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The normalization of sports betting can positively and negatively affect gambling culture. It’s important to balance promoting responsible gambling and fostering a healthy interest in sports
kuvomelezedwa kwa njuga pa masewera zikhoza kukhala ndizotsatirsa zabwino komanso zoipa pa khalidwe la njuga. ndizofunika kulimbikitsa kupanga njuga mosamala ndi kulimbikitsa kukhala ndi chikhumbokhumbo pa masewera
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Public opinion on sports betting varies widely, and efforts to reduce stigma and promote understanding of the industry’s economic benefits can influence the regulatory landscape
maganizo a anthu njuga pa masewera zimasiyanasiyana, ndipo ntchito yofuna kuchepetsa kusalana ndikulimbikitsa kumvetsetsa kufunika pa chuma kwa gawoli zikhoza kupangitsa kusitha kuyang'anira
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Understanding the demographic groups most impacted by sports betting and its consequences can guide targeted interventions and support programs
kudziwa gulu la anthu limene lakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi ndi njuga zapa maweswera komanso zotsaitra zake zikhoza kutsogolera kupeleka zithandizo
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The relationship between sport and religion has dated back to the earliest civilizations and has continued to evolve as society has developed into the modern civilization that we now live in
kugwirizana kwa masewelo ndi chipembedzo zikufumira kwa anthu akalekale ndipo zakhala zikupitilira zikupitilira kusintha pamene anthu akusintha zochitika makono omwe tikukhala
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The ways in which sport structures beliefs, values and behaviors is often compared to the ways in which religion teaches important values and lessons
njira zimene masewero amaikira zikhulupiliro, ngodya ndi makhalidwe simafanizidwa ku njira zimene chipembedzo chimaphunzitsira ngodya ndi maphunziro
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In fact, the message that both religion and sport teach us are similar, using symbols to communicate important values and lessons
mwachilangamo chake, uthenga wa chipembedzo ndi masewera umatiphunzitsa zofanana, kugwiritsa ntchito zizindikilo polimikizana ngodya ndi maphunziro wofunikira
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In modern times, athletes are no longer seen as gods per se, but are still highly revered as the epitome of discipline, determination, and dedication
mu nthawi yamakono ino, osewera masewera sawonedwa ngati milungu, koma amaonedwa kuti amakhala ndi khalidwe, kulimbikila ndi wodzipeleka
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Even when sport is not a part of religious ritual, it can be metaphorically linked to religion as a symbol of strife and setting elusive goals for life
ngakhale pamene masewero sali gawo la chipembedzo, zikhoza kukhala zolumikizana ndi zizindikiro za kulimbikira ndi kukhazikitsa masophenya paumoyo
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In Islam, Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) often encouraged Muslims to practice sport such as swimming to maintain our body health, strengthen the body for when needed and engage in activities that bring enjoyment and relaxation. Such activities ultimately bring balance which leads to a sense of fulfillment in one’s life
mu chipembedzo cha chisilamu, mneneri muhammed mtendere ukhale kwa iye nthawi zambiri amalimbikitsa asilamu kupanga masewero monga kusambira kuti akhale ndi thupi la thanzi, kulimbitsa thupi pamene zikufunika komanso kugwira nchito zimene zimawasangalatsa ndi kupuma. zochita zimenezi zimabweletsa kukhala chimodzi kumene kumapangitsa kukhutira mu moyo wa munthu
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We welcome all ages from toddlers to adults to engage with the community and participate in keeping our bodies healthy, able and balanced
timalandira anthu a zaka zosiyanasiyana monga ana akhanda kufikira akuluakulu kuti azikhala nawo ndi gulu komanso kuchita nawo kuti matupi awo akhale ndi athanzi, akuthekera ndi moyenera
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Sports, is a multi-billion dollar business and thus a lucrative one which makes it prone to corruption. A basic aspect of corruption in sports is that it is multifaceted and manifested in many ways
masewera, ndi malonda andalama zakhanikhani ndipo abwino kwambiri amene amapangitsa kuti akhale pa chiwopsezo cha katangale. njira yochepa chabe pa katangale pa masewero zimakhala zosiyanasiyana ndipo zimaonekera munjira zosiyanasiyana
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The dream to succeed and the developments in medicine and its techniques led to athletes looking for ways to enhance their performance to win a medal in the Olympics or a trophy in a competition
maloto ofuna kupambana ndi kutukuka pa nkhani ya mankhwala ndi njira zina zapangitsa ochita masewera kupeza njira kuti apite kuchita kwawo kuti apambane mphoto kapena mendulo ku masewera a olympic komanso pampikisano
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Athletes that compete at the top-level keep searching for ways to get an edge over their competitors in order to achieve glory, success, respect and money
