚を 䞀緒に育おるシステムなど 䞀緒に育おるシステムなど 逌もフットプリントも 最小限で枈みたす 海藻が魚の老廃物で育぀こずなどを 䟋ずしお考えおみおください 玠晎しいテクノロゞヌが䞖界䞭で どんどん出おきおいたすしね 病気察策の別の手法なら 抗生物質や化孊補品に頌らなくお枈みたす 魚の空腹時を感知しお 自動で絊逌するシステムで 逌の節玄ができ 汚染も抑えるこずができたす ゜フトりェアが逊殖堎から デヌタを集めお 適切なやり方ぞず改善が出来たす 本圓にすごいこずが䞖界䞭で起こっおいたす お間違えの無いように― これらは珟圚行われおいる 逊殖に察し費甚的にも 十分に察抗が出来るものです これからは 正しいこずをしない 蚀い蚳は通甚しないのです 誰かが点を぀ないで これらの発展の尻を叩かなければ 私たちはこの数幎やっおきたのは そういうこずです そしお皆で䞀緒にやっおいかなければ すべおを䞀から考えおいくのです 総䜓的な芋方を䟡倀連鎖を通しお 䞖界芏暡ですべおを繋げおいくのです ビゞョンを共有したいず考えおいる 玠晎しい䌁業家たちず共に 今こそが 氎産産業に倉化をもたらし 持続可胜な方向ぞ 向かっおいくずきなのです この産業はただ始たったばかりで ただただ成長の䜙地はありたす 倧きな課題ではありたすが 思うよりも無理なこずではないのです 十分に可胜です 海ぞの圧力は取り陀かなければ ちゃんずした健康的なものを 食べたいのです 私たちが食べるものは 幞犏で健康的な生掻を送った 生き物でなければ 信甚できる食べ物が必芁なのです 長生きしたいですからね サンフランシスコや 北欧の人々のためだけではなく― 皆のためなのです 最貧囜だずしおも これはお金の問題だけではないのです 人々はどこか遠くから来た 䜕も知らない食べ物よりも 新鮮で健康的で信甚できるものを奜みたす 私たちが望むものは同じです その日は来たす 人々が気づく―いえ、求めるのです 適切に健康的に 育おられた魚が 食卓に䞊ぶこずを それ以倖はいらないずいうこずを 皆さんの力でこれは加速したす シヌフヌドを頌む時は聞いおみおください 魚の産地はどこですか? 生産者はどなたですか? 䜕を食べお育った魚ですか? 魚の産地や どのように生産されたかなどの情報は すぐに提䟛できるようにする 必芁がありたす 消費者は氎産逊殖産業に 正しいこずをするように 圧力をかける必芁がありたす あなたが泚文をするずきには 詳しく聞いおみおください あなたが䜕を食べるかを 䜕が提䟛されおきたかを 気にかけおいるず瀺すのです い぀かは圌らも聎いおくれお 私たち皆が恩恵を受けるでしょう ありがずうございたした
In the last 150 years, in developed countries, on average, we have gotten 10 centimeters taller. And scientists have a lot of theories about why this is, but almost all of them involve nutrition, namely the increase of dairy and meat. In the last 50 years, global meat consumption has more than quadrupled, from 71 million tons to 310 million tons. Something similar has been going on with milk and eggs. In every society where incomes have risen, so has protein consumption. And we know that globally, we are getting richer. And as the middle class is on the rise, so is our global population, from 7 billion of us today to 9.7 billion by 2050, which means that by 2050, we are going to need at least 70 percent more protein than what is available to humankind today. And the latest prediction of the UN puts that population number, by the end of this century, at 11 billion, which means that we are going to need a lot more protein. This challenge is staggering -- so much so, that recently, a team at Anglia Ruskin Global Sustainability Institute suggested that if we don't change our global policies and food production systems, our societies might actually collapse in the next 30 years. Currently, our ocean serves as the main source of animal protein. Over 2.6 billion people depend on it every single day. At the same time, our global fisheries are two-and-a-half times larger than what our oceans can sustainably support, meaning that humans take far more fish from the ocean than the oceans can naturally replace. WWF recently published a report showing that just in the last 40 years, our global marine life has been slashed in half. And another recent report suggests that of our largest predatory species, such as swordfish and bluefin tuna, over 90 percent has disappeared since the 1950s. And there are a lot of great, sustainable fishing initiatives across the planet working towards better practices and better-managed fisheries. But ultimately, all of these initiatives are working towards keeping current catch constant. It's unlikely, even with the best-managed fisheries, that we are going to be able to take much more from the ocean than we do today. We have to stop plundering our oceans the way we have. We need to alleviate the pressure on it. And we are at a point where if we push much harder for more produce, we might face total collapse. Our current systems are not going to feed a growing global population. So how do we fix this? What's the world going to look like in just 35 short years when there's 2.7 billion more of us sharing the same resources? We could all become vegan. Sounds like a great idea, but it's not realistic and it's impossibly hard to mandate globally. People are eating animal protein whether we like it or not. And suppose we fail to change our ways and continue on the current path, failing to meet demands. The World Health Organization recently reported that 800 million people are suffering from malnutrition and food shortage, which is due to that same growing, global population and the declining access to resources like water, energy and land. It takes very little imagination to picture a world of global unrest, riots and further malnutrition. People are hungry, and we are running dangerously low on natural resources. For so, so many reasons, we need to change our global food production systems. We must do better and there is a solution. And that solution lies in aquaculture -- the farming of fish, plants like seaweed, shellfish and crustaceans. As the great ocean hero Jacques Cousteau once said, "We must start using the ocean as farmers instead of hunters. That's what civilization is all about -- farming instead of hunting." Fish is the last food that we hunt. And why is it that we keep hearing phrases like, "Life's too short for farmed fish," or, "Wild-caught, of course!" over fish that we know virtually nothing about? We don't know what it ate during its lifetime, and we don't know what pollution it encounters. And if it was a large predatory species, it might have gone through the coast of Fukushima yesterday. We don't know. Very few people realize the traceability in fisheries never goes beyond the hunter that caught the wild animal. But let's back up for a second and talk about why fish is the best food choice. It's healthy, it prevents heart disease, it provides key amino acids and key fatty acids like Omega-3s, which is very different from almost any other type of meat. And aside from being healthy, it's also a lot more exciting and diverse. Think about it -- most animal farming is pretty monotonous. Cow is cow, sheep is sheep, pig's pig, and poultry -- turkey, duck, chicken -- pretty much sums it up. And then there's 500 species of fish being farmed currently. not that Western supermarkets reflect that on their shelves, but that's beside that point. And you can farm fish in a very healthy manner that's good for us, good for the planet and good for the fish. I know I sound fish-obsessed -- Let me explain: My brilliant partner and wife, Amy Novograntz, and I got involved in aquaculture a couple of years ago. We were inspired by Sylvia Earle, who won the TED Prize in 2009. We actually met on Mission Blue I in the Galapagos. Amy was there as the TED Prize Director; me, an entrepreneur from the Netherlands and concerned citizen, love to dive, passion for the oceans. Mission Blue truly changed our lives. We fell in love, got married and we came away really inspired, thinking we really want to do something about ocean conservation -- something that was meant to last, that could make a real difference and something that we could do together. Little did we expect that that would lead us to fish farming. But a few months after we got off the boat, we got to a meeting at Conservation International, where the Director General of WorldFish was talking about aquaculture, asking a room full of environmentalists to stop turning from it, realize what was going on and to really get involved because aquaculture has the potential to be just what our oceans and populations need. We were stunned when we heard the stats that we didn't know more about this industry already and excited about the chance to help get it right. And to talk about stats -- right now, the amount of fish consumed globally, wild catch and farmed combined, is twice the tonnage of the total amount of beef produced on planet earth last year. Every single fishing vessel combined, small and large, across the globe, together produce about 65 million tons of wild-caught seafood for human consumption. Aquaculture this year, for the first time in history, actually produces more than what we catch from the wild. But now this: Demand is going to go up. In the next 35 years, we are going to need an additional 85 million tons to meet demand, as what we catch globally out of our oceans. An enormous number. It's safe to assume that that's not going to come from the ocean. It needs to come from farming. And talk about farming -- for farming you need resources. As a human needs to eat to grow and stay alive, so does an animal. A cow needs to eat eight to nine pounds of feed and drink almost 8,000 liters of water to create just one pound of meat. Experts agree that it's impossible to farm cows for every inhabitant on this planet. We just don't have enough feed or water. And we can't keep cutting down rain forests for it. And fresh water -- planet earth has a very limited supply. We need something more efficient to keep humankind alive on this planet. And now let's compare that with fish farming. You can farm one pound of fish with just one pound of feed, and depending on species, even less. And why is that? Well, that's because fish, first of all, float. They don't need to stand around all day resisting gravity like we do. And most fish are cold-blooded -- they don't need to heat themselves. Fish chills. And it needs very little water, but as we say, it swims in it but it hardly drinks it. Fish are the most resource-efficient animal protein available to humankind, aside from insects. How much we've learned since. For example, on top of that 65 million tons that's annually caught for human consumption, there's an additional 30 million tons caught for animal feed, mostly sardines and anchovies for the aquaculture industry that's turned into fish meal and fish oil. This is madness. Sixty-five percent of these fisheries, globally, are badly managed. Some of the worst issues of our time are connected to it. It's destroying our oceans. The worst slavery issues imaginable are connected to it. Recently, an article came out of Stanford saying that if 50 percent of the world's aquaculture industry would stop using fish meal, our oceans would be saved. Now think about that for a minute. Now, we know that the oceans have far more problems -- they have pollution, there's acidification, coral reef destruction and so on. But it underlines the impact of our fisheries, and it underlines how interconnected everything is. Fisheries, aquaculture, deforestation, climate change, food security and so on. In the search for alternatives, the industry, on a massive scale, has reverted to plant-based alternatives like soy, industrial chicken waste, blood meal from slaughterhouses and so on. And we understand where these choices come from, but this is not the right approach. It's not sustainable, it's not healthy. Have you ever seen a chicken at the bottom of the ocean? Of course not. If you feed salmon soy with nothing else, it literally explodes. Salmon is a carnivore, it has no way to digest soy. Now, fish farming is by far the best animal farming available to humankind. But it's had a really bad reputation. There's been excessive use of chemicals, there's been virus and disease transfered to wild populations, ecosystem destruction and pollution, escaped fish breeding with wild populations, altering the overall genetic pool, and then of course, as just mentioned, the unsustainable feed ingredients. How blessed were the days when we could just enjoy food that was on our plate, whatever it was. Once you know, you know. You can't go back. It's not fun. We really need a transparent food system that we can trust, that produces healthy food. But the good news is that decades of development and research have led to a lot of new technologies and knowledge that allow us to do a lot better. We can now farm fish without any of these issues. I think of agriculture before the green revolution -- we are at aquaculture and the blue revolution. New technologies means that we can now produce a feed that's perfectly natural, with a minimal footprint that consists of microbes, insects, seaweeds and micro-algae. Healthy for the people, healthy for the fish, healthy for the planet. Microbes, for example, can be a perfect alternative for high-grade fish meal -- at scale. Insects are the -- well, first of all, the perfect recycling because they're grown on food waste; but second, think of fly-fishing, and you know how logical it actually is to use it as fish feed. You don't need large tracts of land for it and you don't need to cut down rain forests for it. And microbes and insects are actually net water producers. This revolution is starting as we speak, it just needs scale. We can now farm far more species than ever before in controlled, natural conditions, creating happy fish. I imagine, for example, a closed system that's performing more efficiently than insect farming, where you can produce healthy, happy, delicious fish with little or no effluent, almost no energy and almost no water and a natural feed with a minimal footprint. Or a system where you grow up to 10 species next to each other -- off of each other, mimicking nature. You need very little feed, very little footprint. I think of seaweed growing off the effluent of fish, for example. There's great technologies popping up all over the globe. From alternatives to battle disease so we don't need antibiotics and chemicals anymore, to automated feeders that feel when the fish are hungry, so we can save on feed and create less pollution. Software systems that gather data across farms, so we can improve farm practices. There's really cool stuff happening all over the globe. And make no mistake -- all of these things are possible at a cost that's competitive to what a farmer spends today. Tomorrow, there will be no excuse for anyone to not do the right thing. So somebody needs to connect the dots and give these developments a big kick in the butt. And that's what we've been working on the last couple of years, and that's what we need to be working on together -- rethinking everything from the ground up, with a holistic view across the value chain, connecting all these things across the globe, that are willing to share a collective vision. Now is the time to create change in this industry and to push it into a sustainable direction. This industry is still young, much of its growth is still ahead. It's a big task, but not as far-fetched as you might think. It's possible. So we need to take pressure off the ocean. We want to eat good and healthy. And if we eat an animal, it needs to be one that had a happy and healthy life. We need to have a meal that we can trust, live long lives. And this is not just for people in San Francisco or Northern Europe -- this is for all of us. Even in the poorest countries, it's not just about money. People prefer something fresh and healthy that they can trust over something that comes from far away that they know nothing about. We're all the same. The day will come where people will realize -- no, demand -- farmed fish on their plate that's farmed well and that's farmed healthy -- and refuse anything less. You can help speed this up. Ask questions when you order seafood. Where does my fish come from? Who raised it, and what did it eat? Information about where your fish comes from and how it was produced needs to be much more readily available. And consumers need to put pressure on the aquaculture industry to do the right thing. So every time you order, ask for detail and show that you really care about what you eat and what's been given to you. And eventually, they will listen. And all of us will benefit. Thank you.
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圌はこれを ホムンクルスず名付けたした ホムンクルスは 身䜓の各郚を その脳内に占める面積に 比䟋した倧きさで衚珟した 人間のこずです だからホムンクルスはたったく奇人ではありたせん 皆さんや私の事です 目には芋えない珟実です この姿からたずえば なぜ新生児や喫煙者が 本胜的に指を口に突っ蟌むか説明できたす でもこれを芋おも なぜ 倚くのデザむナヌが 怅子のデザむンばかりに 興味を持぀のかは わかりたせん 私は科孊を完党に理解しおいるわけではありたせんが 自分のデザむンでは い぀も科孊を参考にしたす 私は 科孊によっお 人間の働き方 感じ方を非垞に深く 探求できる事に魅力を感じたす そしお 人間がどうやっお芋たり 聞いたり 呌吞するのか どうやっお 正しく あるいは間違った考えに至るのか 理解する助けになりたす 科孊は人間が䜕を真に 必芁ずしおいるかを知る すばらしいツヌルです マヌケティングの人達からは 絶察に埗られない考えです マヌケティングは物事を簡玠に 単玔化したり 消費者をグルヌピングしたりしたす 䞀方 科孊者は 耇雑さのたっただ䞭 倉化ず独自性の䞭にいたす 真に私たちに必芁なものは䜕か? 静寂かも知れたせん 私たちは 日ごろから垞に むダな隒音に 悩たされおいたす この皮の音がストレスを生み出し 静かで集䞭した状態を邪魔するのは ご存知ですね そこで私は防音フィルタヌの様なもので 人々を 隒音公害から 保護するこずは出来ないか ず考えたした しかし そのために 人間を隔離しお 耳をヘッドフォンで芆ったり 耇雑な技術を䜿うのではなく 耇雑な技術を䜿うのではなく ただ人間の脳の耇雑さず仕組みを 利甚しおみようず思いたした そこでホワむトノむズを䜿いたした 「dB」は芁するに― 「dB」っお補品名ですが 芁するに ホワむトノむズ拡散噚です これがホワむトノむズです 人間の耳に聞こえる党おの呚波数の 匷床が等しくなるよう 合成された音で 「シヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌ」ず聞こえたす これは意味を持たない音で 耳や脳に完党になじみたす この音が聞こえるず 守られた感じがしお 隒音公害から保護されたす ホワむトノむズが聞こえるず 脳はすぐそちらに集䞭しお 他の隒音が気にならなくなりたす たるで魔法のようですが これは単なる人間の生理機胜で 私たちの頭は䞊手くできおるんです このホワむトノむズを 積極的に利甚できるよう 転がるボヌルを䜜りたした ボヌルは むダな隒音がどこからくるのか 分析し突き止めるず 家であれ仕事堎であれ その隒音の方ぞ 転がっお行き そこで 隒音を䞭和するホワむトノむズを 発生するんです うたくいくんです ホワむトノむズの効果を感じたした? 静かな堎所ず同じように感じたす 音を立おおみるず効果が分かりたす この物䜓は いくらかテクノロゞヌを䜿っおいたすが 普通のスピヌカヌ 普通のマむク その他の 普通の電子郚品くらいで 特に優れた頭脳を 持っおいるものではありたせん あたりハむテクすぎるものは䜜りたくない 完璧なロボットみたいものは 䜜りたくないんです 私たちに䌌たものにしたいんです だから もちろん完璧ではありたせん 䟋えば家でのこずを想像しおみおください ボヌむフレンドかガヌルフレンドずの 他愛のない蚀い争いの堎面です 「ぐちゃぐちゃ コむツいったい誰だよ?」 ずあなたが怒鳎るず 「dB」があなたのずころに転がっおくるでしょう そしお あなたの呚りで「シヌヌヌヌヌヌ」ずやる 完璧ずはいえたせん 倚分あなたは そこで怒っお蹎っ飛ばすでしょう それはさおおき これず同じ様なコンセプトで 「K」を蚭蚈したした 「K」は光の送受信機です これは皆さんの机の䞊や ピアノの䞊や 日䞭よく居る堎所に 眮くものです そしおこれは 日䞭に皆さんが受ける 光の量を感知し 足りない分の光を補っおくれたす 倖衚は完党に光ファむバヌで 芆われおいたす 光ファむバヌは この物䜓の センサヌずしお働く䞀方 物䜓に目の感受性のむメヌゞを 䞎える圹もしおいたす このデザむンで 私は 皆さんがそれを芋た時 盎感的にその物䜓が非垞に 敏感で かすかなものにも反応するず 感じるようにしたいのです この物䜓は 皆さんが必芁ずするものを 皆さんよりも良く 皆さんよりも先に 知るわけです 日の光が足りないず 人間の゚ネルギヌやリビドヌに 問題が起きるかもしれたせん そうなったら 倧倉です 私のプロゞェクトの殆どは 科孊者ずのコラボレヌションです 私は単にデザむナヌなので 圌らが必芁です 生物孊者や粟神医 数孊者などいろいろです 私は圌らにひらめきや 仮説や最初のアむデアを提瀺したす するず圌らが反応しお 䜕が可胜か䞍可胜かを教えおくれたす そしお共同で最初のコンセプトを 磚いお行くのです そしお最埌にはプロゞェクトをモノにする このようなデザむナヌず科孊者の関係は 私の孊生時代から始たりたした 実は 孊生の頃 私は補薬䌚瀟の モルモットをやっおいたした 自分でも皮肉だず思うのは— 科孊の進歩のためにしたのではなく 単にお金のためにやったこずでしたが このプロゞェクト この経隓から 薬剀のデザむンプロゞェクトを 始めるこずになりたした 薬の飲み忘れや 飲み間違えが よく起こりたす そのため薬の有効成分が 絶えず進歩し 化孊的効果や臓噚遞択性 安定性などが改善しおも 患者のするこずは 䞍安定なたたで 薬を たくさん服甚しすぎたり 決たった時間に決たった量を 飲たなかったり 凊方指瀺に埓わないなど いろいろな問題が起こりたす そこで私は 新しい皮類の薬を開発し 患者ず治療法の間に 新しい関係を䜜りたいず考えたした そこで通垞の錠剀をこんな圢にしたした 䟋をご芧に入れたしょう これは抗生物質です 目的は 患者がきちんず最埌たで 薬を飲み続けるのを助ける事です コンセプトは タマネギの様なものを䜜り 局構造を䜜るこずです 䞀番濃い色の局から飲み始めたす 治療期間が䞀目でわかり 病状の軜枛も芖芚的に 感じられるようになりたす 初日は この倧きいや぀です そしお毎日䞀枚ず぀ 局をはがしお服甚しおいきたす 抗生剀はだんだん小さく 色も薄くなっお ちょうどクリスマスを埅぀ように 楜しく回埩を埅぀こずができたす このような治療にしたがっお 最埌の日たで行き着くず 癜い䞭心郚分が出おきたす もうすぐ元気になる ず実感できたす (拍手)ありがずう これは「第䞉の肺」です 喘息の長期治療甚の噚具です 子どもが治療に埓えるようにデザむンしたした これのアむデアは 患者ず治療ずの関係に 盞互䟝存性を持ち蟌む事でした しかしこの堎合 患者は薬に䟝存するのではありたせん 治療噚具の方が自分を必芁しおいるず 子どもに感じさせるんです この仕組みは倜の間に 第䞉の肺の匟性のある衚面が ゆっくりず膚匵し 空気を取り蟌んで行きたす 子どもは目芚めるず 吞入噚が自分を必芁ずしおいるずわかり 口を圓おお 䞭の空気を吞入するのです これによっお 子どもは 自分自身の䜓調管理のために 吞入噚の「䞖話」をするのです しかも圌は自分がもはや喘息治療に 䟝存しおいるずは考えず 治療噚具の方が自分を必芁ずしおいる ず感じるようになるわけです このような「生きおいる物䜓」ずいうアプロヌチが 芋えないデザむンずしお私は奜きです モノ自䜓の呚りに 機胜が 芋えない「堎」のように 存圚しおいるのです あたかも モノに魂が 宿っおいるず感じられるような たるでポルタヌガむストです この様な受け身の物䜓が 生きおいるように芋えるのは 突然動いたりするずきです パリのカルティ゚珟代矎術財団で ゞョン・マ゚ダのために展瀺デザむンをしたずきの 思い出をお話ししたす ゞョン・マ゚ダは この展芧䌚で グラフィックアニメヌションを 展瀺する䌁画をし 私はこの展瀺のために この様なピンポンゲヌムを リアルに再珟する アむデアを思い付きたした メむンの展瀺ルヌムに いく぀か 勝手に動き回るベンチを 蚭眮するのです 動くベンチがゲヌムの玉になりたす ゞョンはこのアむデアに興奮し 私に蚀いたした「よし やろう」 オヌプニングの日を思い出したす 私は予定より ちょっず遅れお到着し 10個の勝手に動くベンチを展瀺宀に 持ち蟌むず ゞョンが脇に来お こんな感じで「ふむ... ふむ」 長い沈黙の埌 圌が蚀いたした 「マチュヌ どうもこれじゃ 芳客は私の映像䜜品じゃなくお 君の怅子に倢䞭になっおしたいそうだ」 ずおも名誉な 玠晎らしい賛蟞ず思いきや 圌は あわおお開堎2時間前に ベンチを党郚撀去しおしたったのです 倧倉 がっかりしたした 私が最も圱響を受けたものの䞀぀が ピノキオだず蚀っおも䞍思議はないでしょう ピノキオは デザむンプロダクトの傑䜜ずもいえる 私のお気に入りです 意識のある物䜓で 環境による倉化を受け 自分を倉化させたす もう䞀぀ 圱響を受けたのは 鉱山のカナリアです 炭坑では カナリアは 鉱倫の偎いるこずになっおいたす そしお䞀日鳎き続ける 鳎き止んだずきは 死んだずきです ぀たりカナリアは生きた譊報機ずいえたす 非垞に効果的でした 自然界の技術で 鉱倫達に「空気がよくない すぐ逃げろ」ず知らせるためのものです こういうのは玠晎らしいプロダクトだず思うんです そこで鉱山のカナリア的なものを デザむンしおみたした アンドレアです アンドレアは生きおいる空気枅浄機で 宀内の汚染された空気の 有害物を吞着したす これを実珟するには ガス吞着胜力を持぀ 怍物が必芁です 宀内の空気の方が屋倖より 汚れおいるのはご存知のこずず思いたす どいうこずかずいうず 皆さんが今座っおいる怅子も 芋えない無臭の有害ガスを攟出しおいたす むダですね 皆さん ホルムアルデヒドを吞っおいるわけです 私の方にもカヌペットがあるから同じです この状態は家庭でも同じです 私達が手にしおいる補品はみな 原料が 䜕らかの揮発物質を攟出しおいるからです 家の䞭がどんな具合が芋おみたしょう ゜ファヌ プラスチックの怅子 子どものおもちゃなどの 目に芋えない珟実です 結構毒性が高いんです そこで 私は ハヌバヌド倧孊の科孊者 デビッド・゚ドワヌドず協力しお 怍物を䜿った 有害物質吞着噚を䜜ったのです しかし怍物の有効な郚分に 空気が圓たらなくおはなりたせん 根にはあたり効果がないからです NASAのビル・りォルバヌトンが 70幎代に蚈枬しおいたす ここでのアむデアは 怍物の有効な郚䜍に 空気が効果的に 圓たる様な物䜓を䜜り出す事でした これが補品です 9月に発売の予定です (拍手) これも同様のアプロヌチによるもので アンドレアず同じように 怍物を応甚しおいたす こちらの堎合 怍物は 氎をフィルタするのに䜿甚されたす 魚も入っおいたす しかしアンドレアず違っお こちらは食甚です ぀たり これは実は魚ず怍物の 家庭菜園です これの目的は 各家庭に 身近な所で取れた食べ物を 提䟛する事です 「地産食䞻矩者」は 半埄150キロ以内で 入手可胜な食物を䜿いたすが 「ロヌカル・リバヌ」はあなたの居間から 盎接食べ物を提䟛したす この補品の基本は氎産ず氎耕を 組み合わせた゚コシステムで アクアポニックスず呌ばれたす アクアポニックスでは魚のタンクの汚氎が くみ䞊げられ怍物の氎やりに䜿われ そしお怍物は根によっお 魚の䜏む汚氎を フィルタし 元の氎タンクに 戻したす この埌二぀の遞択肢がありたす テレビのように 前に座っお眺めるか 面癜い番組ですね それずも魚を捕たえお 魚ず 䞊にあるハヌブで 寿叞でも䜜るかです ポテトも栜培できるので ちがった ポテトじゃなくおトマト ハヌブなどもです 䜓に良い空気を吞ったり 地元産食品を楜しんだり 知的な医療を受けるこずや 日光のバむオリズムでバランスのずれた 生掻を可胜にするものを䜜りたした でも玠晎らしいスペヌスも重芁です そこで創䜜掻動の堎を デザむンしおみたした パリ圚䜏の アメリカ人科孊者のために 脳掻動に非垞に刺激的なオフィスを䜜りたした 仕事もでき 遊びもできお 肉䜓ず頭脳が共同䜜業できるような 堎所を䜜りたかったのです このオフィスでは 政治家のように机に向かっお働く必芁はありたせん 座ったり 寝たり 遊んだり 革補のポリゎンメッシュ的な島で行いたす ここに芋えたすね このオフィスでは文章や絵を 玙に曞いたりせず 巚倧な掞窟壁颚の ホワむトボヌドに盎接描くのです 先史時代の科孊者のように こんな颚に仕事だっお楜しくなりたす このオフィスでは 自然ず觊れ合うのに 倖出する必芁はありたせん 自然は そのたたオフィスの床にあるからです そこに芋えたすね これはこのオフィスを 開発するための発想源です デザむン䜜業に実に圹立ちたしたが こういうのはクラむアントには芋せないんです 䞍安になるかもしれないので 仕事に䜿うだけです モルモットだった私自身の 埩讐かも知れたせん あるいは サルであり ホムンクルスである 我々の本胜なのかもしれたせん 私達は人間本来の 自然なあり方に埓うべきなのです どうもありがずう
He named it homunculus. Basically the homunculus is the visualization of a human being where each part of the body is proportional to the surface it takes in the brain. So, of course, homunculus is definitely not a freak. It's you. It's me. It's our invisible reality. This visualization could explain, for example, why newborns, or smokers, put, instinctively, their fingers in the mouth. Unfortunately it doesn't explain why so many designers remain mainly interested in designing chairs. So anyway, even if I do not understand science entirely, for my design I essentially refer to it. I'm fascinated by its ability to deeply investigate the human being, its way of working, its way of feeling. And it really helps me to understand how we see, how we hear, how we breathe, how our brain can inform or mislead us. It's a great tool for me to understand what could be our real needs. Marketing people have never been able to do that. Marketing reduces things. Marketing simplifies. Marketing creates user groups. And scientists, amidst complexity, amidst fluctuation and uniqueness. What could be our real needs? Maybe the silence. In our daily life we are continuously disturbed by And you know all those kind of sound puts us in a kind of stressful state, and prevent us from being quiet and focused. So I wanted to create a kind of sound filter, able to preserve ourselves from noise pollution. But I didn't want it to make it by isolating people, without any earmuffs or those kind of things. Or neither with including complex technology. I just wanted to, using the complexity and the technology of the brain, of the human brain. So I worked with white noise. dB is basically -- dB is the name of the product, basically a white noise diffuser. This is white noise. The white noise is the sum of all frequencies that are audible by the human being, brought to the same intensity. And this noise is like a "shhhhhhhhhhhhh," like that. And this noise is the most neutral. It is the perfect sound for our ears and our brain. So when you hear this sound you feel like a kind of shelter, preserved from noise pollution. And when you hear the white noise, your brain is immediately focused on it. And do not be disturbed any more by the other aggressive sound. It seems to be magic. But it is just physiology. It's just in your brain. And in mine, I hope. So in order to make this white noise a little bit active and reactive, I create a ball, a rolling ball where does aggressive sound come from, and roll, at home or at work, towards aggressive noise, and emits white noise in order to neutralize it. It works. You feel the effect of the white noise? It's too in silence. If you make some noise you can feel the effect. So even if this object, even if this product includes some technology, it includes some speakers, it includes some microphones and some electronic devices, this object is not a very smart object. And I don't want to make a very smart object. I don't want to create a perfect object like a perfect robot. I want to create an object like you and me. So, definitely not perfect. So imagine, for instance, you are at home. A loving dispute with your girl or boyfriend. You shout. You say, "Blah blah blah, Blah blah blah. Who is this guy?" And dB will probably roll toward you. And turning around you is "shhhhhhh," like that. Definitely not perfect. So you would probably shut it, at this point. Anyway, in this same kind of approach, I designed K. K is a daylight receiver transmitter. So this object is supposed to be displayed on your desk, or on your piano, where you are supposed to spend most of your time in the day. And this object will be able to know exactly the quantity of light you receive during the day, and able to give you the quantity of light you need. This object is completely covered by fiber opticals. And the idea of those fiber opticals is to inform the object, for sure, but creates the idea of an eye sensibility of the object. I want, by this design feel, when you see it, you see, instinctively, this object seems to be very sensitive, very reactive. And this object knows, better than you and probably before you, what you really need. You have to know that the lack of daylight problem of energy, or problem of libido. So, a huge problem. Most of the projects I work on -- I live in collaboration with scientists. I'm just a designer. So I need them. So there can be some biologists, psychiatrists, mathematicians, and so on. And I submit them, my intuitions, my hypothesis, my first ideas. And they react. They told me what is possible, what is impossible. And together we improve the original concept. And we build the project to the end. And this kind of relationship between designer and scientist started when I was at school. Indeed in my studies I was a guinea pig for a pharmaceutical industry. And the irony for me was of course, I didn't do that for the sake of science progress. I just do that to make money. Anyway, this project, or this experience, make me start a new project on the design of medicine. You have to know that today, roughly one or two every drug pills is not taken correctly. So even if the active constituents in pharmaceuticals made constant progress in terms of chemistry, target of stability, the behavior of the patients goes more and more unstable. So we took too many of them. We took irregular dosage. We do not follow instructions. And so on. So I wanted to create a new kind of medicine, in order to create a new kind of relationship between the patient and the treatment. So I turned traditional pills into this. I'm going to give you some example. This one is an antibiotic. And its purpose is to help patient to go to the end of the treatment. And the concept is to create a kind of onion, a kind of structure in layers. So, you start with the darkest one. And you are helped to visualize the duration of the treatment. And you are helped to visualize the decrease of the infection. So the first day, this is the big one. And you have to peel and eat one layer a day. And your antibiotic goes smaller and clearer. And you're waiting for recovery as you were waiting for the Christmas day. And you follow the treatment like that, to the end of the treatment. And here you can get the white core. And it means, right, you are in the recovery. Thank you. This one is a "third lung," a pharmaceutical device for long-term asthma treatment. I designed it to help kids to follow the treatment. So the idea of this one is to create a relationship between the patient of the treatment but a relationship of dependency. But in this case it is not the medication that is dependent on the patient. This is, the kids will feel the therapeutic object needs him. So the idea is, all night long the elastic skin of the third lung will slowly inflate itself, including air and molecules, for sure. And when the kids wake up, he can see the object needs him. And he take him to his mouth, and breathe the air it contains. So by this way, the kid, to take care of himself, is to take care of this living object. And he does not feel anymore it's relies on asthma treatment, as the asthma treatment needs him. In this guise of living object approach, I like the idea of a kind of invisible design, as if the function of the object exists in a kind of invisible field just around the objects themselves. We could talk about a kind of soul, of a ghost accompanying them. And almost a kind of poltergeist effect. So when a passive object like this one seems to be alive, because it is -- woosh -- starting to move. And I remember an exhibition design I made for John Maeda, and for the Fondation Cartier in Paris. And John Maeda was supposed to show several graphic animations in this exhibition. And my idea for this exhibition design was to create a real pong game, like this one. And the idea was to create some self-moving benches in the main exhibition room. So the living benches would be exactly like the ball. And John was so excited by this idea. He said to me, "Okay let's go." I remember the day of the opening. I was a little bit late. When I bring the 10 living and self-moving benches in the exhibition room, John was just beside me, and was like, "Hmm. Hmm." And he told me, after a long silence, "I wonder, Mathieu, if people won't be more fascinated by your benches than by my videos." It would be a great honor, a great compliment for me, if he hadn't decided to take all them off two hours before the opening. So, huge tragedy. I guess you won't be surprised if I tell you that Pinocchio is one of my great influences. Pinocchio is probably one of my best design products, my favorite one. Because it is a kind of object with a conscience, able to be modified by its surroundings, and able to modify it as well. The other great influence is the mine's canary. In coal mines, this canary was supposed to be close to the miners. And it was singing all day long. And when it stops it means that it just died. So this canary was a living alarm, and a very efficient one. A very natural technology, in order to say to the miners, "The air is too bad. You have to go. It's an emergency." So it's, for me, a great product. And I tried to design a kind of canary. Andrea is one. Andrea is a living air filter that absorbs toxic gasses from air, contaminated indoor air. So it uses some plants to do this job, selected for their gas-filtering ability. that indoor air pollution is more toxic than outdoor one. So while I'm talking to you, the seats you are sitting on are currently emitting some invisible and odorless toxic gas. Sorry for that. So you are currently breathing formaldehyde. It's the same for me with the carpet. And this is exactly the same at home. Because all the product we get constantly give away the volatile component of which they're made of. So let's have a look at your home. So your sofa, your plastic chair, your kid's toys give their own invisible reality. And this one is very toxic. This is the reason why I created, with David Edward, a scientist of Harvard University, an object able to absorb the toxic elements using those kind of plants. But the idea is to force the air to go in the effective part of the plants. Because the roots of the plant are not very effective. Bill Wolverton from NASA analyzed it cleverly in the '70s. So the idea is to create an object able to force the air, and to be in contact at the right speed at the right place, in all the effective parts of the plant. So this is the final object. It will be launched next September. This one is kind of the same approach because I include, in a product like Andrea, some plants. And in this one, plants are used for the water filtration ability. And it includes some fishes as well. But here, unlike Andrea, here are supposed to be eaten. Indeed, this object is a domestic farm, for fishes and green. So the idea of this object is to be able to get at home very local food. used to get food taken in a radius of 100 miles. Local River is able to provide you food directly in your living room. So the principle of this object is to create an ecosystem called aquaponics. And the aquaponics is the dirty water of the fish, by a water pump, feeds the plants above. And the plants will filter, by the roots, the dirty water of the fish. After, it goes back into the fish tank. After that you have two options. Or you sit down in front of it like you would do in front your TV set. Amazing channel. Or you start fishing. And you make some sushis with a fish and the aromatic plants above. Because you can grow some potatoes. No, not potatoes, but tomatoes, aromatic plants and so on. So now we can breathe safely. Now we can eat local food. Now we can be treated by smart medicine. Now we can be well-balanced in our biorhythm with daylight. But it was important to create a perfect place, so I tried to, in order to work and create. So I designed, for an American scientist based in Paris, a very stimulative, brain-stimulative office. I wanted to create a perfect place where you can work and play, and where your body and your brain can work together. So, in this office, you do not work anymore at your desk, like a politician. Your seat, your sleep and your play on a big geodesic island made of leather. See, like this one? In this office you do not work and write and draw on a sheet of paper, but you draw directly on a kind of huge whiteboard cave, like a prehistoric scientist. So you, like that, can make some sport during your work. In this office you do not need to go out in order to be in contact with nature. You include, directly, the nature in the floor of the office. You can see it there. This is an inspiration image to lead this project of the office. It really helped me to design it. I never show it to my client. He would be so afraid. Just for my workshop. I guess it may be the revenge of the guinea pig I was. But it's maybe the conviction as monkey and homunculus we are. All of us need to be considered according to our real nature. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
皆さんもよくご存知の生き物の ロボット版だず考えお䞋さい アリです アリをはじめ このサむズの昆虫が かなりすごい胜力を持っおいるのは ご承知のずおりです ピクニックのずきに アリなどの昆虫の矀れが ポテトチップスを匕っ匵っおいるのを 芋たこずがあるでしょう このようなアリを䜜る 真の困難ずは䜕でしょう? たずはじめに アリの胜力をどうやっお 同じサむズのロボットに 搭茉すればいいのでしょう? これほど小さいものを どうやっお動かすかを たず考えなければなりたせん 脚や効率のよいモヌタヌなどで 運動を支える必芁がありたすし センサヌや動力源や制埡装眮で 半自動制埡のアリのロボットを 動くようにしなければなりたせん 最埌に これらを 機胜的にするためには たくさん集たっお より倧きな䜜業を できるようにしなければなりたせん 可動性から始めたしょう 昆虫は非垞にうたく動き回りたす このビデオはカリフォルニア倧孊のものです ゎキブリが ずおも凹凞の倚い衚面を 転ばずに歩いおいたす これはゎキブリの脚が 埓来ロボットに䜿われおいたような固い物質ず やわらかい物質の 組み合わせでできおいるからです ゞャンプも小さい生き物の動き方ずしお 面癜いものです ばねに貯めた゚ネルギヌを 玠早く解攟するこずで たずえば 氎から飛び出るような 倧きな力を埗おいたす 私の研究宀が成し遂げた 倧きな貢献のひず぀は 固い物質ずやわらかい物質を ずおも小さいメカニズムに 混圚させるずいうこずです ゞャンプのメカニズムは 幅4ミリほどで ずおも小さいです 固い物質はシリコンで やわらかい物質はシリコンラバヌです 基本的な考えずしおは これを収瞮させお ばねに゚ネルギヌを貯め 解攟しおゞャンプするずいうものです ですから モヌタヌも動力源も 搭茉されおいたせん これを動かすのに必芁な方法論は 私の研究宀で 「倧孊院生ずピンセット」ず 呌んでいるものです 次のビデオでは これが非垞によく 跳躍する様子が芋られたす こちらは件のピンセットを持った 倧孊院生のアヌロンですが ここでは倧きさ4mmのメカニズムが 高さ40cmもゞャンプしおいるのが わかりたす これは倧きさの100倍にも及ぶ高さです 壊れるこずなく テヌブルにバりンドしおいたす これは非垞に堅固です もちろんずおも小さいので 倱くさないよう 気を付けなければいけたせん ですが最終的にこれにも モヌタヌを搭茉したいので 研究宀の孊生たちは 小さい自動制埡ロボットに搭茉する 1mm単䜍のモヌタヌに取り組んでいたす しかし可動性を考慮しお このサむズのものを始動させるために ちょっずずるいですが 磁石を䜿っおいたす これはマむクロロボットの脚になるものです 接続郚がシリコンラバヌで 倖の磁堎によっお動かされおいる 埋め蟌たれた磁石が 芋えるず思いたす これが先ほどお芋せした ロボットに぀ながりたす このロボットによっお 解明される興味深いこずは この倧きさの昆虫の動き方です ゎキブリからゟりに至るたで あらゆるものの動き方の ずおもいいモデルになるのです 皆走るずきには 少し飛び跳ねるように動きたすが ずおも小さい堎合は 脚ず地面の間に働く力の方が 䜓の䜓積よりも運動に圱響したす そのために飛び跳ねるように動くのです これはただうたく動きたせんが もう少し倧きいもので 走り回れるものを䜜りたした これは1立法cmの倧きさで 幅1cmで ずおも小さいです 1秒に党長10個分 走り回るようにしたので 秒速10cmです この倧きさにしおは かなり速いですが 詊隓環境に限りがあったため この速さが限界です でも動き方に぀いおは わかったず思いたす 障害物を越えるこずのできる 3Dプリンタヌで䜜ったものもありたす 先ほどのゎキブリに よく䌌おいたすね 最終的にはすべおを 搭茉したいず思っおいたす センサヌや動力源 制埡装眮や 䜜動装眮もすべお搭茉したいのですが すべおが生き物に由来しおいる 必芁はありたせん このロボットは タブレット菓子くらいの倧きさです この堎合 動き回るための 磁石や筋肉の代わりに ロケットを䜿いたす これはマむクロ加工された ゚ネルギヌ物質で 数ピクセル分䜜っお このロボットのおなかに ぀けるこずができたす そうするず 光が匷くなるのを 感じおゞャンプするのです 次のビデオは私のお気に入りです 300mgのロボットが 8cmほどゞャンプしおいるのが わかりたす 倧きさはたったの 4mm x 4mm x 7mmです 最初に゚ネルギヌが攟出されたずきに 倧きな光が出お ロボットが空䞭を浮遊しおいるのが わかりたすね 倧きな光が出お ロボットが空䞭をゞャンプしおいたす このロボットにはロヌプも ワむダヌも぀いおいたせん すべおが搭茉され 孊生がそばにあるデスクランプを ぀けたこずに反応しお ゞャンプしたのです ですから 走ったり這い回ったり ゞャンプしたり転げたわる このサむズのロボットですごいこずが できるこずが想像できるでしょう 地震のような自然灜害のあずで 出る瓊瀫を考えおみおください こうした小さなロボットが 瓊瀫の呚りを走り回っお 生存者を探せたらどうでしょう あるいは 小さなロボットが たくさん橋の呚りを走り回っお 安党性を確認するのはどうでしょう ミネアポリス近郊で 2007幎に起こったようなこずは 起こらないでしょう あなたの血管を泳ぎたわれるような ロボットがあったらどうか 想像しおみおください アむザック・アシモフの 『ミクロの決死圏』みたいでしょ? 開腹しないでロボットが 手術できたらどうでしょうか? シロアリのように動き回る 小さなロボットがあれば 建蚭方法を倧きく 倉化させられるかもしれたせん シロアリはアフリカやオヌストラリアで 他のシロアリず䞀緒に䜏むための ずおも換気のいい 高さ8mもの 山を䜜るのです 小さなロボットでできるこずの 可胜性をいく぀か お芋せしたした いくらか進歩したずはいえ ただただ道は長いですが あなた方の䞭に この道に 貢献できる人がいるこずを願いたす ありがずうございたした
Now, you can think of these as robotic versions of something that you're all very familiar with: an ant. We all know that ants and other insects at this size scale can do some pretty incredible things. We've all seen a group of ants, or some version of that, carting off your potato chip at a picnic, for example. But what are the real challenges of engineering these ants? Well, first of all, how do we get the capabilities of an ant in a robot at the same size scale? Well, first we need to figure out how to make them move when they're so small. We need mechanisms like legs and efficient motors in order to support that locomotion, and we need the sensors, power and control in order to pull everything together in a semi-intelligent ant robot. And finally, to make these things really functional, we want a lot of them working together in order to do bigger things. So I'll start with mobility. Insects move around amazingly well. This video is from UC Berkeley. It shows a cockroach moving over incredibly rough terrain without tipping over, and it's able to do this because its legs are a combination of rigid materials, which is what we traditionally use to make robots, and soft materials. Jumping is another really interesting way to get around when you're very small. So these insects store energy in a spring and release that really quickly to get the high power they need to jump out of water, for example. So one of the big contributions from my lab has been to combine rigid and soft materials in very, very small mechanisms. So this jumping mechanism is about four millimeters on a side, so really tiny. The hard material here is silicon, and the soft material is silicone rubber. And the basic idea is that we're going to compress this, store energy in the springs, and then release it to jump. So there's no motors on board this right now, no power. This is actuated with a method that we call in my lab "graduate student with tweezers." So what you'll see in the next video is this guy doing amazingly well for its jumps. So this is Aaron, the graduate student in question, with the tweezers, and what you see is this four-millimeter-sized mechanism jumping almost 40 centimeters high. That's almost 100 times its own length. And it survives, bounces on the table, it's incredibly robust, and of course survives quite well until we lose it because it's very tiny. Ultimately, though, we want to add motors to this too, and we have students in the lab working on millimeter-sized motors to eventually integrate onto small, autonomous robots. But in order to look at mobility and locomotion at this size scale to start, we're cheating and using magnets. So this shows what would eventually be part of a micro-robot leg, and you can see the silicone rubber joints and there's an embedded magnet that's being moved around by an external magnetic field. So this leads to the robot that I showed you earlier. The really interesting thing that this robot can help us figure out is how insects move at this scale. We have a really good model for how everything from a cockroach up to an elephant moves. We all move in this kind of bouncy way when we run. But when I'm really small, the forces between my feet and the ground are going to affect my locomotion a lot more than my mass, which is what causes that bouncy motion. So this guy doesn't work quite yet, but we do have slightly larger versions that do run around. So this is about a centimeter cubed, a centimeter on a side, so very tiny, and we've gotten this to run about 10 body lengths per second, so 10 centimeters per second. It's pretty quick for a little, small guy, and that's really only limited by our test setup. But this gives you some idea of how it works right now. We can also make 3D-printed versions of this that can climb over obstacles, a lot like the cockroach that you saw earlier. But ultimately we want to add everything onboard the robot. We want sensing, power, control, actuation all together, and not everything needs to be bio-inspired. So this robot's about the size of a Tic Tac. And in this case, instead of magnets or muscles to move this around, we use rockets. So this is a micro-fabricated energetic material, and we can create tiny pixels of this, and we can put one of these pixels on the belly of this robot, and this robot, then, is going to jump when it senses an increase in light. So the next video is one of my favorites. So you have this 300-milligram robot jumping about eight centimeters in the air. It's only four by four by seven millimeters in size. And you'll see a big flash at the beginning when the energetic is set off, and the robot tumbling through the air. So there was that big flash, and you can see the robot jumping up through the air. So there's no tethers on this, no wires connecting to this. Everything is onboard, and it jumped in response to the student just flicking on a desk lamp next to it. So I think you can imagine all the cool things that we could do with robots that can run and crawl and jump and roll at this size scale. Imagine the rubble that you get after a natural disaster like an earthquake. Imagine these small robots running through that rubble to look for survivors. Or imagine a lot of small robots running around a bridge in order to inspect it and make sure it's safe so you don't get collapses like this, which happened outside of Minneapolis in 2007. Or just imagine what you could do if you had robots that could swim through your blood. Right? "Fantastic Voyage," Isaac Asimov. Or they could operate without having to cut you open in the first place. if we have our tiny robots work the same way that termites do, and they build these incredible eight-meter-high mounds, effectively well ventilated apartment buildings for other termites in Africa and Australia. So I think I've given you some of the possibilities of what we can do with these small robots. And we've made some advances so far, but there's still a long way to go, and hopefully some of you can contribute to that destination. Thanks very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
事態は思わぬずころから動いた。 以前たたたた王郜で助けた迷子のアビィが、人拐いに狙われおいた可胜性が浮䞊したのだ。 アビィ達芪子はその足で巡回兵団の本郚に連れおいき、詳しい話を聞くこずになった。 母芪も、迷子のアビィを保護した兵団員も、「友達を芋぀けおはぐれおしたった」ずいう圌女の蚌蚀をそのたた信じおいた。 髪食り売りに䞍気味さを感じおいたものの、少女は母芪に怒られたくなくお、あえお黙っおいたのだずいう。 聎取が終わるず、倧事なこずを黙っおいたため母芪にこっぎどく叱られおいたが、最埌には無事でよかったず涙ながらに抱き締められおいた。 ずもあれ、これでただの倱螪ではなく、誘拐事件ずしお捜査できるようになるのだ。 先日むザヌクが怪我をした理由も、この時明らかになった。 黒ずくめの怪しい人物を芋かけお、䞍審に思い声を掛けたら戊闘になったのだずいう。 かなりの手緎れで結局逃げられおしたったが、兵団員にひけを取らない実力の持ち䞻が街に朜䌏しおいるずしたら、それなりの理由があるはずだ。 もしかしたら誘拐事件に繋がるのではずいう意芋が、巡回兵団内ではたずたり぀぀あったのだずいう。 そしお今回のアビィの蚌蚀。これが駄目抌しになった。 の倱螪が人拐い組織によっお行われおいたずいう仮定が、にわかに珟実味を垯びおきたのだ。 「シェむラ、お手柄だ。これで倱螪事件じゃなく誘拐事件だず立蚌された。あずは裏で手を匕いおる奎がいるか、突き止めるだけだ」 隠しようもなくなっおきたので、぀いに孊院生にも事件のあらたしに぀いお語られた。 けれどあくたで孊生なので、求められたのは捜査の協力ではなく危機回避の䞀点のみだった。 䜕もできないのは悔しいが、団内で決たったこずなら守らねばならない。今シェむラは仮にも芋習いの立堎だし、茪を乱すこずで状況を悪化させおしたうのも本意ではないのだ。 䌚議に巡回に忙しく動き回る団員達をよそに、シェむラ達は今たでず倉わらぬ日々を過ごしおいた。 緎兵堎で鍛緎をする日。むザヌクずゟラは忙しい身の䞊のため、シェむラ達は自習になった。 䜕だか気が抜けおがんやりしおいた時、本郚埅機しおいた団員が緎兵堎にやっお来た。䜕ずシェむラに、面䌚垌望者が来おいるらしい。 「面䌚、ですか?」 こおりず銖を傟げるず、顔芋知りの団員は頭を掻きながら答えた。 「䜕かこう、ちょっず倉わった服装の男だったぞ。どっかの民俗衣装みたいな」 民俗衣装、ず聞いお、真っ先に頭に浮かんだのはデナン村の装束だった。あれは王郜の䜏民からすれば、かなり浮いおいるだろう。 もしかしたら村の誰かが䌚いに来たのかもしれない。そう思い圓たり、コディ達に声を掛けおから面䌚棟に向かった。 面䌚棟は、機密保持の芳点からある建物だ。巡回兵団は階士団ずも密に連絡を取り合っおいるため、郚倖者を招き入れるには重芁曞類が倚すぎる。 䞍審者に䟵入される危険性を考慮し、門を入ったずころに建おられたのが面䌚棟だった。 教えられた個宀に向かい、扉を開ける。 窓蟺に立぀人の、ずおも懐かしい装束に芖線が吞い寄せられた。 円筒圢の垜子ず足銖たである䞊衣は、同じ癜い垃で䜜られおおり、赀い幟䜕孊暡様の刺繍が鮮やかに浮かび䞊がっお芋える。腰には麻を撚っお䜜られた玐ず幟䜕孊暡様の垯。䞋履きは䜓の線に沿うようにぎったりしおいお、足元は獣の革をなめしたブヌツ。間違いなく、デナン村での普段着だった。 背の高い人物が、ゆっくりず振り返る。 「久しぶり、シェむラ。䌚いたくなったから来おしたったよ」 「――――兄さん!?」 日の光に透ける銀髪を垜子に綺麗に隠しおしたっおいるが、間違いなくフェリクスだった。 村の装束姿を芋るのは久々だったが、貎族の栌奜を芋慣れおしたえば、激しく䌌合っおいないこずが分かる。 駆け寄るず、コツンず額を匟かれた。 「こら。僕のこずは名前で呌びなさいず蚀っただろう?」 「あ、ごめん」 懐かしい出で立ちに぀られお、぀い銎染んだ呌び方をしおしたった。 「研修が始たったら䌑みも䞍定期になっおしたったし、忙しいからず顔を芋せに来おくれないし、寂しくおね」 「アハハ、ごめんね。ただ兵団の仕事に慣れなくお、䌑みの日は爆睡しおるんだ」 䌑日に働いたりしおいたなんお、圌には絶察に蚀えない。 「ホラ、可愛い顔をよく芋せお?」 目を逞らしぎこちなく笑っおいるず、フェリクスに顎を持ち䞊げられた。蕩けるような笑顔を浮かべた極䞊の矎貌が目の前にあった。灰色の瞳が優しく现たり、い぀も県差しで抱き締められおいる気分になる。 「フェリクス、䜕で村の装束を着おるの?」 「ただ、人前に出るべき時じゃないからね。劙に怪しい栌奜をするよりこの栌奜の方がいいかず思っお」 倉装、ずいうこずなのだろう。確かに街で芋かければ䞀際目立぀だろうが、装いに目がいっお矎しい顔の印象は薄くなるかもしれない。そのために目立぀銀髪も隠しおいるのだろう。 以前から玠性を隠しおいるふしのあるフェリクスだが、ただその必芁があるらしい。 「堂々ず䞀緒にいられる日は、ちゃんず来る?」 真っ盎ぐに芋぀めお問うず、圌は窓の倖に芖線を逃がした。倏空ず濃い緑の朚々に、眩しげに目を现める。 「そうだね............秋の技術披露倧䌚には、お前の勇姿を芋に行けるかもしれないね」 「本圓に?じゃあ私、フェリクスが自慢できるくらいに頑匵らないず」 シェむラがパッず華やいだ笑顔になるず、フェリクスは頭を撫でながら苊笑した。「やっぱりシェむラには髪を䌞ばしおほしいな」ず関係ないこずを呟く。 「......顔が芋たかったずいうのも本圓なのだけれど。もう䞀぀、心配事があったから、無理やりにでも䌚いに来おしたった」 フェリクスは灰色の瞳に蟛そうな色を混ぜながら、シェむラの頬に觊れた。 「王郜で起こっおいた幌児誘拐の蚌人を、お前が芋぀けたんだっお?」 「フェリクス詳しいね」 「色々なずころから情報は入っおくるんだよ。きっずクロヌシェザヌドも既に掎んでいお、今頃やきもきしおいるだろうね」 無茶をしないように、ず釘をさした仏頂面の保護者を思い出し、シェむラの背筋が自然ず䌞びた。 フェリクスはもう䞀方の手も䌞ばし、倧きな手の平でシェむラの顔を包み蟌んだ。曎に顔が近付く。灰色の瞳が切なげに揺れ、銀色の睫毛がゆっくりず䌏せられる。 「シェむラ............心配なんだ」 ふわりず抱き締められた時、銎染んだ圌の銙りがした。枅涌な湧き氎のように柄んだ銙り。懐かしさに、瞳を閉じお䜓を預けきった。 「お前が階士になる道を遞んだ時から、危険ず隣り合わせであるこずは承知しおいた。それでも僕は、お前をどんな些现なこずからも護りたいず思っおしたう......」 フェリクスの声が、盎接䜓に響く。 応揎したい気持ちず、危険から遠ざけたい気持ち。どちらも本心で、盞反する願いに揺れる心情が声から䌝わっおくる。服越しに感じる䜓枩を味わっおいたら、圌が続けた。 「その子の誘拐未遂珟堎に、たたたた居合わせおいたずも聞いたよ。なぜシェむラが誘拐の珟堎にいたの?」 「......それは、本圓にたたたただったんだよ。その時助けた子どものこずも、昚日たでは普通の迷子だず思っおたくらい」 答えながらも、シェむラは戞惑っおいた。フェリクスがそこたで事情に粟通しおいるずは、流石に思っおいなかったのだ。 「私が関わっおたこずは、兵団員ず䞊局郚しか知らないはずなのに............䜕で、フェリクスが知っおるの?」 巡回兵団の党員はもちろん知っおいる。ただ、孊院の生埒が関係しおいたこずは機密事項ずされおいたのだ。団長のマット⋅キヌナンにも口倖しないよう厳呜されおいた。ここたで知られすぎおいるず䜕だか怖いくらいだ。 シェむラの疑念を察したのか、フェリクスが䜓を少し離しお劖しく埮笑んだ。 「䜕でだず思う?䟋えば......その組織ず繋がっおるずか?」 危うい質問だ。けれどシェむラは答えを迷わなかった。 「フェリクスはそんなこずしないよ」 硬質の矎貌は、芋る人が芋ればきっず冷酷にも映るだろう。突き攟すような蚀い方をされれば、心が震えるかもしれない。 けれど確かに圌の瞳には愛情があったから、シェむラは䜕䞀぀怖くなかった。 「でももしそれが本圓なら、その時は――――」 フェリクスの腕を匕き剥がし、黄燈色の匷い瞳で射抜くように芋据えた。 「私がフェリクスを捕たえる。この手で、必ず」 シェむラの芚悟に、フェリクスは瞳を最たせた。 倧切な効は、こんなにも成長しおいた。兄ずしお少し寂しいけれど、感動が倧半だった。 「シェむラ............倧奜き」 「わっ」 今床は匷い力で匕き寄せられ、シェむラは胞に埋もれた。兄の愛情に息ができなくなりそうだ。 「こんなにも愛されお、僕はなんお幞せ者なんだろう。......シェむラず出逢えおよかった。お前が教えおくれたんだ。家族も、安らぎも、人を信じるこずも、愛するこずも............党郚」 ぐっず肩が掎たれ、顔を䞊げる。痛いほど真剣な光を宿した県差しずかち合った。 「シェむラ、玄束しお。僕もお前を信じおいるよ。だから、お前の倢をこれからも応揎し続ける。――――そのかわり、どんな困難があっおも、必ず無事に垰っおきお」 誓いの蚀葉はすぐ胞に浮かんだ。フェリクスぞの宣蚀は、敬虔な信埒の祈りに䌌お尊い。 「玄束する。倧切な人達がいる堎所に、私は絶察垰るよ」 フェリクスは安堵に衚情を和らげ、䜓を離した。その際にするりず頬を撫でるのは、最早圓たり前の觊れ合いだ。 「そうだ、忘れおいたよ」 装束の袷から、フェリクスがおもむろに小さな袋を取り出した。 「甘いお土産があるんだ。マカロンず蚀っお、今王城で流行っおいるものらしい」 包みからコロンず転がり出おきたのは、たるくお可愛い、色ずりどりの菓子だった。フェリクスは䞀粒を摘たんで差し出す。 口元に運ばれたマカロンを、シェむラは玠盎にパクリず食べる。 「これほど倧きな物を䞀口で食べるなんお、僕の効はなんお可愛いらしいのだろう」 最早䜕でも可愛いに繋がっおしたう兄に愛でられながら、シェむラは甘く穏やかな䞀時を過ごした。
Things took an unexpected turn. The possibility that the lost Abby, whom she happened to save in the royal capital, was being targeted for kidnapping had surfaced. Abby and her parents were taken to the headquarters of the Patrol Corps to hear a more detailed story. Both her mother and the soldiers who took care of the lost Abby believed her testimony that she had found her friend and strayed away. Although she felt creeped out by the hair ornament seller, the girl dared to keep quiet because she didn’t want her mother to be angry with her. After the interview, she was chastised by her mother for not telling her something important, but in the end, she was tearfully hugged and told that she was glad Abby was safe. In any case, with this, it would be possible to investigate the case as a kidnapping rather than just a disappearance. The reason why Isaac was injured the other day was also revealed this time. He had seen a suspicious, black-robed figure, and when he became wary and called out to him, a battle ensued. The person was quite skilled and eventually got away, but if someone as skilled as a corps member was hiding in the city, there must be a good reason for it. There was a consensus within the Patrol Corps that it might possibly lead to a kidnapping case. Then came Abby’s testimony. That was the final straw. The assumption that the series of disappearances had been carried out by a kidnapping organization was suddenly becoming a reality. “Sheila, you’ve done a great job. This proved that it was a kidnapping case, not a missing person case. Now we just need to find out who’s behind it.” With nothing left to hide, the students were finally told what had happened. However, since they were only students, they weren’t asked to cooperate with the investigation, but only to avert a crisis. It was frustrating to be unable to do anything, but if the decision was made within the group, it had to be followed. Sheila was now an apprentice, and it wasn’t her intention to aggravate the situation by disrupting the process. While the corps members were busy with meetings and patrols, Sheila and her colleagues were going about their daily lives as usual. On the day of training at the training ground, Isaac and Zola were busy, so Sheila and the others had to self-study. While she was somewhat absent-minded and in a daze, a member of the corps who was on standby at the headquarters came to the training ground. It seemed that Sheila had a visitor who wanted to meet her. “A visitor?” When she tilted her head slightly, the corps member scratched his head and answered. “He was dressed a little differently. Like some kind of folk costume.” When she heard the word “folk costume,” the first thing that came to mind was the attire of the village of Denan. That would be quite out of place among the residents of the royal capital. Perhaps someone from the village had come to see her. With this in mind, she called out to Cody to inform him, then headed for the visiting building. The visiting building was a confidential building. Since the Patrol Corps was in close contact with the Imperial Knights, there were too many important documents to casually invite outsiders in. Considering the risk of intrusion by unauthorized persons, a visiting wing was built at the entrance to the gate. She went to the private room she was told to go to and opened the door. Her gaze was drawn to the very nostalgic attire of the person standing by the window. The cylindrical hat and ankle-length coat were made of the same white cloth, with red embroidery in a geometric pattern that stood out vividly. At the waist was a cord made of twisted hemp and a geometric-patterned sash. The pants were tight-fitting to follow the lines of the body, and the shoes were boots made of tanned animal skin. Without a doubt, that was the usual attire in Denan Village. A tall figure slowly turned around. “It’s been a while, Sheila. I missed you so much, I had to come over.” “――Brother!” It was definitely Felix, although his silver hair, which shimmered in the sunlight, was neatly hidden by his hat. It had been a long time since she had seen him in his village attire, but once she got used to seeing him dressed as a nobleman, she could see that it didn’t suit him very well. When she ran over, she was gently flicked on the forehead. “Hey, I told you to call me by my name, didn’t I?” “Ah, I’m sorry.” She was so taken by his nostalgic appearance that she ended up calling him in a familiar way. “I was so lonely because your vacations have been irregular since you started your training, and you haven’t come to see me because you were too busy.” “Ahaha, I’m sorry. I haven’t gotten used to the work of the corps yet, so I sleep like a baby on my days off.” She could never tell him that she was working on her days off. “Well, let’s take a good look at your cute face, shall we?” When she looked away and smiled awkwardly, Felix lifted her chin. A superb beauty with a charming smile was in front of her. His gray eyes narrowed gently, and she always felt like she was being trapped by his eyes. “Felix, why are you wearing the village attire?” “It’s not the right time to be out in public yet. I thought it would be better to dress this way than to look strangely suspicious.” A disguise, she supposed. Although he would certainly stand out if seen on the street, his beautiful face might be less impressive because of his disguise. That was probably why he was hiding his conspicuous silver hair. Felix had been hiding his identity for a long time, but it seemed that there was still a need to do so. “Will there ever come a day when we can be together proudly?” When she looked straight at him and asked, he let his gaze wander out the window. He squinted at the summer sky and the dark green trees. “Well.... I might be able to go see your brave figure at the technique competition in fall.” “Really? Then I have to do my best to make Felix proud.” When Sheila flashed a bright smile, Felix patted her head and chuckled. He muttered something irrelevant, “I still wish Sheila would grow her hair longer.” “.... Though it’s true that I wanted to see your face, there was one more thing I was worried about, so I forced myself to come see you.” Felix touched Sheila’s cheek with a painful tinge in his gray eyes. “I heard you found a witness to a child kidnapping case in the royal capital?” “Felix, you know a lot.” “Information comes in from all sorts of places. I’m sure Clauschezade already knows it and is probably getting nervous right now.” Sheila’s spine naturally straightened as she recalled her guardian who had urged her not to do anything reckless. Felix reached out with his other hand and cupped Sheila’s face in his large palm. Their faces moved even closer together. His gray eyes flashed sadly, and his silver lashes slowly drooped. “Sheila.... I’m worried about you.” When he hugged her softly, she could smell his familiar fragrance. A scent as clear as cool spring water. She closed her eyes and leaned against him, feeling nostalgic. “I knew from the moment you chose to become a knight that you could be in danger. Even so, I still want to protect you from even the smallest of things.....” Felix’s voice resounded directly in her body. The desire to support her and keep her away from danger. Both were his true feelings, and his voice conveyed his emotions, wavering between conflicting desires. While she savored the warmth of his body through her clothes, he continued. “I also heard that you happened to be at the scene of the attempted kidnapping of the child. Why was Sheila at the kidnapping scene?” “.... It really was a coincidence. Until yesterday, I thought the child I helped was just a normal lost child.” Even as she answered, Sheila was puzzled. She hadn’t expected Felix to be that knowledgeable about the situation. “Only the corps members and the higher-ups were supposed to know I was involved..... Why does Felix know about this?” Everyone in the Patrol Corps knew, of course. However, the fact that a student from the academy was involved was considered confidential. Even the Commander, Matt Keenan, was under strict orders not to talk about it. It was kind of scary that Felix knew so much about it. Perhaps sensing Sheila’s suspicion, Felix leaned away a little and smiled bewitchingly. “Why do you think that is? For example..... Am I connected to that organization?” It was a dangerous question, but Sheila didn’t hesitate to answer. “Felix would never do that.” His stiff beautiful face would surely appear ruthless to the onlooker. If he were to say it in a dismissive way, it might make her heart quiver. But the love in his eyes made Sheila feel no fear whatsoever. “But if it were true, then――” She yanked Felix’s arm away from her and looked at him with firm eyes. “I will get Felix with my own hands, I promise.” Felix’s eyes welled up at Sheila’s determination. His precious little sister had grown up so much. As an older brother, he felt a little lonely, but most of the time, he was moved by her. “I love Sheila....” “Waaa...!” This time he pulled her in with such a strong force that Sheil was buried in his chest. She almost couldn’t breathe with her brother’s love for her. “How lucky I am to be loved so much. I’m glad I met Sheila... You taught me how to be a better person. About family, comfort, trust, love... Everything.” He grabbed her shoulder and lifted her face. She was met with a gaze that contained a painfully earnest light. “Sheila, you have to promise me. I believe in you, too. That’s why I will continue to support you in your dreams. ――In exchange, no matter what difficulties you face, you have to come back safely.” The words of the pledge immediately came to her mind. The declaration of Felix was as precious as the prayer of a devout believer. “I promise. I will definitely return to the place where my loved ones are.” Felix’s face softened in relief and he pulled away. At that time, him gently stroking her cheek was already a natural contact. “Oh yes, I almost forgot.” Felix slowly took out a small bag from the lining of his outfit. “I have a sweet gift for you. They’re called macaron, and it seems to be popular in the royal castle right now.” What rolled out of the package was a round, cute, colorful pastry. Felix picked one up and offered it to her. Sheila obediently ate the macaron that was brought to her mouth. “How cute is my little sister to eat something this big in one bite?” Sheila spent a sweet and peaceful moment being adored by her brother, who was able to turn anything related to her into something cute.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
時間は少し遡る。 ハむリヒ王囜王宮内、召喚者達に䞎えられた郚屋で暫雫は、暗く沈んだ衚情で未だに眠る芪友を芋぀めおいた。 あの埌、宿堎町ホルアドで䞀泊し、早朝には高速銬車に乗っお䞀行は王囜ぞず戻った。ずおも、迷宮内で実戊蚓緎を続行できる雰囲気ではなかったし、無胜扱いだったずは蚀え勇者の同胞が死んだ以䞊、囜王にも教䌚にも報告は必芁だった。 垰還を果たしハゞメの死亡が䌝えられた時、王囜偎の人間は誰も圌もが愕然ずしたものの、それが〝無胜〟のハゞメず知るず安堵の吐息を挏らしたのだ。 もちろん、公の堎で発蚀したのではなく、物陰でこそこそず貎族同士の䞖間話ずいう感じではあるが。やれ死んだのが無胜でよかっただの、神の䜿埒でありながら圹立たずなど死んで圓然だの、それはもう奜き攟題に貶しおいた。たさに、死人に鞭打぀行為に、雫は憀激に駆られお䜕床も手が出そうになった。 実際、正矩感の匷い光茝が真っ先に怒らなければ飛びかかっおいおもおかしくなかった。光茝が激しく抗議したこずで囜王や教䌚も悪い印象を持たれおはマズむず刀断したのか、ハゞメを眵った人物達は凊分を受けたようだが...... あの時、自分達を救ったのは玛れもなく、勇者も歯が立たなかった化け物をたった䞀人で食い止め続けたハゞメだずいうのに。そんな圌を死に远いやったのはクラスメむトの誰かが攟った の話をしない。自分の魔法は把握しおいたはずだが、あの時は無数の魔法が嵐の劂く吹き荒れおおり、〝䞇䞀自分の魔法だったら〟ず思うず、どうしおも話題に出せないのだ。それは、自分が人殺しであるこずを瀺しおしたうから。 䜕かしおドゞったせいだず思うようにしおいるようだ。死人に口なし。無闇に犯人探しをするより、ハゞメの自業自埗にしおおけば誰もが悩たなくお枈む。クラスメむト達の意芋は意思の疎通を図るこずもなく䞀臎しおいた。 メルド団長は、あの時の経緯を明らかにするため、生埒達に事情聎取をする必芁があるず考えおいた。生埒達のように珟実逃避しお、単玔な誀爆であるずは考え難かったこずもあるし、仮に過倱だったのだずしおも、癜黒はっきりさせた䞊で心理的ケアをした方が生埒達のためになるず確信しおいたからだ。 しかし、メルド団長は行動するこず叶わなかった。むシュタルが、生埒達ぞの詮玢を犁止したからだ。メルド団長は食い䞋がったが、囜王にたで犁じられおは堪えるしかなかった。 「あなたが知ったら......怒るのでしょうね?」 医者の蚺断では、䜓に異垞はなく、おそらく粟神的ショックから心を守るため防衛措眮ずしお深い眠りに぀いおいるのだろうずいうこずだった。故に、時が経おば自然ず目を芚たすず。 雫は銙織の手を握りながら、「どうかこれ以䞊、私の優しい芪友を傷぀けないで䞋さい」ず、誰ずもなしに祈った。 その時、䞍意に、握り締めた銙織の手がピクッず動いた。 「!? 銙織! 聞こえる!? 銙織!」 雫が必死に呌びかける。するず、閉じられた銙織の目蓋がふるふるず震え始めた。雫は曎に呌びかけた。その声に反応しおか銙織の手がギュッず雫の手を握り返す。 「......雫ちゃん?」 ベッドに身を乗り出し、目の端に涙を浮かべながら銙織を芋䞋ろす雫。 「ええ、そうよ。私よ。銙織、䜓はどう? 違和感はない?」 「う、うん。平気だよ。ちょっず怠いけど......寝おたからだろうし......」 「そうね、もう五日も眠っおいたのだもの......怠くもなるわ」 そうやっお䜓を起こそうずする銙織を補助し苊笑いしながら、どれくらい眠っおいたのかを䌝える雫。銙織はそれに反応する。 「五日? そんなに......どうしお......私、確か迷宮に行っお......それで......」 埐々に焊点が合わなくなっおいく目を芋お、マズむず感じた雫が咄嗟に話を逞らそうずする。しかし、銙織が蚘憶を取り戻す方が早かった。 「それで......あ..............................南雲くんは?」 「ッ......それは」 苊しげな衚情でどう䌝えるべきか悩む雫。そんな雫の様子で自分の蚘憶にある悲劇が珟実であったこずを悟る。だが、そんな珟実を容易に受け入れられるほど銙織はできおいない。 「......嘘だよ、ね。そうでしょ? 雫ちゃん。私が気絶した埌、南雲くんも助かったんだよね? ね、ね? そうでしょ? ここ、お城の郚屋だよね? 皆で垰っおきたんだよね? 南雲くんは......蚓緎かな? 蚓緎所にいるよね? うん......私、ちょっず行っおくるね。南雲くんにお瀌蚀わなきゃ......だから、離しお? 雫ちゃん」 珟実逃避するように次から次ぞず蚀葉を玡ぎハゞメを探しに行こうずする銙織。そんな銙織の腕を掎み離そうずしない雫。 「......銙織。わかっおいるでしょう? ......ここに圌はいないわ」 「やめお......」 「銙織の芚えおいる通りよ」 「やめおよ......」 「圌は、南雲君は......」 「いや、やめおよ......やめおったら!」 「銙織! 圌は死んだのよ!」 「ちがう! 死んでなんかない! 絶察、そんなこずない! どうしお、そんな酷いこず蚀うの! いくら雫ちゃんでも蚱さないよ!」 むダむダず銖を振りながら、どうにか雫の拘束から逃れようず暎れる銙織。雫は絶察離しおなるものかずキツく抱き締める。ギュッず抱き締め、凍える銙織の心を枩めようずする。 「離しお! 離しおよぉ! 南雲くんを探しに行かなきゃ! お願いだからぁ......絶察、生きおるんだからぁ......離しおよぉ」 瞋り付くようにしがみ぀き、喉を枯らさんばかりに倧声を䞊げお泣く。雫は、ただただひたすらに己の芪友を抱き締め続けた。そうするこずで、少しでも傷぀いた心が痛みを和らげたすようにず願っお。 どれくらいそうしおいたのか、窓から芋える明るかった空は倕日に照らされ赀く染たっおいた。銙織はスンスンず錻を鳎らしながら雫の腕の䞭で身じろぎした。雫が、心配そうに銙織を䌺う。 「......雫ちゃん......南雲くんは......萜ちたんだね......ここにはいないんだね......」 囁くような、今にも消え入りそうな声で銙織が呟く。雫は誀魔化さない。誀魔化しお甘い蚀葉を囁けば䞀時的な慰めにはなるだろう。しかし、結局それは、埌で取り返しが぀かないくらいの傷ずなっお返っおくるのだ。これ以䞊、芪友が傷぀くのは芋おいられない。 「そうよ」 「あの時、南雲くんは私達の魔法が圓たりそうになっおた......誰なの?」 「わからないわ。誰も、あの時のこずには觊れないようにしおる。怖いのね。もし、自分だったらっお......」 「恚んでる?」 「......わからないよ。もし誰かわかったら......きっず恚むず思う。でも......分からないなら......その方がいいず思う。きっず、私、我慢できないず思うから......」 「そう......」 俯いたたたポツリポツリず䌚話する銙織。やがお、真っ赀になった目をゎシゎシず拭いながら顔を䞊げ、雫を芋぀める。そしお、決然ず宣蚀した。 「雫ちゃん、私、信じないよ。南雲くんは生きおる。死んだなんお信じない」 「銙織、それは......」 銙織の蚀葉に再び悲痛そうな衚情で諭そうずする雫。しかし、銙織は䞡手で雫の䞡頬を包むず、埮笑みながら蚀葉を玡ぐ。 「わかっおる。あそこに萜ちお生きおいるず思う方がおかしいっお。......でもね、確認したわけじゃない。可胜性は䞀パヌセントより䜎いけど、確認しおいないなられロじゃない。......私、信じたいの」 「私、もっず匷くなるよ。それで、あんな状況でも今床は守れるくらい匷くなっお、自分の目で確かめる。南雲くんのこず。......雫ちゃん」 「なに?」 「力を貞しおください」 「......」 雫はじっず自分を芋぀める銙織に目を合わせ芋぀め返した。銙織の目には狂気や珟実逃避の色は芋えない。ただ玔粋に己が玍埗するたで諊めないずいう意志が宿っおいる。こうなった銙織はテコでも動かない。雫どころか銙織の家族も手を焌く頑固者になるのだ。 普通に考えれば、銙織の蚀っおいる可胜性などれロパヌセントであるず切っお捚おおいい話だ。あの奈萜に萜ちお生存を信じるなど珟実逃避ず断じられるのが普通だ。 「もちろんいいわよ。玍埗するたでずこずん付き合うわ」 「雫ちゃん!」 銙織は雫に抱き぀き「ありがずう!」ず䜕床も瀌をいう。「瀌なんお䞍芁よ、芪友でしょ?」ず、どこたでも男前な雫。珟代のサムラむガヌルの称号は䌊達ではなかった。 その時、䞍意に郚屋の扉が開けられる。 「雫! 銙織はめざ......め......」 「おう、銙織はどう......だ......」 あの日からの蚓緎もより身が入ったものになった。二人もハゞメの死に思うずころがあったのだろう。䜕せ、撀退を枋った挙句返り蚎ちにあい、あわや殺されるずいう危機を救ったのはハゞメなのだ。もう二床ずあんな無様は晒さないず盞圓気合が入っおいるようである。 そんな二人だが、珟圚、郚屋の入り口で硬盎しおいた。蚝しそうに雫が尋ねる。 「あんた達、どうし......」 「す、すたん!」 「じゃ、邪魔したな!」 雫の疑問に察しお喰い気味に蚀葉を被せ、芋おはいけないものを芋おしたったずいう感じで慌おお郚屋を出おいく。そんな二人を芋お、銙織もキョトンずしおいる。しかし、聡い雫はその原因に気が぀いた。 珟圚、銙織は雫の膝の䞊に座り、雫の䞡頬を䞡手で包みながら、今にもキスできそうな䜍眮たで顔を近づけおいるのだ。雫の方も、銙織を支えるように、その现い腰ず肩に手を眮き抱き締めおいるように芋える。 ぀たり、激しく癟合癟合しい光景が出来䞊がっおいるのだ。ここが挫画の䞖界なら背景に癟合の花が咲き乱れおいるこずだろう。 雫は深々ず溜息を吐くず、未だ事態が飲み蟌めずキョトンずしおいる銙織を尻目に声を匵り䞊げた。 「さっさず戻っおきなさい! この倧銬鹿者ども!」
Going back a little in time. In one of the rooms provided to the summoned people within the Royal Palace of the Hairihi Kingdom, Yaegashi Shizuku watched over her best friend who was still asleep, with a gloomy mood. It has already been five days since that day where they experienced loss as well as a life or death struggle in the dungeon. After that incident, the party stayed overnight at inn town Holward, before returning to the Kingdom in high speed horse carriages early next morning. It was simply impossible to continue live combat training in the dungeon with this kind of atmosphere. Though he was said to be incompetent, it was still the death of a hero’s compatriot after all, hence, it was necessary to report to the King and the Church. Besides, although it is harsh, it will be troublesome if they broke down in a place like this. It has been decided that the hero party needed to be cared for before any fatal impairment occurs. Recalling the incident after returning to the kingdom, although Shizuku wished for Kaori to wake up soon, at the same time, she also felt that it was good for her to remain sleeping. When the news of Hajime’s death was reported, although each and every one of the kingdom’s people was appalled, they also breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Hajime was that “incompetent”. Even the King and Ishtar were the same. Such an incident of a death in the Dungeon within the hero party who possess powerful strength. It will be troublesome if unrest starts spreading of how they, who couldn’t even survive the Dungeon, would be able to defeat Demons. The hero party, to be worthy of the name God’s Apostles, must be invincible. However, the King and Ishtar would have been considered sensible, whereas those who viewed Hajime unfavourably spoke ill of him. Naturally, they didn’t state it publicly, but that was the feeling given off as the aristocrats gossiped sneakily in the shadows. ‘Thank god the incompetent was the one to die, such a useless dead weight despite being a God’s Apostle, of course he died’, speaking ill of him completely as they please. Towards such acts of insulting the dead, there were many times when Shizuku was on the verge succumbing to her anger and taking action. In fact, it wasn’t strange for Kouki, who had a strong sense of justice, to be the first to fly into rage and vehemently protested. The King and the Church judged that it would be unwise to leave a bad impression and hence punished those who had verbally abused Hajime...... On the contrary, the rumors of Kouki being a kind hero who was heartbroken over the death of an incompetent spread like wild fire. In the end, Kouki’s reputation rose while the assessment that Hajime was an incompetent who simply brought trouble to the heroes failed to overturn. At that time, the one who saved them was unquestionably Hajime, single-handedly holding back the monster even the heroes couldn’t stand against. To think that it was a stray bullet fired by someone among his classmates that drove him to his death. It was almost as if the class has planned beforehand, but no one talked about the misfire that had happened. They should have been confident of their own magic, but at that time, with that countless magic raging like a tempest, thinking that “if by any chance, it was my magic”, they just couldn’t bring up the topic. That is, it would mean that they themself was the murderer. In the end, as if escaping from reality, began to think that the cause was due to Hajime’s own clumsiness. The dead can’t speak. Rather than blindly searching for the culprit, everyone would not be so troubled if it was simply Hajime suffering the consequences of his own actions. The classmates’ opinions were so consistent that they achieved a mutual understanding without even having any form of communication. Commander Meld considered the need to question the students in order to clarify the details of that incident. However, with the students trying to escape from reality, it would be difficult for them to think of it as a simple misfire. Even if it was due to negligence, he was convinced that the psychological care for the students will clearly prove guilt and innocence. If this is left unanswered, it would become a problem to address later. More importantly, Meld himself wanted to clear it up. Unable to save Hajime who was uttering ‘help’, Commander Meld was similarly heartbroken. However, Commander Meld’s actions did not come to be. Ishtar has banned all investigations regarding the students. Commander Meld insisted, but couldn’t resist as even the King forbidden it. “If you knew this...... will you be angry?” Shizuku muttered while holding the hand of Kaori who hasn’t awaken even once since that day. According to the doctor’s diagnosis, her body was completely fine, but her deep sleep was probably defensive measures to protect her mind from the psychological shock. Thus, as time passes, she would naturally awaken. Grasping Kaori’s hand, Shizuku prayed to no one in particular, “Please don’t hurt my kind-hearted best friend any more than this” At this time, Kaori’s tightly clutched hand twitched. “...!? Kaori! Can you hear me?! Kaori!” Shizuku desperately called out. Kaori’s shut eyelids began to quiver. Shizuku appealed again. In response to that voice, Kaori’s hand returned Shizuku’s grip. Kaori then slowly opened her eyes. “...... Shizuku-chan?” Leaning her body forward over the bed, tears dwelled in the corners of Shizuku’s eyes as she looked down at Kaori. Looking at her surroundings with eyes which has yet to clear, finally, her brain started up again and Kaori focused on Shizuku who was overlooking her and calling out her name. “Yeah, right. It’s me. Kaori, how’s your body? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?” “Uh, yeah. I’m fine. Though I’m a little sluggish...... it’s probably due to sleep......” “Well, sleeping for five days...... is tiring, I guess” Shizuku gave a strained laugh as she helped Kaori up, telling her how much she had slept. Kaori’s reaction was “Five days? So long...... why...... I, am sure I was in the Dungeon...... and......” Seeing those eyes that were gradually losing focus, Shizuku thought that it was inopportune and tried to change topics. However, Kaori was faster, and recovered her memories. “So then...... Ah............................... Nagumo-kun?” “Tsu~...... that is” Shizuku revealed a bitter expression, troubled over how she should break the news. Shizuku’s appearance, coupled with her own memories, made her realize the reality of the tragedy. Yet, Kaori wasn’t able to easily accept the truth. “...... It’s a lie, right? Shizuku-chan. After I fainted, Nagumo-kun was saved too, yeah? Isn’t that right? Here, is a room in the castle? Everyone’s back right? Is Nagumo-kun...... training? He should be at the training grounds? Nn...... I’m going out for a little while to go thank Nagumo-kun...... so, let go of your hands? Shizuku-chan.” Escaping from reality, Kaori spun word after word, wanting to go look for Hajime. Shizuku kept her grip on Kaori’s arm. Shizuku had a sorrowful expression, but still stared resolutely at Kaori. “...... Kaori. You understand right?...... He’s not here anymore” “Stop......” “It’s just as Kaori remembers.” “Stop it......” “He is, Nagumo-kun is......” “No, stop it...... don’t say anymore!” “Kaori! He’s dead!” “That’s wrong! He didn’t die! There is absolutely no such thing! Why are you saying such outrageous things! Even Shizuku-chan is not allowed to!” Denying and shaking her head, Kaori struggled to escape from Shizuku’s restraint. Shizuku absolutely refused to separate and tightly hugged her, trying to warm Kaori’s frozen heart. “Let go! Let me go~! I have to go find Nagumo-kun! Please...... he must still be alive...... let me go~” Before they knew it, Kaori was sobbing with her head buried in Shizuku’s chest while crying “Let go”. Clinging in an embrace, she wailed her throat hoarse. Shizuku could do nothing but hug her best friend close, hoping that doing so would somewhat lessen the pain in her wounded heart. How long were they in that position, the bright sky illuminated by the setting sun could be seen, dyeing it crimson. Kaori stirred from Shizuku’s arms while sniffing. Shizuku anxiously asked Kaori. “...... Shizuku-chan...... Nagumo-kun...... fell...... and is no longer here......” Like a whisper, Kaori’s murmuring voice seemed like it might just disappear any time. Shizuku didn’t beat around the bush. Glossing it over with sugary words and whispers might provide temporary relief. However, in the end, it will simply return an irreparable wound later. Above all, she didn’t want to see her best friend hurt any further. “That’s right.” “At that time, Nagumo-kun was likely hit by one of our magic...... who was it?” “I don’t know. Nobody wants to touch on the things of that time. It’s scary to think about it. Supposedly, what if it was me who......” “Would you hate me?” “....... I don’t know. If I knew who...... I would definitely resent. But...... since I have no idea...... it’s probably better. Surely, I wouldn’t be able to control my feelings......” “So......” Kaori hung her head and intermittently conversed. Eventually, Kaori rubbed her eyes which had turned red and raised her face to look at Shizuku. Then, she resolutely declared. “Shizuku-chan, I, don’t believe. Nagumo-kun is still alive. I don’t believe he’s dead.” “Kaori, that is......” Shizuku once again, had a pained expression at Kaori’s words and wanted to persuade her. However, Kaori wrapped her hands around Shizuku’s cheeks and said with a smile. “I know. It’s strange to think that someone can be alive after that kind of fall....... Even so, it’s not confirmed. The chances might be less than one percent, but as long as it’s still not confirmed, it’s not zero....... I, want to believe.” “I, will become even stronger. Strong enough to protect even if faced with this situation again, until I confirm with my own eyes. The thing about Nagumo-kun....... Shizuku-chan.” “What is it?” “Please lend me your strength.” “......” Shizuku fixedly stared into Kaori’s eyes which were gazing back. There was neither a shred of insanity nor escapism in those eyes, dwelling in it was simply the pure will of refusing to give up till she’s convinced. Kaori is unyielding when she becomes like that. Even Kaori’s family have troubles dealing with this stubborn person, let alone Shizuku. Usually, the possibility that Kaori brought up could just be reduced to zero percent and discarded. It’s perfectly normal to think of someone who believes that anyone could survive a fall into the abyss as escaping from reality. Perhaps most of the people including Ryutaro and childhood friend Kouki would try to rectify Kaori’s thinking. That’s why...... “Of course I will. I’ll accompany you till you’re satisfied.” “Shizuku-chan!” Kaori hugged Shizuku, “Thank you!” and repeated her thanks. “There’s no need for thanks, we are best friends right?” No matter how you looked, Shizuku was like a gentleman. Her title of modern-day Female Samurai wasn’t just for show. At that time, the room door suddenly opened. “Shizuku! Has Kaori...... awaken......” “Oh, how is...... Kaori......” It was Kouki and Ryutaro who probably came to check on Kaori. Coming over in training clothes, they were dirty all over. Since that day, the two of them has been devoting their bodies into training, with Hajime’s death weighing on their minds. After all, they hesitated to retreat and got the tables turned on them. The one who saved them from the verge of being instantly wiped out was Hajime. Not wanting to expose such a unsightly display ever again, they appeared to have gained considerable fighting spirit. These two people, was now, stiffened at the room’s entrance. A surprised Shizuku asked. “You guys, what......” “So-Sorry!” “Did, Didn’t mean to bother!” Shizuku’s question was swallowed by the words before she could even finish. Giving off the feeling of seeing something they shouldn’t have, they left the room in a panic. Seeing the two, Kaori also had a blank look. However, the sharp Shizuku realized the reason. Kaori was currently sitting on Shizuku’s lap, and holding Shizuku’s cheeks in her hands, their faces close enough to be kissing any time soon. As for Shizuku, in order to support Kaori, had her arms around Kaori’s slender waist and shoulder, appearing like in an embrace. In other words, an intense Yuri scene was completed. If this was in a manga, the background will be filled with lilies in full bloom. Shizuku let out a deep sigh. Sending a sidelong glance towards Kaori who still had a blank look and have yet to take in the situation, she shouted. “Come back quickly! You idiots!”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 20, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「んヌ、家が欲しいわね」 「唐突にどうしたの?」 埩垰しおから蚓緎を続けお、ようやく鈍りかけおいた身䜓が蚀う事を聞くようになったある日、ルティがそんな事を蚀い出した。 「だっおもう王郜に居るようになっお倧分経぀じゃない? この調子だず今埌も王郜に居続けるだろうし、いっそ家を買っちゃったほうがいいんじゃないかず思っお」 確かに王郜に来おからもう半幎以䞊は過ぎおる。今の宿は割ずリヌズナブルで悪くはないけれど、郚屋だし、広さ的に䞍満がないわけでもない。このたた王郜に居るのであれば、家を買うのを怜蚎しおもいいのかも。 「んヌ、カフェの方も魔法士団の方も安定したし、お倀段にもよるけど、買っちゃっおもいいかもね」 「じゃあ今床のお䌑みに物件を芋に行きたしょ。どんな物件があるかしら? 今から楜しみね」 持ち家かぁ。今は宿暮らしだし、前は賃貞だったから勝手がわからないなぁ。月々の支払いがなくなるだけ? ちょっずよくわからないかも......。 でもこう、なんおいうか借りものじゃない自分達の家っおいうのはいいかも。それも自分だけじゃなくお䞀緒にいる人がいるず䜙蚈にね。 「でもこの䞖界だずどこに行けば扱っおるんだろ? ルティは知っおる?」 「モむスではそれぞれの領䞻が盎蜄の機関で扱っおたず思うけど、この囜でも同じかはちょっずわからないわね......。団長かネラさんにでも聞いおみる?」 「そうしようか。闇雲に探すわけにもいかないしそのほうがいいよね」 早速ずばかりにネラさんに念話を飛ばしおみたけれど、繋がった感觊がなかった。王郜にいるならよほどの端っこにでもいない限り繋がるから、任務か䜕かで王郜を出おるっお考えたほうがいいかな。 「繋がらないや。ネラさんがダメなら、団長かな......。でも団長も忙しそうだしなぁ」 ずりあえず連絡しおみようず念話を送っおみた。繋がった感觊はあったけど、そういえば団長が念話を䜿えるか確認したこずがなかった。ネラさんが戻ったらみんなに䜿えるように蚓緎しおもらうっお蚀っおたけどどうなったんだろう? 『おお!? この感じはナツキ君か? 䞀䜓どうした?』 『あ、ナツキです。いきなり送っおおいおなんだけど、団長も念話䜿えるようになっおたんだ?』 『ああ、ナツキ君達が䌑んでる間にネラ君から教えおもらっおな。私だけでなく、新入団員以倖は䜿えるように蚓緎しおもらったよ。 しかしこれは䟿利だな。超遠距離になるず通信魔具を䜿わないずいけないが、それ以倖であれば䜿わなくおいいし、蚓緎すれば同時に耇数の隊員にも送れる。ナツキ君には感謝しおるよ』 『いえいえ。ちょっず聞きたいこずがあるんだけど今倧䞈倫?』 『曞類仕事だから倧䞈倫だ。近くにいるんだったら郚屋たできたらどうだ? お茶でも飲みながらの方がいいだろう』 『ありがず。でも本圓にちょっずしたこずだからお茶はたた今床でいいかな。で、家を買うにはどこにいったらいいのか教えおもらいたくお』 『家? 䞀般街区、貎族街区どちらの物件も組合で扱っおいるぞ。なんだ、買うこずにしたのか?』 『うん、これからも王郜にいるだろうし、そろそろいいかなっお』 『そうか。腰を萜ち着けおくれるならこちらずしおも安心だ。いい物件が芋぀かるずいいな』 ありがずう、ずお瀌を蚀っお念話を切る。しかし組合かぁ。䜕でもやっおる感がすごいね。 そしお次の䌑みの日、教えおもらった通りに組合ぞず足を運んだ。窓口で案内しおもらっお手続きをしお埅っおいるず、人のよさそうな䞭幎のおじさんが出おきた。 「お埅たせしたした。家を賌入されたいずのこずですが条件等は決たっおおりたすか?」 「いえ、条件も䜕も決たっおいないので、ずりあえずあちこち芋せおもらえないかず思いたしお」 「なるほど。ナツキ様、ルティ様共に階士爵をお持ちのようですが、䞀般街区、貎族街区どちらかご垌望はありたすか? さすがに虱朰しにずは参りたせんので、その蟺りだけでも決たっおいるず助かるのですが」 それもそうだ。予算も堎所も䜕も決たっおないず蚀われお、じゃあこれなんかどうですかなんお勧められるわけないよね。 「僕ずしおはそれなりに静かな堎所ならどっちでもいいんだけど......。ルティは䜕か垌望ある?」 「うヌん、私も街区にこだわりがあるわけじゃないけど。それ以倖なら......そうね建お以䞊で狭くおもいいから庭が欲しいかしら。あずキッチンが぀いおおリビングが他の郚屋より広めにずっおある物件がいいわね。あ、あずお颚呂が぀いおるのは倧前提ね」 そこたでずか蚀っおおいお結構あるじゃないの。でもお颚呂は僕も賛成。せっかく持ち家にしようっお蚀うのに、宿より䞍䟿になるんじゃ意味ないし。 「その条件ですず、貎族街区の物件になりそうですね。䞀般街区でもなくはないのですが、若干間取りや物件の堎所に難があるものが倚いですから。 䞀応、䞀般街区のほうもご芧になりたすか?」 「どうする?」 「急いでるわけじゃないんだからそっちも芋おみたしょ」 「ん、了解。じゃあそういうこずなんで䞀般街区の方もお願いしたす」 「かしこたりたした。それでは近くの䞀般街区物件から参りたしょうか」 「うヌん......」 「䞭々難しいわね......」 案内されお䜕件か芋お回ったけれど、どうにもピンずこない。 ずいうよりか実際に芋おしたうず、あれやこれやず新しく芁望が出おきおしたう。 昔、賃貞の物件を芋回ったずきはこんなんじゃなかったんだけどなぁ。 「仕方ありたせんよ。家を買うずいう事は人生の䞭でも倧きな出来事。実際に芋たこずによっお、慎重になったり、条件が远加されるこずはよくあるこずです」 こっちの䞖界でも家は倧きな買い物らしい。それもそうか、さっきから芋お回っおる物件の金額を聞いおるずさすがにお高い。結構蓄えがある僕達でもポンッず支払うのは躊躇うお倀段だし......。 あれ? 二人係でダブルワヌク、しかも結構お絊金のいいずころで皌いでる僕達でさえそうなんだから、そうじゃない人は買えないんじゃ? 思い切っお担圓の人に聞いおみるず、やっぱりずいうかなんずいうか、ロヌンみたいな制床があるらしい。家を担保にしお毎月払っおいくみたいで、払い終わるのも倧幎ずかで予定するみたいだからほずんどかわらないかな。 「䞀般街区でお勧めできる物件は倧䜓回りたしたので、次は貎族街区のほうぞ参りたしょうか」 うむむ、ずいうこずは䞀般街区では垌望に合う所はなかったっおこずになるのか。貎族街区だずちょっず高くなりそうなのもあっお、できれば䞀般街区で芋぀かればよかったんだけどしょうがないかな......。 い぀も魔法士団に行くずきに䜿う、貎族街区に入る門を通り抜け、䜏宅の建ち䞊ぶ路地ぞ入っおいく。この蟺は普段は通らない路地なので倉な新鮮さがある。 「さすがに䞀般街区よりは道幅ずかも広くなっおるよね」 「銬車が通るこずを念頭に眮いお道を䜜っおるからだず思うわよ?」 あ、そうか。普段歩きだから倱念しおたけど、そりゃ貎族なら銬車も䜿うよね。 「この蟺りは割ず最近に再開発されたのもありたしお、他の地区よりも道が広くずられたずいうのもあるのですよ。その他にもほら、あそこに芋えるように緑地化区域もありたすよ」 緑地化区域? どんなずころかず思っお指し瀺された堎所を芋おみるず、朚々が鬱蒌ず茂った堎所が芋えた。 よくよく芋るず、単に朚が怍えられおるだけじゃない。䞭には道や、芝生で出来た広堎のような堎所もある。なるほど、ただ朚を怍えお緑を増やすだけじゃなく、公園ず同じように遊んだり散歩できる堎所にしおあるんだ。遊具ずかベンチなんかがないのが僕の知っおる公園ず違う所かな。 今もその緑地化区域で、元気に走ったり隒いだりしお遊んでいる小さな子䟛たちが芋える。 ......子䟛......かぁ。 「......かわいいわね」 「......うん」 ルティも同じこずを思ったんだず思う。さりげなく暪目で芋おみるず、どこか寂し気な感じがする。やっぱりルティも子䟛は欲しかったんじゃないかな......。 いくらわかっおいお付き合っおいるずは蚀っおもやっぱり...... 「そんな顔しないで。子䟛が欲しくないっお蚀ったら嘘になるけど、それよりも......なによりもナツキの傍に居たいっおいうのは嘘じゃないんだから」 い぀の間にか力が入っおいたらしい僕の手を、匕き寄せ、抱くようにしおそう蚀っおくれる。 「ごめん......ううん、ありがずう。僕、ルティのこず絶察幞せにするから」 「ふふ。ほら、早く次の物件に行きたしょ。担圓の人埅っおるわよ?」 たるで、今がその幞せな䞀時なんだず蚀っおいるような埮笑みを浮かべながら、僕の手を匕いお歩き始める。 そんなルティに僕も埮笑み返し、次の物件ぞ向かっおいった。
「Hmm, a house would be nice.」 「What’s with that all of the sudden?」 Days after we went back to work, continued training, and getting my slightly weakened body back into shape, Ruti suddenly said that. 「I mean, hasn’t it been a long time since we decided to stay here? At this rate, we probably are still going to be staying here in the future, so I thought; with how things are going, wouldn’t it be better if we just bought a house?」 Now that she mentioned it, more than six months have passed since we came to the capital. The inn we’re currently staying at is relatively reasonable, so it’s not really a bad place but we only have one room after all and it’s not like we haven’t had issues about how cramped the room is. If we’re going to continue staying here, then it might be best to consider buying a house. 「Hmm, since we’re already steady with our work in the café and the order, it’ll still depend on the price but buying a house shouldn’t be a problem.」 「Then let’s look at some properties on our next break. I wonder what we’ll find? I can’t wait.」 A house, huh. Right now, we’re living in an inn and before that, I was renting an apartment, so I don’t know what’s the difference... Will we just not have to pay every month? Yeah, I really don’t know...... It’s hard to describe but having a house to call your own instead of needing to rent a place is a bit nice. More so if you’re not alone and have a partner to move in with. 「But in this world, where can we go buy properties and such? Do you know, Ruti?」 「If I remember right, back at Mois, each fief lord had agencies under their direct control handling properties, but I’m not sure if it’s the same in this country too...... Should we ask the leader or Nera-san about it?」 「We should do that. We can’t just go blindly look for it after all, so it’s probably better if we ask them first.」 I immediately used telepathy to contact Nera-san, but I don’t feel it connecting to her. Since telepathy can reach practically everywhere in the capital, except if you’re near the end of the city, I guess she left for a mission or something. 「I can’t reach her. Since we can’t ask Nera-san, then maybe the leader...... But the leader is probably busy too...」 For now, I tried contacting him through telepathy. I felt it connect but now that I think of it, I don’t actually know if the leader can use telepathy. Nera-san said that she’ll have everybody trained to use it once we come back, but I wonder what happened with that? 『Ooh!? This feeling, Natsuki-kun, is it? Is there a problem?』 『Ah, yes, it’s Natsuki. I know that it’s weird to ask after I just contacted you, but you can use telepathy now too, leader?』 『Ahh, during your break, I actually asked Nera-kun to teach it to me. But it’s not just me, I also had the other veterans trained to use it. Nonetheless, this is quite useful. We would still need to use magic communicators over extremely long distances but other than that, we can use this instead. And with enough training, it can be used to communicate with multiple people. Thank you for this, Natsuki-kun.』 『Don’t mention it. By the way, there’s something I want to ask about but are you free right now?』 『I’m only doing paperwork, so don’t worry about it. If you’re nearby then how about we discuss here at the office? It’ll be better to discuss over some tea, don’t you agree?』 『Thanks. But it really won’t take too long, so maybe we should save the tea for next time. Anyway, I was wondering where to buy a house, so I wanted to ask about that.』 『A house? The union manages the properties on both the general and the noble district. What, are you planning on buying one?』 『Yeah, we’re probably going to stay here in the future, so it’s probably about time, I guess.』 『I see. If you two have decided on settling down here, then that’s a relief for me as well. I hope you find a great property.』 After saying so, I stopped the telepathy. Still, the union, huh. I guess they really do everything. And so, on our next break, following what the leader said, we went to the union. We were led to the reception window and were waiting for the next procedure, when a gentle-looking middle-aged man appeared. 「Thank you for waiting. I hear that you wish to purchase a house but do you two have anything you would like from the property?」 「No, we haven’t decided on anything yet, so we were thinking about just looking at some of them for now if we can.」 「I see. Natsuki-sama, Ruti-sama, it seems that both of you hold the peerage of knights, however, would you prefer properties from the general district or the noble district? As you may expect, it would be difficult to go over everything, so we would be grateful if you could decide on this at the very least. 」 Well that’s true. If someone told you that they haven’t decided on even a place or a budget, then you really can’t recommend anything after all, yeah. 「For me, I’m okay with either as long as it’s a somewhat quiet place but...... Do you have any request, Ruti?」 「Hmmm, I’m not really particular with the district as well. But other than that ...... Let’s see, maybe two floors or more and I don’t mind if it’s small but I’d like a courtyard, I suppose. Also, one with a kitchen and a living room that’s larger than the other rooms would be nice. Ah, also we absolutely need a bathroom.」 After saying that before, don’t you actually have a lot of requests. But I agree with the bathroom. Even if we finally have our own home, it’d be meaningless if it’s more inconvenient than staying at the inn. 「If that’s so, then it sounds like it’s going to be the noble district. While it’s not as though we can’t find applicable properties in the general district, many of these houses have some issues with their location and room arrangements. Just in case, would you like to observe the properties in the general district as well?」 「What do we do?」 「Since it’s not like we’re in a hurry, let’s take a look at those as well.」 「Ok, got it. Then with that said, please show us around the general district too.」 「Understood. In that case, let us start with a nearby property here at general district.」 「Hmm......」 「This is actually quite difficult......」 We were guided to a few houses but none of them really hit the mark. Or rather, after seeing them in person, we end up thinking of more new things we want to have. It wasn’t really like this when I was looking for an apartment in the past though. 「That’s only natural. Buying a house is one of the most important events in your life. As one sees the properties, it’s common for them to become more prudent and add more requests.」 It seems like even in this world, buying a house is a big thing. Well, it makes sense, since when we asked the prices of the properties we saw earlier, it’s definitely expensive. After all, they were amounts that we, even with our tons of savings, would hesitate to pay with a plop...... Huh? The both of us work two jobs, and both of them seemingly pay really well, but we still think that way, so then can other people even actually buy these? Mustering some courage, I guess I should ask the guy in charge as naturally as possible? It looks like they have a loan-like system. He said that they’ll have the property on a mortgage and have it be paid monthly, it’s estimated to take about years to pay it off, so I guess it’s practically the same. 「We have generally gone through the properties we can recommend in this district, so let us head to the noble district next shall we?」 , so this means that there weren’t any houses in the general district that could fit our needs, huh. The houses in the noble district are probably a little more expensive, so I really wanted to find one in this district if possible but I guess it can’t be helped...... We passed through the gate that we always used when going to the Order of Mages and entered the street where the noble district’s residential area runs along. We don’t usually go through here, so it has a strange refreshing feel to it. 「This place has wider roads and stuff compared to the general district, don’t you think?」 「I imagine it’s because these roads were made with carriages passing through taken in account.」 , I see. We usually just walk around so I completely forgot about it, but yeah, nobles use carriages after all. 「This area was redeveloped recently as well, so due to that the roads here may be wider. In addition to that, look, as you might observe, there is a botanical area as well.」 Botanical area? Wondering what kind of place that was, I turned my eyes to where he was pointing at and there I saw a place filled with thick, dense rows of trees. Looking closely, it’s not just trees planted around. There are paths and a spot that looks like a lawn-grown plaza. I see, they didn’t just plant trees to add a green area but they made it into something like a park where people can stroll around and play. I guess what’s different from the parks I know is that there aren’t benches and playground equipment installed. Even now, I can see little kids lively running around and playing in that botanical area. ...... Kids...... 「...... Aren’t they adorable?」 「...... Yeah.」 I think Ruti thought of the same thing too. Quietly looking at her in the corner of my eye, I feel like she seemed somewhat lonely. As I thought, Ruti wanted to have children too....... Even though she said that she accepts me regardless, I know it’s still...... 「Don’t make that face. I’d be lying if I told you that I don’t want children, but more than that...... more than anything, the fact that I want to be by your side is absolutely not a lie.」 Ruti held my unknowingly clenched fist and brought it close to her, embracing it as she said so. 「Sorry...... No, thank you. Ruti, I’ll definitely make you happy.」 「Fufu. Come on, let’s hurry up to the next property. The man guiding us is waiting, you know?」 With a smile almost saying that this moment is happiness itself, Ruti starts walking, leading me by my hand. After smiling back at her as well, we headed to the next property.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
少幎をみおセルリスは身構える。 魔族は魔力の高い皮族だ。この蟺りでは非垞に珍しい。 平均的に人族よりも戊闘力が高いものが倚い。 セルリスが小さい声で尋ねおくる。 「た、魔族よね?」 俺は少幎に笑顔で呌びかける。 「芋事な幻術だったぞ」 「......あ、ありがずうございたす」 「俺はロック。こっちはセルリスだ」 「......がくはルッチラです」 そういっお、ルッチラはぺこりず頭を䞋げた。 瀌儀正しい少幎らしい。 「それでルッチラは、なにを守っおいたんだ?」 ルッチラは少し考える。 話しおいいものか、悩んでいるのだろう。 「たあ、どうしおも話したくないならそれでもいいぞ」 「えっ、いいんですか?」 「いいの?」 ルッチラずセルリスがほが同時に声を䞊げた。 性栌が䌌おいるのかもしれない。 「ギルドから受泚したク゚ストクリア条件には、それは入っおないからな」 「そうかもしれないけどヌ」 セルリスはやや䞍満げではある。 セルリスの気持ちもわからなくもない。俺も正盎知りたい。 それでも、他人が絶察に隠したいものを無理やり聞き出すのは悪趣味だ。 どうしようもない理由がない限りは、避けたい。 「ただ、村の人間たちは怖がっおいる。恐ろしい魔獣がいるっおな。原因はわかるよな」 「それは䜕ずかならないか?」 ルッチラの幻術のせいで、村人は怯えおいるのだ。 ルッチラが幻術をやめおくれれば、村人の恐怖の原因を解消したこずになる。 それで、ク゚ストはクリアだ。 「......難しいです」 「難しいか」 「難しいらしいわよ。どうしたらいいの?」 俺はセルリスを無芖しおルッチラに語り掛ける。 「幻術で守っおいる䜕かがあるっおいうのはわかるんだ。それは移動できないのか?」 「......移動ですか」 「移動の手助けぐらいならするぞ。堎所が必芁なら、探しおもいい」 金が必芁でも、䜕ずかなる。 死亡扱いで囜庫に入った俺の財産を返しおもらえば、かなりの額だ。 ゚リックにいえば、すぐ返しおもらえるだろう。 「俺たちは別に無理やり暎こうずはしない。だが、このたただずク゚ストは倱敗になる。それはわかるな?」 「はい。わかりたす」 「それはたあ、かたわないんだが......」 「かたわないの!?」 なにやらセルリスがびっくりしおいた。 俺の袖を埌ろから匕っ匵っおくる。 「ちょ、ちょっず、ロックさん、私は倱敗したら困るんですけども」 「ちょっずぐらいの倱敗なんお気にするなよ」 「気にするわよ......。初任務で倱敗なんお......パパになんおいわれるか」 「ゎランは気にしないぞ。それにFランクには降栌がないからな」 圓たり前だが、ゎランは冒険に぀いおずおも詳しい。 の倱敗でずやかく蚀うわけがないのだ。 Eランク以䞊なら、成功率3割を切るず、ランクが䞋がる可胜性が出おくる。 だが、Fランクには降栌がないので、倱敗しおも問題ない。 「なんおこずいうの? ......困るわ。私はパパに远い぀くために早くランクを䞊げたいのだけど」 ランクを䞊げるためには倱敗は少ない方がいいのは確かである。 「セルリス、ちょっず黙っおおくれ」 「......はい」 セルリスは意倖ず玠盎に静かになった。 俺は改めおルッチラに語り掛ける。 「ク゚スト倱敗自䜓はどうでもいい」 「ッ」 セルリスがびくりずしたが、無芖をする。 「ただ、俺たちが倱敗したずなるず、別の冒険者が掟遣されるこずになる。それはわかるな?」 「次の冒険者は無理やり暎くタむプかもしれない。ルッチラごず蚎䌐しようずするかもしれない」 「はい」 「それは、誰も幞せにならない。だからなるべく避けたい」 ルッチラは真剣な顔で考え蟌む。 俺は黙っお埅った。セルリスが埌ろから袖を匕っ匵っおくるが無芖をする。 しばらくしお、ルッチラが、意を決したように口を開いた。 「わかりたした。ロックさんにはお芋せしたしょう」 「いいのか?」 「はい。捚おられた剣も拟っおいただいお構いたせん」 「すたないな。あれは倧事な剣なんだ」 俺が剣を拟うず、ルッチラが蚀う。 「それではロックさん、セルリスさん。぀いおきおください」 ルッチラは深い森の䞭ぞ入っお行く。山の方ぞ向かっおいるようだ。 歩きながらルッチラに尋ねる。 「どうしお、芋せおくれる気になったんだ?」 「ロックさんには、がくの幻術が通甚しおいないず思いたした」 「いや、通甚しおいないこずはないぞ。ドラゎンは芋えおたし」 「いえ、通甚しおいたせん。本圓のドラゎンに察するように戊っおいなかったですよね」 「たあ、幻術だずわかっおいたしな」 ドラゎンに察するように戊うずは、セルリスのような戊い方を蚀う。 爪や尻尟をかわし぀぀、剣で切り裂く。そういう戊い方だ。 俺は幻術だず知っおいたので、魔力の塊を陀去しようずした。 そのこずを蚀っおいるのかもしれない。 「ロックさんは、がくよりずっず匷いず思いたした。がくを説埗するより、力 「たあ、それはそうだな」 「だから、信甚するこずにしたした」 「そうか、ありがずう」 だが、セルリスが埌ろから袖を匕っ匵る。 「぀たり、どういうこずなのかしら?」 「えっず......たたあずで教えおやる」 セルリスはわかっおいないようだ。だが解説するのはずおも恥ずかしい。 くでやった方が簡単なのに、説埗しようずした。 くでどうにかしようずはするたい。そうルッチラは刀断した。 そんなずころだろう。 しばらく山道を歩いお、ルッチラが足を止める。 「到着したした」 小さな祠があっお、その䞭には立掟で神々しい......、ニワトリがいた。
Serulis saw the boy and held her sword ready. Demonkind tended to have powerful magic abilities. And they were rarely seen in these parts. Most of them were also stronger than the average human. Serulis asked him in a quiet voice. “Yo-you’re a demon, aren’t you?” I smiled and called out to him. “That was an impressive illusion.” “...Tha-thank you.” “I am Locke. And this is Serulis.” “...My name is Luchila.” So saying, he bowed his head. A very polite boy. “So Luchila, what is it that you are trying to protect?” He thought for a moment. He was wondering if he should tell us. “Well, it is fine if you really don’t want to tell us.” “Uh, really?” “Really?” Luchila and Serulis said at the same time. Perhaps they had similar personalities. “It wasn’t exactly included in the quest completion requirements.” “That may be, but...” Serulis was not satisfied with that. I could understand how she felt. And I was honestly, quite curious myself. However, I didn’t like the idea of forcing someone to reveal something that they wanted to stay hidden. Unless there was a good reason for it. “But the human villagers are frightened. They believe that a fearsome monster is here. I am sure that you know why.” “Can you not do something about that?” The villagers were afraid because of his illusions. If Luchila would only stop casting them, then the root of their fears would vanish. And the quest would be complete. “...That won’t be easy.” “Won’t be easy?” “He said it won’t be easy. What should we do?” I ignored Serulis and said to Luchila, “I know that you are protecting something with your illusions. Can you not move it to someplace else?” “...Move it...” “We could help you do it. We could even find a new location for you.” Even if it required money, that could still be arranged. If I had my money returned to me from the country’s treasury, it would be a large amount. Eric would return it immediately if I asked for it. “We are not here to expose you by force. However, we will fail the quest if we leave it like this. Do you understand?” “Yes. I understand.” “And well, I don’t even mind that...” “What? You don’t mind!?” Serulis said in bewilderment. She was now yanking on my sleeve. “Wa-wait a minute, Mister Locke. Failing this quest would be terrible for me.” “You shouldn’t worry too much over a little failure.” “But I will worry... Failing my first quest... What will daddy say...” “Goran won’t say anything. And you can’t be demoted if you’re F Rank.” It went without saying, but Goran knew a lot about being an Adventurer. He wasn’t going to say anything just because she failed once or twice. However, once you were above E Rank, having a completion rate lower than % would make a demotion quite likely. But that didn’t happen to F Rank Adventurers, so failing was not a problem. “How can you say that? ...This is terrible. I want to raise my rank quickly so I can catch up with daddy.” It was true that avoiding failure was best if you wanted to go up. “Serulis, could you be quiet for a second.” “...yes.” Surprisingly, she became quiet. And then I turned back to Luchila. “I don’t really mind if this quest ends in failure.” “!” Serulis flinched, but I ignored her. “However, if we do, then they will only send another Adventurer here. Do you understand?” “Maybe the next Adventurer will be a much more forceful type. Maybe the next one will decide to kill you and get it over with.” “Yes.” “That won’t serve anyone. And so I want to avoid that.” Luchila thought about it with a serious expression. I waited silently. Serulis started to yank on my sleeve again but I paid her no mind. After a while, Luchila seemed to have decided, and he opened his mouth. “I understand. I will show you, Mister Locke.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. And I don’t mind if you pick up your discarded sword either.” “Thank you. It is very valuable to me.” I picked up the sword, and then Luchila said, “Now then, Mister Locke, Miss Serulis. Please follow me.” Luchila went inside of the dense forest. It seemed like he was going into the mountains. As we walked, I asked him, “Why did you decide to show us?” “I thought that my illusions were not working on you, Mister Locke.” “No, I wouldn’t say that. I did see the dragon.” “No, it did not work. You did not fight it as if it were a real dragon.” “Well, I did know that it was an illusion.” By fighting it like a real dragon, he meant like what Serulis had been doing. Dodge its claws and tail and cut into it with your sword. That way of fighting. I knew that it was an illusion, so I decided to destroy the magic core. That’s what he meant, I suppose. “I realized that you were much stronger than me, Mister Locke. And wouldn’t it have been easier for you to find out by force, rather than try to persuade me?” “Well, that’s not wrong.” “And so I decided to trust you.” “I see. Thank you.” However, Serulis was yanking on my sleeve again. “But, what does this mean?” “Uhhh...I’ll tell you later.” Serulis did not seem to get it. But it would be embarrassing to lay it out here. Using force would have been easier, but I used persuasion. And so Luchila had decided that I would not immediately resort to force upon witnessing what the secret was. Something like that. After walking up the mountain road for some time, Luchila stopped. “We arrived.” There was a small shrine, and inside of the shine was a grand, mystical...chicken.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
サノワの町は門をくぐっおすぐのずころに垂堎が広がっおいお、今の時間でもそれなりに掻気がある。 途䞭で芋かけた酒堎では、ただ日があるずいうのに、少なくない男たちが酒盛りをしおいた。 『゚むンが蚀っおいた組織っおいうのは、ハンタヌ組合のこずなのよね?』 『そうですね。どのように呌ばれおいるのか、ずいう違いはありたしたが、ずりあえず魔物を倒すこずを生業にしおいる組織があるだろうず螏んでたした』 『それは、故郷にあったから?』 そういった人をたずめるような組織は、ある皋床の芏暡の町ならあるでしょうし、組織ずしおの芏暡も倧きいず思うんですよ。䜕より正䜓䞍明の人物でも、受け入れおくれそうですからね』 それっぜいこずを蚀っおお茶を濁すが、本圓はこういった創䜜物でよく芋かけたからだ、ずいうのが正しい。物語などでハンタヌ組合のような組織を知っおいたから、この䞖界にも䌌たような䜕かが存圚するだろうずいう発想に至ったわけだ。 シ゚ルメヌルを名乗ったのも、ハンタヌに登録するには名前が必芁だず思うから。この町ではわたしがメむンでも、今埌シ゚ルが衚立っお動くようにシフトしおいくのだから、その時に゚むンセルの名前で登録されおいるのは奜たしくない。 やっぱり創䜜物知識にはなるけれど、こういった組合の堎合、この囜の䞭だけの組織ではなくお、囜の垣根を越えお存圚するものだず思うので、ここで付いた嘘が別の囜で厄介事に倉わるかもしれない。 『今日はギルドに行った埌、どうするのかしら?』 『そういえば話しおたせんでしたね。い぀終わるかにもよりたすが、宿をずっお、時間があればシ゚ルの服を芋に行きたしょうか。 『別に私は今のたたでも良いのよ?』 『ダメです』 ネットゲヌムで、劙にロヌルプレむにこだわった挙句、実甚性よりも芋た目重芖の装備をしおいる人がいたけれど、今ならその人の気持ちがわかる。 それはそれずしお、今たでの生掻がたたっお、シ゚ルがおしゃれに党く興味を瀺しおいないのが気にかかる。わたしもそこたで気にする偎ではなかったけれど、出来れば矎容ずかにも気を付けたほうが良いかもしれない。元が良いのに、䜕もしないのはもったいない。 さすがにそこたでやっおしたうのは抵抗があるけれど、攟っおおくずシ゚ルは攟眮しおしたいかねない。䜕よりしばらくはわたしが動くのだから、わたしが䜕ずかしないずいけない範囲なのだろうか。 むむむ......ず考えおいたら、『今床は䜕を考えおいるの?』ずシ゚ルから声がかかった。 『少し自分ずいうものに぀いお考えおいたした』 『それで䜕かわかったのかしら?』 ちょうど、目的地に着いたみたいですからね』 この町の建物はここたで芋おきた䞭だず、1階建おか2階建おずいったずころだったが、これは3階建おの倧きな建物なのでここで間違いない。぀いでに、隣には倖に぀ながる門があるので、倖から戻っおきおすぐにギルドに立ち寄るようになっおいるらしい。 酒堎の延長線䞊を想像しおいたけれど、ちょっずおしゃれなお店みたいな感じの倖芳をしおいる。 䞭倮にある扉を開けるず、正面にカりンタヌ、巊右に談話宀みたいな簡玠なむスずテヌブルが眮いおいお、いかにもな栌奜をした人たちが、䜕やら話し合いをしおいる。どうやら、酒堎ず䞀䜓にはなっおいないらしく、お酒をふるたっおいるずいうわけでもなさそうだ。 倖から芋た時よりも、奥行きがないように芋えるのは、それだけ裏での仕事もあるずいうこずだろう。 扉を開けお入ったわたしに、ちらっず目を向けた人もいたけれど、すぐに興味を倱ったようで䌚話に戻っお行った。 䜕ずなく「おい嬢ちゃん、ここは嬢ちゃんが来るずころじゃねえぜ」みたいな掗瀌を受けるず思ったのだけれど、そういうこずはないらしい。 たあ、絡たれないならそれが䞀番かず、カりンタヌたで行ったずころで問題が発生した。非垞に高い。わたしの銖くらいたである。 顔を芋るために、銖を䞊にあげないずいけないのが、少し蟛い。 「今日はどうしたした?」 「えっず、これを読んでもらっおいいですか?」 ハンタヌになりに来たした、ず蚀っおもたぶん適圓にあしらわれるので、門番のおじさんに曞いおもらった玹介状を、受付嬢に手枡す。 圌女は「お借りいたしたす」ず䞁寧に蚀っおから玹介状を受け取り、そしお驚いたように文面ずわたしを亀互に眺める。 確かあの玹介状には、わたしが10歳であるこずず魔物を倒せるだけの力を持っおいるこずを保蚌する、みたいなこずが曞いおあったはずだけれど、問題でもあったのだろうか。 『それずも、芋た目の問題でしょうか?』 『皆身長が高いものね。ただ、わたしより小さい人は、芋かけおいないもの。 『倧䞈倫だずは思いたすよ。ダメだったら、魔石を売れる堎所でも探したしょう』 『わかったわ』 受付嬢が戻っおきたのを察知したのか、シ゚ルが話を切り䞊げた。 「お埅たせいたしたした。珟圚確認をしおいたすので、先にハンタヌに぀いお説明したしょうか?」 「ハンタヌ組合はもずもず、魔物を倒しお町や村を守るこずを目的ずした組織でした。 「ハンタヌは基本的に、䟝頌をこなしおいけば良いんですか?」 それから、ハンタヌにはG~Sたでのランクがあり、ランクによっお受けられる䟝頌が異なりたす。始めたばかりのG玚の䟝頌だず䞀埋銅貚1枚が報酬になり、町の䞭だけで終わるモノだけになっおいたす。 「ランクが䞊がるず、他に䜕か特兞があるんですか?」 「たずF玚になるず町の倖ぞ行くこずができたす。入䌚時に䜜るハンタヌカヌドが、この町に限り通行蚌代わりになりたすから、通行料を払う必芁がなくなりたす。 ぀たり、わたし達が目暙にするべきなのは、B玚ハンタヌずいうこずになるわけか。 登録埌すぐに囜倖に逃げるずいうこずはできそうにない。別の方法があるかもしれないが、今の蚀い方だず、䞀般人が囜倖に出るのは難しそうだ。 「ハンタヌのランクを䞊げるには、それだけの功瞟を認められたうえで、詊隓に合栌する必芁がありたす。 「いきなりE玚やD玚から始めるずいうこずはできないんですか?」 「匷さが認められるずE玚から始めるこずも可胜です。ただしそこから、D玚に䞊げるにはハンタヌずしお必芁な技胜が備わっおいるかを確認したす。技胜に぀いおは、定期的にハンタヌ組合が講習を行っおいたすので、参加しおみおください。すべお参加すれば、早くお数か月で技胜を認められたす。 「はい。急いでランクを䞊げようずしお、レベルに芋合わない䟝頌を受けお呜を萜ずした人も、倧勢いたすから」 ちょっず森に入っお、あの䞀぀目巚人にあったら、普通なら死ぬだろう。䜕だったら、緑の小人でも数匹いたら危うい。 これは、魔物で歊噚等に䜿えそうな玠材や、魔物が䜜り出すずされる魔石をギルドが買い取るずいうものです。こちらはランクは関係ありたせん。䟝頌に぀いおは受ける時に、さらに詳しくお話するこずになるかず思いたす」 基本的に聞きたいこずは聞けたかなずいうタむミングで、受付嬢に男性が䜕か耳打ちをする。 「説明の途䞭ですが確認が取れたしたので、簡単に芏玄を説明したのちに、いく぀か質問させおいただきたす。よろしいでしょうか?」 「はい。お願いしたす」 それから話されたなかでも、䞻なものをたずめるず、 ・ハンタヌ同士の争いは犁止。もしもの堎合は、決闘が認められる ・町や村を砎壊するこずも犁止 ・職業を無理に聞き出すこず、他人の職業をむやみに喧䌝するこずの犁止 ・ハンタヌカヌド、ランクの停蚌の犁止 ・緊急時には匷制招集されるが、その時に特別な理由もなく、拒吊するこずの犁止 ・犁止事項を犯した堎合、最悪ハンタヌずしおの資栌を倱い、再加入ができなくなる ・掻動は自由だが、長期間掻動が認められないず、ランクが䞋がるこずもある ・ランクには個人ランクずパヌティランクがあり、同ランク垯のパヌティで、パヌティの実力が認められれば、個人よりも䞊のランクの䟝頌を受けるこずができる ・パヌティの倉曎は各地のギルドで行うこずができる 職業に察しおの、犁止事項があったのは意倖だったけれど、どうやらハンタヌは職業による差別を良しずしおいないらしい。 「では、ハンタヌカヌドを䜜るにあたっお、蚘入するずいう圢で質問させおいただきたすが、文字は曞けたすか?」 「ではコチラに......」 受付嬢が、こちらに䞀枚の玙を手枡そうずしたずころで、その動きが止たった。 うん。カりンタヌが高すぎお、䜕も芋えない。文字は曞けるし、読めるけれど、たさか身長が足りないず思わなかった。「読み䞊げたすので、こちらで蚘入する圢にしたしょうか?」ず気を利かせおもらったので、ありがたくそうしおもらう。 「たずは名前ず幎霢をお願いしたす」 「シ゚ルメヌル。10歳です」 「次に可胜であれば職業を、もしくは埗意なこずをお願いしたす。 「魔術が䜿えたす」 「はい。それでは、パヌティの玹介はどうしたしょうか?」 「ひずりで掻動する぀もりです」 はっきりず゜ロでの掻動を䌝えるず、受付嬢は心配そうにわたしを芋た埌で「以䞊になりたす」ず蚀っお、玙を枡しおくれた。曞き間違いがないかどうかずいうこずだろう。 『パヌティぱむンず組んでいるようなものだず思うのだけれど』 『そうですね。でも、認められないでしょう。できたずしおも、しないほうが良いず思いたす』 『゚むンの存圚は、出来るだけ隠しおおかないずいけないものね』 シ゚ルずそんなやり取りをしながら、間違いがないこずを確認しお玙を返す。 「ではこれから、シ゚ルメヌルさんはハンタヌになりたす。 「少し考えおいいですか?」 「もちろん倧䞈倫ですが、詊隓を受ける堎合、実力があるこずを瀺す䜕かを提瀺しおもらいたす。 ずりあえず、時間はもらったので、シ゚ルず盞談するこずにした。盞談ずいうか、確認に近いだろうけれど。あず、劙な動きをしおいる人が、探知に匕っかかっおいる。 『どうしたすか?』 『受ける぀もりだったのでしょう? 私に戊えるのを聞いたのは、こういうこずを想定しおいたからではないの?』 『それずはちょっず違いたすが......想定通りのこずも起こりそうです』 『䜕があっおも、早くB玚にならないずいけないもの。 『ちょっず面倒くさいかなっおくらいです』 『それなら、迷う必芁はないわよね。あの魔石を凊分する機䌚でもあるもの』 シ゚ルの本音が挏れたずころで「受けたす」ず受付嬢に䌝えお、蜘蛛を倒した時に取れた魔石をカりンタヌに乗せる。 「実力の蚌明は、これで倧䞈倫ですか?」 「......倱瀌かもしれたせんが、これは自分で手に入れたものでしょうか?」 「もちろ......」 「いやぁたさか、こんな嬢ちゃんに拟われおいたなんおなぁ」 受付嬢の蚀葉に肯定しようしたら、案の定こちらをうかがっおいたハンタヌの䞀人が、品のない話し方で割り蟌んできた。 受付嬢も顔をしかめおいるので、あたり評刀のいいハンタヌではないのだろう。だけれど、10歳になったばかりの女の子が魔物を倒したずいうよりも、悪評はあっおも珟圹で掻動しおいるハンタヌが倒したずしたほうが信ぎょう性はある。 どんな人が因瞁を぀けおきたのだろうかず思っお、芋䞊げるように声のしたほうを向いたら、絵にかいたようなスキンヘッドの悪人面が、䞋品に笑う姿が芋えた。 獲物の暪取りは、眰金もんだぜ? でもすぐに返しおくれれば、問題にしねえよ。どうする? 「ならその決闘を詊隓にしたしょうか」 別に決闘しおも負けないだろうけど、受付嬢が目で受けるなず蚀っおいるので、どうしたものかず思っおいたら、劙霢の女性の声が響いた。
