3 values
Superstring perturbation theory based on the 1PI effective theory approach has been useful for addressing the problem of mass renormalization and vacuum shift. We derive Ward identities associated with space-time supersymmetry transformation in this approach. This leads to a proof of the equality of renormalized masses of bosons and fermions and identities relating fermionic amplitudes to bosonic amplitudes after taking into account the effect of mass renormalization. This also relates unbroken supersymmetry to a given order in perturbation theory to absence of tadpoles of massless scalars to higher order. The results are valid at the perturbative vacuum as well as in the shifted vacuum when the latter describes the correct ground state of the theory. We apply this to SO(32) heterotic string theory on Calabi-Yau 3-folds where a one loop Fayet-Iliopoulos term apparently breaks supersymmetry at one loop, but analysis of the low energy effective field theory indicates that there is a nearby vacuum where supersymmetry is restored. We explicitly prove that the perturbative amplitudes of this theory around the shifted vacuum indeed satisfy the Ward identities associated with unbroken supersymmetry. We also test the general arguments by explicitly verifying the equality of bosonic and fermionic masses at one loop order in the shifted vacuum, and the appearance of two loop dilaton tadpole in the perturbative vacuum where supersymmetry is expected to be broken.Comment: LaTeX file, 111 pages; v2: corrected eqs.(3.6)-(3.9) and (3.11)-(3.15), added referenc
Supersymmetry Restoration in Superstring Perturbation Theory
supersymmetry restoration in superstring perturbation theory
superstring perturbation addressing renormalization shift. derive ward identities supersymmetry approach. equality renormalized bosons fermions identities relating fermionic amplitudes bosonic amplitudes renormalization. relates unbroken supersymmetry perturbation tadpoles massless scalars order. valid perturbative shifted describes theory. heterotic calabi folds fayet iliopoulos apparently breaks supersymmetry nearby supersymmetry restored. explicitly perturbative amplitudes shifted satisfy ward identities unbroken supersymmetry. arguments explicitly verifying equality bosonic fermionic shifted appearance dilaton tadpole perturbative supersymmetry latex file pages corrected eqs. referenc
Non-equilibrium black hole horizons are considered in scaling theories with generic Lifshitz invariance and an unbroken U(1) symmetry. There is also charge-hyperscaling violation associated with a non-trivial conduction exponent. The boundary stress tensor is computed and renormalized and the associated hydrodynamic equations derived. Upon a non-trivial redefinition of boundary sources associated with the U(1) gauge field, the equations are mapped to the standard non-relativistic hydrodynamics equations coupled to a mass current and an external Newton potential in accordance with the general theory of [arXiv:1502.00228]. The shear viscosity to entropy ratio is the same as in the relativistic case.Comment: 44 pages, v2: minor improvements and a list of definitions added, 48 pages, v3: Published version, many minor misprints corrected, 57 page
Charge-Hyperscaling Violating Lifshitz hydrodynamics from black-holes
charge-hyperscaling violating lifshitz hydrodynamics from black-holes
horizons generic lifshitz invariance unbroken symmetry. hyperscaling violation trivial conduction exponent. renormalized hydrodynamic derived. trivial redefinition mapped relativistic hydrodynamics newton accordance viscosity relativistic pages minor improvements definitions pages minor misprints corrected
We present a unified framework for the holographic computation of Virasoro conformal blocks at large central charge. In particular, we provide bulk constructions that correctly reproduce all semiclassical Virasoro blocks that are known explicitly from conformal field theory computations. The results revolve around the use of geodesic Witten diagrams, recently introduced in arXiv:1508.00501, evaluated in locally AdS$_3$ geometries generated by backreaction of heavy operators. We also provide an alternative computation of the heavy-light semiclassical block -- in which two external operators become parametrically heavy -- as a certain scattering process involving higher spin gauge fields in AdS$_3$; this approach highlights the chiral nature of Virasoro blocks. These techniques may be systematically extended to compute corrections to these blocks and to interpolate amongst the different semiclassical regimes.Comment: 32 pages + refs. v2: fixed figure glitc
Semiclassical Virasoro Blocks from AdS$_3$ Gravity
semiclassical virasoro blocks from ads$_3$ gravity
unified holographic virasoro conformal blocks charge. constructions correctly reproduce semiclassical virasoro blocks explicitly conformal computations. revolve geodesic witten diagrams locally geometries backreaction operators. semiclassical parametrically involving highlights chiral virasoro blocks. systematically blocks interpolate amongst semiclassical pages refs. glitc
International audienceThe equations of motion of toroidal orientifold compactifications with fluxes are in one-to-one correspondence with gauged supergravity if the orientifold (and D-brane) sources are smeared over the compact space. This smeared limit is identical to the approximation that ignores warping. It is therefore relevant to compare quantities obtained from the gauged supergravity with the true 10d solution with localised sources. In this paper we find the correspondence between BPS domain walls in gauged SUGRA and 10D SUGRA with localised sources. Our model is the simplest orientifold with fluxes we are aware of: an O6/D6 compactification on T 3 /Z 2 in massive IIA with H 3-flux. The BPS domain walls correspond to a O6/D6/NS5/D8 bound state. Our analysis reveals that the domain wall energy computed in gauged SUGRA is unaffected by the localisation of the O6/D6 sources
Domain walls inside localised orientifolds
domain walls inside localised orientifolds
audiencethe toroidal orientifold compactifications fluxes correspondence gauged supergravity orientifold brane smeared space. smeared ignores warping. quantities gauged supergravity localised sources. correspondence walls gauged sugra sugra localised sources. simplest orientifold fluxes aware compactification massive flux. walls state. reveals gauged sugra unaffected localisation
We construct a class of 3-point constants in the $sl(4)$ Toda conformal theory $W_4$, extending the examples in Fateev and Litvinov. Their knowledge allows to determine the braiding/fusing matrix transforming 4-point conformal blocks of one fundamental, labelled by the 6-dimensional $sl(4)$ representation, and three partially degenerate vertex operators. It is a $3 \times 3$ submatrix of the generic $6 \times 6$ fusing matrix consistent with the fusion rules for the particular class of representations. We check a braiding relation which has wider applications to conformal models with $sl(4)$ symmetry. The 3-point constants in dual regions of central charge are compared in preparation for a BPS like relation in the $\hat{sl}(4)$ WZW model.Comment: 27 pages, TeX with harvmac; v2: Content substantially extended, new references adde
On some 3-point functions in the $W_4$ CFT and related braiding matrix
on some 3-point functions in the $w_4$ cft and related braiding matrix
toda conformal extending fateev litvinov. braiding fusing transforming conformal blocks labelled partially degenerate operators. submatrix generic fusing fusion representations. check braiding wider conformal symmetry. preparation pages harvmac substantially adde
We revisit the applications of integral geometry in AdS$_3$ and argue that the metric of the kinematic space can be realized as the entanglement contour, which is defined as the additive entanglement density. From the renormalization of the entanglement contour, we can holographically understand the operations of disentangler and isometry in multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz. Furthermore, a renormalization group equation of the long-distance entanglement contour is then derived. We then generalize this integral geometric construction to higher dimensions and in particular demonstrate how it works in bulk space of homogeneity and isotropy.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures. v2: discussions on the general measure added, typos fixed; v3: sections reorganized, various points clarified, to appear in JHE
Entanglement renormalization and integral geometry
entanglement renormalization and integral geometry
revisit argue kinematic realized entanglement contour additive entanglement density. renormalization entanglement contour holographically operations disentangler isometry entanglement renormalization ansatz. renormalization entanglement contour derived. generalize geometric homogeneity pages figures. discussions typos reorganized clarified
We study corner contributions to holographic mutual information for entangling regions composed of a set of disjoint sectors of a single infinite circle in three-dimensional conformal field theories. In spite of the UV divergence of holographic mutual information, it exhibits a first order phase transition. We show that tripartite information is also divergent for disjoint sectors, which is in contrast with the well-known feature of tripartite information being finite even when entangling regions share boundaries. We also verify the locality of corner effects by studying mutual information between regions separated by a sharp annular region. Possible extensions to higher dimensions and hyperscaling violating geometries is also considered for disjoint sectors.Comment: 35 pages, 25 Figures, v2: presentation improved, v3: matches published version in JHE
Holographic Mutual Information for Singular Surfaces
holographic mutual information for singular surfaces
corner holographic mutual entangling composed disjoint sectors infinite circle conformal theories. spite divergence holographic mutual exhibits transition. tripartite divergent disjoint sectors tripartite entangling share boundaries. verify locality corner studying mutual separated sharp annular region. extensions hyperscaling violating geometries disjoint pages presentation matches
The AdS/CFT correspondence relates Wilson loops in N=4 SYM theory to minimal area surfaces in AdS5xS5 space. If the Wilson loop is Euclidean and confined to a plane (t,x) then the dual surface is Euclidean and lives in Minkowski AdS3. In this paper we study such minimal area surfaces generalizing previous results obtained in the Euclidean case. Since the surfaces we consider have the topology of a disk, the holonomy of the flat current vanishes which is equivalent to the condition that a certain boundary Schroedinger equation has all its solutions anti-periodic. If the potential for that Schroedinger equation is found then reconstructing the surface and finding the area become simpler. In particular we write a formula for the Area in terms of the Schwarzian derivative of the contour. Finally an infinite parameter family of analytical solutions using Riemann Theta functions is described. In this case, both the area and the shape of the surface are given analytically and used to check the previous results.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figures, LaTe
Euclidean Wilson loops and Minimal Area Surfaces in Minkowski AdS3
euclidean wilson loops and minimal area surfaces in minkowski ads3
correspondence relates wilson loops space. wilson euclidean confined euclidean lives minkowski generalizing euclidean case. topology holonomy vanishes schroedinger periodic. schroedinger reconstructing simpler. schwarzian contour. infinite riemann theta described. analytically check pages
Spin-2 fields are often candidates in physics beyond the Standard Model namely the models with extra-dimensions where spin-2 Kaluza-Klein gravitons couple to the fields of the SM. Also, in the context of Higgs searches, spin-2 fields have been studied as an alternative to the scalar Higgs boson. In this article, we present the complete three loop QCD radiative corrections to the spin-2 quark-antiquark and spin-2 gluon-gluon form factors in SU(N) gauge theory with $n_f$ light flavors. These form factors contribute to both quark-antiquark and gluon-gluon initiated processes involving spin-2 particle in the hadronic reactions at the LHC. We have studied the structure of infrared singularities in these form factors up to three loop level using Sudakov integro-differential equation and found that the anomalous dimensions originating from soft and collinear regions of the loop integrals coincide with those of the electroweak vector boson and Higgs form factors confirming the universality of the infrared singularities in QCD amplitudes.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure
Spin-2 Form Factors at Three Loop in QCD
spin-2 form factors at three loop in qcd
candidates extra kaluza klein gravitons couple searches boson. radiative antiquark gluon gluon flavors. antiquark gluon gluon initiated involving hadronic lhc. infrared singularities sudakov integro anomalous originating collinear integrals coincide electroweak boson confirming universality infrared singularities pages
We revisit the issue of higher-dimensional counterterms for the N=(1,1) supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory in six dimensions using the off-shell N=(1,0) and on-shell N=(1,1) harmonic superspace approaches. The second approach is developed in full generality and used to solve, for the first time, the N=(1,1) SYM constraints in terms of N=(1,0) superfields. This provides a convenient tool to write explicit expressions for the candidate counterterms and other N=(1,1) invariants and may be conducive to proving non-renormalization theorems needed to explain the absence of certain logarithmic divergences in higher-loop contributions to scattering amplitudes in N=(1,1) SYM.Comment: 55 pages, published version in JHE
Ultraviolet behavior of 6D supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories and harmonic superspace
ultraviolet behavior of 6d supersymmetric yang-mills theories and harmonic superspace
revisit counterterms supersymmetric mills harmonic superspace approaches. generality solve superfields. convenient expressions candidate counterterms invariants conducive proving renormalization theorems logarithmic divergences amplitudes pages
We show that for a class of two-loop diagrams, the on-shell part of the integration-by-parts (IBP) relations correspond to exact meromorphic one-forms on algebraic curves. Since it is easy to find such exact meromorphic one-forms from algebraic geometry, this idea provides a new highly efficient algorithm for integral reduction. We demonstrate the power of this method via several complicated two-loop diagrams with internal massive legs. No explicit elliptic or hyperelliptic integral computation is needed for our method.Comment: minor changes: more references adde
Two-loop Integral Reduction from Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curves
two-loop integral reduction from elliptic and hyperelliptic curves
diagrams meromorphic algebraic curves. meromorphic algebraic reduction. complicated diagrams massive legs. elliptic hyperelliptic minor adde
We present the general flux tube integrand for MHV and non-MHV amplitudes, in planar N = 4 SYM theory, up to a group theoretical rational factor. We find that the MHV and non-MHV cases only differ by simple form factors which we derive. This information allows us to run the operator product expansion program for all sorts of non-MHV amplitudes and to test the recently proposed map with the so called charged pentagons transitions. Perfect agreement is found, on a large sample of non-MHV amplitudes, with the perturbative data available in the literature.Comment: 42 pages. v2 : minor correction to Section 2.3, typos correcte
OPE for all Helicity Amplitudes II. Form Factors and Data Analysis
ope for all helicity amplitudes ii. form factors and data analysis
tube integrand amplitudes planar rational factor. derive. sorts amplitudes pentagons transitions. perfect amplitudes perturbative pages. minor typos correcte
We classify the complete set of dimension-5 operators relevant for the resonant production of a singlet of spin 0 or 2 linearly coupled to the Standard Model (SM). We compute the decay width of such states as a function of the effective couplings, and provide the matching to various well-motivated New Physics scenarios. We then investigate the possibility that one of these neutral resonances be at the origin of the excess in diboson production recently reported by the ATLAS collaboration. We perform a shape analysis of the excess under full consideration of the systematic uncertainties to extract the width $\Gamma_{\rm tot}$ of the hypothetical resonance, finding it to be in the range 26 GeV $<\Gamma_{\rm tot}<$ 144 GeV at 95\% C.L. We then point out that the three overlapping selections $WW$, $WZ$, $ZZ$ reported by ATLAS follow a joint trivariate Poisson distribution, which opens the possibility of a thorough likelihood analysis of the event rates. The background systematic uncertainties are also included in our analysis. We show that the data do not require $W\!Z$ production and could thus in principle be explained by neutral resonances. We then use both the information on the width and the cross section, which prove to be highly complementary, to test the effective Lagrangians of singlet resonances. Regarding specific models, we find that neither scalars coupled via the Higgs-portal nor the Randall-Sundrum (RS) radion can explain the ATLAS anomaly. The RS graviton with all matter on the infrared (IR) brane can in principle fit the observed excess, while the RS model with matter propagating in the bulk requires the presence of IR brane kinetic terms for the gauge fields.Comment: 31 page
Effective theory for neutral resonances and a statistical dissection of the ATLAS diboson excess
effective theory for neutral resonances and a statistical dissection of the atlas diboson excess
classify resonant singlet linearly couplings matching motivated scenarios. neutral resonances excess diboson atlas collaboration. excess consideration extract gamma hypothetical gamma c.l. overlapping selections atlas trivariate poisson opens thorough likelihood rates. analysis. neutral resonances. complementary lagrangians singlet resonances. neither scalars portal randall sundrum radion atlas anomaly. graviton infrared brane excess propagating brane