wochita masewera amene amapikisana pa mlingo wotsogola amafufuza njira kuti awapose anzawo kuti akhale opambana, kulemekezedwa ndi ndalama
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The doping phenomenon is more common when it comes to the Olympics, mostly because of the close cooperation between Government officials and the medical staff of each country
khalidwe lochulukitsa mphamvu limachitika kwambiri ku masewero a olympics, chifukwa nthawi zambiri chifukwa chakugwira limodzi ntchito aboma komanso achipatala adziko lina lililonse
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Politics don’t stay out of this phenomenon, unfortunately. The involvement of politicians makes the issue even more complicated mainly because of the connection of high profile individuals
ndale sizimalephela kupezekapo pa izi, mwachisoni. kutenga nawo gawo anthu andale kumapangitsa zinthuzi kukhala zovuta chifukwa zimakhudza anthu a mlingo wapamwamba kwambiri
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Governments usually use the veil of secrecy to hide corruption scandals in order to protect themselves from public exposure and loss of political credibility
boma nthawi zambiri limagwiritsa ntchito njira za chinsinsi pobisa nkhani ziphuphu kuti aziteteze kusawonekela ku anthu komanso kutaya chikhulupiliro
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Furthermore, looking into the Calciopoli and other match-fixing scandals, the main concern is that match-fixing and illegal betting take more than one person to be arranged
kuwonjezera apo, tikayan'gana za calciopoli ndi nkhani zina zosokoneza masewera, chodandaulitsa kwambiri ndichakuti kuti kusokoneza masewera komanso njuga yosaloledwa zisimafuna munthu m'modzi yekha kuti kuti zipangidwe
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During a research I launched recently while working on the issue of match fixing, I interviewed several footballers that play in European clubs regarding the reasons behind match-fixing
pamene ndimapanga kafukufuku amene ndakhazikitsa pompano pamene ndikugwira ntchito zokhudza kusokoneza masewera, ndiyakhula ndi osewera mpira wa miyendo amene amasewera ma timu a ku ulaya zokhudza zifukwa zimene zimapangitsa kusokoneza zotsatira za masewera
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The conclusions I reached came as a surprise. The primary reason, mostly in Eastern Europe, is that footballers have to “survive”. And what do they mean by “survive”?
zotsatira zimene zimene ndinapeza zinali zodabwitsa. chifukwa chenicheni, makamaka ku m'mawa kwa ku ulaya ndichakuti osewera mpira wamiyendo amayenera kukhala ndi moyo. ndipo akutathauza chani akati kukhala ndi moyo?
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Most clubs, especially second-tier ones and below, are not able to pay salaries after the first half of the season. That happens usually because of lack of financial planning on the club’s side, with the annual budget of the club being rather unrealistic and not facts-based
ma timu ambiri, makamaka amene ali mu gawo lachiwiri ndikutsika m'musi, sakwanitsa kulipila malipiliro pakatha gawo loyamba la masewerawo. izi zimachitika chifukwa chakusowa kwa ndondomeko pa chuma ku mbali ya timuyi, zimene zimachitika chifukwa cha ndondomeko ya chuma imene imakhala yosalondola komanso yopanda umboni
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Normally clubs, especially the ones belonging to the second-tier and below, do not analyze the risk factors or even consider the worst-case scenario
nthawi zambiri matimu makamaka amene ali mu gawo la chiwiri komanso lapansi, samayan'gana zachiwopsezo kapena kuganizira kuti zinthu zitavuta
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The financial risk in combination with the uncertainty of sports, usually leads to economic instability within clubs
chiwopsezo pa chuma ndikuphatikiza kusadziwika wa masewero, zimapangitsa kusakhazikika pa chuma mu ma timu
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The urgent need to find the resources to pay at least the players’ salaries, is one of the reasons that lead clubs in the search of a fast and easy access to money which can lead to match fixing
kufuna kupeza zofunikira mwasanga kuti apeleke malipiro a wosewera , ndifukwa chimodzi zimene chimapangitsa kuti ma timu afufuze njira za changu komanso zosavuta kupeza ndalama zimene zimapangitsa kusokoneza zotsatira za masewera
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To control corruption in sports, there is a growing demand for specific legislative and policy responses. Other nations use existing fraud or anti-corruption legislation, and a few rely on conspiracy offences
kuti tichepetse ziphuphu mu masewera, pali kufunikira kokhanzikitsa gawo ndi malamulo. maiko ena amagwiritsa ntchito malamulo amene alipo kale othetsera katangale ndi ziphuphu ndipo ena ochepa amadalira mphekesera
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FIFA and UEFA also took several steps recently, to prevent officials and athletes from fixing games, through new legislation and cooperation with government and international organizations
bungwe la FIFA ndi UEFA akhala akupanga njira zina posachedwapa, kuti ateteze oyendetsa masewera komanso osewera kuti asasokoneze zotsatira za masewero, kudzera mu malamulo atsopano ndikugwira ntchito limodzi ndi boma komanso mabungwe adziko lonse la pansi.