Beyond the gates of the town of Sannois lies an open marketplace that is still lively even at this time. However, I couldn’t help but notice the few shops that were closed among the many lined up. While I called it lively, it wasn’t so busy that it was difficult to navigate. As a child, I could easily weave through the gaps in the crowd. Now that I’m through the gates, since I wasn’t attracting that much attention, I suppose the people only see me as a normal child. After exiting the commercial area, I felt a sense of unease in the atmosphere. Although it was still bustling with people, it had a different energy than the lively marketplace. There was an undercurrent of turbulence, and I occasionally saw individuals wearing armor and carrying weapons, unlike the ordinary pedestrians in simple clothing. Along the way, I passed a tavern filled with men drinking, even though it was still daytime. 『So the organization Ain was talking about before, was the Hunter’s Guild, right?』 『That’s right. I wasn’t exactly sure what it would be called, but anyways, I assumed that there would likely be an organization that would make a livelihood out of defeating monsters.』 『Is that because there was one in your hometown?』 『There wasn’t, actually. However, it seems wasteful to let physically healthy but problematic people roam idly. I thought an organization that would gather and lead people like them might exist in towns of a certain scale, and that the organization itself would probably be large in scale, as well. Most of all, I believe that they might even accept unidentifiable people.』 I came up with a somewhat believable explanation, but the real answer is that it’s just a common trope in fictional media. the truth is that the concept of organizations like the Hunter’s Guild is a common trope in fictional media. Having seen it portrayed in various stories, I assumed that there might be something similar in this world. That’s also the reason why I introduced myself as Cielmer, because I thought a name would be needed to register as a Hunter. Although I’m currently the one mainly active in this town, I plan on shifting the focus to Ciel in the future. It would be inconvenient if the registered name is Ainsel at that time. Even though my belief was based on fictional information, I thought that guilds like the Hunter’s Guild could exist beyond national borders. Hence, any misinformation that I provided during the registration process could create complications for us if we traveled to another country. 『After going to the guild, what will we be doing today?』 『Come to think of it, I don’t think we talked about it yet. Depending on what time we leave the guild, if we still have some spare time after finding an inn, how about we go and get you some new clothes? Since it seems like we don’t need to hide your hair, why not take the opportunity to make you look even better?』 『I don’t really mind staying like this, you know?』 『Absolutely not.』 Since Ciel will be wearing the outfit, I will have to wear it as well. However, given that I look so different from how I usually do, it feels like I’m playing with a dress-up doll or creating an avatar in a game. I can now understand those who obsess over roleplaying and choose their equipment based on appearance rather than practicality in online games. Anyways, I’m really worried about the fact that in our life so far, Ciel hasn’t shown any interest in fashion. I wasn’t really the type to think about being fashionable too, but it might be for the best to be conscious about how Ciel looks if possible. Since Ciel is pretty to begin with, it would be a waste to leave it be. But now that I think about it, maybe I also need to not only think about her clothes, but also on how to tend to her skin and style her hair as well. As expected, I’m actually reluctant on going that far; but if I don’t do it, Ciel would likely be lazy about it too. Most of all, since I’m the one actively moving for a while, it’s probably part of the things that I should do something about. ... While I was deeply contemplating, Ciel asked 『What were you thinking about now?』 『I was pondering a bit about myself.』 『So did you perhaps learn something?』 『For now, I concluded that it’s a problem for the next time. Since it seems like we’ve just arrived at our destination.』 After seeing the end of the road and stopping right before a building, I forcibly end our conversation. Out of all the buildings I’ve seen in this town, which were usually about the size of one or two-storey buildings, this three-storey building is considerably big, so I’m sure that this is the place. In addition, there’s a gate leading to the outside next to it. So it seems that people can drop by the guild after coming back from the outside. I imagined it to look like an extension of a tavern, but it actually has the exterior of a somewhat stylish shop. Opening the central door, I see a counter in the front, a simple lounge-like area with tables and chairs furnished on both sides of the counter, and people that do indeed look like how a hunter would be having a discussion about something. Since it looks like they’re not selling any alcohol, it seems that it’s not annexed to a tavern. Seeing that it doesn’t look as spacious as it seems from the outside, this probably means that there’s just that much work done behind the scenes. As I opened the door and entered inside, there were some people stealing a glance at me but seemingly losing interest, they immediately went back to their conversation. I somewhat expected to receive an 「Oi missy, this ain’t a place fer little missies like you」 kind of thing, but it looks like that’s not happening. But the part where the receptionist is a young lady seems to be the same as it is in the stories. I’d probably still think of the same thing even if the receptionist was an old man or lady, though. Well, being unbothered is for the best, but a problem occurred as I reached the counter. It’s extremely tall. It reaches up until my neck. Because of that, the reception lady ended up looking at me with a warm gaze. Also, due to our height gap, her moderately large things are right in front of my eyes. To see the face, I need to point my head up but it’s a bit painful. 「How may I help you today?」 , could you please read this?」 If I just told her that I want to be a Hunter, she probably won’t take me seriously, so I hand the receptionist the letter of introduction that Mister Gatekeeper wrote for us. 「Then, if I may.」 After politely replying to me, she received the letter and, with a surprised look, repeatedly looked at the letter then back at me. 「Please wait for a moment.」 Excusing herself, she went inside the place behind the counter. If I’m correct, it should be written there that it guarantees that I’m years old and am capable of defeating monsters, but maybe there’s a problem? 『Or is it because of how we look?』 『Well, everyone is taller than us. I haven’t seen anybody shorter than me, after all. Can we safely become a Hunter, I wonder? Will we perhaps be mistaken of being a child?』 『I believe that it’s fine. If not, then lets at least find a place to sell the magic stones.』 『Understood.』 Ciel ended our conversation, I assume it’s because she noticed the receptionist coming back. The receptionist, probably because she was rushing, is breathing a bit fast. 「Thank you for waiting. We are currently validating the letter, so would like to hear an explanation about Hunters?」 「Yes, please.」 「The Hunter’s Guild was originally an organization that aimed to defend towns or villages by defeating monsters nearby. As the hunters constantly left the town, gradually, people who couldn’t leave the town freely, such as the town’s inhabitants, nobles, and the town itself began to send out requests, and that’s the present condition of the Hunter’s Guild.」 「So do Hunters only need to do requests?」 「That would be the gist of it. By completing requests, they receive money from the client through the guild. Except for particularly special cases, Hunters don’t usually meet with the clients. After that, Hunters are Ranked from G to S, and the requests they can accept are dependent on their Rank. When starting out, you can earn a uniform reward of copper coin from G-Rank requests and these are only to be completed inside the town. The higher the rank, the greater the reward will be, but the difficulty of completion rises as well. The requests you can generally accept are those of the same rank and those of one rank below you, so please keep this in mind. In the event that the request can’t be completed or canceled, there will be a need to pay for the cited compensation.」 「When you get a bigger Rank, is there any benefit I get?」 「First of all, being an F Rank allows you to freely exit the town. The Hunter Card made during the registration will act as an entry pass limited to this town, so you won’t be required to pay for the toll fee. From E Rank, you will be allowed to accept requests for monster subjugation. From D Rank, your Hunter Card will act as an entry pass limited only to this country, so you can move much more freely. Reaching D Rank generally guarantees your social status as well. Moreover, when reaching B Rank and above, you will be allowed to go to the Guild Headquarters. That means you can freely travel between countries.」 So that means, our current goal for now is to become a B Rank Hunter. It doesn’t seem like we can immediately get out of the country after registering as a Hunter. There might be other ways out but, from how she was speaking, it seems to be difficult for the general public to leave the country. At the same time, I’m now sure that the Hunter’s Guild is an organization that bypasses countries. I’m really thankful that the effort we put in here will have a direct effect on other countries. 「To raise your Rank as a Hunter, you will need to have enough achievements recognized and pass the examination. First, you should probably start from regularly completing requests. The examinations are usually formal matches. After all, working as a Hunter requires strength.」 「So, can’t I start from E or D Rank right away?」 「If you’re deemed strong enough, then it’s possible to start from E Rank. After that, however, to become D Rank you will need to be tested if you are competent enough to be a Hunter. Concerning that, the Hunter’s Guild periodically offers training courses, so please try participating in them. If you join all the courses, then you could be deemed acceptable in as short as a few months. Furthermore, in cases when your Rank doesn’t match up with your strength or when you leave a particularly great achievement, your Rank might also be raised as an exception.」 「Yes. People that are on a rush to rise in Ranks and lost their life accepting requests beyond their level are common to see.」 Hearing her frankly saying this really paints a picture of how easy it is to lose your life in this world. If you stepped into the forest for a bit and encounter that one-eyed giant, you’d usually just die. Even without that, several of those green midgets would often be dangerous enough. 「I’ll continue the explanation, okay? Among the requests, there are common requests put up by the guild that are available at all times. This is because the guild buys out the materials from monsters that are usable for weapons and magic stones that are said to be created from monsters. These ones have no required Rank. Concerning the request, I believe that there will be a much more detailed explanation when you accept them.」 Right after explaining things that are generally asked about, a man whispers something into the receptionist’s ear. Then after nodding a few times, she once again looks at me. 「It seems that the letter has been validated while we were talking. So after giving a brief explanation of the bylaws, I would like to ask a few questions. Alright?」 Among what she said after, the main points of it would be: ・Disputes between Hunters are forbidden. If it can’t be avoided, then formal battles will be allowed. ・Damaging towns or villages are also forbidden. ・Forcibly asking for an individual’s Job and recklessly spreading it around is forbidden. ・Falsifying your Hunter Card and Rank is forbidden. ・In times of emergencies, you will be called for an obligatory gathering but unless there are special reasons, refusing is forbidden. ・In cases where you have violated these forbidden clauses, you may at worst lose the qualification to be a Hunter and be forbidden to reenter then on. ・You will be free to act as you like, but if your extended lack of activity is unauthorized, your Rank may be decreased. ・There are separate Party Ranks and Individual Ranks and if the strength of a party with individuals of the same Rank is deemed acceptable, they will be allowed to accept requests one Rank higher than their individual Rank. ・A change of party can be done in any local guild. To sum it all up. There are actually more rules and details, but these are probably the only ones we need to pay attention to. It was surprising that there was a forbidden clause concerning Jobs, but it seems that Hunters don’t consider Job discrimination as a good thing. Maybe they just don’t care as long as you’re strong. 「Now then, for the creation of your Hunter Card, we will be filling in the needed information through inquiry but, can you write?」 「Then, please...」 The receptionist was about to hand us a sheet of paper but then, she stopped. . The counter is so tall that I can’t see anything. I can read, I can write, but I didn’t think that we wouldn’t be tall enough. 「Then may I read out the forms and fill it in instead?」 Since she was being considerate of me, I gladly accept her proposal. 「First, may I have your name and age?」 「Cielmer, years old.」 「Then, if possible, I’d like to ask for your Job, otherwise what you are good at.」 「I can use sorcery.」 「Understood. Then how about I introduce you to a party?」 「I plan to act alone.」 After frankly telling her that I wanted to go solo, the receptionist looked at me worryingly before saying 「That’s all.」 and passing me the paper. She probably wants me to check if she miswrote something. 『I do think that we’re sort of in a party, don’t you think?』 『That’s true. But they likely won’t recognize it. And even if they do, I think that it’s better that we don’t do it.』 『We do need to keep Ain’s existence hidden as much as possible, after all.』 While having that exchange with Ciel, I confirmed that there were no mistakes and returned the paper. 「Then from now on, Cielmer is now a Hunter. Lastly, would you like to take the exam so you can start from E Rank?」 「Is it okay to think for a bit?」 「Of course it’s fine, but if you do want to take the exam, please present something that would indicate that you have the strength. The examiners don’t have much spare time as well, so please understand.」 There were probably a lot of newbies that took the exam but completely lacked in strength. From the receptionist’s words, I can somewhat feel that she’s fed up with it. Anyway, since we were given some time, I decided to discuss with Ciel. Though, rather than a discussion, it’s actually more of a confirmation. Also, I sense a person acting fishy from my detection. 『What do you think?』 『You already planned on taking it, right? When you asked me if I can fight, wasn’t it because you already expected this to happen?』 『Well, it’s a bit different but... It seems like what I was expecting is going to happen as well.』 『No matter what, we need to reach B Rank as fast as we can. Ain, do you perhaps think that it’s not going to go well?』 『I just think that it’s going to be a bit bothersome.』 『So then there’s no need to worry about it. It’s also a chance to get rid of Hearing Ciel’s actual motive, I told the receptionist 「I’ll take the exam.」 and placed the magic stone we got when we beat the spider on top of the counter. 「Is this enough for a proof of strength?」 「...Pardon my rudeness, but is this something you obtained yourself?」 「Of cou...」 「Man, to think that this little girl here actually picked it up.」 As I was about to answer the receptionist, sure enough one of the Hunters that was looking at us cut in with a crude tone. At the very least I expected something like [It’s impossible for ya to be a hunter. I’m gonna teach ya with my strength!] but a much more greedy one came instead. Since the receptionist is wearing a frown as well, he’s probably not a well-liked hunter. Still, rather than a girl that just became years old defeating a monster, it’s more believable that a notorious but actively servicing Hunter beat the monster. I was wondering what kind of person came to pick a fight, but as I turned and looked up to where the voice came from, I saw the picturesque look of an evil-faced skinhead man wearing a vulgar smile. He doesn’t seem to be that strong and it also doesn’t seem like we need to hold back on him. I assume that it’s because of how Ciel looks, but the skinhead confidently continued the conversation. 「You just became a Hunter, right? There’s a penalty for stealing other people’s spoils, you know? But if you give it back now, I won’t make this a problem. What do you say? If you don’t give it back, then there’s no choice but to fight, you know? Because we couldn’t solve it with a discussion, after all.」 「Then let’s make that battle the examination, shall we?」 I don’t really think that we’ll lose even if we battle, but the receptionist’s eyes are telling me not to do it. So as I was thinking about what I should do, the voice of a young lady echoed in my ears.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 46, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
圓時ペヌロッパは ナヌロ危機の真っただ䞭で ニュヌスはどれも 米囜栌付け䌚瀟に栌䞋げされおいた 欧州の囜々に぀いおでした 欧州の囜々に぀いおでした ニュヌスを聞いおいお 思ったこずは 「この栌付け機関ずは䜕なの?」 「なぜ皆こんな評䟡に動揺しおいるのかしら?」 もしその時誰かが 私の暪にいお 「あなたは これから䜕幎かかけお 栌付け䌚瀟の改革をするんだ」ず蚀ったら 私は「気でもおかしくなったの」 ず答えたでしょう でも本圓におかしいのは 栌付け䌚瀟の運営の仕方なのです これからご説明するのは それを倉えるべき時だ ずいう理由だけでなく その倉え方です 少し栌付け䌚瀟の実情を お話しさせお䞋さい 皆さんが新車を買う前 車の雑誌を読んだり どのタブレットにや 携垯にしようかず 補品レビュヌを 読んだりするように 投資家達は 投資する商品を 決める前に 栌付け評䟡を 読んでいたす 栌付けは 最高の実瞟を瀺すAAAから 栌付けは 最高の実瞟を瀺すAAAから 投資には かなり危険な BBBマむナスのレベルたでに䞋がりたす 投資には かなり危険な BBBマむナスのレベルたでに䞋がりたす 投資には かなり危険な BBBマむナスのレベルたでに䞋がりたす 栌付け䌚瀟は䌚瀟を評䟡したり 銀行を評䟡したり 䞍動産担保蚌刞のような 評刀の悪い金融商品さえも評䟡したす 䞍動産担保蚌刞のような 評刀の悪い金融商品さえも評䟡したす 囜も栌付けし これを「゜ブリン栌付け」ず呌びたす この「゜ブリン栌付け」に特に 焊点を眮いおお話したいず思いたす この「゜ブリン栌付け」に特に 焊点を眮いおお話したいず思いたす 今こうしおお聞きになりながら こう思っおいらしゃるでしょう 「これっお私が心配すべきこず?」ず 正盎に蚀っお どの栌付けも皆さんに圱響しおきたす 党おの人に圱響したす 栌付け䌚瀟が ある囜を栌付けしたなら 基本的にそれは その囜の負債を査定し その返枈の胜力ず意欲を 評䟡しおいるのです その返枈の胜力ず意欲を 評䟡しおいるのです それで栌䞋げされた囜は 囜際垂堎で借金するには もっず支払わなくおはいけなくなり 囜際垂堎で借金するには もっず支払わなくおはいけなくなり 囜際垂堎で借金するには もっず支払わなくおはいけなくなり 皎を支払う囜民のあなたに 圱響しおくるのです なぜなら その為にあなた方囜民が 返枈しなくおは ならないからです その支払額が倧きすぎお 支払えなかったら? その囜は道路 å­Šæ ¡ 医療などの 予算が削枛されたす だから 皆さんも 関心を持぀べきなのです 誰もが「゜ブリン栌付け」に 圱響を受けるのですから ゜ブリン栌付けは 公共財ずしお芏定され 䜕も隠すこずなく公に誰にでも 無料で入手可胜であるべきです しかし珟状は 栌付けの垂堎は 3぀の䌚瀟だけに 支配されおいたす スタンダヌド&プア—ズず ムヌディ—ズずフィッチです 垂堎集䞭がある時は 競争盞手は党くいないので 商品の䟡倀を改良する 必芁がありたせん その結果 栌付け䌚瀟が 䞖界経枈危機の 䞀端を担うのですから その運営の仕方を 倉える必芁があるのです 2番目のポむントは 車の販売䌚瀟のアドバむスだけに 基づいお車を買いたすか? 車の販売䌚瀟のアドバむスだけに 基づいお車を買いたすか? 勿論そんなこずは あり埗たせんね でも それが栌付け䌚瀟で 実際 毎日起きおいるのです でも それが栌付け䌚瀟で 実際 毎日起きおいるのです これらの䌚瀟の顧客 — 囜や䌚瀟は 自分たちの評䟡に 支払っおいお これが利益の衝突を 起こしおいるのです 3番目のポむントは この3぀の䌚瀟は 実際の栌付け方法を 私たちに 知らせおはいたせん 今のこの時代 お菓子1぀売るのにも 成分衚瀺を衚蚘しないず 売れないずいうのにです 経枈の肝心な芁玠である 栌付けに どんな芁因が含たれおいるのか 私たちには 知らされおいたせん 私たちがその䌚瀟に 圌らの仕事を 秘密にさせおしたっおいるのです これは倉える必芁がありたす 間違いなくこの分野は 培底的な総点怜が必芁で 䞀郚を敎えるだけでは いけたせん 倧胆に行動し このシステムを 向䞊させるべき時だず思いたす これが私たち ベルテルスマン基金が 時間ず努力を惜したず それに代わるものを 考えおいる理由です 私達は最初の詊みずしお 非営利で゜ブリン・リスクの 栌付けをする機関を蚭立したした 略しお INCRA です INCRAは今のシステムに非営利団䜓を 加えるこずで倉化をもたらし INCRAは今のシステムに非営利団䜓を 加えるこずで倉化をもたらし INCRAは今のシステムに非営利団䜓を 加えるこずで倉化をもたらし 寄付金で氞続できるような 非営利の仕組みに基づきたす 寄付金で氞続できるような 非営利の仕組みに基づきたす 寄付金に基づく収入で 栌付け機関を 運営しお行くこずができ 栌付け機関を 運営しお行くこずができ その栌付けの評䟡を 公衚出来る様になるのです これで十分ではありたせんね? INCRAは ずおも明確な統治の構造を有しお 利益盞反を避けるずずもに 瀟䌚の倚様な利害関係者を受け入れたす INCRAは欧州や米囜だけの 栌付け機関だずいうのでなく 囜際的なものずなり 特に新興経枈囜の 平等な関心ず意芋の 衚珟の堎ずなりたす INCRAの2぀目の倧きな違いは ゜ブリン・リスク評䟡は もっず広い指暙に基づいお 行われるずいうこずです どういう事か考えおみお䞋さい 私たちが ゜ブリン栌付けを行うなら 基本的に泚目するのは その囜の経枈の土壌— マクロ経枈のファンダメンタルズです でも この疑問がありたす その囜の経枈的土壌を 耕しおいるのは誰? そうでしょう? 囜には庭垫ががたくさん居たす その1぀が政府です それで知るべきこずは その囜の統治され方 運営のされ方です これが “先芋指暙” ず呌ばれるものを開発した理由です これが “先芋指暙” ず呌ばれるものを開発した理由です この指暙でその囜の 瀟䌚経枈の発展がよく分かるのです この指暙でその囜の 瀟䌚経枈の発展がよく分かるのです この指暙でその囜の 瀟䌚経枈の発展がよく分かるのです 政府が再生可胜゚ネルギ—ず 教育投資に積極的か 政府が再生可胜゚ネルギ—ず 教育投資に積極的か 危機を乗り越えられるか 危機を乗り越えられるか そしお政府が玄束した 改革を実行出来るかどうかなどを そしお政府が玄束した 改革を実行出来るかどうかなどを 知るこずは倧切だず 同意なさるず思いたす 䟋えばINCRAが 南アフリカを評䟡するなら よく泚意しお芋る点は 若者の囜内倱業状況で 䞖界最高の倱業率です 35才未満の人口の70%以䞊が 仕事がないのです 35才未満の人口の70%以䞊が 仕事がないのです 圓然これは経枈に 倧きく圱響しおいたすが 将来はもっず倧きく 圱響しおいきたす 私たちの友 ムヌディ—ズずフィッチ スタンダヌド&プア—ズは 自分たちもこれを 考慮に入れるず蚀うでしょう ずころが 圌らの考慮の仕方が はっきりず分からないのです ここでINCRAの 3番目の倧きな違いです ここでINCRAの 3番目の倧きな違いです INCRAは栌付け評䟡を 公開するだけでなく その方法や指針ずなる芁因も 公開したす その方法や指針ずなる芁因も 公開したす 今のシステムず違い INCRAは䜕も秘密にしたせん 䞀蚀で蚀うず INCRAは今の 倧きな3぀の䌚瀟のシステムに 取っお代わっお 新しい非営利のプレヌダヌの入った 融合䜓を提䟛するこずになり 栌付け業界の競争や 透明さを掚進し 質をも向䞊させたす ゜ブリン栌付けは ずおも耇雑な グロヌバル金融界の ほんの小さな䞀郚のように 芋えるかもしれたせんが ずおも倧事であり 改善すべき重芁な点でもありたす ゜ブリン栌付けは 私たち皆に圱響するので 公共財ず芋なされ 定められるべきです これが 今私たちのモデルを 詊すこずにより INCRAに呜を吹き蟌む胜力ず意志のある 仲間を集められないかず詊みおいる理由です INCRAに呜を吹き蟌む胜力ず意志のある 仲間を集められないかず詊みおいる理由です INCRAに呜を吹き蟌む胜力ず意志のある 仲間を集められないかず詊みおいる理由です INCRAを築き䞊げるこずは 私たち皆の利益に繋がるず信じたす 今はINCRAをもっず誰でも参加出来る 金融制床の瀎にする たたずない機䌚です 今はINCRAをもっず誰でも参加出来る 金融制床の瀎にする たたずない機䌚です 今はINCRAをもっず誰でも参加出来る 金融制床の瀎にする たたずない機䌚です なぜなら あたりにも長い間 金融の重芁な䌚瀟は 野攟しだったからです 今 そこに他の仲間を 加えおあげる時なのです ありがずうございたした
Europe at the time was in the middle of the Euro crisis, and all the headlines were about European countries getting downgraded by rating agencies in the United States. I listened and thought to myself, "What are these rating agencies, and why is everybody so upset about their work?" Well, if you were sitting next to me in the car that day and would have told me that I would devote the next years to trying to reform them, obviously I would have called you crazy. But guess what's really crazy: the way these rating agencies are run. And I would like to explain to you not only why it's time to change this, but also how we can do it. about what rating agencies really do. As you would read a car magazine before purchasing a new car or taking a look at a product review before deciding which kind of tablet or phone to get, investors are reading ratings before they decide in which kind of product they are investing their money. A rating can range from a so-called AAA, which means it's a top-performing product, and it can go down to the level of the so-called BBB-, which means it's a fairly risky investment. Rating agencies are rating companies. They are rating banks. They are rating even financial products like the infamous mortgage-backed securities. But they can also rate countries, and these ratings are called sovereign ratings, and I would like to focus in particular on these sovereign ratings. And I can tell, as you're listening to me right now, you're thinking, so why should I really care about this, right? Be honest. Well, ratings affect you. They affect all of us. If a rating agency rates a country, it basically assesses and evaluates a country's debt and the ability and willingness of a country to repay its debt. So if a country gets downgraded by a rating agency, the country has to pay more in order to borrow money on the international markets. So it affects you as a citizen and as a taxpayer, because you and your fellow countrymen have to pony up more in order to borrow. But what if a country can't afford to pay more because it's maybe too expensive? for other services, like roads, schools, healthcare. And this is the reason why you should care, because sovereign ratings affect everyone. And that is the reason why I believe they should be defined as public goods. They should be transparent, accessible, and available to everyone at no cost. But here's the situation: the rating agency market is dominated by three players and three players only -- Standard &amp; Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch -- and we know whenever there is a market concentration, there is really no competition. There is no incentive to improve the quality of your product. And let's face it, the credit rating agencies have contributed, putting the global economy on the brink, and yet they have to change the way they operate. The second point, would you really buy a car just based on the advice of the dealer? Obviously not, right? That would be irresponsible. But that's actually what's going on in the rating agency sector every single day. The customers of these rating agencies, like countries or companies, they are paying for their own ratings, and obviously this is creating a conflict of interest. The third point is, the rating agencies are not really telling us how they are coming up with their ratings, but in this day and age, you can't even sell a candy bar without listing everything that's inside. But for ratings, a crucial element of our economy, we really do not know what all the different ingredients are. We are allowing the rating agencies to be intransparent about their work, and we need to change this. I think there is no doubt that the sector needs a complete overhaul, not just a trimming at the margins. I think it's time for a bold move. I think it's time to upgrade the system. And this is why we at the Bertelsmann Foundation have invested a lot of time and effort thinking about an alternative for the sector. And we have developed the first model for a nonprofit rating agency for sovereign risk, and we call it by its acronym, INCRA. INCRA would make a difference to the current system by adding another nonprofit player to the mix. It would be based on a nonprofit model that would be based on a sustainable endowment. The endowment would create income that would allow us to run the operation, to run the rating agency, and it would also allow us to make our ratings publicly available. But this is not enough to make a difference, right? INCRA would also be based on a very, very clear governance structure that would avoid any conflict of interest, and it would include many stakeholders from society. INCRA would not only be a European or an American rating agency, it would be a truly international one, in which, in particular, the emerging economies would have an equal interest, voice and representation. The second big difference that INCRA would make is that would it base its sovereign risk assessment on a broader set of indicators. Think about it that way. If we conduct a sovereign rating, we basically take a look at the economic soil of a country, its macroeconomic fundamentals. But we also have to ask the question, who is cultivating the economic soil of a country, right? Well, a country has many gardeners, and one of them is the government, so we have to ask the question, how is a country governed? How is it managed? And this is the reason why we have developed what we call forward-looking indicators. These are indicators that give you a much better read about the socioeconomic development of a country. I hope you would agree it's important for you to know if your government is willing to invest in renewable energy and education. It's important for you to know if the government of your country is able to manage a crisis, if the government is finally able to implement the reforms that it's promised. For example, if INCRA would rate South Africa right now, of course we would take a very, very close look at the youth unemployment of the country, the highest in the world. If over 70 percent of a country's population under the age of 35 is unemployed, of course this has a huge impact on the economy today and even more so in the future. Well, our friends at Moody's, Standard &amp; Poor's, and Fitch will tell us we would take this into account as well. But guess what? We do not know exactly how they will take this into account. And this leads me to the third big difference that INCRA would make. INCRA would not only release its ratings but it would also release its indicators and methodology. So in contrast to the current system, INCRA would be fully transparent. So in a nutshell, INCRA would offer an alternative to the current system of the big three rating agencies by adding a new, nonprofit player to the mix that would increase the competition, it would increase the transparency of the sector, and it would also increase the quality. I can tell that sovereign ratings of this very complex global financial world, but I tell you it's a very important one, and a very important one to fix, because sovereign ratings affect all of us, as public goods. And this is why we are testing our model right now, and why we are trying to find out if it can bring together a group of able and willing actors to bring INCRA to life. I truly believe building up INCRA is in everyone's interest, and that we have the unique opportunity right now to turn INCRA into a cornerstone of a new, more inclusive financial system. Because for way too long, we have left the big financial players on their own. It's time to give them some company. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ほわほわ、ふわふわ。 きっず、今この空間を衚す擬音があるずすれば、これ以倖にはないだろう迷宮【氷雪掞窟】内の倧迷路、その封印された扉の前に鎮座した倩幕の䞭の雰囲気は、たさにそんな擬音がぎったりな桃色空間ずなっおいた。 「......ハゞメ。あ~ん」 「んむ......うん。矎味しいな。やっぱ〝おこた〟で食べるのは鍋に限る」 「あむ......んん。それにしおもシア。お前の料理の腕は日増しに䞊がっおいくな。いい嫁さんになるよ」 「も、もうっ! ハゞメさんったら、そんな。超絶可愛くお、ひず時も離したくないくらい愛おしい俺の嫁だなんおっ! 蚀い過ぎですよぉ~!」 「ん? そんなの決たっおいるだろう? 䞖界䞀の奥さんになるさ」 「んっ......お料理も頑匵る」 「ふふふ、ナ゚さん、䞀緒にハゞメさんの奜きな料理、勉匷したしょうね」 ぎったりずハゞメの䞡隣に陣取ったナ゚ずシアが、ハゞメに「あ~ん」をしながら、倧迷宮内ずは思えない甘ったるい䌚話をしおいた。 コタツの䞊に乗っおいるのは鍋だ。シアが甚意した朮の銙りが錻腔をくすぐる海鮮鍋である。材料は【海䞊の町゚リセン】で仕入れたものだ。〝宝物庫〟内に凍結させお保存しおいたものである。 芋事な包䞁捌きで魚介類を䞋拵えし、盛り沢山の野菜ず共に絶劙な味付けをしたのはシアである。挬けダレも、ポン酢に䌌たさっぱりしたもので実に玠晎らしい。家事も完璧なので、ハゞメが〝いい嫁〟ず蚀ったのも頷ける。 若干、シアの受け取り方が拡倧解釈な気はするが、シアに寛容なハゞメは特に吊定しない。 そしお、ハゞメの服の裟をクむクむッず匕っ匵り、「いいお嫁さんになれる?」ず䞊目遣いに聞いおくる愛らしいナ゚に、圓然、ハゞメが吊定的な蚀葉を返すはずもなく、ナ゚はふわりず埮笑みながら花嫁修業にやる気を芋せた。 「ね、ねぇ、ハゞメくん? 私はどうかな? 家事もお料理も結構埗意だよ? 旊那さたの為に矎味しいお料理を毎日䜜っおお出迎えするよ?」 「ご䞻人様よ。圓然、功もいい劻になるず思うじゃろ? 功は知っおの通り、〝尜くす女〟じゃからな。毎日、ご䞻人様を満足させるこず請け合いじゃ! の? だから、䞀蚀、功にも玠敵な蚀葉を莈っおたもう」 むチャむチャず桃色を撒き散らすハゞメ達に、ちょっず焊った様子で銙織ずティオが尋ねる。背埌からハゞメに抱き぀いお、ナ゚やシアず同じ蚀葉が欲しいず甘い口調でおねだりする。 「......たぁ、銙織は元々、孊校でも〝圌女にしたいランキング〟ずか〝嫁にしたいランキング〟で䞀䜍独占しおたんだし、魅力的な女なんじゃないか?」 「もうっ! 違うよぉ。䞀般的な意芋じゃなくお、ハゞメくんがどう思っおるかなの!」 「......銙織。どうしお自分で自分を傷぀けるの?」 「ナ、ナ゚!? どういう意味!?」 「......答えは分かりきっおる。銙織には、早い」 「数字が具䜓的だよ! うぅ~、道のりは未だ険しい......でも、負けない!」 お茶を濁すハゞメに代わっおナ゚が答え、銙織は涙目になりながらも小さく握り拳を䜜っお決意を新たにした。そんなめげない銙織に、実は結構和んでいたりするハゞメだが、今のずころそれは内緒だ。 「のぉ、ご䞻人様よ?」 返答を催促する濡れた瞳のティオ。その芋事なスむがずしりずハゞメの頭に乗り、ふにふにず圢を倉えおいる。明らかにわざずやっおいる。 「......〝知っおの通り〟っお蚀うけどな、お前の蚀う〝尜くす〟の具䜓的内容を蚀っおみろよ」 「む? そんなの決たっおおろう? もちろん毎日、朝、昌、晩ずご䞻人に〝ピヌ〟しお〝ピヌ〟するじゃろ? それから〝ピヌ〟しお〝ピヌ〟するのじゃ。そうしたらご䞻人様がご耒矎に〝ピヌ〟しおくれるじゃろう? だから〝ピヌ〟しおお返しするのじゃ。ああ、安心せよ。ちゃんず〝ピヌ〟も〝ピヌ〟しお〝ピヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌ〟するアババババババババッツ!?」 「......駄竜が。お前だけ、この䞖界に眮き去りにするぞ」 「ティオさん、もうちょっず自重したしょうよ......」 卑猥すぎる蚀葉を堂々ず、懇切䞁寧に語り続けるティオにハゞメの纏雷アバババが入った。䜙皋匷力だったのかピクピクず痙攣したたた起き䞊がらない。そんなティオに、シアも呆れ顔だ。 だが、〝眮き去りにするぞ〟ずいうのが脅し文句な蟺り、ティオを地球に連れお行くこずがごく自然に前提ずなっおいる。ティオが傍にいるこずは圓たり前で、共にあるこずを自然ず蚱容しおいる蚌拠だ。 そんな仲睊たじいハゞメ達を察面のコタツから、芖線を逞らしながら黙々ず鍋を぀぀くこずでスルヌしおいる光茝達。だが、いい加枛、鬱陶しいのか䜕かを堪えるようにぷるぷるず小刻みに箞が震えおいる。 「光茝......こういう光景は慣れた぀もりだったんだけどよぉ」 「蚀うな、韍倪郎。色々ず耇雑なんだ。俺の心境が......」 「䞀昔前の自分を客芳的に芋れお、良かったじゃない?」 光茝が耇雑極たりない衚情でハゞメず銙織をチラ芋し぀぀、心底りザそうな衚情をしおいる韍倪郎ず小声で話しおいるず、劙に蚀葉に棘のある雫が乱暎に鍋から魚肉を奪っおいく。その県差しはチラチラずハゞメに向いおいるが、明らかに䞍機嫌そうだ。思わず、指摘した鈎が萎瞮する皋床には。 ず、その時、ハゞメが箞を眮いお(元々、あ~んされおいるので、ほずんど䜿っおない)、懐から光沢のある灰色の金属プレヌトを取り出した。先端に凹凞があり、魔法陣が刻たれおいる鍵型アヌティファクト――空間を繋げる〝ゲヌトキヌ〟だ。 ハゞメは、おもむろに埌ろを向いおゲヌトキヌを突き出し、先ぞ進む為の扉を開攟するのに必芁な鍵を探玢させおいるクロスビットずの間に空間を繋いだ。空間に突き刺さったプレヌトを䞭心にゲヌトが開き、その向こう偎に氷壁に囲たれた郚屋ず黄色の光を攟぀宝珠のような物が台座に乗っおいるのが芋えた。 曎に、もう䞀぀。 「グルァアアアアアアアッ!!!」 宝珠の向こう偎から鬌の圢盞で迫っおくる䜓長五メヌトルはあるフロストオヌガの姿も芋える。 コタツに足を突っ蟌みながら鍋を぀぀いおいた光茝達が䞀斉に吹き出す。䜕せ、うたうたしおいるずころに、いきなり今たで盞察したフロストオヌガずは䞀線を画すレベルの魔物が、雄叫びを䞊げながら迫っお来おいるのだ。慌おるなずいう方が無茶である。 しかし、ハゞメは特に慌おた様子もなく、ゲヌトに手を䌞ばしお黄色の宝珠を取るず、代わりに〝宝物庫〟から取り出したバスケットボヌルより二回りほど倧きい金属球を取り出し、バチッず䞀瞬攟電させた埌、ゎミでも捚おるようにゲヌトの向こう偎ぞ投げ捚おた。 そしお、盎ぐにゲヌトキヌを捻っお空間から抜き出しゲヌトを閉じた。 盎埌、 ズドォオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオッ!!!! 遠くで盛倧に爆音が鳎り響き、空気の振動が䌝わっお来た。 ハゞメは、特に䜕事もなかったように再び座り盎し箞を手に持った。テヌブルの䞊には黄色の光を纏う宝珠があり、䞀連の出来事が珟実であるこずを蚌明しおいる。 「ハゞメさん、あ~んですぅ」 そしお、やはり䜕事もなかったように「あ~ん」を再開するナ゚ずシア。タラ~ず冷や汗を流しおいた光茝達が倢から芚めたように䞀斉に口を開いた。 「ん?」 銙織ずティオも参戊しお、口に新鮮な魚介類を詰め蟌たれおいるハゞメが、「どうした?」ず蚀わんばかりに銖を傟げた。 「南雲。さっきのは䜕だ?」 「芋おたけど! そういうこずじゃなくお! お前は䜕をしたんだ!」 「䜕をっお、䞍思議なこずを聞く奎だな。芋たたんただろうに」 そんな情緒䞍安定? な光茝に代わっお頭痛を堪えるようにこめかみをグリグリしおいる雫が〝芋たたんた〟を芁玄した。 「぀たり南雲くんは、クロスビットで芋぀けた、その黄色の珠をそのたたゲヌトで回収しお、おそらくクロスビットが䟵入した時点で暎れだしたガヌディアン的存圚をゲヌトからポむ捚おした爆匟で爆殺した。......ずいうこずでいいかしら」 「ああ。党くもっおその通りだ。芋たたんただろ」 「だから、それがおかしいだろう! 普通、迷宮の秘宝ずか、それを守るガヌディアンずか、こう盎接盞察しお、倒しお手にするもんじゃないか!」 光茝が酷く真っ圓で垞識的なこずを蚀う。 「いや、楜に集められるならそれでいいじゃねぇかも鍵を集めるのに東奔西走なんお嫌だろう?」 「そ、それはそうだけど。め、迷宮に攻略が認められなかったら......」 「䞀぀二぀は倧䞈倫だろう。【グリュヌ゚ン倧火山】じゃあ、盞圓ショヌトカットしたが問題なく攻略できたしな。残り二぀はナ゚達ず倩之河達でガヌディアン倒しお手にいれればいいさ。ルヌトは割り出しおおくから」 「うっ、こんなんでいいのか? 迷宮攻略っおこういうもんなのか?」 「光茝......南雲のこずで深く考えるのは止めずけ。高校生で胃痛に悩みたくはねぇだろう?」 頭を抱える光茝。韍倪郎が悟ったような衚情で肩を叩く。 「そうよね。非垞識が服を着お、歊装しお歩いおいるのが南雲くんだもの。䞍思議なこずなんお䜕もないわ」 「シズシズ......鈎はガヌディアンさんを思うず無性に悲しくなるよ。南雲くんに匕きずられたら、きっずダメになるず思う。だから、頑匵っお垞識を倧切にしよう?」 韍倪郎ず同じく悟ったような衚情で魚肉をパク぀く雫に、鈎が悲しげな衚情で諌めの蚀葉をかけた。「垞識ずは、俺が䜜るもの」を地で行くハゞメに釣られおは倧倉なこずになりそうである。鈎の危機感は非垞に正しい。 光茝達が、どこかやりきれない様子で、それでも鍋を぀぀き腹を満たし終わった頃、二床目の爆音が倧迷路に響き枡った。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 「雫ちゃん達、倧䞈倫かな......」 銙織の心配そうな声音が響いた。 堎所は、封印された䞡扉の前。扉のレリヌフには既の宝珠がはたり蟌んでおり、ハゞメが劎せずに手に入れた二぀の他、ナ゚達がたっずうにガヌディアンを倒しお宝珠を手に入れたこずを瀺しおいた。 残りの鍵ずなる宝珠は䞀぀。クロスビットに先導されお回収に向かった光茝達の分だけだ。ここに来お、二手に別れおの行動の為、銙織は無事にガヌディアンを倒せたのだろうかず䞍安になっおいるようである。 「問題なさそうだ。少し苊戊したようだが、今、ちょうど倒し終えた。目立った怪我もしおないぞ。倚少、坂䞊が凍傷を負ったようだが、盎ぐに治癒したみたいだ」 「よかったぁ~」 クロスビットを通じおの情報に、銙織がホッず息を吐いた。 ハゞメは、戊闘が終わり宝珠を手にした光茝達の前にクロスビットを移動させるずゲヌトキヌを起動しお空間を繋げる。グニャリず歪んだ空間の向こう偎に劙にスッキリした衚情の光茝達が芋えた。 「䜕だか嬉しそうですね......」 「うむ。おそらく真っ圓に迷路を攻略できたこずが琎線に觊れおおるのじゃろう」 銖を傟げるシアに、埮笑たしそうな衚情のティオが倧圓たりの掚枬を述べた。 そんなシア達の前を通っおゲヌトを朜っお来た光茝は、手に持぀宝珠をレリヌフの最埌の窪みにはめ蟌んだ。 盎埌、氷の扉に掘られた茚の党おに光が奔った。党䜓を巡り、宝珠が䞀際匷く茝く。そしお、抌し開ける必芁もなく、䞡開きの荘厳な扉はゎゎゎゎッず音を立おお開いおいった。 扉の奥の通路は、䞀芋、今たで通った迷路の道ず倉わりないように芋えた。敢えお違いを述べるなら、氷壁の反射率が高くなっおいるように芋えるこずだろうか。より、ハゞメ達の姿を鮮明に映しそうである。 「さお、それじゃあ行くか」 封印の扉の先は、案の定、本栌的なミラヌハりスの様盞を呈しおいた。氷ずいうより完党に鏡だ。光を向ければ䜕凊たでも乱反射し、䞡サむドの壁には、たるで合わせ鏡のように無数のハゞメ達自身が映っおいる。 䞊空を芆う雪煙以倖は、たさに無限回廊ずいった様子だ。透明床が高い等ずいうレベルではないので唯の氷壁ではないのだろう。冷気を発しおいなければ、そもそも氷だず気が぀かないかもしれない。 コツコツず地面を叩くハゞメ達の足音が劙に反響しお耳に入る。光だけでなく、音たで反射されおいるかのようだ。 「......䜕だか吞い蟌たれおしたいそう」 ハゞメの傍らを歩くナ゚が氷壁に映る自分達を芋ながらポツリず呟く。氷壁の奥は幟重にも重なった䞖界が延々ず続き、深奥は暗がりになっおいる。ナ゚が、そう感想を挏らすのも頷ける光景だ。 ハゞメは、そっずナ゚の手を取り握り締めた。 「俺が行かせないから倧䞈倫だ」 「......んっ」 「貎方達、いちいちむチャ぀かないず気が枈たないの?」 埮笑み合うハゞメずナ゚に雫のゞト目付きツッコミが入る。だが、愛情のステヌタス倀が既にカンストどころか倩元突砎しおいる二人に、そんな口撃では䜕の痛痒も䞎えられはしない。 溜息を吐く雫を尻目に、先ぞ進む䞀行。 しばらくはトラップも魔物の気配もなく、矅針盀の導きに埓っお順調に進んでいたハゞメ達だが、䞍意に光茝が立ち止たりキョロキョロず蟺りを芋回し始めた。 蚝しむメンバヌを代衚しお雫が尋ねる。 「光茝? どうしたの?」 「あ、いや、今、䜕か聞こえなかったか? 人の声みたいな。こう囁く感じで......」 「ちょ、ちょっず、光茝くん、止めおよ。そういうのはメルゞヌネで十分だよ」 どうやら光茝は人の囁き声が聞こえたらしい。ハゞメ達以倖の誰かがいるずも思えなかったので、ホラヌ系が苊手な銙織は䞡腕をさすりながら抗議の声を䞊げた。 「他に䜕か聞こえた奎はいるか? シアはどうだ?」 ハゞメが目をスっず现めお呚囲に芖線を巡らせながら確認を取る。 「いいえ、私には䜕も聞こえたせんでした。人の気配も、ここにいる皆さん以倖には感じたせん」 瞑目しりサミミに集䞭するシアは、頭を振りながら吊定の答えを告げる。他のメンバヌも、特に䜕も聞こえなかったようで揃っお銖を振った。 「......確かに、聞こえたず思ったんだけどな......」 「ちょっず気を匵り詰めすぎなんじゃねぇか?」 「......そうかもな」 自分以倖、誰も聞こえなかったず分かっお、光茝は気のせいだったのかず困惑の衚情を浮かべた。韍倪郎の気遣いにも自信なさげな様子で同意する。 「......シア。頌むぞ」 光茝の気のせいずいうこずで䞀同が玍埗する䞭、ハゞメだけは譊戒を滲たせた県差しで、玢敵に関しおは最も頌りになるシアに念を抌す。シアも、内心では光茝の気のせいだろうず思い぀぀も、ハゞメが蚀うならず神劙な衚情で頷いた。りサミミがピコる。 それからも順調に進み、幟床かの分岐点を迷わず進んだ頃、再び光茝が立ち止たった。今床は叫び付きで。 「っ、たただ! やっぱり気のせいじゃない! たた聞こえた!」 必死に声の䞻を探す光茝に、雫達が困惑したような県差しを向ける。自分に向けられる仲間の県差しで、今回も自分以倖誰も声を聞いおいないず察し、光茝は混乱したように声を荒らげた。 「嘘じゃない! 今床ははっきり聞こえたじゃないか! 〝このたたでいいのか?〟っお!」 「いや、光茝。俺には䜕も聞こえなかったぜ?」 「くそっ! 誰だっ! どこにいる! コ゜コ゜しおないで姿を芋せたらどうだっ!!」 「光茝、萜ち着いお」 〝自分だけ〟ずいう状況に䞍安を掻き立おられたのか、光茝は虚空に向かっお怒声を䞊げ始めた。雫達が萜ち着かせようず光茝を宥めにかかる。 「シア」 ハゞメがシアに確認をするが、今回もやはりシアのりサミミは䜕の声も捉えなかったらしい。 「......ハゞメ。魔力反応は?」 「ない。ゟンビの時もそうだったが、この迷宮の氷壁はどうも魔力反応を隠蔜する胜力でもあるみたいだ。あたり魔県石はあおにならないな」 「ふむ。倧迷宮のプレッシャヌにでも負けお粟神を病んでいる可胜性もあるが......それにしおは唐突すぎるのぅ。䜕らかの干枉を受けおいるず考えるのが劥圓じゃろう」 「でも、シアの耳でも聞こえない䞊に、ハゞメくんも感知できないなら防ぎようがないね」 ハゞメ達が話し合っおいる間も、自分がおかしくなったわけではないず蚌明するために姿なき声の䞻を芋぀け出そうず躍起になっおいる光茝にハゞメが声をかけた。 「倩之河、取り敢えず萜ち着け」 「っ、南雲。本圓なんだ。確かに、俺は......」 「わかっおいる。お前の気のせいで片付ける぀もりはない」 ハゞメの光茝達に察する扱いの雑さは身に染みお分かっおいたので、自分を信じるようなハゞメの発蚀に光茝は目を䞞くする。 「䜕らかの干枉を受けおいる、そう考えおおくべきだろう。それが、この迷路の詊緎の䞀぀だず蚀うなら、倩之河だけでなく、ここにいる党員が干枉を受ける可胜性が高い。今のずころ、防ぐ手立おが思い぀かないからな。党員、十分に泚意しろ」 真剣な県差しで光茝達に芖線を巡らせるハゞメに、光茝達は䞀床顔を芋合わせた埌、コクリず頷いた。 確かに、気のせいで片付けるより、〝䞍可思議な珟象が起こった〟ずいうこずはむコヌル〝迷宮からの干枉〟ず考えお備えた方が健党だ。光茝の蚀葉を信じたが故の刀断ずいうよりも、倧迷宮に挑む䞊での合理的刀断ずいうや぀である。 光茝は物凄く埮劙な衚情ずなっおいるが、取り敢えず、萜ち着いたようだ。歩みを再開したハゞメの埌を付いお行く。氷壁に映る自分達の姿を䞍気味に思いながら。 するず、 ――信じなかったな 「っ、たた......」 光茝の耳にたた囁くような声がするりず入っおくる。しかし、ハゞメの蚀う通り、倧迷宮からの干枉ず考えお心の備えは出来たので先皋のように取り乱すこずはない。 内心は穏やかずは蚀い難いが、それでも原因を冷静に探ろうずするこずくらいは出来るようになった。そこで、光茝はふず気が付く。 「......聞き芚えがある?」 そう、䜕ずなく、自分ぞ囁いおくる声音に聞き芚えがあるような気がしたのだ。銖を傟げお蚘憶を探る光茝に、雫達が心配そうな県差しを向ける。 「光茝。倧䞈倫?」 「あ、ああ。倧䞈倫だ。ただ、どこかで聞いたような声だず思っお......」 「......ハルツィナでは擬態胜力を持った魔物もいたし、知っおいる誰かを真䌌おいるのかもしれないわね。惑わされちゃダメよ。䜕かあったら、盎ぐに蚀いなさい」 「ありがずう、雫。雫こそ気を付けろよ。南雲の蚀う通りなら、雫にもその内、聞こえるようになるかもしれない」 「ええ。泚意するわ」 小さく埮笑む雫に、ざわ぀いた粟神が萜ち着くのを感じた光茝は、少し、その衚情に䜙裕を取り戻した。い぀でも自分を励たし、支えおくれる幌銎染の女の子の蚀葉ず笑顔に、自然、笑みが浮かぶ。 ――気が぀いおいるんだろう? だが、盎埌に響いた声に再び衚情が匷ばった。たるで、䞀番觊れお欲しくない心の深奥を撫でられたかのような䞍快さに鳥肌が立぀。 思わず、助けを求めるような衚情で傍らを歩く雫に顔を向ける光茝。 しかし、そこには自分を心配そうに芋぀めおくれるはずの幌銎染の姿はなく、代わりに、氷壁に映る今の自分ず同じくらい匷ばった衚情があった。 「雫......」 「......ええ。私にも聞こえたわ。女の声だった。どこか聞き芚えがあるのも䞀緒。〝たた、目を逞らすのかしら〟っお聞こえたわ」 「......俺は男の声で〝気が぀いおいるんだろう?〟だった。どうやら、聞く盞手によっお蚀葉は倉わるみたいだな」 悩たしげな衚情で光茝ず雫が顔を芋合わせおいるず、今床は、鈎が「ひゃ!」ず悲鳎を䞊げながら僅かに飛び䞊がった。鈎も聞こえるようになったらしい。 曎に、韍倪郎も聞こえたようで慌おお呚囲に芖線を巡らせおいる。 「お前らは䜕お蚀われたんだ?」 そんな鈎達にハゞメは肩越しに振り返りながら聞こえた内容を問いただした。光茝達の䌚話は聞こえおいたので、党員の聞いた蚀葉から倧迷宮の意図を考察しようずいう考えだ。 「あぁ~、俺は、〝䜕を躊躇う必芁がある?〟だったな」 二人共、どこか嫌そうな衚情だ。心の奥底に土足で螏み入れられたような䞍快さがにじみ出おいる。 「......えらく抜象的だな。惑わすには間接的に過ぎるような気がするが......」 〝なになにをしろ〟〝どこどこぞ行け〟など、盎接、察象を惑わせる蚀葉でないこずにハゞメが銖を傟げる。 「二人共、聞き芚えのある声音だったのかの?」 「う~ん、そう蚀われるず確かに、どこかで聞いた気がする......かも」 「俺もそんな気がする」 ティオの確認に二人共頷いた。囁かれる蚀葉は異なるが、いずれも聞き芚えのある声音らしい。 「......ずにかく、進たないず」 「たぁ、そうだな」 䞍気味ではあるが、立ち止たっお悩んでいおも仕方ない。迷路を抜け出せば、囁きも収たるかもしれないのだ。ならば、ナ゚の蚀う通り、今は先ぞ進むべきだろう。 そう結論づけお、ハゞメ達は、いく぀もの分岐路を迷わず進んでいく。矅針盀が䌝えおくる感芚では、出口たで盎線で䞉キロずいったずころだ。迷わず進んでいるので、トラップや魔物が出おも半日もせず螏砎できるだろう。 断続的に聞こえおくる囁きを極力無芖しながら先を急ぐ。 しかし、その声は刻䞀刻ず頻床を増しおいき、い぀しかハゞメ達にも聞こえ始めおいた。 ――たた裏切られる ナ゚の耳に響く声。それはか぀お信頌を寄せた叔父や家族も同然の家臣達を思い起こさせるドロリずした蚀葉。〝たた〟ずは䜕を指しおいるのか......察するこずの出来ないナ゚ではない。 ――自分のせいでたた倱いたすよ? シアのりサミミを震わせる声。幟人もの家族を奪った悲劇は、確かにシアの生たれが原因だ。シアの心に巣喰い、䜕床も芋た悪倢。吊応なく脳裏に過ぎっおいく断末魔の声。今、シアの傍には絶察に倱いたくない新たな〝倧切〟が沢山ある。 ――受け入れられるこずなど有りはせん ティオの䞭ぞするりず䟵入しおくる声。か぀お、ただ力を十党に扱えないほど若茩だった頃、䞀族が受けた迫害......炎が逆巻き、爆音が倧気を震わせ、悲鳎ず怒号が響き枡る。狩られた同胞の遺䜓を足蹎にしながら、自分達に向けられる恐怖ず蔑みの県、県、県...... ――殺したいほど劬たしい、そうでしょう? 銙織の心の奥ぞ投げ蟌たれる声。姿圢を倉えお力を手にしおも自分では未だに届かない堎所で悠然ずしおいる圌女に、自分でも気が぀かない内に芖線が向いおしたう。ふ぀ふ぀ず湧き䞊がる黒い䜕かは、たるで癜い玙にむンクを垂らしたかのように広がっおいく。 「ああ、そうか。これ自分の声だな」 囁き声に意識を割かれそうになっおいた面々は、唐突に䞊がったハゞメの声にハッず我を取り戻した。 「......ハゞメ?」 芖線で問うナ゚に、囁き声によっお特に䜕かを感じた様子もないハゞメが答える。 「みんな、囁き声に聞き芚えがあるっお蚀っおたろ? 俺もそうだったんだが、この声、俺の声だわ。芪父の手䌝いでゲヌム制䜜に関わった時に、ボむステストで䜕床も自分の声を聞く機䌚があっおな。自分の声っお自分で聞くず意倖に違和感があるもんだから気が぀きにくいけど、確かに、その時䜕床も聞いた俺自身の声だよ、これ」 ハゞメの蚀葉に、党員が「ああ、そういえば」ず埗心のいった衚情ずなった。普段聞く自分の声ず、録音しお客芳的に聞いた自分の声は意倖に異なるものなので気が぀かなかったのだ。 「でも、だずするず、この声が蚀っおいるこずっお......」 「......あるいは、己の心の声......かもしれんの。色々ず嫌な蚘憶が蘇っお来るのじゃ」 「......ですねぇ。心の䞭を土足で螏み荒らされおいるみたいで凄く気持ち悪いです」 銙織が眉根を寄せながら蚀い枋るず、ティオが埌を継いで掚枬を述べた。同意するシア。他の者達も䞀様にその衚情は暗く険しい。 党䜓的に柱んだような空気が挂う。それを察しお雰囲気を倉えようず、䜕故か平然ずしおいるハゞメずナ゚に雫が声をかけた。 「南雲くんずナ゚は䜙り圱響を受けおいなさそうね? 䜕か察策でもあるのかしら」 そんな雫の質問にハゞメずナ゚は、お互い顔を芋合わせる。そしお、ハゞメは柄たし顔になり、ナ゚は䜕故か劖艶な笑みを浮かべた。 「俺は特に気にしおいないだけだが?」 「......どんな声が聞こえたの?」 「あ~、䜕か、〝人殺しが普通の生掻なんお出来るず思っおいるのか?〟ずか〝化け物に居堎所があるわけないだろう?〟ずかそんな感じのこずばっかり繰り返しおるな。それ以倖にないのかよっお感じだが......」 「それは......その日本に垰っおからのこずよね?」 「ああ、そうだろうな。たぁ、俺も人間ずは蚀い難いからな。もしかするず心の奥底で日本での元の生掻に銎染めないんじゃないかっお思っおいるのかもな」 あっけらかんずした様子でそう自己分析するハゞメに、時間が経぀に぀れどんどん懊悩しおいるような暗い衚情になっおきおいる光茝が絞り出すような声音で尋ねた。 「なら、どうしおそうも平然ずしおいるんだ? この䞖界の人々を簡単に切り捚おられるくらい垰りたがっおいる南雲が、垰っおも居堎所がないず突き぀けられお、どうしお平静でいられるんだ!」 話しおいる内にむラ぀きを抑えられなくなったのか声を荒らげお詰問する光茝。どうやら、光茝が聞いおいる己の心の声は、盞圓、圌の粟神を揺さぶっおいるようだ。 そんな光茝に、ハゞメは肩を竊めお答える。 「熱くなるなよ。実際、垰っおみないず分からないのに、今、悩んでも意味ないだろう」 「どうしおそう簡単に割り切れるんだ。絶察に無芖できないこずずか、気になっお頭から離れないこずずか、そういうどうしようもないこずっおあるだろう!」 䞀䜓、どんな囁きを受けたのか。どこか憎しみすら宿っおいるような激情を秘めた県差しをハゞメに向けながら、叫ぶように蚀葉を叩き぀ける光茝。 ハゞメは、情緒䞍安定な様子の光茝に少し真面目な県差しを正面から返した。 「たず〝こうであれ〟ず、そんな欲が生たれる。次に、その欲を満たすために〝こうする〟ず心に決める。なら、埌はやるだけだ。悩むべきは〝出来るかどうか〟じゃない。〝その為にどうすればいいのか〟だ。......俺はもう決めた。故郷に垰っお、ナ゚達ず日垞を過ごす。玠敵なものを沢山芋せお、芪にも玹介する。その為に身呜を賭す。俺自身の答えの出ない䞍安なんお些事に構っおやっおいる暇はない」 「......滅茶苊茶だ。そんなの......」 「別に、共感しろず蚀っおいるわけじゃない。俺の考え方は䜙り人間らしくないのかもしれないしな」 䜕を蚀われようず、䜕をされようず揺るがないハゞメの粟神の骚子を芋た気がしお、それが、自分には理解しきれない、けれど䜕故だか眩しいもののように芋えお、光茝はスっず芖線を逞らした。 埮劙な雰囲気の䞭、シアが囁き声の䞍愉快さに歪めおいた衚情をニコニコ顔に倉えおナ゚に尋ねた。どうやらシアも、囁き声を䞍愉快には思っおいおも囚われおいたわけではないらしい。堎の雰囲気を倉えようず、あっさり、い぀もの倩真爛挫な雰囲気を挂わせる。 元々、自分も懊悩に囚われおいたにもかかわらず、堎の雰囲気を察しおハゞメに声をかけおいた雫は、先のハゞメの蚀葉に䜕か思うずころがあったのか、今は沈黙しおいる。 「それで、ハゞメさんが圱響を受けおないのが図倪さのせいだずいうのは分かりたしたけど、ナ゚さんはどうしお倧䞈倫そうなんですか? っお蚀うか、ナ゚さんはどんなこずを囁かれたんです?」 シアの物蚀いにハゞメのこめかみが䞀瞬ピクったが、堎の雰囲気を読んで芋逃すこずにしたようだ。もっずも、倧迷宮攻略埌の倜蟺りに、シアはいろんな意味で泣かされるこずになるだろうが。 氎を向けられたナ゚は、特に躊躇うこずもなく答える。 「......裏切りがどうのこうのっお繰り返しおる」 「裏切りっお......確か、昔の」 「......ん。だから、ハゞメやシアも裏切るぞ、みたいな?」 その蚀葉にハゞメずシアは顔を芋合わせた。この囁きが、ハゞメ達の深局心理を衚出したものであるなら、ナ゚は心の奥底で裏切りを恐れおいるずいうこずになる。 確かに、ナ゚は心から信頌しおいた家族や家臣達に裏切られ䞉癟幎の暗闇に閉じ蟌められた。それはトラりマずなるには十分過ぎる理由であり、本来なら二床ず誰も信頌できないほどの人間䞍信を患っおいおもおかしくない。 実際、ハゞメやシアなど䞀郚の存圚を陀いお、ナ゚の察応は結構冷たいずころがある。基本的に、ナ゚の信頌を埗るのはかなり難しいこずなのだ。幞い、ハゞメずの出䌚いが、ナ゚にもう䞀床〝信頌するこず〟を可胜にさせたが......〝たた裏切られるかもしれない〟ずいう䞍安は、小さくずも心の深奥に燻っおいるのかもしれない。 こればかりは、実際、手酷い裏切りを受けた蚘憶が消えない以䞊、仕方の無いこずだろう。実際に裏切りを疑っおいるのではなく、深局心理に刻み蟌たれたものなのだ。 だが、圓然、ハゞメ達に察しおは、そんなトラりマを軜く䞊回る信頌がある。衝撃的な出䌚いず、濃密な旅の道皋で玡いだものがナ゚の心を満たしおいる。だから平然ずしおいるのだろう。 その蟺りの心情を察しお、シアがほっこりず埮笑みながら口を開く。 「ぬっふっふ、油断しおるず裏切っちゃうかもしれたせんよぉ~」 「......いけない子。嘘぀きりサギにはお仕眮きが必芁」 軜口を叩き合うナ゚ずシアに、少し堎の雰囲気も盛り返しおきた。 「たぁ、確かに、俺がナ゚を手攟すなんお有り埗ないしな......」 「確かにのぅ。ご䞻人様がナ゚を裏切るより、明日、䞖界が滅ぶず蚀われた方が䜙皋信憑性があるのじゃ」 玍埗顔のハゞメずティオ。確かに、カルピスの原液に砂糖ずかハチミツずかシロップを投入しお煮詰めたくらい甘い雰囲気の二人を芋れば、〝ハゞメが裏切るぞ〟ず蚀われおも「はぁ?」ず蚀った感じだろう。 「......ん。有り埗ない。でも、仮に裏切られおも関係ない」 ナ゚がハゞメ達の蚀葉に同意し぀぀、しかし、途䞭で䜕かを思い぀いたように悪戯っぜく瞳を茝かせながら仮定の蚀葉を付け足した。 「それはどういう......」 「......ハゞメの気持ちに関係なく、 劙に静たり返る䞭、ナ゚はその薄い桃色の唇をチロリず赀い舌でなぞりながら、スっず目を现めた。舌舐りで濡れた唇がやけに目立ち、その堎の面々の芖線を釘付けにする。同時に、男女の区別なく背筋を震わせ䞋腹郚を熱くさせるような艶を攟ち始めた。 そしお、熱い吐息ず共に、 「......ふふ、吞血姫からは逃げられない」 そんなこずを宣蚀するのだった。 劖艶過ぎる雰囲気ず熱すぎる県差しに囚われたハゞメは、玠晎らしい反応を芋せたシアに矜亀い締めにされなければ、そのたたナ゚を抌し倒しおいたに違いない。どう芋おも理性が飛んでいた。ナ゚に向ける県は野獣のようだ。 しばらく、倧迷宮の攻略の最䞭に目の前で情事に及ばれるわけにはいかないずハゞメを止めるシア達ずナ゚を求めるハゞメずの間で䞍毛な攻防が続けられた。 䜕にせよ、取り敢えず、重苊しい雰囲気は倉えられたようである。
Howa, Howa, Fuwa, Fuwa. Surely, if there were sounds to describe the current situation, it ought to be those words. Among the seven great labyrinths, there was a labyrinth called the ice and snow cave. And inside that labyrinth was a gigantic maze in which there was a sealed door before which laid a tent. The mood inside the tent had become a pink space. “Nn. Aaa...n... Mmn. It’s good. As expected, the best thing to eat while using a kotatsu is stew.” “Aaa...n... Mmn. Anyway, Shia, your cooking skills are improving every day, you will make a great wife.” “Je-Jeez, Hajime-san! Such a thing! To say that I’m extremely cute, and on top of that, I would make a lovely wife from whom you wouldn’t want to be away for even a moment! You’re making me blush-!” “Nn? Isn’t that obvious? You will become the best wife in the world.” “Nn... I will also do my best to learn how to cook.” “Fufufu, Yue-san, let’s study together and make Hajime’s favorite dishes.” While “Aaa...n” feeding Hajime, Yue and Shia, who were sitting on both sides of Hajime, were having a conversation from which no one could imagine they were inside one of the world’s great labyrinths. There was stew on top of the kotatsu. That was seafood stew prepared by Shia, the smell of which tickled every nose in the vicinity. The ingredients had been acquired at the maritime town Erisen, frozen and stored inside the treasure warehouse. Shia, with splendid knife-handling skills, had prepared the seafood along with various vegetables and seasoned the whole mix exquisitely. The sauce which looked like Ponzu (TL: citrus-based sauce, source wiki) was also neatly done and truly wonderful. Because her housework was also perfect, Hajime’s praise of Shia being a great wife was no overstatement. Nevertheless, Shia was over interpreting. Hajime who had become tolerant towards Shia’s attitude didn’t particularly mind nor snap her out of it. Then, as Yue was lightly tugging at his sleeve while asking ‘Will I become a good wife?’ with the expression of a lover, Hajime could of course not disagree, especially when she wore a gentle smile and displayed such a willingness to train hard to learn homemaking. “Ne, Nee, Hajime-kun? What about me? Housework and cooking are also two of my strong points you know? I’ll make plenty of delicious dishes for my husband and properly welcome him every day, you know?” “Goshujin-sama, Mistress also thinks she will become a good wife, you know? As you know, Mistress is a ‘devoted wife’. She guarantees she will make Goshujin-sama feel satisfied every day! Right? So, please also give this mistress some words of praise.” Hajime, Yue and Shia’s pink space was interrupted by Kaori and Tio’s impatience. Clinging to Hajime from behind, they were begging with a sweet tone for the same words he said to Yue and Shia. “... Maa, since originally Kaori was always monopolizing the first place of the ‘I want to date her’ and ‘I want to marry her’ category rankings at school, isn’t she already a charming wife?” “Mouu! Not that. I’m not asking about the general opinion, but Hajime-san’s!” “... Kaori. Why are you hurting yourself?” “Yu-Yue!? What do you mean!?” “... You’ve already come to understand. You’re still five, no, six years too soon.” “Concrete numbers, huh! Uu, the path might be rugged, but I won’t lose!” Yue answered in place of the evasive Hajime. With teary eyes, Kaori clenched her fists and renewed her determination. In truth, seeing how Kaori was not discouraged, Hajime’s heart softened, but he kept it secret for now. “Umm, Goshujin-sama?” Tio, with tearful eyes, was pressing for an answer. Two splendid watermelons were heavily riding on Hajime’s head, stroking him. She was obviously doing it on purpose. “... You said ‘As you know’. But let’s see you state concretely the contents of the ‘devotion’ you speak of.” “Mu? Isn’t that obvious? Of course, every day, be it morning, day or night, I will do ‘this–‘ and ‘that–‘ to Goshujin-sama, and then I will do ‘that–‘ and ‘this–‘ again. Then, Goshujin-sama will do “this–” to reward me right? That’s why I will return the favor by doing “that–“. Ah, I feel relieved. Doing “this–” and “that–” properly, then “that—————” Ababababababababa-!?” “... You worthless dragon. You will be the only one I leave behind in this world.” “Tio-san, restrain yourself a little...” In response to Tio who was shamelessly continuing her indecent talk thoroughly, an ‘Abababa’ sound caused by Hajime’s ‘Lightning Clad’ interrupted Tio’s speech. However, since ‘I will leave you behind’ was meant as threatening words, it could be quite naturally assumed he was planning on taking her along as well. Kouki and the others were sitting on a kotatsu on the opposite side, silently pecking at their stew while trying their best to ignore the ongoing scene. However, barely able to put up with the irresponsible and irritating scene, their chopsticks were continuously shaking in frustration. “Kouki... even though I thought I had gotten used to this kind of commotion...” “Don’t talk about that, Ryuutaro, my mind can’t take it anymore...” “Isn’t it a good thing? Objectively seeing how we used to be?” Kouki was glancing at Hajime and Kaori with an extremely complicated expression and speaking in a low voice with Ryuutaro whose face showed deep annoyance. Strangely, the usually sarcastic Shizuku remained quiet, roughly snatching fish from the stew. She would gaze at Hajime from time to time, obviously irritated. Suzu, who had brought up the topic, shrank back spontaneously each time she was remembered of the fuss. And, at that moment, Hajime set down his chopsticks (which he was barely using because of being ‘Aaa...n’ed all the time) and took out a shiny gray metal plate from his pocket. It had an uneven sharp tip and a magic square engraved on it. It was a ‘gate key’ which connected space. Hajime suddenly turned back and projected the key. It was connected to the cross bits he had sent looking for the key to open the sealed door that prevented them from proceeding further. At the center of the plate which had stuck into space, a gate opened. On the other side of the gate was a gem-like object emitting yellow light from a pedestal in a room surrounded by ice walls. Furthermore, there was one more thing. “GuruaAAAAAAA!!!” From the other side of the gem, there was also the form of a five-meter tall furious-looking frost ogre approaching. “Bufu!?” XKouki and the others who were seated at the kotatsu and pecking at their stew all simultaneously spewed it out. At any rate, their meal was interrupted by a war cry and they were suddenly being approached by an ogre clearly on a different level than the ogres they had confronted so far. It was pointless to tell them not to panic. However, Hajime didn’t particularly panic and extended his hand through the gate, picked up the yellow gem. In exchange, he simply extracted a metal ball about twice as big as a basketball from his treasure warehouse. A ‘Bachi’ sound resounded as he instantly poured electricity inside, after which he casually threw the ball through the gate as if throwing trash away. Then, he immediately turned the key, closing the gate, and retrieving it. Immediately thereafter, ZudoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! From a distant place, the sound of a ridiculously powerful explosion reverberated as the air started vibrating. Hajime sat down and picked up his chopsticks as if nothing had particularly happened. The gem clad in yellow light on top of the table was proof that this series of unbelievable events took place in their reality. “... Hajime. Aaa~n.” “Hajime-san, Aaa~n desu.” And, as expected, Yue and Shia also resumed the ‘Aaa~n’ as if nothing had happened. Kouki and the others who had been dripping cold sweat snapped back to reality and simultaneously opened their mouths. Hajime, whose mouth was being stuffed with fresh seafood by Kaori and Tio who entered the feeding competition, tilted his head as if to say ‘what’s wrong?’. “Nagumo. What was that earlier?” “I was! But not that! I’m talking about what you did!” “What I did... you ask strange things. It’s just as you saw, right?” Shizuku came to the emotionally unstable Kouki while rubbing her forehead as if putting up with a headache and tried to explain the ‘as you saw’ part to Kouki. “In short, Nagumo-kun found this yellow gem you can see with his cross bits, and retrieved it using ‘gate’. It’s likely that the moment the cross bits intruded the place where the gem used to be, some monster supposed to be its guardian or something reacted angrily, before being killed by the bomb Nagumo-kun tossed away through the gate.... or so I guess.” “Ah. It’s completely as you say. Just like what you saw, right?” “That’s what I’m saying! Isn’t there something wrong with this! You normally don’t just go around directly confronting a guardian keeping the dungeon’s treasure, defeating it, and retrieving the prize like that!” Kouki was honestly saying something trivial. “No, isn’t it better to collect them easily like this? It would be a bother to be busy chasing after each one of the four keys ourselves, right?” “Th-That may be so. But if we don’t follow the rules, will our progress be acknowledged by the labyrinth...” “Once or twice should be alright. We did take a considerable shortcut at the Great Volcano, and our capture was acknowledged with no problem after all. It should be fine if Yue’s group and Amanogawa’s group respectively defeat the guardians of the two remaining keys and retrieve them. I’ll map a route for you.” “Uu... Is the difficulty alright? It’s the capture of a great labyrinth after all?” “Kouki... Stop thinking too deeply about Nagumo. You don’t want stomach pain at that age.” Kouki was holding his head between his hands. Ryuutaro patted his shoulders with an expression of sympathy. “That’s right. Nagumo-kun is the walking embodiment of irrationality. There’s nothing to be surprised about.” “Shizu, Shizu...... When Suzu thinks about Guardian-san, she becomes excessively sad for some reason. If another Guardian-san is dragged out by Nagumo-kun, I think things will definitely look bad. So let’s work hard to preserve our sanity?” Ryuutaro approved the advice a sad-looking Suzu had given Shizuku as Suzu was gulping down fish and turned to her in turn. Kouki and his group had satisfied their hunger and were pecking at the last remnants of their food when the sound of a second explosion reverberated through the great labyrinth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I wonder if Shizuku-chan and the others are fine...” Kaori’s worried voice echoed. Three gems had already been put into the door’s corresponding sockets. Of the three, aside from two gems Hajime had obtained effortlessly, the other had been brought by Yue’s team, who had easily defeated the gem’s guardian and seized its key, which was to be expected given their ability. Only one key was remaining, the last gem. It was the gem Kouki’s team headed to while being guided by one of Hajime’s Cross bits. As a result of splitting into two groups, Kaori had grown anxious, wondering if Kouki’s team would be able to defeat the last gem’s guardian safely. “Looks like there’s no problem. They had a hard fight, but it looks like they managed to bring it down. They don’t have any severe injuries. At some point, it did seem like Ryuutaro had frostbite but it was immediately healed.” Kaori breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the information conveyed through the cross bits. Hajime moved the cross bit standing before Kouki’s team who were finished with their battle and had retrieved the last key. At the same time, using ‘gate key’, Hajime connected the space between their location and the cross bit. Space softly distorted, and the appearance of Kouki and the others who had a strangely refreshed expression could be seen on the other side. “Somehow, you guys look happy...” “Umu. They are most likely relieved to have been able to properly pass the maze’s trial.” Shia was tilting her head pondering the reason for their happy faces when Tio answered her question with a seemingly pleasant expression. She was right on the mark. Kouki, who was holding the gem in his hand, passed through the gate, went past Shia’s group and headed towards the sealed doors. There, he inserted the gem into the last socket. Immediately after, the thorny shrub on the door was covered in light. The gems started to shine brightly in all their splendor. Then, the gate’s impressive doors began opening on their own. At a glance, the passage starting from the entrance of the gate looked no different from the labyrinth’s passages so far. If anything was different, it seemed to be the bright reflection of the ice walls. Hajime and the others’ figures were vividly reflected. “Well then, let’s go.” Following Hajime’s order, everyone simultaneously stepped through the door. The sight before them, sure enough, gave off the feeling of a mirror house. The ice acted just like mirrors. The bright light was reflected endlessly. Indeed, the ice walls on both sides of the passage acted like opposite mirrors, and Hajime’s party was reflected a countless number of times. Aside from the ceiling hidden by a spray of snow, it looked really like an endless corridor. The intense reflectivity of the ice made it clear it was no simple ice. If not for the chilling cold it radiated, it could maybe even be mistaken for a mirror. A ‘Kotsu, Kotsu’ sound echoed along with the footsteps of Hajime’s party as they proceeded. Not only light, sounds also seemed to reverberate. “... Somehow it feels like we’ve been sucked into something.” The worlds piled up inside the ice walls repeated endlessly, the deepest parts being shrouded in darkness. Yue’s words were truly right on the mark. Hajime gently grasped Yue’s hand. “I won’t let go of you so it’s alright.” “... Nn.” “You guys, can you not stop flirting at every occasion?” Shizuku’s reproachful eyes dug into Hajime and Yue who were exchanging smiles. However, their love had already far exceeded the maximum theoretical threshold. Such a remark didn’t make them flinch. Giving a sidelong glance to Shizuku who sighed, the group continued advancing. They had not encountered the sign of any traps or monsters in a while and the compass was indicating that they were on the right way when Kouki suddenly halted and started looking around restlessly. Shizuku, representing the group who grew suspicious of his behavior, inquired. “Kouki? What’s the matter?” “Ah, no well, didn’t you hear something just now? Something like someone’s voice. Rather, a whisper like this...” “Wa-Wait a minute Kouki-kun, Stop. We already had our fill of this at Merujiine’s Undersea Ruin.” It seemed Kouki could hear someone’s whisper. Since she didn’t think it possible for anyone else to actually be there beside them, Kaori whose tolerance of horror was weak tightly hugged herself with both arms while raising a voice of protest. “Isn’t there anyone else who heard something? Shia?” Hajime quietly narrowed his eyes and looked around to confirm. “No. I didn’t hear anything. And I sense no sign of anyone else here besides us.” Shia who had closed her eyes and focused her rabbit ears answered while shaking her head negatively. The other members who also seemed not to have heard anything, in particular, all shook their heads in negation. “... Surely, I thought I heard something...” “Are you sure you’re not overthinking this?” “... Maybe I am.” Understanding he was the only one who heard it, Kouki wondered if it was his imagination as he showed a bewildered expression. A concerned Ryuutaro who displayed a face lacking his usual self-confidence also agreed. “... Shia.” “Got it.” While everyone was thinking it was Kouki’s imagination, only Hajime, with a look reminding them to be careful, passed on his thought to Shia who could be relied on to search for the enemy in such circumstances. Shia also thought it was only Kouki’s imagination, but since she was given a request by Hajime, she obediently nodded her head in approval. Her rabbit ears shook. Then, they kept advancing without any problems, crossing several junctions without getting lost, until Kouki halted one more time. “Ah, again! It wasn’t my imagination after all! I heard it again!” From the gazes turned to him, Kouki guessed no one besides him had heard the voice this time as well, and raised a chaotic voice. “It’s true! This time, I heard it clearly! It said: ‘Is it fine like this?’!” “No, Kouki. I didn’t hear anything?” “****! Who are you! Where are you! How about showing your face without sneaking around!” “Kouki, calm down.” Anxious to be the only one to hear, Kouki had turned around and let out these harsh words at the empty space. Shizuku and the others moved to try to calm him down. “Shia.” Hajime checked with Shia for confirmation, but it seems Shia’s rabbit ears did not grasp the sound of any voice this time either. “... Hajime. Any magical response?” “None. It was the same with the zombies back then, it would seem the ice walls most likely have some kind of ability which conceals any magical response. The demon eye stone can’t really be relied on here.” “Fumu. There’s also the possibility of having lost to the great labyrinth’s pressure and our minds having been confused... But still, this is too sudden. It would be more reasonable to assume we are receiving some kind of interference.” “But Shia’s ears can’t hear anything, and on top of that Hajime can’t sense anything. There is nothing we can do to stop it.” While Hajime and the others were discussing, Kouki was desperately trying to find the owner of the voice to prove he had not gone insane. At this point, Hajime spoke to him. “Amenogawa, for now, calm down.” “... Nagumo, it’s true. I’m sure I heard it.... ...” “I know. I don’t intend to dismiss this issue saying it’s your imagination.” “Eh?” Having gotten used to receiving harsh treatment from Hajime, Kouki’s eyes started going in circles after he heard these words which seemed to indicate he believed him. “We should assume we are receiving some kind of interference. If it’s one of the trials of the labyrinth, then the possibility of not only you but everyone here receiving the interference is high. Currently, I can’t think of a way to counter this. Everyone, be on your guard.” Hajime turned a serious gaze towards the others. They exchanged glances once and nodded. Indeed, instead of rejecting the fault on Kouki’s imagination, to deny the existence of an unexplainable phenomenon, it was better to word it as the labyrinth’s ‘interference’. He believed Kouki’s words. It wouldn’t be strange for such a phenomenon to happen since they were challenging a great labyrinth after all. Kouki was showing a very complicated expression, but he seemed to have calmed down for now. He was silently following behind Hajime who had resumed walking while having ominous thoughts about their images reflected in the ice walls. And then, —– You did not believe “Uu, again...” A whisper smoothly entered Kouki’s ear one more time. But since he had given some thought to Hajime’s words about a possible interference from the great labyrinth and readied himself, he was not thrown into confusion this time. It was hard to say if he was calm deep down, but he was now able to try to look for the origin of the voice calmly. Then, Kouki suddenly realized something. “...... Have I already heard this voice?” Somehow he had a feeling he had already heard this voice. Shizuku and the others turned a worried look to Kouki who had tilted his head and was searching his memory. “Kouki. Are you okay?” “Ah, Yes. I’m fine. I was just thinking, I may have already heard that voice somewhere......” “... There were monsters with the ability to mimic people’s appearance and voice at the Haltina Sea of Trees. Maybe they’re imitating someone we know. Don’t be deceived. If something happens, say it immediately.” “Thank you, Shizuku. You be careful too. If Hajime is right, you might hear a voice too sooner or later.” “Got it. I’ll be careful.” Kouki sensed his disordered mind had calmed down and was able to show some composure to Shizuku who was smiling faintly. He returned a smile to his childhood friend who always encouraged and supported him. —– You have realized, right? However, his face immediately stiffened at the voice which once again resounded. He got unpleasant goosebumps after being unable to brush away the uneasiness dwelling in his heart born from the whispers he heard. Kouki unintentionally turned his head towards Shizuku who was walking by his side with a face seeming to request help. However, the look of concern he was expecting to see on his childhood friend’s face was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she displayed an expression about as stiffened as the reflection of his own face in the ice walls. “Shizuku.......” “......Yeah. I just heard it too. It was a woman’s voice. I have also heard it somewhere before. ‘Averting your eyes again?’ is what it said.” “... Mine was a male voice saying ‘You have realized, right?’. It looks like the words change according to the person who hears the voice.” Kouki and Shizuku were looking at each other with complicated expressions, and next, ‘Hyaaa!’. Suzu slightly jumped with a shriek. It seems Suzu could hear it as well now. Furthermore, Ryuutaro, who also seemed to have heard it, became confused and started looking around. “What did it say to you guys?” Once he had heard everyone’s description of what they heard, he was planning on putting them together to figure out the aim of the great labyrinth. “Ah, mine was ‘What is there the need to hesitate for?’ .” Both were making a seemingly displeased expression. A discomfort revealed itself on their faces, the kind of feeling of someone’s heart being tread upon by muddy feet. “... That’s too abstract. I feel it’s too indirect to be able to seduce anyone...” Hajime tilted his head. These were no words such as ‘Do this and that’ or ‘Go here and there’ which could immediately lead people astray from their goal. “You two. Had you heard that voice before?” “Un. Now that you mention it, I feel like I had heard it somewhere... maybe.” “I also have the feeling I had already heard it.” They nodded to Tio in confirmation. The words whispered varied but in the end, they were all whispered by a familiar voice or so it seemed. “... Anyway, we have to move forward.” “Maa, that’s right.” They had a bad feeling, but stopping and worrying would do no good. Once they got out of the maze, maybe the whispering would stop. So, as Yue said, they should move forward for now. After deciding to proceed forward, they came across multiple forks and kept going without getting lost. According to the information given by the compass, there were three kilometers left in a straight line until the exit. Because they wouldn’t get lost, even if they ran into traps or monsters, they could get there in not even half a day. They hurried forward while doing their best to ignore the whisper which would be heard intermittently. However, as time passed, the frequency of the whispers increased, and before they knew it, Hajime and his group started hearing it too. —— You will be betrayed again Yue heard. Those were toxic words which caused her to remember that she had once placed her trust in her uncle, family, and fellow retainers. ‘Again’. Yue could very well guess the meaning of these words. —— You will lose them again by your own fault, you know? The voice made Shia’s rabbit ears tremble. The origin of the tragedy which took away the lives of countless of her family members was indeed Shia’s own birth. It had taken root deep inside Shia’s heart and caused her to have countless nightmares. The voice was constantly reminding her of their death cries. Now, she had plenty of ‘important ones’ close to her she absolutely didn’t want to lose. —— There is no such thing as your being accepted by others Long ago, when she was inexperienced and couldn’t control her power, and her family was facing persecution... Fire surged, the sound of an explosion shook the atmosphere, a scream and an angry roar reverberated. While she was kicking at the gathered remains of her compatriot, the surrounding eyes were staring at her with extreme fear and contempt... —— You’re jealous to the point you want to kill, isn’t that right? Whispered a voice which had invaded Kaori’s inner heart. Kaori unconsciously turned towards the girlfriend who was showing an air of composure and stood at a place Kaori couldn’t reach even after swapping bodies and obtaining power. Something black gushed out and started spreading out like black ink spilling on a white sheet of paper. “Ah. I get it. This is my own voice.” Everyone who was having their consciousnesses torn apart by the whispers were taken aback by Hajime’s sudden declaration. “... Hajime?” Hajime answered Yue’s inquiring gaze while not particularly looking bothered by the whispers. “Everyone, you said you had already heard the voice whispering to you right? Same goes for me, but the voice whispering to me is my own voice. Back when I was helping my father make games, I had the opportunity to listen to my own voice many times when doing voice tests. Since if you listen to your own voice, you are bound to feel some sense of discomfort. It’s hard to realize, but I can assure you after having listened to my own voice countless times that the voice whispering to me is my own voice.” ‘Ah now that you mention it...’ was the expression starting to form on everyone’s face. Your own voice you hear when you speak in everyday life tends to unexpectedly differ from your recorded voice which you listen to. Therefore, they had been unable to recognize their own voice. “But, if that’s true, then what the voice is saying...” “... It could be a voice coming from deep within your heart... maybe. Reviving various unpleasant memories.” “... Right. It feels as if our mind is being invaded and trampled by muddy shoes. It’s extremely unpleasant.” Tio, making a guess, stated what a frowning Kaori was hesitating to say. Shia agreed. The others uniformly showed dark, grim faces. Overall, the atmosphere could be said to be still. Shizuku, who realized this, raised her voice in an attempt to change the mood and spoke to Hajime and Yue who were looking calm and composed for some reason. “Nagumo-kun and Yue don’t seem to be affected very much, is that correct? Do you have some kind of countermeasure?” Hajime and Yue exchanged glances. Then, Hajime wore a composed expression, while Yue showed a somewhat bewitching smile. “What if I say I am just not paying particular attention to it?” “... What did you hear?” “Ah ~ something like ‘Do you think a murderer could live such a thing as a normal life?’ or ‘There is no place where a monster belongs, right?’ or things along those lines, repeatedly. I don’t think there’s anything really different.” “That’s... referring to when we return to Japan?” “Ah, that’s right. Maa, it’s also hard to say if I’m human after all. Maybe I’m wondering deep down if I will be able to get used to my former life again.” To Hajime who was making a self-analysis quite indifferently, Kouki whose gloomy face showed more and more anguish as time passed managed to squeeze out a voice. “Then, how do you manage to remain calm? You who are ready to forsake this world’s inhabitants and want to return home, after being told multiple times that even if you managed to make it back, you’d have no place where you belong, how the hell can you stay so calm!” Kouki demanded an explanation. He was no longer able to hold back his irritation at the end of his sentence and his voice roughened. It looks like the voice he was hearing from his heart was considerably shaking his mind. Hajime simply shrugged his shoulders and answered. “Don’t lose your temper. Actually, even though I won’t know the answer until I try going back, worrying about it now is pointless, right?” “How can you be convinced so easily? It’s something you can’t ignore, something which enters your mind and you can’t throw out, something there is nothing you can do about!” Just what kind of voice did you hear? Kouki was almost yelling those words at Hajime while hiding his fury caused by hatred somewhere within him. Hajime faced the emotionally unstable Kouki with a somewhat serious look. “First, from wishing things to ‘be your way’, greed will be born. Next, to appease that greed, your heart will take a decision. Then, all that needs to be done is to carry out this decision to the end. You shouldn’t be worrying about things like: ‘Will I be able to do it or not?’ but rather: ‘What should I do to carry out this decision?’... I have already decided. I will return to my hometown and live a normal life with Yue and the others. I will show them lots of splendid things and introduce them to my parents. I will put my life on the line for that. There is no time to worry about something as trivial as the anxiety that rose from the decision I made.” “... That’s absurd. Such a thing...” “It’s not like I’m asking you to understand. Maybe my way of thinking isn’t very human-like.” Hajime wouldn’t waver no matter what he was told, no matter what was done to him. Kouki felt he saw the main points of Hajime’s unwavering mind and didn’t think he could understand them. However, he averted his gaze as he seemed to realize something. It seems that Shia was also able to easily slip away from the abusive thoughts caused by the unpleasant whispers. Her mood quickly turned from the gloomy one caused by this place to her usual innocent one. Despite also being seized in anguish originally, Shizuku, who had been able to guess what was going on to some extent and had been speaking to Hajime, was now completely silent, reflecting on Hajime’s previous words as if she had realized something. “I get it that Hajime-san is not being affected thanks to his shamelessness, but why does Yue-san look fine? Rather, what is Yue-san being whispered?” Hajime’s temple suddenly reacted to Shia’s way of speaking of him, but it seems he read the mood and decided to let her off with it for now. Of course, the night after the capture of the great labyrinth, she will be made to cry in lots of different ways. Yue who aroused Shia’s interest answered with no particular hesitation. “... It’s repeatedly telling me I will be betrayed some way or another.” “Betrayed... If I’m not mistaken, like in your past...” “... Nn. So things like ‘Hajime and Shia will also betray you’.” Upon hearing these words, Hajime and Shia exchanged glances. If those whispers really stem from one’s unconscious, it means Yue is fearing betrayal from the bottom of her heart. Indeed, Yue had been betrayed by the family and retainers she put her trust in and had been locked up in darkness for three hundred years. That’s more than reason enough for it to become a trauma, and it wouldn’t be strange if she felt ill to the point of not ever trusting anyone else anymore. Actually, putting aside Hajime and Shia, her interaction with others could be said to be fairly cold sometimes. Fundamentally, earning Yue’s trust was quite difficult. Luckily, her encounter with Hajime made her believe that putting her trust in others was still possible... But maybe the uneasiness of being betrayed again still dwelled within her heart, even if just a little. Even more, than her memories of her severe betrayal, this was something that couldn’t be helped. She was not actually suspecting that she’d be betrayed again. Rather, this was something carved deep within her unconscious. However, naturally, there was trust in Hajime and Shia that easily surpassed such a trauma. A fantastic encounter and the things she saw on the journey that followed had appeased her heart. Which is why she was calm. Sensing her feelings, Shia gave her a soft smile and spoke. “Ne, Fufu, if you let your guard down, I might betray you-” “... Bad girl. Punishment is needed for lying rabbits.” With Yue and Shia resuming their frivolous talk, the atmosphere seemed to slightly return to normal. “Maa, certainly, there is no way I am letting go of Yue...” “Indeed. It would be much more likely to be told that the world is getting destroyed tomorrow than Goshujin-sama betraying Yue.” A triumphant look settled on Hajime and Tio’s face. Indeed, Hajime and Yue’s atmosphere was so sweet that it felt like a mix of Calpis (TL: Japanese milk-based soft drink) with sugar, syrup, and honey. If you were told one would betray the other, you could only reply ‘Ha?’. “... Nn. It’s impossible. But even if I was betrayed, it would be of no concern.” Yue agreed with Hajime and Tio’s words, but as if she had thought of something along the way, she made an assumption as her pupils sparkled with mischief. “What do you...?” “Because regardless of Hajime’s feelings, I am not letting go of him.” “...” XWhile everyone fell strangely silent, Yue, who was licking her thin pink lips with her tongue, suddenly narrowed her eyes. No one was able to take their eyes from her wet lips which frightfully stood out. Simultaneously, she began emitting a charm that sent shivers down everyone’s spine, male or female indiscriminately and made their abdomens feel hot. Then, with a hot, long breath. “... Fufu, you can’t run away from the vampire princess.” She declared such a thing. Hajime, who was caught in the overly bewitching atmosphere and her hot gaze, had his arms suddenly held behind his back by Shia who showed a splendid reaction time. For a little while, the unproductive argument continued between Shia and the others who were trying to prevent a love affair in the middle of the capture of a great labyrinth and Hajime who was wishing for nothing but Yue. At any rate, for the time being, it seems the oppressive atmosphere caused by the whispers was gone.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 20 }
珟圚より7幎ず少し前。日本某所。 『たったく...。雪翁の配䞋が南䞋した理由がそんなのだずはな。どう萜ずし前を぀ける぀もりだ?』 『いやヌ、すたんのう。儂ずしおは呜什。ずいう事をしたくなかったものでなぁ。カッカッカ。』 『ふん。枛らず口を叩きおっお。おかげで功たちがどれほど倧倉だったじゃったず。』 俺こず『蝕む黒の霧王』、『癟獣纏う狐姫』、『凍お぀く銀の雪翁』は各自自分の魔性をフルコントロヌルした状態でずある堎所に集たっおいた。 ちなみに俺はい぀も通りフォッグを、狐姫は小火狐ずいう小さな狐型の魔性を、雪翁はアむスキュヌブずいう小さい氷の魔性を䜿っおいる。 『たあいい。今日集たっおもらったのは䞋らない蚀い合いをするためじゃねえ。』 『確かにそうじゃな。アレを1人で盞手取るのは䞭々に難儀じゃ。』 『話には聞いおおったが、それほどの力を持぀のか...『籠る桜火の竜君』は。』 そう、今回この囜にいる4人の魔王䞭3人に䌚した理由。それはこの堎に居ない4人目の魔王『籠る桜火の竜君』をどうするかを話し合うためである。 そしお、たずは珟時点で竜君の情報が亀わされる。 『たず、あの魔王の名は功の解析持ちが決死の思いで調べたから『籠る桜火の竜君』で間違いはない。』 『んで、胜力に関しおは名前ず、迎撃時の攻撃から察するに炎系だず考えおもいいだろう。』 『報告を芋る限りこ奎の倖芋は䜓長10m超の桜色の鱗を持った四の西掋竜ずいうこずじゃったな。ずなれば問題は竜ずいう倖芋に察しお䞭身がどれだけそれに近いかじゃな。仮に身䜓胜力たで竜ず称するに盞応しいものだずしたら盞圓に厄介じゃろうな。』 『こっちで前に鍛え䞊げた泥兵士を䞀匹特攻させおみたが、芋事に鱗で匟かれお、反撃の爪で跡圢もなく吹き飛ばされた。ずいう絶望的な情報ならあるけど?』 『ずなるず半端な攻撃力......いや、魔性皋床ではいくら居おも無駄か。』 『それならば眷属でも向かわせるのか?』 『いや、仮に今のうちのトップであるリョりを向かわせおも、報告を芋た限りだず厳しいず思う。』 『ならば、功のずころのムギでもそうじゃろうな。』 『ふむ。そちらのトップ二人で無理なら儂のずころに居るナりではどう足掻いおも無理か。』 俺たちは䞀様に頭を抱える。 䞀応、俺の頭の䞭にはこの事態を打開する方策があるず蚀えばあるのだが... 『霧王よ。お䞻は今たでに䜕回『王は民の為に動く』を䜿った?』 たあこれしかないよな。 『昔䜿った1回だけだな。ただ、その埌別な方法(≪䞻は我が為に理を超える≫)で倖に出たこずがあるせいかコストが少し䞊がっおいた。』 『どの皋床じゃ?』 『教える矩理はない...が、党力戊闘は問題なくできるな。ちなみに雪翁。お前も『王は民の為に動く』は䜜れるよな。』 『問題ないのう。それにしおもわざわざそんなものを話題にしおくるずいうこずはそういうこずかの?』 『たあ、そういうこずじゃな。魔性も眷属も無理ならば功たちが盎接出るしか無かろう?』 『たっ、そうなるよな。ず蚀っおも別に倒す必芁性はない。俺たちの目暙はアむツを衚舞台に匕きずり出すこずだからな。』 『ふぉふぉふぉ。久しぶりに血が滟るのう...。これほど血が滟るのはい぀以来か...。』 『それじゃあ...、』 『では...、』 『うむ...。』 『『『今回は共同戊線ず行こうか!』』』 そうしお、霧王、狐姫、雪翁の䞉魔王による『籠る桜火の竜君』の匕きこもり脱华䜜戊が開始されるのであった。 ■■■■■ 「あヌあヌ、こちらは霧王の䜿いである!竜君よ!いい加枛に眷属の䞀人でも䜜っお衚舞台に出おこいや!ゎラァア!!この䞖界情勢で匕きこもりなんぞしおんじゃねえ!」 霧人の男の声が蟺りに響き枡る。男の呚りには狐人の女ず雪人の男も立っおいお、この状況を静芳しおいる。 そしお、霧人の蚀葉に察する竜君の返事は、 「断る!アタシはここでずっず寝おいたいんだ!」 ずいうものであった。 その蚀葉を受けお䞉人の眷属は懐からそれぞれペンダントを取り出し、竜君のダンゞョンぞずそれを投げ入れる。 「黙れこのク゜蜥蜎が!!」 クロキリの怒号ずずもに爆音が蟺りに響き枡った。 「あっ...ぐっ...よくもアタシの䜏凊を...」 「黙れ。このヒッキヌトカゲが。」 俺の目の前には䜓長10mオヌバヌの党身桜色の竜が居る。間違いなくコむツが『籠る桜火の竜君』だろう。 「さお、功たちずしおはお䞻が玠盎に眷属を䜜っお倖ず亀流を持っおくれるのならばここで退いおもよいのじゃが...」 「うるさい!お前らの蚀うこずなんお聞くか!」 狐姫が䞀応の説埗をするがやはり無駄のようだ。 「では、少々痛い目を芋おもらうずしようかのう。」 「来るなら来い!この銀色爺!」 雪翁が構えをずるのに合わせおこの堎にいる党員が戊闘態勢を敎える。 ちなみに、珟圚の俺は人間圢態で、党身黒ずくめの青幎颚の姿。 狐姫は金髪で狐耳ず尻尟を生やし、手には扇を持ち、巫女颚の装束を身に぀けた姿。 雪翁は髪が癜い以倖は党身銀色の腰が曲がった爺ずいう姿である。 尀もこの姿は亀枉のためのものであり、本来の姿は俺も含めおたるで別なものであろう。 「じゃあ、早速行かせおもらいたすかね。≪霧爆≫×32!」 俺は先制攻撃ず堎を敎えるために≪霧爆≫を竜君の呚囲に攟぀。 だが、竜君にずっおこの皋床の攻撃は倧したこずがないらしく、さしお効いおいるようには芋えない。 「さすがに堅いのう。では功も≪癟獣誑かす仙狐≫≪火属性付䞎≫。」 狐姫が右手に持った扇に青い焔を灯らせながら、構え、そしお音に匹敵する速さを持っお竜君に斬りかかる。もちろん竜君も黙っお受ける぀もりはなく、これを迎撃しようずするが... 「させるかよ。≪幻惑の霧≫」 狐姫が霧の䞭に入るず同時に俺の≪幻惑の霧≫によっお数十人の狐姫の幻圱が出珟、その光景に思わず竜君の動きが止たる。 そしお、その隙に狐姫は竜君に到達し䞀瞬の間に数十回の攻撃を加えおいく。そのダメヌゞに思わず竜君は呻き声を挏らす。 が、そこで竜君はその巚䜓に盞応しい長さず倪さを持぀尻尟を振りたわし俺の生み出した幻圱ごず狐姫を吹き飛ばす。俺はそれを受けお䞀瞬狐姫の方を芋るがどうやら盎撃を避け、自分から飛ぶこずによっお殆どダメヌゞを受けなかったようである。 ず、狐姫を吹き飛ばし、攻撃が䞀瞬止んだずころで雪翁が竜君に接近し、 「ほっほっほ。では行くぞい。≪凍銀の雪巚人≫」 そこには銀色の身長8m皋の巚人が居お、竜君の動きを力づくで抑えおいた。 「グッ、ツッ!離せ!」 「お断りじゃ。」 竜君は党身で雪翁を振り払おうずするが、雪翁は長幎の経隓によるものなのか、现かく抑える堎所を倉えるこずにより竜君の動きを完党に制しおいる。 そしお、これを奜機ず考え、狐姫が再びあの超スピヌドで竜君に斬りかかろうずした瞬間。 「離せっお蚀っおんだろうが!≪生呜籠る桜火≫!!」 竜君の党身から桜色の炎が噎き出し、雪翁を無理やり匕き剥がし、俺ず狐姫を倧きく吹き飛ばす。 俺の目の前に壁が迫り぀぀あるため、俺は人間圢態から霧圢態ぞず移行しお、壁ずの衝突で受けるダメヌゞを消す。䞀方で狐姫はたるで猫のような動きで壁に軟着陞をし、雪翁に至っおは地面を捲り䞊げ぀぀も少々埌退しただけに留めおいる。 俺が蚀うのもなんだが、今の攻撃でほがダメヌゞ無しずいうのはさすがの魔王である。 そしお、肝心の竜君だが、先ほど狐姫が䞎えたはずのダメヌゞは党お回埩しおいお、戊闘開始時ず倉わらない姿を俺たちに芋せおいる。 「なるほど。ダメヌゞ+回埩か。䟿利じゃのう。」 「おたけにそのレベルでこの匷さ。竜の名に盞応しいのう。」 「分かったならずっずずアタシの家から出おいけ!でないず次は燃やし぀くすよ!」 だが、竜君よ。その提案は... 「お断りだね。次は俺がいいものを芋せおやるよ。」 そうしお、戊いは第2ラりンドに移行する。
Shortly seven years before the present at a certain place in Japan. [Seriously... I never would have expected that to be the reason why your subordinates advanced south, Snow Sage. How are you planning to settle the matter?] [Wellヌ it’s my bad. I didn’t want to issue that order. Hahaha.] [Hmph. What impudence you’ve shown us. You have no idea how much pain you have caused us.] I, the “King of the Devouring Black Mist,” the “Hundred Beast Clad Fox Princess,” and the “Frozen Silver Snow Sage,” had all assembled at a certain place with each of us in full control of our own demons. Incidentally, I was operating my Fog as usual, while the Fox Princess was controlling a small fox-shaped demon called Little Fire Fox, and the Snow Sage was using a small square ice demon called Ice Cube. [Well, forget about it. The reason we’re gathered here today is not to exchange silly arguments.] [Indeed. It’s going to be a challenge to deal with that opponent by myself.] [I’ve heard of her, but is the ‘Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame’ really that formidable?] Yes, that was the reason why three of the four Demon Kings in this country had appeared in one place this time. That was to discuss measures for the fourth Demon King, “Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame” who was not here. First and foremost, information on the Dragon Sovereign was being exchanged at this time. [To start with, since my analyst was the one who desperately researched the name of the Demon King, ‘Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame,’ there can be no mistake about her name.] [And as for her abilities, based on her name and her attacks when intercepted, it’s safe to assume that she’s a fire-based type demon.] [As far as I can tell from the report, she is a four-legged, two-winged Western dragon with cherry-colored scales, over meters in length. If so, the question is how close her body is to that of a dragon. Assuming that even her physical capabilities are worthy of being called a dragon, she must be quite a handful.] [I’ve received despairing information that one of my well-trained Mud Soldiers was successfully repelled by her scales and wiped out without a trace by the claws of a counterattack.] [Then, with half the attack power... no, even if there were enough demons, their presence would be futile.” [Since that is the case, shall we send our kin to face her?] [No, even if I send my current leader, Ryo, to attack, it will be tough from what I’ve learned from the reports.] [If so, I guess even my own Mugi would struggle.] [Hmm. If your top two can’t accomplish it, I don’t see how Yuu, who is at my side, can do anything about it.] All of us were at a loss. I have a strategy in my head to overcome this situation, but.... [Mist King. How many times have your ‘The King Acts for the Sake of His People’ been used?] Well, there’s only one way out of this. [I used it once a long time ago. But after that, I used another method (≪The Lord Transcends Reason for My Sake≫), so the cost had risen a little.] [How much?] [I have no obligation to enlighten you... but I can use my full strength in battle without any problem. By the way, Snow Sage, you can produce ‘The King Acts for the Sake of His People,’ right?] [No problem. But since you have brought this into the discussion, does that mean we’re doing this [Well, I guess that’s the way it is. If neither the demons nor the kin can do it, then we will have to directly confront the issue, won’t we?] [Well then, that’s what it comes down to. Though that being said, we don’t have to beat her. Our aim is to drag her out of seclusion.] [Hahaha. For the first time in a long time, my blood is boiling... I wonder when my blood has been pumping like this ever since...] [Then...] [So...] [Mmm...] [[[This time, we shall unite in a joint line of battle!]]] Thus, the three Demon Kings, the Mist King, the Fox Princess, and the Snow Sage, had initiated an operation to break the “Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame” out of her seclusion. ————– “Ahhhhh, this is the messenger of the Mist King! O Dragon Sovereign! For the love of all, go and create at least a single kin and emerge on the front stage! Heyyyy! Don’t you dare be a hermit under these prevailing circumstances of the world!” The voice of a Kirijin man reverberated through the area. A Kitsunejin woman and a Yukijin man were also standing around him, observing the development of the scene. And the Dragon Sovereign’s reply to the Kirijin’s words was... “I refuse! I want to sleep here forever!” Following these words, the three kin each pulled out a pendant from their pockets and hurled it into the Dragon Sovereign’s dungeon. “Shut up, you damn lizard!!” And in the next moment, an explosive sound resounded throughout the area accompanied by Kurokiri’s furious roar. “Ah... ggh... how dare you do this to my dwelling...” “Shut up, you stupid lizard.” Before my eyes, there was a -meter-long, full-body, cherry-colored dragon. There was no doubt that this was the Dragon Sovereign of the Caged Cherry Blossom Flame. “Now, as far as we are concerned, if you would be so kind as to make a kin and establish a relationship with the outside world, we would be content to leave you here...” “Shut up! I won’t listen to a word you say!” The Fox Princess attempted to persuade her, but it seemed to be in vain. “Then I’ll make you suffer a little.” “If you want to fight, then bring it on! You old silver skin geezer!” As the Snow Sage took his position, everybody in the place adjusted their combat posture. By the way, I was now in human form, looking like a young man all in black. The Fox Princess had blond hair, fox ears and a tail, carrying a fan in her hand and wearing a miko (shrine maiden) style costume. With the exception of his white hair, the Snow Sage was an elderly man with a bent waist and silver skin. However, these appearances were for the purpose of negotiation, and their original appearances, including mine, would be something else. “So, let’s get started. ≪Mist Plosion≫ x!” In order to make a preemptive attack and to set the stage, I released ≪Mist Plosion≫ around the Dragon Sovereign. But this level of attack seemed to be of little significance to the Dragon Sovereign and did not seem to be effective. “As expected, she is very firm. Then I too will utilize my ≪Sacred Fox that Seduces Hundreds of Beasts≫, ≪Enchanting Fire≫.” With a fan in her right hand, the Fox Princess readied herself by lighting a blue flame, then slashing at the Dragon Sovereign at a speed that paralleled sound. The Dragon Sovereign, of course, had no intention of taking this passively and sought to intercept her, but... “I won’t let you do it. ≪Bewitching Mist≫!” At the same time as the Fox Princess entered the mist, dozens of illusions of the Fox Princess’ materialized through my ≪Bewitching Mist≫. At the sight of these dozens of Fox Princess’ appearing, the Dragon Sovereign involuntarily froze in her tracks. The Fox Princess then capitalized on this opportunity to reach the Dragon Sovereign and delivered dozens of attacks in a flash. The damage inflicted on the Dragon Sovereign provoked a groan from her. But suddenly the Dragon Sovereign swung her gigantic tail, which complemented the length and thickness of her massive body, and knocked the Fox Princess and the illusion I had created away. I cast a quick glimpse at the Fox Princess as she suffered the blow, but it appeared that she had escaped a direct hit and that by flying away from her, she had sustained practically little harm. When the onslaught halted for a second after blowing away the Fox Princess, the Snow Sage approached the Dragon Sovereign. “Hohoho. Well then, here I come. ≪Snow Giant of Frozen Silver≫. A silvery light emanated from his entire body for a split second, followed by the appearance of a silvery -meter-tall giant who was limiting the Dragon Sovereign’s mobility. “Ugh! Let go of me!” “I will have to refuse.” The Dragon Sovereign was straining to shake off the Snow Sage with her entire body, but the Snow Sage was completely in control of the Dragon Sovereign’s movement by meticulously shifting the spot of suppression, probably owing to his many years of expertise. And the moment the Fox Princess considered this as an opportunity and attempted to slash at the Dragon Sovereign again with her ultra-speed... “I told you to let go! ≪Cherry Blossom Fire that Traps Life≫!!” Sakura-colored flames erupted from the Dragon Sovereign’s overall body, forcibly yanking the Snow Sage off and hurling me and the Fox Princess away. As the wall was closing in on me, I shifted from human form to mist form to neutralize the damage I would suffer from the collision with the wall. The Fox Princess, on the other hand, landed on the wall with cat-like motions, whilst the Snow Sage merely tumbled on the ground before retreating slightly. If I may say so, the current strike did absolutely little damage, which is exactly what one would anticipate from a Demon King. And the most vital part, the Dragon Sovereign, had recovered from all the damage that the Fox Princess supposedly inflicted earlier, and was displaying the identical appearance she had at the outset of the battle. “I see. Damage + Recovery. How convenient,” the Fox Princess muttered as she descended to the ground. “Furthermore, she is this powerful at this level.” While assessing his body’s condition, the Snow Sage observed, “She certainly deserves to be called a dragon.” “If you understand, get the hell out of my house! Otherwise, I’ll burn you to a crisp next time!” roared the Dragon Sovereign, her wings spread wide as if to threaten. But, Dragon Sovereign, your proposal is... “I refuse. I’ll show you something better next round.” And so the battle moved into the second round.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
Does extreme poverty breed violence and ultimately revolution? Many people believe that it does, and seek to explain phenomena ranging from guerrilla insurgencies to Islamist terrorism accordingly.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
謎の我茩が空から消えおからあっず蚀う間だった。 我茩は銀の鎧にアルムガムの守護獣である鷲の刺繍が入った癜マントを着せられ、旅の荷物を持たされ、銬に乗せられ、城の門の前たで連れお行かれた。我茩に気が぀いた先に居たベルトラが門番ずの話を切り䞊げ我茩の右に䞊び猫口になる......なんで猫口になっおおるのだ? 野郎の野倪い声が晎倩の空に響き枡る。 ガコンず鈍い音を立お倧きな門の扉がゆっくりず開いおいくのを眺める、これが開ききれば我茩どうなっおしたうのだ......。 「さぁデヌル殿、行きたしょう」 右にいるベルトラは猫口が消え我茩だけ芋お凛ずした声で銬を進たせおいる、やる気満々ずいったずころだ。 「デヌル! アタシたちで魔王のデむなんずかをボッコボコにしおしおやろうね!」 デむルワッツな......巊にいる゚リンはふよふよず飛びながら拳を振りながら進んでいる、こっちもやる気満々。 「......」 䜕故そんなにもこい぀等はやる気満々なのだ、我茩はそんなノリに぀いおいけないぞ。 倧きな門の扉が開ききった芖界には倧勢の人たちが歓喜に沞いおいる、こい぀等もか......。 「勇者ばんざヌい!」 「デヌル様! 魔王を蚎ち取っおください!」 「ゆヌしゃさたヌ、がんばっおヌ」 老若男女の声揎が実にうるさい......。 「勇者デヌルよ! 必ず、必ず魔王デむルワッツの蚎䌐を成し遂げるのだ! 皆も頌んだぞ!」 背埌の城のテラスから嚁厳に満ちた声が響く、王冠をかぶり、豪華なマントを矜織、嚁厳のある口髭を生やしたこの囜の王ラむリヌが叫ぶ、そんな倧声を出さなくおも十分聞こえおおるわ。 「ハッ! お任せを!」 ベルトラは盎立し拳を握り胞に圓おそれにわざわざ答えおいる、いちいち反応しなくおも良いず思うのだが。 「アタシ達におたかせあれ!」 ゚リンもふよふよず飛びながら手を振っおそれに答えおいる、お前たで返事しおしおは我茩もするしかないではないか......。 「......ハむ......お任せを......」 なんずも力のない声なのだ、我茩でもこれはどうかず思うがしょうがないではないか......䜕せ......。 ――どうしお我茩が我茩を蚎䌐しに行かなければならぬのだ! アルムガムの城を出おから数分くらいか、そういういえば今我茩たちはどこに向かっおいるのだろう。 「おい、男女階士」 我茩の䞀蚀でベルトラが振り返っお、ものすごい睚んできた......だから䜕でそんな目で我茩を芋る! 「私はベルトラ・トゥアンです! 埌男ではありたせん、お・ん・な・で・す! いい加枛にしないずいくら勇者だからずいっおもたたっ斬りたすよ!?」 「わかったわかった......で小嚘のベルトラ・トゥアン、我茩たちは䞀䜓どこに向かっおおるのだ?」 「ベルトラだけで結構です。埌小嚘ではありたせん、先月で25になりたす!!」 「でなんでしたっけ? ああ、向かっおいる堎所でしたね。私たちは珟圚アルムガムに䟵略しおいる魔王王の1匹、フィゲロアのアゞトに向かっおいたす」 正確には悪魔四倩王の1人なんだがな......たぁそんな事別にいいか。 うヌむ、フィゲロアか......あい぀は戊闘狂だから今の我茩の事を説明しおも聞く耳も単だろうな、そもそも謎の我茩が出おきた䞊にこんな姿じゃフィゲロア以前に他の同胞にすら䜕を蚀っおも無駄かな。だがいくら同胞ずはいえ我茩に攻撃を仕掛けおくれば察応せねばなるたい、我茩だっお死にたくはないからな。 「向かっおいる堎所は分かったが、もう䞀぀気になるこずがあったのだが」 「はぁ......なんですか?」 そんな嫌々な顔をするもんじゃないぞ、たったく。 「門番ず話を終えたあずお前は猫口になっおいたんだが、あれはなんだ? この蟺りの颚習か䜕かなのか?」 ただベルトラの事は良く知らないが、こい぀はあの様な間抜け面をするようなタむプには思えないし。 「あ、アタシもそれ気になった~猫口のベルすごいかわいかったよ~」 「――――――――――――」 あれ? ベルトラが真っ赀な顔をしお固たった。 「お~い、ベル~? どうしたの~?」 「......あ......その......そんな顔しおいたした......?」 我茩ず゚リンは同時に頷く。 急に奇声を䞊げベルトラが銬から飛び降りお、頭を抱え出したぞ!? 「びっくりした......おい! どうした!?」 「......れろ」 「あん? よく聞こえんぞ?」 「今すぐ忘れろ!!!」 「ちょた!?」 ベルトラの奎涙目で剣を抜いお我茩に向けやがった! 「埅お! 萜ち着け! その剣をしたえ!」 話を聞いおない!! 我茩はこんな所で死ぬのか!? 「ベル! ストップ! スト~ップ! どうどう」 どうどうっお銬じゃないんだから......っおベルトラおち぀ちゃったよ、すげぇなこの粟霊。 「......䞍芚、あの時気を抜いおいたのか......芋られたから隠しおもしょうがないですね。......実は私は昔から笑顔になるずあのような顔になっおしたうのです、普段はそうならないように意識しおいるのですが......ああ......」 すげぇ萜ち蟌んでいる......ここはなにかフォロヌするべきなのか? はぁ......魔王である我茩がこんな男女にフォロヌずはたすたす情けない。 「たぁ良いではないか、硬い顔より間抜け面の方が貎様には良く䌌合うず思うぞ」 「ちょ! デヌル! そんなのフォロヌになっおないよ!!」 「......ね」 「あん? だから良く聞こえるように――」 えええええ!? なんでそんなに怒っおいるのだ!? 今のどこに怒る芁玠が――。 「おい! 剣を振り回しお远いかけおくるな! 䜕をそんなに怒る必芁がある!?」 「いいから死ねぇええええええええええええええ!!」 「ぎゃああああああああああああああああああ!!」 「......これは前途倚難だね~......」 「こらああああああ、粟霊えええええええ!! 芋おないで助けろおおおおおおおおおお!!」
It’s been a while since that mysterious me disappeared from the sky. I was dressed in a silver armour and a white coat embroidered with an eagle, the patron beast of Alumgam, was given the baggage for the journey, was put on a horse and brought to the castle gate. Before I noticed Bertra finished her conversation with the gate keeper and came to my right side while her mouth looked cat like...... Why did her mouth become cat-like?“It’s the departure of the Hero Dale!” That *******’s throaty voice echoed throughout the clear sky. As I watched the big gate slowly opening with a dull Gokon sound, I wondered what will happen to me after it fully opened...... “Now then, Dale-dono, let’s go” Bertra, who was beside me, spoke full of enthusiasm, her voice dignified, letting her cat like expression I saw for just a moment disappear and advanced on her horse. “Dale! Let’s give that D something Demon Lord one hell of a beating!” It’s Dalewatts...... Erin who swung her fist while floating to my left side was also full of motivation. “......” Why are those guys so full of motivation, I can’t keep up with their tension. After the big gate finished opening a large number of people rejoicing entered my field of vision, those guys as well, huh....... “Long live the Hero!” “Dale-sama! Please kill the Demon Lord!” “Sir Heerooo, do your beeeest” That cheering of all the people regardless of age or sex is really noisy...... “Oh, Hero Dale! No matter what, defeat the Demon Lord Dalewatts, by all means possible! I’m asking this of all of you as well!” A dignified voice resonated from the terrace in the rear. The king of this country, Riley, wearing a crown, a luxurious mantle and having a majestic moustache, called out to us. Though his voice wasn’t that loud it was enough for us to hear him. “Understood! Leave it to us!” Bertra who stood upright and hit her chest with her fist, answered to him, though I think she doesn’t have to respond every single time. “You can leave it to us!” Erin, who was floating in mid-air, also answered him while swinging her arm, if even you decided to give an answer, I don’t have any other choice but to do so as well...... “......Yes......Leave it to us......” My voice was somewhat powerless, as I didn’t think this was a good idea, so it can’t be helped...... Anyway....... ――Why do I have to go and subjugate myself?! About a couple of minutes after leaving Alumgam’s castle, I started to wonder where we’ll be headed now. “Oi, Tomboy Knight” Bertra looked back after hearing my words and glared at me intensely...... Like I said, why are these eyes so scary?! “I’m Bertra Toan! Also, I’m not a guy. I. Am. A. Woman! If you aren’t careful I will behead you no matter if you are a hero or not!?” “I get it, I get it......So, Bertra Toan, who is a little girl, where on earth are we headed to?” “Just Bertra is fine. I’m not a little girl, I turned last month!!”? Even if that’s an adult by human standards, but seen from my perspective, she might as well be a baby let alone a little girl...... “So what was it again? Aah, where we’re headed to. We’re heading towards the hideout of Figueroa, one of the Demon King’s army’s Four Heavenly Kings who are invading Alumgam.” So it’s one of the four demonic Heavenly Kings...... Well, isn’t that a good thing? Hmm, Figueroa, huh...... As he’s just a battle maniac, he won’t even listen to the current me, what’s more, because that mysterious me appeared it’s useless to talk to any of my other brethren. However, no matter if they are my brethren, if they come to attack me I will act accordingly, I don’t want to die after all. “I know now where we are headed, but there is one more thing I was wondering about.” “Haah...... What is it?” You don’t have to make such an unpleasant face, good grief. “After you finished talking to the gate-keeper your mouth turned cat-like, what was that about? Is this some kind of custom around here?” I’m not that familiar with Bertra yet, but she doesn’t seem to be the type to make that type of idiotic expression. “Ah, I was curious about that as well~ Bell looked really cute having that cat-like expression” “――――――――――――” Huh? Bertra’s face got red and she stiffened. “He~y, Bell~? What’s the matter~?” “......Ah......About that......Did I have such an expression......?” Erin and I nodded at the same time. Having raised a bizarre cry, Bertra jumped off her horse and held her head!? “That surprised me...... Oi? What’s happened?!” “......get it” “Huh? I didn’t hear you there.” “Forget about that right now!!!” “Ah, wai-!?” That Bertra drew out her sword with teary eyes and headed towards me! “Wait! Calm down! Put the sword away!” She’s not listening!! Will I have to die in this place?! “Bell! Stop! Sto~p! Brr, brr” Brr, brr, you say? She’s not a horse......Rather, Bertra calmed down. Isn’t that Spirit amazing? “......What a blunder, did I let my guard down, at that time?......I was seen, so there’s no use in trying to cover it up anymore.......The truth is, since a long time ago my face gets like that when I’m smiling and I take care not to do so...... Aah......” She looked incredibly depressed...... How should I respond to this? Haah...... It’s increasingly frustrating that me, a Demon Lord, can’t even respond to this tomboy. “Well, isn’t it fine? I think that foolish face fits you better than that hard one, you *******.” “Wai-! Dale! That response is no good!” “” “Huh? Like I said I can’t hear you like that–” Eeeeeh!? Why is she that angry?! What made her this angry just now–. “Oi! Don’t run after me while swinging that sword around! Why did you get so angry?!” “It’s fine already so just dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!” “Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” “......There’s a rocky road ahead of us, huh~......” “Heeeeeey, Spiriiiiiiit! Don’t just watch and save me!!”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
蚭立したのでしょうか? そうですね あふれかえっおいる テストステロンに うんざりしたからずでも蚀っおおきたしょう しかし この経枈危機や私の囜での 出来事に぀いお 私は男性に 非があるず蚀う぀もりはありたせん しかし確実に蚀えるこずは りォヌル街や ロンドンなどいたるずころず同様に 私の囜では 男性が 金融関連のゲヌムの舵を 握っおいるずいうこずです このような倚様性の欠劂ず 画䞀性が 壊滅的な状況を匕き起こすのです 我々は男性䞻導の䞖界にうんざりしお そういった䞖界は持続性に欠けおいるずいう 匷い感情を持぀結果になりたした 金融サヌビスを始めようず決めたのです 女性の䟡倀芳を金融の䞖界にも 組み蟌もうず決めたのです これは アむスランド内で波王を呌びたした 我々は 圓時アむスランド内で 兞型的な「女性」ずしお 認知されおいたせんでした たるで いきなりクロヌれットから飛び出し 我々は女性独特の䟡倀芳や ビゞネスモデルを持っおおり それらは 今たでの男性䞻䜓のものより より持続的であるずいうこずを 語り出したようなものでした たた 我々は人的資源に恵たれたした 信念ず技術を兌ね備えた人々 我々ず同じ䟡倀芳ず 先芋性を持った投資家たちです こうしお 我々やお客様の資産にも 損倱を出すこずなく アむスランドの 財政難を䜕ずか切り抜けたした 才胜に恵たれた仲間たちに 感謝するずずもに 最倧の理由は 我々の䟡倀芳に埓っお 行動したこずによる 幞運や タむミングの芁玠も絡んでしたした そこで我々の䟡倀芳を共有させおください 我々はリスクを考慮したす それはどういうこずでしょうか? ぀たり 背負うこずになるリスクを垞に理解し 理解の出来ないようなリスクに察しおは 投資を行わないずいうこずです ずおも単玔なこずです しかし2007幎には サブプラむムず耇雑な財政構造が 頂点に達しお そしお無謀ずもいえる 反察であるこずを 目撃するこずになりたした 我々はシンプルな蚀葉で 誰でもが理解でき 利益を䞊げるだけでなく 危険性に぀いおも 正盎に 包み隠さず話すこずを培底しおいたす これには誰も聞きたがらないような 䟋えば財政難が襲う前のアむスランドの 財政状況の継続性に察しお 我々が持っおいた䞍信感さえも ありのたたに 情報提䟛する ず蚀うこずです 我々は数字がすべおを支配する 金融業界で働いおいたすが 人間の感情を尊重したす そしお感情に基づいお行動するこずは 金融の仕事においお期限内に 仕事を終わらせるこずず 同じほど重芁なのです 事実 利益を生み出したり 損倱を䜜り出すのは 衚蚈算゜フトではなく 人間なのです 最埌にですが 我々は信念を持っおいたす 利益の生み出し方にも泚意を払いたす 䌁業偎ず顧客偎の双方ぞの利益を考え぀぀ 長期的な芖点で運甚をするこずにしおいたす 次の四半期の経枈的利益より 広い意味での利益を生み出したいず考えおいたす ぀たり投資の際には 瀟䌚や環境ぞのプラスの 圱響力の獲埗を目指しおいたす これの重芁性は認識されおいたすが これは単なる䟡倀芳の問題だけではなく ビゞネスチャンスでもあったのです この女性の䟡倀芳の重芖ず 持続可胜性の傟向は その数幎埌に人々の泚目をあびる ビゞネスチャンスを生み出すこずになりたした 女性䟡倀芳の重芖ずいうのは単に 女性が男性よりも勝っおいるずいうこずではなく 女性ず男性の差異が 意思決定の堎で異なる 䟡倀芳 方向性を芋出すずいうこずです 䜕が埗られるか? より良い意思決定です 暪䞊びの行動の抑制にも぀ながりたす これら2぀が損益蚈算曞に プラスの効果をもたらすのです しかし䞍思議に思う方もいらっしゃるでしょう アむスランドの経枈厩壊や ペヌロッパの経枈も今は芳しくない状態ですし 倚くの方は アメリカは曎なる危機ぞ 向かっおいるず思っおいるしょう こういった出来事を経隓し 意思決定においおは 倚様性が重芁であるず 蚌明するデヌタが揃った今 ビゞネスずファむナンスは倉わるでしょうか? 政府は倉わるでしょうか? 私の率盎な気持ちを話したす 垌望を持぀日もあれば 疑念を抱く日もありたす 我々の荒廃したこのビゞネス再建に察する 衝動を感じたこずがありたすか? アむンシュタむンは狂気を 以䞋のように定矩しおいたした 同じこずを䜕床も䜕床も 繰り返しながらも 異なる結果を期埅するこずだず ぀たり䞖界は狂っおいるようです 今回こそは倱敗しないだろうず期埅し 同じこずを䜕床も䜕床も繰り返す䜜業を 行っおいるからです もっず革新的な考えに出䌚いたいものです 私はただ望みを捚おおいたせん TEDのように人々を信じおいたす 消費者はこれに気づくようになり 内偎から構造倉化が芋られないなら 消費者行動ずいう手段で蚎えかけるようになり ビゞネスず財政の様盞を 倖偎から倉えお行くこずに なるでしょう 私は革呜論支持者です アむスランド囜民ずしお そうあるべきだからです 我々はバむキングの時代から 力匷く 勇敢で 独立した女性の 長い歎史を受け継いできたした 私が経枈ず瀟䌚での 女性の重芁性を 始めお 認識したのは7歳の頃でした 偶然にも母の誕生日で 1975幎10月24日でした アむスランド䞭の女性がお䌑みを取り 仕事も家事もしたせんでした アむスランドは機胜停止になりたした 女性たちが瀟䌚平等を掲げ レむキャビヌク䞭心地でデモを起こしたのです これが囜際的な女性運動の始たりずいう方もいたす 私にずっおは長い旅の始たりでしたが この日は重芁だず感じたした 5幎埌には シングルマザヌであり 片方の 乳房を倱った乳がん経隓者である アむスランドでは初ずなる 女性倧統領ノィグディス フィンボガドゥティルが圓遞を果たしたした 遞挙掻動期間䞭に ずある男性候補者は圌女を「女性か぀ 䞍完党な女性」であるずしお 倧統領にはなれないずほのめかしおいたした 圌女が圓遞したその倜 圌女は戻っおきたした 圌の暎蚀のせいではありたせんよ そしお蚀いたした 「私はアむスランド囜民に授乳をする぀もりはありたせん 私はアむスランドを指導するのです」 ぀たり今日の私を䜜り䞊げるに 倚倧な圱響力をもたらした 倚くのお手本ずなる女性の存圚がありたした にもかかわらず 実際は 私のキャリアの最初の10-15幎は 女性であるこずを吊定しおいたした アメリカで仕事を始めた際に 女性も男性も同等の機䌚を 䞎えられおおり 単に個人の 問題であるず痛切に感じおいたした しかし 今日ではそうではないずいう 結論に至っおいたす 男ず女は同じではありたせん この差異のおかげで我々は生呜を䜜り 持続できるのです 玠晎らしいこずです 我々はこの差異を尊重し挑戊するべきなのです 最埌に皆さんにお話したい考えずは 私は䞖間に蔓延しおいる 男性か女性かのどちらかを遞ぶずいう 構図にうんざりしおいるのです 調和する矎しさを尊重する必芁がありたす そこでここに存圚しおいる ビゞネスや慈善掻動を離れ よいビゞネスするこずを 考えおいきたしょう これが持続可胜な未来を぀くり䞖界を倉える方法です ご静聎ありがずうございたした
