3 values
A supertube is a supersymmetric configuration in string theory which occurs when a pair of branes spontaneously polarizes and generates a new dipole charge extended along a closed curve. The dipole charge of a codimension-2 supertube is characterized by the U-duality monodromy as one goes around the supertube. For multiple codimension-2 supertubes, their monodromies do not commute in general. In this paper, we construct a supersymmetric solution of five-dimensional supergravity that describes two supertubes with such non-Abelian monodromies, in a certain perturbative expansion. In supergravity, the monodromies are realized as the multi-valuedness of the scalar fields, while in higher dimensions they correspond to non-geometric duality twists of the internal space. The supertubes in our solution carry NS5 and 5$_2^2$ dipole charges and exhibit the same monodromy structure as the SU(2) Seiberg-Witten geometry. The perturbative solution has $\mathrm{AdS}_2\times S^2$ asymptotics and vanishing four-dimensional angular momentum. We argue that this solution represents a microstate of four-dimensional black holes with a finite horizon and that it provides a clue for the gravity realization of a pure-Higgs branch state in the dual quiver quantum mechanics.Comment: 47 pages + 12 pages, 5 figures; v2: references added, minor corrections; v3: minor modifications, JHEP published versio
Non-Abelian Supertubes
non-abelian supertubes
supertube supersymmetric branes spontaneously polarizes generates dipole curve. dipole codimension supertube duality monodromy goes supertube. codimension supertubes monodromies commute general. supersymmetric supergravity describes supertubes abelian monodromies perturbative expansion. supergravity monodromies realized valuedness geometric duality twists space. supertubes carry dipole charges exhibit monodromy seiberg witten geometry. perturbative mathrm asymptotics vanishing momentum. argue microstate holes horizon clue realization branch quiver pages pages minor minor modifications jhep versio
Using the well-known low-energy effective Lagrangian of QCD --valid for small (non-vanishing) quark masses and a large number of colors-- we study in detail the regions of parameter space where $CP$ is spontaneously broken/unbroken for a vacuum angle $\theta= \pi$. In the $CP$-broken region there are first order phase transitions as one crosses $\theta=\pi$, while on the (hyper)surface separating the two regions, there are second order phase transitions signaled by the vanishing of the mass of a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson and by a divergent QCD topological susceptibility. The second order point sits at the end of a first order line associated with the $CP$ spontaneous breaking, in the appropriate complex parameter plane. When the effective Lagrangian is extended by the inclusion of an axion these features of QCD imply that standard calculations of the axion potential have to be revised when the QCD parameters fall in the above mentioned $CP$-broken region, in spite of the fact that the axion solves the strong-$CP$ problem. These latter results could be of interest for axionic dark matter calculations if the topological susceptibility of pure Yang-Mills theory falls off sufficiently fast when temperature is increased towards the QCD deconfining transition.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, Typos corrected, References added, Figures improved, Discussion clarifie
Spontaneous $CP$ breaking in QCD and the axion potential: an effective Lagrangian approach
spontaneous $cp$ breaking in qcd and the axion potential: an effective lagrangian approach
lagrangian valid vanishing colors spontaneously broken unbroken theta broken crosses theta hyper separating signaled vanishing pseudo nambu goldstone boson divergent topological susceptibility. sits spontaneous breaking plane. lagrangian inclusion axion imply axion revised fall broken spite axion solves problem. axionic topological susceptibility mills falls sufficiently deconfining pages typos corrected clarifie
Flavour-violating Higgs interactions are suppressed in the Standard Model such that their observation would be a clear sign of new physics. We investigate the prospects for detecting quark flavour-violating Higgs decays in the clean ILC environment. Concentrating on the decay to a bottom and a light quark $j$, we identify the dominant Standard Model background channels as coming from hadronic Standard Model Higgs decays with mis-identified jets. Therefore, good flavour tagging capabilities are essential to keep the background rate under control. Through a simple cut-based analysis, we find that the most promising search channel is the two-jet plus missing energy signature $e^+e^-\to bj+E_{T}^\text{miss}$. At 500 GeV, the expected $95\,$% CL upper limit on $\mathcal{B}(h\to bj)$ is of order $10^{-3}$. Correspondingly, a $5\,\sigma$ discovery is expected to be possible for branching ratios as low as a few $10^{-3}$.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. Minor typos fixed with respect to v
Quark flavour-violating Higgs decays at the ILC
quark flavour-violating higgs decays at the ilc
flavour violating suppressed physics. prospects detecting flavour violating decays clean environment. concentrating coming hadronic decays jets. flavour tagging capabilities keep control. promising missing signature miss mathcal correspondingly sigma discovery branching .comment pages tables. minor typos
We describe a compactification of the six-dimensional (2,0) theory on a four-sphere which gives rise to a two-dimensional Toda theory at long distances. This construction realizes chiral Toda fields as edge modes trapped near the poles of the sphere. We relate our setup to compactifications of the (2,0) theory on the five and six-sphere. In this way, we explain a connection between half-BPS operators of the (2,0) theory and two-dimensional W-algebras, and derive an equality between their conformal anomalies. As we explain, all such relationships between the six-dimensional (2,0) theory and Toda field theory can be interpreted as statements about the edge modes of complex Chern-Simons on various three-manifolds with boundary.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figure
Toda Theory From Six Dimensions
toda theory from six dimensions
compactification sphere toda distances. realizes chiral toda trapped poles sphere. relate setup compactifications sphere. connection algebras derive equality conformal anomalies. toda interpreted statements chern simons manifolds pages
We present a systematic approach to supersymmetric holographic renormalization for a generic 5D $\mathcal{N}=2$ gauged supergravity theory with matter multiplets, including its fermionic sector, with all gauge fields consistently set to zero. We determine the complete set of supersymmetric local boundary counterterms, including the finite counterterms that parameterize the choice of supersymmetric renormalization scheme. This allows us to derive holographically the superconformal Ward identities of a 4D superconformal field theory on a generic background, including the Weyl and super-Weyl anomalies. Moreover, we show that these anomalies satisfy the Wess-Zumino consistency condition. The super-Weyl anomaly implies that the fermionic operators of the dual field theory, such as the supercurrent, do not transform as tensors under rigid supersymmetry on backgrounds that admit a conformal Killing spinor, and their anticommutator with the conserved supercharge contains anomalous terms. This property is explicitly checked for a toy model. Finally, using the anomalous transformation of the supercurrent, we obtain the anomaly-corrected supersymmetry algebra on curved backgrounds admitting a conformal Killing spinor.Comment: 51 pages; v2: two references added, typos corrected, a discussion about the 2-dimensional super-Weyl anomaly added in section
Anomaly-corrected supersymmetry algebra and supersymmetric holographic renormalization
anomaly-corrected supersymmetry algebra and supersymmetric holographic renormalization
supersymmetric holographic renormalization generic mathcal gauged supergravity multiplets fermionic consistently zero. supersymmetric counterterms counterterms parameterize supersymmetric renormalization scheme. derive holographically superconformal ward identities superconformal generic weyl super weyl anomalies. anomalies satisfy wess zumino consistency condition. super weyl anomaly fermionic supercurrent transform tensors rigid supersymmetry backgrounds admit conformal killing spinor anticommutator conserved supercharge anomalous terms. explicitly checked model. anomalous supercurrent anomaly corrected supersymmetry curved backgrounds admitting conformal killing pages typos corrected super weyl anomaly
Yang-Baxter (YB) deformations of type IIB string theory have been well studied from the viewpoint of classical integrability. Most of the works, however, are focused upon the local structure of the deformed geometries and the global structure still remains unclear. In this work, we reveal a non-geometric aspect of YB-deformed backgrounds as $T$-fold by explicitly showing the associated $\mathrm{O}(D,D;\mathbb{Z})$ $T$-duality monodromy. In particular, the appearance of an extra vector field in the generalized supergravity equations (GSE) leads to the non-geometric $Q$-flux. In addition, we study a particular solution of GSE that is obtained by a non-Abelian $T$-duality but cannot be expressed as a homogeneous YB deformation, and show that it can also be regarded as a $T$-fold. This result indicates that solutions of GSE should be non-geometric quite in general beyond the YB deformation.Comment: 47 page
$T$-folds from Yang-Baxter deformations
$t$-folds from yang-baxter deformations
baxter deformations viewpoint integrability. focused deformed geometries unclear. reveal geometric aspect deformed backgrounds explicitly mathrm mathbb duality monodromy. appearance extra supergravity geometric flux. abelian duality homogeneous deformation regarded fold. geometric
We consider a fundamental string in a bubbling geometry of arbitrary genus dual to a half-supersymmetric Wilson loop in a general large representation $\mathbf{R}$ of the $SU(N)$ gauge group in ${\cal N}=4$ Supersymmetric Yang-Mills. We demonstrate, under some mild conditions, that the minimum value of the string classical action for a bubbling geometry of arbitrary genus precisely matches the correlator of a Wilson loop in the fundamental representation and one in a general large representation. We work out the case in which the large representation is given by a rectangular Young Tableau, corresponding to a genus one bubbling geometry, explicitly. We also present explicit results in the field theory for a correlator of two Wilson loops: a large one in an arbitrary representation and a "small" one in the fundamental, totally symmetric or totally antisymmetric representation.Comment: 40 pages + appendices, 9 figures, A new discussion of WL correlators using the product of characters formula, two new figures added. Typos fixed. Version that matches the published articl
Strings in Bubbling Geometries and Dual Wilson Loop Correlators
strings in bubbling geometries and dual wilson loop correlators
bubbling genus supersymmetric wilson mathbf supersymmetric mills. mild bubbling genus precisely matches correlator wilson representation. rectangular tableau genus bubbling explicitly. correlator wilson loops totally totally antisymmetric pages appendices correlators characters added. typos fixed. matches articl
The polarization of the $\Upsilon$(1S), $\Upsilon$(2S) and $\Upsilon$(3S) mesons, produced in pp collisions at centre-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 and 8 TeV, is measured using data samples collected by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 1 and 2 fb$^{−1}$, respectively. The measurements are performed in three polarization frames, using $\Upsilon \to \mu\mu$ decays in the kinematic region of the transverse momentum $p_T^\Upsilon$  < 30 GeV/$c$ and rapidity 2.2 < $y^\Upsilon$ < 4.5. No large polarization is observed
Measurement of the $\Upsilon$(nS) polarizations in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 and 8 TeV
measurement of the $\upsilon$(ns) polarizations in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 and 8 tev
upsilon upsilon upsilon mesons collisions sqrt lhcb luminosities respectively. frames upsilon decays kinematic upsilon rapidity upsilon
We study various aspects of warped conformal field theories (WCFTs) in two dimensions. We find new Lagrangian WCFTs, and show that all known Lagrangian WCFTs are local only after an infinite tuning. We deduce the anomalies of WCFTs and relate them to central charges, as well as analyze WCFT hydrostatics, thereby re-deriving the warped analogue of the Cardy formula. Finally, we point out that holographic WCFTs are semi-local, that matter fields in spacelike WAdS$_3$ black hole geometries exhibit a Gregory-Laflamme-like instability, and that WAdS$_3$ throats do not admit a decoupling limit.Comment: 38 pages; v2: minor change
Locality and anomalies in warped conformal field theory
locality and anomalies in warped conformal field theory
warped conformal wcfts dimensions. lagrangian wcfts lagrangian wcfts infinite tuning. deduce anomalies wcfts relate charges analyze wcft hydrostatics thereby deriving warped analogue cardy formula. holographic wcfts spacelike wads geometries exhibit gregory laflamme instability wads throats admit decoupling pages minor
We argue that a $SO(d)$ magnetic monopole in an asymptotically AdS space-time is dual to a $d$-dimensional strongly coupled system in a solid state. In light of this, it would be remiss of us not to dub such a field configuration $solidon$. In the presence of mixed boundary conditions, a solidon spontaneously breaks translations (among many other symmetries) and gives rise to Goldstone excitations on the boundary$-$the phonons of the solid. We derive the quadratic action for the boundary phonons in the probe limit and show that, when the mixed boundary conditions preserve conformal symmetry, the longitudinal and transverse sound speeds are related to each other as expected from effective field theory arguments. We then include backreaction and calculate the free energy of the solidon for a particular choice of mixed boundary conditions, corresponding to a relevant multi-trace deformation of the boundary theory. We find such free energy to be lower than that of thermal AdS. This suggests that our solidon undergoes a solid-to-liquid first order phase transition by melting into a Schwarzschild-AdS black hole as the temperature is raised.Comment: 31 pages; v2: incorrect calculation in sec. 4 has been deleted; main results unchange
Conformal solids and holography
conformal solids and holography
argue monopole asymptotically state. remiss solidon solidon spontaneously breaks translations symmetries goldstone excitations phonons solid. derive quadratic phonons preserve conformal longitudinal sound speeds arguments. backreaction solidon trace deformation theory. ads. solidon undergoes melting schwarzschild pages incorrect sec. deleted unchange
We calculate vector-vector correlation functions at two loops using partially quenched chiral perturbation theory including finite volume effects and twisted boundary conditions. We present expressions for the flavor neutral cases and the flavor charged case with equal masses. Using these expressions we give an estimate for the ratio of disconnected to connected contributions for the strange part of the electromagnetic current. We give numerical examples for the effects of partial quenching, finite volume and twisting and suggest the use of different twists to check the size of finite volume effects. The main use of this work is expected to be for lattice QCD calculations of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment.Comment: 31 pages, some sentences added regarding partial twisting, reformatted equations in appendix to make them more legibl
Vector two-point functions in finite volume using partially quenched chiral perturbation theory
vector two-point functions in finite volume using partially quenched chiral perturbation theory
loops partially quenched chiral perturbation twisted conditions. expressions flavor neutral flavor masses. expressions disconnected strange electromagnetic current. quenching twisting twists check effects. hadronic muon anomalous pages sentences twisting reformatted legibl
We study the transport of the fermions with a small mass in the presence of Coulomb impurities, which could be realized in slightly distorted Dirac semimetals. Using the semiclassical Boltzmann equation, we derive the relaxation times for two kinds of intra-cone transition process. One is due to the effect of mass, and the other is due to the excited states in Landau levels under the weaker magnetic field. Hence we derive the mass dependence and the magnetic field dependence of the longitudinal magnetoconductivity in the presence of parallel electric and magnetic fields.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure
Intra-cone transition effect to magnetoconductivity in Dirac semimetal
intra-cone transition effect to magnetoconductivity in dirac semimetal
fermions coulomb impurities realized distorted dirac semimetals. semiclassical boltzmann derive relaxation kinds intra cone process. excited landau weaker field. derive longitudinal magnetoconductivity pages
We calculate the topological entanglement entropy (TEE) in Euclidean asymptotic AdS3 spacetime using surgery. The treatment is intrinsically three-dimensional. In the BTZ black hole background, several different bipartitions are applied. For the bipartition along the horizon between two single-sided black holes, TEE is exactly the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, which supports the ER=EPR conjecture in the Euclidean case. For other bipartitions, we derive an Entangling-Thermal relation for each single-sided black hole, which is of topological origin. After summing over genus-one classical geometries, we compute TEE in the high-temperature regime. In the case where k=1, we find that TEE is the same as that for a Moonshine double state, given by the maximally-entangled superposition of 194 types of "anyons" in the 3d bulk, labeled by the irreducible representations of the Monster group. We propose this as the bulk analogue of the thermofield double state in the Euclidean spacetime. Comparing the TEE between thermal AdS3 and BTZ solutions, we discuss the implication of TEE on the Hawking-Page transition in 3d.Comment: version
Topological Entanglement Entropy in Euclidean AdS3 via Surgery
topological entanglement entropy in euclidean ads3 via surgery
topological entanglement euclidean asymptotic spacetime surgery. intrinsically dimensional. bipartitions applied. bipartition horizon sided holes bekenstein hawking supports conjecture euclidean case. bipartitions derive entangling sided topological origin. summing genus geometries regime. moonshine maximally entangled superposition anyons labeled irreducible representations monster group. propose analogue thermofield euclidean spacetime. implication hawking
In global fits of parton distribution functions (PDFs) a large fraction of data points, mostly from the HERA collider, lies in a region of $x$ and $Q^2$ that is sensitive to small-$x$ logarithmic enhancements. Thus, the proper theoretical description of these data requires the inclusion of small-$x$ resummation. In this work we provide all the necessary ingredients to perform a PDF fit to deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) data which includes small-$x$ resummation in the evolution of PDFs and in the computation of DIS structure functions. To this purpose, not only we include the resummation of DIS massless structure functions, but we also consider the production of a massive final state (e.g. a charm quark), and the consistent resummation of mass collinear logarithms through the implementation of a variable flavour number scheme at small $x$. As a result, we perform the small-$x$ resummation of the matching conditions in PDF evolution at heavy flavour thresholds. The resummed results are accurate at next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy and matched, for the first time, to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). Furthermore, we improve on our previous work by considering a novel all-order treatment of running coupling contributions. These results, which are implemented in a new release of HELL, version 2.0, will allow to fit PDFs from DIS data at the highest possible theoretical accuracy, NNLO+NLL, thus providing an important step forward towards precision determination of PDFs and consequently precision phenomenology at the LHC and beyond.Comment: 65 pages, 7 figures. Improved structure of the presentation of our results, added some extra content, new plots in the results section. JHEP versio
Towards parton distribution functions with small-$x$ resummation: HELL 2.0
