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A nascent international movement is growing around the use of sport for development and peace, as evidenced by some of the following key events: In 2001, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) announced it would use sport to promote economic and social development
Gulu lomwe likukula padziko lonse lapansi likukula pankhani yogwiritsa ntchito masewera pachitukuko ndi mtendere, monga zikuwonetseredwa ndi zochitika zazikuluzikulu izi: Mu chaka cha 2001, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) idalengeza kuti idzagwiritsa ntchito masewera kulimbikitsa chitukuko cha zachuma ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu.
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Numerous other international conferences have moved the discussion forward. An International Working Group will spend the next four years identifying best practices and guidelines for sport for development and peace
Misonkhano ina yambiri yapadziko lonse yapititsa patsogolo zokambiranazi. Gulu Logwira Ntchito Padziko Lonse likhala zaka zinayi zikubwerazi kupeza njira zabwino ndi malangizo amasewera pa chitukuko ndi mtendere
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The International Olympic and Paralympic Committees have both made commitments to support the use of sport for development and to improve the lives of people living in the most disadvantaged regions of the world
Makomiti a International Olympic and Paralympic onse apanga malonjezano ochirikiza kugwiritsa ntchito masewera pachitukuko komanso kukonza miyoyo ya anthu okhala m'madera ovutika kwambiri padziko lapansi.
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At the field level, donor agencies, international and indigenous humanitarian and development organizations, national and local governments, sports ministries and federations, Olympic and Paralympic Committees, leagues and clubs, schools, and individuals have generated a host of creative and effective ways to leverage the power of sport
M'magawo, mabungwe opereka ndalama, mabungwe apadziko lonse lapansi ndi achitukuko, maboma amayiko ndi ang'onoang'ono, maunduna ndi mabungwe amasewera, Makomiti a Olimpiki ndi Paralympic, ma ligi ndi makalabu, masukulu, ndi anthu pawokha apanga njira zambiri zolimbikitsira komanso zogwira mtima kugwiritsa mphamvu zamasewera
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Experts around the world have concluded that physical education is a critical component of a child’s overall education. It can improve body awareness and help a child develop healthy habits at an early age
Akatswiri padziko lonse lapansi atsimikiza kuti maphunziro akuthupi ndi gawo lofunika kwambiri la maphunziro a mwana. zikhoza kupititsa patsogolo kuzizindikira kwa thupi lako ndi kuthandiza mwana kukhala ndi chizolewezi cha makhalidwe athanzi adakali wamng'ono
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There is also evidence that participation in physical education improves concentration and performance in academic courses
Palinso umboni wosonyeza kuti kutenga nawo mbali pa maphunziro a thupi kumapangitsa kuti munthu aziganizira kwambiri komanso kuchita bwino m’maphunziro a maphunziro
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Furthermore, such classes provide an opportunity to address broader health and safety issues and ensure that all children, including those with disabilities, have an opportunity to participate in sport
Kuphatikiza apo, makalasi oterowo amapereka mwayi wothana ndi nkhani zambiri zaumoyo ndi chitetezo ndikuwonetsetsa kuti ana onse, kuphatikiza amene ali ndi ulumali, ali ndi mwayi wochita nawo masewera.
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In spite of its known value, physical education routinely falls to the bottom of the priority list of governments and school systems working within limited budgets
Ngakhale kuti ndi phindu lake ndilodziwika bwino, maphunziro olimbitsa thupi nthawi zambiri amakhala pansi pa mndandanda wa boma ndi masukulu omwe amagwira ntchito ndi ndondomeko ya zachuma yochepa.
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In the wake of war, disaster, or humanitarian crisis, sports programs can play an important role in relieving stress, healing emotional wounds, restoring a sense of normalcy, and creating an opportunity for healthy social interaction
Pambuyo pa nkhondo, Ngozi zogwa mwadzidzi, kapena kusowa kwa chithandizo ku anthu, ntchito za masewera zingathandize kwambiri kuthetsa nkhawa, kuchiritsa mabala a m'maganizo, kubwezeretsa moyo wabwino, komanso kupanga mwayi wocheza bwino ndi anthu.
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In camps for refugees and internally displaced persons, where people are away from home and often have little to occupy their time, sports activities can be a welcome break from the monotony of day-to-day life and a rare opportunity to have fun
M'misasa ya anthu othawa kwawo, komwe anthu amakhala kutali ndi kwawo ndipo nthawi zambiri amakhala ndi nthawi yochepa, masewera amatha kukhala nthawi yabwino yopuma ku moyo watsiku ndi tsiku komanso mwayi wopeza zowasangalatsa.
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As in other settings, sports activities have the added benefit of gathering people together and can be used as an opportunity to conduct public education activities
Monga m'malo ena, masewera ali ndi phindu lowonjezera la kusonkhanitsa anthu pamodzi ndipo angagwiritsidwe ntchito ngati mwayi wochititsa maphunziro kwa gulu.
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The project fosters three key factors in the well-being of children: resilience, a meaningful connection to adults through the coaching relationship, and a sense of safety and security through regular activity
ntchitoyi imalimbikitsa zinthu zitatu zofunika pa umoyo wa ana: kulimba mtima, kugwirizana kwakukulu ndi akuluakulu kudzera muubwenzi wophunzitsa, komanso kukhala ndi chitetezo ndi chitetezo podzera muzochitika nthawi zonse.