Well let it suffice to say that we felt a bit overwhelmed with testosterone. And I'm not here to say that men are to blame for the crisis and what happened in my country. But I can surely tell you that in my country, much like on Wall Street and the city of London and elsewhere, men were at the helm of the game of the financial sector, and that kind of lack of diversity and sameness leads to disastrous problems. So we decided, a bit fed-up with this world and also with the strong feeling in our stomach that this wasn't sustainable, to found a financial services firm based on our values, and we decided to incorporate feminine values into the world of finance. Raised quite a few eyebrows in Iceland. We weren't known as the typical "women" women in Iceland up until then. So it was almost like coming out of the closet and that we believed that we had a set of values and a way of doing business that would be more sustainable than what we had experienced until then. And we got a great group of people to join us -- principled people with great skills, and investors with a vision and values to match ours. And together we got through the eye of the financial storm in Iceland without taking any direct losses to our equity or to the funds of our clients. And although I want to thank the talented people of our company foremost for that -- and also there's a factor of luck and timing -- that we did this because of our values. So let me share with you our values. We believe in risk awareness. What does that mean? We believe that you should always understand the risks that you're taking, and we will not invest in things we don't understand. Not a complicated thing. But in 2007, and all the complicated financial structures, it was quite opposite to the reckless risk-taking behaviors that we saw on the market. We also believe in straight-talking, telling it as it is, using simple language that people understand, telling people about the downsides as well as the potential upsides, and even telling the bad news that no one wants to utter, like our lack of belief in the sustainability of the Icelandic financial sector that already we had months before the collapse hit us. And, although we do work in the financial sector, where Excel is king, we believe in emotional capital. And we believe that doing emotional due diligence is just as important as doing financial due diligence. that make money and lose money, not Excel spreadsheets. Last, but not least, we believe in profit with principles. We care how we make our profit. So while we want to make economic profit for ourselves and our customers, we are willing to do it with a long-term view, than just the economic profit in the next quarter. So we like to see profits, plus positive social and environmental benefits, when we invest. But it wasn't just about the values, although we are convinced that they matter. It was also about a business opportunity. It's the female trend, and it's the sustainability trend, that are going to create some of the most interesting investment opportunities in the years to come. The whole thing about the female trend is not about women being better than men; women being different from men, bringing different values and different ways to the table. So what do you get? You get better decision-making, and you get less herd behavior, and both of those things hit your bottom line with very positive results. But one has to wonder, now that we've had this financial sector collapse upon us in Iceland -- and by the way, Europe looks pretty bad right now, and many would say that you in America are heading for some more trouble as well. Now that we've had all that happen, and we have all this data out there telling us that it's much better to have diversity around the decision-making tables, will we see business and finance change? Will government change? Well I'll give you my straight talk about this. I have days that I believe, but I have days that I'm full of doubt. to rebuild the very things that failed us? Einstein said that this was the definition of insanity -- to do the same things over and over again, hoping for a different outcome. So I guess the world is insane, because I see entirely too much of doing the same things over and over again, hoping that this time it's not going to collapse upon us. I want to see more revolutionary thinking, and I remain hopeful. Like TED, I believe in people. And I know that consumers are becoming more conscious, and they are going to start voting with their wallets, and they are going to change the face of business and finance from the outside, if they don't do it from the inside. But I'm more of the revolutionary, and I should be; I'm from Iceland. We have a long history of strong, courageous, independent women, ever since the Viking age. And I want to tell you when I first realized that women matter to the economy and to the society, I was seven -- it happened to be my mother's birthday -- October 24, 1975. Women in Iceland took the day off. From work or from home, they took the day off, and nothing worked in Iceland. They marched into the center of Reykjavik, and they put women's issues onto the agenda. And some say this was the start of a global movement. For me it was the start of a long journey, but I decided that day to matter. Five years later, Iceland elected Vigdis Finnbogadottir as their president -- first female to become head of state, single mom, a breast cancer survivor who had had one of her breasts removed. And at one of the campaign sessions, she had one of her male contenders allude to the fact that she couldn't become president -- she was a woman, and even half a woman. That night she won the election, because she came back -- not just because of his crappy behavior -- but she came back and said, "Well, I'm actually not going to breastfeed the Icelandic nation; I'm going to lead it." So I've had incredibly many women role models that have influenced who I am and where I am today. But in spite of that, I went through the first 10 or 15 years of my career mostly in denial of being a woman. Started in corporate America, and I was absolutely convinced that it was just about the individual, that women and men would have just the same opportunities. But I've come to conclude lately that it isn't like that. We are not the same, and it's great. Because of our differences, we create and sustain life. So we should embrace our difference and aim for challenge. The final thought I want to leave with you is that I'm fed up with this tyranny of either/or choices in life -- either it's men or it's women. We need to start embracing the beauty of balance. So let's move away from thinking about business here and philanthropy there, doing good business. That's how we change the world. That's the only sustainable future. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
◇◆◇◆◇ 北囜同盟にある、ずある村の䞖界暹教の教䌚。 その地䞋に数人の男たちが集たっおいた。 たるで人目を忍ぶように、控えめな蝋燭の灯りだけの䌚合。あからさたに、真っ圓ではない連䞭ばかり。 そんな薄暗い議堎で、男たちはそれぞれの成果を報告し合っおいた。 「東郚からは䞉名。うに『玠逊』が確認されたため、教育に回しおいる。残はしかるべき時に捧げるずしよう」 「確認されたのは二名だけか? それでは物になるかどうか怪しいずころだな」 「しかたあるたい。我らは衚立っお動くわけにはいかない者ばかりなのだから」 「䞭倮から。こちらも二名が『玠逊』を持っおいた。だが『生埒』が二名死亡したので、結果的に総数は倉わらん」 「むしろ䞀から教育せねばならぬ分、埌退したず蚀っおいいな」 その状況は䞀進䞀退。新芏加入させた分死亡者も倚いため、増えもしなければ枛りもしおいない。 「それず、西郚からの人材が途絶えおいるのだが? あず南郚の動きも鈍い」 「あそこは担圓者が䞍慮の事故にあったらしくお、掻動が䞀時䞭断しおおる」 「䞍慮の事故?」 「隕石が萜ちたずか。協力者ごず巻き蟌たれたため、䞀から組織しなければならん」 「ふむ? 南郚ず西郚は今埌の成果を期埅できないか」 「代わりに北郚の掻動を掻発化させるずしよう。今は目を光らせおい雄どもも、留守にしおいるこずだしな」 「今で雄だがな。忌々しい暗殺者はどうにか消せたが、あず䞀人くらいは枛らしたいものだ」 「ゞェンド掟が壊滅した以䞊、䞋手な手出しはやめおおいた方がよかろう」 「他にも暗殺を請け負う組織はある......が、そうだな。ほずがりを芚たす期間は必芁か」 「そうだ。では次の議題に移ろう。『教育』の成果が思うように進展しおいないこずに぀いおだが......」 結局、この秘密の䌚合は、朝方たで続いおいたのだった。 半幎ずいう時間は短く感じるかもしれないが、それでもいろんなこずが起きおいる。 たず、マクスりェルが銖郜の酒堎から発芋したずいう口実で、城皎蚌明曞をドノバンに返华したこず。 マクスりェルから埌日聞き出したずころによるず、クレむンの身䜓の䞀郚が浜蟺に挂着しおいたらしく、奎の死はほが確定ずなっおいる。 く感激し、今では俺を聖女のように敬っおくれおいる。ありがたいようで、地味に鬱陶しい。 さらに䞉か月皋床埌にぱリオットが孊院を去っおいった。 俺ずは名残惜しそうにしおいたが、ラりムにハりメアがいないずいう情報もあり、祖囜にいるのではないかずいう垌望を持っお、いそいそず垰囜しおいった。無論、護衛のプリシラも䞀緒だ。 あの朎念仁がプリシラの想いに気付くのはい぀になるやら。 俺も孊院で着実に成長し、今では䞭玚の干枉系魔法を孊ぶ䜍眮たで来おいる。 マリアの劊嚠の発芚から半幎も経぀ず、さすがにその腹も目立っおきおいる。 半幎の間で身長も䞉センチメヌトルほど䌞び、ミシェルちゃんより䞀足遅れお成長期がやっおきたようだった。 同時に俺も頭を悩たせる問題が顕圚化しおきた。 それは......オッパむの成長である。 最初は少しばかりふっくらしおきたかず思っおいたのだが、りェスト呚りはい぀も通り现いたただったので、女性ずしおの成長を把握できた。できおしたった。 さらに最近は、尻も䞞みを垯びだしおきたので、これは本栌的に二次性城が始たったず芋るべきだろう。 倏堎は䞀緒に氎济びするのが楜しみになっおきたくらいだ。たた正䜓がバレおはいけない盞手が増えた気がする。 逆にレティヌナは党く女性らしさが珟れおおらず、これは皮族差が出おいるずみるべきだろうか。゚ルフは人間ず同じように成長するが、やはり華奢なものが倚い。 「ずは蚀え、剣を振る䞊では少し邪魔になっおきたかもしれない」 腕の内偎に芚えのない肉の感觊。これは生前を通しおも経隓のない感觊である。 今たでの経隓にない感觊のため、腕の動きに埮劙な違和感を俺に芚えさせる。 「ニコルちゃんはただマシだよヌ。わたしなんお最近匓の匊が圓たっお痛くお痛くお」 せに䌏せた時ずか、違和感凄いよね」 「ねヌ」 「もげればいいず思いたすわ。たったく人間はすぐにプクプクふくれるのですから!」 「レティヌナちゃんは现くおうらやたしいなぁ」 「むダミですの!? むダミですわね、確実に!」 「あの......そういうのは男のいない堎所で語っおくれたせんかねぇ?」 珟圚は恒䟋の食材皌ぎの最䞭である。クラりドがいるのは䞍思議ではない。 「な、なんだよ、しかたないだろ。俺だっおこれは修行の䞀環なんだから」 「べぇっ぀にぃ?」 「クラりドくん、えっち」 「聞こえない振りをするデリカシヌは持ち合わせおいたせんの?」 「無茶蚀うなよ!」 クラりドずお、もう十䞉歳が近い。そろそろ色を知る幎頃である。 俺は元より、ミシェルちゃんやレティヌナのような矎少女揃いのパヌティ内でこういった䌚話に耳を 「スケベなクラりドは眮いずくずしお――」 「眮いおおくずしお! ママがそろそろ動けなくなる時期だから、栄逊のある食材を持っお垰りたいの」 「なら、今日の狩りは頑匵らないずね」 「マリア様のためならガンバれたすわね」 「俺の時は......?」 冷たいレティヌナの芖線にクラりドの反論の勢いがしおしおず萎む。 他にもミシェルちゃんの膚れっ面を向けおほしがっおる連䞭ずか、俺に蔑む芖線を送っおほしい連䞭ずかいるらしいので、ラりムの冒険者ギルドはもうダメかもしれない。 そしおその欲求を䞀手に匕き受けおいるクラりドぞの嫉劬は倩井知らずになっおいた。 「でも滋逊ある食材ず蚀いたしおも、䜕がいいんでしょう?」 「そりゃ、お肉だよ、お肉!」 レティヌナの疑問に、ミシェルちゃんは䞡手を振り䞊げお匷匁する。 「たた野牛ずかいたせんかしら?」 「あんな倧物は普通いないよ。この近蟺は冒険者にきっちり芋匵られおいるんだから」 「蛇ずかトカゲじゃ、食い甲斐がないよなぁ」 「滋逊が぀くず蚀えばカヌバンクルじゃない?」 「キュッ!?」 そこには半幎前よりもサむズアップしお、そろそろ頭に乗られるのが぀らくなっおきたカッちゃんの姿があった。 以前は猫くらいのサむズだったのだが、今は小型犬皋床のサむズに育っおいた。しかも、その䜓型は䞞々ず脂肪を蓄えおいお、食生掻の充実が芋お取れる。 「カッちゃんもそろそろ運動しないず、わたしの頭にのせおあげないからね?」 「キュ、キュ~」 俺の譊告を受けお、慌おたように運動を開始するカッちゃん。だが俺の頭の䞊で運動するのはやめおもらいたい。 「たあカヌバンクルは冗談ずしお、本圓にママには栄逊を取っおもらわないず、わたしみたいな虚匱児になっちゃうから」 「それはそれで可愛らしいずは思いたすけど......」 「でも、心配ばっかりさせられるから、よくないよね」 「目を離した瞬間に気絶する技はニコルだけだず思うけど?」 「おたいら、あずでおがえおろ」 友達甲斐のない発蚀の連打に、俺は虚ろな芖線を返したのだった。
◇◆◇◆◇ Inside a church of the World Tree Religion located in one of the villages of the Northern Alliance. There were men gathered in the basement of that church. It was a meeting conducted under moderate candlelight as if they were trying to conceal themselves from people. They were most certainly not a respectable bunch. In that gloomy hall, the men started reporting their respective results. “Three from the East. Two of them have been confirmed to have the “grounding”, thus they are being educated. The remaining one would be sacrificed during the appropriate time.” “Only two have been confirmed? It’s hard to say whether that would amount to anything.” “It cannot be helped. None of us can act openly.” “Four from the Central. Also two with the “grounding”. However, two “students” have died, so the total number remains unchanged.” “Considering that we have to educate them from scratch, it’s better to say we fell back.” They went over the documents they all brought, confirming the number of personnel. The result was both gains and losses. They gained new ones while losing the same number. As a result, they neither increased nor decreased. “Still, it seems that we have stopped receiving people from the west? The south seems quite slow too.” “The person in charge there has been hit with an unforeseen accident, so the activities are temporarily on hold.” “Unforeseen accident?” “Something about a meteor falling there. It seems all his allies have gotten rolled up in it, so he has to start from scratch.” “Hmm? So we can’t expect much from the south and west, huh?” “In exchange, we can increase the activity in the north. The Six Heroes who used to keep a watchful eye are absent now.” “It’s Five Heroes now. We somehow got rid of that annoying assassin, but I’d like to get rid of one more.” “Jend Sect has been destroyed, so we can’t go meddling too much.” “There are other assassination organizations there... But, true. We should wait for the heat to settle.” “Yeah. Let’s move on to the next topic. So about the reason why the “education” isn’t progressing as well as hoped...” The men moved on to yet another topic. In the end, their secret meeting lasted until morning. Half a year had passed ever since the bombshell that Maria dropped on us. It might seem like a short time, but a lot of things happened during it. First, Maxwell returned the certificate to Donovan under the pretext of discovering it through the capital’s tavern. After that, he had finally been cleared of any suspicions and became the lord of Stolla both in name and reality. I asked Maxwell later on, and it turned out that Klein’s body part had been washed ashore, so he was most certainly dead. Donovan thanked me deeply, and was treating me as if I was a saint now. I was grateful, but also kinda bothered. About three months later, Elliot left the academy. He was originally supposed to be a contracted lecturer for six months, but the assault reduced his holiday to half of that. He seemed reluctant to part with me, but he had the information that Haumea was no longer in Raum, so he returned to his own kingdom in hopes of finding her there. Priscilla included, of course. I wonder when that blockhead would notice her feelings. I had a steady growth in the academy, too, and was already learning the middle-grade Interference magic. At this pace, I should be able to learn things like Flight by the time of graduation. It has been six months since Maria got pregnant, so her belly was already quite conspicuous. Different from fatness, her bulge was more like something packed together. It displayed the vigor of life growing within. And in the meanwhile, I have also celebrated my th birthday. Even my height had increased by about three centimeters in these six months, finally entering the growth period, a bit later than Michelle. At the same time, one problem surfaced that made me rack my brains. That is... My boobs were growing. At first, I thought I was growing a bit plump, but my waist remained thin so I eventually accepted that it was a womanly growth. I had no choice but to accept. Lately, even my butt has gotten rounder, so this was most definitely another sexual characteristic. Michelle also had her share of development in these months. To the point that I was looking forward to swimming with her during the summertime. This made me feel like she got added to the list of people I couldn’t reveal my identity to. Letina, on the other hand, did not develop any womanly parts, but this was perhaps the difference between our races. Elves grew like humans, but many of them remained slender. “Still, I feel like it’s getting in the way of swinging the sword.” When I held the sword with two hands, my budding chest felt cramped. This was a sensation I hadn’t felt even in my previous life. As it was an unknown sensation, it made moving my hands a bit uncomfortable. “You are still better off, Nicole. In my case, the bowstring keeps rubbing on it and hurts me.” “It’s really uncomfortable when sleeping on the stomach, isn’t it.” “They should just get plucked. You humans get plump so quickly!” “Letina, I’m jealous of how slender you are.” “Are you being sarcastic? You are, aren’t you!” “Um... Can you talk about that when there are no boys around?” Cloud butted in our conversation, inviting cold stares from us. We were currently in our routine ingredient gathering, so his presence was nothing unusual. Still, that was irrelevant to girls of our age. “W-What, I can’t help it. I’m part of this group too.” “Oh nooothing...” “Cloud, you perv.” “Have you no delicacy to pretend to not hear it?” Cloud was already almost years old. He was already starting to see things differently. With beauties like Michelle and Letina, not to mention me, in the party, it was natural for him to pay attention to these kinds of conversations. “Leaving the perverted Cloud aside...” “Don’t brush me off like that!” “Leaving him aside! My mom will soon be unable to move properly, so I want to bring nutritionally rich food home.” “In that case, we have to do our best today.” “I shall do my best for Lady Maria.” “But whenever I need it...” “Is anything the matter?” Letina’s cold stare silenced his objection. Cloud, do you know? There are countless Adventurers at the Guild dying to be on the receiving end of that stare. There were also those who wanted to receive Michelle’s sulked gaze or my scornful one, so I think Raum’s Adventurers were already beyond help. So their envy towards Cloud, who was receiving all three of them, knew no bounds. In fact, he was being tormented by them whenever he had time to spare. “You said nourishment, but what exactly are we supposed to look for?” “That goes without saying, it’s meat, meat!” As Letina asked, Michelle insisted while raising her hands. She was as carnivorous as ever. “Is there a buffalo somewhere, I wonder?” “A big game like that is not normally found here. The Adventurers are being alert for them around these parts.” “Snakes and lizards would be pointless to eat.” “Speaking of nourishment, a Carbuncle might fit that description, don’t you think?” “Squee!?” As I gazed up, I could sense an immediate twitch from there. There was Kabby, having grown in size over these six months to the point that it was hard to keep it on my head. Kabby seemed to be young for a Carbuncle, so its growth was quite drastic. It was around the size of a cat before, but now it was closer to a small-sized dog. Moreover, it was growing quite plump and accumulating fat, making it known that it had all the food it wanted. “You have to start exercising already, otherwise I’m not letting you sit on my head, okay?” “Squee, Squee~” Hearing my warning, Kabby started exercising in a fluster. I wished it’d stop doing that on my head, however. It was making my head wobble around and it felt really unpleasant. “That was a joke, but I really have to find nourishment for mom or the kid might become physically weak like me.” “That would be cute in its own way...” “But that would only cause us to worry, so it’s bad.” “I think it’s only you who has mastered the art of fainting when people take their eyes off you, Nicole.” “I’ll get you for that later.” Getting hit with their unfriendly remarks, I answered back with a vacant expression.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 23, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
「ずたぁそんな感じで、結間怒られっぱなしでした......」 「自業自埗だな」 「䜕でフェリクスっおあんなふうに理路敎然ず怒るんですかね。クロヌシェザヌド先生にそっくりですよ」 「自業自埗なのに反論の䜙地がある蚳ないだろう。ずいうか、本人の前でよくも堂々ず悪口を蚀えたものだな。そんな無駄話はいいから手を動かしなさい」 「っお、党郚クロヌシェザヌド先生の仕事じゃないですか。完党に私をこき䜿っおたすよね」 クロヌシェザヌドからい぀もの教員宀に呌び出され、シェむラは延々ず雑甚をやらされおいたの恒䟋行事だ。 圌は䌑む間もなく手を動かしおいる。報告䌚の愚痎も話し半分で聞いおいるに違いない。 シェむラの仕事ずいえば曞類を項目ごずに分けるくらいのこずなのに、よく読み蟌んで決裁の印を抌したり差し戻したりず忙しいクロヌシェザヌドに远い付かれおしたいそうだ。シェむラは慌おお䜜業に戻った。 黙々ず曞類を敎理し、぀いでに裁可枈みの曞類ず差し戻し曞類を運ぶ堎所ごずに振り分けおいく。 「......ずいうか、先生働きすぎじゃありたせん?階士科に党然関係のない曞類たで亀ざっおるじゃないですか」 よく芋たら文官科の曞類たで玛れ蟌んでいる。これは確実にクロヌシェザヌドの領分倖だろう。仕事が早いために頌られおどんどん仕事が回っお来るのだろうが、早く確実にこなすほど仕事が増えおいくなんお䞍毛すぎる。シェむラに蚀わせればただの悪埪環だ。 けれどクロヌシェザヌドは文句の䞀぀も蚀わずに曞類を読んでいる。噚甚に䜕でもそ぀なくこなすように芋えお、この人は意倖ず䞍噚甚ではないだろうか。 「働きすぎだず思うならば、もっず効率よく手䌝っおくれるず倧倉ありがたいのだが」 「そもそも二人でやる仕事量じゃないっお蚀っおるんですよ。それに私は掻字が苊手ですし」 「そのための手䌝いではないか。䜕の曞類か分かる皋床には読めるようになっおきたのだろう?」 「――――あ。そういえばそうですね」 ずはいえ、特蚓や勉匷ず称しおこき䜿われおいるのは間違いないだろう。雑甚のあずに宿題ずしおもらっおいる文字の緎習垳も、文曞の曞匏や改たった蚀葉ばかりで日垞の圹に立ちそうなものは䞀぀ずしおない。䞀石二鳥ずいうか、ずこずん効率や合理性を優先するクロヌシェザヌドらしい。 「ずころで性別の件、ペルンノェルナの他にはばれおいないだろうな?」 「ばれおたせんよ。甚心のためにい぀でも胞圓おをしおるし。これなら䜕かの匟みで胞に觊られおも、党く問題ありたせん」 シェむラはむん、ず胞を匵っおみせた。ブレザヌだずさらしを巻いおいおも心蚱なかったので、いっ時䞭皜叀甚の胞圓おをすればず苊肉の策を線み出したのだ。 「女性ならば䜕かの匟みで觊られるこずを党力で回避すべきだず思うが、君盞手に普通の察応を求めおも意味はないな。むしろここは、ずっず胞圓おをしおいる䞍自然さに぀いお、呚りが怪したないのか蚊くべきか」 「あぁ。䞀床コディに蚊かれたけど、『い぀䜕どきでも戊えるようにしおる』っお蚀ったら玍埗しおくれたしたよ」 「そうか......。コディは賢明な刀断をしたな」 クロヌシェザヌドは遠い目をした。疲れ目には遠くにある緑のものを芋ればいいず聞いたこずがある。 「コディずいえば、クロヌシェザヌド先生に昔から憧れおたみたいですよ」 以前圌が目を茝かせお語っおいた、階士団最幎少入団蚘録の話を思い出した。 「13歳で近衛階士団に入ったずか。スゎいですよね。ただ本栌的な蚓緎前、ずいうより入孊盎埌じゃないですか」 「圓時は政倉䞋で、どの掟閥も人材䞍足だった。私はたたたた囜王陛䞋にお目通りする機䌚が䜕床かあったから、実力はずもかく信頌されおいたずいうだけのこずだ」 クロヌシェザヌドは玙面から芖線を䞊げずに答えた。 「そうそう、コディも政倉がどうずか蚀っおたした。でもデナン村でそういう話は聞かなかったな」 「あの山奥の村ならば、政倉ずいう血生臭い話ずは無瞁だっただろうな」 「どうせ田舎ですよ。クロヌシェザヌド先生、政倉っお、䞀䜓どんなこずがあったんですか?私も詳しく知りたいです」 カリカリず流麗な文字を曞く手が、ピタリず止たった。 「............知りたいず思うのなら、自分で調べおみなさい。長く面倒な話を始めれば䜜業が滞る」 クロヌシェザヌドはシェむラを芋なかった。先ほどたでのように玙面を芋぀めたたたなのに、孔雀石色の瞳は文字を䞊滑りしおいるようだった。衚情の薄い暪顔から䜕かを読み取るのは難しいけれど、それ以䞊蚀及する気は湧かなくなっおいた。 黙り蟌むシェむラの気遣いを感じ取ったのか、珍しくクロヌシェザヌドから口を開いた。 「ただあの頃は経隓も浅かったため、フェリクス様の護衛ずいう倧圹を任された時は流石に緊匵したものだ」 圌の蚀葉を聞いお、シェむラは目を瞬かせた。静かな宀内にペンを動かす音だけが響く。 「......え。それっおデナン村に来た時のこず蚀っおたす?じゃあ、あの時クロヌシェザヌド先生は13歳だったず?」 シェむラがあたりに䜎い声を発したからか、クロヌシェザヌドが蚝しんで顔を䞊げた。 「それがどうしたず蚀うのだ?」 「あの時私は4æ­³......っおこずは11幎前。぀たり先生は珟圚、24æ­³!?嘘!絶察䞉十路間近だず思っおたした!」 愕然ずするシェむラに、クロヌシェザヌドは頭が痛いずばかり銖を振った。 「......君は、私の発蚀を聞いおそんなこずにしか気付けないのか」 「え?クロヌシェザヌド先生が意倖ず老け顔だったこず以倖に䜕か重芁なこずありたしたっけ?」 「........................」 真剣に聞き返したずいうのに、クロヌシェザヌドはむっ぀り黙り蟌んでしたい、結局䜕も教えおくれなかった。 その日の宿題がい぀もの䞉倍に増やされたこずは、改めお蚀うたでもない。 ◇ ◆ ◇ 倕食埌、宿題ず栌闘しぞずぞずになったシェむラは、よろめきながら廊䞋を歩いおいた。 党力で頑匵ったのに、数ペヌゞしか進んでいない。次の呌び出したでに果たしお終わるだろうか。 「うぅ。クロヌシェザヌド先生が鬌畜すぎるんだ......私はただただ働かなくちゃいけないのに」 孊生達が颚呂を終え、倕食を食べお寛いでいる時にも、シェむラにはやるべきこずがあった。そう、颚呂掃陀だ。 济堎は広く、湯船も倧きい。これを毎日䞀人で掃陀するずいうのはかなりの肉䜓劎働だ。䜓力䜜りのためず前向きに捉えおいるものの、勉匷で疲れきっおいる時は流石に挫けそうだ。 シェむラは脱衣宀で胞圓おを倖し、郚屋着のみずいう軜装になった。ズボンの裟を膝たでたくり、「よし」ず無理矢理気合いを入れる。 かなり過酷な劎働だが、広い济槜を独り占めずいうご耒矎が埅っおいるから頑匵れる。 倕食時には石鹞の匂いをさせおいる男子に混じっお肩身の狭い思いをしおいるのだ。濡らした垃で最䜎限の汚れは萜ずしおいるものの、自分だけが汗臭いずいうのは女子力の䜎いシェむラでも結構蟛い。なけなしの女らしさたで根こそぎ奪われおいくような気分になるのだ。 「それくらいのご耒矎がなくちゃ、やっおられないよ」 たずは济槜に浮かぶ髪などのサマザマな浮遊物を網で掬っお陀去する。これだけでも普通の女の子なら泣いお嫌がるず思う。汗臭い男共のサマザマな汚れなのだ。 シェむラは盎芖しないように気を付けながら䜜業を終える。次にざっず济宀党䜓にお湯をかけ、ブラシで端から磚いおいく。もわんず湯気の挂う济堎は熱く、䜜業をしおいる内に党身が汗だくになっおいく。顔が熱くおのがせそうだ。 「これ、授業くらい蟛いかも............」 力を入れおいた右腕の匷匵りをほぐすように、肩を回しながら䞀息入れる。 頬を流れる汗を拭っお倩井をがんやり芋䞊げおいるず、倖に繋がる扉がカタリず音を立おた。 「――――シェむラ」 次いで聞こえおきた声に、シェむラは目を芋開いた。
“Well, that’s how it was, and in the end, I was scolded for two hours....” “You got what you deserved.” “Why did Felix get so angry like that? He’s just like Claushezade-sensei.” “There’s no room for rebuttal when it’s your own fault. And anyway, how dare you speak ill of me so openly? Forget such idle talk and move your hands.” “Well, isn’t this all Claushezade-sensei’s job? You’re completely exploiting me, aren’t you?” Claushezade summoned her to the usual teacher’s office, where Sheila was made to do endless chores. It was a regular event that happened once every three days. He moved his hands without a moment’s rest. He must’ve been half-listening to her complaints about the report session with Felix. Sheila’s job was just to separate the documents by entry, but she would be caught up by the busy Claushezade, who would read them carefully and stamp them with a seal of approval or send them back to her. Sheila hurried back to her work. She quietly arranged the documents, and then sorted the approved and returned documents by the location where they were to be carried. “.... Anyway, aren’t you working too hard, Claushezade-sensei? There are even documents mixed in that have nothing to do with the knight department.” If Sheila looked closely, she could even find documents from the civil service department in the mix. That was definitely out of Claushezade’s domain. Because he did his job quickly, he probably got more work, but the faster he did it, the more work he had to do, which was just too depressing. It was a vicious cycle if he asked her. But Claushezade read the documents without a single complaint. He seemed to be dexterous and did everything without a hitch, but Sheila suspected he was a socially awkward person. “If you think I’m working too hard, I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me more efficiently.” “I’m saying it’s not a job for two people to begin with. Besides, I’m not very good at typography.” “It’s not that. You’ve learned to read well enough to know what the documents are about, haven’t you?” “――Oh. Come to think of it, yes.” However, there was no doubt that she was being used in the name of special training and study. The character practice books that he gave her as homework after her chores were full of document forms and formal words, none of which seemed to be useful in her daily life. It was just like Clauschezade, who prioritized efficiency and rationality to the point of killing two birds with one stone. “By the way, I hope no one besides Jornwerner has found out about your gender?” “No one has found out. I always wear a breastplate as a precaution. With this, if someone touches my chest, there’s no problem at all.” Sheila puffed out her chest. She didn’t feel comfortable wearing a blazer, so she devised a desperate plan to wear a breastplate for practice all the time. “I think a woman should do her best to avoid being touched in any way, but I don’t see the point in asking for a normal response from you. Rather, I should ask if people around you are not suspicious about the unnaturalness of wearing a breastplate all the time?” “Ah, Cody asked me once, and I told him that it was so I was ready to fight at any moment, and he agreed.” “I see... Cody made a wise decision.” Claushezade had a faraway look in his eyes. Sheila had heard that for tired eyes, they should look at something green in the distance to make them relaxed. “Speaking of Cody, it seems he has always admired Claushezade-sensei.” Sheila recalled the story about the youngest knight ever to join the Imperial Knights, which Cody had told her before with shining eyes. “I heard that you joined the Order of the Imperial Knights at the age of . That’s amazing, isn’t it? That was before you had even begun full-scale training, or rather, just after you entered the academy.” “At the time, the country was in the midst of a political upheaval, and all factions were short of personnel. I just happened to have had several opportunities to meet His Majesty the King, so I was trusted, regardless of my abilities.“ Claushezade replied without lifting his gaze from the paper. “Oh yes, Cody also mentioned something about a political change. But I didn’t hear anything about that in Denan Village.” “I suppose a village that deep in the mountains would have had nothing to do with such bloody talk of a political upheaval.” “It’s in the countryside. But anyway, Claushezade-sensei, what exactly happened during the political upheaval? I would like to know more about it.” The hand that was writing crisp, flowing letters stopped in its tracks. “.... If you want to know, find out for yourself. If we conversed for a long time, your work will be delayed.” Claushezade didn’t look at Sheila. His peacock-colored eyes seemed to be skimming over the words, even though he was still staring at the paper as he had been earlier. It was difficult to read anything from his expressionless profile, but she no longer felt inclined to mention it further. Perhaps sensing Sheila’s silent concern, Claushezade unusually opened his mouth. “I was still inexperienced at the time, so when I was entrusted with the major role as Felix’s bodyguard, I was quite nervous.” Hearing his words, Sheila blinked. The only sound in the quiet room was the sound of a pen moving. “Eh... Are you talking about when you came to Denan Village? So, you’re saying that at that time, Claushezade-sensei was years old?” Perhaps because Sheila had uttered that in such a low voice, Claushezade looked up quizzically. “What does it matter?” “I was four years old eleven years ago which means.... Does that mean Claushezade-sensei is now years old?! No way! I thought for sure you were close to !” Claushezade shook his head as if his head hurt at the shocked Sheila. “.... Was that all you noticed when you heard what I say?” “Huh? Was there anything important other than the fact that Claushezade-sensei looked surprisingly old?” “....” Even though Sheila asked back earnestly, Claushezade fell silent and didn’t tell her anything in the end. Needless to say, the homework for that day was increased to three times the usual amount, once again. ◇ ◆ ◇ After dinner, Sheila, exhausted from struggling with her homework, staggered down the hallway. She had worked as hard as she could, but she had only gotten a few pages done. She wondered if she would be able to finish it before the next meeting. “Ugh, Claushezade-sensei is too much of a devil... I still have a lot of work to do.” While the students were finishing their baths, eating dinner, and relaxing, Sheila still had work to do. She had to clean the baths. The bathhouse was large, and the bathtub was also huge. It was a lot of physical work to clean the bathtub by herself every day. Although she saw it positively as a way to build up her strength, she felt like she might fall apart when she was exhausted from studying. Sheila took off her breastplate in the changing room and dressed lightly, in loungewear only. Rolling up her trousers to her knees, she forcibly exclaimed, “Okay.” It was pretty hard work, but the reward of having the spacious bathtub all to herself made it all worth it. At dinner time, Sheila felt embarrassed to be among the boys who smelled like soap. She wasn’t a very feminine person, but she was still very uncomfortable when she was the only one who smelled like sweat, even though she cleaned off the minimum amount of dirt with a wet cloth. It felt as if all the little bit of femininity she had was being stripped from her. “I wouldn’t be doing this without a reward.” First, she scooped up the floating hair and other suspended matter in the bathtub with a net and removed it. This alone would make a normal girl cry and hate it. It was just the dirty stain of sweaty men. Sheila finished the job, taking care not to look directly at it. Next, she poured hot water over the entire bathroom and scrubbed it with a brush, starting from the edges. The steamy bathroom was hot, and her entire body was drenched in sweat as she worked. Her face was so hot that she felt like she was melting. “This might be as hard as class....” Sheila took a deep breath while rotating her shoulders to loosen the tension in her right arm. As she wiped the sweat from her face and looked up vaguely at the ceiling, she heard the door slam. “――Sheila.” Sheila’s eyes widened at the voice she heard.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
足堎を倱い墜萜する俺だったが、特に慌おおはいなかった。 い぀もの俺ならば糞を飛ばしお危機を忌避するずころだが、ここは䜓勢を敎えお着地する方法を遞択した。 よろめく身䜓を地に぀いた手で支え――俺の䞊に瓊瀫が降り泚いできた。 「ぬおおおおおぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ!?」 皋床だが身動きが取れなくなった俺を、階䞋の手䞋たちが取り囲む。 党員がすでに目が血走っおおり、䟋のクスリを服甚しおいるこずが芋お取れる。うち䜕名かは人の身䜓を逞脱し始めおおり、過剰摂取の兆候が散芋できた。 迎撃すべく、瓊瀫を抌しのけ立ち䞊がろうずする俺。しかしそれよりも䞀瞬早く、手䞋たちは真䞊に匟け飛んだ。 その向こうには、これたた執事服をボロボロにしたデンが立っおいた。 「ラむ゚ル様......いえ、ニコル様ですか?」 「そう、よくわかったね」 「このような堎所にラむ゚ル様がいらっしゃるのは、さすがにおかしいので」 「埡芧の通りかず」 いわれお俺は呚囲に芖線を飛ばす。そこは倉庫ずは蚀えないほど荒れ果おた状態に倉化しおいた。 これで新しい薬が垂堎に出回るこずはないだろう。 それを頭䞊にかざした片手で受け止め、同時に床にヒビが入る。どれほどの力で殎り掛かられたか、それだけでよくわかる。 それどころか無造䜜に腕を振っお、殎りかかっおきた手䞋の暪っ面に裏拳をぶち蟌んでいく。 朚の葉のように宙に舞い、クルクルず螺旋を描いお回転し぀぀吹っ飛んでいく。 手䞋は人間ならば即死に近いはずのダメヌゞを負いながらも、地面をのたうちたわっおいる。苊痛を遮断するだけでなく、その生呜力もかなり匷化されおいるらしい。 それだけならば玠晎らしいず蚀えないこずもないが、人の力ずいうのは䞊限がある。 しかし残り䞀人に胞元を殎られ䞀歩埌ろに埌退る。だがむしろ、逆に殎り掛かった方が手䞋の方がダメヌゞを受けおいた。 それでも手䞋は苊痛の衚情を浮かべない。たるで䜕かに取り憑かれたかのように、攻撃をやめなかった。 「デン、ずっずこんな感じ?」 「はい。いささかやり蟛いですね。殺しおしたうのも哀れですので」 確かにカむンが蚀っおいたようにオヌガ䞊みの力を発揮しおいるようではある。しかしデンはそれすら物ずもしないほど進化しおいた。 「なるほどね。じゃあ、たかせお」 俺は十本の糞すべおを䌞ばしお、次々ず手䞋たちを瞛り䞊げおいく。 ぀たり今は、ニコルの力でもレむドの力でもなく、ラむ゚ルの力で瞛り䞊げられるこずになる。これにはオヌガ䞊みの力をもっおしおも、察抗できるものではなかった。 糞を䌞ばした数秒埌には、䞀階にいた党おの手䞋ぱビ反りに近い圢で瞛り䞊げられおいた。 「なぜ、この䜓勢に......?」 少々䞍栌奜な姿を晒す矜目になった手䞋たちに、同情混じりの芖線を向け぀぀俺に尋ねおくるデン。 「いや、だっお、連䞭は手足がちぎれおも襲いかかっおくるだろ。だから力が入りにくい䜓勢で瞛り䞊げたんだが」 腕を鶏のように背の埌ろに捻じり䞊げられ、足も腰の埌ろたで反らされおいる。 足に結ばれた糞は背䞭に繋がっおおり、足を䌞ばそうずすれば背䞭が反り返っお䜓勢を維持しおしたう瞛り方だ。 たった䞀぀の難点は、芋栄えが限りなく悪いこずである。 「た、このたたっおわけにはいかないから、衛士にでも連絡しおこないず」 「その栌奜で?」 芋た目が矎少幎なだけに、芋るものが芋れば背埳的な劄想を抱きかねない栌奜だ。宿の受付にいた女性など、その筆頭である。 「しかたない。俺が通報しおくるから、お前はここで手䞋を芋匵っおいおくれ」 「その、倧䞈倫でしょうか?」 「倧䞈倫、今の俺はラむ゚ルの姿だからな。それよりお前も捕たらないように姿は隠しおおけよ? 埌、䞊にいるクラりドずミシェルちゃんたちに解毒薬を飲たせおおいおくれ」 「承知いたしたした」 「事情は......そうだな、䞊にいる䞉人の芋匵り圹は、俺たちに寝返った連䞭だ。そい぀らに適圓に蚀い繕うように、口裏を合わせおおいおくれるず助かる」 「口裏、ですか?」 「ニコルの名前を出しちたったからな。それに倉身するずころも芋られおる。マクスりェルの爺さんに察応しおもらうから、それたでの間は䜙蚈なこずを挏らさないように釘を刺しおおいおくれ」 「なるほど。いっそ口を封じるのは?」 デンの䞻匵は確かに効率的だ。口を封じおしたえば、ニコルが倉化しおいるこずや、䞀連の事情なども挏れるこずはない。 「情状酌量の口添えを玄束したからなぁ。さすがにそれは心が痛む」 「さすがはニコル様、非情なようでいおお優しい」 「それ皮肉?」 「たさか」 俺はデンに解毒薬の小瓶を投げ぀぀、现かな指瀺を出しおおいた。 俺が通報しに行っおいる間に、ミシェルちゃんたちに薬を飲たせ、䞉人に口止めをし、衛士に芋぀からずに姿を消す。 むしろデンの方がやるこずが倚いのではなかろうか? ずもあれ、通報せねば、やじ銬が抌しかけおくる。衛士に呚蟺を封鎖しおもらわねば、無駄に薬を吞い蟌んでしたう者も出るだろう。 さいわい、倉身した姿は二十四時間は持぀。 その途䞭で通行人などに顔を芋られたら隒ぎになっおしたうので、そこいらにあった垃切れを顔に巻き付け、俺は倉庫を飛び出しおいった。 詰め所に぀くず、最初顔を隠しおいた俺を䞍審者扱いしおいた衛士だったが、顔を芋せた瞬間、いっそ芋事なたでの手のひら返しを披露しおくれた。 いろいろず聞きたいこずもありそうだったが、そこはそれ、ラむ゚ルずいう顔の嚁力を発揮しおおく。衛士もラむ゚ルに詰問するわけにはいかないので、枋々ずいった颚情で倉庫の凊理に向かっおいった。
The floor gave way and I fell down, but I wasn’t panicking or anything. In the first place, even if this Lyell’s body didn’t have his Gifts, it still boasted of peerless endurance. It wasn’t hard to figure out that I wouldn’t suffer much damage even if I crashed into the floor like this. Normally I would have shot my thead to avoid the danger, but this time I chose to fix my posture and land as is. Since Cloud woke up, I couldn’t let him see something as unnatural as Lyell being here. As the heavy impact resonated through my abdomen, I bent my knee to absorb the impact. As I supported my staggering body by putting a hand on the ground—debris came crashing down on me. “Ngaaaaaaaahhhhh?!” I ended up getting rolled up in the collapse with no means of escape, ending up under the rubble. I couldn’t move only for a moment, but the underlings on the first floor used that timing to surround me. All of them had bloodshot eyes already, making it apparent that they took the drug in question. A few of them were already starting to deviate from a human shape so it was clear that they overdosed. Their wide clothes were in tatters too, proof of their fierce fight against Den. I tried to push the rubble aside and stand up to intercept them. But a moment before I did, the underlings flew straight up. On the other side stood Den, his butler clothes also in tatters. “Lord Lyell... no, is that you Lady Nicole?” “Yeah, good job realizing it.” “Well, it would be strange if Lord Lyell was here.” “It is as you can see.” Being told so, I looked around. The place was so wrecked it could hardly be called a warehouse anymore. The partition walls were smashed along with every single wooden box, the liquid inside spilling all over. With this, that new drug wouldn’t make it into the market. Even as he talked to me, the underlings kept rushing at him. He blocked the attack with one arm that he had raised overhead, and at the same time, cracks formed on the floor. It was apparent just how much force their attacks had behind them. However, Den who could nonchalantly stop them was also something. Not just that, he easily swung his arm and drove a backhand blow into the side of the underling’s face that just attacked him. He flew into the air like a leaf, flying away in a spiral motion. He received enough damage to insta-kill an average human, yet he was still squirming on the ground. Not only was their sense of pain cut off, even their life force seemed to have been strengthened quite a bit. That much would be wonderful and all, but there was a limit to how strong a human could be. The reason they could exhibit that much power here meant that it would give equally strong side effects. Next moment, three of them attacked Den together, but he punched two of them away. The remaining one punched his chest, making him retreat a step. That said, the underling that attacked him ended up taking more damage. His elbow broke and the fingers also bent in different directions. Even so, the underling’s expression showed no pain. He continued attacking as if possessed by something. “Den, has it been like this from the start?” “Yes. I was having some trouble. It would be a pity to kill them, after all.” As Den said, they did seem to have powers on the level of an Ogre, but Den had evolved to the point it was trivial to him. Still, he seemed to hold reservations on killing the underlings and the staff that were simply used. “I see. Then leave it to me.” I extended all ten of my threads and tied up the underlings one after another. They naturally resisted with all they had, but my threads showed their strength in response. In other words, I wasn’t binding them now with Nicole or Reid’s strength, but Lyell’s. Even with the power of an Ogre, they couldn’t compete with my strength. A few seconds after I extended my threads, all the underlings on the first floor had their arms and legs tied behind their backs like shrimps. “Why did you go for this pose...?” Den asked me, feeling somewhat sympathetic for the underlings for ending up in this somewhat unshapely state. “I mean, they would keep attacking even if their limbs get shredded right? So I tied them up in a way they would have trouble putting in power.” I twisted their arms like chicken wings behind their back, while also bending their legs all the way to their waist. The threads on their legs were wrapped around their backs, so if they tried to stretch their legs, it would just bend their backs instead and make them unable to endure that posture. The only fault was that it looked extremely weird. “Well, we can’t just leave them like this, so we have to call guards.” “In that state?” Den’s butler clothes were reduced to a pitiful state after that battle. He was a pretty boy, so everyone who saw that state would start imagining something immoral. The receptionist of the inn would probably be at the top of that list. “Can’t be helped. I will go call them, so keep watch over them until then.” “Um, would it be alright?” “It will. I look like Lyell now. Moreover, you should hide so they don’t capture you too, you know? Oh yeah, make sure to let Michelle and Cloud upstairs drink the antidote.” “Understood.” “As for the situation... Right, the three watchmen above have switched to our side. It would be great if you can prearrange a story with them and make up an excuse about me.” “Prearrange?” “I said I was Nicole before them. And they also saw my transformation. I will have Maxwell handle them, so just make sure they don’t say anything unnecessary until then.” “I see. Why not just silence them?” His idea was the most effective one. If we silenced them here, Nicole’s transformation and the rest of the situation wouldn’t come to light. But as I promised them, it would be too cold-hearted to back out now. “Due to the circumstances, I promised to put a word in for them, so I’d feel bad if we did that now.” “As expected of you, Lady Nicole, you look cruel but are actually kind.” “Is that supposed to be sarcasm?” “I would never.” I threw the antidote bottle at Den while giving him instructions. When I reported this, the guards would probably rush there. If they saw a young boy in tattered clothes, they would naturally start suspecting something. Both Den and I had fishy backgrounds, so I didn’t want us getting involved with guards as much as possible. While I was off to report it, Den would have Michelle and others drink the medicine, warn the three watchmen to stay quiet, and hide so the guards wouldn’t find him. Doesn’t it look like Den has way more things to do compared to me? At any rate, unless I report this, curious onlookers would just barge in. If we don’t get the guards to secure the perimeter, some people might accidentally inhale the drug. Fortunately, my transformation would last for twenty four hours. There was enough time to go explain the situation and get the guards. It would be a pain if the passersby saw me on the way, so I grabbed a random cloth and wrapped it around my face before rushing out of the warehouse. When I arrived at the station, the guards first thought I was a suspicious person since I was hiding my face, but once they saw my face their attitudes did a degree turn. I explained the situation roughly and had them send soldiers there. They seemed to want to ask me a bunch of things, but that’s where Lyell’s authority came in handy. The guards couldn’t exactly interrogate Lyell, so they headed to deal with the warehouse with a reluctant expression.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
異空間から元の゚ルフの里に戻るず、ルトルスずペトラが支絊された济衣に着替えお枩泉斜蚭から出おきた。 「なかなか気持ちよかったぞ。マッサヌゞも受けられお身䜓が軜くなったような気分だ」 「肌が綺麗になるツボも抌しおもらっお、最高でしたよ。シェヌナさん達も是非詊しおみお䞋さい」 どうやら枩泉の評䟡は䞊々のようだ。 ルトルスは腕を䌞ばしたり、足を匷く蹎っお高くゞャンプする。 ゞャンプしたルトルスをシェヌナは受け止めおあげるず、お互いに顔を赀く染める。 「急にゞャンプする奎があるか......着地に倱敗しお怪我でもしたらどうするんだ」 「......ありがずう。身䜓が軜くなったから、぀い本気になっおしたった」 シェヌナはルトルスの济衣を軜く掃うず、呚囲の芖線を祝犏するような雰囲気になっおいる。 グラナも真䌌をしお高くゞャンプするず、空䞭転しお無事に着地する。 呚囲からは歓声ず拍手の声が䞊がるず、ペトラは呆れた顔をしお自制心を保぀ように促した。 「じゃあ俺達も枩泉に行っお来るよ。ペトラず少し埅っおいおくれ」 「ああ、ゆっくり枩泉に浞かっおくるずいい」 シェヌナはルトルスに手を振っお女湯に入るず、ルトルスは劎いの蚀葉を掛けお芋送る。 キシャナずグラナも続いおいくず、脱衣堎でキシャナがニダ぀いた顔でシェヌナに近付く。 「本圓は倫婊で枩泉に入りたかったんじゃないのか?」 「な......䜕のこずだよ!?」 「シェヌナ君、ずがけなくおもいいよ。ルトルスず枩泉に仲良く入りたかったっお顔に出おいるよ」 「ば......銬鹿!? お前は急にどうしおそんな......」 キシャナは図星を぀かれお蚀葉を詰たらせるシェヌナをからかう。 シェヌナ達以倖にも女性客がそれなりに入っおいるので、目のやり堎に困っおいたシェヌナはたじろいでいた。 グラナは平然ず衣服を脱いで二人のやりずりを芋おいるず、シェヌナの耳元で囁く。 「シェヌナが望むなら、この堎だけルトルスに倉身しおもいいぞ」 「そんな気遣いはいいから、早く䜓を掗っお枩泉に入るぞ!」 シェヌナは足早になっお掛け湯を枈たせるず、枩泉に浞かっお気持ちを萜ち着かせる。 二人も続いお掛け湯を枈たせお枩泉に浞かり始めるず、シェヌナの傍に寄っお呚囲を眺める。 「前䞖だったら間違いなく逮捕される案件だけど、今は私やシェヌナも立掟なおっぱいもあるし、誰も気にしないよ」 「そうそう。神界もこの事で別にシェヌナを咎めたりしないし、堂々ず芗くずいいよ」 グラナは呚囲の女性客に目を移しながら、枩泉に浞かっおいる。 あんな鋌の粟神があれば、色々ず苊劎するこずもなかったのにずシェヌナは思う。 キシャナの蚀う通り、合理的に考えればシェヌナを咎めたりする人物はいないのだから堂々ず入济すればいいのだが、前䞖の理性がブレヌキをかける。 「たあ......シェヌナは前䞖から優しい性栌の持ち䞻だからな。グラナのようになるのは勘匁だけど、芪友の裞ぐらいはそろそろ慣れおもらいたいね」 キシャナは胞をシェヌナの肩に圓おるず、劖艶なダヌク゚ルフを挔じお誘い蟌む。 するずシェヌナは恥ずかしさの頂点に達したのか、枩泉に朜っおしたった。 「やれやれ......䞖話の掛かる芪友だ。グラナずシェヌナを足しお割りたいぐらいだぜ」 キシャナはシェヌナを匕き䞊げるず、その暪でグラナは別の意味で枩泉の堪胜を続けおいた。
When they returned to the elf district from the subspace, Luthors and Petra were coming out from the bath while wearing the bathrobes they were given there. “That felt quite nice actually. They even gave us massages so my body feels really relaxed.” “It was really great, they even pressed the pressure points that help get prettier skin. You two should really give it a try it.” Apparently they had really enjoyed their experience in the hot springs. Luthors raised her hands in the air and jumped high. Schenna received her in her arms, and then they both blushed. “So you’re the type of person that jumps randomly... What would you have done if you had landed on the wrong spot though?” “...Thanks. I felt like my body had become so much lighter so I couldn’t hold back.” Schenna gently flattened Luthors’ bathrobe while the people around them looked at them as if giving them their blessing. Grana imitated Luthors and also jumped high in the air, and after turning around one time in mid-air he landed on his feet. The surrounding people began cheering and clapping, but Petra looked frustrated as she tried to keep herself composed. “Well, we’re going in now. Please wait for us together with Petra.” “Sure, make sure you enjoy your time inside.” Schenna waved to Luthors as she entered the women’s bath while Luthors saw her off. Kishana and Grana went in after her. When they were in the dressing room, Kishana walked closer to Schenna with a big grin plastered on her face. “Are you sure you didn’t want to enter together as a couple?” “Wha...what are you talking about?!” “Schenna-kun, playing dumb is a no-no. Your face clearly tells me you wanted to enter together with Luthors.” “You... you idiot! What are you talking about all of a sudden...” Kishana knew she had hit the bullseye as she kept teasing Schenna. There were plenty of other customers there as well, so Schenna was about to collapse without knowing where to let her eyes rest. Grana took his clothes off without batting an eye, and when he saw how the other two were talking, he walked close to Schenna and whispered to her ear. “If you want to, I can transform into Luthors just for you.” “I don’t need you to worry about that, so just go wash your bodies and we’ll go inside the hot springs!” Schenna hurried to rinse her body before she entered the hot springs and tried to calm her feelings. The other two followed her example and quickly entered the water, then moved closer to her and began examining their surroundings. “If this was our past life, we would definitely get arrested here, but no one cares here since we both have a nice rack now.” “Exactly. The rules where I come from have nothing against this either, so you can stare around as much as you want without feeling guilty.” Grana let his body sink deeper as his eyes danced between all the other customers. If Schenna could have a mind of steel like that, many of her troubles would have disappeared instantly, or so Schenna thought. And just like Kishana had said, logically speaking there was no one who would blame Schenna for being there, so she should just ease up, but her old consciousness kept stopping her. “’ve always had that kind personality. I’m not asking you to become like Grana, no one would want that, but at least I’d like it if you would get used to seeing your best friend naked by now.” Kishana got closer to Schenna, pressing her breasts against Schenna’s shoulder while she acted like a bewitching dark elf. That drove Schenna’s embarrassment meter to the maximum so she fled sinking into the hot water. “Good really are too troublesome for a best friend. I almost wish you and Grana could merge your traits somewhat.” Kishana pulled Schenna back to the surface while Grana remained to their side, enjoying the hot springs as well, though in his own way.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
に反応しお、男はずっさに障壁の密床を倉化させる。 するず圓然゚リックの聖剣を防ぐための障壁が薄くなる。 薄くなった障壁で、゚リックの聖剣を防げるはずもない。 ゚リックの聖剣が男に届く。その瞬間、男は生物にあるたじき動きで身をよじった。 たるで骚のない軟䜓生物のようだ。やはり人の姿をずっおいおも、化け物なのだ。 「IIGIIIIGIIIiii」 男は倉な声を䞊げ、化け物じみた動きをしお回避したが、゚リックの技量は䞊みではない。 超高速で剣を振り぀぀も、軌道を倉えおいく。぀いに聖剣は男の右前腕郚を斬り裂いた。 臎呜傷ではなくずもダメヌゞは倧きい。障壁の展開スピヌドがわずかに遅くなった。 それでも通垞魔導士に比べたら魔法障壁の展開スピヌドは䜕倍も速い。 だが、俺の魔法の槍を防ぐには遅すぎ、そしお密床が薄すぎる。 男の顔が苊痛にゆがむ。臎呜傷にはならなくずもかなりの打撃を䞎えたはずだ。 そう考えお、俺は䞀瞬ほっずする。ほっずしおしたった。その時、ゎランの声が響いた。 「終わっおねヌぞ!」 ゎランの声にハッずするず同時に銖筋がぞわっずする。 匷烈な殺気。慌おお、前方ぞず転がった。 その盎埌、目に芋えないほど速い斬撃が俺の銖があった堎所を薙いだ。 男がい぀の間にか俺の背埌に移動しおいた。聖剣で斬り萜ずされた前腕郚も治っおいる。 男は䜓勢の厩れた俺に远撃しようずする。魔法障壁を匵ろうずしたその時、 「遅い!」 ゎランの剣が、暪から男の巊腕ず胎䜓を同時に斬りおずした。 男は顔をゆがめ、苊痛の声を䞊げる。 「二匹いたのか?」 ゚リックが叫ぶ。さすがの゚リックも驚愕を隠せおいない。 ゚リックの聖剣ず俺の魔法の槍で痛め぀けたや぀も、盞倉わらず存圚しおいるのだ。 「二匹ずも倒せばいいだけである!」 そうケヌテが叫んで、聖剣に斬られた方の男を爪で薙いだ。 男は䞊に跳んで避けようずしたがケヌテの方が速かった。爪が胎䜓に深々ず突き刺さる。 血泡を口からあふれ出しお、男がにやりず笑うず同時に、 倧きな音が鳎り男が爆発した。ただの爆発ではない。 男の党身は毒の霧ぞず倉化しおいる。それが爆颚ずずもに䞀気に拡散する。 「毒だ! 吞い蟌むな!」 俺は叫ぶず同時に、毒霧の察凊を行う。 党員に障壁を匵るず同時に、颚の魔法で倖ぞず毒霧を排出する。 「よし!」 うたく毒霧察策できたず思う。パヌティヌメンバヌを守るのも俺の倧切な圹目だ。 「随分ず䜙裕じゃあないか!」 背埌から男の声がした。同時に斬撃が振るわれた。ずっさに魔神王の剣で受ける。 どうやら、男は分身をいくらでも出せるようだ。隙を芋せたら、すぐに埌ろに回り蟌んでくる。 「お前、䞀䜓䜕匹いるんだ?」 呚囲を芋おみるず、゚リックもゎランもケヌテもそれぞれ戊っおいる。 それぞれ抌し蟌たれおいるわけではない。だが、有利に展開できおいるわけでもない。 俺は男ず剣を亀えながら぀ぶやいた。 「なにが、なるほどだ。絶察的䞍利を悟ったのか?」 男はにやりず口角を䞊げた。 「いや、なに。数を増やすず、匱くなるんだろう?」 「どうしおそう思う?」 「増やしおも、䞀匹それぞれの力が匱くならないのなら、もっず倚く出すはずだろう?」 「お前がそう信じたい気持ちはわかるぞ」 同時に俺の背埌にさらに䞀匹出珟した。いくらでも数を増やせるず蚀いたいのだろう。 だが、俺はその出珟を予枬しおいた。出珟した盎埌の男の剣を握る右手銖を巊手で぀かむ。 出珟盎埌の攻撃はワンパタヌンだったので、぀かむのは容易だった。 「攻撃が単調だぞ。間抜け」 そしお䞀気にドレむンタッチを発動した。 最高出力で、䞀気にすべおを吞いきる぀もりで吞い取っおいく。 「「「「「UGOOOOAAAAAAA」」」」」 分身しおいた男たちが䞀斉に同時に叫ぶ。 「やはり繋がっおいるよな」 幻ではなく実䜓のある分身䜓を同時に耇数操っおいるのだ。 それぞれの䜓は魔術的に連結しおいるず考えるのが劥圓なずころだ。 連結しおいなければ、攻撃が単調になり、魔力的な出力が挞枛するのは避けられない。 巧みに各個䜓の力配分を調節し、力があたり萜ちおいないように芋せかけおいただけだ。 芋せかけただけず蚀っおも、それはかなりの高等技術なのは間違いない。油断ならぬ盞手だ。 「「「「UGAAAAA」」」」 俺は男の魔力を吞い続ける。盎接吞っおいる個䜓は芋る芋るうちに干からびおいく。 それに䌎い、ほかの個䜓も少しず぀干からびはじめる。 そしお、男たちの動きが鈍くなる。 ゚リックたちはそこを芋逃すほど甘くはない。
In reaction to my Magic Lance, the man quickly changed the density of his barrier. Which of course, meant that the barrier used to block Eric’s holy sword became thinner. And there was no way that the thinner barrier could block Eric’s holy sword. Eric’s sword reached the man. However, in the last moment, the man dodged the attack with a move that seemed inhuman. It was as if he were a soft creature with no bones in his body. Yes, in spite of appearances, he really was a monster. “IGGIIIIIIGIIIIIII!!” The strange voice rang as he moved away. However, Eric’s skill with the sword was not ordinary. Even when swinging at such great speed, he was able to change its trajectory. And before I knew it, the holy sword had cut open the right side of the man’s stomach. Still, it wasn’t a lethal wound. And I had to admit that it was quite impressive. That being said, the damage was still great. And so the speed at which he created barriers began to slow down just a little. And yet the result was still that of someone who was several times faster than most first-rate sorcerers. Though it still was too slow to block my magic lances. And they were also too thin. His face contorted with pain. Even though he wasn’t dying, he was taking heavy damage. I could not help but be relieved then. Which was my mistake. Just then, Goran’s voice echoed. “This isn’t over!” His voice surprised me and a chill went down my spine. An intense will to kill. I frantically rolled forward. Immediately after, a slash attack that was so fast that my eyes could not follow it, moved where my neck had been. He had come in behind me while escaping my notice. And the arm that had been cut off by the holy blade had been restored. As I had lost my balance, he moved in for a follow up attack. It was just as I was going to put up a barrier... “Too slow!” Goran’s sword came in from the side and cut into the man’s left arm and body all at once. His face twisted as he let out a cry of pain. “There were two of them?” Eric shouted. He too could not hide his shock. After all, the one that had been injured by his sword and my magic was still there. “We just need to kill both of them!” Kathe shouted as her claws went into the one that had been cut by the holy sword. He tried to escape her by jumping into the air, but Kathe was quicker. Her claws sank deep into his flesh. Bloody bubbles poured from his mouth. And yet he was smiling. There was a loud noise, and the man exploded. But it wasn’t just an explosion. His entire body was turning into a poisonous mist. And it was spreading with an explosive wind. “It’s poison! Don’t breathe it in!” I shouted. At the same time, I tried to deal with it. While creating a barrier around everyone, I used wind magic to push the poison mist outside. “Good!” It seemed to have worked. Protecting the party members was my important role. “I see that this won’t be easy!” The man’s voice came from behind me. At the same time, he slashed with his sword. I barely managed to block it with the Devil King Sword. Apparently, this man was able to make duplicates of himself. If you allowed him, he would easily appear behind you. “How many of you are there?” When I looked around, I saw that Eric, Goran and Kathe were also fighting. And while they didn’t seem to be losing, they didn’t have a clear advantage either. As the man and I traded blows, I muttered. “What do you see? Did you see that you’re about to lose?” He asked with a grin. “No, not that. You get weaker when you multiply, right?” “What makes you think that?” “Well, if that wasn’t the case, you would bring out even more of them.” “I understand how you desperately wish that were true.” At the same time, another one appeared behind my back. Perhaps this was his way of proving that I was wrong. However, I had anticipated this. The moment that he appeared, I grabbed his right wrist with my left hand. All of them attacked the same way upon appearing, so it was easy to do this. “Your attacks are simple. You idiot.” And then I activated Drain Touch. It was quick, and I sucked in everything that there was to suck. “UGGOOOOAAAA!!” All of the men shouted at the same time. “So, you really are connected.” They weren’t illusions. They were all his body, and he could control them. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say that they were connected magically. Otherwise, their attacks would be simple, and their magic output would be very low. These had been adjusted and their power distributed carefully, so that it would not be very obvious that they were weaker. “UGAAAA!” I continued to suck in his magic. The one I was draining directly was rapidly becoming dry. And their movements also became slow. Eric and the others were quick to take advantage of this. And so without further delay, the others cut down to shreds.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 9 }
長い間 「意味」ずいうものは そこにあっお 倧いなる真理は発芋される時を 埅っおいるのだず思っおいたした でも 次第に私は 真理は重芁では無いず感じるようになりたした 「意味を芋出す」ず蚀いたすが 意味を䞎え 「創り出す」ず蚀うべきでしょう 最近の著曞で 私は さたざたな障害を抱えたり 普通ずは違う子どもを 家族がどう受け止めるかに぀いお 曞きたした 取材した母芪の䞀人は 耇数の重床障害を抱える お子さんを二人お持ちでしたが こう仰っおいたした 「皆さんから い぀も 『神は乗り越えられない詊緎は䞎えない』 ずいった蚀葉をもらいたす でも こうした子どもたちは 最初から『神からの莈り物』 だったわけではありたせん 私たちが 『莈り物』だず 考えるこずを遞んだのです」 私たちは人生で このような遞択を繰り返しおいたす 私が小孊校2幎のずき ボビヌ・フィンケルの 誕生日パヌティヌがあり 私を陀いたクラス党員が 招埅されおいたした 母は 䜕か手違いがあったのだず思い ボビヌのお母さんに電話したした するず こう蚀われたのです ボビヌは私が嫌いだから 招埅しなかったのだず その日 母は私を動物園に連れお行き 枩かいチョコのかかったパフェも 食べさせおくれたした äž­å­Š1幎のずき スクヌルバスで䞀緒だった子に 「パヌシヌ」ず あだ名を付けられたした 私の立ち居振る舞いが ゲむっぜかったからで 時折 圌は仲間ず䞀緒になっお そのあだ名を 倧合唱しお からかうようになりたした それも スクヌルバスに乗っおいる間䞭で 行きに45分 垰りに45分です 「パヌシヌ!パヌシヌ!パヌシヌ!パヌシヌ!」 äž­å­Š2幎のずきには 科孊の先生がこんなこずを蚀いたした 「同性愛の男性は 䟿倱犁になるんだ 肛門括玄筋が傷぀くから」 高校を卒業するたで 䞀床も孊食に行くこずは ありたせんでした 女の子たちず座っおいれば それだけで からかわれ 男の子ずいれば 女の子ず䞀緒にいるべきだず からかわれるからです 私は子ども時代を 問題から逃げ 耐え忍ぶこずで やり過ごしたした 圓時 私が知らず 今になっお わかったのですが あの逃げ 耐え忍んだ経隓は そこから意味を 創り出す第䞀歩ずなりえたす 意味を創り出したあずは その意味を取り入れ 新しいアむデンティティにしたす トラりマを受け入れ 新たな自分の䞀郚にするのです そしお 人生で起こった最悪の出来事を 勝利の物語に織り蟌み 傷぀いた出来事ぞの応えずしおの より良い自分の姿を 描き出すのです 本の執筆にあたっお 取材をした母芪の䞭に 思春期にレむプされ そのずきに子どもを宿したこずで 人生蚭蚈も台無しにされ 人ずの感情的な繋がりが すべお損なわれた方がいたした お䌚いしたずき 50歳になっおいた圌女に 私はこう聞きたした 「レむプをした男性に぀いお よく考えたすか?」 「以前は圌に぀いお抱くのは 怒りでしたが 今はただ同情しおいたす」 ず答えたした その男性はこんな酷いこずをするほど 未成熟だから 同情しおいるのだろうず思い 「同情ですか?」ず蚀うず 圌女はこう蚀ったのです 「そうです 圌には こんなに矎しい嚘ず 玠晎らしい孫が二人もいるのに 圌は知らず 私だけが知っおいたす ですから 私はラッキヌなんです」 私たちの抱える困難には 生たれながらの― ゞェンダヌ、性別、人皮、障害のほか 途䞭で身にふりかかっおくる ものもありたす 政治犯やレむプ被害者になったり ハリケヌン・カトリヌナに被灜したりです アむデンティティは コミュニティの䞭に入り そのコミュニティから 力を匕き出したり そこに力を䞎えたりするこずにも 関わりたす アむデンティティは 「でも」を「だから」に倉えるこずです 䟋えば「私はここにいる でも ガンを患っおいる」を 「私はガンを患っおいる だから ここにいる」ずいう具合にです 恥じ入っおいる時には 自らを語るこずができたせんが そうした物語こそ アむデンティティの基瀎ずなるものです 意味を創り出し アむデンティティを築く 意味を創り出し アむデンティティを築く これが私の信念になりたした 意味を創り出すこずは 自らを倉えるこずでもありたす アむデンティティを圢づくるこずは 䞖界を倉えるこずでもありたす 私たちは皆 䞍名誉なアむデンティティを抱えおおり 日々 この問いに盎面しおいたす 瀟䌚に順応するために どこたで自分を制限するのか? どこたで行けば 「普通の人生」の䞀線を越えるのか? 意味を創り䞊げ アむデンティティを築くこずは 間違いを正すこずではありたせん 間違いを 䟡倀あるものにするだけです 今幎1月に 私はミャンマヌを蚪れ 政治犯の人たちを取材し 予想しおいたより 圌らが悲惚な様子ではないのに 驚きたした ほずんどの方は 故意に 眪を犯しお収監されおいたすから 胞を匵っお刑務所に入り 䜕幎埌かに刑期を終えたずきも 胞を匵っお出所するのです マ・ティヌダ氏は有力な人暩掻動家で 獄䞭生掻では死にかけ 独房で䜕幎もの歳月を過ごしたした そんな圌女はこう蚀いたす 「看守には感謝しおいたす 圌らのお蔭で 考える時間が持お 英知を埗るこずができ 瞑想のスキルも向䞊したからです」 圌女は そこで意味を探求し 味わった蟛苊を 決定的なアむデンティティずしたのです こうした方々は 予想よりも 獄䞭生掻に 苊しんでいなかったのですが 私が思い描いおいたよりも ミャンマヌで進んでいる改革を 喜んでもいたせんでした マ・ティヌダ氏は蚀いたす 「私たち ビルマ人は 远い詰められたずきでさえ ずおも寛容だず蚀われたす でも その魅力の䞋には 怒りもあるのです そしお これたで このように様々な倉化が あったずいう事実が 瀟䌚にはびこる問題を 消し去るずいう事は無いのです 刑務所にいる間に こうしたこずが よく芋えるようになりたした」 私の理解では 圌女が蚀わんずしおいるのは 䞀郚の者だけが利暩を握り 党おの者に開かれおいない状況で テヌブルに着く堎所によっお 䞎えられる食べ物も違うずいうこずです ぀たり 意味を創り出し アむデンティティを築いおも 猛烈な怒りは収たらないのです 私は レむプされたこずもなければ ビルマでの投獄に近いような 経隓すらありたせん でも アメリカ人のゲむずしお 偏芋や嫌悪の目にさらされおきた私は 意味を創り出し アむデンティティを築きたした これは 私が知りうる以䞊の ひどい憂き目にあっおきた人たちから 孊んだ やり方です 思春期には 極端なほど ストレヌトになる努力をしたした 「セックス・セラピヌ」ず蚀われるものを 受けたりもしたした そこでは 「医者」ず呌ばれる人たちが 「女性ずの゚クササむズ」ず 呌ばれる行為を凊方したす 女性のこずは「セラピスト」ず 呌ぶように指導されたす 圌女たちは売春婊ではないのですが それ以倖の䜕者でもありたせんでした 私のお気に入りは ディヌプサりス出身のブロンド女性で したいには 圌女は屍姊愛奜家で 死䜓安眮所でトラブルになり この仕事に就いたのだず告癜したした こうした経隓を通じお 私は぀いに 女性ずの幞せな肉䜓関係を いく぀か持぀こずが出来お それには感謝しおいたすが 自分自身の䞭に倧きな葛藀が生たれ 心に深い傷を負うこずになりたした 私たちは アむデンティティを切り刻むような 痛たしい経隓は求めおいたせん 私達は 痛たしい経隓をした時に アむデンティティを求めるのです 無意味な苊痛は耐えられたせんが その苊痛が目的があるものず信じれば 倧きな苊痛にも 耐えるこずができたす 簡単なこずより 難しいこずの方が 印象に残りたす 喜びがなくずも 自分らしくいられたすが 意味の探究に向かわせる― 䞍運なこずがなければ 自分らしさは生たれないでしょう 「だから 私は匱さに甘んじよう」 ず䜿埒パりロは 『コリント人ぞの第二の手玙』で 曞いおいたす 「なぜなら 私が匱い時にこそ 私は匷いからである」ず 1988幎 私はモスクワに行き ゜ビ゚ト・アンダヌグラりンド芞術の アヌティストを取材したした 圌らの䜜品は 過激で政治的なものだろう ず思っおいたした でも 䜜品に珟れおいる急進䞻矩は 人間性を吊定する瀟䌚に 人間性を再び取り入れるずころに ありたした ある意味 ロシア瀟䌚は 今たさに 同じこずをしおいたすね お䌚いしたアヌティストの䞀人は蚀いたした 「私たちはアヌティストではなく 倩䜿になる蚓緎をしおいたのだ」ず 1991幎に 取材したアヌティストに 再び䌚いに行き ゜ビ゚ト連邊を厩壊に招いた― クヌデタヌの間 圌らず䞀緒にいたした 実は 圌らは あのクヌデタヌぞの抵抗勢力を 組織しおいる人たちでした クヌデタヌの3日目 誰かが スモレンスカダたで行こうず蚀い 私たちはそこに行き バリケヌドの正面に陣取りたした その少しあず 戊車の隊列がやっおきお 先頭の戊車に乗っおいる兵士が 蚀いたした 「我々は このバリケヌドを砎壊する― 無条件呜什を受けおいる 道をあけおくれれば 君たちを傷぀けなくおすむ そこを動かなければ 君たちを ひく以倖の遞択肢はない」 䞀緒にいたアヌティストたちは蚀いたした 「少しだけ時間を䞋さい なぜ私たちがここにいるのか 説明したすから」 するず 兵士は腕を組み アヌティストは 民䞻䞻矩を称賛する挔説を始めたした 既にゞェファヌ゜ン流民䞻䞻矩に生きる― 私たちのような者には あり埗ない光景です アヌティストたちは熱匁し 兵士はじっず芋入っお 挔説が終わっおも äžž1分もの間 座ったたたでした ようやく 雚でずぶ濡れになった 私たちを芋やるず その兵士は蚀いたした 「今 君たちが蚀ったこずは真実だ 我々は 囜民の意思に埓わねばならない Uタヌンするスペヌスを空けおくれれば 元来た道を垰るよ」 そしお その通りに垰っお行きたした 時に 意味を創り出すこずで 究極の自由を手に入れるために 必芁な蚀葉を埗るこずができたす ロシアで私は レモネヌドのような 甘酞っぱい事実に気付きたした 抑圧は それに察抗する力を育おるのです そしお 次第にそれは アむデンティティに 無くおはならないものだず分かりたした 悲しみから立ち盎るには アむデンティティが必芁でした ゲむ・ラむツ・ムヌブメントは 私が人ず違うこずを良しずしたす アむデンティティ政治は 垞に2぀の面がありたす ある条件や特城を持぀人たちに 誇りを䞎えるこずず たわりの䞖界にそうした人たちを より枩かく優しく受け入れさせるこずです これらは 党く違うこずですが 䞀方で進展があれば 他方もそれに圱響されたす アむデンティティ政治は 自己陶酔的でもありえたす 「違い」を讃えるのは ただ それが自分のものだからです 人々は 自らの䞖界を狭めお 個々のグルヌプの䞭で生き 他者に思いを銳せるこずもありたせん でも 正しく理解され 懞呜に実践されれば アむデンティティ政治は 「人間らしさ」の考えを 広めお行くでしょう アむデンティティそのものは 独りよがりのレッテルや 金メダルのようなものであっおはならず 革呜であるべきです もし私がストレヌトだったら 人生はもっず楜だったでしょう でも それは私ではありたせん 今 私は自分らしくある方が 違う人になるより奜きです 正盎なずころ 違う人になるずいう遞択肢も そう想像し埗る胜力も 持ち合わせおいたせん ドラゎンを远い払えば ヒヌロヌも远い払うこずになりたす 私たちは人生においお ヒヌロヌのような気質に憧れるものです 時々思ったものです ゲむであるこずの誇りを おおっぎらに称えるこずなく ゲむである私の䞀郚ぞの 嫌悪を止められるか? このスピヌチも 誇りの珟れですが 䜕の思いもなく ただゲむでいられたずき 私は本圓に自分をよく知っおいる ず思っおいたした でも 自己嫌悪しおいたずきは 心にぜっかり穎が空き そこを誇り称え 満たしおしたう必芁がありたした 自らの憂鬱な気持ちをどうにかできおも 同性愛者を嫌う䞖界は䟝然ずしおあり 解決には䜕十幎もかかるでしょう い぀かゲむであるこずが単なる事実ずなり デモや避難の的にならない日が来るでしょう でも それはただ先です 友人は ゲむのプラむドは 少し先走っおしたっおいるず感じ か぀お こんなこずを提案したした 「ゲむ謙遜週間」 (拍手) 玠晎らしいアむデアですが ただ時期尚早ですね 䞭立であるこずは 絶望ず至犏の間にあるように思えたすが 実は最終局面です アメリカでは29州で ゲむであるずいう理由で 私は合法的に 解雇されたり 入居を拒吊されたりしたす ロシアでは 同性愛宣䌝犁止法により 人々が街䞭で暎力をふるわれたした アフリカの27ヶ囜では ゜ドミヌ犁止法が制定され ナむゞェリアでは ゲむの人たちは法埋により 投石され殺されるこずもあり リンチも日垞茶飯事です サりゞアラビアでは 最近 男性2名が性行為をしたこずで それぞれ 鞭打ち7千回の刑を受け そのせいで今や 障がい者ずなっおしたいたした これでは 誰も 意味を創り出し アむデンティティを築くこずなど できないでしょう ゲむの暩利は 結婚する暩利だけではありたせん 䜕癟䞇の人たちが ゲむであるこずが受け入れられず 䜕の支揎も埗られないずころで暮らし 尊厳すら危うい状況に眮かれおいたす 私は幞運にも 意味を創り出し アむデンティティを築くこずができたした でも それは本圓に皀なこずで ゲむの人たちは皆 きちんずした正矩を 受けるに倀したす ずはいえ どんな前進も 玠晎らしいものです 出䌚いから6幎埌の2007幎 私はパヌトナヌず 結婚するこずに決めたした ゞョンに出䌚い 倧きな幞せを手に入れ それたでの䞍幞は消えたした 時に私は あの苊難が消えたこずで 頭がいっぱいになっおしたい 喜びを味わうのを忘れるくらいでした 最初はその喜びは 倧きくは感じられなかったのです 結婚は 私たちの愛を ここに存圚するものずしお 宣蚀するこずでした 結婚しおすぐ 子どもを迎えお 私たちず子どもたちの 新しい意味 新しいアむデンティティが できたした 子どもたちには 幞せでいおほしいず思いたすし 子どもたちが悲しいずきは 私も心を痛めるほど愛しおいたす ゲむの父芪ずしお 圌らに教えられるのは 人生の「間違い」を受け入れるこずです たずえ子どもたちを困難から 遠ざけお守れたずしおも 芪ずしおは倱栌だず思うのです 知り合いの仏教孊者が 教えおくれたこずがありたす 西掋人は誀解しおいたすが 涅槃(ニルノァヌナ)が蚪れるのは 苊難がすべお過ぎ去り 無䞊の喜びの到来を埅っおいるずき ではないそうです それは涅槃ではないのです 今ある 無䞊の喜びは垞に 過去の喜びの圱に隠れおいるからです 涅槃に到達するのは 無䞊の喜びの到来を埅ち 悲哀ずも思えるものの䞭に 自らの喜びの萌芜を芋出したずき なのだそうです 私は時々考えたす 結婚や子どもたちに そのような満足感を 私は埗られたのだろうか もし それらが 圓然のように手に入り 昔からストレヌトだったり 今でも若かったりすれば もっず容易に満足感を埗られたのだろうかず たぶん そうでしょう たぶん 私がしたような耇雑な想像は すべお他のこずにも圓おはたりたす でも もし意味を探すこずが 芋぀けるこずより重芁だずしたら 考えるべきは 私が いじめられたこずを より幞せに 受け止められるかではなく そうした経隓に察しお 意味を䞎えるこずによっお より良い父芪になれたかです 私は日垞の喜びの䞭に隠された 至犏を芋぀ける傟向がありたす そうした喜びさえ 私にずっおは普通ではなかったからです 異性愛者で同じように 幞せに結婚しお 家庭を持っおいる人々を知っおいたすが 同性愛者間の結婚は 息をのむほど新鮮で その家族も りキりキするほど新しく 私は そうした驚きの䞭に意味を芋぀けたした 10月に私は50歳の誕生日を迎え 家族がパヌティヌを開いおくれたした その最䞭に 息子が 私の倫に スピヌチをしたいず蚀い出したした ゞョンはこう蚀いたす 「ゞョヌゞ スピヌチはできないよ ただ4歳だからね」 「おじいちゃん、デむビッドおじさんず私が 今倜 スピヌチをするんだよ」 でも ゞョヌゞはずこずん食い䞋がり ぀いにゞョンは圌を マむクのずころに連れお行きたす するず ゞョヌゞは 倧きな声で蚀ったのです 「皆さたに申し䞊げたす」 「ちょっずお耳を拝借」 誰もが驚いお ふり向きたした ゞョヌゞは続けたす 「今日はお父さんの誕生日で嬉しいです 皆でケヌキを食べられお嬉しいです お父さん もっず小さかったら 僕たち 友だちだったね」 それで― ありがずうございたす それで 私はあのボビヌ・フィンケルにさえ 借りがあるず思いたした なぜなら これたでの党おの経隓は この瞬間のためにあったからです 䞀時は必死に倉えようずしおいた人生を そのずき初めお ただただ有難く感じたした ゲむの暩利掻動家のハヌノェむ・ミルクは 若いゲむの男性に 「この掻動のために䜕ができるか」ず聞かれ こう答えおいたした 「ここを出お誰かに話しに行くこずだ」 い぀でも 私たちの人間性を 螏みにじりたがる人がいるもので 人間性を取り戻す話もたくさんありたす 堂々ず生きれば そうした嫌悪を打ちのめし 皆の人生を広げるこずができたす 意味を創り出し アむデンティティを築く 意味を創り出し アむデンティティを築く そしお 䞖界の人たちに あなたの喜びを共有したしょう ありがずうございたした (拍手) ありがずう(拍手) ありがずう(拍手) (拍手)
And for a long time, I thought the meaning was out there, some great truth waiting to be found. But over time, I've come to feel that the truth is irrelevant. We call it finding meaning, but we might better call it forging meaning. My last book was about how families manage to deal with various kinds of challenging or unusual offspring, and one of the mothers I interviewed, who had two children with multiple severe disabilities, said to me, "People always give us these little sayings like, 'God doesn't give you any more than you can handle,' but children like ours are not preordained as a gift. They're a gift because that's what we have chosen." We make those choices all our lives. When I was in second grade, Bobby Finkel had a birthday party and invited everyone in our class but me. My mother assumed there had been some sort of error, and she called Mrs. Finkel, who said that Bobby didn't like me and didn't want me at his party. And that day, my mom took me to the zoo and out for a hot fudge sundae. When I was in seventh grade, one of the kids on my school bus nicknamed me "Percy" as a shorthand for my demeanor, and sometimes, he and his cohort would chant that provocation the entire school bus ride, 45 minutes up, 45 minutes back, "Percy! Percy! Percy! Percy!" When I was in eighth grade, our science teacher told us that all male homosexuals develop fecal incontinence because of the trauma to their anal sphincter. And I graduated high school without ever going to the cafeteria, where I would have sat with the girls and been laughed at for doing so, or sat with the boys and been laughed at for being a boy who should be sitting with the girls. I survived that childhood through a mix of avoidance and endurance. What I didn't know then, and do know now, is that avoidance and endurance can be the entryway to forging meaning. After you've forged meaning, you need to incorporate that meaning into a new identity. You need to take the traumas and make them part of who you've come to be, and you need to fold the worst events of your life into a narrative of triumph, in response to things that hurt. One of the other mothers I interviewed when I was working on my book had been raped as an adolescent, and had a child following that rape, which had thrown away her career plans and damaged all of her emotional relationships. But when I met her, she was 50, and I said to her, "Do you often think about the man who raped you?" And she said, "I used to think about him with anger, but now only with pity." And I thought she meant pity because he was so unevolved as to have done this terrible thing. And I said, "Pity?" And she said, "Yes, because he has a beautiful daughter and two beautiful grandchildren and he doesn't know that, and I do. So as it turns out, I'm the lucky one." Some of our struggles are things we're born to: our gender, our sexuality, our race, our disability. And some are things that happen to us: being a political prisoner, being a rape victim, being a Katrina survivor. Identity involves entering a community to draw strength from that community, and to give strength there too. It involves substituting "and" for "but" -- not "I am here but I have cancer," but rather, "I have cancer and I am here." When we're ashamed, we can't tell our stories, and stories are the foundation of identity. Forge meaning, build identity, forge meaning and build identity. That became my mantra. Forging meaning is about changing yourself. Building identity is about changing the world. All of us with stigmatized identities face this question daily: how much to accommodate society by constraining ourselves, and how much to break the limits of what constitutes a valid life? Forging meaning and building identity does not make what was wrong right. It only makes what was wrong precious. In January of this year, I went to Myanmar to interview political prisoners, and I was surprised to find them less bitter than I'd anticipated. Most of them had knowingly committed the offenses that landed them in prison, and they had walked in with their heads held high, and they walked out with their heads still held high, many years later. Dr. Ma Thida, a leading human rights activist who had nearly died in prison and had spent many years in solitary confinement, told me she was grateful to her jailers for the time she had had to think, for the wisdom she had gained, for the chance to hone her meditation skills. She had sought meaning and made her travail into a crucial identity. But if the people I met were less bitter than I'd anticipated about being in prison, they were also less thrilled than I'd expected about the reform process going on in their country. Ma Thida said, "We Burmese are noted for our tremendous grace under pressure, but we also have grievance under glamour," she said, "and the fact that there have been these shifts and changes doesn't erase the continuing problems in our society that we learned to see so well while we were in prison." And I understood her to be saying that concessions confer only a little humanity, where full humanity is due, that crumbs are not the same as a place at the table, which is to say you can forge meaning and build identity and still be mad as hell. I've never been raped, and I've never been in anything remotely approaching a Burmese prison, but as a gay American, I've experienced prejudice and even hatred, and I've forged meaning and I've built identity, which is a move I learned from people who had experienced far worse privation than I've ever known. In my own adolescence, I went to extreme lengths to try to be straight. I enrolled myself in something called sexual surrogacy therapy, in which people I was encouraged to call doctors prescribed what I was encouraged to call exercises with women I was encouraged to call surrogates, who were not exactly prostitutes but who were also not exactly anything else. My particular favorite was a blonde woman from the Deep South who eventually admitted to me that she was really a necrophiliac and had taken this job after she got in trouble These experiences eventually allowed me to have some happy physical relationships with women, for which I'm grateful, but I was at war with myself, and I dug terrible wounds into my own psyche. We don't seek the painful experiences that hew our identities, but we seek our identities in the wake of painful experiences. We cannot bear a pointless torment, but we can endure great pain if we believe that it's purposeful. Ease makes less of an impression on us than struggle. We could have been ourselves without our delights, but not without the misfortunes that drive our search for meaning. "Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities," St. Paul wrote in Second Corinthians, "for when I am weak, then I am strong." In 1988, I went to Moscow to interview artists of the Soviet underground, and I expected their work to be dissident and political. But the radicalism in their work actually lay in reinserting humanity into a society that was annihilating humanity itself, as, in some senses, Russian society is now doing again. One of the artists I met said to me, "We were in training to be not artists but angels." In 1991, I went back to see the artists and I was with them during the putsch that ended the Soviet Union, and they were among the chief organizers of the resistance to that putsch. And on the third day of the putsch, one of them suggested we walk up to Smolenskaya. And we went there, and we arranged ourselves in front of one of the barricades, and a little while later, a column of tanks rolled up, and the soldier on the front tank said, "We have unconditional orders If you get out of the way, we don't need to hurt you, but if you won't move, we'll have no choice but to run you down." And the artists I was with said, "Give us just a minute. Give us just a minute to tell you why we're here." And the soldier folded his arms, and the artist launched into a Jeffersonian panegyric to democracy such as those of us who live in a Jeffersonian democracy would be hard-pressed to present. And they went on and on, and the soldier watched, and then he sat there for a full minute and looked at us so bedraggled in the rain, and said, "What you have said is true, and we must bow to the will of the people. If you'll clear enough space for us to turn around, we'll go back the way we came." And that's what they did. Sometimes, forging meaning can give you the vocabulary you need to fight for your ultimate freedom. Russia awakened me to the lemonade notion that oppression breeds the power to oppose it, and I gradually understood that as the cornerstone of identity. It took identity to rescue me from sadness. The gay rights movement posits a world in which my aberrances are a victory. Identity politics always works on two fronts: to give pride to people who have a given condition or characteristic, and to cause the outside world to treat such people more gently and more kindly. Those are two totally separate enterprises, but progress in each sphere reverberates in the other. Identity politics can be narcissistic. People extol a difference only because it's theirs. People narrow the world and function in discrete groups without empathy for one another. But properly understood and wisely practiced, identity politics should expand our idea of what it is to be human. Identity itself should be not a smug label or a gold medal but a revolution. I would have had an easier life if I were straight, but I would not be me, and I now like being myself better than the idea of being someone else, someone who, to be honest, I have neither the option of being nor the ability fully to imagine. But if you banish the dragons, you banish the heroes, and we become attached to the heroic strain in our own lives. I've sometimes wondered whether I could have ceased to hate that part of myself without gay pride's technicolor fiesta, of which this speech is one manifestation. I used to think I would know myself to be mature when I could simply be gay without emphasis, but the self-loathing of that period left a void, and celebration needs to fill and overflow it, and even if I repay my private debt of melancholy, there's still an outer world of homophobia that it will take decades to address. Someday, being gay will be a simple fact, free of party hats and blame, but not yet. A friend of mine who thought gay pride was getting very carried away with itself, once suggested that we organize Gay Humility Week. It's a great idea, but its time has not yet come. And neutrality, which seems to lie halfway between despair and celebration, is actually the endgame. In 29 states in the U.S., I could legally be fired or denied housing for being gay. In Russia, the anti-propaganda law has led to people being beaten in the streets. Twenty-seven African countries have passed laws against sodomy, and in Nigeria, gay people can legally be stoned to death, and lynchings have become common. In Saudi Arabia recently, two men who had been caught in carnal acts, were sentenced to 7,000 lashes each, and are now permanently disabled as a result. So who can forge meaning and build identity? Gay rights are not primarily marriage rights, and for the millions who live in unaccepting places with no resources, dignity remains elusive. I am lucky to have forged meaning and built identity, but that's still a rare privilege, and gay people deserve more collectively than the crumbs of justice. And yet, every step forward is so sweet. In 2007, six years after we met, my partner and I decided to get married. Meeting John had been the discovery of great happiness and also the elimination of great unhappiness, and sometimes, I was so occupied with the disappearance of all that pain that I forgot about the joy, which was at first the less remarkable part of it to me. Marrying was a way to declare our love as more a presence than an absence. Marriage soon led us to children, and that meant new meanings and new identities, ours and theirs. I want my children to be happy, and I love them most achingly when they are sad. As a gay father, I can teach them to own what is wrong in their lives, but I believe that if I succeed in sheltering them from adversity, I will have failed as a parent. A Buddhist scholar I know once explained to me that Westerners mistakenly think that nirvana is what arrives when all your woe is behind you and you have only bliss to look forward to. But he said that would not be nirvana, because your bliss in the present would always be shadowed by the joy from the past. Nirvana, he said, is what you arrive at when you have only bliss to look forward to and find in what looked like sorrows the seedlings of your joy. And I sometimes wonder whether I could have found such fulfillment in marriage and children if they'd come more readily, if I'd been straight in my youth or were young now, in either of which cases this might be easier. Perhaps I could. Perhaps all the complex imagining I've done could have been applied to other topics. But if seeking meaning matters more than finding meaning, the question is not whether I'd be happier for having been bullied, but whether assigning meaning to those experiences has made me a better father. I tend to find the ecstasy hidden in ordinary joys, because I did not expect those joys to be ordinary to me. I know many heterosexuals who have equally happy marriages and families, but gay marriage is so breathtakingly fresh, and gay families so exhilaratingly new, and I found meaning in that surprise. In October, it was my 50th birthday, and my family organized a party for me, and in the middle of it, my son said to my husband that he wanted to make a speech, and John said, "George, you can't make a speech. You're four." "Only Grandpa and Uncle David and I are going to make speeches tonight." But George insisted and insisted, and finally, John took him up to the microphone, and George said very loudly, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please." And everyone turned around, startled. And George said, "I'm glad it's Daddy's birthday. I'm glad we all get cake. And daddy, if you were little, I'd be your friend." And I thought — Thank you. I thought that I was indebted even to Bobby Finkel, because all those earlier experiences were what had propelled me to this moment, and I was finally unconditionally grateful for a life I'd once have done anything to change. The gay activist Harvey Milk was once asked by a younger gay man what he could do to help the movement, and Harvey Milk said, "Go out and tell someone." There's always somebody who wants to confiscate our humanity, and there are always stories that restore it. If we live out loud, we can trounce the hatred and expand everyone's lives. Forge meaning. Build identity. Forge meaning. Build identity. And then invite the world to share your joy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ガルノずしばらく遊んだ埌、俺は立ち䞊がる。 「がう?」 ガルノはただ遊び足りなさそうにも芋える。 「そろそろ倜ご飯の時間だからな。準備しないず」 「がう!」 ガルノは興奮気味だ。尻尟もものすごく揺れおいる。 ご飯ずいう蚀葉に反応したのだろう。 「ミルカはフィリヌの助手で忙しいからな」 ガルノに倖にでお、適圓に食材を買っおくる。 ずはいっおも、肉を焌いたり適圓にスヌプを䜜ったりず簡単なものだ。 ガルノは俺が料理しおいる間、呚囲をぐるぐる回っおいた。 「ガルノの分も䜜っおるから安心しなさい」 だいたい料理が終わったころ、台所に颚呂䞊りのセルリスが入っおきた。 肩にゲルベルガさたを乗せたニアも䞀緒だ。 「手䌝うわ!」 「ありがずう、でも倧䜓もう終わったからな」 埒匟のニアは申し蚳なさそうに頭を䞋げた。 「本来は私がやるべきでしたのに、気づかずに申し蚳ありたせん」 「それは気にしなくおいい。手の空いおいるものがやるべきだからな」 倕ご飯の匂いに気づいたのか、ミルカずルッチラもやっおくる。 「倕食の準備しおもらっお、ありがずうだぞ!」 「ロックさん、ありがずうございたす」 「フィリヌの手䌝いはうたくできたか?」 「うん。色々教えおもらいながらだけどね!」 「魔法ずは違ったずころがあっお、興味深いです」 ミルカずルッチラは錬金術に興味を持ったようだ。 色々孊べばいいず思う。 「じゃあ。食堂に運ぶのを手䌝っおくれ」 「たかせおおくれ」 みんなで手分けしお食事を運ぶず、食堂にはシアずフィリヌずタマがいた。 「タマの分もあるからなヌ」 「わふ」 タマは元気に尻尟を振った。 そしおみんなで倕ご飯を食べる。 「そういえば、シアたちは昚日䜕もらったんだ?」 「勲章ず耒賞金でありたす」 昚日は王宮に狌の獣人族の族長が集たり、゚リックから耒矎をもらったようだ。 ちなみに俺は欠垭しおいる。目立぀のは良くないからだ。 「爵䜍を䞊げるずなるず、他の貎族ずの関係もあるし、そう簡単にはいかないのだろうな」 フィリヌが真面目な顔でそう蚀った。確かにフィリヌの蚀う通りかもしれない。 半分ぐらいご飯を食べたころ、 「あ、ご飯を食べおいるのであるな! 倱瀌倱瀌! たた、倕食時に遊びに来おしたったのである!」 元気いっぱいなケヌテがやっおきた。ケヌテは倧䜓倕食時にはやっおくるのだ。 「ケヌテも食べるか?」 い぀も食べおいくのに、遠慮しお聞く。だから、俺もい぀ものように蚀う。 「嬉しいのである!」 ケヌテに食事を出すず、お瀌を蚀っお食べ始める。 「うたい、うたいのである!」 䜜った俺が蚀うのもなんだが、それほどうたくはない。 「いや、うたいのである!」 たずえお䞖蟞でもうれしいものだ。 それにケヌテは食べっぷりがいいので、気持ちがよい。 「そういえば、ケヌテは今日䜕しおたんだ?」 「昏き者どもの動きがないか、氎竜の集萜の呚囲を巡回しおいたのである」 本拠地を぀ぶした日、氎竜の集萜の結界は砎られた。 壊された結界は俺ず氎竜の粟鋭総出で修埩し、さらに匷化しおおいた。 隕石を萜ずされおも倧䞈倫なように、物理防埡も匷化しおある。 ずはいえ、ただ譊戒が必芁なのは確かだ。 ケヌテの芋回りはずおもありがたい。 「なにか動きはあったか?」 「レッサヌノァンパむアずかゎブリンはいたが、それだけであるな」 「......倧䞈倫か?」 「なにがである?」 「ゎブリンず人族を間違えたりしおないよな?」 「それは倧䞈倫である」 堂々ずケヌテは胞を匵る。 「我は人族ずゎブリンを芋分けるこずが出来るようになったのだ」 「おお、それはすごい」 「ふふん。ロックたち人族ず毎日䌚っおいるのである。そのぐらいは出来るようになっお圓然である」 それはずおも良いこずだ。 お肉を食べおいたセルリスが蚀う。 「どうしお、氎竜の結界は砎られたのかしら?」 「基本は埓来の方法だ。起動前の魔装機械を䞭に持ち蟌んでっおや぀だな」 敵の䟵入を察知する魔法陣もある。 氎竜たちは圓然気づき、持ち蟌たれたいず抵抗を開始する それず同時に門からも急襲をかけ、戊力を集萜の䞭心から倖呚ぞずおびき出した。 その隙に結界のコアを砎壊したのだ。 「毎日襲撃をかけおきおたのは、結界のコアの䜍眮を探るためだったんだろうな」 昏き者どもの本拠地を守る結界は、匷力だが隠蔜は䞍十分だった。 匷力ゆえに、コアを隠す必芁性を感じなかったのだろう。 だから、すぐにコアの堎所が分かったし、隕石を萜ずすこずも出来た。 だが、氎竜の集萜の結界のコアはうたく隠蔜されおいた。 それを探るために䜕床も䜕床も襲撃が必芁だったのだ。 「氎竜の結界のコアの隠蔜はさらに匷化しお、堎所も倉曎した。そう簡単に砎られるこずはないだろう」 「ロックさんでも難しいでありたすか?」 「䜕の情報も無ければ、俺でも難しいな。盞圓時間がかかる」 シアは安心したようだった。
After playing with Grulf for a while, I stood up. “Groof?” Grulf looked like he wanted to play more. “It’s almost time for dinner. I have to prepare.” “Groof!” Grulf was very excited. His tail was wagging wildly. He was reacting to the word ‘food.’ “After all, Milka is busy helping Philly now.” And so we would go out and buy some random groceries and come back and cook them. Just simple stuff, like cooking meat and making soup. As I was cooking, Grulf would run in a circle around me. “Don’t worry, I’m making some for you too.” When I was almost finished, Serulis came to the kitchen after finishing her bath. Lord Gerberga was on her shoulder and Nia was also with her. “I’ll help you!” “Thank you. But I’m mostly finished here.” Nia bowed apologetically. “It’s something that I should have done, and I’m sorry to have forgotten.” “Don’t worry about it. Anyone who is free should do it.” Perhaps they had smelled the food because now Milka and Luchila also arrived. “Thank you for preparing dinner for me!” “Thank you, Mister Locke.” “Were you able to help Philly?” “Yes. Though, she was teaching us while we did it!” “It was very different from magic and quite interesting.” Luchila and Milka were now interested in alchemy, it seemed. They should learn everything that they could. “Alright. Help me carry the food to the dining room now.” “Leave it to me.” And so we all worked together to carry the food to the dining room. Shia, Philly, and Tama were waiting there. “I made some for you too, Tama.” “Woof.” Tama’s tail wagged happily. And so we all sat down to eat dinner. “By the way, Shia. What did you all receive yesterday?” “Medals and reward money.” The chiefs of the beastkin wolves had gathered together at the palace yesterday so Eric could reward them. I did not attend. I didn’t want to draw any attention. “It would affect the other nobles if he did. It is a very complicated matter.” Philly said with a serious expression. Perhaps she was right. When we were about halfway through with dinner: “Ah, I see you are all eating! Excuse me! I seem to have visited during dinner time again!” Kathe said as she burst in energetically. She always seemed to visit when it was dinner. “Do you want to eat too, Kathe?” She always pretended to be modest. And as always, I answered, “Thank you!” I put some food in front of her and she thanked me as she started to eat. “Good! It’s so good!” As the person who made it, I knew it wasn’t that great at all. “It’s alright.” “No, it’s delicious!” Still, it made me smile. Besides, Kathe ate a lot. Which was always nice to see. “By the way, Kathe. What were you doing today?” “I was patrolling the area around the water dragon settlement. To see if the dark ones have been up to anything.” The barrier around the settlement had been broken on the day we crushed their main base. The broken barrier was repaired with the power of all the water dragons and my own help, and now it was stronger than ever. I had even added resistance to physical damage, so it would survive a meteor strike. That being said, caution was still good. So Kathe’s efforts were much appreciated. “Did you notice anything?” “There were lesser vampires and goblins. That’s all.” “...Are you sure about that?” “About what?” “You wouldn’t be getting humans and goblins mixed up again, would you?” Kathe said proudly. “I am now able to tell humans and goblins apart.” “Oh, that is quite an achievement.” “Hehe. It is because I now meet you humans every day. It is only normal that I can tell the difference now.” That is a very good thing. Serulis said as she at her meat. “But why was the barrier broken in the first place?” “The obvious reason. They brought in magic machines that hadn’t been activated yet.” But there were magic circles that detected any enemy intruders. And so the water dragons were aware of it and tried to stop them. But the gate was suddenly attacked at the same time, and the main fighting force was lured away from the center of the barrier. That gave the enemy an opportunity to destroy the core. “They were probably attacking the settlement every day so they could find the location of the core.” The barrier that protected the base of the dark ones was very powerful, but the concealment magic was insufficient. Perhaps it was the strength of the barrier that led them to believe that they didn’t need to hide their core as much. So we were able to find it quickly and drop down meteors. However, the core of the settlement was hidden well. And so it required many attacks to find it. “But we strengthened the concealment magic and changed the location as well. They won’t be able to get in so easily next time.” “Would it be hard for you too, Mister Locke?” “It would be hard if I didn’t know anything about it. It would take me a lot of time.” Shia sounded relieved.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
そういえば......゚ッケンハルトさんが積もる話ず蚀ったずころで少しだけクレアさんずティルラちゃん、セバスチャンさんの顔が匷匵ったな......。 もしかしお、その積もる話ず蚀うのがお芋合いの事なんだろうか? 「それではお父様、行きたしょう」 「うむ。タクミ殿も......レオ様も客間で事情を聞かせおくれ」 「はい」 「ワフ」 匷匵った顔をすぐに切り替えお笑顔になったクレアさんに促され、客間に移動しようずしお俺ずレオに声を掛ける゚ッケンハルトさん。 俺はただしも、レオに声を掛けるのはやっぱりただ慣れないみたいだ。 俺もレオも゚ッケンハルトさんに返事をしお、皆で客間ぞず移動する。 俺達が玄関ホヌルを離れるくらいで、集たっおいた䜿甚人さん達も解散するため各所に移動を始めたようだ。 䜿甚人さん達もご苊劎様です、今床、送迎の挚拶の緎習を芋せお䞋さいね。 盞倉わらず党員乱れる事無く揃った挚拶の緎習颚景ずいうものがあったらおもしろいなず思い぀぀、俺は客間ぞ移動した。 本圓にそんな緎習があるかどうかは知らないんだけどな。 客間に入り、俺達はテヌブルに぀く。 ゚ッケンハルトさんを䞭心に巊右にクレアさんずティルラちゃん、その埌ろにセバスチャンさん。 シェリヌはクレアさんが抱いおいる。 俺は皆に向かい合うように座っお、隣の怅子をいく぀か陀いお出来たスペヌスにレオがお座りの䜓勢。 ラむラさんずゲルダさんはお茶のおかわりをい぀でも出来るよう、ポットを持ったたた壁を背にしお埅機しおいる。 ......俺の事情やレオの事を説明するの倧きい事なんだろうが、この配眮は少し緊匵するな......。 ゚ッケンハルトさんは真面目な顔をしお正面から俺を芋おるし、クレアさんずティルラちゃんはにこやかだが、真面目な話のため少し硬い雰囲気になっおる。 䌚瀟の面接皋じゃないが、なんか緊匵感が挂っおるなぁ。 「さお、皆も萜ち着いた事だし、タクミ殿の話を聞こうか。䜕故、シルバヌフェンリルず䞀緒にいるのか。本来、人間に埓わないず䌝えられおいる魔物が、だ」 それからしばらく、俺はクレアさん達にも話した事を゚ッケンハルトさんにも話した。 俺が異䞖界ず思われる堎所から来た事、元居た堎所でレオを拟っお育おた事、こちらに来た時気付いたら森の䞭にいおレオが倧きくなっおシルバヌフェンリルになっおいた事、森の䞭を圷埚っおいたらクレアさんず出䌚っおオヌクに襲われそうなずころを助けた事。 オヌクにクレアさんが襲われそうになっおいた郚分の説明で゚ッケンバルトさんはたた泣きそうになっおいたが、レオが助けた事を䌝えるず目に涙を溜めながらお瀌を蚀われた。 本圓にクレアさんの事を倧事に思っおいるみたいだ。 たぁ、無粟髭を生やしたゎツむ山賊のようにも芋えるオゞサンに涙目でお瀌を蚀われるのは倉な意味で迫力があったが......。 それから俺のギフトの事、クレアさんず森を探玢に行った事、そこで䌚ったシェリヌこずフェンリルずの出䌚いも話しお、俺がギフトを䜿い過ぎるず倒れる可胜性があるずいうセバスチャンさんの補足も入り぀぀、俺がこの䞖界に来お行った事の説明を終えた。 途䞭、クレアさんがフェンリルの森を探玢するずいうくだりでたた゚ッケンハルトさんが取り乱したが、クレアさんずセバスチャンさんがずりなしおくれたおかげで萜ち着いおくれた。 可愛がっおる嚘が危険な森の奥ぞ行くずなったら確かに父芪ずしおは心配するよなぁず思いながら、取り乱す゚ッケンハルトさんが宥められるのを眺めおいた。 「......成る皋な......タクミ殿の事情はわかった。それにしおも、ティルラの病を治すために䞀人で森に入った事ず蚀い、フェンリルが取り残されお他の魔物達に襲われないよう連れお垰った事ず蚀い、やはりクレアは優しい子だな......それにティルラも無事病が治ったようで良かったな......」 俺の色々な話......途䞭でクレアさんやティルラちゃん、セバスチャンさんの補足や、レオの頷きや鳎き声を亀えたりもあっおの第䞀声がこれなのか゚ッケンハルトさん......。 クレアさんずティルラちゃんを本圓に可愛がっおいるようだけど......公爵家の圓䞻様ずしおその反応で良いのだろうかず、少しだけリヌベルト家の事が心配になった。 たぁ、嚘を案じる父芪ずしおは良いのかもしれない。 「レオ様ず実際にいるのだから、タクミ殿がいう事は信じねばならないだろう。我が公爵家はシルバヌフェンリルず瞁が深いからな」 以前クレアさん達が蚀っおいた事だろう。 初代圓䞻様がシルバヌフェンリルず懇意にしおいたずいう話だ。 ゚ッケンハルトさんは俺が異䞖界から来た事や、ギフトを持っおいるずいう話を信じおくれるようだ。 レオず䞀緒にいるずいうのが䞀番の理由らしい。 ギフトの方は䜕か怍物を栜培しお芋せれば信じおくれるずは思うが、異䞖界から来たなんお蚌明しようがないからな......。 知識くらいなら倚少は披露出来るかもしれないが、それが異䞖界からの知識だず蚌明は圓然出来ない。 「それでだな......タクミ殿......その......レオ様は本圓に人を襲わないのか?」 「倧䞈倫ですよ。レオは人懐っこいので、人をむやみに襲う事はありたせん。そうだよな、レオ」 ただ恐れおる様子の゚ッケンハルトさんに笑っお頷き、レオにも䞀応確認ずばかりに声を掛ける。 レオの方も䞀声鳎いお頷く。 「そうか......」 「お父様、レオ様は私達に良くしおくれたす。倧䞈倫ですよ、襲われたりしたせんから」 「レオ様は可愛いのですよ。私を乗せお走っおくれたした」 クレアさんずティルラちゃんからもフォロヌするように゚ッケンハルトさんに蚀葉を掛ける。 「ティルラ......レオ様に乗ったのか......倧䞈倫だったのか?」 「倧䞈倫です。レオ様は優しいですから、ちゃんず私が振り萜ずされないように気を付けお走っおくれたした!」 「ワフワフ」 ティルラちゃんはレオが気を遣っお萜ずさないような速床で走っおた事には気づいおたようだな。 その蚀葉を肯定するようにレオの方も頷いおる。 「久方ぶりにクレアやティルラに䌚うためここに来たが......シルバヌフェンリルがいお、さらにフェンリルがクレアの埓魔になっおるずはな......」 ゚ッケンハルトさんが悩むように声を出しおるが、確かに悩むよなぁず枊䞭の人間ながら俺もそう思った。
Now that I think about it... When Mr. Ekenhart had said that there was a lot to talk about, Ms. Claire, Tilura, and Sebastian’s faces had tensed up a little... I suppose it was because they thought he was talking about the marriage proposals? “Well then, let’s go, father.” “Mmm. Mr. Takumi...and good Leo. Please tell me about what happened in the drawing room.” “Yes.” “Wuff.” But Ms. Claire’s face switched to a smile in an instant, and she led her father to the drawing room. Mr. Ekenhart then told me and Leo to follow. I could tell by the way that he addressed Leo that he was still nervous around her. We both answered and then followed them to the drawing room. In the meantime, the servants also began to leave in order to get back to their work. Good work, all of you. I hope that next time, I will be able to watch you practice your greeting. They were all in perfect sync, and so I thought it must be interesting to see if they were so perfect when practicing. Well, if they even did practice. We then entered the drawing room and sat down at the table. Mr. Ekenhart sat in the center, while Ms. Claire and Tilura sat on either side. Sebastian stood right behind him. Ms. Claire was holding Sherry. I sat so that I would be facing everyone, and then Leo sat to the side, where a few chairs had been removed to make space for her. Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda were waiting by the wall, so that they would be ready to pour some more tea when needed. ...I suppose I was placed here as my and Leo’s story was seen as the most important. But it made me a little nervous to be in this position... Mr. Ekenhart was looking at me sternly and head on, and while Ms. Claire and Tilura were smiling, they seemed a little stiff, as if ready for a serious discussion. It was starting to feel like an uncomfortable job interview. “Now, since we’re all here and settled, let’s hear what Mr. Takumi has to say. Why is there a Silver Fenrir with you? They are monsters that do not obey humans.” “Yes...” And so for a while after that, I told him everything that I had already told Ms. Claire and the others. How I had come from what I thought was another world, and that it was where I had first found Leo. How I had raised her. How I had suddenly woken up in the forest, and that Leo had turned into a Silver Fenrir. And how we wandered through the forest, and then encountered Ms. Claire as she was being attacked by an orc. Mr. Ekenhart looked very distressed when I told him about the attack, but when I explained how Leo had saved her, his eyes welled up with tears and he thanked her. He clearly cared about Ms. Claire a lot. Though, the sight of this unkempt, bandit-like man crying had quite the impact... And then I talked about my Gift, about exploring the forest with Ms. Claire, and about meeting Sherry. Sebastian also added to the story by telling him about how I had likely fainted due to using the Gift too much. And like that, I finished telling him everything. Mr. Ekenhart had looked very agitated when I talked about Ms. Claire’s search for the fenrir, but he quickly calmed down, thanks to Ms. Claire and Sebastian’s efforts. Yes, a father would be worried about his beloved daughter going deep into a dangerous forest. “...I see... I understand your position now, Mr. Takumi. Still, whether it’s going into the forest alone to help Tilura, or taking the fenrir with you, so that it’s not attacked by monsters, you really are a sweet child, Claire... And Tilura, I’m so glad that you are better...” After everything I said...after all of Ms. Claire, Tilura, and Sebastian’s supplementary information, and Leo’s nodding and barking, that was the first thing Mr. Ekenhart said... I understand that he doted on his daughters, but... Was that really the right reaction for the master of the house? I was starting to worry about the Liebert family. Well, perhaps it was a good thing for a father to think about his daughters more than anything. “As Leo is here as proof, I must believe everything that you’ve said, Mr. Takumi. After all, our family has strong ties with the Silver Fenrir.” Ms. Claire had told me all about that. How the founder had befriended a Silver Fenrir. And so Mr. Ekenhart believed that I came from another world and that I had the Gift. It was because Leo was here with me. Obviously, I could easily prove that I had the Gift, but there was no way to prove that I was from another world... I suppose I could make a show of what knowledge I had, but even that wasn’t evidence. “Now tell me...Mr. Takumi... Can you be sure...that your Leo will not hurt anyone?” “Yes, it should be fine. Leo is very fond of people, and will not bite without good reason. Isn’t that right, Leo?” “Wuff.” I said with a smile to the still suspicious duke. And then I asked Leo for confirmation. Leo barked in agreement. “I see...” “Father. Leo has been very good to us. Don’t worry, she will not harm anyone.” “Leo is so cute. She lets me ride on her when she runs.” Ms. Claire and Tilura tried to persuade him as well. “Tilura... So you rode on a Silver Fenrir...? And you were not hurt?” “Yes. Leo is so gentle. She ran carefully so that I wouldn’t fall off!” “Wuff! Wuff!” So Tilura had noticed that Leo had adjusted her speed while running. Again, Leo nodded her head in agreement. “I came here because I haven’t seen you two in a while... And now there is a Silver Fenrir here, and Claire has a fenrir familiar...” Mr. Ekenhart muttered in a troubled voice. Well, I could understand how he felt. Even if I was the one who was mostly responsible for all of it.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
レポヌタヌ: これは䞭囜の䜕癟䞇の人々を 倧きく動揺させたした 2才の女の子が トラックに蜢かれお 道端で血を流しおいる偎を 通行人は そのたた過ぎ去りたす 生々しすぎる映像です この事故は カメラが 䞀郚始終 蚘録しおいたした ドラむバヌは 女の子を蜢いた埌― 埌茪が女の子の䞊に乗ったたた 䞀時停止したした その埌 2分間に 3人が2才のワン・ナヌの偎を通り過ぎたす この人は 重䜓の子䟛の暪を よけお通り過ぎたす 他の人々は 通りすがりに䞀瞥したす ワン・ナヌの暪を― 通り過ぎた人々は 他にもいたす 別のトラックは足を蜢きたした 道路枅掃員が行動を 起こすたで こんな様子でした 急いで病院に運ばれたしたが 手遅れでした 亡くなったのです 皆さんの䞭で これを芋お どの䜍の方が― 「私なら決しお芋過ごさない 必ず助ける」ず― 思われおいるでしょうか そう思われた方は 挙手をお願いいたしたす 予想通り 倧半の方がそうですね 皆さん そうなさるず思いたす でも ご自分を過信する前に― こちらを ご芧ください 2011幎のナニセフ報告曞です 5才以䞋の690䞇人の子䟛が 予防可胜な 貧困に起因する病気で 呜を萜ずしおいたす ナニセフは これを 良いニュヌスだず蚀いたす なぜなら 1990幎の統蚈で この数は1,200䞇人でしたから 人数は着実に枛っおいたす 良いこずです でも ただ690䞇人です 毎日1侇9千人が亡くなっおいたす 道端で 無関心に通り過ぎないこずを 誇れるでしょうか? 圌らが遠くにいるから 仕方ないですか? 私は道埳的に 有意な違いはないず考えたす 事実 子䟛たちは 手に届かない所にいお 囜籍も人皮も違いたすが 道埳的には 関係無いず考えたす 本圓に重芁なのは― 亡くなる子䟛たちの数を枛らせるか? 毎日亡くなっおいく 1侇9千人もの子䟛を 少しでも救えるかです 私はできるず考えたす 私たちは皆 䞍芁なものに お金を浪費しおいたす 皆さんのラむフスタむル― 新しい車を買ったり 旅行したり 氎道の氎が 安党に飲めるのに ペットボトルの氎を買ったり 考えおみおください 皆さんが䞍芁な物に䜿うお金を アゲむンスト・マラリア基金に 寄付しおはいかがでしょう この基金は― 皆さんが寄付したお金で このような蚊垳を賌入しお このような子䟛達を守りたす もし蚊垳を提䟛すれば 圌らが確実に䜿甚しお その結果 マラリアによっお死亡する 子䟛達の数を枛らせたす こうした予防できる病気で 毎日 1侇9千人の子䟛が 息絶えおいたす 幞いなこずに このアむディアは 倚くの人に浞透し぀぀ありたす 結果ずしお こんな動きが 広たっおいたす 効果的な利他䞻矩です 感情ず理性の䞡面を捉えるずいう点で 倧倉重芁です 感情ずは 皆さんが感じるこずです 子䟛に察しお 同情するこずです しかし 理性で考えるこずも 倧倉重芁です 確実に効果的で 的を絞った方法で 揎助するため そしお それ以䞊に 論理的に 考えるこずで分かるこずもありたす 人はどこに䜏んでいようずも 私たちず同じ人間で 私たちず同じように苊しみ 私たちず同じように 芪は 子䟛の死に心を痛め 私たちの生呜ず健康が 私たちにずっお重芁であるように それが 同じように これら党おの人々にずっお重芁であるこずです ぀たり 論理的に考える事は 目的達成のための 䞭立的なツヌルだけでなく― 私たちが眮かれおいる状況に 新たな芋方をもたらすず考えたす ですから― 効果的な利他䞻矩芳を持っおいる 重芁な方々の倚くが 哲孊や経枈 数孊ずいった バックグラりンドを 持っおいるのが玍埗できたす 意倖ず思われるかもしれたせん 倚くの方が― 「哲孊ずは 珟実ずは切り離されおいるし― 経枈は人々を利己的にするし― 数孊はオタクしか興味がない」ず 考えおいるからです でも 実際に倉革を起こしおいたす そしお 効果的 利他䞻矩を遂行する オタクが実際にいたす ご芧ください ビル&メリンダ・ゲむツ財団の りェブサむトです 右䞊に曞かれおいるのが 「党おの生呜は平等の䟡倀を持぀」です これが䞖界の状況を― 論理的に捉える 考え方ではないでしょうか この考え方によっお 歎史䞊 最も効果的な 利他䞻矩者である ゲむツ倫劻ず りォヌレン・バフェットを生み出したした (拍手) アンドリュヌ・カヌネギヌ ゞョン・D・ロックフェラヌでさえ 圌ら䞀人䞀人を䞊回る額の 膚倧な寄付は 行っおいたせん 圌らは 慈善掻動が 効率的に運営されるよう 知性も利甚したした ある詊算によるず ゲむツ財団は これたで580䞇人の呜を救いたした 曎に助かったずしおも 重症になる可胜性のある 数癟䞇の人々を 病気から救いたした ゲむツ財団はこれからも 曎なる寄付を続けお 倚くの呜を助けるでしょう 億䞇長者だったら そんな芏暡のものが出来おも 自分には無理だず思う方もいるでしょう では お金が無かったら 䜕ができたすか? お金を寄付する際に障害ずなる 4぀の問題に぀いお考えたしょう 人々は自分に䞀䜓䜕が出来るかず 気にしおいたす でも 億䞇長者である必芁は ありたせんよ これはトビヌ・オヌドです オックスフォヌド倧孊の 哲孊専門のリサヌチ・フェロヌです 圌は研究者ずしおのキャリアを通しお どれだけの収入があるかを蚈算しお 結果ずしお効果的な 利他䞻矩者になりたした 発展途䞊囜の8䞇人もの 盲目の人々を治療するお金を 寄付しおも 十分な残金があり 自分の生掻氎準は 適正に保おるず蚈算したのです トビヌはこの情報を広げるため Giving What We Can ずいう団䜓を立ち䞊げたした 自分の収入を 分かち合いたいずいう 人々を集めお 人生で埗る収入の 10パヌセントを 䞖界芏暡の貧困ず戊うために 寄付しおもらおうず蚀うものです トビヌはもっず凄いこずをやりたした 幎間1侇8千ポンドで生掻するずいう 誓いを立おたした 300䞇円足らずです 残りの収入は 他の団䜓に寄付したした トビヌは結婚しおいたすし 䜏宅ロヌンもありたす この高霢の倫婊は― チャヌリヌ・ブレスラヌず ダむアナ・ショット 圌らが出䌚った頃 二人はベトナム戊争に 反察する掻動家で 瀟䌚正矩のために戊っおいたした 戊争が終結しお 信念は捚おおいたせんでしたが 他の人たちず同じように 特別な掻動は行っおいたせんでした その埌 倚くの人が定幎退職を 考えるような幎になり 自分たちの信念に立ち返り 節玄しお 慎たしく生掻し お金ず時間を 䞖界芏暡の貧困ず戊うために 費やすこずを決心したした 時間を費やすなんお聞くず こう思うかもしれたせん それじゃあ 仕事を蟞めお 党劎力を毎日倱われおいる 1侇9千人の呜を救うために 費やすべきだろうか? 1侇9千人の呜を救うために 費やすべきだろうか? 䞖界に良い圱響を䞎える仕事を どうすれば出来るか 考えた人がいたす りィル・クラりチです 哲孊を専攻する倧孊院生です 圌は80,000 Hoursずいう りェブサむトを立ち䞊げたした これは䞀般の人が生涯に働く 時間を掚定したものですが 最も意味のある 効果的な仕事は䜕かず アドバむスするサむトです 驚かれるかもしれたせんが その道の正しい胜力ず 適性がある人には 銀行かファむナンス関係に 進むこずを怜蚎するよう アドバむスしおいるこずです なぜでしょう? もし皆さんが倚くのお金を皌いだら― 倚くのお金を寄付できたす ですからキャリアで成功するこずは 揎助団䜓に 寄付できるこずを 意味したす 䟋えば 揎助団䜓が 発展途䞊囜で働くための 5人のスタッフを雇うずしたす その䞀人䞀人が あなたが働くのず同じくらい 玠晎らしい貢献をするでしょう ぀たり 収入の倚い職業を 遞択するこずで 5倍の貢献が出来るわけです このアドバむスを実行した 若い男性がいたす マット・りェむガヌです プリンストン倧孊で 哲孊ず数孊を専攻したした 昚幎 卒業した際には 哲孊郚の最優秀論文賞を 受賞したした その埌 ニュヌペヌクで ファむナンスの職に぀きたした 十分な収入があったので 䜕十䞇ドルずいう倧金を 有効なチャリティ団䜓に寄付しおいたすが 生掻に困りたせん マットは 『あなたが救える呜』ず題した 私の著曞から名前を埗た 慈善団䜓の蚭立にも 協力しおくれおいたす この団䜓の目的は 私たちの文化を倉えるこずで 道埳的な生掻を送るためには― 嘘や盗み 暎力 殺人ず蚀った 犁止事項を守るだけでは䞍十分で もし十分なお金があれば その䞀郚を 必芁ずする人々に 分け䞎えようず蚀う 考えを広めおいたす この団䜓は様々な人や 異なる䞖代を繋げたす 䟋えば 倧孊生の ホリヌ・モヌガン 圌女は 僅かばかりの所持金の 10パヌセントを寄付しおいたす 右手にいる゚むダ・ワンは 貧困に苊しむ人のために 働いおいたしたが 今では 曎なる貢献が出来るよう む゚ヌル倧孊でMBAを専攻しおいたす 倚くの方が チャリティは 効果的でないず 考えるかもしれたせん では 有効性に぀いお 考えおみたしょう トビヌ・オヌドは この点をずおも心配しお 幟぀かの慈善団䜓が 他の団䜓に比べお 癟倍も千倍も 効果的であるこずを 算出したした ですから 有効性のある 慈善団䜓を遞ぶこずが重芁です 䟋えば 盲目の方に 盲導犬を寄付するずしたす 善い行いですよね? 確かに 善いこずです― でも 同じお金で 他に䜕ができるか熟慮すべきです 盲導犬の蚓緎には4䞇ドルが必芁です 盲導犬が効果的な 助けずなるため 盲人の方の蚓緎も必芁です 発展途䞊囜で 䌝染性の盲目症を 治療するために必芁な金額は 20から50ドルです ですから蚈算しお 䜕が効果的か 考えおみおください 同じお金で 䞀人の盲目のアメリカ人に 盲導犬を䞎えるか もしくは 4癟から2千人を 倱明から救うかです 䜕が最善かは 明癜だず思いたす もし有効的な慈善団䜓に 寄付したいずお考えでしたら 良いりェブサむトをご玹介したす GiveWellは 慈善団䜓の 圱響調査を行っおおり 䞊手く運営されおいるか 審査するだけでなく 数癟ずいう慈善団䜓を 評䟡しお 珟圚3぀の団䜓だけを 掚奚しおいたす アゲむンスト・マラリア基金がトップです 良い奚励団䜓を探すのは ずおも難しそうですが thelifeyoucansave.comず Giving What We Canは 貧困から呜を救う以倖も網矅した― より幅広い範囲での 効果的な慈善団䜓を 玹介しおいたす 動物を保護する 慈善団䜓に぀いおも 同じように怜玢できる りェブサむトがありたす 動物保護に぀いおは ずっず懞念しおいたす 毎幎 䜕癟億ずいう動物に 人間が䞎えおいる 甚倧な悪圱響です もし皆さんが この悪圱響を䜎枛する 効果的な慈善団䜓をお探しでしたら Effective Animal Activismずいう サむトを蚪れおみおください 効果的な利他䞻矩者の䞭には 生物の存続自䜓が 倧事であるず考える人がいたす そこで 絶滅のリスクを 䜎枛する方法を暡玢しおいたす 皆さん ご承知のずおり 最近 地球の近くを通り過ぎた 小惑星が 絶滅の危機の 䞀䟋です 研究によっお 地球に衝突する 惑星の軌道を予知するだけで無く― 軌道から 逞らすこずも可胜です ですから この研究を善いこずずし 寄付する人がいたす 倚くの可胜性がありたす 私の最埌の質問です 䞎えるこずが 苊痛であるず 考える人たちがいたす 私は吊定したす 私は倧孊院生時代から 䞎えるこずが喜びです 私の人生を豊かにしおきたした チャヌリヌ・ブレスラヌは 利他䞻矩者ではないず蚀いたした 救っおいるのは 圌自身の人生だず 考えおいるのです ホリヌ・モヌガンは 効果的な利他䞻矩に関わるたで 鬱ず戊っおいたこずを告癜したした 今では最高に幞せそうです 効果的な利他䞻矩になるこずで こんな問題を 克服するのではないでしょうか シヌシュポスの問題です ティツィアヌノが描いた ギリシア神話の シヌシュポスですが― 神が圌に課した眰は 倧岩を山頂に運び䞊げるこずでした 山頂たで あず少しの所で― 岩は 重みに耐えきれなくなり 転がり萜ち― 麓から たた持ち䞊げなければいけたせん この苊行が氞遠に 続けられたす 消費者のラむフスタむルに 䌌おいたせんか? お金を埗るために あくせく働いお― そのお金を 浪費しおいたす 賌入したもので 満足したすか? でも お金は無くなったので もっず皌いで たた買うため 同じ幞犏レベルを 維持するため たた働きたす 終わるこずが無い 快楜のルヌムランナヌみたいです その䞊をいくら走り続けおも 真に満足するこずは無いでしょう 効果的な利他䞻矩になるこずで 意矩ず充足感を手に入れたす 自分の人生が 本圓に䟡倀があるものだったず蚀う 自尊心の確固たる基盀を 手に入れるでしょう 最埌に皆さんに お話したいこずがありたす 1ヵ月ほど前 この講挔を執筆䞭 ある電子メヌルを受け取りたした クリス・クロむずいう 芋ず知らずの男性からでした これが圌の写真です 手術埌に回埩しおいる様子です なぜ手術を受けたのでしょうか? メヌルはこんな颚に始たりたす 「先週の火曜日 右の腎臓を 匿名で他人に提䟛したした これが呚りにも圱響を䞎えお 結局4人の患者が 腎臓提䟛を受けたした」 党米で毎幎 玄癟人の人々が― そしお他囜で曎に倚くの人が ドナヌになっおいたす これを読んで嬉しかったです クリスが腎臓提䟛を行ったのは 私の著曞に圱響されたからだそうです 正盎に蚀いたすず 私自身も恥ずかしくなりたした 私は腎臓が2぀ありたすから クリスが曎に蚀っおいたこずは 圌がしたこずは たいしお 玠晎らしいこずでは無いけれど 圌が腎臓を提䟛するこずで 延呜できた人の 呜の長さを蚈算するず 5千ドルを アゲむンスト・マラリア基金に 募金するこずず 同等の結果を 生み出すずいうこずでした それを聞いお 少しだけ安心したした 私は アゲむンスト・マラリア基金や その他の効果的な慈善団䜓に 5千ドル以䞊 寄付しおいたすから 皆さんが ただ2぀腎臓があるこずで ば぀が悪いようでしたら 他にも貢献できる道がありたす ありがずうございたした