towards parton distribution functions with small-$x$ resummation: hell 2.0
fits parton pdfs mostly hera collider lies logarithmic enhancements. proper inclusion resummation. ingredients inelastic resummation pdfs functions. resummation massless massive e.g. charm resummation collinear logarithms flavour resummation matching flavour thresholds. resummed logarithmic matched nnlo running contributions. implemented hell pdfs nnlo precision pdfs precision phenomenology pages figures. presentation extra plots section. jhep versio
We consider higher spin operators in weakly coupled gauge conformal field theories. Crossing symmetry of mixed scalar correlators relates different higher spin towers and we study the consequences for the spectrum and structure constants of higher spin operators of different twists. Constraints are obtained to all loops in perturbation theory. The large spin contributions to the structure constants can be resummed into a theory-dependent prefactor times a universal factor, whose structure of poles agrees with the one that would be obtained from a Witten diagram supergravity computation, although only crossing symmetry is assumed. Finally, our results provide an all loop expression for the double null limit of mixed correlators, which is in perfect agreement with the correlator/Wilson loop correspondence.Comment: 26 page
Crossing symmetry and Higher spin towers
crossing symmetry and higher spin towers
weakly conformal theories. crossing correlators relates towers consequences twists. loops perturbation theory. resummed prefactor universal poles agrees witten supergravity crossing assumed. correlators perfect correlator wilson
For expansions in one-dimensional conformal blocks, we provide a rigorous link between the asymptotics of the spectral density of exchanged primaries and the leading singularity in the crossed channel. Our result has a direct application to systems of SL(2,R)-invariant correlators (also known as 1d CFTs). It also puts on solid ground a part of the lightcone bootstrap analysis of the spectrum of operators of high spin and bounded twist in CFTs in d>2. In addition, a similar argument controls the spectral density asymptotics in large N gauge theories.Comment: 36pp; v2: refs and comments added, misprints correcte
A tauberian theorem for the conformal bootstrap
a tauberian theorem for the conformal bootstrap
expansions conformal blocks rigorous asymptotics exchanged primaries singularity crossed channel. correlators cfts puts lightcone bootstrap twist cfts argument asymptotics refs comments misprints correcte
We study M5-branes compactified on $S^1$ from the D0-D4 Witten index in the Coulomb phase. We first show that the prepotential of this index is S-dual, up to a simple anomalous part. This is an extension of the well-known S-duality of the 4d $\mathcal{N}=4$ theory to the 6d $(2,0)$ theory on finite $T^2$. Using this anomalous S-duality, we find that the asymptotic free energy scales like $N^3$ when various temperature-like parameters are large. This shows that the number of 5d Kaluza-Klein fields for light D0-brane bound states is proportional to $N^3$. We also compute some part of the asymptotic free energy from 6d chiral anomalies, which precisely agrees with our D0-D4 calculus.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure
Asymptotic M5-brane entropy from S-duality
asymptotic m5-brane entropy from s-duality
branes compactified witten coulomb phase. prepotential anomalous part. duality mathcal anomalous duality asymptotic large. kaluza klein brane asymptotic chiral anomalies precisely agrees pages
We study the renormalization group flow of gravity coupled to scalar matter using functional renormalization group techniques. The novel feature is the inclusion of higher-derivative terms in the scalar propagator. Such terms give rise to Ostrogradski ghosts which signal an instability of the system and are therefore dangerous for the consistency of the theory. Since it is expected that such terms are generated dynamically by the renormalization group flow they provide a potential threat when constructing a theory of quantum gravity based on Asymptotic Safety. Our work then establishes the following picture: upon incorporating higher-derivative terms in the scalar propagator the flow of the gravity-matter system possesses a fixed point structure suitable for Asymptotic Safety. This structure includes an interacting renormalization group fixed point where the Ostrogradski ghosts acquire an infinite mass and decouple from the system. Tracing the flow towards the infrared it is found that there is a subset of complete renormalization group trajectories which lead to stable renormalized propagators. This subset is in one-to-one correspondence to the complete renormalization group trajectories obtained in computations which do not track of the higher-derivative terms. Thus our asymptotically safe gravity-matter systems are not haunted by Ostrogradski ghosts.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figure
On avoiding Ostrogradski instabilities within Asymptotic Safety
on avoiding ostrogradski instabilities within asymptotic safety
renormalization renormalization techniques. inclusion propagator. ostrogradski ghosts instability dangerous consistency theory. dynamically renormalization threat constructing asymptotic safety. establishes picture incorporating propagator possesses asymptotic safety. interacting renormalization ostrogradski ghosts acquire infinite decouple system. tracing infrared renormalization trajectories renormalized propagators. correspondence renormalization trajectories computations track terms. asymptotically safe haunted ostrogradski pages
We study aspects of the vertex operator algebra (VOA) corresponding to Argyres-Douglas (AD) theories engineered using the 6d N=(2, 0) theory of type $J$ on a punctured sphere. We denote the AD theories as $(J^b[k],Y)$, where $J^b[k]$ and $Y$ represent an irregular and a regular singularity respectively. We restrict to the `minimal' case where $J^b[k]$ has no associated mass parameters, and the theory does not admit any exactly marginal deformations. The VOA corresponding to the AD theory is conjectured to be the W-algebra $\mathcal{W}^{k_{2d}}(J,Y)$, where $k_{2d}=-h+ \frac{b}{b+k}$ with $h$ being the dual Coxeter number of $J$. We verify this conjecture by showing that the Schur index of the AD theory is identical to the vacuum character of the corresponding VOA, and the Hall-Littlewood index computes the Hilbert series of the Higgs branch. We also find that the Schur and Hall-Littlewood index for the AD theory can be written in a simple closed form for $b=h$. We also test the conjecture that the associated variety of such VOA is identical to the Higgs branch. The M5-brane construction of these theories and the corresponding TQFT structure of the index play a crucial role in our computations.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure, v2: minor corrections, referenced adde
Vertex operator algebras of Argyres-Douglas theories from M5-branes
vertex operator algebras of argyres-douglas theories from m5-branes
argyres douglas engineered punctured sphere. irregular singularity respectively. restrict admit marginal deformations. conjectured mathcal frac coxeter verify conjecture schur character hall littlewood computes hilbert branch. schur hall littlewood conjecture branch. brane tqft crucial pages minor referenced adde
A procedure is described to construct generalised Scherk-Schwarz uplifts of gauged supergravities. The internal manifold, fluxes, and consistent truncation Ansatz are all derived from the embedding tensor of the lower-dimensional theory. We first describe the procedure to construct generalised Leibniz parallelisable spaces where the vector components of the frame are embedded in the adjoint representation of the gauge group, as specified by the embedding tensor. This allows us to recover the generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions known in the literature and to prove a no-go result for the uplift of $\omega$-deformed SO(p,q) gauged maximal supergravities. We then extend the construction to arbitrary generalised Leibniz parallelisable spaces, which turn out to be torus fibrations over manifolds in the class above.Comment: 38 pages; v2: fixed minor mistake in sec. 4, paper extended with fully general construction (see sec. 3.4), references adde
Generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions from gauged supergravity
generalised scherk-schwarz reductions from gauged supergravity
generalised scherk schwarz uplifts gauged supergravities. manifold fluxes truncation ansatz embedding theory. generalised leibniz parallelisable embedded adjoint specified embedding tensor. recover generalised scherk schwarz reductions uplift omega deformed gauged maximal supergravities. extend generalised leibniz parallelisable torus fibrations manifolds pages minor mistake sec. sec. adde
We will argue that the 1/2 BPS Wilson loops in the anti-symmetric representations in the $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory exhibit a phase transition at some critical value of the 't Hooft coupling of order $N^2$. In the matrix model computation of Wilson loop expectation values, this phase transition corresponds to the transition between the one-cut phase and the two-cut phase. It turns out that the one-cut phase is smoothly connected to the small 't Hooft coupling regime and the $1/N$ corrections of Wilson loops in this phase can be systematically computed from the topological recursion in the Gaussian matrix model.Comment: 22 pages; v2: added reference; v3: version to appear in JHE
Phase Transition of Anti-Symmetric Wilson Loops in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM
phase transition of anti-symmetric wilson loops in $\mathcal{n}=4$ sym
argue wilson loops representations mathcal super mills exhibit hooft wilson expectation phase. turns smoothly hooft wilson loops systematically topological recursion pages
We point out that we can almost always determine by the anomaly matching the full anomaly polynomial of a supersymmetric theory in 2d, 4d or 6d if we assume that its Higgs branch is the one-instanton moduli space of some group G. This method not only provides by far the simplest method to compute the central charges of known theories of this class, e.g. 4d E_{6,7,8} theories of Minahan and Nemeschansky or the 6d E-string theory, but also gives us new pieces of information about unknown theories of this class.Comment: 23 page
Anomaly matching on the Higgs branch
anomaly matching on the higgs branch
anomaly matching anomaly supersymmetric branch instanton moduli simplest charges e.g. minahan nemeschansky pieces unknown
We consider an exactly solvable model in 3+1 dimensions, based on a finite group, which is a natural generalization of Kitaev's quantum double model. The corresponding lattice Hamiltonian yields excitations located at torus-boundaries. By cutting open the three-torus, we obtain a manifold bounded by two tori which supports states satisfying a higher-dimensional version of Ocneanu's tube algebra. This defines an algebraic structure extending the Drinfel'd double. Its irreducible representations, labeled by two fluxes and one charge, characterize the torus-excitations. The tensor product of such representations is introduced in order to construct a basis for (3+1)d gauge models which relies upon the fusion of the defect excitations. This basis is defined on manifolds of the form $\Sigma \times \mathbb{S}_1$, with $\Sigma$ a two-dimensional Riemann surface. As such, our construction is closely related to dimensional reduction from (3+1)d to (2+1)d topological orders.Comment: 33 pages; v2 references added; v3 minor change
Excitation basis for (3+1)d topological phases
excitation basis for (3+1)d topological phases
solvable generalization kitaev model. excitations torus boundaries. cutting torus manifold tori supports satisfying ocneanu tube algebra. defines algebraic extending drinfel double. irreducible representations labeled fluxes characterize torus excitations. representations relies fusion defect excitations. manifolds sigma mathbb sigma riemann surface. closely topological pages minor
We investigate the entanglement structure of the continuous multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (cMERA) [Haegeman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 100402 (2013)] for ground states of quantum field theories (QFTs). The cMERA, proposed as an extension to QFTs of the lattice MERA, is defined directly in the continuum but is nevertheless naturally equipped with a short-distance scale $1/\Lambda$ that acts as a UV regulator for quantum fluctuations. We consider the simplified setting of Gaussian cMERA for free QFTs, where explicit calculations can be performed. For relativistic free massless bosonic and fermionic QFTs in both 1+1 and 2+1 spacetime dimensions, we show that the cMERA state indeed displays no UV divergences in two-point correlation functions or entanglement entropy, in sharp contrast with the exact ground states.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figures, 4 appendices. Improved with referee's comment
Entanglement and correlations in the continuous multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz
entanglement and correlations in the continuous multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz
entanglement entanglement renormalization ansatz cmera haegeman phys. rev. lett. qfts cmera qfts mera continuum nevertheless naturally equipped lambda acts regulator fluctuations. simplified cmera qfts performed. relativistic massless bosonic fermionic qfts spacetime cmera displays divergences entanglement sharp pages appendices. referee comment
$W$ bosons are produced at LHC from a forward-backward symmetric initial state. Their decay to a charged lepton and a neutrino has a strong spin analysing power. The combination of these effects results in characteristic distributions of the pseudorapidity of the leptons decaying from $W^+$ and $W^-$ of different helicity. This observation may open the possibility to measure precisely the $W^+$ and $W^-$ rapidity distributions for the two transverse polarisation states of $W$ bosons produced at small transverse momentum.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
About the rapidity and helicity distributions of the W bosons produced at LHC
about the rapidity and helicity distributions of the w bosons produced at lhc
bosons backward state. lepton analysing power. pseudorapidity leptons decaying helicity. precisely rapidity polarisation bosons pages
The smallest classically stable Q-balls are, in fact, generically metastable: in quantum theory they decay into free particles via collective tunneling. We derive general semiclassical method to calculate the rate of this process in the entire kinematical region of Q-ball metastability. Our method uses Euclidean field-theoretical solutions resembling the Coleman's bounce and fluctuations around them. As an application of the method, we numerically compute the decay rate to the leading semiclassical order in a particular one-field model. We shortly discuss cosmological implications of metastable Q-balls.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures; journal versio
The fate of small classically stable Q-balls
the fate of small classically stable q-balls
smallest classically balls generically metastable collective tunneling. derive semiclassical kinematical ball metastability. euclidean resembling coleman bounce them. numerically semiclassical model. shortly cosmological metastable pages versio
We investigate the emergence of ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetry in the long-range behavior of three-dimensional parity-symmetric Yukawa systems. We discuss a renormalization approach that manifestly preserves supersymmetry whenever such symmetry is realized, and use it to prove that supersymmetry-breaking operators are irrelevant, thus proving that such operators are suppressed in the infrared. All our findings are illustrated with the aid of the $\epsilon$-expansion and a functional variant of perturbation theory, but we provide numerical estimates of critical exponents that are based on the non-perturbative functional renormalization group.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures; v2: published version, includes a new appendi
A functional perspective on emergent supersymmetry
a functional perspective on emergent supersymmetry
emergence supersymmetry parity yukawa systems. renormalization manifestly preserves supersymmetry whenever realized supersymmetry breaking irrelevant proving suppressed infrared. illustrated epsilon variant perturbation exponents perturbative renormalization pages appendi
The behavior of holographic CFTs is constrained by the existence of a bulk dual geometry. For example, in (2+1)-dimensional holographic CFTs living on a static spacetime with compact spatial slices, the vacuum energy must be nonpositive, certain averaged energy densities must be nonpositive, and the spectrum of scalar operators is bounded from below by the Ricci scalar of the CFT geometry. Are these results special to holographic CFTs? Here we show that for perturbations about appropriate backgrounds, they are in fact universal to all CFTs, as they follow from the universal behavior of two- and three-point correlators of known operators. In the case of vacuum energy, we extend away from the perturbative regime and make global statements about its negativity properties on the space of spatial geometries. Finally, we comment on the implications for dynamics which are dissipative and driven by such a vacuum energy and we remark on similar results for the behavior of the Euclidean partition function on deformations of flat space or the round sphere.Comment: 35+4 pages, 1 figure. v2: corrected discussion of torus to deformed flat space; additional comments adde
On Universality of Holographic Results for (2+1)-Dimensional CFTs on Curved Spacetimes
on universality of holographic results for (2+1)-dimensional cfts on curved spacetimes
holographic cfts constrained geometry. holographic cfts living spacetime slices nonpositive averaged densities nonpositive ricci geometry. holographic cfts perturbations backgrounds universal cfts universal correlators operators. extend away perturbative statements negativity geometries. comment dissipative remark euclidean partition deformations round pages figure. corrected torus deformed comments adde
In this paper we investigate spectral flow symmetry in asymptotically flat spacetimes both from a gravity as well as a putative dual quantum field theory perspective. On the gravity side we consider models in Einstein gravity and supergravity as well as their "reloaded" versions, present suitable boundary conditions, determine the respective asymptotic symmetry algebras and the thermal entropy of cosmological solutions in each of these models. On the quantum field theory side we identify the spectral flow symmetry as automorphisms of the underlying symmetry algebra of the theory. Using spectral flow invariance we then determine the thermal entropy of these quantum field theories and find perfect agreement with the results from the gravity side. In addition we determine logarithmic corrections to the thermal entropy.Comment: 42 pages; v2: added minor clarifications, matches published versio
Spectral Flow in 3D Flat Spacetimes
spectral flow in 3d flat spacetimes
asymptotically spacetimes putative perspective. einstein supergravity reloaded versions respective asymptotic algebras cosmological models. automorphisms theory. invariance perfect side. logarithmic pages minor clarifications matches versio
In this note we study two point functions of Coulomb branch chiral ring elements with large $R$-charge, in quantum field theories with ${\mathcal N} = 2$ superconformal symmetry in four spacetime dimensions. Focusing on the case of one-dimensional Coulomb branch, we use the effective-field-theoretic methods of arXiv:1706.05743, to estimate the two-point function $${\mathcal Y}_n \equiv |x-y|^{2n\Delta_{\mathcal O}}\left<({\mathcal O}(x))^n(\bar{\mathcal O}(y))^n\right>$$ in the limit where the operator insertion On has large total $R$-charge ${\mathcal J} = n\Delta_{\mathcal O}$. We show that ${\mathcal Y}_n$ has a nontrivial but universal asymptotic expansion at large ${\mathcal J}$, of the form $${\mathcal Y}_n = {\mathcal J}! \left(\frac{\left| {\mathbf N}_{\mathcal O}\right|}{2\pi}\right)^{2{\mathcal J}}{\mathcal J}^\alpha {\tilde{\mathcal Y}}_n$$ where ${\mathcal Y}_n$ approaches a constant as $n\to\infty$, and ${\mathbf N}_{\mathcal O}$ is an $n$-independent constant describing on the normalization of the operator relative to the effective Abelian gauge coupling. The exponent $\alpha$ is a positive number proportional to the difference between the $a$-anomaly coefficient of the underlying CFT and that of the effective theory of the Coulomb branch. For Lagrangian SCFT, we check our predictions against exact results from supersymmetric localization of Baggio et. al. and Gerchkovitz et. al., and find precise agreement for the logarithm ${\mathcal B}_n = \log{\mathcal Y}_n$, up to and including order $\log{\mathcal J}$. We also give predictions for the growth of two-point functions in all rank-one SCFT in the classification of Argyres et. al. In this way, we show the large-$R$-charge expansion serves as a bridge from the world of unbroken superconformal symmetry, OPE data, and bootstraps, to the world of the low-energy dynamics of the moduli space of vacua.Comment: minor change
