3 values
It has recently been demonstrated that the dynamics of black holes at large $D$ can be recast as a set of non gravitational membrane equations. These membrane equations admit a simple static solution with shape $S^{D-p-2} \times R^{p,1}$. In this note we study the equations for small fluctuations about this solution in a limit in which amplitude and length scale of the fluctuations are simultaneously scaled to zero as $D$ is taken to infinity. We demonstrate that the resultant nonlinear equations, which capture the Gregory- Laflamme instability and its end point, exactly agree with the effective dynamical `black brane' equations of Emparan Suzuki and Tanabe. Our results thus identify the `black brane' equations as a special limit of the membrane equations and so unify these approaches to large $D$ black hole dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, references adde
Unstable `black branes' from scaled membranes at large $D$
unstable `black branes' from scaled membranes at large $d$
holes recast gravitational equations. admit simultaneously scaled infinity. resultant capture gregory laflamme instability agree brane emparan suzuki tanabe. brane unify pages adde
Phenomenologically appealing supersymmetric grand unified theories have large gauge representations and thus are not asymptotically free. Their ultraviolet validity is limited by the appearance of a Landau pole well before the Planck scale. One could hope that these theories save themselves, before the inclusion of gravity, by generating an interacting ultraviolet fixed point, similar to the one recently discovered in non-supersymmetric gauge-Yukawa theories. Employing a-maximization, a-theorem, unitarity bounds, as well as positivity of other central charges we nonperturbatively rule out this possibility for a broad class of prime candidates of phenomenologically relevant supersymmetric grand unified theories. We also uncover candidates passing these tests, which have either exotic matter or contain one field decoupled from the superpotential. The latter class of theories contains a model with the minimal matter content required by phenomenology.Comment: 1 figure, section on the doublet-triplet problem added, new references, accepted in JHE
Asymptotically Safe Grand Unification
asymptotically safe grand unification
phenomenologically appealing supersymmetric grand unified representations asymptotically free. ultraviolet validity appearance landau pole planck scale. hope save inclusion generating interacting ultraviolet discovered supersymmetric yukawa theories. employing maximization unitarity bounds positivity charges nonperturbatively broad prime candidates phenomenologically supersymmetric grand unified theories. uncover candidates passing exotic decoupled superpotential. doublet triplet
Gauge-invariant operators can be specified by equivalence classes of permutations. We develop this idea concretely for the singlets of the flavour group $SO(N_f)$ in $U(N_c)$ gauge theory by using Gelfand pairs and Schur-Weyl duality. The singlet operators, when specialised at $N_f =6$, belong to the scalar sector of ${\cal N}=4$ SYM. A simple formula is given for the two-point functions in the free field limit of $g_{YM}^2 =0$. The free two-point functions are shown to be equal to the partition function on a 2-complex with boundaries and a defect, in a topological field theory of permutations. The permutation equivalence classes are Fourier transformed to a representation basis which is orthogonal for the two-point functions at finite $N_c , N_f$. Counting formulae for the gauge-invariant operators are described. The one-loop mixing matrix is derived as a linear operator on the permutation equivalence classes.Comment: 50 pages, v2: typos corrected, v3: to appear in JHE
Flavour singlets in gauge theory as Permutations
flavour singlets in gauge theory as permutations
specified equivalence permutations. concretely singlets flavour gelfand schur weyl duality. singlet specialised belong sym. partition boundaries defect topological permutations. permutation equivalence fourier transformed orthogonal counting formulae described. permutation equivalence pages typos corrected
One way to diagnose chaos in bipartite unitary channels is via the tripartite information of the corresponding Choi state, which for certain choices of the subsystems reduces to the negative conditional mutual information (CMI). We study this quantity from a quantum information-theoretic perspective to clarify its role in diagnosing scrambling. When the CMI is zero, we find that the channel has a special normal form consisting of local channels between individual inputs and outputs. However, we find that arbitrarily low CMI does not imply arbitrary proximity to a channel of this form, although it does imply a type of approximate recoverability of one of the inputs. When the CMI is maximal, we find that the residual channel from an individual input to an individual output is completely depolarizing when the other input is maximally mixed. However, we again find that this result is not robust. We also extend some of these results to the multipartite case and to the case of Haar-random pure input states. Finally, we look at the relationship between tripartite information and its Renyi-2 version which is directly related to out-of-time-order correlation functions. In particular, we demonstrate an arbitrarily large gap between the two quantities.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure
Conditional Mutual Information of Bipartite Unitaries and Scrambling
conditional mutual information of bipartite unitaries and scrambling
diagnose chaos bipartite unitary tripartite choi choices subsystems reduces conditional mutual quantity theoretic perspective clarify diagnosing scrambling. consisting inputs outputs. arbitrarily imply proximity imply approximate recoverability inputs. maximal residual depolarizing maximally mixed. robust. extend multipartite haar states. look tripartite renyi functions. arbitrarily pages
We analyse generic AdS flux backgrounds preserving eight supercharges in $D=4$ and $D=5$ dimensions using exceptional generalised geometry. We show that they are described by a pair of globally defined, generalised structures, identical to those that appear for flat flux backgrounds but with different integrability conditions. We give a number of explicit examples of such "exceptional Sasaki-Einstein" backgrounds in type IIB supergravity and M-theory. In particular, we give the complete analysis of the generic AdS$_5$ M-theory backgrounds. We also briefly discuss the structure of the moduli space of solutions. In all cases, one structure defines a "generalised Reeb vector" that generates a Killing symmetry of the background corresponding to the R-symmetry of the dual field theory, and in addition encodes the generic contact structures that appear in the $D=4$ M-theory and $D=5$ type IIB cases. Finally, we investigate the relation between generalised structures and quantities in the dual field theory, showing that the central charge and R-charge of BPS wrapped-brane states are both encoded by the generalised Reeb vector, as well as discussing how volume minimisation (the dual of $a$- and $\mathcal{F}$-maximisation) is encoded.Comment: 40 page
The exceptional generalised geometry of supersymmetric AdS flux backgrounds
the exceptional generalised geometry of supersymmetric ads flux backgrounds
analyse generic backgrounds preserving eight supercharges exceptional generalised geometry. globally generalised backgrounds integrability conditions. exceptional sasaki einstein backgrounds supergravity theory. generic backgrounds. briefly moduli solutions. defines generalised reeb generates killing encodes generic cases. generalised quantities wrapped brane encoded generalised reeb discussing minimisation mathcal maximisation
Assuming the existence of a field theory in D dimensions dual to (D+1)-dimensional flat space, governed by the asymptotic symmetries of flat space, we make some preliminary remarks about the properties of this field theory. We review briefly some successes of the 3d bulk - 2d boundary case and then focus on the 4d bulk - 3d boundary example, where the symmetry in question is the infinite dimensional BMS4 algebra. We look at the constraints imposed by this symmetry on a 3d field theory by constructing highest weight representations of this algebra. We construct two and three point functions of BMS primary fields and surprisingly find that symmetries constrain these correlators to be identical to those of a 2d relativistic conformal field theory. We then go one dimension higher and construct prototypical examples of 4d field theories which are putative duals of 5d Minkowski spacetimes. These field theories are ultra-relativistic limits of electrodynamics and Yang-Mills theories which exhibit invariance under the conformal Carroll group in D=4. We explore the different sectors within these Carrollian gauge theories and investigate the symmetries of the equations of motion to find that an infinite ultra-relativistic conformal structure arises in each case.Comment: 45 page
Flat Holography: Aspects of the dual field theory
flat holography: aspects of the dual field theory
governed asymptotic symmetries preliminary remarks theory. briefly successes infinite algebra. look imposed constructing representations algebra. surprisingly symmetries constrain correlators relativistic conformal theory. prototypical putative duals minkowski spacetimes. ultra relativistic electrodynamics mills exhibit invariance conformal carroll explore sectors carrollian symmetries infinite ultra relativistic conformal arises
We study the instanton partition functions of 5d maximal super Yang-Mills theories with all classical gauge groups. They are computed from the ADHM quantum mechanics of the D0-D4-O4 systems. Our partition functions respect S-dualities of the circle compactified Yang-Mills theories and various orientifold backgrounds. We also compute and study the $S^5$ partition functions that correspond to the 6d (2,0) superconformal indices. Our SO(2N) index takes the form of the vacuum character of $\mathcal{W}_D$ algebra in a special limit, supporting the $\mathcal{W}$ algebra conjecture. We propose new indices for (2,0) theories with outer automorphism twists along the temporal circle, obtained from non-simply-laced SYMs on $S^5$.Comment: 26 pages, no figure; v2: reference added, minor change
M5-branes, orientifolds, and S-duality
m5-branes, orientifolds, and s-duality
instanton partition maximal super mills groups. adhm mechanics systems. partition dualities circle compactified mills orientifold backgrounds. partition superconformal indices. character mathcal supporting mathcal conjecture. propose indices outer automorphism twists circle laced syms .comment pages minor
We investigate multi-lepton signals produced by ElectroWeakino (EWino) decays in the MSSM and the TMSSM scenarios with sfermions, gluinos and non Standard Model Higgses at the TeV scale, being the Bino electroweak-scale dark matter. We recast the present LHC constraints on EWinos for these models and we find that wide MSSM and TMSSM parameter regions prove to be allowed. We forecast the number of events expected in the signal regions of the experimental multi-lepton analyses in the next LHC runs. The correlations among these numbers will help to determine whether future deviations in multi-lepton data are ascribable to the EWinos, as well as the supersymmetric model they originate from.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, 3 table
Confronting SUSY models with LHC data via electroweakino production
confronting susy models with lhc data via electroweakino production
lepton electroweakino ewino decays mssm tmssm scenarios sfermions gluinos higgses bino electroweak matter. recast ewinos mssm tmssm allowed. forecast lepton runs. deviations lepton ascribable ewinos supersymmetric originate pages
The extension of the Standard Model by heavy right-handed neutrinos can simultaneously explain the observed neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism and the baryon asymmetry of the Universe via leptogenesis. If the mass of the heavy neutrinos is below the electroweak scale, they may be found at LHCb, BELLE II, the proposed SHiP experiment or a future high-energy collider. In this mass range, the baryon asymmetry is generated via $CP$-violating oscillations of the heavy neutrinos during their production. We study the generation of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe in this scenario from first principles of non-equilibrium quantum field theory, including spectator processes and feedback effects. We eliminate several uncertainties from previous calculations and find that the baryon asymmetry of the Universe can be explained with larger heavy neutrino mixing angles, increasing the chance for an experimental discovery. For the limiting cases of fast and strongly overdamped oscillations of right-handed neutrinos, the generation of the baryon asymmetry can be calculated analytically up to corrections of order one.Comment: 49 page
Leptogenesis from Oscillations of Heavy Neutrinos with Large Mixing Angles
leptogenesis from oscillations of heavy neutrinos with large mixing angles
handed neutrinos simultaneously seesaw baryon asymmetry universe leptogenesis. neutrinos electroweak lhcb belle ship collider. baryon asymmetry violating oscillations neutrinos production. baryon asymmetry universe principles spectator effects. eliminate baryon asymmetry universe angles chance discovery. limiting overdamped oscillations handed neutrinos baryon asymmetry analytically
In the Littlest Higgs model with $T$ parity (LHT), the $T$-odd heavy photon ($A_H$) is weakly interacting and can play the role of dark matter. We investigate the lower limit on the mass of $A_H$ dark matter under the constraints from Higgs data, EWPOs, $R_b$, Planck 2015 dark matter relic abundance, PandaX-II/LUX 2016 direct detections and LHC-8 TeV monojet results. We find that (1) Higgs data, EWPOs and $R_b$ can exclude the mass of $A_H$ up to 99 GeV. To produce the correct dark matter relic abundance, $A_H$ has to co-annihilate with $T$-odd quarks ($q_H$) or leptons ($\ell_H$); (2) the LUX (PandaX-II) 2016 data can further exclude $m_{A_H}<380 (270)$ GeV for $\ell_H$-$A_H$ co-annihilation and $m_{A_H}<350 (240)$ GeV for $q_H-A_H$ co-annihilation; (3) LHC-8 TeV monojet result can give a strong lower limit, $m_{A_H}>540$ GeV, for $q_H$-$A_H$ co-annihilation; (4) future XENON1T (2017) experiment can fully cover the parameter space of $\ell_H$-$A_H$ co-annihilation and will push the lower limit of $m_{A_H}$ up to about 640 GeV for $q_H$-$A_H$ co-annihilation.Comment: discussions added, version accepted by JHE
Little Higgs Dark Matter after PandaX-II/LUX 2016 and LHC Run-1
little higgs dark matter after pandax-ii/lux 2016 and lhc run-1
littlest parity weakly interacting matter. ewpos planck relic abundance pandax detections monojet results. ewpos exclude gev. relic abundance annihilate quarks leptons pandax exclude annihilation annihilation monojet annihilation xenon cover annihilation push discussions
We consider the leading and subleading UV divergences for the four-point on-shell scattering amplitudes in D=6,8,10 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in the planar limit. These theories belong to the class of maximally supersymmetric gauge theories and presumably possess distinguished properties beyond perturbation theory. In the previous works, we obtained the recursive relations that allow one to get the leading and subleading divergences in all loops in a pure algebraic way. The all loop summation of the leading divergences is performed with the help of the differential equations which are the generalization of the RG equations for non-renormalizable theories. Here we mainly focus on solving and analyzing these equations. We discuss the properties of the obtained solutions and interpretation of the results.Comment: PdfLatex, 18 pages, 9 Figure
Summation of all-loop UV Divergences in Maximally Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
summation of all-loop uv divergences in maximally supersymmetric gauge theories
subleading divergences amplitudes supersymmetric mills planar limit. belong maximally supersymmetric presumably possess distinguished perturbation theory. recursive subleading divergences loops algebraic way. summation divergences generalization renormalizable theories. solving analyzing equations. pdflatex pages
We argue that moduli stabilization generically restricts the evolution following transitions between weakly coupled de Sitter vacua and can induce a strong selection bias towards inflationary cosmologies. The energy density of domain walls between vacua typically destabilizes Kahler moduli and triggers a runaway towards large volume. This decompactification phase can collapse the new de Sitter region unless a minimum amount of inflation occurs after the transition. A stable vacuum transition is guaranteed only if the inflationary expansion generates overlapping past light cones for all observable modes originating from the reheating surface, which leads to an approximately flat and isotropic universe. High scale inflation is vastly favored. Our results point towards a framework for studying parameter fine-tuning and inflationary initial conditions in flux compactifications.Comment: 56 pages, 17 figures; v2: fixed typo
Inflation Expels Runaways
inflation expels runaways
argue moduli stabilization generically restricts weakly sitter vacua induce inflationary cosmologies. walls vacua destabilizes kahler moduli triggers runaway volume. decompactification collapse sitter unless inflation transition. guaranteed inflationary generates overlapping cones observable originating reheating isotropic universe. inflation vastly favored. studying fine tuning inflationary pages typo
We study perturbations of 4-dimensional fuzzy spheres as backgrounds in the IKKT or IIB matrix model. Gauge fields and metric fluctuations are identified among the excitation modes with lowest spin, supplemented by a tower of higher-spin fields. They arise from an internal structure which can be viewed as a twisted bundle over $S^4$, leading to a covariant noncommutative geometry. The linearized 4-dimensional Einstein equations are obtained from the classical matrix model action under certain conditions, modified by an IR cutoff. Some one-loop contributions to the effective action are computed using the formalism of string states.Comment: 38+8 pages, 1 figure. V2: substantial revision: extension to thick spheres and rank 3 tensor, modified conclusion. V3: more transparent analysis of gravity modes, typos fixe
Emergent gravity on covariant quantum spaces in the IKKT model
emergent gravity on covariant quantum spaces in the ikkt model
perturbations fuzzy spheres backgrounds ikkt model. supplemented tower fields. arise viewed twisted bundle covariant noncommutative geometry. linearized einstein cutoff. formalism pages figure. substantial revision thick spheres conclusion. transparent typos fixe
Extending the formulation for open superstring field theory given in arXiv:1508.00366, we attempt to construct a complete action for heterotic string field theory. The action is non-polynomial in the Ramond string field Psi, and we construct it order by order in Psi. Using a dual formulation in which the role of eta and Q is exchanged, the action is explicitly obtained at the quadratic and quartic order in Psi with the gauge transformations.Comment: 44pages; ver2: Modification for one of the author's address; ver3: appendix B is added (50 pages in total); ver4: typos are correcte