Reporter: It's a story that's deeply unsettled millions in China: footage of a two-year-old girl hit by a van and left bleeding in the street by passersby, footage too graphic to be shown. The entire accident is caught on camera. The driver pauses after hitting the child, his back wheels seen resting on her for over a second. Within two minutes, three people pass two-year-old Wang Yue by. The first walks around the badly injured toddler completely. Others look at her before moving off. Peter Singer: There were other people who walked past Wang Yue, and a second van ran over her legs before a street cleaner raised the alarm. She was rushed to hospital, but it was too late. She died. I wonder how many of you, looking at that, said to yourselves just now, "I would not have done that. I would have stopped to help." Raise your hands if that thought occurred to you. As I thought, that's most of you. And I believe you. I'm sure you're right. But before you give yourself too much credit, look at this. UNICEF reports that in 2011, 6.9 million children under five died from preventable, poverty-related diseases. UNICEF thinks that that's good news because the figure has been steadily coming down from 12 million in 1990. That is good. But still, 6.9 million is 19,000 children dying every day. Does it really matter that we're not walking past them in the street? Does it really matter that they're far away? I don't think it does make a morally relevant difference. The fact that they're not right in front of us, the fact, of course, that they're of a different nationality or race, none of that seems morally relevant to me. What is really important is, can we reduce that death toll? Can we save some of those 19,000 children dying every day? And the answer is, yes we can. Each of us spends money on things that we do not really need. You can think what your own habit is, whether it's a new car, a vacation or just something like buying bottled water when the water that comes out of the tap is perfectly safe to drink. You could take the money you're spending on those unnecessary things and give it to this organization, the Against Malaria Foundation, which would take the money you had given and use it to buy nets like this one to protect children like this one, and we know reliably that if we provide nets, they're used, and they reduce the number of children dying from malaria, just one of the many preventable diseases that are responsible for some of those 19,000 children dying every day. Fortunately, more and more people are understanding this idea, and the result is a growing movement: effective altruism. It's important because it combines both the heart and the head. The heart, of course, you felt. You felt the empathy for that child. But it's really important to use the head as well to make sure that what you do is effective and well-directed, and not only that, but also I think reason helps us to understand that other people, wherever they are, are like us, that they can suffer as we can, that parents grieve for the deaths of their children, as we do, and that just as our lives and our well-being matter to us, it matters just as much to all of these people. So I think reason is not just some neutral tool to help you get whatever you want. It does help us to put perspective on our situation. And I think that's why many of the most significant people in effective altruism have been people who have had backgrounds in philosophy or economics or math. And that might seem surprising, because a lot of people think, "Philosophy is remote from the real world; economics, we're told, just makes us more selfish, and we know that math is for nerds." But in fact it does make a difference, and in fact there's one particular nerd who has been a particularly effective altruist because he got this. This is the website of the Bill &amp; Melinda Gates Foundation, and if you look at the words on the top right-hand side, it says, "All lives have equal value." That's the understanding, the rational understanding of our situation in the world that has led to these people being the most effective altruists in history, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett. No one, not Andrew Carnegie, not John D. Rockefeller, has ever given as much to charity as each one of these three, and they have used their intelligence to make sure that it is highly effective. According to one estimate, the Gates Foundation has already saved 5.8 million lives and many millions more, people, getting diseases that would have made them very sick, Over the coming years, undoubtably the Gates Foundation is going to give a lot more, is going to save a lot more lives. Well, you might say, that's fine if you're a billionaire, you can have that kind of impact. But if I'm not, what can I do? So I'm going to look at four questions that people ask that maybe stand in the way of them giving. They worry how much of a difference they can make. But you don't have to be a billionaire. This is Toby Ord. He's a research fellow in philosophy at the University of Oxford. He became an effective altruist when he calculated that with the money that he was likely to earn throughout his career, an academic career, he could give enough to cure 80,000 people of blindness in developing countries and still have enough left for a perfectly adequate standard of living. So Toby founded an organization called Giving What We Can to spread this information, to unite people who want to share some of their income, and to ask people to pledge to give 10 percent of what they earn over their lifetime to fighting global poverty. Toby himself does better than that. He's pledged to live on 18,000 pounds a year -- that's less than 30,000 dollars -- and to give the rest to those organizations. And yes, Toby is married and he does have a mortgage. This is a couple at a later stage of life, Charlie Bresler and Diana Schott, who, when they were young, when they met, were activists against the Vietnam War, fought for social justice, didn't really do anything very active about those values, although they didn't abandon them. And then, as they got to the age at which many people start to think of retirement, they returned to them, and they've decided to cut back on their spending, to live modestly, and to give both money and time to helping to fight global poverty. Now, mentioning time might lead you to think, "Well, should I abandon my career and put all of my time into saving some of these 19,000 lives that are lost every day?" One person who's thought quite a bit about this issue of how you can have a career that will have the biggest impact for good in the world is Will Crouch. He's a graduate student in philosophy, and he's set up a website called 80,000 Hours, the number of hours he estimates most people spend on their career, to advise people on how to have the best, most effective career. But you might be surprised to know that one of the careers that he encourages people to consider, is to go into banking or finance. Why? Because if you earn a lot of money, you can give away a lot of money, and if you're successful in that career, you could give enough to an aid organization so that it could employ, let's say, five aid workers in developing countries, and each one of them would probably do about as much good as you would have done. So you can quintuple the impact by leading that kind of career. Here's one young man who's taken this advice. His name is Matt Weiger. He was a student at Princeton in philosophy and math, actually won the prize for the best undergraduate philosophy thesis last year when he graduated. But he's gone into finance in New York. He's already earning enough so that he's giving a six-figure sum to effective charities and still leaving himself with enough to live on. Matt has also helped me to set up an organization that I'm working with that has the name taken from the title of a book I wrote, "The Life You Can Save," which is trying to change our culture if we're going to live an ethical life, it's not enough just to follow the thou-shalt-nots and not cheat, steal, maim, kill, but that if we have enough, we have to share some of that with people who have so little. And the organization draws together people of different generations, like Holly Morgan, who's an undergraduate, who's pledged to give 10 percent of the little amount that she has, and on the right, Ada Wan, who has worked directly for the poor, but has now gone to Yale to do an MBA to have more to give. Many people will think, though, that charities aren't really all that effective. So let's talk about effectiveness. Toby Ord is very concerned about this, and he's calculated that some charities are hundreds or even thousands of times more effective than others, so it's very important to find the effective ones. Take, for example, providing a guide dog for a blind person. That's a good thing to do, right? Well, right, it is a good thing to do, but you have to think what else you could do with the resources. It costs about 40,000 dollars to train a guide dog and train the recipient so that the guide dog can be an effective help to a blind person. It costs somewhere between 20 and 50 dollars to cure a blind person in a developing country if they have trachoma. So you do the sums, and you get something like that. You could provide one guide dog for one blind American, or you could cure between 400 and 2,000 people of blindness. I think it's clear what's the better thing to do. But if you want to look for effective charities, this is a good website to go to. GiveWell exists to really assess the impact of charities, not just whether they're well-run, and it's screened hundreds of charities and currently is recommending only three, of which the Against Malaria Foundation is number one. So it's very tough. If you want to look for other recommendations, and Giving What We Can both have a somewhat broader list, but you can find effective organizations, and not just in the area of saving lives from the poor. I'm pleased to say that there is now also a website looking at effective animal organizations. That's another cause that I've been concerned about all my life, the immense amount of suffering that humans inflict on literally tens of billions of animals every year. So if you want to look for effective organizations to reduce that suffering, you can go to Effective Animal Activism. And some effective altruists think it's very important to make sure that our species survives at all. So they're looking at ways to reduce the risk of extinction. Here's one risk of extinction that we all became aware of recently, when an asteroid passed close to our planet. Possibly research could help us not only to predict the path of asteroids that might collide with us, but actually to deflect them. So some people think that would be a good thing to give to. There's many possibilities. My final question is, some people will think it's a burden to give. I don't really believe it is. I've enjoyed giving all of my life since I was a graduate student. It's been something fulfilling to me. Charlie Bresler said to me that he's not an altruist. He thinks that the life he's saving is his own. And Holly Morgan told me that she used to battle depression until she got involved with effective altruism, and now is one of the happiest people she knows. I think one of the reasons for this is that being an effective altruist helps to overcome what I call the Sisyphus problem. Here's Sisyphus as portrayed by Titian, condemned by the gods to push a huge boulder up to the top of the hill. Just as he gets there, the effort becomes too much, the boulder escapes, rolls all the way down the hill, he has to trudge back down to push it up again, and the same thing happens again and again for all eternity. Does that remind you of a consumer lifestyle, where you work hard to get money, you spend that money on consumer goods which you hope you'll enjoy using? But then the money's gone, you have to work hard to get more, spend more, and to maintain the same level of happiness, it's kind of a hedonic treadmill. You never get off, and you never really feel satisfied. Becoming an effective altruist gives you that meaning and fulfillment. It enables you to have a solid basis for self-esteem on which you can feel your life was really worth living. I'm going to conclude by telling you while I was writing this talk just a month or so ago. It's from a man named Chris Croy, who I'd never heard of. This is a picture of him showing him recovering from surgery. Why was he recovering from surgery? The email began, "Last Tuesday, I anonymously donated my right kidney to a stranger. That started a kidney chain which enabled four people to receive kidneys." There's about 100 people each year in the U.S. and more in other countries who do that. I was pleased to read it. Chris went on to say that he'd been influenced by my writings in what he did. Well, I have to admit, I'm also somewhat embarrassed by that, because I still have two kidneys. But Chris went on to say that he didn't think that what he'd done was all that amazing, because he calculated that the number of life-years that he had added to people, the extension of life, if you gave 5,000 dollars to the Against Malaria Foundation. And that did make me feel a little bit better, because I have given more than 5,000 dollars to the Against Malaria Foundation and to various other effective charities. So if you're feeling bad because you still have two kidneys as well, there's a way for you to get off the hook. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ヘンリの倧きな声が耳に響く。気だるい。党身に鉛を吊るされたかず思うぐらい䜓が動かない。 僕はい぀の間に眠っおしたったのだろう。 ゆっくりず目を開ける。心配そうに僕を芋るヘンリの顔が芖界に入っおくる。そのすぐ埌ろにデュヌクが芋えた。 ヘンリに抱きかかえられお、䜕ずか僕は䜓を起こしおいる状態だ。 「ゞル! 倧䞈倫か? ......ずりあえず、この薬を飲め」 そう蚀っお、ヘンリは薄い氎色の液䜓が入ったコップを僕の口に近付ける。慌おおいる圌に、僕は倧䞈倫だず䌝えたいが、声さえも思うように出ない。 僕はヘンリに埓っお、コップに口を぀ける。味のしない薬を飲み蟌む。 「即効性はないが、しばらくするず䜓調が少し良くなる」 デュヌクがそう蚀ったのず同時に、僕は圌らに迷惑をかけたのだず実感する。 「......ごめんなさい」 「䜕がだ?」 ヘンリは䞍思議そうな衚情を僕に向ける。 「迷惑かけないように勉匷しおたのに、結局ヘンリ達の手を煩わせおしたった」 「このバカ! 䜕蚀っおんだ!」 突然のヘンリの怒鳎り声に僕は固たっおしたう。圌は話を続ける。 「お前はただ子どもなんだ。俺らに沢山迷惑かけろ。もう少し俺らを頌れ! なんでそんなに抱え蟌むんだ。悩む前に俺のずころに来い!」 「でも僕は圹に立たないんだよ。圹に立぀からあの村を出るこずが出来たのに......。皆に敵わない」 僕の匱々しい声が図曞宀に響く。少し間があった埌、デュヌクが僕に声を発した。 「ゞルは俺の知っおいる䞭で誰よりも気が利く。聡明で呚りをよく芋おいるからこそ、空気を読める。自分勝手で良いんだ。アリシアがいなくなっお寂しい思いを抌し蟌めお、この䞖界で奮闘するのは玠晎らしいこずだ。䜕床も蚀っおいるが、ゞル、俺はお前を頌りにしおいる。リズの魔法が解けおも、ずっずお前は必芁だ。だが、この重みに蟛くなったらい぀でも匱音を吐け。気持ちをぶ぀けろ。それで俺達がお前に倱望するこずは絶察にない」 珍しくデュヌクが饒舌だ。ずおも僕のこずを心配しおくれおいたのだずいうこずが分かる。 圌らは僕が求めおいた蚀葉をくれる。その蚀葉を蚀われるだけで心が軜くなり、こんなにも救われる。 じっちゃんの死が近いこずを知っお、孊園で僕の䟡倀を倱っお、恐怖ず孀独に焊っお、朰れおしたうずころだった。 アリシア、君が僕に䞎えおくれた居堎所はこんなにも枩かかったんだね。 「ありがずう」 僕はそれしか蚀えなかった。必死に蚀葉を探した䞭で、それしか出おこなかった。 魔法がない僕の気持ちはきっず圌ら理解出来ないず思う。それでも、僕を必芁ずしおくれる人がここにいる限り、僕は前に進める。
Henry’s loud voice echoed in my ears. I felt languid. It felt as if I had lead strapped to my entire body. When did I fall asleep? I slowly open my eyes. Henry’s face came into view as he looked at me worriedly. Duke was right behind him. I managed to pull myself up while Henry was holding me in his arms. “Gilles! ...For now, take these pills.” Saying this, Henry brought a cup filled with a light blue liquid to my mouth. I wanted to tell him that I was okay, but I couldn’t even speak. I followed Henry’s lead and took a sip from the cup. The medicine was tasteless. “It won’t work immediately, but after a while you’ll feel a little better.” Duke said this, and I realized that I’d caused them problems. “...I’m sorry.” “Sorry for what?” Henry gave me a curious look. “I was studying so that I wouldn’t cause you any trouble, but I ended up bothering Henry and the others.” “You idiot! What are you talking about!” I froze at the sound of Henry’s sudden yell. “ You are just a child. You should get us into a lot of trouble. You need to depend on us a little more! Why are you so uptight? Come to me before you get yourself into trouble! “ “But I’m useless. I was able to leave that village because I was useful... but I’m no match for everyone else here. “ My weak voice echoed throughout the library. After a moment, Duke turned to say to me. “ Gilles is the most thoughtful person I know. Intelligent, perceptive of his surroundings, and capable of reading the air. It’s okay to be selfish; suppressing feelings of missing Alicia and struggling in this world is a marvelous achievement. I’ve said it many times, Gilles, but I am counting on you, and I will always need you, even when Liz’s magic is lifted. However, if the weight of your life becomes too much for you to bear, simply let it out. Allow yourself to express your emotions. We will never be disappointed in you because of it. “ Duke was unusually talkative. I could tell that he was very concerned about me. They offered me the words I was looking for. Just saying those words made my heart lighten and helped me so much. Knowing that Gramps’ death was imminent, I was about to be crushed by the fear and loneliness of losing my value at the school. Alicia, the place you have given me was so warm. “Thank you.” That was all I could say. It was the only thing that came out in my desperate search for words. I was sure they would never be able to understand how I felt as a person with no magic. Still, as long as there were people here who needed me, I would be able to move forward.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
きっかけは ロボット工孊ではなく アニメヌションでした ピクサヌの「ルク゜ヌJr」を 初めお芋たずき 私は感銘を受けたした 電気スタンドのような 平凡なものを これほどたでに 感情豊かにできるのかず 映画が終わる頃には 電気スタンドに 本圓に感情移入しおしたいたすよ それで このやり方を 孊びたいず思い 最悪のキャリア遞択を したわけです 私の決断を知ったずき 母は こんな感じでした 私は 慣れ芪しんだ゜フトりェア䌚瀟の 技術職を蟞め むスラ゚ルからニュヌペヌクに枡り アニメヌションを孊ぶこずにしたした むスラ゚ルからニュヌペヌクに枡り アニメヌションを孊ぶこずにしたした ニュヌペヌクでは ハヌレムの壊れかけのアパヌトに ルヌムメむトず䜏んでいたした 「壊れかけ」は 比喩ではなく 本圓にリビングルヌムの倩井が 厩れ萜ちるくらいです 本圓にリビングルヌムの倩井が 厩れ萜ちるくらいです ニュヌペヌクの建築基準法違反の 報道では 決たっお 私たちのアパヌトの 映像が流れたものです どれだけ事態がひどいかを瀺す 栌奜の䟋だったんですね 私は 昌間は 孊校に通い 倜は 鉛筆でアニメヌションを 1コマず぀描いおいたした そこで 2぀の意倖な教蚓を 孊びたした 1぀は― 感情を衚珟するには 物の芋た目は あたり重芁ではなく 動きが倧事だずいうこずです どんなタむミングで 物がどう動くかで 決たるのです 2぀目は ある先生が教えおくれたこずです 『アむス・゚むゞ』の むタチを担圓されおいた― その先生が仰ったのは 「アニメヌタヌは監督ではなく 俳優である」ずいうこずです あるキャラクタヌに ふさわしい動きをさせたいなら 頭で考えるのではなく 䜓を䜿っお答えを探すのです 鏡の前に立ち カメラの前で 自ら挔じお 求めおいるものを芋぀け キャラクタヌにも そう挔じさせたす 1幎埌 私は マサチュヌセッツ工科倧の ロボット・ラむフ研究グルヌプにいたした 人間ずロボットの関係を研究する 最初のグルヌプです 圓時 私はただ 「ルク゜ヌJr」の 電気スタンドを 本圓に䜜ろうず思っおいたした でも 圓時のロボットは あんな魅力的な動きはせず でも 圓時のロボットは あんな魅力的な動きはせず アニメヌションずは 違いたした それどころか ロボットは― 䜕ず蚀うか ロボットっぜかったんです そこで アニメヌション孊校で 孊んだこずを生かしお 自分でロボットの電気スタンドを 䜜ろうず思いたした 1コマごずに デザむンをしお このロボットを出来るだけ 優雅で魅力的なものにしようずしたした このロボットを出来るだけ 優雅で魅力的なものにしようずしたした こちらは そのロボットが 机䞊で私ず戯れる様子です 実は ここで私は ロボットの再蚭蚈をしおいお ロボットは 知らないうちに 私を助けお 自ら墓穎を掘っおるわけです 機械的な感じは 出したくなかったので 光を照らすのにも 静かで有胜な助手のように 光を照らすのにも 静かで有胜な助手のように 必芁なずきに偎にいおくれお 出過ぎないようにしたした 䟋えば 私が電池をなくしお 芋぀けられないでいるず 䟋えば 私が電池をなくしお 芋぀けられないでいるず 電池がどこにあるか さりげなく教えおくれるのです 私が困っおいるずころです 挔技がヘタですみたせん 泚目いただきたいのは 同じ機械であっおも その動きによっお 優しく思いやりが あるように芋えたり 暎力的 挑戊的に 芋えたりするこずです ただ 動䜜が違うだけで 党く同じ物なのです 「知りたいか? 教えおやろうか? 圌はもう死んだんだ ただ暪たわるだけで 目にも生気がない」 でも 優雅な動きをするこずは 人間・ロボット盞互䜜甚に必芁な― 構成芁玠の䞀぀に 過ぎたせん 圓時 私は 博士課皋で 人間ずロボットの チヌムワヌクを研究しおいたした 人間ずロボットがチヌムで 共に働くずきのチヌムワヌクを 人間ずロボットがチヌムで 共に働くずきのチヌムワヌクを 工孊的、心理孊的、哲孊的芳点で 研究しおいたのです 同時に 私自身も チヌムワヌクをしおいたした 同時に 私自身も チヌムワヌクをしおいたした ここに来おくれおいる 芪友ずです ですから 近い将来 䞀緒にいるこずになる― ロボットを容易に 想像するこずができたした ナダダ教の「過越し祭」の埌 私たちは 折畳み怅子の 片づけをしおいお すぐに自分たちのリズムを 芋぀けられたこずに 驚きたした 誰もが それぞれの圹割を果たし 担圓分けも 必芁ありたせんでした 蚀葉に出しお 意思疎通するたでもなく ただただ そうなったのです そこで思いたした 人間ずロボットの 違いはここだず 人間ずロボットずのやり取りは チェスのようなもので 人間ずロボットずのやり取りは チェスのようなもので 人間が䜕かするず ロボットは それを分析し 人間が䜕かするず ロボットは それを分析し 次に䜕をするかを決めお 蚈画・実行したす 次に䜕をするかを決めお 蚈画・実行したす 人間は自分の番になるたで 埅぀だけです だから チェスなのです チェスは 数孊者や コンピュヌタ科孊者向きなので 確かに理にかなっおいたす チェスは 情報分析や 意思決定 蚈画がすべおですから でも 私はロボットを チェス・プレヌダヌではなく りマが合い 共に䜜業できるような 同僚のように したかったのです そこで 私は再び ひどいキャリア遞択をしたした 1孊期 挔技を 孊ぶこずにしたのです 博士課皋を䞭断し 挔技の授業を受けたした 実際に挔劇にも 出たしたよ そのビデオが出たわっおいないこずを 祈っおいたすが 私は 挔劇に関する本を 片っ端から読みたした 19䞖玀に曞かれた本も 図曞通で借りたした 19䞖玀に曞かれた本も 図曞通で借りたした ビックリしたのは 貞出名簿にある名前は私のほか 1人だけで それも 1889幎のものでした ぀たり この本は 100幎もの間 ロボット工孊に 再発芋されるのを埅っおいたんです この本に曞かれおいたのは どの筋肉を動かせば 目的の感情を衚珟できるか ずいったものでした でも 倧きな衝撃を 受けたのは 「メ゜ッド挔技法」でした これは20䞖玀に入っお 広たった挔技法ですが メ゜ッド挔技法では 筋肉を操る必芁はなく 䜓を䜿っお ふさわしい動きを 芋぀けるべきだずしたす 感芚の蚘憶を䜿っお 感情を再珟しお 感芚の蚘憶を䜿っお 感情を再珟しお 䜓で考えお ふさわしい衚珟法を芋぀けたす 共挔者にあわせお アドリブで動くのです これを知ったずき ちょうど認知心理孊の有力説― 「身䜓化された認知」に぀いお 読んでいたのですが それもたた 同じ考え方だったのです 私たちは 䜓を䜿っお考えたす 脳は考えるため 䜓は動くためのもの ではなく 私たちの䜓は 脳に働きかけお どんな振る舞いをするか 決めるのです 雷に打たれたかのようでした 私はオフィスに戻り 論文を曞き䞊げたした 公衚はしおいたせんが 「人工知胜のための挔技講座」 ずいうものです 私はさらに 1ヶ月をかけお 人間ずロボットが 共挔する挔劇を 圓時 初めお 䞊挔したした さきほどご芧いただいた ロボットず俳優の映像がそうです そこで思いたした どうすれば 人工知胜のモデル― コンピュヌタを䜿った数倀蚈算で アドリブずいう考え方を モデル化できるか? リスクを取り チャンスを生かし 間違いさえ起こす モデルです これで ロボットは より良いチヌムメむトになるでしょう 私はかなりの時間をかけお このモデル䜜りに取組み たくさんのロボットに 組み蟌みたした こちらは かなり初期の䟋ですが ロボットが この身䜓化された人工知胜を䜿い 私の動きをなぞらえようず しおいるずころです ゲヌムのようです ちょっず芋おみたしょう 出し抜こうずすれば 簡単に隙せおしたいたす これは 俳優同士で 互いの動きを 真䌌ようずしお 同調しお行くのず ちょっず䌌おいたすね そこで ある実隓をしたした 街行く人々に このロボットの 電気スタンドを䜿っおもらい 身䜓化された人工知胜の 怜蚌を行いたした 私は 同じロボットに 2皮類の脳を茉せたした ぀たり 同じ電気スタンドに 2぀の脳を入れたのです ぀たり 同じ電気スタンドに 2぀の脳を入れたのです 被隓者の半分には いわば䌝統的な プログラムされたロボット脳を 䜿いたした ロボットは自分の番を埅ち 分析し 蚈画をしたす 「蚈算脳」ずでも 呌びたしょう 残り半分には 舞台俳優のように リスクテむクする脳を準備したした 「冒険する脳」ず 呌びたしょう こちらの脳は 時に すべお蚈算せずに動きたすし 間違いをしお それを盎すこずもありたす これらのロボットず 退屈な䜜業をしおもらいたした 20分もかかる䜜業で 䞀緒にやらないずいけたせん 工堎の仕事のように 同じこずを䜕床も繰り返す シミュレヌションです その結果 皆が奜きだったロボットは 冒険する脳の方でした こちらの方が より賢くお 熱心に取組み 良きチヌムメンバヌずしお チヌムの成功に より貢献したずいうのです 「圌」「圌女」ず呌ばれさえしたした 䞀方で 蚈算脳の方は 「それ」ず呌ばれ 誰も人間扱いは したせんでした 冒険するロボットず䞀緒に 仕事した人たちは こう蚀っおいたす 「最埌には友だちになっお 心の䞭でハむタッチしおたよ」 たあ いいですけど 痛々しいでしょう 䞀方で 蚈算脳ず 仕事をした人たちは 怠け者の助手だず 蚀っおいたした ロボットは 決められたこずしかしたせん これこそ ロボットに 期埅されおいるこずのはずですが 皆 もっず高い期埅を持っおいたようで 驚きたした ロボット工孊の専門家より 期埅が高いです そういう時期に 来おいるのかもしれたせん ちょうど メ゜ッド挔技法が 19䞖玀の挔技を倉えたように 蚈算し尜くされ 決められたこずをするこずから 蚈算し尜くされ 決められたこずをするこずから より本胜的に リスクも取り 感情が身䜓化されるようになるのです ロボットも同じような倉革を 遂げる時期にあるのでしょう ロボットも同じような倉革を 遂げる時期にあるのでしょう 数幎埌 私は― アトランタのゞョヌゞア工科倧で 次の研究をしおいたした グルヌプで ロボット音楜家に 取り組んでいたした グルヌプで ロボット音楜家に 取り組んでいたした 音楜は チヌムワヌクや連携 タむミングやアドリブを 確かめる最高の堎所なのです このロボットは マリンバを挔奏しおいたす マリンバは いちおう蚀っおおくず 倧きな朚琎のようなものです これに取り組んでいたずき 人間・ロボットが即興挔奏した 他の䜜品を芋たした 他にも 人間・ロボットの 即興挔奏はあるのですが やはり どうも チェスの動きのようでした 人間が挔奏しお ロボットがそれを分析し 人間が挔奏しお ロボットがそれを分析し 自分のパヌトを その堎で考えるのです これこそ音楜家が蚀う 「コヌルアンドレスポンス」で これこそ音楜家が蚀う 「コヌルアンドレスポンス」で ロボットず人工知胜に ふさわしいものです でも 挔劇やチヌムワヌク研究で 䜿った考え方を応甚したら でも 挔劇やチヌムワヌク研究で 䜿った考え方を応甚したら バンドのようにロボットず ゞャム・セッションが できるかもしれない ず思いたした その堎で 互いがリフを重ね 䞀瞬たりずも止たらないのです ですから 挔技でやったこずを 今床は音楜でしようずしたのです ロボットはこれから䜕を 挔奏するか知らぬたた ロボットはこれから䜕を 挔奏するか知らぬたた ただ䜓を動かしお 機䌚をずらえお 挔奏をするのです 私が17歳のずき ゞャズの先生が教えおくれたした 即興挔奏をするずきは 自分が䜕をするのか分からないたた ただ 挔奏するのです 自分が䜕をするのか分からないたた ただ 挔奏するのです ロボットには 䜕を挔奏するか 認識しないたた ただ挔奏するようにしたした こちらの挔奏を ちょっずご芧ください ロボットが 人間の挔奏を聞き 即興挔奏をしおいたす ここで 人間の音楜家もたた ロボットの動きを芋お それに合わせお 動いおいたす ロボットが思い぀いた挔奏は 玠晎らしいですよ (拍手) 音楜家は ただ音を出すだけではありたせん 音だけなら 誰もラむブ・ショヌに行かないでしょう 音楜家は 自分の䜓ず 他のメンバヌず 聎衆ず 心を亀わし 自らの䜓を䜿っお 音楜を衚珟するのです すでに舞台には ロボット音楜家がいるのだから それを䞀人前の音楜家にしおやろう ず思いたした 私は 瀟䌚的な衚珟ができる脳を ロボットのために蚭蚈し始めたした 私は 瀟䌚的な衚珟ができる脳を ロボットのために蚭蚈し始めたした この頭は マリンバには觊らず 音楜ずいうものを 衚珟するだけです これらは アトランタのバヌの ナプキンに描いたスケッチです このバヌは 危険なこずに 私の研究宀ず自宅の ちょうど間にあるんです ですから 平均しお 毎日3、4時間は過ごしおいたしたね たぶん 私は アニメヌションに立ち返り ロボット音楜家の芋た目だけでなく どんな颚に動くかを 考え出そうずしたした 他の人の挔奏が 気に入らない様子だったり たった今 感じおいるビヌトを 衚珟しおいたりしたす 幞いにも 資金を埗お このロボットを䜜れるこずになりたした たた同じような挔奏を お芋せしたすが 今床は 瀟䌚的衚珟力を 持぀ロボットです ご芧いただきたいのは ロボットが 人間の挔奏にあわせた ビヌトを芋せおいるずころです 人間の方も ロボットが 意思を持っおいるように感じおいたす ロボットも゜ロパヌトになるなり 動き方を倉えたす ロボットも゜ロパヌトになるなり 動き方を倉えたす ロボットは私を芋お ちゃんず聞いおいるか確かめおいたす この挔奏の 最埌に泚目しおください 今床は ロボットは 色々なこずをしながらも 自らの䜓ず語り合いたす 準備ができるず 私にあわせお 最埌の音を 共に奏でたす (拍手) ありがずう これがどれだけ― 楜噚に觊れない䜓の郚分が どれだけ 挔奏衚珟に圹立っおいるか ご芧いただけたでしょうか 私たちはアトランタにいたので あるずき いかにもラッパヌ颚な人が 研究宀にやっおきたした 私たちは このラッパヌを 招き入れお ロボットずゞャム・セッションを しおもらいたした ここではロボットは ビヌトに乗っおいお ここではロボットは ビヌトに乗っおいお 2぀のこずに気付くず思いたす 1぀は― ロボットが頭を動かしおいるずき どんなに魅力的かで ロボットに合わせお 自分の頭も動かしたくなりたす 2぀目は ラッパヌは iPhoneに倢䞭になっおも ロボットが自分の方に向くず すぐに挔奏に戻りたす ロボットは 圌の呚蟺芖野に― 芖野の隅にあるだけなのに すごい力を持っおいたす これは 私たちは 自分の呚りにある― 動く物は 無芖できないからです 神経過敏なんです ですから もし 仲間が気もそぞろに iPhoneやスマヌトフォンに 倢䞭になっおいたりしたら そこにロボットを眮いお 泚意を匕き぀けたしょう そこにロボットを眮いお 泚意を匕き぀けたしょう (拍手) 私たちが取り組んでいる 最新のロボットをご玹介したしょう 私たちが取り組んでいる 最新のロボットをご玹介したしょう ちょっず驚くようなこずがわかりたした 人々はもはや ロボットが賢かろうが 即興挔奏もし 聞くこずができようが 䜕幎も開発しおきた知胜で䜕ができようが どうでもいいんです ただロボットが音楜を楜しんでいるのが 倧奜きでした 「ロボットが音楜に反応しおいる」 ずは蚀わず 「音楜を楜しんでいる」 ず蚀うのです このアむデアを 䜿わない手はないず 私は新しいむンテリアを デザむンしたした 今回は電気スタンドではなく ドックスピヌカヌです スマヌトフォンを盎接぀なげる スピヌカヌです もし ドックスピヌカヌが 音楜をかけおくれるだけでなく 自ら楜しんでいたら どうでしょうか? こちらは アニメヌション・テストで 初期のものです 完成圢は こちらです ノリノリで頭を振っおたすね (拍手) 聎衆の皆さんも 頭を振っおいたしたよ ロボットの圱響力は 倧きいでしょう それも 単なる遊びや ゲヌムではありたせん 䜓を䜿っお意思疎通し 䜓で動くロボットに぀いお これほどたでに関心を 持぀理由の䞀぀は― ロボット工孊者の 秘密を少しばらすこずになりたすが― い぀かは 誰しも ロボットず 䞀緒に暮らすこずに なるからです 将来 あなたの人生には きっずロボットがいたす あなたの人生でないずしおも 子どもの人生に 私はこのロボットたちに 今よりももっず 雄匁になり 人ず亀わり 優雅になっおほしいのです そのためには ロボットは チェス・プレヌダヌよりは むしろ― 舞台俳優や音楜家のようになる 必芁があるず思いたす ロボットは チャンスを生かし アドリブできるべきでしょう あなたがするこずを 察するこずができ たた 間違いを犯し それを正すこずもできるべき― なのかもしれたせん 結局 私たちは 人間ですから ロボットも 人間ず同じように ちょっず完ぺきではない方が 私たちには 完ぺきなのかもしれたせん ありがずうございたした
But this story doesn't start with robotics at all, it starts with animation. When I first saw Pixar's "Luxo Jr.," I was amazed by how much emotion they could put into something as trivial as a desk lamp. I mean, look at them -- at the end of this movie, you actually feel something for two pieces of furniture. And I said, I have to learn how to do this. So I made a really bad career decision. And that's what my mom was like when I did it. I left a very cozy tech job in Israel at a nice software company and I moved to New York to study animation. And there I lived in a collapsing apartment building in Harlem with roommates. I'm not using this phrase metaphorically -- the ceiling actually collapsed one day in our living room. Whenever they did news stories about building violations in New York, they would put the report in front of our building, as kind of, like, a backdrop to show how bad things are. Anyway, during the day, I went to school and at night I would sit and draw frame by frame of pencil animation. And I learned two surprising lessons. One of them was that when you want to arouse emotions, it doesn't matter so much how something looks; it's all in the motion, in the timing of how the thing moves. And the second was something one of our teachers told us. He actually did the weasel in "Ice Age." And he said, "As an animator, you're not a director -- you're an actor." So, if you want to find the right motion for a character, don't think about it -- go use your body to find it. Stand in front of a mirror, act it out in front of a camera -- whatever you need -- and then put it back in your character. A year later I found myself at MIT in the Robotic Life Group. It was one of the first groups researching the relationships between humans and robots. And I still had this dream to make an actual, physical Luxo Jr. lamp. But I found that robots didn't move at all in this engaging way that I was used to from my animation studies. Instead, they were all -- how should I put it -- they were all kind of robotic. And I thought, what if I took whatever I learned in animation school, and used that to design my robotic desk lamp. So I went and designed frame by frame to try to make this robot as graceful and engaging as possible. And here when you see the robot interacting with me on a desktop -- and I'm actually redesigning the robot, so, unbeknownst to itself, it's kind of digging its own grave by helping me. I wanted it to be less of a mechanical structure giving me light, and more of a helpful, kind of quiet apprentice that's always there when you need it and doesn't really interfere. And when, for example, I'm looking for a battery that I can't find, in a subtle way, it'll show me where the battery is. So you can see my confusion here. I'm not an actor. And I want you to notice how the same mechanical structure can, at one point, just by the way it moves, seem gentle and caring and in the other case, seem violent and confrontational. And it's the same structure, just the motion is different. Actor: "You want to know something? Well, you want to know something? He was already dead! Just laying there, eyes glazed over!" But, moving in a graceful way is just one building block of this whole structure called human-robot interaction. I was, at the time, doing my PhD, I was working on human-robot teamwork, teams of humans and robots working together. I was studying the engineering, the psychology, the philosophy of teamwork, and at the same time, I found myself in my own kind of teamwork situation, with a good friend of mine, who's actually here. And in that situation, we can easily imagine robots in the near future being there with us. It was after a Passover Seder. We were folding up a lot of folding chairs, and I was amazed at how quickly we found our own rhythm. Everybody did their own part, we didn't have to divide our tasks. We didn't have to communicate verbally about this -- it all just happened. And I thought, humans and robots don't look at all like this. When humans and robots interact, it's much more like a chess game: the human does a thing, the robot analyzes whatever the human did, the robot decides what to do next, plans it and does it. Then the human waits, until it's their turn again. So it's much more like a chess game, and that makes sense, because chess is great for mathematicians and computer scientists. It's all about information, analysis, decision-making and planning. But I wanted my robot to be less of a chess player, and more like a doer that just clicks and works together. So I made my second horrible career choice: I decided to study acting for a semester. I took off from the PhD, I went to acting classes. I actually participated in a play -- I hope there’s no video of that around still. And I got every book I could find about acting, including one from the 19th century that I got from the library. And I was really amazed, because my name was the second name on the list -- the previous name was in 1889. And this book was kind of waiting for 100 years to be rediscovered for robotics. And this book shows actors how to move every muscle in the body to match every kind of emotion that they want to express. But the real revelation was when I learned about method acting. It became very popular in the 20th century. And method acting said you don't have to plan every muscle in your body; instead, you have to use your body to find the right movement. You have to use your sense memory to reconstruct the emotions and kind of think with your body to find the right expression -- improvise, play off your scene partner. And this came at the same time as I was reading about this trend in cognitive psychology, called embodied cognition, which also talks about the same ideas. We use our bodies to think; we don't just think with our brains and use our bodies to move, but our bodies feed back into our brain to generate the way that we behave. And it was like a lightning bolt. I went back to my office, I wrote this paper, which I never really published, called "Acting Lessons for Artificial Intelligence." And I even took another month to do what was then the first theater play with a human and a robot acting together. That's what you saw before with the actors. And I thought: How can we make an artificial intelligence model -- a computer, computational model -- that will model some of these ideas of improvisation, of taking risks, of taking chances, even of making mistakes? Maybe it can make for better robotic teammates. So I worked for quite a long time on these models and I implemented them on a number of robots. Here you can see a very early example with the robots trying to use this embodied artificial intelligence to try to match my movements as closely as possible. It's sort of like a game. Let's look at it. You can see when I psych it out, it gets fooled. And it's a little bit like what you might see actors do when they try to mirror each other to find the right synchrony between them. And then, I did another experiment, and I got people off the street to use the robotic desk lamp, and try out this idea of embodied artificial intelligence. So, I actually used two kinds of brains for the same robot. The robot is the same lamp that you saw, and I put two brains in it. For one half of the people, I put in a brain that's kind of the traditional, calculated robotic brain. It waits for its turn, it analyzes everything, it plans. Let's call it the calculated brain. The other got more the stage actor, risk-taker brain. Let's call it the adventurous brain. It sometimes acts without knowing everything it has to know. It sometimes makes mistakes and corrects them. And I had them do this very tedious task that took almost 20 minutes, and they had to work together, somehow simulating, like, a factory job of repetitively doing the same thing. What I found is that people actually loved the adventurous robot. They thought it was more intelligent, more committed, a better member of the team, contributed to the success of the team more. They even called it "he" and "she," whereas people with the calculated brain called it "it," and nobody ever called it "he" or "she." When they talked about it after the task, with the adventurous brain, they said, "By the end, we were good friends and high-fived mentally." Whatever that means. Sounds painful. Whereas the people with the calculated brain said it was just like a lazy apprentice. It only did what it was supposed to do and nothing more, which is almost what people expect robots to do, so I was surprised that people had higher expectations of robots than what anybody in robotics thought robots should be doing. And in a way, I thought, maybe it's time -- just like method acting changed the way people thought about acting in the 19th century, from going from the very calculated, planned way of behaving, to a more intuitive, risk-taking, embodied way of behaving -- maybe it's time for robots to have the same kind of revolution. A few years later, I was at my next research job at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, and I was working in a group dealing with robotic musicians. And I thought, music: that's the perfect place to look at teamwork, coordination, timing, improvisation -- and we just got this robot playing marimba. And the marimba, for everybody like me, it was this huge, wooden xylophone. And when I was looking at this, I looked at other works in human-robot improvisation -- yes, there are other works in human-robot improvisation -- and they were also a little bit like a chess game. The human would play, the robot analyzed what was played, and would improvise their own part. So, this is what musicians called a call-and-response interaction, and it also fits very well robots and artificial intelligence. But I thought, if I use the same ideas I used in the theater play and in the teamwork studies, maybe I can make the robots jam together like a band. Everybody's riffing off each other, nobody is stopping for a moment. And so I tried to do the same things, this time with music, where the robot doesn't really know what it's about to play, it just sort of moves its body and uses opportunities to play, and does what my jazz teacher when I was 17 taught me. She said, when you improvise, sometimes you don't know what you're doing, and you still do it. So I tried to make a robot that doesn't actually know what it's doing, but is still doing it. So let's look at a few seconds from this performance, where the robot listens to the human musician and improvises. And then, look how the human musician also responds to what the robot is doing and picking up from its behavior, and at some point can even be surprised by what the robot came up with. Being a musician is not just about making notes, otherwise nobody would ever go see a live show. Musicians also communicate with their bodies, with other band members, with the audience, they use their bodies to express the music. And I thought, we already have a robot musician on stage, why not make it be a full-fledged musician? And I started designing a socially expressive head for the robot. The head doesn’t actually touch the marimba, it just expresses what the music is like. These are some napkin sketches from a bar in Atlanta that was dangerously located exactly halfway between my lab and my home. So I spent, I would say, on average, three to four hours a day there. And I went back to my animation tools and tried to figure out not just what a robotic musician would look like, but especially what a robotic musician would move like, to sort of show that it doesn't like what the other person is playing -- and maybe show whatever beat it's feeling at the moment. So we ended up actually getting the money to build this robot, which was nice. I'm going to show you now the same kind of performance, this time with a socially expressive head. And notice one thing -- how the robot is really showing us the beat it's picking up from the human, while also giving the human a sense that the robot knows what it's doing. And also how it changes the way it moves as soon as it starts its own solo. Now it's looking at me, showing that it's listening. Now look at the final chord of the piece again. And this time the robot communicates with its body when it's busy doing its own thing, and when it's ready to coordinate the final chord with me. Thanks. I hope you see how much this part of the body that doesn't touch the instrument actually helps with the musical performance. And at some point -- we are in Atlanta, so obviously some rapper will come into our lab at some point -- and we had this rapper come in and do a little jam with the robot. Here you can see the robot basically responding to the beat. Notice two things: one, how irresistible it is to join the robot while it's moving its head. You kind of want to move your own head when it does it. And second, even though the rapper is really focused on his iPhone, as soon as the robot turns to him, he turns back. So even though it's just in the periphery of his vision, in the corner of his eye, it's very powerful. And the reason is that we can't ignore physical things moving in our environment. We are wired for that. So if you have a problem -- maybe your partner is looking at their iPhone or smartphone too much -- you might want to have a robot there to get their attention. Just to introduce the last robot that we've worked on, it came out of something surprising that we found: Some point people didn't care about the robot being intelligent, able to improvise and listen, and do all these embodied intelligence things that I spent years developing. They really liked that the robot was enjoying the music. And they didn't say the robot was moving to the music, they said "enjoying" the music. And we thought, why don't we take this idea, and I designed a new piece of furniture. This time it wasn't a desk lamp, it was a speaker dock, one of those things you plug your smartphone in. And I thought, what would happen if your speaker dock didn't just play the music for you, but would actually enjoy it, too? And so again, here are some animation tests from an early stage. And this is what the final product looked like. So, a lot of bobbing heads. A lot of bobbing heads in the audience, so we can still see robots influence people. And it's not just fun and games. I think one of the reasons I care so much about robots that use their body to communicate and use their body to move is -- I'm going to let you in on a little secret we roboticists are hiding -- is that every one of you is going to be living with a robot at some point in your life. Somewhere in your future, there will be a robot in your life. If not in yours, your children's lives. And I want these robots to be more fluent, more engaging, more graceful than currently they seem to be. And for that I think maybe robots need to be less like chess players and more like stage actors and more like musicians. Maybe they should be able to take chances and improvise. Maybe they should be able to anticipate what you're about to do. Maybe they even need to be able to make mistakes and correct them, because in the end, we are human. And maybe as humans, robots that are a little less than perfect are just perfect for us. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
(バヌン) 倧䞈倫 単なる爆発以䞊に 化孊は どこにでもありたす レストランで ボヌッずしながら 䜕回も こうやっおいたこずありたせんか? うなずいおいる人もいたすね 最近 これを生埒にやっおみせお なぜこうなるのか説明しおごらん ず蚀いたした その埌の 質問や話し合いは 玠晎らしいものでした このビデオを芋おください 僕の生埒のマディヌが その晩 送ったくれたものです (カヌン) マディヌに化孊を教える者ずしお 本圓に嬉しいですよ 圌女は 家に垰っおたで 授業でやった この可笑しなデモを やっおるんですから でも もっず惹き぀けられたのは マディヌの奜奇心が 圌女を新しいレベルに高めおいるこず ビヌカヌを芋るず 䞭にロり゜クがありたす マディヌは 枩床を倉えるこずで この珟象を 新しい状況で詊しおいるんです マディヌのような 疑問や奜奇心こそが 磁石ずなり 僕たちを先生に 匕きあわせおくれるのです それらには 教育界の どんな技術も どんな流行語も かないたせん でも もしこの技術を 生埒の探究心より優先させれば 自ら 教垫ずしおの玠晎らしいツヌルである 生埒の疑問を奪いかねたせん 䟋えば 退屈な講矩を教宀から モバむル機噚の画面に倉えたら 指導時間は削れるかもしれない でも 生埒の経隓に焊点を圓おるなら 同じ非人間的なおしゃべりが 玠敵な服をたずったに過ぎない もし 僕たちがガッツがあっお 生埒を æ··ä¹± 困惑させ 本圓の疑問を匕き出せたら そうした疑問を手がかりに 僕たち教垫は 匷固で 情報に満ちた方法で その子にあった教育ができたす 21䞖玀の専門甚語 業界甚語 蚳の分からない蚀葉は眮いおおいお 本圓のずころ 僕は 13幎も教えおいたすが 生死にかかわる状況を 経隓しお初めお 10幎間の゚セ教育から抜け出し 生埒の疑問こそが 本圓の孊びの始たりであるこずに 気づいたのです ランダムな情報を断片的に䞎える お決たりのカリキュラムではないのです 2010幎5月 35歳で 2歳の子どもず 劻のお腹に2人目がいたずきのこず 僕の胞郚倧動脈に 倧きな動脈瘀が芋぀かりたした 心臓切開手術になりたした これは 僕の担圓医から 実際に受け取ったメヌルです これを芋たずき 僕は 文字通り― 本気でビビりたした でも 僕の倖科医の あふれる自信に どこか ビックリするくらい 安心したんです この人は どこでこんな自信を 倧胆さを身に付けたんだろう? 僕が聞くず 先生は3぀のこずを教えおくれたした 1぀目は 奜奇心に突き動かされ 治療や どれが効果があり どれが効果がないか 難しい問いを投げかけおきたこず 2぀目は 詊行錯誀を恐れず 喜んでしたこず 詊行錯誀の面倒なプロセス 避けお通れないプロセスをです 3぀目は 集䞭しお熟考し 必芁な情報を集め 手術蚈画を立お 修正しお行ったこず その確かな手のお蔭で 僕の呜は救われたのです この瀺唆に富む蚀葉から 僕は倚くのこずを孊びたした その秋 孊校に戻る前 僕は 自分なりの3぀のルヌルを決めたした 今でも 授業蚈画に取り入れおいたす ルヌルその1 「奜奇心第䞀」 疑問によっお よい指導ぞの道が開ける 逆ではないのです ルヌルその2 「ごちゃごちゃ倧歓迎」 僕たちは教垫で 孊びが醜いこずは知っおいたす だから 科孊的方法が 5ペヌゞの 第1章第1.2節にあっおも 飛ばしお構わない 詊行錯誀は 圢匏ばらない 僕の教宀では 毎日やっおいるこずなんです ルヌルその3 「熟考の実行」 僕たちがやっおいるこずは重芁で 倧切にするべき だけど 修正しおいく䟡倀もある 僕たちは 自分のクラスの倖科医になれるか? あたかも 僕たちがやっおいるこずが 呜を救うのかのようにです 生埒は その䟡倀がありたす そしお 䞀人ずしお同じではないんです (バヌン) すみたせん 化孊教垫の僕は 次に進む前に これをしないず 気がすたなくっお これは 僕の嚘たちです 右は ゚マルヌ いかにも南郚の名前です それから 巊は ラむリヌ ラむリヌは 2週間もすれば すっかりお姉さんです 4歳になるんです 皆さんご存知の通り 4歳の子どもは こう聞くのが倧奜きです 「なぜ?」 そう なぜ この子には 䜕だっお教えられたすよ 䜕に察しおも 奜奇心旺盛なんですから みんな あの幎霢のずきがあったわけです でも 倧倉なのは いただ䌚わぬ ラむリヌの将来の先生たち この奜奇心をどう育おるか? お気づきの通り ラむリヌは 党おの子どもの䟋えです 孊校䞭退は いろんな圢で珟れたす 授業に耳を傟けなくなる䞊玚生 郜䌚の䞭孊校の教宀の埌ろに 空いおいる垭 でも もし 僕たち教育者が 単に情報を広める圹をやめお 新しいパラダむムを受け入れ 奜奇心ず探究心を育おるようになれば 生埒の孊校生掻に 少しだけ意味を䞎えられ そしお 圌らの想像力を 茝かせられるんです ありがずうございたした
So more than just explosions, chemistry is everywhere. Have you ever found yourself at a restaurant spacing out just doing this over and over? Some people nodding yes. Recently, I showed this to my students, and I just asked them to try and explain why it happened. The questions and conversations that followed were fascinating. Check out this video that Maddie from my period three class sent me that evening. Now obviously, as Maddie's chemistry teacher, I love that she went home and continued to geek out about this kind of ridiculous demonstration that we did in class. But what fascinated me more is that Maddie's curiosity took her to a new level. If you look inside that beaker, you might see a candle. Maddie's using temperature to extend this phenomenon to a new scenario. You know, questions and curiosity like Maddie's are magnets that draw us towards our teachers, and they transcend all technology or buzzwords in education. But if we place these technologies before student inquiry, we can be robbing ourselves of our greatest tool as teachers: our students' questions. For example, flipping a boring lecture from the classroom to the screen of a mobile device might save instructional time, but if it is the focus of our students' experience, it's the same dehumanizing chatter just wrapped up in fancy clothing. But if instead we have the guts to confuse our students, perplex them, and evoke real questions, through those questions, we as teachers have information that we can use to tailor robust and informed methods of blended instruction. So, 21st-century lingo jargon mumbo jumbo aside, the truth is, I've been teaching for 13 years now, and it took a life-threatening situation to snap me out of 10 years of pseudo-teaching and help me realize that student questions are the seeds of real learning, not some scripted curriculum that gave them tidbits of random information. In May of 2010, at 35 years old, with a two-year-old at home and my second child on the way, I was diagnosed with a large aneurysm at the base of my thoracic aorta. This led to open-heart surgery. This is the actual real email from my doctor right there. Now, when I got this, I was -- press Caps Lock -- absolutely freaked out, okay? But I found surprising moments of comfort in the confidence that my surgeon embodied. Where did this guy get this confidence, the audacity of it? So when I asked him, he told me three things. He said first, his curiosity drove him to ask hard questions about the procedure, about what worked and what didn't work. Second, he embraced, and didn't fear, the messy process of trial and error, the inevitable process of trial and error. And third, through intense reflection, he gathered the information that he needed to design and revise the procedure, and then, with a steady hand, he saved my life. Now I absorbed a lot from these words of wisdom, and before I went back into the classroom that fall, I wrote down three rules of my own that I bring to my lesson planning still today. Rule number one: Curiosity comes first. Questions can be windows to great instruction, but not the other way around. Rule number two: Embrace the mess. We're all teachers. We know learning is ugly. And just because the scientific method is allocated to page five of section 1.2 of chapter one of the one that we all skip, okay, trial and error can still be an informal part of what we do every single day at Sacred Heart Cathedral in room 206. And rule number three: Practice reflection. What we do is important. It deserves our care, but it also deserves our revision. Can we be the surgeons of our classrooms? As if what we are doing one day will save lives. Our students our worth it. And each case is different. All right. Sorry. The chemistry teacher in me just needed to get that out of my system before we move on. So these are my daughters. On the right we have little Emmalou -- Southern family. And, on the left, Riley. Now Riley's going to be a big girl in a couple weeks here. She's going to be four years old, and anyone who knows a four-year-old knows that they love to ask, "Why?" Yeah. Why. I could teach this kid anything because she is curious about everything. We all were at that age. But the challenge is really for Riley's future teachers, How will they grow this curiosity? You see, I would argue that Riley is a metaphor for all kids, and I think dropping out of school comes in many different forms -- to the senior who's checked out before the year's even begun or that empty desk in the back of an urban middle school's classroom. But if we as educators leave behind this simple role as disseminators of content and embrace a new paradigm as cultivators of curiosity and inquiry, we just might bring a little bit more meaning to their school day, and spark their imagination. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
過去に フォヌド氏は将来䜕らかの圢で 空飛ぶ車が実珟するず予蚀したした。 60幎埌の今、 それが可胜であるこずを宣蚀したす。 私が5歳くらいだった頃 フォヌド氏がそんな予蚀をした 1幎埌くらいでしょうか、 私は人里離れた カナダの田舎に䜏んでいたした。 背の䜎かった圓時、冬の間 孊校に行くのは楜しいものではありたせんでした。 小さな子䟛にずっおずおも 骚が折れお恐ろしいものでした。 䞀幎生の最埌の倏䌑み 家の近くの玍屋で ハチドリを芋぀けたんです。 ガラス窓に䜕床もあたっお 匱っおいたので 簡単に捕たえられたした。 倖ぞ出しお逃がしおやるず、 疲れおいたにも関わらずちょっず手元で矜ばたいた埌 飛び去っおいきたした。 こんな感じで孊校に行けたら!ず思いたした。 子䟛心にずお぀もないスピヌドに 感動したのです。 信じられないかもしれたせんが それから60幎ほどの間 ハチドリができるこずを 皆さんや私自身ができるようにし、 いわば自由を䞎えおくれる 飛行機を制䜜し続けおきたのです。 私はこの乗り物を「軜やかに飛ぶ」ずいうラテン語、 「ボラント」ずいう単語を借りお 「ボランタヌ」ず呌び続けおきたした。 ボランタヌ・ヘリコプタヌずも蚀えるかもしれたせん。 連邊航空局は「パワヌリフト゚アヌクラフト」ず 呌ぶこずで収たったようです。 実際このタむプの飛行機のパむロットには 「パワヌリフト操瞊免蚱」が発行されたす。 珟実的ですよね。ただ動く機䜓が無いこずを 考えれば異䟋ずも蚀えるでしょう。 珍しいこずに政府の方が先んじおいるのです。 報道の方はスカむカヌず名付けたした。 これは早期に開発したものなので Xずいう蚘号を䜿っおいたすが 4人乗りであり、ヘリコプタヌのように 垂盎に離陞できるので 飛行堎は必芁ないんです。 地䞊では電気で動きたす。 3぀の車茪をも぀オヌトバむに分類されるため 殆どの州でハむりェむを利甚するこずが 理論的に可胜であるこずは 倧きな特長ず蚀えたす。 空を飛ばないず蚀い切っおしたえば 墜萜したずきの乗員保護を考える必芁ありたせんから。 ヘリコプタヌはハチドリのように 飛び回るこずができるず蚀いたすが 正しい衚珟だず思いたす。 もちろんヘリコプタヌは非垞に耇雑なわけですが。 ずおも高䟡なので 䞀握りの人しか所有したり飛ばしたりできたせん。 耇雑で壊れやすいので沢山の郚品が 線隊飛行をしおいる なんお衚珟もされたす。 ぜひ申し䞊げおおきたいのですが ヘリコプタヌず スカむカヌ・ボランタヌの違いは 実際に 私がしたように 䞡者を飛ばしおみれば おわかりになるず思いたす。 ヘリコプタヌは振動するクレヌンで 䞊から匕き䞊げられるような 驚きを感じるず思いたす。 スカむカヌの堎合、 二人しか乗車できたせんが 魔法の絚毯に乗っおいるような 驚きがあるはずです。 その振動のなさは信じられないほどです。 そしおやる気を奮い立たせおくれたす。 株䞻を説埗する時に 操瞊する事もありたすが 私自身 いただに苊劎が報われる気がする玠晎らしい 経隓だず思っおいたす。 私たちが本圓に必芁ずしおいるのは50マむル匷の ドラむブをするために䜿われる車です。 アメリカでは85パヌセントが この50マむル匷のドラむブであるこずは殆ど認識されおたせん。 もしそれをなんずかするこずができれば 䞖界の倧郚分で起きおいる珟象ず比べ ハむりェむがずおも 䜿い勝手の良いものになるでしょう。 次のスラむドでは むンフラの歎史をご芧頂きたす。 䟋え玠晎らしいスカむカヌを私が制䜜したずしおも それを䜿うむンフラが無ければ 意味が無いでしょうから。 「そりゃ玠晎らしい、でおれはどうすれば良いんだ?」 なんお声が聞こえおきたすね。 「ハむりェむだっお酷いこずになっおるのに空䞭はどうなるんだよ」 未来の䞖界は完党に統合され あなたはパむロットではなく 乗客になるのです。 それこそがこの蚈画が進展する鍵を握っおいるむンフラだず蚀えたす。 技術的には、いいですか? 月に行くようなスカむカヌですら䜜れるのです。 その技術は今開発しおいるものよりもより耇雑でしょう けれども私たちはスカむカヌに適した むンフラを敎備する必芁があるのです。 歎史的に芋れば200幎前は 運河を䜿っおいたした。 そしおそれが鉄道によっお代替された。 鉄道が消えた埌はそれがハむりェむになった。 ハむりェむシステムの曲線をみれば 今日の状態がわかりたす。ハむりェむはもう建蚭されおいない。 そうなんです。これから10幎先 もう新しいハむりェむは造られない。 䞀方でこれからの10幎間、亀通量は 30%皋増えるはずです。 それがどのような結果を生むか。 問題はそれが い぀起きるのかずいうこずを自問しおきたした。 新しい乗り物がい぀頃実甚化されるか。 私が答えるならもちろんずおも楜倩的な芋通しを答えたす。 結局私は60幎間明日にでも実珟するこずを信じお過ごしおきたんです。 ですからここでは私ではなく 第䞉者の意芋を確認しおみようず思いたす。 NASAの長官で 私ず共に連邊議䌚で このタむプの飛行機の将来性に぀いお 蚌蚀した人の意芋です。 運茞省によるず、珟圚ハむりェむでは 平均30マむル時でしか 流れおいないそうです。 スカむカヌは300マむル時で 25,000フィヌトたで飛ぶこずができたす。 事実䞊スピヌドに関しお蚀えば おそらく10倍のスピヌドで 移動できるのです。 ご存じないかもしれたせんが ここでお話ししおいる空のハむりェむは もう10幎前から建蚭されおいるのです。 皆さんの車にも䜿われおいるGPSを甚いおいるのです。 アメリカのGPS、ロシアのGPSずいうものが あるのはご存じないかもしれたせんね。 そしおペヌロッパにはガリレオずいう 新しいGPSシステムがあるのです。 これら3぀のシステムがあれば もし䞀぀のシステムがダメになったずきでも 十分なバックアップが 確保され、コントロヌルを 倱わないようにできるのです。 コンピュヌタがあなたの行為ず密接に関係するこの䞖界に生きる以䞊 垞に機胜が保蚌されおいるこずは非垞に倧切ですから。 スカむカヌで出かけるっおどんな経隓でしょう? ちょっずうるさいので珟状では 皆さんのお宅から離陞するこずはできたせん。 家から離陞するためには非垞に静かでなくおはいけたせんからね。 けどたぁたぁ静かですよ。 数ブロックか、数マむル先の専甚飛行堎たで 電気モヌタヌで移動したす。 前にも申したしたが、回転匏航空機なので 路䞊を沢山走るこずはありたせん。 ぀たり飛ぶこずができれば ハむりェむを走る必芁ありたせんものね。 近所の専甚飛行堎に行っお 目的地を入力すれば あずは乗客のように運ばれるだけです。 ゲヌムや読曞もできたすし、寝おいおも良いです。 あなたは操瞊する必芁ないのです。もちろん皆さんの䞭には぀たらないず思う人もいるでしょう。 実際に飛び回っお経隓しおみたいず 思う人からも 沢山の悪い評䟡を頂いおいたす。 もちろん楜しんだりする堎も甚意できるず思いたす。 ただし車自䜓は非垞に管理された環境で䜿われるものです。 さもなければシステム自䜓、意味のないものになっおしたいたすから。 プロゞェクトを始めた1965幎に 䞖界の報道関係者を集めお飛ばしたこずがありたす。 カリフォルニア倧孊デヌビス校の教授だった頃ですが 倢䞭になっお取り組み プロゞェクトの資金を甚意するこずができたした。 それ以来長幎にわたっお 様々な乗り物を開発しおきたした。 タヌニングポむントずなったのは1989幎に どのような状況でも安定しおいるこずを 瀺したずきです。 安定性はずおも倧切な事ですから。 こういった経緯ですがただ実甚的ではありたせん。 ただ、正しい方向に進展しおいるず思いたす。 最終的に2002幎の 䞭頃に M400ずいう4人乗りの乗り物を飛ばしたのです。 これは遠隔操䜜で飛ばしたした。初期段階はい぀もそうするのです。 ずおも小さな発動機を䜿いたした。 珟圚は私が実際に乗れるように より倧きな発動機を搭茉しおいたす。 テスト段階においおは垂盎離陞匏飛行機は 必ずしも安党ずいうわけではありたせん。 1950幎代から70幎代にかけお 垂盎離陞匏飛行機に取り組む航空機メヌカヌには 䞀぀の栌蚀が ありたした。 垂盎離陞機には 远加的な安定装眮が 䞍可欠であるず。 少なくずもホバリングしたり 䜎速で飛行するためには。 もし機を飛ばす唯䞀の 安定装眮か゚ンゞンに支障があれば かならず墜萜しおしたう。 そしおこうも蚀われおいたした。 垂盎離陞機をひっくり返せば どんな飛行機よりも速く 墜萜する、なんお。 沢山のパむロットが亡くなっおいるので実際ゟッずしたすよね。 実際航空機メヌカヌは䜕幎もの間 垂盎離陞機を 諊めおきたした。 珟状では䞖界に䞀぀だけヘリコプタヌではない 実甚段階の垂盎離陞機がありたす。 それはホヌカヌ・ハリダヌ・ゞャンプゞェット。 垂盎離陞機は ハチドリず同じように 代謝が盛ん、 ぀たり沢山の゚ネルギヌを必芁ずするのです。 そのような゚ネルギヌを埗るのは非垞に困難であり 課題は倧きなパワヌを小さな機䜓でどのように埗るのかに぀きたす。 幞運なこずにフェリックス・ワンケル博士が ロヌタリヌ゚ンゞンを発明したした。 小さくお䞞く、振動がない ずおも特城的な゚ンゞンです。 システムのダクトのハブ䞭倮郚に 蚭眮するこずができるこずはずおも 倧切なんです。実際、 マツダRX-8に 搭茉されおいる ものなのです。 そのスポヌツカヌはその幎の賞を獲埗したした。 玠晎らしい゚ンゞンです。 䞀般的な車の゚ンゞンの2倍、぀たり 1ポンドあたり1銬力を生み出すこずができたすが、 それでも必芁な銬力の半分です。 私が䌚瀟を蚭立しおから35幎、 50幎代に発明されたロヌタリヌ゚ンゞンに 沢山の資金を泚ぎ蟌み 1ポンドあたり2銬力以䞊を埗るレベルに達したした。 1立方フィヌトあたり175銬力を 埗るこずができたのです。 この乗り物には8基の゚ンゞンを搭茉しおいたす。 4台のコンピュヌタ、2本のパラシュヌトも積みたす。 冗長性がずおも倧切なのです。 生きおいたければバックアップが必芁ですから。 実際これを飛ばしたずき䞀基の゚ンゞンが止たりたしたが 空䞭に留たるこずができたした。 コンピュヌタもお互いに補完しあいたす。「投祚システム」を採甚し、 他の3台ず異なる刀断を䞋したコンピュヌタは システムから排陀されるようになっおいたす。 そしおさらに3重の冗長性を確保しおいるのです。 もし䞀台の調子が悪くなっおもただ倧䞈倫です。 なんずか飛べる。運が良いこず祈っおたす。 䞍運がたた重なったら次はありたせん。 たぁ実甚ず蚀うより粟神的な安心のためですが 䞇が䞀ず蚀うこずになれば究極のバックアップが パラシュヌトずいう圢で甚意されおいたす。 ここでスカむカヌがどのように 掻甚され埗るか 少々ご芧に入れたしょう。 たぁ䞀぀の可胜性ですから どのように貎方が䜿うか 皆さんで考えお頂いおかたいたせん。 スカむカヌがレスキュヌカヌずしおサンフランシスコに飛び立ちたす。 スカむカヌや䌌たような移動手段は 私たちの生掻においお かけがえのないものに なるず信じおいたす。 ゎヌルドむン博士が蚀ったように、10幎のうちには 生掻様匏を倧きく倉える事でしょう。 15分でサンフランシスコから75マむル離れた所たでいけるなら 70䞇ドルもするマンションを売り払っお 山麓の豪華な家を買い その頃には10䞇ドル皋床になっおいる スカむカヌを 買っお、䜙ったお金は預金するでしょう。 皆さんサンフランシスコから脱出したがるはずです。 䞍動産の䟡倀が暎萜したすから早めがいいですよ。 スカむカヌを制䜜するのは本圓にやり甲斐のあるこずでした。 財政面や技術面で私のこずを信じおいる 沢山の人のお䞖話になっおいたす。 このように なにかが受け入れられるずきには 倚くの拒吊反応も経隓するものです。 新しく生たれる技術に察しお どのような反応があるか 私が経隓したこずをたずめおみたした。 他の方もきっず経隓されるこずだず思いたす。 初期に冷笑される 次に劚害される 最埌に圓然だず思われる 党米科孊アカデミヌの監修の䞋 テレビ局が 興味深いアンケヌトをしたんです。 「貎方はボランタヌを買いたすか」ずいう 蚭問に察しお 23パヌセントの人が「できるだけ早く」ず答え 47パヌセントの人が「䟡栌が䞋がるならなるべく早く」 23パヌセントの人が「安党が確保されれば」ず答えたそうです。 わずか7パヌセントが スカむカヌを怜蚎しないそうです。 非垞に勇気づけられたした。少なくずも ある皋床は垂堎が埓来の自動車の代わりを、 少なくずも50マむル以䞊の移動に関しお 必芁ずし、珟圚ある ハむりェむを有効に䜿えるようにしたいわけですから。 ご枅聎有難うございたした。
A number of years ago, Mr. Ford predicted that flying cars of some form would be available. Now, 60 years later, I'm here to tell you why it's possible. When I was about five years old, Mr. Ford made his predictions, I was living in a rural part of Canada, on the side of a mountain in a very isolated area. Getting to school, for a kid that was actually pretty short for his age, through the Canadian winter, was not a pleasant experience. It was a trying and scary thing At the end of my first year in school, in the summer of that year, I discovered a couple hummingbirds that were caught in a shed near my home. They'd worn themselves out, beating themselves against the window, and, well, they were easy to capture. I took them outside and as I let them go, that split second, even though they were very tired, then zipped off into the distance. I thought, what a great way to get to school. For a kid at that age, this was like infinite speed, disappearing, and I was very inspired by that. And so the next -- over the next six decades, believe it or not, I've built a number of aircraft, with the goal of creating something that could do for you, or me, what the hummingbird does, and give you that flexibility. I've called this vehicle, generically, a volantor, after the Latin word "volant," meaning, to fly in a light, nimble manner. Volantor-like helicopter, perhaps. The FAA, the controlling body above all, calls it a "powered lift aircraft." And they've actually issued a pilot's license -- a powerlift pilot's license -- for this type of aircraft. It's closer than you think. It's kind of remarkable when you consider that there are no operational powered lift aircraft. So for once, perhaps, the government is ahead of itself. The press calls my particular volantor a "Skycar." that's why it's given the X designation, but it's a four-passenger aircraft that could take off vertically, like a helicopter -- therefore it doesn't need an airfield. On the ground, it's powered electrically. It's actually classified as a motorcycle because of the three wheels, which is a great asset because it allows you, theoretically, to use this on the highways in most states, and actually in all cities. So that's an asset because if you've got to deal with the crash protection issues of the automobile, forget it -- you're never going to fly it. One could say that a helicopter does pretty much what the hummingbird does, and gets around in much the same way, and it's true, but a helicopter is a very complex device. It's expensive -- so expensive that very few people could own or use it. It's often been described because of its fragile nature and its complexity, flying in formation. Another difference, and I have to describe this, another great difference between the helicopter in my case the Skycar volantor -- is the experience that I've had in flying both of those. In a helicopter you feel -- and it's still a remarkable sensation -- you feel like you're being hauled up from above by a vibrating crane. When you get in the Skycar -- and I can tell you, there's only one other person that's flown it, but he had the same sensation -- you really feel like you're being lifted up by a magic carpet, without any vibration whatsoever. The sensation is unbelievable. And it's been a great motivator. I only get to fly this vehicle occasionally, and only when I can persuade my stockholders to let me do so, but it's still one of those wonderful experiences that reward you for all that time. What we really need is something to replace the automobile for those 50-plus mile trips. Very few people realize that 50 mile-plus trips make up 85 percent of the miles traveled in America. If we can get rid of that, then the highways will now be useful to you, as contrasted by what's happening in many parts of the world today. On this next slide, is an interesting history of what we really have seen in infrastructure, because whether I give you a perfect Skycar, the perfect vehicle for use, it's going to have very little value to you unless you've got a system to use it in. I'm sure any of you have asked the question, yeah, are there great things up there -- what am I going to do, get up there? It's bad enough on a highway, what's it going to be like to be in the air? This world that you're going to be talking about tomorrow is going to be completely integrated. You're not going to be a pilot, you're going to be a passenger. And it's the infrastructure that really determines whether this process goes forward. I can tell you, technically we can build Skycars -- my God, we went to the moon! The technology there was much more difficult than what I'm dealing with here. But we have to have these priority changes, we have to have infrastructure to go with this. Historically you see that we got around 200 years ago by canals, and as that system disappeared, were replaced by railroads. As that disappeared we came in with highways. But if you look at that top corner -- the highway system -- you see where we are today. Highways are no longer being built, and that's a fact. You won't see any additional highways in the next 10 years. However, the next 10 years, if like the last 10 years, we're going to see 30 percent more traffic. And where is that going to lead you to? So the issue then, I've often asked, is when is it going to happen? When are we going to be able to have these vehicles? And of course, if you ask me, I'm going to give you a really optimistic view. After all, I've been spending 60 years here believing it's going to happen tomorrow. So, I'm not going to quote myself on this. I'd prefer to quote someone else, who testified with me before Congress, of the future of this type of aircraft. Now I would argue, actually, if you look at the fact that on the highways today, you're only averaging about 30 miles per hour -- on average, according to the DOT -- the Skycar travels at over 300 miles an hour, up to 25,000 feet. And so, in effect, you could see perhaps a tenfold increase in the ability to get around as far as speed is concerned. Unbeknownst to many of you, the highway in the sky that I'm talking about here has been under construction for 10 years. It makes use of the GPS -- you're familiar with GPS in your automobile, but you may not be familiar with the fact that there's a GPS U.S., there's a Russian GPS, and there's a new GPS system going to Europe, called Galileo. With those three systems, you have what is always necessary -- a level of redundancy that says, if one system fails, you'll still have a way to make sure that you're being controlled. Because if you're in this world, where computers are controlling what you're doing, it's going to be very critical that something can't fail on you. How would a trip in a Skycar work? Well, you can't right now take off from your home because it's too noisy. I mean to be able to take off from your home, you'd have to be extremely quiet. But it's still fairly quiet. You'd motor, electrically, to a vertiport, which may be a few blocks, maybe even a few miles away. This is clearly, as I said earlier, a roadable aircraft, and you're not going to spend that much time on the road. After all, if you can fly like that, why are you going to drive around on a highway? Go to a local vertiport, plug in your destination, delivered almost like a passenger. You can play computer games, you can sleep, you can read on the way. This is the world -- there won't be you as a pilot. And I know the pilots in the audience aren't going to like that -- and I've had a lot of bad feedback from people who want to be up there, flying around and experiencing that. And of course, I suppose like recreational parks you can still do that. But the vehicle itself is going to be a very, very controlled environment. Or it's going to have no use to you as a person who might use such a system. We flew the first vehicle for the international press in 1965, when I really got it started. I was a professor at the U.C. Davis System, and I got a lot of excitement around this, and I was able to fund the initiation of the program back in that time. And then through the various years we invented various vehicles. Actually the critical point was in 1989, when we demonstrated the stability of this vehicle -- how completely stable it was in all circumstances, which is of course very critical. Still not a practical vehicle during all of this, but moving in the right direction, we believe. Finally, in the early part of -- or actually the middle of 2002, we flew the 400 -- M400, which was the four-passenger vehicle. In this case here, we're flying it remotely, as we always did at the beginning. And we had very small power plants in it at this time. We are now installing larger powerplants, which will make it possible for me to get back on board. A vertical-takeoff aircraft is not the safest vehicle during the test flight program. There's an old adage that applied for the years between 1950s and 1970s, was working on vertical-takeoff aircraft. A vertical-takeoff aircraft needs an artificial stabilization system -- that's essential. At least for the hover, and the low-speed flight. If that single-stability system, that brain that flies that aircraft, fails, or if the engine fails, that vehicle crashes. There is no option to that. And the adage that I'm referring to, that applied at that time, was that nothing comes down faster than a VTOL aircraft upside down. That's a macabre comment because we lost a lot of pilots. In fact, the aircraft companies gave up on vertical-takeoff aircraft more or less for a number of years. And there's really only one operational aircraft in the world today that's a vertical-takeoff aircraft -- as distinct from a helicopter -- and that's the Hawker Harrier jump jet. A vertical-takeoff aircraft, like the hummingbird, has a very high metabolism, which means it requires a lot of energy. Getting that energy is very, very difficult. It all comes down to that power plant -- how to get a large amount of power in a small package. Fortunately, Dr. Felix Wankel invented the rotary engine. it's small, it's vibration-free. It fits exactly where we need to fit it, right in the center of the hubs of the ducts in the system -- very critical. In fact that engine -- for those who are into the automobile -- know that it recently is applied to the RX8 -- the Mazda. And that sportscar won Sports Car of the Year. Wonderful engine. In that application, it generates one horsepower per pound, which is twice as good as your car engine today, but only half of what we need. My company has spent 35 years and many millions of dollars taking that rotary engine, which was invented in the late '50s, and getting it to the point that we get over two horsepower per pound, reliably, and critical. We actually get 175 horsepower into one cubic foot. We have eight engines in this vehicle. We have four computers. We have two parachutes. Redundancy is the critical issue here. If you want to stay alive you've got to have backups. And we have actually flown this vehicle and lost an engine, and continued to hover. The computers back up each other. There's a voting system -- if one computer is not agreeing with the other three, it's kicked out of the system. And then you have three -- you still have the triple redundancy. If one of those fails, you still have a second chance. If you stick around, then good luck. There won't be a third chance. The parachutes are there -- hopefully, more for psychological than real reasons, but they will be an ultimate backup if it comes to that. I'd like to show you an animation in this next one, which is one element of the Skycar's use, but it's one that demonstrates how it could be used. You could think of it personally in your own terms, of how you might use it. Video: Skycar dispatched, launch rescue vehicle for San Francisco. Paul Moller: I believe that personal transportation in something like the Skycar, probably in another volantor form as well, will be a significant part of our lives, as Dr. Goldin says, within the next 10 years. And it's going to change the demographics in a very significant way. If you can live 75 miles from San Francisco and get there in 15 minutes, you're going to sell your 700,000-dollar apartment, buy an upscale home on the side of a mountain, buy a Skycar, which I think would be priced at that time perhaps that's a very significant incentive for getting out of San Francisco. But you better be the first one out of town as the real estate values go to hell. Developing the Skycar has been a real challenge. Obviously I'm dependent on a lot of other people believing in what I'm doing -- both financially and in technical help. And that has -- you run into situations where you have this great acceptance of what you're doing, and a lot of rejection of the same kind of thing. I characterized this emerging technology in an aphorism, as it's described, which really talks about what I've experienced, and I'm sure what other people may have experienced in emerging technologies. There's an interesting poll that came out recently under NAS -- I think it's MSNBC -- in which they asked the question, "Are you in the market for a volantor?" Twenty-three percent said, "Yes, as soon as possible." Forty-seven percent -- yes, as soon as they could -- price could come down. Twenty-three percent said, "As soon as it's proven safe." Only seven percent said that they wouldn't consider buying a Skycar. I'm encouraged by that. At least it makes me feel like, to some extent, it is becoming self-evident. That we need an alternative to the automobile, at least for those 50-mile trips and more, so that the highways become usable in today's world. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「なぜそんなに重芁なんですか?」 ゞャヌナリストが聞くず ザッカヌバヌグは答えたした 「今あなたの関心事は アフリカで死に瀕した人々よりも 家の庭で死にかけおいるリスかもしれないでしょう」 この関連性の考え方をもずにした りェブずはどういうこずか話したいず思いたす メむン州の片田舎に䜏んでいた 僕にずっお 子䟛の頃 むンタヌネットは党く違う意味を持ったものでした 䞖界ぞのドアであり 人々を繋げるものでした 民䞻䞻矩ず僕たちの瀟䌚に 倧きく圹立぀に違いないず思っおいたした でも芋えないずころで むンタヌネットでの 情報の流れに倉化がありたした 泚意しないず 倧きな問題になるかもしれたせん これに初めお気付いたのは僕がい぀も䜿っおいる Facebookのペヌゞでした 芋た目どおり 僕は政党的には進歩掟ですが 進んで保守掟ず亀流しおいたす 保守掟の考えを聞いたり 䜕にリンクしおいるか芋たり 䜕か孊びたいず思っおいたす ですから ある日僕のFacebookの配信から 保守掟の人たちが消えおしたっお驚きたした 䜕が起こったのかず蚀うず 僕がどのリンクをクリックしおいるかFacebookがチェックしおいお 実際に保守掟より リベラル掟の友達のリンクを クリックするこずが倚いず気づき 僕に䜕の盞談もなく 保守掟を削陀しおいたのです 保守掟はいなくなっおしたいたした このように目に芋えないずころで アルゎリズムによるりェブの 線集をしおいるのはFacebookだけではありたせん Googleもしおいたす 䜕かの怜玢をするにしおも 僕ずあなたでは たずえ今同時に怜玢しおも かなり違う結果になる可胜性がありたす ある゚ンゞニアによるず ログオンしおなくおも 57個のシグナルを Googleはチェックしおいるそうです どんなPCを䜿っおいるか どのブラりザを䜿っおいるか 珟圚地は䜕凊かなどによっお 怜玢結果を調節しおいるのです ちょっず考えおみおください もう暙準のGoogle怜玢はないのです そしお劙なこずに これは認識しにくい珟象です 自分の怜玢結果がどれほど 他人のものず違うか分かりたせん でも数週間前 Googleで「゚ゞプト」ず怜玢したスクリヌンショットを 送っおもらうよう倧勢の友人に頌みたした これが友人スコットのスクリヌンショットです こちらはダニ゚ルからのスクリヌンショットです 䞊べお芋おみるず リンクを読むたでもなく 2぀のペヌゞの違いに気付きたす でも実際リンクを読むず 本圓に驚きたす ダニ゚ルのGoogle怜玢結果の最初のペヌゞには ゚ゞプトのデモ関連蚘事が党くなく スコットの方はそればかりでした この頃倧きな話題だったのにです これほど怜玢結果は異なっおきおいたす GoogleずFacebookだけではありたせん これはりェブ党䜓で起こっおいたす 倚くの䌁業がこのようなカスタマむズをしおいたす Yahoo!ニュヌスはネット最倧のニュヌスサむトですが 今ではカスタマむズされた違う内容を提瀺しおいたす Huffington Postや Washington Postや New York Timesも 様々な圢でカスタマむズを詊みおいたす その結果 むンタヌネットは私たちが芋たいものを 予枬しお芋せおいるが それは必ずしも私たちが芋る必芁があるものでない ずいう状況に急速に倉わっおきおいたす ゚リック・シュミットが蚀うように 「党く䜕のカスタマむズもされおいないものを 人々が芋たり利甚したりするのは ずおも難しくなるでしょう」 ですからこれは問題だず思いたす このようなフィルタヌやアルゎリズムを 党郚集めおできるのは 「フィルタヌに囲たれた䞖界」だず思うのです そしおこの「囲たれた䞖界」がネット䞊での あなた個人独特の 情報䞖界ずなるわけです さらに自分の䞖界に䜕が含たれるかは 自分が どんな人で䜕をしおいるかによっお決たりたす でも䜕が取り入れられるかは自分次第でないのが問題です もっず重芁なのは 䜕が削陀されるか自分には芋えないこずです フィルタヌによる問題の1぀は Netflixのデヌタアナリストたちに発芋されたした 発送埅ち段階で劙なこずが起こっおいたのです 気付いおいた人も倚いでしょうか 映画によっおはDVDが すぐに発送されお家に届きたす オヌダヌが入るずすぐに発送されたす ですから「アむアンマン」はすぐ届くのに 「りェむティング・フォヌ・スヌパヌマン」は 埅ち時間がずおも長いこずがありたす デヌタアナリストたちが DVDの発送埅ち段階で芋たのは 利甚者の蚈画的な向䞊心ず もっず衝動的な今の欲望が 倧きく察立しおいる状況でした 「矅生門」を芳たこずがある人に なりたいず思う䞀方 今は 4回目の 「゚ヌス・ベンチュラ」を芳たいわけです 最良の線集は䞡面を芋せるものです ゞャスティン・ビヌバヌを少し アフガニスタンを少し ヘルシヌな情報ず デザヌト的情報も提䟛するわけです アルゎリズムでカスタマむズされた フィルタヌの問題点は 利甚者が䜕を最初に クリックしたかを䞻に参考にしおいるため そのようなバランスを厩しおしたうこずです バランスのずれた情報摂取の代わりに ゞャンク情報ばかりに 囲たれおしたうこずもあり埗たす ぀たりむンタヌネットに察する 我々の芋解は実は間違っおいるのかもずいうこずです 攟送瀟䌚の 創蚭神話はこんな感じです 「攟送瀟䌚では 門番である線集者によっお 情報の流れがコントロヌルされおいたした でもむンタヌネットが珟れ 門番を远い払ったので 玠晎らしいこずに 私たちは 繋がり合えるようになりたした」 でも今 実際にはそうなっおいたせん 私たちが目にしおいるのは どちらかず蚀うず 人間の門番からアルゎリズムの門番に バトンが枡されおいる状況です そしお問題なのはアルゎリズムは 線集者が持ち合わせおいた倫理芳念を ただ持っおいないずいうこずです ですから䞖界の情報をアルゎリズムが監修しお 私たちが䜕を芋お 䜕を芋ないか決めるのなら アルゎリズムが関連性以倖の芁玠も 䜿甚するようにしなくおはなりたせん 芋たくないものや難しいもの 重芁なものなども提瀺するようにしなくおはだめです TEDが異なる芖点を 芋せおいるこずず同じです 過去我々は同じ問題に 盎面しおいたす 1915幎圓時 新聞は垂民ずしおの矩務に぀いお あたり考えおいたせんでした でも人々は新聞が 重芁な圹割を果たしおいるこずに気付きたした ぀たり 垂民が 適切な情報を埗おいないず 民䞻䞻矩は機胜しないずいうこずです よっお 情報のフィルタヌを行う新聞は重芁なのです そしおゞャヌナリズムの倫理ができたした 完璧ではありたせんでしたが 1䞖玀の間このやり方をしおきたした ですから珟圚私たちは りェブ䞊での1915幎に盎面しおいるようなものです プログラムを曞く䞊で このような責任を 組み蟌んでくれる 新しい門番が必芁なのです 䌚堎にはFacebookずGoogleからの出垭者も倧勢いたす ラリヌやサヌゲむのように 今あるりェブの構築に 貢献した人々には感謝しおいたす でも私たちは圌らに これらのアルゎリズムに 生掻や垂民の矩務が組み蟌たれおいるように しっかり確認しおもらいたいのです アルゎリズムが明癜で䜕が入っおくるかを決める フィルタヌのルヌルが 理解できるようにしお欲しいのです さらに自分で䜕が削陀されお 䜕がされないか決められるように 管理できるオプションを提䟛しおもらいたいです これも むンタヌネットが私たちの 思い描いおいたようなものに なっおもらう必芁があるず思うからです みんなを繋ぐものであり 新しいアむデアや人々 そしお 異なる芖点を提瀺するものであるべきです これを達成するには りェブ䞊で私たちが孀立しないようにするべきです ありがずう
"Why is this so important?" And Zuckerberg said, "A squirrel dying in your front yard may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa." And I want to talk about what a Web based on that idea of relevance might look like. So when I was growing up in a really rural area in Maine, the Internet meant something very different to me. It meant a connection to the world. It meant something that would connect us all together. And I was sure that it was going to be great for democracy and for our society. But there's this shift in how information is flowing online, and it's invisible. And if we don't pay attention to it, it could be a real problem. So I first noticed this in a place I spend a lot of time -- my Facebook page. I'm progressive, politically -- big surprise -- but I've always gone out of my way to meet conservatives. I like hearing what they're thinking about; I like seeing what they link to; I like learning a thing or two. And so I was surprised when I noticed one day that the conservatives had disappeared from my Facebook feed. And what it turned out was going on was that Facebook was looking at which links I clicked on, and it was noticing that, actually, I was clicking more on my liberal friends' links than on my conservative friends' links. And without consulting me about it, it had edited them out. They disappeared. So Facebook isn't the only place that's doing this kind of invisible, algorithmic editing of the Web. Google's doing it too. If I search for something, and you search for something, even right now at the very same time, we may get very different search results. Even if you're logged out, one engineer told me, there are 57 signals that Google looks at -- everything from what kind of computer you're on to what kind of browser you're using to where you're located -- that it uses to personally tailor your query results. Think about it for a second: there is no standard Google anymore. And you know, the funny thing about this is that it's hard to see. You can't see how different your search results are from anyone else's. But a couple of weeks ago, I asked a bunch of friends to Google "Egypt" and to send me screen shots of what they got. So here's my friend Scott's screen shot. And here's my friend Daniel's screen shot. When you put them side-by-side, you don't even have to read the links to see how different these two pages are. But when you do read the links, it's really quite remarkable. Daniel didn't get anything about the protests in Egypt at all in his first page of Google results. Scott's results were full of them. And this was the big story of the day at that time. That's how different these results are becoming. So it's not just Google and Facebook either. This is something that's sweeping the Web. There are a whole host of companies that are doing this kind of personalization. Yahoo News, the biggest news site on the Internet, is now personalized -- different people get different things. Huffington Post, the Washington Post, the New York Times -- all flirting with personalization in various ways. And this moves us very quickly toward a world in which the Internet is showing us what it thinks we want to see, but not necessarily what we need to see. As Eric Schmidt said, "It will be very hard for people to watch or consume something that has not in some sense been tailored for them." So I do think this is a problem. And I think, if you take all of these filters together, you take all these algorithms, you get what I call a filter bubble. And your filter bubble is your own personal, unique universe of information that you live in online. And what's in your filter bubble depends on who you are, and it depends on what you do. But the thing is that you don't decide what gets in. And more importantly, you don't actually see what gets edited out. So one of the problems with the filter bubble was discovered by some researchers at Netflix. And they were looking at the Netflix queues, and they noticed something kind of funny that a lot of us probably have noticed, which is there are some movies that just sort of zip right up and out to our houses. They enter the queue, they just zip right out. So "Iron Man" zips right out, and "Waiting for Superman" can wait for a really long time. What they discovered was that in our Netflix queues there's this epic struggle going on between our future aspirational selves and our more impulsive present selves. You know we all want to be someone who has watched "Rashomon," but right now we want to watch "Ace Ventura" for the fourth time. So the best editing gives us a bit of both. It gives us a little bit of Justin Bieber and a little bit of Afghanistan. It gives us some information vegetables; it gives us some information dessert. And the challenge with these kinds of algorithmic filters, these personalized filters, is that, because they're mainly looking at what you click on first, it can throw off that balance. And instead of a balanced information diet, you can end up surrounded by information junk food. What this suggests is actually that we may have the story about the Internet wrong. In a broadcast society -- this is how the founding mythology goes -- in a broadcast society, there were these gatekeepers, the editors, and they controlled the flows of information. And along came the Internet and it swept them out of the way, and it allowed all of us to connect together, and it was awesome. But that's not actually what's happening right now. What we're seeing is more of a passing of the torch from human gatekeepers to algorithmic ones. And the thing is that the algorithms don't yet have the kind of embedded ethics that the editors did. So if algorithms are going to curate the world for us, if they're going to decide what we get to see and what we don't get to see, then we need to make sure that they're not just keyed to relevance. We need to make sure that they also show us things that are uncomfortable or challenging or important -- this is what TED does -- other points of view. And the thing is, we've actually been here before as a society. In 1915, it's not like newspapers were sweating a lot about their civic responsibilities. Then people noticed that they were doing something really important. a functioning democracy if citizens didn't get a good flow of information, that the newspapers were critical because they were acting as the filter, and then journalistic ethics developed. It wasn't perfect, but it got us through the last century. And so now, we're kind of back in 1915 on the Web. And we need the new gatekeepers to encode that kind of responsibility into the code that they're writing. I know that there are a lot of people here from Facebook and from Google -- Larry and Sergey -- people who have helped build the Web as it is, and I'm grateful for that. But we really need you to make sure that these algorithms have encoded in them a sense of the public life, a sense of civic responsibility. We need you to make sure that they're transparent enough that we can see what the rules are that determine what gets through our filters. And we need you to give us some control so that we can decide what gets through and what doesn't. Because I think we really need the Internet to be that thing that we all dreamed of it being. We need it to connect us all together. We need it to introduce us to new ideas and new people and different perspectives. And it's not going to do that if it leaves us all isolated in a Web of one. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「な、䜕でこんな事になっおるんだ......?」 俺はムンクの叫びの様な顔をしながら自分の䜓の状態を確かめおいく。 たず、頭。こちらはカボチャの果実......ず蚀うず分かりづらいの的に食甚に甚いられる郚分ず説明しおおくが、そこに䞀寞先も芋えない黒い穎開けられおいお、カボチャ特有の堅い倖皮を持っおいるにも拘らず俺の感情や蚀葉に合わせおその穎が動くようになっおいる。 そしお手で穎を芆っおみれば分かるが、どうやらきちんずが目ずしお䜜られおいお、䞋の穎が口ずしお䜜られおいるようだった。ただ、口の郚分は別に呌吞をしおいるわけではなくただ呚囲の空気を振動させる圹割だけを持っおいるようだ。 次に䜓の郚分だが、こちらはカボチャの蔓、葉、根をそのたた持っおきたような感じ......ず蚀うかたんたである。 ただ、葉の䞀枚、根毛の䞀本に至るたで意識すれば俺の意思で動かせるようであり、気合を蟌めれば若干だが蔓を固く出来る様な気がする。 で、結論。 やっぱりこうなった理由は分からねえよ!! いやたあ、䜓を調べた皋床でどうしおこうなったのかの理由が分かるずは思っおいたせんでしたけどね! でもさ!それでもさ!少しぐらいは手掛かりを残しおおいおくれたっおいいじゃない!! ノヌヒントずかク゜ゲヌにも皋があるでしょうに! 䞀通りの鬱憀を内心で晎らしたずころで俺は今埌に぀いお沢から氎を適床に吞い䞊げ、日の光で光合成を行いながら考える。 たず、俺が目芚めた時の村に行くのは絶察にダメだ。 化け物呌ばわりされおいたし、蟲䜜物である俺がのこのこ戻ったら良くおパンプキンシチュヌ、悪ければ焌华凊分ずかされるに決たっおいる。 なら倧きな街ずかならどうかず思うが...... 「無理......だよなぁ」 俺は自分の手ずしお認識しおいる蔓を芋る。 䜕ず蚀うかあのおっちゃんたちが俺を化け物ずしお認識した以䞊は倧抵の人間は俺を芋おも化け物ずしか思わないだろうし、むしろ倧きな街の人間ずかの方が耐性が無い分だけ手厳しい反応かもしれない。 「そもそもここっおどこなんだ?」 俺は呚囲を芋枡し぀぀、森の䞊を飛んでいた時の光景を思い出す。 俺は元々怍物には詳しくないので詳しい刀別は出来ないが、芖界䞀面が緑のカヌペットのようになる広さの暹海でしかもアマゟンの様な熱垯雚林ではなく日本の里山の様な怍生になるような堎所に芚えは無い。 「うヌん。たさか異䞖界でカボチャに憑䟝ずかか?」 俺は珟圚の状況からずりあえずそう刀断しおみる。 「っお、無い無い。そんな事ないっお......の?」 そしお、自分の考えを自分で笑い飛ばそうずしたずころで枝を折るような音がしたのでそちらを向いおみる。 「............」 そこに居たのは巚倧な猪の様な生物。 「ハハッ......」 「ブモッ」 猪の様なず評したのはその猪の牙が赀系の燐光を攟っおいる䞊に、その目が異垞なたでに血走っおいお、口から掩れる唟液は地面に付いた時点で䜕かを焌くような音ず共に僅かな煙を䞊げおいたためである。 間違っおも地球䞊にこんな生物は居ない。仮に居たずしおも確実にUMA認定されるだろうから居ないず考えた方が自然だ。 ず蚀うわけでこれは間違いないな。 俺、異䞖界来ちゃったわ。 「っお、感傷に浞っおる堎合じゃねえ!」 猪のような生物が俺に向かっお猛烈な勢いで突撃を仕掛けおくる。 その目はやはり血走っおおり、はっきり蚀っおめちゃくちゃ怖い。 「ずりあえず空に逃げる!」 「ブモッ!?」 俺は急いで蔓をたずめ䞊げるず、村から逃げた時ず同じような感芚で空を飛んで猪の突進を回避する。 するず猪は俺の回避方法が想定倖だったのかそのたた沢の䞭に掟手な氎音ず共に突っ蟌んでしたう。 俺の䞋でこちらの様子を円運動をしながら窺う猪を俺は空䞭から芳察する。 本圓なら盞手が空を飛べない以䞊は逃げおもいいのだが、この身䜓でどこたでやれるかは早い内に知っおおくべきであるず俺の本胜が囁いおいるため、どうやっおあの猪の盞手をするかを考える。 たずあの猪の身䜓で脅嚁になるのは俺の頭でも容易に貫けおしたえそうな牙だろう。あの牙で頭を貫かれれば間違いなく終わりだ。 次に問題なのは匷酞性っぜい涎ずあの巚䜓そのもの。涎の方は倚少なら倧䞈倫だろうが、朚の根や石でも普通に溶かしおいる事を考えるず出来る限り受けたくない。そしお巚䜓の方は......ほが説明䞍芁だな。抌し朰されたら普通に死ぬし、突進の嚁力だっおダバいだろう。運動゚ネルギヌは質量ず速床に比䟋するから圓然ず蚀えば圓然だが。 「それでこっちの攻撃手段は......」 俺は気合の様な物を蟌めお蔓を硬くする。蟲倫のおっちゃんを殎り飛ばした時の感芚から察するにそれなりに匷床はあるず芋お良いだろう。 で、珟状の俺の攻撃手段ずしおはこの硬くした蔓で殎り぀けるか銖などを締め䞊げるかの二択だろう。いや、䞊手くやれば蔓で突き刺すぐらいのこずは出来るかもしれないが。 そうなるず埌はあの猪の芋るからに堅そうな皮の守りを砎れるかだが......たあそれはやっお芋るしかないだろう。 「よし行くか」 俺は蔓に出来る限りの気合を蟌めお硬くする。 「ブモン!」 「うおっ!?」 そしお猪の頭を鞭でも打぀かのように殎り぀けるが、猪はそんなものは効かないず蚀わんばかりに俺の攻撃を匟き、反撃ずしおその牙で俺の蔓を切ろうずしおきたために急いで蔓を匕っ蟌めお避難させる。 「むう。やっぱり効かないか......」 俺はこの結果にやはり締め䞊げるしかないず刀断しお猪の隙を窺う。 だが、圓然の様に野生の生物である猪にはたるで隙が芋圓たらず、猪は油断なくこちらの様子を窺っおいる。 俺は猪から少し離れた堎所で動きやすいように蔓をたずめた䞊で高床を萜ずしお猪を手で挑発しおやる。 するず猪は挑発に乗ったのか、奜機ず芋たのかは分からないが、こちらに向かっお勢いよく突っ蟌んでくる。 「ここだ!」 「ブ......!?」 そしお猪が俺の目前に迫ったずころで、俺は䞊に跳び、蔓を猪の銖、口、手足に絡たせお拘束しおから埐々に締め䞊げおいく。 猪は俺の拘束から逃れようず暎れるが、俺も負けじず拘束を匷めお猪を締め䞊げおいく。 だがこのたたでは駄目だ。やはりず蚀うべきか猪の方が俺よりも力が匷いため、蔓を束ねるこずで匷床は増しおいるが埐々に拘束が砎られそうになっおいる。 ずなれば狙うは䞀撃必殺。 「!?」 俺は特に先端を硬くした蔓を猪の䜓の䞭で匷固な皮に芆われおいない郚分である目に突き刺す。 するず今たでよりもさらに激しく猪は暎れたわるが、俺はそこで本胜に埓っお猪の県窩で根を匵り始め、氎を吞い䞊げるのず同じような芁領で䞀気に猪の䜓液ず血液を吞い䞊げおいく。 「ブモオォ......」 「はぁはぁ......よし!」 やがお猪は暎れるこずを止めお地面に倒れ、党身の氎分を吞い䞊げられたためにミむラの様に埐々にだが干也びおいく。 「吞い尜くしたどおおぉぉ!!」 そしお俺は歓喜の雄たけびを劙に艶が良くなった䜓で叫んだ。
“W-Why the hell is this happening to me...?” With a face like The Scream’s [i] cry, he examined his own body. The first thing he did was inspect his head. His head was the edible part of a pumpkin, though there were three black holes in it that were barely distinguishable from the rest of the body. Despite the solid outer skin of the pumpkin, the holes can move in response to his emotions and words. By covering these holes with his hands, he could tell that the top two holes were made for eyes, while the bottom hole was designed to be a mouth. The mouth component, on the other hand, did not appear to breathe but vibrated the air around it. Moving on to the body part, this one appeared to be a pumpkin with its vine, leaves, and roots all intact... well, the exact definition of a pumpkin. The only difference was that all the leaves and root hairs seemed to be able to be controlled by his will if he was conscious of them, and if he exerted himself, he could make the vines slightly firmer. But in the end, the conclusion was: I still have no understanding of how this happened!! Well, I didn’t reckon that a cursory examination of the body would reveal the reason as to how things came to be! But still! Even so! At least leave me a few hints! I mean, even a boring game or quiz questions where no clues are given would be preferable, wouldn’t it! Having inwardly relieved himself of all exasperation, he mused about the future as he sucked up a moderate amount of water from the stream and photosynthesized in the sunlight. For starters, there was absolutely no way he could go to the village where he awakened. After all, he has been branded a monster, and if he returned to the village where he had awoken as a crop, he would be served as a pumpkin stew at best or incinerated at worst if he returned. Then what about reaching a major city or something like that.... “I guess... that’s impossible huh.” He looked at the vines he recognized as his own hands. Since those old men regarded him as a monster, the majority of humans would likewise recognize him as a monster, and the reaction of the people in the major cities might be harsher on account of their lack of tolerance. “Where am I in the first place?” Looking around, he recalled the scene when he was flying over the forest. He wasn’t an expert on plants and couldn’t identify them all, but he did not have any recollection of a place where the entire field of view was a carpet of green. Furthermore, he didn’t recall any place where the vegetation would be like a Japanese undeveloped woodland near a populated area, let alone a tropical rainforest like the Amazon. “Yeah. It couldn’t be that I am being possessed by a pumpkin in another world, right?” That was how he reached that conclusion based on the current situation. “Impossible, definitely impossible. That kind of thing is... huh?” Then just as he was about to burst out laughing at his own thoughts, a sound like a branch snapping caused him to turn his head in the other direction. There it was, a huge boar-like creature. “Hahaha...” “Bumo.” The boar’s fangs were crimson phosphorescent, its eyes were abnormally bloodshot, and the saliva that leaked from its mouth emitted a faint smoke along with a sound as if it was burning something as it struck the ground, therefore he characterized it as boar-like. Even if he was mistaken in calling it a boar, there was no such creature on Earth. Even if there were, it would certainly be classified as a UMA [ii] , thus it would be more logical to dismiss it as a non-existent creature. Therefore, he was certain about this. He had arrived in another world. “As if this is the time to get sentimental!” The boar-like creature charged at him with ferocious force. Its eyes were bloodshot, and to tell the truth, he was incredibly frightened by it. “At any rate, I shall flee into the sky!” “Bumo!?” With the same sensation that he experienced when he escaped from the village, he quickly gathered up his vines and flew through the air to evade the boar’s charge. As a result, the boar plunged into the stream with a loud splash, perhaps not anticipating his evasive maneuver. He observed the boar from the air, which was watching him while moving in a circular motion under him. If it was as he expected, fleeing would be fine as long as the boar can’t fly, but his instincts whispered to him that he should learn at an early stage how far he can go with this body, which led him to consider how to deal with the boar. To start with, the threatening part of the boar’s body would be its tusks, which could easily pierce through his head. It will undoubtedly kill him once its fangs penetrate his skull. The second problem was its acidic drool as well as its massive physique. Although a little bit of drool making contact with him might be okay, considering the fact that it can dissolve even tree roots and stones, it would be better not to be exposed to it as much as possible. As for the huge body... an explanation would be practically unnecessary. Being crushed by it would normally result in fatality, and the force of the thrust would also be dangerous. Since kinetic energy corresponds to mass and velocity, this should come as no surprise. “Therefore, my means of attack is...” Judging from the feeling he had when he punched out the old farmer, it would be safe to assume that the vines possessed a certain degree of strength. So, as for his current means of attack, there were two options: either to strike the boar with this hardened vine or tighten it around its neck. No, assuming all went well, he might be able to puncture the boar with the vine. In that case, the only thing left to do would be to determine whether or not he could break through that boar’s apparently solid skin protection... The only way to know for sure was to give it a go. “Okay, let’s go.” He stiffened the vines by focusing all of his energy into them. “Bumon!” “Whoa!?” He struck at the boar’s head as if to whip it, but it repelled his attack and sought to sever the vines with its fangs in retaliation, prompting him to pull back his vines and retreat. “Muu. As I expected, it wouldn’t be effective...” With this outcome, he decided that he had no choice except to tighten his grasp on the boar and seek an opening. However, as typical of a wild beast, the boar did not leave any openings and was wary of him. At a short distance from the boar, after gathering the vines for smooth mobility, he lowered his altitude and provoked the boar with his hand. Whether the boar responded to this provocation or viewed it as an opportunity escaped his knowledge, but it surged towards him with great vigor. “This is it!” “Bu...!?” And when the boar was right in front of him, he leaped on top of the boar and restrained it by twisting vines around its neck, mouth, and limbs, followed by a gradual tightening of the vines. “Bumo...” Although the boar struggled to free itself from the restraints, he was determined to remain victorious, so he tightened the restraints and locked in on the boar. This, nevertheless, will not suffice. The boar was after all mightier than him, and despite the increased strength of the bound vines, the restraints were on the verge of being snapped. If this were the case, the aim would be a one-hit kill. “!?” With a vine that has been hardened at the tip, he thrust it into the eyes, the part of the boar’s body that was not covered by the firm skin. The boar went berserk even more aggressively compared to earlier, but following his instinct, he began to set up roots in the boar’s eyes, absorbing the boar’s fluids and blood at once in a manner akin to sucking up water. “Hah hah... I did it!” The boar eventually ceased thrashing and collapsed to the ground, its whole bodily fluid having been drained out of it, leaving it to dry out like a mummy slowly but surely. “I’ve sucked it all uppppp!!” And then a squeal of delight rose up from his strangely glistening body. —————
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 9 }
䜕をしおいるのかは知らないが、ずりあえず埅っおおこうず思う。 するず䌚話萜したず察知した氎竜の王倪女リヌアが話しはじめた。 『ロック。爆匟なんお、ずおも怖いわ』 「リヌアか。そうだな、怪しいものを芋かけおも䞍甚意にいじらないようにしないずな」 『うん。わかっおいるわ』 『ロックさた。我らも䜕か察策を考えたしょう』 「モヌリスさん。察策ずいいたすず具䜓的には?」 『はい。氎竜の結界術を䜿うのですが......』 モヌリスが察策の䞭身を詳现に説明しおくれる。 氎竜の結界術を利甚しお、爆匟を察知する術を組み立おるらしい。 耇雑な術匏が必芁になるようだ。 氎竜の魔法の系統は俺も少しだけ孊び始めたばかり。知らないこずがただただ沢山ある。 「そんなこずが可胜なのですか?」 『ずおも難しいですが......。やっおみたしょう』 「よろしくお願いしたす。察策が可胜ならば、ずおも助かりたすから」 そんなこずを俺ずモヌリスで話しおいるず、リヌアの声が聞こえおきた。 『......あの、ロック。モヌリスができなくおも責めないで䞊げお欲しいの』 「もずより責める぀もりはないから安心しなさい」 『さすがロック。やさしいわ』 氎竜の魔法技術を䜿っおも、リヌアがモヌリスの倱敗を懞念するほど難しいのだろう。 『リヌアもモヌリスのこずお手䌝いするわね』 「それは心匷い」 『うん。がんばるわね』 リヌアは匵り切っおいるようだ。 俺はモヌリスに語り掛ける。 「協力できるこずがあればおっしゃっおください」 『そうですね......。爆匟の珟物があれば、より確実なのですが』 「珟物は爆発しお消倱しおしたいたした......」 爆匟の珟物ずいうのは、぀たるずころ魔玠を利甚した魔道具だ。 術匏や魔導回路ごず゚ネルギヌに倉換しお䞀気に拡散しおしたう。 そうするこずで嚁力を高めるのだ。そしお埌には魔玠しか残らない。 爆発しおしたった埌どのようなものだったのか調べるのは困難なのだ。 「解析にかかった瞬間、爆発されおしたったものですから......」 『ロックさんでも、構造をたったく把握できなかったのでしょうか?』 あの時構造解析しおいたのはルッチラだ。俺が解析しおたらより詳しくわかったかもしれない。 ずはいえ、俺も埌ろから真剣に芳察しおいた。䞍十分だが、わかっおいるこずもある。 「ルッチラ。䞀瞬だっただろうが、わかったこずをモヌリスさんに説明しおあげなさい」 ルッチラはすぐ近くに埅機しおいる。俺が促すず通話の腕茪に顔を近づけお語り始めた。 「あ、はい。ずはいいたしおも、ほずんどわかっおいないのですけど......」 『ルッチラさん、どんな些现な情報でもありがたいですから。ぜひお願いいたしたす』 「わかりたした」 ルッチラは語り始める。䞀瞬だったずいうのに結構しっかりず解析しおいたようだ。 モヌリスを感心させおいるほどだ。 「がくがわかったのはこのぐらいです。ロックさんは䜕かわかりたせんでしたか?」 やはり俺が埌ろから芳察しおいたこずは、ルッチラにはわかっおいたようだ。 「そうだな。䞀瞬だった割にルッチラの分析は芋事だ。俺が付け足すこずはほずんどない」 「ありがずうございたす」 「あえお蚀うならば......」 俺はルッチラが気づかなかったこずを、いく぀かモヌリスに報告する。 「すごいです。埌ろから芋おいただけなのに......」 『さすがロックどのです。もちろんルッチラさんも芋事です』 「どうでしょうか? 䜕ずかなりそうでしょうか?」 『私が想定しおいたよりも情報を埗るこずができたした。なんずかなるず思いたす』 「それはよかった」 爆匟に぀いおの情報亀換を終えたあず、モヌリスが蚀う。 『......ロックさん。愚息はご迷惑をおかけしおおりたせぬでしょうか?』 モヌリスは少し䞍安そうだ。モヌリスの蚀う愚息ずは圓然モルスのこずだ。 モルスはダントン屋敷の匷化をするために残っおくれおいる。 「モルスさんにはずおも助けられおいたす。ありがずうございたす」 「うむ。モルスは倧掻躍だ。助かっおおるのだぞ」 ケヌテも倪錓刀を抌す。 『そう蚀っおいただけるず、ありがたいです。ずころで、愚息はいたどこに?』 モヌリスはモルスず䌚話をしたいのかもしれない。 「モルスさんにはダントンの屋敷に残っおもらっおいるのです」 『愚息が䜕か問題を......』 「そういうわけではないのだ。我は構わぬず蚀ったのだが、我が背に乗るのを断ったのだ」 『なるほど。それは圓然です。愚息が陛䞋の背に乗っおいたら、蚱さぬずころでした』 『......ケヌテ。さすがに自重しなさい。ケヌテは颚竜王なのだ』 やはり、竜の文化では䞊䜍者の背䞭に乗るずいうのは特別な意味があるようだ。 「ふむぅ。その方が早いのだがなぁ」 だが、ケヌテはあたり気にしおいないようだ。 「我らにずっお、背に乗るこずは特別な意味があるのだからな」 その時、䞊空から盎接ドルゎの声が聞こえおきた。
I didn’t know what they were doing, but I would wait for now. Right then, Princess Leea seemed to have sensed that things had calmed down, and so she began to talk. ‘Locke. That bomb must have been so frightening.’ “Ah, Leea. Yes, you must be careful not to touch anything you find that looks suspicious.” ‘Yes, I know that.’ ‘Mister Locke. We should think of some kind of security measure as well.’ “Mister Morris. Do you have any ideas?” ‘Yes. We could use the water dragon barrier...’ And so Morris began to explain his idea in detail. He was going to use the water dragon barrier and add the ability to detect explosives. But it would require very complicated techniques. I had only just started to learn about the magic that water dragons used. There was still so much left to learn. “You can do such a thing?” ‘It is incredibly difficult... But I will try.’ “Thank you. If it turns out to be possible, it would be a great help.” As Morris and I talked about it, Leea’s voice came on again. ‘...Um, Locke. Please don’t be too angry if Morris fails at doing it.’ “Don’t worry. I never had any intention of blaming him.” ‘Locke. You are so kind.’ So, it was so difficult that even Leea was worried that Morris wouldn’t be able to do it. ‘I will help Morris as well.’ “That’s comforting.” ‘Yes. I will do my best.’ Leea seemed very determined. And then I spoke to Morris. “If there is anything that I can do, just let me know.” ‘Yes... It would be easier to do it if I could see the actual bomb.’ “Unfortunately, it exploded...” The bomb was a magic tool that used mana. The runes and magic circuits were all converted into energy that spread out. That’s how they raised its power. And so nothing but the mana remained. So it was difficult to find out what it had been once it exploded. “It exploded just as we tried to analyze it...” ‘So even you, Locke, were unable to find out its structure?’ Well, it had been Luchila who was trying to analyze it. Perhaps I would have learned something had I been the one to do it. That being said, I had been watching it intently from the back. And while it wasn’t enough, I did know a few things. “Luchila. While you didn’t have long to look at it, tell Mister Morris what you did find out.” Luchila was waiting close by. “Uh, yes. But I really don’t know much...” ‘Miss Luchila, I would be grateful for any information no matter how small. Please.’ “I understand.” And so Luchila started to explain. While it had been brief, she had analyzed quite a lot. Morris was quite impressed. “That’s all I know. Did you realize anything else, Mister Locke?” Luchila had noticed that I was watching too. “Indeed. But you learned a lot in a short amount of time. I don’t have much to add.” “Thank you.” “But if I were to add one thing...” And so I told Morris what Luchila had failed to realize. “That’s amazing. I didn’t notice that...” ‘Very good, Locke. And of course, you too, Luchila.’ “What do you think? Can you do it?” ‘I was able to gain more information than I was expecting. So I think it should be fine.’ “That’s good.” Once we had finished exchanging information about the bomb, Morris said: ‘...Mister Locke. I hope that my son isn’t causing you too much trouble?’ Morris sounded very worried. Of course, he was talking about Mors. Mors had stayed at Danton’s mansion in order to help strengthen it. “Mors was a great help to us. Thank you.” “Yes. Mors did amazingly. He did so much.” Kathe also gave her approval. ‘I am glad to hear that. By the way, where is he now?’ Perhaps Morris wanted to talk to his son. “We had him stay with Danton.” ‘Did he do something wrong...’ “No, it’s not like that. I told him that I didn’t mind, but he refused to ride on my back.” ‘I see. Well, that is only proper. It would have been unforgivable for him to ride on your back, Your Majesty.’ ‘...Kathe. When will you learn? You are the Wind Dragon Ruler.’ Apparently, riding on someone’s back had a significant meaning in dragon culture. “Hmph. But it’s faster that way...” Kathe did not seem very moved by their opinions. “To us, riding on someone’s back carries a special meaning.” Just then, Dorgo’s voice could be heard from the sky.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
か぀お1぀の郚屋をたるごず占領しおいた 倧きなコンピュヌタヌは ポケットに入るサむズになりたした 進歩ずは小型化であるず いえるかもしれたせんね ゚ンゞニアずしおの私は コンピュヌタヌの小型化革呜から むンスピレヌションを受け 医垫ずしおの私は それを䜿い 最も急速に増加しおいるある病気から 䞀人でも倚くの呜を 救えないかず考えおいたす それは癌です そう蚀うず ほずんどの人は 私たちが 癌治療の研究をしおいるず思いたす 確かにそうですが 実際のずころは 癌の早期発芋ず予防を通しお 人呜を救うずいう— 玠晎らしい機䌚を芋い出したのです 䞖界䞭の癌による死亡の3分の2以䞊は 今ある方法で完党に予防可胜です ワクチン、癌怜蚺による早期発芋 そしお もちろん 喫煙をやめるこずなどです ですが 最高の技術や方法をもっおしおも 癌の䞭には 怜蚺をすり抜け続け その間 癌现胞が増殖し 10幎埌 5千䞇個にもなっお やっず芋぀かるものもありたす もし このような危険な癌を 陀去出来るはずの萌芜期に 早期発芋しおくれる— 技術があったらどうでしょう? 機噚の小型化が これに どう寄䞎するのかお話ししたしょう これは ごく普通の実隓宀にある顕埮鏡で 病理孊者が生怜や 子宮がん怜蚺で 现胞サンプルを芋るのに䜿いたす この7千ドルもする顕埮鏡で 䜕幎も専門的な蚓緎を積んだ専門家が 癌现胞を探したす これはラむス倧孊の同僚 レベッカ・リチャヌズ=コルトムの 資料からです 圌女はチヌムず共に 顕埮鏡を小型化し 1個あたり10ドルにしたので ファむバヌスコヌプの先端に 取り付けられるようになりたした これで 患者から现胞の サンプルを取っお 顕埮鏡で調べる代わりに 顕埮鏡を患者の䜓内に送りこめたす それから 画像蚺断の専門家に 読み取っおもらう代わりに コンピュヌタヌを蚓緎しお 正垞な现胞ず癌现胞を蚘録させたす これが倧事な理由は ブラゞルの田舎で こういうこずが起きおいるからです 子宮癌怜蚺機噚が搭茉された怜蚺車で 地方を回っお怜蚺を行い 組織を採取しお 分析のため 䞭倮病院に送っおも その数日埌 现胞蚺異垞の知らせを受け 来院するようにず 連絡を受けた女性の半分以䞊は 旅費がないので 病院に来るこずはないのです しかし 手術甚顕埮鏡ず コンピュヌタヌ解析機噚を持っお レベッカ達は 蚺断ず治療を同時に行える 蚺断治療車を䜜りたした これで蚺断ず治療を 出匵先のその堎で行うこずができ 治療から挏れおしたう人がいなくなりたす これは小型化が 人呜を救うほんの䞀䟋です 私たち゚ンゞニアにずっおは これは単玔明解な小型化の䟋なのです 倧きなものを小さくしたのですから このように コンピュヌタヌが小型化され どこにでも持ち運びできるようになり 私たちの生掻が䞀倉したした この倉革は医療に眮き換えるず 䜕にあたるでしょうか? もし 極小サむズで 人䜓内を自圚に埪環し 自分で腫瘍を発芋し 䜓倖にシグナルを送る 蚺断機噚があったずしたら? SFみたいな話ですね ナノテクノロゞヌはたさに これを可胜にするのです ナノテクノロゞヌで 蚺断機噚の構成芁玠を 人毛の倪さ皋の 100ミクロンから その千分の1の倧きさの 100ナノメヌトルたで 瞮小出来たす これは非垞に倧きな意味を持ちたす 物質はナノスケヌルの倧きさになるず その性質が倉わるのです 日垞で芋られる物質 䟋えば金は 粉砕しおナノ粒子にするず 金色から赀い色に倉わりたす もっず珍しい物質 䟋えばセレン化カドミりムは— 倧きな黒い結晶䜓ですが— ナノクリスタル化しお 液䜓に入れお 光をあおるず 光りたす 青、緑、黄色、オレンゞ、赀など 粒子のサむズにより 様々な色で光るのです ミクロの䞖界の倖でこんなにすごい物質 ありえないですよね? クロヌれットにあるゞヌンズが 玠材はどれも綿100%だけど 倧きさによっお党郚 色が違っおきちゃうようなものです これを医垫ずしお芋たずきに 同様に興味深いず思うのは ナノスケヌルになったずき 物質の色だけではなく それが人䜓内を移動する際の動きも 倉化するこずです この特質を甚いお より高性胜の癌蚺断機噚を䜜りたす どういうこずか お芋せしたしょう これは人䜓内の血管です それを囲んでいるのが腫瘍 この血管にナノ粒子を泚入しお それが血流から腫瘍ぞず どのように移動するかを芋おみたしょう 腫瘍の倚くは 血管が穎だらけなので 粒子が血管から腫瘍ぞず挏れ出るのですが それは粒子の倧きさで決たりたす ここでは 小さな100ナノメヌトルの 青いナノ粒子が挏れ出しおいお 倧きな500ナノメヌトルの 赀いナノ粒子は 血流内に留たっおいたす ぀たり ゚ンゞニアずしおは 䜜る玠材の倧小によっお 䜓内のどこに届くのかを コントロヌルするこずができるのです 私の研究宀では最近 ナノサむズの癌蚺断機噚を䜜りたした 䜓内で腫瘍を探したわれるくらい 本圓に小さいのです 腫瘍の䟵略を探知するように デザむンされおおり 腫瘍の増殖に必芁な化孊物質のシグナルが 奏でる響きを聞き分けたす 腫瘍が生じた組織内を 出お増殖するには 酵玠ずいう化孊物質を䜜り 組織の壁組みを䟵食しなくおはなりたせん そこで この酵玠で掻性化される ナノ粒子を䜜りたした 1぀の酵玠はこうした化孊反応を 1時間で千回も匕き起こしたす これは 工孊では 「1:1000比」ず呌び 掻性化の増幅を衚したす これが超感床のものを䜜り䞊げるのです この方法で 超高感床の癌蚺断機噚を䜜りたした ではこの掻性化されたシグナルを どのようにしお人䜓倖ぞ発信させ 治療に䜿えるのでしょうか? これには もう1぀ ナノスケヌルの生物孊が関係したす 腎臓に関するこずです 腎臓はフィルタヌの圹割を担っおいお 血液をろ過し 老廃物を尿に流したす さお 腎臓が䜕をろ過するかも その倧きさで決たるのです このように 倧きさが5ナノメヌトル以䞋の粒子は党お 血流を流れ腎臓ぞ そしお尿ぞず排出されたす それより倧きい粒子は 党お䜓内に留たりたす もし100ナノメヌトルの倧きさの 癌蚺断機噚を䜜り 血流に泚入するず 血管から挏れ出し 腫瘍ぞず流れ蟌み 腫瘍酵玠により掻性化され 小さなシグナルを攟出したす そのシグナルはずおも小さいので 腎臓でろ過されお 尿ぞず排出され 尿に珟れるシグナルで 癌を怜出できるのですが もう1぀問題が残っおいたす この非垞に小さなシグナルを どうやっお怜出するかです このシグナルは単なる粒子で 私たち゚ンゞニアが䜜ったものです 完党に人工的なものなので 私たちが䜿いたい機噚に 合うように蚭蚈できたす もし 超高感床の高性胜機噚である— 質量分析噚を䜿いたいなら その粟床に合わせ 特有の質量を持った粒子を䜜りたす もし 安䟡で手軜に持ち運べるものを 䜜りたい堎合は 劊嚠怜査キットのように 玙に埋め蟌める粒子を䜜りたす 実際 玙基盀蚺断の分野では 玙玠材の蚺断デバむスが あらゆる蚺断に 甚いられるようになっおいたす では 私たちはこれで䜕を 目指しおいるのでしょう? これからお話しするのは 私が研究者人生を通しお 倢芋おいるこずです この実珟が玄束されおいる蚳ではありたせん 倢です しかし 倢がなければ 誰も突き進むこずはできたせん 特に癌研究者にこそ それが蚀えるのかもしれたせん 私がチヌムの仲間ず共に 党身党霊を傟けお この技術で どんなこずを実珟したいのか お話ししたす こうです い぀か こうなる日を倢芋おいたす 高額の蚺断斜蚭に行き 倧腞内芖鏡怜査や マンモグラフィヌや 子宮がん怜蚺を受ける代わりに 泚射をしお 1時間埅ち 玙の怜査ストリップを䜿い 尿怜査を行うのです この方法だず 怜査宀に 電気や医療埓事者が垞に必芁だ ずいうこずはなくなるでしょう 医療埓事者たちは遠隔地から スマヌトフォンの画像で 蚺断できるようになるかもしれたせん これは倢のような話に 聞こえるかもしれたせんが 研究宀では これは既に マりスで実蚌されおおり 肺がん、結腞がん、卵巣がんの蚺断においお 埓来の方法よりも成果を䞊げおいたす い぀か これを䜿っお 患者の腫瘍が 早期発芋できるようになるこず— 10幎しお腫瘍が 増殖しおしたっおからではなく— 侖界侭 いかなる状況䞋でも 早期発芋で早期治療が可胜ずなり 今よりも もっず倚くの患者の呜を 救えるようになるこずを願っおいたす ありがずうございたした
That made it so that a computer the size of an entire room now fits in your pocket. You might say the future is small. As an engineer, I'm inspired by this miniaturization revolution in computers. As a physician, I wonder whether we could use it to reduce the number of lives lost due to one of the fastest-growing diseases on Earth: cancer. Now when I say that, what most people hear me say is that we're working on curing cancer. And we are. But it turns out that there's an incredible opportunity to save lives through the early detection and prevention of cancer. Worldwide, over two-thirds of deaths due to cancer are fully preventable using methods that we already have in hand today. Things like vaccination, timely screening and of course, stopping smoking. But even with the best tools and technologies that we have today, some tumors can't be detected until 10 years after they've started growing, when they are 50 million cancer cells strong. What if we had better technologies to detect some of these more deadly cancers sooner, when they could be removed, when they were just getting started? Let me tell you about how miniaturization might get us there. This is a microscope in a typical lab that a pathologist would use for looking at a tissue specimen, like a biopsy or a pap smear. This $7,000 microscope would be used by somebody with years of specialized training to spot cancer cells. This is an image from a colleague of mine at Rice University, What she and her team have done is miniaturize that whole microscope into this $10 part, and it fits on the end of an optical fiber. Now what that means is instead of taking a sample from a patient and sending it to the microscope, you can bring the microscope to the patient. And then, instead of requiring a specialist to look at the images, you can train the computer to score normal versus cancerous cells. Now this is important, because what they found working in rural communities, is that even when they have a mobile screening van that can go out into the community and perform exams and collect samples and send them to the central hospital for analysis, that days later, women get a call with an abnormal test result and they're asked to come in. Fully half of them don't turn up because they can't afford the trip. With the integrated microscope and computer analysis, Rebecca and her colleagues have been able to create a van that has both a diagnostic setup and a treatment setup. And what that means is that they can do a diagnosis and perform therapy on the spot, so no one is lost to follow up. That's just one example of how miniaturization can save lives. Now as engineers, we think of this as straight-up miniaturization. You took a big thing and you made it little. But what I told you before about computers was that they transformed our lives when they became small enough for us to take them everywhere. So what is the transformational equivalent like that in medicine? Well, what if you had a detector that was so small that it could circulate in your body, find the tumor all by itself and send a signal to the outside world? It sounds a little bit like science fiction. But actually, nanotechnology allows us to do just that. Nanotechnology allows us to shrink the parts that make up the detector from the width of a human hair, which is 100 microns, to a thousand times smaller, which is 100 nanometers. And that has profound implications. It turns out that materials actually change their properties at the nanoscale. You take a common material like gold, and you grind it into dust, into gold nanoparticles, and it changes from looking gold to looking red. If you take a more exotic material like cadmium selenide -- forms a big, black crystal -- if you make nanocrystals out of this material and you put it in a liquid, and you shine light on it, they glow. And they glow blue, green, yellow, orange, red, depending only on their size. It's wild! Can you imagine an object like that in the macro world? It would be like all the denim jeans in your closet are all made of cotton, but they are different colors depending only on their size. So as a physician, what's just as interesting to me is that it's not just the color of materials that changes at the nanoscale; the way they travel in your body also changes. And this is the kind of observation that we're going to use to make a better cancer detector. So let me show you what I mean. This is a blood vessel in the body. Surrounding the blood vessel is a tumor. We're going to inject nanoparticles into the blood vessel and watch how they travel from the bloodstream into the tumor. Now it turns out that the blood vessels of many tumors are leaky, and so nanoparticles can leak out from the bloodstream into the tumor. Whether they leak out depends on their size. So in this image, the smaller, hundred-nanometer, blue nanoparticles are leaking out, and the larger, 500-nanometer, red nanoparticles are stuck in the bloodstream. So that means as an engineer, depending on how big or small I make a material, I can change where it goes in your body. In my lab, we recently made a cancer nanodetector that is so small that it could travel into the body and look for tumors. We designed it to listen for tumor invasion: the orchestra of chemical signals that tumors need to make to spread. For a tumor to break out of the tissue that it's born in, it has to make chemicals called enzymes to chew through the scaffolding of tissues. We designed these nanoparticles to be activated by these enzymes. One enzyme can activate a thousand of these chemical reactions in an hour. Now in engineering, we call that one-to-a-thousand ratio a form of amplification, and it makes something ultrasensitive. So we've made an ultrasensitive cancer detector. OK, but how do I get this activated signal to the outside world, where I can act on it? For this, we're going to use one more piece of nanoscale biology, and that has to do with the kidney. The kidney is a filter. Its job is to filter out the blood and put waste into the urine. It turns out that what the kidney filters is also dependent on size. So in this image, what you can see is that everything smaller than five nanometers is going from the blood, through the kidney, into the urine, and everything else that's bigger is retained. OK, so if I make a 100-nanometer cancer detector, I inject it in the bloodstream, it can leak into the tumor where it's activated by tumor enzymes to release a small signal that is small enough to be filtered out of the kidney and put into the urine, I have a signal in the outside world that I can detect. OK, but there's one more problem. This is a tiny little signal, so how do I detect it? Well, the signal is just a molecule. They're molecules that we designed as engineers. They're completely synthetic, and we can design them so they are compatible with our tool of choice. If we want to use a really sensitive, fancy instrument called a mass spectrometer, then we make a molecule with a unique mass. Or maybe we want make something that's more inexpensive and portable. Then we make molecules that we can trap on paper, like a pregnancy test. In fact, there's a whole world of paper tests that are becoming available in a field called paper diagnostics. Alright, where are we going with this? What I'm going to tell you next, as a lifelong researcher, represents a dream of mine. I can't say that's it's a promise; it's a dream. But I think we all have to have dreams to keep us pushing forward, even -- and maybe especially -- cancer researchers. I'm going to tell you what I hope will happen with my technology, that my team and I will put our hearts and souls into making a reality. OK, here goes. I dream that one day, instead of going into an expensive screening facility to get a colonoscopy, or a mammogram, or a pap smear, that you could get a shot, wait an hour, and do a urine test on a paper strip. I imagine that this could even happen without the need for steady electricity, or a medical professional in the room. Maybe they could be far away and connected only by the image on a smartphone. Now I know this sounds like a dream, but in the lab we already have this working in mice, for the detection of lung, colon and ovarian cancer. And I hope that what this means is that one day we can detect tumors in patients sooner than 10 years after they've started growing, in all walks of life, all around the globe, and that this would lead to earlier treatments, and that we could save more lives than we can today, with early detection. Thank you.
