3 values
We explore a version of black hole complementarity, where an approximate semiclassical effective field theory for interior infalling degrees of freedom emerges holographically from an exact evolution of exterior degrees of freedom. The infalling degrees of freedom have a complementary description in terms of outgoing Hawking radiation and must eventually decohere with respect to the exterior Hamiltonian, leading to a breakdown of the semiclassical description for an infaller. Trace distance is used to quantify the difference between the complementary time evolutions, and to define a decoherence time. We propose a dictionary where the evolution with respect to the bulk effective Hamiltonian corresponds to mean field evolution in the holographic theory. In a particular model for the holographic theory, which exhibits fast scrambling, the decoherence time coincides with the scrambling time. The results support the hypothesis that decoherence of the infalling holographic state and disruptive bulk effects near the curvature singularity are complementary descriptions of the same physics, which is an important step toward resolving the black hole information paradox.Comment: 12 pages, some typos correcte
A holographic model for black hole complementarity
a holographic model for black hole complementarity
explore complementarity approximate semiclassical interior infalling freedom emerges holographically exterior freedom. infalling freedom complementary outgoing hawking eventually decohere exterior breakdown semiclassical infaller. trace quantify complementary evolutions decoherence time. propose dictionary holographic theory. holographic exhibits scrambling decoherence coincides scrambling time. decoherence infalling holographic disruptive curvature singularity complementary descriptions toward resolving pages typos correcte
We explore a version of black hole complementarity, where an approximate semiclassical effective field theory for interior infalling degrees of freedom emerges holo-graphically from an exact evolution of exterior degrees of freedom. The infalling degrees of freedom have a complementary description in terms of outgoing Hawking radiation and must eventually decohere with respect to the exterior Hamiltonian, leading to a breakdown of the semiclassical description for an infaller. Trace distance is used to quantify the difference between the complementary time evolutions, and to define a decoherence time. We propose a dictionary where the evolution with respect to the bulk effective Hamiltonian corresponds to mean field evolution in the holographic theory. In a particular model for the holographic theory, which exhibits fast scrambling, the decoherence time coincides with the scrambling time. The results support the hypothesis that decoherence of the infalling holographic state and disruptive bulk effects near the curvature singularity are comple-mentary descriptions of the same physics, which is an important step toward resolving the black hole information paradox.The research of D.L. was supported in part by DOE grant de-sc0010010. The research of L.T. was supported in part by Icelandic Research Fund grant 163422-051, the University of Iceland Research Fund, and the Swedish Research Council under contract 621-2014-5838.Peer Reviewe
A holographic model for black hole complementarity
a holographic model for black hole complementarity
explore complementarity approximate semiclassical interior infalling freedom emerges holo graphically exterior freedom. infalling freedom complementary outgoing hawking eventually decohere exterior breakdown semiclassical infaller. trace quantify complementary evolutions decoherence time. propose dictionary holographic theory. holographic exhibits scrambling decoherence coincides scrambling time. decoherence infalling holographic disruptive curvature singularity comple mentary descriptions toward resolving paradox.the d.l. l.t. icelandic fund iceland fund swedish council contract .peer reviewe
We interpret Janus as an interface in a conformal field theory and study its properties. The Janus is created by an exactly marginal operator and we study its effect on the interface conformal field theory on the Janus. We do this by utilizing the AdS/CFT correspondence. We compute the interface free energy both from leading correction to the Euclidean action in the dual gravity description and from conformal perturbation theory in the conformal field theory. We find that the two results agree each other and that the interface free energy scales precisely as expected from the conformal invariance of the Janus interface.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, references added, section 2 and references added, published versio
Conformal Janus on Euclidean Sphere
conformal janus on euclidean sphere
interpret janus conformal properties. janus created marginal conformal janus. utilizing correspondence. euclidean conformal perturbation conformal theory. agree precisely conformal invariance janus pages versio
The AMPS paradox challenges black hole complementarity by apparently constructing a way for an observer to bring information from the outside of the black hole into its interior if there is no drama at its horizon, making manifest a violation of monogamy of entanglement. We propose a new resolution to the paradox: this violation cannot be explicitly checked by an infalling observer in the finite proper time they have to live after crossing the horizon. Our resolution depends on a weak relaxation of the no-drama condition (we call it "little drama") which is the "complementarity dual" of scrambling of information on the stretched horizon. When translated to the description of the black hole interior, this implies that the fine-grained quantum information of infalling matter is rapidly diffused across the entire interior while classical observables and coarse-grained geometry remain unaffected. Under the assumption that information has diffused throughout the interior, we consider the difficulty of the information-theoretic task that an observer must perform after crossing the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole in order to verify a violation of monogamy of entanglement. We find that the time required to complete a necessary subroutine of this task, namely the decoding of Bell pairs from the interior and the late radiation, takes longer than the maximum amount of time that an observer can spend inside the black hole before hitting the singularity. Therefore, an infalling observer cannot observe monogamy violation before encountering the singularity.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures - v2: added references, small tweaks - v3: corrected typos to reflect final published versio
Rescuing Complementarity With Little Drama
rescuing complementarity with little drama
amps paradox challenges complementarity apparently constructing observer bring interior drama horizon manifest violation monogamy entanglement. propose paradox violation explicitly checked infalling observer proper live crossing horizon. relaxation drama call drama complementarity scrambling stretched horizon. translated interior fine grained infalling rapidly diffused interior observables coarse grained unaffected. diffused interior difficulty theoretic observer crossing horizon schwarzschild verify violation monogamy entanglement. subroutine decoding bell interior observer spend hitting singularity. infalling observer monogamy violation encountering pages tweaks corrected typos reflect versio
Flavor symmetries that explain masses and mixings of the standard model fermions dictate flavor patterns for the couplings of scalar and vector leptoquarks to the standard model fermions. A generic feature is that couplings to $SU(2)$-doublet leptons are suppressed at least by one spurion of the discrete non-abelian symmetry breaking, responsible for neutrino mixing, while couplings to charged lepton singlets can be order one. We obtain testable patterns including those that predominantly couple to a single lepton flavor, or two, or in a skewed way. They induce lepton non-universality, which we contrast to current anomalies in $B$-decays. We find maximal effects in $R_{D}$ and $R_{D^*}$ at the level of $\sim$10 percent and few percent, respectively, while leptoquark effects in $R_{K^{(*)}}$ can reach order few$\times 10$ percent. Predictions for charm and kaon decays and $\mu-e$ conversion are worked out.Comment: 23 pages plus references and appendices, 2 figures, v2: typos fixed, clarifications and references added; conclusions unchange
Leptoquark Flavor Patterns & B Decay Anomalies
leptoquark flavor patterns & b decay anomalies
flavor symmetries mixings fermions dictate flavor couplings leptoquarks fermions. generic couplings doublet leptons suppressed spurion abelian breaking couplings lepton singlets one. testable predominantly couple lepton flavor skewed way. induce lepton universality anomalies decays. maximal percent percent leptoquark percent. charm kaon decays conversion worked pages appendices typos clarifications unchange
We use holographic techniques to compute inflationary non-Gaussianities for general single-field inflation, including models with a non-trivial sound speed. In this holographic approach, the inflationary dynamics is captured by a relevant deformation of the dual conformal field theory (CFT) in the UV, while the inflationary correlators are computed by conformal perturbation theory. In this paper, we discuss the effects of higher derivative operators, such as $(\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi)^{m}$, which are known to induce a non-trivial sound speed and source potentially large non-Gaussianities. We compute the full inflationary bispectra from the deformed CFT correlators. We also discuss the squeezed limit of the bispectra from the viewpoint of operator product expansions. As is generic in the holographic description of inflation, our power spectrum is blue tilted in the UV region. We extend our bispectrum computation to the IR region by resumming the conformal perturbations to all orders. We provide a self-consistent setup which reproduces a red tilted power spectrum, as well as all possible bispectrum shapes in the slow-roll regime.Comment: 43 page
Holographic non-Gaussianities in general single-field inflation
holographic non-gaussianities in general single-field inflation
holographic inflationary gaussianities inflation trivial sound speed. holographic inflationary captured deformation conformal inflationary correlators conformal perturbation theory. induce trivial sound potentially gaussianities. inflationary bispectra deformed correlators. squeezed bispectra viewpoint expansions. generic holographic inflation tilted region. extend bispectrum resumming conformal perturbations orders. setup reproduces tilted bispectrum shapes slow roll
We consider the $\Omega$-deformed $\mathcal{N}=2$ $SU(2)$ gauge theory in four dimensions with $N_{f}=4$ massive fundamental hypermultiplets. The low energy effective action depends on the deformation parameters $\varepsilon_{1}, \varepsilon_{2}$, the scalar field expectation value $a$, and the hypermultiplet masses ${\bf m}=(m_{1}, m_{2}, m_{3}, m_{4})$. Motivated by recent findings in the $\mathcal{N}=2^{*}$ theory, we explore the theories that are characterized by special fixed ratios $\varepsilon_{2}/\varepsilon_{1}$ and ${\bf m}/\varepsilon_{1}$ and propose a simple condition on the structure of the multi-instanton contributions to the prepotential determining the effective action. This condition determines a finite set $\Pi_{N}$ of special points such that the prepotential has $N$ poles at fixed positions independent on the instanton number. In analogy with what happens in the $\mathcal{N}=2^{*}$ gauge theory, the full prepotential of the $\Pi_{N}$ theories may be given in closed form as an explicit function of $a$ and the modular parameter $q$ appearing in special combinations of Eisenstein series and Jacobi theta functions with well defined modular properties. The resulting finite pole partition functions are related by AGT correspondence to special 4-point spherical conformal blocks of the Virasoro algebra. We examine in full details special cases where the closed expression of the block is known and confirms our Ansatz. We systematically study the special features of Zamolodchikov's recursion for the $\Pi_{N}$ conformal blocks. As a result, we provide a novel effective recursion relation that can be exactly solved and allows to prove the conjectured closed expressions analytically in the case of the $\Pi_{1}$ and $\Pi_{2}$ conformal blocks.Comment: 41 pages. v2: additional reference
Exact partition functions for deformed $\mathcal{N}=2$ theories with $N_{f}=4$ flavours
exact partition functions for deformed $\mathcal{n}=2$ theories with $n_{f}=4$ flavours
omega deformed mathcal massive hypermultiplets. deformation varepsilon varepsilon expectation hypermultiplet motivated mathcal explore varepsilon varepsilon varepsilon propose instanton prepotential determining action. determines prepotential poles instanton number. analogy happens mathcal prepotential modular appearing combinations eisenstein jacobi theta modular properties. pole partition correspondence spherical conformal blocks virasoro algebra. examine confirms ansatz. systematically zamolodchikov recursion conformal blocks. recursion solved conjectured expressions analytically conformal pages.