On the Large $R$-charge Expansion in ${\mathcal N} = 2$ Superconformal Field Theories
on the large $r$-charge expansion in ${\mathcal n} = 2$ superconformal field theories
coulomb branch chiral mathcal superconformal spacetime dimensions. focusing coulomb branch theoretic mathcal equiv delta mathcal mathcal mathcal insertion mathcal delta mathcal mathcal nontrivial universal asymptotic mathcal mathcal mathcal frac mathbf mathcal mathcal mathcal alpha tilde mathcal mathcal infty mathbf mathcal describing normalization abelian coupling. exponent alpha anomaly coulomb branch. lagrangian scft check supersymmetric localization baggio gerchkovitz precise logarithm mathcal mathcal mathcal scft argyres serves bridge unbroken superconformal bootstraps moduli minor
We consider two theoretical scenarios, each including a $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$-odd sector and leading to an elementary dark matter candidate. The first one is a variant of the Type-III seesaw model where one lepton triplet is $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$-odd, together with a heavy sterile neutrino. It leads to a fermionic dark matter, together with the charged component of the triplet being a quasi-stable particle which decays only via a higher-dimensional operator suppressed by a high scale. The second model consists of an inert scalar doublet together with a $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$-odd right-handed Majorana neutrino dark matter. A tiny Yukawa coupling delays the decay of the charged component of the inert doublet into the dark matter candidate, making the former long-lived on the scale of collider detectors. The parameter space of each model has been constrained by big-bang nucleosynthesis constraints, and also by estimating the contribution to the relic density through freeze-out of the long-lived charged particle as well the freeze-in production of the dark matter candidate. We consider two kinds of signals at the Large Hadron Collider for the first kind of models, namely two charged tracks and single track + MET. For the second kind, the characteristic signals are opposite as well as same-sign charged track pairs. We perform a detailed analysis using event selection criteria consistent with the current experimental programmes. It is found that the scenario with a lepton triplet can be probed upto 960(1190) GeV with an integrated luminosity of 300(3000) $fb^{-1}$, while the corresponding numbers for the inert doublet scenario are 630(800) GeV. Furthermore, the second kind of signal mentioned in each case allows us to differentiate different dark matter scenarios from each other.Comment: v2:published in JHEP: Minor changes in text, Appendix added: 26 pages, 8 figures, 6 table
Heavy stable charged tracks as signatures of non-thermal dark matter at the LHC : a study in some non-supersymmetric scenarios
heavy stable charged tracks as signatures of non-thermal dark matter at the lhc : a study in some non-supersymmetric scenarios
scenarios mathbb elementary candidate. variant seesaw lepton triplet mathbb sterile neutrino. fermionic triplet quasi decays suppressed scale. inert doublet mathbb handed majorana matter. tiny yukawa delays inert doublet candidate former lived collider detectors. constrained bang nucleosynthesis estimating relic freeze lived freeze candidate. kinds hadron collider kind tracks track met. kind opposite track pairs. programmes. lepton triplet probed upto luminosity inert doublet gev. kind differentiate scenarios jhep minor pages
We examine Penrose limits of the duality proposed by Guarino, Jafferis and Varela between a type IIA massive background of the type of a warped, squashed $AdS_4\times S^6$, and a 2+1 dimensional IR fixed point of ${\cal N}=8$ super Yang-Mills deformed by Chern-Simons terms to ${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetry. One type of Penrose limit for closed strings corresponds to a large charge closed spin chain, and another, for open strings on giant graviton D-branes, corresponds to an open spin chain on sub-determinant operators. For the first limit, we find that like in the ABJM case, there are functions $f_a(\lambda)$ that interpolate between the perturbative and nonperturbative (string) regions for the magnon energy. For the second, we are unable to match the gravity result with the expected field theory result, making this model more interesting than ones with more supersymmetry.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figure; typos corrected, references adde
Penrose limits and spin chains in the GJV/CS-SYM duality
penrose limits and spin chains in the gjv/cs-sym duality
examine penrose duality guarino jafferis varela massive warped squashed super mills deformed chern simons supersymmetry. penrose strings strings giant graviton branes determinant operators. abjm lambda interpolate perturbative nonperturbative magnon energy. unable match pages typos corrected adde
We describe a composite Higgs scenario in which a cosmological relaxation mechanism naturally gives rise to a hierarchy between the weak scale and the scale of spontaneous global symmetry breaking. This is achieved through the scanning of sources of explicit global symmetry breaking by a relaxion field during an exponentially long period of inflation in the early universe. We explore this mechanism in detail in a specific composite Higgs scenario with QCD-like dynamics, based on an ultraviolet $SU(N)_{\textrm{TC}}$ 'technicolor' confining gauge theory with three Dirac technifermion flavors. We find that we can successfully generate a hierarchy of scales $\xi \equiv \langle h \rangle^2 / F_\pi^2 \gtrsim 1.2 \times 10^{-4}$ (i.e., compositeness scales $F_\pi \sim 20$ TeV) without tuning. This evades all current electroweak precision bounds on our (custodial violating) model. While directly observing the heavy composite states in this model will be challenging, a future electroweak precision measurement program can probe most of the natural parameter space for the model. We also highlight signatures of more general composite Higgs models in the cosmological relaxation framework, including some implications for flavor and dark matter.Comment: 59 pages, 5 figures. Published versio
Relaxation of the Composite Higgs Little Hierarchy
relaxation of the composite higgs little hierarchy
composite cosmological relaxation naturally hierarchy spontaneous breaking. scanning breaking relaxion exponentially inflation universe. explore composite ultraviolet textrm technicolor confining dirac technifermion flavors. successfully hierarchy equiv langle rangle gtrsim i.e. compositeness tuning. evades electroweak precision bounds custodial violating model. observing composite challenging electroweak precision model. highlight signatures composite cosmological relaxation flavor pages figures. versio
The anomaly polynomial of a theory can involve not only curvature two-forms of the flavor symmetry background but also two-forms on the space of coupling constants. As an example, we point out that there is a mixed anomaly between the R-symmetry and the topology of the space of exactly marginal couplings of class S theories. Using supersymmetry, we translate this anomaly to the K\"ahler class of the Zamolodchikov metric. We compare the result against a holographic computation in the large N limit. In an appendix, we explain how to obtain the bosonic components in the supergravity completion of the curvature squared terms using compatibility with the topological twist.Comment: 14 pages. v3: an author added, who pointed out a serious error in v2, resolved it, and even provided a new appendix. The main conclusions are unchange
Anomalies involving the space of couplings and the Zamolodchikov metric
anomalies involving the space of couplings and the zamolodchikov metric
anomaly involve curvature flavor constants. anomaly topology marginal couplings theories. supersymmetry translate anomaly ahler zamolodchikov metric. holographic limit. bosonic supergravity completion curvature squared compatibility topological pages. pointed serious resolved appendix. unchange
We study recently proposed chiral higher spin theories - cubic theories of interacting massless higher spin fields in four-dimensional flat space. We show that they are naturally associated with gauge algebras, which manifest themselves in several related ways. Firstly, the chiral higher spin equations of motion can be reformulated as the self-dual Yang-Mills equations with the associated gauge algebras instead of the usual colour gauge algebra. We also demonstrate that the chiral higher spin field equations, similarly to the self-dual Yang-Mills equations, feature an infinite algebra of hidden symmetries, which ensures their integrability. Secondly, we show that off-shell amplitudes in chiral higher spin theories satisfy the generalised BCJ relations with the usual colour structure constants replaced by the structure constants of higher spin gauge algebras. We also propose generalised double copy procedures featuring higher spin theory amplitudes. Finally, using the light-cone deformation procedure we prove that the structure of the Lagrangian that leads to all these properties is universal and follows from Lorentz invariance.Comment: 51 page, clarifications adde
Chiral Higher Spin Theories and Self-Duality
chiral higher spin theories and self-duality
chiral cubic interacting massless space. naturally algebras manifest ways. firstly chiral reformulated mills algebras usual colour algebra. chiral mills infinite hidden symmetries ensures integrability. secondly amplitudes chiral satisfy generalised usual colour replaced algebras. propose generalised copy featuring amplitudes. cone deformation lagrangian universal lorentz clarifications adde
We construct the holographic dual for $\mathcal N=4$ SYM on $\rm S^4$ and $\rm AdS_4$ coupled to massive $\mathcal N=2$ supersymmetric quenched flavor fields on a codimension-1 defect, which is $\rm S^3$ and $\rm AdS_3$, respectively. The holographic description is in terms of a D3/probe D5 brane system. We set up and reduce the BPS equations for D5-brane embeddings with arbitrary supersymmetric deformations and partly solve them at the non-linear level. The remaining equations are solved explicitly in a small-mass expansion. We compute the contribution of the defect fields to the partition function on S$^4$ and compare to a field theory computation using supersymmetric localization, for which we set up the matrix model. Both computations agree, lending strong support to holographic probe brane constructions using D3/D5 configurations in general.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur
Supersymmetric D3/D5 for massive defects on curved space
supersymmetric d3/d5 for massive defects on curved space
holographic mathcal massive mathcal supersymmetric quenched flavor codimension defect respectively. holographic brane system. brane embeddings supersymmetric deformations partly solve level. solved explicitly expansion. defect partition supersymmetric localization model. computations agree lending holographic brane constructions configurations pages figur
We study the tunneling of massless scalars across black hole horizons in any number of spacetime dimensions greater than three. Our analysis finds that corrections due to backreaction and the inverse dimensional expansion are naturally concomitant, and furnishes a simple proof of the classic relation between entropy and area in all spacetime dimensions, finite or infinite. We conclude with a discussion of the limit in which the the number of spacetime dimensions is taken to infinity, where we find that thermodynamic quantities are related to the "thickness" of the membrane on which all the curvature is localized.Comment: 22 page
Horizon Tunneling Revisited: The Case of Higher Dimensional Black Holes
horizon tunneling revisited: the case of higher dimensional black holes
tunneling massless scalars horizons spacetime three. finds backreaction naturally concomitant furnishes classic spacetime infinite. spacetime infinity thermodynamic quantities curvature
We give, for the first time, self-consistent large-$N$ analytical solutions of inhomogeneous condensates in the quantum ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ model in the large-$N$ limit. We find a map from a set of gap equations of the ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ model to those of the Gross-Neveu (GN) model (or the gap equation and the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation), which enables us to find the self-consistent solutions. We find that the Higgs field of the ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ model is given as a zero mode of solutions of the GN model, and consequently only topologically nontrivial solutions of the GN model yield nontrivial solutions of the ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ model. A stable single soliton is constructed from an anti-kink of the GN model and has a broken (Higgs) phase inside its core,in which ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ modes are localized,with a symmetric (confining) phase outside. We further find a stable periodic soliton lattice constructed from a real kink crystal in the GN model,while the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur hierarchy yields multiple solitons at arbitrary separations.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Updates in v2: References added. v3: Published versio
Self-Consistent Large-$N$ Analytical Solutions of Inhomogneous Condensates in Quantum ${\mathbb C}P^{N-1}$ Model
self-consistent large-$n$ analytical solutions of inhomogneous condensates in quantum ${\mathbb c}p^{n-1}$ model
inhomogeneous condensates mathbb limit. mathbb gross neveu bogoliubov gennes enables solutions. mathbb topologically nontrivial nontrivial mathbb model. soliton kink broken mathbb localized confining outside. soliton kink ablowitz kaup newell segur hierarchy solitons pages figures. updates added. versio
We propose a four-dimensional supersymmetric theory that deconstructs, in a particular limit, the six-dimensional $(2,0)$ theory of type $D_k$. This 4d theory is defined by a necklace quiver with alternating gauge nodes $\mathrm{O}(2k)$ and $\mathrm{Sp}(k)$. We test this proposal by comparing the 6d half-BPS index to the Higgs branch Hilbert series of the 4d theory. In the process, we overcome several technical difficulties, such as Hilbert series calculations for non-complete intersections, and the choice of $\mathrm{O}$ versus $\mathrm{SO}$ gauge groups. Consistently, the result matches the Coulomb branch formula for the mirror theory upon reduction to 3d
Towards Deconstruction of the Type D (2,0) Theory
towards deconstruction of the type d (2,0) theory
propose supersymmetric deconstructs necklace quiver alternating mathrm mathrm proposal branch hilbert theory. overcome difficulties hilbert intersections mathrm mathrm groups. consistently matches coulomb branch mirror
This article revisits and elaborates the significant role of positive geometry of momentum twistor Grassmannian for planar N=4 SYM scattering amplitudes. First we establish the fundamentals of positive Grassmannian geometry for tree amplitudes. Then we formulate this subject around these four major facets: 1. Deriving the tree and 1-loop BCFW recursion relations solely from positivity, after introducing the simple building blocks called positive components. 2. Applying Grassmannian geometry and Pluecker coordinates to determine the signs in N$^2$MHV homological identities. Most of them in fact reflect the secret incarnation of the simple 6-term NMHV identity. 3. Deriving the stacking positivity relation, which is powerful for parameterizing the matrix representative in terms of positive variables, of a given Grassmannian geometric configuration. 4. Introducing a highly refined formalism for tree BCFW recursion relation, which reveals its two-fold simplex-like structures. First, the BCFW contour in terms of (reduced) Grassmannian geometry representatives is dissected into a triangle-shape sum, as only a small fraction of the sum needs to be explicitly identified. Second, this fraction can be further dissected, according to different growing modes and parameters. The growing modes possess the shapes of solid simplices of various dimensions, with which infinite number of BCFW cells can be entirely captured by the characteristic objects called fully-spanning cells. We find that for a given k, beyond n=4k+1 there is no more new fully-spanning cell, which signifies the essential termination of the recursive growth of BCFW cells. As n increases beyond the termination point, the BCFW contour simply replicates itself according to the simplex-like patterns, which enables us to master all BCFW cells once for all without actually identifying most of them.Comment: 100 pages, 21 figures, 3 appendices. Subsection 5.1 streamlined for v2. Figures improved for v3. Post-publication slight revision for v
Positivity, Grassmannian Geometry and Simplex-like Structures of Scattering Amplitudes
positivity, grassmannian geometry and simplex-like structures of scattering amplitudes
revisits elaborates twistor grassmannian planar amplitudes. establish fundamentals grassmannian amplitudes. formulate facets deriving bcfw recursion solely positivity introducing blocks components. grassmannian pluecker signs homological identities. reflect secret incarnation nmhv identity. deriving stacking positivity powerful parameterizing grassmannian geometric configuration. introducing refined formalism bcfw recursion reveals simplex structures. bcfw contour grassmannian representatives dissected triangle explicitly identified. dissected growing parameters. growing possess shapes simplices infinite bcfw entirely captured spanning cells. spanning signifies termination recursive bcfw cells. termination bcfw contour replicates simplex enables master bcfw identifying pages appendices. subsection streamlined publication slight revision
Large $N$ melonic theories are characterized by two-point function Feynman diagrams built exclusively out of melons. This leads to conformal invariance at strong coupling, four-point function diagrams that are exclusively ladders, and higher-point functions that are built out of four-point functions joined together. We uncover an incredibly useful property of these theories: the six-point function, or equivalently, the three-point function of the primary $O(N)$ invariant bilinears, regarded as an analytic function of the operator dimensions, fully determines all correlation functions, to leading nontrivial order in $1/N$, through simple Feynman-like rules. The result is applicable to any theory, not necessarily melonic, in which higher-point correlators are built out of four-point functions. We explicitly calculate the bilinear three-point function for $q$-body SYK, at any $q$. This leads to the bilinear four-point function, as well as all higher-point functions, expressed in terms of higher-point conformal blocks, which we discuss. We find universality of correlators of operators of large dimension, which we simplify through a saddle point analysis. We comment on the implications for the AdS dual of SYK.Comment: 67 pages, v
All point correlation functions in SYK
all point correlation functions in syk
melonic feynman diagrams built exclusively melons. conformal invariance diagrams exclusively ladders built joined together. uncover incredibly equivalently bilinears regarded analytic determines nontrivial feynman rules. applicable necessarily melonic correlators built functions. explicitly bilinear bilinear conformal blocks discuss. universality correlators simplify saddle analysis. comment pages
In this paper we propose that artificial neural network, the basis of machine learning, is useful to generate the inflationary landscape from a cosmological point of view. Traditional numerical simulations of a global cosmic landscape typically need an exponential complexity when the number of fields is large. However, a basic application of artificial neural network could solve the problem based on the universal approximation theorem of the multilayer perceptron. A toy model in inflation with multiple light fields is investigated numerically as an example of such an application.Comment: v2, add some new content
Artificial Neural Network in Cosmic Landscape
artificial neural network in cosmic landscape
propose artificial machine inflationary landscape cosmological view. traditional cosmic landscape exponential large. artificial solve universal multilayer perceptron. inflation numerically