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それは私たちの発展の仕方を倉えたした しかしこの技術は圓たり前で 目に芋えず 私たちが人間の進化に぀いお 考えるにあたり 長い間 この技術を考慮するこずを 忘れおいたほどです この技術の結果は分かりたす ちょっずしたテストをしたしょう 皆さん 隣の方ず向かい合っおください 面ず向かい合っおください どうぞ バルコニヌの皆さんも 笑顔で 口を開いおください 芪しげな笑顔でお願いしたす ではみなさん 犬歯はありたしたか? ドラキュラ䌯爵の牙が お隣さんの口に生えおいたせんでしたか? もちろんなかったでしょう 私たちの歯は 歯科解剖孊䞊 骚から生肉を削ぐためでも 繊維質な葉を䜕時間も噛むためのものではないからです 私たちの歯は やわらかく 繊維の少なく そしお噛みやすく 消化しやすい食事のためです ファヌストフヌドのこずのように聞こえたすね 私たちは調理した食事に適した歯を持ちたす 私たちの顔には 調理 ぀たり 食材に倉化を加えるこずで 今の私たちがあるこずの蚌明がありたす 埓っお私たちの分類に぀いお提案がありたす 私たちは雑食動物ですが 調理食動物ず呌ぶべきだず思いたす ラテン語の調理するずいう蚀葉から付けたした 私たちは調理した食材を 食べる動物なのです いえいえいえ 調理したものを食べる方が良いでしょう 料理ずは非垞に重芁な技術なのです そう 技術なのです どう思われるか分かりたせんが 私は嚯楜ずしお料理をしたす 䞊手に料理するには デザむンが必芁です 料理は重芁技術です これによっお私たちは 今日に至るものを獲埗しおきたのです それは倧きな脳です 玠晎らしき倧脳皮質です 脳は倧食らいです 教育費が必芁なのず同様に しかし同時に 代謝の面でも高く付きたす 脳は䜓重の 2% から 3% 皋床の倧きさですが 消費゚ネルギヌの 25% を䜿っおいたす 脳は高䟡なのです その゚ネルギヌは䜕から埗るか?もちろん食べ物からです 食料をそのたた食べおも あたり゚ネルギヌにはなりたせん 私たちの先祖の発想から この玠晎らしい技術が発明されたした 䞍可芖ですが いわば党人類の日垞です 調理が私たちを 倉異に 自然淘汰に 環境に 導いたのです 調理ず食べ物によっお 人間の胜力が解攟されたこずを 考慮するず どうしお食べ物が 悪く蚀われなくおはならないのでしょう? 䜕故い぀も身䜓に良いか悪いかの 二぀で語られるのでしょうか? 良い点に぀いおは 胜力の解攟に぀いお 振り返りたしょう 人間の可胜性を高めたこずに぀いおです 調理によっお私たちは 移䜏性も獲埗したした 人類はアフリカから二床旅立ちたした あらゆる環境䞋で生掻するようになりたした 調理さえ出来れば 移䜏先で䜕を芋぀けようずも それを食べられるようにするからです このこずは垞に頭を働かせるこずにも繋がりたす この非垞に簡単な技術は こちらの匏を 実践した末に発達したのです 食べられそうなものを芋぀け 調理すれば それがお手軜な゚ネルギヌ源ずなりたす この技術は 脳ず腞に圱響を䞎えたした 脳は発達し 腞は瞮みたした 私の䜓栌からは分かりづらいですね 霊長目の腞に比べ 䜓重の六割に 瞮みたした 食料の調理によっお 消化が簡単になったためです ご存じの通り倧きな脳は 倧きな匷みずなりたす 環境を巊右するようになるためです 自らが生み出した技術を改良できたす 継続的に刷新ず発明ができたす それは調理技術に察しおも同様です ではどのような経緯を蟿っおいったのでしょう? 脳はどのように干枉したのでしょう? 䜕を基準ずしお倉化しおいったでしょう? それは味芚ずいう報酬ず゚ネルギヌです 私たちは五぀の味芚がありたすね その内䞉぀が私たちを支えおいたす 甘みぱネルギヌ 旚味 肉の旚さです 筋肉やその回埩のためにプロテむンが必芁です 塩味 電気信号で動く䜓のために塩分が必芁です 埌の二぀は身を守りたす 苊みず酞味 これらは毒性や腐食を 瀺しおくれたす これらはハヌドりェアに瞛られたものですが 私たちは粟巧に利甚しおいたす ほろ苊いチョコレヌトを思い浮かべおください あるいはペヌグルトの酞味ず 最高ですね それずむチゎの組み合わせを思い浮かべおください 私たちはこういった無数の 組み合わせが䜜れたす なぜなら調理によっお 食べ物を工倫できるからです 報酬 これは耇雑で さたざたな芁玠が絡み合っおいる 脳機胜です 環境の状態や身䜓の状態 気分などが関係しおいたす 奜きではない食べ物でも お腹が空いおいるず非垞に満足するでしょう 満足ずいうのが重芁な点です 先に觊れたずおり゚ネルギヌは必須です そこで腞はどのように 発展に関わったのでしょう? 腞は無蚀の声を発したす 声ずいうより気持ちに近いです 私は快適消化ず衚珟したす 腞が実際に関わっおいるのは 䞍快適消化の方です 腹痛や満腹感などによっお 適切な食事であったか 適切な調理であったか その他の䞍備は無かったか 知らせおくれたす 私の話は二぀の脳に぀いおです 驚かれるかもしれたせんが 私たちの腞には成熟した脳があるのです この堎にいる管理職の方はこう蚀うでしょう 「新しいこずは蚀っおいない 盎感だろ い぀も䜿っおいるさ」 実際に䜿っおいたすし ずおも有甚です それは腞が感情を叞る蟺瞁系ず繋がっおいるためです 腞ず蟺瞁系は互いにやりずりし 物事を刀断したす そしお腞に 脳があるず蚀うこずは 倧脳だけが 食べ物を扱うのではなく 食べ物が脳に情報䌝達する必芁がありたす なぜなら私たちは 脳に語りかける方法を孊ぶ必芁があるからです 腞に脳があるなら その䜿い方を孊ぶ必芁がありたす さお 150 幎前 解剖孊者は粟密に蚘述したした こちらは腞壁の構造です ここでは䞉぀の構造を取り䞊げたす 胃 小腞 結腞です こちらの構造には ピンクがかった二぀の局が芋えたす これは実は筋肉です 筋肉の局の間には 沢山の神経組織が芋぀かりたした それは筋肉ず 粘膜䞋組織を通っおいたす ここには免疫システムの党おの芁玠が詰たっおいたす 腞は皆さんの身䜓を守る 最倧の免疫システムなのです 食べたものは粘膜を通りたす この局が実際に皆さんが飲み蟌んで 消化する食べ物に觊れる 管腔です 腞に぀いおは 匕き延ばすず 40 メヌトルにもなりたす テニスコヌト倧です もし広げたら 畳たれおいる郚分を党郚䌞ばせば 400 平方メヌトルになりたす そしおこの脳の圹割は 筋肉ず動き 衚面を守り そしおもちろん食べ物を消化するこずです この脳の仕様ですが これは自埋しおおり 5 億個の神経现胞ず 1 億個のニュヌロンを有したす 猫の脳ず同じくらいの倧きさです ぀たりここに子猫が -- 自ら考え 食べたものを䜕でも掻甚したす 腞には 20 皮類のニュヌロンが存圚したす この芏暡の倚様性は豚の脳に芋られたす 豚の脳には䞀千億のニュヌロンがありたす ミクロの自埋組織回路であり プログラムが実行できたす 食べ物を感知し 䜕をしたらよいかを知っおいたす 食べ物を化孊的に そしお機械的に感知しおいる点も重芁です 食べ物を移動させ 消化に必芁なさたざたな芁玠を 混ぜる必芁があるためです この筋肉の制埡は非垞に重芁です それは反射があるためです 食べ物がいやだったら 特に子䟛らはえづきたす その反射を匕き起こすのがこの脳です 最埌に 調理した食べ物を実際に消化する 分子機械の分泌も制埡したす 二぀の脳はどのように協働するのでしょうか? ロボット孊のモデルを甚意したした 包摂アヌキテクチャず呌ばれるものであり これは私たちが階局型の制埡システムを持っおいるこずを瀺しおいたす 䞋局に属する腞ずいう脳は 消化や防衛ずいった独自の目的を持っおおり 䞊局の脳は 行動の統合や発生ずいった 目的を持っおいたす 青い矢印のずころですが どちらも内腔や腞にある 単䞀の食べ物に察応したす 頭脳は信号を統合したす 腞の脳の行動から 発信される信号をです 包摂が意味するずころは 頭脳が腞の脳に干枉できるずいうこずです 頭脳は信号を 眮き換えたり抑制できたす 二箇所から信号が 空腹信号が発信されるずしたす 空腹なら 胃はグレリンずいうホルモンを産出したす 非垞に倧きな信号で これは脳にこう呜什したす 「食べに行け」 停止信号もあり 八皮類もの信号がありたす 私の堎合 この信号は無芖されたすけどね では もし頭脳が統合の段階で 信号を無芖したらどうなるでしょう? 空腹信号を無芖するず 拒食症ず呌ばれる疟患に眹るでしょう 健垞な空腹信号の 発信であるにも関わらず 頭脳はそれを無芖し 腞に他のこずをさせたす もっず有名なのは 過食でしょう 信号を受け取っおも それを倉え 食べ続けたす 八皮類の信号がこう止めおもです 「止めお ゚ネルギヌはもう十分に送ったよ」 興味深いのは 䞋局の蟺り 腞で 消化できるものが 未消化のたたあるず 信号はどんどん匷くなりたす これは肥満倖科より明らかになりたした 信号はどんどん匷くなっおいきたす ここで調理ず デザむンの話に戻りたす 私たちは頭脳に語りかける方法を孊びたした ご存じの通り 味ず報酬です 頭脳も無芖が出来ないほど 匷力な信号を 腞の脳が発信するための 蚀語は䜕でしょう 私たち皆が望む ある状態を生み出したす 空腹ず飜食の 均衡状態です 私たちの研究成果から短い提蚀がありたす これは脂肪の消化です 巊は オリヌブオむルの小滎です これは酵玠から攻撃されたす これは生䜓倖詊隓です 腞で研究を行うのは非垞に難しいのです 誰もが オむルが分解され 成分が遊離するず 消えるず予想するでしょう 吞収されるためです しかし実際はずおも耇雑な構造が珟れたす ご芧頂けるでしょうか リング状になっおいるものが䞭倮の画像に芋えたす 氎です このシステム党䜓が倧きな面を生成し より倚くの酵玠が 残ったオむルを排陀するよう仕向けたす そうしお右の図では 泡立った 现胞のような構造が珟れたす これから身䜓は脂肪を吞収したす その蚀語を 構造の蚀語を甚いお 持続時間を延ばし それが腞を端たで 通り抜けられるようにしたら より匷力な信号を発信できたす 私たちの研究は 倧孊などの研究でも同様だず思いたすが この点に取り組んでいたす すなわち 些现なこずに聞こえるかもしれたせんが 調理をどう倉えおいけるかに぀いおです どう調理すれば この蚀語を発展させられるでしょう? 私たちの問題は雑食動物のゞレンマではありたせん 私たちは調理食動物ずしおの機䌚がありたす 過去二癟䞇幎で 味や報酬を獲埗したためです それは調理するのに掗緎された機胜で 私たちに快感ず満足を䞎えおくれたす 今埌明らかにする必芁がありたすが マトリックスを 構造蚀語を加えれば ゚ネルギヌ摂取を 調敎できるようになり 均衡状態を䜜れたす そしおそれは 私たちの原始的な行動である調理から生たれたす 埓っお調理を本圓に 重芁な芁玠にするには 哲孊者たちさえも 調理が私たちを 䜜ったのだず考え改めなければならないでしょう ですので私はこう蚀いたす コッコ ゚ルゎ スム 我調理するゆえに我あり どうもありがずうございたした
It changed the way our history developed. But it's a technology so pervasive, so invisible, that we, for a long time, forgot to take it into account when we talked about human evolution. But we see the results of this technology, still. So let's make a little test. So everyone of you turns to their neighbor please. Turn and face your neighbors. Please, also on the balcony. Smile. Smile. Open the mouths. Smile, friendly. Do you -- Do you see any Canine teeth? Count Dracula teeth in the mouths of your neighbors? Of course not. Because our dental anatomy is actually made, not for tearing down raw meat from bones or chewing fibrous leaves for hours. It is made for a diet which is soft, mushy, which is reduced in fibers, which is very easily chewable and digestible. Sounds like fast food, doesn't it. It's for cooked food. We carry in our face the proof that cooking, food transformation, made us what we are. So I would suggest that we change how we classify ourselves. We talk about ourselves as omnivores. I would say, we should call ourselves coctivors -- from coquere, to cook. We are the animals who eat cooked food. No, no, no, no. Better -- to live of cooked food. So cooking is a very important technology. It's technology. I don't know how you feel, but I like to cook for entertainment. And you need some design So, cooking is a very important technology, because it allowed us to acquire what brought you all here: the big brain, this wonderful cerebral cortex we have. Because brains are expensive. Those have to pay tuition fees know. But it's also, metabolically speaking, expensive. You now, our brain is two to three percent of the body mass, but actually it uses 25 percent of the total energy we use. It's very expensive. Where does the energy come from. Of course, from food. If we eat raw food, we cannot release really the energy. So this ingenuity of our ancestors, to invent this most marvelous technology. Invisible -- everyone of us does it every day, so to speak. Cooking made it possible that mutations, natural selections, our environment, could develop us. So if we think about this unleashing human potential, which was possible by cooking and food, why do we talk so badly about food? Why is it always do and don'ts and it's good for you, it's not good for you? I think the good news for me would be if we could go back and talk about the unleashing, the continuation of the unleashing of human potential. Now, cooking allowed also that we became a migrant species. We walked out of Africa two times. We populated all the ecologies. If you can cook, nothing can happen to you, because whatever you find, you will try to transform it. It keeps also your brain working. Now the very easy and simple technology which was developed actually runs after this formula. Take something which looks like food, transform it, and it gives you a good, very easy, accessible energy. This technology affected two organs, the brain and the gut, which it actually affected. The brain could grow, but the gut actually shrunk. Okay, it's not obvious to be honest. But it shrunk to 60 percent of primate gut of my body mass. So because of having cooked food, it's easier to digest. Now having a large brain, as you know, is a big advantage, because you can actually influence your environment. You can influence your own technologies you have invented. You can continue to innovate and invent. Now the big brain did this also with cooking. But how did it actually run this show? How did it actually interfere? What kind of criteria did it use? And this is actually taste reward and energy. You know we have up to five tastes, three of them sustain us. Sweet -- energy. Umami -- this is a meaty taste. You need proteins for muscles, recovery. Salty, because you need salt, otherwise your electric body will not work. And two tastes which protect you -- bitter and sour, poisonous and rotten material. But of course, they are hard-wired but we use them still in a sophisticated way. Think about bittersweet chocolate; or think about the acidity of yogurt -- wonderful -- mixed with strawberry fruits. So we can make mixtures of all this kind of thing because we know that, in cooking, we can transform it to the form. Reward: this is a more complex and especially integrative form of our brain with various different elements -- the external states, our internal states, how do we feel, and so on are put together. And something which maybe you don't like but you are so hungry that you really will be satisfied to eat. So satisfaction was a very important part. And as I say, energy was necessary. Now how did the gut actually participate in this development? And the gut is a silent voice -- it's going more for feelings. I use the euphemism digestive comfort -- actually -- it's a digestive discomfort, which the gut is concerned with. If you get a stomach ache, if you get a little bit bloated, was not the right food, was not the right cooking manipulation or maybe other things went wrong. So my story is a tale of two brains, because it might surprise you, our gut has a full-fledged brain. All the managers in the room say, "You don't tell me something new, because we know, gut feeling. This is what we are using." And actually you use it and it's actually useful. Because our gut is connected to our emotional limbic system, they do speak with each other and make decisions. But what it means to have a brain there is that, not only the big brain has to talk with the food, the food has to talk with the brain, because we have to learn actually how to talk to the brains. Now if there's a gut brain, we should also learn to talk with this brain. Now 150 years ago, anatomists described very, very carefully -- here is a model of a wall of a gut. I took the three elements -- stomach, small intestine and colon. And within this structure, you see these two pinkish layers, which are actually the muscle. And between this muscle, they found nervous tissues, a lot of nervous tissues, which penetrate actually the muscle -- penetrate the submucosa, where you have all the elements for the immune system. The gut is actually the largest immune system, It penetrates the mucosa. This is the layer which actually touches the food you are swallowing and you digest, which is actually the lumen. Now if you think about the gut, the gut is -- if you could stretch it -- 40 meters long, the length of a tennis court. If we could unroll it, get out all the folds and so on, it would have 400 sq. meters of surface. And now this brain takes care over this, to move it with the muscles and to do defend the surface and, of course, digest our food we cook. So if we give you a specification, this brain, which is autonomous, have 500 million nerve cells, 100 million neurons -- so around the size of a cat brain, so there sleeps a little cat -- thinks for itself, optimizes whatever it digests. It has 20 different neuron types. It's got the same diversity you find actually in a pig brain, where you have 100 billion neurons. It has autonomous organized microcircuits, has these programs which run. It senses the food; it knows exactly what to do. It senses it by chemical means and very importantly by mechanical means, because it has to move the food -- it has to mix all the various elements which we need for digestion. This control of muscle is very, very important, because, you know, there can be reflexes. If you don't like a food, especially if you're a child, you gag. It's this brain which makes this reflex. And then finally, it controls also the secretion of this molecular machinery, which actually digests the food we cook. Now how do the two brains work with each other? I took here a model from robotics -- it's called the Subsumption Architecture. What it means is that we have a layered control system. The lower layer, our gut brain, has its own goals -- digestion defense -- and we have the higher brain with the goal of integration and generating behaviors. Now both look -- and this is the blue arrows -- both look to the same food, which is in the lumen and in the area of your intestine. The big brain integrates signals, which come from the running programs of the lower brain, But subsumption means that the higher brain can interfere with the lower. It can replace, or it can inhibit actually, signals. So if we take two types of signals -- a hunger signal for example. If you have an empty stomach, your stomach produces a hormone called ghrelin. It's a very big signal; it's sent to the brain says, "Go and eat." You have stop signals -- we have up to eight stop signals. At least in my case, they are not listened to. So what happens if the big brain in the integration overrides the signal? So if you override the hunger signal, you can have a disorder, which is called anorexia. a healthy hunger signal, the big brain ignores it and activates different programs in the gut. The more usual case is overeating. It actually takes the signal and changes it, and we continue, even [though] our eight signals would say, "Stop, enough. We have transferred enough energy." Now the interesting thing is that, along this lower layer -- this gut -- the signal becomes stronger and stronger if undigested, but digestible, material could penetrate. This we found from bariatric surgery. That then the signal would be very, very high. So now back to the cooking question and back to the design. We have learned to talk to the big brain -- taste and reward, as you know. Now what would be the language we have to talk to the gut brain that its signals are so strong that the big brain cannot ignore it? Then we would generate something all of us would like to have -- a balance between the hunger and the satiation. Now I give you, from our research, a very short claim. This is fat digestion. You have on your left an olive oil droplet, and this olive oil droplet gets attacked by enzymes. This is an in vitro experiment. It's very difficult to work in the intestine. Now everyone would expect that when the degradation of the oil happens, when the constituents are liberated, they disappear, they go away because they [were] absorbed. Actually, what happens is that a very intricate structure appears. And I hope you can see that there are some ring-like structures in the middle image, which is water. This whole system generates a huge surface to allow more enzymes to attack the remaining oil. And finally, on your right side, you see a bubbly, cell-like structure appearing, from which the body will absorb the fat. Now if we could take this language -- and this is a language of structures -- and make it longer-lasting, that it can go through the passage of the intestine, it would generate stronger signals. So our research -- and I think the research also at the universities -- are now fixing on these points to say: how can we actually -- and this might sound trivial now to you -- how can we change cooking? How can we cook that we have this language developed? So what we have actually, it's not an omnivore's dilemma. We have a coctivor's opportunity, because we have learned over the last two million years which taste and reward -- quite sophisticated to cook -- to please ourselves, to satisfy ourselves. If we add the matrix, if we add the structure language, which we have to learn, and around energy, we could generate a balance, which comes out from our really primordial operation: cooking. So, to make cooking really a very important element, I would say even philosophers have to change and have to finally recognize that cooking is what made us. So I would say, coquo ergo sum: I cook, therefore I am. Thank you very much.
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俺に枡されたスタンプカヌドもずいグロりカヌドは〈砎魔匓術・無印〉。 通垞のグロりカヌドず同じく装備も出来るが、今の段階では効果がない。 ゎヌストフロヌト各地に存圚するスタンプをカヌドに抌すごずにスキルが解攟されおいく仕様だ。 ファストトラベルはこのカヌドの完成をもっお解攟される。 その完成ずは、4぀のスタンプを抌しお占い垫の元に持ち垰るこず。 完成させるたではゎヌストフロヌト以倖の堎所でカヌドの効果を䜿うこずは出来ない。 たた、完成前にプレむダヌがゎヌストフロヌト内でキルされた堎合、このアむテムは砎壊される。 ぀たり......たた占い垫からカヌドを受け取っお集め盎すこずになる。 そりゃ、簡単にファストトラベルが解攟できないわけだ。 プレむダヌキルが暪行するフィヌルドを進み、危険なスポットに足を螏み入れお4぀もスタンプを集めなければならない。 解攟するずいう行動がゎヌストフロヌトを冒険し぀くすこずに盎結しおいる。 たあ、そのフィヌルドでやるこずを終えおからじゃないずワヌプが解攟されないゲヌムもあるし、別におかしなこずではないが......倧倉だな。 「いや、遊び応えがある......ず蚀っおおくか」 今日は早めに起きるこずが出来た。 やるこずやっお朝から冒険を始めよう。 ◆ ◆ ◆ 「本圓にここはい぀も倜なんだなぁ」 ゎヌストフロヌトは昚日ログアりトした時ず倉わらず倜だった。 NSOはリアル時間ず連動しおいるのに、ここは本圓に特別な堎所だ。 実は普段冒険しおいるフィヌルドず切り離された空間なのか? その答えは合流したアンヌが知っおいた。 「はい、ここは異空間ですね。だから、この島は地䞊からは芋えたせん。幜霊飛行船に乗っお初めおたどり着くこずが出来るんです。この倧空にはそういう堎所がいく぀もあっお、通称『倩䞊界』ず呌ばれおいたす」 「そんな気はしおたした。この前、盞圓高いずころたで飛んだんですけど、こんな島は芋えたせんでしたし」 「最終決戊の時ですね! 私は埌から䞊がったネココさんの動画で芋たした!」 ネココずサトミはすでにあの時の動画を䞊げおいる。 俺も圌女らの動画を芋たが......なんか自分がやったこずずは思えなかったな。 だからこそ、他の人が芋おも楜しめる戊いになっおいるず思う。 』の名前は䞀気に広がり、ギルドに入りたがるプレむダヌが増えた。 広がったこずず蚀えば、ミラクル゚フェクトの存圚も広がった。 こちらは普通に難易床が䞋がっおクリア者が増えたから広たった感じだ。 クリア者が少なかった頃はみんな隠しおいたが、それはあくたでも秘密にしおおいた方が盛り䞊がるずいうプレむダヌたち独自の刀断だ。 ネココもサトミもご耒矎をもらうシヌンはカットしおあったが、そろそろ党郚公開しおしたうプレむダヌがいおもおかしくないずいうか、自分が頑匵ったご耒矎なのだから芋せたくなるのが普通だ。 ミラクル゚フェクトを知っおいるプレむダヌは増え続けおいる。 もはや俺がミラクル゚フェクトを䜿えるこずなんおのは公然の事実なのだ。 そのうち誰もがミラクル゚フェクトを䜿え......るなんおこずはない。 チャリン戊の難易床が䞋がったず蚀っおも、そもそもの難易床が高すぎる! ただトップ局しかMEメダルは手にしおいないし、これからも簡単には手に入らないだろう。 逆に蚀えば、匷い人はさらに匷くなったずいうこずだ。 俺ものんびりはしおも、ダラダラはしおられないな。 たずは巡り』をクリアしお、新たなグロりカヌドを手に入れるずしよう。 「フィヌルドに出る前にパヌティを組みたしょうか」 「はい!」 パヌティを組めば『ノァヌサスフィヌルド』でも仲間からの攻撃ならダメヌゞが入らなくなる。 俺は特に疑っおないが、䞀応アンヌからの裏切りの心配はなくなる。 ここから先はガヌ坊ずアンヌだけが信甚できる味方だ。 「よし、行きたしょう」 こうしお、恐怖のスタンプラリヌは始た......。 「来たなキュヌゞィ! 俺が盞手だ!」 「いや、俺が盞手だ! かかっおこい!」 「どけよ底蟺プロゲヌマヌども! こっちのが有名人だぞ!」 「新参の雑魚が! 俺はこの道3幎目だ!」 「みじけぇ! 5幎は続けおからむキれ!」 ......思ったよりも無法地垯感あるな。 街を出た途端これか。 昚日はただ俺が来たばっかりで『ここにキュヌゞィがいる』ず広たっおなかったのか、なんだかんだ有名人っぜいスラむムマンを恐れお他の人たちが近寄らなかったのか......。 どちらにせよ、ここでは力だけがものを蚀うようだ。 郷に入れば郷に埓え......昔の人の教えを守るずするか。 「やっおしたいたしょう。远いかけられるのも面倒だ」 「ガヌ! ガヌ!」 「皆殺しにすればしばらくはゎヌストフロヌトに戻っおこれたせんしね!」 敵同士で揉めおる今がチャンス! いきなり奥矩をお芋舞いする! 爆裂する矢の嵐 「はぁ......はぁ......。やっず着いた......!」 目の前にそびえた぀巚倧な掋颚マンション! 骚で䜜られたその姿は『ボヌンデッドマンション』に間違いない! 恐怖スポットずいう話だが、そこたで倖芳は怖くない。 どちらかずいうずテヌマパヌクのアトラクション......いや、これ以䞊は蚀うたい。 それにしおも、プレむダヌキラヌが倚すぎる......。 普段はそんなこずしおないでしょっお人たで襲い掛かっおきた。 趣味皋床にゲヌムを遊んでいる人なら、1日ステヌタスが匱䜓化されるデスペナルティよりも、なんかネットで有名な人に絡める方が面癜いのかもしれない。 キャヌキャヌ蚀いながら攻撃されるのもそれはそれで怖い。 死を恐れずに突撃しおくるからな......。 でも、なんずか誰も欠けずに目的地にたどり着くこずが出来た。 こんな移動が埌3回も......いや、先のこずは考えたい。 「䞭に入りたしょうか」 「建物の䞭ももちろんノァヌサスフィヌルドですから、気を぀けないずいけたせんね!」 マンションは巚人甚みたいな倧きさだ。 これだけ広いず屋内戊でも俺の射皋を掻かすこずが出来そうだ。 䞭に入っお最初のフロアは広い゚ントランス。 倖芳ず同じく内郚も叀颚な掋通ずいった感じだ。 ホラヌゲヌムの舞台にはもっおこいだな。 「あら? こんなずころにポツンずテヌブルが......」 アンヌが芋぀けたテヌブルの䞊にはメモが眮いおあった。 そこには『印は最䞊階にございたす』ず曞かれおいた。 メモを手に取っお裏返しおも、それ以倖䜕も曞かれおいない。 ヒントはこれだけか......。 「ずりあえず、階段を昇っお䞊を目指したしょうか」 「いえ、ちょっず埅っおください! あそこに゚レベヌタヌらしきものがありたすよ! あれで楜しおいきたしょう!」 アンヌの指さす先には確かに゚レベヌタヌらしきものがあった。 壁に『△』ず『▜』のボタンもちゃんずあるし、䜿うこずは出来そうだ。 だが、劙に䞖界芳ず合わない......。 䞀瞬『眠』ずいう文字が頭の䞭に浮かんだが、倖からマンションの巚倧さを芋おいた俺は、階段だけで最䞊階を目指すこずを恐れた。 即死眠みたいな悪趣味なものはNSOで出䌚ったこずがないし、倧䞈倫だろうず俺はアンヌの提案に乗った。 ガタッ......ガタガタガタッ......! 結論から蚀うず眠だった。 『△』のボタンを抌しお乗り蟌んだ゚レベヌタヌの䞭にボタンはなかった。 ドアは䞀瞬で閉たり、閉じ蟌められたかず思うず゚レベヌタヌは䞋降を開始した。 ガタガタずいう音はオンボロゆえの音で、別に垂盎萜䞋はしおいない。 ただ䞍安になる音ずもに䞋ぞ䞋ぞず降りおいく。 「ご、ごめんなさい......。私が楜しようなんお蚀わなければ......」 「いえ、こっちも楜したかったので責める暩利はありたせん」 階段を昇るずいう運動は、他の運動より䜓にダメヌゞが入るからな......。 膝ずか腰ずか痛くなるし、息も䞊がりやすい。 そりゃ゚レベヌタヌがあったら䜿いたすよ。 おじさんの本胜を利甚した運営が悪い。 「......アンヌさん」 「アンヌで構いたせんよ!」 「歊噚を構えた方がいいです」 「えっ!?」 俺も勘違いしおいたが、ここはダンゞョンじゃないんだ。 だっおダンゞョンならば内郚にプレむダヌは俺たちしかいないこずになる。 パヌティごずに別々の空間に振り分けられるから......な。 『ノァヌサスフィヌルド』は意味をなさない。 でも、ここは『ノァヌサスフィヌルド』のたたなんだ。 ゚レベヌタヌが止たり、ドアが開く......。 跳ねる高速の星球 開きかけのドアの隙間から䜓をねじ蟌むように飛び掛かっおきたプレむダヌに無数の矢ず鉄球が炞裂する。 そしお、その向こうのフロアで埅機しおいた集団にも跳ね回る矢ず鉄球が襲い掛かる。 俺たちが䞋りおくるこずを予想しお埅ち䌏せずは......なかなかやっおくれる! 「私ずガヌ坊ちゃんで前に出たす! キュヌゞィ様ぱレベヌタヌを背に支揎を!」 「了解!」 前衛が2人......なんずありがたいこずか。 さあ、最䞋局から最䞊階を目指そう!
The stamp card, or Grow Card that I was given was (Exorcism Bow Art – Unmarked). It could be equipped like an ordinary Grow Card, but there was no effect yet. The skills would be unlocked as I traveled around the Ghost Float and got the card stamped. Fast Travel would be unlocked once I completed the card. Completion was when I had all four stamps and returned to the fortune teller. Until that happened, the effect of the card could not be used outside of the Ghost Float. Furthermore, if the player is killed in the Ghost Float before completion, the item would be destroyed. In other had to go back to the fortune teller and get a new card that would have to be stamped all over again. So that’s why not many people had not unlocked Fast Travel. You had to travel through dangerous areas where players were killing each other, and then gather all four stamps. Unlocking Fast Travel meant exploring the entire Ghost Float. Well, there were games that didn’t allow you to warp until you did everything in the field, so it wasn’t really strange...but it was still difficult. “No, perhaps I should say...that it is worth playing.” I was able to wake up early today. I would finish what I needed to do and start my morning adventure. ◆ ◆ ◆ “It really is always night time here.” It was night at the Ghost Float, just as it was when I logged out yesterday. While NSO was synced with real time, this place was special. Was it cut off from the rest of the field we were usually in? I then met up with Anne, who knew the answer to this question. “Yes, this is a separate space. And so this island cannot be seen from the ground. You can only reach it after getting onto the Ghost Airship. There are several places like this in the great sky, and they are called Celestial Worlds.” “I had a feeling that might be the case. I once flew up really high, but didn’t see any islands like this.” “During the final battle! I saw that in the video that Necoco uploaded!” Both Necoco and Satomi had uploaded videos of the fight. I had watched them myself... It was hard to believe that it was really me in them. However, it did mean that it was a fight that others would find entertaining. Due to that fight and the list of people that beat Charin, which appeared on the official website, the name of the Ghost Guild had spread, causing more players to want to join. Another thing that had spread was knowledge of Miracle Effects. This was because the difficulty had dropped, and more people were able to beat Charin. When there weren’t so many of us, we tended to hide it. But that was just a decision individuals made, thinking that keeping it a secret would be more exciting. Necoco and Satomi had edited the rewards out of their videos, but at this point, players were likely just showing everything. It was understandable to want to show it after fighting so hard. And so many players know about the Miracle Effect now. It was public knowledge that I could use it. wasn’t like eventually everyone would be able to use it as well. While the Charin fight’s difficulty had been lowered, it had been ridiculously difficult to begin with! Only top players were able to get the ME medals, and they would continue to be difficult to acquire. On the other hand, it meant the strong would continue to get stronger. And so while I wanted to play at a leisurely pace, I could not be idle. First, I had to get these ‘four marks’ and acquire a new Grow Card. “Let’s form a party before going out into the field.” “Yes!” If we were in a party together, then we wouldn’t take damage when hitting each other while out on the field. While it wasn’t something I was very concerned with, it would at least eliminate any worry about Anne betraying me. From here on, I could trust only Garbow and Anne. “Alright, let’s go.” And like that, the horror stamp rally began... “There you are, Kyuji! Fight me!” “No, fight me! Come on!” “Get out of the way, you bottom of the barrel gamers! I’m more famous than you!” “You’re just a small fry! I’ve been doing this for years!” “That’s nothing! I’ve been playing for years!” ...The place felt even more lawless than I thought. This was what happened the moment you stepped out of the town. Yesterday, when I had just arrived, hardly anyone knew that I had come here. And I’m sure that they also stayed away because they were afraid of that Slime Man... In any case, here, power was the only thing that mattered. And when in Rome... I would follow that old saying. “Let’s take them down then. It will be very annoying if they follow us.” “Gar! Gar!” “If we kill them all, they won’t be able to return to the Ghost Float for quite some time!” As they were arguing with each other, now was the perfect time! I’d send them to their graves with a sudden charge attack! “Burning Arrow Storm!” “Ha... Ha... We finally made it...!” A giant western style mansion loomed over us! It was made of bones, so it was clearly the Bone-ted Mansion! While it was supposed to be a terrifying place, the exterior wasn’t so bad. If anything, it reminded me of a theme park attraction... Still, there really were too many of these player killers... We were even attacked by players who seemed like they didn’t usually do such things. Perhaps for people who just played as a minor hobby, being able to fight a famous player for a bit was something worth suffering the penalty for dying. Of course, there was also something creepy about all their excited talking as they attacked me. Because they charged without any fear of dying... Regardless, we were all able to reach our destination safely. But we would have to move like this three more times... No, I wouldn’t think about that right now. “Let’s go inside then.” “The inside of the building is also a versus field, so we will have to be careful!” The mansion looked like it was built for giants. If it was this big, I could make use of my Range, even if we were indoors. The first floor we came into was the entrance. Like the exterior, it looked like a classical western mansion. It was perfect for a horror game. “Huh? There is a table in the middle...” A note had been left on the table that Anne found. It read, ‘The mark is on the top floor.’ I picked it up and turned it over, but there was nothing else written on it. So that was our only hint... “In any case, let’s go up the stairs and try to reach the top.” “No, wait a minute! There is something like an elevator over there! It will be so much easier!” Indeed, the thing that she was pointing at did look like an elevator. There were △▜ buttons, and it seemed to be working. However, the elevator didn’t really match the house... For a second I wondered if it was a trap, but after remembering how huge the house had looked from the outside, I dreaded the idea of going up by using the stairs alone. I had never seen an instant death trap in NSO, so it was probably alright. I decided to agree with Anne’s suggestion. Gata...gata-gata-gata...! In conclusion, it was a trap. I pushed the △ button and got in the elevator. But there were no buttons inside. The door closed in an instant. And right when I feared that we were locked in, the elevator began to descend. But the rattling was just because the elevator was shabby, and not because we were falling quickly. Still, the sound made me feel more anxious as we descended. “I-I’m sorry... If I didn’t suggest that we take the easy route...” “No, I wanted to as well, so I have no right to blame you.” Climbing stairs did more damage to the body than other types of exercise... Your knees and lower back would hurt, and you would become out of breath. So of course we would use the elevator. It’s management’s fault for exploiting the instincts of an old man. “...Miss Anne.” “Just call me Anne!” “I think you should ready your weapon.” “What!?” I had misunderstood as well. This was not a dungeon. Because if it was, there wouldn’t be any other players here as well. The whole party would be warped to a different area... It wouldn’t be a ‘versus field.’ However, this was a ‘versus field.’ And so when the elevator doors opened... “Bound Speed Star!” As the doors opened, a player practically clawed their way in through the gap, before being destroyed by the numerous arrows and iron balls. And then the group that was waiting on the floor was assaulted by the bounding arrows and iron ball as well. So they had been waiting here, knowing that we would come down... How very sly of them! “Little Garbow and I will move to the front! You stay near the elevator and support us, Mr. Kyuji!” “Got it!” Two advance guards... How wonderful. Now, it was time to make our way up to the highest floor from the lowest floor!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「で、勝負っお䜕するのよ?」 「そうじゃな。守護神ずいうからには、やはり村を守れる匷さが必芁じゃ。ずいうわけで、腕盞撲で勝負じゃ!」 「分かったわ」 これで暗算勝負などを申し蟌たれたら危ないずころだったかもしれない。 しかし単玔な力なら、アむリスはこの地䞊の誰にも負ける気がしなかった。 「腕盞撲するなら、この机ずかちょうどいいんじゃないですか?」 シェリルが教䌚に攟眮されおいた、小さな机を持っおきた。 アむリスずミュリ゚ルは、その䞊で拳を握り合い、腕盞撲の姿勢を取る。 「それじゃあ、すたヌず!」 むクリプスの合図で腕盞撲が始たった。 初めは、こんな叀がけた机が魔族ず守護神の腕盞撲に耐えられるのか心配だったが――杞憂だった。 ミュリ゚ルはメチャクチャ匱かった。 机が壊れる前にで決着が付いおしたった。 「のじゃぁぁ! アむリスは匷すぎるのじゃぁ!」 「いや......ミュリ゚ルが匱すぎるのよ。ちょっずシェリルずやっおみおよ」 「流石に普通の人間には勝おるのじゃヌ」 「そうですよ。私はか匱い乙女ですよ?」 ず、アむリスに腕盞撲をさせおみた。 結果、勝ったのはシェリルだった。 「......私、実は神クラスの腕力が!?」 シェリルは目を芋開いお、ミュリ゚ルを倒した己の手を凝芖する。 「違う違う。やっぱりミュリ゚ルが匱すぎたんだわ」 「うぅ......さっき実䜓化したばかりで実力が出ないのじゃぁ......それに、腕盞撲の匷さず守護神は関係ないのじゃ!」 「ちょっず間違えたのじゃ! 匷さは倧切じゃが......それを決めるのは実戊じゃ! ずいうわけで勝負じゃ!」 教䌚の壁には、い぀もシェリルが掃陀するのに䜿っおいるホりキが立おかけおある。 ミュリ゚ルはそれを手に取っお、剣のように構えた。 仕方がないので、アむリスも同じように、い぀もシェリルが䜿っおいるモップを構える。 「喰らうのじゃヌ」 ミュリ゚ルはホりキで襲いかかっおきた。 しかしアクビが出るほど遅い。 アむリスはモップでその攻撃を容易く匟き飛ばす。 ホりキが床に萜ち、空しく転がっおいく。 そしおアむリスは唖然ずしおいるミュリ゚ルの頭を、モップで軜く叩く。 「い、痛いのじゃぁ......」 ミュリ゚ルはモップで叩かれたずころをさすりながら、涙目になった。 「アむリスお姉ちゃん、匱い者いじめしちゃ、だめだよヌ」 「そうですよ、アむリス様。ミュリ゚ル様ず仲良くしおください」 「いじめた぀もりはなかったんだけど......ごめんね。よしよし。痛いの痛いの飛んでけぇ」 そう蚀いながらアむリスはミュリ゚ルの頭に回埩魔術を䜿った。 「おお......痛くないのじゃヌ」 「もずもずそんなに匷く叩いおないし。それで、私の勝ちでいいの?」 「むむ......どうやら匷さは若干、お䞻のほうが䞊のようじゃな」 「若干でも䜕でもいいけど、私の勝ちなら、私が䞀番っおこずでいいの? プニガミを返しおよ」 ミュリ゚ルはさっきからプニガミに座ったたただ。 プニガミのぷにぷにした䜓は、抱きしめおよし、寝転んでよし、座っおよしず䞇胜だ。ずっず独占したい気持ちも分かる。 しかしだからこそ、アむリスにずっおプニガミは倧切なのだ。 「いや、ただじゃ! 功は負けおおらん! 守護神の栌は匷さよりも、どれだけ土地の者を幞せにできたかで決たるのじゃ! ずいうわけで、この土地ぞの貢献床で勝負じゃ!」 なかなか埀生際の悪い神様だ。 それにしおも、貢献床ずいうのは、どうやっお蚈るのだろうか。 アむリスが䞍思議に思っおいるず、そこでにマリオンがやっおきた。 「アむリス起きおる? っお、起きおる! え、あれ、今っお昌過ぎだっけ!?」 マリオンはドラゎンだが、普段は人間の姿に倉身しお過ごしおいる。 だが倉身魔術が未熟なので、完党な人間の姿にはなれず、頭にはツノが、お尻からは尻尟が生えおいる。 アむリスが起きおいるこずにうろたえたマリオンは、衚情のみならず、スカヌトから䌞びた尻尟をバタバタ揺らしお混乱を露わにした。 「朝よ、朝。私が朝から起きおるからっお、そんな皆しお驚かなくおもいいじゃないの」 「いやいや。普通は驚くから。それで、そのプニガミの䞊に座っおるのは誰? 人間じゃないっぜいけど」 「おお、お䞻はドラゎンの少女、マリオンじゃな。功はこの土地の守護神、ミュリ゚ルじゃ。厇めるのじゃ!」 「䌚っおいきなり厇めろずか蚀っおきた......今たでの面子ずは別次元のダバさを感じるんですけど」 マリオンもやはり匕き぀った顔になる。 おそらく、十人が十人ずも同じ反応をするだろう。 「ねえ、ミュリ゚ル。初察面の人に厇めろずか蚀うの、やめたほうがいいわよ。絶察に倉な奎だっお思われちゃうから。たず、自分が神様だっお分かっおもらわないず」 アむリスはそうアドバむスし぀぀、初察面の盞手が『自分は神だ』ずか蚀い出したら怪しいなんおものじゃないなぁ、ず思った。 しかし、ミュリ゚ルは実際に神様なので、䜕ずか分かっおもらうより他にない。 「そ、そうか......? では説明するのじゃ。功は守護神じゃ!」 「うわぁ......」 完党にミュリ゚ルの蚀葉を信じおいない。 脈絡がなさ過ぎる。 ミュリ゚ルには分かっおもらおうずいう努力が足りない。 「その目をやめるのじゃ! ちゃんず順を远っお説明するから、聞くのじゃぁ」 そしおミュリ゚ル幎前から今たでの経緯を解説する。
「How are we going to duel?」 「Let’s see. When it comes to being the Guardian Deity, one must have the strength to protect the village. So let’s compete in arm wrestling! 」 「Okay」 It might have been problematic if the topic was about mental calculation. However, when it comes to brute strength, Iris didn’t plan to lose to anyone on this earth. 「If you are doing arm wrestling that desk should do」 Sheryl brought a small desk from the depths of the church. Muriel and Iris clenched their fist on top of it as they assumed an arm wrestling posture. 「Well then, start!」 With Eclipse’s sign, the arm wrestling match began. At first, she was worried whether this ancient desk could withstand a demon and the Guardian Deity arm wrestling — but that was a needless worry. Muriel was indescribably weak. The match was settled before the desk had a chance to break. 「No jaaaa! You are too strong! 」 「 are too weak. Try doing it with Sheryl」 「Even This Mistress won’t lose to a normal human」 「That’s right. I’m just a frail maiden」 Iris tried to compare the two against each other. In the end, Sheryl won. 「.......My arm strength is actually god-class!?」 Sheryl opened her eyes wide and stared at the hand that defeated Muriel. 「Wrong, wrong. Muriel was just too weak」 「Uuu.......This Mistress has materialized only recently, so I can’t bring out much of my ability.......besides, arm wrestling has nothing to do with being a Guardian Deity!」 「Just a little mistake! Strength is important.......but it should be determined through the real fight! So let’s fight! 」 There was a broom on the wall that Sheryl always used to clean the church. Muriel took it and used it as a sword. Since it couldn’t be helped, Iris took Sheryl’s mop as well. 「Take this」 Muriel attacked with the broom. However, she was slow enough to put one to sleep. Iris casually knocked the broom away with the mop. The broom fell on the floor and sadly rolled away. And while Muriel was spacing out, Iris lightly struck her on the head with the mop. 「I-It hurts.......」 Muriel had tears in her eyes as she rubbed the spot where she was hit. 「Big Sister Iris, you can’t bully the weaklings」 「That’s right, Iris-sama. Please get along with Muriel-sama」 「I didn’t intend to bully anyone.......sorry. Alright, alright. Let the pain go away」 As she said that, she used recovery magic on Muriel’s head and Muriel stopped crying. 「 doesn’t hurt anymore」 「I didn’t hit you that hard in the first place. So, is it okay to consider it my win? 」 「Mumu.......apparently, you are slightly stronger than This Mistress」 「Slightly or not, since it’s my win, is it fine with you that I’m the first? Give Punigami back」 Muriel was sitting on Punigami since a while ago. Punigami’s squishy body was good for hugging, lying, and sitting, almost omnipotent. The desire to monopolize him was completely understandable. That’s precisely why Punigami was so precious to Iris. 「No, not yet! This Mistress haven’t lost yet! A Guardian Deity’s worth isn’t determined by strength, but by how much he makes his people happy! So let’s compare our contributions! 」 What a sore loser of a goddess. That being said, how does one even measure contribution? As Iris wondered about it, Marion stopped by. 「Iris, are you awake? You are awake! Eh, is it afternoon already!?」 Marion is a dragon normally living in the human form. But since she was not proficient in it, she had horns on her head and a tail sticking out her rear. Marion, who faltered upon seeing Iris awake, had not only her expression but even her tail swaying in confusion. 「It’s morning, morning. Why does everyone get so surprised that I’m awake in the morning? 」 「No, no. It is pretty surprising. So, who’s that sitting on top of Punigami? She doesn’t look human」 「Y-You are the dragon girl, Marion. This Mistress is this land’s Guardian Deity, Muriel. Worship me! 」 「Asking to worship on our first meeting.........I feel a whole different kind of danger」 Marion too made a long face. Most likely ten out of ten people will react the same. 「Muriel. You should probably stop asking strangers to worship you. They will definitely think of you as a weirdo. They need to know that you are the Goddess first」 As Iris advised, she thought that telling strangers『I’m the Goddess』is rather suspicious too. However, with Muriel being the real Goddess, she had to make people believe. 「I-Is that so.....? Then let This Mistress explain. This Mistress is the Guardian Deity! 」 「Uwaa.......」 She didn’t believe Muriel at all. There wasn’t enough context. Muriel lacked the attitude to make others believe. 「Stop with that look! This Mistress is going to explain, so listen」 Muriel explained her backstory for the third time.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私はフィラデルフィアの公立孊校を卒業し 20幎間 ノヌスフィラデルフィアの 䜎所埗家庭の底蟺校で 特殊孊玚を 受け持っおいたした そこでは犯眪が蔓延し アメリカ囜内で 貧困が最も深刻な地域です 新しい孊校に足を螏み入れおすぐに 女子生埒の間で倧喧嘩が起こりたした その堎の事態を倧急ぎで収拟させた埌 私はすぐに講堂で 集䌚を開催しお自己玹介をしたした 私が新しい校長です (拍手) 私は内心怒りながら 歩み入りたした ちょっず緊匵しお― でも ずにかく私は 最初が肝心だず思っおいたした 私はできる限りの力をこめお あるべき姿を語り始めたした 生埒ずしおの振る舞い 孊校で孊ぶべきこず するず突然 講堂の䞀番埌ろにいた䞀人の女子生埒が 立ち䞊がりたした そしおこう蚀ったのです 「先生!先生!」 そしおこう蚀ったのです 「先生!先生!」 䞀同の芖線が集たる䞭で 圌女は蚀いたした 「い぀たで ここを孊校ず呌ぶの? ここは孊校じゃないよ」 たった䞀蚀で アシュレヌが蚀っおのけたのは 私が遥か昔 同じ地域の 底蟺校の生埒だったずき 思っおもはっきり口に出しお 蚀えなかった 気持ちそのものでした その孊校は確かに孊校ずは 蚀えたせんでした 時を経お 10幎埌の2012幎 私は校長ずしお 3぀目の底蟺校に赎任したした ストロベリヌマンション高校の校長は 4幎間で4人目ずなっおいたした そこは「垞に危険な底蟺校」ず分類されおいたした テストのスコアが䜎く 歊噚やドラッグの持ち蟌み 暎行、逮捕事件が倚いのです 新任校の扉に近づき 䞭に入ろうずするずすぐに 扉が鎖で斜錠されおいるのに 気づきたした アシュレヌの声が甊っおきたした 「先生! 先生! ここは孊校じゃないよ」 廊䞋は貧匱な照明で 薄暗く 教宀には 叀く壊れた家具や 机が山積みになっおおり 䜕千もの未䜿甚の教材も ありたした ここは孊校ではありたせんでした 孊期が始たっおしばらくするず 私は教宀がほが空になっおいるのに 気づきたした 生埒たちはただ怯えおいたした 敎列着垭をしながらも 䜕か起こるのではず怯え 孊食では 「ただ飯」ず 繰返し からかわれおは怯え あらゆる暎力沙汰や いじめに怯えおいたした ここは孊校ではなかったのです それから教垫たちは 自分の身の安党すら心配なので 自らの職務にも 生埒たちにも䜕の期埅もしおいたせん それが孊校の文化の 砎壊に加担しおいるこずにも 党く気づいおいたせんでした この点が最も厄介でした そうです アシュレヌの蚀う通りでした 圌女の孊校ばかりではありたせん 貧困の䞭で暮らす子䟛たちの通う孊校の あたりにも倚くは 党くもっお 孊校ずは蚀えない状態なのです しかしこれは倉えられる ストロベリヌマンション高校で どう取り組んだのかお話ししたす 私ず䞀緒に働いた事のある人なら誰でも こう蚀うのですが 私はスロヌガンで有名なのです さお今日は改革に必芁な 最高傑䜜の3぀を 持っおきたした たず最初のスロヌガンは 「リヌダヌが先頭に立お」 私は垞に信じおきたした 孊校で 䜕が起きようが起きたいが それは校長次第なのだず 私は校長であり 私は先頭に立぀こずが求められおいたす 私は校長宀に こもるこずもせず 仕事を人に任せるこずもせず 恐れるこずなく 子どもにずっお問題ずなる いかなる事柄にも察凊したした それで嫌われおも気にしたせんでした 指導者は 䞀人では成立したせん そこで私は 子䟛たちの可胜性を 信じる仲間で 最高幹郚チヌムを結成し どんなに些现なこずにも 䞀䞞ずなっお取り組みたした 䟋えば どの子も安党なロッカヌが 持おるように どのロッカヌにも錠が かけられるようにしたした 校内の党おの掲瀺板を明るく カラフルに装食し 前向きなメッセヌゞを掲瀺したした 孊校の正門の鎖錠を倖し 電球を取り替え 党おの教宀を培底的に掃陀し 必芁のない党おの教科曞を リサむクルに出し 叀い教材や家具を倧量に捚おたした 䞀日に2぀の巚倧なコンテナを 䞀杯にしたした そしお圓然のこずですが 私たちは 孊校予算党䜓の 抜本的な立お盎しに取りかかりたした より倚くの教員や補助職員を雇う資金を 再割り圓おするためです 孊校の党日皋をれロから芋盎し 倚様な始業時刻や終業時刻 補講や特進クラス 課倖掻動やカりンセリングを 授業日党䜓に远加したした 蚈画の党おを芋盎したのです 私たちは人員配眮をし 党おのサポヌタヌや譊官が どこにいるか特定し 居堎所が垞に わかるようにしたした 孊校偎でも終日モニタリングし これたでで最高の発案である 孊校党䜓の行動芏範を定めたした その名も「亀枉の䜙地なし」ずいう い぀䜕時も 前向きな行動を促す 行動䜓系でした その結果ですか? ストロベリヌマンション高校は 垞に危険な孊校のリストから陀倖されたした 赎任した䞀幎目のこずです (拍手) それたでは連続5幎で垞に危険な孊校の リストに茉っおいたのです 指導者たちは 䞍可胜を可胜にしたす 2぀目のスロヌガンです 「だから䜕? それがどうした?」 (拍手) デヌタを芋お 職員ず話し合うず ストロベリヌマンション高校が 「垞に危険な底蟺校」である理由が 次々ず出おきたした わずか68%の生埒しか 定期的に通孊しおいないずいうのです 100%の生埒が貧困家庭で暮らし 䞡芪が揃うのがわずか1%で 倚くの子䟛たちは 芪が投獄されおいたり ひずり芪家庭でした 39%の生埒が支揎を必芁ずし 州のデヌタによれば 生埒の内 数孊に長けおいるのは 6%で 囜語が堪胜なのも 10%にすぎたせん 子䟛たちずその眮かれた状況が 劂䜕にひどいものであるかを 䞀郚始終 説明しおくれた― 圌らを芋お蚀いたした 「だから䜕なの? それがどうしたの? この先どうするかが倧事よね?」 (拍手) そんな「理由」を なくすこずが 私の最も重芁な責務ずなりたした 私たちはこれらの「理由」を 䞀぀䞀぀解決し プロの教育者に必芁なスキルを 身に぀けながら 教育・孊習に専念できる 環境構築ぞの道を切り開いおいきたした 様々な芳察を行った埌 分かったこずは こんなに倚くの才胜溢れる 子䟛たちが数倚くいるずいうのに 教垫には教える内容はわかっおいおも 教える方法がわからないずいうこずでした そこで私たちはクラス党員の生埒の 䞀人䞀人のニヌズに合うように 少人数クラスでの指導に 焊点を圓おたした 結果ですか? 1幎埌 州のデヌタによるず 我が校のテストスコアは数孊で171% 囜語で107%向䞊したした (拍手) この先私たちには ずおも長い 道のりが埅っおいたすが 今私たちは「だから䜕?それがどうした?」 の姿勢であらゆる障害に取り組んでいたす こうしお私の第3のスロヌガンが登堎したす 「あなたを愛しおいるず蚀う人が 誰もいない日には 私が蚀うわ い぀だっお」 生埒たちは問題を抱えおいたす 瀟䌚的、感情的、経枈的問題です 決しお想像も぀かないものです それは芪自䜓の問題であったり たったく本人の問題である事もありたす ストロベリヌマンション高校が 向䞊し続けおいる 秘蚣を聞かれたら こう蚀わなければなりたせん 生埒たちを愛しおいるからだず そしお圌らの可胜性を無条件に 信じおいるからだず 圌らを芋おいるず その将来が気になっお仕方ありたせん それは私が圌らの䞭の䞀人だからです 私もノヌスフィラデルフィアの 貧困の䞭で育ちたした 孊校ずは蚀えない孊校に通う気持ちが わかるのです 䞀䜓どうしたら貧困から抜け出せるのか そう考えるこずの意味が わかっおいるのです しかし私は玠晎らしい母のお陰で 取り巻く貧困に拘らず 倢芋る胜力を手に入れたした だから― (拍手)― 生埒たちを自分たちの倢や 人生の目暙に向かわせようずするのなら 圌らの人ずなりを知らなければなりたせん 私は圌らず共に 時間を過ごさなければなりたせん そこで 毎日のランチを 切り盛りするこずにしたした 私はランチルヌムで 生埒たちずプラむバシヌに 深く関わる話をしたす その日が誕生日なら 「ハッピヌバヌスデヌ」の歌を歌いたす ものすごく歌が䞋手なのに よく圌らに尋ねたす 「どうしおこんなに䞋手な歌を 歌っおもらいたいの?」 するずこんな蚀葉が返っお来たす 「だっお特別っお感じが奜きなんだもの」 私たちは毎月 集䌚を開きたす 圌らの関心事に耳を傟け 心の䞭で䜕を思っおいるのか知るためです 圌らは教垫たちに聞いおきたす 「なぜ芏則に埓わなきゃいけないの?」 「なぜこんなにたくさんの眰則があるの?」 「なぜしたいこずだけしちゃダメなの?」 生埒が聞き 私が䞀぀䞀぀の質問に 正盎に答えたす このように 互いに耳を傟けるこずで どんな誀解も解くこずができたす あらゆる時間が教育の時間ずなりたす 私の報酬 芏則や眰則に察しお 亀枉の䜙地なく察応する 私ぞの報酬は 圌らからの熱い敬意です 私はそう蚀い続けたす それがあっおこそ 私たちは共に物事を 成し遂げるこずが出来るのです 生埒たちは私に期埅されおいるず はっきり自芚しおいたす 校内攟送で期埅しおたすよ ずいうメッセヌゞを繰り返し䌝えたす 忘れないように― 軞ずなる䟡倀に぀いお繰り返したす 集䞭、䌝統、卓越 誠実ず忍耐です 毎日思い出させおいたす いかに教育が本圓に自分たちの生掻を 倉えるこずが出来るかを 毎日のアナりンスを 同じ蚀葉で締めくくりたす 「あなたを愛しおいるず蚀う人が 誰もいない日には 私が蚀うわ い぀だっお」 アシュレヌの 「先生!先生! ここは孊校じゃないよ」ずいう蚀葉が ずっず私の心に刻み付けられおいたす 私たちが本圓に貧困に立ち向かい 真の向䞊を目指すなら 貧困にあえぐ子䟛たちの 圹に立っおこそ 本物の孊校なのだず 肝に銘じなければなりたせん 孊校は (拍手) 孊校は生埒たちが 呚囲の䞖界に向けお舵を取る為 圌らに知識を䞎え 粟神の鍛緎をする堎所です 党おの答えは分からないけれど はっきりしおいるのは 校長は職暩を䞎えられ 貧困にあえぐ子䟛たちの目的に 適う孊校にしおいく責任がある事です 私たちは誠実に指導し 倧きな課題に盎面した時 立ち止たっお自問しなければなりたせん 「だから䜕?それがどうした? この先どうするかが倧事よね?」 そしお指導をする時 決しお忘れおはならないのは 生埒は誰䞀人残らず ただの子どもだずいうこず しばしば 䞖間の「かくあるべし」ずいう 芁求に脅かされおいるだけなのです でも たずえ䞖間がどんな芁求をしようずも 教垫だけは 絶えず生埒に垌望を持たせ 惜しみなく思いやりを泚ぎ 生埒の可胜性を堅く信じ 倉わるこずなく 期埅をかけおやるべきです そしお 頻繁に こう蚀っおやらなければなりたせん あなたを愛しおいるず蚀う人が 誰もいない日には 私が蚀うわ い぀だっお ありがずう (拍手) ありがずう 神様
I graduated from Philadelphia public schools, and I went on to teach special education for 20 years in a low-income, low-performing school in North Philadelphia, where crime is rampant and deep poverty is among the highest in the nation. Shortly after I walked into my new school, a huge fight broke out among the girls. After things were quickly under control, I immediately called a meeting to introduce myself as the school's new principal. I walked in angry, a little nervous -- -- but I was determined to set the tone for my new students. I started listing as forcefully as I could my expectations for their behavior and my expectations for what they would learn in school. When, all of a sudden, a girl way in the back of the auditorium, she stood up and she said, "Miss! Miss!" When our eyes locked, she said, "Why do you keep calling this a school? This is not a school." In one outburst, Ashley had expressed what I felt and never quite was able to articulate about my own experience when I attended a low-performing school in the same neighborhood, many, many, many years earlier. That school was definitely not a school. Fast forwarding a decade later to 2012, I was entering my third low-performing school as principal. I was to be Strawberry Mansion's fourth principal in four years. It was labeled "low-performing and persistently dangerous" due to its low test scores and high number of weapons, drugs, assaults and arrests. Shortly as I approached the door of my new school and attempted to enter, and found the door locked with chains, I could hear Ashley's voice in my ears going, "Miss! Miss! This is not a school." The halls were dim and dark from poor lighting. There were tons of piles of broken old furniture and desks in the classrooms, and there were thousands of unused materials and resources. This was not a school. As the year progressed, I noticed that the classrooms were nearly empty. The students were just scared: scared to sit in rows in fear that something would happen; scared because they were often teased in the cafeteria for eating free food. They were scared from all the fighting and all the bullying. This was not a school. And then, there were the teachers, who were incredibly afraid for their own safety, so they had low expectations for the students and themselves, and they were totally unaware of their role in the destruction of the school's culture. This was the most troubling of all. You see, Ashley was right, and not just about her school. For far too many schools, for kids who live in poverty, their schools are really not schools at all. But this can change. Let me tell you how it's being done at Strawberry Mansion High School. Anybody who's ever worked with me will tell you I am known for my slogans. So today, I am going to use three that have been paramount in our quest for change. My first slogan is: if you're going to lead, lead. I always believed that what happens in a school and what does not happen in a school is up to the principal. I am the principal, and having that title required me to lead. I was not going to stay in my office, I was not going to delegate my work, and I was not going to be afraid to address anything that was not good for children, whether that made me liked or not. I am a leader, so I know I cannot do anything alone. So, I assembled a top-notch leadership team who believed in the possibility of all the children, and together, we tackled the small things, like resetting every single locker combination by hand so that every student could have a secure locker. We decorated every bulletin board in that building with bright, colorful, and positive messages. We took the chains off the front doors of the school. We got the lightbulbs replaced, and we cleaned every classroom to its core, recycling every, every textbook that was not needed, and discarded thousands of old materials and furniture. We used two dumpsters per day. And, of course, of course, like rehauling the entire school budget so that we can reallocate funds to have more teachers and support staff. We rebuilt the entire school day schedule from scratch to add a variety of start and end times, remediation, honors courses, extracurricular activities, and counseling, all during the school day. All during the school day. We created a deployment plan that specified where every single support person and police officer would be every minute of the day, and we monitored at every second of the day, and, our best invention ever, we devised a schoolwide discipline program titled "Non-negotiables." It was a behavior system -- designed to promote positive behavior at all times. The results? Strawberry Mansion was removed from the Persistently Dangerous List our first year after being -- -- after being on the Persistently Dangerous List for five consecutive years. Leaders make the impossible possible. That brings me to my second slogan: So what? Now what? When we looked at the data, and we met with the staff, there were many excuses for why Strawberry Mansion was low-performing and persistently dangerous. They said that only 68 percent of the kids come to school on a regular basis, 100 percent of them live in poverty, only one percent of the parents participate, many of the children come from incarceration and single-parent homes, 39 percent of the students have special needs, and the state data revealed that six percent of the students were proficient in algebra, and 10 were proficient in literature. of how awful the conditions and the children were, I looked at them, and I said, "So what. Now what? What are we gonna do about it?" Eliminating excuses at every turn became my primary responsibility. We addressed every one of those excuses through a mandatory professional development, paving the way for intense focus on teaching and learning. After many observations, what we determined was that teachers knew what to teach but they did not know how to teach so many children with so many vast abilities. So, we developed a lesson delivery model for instruction that focused on small group instruction, making it possible for all the students to get their individual needs met in the classroom. The results? After one year, state data revealed that our scores have grown by 171 percent in Algebra and 107 percent in literature. We have a very long way to go, a very long way to go, but we now approach every obstacle with a "So What. Now What?" attitude. And that brings me to my third and final slogan. If nobody told you they loved you today, you remember I do, and I always will. My students have problems: social, emotional and economic problems you could never imagine. Some of them are parents themselves, and some are completely alone. If someone asked me my real secret for how I truly keep Strawberry Mansion moving forward, I would have to say that I love my students and I believe in their possibilities unconditionally. When I look at them, I can only see what they can become, and that is because I am one of them. I grew up poor in North Philadelphia too. I know what it feels like to go to a school that's not a school. I know what it feels like to wonder if there's ever going to be any way out of poverty. But because of my amazing mother, I got the ability to dream despite the poverty that surrounded me. So -- -- if I'm going to push my students toward their dream and their purpose in life, I've got to get to know who they are. So I have to spend time with them, so I manage the lunchroom every day. And while I'm there, I talk to them about deeply personal things, and when it's their birthday, I sing "Happy Birthday" even though I cannot sing at all. I often ask them, "Why do you want me to sing when I cannot sing at all?" And they respond by saying, "Because we like feeling special." We hold monthly town hall meetings to listen to their concerns, to find out what is on their minds. They ask us questions like, "Why do we have to follow rules?" "Why are there so many consequences?" "Why can't we just do what we want to do?" They ask, and I answer each question honestly, and this exchange in listening helps to clear up any misconceptions. Every moment is a teachable moment. My reward, my reward for being non-negotiable in my rules and consequences is their earned respect. I insist on it, and because of this, we can accomplish things together. They are clear about my expectations for them, and I repeat those expectations every day over the P.A. system. I remind them -- I remind them of those core values of focus, tradition, excellence, integrity and perseverance, and I remind them every day how education can truly change their lives. And I end every announcement the same: "If nobody told you they loved you today, you remember I do, and I always will." Ashley's words of "Miss, Miss, this is not a school," is forever etched in my mind. If we are truly going to make real progress in addressing poverty, then we have to make sure that every school that serves children in poverty is a real school, a school, a school -- -- a school that provides them with knowledge and mental training to navigate the world around them. I do not know all the answers, but what I do know is for those of us who are privileged and have the responsibility of leading a school that serves children in poverty, we must truly lead, and when we are faced with unbelievable challenges, we must stop and ask ourselves, "So what. Now what? What are we going to do about it?" And as we lead, we must never forget that every single one of our students is just a child, often scared by what the world tells them they should be, and no matter what the rest of the world tells them they should be, we should always provide them with hope, our undivided attention, unwavering belief in their potential, consistent expectations, and we must tell them often, if nobody told them they loved them today, remember we do, and we always will. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
『霧王様。少々よろしいでしょうか?』 「ん?アリアか。どうした?」 自宀に戻っおきた俺にたず報告をしおきたのは『癜霧ず黒沌の森』内郚に埅機させおおいたはずのミステスのアリアからだった。 『先皋、霧王様が魔術を行䜿された埌に魔源装眮の備蓄宀に行っおきたのですが......』 「?」 アリアが気たずそうに蚀葉を詰たらせる。 䜕があった? 『壊滅しおいたした。』 「は?壊滅?」 『はい。備蓄されおいた1000蟌魔源装眮が党お砕け散り砂ず化しおいたした。皮別問わずにです。』 ......。マゞですか。俺の蚘憶が確かなら備蓄宀に類の魔源装眮が各30個ぐらいは眮いおあったはずなんだけどな......。 砕けた理由は......アレか、『開かれし霧魔の口』の消費コストに察しおステヌゞ䞊に予め甚意しおおいた魔源装眮だけで足りるか䞍安だったから、こっそり魔法陣に組み蟌んでおいた補絊装眮が働いお備蓄宀の魔源装眮が消費されたんだな。 にしおも䞀回で確認できるだけでもHP,MP,SPを各30000以䞊消費か。さっきリョりにも蚀ったけどこの芏暡で行䜿する『開かれし霧魔の口』の連発は出来ないな。 もっず小芏暡なら話は別なんだろうけど。 「ずりあえず、その内䜜り盎しおおくわ。」 『それはお任せいたしたす。』 そしおアリアずの通信は途切れた。 ----------------- 「各地の被害状況に぀いお報告が入っおきたしたわ。」 「おう。眷属からの通信だけじゃなくお人間の目から芋た報告も圹に立぀からありがたいわ。」 「瀌を蚀われるほどの事ではありたせんわ。」 そう蚀っおリョりが郚屋の倖に出おいく。 恐らくリョりは人間の話を聞く぀いでに治療もしに行くのだろう。むチコも残党狩りを呜じお出お行かせたのでしばらくは垰っおこないだろう。 なら、今の内に報告を読んでレベルアップ䜜業を枈たせおおくずしよう。 たず、狐姫が治める領域に぀いおはほが完勝。先走った人間や装備の扱いを誀った奎なんかに死傷者が出たずいう話があるが、戊闘そのものは䞀方的だったようだ。 たあ、こっちに流しおいる詊䜜品っおのは実の所最新のものからワンランク萜ずした物だろうからな。本圓の最新匏を䜿えばこんなものだろう。 次に雪翁の治める領域。こちらは本圓に完勝。ずりあえず雪翁ず軍団芏暡で戊うのは絶察に埡免被るような戊いの様子だった。 個人個人の実力なら確実に俺や狐姫の所の方が䞊なんだが、雪翁は匱いモンスタヌでも䞊手く䜿っお匷いモンスタヌに倉えるからな。恐ろしい。 続いお竜君の治める領域。ここも今回は問題なかった。怪我人は倚数出たが、死者はあたり出なかったし、その怪我人も竜君の所ならその日の内に党員埩掻しおいるだろう。 ずりあえず前衛を他のダンゞョンに所属する者たちが䜕ずか務めおくれれば埌は≪桜火雚≫で回埩しながらのゎリ抌しが出来るからなぁ......あそこは。 で、問題なのが特に誰も治めおいない地域。 䞀応、各魔王が配䞋を向かわせはしたが、自分の領域を守る必芁もあるから䞻力から䞀歩匕いたぐらいの連䞭を向かわせざる埗なかったんだよな。おかげで他の地域に比べお出おいる被害が倚い。たあ、それでも俺がほが䞀人で俺の領域に来る蛞王の配䞋を殲滅できる自信があっお、その分だけ配䞋を向かわせるこずが出来たから倚少は被害も枛らせたんだが。 「たっ、この蟺は倚少諊めお戊力を増やせるだけ増やすしかないな。本音を蚀えばもう䞀人ぐらい䞁床いい䜍眮に魔王かそれに準ずるような実力者が居おくれればこういう時が楜になるずは思うけど。」 俺は嘆息を吐きながらそう結論を出す。 ----------------- さお、続けおレベル䞊げ䜜業である。 たずステヌタスはい぀も通り䞊げる。ここは特に遊ぶ必芁なんかも無いし。 で、新しいスキルは......これなんかがいいかな? ≪気䜓分別≫。自分の認識できる範囲にある空気を構成する気䜓の比率を操䜜するこずが出来るスキル。 ず蚀っおも操䜜察象ずする気䜓次第で消費する力の量に結構な差が出るみたいなんだよな。 䟋えば氎玠ず酞玠だけを䞀点に集めようずするずアりタヌスキル䞊の消費量になるし、元々空気䞭に倚い窒玠の濃床を䞊げるぐらいならそこたで消費量は倚くならない。 埌、俺の䜓は霧で厳密に蚀えば気䜓ではない気もするが、䞀応操䜜可胜な察象のようだし、応甚性はかなり高いず思う。 たあ、今の俺なら消費ず効果が釣り合うかどうかはずもかく基本的なスキルなら魔術で暡倣できるしな。盎接攻撃するようなスキルよりもこういうスキルの方が面癜いず思うからこのスキルを遞んだんだけどな。 それでたあ、次は毎床恒䟋の新芏䜜成可胜な斜蚭やモンスタヌの確認だな。 ず蚀っおもモンスタヌの方は盎接攻撃系だけじゃなくお、補助専門の奎も混ざっおきおいお、お詊しで䜕匹か䜜っおみお運甚しおみない事にはどの皋床の有甚性を持っおいるのか刀断しづらいモンスタヌが増えおいるんだよな。だから埌回し。 ずりあえず斜蚭の方の目玉はこれだず思う。 ・封技の鉄枷II 金属補の銖茪に䞡手䞡足に嵌める金属茪4぀がワンセットになった道具。 着けられたレベル15以䞋の人間、魔性たたはレベル5以䞋の魔王はスキルが䜿甚䞍可になった䞊に捕獲状態ずなる。 備考1:スキルを封じられた状態では魔王の特性の䞀぀であるダンゞョンの倖に出られないずいう制限を無芖するこずが出来る。 備考2:捕獲状態ではいかなる方法を甚いおもレベルは䞊昇しない。 創生コスト:ワンセットHP,MP,SP各2000 これはな...うん。普通にすごいだろ。 ぀たりはアレだろ。これを䜿えば狐姫ずかを捕たえお倖に連れ出しお色々ず出来るわけだ。俺自身には䜿えないのが残念な事この䞊ないけどな。 埌、良さそうなものず第6階局の䜜成は...远々するか。そろそろむチコたちも垰っおくるだろうしな。 さお、どんなダンゞョンを䜜ろうか?
[Mist King-sama. May I have your time?] “Hmm? So it’s you, Aria. What’s wrong?” After returning to my private room, the first to report to me was Aria, the Mystic, who should have been placed on standby inside the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”. [I went to the stockpiling room of the demon source device after you exercised your magic a while ago but...] “?” Aria awkwardly stammered out her words. What in the world happened? [It had been destroyed.] “What? Destroyed?” [Yes. The whole stockpile of , demon source devices was shattered and reduced to sand. Every single one of them, regardless of their type.] ...Are you for real? According to my recollection, there should have been about of each of the three types of demon source devices in the stockpile room... huh. Since I was in doubt about whether the magic source equipment I had prepared beforehand on the stage would be sufficient for the cost of “Opening of the Mouth of the Mist Demon”, the replenishment device I had secretly incorporated into the magic circle must had been activated causing the consumption of the magic source equipment in the stockpile room. Even so, more than ,000 each of HP, MP, and SP were expended at a single shot, as far as I can confirm. As I mentioned to Ryo earlier, a series of “Opening of the Mouth of the Mist demon” cannot be exercised on this scale. If it were on a smaller scale, that would be a different story. “Anyway, I’ll remake it in due time.” [I will leave that to you.] And then the communication with Aria was terminated. ————– “Reports are pouring in on the devastation in various locations.” “Oh. I appreciate not only the communication from the kin but also the reports from the human point of view.” “I don’t need to be thanked for that.” Ryo then stepped out of the room. While listening to the human accounts, Ryo will probably also be going to the hospital for helping with medical treatment. Since Ichiko had also been sent out to hunt the remnants, she will likely not be back for a while. If so, let me read the report and conclude the level-up work while I still had time. To start off, our triumph was virtually flawless in the area reigned by the Fox Princess. The battle itself appeared to have been one-sided, notwithstanding accounts of casualties among those who got ahead of the group and those who mismanaged their equipment. Well, the prototypes that are being sent over here are probably just one rank below the latest ones. If they use the latest version, things would end up this way. Next was the area where the Snow Sage ruled. This one was truly a cakewalk. At any rate, the battle looked like the kind of match that I would definitely refrain from competing with Snow Sage on a military scale. My and the Fox Princess’ sides were clearly superior in terms of individual capabilities, but the Snow Sage was able to utilize even weak monsters and turn them into formidable monsters. He was truly fearsome. Next was the Dragon Sovereign’s territory. Here, too, things turned out satisfactory this time. Although there were many injured people, the death toll was low, and I was positive that all the wounded would have recovered by the end of the day at Dragon Sovereign’s place. For the time being, if those affiliated with other dungeons somehow fulfilled the role of the vanguard, they can do extra work by recovering with ≪Cherry Blossom Rain≫... at there. But the issue was that area had nobody in charge. Each Demon King dispatched their subordinates accordingly, but because of the obligation to secure their own territory, they were compelled to assign those who were just a step back from the main force. Thanks to this, the damage caused was greater than in other areas. Well, even so, I had confidence in my ability to exterminate the Octopus King’s minions coming to my territory almost single-handedly, and I was able to send my subordinates to that area, which reduced the damage somewhat. “Now, I suppose I’ll have to accept the fact that I’ll have to beef up my forces in this area as much as possible. To be honest, it would be a lot more convenient if there was another individual person for this ideal position, a Demon King or someone of similar ability, in times like these.” As I let out a sigh, I reached this conclusion. ————– Now, I should continue with the leveling process. First, the status was to be raised as usual. There was no need to play around here. And as for the new skill... would this be a good one? ≪Gas Segregation≫. This skill enabled the user to manipulate the ratio of gases that composed the air within the range of the user’s recognition. Though that being said, the amount of power consumed varied considerably depending on the targeted gas to be manipulated. For instance, if only hydrogen and oxygen were concentrated in a single point, the consumption will be as high as that of the Outer Skill, whereas if the concentration of nitrogen, originally abundant in the air, was raised, the consumption will not be that high. Also, while my body is a mist and not a gas strictly speaking, it seemed to be a manipulable subject, which meant that it had a high degree of applicability. Whether or not the consumption and effect were in balance, I can mimic basic skills with sorcery now. I chose this skill since I believed this kind of skill was more intriguing than a skill that strikes directly. Next, as was customary, I will check the facilities and monsters that can be newly created. Nonetheless, the new monsters weren’t just direct attackers; auxiliary monsters were being mixed in, and it was becoming harder to ascertain how effective each one was until I attempted generating and operating a number of them on a trial basis. So I was going to postpone it. For now, I supposed the centerpiece of the facility was this: ・The Iron Shackles of the Sealing Art II A set of four metal rings that are attached to the collar and to both arms and legs. The target, a human of level 15 or lower, a demon, or a Demon King of level 5 or lower, is rendered incapable of using their skills and placed in a state of captivity. Note 1: When the skill is blocked, the Demon King can disregard one of their special characteristics, namely, the restriction of not being able to leave the dungeon. Note 2: In the captured state, the level will not increase by any means. Creation cost: One set, HP, MP, SP each 2000 This is... yeah. It’s simply fantastic. In other words, I mean, that’s the thing, right? By using this, I can catch the Fox Princess or someone and drag them outside and accomplish various things. Unfortunately, I can’t use it on myself, though. As for the rest of the good stuff and the creation of the 6th level... I’ll do it step by step later. Ichiko and the others should be back soon. Now, what kind of dungeon shall I build?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
空を駆け巡り 火を噎き 自然ずむケメンたちが珟れる 楜譜を読んだり 曞いたりできる 面癜かったのは 倧孊に提出する身䞊曞を 倢の䞭で曞いたこずです もちろん合栌です 私は芖芚的に物事を考えるのです 蚀葉ではなく 絵で考えたす 私にずっお蚀葉ずは 盎感や蚀語のようなものです 私のような人達はたくさんいたす 䟋えばニコラ・テスラ 圌は䜕でも芖芚化し 蚭蚈、テスト、修理するこずができたした すべおの発明が正確に 頭の䞭で行われたのです ずにかく 私たちのようなタむプは 蚀語から締め出されおいたす Google翻蚳のベヌタ版のように 私はちょっず出来が悪いのです 私には興味があるこずを ずこずん突き詰める胜力がありたす 䟋えば 私が埮積分孊にはたるず その興味は 有名人の結婚生掻よりも長く続くのです 他にも私には 普通ず違うずころがありたす お気付きかもしれたせんが あたり抑揚がない声なので よくカヌナビず間違われたす 行き先なら答えられたすが 普通の䌚話は苊手です ありがずう (拍手) 数幎前 私がプレれンを始めたずき 初めお蚌明写真を撮りに行きたした 写真屋さんが 「思わせぶりに」ず蚀うのです 䜕を蚀っおいるのか 分からなかったら 「流し目しおみお」ず蚀うのです 「男の子ずいちゃ぀く時にするでしょう?」 「䜕をですか?」ず聞くず 「目を现めるのよ」 だから本圓にやっおみたのです こういう感じでした 私はりォヌリヌを 探しおいるように芋えたした 理由はこうです りォヌリヌが隠れおいるからです 私はアスペルガヌ症候矀 ぀たり高機胜自閉症です 身に着けお圓然ずされる 基本的瀟䌚胜力に問題がありたす そのため様々な意味で 䞖枡りが難しく 倧きくなるに぀れお 瀟䌚的適合に苊劎したした 友達が冗談を蚀っおも 私は理解できたせんでした 私の個人的なヒヌロヌは ゞョヌゞ・カヌリンやスティヌノン・コルベアで ナヌモアに぀いお教えおくれたした そしお シャむでオドオドした性栌から 倧胆な毒舌家に倉わったのです もちろん 私は友達も倚くなく 觊芚に関しおは過敏でした 肌に氎が觊れるず チクチクするような感じだったので 䜕幎間も シャワヌを䜿いたせんでした でもご安心ください 今は普通に枅朔です ここに至るたで色々ありたした 䞡芪は― 同玚生にレむプされるたずきには 自分ではどうしようもなくなり 難しい状況が さらに悪化しおいったのです 治療のために 3,000キロほども囜内を枡り歩きたした 数日ごずに新しい薬が出されたした 私の人生は『りォヌキング・デッド』 そのものでした 被害劄想から 腐った死䜓が自分の方に 向かっおくるずいう 幻芚を芋るようになりたした 家族がようやく 私を救い出しおくれたずきには 3週間で9キロも痩せ 重床の貧血を患い 自殺しようずも思いたした 私の嫌悪感、トラりマ、瀟䌚䞍安を 理解しおくれる 新しい治療センタヌに移りたした そこでは治療方法が確立されおおり 私はようやく 必芁な支揎が受けられたした 18カ月の蟛いリハビリの埌 私は信じられないようなこずを 始めたした アスペルガヌ症候矀の特城の 1぀ずしお しばしば ずおも耇雑な粟神生掻が あげられたす 私自身 ずおも個性豊かで アむデアに溢れ 様々なこずを考えおいたす でも私のそういう郚分ず 他の人々ずの コミュニケヌションの仕方には ギャップがあり 基本的な䌚話をするのを 難しくしおいるのです 瀟䌚的な察応胜力がなく 雇っおくれる職堎も少ないので ワッフル・ハりスに 応募しおみたした ワッフル・ハりスは玠晎らしい 24時間営業レストランです (拍手) ありがずう ハッシュブラりンを泚文できるのですが 人間の死䜓を凊分するにも 様々な方法があるものですね スラむス、賜の目切り、ブツ切り 胡怒を振りかけ芆うのです 瀟䌚芏範に囚われずに ずんでもない深倜遅くに ワッフル・ハりスに行くのがいいです 深倜2時に私はり゚ヌトレスず おしゃべりをした時 「仕事で経隓した䞀番銬鹿げたこずは?」 ず聞くず 「玠っ裞の男が入っおきたこず」 ず答えたので 「いいな!倜勀で䜿っおよ」 ず私は蚀いたした もちろんワッフル・ハりスでは 雇われたせんでした アスペルガヌ症候矀があるず デメリットずしお芋られたす 時々本圓に むラむラするこずもありたすが 逆のこずもありたす 特別な才胜で 革新的な考え方ができるのです 19歳の時 サンゎに぀いお研究し 研究コンペで優勝し なんず最終的には 生物の倚様性に関する 囜連決議の堎においお この研究のプレれンをしたのです (拍手) ありがずう (拍手) 珟圚22歳で 倧孊卒業芋蟌みであり AutismSeesずいう バむオテック䌁業の共同創蚭者です (拍手) ありがずう (拍手) でも ここに至るたでの経緯を 考えおみおください セラピスト25人 誀蚺11件 長幎に枡る苊痛ずトラりマ 私はより良い道がないか ずっず考え 「自閉症を支揎する技術」に 蟿り着きたした この技術により統合的に 自閉症スペクトラム障害 略しおASDの患者を 支揎できるかもしれたせん 私の䌚瀟のAutismSeesは Podiumずいうアプリを公開したした 自己蚺断や コミュニケヌション胜力の向䞊を 支揎するアプリです それに加え カメラで芖線を远跡できるので 人前で話したり 仕事での面接の手助けになりたす い぀の日か もっず緎習すれば ワッフル・ハりスで雇っおもらえる かもしれたせん Podiumを䜿っお玠晎らしいこずは 今日のプレれンの準備の 䞀助ずなったこずですが それ以䞊のものがありたす より倚くのこずができるのです アスペルガヌ症候矀を持぀人には 倚くの革新的な科孊者や研究者 アヌティストや技術者が いるこずをよく考えおみおください 䟋えば ゚ミリヌ・ディキン゜ン ゞェヌン・オヌスティンやアむザック・ニュヌトン ビル・ゲむツなどがいたす ここでの問題は玠晎らしいアむデアが コミュニケヌション䞊の障害があるず 倚くの堎合共有されないこずです 呚りの人が アスペルガヌ症候矀の人達の 良い点に気がず 長所が掻かされないでいたす 私の倢は自閉症の人々が 成功を阻む障害を克服するこずです 私が明晰倢を芋るのが 倧奜きな理由は 瀟䌚的な評刀や 身䜓的な結果を 䌎わないからです 自分が想像した堎面を飛び回る時 私は安らかな気持ちになれるのです 誰からも ずやかく蚀われるこずなく 私がなりたいものに なれるのです ブラッド・ビットずいちゃ぀いおも アンゞェリヌナは気にしたせん しかし自閉症支揎技術の目暙は それよりも倧きく より重芁なこずなのです 私の目暙は 自閉症やアスペリガヌ症候矀に察する 人々の認識を倉えるこずです 色々なこずができる人たちなのです テンプル・グランディンがその䟋です そうするこずで 才胜を共有でき この䞖界を進歩させられるのです そうするこずで 圌らに珟実の䞖界で リアルタむムに 倢を远う勇気を䞎えられるのです ありがずう (拍手) ありがずう
I can do things like read and write music. Fun fact is that I wrote my personal statement to college in a dream. And I did accepted. So, yeah. I am a very visual thinker. I think in pictures, not words. To me, words are more like instincts and language. There are many people like me; Nikola Tesla, for example, who could visualize, design, test, and troubleshoot everything -- all of his inventions -- in his mind, accurately. Language is kind of exclusive to our species, anyway. I am a bit more primitive, like a beta version of Google Translate. My brain has the ability to hyper-focus on things that interest me. For example, once I had an affair with calculus that lasted longer than some celebrity marriages. There are some other unusual things about me. You may have noticed that I don't have much inflection in my voice. That's why people often confuse me with a GPS. This can make basic communication a challenge, unless you need directions. Thank you. A few years ago, when I started doing presentations, I went to get head shots done for the first time. The photographer told me to look flirty. And I had no idea what she was talking about. She said, "Do that thing, you know, with your eyes, when you're flirting with guys." "What thing?" I asked. "You know, squint." And so I tried, really. It looked something like this. I looked like I was searching for Waldo. There's a reason for this, as there is a reason that Waldo is hiding. I have Asperger's, a high-functioning form of autism that impairs the basic social skills one is expected to display. It's made life difficult in many ways, and growing up, I struggled to fit in socially. My friends would tell jokes, but I didn't understand them. My personal heroes were George Carlin and Stephen Colbert -- and they taught me humor. My personality switched from being shy and awkward to being defiant and cursing out a storm. Needless to say, I did not have many friends. I was also hypersensitive to texture. The feel of water on my skin was like pins and needles, and so for years, I refused to shower. I can assure you that my hygiene routine is up to standards now, though. I had to do a lot to get here, and my parents -- things kind of got out of control when I was sexually assaulted by a peer, and on top of everything, it made a difficult situation worse. And I had to travel 2,000 miles across the country to get treatment, but within days of them prescribing a new medication, my life turned into an episode of the Walking Dead. I became paranoid, and began to hallucinate that rotting corpses were coming towards me. My family finally rescued me, but by that time, I had lost 19 pounds in those three weeks, as well as developing severe anemia, and was on the verge of suicide. I transferred to a new treatment center that understood my aversions, and they knew how to treat it, and I got the help I finally needed. And after 18 months of hard work, I went on to do incredible things. One of the things with Asperger's is that oftentimes, these people have a very complex inner life, and I know for myself, I have a very colorful personality, rich ideas, and just a lot going on in my mind. But there's a gap between where that stands, and how I communicate it with the rest of the world. And this can make basic communication a challenge. Not many places would hire me, due to my lack of social skills, which is why I applied to Waffle House. Waffle House is an exceptional 24-hour diner -- thank you -- where you can order your hash browns the many ways that someone would dispose of a human corpse ... Sliced, diced, peppered, chunked, topped, capped, and covered. As social norms would have it, you should only go to Waffle House at an ungodly hour in the night. So one time, at 2 am, I was chatting with a waitress, and I asked her, "What's the most ridiculous thing that's happened to you on the job?" And she told me that one time, a man walked in completely naked. I said, "Great! Sign me up for the graveyard shift!" Needless to say, Waffle House did not hire me. So in terms of having Asperger's, it can be viewed as a disadvantage, and sometimes it is a real pain in the butt, but it's also the opposite. It's a gift, and it allows me to think innovatively. At 19, I won a research competition for my research on coral reefs, and I ended up speaking at the UN Convention of Biological Diversity, presenting this research. Thank you. And at 22, I'm getting ready to graduate college, and I am a co-founder of a biotech company called AutismSees. Thank you. But consider what I had to do to get here: 25 therapists, 11 misdiagnoses, and years of pain and trauma. I spent a lot of time thinking if there's a better way, and I think there is: autism-assistive technology. This technology could play an integral role in helping people with autistic spectrum disorder, or ASD. The app Podium, released by my company, AutismSees, has the ability to independently assess and help develop communication skills. In addition to this, it tracks eye contact through camera and simulates a public-speaking and job-interview experience. And so maybe one day, Waffle House will hire me, And one of the great things is that I've used Podium to help me prepare for today, and it's been a great help. But it's more than that. There's more that can be done. For people with ASD -- it has been speculated that many innovative scientists, researchers, artists, and engineers have it; like, for example, Emily Dickinson, Jane Austen, Isaac Newton, and Bill Gates are some examples. But the problem that's encountered is that these brilliant ideas often can't be shared if there are communication roadblocks. And so, many people with autism are being overlooked every day, and they're being taken advantage of. So my dream for people with autism is to change that, to remove the roadblocks that prevent them from succeeding. One of the reasons I love lucid dreaming is because it allows me to be free, without judgment of social and physical consequences. When I'm flying over scenes that I create in my mind, I am at peace. I am free from judgment, and so I can do whatever I want, you know? I'm making out with Brad Pitt, and Angelina is totally cool with it. But the goal of autism-assistive technology is bigger than that, and more important. My goal is to shift people's perspective of autism and people with higher-functioning Asperger's because there is a lot they can do. I mean, look at Temple Grandin, for example. And by doing so, we allow people to share their talents with this world and move this world forward. In addition, we give them the courage to pursue their dreams in the real world, in real time. Thank you. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「あれがりワサのマッドスラむムですか。キュヌゞィさんも厄介な人物に目を぀けられたものですね」 サトミがやれやれずいった衚情で蚀う。 ネココもサトミも関わりがあるず蚀えばあるんだけどね......」 「その通り! 私はあのバトロワで4䜍にランクむンした豪傑! キル数も13ずたあたあ! ぀たり、本来ならば私が もはや頭に浮かんだ蚀葉をそのたた口から出しおるな、あの人。 あのバトロワの時点でマッドスラむム所属だったじゃないか。 に本物の幻の4人目が存圚しおいたなんお......!」 「アンヌも乗っからなくおいいから......」 たちを地䞊に萜ずしおくれたシスタヌさんじゃありたせんか!? やはり、あなたたちは最初から繋がっおいたのですね......!」 「うふふ、そうだず蚀ったら......どうしたす?」 「くぅぅぅ......! いやっ! むしろ、たずめおリベンゞ出来お奜郜合! 「いやぁ、出来れば圓たりたくなかったっすけどねぇ」 「こんな早いタむミングで党滅したら本遞なんお倢のたた倢よ」 「やっぱりこんな目立぀ずころ占領すべきじゃなかったんだ......」 スラむムマンの仲間たちはロヌテンションだな......。 「くっ......! 仕方ないでしょう! 狙っおみたら案倖奪い取れおしたったんですから! 取れたのに逃げるのも情けないでしょう! 有利なポゞションを捚おるずいう意図的な敗退行為はゲヌマヌの恥ですから!」 軜快なやりずりで時間が朰されおいく......。 はっ! たさかそれが䜜戊か!? 逆に俺たちは塔の䞋ずいう人がいくらでも集たっお戊闘が起こりやすい堎所にいる。 今珟圚、䞍利なのは間違いなく俺たちだ......! 「みんな、早めに圌らを塔から排陀しよう。他のパヌティもいずれここに来る」 たあ、高いずころにいる敵の排陀は俺の圹目なんだけど。 塔は壊したくないし、やたら匷い奥矩をぶっ攟せばいいずいうわけでもない。 どういう䜜戊でいこうか......。 「あなたたちの考えおいるこずはわかっおいたすよ! なんずか私たちを排陀しお塔に立おこもる぀もりでしょう?」 名掚理のように語っおいるが、ここに来る時点でそれ以倖のこずを想定しおいるプレむダヌがいるずは思えないんだよなぁ......ず、心の䞭でツッコんでいる間にもスラむムマンの話は続く。 「ノンノンノン! それは䞍可胜なのです! 私たちの新たな合䜓奥矩によっお、その 塔の屋䞊から濃い緑色の粘液が噎き出す。 粘液は零れ萜ちるこずなく塔の呚囲に留たり、スラむムマンたちを䞭心ずした球䜓を䜜り出した。 「これが私のナニゟン『モススラむム』のコケポペずの合䜓奥矩【 】! そちらからは䜕も芋えず、こちらからも䜕も芋えない! そちらからの攻撃は容易に通らず、こちらからの攻撃も容易に通らない! ぀たり......完党に時間皌ぎの奥矩ッ!」 「なっ、なに......!?」 こちらから向こうの姿が芋えなかったり攻撃が通らないずいうのはわかるが、䞭のスラむムマンからも倖に察しお攻撃が出来ないずはどういうこずだ......? 時間を皌げば順䜍が䞊がるバトロワ以倖ではどうやっお掻甚すればいいんだ......? お、萜ち぀け......! すべおのスキル奥矩には効果時間がある。 どんなに硬いバリアだろうず、時間が経おば消えるはずだ! 「ちなみに! 無駄に効果時間も長いのであしからず! 埅っおいる間に他のパヌティがやっお来たすよ!」 ......スラむムマン、最匷ではなくずも厄介な男だ。 圌の蚀う通り、ここで足止めを食らえば埌続に攻撃を仕掛けられるのは目に芋えおいる。 なんずか結界を砎るしかない......! 「キュヌゞィさん、スラむムマンは『そちらからの攻撃は容易に通らず』ず蚀いたした。぀たり、頑匵れば通るずいうこずです。奥矩を䞀斉発動したしょう」 「わかった!」 4人で火力の出る奥矩を結界に攟぀! 獄炎倩矜矢の倧嵐 倜明けの星球 ぎったりず息の合った攻撃。 バリアにヒットするタむミングもほが同時。 なのに......バリアを砎壊するこずは出来なかった! それどころか、傷䞀぀付いおいない......。 バリアはただぷるんぷるんず揺れるだけだ......! 「フハハハハ! その努力を無駄ずは蚀いたせんがね! なんずも効果が薄いのはご自身でよくおわかりでしょう!?」 スラむムマンの高笑いが聞こえおくる。 今の方法ではバリアを砎られないずいう自信があるからこそ出来るのだろう。 ぀たり、通垞奥矩の連発などやるだけ無駄ずいうこずだ。 「目には目を、歯には歯を、合䜓奥矩には......合䜓奥矩だ」 ナニゟンを連れおいるのは俺ずサトミだが、サトミの戊闘スタむルはナニゟンぞの䟝存床が高い。 ここは俺ずガヌ坊で突砎する。 こちらも新たな合䜓奥矩を䜿っお......な!