Several problems in computer algebra can be efficiently solved by reducing them to calculations over finite fields. In this paper, we describe an algorithm for the reconstruction of multivariate polynomials and rational functions from their evaluation over finite fields. Calculations over finite fields can in turn be efficiently performed using machine-size integers in statically-typed languages. We then discuss the application of the algorithm to several techniques related to the computation of scattering amplitudes, such as the four- and six-dimensional spinor-helicity formalism, tree-level recursion relations, and multi-loop integrand reduction via generalized unitarity. The method has good efficiency and scales well with the number of variables and the complexity of the problem. As an example combining these techniques, we present the calculation of full analytic expressions for the two-loop five-point on-shell integrands of the maximal cuts of the planar penta-box and the non-planar double-pentagon topologies in Yang-Mills theory, for a complete set of independent helicity configurations.Comment: 44 pages, 2 tables, 5 figures, published versio
Scattering amplitudes over finite fields and multivariate functional reconstruction
scattering amplitudes over finite fields and multivariate functional reconstruction
efficiently solved reducing fields. reconstruction multivariate polynomials rational fields. efficiently machine integers statically typed languages. amplitudes spinor helicity formalism recursion integrand unitarity. problem. combining analytic expressions integrands maximal cuts planar penta planar pentagon topologies mills helicity pages tables versio
We give further evidence that genus-one fibers with multi-sections are mirror dual to fibers with Mordell-Weil torsion. In the physics of F-theory compactifications this implies a relation between models with a non-simply connected gauge group and those with discrete symmetries. We provide a combinatorial explanation of this phenomenon for toric hypersurfaces. In particular this leads to a criterion to deduce Mordell-Weil torsion directly from the polytope. For all 3134 complete intersection genus-one curves in three-dimensional toric ambient spaces we confirm the conjecture by explicit calculation. We comment on several new features of these models: The Weierstrass forms of many models can be identified by relabeling the coefficient sections. This reduces the number of models to 1024 inequivalent ones. We give an example of a fiber which contains only non-toric sections one of which becomes toric when the fiber is realized in a different ambient space. Similarly a singularity in codimension one can have a toric resolution in one representation while it is non-toric in another. Finally we give a list of 24 inequivalent genus-one fibers that simultaneously exhibit multi-sections and Mordell-Weil torsion in the Jacobian. We discuss a self-mirror example from this list in detail.Comment: 16 pages in two-column style, 12 figure
Mordell-Weil Torsion in the Mirror of Multi-Sections
mordell-weil torsion in the mirror of multi-sections
genus fibers mirror fibers mordell weil torsion. compactifications symmetries. combinatorial explanation phenomenon toric hypersurfaces. criterion deduce mordell weil torsion polytope. intersection genus toric ambient confirm conjecture calculation. comment weierstrass relabeling sections. reduces inequivalent ones. fiber toric toric fiber realized ambient space. singularity codimension toric toric another. inequivalent genus fibers simultaneously exhibit mordell weil torsion jacobian. mirror pages style
We study the production of forward di-jets in proton-lead and proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. Such configurations, with both jets produced in the forward direction, impose a dilute-dense asymmetry which allows to probe the gluon density of the lead or proton target at small longitudinal momentum fractions. Even though the jet momenta are always much bigger than the saturation scale of the target, $Q_s$, the transverse momentum imbalance of the di-jet system may be either also much larger than $Q_s$, or of the order $Q_s$, implying that the small-$x$ QCD dynamics involved is either linear or non-linear, respectively. The small-$x$ improved TMD factorization framework deals with both situation in the same formalism. In the latter case, which corresponds to nearly back-to-back jets, we find that saturation effects induce a significant suppression of the forward di-jet azimuthal correlations in proton-lead versus proton-proton collisions.Comment: 6 figure
Forward di-jet production in p+Pb collisions in the small-x improved TMD factorization framework
forward di-jet production in p+pb collisions in the small-x improved tmd factorization framework
jets proton proton proton collisions hadron collider. configurations jets impose dilute dense asymmetry gluon proton longitudinal fractions. momenta bigger saturation imbalance implying respectively. factorization deals formalism. nearly jets saturation induce suppression azimuthal proton proton proton
The (super) Schottky uniformization of compact (super) Riemann surfaces is briefly reviewed. Deformations of super Riemann surface by gravitinos and Beltrami parameters are recast in terms of super Schottky group cohomology. It is checked that the super Schottky group formula for the period matrix of a non-split surface matches its expression in terms of a gravitino and Beltrami parameter on a split surface. The relationship between (super) Schottky groups and the construction of surfaces by gluing pairs of punctures is discussed in an appendix.Comment: 46 pages, 6 figure
Deforming super Riemann surfaces with gravitinos and super Schottky groups
deforming super riemann surfaces with gravitinos and super schottky groups
super schottky uniformization super riemann briefly reviewed. deformations super riemann gravitinos beltrami recast super schottky cohomology. checked super schottky split matches gravitino beltrami split surface. super schottky gluing punctures pages
We consider higher derivative gravity and obtain universal relations for the shape coefficients $(f_a, f_b, f_c)$ of the shape dependent universal part of the R\'enyi entropy for four dimensional CFTs in terms of the parameters $(c, t_2, t_4)$ of two-point and three-point functions of stress tensors. As a consistency check, these shape coefficients $f_a$ and $f_c$ satisfy the differential relation as derived previously for the R\'enyi entropy. Interestingly, these holographic relations also apply to weakly coupled conformal field theories such as theories of free fermions and vectors but are violated by theories of free scalars. The mismatch of $f_a$ for scalars has been observed in the literature and is due to certain delicate boundary contributions to the modular Hamiltonian. Interestingly, we find a combination of our holographic relations which are satisfied by all free CFTs including scalars. We conjecture that this combined relation is universal for general CFTs in four dimensional spacetime. Finally, we find there are similar universal laws for holographic R\'enyi entropy in general dimensions.Comment: 32 pages,0 figures, references added, appendix added, accepted for publication in JHE
Universality in the Shape Dependence of Holographic R\'enyi Entropy for General Higher Derivative Gravity
universality in the shape dependence of holographic r\'enyi entropy for general higher derivative gravity
universal universal enyi cfts tensors. consistency check satisfy enyi entropy. interestingly holographic weakly conformal fermions violated scalars. mismatch scalars delicate modular hamiltonian. interestingly holographic satisfied cfts scalars. conjecture universal cfts spacetime. universal laws holographic enyi pages publication
We perform a detailed study of the exclusive Higgs decays $h\to MZ$ and $h\to MW$, where $M$ is a pseudoscalar or vector meson, using the QCD factorization approach. We allow for the presence of new-physics effects in the form of modified Higgs couplings to gauge bosons and fermions, including the possibility of flavor-changing Higgs couplings. We show that the decays $h\to VZ$ exhibit a strong sensitivity to the effective CP-even and CP-odd $h\gamma Z$ couplings. When combined with a measurement of the $h\to\gamma Z$ decay rate, this can be used to extract these couplings up to a sign ambiguity in the CP-odd coefficient. Some of the $h\to MW$ decay modes can be used to probe for flavor-violating Higgs couplings involving the top quark.Comment: 17 pages plus appendix, 5 figures, 3 tables. v2: added discussion of EDM constraints, added references, matches version published in JHE
Exclusive Weak Radiative Higgs Decays in the Standard Model and Beyond
exclusive weak radiative higgs decays in the standard model and beyond
exclusive decays pseudoscalar meson factorization approach. couplings bosons fermions flavor changing couplings. decays exhibit gamma couplings. gamma extract couplings ambiguity coefficient. flavor violating couplings involving pages tables. matches
We show at NNLO that the soft factors for double parton scattering (DPS) for both integrated and unintegrated kinematics, can be presented entirely in the terms of the soft factor for single Drell-Yan process, i.e. the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) soft factor. Using the linearity of the logarithm of TMD soft factor in rapidity divergences, we decompose the DPS soft factor matrices into a product of matrices with rapidity divergences in given sectors, and thus, define individual double parton distributions at NNLO. The rapidity anomalous dimension matrices for double parton distributions are presented in the terms of TMD rapidity anomalous dimension. The analysis is done using the generating function approach to web diagrams. Significant part of the result is obtained from the symmetry properties of web diagrams without referring to explicit expressions or a particular rapidity regularization scheme. Additionally, we present NNLO expression for the web diagram generating function for Wilson lines with two light-like directions.Comment: 31 page, 5 figures, structural update, version to be published in JHE
Soft factors for double parton scattering at NNLO
soft factors for double parton scattering at nnlo
nnlo parton unintegrated kinematics entirely drell i.e. factor. linearity logarithm rapidity divergences decompose rapidity divergences sectors parton nnlo. rapidity anomalous parton rapidity anomalous dimension. generating diagrams. diagrams referring expressions rapidity regularization scheme. additionally nnlo generating wilson update
A hidden sector with a mass gap undergoes an epoch of cannibalism if number changing interactions are active when the temperature drops below the mass of the lightest hidden particle. During cannibalism, the hidden sector temperature decreases only logarithmically with the scale factor. We consider the possibility that dark matter resides in a hidden sector that underwent cannibalism, and has relic density set by the freeze-out of two-to-two annihilations. We identify three novel phases, depending on the behavior of the hidden sector when dark matter freezes out. During the cannibal phase, dark matter annihilations decouple while the hidden sector is cannibalizing. During the chemical phase, only two-to-two interactions are active and the total number of hidden particles is conserved. During the one way phase, the dark matter annihilation products decay out of equilibrium, suppressing the production of dark matter from inverse annihilations. We map out the distinct phenomenology of each phase, which includes a boosted dark matter annihilation rate, new relativistic degrees of freedom, warm dark matter, and observable distortions to the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background.Comment: 26 pages plus appendix, 11 figures, minor changes to v
Phases of Cannibal Dark Matter
phases of cannibal dark matter
hidden undergoes epoch cannibalism changing drops lightest hidden particle. cannibalism hidden logarithmically factor. resides hidden underwent cannibalism relic freeze annihilations. hidden freezes out. cannibal annihilations decouple hidden cannibalizing. hidden conserved. annihilation suppressing annihilations. phenomenology boosted annihilation relativistic freedom warm observable distortions cosmic microwave pages minor
We study the imprints of massive particles with spin on cosmological correlators. Using the framework of the effective field theory of inflation, we classify the couplings of these particles to the Goldstone boson of broken time translations and the graviton. We show that it is possible to generate observable non-Gaussianity within the regime of validity of the effective theory, as long as the masses of the particles are close to the Hubble scale and their interactions break the approximate conformal symmetry of the inflationary background. We derive explicit shape functions for the scalar and tensor bispectra that can serve as templates for future observational searches.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figure
Non-Gaussianity as a Particle Detector
non-gaussianity as a particle detector
imprints massive cosmological correlators. inflation classify couplings goldstone boson broken translations graviton. observable gaussianity validity hubble break approximate conformal inflationary background. derive bispectra serve templates observational pages
Within the Color Glass Condensate effective theory, we reconsider the next-to-leading order (NLO) calculation of the single inclusive particle production at forward rapidities in proton-nucleus collisions at high energy. Focusing on quark production for definiteness, we establish a new factorization scheme, perturbatively correct through NLO, in which there is no `rapidity subtraction'. That is, the NLO correction to the impact factor is not explicitly separated from the high-energy evolution. Our construction exploits the skeleton structure of the (NLO) Balitsky-Kovchegov equation, in which the first step of the evolution is explicitly singled out. The NLO impact factor is included by computing this first emission with the exact kinematics for the emitted gluon, rather than by using the eikonal approximation. This particular calculation has already been presented in the literature [1,2], but the reorganization of the perturbation theory that we propose is new. As compared to the proposal in [1,2], our scheme is free of the fine-tuning inherent in the rapidity subtraction, which might be the origin of the negativity of the NLO cross-section observed in previous studies.Comment: 54 pages, 17 pages. Substantial revision, the next-to-leading order evolution of the dipole amplitude fully included, main conclusions unchanged. Final version, to appear in JHE
CGC factorization for forward particle production in proton-nucleus collisions at next-to-leading order
cgc factorization for forward particle production in proton-nucleus collisions at next-to-leading order
glass condensate reconsider inclusive rapidities proton nucleus collisions energy. focusing definiteness establish factorization perturbatively rapidity subtraction explicitly separated evolution. exploits skeleton balitsky kovchegov explicitly singled out. kinematics emitted gluon eikonal approximation. reorganization perturbation propose new. proposal fine tuning inherent rapidity subtraction negativity pages pages. substantial revision dipole unchanged.
The damping of high momentum excitations in strongly coupled maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma is studied. Previous calculations of the asymptotic behavior of the quasinormal mode spectrum are extended and clarified. We confirm that subleading corrections to the lightlike dispersion relation $\omega({\bf q}) = |{\bf q}|$ have a universal $|{\bf q}|^{-1/3}$ form. Sufficiently narrow, weak planar shocks may be viewed as coherent superpositions of short wavelength quasinormal modes. The attenuation and evolution in profile of narrow planar shocks are examined as an application of our results.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure
Damping of hard excitations in strongly coupled $\mathcal N\,{=}\,4$ plasma
damping of hard excitations in strongly coupled $\mathcal n\,{=}\,4$ plasma
damping excitations maximally supersymmetric mills studied. asymptotic quasinormal clarified. confirm subleading lightlike omega universal form. sufficiently narrow planar shocks viewed coherent superpositions quasinormal modes. attenuation narrow planar shocks pages
We extend the coupling to the topological backgrounds, recently worked out for the 2-dimensional BF-model, to the most general Poisson sigma models. The coupling involves the choice of a Casimir function on the target manifold and modifies the BRST transformations. This in turn induces a change in the BRST cohomology of the resulting theory. The observables of the coupled theory are analyzed and their geometrical interpretation is given. We finally couple the theory to 2-dimensional topological gravity: this is the first step to study a topological string theory in propagation on a Poisson manifold. As an application, we show that the gauge-fixed vectorial supersymmetry of the Poisson sigma models has a natural explanation in terms of the theory coupled to topological gravity.Comment: 31 pages; v2: typos fixed, references added, version to appear in JHE
The coupling of Poisson sigma models to topological backgrounds
the coupling of poisson sigma models to topological backgrounds
extend topological backgrounds worked poisson sigma models. involves casimir manifold modifies brst transformations. induces brst cohomology theory. observables geometrical given. couple topological topological propagation poisson manifold. vectorial supersymmetry poisson sigma explanation topological pages typos
We propose an efficient grassmannian formalism for solution of bi-linear finite-difference Hirota equation (T-system) on T-shaped lattices related to the space of highest weight representations of $gl(K_1,K_2|M)$ superalgebra. The formalism is inspired by the quantum fusion procedure known from the integrable spin chains and is based on exterior forms of Baxter-like Q-functions. We find a few new interesting relations among the exterior forms of Q-functions and reproduce, using our new formalism, the Wronskian determinant solutions of Hirota equations known in the literature. Then we generalize this construction to the twisted Q-functions and demonstrate the subtleties of untwisting procedure on the examples of rational quantum spin chains with twisted boundary conditions. Using these observations, we generalize the recently discovered, in our paper with N. Gromov, AdS/CFT Quantum Spectral Curve for exact planar spectrum of AdS/CFT duality to the case of arbitrary Cartan twisting of AdS$_5\times$S$^5$ string sigma model. Finally, we successfully probe this formalism by reproducing the energy of gamma-twisted BMN vacuum at single-wrapping orders of weak coupling expansion.Comment: 122 pages, 14 figure
T-system on T-hook: Grassmannian Solution and Twisted Quantum Spectral Curve
t-system on t-hook: grassmannian solution and twisted quantum spectral curve
propose grassmannian formalism hirota shaped lattices representations superalgebra. formalism inspired fusion integrable chains exterior baxter functions. exterior reproduce formalism wronskian determinant hirota literature. generalize twisted subtleties untwisting rational chains twisted conditions. generalize discovered gromov planar duality cartan twisting sigma model. successfully formalism reproducing gamma twisted wrapping orders pages
We present two minimal extensions of the standard model, each giving rise to baryogenesis. They include heavy color-triplet scalars interacting with a light Majorana fermion that can be the dark matter (DM) candidate. The electroweak charges of the new scalars govern their couplings to quarks of different chirality, which leads to different collider signals. These models predict monotop events at the LHC and the energy spectrum of decay products of highly polarized top quarks can be used to establish the chiral nature of the interactions involving the heavy scalars and the DM. Detailed simulation of signal and standard model background events is performed, showing that top quark chirality can be distinguished in hadronic and leptonic decays of the top quarks.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. New authors added; Standard model background analysis and model discrimination prospects include
Distinguishing Standard Model Extensions using Monotop Chirality at the LHC
distinguishing standard model extensions using monotop chirality at the lhc
extensions giving baryogenesis. triplet scalars interacting majorana fermion candidate. electroweak charges scalars govern couplings quarks chirality collider signals. predict monotop polarized quarks establish chiral involving scalars chirality distinguished hadronic leptonic decays pages tables. discrimination prospects