In this work, we calculate leading-order anomalous dimension matrices for dimension-6 four-quark operators which appear in the operator product expansion of flavour non-diagonal and diagonal vector and axial-vector two-point correlation functions. The infrared renormalon structure corresponding to four-quark operators is reviewed and it is investigated how the eigenvalues of the anomalous dimension matrices influence the singular behaviour of the $u=3$ infrared renormalon pole. It is found that compared to the large-$\beta_0$ approximation where at most quadratic poles are present, in full QCD at $N_f=3$ the most singular pole is more than cubic with an exponent $\kappa\approx 3.2$.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in JHE
Anomalous dimensions of four-quark operators and renormalon structure of mesonic two-point correlators
anomalous dimensions of four-quark operators and renormalon structure of mesonic two-point correlators
anomalous flavour diagonal diagonal axial functions. infrared renormalon reviewed eigenvalues anomalous singular infrared renormalon pole. beta quadratic poles singular pole cubic exponent kappa approx .comment pages
We obtain the action for a curved superconformal abelian M5 brane with the background R-symmetry gauge field turned on. We then restrict ourselves to superconformal M5 brane on a sphere times flat Minkowski space. We choose R-symmetry SO(1,4) instead of SO(5), which enables us to partially twist on Minkowski space and replace it by some curved Lorentzian manifold. We obtain M5 brane actions on $M_{1,1} \times S^4$ and $M_{1,2} \times S^3$ where actions and all fields, including the background gauge field, are real. Dimensional reduction along time gives real 5d SYM actions with nonabelian generalizations.Comment: 31 pages, a discussion on unitarity is adde
Partially twisted superconformal M5 brane in R-symmetry gauge field backgrounds
partially twisted superconformal m5 brane in r-symmetry gauge field backgrounds
curved superconformal abelian brane turned restrict superconformal brane sphere minkowski space. enables partially twist minkowski replace curved lorentzian manifold. brane real. nonabelian pages unitarity adde
The existing equivalence between (generalized) BMS Ward identities with leading and subleading soft graviton theorems is extended to the case where the scattering particles are massive scalars. By extending the action of generalized BMS group off null infinity at late times, we show that there is a natural action of such group not only on the radiative data at null infinity but also on the scattering data of the massive scalar field. This leads to a formulation of Ward identities associated to the generalized BMS group when the scattering states are massive scalars or massless gravitons and we show that these Ward identities are equivalent to the leading and subleading soft graviton theorems.Comment: 30 page
Asymptotic symmetries of gravity and soft theorems for massive particles
asymptotic symmetries of gravity and soft theorems for massive particles
equivalence ward identities subleading graviton theorems massive scalars. extending infinity radiative infinity massive field. formulation ward identities massive scalars massless gravitons ward identities subleading graviton
An effective field theory for infalling observers in the vicinity of a quasi-static black hole is given in terms of a freely falling lattice discretization. The lattice model successfully reproduces the thermal spectrum of outgoing Hawking radiation, as was shown by Corley and Jacobson, but can also be used to model observations made by a typical low-energy observer who enters the black hole in free fall at a prescribed time. The explicit short distance cutoff ensures that, from the viewpoint of the infalling observer, any quantum information that entered the black hole more than a scrambling time earlier has been erased by the black hole singularity. This property, combined with the requirement that outside observers need at least of order the scrambling time to extract quantum information from the black hole, ensures that a typical infalling observer does not encounter drama upon crossing the black hole horizon in a theory where black hole information is preserved for asymptotic observers.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, some minor correction
Quantum information erasure inside black holes
quantum information erasure inside black holes
infalling observers vicinity quasi freely falling discretization. successfully reproduces outgoing hawking corley jacobson observer enters fall prescribed time. cutoff ensures viewpoint infalling observer entered scrambling erased singularity. requirement observers scrambling extract ensures infalling observer encounter drama crossing horizon preserved asymptotic pages minor
If quantum gravity respects the principles of quantum mechanics, suitably generalized, it may be that a more viable approach to the theory is through identifying the relevant quantum structures rather than by quantizing classical spacetime. This viewpoint is supported by difficulties of such quantization, and by the apparent lack of a fundamental role for locality. In finite or discrete quantum systems, important structure is provided by tensor factorizations of the Hilbert space. However, even in local quantum field theory properties of the generic type III von Neumann algebras and of long range gauge fields indicate that factorization of the Hilbert space is problematic. Instead it is better to focus on the structure of the algebra of observables, and in particular on its subalgebras corresponding to regions. This paper suggests that study of analogous algebraic structure in gravity gives an important perspective on the nature of the quantum theory. Significant departures from the subalgebra structure of local quantum field theory are found, working in the correspondence limit of long-distances/low-energies. Particularly, there are obstacles to identifying commuting algebras of localized operators. In addition to suggesting important properties of the algebraic structure, this and related observations pose challenges to proposals of a fundamental role for entanglement.Comment: 24 pages, harvmac. v2: added ref
Hilbert space structure in quantum gravity: an algebraic perspective
hilbert space structure in quantum gravity: an algebraic perspective
respects principles mechanics suitably viable identifying quantizing spacetime. viewpoint difficulties quantization apparent locality. factorizations hilbert space. generic neumann algebras factorization hilbert problematic. observables subalgebras regions. analogous algebraic perspective theory. departures subalgebra correspondence distances energies. obstacles identifying commuting algebras localized operators. algebraic pose challenges proposals pages harvmac.
We investigate the generalized gravitational entropy from total derivative terms in the gravitational action. Following the method of Lewkowycz and Maldacena, we find that the generalized gravitational entropy from total derivatives vanishes. We compare our results with the work of Astaneh, Patrushev, and Solodukhin. We find that if total derivatives produced nonzero entropy, the holographic and the field-theoretic universal terms of entanglement entropy would not match. Furthermore, the second law of thermodynamics could be violated if the entropy of total derivatives did not vanish.Comment: 24 pages; v2: added references, Sec. 5.2 for corner entanglement, a toy model in Sec. 5.3, and minor corrections; v3: added one reference, published versio
Generalized Gravitational Entropy from Total Derivative Action
generalized gravitational entropy from total derivative action
gravitational gravitational action. lewkowycz maldacena gravitational derivatives vanishes. astaneh patrushev solodukhin. derivatives nonzero holographic theoretic universal entanglement match. thermodynamics violated derivatives pages sec. corner entanglement sec. minor versio
We present the finite temperature spectra of both bottomonium and charmonium, obtained from a consistent lattice QCD based potential picture. Starting point is the complex in-medium potential extracted on full QCD lattices with dynamical u,d and s quarks, generated by the HotQCD collaboration. Using the generalized Gauss law approach, vetted in a previous study on quenched QCD, we fit ${\rm Re}[V]$ with a single temperature dependent parameter $m_D$, the Debye screening mass, and confirm the up to now tentative values of ${\rm Im}[V]$. The obtained analytic expression for the complex potential allows us to compute quarkonium spectral functions by solving an appropriate Schr\"odinger equation. These spectra exhibit thermal widths, which are free from the resolution artifacts that plague direct reconstructions from Euclidean correlators using Bayesian methods. In the present adiabatic setting, we find clear evidence for sequential melting and derive melting temperatures for the different bound states. Quarkonium is gradually weakened by both screening (${\rm Re}[V]$) and scattering (${\rm Im}[V]$) effects that in combination lead to a shift of their in-medium spectral features to smaller frequencies, contrary to the mass gain of elementary particles at finite temperature.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures (added figures and supplementary discussion, submitted to JHEP
Quarkonium at finite temperature: Towards realistic phenomenology from first principles
quarkonium at finite temperature: towards realistic phenomenology from first principles
bottomonium charmonium picture. lattices quarks hotqcd collaboration. gauss vetted quenched debye screening confirm tentative analytic quarkonium solving schr odinger equation. exhibit widths artifacts plague reconstructions euclidean correlators bayesian methods. adiabatic sequential melting derive melting states. quarkonium gradually weakened screening contrary elementary pages supplementary submitted jhep
We analyze the pertubative contributions to the $D^4 R^4$ and $D^6 R^4$ couplings in the low-energy effective action of type II string theory compactified on a torus $T^d$, with particular emphasis on two-loop corrections. In general, it is necessary to introduce an infrared cut-off $\Lambda$ to separate local interactions from non-local effects due to the exchange of massless states. We identify the degenerations of the genus-two Riemann surface which are responsible for power-like dependence on $\Lambda$, and give an explicit prescription for extracting the $\Lambda$-independent effective couplings. These renormalized couplings are then shown to be eigenmodes of the Laplace operator with respect to the torus moduli, up to computable anomalous source terms arising in the presence of logarithmic divergences, in precise agreement with predictions from U-duality. Our results for the two-loop $D^6 R^4$ contribution also probe essential properties of the Kawazumi-Zhang invariantComment: 23 page
Infrared divergences and harmonic anomalies in the two-loop superstring effective action
infrared divergences and harmonic anomalies in the two-loop superstring effective action
analyze pertubative couplings compactified torus emphasis corrections. infrared lambda massless states. degenerations genus riemann lambda prescription extracting lambda couplings. renormalized couplings eigenmodes laplace torus moduli computable anomalous arising logarithmic divergences precise duality. kawazumi invariantcomment
We perform the step-scaling investigation of the running coupling constant, using the gradient-flow scheme, in SU(3) gauge theory with twelve massless fermions in the fundamental representation. The Wilson plaquette gauge action and massless unimproved staggered fermions are used in the simulations. Our lattice data are prepared at high accuracy, such that the statistical error for the renormalised coupling, g_GF, is at the subpercentage level. To investigate the reliability of the continuum extrapolation, we employ two different lattice discretisations to obtain g_GF. For our simulation setting, the corresponding gauge-field averaging radius in the gradient flow has to be almost half of the lattice size, in order to have this extrapolation under control. We can determine the renormalisation group evolution of the coupling up to g^2_GF ~ 6, before the onset of the bulk phase structure. In this infrared regime, the running of the coupling is significantly slower than the two-loop perturbative prediction, although we cannot draw definite conclusion regarding possible infrared conformality of this theory. Furthermore, we comment on the issue regarding the continuum extrapolation near an infrared fixed point. In addition to adopting the fit ansatz a'la Symanzik for performing this task, we discuss a possible alternative procedure inspired by properties derived from low-energy scale invariance at strong coupling. Based on this procedure, we propose a finite-size scaling method for the renormalised coupling as a means to search for infrared fixed point. Using this method, it can be shown that the behaviour of the theory around g^2_GF ~ 6 is still not governed by possible infrared conformality.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures; Published version; Appendix A added for tabulating data; One reference included; Typos correcte
The Yang-Mills gradient flow and SU(3) gauge theory with 12 massless fundamental fermions in a colour-twisted box
the yang-mills gradient flow and su(3) gauge theory with 12 massless fundamental fermions in a colour-twisted box
running twelve massless fermions representation. wilson plaquette massless unimproved staggered fermions simulations. renormalised subpercentage level. reliability continuum extrapolation employ discretisations averaging extrapolation control. renormalisation onset structure. infrared running slower perturbative draw definite infrared conformality theory. comment continuum extrapolation infrared point. adopting ansatz symanzik performing inspired invariance coupling. propose renormalised infrared point. governed infrared pages tabulating typos correcte
We verify the self-duality of Green-Schwarz supercoset sigma models on AdS$_d \times S^d $ backgrounds (d=2,3,5) under combined bosonic and fermionic T-dualities without gauge fixing kappa symmetry. We also prove this property for superstrings on AdS$_d \times S^d \times S^d$ (d=2,3) described by supercoset sigma models with the isometries governed by the exceptional Lie supergroups $D(2,1;\alpha)$ (d=2) and $D(2,1;\alpha)\times D(2,1;\alpha)$ (d=3), which requires an additional T-dualisation along one of the spheres. Then, by taking into account the contribution of non-supercoset fermionic modes (up to the second order), we provide evidence for the T-self-duality of the complete type IIA and IIB Green-Schwarz superstring theory on AdS$_d\times S^d \times T^{10-2d}$ (d=2,3) backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. Finally, applying the Buscher-like rules to T-dualising supergravity fields, we prove the T-self-duality of the whole class of the AdS$_d\times S^d \times M^{10-2d}$ superbackgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes in the context of supergravity.Comment: v2: 57 pages, 1 figure, typos fixed and clarifications added, version to appear in JHE
T-Duality of Green-Schwarz Superstrings on AdS(d) x S(d) x M(10-2d)
t-duality of green-schwarz superstrings on ads(d) x s(d) x m(10-2d)
verify duality schwarz supercoset sigma backgrounds bosonic fermionic dualities fixing kappa symmetry. superstrings supercoset sigma isometries governed exceptional supergroups alpha alpha alpha dualisation spheres. supercoset fermionic duality schwarz superstring backgrounds ramond ramond fluxes. buscher dualising supergravity duality superbackgrounds ramond ramond fluxes pages typos clarifications
We develop the BRST approach for all massless integer and half-integer higher spins in 4D Minkowski space, using the two component spinor nota- tion and develop the Lagrangian formulation for supersymmetric higher spin models. It is shown that the problem of second class constraints disappears and the BRST procedure becomes much more simple than in tensorial nota- tion. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the BRST procedure automatically provides extra auxiliary components that belong in the set of supersymmetry auxiliary components. Finally, we demonstrate how supersymmetry transfo- rmations are realized in such an approach. As a result, we conclude that the BRST approach to higher spin supersymmetric theories allows to derive both the Lagrangian and the supersymmetry transformations. Although most part of the work is devoted to massless component supersymmetric models, we also discuss generalization for massive component supersymmetric models and for superfield models
BRST Analysis of the Supersymmetric Higher Spin Field Models
brst analysis of the supersymmetric higher spin field models
brst massless integer integer spins minkowski spinor nota lagrangian formulation supersymmetric models. disappears brst tensorial nota tion. brst automatically extra auxiliary belong supersymmetry auxiliary components. supersymmetry transfo rmations realized approach. brst supersymmetric derive lagrangian supersymmetry transformations. devoted massless supersymmetric generalization massive supersymmetric superfield
Models of large-field inflation based on axion-like fields with shift symmetries can be simple and natural, and make a promising prediction of detectable primordial gravitational waves. The Weak Gravity Conjecture is known to constrain the simplest case in which a single compact axion descends from a gauge field in an extra dimension. We argue that the Weak Gravity Conjecture also constrains a variety of theories of multiple compact axions including N-flation and some alignment models. We show that other alignment models entail surprising consequences for how the mass spectrum of the theory varies across the axion moduli space, and hence can be excluded if further conjectures hold. In every case that we consider, plausible assumptions lead to field ranges that cannot be parametrically larger than the Planck scale. Our results are strongly suggestive of a general inconsistency in models of large-field inflation based on compact axions, and possibly of a more general principle forbidding super-Planckian field ranges.Comment: v2: 40 pages, 3 figures. Appendix added, references added, details modified in light of subsequent work on KK photon
Weak Gravity Strongly Constrains Large-Field Axion Inflation
weak gravity strongly constrains large-field axion inflation
inflation axion symmetries promising detectable primordial gravitational waves. conjecture constrain simplest axion descends extra dimension. argue conjecture constrains axions flation alignment models. alignment entail surprising consequences varies axion moduli excluded conjectures hold. plausible assumptions ranges parametrically planck scale. suggestive inconsistency inflation axions possibly forbidding super planckian pages figures.