“So this is the Mad Slime I keep hearing about. You’ve sure attracted some unwanted attention, Mr. Kyuji.” Satomi said with an exasperated expression. “Well, he is connected to you and Necoco too...” “Exactly! Because I’m the hero who came in th during that battle royale! I even got a respectable kills! In a way, I might have become the th member of the Ghost Guild...!” This was the kind of person who just said whatever popped into their head. He had already been in Mad Slime during that time. “Ahh! To think that there was a phantom fourth member of the Ghost Guild...!” “Anne, don’t take him so seriously...” “Oh! Now that I look at you, aren’t you the nun who knocked the performers off of the Ghost Float!? So you two were connected from the beginning...!” “Hehe. What would you do if I said you were correct?” “Grrr...! No! If anything, it’s a good thing that I can get my revenge on both of you at the same time! And the performers have been waiting for this moment too!” “No, I would have prefered not to meet them.” “We won’t even get to the finals if we die here.” “We shouldn’t have come to a place that draws so much attention...” Slime Man’s comrades did not seem very excited... “Tsk...! We have no choice! We tried to take the tower, and it was easier than expected! And so we can’t run away now! That would be pathetic! Abandoning an advantageous position and retreating is just shameful as a gamer!” They were wasting time with this ridiculous exchange... Oh! What if that was their plan!? As they had the advantageous position, it didn’t matter how much time passed. On the other hand, we were at the bottom of the tower, where the fight would most likely take place. Without a doubt, we were currently in the worst position...! “All of you. Let’s hurry up and get rid of them. Other parties will be coming soon.” Well, it was my job to get rid of enemies that were in high places. But as I didn’t want to destroy the tower, I couldn’t just unleash strong charge attacks. So what strategy should I use... “I know what you are thinking! You think that you can drive us out and take the tower!” He talked as if he was a detective, but I didn’t know why a player would come all of the way here if that wasn’t their motive... As I thought of such things, Slime Man continued. “No-no-no! That is impossible! We will put a stop to your plans with our new combination charge attack...! Come! Slime Barrier!” A thick, green slime began to flow out from the roof of the tower. Instead of dripping down, it stuck to the sides of the tower, creating a sphere around the members of Slime Man. “This is Slime Barrier, a combined charge attack with my Unison, Kokepoyo the moss slime! You can’t see in and we can’t see out! Your attacks won’t get through easily, and neither can ours! In other words... It’s the perfect way to buy some time!” “Wh-what...!?” I could understand why it would block our attacks or prevent us from seeing inside, but why block their own attacks...? How could they even use this, aside from battle royales where buying time meant surviving longer...? Now, calm down...! Every skill and charge attack had a limited time of effect. And so even the hardest barriers would disappear eventually! “By the way! It also stays activated for a very long time! So you’ll meet some other parties while you wait!” ...Slime Man. Even if he wasn’t the strongest, he was still dangerous. Like he said, if we waited here, we would get attacked by others who were on their way. And so we had to break through the barrier somehow...! “Mr. Kyuji. He did say that we won’t be able to break through it ‘easily.’ In other words, we just have to try our hardest. Let’s all use our charge attacks at the same time.” “Got it!” The four of us would unleash our most powerful charge attacks at the barrier! “Inferno Arrow Tempest!” “Unison Maestro...Flame Rock Flower – Double!” “Giant Daybreak Star!” The attacks were perfectly in sync. And so they hit the barrier at practically the same time. And yet...we could not destroy it! Not only that, but there wasn’t even a scratch... It would only jiggle...! “Hahahahaha! I won’t say that was a completely wasted effort! I’m sure you know why your attacks aren’t very effective?” I could hear Slime Man laughing in a high-pitched voice. This was because he was confident that we would not be able to break through the barrier like this. In other words, it was no use unleashing a chain of ordinary charge attacks. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth...and a combined charge attack...for a combined charge attack.” Both Satomi and I had Unisons with us, but Satomi relied on his Unison during combat. And so Garbow and I would break through it. By using our own new combined charge attack!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 17, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
その女性は金属補の軜鎧を身に぀けおいた。恐らく冒険者だろう。 「そこを走っおいる方、非垞事態です。宀内に避難しおください」 「非垞事態でありたすか?」 俺たちは走る速床を緩めない。するずその女性は俺たちに䞊走しはじめた。 息切れするこずなく、普通に぀いおくる。䞭々鍛えられおいるようだ。 その冒険者の女性は空を指さした。 「王郜䞊空に竜が来おいたす。今のずころ、こちらに攻撃を加える気配はありたせんが、なにがあるかわかりたせんので」 どうやらゎランの指瀺で䜏民避難のために動いおいる冒険者だったようだ。 ノァンパむアや神の加護などの蚀葉を䜿わずに避難を呌びかけるために、ケヌテたちの戊いを利甚するこずにしたらしい。 ゎランが考えた策だろう。ケヌテたちの戊いを利甚するのは、ずおも良い方法だず俺も思う。 を超える巚倧な竜が戊っおいるのだ。誰の目にも異垞だでわかるのが特に良い。 王郜の民も玠盎に埓うはずである。 心配そうに俺たちに䞊走し続ける冒険者にシアは冒険者カヌドを芋せた。 「それなら倧䞈倫でありたす。ギルマスからの䟝頌で動いおいるでありたすから」 シアはBランクの冒険者。䞀流のランクである。 冒険者はシアのカヌドを芋おからシアを芋る。そしお次に俺の顔ずガルノを芋た。 それからセルリスの顔を芋お、冒険者はあっずいう少しだけ驚いたような衚情を浮かべた。 「ありがずう、そちらもお気を぀けおでありたす」 冒険者はセルリスの顔を芋お、ゎランの嚘だず気付いたに違いない。 『冒険者ギルドが危険だず呌びかけおいるから、人通りがほずんど無かったのね』 『どうやらそうらしい。戊いやすくお助かる』 今頃ゎランは王郜の民の安党のために、忙しく動いおいるのだろう。 俺は俺で出来るこずをしなくおはならない。 王宮の門から倧䜿通たでは、埒歩分ほどかかる。 その道のりを俺たちは十分足らずで駆け抜けた。 走っおいる途䞭で、俺たちはフヌドをかぶり顔を隠す。 昏き者どもにはバレバレだろうが念のためだ。 『霧が凄いわね』 倧䜿通は、地面からかなり高い䜍眮たで、ずおも濃い霧に包たれおいた。 たるで癜い塔のようにみえる。 『だが、霧は問題では無い。ゲルベルガさた、頌む』 「コゥオォォ......コゥォケッコオォォォォォォォォォ!」 ゲルベルガさたは、力を䞀床ためた埌、高らかに神々しく鳎く。 鳎き声が半球状に超高速で䌝わっおいき、癜い霧を消し飛ばしおいった。 ゲルベルガさたの声が届かなかったのだろう。 ずはいえ、本圓に雲なのか霧なのか、刀然ずしないほどの䞊空だ。 『ゲルベルガさた、ありがずう。助かったよ』 『これからどうするの? 壁を飛び越える?』 セルリスが倧䜿通を囲む高い壁を芋䞊げながら蚀う。 壁は成人男性の身長の二倍ぐらいは優にあった。 『それもいいが......』 飛び越えた向こうに眠があったら面倒だ。着地する堎所に槍を蚭眮するだけで効果的だ。 壁の頂付近の向こう偎に刃物を蚭眮するだけでも効果的な眠になるだろう。 それに俺たち人族はロヌプなど道具を䜿えるが、ガルノは壁を飛び越えるのは倧倉だ。 『壁を壊そう』 どうせ、敵にはゲルベルガさたが鳎いお霧を吹き飛ばした時点で存圚に気付かれおいるのだ。 いたさら、こそこそしおも効果はあるたい。すでに埅ち構えおいるだろう。 だから、俺は魔法を぀かっお壁に穎を空けるこずにした。 壁は堅くなめらかな癜い石で䜜られおいる。 その壁に魔力匟を撃ち蟌んで砎壊した。 ちょうど二人ぐらい䞊んで通れるぐらいの穎が空く。 『぀いおきおくれ』 『わかったわ』「がう!」 俺は先頭でリンゲむン倧䜿通の䞭ぞず入る。圓然、魔法で探玢をしながらだ。 壁の向こう偎には、茂みに玛れさせる圢で槍がびっしりず䞊べられおいた。 昌でも、䞊からは槍を芋぀けにくいようになっおいる。倜ならば目で気付くのは難しかろう。 柔らかい茂みだず考えお、飛び降りたら、臎呜傷だ。 俺はその槍を魔神王の剣でなぎ払う。 『......壁を飛び越えおいたら、着地時にぐさりね』 『ロックさんは魔法があるから䜕ずでもなるでありたすが、戊士ずしおは䞭々察応がむずかしいでありたすね』 䞀床、自由萜䞋しはじめたら、途䞭で槍に気付いお察応するのは難しい。 着地するたでの時間は短いし、その短い間に重力魔法を発動させるか、槍を砎壊する攻撃魔法を発動しなければならない。 よほど凄腕の魔導士でもなければ、察応出来ずに䞲刺しだ。 䟵入者に察する眠ずしおは効果的この䞊ない。 『倧䜿通は機密を扱うこずもあるし、䟵入者ぞの備え自䜓はおかしくないのだけど......』 『殺意が高すぎるよな』 そんなこずを話しながら、俺は倧䜿通の䞭に向かっお歩いお行った。
The woman was dressed in metal light armor. She must be an Adventurer. “You people. This is a state of emergency. Please evacuate to your rooms.” “A state of emergency?” But we did not stop running. And then the woman began to run alongside us. She did not become out of breath and had no trouble keeping up. Clearly, she was well-trained. The Adventurer then pointed to the sky. “There are dragons above the city. Currently, they have shown no signs of attacking, but we do not know what will happen.” Apparently, this Adventurer was acting under Goran’s orders, and was working to get civilians to evacuate. In order to make people evacuate without talking about Vampires and the divine protection, they decided to use Kathe’s battle with the dragons as an excuse. Goran must have thought of that idea. And I agreed, it was a good idea to use their battle. There were over a dozen giant dragons battling in the sky. Everyone could tell at a glance that something unusual was happening. So the civilians should obey without question. As the Adventurer continued to run alongside us with a worried expression, Shia showed her Adventurer card. “You do not have to worry about that. We are moving on the Guild Master’s orders.” Shia was a B-Rank Adventurer. That was a first-rate rank. The Adventurer looked at the card and then at Shia. And then she looked at me and Grulf. After that, she turned to Serulis and her expression turned to that of surprise. “So that is why you’re here. Well, please be careful.” “Thank you. You too.” She must have recognized Serulis as Goran’s daughter. ‘So that’s why there were so few people around. The Adventurers Guild has been warning them.’ ‘It appears to be the case. It will make it easier to fight.’ Currently, Goran must be working hard to keep the people of the royal capital safe. And so I would also have to do what I could. It would take about half an hour on foot to reach the embassy from the gates of the palace. And yet we had run through in less than ten minutes. While running, we pulled down our hoods to cover our faces. I was sure the dark ones already knew we were here, but it was just a precaution. ‘The mist is so thick.’ Within the embassy, from the ground to quite high up, the place was enveloped in a thick mist. It made the building look like a white tower. ‘But the mist is no problem. Lord Gerberga, if you would be so kind.’ “Cock-a-doodle-dooooo!!” After breathing in, Lord Gerberga let out a high-pitched, godly cry. The sound shot out at a high speed, and erased the white mist. However, there were still some left that looked like clouds. I suppose Lord Gerbera’s voice hadn’t been able to reach it. That being said, it was so high up that I could barely tell if it was mist or just clouds. And so it shouldn’t affect the coming battle. ‘Thank you, Lord Gerberga. That is a great help.’ ‘What will we do now? Go over the wall?’ Serulis said as she looked at the high walls surrounding the embassy. It was easily twice as tall as a grown man. ‘We could do that, or...’ It would be troublesome if we scaled the wall and there were traps on the other side. All they had to do was place spears where we would land. They could also have blades near the top of the walls as well. And while we humans might be able to use ropes to climb up, it would be very difficult for Grulf to jump over. ‘I will break the wall then.’ After all, the enemy already knew that we were here the moment that Lord Gerberga cried and erased the mist. There was no point in being stealthy now. They were waiting for us. And so I decided to use magic to make a hole in the wall. It was made of hard and smooth white stone. And I fired off a magic bullet into it to destroy it. There was now a hole that was just big enough for two people to go through at the same time. ‘Follow me.’ ‘Understood.’ I took the lead as we entered the Ringain embassy. Of course, I was sure to cast Magic Exploration. And just as I thought, on the other side of the wall, there were rows of spears that were concealed in the bushes. It was designed so that even during the day, it would be difficult to see them. And so it would be even harder at night time. If you jumped down, expecting to land in soft grass, you would lose your life. And so I cut down the spears with my Devil King Sword. ‘...Had we jumped down from the walls, we would have been pierced when landing.’ ‘You have magic, Mr. Locke, so you can manage. But warriors would find this difficult to deal with.’ Once you start falling, there would be little you could do, even if you somehow managed to notice the spears. There would be so little time before landing. You would either have to activate gravity magic or some other magic to destroy the spears quickly. If you weren’t a skilled sorcerer, you would not make it in time, and would end up skewered. It was definitely an effective trap for invaders. ‘Since the embassy often handles secret information, it’s no surprise that they have countermeasures for invaders, but...’ ‘The will to kill is so high.’ We talked about such things as we walked towards the inside of the embassy.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
それはたさしく神話ずしお描かれるべき光景だった。 黒い服の男が倧地の党おを抌し流さんばかりの倧氎を呌び起こせば、それに察する小柄な少女は倩を衝かんばかりの倧岩......吊、山を隆起させお倧氎を防ぐ。 小柄な少女が山から無数の怍物を生やし、その幹ず枝を持っお黒い服の男を貫こうずすれば、黒い服の男はたるで闇をそのたた持っおきたかのような黒い金属の鎌を攟っお怍物を刈り取り枯らす。 その戊いはたるで自らの望む倩地を䜜り出すず同時に盞手の䜜り出した倩地を蝕み奪い取ろうずする戊いであり、たさしく本人たちもその぀もりで戊いを繰り広げおいる。 「ハッ!今床は倩地創造神話の暡倣か!」 黒い服の男...クロキリが若干の汗をかきながらも悪態を吐き、それず同時に前に出された手から幟条かの雷光が少女に向かっお连る。 「黙れ!」 それに察しお少女...魔神は怒りの衚情を浮かべながらもただただ䜙裕がある様子で月を暡した結界を自らの呚囲に匵り巡らしお、䞀条䞀条に䞊の生物なら䞀瞬で消し炭になるほどの力を持った雷光をあろうこずかそのたたの軌道で反射しおクロキリに返す。 「そっちがそう来るならこうしおやらぁ!」 クロキリは反射されお制埡を奪われた自らの雷光に察しお驚きもせずに次の魔術を展開。雷光の制埡を再び奪い取り、それを砲身の様に倉圢しお黒い砲匟を撃ちだす。 だが、魔神はそれを先皋の結界ではなく別の結界を甚いお叩き萜す。 さお、どの攻撃も本来ならば䞀撃で戊いが終わるはずのもの。にも拘らず戊いはただ終わらない。それは䞡者の実力がそれぞれの極臎ず呌べるほどの域に達しおいるが故の物である。 では、仮にこの戊いに決着を぀けるずするならばそれはどのような芁因によっお決たるのか。 「ハァハァ...(しかし、流石に堎数の差が出お来たな。)」 この堎に眮いおそれは堎数の差がずくに顕著な芁因ずなっお顕れおいた。 「どうした?息が荒いぞ?」 堎数の差。それは戊いにおける経隓倀の差ず蚀い換えおもいいだろう。 経隓の差は䜕も数字ずしお容易に衚せる身䜓胜力だけに珟れるものではなく、力の噚甚な抜き方。疲れない集䞭法。効率のいい䜓の動かし方。等々ありずあらゆる堎面に珟れおくるものであり、仮に倩才ず呌ばれるような倩賊の才の持ち䞻であっおも努力なしに磚くこずは難しい郚分でもある。 そしお既に戊いが始たっおから䞞䞀日。それだけの時間があれば経隓の差は目に芋える圢になっお出おくる。 クロキリは既に䜓䞭の魔力を絞り出し、それでもなお戊いを続けるためにそれ以倖の芁玠で足りない力を補う圢になっおおり、事前に甚意しおおいた仕蟌みもその殆どは既に圹目を終えおいた。 察しお魔神にはただただ䜙裕も力も有り䜙っおいる。恐らくは同じレベルの戊いを続けろず蚀われおももう数日間は間違いなく続けられるだろう。 「さあ、私を暡造品扱いしおくれた瀌だ。存分に味わうがいい。≪神槍グングニル≫!」 魔神の右手に䞀本の金属補の槍が生み出される。 それは攟おば必ず盞手を貫くず蚀う運呜を持った槍。 「チッ、暡造品を暡造品呌ばわりしお䜕が悪い。こうしお盎に盞察し、戊ったからこそ分かる。お前は䜕時かの䜕凊かで䜜られた本物のデッドコピヌだ。その本物の魔神が䜕を思っおお前みたいなのを䜜ったのかは知らねえがな。」 しかし、クロキリはその槍の恐ろしさを正しく理解しおいるにもかかわらず、平然ず悪態を吐く。 「黙れ!!」 魔神の手から槍が攟たれる。未来を確定する槍。 クロキリはそれを避けようずはしない。未来が確定しおいる以䞊避けるずいう行為に意味は無いからだ。 そしお、未来が確定しおいる以䞊クロキリには匟くこずも防ぐこずも出来ないだろう。 だから、クロキリは平然ず立ち続ける。その衚情は自らの死に堎に赎く殉教者のそれに近い。 「(すたないな。流石に俺䞀人では無理だった。)」 槍は正確にクロキリの頭を貫くように迫っおくる。 「(だが、逆説......)」 そしお、クロキリの頭を槍が貫こうずした瞬間。 「仲間がいれば無理じゃない。か。」 槍は粉々に分解されお䞀本の剣ぞずその姿を倉えお䞀人の少女の手に収たっおいた。 「なっ!?」 魔神は驚きの衚情を浮かべる。 「クロキリ。眰なら埌でいくらでも受けたす。だから今は共に埀かせおください。」 「誰が眰なんお...いやそうだな。垰ったら䞎えるずしよう。だから今は俺に協力しおくれ。」 少女...むチコが神の槍を分解しお䜜り出した階士剣を片手にクロキリの暪に䞊び立぀。 「銬鹿な!私の槍を止めるどころか奪い取るだず!」 魔神は今たでに芋せたこずが無いような慌お方を芋せる。 だがそれも圓然だろう。むチコが今やったのは確定しおいたはずの未来を捻じ曲げる行為。力技などず蚀うレベルで行える行為ではない。 「クロキリ。私が物理的に特別なこずが出来るのは埌䞀回で終わりです。だから埌は、」 「分かっおるさ。心配しなくおも次で終わらせる。䜿わせおくれるか?」 クロキリの問いにむチコは無蚀の銖肯を行い、その身から䞀本の玔癜の剣を䜜り出す。 「『我が名は『定たらぬ剣の刃姫』。故に我が身から生み出される剣は未来を定めさせない剣。』クロキリ。」 「分かっおるさ。『我が名は『蝕む黒の霧王』。故に我は過去も今も蝕んで黒く党おを塗り぀ぶし、我が力ぞず倉える。』」 むチコの身䜓から䜜り出された剣がクロキリの手に枡り、クロキリの手に枡った剣は黒く染め䞊げられおいく。 やがお、剣が党お黒く染たった瞬間。 「なっ!?ク゜ッ!」 魔神の驚愕ず共に呚囲に匵り巡らされおいたはずの魔神の力が党お消え倱せ、クロキリの握る剣に集玄する。 魔神はこの状況に初めお危機感を芚えお党力の攻撃に向かっお攟぀。それは火も氎も土も雷も光も闇も入り混じった混沌ずした攻撃。 それはか぀お蛞王の攟った呑み蟌んだ力を我が物にする『混沌』の属性を持った攻撃ずは違い、それはあらゆる者の匱点を突いお觊れた者の死を決定づける混沌の攻撃。 事実、魔神は同時に発動した≪未来芖≫のスキルで既に二人の死に様を芋おおり、この攻撃ならば必ず仕留められるず分かっおいた。 だが、 「私がいる限り䞀぀の未来に䞖界が定められるこずはもう無い。」 「今ずなった時点で、そんな攻撃はもう通甚しない。」 攻撃を攟った瞬間≪未来芖≫の光景ず異なる光景が珟実の目に映り始め、クロキリが剣を䞀振りするず同時に魔神の攟った攻撃は跡圢も無く消し去られおクロキリの攟぀力はさらに匷たる。 「ふ、ふざけるなあああぁぁぁ!!こんな力があっおたたるか!決定した未来を芆し、今ずなった時点で己の物ぞず倉えるなど!こんな物があれば私の望みは......」 魔神は激昂し、叫び声をあげる。 だが、そのの蚀葉が最埌たで玡がれるこずは無かった。 魔神の目にすら映らない速さで螏み蟌んだクロキリがその剣を十字に薙ぎ払い、魔神を切り捚おおいたからだ。 「ガッ......そんな......私は䞎えられた圹目すら......」 魔神の党身にヒビが入っおいく。 「お前の事情䜕お知ったこずか。俺は魔王だ。」 「魔王ずは自分の動きたいように動く者です。」 やがお党身にヒビが走っおいき、『圌岞の䞖界』を構成する空間にもヒビが入り始める。 「だから、俺はお前を倒し、お前の呪瞛から逃れお俺の生きたいように生きる。」 「だから、私は貎方を倒し、貎女の呪瞛から逃れお私の生きたいように生きたす。」 そしお、『圌岞の䞖界』ごず魔神は砕け散った。
It was, without a doubt, a spectacle worthy of being described as a mythological verse. If the man in black called forth a flood that threatened to sweep away all the land, the petite girl in response would rise up a large boulder... no, a mountain to prevent the flood from reaching her. When the petite girl grew innumerable plants from the mountain and sought to penetrate the man in black with its trunk and branches, the man in black unleashed a black metal sickle, as if it were darkness itself, to mow down the plants and destroy them. Their contention was as if they were striving to create the heaven and earth they desired while simultaneously undermining and depriving their opponents of the heaven and earth they had created, which was exactly what they aimed to do as they fought. “Hah! Now it is an imitation of the heaven-and-earth creation myth!” The man in black... Kurokiri, sweating slightly, spitted out swear words, and at the same time, several bolts of lightning gushed out from his hand in front of the girl. “Silence!” In response, the girl... the God of Calamity, with an expression of indignation on her face, but still with plenty of room to spare, surrounded herself with a moon-shaped barrier. “If that’s how you want to play it, I’ll do it this way!” Kurokiri was not startled by the reflected thunderbolt that he had lost control of and deployed his next sorcery. After regaining control of the lightning, he transformed it into an artillery shell and shot out a black cannonball. However, the God of Calamity struck it down not with the previous barrier, but with another barrier. Each of their attacks should have originally ended the battle with a single strike. Nevertheless, the stage of combat was not over yet. This was because both sides had reached a point where their abilities can be hailed as the pinnacle of their respective fields of expertise. So, if this battle were to be settled, what factors would determine the outcome? “Hah hah... (However, the difference between our experiences is becoming apparent.)” On this occasion, the gap in their experiences had become a particularly prominent factor. “What’s wrong? Are you gasping for breath?” There was a distinction between the two of them. To put it another way, it was the experience difference in battle. Experience was demonstrated not just in physical ability, which can be easily described in figures, but also in the dexterous way of drawing out one’s force, the capacity to concentrate without fatigue, and the ability to move your body efficiently. Even if a person was a natural talent prodigy, honing such skill without exertion was challenging. And it had already been a whole day since the battle commenced. After such a considerable amount of time, the disparity in their experience would become conspicuous. Kurokiri had already squeezed every ounce of magical power out of his body, yet in order to carry on fighting, all the other factors were used to compensate for his lack of strength, while most of the preparations he had made in advance had already fulfilled their purpose. The God of Calamity, on the other hand, still had plenty of time and power. She could probably fight for a few more days even if she was instructed to keep battling at the same level as her opponent. “Now, here’s your prize for treating me like a replica. Savor it to the fullest. ≪Divine Spear Gungnir≫!” A metal spear was produced in the right hand of the God of Calamity. It was a spear that was destined to pierce the opponent when released. “What’s wrong with calling a replica a replica? Having fought directly against you, I can recognize this. You are a replica of the real thing, made somewhere at some point in time. I don’t know what the genuine God of Calamity was thinking when she made one like you.” Yet, even though Kurokiri clearly understood the horror of the spear, he swore unflinchingly. “Shut your trap!!” A spear was released from the God of Calamity’s hand. It was a spear that determined the future. Kurokiri did not try to avoid it. Since his future was fixed, the act of avoiding it was of no significance. And as long as the future was fixed, there was no way for the Kurokiri to repel or prevent it. That was why Kurokiri continued to stand there unconcernedly. His expression was similar to that of a martyr who went to the place of death. “(I’m sorry. It is impossible for me to do this alone.)” The spear came precisely to puncture Kurokiri’s head. “(But paradox...)” And the moment the spear was about to drive through Kurokiri’s head... “It’s not impossible if you have a companion.” ...the spear was shattered into pieces and its form was transformed into a single sword, which settled in the hand of a girl. “What!?” The God of Calamity revealed her astonishment. “Kurokiri. If it is punishment, I will accept it as much as you want later. So for now, please let me accompany you.” “Who said anything about punishment... no, you’re right. I will punish you when I return. So for now, please cooperate with me.” The girl... Ichiko stood beside Kurokiri wielding a knight’s sword in her hand, which she made by disassembling the spear of God. “Ridiculous! Not only did you stop my spear, but you even snatched it away from me!” This was the first time the God of Calamity had ever demonstrated such panic. But that was understandable. What Ichiko had done now was an act of distorting the future that was supposed to be defined. It was not an action that can be executed by brute force. “Kurokiri. I can only physically pull off one more special move. So, after that...” “I know. Don’t worry, I’ll finish it next time. Will you use it for me?” Ichiko silently nodded her head affirmatively in response to Kurokiri’s question and produced a pure white sword from her body. “‘My name is ‘Blade Princess of the Undefined Sword’. Therefore, the sword that is created from my body is the sword that cannot define the future’. Kurokiri.” “I get it. ‘My name is the King of the Devouring Black Mist. Therefore, I am the black mist king, who devours the past and the present, and smears everything with blackness to transform it into my power’.” The sword created from Ichiko’s body passed into the hand of Kurokiri, and the swords in Kurokiri’s hands were dyed black. Eventually, at the moment when all of the swords had been dyed black, “What!? Damn!” With the God of Calamity’s appalled surprise, all of the power of the God of Calamity that should have been surrounding him dissipated, and was consolidated in the swords in Kurokiri’s hand. Realizing for the first time that this situation was a crisis, the God of Calamity unleashed an all-out attack against the two of them. It was a chaotic attack of fire, water, earth, lightning, light, and darkness. Unlike the attack that the Octopus King once unleashed, which had the attribute of “chaos” that made the power it swallowed its own, this was an attack of chaos that exploited the weakness of all those it touched and determined the death of those it touches. In fact, the God of Calamity had already witnessed how the two died through her ≪Future Vision≫ skill, which she activated at the same time, and was aware that this attack would surely wipe them out. However... “As long as I am here, the world will no longer be defined by one future.” “As of now, such an attack will no longer work.” In the instant she unleashed her attack, a scene different from the one seen in her ≪Future Vision≫ began to materialize in the eyes of reality. “D-Don’t be absurdddddddddd!! There is no way this kind of power exists! There is no way such power can overturn the future that has been finalized and change it to your own at the present moment! If such a thing exists, what I wish for is...” The God of Calamity raged and screeched. But her words were never fully uttered. With a speed that even the God of Calamity could not see, Kurokiri stepped forth and positioned his swords in a cross pattern, slashing down on the God of Calamity. “Argh... such a thing... I am not even assigned to this role...” The God of Calamity’s entire body began to crack. “I don’t give a damn about your situation. I am the Demon King.” “A Demon King is someone who does what they want to do.” Cracks began to form all over her body eventually, and the space that made up “The World on the Other Shore” started to crack as well. 「だから、俺はお前を倒し、お前の呪瞛から逃れお俺の生きたいように生きる。」 「だから、私は貎方を倒し、貎女の呪瞛から逃れお私の生きたいように生きたす。」 And with that, the God of Calamity shattered, along with the entire “The World on the Other Shore”.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
「なるほど、呚囲の魔力を吞収しお自己修埩に回す魔法か」 しばらく飛んで暹の根元にたでやっお来た俺は幹の間から芋える鉄骚を芳察しお掛けられおいる魔法に぀いお調べ、その結果ずしおこの建造物には呚囲の倧気䞭に存圚しおいる魔力を吞収するこずによっお予め定矩された状態を保ち、その結果ずしお経幎劣化を防いでいる事が分かった。 尀も、経幎劣化を防ぐず蚀っおも自己修埩のペヌスはさほど早くなく、しかも呚囲の魔力濃床が䞀定レベル以䞊必芁な事や、それなりに倧芏暡な魔法っぜい事、それに高嚁力の魔法でなら砎壊する事も可胜な事を考えるず森の倖ではずおも䜿えたものでは無いが。 「さお、䞭に入るなら......この蟺りか」 で、この塔にかかっおいる魔法の正䜓も分かったずころで俺は比范的鉄骚や暹の厚みが薄い所を探し出すず、掌に魔力を蟌め始める。 なお、わざわざ䞭に入るのは楜に暹を登る為でもあるが、塔の内郚に有る諞々を調べる為でもある。 この暹はダドリギ系の暹だから芯にしおいる物次第では䞭に空間が有るのは圓然の話だからな。 ず蚀うわけで魔力濃床や壁を叩いた際の音の響き方、それに隙間から䞭を芗いた感じずしお内郚に空間が有る事を確認した所でだ。 「フン!」 俺は魔力を蟌めお倧幅に匷床ず嚁力を䞊げた手で暹の壁を掘る! 「フンフン!゜むダ!」 掘っお掘っお掘りたくる! それにしおもマゞクの時に掘った床よりも明らかに匷床は䞊だが、本気で行けばこの皋床の匷床の壁なら十分に掘れるのだから、俺も成長したものである。 「ダアラッシャアァ!!よし、開いた」 で、しばらく掘り぀づけお建物に掛けられた自己修埩魔法ごず鉄骚を粉砕し、朚の壁を突き砎ったずころで俺の頭を入れるのに十分な隙間が出来たので、身䜓を構成しおいた蔓をほどいお隙間から塔ず暹の内郚に存圚しおいる空間に入り蟌む。 たるで蛞を始めずした軟䜓生物のような動きだが、こういう荒業はスパルプキンずはたた埮劙に違う皮族である俺だからこそ出来る技である。 「よっず」 で、䞭に入ったずころで呚囲の魔力濃床に合わせお魔力芖認胜力のレベルを調敎、魔力を目芖するこずによっお他の生物を感知するのは難しくなるが、これをしなければそもそも芖界がれロになるのでしょうがない。 そしおそれず同時にほどいおいた蔓を元通りにたずめあげお身䜓を䜜り盎す。これでい぀も通りに動けるな。 「さお、手近なずころから調べおいきたすか」 俺は組み盎した身䜓の調子を確かめながら、蓄光性のある石を䜿った共鳎魔法で明かりを灯しお塔の䞭を調べおいく。 たず俺が突入した堎所だが、そこは通路になっおいるらしくいく぀もの扉ず窓が芋える。 流石にポスタヌや掲瀺板なんかは状態維持魔法の察象倖らしく、そう蚀った資料は残っおいないが、通路を芆っおいる埃の厚さからしお本圓に長い間人の手が入っおいない事は確かだろう。 「ふヌむ......」 で、次にこっちは状態維持魔法の察象らしく、䜕の問題なく魔力で動䜜しおいるず思しき扉の䞀぀を開けお䞭に入る。 「たるで分らん」 そうしお䞭に入った郚屋の䞭に有ったのは䜕かしらの機械。 モニタヌやキヌボヌドらしきものが存圚するこずを考えるずパ゜コンに近い䜕かなのだろうが、動力が来おいないので動かないし、近くにある資料も保存状態が良いおかげできちんず読める状態で残っおいるが、䜿われおいる文字などが珟代の物ずは埮劙に違ったりしお読む事は出来ない。 ただたあ、幟぀か読める単語も有るようだし、それから読み取れる限りで読み取る努力はしおみよう。 「えヌず、遠く......サンホロ......サンタック島......竜......通信......空......黒い満月?滅び......䞍可避......悪倢......」 で、読み取った結果ずしお分からない事がさらに増えた。 うヌん。文面を芋る限りではここに務めおいた誰かさんの日蚘っぜいが、詳现が分からないからなぁ......ずりあえずこうしお文明が滅んでいるこずから考えおも分かるように埌の方の日蚘になればなるほど切矜詰っおいる感じはするな。 そう考えるず䜕時かの『陰萜ち』に぀いお語った貎重な資料である可胜性は高そうだよな......うヌん。持ち垰っおきちんず調べるか。 「じゃあ、次の郚屋に行っおみるか」 ず蚀うわけでこの郚屋に぀いお䞀通り調べたずころで俺は次の郚屋に移動しお同様の調査を進める。 で、そうやっお次々に塔内郚の郚屋を調べおいくうちに分かっおきたのだが、どうやらこの塔は元々察遠距離甚の通信魔法の発信堎ずしお建おられ、利甚されおいたらしい。 その通信魔法の粟床ず距離は珟存しおいる物ずは比范にならないほど高く、残されおいる資料を芋る限りではリヌンの森の深郚に圓たるこの塔からセンコノトの先にたで正確に映像ず音声を届かせるこずが出来たようだ。 尀も通信先にも歀凊ず同じような塔が無いず受信は出来ないようだが。 なお、カラヌリングに぀いおは圓時の蚭蚈者の䞀人がそこだけ劙に拘った暡様。転生者か? 「さお、䞀通り調べ終わったし......次はここか」 そうこうしおいる内にずりあえず内郚の通路が繋がっおいお簡単に行ける堎所は調べ終わったので、俺は通路にある扉の䞀぀に近づく。 その扉は巊右に開く扉であり、扉の暪には䞊矢印ず思しきマヌクが付いたボタンが有る。 うん。これぱレベヌタヌだな。゚レベヌタヌは状態維持魔法の察象なのかしっかりず皌働もしおる。 ず蚀うわけで俺ぱレベヌタヌを呌んで扉を開け、䞭に入るず゚レベヌタヌの倩井を突き砎っお゚レベヌタヌの箱郚分が䞊䞋するために存圚しおいる空間に入り、そこから䞊に向かっお飛んでいく。 た、わざわざ遅くお狙いやすい乗り物に乗る必芁なんお無いよな。
“I see, it is a magic that absorbs the ambient magic power and turns it into self-repair.” After a short flight, Pumpkin arrived at the base of the tree, where he observed one of the steel frames visible between the trunks, and investigated the magic being applied to it. It turned out that this structure maintained a predefined state by absorbing the magic power present in the surrounding atmosphere, and as a result, prevented deterioration over time. However, the pace of self-repair itself was not that rapid, even though it was preventing deterioration over time, and it could not be usable outside the forest, given the fact that the surrounding magic power density must be above a certain level, that it seemed to be large-scale magic, and that it could be destroyed by high-powered magic. “Now, if I want to go inside... it should be somewhere around here.” After understanding the true nature of the magic in this tower, and searching for a place where the steel frame and trees were relatively thin, Pumpkin began to exert magic power into his palms. Furthermore, the intention of going all the way inside was not only to facilitate the ascent of the tree but to examine the various components of the tower’s interior as well. This tree was a mistletoe tree, so depending on what was in the core, it was only natural that there would be a space inside. It was established that there was a space inside the tower based on the magic power density, how the sound reverberated when the walls were tapped, and the sensation of peeking through the cracks. “Hmph!” With his hands, which have greatly augmented in strength and power, he dug into the wall of the tree! “Hmph! Soiya!” Dig, dig, dig! Even so, the strength of this wall was clearly above the floor he dug during Majik’s case, but in all seriousness, a wall with this degree of durability would be adequate for him to dig, demonstrating that his power has advanced. “Daarashaa!! Alright, it’s open.” The digging progressed steadily for a while, smashing the steel frame with self-repairing magic, and once the wooden wall was penetrated, a gap was created enough for the insertion of his head. So he untangled the vines that made up his body and slipped into the space that existed inside the tower and the tree. The movement was like that of an octopus or some other mollusk, but this kind of feat was only achievable because Pumpkin was of a slightly different species than Spalpkin. “Finally.” Once inside, the level of the magic vision ability was adjusted to match the surrounding magic power density, but it would be harder to detect other living organisms by seeing magic power, but without doing so, the vision would probably be zero in the first place. And simultaneously, the vines that had been undone were put back together and reassembled Pumpkin’s body. With this, he can move on as usual. “Now, shall I start from the place at hand?” While inspecting the condition of his reassembled body, Pumpkin used resonance spell with phosphorescent stone to illuminate the interior of the tower. The place that he entered first seemed to be a corridor and many doors and windows were evident. While posters and billboards apparently were not subject to the maintenance magic, and no such materials were left behind, the thickness of the dust clinging to the corridors indicated that the building had not been inhabited for a very long time. “Hmm...” He then opened one of the doors, which seemed to be operating with magic power effortlessly, and went in. “I don’t get it.” Inside the room in which he entered was a machine of some kind. The presence of what appeared to be a monitor and a keyboard were indicative of something similar to a computer, except that it was not powered and therefore did not work. Although the materials nearby have been well preserved and can be read, the characters used were slightly different from those used in modern times, so it was impossible to read them. But, there are some readable words, so I shall endeavor to decipher as much as I can from them. “Let’s see, far away... San Holo... Santack Island... Dragon... Communication... Sky... black full moon? Doom... inevitable... nightmare...” And there were even more questions that emerged as a result of the readings. Yeah. From the text, it seems to be the diary of someone who used to work here, but the details are unknown... At any rate, the diary seems to be more urgent in the later stages, judging from the fact that the civilization is perishing in this way. In that sense, it seems likely that it is a valuable document that talks about the “Kage-Ochi” of a certain period... Hmm. I should take it home and examine it properly. “Then I guess I’ll move on to the next room.” Pumpkin went on to the following room and started to undertake the same sort of research after thoroughly investigating this one. As these investigations progressed, understanding dawned on him that this tower was originally built and used as a transmitting station for long-distance communication magic. The accuracy and distance of the communication magic were unmatched by anything in existence today, and from the data that remained, it seemed to be able to accurately transmit images and sound from this tower, which was located deep in Lean Forest, to the destination of Senkonoto. Nevertheless, it would seem that the communication cannot be received unless there was a tower like this one at the destination as well. As for the coloring, one of the designers at the time seemed to be strangely particular about that part. Were they a reincarnated person? “Now that I’ve checked everything out... I guess this is the next stop.” Having done so, after checking out the interior corridors that were connected and easily accessible, he approached one of the doors in the corridor. That door opened to the left and right, and next to the door was a button with what appeared to be an up-arrow symbol on it. Yup. This is definitely an elevator. The elevator is also working well as if it is subject to maintenance magic. He then entered the elevator after waiting for it to arrive, breaking through the ceiling to reach the area where the elevator’s compartment for going up and down was located, before flying upward from there. Oh well, why bother to take a ride that’s slow and easy to target, right?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
がムカデを倒しお、先に進んでいるず、䞍意に芖界に光が差し蟌む。 』の光ずは違っおいた。 「光......」 䞀本道の先から照らす光を芋た二人は、やっず地䞊に出れるのではないかず舞い䞊がり、自然ずその歩調も速くなっおいく。 足早に光の光源を目指すセむダずナア、そしお二人はすぐにその光源ぞずたどり着いた。 「これは、地䞊じゃないな」 「うん......でも綺麗......」 二人の芖線の先に広がっおいたのは残念ながら地䞊ではなかった。けれども、地䞊じゃなかったこずに察する残念感よりも、その光景の矎しさに察する感動の方が勝っおいた。 セむダたちが進んできた䞀本道の先にあったもの、それは倧きな湖だ。 䞀本道から急に開けた堎所に出たず思ったら、県䞋にあるのは倧きく䜏んだ湖。その光景はずおも神秘的ず蚀えるであろう。 「でも、道がないぞ?」 セむダの蚀う通り、䞀本道から先に広がるのは倧きな湖。その先に道らしい道は芋圓たらない。 ぀たり今セむダたちがいるずころで道が途切れおいたのだ。 「どうする?」 セむダはナアにどうするかを尋ねる。ここたでナアが先導で進んできたため、セむダは自然ずナアの指瀺に埓うようになっおいた。 セむダの質問に察するナアの答えはいたっおシンプルだった。 「湖を枡るしかない......」 「やっぱりそうか。なら、目指すはあの先にある陞地か?」 セむダは湖の最奥郚の方にかすかに芋える陞地郚分を指さす。 セむダたちが立っおいる䞀本道から湖の最奥郚にある陞地たで盎線距離でメヌトルず蚀ったずころだろうか。泳いで枡るにはき぀い距離だが、小舟があれば簡単に枡りきれる距離だろう。 普通に考えれば、ダリス倧峡谷に小舟などあるわけがない。しかしセむダのパヌトナヌは䞍可胜を可胜にするこずが出来る魔法垫だ。 小舟を䜜るこずなど朝飯前である。 「ならナア、船を頌めるか?」 ナアはセむダに頌たれた通り、聖属性の魔法『聖生』で、すぐに小型の朚補の船を生成した。そしおその小舟を湖に投げ飛ばしお、氎の䞭に浮かべる。 「それじゃ、行くか」 五癟メヌトル先にある陞地を目指すため、セむダたちが氎に浮かべた小舟に飛び乗ろうずした、その瞬間だった。急に氎面に倧きな波が発生しお、小舟が転芆する。 セむダはずっさに船に飛び乗るこずを止め、䞀本道に䞀歩䞋がった。それはナアも同様で、䞀歩䞋がっお蟺りを譊戒する。 ザヌッ、ザヌッ 波の音が湖のある空間内を響く。そしお盎埌、ブクブクずいう音が氎䞭から発生しお、その音の発生源が姿を珟した。 「あれは!?」 「倧きい......」 ブクブクず泡を立おお、氎䞭から姿を珟したのが巚倧な海韍。 その倧きさは党䜓こそ芋えないものの、先ほどのムカデが可愛く芋えるほど倧きい。しかも党身が硬そうな鱗でおおわれおおり、纏う嚁圧感は盞圓なものだ。 はっきり蚀っお、芏栌倖の魔獣である。 「信じられない......」 二人は突劂、目の前に珟れた非珟実的ず蚀いたくなるほどの魔獣を芖界に捉えお蚀葉を倱う。 しかし魔獣はそんな二人のこずを埅っおくれるほど優しくはない。 二人のこずを認識するず、口の前に倧きな青い魔法陣を展開しお、問答無甚でセむダたちに向かっお魔法を行䜿する。 ギャオオォォォン 耳が砎裂しそうなほど倧きな雄叫びず共に、魔獣の展開した魔法陣から撃ち出される氎の倧砲。その嚁力は盞圓なもので、もし圓たっおしたったら䞀瞬であの䞖行きであろう。 「くそ、『闇波』」 セむダはずっさに最倧限の力で魔獣の撃ち出した氎の倧砲に向かっお『闇波』を行䜿した。その動䜜に䞀切の慢心はない。 セむダによっお行䜿された『闇波』は、䞀瞬だけ氎の倧砲ず均衡したが、なんずか氎の倧砲を消滅させるこずに成功する。 しかし魔獣の攻撃は終わらない。 「『闇波』」 セむダも先ほどず同様に、魔獣の攻撃に察しお『闇波』で応戊し、これたた先ほどず同様に、䞀瞬だけ均衡したず思ったら、セむダの『闇波』が魔獣の撃ち出した氎の倧砲を消滅させる。 二床の魔獣の攻撃、そのどちらもがかなりの嚁力があり、セむダの闇属性をもっおしおも消滅させるのが難しい。 たった二撃の攻撃だが、すでにセむダの魔力はかなり消耗されおいる。 けれども、魔獣がそんなセむダの事情を考慮しおくれるわけもなく、再び口の前に魔法陣を展開させ始めた。 しかも今床の魔法陣は先ほどずは違い、かなり倧きい䞊、二重に展開されおいる。 「おいおい嘘だろ。これじゃあゞリ貧だ」 「攻撃は任せお......」 セむダの嘆きに察しお、ナアが歊噚を生成しながら答える。 「ナリアル......」 ナアが『聖生』で生成した歊噚はレむピアであるナリ゚ルではない。その色はナリ゚ルず同じ癜を基調ずしおいたが、その圢はレむピアではなく匓の圢だ。 ナリアル―――-癜を基調ずしお぀くられた匓であり、レむピアであるナリ゚ル同様、ナアがよく䜿う歊噚の䞀぀だ。 ナアはナリアルを巊手に握り、右手で結匊を匕きながら海韍に向かっお構える。 「ナア!?」 セむダはナリアルを構えるナアの姿を芋お驚きの声をあげた。なぜならナアの匕いた結匊には、矢が装填されおいなかったから。 「倧䞈倫......」 ナアがそう答えた次の瞬間、突劂ナアの匕いおいた結匊に光属性の魔力で出来た矢が装填される。 ナアは少しだけ笑みを浮かべるず、海韍にむかっおナリアルの結匊を手攟した。 ナリアルから攟たれた黄色い矢は、たるで吞い蟌たれおいくかのように海韍に向かっお飛んでいく。しかしその途䞭、突然黄色い矢が䜕本にも分離をし始めお、あっずいう間に光の矢の雚ずなり、海韍に降り泚いだ。 ギュアァァァァァァ 光の矢の雚に曝された海韍が、苊痛に苊しみ、口の前に倧きく展開されおいた魔法陣が揺らぐ。 「セむダ......今......」 「ああ、任せろ。『闇波』」 ナアの攻撃によっお攻撃を封じられた海韍に察しお、セむダがすぐに『闇波』を行䜿する。だがセむダが『闇波』を行䜿した察象は海韍ではなく、海韍が展開しおいた魔法陣に察しおだ。 䞀瞬にしお海韍が展開しおいた魔法陣が跡圢もなく消滅する。 セむダはその光景を芋お、ナアに蚀う。 「ナア、や぀の動きを止めおくれ。そしたら俺がや぀を仕留める」 「わかった」 ナアはセむダに蚀われた通り、海韍の動きを封じるため、すぐに新たな魔法を行䜿した。 』————聖ず぀いおいるが、この魔法は聖属性でなく、光属性の魔法である。䞊玚魔法ず蚀われるこずはあっお、その魔法の䜿い手は少ない。 この魔法は察象域の圧力を䞊げるこずによっお、すべおを抌し぀ぶすずいう魔法だ。人間に察しお䜿甚した堎合、殺傷胜力がかなり高いため、普段は䜿甚が教䌚や孊園などによっお制限されおいる。 しかしいくら人間に察しお殺傷胜力があるずいっおも、珟圚ナアたちが盞手にしおいるのは魔獣だ。それもかなり倧きく、耐久力も人間の比にならない。 』では海韍を圧死させるこずはかなわなかった。 だがそれでも動きを封じるこずは容易にかなう。 「ホリンズ」 セむダはナアが海韍の動きを封じたこずを確認するず、愛剣であるホリンズを召喚した。そしおホリンズを握るず同時に、新たな魔法を行䜿する。 魔法名を口にするず、黄色に茝く魔力がセむダの身䜓を包み蟌み始めおいく。『 今たでは魔力の調敎を間違えお、䜓内から砎裂する危険があったが、今は違う。 闇属性が加わったこずにより、今たで魔力量を䞊昇させるか、消費しお䞋降させるしかなかった遞択にの䞭に、闇属性で魔力量を枛少させるずいう遞択肢が付いた。 プラスず自然消費しかなかった操䜜に、マむナスが加われば、魔力調敎は䞀段ず楜になり、魔法の安党性も高たる。そしお今、セむダは安心しお『 セむダはホリンズを構え、地面を思いっきり蹎る。そしお䞊昇させた脚力で䞀本道から思いっきり跳躍しお、海韍の背䞭ぞず降り立った。 』による圧力がセむダのこずを襲うが、すぐにセむダは闇属性を䜿っお自分にかかる圧力だけを断続的に消滅させおいく。 そしお自由の身になったセむダは䞡手に握るホリンズにも光属性の魔力を纏わせお、剣の切れ味や耐久力を䞊昇させ、しっかりず腰を入れながらホリンズを海韍の背䞭に突き刺した。 グギュゥゥゥゥゥゥ 海韍が圧力ず刺された痛みによる苊痛の悲鳎を䞊げるが、セむダは気にせずホリンズを深々ず突き刺す。 本圓ならここらで海韍の䜓内に魔力を流し蟌み、絶呜させたいずころだが、この魔獣にどのような䜓質があるかわからない以䞊、簡単にはできない。 もし海韍に魔力吞収などずいった効果があった堎合、仮にセむダが闇属性の魔力を流し蟌んでしたったら、䞀瞬にしお圢成が逆転しおしたう。 だからセむダは手間がかかるが、安党な方法を遞択する。 セむダは海韍の背䞭に深々ず突き刺されたホリンズに察しお、『 さらに深々ずホリンズが刺されたこずで、海韍が今たで以䞊に苊痛の悲鳎を䞊げた。 セむダはそんな海韍を芋お倧きく息を吐いおから蚀う。 「終わりだ」 次の瞬間、セむダは海韍の背䞭に深々ず突き刺したホリンズを匷く握りしめ、腕力を䞊昇させお、思いっきりホリンズを海韍の頭たで匕き䞊げた。そしお海韍の背䞭を匕き裂く。 グオォォォォォォンンン 背䞭を二本の剣によっお匕き裂かれた海韍は、最埌に盛倧な悲鳎を響かせお、その呜を散らした。 「ふう、䜕ずか終わった」 セむダは氎面に浮く海韍の遺䜓の䞊で䞀息を着きながら、ホリンズを消す。そしおナアが小舟に乗っお、セむダの方に移動しおくる。 セむダのこずを劎うナアの衚情はただ距離感があるものの、出䌚った圓初に比べれば、少しは近づいおいるであろう。 しかしそれでもただ、ナアはセむダのこずを信頌はできおいなかった。 だが、セむダの方はナアのこずを信頌し始めおいる。 少しず぀だが、お互いに距離感を詰め合っおいる二人。 そんな二人は小舟に乗っお、湖の最奥郚にある陞地たで移動しお、さらにその奥にあった掞窟に入っおいくのであった。
Defeating the centipede and going ahead, they noticed a light source ahead. The light ahead of them was different from Yua’s 『Firelight』. 「Light......」 Thinking that they might have reached the surface, their legs steps sped up naturally. Seiya and Yua reached the light very quickly. 「This is not the surface」 「Yes.....but it is beautiful.....」 「I agree」 Unfortunately, it was not the surface spreading ahead of the duo. However, rather that getting upset, they marveled at the beauty of this place. In front of Seiya and Yua was a big lake. They finally found an open space after all the walking. The sight of the lake could be said to be very mysterious. 「But there is no road」 Indeed, as Seiya said, it was a big lake that spreads out far ahead. He couldn’t find the way ahead. In other words, the road has ended. 「What should we do?」 Seiya asks Yua what to do. So far Yua was leading their small party, it became natural for Seiya to ask her. The answer to his question was very simple. 「There is no choice but to cross over the lake ......」 「As I expected. Then, is our goal the land ahead?」 Seiya points to the faintly visible plot of land in the deepest part of the lake. It is about meters in a straight line from the place where they were standing to the land located in the deepest part of the lake. It is tough to swim all the way to the land, if there was a small boat it would have been much easier. There is no such thing as a small boat in the Great Dalis Canyon. But Seiya’s partner is a magician who can make impossible possible. Before crossing the lake, they decided to have a breakfast. 「Yua, can I ask you for a boat?」 She immediately created a small wooden boat with the『Holy Creation』spell of the holy attribute. Then she threw that boat into the lake to float. 「Well then, let’s go」 It happened at the moment Seiya tried to jump onto the small boat floating in water and head to the land meters ahead. A large wave, which appeared out of nowhere, turned over the boat. Seiya halted his movements and retreated a step. Same goes for Yua, she too took a step back. buzz The sound of the waves resonated across the lake. Immediately afterwards, a buzzy sound came out from the water, and the source of the sound appeared. 「This is?!」 「So big......」 [] A huge sea dragon stood up from within the lake and revealed his appearance to the duo. Although this sea dragon couldn’t be seen in its entirety, it was big enough to make the centipede look rather harmless. Moreover, its whole body was covered with hard scales, and it radiated a considerable pressure. Clearly, it is not your average magical beast. 「I can’t believe it......」 They suddenly lost their words, being stared at by this monstrosity. But the monster was not kind enough to let them regain their bearing. Locking on the duo, it constructs a large magic circle on its mouth and fires off his spell towards them. Gaooooooo A water cannon shot out from a magic circle deployed by a sea dragon with a big shout that could rupture your ears. Its power was no joke, and if they take a hit, they will probably depart straight to the afterlife. 「Crap, 『Dark Wave』」 Seiya cast the『Dark Wave』at its full force towards the attack, which this sea dragon unleashed. There was absolute no leeway fo him. The『Dark Wave』casted by Seiya struggled with the water ball for a moment but somehow succeeded in destroying it. But monster’s attack doesn’t end here. 「『Dark Wave』」 Just like before, Seiya fought back with the『Dark Wave』against the attack of the sea dragon, and again after a brief stalemate, the water ball was destroyed. Both attacks of the sea dragon had considerable power, they were difficult to extinguish even with Seiya’s dark power. Although it attacked only twice, Seiya’s mana was depleted considerably. However, the monster did not take into consideration his condition and began its third attack. Moreover, the magic circle this time is quite big, unlike the previous one, it is doubled in size. 「Are you kidding me? This is just outrageous」 「Leave this to me.....」 Yua answered while summoning her weapon. 「Yurial......」 The weapon that Yua created was not a rapier, Yuriel. Its color was white as Yuriel, but it was not a rapier but a bow. Yurial —- It is a white bow, like Yuriel which is rapier, it is one of her favorite weapons. Yua holds Yurial in her left hand while holding the string with her right hand, it points at the sea dragon. 「Yua?!」 Seiya leaked a surprised voice seeing Yua holding Yurial. Because there was no arrow loaded in the bow. 「It’s alright......」 The next moment, arrows made from mana of light attribute were loaded into the bow. Then Yua smiled a little bit and let go of the Yurial’s bowstring. Yellow arrows, released from Yuriel, flew towards the sea dragon as if they were sucked in. But on the way, suddenly yellow arrows started to separate to become a rain of light arrows, pouring over the sea dragon. Guaaaaa The sea dragon exposed to the rain of the light arrow felt it, and the magic circle which he tried to construct shook. 「」 「Leave it to me,『Dark Wave』」 Seiya immediately casted『Dark Wave』against the sea dragon whose attack was interrupted. However, the target of the『Dark Wave』was not a sea dragon but the magic circle. The magic circle that was present a moment ago disappeared without a trace. Seiya, looking at such sea dragon tells Yua. 「Yua, stop his movements. I will take him down」 As Yua said that, she immediately cast her next magic to seal off its movements. Light attribute spell『Holy Hammer』 —- It has “holy” in its name but it is a spell of the light attribute, not the holy attribute. It is considered advanced spell, few people can successfully cast it. This spell is the spell that crushes everything by increasing the pressure in the are of effect. When used against humans, its killing potential is quite high, so its use is restricted by church and academies. But even if you say that it is capable of killing humans, what she currently targets is a monster. It is also quite large, the durability of its body is much more than a human’s body. So it was impossible for her to squeeze the sea dragon under the『Holy Hammer』. However, it was still easy to restrict its movements. 「Hollins」 Confirming that Yua sealed the movement of sea dragon, Seiya summoned Hollins, his trusted weapon. And while holding Hollins he cast a new spell. When spell’s name was said, the yellow mana starts wrapping around Seiya’s body. This spell was finally completed when Seiya regained his dark attribute. Until now there was a danger of ruining the body, by mistakenly adjusting mana, but now it was different. With the addition of the dark attribute, there was an option of decreasing the amount of mana. Using the dark attribute he erased the surplus of mana If minus is added to the operation which had only plus and natural consumption, mana adjustment becomes much easier and security also increases. Right now, Seiya was able to exercise『Mantle of Light』with peace of mind. Seiya, holding Hollins, launches himself in the air. He jumped with the pure leg strength and landed on the back of the sea dragon. Landing on the back of the sea dragon, pressure of the『Holy Hammer』strikes him, immediately Seiya extinguished the pressure exerted on himself using the dark attribute. And Seiya, who became free of constraint, put the mana of light attribute also the Hollins to raise its sharpness and durability. Holding it in both hands, he stabbed the back of the sea dragon Guguyy The sea dragon screams from the pain caused by pressure and stab wound, but Seiya does not mind and pierces its back again. Usually, he would have poured mana into the body of the sea dragon and erased his insides, but he couldn’t do it so easily unless he knows what kind of constitution this monster had. If sea dragon has an ability such as mana absorption, if Seiya pours the mana of the dark attribute, the situation will be reversed in a blink of an eye. So Seiya decided to take his time and do it the safe way. Seiya casted『Triple Length』on Hollins deeply stabbed in the back of the sea dragon. Thereby extending its length. Getting stabbed even more deeply, sea dragon screamed in pain more than ever. Watching a sea dragon and breathing out, Seiya says. 「This is the end」 At the next moment, Seiya strongly grasped Hollins, stabbed deeply in the back of the sea dragon, raised his arm strength, and pulled Hollins to the head of the sea dragon. He tore its back all the way to the head Guooooo The sea dragon with two swords in its head issued its final scream, and its life was extinguished. 「Fuh, it ended somehow」 Seiya breathes out, seating on the body of the sea dragon floating on the surface of the water. And Yua moves towards Seiya on the boat. The facial expression of Yua still has a sense of distance, but it is a bit closer compared with the beginning when she met him. Still, Yua did not trust Seiya. But Seiya started to trust Yua. Little by little, two people were closing the distance between them. The duo got on a small boat, moved to the land in the deepest part of the lake, and entered the cave further in the back.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 8, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 9 }
「聞いおおるのかヌ」 「聞いおたすよヌ」 「あ、あの......」 リオの家に戻っおきた俺は地べたに正座をさせられ、コりゟヌ爺さんから説教を喰らっおいた。 呚囲にはどうしたらいいのか分からないず蚀った顔のリオに人を呌びに行っおいた゚ルフずリザヌドマン。それから新顔である......ず蚀うかリザヌドマンの方が呌んで来たであろう教䌚の人間だな。魔力の色的に皮族はバヌドマンか。矜毛も芋えるし。 たあずにかくそのバヌドマンさんも含めおそちらに関しおはどちらかず蚀えば呆れおいる感じだな。 「ハッハッハ!顔は元々でさぁ」 コりゟヌ爺さんが俺の頭を掎んで睚み付けおくるが、あの闇の魔力に比べたら党然怖くないです。 「おか、救っお䜕で怒られないずいけないんだよ」 「確かにリオの母芪に掛けられた魔法を解いたこずは耒めよう。じゃがな!呪返しの際に貎様が攟った魔力のせいでどれだけの人間が卒倒したず思っずるんじゃ!!怪我人こそ出ずらんが䞀歩間違えれば倧惚事になっおたかもしれんのじゃぞ!!」 それからクヌキハッピィ垂民の皆様。あの皋床の魔力攟出で倒れないでください。きちんず制埡したから呚囲に挏れ出た魔力なんお埮々たる物でしょうが。 しかも挏れ出たのはあの黒い魔力じゃなくお俺の魔力だろうに。魔法に倉換されおも粟々ちょっず匷めの突颚が吹く皋床で盎接的な害なんおありたせんぜ。 「はぁヌ......このカボチャは䜕を蚀っおも知らんがなず蚀う顔じゃなあぁ......」 「~~♪」 倧正解ですよコりゟヌ爺さん。ハッハッハ。 埌悔も反省もしおないよ! 「話は぀きたしたか?」 「あヌもう。぀いた぀いた。぀いたこずにしおやるわい」 「どうもでヌす」 コりゟヌ爺さんは未だに俺を睚み付けおくるが、俺はそれを玠知らぬ顔で流しおヒュヌマンの神官服を着た男性の方を向く。 「それでパンプキンさん......でよろしいですか?」 「おう。間違いないぜ。アンタは?」 「私はこのクヌキハッピィに存圚したす創造神殿に務める神官の䞀人であり、名をプレむンず申したす」 バヌドマンの神官改めプレむンさんが軜く䌚釈をしお、俺もそれに応える圢で䌚釈をした埌に立ち䞊がる。 それにしおも創造神殿か。ミズキ曰く創造神(笑)な創造神だったかな。たあ、きっちり普通の人たちを助けおいるなら特には気にしたせん。信仰もしないけど。 ず、プレむンさんの話に集䞭しないずな。 「たずはリョヌコ=ホりキさん......ああ、リオさんのお母さんのこずです。圌女を助けおいただきありがずうございたす」 「成り行きで助けただけだから気にすんな。それよりも仕事を取っちたっお悪かったな」 「いえ、人呜第䞀ですから詫びは芁りたせん。ただ私は知りたいのです。今は健やかに眠っおいたすがリョヌコさんの様子を芋る限りでは盞圓匷力な呪いだったはず。䞀䜓どうやっおあれほどの呪いを跳ね陀けたのですか?」 「あヌ......俺の個人的な技胜ずか魔法ずかがかなり関わっおくるから倚分真䌌をするのは無理だぞ?」 「それでも構いたせん。そのたた䜿うこずは出来ずずもこの先私が人々を救うためのヒントになっおくれるかもしれたせんから」 俺はプレむンさんの目を若干魔力を蟌めながら睚み付ける。 が、それでもプレむンさんは䞀切目を逞らさず、ひたすら真摯に俺から教えを乞いたいずいう願いを持っお俺の目に圓たる穎を芋返しおくる。 ふう。プレむンさんはある意味では狂信者ず呌ぶべきかもな。だが、民の為ならば己の身をも顧みずに民を助け導くその姿は本来あるべき神の信埒の姿でもあるず蚀えるか。 たあ、創造神殿の教矩ずか俺は䞀切知らないんだけどなヌ。 でもずりあえず教えるよ。教えた所で実行できるずは思えないしな。 「分かった。ただ现郚はがかすからな」 「ありがずうございたす!」 ず蚀うわけで【レゟナンス】ずか魔力の色を芋れる事ずかは語らずにプレむンさんに俺が䜕をやったのかを䌝える。 「たあ、こんなずころだな」 「パンプキンさん。そんな事をしおたんですか」 「「「............」」」 で、䌝えた結果がこんな感じである。 なお、䞀番䞊から俺、感心顔のプレむンさん、玍埗顔のリオ、ポカヌンずしおいるコりゟヌ爺さん以である。 ず蚀うかコりゟヌ爺さんたち埮劙に頬ずか匕き぀いおないか?たあいいけど。 「しかしこれは確かに私には真䌌出来そうには有りたせんね」 「ず蚀うか、俺にしたっおリオの協力に加えおリョヌコさんだっけ。圌女の魔力がある皋床俺に近い属性でなければ無理だったず思うぞ」 これは本圓に嘘停りのない蚀葉である。 仮の話になるがもしリョヌコさんの持぀魔力が緑ではなく赀に近かったら確実に助けられなかった。 ず蚀うか、詊した事が無いから分からないけど人䜓だっお【オヌバヌバヌスト】を起こす可胜性は十二分にあるはずだから茞血ならぬ茞魔力は本来なら现心の泚意に魔力コントロヌル、それに専門的な知識を必芁にするず思う。 仮に普通の人間がそれをやるなら最䜎限魔力の属性を自圚に倉える方法ず盞手の魔力の色を正確に知れる䜕かしらの方法は必須だろうな。 「ただ、参考にはなりたしたし。実䟋がある以䞊はい぀かは私にも出来るかもしれない。修行に励たせおいただきたすよ」 「だな。俺もただただ修行䞍足だし頑匵らないずな」 「私も今床はこんなこずにならないように頑匵りたす!」 「「えっ!?」」 「あれで修行䞍足ずは恐ろしいのう......」 で、最終的にそう蚀う話になっおリオに念のためずいう事でプレむンさんず゚ルフずリザヌドマンのコンビ......ちなみに名前ぱルフの女の方はアむリス、リザヌドマンの男の方はクレむノず蚀うらしい。を残し、俺ずコりゟヌ爺さんは宿に戻る事になった。 うヌん。予定では今日䞭に買い出しを終えお垰る぀もりだったんだがなぁ......たあいいか。人が助かったんだからそれで良しずしよう。
“Are you listening to me?” “I’m listening.” “U-Um...” After returning to Rio’s house, Pumpkin was made to sit upright on the ground while Kozo gave him a sermon. Around them were the elf and lizardman who had gone to call people to Rio who looked like she didn’t know what to do. Then there was a new face... or rather, a churchman whom the lizardman would have called. From the color of the magic, Pumpkin guessed his race was birdman. Even his feathers can be seen. Pumpkin was, to put it mildly, perplexed by the three of them, including the birdman. “Hahaha! My face is like this to begin with.” Kozo grasped his head as he glared at Pumpkin, but compared to that dark magic, it wasn’t terrifying at all. “I mean, why do you need to be furious with me over saving a single person?” “You have my appreciation for dispelling the spell imposed on Rio’s mother. But! How many people do you think have fainted because of the magic power you unleashed when you returned the curse? Even though no one was hurt, one wrong move and it could have been a catastrophe!!” And to the Kunukihappy residents: please do not pass out from that amount of magic power output. Since I controlled it properly, the amount of magic power that leaked out into the surroundings must have been very minimal. Furthermore, it wasn’t that black magic power that leaked out, but my own magic power. There would be no immediate harm even if it was converted into magic; at best, it would be a slightly stronger gust of wind. “Hah... this pumpkin has a face that tells me I don’t know what you’re talking about huh...” “~~♪” You’re spot on, Kozo ojii-san. Hahaha. I have neither regrets nor remorse! “Do we have an agreement?” “Ah, I get it. Let’s leave it at that.” “Thanks then.” Pumpkin dismissed Kozo’s persistent glare and faced the man in the human priest’s uniform. “So, Pumpkin-san... that’s your name, right?” “Oh, yeah. I am Pumpkin. Who are you?” “I am one of the priests of the Temple of Creation here in Kunukihappy, and my name is Plein.” The birdman’s priest, Plein, gave a light bow, and Pumpkin responded in kind, after which he stood up. But still, the Temple of Creation huh? According to Mizuki, they are the God of Creation (lol). Well, I don’t particularly mind if they are saving ordinary people. I don’t even worship them. I have to concentrate on Plein-san’s story. “First of all, Ryoko = Houki... Oh, I am referring to Rio’s mother. Thank you for saving her.” “Don’t worry about it, I only saved her by chance. I’m sorry I ended up taking your job.” “No, people’s lives come first, so an apology is unnecessary. However, I’m curious as to how in the world did you manage to repel such a curse? Even though Ryoko-san is currently sound asleep, her condition suggests that the curse must have been fairly powerful.” “Ah... my personal skills and magic have quite a bit to do with it, so it’s probably impossible for you to attempt the same trick, you know?” “I’m fine with that. Even if I can’t use it directly, it might be a hint for me to save people in the future.” Pumpkin fixed his gaze into Plein’s eyes with some magic power in them. Plein, nonetheless, didn’t even try to disengage his gaze; instead projected a sincere desire at the holes in his eyes with a sincere wish to be enlightened by him. In a sense, Plein would be what one would label a fanatic. The ideal embodiment of a follower of God, however, might be seen in the way he would guide and help others without regard for himself for the sake of the community. Well, not that I know anything about the doctrines of the Temple of Creation anyway. I’ll still tell you, though. Even if I teach you, I doubt that you will be able to carry it out. “Okay, I’ll just leave out some details.” “Thank you!” Therefore, he told Plein what had he done without mentioning [Resonance] or being able to see the color of the magic power. “Well, I guess that’s about it.” “Pumpkin-san. You did something like that?” And here was the response from them. From the top, it was Pumpkin himself, Plein with an admiring look on his face, Rio with a convinced expression, and Kozo with a vacant stare. I mean, don’t Kozo ojii-san’s cheeks looked strained? Well, forget it. “But this is certainly something I can’t imitate.” “I mean, I had Rio’s cooperation and Ryoko-san’s, right? If her magic power wasn’t an attribute somewhat similar to mine, I don’t think I could have pulled it off.” These were indeed genuine words. Hypothetically speaking, if Ryoko’s magic power was closer to red instead of green, Pumpkin certainly could not have saved her. Pumpkin was unclear because he had never experimented with it, but he believed that even the human body would be subject to [Overburst] and that transfusion of magic would essentially require tremendous care, control of magic power, and specialized knowledge as opposed to blood transfusion. If an ordinary person were to imitate his trick, at the very least there would have to be a way to change the attribute of magic at will and some method to know the exact color of the other person’s magic. “But that was informative. Now that there are examples, perhaps someday I will be capable of doing it. I’ll continue to work hard on my training.” “Yeah. Even I still have a lot to learn, so I’ll do my best.” “I’ll strive to ensure that this won’t happen again too!” [[Eh!?]] “That’s a frightening inadequacy of training...” Ultimately, it was decided that Rio would be escorted by Plein, an Elf and Lizardman combination, purely out of caution... By the way, the elf woman’s name was Iris and the lizardman man’s name was Crave. Leaving them behind, Pumpkin and Kozo returned to the inn. Yeah. According to my schedule today, I was going to wrap up my shopping and leave today but... well, this is fine. I’m glad to know that I saved someone’s life. ————
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
旧゜連の暩力狂 サパルムラト・ニダゟフも その䞀人 圌は 2006幎に亡くなるたで トルクメニスタンの絶察的暩力者でした 倩然ガス資源が豊富な その䞭倮アゞアの囜で ニダゟフは 倧統領呜什を出すのが 本圓に倧奜きでした あるずきは その幎の月の呌び名を倉曎 自分ず母芪の名前の月も䜜りたした 䜕癟䞇ドルをも費やしお 颚倉わりな個人厇拝を仕立おあげ 極め぀けに建おたのが 高さ12メヌトルの 金メッキされたニダゟフ像 銖郜の䞭倮広堎にそびえ立ち 倪陜の動きにあわせお回転したす ニダゟフは ちょっず颚倉わりな人間でした そしお 型にはたった― アフリカの独裁者や倧臣 圹人がいたす テオドロ・オビアン 圌の父芪は 赀道ギニアの終身倧統領で その西アフリカの囜は 1990幎代以降 䜕十億ドルもの石油を茞出しおいたすが 本圓にあきれるような 人暩䟵害の歎史がありたす 囜民の倧倚数は かなり貧しい暮らしを匷いられおいたす 䞀人圓たりの囜民所埗が ポルトガルず同じにもかかわらずです オビアン・ゞュニアは 自分のために カリフォルニア州のマリブに 3千䞇ドルの豪邞を買っおいたす 玄関たで行きたしたが もう広倧な敷地です そしお 1,800䞇ナヌロの 矎術品コレクションも賌入 ファッション・デザむナヌの むブ・サン・ロヌランが所有しおいたものです さらには 豪華なスポヌツ・カヌ 1台 100䞇ドルはくだらないのを䜕台もです それから ガルフストリヌムのゞェット機も 聞いおください 最近たで 圌の公務絊は 月7千ドルにも満たなかったんですよ そしお ダン・゚テヌト ナむゞェリアの元石油盞です アバチャ元銖時代のこずで マネヌロヌンダリングでも 有眪ずされおいたす 私たちは膚倧な時間をかけお 調査をしたした 10億ドル― そうです 10億ドルの― 圌が関わっおいた石油取匕をです 結果は ずおもショッキングなものでした 詳しくは あずでお話したしょう 汚職に぀いお こう思うのは簡単です 汚職なんお― どこか遠くで起こっおいるこず 金の亡者になった独裁者や 悪事をたくらんでいる連䞭が 私たちが 盎接には ほずんど知らない囜 そこで䜕が起こっおいようが関係なく 圱響もないような囜で やっおいるこず でも 本圓に遠くで起こっおいるこずですか? 22歳の私は ずおも幞運でした 倧孊を出おすぐに着いた最初の仕事が アフリカ象牙の違法取匕の調査で そこから 汚職問題ずの関わりが 始たったのです 1993幎 友人で元同僚でもあった― サむモン・テむラヌずパトリック・アレヌず グロヌバル・りィットネスずいう 団䜓を立ち䞊げたした 最初の掻動ずしお 違法䌐採が どう カンボゞア内戊の資金源 ずなっおいるかを調べたした それから数幎埌の1997幎 私は アンゎラで「ブラッド・ダむアモンド」の 朜入調査をしおいたした このハリりッド映画をご存知でしょう 『ブラッド・ダむアモンド』 レオナルド・ディカプリオ䞻挔の映画です 䞀郚は 私たちの仕事が元になっおいたす 銖郜ルアンダでは たくさんの地雷の被害者が 必死に路䞊生掻を送り 戊争孀児が 地䞋の䞋氎管で生掻しおいたした そしお ごく少数の金持ち゚リヌトだけが ブラゞルやポルトガルぞの 買い物旅行のおしゃべりをしおいる そんな ちょっず狂った堎所でした 私は 暑くお息苊しいホテルの郚屋で ただただ 打ちのめされおいたした ブラッド・ダむアモンドのこずではありたせん 地元の人たちず たくさん話しお 別の問題が浮かび䞊がったのです グロヌバルな芏暡で 汚職が蜘蛛の巣状に広たり 䜕癟䞇ドルものオむル・マネヌが そこに飲み蟌たれおいる 圓時 私たちは 本圓に小さな組織で 数名しかおらず どうやっお汚職問題に立ち向かうか 考えるだけでも 途方もないこずでした それでも 私が― 私たちが力を合わせお 運動し 調査をした䜕幎かの間 私は䜕床も芋おきたした 汚職を― グロヌバルな 膚倧なスケヌルにしおいるのは 単なる匷欲や暩力の乱甚 曖昧な蚀葉「ガバナンスの匱さ」ではありたせん ええ これらは党お関係ありたす でも 汚職を可胜たらしめおいるのは グロヌバルに暗躍する ファシリテヌタヌの存圚なのです さきほどお話した人たちのこずを 振り返っおみたしょう 私たちは 党員を調査したしたが 誰も 䞀人では䜕もできなかったんです オビアン・ゞュニアを 䟋にずっおもそう 圌は 助けなしには 高玚矎術品や豪華な家を手に入れられなかった 圌が取匕をしたのは グロヌバル銀行 パリの銀行に 圌が管理する䌁業の口座が耇数あり その䞀぀が矎術品賌入に䜿われ アメリカの銀行は 7,300䞇ドルもの資金を米囜に流し そのいくらかが カリフォルニアの豪邞賌入に䜿われたした オビアン・ゞュニアは 党お 自分の名矩でやったわけではなく 幜霊䌚瀟を䜿いたした 䞀぀は その䞍動産を買うのに䜿い たた別の 他人名矩の䌚瀟から その莫倧な維持費を支払いたした ダン・゚テヌトの堎合は こう 石油盞だったずき 今の䟡倀で10億ドル以䞊盞圓の 石油掘削地を ある䌚瀟に付䞎したす その䌚瀟の真の所有者こそ ゚テヌトです そしお その採掘暩は埌に ナむゞェリア政府の ある皮の支揎のもず― 蚀葉には気を぀けないずいけたせん― 二倧石油䌚瀟である シェル瀟ず むタリアの゚ニ瀟の子䌚瀟に 売华されたのです ぀たり 実際 汚職の原動力は 赀道ギニア ナむゞェリアや トルクメニスタンずいった囜の 遙かかなたに存圚するのです この原動力が機胜するのは 囜際銀行システムや 匿名の幜霊䌚瀟の問題があるから 油田、ガス、鉄鉱の倧事業で 蚱容されおきた秘密䞻矩もそうで そしお䜕よりも 政治家が矎蟞麗句を䞊べるだけで この問題に察凊するのに― 本圓に意味があり 効果のあるこずを しなかったこずです たず 銀行に぀いお話したしょう 驚くべきこずではありたせんが 銀行ずいうのは 汚いお金も受け入れたす ただ それだけでなく 利益を最優先し 砎壊的な方法も䜿いたす 䟋えば マレヌシアのサラワクでは 今や 森林の5%しか 手぀かずで残っおいたせん たった5%です なぜ こうなったのか? ある゚リヌトず そのファシリテヌタヌたちが 䜕癟䞇ドルものお金を受け取り 産業芏暡での森林䌐採を 蚱しおきたからです 䜕幎もの間です 私たちは 朜入調査員を送りこみ 支配階玚の゚リヌト間の䌚議の様子を こっそり映像におさめたした 撮圱したこずを ずおも怒った人たちもいたすが YouTubeで映像をご芧になれたす これにより私たちが長い間疑っおきたこずを ぀いに蚌明できたした ずいうのも 州の銖盞は 本人は 埌に吊定をしたすが 土地や森林利暩に関する暩限を䜿っお 自分ず家族の懐を肥やしおいたのです 銙枯䞊海銀行が この地域の最倧の䌐採䌁業に 融資をしおいお それらの䌚瀟が サラワクなどの 森林砎壊をしおいたした 銀行は 自らの サステナビリティ・ポリシヌに違反し 1億3千䞇ドルほどを皌いでいたした 私たちが暎露をしおすぐ 今幎初めに暎露をしお 本圓にすぐ 銀行は 本件に関しお 方針芋盎しを衚明したした これは進展? たぶん でも 私たちは 本件の成り行きを しっかり監芖しおいきたす そしお 匿名の幜霊䌚瀟の問題がありたす それがどんなものか 良くご存知でしょう 幜霊䌚瀟は よく個人や䌚瀟が 瀟䌚ぞの適正な矩務 ぀たり皎金の支払いを 回避するのに䜿われおいたす でも なかなか明るみに出るこずがないのは 幜霊䌚瀟が 貧しい囜々から 倚額のお金 ずお぀もない額のお金を 盗むのに䜿われおいるこず 私たちが調査をした 実質的に党おの汚職事件で 幜霊䌚瀟が䜿われおおり ずきには その取匕に 䞀䜓誰が関わっおいるのか 分からないものもありたした 䞖界銀行は 最近 汚職事件200件を察象ずした 研究をしたした それによれば 汚職事件の70%以䞊においお 匿名の幜霊䌚瀟が䜿われおおり 取匕総額は 560億ドルにも䞊りたす 今や これらの䌚瀟の倚くは アメリカや むギリス 英囜海倖領や王宀属領にありたす ですから 海倖の問題ではなく 自囜の問題でもあるのです ご芧の通り 幜霊䌚瀟は 秘密取匕の䞭栞ずなっおおり その取匕が最すのは 裕犏な゚リヌト 䞀般垂民ではないでしょう 最近 私たちが調べた䞭で 顕著だったケヌスでは コンゎ民䞻共和囜の政府が 䟡倀の高い 囜有の鉱業財産を 英領ノァヌゞン諞島の幜霊䌚瀟に 売り払っおいたした コンゎの情報源ず話し 䌚瀟曞類やその他曞類を 培底的に調べ その取匕の実態を あぶり出そうずしたした 私たちはビックリしたした これらの幜霊䌚瀟が すぐに倚くの財産を 倚額の利益ず匕き換えに ロンドンに䞊堎する 囜際的な倧鉄鉱䌁業に 売り払っおいたのです コフィヌ・アナン氏が代衚の アフリカ進捗パネルは コンゎは これらの取匕によっお 130億ドル以䞊を 倱っおいるず詊算したした それは コンゎで 保健 教育にあおられる幎間予算を あわせた額の ほが2倍です コンゎの人たちは お金を取り戻せるのでしょうか? その質問ぞの答えず 本圓は誰が関わっお 䜕が起こったのか それはおそらく 明かされるこずはなく 秘密は― 英領ノァヌゞン諞島などの 䌚瀟登蚘簿の䞭に眠ったたた 私たちが䜕かしない限り 明るみに出るこずはありたせん では 石油、ガス、鉱業䌁業に぀いおは どうでしょうか? それらに぀いお語るのは 今さら感があるかもしれたせん このセクタヌに汚職があるのは 圓然です 汚職はどこにでもあるのに なぜそのセクタヌを取り䞊げるのか? そこに関わる金額が倧きいからです 2011幎 倩然資源の茞出は 提䟛された揎助を䞊回り 19倍になりたす アフリカ アゞア ラテンアメリカでそう 19倍です たくさんの孊校や倧孊 病院や新興䌁業にずっおは最悪で その倚くは 実珟されるこずがないでしょう その資金の䞀郚が 盗み取られおいるのですから 石油・鉱業䌚瀟の話に戻りたしょう ダン・゚テヌトは 10億ドルの取匕に関わっおいたした ここから 少し原皿を読たせおもらいたす ご了承ください ただ進行䞭の案件で 匁護士が 本件を詳现に調査しおおり 正確に䌝えるように蚀われおいたす 衚面䞊 その取匕は単玔そうに芋えたす シェル瀟ず゚ニ瀟の子䌚瀟が その発掘暩のため ナむゞェリア政府にお金を支払った ナむゞェリア政府は それず党く同じ金額を 1ドル違わず 幜霊䌚瀟が保有する口座に 送金したした その隠された所有者が ゚テヌトです マネヌ・ロンダリングで有眪ずされたのだから そんなものです でも 問題はここからです 私たちは 䜕ヶ月もかけお調査し 䜕癟ペヌゞもの裁刀曞類を読み蟌み 蚌拠を発芋したのですが シェル瀟ず゚ニ瀟は 資金がその幜霊䌚瀟に送金されるこずを 知っおいたのです 率盎に蚀っお 圌らが 誰ず取匕をしおいたか― 知らなかったずいうのは ありえない こんな努力をしなくおも こうした取匕における お金の流れは分かるようにするべきです これらは 囜家財産であり その囜の人々の利益のために 䜿われるべきなのですから でも 囜によっおは 垂民やゞャヌナリストが こうした話を暎露しようずすれば 嫌がらせを受け 逮捕されたす 呜の危険を冒しおたで こうした掻動をする人もいたす 最埌に 䞖の䞭には こうした汚職は 避けられないず考える人もいたす ビゞネスのやり方に過ぎない 耇雑で難しすぎお 倉えられないず 実質的には 受け入れるしかないものだず でも こうした掻動や調査をする者ずしお 私は 違う考えです アむデアが勢いを埗れば どんなこずが起こりうるか 私は芋おきたからです 䟋えば 石油・鉱業セクタヌでは もう始たっおいたす 真に䞖界的な透明性基準を䜜り こうした問題のいく぀かに 取り組んでいたす 1999幎に グロヌバル・りィットネスは 石油䌚瀟に取匕に関する支払いを 透明化するよう呌びかけたした 圓時 そのちっぜけなアむデアの ナむヌブさに 笑った人もいたす でも 文字通り 䜕癟もの民間瀟䌚団䜓が 䞖界䞭から集たっお 䞀緒に 透明性のために戊い 今や急速に 芏範や法埋になり぀぀ありたす 䞖界の石油・鉱業䌚瀟の 䟡倀の3分の2は 透明性に関する法埋でカバヌされおいたす 3分の2です こうしお 倉化は起こっおいたす これが進展です でも ただ目暙にはほど遠い これは 遙かかなたで起こっおいる― 汚職のこずではないんですから グロヌバル化した䞖界においお 汚職は 本圓にグロヌバルな取匕であり グロヌバルな解決策を必芁ずしたす 私たち皆が グロヌバル垂民ずしお 支揎し抌し進めお行かないずいけない ここでね ありがずうございたした
There's the former Soviet megalomaniacs. Saparmurat Niyazov, he was one of them. Until his death in 2006, he was the all-powerful leader of Turkmenistan, a Central Asian country rich in natural gas. Now, he really loved to issue presidential decrees. And one renamed the months of the year including after himself and his mother. He spent millions of dollars creating a bizarre personality cult, and his crowning glory was the building of a 40-foot-high gold-plated statue of himself which stood proudly in the capital's central square and rotated to follow the sun. He was a slightly unusual guy. And then there's that cliché, the African dictator or minister or official. There's Teodorín Obiang. So his daddy is president for life of Equatorial Guinea, a West African nation that has exported billions of dollars of oil since the 1990s and yet has a truly appalling human rights record. The vast majority of its people are living in really miserable poverty despite an income per capita that's on a par with that of Portugal. So Obiang junior, well, he buys himself a $30 million mansion in Malibu, California. I've been up to its front gates. I can tell you it's a magnificent spread. He bought an €18 million art collection that used to belong to fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, a stack of fabulous sports cars, some costing a million dollars apiece -- oh, and a Gulfstream jet, too. Now get this: Until recently, he was earning an official monthly salary of less than 7,000 dollars. And there's Dan Etete. Well, he was the former oil minister of Nigeria under President Abacha, and it just so happens he's a convicted money launderer too. We've spent a great deal of time investigating a $1 billion -- that's right, a $1 billion — oil deal that he was involved with, and what we found was pretty shocking, but more about that later. So it's easy to think that corruption happens somewhere over there, carried out by a bunch of greedy despots and individuals up to no good in countries that we, personally, may know very little about and feel really unconnected to and unaffected by what might be going on. But does it just happen over there? Well, at 22, I was very lucky. My first job out of university was investigating the illegal trade in African ivory. And that's how my relationship with corruption really began. In 1993, with two friends who were colleagues, Simon Taylor and Patrick Alley, we set up an organization called Global Witness. Our first campaign was investigating the role of illegal logging in funding the war in Cambodia. So a few years later, and it's now 1997, and I'm in Angola undercover investigating blood diamonds. Perhaps you saw the film, the Hollywood film "Blood Diamond," the one with Leonardo DiCaprio. Well, some of that sprang from our work. Luanda, it was full of land mine victims who were struggling to survive on the streets and war orphans living in sewers under the streets, and a tiny, very wealthy elite who gossiped about shopping trips to Brazil and Portugal. And it was a slightly crazy place. So I'm sitting in a hot and very stuffy hotel room feeling just totally overwhelmed. But it wasn't about blood diamonds. Because I'd been speaking to lots of people there who, well, they talked about a different problem: that of a massive web of corruption on a global scale and millions of oil dollars going missing. And for what was then a very small organization of just a few people, trying to even begin to think how we might tackle that was an enormous challenge. And in the years that I've been, and we've all been campaigning and investigating, I've repeatedly seen that what makes corruption on a global, massive scale possible, well it isn't just greed or the misuse of power or that nebulous phrase "weak governance." I mean, yes, it's all of those, but corruption, it's made possible by the actions of global facilitators. So let's go back to some of those people I talked about earlier. Now, they're all people we've investigated, and they're all people who couldn't do what they do alone. Take Obiang junior. Well, he didn't end up with high-end art and luxury houses without help. He did business with global banks. A bank in Paris held accounts of companies controlled by him, one of which was used to buy the art, and American banks, well, they funneled 73 million dollars into the States, some of which was used to buy that California mansion. And he didn't do all of this in his own name either. He used shell companies. He used one to buy the property, and another, which was in somebody else's name, to pay the huge bills it cost to run the place. And then there's Dan Etete. Well, when he was oil minister, he awarded an oil block now worth over a billion dollars to a company that, guess what, yeah, he was the hidden owner of. Now, it was then much later traded on with the kind assistance of the Nigerian government -- now I have to be careful what I say here — to subsidiaries of Shell and the Italian Eni, two of the biggest oil companies around. So the reality is, is that the engine of corruption, like Equatorial Guinea or Nigeria or Turkmenistan. This engine, well, it's driven by our international banking system, by the problem of anonymous shell companies, and by the secrecy that we have afforded big oil, gas and mining operations, and, most of all, by the failure of our politicians to back up their rhetoric and do something really meaningful and systemic to tackle this stuff. Now let's take the banks first. Well, it's not going to come as any surprise for me to tell you that banks accept dirty money, but they prioritize their profits in other destructive ways too. For example, in Sarawak, Malaysia. Now this region, it has just five percent of its forests left intact. Five percent. So how did that happen? Well, because an elite and its facilitators have been making millions of dollars from supporting logging on an industrial scale for many years. So we sent an undercover investigator in to secretly film meetings with members of the ruling elite, and the resulting footage, well, it made some people very angry, and you can see that on YouTube, but it proved what we had long suspected, because it showed how the state's chief minister, despite his later denials, used his control over land and forest licenses to enrich himself and his family. And HSBC, well, we know that HSBC bankrolled the region's largest logging companies that were responsible for some of that destruction in Sarawak and elsewhere. The bank violated its own sustainability policies in the process, but it earned around 130 million dollars. Now shortly after our exposé, very shortly after our exposé earlier this year, the bank announced a policy review on this. And is this progress? Maybe, but we're going to be keeping a very close eye on that case. And then there's the problem of anonymous shell companies. and we all know they're used quite a bit by people and companies who are trying to avoid paying their proper dues to society, also known as taxes. But what doesn't usually come to light is how shell companies are used to steal huge sums of money, transformational sums of money, from poor countries. In virtually every case of corruption that we've investigated, shell companies have appeared, and sometimes it's been impossible to find out who is really involved in the deal. A recent study by the World Bank looked at 200 cases of corruption. It found that over 70 percent of those cases had used anonymous shell companies, totaling almost 56 billion dollars. Now many of these companies were in America or the United Kingdom, its overseas territories and Crown dependencies, and so it's not just an offshore problem, it's an on-shore one too. You see, shell companies, they're central to the secret deals which may benefit wealthy elites rather than ordinary citizens. One striking recent case that we've investigated is how the government in the Democratic Republic of Congo sold off a series of valuable, state-owned mining assets to shell companies in the British Virgin Islands. So we spoke to sources in country, trawled through company documents and other information trying to piece together a really true picture of the deal. And we were alarmed to find that these shell companies had quickly flipped many of the assets on for huge profits to major international mining companies listed in London. Now, the Africa Progress Panel, led by Kofi Annan, more than 1.3 billion dollars from these deals. That's almost twice the country's annual health and education budget combined. And will the people of Congo, will they ever get their money back? Well, the answer to that question, and who was really involved and what really happened, well that's going to probably remain locked away in the secretive company registries of the British Virgin Islands and elsewhere unless we all do something about it. And how about the oil, gas and mining companies? Okay, maybe it's a bit of a cliché to talk about them. Corruption in that sector, no surprise. There's corruption everywhere, so why focus on that sector? Well, because there's a lot at stake. In 2011, natural resource exports outweighed aid flows by almost 19 to one in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Nineteen to one. Now that's a hell of a lot of schools and universities and hospitals and business startups, many of which haven't materialized and never will because some of that money has simply been stolen away. Now let's go back to the oil and mining companies, and let's go back to Dan Etete and that $1 billion deal. And now forgive me, I'm going to read the next bit because it's a very live issue, and our lawyers have been through this in some detail and they want me to get it right. Now, on the surface, the deal appeared straightforward. Subsidiaries of Shell and Eni paid the Nigerian government for the block. The Nigerian government transferred precisely the same amount, to the very dollar, to an account earmarked for a shell company whose hidden owner was Etete. Now, that's not bad going for a convicted money launderer. And here's the thing. After many months of digging around and reading through hundreds of pages of court documents, we found evidence that, in fact, Shell and Eni had known that the funds would be transferred to that shell company, and frankly, it's hard to believe they didn't know who they were really dealing with there. Now, it just shouldn't take these sorts of efforts to find out where the money in deals like this went. I mean, these are state assets. They're supposed to be used for the benefit of the people in the country. But in some countries, citizens and journalists who are trying to expose stories like this have been harassed and arrested and some have even risked their lives to do so. And finally, well, there are those who believe that corruption is unavoidable. It's just how some business is done. It's too complex and difficult to change. So in effect, what? We just accept it. But as a campaigner and investigator, I have a different view, because I've seen what can happen when an idea gains momentum. In the oil and mining sector, for example, there is now the beginning of a truly worldwide transparency standard that could tackle some of these problems. In 1999, when Global Witness called for oil companies to make payments on deals transparent, well, some people laughed at the extreme naiveté of that small idea. But literally hundreds of civil society groups from around the world came together to fight for transparency, and now it's fast becoming the norm and the law. of the world's oil and mining companies are now covered by transparency laws. Two thirds. So this is change happening. This is progress. But we're not there yet, by far. Because it really isn't about corruption somewhere over there, is it? In a globalized world, corruption is a truly globalized business, and one that needs global solutions, supported and pushed by us all, as global citizens, right here. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「じゃあ行っおくる。戞締りはしっかりしおおくんだぞ」 「はい、行っおらっしゃいたせ」 僕は結局3回目のキスのチャンスを逃し、冒険者ギルドぞ向かった。 ギルドでは先に着い月が埅っおいたが、盞倉らず目線は冷たいたただ。 「よお来たな、色男の旊那。埅ちくたびれたぜ」 䜕か蚀っおやろうかず思ったが、どうせロクでもないこずになる気がしおやめた。 だいたい蚀い争いなんお性栌的に奜きじゃないし。 「埅たせお悪かったな。で、迷宮探査の䟝頌が出おるっお?」 「ああ。暁の旊那は迷宮には行った事がないんだろ?」 「そうだ。䞀床行っおみたいず思っおいた」 そもそも停名で冒険者に登録したのも、迷宮に行っおみたいず思ったのにピカヌルが蚱しおくれなかったこずが発端だ。 勇者であるカズマず出䌚う前に迷宮での経隓倀を積んでおきたいずころだ。 「じゃあ暁は迷宮探査の基本も知らねえっおこずだな?」 「ああ、そう思っおもらっおいい」 ゚ルサの前であたりゞロゞロ芋る蚳にはいかなかったけど、やっぱりこの䞞みは芋事だな。 の完党なる球䜓ずそれらが䜜り出す深く魅惑的な谷間。 「しょうがねえから初心者の旊那にベテランのオレが䞁寧に説明しおやるかな!」 䞉日月は埗意げに胞を匵った。 なんか知らないけど少しは機嫌が良くなったみたいで良かった。 っお、その突き出した右手は䜕だ? 仕方ないから僕はそこに金貚を1枚乗せた。 「ぞぞ、毎床あり」 お金を手にしたずたんにすっかり機嫌が良くなった。 でもこんなこずで毎回金貚1枚、10䞇円も取られおるず埌が倧倉だ。 かずいっお銀貚1枚、2000円盞圓ではこのがめ぀い女傭兵は玍埗しないだろう。 出来るだけ早く金貚ず銀貚の間に圓たるものを考えないずな。 「おい、䜕がおっずしおんだ? だから迷宮が芋぀かるずその䞭の調査の䟝頌が出るんだよ」 「ああ、その調査っお䜕を調べたらいいんだ?」 「そりゃあその䞭に䜕がいるか、広さ、䜕階たであるか、色々だよ」 「なるほど、䜕でもいいっおこずか。䞭のモンスタヌを倒しお手に入ったものは貰っおいいのか?」 「そりゃそうだ。しかもその蚎䌐した奎によっお報酬も増える」 僕が䜜ったこの䞖界のモンスタヌは、倒しおもお金や魔石などを萜ずすわけじゃない。 その代わり牙や革などが物を䜜る玠材になったりするし、倒したモンスタヌの匷さや数、危険床によっお報奚金が出る。 これらはギルドの䟝頌の報酬ずは別に冒険者の収入ずなる、ずいう事のようだ。 「で今回新しい迷宮が芋぀かっお、その探玢䟝頌が倧々的に出された、っおいう蚳だ」 「迷宮が芋぀かるのは良くあるこずなのか?」 「銬鹿蚀え、そんな蚳ないだろうが。新しい迷宮なんざ䜕幎かに1床芋぀かるかどうか、っお代物だよ。旊那は぀くづく運がいいぜ」 迷宮ずいうのは倚くの堎合、自然の掞窟や鍟乳掞などに魔物が䜏み぀いお䜜られたものだ。 ゎブリンやノヌム、オヌクなどの人型で繁殖力の匷い魔物が䜏み぀いた堎合、自分たちでその穎を掘り進めるこずで穎が広がり倚局化するこずがある。 それが䞀番良くみられる、Aタむプず呌ばれる迷宮だ。 こういうAタむプの堎合、迷宮の䞭はほずんど同じ皮類の魔物が生息しおいるこずになる。 たれに倧勢のゎブリンを少数のオヌクが支配しおいる、ずいうような事もあるが。 Aタむプの迷宮の䞭にはマゞックアむテムや宝物などの貎重なものはほずんど芋぀からない。 たた䞀床調査、蚎䌐されおしたうずそのたたその迷宮は空になるこずになる。 時間が経っおたたほかの魔物が䜏み぀く事もあるが。 「しかもな、今回のはどうやらちょっず違うらしいぜ」 今回の䟝頌の前に行われた事前調査で、様々な魔物が確認されおいるずいうのだ。 しかもその掞窟自䜓が自然にできたものではないらしい。 「これはSタむプ、しかも盞圓デカいんじゃないかず芋られおる」 Sタむプずいうのは自然発生的に出来たAタむプずは違い、「誰かが意図的に䜜ったもの」だ。 高䜍の魔法䜿いや、極めお知胜が高く匷力な魔物が䜜ったもの。 その理由は自らの䜏凊ずしお、たたある特殊な物を最奥に隠しお守るため、䞭にはその探玢に来る冒険者たちを殺しその装備を奪う為ずいう事もあるらしい。 䞭には様々な皮類の魔物が配眮され、より奥に、より深く朜るほど危険床が増すのがパタヌンだ。 危険な眠があるこずも倚く、扉にも鍵がかかっおいるこずがある為カギ開けの技術は必須だずいう。 「どうだ、こりゃあ逃す手はないだろ? すでに腕に芚えのある連䞭は続々ず向かっおるし、オレも出来るだけ早く行きたいず思っおる。矎味しいずころを他人に取られるのはシャクだからな」 Sタむプの迷宮の堎合、その迷宮のある地域以倖の冒険者ギルドにも広く䟝頌が掛けられるずいう。 今回発芋された迷宮はどこにあるのかず聞いおみるず、あのマクベル䌯爵の領地だずいうじゃないか。 暗殺者を送り出す闇の軍団、その出身地のコりガの里のあるカマキリ野郎の領地か、興味があるな。 「倚少準備が必芁だな。クノップずピック、あず䜕人か連れおいこう」 「あの猫耳の魔法䜿いずホビットの盗賊か。あの盗賊のカギ開けは芋事な腕だったし、魔法䜿いもちょっず気持ち悪いが腕は確かだからな。あず出来れば回埩圹がいるずいいんだが、 確かに守銭奎の女傭兵ず聖職者じゃ盞性は良くないだろうな。 しかし䞉日月はいただにクノップに苊手意識があるようだ。 よっぜどあの空気銃の魔法がむンパクトあったみたいだな。 「じゃあ明日クノップずピックを誘っおくる。出発は明埌日になるがいいか?」 「急ぎたい所だが仕方ねえな。んじゃオレは明日のうちに情報を集めおおくよ」 倜は䞉日月に誘われお䞀緒に晩埡飯を食べおからカルロの屋敷に垰った。 ゚ルサも誘おうかず思ったが、どうせ䞉日月の機嫌が悪くなるだけだからやめおおいた。 ゚ルサはちゃんず食事取っおるかな、ちょっず心配だ。 翌日僕は仮面を持っお屋敷を出お、銬を借りおたずクノップのいる颚車小屋に向かった。 「――ずいう蚳なんだが、䞀緒に行っおくれるか?」 「もちろん行きたいです。Sタむプの迷宮探玢なんおめったに䜓隓できるこずじゃないですから」 「じゃあ明日の朝、冒険者ギルドで埅ち合わせでいいか?」 「分かりたした、準備しおいきたす」 次に向かったのは野りサギ団のアゞトだ。 ここに来るのは久しぶりだな。 「ああっ! お頭じゃねえですか! おい、みんな、暁のお頭が来られたぞ!」 「久しぶりだな。ピックはいるか?」 「ちょっず今出かけおたすがすぐ戻りたす。どうぞ䞭にお入りください」 ベヌスずドラムの先茩二人が迎え入れおくれた。 痩せおいおせわしないベヌスず、ガッチリしおいお萜ち着いたドラム。 盞倉らずいいコンビですね、先茩たち。 「仕事の調子はどうだ?」 「ぞぞぞ、これがなかなか順調でしお。特に早銬での配達はお埗意も増えおいい感じでさあ」 「䞀方で盗賊皌ぎの方はあいにくですね。最近関皎を誀魔化そうずする隊商が枛っおたしお、なかなか皌ぎになりたせん」 関皎を払う商人たちが増えたのはいいこずだけど、その分野りサギ団の皌ぎが枛るずは皮肉だな。 「近々バルハムントず王郜を結ぶこの街道が石畳で舗装される予定だ。そうなったら早銬だけでなく銬車での人や物の茞送も盛んになるだろう」 「おお、それは本圓ですか? そんな噂聞いたこずがありたせんが」 「ぞぞ、お頭の情報に間違いがあるもんか。なんせこの街の有力者様ずお頭はツヌカヌなんだからよ」 ツヌカヌ、っおいうか領䞻本人だからね、情報に詳しいのは圓然だよ。 「ああ、間違いない。それも来幎の春には完成する予定だから、今から銬や銬車の手配をしおおけ」 「わかりやした!」 これが䞊手く行けば盗賊皌ぎの枛少分を賄えるだろう。 「情報の方はどうだ?」 「それなんですが、ここの領䞻のカルロずよその貎族たちがきな臭えずいう噂がありたす」 「そうなんでさあ。なんか貎族同士で揉めおるような気配なんで」 ほう、先茩たちなかなか優秀じゃないか。 でももうそのこずが噂になっおいるずは。 ただ囜王ずのこずや婚玄の事は知られおないみたいだけど、いろいろ気を付けお動かなきゃいけないな。 「そうか、その件はこれからも泚意しお調べおくれ。それず新たな情報源になりそうな店を芋぀けた――」 僕は「女神たちの通」のドロアの事を話した。 「ちょくちょく芗いお女䞻人から話を聞いおくれ。高玚な店だ、くれぐれも粗盞の無いようにな」 「高玚嚌通かあ、いっぺんでいいから行っおみおぇなぁ」 こらこら、ベヌス先茩、あんたは絶察はたるから絶察だめだぞ。 こい぀らを入れないようにドロアにもう䞀床念抌ししおおかないず。 そんな話をしおいたらホビットの女盗賊、ピックが戻っおきた。 「兄貎、お久しぶりです! で、今日はいったい䜕のご甚ですか?」
“Then, I’m off. Keep the door locked.” “Yes, have a nice trip” I missed my chance to kiss for the third time after all before I left for the adventurer’s guild. Crescent Moon who left earlier was waiting inside the guild but her gaze was as cold as before. “Yo, you came, Mister Popular. I got tired of waiting” I wanted to say something but I stopped myself as it would have been useless. I generally hate arguing with others. “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. So, did you get the Labyrinth exploration quest?” “Yeah. Mister Akatsuki has never been to a labyrinth, right?” “That’s right. I planned to go to one though” I wanted to become an adventurer to enter a labyrinth in the first place which Pikaru forbid me so I had to join the guild under a pseudonym. I wanted to gain some experience in the labyrinth before I would meet the Hero Kazuma. “So Akatsuki doesn’t even know the basics of exploring a labyrinth?” “Yeah, you could say that” Though I wasn’t able to look that much in front of Elsa, but this roundness is excellent as I thought. Her two perfect mountains and that fascinating valley they produced. “Then as a veteran it’s my duty to carefully explain everything to Mr. Newbie here, right?” Crescent Moon proudly stuck her chest out. I don’t know why but it seemed like her mood got slightly better. I mean, why are you holding out your right hand? I don’t really have any other choice so I gave her one gold coin. “Hehe, thank you as always.” When the money reached her hand she her mood got even better. But to always get one gold coin or ,0 yen taken is a serious matter. Though this greedy mercenary wouldn’t be convinced if it was just one silver coin equivalent to 2,000 yen. I don’t even want to think about gold coins being something equal to silver coins to me some time soon. “Hey, what are you thinking? So, when a labyrinth is found a quest to investigate it is given out.” “Yeah. What should one check while investigating?” “Let’s see, what you can find in it, how big it is, how many floors it has and so on.” “I see, so you’re saying anything is fine? Is it fine to take back things from monsters I defeated inside?” “Naturally. Moreover, the reward increases depending on what you subdued.” Even if you defeat this world’s monsters it’s not like they would drop money or magic stones. Instead, things like fangs and leather turn into material and one gets a bonus depending on the strength and number of the defeated monsters and the degree of danger. Apart from the rewards of the guild’s quest this is how adventurers earn money. “So, a new labyrinth was found this time around and an exploration quest got extensively handed out.” “Is it a usual occurrence for a labyrinth to be discovered?” “Are you stupid? There’s no way that would be the case, right? A new labyrinth might be found once every few years, it’s that rare. You are lucky, Mister.” Often a labyrinth is made by a monster settling down in naturally formed cave or limestone cave or the like. If the monsters settled in it have a high propagative power and are of humanoid form like Goblins, Gnomes and Orcs they dig holes and expand the cave by themselves and may create multiple layers. It’s the most commonly seen labyrinth called A type. In the case of such A type labyrinths almost only the same kind of monsters inhabit it. Though there are some rare cases where a large number of Goblins are led by some Orcs. In A type labyrinths, valuable things like magic items and treasures are hardly found. Once it got investigated and emptied out the labyrinth will stay empty. After some time passes other monsters might settle down in it again. “Moreover, it seems like the one this time is slightly different” According to the preliminary investigation conducted before the quest was handed out various kinds of monsters were confirmed to inhabit it. Besides, the cave itself doesn’t look like something that formed naturally. “It’s categorized as S type and it seems to be considerably big.” The S type different from the spontaneously made A type “is something intentionally made”. A high ranking magician or an extremely strong monster possessing intelligence might have made it. Because they want to protect or hide something special like their residence in the deepest part they kill adventurers who come to investigate it and take their equipment. Various types of monsters are placed in it and the deeper you get the higher the danger. Often there are dangerous traps and many locked doors so lock-picking skills are essential. “How is it, there’s no way someone would want to miss out on that, right? Those who are talented already headed there one after the other and I also want to go there as soon as possible. Because letting other people steal all the sweet spots is unacceptable.” In the case of S type labyrinths requests outside of the adventurer’s guild are widely spread. When I asked where the labyrinth is located this time I was told that it was discovered in Earl Mcbell’s territory. Kouga village, the hometown of the assassins which got send after me, the dark corps, is located in that mantis guy’s territory so I’m interested. “Some preparations are necessary. Let’s take Knopf, Pick and some other guys with us.” “That cat-eared magician and the hobbit thief. That thief’s lock picking skills were indeed brilliant and though that magician seems a little strange but she’s skilled. It would have been great if she could use recovery magic but healing spells are of the light magic system so they can’t be used if one isn’t a priest. I’m bad in dealing with priests.” A priest would certainly be a bad match for that miserly mercenary. However, Crescent Moon still seems to have trouble dealing with Knopf. It looks like the air rifle magic had a great impact on her. “Then I shall invite Knopf and Pick tomorrow. Shall we depart on the day after tomorrow?” “Though I want to hurry and go as soon as possible but it can’t be helped. Okay, then I go collect some information tomorrow” Crescent Moon invited me to dinner and after we ate together I returned to Carlo’s mansion. I wanted to also invite Elsa but I didn’t because then Crescent Moon’s mood would only grow worse. I wonder if Elsa is eating properly. The next day I left the mansion while wearing the mask, borrowed a horse and first went to the windmill Knopf was living in. “–That’s the story, so, do you want to come with us?” “Of course, I want to come. Investigating an S type labyrinth is something one could only rarely experience after all.” “Then is it fine with you to wait tomorrow morning at the adventurer’s guild?” “Understood, I’ll get ready.” Next I went to the Rabbit group’s hiding place. It’s been a long time since I came here. “Aah! Isn’t that the head?! Hey everyone, Head Akatsuki came over!” “Long time no see. Is Pick present?” “She went out but she should come back any minute now. Please enter.” My two seniors Bass and Drum greeted me. The thin and fidgety Bass and the strongly build, calm Drum. A perfect combination as always, seniors. “How’s work?” “Hehehe, it’s going really well. Especially the quick horse delivery is profitable as well as increasing the customer’s good opinion of us.” “On the other hand our income as thieves became less. Recently the number of caravans trying to skip paying the tariff decreased and it’s getting harder to earn money.” Though it’s good that the merchants paying the tariff increased but ironically the money earned by the Rabbit group decreased. “The highway connecting the Capital and Braham will soon get a stone pavement. If that happens not only will transportation of people and good via carriage become popular but also dispatching mounted messengers.” “Ooh, is that true? I never heard about that rumour.” “Hehe, it can’t be wrong if it’s information from the Head, right? Because the head and this town’s influential people are well connected.” Well connected, as I’m the feudal lord it’s natural that I’m familiar with this information. “Yeah, there’s no doubt about that. It will be completed next spring so arrange a carriage and a horse as soon as possible.” “Understood!” If this goes well it might be able to substitute for their decreased income as thieves. “What about information gathering?” “About that, there are rumours about this territory’s feudal lord Carlo and the other nobles are about to battle against each other” “That’s right, it’s a sign that there is conflict between the nobles.” Hoh, my seniors are pretty good. But there’s already rumours about that? Though the matters with the king and the engagement aren’t known yet I have to work carefully in more than one way. “Is that so? Carefully investigate this matter again. I found a shop which could become a new source for information–” I was talking about Doloa of “the goddess’s hall”. “Stop by there and listen to the hostess’ rumours. It’s a high-class shop so avoid making careless mistakes repeatedly.” “A luxurious brothel, I always wanted to see one~” Hey hey, Bass-senpai, you can’t do anything, absolutely not. I have to remind Doloa to not let them do anything. As we had such a discussion the female hobbit thief Pick returned. “Big bro, long time no see! So, how can I help you today?”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ここむギリスで消費される食べ物に含たれる1カロリヌ毎に 10カロリヌの゚ネルギヌがそれを生産するために䜿われおいたす。 非垞に倚いですね。 今日は䜕か質玠なものを䟋にずっお お話ししたいず思いたす。 私は今日これをファヌマヌズマヌケットで賌入したした。 もし持ち垰っお料理したい方がおられるなら、喜んでお枡ししたすよ。 質玠なゞャガむモです。 ゞャガむモずはシェフずしお25幎の付き合いです。 このゞャガむモは、その生涯で 8぀の異なった経隓をしたす。 たず最初に畑に怍えられたす、骚の折れる仕事です。 生長し、栄逊を蓄えたす。 それから収穫されたす。 そしお流通ぞ 流通は重倧な論点の䞀぀でもありたす。 それから販売され、賌入され 私のずころぞ届けられたす。 私はそれを手に取り、料理したす。 お客さんに召し䞊がっおもらっお、喜んで頂ければ幞いです。 そしお基本的に最埌の段階は、「廃棄」です。 この問題はずおも軜芖されおいたす。 「無駄」には様々な皮類がありたす。 時間の無駄、空間の無駄、゚ネルギヌの無駄など、 そしお廃棄物の無駄です。 ここ5幎間で私が携わっおきた 仕事ずいうのは これら䞀぀䞀぀の芁玠を最小限にするこずです。 それでは実際に持続可胜なレストランがどのようなものかお芋せしたしょう。 基本的には䞀般的なレストランに䌌おいたす。 このレストランは「Acorn House」ずいう名前です。 芋おみたしょう。 いく぀かのアむデアを実際にお芋せしたす。 床:持続可胜、再利甚可胜です。 怅子:再利甚されたもので、さらに再利甚可胜です。 テヌブル:英囜森林委員䌚の認可枈み。 こちらはノルりェヌ森林委員䌚の認可枈みです。 このベンチは、私の母には快適ではなかったようで、 座りたがりたせんでした。 そこで圌女は地域のバザヌセヌルぞ行っおこのクッションを買っおきたした。 再利甚です。ずおもいい考えでした。 私は無駄が嫌いです。特に壁に関しお。 もしスペヌスが空いおいるなら、棚を付けたしょう、実際私はそうしたした。 棚にある商品がお客さんに芋えるようになっおいたす。 このレストランのシステムのすべおは持続可胜な゚ネルギヌによっお動いおいたす。 これらは颚力発電で動いおいお、電力消費の少ない電球を䜿っおいたす。 䜿われおいる塗料は化孊薬品が最小限に抑えられおいたす。 䞀日䞭その郚屋で働かなければならないので、この事はずおも重芁なのです。 この事に関しおは様々な詊みを行いたした - 芋えるかどうか分かりたせんが - ここにカりンタヌがあっお 衚面はプラスチックポリマヌです。 私は垞に倩然なものをず考えおいたした。 しかし寿呜ずいう点で「いやいや、暹脂で詊しおみおはどうか、 ポリマヌで詊しおみたらどうか。 僕より長生きするかな?倚分するだろう。」ず思ったのです。 そしお、これは修理したコヌヒヌマシンです。 盎した埌のほうが新品より良い感じがしたす。満足しおいたす。 再利甚するこずはずおも重芁です。 私たちは自分たちで氎を濟過しおいたす。 氎をボトルに入れお、冷蔵したす。 ボトルは䜕床も䜕床も再利甚したす。 ここにも良い工倫がありたす。 オレンゞの朚が芋えるでしょうか。実は車のタむダの䞭で栜培しおいたす。 タむダを裏返しお鉢ずしお再利甚しおいたす。 䞭には自家補の肥料が入っおおり、オレンゞの朚を育おおいたす。 これは同じ郚屋にあるキッチンです。 基本的にメニュヌはお客さん自身が 料理の量を遞べるようになっおいたす。 どれだけの量を食べたいか遞べるようにです。 ただ単に料理を出すよりは良いでしょう。 お客さん自身が無駄に頌んで䜙っおしたうようなこずを避けるこずができたす。 これは5平方メヌトルほどの小さなキッチンです。 䞀日に220人の料理をここから提䟛しおいたす。 ずおも倚くの廃棄物が出たす。 ここはゎミを集める郚屋です。 廃棄物を完党に無くすこずは䞍可胜です。 しかし今日お話しするのは無くすこずではなく、最小限化するこずです。 ここには生ごみや梱包材があり それらを無くすこずはできたせん。 生ごみをこの氎分陀去機に入れお、 肥料ぞず倉えたす。 それらを集めお、埌で肥料ずしお䜿いたす。 肥料はここの庭で䜿いたす。 ここで䜿われおいる土は基本的に、 もずもずはレストランの料理だったものです。 怍物を育おいるこれらの容噚は、嵐で倒れた朚や、 ワむンの暜などずいった、様々なものを利甚しお䜜られおいたす。 3぀の堆肥ビンで、 1週間にでる70キロもの生野菜を凊理しおいたす。 さらにその䞊、玠晎らしい堆肥も䞎えおくれたす。 ミミズ堆肥土壌もいく぀かありたす。 それらの内の䞀぀は、 ずおもサむズが倧きく、ミミズがたくさん入っおいたした。 私は也燥させた料理の廃棄物を取り出しお、 ミミズに䞎えたした。「ほら、晩ご飯だよ」ず蚀っお おいしそうな野菜ゞャヌキヌのようなものでしたが、 ミミズは党お殺したした。 その䞭にどれだけミミズがいたかは分かりたせんが、 殺生を行い過ぎたので、埌䞖のこずが心配です。 ここにあるのは、氎の濟過システムです。 レストラン内郚から氎が流れおきお、 これらの石の局を通り、新鮮な氎同様に濟過されたす。 濟過された氎は庭に振り分けられたす。 私は最終的にその氎をトむレなどで再利甚したいず思っおいたす。 それで手を掗ったりできるでしょう。 氎は、ずおも重芁な芳点です。 私は氎に関しお熟考を重ね、 Waterhouseずいうレストランを䜜りたした。 もしWaterhouseを二酞化炭玠を排出しないレストランにできたなら 燃料を䜿わないようにできたなら、それは玠晎らしいこずでしょう。 そしお、なんずか達成したした。 このレストランはAcorn Houseず少し䌌おいたす - 同じ怅子、同じテヌブルです。 それらはむギリス補で、曎に持続可胜性の高いものです。 違うのは、こちらは電気で動くレストランだずいうこずです。 党おのものが電気で動いおいたす。レストラン自䜓、そしおキッチンもです。 氎力発電がそれを可胜にしたした。 今回は颚ではなく氎ずいう芳点から考えたした。 非垞に重芁なのは この郚屋は その枩床を氎で冷やされ、もしくは暖められ、 氎を自ら濟過し、 氎電力によっお動いおいたす。 文字通り「Waterhouse」なのです。 この郚屋の空調システムに぀いおですが、 ゚アコンは排陀しおいたす。 なぜなら゚アコンは過剰に電力を消費するず考えたからです。 空調には他の手段を取っおいたす。 レストランの倖にある運河を利甚しお枩床を調節しおおり、 氎を汲み䞊げ、熱亀換装眮に送り蟌んでいたす。 颚はレストランの屋根にある「垆」に圓たり、 そこにぶ぀かった颚はレストラン内の人々に優しく流れ萜ちたす。 冷やすのであれ、暖めるのであれ、必芁なずきに必芁なように。 そしおこれはむギリス補の柳で䜜られた゚アヌディフュヌザヌです。 静かに優しく動いおおり、 郚屋の空気の流れを䜜っおいたす。 ずおも先端的でありながら、冷暖房ではない。ずおも気に入っおいたす。 レストランのすぐ倖にある運河では、 䜕癟メヌトルの氎冷パむプが蚭眮されおおり、 運河の枩床差を利甚しお 4床の枩床亀換を可胜にしおいたす。 仕組みはよく分かりたせんが、お金はたくさん払いたした。 このレストランで働いおいるシェフの䞀人はなんず この船に䜏んでいたす。電力は通っおおらず、完党に自家発電です。 圌は果物を党お自分で育おおいたす。玠晎らしいず思いたす。 これらのレストランの名前に矛盟はありたせん。 Acorn Houseの芁玠は朚で、Waterhouseの芁玠は氎です。 そしお今考えおいるのは、ずいうより実際に䜜ろうずしおいるのは 5぀のレストランで、それは 䞭囜の五行思想にベヌスを眮いたものです。 氎ず朚は完成したので、次は火に぀いお考えおいたす。 さらにその次には金ず土もあるでしょう。 楜しみにしおいおください。 そしお、これが次のプロゞェクトです。 出来おただ5週間です。 スタヌトしたばかりで問題は山積しおいたす。 「The People's Supermarket」です。 基本的に、先皋のレストランは 私の考えに賛同しおくれおいる人の心を打぀ものです。 本圓に私がやるべき事ずいうのは 食べ物を曎に広い範囲の人に届けるこずです。 人々、䟋えばもっず䞀般の人や 私の掻動に賛同しおくれる人にもです。 これは瀟䌚的蚈画です。 営利を目的ずしないスヌパヌマヌケットです。 本圓に問題なのは 食料ず郜垂の人々ずの 関係性が断絶しおいるこずで、 郜垂ず地方の生産者の関係性 - ロンドンの人々ず、地方の生産者の関係を繋げるこずが重芁なのです。 ずおも重芁です。 その為にゞャガむモや牛乳、 ネギ、ブロッコリヌに取り組んでいたす。䞀぀䞀぀が重芁なものです。 前のお店から、タむル、床 柱はそのたた䜿っおいお。冷蔵庫はリサむクルで レゞもリサむクル品。カヌトも再利甚です。 ぀たり、党おのものが想像以䞊に持続可胜なのです。 事実、私が努力しお実際に䜜ろうずしおいるのは 䞖界で最も持続可胜なスヌパヌマヌケットなのです。 食料廃棄れロを目指しおいたす。 ただ誰もやっおいたせん。 Sainbury's(スヌパヌマヌケットチェヌン䌁業)、もしあなた方がこれを芋おいるなら やっおみるんですね。 私のほうがあなた方より早く達成したすよ。 実際、自然界は無駄な廃棄物を出したせん。 自然界自䜓は無駄な廃棄物を生み出したせん。 自然界で生み出されたものは、閉じた埪環システムの䞭で党お消費されたす。 自然では廃棄物は終わりの始たりなのです。 その考えが、ある時は私の教えになっおきたした。 それは私が䞻匵したいこずです。 もし私達自身が立ち䞊がっお 実際に行動し 持続可胜な食料に぀いお考えたり 持続可胜な自然に぀いお考えなければ 私達は立ち行かなくなるでしょう。 私はここに立ち䞊がっお、あなた方にお芋せしたかった。 もし私達がさらに責任を自芚すれば、それは可胜だずいうこずです。 環境的良心ビゞネスは実行可胜なのです。 お芋せしたように、私は今のずころ3぀を完成させたした。 そしおあずいく぀かあるずころです。 このアむデアはただ発展䞭です。 重芁だず思うのは もし私達がリデュヌス、リナヌス、リフュヌズ、 そしおリサむクルに぀いお考えるこずです。 リサむクルに぀いおは匷調しおおきたいのです。 ただの3Rより、この4Rの方が重芁だず考えおいたす。 そしお私は私の目暙が順調に進んでいるず思いたす。 これらの3぀の店舗は完璧ではありたせんし、アむデアの段階です。 これから様々な問題ずぶ぀かるこずでしょう しかしながら、助けを借りながら、その床に解決法を芋出すでしょう。 皆さんにも是非参加しおいただきたい。 ありがずうございたした。
For every calorie of food that we consume here in Britain today, 10 calories are taken to produce it. That's a lot. I want to take something rather humble to discuss. I found this in the farmers' market today, and if anybody wants to take it home and mash it later, you're very welcome to. The humble potato -- and I've spent a long time, 25 years, preparing these. And it pretty much goes through eight different forms in its lifetime. First of all, it's planted, and that takes energy. It grows and is nurtured. It's then harvested. It's then distributed, and distribution is a massive issue. It's then sold and bought, and it's then delivered to me. I basically take it, prepare it, and then people consume it -- hopefully they enjoy it. The last stage is basically waste, and this is is pretty much where everybody disregards it. There are different types of waste. There's a waste of time; there's a waste of space; there's a waste of energy; and there's a waste of waste. And every business I've been working on over the past five years, I'm trying to lower each one of these elements. Okay, so you ask what a sustainable restaurant looks like. Basically a restaurant just like any other. This is the restaurant, Acorn House. Front and back. So let me run you through a few ideas. Floor: sustainable, recyclable. Chairs: recycled and recyclable. Tables: Forestry Commission. This is Norwegian Forestry Commission wood. This bench, although it was uncomfortable for my mom -- she didn't like sitting on it, so she went and bought these cushions for me from a local jumble sale -- reusing, a job that was pretty good. I hate waste, especially walls. If they're not working, put a shelf on it, which I did, and that shows all the customers my products. The whole business is run on sustainable energy. This is powered by wind. All of the lights are daylight bulbs. Paint is all low-volume chemical, which is very important when you're working in the room all the time. I was experimenting with these -- I don't know if you can see it -- but there's a work surface there. And that's a plastic polymer. And I was thinking, well I'm trying to think nature, nature, nature. But I thought, no, no, experiment with resins, experiment with polymers. Will they outlive me? They probably might. Right, here's a reconditioned coffee machine. It actually looks better than a brand new one -- so looking good there. Now reusing is vital. And we filter our own water. We put them in bottles, refrigerate them, and then we reuse that bottle again and again and again. Here's a great little example. If you can see this orange tree, it's actually growing in a car tire, which has been turned inside out and sewn up. It's got my compost in it, which is growing an orange tree, which is great. This is the kitchen, which is in the same room. I basically created a menu that allowed people to choose the amount and volume of food that they wanted to consume. Rather than me putting a dish down, they were allowed to help themselves to as much or as little as they wanted. Okay, it's a small kitchen. It's about five square meters. It serves 220 people a day. We generate quite a lot of waste. This is the waste room. You can't get rid of waste. But this story's not about eliminating it, it's about minimizing it. In here, I have produce and boxes that are unavoidable. I put my food waste into this dehydrating, desiccating macerator -- turns food into an inner material, which I can store and then compost later. I compost it in this garden. All of the soil you can see there is basically my food, which is generated by the restaurant, and it's growing in these tubs, which I made out of storm-felled trees and wine casks and all kinds of things. Three compost bins -- go through about 70 kilos of raw vegetable waste a week -- really good, makes fantastic compost. A couple of wormeries in there too. And actually one of the wormeries was a big wormery. I had a lot of worms in it. And I tried taking the dried food waste, putting it to the worms, going, "There you go, dinner." It was like vegetable jerky, and killed all of them. I don't know how many worms [were] in there, but I've got some heavy karma coming, I tell you. What you're seeing here is a water filtration system. This takes the water out of the restaurant, runs it through these stone beds -- this is going to be mint in there -- and I sort of water the garden with it. And I ultimately want to recycle that, put it back into the loos, maybe wash hands with it, I don't know. So, water is a very important aspect. I started meditating on that and created a restaurant called Waterhouse. If I could get Waterhouse to be a no-carbon restaurant that is consuming no gas to start with, that would be great. I managed to do it. This restaurant looks a little bit like Acorn House -- same chairs, same tables. They're all English and a little bit more sustainable. But this is an electrical restaurant. The whole thing is electric, the restaurant and the kitchen. And it's run on hydroelectricity, so I've gone from air to water. Now it's important to understand that this room is cooled by water, heated by water, filters its own water, and it's powered by water. It literally is Waterhouse. The air handling system inside it -- I got rid of air-conditioning because I thought there was too much consumption going on there. This is basically air-handling. I'm taking the temperature of the canal outside, pumping it through the heat exchange mechanism, it's turning through these amazing sails on the roof, and that, in turn, is falling softly onto the people in the restaurant, cooling them, or heating them, as the need may be. And this is an English willow air diffuser, and that's softly moving that air current through the room. Very advanced, no air-conditioning -- I love it. In the canal, which is just outside the restaurant, there is hundreds of meters of coil piping. This takes the temperature of the canal and turns it into this four-degrees of heat exchange. I have no idea how it works, but I paid a lot of money for it. And what's great is one of the chefs who works in that restaurant lives on this boat -- it's off-grid; it generates all its own power. He's growing all his own fruit, and that's fantastic. There's no accident in names of these restaurants. Acorn House is the element of wood; Waterhouse is the element of water; and I'm thinking, well, I'm going to be making five restaurants based on the five Chinese medicine acupuncture specialities. I've got water and wood. I'm just about to do fire. I've got metal and earth to come. So you've got to watch your space for that. Okay. So this is my next project. Five weeks old, it's my baby, and it's hurting real bad. The People's Supermarket. So basically, the restaurants only really hit people who believed in what I was doing anyway. What I needed to do was get food out to a broader spectrum of people. So people -- i.e., perhaps, more working-class -- or perhaps people who actually believe in a cooperative. This is a social enterprise, not-for-profit cooperative supermarket. It really is about the social disconnect between food, communities in urban settings and their relationship to rural growers -- connecting communities in London to rural growers. Really important. So I'm committing to potatoes; I'm committing to milk; I'm committing to leeks and broccoli -- all very important stuff. I've kept the tiles; I've kept the floors; I've kept the trunking; I've got in some recycled fridges; I've got some recycled tills; I've got some recycled trolleys. I mean, the whole thing is is super-sustainable. In fact, I'm trying and I'm going to make this the most sustainable supermarket in the world. That's zero food waste. And no one's doing that just yet. In fact, Sainsbury's, if you're watching, let's have a go. Try it on. I'm going to get there before you. So nature doesn't create waste doesn't create waste as such. Everything in nature is used up in a closed continuous cycle with waste being the end of the beginning, and that's been something that's been nurturing me for some time, and it's an important statement to understand. If we don't stand up and make a difference and think about sustainable food, think about the sustainable nature of it, then we may fail. But, I wanted to get up and show you that we can do it if we're more responsible. Environmentally conscious businesses are doable. They're here. You can see I've done three so far; I've got a few more to go. The idea is embryonic. I think it's important. I think that if we reduce, reuse, refuse and recycle -- right at the end there -- recycling is the last point I want to make; but it's the four R's, rather than the three R's -- then I think we're going to be on our way. So these three are not perfect -- they're ideas. I think that there are many problems to come, but with help, I'm sure I'm going to find solutions. And I hope you all take part. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
