8 values
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Sport creates access to opportunities and a platform for voices of all ages to contribute to a greater cause. A sporting platform can teach a community how to work together to organize an event, democratically elect an executive sports committee and to create access and opportunities for all
Masewera olimbitsa thupi amapanga kufikira mwayi ndipo ndi malo oyankhulira kwa misinkhu yose pachithu chochitika chachikulu.Malo a masewera olimbitsa thupi atha kuphuniztsa anthu momwe angagwirire ntchito limodzi kuti alongosole zochitika, kusankha mwaufulu komiti yayikulu yoyendetsera masewera olimbitsa thupi ndikupanga kufikira mwayi kwa aliyense
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Sport can be used in a broad context to teach life skills, to create a safe environment within which sensitive issues can be discussed, to create access to information and to reinforce the value of the words team and community
Masewera olimbitsa thupi atha kugwiritsidwa ntchito kwakukulu kuphunzitsa ma luso amoyo, kuti apange malo abwino omwe nkhani zovuta zingamakambidwe,kupanga kufikira ma uthenga ndikulimikitsa kufunikira kwa mau a timu komaso gulu la anthu opanga zimodzi
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Using sport as an access point creates an ideal opportunity through which a community can look to identify important issues, collaborate towards collective processes, and build the overall capacity of the community
Kugwiritsa ntchito masewera olimbitsa thupi ngati polowera /poyambira imapangitsa mwayi oyenera omwe dera ungayanga'ane kuti upeze nkhani zofunikira,kugwirira ntchito limodzi ndikudzimanga munzeru ngati dera
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One of the great problems of developing communities is the very high numbers of youths in the communities. I would argue that the only three approaches to engage young people are through sports, Arts (music, drama) and I suppose religion
Vuto limodzi lalikulu mu ma dera omwe akutukuka ndi kuchuluka kwa achinyamata m'maderamo. Ndinganene kuti njira zitatu zokhazo zofikira a chinyamata ndikudzera muma sewera olimbitsa thupi, Art( Nyimbo, masewera) nduganizaso za uzimu
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One of the things we know about sport is that it is exceptionally powerful but it does not engage all youths. There is youth who loath and despise sporting activities. They are not physically good and they don’t really enjoy it
Chinthu chimodzi chomwe timadziwa chokhudza masewera olimbitsa thupi ndichakuti ilindi mphavu zapaderadera koma siyitengetsa mbali achinyamata onse.Pali achinyamata omwe samafuna ndipo ama chepsa/nyazitsa zochitika za masewera olimbitsa thupi. Omwe sali aphamvu ndipo samasangalatsidwa nawo.
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Some youth are engaged in both drama and sports, some just sport and some drama. Whilst sport is powerful (we have to take into account that) it generally excludes those who are not physically talented
Achinyamata ena amatenga mbali muzonse masewero ndi masewera olimbitsa thupi,ena masewera olimbitsa thupi okha ndi ena masewero.Pamene masewera olimbitsa thupi ali ndi mphavu(tikuyenera kulingalira kuti) nthawi zambiri imachotsa omwe asli ndi ludo lakuthupi
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We would argue that the locals are exceptionally knowledgeable about their own needs and ways to get things done in their communities; I would argue that they are quite often not well informed about the range of possibility that they could be using as they have not seen programmes done elsewhere
Tikunena kuti anthu eni ake okha ndi amene amadziwa zokhudza zofuna zawo ndi njira zimene angazikwanitsire mu madera awo; ndikutero kuti iwo nthawi zambiri samadziwitsidwa ndandanda wazothekera zomwe angagwiritse ntchito chifukwa sanaonepo ma programme akupangidwa kwina
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They might not know the alternate ways of doing things. We have external experts who have wealth of knowledge about alternate approaches of ways things could be done in different environments and know nothing about the local situation
Nkutheka sangadziwe njira zina zopangira zinthu.Tili ndi akwatsiri ena akunja omwe ali ndi nzeru zakuya mu njira zosinayasiyana zomwe zinthu zingapangidwire munyengo zosiyana koma osadziwa kuti zinthu kuderako zili bwanji
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So for us, we believe it to be a true partnership development in which the external experts can provide a wider perspective on how things can operate and the locals can provide wealth of information about how they might make their particular process work in their own environment
Kwa ife, tikukhulupirira kutindi ubale owona wa chitukuko umene a katswiri akunja omwe angathe kupereka ukadaulo waukulu momwe tingapangire zitnthu ndi anthu eni ake atha kuupereka uthenga wambiri umene angapangire zinthu zawo tsatanetsatane wa momwe zimagiwirira mu malo awo
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There are cases where sports and development programmes have led to an increase in tension within a community
Pali nthawi zina pamene masewera ndi chitukuko zabweretsa kulitsa chidani mu dera
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It is therefore absolutely critical that not only do they take part in the decision making but that they are also informed about what their sports-in-development intervention can be about and the effects of sports-in-development interventions are
Ndipo choncho ndizofunikira kwambiri kuti sakuyenera kungotenga mbali popanga ziganizo zokha komaso kuti akuwuzidwa zokhudza zomwe zingakhale zitukuko mu masewera awo ndi zotsatira za zichitochito za chituko cha masewera olimbitsa thupi
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These things need to be clearly communicated. The local people themselves need to take part in the community development and they also need to be well informed about their options before the sport-in-development interventions are implemented
Zinthu izi zikuyenera kufotokozeredwa bwinobwino.Anthu eni ake akuyenera kutenga mbali pa chitukuko cha dera ndipo akuyeneranso kudziwitsidwa zokhudza mpata wosankha tisanakhazikitse zichitochito za chitukuko cha masewera olimbitsa thupi
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Participants may cheat in order to unfairly increase their chance of winning, or in order to achieve other advantages such as financial gains
Otenga mbali atha kunama kuti achulukitsa mosakhala bwino mwayi wawo opambana, kuti akwaniritse mwayi wina monga wopeza zachuma.