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An example of these initiatives is the agreement signed between FIFA and INTERPOL aiming to educate and train key actors in football on how to recognize, resist and report attempts to corrupt or fix matches and to better prepare law enforcement on how to investigate and cooperate in corruption or match-fixing related cases
chitsanzo china ntchito ndi mgwirizano wa FIFA ndi INTERPOL akufuna kudziwitsa ndi kuphunizitsa anthu otsogolera ku masewero a mpira m'mene anadziwire, kupewa ndikuwulula zaziphuphu kapena kasokoneza zotsatirsa za masewero komanso kukhozekera bwino kulimbikitsa malamulo ndi kugwira ntchito limodzi pa katangale ndi zosokoneza zotsatira zamasewera
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Corruption in sports has existed since the beginning of time and it’s difficult to tackle. We probably cannot extinguish match-fixing, illegal betting or doping, but more can be done at a national level and international level to limit the exposure of athletes and other sports officials
katangale mu masewera wakhala alipo kuchokela pachiyambi ndipo ndizovuta kuthetsa izi. mwina sitingathetse kusokoneza zotsatira pa masewera, njuga yosaloledwa kuwonjezera mphamvu, koma zambiri zikhoza kuchitika pa mlingo wa dziko komanso pa dziko lonse la pansi kuti achepetse chiwopsezo cha wosewera ndi anthu ena oyendetsa masewero
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Such steps could be the education of athletes and sports officials and more severe and readily enforceable sanctions
njira ngati zimenezi zikhoza kukhala maphunziro kwa wosewera ndi woyendetsa masewero komanso kukhala zovuta ndi zolimbikitsa
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Most importantly, however, all relevant stakeholders need to understand that the only way to tackle corruption in sports and achieve some sort of progress, is through coherent, coordinated and decisive action
mofunikira kwambiri, komabe, aliyense wotenga nawo mbali akyenera kudziwa kuti njira yokhayo yothana ndi katangale pa masewero ndikukwanilitsa zinthu ndikugwira ntchito limodzi.
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The modern athlete normally follows his or her own religious tradition in a private manner. This does not mean, however, there is no connection between religion and sport
wochita masewera amasiku ano nthawi zambiri amatsatira chikhalidwe cha chipembedzo chawo mwachibisira. izi sizikutathauza kuti palibe mgwirizano pakati pa chipembedzo ndi masewero
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On the contrary, religious and quasi-religious behavior is commonly found in the sport environment, including superstitious rituals of athletes and fans, prayer in sporting areas, and application of non-Christian practices in sports psychology consulting
mosiyana, chipembedzo ndi kutsatira chipembedzo pan'gono kumapezeka mu masewero kuphatikiza zikukhulupiliro za osewera komanso owatsatira, mapemphero mu malo osewelera komanso kugwiritsa ntchito zikhululpiliro zomwe sizali zachikhilisitu mu ukadaulo wa masewero
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Furthermore, deeper values and meanings can be attributed to sport activities as a kind of nonreligious spirituality
kuwonjezepo, ngodya zokhazikika ndi kudziwika kukhoza kuwonjezera ku zochitika za masewera ngati uzimu osakhudzana ndi mapephero.
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It is possible to observe an increasing interest in the religious and spiritual aspects of sports in the new millennium, which can be seen in the establishing of specific professions like sport psychologists or chaplains, as well as university centers for the study of religion and spirituality in sport
ndizotheka kuwona kuchuluka kwa kuwonetsa chidwi ku chipembedzo komanso uzimu ku mbali ya masewero mu m'badwo watsopanowu zimene zikuwoneka pokhazikitsa ntchito zapadera monga aphungu pa masewera kapena olalika komanso malo a sukulu zaukachenjede ophunzilira za chipembedzo ndi uzimu mu masewero
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Religion, spirituality, and sport is a growing discipline in sport psychology. Various commonalities between sport and religion can be observed in the principles behind religious festivities, such as those realised on Sundays and holy days that include many rituals, rites, spectacles, and symbols
chipembedzo, uzimu komanso masewero ndi gawo limodzi limodzi limene likukula mu maganizidwe pa masewero. pali kufanana kwakukulu pakati pa masewero ndi chipembedzo zimene zimawoneka muzotsatira zikondwelero za chipemphedzo monga zimene zimachitika lasabata ndi masiku wopatulika kuphatikiza miyambo, chipembedzo ndi zizindikilo
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Some athletes and spectators have declared that sport is their religion. However, sport is not a religion because it does not center on a supernatural being, creator, or sustainer of life
wochita masewero ena ndi wowonelera analumbira kuti masewero ndi chipembedz chawo. komabe, masewero sichipembedzo chifukwa sichimakhudza umulungu, wolenga kapena wopeleka moyo
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Therefore, for a deeper and more genuine understanding of the association between sport and religion, it is necessary to observe it in the wider context
Choncho, kuti timvetsetse bwino komanso kukhala ndi kumvetsetsa bwino kugwirizana kwa masewero ndi chipembedzo, ndizofunika kuwona izi mbali zingapo
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Such interest is strongly connected to concern for the individual personal experience. It is quite clear, however, that this psychological approach has stemmed from psychologists’ prolonged interest in experiences that are visible in religion and mysticism
chidwi chimenechi chimenechi chimalumikizana kwambiri ndi kudandala kwa zimene amakumana nazo anthu. ndizodziwikiratu, komabe kuti njira yotsatira malingaliro inachokera kwa aphungu amalinagliro amene ali ndi chidwi ndi zokumana nazo zimene zimawoneka kuchipembedzo