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Reconciliation and Peace Building: Because it is a common language that can bridge cultural, ethnic, and geographic divides, many initiatives use sport to promote the reconciliation of communities or nations in conflict
Kuyanjanitsa ndi Kupititsa patsogolo Mtendere: Chifukwa ndi chilankhulo chodziwika bwino chomwe chimatha kuthetsa kusiyana kwa chikhalidwe, mafuko, ndi malo, njira zambiri zimagwiritsa ntchito masewera kulimbikitsa kuyanjanitsa kwa madera kapena mayiko omwe akumenyana.
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Programs may operate at a local level, creating ethnically mixed teams or clinics, for example. They may also operate on a national or regional level, promoting the interaction of people from different locations
Ntchito zikhoza kugwira ntchito mdera, kupanga magulu osakanikirana amitundu kapena zipatala, mwachitsanzo. Athanso kugwira ntchito pamlingo wadziko kapena zigawo, kulimbikitsa kuyanjana kwa anthu ochokera m'malo osiyanasiyana
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Sport also plays a role in international diplomacy, helping establish communication within civil society that sometimes paves the way for political dialogue
Masewera amathandizanso pa zokambirana zapadziko lonse lapansi, kuthandiza kukhazikitsa kulumikizana pakati pa mabungwe omwe nthawi zina zimapanga njira ya zokambirana zandale.
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The project held the first soccer tournament in an ethnically divided district and today continues to hold a soccer tournament/ weekend camp every four months and an evening dialogue once a month
Ntchitoyi inapangitsa mpikisano woyamba wa mpira m'chigawo chogawikana ndipo lero ikupitilizabe kuchititsa masewera a mpira / kumapeto kwa sabata miyezi inayi iliyonse komanso kukambirana cha ku madzulo kamodzi pamwezi.
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Rehabilitation and Integration of Persons with Disabilities: The use of sport in rehabilitation began in veterans’ hospitals in Europe and the U.S. but today is practiced widely, including by organizations that provide rehabilitation services in war-affected and developing countries
Kukonzanso ndi Kuphatikizika kwa Anthu auwulumali: Kugwiritsa ntchito masewera pakukonzanso kunayamba m'zipatala zankhondo zakale ku Europe ndi US koma masiku ano zikuchitidwa paliponse, kuphatikiza ndi mabungwe omwe amapereka chithandizo chamankhwala m'maiko omwe akhudzidwa ndi nkhondo komanso omwe akutukuka kumene.
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In addition to promoting physical rehabilitation, sports programs can have a significant impact on the emotional healing and social integration of persons with disabilities
Kuphatikiza pa kulimbikitsa kukonzanso thupi, ntchito zamasewera zikhoza kukhudza kwambiri machiritso amalingaliro komanso kuphatikizana ndi anthu awulumali.
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They allow people to come together, share experiences, and build camaraderie. Such programs may form the basis for self-help groups or larger advocacy initiatives
Amalola anthu kubwera pamodzi, kugawana zomwe akumana nazo, ndi kupanga ubale. Nthito zotere zitha kukhala maziko amagulu odzithandiza okha kapena njira zazikulu zolimbikitsira
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The participation of persons with disabilities in sport can also lead to a shift in public perception about disability, focusing attention on ability and commonality, rather than disability and difference
Kutenga nawo mbali kwa anthu olumala pamasewera kungayambitsenso kusintha kwa malingaliro a anthu okhudzana ndi awulumali, kuyang'ana kwambiri luso ndi kufanana, osati wulumali ndi kusiyana.
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To the extent possible, sports programs should encourage the integration of disabled and non-disabled participants
Momwe kungathekere, ntchito zamasewera ziyenera kulimbikitsa kuphatikiza kwa anthu awulumali ndi omwe alibe ulumali
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When such integration happens, many myths and prejudices are dispelled and barriers to inclusion pushed aside
Kuphatikizika koteroko kukachitika, nthano zambiri ndi tsankho zimathetsedwa ndipo zolepheretsa kuphatikizidwa zimaikidwa kumbali
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Because of their ability to bring people together, stimulate confidence and teamwork, and attract public and media attention, sports programs serve as a useful tool for promoting social or policy change
Chifukwa cha kuthekera kwawo kobweretsa anthu pamodzi, kulimbikitsa kudalirana ndi kugwirira ntchito limodzi, komanso kukopa chidwi cha anthu ndi atolankhani, ntchito zamasewera zimakhala ngati chida chothandizira kulimbikitsa kusintha kwa chikhalidwe cha anthu kapena mfundo.
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Disadvantaged groups, such as women or persons with disabilities, may have their first opportunity to gather
Magulu ovutika, monga amayi kapena anthu olumala, akhoza kukhala ndi mwayi wawo woyamba kusonkhana
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organize around sports events. Sport can help people find a voice, both individually and collectively, that they then use to bring about change in their own lives and communities
konzekerani kukhala nawo pazochitika zamasewera. Masewera atha kuthandiza anthu kukhala ndi mawu, aliyense payekhapayekha komanso palimodzi, omwe amawagwiritsa ntchito kubweretsa kusintha m'miyoyo yawo komanso madera awo.