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The widespread existence of gambling on the results of sports events creates a motivation for match fixing, where a participant or participants deliberately work to ensure a given outcome rather than simply playing to win
Kufala kwa juga potsatira zochitika za masewera olimbitsa thupi zimapangitsa kulimbikitsa kukonza mwadala zotsatira za masewera, pomwe opikisana mwadala amasewera kuti akwaniritse zotsatira zomwe zikufunika posati kusewera kuti apambane
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The competitive nature of sport encourages some participants to attempt to enhance their performance through the use of medicines, or through other means such as increasing the volume of blood in their bodies through artificial means
Kuchita bwino kwambiri kwa poyerekezana ndi zina kwa masewera olimbitsa thupi kumalimbikitsa otenga mbali ena kuyesera kupititsa patsogolo machitidwe awo kudzera mukugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala, kapena kugwiritsa ntchito njira zina ngati monga kuwonjezera magazi mu thupi lawo pogwiritsa ntchito njira zina zopangidwa ndi anthu.
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Violence in sports involves crossing the line between fair competition and intentional aggressive violence. Athletes, coaches, fans, and parents sometimes unleash violent behavior on people or property, in misguided shows of loyalty, dominance, anger, or celebration
Chipolowe ku masewera olimbitsa thppupi kumakhudza kupyola mulingo pakati pa mpikisano wabwinobwino ndi chipolowe choyambira dala.Othamanga, aphunzitsi azamasewero, otsatira ndi makolo nthawi zina amayambitsa khalidwe la zipolowe pa anthu kapena katundu, mwakusokeretsedwa kuwonetsera kukhulupirika,ulamuliro, mkwiyo kapena chikondwerero
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Rioting or hooliganism by fans in particular is a problem at some national and international sporting contests
Chipolowe ndi chisokonezo ndi otsatira makamaka ndi vuto ku mipikisano amasewera olimbitsa thupi a dziko momuno ndi kunja
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Female participation in sports continues to rise alongside the opportunity for involvement and the value of sports for child development and physical fitness
kutenga mbali kwa azimayi ku masewera olimbitsa thupi kukukwera kuphatikizapo kutengapo mbali ndi kuikapo chidwi pa masewera akukula kwa ana ndi mphvu
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Despite increases in female participation during the last three decades, a gap persists in the enrolment figures between male and female players in sports-related teams
Kupatuka kukwera potenga mbali kwa azimayi mu mazana atatu apitawo, mpata ukukhalapobe pa kuchuluka kwakalembetsedwe pakati pa osewera achizimayi ndi a chizibambo mu mama timu amasewera olimbitsa thupi
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Youth sport presents children with opportunities for fun, socialization, forming peer relationships, physical fitness, and athletic scholarships
Masewera olimbitsa thupi a ana ndi mwayi wachisangalalo, kuchezerana, kupanga ma ubale a unthanga, kudzilimbitsa thupi, ndima scholarship azothamanga kulimbana ndi malonda a mankhwala ozunguza bongo.