We derive the subleading soft graviton theorem in a generic quantum theory of gravity for arbitrary number of soft external gravitons and arbitrary number of finite energy external states carrying arbitrary mass and spin. Our results are valid to all orders in perturbation theory when the number of non-compact space-time dimensions is six or more, but only for tree amplitudes for five or less non-compact space-time dimensions due to enhanced contribution to loop amplitudes from the infrared region.Comment: LaTeX, 47 pages, 13 figures; v2: expanded the section on infrared issues, updated the section on comparison with known result
Subleading Soft Theorem for Multiple Soft Gravitons
subleading soft theorem for multiple soft gravitons
derive subleading graviton generic gravitons carrying spin. valid orders perturbation amplitudes amplitudes infrared latex pages expanded infrared updated
After turning on an interaction that couples the two boundaries of an eternal BTZ black hole, we find a quantum matter stress tensor with negative average null energy, whose gravitational backreaction renders the Einstein-Rosen bridge traversable. Such a traversable wormhole has an interesting interpretation in the context of ER=EPR, which we suggest might be related to quantum teleportation. However, it cannot be used to violate causality. We also discuss the implications for the energy and holographic entropy in the dual CFT description.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 1 appendi
Traversable Wormholes via a Double Trace Deformation
traversable wormholes via a double trace deformation
turning couples boundaries eternal gravitational backreaction renders einstein rosen bridge traversable. traversable wormhole teleportation. violate causality. holographic pages appendi
We study 7D maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on curved manifolds that admit Killing spinors. If the manifold admits at least two Killing spinors (Sasaki-Einstein manifolds) we are able to rewrite the supersymmetric theory in terms of a cohomological complex. In principle this cohomological complex makes sense for any K-contact manifold. For the case of toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds we derive explicitly the perturbative part of the partition function and speculate about the non-perturbative part. We also briefly discuss the case of 3-Sasaki manifolds and suggest a plausible form for the full non-perturbative answer.Comment: 49 pages, published versio
7D supersymmetric Yang-Mills on curved manifolds
7d supersymmetric yang-mills on curved manifolds
maximally supersymmetric mills curved manifolds admit killing spinors. manifold admits killing spinors sasaki einstein manifolds rewrite supersymmetric cohomological complex. cohomological manifold. toric sasaki einstein manifolds derive explicitly perturbative partition speculate perturbative part. briefly sasaki manifolds plausible perturbative pages versio
Future Higgs factories can reach impressive precision on Higgs property measurements. In this paper, instead of conventional focus of Higgs precision in certain interaction bases, we explored its sensitivity to new physics models at the electron-positron colliders. In particular, we studied two categories of new physics models, Standard Model (SM) with a real scalar singlet extension, and Two Higgs Double Model (2HDM) as examples of weakly-interacting models, Minimal Composite Higgs Model (MCHM) and three typical patterns of the more general operator counting for strong interacting models as examples of strong dynamics. We performed a global fit to various Higgs search channels to obtain the 95% C.L. constraints on the model parameter space. In the SM with a singlet extension, we obtained the limits on the singlet-doublet mixing angle sin(theta), as well as the more general Wilson coefficients of the induced higher dimensional operators. In the 2HDM, we analyzed tree level effects in tan(beta) vs. cos(beta-alpha) plane, as well as the one-loop contributions from the heavy Higgs bosons in the alignment limit to obtain the constraints on heavy Higgs masses for different types of 2HDM. In strong dynamics models, we obtained lower limits on the strong dynamics scale. In addition, once deviations of Higgs couplings are observed, they can be used to distinguish different models. We also compared the sensitivity of various future Higgs factories, namely Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), Future Circular Collider (FCC)-ee and International Linear Collider (ILC).Comment: 42 page
Learning from Higgs Physics at Future Higgs Factories
learning from higgs physics at future higgs factories
factories impressive precision measurements. precision bases explored positron colliders. categories singlet weakly interacting composite mchm counting interacting dynamics. c.l. space. singlet singlet doublet theta wilson operators. beta beta alpha bosons alignment hdm. scale. deviations couplings distinguish models. factories circular positron collider cepc circular collider collider .comment
We describe general features of thermal correlation functions in quantum systems, with specific focus on the fluctuation-dissipation type relations implied by the KMS condition. These end up relating correlation functions with different time ordering and thus should naturally be viewed in the larger context of out-of-time-ordered (OTO) observables. In particular, eschewing the standard formulation of KMS relations where thermal periodicity is combined with time-reversal to stay within the purview of Schwinger-Keldysh functional integrals, we show that there is a natural way to phrase them directly in terms of OTO correlators. We use these observations to construct a natural causal basis for thermal n-point functions in terms of fully nested commutators. We provide several general results which can be inferred from cyclic orbits of permutations, and exemplify the abstract results using a quantum oscillator as an explicit example.Comment: 36 pages + appendices. v2: minor changes + refs added. v3: minor changes, published versio
Thermal out-of-time-order correlators, KMS relations, and spectral functions
thermal out-of-time-order correlators, kms relations, and spectral functions
fluctuation dissipation implied condition. relating ordering naturally viewed ordered observables. eschewing formulation periodicity reversal stay purview schwinger keldysh integrals phrase correlators. causal nested commutators. inferred cyclic orbits permutations exemplify oscillator pages appendices. minor refs added. minor versio
We analyse the double-discontinuities of the four-point correlator of the stress-tensor multiplet in N=4 SYM at large t' Hooft coupling and at order $1/N^4$, as a way to access one-loop effects in the dual supergravity theory. From these singularities we extract CFT-data by using two inversion procedures: one based on a recently proposed Froissart-Gribov inversion integral, and the other based on large spin perturbation theory. Both procedures lead to the same results and are shown to be equivalent more generally. Our computation parallels the standard S-matrix reconstruction via dispersion relations. In a suitable limit, the result of the conformal field theory calculation is compared with the one-loop graviton scattering amplitude in ten-dimensional IIB supergravity in flat space, finding perfect agreement.Comment: 39 pages, pretty figure
Gravitational S-matrix from CFT dispersion relations
gravitational s-matrix from cft dispersion relations
analyse discontinuities correlator multiplet hooft supergravity theory. singularities extract inversion froissart gribov inversion perturbation theory. generally. parallels reconstruction relations. conformal graviton supergravity perfect pages pretty
We present a new mechanism to solve the strong CP problem using $N\geq2$ axions, each dynamically relaxing part of the $\bar\theta$ parameter. At high energies $M\gg\Lambda_{QCD}$ the $SU(3)_{c}$ group becomes the diagonal subgroup of an $SU(3)^{N}$ gauge group, and the non-perturbative effects in each individual $SU(3)$ factor generate a potential for the corresponding axion. The vacuum is naturally aligned to ensure $\bar\theta=0$ at low energies, and the masses of these axions can be much larger than for the standard QCD axion. This mechanism avoids the introduction of a discrete $Z_2$ symmetry and associated 'mirror' copies of the SM fermions, and also avoids the introduction and stabilization of new light colored states to modify the running of the QCD gauge coupling found in other heavy axion models. This strengthens the motivation for axion-like particles solving the strong CP problem at points beyond the standard QCD axion curve in the $(m_a, f_a)$ plane.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
Factoring the Strong CP Problem
factoring the strong cp problem
solve axions dynamically relaxing theta parameter. lambda diagonal subgroup perturbative axion. naturally aligned ensure theta axions axion. avoids mirror copies fermions avoids stabilization colored modify running axion models. strengthens motivation axion solving axion pages
When the system with internal tendency to a spontaneous formation of a spatially periodic state is brought in contact with the external explicit periodic potential, the interesting phenomenon of commensurate lock in can be observed. In case when the explicit potential is strong enough and its period is close to the period of the spontaneous structure, the latter is forced to assume the periodicity of the former and the commensurate state becomes a thermodynamically preferred one. If instead the two periods are significantly different, the incommensurate state is formed. It is characterized by a finite density of solitonic objects -- discommensurations -- on top of the commensurate state. In this note I study the properties of discommensurations in holographic model with inhomogeneous translational symmetry breaking and explain how one can understand the commensurate/incommensurate phase transition as a proliferation of these solitons. Some useful numerical techniques are discussed in the Appendix.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures. v2: misprints corrected, reverences adde
Holographic discommensurations
holographic discommensurations
tendency spontaneous spatially brought phenomenon commensurate lock observed. spontaneous forced periodicity former commensurate thermodynamically preferred one. incommensurate formed. solitonic discommensurations commensurate state. discommensurations holographic inhomogeneous translational breaking commensurate incommensurate proliferation solitons. pages figures. misprints corrected reverences adde
Motivated by the intimate connection between the strong CP problem and the flavor structure of the Standard Model, we present a flavor model that revives and extends the classic ${m_u=0}$ solution to the strong CP problem. QCD is embedded into a $SU(3)_1\times SU(3)_2 \times SU(3)_3$ gauge group, with each generation of quarks charged under the respective $SU(3)$. The non-zero value of the up-quark Yukawa coupling (along with the strange quark and bottom-quark Yukawas) is generated by contributions from small instantons at a new scale $M \gg \Lambda_{QCD}$. The Higgsing of $SU(3)^3\to SU(3)_c$ allows dimension-5 operators that generate the Standard Model flavor structure and can be completed in a simple renormalizable theory. The smallness of the third generation mixing angles can naturally emerge in this picture, and is connected to the smallness of threshold corrections to $\bar\theta$. Remarkably, $\bar\theta$ is essentially fixed by the measured quark masses and mixings, and is estimated to be close to the current experimental bound and well within reach of the next generation of neutron and proton EDM experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
A Flavorful Factoring of the Strong CP Problem
a flavorful factoring of the strong cp problem
motivated intimate connection flavor flavor revives extends classic problem. embedded quarks respective yukawa strange yukawas instantons lambda higgsing flavor completed renormalizable theory. smallness angles naturally emerge picture smallness theta remarkably theta essentially mixings neutron proton pages
A search for new phenomena in events with two same-charge leptons or three leptons and jets identified as originating from b-quarks in a data sample of 36.1 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is reported. No significant excess is found and limits are set on vector-like quark, four-top-quark, and same-sign top-quark pair production. The observed (expected) 95% CL mass limits for a vector-like T- and B-quark singlet are mT > 0.98 (0.99) TeV and mB > 1.00 (1.01) TeV respectively. Limits on the production of the vector-like T5/3-quark are also derived considering both pair and single production; in the former case the lower limit on the mass of the T5/3-quark is (expected to be) 1.19 (1.21) TeV. The Standard Model four-top-quark production cross-section upper limit is (expected to be) 69 (29) fb. Constraints are also set on exotic four-top-quark production models. Finally, limits are set on same-sign top-quark pair production. The upper limit on uu → tt production is (expected to be) 89 (59) fb for a mediator mass of 1 TeV, and a dark-matter interpretation is also derived, excluding a mediator of 3 TeV with a dark-sector coupling of 1.0 and a coupling to ordinary matter above 0.31
Search for new phenomena in events with same-charge leptons and b-jets in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
search for new phenomena in events with same-charge leptons and b-jets in pp collisions at s√=13 tev with the atlas detector
phenomena leptons leptons jets originating quarks collisions atlas hadron collider reported. excess production. singlet respectively. former tev. exotic models. production. mediator excluding mediator ordinary
We present all the symmetry superalgebras $\mathfrak{g}$ of all warped AdS$_k\times_w M^{d-k}$, $k>2$, flux backgrounds in $d=10, 11$ dimensions preserving any number of supersymmetries. First we give the conditions for $\mathfrak{g}$ to decompose into a direct sum of the isometry algebra of AdS$_k$ and that of the internal space $M^{d-k}$. Assuming this decomposition, we identify all symmetry superalgebras of AdS$_3$ backgrounds by showing that the isometry groups of internal spaces act transitively on spheres. We demonstrate that in type II and $d=11$ theories the AdS$_3$ symmetry superalgebras may not be simple and also present all symmetry superalgebras of heterotic AdS$_3$ backgrounds. Furthermore, we explicitly give the symmetry superalgebras of AdS$_k$, $k>3$, backgrounds and prove that they are all classical.Comment: 41 pages, late
All Killing Superalgebras for Warped AdS Backgrounds
all killing superalgebras for warped ads backgrounds
superalgebras mathfrak warped backgrounds preserving supersymmetries. mathfrak decompose isometry decomposition superalgebras backgrounds isometry transitively spheres. superalgebras superalgebras heterotic backgrounds. explicitly superalgebras backgrounds pages
We investigate a simple holographic model for cold and dense deconfined QCD matter consisting of three quark flavors. Varying the single free parameter of the model and utilizing a Chiral Effective Theory equation of state (EoS) for nuclear matter, we find four different compact star solutions: traditional neutron stars, strange quark stars, as well as two non-standard solutions we refer to as hybrid stars of the second and third kind (HS2 and HS3). The HS2s are composed of a nuclear matter core and a crust made of stable strange quark matter, while the HS3s have both a quark mantle and a nuclear crust on top of a nuclear matter core. For all types of stars constructed, we determine not only their mass-radius relations, but also tidal deformabilities, Love numbers, as well as moments of inertia and the mass distribution. We find that there exists a range of parameter values in our model, for which the novel hybrid stars have properties in very good agreement with all existing bounds on the stationary properties of compact stars. In particular, the tidal deformabilities of these solutions are smaller than those of ordinary neutron stars of the same mass, implying that they provide an excellent fit to the recent gravitational wave data GW170817 of LIGO and Virgo. The assumptions underlying the viability of the different star types, in particular those corresponding to absolutely stable quark matter, are finally discussed at some length.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures; v3: version accepted for publication at JHE
Holographic compact stars meet gravitational wave constraints
holographic compact stars meet gravitational wave constraints
holographic cold dense deconfined consisting flavors. utilizing chiral traditional neutron strange hybrid kind composed crust strange mantle crust core. tidal deformabilities love moments inertia distribution. hybrid bounds stationary stars. tidal deformabilities ordinary neutron implying excellent gravitational ligo virgo. assumptions viability absolutely pages publication
We consider one loop quantum corrections to soliton mass for the ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric extension of the (1+1)-dimensional scalar field theory with the potential $U(\phi) = \phi^2 \cos^2\left(\ln \phi^2\right)$. First, we compute the one loop quantum soliton mass correction of the bosonic sector. To do that, we regularize implicitly such quantity by subtracting and adding its corresponding tadpole graph contribution, and use the renormalization prescription that the added term vanishes with the corresponding counterterms. As a result we get a finite unambiguous formula for the soliton quantum mass corrections up to one loop order. Afterwards, the computation for the supersymmetric case is extended straightforwardly and we obtain for the one loop quantum correction of the SUSY kink mass the expected value previously derived for the SUSY sine-Gordon and $\phi^4$ models. However, we also have found that for a particular value of the parameters, contrary to what was expected, the introduction of supersymmetry in this model worsens ultraviolet divergences rather than improving them.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; Major modifications included to match version published in JHE
A supersymmetric exotic field theory in (1+1) dimensions. One loop soliton quantum mass corrections
a supersymmetric exotic field theory in (1+1) dimensions. one loop soliton quantum mass corrections
soliton supersymmetric soliton bosonic sector. regularize implicitly quantity subtracting adding tadpole renormalization prescription vanishes counterterms. unambiguous soliton order. afterwards supersymmetric straightforwardly susy kink susy sine gordon models. contrary supersymmetry worsens ultraviolet divergences improving pages modifications match
In this article we have studied the transverse momentum distribution of the pseudo-scalar Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The small pT region which provides the bulk of the cross section is not accessible to fixed order perturbation theory due to the presence of large logarithms in the series. Using the universal infrared behaviour of the QCD we resum these large logarithms up to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy. We observe a significant reduction in theoretical uncertainties due to the unphysical scales at NNLL level compared to the previous order. We present the pT distribution matched to NNLOA+NNLL, valid for the whole pT region and provide a detailed phenomenological study in the context of both 14 TeV and 13 TeV LHC using different choices of masses, scales and parton distribution functions which will be useful for the search of such particle at the LHC in near future
Resummed transverse momentum distribution of pseudo-scalar Higgs boson at NNLOA+NNLL
resummed transverse momentum distribution of pseudo-scalar higgs boson at nnloa+nnll
pseudo boson hadron collider accessible perturbation logarithms series. universal infrared resum logarithms logarithmic nnll accuracy. unphysical nnll order. matched nnloa nnll valid phenomenological choices parton
We consider the requirements that all coupling constants remain perturbative\ud and the electroweak vacuum metastable up to the Planck scale in high-scale thermal leptogenesis, in the context of a type-I seesaw mechanism. We find a large region of the model\ud parameter space that satisfies these conditions in combination with producing the baryon\ud asymmetry of the Universe. We demonstrate these conditions require Tr[Y\ud †\ud N\ud YN ] . 0.66 on\ud the neutrino Yukawa matrix. We also investigate this scenario in the presence of a large\ud number NF of coloured Majorana octet fermions in order to make quantum chromodynamics asymptotically safe in the ultraviolet
Assessing perturbativity and vacuum stability in high-scale leptogenesis.