The 1-loop partition function of the handle-body solutions in the AdS$_3$ gravity have been derived some years ago using the heat-kernel and the method of images. In the semiclassical limit, such partition function should correspond to the order $O (c^0)$ part in the partition function of dual conformal field theory on the boundary Riemann surface. The higher genus partition function could be computed by the multi-point functions in the Riemann sphere via sewing prescription. In the large central charge limit, to the leading order of $c$, the multi-point function is further simplified to be a summation over the product of two-point functions, which may form links. Each link is in one-to-one correspondence with the conjugacy class of the Schottky group of the Riemann surface. Moreover, the value of a link is determined by the eigenvalue of the element in the conjugate class. This allows us to reproduce exactly the gravitational 1-loop partition function. The proof can be generalized to the higher spin gravity and its dual CFT.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures; typos corrected, more clarifications, references and acknowledgements adde
One loop partition function in AdS_3/CFT_2
one loop partition function in ads_3/cft_2
partition handle kernel images. semiclassical partition partition conformal riemann surface. genus partition riemann sphere sewing prescription. simplified summation links. correspondence conjugacy schottky riemann surface. eigenvalue conjugate class. reproduce gravitational partition function. pages typos corrected clarifications acknowledgements adde
We derive the exact vortex partition function in 2d $\mathcal{N}$ = (2,2) gauge theory on the Omega-background, applying the localization scheme in the Higgs phase. We show that the partition function at a finite Omega-deformation parameter $\epsilon$ satisfies a system of differential equations, which can be interpreted as a quantized version of the twisted F-term equations characterizing the SUSY vacua. Using the differential equations derived in this paper, we show the correspondence between the partition function of the two-dimensional vortex string worldsheet theory and the Nekrasov partition function at the root of Higgs branch of the four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}$ = 2 theory with two Omega-deformation parameters $(\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2)$.Comment: 1+45 pages, 7 figures; typos corrected, references adde
2d Partition Function in Omega-background and Vortex/Instanton Correspondence
2d partition function in omega-background and vortex/instanton correspondence
derive vortex partition mathcal omega localization phase. partition omega deformation epsilon satisfies interpreted quantized twisted characterizing susy vacua. correspondence partition vortex worldsheet nekrasov partition branch mathcal omega deformation epsilon epsilon .comment pages typos corrected adde
We consider the BPS conditions of eleven dimensional supergravity, restricted to an appropriate ansatz for black holes in four non-compact directions. Assuming the internal directions to be described by a circle fibration over a K\"ahler manifold and considering the case where the complex structure moduli are frozen, we recast the resulting flow equations in terms of polyforms on this manifold. The result is a set of equations that are in direct correspondence with those of gauged supergravity models in four dimensions consistent with our simplifying assumptions. In view of this correspondence even for internal manifolds that do not correspond to known consistent truncations, we comment on the possibility of obtaining gauged supergravities from reductions on K\"ahler manifolds.Comment: 32 pages, v2: references addes, typos correcte
AdS4 black holes from M-theory
ads4 black holes from m-theory
eleven supergravity restricted ansatz holes directions. directions circle fibration ahler manifold moduli frozen recast polyforms manifold. correspondence gauged supergravity simplifying assumptions. correspondence manifolds truncations comment obtaining gauged supergravities reductions ahler pages addes typos correcte
The trace anomaly of conformal field theories in four dimensions is characterized by '$a$' and '$c$'-functions. The scaling properties of the effective action of a CFT in the presence of boundaries is shown to be determined by $a$, $c$ and two new functions (charges) related to boundary effects. The boundary charges are computed for different theories and different boundary conditions. One of the boundary charges depends on the bulk $c$ charge.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, misprints in Table 1 and typos corrected, new references added, a possible relation between boundary and bulk charges is pointed ou
Conformal anomalies of CFT's with boundaries
conformal anomalies of cft's with boundaries
trace anomaly conformal functions. boundaries charges effects. charges conditions. charges pages misprints typos corrected charges pointed
We consider the basic radius changing conformal interface for a free compact boson. After investigating different theoretical aspects of this object we focus on the fusion of this interface with conformal boundary conditions. At fractions of the self-dual radius there exist exceptional D-branes. It was argued in [1] that changing the radius in the bulk induces a boundary RG flow. Following [2] we conjecture that fusing the basic radius changing interface (that changes the radius from a fraction of the self-dual radius) with the exceptional boundary conditions gives the boundary condition which is the end point of the RG flow considered in [1]. By studying the fusion singularities we recover RG logarithms and see, in particular instances, how they get resummed into power singularities. We discuss what quantities need to be calculated to gain full non-perturbative control over the fusion.Comment: 31 page, 3 figure
Fusion of conformal interfaces and bulk induced boundary RG flows
fusion of conformal interfaces and bulk induced boundary rg flows
changing conformal boson. investigating fusion conformal conditions. fractions exceptional branes. argued changing induces flow. conjecture fusing changing exceptional studying fusion singularities recover logarithms instances resummed singularities. quantities perturbative
We describe a stabilization mechanism for fuzzy $S^4_N$ in the Euclidean IIB matrix model due to vacuum energy in the presence of a positive mass term. The one-loop effective potential for the radius contains an attractive contribution attributed to supergravity, while the mass term induces a repulsive contribution for small radius due to SUSY breaking. This leads to a stabilization of the radius. The mechanism should be pertinent to recent results on the genesis of 3+1-dimensional space-time in the Minkowskian IIB model.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures. V2: typos fixed, improved discussion, published version. V3,V4: reference adde
One-loop stabilization of the fuzzy four-sphere via softly broken SUSY
one-loop stabilization of the fuzzy four-sphere via softly broken susy
stabilization fuzzy euclidean term. attractive attributed supergravity induces repulsive susy breaking. stabilization radius. pertinent genesis minkowskian pages figures. typos version. adde
It is interesting to ask how a confinement scale affects the thermalization of strongly coupled gauge theories with gravity duals. We study this question for the AdS soliton model, which underlies top-down holographic models for Yang-Mills theory and QCD. Injecting energy via a homogeneous massless scalar source that is briefly turned on, our fully backreacted numerical analysis finds two regimes. Either a black brane forms, possibly after one or more bounces, after which the pressure components relax according to the lowest quasinormal mode. Or the scalar shell keeps scattering, in which case the pressure components oscillate and undergo modulation on time scales independent of the (small) shell amplitude. We show analytically that the scattering shell cannot relax to a homogeneous equilibrium state, and explain the modulation as due to a near-resonance between a normal mode frequency of the metric and the frequency with which the scalar shell oscillates.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures; v2: Figure and further discussion added in Section
Holographic thermalization in a top-down confining model
holographic thermalization in a top-down confining model
confinement affects thermalization duals. soliton underlies holographic mills qcd. injecting homogeneous massless briefly turned backreacted finds regimes. brane possibly bounces relax quasinormal mode. keeps oscillate undergo modulation amplitude. analytically relax homogeneous modulation pages
We study the three-dimensional effective action obtained by reducing eleven-dimensional supergravity with higher-derivative terms on a background solution including a warp-factor, an eight-dimensional compact manifold, and fluxes. The dynamical fields are K\"ahler deformations and vectors from the M-theory three-form. We show that the potential is only induced by fluxes and the naive contributions obtained from higher-curvature terms on a Calabi-Yau background vanish once the back-reaction to the full solution is taken into account. For the resulting three-dimensional action we analyse the K\"ahler potential and complex coordinates and show compatibility with N=2 supersymmetry. We argue that the higher-order result is also compatible with a no-scale condition. We find that the complex coordinates should be formulated as divisor integrals for which a non-trivial interplay between the warp-factor terms and the higher-curvature terms allow a derivation of the moduli space metric. This leads us to discuss higher-derivative corrections to the M5-brane action.Comment: 26 page
The effective action of warped M-theory reductions with higher-derivative terms - Part II
the effective action of warped m-theory reductions with higher-derivative terms - part ii
reducing eleven supergravity warp eight manifold fluxes. ahler deformations form. fluxes naive curvature calabi vanish account. analyse ahler compatibility supersymmetry. argue compatible condition. formulated divisor integrals trivial interplay warp curvature derivation moduli metric. brane
Many methods exist for the construction of the Hilbert series describing the moduli spaces of instantons. We explore some of the underlying group theoretic relationships between these various constructions, including those based on the Coulomb branches and Higgs branches of SUSY quiver gauge theories, as well as those based on generating functions derivable from the Weyl Character Formula. We show how the character description of the reduced single instanton moduli space of any Classical or Exceptional group can be deconstructed faithfully in terms of characters or modified Hall-Littlewood polynomials of its regular semi-simple subgroups. We derive and utilise Highest Weight Generating functions, both for the characters of Classical or Exceptional groups and for the Hall-Littlewood polynomials of unitary groups. We illustrate how the root space data encoded in extended Dynkin diagrams corresponds to relationships between the Coulomb branches of quiver gauge theories for instanton moduli spaces and those for T(SU(N)) moduli spaces.Comment: 97 pages, 12 figure
Construction and Deconstruction of Single Instanton Hilbert Series
construction and deconstruction of single instanton hilbert series
hilbert describing moduli instantons. explore theoretic constructions coulomb branches branches susy quiver generating derivable weyl character formula. character instanton moduli exceptional deconstructed faithfully characters hall littlewood polynomials subgroups. derive utilise generating characters exceptional hall littlewood polynomials unitary groups. illustrate encoded dynkin diagrams coulomb branches quiver instanton moduli moduli pages
We discuss the role of Minkowski 3-forms in flux string vacua. In these vacua all internal closed string fluxes are in one to one correspondence with quantized Minkowski 4-forms. By performing a dimensional reduction of the $D=10$ Type II supergravity actions we find that the 4-forms act as auxiliary fields of the Kahler and complex structure moduli in the effective action. We show that all the RR and NS axion dependence of the flux scalar potential appears through the said 4-forms. Gauge invariance of these forms then severely restricts the structure of the axion scalar potentials. Combined with duality symmetries it suggests that all perturbative corrections to the leading axion scalar potential $V_0$ should appear as an expansion in powers of $V_0$ itself. These facts could have an important effect e.g. on the inflaton models based on F-term axion monodromy. We also suggest that the involved multi-branched structure of string vacua provides for a new way to maintain interacting scalar masses stable against perturbative corrections.Comment: 39 pages. Typos corrected and added reference
Minkowski 3-forms, Flux String Vacua, Axion Stability and Naturalness
minkowski 3-forms, flux string vacua, axion stability and naturalness
minkowski vacua. vacua fluxes correspondence quantized minkowski forms. performing supergravity auxiliary kahler moduli action. axion said forms. invariance severely restricts axion potentials. duality symmetries perturbative axion powers itself. facts e.g. inflaton axion monodromy. branched vacua maintain interacting perturbative pages. typos corrected
We present a general classification of simplified models that lead to dark matter (DM) coannihilation processes of the form DM + X $\rightarrow$ SM$_1$ + SM$_2$, where X is a coannihilation partner for the DM particle and SM$_1$, SM$_2$ are Standard Model fields. Our classification also encompasses regular DM pair annihilation scenarios if DM and X are identical. Each coannhilation scenario motivates the introduction of a mediating particle M that can either belong to the Standard Model or be a new field, whereby the resulting interactions between the dark sector and the Standard Model are realized as tree-level and dimension-four couplings. We construct a basis of coannihilation models, classified by the $SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y$ quantum numbers of DM, X and M. Our main assumptions are that dark matter is an electrically neutral color singlet and that all new particles are either scalars, Dirac or Majorana fermions, or vectors. We illustrate how new scenarios arising from electroweak symmetry breaking effects can be connected to our electroweak symmetric simplified models. We offer a comprehensive discussion of the phenomenological features of our models, encompassing the physics of thermal freeze-out, direct and indirect detection constraints, and in particular searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Many novel signatures that are not covered in current LHC searches are emphasized, and new and improved LHC analyses tackling these signatures are proposed. We discuss how the coannihilation simplified models can be used to connect results from all classes of experiments in a straightforward and transparent way. This point is illustrated with a detailed discussion of the phenomenology of a particular simplified model featuring leptoquark-mediated dark matter coannihilation.Comment: 91 pages, 27 figures, 15 tables; v2, references added, matches published versio
The Coannihilation Codex
the coannihilation codex
simplified coannihilation rightarrow coannihilation partner fields. encompasses annihilation scenarios identical. coannhilation motivates mediating belong whereby realized couplings. coannihilation classified assumptions electrically neutral singlet scalars dirac majorana fermions vectors. illustrate scenarios arising electroweak breaking electroweak simplified models. offer comprehensive phenomenological encompassing freeze indirect searches hadron collider signatures covered searches emphasized tackling signatures proposed. coannihilation simplified connect straightforward transparent way. illustrated phenomenology simplified featuring leptoquark pages tables matches versio
We study the conformal bootstrap constraints for 4D $\mathcal{N}=1$ superconformal field theories containing a chiral operator $\phi$ and the chiral ring relation $\phi^2=0$. Hints for a minimal interacting SCFT in this class have appeared in previous numerical bootstrap studies. We perform a detailed study of the properties of this conjectured theory, establishing that the corresponding solution to the bootstrap constraints contains a $\text{U}(1)_R$ current multiplet and estimating the central charge and low-lying operator spectrum of this theory.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure
Exploring the Minimal 4D $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFT
exploring the minimal 4d $\mathcal{n}=1$ scft
conformal bootstrap mathcal superconformal chiral chiral hints interacting scft appeared bootstrap studies. conjectured establishing bootstrap multiplet estimating lying pages
The double field theory action in the flux formulation is dimensionally reduced on a Calabi-Yau three-fold equipped with non-vanishing type IIB geometric and non-geometric fluxes. First, we rewrite the metric-dependent reduced DFT action in terms of quantities that can be evaluated without explicitly knowing the metric on the Calabi-Yau manifold. Second, using properties of special geometry we obtain the scalar potential of N=2 gauged supergravity. After an orientifold projection, this potential is consistent with the scalar potential arising from the flux-induced superpotential, plus an additional D-term contribution.Comment: 44 pages; v2: minor changes, references added; v3: published version, more detailed discussion in section 2.3, reference adde
Relating Double Field Theory to the Scalar Potential of N=2 Gauged Supergravity
relating double field theory to the scalar potential of n=2 gauged supergravity
formulation dimensionally calabi equipped vanishing geometric geometric fluxes. rewrite quantities explicitly knowing calabi manifold. gauged supergravity. orientifold projection arising superpotential pages minor adde
As a means of examining the section condition and its possible solutions and relaxations, we perform twistor transforms related to versions of exceptional field theory with Minkowski signature. The spinor parametrisation of the momenta naturally solves simultaneously both the mass-shell condition and the (weak) section condition. It is shown that the incidence relations for multi-particle twistors force them to share a common section, but not to be orthogonal. The supersymmetric extension contains additional scalar fermionic variables shown to be kappa-symmetry invariants. We speculate on some implications, among them a possible relation to higher spin theory.Comment: 14 pp. v2: minor change
Twistors and supertwistors for exceptional field theory
twistors and supertwistors for exceptional field theory
examining relaxations twistor transforms versions exceptional minkowski signature. spinor parametrisation momenta naturally solves simultaneously condition. incidence twistors share orthogonal. supersymmetric fermionic kappa invariants. speculate minor
We evaluate five point world-sheet string theory amplitudes of one transverse scalar field, two world volume gauge fields ( and two transverse scalars, a gauge field) in the presence of a closed string Ramond-Ramond vertex operator in its symmetric picture. We carry out all the entire S-matrix elements of five point mixed RR-scalars/gauge fields $<C^{-1}\phi ^{0}A^{-1} A^{0}>$, $<C^{-1}\phi ^{-1}A^{0} A^{0}>$, $<C^{-1}A^{0}\phi ^{-1}\phi^{0}>$ and $<C^{-1}A^{-1}\phi ^{0}\phi^{0}>$ in detail and start comparing all order $\alpha'$ contact interactions and singularities in both transverse and world volume directions. We explore the presence of various new couplings in string theory effective actions and find out their all order $\alpha'$ higher derivative corrections in both type IIA and IIB. Ultimately we make various remarks for the singularities and contact terms whose RR momenta are embedded in transverse directions. $\alpha'$ corrections to some of Myers terms are also addressed.Comment: V2:39 pages,no figure, Latex file. The style has been improved, explanations and clarifications are given. The accepted version in JHE
On RR Couplings, Singularity Structures and all order $\alpha'$ contact interactions to BPS String Amplitudes
on rr couplings, singularity structures and all order $\alpha'$ contact interactions to bps string amplitudes
sheet amplitudes scalars ramond ramond picture. carry scalars alpha singularities directions. explore couplings alpha iib. ultimately remarks singularities momenta embedded directions. alpha myers pages latex file. style explanations clarifications given.
