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en12103 | Some types of match manipulations are not always visible in traditional, major betting markets, as match-fixers attempt to hide their activity, so account-level data in combination with Artificial Intelligence is vital to prevent this | njira zina zosokonezera masewera sizimakhala zowonekera ku anthu, misika yopangira juga chifukwa osokoneza zotsatira za masewera amayesera kubisa zochitika zawo, kuphatikiza uthenga ndi nzeru zamakono ndizofunikira kuthetsa izi | sports | online news |
en12104 | Match-fixing cases in lower-level competitions should likely rise outside of the major sports, much as they did in 2022, with basketball following the soccer trend of high levels of suspicious match numbers at lower levels of competition | kusitha zotsatira za masewera mu mupikisano in'gonoin'gono ikueyenera kukwera kunja kwa masewero akuluakulu m'mene zinachitikira mu chaka cha 2022, pamene mpira wa manja wa amuna unakhala wachiwiri kutsatira mpira wamiyendo kukhala pa mlingo wa masewero odabwitsa pa mlingo ochepelapo pa mpikisanowu | sports | online news |
en12105 | Athletes, players and match officials nearing the twilight of their career will continue to face the temptation to engage in match-fixing, as their main income stream from sport nears its natural conclusion | osewera, komanso oyendetsa masewera amene akuyandikila kumathelo pa ukadaulo pa ntchito yawo apilira kukumana ndizoyesa zambiri kuti apange nawo zosokoneza zotsatira, chifukwa ndalama zimene amapeza ku masewero zimakhala zikupita kumapeto | sports | online news |
en12106 | For those who chose to follow this path, it can include organizing fixes themselves, or working with match-fixing syndicates as a facilitator who approaches athletes they already have relationships with | kwa amene asakha kuti adutsa njira imeneyi, zikhoza kukhala kumazisokonezera okha, kapena kugwira ntchito ndi wosokoneza masewera ngati amene amampeza osewera uja amene ali ndi ubwenzi nawo kale | sports | online news |
en12107 | This will present one of the biggest risks in terms of the spread of match-fixing in the years ahead | izi zimapeleka chiwopsezo chachikulu makakama pa kufalikira kwa kusokoneza zotsatira za masewero mu zaka zimene zikubwerazi | sports | online news |
en12108 | Sport programmes associated with nutrition and agriculture can complement programmes that tackle hunger and support education | ntchito za masewero zokhudzana ndi madyedwe abwino komanso zaulimi zikhoza kuthandizira kuthana ndi njala komanso kuthandizira maphunziro | sports | online news |
en12109 | Beneficiaries can be educated and engaged in sustainable food production and balanced diets. The spirit of sport is linked to the nutrition and wellness of a community or individual; this connection between sport and health can be used to highlight inefficiencies in the global food supply chain | othandizikawa akhoza kuphunzitsidwa komanso kugwira nawo ntchito pa kapangidwe chakudya koyenera komanso chakudya chamagulu onse. uzimu wa masewera umalumikazana ndi madyedwe abwino komanso umoyo wabwino wa anthu, kulumikizana kumeneku pakati pa masewero ndi umoyo wabwino ukhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuwunikira kusowekera kwa kupezeka kwa chakudya dziko lonse lapansi | sports | online news |
en12110 | The world currently produces more than enough food to feed everyone. Up to one third of food produced for consumption is wasted each year, however, due to spoilage; recovering just half of what is lost or wasted could feed the planet | dziko lapansi pakali pano limapanga chakudya chokwanira kudyetsa aliyense. ndipo kuposa theka la chakudya chimene chimapangidwa chimawonongeka chaka chili chonsem komabe chifukwea chakuwonongeka, kubwezeletsa theka lachakudya chimene chataika chikhoza kudyetsa dziko lonse la pansi | sports | online news |
en12111 | Vulnerable countries, communities and individuals are able to connect to community services through sport-based outreach programmes, which instill a sense of hope in situations that may otherwise seem hopeless | maiko amene ali pachiwopsezo, madera komanso anthu akumalumikizana ndi othandizira ntchito ku madera kudzera ntchito za maserewa,zimene zimakika chiyembekezo pamene pakuwoneka kuti palibe chiyembekezo | sports | online news |
en12112 | Sport and recreational activities provide a release for people struggling with day-to-day challenges, allowing them to take their minds off of what they are facing | masewero komanso zochitika zina zolimbitsa thupi zimapeleka mpumulo kwa anthu amene akuvutika ndi mavuto a tsiku ndi tsiku kuwalola kuti asiye kuganiza zomwe akukumana nazo | sports | online news |
en12113 | A sense of pride can be felt when a country that is facing hunger, food insecurity or other turmoil comes together to support its athletes and team | kukhala ndi mtima wokwanilitsa zikhoza kumveka pamene dziko limene likukumana ndi njala, kusowa kwa chakudya kapena zovuta zina akhoza kubwera pamodzi kuthandiza osewera komanso timuyi | sports | online news |
en12114 | The core mission of The Jack Brewer Foundation (JBF Worldwide) is to provide relief to communities around the world suffering from extreme poverty and hunger, using sport as its catalyst | cholinga chenicheni cha Bungwe la Jack brewer foundation ndikupeleka chithandizo kwa anthu pa dziko lonse la pansi amene akuvutika ndi njala komanso umphawi wadzawoneni kugwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati njira imodzi | sports | online news |