Construction of action for heterotic string field theory including the Ramond sector
construction of action for heterotic string field theory including the ramond sector
extending formulation superstring attempt heterotic theory. ramond psi. formulation exchanged explicitly quadratic quartic pages modification pages typos correcte
We study the thermal transition of QCD with two degenerate light flavours by lattice simulations using $O(a)$-improved Wilson quarks. Temperature scans are performed at a fixed value of $N_t = (aT)^{-1}=16$, where $a$ is the lattice spacing and $T$ the temperature, at three fixed zero-temperature pion masses between 200 MeV and 540 MeV. In this range we find that the transition is consistent with a broad crossover. As a probe of the restoration of chiral symmetry, we study the static screening spectrum. We observe a degeneracy between the transverse isovector vector and axial-vector channels starting from the transition temperature. Particularly striking is the strong reduction of the splitting between isovector scalar and pseudoscalar screening masses around the chiral phase transition by at least a factor of three compared to its value at zero temperature. In fact, the splitting is consistent with zero within our uncertainties. This disfavours a chiral phase transition in the $O(4)$ universality class.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figure, 12 tables; v2: typos corrected; enhanced explanations and discussions; included study of systematic effects for the extraction of screening masses; conclusions unchanged; new version to match published versio
On the strength of the $U_A(1)$ anomaly at the chiral phase transition in $N_f=2$ QCD
on the strength of the $u_a(1)$ anomaly at the chiral phase transition in $n_f=2$ qcd
degenerate flavours wilson quarks. scans spacing pion mev. broad crossover. restoration chiral screening spectrum. degeneracy isovector axial temperature. striking splitting isovector pseudoscalar screening chiral temperature. splitting uncertainties. disfavours chiral universality pages tables typos corrected explanations discussions extraction screening unchanged match versio
The Abelian Higgs model forms an essential part of the electroweak standard model: it is the sector containing only Z and Higgs bosons. We present a diagram-based proof of the tree-level unitarity of this model inside the unitary gauge, where only physical degrees of freedom occur. We derive combinatorial recursion relations for off-shell amplitudes in the massless approximation, which allows us to prove the cancellation of the first two orders in energy of unitarity-violating high-energy behaviour for any tree-level amplitude in this model. We describe a deformation of the amplitudes by extending the physical phase space to at least 7 spacetime dimensions, which leads to on-shell recursion relations a la BCFW. These lead to a simple proof that all on-shell tree amplitudes obey partial-wave unitarity.Comment: 15 page
Amplitudes, recursion relations and unitarity in the Abelian Higgs Model
amplitudes, recursion relations and unitarity in the abelian higgs model
abelian electroweak bosons. unitarity unitary freedom occur. derive combinatorial recursion amplitudes massless cancellation orders unitarity violating model. deformation amplitudes extending spacetime recursion bcfw. amplitudes obey
We present tree-level $n$-particle on-shell scattering amplitudes of various brane theories with $16$ conserved supercharges. These include the world-volume theory of a probe D3-brane or D5-brane in 10D Minkowski spacetime as well as a probe M5-brane in 11D Minkowski spacetime, which describes self interactions of an abelian tensor supermultiplet with 6D $(2,0)$ supersymmetry. Twistor-string-like formulas are proposed for tree-level scattering amplitudes of all multiplicities for each of these theories. The R symmetry of the D3-brane theory is shown to be $SU(4) \times U(1)$, and the $U(1)$ factor implies that its amplitudes are helicity conserving. Each of 6D theories (D5-brane and M5-brane) reduces to the D3-brane theory by dimensional reduction. As special cases of the general M5-brane amplitudes, we present compact formulas for examples involving only the self-dual $B$ field with $n=4,6,8$.Comment: 58 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor corrections, references added; v3: references added, matches published JHEP versio
M5-Brane and D-Brane Scattering Amplitudes
m5-brane and d-brane scattering amplitudes
amplitudes brane conserved supercharges. brane brane minkowski spacetime brane minkowski spacetime describes abelian supermultiplet supersymmetry. twistor formulas amplitudes multiplicities theories. brane amplitudes helicity conserving. brane brane reduces brane reduction. brane amplitudes formulas involving .comment pages figures. minor matches jhep versio
The double copy is a much-studied relationship between scattering amplitudes in gauge and gravity theories, that has subsequently been extended to classical field solutions. In nearly all previous examples, the graviton field is defined around Minkowski space. Recently, it has been suggested that one may set up a double copy for gravitons defined around a non-trivial background. We investigate this idea from the point of view of the classical double copy. First, we use Kerr-Schild spacetimes to construct graviton solutions in curved space, as double copies of gauge fields on non-zero gauge backgrounds. Next, we find that we can reinterpret such cases in terms of a graviton on a non-Minkowski background, whose single copy is a gauge field in the same background spacetime. The latter type of double copy persists even when the background is not of Kerr-Schild form, and we provide examples involving conformally flat metrics. Our results will be useful in extending the remit of the double copy, including to possible cosmological applications.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure
The Kerr-Schild double copy in curved spacetime
the kerr-schild double copy in curved spacetime
copy amplitudes subsequently solutions. nearly graviton minkowski space. copy gravitons trivial background. copy. kerr schild spacetimes graviton curved copies backgrounds. reinterpret graviton minkowski copy spacetime. copy persists kerr schild involving conformally metrics. extending remit copy cosmological pages
There exist two variants of the old minimal formulation for ${\cal N}=1$ supergravity in four dimensions, in which one or each of the two auxiliary scalars is replaced by the field strength of a gauge three-form. These theories are known as three-form supergravity and complex three-form supergravity, respectively. For each of them, we present a super-Weyl invariant coupling of supergravity to the supermembrane and prove kappa-invariance of the resulting action. In the case of three-form supergravity, we demonstrate that the action constructed reduces to that given by Ovrut and Waldram twenty years ago upon imposing a super-Weyl gauge in which the compensating three-form superfield is set to a constant.Comment: 22 page
Complex three-form supergravity and membranes
complex three-form supergravity and membranes
variants formulation supergravity auxiliary scalars replaced form. supergravity supergravity respectively. super weyl supergravity supermembrane kappa invariance action. supergravity reduces ovrut waldram twenty imposing super weyl compensating superfield
By studying an explicit analytical solution of the Coulomb problem on the lattice we demonstrate a breakdown of perturbative matching for the description of the Coulomb artifacts in lattice NRQCD, which leads to a large systematic error in the predictions for the heavy quarkonium spectrum. The breakdown is a result of a fine interplay between the short and long distance effects specific to the lattice regularization of NRQCD. We show how the problem can be solved within the Schrodinger matching procedure.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Journal version (minor revisions implemented
Coulomb Artifacts and Breakdown of Perturbative Matching in Lattice NRQCD
coulomb artifacts and breakdown of perturbative matching in lattice nrqcd
studying coulomb breakdown perturbative matching coulomb artifacts nrqcd quarkonium spectrum. breakdown fine interplay regularization nrqcd. solved schrodinger matching pages figure. minor revisions implemented
We present results for the decay constants of the $D$ and $D_s$ mesons computed in lattice QCD with $N_f=2+1$ dynamical flavours. The simulations are based on RBC/UKQCD's domain wall ensembles with both physical and unphysical light-quark masses and lattice spacings in the range 0.11--0.07$\,$fm. We employ the domain wall discretisation for all valence quarks. The results in the continuum limit are $f_D=208.7(2.8)_\mathrm{stat}\left(^{+2.1}_{-1.8}\right)_\mathrm{sys}\,\mathrm{MeV}$ and $f_{D_{s}}=246.4(1.3)_\mathrm{stat}\left(^{+1.3}_{-1.9}\right)_\mathrm{sys}\,\mathrm{MeV}$ and $f_{D_s}/f_D=1.1667(77)_\mathrm{stat}\left(^{+57}_{-43}\right)_\mathrm{sys}$. Using these results in a Standard Model analysis we compute the predictions $|V_{cd}|=0.2185(50)_\mathrm{exp}\left(^{+35}_{-37}\right)_\mathrm{lat}$ and $|V_{cs}|=1.011(16)_\mathrm{exp}\left(^{+4}_{-9}\right)_\mathrm{lat}$ for the CKM matrix elements
The decay constants ${\mathbf{f_D}}$ and ${\mathbf{f_{D_{s}}}}$ in the continuum limit of ${\mathbf{N_f=2+1}}$ domain wall lattice QCD
the decay constants ${\mathbf{f_d}}$ and ${\mathbf{f_{d_{s}}}}$ in the continuum limit of ${\mathbf{n_f=2+1}}$ domain wall lattice qcd
mesons flavours. ukqcd ensembles unphysical spacings employ discretisation valence quarks. continuum mathrm stat mathrm mathrm mathrm stat mathrm mathrm mathrm stat mathrm mathrm mathrm mathrm mathrm
Supergravity with eight supercharges in a four-dimensional Euclidean space is constructed at the full non-linear level by performing an off-shell time-like reduction of five-dimensional supergravity. The resulting four-dimensional theory is realized off-shell with the Weyl, vector and tensor supermultiplets and a corresponding multiplet calculus. Hypermultiplets are included as well, but they are themselves only realized with on-shell supersymmetry. The off-shell reduction leads to a full understanding of the Euclidean theory. A complete multiplet calculus is presented along the lines of the Minkowskian theory. Unlike in Minkowski space, chiral and anti-chiral multiplets are real and supersymmetric actions are generally unbounded from below. Precisely as in the Minkowski case, where one has different formulations of Poincar\'e supergravity by introducing different compensating supermultiplets, one can also obtain different versions of Euclidean supergravity.Comment: 42 page
Euclidean Supergravity
euclidean supergravity
supergravity eight supercharges euclidean performing supergravity. realized weyl supermultiplets multiplet calculus. hypermultiplets realized supersymmetry. euclidean theory. multiplet calculus minkowskian theory. unlike minkowski chiral chiral multiplets supersymmetric unbounded below. precisely minkowski formulations poincar supergravity introducing compensating supermultiplets versions euclidean
In collinear factorization, light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) are key ingredients to calculate the production rate of a hadron in high energy exclusive processes. For a doubly-heavy meson system (such as $B_c, J/\psi, \Upsilon$ etc), the LCDAs contain perturbative scales that can be integrated out and then are re-factorized into products of perturbatively calculable distribution parts and non-relativistic QCD matrix elements. In this re-factorization scheme, the LCDAs are known at next-to-leading order in the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$ and at leading order in the velocity expansion. In this work, we calculate the ${\cal O}( { v}^2)$ corrections to twist-2 LCDAs of S-wave $B_c$ mesons. These results are applicable to heavy quarkonia like $\eta_{c,b}$, $J/\psi$ and $\Upsilon$ by setting $m_b=m_c$. We apply these relativistically corrected LCDAs to study their inverse moments and a few Gegenbauer moments which are important for phenomenological study. We point out that the relativistic corrections are sizable, and comparable with the next-to-leading order radiative corrections. These results for LCDAs are useful in future theoretical analyses of the productions of heavy quarkonia and $B_c$ mesons.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, 2 table
Relativistic corrections to light-cone distribution amplitudes of S-wave $B_c$ mesons and heavy quarkonia
relativistic corrections to light-cone distribution amplitudes of s-wave $b_c$ mesons and heavy quarkonia
collinear factorization cone amplitudes lcdas ingredients hadron exclusive processes. doubly meson upsilon lcdas perturbative factorized perturbatively calculable relativistic elements. factorization lcdas alpha expansion. twist lcdas mesons. applicable quarkonia upsilon relativistically corrected lcdas moments gegenbauer moments phenomenological study. relativistic sizable comparable radiative corrections. lcdas productions quarkonia pages
We analytically solve the conformal bootstrap equations in the Regge limit for large N conformal field theories. For theories with a parametrically large gap, the amplitude is dominated by spin-2 exchanges and we show how the crossing equations naturally lead to the construction of AdS exchange Witten diagrams. We also show how this is encoded in the anomalous dimensions of double-trace operators of large spin and large twist. We use the chaos bound to prove that the anomalous dimensions are negative. Extending these results to correlators containing two scalars and two conserved currents, we show how to reproduce the CEMZ constraint that the three-point function between two currents and one stress tensor only contains the structure given by Einstein-Maxwell theory in AdS, up to small corrections. Finally, we consider the case where operators of unbounded spin contribute to the Regge amplitude, whose net effect is captured by summing the leading Regge trajectory. We compute the resulting anomalous dimensions and corrections to OPE coefficients in the crossed channel and use the chaos bound to show that both are negative.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure; V2: Small corrections and clarification
Conformal Bootstrap in the Regge Limit
conformal bootstrap in the regge limit
analytically solve conformal bootstrap regge conformal theories. parametrically dominated exchanges crossing naturally witten diagrams. encoded anomalous trace twist. chaos anomalous negative. extending correlators scalars conserved currents reproduce cemz currents einstein maxwell corrections. unbounded regge captured summing regge trajectory. anomalous crossed chaos pages clarification
We adapt the Bender-Wu algorithm to solve perturbatively but very efficiently the eigenvalue problem of "relativistic" quantum mechanical problems whose Hamiltonians are difference operators of the exponential-polynomial type. We implement the algorithm in the function BWDifference in the updated Mathematica package BenderWu. With the help of BWDifference, we survey quantum mirror curves of toric fano Calabi-Yau threefolds, and find strong evidence that not only are the perturbative eigenenergies of the associated 1d quantum mechanical problems Borel summable, but also that the Borel sums are exact.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures, and 4 tables. Bundled with the source files of this document are the Mathematica notebooks for the package BenderWu, including the new function BWDifferenc
High order perturbation theory for difference equations and Borel summability of quantum mirror curves
high order perturbation theory for difference equations and borel summability of quantum mirror curves
adapt bender solve perturbatively efficiently eigenvalue relativistic hamiltonians exponential type. implement bwdifference updated mathematica package benderwu. bwdifference mirror toric fano calabi threefolds perturbative eigenenergies borel summable borel sums pages tables. bundled files document mathematica notebooks package benderwu bwdifferenc
Reflection states are introduced in the vertical and horizontal modules of the Ding-Iohara-Miki (DIM) algebra (quantum toroidal $\mathfrak{gl}_1$). Webs of DIM representations are in correspondence with $(p,q)$-web diagrams of type IIB string theory, under the identification of the algebraic intertwiner of Awata, Feigin and Shiraishi with the refined topological vertex. Extending the correspondence to the vertical reflection states, it is possible to engineer the $\mathcal{N}=1$ quiver gauge theory of D-type (with unitary gauge groups). In this way, the Nekrasov instanton partition function is reproduced from the evaluation of expectation values of intertwiners. This computation leads to the identification of the vertical reflection state with the orientifold plane of string theory. We also provide a translation of this construction in the Iqbal-Kozcaz-Vafa refined topological vertex formalism.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures. Details of translation in terms of IKV refined topological vertex added in the second versio
Reflection states in Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra and brane-web for D-type quiver
reflection states in ding-iohara-miki algebra and brane-web for d-type quiver
reflection modules ding iohara miki toroidal mathfrak webs representations correspondence diagrams algebraic intertwiner awata feigin shiraishi refined topological vertex. extending correspondence reflection engineer mathcal quiver unitary nekrasov instanton partition reproduced expectation intertwiners. reflection orientifold theory. translation iqbal kozcaz vafa refined topological pages figures. translation refined topological versio
Using the N=4, 1D harmonic superspace approach, we construct a new type of N=4 supersymmetric mechanics involving 4n-dimensional Quaternion-K\"ahler (QK) 1D sigma models as the bosonic core. The basic ingredients of our construction are {\it local} N=4, 1D supersymmetry realized by the appropriate transformations in 1D harmonic superspace, the general N=4, 1D superfield vielbein and a set of 2(n+1) analytic "matter" superfields representing (n+1) off-shell supermultiplets (4, 4, 0). Both superfield and component actions are given for the simplest QK models with the manifolds \mathbb{H}H^n = Sp(1,n)/[Sp(1) x Sp(n)] and \mathbb{H}P^n = Sp(1+n)/[Sp(1) x Sp(n)] as the bosonic targets. For the general case the relevant superfield action and constraints on the (4, 4, 0) "matter" superfields are presented. Further generalizations are briefly discussed.Comment: further minor corrections in eqs. (2.21), (4.24) and (A9
Quaternion-K\"ahler N=4 Supersymmetric Mechanics
quaternion-k\"ahler n=4 supersymmetric mechanics
harmonic superspace supersymmetric mechanics involving quaternion ahler sigma bosonic core. ingredients supersymmetry realized transformations harmonic superspace superfield vielbein analytic superfields representing supermultiplets superfield simplest manifolds mathbb mathbb bosonic targets. superfield superfields presented. generalizations briefly minor eqs.