Non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI) involved in neutrino propagation inside Earth matter could potentially alter atmospheric neutrino fluxes. In this work, we look at the impact of these NSI on the signal at the ICAL detector to be built at the India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO). We show how the sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy of ICAL changes in the presence of NSI. The mass hierarchy sensitivity is shown to be rather sensitive to the NSI parameters $\epsilon_{e\mu}$ and $\epsilon_{e\tau}$, while the dependence on $\epsilon_{\mu\tau}$ and $\epsilon_{\tau\tau}$ is seen to be very mild, once the $\chi^2$ is marginalised over oscillation and NSI parameters. If the NSI are large enough, the event spectrum at ICAL is expected to be altered and this can be used to discover new physics. We calculate the lower limit on NSI parameters above which ICAL could discover NSI at a given C.L. from 10 years of data. If NSI were too small, the null signal at ICAL can constrain the NSI parameters. We give upper limits on the NSI parameters at any given C.L. that one is expected to put from 10 years of running of ICAL. Finally, we give C.L. contours in the NSI parameter space that is expected to be still allowed from 10 years of running of the experiment.Comment: 24 pages, minor improvement
Neutrino Physics with Non-Standard Interactions at INO
neutrino physics with non-standard interactions at ino
propagation earth potentially alter fluxes. look ical built india observatory hierarchy ical nsi. hierarchy epsilon epsilon epsilon epsilon mild marginalised oscillation parameters. ical altered discover physics. ical discover c.l. data. ical constrain parameters. c.l. running ical. c.l. contours running pages minor
We investigate the scalar sector in an extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) containing a $SU(2)$ Higgs triplet of zero hypercharge and a gauge singlet beside the $SU(2)$ scalar doublets. In particular, we focus on a scenario of this model which allows a light pseudoscalar and/or a scalar below $100$ GeV, consistent with the most recent data from the LHC and the earlier data from the LEP experiments. We analyze the exotic decay of the discovered Higgs $(h_{125})$ into two light (hidden) Higgs bosons present in the extension. The latter are allowed by the uncertainties in the Higgs decay $h_{125}\to WW^*$, $h_{125}\to ZZ^*$ and $h_{125}\to \gamma\gamma$. The study of the parameter space for such additional scalars/pseudoscalars decay of the Higgs is performed in the gluon fusion channel. The extra hidden Higgs bosons of the enlarged scalar sector, if they exist, will then decay into lighter fermion paris, i.e., $b\bar{b}$, $\tau\bar{\tau}$ and $\mu\bar{\mu}$ via the mixing with the doublets. A detailed simulation using PYTHIA of the $2b+2\tau$, $\geq 3\tau$, $2b+2\mu$ and $2\tau+2\mu$ final states is presented. From our analysis we conclude that, depending on the selected benchmark points, such decay modes can be explored with an integrated luminosity of 25 fb$^{-1}$ at the LHC at a center of mass energy of 13 TeV.Comment: 28 pages and 16 figure
Probing the Hidden Higgs Bosons of the $Y=0$ Triplet- and Singlet-Extended Supersymmetric Standard Model at the LHC
probing the hidden higgs bosons of the $y=0$ triplet- and singlet-extended supersymmetric standard model at the lhc
supersymmetric mssm triplet hypercharge singlet beside doublets. pseudoscalar experiments. analyze exotic discovered hidden bosons extension. gamma gamma scalars pseudoscalars gluon fusion channel. extra hidden bosons enlarged lighter fermion paris i.e. doublets. pythia presented. benchmark explored luminosity pages
The LHCb has discovered two new states with preferred $J^P$ quantum numbers $3/2^-$ and $5/2^+$ from $\Lambda_b$ decays. These new states can be interpreted as hidden charm pentaquarks. It has been argued that the main features of these pentaquarks can be described by diquark model. The diquark model predicts that the $3/2^-$ and $5/2^+$ are in two separate octet multiplets of flavor $SU(3)$ and there is also an additional decuplet pentaquark multiplet. Finding the states in these multiplets can provide crucial evidence for this model. The weak decays of b-baryon to a light meson and a pentaquark can have Cabibbo allowed and suppressed decay channels. We find that in the $SU(3)$ limit, for $U$-spin related decay modes the ratio of the decay rates of Cabibbo suppressed to Cabibbo allowed decay channels is given by $|V_{cd}|^2/|V_{cs}|^2$. There are also other testable relations for b-baryon weak decays into a pentaquark and a light pseudoscalar. These relations can be used as tests for the diquark model for pentaquark.Comment: revtex, 19 pages, 3 figures. one reference added and some typos correcte
Some Predictions of Diquark Model for Hidden Charm Pentaquark Discovered at the LHCb
some predictions of diquark model for hidden charm pentaquark discovered at the lhcb
lhcb discovered preferred lambda decays. interpreted hidden charm pentaquarks. argued pentaquarks diquark model. diquark predicts octet multiplets flavor decuplet pentaquark multiplet. multiplets crucial model. decays baryon meson pentaquark cabibbo suppressed channels. cabibbo suppressed cabibbo testable baryon decays pentaquark pseudoscalar. diquark revtex pages figures. typos correcte
A huge swath of parameter space in the context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) has been ruled at after run I of the LHC. Various exclusion contours in the $m_{\tilde{g}}-\m_{\tilde{\chi}_{1}^{0}}$ plane were derived by the experimental collaborations, all based on three-body gluino decay topologies. These limits are however extremely model dependent and do not always reflect the level of exclusion. If the gluino-neutralino spectrum is compressed, then the current mass limits can be drastically reduced. In such situations, the radiative decay of the gluino $\gino \ra g \neut{1}$ can be dominant and used as a sensitive probe of small mass splittings. We examine the sensitivity of constraints of some Run I experimental searches on this decay after recasting them within the \texttt{MadAnalysis5} framework. The recasted searches are now part of the \texttt{MadAnalysis5} Public Analysis Database. We also design a dedicated search strategy and investigate its prospects to uncover this decay mode of the gluino at run II of the LHC. We emphasize that a multijet search strategy may be more sensitive than a monojet one, even in the case of very small mass differences.Comment: 34 pages , 6 figures. Version accepted for publication for JHE
Closing in on compressed gluino-neutralino spectra at the LHC
closing in on compressed gluino-neutralino spectra at the lhc
huge swath supersymmetric mssm ruled lhc. exclusion contours tilde tilde collaborations gluino topologies. extremely reflect exclusion. gluino neutralino compressed drastically reduced. situations radiative gluino gino neut splittings. examine searches recasting texttt madanalysis framework. recasted searches texttt madanalysis database. dedicated prospects uncover gluino lhc. emphasize multijet monojet pages figures. publication
We propose two new simple lepton flavor models in the framework of the $S_4$ flavor symmetry. The neutrino mass matrices, which are given by two complex parameters, lead to the inverted mass hierarchy. The charged lepton mass matrix has the 1-2 lepton flavor mixing, which gives the non-vanishing reactor angle $\theta_{13}$. These models predict the Dirac phase and the Majorana phases, which are testable in the future experiments. The predicted magnitudes of the effective neutrino mass for the neutrino-less double beta decay are in the regions as $32~\text{meV}\lesssim |m_{ee}|\lesssim 49~\text{meV}$ and $34~\text{meV}\lesssim |m_{ee}|\lesssim 59~\text{meV}$, respectively. These values are close to the expected reaches of the coming experiments. The total sum of the neutrino masses are predicted in both models as $0.0952~\text{eV}\lesssim \sum m_i\lesssim 0.101~\text{eV}$ and $0.150~\text{eV}\lesssim \sum m_i\lesssim 0.160~\text{eV}$, respectively.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, final versio
Testing the minimal $S_4$ model of neutrinos with the Dirac and Majorana phases
testing the minimal $s_4$ model of neutrinos with the dirac and majorana phases
propose lepton flavor flavor symmetry. inverted hierarchy. lepton lepton flavor vanishing reactor theta predict dirac majorana testable experiments. magnitudes beta lesssim lesssim lesssim lesssim respectively. reaches coming experiments. lesssim lesssim lesssim lesssim pages versio
We derive the explicit expression for the four-point correlation function of stress-energy tensors in four-dimensional N=4 superconformal theory. We show that it has a remarkably simple and suggestive form allowing us to predict a large class of four-point correlation functions involving the stress-energy tensor and other conserved currents. We then apply the obtained results on the correlation functions to computing the energy-energy correlations, which measure the flow of energy in the final states created from the vacuum by a source. We demonstrate that they are given by a universal function independent of the choice of the source. Our analysis relies only on N=4 superconformal symmetry and does not use the dynamics of the theory.Comment: 31 pages; v2: references adde
Four-point correlation function of stress-energy tensors in N=4 superconformal theories
four-point correlation function of stress-energy tensors in n=4 superconformal theories
derive tensors superconformal theory. remarkably suggestive allowing predict involving conserved currents. created source. universal source. relies superconformal pages adde
We provide a unified description of cosmological $\alpha$-attractors and late-time acceleration, in excellent agreement with the latest Planck data. Our construction involves two superfields playing distinctive roles: one is the dynamical field and its evolution determines inflation and dark energy, the other is nilpotent and responsible for a landscape of vacua and supersymmetry breaking. We prove that the attractor nature of the theory is enhanced when combining the two sectors: cosmological attractors are very stable with respect to any possible value of the cosmological constant and, interestingly, to any generic coupling of the inflationary sector with the field responsible for uplifting. Finally, as related result, we show how specific couplings generate an arbitrary inflaton potential in a supergravity framework with varying Kahler curvature.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. v3: minor clarifications and refs added. JHEP versio
Cosmological $\alpha$-Attractors and de Sitter Landscape
cosmological $\alpha$-attractors and de sitter landscape
unified cosmological alpha attractors acceleration excellent latest planck data. involves superfields playing distinctive roles determines inflation nilpotent landscape vacua supersymmetry breaking. attractor combining sectors cosmological attractors cosmological interestingly generic inflationary uplifting. couplings inflaton supergravity kahler pages figures. minor clarifications refs added. jhep versio
The discovery of colour-kinematics duality has allowed great progress in our understanding of the UV structure of gravity. However, it has proven difficult to find numerators which satisfy colour-kinematics duality in certain cases. We discuss obstacles to building a set of such numerators in the context of the five-gluon amplitude with all helicities positive at two loops. We are able to overcome the obstacles by adding more loop momentum to our numerator to accommodate tension between the values of certain cuts and the symmetries of certain diagrams. At the same time, we maintain control over the size of our ansatz by identifying a highly constraining but desirable symmetry property of our master numerator. The resulting numerators have twelve powers of loop momenta rather than the seven one would expect from the Feynman rules.Comment: 21 pages + refs, 2 figures, 2 tables + ancillary file; v2 updated reference
Overcoming Obstacles to Colour-Kinematics Duality at Two Loops
overcoming obstacles to colour-kinematics duality at two loops
discovery colour kinematics duality great progress gravity. proven numerators satisfy colour kinematics duality cases. obstacles numerators gluon helicities loops. overcome obstacles adding numerator accommodate tension cuts symmetries diagrams. maintain ansatz identifying constraining desirable master numerator. numerators twelve powers momenta seven feynman pages refs tables ancillary file updated
In this work, the DDF-like approach to the pure spinor cohomology is extended to the next ghost number level, the so called antifields. In a direct (supersymmetric) parallel to the bosonic string, some properties of the ghost number two cohomology are derived with the enlargement of the DDF algebra. Also, the DDF conjugates of the b ghost zero mode emerge naturally from the extended algebra and the physical state condition is discussed. Unlike the bosonic string case, the cohomology analysis of the pure spinor b ghost is restricted to BRST-closed states.Comment: 54 pages (including review section and two appendices). Comments added in the Introduction. Published versio
On the field-antifield (a)symmetry of the pure spinor superstring
on the field-antifield (a)symmetry of the pure spinor superstring
spinor cohomology ghost antifields. supersymmetric bosonic ghost cohomology enlargement algebra. conjugates ghost emerge naturally discussed. unlike bosonic cohomology spinor ghost restricted brst pages appendices comments introduction. versio
We evaluate the gauge invariant, dynamically conserved charges, recently obtained from the integral form of the Yang-Mills equations, for the BPS multi-dyon solutions of a Yang-Mills-Higgs theory associated to any compact semi-simple gauge group G. Those charges are shown to correspond to the eigenvalues of the next-to-leading term of the asymptotic form of the Higgs field at spatial infinity, and so coinciding with the usual topological charges of those solutions. Such results show that many of the topological charges considered in the literature are in fact dynamical charges, which conservation follows from the global properties of classical Yang-Mills theories encoded into their integral dynamical equations. The conservation of those charges can not be obtained from the differential form of Yang-Mills equations.Comment: Version to be published in JHEP, Journal of High Energy Physics (19 pages, no figures, some examples added
A remark on the asymptotic form of BPS multi-dyon solutions and their conserved charges
a remark on the asymptotic form of bps multi-dyon solutions and their conserved charges
dynamically conserved charges mills dyon mills charges eigenvalues asymptotic infinity coinciding usual topological charges solutions. topological charges charges conservation mills encoded equations. conservation charges mills jhep pages
Perturbative QCD calculations in the light-cone gauge have long suffered from the ambiguity associated with the regularization of the poles in the gluon propagator. In this work we study sub-gauge conditions within the light-cone gauge corresponding to several known ways of regulating the gluon propagator. Using the functional integral calculation of the gluon propagator, we rederive the known sub-gauge conditions for the theta-function gauges and identify the sub-gauge condition for the principal value (PV) regularization of the gluon propagator's light-cone poles. The obtained sub-gauge condition for the PV case is further verified by a sample calculation of the classical Yang-Mills field of two collinear ultrarelativistic point color charges. Our method does not allow one to construct a sub-gauge condition corresponding to the well-known Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription for regulating the gluon propagator poles.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure
Regularization of the Light-Cone Gauge Gluon Propagator Singularities Using Sub-Gauge Conditions
regularization of the light-cone gauge gluon propagator singularities using sub-gauge conditions
perturbative cone suffered ambiguity regularization poles gluon propagator. cone ways regulating gluon propagator. gluon propagator rederive theta gauges principal regularization gluon propagator cone poles. verified mills collinear ultrarelativistic charges. mandelstam leibbrandt prescription regulating gluon propagator pages