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Specific feelings, like trembling and amazement, were visible in people going through religious experiences, and a combination of fear and attraction was identified in the human connection to the sacred and holy
zochitika zina monga kunjenjemera komanso kudabwitsika, zimawoneka kwa anthu amene amadutsa muziwonetsero za chipembedzo ndikuphatikiza ndi mantha komanso kuitanira zinadziwika kulumikiza umunthu kuuzimu ndi zopatulika
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These uncommon moments involve a feeling of intense happiness, excitement, and ecstasy, without fears or tensions, and are felt also as a distance from one’s self and a unity with the world; they are not supernatural but natural, human, and accessible to anyone
zochitika nthawi imeneyi zimakhudza kusangalala kwambiri, kukondwera kopanda kuwopa kapena kulimbana ndipo zimadziwika podzichotsa wekha komanso umodzi ndi dziko, siumulungu koma anthu wamba ndipo opezekera kwa wina aliyense
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Peak experiences in sport are characterized as great, unique moments when the athlete has no control over their occurrence; the athlete is completely absorbed and immersed in the activity without having to consciously think while being in total control of the situation
kusangalala kwambiri pa masewero kumawonedwa kopambana komanso kosiyana pamene wochita masewera sakuzilabadira, pamene osewerayu ali m'masewerawa osaganizira kukhala opangitsa zinthu
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For example, mountain biking and other intense leisure activities lead to feelings of joy and self-fulfillment, a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life, and extended self
mwachitsanzo, kupala njinga m'mapiri komanso masewera ena ofuna mphamvu zambiri zimene zimapangitsa kukhala osangalala komanso kukhutitsidwa, kukhala ndi cholinga m'moyo komanso kudzidziwa wekha
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With activities that take place in wilderness settings, the natural beauty and distance from the pressures, people, distractions, and concerns of the human-made world can trigger peak experiences of awe and wonder that emulate individual spiritual expression
ndizochitika zimene zimapangikila ku tchire, kukongola kwa malo komanso kusiyana ndizotangwanitsa, anthu wokusokoneza komanso kukhudzidwa ndi dziko lopangidwa ndi anthu zikhoza kupangitsa kuzizwa kwambiri zimene zimafanana ndi umunthu pauzimu
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The sport environment is very predisposed to accept repetitive and ritualistic superstitious behavior as part of sport activities
malo opangira masewera amakhudzidwa kuti avomeleze khalidwe la matsenga mobwelezebweleza ngati gawo limodzi la zamasewera
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Superstitious behavior falsely and irrationally links two unrelated events as the product of magic and paranormal superpowers and implies that athletes or fans can influence this power via specific food, clothing, fetishes, and so on
khalidwe la matsenga limalumikizitsa mwabodza komanso mosaganizira zochitika zosagwirizana ngati zotsatira za matsenga komanso mphanvu zoposa anthu ndipo zimatathauza kuti ochita masewera kapena otsatira akhoza kulimbikitsa mphamvu zimenezi kudzera muchakudya, zovala, matsenga zina zotero
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Superstitious behavior often takes the form of bizarre rituals involving certain dress, like wearing only a “lucky” pair of socks, jersey, or underwear or the same swimming goggles during a game; food, such as chewing one specific type of gum or eating poultry before every game; or other activities, like talking to the goalposts while on the ice, sitting in certain seats, not shaving, taking ice baths before a game, listening to a certain song before an event, or using magical charms or talismans
khalidwe la matsenga nthawi zambiri limakhala muzipembedzo zosiyanasiyana zokhudza kavalidwe kakekake monga kuvala masokosi amwayi, malaya kapena panti kapena magalasi osambilira omwewo pa masewera, chakudya monga kutafuna mtundu umodzi wa chungamu kapena kudya nkhuku asanayambe masewera kapena zochitika zina, monga kuyakhula ndi zitsulo za magolo ali pa madzi wouma, kukhala malo ena ake, kusameta, kusamba madzi ozizila kwambiri asanayambe masewera, kumvetsera nyimbo zina zake kusanayambe zochitika kapena kugwiritsa ntchito zinthu zamatsenga
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Different sports report some commonalties in superstitious rituals; however, each sport also has specific rituals that correspond with personalities and personal belief system
masewera osiyanasiyana amafotokoza zinthu zofanana zokhudza zochitika za mafano; komabe masewero ena aliwonse ali ndi zipembedzo zake zimene zimagwirizana ndi umunthu komanso zimene munthu amazikhulupiira
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Such rituals are used to decrease feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, shame, and embarrassment and to cope with pressure
zipembedzo zina zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kuchepetsa kukhala ndi mantha, zosadziwika, manyazi komanso kukhumudwitsidwa ndikuthana ndi zipsinjo
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They can help those who wish to have a feeling of control in uncertain, unstable situations, although there is no logical influence or causal link between the behavior and the performance
izi zikhoza kuthandiza amene akufuna kukhala ndi maganizo kuti zinthu zili m'manja mwawo nthawi yosadziwika zinthu, ngakhale palibe kugwirizana kwenikweni pakati pa khalidwe ndi kuchita zinthu
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Superstitious rituals can be personalized for an individual athlete or may be team-generated and performed by the larger group
zipembedzo zamafano zimatengera munthu wochita masewero kapena timu yonse ndikuchitika ndi gulu
