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en11803 | These traits are essential for academic success. Students who take part in sports and exercise can be successful at academics | Makhalidwe amenewa ndi ofunikira kuti maphunziro apambane. Ophunzira omwe amachita nawo masewera olimbitsa thupi amatha kuchita bwino pamaphunziro | sports | online news |
en11804 | Sport is good for your physical and mental health. They also help develop leadership skills and equip them with the ability to set goals and build character | Masewera ndi abwino kwa thanzi lanu lakuthupi ndi m'maganizo. Amathandizanso kukulitsa luso la utsogoleri ndikuwapatsa mwayi wokhazikitsa zolinga ndikumanga umunthu | sports | online news |
en11805 | Participating in sports can lead to higher self-esteem and better social interaction. It also helps students have a positive outlook on life | Kuchita nawo masewera kungayambitse kudzidalira komanso kuyanjana bwino ndi anthu. Zimathandizanso ophunzira kukhala ndi malingaliro abwino pa moyo | sports | online news |
en11806 | Through sports, children learn about ethics, responsibility, trust, and morality. A person can deal with all the twists and turns of life more gracefully if they have a spirit of sportsmanship | Kupyolera m’maseŵera, ana amaphunzira za makhalidwe abwino, udindo, kukhulupirirana, ndi makhalidwe abwino. Munthu akhoza kuthana ndi zotsamwitsa zonse za moyo nkuusintha mwachisomo ngati ali ndi mtima wochita masewera | sports | online news |
en11807 | They will have positive values and a positive outlook, which will make them less likely to succumb to social ills. Research shows that students who are involved in sports have higher grades and more self-confidence. They also graduate faster | Adzakhala ndi makhalidwe abwino ndi kaonedwe kabwino ka zinthu , zomwe zingawapangitse kuti asagonjetsedwe ndi mavuto a anthu. Kafukufuku akuwonetsa kuti ophunzira omwe amachita nawo masewera amakhala ndi zotsatira zapamwamba komanso odzidalira kwambiri. Amamalizanso maphunziro awo mofulumira | sports | online news |
en11808 | There are many benefits to sport that go far beyond the physical. The academic success of a child can be significantly affected by their participation in sports and exercise | Pali maubwino ambiri pamasewera omwe amapitilira thupi. Kupambana kwamaphunziro kwa mwana kungakhudzidwe kwambiri ndi kutenga nawo mbali pamasewera ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi | sports | online news |
en11809 | Incorporating sports education into the school curriculum has many benefits. It teaches students teamwork and discipline. It helps children be more polite in everyday life. Regular exercise keeps people healthy and fit, which protects them from diseases like obesity and arthritis | Kuphatikizira maphunziro amasewera mu maphunziro asukulu kuli ndi ubwino wambiri. Amaphunzitsa ophunzira kugwirira ntchito limodzi ndi mwambo. Zimathandiza ana kukhala aulemu m’moyo watsiku ndi tsiku. Kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi nthawi zonse kumapangitsa anthu kukhala athanzi komanso oyenera, zomwe zimawateteza ku matenda monga kunenepa kwambiri komanso nyamakazi | sports | online news |
en11810 | It helps students overcome all obstacles and learn how to deal with them. Physical activity promotes growth and improves mental and physical health. Many of these events are essential for physical development | Zimathandiza ophunzira kuthana ndi zopinga zonse ndikuphunzira momwe angathanirane nazo. Kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi kumalimbikitsa kukula komanso kumapangitsa thanzi labwino m'maganizo ndi m'thupi. Zambiri mwa zochitikazi ndizofunikira pakukula kwa thupi | sports | online news |
en11811 | Participation in sports is a part of the school curriculum and children who do so grow up to become more physically fit. They become more outgoing and communicative, and are more competitive and stronger | Kuchita nawo masewera ndi gawo la maphunziro a sukulu ndipo ana omwe amatero amakula kuti akhale olimba. Amakhala ochezeka komanso olankhulana, ndipo amakhala opikisana komanso amphamvu | sports | online news |
en11812 | Their confidence increases and they are more open to meeting new people and different situations. This instills in children a sense that hard work is a virtue from an early age | Chidaliro chawo chimawonjezeka ndipo amakhala omasuka kukumana ndi anthu atsopano ndi zochitika zosiyanasiyana. Zimenezi zimachititsa ana kuganiza kuti kugwira ntchito molimbika ndi khalidwe labwino kuyambira ali wamng’ono | sports | online news |
en11813 | One of the problems that a lot of sports teams have to deal with is insufficient funding. In most cases, men's teams are the ones to obtain the lion's share of sponsorships and television contracts | Limodzi mwamavuto omwe magulu ambiri amasewera amakumana nawo ndi ndalama zosakwanira. Nthawi zambiri, magulu aamuna ndi omwe amapeza gawo la lalikulu la zothandizira ndi makontrakitala a kanema wawayilesi | sports | online news |
en11814 | The vast majority of businesses are unwilling to provide financial assistance to female athletes, and those who do so see it more as a moral obligation than an investment opportunity | Amalonda ambiri safuna kupereka thandizo la ndalama kwa othamanga achikazi, ndipo omwe amachita izi amawona ngati udindo wamakhalidwe abwino kuposa mwayi wopeza ndalama | sports | online news |
en11815 | Women's athletics are progressing and have the potential to achieve greater heights if they receive adequate financial support | Masewera aakazi akupita patsogolo ndipo ali ndi kuthekera kokwera kwambiri ngati alandira thandizo lokwanira lazachuma | sports | online news |