Motivated by an analysis of the sub-superalgebras of the five-dimensional superconformal algebra $F(4)$, we search for the holographic duals to co-dimension one superconformal defects in 5d CFTs which have $SO(4,2) \oplus U(1)$ bosonic symmetry. In particular, we look for domain wall solutions to six-dimensional $F(4)$ gauged supergravity coupled to a single vector multiplet. It is found that supersymmetric domain wall solutions do not exist unless there is a non-trivial profile for one of the vector multiplet scalars which is charged under the gauged $SU(2)$ R-symmetry. This non-trivial profile breaks the $SU(2)$ to $U(1)$, thus matching expectations from the superalgebra analysis. A consistent set of BPS equations is then obtained and solved numerically. While the numerical solutions are generically singular and thought to be dual to boundary CFTs, it is found that for certain fine-tuned choices of parameters regular Janus solutions may be obtained.Comment: 35 pages, pdf-latex, 9 figures. v2: minor corrections, reference adde
Janus solutions in six-dimensional gauged supergravity
janus solutions in six-dimensional gauged supergravity
motivated superalgebras superconformal holographic duals superconformal defects cfts oplus bosonic symmetry. look gauged supergravity multiplet. supersymmetric unless trivial multiplet scalars gauged symmetry. trivial breaks matching expectations superalgebra analysis. solved numerically. generically singular thought cfts fine tuned choices janus pages latex figures. minor adde
In this research the weak decay of $B^+_c$ decays to the $K^+K^-\pi^+$ final state, which is observed by LHCb collaboration for the first time, is calculated in the quasi-two-body decays which takes into account the $B^0_s$, $\chi_{c0}$ and $D^0$ resonances and weak annihilation nonresonant contributions. In this process, the $B^+_c$ meson decays first into $B^0_s\pi^+$, $\chi_{c0}\pi^+$ and $D^0\pi^+$ intermediate states, and then the $B^0_s$, $\chi_{c0}$ and $D^0$ resonances decay into $K^+K^-$ components, which undergo final state interaction. The mode of the $B^+_c\rightarrow D^0(\rightarrow K^-\pi^+)K^+$ is also associated to the calculation, in this mode the intermediate resonance $D^0$ decays to the $K^-\pi^+$ final mesons. The resonances $B^0_s$, $\chi_{c0}$ and $D^0$ effects in the $B^+_c\rightarrow B^0_s(\rightarrow K^+K^-)\pi^+$, $B^+_c\rightarrow \chi_{c0}(\rightarrow K^+K^-)\pi^+$ and $B^+_c\rightarrow D^0(\rightarrow K^+K^-)\pi^+, D^0(\rightarrow K^-\pi^+)K^+$ decays are described in terms of the quasi-two-body modes. There is a weak annihilation nonresonant contribution in which $B^+_c$ decays to the $K^+K^-\pi^+$ directly, so the point-like 3-body matrix element $\langle K^+K^-\pi^+|u\bar{d}|0\rangle$ is also considered. The decay mode of the $B^+_c\rightarrow \bar{K}^{*0}(892)K^+$ is contributed to the annihilation contribution. The branching ratios of quasi-two-body decays expand in the range from $1.98\times10^{-6}$ to $7.32\times10^{-6}$
Study of $B^+_c$ decays to the $K^+K^-\pi^+$ final state by using $B^0_s$, $\chi_{c0}$ and $D^0$ resonances and weak annihilation nonresonant topologys
study of $b^+_c$ decays to the $k^+k^-\pi^+$ final state by using $b^0_s$, $\chi_{c0}$ and $d^0$ resonances and weak annihilation nonresonant topologys
decays lhcb quasi decays resonances annihilation nonresonant contributions. meson decays resonances undergo interaction. rightarrow rightarrow decays mesons. resonances rightarrow rightarrow rightarrow rightarrow rightarrow rightarrow rightarrow decays quasi modes. annihilation nonresonant decays langle rangle considered. rightarrow contributed annihilation contribution. branching quasi decays expand
We consider BPS-counting functions $\mathcal{Z}_{N,M}$ of $N$ parallel M5-branes probing a transverse $\mathbb{Z}_M$ orbifold geometry. These brane web configurations can be dualised into a class of toric non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds which have the structure of an elliptic fibration over (affine) $A_{N-1}$. We make this symmetry of $\mathcal{Z}_{N,M}$ manifest in particular regions of the parameter space of the setup: we argue that for specific choices of the deformation parameters, the supercharges of the system acquire particular holonomy charges which lead to infinitely many cancellations among states contributing to the partition function. The resulting (simplified) $\mathcal{Z}_{N,M}$ can be written as a sum over weights forming a single irreducible representation of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{a}_{N-1}$ (or its affine counterpart). We show this behaviour explicitly for an extensive list of examples for specific values of $(N,M)$ and generalise the arising pattern for generic configurations. Finally, for a particular compact M5-brane setup we use this form of the partition function to make the duality $N\leftrightarrow M$ manifest.Comment: 70 page
Five-Brane Webs and Highest Weight Representations
five-brane webs and highest weight representations
counting mathcal branes probing mathbb orbifold geometry. brane configurations dualised toric calabi threefolds elliptic fibration affine mathcal manifest setup argue choices deformation supercharges acquire holonomy charges infinitely cancellations contributing partition function. simplified mathcal weights forming irreducible mathfrak affine counterpart explicitly extensive generalise arising generic configurations. brane setup partition duality leftrightarrow
We present predictions for the prompt-neutrino flux arising from the decay of charmed mesons and baryons produced by the interactions of high-energy cosmic rays in the Earth's atmosphere, making use of a QCD approach on the basis of the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme for the description of charm hadroproduction at NLO, complemented by a consistent set of fragmentation functions. We compare the theoretical results to those already obtained by our and other groups with different theoretical approaches. We provide comparisons with the experimental results obtained by the IceCube Collaboration in two different analyses and we discuss the implications for parton distribution functions.Comment: 43 pages, 21 figures, updated version, to be published in JHE
Prompt neutrinos from atmospheric charm in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme
prompt neutrinos from atmospheric charm in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme
prompt arising charmed mesons baryons cosmic rays earth atmosphere flavor charm hadroproduction complemented fragmentation functions. approaches. comparisons icecube parton pages updated
We consider a class of models of neutrino mixing with $S_4$ lepton flavour symmetry combined with a generalised CP symmetry, which are broken to residual $Z_2$ and $Z_2 \times H^\nu_{\rm CP}$ symmetries in the charged lepton and neutrino sectors, respectively, $H^\nu_{\rm CP}$ being a remnant CP symmetry of the neutrino Majorana mass term. In this set-up the neutrino mixing angles and CP violation (CPV) phases of the neutrino mixing matrix depend on three real parameters - two angles and a phase. We classify all phenomenologically viable mixing patterns and derive predictions for the Dirac and Majorana CPV phases. Further, we use the results obtained on the neutrino mixing angles and leptonic CPV phases to derive predictions for the effective Majorana mass in neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: 56 pages, includes 16 figures and 8 tables; the discussion on the possibility to discriminate experimentally between the different cases extended and a new related figure added; the discussion of neutrinoless double beta decay extended; references added; typos corrected; matches version published in JHE
Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Violation from $S_4$ Flavour and Generalised CP Symmetries
neutrino mixing and leptonic cp violation from $s_4$ flavour and generalised cp symmetries
lepton flavour generalised broken residual symmetries lepton sectors remnant majorana term. angles violation angles phase. classify phenomenologically viable derive dirac majorana phases. angles leptonic derive majorana neutrinoless beta pages tables discriminate experimentally neutrinoless beta typos corrected matches
We study quasinormal modes of shear gravitational perturbations for hyperscaling violating Lifshitz theories, with Lifshitz and hyperscaling violating exponents $z$ and $\theta$. The lowest quasinormal mode frequency yields a shear diffusion constant which is in agreement with that obtained in previous work by other methods. In particular for theories with $z< d_i+2-\theta$ where $d_i$ is the boundary spatial dimension, the shear diffusion constant exhibits power-law scaling with temperature, while for $z=d_i+2-\theta$, it exhibits logarithmic scaling. We then calculate certain 2-point functions of the dual energy-momentum tensor holographically for $z\leq d_i+2-\theta$, identifying the diffusive poles with the quasinormal modes above. This reveals universal behaviour $\eta/s=1/4\pi$ for the viscosity-to-entropy-density ratio for all $z\leq d_i+2-\theta$.Comment: v2: Latex, 21pgs, more details of analysis, review of shear diffusion from membrane paradigm, references added, matches version to be publishe
Hyperscaling violation, quasinormal modes and shear diffusion
hyperscaling violation, quasinormal modes and shear diffusion
quasinormal gravitational perturbations hyperscaling violating lifshitz lifshitz hyperscaling violating exponents theta quasinormal methods. theta exhibits theta exhibits logarithmic scaling. holographically theta identifying diffusive poles quasinormal above. reveals universal viscosity theta .comment latex paradigm matches publishe
A search for the decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson into a $b\bar{b}$ pair when produced in association with a $W$ or $Z$ boson is performed with the ATLAS detector. The analysed data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb$^{-1}$, were collected in proton-proton collisions in Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Final states containing zero, one and two charged leptons (electrons or muons) are considered, targeting the decays $Z\to\nu\nu$, $W\to\ell\nu$ and $Z\to\ell\ell$. For a Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV, an excess of events over the expected background from other Standard Model processes is found with an observed significance of 3.5 standard deviations, compared to an expectation of 3.0 standard deviations. This excess provides evidence for the Higgs boson decay into $b$-quarks and for its production in association with a vector boson. The combination of this result with that of the Run 1 analysis yields a ratio of the measured signal events to the Standard Model expectation equal to $0.90 \pm 0.18 \rm{(stat.)} ^{+0.21}_{-0.19} \rm{(syst.)}$. Assuming the Standard Model production cross-section, the results are consistent with the value of the Yukawa coupling to $b$-quarks in the Standard Model.Comment: 68 pages in total, author list starting page 52, 13 figures, 15 tables, submitted to JHEP, All figures including auxiliary figures are available at This version matches submission to JHE
Evidence for the $H \to b\bar{b}$ decay with the ATLAS detector
evidence for the $h \to b\bar{b}$ decay with the atlas detector
boson boson atlas detector. analysed luminosity proton proton collisions hadron collider tev. leptons muons targeting decays boson excess deviations expectation deviations. excess boson quarks boson. expectation stat. syst. yukawa quarks pages tables submitted jhep auxiliary matches submission
Bose-Einstein correlations of same-sign charged pions, produced in proton-proton collisions at a 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy, are studied using a data sample collected by the LHCb experiment. The signature for Bose-Einstein correlations is observed in the form of an enhancement of pairs of like-sign charged pions with small four-momentum difference squared. The charged-particle multiplicity dependence of the Bose-Einstein correlation parameters describing the correlation strength and the size of the emitting source is investigated, determining both the correlation radius and the chaoticity parameter. The measured correlation radius is found to increase as a function of increasing charged-particle multiplicity, while the chaoticity parameter is seen to decrease
Bose-Einstein correlations of same-sign charged pions in the forward region in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV$
bose-einstein correlations of same-sign charged pions in the forward region in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7 tev$
bose einstein pions proton proton collisions lhcb experiment. signature bose einstein enhancement pions squared. multiplicity bose einstein describing emitting determining chaoticity parameter. multiplicity chaoticity
The production of $B^{\pm}$ mesons is studied in pp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 13 TeV, using $B^{\pm} \to J/\psi K^{\pm}$ decays and data samples corresponding to 1.0 $fb^{−1}$ and 0.3 $fb^{−1}$, respectively. The production cross-sections summed over both charges and integrated over the transverse momentum range $0 < p_T < 40 GeV/c$ and the rapidity range $2.0 < y < 4.5$ are measured to be\ud $\sigma (pp \to B^{\pm}X,\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV) = 43.0 \pm 0.2 \pm 2.5 \pm 1.7 \mu b$,\ud $\sigma (pp \to B^{\pm}X,\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV) = 86.6 \pm 0.5 \pm 5.4 \pm 3.4 \mu b$,\ud where the first uncertainties are statistical, the second are systematic, and the third are due to the limited knowledge of the $B^{\pm} \to J/\psi K^{\pm}$ branching fraction. The ratio of the cross-section at 13 TeV to that at 7 TeV is determined to be $2.02 \pm 0.02 (stat) \pm 0.12 (syst)$. Differential cross-sections are also reported as functions of $p_T$ and $y$. All results are in agreement with theoretical calculations based on the state-of-art fixed next-to-leading order quantum chromodynamics
Measurement of the $B^{\pm}$ production cross-section in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 and 13 TeV
measurement of the $b^{\pm}$ production cross-section in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 and 13 tev
mesons collisions decays respectively. summed charges rapidity sigma sqrt sigma sqrt branching fraction. stat syst chromodynamics
The rare $\tau^- \to \eta^{(\prime)} \pi^- \nu_\tau$ decays, which are suppressed by $G$-parity in the Standard Model (SM), can be sensitive to the effects of new interactions. We study the sensitivity of different observables of these decays in the framework of an effective field theory that includes the most general interactions between SM fields up to dimension six, assuming massless neutrinos. Owing to the strong suppression of the SM isospin breaking amplitudes, we find that the different observables would allow to set constraints on scalar interactions that are stronger than those coming from other low-energy observables.Comment: 23 pages, 8 multiple figures and one table. Extended discussion of the hadronization of the tensor current and improved presentation of the plots. Accepted for publication in JHE
Effective-field theory analysis of the $\tau^- \to \eta^{(\prime)} \pi^- \nu_\tau$ decays
effective-field theory analysis of the $\tau^- \to \eta^{(\prime)} \pi^- \nu_\tau$ decays
rare prime decays suppressed parity interactions. observables decays massless neutrinos. owing suppression isospin breaking amplitudes observables stronger coming pages table. hadronization presentation plots. publication
We classify $su(N_c)$ gauge theories on $\mathbb R^3\times \mathbb S^1$ with massless fermions in higher representations obeying periodic boundary conditions along $\mathbb S^1$. In particular, we single out the class of theories that is asymptotically free and weakly coupled in the infrared, and therefore, is amenable to semi-classical treatment. Our study is conducted by carefully identifying the vacua inside the affine Weyl chamber using Verma bases and Frobenius formula techniques. Theories with fermions in pure representations are generally strongly coupled. The only exceptions are the four-index symmetric representation of $su(2)$ and adjoint representation of $su(N_c)$. However, we find a plethora of admissible theories with fermions in mixed representations. A sub-class of these theories have degenerate perturbative vacua separated by domain walls. In particular, $su(N_c)$ theories with fermions in the mixed representations adjoint$\oplus$fundamental and adjoint$\oplus$two-index symmetric admit degenerate vacua that spontaneously break the parity ${\cal P}$, charge conjugation ${\cal C}$, and time reversal ${\cal T}$ symmetries. These are the first examples of strictly weakly coupled gauge theories on $\mathbb R^3 \times \mathbb S^1$ with spontaneously broken ${\cal C}$, ${\cal P}$, and ${\cal T}$ symmetries. We also compute the fermion zero modes in the background of monopole-instantons. The monopoles and their composites (topological molecules) proliferate in the vacuum leading to the confinement of electric charges. Interestingly enough, some theories have also accidental degenerate vacua, which are not related by any symmetry. These vacua admit different numbers of fermionic zero modes, and hence, different kinds of topological molecules. The lack of symmetry, however, indicates that such degeneracy might be lifted by higher order corrections.Comment: 53 pages; a new section is added on the phase structure of theories with fermions in the adjoint+fundamental representations, typos corrected, references and figures added, matches the published versio
Classification of compactified $su(N_c)$ gauge theories with fermions in all representations
classification of compactified $su(n_c)$ gauge theories with fermions in all representations
classify mathbb mathbb massless fermions representations obeying mathbb asymptotically weakly infrared amenable treatment. carefully identifying vacua affine weyl chamber verma bases frobenius techniques. fermions representations coupled. exceptions adjoint plethora admissible fermions representations. degenerate perturbative vacua separated walls. fermions representations adjoint oplus adjoint oplus admit degenerate vacua spontaneously break parity conjugation reversal symmetries. strictly weakly mathbb mathbb spontaneously broken symmetries. fermion monopole instantons. monopoles composites topological proliferate confinement charges. interestingly accidental degenerate vacua symmetry. vacua admit fermionic kinds topological molecules. degeneracy lifted pages fermions adjoint representations typos corrected matches versio
We use holography to investigate the process of homogeneous isotropization and thermalization in a strongly coupled $\mathcal{N} = 4$ Super Yang-Mills plasma charged under a $U(1)$ subgroup of the global $SU(4)$ R-symmetry which features a critical point in its phase diagram. Isotropization dynamics at late times is affected by the critical point in agreement with the behavior of the characteristic relaxation time extracted from the analysis of the lowest non-hydrodynamic quasinormal mode in the $SO(3)$ quintuplet (external scalar) channel of the theory. In particular, the isotropization time may decrease or increase as the chemical potential increases depending on whether one is far or close enough to the critical point, respectively. On the other hand, the thermalization time associated with the equilibration of the scalar condensate, which happens only after the system has relaxed to a (nearly) isotropic state, is found to always increase with chemical potential in agreement with the characteristic relaxation time associated to the lowest non-hydrodynamic quasinormal mode in the $SO(3)$ singlet (dilaton) channel. These conclusions about the late dynamics of the system are robust in the sense that they hold for different initial conditions seeding the time evolution of the far-from-equilibrium plasma.Comment: 66 pages, 27 figures, calculation of the QNMs of the dilaton channel added, revised conclusions. Accepted for publication in JHEP. v4: typos correcte