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Not only athletes themselves but also fans perform superstitious behaviors, with more behaviors emerging the more highly identified fans are with the team and game outcome
siwochita masewero okha komanso owatsatira amene akhoza kupanga khalidwe la matsenga, ndi makhalidwe ambiri kuchitika kwa otsatira amene amakhala ndi odziwika ndi timu yawo komanso zotsatira zamasewero
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Praying is a religious, not a magic or superstitious, behavior. Through prayer, athletes try to transcend the profane everydayness into a more sacral, holy sphere to contact God
kupemphera ndi chipembedzo, si khalidwe la matsenga. kudzera mupemphero, ochita masewero amayesera kukhala oyera komanso kukhala chimodzi wolumikizana ndi mulungu
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For athletes, prayer is used especially before as well as during and after a competition, and the frequency of prayer increases as the importance of the performance increases
kwa wosewera, mapemphero amagwiritsidwa ntchito bwino asanayambe komanso akamaliza mpikisano, ndipo mlingo wopempherawu umawonjezeleka malingana ndikuwonjezeleka kwa masewerawa
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Prayer is not only a personal and private silent activity but also a collective and collegiate ritual; it can be decidedly public, for example, over a loudspeaker, through team participation at religious services prior to games, or prayer circles at sporting events
Pemphero sichinthu za munthu m'modzi kapena zopanga mwachibisila komanso ndi zochitika za pamodzi ndi mapemphero obweletsa pamodzi; zikhoza kukhala za pagulu, mwachitsanzo, kugwiritsa ntchito chimkweza mawu, kudzera kutenga nawo mbali pa mapemphero masewera asanayambe kapena magulu wopemphera nthawi ya zochitika za masewera
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The purpose of a chaplain’s work is spiritual care, regardless of whether the recipients are believers. A chaplain should be able and willing to provide spiritual care to everybody
cholinga cha ntchito cha wopempheletsa ndikupeleka chisamaliro cha uzimu, osatengera kuti olandilawo ndi wokhulupilira. wopempheletsa akuyenera kukhala komanso wofuna kupeleka chisamaliro cha uzimu kwa aliyense
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Sport chaplains focus on people in sport, for example, athletes, coaches, trainers, managers, and members of their families
wophunzitsa masewera akuyenera kuyan'ganira anthu pa masewero, mwachitsanzo, wochita masewero, aphunzitsi, woyendetsa zinthu komanso anthu a banja lawo
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Sport chaplaincy plays a key role in a system of “holistic support” within elite sporting organizations to produce technically proficient athletes and good role models
uphunzitsi wa masewero umagwira ntchito yofunikira kwambiri popeleka chithandizo magawo onse mu abungwe ochita masewera kuti apange osewera abwino komanso kukhala chitzanzo kwa ena
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However, many sport organizations, clubs, and professional sport programs use the services of volunteer or paid sport chaplains
komabe, mabungwe ambiri a masewera, ma timu ndi ntchito za masewera apamwamba amagwiritsa ntchito wogwira ntchito modzipeleka kapena aphunzitsia a masewera olipilidwa.
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Thus, sport chaplaincy can be best described as an emerging profession, and there is a practical need to further define the responsibilities of sport chaplains and establish criteria and qualifications for full professionalization
ndiye, uphinzitsi wa masewera ukhoza kufotokozedwa ngati ntchito imene ikuyamba kumene ndipo pali kufunika kwina kofotokozeranso udindo wamphunzitsi wa masewera komanso kukhazikitsa njira komanso zoyeneleza kukhala waukadaulo weniweni
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Despite the lack of evidence, the data available for Scotland does suggest that people with a Muslim faith are less likely take part in sport, with particularly low levels of sports participation among Muslim women
ngakhale pali kusowa umboni, uthenga umene ulipo wa dziko la scotland ukunena kuti anthu wokhulupilira chisilamu samatenga nawo gawo kwambiri pamasewero, ndichiwelengero chochepa kupanga nawo masewero makamaka azimayi achisilamu
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Research conducted with Muslim girls in the school environment has demonstrated that the girls were put off participating in sporting activities to the point where some were skipping classes. Clothing requirements and changing facilities were the main barriers
kafukufuku amene anachitika ndi atsikana achisilamu mu malo asukulu waonetsa kuti atsikana amaletsedwa kupanga nawo masewera kufikila mlingo wakuti ena samalowa mu kalasi. zovala zofunikila ndi malo wosithila zinali zina mwaziphinjozi
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Stories have been told about how in the past, for example in the late 1970s and through 1980s, various sporting teams from Malawi used to perform quite well at local and international events
nkhani zafotokozedwa mmene m;mbuyomu, machitsanzo, mu zaka za 1970s kufikila1980s, ma timu amasewero ambiri ku malawi amachita bwino kwambiri mudziko komanso zochitika pa dziko lonse la pansi
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Those that saw the glory of the old days reminisce, for instance, of the national football team that performed wonders in regional soccer tournaments such as the East and Central Africa Challenge cup and the Africa Cup of Nations
amene anawona ulemelero wakalewu akhoza kukumbukila, mwachitsanzo, timu ya mpira wamiyendo ya dziko imene inapanga zodabwitsa ku mpikisano wa mpira wa miyendo wa chigawo monga mpikisano wa kum'mawa komanso pakati wa ku africa komanso chikho cha ku africa
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The same was true about Malawi teams’ record at different track and field athletic tournaments. In recent times, the country’s performance in sports is just a pitiful shadow of its old past. The question is, what went wrong?
izi zinali chomwecho cha matimu a ku malawi ku magawo osiyanasiyana komanso mpikisano wothamanga. mu nthawi yatsopanoyi, kuchita bwino kwa dziko pankhani yamasewera ndi zomvetsa chisoni ndi m'mene zinalili kale. Funso mkumati chinalakwika ndi chani?
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Corruption in sport seems to evade many discussions about corruption in Malawi. I have tried very hard to remember any one meeting where corruption risks in sport have been raised as an issue in the country’s anti-corruption agenda
katangale pa masewera waoneka kuti akukhalapo pa zokambilana za katangale kuno ku malawi. ndayesera kukumbukira ku mikumano pamene chiwopsezo cha katangale watchulidwapo ngati vuto mu ntchito zolimbana ndi katangale mu dziko muno
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Interestingly, even research reports on the state of corruption in Malawi do not cite corruption in sport as an issue to be included in the country’s anti-corruption agenda
zosangalatsa ndizakuti, ngakhale kafukufuku wawonetsa kuti m'mene alili katangale ku malawi samatchula katangale mu masewera ngati vuto loyenera kuikidwapo pa ntchito yolimbana ndi katangale
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One may be tempted to think that the corruption risks in our sports sector do not exist or that perhaps corruption in sport has no effects at all on the economy or the general welfare of people
wina akhoza kenyengedwa kuti chiwopsezo cha katangale mu gawo la masewera palibe kapena katangale mu masewera alibe zotsatira pa chuma komanso kakhalidw ka anthu
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Over the years the world of sport has evolved to be big business. In Malawi, a lot of money is spent to support sporting disciplines such as soccer, netball and boxing
mu zakazi masewera akhala malonda akulu kwambiri. ku malawi, ndalama zambiri zimagwiritsidwa ntchito kuthandizira magawo amasewera monga mpira wamiyendo, wamanja komanso khonya
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The corporate world also spends money sponsoring various sports systems, institutions and events. A lot of money flows through activities such as construction of sporting infrastructure, procurement of equipment, issuing of broadcasting rights, branding, sale of sports merchandise and of athletes
azamalonda nawoso amagwiritsa ndalama kuthandizira masewera ambiri, mabungwe komanso zochitika. ndalama zambiri zimapita ku ntchito monga kumanga malo amasewera, kugula zipangizo, kupeleka maufulu akanema, kudziwitsa kugulitsa zovala pa otsatira masewera komanso osewera
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Big money and big business is often associated with high risks of theft and corruption
ndalama zambiri komanso malonda akuluakulu amalumikizana ndi chiopsezo cha kuba komanso katangale
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In recent times, at global level, sport governing bodies and administrators have increasingly been accused of abuse of power, fraud, embezzlement and vote rigging during elections for leadership in sport governing bodies
mu nthawi yapanoyi, pa dziko lonse lapansi, mabungwe oyendetsa masewera komanso oyendetsa zinthu akakhala akuyimbidwa milandu yogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zawo molakwika, chinyengo, kuzembetsa komanso kubela masankho pa nthawi yazisankho za utsogoleri ku mabungwe woyendetsa masewero
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The world of sport has also been frequently entangled in allegations of bribes, match fixing, money laundering and other scandals
gawo la masewero lakhudzidwanso ndi za katangale, kusitha zotsatira za masewero, kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama zopezeka mu njira zolakwika ndi zochitika zina
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While efforts have been made to introduce reforms in the governance of sport, fighting corruption in sport will be a long haul affair
ngakhale pakhala ntchito yofuna kubweletsa kusitha kayendetsedwe ka masewero, kulimbana ndi katangale mu masewera zizakhala zositha zambiri
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In dealing with matters of corruption in any sector it is always important to consider the nature of governance systems of the particular sector. In Malawi just like in other parts of the world, sport organizations are governed on the principle of autonomy, meaning that they operate with very limited external oversight or “interference”
kuthana ndi katangale mu gawo lililonse ndikofunikira kuganizira m'mene ulamuliro umayendera mu gawo limenelo. ku malawi monga ma gawo ena adziko lapansi, mabungwe oyendetsa masewero amayendetsedwa pawokha kutathauza kuti amagwira ntchito opanda kuwunikilidwa
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This is irrespective of the fact that a lot of sport organizations or entities benefit from the support provided by governments or other public institutions
izi zizitengera kuti mabungwe oyendetsa masewera amapindula ndichithandizo chimene chimapelekedwa ndi boma komanso mabungwe ena aboma
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Corruption risks exist in Malawi sport. A report identified limited accountability and transparency as one of the factors limiting performance of Malawian athletes
chiwopezo cha katangale zimachitika pa masewera ku malawi. uthenga wapeza kuti pali kusowa kokhala ndi udindo komanso chilungamo ngati zinthu zimene zikupangitsa kuti wosewera masewero akumalawi asachite bwino
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The report also cited claims of favoritism whereupon coaches or sports administrators want to be praised in order for an athlete to be featured in a game or to be selected to participate at big sporting events
lipotili lafotokozanso kukondela pamene wophunzitsa kapena oyendetsa masewera amafuna azipembedzedwa ndi cholinga chakuti awayambitse masewera kapena kusakhidwa kuti akhale nawo pa zochitika za masewera.