We study collisions of massive pointlike particles in three dimensional anti-de Sitter space, generalizing the work on massless particles in [1]. We show how to construct exact solutions corresponding to the formation of either a black hole or a conical singularity from the collision of an arbitrary number of massive particles that fall in radially and collide at the origin of AdS. No restrictions on the masses or the angular and radial positions from where the particles are released, are imposed. We also consider the limit of an infinite number of particles, obtaining novel timelike thin shell spacetimes. These thin shells have an arbitrary mass distribution as well as a non-trivial embedding where the radial location of the shell depends on the angular coordinate, and we analyze these shells using the junction formalism of general relativity. We also consider the massless limit and find consistency with earlier results, as well as comment on the stress-energy tensor modes of the dual CFT.Comment: 61 pages, 9 figures; v2: typos, references adde
Collisions of massive particles, timelike thin shells and formation of black holes in three dimensions
collisions of massive particles, timelike thin shells and formation of black holes in three dimensions
collisions massive pointlike sitter generalizing massless conical singularity collision massive fall radially collide ads. restrictions released imposed. infinite obtaining timelike spacetimes. shells trivial embedding coordinate analyze shells junction formalism relativity. massless consistency comment pages typos adde
We consider a bottom-up holographic model of QCD at finite temperature T and magnetic field B, and study dependence of thermodynamics and CP-odd transport on these variables. As the magnetic field couples to the flavor sector only, one should take the Veneziano limit where the number of flavors and colors are large while their ratio is kept fixed. We investigate the corresponding holographic background in the approximation where the ratio of flavors to colors is finite but small. We demonstrate that B-dependence of the entropy of QCD is in qualitative agreement with the recent lattice studies. Finally we study the CP-odd transport properties of this system. In particular, we determine the Chern-Simons decay rate at finite B and T, that is an important ingredient in the Chiral Magnetic Effect.Comment: 24 pages, 3 Figure
Thermodynamics and CP-odd transport in Holographic QCD with Finite Magnetic Field
thermodynamics and cp-odd transport in holographic qcd with finite magnetic field
holographic thermodynamics variables. couples flavor veneziano flavors colors kept fixed. holographic flavors colors small. qualitative studies. system. chern simons ingredient chiral pages
We analyze the mass spectrum of spin-2 excitations around the gravity duals of "linear quiver" supersymmetric conformal field theories (SCFT's) in six dimensions. We show that for the entire family of gravity solutions it satisfies a bound which corresponds to a unitarity bound for the scaling dimension of the dual field theory operators. We determine the masses of excitations which belong to short multiplets, and for certain gravity solutions we obtain the Kaluza-Klein modes and the corresponding mass spectrum, fully and explicitly. Finally, we discuss an intuitive picture of the dual operators in terms of the effective descriptions of the SCFT's.Comment: 29 pages; v2: minor changes, references adde
Spin-2 spectrum of six-dimensional field theories
spin-2 spectrum of six-dimensional field theories
analyze excitations duals quiver supersymmetric conformal scft dimensions. satisfies unitarity operators. excitations belong multiplets kaluza klein explicitly. intuitive picture descriptions scft pages minor adde
We have shown the existence of self-dual solutions in new Maxwell-Higgs scenarios where the gauge field possesses a $k$-generalized dynamic, i.e., the kinetic term of gauge field is a highly nonlinear function of $F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}$. We have implemented our proposal by means of a $k$-generalized model displaying the spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomenon. We implement consistently the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield formalism providing highly nonlinear self-dual equations whose solutions are electrically neutral possessing total energy proportional to the magnetic flux. Among the infinite set of possible configurations, we have found families of $k$-generalized models whose self-dual equations have a form mathematically similar to the ones arising in the Maxwell-Higgs or Chern-Simons-Higgs models. Furthermore, we have verified that our proposal also supports infinite twinlike models with $|\phi|^4$-potential or $|\phi |^6$-potential. With the aim to show explicitly that the BPS equations are able to provide well-behaved configurations, we have considered a test model in order to study axially symmetric vortices. By depending of the self-dual potential, we have shown that the $k$-generalized model is able to produce solutions that for long distances have a exponential decay (as Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen vortices) or have a power-law decay (characterizing delocalized vortices). In all cases, we observe that the generalization modifies the vortex core size, the magnetic field amplitude and the bosonic masses but the total energy remains proportional to the quantized magnetic flux.Comment: 11 pages, Latex 2e, 12 figures; major revisio
Self-dual configurations in Abelian Higgs models with $k$-generalized gauge field dynamics
self-dual configurations in abelian higgs models with $k$-generalized gauge field dynamics
maxwell scenarios possesses i.e. implemented proposal displaying spontaneous breaking phenomenon. implement consistently bogomol prasad sommerfield formalism electrically neutral possessing flux. infinite configurations families mathematically arising maxwell chern simons models. verified proposal supports infinite twinlike potential. explicitly behaved configurations axially vortices. distances exponential abrikosov nielsen olesen vortices characterizing delocalized vortices generalization modifies vortex bosonic quantized pages latex revisio
We analyze the decays $K\to\pi\ell\nu$ and $P\to\ell\nu$ ($P=K,\pi$, $\ell=e,\,\mu$) using a low-energy Effective-Field-Theory approach to parametrize New Physics and study the complementarity with baryon $\beta$ decays. We then provide a road map for a global analysis of the experimental data, with all the Wilson coefficients simultaneously, and perform a fit leading to numerical bounds for them and for $V_{us}$. A prominent result of our analysis is a reinterpretation of the well-known $V_{ud}-V_{us}$ diagram as a strong constraint on new physics. Finally, we reinterpret our bounds in terms of the $SU(2)_L\times~U(1)_Y$-invariant operators, provide bounds to the corresponding Wilson coefficients at the TeV scale and compare our results with collider searches at the LHC.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor changes to match version published in JHE
Global Effective-Field-Theory analysis of New-Physics effects in (semi)leptonic kaon decays
global effective-field-theory analysis of new-physics effects in (semi)leptonic kaon decays
analyze decays parametrize complementarity baryon beta decays. road wilson simultaneously bounds prominent reinterpretation physics. reinterpret bounds bounds wilson collider searches pages minor match
The conventional gravitational memory effect is a relative displacement in the position of two detectors induced by radiative energy flux. We find a new type of gravitational `spin memory' in which beams on clockwise and counterclockwise orbits acquire a relative delay induced by radiative angular momentum flux. It has recently been shown that the displacement memory formula is a Fourier transform in time of Weinberg's soft graviton theorem. Here we see that the spin memory formula is a Fourier transform in time of the recently-discovered subleading soft graviton theorem.Comment: 17 page
New Gravitational Memories
new gravitational memories
gravitational displacement detectors radiative flux. gravitational beams clockwise counterclockwise orbits acquire delay radiative flux. displacement fourier transform weinberg graviton theorem. fourier transform discovered subleading graviton
We show how the infra-red divergences associated to Goldstone bosons in the minimum condition of the two-loop Landau-gauge effective potential can be avoided in general field theories. This extends the resummation formalism recently developed for the Standard Model and the MSSM, and we give compact, infra-red finite expressions in closed form for the tadpole equations. We also show that the results at this loop order are equivalent to (and are most easily obtained by) imposing an "on-shell" condition for the Goldstone bosons. Moreover, we extend the approach to show how the infra-red divergences in the calculation of the masses of neutral scalars (such as the Higgs boson) can be eliminated. For the mass computation, we specialise to the gaugeless limit and extend the effective potential computation to allow the masses to be determined without needing to solve differential equations for the loop functions -- opening the door to fast, infra-red safe determinations of the Higgs mass in general theories.Comment: 42 pages, one figure; v2: corrected typos and added explanation
Avoiding the Goldstone Boson Catastrophe in general renormalisable field theories at two loops
avoiding the goldstone boson catastrophe in general renormalisable field theories at two loops
infra divergences goldstone bosons landau avoided theories. extends resummation formalism mssm infra expressions tadpole equations. imposing goldstone bosons. extend infra divergences neutral scalars boson eliminated. specialise gaugeless extend needing solve opening door infra safe determinations pages corrected typos explanation
We consider $\phi^3$ theory in $6-2\epsilon$ with $F_4$ global symmetry. The beta function is calculated up to 3 loops, and a stable unitary IR fixed point is observed. The anomalous dimensions of operators quadratic or cubic in $\phi$ are also computed. We then employ conformal bootstrap technique to study the fixed point predicted from the perturbative approach. For each putative scaling dimension of $\phi$ ($\Delta_{\phi})$, we obtain the corresponding upper bound on the scaling dimension of the second lowest scalar primary in the ${\mathbf 26}$ representation $(\Delta^{\rm 2nd}_{{\mathbf 26}})$ which appears in the OPE of $\phi\times\phi$. In $D=5.95$, we observe a sharp peak on the upper bound curve located at $\Delta_{\phi}$ equal to the value predicted by the 3-loop computation. In $D=5$, we observe a weak kink on the upper bound curve at $(\Delta_{\phi},\Delta^{\rm 2nd}_{{\mathbf 26}})$=$(1.6,4)$.Comment: 22 pages, published versio
$\phi^3$ theory with $F_4$ flavor symmetry in $6-2\epsilon$ dimensions: 3-loop renormalization and conformal bootstrap
$\phi^3$ theory with $f_4$ flavor symmetry in $6-2\epsilon$ dimensions: 3-loop renormalization and conformal bootstrap
epsilon symmetry. beta loops unitary observed. anomalous quadratic cubic computed. employ conformal bootstrap perturbative approach. putative delta mathbf delta mathbf sharp delta computation. kink delta delta mathbf .comment pages versio
We study the topologically twisted compactification of the 6d $(2,0)$ M5-brane theory on an elliptically fibered K\"ahler three-fold preserving two supercharges. We show that upon reducing on the elliptic fiber, the 4d theory is $\mathcal{N}=4$ Super-Yang Mills, with varying complexified coupling $\tau$, in the presence of defects. For abelian gauge group this agrees with the so-called duality twisted theory, and we determine a non-abelian generalization to $U(N)$. When the elliptic fibration is singular, the 4d theory contains 3d walls (along the branch-cuts of $\tau$) and 2d surface defects, around which the 4d theory undergoes $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ duality transformations. Such duality defects carry chiral fields, which from the 6d point of view arise as modes of the two-form $B$ in the tensor multiplet. Each duality defect has a flavor symmetry associated to it, which is encoded in the structure of the singular elliptic fiber above the defect. Generically 2d surface defects will intersect in points in 4d, where there is an enhanced flavor symmetry. The 6d point of view provides a complete characterization of this 4d-3d-2d-0d `Matroshka'-defect configuration.Comment: 62 pages, 4 figure
Six-dimensional Origin of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM with Duality Defects
six-dimensional origin of $\mathcal{n}=4$ sym with duality defects
topologically twisted compactification brane elliptically fibered ahler preserving supercharges. reducing elliptic fiber mathcal super mills complexified defects. abelian agrees duality twisted abelian generalization elliptic fibration singular walls branch cuts defects undergoes mathbb duality transformations. duality defects carry chiral arise multiplet. duality defect flavor encoded singular elliptic fiber defect. generically defects intersect flavor symmetry. matroshka defect pages
This paper investigates relationships between low-energy four-particle scattering amplitudes with external gauge particles and gravitons in the E_8 X E_8 and SO(32) heterotic string theories and the type I and type IA superstring theories by considering a variety of tree level and one-loop Feynman diagrams describing such amplitudes in eleven-dimensional supergravity in a Horava--Witten background compactified on a circle. This accounts for a number of perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of low order higher derivative terms in the low-energy expansion of string theory amplitudes, which are expected to be protected by half maximal supersymmetry from receiving corrections beyond one or two loops. It also suggests the manner in which type I/heterotic duality may be realised for certain higher derivative interactions that are not so obviously protected. For example, our considerations suggest that R**4 interactions (where R is the Riemann curvature) might receive no perturbative corrections beyond one loop by virtue of a conspiracy involving contributions from (non-BPS) Z2 D-instantons in the type I and heterotic SO(32) theories.Comment: Typos corrected. Subsection 8.2 added. Section 8 modified. Version to appear in JHE
Type I/heterotic duality and M-theory amplitudes
type i/heterotic duality and m-theory amplitudes
investigates amplitudes gravitons heterotic superstring feynman diagrams describing amplitudes eleven supergravity horava witten compactified circle. accounts perturbative perturbative amplitudes protected maximal supersymmetry receiving loops. manner heterotic duality realised obviously protected. considerations riemann curvature receive perturbative virtue conspiracy involving instantons heterotic typos corrected. subsection added. modified.
In this paper we discuss the scattering effect on entanglement propagation in RCFTs. In our setup, we consider the time evolution of excited states created by the insertion of many local operators. Our results show that because of the finiteness of quantum dimension, entanglement is not changed after the scattering in RCFTs. In this mean, entanglement is conserved after the scattering event in RCFTs, which reflects the integrability of the system. Our results are also consistent with the free quasiparticle picture after the global quenches.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 13 figures, reference adde
Scattering effect on entanglement propagation in RCFTs
scattering effect on entanglement propagation in rcfts
entanglement propagation rcfts. setup excited created insertion operators. finiteness entanglement changed rcfts. entanglement conserved rcfts reflects integrability system. quasiparticle picture pages latex adde
Motivated by the naturalness and neutrino mass generation, we study a bilinear R-parity violating supersymmetric scenario with a light Higgsino-like lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). We observe that the LSP dominantly decays to $\nu h$ in a large part of the parameter space, and thus study the pair production of electroweakinos followed by the decays $\tilde\chi^\pm_1\to \tilde\chi^0_1 W^{\pm*}$ and $\tilde\chi^0_1\to \nu h$. This leads to an interesting signature of Higgs boson pair production associated with significantly large missing transverse energy which is grossly distinct from the di-Higgs production in the Standard Model. We investigate the perspective of probing such signatures by performing a realistic detector level simulation of both the signal and corresponding backgrounds for the high-luminosity high energy phase of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We also advocate some observables based on kinematical features to provide an excellent handle to suppress the backgrounds.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures and 6 table
Di-Higgs signatures from R-parity violating supersymmetry as the origin of neutrino mass
di-higgs signatures from r-parity violating supersymmetry as the origin of neutrino mass
motivated naturalness bilinear parity violating supersymmetric higgsino lightest supersymmetric dominantly decays electroweakinos decays tilde tilde tilde signature boson missing grossly model. perspective probing signatures performing realistic backgrounds luminosity hadron collider advocate observables kinematical excellent handle suppress pages
In the context of class S theories and 4D/2D duality relations there, we discuss the skein relations of general topological defects on the 2D side which are expected to be counterparts of composite surface-line operators in 4D class S theory. Such defects are geometrically interpreted as networks in a three dimensional space. We also propose a conjectural computational procedure for such defects in two dimensional SU(N) topological q-deformed Yang-Mills theory by interpreting it as a statistical mechanical system associated with ideal triangulations.Comment: v3:JHEP published version (more several corrections and modifications) : total 47 pages v2:several corrections and modifications, a few references added : total 46 pages, 14 figure
Wilson punctured network defects in 2D q-deformed Yang-Mills theory
wilson punctured network defects in 2d q-deformed yang-mills theory
duality skein topological defects counterparts composite theory. defects geometrically interpreted space. propose conjectural defects topological deformed mills interpreting ideal jhep modifications pages modifications pages
Static configurations and a dynamical evolution of the system composed of a higher-dimensional spherically symmetric dilaton black hole and the Dirac-Goto-Nambu brane were investigated. The studies were conducted for three values of the dilaton coupling constant, describing the uncoupled case, the low-energy limit of the string theory and dimensionally reduced Klein-Kaluza theories. When the black hole is nonextremal, two types of static configurations are observed, a brane which intersects the black hole horizon and a brane not having any common points with the accompanying black hole. As the number of spacetime dimensions increases, the brane bend in the vicinity of the black hole disappears closer to its horizon. Dynamical evolution of the system results in an expulsion of the black hole from the brane. It proceeds faster for bigger values of the bulk spacetime dimension and thicker branes. The value of the dilatonic coupling constant does not influence neither the static configurations nor the dynamical behavior of the examined nonextremal system. In the extremal dilaton black hole case one obtains expulsion of the brane which is independent on the spacetime dimensionality and the value of the coupling constant. Dynamical studies of the configurations in the extremal case reveal that the course of evolution of the system is similar to the nonextremal one, except for a slightly earlier expulsion of the black hole from the brane.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure
Static configurations and evolution of higher dimensional brane-dilaton black hole system
static configurations and evolution of higher dimensional brane-dilaton black hole system
configurations composed spherically dilaton dirac goto nambu brane investigated. dilaton describing uncoupled dimensionally klein kaluza theories. nonextremal configurations brane intersects horizon brane accompanying hole. spacetime brane bend vicinity disappears closer horizon. expulsion brane. proceeds faster bigger spacetime thicker branes. dilatonic neither configurations nonextremal system. extremal dilaton obtains expulsion brane spacetime dimensionality constant. configurations extremal reveal nonextremal expulsion pages