Homogeneous isotropization and equilibration of a strongly coupled plasma with a critical point
homogeneous isotropization and equilibration of a strongly coupled plasma with a critical point
holography homogeneous isotropization thermalization mathcal super mills subgroup diagram. isotropization relaxation hydrodynamic quasinormal quintuplet theory. isotropization respectively. thermalization equilibration condensate happens relaxed nearly isotropic relaxation hydrodynamic quasinormal singlet dilaton channel. robust hold seeding pages qnms dilaton revised conclusions. publication jhep. typos correcte
We investigate the consequences of a generalized $\mathbb{Z}_2\times\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry on a scaling neutrino Majorana mass matrix. It enables us to determine definite analytical relations between the mixing angles $\theta_{12}$ and $\theta_{13}$, maximal CP violation for the Dirac type and vanishing for the Majorana type. Beside the other testable predictions on the low energy neutrino parameters such as $\beta\beta_{0\nu}$ decay matrix element $|M_{ee}|$ and the light neutrino masses $m_{1,2,3}$, the model also has intriguing consequences from the perspective of leptogenesis. With the assumption that the required CP violation for leptogenesis is created by the decay of lightest ($N_1$) of the heavy Majorana neutrinos, only $\tau$-flavored leptogenesis scenario is found to be allowed in this model. For a normal (inverted) ordering of light neutrino masses, $\theta_{23}$ is found be less (greater) than its maximal value, for the final baryon asymmetry $Y_B$ to be in the observed range. Besides, an upper and a lower bound on the mass of $N_1$ have also been estimated. Effect of the heavier neutrinos $N_{2,3}$ on final $Y_B$ has been worked out subsequently. The predictions of this model will be tested in the experiments such as nEXO, LEGEND, GERDA-II, T2K, NO$\nu$A, DUNE etc.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figures, 9 tables, version accepted for publication in JHE
Generalized $\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2$ in Scaling neutrino Majorana mass matrix and baryogenesis via flavored leptogenesis
generalized $\mathbb{z}_2\times \mathbb{z}_2$ in scaling neutrino majorana mass matrix and baryogenesis via flavored leptogenesis
consequences mathbb mathbb majorana matrix. enables definite angles theta theta maximal violation dirac vanishing majorana type. beside testable beta beta intriguing consequences perspective leptogenesis. violation leptogenesis created lightest majorana neutrinos flavored leptogenesis model. inverted ordering theta maximal baryon asymmetry range. besides estimated. heavier neutrinos worked subsequently. nexo legend gerda dune pages tables publication
Double-soft theorems, like its single-soft counterparts, arises from the underlying symmetry principles that constrain the interactions of massless particles. While single soft theorems can be derived in a non-perturbative fashion by employing current algebras, recent attempts of extending such an approach to known double soft theorems has been met with difficulties. In this work, we have traced the difficulty to two inequivalent expansion schemes, depending on whether the soft limit is taken asymmetrically or symmetrically, which we denote as type A and B respectively. We show that soft-behaviour for type A scheme can simply be derived from single soft theorems, and are thus non-preturbatively protected. For type B, the information of the four-point vertex is required to determine the corresponding soft theorems, and thus are in general not protected. This argument can be readily extended to general multi-soft theorems. We also ask whether unitarity can be emergent from locality together with the two kinds of soft theorems, which has not been fully investigated before.Comment: 45 pages, 7 figure
On the Symmetry Foundation of Double Soft Theorems
on the symmetry foundation of double soft theorems
theorems counterparts arises principles constrain massless particles. theorems perturbative fashion employing algebras attempts extending theorems difficulties. traced difficulty inequivalent schemes asymmetrically symmetrically respectively. theorems preturbatively protected. theorems protected. argument readily theorems. unitarity emergent locality kinds theorems pages
We investigate how super-Planckian axions can arise when type IIB 3-form flux is used to restrict a two-axion field space to a one-dimensional winding trajectory. If one does not attempt to address notoriously complicated issues like Kahler moduli stabilization, SUSY-breaking and inflation, this can be done very explicitly. We show that the presence of flux generates flat monodromies in the moduli space which we therefore call 'Monodromic Moduli Space'. While we do indeed find long axionic trajectories, these are non-geodesic. Moreover, the length of geodesics remains highly constrained, in spite of the (finite) monodromy group introduced by the flux. We attempt to formulate this in terms of a 'Moduli Space Size Conjecture'. Interesting mathematical structures arise in that the relevant spaces turn out to be fundamental domains of congruence subgroups of the modular group. In addition, new perspectives on inflation in string theory emerge.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures; v3: references added, new section adde
Flat Monodromies and a Moduli Space Size Conjecture
flat monodromies and a moduli space size conjecture
super planckian axions arise restrict axion winding trajectory. attempt notoriously complicated kahler moduli stabilization susy breaking inflation explicitly. generates monodromies moduli call monodromic moduli axionic trajectories geodesic. geodesics constrained spite monodromy flux. attempt formulate moduli conjecture mathematical arise congruence subgroups modular group. perspectives inflation pages adde
Supergravity theories in more than four dimensions with grand unified gauge symmetries are an important intermediate step towards the ultraviolet completion of the Standard Model in string theory. Using toric geometry, we classify and analyze six-dimensional F-theory vacua with gauge group SO(10) taking into account Mordell-Weil U(1) and discrete gauge factors. We determine the full matter spectrum of these models, including charged and neutral SO(10) singlets. Based solely on the geometry, we compute all matter multiplicities and confirm the cancellation of gauge and gravitational anomalies independent of the base space. Particular emphasis is put on symmetry enhancements at the loci of matter fields and to the frequent appearance of superconformal points. They are linked to non-toric K\"ahler deformations which contribute to the counting of degrees of freedom. We compute the anomaly coefficients for these theories as well by using a base-independent blow-up procedure and superconformal matter transitions. Finally, we identify six-dimensional supergravity models which can yield the Standard Model with high-scale supersymmetry by further compactification to four dimensions in an Abelian flux background.Comment: 64 pages, 40 pages appendices, 18 figures, 6 Tables, references added, published versio
The Toric SO(10) F-Theory Landscape
the toric so(10) f-theory landscape
supergravity grand unified symmetries ultraviolet completion theory. toric classify analyze vacua mordell weil factors. neutral singlets. solely multiplicities confirm cancellation gravitational anomalies space. emphasis enhancements loci frequent appearance superconformal points. toric ahler deformations counting freedom. anomaly blow superconformal transitions. supergravity supersymmetry compactification abelian pages pages appendices tables versio
Despite the fact that experimentally with a high degree of statistical significance only a single Standard Model--like Higgs boson is discovered at the LHC, extended Higgs sectors with multiple scalar fields not excluded by combined fits of the data are more preferable theoretically for internally consistent realistic models of particle physics. We analyze the inflationary scenarios which could be induced by the two-Higgs doublet potential of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) where five scalar fields have nonminimal couplings to gravity. Observables following from such MSSM-inspired multifield inflation are calculated and a number of consistent inflationary scenarios are constructed. Cosmological evolution with different initial conditions for the multifield system leads to consequences fully compatible with observational data on the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio. It is demonstrated that the strong coupling approximation is precise enough to describe such inflationary scenarios.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables. Version to appear in JHEP. Additions made to the text of the Introduction dealing with the issues of conformity of this multifield model and models of N=1 supergravity (pages 2-3). Added new inflationary scenarios, which are an artifact of such analysis (pages 11-12, Tables 1-4). Additional comments on page 9 and page 13. New references adde
MSSM-inspired multifield inflation
mssm-inspired multifield inflation
experimentally boson discovered sectors excluded fits preferable theoretically internally realistic physics. analyze inflationary scenarios doublet supersymmetric mssm nonminimal couplings gravity. observables mssm inspired multifield inflation inflationary scenarios constructed. cosmological multifield consequences compatible observational ratio. precise inflationary pages tables. jhep. additions dealing conformity multifield supergravity pages inflationary scenarios artifact pages tables comments adde
We reconsider QCD factorization for the leading power contribution to the $\gamma^{\ast} \gamma \to \pi^0$ form factor $F_{\gamma^{\ast} \gamma \to \pi^0} (Q^2)$ at one loop using the evanescent operator approach, and demonstrate the equivalence of the resulting factorization formulae derived with distinct prescriptions of $\gamma_5$ in dimensional regularization. Applying the light-cone QCD sum rules (LCSRs) with photon distribution amplitudes (DAs) we further compute the subleading power contribution to the pion-photon form factor induced by the "hadronic" component of the real photon at the next-to-leading-order in ${\cal O}(\alpha_s)$, with both naive dimensional regularization and 't Hooft-Veltman schemes of $\gamma_5$. Confronting our theoretical predictions of $F_{\gamma^{\ast} \gamma \to \pi^0} (Q^2)$ with the experimental measurements from the BaBar and the Belle Collaborations implies that a reasonable agreement can be achieved without introducing an "exotic" end-point behaviour for the twist-2 pion DA.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure
Subleading power corrections to the pion-photon transition form factor in QCD
subleading power corrections to the pion-photon transition form factor in qcd
reconsider factorization gamma gamma gamma gamma evanescent equivalence factorization formulae prescriptions gamma regularization. cone lcsrs amplitudes subleading pion hadronic alpha naive regularization hooft veltman schemes gamma confronting gamma gamma babar belle collaborations reasonable introducing exotic twist pion pages
In this paper, we investigate the expansion of tree level multitrace Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) amplitudes. First, we propose two types of recursive expansions of tree level EYM amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons, gravitons and traces by those amplitudes with fewer traces or/and gravitons. Then we give many support evidence, including proofs using the Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) formula and Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten (BCFW) recursive relation. As a byproduct, two types of generalized BCJ relations for multitrace EYM are further proposed, which will be useful in the BCFW proof. After one applies the recursive expansions repeatedly, any multitrace EYM amplitudes can be given in the Kleiss-Kuijf (KK) basis of tree level color ordered Yang-Mills (YM) amplitudes. Thus the Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) numerators, as the expansion coefficients, for all multitrace EYM amplitudes are naturally constructed.Comment: 89 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor modification in the notation for Parke-Taylor factor, published versio
Expansion of All Multitrace Tree Level EYM Amplitudes
expansion of all multitrace tree level eym amplitudes
multitrace einstein mills amplitudes. propose recursive expansions amplitudes gluons gravitons traces amplitudes fewer traces gravitons. proofs cachazo yuan britto cachazo feng witten bcfw recursive relation. byproduct multitrace bcfw proof. applies recursive expansions repeatedly multitrace amplitudes kleiss kuijf ordered mills amplitudes. bern carrasco johansson numerators multitrace amplitudes naturally pages minor modification notation parke taylor versio
We study several different types of BPS flows within minimal $\mathcal{N}=1$, $D=7$ supergravity with $\textrm{SU}(2)$ gauge group and non-vanishing topological mass. After reviewing some known domain wall solutions involving only the metric and the $\mathbb{R}^{+}$ scalar field, we move to considering more general flows involving a "dyonic" profile for the 3-form gauge potential. In this context, we consider flows featuring a $\textrm{Mkw}_{3}$ as well as an $\textrm{AdS}_{3}$ slicing, write down the corresponding flow equations, and integrate them analytically to obtain many examples of asymptotically $\mathrm{AdS}_7$ solutions in presence of a running 3-form. Furthermore, we move to adding the possibility of non-vanishing vector fields, find the new corresponding flows and integrate them numerically. Finally, we discuss the eleven-dimensional interpretation of the aforementioned solutions as effective descriptions of $\mathrm{M2}-\mathrm{M5}$ bound states.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figure
BPS objects in D=7 supergravity and their M-theory origin
bps objects in d=7 supergravity and their m-theory origin
flows mathcal supergravity textrm vanishing topological mass. reviewing involving mathbb move flows involving dyonic potential. flows featuring textrm textrm slicing integrate analytically asymptotically mathrm running form. move adding vanishing flows integrate numerically. eleven aforementioned descriptions mathrm mathrm pages
We present a new construction of four dimensional $\mathcal N=3$ theories, given by M5 branes wrapping a $T^2$ in an M-theory U-fold background. The resulting setup generalizes the one used in the usual class $\mathcal S$ construction of four dimensional theories by using an extra discrete symmetry on the M5 worldvolume. Together with the M-theory U-fold description of $(0,2)$ $E$-type six-dimensional SCFTs, this allows to construct new, exceptional, $\mathcal N=3$ theories.Comment: v2: Minor modifications, version to appear in JHE
Exceptional $\mathcal N=3$ theories
exceptional $\mathcal n=3$ theories
mathcal branes wrapping background. setup generalizes usual mathcal extra worldvolume. scfts exceptional mathcal minor modifications
We consider di-jet production in hadron collisions where a transverse veto is imposed on radiation for (pseudo-)rapidities in the central region only, where this central region is defined with rapidity cutoff. For the case where the transverse measurement (e.g., transverse energy or min $p_T$ for jet veto) is parametrically larger relative to the typical transverse momentum beyond the cutoff, the cross section is insensitive to the cutoff parameter and is factorized in terms of collinear and soft degrees of freedom. The virtuality for these degrees of freedom is set by the transverse measurement, as in typical transverse-momentum dependent observables such as Drell-Yan, Higgs production, and the event shape broadening. This paper focuses on the other region, where the typical transverse momentum below and beyond the cutoff is of similar size. In this region the rapidity cutoff further resolves soft radiation into (u)soft and soft-collinear radiation with different rapidities but identical virtuality. This gives rise to rapidity logarithms of the rapidity cutoff parameter which we resum using renormalization group methods. We factorize the cross section in this region in terms of soft and collinear functions in the framework of soft-collinear effective theory, then further refactorize the soft function as a convolution of the (u)soft and soft-collinear functions. All these functions are calculated at one-loop order. As an example, we calculate a differential cross section for a specific partonic channel, $q q' \to q q'$, for the jet shape angularities and show that the refactorization allows us to resum the rapidity logarithms and significantly reduce theoretical uncertainties in the jet shape spectrum
Transverse Vetoes with Rapidity Cutoff in SCET
transverse vetoes with rapidity cutoff in scet
hadron collisions veto imposed pseudo rapidities rapidity cutoff. e.g. veto parametrically cutoff insensitive cutoff factorized collinear freedom. virtuality freedom observables drell broadening. focuses cutoff size. rapidity cutoff resolves collinear rapidities virtuality. rapidity logarithms rapidity cutoff resum renormalization methods. factorize collinear collinear refactorize convolution collinear functions. order. partonic angularities refactorization resum rapidity logarithms
Axion-like particles (ALPs), which are gauge-singlets under the Standard Model (SM), appear in many well-motivated extensions of the SM. Describing the interactions of ALPs with SM fields by means of an effective Lagrangian, we discuss ALP decays into SM particles at one-loop order, including for the first time a calculation of the $a\to\pi\pi\pi$ decay rates for ALP masses below a few GeV. We argue that, if the ALP couples to at least some SM particles with couplings of order $(0.01-1) \mbox{TeV}^{-1}$, its mass must be above 1 MeV. Taking into account the possibility of a macroscopic ALP decay length, we show that large regions of so far unconstrained parameter space can be explored by searches for the exotic, on-shell Higgs and $Z$ decays $h\to Za$, $h\to aa$ and $Z\to\gamma a$ in Run-2 of the LHC with an integrated luminosity of 300 fb$^{-1}$. This includes the parameter space in which ALPs can explain the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Considering subsequent ALP decays into photons and charged leptons, we show that the LHC provides unprecedented sensitivity to the ALP-photon and ALP-lepton couplings in the mass region above a few MeV, even if the relevant ALP couplings are loop suppressed and the $a\to\gamma\gamma$ and $a\to\ell^+\ell^-$ branching ratios are significantly less than 1. We also discuss constraints on the ALP parameter space from electroweak precision tests.Comment: 63 pages, 28 figures. The presentation of constraints from ALP decays in photons and leptons is extended, benchmarks are added, limits on ALPs from a Babar search for four muon final states are computed, bounds from the non-observation of a photon bursts in supernovae are included and the validity of the Edelweiss bounds is discussed. This version matches the version published in JHE