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Stories are rampant about the suspicious conduct of elections in leadership positions of various sport organizations
nkhani ndi zambiri zokhudza kayendetsedwe kodabwitsa ka zisankho za atsogoleri mu mabungwe ambiri oyendetsa masewero
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Further, Malawi sport is not spared from allegations of match fixing, embezzlement of revenue from sport events and abuse of sponsorship funds from various bodies
kuwonjezera apo, masewero akumalawi akhudzidwanso ndi phekesera zositha zotsatira za masewero,kusokoneza chuma chopezeka pa masewero komanso kugwiritsa ntchito molakwika ndalama zothandizira zochokera ku mabungwe ena
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The public and all relevant stakeholders must start asking questions around accountability and transparency in sport just like it is done with all other areas of public interest
boma ndi ena wogwira nawo ntchito akuyenera kuyamba kufunsa mafunso okhudza udindo komanso kusabisa mu masewero monga zimachitikira mu ma gawo ena aboma
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The issue of autonomy in the organization of sport should not be an excuse for the sport sector to be spared from being held accountable in the manner of conducting the affairs of sport
nkhani yoima pawokha mubungweli isakhale nkhani kuti gawo la masewero lipatulidwe pofuna kukhala awudindo m'mene amayendetsera masewero
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In fact, an ideal case for a country like Malawi would be where sport governing institutions must start presenting reports to parliament, or any public oversight body, providing an account on the management of sport
mwachilungamo chake, mmene zimayenera kukhalira kuno ku malawi ndikukhala ndi bungwe loyendetsa masewero kuyamba kumakapeleka malipoti ku nyumba yamalamulo kapena ku bungwe lina lililonse loyang'anira, kufotokozera m'mene zinthu zikuyendetseredwa ku masewero
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Perhaps such a system will assist in understanding why the performance of most sporting disciplines in Malawi is pathetic despite the investments made
mwina njira zimenezi zikhoza kuthandiza kumvetsetsa chifukwa chimene kugwiridwe ntchio kali komvetsa chisoni ngakhale kuti chuma chikumapelekedwa
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Sadly, as stated, governance of sport does not operate by the same rules. Until sport organizations can be subjected to the same rules of good governance the sector will continue operating with very high risks of mismanagement of resources, retention of bad and corrupt leaders and most importantly, stagnation in the development of sport
zomvetsa chisoni, kayendetsedwe ka masewero sikayenda ndi malamulo omwewa. pofikira kuti mabungwe oyendetsa masewera azayambe kugwiritsa ntchito malamulo abwino oyendetsera zinthu tipilizabe kugwira ntchito ndi chiwopsezo chakusagwiritsa bwino zipangizo, kubwelezanso atsogoleri akatangale, kukhala pamodzimodzi pa nkhani za kukuza masewero
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There is need, therefore, to open up candid conversations about the governance of sport in Malawi and its bearing on sport development and the general welfare of the people
pakufika, choncho, kuyamba kukhala ndi macheza owona mtima oyendetsera masewera ku malalawi komanso m'mene izi zimadalira kutukuka kwa masewero komanso umoyo wa anthu onse
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The social, economic and political benefits from sport are many but these can only be realized in an environment where resources availed for sport are not abused by sport organizations that operate with limited scrutiny or accountability
zopindula za makhalidwe, chuma komanso za ndale ndizambiri koma izi zikhoza kuchitika pamalo pamene zipangizo zimene zulipo sizikugwiritsidwa ntchito molakwika ndi mabungwe oyendetsa masewero amene akugwira ntchito moyan'ganidwa bwino ndi udindo
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Further, the sport sector should be protected from degenerating into an arena for illicit wealth creation by networks of crooks masquerading as sports administrators or sponsors
kuwonjezera apo, gawo la masewera likuyenera kutetezedwa ku zinthu zowononga zofuna kupanga chuma mu njira zolakwika ndi kulumikizana kwa anthu osokoneza amene amakhala ngati oyendetsa komanso othandiza
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2022 continued to see fixtures outside of the top two tiers of domestic soccer heavily targeted for manipulation
chaka cha 2022 kunapitilizika kuwona mipikasano ya kunja kwa magawo awiri akulu a mpira wamiyendo wa dzikolino akukhudzidwa ndi kusithidwa kwa zotsatira
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This counters the historic global trend, where manipulation had predominantly affected the top two tiers, and most specifically the second tier, though it is consistent with the trend witnessed in 2021
izi sizikugwirazana ndi m'mene zinthu zimayendera pa dziko lonse la pansi, pamene kusokoneza kwakhala kukuchitika magawo awiri apamwamba, komanso gawo lachiwiri, ngakhale zachitika izi mpaka cha cha 2021