assessing perturbativity and vacuum stability in high-scale leptogenesis.
perturbative electroweak metastable planck leptogenesis seesaw mechanism. satisfies producing baryon asymmetry universe. yukawa matrix. coloured majorana octet fermions chromodynamics asymptotically safe ultraviolet
The perturbative description of certain differential distributions across a wide kinematic range requires the matching of fixed-order perturbation theory with resummation of large logarithmic corrections to all orders. We present precise matched predictions for transverse-momentum distributions in Higgs boson (H) and Drell-Yan pair (DY) production as well as for the closely related ϕ η * distribution at the LHC. The calculation is exclusive in the Born kinematics, and allows for arbitrary fiducial selection cuts on the decay products of the colour singlets, which is of primary relevance for experimental analyses. Our predictions feature very small residual scale uncertainties and display a good convergence of the perturbative series. A comparison of the predictions for DY observables to experimental data at 8 TeV shows a very good agreement within the quoted errors
Fiducial distributions in Higgs and Drell-Yan production at N3LL+NNLO.
fiducial distributions in higgs and drell-yan production at n3ll+nnlo.
perturbative kinematic matching perturbation resummation logarithmic orders. precise matched boson drell closely lhc. exclusive born kinematics fiducial cuts colour singlets relevance analyses. residual display perturbative series. observables quoted
Let H be a Hecke algebra arising as an endomorphism algebra of the representation of a Chevalley group G over induced by a unipotent cuspidal representation of a Levi quotient L of a parabolic subgroup. We assume that L is not a torus. In this paper we outline a geometric interpretation of the coefficients of the canonical basis of H in terms of perverse sheaves. We illustrate this in detail in the case where the Weyl group of G is ot type and that of L is of type. Keywords: Hecke algebra; Parabolic character sheaf; Canonical basi
Nonsplit Hecke algebras and perverse sheaves
nonsplit hecke algebras and perverse sheaves
hecke arising endomorphism chevalley unipotent cuspidal levi quotient parabolic subgroup. torus. outline geometric canonical perverse sheaves. illustrate weyl type. keywords hecke parabolic character sheaf canonical basi
In a previous paper with A. Loi we introduced the so called symplectic duality between Hermitian symmetric spaces. Such duality consists in a bysimplectomorphism between an open and dense subset of a compact Hermitian symmetric space and its non-compact dual. The question about how many dualities does exists is directly related to the group of bi-symplectomorphism of a bounded symmetric domain of the complex euclidean space. In this paper we give a precise description of such group showing that its is a product of the isotropy group times the set of smooth function of the interval [0,1) to S^1. We study the group of bi-symplectomorphism of a bounded symmetric domai
The bisymplectomorphism group of a bounded symmetric domain
the bisymplectomorphism group of a bounded symmetric domain
symplectic duality hermitian spaces. duality bysimplectomorphism dense hermitian dual. dualities symplectomorphism euclidean space. precise isotropy symplectomorphism domai
Let G be GL_N or SL_N as reductive linear algebraic group over a field k of positive characteristic p. We prove several results that were previously established only when N < 6 or p > 2^N. Let G act rationally on a finitely generated commutative k-algebra A. Assume that A as a G-module has a good filtration or a Schur filtration. Let M be a noetherian A-module with compatible G action. Then M has finite good/Schur filtration dimension, so that there are at most finitely many nonzero H^i(G,M). Moreover these H^i(G,M) are noetherian modules over the ring of invariants A^G. Our main tool is a resolution involving Schur functors of the ideal of the diagonal in a product of Grassmannians.Comment: 22 pages; final versio
Finite Schur filtration dimension for modules over an algebra with Schur filtration
finite schur filtration dimension for modules over an algebra with schur filtration
reductive algebraic rationally finitely commutative module filtration schur filtration. noetherian module compatible action. schur filtration finitely nonzero noetherian modules invariants involving schur functors ideal diagonal pages versio
The purpose of this paper is to determine all maximal graded subalgebras of the four infinite series of finite-dimensional graded Lie superalgebras of odd Cartan type over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>3$. All maximal graded subalgebras consist of three types (\MyRoman{1}), (\MyRoman{2}) and (\MyRoman{3}). Maximal graded subalgebras of type (\MyRoman{3}) fall into reducible maximal graded subalgebras and irreducible maximal graded subalgebras. In this paper we classify maximal graded subalgebras of types (\MyRoman{1}), (\MyRoman{2}) and reducible maximal g raded subalgebras.The classification of irreducible maximal graded subalgebras is reduced to that of the irreducible maximal subalgebras of the classical Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{p}(n)$.Comment: For the final version, see Transformation Groups 20(4)(2015)1075--110
Maximal Subalgebras for Modular Graded Lie Superalgebras of Odd Cartan Type
maximal subalgebras for modular graded lie superalgebras of odd cartan type
maximal graded subalgebras infinite graded superalgebras cartan algebraically maximal graded subalgebras consist myroman myroman myroman maximal graded subalgebras myroman fall reducible maximal graded subalgebras irreducible maximal graded subalgebras. classify maximal graded subalgebras myroman myroman reducible maximal raded subalgebras.the irreducible maximal graded subalgebras irreducible maximal subalgebras superalgebra mathfrak .comment
The application of non-invasive imaging technologies using X-radiation (diagnostic radioentomology, ‘DR’) is demonstrated for the study of amber-entombed social bees. Here, we examine the external and internal morphology of an Early Miocene (Burdigalian) stingless bee (Apinae: Meliponini) from the Dominican Republic using non-destructive X-ray microtomography analysis. The study permits the accurate reconstruction of features otherwise obscured or impossible to visualize without destroying the sample and allows diagnosis of the specimen as a new species, Proplebeia adbita Greco and Engel
Description of an ancient social bee trapped in amber using diagnostic radioentomology
description of an ancient social bee trapped in amber using diagnostic radioentomology
invasive technologies diagnostic radioentomology ‘dr’ amber entombed bees. examine morphology miocene burdigalian stingless apinae meliponini dominican republic destructive microtomography analysis. permits reconstruction obscured impossible visualize destroying specimen proplebeia adbita greco engel
This paper describes a computer-based system called the design management system (DMS) that was developed to manage and coordinate distributed engineering design activity. Issues relating to the control of distributed design coordination are discussed from the context of engineering design. Key features of the DMS as well as proposals for future developments are described. Distributed design activity is coordinated and managed using the DMS within an industrial case study. The DMS demonstrated significant improvements in timeliness when compared with manual process-enactment techniques (64% reduction in process time compared with previous methods). Further potential system improvements are identified relating to operational coordination
Distributed design coordination
distributed design coordination
describes manage coordinate activity. relating coordination design. proposals developments described. coordinated managed industrial study. improvements timeliness manual enactment improvements relating operational coordination
International audienceThe temporal variations of the Earth?s gravity field, nowadays routinely determined from satellite laser ranging (SLR) and GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment), are related to changes in the Earth?s rotation rate through the Earth?s inertia tensor. We study this connection from actual data by comparing the traditional length-of-day (LOD) measurements provided by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) to the variations of the degree-2 and order-0 Stokes coefficient of the gravity field determined from fitting the orbits of the LAGEOS-1 and ?2 satellites since 1985. The two series show a good correlation (0.62) and similar annual and semi-annual signals, indicating that the gravity-field-derived LOD is valuable. Our analysis also provides evidence for additional signals common to both series, especially at a period near 120 days, which could be due to hydrological effects
Length-of-day and space-geodetic determination of the Earth's variable gravity field
length-of-day and space-geodetic determination of the earth's variable gravity field
audiencethe earth nowadays routinely satellite ranging grace recovery earth earth inertia tensor. connection traditional earth iers stokes fitting orbits lageos satellites valuable. hydrological
Consider a finite energy radial solution to the focusing energy critical semilinear wave equation in 1 + 4 dimensions. Assume that this solution exhibits type-II behavior, by which we mean that the critical Sobolev norm of the evolution stays bounded on the maximal interval of existence. We prove that along a sequence of times tending to the maximal forward time of existence, the solution decomposes into a sum of dynamically rescaled solitons, a free radiation term, and an error tending to zero in the energy space. If, in addition, we assume that the critical norm of the evolution localized to the light cone (the forward light cone in the case of global solutions and the backwards cone in the case of finite time blow-up) is less than 2 times the critical norm of the ground state solution W, then the decomposition holds without a restriction to a subsequence.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMS-1302782
Profiles for the Radial Focusing 4d Energy-Critical Wave Equation
profiles for the radial focusing 4d energy-critical wave equation
focusing semilinear dimensions. exhibits sobolev norm stays maximal existence. tending maximal decomposes dynamically rescaled solitons tending space. norm localized cone cone backwards cone blow norm decomposition restriction subsequence.national foundation u.s.
Previous studies have shown that colony social organization in Solenopsis invicta is under strong genetic control. Colonies containing some proportion of workers with the Bb or bb genotypes at the gene Gp-9 display polygyne social organization (multiple reproductive queens per colony), whereas colonies with only BB workers express monogyne organization (single reproductive queen per colony). The hypothesis that the presence of workers bearing the b allele confers the polygyne social phenotype on a colony leads to the prediction that social organization can be manipulated by experimentally altering frequencies of adult workers bearing this allele. We did this by replacing queens in colonies of each social form with single queens of the alternate form, which differ in Gp-9 genotype. As worker Gp-9 genotype compositions changed, experimental colonies switched to the alternate social organization. These switches occurred when frequencies of workers with the b allele passed an identifiable threshold, such that colonies with fewer than 5% such workers behaved like monogyne colonies and those with more than 10% behaved like polygyne colonies. Our data thus confirm the prediction that colony social organization in this ant can be altered by manipulating adult worker genotype compositions, and thereby support the hypothesis that the expression of polygyny requires the presence of adult workers bearing the b allele at Gp-9
Experimental conversion of colony social organization by manipulation of worker genotype composition in fire ants (Solenopsis invicta)
experimental conversion of colony social organization by manipulation of worker genotype composition in fire ants (solenopsis invicta)
colony solenopsis invicta control. colonies proportion workers genotypes display polygyne reproductive queens colony colonies workers express monogyne reproductive queen colony workers bearing allele confers polygyne phenotype colony manipulated experimentally altering workers bearing allele. replacing queens colonies queens alternate genotype. worker genotype compositions changed colonies switched alternate organization. switches occurred workers allele passed identifiable colonies fewer workers behaved monogyne colonies behaved polygyne colonies. confirm colony altered manipulating worker genotype compositions thereby polygyny workers bearing allele
International audienceThe main goal of this paper is to shed additional light on the reciprocal dynamical linkages between mid-latitude Southern Hemisphere climate and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signal. While our analysis confirms that ENSO is a dominant source of interannual variability in the Southern Hemisphere, it is also suggested here that subtropical dipole variability in both the Southern Indian and Atlantic Oceans triggered by Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude variability may also provide a controlling influence on ENSO in the equatorial Pacific. This subtropical forcing operates through various coupled air-sea feedbacks involving the propagation of subtropical sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies into the deep tropics of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans from boreal winter to boreal spring and a subsequent dynamical atmospheric response to these SST anomalies linking the three tropical basins at the beginning of the boreal spring. This atmospheric response is characterized by a significant weakening of the equatorial Atlantic and Indian Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). This weakened ITCZ forces an equatorial "cold Kelvin wave" response in the middle to upper troposphere that extends eastward from the heat sink regions into the western Pacific. By modulating the vertical temperature gradient and the stability of the atmosphere over the equatorial western Pacific Ocean, this Kelvin wave response promotes persistent zonal wind and convective anomalies over the western equatorial Pacific, which may trigger El Niño onset at the end of the boreal winter. These different processes explain why South Atlantic and Indian subtropical dipole time series indices are highly significant precursors of the Niño34 SST index several months in advance before the El Niño onset in the equatorial Pacific. This study illustrates that the atmospheric internal variability in the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere may significantly influence ENSO variability. However, this surprising relationship is observed only during recent decades, after the so-called 1976/1977 climate regime shift, suggesting a possible linkage with global warming or decadal fluctuations of the climate system
Southern Hemisphere extra-tropical forcing: a new paradigm for El Niño-Southern Oscillation
southern hemisphere extra-tropical forcing: a new paradigm for el niño-southern oscillation
audiencethe goal shed reciprocal linkages latitude southern hemisphere niño southern oscillation enso signal. confirms enso interannual southern hemisphere subtropical dipole southern indian atlantic oceans triggered southern hemisphere latitude controlling enso equatorial pacific. subtropical forcing operates feedbacks involving propagation subtropical anomalies tropics atlantic indian oceans boreal winter boreal spring anomalies linking tropical basins beginning boreal spring. weakening equatorial atlantic indian tropical itcz weakened itcz forces equatorial cold kelvin troposphere extends eastward sink pacific. modulating atmosphere equatorial pacific ocean kelvin promotes persistent zonal convective anomalies equatorial pacific trigger niño onset boreal winter. atlantic indian subtropical dipole indices precursors niño advance niño onset equatorial pacific. illustrates latitudes southern hemisphere enso variability. surprising decades linkage warming decadal
International audienceVarious SST indices in the Indo-Pacific region have been proposed in the literature in light of a long-range seasonal forecasting of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). However, the dynamics associated with these different indices have never been compared in detail. To this end, the present work re-examines the variabilities of ISM rainfall, onset and withdrawal dates at interannual timescales and explores their relationships with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and various modes of coupled variability in the Indian Ocean. Based on recent findings in the literature, five SST indices are considered here: Niño3.4 SST index in December-January both preceding [Nino(-1)] and following the ISM [Nino(0)], South East Indian Ocean (SEIO) SST in February-March, the Indian Ocean Basin (IOB) mode in April-May and, finally, the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) averaged from September to November, also, both preceding [IOD(-1)] and following the ISM [IOD(0)]. The respective merits and associated dynamics of the selected indices are compared through various correlation and regression analyses. Our first result is a deceptive one: the statistical relationships with the ISM rainfall at the continental and seasonal scales are modest and only barely significant, particularly for the IOD, IOB and Nino(-1) indices. However, a detailed analysis shows that statistical relationships with the ISM rainfall time series are statistically biased as the ISM rainfall seems to be shaped by much intraseasonal variability, linked in particular to the timing of the onset and withdrawal of the ISM. Surprisingly, analysis within the ISM season shows that Nino(-1), IOB and SEIO indices give rise to prospects of comparatively higher ISM previsibility for both the ISM onset and the amount of rainfall during the second half of the ISM season. The IOD seems to play only a secondary role. Moreover, our work shows that these indices are associated with distinct processes occurring within the Indian Ocean from late boreal winter or early spring onwards. The regression analyses also illustrate that these (local) mechanisms are dynamically and remotely linked to different phases of ENSO in the equatorial Pacific, a result which may have useful implications in terms of forecasting strategies since the choice of the better indices then hinges on the concurrent phasing of the ENSO cycle
Interannual relationships between Indian Summer Monsoon and Indo-Pacific coupled modes of variability during recent decades
interannual relationships between indian summer monsoon and indo-pacific coupled modes of variability during recent decades
audiencevarious indices indo pacific seasonal forecasting indian summer monsoon indices never detail. examines variabilities rainfall onset withdrawal dates interannual timescales explores niño southern oscillation enso indian ocean. indices niño december preceding nino nino east indian ocean seio february indian ocean basin april indian ocean dipole averaged september november preceding respective merits indices analyses. deceptive rainfall continental seasonal modest barely nino indices. rainfall statistically biased rainfall shaped intraseasonal timing onset withdrawal ism. surprisingly season nino seio indices prospects comparatively previsibility onset rainfall season. role. indices occurring indian ocean boreal winter spring onwards. illustrate dynamically remotely enso equatorial pacific forecasting indices hinges concurrent phasing enso