The Anti-de Sitter-Reissner-Nordstrom (AdS-RN) black hole in the canonical ensemble undergoes a phase transition similar to the liquid-gas phase transition, i.e. the isocharges on the entropy-temperature plane develop an unstable branch when the charge is smaller than a critical value. It was later discovered that the isocharges on the entanglement entropy-temperature plane also exhibit the same van der Waals-like structure, for spherical entangling regions. In this paper, we present numerical results which sharpen this similarity between entanglement entropy and black hole entropy, by showing that both of these entropies obey Maxwell's equal area law to an accuracy of around 1 %. Moreover, we checked this for a wide range of size of the spherical entangling region, and the equal area law holds independently of the size. We also checked the equal area law for AdS-RN in 4 and 5 dimensions, so the conclusion is not specific to a particular dimension. Finally, we repeated the same procedure for a similar, van der Waals-like transition of the dyonic black hole in AdS in a mixed ensemble (fixed electric potential and fixed magnetic charge), and showed that the equal area law is not valid in this case. Thus the equal area law for entanglement entropy seems to be specific to the AdS-RN background.Comment: 17 pages, multiple figures. v4: matches published versio
An equal area law for holographic entanglement entropy of the AdS-RN black hole
an equal area law for holographic entanglement entropy of the ads-rn black hole
sitter reissner nordstrom canonical ensemble undergoes i.e. isocharges unstable branch value. discovered isocharges entanglement exhibit waals spherical entangling regions. sharpen similarity entanglement entropies obey maxwell checked spherical entangling independently size. checked dimension. repeated waals dyonic ensemble valid case. entanglement pages figures. matches versio
We consider a supersymmetric Wilson loop operator for 4d N=4 super Yang-Mills theory which is the natural object dual to the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring in the AdS/CFT correspondence. It generalizes the traditional bosonic 1/2 BPS Maldacena-Wilson loop operator and completes recent constructions in the literature to smooth (non-light-like) loops in the full N=4 non-chiral superspace. This Wilson loop operator enjoys global superconformal and local kappa-symmetry of which a detailed discussion is given. Moreover, the finiteness of its vacuum expectation value is proven at leading order in perturbation theory. We determine the leading vacuum expectation value for general paths both at the component field level up to quartic order in anti-commuting coordinates and in the full non-chiral superspace in suitable gauges. Finally, we discuss loops built from quadric splines joined in such a way that the path derivatives are continuous at the intersection.Comment: 44 pages. v2 Added some clarifying comments. Matches the published versio
Smooth Wilson Loops in N=4 Non-Chiral Superspace
smooth wilson loops in n=4 non-chiral superspace
supersymmetric wilson super mills superstring correspondence. generalizes traditional bosonic maldacena wilson completes constructions loops chiral superspace. wilson enjoys superconformal kappa given. finiteness expectation proven perturbation theory. expectation paths quartic commuting chiral superspace gauges. loops built quadric splines joined derivatives pages. clarifying comments. matches versio
We perform a detailed study of the Yangian symmetry of smooth supersymmetric Maldacena-Wilson loops in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. This hidden symmetry extends the global superconformal symmetry present for these observables. A gauge-covariant action of the Yangian generators on the Wilson line is established that generalizes previous constructions built upon path variations. Employing these generators the Yangian symmetry is proven for general paths in non-chiral N=4 superspace at the first perturbative order. The bi-local piece of the level-one generators requires the use of a regulator due to divergences in the coincidence limit. We perform regularization by point splitting in detail, thereby constructing additional local and boundary contributions as regularization for all level-one Yangian generators. Moreover, the Yangian algebra at level one is checked and compatibility with local kappa-symmetry is established. Finally, the consistency of the Yangian symmetry is shown to depend on two properties: The vanishing of the dual Coxeter number of the underlying superconformal algebra and the existence of a novel superspace "G-identity" for the gauge field theory. This tightly constrains the conformal gauge theories to which integrability can possibly apply.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures. v2: small comments added, version to be published in JHE
Integrability of Smooth Wilson Loops in N=4 Superspace
integrability of smooth wilson loops in n=4 superspace
yangian supersymmetric maldacena wilson loops planar super mills theory. hidden extends superconformal observables. covariant yangian generators wilson generalizes constructions built variations. employing generators yangian proven paths chiral superspace perturbative order. piece generators regulator divergences coincidence limit. regularization splitting thereby constructing regularization yangian generators. yangian checked compatibility kappa established. consistency yangian vanishing coxeter superconformal superspace theory. tightly constrains conformal integrability possibly pages figures. comments
We discuss constraints imposed by soft limits for effective field theories arising from symmetry breaking. In particular, we consider those associated with anomalous conformal symmetry as well as duality symmetries in supergravity. We verify these soft theorems for the dilaton effective action relevant for the a-theorem, as well as the one-loop effective action for N=4 supergravity. Using the universality of leading transcendental coefficients in the alpha' expansion of string theory amplitudes, we study the matrix elements of operator R^4 with half maximal supersymmetry. We construct the non-linear completion of R^4 that satisfies both single and double soft theorems up to seven points. This supports the existence of duality invariant completion of R^4.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor modifications, published versio
Soft theorems from anomalous symmetries
soft theorems from anomalous symmetries
imposed arising breaking. anomalous conformal duality symmetries supergravity. verify theorems dilaton supergravity. universality transcendental alpha amplitudes maximal supersymmetry. completion satisfies theorems seven points. supports duality completion pages minor modifications versio
We show that the system of $k$ NS5-branes wrapping $\mathbb{T}^4\times S^1$ has non-trivial vacuum structure. Different vacua have different spectra of 1/4 BPS states that carry momentum and winding around the $S^1$. In one vacuum, such states are described by black holes; in another, they can be thought of as perturbative BPS states in Double Scaled Little String Theory. In general, both kinds of states are present. We compute the degeneracy of perturbative BPS states exactly, and show that it differs from that of the corresponding black holes. We comment on the implication of our results to the black hole microstate program, UV/IR mixing in Little String Theory, string thermodynamics, the string/black hole transition, and other issues.Comment: 53 pages, 3 figure
Three-Charge Black Holes and Quarter BPS States in Little String Theory
three-charge black holes and quarter bps states in little string theory
branes wrapping mathbb trivial structure. vacua carry winding holes thought perturbative scaled theory. kinds present. degeneracy perturbative differs holes. comment implication microstate thermodynamics pages
In the background of a charged AdS black hole, we consider a Dirac particle endowed with an arbitrary magnetic dipole moment. For non-zero charge and dipole coupling of the bulk fermion, we find that the dual boundary theory can be plagued with superluminal modes. Requiring consistency of the dual CFT amounts to constraining the strength of the dipole coupling by an upper bound. We briefly discuss the implications of our results for the physics of holographic non-Fermi liquids.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, revised version with WKB analysis added, accepted for publication to JHE
Fermion Dipole Moment and Holography
fermion dipole moment and holography
dirac endowed dipole moment. dipole fermion plagued superluminal modes. requiring consistency amounts constraining dipole bound. briefly holographic fermi pages revised publication
We study supersymmetric deformations of N = 4 quantum mechanics with a Kahler target space admitting a holomorphic isometry. We show that the twisted mass deformation generalises to a deformation constructed from matrix-valued functions of the moment map, which obey the Nahm equations. We also explain how N = 4 supersymmetry implies that the Berry connection on the vacuum bundle for this theory satisfies the BPS monopole equations. In the case where the target space is a Riemann sphere, our analysis reduces to the standard Nahm construction of monopoles. This generalises an earlier result by Sonner and Tong to the case of monopoles of magnetic charge greater than one.Comment: 12 pages. v2: minor edit
Berry's connection, K\"ahler geometry and the Nahm construction of monopoles
berry's connection, k\"ahler geometry and the nahm construction of monopoles
supersymmetric deformations mechanics kahler admitting holomorphic isometry. twisted deformation generalises deformation valued moment obey nahm equations. supersymmetry berry connection bundle satisfies monopole equations. riemann sphere reduces nahm monopoles. generalises sonner tong monopoles pages. minor edit
We investigate a particular version of the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) NMSSM characterized by an economical and rigidly hierarchical flavor structure and based on flavored gauge mediation and on some considerations inspired by string theory GUTs. In this way we can express the Lagrangian of the PQ NMSSM through very few parameters. The obtained model is studied numerically and confronted with the most relevant phenomenological constraints. We show that typical spectra are for the most part too heavy to be significantly probed at the LHC, but regions of the parameter space exist yielding signatures that might possibly be observed during Run II. We also calculate the fine tuning of the model. We show that, in spite of the appearance of large scales in the superpotential and soft terms, it does not exceed the tuning present in the MSSM for equivalent spectra, which is of the order of 10^4.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures. Some clarifications added to the text, JHEP published versio
Flavored gauge mediation in the Peccei-Quinn NMSSM
flavored gauge mediation in the peccei-quinn nmssm
peccei quinn nmssm economical rigidly hierarchical flavor flavored mediation considerations inspired guts. express lagrangian nmssm parameters. numerically confronted phenomenological constraints. probed yielding signatures possibly fine tuning model. spite appearance superpotential exceed tuning mssm pages figures. clarifications jhep versio
An appealing explanation for the Planck data is provided by inflationary models with a singular non-canonical kinetic term: a Laurent expansion of the kinetic function translates into a potential with a nearly shift-symmetric plateau in canonical fields. The shift symmetry can be broken at large field values by including higher-order poles, which need to be hierarchically suppressed in order not to spoil the inflationary plateau. The herefrom resulting corrections to the inflationary dynamics and predictions are shown to be universal at lowest order and possibly to induce power loss at large angular scales. At lowest order there are no corrections from a pole of just one order higher and we argue that this phenomenon is related to the well-known extended no-scale structure arising in string theory scenarios. Finally, we outline which other corrections may arise from string loop effects.Comment: twocolumn, 9 pages, 1 figure; v2: clarifications and refs added, JHEP layout, 19 page
Pole Inflation - Shift Symmetry and Universal Corrections
pole inflation - shift symmetry and universal corrections
appealing explanation planck inflationary singular canonical laurent translates nearly plateau canonical fields. broken poles hierarchically suppressed spoil inflationary plateau. herefrom inflationary universal possibly induce scales. pole argue phenomenon arising scenarios. outline arise twocolumn pages clarifications refs jhep layout
We compute the leading double-soft behavior for gluons and for the scalars obtained by dimensional reduction of a higher dimensional pure gauge theory, from the scattering amplitudes of gluons and scalars living in the world-volume of a Dp-brane of the bosonic string. In the case of gluons, we compute both the double-soft behavior when the two soft gluons are contiguous as well as when they are not contiguous. From our results, that are valid in string theory, one can easily get the double-soft limit in gauge field theory by sending the string tension to infinity.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur
Double-soft behavior for scalars and gluons from string theory
double-soft behavior for scalars and gluons from string theory
gluons scalars amplitudes gluons scalars living brane bosonic string. gluons gluons contiguous contiguous. valid sending tension pages figur
We explore the phenomenology of scalar fields in the adjoint representation of SM gauge groups. We write a general set of dimension 5 effective operators in which SM adjoint scalars couple to pairs of standard model bosons. Using these effective operators, we explore new possible decay channels of a scalar color octet into a gluon and a Z boson/ gluon and a photon. We recast several analyses from Run I of the LHC to find constraints on an a scalar octet decaying into these channels, and we project the discovery potential of color octets in our gluon+photon channel for the 14 TeV run of LHC.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl
Searching for Standard Model Adjoint Scalars with Diboson Resonance Signatures
searching for standard model adjoint scalars with diboson resonance signatures
explore phenomenology adjoint groups. adjoint scalars couple bosons. explore octet gluon boson gluon photon. recast octet decaying discovery octets gluon pages tabl
We perform a general analysis of axionic dark radiation produced from the decay of the lightest modulus in the sequestered LARGE Volume Scenario. We discuss several cases depending on the form of the Kahler metric for visible sector matter fields and the mechanism responsible for achieving a de Sitter vacuum. The leading decay channels which determine dark radiation predictions are to hidden sector axions, visible sector Higgses and SUSY scalars depending on their mass. We show that in most of the parameter space of split SUSY-like models squarks and sleptons are heavier than the lightest modulus. Hence dark radiation predictions previously obtained for MSSM-like cases hold more generally also for split SUSY-like cases since the decay channel to SUSY scalars is kinematically forbidden. However the inclusion of string loop corrections to the Kahler potential gives rise to a parameter space region where the decay channel to SUSY scalars opens up, leading to a significant reduction of dark radiation production. In this case, the simplest model with a shift-symmetric Higgs sector can suppress the excess of dark radiation $\Delta N_{eff}$ to values as small as 0.14, in perfect agreement with current experimental bounds. Depending on the exact mass of the SUSY scalars all values in the range 0.14 $\lesssim \Delta N_{eff} \lesssim$ 1.6 are allowed. Interestingly dark radiation overproduction can be avoided also in the absence of a Giudice-Masiero coupling.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure
General Analysis of Dark Radiation in Sequestered String Models
general analysis of dark radiation in sequestered string models
axionic lightest modulus sequestered scenario. kahler visible achieving sitter vacuum. hidden axions visible higgses susy scalars mass. split susy squarks sleptons heavier lightest modulus. mssm hold split susy susy scalars kinematically forbidden. inclusion kahler susy scalars opens production. simplest suppress excess delta perfect bounds. susy scalars lesssim delta lesssim allowed. interestingly overproduction avoided giudice masiero pages
We introduce a new class of Composite Higgs models in which electroweak symmetry is broken by a seesaw-like mechanism. If a global symmetry is broken sequentially at different scales, two sets of pseudo-Goldstone bosons will arise, one set being typically heavier than the other. If two Composite Higgs doublets mix, then the mass-squared of the lighter state can be driven negative, and induce EWSB. We illustrate with the example $SO(6) \rightarrow SO(5) \rightarrow SO(4)$, and derive an estimate of the light Higgs potential. We find that the introduction of an extra scale can ease many of the tensions present in conventional Composite Higgs models, especially those related to fine-tuning. In particular we find that we can significantly raise the upper bound on the mass of the elusive top partners.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. v2: JHEP version, mistake corrected, discussion on tuning and top-partners extende
Composite Higgses with seesaw EWSB
composite higgses with seesaw ewsb
composite electroweak broken seesaw mechanism. broken sequentially pseudo goldstone bosons arise heavier other. composite doublets squared lighter induce ewsb. illustrate rightarrow rightarrow derive potential. extra ease tensions composite fine tuning. raise elusive pages figures. jhep mistake corrected tuning partners extende
Some known constraints on Renormalization Group flow take the form of inequalities: in even dimensions they refer to the coefficient $a$ of the Weyl anomaly, while in odd dimensions to the sphere free energy $F$. In recent work arXiv:1409.1937 it was suggested that the $a$- and $F$-theorems may be viewed as special cases of a Generalized $F$-Theorem valid in continuous dimension. This conjecture states that, for any RG flow from one conformal fixed point to another, $\tilde F_{\rm UV} > \tilde F_{\rm IR}$, where $\tilde F=\sin (\pi d/2)\log Z_{S^d}$. Here we provide additional evidence in favor of the Generalized $F$-Theorem. We show that it holds in conformal perturbation theory, i.e. for RG flows produced by weakly relevant operators. We also study a specific example of the Wilson-Fisher $O(N)$ model and define this CFT on the sphere $S^{4-\epsilon}$, paying careful attention to the beta functions for the coefficients of curvature terms. This allows us to develop the $\epsilon$ expansion of $\tilde F$ up to order $\epsilon^5$. Pade extrapolation of this series to $d=3$ gives results that are around $2-3\%$ below the free field values for small $N$. We also study RG flows which include an anisotropic perturbation breaking the $O(N)$ symmetry; we again find that the results are consistent with $\tilde F_{\rm UV} > \tilde F_{\rm IR}$.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures. v3: minor improvement
Generalized $F$-Theorem and the $\epsilon$ Expansion
generalized $f$-theorem and the $\epsilon$ expansion
renormalization inequalities weyl anomaly sphere theorems viewed valid dimension. conjecture conformal tilde tilde tilde favor theorem. conformal perturbation i.e. flows weakly operators. wilson fisher sphere epsilon paying careful beta curvature terms. epsilon tilde epsilon pade extrapolation flows anisotropic perturbation breaking tilde tilde .comment pages figures. minor
We consider four dimensional CHL models with sixteen spacetime supersymmetries obtained from orbifolds of type IIA superstring on K3 x T^2 by a Z_N symmetry acting (possibly) non-geometrically on K3. We show that most of these models (in particular, for geometric symmetries) are self-dual under a weak-strong duality acting on the heterotic axio-dilaton modulus S by a "Fricke involution" S --> -1/NS. This is a novel symmetry of CHL models that lies outside of the standard SL(2,Z)-symmetry of the parent theory, heterotic strings on T^6. For self-dual models this implies that the lattice of purely electric charges is N-modular, i.e. isometric to its dual up to a rescaling of its quadratic form by N. We verify this prediction by determining the lattices of electric and magnetic charges in all relevant examples. We also calculate certain BPS-saturated couplings and verify that they are invariant under the Fricke S-duality. For CHL models that are not self-dual, the strong coupling limit is dual to type IIA compactified on T^6/Z_N, for some Z_N-symmetry preserving half of the spacetime supersymmetries.Comment: 56 pages, 3 figures; v3: some minor mistakes correcte
Fricke S-duality in CHL models
fricke s-duality in chl models
sixteen spacetime supersymmetries orbifolds superstring acting possibly geometrically geometric symmetries duality acting heterotic axio dilaton modulus fricke involution lies parent heterotic strings purely charges modular i.e. isometric rescaling quadratic verify determining lattices charges examples. saturated couplings verify fricke duality. compactified preserving spacetime pages minor mistakes correcte
We study $5d$ gauge theories that go in the UV to $6d$ $\mathcal{N}$$=(1,0)$ SCFT. We focus on these theories that can be engineered in string theory by brane webs. Given a theory in this class, we propose a method to determine the $6d$ SCFT it goes to. We also discuss the implication of this to the compactification of the resulting $6d$ SCFT on a torus to $4d$. We test and demonstrate this method with a variety of examples.Comment: 61 pages, 51 figures; v2 typos corrected, version published in JHE
Brane webs, $5d$ gauge theories and $6d$ $\mathcal{N}$$=(1,0)$ SCFT's
brane webs, $5d$ gauge theories and $6d$ $\mathcal{n}$$=(1,0)$ scft's
mathcal scft. engineered brane webs. propose scft goes implication compactification scft torus pages typos corrected
We study confinement-deconfinement phase transition for heavy quarks in a bottom-up holographic QCD model. We consider a black hole background in an Einstein-Maxwell-scalar system and add probe open strings to the background. Combining the various configurations of the open strings and the phase structure of the black hole background itself, we obtain the confinement-deconfinement phase diagram for heavy quarks in the holographic QCD model.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, published in JHEP. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1301.038
Confinement-Deconfinment Phase Transition for Heavy Quarks
confinement-deconfinment phase transition for heavy quarks
confinement deconfinement quarks holographic model. einstein maxwell strings background. combining configurations strings confinement deconfinement quarks holographic pages jhep. admin overlap
We study how, as a result of the scanning of supersymmetry breaking during the cosmological evolution, a relaxation mechanism can naturally determine a hierarchy between the weak scale and the masses of supersymmetric particles. Supersymmetry breaking is determined by QCD instanton effects, in an extremely minimal setup in which a single field drives the relaxation and breaks supersymmetry. Since gauginos are lighter than the other supersymmetric particles by a one-loop factor, the theory is a realisation of Split Supersymmetry free from the naturalness problem.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures, version published in JHE
Natural Heavy Supersymmetry
natural heavy supersymmetry
scanning supersymmetry breaking cosmological relaxation naturally hierarchy supersymmetric particles. supersymmetry breaking instanton extremely setup drives relaxation breaks supersymmetry. gauginos lighter supersymmetric realisation split supersymmetry naturalness pages
Applying the Ashok-Denef-Douglas estimation method to elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds suggests that a single elliptic fourfold ${\cal M}_{\rm max}$ gives rise to ${\cal O} (10^{272,000})$ F-theory flux vacua, and that the sum total of the numbers of flux vacua from all other F-theory geometries is suppressed by a relative factor of ${\cal O} (10^{-3000})$. The fourfold ${\cal M}_{\rm max}$ arises from a generic elliptic fibration over a specific toric threefold base $B_{\rm max}$, and gives a geometrically non-Higgsable gauge group of $E_8^9 \times F_4^8 \times (G_2 \times SU(2))^{16}$, of which we expect some factors to be broken by G-flux to smaller groups. It is not possible to tune an $SU(5)$ GUT group on any further divisors in ${\cal M}_{\rm max}$, or even an $SU(2)$ or $SU(3)$, so the standard model gauge group appears to arise in this context only from a broken $E_8$ factor. The results of this paper can either be interpreted as providing a framework for predicting how the standard model arises most naturally in F-theory and the types of dark matter to be found in a typical F-theory compactification, or as a challenge to string theorists to explain why other choices of vacua are not exponentially unlikely compared to F-theory compactifications on ${\cal M}_{\rm max}$.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, v3: minor corrections, clarifications, references adde
The F-theory geometry with most flux vacua
the f-theory geometry with most flux vacua
ashok denef douglas elliptic calabi fourfolds elliptic fourfold vacua vacua geometries suppressed fourfold arises generic elliptic fibration toric threefold geometrically higgsable broken groups. tune divisors arise broken factor. interpreted predicting arises naturally compactification challenge theorists choices vacua exponentially unlikely compactifications .comment pages minor clarifications adde
If kinematically accessible, hadron collider experiments provide an ideal laboratory for the direct production of heavy lepton partners in Seesaw models. In the context of the Type III Seesaw Mechanism, the $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s)$ rate and shape corrections are presented for the pair production of hypothetical, heavy $SU(2)_L$ triplet leptons in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13, 14, and 100 TeV. The next-to-leading order (NLO) $K$-factors span, approximately, $K^{NLO}=1.1 - 1.4$ for both charged current and neutral current processes over a triplet mass range $m_T = 100~\text{GeV}-2~\text{TeV}$. Total production cross sections exhibit a $^{+5\%}_{-6\%}$ scale dependence at 14 TeV and $\pm1\%$ at 100 TeV. The NLO differential $K$-factors for heavy lepton kinematics are largely flat, suggesting that na\"ive scaling by the total $K^{NLO}$ is reasonably justified. The resummed transverse momentum distribution of the dilepton system is presented at leading logarithmic (LL) accuracy. The effects of resummation are large in TeV-scale dilepton systems. Discovery potential to heavy lepton pairs at 14 and 100 TeV is briefly explored: At the High-Luminosity LHC, we estimate a $4.8-6.3\sigma$ discovery potential maximally for $m_T = 1.5-1.6~\text{TeV}$ after 3000 fb$^{-1}$. With 300 (3000) fb$^{-1}$, there is $2\sigma$ sensitivity up to $m_T = 1.3-1.4~\text{TeV}~(1.7-1.8~\text{TeV})$ in the individual channels. At 100 TeV and with 10 fb$^{-1}$, a $5\sigma$ discovery can be achieved for $m_T=1.4-1.6~\text{TeV}$. Due to the factorization properties of Drell-Yan-type systems, the fixed order and resummed calculations reduce to convolutions over tree-level quantities.Comment: 30 pages in JHEP template. Published version, references add, text unchanged. Have a good da
QCD Corrections to Pair Production of Type III Seesaw Leptons at Hadron Colliders
qcd corrections to pair production of type iii seesaw leptons at hadron colliders
kinematically accessible hadron collider ideal lepton partners seesaw models. seesaw mathcal alpha hypothetical triplet leptons collisions sqrt tev. span neutral triplet exhibit tev. lepton kinematics largely reasonably justified. resummed dilepton logarithmic accuracy. resummation dilepton systems. discovery lepton briefly explored luminosity sigma discovery maximally sigma channels. sigma discovery factorization drell resummed convolutions pages jhep template. unchanged.
We study the prospects for long-lived charged particle (LLCP) searches at current and future LHC runs and at a 100 TeV pp collider, using Drell-Yan slepton pair production as an example. Because momentum measurements become more challenging for very energetic particles, we carefully treat the expected momentum resolution. At the same time, a novel feature of 100 TeV collisions is the significant energy loss of energetic muons in detectors. We use this to help discriminate between muons and LLCPs. We find that the 14 TeV LHC with an integrated luminosity of 3 ab$^{-1}$ can probe LLCP slepton masses up to 1.2 TeV, and a 100 TeV pp collider with 3 ab$^{-1}$ can probe LLCP slepton masses up to 4 TeV, using time-of-flight measurements. These searches will have striking implications for dark matter, with the LHC definitively testing the possibility of slepton-neutralino co-annihilating WIMP dark matter, and with the LHC and future hadron colliders having a strong potential for discovering LLCPs in models with superWIMP dark matter.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, revised to match published versio
Long-Lived Sleptons at the LHC and a 100 TeV Proton Collider
long-lived sleptons at the lhc and a 100 tev proton collider
prospects lived llcp searches runs collider drell slepton example. challenging energetic carefully treat resolution. collisions energetic muons detectors. discriminate muons llcps. luminosity llcp slepton collider llcp slepton flight measurements. searches striking definitively slepton neutralino annihilating wimp hadron colliders discovering llcps superwimp pages revised match versio
The Standard Model gauge group can be extended with minimal matter content by introducing anomaly free U(1) symmetry, such as $L_e-L_{\mu}$ or $L_e-L_{\tau}$. If the neutral gauge boson corresponding to this abelian symmetry is ultra-light, then it will give rise to flavor-dependent long-range leptonic force, which can have significant impact on neutrino oscillations. For an instance, the electrons inside the Sun can generate a flavor-dependent long-range potential at the Earth surface, which can suppress the $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_e$ appearance probability in terrestrial experiments. The sign of this potential is opposite for anti-neutrinos, and affects the oscillations of (anti-)neutrinos in different fashion. This feature invokes fake CP-asymmetry like the SM matter effect and can severely affect the leptonic CP-violation searches in long-baseline experiments. In this paper, we study in detail the possible impacts of these long-range flavor-diagonal neutral current interactions due to $L_e-L_{\mu}$ symmetry, when (anti-)neutrinos travel from Fermilab to Homestake (1300 km) and CERN to Pyh\"asalmi (2290 km) in the context of future high-precision superbeam facilities, DUNE and LBNO respectively. If there is no signal of long-range force, DUNE (LBNO) can place stringent constraint on the effective gauge coupling $\alpha_{e\mu} < 1.9 \times 10^{-53}~(7.8 \times 10^{-54})$ at 90% C.L., which is almost 30 (70) times better than the existing bound from the Super-Kamiokande experiment. We also observe that if $\alpha_{e\mu} \geq 2 \times 10^{-52}$, the CP-violation discovery reach of these future facilities vanishes completely. The mass hierarchy measurement remains robust in DUNE (LBNO) if $\alpha_{e\mu} < 5 \times 10^{-52}~(10^{-52})$.Comment: 44 pages, 54 pdf figures, 7 tables. Published in JHE
Exploring Flavor-Dependent Long-Range Forces in Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
exploring flavor-dependent long-range forces in long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments
introducing anomaly neutral boson abelian ultra flavor leptonic oscillations. flavor earth suppress appearance terrestrial experiments. opposite neutrinos affects oscillations neutrinos fashion. invokes fake asymmetry severely leptonic violation searches experiments. impacts flavor diagonal neutral neutrinos travel fermilab homestake cern asalmi precision superbeam facilities dune lbno respectively. dune lbno stringent alpha c.l. super kamiokande experiment. alpha violation discovery facilities vanishes completely. hierarchy robust dune lbno alpha .comment pages tables.