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Activists for education and the war on drugs encourage youth sport as a means to increase educational participation and to fight the illegal drug trade
Woyankhulapo pa za maphuniziro ndi nkkhondo ya mankhwala ozunguza bongo akulimbikitsa achinyamata masewera olimnitsa thupi ngati njira yopititsira patsogolo kutenga mbali pamaphunizro ndi
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Disabled sports also adaptive sports or parasports, are sports played by people with a disability, including physical and intellectual disabilities
Masewera olimbitsa thupi a anthu olumara, amaseweredwa ndi anthu omwe ali ndi ulumari, kuphatikizapo ulumari wakaganizidwe
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As many of these are based on existing sports modified to meet the needs of people with a disability, they are sometimes referred to as adapted sports
Zambiri mwazimenezi zikutengera pa masewera olimbitsa thupi omwe alipo kale nkungopangidwaso kuti afikire zofuna za anthu a ulumari,ndipo nthawi zina amanenedwa kuti adaptive sports
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However, not all disabled sports are adapted; several sports that have been specifically created for people with a disability have no equivalent in able-bodied sports
Komabe, simasewera onse olimbitsa thupi amene ali osinthidwa ndi cholinga;masewera ambiri apangidwira anthu a ulumari ndipo alibe ofanizira awo kwa anthu a lunga
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The competition element of sport, along with the aesthetic appeal of some sports, result in the popularity of people attending to watch sport being played. This has led to the specific phenomenon of spectator sport
kanthu kampikisano ka masewera olimbitsa thupi, pamodzi ndi chikoka cha masewera ena olimbitsa thupi,zimabweretsa kutchuka kwa anthu ndikudzaonera masewera olimbitsa thupi omwe akuseweredwa. Izi zayambitsa chithu china cha awonerera masewera olimbitsa thupi
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Both amateur and professional sports attract spectators, both in person at the sport venue, and through broadcast media including radio, television and internet broadcast
Osewera onse oyamba kumene ndi a professional amakoka owonera, onse owonera pamaso ku malo osewerera, ndikudzera ku nyumba zowulutsira mau monga wayilesi, kanema ndi owulutsira pa internet
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Both attendance in person and viewing remotely can incur a sometimes substantial charge, such as an entrance ticket, or pay-per-view television broadcast
Koma kuwonera konse kwapa maso kapena kutali nthawi zina zitha kupangitsa mtengo wofunikira, monga ma ticket olowera, kapena mtengo olipira poonera nthawi iliyose pa kanema
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It is common for popular sports to attract large broadcast audiences, leading to rival broadcasters bidding large amounts of money for the rights to show certain events
Ndizotchuka kuti masewera owanda amakhala ndichikoka chokopa anthu owulutsa mawu ambiri, kuchititsa kuti owolutsa mau opikisana nawo kutchula ntengo waukulu wandalama kuti apeze ufulu owulutsa zochitika zina
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The popularity of spectator sport as a recreation for non-participants has led to sport becoming a major business in its own right, and this has incentivized a high paying professional sport culture, where high performing participants are rewarded with pay far in excess of average wages, which can run into millions of dollars
Masewera olimbitsa thupi otchuka okonda kuwoneredwa ngati kopumilako kwa osatenga mbali kwapangitsa kuti masewera olimbitsa thupi akhale malonda akulu pawokha,izi zalimbikitsa kuti khalidwe lamalipiro okwera akumasewera olimbitsa thupi komwe otenga mbai ochita bwina akumapatsidwa malipiro okwera kwambiri odutsa katikati yamalipiro, omwe amafika mazanamazana a ndalama zaku America
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Technology plays an important part in modern sport. It is a necessary part of some sports (such as motorsport), and it is used in others to improve performance. Some sports also use it to allow off-field decision making
Njira zamakono zimatengapo gawo lofunikira pa masewera olimbitsa thupi makono ano. Ndi gawo lofunikira pa masewera ena olimbitsa thupi monnga msewera anjinga za moto,ndipo imagwiritsidwa ntchito pa kupititsa patsogolo machitidwe ake.Masewera ena olimbitsa thupi imagwiritsidwa ntchito kupanga ziganizo kunja kwa bwalo.
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The increase in technology has also allowed many decisions in sports matches to be taken, or reviewed, off-field, with another official using instant replays to make decisions
Kupita patsogolo kwa technology kwapangitsa zisankho zambiri kuti zichitidwe mu masewero a mpira, kapena kuunikidwaso, kunja kwa bwalo, ndima official ena pogwiritsa ntchito kuseweredwa kachikena kwa pompopompo kuti apange chiganizo
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In some sports, players can now challenge decisions made by officials. In Association football, goal-line technology makes decisions on whether a ball has crossed the goal line or not
Ku masewera ena, osewera atha kutsutsa ziganizo zopangidwa ndi ma official. Ku Association ya mpira wamiyendo,technology ya goal-line imapanga chisankho choti ngati mpira wadutsa mzere kapena ayi
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Research suggests that sports have the capacity to connect youth to positive adult role models and provide positive development opportunities, as well as promote the learning and application of life skills
Kafukufuku wanena kuti masewero a ali ndikuthekera kolumikiza achinyamata kwa akuluakulu achitsanzo chabwino, ndikupereka umwayi wakukula kwa bwino,komanso kupititsa patsogolo kuphunizra ndikugwiritsa ntchito luso la moyo
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In recent years the use of sport to reduce crime, as well as to prevent violent extremism and radicalization, has become more widespread, especially as a tool to improve self-esteem, enhance social bonds and provide participants with a feeling of purpose
Muzaka zimenezi kugwiritsa ntchito masewera olimbitsa thupi pochepetsa milandu, komaso kupewa chipolowe chopyola muyezo ndi kusitha kwamaganizo, zakhala zochulukirapo, makamaka ngati chida chokuzira kudzikhulupirira kwathu, kukulitsa kulumikazana kwathu kwa umunthu ndikupatsa otenga mbali kudziva moyo wacholinga
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There is no high-quality evidence that shows the effectiveness of interventions to increase sports participation of the community in sports such as mass media campaigns, educational sessions, and policy changes
Palibe zotsimikizira zapamwamba zoonetsera kugwira kwa zichitochitozi kuti za pititsa patsogolo kutengapo mbali kwa nthu pa masewera olimbitsa thupi monga campaign yowuza gulu,gawo lamaphunziro,kusitha ma policy
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Nationalism is often evident in the pursuit of sport, or in its reporting: people compete in national teams, or commentators and audiences can adopt a partisan view
Unzika nthawi zambiri umaonekera popanga za msewera olimbitsa thupi, kapena muma report ake: anthu amapikisana mu ma national team, kapena onenerera ndi owonerera atha kutenga mbali yosapotera
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Violence in sports usually refers to violent and often unnecessarily harmful intentional physical acts committed during, or motivated by, a sports game, often involving excessively violent or potentially illegal physical contact beyond the normal levels of contact expected while playing the sport
Chipolowe nthawi zambiri kumasewra olimbitsa thupi chimatanthawuza chipolowe ndi nthawi zambiri zolinga zosafunikira zomwe zimachitidwa mowonetsera munthawiyo, kapena zolimbikitsidwa ndi mpikisano wamasewera, nthawi zambiri okhudza athu antopola kapena kuthekera kokhudzana kosaloledwa kudutsila mulingo wabwinobwino wogundana mu masewera
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These acts of violence can include intentional attempts to injure a player or coach by another player or coach, but can also include threats of physical harm or actual physical harm sustained by players or coaches by fans
Mchitidwe wa ziwawa utha kuphatikizapo kuyesa mwadala kuvulaza osewera kapena mphunzitsi ndi osewera nzake kapena mphunzitsi, komaso zitha kuphatikizapo kuwopsezedwa kovulaza thupi kapena kuvulazidwa kwenikweni kwa osewera kapena mphunzitsi ndi ochemelera
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Athletes sometimes resort to violence, in hopes of injuring and intimidating opponents. Such incidents may be part of a strategy developed by coaches or players
Anthu ochita zamasewero nthawi zina amachita zazipolowe, pokhulupilira kuti apweteke ndikuopseza mdani. Zinthu ngati zimenezi zimakhala ngati mbali yadongosolo lopangidwa ndi mphunzitsi kapena osewera
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In boxing, unruly or extremely violent behavior by one of the contestants often results in the fighter breaking the rules being penalized with a points reduction, or, in extreme cases, disqualification
Mu nkhonya,khalidwe losaweruzika kapena chisokonezo ndi mmodzi mwa opikisana nthawi zambiri zimadzetsa omenya kuswa malamulo ndikulangidwa pochotseledwa ma points, kapena, nthawi zina, kuimitsidwa
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Outlawed tactics in boxing include hitting the opponent on the back of the head, under the belly during clinching, and to the back. Other tactics that are outlawed, but less seen, are pushing an opponent extremely hard to the floor, kicking, or hitting repeatedly after the round has ended
Kachitidwe kena koletsedwa mu nkhonya kakuphatikiza kumumenya m'dani ku nkhongo, pansi pa mimba nthawi yosinthana zibakera, ndikumbuyo. Zina zoswa malamulo koma zowonedwa mochepa ndikukankhila pansi mwamphavu mdani, kumuponda kapena kumumenya mobwerezabwereza ndime yankhonya itatha kale
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Violence may also be related to nationalism or as an outlet for underlying social tensions. It is often alcohol-related
Chipolowe zimagwilizanaso ndi unzika kapena potulitsira kusagwirizan kwa anthu. Nthawi zambiri zimagwirizana ndi kuledzera
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At least five fans were dragged from the field at Atlanta–Fulton County Stadium in handcuffs after participating in a bench-clearing brawl
Otsatira osachepera asanu akokedwa kuchoka mu bwalo la zamasewera la Atlanta-Fulton ali mu unyolo atatengapo mbali pochita ndewu yochotsa ena pamipando
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Fans started rioting when the home team, seemingly on the way to victory, underwent a dramatic batting collapse
Otsatira anayamba kupanga chipolowe pomwe timu ya pakhomo,muonekeratu ku pita ku chipambano,
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When the fans remained throwing projectiles and damaging stadium facilities, the match was called off and awarded to Sri Lanka (who went on to win the World Cup)
pomwe anthu otsatitira anapitilizabe kugenda ndiznthu ndiku ononga bwalo, mpikisano unayimitsidwa ndipo mphoto inaperekedwa kwa Sri Lanka ( omwe anapitilira
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Appalled by violence that marred the FDH Bank Cup quarter-final between Silver Strikers and Nyasa Big Bullets at Silver Stadium in Lilongwe a week ago, Ministry of Youth and Sports on Friday summoned stakeholders to a meeting
Podabwitsika ndi zipolowe zomwe zinasokoneza gawo lachipulula la FDH Bank Cup pakati pa Silver Strikers ndi Nyasa Big Bullets pa bwalo la masewro la Silver ku Lilongwe , nduna ya zamasewero lachisanu inayitanitsa onse okhuzidwa ku msonkhano
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The meeting, held in Lilongwe at the ministry headquarters, drew Football Association of Malawi (FAM), Malawi National Council of Sports and Malawi Police Service
Nkumanowo, omwe unachitika ku likulu ya unduna ku Lilongwe, unayitanitsa Football Association of Malawi, Malawi National Council of Sports ndi Malawi Police Service
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The ministry’s director of sports confirmed the development, saying the Ministry of Sports was shocked by the incident which have a potential to scare away sponsors
Mtsogoleri wa za masewera ku unduna wa masewera olimbitsa thupi watsimikizira zazochitikaz, kunena kuti unduna wazamasewero unali odabwa ndizomwe zinachitikazo zomwe zili ndikuthera kuthamangitsa othandiza
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He said: “We wanted to find out from stakeholders why there is sudden surge in violence and find a lasting solution. Sports venues should not be places where people risk losing lives. That is not sport
Iye anati' Timafuna tidziwe kuchokera kwa anthu okhudzidwa kuti ndi chifukwa chani kuli kukula kwa dzidzidzi kwazipolowe ndikupeza mayankho okhalitsa. Mabwalo amasewero asamakhale malo omwe anthu akuyika moyo wawo pachiswe, iye adatero
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Ndalama kept a tight lid on the deliberations during the meeting, saying a joint press statement will be issued by the stakeholders
Ndalama anayika patsogolo mfundo zokhwima pomwe amalingalira zofunikra pa nthawi ya mkumanowo, akunena kuti press statement itulutsidwa ndi anthu okhudzidwa
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It was an important meeting as it explored how we can combat the vice which is threatening our game. We thank the ministry for calling the meeting,” he said
unali nkumano ofunikira chifukwa chakuti unawunikira momwe tingathanirane ndi khalidwe loyipa omwe ukuyika pachiwopsezo masewera athu.Tikuthokoza unduna poyitanitsa mkumanowu, iye adatero
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The violence at Silver Stadium left several Nyasa Big Bullets supporters and officials with various injuries
Chipolowe pa bwalo la masewera la Silver chasiya ochemelera mpira ndi oyang'anora masewero a Nyasa big bullets ambiri atavulala mosiyansiyana
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Gunda said disciplinary proceedings will go ahead, regardless of the outcome of the stakeholders’ meeting
Guunda ananena kuti zokambirana zofuna kuwalanga zipitilira, posatengera zotsatira za mkumano wa anthu okhudzidwa
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He said: “This meeting was very crucial. But it doesn’t replace the disciplinary process
Iye adati '' nkumanowu unali ofunikira kwambiri.Koma sikubwezeretsa zochitika za ulemu
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Meanwhile, Bullets have extended an olive branch to Silver to avoid further retaliation to the violence
Pakali pano, Bullets yapempha mtendere ku Silver pofuna kupewa kubwezeredwa paziwawa zomwe zinachitika
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“We are ready to meet your leadership including supporters anytime and find amicable solution that will bring peace to our beautiful game
' Tili okonzeka kukumana ndi atsogoleri anu kuphatikizapo ma sapota nthawi iliyose ndikupeza mayankho movetsetsana zomwe zibwezeretse ntendere kumasewera anthu okongolawa
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Lack of division of responsibilities during matches is the main cause of violence at matches, a Fifa report compiled by United Kingdom-based safety and security experts Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA) has revealed
Kusowekera kugawana ma udindo bwinobwino nthawi ya mpikisano ndi chopangitsa chenicheni cha zipolowe nthawi ya mpikisano,Feport lomwe linapangidwa ndi Fifa ku United Kingdom ya Safety and security experts Sports Ground Safety yanena choncho
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The world football governing body’s report states that there is lack of clearly defined responsibilities for all stakeholders during matches, as a result, no one takes responsibility for security. Police and stewards are crucial in curbing violence