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In Egypt, Save the Children uses team sports, in addition to reproductive health and literacy training, to build girls’ confidence and sense of opportunity so that they are better able to delay marriage until they are more mature
Ku Egypt, bungwe la Save the Children limagwiritsa ntchito masewera amagulu, kuphatikiza pa maphunziro a uchembere wabwino ndi kuwerenga, kulimbitsa kudzikhulupilira kwa atsikana komanso kukhala ndi mwayi kuti athe kuchedwa kulowa m'banja mpaka atakhwima.
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Awareness Raising and Education: One of the most common uses of sport in the development arena is as a forum for conveying educational, public health, safety, environmental, or other messages
Kupititsa patsogolo Chidziwitso ndi Maphunziro: Chimodzi mwazinthu zomwe zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri pamasewera m'bwalo lachitukuko ndi ngati bwalo loperekera mauthenga a maphunziro, thanzi la anthu, chitetezo, chilengedwe, kapena mauthenga ena.
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Sport may also be used to foster individual development and learning. Sports events may act as a magnet, drawing in people who can then be engaged in education sessions before or after an event
Masewera atha kugwiritsidwanso ntchito kulimbikitsa chitukuko cha munthu payekha komanso kuphunzira. Zochitika zamasewera zitha kukhala zokopa anthu, zomwe zimakopa anthu omwe amatha kuchita nawo maphunziro asanachitike kapena pambuyo pake
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In some cases, learning and information sharing are interwoven with sports activities themselves. Celebrity athletes, coaches, teammates, or other respected individuals may act as spokespeople to increase the receptiveness of the audience
Nthawi zina, kuphunzira ndi kugawana zidziwitso kumalumikizidwa ndi zochitika zamasewera. Othamanga otchuka, makochi, anzawo a timu, kapena anthu ena olemekezeka atha kukhala olankhulira kuti awonjezere chidwi cha omvera.
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Through this program, a professional coach integrates HIV/AIDS prevention, family planning, and health messages into soccer training and competitions
Kudzera mu ntchitoyi, mphunzitsi waluso amaphatikiza kupewa HIV/Edzi, kulera, ndi mauthenga aumoyo pamaphunziro a mpira ndi mpikisano.
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Trevor Dudley in Uganda created a sports league that teaches children to play hard, work as a team, and set goals. The purpose of the project is to provide children with an alternative learning environment to that found in the schools, here rote memorization is the standard
Trevor Dudley wa ku Uganda anayambitsa mpikisano wa zamasewera omwe limaphunzitsa ana kusewera molimbika, kugwira ntchito limodzi, komanso kukhala ndi zolinga. Cholinga cha ntchitoyi ndikupatsa ana malo ena ophunzirira kuposa omwe amapezeka m'masukulu, apa kuloweza pamtima ndiye muyezo.
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Economic Development: Although it is an area that requires more attention and research, there is already plenty of evidence that sport can be used to spur economic development
Chitukuko Pachuma: Ngakhale ndi gawo lomwe likufunika chidwi komanso kafukufuku wambiri, pali umboni wochuluka wosonyeza kuti masewera angagwiritsidwe ntchito kulimbikitsa chitukuko cha zachuma.
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The construction and rehabilitation of sports facilities and development of sport for entertainment create employment and marketing opportunities
Kumanga ndi kukonzanso malo ochitira masewera ndi chitukuko cha masewera osangalatsa kumabweretsa mwayi wopeza ntchito ndi malonda
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The manufacturing of sports equipment also serves as a source of jobs. Furthermore, sports programs can be used as a training ground for a new work force, teaching skills that make young people more employable and productive
Kupanga zida zopangira masewera kumagwiranso ntchito ngati magwero a ntchito. Kuphatikiza apo, ntchito zamasewera zitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati malo ophunzitsira antchito atsopano, luso lophunzitsa lomwe limapangitsa achinyamata kukhala olembedwa ntchito komanso kuchita bwino.
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The International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Youth Sports Programme works in partnership with governments and the sports sector to support the skills building and employment of young people
Bungwe la International Labour Organisation (ILO) pa ntchito ya masewera a achinyamata limagwira ntchito mogwirizana ndi maboma ndi gawo lamasewera kuti lithandizire kukulitsa maluso ndi ntchito kwa achinyamata.
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Workshop participants planned joint activities that would contribute to economic development and youth employment, including some that link sports events to the promotion of tourism
Otenga nawo gawo pamisonkhanoyo adakonza zochitika zomwe zingathandize kukulitsa kwachuma ndi ntchito za achinyamata, kuphatikiza zina zomwe zimagwirizanitsa zochitika zamasewera ndikulimbikitsa zokopa alendo.
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The following issues merit particular consideration by donors and implementers alike as they work to build responsible and effective programs that harness the power of sport for development and peace
Zinthu zotsatirazi zikuyenera kuganiziridwa makamaka ndi opereka ndalama ndi omwe akukwaniritsa zomwe akuchita pamene akuyesetsa kupanga ntchito zodalirika komanso zogwira mtima zomwe akugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zamasewera pachitukuko ndi mtendere.
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Sport is a feel-good activity. Seeing children playing and enjoying themselves is heartwarming and tends to elicit positive responses from observers
Masewero ndi zochitika zosangalatsa. Kuona ana akusewera ndi kusangalala paokha ndi zopatsa chimwemwe kwambiri ndipo zimapangitsa anthu owonera kulabadira
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But the mere fact that a program utilizes sport as a tool, or that participants are having fun, does not mean that the program is effective or deserving of scarce resources
Koma kungoti ntchitoyi imagwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati chida, kapena kuti otenga nawo gawo akusangalala, sizitanthauza kuti ntchitoyi ndi yothandiza kapena yofunikira kuti ikhale ndi zofunikira zochepa.