Axion stars, gravitationally bound states of low-energy axion particles, have a maximum mass allowed by gravitational stability. Weakly bound states obtaining this maximum mass have sufficiently large radii such that they are dilute, and as a result, they are well described by a leading-order expansion of the axion potential. Heavier states are susceptible to gravitational collapse. Inclusion of higher-order interactions, present in the full potential, can give qualitatively different results in the analysis of collapsing heavy states, as compared to the leading-order expansion. In this work, we find that collapsing axion stars are stabilized by repulsive interactions present in the full potential, providing evidence that such objects do not form black holes. In the last moments of collapse, the binding energy of the axion star grows rapidly, and we provide evidence that a large amount of its energy is lost through rapid emission of relativistic axions.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. v2: Figure added, typos corrected, text modified. v3: Minor changes, matches published JHEP versio
Collapse of Axion Stars
collapse of axion stars
axion gravitationally axion gravitational stability. weakly obtaining sufficiently radii dilute axion potential. heavier susceptible gravitational collapse. inclusion qualitatively collapsing expansion. collapsing axion stabilized repulsive holes. moments collapse axion grows rapidly lost relativistic pages figures. typos corrected modified. minor matches jhep versio
Bosonization dualities relate two different Chern-Simons-matter theories, with bosonic matter on one side replaced by fermionic matter on the other. We first describe a more general class of non-Abelian bosonization dualities. We then explore the non-relativistic physics of these theories in the quantum Hall regime. The bosonic theory lies in a condensed phase and admits vortices which are known to form a non-Abelian quantum Hall state. We ask how this same physics arises in the fermionic theory. We find that a condensed boson corresponds to a fully filled Landau level of fermions, while bosonic vortices map to fermionic holes. We confirm that the ground state of the two theories is indeed described by the same quantum Hall wavefunction.Comment: 21 pages. v2: typo corrected. v3: another typo corrected (chemical potential rescaled
Non-Abelian 3d Bosonization and Quantum Hall States
non-abelian 3d bosonization and quantum hall states
bosonization dualities relate chern simons bosonic replaced fermionic other. abelian bosonization dualities. explore relativistic hall regime. bosonic lies condensed admits vortices abelian hall state. arises fermionic theory. condensed boson filled landau fermions bosonic vortices fermionic holes. confirm hall pages. typo corrected. typo corrected rescaled
We consider present constraints on Two Higgs Doublet Models, both from the LHC at Run 1 and from other sources in order to explore the possibility of constraining a neutral scalar or pseudo-scalar particle lighter than the 125 GeV Higgs boson. Such a lighter particle is not yet completely excluded by present data. We show with a simplified analysis that some new constraints could be obtained at the LHC if such a search is performed by the experimental collaborations, which we therefore encourage to continue carrying out light diphoton resonance searches at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV in the context of Two Higgs Doublet Models.Comment: 29 pages, 9 tables, 18 figures (minor text modifications in v2
Search for a lighter Higgs in Two Higgs Doublet Models
search for a lighter higgs in two higgs doublet models
doublet explore constraining neutral pseudo lighter boson. lighter excluded data. simplified collaborations encourage continue carrying diphoton searches sqrt doublet pages tables minor modifications
In 4 dimensional Maxwell gauge theory, we study the changes of (Renyi) entangle-ment entropy which are defined by subtracting the entropy for the ground state from the one for the locally excited states generated by acting with the gauge invariant local operators on the state. The changes for the operators which we consider in this paper reflect the electric-magnetic duality. The late-time value of changes can be interpreted in terms of electromagnetic quasi-particles. When the operator constructed of both electric and magnetic fields acts on the ground state, it shows that the operator acts on the late-time structure of quantum entanglement differently from free scalar fields.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure
Quantum Entanglement of Locally Excited States in Maxwell Theory
quantum entanglement of locally excited states in maxwell theory
maxwell renyi entangle subtracting locally excited acting state. reflect duality. interpreted electromagnetic quasi particles. acts acts entanglement differently pages
We study the semiclassical holographic correspondence between 2d CFT n-point conformal blocks and massive particle configurations in the asymptotically AdS3 space. On the boundary we use the heavy-light approximation in which case two of primary operators are the background for the other (n-2) operators considered as fluctuations. In the bulk the particle dynamics can be reduced to the hyperbolic time slice. Although lacking exact solutions we nevertheless show that for any n the classical n-point conformal block is equal to the length of the dual geodesic network connecting n-3 cubic vertices of worldline segments. To this end, both the bulk and boundary systems are reformulated as potential vector fields. Gradients of the conformal block and geodesic length are given respectively by accessory parameters of the monodromy problem and particle momenta of the on-shell worldline action represented as a function of insertion points. We show that the accessory parameters and particle momenta are constrained by two different algebraic equation systems which nevertheless have the same roots thereby guaranteeing the correspondence.Comment: 29 page
Many-point classical conformal blocks and geodesic networks on the hyperbolic plane
many-point classical conformal blocks and geodesic networks on the hyperbolic plane
semiclassical holographic correspondence conformal blocks massive configurations asymptotically space. fluctuations. hyperbolic slice. lacking nevertheless conformal geodesic connecting cubic worldline segments. reformulated fields. gradients conformal geodesic accessory monodromy momenta worldline insertion points. accessory momenta constrained algebraic nevertheless roots thereby guaranteeing
We analyze the low temperature structure of a supersymmetric quiver quantum mechanics with randomized superpotential coefficients, treating them as quenched disorder. These theories describe features of the low energy dynamics of wrapped branes, which in large number backreact into extremal black holes. We show that the low temperature theory, in the limit of a large number of bifundamentals, exhibits a time reparametrization symmetry as well as a specific heat linear in the temperature. Both these features resemble the behavior of black hole horizons in the zero temperature limit. We demonstrate similarities between the low temperature physics of the random quiver model and a theory of large $N$ free fermions with random masses.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, v2 minor changes references added, v3 typos corrected and minor changes to section
Disordered Quivers and Cold Horizons
disordered quivers and cold horizons
analyze supersymmetric quiver mechanics randomized superpotential treating quenched disorder. wrapped branes backreact extremal holes. bifundamentals exhibits reparametrization temperature. resemble horizons limit. similarities quiver fermions pages minor typos corrected minor
We develop a new off-shell formulation for six-dimensional conformal supergravity obtained by gauging the 6D ${\cal N} = (1, 0)$ superconformal algebra in superspace. This formulation is employed to construct two invariants for 6D ${\cal N} = (1, 0)$ conformal supergravity, which contain $C^3$ and $C\Box C$ terms at the component level. Using a conformal supercurrent analysis, we prove that these exhaust all such invariants in minimal conformal supergravity. Finally, we show how to construct the supersymmetric $F \Box F$ invariant in curved superspace.Comment: 52 pages; V2: published versio
Invariants for minimal conformal supergravity in six dimensions
invariants for minimal conformal supergravity in six dimensions
formulation conformal supergravity gauging superconformal superspace. formulation invariants conformal supergravity level. conformal supercurrent exhaust invariants conformal supergravity. supersymmetric curved pages versio
Can the cosmological dynamics responsible for settling down the present values of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix be related to electroweak symmetry breaking? If the Standard Model Yukawa couplings varied in the early universe and started with order one values before electroweak symmetry breaking, the CP violation associated with the CKM matrix could be the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry. The large effective Yukawa couplings which lead to the enhanced CP violation can also help in achieving a strong first-order electroweak phase transition. We study in detail the feasibility of this idea by implementing dynamical Yukawa couplings in the context of the Froggatt--Nielsen mechanism. We discuss two main realizations of such a mechanism, related phenomenology, cosmological and collider bounds, and provide an estimate of the baryonic yield. A generic prediction is that this scenario always features a new scalar field below the electroweak scale. We point out ways to get around this conclusion.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figures; v2:Section 4.3 updated with corrected figures 2 and 3. Rest of paper unchanged; v3: version to be published in JHEP (a few clarifications added
Flavor Cosmology: Dynamical Yukawas in the Froggatt-Nielsen Mechanism
flavor cosmology: dynamical yukawas in the froggatt-nielsen mechanism
cosmological settling cabibbo kobayashi maskawa electroweak breaking yukawa couplings varied universe started electroweak breaking violation antimatter asymmetry. yukawa couplings violation achieving electroweak transition. feasibility implementing yukawa couplings froggatt nielsen mechanism. realizations phenomenology cosmological collider bounds baryonic yield. generic electroweak scale. ways pages updated corrected unchanged jhep clarifications
Direct searches for dark matter (DM) by the LUX and PandaX-II Collaborations employing xenon-based detectors have recently come up with the most stringent limits to date on the spin-independent elastic scattering of DM off nucleons. For Higgs-portal scalar DM models, the new results have precluded any possibility of accommodating low-mass DM as suggested by the DAMA and CDMS II Si experiments utilizing other target materials, even after invoking isospin-violating DM interactions with nucleons. In the simplest model, SM+D, which is the standard model plus a real singlet scalar named darkon acting as the DM candidate, the LUX and PandaX-II limits rule out DM masses roughly from 4 to 450 GeV, except a small range around the resonance point at half of the Higgs mass where the interaction cross-section is near the neutrino-background floor. In the THDM II+D, which is the type-II two-Higgs-doublet model combined with a darkon, the region excluded in the SM+D by the direct searches can be recovered due to suppression of the DM effective interactions with nucleons at some values of the ratios of Higgs couplings to the up and down quarks, making the interactions significantly isospin-violating. However, in either model, if the 125-GeV Higgs boson is the portal between the dark and SM sectors, DM masses less than 50 GeV or so are already ruled out by the LHC constraint on the Higgs invisible decay. In the THDM II+D, if the heavier $CP$-even Higgs boson is the portal, theoretical restrictions from perturbativity, vacuum stability, and unitarity requirements turn out to be important instead and exclude much of the region below 100 GeV. For larger DM masses, the THDM II+D has plentiful parameter space that corresponds to interaction cross-sections under the neutrino-background floor and therefore is likely to be beyond the reach of future direct searches without directional sensitivity.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, somewhat enlarged, references added, main conclusions unchanged, matches publicatio
New LUX and PandaX-II Results Illuminating the Simplest Higgs-Portal Dark Matter Models
new lux and pandax-ii results illuminating the simplest higgs-portal dark matter models
searches pandax collaborations employing xenon detectors come stringent elastic nucleons. portal precluded accommodating dama cdms utilizing invoking isospin violating nucleons. simplest singlet named darkon acting candidate pandax roughly floor. thdm doublet darkon excluded searches recovered suppression nucleons couplings quarks isospin violating. boson portal sectors ruled invisible decay. thdm heavier boson portal restrictions perturbativity unitarity exclude gev. thdm plentiful floor searches directional pages somewhat enlarged unchanged matches publicatio
We present predictions for $t \bar t$ and $t \bar t H$ production and decay at future lepton colliders including non-resonant and interference contributions up to next-to-leading order (NLO) in perturbative QCD. The obtained precision predictions are necessary for a future precise determination of the top-quark Yukawa coupling, and allow for top-quark phenomenology in the continuum at an unprecedented level of accuracy. Simulations are performed with the automated NLO Monte-Carlo framework WHIZARD interfaced to the OpenLoops matrix element generator.Comment: 42 pages, 21 figure
NLO QCD Predictions for off-shell $t \bar t$ and $t \bar t H$ Production and Decay at a Linear Collider
nlo qcd predictions for off-shell $t \bar t$ and $t \bar t h$ production and decay at a linear collider
lepton colliders resonant interference perturbative qcd. precision precise yukawa phenomenology continuum unprecedented accuracy. automated monte carlo whizard interfaced openloops pages
We consider tree level form factors of operators from stress tensor operator supermultiplet with light-like operator momentum $q^2=0$. We present a conjecture for the Grassmannian integral representation both for these tree level form factors as well as for leading singularities of their loop counterparts. The presented conjecture was successfully checked by reproducing several known answers in $\mbox{MHV}$ and $\mbox{N}^{k-2}\mbox{MHV}$, $k\geq3$ sectors together with appropriate soft limits. We also discuss the cancellation of spurious poles and relations between different BCFW representations for such form factors on simple examples.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures; v2: minor changes, typos corrected, references adde
Grassmannians and form factors with $q^2=0$ in N=4 SYM theory
grassmannians and form factors with $q^2=0$ in n=4 sym theory
supermultiplet conjecture grassmannian singularities counterparts. conjecture successfully checked reproducing answers mbox mbox mbox sectors limits. cancellation spurious poles bcfw representations pages minor typos corrected adde
The vectorial holographic correspondences between higher-spin theories in AdS$_5$ and free vector models on the boundary are extended to the cases where the latter is described by free massless spin-$j$ field. The dual higher-spin theory in the bulk does not include gravity and can only be defined on rigid AdS$_5$ background with $S^4$ boundary. We discuss various properties of these rather special higher-spin theories and calculate their one-loop free energies. We show that the result is proportional to the same quantity for spin-$j$ doubleton treated as if it is a AdS$_5$ field. Finally, we consider even more special case where the boundary theory itself is given by an infinite tower of massless higher-spin fields.Comment: 27 pages, version to appear in JHE
A Note on Vectorial AdS$_5$/CFT$_4$ Duality for Spin-$j$ Boundary Theory
a note on vectorial ads$_5$/cft$_4$ duality for spin-$j$ boundary theory
vectorial holographic correspondences massless field. rigid boundary. energies. quantity doubleton field. infinite tower massless pages
The standard analytic solution of the renormalization group (RG) evolution for the $\Delta S = 1$ Wilson coefficients involves several singularities, which complicate analytic solutions. In this paper we derive a singularity-free solution of the next-to-leading order (NLO) RG equations, which greatly facilitates the calculation of $\epsilon_K^{\prime}$, the measure of direct $CP$ violation in $K\to \pi\pi$ decays. Using our new RG evolution and the latest lattice results for the hadronic matrix elements, we calculate the ratio $\epsilon_{K}^{\prime}/\epsilon_{K}$ (with $\epsilon_{K}$ quantifying indirect $CP$ violation) in the Standard Model (SM) at NLO to $\epsilon_{K}^{\prime}/\epsilon_{K} = (1.06 \pm 5.07) \times 10^{-4} $, which is $2.8\,\sigma$ below the experimental value. We also present the evolution matrix in the high-energy regime for calculations of new physics contributions and derive easy-to-use approximate formulae. We find that the RG amplification of new-physics contributions to Wilson coefficients of the electroweak penguin operators is further enhanced by the NLO corrections: If the new contribution is generated at the scale of 1-10 TeV, the RG evolution between the new-physics scale and the electroweak scale enhances these coefficients by 50-100 %. Our solution contains a term of order $\alpha_{EM}^2/\alpha_s^2$, which is numerically unimportant for the SM case but should be included in studies of high-scale new-physics.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables; formulae corrected, numerical results almost unchanged, to be published in JHE
Singularity-free Next-to-leading Order $\Delta S= 1$ Renormalization Group Evolution and $\epsilon_{K}^{\prime}/\epsilon_{K}$ in the Standard Model and Beyond
singularity-free next-to-leading order $\delta s= 1$ renormalization group evolution and $\epsilon_{k}^{\prime}/\epsilon_{k}$ in the standard model and beyond
analytic renormalization delta wilson involves singularities complicate analytic solutions. derive singularity greatly facilitates epsilon prime violation decays. latest hadronic epsilon prime epsilon epsilon quantifying indirect violation epsilon prime epsilon sigma value. derive approximate formulae. amplification wilson electroweak penguin electroweak enhances alpha alpha numerically unimportant pages tables formulae corrected unchanged
It has recently been demonstrated with Monte Carlo studies that combining the well-known Y-splitter and trimming techniques gives rise to important gains in the signal significance achievable for boosted electroweak boson tagging at high $p_t$. Here we carry out analytical calculations that explain these findings from first principles of QCD both for grooming via trimming and via the modified mass-drop tagger (mMDT). We also suggest modifications to Y-splitter itself, which result in great simplifications to the analytical results both for pure Y-splitter as well as its combination with general grooming methods. The modifications also lead to further performance gains, while making the results largely independent of choice of groomer. We discuss the implications of these findings in the broader context of optimal methods for boosted object studies at hadron colliders.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figure
Improved jet substructure methods: Y-splitter and variants with grooming
improved jet substructure methods: y-splitter and variants with grooming
monte carlo combining splitter trimming gains achievable boosted electroweak boson tagging carry principles grooming trimming drop tagger mmdt modifications splitter great simplifications splitter grooming methods. modifications gains largely groomer. broader boosted hadron pages
We propose a method to determine the trilinear Higgs self coupling that is alternative to the direct measurement of Higgs pair production total cross sections and differential distributions. The method relies on the effects that electroweak loops featuring an anomalous trilinear coupling would imprint on single Higgs production at the LHC. We first calculate these contributions to all the phenomenologically relevant Higgs production ($gg{\rm F}$, VBF, $WH$, $ZH$, $t\bar tH$) and decay ($\gamma \gamma$, $WW^{*}/ZZ^{*}\to 4f$, $b\bar b$, $\tau \tau$) modes at the LHC and then estimate the sensitivity to the trilinear coupling via a one-parameter fit to the single Higgs measurements at the LHC 8 TeV. We find that the bounds on the self coupling are already competitive with those from Higgs pair production and will be further improved in the current and next LHC runs.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables; V2: New appendix A added on the comparison with the Effective Field Theory approach; V3: Journal versio
Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC
probing the higgs self coupling via single higgs production at the lhc
propose trilinear distributions. relies electroweak loops featuring anomalous trilinear imprint lhc. phenomenologically gamma gamma trilinear tev. bounds competitive pages tables versio
The composition of Dark Matter (DM) remains an important open question. The current data do not distinguish between single- and multi-component DM, while in theory constructions it is often assumed that DM is composed of a single field. In this work, we study a hidden sector which naturally entails multicomponent DM consisting of spin-1 and spin-0 states. This UV complete set-up is based on SU(3) hidden gauge symmetry with the minimal scalar field content to break it spontaneously. The presence of multiple DM components is a result of a residual Z_2 x Z'_2 symmetry which is part of an unbroken global U(1) x Z'_2 inherent in the Yang-Mills systems. We find that the model exhibits various parametric regimes with drastically different DM detection prospects. In particular, we find that the direct detection cross section is much suppressed in large regions of parameter space as long as the Standard Model Higgs mixes predominantly with a single scalar from the hidden sector. The resulting scattering rate is often beyond the level of sensitivity of XENON1T, while still being consistent with the thermal WIMP paradigm.Comment: v2: 25 pages, added references, small text adjustment
Multicomponent Dark Matter from Gauge Symmetry
multicomponent dark matter from gauge symmetry
question. distinguish constructions composed field. hidden naturally entails multicomponent consisting states. hidden break spontaneously. residual unbroken inherent mills systems. exhibits parametric regimes drastically prospects. suppressed mixes predominantly hidden sector. xenon wimp pages adjustment
We clarify the relation between various approaches to the manifestly T-duality symmetric string. We explain in detail how the PST covariant doubled string arises from an unusual gauge fixing. We pay careful attention to the role of "spectator" fields in this process and also show how the T-duality invariant doubled dilaton emerges naturally. We extend these ideas to non-Abelian T-duality and show they give rise to the duality invariant formalism based on the semi-Abelian Drinfeld Double. We then develop the N=(0,1) supersymmetric duality invariant formalism.Comment: 29 pages; v2: references corrected in introduction; v3: matches journal version, references added, very minor changes to tex
Aspects of the Doubled Worldsheet
aspects of the doubled worldsheet
clarify manifestly duality string. covariant doubled arises unusual fixing. careful spectator duality doubled dilaton emerges naturally. extend ideas abelian duality duality formalism abelian drinfeld double. supersymmetric duality pages corrected matches minor
The idea we advocate in this paper is that the one-loop effective action of a free (massive) field theory coupled to external sources (via conserved currents) contains complete information about the classical dynamics of such sources. We show many explicit examples of this fact for (scalar and fermion) free field theories in various dimensions $d=3,4,5,6$ coupled to (bosonic, completely symmetric) sources with a number of spins. In some cases we also provide compact formulas for any dimension. This paper is devoted to two-point correlators, so the one-loop effective action we construct contains only the quadratic terms and the relevant equations of motion for the sources we obtain are the linearized ones.Comment: 73 pages, typos corrected, section 3 rewritten, comment added in section 4, second paragraph added in section 12, Appendix C adde
One-loop effective actions and higher spins
one-loop effective actions and higher spins
advocate massive conserved currents sources. fermion bosonic spins. formulas dimension. devoted correlators quadratic linearized pages typos corrected rewritten comment paragraph adde
We embed the component fields of eleven-dimensional supergravity into a superspace of the form $X\times Y$ where $X$ is the standard 4D, $N=1$ superspace and $Y$ is a smooth 7-manifold. The eleven-dimensional 3-form gives rise to a tensor hierarchy of superfields gauged by the diffeomorphisms of $Y$. It contains a natural candidate for a $G_2$ structure on $Y$, and being a complex of superforms, defines a superspace Chern-Simons invariant. Adding to this a natural generalization of the Riemannian volume on $X\times Y$ and freezing the (superspin-$\frac32$ and 1) supergravity fields on $X$, we obtain an approximation to the eleven-dimensional supergravity action that suffices to compute the scalar potential. In this approximation the action is the sum of the superspace Chern-Simons term and a superspace generalization of the Hitchin functional for $Y$ as a $G_2$-structure manifold. Integrating out auxiliary fields, we obtain the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry and the scalar potential. The latter reproduces the Einstein-Hilbert term on $Y$ in a form due to Bryant.Comment: Minor (typographical) errors correcte
M-theory Potential from the $G_2$ Hitchin Functional in Superspace
m-theory potential from the $g_2$ hitchin functional in superspace
embed eleven supergravity superspace superspace manifold. eleven hierarchy superfields gauged diffeomorphisms candidate superforms defines superspace chern simons invariant. adding generalization riemannian freezing superspin frac supergravity eleven supergravity suffices potential. superspace chern simons superspace generalization hitchin manifold. integrating auxiliary unbroken supersymmetry potential. reproduces einstein hilbert minor typographical correcte
Based on the recent indications of integrability in the planar ABJ model, we conjecture an exact expression for the interpolating function h(\lambda_1,\lambda_2) in this theory. Our conjecture is based on the observation that the integrability structure of the ABJM theory given by its Quantum Spectral Curve is very rigid and does not allow for a simple consistent modification. Under this assumption, we revised the previous comparison of localization results and exact all loop integrability calculations done for the ABJM theory by one of the authors and Grigory Sizov, fixing h(\lambda_1,\lambda_2). We checked our conjecture against various weak coupling expansions, at strong coupling and also demonstrated its invariance under the Seiberg-like duality. This match also gives further support to the integrability of the model. If our conjecture is correct, it extends all the available integrability results in the ABJM model to the ABJ model.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur
On the Exact Interpolating Function in ABJ Theory
on the exact interpolating function in abj theory
indications integrability planar conjecture interpolating lambda lambda theory. conjecture integrability abjm rigid modification. revised localization integrability abjm grigory sizov fixing lambda lambda checked conjecture expansions invariance seiberg duality. match integrability model. conjecture extends integrability abjm pages figur
We present highly-excited charmonium, $D_s$ and $D$ meson spectra from dynamical lattice QCD calculations with light quarks corresponding to $M_{\pi} \sim 240$ MeV and compare these to previous results with $M_{\pi} \sim 400$ MeV. Utilising the distillation framework, large bases of carefully constructed interpolating operators and a variational procedure, we extract and reliably identify the continuum spin of an extensive set of excited mesons. These include states with exotic quantum numbers which, along with a number with non-exotic quantum numbers, we identify as having excited gluonic degrees of freedom and interpret as hybrid mesons. Comparing the spectra at the two different $M_\pi$, we find only a mild light-quark mass dependence and no change in the overall pattern of states.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, minor changes to reflect published versio
Excited and exotic charmonium, $D_s$ and $D$ meson spectra for two light quark masses from lattice QCD
excited and exotic charmonium, $d_s$ and $d$ meson spectra for two light quark masses from lattice qcd
excited charmonium meson quarks mev. utilising distillation bases carefully interpolating variational extract reliably continuum extensive excited mesons. exotic exotic excited gluonic freedom interpret hybrid mesons. mild pages minor reflect versio
Form factors of composite operators in the SL(2) sector of N=4 SYM theory are studied up to two loops via the on-shell unitarity method. The non-compactness of this subsector implies the novel feature and technical challenge of an unlimited number of loop momenta in the integrand's numerator. At one loop, we derive the full minimal form factor to all orders in the dimensional regularisation parameter. At two loops, we construct the complete integrand for composite operators with an arbitrary number of covariant derivatives, and we obtain the remainder functions as well as the dilatation operator for composite operators with up to three covariant derivatives. The remainder functions reveal curious patterns suggesting a hidden maximal uniform transcendentality for the full form factor. Finally, we speculate about an extension of these patterns to QCD.Comment: 23+13 pages, v2: minor changes, published versio
Two-Loop SL(2) Form Factors and Maximal Transcendentality
two-loop sl(2) form factors and maximal transcendentality
composite loops unitarity method. compactness subsector challenge unlimited momenta integrand numerator. derive orders regularisation parameter. loops integrand composite covariant derivatives remainder dilatation composite covariant derivatives. remainder reveal curious hidden maximal transcendentality factor. speculate pages minor versio
We study second-order hydrodynamic transport in strongly coupled non-conformal field theories with holographic gravity duals in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. We first derive new Kubo formulae for five second-order transport coefficients in non-conformal fluids in $(3+1)$ dimensions. We then apply them to holographic RG flows induced by scalar operators of dimension $\Delta=3$. For general background solutions of the dual bulk geometry, we find explicit expressions for the five transport coefficients at infinite coupling and show that a specific combination, $\tilde{H}=2\eta\tau_\pi-2(\kappa-\kappa^*)-\lambda_2$, always vanishes. We prove analytically that the Haack-Yarom identity $H=2\eta\tau_\pi-4\lambda_1-\lambda_2=0$, which is known to be true for conformal holographic fluids, also holds when taking into account leading non-conformal corrections. The numerical results we obtain for two specific families of RG flows suggest that $H$ vanishes regardless of conformal symmetry. Our work provides further evidence that the Haack-Yarom identity $H=0$ may be universally satisfied by strongly coupled fluids.Comment: 33 pages + 6 appendices, 5 figures; v2 as published in JHE
Second-Order Hydrodynamics and Universality in Non-Conformal Holographic Fluids
second-order hydrodynamics and universality in non-conformal holographic fluids
hydrodynamic conformal holographic duals asymptotically sitter space. derive kubo formulae conformal fluids dimensions. holographic flows delta expressions infinite tilde kappa kappa lambda vanishes. analytically haack yarom lambda lambda conformal holographic fluids conformal corrections. families flows vanishes regardless conformal symmetry. haack yarom universally satisfied pages appendices
We consider Chern-Simons actions of Abelian tensor hierarchy of $p$-form gauge fields in four-dimensional ${\cal N}=1$ supergravity. Using conformal superspace formalism, we solve the constraints on the field strengths of the $p$-form gauge superfields in the presence of the tensor hierarchy. The solutions are expressed by the prepotentials of the $p$-form gauge superfields. We show the internal and superconformal transformation laws of the prepotentials. The descent formalism for the Chern-Simons actions is exhibited.Comment: 19 page
Abelian tensor hierarchy and Chern-Simons actions in 4D N=1 conformal supergravity
abelian tensor hierarchy and chern-simons actions in 4d n=1 conformal supergravity
chern simons abelian hierarchy supergravity. conformal superspace formalism solve strengths superfields hierarchy. prepotentials superfields. superconformal laws prepotentials. descent formalism chern simons
We examine the low energy phenomenology of the relaxion solution to the weak scale hierarchy problem. Assuming that the Hubble friction is responsible for a dissipation of the relaxion energy, we identify the cosmological relaxion window which corresponds to the parameter region compatible with a given value of the acceptable number of inflationary $e$-foldings. We then discuss a variety of observational constraints on the relaxion window, including those from astrophysical and cosmological considerations. We find that majority of the parameter space with a relaxion mass $m_\phi\gtrsim 100$ eV or a relaxion decay constant $f\lesssim 10^7$ GeV is excluded by existing constraints. There is an interesting parameter region with $m_\phi\sim \,0.2-10$ GeV and $f\sim\, {\rm few}-200$ TeV, which is allowed by existing constraints, but can be probed soon by future beam dump experiments such as the SHiP experiment, or by improved EDM experiments.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures; v4: a minor typo correctio
Constraints on Relaxion Windows
constraints on relaxion windows
examine phenomenology relaxion hierarchy problem. hubble friction dissipation relaxion cosmological relaxion window compatible acceptable inflationary foldings. observational relaxion window astrophysical cosmological considerations. majority relaxion gtrsim relaxion lesssim excluded constraints. probed soon dump ship pages minor typo correctio
We develop the notion of entwinement to characterize the amount of quantum entanglement between internal, discretely gauged degrees of freedom in a quantum field theory. This concept originated in the program of reconstructing spacetime from entanglement in holographic duality. We define entwinement formally in terms of a novel replica method which uses twist operators charged in a representation of the discrete gauge group. In terms of these twist operators we define a non-local, gauge-invariant object whose expectation value computes entwinement in a standard replica limit. We apply our method to the computation of entwinement in symmetric orbifold conformal field theories in 1+1 dimensions, which have an $S_N$ gauging. Such a theory appears in the weak coupling limit of the D1-D5 string theory which is dual to AdS$_3$ at strong coupling. In this context, we show how certain kinds of entwinement measure the lengths, in units of the AdS scale, of non-minimal geodesics present in certain excited states of the system which are gravitationally described as conical defects and the $M=0$ BTZ black hole. The possible types of entwinement that can be computed define a very large new class of quantities characterizing the fine structure of quantum wavefunctions.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures; v2: clarifications and reference added, minor typos corrected, published versio
Entwinement in discretely gauged theories
entwinement in discretely gauged theories
notion entwinement characterize entanglement discretely gauged freedom theory. originated reconstructing spacetime entanglement holographic duality. entwinement formally replica twist group. twist expectation computes entwinement replica limit. entwinement orbifold conformal gauging. coupling. kinds entwinement lengths geodesics excited gravitationally conical defects hole. entwinement quantities characterizing fine pages clarifications minor typos corrected versio
Large Gauge Transformations (LGT) are gauge transformations that do not vanish at infinity. Instead, they asymptotically approach arbitrary functions on the conformal sphere at infinity. Recently, it was argued that the LGT should be treated as an infinite set of global symmetries which are spontaneously broken by the vacuum. It was established that in QED, the Ward identities of their induced symmetries are equivalent to the Soft Photon Theorem. In this paper we study the implications of LGT on the S-matrix between physical asymptotic states in massive QED. In appose to the naively free scattering states, physical asymptotic states incorporate the long range electric field between asymptotic charged particles and were already constructed in 1970 by Kulish and Faddeev. We find that the LGT charge is independent of the particles' momenta and may be associated to the vacuum. The soft theorem's manifestation as a Ward identity turns out to be an outcome of not working with the physical asymptotic states.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, v2: major revisio
Large Gauge Symmetries and Asymptotic States in QED
large gauge symmetries and asymptotic states in qed
transformations transformations vanish infinity. asymptotically conformal sphere infinity. argued infinite symmetries spontaneously broken vacuum. ward identities symmetries theorem. asymptotic massive qed. appose naively asymptotic incorporate asymptotic kulish faddeev. momenta vacuum. manifestation ward turns asymptotic pages revisio
We present the analytic computation of all the planar master integrals which contribute to the two-loop scattering amplitudes for Higgs$\to 3$ partons, with full heavy-quark mass dependence. These are relevant for the NNLO corrections to fully inclusive Higgs production and to the NLO corrections to Higgs production in association with a jet, in the full theory. The computation is performed using the differential equations method. Whenever possible, a basis of master integrals that are pure functions of uniform weight is used. The result is expressed in terms of one-fold integrals of polylogarithms and elementary functions up to transcendental weight four. Two integral sectors are expressed in terms of elliptic functions. We show that by introducing a one-dimensional parametrization of the integrals the relevant second order differential equation can be readily solved, and the solution can be expressed to all orders of the dimensional regularization parameter in terms of iterated integrals over elliptic kernels. We express the result for the elliptic sectors in terms of two and three-fold iterated integrals, which we find suitable for numerical evaluations. This is the first time that four-point multiscale Feynman integrals have been computed in a fully analytic way in terms of elliptic functions.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figures, ancillary files provide
Two-loop planar master integrals for Higgs$\to 3$ partons with full heavy-quark mass dependence
two-loop planar master integrals for higgs$\to 3$ partons with full heavy-quark mass dependence
analytic planar master integrals amplitudes partons dependence. nnlo inclusive theory. method. whenever master integrals used. integrals polylogarithms elementary transcendental four. sectors elliptic functions. introducing parametrization integrals readily solved orders regularization iterated integrals elliptic kernels. express elliptic sectors iterated integrals evaluations. multiscale feynman integrals analytic elliptic pages ancillary files
We consider asymptotically-AdS $n$-dimensional black brane solutions in a theory of gravity coupled to a set of $N$ $p$-form field strengths, in which the field strengths carry magnetic charges. For appropriately chosen charges, the metrics are isotropic in the $(n-2)$ transverse directions. However, in general the field strength configurations break the full Euclidean symmetry of the $(n-2)$-dimensional transverse space. We then study the linearised equation for transverse traceless metric perturbations in these backgrounds, and by employing the Kubo formula we obtain expressions for $\eta/S$, the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density. We find that the KSS bound on the ratio $\eta/S$ is generally violated in these solutions. We also extend the discussion by including also a dilatonic scalar field in the theory, leading to solutions that are asymptotically Lifshitz with hyperscaling violation.Comment: References added. 21 page
Magnetically-Charged Black Branes and Viscosity/Entropy Ratios
magnetically-charged black branes and viscosity/entropy ratios
asymptotically brane strengths strengths carry charges. appropriately charges metrics isotropic directions. configurations break euclidean space. linearised traceless perturbations backgrounds employing kubo expressions viscosity density. violated solutions. extend dilatonic asymptotically lifshitz hyperscaling added.