en11816 | By expanding support for women's sports, the economic disparity can be narrowed and closed. As a direct consequence of this, additional opportunities for female athletes to compete will become available | Pokulitsa chithandizo chamasewera amayi kusiyana kwachuma kumatha kuchepetsedwa ndikutsekedwa. Chifukwa cha izi, mwayi wowonjezera wa othamanga achikazi kuti apikisane udzakhalapo | sports | online news |
en11817 | The way in which the media portrays sports and athletes contributes to the formation of detrimental gender stereotypes. Sports Media has a tendency to portray female athletes as women first and athletes second when reporting on their accomplishments | Momwe ma kanema a wayilesi amawonetsera masewera ndi othamanga amathandizira kuti pakhale malingaliro owononga amuna ndi akazi. Anthu owonetsa za mpira ali ndi chizolowezi chowonetsa othamanga achikazi ngati azimayi oyamba komanso othamanga achiwiri pofotokoza zomwe akwaniritsa | sports | online news |
en11818 | In order to increase the visibility of women in sports, collaborative organizations and the media can use their influence and voice, take action, and demonstrate leadership by addressing inequalities in sports and journalism. This will help increase the visibility of women in sports | Pofuna kuonjezera kuwonekera kwa amayi pamasewera, mabungwe ogwirizana ndi ofalitsa nkhani angagwiritse ntchito mphamvu zawo ndi mawu awo, kuchitapo kanthu, ndikuwonetsa utsogoleri pothana ndi kusagwirizana kwa masewera ndi utolankhani. Izi zithandiza kukulitsa kuwonekera kwa amayi pamasewera | sports | online news |
en11819 | The assumption that men are better athletes than women should be abandoned. Especially if we are to make progress toward gender equality in sports. People frequently believe that men are more powerful, better at sports, and faster than women | Lingaliro lakuti amuna ndi othamanga bwino kuposa akazi ziyenera kusiyidwa. Makamaka ngati tikufuna kupita patsogolo pakufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera. Nthawi zambiri anthu amakhulupirira kuti amuna ndi amphamvu kwambiri, amachita bwino pamasewera, komanso amathamanga kuposa akazi | sports | online news |
en11820 | This is not always the case because women, for instance, have a lower risk of injury. And they typically perform better than when competing in athletic events | Izi sizili choncho nthawi zonse chifukwa amayi, mwachitsanzo, amakhala ndi chiopsezo chochepa chovulala. Ndipo nthawi zambiri amachita bwino kuposa akamapikisana pamasewera othamanga | sports | online news |
en11821 | The objective of gender parity must be pursued in a strategic manner by sporting organizations, governing bodies like the international Olympic committee | Cholinga cha mgwirizano pakati pa amuna ndi akazi chiyenera kutsatiridwa mwanzeru ndi mabungwe amasewera, mabungwe olamulira monga komiti yapadziko lonse ya Olimpiki | sports | online news |
en11822 | If a woman puts in the same amount of effort as a man, she should be entitled to the same participation opportunities, financial assistance, prize money, and privileges that the man would get | Ngati mkazi achita khama lofanana ndi la mwamuna, ayenera kukhala ndi mwayi wotenga nawo mbali, thandizo la ndalama, ndalama za mphotho, ndi mwayi umene mwamuna angapeze | sports | online news |
en11823 | Sports programming for women and girls needs an organizational framework in order to create a lasting impact | Mapulogalamu amasewera a amayi ndi atsikana amafunikira dongosolo la bungwe kuti apange zotsatira zokhalitsa | sports | online news |
en11824 | Sports programmes must ensure that women and girls are represented on their board. They are treated equitably, have access to funds, and are included in the process of making decisions and setting goals | Mapulogalamu amasewera akuyenera kuwonetsetsa kuti amayi ndi atsikana akuimiridwa pagulu lawo. Amachitidwa moyenera, ali ndi mwayi wopeza ndalama, ndipo amaphatikizidwa popanga zisankho ndikukhazikitsa zolinga | sports | online news |
en11825 | Mixed versus single-sex sports activities; team versus double versus single sports; are all examples of categories of sports that successful sport programming for women and girls has given great attention to | Masewera osakanikirana ndi amuna kapena akazi okhaokha; timu motsutsana ndi masewera awiri motsutsana ndi amodzi; zonse ndi zitsanzo za magulu amasewera omwe mapulogalamu opambana amasewera a amayi ndi atsikana apereka chidwi kwambiri | sports | online news |
en11826 | The establishment of female sports participation and integrating sports into everyday life can be helped by giving these factors careful | Kukhazikitsidwa kwa kutenga nawo mbali pamasewera achikazi ndikuphatikiza masewera m'moyo watsiku ndi tsiku kungathandizidwe popereka zinthu izi mosamala | sports | online news |
en11827 | Complaints of discrimination and harassment in sports groups can be collected using a platform that is user-friendly, secure, and anonymous. The act of coming forward to disclose unfair practices can be scary. Therefore, it is crucial that the whistleblower's identity should not be shared | Madandaulo a tsankho ndi kuzunzidwa m'magulu amasewera amatha kusonkhanitsidwa pogwiritsa ntchito nsanja yomwe imakhala yosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito, yotetezeka, komanso yosadziwika. Mchitidwe wobwera kudzaulula zinthu zopanda chilungamo ukhoza kukhala wowopsa. Choncho, m'pofunika kwambiri kuti munthu amene waululira mluzu asagawidwe | sports | online news |