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Implementers and donors need to carefully examine sports programs as they do other development activities to ensure that they have clearly defined objectives and plans that will lead to the fulfillment of those objectives, that they are cost-effective, and that they adhere to the highest standards of development practice
Othandizira ndi opereka ndalama ayenera kuyang'anitsitsa ntchito zamasewera pamene akugwira ntchito zina zachitukuko kuti atsimikizire kuti ali ndi zolinga zomveka bwino zomwe zingathandize kukwaniritsa zolingazo, kuti zikhale zotsika mtengo, komanso kuti azitsatira mfundo zapamwamba kwambiri pa machitidwe a nkhani za chitukuko
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Elite sports programs and athletes have an important role to play in the overall development of sport. They supply role models and generate media coverage and funds that can be used to spark interest in, and support for, sports programs at the recreational level
Ntchito zamasewera osankhika komanso othamanga ali ndi gawo lofunikira pakukula kwamasewera. Amapereka zitsanzo amatsogolera zofalitsa mawa ndi ndalama zomwe zingagwiritsidwe ntchito kuyambitsa chidwi, ndikuthandizira, ntchito zamasewera.
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But because elite or highly competitive sport has high entertainment value, and potentially economic value, it can be tempting to focus resources exclusively on these athletes and events
Koma chifukwa masewera osankhika kapena opikisana kwambiri amakhala ndi zosangalatsa zambiri, komanso phindu lazachuma, zitha kukhala kupangitsa kuti zipangizo zonse zikhale kwa othamanga ndi zochitika izi.
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National governments, even those with very limited funds, may invest significantly in elite athletes because of the prestige that comes from winning international competitions
Maboma adziko, ngakhale omwe ali ndi ndalama zochepa kwambiri, akhoza kuyika ndalama zambiri kwa othamanga apamwamba chifukwa cha kutchuka komwe kumabwera chifukwa chopambana mipikisano yapadziko lonse.
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For all of these reasons, donors and implementers should be careful to maintain a balance between their support for elite and recreational sports programs and to ensure that, when they do support elite athletes, others are benefiting, too
Pazifukwa zonsezi, opereka ndalama ndi ogwiritsira ntchito ayenera kukhala osamala kuti azikhala ndi mgwirizano pakati pa chithandizo chawo cha masewera apamwamba ndi osangalatsa komanso kuonetsetsa kuti, pamene akuthandizira othamanga apamwamba, ena akupindulanso.
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While sport has an almost unique capacity to bring people together, if not executed with great care, sports activities sometimes divide or exclude people
Ngakhale masewera ali ndi mphamvu zapadera zosonkhanitsa anthu, koma ngati sakuchitika mosamala kwambiri, masewerawa nthawi zina amagawanitsa kapena kupatula anthu.
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Because they have had less exposure to sport and therefore lack experience or confidence, or because social or cultural stereotypes and assumptions inhibit them, some groups of people are unlikely to participate in sports activities unless an active effort is made to involve them
Chifukwa chakuti sakonda kwambiri zamasewera kotero kuti alibe chidziwitso kapena kudzidalira, kapena chifukwa chakuti malingaliro a chikhalidwe zimawalepheretsa, magulu ena a anthu sangathe kutenga nawo mbali m'masewera pokhapokha ngati atayesetsa kuti awalowetse.
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This tends to be especially true of women, girls, and persons with disabilities. In many places, ethnic, religious
izi zimakhala choncho makamaka kwa amayi, atsikana, ndi anthu awulumali. M’malo ambiri, mafuko, achipembedzo
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cultural divisions may also lead to the exclusion of some people from sport
kugawanikana kwa chikhalidwe kungapangitsenso kuti anthu ena asatengeke nawo mbali pamasewera
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Ensuring that sports programs are inclusive necessitates that implementers treat participation as a process, not simply a desired outcome
Kuwonetsetsa kuti ntchito zamasewera ndi zaaliyense kumapangitsa kuti oyambitsa azitha kutenga nawo mbali ngati njira, osati zotsatira zomwe akufuna.
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Program planning should involve all key stakeholders, including potential participants, and should specifically address how to encourage the participation of women, girls, people with disabilities, or others who might typically be marginalized
Kukonzekera kwa ntchito kuyenera kukhudza onse omwe akhudzidwa, kuphatikiza omwe akuyenera kutenga nawo mbali, ndipo awonetsetse momwe angalimbikitsire kutengapo gawo kwa amayi, atsikana, awulumali, kapena ena omwe nthawi zambiri amakhala oponderezedwa.
