3 values
We consider back-reaction by non-supersymmetric D7/anti-D7 probe branes in the Kuperstein-Sonnenschein model at finite temperature. Using the smearing technique, we obtain an analytical solution for the back-reacted background to leading order in N_f/N_c. This back-reaction explicitly breaks the conformal invariance and introduces a dimension 6 operator in the dual field theory which is an irrelevant deformation of the original conformal field theory. We further probe this back-reacted background by introducing an additional set of probe brane/anti-brane. This additional probe sector undergoes a chiral phase transition at finite temperature, which is absent when the back-reaction vanishes. We investigate the corresponding phase diagram and the thermodynamics associated with this phase transition. We also argue that additional probes do not suffer from any instability caused by the back-reaction, which suggests that this system is stable beyond the probe limit.Comment: 56 pages, 8 figures. References updated, improved discussion on dimension eight operato
Back-reaction of Non-supersymmetric Probes: Phase Transition and Stability
back-reaction of non-supersymmetric probes: phase transition and stability
supersymmetric branes kuperstein sonnenschein temperature. smearing reacted explicitly breaks conformal invariance introduces irrelevant deformation conformal theory. reacted introducing brane brane. undergoes chiral absent vanishes. thermodynamics transition. argue probes suffer instability pages figures. updated eight operato
We construct tachyon vacuum and half-brane solutions, using an extension of KBc algebra, in the theory around a type of identity-based marginal solutions in modified cubic superstring field theory. With explicit computations, we find that their vacuum energies are the same as those of corresponding solutions around the original theory. It implies that the vacuum energy for the identity-based marginal solution vanishes although straightforward computation of it is subtle. We also evaluate the gauge invariant overlaps for those nontrivial solutions. The values for them are deformed according to the marginal solution in the same way as the case of bosonic string field theory.Comment: 23 pages; v2:minor correction
On Nontrivial Solutions around a Marginal Solution in Cubic Superstring Field Theory
on nontrivial solutions around a marginal solution in cubic superstring field theory
tachyon brane marginal cubic superstring theory. computations theory. marginal vanishes straightforward subtle. overlaps nontrivial solutions. deformed marginal bosonic pages minor
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012.12 (2012): 072 reproduced by permission of Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMA measurement of B0 s → J /ψφ decay parameters, including the CP -violating weak phase φ s and the decay width difference ΔΓ s is reported, using 4.9 fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected in 2011 by the ATLAS detector from LHC pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy √s = 7 TeV. The mean decay width Γs and the transversity amplitudes |A 0(0)|2 and |AІІ(0)|2 are also measured. The values reported for these parameters are: φs = 0.22 ± 0.41 (stat) ± 0.10 (syst) rad} ΔΓ s = 0.053 ± 0.021 (stat) ± 0.010 (syst) ps-1 Γ s = 0.677 ± 0.007 (stat) ± 0.004 (syst) ps-1 |A0(0)|2 = 0.528 ± 0.006 (stat) ± 0.009 (syst) |AІІ(0)|2 = 0.220 ± 0.008 (stat) ± 0.007 (syst) where the values quoted for φ s and ΔΓ s correspond to the solution compatible with the external measurements to which the strong phase δ⊥ is constrained and where ΔΓ s is constrained to be positive. The fraction of S-wave KK or f 0 contamination through the decays B0 s→ J /ψK + K- (f0) is measured as well and is found to be consistent with zero. Results for φ s and ΔΓ s are also presented as 68%, 90% and 95% likelihood contours, which show agreement with Standard Model expectation
Time-dependent angular analysis of the decay B0 s → J / ψ φ and extraction of ΔΓ s and the CP-violating weak phase φ s by ATLAS
time-dependent angular analysis of the decay b0 s → j / ψ φ and extraction of δγ s and the cp-violating weak phase φ s by atlas
reproduced permission scuola internazionale superiore studi avanzati sissa artículo escrito elevado número autores solo referencian aparece primer lugar nombre grupo colaboración hubiere autores pertenecientes uama violating luminosity atlas collisions tev. transversity amplitudes measured. stat syst stat syst stat syst stat syst stat syst quoted compatible constrained constrained positive. contamination decays zero. likelihood contours expectation
We study the ground-state octet baryon masses and sigma terms using the covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) with the extended-on-mass-shell (EOMS) renormalization scheme up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N$^3$LO). By adjusting the available 19 low-energy constants (LECs), a reasonable fit of the $n_f=2+1$ lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) results from the PACS-CS, LHPC, HSC, QCDSF-UKQCD and NPLQCD collaborations is achieved. Finite-volume corrections to the lattice data are calculated self-consistently. Our study shows that N$^3$LO BChPT describes better the light quark mass evolution of the lattice data than the NNLO BChPT does and the various lattice simulations seem to be consistent with each other. We also predict the pion and strangeness sigma terms of the octet baryons using the LECs determined in the fit of their masses. The predicted pion- and strangeness-nucleon sigma terms are $\sigma_{\pi N}=43(1)(6)$ MeV and $\sigma_{s N}=126(24)(54)$ MeV, respectively.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, minor revisions, typos corrected, version to appear in JHE
Octet baryon masses in next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory
octet baryon masses in next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory
octet baryon sigma covariant baryon chiral perturbation chpt eoms renormalization adjusting lecs reasonable chromodynamics lqcd pacs lhpc qcdsf ukqcd nplqcd collaborations achieved. consistently. bchpt describes nnlo bchpt seem other. predict pion strangeness sigma octet baryons lecs masses. pion strangeness nucleon sigma sigma sigma pages minor revisions typos corrected
Motivated by the recent Kitaev's K-theory analysis of topological insulators and superconductors, we adopt the same framework to study the topological phase structure of Jackiw-Rebbi model in 3+1 dimensions. According to the K-theory analysis based on the properties of the charge conjugation and time reversal symmetries, we classify the topological phases of the model. In particular, we find that there exist $\mathbf{Z}$ Majorana zero-modes hosted by the hedgehogs/t'Hooft-Polyakov monopoles, if the model has a $T^2=1$ time reversal symmetry. Guided by the K-theory results, we then explicitly show that a single Majorana zero mode solution exists for the SU(2) doublet fermions in some co-dimensional one planes of the mass parameter space. It turns out we can see the existence of none or a single zero mode when the fermion doublet is only two. We then take a step further to consider four-fermion case and find there can be zero, one or two normalizable zero mode in some particular choices of mass matrices. Our results also indicate that a single normalizable Majorana zero mode can be compatible with the cancellation of SU(2) Witten anomaly.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures; v2, typos correcte
Majorana Zero-modes and Topological Phases of Multi-flavored Jackiw-Rebbi model
majorana zero-modes and topological phases of multi-flavored jackiw-rebbi model
motivated kitaev topological insulators superconductors adopt topological jackiw rebbi dimensions. conjugation reversal symmetries classify topological model. mathbf majorana hosted hedgehogs hooft polyakov monopoles reversal symmetry. guided explicitly majorana doublet fermions planes space. turns none fermion doublet two. fermion normalizable choices matrices. normalizable majorana compatible cancellation witten pages typos correcte
In this paper we consider axisymmetric black holes in supergravity and address the general issue of defining a first order description for them. The natural setting where to formulate the problem is the De Donder-Weyl-Hamilton-Jacobi theory associated with the effective two-dimensional sigma-model action describing the axisymmetric solutions. We write the general form of the two functions S_m defining the first-order equations for the fields. It is invariant under the global symmetry group G_(3) of the sigma-model. We also discuss the general properties of the solutions with respect to these global symmetries, showing that they can be encoded in two constant matrices belonging to the Lie algebra of G_(3), one being the Noether matrix of the sigma model, while the other is non-zero only for rotating solutions. These two matrices allow a G_(3)-invariant characterization of the rotational properties of the solution and of the extremality condition. We also comment on extremal, under-rotating solutions from this point of view.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX sourc
Rotating black holes, global symmetry and first order formalism
rotating black holes, global symmetry and first order formalism
axisymmetric holes supergravity defining them. formulate donder weyl hamilton jacobi sigma describing axisymmetric solutions. defining fields. sigma model. symmetries encoded belonging noether sigma rotating solutions. rotational extremality condition. comment extremal rotating pages latex sourc
The first two non-trivial moments of the distribution of the topological charge (or gluonic winding number), i.e., the topological susceptibility and the fourth cumulant, can be computed in lattice QCD simulations and exploited to constrain the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking. We compute these two topological observables at next-to-leading order in three-flavour Chiral Perturbation Theory, and we discuss the role played by the eta propagation in these expressions. For hierarchies of light-quark masses close to the physical situation, we show that the fourth cumulant has a much better sensitivity than the topological susceptibility to the three-flavour quark condensate, and thus constitutes a relevant tool to determine the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking in the limit of three massless flavours. We provide the complete formulae for the two topological observables in the isospin limit, and predict their values in the particular setting of the recent analysis of the RBC/UKQCD collaboration. We show that a combination of the topological susceptibility and the fourth cumulant is able to pin down the three-flavour condensate in a particularly clean way in the case of three degenerate quarks.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in EPJ
Determining the chiral condensate from the distribution of the winding number beyond topological susceptibility
determining the chiral condensate from the distribution of the winding number beyond topological susceptibility
trivial moments topological gluonic winding i.e. topological susceptibility fourth cumulant exploited constrain chiral breaking. topological observables flavour chiral perturbation played propagation expressions. hierarchies fourth cumulant topological susceptibility flavour condensate constitutes chiral breaking massless flavours. formulae topological observables isospin predict ukqcd collaboration. topological susceptibility fourth cumulant flavour condensate clean degenerate pages figures. publication
We introduce a new wall-crossing formula which combines and generalizes the Cecotti-Vafa and Kontsevich-Soibelman formulas for supersymmetric 2d and 4d systems respectively. This 2d-4d wall-crossing formula governs the wall-crossing of BPS states in an N=2 supersymmetric 4d gauge theory coupled to a supersymmetric surface defect. When the theory and defect are compactified on a circle, we get a 3d theory with a supersymmetric line operator, corresponding to a hyperholomorphic connection on a vector bundle over a hyperkahler space. The 2d-4d wall-crossing formula can be interpreted as a smoothness condition for this hyperholomorphic connection. We explain how the 2d-4d BPS spectrum can be determined for 4d theories of class S, that is, for those theories obtained by compactifying the six-dimensional (0,2) theory with a partial topological twist on a punctured Riemann surface C. For such theories there are canonical surface defects. We illustrate with several examples in the case of A_1 theories of class S. Finally, we indicate how our results can be used to produce solutions to the A_1 Hitchin equations on the Riemann surface C.Comment: 170 pages, 45 figure
Wall-Crossing in Coupled 2d-4d Systems
wall-crossing in coupled 2d-4d systems
crossing combines generalizes cecotti vafa kontsevich soibelman formulas supersymmetric respectively. crossing governs crossing supersymmetric supersymmetric defect. defect compactified circle supersymmetric hyperholomorphic connection bundle hyperkahler space. crossing interpreted smoothness hyperholomorphic connection. compactifying topological twist punctured riemann canonical defects. illustrate hitchin riemann pages
We revisit the study of confining vacua in the softly broken N=2 supersymmetric QCD, in the light of some recent developments in our understanding of the dynamics of N=2 gauge theories. These vacua are characterized by an effective magnetic $SU(r)$ gauge group ($0\leq r\leq N_f/2$) and are referred to sometimes as the $r$ vacua. We further clarify the meaning of $r \leftrightarrow N_{f}-r$ duality arising from the matching of semi-classical and quantum vacua. A particular attention is paid to certain singular SCFT's of N=2 SQCD, driven into confinement phase by the adjoint mass deformation $\mu\, \Phi^{2}$. In some cases they occur as a result of coalescence of different $r$ vacua as the bare mass is tuned to a critical value.Comment: 27 page
Singular SQCD Vacua and Confinement
singular sqcd vacua and confinement
revisit confining vacua softly broken supersymmetric developments theories. vacua referred sometimes vacua. clarify meaning leftrightarrow duality arising matching vacua. paid singular scft sqcd confinement adjoint deformation coalescence vacua bare tuned
We compute the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) soft and virtual QCD corrections for the partonic cross section of colourless-final state processes in hadronic collisions. The results are valid to all orders in the dimensional regularization parameter $\ep$. The dependence of the results on a particular process is given through finite contributions to the one and two-loop amplitudes. To evaluate the accuracy of the soft-virtual approximation we compare it with the full NNLO result for Drell-Yan and Higgs boson production via gluon fusion. We also provide a universal expression for the hard coefficient needed to perform threshold resummation up to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure
A next-to-next-to-leading order calculation of soft-virtual cross sections
a next-to-next-to-leading order calculation of soft-virtual cross sections
nnlo virtual partonic colourless hadronic collisions. valid orders regularization amplitudes. virtual nnlo drell boson gluon fusion. universal resummation logarithmic nnll pages
We study N=2 supergravity deformed by a genuine supersymmetric completion of the $\lambda R^4$ term, using the underlying off shell N=2 superconformal framework. The gauge-fixed superconformal model has unbroken local supersymmetry of N=2 supergravity with higher derivative deformation. Elimination of auxiliary fields leads to the deformation of the supersymmetry rules as well as to the deformation of the action, which becomes a Born-Infeld with higher derivative type action. We find that the gravitino supersymmetry deformation starts from $\lambda \, \pa^4 {\cal F}^3$ and has higher graviphoton couplings. In the action there are terms $\lambda^2 \pa^8 {\cal F}^{6}$ and higher, in addition to original on shell counterterm deformation. These deformations are absent in the on shell superspace and in the candidate on shell counterterms of N=4,~8 supergravities, truncated down to N=2. We conclude therefore that the undeformed on shell superspace candidate counterterms break the N=2 part of local supersymmetry.Comment: 20 pages, 3 tables. Acknowledgments added. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1010.2150 by other author
N=2 Supergravity Counterterms, Off and On Shell
n=2 supergravity counterterms, off and on shell
supergravity deformed genuine supersymmetric completion lambda superconformal framework. superconformal unbroken supersymmetry supergravity deformation. elimination auxiliary deformation supersymmetry deformation born infeld action. gravitino supersymmetry deformation starts lambda graviphoton couplings. lambda counterterm deformation. deformations absent superspace candidate counterterms supergravities truncated undeformed superspace candidate counterterms break pages tables. acknowledgments added. admin overlap
We compute the correlation functions of 3 and 4 stress energy tensors $(T)$ in D=3 in free field theories of scalars, abelian gauge fields, and fermions, which are relevant in the analysis of cosmological non-gaussianities. These correlators appear in the holographic expressions of the scalar and tensor perturbations derived for holographic cosmological models. The result is simply adapted to describe the leading contributions in the gauge coupling to the same correlators also for a non abelian SU(N) gauge theory. In the case of the bispectrum, our results are mapped and shown to be in full agreement with the corresponding expressions given in a recent holographic study by Bzowski, McFadden and Skenderis. In the 4-T case we present the completely traced amplitude plus all the contact terms. These are expected to appear in a fourth order extension of the holographic formulas for the 4-point functions of scalar metric perturbations.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure
Three and Four Point Functions of Stress Energy Tensors in D=3 for the Analysis of Cosmological Non-Gaussianities
three and four point functions of stress energy tensors in d=3 for the analysis of cosmological non-gaussianities
tensors scalars abelian fermions cosmological gaussianities. correlators holographic expressions perturbations holographic cosmological models. adapted correlators abelian theory. bispectrum mapped expressions holographic bzowski mcfadden skenderis. traced terms. fourth holographic formulas pages
We generalize Regge theory to correlation functions in conformal field theories. This is done by exploring the analogy between Mellin amplitudes in AdS/CFT and S-matrix elements. In the process, we develop the conformal partial wave expansion in Mellin space, elucidating the analytic structure of the partial amplitudes. We apply the new formalism to the case of four point correlation functions between protected scalar operators in N=4 Super Yang Mills, in cases where the Regge limit is controlled by the leading twist operators associated to the pomeron-graviton Regge trajectory. At weak coupling, we are able to predict to arbitrary high order in the 't Hooft coupling the behaviour near J=1 of the OPE coefficients C_{OOJ} between the external scalars and the spin J leading twist operators. At strong coupling, we use recent results for the anomalous dimension of the leading twist operators to improve current knowledge of the AdS graviton Regge trajectory - in particular, determining the next and next to next leading order corrections to the intercept. Finally, by taking the flat space limit and considering the Virasoro-Shapiro S-matrix element, we compute the strong coupling limit of the OPE coefficient C_{LLJ} between two Lagrangians and the leading twist operators of spin J.Comment: 27 + 24 pages, 7 figures; v2 Typos corrected, references added; v3 Typo corrected; v4 Typos corrected, references adde
Conformal Regge theory
conformal regge theory
generalize regge conformal theories. exploring analogy mellin amplitudes elements. conformal mellin elucidating analytic amplitudes. formalism protected super mills regge twist pomeron graviton regge trajectory. predict hooft scalars twist operators. anomalous twist graviton regge trajectory determining intercept. virasoro shapiro lagrangians twist pages typos corrected typo corrected typos corrected adde
It is argued that string theory on the Euclidean version of the Schwarzschild black hole -- the cigar geometry -- admits a zero mode that is localized at the tip of the cigar. The presence of this mode implies that in string theory, unlike in general relativity, the tip of the cigar is a special region. This is in tension with the Euclidean version of the black hole complementarity principle. We provide some qualitative arguments that link between this zero mode and the origin of the black hole entropy and firewall at the horizon.Comment: 8 page
String Theory Versus Black Hole Complementarity
string theory versus black hole complementarity
argued euclidean schwarzschild cigar admits localized cigar. unlike relativity cigar region. tension euclidean complementarity principle. qualitative arguments firewall
Leading 't Hooft coupling corrections to the photoemission rate of the planar limit of a strongly-coupled {\cal {N}}=4 SYM plasma are investigated using the gauge/string duality. We consider the full order \alpha'^3 type IIB string theory corrections to the supergravity action, including higher order terms with the Ramond-Ramond five-form field strength. We extend our previous results presented in arXiv:1110.0526. Photoemission rates depend on the 't Hooft coupling, and their curves suggest an interpolating behaviour from strong towards weak coupling regimes. Their slopes at zero light-like momentum give the electrical conductivity as a function of the 't Hooft coupling, in full agreement with our previous results of arXiv:1108.6306. Furthermore, we also study the effect of corrections beyond the large N limit.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, paragraph added in the conclusions, references added, typos correcte
Plasma photoemission from string theory
plasma photoemission from string theory
hooft photoemission planar duality. alpha supergravity ramond ramond strength. extend photoemission hooft interpolating regimes. slopes electrical conductivity hooft pages paragraph typos correcte
Models of neutrino mass which attempt to describe the observed lepton mixing pattern are typically based on discrete family symmetries with a non-Abelian and one or more Abelian factors. The latter so-called shaping symmetries are imposed in order to yield a realistic phenomenology by forbidding unwanted operators. Here we propose a supersymmetric model of neutrino flavor which is based on the group T7 and does not require extra Z_N or U(1) factors, which makes it the smallest realistic family symmetry that has been considered so far. At leading order, the model predicts tribimaximal mixing which arises completely accidentally from a combination of the T7 Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and suitable flavon alignments. Next-to-leading order (NLO) operators break the simple tribimaximal structure and render the model compatible with the recent results of the Daya Bay and Reno collaborations which have measured a reactor angle of around 9 degrees. Problematic NLO deviations of the other two mixing angles can be controlled in an ultraviolet completion of the model
A Minimal Model of Neutrino Flavor
a minimal model of neutrino flavor
attempt lepton symmetries abelian abelian factors. shaping symmetries imposed realistic phenomenology forbidding unwanted operators. propose supersymmetric flavor extra smallest realistic far. predicts tribimaximal arises accidentally clebsch gordan flavon alignments. break tribimaximal render compatible daya reno collaborations reactor degrees. problematic deviations angles ultraviolet completion
The electric dipole form factors and moments of the ground state baryons are calculated in chiral perturbation theory at next-to-leading order. We show that the baryon electric dipole form factors at this order depend only on two combinations of low-energy constants. We also derive various relations that are free of unknown low-energy constants. We use recent lattice QCD data to calculate all baryon EDMs. In particular, we find d_n = -2.9\pm 0.9 and d_p = 1.1\pm 1.1 in units of 10^{-16} e \theta_0 cm. Finite volume corrections to the moments are also worked out. We show that for a precision extraction from lattice QCD data, the next-to-leading order terms have to be accounted for
Baryon electric dipole moments from strong CP violation
baryon electric dipole moments from strong cp violation
dipole moments baryons chiral perturbation order. baryon dipole combinations constants. derive unknown constants. baryon edms. theta moments worked out. precision extraction accounted
We compute the boundary stress tensor associated with Mann-Marolf counterterm in asymptotic flat and static spacetime for cylindrical boundary surface as $r \rightarrow \infty$, and find that the form of the boundary stress tensor is the same as the hyperbolic boundary case in 4 dimensions, but has additional terms in higher than 4 dimensions. We find that these additional terms are impotent and do not contribute to conserved charges. We also check the conservation of the boundary stress tensor in a sense that $\mathcal{D}^a T_{ab} = 0$, and apply our result to the ($n+3$)-dimensional static black hole solution. As a result, we show that the stress boundary tensor with Mann-Marolf counterterm works well in standard boundary surfaces.Comment: 27 page
Holographic Renormalization of Asymptotically Flat Gravity
holographic renormalization of asymptotically flat gravity
mann marolf counterterm asymptotic spacetime cylindrical rightarrow infty hyperbolic dimensions. impotent conserved charges. check conservation mathcal solution. mann marolf counterterm
We consider Abelian M5 brane on a six-manifold which we take as a circle bundle over a five-manifold $M$. We compute the zero mode part of the M5 brane partition function using Chern-Simons theory and Hamiltonian formulation respectively and find an agreement. We also show that the D4 brane on $M$ shares exactly the same zero mode partition function again using the Hamiltonian formulation. For the oscillator modes we find that KK modes associated with the circle compactification are missing from the D4 brane. By making an infinitesimal noncommutative deformation we have instanton threshold bound states. We explicitly compute the instanton partition function up to instanton charge three, and show a perfect match with a corresponding contribution inside the M5 brane partition function, thus providing a very strong supporting evidence that D4 brane is identical with M5 brane which extends beyond the BPS sector. We comment on the modular properties of the M5 brane partition function when compactified on $T^2$ times a four-manifold. We briefly discuss a case of a singular fibration.Comment: 55 page
M5/D4 brane partition function on a circle bundle
m5/d4 brane partition function on a circle bundle
abelian brane manifold circle bundle manifold brane partition chern simons formulation agreement. brane shares partition formulation. oscillator circle compactification missing brane. infinitesimal noncommutative deformation instanton states. explicitly instanton partition instanton perfect match brane partition supporting brane brane extends sector. comment modular brane partition compactified manifold. briefly singular
We consider the application of the DRA method to the case of several master integrals in a given sector. We establish a connection between the homogeneous part of dimensional recurrence and maximal unitarity cuts of the corresponding integrals: a maximally cut master integral appears to be a solution of the homogeneous part of the dimensional recurrence relation. This observation allows us to make a necessary step of the DRA method, the construction of the general solution of the homogeneous equation, which, in this case, is a coupled system of difference equations.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure
The Dimensional Recurrence and Analyticity Method for Multicomponent Master Integrals: Using Unitarity Cuts to Construct Homogeneous Solutions
the dimensional recurrence and analyticity method for multicomponent master integrals: using unitarity cuts to construct homogeneous solutions
master integrals sector. establish connection homogeneous recurrence maximal unitarity cuts integrals maximally master homogeneous recurrence relation. homogeneous pages
The mass of the top quark is measured using a sample of t̄t candidate events with one electron or muon and at least four jets in the final state, collected by CMS in pp collisions at √s =7 TeV at the LHC. A total of 5174 candidate events is selected from data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb-1. For each event the mass is reconstructed from a kinematic fit of the decay products to a t̄t hypothesis. The top-quark mass is determined simultaneously with the jet energy scale (JES), constrained by the known mass of the W boson in q̄q decays, to be 173.49 ± 0.43 (stat. + JES) ±0.98 (syst.) GeV. © 2012 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, and Turkish Atomic Energy Authorit
Measurement of the top-quark mass in t̄t events with lepton+jets final states in pp collisions at √s =7 TeV
measurement of the top-quark mass in t̄t events with lepton+jets final states in pp collisions at √s =7 tev
candidate muon jets collisions lhc. candidate luminosity reconstructed kinematic hypothesis. simultaneously constrained boson decays stat. syst. gev. cern benefit collaboration.the council turkey turkish authorit
We perform an exhaustive classification of G_2 invariant extrema of the most general gauged N=8 supergravity in four dimensions. They comprise four branches of Anti-de Sitter solutions labelled by a single parameter. Interestingly, while the gauge groups vary with the parameters, the mass spectra are invariant. One of these is a new non-supersymmetric yet stable point. Our analysis includes the recently proposed family of SO(8) gauged supergravities and more.Comment: 5 pages. v2: extended discussion of vector masses and gauge groups and refs adde
All G_2 invariant critical points of maximal supergravity
all g_2 invariant critical points of maximal supergravity
exhaustive extrema gauged supergravity dimensions. comprise branches sitter labelled parameter. interestingly vary invariant. supersymmetric point. gauged supergravities pages. refs adde
We present a complete, calculable, and phenomenologically viable model of dynamical supersymmetry breaking. The model is a simple extension of the so called 3- 2 model, with gauge group SU(3) × SU(2) × GSM and the MSSM fields directly coupled to the hidden sector SU(2) vector fields. Sfermion masses are universal, thus solving the supersymmetric flavour problem, and gaugino masses are not suppressed, in fact they are predicted to be of the same order as sfermion masses. Sizeable contributions to the MSSM A-terms can be generated, depending on the size of some free couplings. As a byproduct, we show some properties of a class of models with n pairs of Higgs doublets
Simple and direct communication of dynamical supersymmetry breaking
simple and direct communication of dynamical supersymmetry breaking
calculable phenomenologically viable supersymmetry breaking. mssm hidden fields. sfermion universal solving supersymmetric flavour gaugino suppressed sfermion masses. sizeable mssm couplings. byproduct doublets
Gallium and short baseline reactor neutrino experiments indicate a short-distance anomalous disappearance of electron antineutrinos which, if interpreted in terms of neutrino oscillations, would lead to a sterile neutrino mass inconsistent with standard cosmological models. This anomaly is difficult to measure at 1 km baseline experiments because its disappearance effects are degenerate with that of theta_13. The flux normalization independent measurement of theta_13 at Daya Bay breaks this degeneracy, allowing an unambiguous differentiation of 1-3 neutrino oscillations and the anomalous disappearance at Double Chooz and RENO. The resulting anomaly is consistent with that found at very short baselines and suggests a downward revision of RENO's result for theta_13. A MCMC global analysis of current cosmological data shows that a quintom cosmology is just compatible at 2 sigma with a sterile neutrino with the right mass to reproduce the reactor anomaly and to a lesser extent the gallium and LSND/MiniBooNE anomalies. However models in which the sterile neutrino acquires a chameleon mass easily satisfy the cosmological bounds and also reduce the tension between LSND and KARMEN.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, v2 uses RENO results from nuTURN and Daya Bay results from Neutrino 201
The Reactor Anomaly after Daya Bay and RENO
the reactor anomaly after daya bay and reno
gallium reactor anomalous disappearance antineutrinos interpreted oscillations sterile inconsistent cosmological models. anomaly disappearance degenerate theta normalization theta daya breaks degeneracy allowing unambiguous oscillations anomalous disappearance chooz reno. anomaly baselines downward revision reno theta mcmc cosmological quintom cosmology compatible sigma sterile reproduce reactor anomaly lesser gallium lsnd miniboone anomalies. sterile acquires chameleon satisfy cosmological bounds tension lsnd pages reno nuturn daya
In this paper we describe a formalism for generating exclusive final states in diffractive excitation, based on the optical analogy where diffraction is fully determined by the absorption into inelastic channels. The formalism is based on the Good--Walker formalism for diffractive excitation, and it is assumed that the virtual parton cascades represent the diffractive eigenstates defined by a definite absorption amplitude. We emphasize that, although diffractive excitation is basically a quantum-mechanical phenomenon with strong interference effects, it is possible to calculate the different interfering components to the amplitude in an event generator, add them and thus calculate the reaction cross section for exclusive diffractive final states. The formalism is implemented in the DIPSY event generator, introducing no tunable parameters beyond what has been determined previously in studies of non-diffractive events. Some early results from DIS and proton-proton collisions are presented, and compared to experimental data
Exclusive final states in diffractive excitation
exclusive final states in diffractive excitation
formalism generating exclusive diffractive analogy diffraction inelastic channels. formalism walker formalism diffractive virtual parton cascades diffractive eigenstates definite amplitude. emphasize diffractive basically phenomenon interference interfering generator exclusive diffractive states. formalism implemented dipsy generator introducing tunable diffractive events. proton proton collisions
We introduce the notion of "special superpolynomials" by putting q=1 in the formulas for reduced superpolynomials. In this way we obtain a generalization of special HOMFLY polynomials depending on one extra parameter t. Special HOMFLY are known to depend on representation R in especially simple way: as |R|-th power of the fundamental ones. We show that the same dependence persists for our special superpolynomials in the case of symmetric representations, at least for the 2-strand torus and figure-eight knots. For antisymmetric representations the same is true, but for t=1 and arbitrary q. It would be interesting to find an interpolation between these two relations for arbitrary representations, but no superpolynomails are yet available in this case.Comment: 5 page
Special colored Superpolynomials and their representation-dependence
special colored superpolynomials and their representation-dependence
notion superpolynomials putting formulas superpolynomials. generalization homfly polynomials extra homfly ones. persists superpolynomials representations strand torus eight knots. antisymmetric representations interpolation representations superpolynomails
Assuming Majorana nature of neutrinos, we re-investigate, in the light of the recent measurement of the reactor mixing angle, the allowed ranges for the absolute values of the elements of the neutrino mass matrix in the basis where the charged-lepton mass matrix is diagonal. Apart from the derivation of upper and lower bounds on the values of the matrix elements, we also study their correlations. Moreover, we analyse the sensitivity of bounds and correlations to the global fit results of the neutrino oscillation parameters which are available in the literature.Comment: 37 pages, 146 figures, minor corrections, 17 additional figures, version for publication in JHE
Correlations of the elements of the neutrino mass matrix
correlations of the elements of the neutrino mass matrix
majorana neutrinos reactor ranges lepton diagonal. apart derivation bounds correlations. analyse bounds oscillation pages minor publication
We analytically calculate higher order corrections to coefficient functions of the operator product expansion (OPE) for the Euclidean correlator of two energy-momentum tensors in massless QCD. These are the three-loop contribution to the coefficient C_0 in front of the unity operator O_0=1 and the one and two-loop contributions to the coefficient C_1 in front of the gluon "condensate" operator O_1=-1/4 G^{\mu \nu} G_{\mu \nu}. For the correlator of two operators O_1 we present the coefficient C_1 at two-loop level.Comment: v2: comments and appendix added, results are now available in computer readable form; v3: JHEP version, extended discussion of the method of projector
OPE of the energy-momentum tensor correlator in massless QCD
ope of the energy-momentum tensor correlator in massless qcd
analytically euclidean correlator tensors massless qcd. front unity front gluon condensate correlator comments readable jhep projector