Collider Probes of Axion-Like Particles
collider probes of axion-like particles
axion alps singlets motivated extensions describing alps lagrangian decays gev. argue couples couplings mbox mev. macroscopic unconstrained explored searches exotic decays gamma luminosity alps anomalous moment muon. decays photons leptons unprecedented lepton couplings couplings suppressed gamma gamma branching electroweak precision pages figures. presentation decays photons leptons benchmarks alps babar muon bounds bursts supernovae validity edelweiss bounds discussed. matches
We study constraints coming from the modular invariance of the partition function of two-dimensional conformal field theories. We constrain the spectrum of CFTs in the presence of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic currents using the semi-definite programming. In particular, we find the bounds on the twist gap for the non-current primaries depend dramatically on the presence of holomorphic currents, showing numerous kinks and peaks. Various rational CFTs are realized at the numerical boundary of the twist gap, saturating the upper limits on the degeneracies. Such theories include Wess-Zumino-Witten models for the Deligne's exceptional series, the Monster CFT and the Baby Monster CFT. We also study modular constraints imposed by $\mathcal{W}$-algebras of various type and observe that the bounds on the gap depend on the choice of $\mathcal{W}$-algebra in the small central charge region.Comment: 49 pages, 23 figure
Modular Constraints on Conformal Field Theories with Currents
modular constraints on conformal field theories with currents
coming modular invariance partition conformal theories. constrain cfts holomorphic holomorphic currents definite programming. bounds twist primaries dramatically holomorphic currents numerous kinks peaks. rational cfts realized twist saturating degeneracies. wess zumino witten deligne exceptional monster baby monster cft. modular imposed mathcal algebras bounds mathcal pages
The photon PDF of the proton is needed for precision comparisons of LHC cross sections with theoretical predictions. In a recent paper, we showed how the photon PDF could be determined in terms of the electromagnetic proton structure functions $F_2$ and $F_L$ measured in electron-proton scattering experiments, and gave an explicit formula for the PDF including all terms up to next-to-leading order. In this paper we give details of the derivation. We obtain the photon PDF using the factorisation theorem and applying it to suitable BSM hard scattering processes. We also obtain the same PDF in a process-independent manner using the usual definition of PDFs in terms of light-cone Fourier transforms of products of operators. We show how our method gives an exact representation for the photon PDF in terms of $F_2$ and $F_L$, valid to all orders in QED and QCD, and including all non-perturbative corrections. This representation is then used to give an explicit formula for the photon PDF to one order higher than our previous result. We also generalise our results to obtain formul\ae\ for the polarised photon PDF, as well as the photon TMDPDF. Using our formula, we derive the $P_{\gamma i}$ subset of DGLAP splitting functions to order $\alpha \alpha_s$ and $\alpha^2$, which agree with known results. We give a detailed explanation of the approach that we follow to determine a photon PDF and its uncertainty within the above framework.Comment: 75 pages, 25 figures, data files corresponding to the figures available at, LUXqed17 PDF files available in LHAPDF, references added in v
The Photon Content of the Proton
the photon content of the proton
proton precision comparisons predictions. electromagnetic proton proton gave order. derivation. factorisation processes. manner usual pdfs cone fourier transforms operators. valid orders perturbative corrections. result. generalise formul polarised tmdpdf. derive gamma dglap splitting alpha alpha alpha agree results. explanation pages files zenodo. luxqed files lhapdf
A first-principles approach to the unitarity problem for black holes is systematically explored, based on the postulates of 1) quantum mechanics 2) the ability to approximately locally divide quantum gravitational systems into subsystems 3) correspondence with quantum field theory predictions for appropriate observers and (optionally) 4) universality of new gravitational effects. Unitarity requires interactions between the internal state of a black hole and its surroundings that have not been identified in the field theory description; correspondence with field theory indicates that these are soft. A conjectured information-theoretic result for information transfer between subsystems, partly motivated by a perturbative argument, then constrains the minimum coupling size of these interactions of the quantum atmosphere of a black hole. While large couplings are potentially astronomically observable, given this conjecture one finds that the new couplings can be exponentially small in the black hole entropy, yet achieve the information transfer rate needed for unitarization, due to the large number of black hole internal states. This provides a new possible alternative to arguments for large effects near the horizon. If universality is assumed, these couplings can be described as small, soft, state-dependent fluctuations of the metric near the black hole. Open questions include that of the more fundamental basis for such an effective picture.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur
Nonviolent unitarization: basic postulates to soft quantum structure of black holes
nonviolent unitarization: basic postulates to soft quantum structure of black holes
principles unitarity holes systematically explored postulates mechanics locally divide gravitational subsystems correspondence observers optionally universality gravitational effects. unitarity surroundings correspondence soft. conjectured theoretic subsystems partly motivated perturbative argument constrains atmosphere hole. couplings potentially astronomically observable conjecture finds couplings exponentially unitarization states. arguments horizon. universality couplings hole. pages figur
Assuming locality, Lorentz invariance and parity conservation we obtain a set of differential equations governing the 3-point interactions of massless bosons, which in turn determines the polynomial ring of these amplitudes. We derive all possible 3-point interactions for tensor fields with polarisations that have total symmetry and mixed symmetry under permutations of Lorentz indices. Constraints on the existence of gauge-invariant cubic vertices for totally symmetric fields are obtained in general spacetime dimensions and are compared with existing results obtained in the covariant and light-cone approaches. Expressing our results in spinor helicity formalism we reproduce the perhaps mysterious mismatch between the covariant approach and the light cone approach in 4 dimensions. Our analysis also shows that there exists a mismatch, in the 3-point gauge invariant amplitudes corresponding to cubic self-interactions, between a scalar field $\phi$ and an antisymmetric rank-2 tensor field $A_{\mu\nu}$. Despite the well-known fact that in 4 dimensions rank-2 anti-symmetric fields are dual to scalar fields in free theories, such duality does not extend to interacting theories.Comment: significantly revised, final version published in JHE
On-Shell Gauge Invariant Three-Point Amplitudes
on-shell gauge invariant three-point amplitudes
locality lorentz invariance parity conservation governing massless bosons determines amplitudes. derive polarisations permutations lorentz indices. cubic totally spacetime covariant cone approaches. expressing spinor helicity formalism reproduce perhaps mysterious mismatch covariant cone dimensions. mismatch amplitudes cubic antisymmetric duality extend interacting revised
We study stress tensor correlation functions in four-dimensional conformal field theories with large $N$ and a sparse spectrum. Theories in this class are expected to have local holographic duals, so effective field theory in anti-de Sitter suggests that the stress tensor sector should exhibit universal, gravity-like behavior. At the linearized level, the hallmark of locality in the emergent geometry is that stress tensor three-point functions $\langle TTT\rangle$, normally specified by three constants, should approach a universal structure controlled by a single parameter as the gap to higher spin operators is increased. We demonstrate this phenomenon by a direct CFT calculation. Stress tensor exchange, by itself, violates causality and unitarity unless the three-point functions are carefully tuned, and the unique consistent choice exactly matches the prediction of Einstein gravity. Under some assumptions about the other potential contributions, we conclude that this structure is universal, and in particular, that the anomaly coefficients satisfy $a\approx c$ as conjectured by Camanho et al. The argument is based on causality of a four-point function, with kinematics designed to probe bulk locality, and invokes the chaos bound of Maldacena, Shenker, and Stanford.Comment: 24+9 pages; minor changes, conclusions unchange
Einstein gravity 3-point functions from conformal field theory
einstein gravity 3-point functions from conformal field theory
conformal sparse spectrum. holographic duals sitter exhibit universal behavior. linearized hallmark locality emergent langle rangle normally specified universal increased. phenomenon calculation. violates causality unitarity unless carefully tuned matches einstein gravity. assumptions universal anomaly satisfy approx conjectured camanho argument causality kinematics locality invokes chaos maldacena shenker pages minor unchange
Recently, a physical derivation of the Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa correspondence has been put forward. A crucial role is played by the complex Chern-Simons theory arising in the 3d-3d correspondence, whose boundary modes lead to Toda theory on a Riemann surface. We explore several features of this derivation and subsequently argue that it can be extended to a generalization of the AGT correspondence. The latter involves codimension two defects in six dimensions that wrap the Riemann surface. We use a purely geometrical description of these defects and find that the generalized AGT setup can be modeled in a pole region using generalized conifolds. Furthermore, we argue that the ordinary conifold clarifies several features of the derivation of the original AGT correspondence.Comment: 27+2 pages, 3 figure
Generalized Toda Theory from Six Dimensions and the Conifold
generalized toda theory from six dimensions and the conifold
derivation alday gaiotto tachikawa correspondence forward. crucial played chern simons arising correspondence toda riemann surface. explore derivation subsequently argue generalization correspondence. involves codimension defects wrap riemann surface. purely geometrical defects setup modeled pole conifolds. argue ordinary conifold clarifies derivation pages
Pileup involves the contamination of the energy distribution arising from the primary collision of interest (leading vertex) by radiation from soft collisions (pileup). We develop a new technique for removing this contamination using machine learning and convolutional neural networks. The network takes as input the energy distribution of charged leading vertex particles, charged pileup particles, and all neutral particles and outputs the energy distribution of particles coming from leading vertex alone. The PUMML algorithm performs remarkably well at eliminating pileup distortion on a wide range of simple and complex jet observables. We test the robustness of the algorithm in a number of ways and discuss how the network can be trained directly on data.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Updated to JHEP versio
Pileup Mitigation with Machine Learning (PUMML)
pileup mitigation with machine learning (pumml)
pileup involves contamination arising collision collisions pileup removing contamination machine convolutional networks. pileup neutral outputs coming alone. pumml performs remarkably eliminating pileup distortion observables. robustness ways trained pages tables. updated jhep versio
Soft behaviours of S-matrix for massless theories reflect the underlying symmetry principle that enforces its masslessness. As an expansion in soft momenta, sub-leading soft theorems can arise either due to (I) unique structure of the fundamental vertex or (II) presence of enhanced broken-symmetries. While the former is expected to be modified by infrared or ultraviolet divergences, the latter should remain exact to all orders in perturbation theory. Using current algebra, we clarify such distinction for spontaneously broken (super) Poincar\'e and (super) conformal symmetry. We compute the UV divergences of DBI, conformal DBI, and A-V theory to verify the exactness of type (II) soft theorems, while type (I) are shown to be broken and the soft-modifying higher-dimensional operators are identified. As further evidence for the exactness of type (II) soft theorems, we consider the alpha' expansion of both super and bosonic open strings amplitudes, and verify the validity of the translation symmetry breaking soft-theorems up to O(alpha'^6). Thus the massless S-matrix of string theory "knows" about the presence of D-branes.Comment: 35 pages. Additional mathematica note book with the UV-divergenece of the 6-point amplitude in AV/KS theor
On the exactness of soft theorems
on the exactness of soft theorems
behaviours massless reflect enforces masslessness. momenta theorems arise broken symmetries. former infrared ultraviolet divergences orders perturbation theory. clarify distinction spontaneously broken super poincar super conformal symmetry. divergences conformal verify exactness theorems broken modifying identified. exactness theorems alpha super bosonic strings amplitudes verify validity translation breaking theorems alpha massless knows pages. mathematica book divergenece theor
In many extensions of the standard model, there exist a few extra Higgs bosons. Suppose a heavy neutral Higgs boson H is discovered at the LHC, one could then investigate CP and CPT~ properties of its couplings to a pair of $Z$ bosons through $H \to ZZ \to 4\ell$. We use the helicity-amplitude method to write down the most general form for the angular distributions of the four final-state leptons, which can cover the case of CP-even, -odd, and -mixed state for the Higgs boson. We figure out there are 9 types of angular observables and all the $H$ couplings to $Z$ bosons can be fully determined by exploiting them. A Higgs-boson mass of 260 GeV below the $t\bar t$ threshold is illustrated with full details. With a total of $10^3$ events of $H \to ZZ \to 4\ell$, one can determine the couplings up to 12-20\% uncertainties.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, to appear in JHE
Measuring properties of a Heavy Higgs boson in the $H\to ZZ \to 4\ell$ decay
measuring properties of a heavy higgs boson in the $h\to zz \to 4\ell$ decay
extensions extra bosons. neutral boson discovered couplings bosons helicity leptons cover boson. observables couplings bosons exploiting them. boson illustrated details. couplings pages tables
We study the fixed point that controls the IR dynamics of QED in $d = 4 - 2\epsilon$. We derive the scaling dimensions of four-fermion and bilinear operators beyond leading order in $\epsilon$-expansion. For the four-fermion operators, this requires the computation of a two-loop mixing that was not known before. We then extrapolate these scaling dimensions to $d = 3$ to estimate their value at the IR fixed point of QED$_3$ as function of the number of fermions $N_f$. The next-to-leading order result for the four-fermion operators corrects significantly the leading one. Our best estimate at this order indicates that they do not cross marginality for any value of $N_f$, which would imply that they cannot trigger a departure from the conformal phase. For the scaling dimensions of bilinear operators, we observe better convergence as we increase the order. In particular, $\epsilon$-expansion provides a convincing estimate for the dimension of the flavor-singlet scalar in the full range of $N_f$.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figure
Scaling dimensions in QED$_3$ from the $\epsilon$-expansion
scaling dimensions in qed$_3$ from the $\epsilon$-expansion
epsilon derive fermion bilinear epsilon expansion. fermion before. extrapolate fermions fermion corrects one. marginality imply trigger departure conformal phase. bilinear order. epsilon convincing flavor singlet .comment pages
We study three-point functions of operators on the $1/2$ BPS Wilson loop in planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. The operators we consider are "defect changing operators", which change the scalar coupled to the Wilson loop. We first perform the computation at two loops in general set-ups, and then study a special scaling limit called the ladders limit, in which the spectrum is known to be described by a quantum mechanics with the SL(2,$\mathbb{R}$) symmetry. In this limit, we resum the Feynman diagrams using the Schwinger-Dyson equation and determine the structure constants at all order in the rescaled coupling constant. Besides providing an interesting solvable example of defect conformal field theories, our result gives invaluable data for the integrability-based approach to the structure constants.Comment: 31 pages + appendices; v2 References adde
Structure Constants of Defect Changing Operators on the 1/2 BPS Wilson Loop
structure constants of defect changing operators on the 1/2 bps wilson loop
wilson planar mathcal super mills theory. defect changing wilson loop. loops ladders mechanics mathbb symmetry. resum feynman diagrams schwinger dyson rescaled constant. besides solvable defect conformal invaluable integrability pages appendices adde
Anomaly matching constrains low-energy physics of strongly-coupled field theories, but it is not useful at finite temperature due to contamination from high-energy states. The known exception is an 't Hooft anomaly involving one-form symmetries as in pure $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory at $\theta=\pi$. Recent development about large-$N$ volume independence, however, gives us a circumstantial evidence that 't Hooft anomalies can also remain under circle compactifications in some theories without one-form symmetries. We develop a systematic procedure for deriving an 't Hooft anomaly of the circle-compactified theory starting from the anomaly of the original uncompactified theory without one-form symmetries, where the twisted boundary condition for the compactified direction plays a pivotal role. As an application, we consider $\mathbb{Z}_N$-twisted $\mathbb{C}P^{N-1}$ sigma model and massless $\mathbb{Z}_N$-QCD, and compute their anomalies explicitly.Comment: 22 pages; (v2) references updated, minor change