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This means taking into account which activities would be most interesting and appropriate for various groups of people, what times and locations would be most convenient, what types of special equipment or assistance might be required, whether or not special or separate training might be needed, and how to reach out to potential participants and get them involved
Izi zikutanthawuza kuganizira za ntchito zomwe zingakhale zosangalatsa komanso zoyenera kwa magulu osiyanasiyana a anthu, nthawi ndi malo omwe angakhale abwino kwambiri, ndi mitundu yanji ya zida zapadera kapena thandizo lomwe lingafunike, kaya maphunziro apadera kapena osiyana angafunike, ndi momwe mungafikire anthu omwe angathe kutenga nawo mbali ndikuwatenga kuti atenge nawo mbali
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Likewise, in monitoring and evaluating programs, it is important to examine the participation, or lack thereof, of various groups and identify any ways in which a program may be unintentionally excluding people or simply failing to encourage their inclusion
Momwemonso, poyang'anira ndikuwunika ntchito, ndikofunika kuunika momwe magulu osiyanasiyana akutengera nawo mbali, kapena kusatenga nawo, ndikuzindikira njira zilizonse zomwe ntchitoyi ingathe kusankhira anthu mosadziwa kapena kulephera kulimbikitsa kuwalowa kukhala nawo.
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While one-time events or clinics may have spark interest in sport or raise awareness of an issue, it should not be assumed that such programs will have a significant long-term impact or that they will naturally lead to long-term programs
Ngakhale kuti zochitika za nthawi imodzi kapena zipatala zingabweletse chidwi ndi masewera kapena kudziwitsa anthu za vuto linalake, tisaganize kuti ntchito yoteroyi idzakhala ndi zotsatira za nthawi yaitali kapena kuti idzapangitsa ntchito ya nthawi yaitali.
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For example, bringing in international athletes for a one-week exhibition tour may raise awareness and get some people interested in a sport, but without follow-up and assistance with building the capacity of local organizations to institute regular activities, the tour may have limited sustained impact
Mwachitsanzo, kubweretsa othamanga ochokera kumayiko ena kuti azachite nawo ulendo wachiwonetsero wa sabata imodzi kukhoza kudziwitsa anthu ena ndikupangitsa anthu ena kukhala ndi chidwi ndi masewera, koma popanda kulondoloza komanso kuthandizidwa ndikulimbikitsa mabungwe am'deralo kuti akhazikitse zochitika pafupipafupi, ulendowu ukhoza kukhala chikoka chokhazikika
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Even ongoing programs and activities may not be sustainable if they are not carefully planned with that intent in mind
Ngakhale ntchito zomwe zikuchitika zomwe zikuchitika sizingakhale zokhazikika ngati sizinakonzedwe bwino ndi cholinga chimenecho
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As with other types of development programs, sports programs are more likely to be sustained if the program design addresses issues such as which local actors will manage and implement programs, how to maintain participation levels, and how to ensure on-going funding
Mofanana ndi mitundu ina yachitukuko, ntchito zamasewera amakhala okhazikika ngati makonzedwe a ntchitoyi athana ndi zinthu monga zomwe ochita m'deralo adzayendetse ndikukhazikitsa ntchitoyi, momwe angapitirizire kutenga nawo mbali, komanso momwe angathandizire kuti ndalama zipitirire kupezeka.
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Some programs are not meant to be sustainable; they are instituted to provide some particular service or benefit only on a short-term basis. For example, an organization might establish a recreational sports program at a refugee camp to provide youth some level of normalcy in the midst of a chaotic situation
Ntchito zina sizimayenera kukhala zokhazikika; amakhazikitsidwa kuti apereke ntchito inayake kapena kupindula kwakanthawi kochepa. Mwachitsanzo, bungwe likhoza kukhazikitsa maseŵera osangalatsa kumsasa wa anthu othawa kwawo kuti athandize achinyamata kukhala ndi moyo wabwino pa nthawi yachisokonezo.
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When people return home and the camp is closed, the sports program may also end. Even if a program such as this is not sustainable, though, there may be certain elements that could be sustained
Pamene anthu akubwerera kunyumba ndipo msasa watsekedwa, ntchito yamasewera ikhoza kuthanso monga ntchitoyi si yokhazikika, komabe, pangakhale zinthu zina zomwe zingapitirire
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For example, coaches and referees might be trained and provided with basic equipment and support so that they can continue to organize activities after returning home
Mwachitsanzo, aphunzitsi ndi woyimbira masewera amatha kuphunzitsidwa ndikupatsidwa zida zofunika komanso chithandizo kuti athe kukapitiliza kupangitsa zochitika akabwerera kwawo.
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At the very least, implementers should anticipate that some benefits of a sports program might have a lasting impact on the attitudes and practices of individual participants
Mosachepera chilichonse, oyambitsa ayenera kuyembekezera kuti zopindulitsa zina za ntchito yamasewera zitha kukhudza kwambiri malingaliro ndi machitidwe a omwe akutenga nawo mbali.
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In designing programs, implementers should look for ways to help participants retain the benefits of their involvement and maintain healthy habits
Popanga ntchitoyi, oyambitsa ayenera kuyang'ana njira zothandizira ophunzira kuti asunge ubwino wa kutenga nawo mbali komanso kukhala ndi makhalidwe abwino.
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Sometimes sports officials or participants hope that international donors will simply buy them new uniforms, shoes, and equipment—or renovate their facilities—and leave
Nthaŵi zina akuluakulu a zamaseŵera kapena otenga nawo mbali amayembekezera kuti opereka ndalama ochokera m’mayiko ena adzangowagulira makaka atsopano, nsapato, ndi zipangizo zatsopano—kapena kukonzanso malo awo—ndi kuwasiya.
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While equipment and facilities are often desperately needed, and while it may occasionally be the case that such material support is all that is required to stimulate participation in sport, donors and implementers should be very cautious about simply providing material support and walking away
Ngakhale zida ndi zipangizo zimafunikira kwambiri, ndipo ngakhale nthawi zina zitha kukhala kuti thandizo la zinthu zotere ndizomwe zimafunikira kulimbikitsa kutenga nawo gawo pamasewera, opereka ndalama ndi omwe akuwyendetsa ntchito akuyenera kusamala kwambiri pakungopereka chithandizo chazipangizo ndikuchokapo.
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If not incorporated into a broader strategy for increasing participation and for leveraging sport for particular ends, the provision of material support can end up being a waste of money, or worse still, creating harmful dynamics
Ngati sichiphatikizidwe munjira yokulirapo kutenga nawo mbali komanso kulimbikitsa masewera kuti akwaniritse zolinga zinazake, kupereka chithandizo chazipangizo kumatha kukhala kuwononga ndalama, kapena choyipitsitsa, kupangitsa mphamvu zowononga zinthu.
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Equipment may disappear into the hands of a few individuals or be sold on the open market. Facilities may be commandeered by a powerful few and unavailable to those people who lack political or financial influence
Zipangizo zimatha kuthera m'manja mwa anthu ochepa kapena kugulitsidwa pamsika. Zothandizira zitha kulamulidwa ndi ochepa amene ali ndim phamvu koma osafikira kwa anthu omwe alibe mphamvu pandale kapena pachuma
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To avoid such outcomes is not entirely easy and it requires that stakeholders (including participants) be fully aware of, engaged in, and invested in the broader program strategy
Kupewa zotsatirazi ndikosavuta kwenikweni ndipo pamafunika kuti okhudzidwa kuphatikiza omwe akutenga nawo mbali adziwe bwino, kutenga nawo mbali, ndikuyika ndalama zawo munjira zambiri za ntchitoyi.
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Implementers/ donors have a special responsibility to ensure that less powerful or traditionally marginalized people participate and have access to donated resources
Othandizira/opereka ndalama ali ndi udindo wapadera wowonetsetsa kuti anthu omwe ali ndi mphamvu zochepa kapena oponderezedwa akutenga nawo mbali ndikukhala ndi mwayi wopeza zothandizira.
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Sports programs are vulnerable to abuse by people who see an influx of resources as an opportunity to improve their own financial situations
Ntchito zamasewera zili pachiwopsezo cha kuzunzidwa ndi anthu omwe amawona kuchuluka kwazinthu ngati mwayi azilemeletsa pa moyo wawo wazachuma
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To discourage corruption, programs should be carefully planned with all key stakeholders and maximum transparency should be maintained throughout the process
Pofuna kuchepetsa ziphuphu, ntchitozi zikuyenera kukonzedwa mosamala ndi onse okhudzidwa ndipo chilungamo chikuyenera kuchitika nthawi zonse
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Budgets should be detailed and clearly tied to programmatic objectives. In some cases it may be prudent to provide only in-kind support, rather than direct grants
Ndondomeko ya zachuma ikuyenera kufotokozedwa mwatsatanetsatane ndikugwirizana bwino ndi zolinga ntchitoyi. Nthaŵi zina kungakhale kwanzeru kupereka chithandizo chazipangizo zokha, m’malo mopereka ndalama
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Rigorous monitoring is necessary to ensure that funds and materials are being used as planned. Any hint of corruption should be investigated and addressed immediately
Kuyang'anira mozama ndikofunikira kuti ndalama ndi zida zigwiritsidwe ntchito monga momwe anakonzera. Malingaliro aliwonse achinyengo ayenera kufufuzidwa ndikuthana nazo mwachangu
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For its many positive effects, sport also has the capacity to become a magnet for negative social behaviors, as well
Chifukwa cha zabwino zambiri, masewera amathanso kukhala okopa a makhalidwe oipaso
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Highly competitive athletes sometimes turn to performance enhancing drugs, a practice that must be prevented and punished with strict rules and clear consequences
Othamanga omwe amapikisana kwambiri nthawi zina amayamba kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala owonjezera mphamvu, mchitidwe umene ukuyenera kupewedwa ndikupatsidwa chilango ndi malamulo okhwima ndi zotsatira zake.
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Although they can be a forum for reconciliation and peace building, sporting events can also become a venue for violence and team rivalries can end up reinforcing social divisions
Ngakhale kuti atha kukhala malo woyanjanitsirana komanso kukhazikitsa mtendere, zochitika zamasewera zitha kukhalanso malo kumene kumene kumachitika chiwawa ndipo mikangano yamagulu imatha kulimbikitsa kugawanikana.
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Programs need to be designed in such a way that activities are carried out on neutral ground, either geographically location or through the types of activities selected
Ntchito zikuyenera kupangidwa m'njira yoti zinthu zizichitika popanda kulowerera ndale, kaya ndi malo kapena kudzera mumitundu yazinthu zomwe zasankhidwa.
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While it is usually relatively manageable to report on simple outputs like the number of events conducted, materials produced, or participants involved, measuring the impact of such programs on individuals and society usually proves to be far more difficult
Ngakhale kuti nthawi zambiri zimakhala zosavuta kupereka lipoti pazotsatira zosavuta monga kuchuluka kwa zochitika zomwe zachitika, zida zimene zapangidwa, kapena omwe atenga nawo mbali, kuyesa kukhudza kwa ntchito pa anthu nthawi zambiri kumakhala kovuta kwambiri.
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Dozens of organizations and programs around the world have tapped into the power of sport to promote development and peace. Until very recently, though, such projects have tended to be sporadic and isolated
Mabungwe ambiri ndi ntchito zambiripadziko lonse lapansi agwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zamasewera pofuna kulimbikitsa chitukuko ndi mtendere. Komabe, kufikira posachedwapa, ntchito zoterozi zakhala zikuchitika apa ndi apo ndipo sizikhala zachilendo
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Over the past of the past few years, a movement has been building at the international level in support of sport for development and peace, bringing with it an unprecedented level of focus, coordination, and strategic thinking
M'zaka zingapo zapitazi, gulu lakhala likuchitika padziko lonse lapansi kuti lithandizire kutukula masewera ndi mtendere, zomwe zikubweretsa chidwi, mgwirizano, komanso kuganiza mwanzeru zomwe sizinachitikepo.
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The next step in this growth process is to fully link the movement taking place at the international level with practitioners and programs in the field—and to connect these actors on the ground with one another
Chotsatira chotsatira pakukula uku ndikugwirizanitsa kwathunthu kayendetsedwe ka zochitikazi pa dziko lonse la pansi ndi akadaulo ndi ntchito ku gawoli- komanso kulumikizitsa otenga nawo
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At the same time, there also remains significant work to be done to bring the worlds of sport and development together, to help each understand the mutual benefits of this relationship
Panthawi yomweyi, palinso ntchito yaikulu yoti ichitike kuti abweretse zamasewera ndi chitukuko pamodzi, kuthandiza aliyense kumvetsetsa ubwino wa ubalewu.
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Finally, there is also room to work with private sector entities to bring them into partnerships that use sport to promote
Pomaliza, palinso mwayi wogwira ntchito ndi mabungwe amene Sali aboma kuti awabweretse mumgwirizano womwe umagwiritsa ntchito masewera kulimbikitsa.
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development and peace
chitukuko ndi mtendere
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While sports programs differ according to their objectives, they may also differ in approach. The following are some of the many ways in which organizations might choose to get involved in sports related programming
Ngakhale kuti ntchito zamasewera zimasiyana malinga ndi zolinga zawo, amathanso kusiyana ndi mmene amazipangira. Zotsatirazi ndi zina mwa njira zambiri zomwe mabungwe angasankhe kuchita nawo ntchito okhudzana ndi masewera
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Successful sports development depends largely on effective partnership working between national governing bodies, local authorities, local sports clubs, local sport councils, land and venue owners as well as primary and tertiary educational institutions
Kutukuka bwino kwamasewera kumadalira kwambiri mgwirizano wogwira ntchito pakati pa mabungwe olamulira am’dzikolo, olamulira am'deralo, makalabu ampira omwe amasewera am'deralo, makonsolo amasewera am'deralo, eni malo ndi malo ochititsa masewera komanso masukulu apulaimale ndi awukachenjede.
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Sports development initiatives may include creating or strengthening: opportunities to participate in sport, volunteer, coaching and coach education frameworks, school and community engagement programmes, projects targeting specific demographics, event management and fundraising strategies, entry level to elite performance pathways
Ntchito zachitukuko zamasewera zingaphatikizepo kupanga kapena kulimbikitsa: mwayi wochita nawo masewera, kudzipereka, kuphunzitsa ndi ndondomeko zophunzitsira aphunzitsi, ntchito za sukulu ndi anthu ammudzi, ntchito zokhudzana ndi chiwerengero cha anthu, kayendetsedwe ka zochitika ndi njira zopezera ndalama, mlingo wolowera kuchita kopambana.
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A tattered ball sails off the school football field. The game pauses; team captain Dima stops and strains his ears
Mpira wong'ambika watuluka pa bwalo la mpira lasukulu. Masewera ayima; wotsogolera osewera anzake wa timu Dima anayima ndikutseka makutu ake
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They are shelling again,” says the 14-year-old, motioning towards the sound of mortar explosions and machine guns firing somewhere on the horizon. The ball is quickly thrown back into play and the game goes on
Akuponyanso zipolopolo,” akutero mwana wazaka khumi ndi zinayi zakubadwayo, akulozera kumene kukuchoka phokoso la zophulika ndi mfuti zikuwombera penapake m’chizimezime. Mpirawo waponyedwanso mwachangu ndikuyamba kusewera ndipo masewera akupitilira
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After four years of conflict, the sounds of war have become an all too familiar feature of childhood in Ukraine, not even remarkable enough to stop the players’ focused efforts
Pambuyo pa zaka zinayi za nkhondo, phokoso la nkhondo lakhala lodziwika bwino kwambiri paumwana ku Ukraine, osati zodabwitsa osalepheretsa kusewera.
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We’re used to it,” comments Dima’s best friend, Ilia, 15, a serious boy. He adds that a bomb had recently exploded next to his house during heavy shelling. “Since the war broke out, it’s always like this
Tinazolowera, "atero bwenzi lapamtima la Dima, Ilia, wazaka khumi ndi zisanu, mnyamata wachidwi kwambiri. Ananenanso kuti bomba lina linaphulikira posachedwapa pafupi ndi nyumba yakwawo pamene anawombelana kwambiri. “Kuyambira pomwe nkhondo idayamba, zinthu zakhala chonchi
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Every evening, around five boys and one girl, aged 8 to 15, meet on the outskirts of Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine, to play football. Their fans are their brothers, sisters and other younger children from the area
Madzulo aliwonse, pafupifupi anyamata asanu ndi mtsikana mmodzi, wazaka zisanu ndi zitatu mpaka khumi ndi zisanu, amakumana kunja kwa mzinda wa Donetsk, kum’maŵa kwa Ukraine, kukaseŵera mpira. Otsatira awo ndi abale awo, alongo ndi ana ena aang'ono ochokera kuderali
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The field is one of the few places they can escape what’s happening around them, though the scars of war are pervasive: the walls of their nearby school bear the damage of shells that exploded here in 2015
Malowa ndi amodzi mwa malo ochepa omwe angathawe zomwe zikuchitika, ngakhale zipsera zankhondo zikufalikira: makoma a sukulu yawo yapafupi ndiwonongeka kwa zipolopolo zomwe zidaphulika pano mu 2015
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The children and their families live in an area known as Adminvillage, just a few kilometers from the ‘contact line’, a 500-kilometre strip of land that divides government and non-government-controlled areas. This is where fighting is the most severe
Anawa ndi mabanja awo amakhala m’dera lomwe limadziwika kuti Adminvillage, omwe uli pamtunda wa makilomita ochepa chabe kuchokera pa ‘malire’, malo okwana makilomita 500 omwe amagawanitsa madera olamulidwa ndi boma komanso omwe si aboma. Apa ndi pamene kumenyana kuli koopsa kwambiri
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Every week, a child is injured or killed on both sides of the contact line, according to data from 2017. Landmines, explosive remnants of war and unexploded ordnance are the leading cause of these child casualties. Many victims will live with lifelong disabilities
Sabata ili yonse, mwana amavulala kapena kuphedwa kumbali zonse pa malirepa, malinga ndi uthenga wochokera mu chaka cha 2017. Mabomba apansi, zotsalira zida zankhondo zophulika ndi zida zosaphulika ndizo zomwe zimayambitsa kuvulala kwa ana awa. Okhudzidwa ambiri adzakhala ndi zilema za moyo wawo wonse
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Though Dima’s team is safe on their field, other children in Ukraine with a passion for football aren’t so fortunate. Landmines pollute many of the open spaces where children play, putting about 220,000 children at risk
Ngakhale gulu la Dima ndi lotetezeka pabwalo lawo, ana ena ku Ukraine omwe amakonda mpira alibe mwayi. Mabomba okwilirika amawononga malo ambiri omwe anawa amasewerera, zomwe zikuyika ana pafupifupi 220,000 pachiwopsezo.
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Dima, 14 years old, dreamed of becoming a professional football player, but the conflict destroyed his plans. “I was attending a sports school for several years,” he says
Dima, zaka khumi ndi zinayi, ankafuna kukhala katswiri wosewera mpira, koma mkangano wunaononga zolinga zake. Iye anati: “Ndinkaphunzira kusukulu ya zamasewera kwa zaka zingapo
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“I had to study one more year and then I would have a chance to enter the football academy of Shakhtar Donetsk FC. Then the war began, and we had to move to another city with my mom because of the shooting
"Ndinayenera kuphunziranso chaka chimodzi kenako ndikadakhala ndi mwayi wolowa nawo kusukulu ya mpira ku Shakhtar Donetsk FC. Kenako nkhondo inayamba, ndipo tinayenera kusamukira mumzinda wina limodzi ndi mayi anga chifukwa cha kuwombelanako
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Then the war began, and me and my mom had to move to another city because of the shelling.” His mom works as a tram ticket collector
Kenako nkhondo inayamba, ndipo ine ndi amayi tinasamukira ku mzinda wina chifukwa cha zipolopolozo.” Amayi ake amagwira ntchito yotolera matikiti a sitima
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The academy has now closed. “It’s been a while since then,” he says, sadly. “Now, football is simply a hobby for me.” He shows his passion on the field and as an avid supporter of FC Barcelona, a loyalty shared with most of his friends
Sukuluyi tsopano inatsekedwa. "Pakhala nthawi yayitali kuchokera pamenepo," akutero, mwachisoni. "Tsopano, mpira ndi chinthu chosangalatsa chabe kwa ine." Amasonyeza chilakolako chake pa malo osewelera mpira komanso monga wotsatira timu FC Barcelona, kukhulupirika komwe kulipo iye ndi anzake ambiri
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UNICEF also repairs damaged schools and kindergartens and distributes vital supplies, such as educational materials, furniture and sport equipment
Bungwe la UNICEF limakonzanso masukulu owonongeka ndi sukulu za ana ndikugawa zinthu zofunika, monga zida zophunzitsira, mipando ndi zida zamasewera.
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Children who play football together on the outskirts of Donetsk are all of different ages and from different grades. They met and became friends at the football field near their school
Ana amene amasewera mpira pamodzi kunja kwa mzinda wa Donetsk onse ndi amisinkhu yosiyana komanso ochokera makalasi osiyanasiyana. Anakumana ndikukhala abwenzi pabwalo la mpira pafupi ndi sukulu yawo
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