Report la Nthambi ya mpira ya dziko lonse lapansi lanena kuti kusowekera ma udindo uwonekeratu kwa anthu onse okhudzidwa nthawi ya mpikisano, zotsatira zake,palibe amene amatenga udindo wachitetezo. A police ndi okhanzikitsa bata ndi ofunikira kwambiri kutetezera chipolowe
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The Fifa consultants have since recommended that there be clearly defined responsibilities of all stakeholders with one officer in command on the match day
Ma consultant a FIFA apereka maganizo okuti pakhale ma udindo owonekeratu a anthu onse okhudzidwa ndi officer mmodzi olamulira pa tsiku la mpikisano
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Fifa engaged the firm to inspect Malawi stadiums safety and security following a stampede that killed eight people during Independence Day celebrations on July 6
FIFA inauza bungweli kuti liunike ubwino ndi chitetezo pa mabwalo osewelera ku Malawi potsatira chipwirikiti chomwe chidapha anthu asanu ndi atatu patsiku lokondwelera kulandira ufulu la 6 July
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FAM General secretary said standard practice is that stadium owners provide security during matches, however, in Malawi this is not applicable
Mlembi wankulu wa FAM adati mulingo wa eni ake a ma bwalo a mpiri ndioti apereke chitetezo nthawi yamasewero, komabe, izi sizimachitika m'Malawi
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He said: “In normal circumstances, stadium owners are responsible for safety and security at matches. The understanding is that the home team owns the stadium. Unfortunately, in Malawi, teams do not own stadiums
iye anat, pazochitika za bwino bwino, eni ma bwalo a zamasewero ali ndi udindo wakusamalika ndi chitetezo nthawi ya mpikisano. Kuvetsa kwake ndikwakuti timu yapakhomo imatenga umwini bwalo la mpira. Mwatsoka, ku Malawi,ma team samatenga umwini wamabwalo
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That is why there is the blame game on who should take responsibility where there is lack of the same
ichi ndichifukwa pali kumangolozana zala pa amene akuyenera kutenga udindo pomwe pakusowekera zomwezi
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As a body mandated to run football in the country, we take full responsibility of anything that happens at a match because we are answerable to Fifa,” he said
ngati mbali yomwe yinapatsidwa mphavu yoyendetsa masewera a mpira wa miyendo mu dziko, tikutenga udindo ose wathuthu pachilichonse chochitika ku masewera a mpira
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Football violence and hooliganism at football matches has of late escalated, with no solution at hand
Zipolowe ndi mankhalidwe osokoneza pa mipikisano ya masewera wa mpira wa miyendo panopa wakwera, wopanda mayankho
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While in the past the violence and hooliganism was between rival supporters, this time there is a systematic and organized violence perpetrated by home teams
Pomwe mbuyomu zipolowe ndi makhalidwe osokoneza amakhala pakat pa ma sapota a mbali zopikisana, pakali pano zipolowe ndizolukidwa ndikupangidwa bwino ndi anthu ongolowerera a matimu a pakhomo
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But Banda said all efforts to curb football violence and hooliganism will be in vain if police and stewards do not come to the party
Koma Banda anati ntchito yofuna kuthetsa ziwawa ndi chisokonezo zipita pachabe ngati a police ndi okhunzikitsa bata mpira sabwera kutengapo mbali.Umapeza kuti kuli kusokonekera kwa chitetezo koma pamene ndi mmodzi yemwe wamangidwapo
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He said: “Stewards and police are key in maintaining order at matches. But they fail us. Some end up watching the match instead of doing their job.
Iye anati; Okhazikitsa bata ndi achitetetezo ndi ofunikira kwenkweni pokhanzikitsa dongosolo ku mpikisano. Koma samatithandiza .Ena amathera kuwonera mpira mmalo moti apange ntchito yawo.
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You find that there has been security breach yet not a single person has been arrested
Mupeza kuti ena agonjetsa chitetezo koma chonsecho palibe ndi mmodzi womangidwapo
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For example, in a case of Wanderers vs Mzuni match, a hired police officer responded that he was a traffic police officer so he cannot get involved in arresting supporters for misconduct
Mwachitsanzo,kumbali yamasewera a Wanderers ndi Mzuni , wapolisi yemwe analembedwa anati iye ndiwapansewu ndiye sangalowererepo pomanga ochemelera mpira opanga zosokoneza
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He said: “What we lack is the system and a process to move as designed without physical presence of authorities
Iye anati: chomwe tikusowekera ndi chithuthu ndi ndondomeko yiti iyende momwe inapangidwila popanda kupezekapo kwa adindo
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When things move because of presence, we should know that it is fear that is driving the process and not the system. For instance, supporters are not supposed to be at the dressing room area, yet we see this in Malawi!
Pamene zinthu zikuyenda chifukwa chakupezekapo, tizingodziwa kuti ndi mantha omwe akuyemdetsa ndipo osati chithuthu.Mwachitsanzo, ma sapota samayenera kupezeka ku malo ovalira, komabe timaziona izi ku Malawi!
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We tolerate matters that are not supposed to be there in the first place. We cannot be discussing in pre match meeting about supporters at dressings rooms. We should be ashamed of ourselves
Timalorela zinthu zomwe sizimayenera kukhalapo nkomwe. Sitingamakambirane za ma sapota kumikumano yochitika usanayambe masewero kuchipinda chovalira.Tizikhala ndi manyazi patokha
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Should there be any pockets of violence, we will make an announcement that will negatively affect the game of football,” said Matonga
Pakadza pezekanso ka gawo ka zipolowe, tidzapanga zolengeza zomwe zidzakhudza moyipa masewera ampira wa miyendo, adatero Matonga
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KB team manager yesterday said they have recovered from the recent loss to their ‘brothers-in-arms’ and will be out to settle the scores
Mkulu woyendetsa timu ya KB dzulo anati abwezeretsa kugonja kwaposachedwapa kwa 'abale awo' ndipo atuluka kuti akhazikitse bata zigoli
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This will be a different game altogether and we are geared for the match. We lost to Mafco recently because there was an element of excitement after a remarkable run that saw us with the Carlsberg Cup and finishing the first-round of the league at the top
awa adzakhala masewera osiyanilanatu ndipo tili okhozekera pa mpikisano umenewu.Tinaluza ku Mafco posachedwapo chifukwa panali ka mtima kachisangalalo titachita bwino kwambiri pa carlsberg cup ndikumaliza gawo loyamba la league pa mwamba.
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I am also optimistic that fans will watch an exciting game of football between two quality sides. We know how Mafco play and we are prepared for them,” said Shaba
Nili ndimalingaliro abwino kuti otsaira adzawonera masewera mpikisano wapira wamiyendo osangalatsa pakati pa mbali za anamandwa.Tikudziwa momwe MAFCO imasewerera ndipo tawakhozekera, adatero Shaba
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He dismissed suggestions that KB have lost the grip they had in the first-round
Iye sadatengere maganizo akuti KB yataya mangolomera omwe anali nawo mu gawo loyamba
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We are aware that our friends will come out with all their guns blazing, but we know how to approach the game,” said Gondwe
Tili ozindikira kuti anzathu abwera atakonzeka kwambiri,koma tikudziwa momwe tingafikire masewerowo, Gondwe adatero.
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At the moment, the situation is calm and we have an assurance that our safety will be guaranteed, but we do not want to take any chances because anything can happen at the football match. We are still monitoring the state of affairs
Pakali pano, kwachitika bata ndipo tili ndi kutsimikinzika kuti chittezo chathu ndichotsimikizika, koma sitikufuna kutengerapo mwayi uliwose chifukwa chilichonse chitha kuchitika pa mpikisano wa mpira.
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However, Mwenda said the Flames managed to get the feel of the match venue yesterday morning
Komabe, Mwenda adati Flames inakwanitsa kudziwa mmene malo osewelera aliri dzulo mmamawa
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He confirmed that the demonstration by an Islamic group called Uamsho had turned violent on Saturday
Iye anatsimikizila kuti ziwonetsero ndi gulu la asilamu lotchedwa Uamsho zinasanduka chipolowe loweruka
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Rioters threw stones as police fired tear gas and water cannons in Stone Town, the capital of the semi-autonomous Tanzanian archipelago. Small groups of protesters were still on the streets on Sunday
anthu azipolowe adagenda miyala pomwe a police amaponya utsi okhetsa misonzi ndi madzi a mphavu ku Stone Town, mzinda waukulu wapakatikati paa ndandanda watizilumba ku Tanzania
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Uamsho supporters clashed with police on Saturday after they marched on a police station following the arrest of one of their leaders
Ma sapota a Uamsho anakangana ndi apolisi loweluka atakhamukila ku polisi kamba komanga atsogoleri awo.
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Increasing football violence and hooliganism on the domestic scene could be attributed to Sulom and FAM’s failure to enforce a government blueprint for nipping the malpractice in the bud
Kukwera kwazipolowe ndi ziwawa zochitika pakhomo zitha ukuttengedwa kuti ndikulephera kwa sulom ndi FAM kuti lilimbikitse boma kutsatira dongosolo lothetsa mchitidwe oyipawu
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It has established that this season witnessed an upsurge in reported top-flight football hooliganism and cases of violence; a recipe for scaring potential sponsors and fans. There were eight reported cases as opposed to five last season
Zazindikirika kuti Nyengo imeneyi kwaonedwa kukwerama report a zipolowe ndi ziwawa ku mpira wa miyendo;Chithu chothawitsa othekera kuthandiza ndi otsatira .Pali mareport case okwanira asanu ndi atatu poyerekeza ndi asanu nyengo yapitaiyi
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The increase coincides with the football authorities’ laissez faire attitude towards a blueprint the then Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, through a task force, produced in April 2005 titled ‘Operating Manual for Curbing Hooliganism and Related Violence at Sports Venues
`Kukweraku kukulingana ndi ulamuriro waku mpira wamiyendo ' wongosiyirana ndondomeko panthawi imeneyo unduna wa chinyamata, masewero ndi chikhalidwe, kudzera mu task force, yopangidwa mu 2005 mutu wake ‘Operating Manual for Curbing Hooliganism and Related Violence at Sports Venues'
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The report strongly recommended that entry tickets should be sold several days before the match, sale of alcohol within and near the premises of the game should be discouraged, and stopped forthwith and all perpetrators must be brought to book
Lipotili linapeleka maganizo akuti ma ziphaso zizigulitsidwa masiku ambiri tsiku la mpira lisanafike, kugulitsa mowa nkatikati kapena pafupi ndi malo omwe pali masewero zisamalimbikitsidwe, ndipo ziletsedwe kupita mtsogolo ndipo onse ochita izi aziyankha mulandu.