en12115 | JBF Worldwide has raised funds to send meals to those in extreme famine areas and assists in providing clean water, food, medical care and education to children around the world | JBF worldwide lapeza chuma ktui atumize chakudya ku madera amene akukumana ndi njala ya dzawoneni komanso kuthandiza kupeleka madzi abwino, chakudya, thandizo la chipatala ndi maphunziro pa dziko lonse la pansi. | sports | online news |
en12116 | Local partnerships have also enabled JBF Worldwide to bring food and shelter to those closer to home. The Foundation’s ongoing mission is to provide communities with the resources they need to maintain children’s safety and ensure their healthy upbringing | mgwirizano ndi anthu akudera wathandizaso bungwe la JBF worldwide kupeleka chakudya kwa iwo amene ali chifupi ndi kunyumba. bungweli likufuna kupeleka zipangizo kuti zithandizire kusamalira ana komanso kuwonetsetsa kuti akukula bwino | sports | online news |
en12117 | Since its inception in 2006, the Foundation has been mobilizing professional athletes to bring awareness and recognition to the issues of hunger and food insecurity, among others | kuchokera pamene zinayambira ku chaka cha 2006, bungweli lakhala likusokhanitsa osewera aukadaulo kuti adziwitse komanso kudziwitsa nkhani za njala komanso kusowa kwa chakudya mwa zina | sports | online news |
en12118 | Their ongoing efforts in every community have strengthened food security and improved quality of life through medical aid and disaster relief, education programmes, cultural exchanges, and sport-for-development initiatives, while striving to “empower from within” | ntchito zawo mu madera ambiri zathandiza kulimbikitsa kupezeka kwa chakudya komanso kusitha miyoyo kudzera chithandiza chazamoyo ndi ngozi zogwa mwadzidzi, maphunziro, kudziwa chikhalidwe cha ena komanso chitukuko chobwela chifukwa cha masewero uku akulimbikitsa anthu komko | sports | online news |
en12119 | The first-ever Global Ambassadors delegation arrived in Malawi in 2008, providing an opportunity to capture the attention of the country’s youth and educate them about nutrition | gulu loyambilira la akazembe linafika ku malawi mu chaka cha 2008, kupeleka mwayi kwa achinyamata mudziko lino komanso kuphunzitsa za madyedwe abwino | sports | online news |
en12120 | The delegation used sport as a tool to unite and engage with the community. In partnership with the One World Play Project and Chevrolet, it donated over 11,000 footballs and hosted a friendly youth football match and other organized sporting activities | akazembewa anagwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati chida kulumikizitsa anthu komanso kugwira ntchito ndi anthu a m'dera. ndi mgwirizano ndi bungwe la world play project komanso chevrolet , anapeleka mipira yokwana 11,000 ndikupangitsa masewera opimana mphamvu achinyamata komanso kupangitsa zochitika zina | sports | online news |
en12121 | As a former professional athlete, I can attest to the fact that sport can help reduce stigma and increase self-esteem, self-confidence and social skills, all of which lead to increased employability | ngati wosewela wa akale waukadaulo, ndikupeleka umboni kuti masewero akhoza kuchepetsa kusalana komanso kuwonjezera kuzikhulupilra, maluso ocheza ndi ena zimene zimawonjezera kulembedwa ntchito | sports | online news |
en12122 | Using sport as a catalyst for social change, peace and development, especially as it pertains to ending hunger and achieving global food security, has always been a passion of mine | kugwiritsa ntchito masewera ngati njira yosithila makhalidwe a anthu, bata ndi chitukuko, makamaka chifukwa chofuna kuthetsa njala ndikukwanilitsa kupezeka kwa chakudya pa dziko lonse la pansi zakhala zokhumba zanga kwa nthawi yayitali | sports | online news |
en12123 | Women are the focal point of our efforts because their progress continues to be impeded by local cultural beliefs and practices that prevent them from contributing towards the economic livelihood of their villages | amayi ndi amene amakhala wofikilidwa pa ntchito zanthu chfukwa kutsogola kwawo kumaletsedwabe ndi zikhulupilro ndi zochita zimene zimawaletsa kutengapo gawo pa chuma pa miyoyo yawo mu midzi yawo | sports | online news |
en12124 | We believe that progress must begin with the mother, and this initiative provides the means for these women to empower themselves, their families and their villages | timakhulupilira kuti kusitha kukuyenera kuyamba ndi mayi, ndipo ntchito imeneyi imapeleka njira kwa amayi amene wa kuti azitukule okha, mabanja awo komanso mudzi wawo | sports | online news |
en12125 | The sports nutrition line will offer an additional mode of providing meals and services to the children for every product bought commercially in the United States | madyedwe abwino pamasewera adzapeleka mwayi owonjezera kupeleka chakudya komanso ntchito zina kwa ana pa chinthu chilichonse chomwe chagulidwa ku united states | sports | online news |
en12126 | It is important to understand that nutrition and wellness are the basis for sport, incorporated in ways to instill healthy lifestyles, but also to rally together communities in support of a common denominator | ndizofunikira kumvetsetsa kuti madyedwe abwino komanso umoyo wabwino ndi zifunikira pa masewera, kuphatikizira mu njira zokhazikitsa umoyo wabwino komanso kubweretsa limodzi madera kuthandizana ndi chinthu chimodzi | sports | online news |
en12127 | When considering sport as a physical activity, cautions must be taken when working towards addressing goal 2 as it is clear that when an individual is malnourished, sport wouldn’t be recommendable | pamene tikuganizira za masewero ngati ntchito yofuna mphamvu, tikuyenera kuchenjera pamene tikugwira ntchito kuthana ndi cholinga chimenechi chifukwa ndizodziwika kuti anthu amene ali onyetchera sangalolodwe pa masewera | sports | online news |