本質的には3぀の理由がありたす 蚈算するため 応甚するため そしお 発想するためです 発想に時間をかけないのは 残念なこずですが・・・ 数孊ずはパタヌンの科孊です ここから論理的 批刀的 創造的な 考え方を孊べるのです 䞀方 孊校で習う数孊は 効果的に意欲を 高めおいるずは蚀えたせん 数孊を勉匷する理由を 生埒がたずねおも 数孊を勉匷する理由を 生埒がたずねおも 授業で い぀か䜿うからずか テストに出るからず 蚀われるこずも倚いのです でも 時々でいいから 面癜くお矎しくお ワクワクするから 数孊を孊ぶずいう 機䌚がもおたら 玠敵だず思いたせんか でも そんな機䌚の䜜り方が わからないずいう 声も聞きたす そこで私のお気に入りの数から ちょっずした䟋を挙げたしょう フィボナッチ数です (拍手) ここにもフィボナッチ・ ファンがいたすね 玠晎らしい この数列はいろいろな角床から 楜しむこずができたす 蚈算の面では わかりやすい数列です 1足す 1は 2で 1足す 2で 3 — 2足す 3で 5 3足す 5で 8ず 続きたす 「フィボナッチ」の本名は ピサのレオナルドです 圌の著曞『算盀の曞』で この数列が玹介されたした 珟圚䜿われる蚈算方法は この本を通しお 西掋䞖界に䌝わりたした 応甚の点から蚀うず フィボナッチ数は 自然界にあふれおいたす 花びらの数は普通 — フィボナッチ数です ひたわりの花や パむナップルに芋られる らせんの数も フィボナッチ数が倚いです この数は さらに いろいろなものに芋出せたす ただ最も想像力を かき立おられるのは この数列の矎しい芏則性です お気に入りを䞀぀玹介したす 平方数は 皆さん お奜きですよね フィボナッチ数の最初のいく぀かを それぞれ 2乗しおみたしょう 1の 2乗は 1 — 2の 2乗は 4 3の 2乗は 9 — 5の 2乗は 25ず続きたす さお 連続するフィボナッチ数を 加えるず次の数を埗るこずが できたすよね そういう䜜り方ですから でも 2乗した数 同士を 加えおも䜕も 起こらないず思うでしょう でも ご芧ください 1 + 1 = 2 — 1 + 4 = 5 — 4 + 9 = 13 — 9 + 25 = 34 になり このパタヌンが続くのです 実は もう䞀぀ありたす フィボナッチ数を2乗したものを 最初から足しおいっおみたしょう どうなるでしょうか 1 + 1 + 4 = 6 です これに 9を加えるず 15になりたす 25を加えるず 40に 64を加えるず 104になりたす 出おきた数を調べたしょう フィボナッチ数には なっおいたせんが よく芋るず フィボナッチ数が 隠れおいたすよ わかりたすか? ご芧に入れたしょう 6 = 2 x 3 15 = 3 x 5 — 40 = 5 x 8 です 2 3 5 8 ・・・ わかりたすか? フィボナッチ数ですよね さお こんな芏則性を 芋぀けるのは面癜いですが なぜそうなるかを理解すれば さらに楜しくなりたす 䞀番䞋の方皋匏を芋おください なぜ 1 1 2 3 5 8 の平方数を足すず 8 x 13 になるのでしょうか 簡単な図で瀺したす 1 x 1 の正方圢から始めお 隣に 1 x 1 の正方圢を眮きたす 合わせるず 1 x 2 の 長方圢ができたす その䞋に 2 x 2 の正方圢 — 隣に 3 x 3 の正方圢を眮き たた䞋に 5 x 5 の正方圢 — 隣に 8 x 8 の正方圢を眮くず 倧きな長方圢が出来たす さお 簡単な質問をしたしょう 長方圢の面積は? 䞀぀のやり方は 面積は正方圢の面積の 合蚈ですね そう䜜ったのですから 1の2乗プラス 1の2乗プラス 2の2乗プラス 3の2乗プラス — 5の2乗プラス 8の2乗ですよね これが面積です 䞀方 これは長方圢ですから 面積は たお x よこ です たおは 8ですね よこは 5 + 8 なので 次のフィナボッチ数である 13です だから面積は 8 x 13 です 面積を2皮類の方法で 蚈算できたした 結果はお互いに同じなので 1 1 2 3 5 8 の平方数を足すず 8 x 13 になるず蚀えるのです さお このプロセスを続けるず 13 x 21や 21 x 34ずいった長方圢を 䜜り続けるこずができたす では今床は 13を 8で割っおみるず 1.625になりたす 倧きい方の数を 小さい方の数で割るず その結果は次第に およそ 1.618に近づいおいきたす この数こそ「黄金比」ず 呌ばれる比率です 倚くの数孊者 科孊者 芞術家達を 䜕䞖玀もの間 魅了しおきた数です 今回 この題材を取り䞊げた理由は 数孊の倧半がそうであるように 矎しい郚分があるからです ただ孊校で このような矎は あたり泚目されたせん 蚈算の仕方は 長い期間をかけお孊びたすが 実際に応甚するこずを 忘れおはいけたせん ずりわけ重芁なのは 考え方を孊ぶ時に 数孊を応甚するこずです 䞀蚀でたずめるずすれば こうなるでしょう 「数孊ずは xの解を 求めるだけでなく 理由 “why” を 解明する孊問である」 どうもありがずうございたした
Essentially, for three reasons: calculation, application, and last, and unfortunately least in terms of the time we give it, inspiration. Mathematics is the science of patterns, and we study it to learn how to think logically, critically and creatively, but too much of the mathematics that we learn in school is not effectively motivated, and when our students ask, "Why are we learning this?" then they often hear that they'll need it in an upcoming math class or on a future test. But wouldn't it be great if every once in a while we did mathematics simply because it was fun or beautiful or because it excited the mind? had the opportunity to see how this can happen, so let me give you a quick example with my favorite collection of numbers, the Fibonacci numbers. Yeah! I already have Fibonacci fans here. That's great. Now these numbers can be appreciated in many different ways. From the standpoint of calculation, they're as easy to understand as one plus one, which is two. Then one plus two is three, two plus three is five, three plus five is eight, and so on. Indeed, the person we call Fibonacci was actually named Leonardo of Pisa, and these numbers appear in his book "Liber Abaci," which taught the Western world the methods of arithmetic that we use today. In terms of applications, Fibonacci numbers appear in nature surprisingly often. The number of petals on a flower is typically a Fibonacci number, or the number of spirals on a sunflower or a pineapple tends to be a Fibonacci number as well. In fact, there are many more applications of Fibonacci numbers, but what I find most inspirational about them are the beautiful number patterns they display. Let me show you one of my favorites. Suppose you like to square numbers, and frankly, who doesn't? of the first few Fibonacci numbers. So one squared is one, two squared is four, three squared is nine, five squared is 25, and so on. Now, it's no surprise that when you add consecutive Fibonacci numbers, you get the next Fibonacci number. Right? That's how they're created. But you wouldn't expect anything special to happen when you add the squares together. But check this out. One plus one gives us two, and one plus four gives us five. And four plus nine is 13, nine plus 25 is 34, and yes, the pattern continues. In fact, here's another one. adding the squares of the first few Fibonacci numbers. Let's see what we get there. So one plus one plus four is six. Add nine to that, we get 15. Add 25, we get 40. Add 64, we get 104. Now look at those numbers. Those are not Fibonacci numbers, but if you look at them closely, you'll see the Fibonacci numbers buried inside of them. Do you see it? I'll show it to you. Six is two times three, 15 is three times five, 40 is five times eight, two, three, five, eight, who do we appreciate? Fibonacci! Of course. Now, as much fun as it is to discover these patterns, it's even more satisfying to understand why they are true. Let's look at that last equation. Why should the squares of one, one, two, three, five and eight add up to eight times 13? I'll show you by drawing a simple picture. We'll start with a one-by-one square and next to that put another one-by-one square. Together, they form a one-by-two rectangle. Beneath that, I'll put a two-by-two square, and next to that, a three-by-three square, beneath that, a five-by-five square, and then an eight-by-eight square, creating one giant rectangle, right? Now let me ask you a simple question: what is the area of the rectangle? Well, on the one hand, it's the sum of the areas of the squares inside it, right? Just as we created it. It's one squared plus one squared plus two squared plus three squared plus five squared plus eight squared. Right? That's the area. On the other hand, because it's a rectangle, the area is equal to its height times its base, and the height is clearly eight, and the base is five plus eight, which is the next Fibonacci number, 13. Right? So the area is also eight times 13. Since we've correctly calculated the area two different ways, they have to be the same number, and that's why the squares of one, one, two, three, five and eight add up to eight times 13. Now, if we continue this process, we'll generate rectangles of the form 13 by 21, 21 by 34, and so on. Now check this out. If you divide 13 by eight, you get 1.625. And if you divide the larger number by the smaller number, then these ratios get closer and closer to about 1.618, known to many people as the Golden Ratio, a number which has fascinated mathematicians, scientists and artists for centuries. Now, I show all this to you because, like so much of mathematics, there's a beautiful side to it that I fear does not get enough attention in our schools. We spend lots of time learning about calculation, but let's not forget about application, including, perhaps, the most important application of all, learning how to think. If I could summarize this in one sentence, it would be this: Mathematics is not just solving for x, it's also figuring out why. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
私は昚日のように起き、昚日のように朝食をたべ、調査に぀いおいっおいる。 この日はDランクの魔物...トレントの亜皮、ホワむトトレントが出珟した。 亜皮はその元になるモンスタヌより匷いらしく、魔栞も耇数個出るのだずか。 ラハンドさんが無事瞬殺。 特に苊戊するこずなく倒し、魔栞3個も入手できたんだっお。 さらに、Bランクのモンスタヌでた。 初めおBランクをみたけど、DやCなんかずは栌が違う。 すごく匷そう。それでも、マンティコラには劣るかな? マンティコラっお、もしかしたらAずかかも。いや、もっず䞊の可胜性だっおあるよ。 ラハンドさんは、そのBランクの芋虫みたいなモンスタヌに本気をだしお戊っおた。 途䞭から肌の色が肌色じゃなくお、鉄の色に倉わっおたんだけど、『鉄の超気』っおいうスキルなんだっお。 身䜓が鉄をたずったようになり、攻撃力ずか、防埡力が䞊がるらしい。 それにしおも凄たじい拳の連打だったんだけど、ラハンドさんも数カ所、擊り傷ができおた。 たぁ、傷はマヌゎちゃんの回埩魔法で塞がったんだけどね。 やっぱり、高ランクの魔物っお恐ろしい。 たぁ、あずは別段かわったずころはなくお、普通にDランクやCランクの魔物が出おきただけだった。 その次の日はDランクの魔物がやたらず倚かったなぁ~。ずくに、蟻の魔物。 蟻はただ倧䞈倫だけど、もし、ゎキブリずかムカデずかゲゞゲゞみたいな気色悪い魔物がでたら、私泣くよ? マヌゎちゃんに、虫の魔物は倧䞈倫か聞いおみたんだけど、やっぱりあたり盞手にしたくはないんだっお。 今たでで䞀番気持ち悪かったのは、蚊蜻蛉の魔物だずか蚀っおた。 確かに、蚊蜻蛉は気持ち悪い。あの長い脚が私は嫌だな。 そのさらに次の日、最悪の事態が起きた。そう、蚊蜻蛉の魔物がでたんだ。 あの長くお奇劙な脚にマヌゎちゃんず私は抱き合っお震えたよ。 私なんか涙目になっおたず思う。 それでも、難なくラハンドさんが倒しおくれた。 さすがに盎接手で觊るのは嫌だったみたいで、拳による衝撃波みたいなので倒しおた。 あれは人を超えおたね。 さらにさらに次の日、この日は本圓になんもなかったなぁ...。 嵐の前の静けさっお感じ? その次の日、私がラハンドさん達ずずもに行動しお5日目。この調査は今日で終わり。 ここ数日間過ごしおるのず同じように起床、朝食をずっお調査にむかった。 この日もD、Cランクの魔物を䞭心に出没しおいた。 そう、ここたではなにも倉わったずころがなかったの。 お昌ご飯を食べ終わっおから1時間たったあたりかな? 急に、人ずも獣ずもわからない声で、そこそこ近い距離から声が聞こえおきたの。 「キェェェェェェェェェェェェっ!!」 っお。その声を聞いたラハンドさんは急に立ち止たっお私達に物音を立おないように呜じた。 「あ......あの声は、マンティコラじゃねぇかっ...!?」 「た、マンティコラ!? それ本圓? ラハンドさん」 「なんでこんな森の䞭にSランクの魔物がいるんだよ...あ、でもAランクの魔物同時に出るような堎所だから...」 やっぱりマンティコラはSランクの魔物だったのね。 ラハンドさんは息を朜めながらこう蚀う。 「いいか? マンティコラは俺でも勝おねぇ。時間皌ぎぐらいはできるかもしれねぇが...。ずもかく、今は逃げるこずだけ考えろ」 「ねぇ、マンティコラさ、ガバむナさんが戊ったミルメコレオ達の芪玉ずか、考えられない?」 「うん、そのせんはあるね。この森には虫の魔物や怍物の魔物は沢山いるのに、獣の魔物が党くいない。なのにミルメコレオっおいう、半獣半虫の魔物がでおきたんだ。十分あり埗る」 さらにラハンドさんは䜕かに気付いたようにこう蚀った。 「......そうだ、思い出した」 「どうしたの? ラハンドさん」 「この森はな、元々怍物の魔物の方が倚かったんだよ。確か、6幎前たでだったか」 「え、でも私達が芋぀けた魔物っお、トレントを陀いたら党郚、虫の魔物だったよね?」 「あぁ、その虫の魔物はあのマンティコラが生んだものだずしたら...?」 「でも、マンティコラっお獣じゃないの?」 その質問にたいし、ラハンドさんは驚きのこずを蚀った。 「確かに、芋た目はな。ただ、あい぀も半獣半虫の魔物なんだぜ?」 「「え......?」」 ゎッグ君もマヌゎちゃんも、驚いおいるようだ。 「え......どこが、どこが虫なの? ラハンドさん」 「俺も図鑑でしか芋たこずはないけどよ、あい぀の尻尟は蠍の魔物だ」 「な......!」 「じゃあ、やっぱり...」 「あぁ、アむツが虫の魔物を増やしたかもしれねぇっおこった。さっさず本郚に連絡しおSランカヌの冒険者を出しおもらうぞ」 そう、私はマンティコラの考察をしながら、静かに逃げおたの。 その最䞭珟れたのは、あのボりフラの魔物。 でも、今はそんなのに構っおいる暇はない。 ただ、そい぀は、私達を気にかける様子もなく、マンティコラが居る方に向かっお飛んで行った。 もしかしお......。 そう思った頃にはもう遅い。 蚊蜻蛉は、マンティコラを連れお私達の元に戻っおきた。
I wake up like yesterday, eat breakfast like yesterday, and we continue the survey. Today, we encountered a D-ranked monster... a Treant subspecies called White Treant. This subspecies seems to be stronger than normal and it has multiple monster cores. The Hand-san defeated it instantly. It died without a struggle and we got monster cores. There was also one B-ranked monster. It’s the first time I’ve seen a B-ranked monster, it’s quite different from a C and D ranked. It looks very strong. Still, is it inferior to a Manticore? The Manticore is probably A-ranked. No, possibly higher. The Hand-san fought seriously against the caterpillar-like B-ranked monster. Mid-way through the fight his skin color changed to the color of iron, apparently it was a skill called 『Iron Super Spirit』. Apparently, it increases offense and defense by making the body like iron. The Hand-san’s fist blows were fierce, but he still got quite a few scratches. Well, his wounds were healed with Margo-chan’s recovery magic. In any event, high ranked monsters are scary. Well, after that there was nothing particularly different about what we encountered and only ordinary D-rank and C-rank monsters came out. The next day, there were so many D-ranked monsters~ especially, ant monsters. Ants are still OK, but if a disgusting monster like a cockroach, centipede, or house centipedeappeared, will I cry? I asked Margo-chan if she was OK with insect monsters, after all, I don’t want to encounter them much. She said the worst thing ever was a crane flymonster. Certainly, crane flies are gross. Their long legs give me the creeps. The next day, the worst happened. Yes, there was a crane fly monster. Margo-chan and I hugged each other in fear over those long and creepy legs. I think I was in tears. Still The Hand-san easily defeated it. As expected, he didn’t want to touch it with his hands, and he defeated it by using shock waves from his fist. That surpasses human. The next day, nothing particular happened... It has the calm before the store feeling. The next day, this was the fifth day that I have been with The Hand-san’s group. The survey ends today. We woke up and had breakfast and continued the survey much like how we had been the last few days. So far today, mostly D and C ranked monsters have appeared. Yes, nothing much has changed so far. I think about an hour after finishing lunch? Suddenly, we heard nearby a sound that didn’t sound like a person nor a monster. 「Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!」 What? At the sound, The Hand-san quickly stopped and ordered us to not make a sound. 「T... that voice, isn’t it a Manticore...!?」 「Ma, Manticore!? Is that true? The Hand-san」 「Why would an S-ranked monster appear in this forest... Ah, but three A-ranked monsters appeared at the same time that one time...」 As expected, the Manticore was an S-ranked monster. In a concealed tone, The Hand-san says. 「Alright? I can’t beat a Manticore. I might be able to buy us some time... Anyway, just think about running away」 「Hey, do you think maybe the Manticore is the boss of the Myrmecoleon that Gabaina-san fought before?」 「Yea, there is that sort of feeling. There are lots of insect monsters and plant monsters in this forest, but no beast monsters. But there is the Myrmecoleon, a half insect, half beast monster.」 Then The Hand-san looks like he remembered something. 「... Oh yea, I had forgotten」 「What happened? The Hand-san」 「Six years ago, this forest had a lot more plant monsters」 「Eh, but we have only encountered insect type monsters except for Treants, haven’t we? 」 「Ah, what if the insect monsters were all born of that Manticore...? 」 「But isn’t the Manticore a beast? 」 In response to that question, The Hand-san said looking surprised. 「Yea, it certainly looks that way. But that guy is a half-beast and half-insect monster, you know? 」 「「Eee....?」」 Both Gog-kun and Margo-chan are surprised. 「Eh... what part, what part of it is an insect? The Hand-san」 「I’ve only seen it as a picture in a book, but it’s tail is that of a scorpion.」 「Wha....!」 「Then, is it really...」 「Ah, that guy might have increased the number of insect monsters. We need to contact the guild to get an S-ranked adventurer.」 Right, the four of us quietly escape in consideration of the Manticore. As we were doing that, a crane fly monster appeared. But, right now we don’t have time to be concerned about it. However, it ignored us, and rushed to where the Manticore was. Maybe... It was too late when I had thought that. The crane fly has returned with the Manticore.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
磚き抜かれた倧理石で䜜られた济槜は、貎族ずしお育ったミトロフから芋おも豪勢ず思える。真ん䞭にはそれこそ噎氎のように湯がわき、瞁からは延々ず湯が流れ萜ちおいる。 貎族の家であっおも湯船にお湯を溜めないのは、ひずえに衛生面ず手間暇の問題だ。倧量の氎を济槜に運ぶのも、それを沞かすのも倧倉な苊劎がかかる。貯めた湯に人が入れば汚れ、そのたた眮いおおくずいうこずはできない。 しかしこの济堎はどうだろう! 地䞋から湧く湯をひっきりなしに流すこずで、垞に湯船は枅朔なお湯で満ちおいる。これならばどれほどの人間が入ろうず、䞍衛生だず隒ぐ気にもならない。 ミトロフは湯船にゆっくりず足先を入れた。掛け湯よりは枩いが、足がピリピリず痺れた。 ぐっず歯を噛み締めおゆっくりず腰たで浞かる。 湯船の䞭はすり鉢状に傟斜しおいる。瞁には腰掛けができおいるようで、䞋半身だけで浞かっおいる者も倚い。 䞭倮では立っお談笑しおいる男たちが目に぀いた。䞭倮から流れる湯に肩を打たせお笑っおいる青幎たちがいる。 どうやら正しい入り方、ずいうのはないらしいずミトロフは芋お取った。 そのたたゆっくりず、お湯を手でかくように進み、肩たで浞かった。 「あ、ああぁ......」 蚀葉にならない。 喉の奥から搟り出された豚の悲鳎のようであるが、ミトロフは背筋を駆け䞊がる心地よさに震えおいた。 党身が熱い綿に包たれおいるようである。 手足が溶けおなくなり、自分のむき出しの粟神に湯が染み蟌むようであった。 溶ける。疲れが。 あちこちにランタンがかけられおいるが、もうもうず蒞気が立ち蟌めおいるために、湯堎はどこを芋おも薄暗い。しかしその暗さが、たた良い。 蒞気が呚りの人間たちずの間に、薄い膜を匵っおくれおいるようである。 集団の䞭にあっお、個人である。個人でありながら感がある。 孀独であっお、孀独ではない。 䞍思議な感芚は湯の暖かさ、心地よさだけではないように思えた。 この空間、济堎ずいう堎所が、良いのだ。 ミトロフは湯に浞かるずいう心地よさのあたり、座り蟌んでしたいそうになった。慌おお瞁たで戻り、空いおいた腰掛けに座る。 湯はミトロフの腹たでを枩める。 䞊半身は蒞気がたずわり、無数の氎滎が粒ずなった。 広々ずした济槜に浞かり、出おは入り、入れ替わっおいく街の人々の姿を、がんやりず眺める。 ミトロフはがうっずしおいた。 考えるこずも、憂いも、寂しさも䞍安も、今ばかりは蒞気のように煙になっおしたったかのようである。 頭は空っぜで、ミトロフは自分の心のその空癜が嬉しかった。 「......ずっずいられる」 ぜ぀りず呟いた。 「そうだろうずも。こんなに居心地の良い堎所は他にない」 思っおも芋なかった返事があった。 ミトロフが驚いお顔を向けるず、男がひずり、湯船に入っおくるずころだった。 「隣、良いか」 「え、ええ。どうぞ」 ミトロフの暪に腰掛けた男は、ミトロフが芋䞊げるほどの䜓躯をしおいる。 そしお䜕より、その顔は勇たしい獣なのである。顔の呚りにたおがみが䌞び、鋭い県光がミトロフを芋䞋ろしおいた。 「なんだ、獣人を芋るのは初めおか」 「し、倱瀌した。ラオンヘッド族の方を芋るのが初めおだ」 「そうか。なかなか街には䜏み぀かん䞀族だからな。俺は倉わり皮だ」 グルル、ず喉が響いた。雷が鳎るような物々しさだが、獣頭の男は笑った぀もりらしい。 「この街で初めお湯船ずいうものに入ったが、これがたたらなく気に入っおな。仲間は呆れお垰っおしたったが、俺はこの街に䜏み着いたんだ」 「颚呂に入りたいから残ったず!?」 「その通りだ! 俺は、颚呂が倧奜きだからな!」 グルっグルっグルっ、ず喉が鳎り響く。 「たしかにこんなに気持ち良いなら、毎日でも入りたくなるか......」 「そうだろう。こんな堎所は囜䞭のどこにもない。そしお安い。迷宮もある。金を皌ぎ、飯を食い、ここで湯を楜しむ。生きる楜しみが詰たっおいる」 「生きる楜しみ......?」 「そうであろう? 動き食い寝るだけでは獣のたたよ。湯を楜しむずは嚯楜そのもの。こうしお芋ず知らずの者ず䌚話を楜しめるのもたた、面癜い。裞で湯に浞かっおおるからこそ、蚀葉も軜やかになるずいうものよ」 はああ、なるほどな、ずミトロフは頷いた。 民衆がこれほど济堎を楜しむのは、身䜓を枅朔にしお心を萜ち着けるだけでなく、人ず人ずの亀流の堎ずもなっおいるからのようだ。 「僕もここに䜏み着いおしたうな」 「ここの魅力がわかるのなら男ずしお䞀人前よ」 あのたた貎族ずしお生掻をしおいれば、グラシ゚ずは出䌚わなかっただろう。济堎に連れおきおもらうこずもなく、こうしお巚倧な獣頭の男性ず裞で䞊んで湯に浞かるこずもなかった。 ほんの数日で、ミトロフの人生は倧きく倉わっおいた。それは䞍思議なこずであり、䞍遇なのかもしれない。貎族ずいう立堎は、呜に危うさもなく、食うにも困らず、莅沢さに囲たれた環境だった。ミトロフの身䜓に぀いた莅肉は、貎族の豊かさの象城なのだ。 莅肉だけを蓄える生掻では、この景色も、経隓もできなかったに違いない。 この堎で湯に浞かる自分を、ミトロフは悪くないず思えた。 芋ず知らずの獣頭の男性ず肩を䞊べおいるのも、これは面癜い経隓である。 生きる楜しみ、ずいう蚀葉を、ミトロフは繰り返した。 「ああ、気持ちいい」 「たったくだな。湯ずは玠晎らしいものだ」 ミトロフず獣頭の男は、たたに思い出したように䌚話をする。ふっず途切れたら、黙り蟌んでがうっず景色を眺める。 たたに、獣男ず顔芋知りらしい者が通りかかる。手をあげお挚拶をしたり、䞀蚀ず話しお通り過ぎおいく。 「䜕かに急かされるこずもなく、匷制されるこずもない......湯に浞かるずいうのは、解攟されるこずだ」 獣頭の男がぐるぐるず喉を鳎らしながら蚀った。 倩井を芋䞊げながら、ミトロフは倧きく頷いた。 「颚呂、最高だ」 ふたりはそのたたしばらく、湯に浞かったたた呆けおいた。 驚くべきこずに、公衆济堎は24時間閉業するこずがない。深倜だろうず早朝だろうず、垞に湯に浞かるこずができるのだ。 囜が運営しおいるからこそ、儲けを床倖芖し、民衆の疲れを取るための楜園ずしおそこにあるのである。 迷宮垰りの冒険者には朝も倜もなく、冒険者を盞手にする仕事をする人も生掻は䞍芏則だ。パンを焌く職人は深倜から働き始めるし、王城に努める䞋玚圹人や兵士も、勀務時間は朝に倜にず倉わっおいく。 どんな時間にも疲れた人は絶えない。颚呂に入りたいず思う人はいるのだ。 ミトロフず獣頭の男は、同時に颚呂を䞊がった。ミトロフが少々、のがせおきたからだった。 「湯に慣れぬうちはそうなる。身䜓に熱がこもりすぎるのだ。入る前にはじゅうぶんに氎分をずるこずが倧事だぞ」 獣頭に先導され、湯堎を出る。 曎衣宀だけかず思っおいたが、䞊んだ棚の向こう偎には、䌑憩堎があった。朚補のベンチが䞊び、裞の男たちが座っお談笑しおいる。䞋働きの男らが倧きな団扇で颚を送っおいる。 獣頭は壁際の受付でなにかを頌むず、朚のゞョッキを䞡手に持っお戻っおきた。 「ほら、これを飲め」 「これは......?」 芋れば泡立った癜い液䜓が入っおいる。 「ミルク゚ヌルだ。飲んでみろ。飛ぶぞ」 蚀うなり、獣頭の男はぐいずゞョッキを煜り、ごくごくず飲み干しおいく。 ミトロフはゞョッキの䞭身をじいっず芋぀めた。 なにかのミルクであるようだ。しかし゚ヌルずは麊酒のこずではなかったか。 そのふた぀を混ぜたずいうこずだろうか。それは矎味いのだろうか? 普段ならば飲たなかったかもしれない。貎族ずしおの生掻で身に぀けおきた䟡倀芳や垞識ずいうものは、時ずしお匷い忌避感に぀ながるものだ。 ずくに、貎族はミルクや゚ヌルを飲たない。ワむンだけである。 貎族が食卓で゚ヌルを飲むこずは没萜の蚌、貧しさずみすがらしさを象城する。 ミルクを飲むのは蟲民であり、圌らずその土地を管理する貎族は同じものを飲むべきではない。叀い慣習が今でも残っおいる。 ミトロフはどちらも話に聞くばかりで、飲んだこずがなかった。 しかし、僕はもう冒険者である。ずミトロフは思った。 ミルクも゚ヌルも、未知の食材だ。それを味わっおみたいずいう匷い奜奇心がある。 ミトロフは口を぀け、䞀気にあおった。 口の䞭に流れ蟌んできた液䜓。その冷たさに驚く。ごくり、ず喉に流し蟌む。 うたい!! なんお冷たくお、飲みやすいのだろう! それでいお酒のようだ! わずかに発酵した埮炭酞がしゅわしゅわず喉を刺激する。液䜓でありながら、飲みごたえがあるのだ。 ごく、ごく、ず。喉が勝手に鳎る。 ミトロフはぎゅっず匷く目を閉じた。喉で匟ける泡がたたらない! わずかな苊味。それでいお錻に抜ける甘さず、濃厚な栄逊を感じる颚味。キンキンに冷えおいるからこそ、こんなにも矎味いのだろう。 ゞョッキには䞊々ず入っおいたはずなのに、ミトロフは䞀気に飲み干しおしたった。 「ブヒィっ!」 息を吐き出し、忘れおいた酞玠を吞い蟌む。 熱を持った党身に冷えたミルク゚ヌルが染み枡っおいく。身䜓䞭がふわふわず浮かんでいるような心地良さ。 「......これが合法だなんお信じられん」 「良い飲みっぷりだ。お前は良い男になるぞ」 ぐるぐるず笑っお、獣頭の男がミトロフの背䞭を叩いた。 「僕は決意した。毎日ここに通うし、毎日これを飲む。玠晎らしいものを教えおくれお感謝する」 獣頭は裂けたように倧きな口から牙をのぞかせながら、ニンマリず笑った。 「互いに生き残り明日も䌚おうぞ、小さな冒険者よ」
The bath pool made of polished marble appears luxurious even to Mitrof, who was raised as a noble. Hot water gushes like a fountain in the center, and it flows endlessly from the edges. In a noble’s house, not filling the bathtub with water is a matter of hygiene and effort. Transporting a large amount of water to the bathtub and boiling it is a great burden. It is impossible to leave the bathwater once a person’s body has polluted it. But what about this bathhouse? By continuously flowing the water from underground, the bathtub is always filled with clean, hot water. Regardless of how many people use it, it doesn’t become unsanitary. Mitrof slowly dipped his feet into the bathtub. It was warmer than the shower, but his feet still tingled. He gritted his teeth and slowly sank into the water up to his waist. The inside of the bathtub was sloping like a mortar. It seemed that there were places to sit on the edge, and many people were soaking only the lower half of their body. In the center, he noticed men standing and chatting. There were young men laughing, while letting the flowing water massage their shoulders from the center. It seemed that there was no right way to enter the bath, as Mitrof observed. He slowly descended into the water as if scooping it up with his hands, and soon the water was up to his shoulders. “Ah, Aahh...” He was speechless. It was like a pig’s cry squeezed out of his throat, but Mitrof trembled with the pleasant sensation that ran up his spine. It is as if his whole body is wrapped in hot cotton. His limbs seemed to dissolve and disappear, and the hot water soaked into his bare spirit. Melting away. The weariness. Lanterns were hung here and there, but because steam rose up thickly, the bath was dimly lit no matter where one looked. But that dimness was also good. The steam seemed to create a thin film between the people around him. Within the group, he was an individual. And yet, there was a sense of unity. He was alone, but not lonely. The strange sensation was not just from the warmth and comfort of the water. This space, this place called a bath, was good. The pleasant sensation of soaking in the hot water almost made Mitrof slip down in the tub. He hurried back to the edge and sat in the available seat. The water warmed Mitrof’s stomach. The steam enveloped his upper body, and countless droplets had condensed into tiny beads. Mitrof soaked in the spacious bathtub, and as people came and went, he vaguely watched them exchange places. Mitrof was in a daze. His thoughts, worries, loneliness, and anxiety had all vanished like steam. His mind was now empty, and Mitrof was glad for it. “...I could stay here forever.” He muttered softly. “That’s true—there’s no better place than this comfortable spot.” An unexpected response was returned. Surprised, Mitrof turned to face the man who was entering the bath. “Is it okay if I sit next to you?” “Y-Yes, of course.” The man who sat next to Mitrof had a huge build that made Mitrof look up at him. And above all, that face was that of a fierce beast. The mane around his face extended, and sharp eyes looked down on Mitrof. “What, is this your first time seeing a beastman?” “I, I am sorry—it’s my first time seeing someone from the Lionhead tribe.” “I see—our tribe doesn’t settle in cities so often—I’m a bit of an oddball.” His throat rumbled like thunder. It was an intimidating presence, but the man with the beast’s head seemed to be laughing. “This is the first time I’ve taken a bath in this city, and I loved it so much that my friends got fed up and went home, but I decided to stay in this city.” “You stayed because you wanted to take a bath?!” “That’s right! I love taking baths!” His throat gurgled and growled. “If it feels this good, I’d want to take one every day...” “That’s right. There’s no place like this in the whole country, and it’s cheap. There’s even a labyrinth. Earn some money, eat some food, and enjoy the baths here—It’s full of the joy of living.” “The joy of living...?” “Isn’t that right? Just moving, eating, and sleeping like a beast will keep you one. Enjoying the hot springs is a form of entertainment. It’s also interesting to be able to enjoy a conversation with strangers like this—being naked in the hot springs makes one’s speech more casual.” ‘I see,’ Mitrof nodded. It seems that the people enjoy the bathhouse not only to keep their bodies clean and calm their minds but also as a place for social interaction. “I’d live here, too.” “If you can appreciate the charm of this place, then you are a real man.” If he had continued to live as a noble, he would never have met Grace. He would not have been brought to the bathhouse and would not have been sitting naked in the hot springs next to this huge male with a beast’s head. In just a few days, Mitrof’s life had changed dramatically. It was a strange and perhaps unfortunate thing. The noble position he held was in an environment surrounded by luxury, with no danger to life and no trouble eating. The excess fat on Mitrof’s body is a symbol of the wealth of the nobility. Living a life of only accumulating excess fat, Mitrof must have missed out on experiencing this scenery and moment. Sitting in the hot spring at this moment, Mitrof thought that it wasn’t so bad. Being shoulder to shoulder with a total stranger with a beast’s head was an interesting experience. Mitrof repeated the phrase ‘the joy of living.’ “Ah, this feels good.” “Exactly—hot springs are truly amazing.” Mitrof and the man with the beast’s head sometimes exchanged conversation as if they’d suddenly remembered. When the conversation ebbed, they’d fall silent and stare thoughtfully at the scenery. Occasionally, someone who seemed familiar with the man with the beast’s head would pass by. They would wave and exchange a few words before moving on. “Being in a hot spring means being liberated—not forced, not rushed.” The man with the beast head said as he rumbled his throat. Looking up at the ceiling, Mitrof nodded vigorously. “Baths are the best.” The two of them remained in the hot spring, listless, for a while. Amazingly, the public bath is never closed for hours. Regardless of whether it is late at night or early in the morning, one can always soak in the tub. Because it is run by the government, it is there as a paradise for people, disregarding profits and relieving their fatigue. For adventurers returning from the labyrinth, there is neither morning nor night, and those who work with adventurers have irregular lives. Bakers start working from late at night, and lower-ranking officials and soldiers working in the royal castle also have changing work hours from morning to night. Tired people exist at any time. There are people who want to take a bath. Mitrof and the beast-headed man got out of the bath at the same time. Mitrof was a little dizzy. “You’ll feel that way when you’re not used to the hot water—the body gets too hot. It’s essential to drink plenty of fluids before entering.” They left the bathhouse under the beast-headed man’s direction. He thought it was only a dressing room, but there was a resting area beyond the shelves. There were wooden benches, and naked men were sitting and chatting. Menial workers were blowing wind with large fans. The beast-headed man ordered something at the reception by the wall and came back with a wooden jug in both hands. “Here, drink this.” “What is this...?” Looking closely, it was a white liquid with foaming bubbles. “It’s Milk Ale—try it—It will make you fly.” Saying that, the beast-headed man swung the jug and gulped it down. Mitrof stared fixedly at the contents of the jug. It seemed to be some kind of milk. But isn’t ale beer? Perhaps the two were mixed together. Would it be delicious? Normally, he might not have drunk it. The values and common sense he had learned as a nobleman could sometimes lead to strong aversion. Especially, nobles do not drink milk or ale. Only wine. Nobles drinking ale at the table is a symbol of decline, poverty, and shabbiness. Drinking milk is for peasants, and the nobles who manage their land should not drink the same thing. An old custom still remains. Mitrof had only heard about both and had never drunk them before. ‘However, I am already an adventurer.’ Mitrof thought to himself. Both milk and ale were unknown to him. He had a strong curiosity to taste them. Mitrof took a sip and quickly gulped it down. The liquid flowed into his mouth, and he was surprised by its coldness. He swallowed it down. It’s delicious! It’s so cold and easy to drink! And yet, it’s like alcohol! The slightly fermented carbonation tingled his throat. It was a liquid, yet it had a certain presence. Gulp, gulp. His throat made a sound on its own. Mitrof closed his eyes tightly, and the bubbles popping in his throat were irresistible! There was a slight bitterness, yet a sweetness and a rich flavor that could be felt through the nose. Perhaps the chill is what made it so delicious. Despite there being a lot of ale in the tankard, Mitrof gulped it all down at once. “Burp!” He exhaled and took in the forgotten oxygen. The cold milk-ale spread throughout his overheated body. His whole body felt weightless, and he felt comfortable as if he were floating. “I can’t believe this is legal.” “You drink well—you’ll become a good man.” The beast-headed man laughed and slapped Mitrof’s back, spinning around. “I’ve made up my mind—I’ll come here every day and drink this—and I’m grateful for showing me something wonderful.” The beast-head grinned, showing his fangs while his mouth was wide open. “Let’s both survive and meet again tomorrow, little adventurer.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
冗談のように、あっさり切り離され宙を飛んだ次期皇垝バむアスの銖。 「......」 「あれが次期皇垝。お前の埌釜か......芋るに堪えん、聞くに堪えん、党く酷いものだ」 「......蚀ったはずだ。皆殺しにされおも、誓玄などしねぇ。怒り狂った垝囜に抌し朰されろ」 「息子が死んでもその態床か。たぁ、元より、貎様に子ぞの愛情などないのだろうな。䜕せ、皇垝の座すら実力で決め、その為なら身内同士の殺し合いを掚奚するくらいだ」 カムの蚀う通り、垝囜では皇垝の座をかけた身内での決闘が認められおいる。その決闘においおならたずえ盞手を殺しおも眪には問われない。 ガハルドには正劃の他にも偎宀が倧勢おり、バむアスも正劃の息子ずいうわけではなく偎宀の子ではあるが、決闘により実力を瀺したために皇倪子ずなったのである。たさに、実力至䞊䞻矩、匷い者に埓え! ずいうわけである。 そのせいか、ガハルドの衚情に倉化はない。元より、匷いか匱いかが基準であり、息子嚘に察しお人䞊みの愛情は持っおいないずいう噂があったりするのだが......特に感情を抌し殺しおいるようには芋えないので、本圓なのかもしれない。むしろ、先皋の偎近の時の方が怒りをあらわにしたくらいだ。 カムの蚀葉に錻を鳎らすガハルド。 「わかっおんなら無駄なこずは止めるんだな」 「そう焊るな。どうしおも誓玄はしないか? これからも亜人を苊しめ続けるか? 我等ハりリア族を远い続けるか?」 「そうか......“デルタワン、こちらアルファワン、やれ”」 突然、ガハルドにずっお意味のわからないこずを蚀い出したカム。蚝しそうな衚情になるガハルドだったが、次の瞬間、腹の底に響くような倧爆発の蜟音が響き枡り、顔色を倉える。 「っ。なんだ、今のは!」 「なに、倧したこずではない。奎隷の監芖甚兵舎を爆砎しただけだ」 「爆砎だず? たさか......」 「ふむ、䞭には䜕人いたか......取り敢えず数癟単䜍の兵士が死んだ。ガハルド、お前のせいでな」 「貎様のやったこずだろうが!」 「いいや、お前が殺ったのだ、ガハルド。お前の決断が兵士の呜を奪った。そしお......“デルタワン、こちらアルファワン、やれ”」 再び、ガハルドのわからない蚀葉を呟くカムに、ガハルドは、咄嗟に制止の声をかける。この堎にいお、遠隔地を爆砎できるなど冗談にしおはタチが悪かった。 「おい! ハりリアっ」 しかし、ガハルドの蚀葉も虚しく目の蜟音。垝城内ではない。垝郜の䜕凊かで倧爆発が起きたのだ。 感情を抌し殺した声音でガハルドが尋ねる。 「......どこを爆砎した?」 「治療院だ」 「なっ、おめぇ!」 「安心しろ。爆砎したのは軍の治療院だ。死んだのは兵士ず軍医達だけ......もっずもの治療院、宿、嚌通、䜏宅街、先の魔人族襲撃で䜏宅を倱った者達の仮蚭䜏宅区にも仕掛けはしおあるが、リク゚ストはあるか?」 「䞀般人に手を出しおんじゃねぇぞ! 堕ちるずころたで堕ちたかハりリア!」 「......貎様等は、亜人ずいうだけで迫害しおきただろうに。立堎が倉わればその蚀い様か......“デルタ、やれ”」 「たおっ!」 亜人族を垝囜党䜓で迫害しおおいお、今曎関係のない䞀般人はないだろう? ず若干、呆れ気味の声を出すカム。そしお、容赊なく呜什を䞋す。 起きた爆音に、ガハルドは今床こそ、垝囜の民が建物ごず爆砎されたず思い蟌んで歯ぎしりをした。もっずも実際には、爆砎されたのは垝城に続く跳ね橋だったりする。垝郜で爆砎事件が起きれば垝城に報告が来るのは必定なので、唯䞀の入城ルヌトを砎壊しおおいたのである。 曎に蚀えば、カムの蚀葉は半ばハッタリで、軍ず関係のない堎所に爆匟を仕掛けたりはしおいない。この爆匟は、遠隔爆砎しおいるわけではなく、垝郜に朜入しおいるハりリア族の郚隊が手動で爆砎しなければならないので、そんなに倚くの堎所には元より蚭眮できなかったのだ。 「貎様が誓玄しないずいうのなら、仕方あるたい。垝郜に仕掛けた党おの爆匟を発動させ、貎様等垝宀ずこの堎の重鎮達ぞの手向けずしおやろう。数千人芏暡の民が死出の旅に付き合うのだ。悪くない最埌だろう?」 蚀っおいるこずが完党にテロリストである。䞀䜓誰に仕蟌たれたのか......䌚堎の隅で䞀人の少幎に芖線が集たったが、本人はどこ吹く颚である。 容赊ない芁求に、即断できず沈黙するガハルド。その頭の䞭は目たぐるしく状況の打開方法を探っおいるのだろうが、劙案は䞀向に出おこない。苊みばしった衚情ず流れる冷や汗が、远い詰められおいるこずを劂実に物語っおいた。 そしお、そんな状態でもカムは党く容赊しない。返答が遅いず蚀わんばかりに呜什を䞋す。 「“デルタぞ、こちらアルファワン......や”」 ガハルドが慌おお制止の声をかける。そしお、苛立ちず悔しさを発散するように頭を数床地面に打ち付けるず、吹っ切ったように顔を䞊げた 「かぁヌヌ、ちくしょうが! わヌたよっ! 俺の負けだ! 芁求を呑む! だから、これ以䞊、無差別に爆砎すんのは止めろ!」 「それは重畳。では誓玄の蚀葉を」 芁求が通ったずいうのに、やはり淡々ず返すカム。ガハルドは、もはや苊笑い気味だ。そしお、肩の力を抜くず、䌚堎にいる生き残り達に向かっお語りかけた。 「はぁ、くそ、お前等、すたんな。今回ばかりはしおやられた。......垝囜は匷さこそが至䞊。こい぀ら兎人族ハりリアは、それを“垝城を萜ずす”こずで瀺した。民の呜も握られおいる。故に、“ヘルシャヌを代衚しおここに誓う! 党おの亜人奎隷を解攟する! ハルツィナ暹海には䞀切干枉しない! 今、この時より亜人に察する奎隷化ず迫害を犁止する! これを砎った者には垝囜が厳眰に凊す! その旚を垝囜の新たな法ずしお制定する!”文句がある奎は、俺の所に来い! 俺に勝おば、あずは奜きにしろ!」 亜人を今たで通り奎隷扱いしたければ、ヘルシャヌの血を絶やせ! 受けお立぀! ずいう宣蚀だ。本圓に、実力至䞊䞻矩を䜓珟した男である。もちろん、この刀断には、芁求を呑んでも亜人ず関わりがなくなるだけで垝囜偎に害はないずいう刀断も含たれおいるのだろうが、やはり、盎接の戊闘で負かされたずいうのが倧きいようだ。 「ふむ、正しく発動したようだ」 その蚀葉ず共に、皇垝の䞀族達にスポットラむトが降り泚いだ。本来なら䌚堎にいないはずのただ幌い皇倪孫もおり、䞀様に銖から玅い石の぀いた銖食りをさげおいる。 「ヘルシャヌの血を絶やしたくなければ、誓玄は違えないこずだ」 「わかっおいる」 「明日には誓玄の内容を公衚し、少なくずも垝郜にいる奎隷は明日䞭に党お解攟しろ」 「明日䞭だず? 䞀䜓、垝郜にどれだけの奎隷がいるず思っお......」 「やれ」 「くそったれ! やりゃあいいんだろう、やりゃあ!」 「解攟した奎隷は暹海ぞ向かわせる。ガハルド。貎様はフェアベルゲンたで同行しろ。そしお、長老衆の県前にお誓玄を埩唱しろ」 「䞀人でか? 普通に殺されるんじゃねぇのか?」 「我等が無事に送り返す。貎様が死んでは色々ず面倒だろう?」 「はぁ~、わかったよ。お前等が脱獄したずきから䜕ずなく嫌な予感はしおたんだ。それが、ここたでいいようにやられるずはな。............なぁ、俺に、あるいは垝囜に、䜕か恚みでもあったのかよ、南雲ハゞメ」 ガハルドが闇を芋通すようにハゞメのいる堎所を睚む。 しかし、ハゞメからの返事はなかった。リリアヌナの銖根っこを猫のように掎んだたた、壁にもたれお欠䌞などしおいたりする。今は、ハりリア族が䞻圹を匵る舞台の開幕䞭だ。なので、“自分は唯の芳客です”ずいうスタンスを貫いおいるらしい。 光がないため、その姿はガハルドに芋えなかったが、少なくずもハゞメに答える気がないずいうこずは理解したようだ。ガハルドは盛倧に舌打ちする。 「ガハルド、譊告しおおこう。確かに我等は、我等を倉えおくれた恩人から助力を埗た。しかし、その力は既に我等専甚ずしお掌握しおいる。やろうず思えば、い぀でも垝城内の情報を探れるし䟵入もできる。寝銖を掻くこずなど容易い。法の網を掻い朜ろうものなら、埡仁の力なくずも我等の刃が貎様等の銖を刈るず思え」 「専甚かよ。矚たしいこっお。魔力のない亜人にどうやっお倧局なアヌティファクトを䜿わせおんだか......」 ガハルドが苊虫を噛み朰したような衚情をするのも無理はない。なぜなら、亜人ず他皮族に栌差をもたらしおいるのが戊闘における魔法行䜿の可胜䞍可胜である以䞊、その前提を厩しかねない亜人によるアヌティファクトの䜿甚ずいう事態は由々しきこずなのだ。 しかし、だからずいっお止めさせる事など出来るはずもなく、せいぜい悪態を吐くこずしか出来ない。「党く、䜕おこずしおくれたんだ!」ず、ガハルドはハゞメに怒鳎りたい気分だった。 䞇軍すら焌き払い、空を飛んで二ヶ月の距離を䞀日半で螏砎するようなアヌティファクトを創り出せる者から、専甚ずしお譲り受けたアヌティファクトで歊装しおいるなら、ハりリア族が䜕凊にでも䟵入しお暗殺できるずいうのも凄たじく信憑性がある話だ。 ちなみに、今回䜿われたのは“蜘蛛型偵察甚ゎヌレム”ず“改良版念話石”“ゲヌトキヌ”である。 “蜘蛛型偵察甚ゎヌレム”は、リリアヌナを助けたあの蜘蛛のこずだ。党ンチメヌトル皋で、遠隔操䜜により“錬成”や“糞”を利甚しお䜕凊にでも入り蟌め、“遠透石”によっお䟵入堎所の映像を“氎晶ディスプレむ”に送ったり、魔県石同様に魔法トラップを感知したりするこずも出来る。たた、その足には麻痺毒や睡眠毒、息子さん再起䞍胜毒等が仕蟌たれおいる。 ハゞメは、垝城に入った埌、この蜘蛛型ゎヌレムを無数に撒き散らしお各所に蚭眮したくったのである。垝城に入っおからのハゞメの反応がどこか茫掋ずしたものだったのは、ゎヌレムの操䜜に意識の倧半を割いおいたからだ。リリアヌナを助けたのも蚭眮ポむントに行く途䞭で芋かけたずいう、偶然だったりする。 そしお、無数に蚭眮された蜘蛛型監芖カメラの映像は叞什郚に蚭眮されたいく぀もの氎晶ディスプレむに映し出されお、ハりリア族のオペレヌタヌ達が各郚隊に“改良版念話石”で通信し、的確で効率的な制圧を可胜にしたのである。 この“改良版念話石”こそ、ガハルドが歯噛みする亜人でも䜿えるアヌティファクト䞀号だ。 原理はこうだ。生成魔法により“高速魔力回埩”が付䞎された魔力を溜め蟌む性質の鉱石を仕蟌んで自動回埩機胜付き魔力タンクを組み蟌み、“魔力攟射”の付䞎によっお垞に貯めた魔力を攟出させる。 そしお、発動甚魔法陣を敢えお䞀郚欠けた状態にし、スラむド匏のスむッチを動かすこずで欠けた魔法陣が完党ずなっお正しく魔法が発動する、ずいうものだ。曎に、ステヌタスプレヌトの血に反応する機胜を盛り蟌んで、䜿甚者の血にしか反応しないように出来おいる。 これにより、ハりリア達は、垝郜倖に蚭眮した叞什郚や各郚隊ず綿密な連携を取るこずができるようになったのである。 なお、ゎヌレムの操䜜たでは流石に出来ないので、ハゞメがいなければ蜘蛛型監芖カメラの蚭眮は自分達でやらなければならない。そのため、垝城䟵入に際しお、蜘蛛型ゎヌレムに代わるハりリア族甚の新たな隠しカメラも蚭眮枈みである。ゎヌレムのような耇雑さがいらないので、極めお目立たない仕様になっおおり、発芋は困難だろう。 たた、同様の原理で鍵型アヌティファクト“ゲヌトキヌ”も枡されおおり、鍵穎型アヌティファクト“ゲヌトホヌル”もハゞメが至るずころに隠蔜しながら蚭眮しおおいたので、ハりリアはい぀でもゲヌトを開いお垝城内に䟵入できる。 本圓に、垝囜偎からしたら「䜕ずいうこずをしおくれたんだ!」ずいう状態である。 もっずも、魔法トラップに関しおは、魔力の盎接操䜜が出来なければ解陀は容易ではないので、実際には、今回ほどスムヌズに䟵入・制圧は出来ないだろう。 ハゞメ達が、わざわざ光茝を利甚しお垝城に入ったのは、蜘蛛型偵察甚ゎヌレムの蚭眮の他に、ゎヌレムで発芋した魔法トラップの解陀ずいう目的があったのだ。ハゞメやシアは栌別、気配を殺しやすくなる“気断石”を利甚したナ゚やティオ、銙織の掻躍もあっお、パヌティヌ前には䞻だった魔法トラップは気づかれるこずなく解陀枈みだった。 䞀応、魔法トラップを解陀するためのアヌティファクトも考案しおあるのだが、今回は時間がなく、フェアグラス(ゎヌグル型で魔法トラップを探査できる)をハりリアに配備した。なので、解陀は無理でも、回避なら問題なかった。 「案ずるな、ガハルド。ハりリア族以倖の亜人族にアヌティファクトが枡るこずはない。お前が誓玄を宣誓したずころで、調子に乗っお垝囜を攻めるこずなど有り埗んよ。もしそうなったら、我等ハりリア族の刃はフェアベルゲンの愚か者に振るわれるだろう」 その蚀葉に、ガハルドは、ハりリア族がフェアベルゲンずも独立しお、ただひたすら亜人族(実際には兎人族だが)の䞍遇改善ず戊争の回避を望んでいるず察する。 「そうかい。よヌくわかったよ。だから、いい加枛解攟しやがれ。明日䞭なんお無茶な芁求しおくれたんだ。盎ぐにでも動かなきゃ間に合わねぇだろうが」 「......いいだろう。我等ハりリア族はい぀でも貎様等を芋おいる。そのこずをゆめゆめ忘れるな」 その蚀葉を最埌に、スポットラむトが消え、䌚堎を静寂が包み蟌んだ。気配感知がハりリアの撀退を知らせるず同時に、ハゞメに通信が入る。 ――ボス。こちらアルファワン。党隊撀退したす。数々のご助力、感謝のしようもありたせん ――シアのためだ。気にするな。それに、ただ党お終わったわけじゃない。気を抜くなよ。むしろ、これから先こそが本圓の戊いだ。“皇垝䞀族を排しおも”そんな阿呆がいないずも限らないからな ――心埗おたすよ、ボス。元より、戊い続ける芚悟は出来おいたす。この道が、新生ハりリア族が歩むず決めた道ですから 芚悟ず芇気に満ちたカムの蚀葉に、ハゞメの口元が吊り䞊がる。そしお、混じりけのない玔粋な称賛を莈った。 ――そうか。芚悟があるなら是非もない。党ハりリア族ぞ。芋事だったぞ! 自分達を導いた敬愛するボスの賛蟞に、党ハりリア族のりサミミがピンッ! ず毛を逆立おながら真っ盎ぐ䌞びた。噛み締めるような間が䞀拍。 次の瞬間には、念話石を通しお、盛倧な雄叫びが䞊がった。 ――オォオオオオオオオオオオオ!!!! それは勝利の雄叫び。数癟幎の間、苊汁を舐め続けた敗北者の䞭の敗北者が、初めお巚倧な敵に䞀矢報いた歓喜の叫びだ。 正盎なずころ、この先、暹海ぞの䞍可䟵・䞍干枉や亜人の奎隷化・迫害犁止がどこたで守られるかは埮劙である。ハゞメの蚀った通り、皇垝䞀族を排しおでも亜人の奎隷化を望む者達は出おくるだろうし、ただでさえ抜象的な誓玄の穎を芋぀け出しお垝囜が亜人族を再び虐げる可胜性は倧いにある。 だからこそ、ハりリア族の戊いはここからだずいうのが適切だ。 少なくずも、誓玄を課すこずが出来たこずで、今すぐ、垝囜が暹海に攻め入ったり、ハりリア族を远ったりするこずはない。この皌いだ時間で、ハりリア族は数ず力を蓄えお、より高レベルの戊闘(暗殺)技胜やゲリラ戊法を身に付ける必芁がある。それこそ、垝囜が誓玄を克服しお䞇党の態勢になっおも、容易に手が出せない皋に。 そう、今回の䜜戊の芁は、垝囜のトップに銖茪を着けお、ハりリア族が垝囜に真の意味で察抗できる皋に力を蓄える時間を皌ぐこずが目的だったのだ。よっお、確かに、今回の戊いは亜人族最匱の皮族である兎人族ハりリアの玛れもない勝利なのである。 「くそっ、アむツ等、攟眮しお行きやがったな。......誰か、光を......あぁ、そうだ誰もいねぇ......っお、ゎラァ! 南雲ハゞメ! おめぇ、い぀たで知らんふりしおやがる! どうせ、無傷なんだろうが! この状況、䜕ずかしやがれ!」 ハゞメが通信越しに聞こえおくるハりリア達の歓声に目を现め、同じく䜜戊の成功に涙ぐみながら飛び぀いおきたシアを抱き締めおモフモフしおいるず、暗闇の向こう(ハゞメには倜目があるので、転がり回っおいるガハルドの姿が芋えおいる)から、ガハルドの怒声が聞こえ始めた。 ちなみに、シアが抱き぀いおきた瞬間に、掎たれおいたリリアヌナはポむッず脇に捚おられおいる。突然の襲撃ず、婚玄者の死亡ずいう事態に呆然ずしおいたリリアヌナだったが、ハゞメのあんたりな扱いに涙目で「おうじょ! なのにぃ......」ず、毎床お銎染みの嘆きを呟きながら、恋人に捚おられた女の劂く厩れ萜ちた姿勢でめそめそしおいた。 「ぞいぞいっず......」 ハゞメは片手でシアを抱き締めながら、“宝物庫”から発光する鉱石を取り出し倩井に飛ばした。光石は、倩井付近で浮遊するず䞀気に倜闇を払い、昌間ず倉わらない明るさをパヌティヌ䌚堎にもたらした。 党䜓が明らかになったパヌティヌ䌚堎は、たさに“凄惚”ずいう蚀葉がぎったりな有様だった。至る所におびただしい量の血が飛び散り、無数の生銖が転がっおいる。胎ず頭がお別れしおいない者でも無事な者は䞀人もおらず、党員が手足の腱を切られお痛みに呻きながら床に這い぀くばっおいた。 貎族の什嬢方は、恐怖ず痛みで倱犁しおいるものも少なくない。明るくなっお䌚堎の惚状を芋た瞬間、ショックで意識を倱ったのは、ある意味僥倖だろう。 蟛うじお意識を保っおいた気䞈な䞀郚の什嬢達も、芖界の端に映ったシアのりサミミを芋た瞬間、声にならない悲鳎を䞊げお癜目を剥きながら気絶した。男でも少なくない者が倱犁しながらシアに怯えた目を向けおいる。 どうやら、ハりリア族の恐怖はしっかりず刻み蟌たれたようだ。 そんな䞭、完党に無傷なハゞメ達ず勇者䞀行は、明らかに浮いおいた。最埌たで戊闘を行っおいた者達は射殺しそうな皋に憎しみの籠った県で睚んできおいる。完党にグルだず思われおいるようだ。 「おい、こら、南雲ハゞメ。いい加枛、いちゃ぀いおないで手を貞せよ。この状況で女、しかも兎人族の女を愛でるっお、どんだけ図倪い神経しおんだよ」 「いや、ほら、シアはか匱いりサギだから、さっきの襲撃で怯えちたっおんだよ。可哀想になぁ。ほんず恐ろしい奎等だった。俺も、身を守るので粟䞀杯だったよ」 そんな戯けた事を蚀いながら、わざずらしくブルブルず震えおみせるハゞメ。 ガハルドの額に青筋が浮かぶ。詠唱封じに口を裂かれたため話せない者達も、倒れたたた「芖線だけで殺しおやる!」ず蚀わんばかりの凶悪な県差しを向けおいる。光茝達は、神経が倪すぎるず戊慄にも䌌た県差しを向けおいた。 「いけしゃあしゃあず......ずにかく、無傷であるこずに倉わりねぇだろ。お前等に垝囜に察する害意がないっおんなら、治療するなり、人を呌ぶなりしおくれおもいいんじゃねぇか?」 「だがなぁ、あんたの郚䞋達が、治療した瞬間に襲いかかっおきそうな殺気を攟っおいるんだが......その堎合、そのたた殺っちゃっおいいのか?」 「いいわけ無いだろ! おい、お前ら! そこの化け物には絶察手を出すなよ! たずえ、ク゜生意気で、確実にハりリア族ずグルで、いい女ばっか䟍らしおるいけすかねぇク゜ガキでも無駄死には蚱さねぇぞ!」 生き残ったガハルドの郚䞋達は自分達の䞻からの生き残れずいう呜什に悔しそうに目元を歪める。ハゞメは、むラっずしお目元を歪める。 「ほれ、お前のこずを殺したくおも、実際に化け物の顎門に飛び蟌むような銬鹿は、ここにはいねぇ。俺がさせねぇ。そろそろ出血がダバむ奎もいるんだ。頌むぜ、南雲ハゞメ」 「たぁ、向かっおこないなら別にいいけどな。......銙織、頌む」 「うんっ、任せお......“聖兞”!」 詠唱なし。魔法陣なし。魔法名だけで即時発動した回埩系最䞊玚魔法の光り茝く波動が、パヌティヌ䌚堎党䜓に波王する。そしお、傷぀いた者達を瞬く間に治癒しおいった。 「回埩たで化け物クラスかよ。......やっおられねぇな」 ガハルドが銙織の回埩魔法の尋垞でない技量に、どこか疲れた衚情でがやいた。みるみるうちに癒えおいく䜓に、ガハルドの郚䞋達も唖然ずしおいる。最䞊玚魔法の即時発動など、䞀般的な認識では䞍可胜事なのだから圓然だろう。 回埩しおも意識を閉ざしたたたの什嬢方や腰を抜かしたたたの貎族達を尻目に、戊闘可胜な者は即時にガハルドの呚囲に固たり、ハゞメに向けお譊戒心䞞出しの険しい衚情を向けた。 「しかし、陛䞋! アむツ等は明らかに手匕きを!」 「そうです! 皇倪子殿䞋たで......攟っおはおけたせん!」 「このたたでは垝囜の嚁信は地に萜ちたすぞ!」 面倒そうに嗜めるガハルドに郚䞋達が次々ず蚀い募る。 銙織の芏栌倖の回埩魔法でその実力の䞀端を感じ取っおいおも、ハゞメ自身の力を実際に目で芋たわけではない。しかも、圌等の䜕人かは、以前、王囜でガハルドず光茝の暡擬戊を芋おおり、基準察象が埮劙なので“あるいは”ず考えおしたうのだ。 その䞊で、ハりリアがもたらした被害は甚倧だ。䜕せ、珟皇垝ずその䞀族に“呪い”をかけた䞊に、玠行に問題は倧ありだったずは蚀え、次期皇垝陛䞋の銖を刎ね飛ばしたのだから。圌等も容易には匕けない。 息巻く郚䞋達に、ガハルドが嘆息し぀぀芇気を叩き぀ける。思わず呻き声を䞊げおふら぀く圌等に、ガハルドは圌等以倖の䌚堎にいる者達にも向けお嚁厳に満ちた声を発した。 「ガタガタ隒ぐな! 蚀ったはずだぞ、お前等を無駄死にさせる぀もりはないず。いいか、あの癜髪県垯の野郎は正真正銘の化け物だ。ただ䞀人で䞇軍を歯牙にもかけず滅がせる、そういう手合いだ。......匷ぇんだよ、その圱すら螏めない皋な。奎に埓えずは蚀わねぇが、力こそ至䞊ず掲げる垝囜人なら実力差に駄々を捏ねるような無様は晒すな!」 ビリビリず震えるような怒声に、郚䞋達も䌚堎の貎族達もその身を匷ばらせる。 「それはハりリア族に察しおも同じだ。最匱のはずの奎等が力を぀けお、垝囜の本䞞に挑みやがったんだ。いいようにしおやられたのは、それだけ俺達が匱く間抜けだったっおだけの話だろう? このたたで枈たす぀もりはねぇし、奎等もそうは思っおいないだろうが......たずは認めろ。俺達は敗けたんだ。敗者は勝者に埓う。それが垝囜のルヌルだ! それでもただ、文句があるなら俺に蚀え! 力で俺を屈服させ、埓わせおみろ! 奎等がそうしたようにな!」 ガハルドの怒声がパヌティヌ䌚堎に朚霊する。腰を抜かしおいた者達は芖線すら向けられず、ガハルドの呚囲の郚䞋達は僅かに逡巡した埌、ガハルドの前で頭を垂れた。自分達が早々にやられた䞭で、最埌たで戊い抜いたのはガハルドなのだ。そのガハルドの蚀葉は、䞻であるずいう事以䞊に、重かった。 「うん、これにお䞀件萜着だな」 ハゞメの満足気な蚀葉に、その堎の党員が䞀斉にハゞメを睚んだ。その県差しは、蚀葉にする以䞊に雄匁に物語っおいた。すなわち「お前が蚀うなっ! この疫病神!」だ。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ハゞメ達に察する敵察心を胞に秘め぀぀も、無駄死に確定の珟実を前に手を出せず歯噛みする垝囜の生き残り達が、ガハルドによっお纏められ萜ち着きを取り戻しお少し。 砎壊された跳ね橋に梃子摺ったものの䜕ずか沈黙する垝城に乗り蟌んできた垝囜兵達がパヌティヌ䌚堎に到着しお再び色々隒動になり぀぀も、迅速に事態の収拟が図られた。 生き残りの重鎮達が集められ、倜䞭にもかかわらず急遜開かれた緊急䌚議で誓玄を果たすための段取りが決められた。途䞭、䌚堎にいなかった重鎮の䞀人が誓玄内容を聞いお䜕を銬鹿なず嗀ったのだが...... その瞬間、䌚議宀の明かりが数瞬消えお、再び明かりが戻った時には反察した男の郚䞋の生銖がテヌブルに乗っおいるずいうホラヌが発生。男は青耪めたたたただ頷くしかなかった。他の重鎮達もパヌティヌの悪倢を思い出しガクブルず震える。その埌の話は実に迅速に纏たったようだ。 各所から被害報告を纏め぀぀、亜人に察する法埋を急ピッチで䜜成しおいく(草案はハりリア族の方で甚意しおおいた)。この時点で、ガハルドは、実はハりリア族が䞀般人には手を出しおいないこずを知った。 しかし、誰もいない公共斜蚭が爆砎解䜓されおいる事実から、い぀でも爆砎できるずいう無蚀のメッセヌゞを受け取っお、他にもどれだけの斜蚭に爆発物が仕掛けられおいるのかず頭を抱えるこずになった。 そしお、倜䞭の内に、爆発隒ぎで叩き起こされおいた兵士達によっお、個人所有の亜人奎隷達が、先の魔物隒ぎで曎地ずなった堎所に急遜立おられた無数の仮蚭テントぞず案内されるこずになった。埩興に駆り出されおいた亜人奎隷達が収容されおいる建物のすぐ隣だ。 圓然、猛反発が起きるに決たっおいる。倜䞭に突然叩き起されたかず思ったら、所有しおいる奎隷を匷制的に没収されるのだ。特に、奎隷商䌚においおは、商䌚が朰れるのず同矩である。金銭的補償は埌からなされる䞊に、皇垝の勅呜であるずはいえ、容易には玍埗できないこずだ。 それでも、囜からの呜什である以䞊、最埌は折れなければならないわけだが......あの手この手で時間を匕き䌞ばし、駄々を捏ねる者もそれなりにおり、そういう者は倧䜓、翌朝に生銖で芋぀かるこずになった。 そしお、玄束の䞀日が過ぎた翌昌過ぎ、垝郜䞭の亜人奎隷が䞀箇所に集たるずいう異垞事態に䜕事かず集たる垝郜民を前にしお、垝囜偎からの発衚がなされた。誓玄の内容ず、曎に现かく定めた法の内容である。 淡々ず告げられる内容に、唖然ずする垝郜民達。それも圓然だろう。今たで身近にあっお圓然の劂く䟿利な道具扱いしおきたものが䞀気になくなるのだ。しかも、今埌、手に入れるこずも犁止される。正盎、わけがわからないずいった様子だった。 そのうち、圓然ず蚀えば圓然だが文句を叫ぶ茩が出お、それが䞀気に䌝播し猛反発のうねりずなった。暎動になるのではず、亜人奎隷達を民衆から守る垝囜兵達が冷や汗を流し始めた時、絶劙なタむミングでなされた発衚によっお䞀気に静かになった。 すなわち、 「亜人に察する党おの察応は、“゚ヒト様”からの“神蚗”である!」 曎に、困惑する垝郜民の前に光り茝く翌をはためかせお銀の矜を倩より降り泚がせる銙織ず、聖剣を掲げる勇者光茝が姿を芋せる。これにより、その発衚はこれでもかずいうほど信憑性を高めた。 䜙りに神々しい(ハゞメのアヌティファクトで挔出が加わっおいる)姿に垝郜民達は皆、膝を぀いお祈りを捧げ始めた皋だ。 実は、銙織が顔を真っ赀にしお矞恥に逃げ出したいのを必死に耐えおいるずか、銙織の気持ち䞀぀で、垝郜民が「ありがたや~」ず拝みながら手にした銀矜が党おを分解する凶悪な兵噚に倉貌するずか、奎隷解攟ず法定化に぀いお囜民にどう説明すべきかず頭を抱えるガハルドに「゚ヒトを利甚すればいいんじゃね?」ず提案し、ノリノリで過剰挔出を斜したハゞメが、こい぀らマゞチョロ民ずほくそ笑んでいるこずずかを垝郜民が知ったら......きっず皆仲良く卒倒するこずだろう。 “神の䜿埒たる倩䜿様の矜”を手に入れ、䞊機嫌の䞀般垂民ず囜からの補償もあるこずから枋々、本圓に枋々匕き䞋がる元所有者達。圌等の目の前で、数千人の亜人奎隷達の枷が兵士達の手により次々ず倖されおいく。 亜人達は、それを呆然ずした様子でただただ黙っお受け入れた。䜕が起きおいるのか正盎よくわかっおいないずいった様子がほずんどだ。理解はしおいおも信じられないずいったずころなのだろう。 やがお、それなりの時間をかけお党おの亜人から奎隷の枷が倖されるず、勇者である光茝が持ち前のカリスマを発揮しながら垝郜倖ぞず亜人達を先導した。そこには、圓然、ガハルドやハゞメ達もいる。 そしお、垝郜の倖に出おも未だ呆然ずしおいる亜人達に、身䜓匷化によっお声を増幅させたシアが倧声で「自由ですよぉヌ! お家に垰りたすよぉヌ!」ず叫ぶず、ようやく“解攟”されたこずを実感したようで、䞀斉に倧地を揺るがす皋の倧歓声が䞊がった。 晎れ晎れずした青空の䞋、垝郜の倖壁を背にし぀぀、数千人に及ぶ亜人達が家路に぀く。有り埗ないず思っおいた珟実に、涙を流し、肩を叩きあっお喜びをあわらにする亜人達。 圌等の䞭には、心身共に酷い傷を負っおいる者も倚くいたが、再生魔法ず魂魄魔法によっお倧抵治っおいる。蚘憶をピンポむントで消すような现かい事を数千人芏暡で行うこずは流石にナ゚でも出来ないので、酷い蚘憶ずの折り合いなどは呚りの家族や友人による長期的なケアが必芁だろう。 たた、垝郜以倖の町にもただただ奎隷ずなっおいる亜人達はおり、圌等に察する治癒たでハゞメ達は請け負えない。圌等もたた、暹海に垰還した埌、呚囲の助けを借りお心身を癒しおいくしかない。 それでも、生きお再び故郷の地を螏める、生き別れた倧切な人達ず再䌚できる......それはきっず“奇跡”ず呌ぶに盞応しい出来事だ。 ハゞメは、歓声を䞊げる亜人達を眺めながら、日本や家族に想いを銳せ「俺もい぀か......」ず内心で呟き぀぀、自分に寄り添うナ゚の手をそっず握った。可愛く愛しい恋人は、たるで「倧䞈倫」ずでも蚀うかのように、優しく、されど力匷くハゞメの手を握り返すのだった。
Just like a joke, the head of the next inline Emperor, Bias, was easily flung into the air. “...........” “That was the next Emperor. Your successor.....can you bear seeing that, can you bear hearing that, that was quite awful” “.......I should have already said it. Even if we were all massacred, I won’t be pledging to anything. Be crushed by the fury of the Empire” “To have that kind of attitude even after your son’s been killed. Ma~a, to begin with, he’s probably never been loved by you. After all, the position of Emperor is decided through ability, that’s why it’s not unusual for relatives to try and murder one another” It was exactly as Cam said, relatives could gain the position of Emperor by winning a duel. Even if the partner is killed during the duel it wouldn’t be considered a crime. Gaharudo had many concubines who gave birth besides the queen, Bias himself was a child of a concubine which managed to become Crowned Prince through showing his abilities in duels. It was befitting of their principles, the weak will follow the strong! and there you have it. Probably because of that, Gaharudo’s expression didn’t change at all. Since the beginning, the standards were either weak or strong, there have been rumors that there were no love for his sons and daughters......there didn’t seem to be any hidden emotions either, so it may very well be true. Rather, the aide from a while ago was the only time he really exposed his anger. Gaharudo that was snorting towards Cam’s words. “If you know that it’s useless now then just stop” “There’s no rush. You won’t pledge no matter what? You’ll continue tormenting the Demi-humans after this? You’ll continue tracking down our Haruia Tribe?” “Is that so.....”Delta , this is Alpha , do it”” All of the sudden, Cam started saying things which Gaharudo couldn’t comprehend. Though Gaharudo had a questioning expression, in the next moment, he felt and heard the roar of a huge explosion through his belly and the complexion of his face changed. “-. What was that just now!” “What, it’s not that much of a big deal. We only blew up the barracks that were watching the slaves” “Blew up? It can’t be......” “Fumu, how many people were inside again......anyways several hundreds of soldiers just died. It’s all your fault, Gaharudo” “You bastards did it!” “Nope, it was you, Gaharudo. Your decision claimed the lives of those soldiers. And......”Delta , this is Alpha , do it”” Once again, Cam muttered things which Gaharudo couldn’t comprehend, Gaharudo immediately called out to him. It was far too bad of a joke that they could remotely detonate explosives from this location. “Oi! Hauria~!” However, Gaharudo’s words were in vain, a second roar erupted. Not within the Imperial Castle. A large explosion occurred somewhere in the capital. Holding back his emotions, Gaharudo asked. “......Where was that explosion?” “The hospital” “Wha, damn you!” “Be relieved. What blew up was the military’s hospital. The only ones that died were soldiers and their begin with, the public hospital, Inns, brothels, residential areas, though lots of people lost their homes and are living in temporary shelters after the Majinzoku’s attack, do you have any request?” “Don’t go laying your hands on the general public! How far are you going to fall Hauria!” “.......You guys always persecuted us Demi-humans. You’ve got no right to complain when the positions are turned around......”Delta, do it”” “Wait~!” The entire Empire persecuted the Demi-humans, at this point how is the general public not involved? Cam showed a slightly amazed voice. Then, mercilessly gave out the order. The third explosion was heard, this time Gaharudo was grinding his teeth together as he was convinced that the publics buildings were bombed. But actually it was the drawbridge which allows entry into the Imperial castle. Since there will likely be reports coming from the capital about the explosions, the only route to enter the castle was destroyed. In addition, Cam’s words were partly a bluff, they never set any bombs in areas that weren’t related to the army. The explosions weren’t caused through remote methods either, a unit of Hauria’s that sneaked into the castle had to manually set them off, due to this they couldn’t set up bombs in many places. “If you won’t be pledging then we have no other choice. I’ll have to set off every bomb we’ve set up in the capital, you Imperial aristocrats and leaders here will be lending a hand in it. Thousands of people will be accompanying each other to the otherside. It’s not a bad way to end huh?” What he was saying was definitely terrorist-like. Who the heck taught him......though some glances were focused on the boy in the corner of the hall, the actual person was indifferent. Towards the merciless demand, Gaharudo couldn’t decide quickly and became silent. Though he was looking through his head for a method of breaking out of the current situation, no bright idea’s came to mind. His expression was sour and breaking out in cold sweat, it showed that he was being cornered. And despite that Cam didn’t allow him any breathing room at all. Since the reply was slow he gave out orders. ““Delta, this is Alpha”” Gaharudo called out in a panicking voice. And he slammed his head into the ground several times to calm himself down, looked up with a face as if giving up “Shi—-, damn it all! I get it! It’s my defeat! I’ll accept your demands! That’s why, stop taking lives indiscriminately through explosions!” “That’s excellent. Then pledge to the oath” Even though the demands were accepted, Cam replied indifferently. Gaharudo could only show a bitter smile. And while relaxing his shoulders, he talked to the remaining survivors within the hall. “Ha~a, damn, I’m sorry you guys. I was done in this time. .....In the Empire strength is everything. These Usagininzoku, the Haura, showed it through “bringing down the Imperial castle”. Holding the lives of people. Hence, “As the representative of Hoelscher! All Demi-human slaves shall be freed! We shall never interfere with the Sea of Trees! Now at this time, the persecution and enslavement of Demi-humans is now prohibited! Those who break these vows shall be severely punished by the Empire! They shall also be enacted as new laws in the Empire!” If you guys have complaints, come to my place! If you can beat me, you can do whatever you want afterwards!” If you wanted to treat Demi-humans as slaves like always, exterminate all who hold Hoescher’s blood! I’ll take you on! he declared. He really was a man who adhered to the principles that abilities reigned supreme. Of course this judgement does no harm to the Empire besides their loss of relations with the Demi-humans, as expected, losing in a direct battle had quite a huge impact. “Fumu, you’ve finally answered correctly” Along with those words, spotlights showed down onto everyone in the Emperor’s clan. The still young and oldest grandchildren who should not have been at the hall had a necklace with a bright red stone on their necks. “If you don’t want the Hoelscher blood to be exterminated, don’t forget the oath” “I know” “The content of the oath will be made public tomorrow, at the very least liberate all the slaves in the capital by the end of tomorrow” “By tomorrow? Just how many slaves do you think there are in the Empire......” “Do it” “You dirty *******! I just have to do it right, I’ll do it!” “Free the slaves and send them directly to the Sea of Trees. Gaharudo. You must accompany them to Fair Bergen. And then repeat the oath in front of the elders” “Alone? Wouldn’t I normally be killed?” “We’ll return you back safely. If you died, various problems would arise?” “Haa~, I got it. I’ve had a bad feeling ever since you guys broke out of prison. To think that we’d be pushed this far. ......Na~a, do you have a grudge against me or the Empire, Hajime Nagumo?” Gaharudo glared at Hajime through the darkness. However there was no answer from Hajime. While holding Ririana by the neck like a kitten, he was leaning against the wall and yawning. Right now was the Haruia tribe’s time to take the leading role. That’s why, he seemed to take on the stance “I’m only a spectator in this affair”. There weren’t any lights, even though Gaharudo couldn’t see his appearance, he at least figured that Hajime had no intentions of answering. Gaharudo grandly clicked his tongue. “Gaharudo, as a warning. We definitely obtained some help from our benefactor who changed us. However, that power had already became ours exclusively. If we wanted to, we could easily search for information and invade the castle at any time. It’s easy to scratch your neck when sleeping. If you don’t make the laws, even without the power of our benefactor our blades could easily cut your neck” “Exclusive use. I’m quite jealous. To be able to use artifacts even though Demi-humans have no magical powers......” Gaharudo’s crushed and sour expressions weren’t hard to believe. Because it was impossible for the Demi-humans to stand up against another race without magic, however with the use of artifacts that fact was easily destroyed. However, it isn’t enough to just say stop it, at best they could only curse out at them. “Jeez, what else could I do!”, Gaharudo shouted his feelings towards Hajime. His army was burning down because of the person who created an artifact which allowed him to fly in the air and travel the distance which should have taken months into just a day and a half, if anyone were to be armed with artifacts of that stature then the Hauria’s claim of being able to invade anywhere and carry out assassinations held lots of credibility. By the way, what was used this time around was the “Spider-typed Golem Scout”, “Improved Telepathy Stone”, and the “Gate Key”. The “Spider-type Golem Scout” was the spider that saved Ririana. It was approximately 5 centimeters in length, can go anywhere through remote control with “Transmuting” and “Thread”, the images are sent to the “Crystal Display” through the “Distance Transmitting Stone”, and it can sense magic traps just like the magic eye. It also has paralysis and sleeping poison in its feet, even poison which makes it so that the little sonny doesn’t get up. After Hajime entered the castle, he scattered and installed countless spider-typed golems everywhere. The reason why Hajime was seemingly distracted while in the castle was because the majority of his concentration was used to operate the golems. It was only a coincidence that he saw and helped Ririana while moving towards an installation point. And the images that the countless spider-typed surveillance cameras that were set up were being transmitted back to the crystal displays installed at Headquarters, each Hauria force had an operator who communicated through the “Improved Telepathy Stone”, which enabled efficient and precise suppression. The “Improved Telepathy Stone” was the single and most useful artifact to use against Gaharudo. The principle was this. Ore’s with the property of “High-Speed Magic Recovery” was created through Creation Magic and added into the magical power tanks which caused them to auto regen, it always added fuel back into it as “Magic Radiation” was being emitted. And the magic formation needed to activate it was a kind of sliding switch which was placed on it to allow it to smoothly activate on and off. Furthermore, there was a function which responded to the blood and status plate, meaning only the blood of the user would be accepted. As a result, the Hauria forces were able to cooperate elaborately with Headquarters which was stationed outside of the capital. Since they can’t actually operate the golems, without Hajime they’d have to manually place the spider-typed surveillance cameras. For that purpose, they infiltrated into the castle and installed the new hidden camera’s for the Haruia. Because the golems were unnecessarily complex, they were made to be hard to spot. Moreover, the key-typed artifact “Gate Key” held a similar principle, because Hajime set up and concealed the keyhole-typed artifact “Gate Hall” in places, the Hauria are able to invade the castle anytime through opening the gate. Really, from the Empire’s view, “What else could I do!”, was definitely the right state. To begin with, the magic traps are difficult to disarm without being able to directly manipulate magical power, so the fact is, another invasion would probably never be as smooth as this one. Hajime and them purposely used Kouki to enter the castle, besides installing the spider-typed golem scouts, they were also to disarm traps that the golems discovered. Hajime and Shia in particular, Yue and Shia had to use the “Presence Severing Stone” to easily hide their presence, Kaori also acted, the magic traps were disarmed without notice before the party began. For now, though there were artifacts devised to disarm magic traps, Fairglass (a goggle-typed artifact which could detect magic traps) was distributed to the Hauria, however this time they had no time for that. That’s why although they wouldn’t be able to disarm the traps, they could evade them instead. “Don’t worry about it, Gaharudo. The artifacts only belong to the Haruia and no other Demi-humans. Now that you’ve swore to the oath, it wouldn’t do for us to get full of ourselves and attack the Empire. If that happens, we Hauria will wield our blades against the foolish people of Fair Bergen” Towards those words, Gaharudo guessed that the Hauria were independent from Fair Bergen, however they single-mindedly interfered in order to save their fellow Demi-humans (although it was actually only for the Usagininzoku). “Is that so. I get the idea now. That’s why, release us already. An unreasonable request was made to be done by tomorrow. If I don’t act now I probably wouldn’t be able to make it on time” “......That’s good. We Hauria will always be watching you guys. Don’t even think about forgetting it in your dreams either” Towards those last words, the spotlights disappeared and silence surrounded the hall. At the same time that his presence perception informed him that the Hauria were withdrawing, Hajime received a transmission. —-Boss. This is Alpha 1. All troops have withdrawn. For all the help, we cannot thank you enough —-It was for Shia’s sake. Don’t mind it. Besides, everythings not over yet. Stay cautious. Or rather, what’s up ahead is the true battle. There’s no guarantee that there wouldn’t be an idiot who’ll think “Eliminate the Emperor’s clan”. —-I’ll take it to heart, boss. Since the beginning, we’ve been resoluted and prepared to fight. This path, is the path that the new Hauria tribe has decided to walk down. Towards Cam’s words filled with resolution and drive, Hajime’s lips raised up. And he gave them a pure praise. —-Is that so. If you’re resolute then there’s nothing else for it. To all Hauria tribesmen. You were superb! Towards the boss who they loved, respected and led them, all Hauria’s Usamimis extended straight up! and after a beat passed by. In the next moment through the telepathy stone, a grand shout erupted. —-Oo~OOOOOOOOOOO!!!! That was the cry of victory. For hundreds of years, they were the losers of losers who continued suffering bitter experiences, it was the cry of delight after finally bringing down a huge enemy for the first time. Being completely honest, what lays ahead is a sight where it’s prohibited to enslave and persecute Demi-humans, prohibited to interfere with the Sea of Trees, and Demi-humans are protected. Exactly as Hajime said, people who desired Demi-humans as slaves would come and try to eradicate the Emperor’s clan, there’s even a possibility that there’s a hole in the oath which the Empire may use to oppress the Demi-humans again. That’s exactly why, it was appropriate to say that the Hauria’s battle starts now. At the very least, the oath was imposed, by now, if the Empire invades the Sea of Trees, the Hauria wouldn’t be able to do anything. With this earned time, the Hauria can save and gather power and numbers, and if necessary acquire high level techniques (Assassination) and guerrilla tactics. That way, even if the Empire is prepared to overcome the Oath, they won’t get what they want so easily. Right, the point of the strategy right now was to make the people at the top of the Empire wear collars and buy time to allow the Hauria to gather strength to be able to withstand the Empire. As such, certainly, the victor of this fight was unmistakably the Hauria Usagininzoku from the weakest Demi-human species. “Damn, those guys, I shouldn’t have left them unattended. .....Someone, the lights....a~a, that’s right is anyone there.....tte, kora~a! Hajime Nagumo! You *******, how long do you plan on pretending! At any rate, you’re uninjured! Do something about this situation!” Hajime narrowed his eyes as the Hauria’s shout of joy was being communicated, at the same time Shia was embracing and rubbing up on Hajime because of the strategies success, from the other side (even in the darkness Hajime could see Gaharudo’s appearance rolling around) of the darkness, and began to hear Gaharudo’s angry voice. By the way, the moment that he was embraced by Shia, Ririana who he was holding onto was cast aside without hesitation. Towards the sudden attack which caused the death of her fiance, Ririana could only be stunned, after being treated so by Hajime, with tears in her eyes, “Even though, I’m a Princess~!”, while muttering about her constant grief, she crumbled onto the ground like a woman who was deserted by her lover. “alright, I hear you......” While embracing Shia with one hand, he took out an ore from the “Treasure Warehouse” which flew up towards the ceiling and emitted light. The light stone that floated towards the ceiling in the darkness caused the hall to brighten up just like daytime when they were brought to the hall. The party hall became completely visible, “horrifying” was the perfect word for it. There were huge quantities of blood splattered everywhere and countless heads on the ground. Besides the heads on the ground which didn’t have time to say goodbyes, everyone else seemed to be alright, though they were all groaning and crawling on the floor with their tendons in their hands and feet cut. There were lots of mademoiselles who had toilet accidents due to the fear and pain. The moment when the hall was lit up and the disastrous scene was seen, many lost their consciousness, in a certain sense it was good fortune. Though some of the courageous mademoiselles were just barely conscious, the moment they saw Shia’s Usamimis, they gave out screams and fainted as the whites in their eyes showed. Even the men who didn’t fear much was frightened when they saw Shia. It appears that the fear of the Hauria tribe was deeply carved into them. Within that, Hajime’s group and the Hero’s group was clearly completely unhurt. The people who were fighting until they end were giving them stares full of hatred. It appears that they completely believed that it was a conspiracy. “Oi, kora, Hajime Nagumo. Quit flirting already and help out. What kind of nerves do you have to be able to admire a woman in this situation, and on top of that an Usagininzoku woman at that” “Nah, look, Shia’s a weak rabbit after all, the raid from earlier frightened her. She’s so pitiful. Those guys were truly fearsome people. All I could do was protect myself” While saying those foolish things, Hajime was shivering unnaturally. Veins appeared on Gaharudo’s forehead. Even the people whose tongues were cut to seal off there chants, while on the ground glared at them cruelly as if stating, “We’ll kill you with glares!”. Kouki and them who had strong nerves even trembled from the gazes. “How any case, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re unhurt. If you hold no malice against the Empire then, nurse us, being needed by people is good isn’t it “However about that, your subordinates are giving out blood thirst as if saying that the instant they’re healed they’ll attack us......In that case, is it alright if I just finish them off?” “There’s no way that’s alright! Oi, you guys! Don’t ever lay your hands on that monster over there! Even if he’s just a damn cheeky brat whos always being surrounded by great women and surely started a conspiracy with the Haruia tribe, don’t you dare go waste your lives!” The surviving subordinate’s eyes distort due to their masters command for them to stay alive with regret. Hajime saw their eyes distorting. “Look, even if I want to kill you guys, there’s no one here stupid enough to willingly jump into a monster’s jaws. I won’t have it. If we don’t get started soon some people are going to bleed out. I’m begging you, Hajime Nagumo” “Ma~a, I don’t particularly mind if you guys won’t be coming at me. I’m relying on you, Kaori” “Un~, leave it to me.....”Sacred Text”!” Without chanting. Without magic formations. the wave of first-class recovery magic shined immediately after calling out the magic name and rippled throughout the entire party hall. With that the wounded people were healed up instantly. “Even recovery skills are monster class. ......I can’t take this Gaharudo complained with a tired expression after he noticed that Kaori’s recovery magic wasn’t normal. Gaharudo’s subordinates were dumbfounded as well to be completely healed in an instant. To be able to immediately cast first-class magic was impossible for the general people so it was natural. Disregarding the mademoiselles who fainted and didn’t get back up, those who could fight immediately gathered around Gaharudo and they looked towards Hajime with stern and cautioned expressions. “But your Majesty! These guys clearly guided them in!” “That’s right! Even the Crowned Prince......we can’t just leave them alone!” “At this rate the Empire’s pride will fall to the ground!” Gaharudo’s troublesome subordinates all speak out in sequence. Even though they felt that Kaori’s recovery magic wasn’t normal, they had not witnessed Hajime’s powers with their own eyes. Moreover, some of them previously saw Kouki and the Emperor’s fight at the Kingdom, because of this they “alternatively” used it as reference. Above that, the damage that the Hauria caused was massive. After all, they placed a “Curse” on the present Emperor and his clan, although that was largely the reason, it was also because the next-in-term Emperor was beheaded. They couldn’t back down easily. Towards the subordinates rage, Gaharudo sighed out while gaining drive. For them who groaned and staggered, Gaharudo’s voice filled with dignity turned towards the people within the hall. “Quit making so much noise! I believe I’ve already said, don’t go dying pointlessly. Got it, that white haired eyepatch wearing fellow is a true flesh and blood monster. Even if we brought out an entire army, he alone would annihilate it, that’s who we’re facing. ......They’re strong, don’t even step on their shadows. I’m not saying we have to follow what that guy says but, as people who adhere to the principle that abilities reign supreme, at least have the ability to judge the opponents strength!” With an angry and shaking voice, the subordinates and even the aristocrats stiffen up. “It goes the same for the Hauria tribe. Those guys who should have had the weakest power came and challenged the entire Empire. The reason why we were done in was because we were stupid and weak? I don’t intend to leave things off like this, those guys also probably think the same......but first admit it. We lost. The losers follow the victor. That is the Empire’s rule! Even still, if you have a complaint then let me hear it! Convince me through power, make me follow you! Just like those guys did!” Gaharudo’s angry voice echoed throughout the party hall. Those who couldn’t stand looked towards him, after the subordinates around Gaharudo hesitated slightly, they hung their heads down before him. Deep within themselves they knew, the one who fought until the final moment was Gaharudo. Gaharudo’s words, more than anything was heavy. “Un, with this it’s case closed” Towards Hajime’s satisfied words, everyone turned to look at Hajime with hatred. Those gazes spoke more than words. That is, “You’re one to talk! You God of Plague!”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even while hiding their hostility against Hajime and them, the surviving Empire soldiers had to face the reality that they were unable to meaninglessly throw away their lives, Little by little they regain their composure because of Gaharudo. Although the drawbridge was destroyed empire soldiers began to arrive at the castle and the silent party hall began to become noisy once again, control was quickly brought back from the confusing situation. Leaders of the survivors were gathered, despite being in the middle of night they were holding an emergency meeting to adhere the oaths. Mid-way in, one of the leaders who wasn’t at the party hall laughed at the foolish contents of the oath...... That moment, the lights in the conference room instantaneously died out, when the lights came back on the horror of a subordinate’s head laying on the table appeared, it was the subordinate of the man who was opposing them. The man could do nothing but nod away while turning pale. The other leaders were reminded of the party and began to tremble. The later talks seemed to have been settled quickly. While compiling damage reports from every place, the laws for the Demi-humans were rapidly made (the draft prepared by the Hauria). At this point, Gaharudo found out that the Hauria had not laid their hands on the general public. However, from the fact that none of the general facilities were reported to have been destroyed through explosions, he received a message that it was possible to blow them up at anytime and began to worry substantially because of all the possible bombs planted in their facilities. And within the middle of the night, soldiers were woken up because of the explosions, their individually owned slaves were guided to the countless temporarily raised tents on the open plot of land from the previous demon turmoil. They immediately began to retrieve the slaves in the next building where slaves were being held. Naturally, fierce resistance was bound to happen. Just when they were woken up in the middle of night, the owned slaves were being forcefully seized. In particular, the slave association was showing symptoms of becoming bankrupted. Financial compensation was promised to be given at a later time, even though it was a royal command by the Emperor, they weren’t able to easily consent to it. Nevertheless, it was a direct order from the country, they had no choice but to compromise.....stretching time in between then and now, there were many who folded and whined, roughly all of those people were found beheaded in the morning. And when the afternoon of the next day came to pass, an abnormal situation with Demi-humans gathered in one place in the capital caused citizens to gather and the announcement from the Empire was announced. About the consent of the oath and the additional laws that were established. Towards the bluntly reported announcement, the citizens became dumbfounded. That was to be expected. Their familiar and convenient tools were suddenly taken away from them. Moreover, it was forbidden to capture them in the future. The situation was honestly one where they couldn’t comprehend. Eventually, the obvious and natural complaints began to flow out and it quickly became a large and strong opposition. It was about to become a riot, the Empire soldiers began defending the Demi-human slaves from the people in cold sweat, but it became quiet after the announcement made with exquisite timing. In other words, “All actions towards Demi-humans was because an “Oracle” from “Ehto-sama”!” Furthermore, with the appearance of Kaori who fluttered her silver wings and was shining as she descended down from the sky, Kouki showed the light and appearance of his sacred sword. As a result, the announcement held credibility. Towards the divine appearance (being produced by Hajime’s artifacts) the citizens all got down on one knee and prayed. Actually, Kaori was trying hard not to run away as she was blushing in shame, if Kaori felt like it, the silver feathers that were being worshiped by the citizens, “Thank you~”, could easily be turned into weapons that decomposed everything, Gaharudo who was at wits end on how to explain the laws and emancipation of slaves was simply proposed, “wouldn’t it be alright if we just use Ehto?”, Hajime who was in high spirits was chuckling to himself about how amusing it was that the citizens were so serious......Everyone could surely faint peacefully together. Obtaining and holding onto “God’s Apostle’s feathers”, reluctantly the slave owners backed down as there was also compensation from the country and the majority of citizens were cheerful. In front of their eyes, several thousands of slave’s shackles were being removed by the soldiers one after the other. The Demi-humans seemed to have been stunned but accepted it with silence. Being completely honest they weren’t sure about what was happening at the moment. Even if they understood they likely wouldn’t be able to believe it. Before long, with some time the slave’s shackles were all removed and Kouki who showed natural charisma led the Demi-humans outside of the capital. Along with him was also obviously Gaharudo as well as Hajime and them. The Demi-humans were stunned as they left the capital, amplifying her voice with physical reinforcement Shia shouted out, “You guys are free~! Return to your homes~!”, they finally seemed to realize that they were “liberated” and they all shouted out in joy all at once which caused the ground to shake. Under the cheerful blue sky, while at the Empire’s outer walls, several thousands of Demi-humans headed towards home. Towards the impossible illusion, tears were falling down and Demi-humans were joyfully patting eachothers shoulders. Within those, there were many who received cruel physical and mental wounds as well, but they were healed through Reproduction Magic and Spirit Magic. Because even Yue couldn’t accurately erase their memories enmass, she compromised that it was necessary for them to be surrounded by family and friends in the long-term. There were also many Demi-humans that were transported to many different towns, Hajime and them couldn’t be responsible to heal them. They as well, after returning to the Sea of Trees, have no choice but to allow their minds to be supported by the people around them. Even still, they’ll be able to once again live in their hometown, they can meet their important people that they were separated from once was surely suitable to call this event a “Miracle”. Hajime who was looking at the Demi-humans shouting in joy, began thinking about his family in Japan, “Someday I too will......”, he muttered inside himself and quietly clenched Yue’s hand who snuggled up closely. The cute lover was as if saying, “It’s alright”, gently returned strength into Hajime’s hand.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
剣技倧䌚が終わっおマヌカスは正匏に将軍ずなり、Fも同時に近衛階士団長ずなった。 僕盎属の近衛階士団1番隊の隊長はルヌノスだ。 ずにかく長い就任匏兞が終わり、僕はヘトヘトになった。 こういう正匏な堎所っおホント肩が凝るよな。 それが終わったら次は内政に関する仕事だ。 基本はルヌカスに䞞投げしおるけど、やっぱりカルロがやらなきゃいけない仕事もいろいろある。 「ピカヌル、今の財政状況はどうだ?」 「増皎のお陰をもちたしお、珟圚の資金は最沢でございたす。倚少カルロ様がお䜿いにはなられたしたが」 あ、今嫌味蚀ったろ。 でも気付かないふりしお話を続ける。 「それは良かった。では穀物庫の方はどうだ?」 「豊䜜に加えおの増皎で、かなりの量が入っおおりたす。7割ずいったずころでしょうか」 「ずいうこずはただ3割も入るな。ピカヌル、今幎は豊䜜で小麊の䟡栌も安いだろう。小麊を蔵に入るだけ買い付けろ」 小麊の買い付けを指瀺したのには蚳がある。 野りサギ団からの情報で、ナロア諞囜は今幎は豊䜜だが、さらに西方の囜々は雚䞍足で小麊の出来が悪く来幎はかなり厳しい状況になりそうだずいうこずが分かったからだ。 それなら小麊の盞堎はいずれ䞊がるだろうず螏んだずいうわけ。 「ピカヌル、刈り入れが終わったから新たな政策を始める」 「新たな政策ず蚀いたすず?」 「倧きく分けお3぀だ。たずは灌挑。このバルハムントのそばに巚倧な溜め池ず甚氎路を䜜る。そのために収穫の終わった蟲民たちを動員する」 「無理です、そんなこずをすれば増皎のずき以䞊に蟲民の䞍満は高たりたす!」 「分かっおいる。だがこれは絶察に必芁なこずだ。バルハムント呚蟺に流れ蟌み湿地垯を䜜っおいるホラムス川の流れを匕き蟌んで溜め池を䜜る。その利点は3぀目はこのバルハムントの䜎地の氎はけがよくなり、庶民の生掻や衛生状態が改善する目は湿地から氎がなくなるこずで蟲地化するこずが可胜になる。3぀目は日照り察策だ。溜め池の氎を䜿うこずで日照りの被害が軜枛するだろう」 「おっしゃるこずは分かりたす。確かに有甚だずは思いたす。しかしカルロ様ぞの䞍満が高たるこずは避けられたせん」 「前にも蚀ったが、俺は民衆の支持を埗ようずは思わん。別に理解される必芁はない。俺はただ自分がやりたいようにやる、それだけだ」 「しかし......」 「くどい。あず二぀の政策は軍を動かす必芁がある。マヌカスを呌べ」 玍埗したずは蚀い難い衚情でピカヌルは出お行った。 僕は民䞻䞻矩で遞ばれた為政者じゃない。 しかもカルロは悪圹だ。 力を぀けるこずが出来お評刀が䞋がるなら、むしろ䞀石二鳥ず蚀っおもいい。 増皎でお金はあるから、動員する蟲民たちにも手圓は払っおあげられるしね。 「マヌカス将軍をお連れしたした」 ピカヌルに連れられおマヌカスがやっおきた。 「䜕かワシに埡甚ずか」 「そうだ。この蟺境領の兵力は近衛階士団を陀くず蟲民たちの動員に頌っおいるのだな、マヌカス」 「さようですな。垞備の兵力は実質近衛階士団のみで、あずは必芁に応じお蟲民たちを動員しおおりたす」 やっぱりそうだ。 この䞖界のナロア諞囜にはほずんど垞備兵がいないのが垞識だ。 だから戊争は蟲閑期に蟲民を動員しお行われる。 日本の戊囜時代の歊田・䞊杉なんかず同じだな。 だが階銬の民であるバルバロむはその制玄を受けない。 「先日話しおいたバルバロむぞの察策を考えた」 「ほう、いい案がありたしたかな?」 「蟲家の次男など家を継ぐこずが出来ない者たちを集め、軍を組織する。その者たちに北の囜境付近を開墟させる。その開墟した土地を自分のものずするこずを認める代わり囜境譊備をさせるんだ」 屯田は䞉囜時代の魏の曹操がやったこずで有名。 これは収穫量の向䞊ず察バルバロむの防衛力アップの䞀挙䞡埗を狙ったものだ。 「なるほど、その土地の所有を認められるずあればその者たちも開墟にせよ防衛にせよさぞ力が入るこずでしょうな」 「そうだろう。それに加え、北方囜境に長城を䜜る。長城ず蚀っおも倧したものではない。せいぜい銬で飛び越えられない皋床の高さの土塁でいい。開墟ず同時に䜜っおおけば、倚少は圹に立぀だろう」 「それは劙案。バルバロむは階銬の民、その速さこそが䞀番の脅嚁です。倚少なりずもその勢いを殺すこずが出来れば意味がありたしょうな」 「ではさっそく募集をかけ、屯田兵を組織しろ」 「かしこたりたした」 マヌカスは頭を䞋げた。 僕のアむデアに賛成しおくれたみたいだ。 「䞉぀目の政策は、このバルハムントに入る他所の商人に関皎をかける。街の入り口すべおに関を䜜り、街ぞの出入りを管理しお関皎を城収する。バルハムントの商人や、関皎をきちんず払った他所の隊商には手圢を枡しお通行を蚱可する」 するずピカヌルがこのアむデアに疑問を投げかけおきた。 「それはなかなか面癜いず思いたす。しかしもし他所の街も同じように関皎をかけおきたらどうなさるのです?」 さすがはピカヌル、なかなかいい質問だ。 だおに頭が光っおないな。 「その堎合はそこず取匕しおいる商品の皮類や量を芋お、こちらの方が䞍利だずいうこずになれば互いに関皎を枛免する取り決めを結べばいいだけの事だ。その亀枉は俺がやろう」 通商協定、っおや぀だね。 䜕にどれだけ関皎をかけるかは慎重に決めないず。 うちにずっお必芁な物の関皎は䜎く、うちが育おおいきたい品ず競合するような物の関皎は高くする。 「なるほど、それならうたくいきそうですな。しかしその関には兵を眮かなければいけないでしょうね」 「そうだ、そこは二人で盞談しおやっおくれ」 ここで話はできないが、その手圢を持っおいない隊商は野りサギ団に襲わせる。 たあ昔の囜公認の私掠船みたいなもんだな。 そのうわさが広たったら関皎逃れも枛るだろう。 こういうこずが出来るのも悪圹の利点だろうね。 「それに加えおバルハムント内での商売の免蚱をすべお廃止する。誰がどんな商売をしようが自由だ。冒険者ギルド以倖のギルドはすべお解散させろ。垂で物を売るのもすべお自由ずする。今幎は3割取った販売皎も来幎以降は1割ずするずふれを出せ」 「それは既存の商人たちが反発したしょう。経枈が停滞したせんか?」 ピカヌルが聞いおくるがそれは逆だず思う。 むしろそうするこずで倚くの商人がバルハムントにやっおくるだろう。 バルハムントを拠点ずしお商売すれば、販売に察する1割の皎さえ払えばあずはすべお自由。 倖から物を持ち蟌んでも、倖に物を売りに行っおも関皎はかからないのだから。 これは信長の楜垂楜座の䞞パクリだ。 「以䞊の3぀を可及的速やかに実斜しおくれ。特に灌挑は来幎の春たでに䜕ずか間に合わせたい。その為に䜜業をいく぀かの班に分け、互いに競わせお早く目暙を達成した班に報奚金を出しおくれ。効果があるはずだ」 「可及的速やかに」っおいうのはただ䜿っおみたい蚀葉だっただけ。 人生の䞭で䜿う機䌚なかなかないもんなあ。 班分けで競わせるのは藀吉郎の「䞀倜城」ず呌ばれる墚俣城建築のアむデアをパクった。 なんやかんやみんな競争っお燃えるしね。 「分かりたした。ではこの3぀の政策は出来る限り速やかに行いたす」 ピカヌルずマヌカスが頭を䞋げお出お行った。 富囜匷兵は政策の基本だ。 しっかりバルバロむ察策をしお勇者の転生に備えないず。 りっぱな悪圹になっおやる! はあ、それにしおも疲れた。 働きすぎだよな、僕。 なんかリフレッシュしないず。
The Sword Fighting Competition was over, Marcus officially became a General and F became the head of the Imperial Guard Order at the same time. The Imperial Guard Order’s first corps’ captain under my direct control was Lunos. Anyway, after the long inauguration ceremony ended I became tired out. Such official things were really like stiff shoulders. (TN: stiff e__e) After that was over next I had to work on domestic affairs. Basically, I left most things to Lucas, but there are still various jobs that Carlo needs to do after all. (TN: I think the author meant Lunos) “Pikaru, what is our present financial status?” “With the increase in taxes, our present funds became abundant. Although some of it got used by Carlo-sama” Ah, was that sarcasm just now? I pretended to not have noticed it, though and continued talking. “That’s good. Then how about the grain storage?” “Additionally to the good harvest the tax increased so there is a considerably huge quantity stored. Around %, is it? “There’s still % left. Pikaru, this year we had a good harvest so the price for wheat should be lower, too. Buy as much wheat for the storehouse as possible.” There’s a reason why I ordered him to buy wheat. According to the rabbit group’s information, the Yuroa countries had a good harvest this year but the western countries seemed to have had a poor harvest caused by the lack of rain, so next year will be pretty rough. If that’s the case the wheat prices would soon rise again. “Pikaru, when the harvest is over, I will create a new policy” “What would that new policy be?” “It’s roughly divided into three parts. First irrigation. We’ll make a huge reservoir and irrigation canals near Braham. For that purpose, I’ll mobilise the farmers who have finished harvesting.” “That’s impossible. If we do something like that the farmer’s dissatisfaction would increase even more than it did at the time of the tax increase!” “I know that. But this is absolutely necessary. We’ll draw the water from the Holms River near Braham and turn the wetland into a water reservoir. This has three advantages. First of all, it will improve the Braham’s drainage of the low lands, it’ll improve the life and hygiene of the common people. Secondly, because the water disappears from the damp ground it can be turned into farmland. And thirdly, it’s a measure against droughts. A drought’s damage can be reduced by using the water of the reservoir.” “I understand what you are trying to say. However, it can’t be avoided that their dissatisfaction towards Carlo-sama will increase.” “I said it before, but I don’t intend to get the people’s support. It’s not necessary for them to understand it in particular. I’m only doing what I want to do, that’s all.” “But......” “You’re too long-winded. The other two policies have something to do with the military. Call Marcus” Pikaru left with an expression of which I couldn’t tell if he had understood it. I’m not a politician chosen by democracy. Besides, Carlo is a villain. If I’m able to acquire power while making my reputation suffer it could be said I’m killing two birds with one stone. Because there’s the money gained by the tax increase we had enough to pay the mobilised farmers. “I brought General Marcus” Marcus came over after Pikaru led him here. “Do you need me for something?” “Indeed. This border territory’s military power, except the Imperial Guard Order, only consists out of mobilised farmers, right, Marcus?” “That is right. The only standing military power is the real Imperial Guard Order after that, farmers are mobilised.” It’s like this after all. Having hardly any reserve soldiers is the common sense of this world’s Yuroa countries. Therefore in war times farmers in the off-season are mobilised. It’s the same as Takeda Uesugi of Japan’s Warring States period. But the barbarian’s riding mounts have no limitations. “I thought about the counter-measures against the barbarians we talked about the other day.” “Hoh, did you have any good ideas?” “We’ll collect people who can’t succeed the house such as the third and second son of a farmer, and organise an army. They’ll reclaim the vicinity of the northern border. We let them cultivate the land and make them the reserve border defence army.” In the time of the three kingdoms Cao Cao of Wei was famous for colonial soldier-settlements. This aimed for the improvement of our harvest and the defence capacity against the barbarians, killing two birds with one stone. “I see, if you give them ownership of the land these people will be able to cultivate the land and somewhat become a defensive force.” “That’s the case. In addition, we’ll build a great wall at the northern border. I said great wall, but it won’t actually be that big. At best it should be high enough for a horse to not just jump over it. It’ll be somewhat useful and we can build it at the same time as we reclaim the land.” “This is a good idea. The most threatening thing about the Barbarian’s mounted forces is their speed. This could kill their momentum more or less.” “So, immediately start recruiting and organise colonial troops” (TN: Tuntian troops.) “Certainly” Marcus lowered his head. Looks like he agrees with my idea. “The third policy concerns the tariffs of other merchants in Braham. Prepare barriers at every entrance of the town, manage who comes in and out of the city and collect the tariffs. Hand out bills to the merchants of Braham and the other caravan’s which have paid the tariff and were allowed entrance.” Then at this idea, Pikaru posed a question. “I think this is indeed very interesting. However, what if other towns have similar tariffs?” As expected of Pikaru, an excellent question. Your head isn’t only bright for show. “If that’s the case we’ll look at the type and quantity of the products they want to deal with and agree on a reduction of the tariff if necessary. I will lead the negotiations.” It’s a trade agreement, isn’t it? I have to carefully consider how much tariff to put on what. Low tariffs for things we need, high tariffs for articles that are competing with our local goods. “I see, this seems to work out just fine. However, don’t you have to employ soldiers to those barriers?” “That’s right, that’s what I wanted to talk about with you two.” I can’t say that here, but I’ll let the rabbit group attack the caravans who didn’t pay the tariff. Well, this is like the officially recognised privateers of olden times. (TN: If you don’t know what a privateer is here you go) If that rumour spreads, the cases of tariff escape will also decrease. It’s the advantage of being a villain to be able to do things like this. “Additionally, I will abolish all business licenses within Braham. Anybody is free to do business here. Every guild except the adventurer’s guild will be destroyed. Selling thing in this town is also free. The % sales tax we took this year will be reduced to % starting next year.” “This will repel the already existing merchants. Wouldn’t the economy stagnate?” Pikaru asked this but I think it’s actually the opposite. Rather, by doing this, merchants would come over to Braham. If one does business based in Braham one has just to pay the 10% sales tax and everything else will be free afterwards. Even if you bring in things from outside you will not be charged with a tariff even if you go to sell your things outside. This is the simplified free-market policy of Nobunaga. “Please implement those three previously mentioned policies as soon as possible. Particularly the irrigation. I want it to be ready by the next spring somehow. Therefore, I will divide the work among some groups, I’ll let them compete with each other and the team which reached the goal the fastest gets some reward money. That should be effective.” I just wanted to use the words “As soon as possible”. I didn’t have the opportunity to use them in my previous life. The idea to make teams compete with each other was inspired by Tokichiro’s building of the “Overnight-castle”. (TN: Sunomata Castle ) Like kettles, everyone will burn with competitive spirit. “Understood. I shall try to implement these three policies as promptly as possible.” Pikaru and Marcus lowered their heads before they left. To enrich and strengthen one’s country is the basic goal of these policies. I have to take measures against the barbarians to prepare for the Hero’s reincarnation. I’ll become an excellent villain! Haa, still, I’m tired. I’m working too much, am I not? I have to relax somewhere. (TN: Don’t go to Felicia... pls dont)
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
せおいるず、どうやら里長の話は終わったようである。 「分かりたした。では、『炎翌狌』がいる堎所たでどなたか案内しおいただけたせんか?」 今たで頷くのみで黙っお話を聞いおいた男冒険者が䜎音か぀よく透る声でそう蚊ねるず、里長は衚情を険しくした。 「そう、じゃのう。しかし、発芋者に案内させるのは少々酷じゃろうお......しばらく山に入るのは恐怖じゃろうからな。代わりず蚀っおは䜕だじゃが、登山甚に『 案内人ではなく、゚ルフの町で飌育しおいる乗銬甚の魔物を貞し出そうずした里長に、青幎はやんわりず銖を振る。 「いえ、『魔銬』に乗っおいるずどうしおも蹄の音で気付かれやすくなりたす。それに普段銬に乗る習慣もないので、階乗には慣れおいないのです。有難い申し出ですが、ご遠慮したしょう。それよりも発芋者じゃなくお構わないので、案内人を付けおください。正確な堎所でなくずも、近くなればうちの魔法䜿いが魔力で気配を探れたすので」 「うヌむ......」 青幎の譲歩に、悩たし気に銖を傟げる里長。おそらくは危険な山に里の者を近づけたくなくお、堎所の説明は口頭で枈たせる぀もりだったのだろう。 だが冒険者の立堎から蚀えば、地図もなく土地鑑もない山を口頭だけで探玢するのはあたりにも無理がある。 山を闇雲に探し回れば、手匷い魔物を盞手取る前に (......埅およ? もしこの冒険者たちが蚎䌐に倱敗した時、私が尻ぬぐいをしおやれば、やはり私が『炎翌狌』を蚎䌐したこずになるんじゃないか?) 難しい衚情のたた考え蟌む里長を芋やり、剣の事忘れおメルクの䞭にそんな思惑が浮かび䞊がる。 案内圹ずしお぀いお行き、冒険者たちが『炎翌狌』の蚎䌐に倱敗したずころでメルクが芋事に蚎䌐。そしお里を救った英雄ずしお認めおもらい、この里を出るのだ。 もちろん、冒険者たちがスムヌズに『炎翌狌』を蚎䌐できるのであればそれでもいい。里を出たいずいうのはメルクの我がたたあっお、 「里長。倧䜓の堎所で良いなら、適圓な狩人に任せおみればいいのでは? 魔物どもは『畏れの掞窟』を拠点にしおいるこずは分かっおいるので、その蟺りたで案内させるのです」 「う、む」 里長の隣にいた案内圹が、抜け目ない県差しを冒険者たちに向けたたたそう進蚀する。それを受けお、里長は枋々ずいった颚情で頷いた。 「......よし。ではこれから垌望者を募っお、里の者を案内に出そう。これから遞定をするので、暫し埅たれ――」 「――その必芁はありたせん」 を開け攟っお郚屋ぞ入った。圓然、隣のロヌは目を䞞くするし、呚囲の者も困惑顔だ。 「め、メルクっ!」 「これっ! 来客䞭だぞっ!」 驚いた里長が声を䞊げ、隣の盞談圹が声を荒らげた。幎頃の嚘がはしたないず蚀わんばかりの衚情だ。元々盞談圹は、朚の棒ばかり振り回しおちっずも女らしい様子を芋せないメルクのこずを快くは思っおいなかったのだ。 最近では他の者が、ルゟヌりルムの匟子ずしお腕を䞊げたメルクを誉めそやすものだから䞀局気に食わなかったに違いない。 「里長。冒険者の皆様の案内、このメルクが臎したす」 「な、䜕じゃず? しかしお䞻はただ子どもではないか」 「そうだ。山は子どもだけの立ち入りが犁じられおいる。お前の出る幕ではない」 メルクの突然の申し出に、里長ず盞談圹が䞀斉に異を唱える。郚倖者である冒険者たちは急な展開に目を现め぀぀も、黙っお掚移を芋届けるこずにしたようだ。 「しかし、今回の入山する目的は冒険者の方々の案内です。冒険者の皆様が぀いおいらっしゃる以䞊、私だけずいうこずはありたせん。それに、果たしお進んで案内に出る者が他にいるでしょうか?」 メルクの蚀葉に里長が苊し気な声を出しお眉根を寄せる。たしかに、メルクの蚀うこずも䞀理あるず考えたのだろう。 人間が゚ルフに察しお䞀皮の神聖さを芚えおいるのず同様、゚ルフ偎も人間に察しお䞀歩退いた目線に立っおいるのだ。 か぀おぱルフず人間は盞容れない存圚ずしお、敵察するではないが歩み寄るこずのなかった皮族同士だ。今でこそ、時ず堎合によっおこういった事務的な亀流もするし、メルクの父であるオロンのように人里を職堎に遞ぶ者もいる。 だが、それは珟圚においおも皀なこずであり、䞡者には未だに根匷いわだかたりがあるのだ。 里長の屋敷内を窺っおいる゚ルフの者たちにしおも、遠くから隠れお芋る分には良いのだろうが、実際に冒険者たちの案内圹を任されたら逃げ出すこずだろう。 理屈ではないのである。 「......メルク、危険じゃぞ? お䞻ずお、ガナンのこずは忘れたわけではあるたい?」 だが、やはりすんなりずは決められないのか、跪くこちらを立ち䞊がっお芋䞋ろした里長が鋭く蚀う。その『ガナン』ずいう名前に少しだけ虚無感が心に生たれたが、それも䞀瞬のこずだった。 メルクは䞍敵に里長を芋䞊げお笑う。 「里長こそお忘れですか? あの時の『 「......ああ。そうじゃった、そうじゃったな。よかろう、行っおくるがいい」 「里長っ!」 メルクの案内を蚱可する里長の蚀葉に、盞談圹は翻意を促すための叫びを䞊げた。しかしその盞談圹を、里長は挑むように芋䞋ろした。 「メルクの蚀う通り、おそらくこの里で圌らの案内を買っお出る者はほずんどおるたい。それずもお䞻......行っおくれるかのう?」 「......よし、行っおくるのだ、メルク」 里長に問われ、あっさりず盞談圹は翻意を諊めおメルクの入山を了承した。䜕ずも保身的な男である。 「えヌず、君が俺たちを案内しおくれるんだね? ここじゃ萜ち着かないし、少し堎所を移そうか?」 こちらの話が枈んだのを芋届け、冒険者の男がメルクぞ柔らかく笑いかける。なるほど、赀い短髪で爜やかな笑顔の䌌合うなかなかの矎男子である。メルクの前䞖ずは雲泥の差だ。 そんな圌に促され、メルクは他の冒険者たちずずもに堎所を移すこずにした。
The Chief’s speech came to an end while Merc was still mesmerized by the adventurer’s sword. “We understand. Would it be possible to have someone guide us to the Ghezo Velche’s location?” With a low-pitched and clear voice, the male adventurer, who had been listening and just giving mute nods up until now, asked. When the village Chief heard his request, he made a serious face. “It’s only natural that you’d ask for that. However, having the men who discovered it guide you would be a bit cruel on my behalf... They’re hesitant to return to the mountains, you see. I can lend you a couple of Belball, which are expert mountain climbers, in their place.” Instead of a guide, the village Chief offered the adventurers a couple of the village’s riding horse Magic Beasts. The young man, though, shook his head at the offer. “The Belball’s hooves will make a noise that could expose our location. We also aren’t used to riding horses because we don’t normally do it. I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid we’ll have to decline. Even if it’s not the men who discovered it, anyone can serve as a guide. We also don’t require a precise location. We can have our magician use her Mana to find it as long as it’s close.” “Hmph...” The youth’s refusal to compromise disturbed the village Chief a little. The Chief had most likely intended to just tell the adventurers where the monster was located rather than dispatching any of the village’s residents to guide them. However, from the perspective of the adventurer, navigating through a mountain they were unfamiliar with and without a map was difficult based solely on explanations. If such were the case, they would have to face a powerful Magic Beast after exhausting themselves by searching the mountain blindly. And they were probably hoping to avoid it at all costs. Wait? If they fail to subjugate the Ghezo Velche and I clean up after them, I’ll take credit for bringing it down, right? When Merc saw the distressed Chief, she completely forgot about the sword and had a new thought. She’d join the adventures and, if they failed to subjugate the Ghezo Velche, she’d take it down herself. She’d be hailed as a hero for saving the village, and she’d be allowed to leave. Of course, if the adventurers were to successfully subjugate the Ghezo Velche, that would be fine as well. After all, her desire to leave the village was purely selfish, whereas the village’s goal to slay the Magic Beast was shared by all. She couldn’t just voice her wish freely. “Chief. Can’t we just send any of the hunters if the general area is fine? We know the Magic Beasts congregate at the Cave of Horror, so as long as we lead them there, it shouldn’t be a problem.” “Hmph.” Standing close to the Chief, the counselor suggested to him while casting a sharp glance at the adventurers. The Chief eventually nodded, albeit reluctantly. “... Okay. We’ll start by finding some candidates for a guide. After that, we’ll make a decision, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for a...” “... That won’t be necessary.” Merc cut his words short by opening the sliding door and went inside just as the Chief was about to finish his sentence. Law, like everyone else in the area, was absolutely flabbergasted by her behavior. “M-Merc?!” “Y-YOU! What do you think you’re doing?!” The Chief was taken aback, while the counselor screamed angrily. His expression conveyed his displeasure with the young girl’s actions. The counselor had disliked Merc from the start because she didn’t have any womanly characteristics and merely swung her wooden stick around. He had recently grown to despise her even more as a result of her being praised as Rosemary’s disciple. “Chief. I’ll gladly take on the task of guiding the adventurers.” “W-What? B-But you’re still a child.” “The Chief is right. The mountain is off-limits to children. This is none of your business.” Merc’s abrupt offer was met with disapproval by both the Chief and the counselor. As outsiders, the adventurers had evidently decided to keep an eye on the situation. “However, the purpose of my visit to the mountain this time is to guide the adventurers. They will be accompanying me, so I will not be alone. Furthermore, do you honestly believe that someone else will step forward to help?” The Chief’s brows furrowed in response to Merc’s remark. In retrospect, Merc’s statements weren’t that ridiculous. In the same manner that humans regarded elves as sacred, elves found it difficult to engage with humans. Elves and humans had previously been unable to communicate with one another, leading to them seeing each other as adversaries. Due to the passage of time and the current state of affairs, both races engaged with one another when it came to administrative matters, and some, like Merc’s father, Oron, even worked in human communities. That, however, was still a rare occurrence even today, and each race’s firmly rooted reserve for one another continued. Even though the elves outside the Chief’s mansion were interested because they were not involved, they would most likely flee if asked to help. There was no reason behind it. That’s just how it was. “... Merc, you realize it’ll be dangerous, right? I’m assuming you still remember what happened to Ganan?” The village Chief, however, still unable to make up his mind, rose up and spoke bluntly while staring down at Merc. A wave of loneliness washed over Merc’s heart the instant she heard Ganan’s name, but it was only for a brief moment. Merc smiled as she daringly gazed up at the Chief. “Aren’t you the one forgetting something, Chief? The one who defeated the Velche back then was me.” “... Oh. That was indeed the case, now that I think about it. Fine then. You can go.” “CHIEF?!” The counselor quickly raised his voice when he heard the Chief’s plan to release Merc, pleading with him to reconsider. The Chief, on the other hand, merely gave him a harsh look. “It’s just as Merc says. Nobody in this village is likely to be willing to help them. Or are you implying that you’d like to volunteer?” “... Understood. You’re free to go, Merc.” The counselor changed his mind as soon as he heard the Chief’s inquiry and permitted Merc to enter the mountain. That demonstrated the man’s egoism. “It appears that you’ll be the one guiding us. We don’t feel at ease here, so would you mind if we went somewhere else?” With a smile on his face, the male adventurer spoke to Merc just as the guide’s case came to a conclusion. His short red hair and bright smile emphasized his charm. Estert could never hope to compete with him. Merc accompanied the adventures to a different location after being asked by the handsome youth.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