International audienceThis work attempts to reconcile in a common and comprehensive framework the various conflicting results found in the literature regarding Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) rainfall-Sea Surface Temperature (SST) relationships, especially the links with El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). To do so, we first examine the linear relationships between ISM rainfall and global SST anomalies during 1950-1976 and 1979-2006 periods. Our results highlight the existence of significant modulations in SST teleconnections and precursory patterns between the first (June-July, JJ) and second part (August-September, AS) of the monsoon. This JJ-AS rainfall dichotomy is more pronounced after the 1976-1977 climate regime shift and tends to blur the global ISM-ENSO signal during the recent period, leading to an apparent weakening of this relationship at the seasonal time scale. Although ISM rainfall in JJ and AS is still strongly linked to ENSO over both periods, the lead-lag relationships between ENSO and AS Indian rainfall have changed during recent decades. Indeed, ENSO variability in the preceding boreal winter has now a significant impact on rainfall variability during the second half of ISM. To evaluate in more details the impact of this JJ-AS dichotomy on the ISM-ENSO-IOD relationships, ISM correlations are also examined separately during El Niño and La Niña years. Results indicate that the early onset of El Niño during boreal spring causes deficient monsoon rainfall in JJ. In response to weaker monsoon winds, warm SST anomalies appear in the west equatorial IO, generating favorable conditions for the development of a positive IOD in AS. Local air-sea processes triggered by the SST anomalies in the eastern node of IOD seem, in turn, to have a more active role on AS rainfall variability, as they may counteract the negative effect of El Niño on ISM rainfall via a modulation of the local Hadley circulation in the eastern IO. The JJ-AS rainfall dichotomy and its recent amplification may then result from an enhancement of these IO feedbacks during recent El Niño years. This explains why, although El Niño events are stronger, a weakening of the ISM-ENSO relationship is observed at the seasonal scale after 1979. Results during La Niña years are consistent with this hypothesis although local processes in the southeast IO now play a more prominent role and act to further modulate ISM rainfall in AS. Finally, our results highlight the existence of a biennal rhythm of the IOD-ENSO-ISM system during the recent period, according to which co-occurring El Niño and positive IOD events tend to be followed by a warming of the IO, a wet ISM during summer and, finally, a La Niña event during the following boreal winter
Robustness of SST teleconnections and precursory patterns associated with the Indian summer monsoon
robustness of sst teleconnections and precursory patterns associated with the indian summer monsoon
audiencethis attempts reconcile comprehensive conflicting indian summer monsoon rainfall links niño southern oscillation enso indian ocean dipole examine rainfall anomalies periods. highlight modulations teleconnections precursory august september monsoon. rainfall dichotomy pronounced tends blur enso apparent weakening seasonal scale. rainfall enso enso indian rainfall changed decades. enso preceding boreal winter rainfall ism. dichotomy enso separately niño niña years. onset niño boreal spring deficient monsoon rainfall weaker monsoon winds warm anomalies west equatorial generating favorable triggered anomalies eastern seem rainfall counteract niño rainfall modulation hadley circulation eastern rainfall dichotomy amplification enhancement feedbacks niño years. explains niño stronger weakening enso seasonal niña southeast prominent modulate rainfall highlight biennal rhythm enso occurring niño tend warming summer niña boreal winter
International audienceThe link between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and low-frequency changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is investigated in three historical and five control simulations with different climate models. An AMOC intensification is followed by a positive AMO phase in each case, but the time lag and the strength of the AMO-AMOC link depend on the model and the type of simulation. In historical simulations, the link is sensitive to the method used to remove the influence of external and anthropogenic forcing from the sea surface temperature (SST) before defining the AMO. Subtracting the regression onto the global mean SST leads to better correlations between the AMO and the AMOC than linear or quadratic detrending, or removing the global mean SST, but a dynamical filter based on linear inverse modeling (LIM) yields even slightly higher correlations. The LIM filter, which decomposes the SST field into non-orthogonal normal modes that may have a physical interpretation, allows investigating whether removing Pacific links from SST improves the AMOC-AMO correlation. In several cases, there is a small improvement when removing the links to the El Niño Southern Oscillation, but the correlation becomes weaker in one historical simulation, so no firm conclusion can be drawn. Additionally removing the modes associated with the Pacific decadal variability strongly degrades the representation of AMOC changes by the AMO in one model, and it tends to reduce the AMOC-AMO correlation in most others, reflecting the strong relation between the Pacific and the Atlantic at decadal scales. The LIM-based filter is finally applied to observed SSTs, confirming that the AMO amplitude is smaller and its recent positive phase weaker than when the global effects are represented by a linear trend. When the global signal is removed, the observed AMO leads the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, but does not significantly lag it, as suggested earlier, stressing the need to carefully remove global changes when investigating low-frequency interbasin connections
An attempt to deconstruct the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
an attempt to deconstruct the atlantic multidecadal oscillation
audiencethe atlantic multidecadal oscillation atlantic meridional overturning circulation amoc historical models. amoc intensification amoc simulation. historical remove anthropogenic forcing defining amo. subtracting amoc quadratic detrending removing filter correlations. filter decomposes orthogonal investigating removing pacific links improves amoc correlation. removing links niño southern oscillation weaker historical firm drawn. additionally removing pacific decadal degrades amoc tends amoc reflecting pacific atlantic decadal scales. filter ssts confirming weaker trend. removed pacific decadal oscillation stressing carefully remove investigating interbasin connections
Climate warming can lead to changes in alpine plant species interactions through modifications in environmental conditions, which may ultimately cause drastic changes in plant communities. We explored the effects of 4 years of experimental warming with open-top chambers (OTC) on Vaccinium myrtillus performance and its interaction with neighbouring shrubs at the Pyrenean treeline ecotone. We examined the effects of warming on height, above-ground (AG) and below-ground (BG) biomass and the C and N concentration and isotope composition of V. myrtillus growing in pure stands or in stands mixed with Vaccinium uliginosum or Rhododendron ferrugineum. We also analysed variations in soil N concentrations, rhizosphere C/N ratios and the functional diversity of the microbial community, and evaluated whether warming altered the biomass, C and N concentration and isotope composition of V. uliginosum in mixed plots. Our results showed that warming induced positive changes in the AG growth of V. myrtillus but not BG, while V. uliginosum did not respond to warming. Vaccinium myrtillus performance did not differ between stand types under increased temperatures, suggesting that warming did not induce shifts in the interaction between V. myrtillus and its neighbouring species. These findings contrast with previous studies in which species interactions changed when temperature was modified. Our results show that species interactions can be less responsive to warming in natural plant communities than in removal experiments, highlighting the need for studies involving the natural assembly of plant species and communities when exploring the effect of environmental changes on plant-plant interactions
Four years of experimental warming do not modify the interaction between subalpine shrub species
four years of experimental warming do not modify the interaction between subalpine shrub species
warming alpine modifications ultimately drastic communities. explored warming chambers vaccinium myrtillus neighbouring shrubs pyrenean treeline ecotone. warming biomass isotope myrtillus growing stands stands vaccinium uliginosum rhododendron ferrugineum. analysed rhizosphere diversity microbial warming altered biomass isotope uliginosum plots. warming myrtillus uliginosum respond warming. vaccinium myrtillus stand warming induce shifts myrtillus neighbouring species. changed modified. responsive warming communities removal highlighting involving assembly communities exploring
Several geophysical processes, involving crustal deformation, can be studied and monitored by means of the comparison of multitemporal Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and/or Digital Surface Models (DSM): deformation patterns, displacements, surface variations, volumes involved in mass movements and other physical features can be observed and quantified providing useful information on the geomorphological variations (Butler et al., 1998; Kaab and Funk, 1999; Mora et al., 2003; van Westen and Lulie Getahun, 2003; Pesci et al., 2004; Fabris and Pesci, 2005; Baldi et al., 2005; Pesci et al., 2007; Baldi et al., 2008). Many techniques, including GPS kinematic methodology (Beutler et al., 1995), digital aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry (Kraus, 1998), airborne and terrestrial laser scanning (Csatho et al., 2005), remote sensors on space-borne platforms, both optical and radar stereo option, satellite SAR interferometry (Fraser et al., 2002), are suitable surveying methods for the acquisition of precise and reliable 3D or 2.5D geoinformation. Actually, the technique to capture the evolution of a natural process, rapidly changing the terrain morphology of an area like a volcanic eruption or a rock mass collapse, taking a time of a few seconds or several hours (or more) is the digital photogrammetry. Scientific software exist to manage and process stereoscopic photogrammetric images, requiring professional operators but, recently, more friendly applications are developed to facilitate and make fast but efficient the analysis
an experiment for zscan efficiency in surface monitoring
geophysical involving crustal deformation monitored multitemporal digital terrain digital deformation displacements volumes movements quantified geomorphological butler kaab funk mora westen lulie getahun pesci fabris pesci baldi pesci baldi kinematic methodology beutler digital aerial terrestrial photogrammetry kraus airborne terrestrial scanning csatho remote sensors borne platforms radar stereo option satellite interferometry fraser surveying acquisition precise reliable geoinformation. capture rapidly changing terrain morphology volcanic eruption rock collapse seconds digital photogrammetry. manage stereoscopic photogrammetric requiring professional friendly facilitate
Multi-channel microreactors can be used for various applications that require chemical or electrochemical reactions in either liquid, gaseous or multi phase. For an optimal control of the chemical reactions, one key parameter for the design of such microreactors is the residence time distribution of the fluid, which should be as uniform as possible in the series of microchannels that make up the core of the reactor. Based on simplifying assumptions, an analytical model is proposed for optimizing the design of the collecting and distributing channels which supply the series of rectangular microchannels of the reactor, in the case of liquid flows. The accuracy of this analytical approach is discussed after comparison with CFD simulations and hybrid analytical-CFD calculations that allow an improved refinement of the meshing in the most complex zones of the flow. The analytical model is then extended to the case of microchannels with other cross-sections (trapezoidal or circular segment) and to gaseous flows, in the continuum and slip flow regimes. In the latter case, the model is based on second-order slip flow boundary conditions, and takes into account the compressibility as well as the rarefaction of the gas flow. \u
Optimal design of multi-channel microreactor for uniform\ud residence time distribution
optimal design of multi-channel microreactor for uniform\ud residence time distribution
microreactors electrochemical gaseous phase. microreactors residence microchannels reactor. simplifying assumptions optimizing collecting distributing supply rectangular microchannels reactor flows. hybrid refinement meshing zones flow. microchannels trapezoidal circular segment gaseous flows continuum slip regimes. slip compressibility rarefaction flow.
In this paper, we show that the Chvátal–Gomory closure of any compact convex set is a rational polytope. This resolves an open question of Schrijver (Ann Discret Math 9:291–296, 1980) for irrational polytopes, and generalizes the same result for the case of rational polytopes (Schrijver in Ann Discret Math 9:291–296, 1980), rational ellipsoids (Dey and Vielma in IPCO XIV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6080. Springer, Berlin, pp 327–340, 2010) and strictly convex bodies (Dadush et al. in Math Oper Res 36:227–239, 2011). An extended abstract of this paper appeared in [6]. After the completion of this work, it has been brought to our notice that the polyhedrality of the Chvátal–Gomory closure for irrational polytopes has recently been shown independently by Dunkel and Schulz [9]. The proof presented in this paper has been obtained independently.United States. National Science Foundation. (Grant CMMI-1030662)United States. National Science Foundation. (Grant CMMI-1030422
On the Chvátal–Gomory closure of a compact convex set
on the chvátal–gomory closure of a compact convex set
chvátal–gomory closure convex rational polytope. resolves schrijver discret math irrational polytopes generalizes rational polytopes schrijver discret math rational ellipsoids vielma ipco lecture notes springer berlin strictly convex bodies dadush math oper appeared completion brought notice polyhedrality chvátal–gomory closure irrational polytopes independently dunkel schulz independently.united states. foundation. cmmi states. foundation. cmmi
There is often a significant trade-off between formulation strength and size in mixed integer programming (MIP). When modelling convex disjunctive constraints (e.g. unions of convex sets) this trade-off can be resolved by adding auxiliary continuous variables. However, adding these variables can result in a deterioration of the computational effectiveness of the formulation. For this reason, there has been considerable interest in constructing strong formulations that do not use continuous auxiliary variables. We introduce a technique to construct formulations without these detrimental continuous auxiliary variables. To develop this technique we introduce a natural nonpolyhedral generalization of the Cayley embedding of a family of polytopes and show it inherits many geometric properties of the original embedding. We then show how the associated formulation technique can be used to construct small and strong formulation for a wide range of disjunctive constraints. In particular, we show it can recover and generalize all known strong formulations without continuous auxiliary variables.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant CMMI-1351619
Small and strong formulations for unions of convex sets from the Cayley embedding
small and strong formulations for unions of convex sets from the cayley embedding
trade formulation integer programming convex disjunctive e.g. unions convex trade resolved adding auxiliary variables. adding deterioration effectiveness formulation. considerable constructing formulations auxiliary variables. formulations detrimental auxiliary variables. nonpolyhedral generalization cayley embedding polytopes inherits geometric embedding. formulation formulation disjunctive constraints. recover generalize formulations auxiliary variables.national foundation u.s. cmmi
The Conway potential function (CPF) for colored links is a convenient version of the multi-variable Alexander-Conway polynomial. We give a skein characterization of CPF, much simpler than the one by Murakami. In particular, Conway's `smoothing of crossings' is not in the axioms. The proof uses a reduction scheme in a twisted group-algebra $\mathbb P_nB_n$, where $B_n$ is a braid group and $\mathbb P_n$ is a domain of multi-variable rational fractions. The proof does not use computer algebra tools. An interesting by-product is a characterization of the Alexander-Conway polynomial of knots
On Conway's potential function for colored links
on conway's potential function for colored links
conway colored links convenient alexander conway polynomial. skein simpler murakami. conway smoothing crossings axioms. twisted mathbb braid mathbb rational fractions. tools. alexander conway knots
The Sancho Reservoir, located in the Huelva province (SW Spain), is supplied by the Meca River, which receives water contaminated by mining activities in Tharsis. This study focused on determining the relationship that temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) had with rainfall. The temperature, pH, and EC were simultaneously measured every 30 min by two probes suspended in the Sancho Reservoir. It was anticipated that the use of fuzzy logic and data mining would lead to a model that would show how the contaminant load evolved over space and time. Similar results were obtained for the two locations, except that the parameters had more outliers near the dam due to the greater distance from the contamination source. As expected, higher pH corresponded with lower EC, since, in the absence of chloride, sulphate was the principal anion. The dependency relationship of the variables as well as the cause–effect relationship with the rate of rainfall was more evident in the up-gradient sampling location than near the dam due to the different residence time and the transit time between the two points
Fuzzy intelligence approach for modeling the migration of contaminants ina reservoir affected by AMD pollution
fuzzy intelligence approach for modeling the migration of contaminants ina reservoir affected by amd pollution
sancho reservoir huelva province spain supplied meca river receives contaminated mining tharsis. focused determining electrical conductivity rainfall. simultaneously probes suspended sancho reservoir. anticipated fuzzy logic mining contaminant evolved time. locations outliers contamination source. corresponded chloride sulphate principal anion. dependency cause–effect rainfall evident residence transit
As speculative attacks against Member States persist, the European Union (EU) is desperately attempting to allay fears concerning the disintegration of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Much of the fi repower for this onslaught is provided by those very financial intermediaries charged with assessing and communicating the health of euro area economies, namely credit rating agencies (CRAs). Thus, in 2008, the European Commission proposed a series of oversight initiatives which would centralise CRA supervision at the EU level. Endorsed by the High Level Group on Financial Supervision1 chaired by Jacques de Larosière, Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 (CRA Regulation v1) came into effect on 7 December 2010. Shortly thereafter, the corresponding amendment (EU) No 513/2011 (CRA Regulation v2) was deemed necessary in order to compensate for outstanding issues
Misguided ventures: a quasi-public European Union credit rating agency (in Forum: Credit rating agencies: part of the solution or part of the problem?)