Circle compactification and 't Hooft anomaly
circle compactification and 't hooft anomaly
anomaly matching constrains contamination states. exception hooft anomaly involving symmetries mills theta independence circumstantial hooft anomalies circle compactifications symmetries. deriving hooft anomaly circle compactified anomaly uncompactified symmetries twisted compactified plays pivotal role. mathbb twisted mathbb sigma massless mathbb anomalies pages updated minor
The existence of new coloured states with spin one-half, i.e. extra-quarks, is a striking prediction of various classes of new physics models. Should one of these states be discovered during the 13 TeV runs of the LHC or at future high energy hadron colliders, understanding its properties will be crucial in order to shed light on the underlying model structure. Depending on the extra- quarks quantum number under SU(2)L, their coupling to Standard Model quarks and bosons have either a dominant left- or right-handed chiral component. By exploiting the polarisation properties of the top quarks arising from the decay of pair-produced extra quarks, we show how it is possible to discriminate among the two hypothesis in the whole discovery range currently accessible at the LHC, thus effectively narrowing down the possible interpretations of a discovered state in terms of new physics scenarios. Moreover, we estimate the discovery and discrimination power of future prototype hadron colliders with centre of mass energies of 33 and 100 TeV.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure
Vector-like quarks coupling discrimination at the LHC and future hadron colliders
vector-like quarks coupling discrimination at the lhc and future hadron colliders
coloured i.e. extra quarks striking models. discovered runs hadron colliders crucial shed structure. extra quarks quarks bosons handed chiral component. exploiting polarisation quarks arising extra quarks discriminate discovery accessible effectively narrowing interpretations discovered scenarios. discovery discrimination prototype hadron colliders pages
This paper presents a measurement of the triple-differential cross section for the Drell--Yan process $Z/\gamma^*\rightarrow \ell^+\ell^-$ where $\ell$ is an electron or a muon. The measurement is performed for invariant masses of the lepton pairs, $m_{\ell\ell}$, between $46$ and $200$ GeV using a sample of $20.2$ fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions data at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2012. The data are presented in bins of invariant mass, absolute dilepton rapidity, $|y_{\ell\ell}|$, and the angular variable $\cos\theta^{*}$ between the outgoing lepton and the incoming quark in the Collins--Soper frame. The measurements are performed in the range $|y_{\ell\ell}|<2.4$ in the muon channel, and extended to $|y_{\ell\ell}|<3.6$ in the electron channel. The cross sections are used to determine the $Z$ boson forward-backward asymmetry as a function of $|y_{\ell\ell}|$ and $m_{\ell\ell}$. The measurements achieve high-precision, below the percent level in the pole region, excluding the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity, and are in agreement with predictions. These precision data are sensitive to the parton distribution functions and the effective weak mixing angle.Comment: This document has 81 pages in total; the authors list starts on page 65 and ends on page 81; there are 17 figures and 10 tables; submitted to JHEP; all figures are available at
Measurement of the Drell--Yan triple-differential cross section in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV
measurement of the drell--yan triple-differential cross section in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 8$ tev
presents triple drell gamma rightarrow muon. lepton collisions sqrt atlas bins dilepton rapidity theta outgoing lepton incoming collins soper frame. muon channel. boson backward asymmetry precision percent pole excluding luminosity predictions. precision parton document pages starts ends tables submitted jhep
We extract $|V_{cb}|$ from the available data in the decay $B \to D^{(*)}\ell\nu_{\ell}$. Our analysis uses the $q^2(w)$ binned differential decay rates in different subsamples of $B\to D\ell\nu_\ell$ ($\ell = e, \mu$), while for the decay $B\to D^*\ell\nu_\ell$, the unfolded binned differential decay rates of four kinematic variables including the $q^2$ bins have been used. In the CLN and BGL parameterizations of the form factors, the combined fit to all the available data along with their correlations yields $|V_{cb}| = (39.77 \pm 0.89)\times 10^{-3}$ and $(40.90 \pm 0.94)\times 10^{-3}$ respectively. In these fits, we have used the inputs from lattice and light cone sum rule (LCSR) along with the data. Using our fit results and the HQET relations (with the known corrections included) amongst the form factors, and parameterizing the unknown higher order corrections (in the ratios of HQET form factors) with a conservative estimate of the normalizing parameters, we obtain $R(D^{*}) = 0.259 \pm 0.006$ (CLN) and $R(D^*) = 0.257 \pm 0.005$ (BGL).Comment: 8 pages, 2 captioned figures (5 figures and detailed discussion added, accepted for publication in JHEP
Extraction of $|V_{cb}|$ from $B\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu_\ell$ and the Standard Model predictions of $R(D^{(*)})$
extraction of $|v_{cb}|$ from $b\to d^{(*)}\ell\nu_\ell$ and the standard model predictions of $r(d^{(*)})$
extract binned subsamples unfolded binned kinematic bins used. parameterizations respectively. fits inputs cone lcsr data. hqet amongst parameterizing unknown hqet conservative normalizing .comment pages captioned publication jhep
We investigate a special class of the $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric quantum models being perfectly invisible zero-gap systems with a unique bound state at the very edge of continuous spectrum of scattering states. The family includes the $\mathcal{PT}$-regularized two particle Calogero systems (conformal quantum mechanics models of de Alfaro-Fubini-Furlan) and their rational extensions whose potentials satisfy equations of the KdV hierarchy and exhibit, particularly, a behaviour typical for extreme waves. We show that the two simplest Hamiltonians from the Calogero subfamily determine the fluctuation spectra around the $\mathcal{PT}$-regularized kinks arising as traveling waves in the field-theoretical Liouville and $SU(3)$ conformal Toda systems. Peculiar properties of the quantum systems are reflected in the associated exotic nonlinear supersymmetry in the unbroken or partially broken phases. The conventional $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetry is extended here to the $\mathcal{N}=4$ nonlinear supersymmetry that involves two bosonic generators composed from Lax-Novikov integrals of the subsystems, one of which is the central charge of the superalgebra. Jordan states are shown to play an essential role in the construction.Comment: 33 pages; comments and refs added, version to appear in JHE
Perfectly invisible $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric zero-gap systems, conformal field theoretical kinks, and exotic nonlinear supersymmetry
perfectly invisible $\mathcal{pt}$-symmetric zero-gap systems, conformal field theoretical kinks, and exotic nonlinear supersymmetry
mathcal perfectly invisible states. mathcal regularized calogero conformal mechanics alfaro fubini furlan rational extensions potentials satisfy hierarchy exhibit extreme waves. simplest hamiltonians calogero subfamily fluctuation mathcal regularized kinks arising traveling liouville conformal toda systems. peculiar reflected exotic supersymmetry unbroken partially broken phases. mathcal supersymmetry mathcal supersymmetry involves bosonic generators composed novikov integrals subsystems superalgebra. jordan pages comments refs
Linear perturbations of extremal black holes exhibit the Aretakis instability, in which higher derivatives of a scalar field grow polynomially with time along the event horizon. This suggests that higher derivative corrections to the classical equations of motion may become large, indicating a breakdown of effective field theory at late time on the event horizon. We investigate whether or not this happens. For extremal Reissner-Nordstrom we argue that, for a large class of theories, general covariance ensures that the higher derivative corrections to the equations of motion appear only in combinations that remain small compared to two derivative terms so effective field theory remains valid. For extremal Kerr, the situation is more complicated since backreaction of the scalar field is not understood even in the two derivative theory. Nevertheless we argue that the effects of the higher derivative terms will be small compared to the two derivative terms as long as the spacetime remains close to extremal Kerr.Comment: 34 page
Is there a breakdown of effective field theory at the horizon of an extremal black hole?
is there a breakdown of effective field theory at the horizon of an extremal black hole?
perturbations extremal holes exhibit aretakis instability derivatives grow polynomially horizon. breakdown horizon. happens. extremal reissner nordstrom argue covariance ensures combinations valid. extremal kerr complicated backreaction understood theory. nevertheless argue spacetime extremal
We provide the complete set of predictions needed to achieve NLO accuracy in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory at dimension six for Higgs production in gluon fusion. In particular, we compute for the first time the contribution of the chromomagnetic operator $ \bar Q_L \Phi \sigma q_R G$ at NLO in QCD, which entails two-loop virtual and one-loop real contributions, as well as renormalisation and mixing with the Yukawa operator $\Phi^\dagger \Phi\, \bar Q_L \Phi q_R$ and the gluon-fusion operator $\Phi^\dagger \Phi\, GG$. Focusing on the top-quark-Higgs couplings, we consider the phenomenological impact of the NLO corrections in constraining the three relevant operators by implementing the results into the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO framework. This allows us to compute total cross sections as well as to perform event generation at NLO that can be directly employed in experimental analyses.Comment: 30 pages. This version includes the corrections of our Erratum published in JHEP (2018) 2018: 15
Gluon-fusion Higgs production in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
gluon-fusion higgs production in the standard model effective field theory
gluon fusion. chromomagnetic sigma entails virtual renormalisation yukawa dagger gluon fusion dagger focusing couplings phenomenological constraining implementing madgraph framework. pages. erratum jhep
We present the minimal model of electroweak baryogenesis induced by fermions. The model consists of an extension of the Standard Model with one electroweak singlet fermion and one pair of vector like doublet fermions with renormalizable couplings to the Higgs. A strong first order phase transition is radiatively induced by the singlet-doublet fermions, while the origin of the baryon asymmetry is due to asymmetric reflection of the same set of fermions on the expanding electroweak bubble wall. The singlet-doublet fermions are stabilized at the electroweak scale by chiral symmetries and the Higgs potential is stabilized by threshold corrections coming from a multi-TeV ultraviolet completion which does not play any significant role in the phase transition. We work in terms of background symmetry invariants and perform an analytic semiclassical calculation of the baryon asymmetry, showing that the model may effectively generate the observed baryon asymmetry for percent level values of the unique invariant CP violating phase of the singlet-doublet sector. We include a detailed study of electron electric dipole moment and electroweak precision limits, and for one typical benchmark scenario we also recast existing collider constraints, showing that the model is consistent with all current experimental data. We point out that fermion induced electroweak baryogenesis has irreducible phenomenology at the $13 \, \textrm{TeV}$ LHC since the new fermions must be at the electroweak scale, have electroweak quantum numbers and couple strongly with the Higgs. The most promising searches involve topologies with multiple leptons and missing energy in the final state.Comment: 30 + 10 pages, 6 figure
The minimal fermionic model of electroweak baryogenesis
the minimal fermionic model of electroweak baryogenesis
electroweak baryogenesis fermions. electroweak singlet fermion doublet fermions renormalizable couplings higgs. radiatively singlet doublet fermions baryon asymmetry asymmetric reflection fermions expanding electroweak bubble wall. singlet doublet fermions stabilized electroweak chiral symmetries stabilized coming ultraviolet completion transition. invariants analytic semiclassical baryon asymmetry effectively baryon asymmetry percent violating singlet doublet sector. dipole moment electroweak precision benchmark recast collider data. fermion electroweak baryogenesis irreducible phenomenology textrm fermions electroweak electroweak couple higgs. promising searches involve topologies leptons missing pages
We study RG flows between superconformal field theories living in different spacetime dimensions which exhibit universal properties, independent of the details of the UV and IR theories. In particular, when the UV and IR theories are both even-dimensional we establish exact universal relations between their conformal anomaly coefficients. We also provide strong evidence for similar relations between appropriately defined free energies for RG flows between odd-dimensional theories in the large $N$ limit. Holographically, these RG flows across dimensions are described by asymptotically AdS black branes in a gauged supergravity theory, which we exhibit explicitly. We also discuss the uplift of these solutions to string and M-theory and comment on how the entropy of such black branes is captured by the dual field theory.Comment: 64 pages, 2 figures; v2: additional comments and references, typos fixe
Universal RG Flows Across Dimensions and Holography
universal rg flows across dimensions and holography
flows superconformal living spacetime exhibit universal theories. establish universal conformal anomaly coefficients. appropriately flows limit. holographically flows asymptotically branes gauged supergravity exhibit explicitly. uplift comment branes captured pages comments typos fixe
We compute conformal anomalies for conformal field theories with free conformal scalars and massless spin $1/2$ fields in hyperbolic space $\mathbb{H}^d$ and in the ball $\mathbb{B}^d$, for $2\leq d\leq 7$. These spaces are related by a conformal transformation. In even dimensional spaces, the conformal anomalies on $\mathbb{H}^{2n}$ and $\mathbb{B}^{2n}$ are shown to be identical. In odd dimensional spaces, the conformal anomaly on $\mathbb{B}^{2n+1}$ comes from a boundary contribution, which exactly coincides with that of $\mathbb{H}^{2n+1}$ provided one identifies the UV short-distance cutoff on $\mathbb{B}^{2n+1}$ with the inverse large distance IR cutoff on $\mathbb{H}^{2n+1}$, just as prescribed by the conformal map. As an application, we determine, for the first time, the conformal anomaly coefficients multiplying the Euler characteristic of the boundary for scalars and half-spin fields with various boundary conditions in $d=5$ and $d=7$.Comment: 16 pages. V3: small correction
Boundary Conformal Anomalies on Hyperbolic Spaces and Euclidean Balls
boundary conformal anomalies on hyperbolic spaces and euclidean balls
conformal anomalies conformal conformal scalars massless hyperbolic mathbb ball mathbb conformal transformation. conformal anomalies mathbb mathbb identical. conformal anomaly mathbb comes coincides mathbb identifies cutoff mathbb cutoff mathbb prescribed conformal map. conformal anomaly multiplying euler scalars .comment pages.
We evaluate the $\Lambda$-parameter in the $\overline{\mathrm{MS}}$ scheme for the pure SU(3) gauge theory with the twisted gradient flow (TGF) method. A running coupling constant $g_{\mathrm{TGF}}^2(1/L)$ is defined in a finite volume box with size of $L^4$ with the twisted boundary condition. This defines the TGF scheme. Using the step scaling method for the TGF coupling with lattice simulations, we can evaluate the $\Lambda$-parameter non-perturbatively in the TGF scheme. In this paper we determine the dimensionless ratios, $\Lambda_{\mathrm{TGF}}/\sqrt{\sigma}$ and $r_{0}\Lambda_{\mathrm{TGF}}$ together with the $\Lambda$-parameter ratio $\Lambda_{\mathrm{SF}}/\Lambda_{\mathrm{TGF}}$ on the lattices numerically. Combined with the known ratio $\Lambda_{\overline{\mathrm{MS}}}/\Lambda_{\mathrm{SF}}$, we obtain $\Lambda_{\overline{\mathrm{MS}}}/\sqrt{\sigma} = 0.517(10)(^{+8}_{-7})$ and $r_{0}\Lambda_{\overline{\mathrm{MS}}}=0.593(12)(^{+12}_{-9})$, where the first error is statistical one and the second is our estimate of systematic uncertainty.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, LaTe
Non-perturbative determination of the $\Lambda$-parameter in the pure SU(3) gauge theory from the twisted gradient flow coupling
non-perturbative determination of the $\lambda$-parameter in the pure su(3) gauge theory from the twisted gradient flow coupling
lambda overline mathrm twisted method. running mathrm twisted condition. defines scheme. lambda perturbatively scheme. dimensionless lambda mathrm sqrt sigma lambda mathrm lambda lambda mathrm lambda mathrm lattices numerically. lambda overline mathrm lambda mathrm lambda overline mathrm sqrt sigma lambda overline mathrm pages
We explore a variant of the $\phi^6$ model originally proposed in Phys.\ Rev.\ D {\bf 12}, 1606 (1975) as a prototypical, so-called, "bag" model in which domain walls play the role of quarks within hadrons. We examine the steady state of the model, namely an apparent bound state of two kink structures. We explore its linearization, and we find that, as a function of a parameter controlling the curvature of the potential, an {\it effectively arbitrary} number of internal modes may arise in the point spectrum of the linearization about the domain wall profile. We explore some of the key characteristics of kink-antikink collisions, such as the critical velocity and the multi-bounce windows, and how they depend on the principal parameter of the model. We find that the critical velocity exhibits a non-monotonic dependence on the parameter controlling the curvature of the potential. For the multi-bounce windows, we find that their range and complexity decrease as the relevant parameter decreases (and as the number of internal modes in the model increases). We use a modified collective coordinates method [in the spirit of recent works such as {Phys.\ Rev.\ D} {\bf 94}, 085008 (2016)] in order to capture the relevant phenomenology in a semi-analytical manner.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, jheppub class; v2 minor revision
Kink Dynamics in a Parametric $\phi^6$ System: A Model With Controllably Many Internal Modes
kink dynamics in a parametric $\phi^6$ system: a model with controllably many internal modes