en11828 | It is imperative that women's teams receive the same level of support as is given to men's teams. This is an excellent tactic for advancing the cause of gender equality in sports and encouraging female athletes to compete | Ndikofunikira kuti matimu azimai alandire chithandizo chofanana ndi chomwe chimaperekedwa kumagulu azibambo. Iyi ndi njira yabwino kwambiri yopititsira patsogolo cholinga cha kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera komanso kulimbikitsa othamanga achikazi kuti apikisane | sports | online news |
en11829 | When talking about gender equality on social media, it is important to be cautious and to use language that is inclusive. It is also essential to make an effort to collect resources and data on the many ways in which other people are working to advance gender parity in sports | Polankhula za kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pa matsamba a mchezo a pa Intaneti, ndikofunika kukhala osamala komanso kugwiritsa ntchito chinenero chophatikizana. Ndikofunikiranso kuyesetsa kusonkhanitsa zothandizira ndi uthenga panjira zambiri zomwe anthu ena akuyesetsa kupititsa patsogolo kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera | sports | online news |
en11830 | Nadia Nadim’s striking life story brought her from Afghanistan to a refugee camp in Denmark, then on to career as an elite footballer and, now, a qualified doctor. She is also UNESCO Champion for Girls’ and Women’s Education | Mbiri yochititsa chidwi ya Nadia Nadim’moyo inam’bweretsa kuchokera ku Afghanistan kupita ku msasa wa anthu othawa kwawo ku Denmark, kenako n’kupita kukagwira ntchito ngati katswiri wa mpira wapamwamba ndipo, tsopano, anali dokotala woyenerera. Iyenso ndi katswiri wowona bungwe la atsikana la UNESCO Girls’ ndi Women’s Education | sports | online news |
en11831 | After growing up in a country where women were not allowed to leave the house without a male relative, Nadia Nadim fought adversity and discrimination in order to pursue her dreams | Atakulira m’dziko limene akazi sankaloledwa kutuluka m’nyumba popanda wachibale wamwamuna, Nadia Nadim analimbana ndi mavuto ndi tsankho kuti akwaniritse maloto ake | sports | online news |
en11832 | Her experience of losing freedom under the Taliban and living in poverty in a refugee camp in Denmark fueled her intense desire to succeed. Football saved me from being this poor outsider kid and made me get accepted | Zomwe adakumana nazo pakutaya ufulu pansi pa a Taliban komanso kukhala muumphawi mumsasa wa anthu othawa kwawo ku Denmark zidamulimbikitsa kuti apambane. Mpira unandipulumutsa kuti ndisakhale mwana wosauka wakunja ndipo unandipangitsa kuti ndivomerezedwe | sports | online news |
en11833 | Once her family’s asylum request was granted by Denmark, where girls are empowered to play sports, Nadim’s professional career took off | Pempho la chitetezo cha banja lake litaperekedwa ndi Denmark, kumene atsikana amapatsidwa mphamvu zochitira masewera, ntchito yaukatswiri ya Nadim’ inayamba | sports | online news |
en11834 | Today, Nadim has become a role model for many girls and women who aspire to emancipate and unleash their potential against gender norms and discrimination | Masiku ano, Nadim wakhala chitsanzo kwa atsikana ndi amayi ambiri omwe akufuna kumasula ndi kumasula zomwe angathe motsutsana ndi chikhalidwe cha amuna ndi akazi komanso tsankho | sports | online news |
en11835 | With the ongoing deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan, violence and instability have prevented many women and girls from accessing schools and education | Chifukwa cha kuwonongeka kwa chitetezo ku Afghanistan, chiwawa ndi kusakhazikika kwalepheretsa amayi ndi atsikana ambiri kupeza sukulu ndi maphunziro | sports | online news |
en11836 | More recently the attitude of Taliban leaders toward female education is seriously impacting the enrollment of female students and their opportunities for success | Posachedwapa malingaliro a atsogoleri a Taliban pa maphunziro achikazi akukhudza kwambiri kulembetsa kwa ophunzira achikazi komanso mwayi wawo wopambana | sports | online news |
en11837 | Too many girls and women around the world are still held back by social norms and traditional school practices that limit their educational right and opportunities. Yet, their education is the most powerful investment to make for society’s collective future | Atsikana ndi amayi ambiri padziko lonse lapansi akadali oletsedwa ndi chikhalidwe cha anthu komanso miyambo ya kusukulu yomwe imachepetsa ufulu wawo wamaphunziro ndi mwayi wawo. Komabe, maphunziro awo ndi ndalama zamphamvu kwambiri zopangira tsogolo la anthu | sports | online news |
en11838 | During the Covid-19 pandemic, school closures have exacerbated girls’ and women’s unpaid care work, limiting the time to learn at home | Panthawi ya mliri wa Covid-19, kutsekedwa kwa masukulu kwakulitsa ntchito yosamalira atsikana osalipidwa, ndikuchepetsa nthawi yophunzira kunyumba | sports | online news |
en11839 | Without schools as safe spaces, adolescent girls are at increased risk of gender-based violence, early marriage and unintended pregnancy, as well as sexual exploitation and abuse | Popanda sukulu monga malo otetezeka, atsikana achichepere ali pachiopsezo chowonjezereka cha nkhanza za amuna ndi akazi, kukwatiwa adakali aang’ono ndi kutenga mimba mosakonzekera, limodzinso ndi kugwiriridwa ndi kuzunzidwa | sports | online news |
en11840 | The positive impact that sports can have on the emancipation of young girls and women has been acknowledged for decades | Zotsatira zabwino zomwe masewera angakhale nazo pa kumasulidwa kwa atsikana ndi atsikana zakhala zikuvomerezedwa kwa zaka zambiri | sports | online news |