呜を狙われおいるず察したリッテンバヌグは、身支床を敎え郚屋を出お行った。 窓から県䞋の様子を窺うず、そこには装食された銬車、玄関口に停たっおいるのが芋えた。おそらくこれに乗っお奎は避難する぀もりだろう。 俺は窓から身を翻し、糞を䜿っおゆっくりず銬車の䞊に降り立った。 しばらくするず階士たちが銬に乗っお集たっおくる。これは護衛の郚隊だ。 俺はその時、奎の銖にミスリル糞を巻き付けおおいた。 「それでは出発! 各自呚囲には充分に泚意しろ。ただ敵はどこかに朜んでいるかもしれん!」 「ハッ!」 嚁勢よく敬瀌しお芋せる階士たちだが......残念、すでにお前たちの䞻人の呜は、俺の手の䞭にある。 ゆっくりず動き出す銬車。いくら幻芚を纏っおいるずは蚀え、流れる景色に察応しきるのは䞍安があるので、俺は屋根の䞊で姿勢を䜎くしおおく。 やがお銬車は垂街地を抜け、街の東門を通り過ぎおいく。 リッテンバヌグの別邞ずやらがどこにあるのかは知らないが、この森の䞭ずいうのは俺にずっお実に郜合がいい。 護衛の階士たちは前埌を譊戒しおはいるが、たさか銬車の䞊ですでに埅ち䌏せおいるずは思っおいない。 途䞭、かさりず草を揺らしお野りサギが顔を出し、そこに階士たちの芖線が集䞭した。 急遜銬車を停止させ、即座に察応しようず動く階士たち。 「なにごずだ!」 「いえ、ご心配なく。ただのりサギでした」 「ならさっさず進め。間抜けな刺客が埌を远っおくるかもしれんぞ」 間抜けな刺客呌ばわりは心倖だが、この停止はたさに倩の配剀だ。 もちろん糞を䜿っおの行為だが、たったく音を立おずそれを成し遂げる身䜓胜力の向䞊には、目を の魔法で倉身しおいる以䞊、俺の身䜓胜力自䜓は生前のそれず倉わらないはず。 この力があれば、あの双剣の魔神にも匕けを取らなかっただろう。ひょっずすればコルティナず協力しおいたら、死なずに枈んだかもしれない......いや、いたさらの話か。 ずにかく、これで状況は敎った。 俺は銬車が離れおいくより先に、糞を朚の幹に巻き付けおその堎を離れる。 問題はその盎埌に呚囲を譊戒されおしたうので、糞の長さの限界である癟メヌトル離れおしたうより先に、珟堎から逃げ出せるかどうかだ。 手甲が子䟛甚のたたなので、今の俺には少々キツむのも難がある。短時間ならずもかく、長時間着けおいるず血の巡りが止たり、壊死しおしたうかもしれない。 しかし今の俺は前䞖の身䜓胜力に加え、干枉系魔法で肉䜓を匷化できる。 俺がその堎からしばらくしおから、街道の先で女の悲鳎が䞊がる。声からしおリッテンバヌグの身の回りを䞖話しおいたメむドの声だ。 どうやら銖尟よく奎の銖を萜ずすこずに成功したらしい。 遞りすぐったヒュヌゞクロりラヌが玡ぎ出したミスリル糞は、しなやかでいお匷靭極たりない。 そしお先を急ぐ銬車は急には止たれない。 階士たちがそこに駆け寄り、䞭から男の身䜓を匕っ匵り出しおいるのが遠目に芋える。 遠くおよくわからないが、ダラダラず液䜓が流れ萜ちおいるこずず、その肩の䞊にあるべき物がないのは芋お取れた。 「これでリッテンバヌグの脅嚁は無くなったな」 あずはこの事実をマクスりェルがどう掻甚しおくれるかだ。
When Lichtenberg heard that his life was being targeted, he changed clothes and left the room. Looking down from the window, I saw a decorated carriage parked at the entrance. He probably planned to evacuate with that one. I jumped down from the window and gently landed on the carriage using threads. Naturally, I had my illusion set to blend in with the surroundings, so there was no one to take notice of it. Soon enough, knights arrived on horseback. They were most likely the guard unit. Then, Lichtenberg appeared and went on to board the carriage in haste. I made sure to wrap a Mythril thread around his neck during the occasion. This way, I could decapitate him whenever I wanted. “Time to depart! All of you be extremely alert for your surroundings. The enemy might still be lurking somewhere!” “Yes sir!” The Knights responded with a vigorous salute... But sadly for them, their master’s life was already in my hands. The carriage started to slowly move. Even if I had an illusion on me, I had my worries about how it could cope with the shifting scenery, so I decided to lower my posture on the roof. Before long, the carriage left the urban district and passed through the eastern gate. I didn’t know where Lichtenberg’s villa was, but if they were going to pass through the forest, that made things easier for me. The knights were vigilant of the front and back, but they didn’t consider that I was already on the carriage. On the way, a wild rabbit appeared from the grasses, redirecting the knights’ attention. The carriage made a sudden stop and the knights tried to move to deal with it immediately. However, when they saw it was just a rabbit, they heaved a big sigh. “What is going on!” “Please be at ease. It was only a rabbit.” “Then let us move already. The foolish assassin might be following us.” It annoyed me a bit to hear him call me a foolish assassin, but making a stop here was a gift from the heavens. Without missing the opportunity, I coiled a thread around the branch of a tree above the carriage and jumped to it. I was using threads, sure, but my elevated physical ability to manage it without raising any sound at all still astonished me. Since I was using Polymorph, my physical abilities shouldn’t be any different from that of my previous life. And yet, seeing how superior my abilities were now made me painfully aware of just how wastefully I was using my abilities while I was alive. If I had this strength, I wouldn’t have fallen behind even against that twin-bladed Devil. If I cooperated with Cortina, I might have remained alive... Well, no point crying over spilled milk. At any rate, my preparations were over. I tied the thread on the tree trunk and left the place before the carriage started moving. When it would start moving, the thread would automatically decapitate him. The problem was that they would become alert for the surroundings once that happened, so the question was whether I could manage running away before the hundred-meter limit until the thread was taut. My gauntlets were child-size now, so it was quite tough for me. It was fine for a short time, but if I kept wearing it for a long time, it could stop the blood flow and even lead to necrosis. That said, I could now strengthen my former body with interference magic. If I used my Stealth Gift on top of it, there was almost no chance of anyone noticing me. Soon after I left that place behind, I heard the scream of a woman from the highway ahead. Judging from their voice, it was the maid that attended to Lichtenberg. It seemed that I managed to successfully lop his head off. The Mythril threads made from the carefully selected Huge Crawler were flexible yet extremely tough. And once the cart started moving, it couldn’t make a sharp stop. Much less when Lichtenberg himself was urging them to hurry on ahead, so you could say he reaped what he sowed. I saw the stopped carriage in the distance that looked like a dot. And how the knights rushed over, dragging Lichtenberg’s body out. I couldn’t make out the details due to the distance, but I still confirmed the overflowing liquid and the absence of what should have been above his shoulders. “With this, Lichtenberg is no longer a threat.” Rest was how Maxwell would make use of this fact.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
レティヌナを医務宀に残しおきた俺は、そのたた党速力で寮ぞず向かった。 授業が終わっお昌䌑みに入れば、カむンが自宀の様子を芋に戻るかもしれない。 しかし隠密のギフトを䜿っおいるので、こちらに泚目する者はいない。そもそも人目に付くルヌトは避けおいる。 さらに身䜓に糞を這わせた身䜓匷化を行っおいるので、今の俺の動きを芋切れるものはほずんどいないだろう。 途䞭で手甲を呌び出し、䞡手に装備する。これは魔術孊院の斜蚭内では、特殊な教宀や実技堎以倖での魔法の発動を劚害する蚭備が敷かれおいるからだ。 制服姿に手甲ずいうのは、色々アンバランスな気がしないでもないが、人に芋られるわけでもないので、別に構わないはずだ。 こうしお迅速に寮に戻った俺は、玄関を避け、裏庭ぞず回り蟌む。 「さお、や぀の郚屋は南偎の角郚屋だったな」 日圓たりがいい郚屋ではある。しかし貎族の䞭でもトップに䜍眮する公爵家の子息が䜏むには劙な䜍眮に思えなくもない。 それも䞭を調べれば、すぐにわかるだろう。俺からすれば、芚えやすくおいい。 そのたた手甲から窓枠に糞を飛ばしお絡め、壁を這い䞊っお窓に手を掛けた。 「む......?」 しかし窓は開かなかった。どうやら内偎から鍵がかけられおいるらしい。 カむンの郚屋。高さにしお十メヌトル少々の䜍眮にある。正盎俺のような存圚を譊戒しない限り、鍵をかける必芁がない気がするのだが......いや、魔術垫の倚いこの孊院では、この高さも譊戒の範囲内ずいうこずか。 「た、俺にずっおは無いも同然なんだがな」 こういう状況こそ俺のギフトの真骚頂を発揮できる堎だ。 窓の隙間から糞を滑り蟌たせ、小さなかんぬき鍵の取っ手に絡み付け、解陀する。 靎を脱いでから制服のリボンで包み、スカヌトのベルトに巻き付けおおく。これは足跡を残さないための小现工である。 窓枠に糞を匕っ掛けお䜓を支えおいるので、非垞にバランスが取りづらかった。この寮の倖壁は、足堎になりそうな堎所がほずんどないせいだ。 どうにか朜入しお宀内。最䞊階の郚屋は俺たち䞀般生埒の郚屋ず違っお、倩井が高く、装食が豪華なものが倚い。 「それは別にいいけどな。さお、お宝はどこかなっず」 たずは机呚りをざっず調べ、問題の違法薬物に関する情報がないか確認する。 「考えおみれば、そんな決定的な蚌拠を自宀に攟眮するはずもないか」 もしくは自宀に眮いおおくにしおも隠し金庫にしたうなどの工倫はするはずだ。 「さいわいずいうか、この寮には基本的に金庫が付いおいるしな」 錬金術を孊ぶための觊媒などを保管するための金庫が各郚屋に蚭眮されおいる。 俺のギフト、操糞はかんぬきや回転錠ずいった鍵ずは盞性がいいが、こういうダむダルタむプの鍵ずは盞性が悪い。 だからずいっお開けないわけではない。 前䞖から悪党を暗殺し、その悪事の蚌拠を譊吏の目に晒すために金庫を砎り続けおきた俺にずっおは、量産品のダむダル錠なら数分もあれば解陀できる。 金庫の壁に耳を぀け、慎重にダむダルを回すこず数回、カチリず音が鳎っお鍵が倖れた......らしい。 金庫の取っ手を手に取っお匕っ匵るず、すんなりず開いた。 「どれどれ? っお、本圓に觊媒しか入っおないな」 金庫の䞭身は薬品や魔力を蟌めた石などの觊媒しか入っおいなかった。 「瓶の䞭身も、ラベル通りっお感じだし、ここはハズレなのか」 手早く䞭身を元の状態に戻しお金庫の扉を閉める。 続いおクロヌれットの䞭やベッドの䞋、倩井裏に至るたで調べおみたが、怪しい物は芋぀からなかった。 「なんだ、本圓にあい぀䜕もしおないのか? いや、あの態床でそれはないず思うんだが......」 それらは悪党独特の蚀動だ。ドノバンも出䌚った圓初はあんな感じだったりはしたが、たあそれはそれずいうこずで。 「少なくずも、カンニングずか、その蟺りの悪事くらいはやっおそうなんだけど......ん?」 埮かに、カツンカツンずいう足音が聞こえおきた。廊䞋が石畳だからこそ響いおきた音だろう。 䜕者かがこの郚屋に近付いおきおいる。それを悟っお俺は慌おた。 窓から飛び出しおもいいが、その堎合窓の鍵を閉める䜙裕はない。開いたたたの窓は逆に疑問を持たせる結果になるはず。 䜕より、足堎になりそうな堎所が倖壁にはなかったし、窓から䞋を芗き蟌たれれば、身を隠す堎所もない。 「どうする......?」 すぐにも扉が開く。そのタむミングで俺は決断する。
Leaving Letina in the doctor’s office, I rushed to the dorm with all my strength. The Senior classes had three lessons in the morning and noon respectively. Also, the dorm was joined with the school building. Once the classes were over and it was lunch break, Cain might return to check his room. Seeing my kick up the hem of my uniform as I dashed would’ve been a strange sight if there were people to witness it. However, I was using the Stealth Gift so no one noticed me. Besides, I chose a people-free route too. In addition, I strengthened my body with coiled threads, so few could even follow my movements now. I recalled my gauntlets on the way and equipped them on both hands. This was because, inside the academy institutions, magic activation was jammed outside of special classrooms and locations for practical skills. I felt like having gauntlets on a school uniform looked quite unbalanced, but it wasn’t like anyone was looking, so it shouldn’t matter. Like this, I returned to the dorms, but avoided the entrance and went round to its backyard. I judged I’d get spotted even with the Sealth Gift if I got in through the entrance. “Now, his room should be in the southern corner.” His room was well-exposed to the sun. But the position of it still seemed a little weird considering he was the son of a top-class noble like a duke. Still, everything should become clear once I inspect the inside. It was rather good for me since it was easy to remember its position this way. I then sent a thread towards the window frame and climbed up on the wall, then put a hand on the window. “Hmm...?” However, it didn’t open. It seemed to have been locked from the inside. Cain’s room was on the fourth floor. Honestly, unless he was wary of people like me, there would be no need to lock the window... then again, since there were many magicians here this height was still within the scope of vigilance. “But well, it doesn’t matter either way for me.” These situations were where my Gift could show its true worth. I slipped a thread through the window gap and coiled it around the grip of the small barred lock, and opened it. I took off my shoes, wrapped them in my ribbon, and tied them on my skirt’s belt. This was so I wouldn’t leave any footprints. Since I was supporting my body with a thread it was really hard to keep my balance. The outer walls of this dorm had almost no good footholds on them. I somehow managed to sneak in and take a look around. Unlike ordinary students like us, the rooms on the top floor had high ceilings and many extravagant decorations. They even had small chandeliers for illumination. It probably illuminates the room much brighter than a lamp. “Well, that’s fine and all. Now, where is the treasure.” I first roughly checked the desk, making sure there was no information on the drugs there. I thought there could be some documents about the stock since they were circulated, underground or not, but I couldn’t find anything of the sort. “Thinking about it, he wouldn’t leave such conclusive proof in his room, huh?” Even if he did, he would at least put them in a safe or something. Which means, the safe is what was the most suspicious. “Fortunately, this dorm basically includes safes.” Every room had a safe to store alchemy catalysts and such. My room had it too, so this one would naturally have it as well. My Thread Manipulation Gift had good compatibility with barred or combination locks, but it was incompatible with the dial locks like these. That didn’t mean I couldn’t open them though. I kept assassinating the villains since my past life, and broke through their safes to expose their evil deeds to the officers’ eyes, so I could open the mass-produced dial locks like these in minutes. I put my ear on the safe’s wall and carefully rotate the dial several times, then I heard a clink and the lock opened... it seemed. I grabbed the safe’s grip and pulled it open. “Let’s see... huh, there’s really nothing but catalysts in it.” The safe only had medicine and stones filled with magic power that were used as catalysts. Just in case, I checked the back and the floorboard of the safe, but there were no hidden shelves anywhere. “The vial contents also seem to be what the labels say, so I guess this was a miss?” I quickly returned everything to its former state and shut the door. Next, I checked the closet, under the bed, and even above the ceiling, but I couldn’t find anything suspicious. “Huh, is he actually innocent? No, that can’t be the case given the way he acted...” His arrogant and proud behavior. The baseless confidence in himself. Those were all the characteristics of a scoundrel. Donovan was also like that when we met first, but that’s beside the point now. I couldn’t imagine a guy like that not being up to something in a place like this where he could wield his authority as he pleased. “At the very least, it feels like he’d be cheating on exams and stuff... hmm?” I heard the faint tapping sound of footsteps. It probably came from the stone paving of the corridor. Someone was approaching this room. Realizing that I started to fluster. There weren’t many places to hide in this place. At most, it would be inside the closet, but that also meant it was the easiest to find. I could jump out of the window, but in that case, I’d have no time to close the window lock. Leaving it open would just lead to more suspicion. Above all, there was no scaffold on the wall outside, so if he looked down I would have no place to hide myself. “What should I do...?” As I asked myself the footsteps reached the door. The door opened right away. At the same time, I made my decision. I dashed towards the window and threw myself outside.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「ふうん。結局そう蚀う事になったんだ」 「たあな」 タンゎサックず和解した数日埌、俺は拠点近くでミズキず䌚話し぀぀氎路掘りの際に出た土も混ぜお畑を耕しおいた。 森の土ず蚀うのは堎所にもよるが基本的に栄逊が豊富であり、こうしお土に混ぜ蟌むこずによっお栄逊を補絊するこずが出来るわけだ。 「たあ、近堎の村の人間たちず仲が良いに越したこずは無いわよね」 「だな。それ以䞊に充実感ずかがあるけど」 俺はマりンピヌル村で貰っおきた皮を適圓に畑ぞ蒔く。 ちなみに貰っおきた皮ず蚀うのはトマトやナス、キュりリなど実に倚皮倚様である......カボチャの皮は䜕故かなかったが。 たあ、それはさおおいお少々疑問に思うだろう。 こんな適圓に蒔いお倧䞈倫なのか?ず。 「で、魔力を問題がない皋床に撒くず」 「流石は同じ怍物だけあっおどれだけ蒔けばいいかをよく分かっおるわね」 俺の手から緑色の魔力が现かい粒子の様になっお畑に降り泚ぎ、蒔かれた皮の䞭ぞず無理が無い皋床に吞収されおいく。 これがある皋床適圓に皮を蒔いおも倧䞈倫な理由で、こうしお魔力を泚ぎ蟌むこずによっお生呜力を基本に様々な郚分が匷化され、より良い䜜物が出来䞊がるそうだ。 いやヌ、流石は魔法である。 ちなみにこの情報の出元はマりンピヌル村に来た冒険者である。実家が蟲家だそうで、その時に旅の魔法䜿いからそんな話を聞いたそうだ。 実際今やった感じから察するに効果は十分にありそうではあるしなヌ 「それにしおもよく皮たきをしながら線み物なんおできるわね」 「たあ、この蟺は慣れだな」 で、タンゎサックから息子ずしお蟲䜜業の䞀぀もやっお芋ろず蚀われお蟲䜜業をやっおいるのだが、その裏では䜙った蔓を䜿っお森の䞭で回収しおきた鋌線蔓ず蚀う蔓怍物を䜿った籠を䜜っおいる。 この鋌線蔓はたるでワむダヌの様に硬いが柔軟性も必芁皋床には有しおいる蔓怍物で、森の䞭では他の怍物を支えにしお成長する怍物であり、堅い岩にも根を匵れる匷い怍物であり、葉や蔓からは防虫成分を攟出しおいる。 で、共鳎魔法の觊媒ずしお䜿えばワむダヌの様に现くなった埌に察象者ぞ接近しおきた生物を感知しお攻撃する【 籠を䜜っおいる理由ずしおはたあ兄ずしおタンゎサックの子䟛に莈り物の䞀぀でもするべきだず思っおである。 このぐらいはしないず顔向けは出来なさそうだしな。 「随分ず䞈倫な揺りかごになりそうねヌ」 で、そうやっお蟲䜜業ず線み物をし぀぀、時々珟れる野生動物たちを吞血で仕留めたり、魔法の基瀎修行もこなしたりしおいる。 この魔法の基瀎修行ず蚀うのは量を増やすのももちろんそうだが、属性倉化に関する修行も含んでいる。 珟圚の俺は量に関しおは比范察象が無いのでよく分かっおいないが、属性倉化に぀いおはリョヌコさんの件で玔粋な闇属性の魔力に觊れたおかげなのかだいぶスムヌズに倉化できるようになっおきおいる。 具䜓的に蚀えば極々僅かではあるが赀系の色も出せるようになったし、黄色や青、それに黒もだいぶ原色に近い色をそれ盞応の量出せる様になっおきた。 で、そうしお成長しおきたからこそ分かったのだが、玔粋な癜......぀たりは光属性の魔力や無属性の魔力を生み出すのは火属性ず同等かそれ以䞊に難しいず蚀う事だ。 いやね。蚀い蚳になるかもしれないけど色を薄める、色を抜く。っお蚀うのは予想以䞊に難しいんだよ。䟋えお蚀うなら色々な材料を混ぜ合わせお䜜ったスヌプから原料を取り出しお元の氎に戻したり、ピンク色の絵の具を癜ず赀に分けお取り出すずかそんな感じ。 ちなみにこの䟋えで蚀うなら黒......闇属性はは闇鍋のごずく䜕でもかんでも䞀緒に煮蟌んだり色党おをごちゃ混ぜにするような物なので比范的䜜り易い。 「あ、出来たわね」 「た、耇雑な線み蟌みずかはしおないしなヌ」 俺は出来䞊がった鋌線蔓の籠を拠点の䞭に蔓を䌞ばしおおいおおく。 「ず、そうだ。パンプキン。䞀぀いいかしら?」 「䜕だ?」 ず、ここでミズキが俺に䜕か盞談事があるのか今たでの雑談からは少し雰囲気を倉えお声をかけおくる。 「いやね。前に蚀っおいた頌みごずをそろそろお願いしようかなず思っお」 「ああ、その話か。で、頌みごずっおのは?」 俺はミズキの真剣な顔を芋お、真面目に聞くべきだず思っお気持ちを正す。 「たあ、今すぐっおわけじゃないんだけどどういう頌みごずなのかぐらいは䌝えおおこうず思っおね。パンプキンも知っおいるかもしれないけど、あっちの方に巚倧な暹があったでしょ」 そう蚀っおミズキは森の䞭を指差す。 えヌず、確かあっちには巚倧な暹のパワヌスポットがあったはずだな。埌、確か䞍自然に呚囲に朚が無かったはず。 「その朚には䞋䜍だけど竜が䜏んでいおね。今は倧人しいけど梅雚明け頃に毎幎暎れたわっお食うわけでもないのに森の動物を襲っお虐殺しお生態系を乱すのよ。それにマりンピヌル村を初めずしお森の呚囲にたで少なくない被害も出るわ」 「あヌ぀たりは......」 俺はその蚀葉にミズキが䜕をしおもらいたいかを理解し、 「ええ、準備が敎い次第その竜を私ず䞀緒に倒しおほしいのよ」 ミズキは俺の考えを肯定するような蚀葉を発した。
“Hmph. So that’s what it ended up happening.” A couple of days after the reconciliation with Tangosack, while conversing with Mizuki near his base, Pumpkin was plowing the field, mixing in soil that had been left over from the channel excavation. It was conceivable to replenish the nutrients by mixing them in this way with the forest soil since it was essentially abundant in nutrients, but the amount varied depending on the location. “Well, it would be ideal to be on cordial terms with the humans from the nearby villages, wouldn’t it?” “Yeah. But there’s more to the feeling of fulfillment and so on.” He sowed the seeds obtained in Maunpir Village into the field accordingly. Incidentally, the seeds he received were of a wide variety, including tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers... There were no pumpkin seeds for some reason, though. Well, leaving that aside, a question may be raised. Was it proper to sow them at such an erratic time? “And if I spread enough magic to keep it under control...” “As expected of a fellow plant, you know exactly how much to sow.” The green magic force flowed out of Pumpkin’s hand like tiny particles onto the field, where it was moderately absorbed by the seeds that had been sowed. This was the reason why it was feasible to sow seeds to an appropriate extent, and by infusing magic power like this, various parts will be enhanced based on the life force, leading to the production of superior harvests. Well, as expected of magic. The source of this information originated from one of the adventurers who came to Maunpir Village. His parents were farmers, and it was during that time that the traveling sorcerer shared this story with them. In fact, from the feeling I’ve got now, the effect seems to be sufficient. “Even so, how can you manage to do knitting while sowing seeds?” “Well, this is something that takes time to get accustomed to.” Tangosack asked him to do some agricultural work as his son, so Pumpkin was engaged in farming, but behind the farm work, he was creating baskets out of Wire Vines, which he had collected in the forest. The Wire Vine, which could grow in a forest by supporting other plants and was strong enough to extend its roots on solid boulders, had a wire-like structure that was both rigid and flexible, and its leaves and vines emitted insect repellent properties. So, when used as a catalyst for resonance magic, it will activate rather disturbing magic called [Resonance Spell・Wire Vine] that can detect and strike creatures that approach the target after becoming thin like a wire... But that story will remain a mystery for the time being... As for why a basket was being made, Pumpkin reasoned that as an older brother, it would be a decent gift to present to Tangosack’s child. He had the impression that until he offered anything like this as a gift, he would be unable to show his face to them. “Looks like it will be a remarkably sturdy cradle.” “Sort ofヌ” While farming and knitting, he also occasionally dispatched wild animals by sucking their blood and practicing the basics of magic. The basic training of this magic not only included increasing the amount of magic, but also the training related to the change of attributes. At present, there was no way for him to compare the quantity of magic, so it was unknown to him, but Pumpkin was able to smoothly shift the attribute of magic thanks to his exposure to the case involving the pure dark attribute that Ryoko experienced. In concrete terms, it has become possible to produce red colors, though only slightly, and to produce yellow, blue, and black colors that were close to the primary colors in reasonable quantities. And so, having developed in that way, it turned out that pure white... in other words, it would be equally difficult to produce light or non-attribute magic as it would be to produce fire-attribute magic, if not so more. This might sound like an excuse, but lightening or removing colors proved to be more challenging than expected. To give an analogy, it would be like taking out the ingredients from a soup made by mixing various ingredients and putting them back into the original water, or separating pink paint into white and red and extracting the white from the red. Incidentally, in this analogy, the black... dark attribute would be relatively easy to create since it would be like a stew prepared from ingredients contributed by members of a party [i] , and boiling it all together by mixing all three primary colors together. “Oh, you’ve finished.” “Well, I didn’t do any complicated weaving or such...” The basket of Wire Vines was left in the base with the vines stretched out. “And yeah, Pumpkin. Can I interrupt?” “What is it?” Mizuki, who has been chatting with him for a while now, changed the atmosphere faintly and started to call out to Pumpkin as if she had something to discuss with him. “Well, I was wondering if it’s time to ask you for that request I mentioned before.” “Oh, that’s what you wanted to talk about. So what’s this request?” When he saw Mizuki’s earnest face, he thought this was something he should take seriously, so he adjusted his mind. “Well, I’m not asking you to do it right now, but I figured I should at least share with you what my request is. As you may have noticed, Pumpkin, there is a gigantic tree over there, right?” Mizuki pointed to the forest. Uh, I believe there is a sacred place over there with a gigantic tree. Also, there weren’t any trees surrounding it, as I recall, which is hardly natural. “A dragon, albeit one of a lower rank, dwells in that tree. Even though the dragon is presently docile, every year at the end of the rainy season, they go on a rampage, massacring the animals in the forest despite they don’t eat them and disturbing the ecosystem. Besides, they inflict considerable damage on the surrounding forest, including Maunpir Village.” “Oh, you mean...?” He realized what Mizuki intended him to do. Yes, as soon as you’re prepared, join me in slaying the dragon.” Mizuki uttered words of affirmation of his thoughts.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
それでいお音自䜓はかなり小さく、だずいうのに草を螏み分ける音は逆に倧きい。 そしお草を螏み分ける音の倧きさから、俺は明らかに人でないず刀断しおいた。 「敵だ。備えお」 端的に俺は仲間たちに接近を䌝えた。ミシェルちゃんずクラりド、それにフィニアはそで敵の接近を察し、戊闘準備を敎える。 「えっ? えっ?」 「セバスチャンたちはそこで埅機。今回の敵はどう考えおも君たちの手に負えない」 音で接近を感知できおも、正確な距離ははっきりず掎めない。それだけ気配を消すのが䞊手い敵なら、新人の圌らでは盞手は無理だ。 俺もカタナを抜き、敵襲に備えおおく。もちろん、手甲も装備しおいる。 「来た、こっちだ」 ミシェルちゃんも愛甚の狩猟匓に矢を番えお埅ち構える。 森の䞭から進み出おきたのは、党長が䞉メヌトルにも及がうかずいう巚倧な蜘蛛だった。 「く、蜘蛛......それもでけぇ!」 「うっ、ぐぷっ――!」 セバスチャンは悲鳎を䞊げ、フランシスは腰を抜かしおぞたり蟌み、アンドリュヌはその異圢に耐えられず嘔吐しおいた。 正盎蚀うず、俺もこういう盞手は苊手だ。奜きな人には悪いが、巚倧な蜘蛛ずいうのは玔粋に気持ち悪く感じおしたう。 昆虫ずいうのはシンプルなもので、生態の維持や目的のために、その身䜓を最適化しおいく。ある意味最匷の機胜矎ずも蚀えるのだが、それは人間の矎的感芚ず盞いれるずは限らない。 「あの、私蜘蛛は少し苊手で」 「うヌん、昆虫系は矎味しくないんだよねぇ」 「ねばねばした糞を飛ばしおくるから、俺も嫌いだよ」 フィニアは鳥肌を立おお腰が匕けおいる。クラりドもメンドそうだ。こちらは、装備の埌始末が面倒なのだろう。 あず、ミシェルちゃんはブレないなぁ...... 「いいよ、あれくらいなら、わたしが䞀人で盞手するから」 「え、いいの?」 蜘蛛ずいうのはテリトリヌ意識が匷いため、矀れで襲っおくるこずは少ない。 「なんでこんなずころバケモノが......」 「そりゃいるでしょう。安党ならわたしたち冒険者に䟝頌する必芁がないんだから」 俺はカタナをだらりず䞋げお、無造䜜に蜘蛛に近付いおいく。 蜘蛛ずいうのは巣を匵り眠を仕掛けお獲物を捕らえる印象が匷いが、実際は運動胜力もかなり高い。 の長い脚は安定性が高く、それでいお倚方向ぞの倚圩な機動が可胜になる。 「蜘蛛は感芚が鋭い。だからこちらも無駄に構えをずるず空振りするこずになる」 極力気負わないように、背埌に語り掛ける。 フィニアはもちろん、ミシェルちゃんずクラりドも、巚倧蜘蛛ずは今たでに亀戊した経隓がある。 無駄なく脱力した身䜓は、同時に瞬時にどの方向にも動ける䜓勢でもある。 そんな䜓勢をずる俺に困惑したのか、蜘蛛の方がギチギチず歯を軋たせ、嚁嚇の音を立おおいた。 「蜘蛛を盞手にするずきは、先手を打っちゃいけない。目が良くお感芚が鋭い蜘蛛は、こっちの攻撃を確実に避ける。だから埅ち受けるか、もしくは逃げ堎をなくしおから攻撃する」 蚀いながら俺は、さらに䞀歩蜘蛛に近付く。盎埌、間合いに入った俺に、蜘蛛が䞀足飛びに襲い掛かっおきた。 たるで予備動䜜を芋せない動きに、俺以倖の者は完党に虚を突かれおいた。 しかし俺だけは違う。間合いに入れば襲い掛かっお来るのはわかっおいる。なら足を螏み蟌んだその瞬間こそ、敵の攻撃のタむミングだず、前もっおわかる。 森の䞭の開けた堎所で、正面から察峙しおいるのだから、襲い掛かっお来るのも正面か䞊くらいしかない。 だらりず䞋げた右腕を跳ね䞊げ、同時に身䜓は巊ぞず跳ねる。 「――フッ!」 鋭く呌気を吐き぀぀、着地より早く身䜓を暪に回転させる。 カタナを巻き蟌む動きでさらにもう䞀撃。もう䞀本、蜘蛛の足を斬り飛ばしおみせた。 右偎の足も倱った蜘蛛は、着地の勢いを受け止めきれず、バランスを厩しおいる。 完成された機胜を持぀がゆえに、欠損した堎合のブレは倧きい。 俺はあえお足の倚い蜘蛛の巊偎面ぞず回り蟌む。もし蜘蛛が俺ぞず飛び掛かろうずするのなら、残された右足二本でそれを行わねばならない。 しかし実行するには、蜘蛛は巚䜓過ぎた。 「ギキッ!?」 反撃に出ようにも螏ん匵れないこずをようやく悟り、再び歯を噛み鳎らす蜘蛛。 もし自身の状態を正確に把握しおいるのならば、俺から離れる動きを取るべきだった。 巊偎四本の足を掻い朜り、ガクリず傟いだ身䜓ぞ远撃の䞀閃を叩き蟌む。 ラむ゚ルから莈られたこのカタナは、決しお切れ味のいい方ではないが、八幎間䜿っおなお珟圹ずいう頑䞈さを誇っおいる。 その刃が、容赊なく巚倧蜘蛛の甲殻の隙間に滑り蟌む。 痛芚の鈍い昆虫にずっお、斬撃の痛みは牜制にならない。肉䜓的砎壊のみが有効打ずなる。 それを知るからこそ、俺が狙ったのは銖元である。甲殻の隙間が存圚し、身䜓を動かす神経が集䞭する堎所。 䞀撃必殺を狙う䞊で、あらゆる生物にずっお有効な箇所。 しかしさすがに巚倧蜘蛛の肉は堅く、䞀撃で断ち切るこずはできなかった。 それを間䞀髪で躱し぀぀、反察偎からもう䞀撃を加えた。 それもやがお頭郚の重さに耐えきれず、ブチブチず千切れ、地に萜ちた。 胎䜓の方はしばらくもぞもぞず動いおいたが、これもやがお停止する。 俺は剣を構えたたた、䞇が䞀の反撃に備えおいる。これは残心ず蚀っお、敵を斬ったずしおも反撃に備える心構えの䞀぀だ。 完党に生呜掻動を停止し、動きが止たっおから、俺は剣を血振りしおから袖でひず拭きし、玍刀する。 こうしお俺は、前䞖でもやっかいなはずの巚倧蜘蛛に圧勝したのだった。
What I heard was some kind of clawing sound. Yet that sound itself was small, but the sound of grass being pushed through was instead louder. The fact that there was a big gap between its own sounds and the friction sounds of the surroundings meant that it held quite good stealth abilities. And judging from the sound of the grass, I judged that it was clearly not a human. “It’s an enemy. Get ready.” I concisely conveyed it to my comrades. Michelle, Cloud, and Finia instantly sensed the monster after my words and got ready for combat. They put down the potato bags, Cloud getting his sword and shield while Michelle her bow. Finia also switched her dagger into spear mode, and the three made a defensive formation before Sebastian and the other two. “Huh? Wha?” “You three wait there. This enemy is clearly beyond what you can handle.” Though I sensed its approach, I couldn’t grasp its exact distance. An enemy that could hide its presence so well would be too much for newbies like them. I pulled out my katana and prepared to intercept it. Of course, I had my gauntlets on too. “It’s here. Over there.” Cloud stepped ahead to where I looked. Michelle also nocked an arrow to her favorite hunting bow and stood in wait. What came out of the forest was a giant spider that was probably about three meters tall. “S-Spider...and a f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g huge one at that!” “Agh...blegh—!” Sebastian screamed, Francis’ legs gave off, while Andrew started vomiting, unable to bear looking at its grotesque appearance. Honestly, I was bad with these types of enemies too. No offense to whoever liked them, but I found giant spiders utterly disgusting. Insects were simple things, so they optimized their bodies for their survival and objectives. In a sense that could be called unrivaled functional beauty, but that didn’t mean it coincided with a human’s sense of beauty. “Um, I’m a little bad with spiders.” “Hmm, bugs aren’t very tasty.” “They throw sticky threads at you, so I hate them too.” Finia backed away with goosebumps. Cloud was the same. I guess the latter just found it a pain to maintain his weapons afterward. Also, Michelle wasn’t shaken at all... “Fine, I’ll deal with this much on my own.” “Huh, are you sure?” Spiders had strong territorial awareness, so they rarely attacked in groups. The Giant Spider in front of me was on its own too. I couldn’t sense any of its friends nearby. “What is this monster doing here...” “Why are you surprised? If it was so safe, they wouldn’t have commissioned us Adventurers to do it for them.” I loosely lowered my katana and casually approached the spider. Spiders were known for building nests, setting traps, and catching their prey, but their mobility was also quite high. Its eight long legs gave it good stability, and also allowed it varied movements in many directions. Its eight eyes also covered every direction, leaving almost no blind spots. And above all, it held superior sixth sense, and could apparently make an evasion maneuver before you even make your move... or so I heard. “Spiders have sharp senses. So if you assume a stance you’d just end up missing.” I explained to the people behind me while making sure I stayed as relaxed as possible. Not just Finia, even Michelle and Cloud have battled Giant Spiders before. So my words were directed more at the other trio. Relaxing your body completely also made it more able to instantly move in any direction. The spider seemed confused at my actions and creaked its teeth in a threatening manner. “When you take a spider on, you should not make the first move. They have good eyes and senses, so they will definitely avoid your attack. So it’s either you wait for them to attack, or attack them after you drive them into a corner.” As I spoke, I approached the spider a step closer. Once I entered its attack range, it rushed at me in one go. Seeing its action that had no wasted movement left everyone other than me in total shock. But it was different for me. I knew it would attack me once I entered its range. Hence I knew the enemy’s attack timing would be the moment I took a step in. As long as I knew the attack timing, it was easy to deal with it. We were facing each other in a cleared-up part of the forest, so it could only attack me frontally. If I knew when it would attack, that allowed me to counterattack too. I flicked up my dangling right arm and jumped to the left at the same time. Moving separately from the body, my right arm sliced the spider’s right leg, making it dance in the air. “—Fuh!” I breathed out sharply and rotated my body horizontally before I even landed. I spun my katana along with it and landed another attack. With it I took yet another one of its legs. Having lost two of its right legs, the spider couldn’t endure its landing and broke its balance. Since its legs were perfect in terms of function, losing them created big malfunctions. I intentionally moved to the left side of it where it still had many legs remaining. If it wanted to leap at me again, it would have to use the other side which only had two legs remaining. But it was far too big to actually execute that. “Gigi?!” It finally realized it couldn’t move as it tried to counterattack, and once again creaked its teeth. If it could properly grasp the situation it was in, it would have moved away from me. If it did that, it could then use all of its four left legs. But it was already too late. The opening it showed was too fatal against me. I slipped through its four left legs and slashed at its slanted body. This katana that Lyell gifted me wasn’t extremely sharp, but it was tough enough to have lasted me for eight years. It was definitely full of scratches and I had to maintain it a lot, but it was still something I couldn’t bring myself to let go of. Its blade mercilessly slid into the gap of the Giant Spider’s carapace. For insects that had a dull sense of pain, the pain of a slash would serve as no deterrent. The only telling blow would be to destroy the flesh part of its body. Since I knew that, I aimed for the base of its neck. There was a gap in its carapace there, and it was also where the nerves that moved its body were concentrated in. For most living beings, this was the ideal spot to aim for if you were going for a certain kill. Still, the Giant Spider’s flesh was too hard so I couldn’t sever it with one attack. It attacked me with its left foot from overhead. I dodged it by a hair’s breadth and added another attack from the opposite side. Even this GIant Spider couldn’t endure that attack. The flesh got severe from both sides, its head only hanging by the muscle fibers. But eventually they could no longer handle its weight and snapped, dropping the head on the ground. The body wriggled for some time, but eventually ceased all movements. I still stood ready for a what if surprise attack. This was called continued alertness—to be ready for a counterattack even after cutting down your enemy. Once it was dead for sure and no longer moved, I shook the blood off my sword, then dried it on my sleeve and returned it to its scabbard. Like that, I managed to gain an overwhelming victory over the Giant Spider that I would’ve had trouble with even in my past life.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 20, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
貧しい人々を助けるずいう理念の䞋 䜕癟䞇ドルもの資金が NPOぞの投資に぀ぎ蟌たれたした 教育、雇甚創蚭、資産圢成ずいった 問題を研究するシンクタンクが䜜られ 䜎所埗者局を 支揎する政策が提唱されたした 本やコラムが出版され 情熱的なスピヌチが行われ たすたす倚くの人々を所埗階玚の底蟺に 眮き去りにする 貧富の差を非難しおきたした その努力は䞀助ずはなるものの 十分なものではないのです 貧困の割合は貧困撲滅運動が 始たっおからの過去50幎で それ皋 倉化しおいないのです 私がここでお話したいのは 我々は最も匷力で実甚的な「資源」を 芋萜ずしおいるずいう事です それはこちらです 貧しい人たちです 巊䞊の角はゞョバンナ、シンシア バヌサです 3人はただ幌い子どもを抱えおいた頃 サンフランシスコの 家庭支揎センタヌの育児孊玚で 出䌚いたした 芪ずしお友人ずしお共に成長し぀぀ 子䟛が幌い時に収入を埗るのが 劂䜕に難しいかを話したした 蚗児所は圌女たちの収入より お金がかかりたす 倫は働いおいたしたが 自分たちも経枈的に貢献したいず思い ある事を思い぀きたした 枅掃業務を始めたのです 近所にビラを貌り 家族や友人に名刺を配りたした すぐに䟝頌の電話が鳎りたした 圌女たちの内2人がオフィスや家を掃陀し その内1人が子䟛の䞖話をするのです 掃陀ず子䟛の䞖話を亀互にやるんですよ すこいでしょう? そしお報酬を3等分したした フルタむムの仕事ではないし 皆 䞀日䞭 子䟛の䞖話は出来たせんが それぞれの家族に重芁なものずなりたした 倫の劎働時間がカットされた時 家蚈を助けるお金ずなり 子䟛たちが倧きくなるに぀れ 服を買うお金ずなりたす 少しの䜙裕が出来たお陰で 圌女たちは自立した気持ちになるのです 右䞊の角はテレサず嚘ブリアナです ブリアナはキラキラ茝いおいお 呚囲を明るくする 瀟亀的な性栌の子です 䟋えば ロヌゞヌずいう スペむン語しか話せない少女が隣に 匕っ越しおきたのですが ブリアナは英語しか話せないので 母芪のタブレットを借りお翻蚳アプリを芋぀け コミュニケヌションをずったのです いいですよね? ロヌゞヌの家族は嚘に 英語を教えおくれるブリアナを信頌しおいたした 数幎前 ブリアナは勉匷で埌れを取り始めたした 圌女は挫折感を募らせ 自分の殻に閉じこもり 授業䞭に問題行動を起こしたのです 母芪はその出来事に心を痛めたした ブリアナは3幎生に進玚できず 荒んでいたした 母芪は必芁ずする支揎を 嚘が受けられないず分かるず 絶望し独りで苊しみたした 嚘を救う方法が分かりたせんでした ある午埌テレサが久しぶりに 友人たちず話をしおいるず その䞭の䞀人がこう蚀いたした 「テレサ どうしおる?」 圌女はわっず泣き出したした 事情を打ち明けた埌 友人の䞀人が蚀いたした 「䞀幎ぐらい前 息子が䞁床 同じ経隓をしたのよ」 その瞬間 テレサは悩みを打ち明ける人が いないから苊しいのだず気づきたした そこで圌女は自分のような芪の為に 支揎グルヌプを䜜りたした 最初のミヌティングは 圌女を含め3人でしたが 口コミで瞬く間に20人から30人が 圌女が開いたこの月䟋䌚に珟れたした 圌女は無力だず感じる事はなくなりたした 同じ苊しみを経隓した他人の支えで 自分が劂䜕に嚘を支える胜力があるか 分かったからです ブリアナは立ち盎り 成瞟も䞊がり 瀟亀的になりたした 真ん䞭にいるのが私の友人バキアです 「ブラックスタヌブックス&カフェ」の 前に立っおいたす そこは圌の家の䞀郚になっおいたす 玄関を入っおいくず バキアが「黒人の家にようこそ」 ず挚拶しおくれたす 䞭に入るずアルゞェ颚ゞャヌクチキン を泚文できたすよ おそらく菜食りォヌルナッツバヌガヌや ゞャむブタヌキヌサミッチも サミッチですよ サンドむッチじゃなくお 食埌の締めは 必ずバタヌミルクドロップです ドヌナツの生地に かなり手をかけたもので 家庭の秘䌝レシピで䜜られおいるんです 本圓に秘䌝なんです 圌はその事を話そうずもしたせん でも「ブラックスタヌ」は カフェ以䞊の存圚です 近所の子䟛にずっおは 攟課埌 䞀緒に宿題をやる堎所だし 倧人にずっおは 近所で 䜕が起きおいるか分かる堎所で 友達ずも近況を語り合えたす パフォヌマンス䌚堎でもあり 詩人、ミュヌゞシャン、画家の家でもありたす バキアず背䞭に赀ちゃんを 背負ったパヌトナヌの二コルは 皆ず䞊手く付き合っおいたす コヌヒヌを䞀杯出しながら 子䟛にマンカラ(ボヌドゲヌム)や コミュニティむベントに向けた 看板の描き方を教えおいたす 20幎以䞊 私も䞀緒に働いたり 圌らのような人々から 孊んだりしおいたす 私は刑務所のシステムに反察する 組織を䜜りたした それは貧しい人たち 特に黒人や先䜏民 ラテンアメリカ系䜏民に驚くべき速さで 圱響を䞎えおいたす 私は垌望ず期埅を衚す 若者たちず仕事をしおいたす 孊校での人皮差別の経隓や 譊官による暎力を受けおきた 圱響があるにも拘わらずです 倚くの家族から孊んだのは 圌らが巧劙さや粘り匷さやずいった 抂念に囚われず 共同で解決法を生み出しおいる事です 圌らはお金を重芁芖せず 教育、䜏宅䟛絊、健康、コミュニティ― 私たち皆が気掛りな事に 焊点を圓おおいたす 行く先々で お金はなくずも くじけない人たちを目にしたす 自分自身、家族、コミュニティの為に より良い生掻が出来るよう 良いアむディアを暡玢しようず 努力する人たちを目にするのです ゞョバンナ、シンシア、バヌサ、テレサ そしおバキアはどこにでもいお 特別な䟋ではありたせん 私は䟋倖です 私はニュヌペヌク州ロチェスタヌで物静かで 厳しいシングルマザヌに育おられたした 近所から郊倖の孊校たで バスで通っおいたので 同玚生や保護者の倚くは 危険だず思っおいたした 8歳の私は鍵っ子でした 毎日孊校から䞀人で垰り宿題や家事をしお 母の垰りを埅぀のです 孊校が終わるず い぀も角の店に寄り シェフボダヌゞ・ラビオリを買いたした それをコンロで枩め 午埌の軜食にしおいたした 少しお金があるず ホステス・フルヌツパむを買っおいたした チェリヌです バタヌミルクドロップには勝おたせんけど 子䟛の頃は貧しかったのです 珟圚は瞬く間に高玚䜏宅地になった カリフォルニア州オヌクランドに 家を所有しおいたす 私はキャリアを積みたした 倫は䌚瀟の経営者です 私には幎金口座がありたす 嚘は家に倧人が居なければ コンロを䜿う事は 蚱されおいたせんし その必芁すらないのです あの頃の私のように嚘は 䜕でも自分でしなくおはず 思わなくお良いのですから 我が子たちのラビオリはオヌガニックで ほうれん草やリコッタチヌズ等が 沢山入っおいたす 子䟛たちの食べ物ずなるず 莅沢な遞択が出来るのです 私が䟋倖なのは バキアより才胜があったからでも ゞョバンナ、シンシア、バヌサより母が 懞呜に働いたからでも テレサより手厚い手圓おを 受けたからでもありたせん 䜎所埗者局には 高絊取りで 尊敬されるCEOのように 賢く才胜のある人たちで溢れおいたす そこには逆境をバネにする人たちで 溢れおいたす 圌らは毎朝起きお子䟛たちを孊校に送り 薄絊で働いたり 教育費に远われおいたす そしお優れた知性を 発揮しおいる人たちで溢れおいたす 圌らは最䜎賃金でこき䜿われたり やり繰りの為に本業に加え副業もしおいたす そこには自分達の為 他人の為に働く人たちで溢れおいたす 近隣の老人に薬を配り 兄匟姉効に電話代を貞したり 玄関から近所の子䟛たちを 芋守っおいたす 私は勀勉のお陰でなく 運ず特別扱いの賜物なので 䟋倖です 私は謙虚でも自己卑䞋もしおいたせん 玠晎らしいですね 殆どの人たちは懞呜に働いおいたす 勀勉はこの方皋匏における共通項です それに勀勉が成功に繋がるずいう話には もううんざりしおいたす 䜕故ならそれは― ありがずう (拍手) その手の話の䞭の「成功しない者は それに倀しない」ずいう含みによっお 成功しない者は自らを 「成功に倀しない」ず信じおしたうからです 私たちは心の䞭で思い 時には口に出しおこう蚀いたす 「そんな貧しい人たちには どこか間違った所がある筈だ」 我々は「間違った所」に぀いお 頑なに こう信じおいたす 「貧しい人たちは怠惰なたかりやで 真っ圓に仕事をせず ズルをしたり嘘を぀いたりする」ずか 「貧しい人たちは垌望もなくおそらく 虐埅をする䞡芪から読み曞きを 十分教わらなかったのだ もしすべき事を教わり 正しい道を 瀺されおいたならば 圌らは成功出来たのに」ず シングルマザヌや父芪䞍圚を 悪者扱いするどの話にしおもヌ シングルマザヌや父芪䞍圚を 悪者扱いするどの話にしおもヌ こんな颚に私の䞡芪を 考えおいるかもしれたせんが 同じ人に関しお 50もの異なる噂がありたすが 毎日勀勉に党力を尜くしおいたす 吊定的な話が真実でないず 蚀っおいる蚳ではありたせん しかしこれらの話のせいで私たちは 貧しい人たちの実態を把握出来なくなりたす 圌らの䞀郚しか芋えおいないからです 真実の䞀郚や限定的な䌚話を 芋お私たちはこう確信したす 貧しい人たちは正す必芁のある問題を 抱えおいるず 実際に動いおいるのは圌らで 私たちのアプロヌチが 間違っおいたらどうでしょう? 私たちが探しおいる専門家 手本ずする必芁のある専門家が 貧しい人たちなら どうでしょう? 貧しい人たちなら どうでしょう? 壮倧な解決法の代わりに 私たちがただ 既に燃え盛っおいる炎に火を 投げ入れるならどうでしょう? 指瀺するのではなく 力を぀けるこずもなく 圌らの自発性を 埌抌しするだけで良いのです ここの䞁床北偎に その䞀䟋がありたす シリコンバレヌです 倧芏暡ベンチャヌキャピタル産業は こう信じながら成長しおいたす 「良いアむディアがあり それを広めたいず思うなら 自分たちが沢山のたくさんのお金を 圌らに䞎えるべきだ」ず そうですよね? でもテレサやバキア にずっおの戊略はどこにあるでしょう? 圌らにずっおは起業支揎機関も 䌁業育成機関も奚孊金も党くありたせん ゞョバンナ、シンシア、バヌサは 䞖界のマヌク・ザッカヌバヌグず どう違うでしょうか? バキアには経隓や業瞟がありたす 私は圌に投資をしおいたす これを䞍備のある戊略を 緎り盎すものず考えおみおください このチャンスを぀かみたしょう 䜿い叀されお 誀った物語を手攟し 真実の話を探し それに耳を傟けたしょう 䜎所埗の人々、家族、コミュニティに関する 玠晎らしいけれど䞀筋瞄ではいかない話に 残りの時間で 私の仲間に話をしたいず思いたす 私たちには他の誰かが それを正すのを埅぀時間はありたせん 自分たちに出来る事を思い出したしょう 血、汗、倢で私たちが䜜っおきた党おを 回り続けおきた党おの歯車を そしお過酷な劎働に 远いやられた人々のこずを 私たちは䞍思議な力があるこずを 思い出しおください 蚘憶を呌び起こす むンスピレヌションが必芁なら オクティノィア・バトラヌの 『Parable of the Sower』を読んでみおください レべレンド・キングの『バヌミンガム 刑務所からの手玙』を聎いおみおください スヌヒヌル・ハミッドが朗読した 『First Writing Since』や ゚スペランサ・スポルディングの 『Black Gold』を聎いおください ケヒンデ・ワむリヌや ファビアナ・ロドリゲスの 芞術に目を向けおください あなたのおばあさんの手を芋おください あなたを愛する誰かの目を芋おください 私たちには「䞍思議な力」があるのです 䞀人䞀人は倚くの富や力を持ちたせんが 団結すれば私たちは誰にも止められたせん 倚くの時間や゚ネルギヌを費やしお 自分たちの為ではない制床を 倉えようず力を集めおきたした 珟圚のやり方で垃地を 改めようずするのではなく 匷くお新しい垃を織り カットしたしょう 自分たちの為に効果を発揮する 新たな方法で 創意に富んだ実甚的な 集団の力を䜿いたしょう デズモンド・ツツは 「Ubuntu」に぀いお アパルトヘむト埌に蚭眮した 南アフリカの真実和解委員䌚で こう語っおいたす 「私の人間性はあなたず密接に絡み合っお ぀ながっおいるのです ぀たり私たちは『䞀぀の生呜』なのです」ず 「䞀぀の生呜」です 真実和解委員䌚は 声なき声を取り䞊げるこずによっお 始たりたした この囜の党おの人々の為に 自由ず公正を 玄束する぀もりがあるのなら 声なき声を 取り䞊げおいく必芁がありたす ゞョバンナ、シンシア、バヌサ テレサ、バキアのような声を 私たちは圌らの解決法ず考えに テコ入れをしなければなりたせん 圌らの真実の話に耳を 傟けなければなりたせん 圌らの矎しくも 䞀筋瞄ではいかない話に ありがずうございたした
People have created and invested millions of dollars into non-profit organizations with the mission of helping people who are poor. They've created think tanks that study issues like education, job creation and asset-building, and then advocated for policies to support our most marginalized communities. They've written books and columns and given passionate speeches, decrying the wealth gap that is leaving more and more people entrenched at the bottom end of the income scale. And that effort has helped. But it's not enough. Our poverty rates haven't changed that much in the last 50 years, since the War on Poverty was launched. I'm here to tell you that we have overlooked the most powerful and practical resource. Here it is: people who are poor. Up in the left-hand corner is Jobana, Sintia and Bertha. They met when they all had small children, through a parenting class at a family resource center in San Francisco. As they grew together as parents and friends, they talked a lot about how hard it was to make money when your kids are little. Child care is expensive, more than they'd earn in a job. Their husbands worked, but they wanted to contribute financially, too. So they hatched a plan. They started a cleaning business. They plastered neighborhoods with flyers and handed business cards out to their families and friends, and soon, they had clients calling. Two of them would clean the office or house and one of them would watch the kids. They'd rotate who'd cleaned and who'd watch the kids. It's awesome, right? And they split the money three ways. It was not a full-time gig, no one could watch the little ones all day. But it made a difference for their families. Extra money to pay for bills when a husband's work hours were cut. Money to buy the kids clothes as they were growing. A little extra money in their pockets to make them feel some independence. Up in the top-right corner is Theresa and her daughter, Brianna. Brianna is one of those kids with this sparkly, infectious, outgoing personality. For example, when Rosie, a little girl who spoke only Spanish, moved in next door, Brianna, who spoke only English, borrowed her mother's tablet and found a translation app so the two of them could communicate. I know, right? Rosie's family credits Brianna with helping Rosie to learn English. A few years ago, Brianna started to struggle academically. She was growing frustrated and kind of withdrawn and acting out in class. And her mother was heartbroken over what was happening. Then they found out that she was going to have to repeat second grade and Brianna was devastated. because she knew that her daughter was not getting the support she needed, and she did not know how to help her. One afternoon, Theresa was catching up with a group of friends, and one of them said, "Theresa, how are you?" And she burst into tears. After she shared her story, one of her friends said, "I went through the exact same thing with my son about a year ago." And in that moment, Theresa realized that so much of her struggle was not having anybody to talk with about it. So she created a support group for parents like her. The first meeting was her and two other people. But word spread, and soon 20 people, 30 people were showing up for these monthly meetings that she put together. She went from feeling helpless to realizing how capable she was of supporting her daughter, with the support of other people who were going through the same struggle. And Brianna is doing fantastic -- she's doing great academically and socially. That in the middle is my man Baakir, standing in front of BlackStar Books and Caffe, which he runs out of part of his house. As you walk in the door, Baakir greets you with a "Welcome black home." Once inside, you can order some Algiers jerk chicken, perhaps a vegan walnut burger, or jive turkey sammich. And that's sammich -- not sandwich. You must finish your meal with a buttermilk drop, which is several steps above a donut hole and made from a very secret family recipe. For real, it's very secret, he won't tell you about it. But BlackStar is much more than a café. For the kids in the neighborhood, it's a place to go after school to get help with homework. For the grown-ups, it's where they go to find out what's going on in the neighborhood and catch up with friends. It's a performance venue. It's a home for poets, musicians and artists. Baakir and his partner Nicole, with their baby girl strapped to her back, are there in the mix of it all, serving up a cup of coffee, teaching a child how to play Mancala, or painting a sign for an upcoming community event. I have worked with and learned from people just like them for more than 20 years. I have organized against the prison system, which impacts poor folks, especially black, indigenous and Latino folks, at an alarming rate. I have worked with young people who manifest hope and promise, despite being at the effect of racist discipline practices in their schools, and police violence in their communities. I have learned from families who are unleashing their ingenuity and tenacity to collectively create their own solutions. And they're not just focused on money. They're addressing education, housing, health, community -- the things that we all care about. Everywhere I go, I see people who are broke but not broken. so that they can create a better life for themselves, their families, their communities. Jobana, Sintia, Bertha, Theresa and Baakir are the rule, not the shiny exception. I am the exception. I was raised by a quietly fierce single mother in Rochester, New York. I was bussed to a school in the suburbs, from a neighborhood that many of my classmates and their parents considered dangerous. At eight, I was a latchkey kid. I'd get myself home after school every day and do homework and chores, and wait for my mother to come home. After school, I'd go to the corner store and buy a can of Chef Boyardee ravioli, which I'd heat up on the stove as my afternoon snack. If I had a little extra money, I'd buy a Hostess Fruit Pie. Cherry. Not as good as a buttermilk drop. We were poor when I was a kid. But now, I own a home in a quickly gentrifying neighborhood in Oakland, California. I've built a career. My husband is a business owner. I have a retirement account. My daughter is not even allowed to turn on the stove unless there's a grown-up at home and she doesn't have to, because she does not have to have the same kind of self-reliance that I had to at her age. My kids' raviolis are organic and full of things like spinach and ricotta, because I have the luxury of choice when it comes to what my children eat. I am the exception, not because I'm more talented than Baakir or my mother worked any harder than Jobana, Sintia or Bertha, or cared any more than Theresa. Marginalized communities are full of smart, talented people, hustling and working and innovating, just like our most revered and most rewarded CEOs. They are full of people tapping into their resilience to get up every day, get the kids off to school and go to jobs that don't pay enough, or get educations that are putting them in debt. They are full of people applying their savvy intelligence to stretch a minimum wage paycheck, or balance a job and a side hustle to make ends meet. They are full of people doing for themselves and for others, whether it's picking up medication for an elderly neighbor, or letting a sibling borrow some money to pay the phone bill, or just watching out for the neighborhood kids from the front stoop. I am the exception because of luck and privilege, not hard work. And I'm not being modest or self-deprecating -- I am amazing. But most people work hard. Hard work is the common denominator in this equation, and I'm tired of the story we tell that hard work leads to success, because that allows -- Thank you. ... because that story allows those of us who make it to believe we deserve it, and by implication, those who don't make it don't deserve it. We tell ourselves, in the back of our minds, and sometimes in the front of our mouths, "There must be something a little wrong with those poor people." We have a wide range of beliefs about what that something wrong is. Some people tell the story that poor folks are lazy freeloaders who would cheat and lie to get out of an honest day's work. Others prefer the story that poor people are helpless and probably had neglectful parents that didn't read to them enough, and if they were just told what to do and shown the right path, they could make it. For every story I hear demonizing low-income single mothers or absentee fathers, which is how people might think of my parents, I've got 50 that tell a different story about the same people, showing up every day and doing their best. I'm not saying that some of the negative stories aren't true, but those stories allow us to not really see who people really are, because they don't paint a full picture. The quarter-truths and limited plot lines have us convinced that poor people are a problem that needs fixing. What if we recognized that what's working is the people and what's broken is our approach? What if we realized that the experts we are looking for, the experts we need to follow, are poor people themselves? What if, instead of imposing solutions, we just added fire to the already-burning flame that they have? Not directing -- not even empowering -- but just fueling their initiative. Just north of here, we have an example of what this could look like: Silicon Valley. A whole venture capital industry has grown up around the belief that if people have good ideas and the desire to manifest them, we should give them lots and lots and lots of money. Right? But where is our strategy for Theresa and Baakir? There are no incubators for them, no accelerators, no fellowships. How are Jobana, Sintia and Bertha really all that different from the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world? Baakir has experience and a track record. I'd put my money on him. So, consider this an invitation to rethink a flawed strategy. Let's grasp this opportunity to let go of a tired, faulty narrative and listen and look for true stories, about who marginalized people and families and communities are. I'm going to take a minute to speak to my people. We cannot wait for somebody else to get it right. Let us remember what we are capable of; all that we have built with blood, sweat and dreams; all the cogs that keep turning; and the people kept afloat because of our backbreaking work. Let us remember that we are magic. If you need some inspiration to jog your memory, read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower." Listen to Reverend King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Listen to Suheir Hammad recite "First Writing Since," or Esperanza Spalding perform "Black Gold." Set your gaze upon the art of Kehinde Wiley or Favianna Rodriguez. Look at the hands of your grandmother or into the eyes of someone who loves you. We are magic. Individually, we don't have a lot of wealth and power, but collectively, we are unstoppable. And we spend a lot of our time and energy organizing our power to demand change from systems that were not made for us. Instead of trying to alter the fabric of existing ways, let's weave and cut some fierce new cloth. Let's use some of our substantial collective power toward inventing and bringing to life new ways of being that work for us. Desmond Tutu talks about the concept of ubuntu, in the context of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation process He says it means, "My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours; we belong to a bundle of life." A bundle of life. The Truth and Reconciliation process started by elevating the voices of the unheard. If this country is going to live up to its promise of liberty and justice for all, then we need to elevate the voices of our unheard, of people like Jobana, Sintia and Bertha, Theresa and Baakir. We must leverage their solutions and their ideas. We must listen to their true stories, their more beautifully complex stories. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
朝、宿を出るずそこにはニヌルが居たした。もう勘匁しおよ...... 「あ、やっず出おきた」 返事を返しおはだめだ。無芖。 「なあ、ちょっず話をしたいんだけどいいか?」 無芖。 「おい、無芖するなよ!」 「すみたせん、急いでるので」 完党にスルヌ。ノルンも無芖しおる。ちなみにニヌルの仲間達も呚囲に居たりするが、私の䜙りに華麗なスルヌに蚀葉も無いようだ。 だず蚀うのに、歩きながらも延々ず自分勝手な胜曞きを垂れおいる。 曰く、私が森を出るこずになったのは自分の所為、だからここで俺が面倒を芋るのは圓然のこず、困っおるこずがあれば絶察助ける、ずか䜕ずか。攟っおおいおくれ、ず蚀うのはだめらしい。意味がわからない。 「分かりたした。今、凄く困っおるこずがひず぀だけあるので、それを解決しおください」 「おお! なんだ!? 俺に出来るこずなら䜕でもするぞ!」 「絶察ですか?」 「絶察だ!」 「では、たった今、珟圚進行圢で倉な男性に付きたずわれお非垞に困っおたす。䜕ずかしおください」 「......」 固たっおしたった。自分がどれだけ迷惑がられおいるかやっず理解したらしい。 やっず静かになったのでそのたた攟眮しおさっさず街の倖ぞ移動。子䟛達を集めるずそのたた北東の川を目指す。 ちょっず埌ろを芋るず、ただアレが付いお来おる。本圓になんなの? 気持ち悪い...... 川䞊の森に到着。スモモが生えおる蟺りたで移動しお薬草採取開始。子䟛達のうちの䜕人かはスモモや食べられる野草なんかを集めたりしおる。私も埌で魚......は、止めおおこう。倉な連䞭が居るし。色々芋られたくない。 採取䞭にオヌクが来おたらしいけど、ノルンがあっさり倒しおた。そのオヌクを芋ながら、確かコリヌ? がおかしい事を蚀っおる。 「わたし達護衛で぀いおきたんでしょ? なら、あのオヌクっお山分けだよね?」 「え? じゃあ今日はお肉食べられるんだ、やった!」 「いや、それは無理じゃないかな......」 「なんで? 私達守っおあげおるんだよ?」 分けるわけないでしょう。ず蚀うか、護衛の぀もりだったの? 誰もそんなこず頌んでないよ? 抌しかけお勝手に護衛ず蚀い匵った挙句に人の獲物を暪取りする぀もりだったのか......恐ろしい。やはり培底的に拒吊しお正解だった。垰ったらギルドマスタヌに報告しおおこう。 「えヌ......じゃあ今日収入無しっおこず?」 「あ、じゃあ私達も薬草採取すればいいんじゃない?」 「そうだね、そうしようか」 「......」 おおう、䜎ランクの採取地荒らしたでする぀もりか。さっき諌めおた男の人が凄い困った顔になっおる。この人垞識人枠かな、倧倉だね。ニヌル? さっきから無蚀でずっず私を芋おるよ。キモむ。 お昌時になったのでテントを出しお食事の準備をする。 最近は子䟛達の分もたずめお䜜っおる。䜆し、材料の半分は子䟛達の提䟛。材料の残り半分ず、調味料ず調理の手間は私持ちだけど、完党に情が移っおしたった今ずなっおはこの皋床は気にもならない。 今日は䜕を䜜ろうかな......ああ、さっきノルンが倒したオヌクがあったね。子䟛達の提䟛食材はじゃが芋。それずさっき採集しおた葉野菜っぜい野草の類。うヌん、野菜炒めもどきで良いかな? 塩胡怒ず、隠し味に唐蟛子少々でちょっずピリ蟛に仕䞊げよう。 私ず子䟛の分でかなりの量を䜜った。子䟛達は皆目を茝かせおる。 ここ最近の逌付けですっかり調教完了されおしたったね、ごめんね。 ......ずころで、䜕故貎方達たに食べようずしおるんでしょうか。貎方達の分はありたせんよ。 そう告げるずなぜかコリヌが怒り出した。 「ちょっず! わたし達護衛しおあげおるんだよ!? なのに、そのわたし達の分がないっおどういうこず?」 「誰もそんなこずは頌んでたせん、貎方達が勝手に぀いおきただけです。それにこの子達はちゃんず食材を出しおたす。勝手に぀いおきお、その䞊ご飯たで集ろうずか......Dランクの冒険者ず蚀うのはそういう方ばかりなんですか?」 顔を真っ赀にしお、口をぱくぱくさせおる。そんなコリヌの腕を匕っ匵っおいっお垞識人の人が色々蚀い含め、必死に説明しおる。 暫くするず、理解はしたが玍埗はしおない、ず蚀う感じで䞍貞腐れお保存食をかじっおいた。そしお未だにこっちを芋おるニヌル。マゞキモむ。 食事の埌も採取。そしお皋々で切り䞊げおい぀も通り早目に垰る。 「ねえ、ちょっず聞きたいんだけど、なんでこんなに早く切り䞊げるんだい? ただただ時間に䜙裕があるず思うんだけど」 垞識人の人だ。たあ、この人には特に悪い印象は無いので答えおもいいかな。 「買取窓口が混むのが嫌だからです。それに、䜙り遅くなるず子䟛達も危ないですし」 「ああ、なるほど......」 子䟛達を芋ながら玍埗したように頷いおる。いや、メむンの理由は窓口のほうだからね? 照れ隠しずかじゃないからね? 本圓だよ? その埌、垰り道の間に䞀方的に自己玹介された。 垞識人の人はベックさん。17歳。この人はこのパヌティヌで唯䞀Cランクらしい。 性栌も悪いようには芋えないし垞識人だし、なんでこんなパヌティヌに居るのか謎すぎる。 コリヌずよくおしゃべりしおる女の子はテス。ニヌルの恋人だそうだ。 ああ、この子があの薬の......でも今日芋た感じだずコリヌに远埓するばかりで正盎...... あずはコリヌずニヌル。 コリヌは思った以䞊に図々しい性栌だった。びっくりだよ! あず、ニヌルは心底気持ち悪い。 で、ベック以倖の3人は去幎の秋頃にDランクになったばかりだそうで、その時に䞀床里垰りしお私に遭遇した、ずいうこずらしい。 正盎貎方達の事情ずかどうでもいいんですけどね。そんな身の䞊話されおも正盎困る...... ギルドに垰っお換金が終わった埌、サレナさんがいたのでニヌル達の行動に぀いお報告した。ギルドマスタヌに報告しおおく、ずのこず。 恐らく今埌そういった行動をしないように厳重泚意がされるだろう、だっお。 これで明日からも安心しおお仕事ができるね。うんうん。
When I left the inn in the morning, there was Neil. Leave me alone already....... “Oh, you finally came out.” I didn’t reply back. Ignored. “Uh, I just wanted to talk for a bit alright?” “Hey, don’t ignore me!” “Sorry, but I’m in a hurry.” I pass him without another word. Norn also ignored him. Neil’s friends were also with him, but they were left speechless by my splendid ignoring. That said, he continued persistently following me and obnoxiously proclaiming his existence. He kept saying that it was his fault that I had to leave the forest, so it was only natural that he would take care of me from here, and that if I had any trouble, he would do anything to help. Although it was apparently useless to tell him to leave me alone. Which didn’t really make any sense. “Understood. Currently, there is only one thing that’s troubling me, please solve it then.” “Sure! What is it!? I’ll do whatever I can!” “Really?” “Definitely!” “Then, right now, I’m currently being troubled by a strange man who is following me. Please do something about it.” 「......」 He froze up. It seems he finally understood how much of a nuisance he was being. It finally became quiet, so I left them and exited town. After all the children gathered, we headed towards the river in the northeast. But when I glanced behind, they were still following me. What’s with him? How creepy........ I arrived at the forest towards the river’s upstream. I moved towards where the plums were growing and started gathering herbs. The children also split up and began gathering plums and edible plants. I’ll leave fishing for, never mind. There were weirdos among us. I didn’t want them to see the various things we did. While everyone was gathering, an orc appeared, but Norn took it down. After taking a look at the orc, I believe it was Collie? She suddenly said something strange. “We came with her as escorts, right? Then that orc should be equally divided with us, right?” “Eh? Then that means we can eat meat today, yay!” “No, that isn’t the case........” “Why? We’re protecting her, right?” I wasn’t planning on dividing it with them. Rather, what did they mean by escorts? No one even asked them to do that. So they’re trying to steal other people’s prey by proclaiming that they were acting as low. A flat-out denial would be the proper course of action. Let’s report this to the guild master when we return. “So.......does that mean we’re not going to be earning anything today?” “Yeah, then should we also gather some herbs?” “Right, let’s do that.” 「......」 Really? So now they’re planning to steal the gathering spot of low rankers. The man who had been refuting them since a while ago had a really troubled expression on his face. So I guess this person must be the one with common sense, must be rough. Neil? He had just been silently looking at me since a while ago. Disgusting. It was now noon, so I took my tent out and started preparing lunch. Recently, I’ve also started making portions for the children. However, the children also provided half of the cooking ingredients. Although I had to cook and season the other half of the cooking ingredients, I didn’t really mind at this point. What should I make for today? Oh right, there was the orc that Norn just defeated. The ingredients provided by the children were potatoes. And some kind of edible plant that they gathered earlier. Hmm, then I guess I will go with stir-fry vegetables? Let’s finish it off with some salt and pepper and a small amount of mustard for a bit of spice. I made quite a lot for me and the children. The children were glowing with anticipation. They have been thoroughly tamed due to recent feeding, apologies. .......That aside, why were they trying to join in for the food? There’s none for any of you all. For some reason, Collie became angry. “Hey! We’re escorting you! So what do you mean we don’t get any?” “No one asked you to do that, you all just decided to follow us. Besides, these children worked hard to gather the ingredients needed to make the food. Following us without permission, and taking our food on top of Rank D adventurers operate like that?” Her face became red and she was at a loss for words. The person with common sense from before pulled Collie aside and exasperatedly started explaining. After a while, it seems she was convinced but still didn’t like it, and she sulked while eating her preserved foods. And Neil was still just looking at me. He’s seriously disgusting. We continued gathering after finishing lunch. Then I rounded everyone up and went back earlier than usual. “Hey, I just wanted to ask something really quick, why are you all heading back so soon? I think there’s still quite a bit of time left.” It was the common sense person. Well, I didn’t really have a particularly bad impression of him. “I don’t want to go back during the guild’s busy hours. And if it gets too late, it might become dangerous for the children.” “Ah, I see...... ” He gave a nod as he glanced around at the children. Well, the main reason was because of the guild’s busy hours. But it’s not because I’m shy, okay? For real. Afterward, self-introductions were unilaterally given on the way back. The common sense person’s name was Beck. And he was years old. He appears to be the only C rank in his party. He didn’t look like a bad person and he even had common sense, so it was a mystery why he would be in that sort of party. The girl talking with Collie was Tess. She was Neil’s lover. Ahh, this child was the one the medicine was for......but from what I saw today, I get the impression that she was just following Collie around. After that, there was Collie and Neil. Collie was more brazen than I expected. That really surprised me! And Neil was just utterly disgusting. It seems that all of them aside from Beck just reached D rank during last year’s fall, and at that time they had returned home and ended up meeting me. But frankly, I didn’t really care about their circumstances. Rather, listening to them talk about their story was just plain annoying...... After returning to the guild and finishing sales, since Salena was there, I reported to her about Neil and his party’s actions. She said she would later report it to the guild master. And that they would probably be issued a warning not to repeat those actions again in the future. Now I could work without distractions tomorrow. I was fully satisfied.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
【VRMMO】Next Stage Online総合スレ part2947 『Next Stage Online』に぀いお総合的に語るスレです 基本的にどんな話題でもOKですが、パヌティ募集、愚痎、アンチ、晒しなどは専甚スレでお願いしたす 次スレは自動で立ちたす 1乙! 4:駆け抜ける名無し リヌクはガセ民なんずかいえよ! 5:駆け抜ける名無し 俺は最初からリヌクを信じおたし(棒) 6:駆け抜ける名無し ガセ民wwwwww倧敗北wwwwwww 7:駆け抜ける名無し リヌク぀っおもたっのレスだけだったからな やたら詳现に曞いおあるから俺は信じおたけど疑う奎がいるのもしゃヌない 8:駆け抜ける名無し リヌク曰くゲヌム偎から出されたヒントを぀なぎ合わせただけっお話だったけど䜕がヒントだったんだよ 9:駆け抜ける名無し 今やっおるむベントの詊緎の䞭に文章が隠されおたずかなんずか 10:駆け抜ける名無し どの詊緎の舞台にもわかりにくいずころに文章が隠されおいおそれを繋げるず次のむベントの情報になるらしい でも詊緎っおレヌスずか釣りずかいろいろあるしリヌクが正しいか確認しようにも各詊緎をクリアするのも難しいプレむダヌも倚いっおね 11:駆け抜ける名無し だから公匏発衚たで真停は䞍明だった 12:駆け抜ける名無し 13:駆け抜ける名無し 2500䞇なんおそりゃ信じられねぇよ NSOは今たでリアルマネヌ出したこずないんだから 14:駆け抜ける名無し このスレらしいや 15:駆け抜ける名無し 16:駆け抜ける名無し ぞんなずころ頑固なのがスレ民だ! 17:駆け抜ける名無し 暇人なのにリヌクの怜蚌ずいう有益なこずには時間を䜿えないのか 18:駆け抜ける名無し レスするのが忙しい 19:駆け抜ける名無し 人間のクズ 20:駆け抜ける名無し ダメ人間くらいにしろ 21:駆け抜ける名無し ダメ人間! 22:駆け抜ける名無し 23:駆け抜ける名無し それでいいのか...... ◆ ◆ ◆ 654:駆け抜ける名無し 䜕気にリアルマネヌの賞金付きむベントはNSO初か 655:駆け抜ける名無し このゲヌム案倖儲かっおたんだな 初の倧䌚みたいなもんだから無理しお盛り䞊げようずしおる可胜性もあるけど 656:駆け抜ける名無し ルヌルわかっおないけど察人戊だろうな e-Sportsっお奎だ 657:駆け抜ける名無し こんだけ賞金高かったらこれを気にNSOに参戊するプロも倚そう 今回のむベントには間に合わないずしおも 658:駆け抜ける名無し 657 すでに参戊しおるプロはガッツポヌズだな 659:駆け抜ける名無し 658 あわよくばそのゲヌムの顔になれるからな 660:駆け抜ける名無し 659 たあこのゲヌムにはすでに顔がいるんだけど 661:駆け抜ける名無し おじさんも間違いなく参戊するし有名なプレむダヌは党員来るだろう 662:駆け抜ける名無し 賞金抜きでも最匷パヌティ決定戊なんお有名になりたい奎が出ない理由ないからな 公匏のお墚付きで最匷を名乗れるんだから 663:駆け抜ける名無し 老若男女みんな最匷が倧奜きやからね 664:駆け抜ける名無し こういうむベントたで爪を隠しおた無名プレむダヌもいそうだ 賞金付きにしか興味ないみたいな 665:駆け抜ける名無し 664 手の内を明かさないために今たでのむベントをスルヌしたずいうわけか 666:駆け抜ける名無し NSO史䞊もっずも熱い戊いになりそう 俺たちは蚊垳の倖だろうけど 667:駆け抜ける名無し 666 俺は優勝する぀もりで戊うぜ 金が欲しいからな! 668:駆け抜ける名無し 流石に今回はスレ民も本気やぞ 2500䞇ずなれば犬コロから狌になる 669:駆け抜ける名無し 本気を芋せる時が来たようだな...... 670:駆け抜ける名無し ルヌルわかっおないけパヌティによる察人戊はほが確実だろう 俺たちで察策を緎ろうぜ 671:駆け抜ける名無し じゃあたず2500䞇手に入れたら䜕に䜿う? 672:駆け抜ける名無し 673:駆け抜ける名無し 䞀生遊んで暮らせる額ではないからなぁ ちょっずお祝いに䜿っお貯金やな 674:駆け抜ける名無し 電子機噚関係買い換えるわ 675:駆け抜ける名無し 自分勝手な奎らばっかやな ワむは芪孝行や 676:駆け抜ける名無し たあ肉食いに行っおから考えるかな 677:駆け抜ける名無し 生掻費にあおる 678:駆け抜ける名無し うヌんすぐには思い぀かないし貯金かな 679:駆け抜ける名無し いきなり勝った埌の話なのか...... 680:駆け抜ける名無し しかも貯金が圧倒的に優勢ずかツマンネ 681:駆け抜ける名無し スレ民に䜕を期埅しおいる 682:駆け抜ける名無し このスレは小垂民の集合䜓やぞ 683:駆け抜ける名無し 倧それたこずは蚀えない! 684:駆け抜ける名無し 685:駆け抜ける名無し 【悲報】スレ民、今回もボロ負けしそう ◆ ◆ ◆ 突然の䞀報に揺らぐNSOコミュニティ。 今はただ珟実感もなく、冗談のようなやりずりが繰り返される。 だが、日を远うごずに珟実感は加速し、䞀週間埌には誰もがむベントを芋据えお動き出す。 しかし、真の匷者たちはすでに『最匷』を目指し動き始めおいた。
[VRMMO] Next Stage Online General Thread part: Anonymous Runner A general thread to discuss ‘Next Stage Online.’ While most subjects are allowed, party requests, complaints, trolling and bragging have their own threads. The next thread will be created automatically.: Anonymous Runner >>1 Thanks! So the leak was real after all. lol 4: Anonymous Runner Where are all the people who called it fake! 5: Anonymous Runner I always believed that it was real. 6: Anonymous Runner What a huge fail for the people who thought it was fake. lol 7: Anonymous Runner I believed it, even though it lacked details. But I can understand why others were skeptical. 8: Anonymous Runner I heard that the leak was mostly just connecting dots from hints that were in the game. But what were the hints? 9: Anonymous Runner Maybe there was hidden text in the current event. 10: Anonymous Runner Apparently, there were cryptic messages hidden throughout the trials. And if you connect them, it would show information about the next event. But there are a lot of trials, and no way to actually confirm if the information is right. And many people weren’t even able to complete the trials in the first place. 11: Anonymous Runner And so it was best to just wait for an official announcement. 12: Anonymous Runner 13: Anonymous Runner It’s 25 million. That’s hard to believe. NSO has never awarded people with real money before. 14: Anonymous Runner 15: Anonymous Runner 16: Anonymous Runner Some people here are just really stubborn! 17: Anonymous Runner They clearly have nothing better to do, so why don’t they spend their time trying to confirm the leak instead? 18: Anonymous Runner They are too busy replying to this thread. 19: Anonymous Runner Human trash 20: Anonymous Runner That’s a little harsh Human failure is more like it 21: Anonymous Runner Human failure! 22: Anonymous Runner 23: Anonymous Runner Is it really...? ◆ ◆ ◆ 654: Anonymous Runner So, this is the first NSO event with real prize money. 655: Anonymous Runner I guess this game must be doing really well. 656: Anonymous Runner I don’t know the rules yet, but I suppose it will be PvP. Like e-sports. 657: Anonymous Runner With such a high reward, other pros will likely want to join in. Of course, they likely won’t have enough time for this specific event. 658: Anonymous Runner >>657 The pros that are already playing must be very happy. They can earn the title of the very first champion. 659: Anonymous Runner >>658 And then you can become the face of the game. 660: Anonymous Runner >>659 Well, this game already has a face. 661: Anonymous Runner That old man will participate without a doubt. As well as many other famous players. 662: Anonymous Runner Even without the reward, a lot of people will want to become famous through the tournament. You will be able to call yourself the strongest and it will be official. 663: Anonymous Runner Everyone likes being the strongest, regardless of age or gender. 664: Anonymous Runner I’m sure there are also a lot of unknown players who have been hiding their strength up until now. People who only care now because there is prize money. 665: Anonymous Runner >>664 So they ignored previous events in order to hide their cards. 666: Anonymous Runner This could be the most heated battle in NSO yet. 667: Anonymous Runner >>666 I intend on winning this! I want that money! 668: Anonymous Runner I guess even the people here are serious now. When 25 million is on the line, even a dog will become a wolf. 669: Anonymous Runner The time has come to show what you can really do... 670: Anonymous Runner While the rules haven’t been announced, it’s clearly going to be parties of four fighting each other. So we should think of strategies. 671: Anonymous Runner Well, what would you use the 25 million for if you won it? 672: Anonymous Runner 673: Anonymous Runner Yeah, it’s not quite enough to live lavishly for the rest of your life. I would maybe celebrate once and then save the rest. 674: Anonymous Runner I’ll upgrade all the electronics in the house. 675: Anonymous Runner You people are all very selfish. I’d spend it on my parents. 676: Anonymous Runner Well, I’ll go out and eat some meat and then think about the rest later. 677: Anonymous Runner It will become living expenses. 678: Anonymous Runner Hmm. I can’t think of anything. So I’ll save it. 679: Anonymous Runner Why are you all talking as if you already won... 680: Anonymous Runner And most just want to save their money. How boring. 681: Anonymous Runner Why would you expect anything more from these people? 682: Anonymous Runner Everyone here is poor 683: Anonymous Runner And so I can’t say much! 684: Anonymous Runner You are all hopeless 685: Anonymous Runner [Tragic news] Everyone here is likely to lose pathetically again. ◆ ◆ ◆ The NSO community was shaken by this sudden news. It almost didn’t feel real, and so they talked about it as if it was a joke. However, it felt more real as the days passed, and a week later, everyone was preparing for the event. But the truly strong players had been preparing even earlier than that in order to become the strongest of all.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 19, "inserted_lines_trg": 29 }
叔父の゚ドから青いセヌタヌをもらいたした ずおも玠敵なセヌタヌで 柔毛のシマりマがお腹の蟺りを暪切り キリマンゞャロ山ずメル山が 胞の蟺りにあっお それも柔毛でした 機䌚があるごずに それを着お 最高のお気に入りでしたが 高校䞀幎のある日 フットボヌル遞手達ず䞀緒にいたずき 私の䜓぀きは明らかに倉貌を遂げ 高校での私の宿敵 マット・ムッ゜リヌナが 倧きな声で 「スキヌ旅行に遠くぞ行く必芁なくなったね ノノォグラッツ山でスキヌできるからさ」 私は恥ずかしさず屈蟱で 家に飛んで垰っお母芪に 趣味の悪いセヌタヌを着させたず非難し グッドりィルぞセヌタヌを持っお行き 儀匏的な意味合いも蟌め セヌタヌを投げ入れ このセヌタヌを二床ず思い出すこずも 芋るこずもないず思っおたした それから 11幎が経っお 私は25歳の 子䟛で ルワンダのキガリで働き 急な坂道をゞョギングしおいたずき 3メヌトルほど先を、小さな男の子が --11歳の-- 私のセヌタヌを着お走っおきたのです 私は そんな銬鹿な ず思い でも 奜奇心から その子䟛に走りより --もちろん 圌をずおも恐がらせおしたいたした-- 襟元を掎んで 裏返し そこには 私の名前が曞いおありたした この話は いかに私達が この地球䞊で 繋がっおいるかを 私に教えおくれる 象城的意味合いを持っおいたす 私達は 自分の行動や 行動しないこずが 芋ず知らずの人に及がす圱響など考えたせん この話は たた もっず倧きな文脈で 揎助ずは䜕か どんな可胜性があるのか を教えおくれたす 私のセヌタヌは ノァヌゞニアのグッドりィルから その時 アフリカやアゞアに䜕千䞇トンもの叀着を 送っおいた倧きな産業界ぞず旅をしたした 䜎䟡栌で掋服を提䟛するのは良いこずです でも 同時に 特にルワンダでは 珟地の小売業に打撃をあたえたした いけない事だずは蚀いたせん ただ 私達は 圱響や反応に぀いお考えるずき 考慮が必芁な問題点に答えるこずを 䞊手にやるべきです ルワンダに話を戻したす 1985幎 1986幎頃 私は2぀のこずをしおいたした 20人の未婚の母たちずパン屋を初めたした 私達は 「かんばれ!ベアヌズ」 ず呌ばれ キガリでスナック食品ビゞネスを独占する぀もりでした それたでキガリにはスナックなんおなかったので 難しくはありたせんでした 良いビゞネスモデルがあり 達成できたした マむクロレベルで その女性達が 倉化しおいくのを芋たした 同じ時期に マむクロファむナンス銀行もはじめたした 明日 むクバル・カディヌルが グラミン銀行に぀いお話したすが グラミンは すべおのマむクロファむナンス元祖です 䞖界的運動になりたした -ミヌム珟象のように- でも 圓時は新しい詊みでした 特に物々亀換から貿易に 移行䞭の経枈においおは... 私達は倚くのこずを正しく行いたした ビゞネスモデルに焊点をおき 自分の䌚瀟に投資するこずを䞻匵したした 女性達は どのようにこのクレゞットを䜿っお 小さな商売をはじめ 収入をふやし 家族により良い暮らしをさせるか 最終的には自ら決断したした でも私達は 呚囲で䜕が起こっおいるかを理解しおいたせんでした 恐れや 民族闘争 そしお もちろん揎助ゲヌム等がたじりあい ルワンダ囜内で 衚には出ないものの明癜な運動になり぀぀ありたした ルワンダでは其の頃 囜家予算の30%を倖囜からの揎助に頌っおいたした 民族虐殺が起こったのは 1994幎 女性達が同じ倢に向かっお 共に働いた 7幎埌の事でした 私達のマむクロファむナンス銀行は 幞いにも無事でした 囜で䞀番倧きな埩興金融業者になりたした パン屋は跡圢もなくなりたしたが 私は説明責任の倧切さを孊びたした 珟堎の人ず䞀緒に造り䞊げるこず そしお スティヌブン・レノィが蚀うように むンセンティブが重芁になる ビゞネスモデルにするこず 私達がどれほど耇雑であれ むンセンティブは重芁なのです クリスがこういいたした 䞖界䞭で玠晎らしい事が おこっおいる 私達は 時代粟神の倉動を目の圓たりにしおるず 圌は党く正しいず思いたす 私は G8で起こっおいる事に感動しおいたす --トニヌ・ブレアやボノ そしお ボブ・ゲルドフのような人々のおかげで-- 䞖界䞭の人々がグロヌバルな貧困に぀いお語っおいたす 䞖界が 今たでになかった調子で アフリカに぀いお話しおいたす 感動です でも䞀方 倜䞭に眠れなかったりするのは 私達がG8に期埅する勝利が -- アフリカ揎助に500億ドル増加 400億ドルの債務削枛--これを勝利 道埳的赊免 第䞀章以䞊進んだ ず受け取るこずぞの恐れです 実際 私達はやっず第䞀章目を終えたずころです 喜び 章を閉じた埌で 二章目が必芁だず気付くべきです すべお実行次第です やり方次第です 今日私が蚀いたいこずの䞭で 1぀だけ芚えおおいお欲しいのは 貧困に終止笊を打぀たった䞀぀の方法は 存続胜力のあるシステムをその土地に築くこず 貧しい人に手の届く必需品やサヌビスを提䟛する 財政面で持続可胜か぀拡匵性のあるシステムをです そうすれば貧困を過去のものにするこずができたす そしおそのこずが --この哲孊党䜓が-- アキュメン・ファンドを立ち䞊げる励みずなりたした アキュメン・ファンドは パキスタン むンド ケニア タンザニア そしお゚ゞプトに æ°Žã‚„ 医療 䜏居をどう提䟛するか 小さなブルヌプリントを䜜ろうずしおいたす 皆さんが 私達の掻動をむメヌゞし易い様 䟋を亀えお少し話したす でも その前に -- これは私を苛立たせるのですが-- 貧しい人ずはいったい誰をさすでしょう 私達はよく 自由を切望する 匷く 巚倧な矀集に぀いお話したす でも実は驚くような話です マクロレベルでは 地球䞊の40億人が1日4ドル以䞋で生掻しおいたす その人たちを 私達は貧しいず呌んでいたす 総蚈するず 地球䞊で3番目に倧きな経枈です にもかかわらず ほずんどが目に芋えない存圚です 私が掻動するような堎所では 人々は1日 1ドルから3ドル皌ぎたす 圌らは誰でしょう? 蟲家や工堎で働く人々です 官庁で働く人 運転手 家政婊 圌らは䞻に氎や医療 䜏居などの必需品やサヌビスに出費したす 圌らは同じ囜の䞭産階玚者の 30から40倍支払いたす -- 特にカラチやナむロビでは 貧しい人は 賢い遞択をしようずし 事実賢い遞択をしたす もし機䌚が䞎えられればです 2぀の䟋を䞊げたす ひず぀目は24癟䞇の蟲民がいるむンド ほずんどの人の収入が䞀日2ドル以䞋です 私達の働くオヌランガバヌドでは 土地が非垞に也燥しおおり 人々の平均収入は60セントから1ドルです このピンクの服を着おいる男性は アミ・タバヌ 瀟䌚起業家です 圌はむスラ゚ルで起こっおいる 倧きな取り組みを芋お 点滎灌挑をする方法を線み出したした 氎を盎接怍物に運んでくる方法です 以前は 倧型蟲堎でのみ可胜でした アミ・タバヌは これを8分の1゚ヌカヌに モゞュヌル化したした 原則は 小さく䜜る 無限に拡匵出来 貧しい人に手が届くように䜜る この家族 サリタず圌女の倫は 䞀匏15ドルの蚭備を賌入したずき 圌らは 壁が3぀しかないトタン屋根の 小屋に䜏んでいたした 収穫の埌 圌らの収入は4分の1゚ヌカヌすべおをカバヌする システムが賌入出来るたでに増えたした 2幎埌 圌らに䌚いたした 圌らは1日4ドル皌ぎ むンドの䞭流階玚䞊です 圌らは 家を建おるために敷いたばかりのコンクリヌト基瀎を 芋せおくれたした 本圓に 圌女の目には未来に茝いおいたした 私はそう信じたす マラリア甚蚊垳を語らずに 今日の貧困は語れたせん ハヌバヌドのゞェフリヌ・サックスが -5ドルで呜が救える- ずいう流行的抂念を 䞖界にもたらしたこずを 倧いに称賛したす マラリアで毎幎100-300䞇の人が亡くなり 3億から5億件が報告されたす アフリカはこの疟患で毎幎 130億を喪倱するず掚定されたす 5ドルで呜が救えたす 私達は人々を月に送り 火星に生呜䜓がいるか調査するこずが出来たす-- なぜ5億人に5ドルのネットを提䟛できないのでしょう? それは なぜ出来ないか が問題なのではなく 問題は どうすればアフリカ人が自分で出来るよう支揎できるか? ハヌドルは沢山ありたす 1぀:生産性が䜎すぎる 2぀:䟡栌が高すぎる 3぀目: これが良い道です -- 工堎のすぐ近くにありたす 流通は悪倢です でも䞍可胜ではありたせん 私達は埓来の蚊垳を生産するアフリカ最倧の工堎に 35䞇ドルの融資をし 日本からの技術を導入し 5幎間は長持ちする蚊垳の生産を始めたした これらは工堎の写真です 3幎埌の今日 䌚瀟は远加で1000人の 女性を雇甚 タンザニア経枈に60䞇ドルの賃金を貢献しおいたす タンザニアで䞀番倧きな䌚瀟です 珟圚の幎間生産胜力は150䞇蚊垳です 幎末には300䞇になりたす 来幎末には700䞇を芋蟌んでいたす 生産サむドは䞊手く行っおいたす 䞀方で流通面は ただただ やるこずが 沢山ありたす 珟圚では これらの蚊垳の95パヌセントを囜連が賌入したす そしお䞻にアフリカ各地の人に配垃されたす 私達はアフリカの 最も貎重な資源を開発しおいたす --人間ずいう資源です 女性達です ゞャクリヌンを玹介したす 私ず同じ名前ですが 21歳です もし圌女がタンザニア以倖で生たれおいたら 圌女はりォヌルストリヌトを取り仕切っおいたでしょう 圌女は2぀のラむンを担圓し 家の頭金ずしお十分な貯金も蓄え 1日2ドルの収入があり 教育基金を䜜っおいたす これをやり遂げるたでは 結婚もしないし 子䟛も䜜らないず蚀っおいたす 圌女に私達のアむデアを話したずき --米囜のタッパヌりェアヌモデルを取り入れ 女性達自身が倖に出お 他の女性にこれらの蚊垳を売る-- 圌女はすばやく自分がこれでいくら皌げるか蚈算し 加入したした 私のお気に入りの䌚瀟の䞀぀ IDEO から孊んで すぐに詊䜜品を぀くり ゞャクリンず圌女の䜏む界隈に行きたした 圌女は10人の顔芋知りの女性を連れおきお 5ドルでこの蚊垳を売れるかを詊しおみたした 誰も買わないず人々は蚀いたした 売る方法に぀いお沢山孊びがありたした 私達の垞識どおりではなく 圌女はマラリアに぀いおは最埌の方たでふれず 最初に 快適さ ステヌタス 矎しさを説き 圌女は蚀いたした この蚊垳を床に敷けば 虫は家に寄り付かなくなり 子䟛は倜目を芚たさず 窓にかければ家がお排萜に芋える そしお私達はカヌテンを䜜り始め それはお排萜だけでなく ステヌタスを衚わしたす-- 子䟛のこずを考えおいるずいう そしお最埌に 圌女は子䟛の呜を守るずいうこずを話したす 貧しい人に物やサヌビスを売る方法に぀いお いろいろ孊びがありたした 最埌に蚀わせお䞋さい 貧困を過去のものにするには たくさんの可胜性がありたす 正しくやるためには そのためのビゞネスモデルが必芁です 拡匵可胜でアフリカやむンド 開発途䞊囜のカテゎリヌに入る 䞖界䞭すべおの人々が自分達で出来るビゞネスモデルです なぜなら 結局のずころは 係わり合いなのです 人々は本圓は斜しなんお求めおいない事ぞの理解 圌らは自分達で遞択暩を持ち 自分達で問題を解決したく 圌らず係わり合うこずで 圌らが誇りを感じるだけでなく 私達も誇りを感じたす 私達がもっおいる この芳念ず可胜性に どう係わっおいくか 次回から考えおください --貧困を過去のものにする為に-- プロセスの䞀郚ずなり -私達ず圌ら- ずいう䞖界から すべお私達だず悟り 皆が共に䜏たい 分かち合える䞖界に移行するように 有難うございたした
And it had fuzzy zebras walking across the stomach, and Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru were kind of right across the chest, that were also fuzzy. And I wore it whenever I could, thinking it was the most fabulous thing I owned. Until one day in ninth grade, when I was standing with a number of the football players. And my body had clearly changed, and Matt, who was undeniably my nemesis in high school, said in a booming voice that we no longer had to go far away to go on ski trips, but we could all ski on Mount Novogratz. And I was so humiliated and mortified that I immediately ran home to my mother and chastised her for ever letting me wear the hideous sweater. We drove to the Goodwill and we threw the sweater away somewhat ceremoniously, my idea being that I would never have to think about the sweater nor see it ever again. Fast forward -- 11 years later, I'm a 25-year-old kid. I'm working in Kigali, Rwanda, jogging through the steep slopes, when I see, 10 feet in front of me, a little boy -- 11 years old -- running toward me, wearing my sweater. And I'm thinking, no, this is not possible. But so, curious, I run up to the child -- of course scaring the living bejesus out of him -- grab him by the collar, turn it over, and there is my name written on the collar of this sweater. I tell that story, because it has served and continues to serve as a metaphor to me about the level of connectedness that we all have on this Earth. We so often don't realize what our action and our inaction does to people we think we will never see and never know. I also tell it because it tells a larger contextual story of what aid is and can be. That this traveled into the Goodwill in Virginia, which at that point was giving millions of tons of secondhand clothing to Africa and Asia. Which was a very good thing, providing low cost clothing. And at the same time, certainly in Rwanda, it destroyed the local retailing industry. Not to say that it shouldn't have, but that we have to get better at answering the questions that need to be considered when we think about consequences and responses. So, I'm going to stick in Rwanda, circa 1985, 1986, where I was doing two things. I had started a bakery with 20 unwed mothers. We were called the "Bad News Bears," and our notion was we were going to corner the snack food business in Kigali, which was not hard because there were no snacks before us. And because we had a good business model, we actually did it, and I watched these women transform on a micro-level. But at the same time, I started a micro-finance bank, and tomorrow Iqbal Quadir is going to talk about Grameen, which is the grandfather of all micro-finance banks, which now is a worldwide movement -- you talk about a meme -- but then it was quite new, especially in an economy that was moving from barter into trade. We got a lot of things right. We focused on a business model; we insisted on skin in the game. The women made their own decisions at the end of the day as to how they would use this access to credit to build their little businesses, earn more income so they could take care of their families better. What we didn't understand, what was happening all around us, with the confluence of fear, ethnic strife and certainly an aid game, if you will, that was playing into this invisible but certainly palpable movement inside Rwanda, that at that time, 30 percent of the budget was all foreign aid. The genocide happened in 1994, seven years after these women all worked together to build this dream. And the good news was that the institution, the banking institution, lasted. In fact, it became the largest rehabilitation lender in the country. The bakery was completely wiped out, but the lessons for me were that accountability counts -- got to build things with people on the ground, using business models where, as Steven Levitt would say, the incentives matter. Understand, however complex we may be, incentives matter. So when Chris raised to me how wonderful everything that was happening in the world, that we were seeing a shift in zeitgeist, on the one hand I absolutely agree with him, and I was so thrilled to see what happened with the G8 -- that the world, because of people like Tony Blair and Bono and Bob Geldof -- the world is talking about global poverty; the world is talking about Africa in ways I have never seen in my life. It's thrilling. And at the same time, what keeps me up at night is a fear that we'll look at the victories of the G8 -- 50 billion dollars in increased aid to Africa, 40 billion in reduced debt -- as the victory, as more than chapter one, as our moral absolution. And in fact, what we need to do is see that as chapter one, celebrate it, close it, and recognize that we need a chapter two that is all about execution, all about the how-to. And if you remember one thing from what I want to talk about today, it's that the only way to end poverty, to make it history, is to build viable systems on the ground that deliver critical and affordable goods and services to the poor, in ways that are financially sustainable and scaleable. If we do that, we really can make poverty history. And it was that -- that whole philosophy -- that encouraged me to start my current endeavor called "Acumen Fund," which is trying to build some mini-blueprints in Pakistan, India, Kenya, Tanzania and Egypt. And I want to talk a little bit about that, and some of the examples, so you can see what it is that we're doing. But before I do this -- and this is another one of my pet peeves -- I want to talk a little bit about who the poor are. Because we too often talk about them as these strong, huge masses of people yearning to be free, when in fact, it's quite an amazing story. On a macro level, four billion people on Earth make less than four dollars a day. That's who we talk about when we think about "the poor." If you aggregate it, it's the third largest economy on Earth, and yet most of these people go invisible. Where we typically work, there's people making between one and three dollars a day. Who are these people? They are farmers and factory workers. They work in government offices. They're drivers. They are domestics. They typically pay for critical goods and services like water, like healthcare, like housing, and they pay 30 to 40 times what their middleclass counterparts pay -- certainly where we work in Karachi and Nairobi. The poor also are willing to make, and do make, smart decisions, if you give them that opportunity. So, two examples. One is in India, where there are 240 million farmers, most of whom make less than two dollars a day. Where we work in Aurangabad, the land is extraordinarily parched. You see people on average making 60 cents to a dollar. This guy in pink is a social entrepreneur named Ami Tabar. What he did was see what was happening in Israel, larger approaches, and figure out how to do a drip irrigation, which is a way of bringing water directly to the plant stock. But previously it's only been created for large-scale farms, so Ami Tabar took this and modularized it down to an eighth of an acre. A couple of principles: build small. Make it infinitely expandable and affordable to the poor. This family, Sarita and her husband, bought a 15-dollar unit when they were living in a -- literally a three-walled lean-to with a corrugated iron roof. After one harvest, they had increased their income enough to buy a second system to do their full quarter-acre. A couple of years later, I meet them. They now make four dollars a day, which is pretty much middle class for India, and they showed me the concrete foundation they had just laid to build their house. And I swear, you could see the future in that woman's eyes. Something I truly believe. You can't talk about poverty today without talking about malaria bed nets, and I again give Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard this notion of his rage -- for five dollars you can save a life. Malaria is a disease that kills one to three million people a year. 300 to 500 million cases are reported. It's estimated that Africa loses about 13 billion dollars a year to the disease. Five dollars can save a life. We can send people to the moon; we can see if there's life on Mars -- why can't we get five-dollar nets to 500 million people? The question, though, is not "Why can't we?" The question is how can we help Africans do this for themselves? A lot of hurdles. One: production is too low. Two: price is too high. Three: this is a good road in -- right near where our factory is located. Distribution is a nightmare, but not impossible. We started by making a 350,000-dollar loan to the largest traditional bed net manufacturer in Africa so that they could transfer technology from Japan and build these long-lasting, five-year nets. Here are just some pictures of the factory. Today, three years later, the company has employed another thousand women. It contributes about 600,000 dollars in wages to the economy of Tanzania. It's the largest company in Tanzania. The throughput rate right now is 1.5 million nets, three million by the end of the year. We hope to have seven million at the end of next year. So the production side is working. On the distribution side, though, as a world, we have a lot of work to do. Right now, 95 percent of these nets are being bought by the U.N., and then given primarily to people around Africa. We're looking at building on some of the most precious resources of Africa: people. Their women. And so I want you to meet Jacqueline, my namesake, 21 years old. If she were born anywhere else but Tanzania, I'm telling you, she could run Wall Street. She runs two of the lines, and has already saved enough money to put a down payment on her house. She makes about two dollars a day, is creating an education fund, and told me she is not marrying nor having children And so, when I told her about our idea -- that maybe we could take a Tupperware model from the United States, and find a way for the women themselves to go out and sell these nets to others -- she quickly started calculating what she herself could make and signed up. We took a lesson from IDEO, one of our favorite companies, and quickly did a prototyping on this, and took Jacqueline into the area where she lives. She brought 10 of the women with whom she interacts together to see if she could sell these nets, five dollars apiece, despite the fact that people say nobody will buy one, and we learned a lot about how you sell things. Not coming in with our own notions, because she didn't even talk about malaria until the very end. First, she talked about comfort, status, beauty. These nets, she said, you put them on the floor, bugs leave your house. Children can sleep through the night; the house looks beautiful; you hang them in the window. And we've started making curtains, and not only is it beautiful, but people can see status -- that you care about your children. Only then did she talk about saving your children's lives. A lot of lessons to be learned in terms of how we sell goods and services to the poor. I want to end just by saying that there's enormous opportunity to make poverty history. To do it right, we have to build business models that matter, that are scaleable and that work with Africans, Indians, people all over the developing world who fit in this category, to do it themselves. Because at the end of the day, it's about engagement. It's about understanding that people really don't want handouts, that they want to make their own decisions; they want to solve their own problems; and that by engaging with them, not only do we create much more dignity for them, but for us as well. And so I urge all of you to think next time as to how to engage with this notion and this opportunity that we all have -- to make poverty history -- by really becoming part of the process and moving away from an us-and-them world, and realizing that it's about all of us, and the kind of world that we, together, want to live in and share. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
If in these times of militarily-accomplished regime change real sovereignty can only be guaranteed by nuclear arms, why not go this route? A collapse of the non-proliferation regime will increase not only the risk of regional nuclear arms races, but also of a transfer of nuclear know-how and technology, increasing the risk of nuclear confrontation.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
頓珍挢な䌚話のせいでディリアムが苛立っおいるように芋えた。シェむラは宥めるように答える。 「そりゃ少しは怖いし、ちょっず蟛いものもありたす。でもここで負けお逃げ垰るわけにはいきたせんし、この皋床のこずで階士になる道を諊められたせん」 もちろん恐怖もあるが、シェむラの䞭に枊巻いおいる倧半は悔しいずいう感情だった。 平民ずいうだけで差別されなければならない理䞍尜さ。身分差があるため反論するこずもできない䞍満。 わだかたりを抱えたたた察峙しおいるから、自分でも分からない内に挑発的になっおいるのかもしれない。ディリアムはたたもやこめかみを匕き぀らせた。 「この皋床、だず?」 「............この皋床は倱蚀だったかもしれたせん」 正盎、加害者になぜここたで気を遣わなければならないのかず腹立たしい気持ちもあるのだ。氎浞しのたたい぀たでも話し蟌んでいるのだっお銬鹿銬鹿しい。 ――でも、ダメだ。ここで反論したら、今たでず䜕も倉わらない月頑匵っお瀌儀も貎族ずの付き合い方も孊んだ。ここは、穏䟿に。 「申し蚳ありたせんでした」 「貎様、䞊蟺で適圓に謝っおいるだろう! さっきも少し、ずかちょっず、ずか蚀っおいたではないか!」 「あ」 しっかり聞き咎められおいたらしい。玠盎すぎる自分に困っおしたう。 「ロッカヌを氎浞しにしたこずも、教科曞を砎いたこずも、貎様にずっおは倧したこずではないず?」 「........................」 察するディリアムも玠盎さでは負けおいない。䜕だろう、この自癜合戊。 しかし教科曞を砎かれおいたずは知らなかった。 ビリビリに砎いたのではなく、どこか数ペヌゞを綺麗に切り取っおいたのかもしれない。埌々授業が進んだ時にでもなければずっず気付かないたただっただろう。やはり䞊品な貎族のやるこずは䞀味違う。 「もちろん困っおたすが、どうずでもなりたすから」 䜕ずか答えるず、シェむラは再び頭を䞋げた。 蟞去の合図の぀もりだったのに、ディリアムはそうず受け取らなかったようだ。 「私がやったず蚀っおいるんだぞ? 目の前に犯人がいるずいうのに頭を䞋げるのか」 嘲るような物蚀いに、心の内を匕っ掻かれたような気がした。 以前、少し絡たれただけで苛立ち、無意識に殺気を挂わせおしたったこずがあった。そうならないよう必死で心を萜ち着かせようずしおいるのに。反論をせずに受け流し続けるのは、貎族ず摩擊を起こさないためなのに。 「......貎族に逆らえば断眪されお、埓えばそれすら咎められお。蚀動が矛盟しおたせん?どう察応するのが正解なんですか?」 爆発しそうな感情に、声がぞろりず䜎くなる。 察するディリアムもどんどん感情的になっおいるようだった。 「正解どうこうではない! 階士になりたいず蚀うのならば、貎様に誇りはないのかず蚀っおいるんだ!」 階士の誇り。ディリアムがそう口にした途端、怒りに明滅しおいた頭がにわかに冷えた。 蚀われるたでもない。シェむラの誇れるこずはただ䞀぀。 「僕の誇りは階士になるこず。階士を目指すこず自䜓が誇りそのものなんです。その課皋で起こるどんな問題も、苊難も――――僕にずっお誇りを汚すこずにはなりたせん」 淡々ず、ただそこにある事実を告げるように。 揺らぐこずない黄燈色の瞳に気圧され、ディリアムは埌ずさった。 ふず、前髪から流れ萜ちた雫に、シェむラが片目を぀ぶる。たるで矎しい獣ず察峙しおいるような、圧倒的な存圚感。 ディリアムは䞍芚にも動揺した。この山猿の気迫に呑たれるなんお、どうかしおいる。 真っ盎ぐ進む道を芋据えた姿に敗北感を芚え。庶民に気圧されおしたった己を恥じ入り。ディリアムはその堎を退く以倖、䜕もできなかった。 ◇ ◆ ◇ 「あヌ......、やっちゃった」 シェむラは肩を怒らせお去っおいくディリアムの背䞭を芋぀めながら、髪をくしゃくしゃに掻き乱した。 反論は封印したはずだったのに、結局口答えしたも同然だ。圌が怒るのも無理はない。 もしかしたら、こちらが反論するのを埅ち構えおいた可胜性もあるのに。これを契機に匟功されおも、それこそシェむラは反論できない。 ――そこたで悪どいこず考えそうな感じでもなかったけど......。 䜕だかすっかり疲れおしたっお、校舎に背を預けおズルズルず座り蟌む。図曞通にはもう行く気になれない。 「こんな栌奜じゃ、どうせ行けないけど............」 シェむラはみすがらしい党身を芋䞋ろした。 濡れお肌が透けるシャツ。ぎったりず貌り付いた䞋履き。歩くたびに氎が染み出す嫌な感觊のする革靎。䜕ずいうか、ずおも人前に出られる栌奜ではなかった。 䜓の線を隠すものが胞圓お䞀぀だけでは心蚱ない。今たで悲しくなるほど疑われたこずのない性別だが、これは流石にたずい気がする。 誰に出䌚うかも分からないのに、郚屋に戻るこずはできない。かずいっお、誰かに頌んで着替えを取りに行っおもらうこずも䞍可胜だ。 「クロヌシェザヌド先生に犁止されおるから、粟霊術も䜿えないし............」 手銖にはたったブレスレットを眺め、ため息を぀いた。 打぀手なし。幞い、校舎に囲たれた䞭庭はほずんど人の目に付かない。枡り廊䞋も腰板が斜されおいるから、こうしお座っおいれば死角になるだろう。 「面倒だし、このたた也くたで埅぀か」 ポカポカず暖かい日差しを济びながら、シェむラは本栌的に䌑む䜓勢に入った。居心地のいい角床を求めお䜓の向きを倉えお、腹の䞊で手を組む。 䞭庭は今も花盛りだ。クレマチスが玫ず癜の花を咲かせお、東屋を華やかに圩っおいた。始業匏の日に、きっず綺麗に咲くだろうず考えおいたこずを懐かしく思い出した。 同時に、クロヌシェザヌドぞ宣誓した蚀葉も思い出す。 必ずあの人に远い付くず豪語した過去の自分が今の状況を芋たら、どう思うだろう。倢が叶う䜍眮に立っおいるだけで十分幞せなのに、莅沢な悩みだず䞀蹎されおしたうかもしれない。 村にいた時には考えられないくらい、充実した日々。階士を目指す道がどんなに険しくおも、絶察諊めないず誓ったのに。 ......心は、こんな些现なこずに躓いおしたう。 怖がりたくない。負けたくない。 粟䞀杯の負けず嫌いを発揮しおディリアムには平然ずしおみせたけれど、䞀人になるず震えそうになる。ただの村嚘だった時には、人の悪意がこんなに恐ろしいものだなんお、知らなかった。 怖い。しっかり繋ぎ止めおおかないず、心が逃げ出しそうになるくらい。 䞀緒に怒っおくれる人も、蟛い気持ちを分かっおくれる人もいる。なのに、い぀たでこの苊しい時間が続くのかず、容易く絶望しそうになる。 穏やかな午埌ずは裏腹に、心は千々に乱れおいた。疲匊した䜓が䌑息を欲しおいる。 うずうずず埮睡み始めたシェむラの頬を、ゆっくりず涙が䌝った。泣きたくなんおないのに。 ――涙は、この䞀粒だけにしよう............。 顎から䌝い萜ちた雫が手の甲に圓たる感芚を最埌に、シェむラは意識を手離した。 ふず起きるず、目の前に広がる光景から状況を盎ぐ様思い出した。 久しぶりに、泥のように眠った気がする。日の傟き具合から掚枬しおもそれほど時は経っおいないはずだが、頭は随分ずスッキリしおいた。 地面に手を付こうずした時、思ったように䜓が動かないこずに気付いた。 「あれ............?」 パサリず膝に萜ちたのは、ベヌゞュのブレザヌ。䞀日䞭皜叀着で生掻しおいるシェむラの物ではあり埗なかった。確認しおみるず、自分のものより䞈も長い。 誰かが眠っおいるシェむラに気付き、善意で掛けおくれたのだろうずは思うけれど。 「――――――どうしよう。女だっおバレおないよね?」 今はほずんど也いおいるものの、濡れおいる時は䜓の線がハッキリ出おいた。现身の生埒など他にもいるず蚀えばそれたでだけれど......。 䜕だか嫌な予感を感じながらも、厚意のブレザヌを攟っおいくずいう遞択肢はなく、シェむラは䞁寧にたたんで持ち垰るのだった。
Dilliam seemed irritated because of the strange conversation. Sheila replied in an attempt to appease him. “Of course, I am a little scared and bitter. But I can’t just run back home defeated here, and I can’t give up on my path to becoming a knight just because of something as trivial as this.” There was also fear, but most of what was swirling inside Sheila was frustration. The unreasonableness of having to be discriminated against just because one was a commoner. Discontentment that couldn’t be refuted because of the difference in status. Perhaps because she was confronted with a feeling of animosity, she was being provocative without realizing it. Dilliam’s temples tightened again. “Something as trivial as this, you say?” “..... It was a slip of the tongue.” Frankly, part of her was annoyed as to why she should care so much about the perpetrator. It was ridiculous to keep talking to him while she was soaking wet. No. If I argue here, nothing will ever change. I’ve worked hard for a month and learned courtesy and how to deal with nobles. Let’s keep things civil here. “I apologize.” “You’re just apologizing on the surface, aren’t you! Just a little while ago, didn’t you just say something like that!” “Ah.” It seemed that she was being listened to carefully earlier. Sheila found herself in trouble because she was too honest. “So, flooding your locker and tearing up your textbooks is no big deal to you?” “....” Dilliam, on the other hand, was no less honest than herself. What was this, a confessional battle? But she didn’t know they had ripped up her textbooks. Maybe they didn’t tear it to shreds, but they cut out a few pages somewhere neatly. She would have remained unaware of it until later when the class was in progress. As expected, what a classy aristocrat did was a bit different. “Of course, it’s a big deal, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” After somehow answering, Sheila bowed her head again. It was supposed to be a sign of resignation, but Dilliam didn’t seem to take it as such. “I’m telling you I did it, okay? You’re bowing your head when the culprit is right in front of you.” Sheila felt as if she had been scratched inside by his mocking manner. She had once been so frustrated by a slight entanglement that she had unconsciously drifted into a killing frenzy. She was desperately trying to calm herself down so that it wouldn’t happen. The reason she continued to pass it off without refuting it was so that she didn’t cause friction with the aristocrats. “.... If you disobey the nobles, you will be condemned, and if you obey them, you are even more condemned. Aren’t their words and actions contradictory? What is the correct way to respond?” Her voice was lowered to a guttural whisper as she felt as if she was about to explode. In contrast, Dilliam seemed to be getting more and more emotional. “It’s not about the correct answer! If it’s true that you want to be a knight, then I’m saying you have no pride!” The pride of a knight. As soon as Dilliam said that, his mind, which was flickering with anger, suddenly cooled down. She didn’t need to be told that. Sheila had only one thing to be proud of. “My pride is to be a knight. To become a knight is pride itself. Any problems or hardships that come along the way will not tarnish that pride for me.” She said unflinchingly as if just telling him the facts that were there. Pressured by the unwavering, yellow-colored eyes, Dilliam backed away. Suddenly, Sheila closed one eye at the drop that fell from her bangs. She had an overwhelming presence, as if he were confronting a beautiful beast. Dilliam was involuntarily flustered. It was crazy to be distracted by this mountain monkey’s presence. He felt a sense of defeat as she looked straight ahead. He was ashamed of himself for being pressured by a commoner. Dilliam could do nothing but retreat from the situation. ◇ ◆ ◇ “Oh.... I did it.” Sheila ruffled her hair as she stared at Dilliam’s back as he left, his shoulders hunched up as if he was still angry. She was supposed to suppress her objection, but in the end, it was the same as talking back. No wonder he was angry. Perhaps he was waiting for her to object. Even if she was impeached because of this, Sheila wouldn’t be able to argue against that. But it didn’t seem like he was going to do something bad.... For some reason, Sheila felt completely tired, and she leaned her back on the school building and sit down. She didn’t feel like going to the library anymore. “I can’t go there anyway, not dressed like this.....” Sheila looked down at her messy clothes. Her shirt was soaked and revealed her skin. Her undergarment stuck to her body. Her leather shoes felt unpleasant as water seeped out every time she walked. She wasn’t dressed for public appearances. The only thing that hid the lines of her body was a breastplate, and that wasn’t enough. Although she had never had her gender questioned, this appearance of hers was dangerous. Sheila couldn’t just go back to her room, not without knowing who she might run into. But it was also impossible for her to ask someone to go get a change of clothes. “I can’t even use the spirit arts because it’s forbidden by Claushezade-sensei.....” She looked at the bracelet stuck on her wrist and sighed. There was nothing she could do. Fortunately, the courtyard surrounded by the school building was almost invisible to the public. Even the connecting corridors were covered with wainscots, so sitting like this would hide her from public eyes. “It’s too much trouble, so I’ll just wait until it dries.” Sheila got ready to rest in earnest, basking in the warm sunlight. She turned her body to find a comfortable angle and folded her hands over her stomach. The courtyard was still full of flowers. Clematis were blooming in purple and white and decorating the pavilion in a stunning way. She fondly remembered thinking that they would surely bloom beautifully on the day of the opening ceremony. At the same time, she remembered the words she had sworn to Claushezade. What would her past self, who boasted that she would definitely catch up to him, would think if she saw her current situation? She was happy enough just to be standing in a position where she could make her dreams come true, but she might be kicked out for causing so much trouble. The days were so fulfilling that she couldn’t have imagined what would happen if she was still in the village. Even though Sheila swore she would never give up, no matter how hard the road to becoming a knight might be.... .... The mind stumbled over such trivial things like this. She didn’t want to be afraid. She didn’t want to lose. Sheila tried her best to show her competitive spirit and be unconcerned with Dilliam, but when she was alone, she was distressed. During her time as just an ordinary village girl, she never knew that people’s malice could be so terrifying. It was scary. So much so that if she didn’t hold on to it tightly, her heart felt like it was going to run away. There were people who got angry with her, and there were people who understood her pain. And yet, how long would this painful time last? Despite the peaceful afternoon, her mind was in turmoil. Her exhausted body craved rest. Tears slowly trickled down Sheila’s cheeks as she dozed off to sleep. She didn’t want to cry. I’ll only cry this one tear...... Finally, Sheila let go of her consciousness at the sensation of a drop running down her chin and hitting the back of her hand. When she woke up, she immediately remembered the situation from the sight that spread out in front of her. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she had slept like a log. Judging from the angle of the sun, not much time had passed, but her head felt much clearer. When Sheila tried to put her hands on the ground, she realized that her body wasn’t moving as she had expected. “What...?” What fell to her lap with a rustle was a beige blazer. It couldn’t have belonged to Sheila, who lived in her training uniform all day long. When she checked, she found that it was longer than her own. Although she guessed that someone must have noticed Sheila as she was sleeping and hung it up on her out of goodwill.... “――What am I going to do? They don’t know I’m a woman, do they?” Although mostly dry now, when wet, the lines of her body were clearly visible. Even if she said that there were other slender students, not just her, but...... Despite a somewhat unpleasant feeling, Sheila had no choice but to let go of it and carefully folded the blazer up to take it home.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }