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Iye ankadziwa kuti zinthu zinanso ziyenera kuchotsedwa asanakhale pamtendere ndi Roma.
He knew that still other retractions must be made before he could be at peace with Rome
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Njira imene ankadutsamo ikanathera pa mpatuko wotheratu.
The path upon which he was entering could end only in complete apostasy
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Lingaliro lake linatengedwa: kuti athawe nthawi yachidule ya masautso sakakana Mbuye wake
His resolution was taken: To escape a brief period of suffering he would not deny his Lord.
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Posakhalitsa anabweretsedwanso pamaso pa bwalo la akulu. Kugonjera kwake sikunakhutiritse oweruza ake.
Soon he was again brought before the council. His submission had not satisfied his judges
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Ludzu lawo la mwazi, lomwe linalili ndi imfa ya Hus, linafuula kaamba ka ozunzidwa atsopano.
Their thirst for blood, whetted by the death of Huss, clamored for fresh victims
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Kungopereka chowonadi mosadzichinjiriza kokha pamene Jerome akanapulumutsa moyo wake.
Only by an unreserved surrender of the truth could Jerome preserve his life.
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Koma adatsimikiza kulumbira chikhulupiriro chake, ndi kutsatira m'bale wake wofera chikhulupiriro kumoto
But he had determined to avow his faith and follow his brother martyr to the flames.
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Iye anakana kukana kwake koyambirira, ndipo, monga munthu wotsala pang’ono kufa, anafunikira mwaŵi wa kudzitetezera.
He renounced his former recantation and, as a dying man, solemnly required an opportunity to make his defense.
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Poopa zotsatira za mawu ake, ansembewo anaumirira kuti angotsimikizira kapena kukana kuti milandu imene ankamunenezayo ndi yoona.
Fearing the effect of his words, the prelates insisted that he should merely affirm or deny the truth of the charges brought against him.
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Jerome anatsutsa nkhanza ndi kupanda chilungamo koteroko.
Jerome protested against such cruelty and injustice.
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“Mwanditsekera m’ndende yochititsa mantha kwa masiku mazana atatu kudza makumi anayi m’kati mwa zonyansa, zonyansa, zonunkha, ndi kusoŵa kotheratu kwa chirichonse. Pamenepo munditurutsa pamaso panu, ndi kutchera khutu kwa adani anga, koma munakana kundimvera. Ngati muli anzeru ndithu, ndi zounikira za dziko lapansi, chenjerani kuti musachimwire chilungamo.
“You have held me shut up three hundred and forty days in a frightful prison,” he said, “in the midst of filth, noisomeness, stench, and the utmost want of everything; you then bring me out before you, and lending an ear to my mortal enemies, you refuse to hear me.... If you be really wise men, and the lights of the world, take care not to sin against justice.
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Koma ine ndine munthu wofooka; moyo wanga ndi wofunika pang'ono; ndipo pamene ndikudandaulirani kuti musapereke chiweruzo chosalungama, ndidzinenera ndekha mocheperapo kuposa inu
As to me, I am only a feeble mortal; my life is but of little importance; and when I exhort you not to deliver an unjust sentence, I speak less for myself than for you
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Mawu a Jerome anadabwitsa ndi kuchita chidwi, ngakhale adani ake.
The words of Jerome excited astonishment and admiration, even in his enemies
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Kwa chaka chathunthu anatsekeredwa m’ndende, osatha kuŵerenga ngakhalenso kuona, m’mazunzo aakulu akuthupi ndi nkhaŵa zamaganizo.
For a whole year he had been immured in a dungeon, unable to read or even to see, in great physical suffering and mental anxiety.
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Komabe mfundo zake zinaperekedwa momveka bwino komanso mwamphamvu ngati kuti anali ndi mwayi wophunzira.
Yet his arguments were presented with as much clearness and power as if he had had undisturbed opportunity for study.
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Analozera omvera ake ku mzere wautali wa amuna oyera amene anatsutsidwa ndi oweruza opanda chilungamo.
He pointed his hearers to the long line of holy men who had been condemned by unjust judges.
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Pafupifupi m’badwo uliwonse pakhala anthu amene, pamene akufuna kukweza anthu a m’nthaŵi yawo, ananyozedwa ndi kuthamangitsidwa, koma amene m’nthaŵi zamtsogolo asonyezedwa kukhala oyenerera ulemu.
In almost every generation have been those who, while seeking to elevate the people of their time, have been reproached and cast out, but who in later times have been shown to be deserving of honor.
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Kristu mwiniyo anaweruzidwa monga wochita zoipa pa khoti la anthu osalungama
Christ Himself was condemned as a malefactor at an unrighteous tribunal.
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Pakubweza kwake, Jerome wavomereza chilungamo cha chiweruzo chotsutsa Huss; tsopano analengeza kulapa kwake, nachitira umboni za kusalakwa ndi chiyero cha wofera chikhulupiriro.
At his retraction, Jerome had assented to the justice of the sentence condemning Huss; he now declared his repentance and bore witness to the innocence and holiness of the martyr.
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“Ndinam’dziŵa John Huss kuyambira ali mwana,” iye anatero. “Iye anali munthu wolemekezeka koposa, wolungama ndi woyera mtima; iye anaweruzidwa, ngakhale anali wosalakwa….
“I knew him from his childhood,” he said. “He was a most excellent man, just and holy; he was condemned, notwithstanding his innocence....
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Inenso—ine ndiri wokonzeka kufa. Sindidzabwerera m’mbuyo pamaso pa mazunzo amene adandikonzera ine ndi adani anga ndi mboni zabodza, amene tsiku lina adzayankha mlandu wa chiwerewere chawo pamaso pa Mulungu wamkulu, amene palibe chimene chingamupusitse
I also—I am ready to die: I will not recoil before the torments that are prepared for me by my enemies and false witnesses, who will one day have to render an account of their impostures before the great God, whom nothing can deceive
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Podzinyozetsa kaamba ka kukana kwake chowonadi, Jerome anapitiriza kuti: “Pa zolakwa zonse zimene ndinachita kuyambira ubwana wanga, palibe imodzi imene imandilemera m’maganizo mwanga, ndi kundichititsa chisoni chachikulu, monga chimene ndinachita m’moyo uno. malo oopsa, pamene ndinavomereza chiweruzo chosalungama choperekedwa kwa Wycliffe, ndi wofera chikhulupiriro woyera, John Huss, mbuye wanga.
In self-reproach for his own denial of the truth, Jerome continued: “Of all the sins that I have committed since my youth, none weigh so heavily on my mind, and cause me such poignant remorse, as that which I committed in this fatal place, when I approved of the iniquitous sentence rendered against Wycliffe, and against the holy martyr, John Huss, my master and my friend.
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Inde, ndibvomereza kuchokera mu mtima mwanga; ndi kulengeza ndi mantha kuti ndinagwa mochititsa manyazi, pamene, chifukwa cha mantha a imfa, ndinatsutsa ziphunzitso zawo.
Yes! I confess it from my heart, and declare with horror that I disgracefully quailed when, through a dread of death, I condemned their doctrines.
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Choncho ndikupempha Mulungu Wamphamvuyonse kuti andikhululukire machimo anga, ndipo makamaka limeneli, loipa kwambiri kuposa onse.”
I therefore supplicate ... Almighty God to deign to pardon me my sins, and this one in particular, the most heinous of all.” .
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Posonya kwa oweruza ake, iye ananena mwamphamvu kuti: “Munatsutsa Wycliffe ndi Hus, osati chifukwa cha kugwedeza chiphunzitso cha tchalitchi, koma chifukwa chakuti iwo anatsutsa motsutsa zonyansa za atsogoleri achipembedzo,—kunyada kwawo, kunyada kwawo, ndi zoipa zonse. a ansembe ndi ansembe.
Pointing to his judges, he said firmly: “You condemned Wycliffe and John Huss, not for having shaken the doctrine of the church, but simply because they branded with reprobation the scandals proceeding from the clergy—their pomp, their pride, and all the vices of the prelates and priests
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Zinthu zomwe atsimikizira, ndi zosatsutsika, ndimaganizanso ndikuzinena monga iwo
The things which they have affirmed, and which are irrefutable, I also think and declare, like them.”
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Mawu ake anasokonezedwa. Ansembewo, akunjenjemera ndi ukali, anafuula kuti, “Tikufuna umboni winanso wotani?”
His words were interrupted. The prelates, trembling with rage, cried out: “What need is there of further proof?
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Mosakhudzidwa ndi chimphepocho, Jerome anafuula kuti: “Bwanji! muyesa kuti ndiopa kufa?
We behold with our own eyes the most obstinate of heretics!” Unmoved by the tempest, Jerome exclaimed: “What! do you suppose that I fear to die? You have held me for a whole year in a frightful dungeon, more horrible than death itself.
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Mwandichitira nkhanza koposa Mturuki, Myuda, kapena wakunja, ndipo mnofu wanga wavunda ndi mafupa anga; koma sindidandaula; pakuti kulira kumakhala munthu wamtima ndi mzimu; koma sindingathe kusiya kufotokoza kudabwa kwanga ndi nkhanza zazikulu chotero kwa Mkristu.
You have treated me more cruelly than a Turk, Jew, or pagan, and my flesh has literally rotted off my bones alive; and yet I make no complaint, for lamentation ill becomes a man of heart and spirit; but I cannot but express my astonishment at such great barbarity toward a Christian..
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Kachiŵirinso mkuntho waukali unaphulika; ndipo Jerome anathamangira kundende.
Again the storm of rage burst out, and Jerome was hurried away to prison.
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Komabe panali ena mumpingomo amene mawu ake anawakhudza kwambiri, ndipo ankafuna kupulumutsa moyo wake.Adachezeredwa ndi akuluakulu ampingo, ndipo adamupempha kuti adzipereke ku bungweli
Yet there were some in the assembly upon whom his words had made a deep impression and who desired to save his life. He was visited by dignitaries of the church and urged to submit himself to the council.
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Zoyembekeza zabwino koposa zinaperekedwa kwa iye monga mphotho ya kukana kutsutsa kwake Aroma.
The most brilliant prospects were presented before him as the reward of renouncing his opposition to Rome.
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Koma mofanana ndi Mbuye wake, pamene anapatsidwa ulemerero wa dziko, Jerome anakhalabe wolimba.Iye anati: “Munditsimikizire m’Malemba kuti ndalakwa, ndipo ndidzalumbirira
But like his Master when offered the glory of the world, Jerome remained steadfast. “Prove to me from the Holy Writings that I am in error,” he said, “and I will abjure it.”
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“Malemba Opatulika!” anafunsa mmodzi wa oyesa ake kuti, “Kodi zonse ziyenera kuweruzidwa ndi iwo?
“The Holy Writings!” exclaimed one of his tempters, “is everything then to be judged by them?
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Ndani angamvetse izo mpaka mpingo utatanthauzira izo?
Who can understand them till the church has interpreted them?”
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“Kodi miyambo ya anthu ndiyoyenera chikhulupiriro kuposa Uthenga Wabwino wa Mpulumutsi wathu?” Adayankha choncho Jerome.
“Are the traditions of men more worthy of faith than the gospel of our Saviour?” replied Jerome.
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“Paulo sanadandaulire iwo amene anawalembera kumvera miyambo ya anthu, koma anati, Fufuzani m’Malemba.
“Paul did not exhort those to whom he wrote to listen to the traditions of men, but said, ‘Search the Scriptures.”’ “Heretic!” was the response, “I repent having pleaded so long with you. I see that you are urged on by the devil
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Chilango chanthawi yayitali chotsutsa chinaperekedwa pa iye. Iye anatsogozedwa kupita kumalo omwewo amene Hus anaperekerapo moyo wake.
Erelong sentence of condemnation was passed upon him. He was led out to the same spot upon which Huss had yielded up his life
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Anayamba kuyimba m'njira yake, nkhope yake idawala ndi chisangalalo ndi mtendere.
He went singing on his way, his countenance lighted up with joy and peace.
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Kupenya kwake kunali kwa Kristu, ndipo kwa iye imfa inataya zoopsya zake.
His gaze was fixed upon Christ, and to him death had lost its terrors.
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Pamene wakuphayo, atatsala pang’ono kuyatsa muluwo, anatuluka pambuyo pake, wofera chikhulupiriroyo anafuula kuti, “Bwerani kutsogolo molimba mtima; patsani moto pamaso panga.
When the executioner, about to kindle the pile, stepped behind him, the martyr exclaimed: “Come forward boldly; apply the fire before my face.
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Ndikadakhala ndi mantha, sindikadakhala pano.Mawu ake omalizira, amene anawalankhula pamene malawi amoto ankamuzungulira, anali pemphero. “Ambuye, Atate Wamphamvuyonse,” iye anafuula motero, “ndichitireni chifundo, ndi kukhululukira macimo anga; Mawu ake anatha, koma milomo yake inapitiriza kuyenda m’pemphero.
Had I been afraid, I should not be here.” His last words, uttered as the flames rose about him, were a prayer. “Lord, Almighty Father,” he cried, “have pity on me, and pardon me my sins; for Thou knowest that I have always loved Thy truth
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Mawu ake anatha, koma milomo yake inapitiriza kuyenda m’pemphero.Pamene moto udatha ntchito yake, phulusa la wofera chikhulupiriro, ndi nthaka yomwe iwo adakhazikikapo, adasonkhanitsidwa, ndipo, monga a Huss, adaponyedwa mu Rhine.
His voice ceased, but his lips continued to move in prayer. When the fire had done its work, the ashes of the martyr, with the earth upon which they rested, were gathered up, and like those of Huss, were thrown into the Rhine.
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Choncho adaonongeka onyamula kuunika okhulupirika a Mulungu. Koma kuunika kwa chowonadi chimene iwo analengeza,—kuunika kwa chitsanzo chawo chaungwazi—sikunathe kuzimitsidwa.
So perished God’s faithful light bearers. But the light of the truths which they proclaimed—the light of their heroic example—could not be extinguished.
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Momwemonso anthu angayesetse kulibweza dzuwa panjira yake kuti ateteze mbandakucha wa tsiku limenelo lomwe linali litayamba kuwopseza dziko lapansi.Kuphedwa kwa Hus kunayatsa lawi la mkwiyo ndi mantha mu Bohemia
As well might men attempt to turn back the sun in its course as to prevent the dawning of that day which was even then breaking upon the world. The execution of Huss had kindled a flame of indignation and horror in Bohemia.
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Anthu a mtundu wonse anamva kuti iye wagwidwa ndi nkhanza za ansembe komanso chinyengo cha mfumu.
It was felt by the whole nation that he had fallen a prey to the malice of the priests and the treachery of the emperor.
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Ananenedwa kuti anali mphunzitsi wokhulupirika wa choonadi, ndipo bungwe limene linagamula kuti aphedwe linaimbidwa mlandu wakupha.
He was declared to have been a faithful teacher of the truth, and the council that decreed his death was charged with the guilt of murder.
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Ziphunzitso zake tsopano zinakopa chidwi kwambiri kuposa kale lonse.
His doctrines now attracted greater attention than ever before.
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Malinga ndi malangizo a papa zolembedwa za Wycliffe zinatsutsidwa kumoto.
By the papal edicts the writings of Wycliffe had been condemned to the flames.
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Koma awo amene anali atapulumuka chiwonongeko tsopano anatulutsidwa m’malo awo obisala, ndi kuphunzira mogwirizana ndi Baibulo, kapena mbali zake zotere zimene anthu akanatha kuzipeza, ndipo motero ambiri anatsogozedwa kuvomereza chikhulupiriro chokonzedwanso
But those that had escaped destruction were now brought out from their hiding places and studied in connection with the Bible, or such parts of it as the people could obtain, and many were thus led to accept the reformed faith.
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Opha Hus sanayime mwakachetechete ndikuwona kupambana kwa cholinga chake. Papa ndi mfumu anagwirizana kuti athetse gululo, ndipo magulu ankhondo a Sigismund anaponyedwa ku Bohemia
The murderers of Huss did not stand quietly by and witness the triumph of his cause. The pope and the emperor united to crush out the movement, and the armies of Sigismund were hurled upon Bohemia.
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Koma wowombola anaukitsidwa. Ziska, yemwe atangoyamba kumene nkhondoyo adakhala wakhungu kotheratu, komabe yemwe anali m'modzi mwa akazembe amphamvu kwambiri azaka zake, anali mtsogoleri wa a Bohemians.
But a deliverer was raised up. Ziska, who soon after the opening of the war became totally blind, yet who was one of the ablest generals of his age, was the leader of the Bohemians.
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Kudalira thandizo la Mulungu ndi chilungamo cha cholinga chawo, kuti anthu adalimbana ndi magulu ankhondo amphamvu kwambiri omwe angabweretsedwe motsutsana nawo.
Trusting in the help of God and the righteousness of their cause, that people withstood the mightiest armies that could be brought against them.
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Mobwerezabwereza mfumuyo, ikukweza magulu ankhondo atsopano, inaukira Bohemia, kuti iipidwe mwamanyazi.
Again and again the emperor, raising fresh armies, invaded Bohemia, only to be ignominiously repulsed.
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A Hus adakwezedwa pamwamba pa kuopa imfa, ndipo palibe chomwe chingawatsutse.
The Hussites were raised above the fear of death, and nothing could stand against them.
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Zaka zingapo pambuyo pa kutsegulidwa kwa nkhondo, Ziska wolimba mtima adamwalira; koma malo ake anadzadzidwa ndi Procopius, yemwe anali mkulu mofanana wolimba mtima ndi waluso, ndipo m'mbali zina mtsogoleri wokhoza kwambiri
A few years after the opening of the war, the brave Ziska died; but his place was filled by Procopius, who was an equally brave and skillful general, and in some respects a more able leader.
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Adani a Abohemia podziwa kuti wankhondo wakhunguyo anali atafa, anaona kuti unali mwayi wabwino kuti abweze zonse zimene anataya.
The enemies of the Bohemians, knowing that the blind warrior was dead, deemed the opportunity favorable for recovering all that they had lost.
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Papa tsopano analengeza za nkhondo yamtanda yolimbana ndi Ahus, ndipo kachiwiri’nso gulu lankhondo lalikulu linayambika ku Bohemia, koma kugonjetsedwa kowopsa.
The pope now proclaimed a crusade against the Hussites, and again an immense force was precipitated upon Bohemia, but only to suffer terrible defeat.
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Nkhondo ina yamtanda inalengezedwa. M’maiko onse a papa a ku Ulaya, amuna, ndalama, ndi zida zankhondo zinaleredwa.
Another crusade was proclaimed. In all the papal countries of Europe, men, money, and munitions of war were raised.
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Makamu ambiri anakhamukira ku muyezo waupapa, akumatsimikizira kuti pamapeto pake ampatuko Achihusi adzatha.
Multitudes flocked to the papal standard, assured that at last an end would be made of the Hussite heretics.
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Pokhala ndi chidaliro cha chipambano, gulu lankhondo lalikululo linaloŵa ku Bohemia. Anthuwo anasonkhana kuti awaletse.
Confident of victory, the vast force entered Bohemia. The people rallied to repel them.
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Ankhondo awiriwo anayandikirana mpaka pakati pawo panali mtsinje wokha.
The two armies approached each other until only a river lay between them.
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Ogwirizanawo anali opambana kwambiri m’chiŵerengero, komabe m’malo mopita patsogolo molimba mtima kuti aukire Ahus, iwo anaima ngati kuti alodza, akuwayang’ana mwakachetechete.
“The crusaders were in greatly superior force, but instead of dashing across the stream, and closing in battle with the Hussites whom they had come so far to meet, they stood gazing in silence at those warriors.
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Kenako mwadzidzidzi mantha odabwitsa anagwera wolandira alendowo.
Then suddenly a mysterious terror fell upon the host.
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Popanda kumenya nkhonya mphamvu yamphamvuyo inathyoka ndi kubalalika, monga ngati yachotsedwa ndi mphamvu yosaoneka.
Without striking a blow, that mighty force broke and scattered as if dispelled by an unseen power.
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Ziŵerengero zambiri zinaphedwa ndi gulu lankhondo la Hussite, limene linathamangitsa othaŵawo, ndipo zofunkha zazikulu zinagwera m’manja mwa opambanawo, kotero kuti nkhondoyo, m’malo mwa kusauka, inalemeretsa Abohemia
Great numbers were slaughtered by the Hussite army, which pursued the fugitives, and an immense booty fell into the hands of the victors, so that the war, instead of impoverishing, enriched the Bohemians.
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Zaka zingapo pambuyo pake, motsogozedwa ndi papa watsopano, nkhondo ina inayambikanso. Monga kale, amuna ndi njira zinatengedwa kuchokera ku maiko onse aupapa a ku Ulaya..
A few years later, under a new pope, still another crusade was set on foot. As before, men and means were drawnfrom all the papal countries of Europe
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Zazikulu zinali zolimbikitsa zomwe zidaperekedwa kwa iwo omwe ayenera kuchita nawo bizinesi yowopsa iyi.
Great were the inducements held out to those who should engage in this perilous enterprise
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Kukhululukidwa kotheratu kwa milandu yoipitsitsa kunali inshuwaransi kwa wankhondo aliyense.
Full forgiveness of the most heinous crimes was ensured to every crusader.
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Onse amene anafa m’nkhondoyo analonjezedwa mphotho yolemera Kumwamba, ndipo amene anapulumuka anali kudzatuta ulemu ndi chuma pabwalo lankhondo.
All who died in the war were promised a rich reward in heaven, and those who survived were to reap honor and riches on the field of battle.
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Apanso gulu lalikulu lankhondo linasonkhanitsidwa, ndipo kuwoloka malirewo analoŵa ku Bohemia.
Again a vast army was collected, and, crossing the frontier they entered Bohemia.
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Magulu ankhondo a Hussite anagwera m’mbuyo pamaso pawo, motero amakokera oukirawo kutali ndi kutali m’dzikolo, ndi kuwatsogolera kuŵerengera chipambano chimene anapambana kale.
The Hussite forces fell back before them, thus drawing the invaders farther and farther into the country, and leading them to count the victory already won.
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Pomaliza gulu lankhondo la Procopius linayimilira, ndipo, kutembenukira kwa adaniwo, adapita kukamenyana nawo.
At last the army of Procopius made a stand, and turning upon the foe, advanced to give them battle.
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Ankhondo a zamtanda, tsopano azindikira kulakwa kwawo, anagona mumsasa wawo kudikirira kuyamba.
The crusaders, now discovering their mistake, lay in their encampment awaiting the onset.
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Pamene mkokomo wa mphamvu yoyandikirayo unamveka, ngakhale Ahus asanaoneke, mantha anagweranso ankhondo a Mtanda.
As the sound of the approaching force was heard, even before the Hussites were in sight, a panic again fell upon the crusaders.
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Akalonga, akazembe, ndi asilikali wamba, atataya zida zawo, anathawira mbali zonse.
Princes, generals, and common soldiers, casting away their armor, fled in all directions.
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Mosaphula kanthu, nthumwi ya papa, yemwe anali mtsogoleri wa kuwukirako, anayesetsa kusonkhanitsa magulu ake owopsa ndi osalongosoka.
In vain the papal legate, who was the leader of the invasion, endeavored to rally his terrified and disorganized forces.
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Ngakhale kuti anachita khama kwambiri, iyenso anasesedwa ndi anthu othawathawa. Kugonjetsa kunatha, ndipo zofunkha zazikulu zinagweranso m'manja mwa opambanawo
Despite his utmost endeavors, he himself was swept along in the tide of fugitives.
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Kugonjetsa kunatha, ndipo zofunkha zazikulu zinagweranso m'manja mwa opambanaw.
The rout was complete, and again an immense booty fell into the hands of the victors
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Chotero nthaŵi yachiŵiri gulu lankhondo lalikulu, lotumizidwa ndi maiko amphamvu kwambiri a ku Ulaya, khamu la amuna olimba mtima, okonda nkhondo, ophunzitsidwa ndi okonzekeretsedwa kunkhondo, anathawa popanda kumenyedwa, pamaso pa otetezera a fuko laling’ono ndi lofooka kufikira tsopano.
Thus the second time a vast army, sent forth by the most powerful nations of Europe, a host of brave, warlike men, trained and equipped for battle, fled without a blow before the defenders of a small and hitherto feeble nation.
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Apa panali chiwonetsero cha mphamvu yaumulungu.
Here was a manifestation of divine power.
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Oukirawo anakanthidwa ndi mantha auzimu.
The invaders were smitten with a supernatural terror.
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Iye amene anagonjetsa makamu a Farao m’Nyanja Yofiira, amene anathamangitsa magulu ankhondo a Midyani pamaso pa Gideoni ndi mazana atatu, amene mu usiku umodzi anagwetsa magulu ankhondo a Asuri wonyadayo, anali atatambasulanso dzanja lake kufooketsa mphamvu. wa wopondereza.
He who overthrew the hosts of Pharaoh in the Red Sea, who put to flight the armies of Midian before Gideon and his three hundred, who in one night laid low the forces of the proud Assyrian, had again stretched out His hand to wither the power of the oppressor
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Atsogoleri apapa, potaya mtima kuti adzagonjetsa mwankhanza, pomalizira pake anagwiritsa ntchito zokambirana.
The papal leaders, despairing of conquering by force, at last resorted to diplomacy.
SDA Book
Mgwirizano unaloŵetsedwamo, kuti pamene kuli kwakuti kunena kuti anapereka kwa Abohemia ufulu wa chikumbumtima, kunawaperekadi iwo mu mphamvu ya Roma.
A compromise was entered into, that while professing to grant to the Bohemians freedom of conscience, really betrayed them into the power of Rome.
SDA Book
A Bohemian anatchula mfundo zinayi monga mkhalidwe wa mtendere ndi Roma: Kulalikira kwaufulu kwa Baibulo; ufulu wa mpingo wonse wa mkate ndi vinyo pa mgonero, ndi kugwiritsira ntchito lilime la amayi polambira Mulungu; kuchotsedwa kwa atsogoleri achipembedzo pa maudindo ndi maulamuliro onse; ndipo pa milandu ya upandu, makhoti amilandu amapatsidwa mphamvu pa atsogoleri achipembedzo ndi anthu wamba.
The Bohemians had specified four points as the condition of peace with Rome: the free preaching of the Bible; the right of the whole church to both the bread and the wine in the communion, and the use of the mother tongue in divine worship; the exclusion of the clergy from all secular offices and authority; and, in cases of crime, the jurisdiction of the civil courts over clergy and laity alike.
SDA Book
Akuluakulu a papa anavomera kuvomereza nkhani zinayizo, koma n’kunena kuti ufulu wozifotokoza, wosankha tanthauzo lake lenileni, ukhale wa tchalitchi.