en11841 | Participating in sports can help break-down gender stereotypes, improve girls’ and women’s self-esteem and contribute to the development of leadership and strategic thinking skills | Kutenga nawo mbali m'masewera kungathandize kuthetsa malingaliro omwe si amuna kapena akazi okhaokha, kupititsa patsogolo kudzidalira kwa atsikana ndi amayi ndikuthandizira kukulitsa utsogoleri ndi luso loganiza bwino | sports | online news |
en11842 | Women in sport break down the misperception they are weak or incapable. The fact that certain political or religious groups wish to continue to prohibit or restrict the practice of women or the presence of women in stadiums testifies to the importance and social influence of sport | Azimayi omwe ali pamasewera amathetsa malingaliro olakwika kuti ndi ofooka kapena sangathe. Mfundo yakuti magulu ena andale kapena achipembedzo akufuna kupitiriza kuletsa kapena kuletsa mchitidwe wa akazi kapena kupezeka kwa akazi m’mabwalo amasewera kumachitira umboni kufunika ndi chisonkhezero cha anthu pamasewera | sports | online news |
en11843 | It was thanks to the Iran-Spain match during the 2018 FIFA World Cup that the Iranian women were able, for the first time since 1979, to officially enter the stadiums. This is an example of sport – football, in this case – as an accelerator of social change in favor of the freedom of young girls and women | Zinali chifukwa cha masewera a Iran-Spain pa 2018 FIFA World Cup kuti akazi aku Iran adatha, kwa nthawi yoyamba kuyambira 1979, kulowa m'mabwalo amasewera. Ichi ndi chitsanzo cha masewera – mpira, mu nkhani iyi –Izi azikuwonjezerani kusintha chikhalidwe mokomera ufulu wa atsikana ndi atsikana | sports | online news |
en11844 | We were smuggled to Denmark, where I lived in a refugee camp for six months. One day I saw a young girl play football. I knew what it was, but I had never seen girls play | Tinazembetsedwa ku Denmark, kumene ndinakhala mumsasa wa othaŵa kwawo kwa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi. Tsiku lina ndinaona mtsikana akusewera mpira. ndinkadziwa kuti chinali chiyani, koma ndinali ndisanaonepo atsikana akusewera | sports | online news |
en11845 | I didn’t even know it was something I could do. When I saw this girl play, I was like, wow! I want to play this game. Now I’m here | Sindimadziwa kuti ndi zomwe ndikanatha kuchita. Nditaona mtsikanayu akusewera, ndili osangalatsidwa Ndikufuna kusewera masewerawa. Tsopano pano ndili pano | sports | online news |
en11846 | She began playing for local teams in Denmark and made her debut with the national team in 2009, going to play with high profile teams such as Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain | Anayamba kusewera matimu aku Denmark ndipo adayamba kusewera ndi timu ya dziko mu 2009, kukasewera ndi matimu apamwamba monga Manchester City ndi Paris Saint-Germain | sports | online news |
en11847 | To support girls and women like Nadia Nadim, UNESCO has kickstarted programs to enforce their right for girls and women to participate in physical education, physical activity and sports at all levels | Pofuna kuthandiza atsikana ndi amayi monga Nadia Nadim, UNESCO yayambitsa mapulogalamu okhazikitsa ufulu wawo kuti atsikana ndi amayi azichita nawo maphunziro a thupi, masewera olimbitsa thupi ndi masewera pamagulu onse | sports | online news |
en11848 | These missions also aim to protect participating girls and women from harassment, misconduct and abuse, as well as use sport to promote gender equality and empower girls and women | Ntchito zi zikufunanso kuteteza atsikana ndi amayi omwe akutenga nawo mbali ku nkhanza, komanso kugwiritsa ntchito masewera pofuna kulimbikitsa kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi komanso kupatsa mphamvu atsikana ndi amayi | sports | online news |
en11849 | I was told women don’t play football and that there were other things set out for me. I should learn to cook, I should prepare to be a wife. That was the life people were expecting for me. I said that wasn’t true. So I started playing football | Ndinauzidwa kuti akazi samasewera mpira komanso kuti pali zinthu zina zomwe zandikonzera. Ndiphunzire kuphika, ndiyenera kukonzekera kukhala mkazi. Umenewo unali moyo umene anthu ankandiyembekezera. Ndinanena kuti zimenezo zinali zoona. Choncho ndinayamba kusewera mpira | sports | online news |
en11850 | There are still a lot of differences and a lot of inequalities. Most people are interested in the men’s game and don’t have a clue about what’s happening on the women’s side | Palinso kusiyana kwakukulu ndi kusagwirizana kwakukulu. Anthu ambiri ali ndi chidwi ndi masewera amuna ndipo sadziwa zomwe zikuchitika kumbali ya akazi | sports | online news |
en11851 | But that’s changing. From when I started until now, there’s been a huge change in the women’s game and that’s in the right direction. If you want change, you have to use your voice. It’s going to happen, but it won’t happen overnight | Koma izo zikusintha. Kuyambira pomwe ndidayamba mpaka pano, pakhala kusintha kwakukulu pamasewera a azimayi ndi izi m'njira yoyenera. Ngati mukufuna kusintha, muyenera kugwiritsa ntchito mawu anu. Zidzachitika, koma si kuti zingangochitika | sports | online news |
en11852 | Women only get 4% of sports media coverage, and of that coverage, their physical appearance, family life and love life are referenced more than their athletic ability, while men are depicted as powerful, independent and valued as athletes | Azimayi amangopeza maperesenti anayi ya nkhani zamasewera, ndipo pazofalitsazo, mawonekedwe awo, moyo wabanja komanso moyo wachikondi zimatchulidwa kuposa luso lawo lamasewera, ngakhale amuna amawonetsedwa ngati amphamvu, odziyimira pawokha komanso amtengo wapatali ngati othamanga | sports | online news |