We set up a formalism, within the antenna subtraction framework, for computing the production of a massive quark-antiquark pair in electron positron collisions at next-to-next-to-leading order in the coupling $\alpha_s$ of quantum chromodynamics at the differential level. Our formalism applies to the calculation of any infrared-safe observable. We apply this set-up to the production of top-quark top antiquark pairs in the continuum. We compute the production cross section and several distributions. We determine, in particular, the top-quark forward-backward asymmetry at order $\alpha_s^2$. Our result agrees with previous computations of this observable.Comment: Latex, 33 pages, reference adde
Top-quark pair production at next-to-next-to-leading order QCD in electron positron collisions
top-quark pair production at next-to-next-to-leading order qcd in electron positron collisions
formalism antenna subtraction massive antiquark positron collisions alpha chromodynamics level. formalism applies infrared safe observable. antiquark continuum. distributions. backward asymmetry alpha agrees computations latex pages adde
We consider thermal production mechanisms of self-interacting dark matter in models with gauged $Z_3$ symmetry. A complex scalar dark matter is stabilized by the $Z_3$, that is the remnant of a local dark $U(1)_d$. Light dark matter with large self-interaction can be produced from thermal freeze-out in the presence of SM-annihilation, SIMP and/or forbidden channels. We show that dark photon and/or dark Higgs should be relatively light for unitarity and then assist the thermal freeze-out. We identify the constraints on the parameter space of dark matter self-interaction and mass in cases that one or some of the channels are important in determining the relic density.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, Version to appear in Journal of High Energy Physic
On thermal production of self-interacting dark matter
on thermal production of self-interacting dark matter
interacting gauged symmetry. stabilized remnant freeze annihilation simp forbidden channels. unitarity assist freeze out. determining relic pages physic
We present all scalar-tensor Lagrangians that are cubic in second derivatives of a scalar field, and that are degenerate, hence avoiding Ostrogradsky instabilities. Thanks to the existence of constraints, they propagate no more than three degrees of freedom, despite having higher order equations of motion. We also determine the viable combinations of previously identified quadratic degenerate Lagrangians and the newly established cubic ones. Finally, we study whether the new theories are connected to known scalar-tensor theories such as Horndeski and beyond Horndeski, through conformal or disformal transformations.Comment: 29 pages, published versio
Degenerate higher order scalar-tensor theories beyond Horndeski up to cubic order
degenerate higher order scalar-tensor theories beyond horndeski up to cubic order
lagrangians cubic derivatives degenerate avoiding ostrogradsky instabilities. thanks propagate freedom motion. viable combinations quadratic degenerate lagrangians newly cubic ones. horndeski horndeski conformal disformal pages versio
We consider using particle production as a friction force by which to implement a "Relaxion" solution to the electroweak hierarchy problem. Using this approach, we are able to avoid superplanckian field excursions and avoid any conflict with the strong CP problem. The relaxation mechanism can work before, during or after inflation allowing for inflationary dynamics to play an important role or to be completely decoupled.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figures. v2: expanded discussion and reorganized some sections; fixed discussion about destruction of the condensate; accepted for publication in JHE
Relaxation from particle production
relaxation from particle production
friction implement relaxion electroweak hierarchy problem. avoid superplanckian excursions avoid conflict problem. relaxation inflation allowing inflationary pages figures. expanded reorganized destruction condensate publication
The Ward identities for conformal symmetries in single field models of inflation are studied in more detail in momentum space. For a class of generalized single field models, where the inflaton action contains arbitrary powers of the scalar and its first derivative, we find that the Ward identities are valid. We also study a one-parameter family of vacua, called $\alpha$-vacua, which preserve conformal invariance in de Sitter space. We find that the Ward identities, upto contact terms, are met for the three point function of a scalar field in the probe approximation in these vacua. Interestingly, the corresponding non-Gaussian term in the wave function does not satisfy the operator product expansion. For scalar perturbations in inflation, in the $\alpha$-vacua, we find that the Ward identities are not satisfied. We argue that this is because the back-reaction on the metric of the full quantum stress tensor has not been self-consistently incorporated. We also present a calculation, drawing on techniques from the AdS/CFT correspondence, for the three point function of scalar perturbations in inflation in the Bunch-Davies vacuum.Comment: 51 pages, 3 figures, 6 appendices. v3: JHEP version. Minor typos correcte
Symmetry Constraints in Inflation, $\alpha$-vacua, and the Three Point Function
symmetry constraints in inflation, $\alpha$-vacua, and the three point function
ward identities conformal symmetries inflation space. inflaton powers ward identities valid. vacua alpha vacua preserve conformal invariance sitter space. ward identities upto vacua. interestingly satisfy expansion. perturbations inflation alpha vacua ward identities satisfied. argue consistently incorporated. drawing correspondence perturbations inflation bunch davies pages appendices. jhep version. minor typos correcte
We continue to investigate the $\mathcal{N}=1$ deformations of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theories (SCFTs) labeled by a nilpotent element of the flavor symmetry. This triggers a renormalization group (RG) flow to an $\mathcal{N}=1$ SCFT. We systematically analyze all possible deformations of this type for certain classes of $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs: conformal SQCDs, generalized Argyres-Douglas theories and the $E_6$ SCFT. We find a number of examples where the amount of supersymmetry gets enhanced to $\mathcal{N}=2$ at the end point of the RG flow. Most notably, we find that the $SU(N)$ and $Sp(N)$ conformal SQCDs can be deformed to flow to the Argyres-Douglas (AD) theories of type $(A_1, D_{2N-1})$ and $(A_1, D_{2N})$ respectively. This RG flow therefore allows us to compute the full superconformal index of the $(A_1,D_N)$ class of AD theories. Moreover, we find an infrared duality between $\mathcal{N}=1$ theories where the fixed point is described by an $\mathcal{N}=2$ AD theory. We observe that the classes of examples that exhibit supersymmetry enhancement saturate certain bounds for the central charges implied by the associated two-dimensional chiral algebra.Comment: 46 pages, 12 tables, typos corrected and some minor change
N=1 Deformations and RG Flows of N=2 SCFTs, Part II: Non-principal deformations
n=1 deformations and rg flows of n=2 scfts, part ii: non-principal deformations
continue mathcal deformations mathcal superconformal scfts labeled nilpotent flavor symmetry. triggers renormalization mathcal scft. systematically analyze deformations mathcal scfts conformal sqcds argyres douglas scft. supersymmetry gets mathcal flow. notably conformal sqcds deformed argyres douglas respectively. superconformal theories. infrared duality mathcal mathcal theory. exhibit supersymmetry enhancement saturate bounds charges implied chiral pages tables typos corrected minor
We study the gluon distribution produced via successive medium-induced branchings by an energetic jet propagating through a weakly-coupled quark-gluon plasma. We show that under suitable approximations the evolution of the jet can be described as a classical stochastic process, which is exactly solvable. For this process, we construct exact analytic solutions for all the n-point correlation functions (the n-body densities in the space of energy). The corresponding results for the one-point and the two-point functions were already known, but those for the higher-point functions are new. These results demonstrate strong correlations associated with the existence of common ancestors in the branching process. By integrating these n-point functions over the gluon energies, we deduce the mean gluon multiplicity $\langle N\rangle$ as well as the higher moments $\langle N^p\rangle$ with $p\ge 2$. We find that the multiplicities of the soft gluons are parametrically large and show a remarkable regularity, known as Koba-Nielsen-Olesen (KNO) scaling: the reduced moments $\langle N^p\rangle/\langle N\rangle^p$ are pure numbers, independent of any of the physical parameters of the problem. We recognize a special negative binomial distribution which is characterized by large statistical fluctuations. These predictions can be tested in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC, via event-by-event measurements of the di-jet asymmetry.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure
Multi-particle correlations and KNO scaling in the medium-induced jet evolution
multi-particle correlations and kno scaling in the medium-induced jet evolution
gluon successive branchings energetic propagating weakly gluon plasma. approximations stochastic solvable. analytic densities new. ancestors branching process. integrating gluon deduce gluon multiplicity langle rangle moments langle rangle multiplicities gluons parametrically remarkable regularity koba nielsen olesen moments langle rangle langle rangle problem. recognize binomial fluctuations. collisions pages
We present a dark sector model based on gauging the $L_\mu - L_\tau$ symmetry that addresses anomalies in $b \rightarrow s \mu^+ \mu^-$ decays and that features a particle dark matter candidate. The dark matter particle candidate is a vector-like Dirac fermion coupled to the $Z^\prime$ gauge boson of the $L_{\mu}-L_{\tau}$ symmetry. We compute the dark matter thermal relic density, its pair-annihilation cross section, and the loop-suppressed dark matter-nucleon scattering cross section, and compare our predictions with current and future experimental results. We demonstrate that after taking into account bounds from $B_s$ meson oscillations, dark matter direct detection, and the CMB, the model is highly predictive: $B$ physics anomalies and a viable particle dark matter candidate, with a mass of $\sim (5-23)$~GeV, can be accommodated only in a tightly-constrained region of parameter space, with sharp predictions for future experimental tests. The viable region of parameter space expands if the dark matter is allowed to have $L_\mu-L_\tau$ charges that are smaller than those of the SM leptons.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. Matches published versio
Explaining Dark Matter and $B$ Decay Anomalies with an $L_\mu - L_\tau$ Model
explaining dark matter and $b$ decay anomalies with an $l_\mu - l_\tau$ model
gauging addresses anomalies rightarrow decays candidate. candidate dirac fermion prime boson symmetry. relic annihilation suppressed nucleon results. bounds meson oscillations predictive anomalies viable candidate accommodated tightly constrained sharp tests. viable expands charges pages figures. matches versio
We present a class of holographic models that behave effectively as prototypes of Mott insulators, materials where electron-electron interactions dominate transport phenomena. The main ingredient in the gravity dual is that the gauge-field dynamics contains self-interactions by way of a particular type of non-linear electrodynamics. The electrical response in these models exhibits typical features of Mott-like states: i) the low-temperature DC conductivity is unboundedly low; ii) metal-insulator transitions appear by varying various parameters; iii) for large enough self-interaction strength, the conductivity can even decrease with increasing doping (density of carriers), which appears as a sharp manifestation of `traffic-jam'-like behaviour; iv) the insulating state becomes very unstable towards superconductivity at large enough doping. We exhibit some of the properties of the resulting insulator-superconductor transition, which is sensitive to the amount of disorder in a specific way. These models imply a clear and generic correlation between Mott behaviour and significant effects in the nonlinear electrical response. We compute the nonlinear current-voltage curve in our model and find that indeed at large voltage the conductivity is largely reduced.Comment: 48 pages, 16 figure
On Effective Holographic Mott Insulators
on effective holographic mott insulators
holographic behave effectively prototypes mott insulators dominate phenomena. ingredient electrodynamics. electrical exhibits mott conductivity unboundedly insulator conductivity doping carriers sharp manifestation traffic insulating unstable superconductivity doping. exhibit insulator superconductor disorder way. imply generic mott electrical response. conductivity largely pages
The standard paradigm of collisionless cold dark matter is in tension with measurements on large scales. In particular, the best fit values of the Hubble rate $H_0$ and the matter density perturbation $\sigma_8$ inferred from the cosmic microwave background seem inconsistent with the results from direct measurements. We show that both problems can be solved in a framework in which dark matter consists of two distinct components, a dominant component and a subdominant component. The primary component is cold and collisionless. The secondary component is also cold, but interacts strongly with dark radiation, which itself forms a tightly coupled fluid. The growth of density perturbations in the subdominant component is inhibited by dark acoustic oscillations due to its coupling to the dark radiation, solving the $\sigma_8$ problem, while the presence of tightly coupled dark radiation ameliorates the $H_0$ problem. The subdominant component of dark matter and dark radiation continue to remain in thermal equilibrium until late times, inhibiting the formation of a dark disk. We present an example of a simple model that naturally realizes this scenario in which both constituents of dark matter are thermal WIMPs. Our scenario can be tested by future stage-IV experiments designed to probe the CMB and large scale structure.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; matches version published in JHE
Partially Acoustic Dark Matter, Interacting Dark Radiation, and Large Scale Structure
partially acoustic dark matter, interacting dark radiation, and large scale structure
paradigm collisionless cold tension scales. hubble perturbation sigma inferred cosmic microwave seem inconsistent measurements. solved subdominant component. cold collisionless. cold interacts tightly fluid. perturbations subdominant inhibited acoustic oscillations solving sigma tightly ameliorates problem. subdominant continue inhibiting disk. naturally realizes constituents wimps. pages matches
Motivated by tremendous progress in neutrino oscillation experiments, we derive a new set of simple and compact formulas for three-flavor neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter of a constant density. A useful definition of the $\eta$-gauge neutrino mass-squared difference $\Delta^{}_* \equiv \eta \Delta^{}_{31} + (1-\eta) \Delta^{}_{32}$ is introduced, where $\Delta^{}_{ji} \equiv m^2_j - m^2_i$ for $ji = 21, 31, 32$ are the ordinary neutrino mass-squared differences and $0 \leq \eta \leq 1$ is a real and positive parameter. Expanding neutrino oscillation probabilities in terms of $\alpha \equiv \Delta^{}_{21}/\Delta^{}_*$, we demonstrate that the analytical formulas can be remarkably simplified for $\eta = \cos^2 \theta^{}_{12}$, with $\theta_{12}^{}$ being the solar mixing angle. As a by-product, the mapping from neutrino oscillation parameters in vacuum to their counterparts in matter is obtained at the order of ${\cal O}(\alpha^2)$. Finally, we show that our approximate formulas are not only valid for an arbitrary neutrino energy and any baseline length, but also still maintaining a high level of accuracy.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures; v2: reference added, to appear in JHE