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Possession of items such as glass bottles, green maize and anything capable of being thrown into the football pitch or stands must be discouraged
kukhala ndi zithu ngati mabotolo a galasi,chimanga chachiwisi ndi chilichose chomwe chingathe kuponyedwa mu bwalo la mpira wamiyendo zayenera kuletsedwa
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It further declared that “all entrants to the stadium and main facility must be searched prior to their entry and prohibited substance such as alcohol, Indian hemp, or intoxicating drugs must be confiscated and the culprits arrested
Ndipo inapitiliza kulengeza kuti ' onse olowa ku bwalo la mpira ndi mkati mwenimweni azichitidwa chipikisheni asanalowe ndipo zinthu monga mowa, chamba kapena mankhwala ozunguza bongo zidzilandidwa ndipo omwe apezeka nazo adzimangidwa
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The football authorities have also failed to apply the suggestion that any person other than players, team leaders and match officials accessing dressing rooms and areas around the changing rooms be barred before and after matches
Adindo a mpira wamiyendo alepheranso kugwiritsa ntchito maganizo a munthu aliyese amene asali osewera, atsogoleri a team ndi ma official a mpikisano kufikira zipinda zovalira ndi malo ozungulira kutsekedwa mpikisano usanachtike komaso utachitika
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Fans also move freely on all terraces against the report’s recommendation that “movement of spectators should be restricted to areas within the same stand
Otsatira masewero a mpira amayendaso momasuka kumalo okhalapo motsutsana ndi malangizo akuti kuyenda kwa owatsatira kukhale pamalo okhawo omwe amakhala
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The clubs also take the blame for not adhering to a recommendation to introduce membership and identification cards for their supporters
Magulu a mpira avomereza kulakwa kwawo posatsatira malangizo obweretsa chiphatso cha umembala komanso chiphaso cha umwini kwa owatsatira
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Most of the recommendations were implemented, but for others, there were limitations. I can accept that as a football nation we somehow relaxed. The plan is there for the implementors
Zomwe zidavomerezedwa zinapangidwa, koma zina, panali zotchinga. Ndivomereze kuti ngati dziko la mpira wamiyendo ,penapake tinatayirira. Ndondomeko ilipo kwa anthu okhanzikitsa
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It seems people drifted into the comfort zone, but when we feel there is need to enforce this, we will tell the associations,” Ndalama noted
Zikuwonetsa kuti anthu anamasuka, koma ngati tikumva kuti pakufunika kukhwimisa lamulo, tidzayiuza asociation, ndalama adaunikira
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Preliminary assessments show that at least 70 seats were damaged following vandalism that occurred at Bingu National Stadium (BNS) in Lilongwe on Saturday during the Airtel Top 8 quarter-final first leg between Silver Strikers and Mighty Mukuru Wanderers
Kauniuni wapoyambirira waonetsa kuti mipando yosachepera makumi asanu ndi awiri inawonongedwa potsatira kusakaza komwe kunachitoka ku Bingu National Stadium ku Lilongwe Loweruka panthawi ya masewero amu Airtel Top 8 a ndime yachipulula pakati pa matimu a Silver Strikers ndi Mighty Mukuru Wanderers
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Government condemns in strongest terms the unruly scenes and destruction of property that took place at BNS in Lilongwe on Saturday
Boma likudzudzula kwakukulu khalidwe losaweruzika ndikusakaza katundu lomwe lina chitika ku bwalo la za maserewa ku BNS loweruka ku Lilongwe
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Much as the ministry understands that football is an emotional game and fans are an integral part, the behaviour displayed at the stadium is retrogressive, unacceptable and uncivilized
Ngakhalebe kuti unduna ukuvetsetsa kuti masewera a mpira wa miyendo ndiwokhudza malingaliro ndipo otsatira ndi mbali yofunikira kwambiri, khalidwe lomwe linaonetsedwa ku bwalo lazamasewero ndilo bwezera m'mbuyo, losavemerezedwa komaso lachikale
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Katopola said acts of this nature puts many lives at risk and tarnishes the image of the sponsors, who compliment government’s efforts to develop sports in this country
Katopola adati mchitidwe oterewu umayika miyoyo pa chiswe ndipo umayipitsa mbiri ya ma siponsa omwe amathandizira ntchito ya boma yo pititsa ppatsogolo masewera olimbitsa thupi mu dziko muno
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He said: “If it [the facility] is vandalized and closed, or condemned, the Malawi National Football team will be playing all its home matches outside the country
Iye anati ngati bwalolo lawphwanyidwa/lawonongedwa ndipo latsekedwa, kapena silinavomelezedwe, timu ya mpira wa miyendo ya Malawi izi sewera masewera ake onse a pakhomo kunja kwa Malawi.
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