en12128 | In relation to the condition of obesity, particularly in youth, sport and physical activities are recommended in order to lead to healthier bodies and physical abilities | moilingana ndi vuto la kunenepa kwambriri, makamaka kwa achinyamata, masewero ndi zolimbitsa thupi zimalangizidwa kuti anthu akhale athanzi komanso akuthekera | sports | online news |
en12129 | There are examples where sports based programs are designed to encourage youth to be physically active as well as more aware and knowledgeable about healthy lifestyle choices | pali chitsanzo pamene ntchito zokhudza masewera zimapoangidwa kukhala zolimbikitsa achinyamata kuti akhale azitho komanso odziwa ndi ozindikira m'mene angakhalire ndi makhalidwe amoyo wabwino | sports | online news |
en12130 | A large part of adopting healthy lifestyles concerns the types and quantities of food and beverages which are consumed and the sport based programs provide the youth and their families with this type of vital information and often access to more nutritious foods | ngati gawo limodzi lofuna kukhala ndi makhalidwe abwino amadyedwe abwino zimatengera mtundu ndi kuchuluka kwa chakudya ndi zakumwa zimene zikudyedwa komanso ntchito za masewero zimene zikupeleka kwa achinyamata ndi mabanja ndi uthenga wofunikilawu komanso kupeza chakudya cha thanzi | sports | online news |
en12131 | When used as a tool for mobilization of resources and funds, sport-based initiatives and campaigns can support vulnerable communities who don’t have access to adequate and nutritious foods | pamene yagwiritsidwa ngati chida chopezela zipangizo ndi ndalama, ntchito za masewero komanso kampeni zikhoza kuthandiza madera wovutika amene alibe chakudya chokwanira komanso cha thanzi | sports | online news |
en12132 | In this way, the sport aspect is not the main activity but rather has the function to bring attention or resources to an issue | mu njira imeneyi, masewero si zochitika zofunikira kwambiri koma kukhala ndi ntchito yobweletsa kudziwa ndi zipangizo pavuto lina lake | sports | online news |
en12133 | Sport institutions and stakeholders, such as teams and leagues can work towards addressing food waste by setting up better systems and working towards environmental sustainability by sourcing food from sustainable and responsible local producers | mabungwe oyendetsa masewero ndi ena wothandizira, monga matimu, mpikisano akhoza kugwira ntchito limodzi kuthana ndi kuwonongeka kwa chakudya pokhazikitsa njira zabwino komanso kugwira ntchito zosamalira chilengwedwe popeza chakudya chochokera kwa opanga chakudya moyenerela komanso audindo wawo | sports | online news |
en12134 | Sports teams can make responsible societal decisions around their food consumption and sourcing which can ultimately influence their fans, other clubs and sponsors to follow suit | ma timu opanga masewera akhoza kutengapo gawo kupanga chiganizo m'mene angadyere chakudya komanso kupeza zimeneso zikhoza ku wasitha wowatsatira , ma timu ena komanso othandizira akhoza kutsatira | sports | online news |
en12135 | For example, there are football clubs which have moved towards offering vegetarian and vegan foods in their stadiums during football matches in line with their overall sustainability strategies | mwachitsanzo. pali matimu ena ayamba kusuthira kuyamba kupeleka chakudya chamasamba mu malo osewelera mpira nthawi ya masewera amiyendo mogwirizana ndi njira zosamalira zawo | sports | online news |
en12136 | Individual athletes can also use their platforms to create more awareness about nutritious food choices, healthy behaviors around food and physical activity and support organizations and initiatives working to address global hunger and malnutrition | osewera ena amatha kugwiritsa ntchito malo awo kudziwitsa anthu zakusakha zakudya zabwino, makhalidwe abwino monga chakudya ndi zolimbitsa thupi kuthandiza mabungwe ndi ntchito zina amene akugwira ntchito yothana ndi njala ya dziko lonse la pansi komanso kunyetchera | sports | online news |
en12137 | Months ago, it seemed unthinkable that the hunger and passion of football fans for the game would be tempered in the middle of a season by a global health crisis | miyezi ingapo yapitayo, sizinali zoganizilika kuti njala komanso chikhumbokhumbo cha otsatira masewera a moira wamiyendo akhoza kuimitsidwa pakati pa masewerowa chifukwa cha mavuto a zamumoyo dziko lonse | sports | online news |
en12138 | But, as we became accustomed to a life without football, the true nature of our most basic needs became even more apparent | koma, tinazolowera kukhala moyo opanda masewera a mpira wamiyendo, zofuna zanthu zinezeni zinadziwika nthawi imeneyi | sports | online news |
en12139 | While the beautiful game plays its part in the sustenance of our being, food is the essence of daily life and the bedrock of our cultures and communities – and something that on this World Food Day, many will unfortunately go without | pamene masewera okongolawa amatenga gawo lalikulu paumoyo wathu, chakudya ndichofunikira pa umoyo wathu wa tsiku ndi tsiku ndipo ndi nsanamila ya chikhalidwe chathu ndi madera thu- koma pa tsiku lokumbikira chakudyali, ambiri ena akhala opanda chakudya | sports | online news |
en12140 | Preserving access to safe and nutritious food is, and will continue to be, an essential part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for poor and vulnerable communities who are hit hardest by the pandemic and resulting economic shocks | kusamalira kupeza chakudya chabwino komanso chopatsa thanzi kupitilira kukhala gawo lofunikira kuthana ndi mliri wa covid-19, makamaka kwa madera osawuka komanso okhala pachiwopsezo amene akhudzidwa kwambiri ndi mliriwu ndikupangitsa kuti akhudzidwe pa chuma | sports | online news |