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Indeed, in many countries the first tier of national domestic competition is not a viable option for match-fixers to realistically target, as higher wages for players act as a built-in deterrent, whereas preventative measures such as player education and due diligence are also more abundant at the top levels of competition
inde, maiko ambiri, gawo loyamba la mpikisano wa dziko sikutheka kuti ukhale njira kwa osokoneza zotsatira masewero chifukwa ndalama zochuluka zimene amalandira osewera zimakhala zikuwaletsa komanso njira yotetezera monga maphunziro kwa wosewera komanso kutsatira zofunikira zimachitika pa mlingo waukulu wa masewerawa
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Indeed, below the top two tiers, many competitions continue to have a lack of integrity protections in place such as player education, while lower financial rewards continue to skew the risk/reward to the extent that some players view the potential bribes that match-fixers are able to offer as more attractive
inde, gawo lachiwiri lapamwamba likupitilizabe kukhala losowa chitetezo pa chilungamo mu malo monga maphunziro kwa osewera, pamene ndalama zochepa zimene amalandira zikupitliza kuipa pachiopsezo kufikira kuti osewera ena amaona ziphuphu zimene osokoneza zotsatira amapeleka kukhala zabwino
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Late and/or reduced payments – and non-payments – of salaries are also reasons why this trend persists, in part due to the economic issues affecting many countries
malipiro ochepa komanso ochedwa- komanso kusalandira malipilo ndizifukwa chifukwa izi zikuchitikabe, gawo lina kukhala la nkhani za chuma zimene zakhudza maiko ambiri
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Overall, approximately 52% of suspicious matches came from the third tier or lower, including regional leagues and youth competitions
moomba mkota, pafupifupi masewero makumi asanu ndi awiri amene anali odabwitsa anali a gawo lachitatu kapena lotsikilapo kuphatikiza mpikisano wa mzigawo ndi wachinyamata
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This is not unexpected, given that first half markets were also targeted in around 50% of suspicious matches, and because the opening 15 minutes continues to be the time period most affected by suspicious betting patterns globally
izi sizoyembezekeleka, podziwa kuti misika ya yachigawo choyamba pafupifupi theka la masewero odabwitsa komanso chifukwa mphundi khumi ndi zisanu zoyambilira zimakhala zokhudzidwa kwambiri nfi juga yodabwitsa madziko lonse lapansi
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Finally, match officials were highlighted for their potential involvement in many suspicious matches due to the betting analysis indicators and their actions on the field
pomaliza, oyendetsa masewero anatchulidwapo kukhala otenga nawo mbali pa masewero odabwitsa malingana ndi ziganizo za juga komanso zochitika zawo pasewerelapo
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Combined result manipulations continue to be the most common method of manipulation globally. This involves a team losing by a minimum margin of goals and also ensuring a certain number of goals are scored
kuphatikiza kusokoneza zotsatira zikupitilirabe kukhala njira yosdziwika zosokonezera zotsatira padziko lonse lapansi. izi zimakhudza timu ina kugonja ndi zigoli zochepa kwambiri komanso kuwonetsetsa kuti zigoli zingapo zachinyidwe
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2023 will almost certainly see a continuation in the level of suspicious match numbers witnessed in 2022, and likely an overall increase
mu chaka cha 2023 zikhala zinthu zikupitilira pa masewero okaikitsa mmene zinachitikira mu chaka cha 2022, ndipo zichulukira
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Economic uncertainties around the globe and the financial ramifications of it will continue to affect sports teams and athletes
kusadziwika kwa zachuma pa dziko lonse la pansi komanso zopindula pa chuma zimenezi zipilizabe kusokoneza ma timu amasewera komanso osewerawa
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Furthermore, the still lacking integrity protections across large swathes of global sport organizations, as well as a lack of investigative appetite and resources where match-fixing is known to be occurring will ensure that these trends unfortunately continue
kupitilira apo, kusowa kwa chitetezo pa chilungamo pa mabungwe amasewero pa dziko lonse lapansi komanso kusafuna kufufuza ndi zipangizo pamene zikuwoneka kuti zotsatira za masewero zikuchitika ziwonetsetsa kuti zochitikazi zikupitililbe
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As in recent years, soccer will continue to see the highest level of suspicious matches. It is also very likely that basketball will remain the second highest sport in terms of suspicious match numbers globally
mu zakazi, mpira wamiyendo wapilira kukumana ndi mlingo waukulu wamasewera odabwitsa. ndizachidziwikire kuti masewera a manja amuna akhalabe achiwiri pa mlingo wa masewero osokonezedwa pa dziko lonse la pansi
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It is also likely that the number of match-fixing incidents in Africa will continue to rise as they have done in recent years
ndizothekanso kuti mlingo wa zochitika zokhudza kusokoneza zotsatira za masewero ku africa wupitlira kukwera mmene zakhalira mu zaka zingapo pakatipa
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