explore variant originally phys. rev. prototypical walls quarks hadrons. examine steady apparent kink structures. explore linearization controlling curvature effectively arise linearization profile. explore kink antikink collisions bounce windows principal model. exhibits monotonic controlling curvature potential. bounce windows collective spirit phys. rev. capture phenomenology pages jheppub minor revision
We consider the possibility that the inflaton is part of the dark sector and interacts with the standard model through a portal interaction with a heavy complex scalar field in equilibrium with the standard model at high energies. The inflaton and dark matter are encapsulated in a single complex field and both scalar sectors are charged under different (approximate) global U(1)'s such that the dark matter, as well as the visible pseudo-scalar are taken to be relatively light, as pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons of the theory. The dark matter relic density is populated by Freeze-In productions through the inflaton portal. In particular, after the reheating, production of dark matter by inflaton decay is naturally suppressed thanks to Planck stringent constraints on the dark quartic coupling, therefore preserving the non thermal scenario from any initial condition tuning.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, citations added, typos corrected, comments adde
The Inflaton Portal to Dark Matter
the inflaton portal to dark matter
inflaton interacts portal energies. inflaton encapsulated sectors approximate visible pseudo pseudo nambu goldstone bosons theory. relic populated freeze productions inflaton portal. reheating inflaton naturally suppressed thanks planck stringent quartic preserving pages citations typos corrected comments adde
We calculate various quantities that characterize the dissimilarity of reduced density matrices for a short interval of length $\ell$ in a two-dimensional (2D) large central charge conformal field theory (CFT). These quantities include the R\'enyi entropy, entanglement entropy, relative entropy, Jensen-Shannon divergence, as well as the Schatten 2-norm and 4-norm. We adopt the method of operator product expansion of twist operators, and calculate the short interval expansion of these quantities up to order of $\ell^9$ for the contributions from the vacuum conformal family. The formal forms of these dissimilarity measures and the derived Fisher information metric from contributions of general operators are also given. As an application of the results, we use these dissimilarity measures to compare the excited and thermal states, and examine the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) by showing how they behave in high temperature limit. This would help to understand how ETH in 2D CFT can be defined more precisely. We discuss the possibility that all the dissimilarity measures considered here vanish when comparing the reduced density matrices of an excited state and a generalized Gibbs ensemble thermal state. We also discuss ETH for a microcanonical ensemble thermal state in a 2D large central charge CFT, and find that it is approximately satisfied for a small subsystem and violated for a large subsystem.Comment: V1, 34 pages, 5 figures, see collection of complete results in the attached Mathematica notebook; V2, 38 pages, 5 figures, published versio
Dissimilarities of reduced density matrices and eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
dissimilarities of reduced density matrices and eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
quantities characterize dissimilarity conformal quantities enyi entanglement jensen shannon divergence schatten norm norm. adopt twist quantities conformal family. formal dissimilarity fisher given. dissimilarity excited examine eigenstate thermalization behave limit. precisely. dissimilarity vanish excited gibbs ensemble state. microcanonical ensemble satisfied subsystem violated pages attached mathematica notebook pages versio
In hadronic collisions, interference between different production channels affects momentum distributions of multi-particle final states. As this QCD interference does not depend on the strong coupling constant, it is part of the no-interaction baseline that needs to be controlled prior to searching for other manifestations of collective dynamics. Here, we introduce a model that is based on the QCD theory of multi-parton interactions and that allows one to study interference effects in the production of $m$ particles in hadronic collisions with $N$ parton-parton interactions ("sources"). In an expansion in powers of $1/(N_c^2-1)$ and to leading order in the number of sources $N$, we calculate interference effects in the $m$-particle spectra and we determine from them the second and fourth order cumulant momentum anisotropies $v_n$. Without invoking any azimuthal asymmetry and any density dependent non-linear dynamics in the incoming state, and without invoking any interaction in the final state, we find that QCD interference alone can give rise to values for $v_n\lbrace 2\rbrace$ and $v_n\lbrace 4\rbrace$, $n$ even, that persist unattenuated for increasing number of sources, that may increase with increasing multiplicity and that agree with measurements in proton-proton (pp) collisions in terms of the order of magnitude of the signal and the approximate shape of the transverse momentum dependence. We further find that the non-abelian features of QCD interference can give rise to odd harmonic anisotropies. These findings indicate that the no-interaction baseline including QCD interference effects can make a sizeable if not dominant contribution to the measured $v_n$ coefficients in pp collisions. Prospects for analyzing QCD interference contributions further and their possible relevance for proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions are discussed shortly.Comment: 49 pages, 15 figures, revised version to appear in JHE
Collectivity from interference
collectivity from interference
hadronic collisions interference affects states. interference searching manifestations collective dynamics. parton interference hadronic collisions parton parton powers interference fourth cumulant anisotropies invoking azimuthal asymmetry incoming invoking interference lbrace rbrace lbrace rbrace persist unattenuated multiplicity agree proton proton collisions approximate dependence. abelian interference harmonic anisotropies. interference sizeable collisions. prospects analyzing interference relevance proton nucleus nucleus nucleus collisions pages revised
We propose a Grand Unified Theory of Flavour, based on $SO(10)$ together with a non-Abelian discrete group $S_4$, under which the unified three quark and lepton 16-plets are unified into a single triplet $3'$. The model involves a further discrete group $ \mathbb{Z}_4^R\times \mathbb{Z}_4^3$ which controls the Higgs and flavon symmetry breaking sectors. The CSD2 flavon vacuum alignment is discussed, along with the GUT breaking potential and the doublet-triplet splitting, and proton decay is shown to be under control. The Yukawa matrices are derived in detail, from renormalisable diagrams, and neutrino masses emerge from the type I seesaw mechanism. A full numerical fit is performed with 15 input parameters generating 19 presently constrained observables, taking into account supersymmetry threshold corrections. The model predicts a normal neutrino mass ordering with a CP oscillation phase of $260^{\circ}$, an atmospheric angle in the first octant and neutrinoless double beta decay with $m_{\beta \beta}= 11$ meV. We discuss $N_2$ leptogenesis, which fixes the second right-handed neutrino mass to be $M_2\simeq 2\times 10^{11}$ GeV, in the natural range predicted by the model.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure
$\mathbf{SO(10)}\times \mathbf{S_4} $ Grand Unified Theory of Flavour and Leptogenesis
$\mathbf{so(10)}\times \mathbf{s_4} $ grand unified theory of flavour and leptogenesis
propose grand unified flavour abelian unified lepton plets unified triplet involves mathbb mathbb flavon breaking sectors. flavon alignment breaking doublet triplet splitting proton control. yukawa renormalisable diagrams emerge seesaw mechanism. generating presently constrained observables supersymmetry corrections. predicts ordering oscillation circ octant neutrinoless beta beta beta mev. leptogenesis fixes handed simeq pages
We consider the stringy interaction between two parallel stacks of D3 branes placed at a separation. Each stack of D3 branes in a similar fashion carry an electric flux and a magnetic flux with the two sharing no common field strength index. The interaction amplitude has an imaginary part, giving rise to the Schwinger-like pair production of open strings. We find a significantly enhanced rate of this production when the two electric fluxes are almost identical and the brane separation is on the order of string scale. This enhancement will be largest if the two magnetic fluxes are opposite in direction. This novel enhancement results from the interplay of the non-perturbative Schwinger-type pair production due to the electric flux and the stringy tachyon due to the magnetic flux, and may have realistic physical applications.Comment: 12 pages, minor revision, typos corrected, two references added, to appear in JHE
Magnetically-enhanced open string pair production
magnetically-enhanced open string pair production
stringy stacks branes placed separation. stack branes fashion carry sharing index. imaginary giving schwinger strings. fluxes brane scale. enhancement fluxes opposite direction. enhancement interplay perturbative schwinger stringy tachyon realistic pages minor revision typos corrected
We conjecture a formula for the Schur index of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ theories coupled to $(2,2)$ surface defects in terms of the $2d$-$4d$ BPS spectrum in the Coulomb phase of the theory. The key ingredient in our conjecture is a refined $2d$-$4d$ wall-crossing invariant, which we also formulate. Our result intertwines recent conjectures expressing the four-dimensional Schur index in terms of infrared BPS particles, with the Cecotti-Vafa formula for limits of the elliptic genus in terms of two-dimensional BPS solitons. We extend our discussion to framed $2d$-$4d$ BPS states, and use this to demonstrate a general relationship between surface defect indices and line defect indices. We illustrate our results in the example of $SU(2)$ super Yang-Mills coupled to the $\mathbb{CP}^1$ sigma model defect.Comment: 50 pages, 1 figur
Surface Defect Indices and 2d-4d BPS States
surface defect indices and 2d-4d bps states
conjecture schur mathcal defects coulomb theory. ingredient conjecture refined crossing formulate. intertwines conjectures expressing schur infrared cecotti vafa elliptic genus solitons. extend framed defect indices defect indices. illustrate super mills mathbb sigma pages figur
Standard textbooks will state that hydrodynamics requires near-equilibrium to be applicable. Recently, however, out-of-equilibrium attractor solutions for hydrodynamics have been found in kinetic theory and holography in systems with a high degree of symmetry, suggesting the possibility of a genuine out-of-equilibrium formulation of hydrodynamics. This work demonstrates that attractor solutions also occur in non-conformal kinetic theory and spatially non-homogeneous systems, potentially having important implications for the interpretation of experimental data in heavy-ion and proton-proton collisions and relativistic fluid dynamics as a whole.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes (typos, etc.); v3: matches published versio
Relativistic Hydrodynamic Attractors with Broken Symmetries: Non-Conformal and Non-Homogeneous
relativistic hydrodynamic attractors with broken symmetries: non-conformal and non-homogeneous
textbooks hydrodynamics applicable. attractor hydrodynamics holography genuine formulation hydrodynamics. demonstrates attractor conformal spatially homogeneous potentially proton proton collisions relativistic pages minor typos etc. matches versio
In this article we analyze the contribution from intermediate spin-0 and spin-2 resonances to the $\tau\to\nu \pi\pi\pi$ decay by means of a chiral invariant Lagrangian incorporating these mesons. In particular, we study the corresponding axial-vector form-factors. The advantage of this procedure with respect to previous analyses is that it incorporates chiral (and isospin) invariance and, hence, the partial conservation of the axial-vector current. This ensures the recovery of the right low-energy limit, described by chiral perturbation theory, and the transversality of the current in the chiral limit at all energies. Furthermore, the meson form-factors are further improved by requiring appropriate QCD high-energy conditions. We end up with a brief discussion on its implementation in the Tauola Monte Carlo and the prospects for future analyses of Belle's data.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures. Extended discussion on the numerical importance of the tensor and scalar resonances and the parametrization of the scalar propagator. Version published in JHE
Refining the scalar and tensor contributions in $\tau\to \pi\pi\pi\nu_\tau$ decays
refining the scalar and tensor contributions in $\tau\to \pi\pi\pi\nu_\tau$ decays
analyze resonances chiral lagrangian incorporating mesons. axial factors. advantage incorporates chiral isospin invariance conservation axial current. ensures recovery chiral perturbation transversality chiral energies. meson requiring conditions. brief tauola monte carlo prospects belle pages figures. resonances parametrization propagator.
In this technical note we introduce a manifestly gauge-invariant and supersymmetric procedure to regularize and renormalize one-loop divergences of chiral multiplets in two-dimensional N=(2,2) theories in curved spacetime. We apply the method, a version of Pauli-Villars regularization, to known examples of supersymmetric localization and demonstrate that the partition functions are renormalized. An accompanying ancillary file, a Mathematica notebook, implements the relevant supergravity transformations.Comment: 19 pages, comes with a Mathematica notebook; version 2: counterterm action slightly improved, comments and references added, typos correcte
Comments on supersymmetric renormalization in two-dimensional curved spacetime
comments on supersymmetric renormalization in two-dimensional curved spacetime
manifestly supersymmetric regularize renormalize divergences chiral multiplets curved spacetime. pauli villars regularization supersymmetric localization partition renormalized. accompanying ancillary file mathematica notebook implements supergravity pages comes mathematica notebook counterterm comments typos correcte
We analyze neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) within the framework of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory. Apart from the dimension-five Weinberg operator, the first contributions appear at dimension seven. We classify the operators and evolve them to the electroweak scale, where we match them to effective dimension-six, -seven, and -nine operators. In the next step, after renormalization group evolution to the QCD scale, we construct the chiral Lagrangian arising from these operators. We develop a power-counting scheme and derive the two-nucleon $0\nu\beta\beta$ currents up to leading order in the power counting for each lepton-number-violating operator. We argue that the leading-order contribution to the decay rate depends on a relatively small number of nuclear matrix elements. We test our power counting by comparing nuclear matrix elements obtained by various methods and by different groups. We find that the power counting works well for nuclear matrix elements calculated from a specific method, while, as in the case of light Majorana neutrino exchange, the overall magnitude of the matrix elements can differ by factors of two to three between methods. We calculate the constraints that can be set on dimension-seven lepton-number-violating operators from $0\nu\beta\beta$ experiments and study the interplay between dimension-five and -seven operators, discussing how dimension-seven contributions affect the interpretation of $0\nu\beta\beta$ in terms of the effective Majorana mass $m_{\beta \beta}$.Comment: Matches version published in JHE
Neutrinoless double beta decay in chiral effective field theory: lepton number violation at dimension seven
neutrinoless double beta decay in chiral effective field theory: lepton number violation at dimension seven
analyze neutrinoless beta beta beta theory. apart weinberg seven. classify evolve electroweak match seven nine operators. renormalization chiral lagrangian arising operators. counting derive nucleon beta beta currents counting lepton violating operator. argue elements. counting groups. counting majorana methods. seven lepton violating beta beta interplay seven discussing seven beta beta majorana beta beta .comment matches
Various alleged indirect dark matter search signals, such as the 511 keV line from galaxy center or the PAMELA/AMS02 signal, are often challenged by the absence of corresponding signal from dwarf galaxies and/or from the absence of an impact on CMB through delayed recombination. We propose a novel scenario that can avoid these bounds based on the decay of dark matter, X, to a pair of intermediate particles C and \bar{C} with a lifetime much greater than the age of universe. The annihilation of these intermediate particles eventually leads to a dark matter signal. The bounds from CMB can be easily avoided by the fact that at the time of recombination, not enough C particles had been accumulated. In order to keep C particles from leaving the galaxy, we assume the particles have a small electric charge so in the galactic disk, the magnetic field keeps the C particles in the vicinity of their production. However, they can escape the dwarf galaxies and the dark matter halo where the magnetic field is weak, leading to null signal from these regions. The small charge can have interesting consequences including a signal in direct dark matter searches.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur
Pico-charged intermediate particles rescue dark matter interpretation of 511 keV signal
pico-charged intermediate particles rescue dark matter interpretation of 511 kev signal
alleged indirect pamela challenged dwarf delayed recombination. propose avoid bounds lifetime universe. annihilation eventually signal. bounds avoided recombination accumulated. keep leaving galactic keeps vicinity production. escape dwarf halo regions. consequences pages figur
Extended electroweak scalar sectors containing several doublet multiplets require flavour-aligned Yukawa matrices to prevent the appearance at tree level of unwanted flavour- changing neutral-current transitions. We analyse the misalignment induced by one-loop quantum corrections and explore possible generalizations of the alignment condition and their compatibility with current experimental constraints. The hypothesis of flavour alignment at a high scale turns out to be consistent with all known phenomenological tests.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures. Version published at JHE
Flavour alignment in multi-Higgs-doublet models
flavour alignment in multi-higgs-doublet models
electroweak sectors doublet multiplets flavour aligned yukawa prevent appearance unwanted flavour changing neutral transitions. analyse misalignment explore generalizations alignment compatibility constraints. flavour alignment turns phenomenological pages figures.