en12141 | Together, the power of football and knowledge of food solutions can go a long way towards ending hunger. | Pamodzi, ndi mphamvu ya mpira wa miyendo komanso kudziwa mayankho a zakudya kukhoza kuthandiza kwakukulu kuthetsa njala. | sports | online news |
en12142 | From the network of football-based community organizations Common Goal has partnered with, here are just a few examples of the many initiatives around the world harnessing the power of football to achieve Global Goal 2: Zero Hunger, fight food insecurity, and promote sustainable agriculture | Kuchokera ku kulumikizana kwa mabungwe a m'dera wokhudza masewero yomwe Common Goal yapanga nawo ubale, izi ndi zitsanzo zochepa chabe zakugwiritsa ntchito mpira wa miyendo pofuna kukwaniritsa cholinga chachiwiri: Pasakhale njala, kuthana ndi kusowa kwa chakudya komanso kulimbikitsa ulimi wabwino | null | null |
en12143 | Its Food for Sport Nutrition programme is a 12-week training programme, based at a local school, teaching valuable lessons in organic food production, nutrition and life skills. The aim of the project is to introduce the basics of nutrition and growing organic vegetables at home | ntchito ya chakudya pa masewera ndi maphunziro a masabata khumi ndi awiri amene akuchitikira pa sukulu ku dera amene akuphunzitsa maphunziro wofunikila pa ulimi wa chakudya osagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala, madyedwe abwino koma maluso am'moyo. cholinga cha ntchitoyi ndikudziwitsa za madyedwe abwino ndikulima masamba osagwiritsa ntchito mankhwala pakhomo | sports | online news |
en12144 | With little or no access to education and employment opportunities, young people are often forced into a life of crime in what has sadly become a feasible route to provide for themselves | ndi maphunziro ochepa komanso kupanda maphunziro ndi mwayi wantchito, anthu ambiri amapangitsidwa kukhala ndi moyo wa milandu umene imakhala njira yofuna kuzithandizira | sports | online news |
en12145 | Noticing fatigue, a lack of energy, and malnutrition forcing young people to skip playing the game they love, Pasión Petare initiated a youth municipal football league to guarantee at least one meal for players, every single day | kuwona kutopa, kusowa mphamvu komanso kunyetchera kukukakhira achinyamata kusiya kusewera masewera amene amakonda, bungwe la pasion petare linayambitsa mpikisano wa achinyamata kuti wosewera azidya chakudya patsiku lina lili lonse | sports | online news |
en12146 | "The cases in which young people fainted during training due to lack of adequate nutrition were common | nkhani zimene achinyamata amakomoka nthawi yoselera masewela chifukwa cha kusowekera madyedwe abwino zinali zochulukira | sports | online news |
en12147 | Due to the current situation, many families cannot feed the boys three meals a day and we decided to intervene | malingana ndi m'mene zinthu zilili pano, mabanja ambiri sangakwanitse kudyetsa anyamata awo katatu patsiku ndipo tinaganiza zotengapo mbali | sports | online news |
en12148 | It was when we launched the program, in which we seek to give young people a plate of balanced food at the end of each training session, since many suffer from malnutrition, and to motivate both children and their families to continue participating in the practice of soccer looking for a better future for all | ndipamene tinayambitsa ntchito imeneyi, imene tikufuna kupeleka chakudya cha magulu onse kwa achinyamata pamapeto pa masewero, chifukwa ndi wonyetchera komanso kuwalimbikitsa ana ndi mabanja awo kuti apitilize kutenga nawo gawo kupanga nawo masewera ampira kuti akhale ndi tsogolo labwino | sports | online news |
en12149 | More than one million children live on the streets in Cameroon. This is mostly due to the economic downturn taking place in the region in the late 80s and early 90s | ana oposa chikwi chimodzi amakhala mumzinda wa cameron . izi zimachitika makamaka chifukwa cha kuvuta kwa za chuma kumene kukuchitika ku derali mu zaka za 80s ndi kumayambiliro kwa zaka za 90s | sports | online news |
en12150 | United Action for Children (UAC) uses the power of football to mobilise children and young people, particularly rurally-based, to channel their energy towards productive initiatives – thereby helping them become actors of development in their respective communities | bungwe la United action for children limagwiritsa ntchito mphamvu ya mpira wa miyendo kubweletsa ana ndji achinyamata pamodzi makamaka kumadera akumudzi, kuti agwiritse ntchito mphamvu zawo ndi ntchito zopindulitsa- kenako kukhala ogwira ntchito pa chitukuko ku madera awo | sports | online news |
en12151 | As part of its social enterprise programme for young people, UAC has set up a mobile food restaurant and poultry farm | ngati gawo limodzi la ntchito yathandizira achinyamata, bungwe la UAC lakhazikitsa malo ogulitisira chakudya oyendayenda komanso munda wa nkhuku | sports | online news |
en12152 | With support from local partners, they aim to set up a bigger poultry structure, including their own piggery | ndithandizo lochokera kwa abwenzi akuderali, ali ndi cholinga chokhazikitsa khola la nkhuku lalikulu, kuphatikizanso ulimi wa nkhumba | sports | online news |