en11853 | This is due to the low percentage of women in sports journalism. Even though this field has become more accessible to women, numbers show that there is still a noticeable gap | Izi zili choncho chifukwa cha kuchepa kwa chiwerengero cha atolankhani pamasewera achizimai. Ngakhale kuti gawoli lakhala lofikirika kwambiri kwa amayi, ziwerengero zikuwonetsa kuti padakali kusiyana kwakukulu | sports | online news |
en11854 | Currently, a low percentage of sports broadcasters are women, while the number of women who enter into sports journalism is still relatively low. This particular area of reporting remains a predominantly male-dominated specialty in countries all over the world | Pakali pano, chiwerengero chochepa cha owulutsa zamasewera ndi akazi, pamene chiwerengero cha amayi omwe amalowa mu utolankhani wa masewera akadali otsika. Malo operekera malipoti awa akadali apadera omwe amalamulidwa ndi amuna m'maiko padziko lonse lapansi | sports | online news |
en11855 | While playing as a professional footballer, Nadim decided to pursue studies in the medical field. She has since graduated from Aarhus University in Denmark with a medical degree | Akusewera ngati katswiri wa mpira, Nadim adaganiza zoyamba maphunziro azachipatala. Kuyambira pamenepo wamaliza maphunziro awo ku sukulu ya ukachenjede ya Aarhus ku Denmark ndi digiri ya zamankhwala | sports | online news |
en11856 | Nadim’s profile as a professional athlete will help her acquire a platform to raise awareness about the lack of medical resources in many countries around the world | Mbiri ya Nadim’s monga katswiri wothamanga idzamuthandiza kupeza nsanja yodziwitsa anthu za kusowa kwa chithandizo chamankhwala m’maiko ambiri padziko lonse lapansi | sports | online news |
en11857 | I am going to have a platform as a doctor so I can reach out to people who are in need. I love playing football, but I always wanted to give something back. Being able to do it as a doctor is going to be different than what I’ve been doing as a footballer | Ndikhala ndi nsanja ngati dokotala kuti ndizitha kufikira anthu osowa. Ndimakonda kusewera mpira, koma nthawi zonse ndinkafuna kubwezera chinachake. Kutha kuchita ngati dokotala kudzakhala kosiyana ndi zomwe ndakhala ndikuchita ngati mpira | sports | online news |
en11858 | Yet, for many women attempting a career in science there are many hurdles to overcome, and that even before they attempt to balance work and family life | Komabe, kwa amayi ambiri omwe amayesa ntchito ya sayansi pali zopinga zambiri zomwe angathe kuzigonjetsa, komanso kuti ngakhale asanayese kulinganiza ntchito ndi moyo wabanja | sports | online news |
en11859 | Often, a male-dominated culture prevents some women from even considering leadership positions in academia or from being satisfied with their achievements | Nthawi zambiri, chikhalidwe cholamulidwa ndi amuna chimalepheretsa amayi ena kuganiza za utsogoleri m'masukulu kapena kukhutitsidwa ndi zomwe achita | sports | online news |
en11860 | Even though women have made major progresses towards increasing their participation in higher education, they are still under-represented in these fields | Ngakhale kuti amayi apita patsogolo kwambiri kuti awonjezere kutenga nawo mbali pa maphunziro apamwamba, iwo sakuyimiridwabe m'magawo awa | sports | online news |
en11861 | The continued marginalization and under-utilization of women’s talents, expertise and resources across the world represents a serious loss of opportunity for society as a whole, not just for the women who are left by the wayside | Kupitirizabe kuchepetsedwa ndi kusagwiritsidwa ntchito bwino kwa luso la amayi, ukatswiri ndi chuma padziko lonse lapansi zikuyimira kutaya kwakukulu kwa mwayi kwa anthu onse, osati kwa amayi okha omwe amasiyidwa m'mbali mwa njira | sports | online news |
en11862 | Keep believing in yourself, even though there is going to be a lot of people telling you not to. And secondly, remember always to have a dream | Pitirizani kudzikhulupirira nokha, ngakhale pakhala anthu ambiri akukuuzani kuti musatero. Ndipo chachiwiri, kumbukirani nthawi zonse kukhala ndi Malo omwe mufuna kudzakwaniritsa | sports | online news |
en11863 | Because these are the things that have always been with me. First of all, I dreamt. And secondly, I believed my dreams would come true | Chifukwa izi ndi zinthu zomwe zakhala ndi ine nthawi zonse. Choyamba, ndinalota. Ndipo chachiwiri, ndinakhulupirira kuti maloto anga adzakwaniritsidwa | sports | online news |
en11864 | The Covid-19 crisis has disproportionately affected women. They are on the frontline of the pandemic while conservative forces attempt to undermine the rights acquired after decades of progress | Vuto la Covid-19 lakhudza kwambiri amayi. Iwo ali kutsogolo kwa mliriwu pomwe magulu ankhondo amayesa kusokoneza ufulu womwe wapezedwa patatha zaka zambiri akupita patsogolo | sports | online news |
en11865 | Against this backdrop, the full participation of women in social, cultural and economic development – and in democratic processes at all levels – is a moral imperative, a matter of human rights and a political priority of the highest order | Potsutsana ndi izi, kutenga nawo mbali kwathunthu kwa amayi mu chitukuko cha chikhalidwe, chikhalidwe ndi zachuma – komanso mu ndondomeko za demokalase pamagulu onse – ndizofunikira pamakhalidwe, nkhani ya ufulu wachibadwidwe komanso patsogolo pazandale zadongosolo lapamwamba | sports | online news |