The existence of a second Higgs doublet in Nature could lead to a cosmological first order electroweak phase transition and explain the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. We explore the parameter space of such a two-Higgs-doublet-model and show that a first order electroweak phase transition strongly correlates with a significant uplifting of the Higgs vacuum w.r.t. its Standard Model value. We then obtain the spectrum and properties of the new scalars $H_0$, $A_0$ and $H^{\pm}$ that signal such a phase transition, showing that the decay $A_0 \rightarrow H_0 Z$ at the LHC and a sizable deviation in the Higgs self-coupling $\lambda_{hhh}$ from its SM value are sensitive indicators of a strongly first order electroweak phase transition in the 2HDM
The Higgs Vacuum Uplifted: Revisiting the Electroweak Phase Transition with a Second Higgs Doublet
the higgs vacuum uplifted: revisiting the electroweak phase transition with a second higgs doublet
doublet cosmological electroweak antimatter asymmetry universe. explore doublet electroweak correlates uplifting w.r.t. value. scalars rightarrow sizable lambda indicators electroweak
In the present work we study charged black hole solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell action that have Thurston geometries on its near horizon region. In particular we find solutions with charged Solv and Nil geometry horizons. We also find Nil black holes with hyperscaling violation. For all our solutions we compute the thermoelectric DC transport coefficients of the corresponding dual field theory. We find that the Solv and Nil black holes without hyperscaling violation are dual to metals while those with hyperscaling violation are dual to insulators.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. v2: refs and details on computations added. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1503.01716 by other author
Thermoelectric Transport Coefficients from Charged Solv and Nil Black Holes
thermoelectric transport coefficients from charged solv and nil black holes
einstein maxwell thurston geometries horizon region. solv horizons. holes hyperscaling violation. thermoelectric theory. solv holes hyperscaling violation metals hyperscaling violation pages figures. refs computations added. admin overlap
We propose an unconventional formulation of lattice field theories which is quite general, although originally motivated by the quest of exact lattice supersymmetry. Two long standing problems have a solution in this context: 1) Each degree of freedom on the lattice corresponds to $2^d$ degrees of freedom in the continuum, but all these doublers have (in the case of fermions) the same chirality and can be either identified, thus removing the degeneracy, or, in some theories with extended supersymmetry, identified with different members of the same supermultiplet. 2) The derivative operator, defined on the lattice as a suitable periodic function of the lattice momentum, is an addittive and conserved quantity, thus assuring that the Leibnitz rule is satisfied. This implies that the product of two fields on the lattice is replaced by a non-local "star product" which is however in general non-associative. Associativity of the "star product" poses strong restrictions on the form of the lattice derivative operator (which becomes the inverse gudermannian function of the lattice momentum) and has the consequence that the degrees of freedom of the lattice theory and of the continuum theory are in one-to-one correspondence, so that the two theories are eventually equivalent. Regularization of the ultraviolet divergences on the lattice is not associated to the lattice spacing, which does not act as a regulator, but may be obtained by a one parameter deformation of the lattice derivative, thus preserving the lattice structure even in the limit of infinite momentum cutoff. However this regularization breaks gauge invariance and a gauge invariant regularization within the lattice formulation is still lacking.Comment: 68 pages, 7 figure
An Alternative Lattice Field Theory Formulation Inspired by Lattice Supersymmetry
an alternative lattice field theory formulation inspired by lattice supersymmetry
propose unconventional formulation originally motivated quest supersymmetry. standing freedom freedom continuum doublers fermions chirality removing degeneracy supersymmetry supermultiplet. addittive conserved quantity assuring leibnitz satisfied. replaced associative. associativity poses restrictions gudermannian freedom continuum correspondence eventually equivalent. regularization ultraviolet divergences spacing regulator deformation preserving infinite cutoff. regularization breaks invariance regularization formulation pages
We construct a diagrammatic coaction acting on one-loop Feynman graphs and their cuts. The graphs are naturally identified with the corresponding (cut) Feynman integrals in dimensional regularization, whose coefficients of the Laurent expansion in the dimensional regulator are multiple polylogarithms (MPLs). Our main result is the conjecture that this diagrammatic coaction reproduces the combinatorics of the coaction on MPLs order by order in the Laurent expansion. We show that our conjecture holds in a broad range of nontrivial one-loop integrals. We then explore its consequences for the study of discontinuities of Feynman integrals, and the differential equations that they satisfy. In particular, using the diagrammatic coaction along with information from cuts, we explicitly derive differential equations for any one-loop Feynman integral. We also explain how to construct the symbol of any one-loop Feynman integral recursively. Finally, we show that our diagrammatic coaction follows, in the special case of one-loop integrals, from a more general coaction proposed recently, which is constructed by pairing master integrands with corresponding master contours.Comment: 76 pages. v2: Remarks added for clarification, typos corrected. Supersedes published versio
Diagrammatic Hopf algebra of cut Feynman integrals: the one-loop case
diagrammatic hopf algebra of cut feynman integrals: the one-loop case
diagrammatic coaction acting feynman cuts. naturally feynman integrals regularization laurent regulator polylogarithms mpls conjecture diagrammatic coaction reproduces combinatorics coaction mpls laurent expansion. conjecture broad nontrivial integrals. explore consequences discontinuities feynman integrals satisfy. diagrammatic coaction cuts explicitly derive feynman integral. symbol feynman recursively. diagrammatic coaction integrals coaction pairing master integrands master pages. remarks clarification typos corrected. supersedes versio
We construct a solution of Heterotic supergravity which interpolates between two different AdS$_{3}\times S^{3}\times T^{4}$ geometries corresponding to the near-horizon limits of two 5-dimensional black holes, only one of which has non-Abelian hair. This solution can be used to estimate the amplitude of probability of the non-perturbative decay of the gauge 5-brane responsible for the non-Abelian hair into eight solitonic 5-branes by evaluating its Euclidean action. The Wick rotation of this solution poses several problems which we argue can be overcome by using a non-extremal off-shell (NEOS) deformation of the solution. This NEOS field configuration can be Wick rotated straight away and its Euclidean action can be computed for any value of the deformation parameter. The Euclidean result can then be anti-Wick-rotated and its extremal limit gives the Euclidean action of the original solution, which turns out to be one half of the difference between the entropies of the 5-dimensional black holes.Comment: Few typos corrected. Two references and a footnote added. Version to be published in JHE
Non-perturbative decay of Non-Abelian hair
non-perturbative decay of non-abelian hair
heterotic supergravity interpolates geometries horizon holes abelian hair. perturbative brane abelian hair eight solitonic branes evaluating euclidean action. wick poses argue overcome extremal neos deformation solution. neos wick rotated straight away euclidean deformation parameter. euclidean wick rotated extremal euclidean turns entropies typos corrected. footnote added.
We study a family of 5-dimensional non-Abelian black holes that can be obtained by adding an instanton field to the well-known D1D5W Abelian black holes. Naively, the non-Abelian fields seem to contribute to the black-hole entropy but not to the mass due to their rapid fall-off at spatial infinity. By uplifting the 5-dimensional supergravity solution to 10-dimensional Heterotic Supergravity first and then dualizing it into a Type-I Supergravity solution, we show that the non-Abelian fields are associated to D5-branes dissolved into the D9-branes (dual to the Heterotic "gauge 5-branes") and that their associated RR charge does not, in fact, contribute to the entropy, which only depends on the number16 pages of D-strings and D5 branes and the momentum along the D-strings, as in the Abelian case. These "dissolved" or "gauge" D5-branes do contribute to the mass in the expected form. The correct interpretation of the 5-dimensional charges in terms of the string-theory objects solves the non-Abelian hair puzzle, allowing for the microscopic accounting of the entropy. We discuss the validity of the solution when alpha prime corrections are taken into account.Comment: Latex 2e file, 21 pages. A full appendix on alpha prime corrections and the corresponding discussions have been added. The conclusions have suffered minor changes. Version accepted in JHE
Non-Abelian black holes in string theory
non-abelian black holes in string theory
abelian holes adding instanton abelian holes. naively abelian seem fall infinity. uplifting supergravity heterotic supergravity dualizing supergravity abelian branes dissolved branes heterotic branes pages strings branes strings abelian case. dissolved branes form. charges solves abelian hair puzzle allowing microscopic accounting entropy. validity alpha prime latex file pages. alpha prime discussions added. suffered minor changes.
We study instanton corrections to four-point correlation correlation function of half-BPS operators in $\mathcal N=4$ SYM in the light-cone limit when operators become null separated in a sequential manner. We exploit the relation between the correlation function in this limit and light-like rectangular Wilson loop to determine the leading instanton contribution to the former from the semiclassical result for the latter. We verify that the light-like rectangular Wilson loop satisfies anomalous conformal Ward identities nonperturbatively, in the presence of instantons. We then use these identities to compute the leading instanton contribution to the light-like cusp anomalous dimension and to anomalous dimension of twist-two operators with large spin.Comment: 27 page
Instanton effects in correlation functions on the light-cone
instanton effects in correlation functions on the light-cone
instanton mathcal cone separated sequential manner. exploit rectangular wilson instanton former semiclassical latter. verify rectangular wilson satisfies anomalous conformal ward identities nonperturbatively instantons. identities instanton cusp anomalous anomalous twist
Light pseudoscalars interacting pre-dominantly with Standard Model gauge bosons (so-called axion-like particles or ALPs) occur frequently in extensions of the Standard Model. In this work we review and update existing constraints on ALPs in the keV to GeV mass region from colliders, beam dump experiments and astrophysics. We furthermore provide a detailed calculation of the expected sensitivity of Belle II, which can search for visibly and invisibly decaying ALPs, as well as long-lived ALPs. The Belle II sensitivity is found to be substantially better than previously estimated, covering wide ranges of relevant parameter space. In particular, Belle II can explore an interesting class of dark matter models, in which ALPs mediate the interactions between the Standard Model and dark matter. In these models, the relic abundance can be set via resonant freeze-out, leading to a highly predictive scenario consistent with all existing constraints but testable with single-photon searches at Belle II in the near future.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures; v2: added discussion of heavy-ion collisions, matches published version; data for exclusion limits provided as ancillary file
Revised constraints and Belle II sensitivity for visible and invisible axion-like particles
revised constraints and belle ii sensitivity for visible and invisible axion-like particles
pseudoscalars interacting dominantly bosons axion alps frequently extensions model. update alps colliders dump astrophysics. belle visibly invisibly decaying alps lived alps. belle substantially covering ranges space. belle explore alps mediate matter. relic abundance resonant freeze predictive testable searches belle pages collisions matches exclusion ancillary file
Motivated by the near-horizon geometry of four-dimensional extremal black holes, we study a disordered quantum mechanical system invariant under a global $SU(2)$ symmetry. As in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, this system exhibits an approximate $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ symmetry at low energies, but also allows for a continuous family of $SU(2)$ breaking marginal deformations. Beyond a certain critical value for the marginal coupling, the model exhibits a quantum phase transition from the gapless phase to a gapped one and we calculate the critical exponents of this transition. We also show that charged, rotating extremal black holes exhibit a transition when the angular velocity of the horizon is tuned to a certain critical value. Where possible we draw parallels between the disordered quantum mechanics and charged, rotating black holes.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure
Marginal Deformations and Rotating Horizons
marginal deformations and rotating horizons
motivated horizon extremal holes disordered symmetry. sachdev kitaev exhibits approximate mathbb breaking marginal deformations. marginal exhibits gapless gapped exponents transition. rotating extremal holes exhibit horizon tuned value. draw parallels disordered mechanics rotating pages
The mass and weak interaction eigenstates for the quarks of the third generation are very well aligned, an empirical fact for which the Standard Model offers no explanation. We explore the possibility that this alignment is due to an additional gauge symmetry in the third generation. Specifically, we construct and analyze an explicit, renormalizable model with a gauge boson, $X$, corresponding to the $B-L$ symmetry of the third family. Having a relatively light (in the MeV to multi-GeV range), flavor-nonuniversal gauge boson results in a variety of constraints from different sources. By systematically analyzing 20 different constraints, we identify the most sensitive probes: kaon, $B^+$, $D^+$ and Upsilon decays, $D-\bar{D}^0$ mixing, atomic parity violation, and neutrino scattering and oscillations. For the new gauge coupling $g_X$ in the range $(10^{-2} - 10^{-4})$ the model is shown to be consistent with the data. Possible ways of testing the model in $b$ physics, top and $Z$ decays, direct collider production and neutrino oscillation experiments, where one can observe nonstandard matter effects, are outlined. The choice of leptons to carry the new force is ambiguous, resulting in additional phenomenological implications, such as non-universality in semileptonic bottom decays. The proposed framework provides interesting connections between neutrino oscillations, flavor and collider physics.Comment: 44 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; B physics constraints and references added, conclusions unchange
Flavor Gauge Models Below the Fermi Scale
flavor gauge models below the fermi scale
eigenstates quarks aligned offers explanation. explore alignment generation. analyze renormalizable boson family. flavor nonuniversal boson sources. systematically analyzing probes kaon upsilon decays parity violation oscillations. data. ways decays collider oscillation nonstandard outlined. leptons carry ambiguous phenomenological universality semileptonic decays. connections oscillations flavor collider pages tables unchange
In this paper we investigate the extension of high energy resummation at LLx accuracy to jet observables. In particular, we present the high energy resummed expression of the transverse momentum distribution of the outgoing parton in the general partonic process $g(q) + g(q) \to g(q) + X$. In order to reach this result, several new ideas are introduced and exploited. First we prove that LLx resummation is achieved by dressing with hard radiation an off-shell gluon initiated LO process even if its on-shell limit is vanishing or trivial. Then we present a gauge-invariant framework where these calculations can be performed by using the modern helicity techniques. Finally, we show a possible way to restore gluon indistinguishability in the final state, which is otherwise lost in the resummation procedure, at all orders in $\alpha_s$ at LLx. All partonic channels are then resummed and cross-checked against fixed-order calculations up to $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure
High Energy Resummation of Jet Observables
high energy resummation of jet observables
resummation observables. resummed outgoing parton partonic ideas exploited. resummation dressing gluon initiated vanishing trivial. modern helicity techniques. restore gluon indistinguishability lost resummation orders alpha llx. partonic resummed checked mathcal alpha comment pages
We have studied how the equation of state of thermal QCD with two light flavours is modified in strong magnetic field by calculating the thermodynamic observables of hot QCD matter up to one-loop, where the magnetic field affects mainly the quark contribution and the gluonic part is largely unaffected except for the softening of the screening mass due to the strong magnetic field. To begin with the effect of magnetic field on the thermodynamics, we have first calculated the pressure of a thermal QCD medium in strong magnetic field limit (SML), where the pressure at fixed temperature increases with the magnetic field faster than the increase with the temperature at constant magnetic field. This can be envisaged from the dominant scale of thermal medium in SML, which is the magnetic field, like the temperature in thermal medium in absence of strong magnetic field. Thus although the presence of strong magnetic field makes the pressure of hot QCD medium harder but the increase of pressure with respect to the temperature becomes less steeper. Corroborated to the above observations, the entropy density is found to decrease with the temperature in the ambience of strong magnetic field which resonates with the fact that the strong magnetic field restricts the dynamics of quarks in two dimensions, hence the phase space gets squeezed resulting the reduction of number of microstates. Moreover the energy density is seen to decrease and the speed of sound of thermal QCD medium is increased in the presence of strong magnetic field. These crucial findings in strong magnetic field could have phenomenological implications in heavy ion collisions because the expansion dynamics of the medium produced in noncentral ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions is effectively controlled by both the energy density and the speed of sound.Comment: 42 pages, 6 figures and 2 diagram
One-loop QCD thermodynamics in a strong homogeneous and static magnetic field
one-loop qcd thermodynamics in a strong homogeneous and static magnetic field
flavours calculating thermodynamic observables affects gluonic largely unaffected softening screening field. begin thermodynamics faster field. envisaged field. harder steeper. corroborated ambience resonates restricts quarks gets squeezed microstates. sound field. crucial phenomenological collisions noncentral ultrarelativistic collisions effectively pages
It has been recently shown that, contrary to an intuitive decoupling argument, the presence of new physics at very large energy scales (say around the Planck scale) can have a strong impact on the electroweak vacuum lifetime. In particular, the vacuum could be totally destabilized. This study was performed in a flat spacetime background, and it is important to extend the analysis to curved spacetime since these are Planckian-physics effects. It is generally expected that under these extreme conditions gravity should totally quench the formation of true vacuum bubbles, thus washing out the destabilizing effect of new physics. In this work we extend the analysis to curved spacetime and show that, although gravity pushes toward stabilization, the destabilizing effect of new physics is still (by far) the dominating one. In order to get model independent results, high energy new physics is parametrized in two different independent ways: as higher order operators in the Higgs field, or introducing new particles with very large masses. The destabilizing effect is observed in both cases, hinting at a general mechanism that does not depend on the parametrization details for new physics, thus maintaining the results obtained from the analysis performed in flat spacetime.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure
Impact of New Physics on the EW vacuum stability in a curved spacetime background
impact of new physics on the ew vacuum stability in a curved spacetime background
contrary intuitive decoupling argument planck electroweak lifetime. totally destabilized. spacetime extend curved spacetime planckian effects. extreme totally quench bubbles washing destabilizing physics. extend curved spacetime pushes toward stabilization destabilizing dominating one. parametrized ways introducing masses. destabilizing hinting parametrization maintaining pages
We construct a new solution of type IIB supergravity with eight supercharges by applying non-Abelian T-duality to the $ AdS_5\times S^5$ solution, along the $ SU(2)$ isometries in both the internal and Lorentz symmetries. The study of quantised charges and D-brane embeddings suggests a configuration of D1 and D3'-branes that polarise into concentric, spherical, D3 and D5-branes due to the Myers dielectric effect. We find that our solution is dual to a IIB matrix model with fuzzy sphere vacua characterised by partitions of the number of D1 and D3'-branes. We also study the solution obtained via (Abelian) T-dualities along the $S^1$ fiber angles inside the $S^3$'s of the $ AdS_5\times S^5$ solution. In addition, we point out a precise relation between NATD and ATD solutions by considering a double scaling limit in the NATD solutions. In the particular case of the solutions obtained by a single (non-)Abelian T-duality inside the Lorentz symmetries of the $AdS_5\times S^5$ solution, we demonstrate that the double scaling limit provides a supergravity realisation of the relations between the vacua of the half-BPS theories studied by Lin and Maldacena.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl
A Type IIB Matrix Model via non-Abelian T-dualities
a type iib matrix model via non-abelian t-dualities
supergravity eight supercharges abelian duality isometries lorentz symmetries. quantised charges brane embeddings branes polarise concentric spherical branes myers dielectric effect. fuzzy sphere vacua characterised partitions branes. abelian dualities fiber angles solution. precise natd natd solutions. abelian duality lorentz symmetries supergravity realisation vacua pages tabl
Recent lattice studies of near-conformal strong dynamics suggest the existence of a light scalar. This provides motivation to consider a simple Hamiltonian-based bound-state model where the pseudoscalar, scalar, vector and axial-vector states are treated on an equal footing. The model interpolates between the non-relativistic limit and the highly relativistic chiral limit, where the pseudoscalar mass drops to zero. The fermion mass becomes purely dynamical at this point. When the gauge coupling is constant over a moderate range of scales the scalar becomes significantly lighter than the spin 1 states as the chiral limit is approached. We relate this result to the behavior of the form factors of the respective states and their decay constants. In the conformal limit of the model all masses vanish and the theory is characterized by scaling dimensions.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, published versio
A bound state model for a light scalar
a bound state model for a light scalar
conformal scalar. motivation pseudoscalar axial footing. interpolates relativistic relativistic chiral pseudoscalar drops zero. fermion purely point. moderate lighter chiral approached. relate respective constants. conformal vanish pages versio