en12153 | The strain on the young people often increases the likelihood of them joining gangs and can lead to drug addiction, teenage pregnancies as well as recruitment by armed groups | kuphinjika kwa achinyamata nthawi zambiri kumachulukitsa mwayi olowa nawo magulu oipa zimene zimapangitsa kuti ayambe kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala, mimba ali achichepele komanso kulowa nawo magulu ankhondo | sports | online news |
en12154 | Originally started as a football school in 2006, Tiempo de Juego now uses a range of sport, cultural and recreational activities to protect and support children in the most vulnerable areas of Colombia | mmene anaitchulira kuti sukulu ya mpira wa miyendo mu chaka cha 2006, tiempo de juego imagwiritsa ntchito masewero, chikhalidwe ndi zochitika za zolimbitsa thupi kuti ateteze ndikuthandiza ana amene ali pachiwopsezo ku colombia | sports | online news |
en12155 | In Haiti, when a young person joins the GOALS programme, not only do they attend classes to improve their literacy skills, have access to clean drinking water, and participate in community projects, they also receive a free meal | ku haiti, pamene wachinyamata walowa mu ntchito ya GOALS, samalowa mukalasi mokha kuti asithe maphunziro awo koma amakhala ndi mwayi wa madzi akumwa abwino komanso kutenga nawo gawo pa ntchito za mdera, amalandiranso chakudya chaulere | sports | online news |
en12156 | Following the recent natural disasters that have left destruction and devastation in their wake, the island struggles with poverty and high rates of unemployment | chifukwa cha ngozi zogwa mwadzidzi zimene sawononga zinthu, chilumbachi chikuvutika ndi umphawi ndi mlingo waukulu wosowa ntchito | sports | online news |
en12157 | With numerous villages throughout Haiti without schools, paved roads, electricity, or water, grassroots organisation GOALS Haiti took on the mission of helping young people realise their full potential despite such obstacles – starting with healthy meal | ndi midzi yambiri ku haiti alibe masukulu, misewu yabwino, magetsi kapena madzi, mabungwe akudera ngati GOALS anayamba ntchito yothandiza achinyamata kukwanilitsa maluso awo ngakhale pali zovuta- kuyamba ndichakudya cha hthanzi | sports | online news |
en12158 | Through the draw of football, the organization is also engaging its players in agronomy through its community gardens, where they plant and cultivate everything from tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, and lettuce | kudzera kuitanira masewero a mpira, bungweli likugwiranso ntchito ndi ogwiira ntchito za ulimi zakudimba kudzera madimba akudera kumene amadzala komanso kulima chilichonse monga tomato, kabichi, tsabola ndi masamba a letesi | sports | online news |
en12159 | In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, those with disabilities in Sierra Leone were disproportionately affected. Inflated food prices across the country, accompanied by a loss of income due to informal work practices being brought to a halt by the imposed lockdown, meant in-house food cultivation provided much needed food security | pamene panayamba mliri wa covid-19, amene ali ndi ulumali ku sierra leone anakhudzidwa kwambiri. kukwera mitengo ya chakudya mu dzikolo kuphatikiza kusowa kwa ndalama chifukwa cha ntchito zosalongosoka zimene zinabwela chifukwa cha kuletsa anthu kuyenda, zimene zinatathauza kuti chakudya cholimidwa pakhomo zimapeleka chakudya chofunikila pakhomopo | sports | online news |
en12160 | Football, however, helped change the mindset of both players themselves and members of their community towards them – addressing gaps in social infrastructure for amputees by providing trauma recovery, addressing misconceptions of disabilities, promoting peace, and helping amputees reintegrate into society | komabe, mpira wamiyendo, unathandiza kusitha maganizo a wosewera ndi anthu aku derali kwa iwo- kuthetsa kusiyana kumene kunalipo pa zipangizo zofunikila kwa awulumali powapatsa chithandizo, kuthetsa mauthenga wolakwika awulumilari, kulimbikitsa mtendere komanso kuthandiza wopunduka kukhalanso nawo gawo la anthu mudera | sports | online news |
en12161 | And now one team has expanded into 350 players, with both men’s and women’s teams, and six official seven-a-side teams | ndipo tsopano timu imodzi yachuluka kukhala ndi osewera okwana mazana atatu ndi makumi asanu, ndi oyendetsa asanu ndi limodzi kupanga timu ya asanu ndi awiri | sports | online news |
en12162 | Young people still face significant access gaps to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services. These gaps are underpinned by stigma, discrimination, punitive laws and policies, violence and entrenched societal and gender inequalities which hinder engagement of and access to care for young people | achinyamata amakumana ndi zovuta zambiri kupeza chithandizo chopewela kachilombo ka HIV komanso chithandizo. kusiyana kumeneku zimachitika chifukwa cha kusalana, malamulo olakwika, chiwawa komanso kusiyanitsa pakati pa amuna ndi akazi zimene zimapangitsa kuti ena asatenge nawo gawo kuti apeze chithandizo cha achinyamata | sports | online news |
en12163 | This year's World AIDS Day, under the theme "Equalize", is an opportunity to raise awareness about the HIV inequities faced by youth and demonstrate innovative ways to share HIV related information and services with them | tsiku lokumbukira matenda a edzi a chaka chino, pansi wa mutu wa wakufananiza, ndi mwayi wofuna kudziwitsa za kusiyana pa chithandizo cha HIV zimene zimakumana achinyamata komanso kuwonetsa njira zamakono zogawanirana uthenga wokhudza HIV komanso njira kwa iwo | sports | online news |