en11866 | One of the most debatable topics in the sports industry is gender equality. While some believe that women are not capable of competing with men on the same playing field, others feel that the playing field is not level, to begin with | Imodzi mwamitu yomwe ingakambidwe kwambiri pamakampani amasewera ndi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi. Ngakhale kuti ena amakhulupirira kuti akazi sangathe kupikisana ndi amuna pabwalo limodzi, ena amaona kuti bwalo lamasewera silili lofanana, poyambira | sports | online news |
en11867 | Women have been fighting for equal rights in sports for decades, and most sports news shows that the battle will continue as long as female athletes are denied the same opportunities as men | Azimayi akhala akumenyera ufulu wofanana pamasewera kwa zaka zambiri, ndipo nkhani zambiri zamasewera zimasonyeza kuti nkhondoyi idzapitirirabe malinga ngati othamanga achikazi akukanidwa mwayi wofanana ndi amuna | sports | online news |
en11868 | It’s not just a matter of gender equality, but also making sure that women can reach their full potential in sports. Female athletes have made enormous strides in sports over the past few decades | Sikuti ndi nkhani yongofanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi, komanso kuwonetsetsa kuti amayi atha kukwaniritsa zomwe angathe pamasewera. Ochita masewera achikazi apita patsogolo kwambiri pamasewera pazaka makumi angapo zapitazi | sports | online news |
en11869 | There’s still so much work to be done before true gender equality is achieved in sports. Here are some of the unequal treatment that female athletes face | Pali ntchito yochuluka yoti ichitike kuti kufanana kwenikweni pakati pa amuna ndi akazi kutheke m'masewera. Nazi zina mwazosagwirizana zomwe othamanga achikazi amakumana nazo | sports | online news |
en11870 | Generally, sports have for a long time been perceived as male activities. This has alienated most women who wish to participate in sports. The remaining question is: how can gender equality be promoted in the sports industry? There are many ways to achieve this | Nthawi zambiri, masewera akhala akuwoneka ngati amuna kwa nthawi yayitali. Izi zasokoneza amayi ambiri omwe akufuna kuchita nawo masewera. Funso lotsalalo ndilakuti: Kodi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi kungalimbikitsidwe bwanji m'makampani amasewera? Pali njira zambiri zokwaniritsira izi | sports | online news |
en11871 | There needs to be more female representation in leadership roles within the sports industry. This includes coaching positions, front office jobs, and refereeing/umpiring roles | Payenera kukhala oyimira akazi ambiri mu maudindo a utsogoleri mkati mwa makampani amasewera. Izi zikuphatikiza maudindo ophunzitsira, ntchito zakutsogolo, ndi maudindo oyimbira mpila wa amuna ndi akazi | sports | online news |
en11872 | When women are visible in these types of positions, it sends a message that the sports industry is committed to gender equality. This is one of the few ways to get more women interested in sports | Azimayi akawoneka m'maudindo amtunduwu, amatumiza uthenga kuti makampani amasewera adzipereka kuti azifanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi. Iyi ndi imodzi mwa njira zochepa zopezera amayi ambiri chidwi ndi masewera | sports | online news |
en11873 | One of the biggest problems facing women’s sports teams is a lack of funding. This is due to the fact that most sponsorships and television contracts go to men’s teams. This needs to change if we want to see more gender equality in sports | Limodzi mwamavuto akulu omwe matimu amasewera a azimayi ndi kusowa kwandalama. Izi zili choncho chifukwa ndalama zambiri zothandizira ndalama komanso makontrakitala a wailesi yakanema zimapita kumagulu amuna Izi zikuyenera kusintha ngati tikufuna kuwona kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera | sports | online news |
en11874 | Women’s sports teams need to be given the same opportunities as men’s teams when it comes to funding | Magulu amasewera a mpira wa amayiakuyenera kupatsidwa mwayi wofanana ndi wa matimu a men’s pankhani ya ndalama | sports | online news |
en11875 | Increase Media Coverage. Coverage is simply not where it needs to be when it comes to women’s sports. This is likely due to the fact that there are fewer opportunities for women to play sports than men. Nevertheless, the media needs to do a better job of promoting women’s sports | Onjezani Kufalitsa kwa Media. Kufalikira sikuli komwe kumayenera kukhala pankhani yamasewera achikazi. Izi mwina zili choncho chifukwa pali mwayi wochepa woti amayi azisewera masewera kusiyana ndi amuna. Komabe, atolankhani akuyenera kuchita ntchito yabwino yolimbikitsa masewera a azimayi | sports | online news |
en11876 | This can be done by giving equal coverage to men’s and women’s games, as well as hiring more female sports reporters | Izi zitha kuchitika popereka chidziwitso chofanana ku masewera a amuna ndi akazi, komanso kulemba ntchito atolankhani aakazi ambiri | sports | online news |
en11877 | One of the best ways to promote gender equality is to first stop assuming that men are superior athletes, compared to women. This may seem obvious, but sometimes, it’s not the case | Imodzi mwa njira zabwino zolimbikitsira kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi ndikusiya kaye kuganiza kuti amuna ndiapamwamba kuyerekeza ndi akazi. Izi zingawoneke zoonekeratu, koma nthawi zina, sizili choncho | sports | online news |