Looking into Analytical Approximations for Three-flavor Neutrino Oscillation Probabilities in Matter
looking into analytical approximations for three-flavor neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter
motivated tremendous progress oscillation derive formulas flavor oscillation probabilities density. squared delta equiv delta delta delta equiv ordinary squared parameter. expanding oscillation probabilities alpha equiv delta delta formulas remarkably simplified theta theta angle. oscillation counterparts alpha approximate formulas valid maintaining pages
We make three observations that help clarify the relation between CFT and quantum chaos. We show that any 1+1-D system in which conformal symmetry is non-linearly realized exhibits two main characteristics of chaos: maximal Lyapunov behavior and a spectrum of Ruelle resonances. We use this insight to identify a lattice model for quantum chaos, built from parafermionic spin variables with an equation of motion given by a Y-system. Finally we point to a relation between the spectrum of Ruelle resonances of a CFT and the analytic properties of OPE coefficients between light and heavy operators. In our model, this spectrum agrees with the quasi-normal modes of the BTZ black hole.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures. References adde
On CFT and Quantum Chaos
on cft and quantum chaos
clarify chaos. conformal linearly realized exhibits chaos maximal lyapunov ruelle resonances. insight chaos built parafermionic system. ruelle resonances analytic operators. agrees quasi pages figures. adde
Low energy observables involving the Standard Model fermions which are chirality-violating, such as anomalous electromagnetic moments, necessarily involve an insertion of the Higgs in order to maintain $SU(2) \times U(1)$ gauge invariance. As the result, the properties of the Higgs boson measured at the LHC impact our understanding of the associated low-energy quantities. We illustrate this feature with a discussion of the electromagnetic moments of the $\tau$-lepton, as probed by the rare decay $H \rightarrow \tau^+ \tau^- \gamma$. We assess the feasibility of measuring this decay at the LHC, and show that the current bounds from lower energy measurements imply that $13~\rm{TeV}$ running is very likely to improve our understanding of new physics contributing to the anomalous magnetic moment of the tau.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure
$H \rightarrow \tau^+ \tau^- \gamma$ as a Probe of the $\tau$ Magnetic Dipole Moment
$h \rightarrow \tau^+ \tau^- \gamma$ as a probe of the $\tau$ magnetic dipole moment
observables involving fermions chirality violating anomalous electromagnetic moments necessarily involve insertion maintain invariance. boson quantities. illustrate electromagnetic moments lepton probed rare rightarrow gamma feasibility measuring bounds imply running contributing anomalous moment pages
We show that, when compactified on a circle, N=(2,0),d=6 supergravity coupled to 1 tensor multiplet and nV vector multiplets is dual to N=(2,0),d=6 supergravity coupled to just nT=nV+1 tensor multiplets and no vector multiplets. Both theories reduce to the same models of N=2,d=5 supergravity coupled to nV5=nV+2 vector fields. We derive Buscher rules that relate solutions of these theories (and of the theory that one obtains by dualizing the 3-form field strength) admitting an isometry. Since the relations between the fields of N=2,d=5 supergravity and those of the 6-dimensional theories are the same with or without gaugings, we construct supersymmetric non-Abelian solutions of the 6-dimensional gauged theories by uplifting the recently found 5-dimensional supersymmetric non-Abelian black-hole solutions. The solutions describe the usual superpositions of strings and waves supplemented by a BPST instanton in the transverse directions. One of the solutions obtained interpolates smoothly between two AdS3xS3 geometries with different radii.Comment: A few typos corrected in text and formulae. Version to be published in JHE
Non-Abelian black string solutions of N=(2,0),d=6 supergravity
non-abelian black string solutions of n=(2,0),d=6 supergravity
compactified circle supergravity multiplet multiplets supergravity multiplets multiplets. supergravity fields. derive buscher relate obtains dualizing admitting isometry. supergravity gaugings supersymmetric abelian gauged uplifting supersymmetric abelian solutions. usual superpositions strings supplemented bpst instanton directions. interpolates smoothly geometries typos corrected formulae.
In the large D limit, and under certain circumstances, it has recently been demonstrated that black hole dynamics in asymptotically flat spacetime reduces to the dynamics of a non gravitational membrane propagating in flat D dimensional spacetime. We demonstrate that this correspondence extends to all orders in a 1/D expansion and outline a systematic method for deriving the corrected membrane equation in a power series expansion in 1/D. As an illustration of our method we determine the first subleading corrections to the membrane equations of motion. A qualitatively new effect at this order is that the divergence of the membrane velocity is nonzero and proportional to the square of the shear tensor reminiscent of the entropy current of hydrodynamics. As a test, we use our modified membrane equations to compute the corrections to frequencies of light quasinormal modes about the Schwarzschild black hole and find a perfect match with earlier computations performed directly in the gravitational bulk.Comment: Typesetting corrected, New appendix added to explain the method of computatio
The large D black hole Membrane Paradigm at first subleading order
the large d black hole membrane paradigm at first subleading order
circumstances asymptotically spacetime reduces gravitational propagating spacetime. correspondence extends orders outline deriving corrected illustration subleading motion. qualitatively divergence nonzero reminiscent hydrodynamics. quasinormal schwarzschild perfect match computations gravitational typesetting corrected computatio
We consider the ${\cal N}=1$ superpotential generated in type-II orientifold models by non-geometric fluxes. In particular, we focus on the family of $P$ fluxes, that are related by T-duality transformations to the S-dual of the $Q$ flux. We determine the general rule that transforms a given flux in this family under a single T-duality transformation. This rule allows to derive a complete expression for the superpotential for both the IIA and the IIB theory for the particular case of a $T^6/[\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2 ]$ orientifold. We then consider how these fluxes modify the generalised Bianchi identities. In particular, we derive a fully consistent set of quadratic constraints coming from the NS-NS Bianchi identities. On the other hand, the $P$ flux Bianchi identities induce tadpoles, and we determine a set of exotic branes that can be consistently included in order to cancel them. This is achieved by determining a universal transformation rule under T-duality satisfied by all the branes in string theory.Comment: 29 pages. Refs. added, end of subsection 4.2 improved, other minor changes. Version published on JHE
$P$ fluxes and exotic branes
$p$ fluxes and exotic branes
superpotential orientifold geometric fluxes. fluxes duality transformations flux. transforms duality transformation. derive superpotential mathbb mathbb orientifold. fluxes modify generalised bianchi identities. derive quadratic coming bianchi identities. bianchi identities induce tadpoles exotic branes consistently cancel them. determining universal duality satisfied branes pages. refs. subsection minor changes.
We study the consistency conditions for interactions of massless fields of any spin in four-dimensional flat space using the light-cone approach. We show that they can be equivalently rewritten as the Ward identities for the off-shell light-cone amplitudes built from the light-cone Hamiltonian in the standard way. Then we find a general solution of these Ward identities. The solution admits a compact representation when written in the spinor-helicity form and is given by an arbitrary function of spinor products, satisfying well-known homogeneity constraints. Thus, we show that the light-cone consistent deformation procedure inevitably leads to a certain off-shell version of the spinor-helicity approach. We discuss how the relation between the two approaches can be employed to facilitate the search of consistent interaction of massless higher-spin fields.Comment: 34 pages, discussion on locality extended, references added, version to appear in JHE
Off-Shell Spinor-Helicity Amplitudes from Light-Cone Deformation Procedure
off-shell spinor-helicity amplitudes from light-cone deformation procedure
consistency massless cone approach. equivalently rewritten ward identities cone amplitudes built cone way. ward identities. admits spinor helicity spinor satisfying homogeneity constraints. cone deformation inevitably spinor helicity approach. facilitate massless pages locality
The gauging of the lepton flavour group is considered in the Standard Model context and in its extension with three right-handed neutrinos. The anomaly cancellation conditions lead to a Seesaw mechanism as underlying dynamics for all leptons; requiring in addition a phenomenologically viable setup leads to Majorana masses for the neutral sector: the type I Seesaw Lagrangian in the Standard Model case and the inverse Seesaw in the extended model. Within the minimal extension of the scalar sector, the Yukawa couplings are promoted to scalar fields in the bifundamental of the flavour group. The resulting low-energy Yukawa couplings are proportional to inverse powers of the vacuum expectation values of those scalars; the protection against flavour changing neutral currents differs from that of Minimal Flavor Violation. In all cases, the $\mu-\tau$ flavour sector exhibits rich and promising phenomenological signals.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; revised argument in section 2, results unchanged, references adde
Gauged Lepton Flavour
gauged lepton flavour
gauging lepton flavour handed neutrinos. anomaly cancellation seesaw leptons requiring phenomenologically viable setup majorana neutral seesaw lagrangian seesaw model. yukawa couplings promoted bifundamental flavour group. yukawa couplings powers expectation scalars protection flavour changing neutral currents differs flavor violation. flavour exhibits promising phenomenological pages tables revised argument unchanged adde
We find a general formula for the operator mixing on the $\mathbb{S}^4$ of chiral primary operators (CPO) for the ${\cal N}=4$ theory at large $N$ in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. As an application, we compute the correlator of a CPO and a Wilson loop, reproducing an earlier result by Giombi and Pestun obtained from a two-matrix model proposal. Finally, we discuss a simple method to obtain correlators in general ${\cal N}=2$ superconformal field theories in perturbation theory in terms of correlators of the ${\cal N}=4$ theory.Comment: 15 pages, no figure
Operator Mixing in Large $N$ Superconformal Field Theories on $\mathbb{S}^4$ and Correlators with Wilson loops
operator mixing in large $n$ superconformal field theories on $\mathbb{s}^4$ and correlators with wilson loops
mathbb chiral chebyshev polynomials. correlator wilson reproducing giombi pestun proposal. correlators superconformal perturbation correlators pages
Soft and collinear radiation is responsible for large corrections to many hadronic cross sections, near thresholds for the production of heavy final states. There is much interest in extending our understanding of this radiation to next-to-leading power (NLP) in the threshold expansion. In this paper, we generalise a previously proposed all-order NLP factorisation formula to include non-abelian corrections. We define a non-abelian radiative jet function, organising collinear enhancements at NLP, and compute it for quark jets at one loop. We discuss in detail the issue of double counting between soft and collinear regions. Finally, we verify our prescription by reproducing all NLP logarithms in Drell-Yan production up to NNLO, including those associated with double real emission. Our results constitute an important step in the development of a fully general resummation formalism for NLP threshold effects.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure
Non-abelian factorisation for next-to-leading-power threshold logarithms
non-abelian factorisation for next-to-leading-power threshold logarithms
collinear hadronic thresholds states. extending expansion. generalise factorisation abelian corrections. abelian radiative organising collinear enhancements jets loop. counting collinear regions. verify prescription reproducing logarithms drell nnlo emission. constitute resummation formalism pages
We construct a closed system of equations describing the quark--anti-quark potential at any coupling in planar N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. It is based on the Quantum Spectral Curve method supplemented with a novel type of asymptotics. We present a high precision numerical solution reproducing the classical and one-loop string predictions very accurately. We also analytically compute the first 7 nontrivial orders of the weak coupling expansion. Moreover, we study analytically the generalized quark--anti-quark potential in the limit of large imaginary twist to all orders in perturbation theory. We demonstrate how the QSC reduces in this case to a one-dimensional Schrodinger equation. In the process we establish a link between the Q-functions and the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor correcton
Quark--anti-quark potential in N=4 SYM
quark--anti-quark potential in n=4 sym
describing planar supersymmetric mills theory. supplemented asymptotics. precision reproducing accurately. analytically nontrivial orders expansion. analytically imaginary twist orders perturbation theory. reduces schrodinger equation. establish bethe salpeter pages minor correcton
We study bipartite post measurement entanglement entropy after selective measurements in quantum chains. We first study the quantity for the critical systems that can be described by conformal field theories. We find a connection between post measurement entanglement entropy and the Casimir energy of floating objects. Then we provide formulas for the post measurement entanglement entropy for open and finite temperature systems. We also comment on the Affleck-Ludwig boundary entropy in the context of the post measurement entanglement entropy. Finally, we also provide some formulas regarding modular hamiltonians and entanglement spectrum in the after measurement systems. After through discussion regarding CFT systems we also provide some predictions regarding massive field theories. We then discuss a generic method to calculate the post measurement entanglement entropy in the free fermion systems. Using the method we study the post measurement entanglement entropy in the XY spin chain. We check numerically the CFT and the massive field theory results in the transverse field Ising chain and the XX model. In particular, we study the post meaurement entanglement entropy in the infinite, periodic and open critical transverse field Ising chain and the critical XX model. The effect of the temperature and the gap is also discussed in these models.Comment: Published version: 71 pages, 36 figures. added new references
Entanglement entropy after selective measurements in quantum chains
entanglement entropy after selective measurements in quantum chains
bipartite entanglement selective chains. quantity conformal theories. connection entanglement casimir floating objects. formulas entanglement systems. comment affleck ludwig entanglement entropy. formulas modular hamiltonians entanglement systems. massive theories. generic entanglement fermion systems. entanglement chain. check numerically massive ising model. meaurement entanglement infinite ising model. pages figures.