en12164 | Sports that promote inclusion and empowerment, particularly on football pitches, are being used in Africa to inform and engage youth in HIV and sexual and reproductive health rights information and services | masewer akhoza kulimbikitsa kubweretsa pamodzi komanso kulimbikitsa , makamaka pa malo osewera mpira wa miyendo, akugwiritsidwa ntchito ku africa kuphunzitsa ndikugwira ntchito ndi achinyamata za HIV, zogonana ndi ufulu wauchemebele wabwino ndi chithandizo | sports | online news |
en12165 | Trained football coaches, games teachers and community leaders use fun, interactive football sessions with inbuilt health messaging with their players | aphunzitsi wophunzitsidwa bwino, aphunzitisi amasewero ndi atsogoleri a m'madera amagwiritsa ntchito znjira zosangalatsa ,mauthenga aumoyo ndi wosewera awo | sports | online news |
en12166 | During football sessions and tournaments, players are also able to access sexual health services, including HIV testing, condoms and other contraception, and referrals to further clinical services | nthawi ya maphunziro a mpira wamiyendo ndi mpikisano, wosewera ali ndi kuthekera kopeza chithandizo cha umoyo wabwino kuphatikiza kuyese kachilombo ka HIV, chishango ndi njira zina zolelela komanso kutumiza kuchithandizo chachipatala | sports | online news |
en12167 | Trained football coaches, games teachers and community leaders use fun, interactive football sessions with inbuilt health messaging with their players | aphunzitsi wophunzitsidwa bwino, aphunzitisi amasewero ndi atsogoleri a m'madera amagwiritsa ntchito znjira zosangalatsa ,mauthenga aumoyo ndi wosewera awo | sports | online news |
en12168 | Our participants can come here any time they want. If things are not good at home, they can come here and talk to us. It’s a friendly environment for our participants where we use soccer as a tool to do different activities to give them life skills | otenga nawo mbali akhoza kubwera nthawi imene akufuna. ngati zinthu sizili bwino kunyumba , akhoza kubwera kuzayakhula nafe. ndimalo abwino kwa otenga nawo gawo kumene timagwiritsa ntchito mpira wamiyendo ngati chida kupanga zinthu zosiyanasiyana kuwapatsa maluso m'moyo | sports | online news |
en12169 | Kids come for soccer but end up leaving with knowledge about how to make better choices for themselves, their life, and their future | ana amabwelera mpira koma amapezeka achoka ndi nzeru m'mene angapangire ziganizo zabwino zaiwo pa moyo wawo komanso tsogolo lawo | sports | online news |
en12170 | Youth engagement is one of the key characteristics of high-quality health services for adolescents. It is essential that the meaningful participation and engagement of young people are encouraged and that young people are empowered to take center stage in accessing services | Kugwira ntchito ndi achinyamata ndi njira imodzi yoplekera chithandizo cha umoyo kwa achimanyata otha msikhu. ndizofunika kuti kutenga nawo gawo kwa achinyamata kukulimbikitsidwa kuti achimanyata alimbikitsidwe kukhal patsogolo kupeza chithandizo chimenechi | sports | online news |
en12171 | Grassroot Soccer has helped me to realize that I have a hero inside me to help me overcome all challenges I am facing. I have learned that I don’t need society to choose a life for me, but I have the power to write my own story | Mpira wamiyendo wa kumudzi wandithandiza kuzindikira ukatswiri wanga kundithandiza kuthana ndi zovuta zimene ndikukumana nazo. Ndaphunzira kuti sindikuyenera kulolera gulu kundisakhalira moyo umene ndikuyenera kukhala, koma ndili mphamvu kulemba nkhani yanga yomwe | sports | online news |
en12172 | All of which means that a recent trend for promoting sustainability at sporting events has the potential to deliver a huge impact for sports fans | Zonsezi zikutathauza kuti zochitika pakatipa zofuna kulimbikitsa kukhazikika pa zochitika pa masewero zili ndi kuthekera kubweletsa zofunikira kwa otsatira masewero | sports | online news |
en12173 | So, just what is the live sporting event industry doing to reduce its impact and enhance its sustainability practice? Let’s take a closer look at some key major events | ndiye, kodi zochitika za masewerawa zikupanga chani pochepetsa kukhudzidwa komanso kulimbikitsa ntchito zokhalitsa?. tiyeni tiyan'gane mwachifatse mwa zina zochitikazi | sports | online news |
en12174 | This included efforts such as building the athletes’ village out of sustainable and locally sourced wood and using alternative fuel sources for all vehicles | nthcito zimenezi zikuphatikiza ntchito monga kumanga mudzi wa osewera kugwiritsa ntchito matamba opezeka ku dera komanso kugwiritsa ntchito njira zina zamafuta ku magalimoto | sports | online news |
en12175 | All food served to fans at the stadium came in fully compostable containers and any food waste that could not be composted was used to generate steam power to heat buildings in downtown Minneapolis | chakudya chonse chopelekedwa kwa otsatira masewera ku malo owonelera mpira zimakhala mu mbale zosithika kukhala dothi komanso chadya chonse chotaidwa zimene sizingasithidwe kukhala dothi zimagwiritsidwa kupanga mphamvu ya thuzi imene imatethetsa nyumba ku mzinda wa minneapolis | sports | online news |
en12176 | However, aiming for a more sustainable sporting event is not always easy. Sports events by their nature involve a lot of people travelling to arenas and then occupying the same space, which can make limiting carbon footprints and dealing with waste difficult. So, let’s look at the key areas of making any event more sustainable | komabe, kufuna kupangitsa masewero okhazikika sichithu chosavuta. zochitika zambiri zamasewero m'mene zilili zimakhudza anthu ambiri amene amapita ku kumalowa ndikukhala malo omwewo zimene zimapangitsa kuchepetsa mphweya woipa komanso kuthana zinyalala kukhala kovuta. ndiye, tiyeni tiwone malo amene tingapange zochitikazi zokhazikika | sports | online news |