en11878 | Men are often perceived to be better at sports than women because they have more muscle mass, which makes them stronger and faster | Amuna nthawi zambiri amaonedwa kuti ndi abwino pamasewera kusiyana ndi akazi chifukwa ali ndi minofu yambiri, zomwe zimawapangitsa kukhala amphamvu komanso othamanga | sports | online news |
en11879 | But this isn’t always factual! Women have different strengths and weaknesses than men, for example, they tend to be less likely to injure themselves, so sometimes, they can beat men in sports | Koma izi sizowona nthawi zonse! Azimayi ali ndi mphamvu ndi zofooka zosiyana ndi amuna, mwachitsanzo, amakonda kudzivulaza okha, choncho nthawi zina amatha kumenya amuna pamasewera | sports | online news |
en11880 | Just as you would support men’s teams, support. girls’ and women’s teams. This is a way of motivating women as well as promoting gender equality in sports | Monga momwe mungathandizire magulu amuna, thandizani Atsikana’ ndi magulu aakazi Iyi ndi njira yolimbikitsira amayi komanso kulimbikitsa kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera | sports | online news |
en11881 | Give them attention just like you do men’s sports. You might also consider joining a club, going to games, and attending sports events for all genders as a way of promoting sports gender equality | Apatseni chidwi monga momwe mumachitira masewera aamuna. Mutha kuganiziranso zolowa nawo kalabu, kupita kumasewera, komanso kupita kumasewera amtundu uliwonse ngati njira yolimbikitsira kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi | sports | online news |
en11882 | If you are teaching sports to young children, be careful not to apply gender stereotypes through your comments or expectations | Ngati mukuphunzitsa zamasewera kwa ana ang'onoang'ono, samalani kuti musagwiritse ntchito malingaliro olakwika a amuna kapena akazi kudzera mu ndemanga zanu kapena zomwe mukuyembekezera | sports | online news |
en11883 | For instance, don’t assume that girls are less athletic than boys. Similarly, don’t assume that boys are not interested in certain sports. If there’s a group of kids who enjoy playing sports together, both genders need to participate equally | Mwachitsanzo, musaganize kuti atsikana ndi othamanga kwambiri kuposa anyamata. Mofananamo, musaganize kuti anyamata alibe chidwi ndi masewera ena. Ngati pali gulu la ana omwe amakonda kusewera limodzi, amuna ndi akazi ayenera kutenga nawo mbali mofanana | sports | online news |
en11884 | It’s also important for teachers to avoid making general assumptions about boys and girls and how they play differently on the fields l, particularly when it comes to competitiveness. This will ensure that these young sportspeople grow in an environment with equal opportunities | Ndikofunikiranso kuti aphunzitsi apewe kuganiza za anyamata ndi atsikana komanso momwe amasewerera mosiyana makamaka pankhani ya mpikisano. Izi zidzaonetsetsa kuti achinyamatawa akukula m'malo omwe ali ndi mwayi wofanana | sports | online news |
en11885 | Many brands may shy away from investing in women’s sports and those that do, think it’s the right thing to do but don’t see it as an investment | Malonda ambiri amatha kupeŵa kuyika ndalama m'masewera a azimayi ndi omwe amachita, amaganiza kuti ndi chinthu choyenera kuchita koma osachiwona ngati chowabweretsera ndalama | sports | online news |
en11886 | This perception should change, because women’s sports are growing and have the potential to achieve higher levels, with the right support | Lingaliro ili liyenera kusintha, chifukwa masewera a amayi akukula ndipo ali ndi kuthekera kokwaniritsa milingo yapamwamba, ndi chithandizo choyenera | sports | online news |
en11887 | By investing more in women’s sports, the economic gap is reduced. This creates more opportunities for women to participate in sports | Poika ndalama zambiri m’maseŵera a akazi, kusiyana kwachuma kumachepetsedwa. Izi zimapanga mwayi wochuluka kwa amayi kutenga nawo mbali pamasewera | sports | online news |
en11888 | Another way to promote gender equality in sports is to have great role models, especially for young girls. Role models show what’s possible and inspire others to achieve their dreams. In the world of sports, both genders need strong role models that they can look up to | Njira ina yolimbikitsira kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera ndikukhala ndi zitsanzo zabwino, makamaka kwa atsikana achichepere. Zitsanzo za maudindo zimasonyeza zomwe zingatheke ndikulimbikitsa ena kuti akwaniritse maloto awo. M'dziko lamasewera, amuna ndi akazi amafunikira zitsanzo zamphamvu zomwe angayang'ane nazo | sports | online news |
en11889 | If you have been placed in a position to teach sports, or you are a sportsperson, remember you are a leader, a role model, so try to seek out resources and information on how other people are promoting gender equality in sports | Ngati mwaikidwa kuti muphunzitse zamasewera, kapena ndinu katswiri wamasewera, kumbukirani kuti ndinu mtsogoleri, chitsanzo, chifukwa chake yesani kufunafuna zothandizira ndi chidziwitso cha momwe anthu ena akulimbikitsira kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi pamasewera | sports | online news |
en11890 | Be careful, be careful with what you share on social media about gender equality, because you need to be sensitive to other people’s views and opinions. Use inclusive language while addressing gender equality issues | Samalani, samalani ndi zomwe mumagawana pazama TV zokhudzana ndi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi, chifukwa muyenera kukhala okhudzidwa ndi malingaliro ndi maganizo a anthu ena. Gwiritsani ntchito chilankhulo chophatikizana pokambirana nkhani zokhudzana ndi kufanana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi | sports | online news |