misguided ventures: a quasi-public european union credit rating agency (in forum: credit rating agencies: part of the solution or part of the problem?)
speculative attacks member persist union desperately attempting allay fears concerning disintegration monetary union repower onslaught intermediaries assessing communicating euro economies credit rating agencies cras commission oversight initiatives centralise supervision level. endorsed supervision chaired jacques larosière came december shortly thereafter amendment deemed compensate outstanding
In the early 1990's, Kim and Roush developed path methods for establishing strong shift equivalence (SSE) of positive matrices over a dense subring U of the real numbers R. This paper gives a detailed, unified and generalized presentation of these path methods. New arguments which address arbitrary dense subrings U of R are used to show that for any dense subring U of R, positive matrices over U which have just one nonzero eigenvalue and which are strong shift equivalent over U must be strong shift equivalent over U_+. In addition, we show positive real matrices on a path of shift equivalent positive real matrices are SSE over R_+; positive rational matrices which are SSE over R_+ must be SSE over Q_+; and for any dense subring U of R, within the set of positive matrices over U which are conjugate over U to a given matrix, there are only finitely many SSE-U_+ classes.Comment: This version adds a 3-part program for studying SEE over the reals. One part is handled by the arxiv post "Strong shift equivalence and algebraic K-theory". This version is the author version of the paper published in the Kim memorial volume. From that, my short lifestory of Kim (and more) is on my web page
Path methods for strong shift equivalence of positive matrices
path methods for strong shift equivalence of positive matrices
roush establishing equivalence dense subring unified presentation methods. arguments dense subrings dense subring nonzero eigenvalue rational dense subring conjugate finitely adds studying reals. handled equivalence algebraic memorial volume. lifestory mboyle papers index.htm
The effect of dietary protein level and protein source on growth and proteolytic activity of juvenile Solea senegalensis was studied. In Experiment 1 fish were fed on four experimental diets containing increased levels of protein (36, 46, 56 and 67 %). In Experiment 2 Senegalese sole were fed on five diets with partial substitution of fish meal by soybean meal, soybean protein concentrate, soybean protein isolate, wheat gluten meal or pea protein concentrate. Results obtained evidenced that growth and proteolytic activity in distal intestine of fish were affected by the quantitative changes of dietary protein. The type of protein source used in the elaboration of experimental diets affected both the amount and the composition of alkaline proteases secreted into the intestinal lumen but without decreasing growth of animals. Juvenile Senegalese sole showed capability to modulate their digestive protease secretion when the concentration and/or source of dietary protein were modified. Quantity and quality of dietary protein affected intestinal protein hydrolysis in Senegalese sole. This study establishes that 30% fish meal protein can be replaced by soybean derivatives without affect intestinal proteases. The replacement with wheat gluten meal or pea protein concentrate should be taken with caution, but further research is needed to establish if growth performance and digestive enzyme physiology of Senegalese sole could be affected by plant protein-supplemented diets in a long-term trial
Effect of dietary protein level and source on digestive enzyme proteolytic activity in juvenile Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis Kaup 1850
effect of dietary protein level and source on digestive enzyme proteolytic activity in juvenile senegalese sole, solea senegalensis kaup 1850
dietary proteolytic juvenile solea senegalensis studied. fish diets senegalese sole diets substitution fish meal soybean meal soybean concentrate soybean isolate wheat gluten meal concentrate. evidenced proteolytic distal intestine fish dietary protein. elaboration diets alkaline proteases secreted intestinal lumen decreasing animals. juvenile senegalese sole capability modulate digestive protease secretion dietary modified. quantity dietary intestinal hydrolysis senegalese sole. establishes fish meal replaced soybean derivatives intestinal proteases. replacement wheat gluten meal concentrate caution establish digestive enzyme physiology senegalese sole supplemented diets
It is surprising that we hardly know only 5% of the universe. Rest of the universe is made up of 70% of dark-energy and 25% of dark-matter. Dark-energy is responsible for acceleration of the expanding universe; whereas dark-matter is said to be necessary as extra-mass of bizarre-properties to explain the anomalous rotational-velocity of galaxy. Though the existence of dark-energy has gradually been accepted in scientific community, but the candidates for dark-matter have not been found as yet and are too crazy to be accepted. Thus, it is obvious to look for an alternative theory in place of dark-matter. Israel-scientist M. Milgrom has suggested a 'Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)' which appears to be highly successful for explaining the anomalous rotational-velocity. But unfortunately MOND lacks theoretical support. The MOND, in-fact, is (empirical) modification of Newtonian-Dynamics through modification in the kinematical acceleration term 'a' (which is normally taken as $a=\frac{v^{2}}{r}$) as effective kinematic acceleration $a_{effective} = a \mu (\frac{a}{a_{0}})$, wherein the $\mu$-function is 1 for usual-values of accelerations but equals to $\frac{a}{a_{0}} (\ll 1)$ if the acceleration 'a' is extremely-low lower than a critical value $a_0 (10^{-10} m/s^{2})$. In the present paper, a novel variant of MOND is proposed with theoretical backing; wherein with the consideration of universe's acceleration $a_{d}$ due to dark-energy, a new type of $\mu$-function on theoretical-basis emerges out leading to $a_{effective} = a(1 - K \frac{a_{0}}{a})$. The proposed theoretical-MOND model too is able to fairly explain qualitatively the more-or-less 'flat' velocity-curve of galaxy-rotation, and is also able to predict a dip (minimum) on the curve.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
A theoretically-explained new-variant of Modified-Newtonian-Dynamics (MOND)
a theoretically-explained new-variant of modified-newtonian-dynamics (mond)
surprising hardly universe. universe matter. acceleration expanding universe said extra bizarre anomalous rotational galaxy. gradually candidates crazy accepted. obvious look matter. israel scientist milgrom newtonian mond successful explaining anomalous rotational velocity. unfortunately mond lacks support. mond modification newtonian modification kinematical acceleration normally frac kinematic acceleration frac wherein usual accelerations equals frac acceleration extremely variant mond backing wherein consideration universe acceleration emerges frac mond fairly qualitatively predict pages
The wave equation and equations of covariantly-constant vector fields (CCVF) in spaces with Weyl nonmetricity turn out to possess, in addition to the canonical conformal-gauge, a gauge invariance of another type. On a Minkowski metric background, the CCVF system alone allows us to pin down the Weyl 4-metricity vector, identified herein with the electromagnetic potential. The fundamental solution is given by the ordinary Lienard-Wiechert field, in particular, by the Coulomb distribution for a charge at rest. Unlike the latter, however, the magnitude of charge is necessarily unity, "elementary", and charges of opposite signs correspond to retarded and advanced potentials respectively, thus establishing a direct connection between the particle/antiparticle asymmetry and the "arrow of time".Comment: 8 pages. Eq.(35) and some comments added. Misprints removed. Adapted for GERG-forma
Double gauge invariance and covariantly-constant vector fields in Weyl geometry
double gauge invariance and covariantly-constant vector fields in weyl geometry
covariantly ccvf weyl nonmetricity possess canonical conformal invariance type. minkowski ccvf weyl metricity herein electromagnetic potential. ordinary lienard wiechert coulomb rest. unlike necessarily unity elementary charges opposite signs retarded advanced potentials establishing connection antiparticle asymmetry arrow .comment pages. comments added. misprints removed. adapted gerg forma
This paper deals with the treatment of aqueous phenol solutions using an electrochemical technique. Phenol can be partly eliminated from aqueous solution by electrochemically initiated polymerisation. Galvanostatic electrolyses of phenol solutions at concentration up to 0.1 mol dm−3 were carried out on a Ta/PbO2 anode. The polymers formed are insoluble in acidic medium but soluble in alkaline. These polymers were filtered and then dissolved in aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (1 mol dm−3). The polymers formed were quantified by total organic carbon (TOC) measurement. It was found that the conversion of phenol into polymers increases as a function of initial concentration, anodic current density, temperature, and solution pH. The percentage of phenol polymerised can reach 15%
Electrochemical polymerisation of phenol in aqueous solution\ud on a Ta/PbO2 anode
electrochemical polymerisation of phenol in aqueous solution\ud on a ta/pbo2 anode
deals aqueous phenol electrochemical technique. phenol partly eliminated aqueous electrochemically initiated polymerisation. galvanostatic electrolyses phenol anode. polymers insoluble acidic soluble alkaline. polymers filtered dissolved aqueous sodium hydroxide polymers quantified measurement. conversion phenol polymers anodic phenol polymerised
Garden compost has already been identified as a source of efficient electro-active (EA) biofilms. The work described here consisted of lixiviating the compost and then using the leachate as a microbial source. This procedure gave promising results for the treatment of yogurt waste (YW) in a microbial fuel cell (MFC). Experiments performed in MFC set-ups were compared with electrochemical cells under polarization at +0.1 V versus SCE. Different parameters were tested to optimize the microbial anode. Preliminary acclimation of the compost microbial flora to YW was revealed to be unnecessary. Forming biofilms firstly in pure leachate before exposing them to YW showed that high concentrations of this type of substrate were detrimental to current generation. Pre-treatment of the electrode by pre-adsorbing YW led to a 10-fold increase in the current density. The highest current densities were obtained at 40 and 60 °C, revealing the diversity of electro-active microorganisms coming from soils. Values up to 1,450 mA m−2 were reached at 40 °C
Treatment of dairy wastes with a microbial anode formed from garden compost
treatment of dairy wastes with a microbial anode formed from garden compost
garden compost electro biofilms. consisted lixiviating compost leachate microbial source. gave promising yogurt waste microbial fuel electrochemical sce. optimize microbial anode. preliminary acclimation compost microbial flora unnecessary. forming biofilms firstly leachate exposing detrimental generation. electrode adsorbing density. densities revealing diversity electro microorganisms coming soils. reached
The electrochemistry of three surfactants has been studied by voltammetry at boron doped diamond (BDD) electrode in sodium sulphate solutions. The electrochemical behaviour of these surfactants is characterized by an oxidation signal (peak or wave) situated before the electrolyte oxidation. The anodic current is found to follow a linear relation with the concentration of the surfactants; the slope decreases abruptly above the critical micellar concentration (CMC) of the surfactants. The CMC values obtained for an anionic (sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate, SDBS), a cationic (polyoxyethylene-23-dodecyl ether, BRIJ 35) and a neutral (1-(hexadecyl)trimethylammonium bromide, CTAB) surfactant are found in good agreement with those measured by the classical technique of surface tension. This voltammetric method has the advantage not to require the use of a redox active electrochemical probe
Voltammetric determination of the critical micellar concentration of surfactants by using a boron doped diamond anode
voltammetric determination of the critical micellar concentration of surfactants by using a boron doped diamond anode
electrochemistry surfactants voltammetry boron doped diamond electrode sodium sulphate solutions. electrochemical surfactants oxidation situated electrolyte oxidation. anodic surfactants abruptly micellar surfactants. anionic sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate sdbs cationic polyoxyethylene dodecyl ether brij neutral hexadecyl trimethylammonium bromide ctab surfactant tension. voltammetric advantage redox electrochemical
Electrochemical oxidation of phenol in acidic aqueous solution was studied on a vitreous carbon electrode at different temperatures in the range of 25–85 °C by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The kinetic aspect of the phenol oxidation was investigated as a function of its concentration and temperature. The electrode deactivation by formation of an adherent, compact, and insulating polymeric film was examined by monitoring the decrease in the peak current of phenol oxidation during the course of successive potential scans. Repeated potential scans in the region of water stability did not reactivate the electrode whatever the temperature used. Chronoamperometric curves recorded at different potentials in the region of water decomposition shown that the electrochemical activity of the electrode was partially restored even when performed at low temperature (25 °C). \u
Electropolymerization of phenol on a vitreous carbon electrode in acidic aqueous solution at different temperatures
electropolymerization of phenol on a vitreous carbon electrode in acidic aqueous solution at different temperatures
electrochemical oxidation phenol acidic aqueous vitreous electrode cyclic voltammetry chronoamperometry. aspect phenol oxidation temperature. electrode deactivation adherent insulating polymeric film phenol oxidation successive scans. repeated scans reactivate electrode whatever used. chronoamperometric potentials decomposition electrochemical electrode partially restored
Few data are available on actual follow-up\ud costs of remote monitoring (RM) of implantable defibrillators\ud (ICD). Our study aimed at assessing current direct costs\ud of 1-year ICD follow-up based on RM compared with\ud conventional quarterly in-hospital follow-ups.\ud Methods and results Patients (N=233) with indications for\ud ICD were consecutively recruited and randomized at implant\ud to be followed up for 1 year with standard quarterly inhospital\ud visits or by RM with one in-hospital visit at 12\ud months, unless additional in-hospital visits were required\ud due to specific patient conditions or RM alarms. Costs were\ud calculated distinguishing between provider and patient\ud costs, excluding RM device and service cost. The frequency\ud of scheduled in-hospital visits was lower in the RM group\ud than in the control arm. Follow-up required 47 min per\ud patient/year in the RM arm versus 86 min in the control\ud arm (p=0.03) for involved physicians, generating cost estimates\ud for the provider of USD 45 and USD 83 per patient/-\ud year, respectively. Costs for nurses were comparable.\ud Overall, the costs associated with RM and standard\ud follow-up were USD 103±27 and 154±21 per patient/year,\ud respectively (p=0.01). RM was cost-saving for the patients:\ud USD 97±121 per patient/year in the RM group versus 287±\ud 160 per patient/year (p=0.0001).\ud Conclusion The time spent by the hospital staff was significantly\ud reduced in the RM group. If the costs for the device\ud and service are not charged to patients or the provider,\ud patients could save about USD 190 per patient/year while\ud the hospital could save USD 51 per patient/year
Economic impact of remote monitoring on ordinary follow-up of implantable cardioverter defibrillators as compared with conventional in-hospital visits: a single-center prospective and randomized study
economic impact of remote monitoring on ordinary follow-up of implantable cardioverter defibrillators as compared with conventional in-hospital visits: a single-center prospective and randomized study
remote implantable defibrillators aimed assessing quarterly ups. indications consecutively recruited randomized implant quarterly inhospital visits visit unless visits alarms. distinguishing provider excluding cost. scheduled visits arm. physicians generating provider respectively. nurses comparable. saving spent staff group. provider save save
In our research, the effect of talc particle size was analysed on the thermal and mechanical properties of renewable resource based, biodegradable polymer Poly(Lactic Acid) (PLA). Various talc particles with an average particle size of 24 μm, 1.9 μm, and 0.7 μm were blend mixed with PLA in 10 and 20 mass% containing no or an additional 10 mass% of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) (PEG) to increase molecular chain mobility. It was demonstrated that with decreasing talc particle size, its nucleation ability increased as well as all of the investigated mechanical properties of the compounds, however, in case of compounds containing PEG, this tendency was the opposite according to Charpy impact strength results. The talc with the best nucleating ability was selected and a full factorial design of experiment was made to optimise the talc and PEG content and to investigate their cross-effect in the 1-3-5-10-15 mass% additive content range. Finally, the effect of mould temperature and cooling time was analysed on the crystallinity and heat deflection temperature of the final injection moulded parts
Thermal and mechanical analysis of injection moulded poly(lactic acid) filled with poly(ethylene glycol) and talc
thermal and mechanical analysis of injection moulded poly(lactic acid) filled with poly(ethylene glycol) and talc
talc analysed renewable resource biodegradable polymer poly lactic talc blend poly ethylene glycol mobility. decreasing talc nucleation tendency opposite charpy results. talc nucleating factorial optimise talc additive range. mould cooling analysed crystallinity deflection injection moulded
We compute the Grothendieck group K_0 of non-commutative analogues of quantum projective space bundles. Our results specialize to give the Grothendieck groups of non-commutative analogues of projective spaces, and specialize to recover the Grothendieck group of a usual projective space bundle over a regular noetherian separated scheme. As an application we develop an intersection theory for the quantum ruled surfaces defined by Van den Bergh.Comment: This paper is being replaced so I can correct the metadata, the title! I (Paul) spelled Grothendieck's name incorrectly. The paper is being reposted with the journal reference and doi added to the metadat
The Grothendieck Group of a Quantum Projective Space Bundle
the grothendieck group of a quantum projective space bundle
grothendieck commutative analogues projective bundles. specialize grothendieck commutative analogues projective specialize recover grothendieck usual projective bundle noetherian separated scheme. intersection ruled replaced metadata title paul spelled grothendieck name incorrectly. reposted metadat