en12177 | Fans at sporting events need to be fed and watered, which can produce a huge amount of waste. Organizers can choose to work with sustainable local providers, which has a positive impact across the board | wotsatira masewero ku zochitika za masewero amayenera kudya komanso kupatsidwa madzi zimene zikhoza kupangitsa zinyalala zambiri. oyendetsa akhoza kusakha kugwira ntchito ndi opeleka chithandizo chokhazikika zimene zikhoza kukhala ndizotsatira kwa onse | sports | online news |
en12178 | Host cities for major sporting events are often required to provide a raft of high-level facilities, including stadia and event spaces, as well as training facilities, accommodation and more | mizinda yopangitsa zochitika za masewero nthawi zambiri amafunika kukhala ndi zingapizo zapamwamba kuphatikiza malo amasewera komanso malo wopangira zochitika komanso malo okhonzekera masewera, malo ogona ndi zina zambiri | sports | online news |
en12179 | The governing bodies that run both international and domestic sport have not always been willing or able to make use of their unique position of power and influence | mabugwe oyendetsa amene amayendetsa masewera padziko lonse lapansi komanso mudziko samakhala akufuna kapena kuthekera kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu ndi kusitha ena. | sports | online news |
en12180 | With global audiences in the billions and fans in the stadiums totaling tens of millions each year it is not just the immediate impact of sustainable practice but the power to act as a catalyst for wider change that is truly exciting | ndi anthu wonenela ambiri pa dziko lonse lapansi mu ma biliyoni komanso owonelera ku malo wowonera mpira zikukwanitsa ma miliyoni makumi makumi chaka chilichonse sizikuchitika ndi zotsatira za zochita zokhazikika koma mphamvu zopanga kukhala opangitsa kusitha zimene zili zosangalatsa kwambiri | sports | online news |
en12181 | Events and organizations on a smaller scale do not always find it easy to action the changes they need to be more sustainable in how they operate | zochitika ndi mabungwe pa mlingo wawun'gono nthawi zonse samapeza zosavuta kupanga zinthu kusitha kumene amakufuna kuti zikhale zokhazikika ndi mmene amapanagira zinthu zawo | sports | online news |
en12182 | And while there are people that post things without knowing, or caring, of the repercussions, some use it for good by calling attention to issues in their community or in society | pamene pali anthu amene amaika zinthua asakudziwa kapena kusasamala za zotsatira zake, ena amagwiritsa ntchito izi pa zinthu zabwino poitanira pa ziinthu za kudera kwawo kapena anthu ena | sports | online news |
en12183 | Twitter has become a popular platform for athletes to raise awareness of causes or foundations important to them | tsamba la mchezo la twitter lakhala lodziwika kwa osewera podziwitsa za ntchito kapena mabungwe amene ali wofunika kwa iwo | sports | online news |
en12184 | While Watt used social media to help raise awareness and money for damages caused by a hurricane, others used their platform to get people talking about social injustices | pamene watt amagwiritsa ntchito tsamba la mchezo kudziwitsa anthu komanso kupeza ndalama zothandizira mvula yowononga, ena amagwirutsa ntchito tsambali kulowa anthu kulakhula zakusowa chilungamo pakati apa anthu | sports | online news |
en12185 | It was quickly met with both criticism and praise; from both fans as well as other athletes. It’s not just professional athletes that use social media as a way to get the word out | mwachangu zinakumana ndi kupembedzedwa komanso kudzudzulidwa ndi otsatira komanso osewera ena. siwosewera mwaukadaulo okha amene amagwiritsa tsamba la mchezo kupeleka mawu awo | sports | online news |
en12186 | Social media is a quick and easy way for people to get the word out about things. One tweet could be retweeted and seen by many in a matter of minutes | tsamba la mchezo ndi njira yachangu komanso yosavuta kwa anthu kuti azilumikizana za zinthu. uthenga ina ukhoza kufalitsidwaso ndikuwonedwa ndi ena mu phindi zochepa chabe | sports | online news |
en12187 | Social media has the power to help spread the word, good or bad, to many in an instant. And athletes have been some at the forefront of using that power to help promote causes and help make for a better tomorrow | tsamba la mchezo lili ndi mphamvu lofalitsa uthenga woipa ndi wabwino kwa anthu ambiri mu nthawi yochepa. ndipo osewera amenewa akhala patsogolo kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu zawo kulimbikitsa ntchito komanso kuthandizira kupanga tsogolo labwino | sports | online news |
en12188 | Although it seems that there is no relationship between road safety and sport, we think there is, and that the values that drive us have a lot in common | ngakhale zikuwoneka palibe kugwirizana pakati pa chitetezo pa nsewu ndi masewero, tikuganiza kuti zilipo ndipo zinthu ngodya zimene timatsatira ndizofanana | sports | online news |
en12189 | Together we can do it.” And this is one of the great values of sport,” he points out. The proceeds go to projects to raise awareness and prevent road accidents | tonse zikhoza kukwanilitsa," ndipo iyi ndi ngodya yofunikira pasewera," akufotokozera. ndalama zopezeka kumeneku zimapita ku ntchito zodziwitsa ndikupewa ngozi za pa nsewu | sports | online news |
en12190 | Many celebrities have encouraged people to put on their running shoes to have a fun day, yes, but also to make people understand that seatbelts must always be worn and distractions avoided, that we must never drink and drive, and, obviously, that we must not use our cellphone while driving, since it multiplies by four the risk of suffering an accident | anthu wotchuka ambiri alimbikitsa anthu kuti avale nsapato zawo zothamangira kuti akhale ndi tsiku losangalatsa komanso kudziwitsa ena kuti lamba wamugalimoto akuyenera kumangidwa ndipo zosokoneza zikuyenera kupewedwa, kuti sitikuyenera kumwa ndikuyendetsa komanso tisagwiritse ntchito lamya pamene tikuyendetsa chifukwa timachulukitsa ndi zinayi chiwopsezo chovulala pa nthawi yangozi | sports | online news |
en12191 | If our work contributes to avoiding a single victim, it will have been worth it. Undoubtedly, this earnest work must spread —there are similar, smaller, events—and demonstrate that the values of sport can create “responsible citizenship” on the road | ngati ntchito yathu ipangitsa kupewetsa munthu modzi wokhudzidwa, ndiye kuti ndiyofunika. mosakaikira, ntchito imeneyi ikuyenera kufalikira-pali zochitika zimbiri zochepa zofanana ndi izi komanso kuwonetsa ngodya za masewero zimene zimapangitsa mzika zotenga udindo pa msewu | sports | online news |
en12192 | One of the most identifiable features of communities in sub-Saharan Africa is a large proportion of young people | Chinthu chimodzi chodziwitsa mosavuta madera aku Africa ndi chiwelengero cha anthu achichepele | sports | online news |
en12193 | Sport, as a gateway to participation, has been linked as a strong tool to engage young people to take interest in works of foreign aid programmes across Africa | masewero, ngati njira yotenga nawo mbali yalumikizidwa kukhala chida chofuna kugwira ntchito anthu achichepele kufuna pa ntchito za maiko ena ku africa | sports | online news |
en12194 | More recently, HIV/AIDS has become a significant focus for many ‘sport-in-development’ organizations. The convening nature of sport to communicate information about HIV in a non-discriminatory, non-threatening and age-appropriate manner is seen as a practical and effective tool to tackle HIV/AIDS | pakatipa, HIV/AIDS yakhala ikuyan'ganidwa pa ntchito zambiri za masewero zamabungwe. kukumana kwa masewero kulumikizana mauthenga za HIV okhudza kusasalana, kusawopeza komanso yokhudza zaka zoyenera zikuwoneka zochitika komanso zothekera kuthana ndi HIV/AIDS | sports | online news |
en12195 | When children and youths participate, they gain leadership skills, self-confidence and other life skills that can be used in other areas of life | pamene ana ndi achiyamata kutenga nawo gawo, amapeza maluso awutsogoleri, kuzikhulupilira komanso maluso amumoyo zimene zikhoza kugwiritsidwa ku mbali zina zamoyo | sports | online news |
en12196 | It is these life skills that they have gained from sports that makes them get up and say ‘let me go try this, let me go try that’. These are the indirect ways that sports can fight poverty | maluso amoyo amenewa zimene apeza ku masewera zimene zimapangitsa iwo kudzuka ndikunena kuti tiyeni tikayesere, ndiyese kupanga izi. zizi ndi njira zina za masewero zothana ndi umphawi | sports | online news |
en12197 | When they first began, almost all of the boys were sniffing glue, a common drug here because it is inexpensive and the boys say it distracts them from the horrors of their lives | Pamene anayamba, pafupifupi anyamata onse amasuta glue, mankhawala owand kunoku chifukwa ndiogulika ndipo anyamata ananena kuti amawaiwalitsa zovuta za moyo wawo | sports | online news |
en12198 | This extremely addictive substance is a huge issue for the population of street kids (estimated in the thousands) in Kisumu. Since the boys started actively playing football, they were training on a daily basis and playing matches on the weekend, they have ALL stopped using glue | Makhwala ochititsa chibaba kwambiriwa ndi nkhani yayikulu kwa anaoyenda m'misewu( mazanamazana kungoganizira) ku Kisumu.Pomwe anyamata anayamba kusewera mpira molimbikira,amakhonzekera tsiku ndi tsiku ndikusewera mipikisano kumapeto kwasabata, onse anasiya kugwiritsa ntchito glue | sports | online news |
en12199 | They realized that football was more important to them than drugs and they have kicked the habit. Some of them have also started to communicate with relevant authorities about being able to go back to school or find their families | Anazindikira kuti mpira wa miyendo unali ofunikira kwa iwo kusiyana ndi mankhwala ozunguza bongo ndipo alisiya khalidwelo.Ena mwa iwo ayamba kulumikizana ndi a dindo oyenera zakuthekera kobwereranso ku school kapena kupeza ma banja awo. | sports | online news |
en12200 | Football proved to be the motivating factor in their lives which allowed them to have a future and gain control of their lives once again | Mpira wa miyendo watsimikizira kuti ndichinthu cholimbikitsa pa mowo wawo chomwe cha walola iwo kukhalaso ndi tsogolo ndikukhalaso ndi ulamuliro pamoyo wawo | sports | online news |
en12201 | Sport is a strong tool to center community development around, as it acts as a focal point around which the community can gather | Masewera olimbitsa thupi ndi chida cha mphamvu choyikira pamodzichitukuko chadera, chifukwa amakhala ngat pakatikati pomwe dera litha kukumaniranapo | sports | online news |
en12202 | Sporting events and activities bring out a diverse group of community members, creating a forum around which socialization, community spirit, camaraderie and fun can develop | Zochitika za masewera olimbitsa thupi zimabweretsa pamodzi ma gulu osiyanasiyana a mudera, kupanga gulu lochezerana, mtima wokhalira limodzi ,kukhulupirirana komaso kusangalala kutha kukula | sports | online news |