The entanglement entropy of a generic $d$-dimensional conformal field theory receives a regulator independent contribution when the entangling region contains a (hyper)conical singularity of opening angle $\Omega$, codified in a function $a^{(d)}(\Omega)$. In arXiv:1505.04804, we proposed that for three-dimensional conformal field theories, the coefficient $\sigma$ characterizing the smooth surface limit of such contribution ($\Omega\rightarrow \pi$) equals the stress tensor two-point function charge $C_{ T}$, up to a universal constant. In this paper, we prove this relation for general three-dimensional holographic theories, and extend the result to general dimensions. In particular, we show that a generalized coefficient $\sigma^{ (d)}$ can be defined for (hyper)conical entangling regions in the almost smooth surface limit, and that this coefficient is universally related to $C_{ T}$ for general holographic theories, providing a general formula for the ratio $\sigma^{ (d)}/C_{ T}$ in arbitrary dimensions. We conjecture that the latter ratio is universal for general CFTs. Further, based on our recent results in arXiv:1507.06997, we propose an extension of this relation to general R\'enyi entropies, which we show passes several consistency checks in $d=4$ and $d=6$.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; v3: minor modifications to match published version, references adde
Universal entanglement for higher dimensional cones
universal entanglement for higher dimensional cones
entanglement generic conformal receives regulator entangling hyper conical singularity opening omega codified omega conformal sigma characterizing omega rightarrow equals universal constant. holographic extend dimensions. sigma hyper conical entangling universally holographic sigma dimensions. conjecture universal cfts. propose enyi entropies passes consistency checks .comment pages tables minor modifications match adde
We perform an updated analysis for the one-loop induced lepton flavor violating radiative decays $l_i \to l_j \gamma$ in an extended mirror model. Mixing effects of the neutrinos and charged leptons constructed with a horizontal $A_4$ symmetry are also taken into account. Current experimental limit and projected sensitivity on the branching ratio of $\mu \to e \gamma$ are used to constrain the parameter space of the model. Calculations of two related observables, the electric and magnetic dipole moments of the leptons, are included. Implications concerning the possible detection of mirror leptons at the LHC and the ILC are also discussed.Comment: 9 figures, 36 single-side pages. Updated email addresses and referenc
Lepton Flavor Violating Radiative Decays in EW-Scale $\nu_R$ Model: An Update
lepton flavor violating radiative decays in ew-scale $\nu_r$ model: an update
updated lepton flavor violating radiative decays gamma mirror model. neutrinos leptons account. projected branching gamma constrain model. observables dipole moments leptons included. concerning mirror leptons pages. updated email addresses referenc
We present an attempt to formulate an action for the worldvolume theory of a single M5-brane, based on the splitting of the six worldvolume directions into 2+4, which breaks manifest Lorentz invariance from $SO(1,5)$ to $SO(1,1)\times SO(4)$. To this end, an action for the free six--dimensional (2,0) chiral tensor multiplet, and separately, a nonlinearly interacting chiral 2-form action are constructed. By studying the Lagrangian formulation for the chiral 2-form with 2+4 splitting, it is suggested that, if exists, the modified diffeomorphism of the theory on curved six--dimensional space--time is less trivial than its 1+5 and 3+3 counterpart, thus hindering the coupling of the chiral 2-form to the induced metric on the worldvolume of the M5-brane. We discuss difficulties of further generalisation of the theory. Finally, in terms of Hamiltonian analysis, we show that the naively gauge-fixed failed-PST-covariantised Lagrangian has the correct number of degrees of freedom, and satisfies the hyper--surface deformation algebra.Comment: 27 pages, no figur
Towards 2+4 formulation of M5-brane
towards 2+4 formulation of m5-brane
attempt formulate worldvolume brane splitting worldvolume directions breaks manifest lorentz invariance chiral multiplet separately nonlinearly interacting chiral constructed. studying lagrangian formulation chiral splitting diffeomorphism curved trivial counterpart hindering chiral worldvolume brane. difficulties generalisation theory. naively failed covariantised lagrangian freedom satisfies hyper deformation pages figur
We numerically construct asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes in four dimensions that contain only a single Killing vector field. These solutions, which we coin black resonators, link the superradiant instability of Kerr-AdS to the nonlinear weakly turbulent instability of AdS by connecting the onset of the superradiance instability to smooth, horizonless geometries called geons. Furthermore, they demonstrate non-uniqueness of Kerr-AdS by sharing asymptotic charges. Where black resonators coexist with Kerr-AdS, we find that the black resonators have higher entropy. Nevertheless, we show that black resonators are unstable and comment on the implications for the endpoint of the superradiant instability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Black holes with a single Killing vector field: black resonators
black holes with a single killing vector field: black resonators
numerically asymptotically sitter holes killing field. coin resonators superradiant instability kerr weakly turbulent instability connecting onset superradiance instability horizonless geometries geons. uniqueness kerr sharing asymptotic charges. resonators coexist kerr resonators entropy. nevertheless resonators unstable comment endpoint superradiant pages
In this study we explore the LHC's Run II potential to the discovery of heavy Majorana neutrinos, with luminosities between $30$ and $3000$ fb$^{-1}$ in the $l^{\pm}l^{\pm}j~j$ final state. Given that there exist many models for neutrino mass generation, even within the Type I seesaw framework, we use a simplified model approach and study two simple extensions to the Standard Model, one with a single heavy Majorana neutrino, singlet under the Standard Model gauge group, and a limiting case of the left-right symmetric model. We then extend the analysis to a future hadron collider running at $100$ TeV center of mass energies. This extrapolation in energy allows us to study the relative importance of the resonant production versus gauge boson fusion processes in the study of Majorana neutrinos at hadron colliders. We analyze and propose different search strategies designed to maximize the discovery potential in either the resonant production or the gauge boson fusion modes
Search for Heavy Right-Handed Neutrinos at the LHC and Beyond in the Same-Sign Same-Flavor Leptons Final State
search for heavy right-handed neutrinos at the lhc and beyond in the same-sign same-flavor leptons final state
explore discovery majorana neutrinos luminosities state. seesaw simplified extensions majorana singlet limiting model. extend hadron collider running energies. extrapolation resonant boson fusion majorana neutrinos hadron colliders. analyze propose maximize discovery resonant boson fusion
We give here a list of exact classical solutions of a large class of weakly nonlocal theories of gravity, which are unitary and super-renormalizable (or finite) at quantum level. It is explicitly shown that flat and Ricci-flat spacetimes as well as maximally symmetric manifolds are exact solutions of the equation of motion. Therefore, well-known physical spacetimes like Schwarzschild, Kerr, (Anti-) de Sitter serve as solutions for standard matter content. In dimension higher than four we can also have Anti-de Sitter solutions in the presence of positive cosmological constant. We pedagogically show how to obtain these exact solutions. Furthermore, for another version of the theory, written in the Weyl basis, Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) spacetimes are also exact solutions, when the matter content is given by conformal matter (radiation). We also comment on the presence of singularities and possible resolution of them in finite and conformally invariant theories. "Delocalization" is proposed as a way to solve the black hole singularity problem. In order to solve the problem of cosmological singularities it seems crucial to have a conformally invariant or asymptotically free quantum gravitational theory.Comment: 33 page
Exact solutions and spacetime singularities in nonlocal gravity
exact solutions and spacetime singularities in nonlocal gravity
weakly nonlocal unitary super renormalizable level. explicitly ricci spacetimes maximally manifolds motion. spacetimes schwarzschild kerr sitter serve content. sitter cosmological constant. pedagogically solutions. weyl friedmann robertson walker spacetimes conformal comment singularities conformally theories. delocalization solve singularity problem. solve cosmological singularities crucial conformally asymptotically gravitational
The moduli space of instantons on an ALE space is studied using the moduli space of $\mathcal{N}=4$ field theories in three dimensions. For instantons in a simple gauge group $G$ on $\mathbb{C}^2/\mathbb{Z}_n$, the Hilbert series of such an instanton moduli space is computed from the Coulomb branch of the quiver given by the affine Dynkin diagram of $G$ with flavour nodes of unitary groups attached to various nodes of the Dynkin diagram. We provide a simple prescription to determine the ranks and the positions of these flavour nodes from the order of the orbifold $n$ and from the residual subgroup of $G$ that is left unbroken by the monodromy of the gauge field at infinity. For $G$ a simply laced group of type $A$, $D$ or $E$, the Higgs branch of such a quiver describes the moduli space of instantons in projective unitary group $PU(n) \cong U(n)/U(1)$ on orbifold $\mathbb{C}^2/\hat{G}$, where $\hat{G}$ is the discrete group that is in McKay correspondence to $G$. Moreover, we present the quiver whose Coulomb branch describes the moduli space of $SO(2N)$ instantons on a smooth ALE space of type $A_{2n-1}$ and whose Higgs branch describes the moduli space of $PU(2n)$ instantons on a smooth ALE space of type $D_{N}$.Comment: 32 pages and a number of figures. Version 2: Improvements on projective unitary groups and on reference
The moduli space of instantons on an ALE space from 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ field theories
the moduli space of instantons on an ale space from 3d $\mathcal{n}=4$ field theories
moduli instantons moduli mathcal dimensions. instantons mathbb mathbb hilbert instanton moduli coulomb branch quiver affine dynkin flavour unitary attached dynkin diagram. prescription ranks flavour orbifold residual subgroup unbroken monodromy infinity. laced branch quiver describes moduli instantons projective unitary cong orbifold mathbb mckay correspondence quiver coulomb branch describes moduli instantons branch describes moduli instantons .comment pages figures. improvements projective unitary
We consider the quantum mechanics of an even number of space indexed hermitian matrices. Upon complexification, we show that a closed subsector naturally parametrized by a matrix valued radial coordinate has a description in terms of non interacting $s$-state "radial fermions" with an emergent De Alfaro, Fubini and Furlan type potential, present only for two or more complex matrices. The concomitant $AdS_2$ symmetry is identified. The large $N$ description in terms of the density of radial eigenvalues is also described.Comment: Citation added; 19 page
De Alfaro, Fubini and Furlan from multi Matrix Systems
de alfaro, fubini and furlan from multi matrix systems
mechanics indexed hermitian matrices. complexification subsector naturally parametrized valued coordinate interacting fermions emergent alfaro fubini furlan matrices. concomitant identified. eigenvalues citation
We present an analysis of two different approximations to the scalar field theory on the fuzzy sphere, a nonperturbative and a perturbative one, which are both multitrace matrix models. We show that the former reproduces a phase diagram with correct features in a qualitative agreement with the previous numerical studies and that the latter gives a phase diagram with features not expected in the phase diagram of the field theory.Comment: v2 minor typos corrected, references updated, version published in JHE
Matrix model approximations of fuzzy scalar field theories and their phase diagrams
matrix model approximations of fuzzy scalar field theories and their phase diagrams
approximations fuzzy sphere nonperturbative perturbative multitrace models. former reproduces qualitative minor typos corrected updated
We present a new formula for all single trace tree amplitudes in four dimensional super Yang-Mills coupled to Einstein supergravity. Like the Cachazo-He-Yuan formula, our expression is supported on solutions of the scattering equations, but with momenta written in terms of spinor helicity variables. Supersymmetry and parity are both manifest. In the pure gravity and pure Yang-Mills sectors, it reduces to the known twistor-string formulae. We show that the formula behaves correctly under factorization and sketch how these amplitudes may be obtained from a four-dimensional (ambi)twistor string.Comment: 14 pages, no figures. v2: erroneous formulae removed, improved discussion of factorizatio
On tree amplitudes of supersymmetric Einstein-Yang-Mills theory
on tree amplitudes of supersymmetric einstein-yang-mills theory
trace amplitudes super mills einstein supergravity. cachazo yuan momenta spinor helicity variables. supersymmetry parity manifest. mills sectors reduces twistor formulae. behaves correctly factorization sketch amplitudes ambi twistor pages figures. erroneous formulae removed factorizatio
We prove a c-theorem for holographic renormalization group flows in a Schrodinger spacetime that demonstrates that the effective radius L(r) monotonically decreases from the UV to the IR, where r is the bulk radial coordinate. This result assumes that the bulk matter satisfies the null energy condition, but holds regardless of the value of the critical exponent z. We also construct several numerical examples in a model where the Schrodinger background is realized by a massive vector coupled to a real scalar. The full Schrodinger group is realized when z=2, and in this case it is possible to construct solutions with constant effective z(r)=2 along the entire flow.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, footnote on limit cycles added, equation (3.17) simplifie
A Holographic c-Theorem for Schrodinger Spacetimes
a holographic c-theorem for schrodinger spacetimes
holographic renormalization flows schrodinger spacetime demonstrates monotonically coordinate. assumes satisfies regardless exponent schrodinger realized massive scalar. schrodinger realized pages footnote cycles simplifie
The N=3 Kazama-Suzuki model at the `critical' level has been found by Creutzig, Hikida and Ronne. We construct the lowest higher spin currents of spins (3/2, 2,2,2,5/2, 5/2, 5/2, 3) in terms of various fermions. In order to obtain the operator product expansions (OPEs) between these higher spin currents, we describe three N=2 OPEs between the two N=2 higher spin currents denoted by (3/2, 2, 2, 5/2) and (2, 5/2, 5/2, 3) (corresponding 36 OPEs in the component approach). Using the various Jacobi identities, the coefficient functions appearing on the right hand side of these N=2 OPEs are determined in terms of central charge completely. Then we describe them as one single N=3 OPE in the N=3 superspace. The right hand side of this N=3 OPE contains the SO(3)-singlet N=3 higher spin multiplet of spins (2, 5/2, 5/2, 5/2, 3,3,3, 7/2), the SO(3)-singlet N=3 higher spin multiplet of spins (5/2, 3,3,3, 7/2, 7/2, 7/2, 4), and the SO(3)-triplet N=3 higher spin multiplets where each multiplet has the spins (3, 7/2, 7/2, 7/2, 4,4,4, 9/2), in addition to N=3 superconformal family of the identity operator. Finally, by factoring out the spin-1/2 current of N=3 linear superconformal algebra generated by eight currents of spins (1/2, 1,1,1, 3/2, 3/2, 3/2, 2), we obtain the extension of so-called SO(3) nonlinear Knizhnik Bershadsky algebra.Comment: 71 pages; The second-fourth paragraphs in page 31 and Appendix H added and to appear in JHE
Higher Spin Currents in the Enhanced N=3 Kazama-Suzuki Model
higher spin currents in the enhanced n=3 kazama-suzuki model
kazama suzuki creutzig hikida ronne. currents spins fermions. expansions opes currents opes currents denoted opes jacobi identities appearing opes completely. superspace. singlet multiplet spins singlet multiplet spins triplet multiplets multiplet spins superconformal operator. factoring superconformal eight currents spins knizhnik bershadsky pages fourth paragraphs
We explain how a vanishing, or truncated, perturbative expansion, such as often arises in semi-classically tractable supersymmetric theories, can nevertheless be related to fluctuations about non-perturbative sectors via resurgence. We also demonstrate that, in the same class of theories, the vanishing of the ground state energy (unbroken supersymmetry) can be attributed to the cancellation between a real saddle and a complex saddle (with hidden topological angle pi), and positivity of the ground state energy (broken supersymmetry) can be interpreted as the dominance of complex saddles. In either case, despite the fact that the ground state energy is zero to all orders in perturbation theory, all orders of fluctuations around non-perturbative saddles are encoded in the perturbative E(N, g). We illustrate these ideas with examples from supersymmetric quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.Comment: 19 p
Deconstructing zero: resurgence, supersymmetry and complex saddles
deconstructing zero: resurgence, supersymmetry and complex saddles
vanishing truncated perturbative arises classically tractable supersymmetric nevertheless perturbative sectors resurgence. vanishing unbroken supersymmetry attributed cancellation saddle saddle hidden topological positivity broken supersymmetry interpreted dominance saddles. orders perturbation orders perturbative saddles encoded perturbative illustrate ideas supersymmetric mechanics
We use super-spectral curve to investigate irregular conformal states of integer and half-odd integer rank. The spectral curve is the loop equation of supersymmetrized irregular matrix model. The case of integer rank corresponds to the colliding limit of supersymmetric vertex operators of NS sector and half-odd integer to the Ramond sectors. The spectral curve is simply integrable at Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit and the partition function (inner product of irregular conformal state) is obtained from the superconformal structure manifest in the spectral curve. We present some explicit forms of the partition function of integer (NS sector) and of half-odd ranks (Ramond sector)