We revisit AdS/CFT at finite radial cut-off, specifically in the context of double trace perturbations, $\mathbb{O}_n$= $\mathbb{O}(x) (\partial^2)^{n} {\mathcal O}(x)$, with arbitrary $n$. As well-known, the standard GKPW prescription, applied to a finite radial cut-off, leads to contact terms in correlators. de Haro et al (arXiv:hep-th/0002230) introduced bulk counterterms to remove these. However, this prescription yields additional terms in the correlator corresponding to spurious double trace deformations. Further, if we view GKPW prescription coupled with the prescription in arXiv:hep-th/0002230, in terms of a boundary wavefunction, we find that it is incompatible with radial Schrodinger evolution (in the spirit of holographic Wilsonian RG). We consider a more general wavefunction satisfying the Schrodinger equation, and find that generically such wavefunctions generate both (a) double trace deformations and (b) contact terms. However, we find that there exist special choices of these wavefunctions, amounting to a new AdS/CFT prescription at a finite cut-off, so that both (a) and (b) are removed and we obtain a pure power law behaviour for the correlator. We compare these special wavefunctions with a specific RG scheme in field theory. We give a geometric interpretation of these wavefunctions; these correspond to some specific smearing of boundary points in the Witten diagrams. We present a comprehensive calculation of exact double-trace beta-functions for all couplings $\mathbb{O}_n$ and match with a holographic computation using the method described above. The matching works with a mapping between the field theory and bulk couplings; such a map is highly constrained because the beta-functions are quadratic and exact on both sides. We generalize standard double-trace Wilson-Fisher flow to the space of the infinite number of couplings.Comment: 45+2 pages, 10 figures, typesetting errors correcte
Revisiting AdS/CFT at a finite radial cut-off
revisiting ads/cft at a finite radial cut-off
revisit trace perturbations mathbb mathbb mathcal gkpw prescription correlators. haro counterterms remove these. prescription correlator spurious trace deformations. gkpw prescription prescription wavefunction incompatible schrodinger spirit holographic wilsonian wavefunction satisfying schrodinger generically wavefunctions trace deformations terms. choices wavefunctions amounting prescription removed correlator. wavefunctions theory. geometric wavefunctions smearing witten diagrams. comprehensive trace beta couplings mathbb match holographic above. matching couplings constrained beta quadratic sides. generalize trace wilson fisher infinite pages typesetting correcte
We classify solutions to Einstein's equations in AdS with Ricci-flat boundary metric and with covariantly constant boundary stress tensor, which in general is not diagonalizable, i.e. it does not admit a reference frame. New solutions are found, and in the context of the AdS/CFT duality they should describe a boundary QFT in certain non-equilibrium steady states. Further imposing the absence of scalar curvature singularities leads to a subset of metrics that can be seen as null deformations of AdS or of the AdS soliton. We also outline the procedure of solving the equations when a scalar is coupled to the metric, which holographically leads to non-Lorentz-invariant RG flows.Comment: 30 pages; v2: two references added, typos corrected, some explanations improved; v.3: title changed, minor modifications of the abstract, improved introduction of secs. II and V, three references added, two typos corrected (published version
Classification of certain asymptotically AdS space-times with Ricci-flat boundary
classification of certain asymptotically ads space-times with ricci-flat boundary
classify einstein ricci covariantly diagonalizable i.e. admit frame. duality steady states. imposing curvature singularities metrics deformations soliton. outline solving holographically lorentz pages typos corrected explanations title changed minor modifications secs. typos corrected
As a cold dark matter candidate, the QCD axion may form Bose-Einstein condensates, called axion stars, with masses around $10^{-11}\,M_{\odot}$. In this paper, we point out that a brand new astrophysical object, a Hydrogen Axion Star (HAS), may well be formed by ordinary baryonic matter becoming gravitationally bound to an axion star. We study the properties of the HAS and find that the hydrogen cloud has a high pressure and temperature in the center and is likely in the liquid metallic hydrogen state. Because of the high particle number densities for both the axion star and the hydrogen cloud, the feeble interaction between axion and hydrogen can still generate enough internal power, around $10^{13}~\mbox{W}\times(m_a/5~\mbox{meV})^4$, to make these objects luminous point sources. High resolution ultraviolet, optical and infrared telescopes can discover HAS via black-body radiation.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure
Hydrogen Axion Star: Metallic Hydrogen Bound to a QCD Axion BEC
hydrogen axion star: metallic hydrogen bound to a qcd axion bec
cold candidate axion bose einstein condensates axion odot brand astrophysical axion ordinary baryonic becoming gravitationally axion star. metallic state. densities axion feeble axion mbox mbox luminous sources. ultraviolet infrared telescopes discover pages
We investigate dark matter in a constrained $E_6$ inspired supersymmetric model with an exact custodial symmetry and compare with the CMSSM. The breakdown of $E_6$ leads to an additional $U(1)_N$ symmetry and a discrete matter parity. The custodial and matter symmetries imply there are two stable dark matter candidates, though one may be extremely light and contribute negligibly to the relic density. We demonstrate that a predominantly Higgsino, or mixed bino-Higgsino, neutralino can account for all of the relic abundance of dark matter, while fitting a 125 GeV SM-like Higgs and evading LHC limits on new states. However we show that the recent LUX 2016 limit on direct detection places severe constraints on the mixed bino-Higgsino scenarios that explain all of the dark matter. Nonetheless we still reveal interesting scenarios where the gluino, neutralino and chargino are light and discoverable at the LHC, but the full relic abundance is not accounted for. At the same time we also show that there is a huge volume of parameter space, with a predominantly Higgsino dark matter candidate that explains all the relic abundance, that will be discoverable with XENON1T. Finally we demonstrate that for the $E_6$ inspired model the exotic leptoquarks could still be light and within range of future LHC searches.Comment: 51 pages + 1 appendix, 10 figures, 2 tables; typos corrected and references added; matches version accepted for publication in JHE
Dark Matter in a Constrained $E_6$ Inspired SUSY Model
dark matter in a constrained $e_6$ inspired susy model
constrained inspired supersymmetric custodial cmssm. breakdown parity. custodial symmetries imply candidates extremely negligibly relic density. predominantly higgsino bino higgsino neutralino relic abundance fitting evading states. places bino higgsino scenarios matter. nonetheless reveal scenarios gluino neutralino chargino discoverable relic abundance accounted for. huge predominantly higgsino candidate explains relic abundance discoverable xenon inspired exotic leptoquarks pages tables typos corrected matches publication
We prove R\'enyi entropic inequalities in a holographic setup based on the recent proposal for the holographic formula of R\'enyi entropies when the bulk is stable against any perturbation. Regarding the R\'enyi parameter as an inverse temperature, we reformulate the entropies in analogy with statistical mechanics, which provides us a concise interpretation of the inequalities as the positivities of entropy, energy and heat capacity. This analogy also makes clear a thermodynamic structure in deriving the holographic formula. As a by-product of the proof we obtain a holographic formula to calculate the quantum fluctuation of the modular Hamiltonian. A few examples of the capacity of entanglement are examined in detail.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; v3: references added, our assumption for the proof clarifie
A Holographic Proof of R\'enyi Entropic Inequalities
a holographic proof of r\'enyi entropic inequalities
enyi entropic inequalities holographic setup proposal holographic enyi entropies perturbation. enyi reformulate entropies analogy mechanics concise inequalities positivities capacity. analogy thermodynamic deriving holographic formula. holographic fluctuation modular hamiltonian. entanglement pages clarifie
Delta(54) can serve as a flavor symmetry in particle physics, but remains almost unexplored. We show that in a classification of semi-realistic Z3xZ3 heterotic string orbifolds, Delta(54) turns out to be the most natural flavor symmetry, providing additional motivation for its study. We revisit its phenomenological potential from a low-energy perspective and subject to the constraints of string models. We find a model with Delta(54) arising from heterotic orbifolds that leads to the Gatto-Sartori-Tonin relation for quarks and charged-leptons. Additionally, in the neutrino sector, it leads to a normal hierarchy for neutrino masses and a correlation between the reactor and the atmospheric mixing angles, the latter taking values in the second octant and being compatible at three sigmas with experimental data.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures; v2: fig. and appendix added, matches the version published in JHE
Delta(54) flavor phenomenology and strings
delta(54) flavor phenomenology and strings
delta serve flavor unexplored. realistic heterotic orbifolds delta turns flavor motivation study. revisit phenomenological perspective models. delta arising heterotic orbifolds gatto sartori tonin quarks leptons. additionally hierarchy reactor angles octant compatible sigmas pages fig. matches
We present expressions for the kinematic endpoints of 5-body cascade decay chains proceeding through all possible combinations of 2-body and 3-body decays, with one stable invisible particle in the final decay stage. When an invariant mass can be formed in multiple ways by choosing different final state particles from a common vertex, we introduce techniques for finding the sub-leading endpoints for all indistinguishable versions of the invariant mass. In contrast to short decay chains, where sub-leading endpoints are linearly related to the leading endpoints, we find that in 5-body decays, they provide additional independent constraints on the mass spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, 4 table
Ordered Kinematic Endpoints for 5-body Cascade Decays
ordered kinematic endpoints for 5-body cascade decays
expressions kinematic endpoints cascade chains proceeding combinations decays invisible stage. ways choosing endpoints indistinguishable versions mass. chains endpoints linearly endpoints decays pages
We present state-of-the art predictions for the production of supersymmetric squarks and gluinos at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), including soft-gluon resummation up to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy, the resummation of Coulomb corrections and the contribution from bound states. The NNLL corrections enhance the cross-section predictions and reduce the scale uncertainty to a level of 5-10%. The NNLL resummed cross-section predictions can be obtained from the computer code NNLL-fast, which also provides the scale uncertainty and the pdf and alpha_s error.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure
NNLL-fast: predictions for coloured supersymmetric particle production at the LHC with threshold and Coulomb resummation
nnll-fast: predictions for coloured supersymmetric particle production at the lhc with threshold and coulomb resummation
supersymmetric squarks gluinos hadron collider gluon resummation logarithmic nnll resummation coulomb states. nnll enhance nnll resummed nnll alpha pages
The dynamical commutators of the light-front Poincar\'e algebra yield first order differential equations in the $p^+$ momenta for the interaction vertex operators. The homogeneous solution to the equation for the quartic vertex is studied. Consequences as regards the constructibility assumption of quartic higher spin amplitudes from cubic amplitudes are discussed. The existence of quartic contact interactions unrelated to cubic interactions by Poincar\'e symmetry indicates that the higher spin S-matrix is not constructible. Thus quartic amplitude based no-go results derived by BCFW recursion for Minkowski higher spin massless fields may be circumvented.Comment: 28 pages. Small change of title (one instance of the word "quartic" removed) Minor corrections. Typos corrected. References adde
Investigations into Light-front Quartic Interactions for Massless Fields (I): Non-constructibility of Higher Spin Quartic Amplitudes
investigations into light-front quartic interactions for massless fields (i): non-constructibility of higher spin quartic amplitudes
commutators front poincar momenta operators. homogeneous quartic studied. consequences regards constructibility quartic amplitudes cubic amplitudes discussed. quartic unrelated cubic poincar constructible. quartic bcfw recursion minkowski massless pages. title word quartic removed minor corrections. typos corrected. adde
We present results from a state-of-the-art fit of electroweak precision observables and Higgs-boson signal-strength measurements performed using 7 and 8 TeV data from the Large Hadron Collider. Based on the HEPfit package, our study updates the traditional fit of electroweak precision observables and extends it to include Higgs-boson measurements. As a result we obtain constraints on new physics corrections to both electroweak observables and Higgs-boson couplings. We present the projected accuracy of the fit taking into account the expected sensitivities at future colliders.Comment: 34 pages, 30 figures, 23 table
Electroweak precision observables and Higgs-boson signal strengths in the Standard Model and beyond: present and future
electroweak precision observables and higgs-boson signal strengths in the standard model and beyond: present and future
electroweak precision observables boson hadron collider. hepfit package updates traditional electroweak precision observables extends boson measurements. electroweak observables boson couplings. projected sensitivities pages
Within the context of AdS/CFT, the gravity dual of an s-wave superfluid is given by scalar QED on an asymptotically AdS spacetime. While this conclusion is vastly supported by numerical arguments, here we provide an analytical proof that this is indeed the case. Working at zero temperature, we explicitly find the quadratic action for the superfluid phonon at the boundary in an arbitrary number of dimensions and for an arbitrary scalar field potential, recovering the known dispersion relation for conformal first sound.Comment: 14 pages. Extended discussions in sections 3 and
First Sound in Holographic Superfluids at Zero Temperature
first sound in holographic superfluids at zero temperature
superfluid asymptotically spacetime. vastly arguments case. explicitly quadratic superfluid phonon recovering conformal pages. discussions
We demonstrate that Chromo-Natural Inflation can be made consistent with observational data if the SU(2) gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken. Working in the Stueckelberg limit, we show that isocurvature is negligible, and the resulting adiabatic fluctuations can match current observational constraints. Observable levels of chirally-polarized gravitational radiation ($r\sim 10^{-3}$) can be produced while the evolution of all background fields is sub-Planckian. The gravitational wave spectrum is amplified via linear mixing with the gauge field fluctuations, and its amplitude is not simply set by the Hubble rate during inflation. This allows observable gravitational waves to be produced for an inflationary energy scale below the GUT scale. The tilt of the resulting gravitational wave spectrum can be either blue or red.Comment: 34 +12 pages, 9 figure
Higgsed Chromo-Natural Inflation
higgsed chromo-natural inflation
chromo inflation observational spontaneously broken. stueckelberg isocurvature negligible adiabatic match observational constraints. observable chirally polarized gravitational planckian. gravitational amplified hubble inflation. observable gravitational inflationary scale. tilt gravitational pages
In entanglement computations for a free scalar field with coupling to background curvature, there is a boundary term in the modular Hamiltonian which must be correctly specified in order to get sensible results. We focus here on the entanglement in flat space across a planar interface and (in the case of conformal coupling) other geometries related to this one by Weyl rescaling of the metric. For these "half-space entanglement" computations, we give a new derivation of the boundary term and revisit how it clears up a number of puzzles in the literature, including mass corrections and twist operator dimensions. We also discuss how related boundary terms may show up in other field theories.Comment: 34 + 7 pages, 8 figures, v2: references added, typos corrected, v3: minor change
The Edge of Entanglement: Getting the Boundary Right for Non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Fields
the edge of entanglement: getting the boundary right for non-minimally coupled scalar fields
entanglement computations curvature modular correctly specified sensible results. entanglement planar conformal geometries weyl rescaling metric. entanglement computations derivation revisit clears puzzles twist dimensions. pages typos corrected minor
Warped string compactifications are central to many attempts to stabilize moduli and connect string theory with cosmology and particle phenomenology. We present a first-principles derivation of the low-energy 4D effective theory from dimensional reduction of a D3-brane in a warped Calabi-Yau compactification of type IIB string theory with imaginary self-dual 3-form flux, including effects of D3-brane motion beyond the probe approximation, and find the metric on the moduli space of brane positions, the universal volume modulus, and axions descending from the 4-form potential. As D3-branes may be considered as carrying either electric or magnetic charges for the self-dual 5-form field strength, we present calculations in both duality frames. Our results are consistent with, but extend significantly, earlier results on the low-energy effective theory arising from D3-branes in string compactifications.Comment: 37 pp + appendices; v2. typographical fixes, clarified section 4.2.3; v3. minor edits, added clarification
Dimensional Reduction for D3-brane Moduli
dimensional reduction for d3-brane moduli
warped compactifications attempts stabilize moduli connect cosmology phenomenology. principles derivation brane warped calabi compactification imaginary brane moduli brane universal modulus axions descending potential. branes carrying charges duality frames. extend arising branes appendices typographical fixes clarified minor edits clarification