Introduction Healthy Start (HS) is dedicated to preventing infant mortality, improving birth outcomes, and reducing disparities in maternal and infant health. In 2014, the HS program was reenvisioned and standardization of services and workforce development were prioritized. This study examined how HS community health workers (CHW), as critical members of the workforce, serve families and communities in order to inform the development of a CHW training program to advance program goals. Methods In 2015, an online organizational survey of all 100 HS programs was conducted. Ninety-three sites (93%) responded. Three discussion groups were subsequently conducted with HS CHWs (n = 21) and two discussion groups with HS CHW trainers/supervisors (n = 14). Results Most (91%) respondent HS programs employed CHWs. Survey respondents ranked health education (90%), assessing participant needs (85%), outreach/recruitment (85%), and connecting participants to services (85%) as the most central roles to the CHW’s job. Survey findings indicated large variation in CHW training, both in the amount and content provided. Discussion group findings provided further examples of the knowledge and skills required by HS CHWs. Conclusions The study results, combined with a scan of existing competencies, led to a tailored set of competencies that serve as the foundation for a HS CHW training program. This training program has the capacity to advance strategic goals for HS by strengthening HS CHWs’ capacity nationwide to respond to complex participant needs. Other maternal and child health programs may find these results of interest as they consider how CHWs could be used to strengthen service delivery. Keywords: Healthy start; Community health worker; Infant mortality; Maternal health; social determinants of healt
Strengthening the Healthy Start Workforce: A Mixed-Methods Study to Understand the Roles of Community Health Workers in Healthy Start and Inform the Development of a Standardized Training Program
strengthening the healthy start workforce: a mixed-methods study to understand the roles of community health workers in healthy start and inform the development of a standardized training program
healthy dedicated preventing infant improving birth reducing disparities maternal infant health. reenvisioned standardization workforce prioritized. workers workforce serve families communities inform advance goals. organizational programs conducted. ninety responded. subsequently chws trainers supervisors respondent programs chws. respondents ranked assessing participant outreach recruitment connecting roles chw’s job. provided. skills chws. scan competencies tailored competencies serve foundation program. advance strategic goals strengthening chws’ nationwide respond participant needs. maternal programs chws strengthen delivery. keywords healthy worker infant maternal determinants healt
Among the mitigation strategies to prevent nitrogen (N) losses from ureic fertilizers, urease inhibitors (UIs) have been demonstrated to promote high N use efficiency by reducing ammonia (NH3) volatilization. In the last few years, some field experiments have also shown its effectiveness in reducing nitrous oxide (N2O) losses from fertilized soils under conditions of low soil moisture. An incubation experiment was carried out with the aim of assessing the main biotic mechanisms behind N2O emissions once that the UIs N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamid (NBPT) and phenil phosphorodiamidate (PPDA) were applied with Urea (U) under different soil moisture conditions (40, 60 and 80 % water-filled pore space, WFPS). In the same study we tried to analyze to what extent soil WFPS regulates the effect of these inhibitors on N2O emissions. The use of PPDA in our study allowed us to compare the effect of NBPT with that of another commercially available urease inhibitor, aiming to see if the results were inhibitor-specific or not. Based on the results from this experiment, a WFPS (i.e. 60 %) was chosen for a second study (i.e. mesocosm experiment) aiming to assess the efficiency of the UIs to indirectly affect N2O emissions through influencing the pool of soil mineral N. The N2O emissions at 40 % WFPS were almost negligible, being significantly lower from all fertilized treatments than that produced at 60 and 80 % WFPS. When compared to U alone, NBPT+U reduced the N2O emissions at 60 % WFPS but had no effect at 80 % WFPS. The application of PPDA significantly increased the emissions with respect to U at 80 % WFPS whereas no significant effect was found at 60 %. At 80 % WFPS, denitrification was the main source of N2O emissions for all treatments. In the mesocosm study, the application of NBPT+U was an effective strategy to reduce N2O emissions (75 % reduction compared to U alone), due to a lower soil ammonium (NH4 +) content induced by the inhibitor. These results suggest that adequate management of the UI NBPT could provide, under certain soil conditions, an opportunity for mitigation of N2O emissions from fertilized soils
Soil moisture content determines the effect of the urease inhibitor NBPT on N2O emissions
soil moisture content determines the effect of the urease inhibitor nbpt on n2o emissions
mitigation prevent nitrogen losses ureic fertilizers urease inhibitors promote reducing ammonia volatilization. effectiveness reducing nitrous oxide losses fertilized soils moisture. incubation assessing biotic behind butyl thiophosphoric triamid nbpt phenil phosphorodiamidate ppda urea moisture filled pore wfps tried analyze wfps regulates inhibitors emissions. ppda nbpt commercially urease inhibitor aiming inhibitor not. wfps i.e. i.e. mesocosm aiming indirectly influencing pool mineral wfps negligible fertilized treatments wfps. nbpt wfps wfps. ppda wfps wfps denitrification treatments. mesocosm nbpt ammonium inhibitor. adequate nbpt opportunity mitigation fertilized soils
In the following we consider a 2-dimensional system of ODE's containing quasiperiodic terms. The system is proposed as an extension of Mathieu-type equations to higher dimensions, with emphasis on how resonance between the internal frequencies leads to a loss of stability. The 2-d system has two `natural' frequencies when the time dependent terms are switched off, and it is internally driven by quasiperiodic terms in the same frequencies. Stability charts in the parameter space are generated first using numerical simulations and Floquet theory. While some instability regions are easy to anticipate, there are some surprises: within instability zones small islands of stability develop, and unusual `arcs' of instability arise also. The transition curves are analyzed using the method of harmonic balance, and we find we can use this method to easily predict the `resonance curves' from which bands of instability emanate. In addition, the method of multiple scales is used to examine the islands of stability near the 1:1 resonance
Stability of a 2-dimensional Mathieu-type system with quasiperiodic coefficients
stability of a 2-dimensional mathieu-type system with quasiperiodic coefficients
quasiperiodic terms. mathieu emphasis stability. switched internally quasiperiodic frequencies. charts floquet theory. instability anticipate surprises instability zones islands unusual arcs instability arise also. harmonic balance predict instability emanate. examine islands
In both managed and natural ecosystems, a wide range of\ud various non-nodulating bacteria can thrive as endophytes\ud in the plant interior, and some can be beneficial to their\ud hosts (Hallmann and Berg 2007; Reinhold-Hurek and\ud Hurek 2011). Colonizationmechanisms, the ecology and\ud functioning of these endophytic bacteria as well as their\ud interactions with plants have been investigated (Hardoim\ud et al. 2008; Compant et al. 2010). Although the source of\ud colonization can also be the spermosphere, anthosphere,\ud caulosphere, and the phyllosphere,most endophytic bacteria\ud are derived from the soil environment (Hallmann\ud and Berg 2007; Compant et al. 2010)
The 125th anniversary of the first postulation of the soil origin of endophytic bacteria – a tribute to M.L.V. Galippe \ud
the 125th anniversary of the first postulation of the soil origin of endophytic bacteria – a tribute to m.l.v. galippe \ud
managed ecosystems nodulating bacteria thrive endophytes interior beneficial hosts hallmann berg reinhold hurek hurek colonizationmechanisms ecology functioning endophytic bacteria hardoim compant colonization spermosphere anthosphere caulosphere phyllosphere endophytic bacteria hallmann berg compant
Recently, we introduced negativity fonts as the basic units of multipartite entanglement in pure states. We show that the relation between global negativity of partial transpose of N- qubit state and linear entropy of reduced single qubit state yields an expression for global negativity in terms of determinants of negativity fonts. Transformation equations for determinants of negativity fonts under local unitaries (LU's) are useful to construct LU invariants such as degree four and degree six invariants for four qubit states. The difference of squared negativity and N-tangle is an N qubit invariant which contains information on entanglement of the state caused by quantum coherences that are not annihilated by removing a single qubit. Four qubit invariants that detect the entanglement of specific parts in a four qubit state are expressed in terms of three qubit subsystem invariants. Numerical values of invariants bring out distinct features of several four qubit states which have been proposed to be the maximally entangled four qubit states.Comment: 14 pages,02 Tables, Major revision of section on three tangles and Tables, Added References. In this version corrected typo
Negativity Fonts, multiqubit invariants and Four qubit Maximally Entangled States
negativity fonts, multiqubit invariants and four qubit maximally entangled states
negativity fonts multipartite entanglement states. negativity transpose qubit qubit negativity determinants negativity fonts. determinants negativity fonts unitaries invariants invariants qubit states. squared negativity tangle qubit entanglement coherences annihilated removing qubit. qubit invariants detect entanglement qubit qubit subsystem invariants. invariants bring qubit maximally entangled qubit pages tables revision tangles tables references. corrected typo
Brand names constitute a form of value for commercial products, because they suppose a savings of search costs for the consumer. The law, as a consequence, has the obligation to protect brand names. But the number of attractive brand names is not infinite and sometimes companies seek brand names which are reminiscent of others. In this article a conflict between two companies for the distinctiveness of two brand names is addressed: one Spanish company used the English common noun doughnut for a product similar to the American pastry, while the other company had already registered donut as a brand name, in addition to its variants. This second company sued the first on the grounds that the names were not distinctive. Here we offer the linguistic arguments presented to the judge in defense of the distinctiveness of doughnut and the judgmen
A Case Study of Semiotic Distinctiveness in Brand Names
a case study of semiotic distinctiveness in brand names
brand names constitute commercial savings consumer. obligation protect brand names. attractive brand names infinite sometimes companies seek brand names reminiscent others. conflict companies distinctiveness brand names addressed spanish company english noun doughnut pastry company registered donut brand name variants. company sued grounds names distinctive. offer linguistic arguments judge defense distinctiveness doughnut judgmen
International audienceThe “strahl” is a specific population of the solar wind, constituted by strongly field aligned electrons flowing away from the Sun, with energies >60 eV. Using the Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) onboard STEREO, we investigate the short time scale fluctuations of this population. It is shown that its phase space density (PSD) at times presents fluctuations larger than 50% at scales of the order of minutes and less. The fluctuations are particularly strong for periods of a few tens of hours in high-speed streams, following the crossing of the corotating interaction region, when the strahl is also the most collimated in pitch angle. The amplitude of the fluctuations tends to decrease in conjunction with a broadening in pitch angle. Generally, the strongly fluctuating strahl is observed when the magnetic field is also highly perturbed. That SWEA is able to perform a very rapid 3D analysis at a given energy is essential since it can be demonstrated that the observed magnetic turbulence can only marginally perturb the PSD measurements
On the Temporal Variability of the ``Strahl'' and Its Relationship with Solar Wind Characteristics: STEREO SWEA Observations
on the temporal variability of the ``strahl'' and its relationship with solar wind characteristics: stereo swea observations
audiencethe “strahl” constituted aligned flowing away analyzer swea onboard stereo population. presents minutes less. tens streams crossing corotating strahl collimated pitch angle. tends conjunction broadening pitch angle. fluctuating strahl perturbed. swea turbulence marginally perturb
We continue the study of the quantization of supersymmetric integrable KdV hierarchies. We consider the N=2 KdV model based on the $sl^{(1)}(2|1)$ affine algebra but with a new algebraic construction for the L-operator, different from the standard Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction. We construct the quantum monodromy matrix satisfying a special version of the reflection equation and show that in the classical limit, this object gives the monodromy matrix of N=2 supersymmetric KdV system. We also show that at both the classical and the quantum levels, the trace of the monodromy matrix (transfer matrix) is invariant under two supersymmetry transformations and the zero mode of the associated U(1) current.Comment: LaTeX2e, 12 page
Quantization of the N=2 Supersymmetric KdV Hierarchy
quantization of the n=2 supersymmetric kdv hierarchy
continue quantization supersymmetric integrable hierarchies. affine algebraic drinfeld sokolov reduction. monodromy satisfying reflection monodromy supersymmetric system. trace monodromy supersymmetry transformations latex
We propose an automatic system for organizing the content of a collection of unstructured videos of an articulated object class (e.g. tiger, horse). By exploiting the recurring motion patterns of the class across videos, our system: 1) identifies its characteristic behaviors; and 2) recovers pixel-to-pixel alignments across different instances. Our system can be useful for organizing video collections for indexing and retrieval. Moreover, it can be a platform for learning the appearance or behaviors of object classes from Internet video. Traditional supervised techniques cannot exploit this wealth of data directly, as they require a large amount of time-consuming manual annotations. The behavior discovery stage generates temporal video intervals, each automatically trimmed to one instance of the discovered behavior, clustered by type. It relies on our novel motion representation for articulated motion based on the displacement of ordered pairs of trajectories (PoTs). The alignment stage aligns hundreds of instances of the class to a great accuracy despite considerable appearance variations (e.g. an adult tiger and a cub). It uses a flexible Thin Plate Spline deformation model that can vary through time. We carefully evaluate each step of our system on a new, fully annotated dataset. On behavior discovery, we outperform the state-of-the-art Improved DTF descriptor. On spatial alignment, we outperform the popular SIFT Flow algorithm.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figure, 3 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1411.788
Behavior Discovery and Alignment of Articulated Object Classes from Unstructured Video
behavior discovery and alignment of articulated object classes from unstructured video
propose automatic organizing unstructured videos articulated e.g. tiger horse exploiting recurring videos identifies behaviors recovers pixel pixel alignments instances. organizing video collections indexing retrieval. platform appearance behaviors internet video. traditional supervised exploit wealth consuming manual annotations. discovery generates video intervals automatically trimmed discovered clustered type. relies articulated displacement ordered trajectories pots alignment aligns hundreds instances great considerable appearance e.g. tiger flexible plate spline deformation vary time. carefully annotated dataset. discovery outperform descriptor. alignment outperform popular sift pages tables. admin substantial overlap
A new actinomycete strain designated TN256, producing antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi, was isolated from a Tunisian Saharan soil. Morphological and chemical studies indicated that strain TN256 belonged to the genus Streptomyces. Analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence of strain TN256 showed a similarity level ranging between 99.79 and 97.8% within Streptomyces microflavus DSM 40331T and Streptomyces griseorubiginosus DSM 40469T respectively. The comparison of its physiological characteristics showed significant differences with the nearest species. Combined analysis of the 16 S rRNA gene sequences (FN687758), fatty acids profile, and results of physiological and biochemical tests indicated that there were genotypic and phenotypic differentiations of that isolate from other Streptomyces species neighbours. These date strongly suggest that strain TN256 represents a novel species with the type strain Streptomyces TN256 (=CTM50228T). Experimental validation by DNA–DNA hybridization would be required for conclusive confirmation. Four active products (1–4) were isolated from the culture broth of Streptomyces TN256 using various separation and purification steps and procedures. 1: N-[2-(1H-indol-3-yl)-2 oxo-ethyl] acetamide ‘alkaloid’ derivative; 2: di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, a phthalate derivative; 3: 1-Nonadecene and 4: Cyclo (l-Pro-l-Tyr) a diketopiperazine ‘DKP’ derivative. The chemical structure of these four active compounds was established on the basis of spectroscopic studies NMR and by comparing with data from the literature. According to our biological studies, we showed in this work that the pure compounds (1–4) possess antibacterial and antifungal activities. \u
Taxonomy, purification and chemical characterization of four bioactive compounds from new Streptomyces sp. TN256 strain \ud
taxonomy, purification and chemical characterization of four bioactive compounds from new streptomyces sp. tn256 strain \ud
actinomycete designated producing antimicrobial pathogenic bacteria fungi tunisian saharan soil. morphological belonged genus streptomyces. rdna similarity ranging streptomyces microflavus streptomyces griseorubiginosus respectively. physiological nearest species. rrna fatty physiological biochemical genotypic phenotypic differentiations isolate streptomyces neighbours. streptomyces validation dna–dna hybridization conclusive confirmation. broth streptomyces purification procedures. indol ethyl acetamide ‘alkaloid’ ethylhexyl phthalate phthalate nonadecene cyclo diketopiperazine ‘dkp’ derivative. spectroscopic literature. possess antibacterial antifungal activities.