Super-spectral curve of irregular conformal blocks
super-spectral curve of irregular conformal blocks
super irregular conformal integer integer rank. supersymmetrized irregular model. integer colliding supersymmetric integer ramond sectors. integrable nekrasov shatashvili partition irregular conformal superconformal manifest curve. partition integer ranks ramond
We revisit the calculation of instanton effects in correlation functions in ${\cal N}=4$ SYM involving the Konishi operator and operators of twist two. Previous studies revealed that the scaling dimensions and the OPE coefficients of these operators do not receive instanton corrections in the semiclassical approximation. We go beyond this approximation and demonstrate that, while operators belonging to the same ${\cal N}=4$ supermultiplet ought to have the same conformal data, the evaluation of quantum instanton corrections for one operator can be mapped into a semiclassical computation for another operator in the same supermultiplet. This observation allows us to compute explicitly the leading instanton correction to the scaling dimension of operators in the Konishi supermultiplet as well as to their structure constants in the OPE of two half-BPS scalar operators. We then use these results, together with crossing symmetry, to determine instanton corrections to scaling dimensions of twist-four operators with large spin.Comment: 25 pages; v2: minor changes, typos correcte
Revisiting instanton corrections to the Konishi multiplet
revisiting instanton corrections to the konishi multiplet
revisit instanton involving konishi twist two. receive instanton semiclassical approximation. belonging supermultiplet ought conformal instanton mapped semiclassical supermultiplet. explicitly instanton konishi supermultiplet operators. crossing instanton twist pages minor typos correcte
In this note we study the connected prescription, originally derived from Witten's twistor string theory, for tree-level form factors in ${\cal N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory. The construction is based on the recently proposed four-dimensional scattering equations with $n$ massless on-shell states and one off-shell state, which we expect to work for form factors of general operators. To illustrate the universality of the prescription, we propose compact formulas for super form factors with chiral stress-tensor multiplet operator, and bosonic ones with scalar operators ${\rm Tr}(\phi^m)$ for arbitrary $m$.Comment: 13 page
A note on connected formula for form factors
a note on connected formula for form factors
prescription originally witten twistor super mills theory. massless operators. illustrate universality prescription propose formulas super chiral multiplet bosonic .comment
In many interesting physical systems, the determinant which appears from integrating out fermions becomes complex, and its phase plays a crucial role in the determination of the vacuum. An example of this is QCD at low temperature and high density, where various exotic fermion condensates are conjectured to form. Another example is the Euclidean version of the type IIB matrix model for 10d superstring theory, where spontaneous breaking of the SO(10) rotational symmetry down to SO(4) is expected to occur. When one applies the complex Langevin method to these systems, one encounters the singular-drift problem associated with the appearance of nearly zero eigenvalues of the Dirac operator. Here we propose to avoid this problem by deforming the action with a fermion bilinear term. The results for the original system are obtained by extrapolations with respect to the deformation parameter. We demonstrate the power of this approach by applying it to a simple matrix model, in which spontaneous symmetry breaking from SO(4) to SO(2) is expected to occur due to the phase of the complex fermion determinant. Unlike previous work based on a reweighting-type method, we are able to determine the true vacuum by calculating the order parameters, which agree with the prediction by the Gaussian expansion method.Comment: 23 pages, 26 figures. The version accepted for publication in JHE
The complex Langevin analysis of spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by complex fermion determinant
the complex langevin analysis of spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by complex fermion determinant
determinant integrating fermions plays crucial vacuum. exotic fermion condensates conjectured form. euclidean superstring spontaneous breaking rotational occur. applies langevin encounters singular drift appearance nearly eigenvalues dirac operator. propose avoid deforming fermion bilinear term. extrapolations deformation parameter. spontaneous breaking fermion determinant. unlike reweighting calculating agree pages figures. publication
We show how to use on-shell unitarity methods to calculate renormalization group coefficients such as beta functions and anomalous dimensions. The central objects are the form factors of composite operators. Their discontinuities can be calculated via phase-space integrals and are related to corresponding anomalous dimensions. In particular, we find that the dilatation operator, which measures the anomalous dimensions, is given by minus the phase of the S-matrix divided by pi. We illustrate our method using several examples from Yang-Mills theory, perturbative QCD and Yukawa theory at one-loop level and beyond.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; v2: explanations improved, references added, matches journal versio
Renormalization group coefficients and the S-matrix
renormalization group coefficients and the s-matrix
unitarity renormalization beta anomalous dimensions. composite operators. discontinuities integrals anomalous dimensions. dilatation anomalous minus divided illustrate mills perturbative yukawa pages explanations matches versio
Weyl consistency conditions have been used in unitary relativistic quantum field theory to impose constraints on the renormalization group flow of certain quantities. We classify the Weyl anomalies and their renormalization scheme ambiguities for generic non-relativistic theories in 2+1 dimensions with anisotropic scaling exponent z=2; the extension to other values of z are discussed as well. We give the consistency conditions among these anomalies. As an application we find several candidates for a C-theorem. We comment on possible candidates for a $C$-theorem in higher dimensions.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure, 7 tables; We took out the section on arbitrary dimension in version:2 !! In version:3 , a section (Sec: V) with NEW RESULTS on possible C-theorem candidates in arbitrary dimensions is added; v4:matched with journal version and updated section I
Weyl Consistency Conditions in Non-Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
weyl consistency conditions in non-relativistic quantum field theory
weyl consistency unitary relativistic impose renormalization quantities. classify weyl anomalies renormalization ambiguities generic relativistic anisotropic exponent well. consistency anomalies. candidates theorem. comment candidates pages tables took candidates matched updated
We study an extension of the Standard Model (SM) in which two copies of the SM scalar $SU(2)$ doublet which do not acquire a Vacuum Expectation Value (VEV), and hence are \textit{inert}, are added to the scalar sector. We allow for CP-violation in the \textit{inert} sector, where the lightest \textit{inert} state is protected from decaying to SM particles through the conservation of a $Z_2$ symmetry. The lightest neutral particle from the \textit{inert} sector, which has a mixed CP-charge due to CP-violation, is hence a Dark Matter (DM) candidate. We discuss the new regions of DM relic density opened up by CP-violation, and compare our results to the CP-conserving limit and the Inert Doublet Model (IDM). We constrain the parameter space of the CP-violating model using recent results from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and DM direct and indirect detection experiments.Comment: 42 pages, 22 figure
CP violating scalar Dark Matter
cp violating scalar dark matter
copies doublet acquire expectation textit inert sector. violation textit inert lightest textit inert protected decaying conservation symmetry. lightest neutral textit inert violation candidate. relic opened violation conserving inert doublet constrain violating hadron collider indirect pages
Three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics with $N$ charged fermions contains monopole operators that have been studied perturbatively at large $N$. Here, we initiate the study of these monopole operators in the $4-\epsilon$ expansion by generalizing them to codimension-3 defect operators in $d = 4-\epsilon$ spacetime dimensions. Assuming the infrared dynamics is described by an interacting CFT, we define the "conformal weight" of these operators in terms of the free energy density on $S^2 \times \mathbb{H}^{2-\epsilon}$ in the presence of magnetic flux through the $S^2$, and calculate this quantity to next-to-leading order in $\epsilon$. Extrapolating the conformal weight to $\epsilon = 1$ gives an estimate of the scaling dimension of the monopole operators in $d=3$ that does not rely on the $1/N$ expansion. We also perform the computation of the conformal weight in the large $N$ expansion for any $d$ and find agreement between the large $N$ and the small $\epsilon$ expansions in their overlapping regime of validity.Comment: 45 pages, 3 figures, version accepted by journa
Monopole operators from the $4-\epsilon$ expansion
monopole operators from the $4-\epsilon$ expansion
electrodynamics fermions monopole perturbatively initiate monopole epsilon generalizing codimension defect epsilon spacetime dimensions. infrared interacting conformal mathbb epsilon quantity epsilon extrapolating conformal epsilon monopole rely expansion. conformal epsilon expansions overlapping pages journa
6d SCFTs compactified on a circle can often be studied from nonperturbative 5d super-Yang-Mills theories, using instanton solitons. However, the 5d Yang-Mills theories with 6d UV fixed points frequently have too many hypermultiplet matters, which makes it difficult to use the ADHM techniques for instantons. With the examples of 6d $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ SCFTs with $Sp(N)$ gauge symmetry and $2N+8$ fundamental hypermultiplets, we show that one can still make rigorous studies of these 5d-6d relations in the `fractional D-brane sectors'. We test the recently proposed 5d duals given by $Sp(N+1)$ gauge theories, and compare their instanton partition functions with the elliptic genera of 6d self-dual strings.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure
Testing 5d-6d dualities with fractional D-branes
testing 5d-6d dualities with fractional d-branes
scfts compactified circle nonperturbative super mills instanton solitons. mills frequently hypermultiplet matters adhm instantons. mathcal scfts hypermultiplets rigorous fractional brane sectors duals instanton partition elliptic genera pages
Recently, an intriguing family of the one-point toric conformal blocks AGT related to the $\mathcal{N}=2^*\,\, SU(2)$ Nekrasov functions was discovered by M. Beccaria and G. Macorini. Members of the family are distinguished by having only finite amount of poles as functions of the intermediate dimension/v.e.v. in gauge theory. Another remarkable property is that these conformal blocks/Nekrasov functions can be found in closed form to all orders in the coupling expansion. In the present paper we use Zamolodchikov's recurrence equation to systematically account for these exceptional conformal blocks. We conjecture that the family is infinite-dimensional and describe the corresponding parameter set. We further apply the developed technique to demonstrate that the four-point spheric conformal blocks feature analogous exact expressions. We also study the modular transformations of the finite-pole blocks.Comment: Version 2: significantly revised and extended to include spheric blocks and modular transformations, 27 page
On new exact conformal blocks and Nekrasov functions
on new exact conformal blocks and nekrasov functions
intriguing toric conformal blocks mathcal nekrasov discovered beccaria macorini. distinguished poles v.e.v. theory. remarkable conformal blocks nekrasov orders expansion. zamolodchikov recurrence systematically exceptional conformal blocks. conjecture infinite set. spheric conformal blocks analogous expressions. modular transformations pole revised spheric blocks modular transformations
We consider the tree-level scattering amplitudes in the NS-NS (Neveu-Schwarz) massless sector of closed superstrings in the case where one external state becomes soft. We compute the amplitudes generically for any number of dimensions and any number and kind of the massless closed states through the subsubleading order in the soft expansion. We show that, when the soft state is a graviton or a dilaton, the full result can be expressed as a soft theorem factorizing the amplitude in a soft and a hard part. This behavior is similar to what has previously been observed in field theory and in the bosonic string. Differently from the bosonic string, the supersymmetric soft theorem for the graviton has no string corrections at subsubleading order. The dilaton soft theorem, on the other hand, is found to be universally free of string corrections in any string theory.Comment: 27 pages, one appendi
Soft behavior of a closed massless state in superstring and universality in the soft behavior of the dilaton
soft behavior of a closed massless state in superstring and universality in the soft behavior of the dilaton
amplitudes neveu schwarz massless superstrings soft. amplitudes generically kind massless subsubleading expansion. graviton dilaton factorizing part. bosonic string. differently bosonic supersymmetric graviton subsubleading order. dilaton universally pages appendi
We study two-sided static wormholes with an exact Killing symmetry that translates both mouths of the wormhole toward the future. This differs from the familiar Kruskal wormhole whose time translation is future-directed only in one asymptotic region and is instead past-directed in the other. Our spacetimes are solutions to Einstein-Hilbert gravity sourced by scalar domain walls. Explicit examples are found in the thin wall approximation. More generally, we show that such spacetimes can arise in the presence of scalar fields with potentials that are $C^1$ but not $C^2$ and find examples numerically. However, solutions with an exact such Killing symmetry are forbidden when the scalar potential is smooth. Finally, we consider the mutual information of boundary regions associated with such wormholes in AdS/CFT. Although the interior of our solutions are unstable, we find that even mutual informations between opposite boundaries are already thermalized at any finite $t$ in the sense that they agree with the $t\rightarrow \infty$ limit of results from the familiar AdS-Kruskal solution.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure
Time-independent wormholes
time-independent wormholes
sided wormholes killing translates mouths wormhole toward future. differs familiar kruskal wormhole translation directed asymptotic directed other. spacetimes einstein hilbert sourced walls. approximation. spacetimes arise potentials numerically. killing forbidden smooth. mutual wormholes cft. interior unstable mutual informations opposite boundaries thermalized agree rightarrow infty familiar kruskal pages
We propose a technically natural scenario whereby an initially large cosmological constant (c.c.) is relaxed down to the observed value due to the dynamics of a scalar evolving on a very shallow potential. The model crucially relies on a sector that violates the null energy condition (NEC) and gets activated only when the Hubble rate becomes sufficiently small --- of the order of the present one. As a result of NEC violation, this low-energy universe evolves into inflation, followed by reheating and the standard Big Bang cosmology. The symmetries of the theory force the c.c. to be the same before and after the NEC-violating phase, so that a late-time observer sees an effective c.c. of the correct magnitude. Importantly, our model allows neither for eternal inflation nor for a set of possible values of dark energy, the latter fixed by the parameters of the theory.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures. v2: minor changes; references added; version published in JHE
Relaxing the Cosmological Constant: a Proof of Concept
relaxing the cosmological constant: a proof of concept
propose technically whereby initially cosmological c.c. relaxed evolving shallow potential. crucially relies violates gets hubble sufficiently one. violation universe evolves inflation reheating bang cosmology. symmetries c.c. violating observer sees c.c. magnitude. importantly neither eternal inflation pages figures. minor
The Littlest Seesaw (LS) model involves two right-handed neutrinos and a very constrained Dirac neutrino mass matrix, involving one texture zero and two independent Dirac masses, leading to a highly predictive scheme in which all neutrino masses and the entire PMNS matrix is successfully predicted in terms of just two real parameters. We calculate the renormalisation group (RG) corrections to the LS predictions, with and without supersymmetry, including also the threshold effects induced by the decoupling of heavy Majorana neutrinos both analytically and numerically. We find that the predictions for neutrino mixing angles and mass ratios are rather stable under RG corrections. For example we find that the LS model with RG corrections predicts close to maximal atmospheric mixing, $\theta_{23}=45^\circ \pm 1^\circ$, in most considered cases, in tension with the latest NOvA results. The techniques used here apply to other seesaw models with a strong normal mass hierarchy.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables; v2: references added, include the scenario where both mass scales of right-handed neutrinos are varied, version to be published in JHE
Renormalisation Group Corrections to the Littlest Seesaw Model and Maximal Atmospheric Mixing
renormalisation group corrections to the littlest seesaw model and maximal atmospheric mixing
littlest seesaw involves handed neutrinos constrained dirac involving texture dirac predictive pmns successfully parameters. renormalisation supersymmetry decoupling majorana neutrinos analytically numerically. angles corrections. predicts maximal theta circ circ tension latest nova results. seesaw pages tables handed neutrinos varied