en11891 | One method for engaging reluctant readers is to provide books and activities that connect to their interests and passions. Making this connection is especially helpful when introducing nonfiction reading materials to students | Njira imodzi yochitira chidwi owerenga monyinyirika ndiyo kupereka mabuku ndi zochitika zomwe zimagwirizana ndi zokonda ndi zokonda zawo. Kupanga kulumikizana uku ndikothandiza makamaka poyambitsa zida zowerengera zabodza kwa ophunzira | sports | online news |
en11892 | Many students enjoy sports, and using sports heroes in lessons and activities is an excellent way to match student interest while developing literacy skills | Ophunzira ambiri amasangalala ndi masewera, ndipo kugwiritsa ntchito ngwazi zamasewera m'maphunziro ndi zochitika ndi njira yabwino kwambiri yofananira ndi chidwi cha ophunzira ndikukulitsa luso lotha kuwerenga | sports | online news |
en11893 | In today's world, environmental sustainability has become a global concern. It has become more apparent that concerted actions are required to tackle the negative consequences of climate change and the deterioration of the natural environment | M'dziko lamakono, kusunga chilengedwe kwakhala vuto lalikulu padziko lonse lapansi. Zakhala zoonekeratu kuti zochita zogwirizana zimafunika kuthana ndi zotsatira zoipa za kusintha kwa nyengo ndi kuwonongeka kwa chilengedwe | sports | online news |
en11894 | Sport is a powerful tool that can raise awareness, promote sustainable practices, and create positive impacts on the environment | Masewera ndi chida champhamvu chomwe chingathe kudziwitsa anthu, kulimbikitsa machitidwe okhazikika, ndikupanga zotsatira zabwino pa chilengedwe | sports | online news |
en11895 | Organizations working in sports for development have a vital role in imparting knowledge and skills to young people, athletes, and communities on environmental education and sustainability in their programs | Mabungwe omwe amagwira ntchito m'masewera achitukuko ali ndi gawo lofunikira popereka chidziwitso ndi luso kwa achinyamata, othamanga, ndi madera pa maphunziro a zachilengedwe ndi kukhazikika m'mapulogalamu awo | sports | online news |
en11896 | For example, programs that incorporate eco-friendly practices, such as using renewable energy sources, recycling, and reducing carbon emissions, can create a long-lasting positive impact on the environment | Mwachitsanzo, mapulogalamu omwe amaphatikiza njira zokomera zachilengedwe, monga kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zongowonjezedwanso, kubwezeretsanso, ndi kuchepetsa kutulutsa mpweya wa kaboni, atha kubweretsa zotsatira zabwino kwa nthawi yayitali pa chilengedwe | sports | online news |
en11897 | Sport can also be an effective tool in combating threats to the environment. A healthy lifestyle and physical activity are encouraged through sports | Masewera angakhalenso chida chothandiza polimbana ndi zoopsa zomwe zingawononge chilengedwe. Kukhala ndi moyo wathanzi komanso kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi kumalimbikitsidwa kudzera mumasewera | sports | online news |
en11898 | It can promote sustainable modes of transportation, such as cycling or walking, which can reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. Furthermore, sports can inspire individuals and communities to take action on environmental issues, through volunteering, activism, and community engagement | Itha kulimbikitsa njira zoyendera zokhazikika, monga kupalasa njinga kapena kuyenda, zomwe zingachepetse kutulutsa mpweya wa kaboni ndikuwongolera mpweya wabwino. Kuphatikiza apo, masewera amatha kulimbikitsa anthu ndi madera kuti achitepo kanthu pazachilengedwe, kudzera modzipereka, kuchitapo kanthu, komanso kuchitapo kanthu ndi anthu | sports | online news |
en11899 | Conversely, sporting events may also generate adverse effects on the environment. Major sporting events, such as the Olympics or World Cup, can generate significant amounts of waste, energy use, and carbon emissions | Mosiyana ndi zimenezi, zochitika zamasewera zingayambitsenso kuwononga chilengedwe. Masewera akuluakulu, monga Olimpiki kapena World Cup, amatha kuwononga kwambiri, kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu, komanso kutulutsa mpweya | sports | online news |
en11900 | To mitigate these negative impacts, sports organizations and event planners can adopt sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly transportation | Pofuna kuchepetsa mavutowa, mabungwe amasewera ndi okonza zochitika amatha kugwiritsa ntchito njira zokhazikika, monga kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zongowonjezwdwa, kuchepetsa zinyalala, komanso kulimbikitsa mayendedwe okonda zachilengedwe | sports | online news |
en11901 | Athlete voices can also be utilized to raise awareness and advocate for environmental causes. Athletes can use their platform to draw attention to environmental issues, promote sustainable practices, and engage with fans and communities | Mawu othamanga atha kugwiritsidwanso ntchito kudziwitsa anthu komanso kulimbikitsa zomwe zimayambitsa chilengedwe. Othamanga amatha kugwiritsa ntchito nsanja yawo kuti awonetsere chidwi pazachilengedwe, kulimbikitsa machitidwe okhazikika, komanso kucheza ndi mafani ndi madera | sports | online news |
en11902 | However, challenges such as limited funding and resources, lack of awareness and education, and limited stakeholder engagement must be overcome | Komabe, zovuta monga ndalama zochepa ndi zothandizira, kusowa chidziwitso ndi maphunziro, ndi kukhudzidwa kochepa kwa okhudzidwa ziyenera kuthetsedwa | sports | online news |