The papal authorities at last “agreed that the four articles of the Hussites should be accepted, but that the right of explaining them, that is, of determining their precise import, should belong to the council—in other words, to the pope and the emperor
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Pamaziko amenewa pangano linalowetsedwamo, ndipo Roma anapindula mwachinyengo ndi chinyengo zimene analephera kupeza mwa mkangano; pakuti, kuyika kutanthauzira kwake kwake pa nkhani za Hussite, monga pa Baibulo, iye akanakhoza kupotoza tanthauzo lake kuti ligwirizane ndi zolinga zake
On this basis a treaty was entered into, and Rome gained by dissimulation and fraud what she had failed to gain by conflict; for, placing her own interpretation upon the Hussite articles, as upon the Bible, she could pervert their meaning to suit her own purposes.
SDA Book
Gulu lalikulu ku Bohemia, powona kuti likupereka ufulu wawo, silinathe kuvomereza mgwirizanowu.
A large class in Bohemia, seeing that it betrayed their liberties, could not consent to the compact
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Mikangano ndi magawano zinayamba, zomwe zinayambitsa mikangano ndi kukhetsa mwazi pakati pawo.
Dissensions and divisions arose, leading to strife and bloodshed among themselves
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Pamkangano uwu Procopius wolemekezeka adagwa, ndipo ufulu wa Bohemia unawonongeka
In this strife the noble Procopius fell, and the liberties of Bohemia perished.
SDA Book
Sigismund, wopereka Huss ndi Jerome, tsopano anakhala mfumu ya Bohemia, ndipo, mosasamala kanthu za lumbiro lake lochirikiza ufulu wa Abohemia, iye anapitiriza kukhazikitsa upapa.
Sigismund, the betrayer of Huss and Jerome, now became king of Bohemia, and regardless of his oath to support the rights of the Bohemians, he proceeded to establish popery
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Koma anapindula pang’ono chifukwa chogonjera ulamuliro wa Roma. Kwa zaka makumi awiri moyo wake unali wodzala ndi zovutirapo ndi zowopsa.
But he had gained little by his subservience to Rome. For twenty years his life had been filled with labors and perils
SDA Book
Ankhondo ake anali atawonongedwa ndipo chuma chake chinathetsedwa ndi kumenyana kwa nthawi yaitali ndi kosapindulitsa; ndipo tsopano, atalamulira chaka chimodzi, iye anamwalira, akusiya ufumu wake pamphepete mwa nkhondo yapachiweniweni, ndipo anapereka kwa mbadwa dzina lotchedwa ndi mbiri yoipa
His armies had been wasted and his treasuries drained by a long and fruitless struggle; and now, after reigning one year, he died, leaving his kingdom on the brink of civil war, and bequeathing to posterity a name branded with infamy
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Zipolowe, mikangano, ndi kukhetsa mwazi zinatenga nthaŵi yaitali.
Tumults, strife, and bloodshed were protracted
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Kachiŵirinso magulu ankhondo akunja anaukira Bohemia, ndipo mikangano ya mkati inapitiriza kudodometsa mtunduwo.
Again foreign armies invaded Bohemia, and internal dissension continued to distract the nation.
SDA Book
Iwo amene anakhalabe okhulupirika ku uthenga wabwino anazunzidwa koopsa.
Those who remained faithful to the gospel were subjected to a bloody persecution.
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Pamene abale awo akale, akuloŵa m’chigwirizano ndi Roma, anakulitsa zolakwa zake, awo amene anamamatira ku chikhulupiriro chakale anadzipanga iwo eni kukhala tchalitchi chapadera, chotenga dzina la “United Brethren.”
As their former brethren, entering into compact with Rome, imbibed her errors, those who adhered to the ancient faith had formed themselves into a distinct church, taking the name of “United Brethren.”
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Mchitidwewu udatengera matemberero ochokera m'magulu onse.
This act drew upon them maledictions from all classes.
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Komabe kulimba kwawo kunali kosagwedezeka.
Yet their firmness was unshaken.
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