Disorder has long been a difficult subject in condensed matter systems and the The replica method is a well-known tool in this field. Implementing the replica method the AdS/CFT correspondence has been proposed and discussed in literatures. We point out, for any CFT that has a holographic dual and to the leading order of the large-N expansion, the corrections due to the presence of random disorder to any connected correlation functions vanish identically, provided that the disorder strength is normalized as discussed in literatures and that the symmetry among replicas is unbroken. Same must hold true to any observables that are determined by the connected correlation functions through a linear relation. This behavior resembles strongly that of a free theory where disorder is coupled to the fundamental field. We demonstrate this by both the means of holographic principle and field theory analysis in a toy model. We also propose ways of evaluating the non-zero sub-leading effects perturbatively in terms of the disorder strength and discuss a novel possibility of defining a new holographic dual if we adopt a different normalization for the disorder strength.Comment: 24 page
Correlation functions in the holographic replica method
correlation functions in the holographic replica method
disorder condensed replica field. implementing replica correspondence literatures. holographic disorder vanish identically disorder literatures replicas unbroken. hold observables relation. resembles disorder field. holographic model. propose ways evaluating perturbatively disorder defining holographic adopt normalization disorder
We present an up-to-date global analysis of solar, atmospheric, reactor, and accelerator neutrino data in the framework of three-neutrino oscillations. We provide results on the determination of theta_13 from global data and discuss the dependence on the choice of reactor fluxes. We study in detail the statistical significance of a possible deviation of theta_23 from maximal mixing, the determination of its octant, the ordering of the mass states, and the sensitivity to the CP violating phase, and discuss the role of various complementary data sets in those respects.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures. v3: final version to appear in JHEP. Updated results will be provided at
Global fit to three neutrino mixing: critical look at present precision
global fit to three neutrino mixing: critical look at present precision
reactor accelerator oscillations. theta reactor fluxes. theta maximal octant ordering violating complementary pages figures. jhep. updated fit.or
A discovery of the rare decay $B^{+} \rightarrow \pi^{+} \mu^{+} \mu^{-}$ is presented. This decay is observed for the first time, with 5.2 $\sigma$ significance. The observation is made using $pp$ collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb$^{-1}$, collected with the LHCb detector. The measured branching fraction is (2.3 $\pm$ 0.6 (stat.) $\pm$ 0.1 (syst.))$\times 10^{-8}$, and the ratio of the $B^{+} \rightarrow \pi^{+} \mu^{+} \mu^{-}$ and $B^{+} \rightarrow \K^{+} \mu^{+} \mu^{-}$ branching fractions is measured to be 0.053 $\pm$ 0.014 (stat.) $\pm$ 0.001 (syst.)
First observation of the decay $B^{+} \rightarrow π^{+} μ^{+} μ^{-}$
first observation of the decay $b^{+} \rightarrow π^{+} μ^{+} μ^{-}$
discovery rare rightarrow presented. sigma significance. collision luminosity lhcb detector. branching stat. syst. rightarrow rightarrow branching fractions stat. syst.
We define a squashed four-sphere by a dimensional reduction of a twisted S^4 x S^1, and construct explicitly a supersymmetric Yang-Mills action on it. The action includes a non-trivial dilaton factor and a theta term with a non-constant theta. The partition function of this theory is calculated using the localization technique. The resulting partition function can be written in the form consistent with the AGT relation due to the non-constant theta term. The parameter b which characterizes the partition function in this form is not restricted to be real for the squashed four-sphere.Comment: 35 pages, no figures. v2: typos corrected, references adde
Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on a Squashed Four-Sphere
supersymmetric gauge theories on a squashed four-sphere
squashed sphere twisted explicitly supersymmetric mills trivial dilaton theta theta. partition localization technique. partition theta term. characterizes partition restricted squashed pages figures. typos corrected adde
We discuss how chiral fermions can appear in the type IIB matrix model, which is considered to be a nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory. In particular, we are concerned with a constructive definition of the theory, in which we start with a finite-N configuration and take the large-N limit later on. We point out that there exists a certain necessary condition which the structure of the extra dimensions should satisfy. As an example, we consider a previous proposal using intersecting branes and show that chiral fermions can indeed be realized in four dimensions by introducing a matrix counterpart of warped space-time. This is remarkable in view of the well-known difficulty in realizing chiral fermions in lattice gauge theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; (v2) analysis in section 3 improve
Realizing chiral fermions in the type IIB matrix model at finite N
realizing chiral fermions in the type iib matrix model at finite n
chiral fermions nonperturbative formulation superstring theory. concerned constructive extra satisfy. proposal intersecting branes chiral fermions realized introducing counterpart warped time. remarkable difficulty realizing chiral fermions pages
Neutrino mass sum rules relate the three neutrino masses within generic classes of flavour models, leading to restrictions on the effective mass parameter measured in experiments on neutrinoless double beta decay as a function of the lightest neutrino mass. We perform a comprehensive study of the implications of such neutrino mass sum rules, which provide a link between model building, phenomenology, and experiments. After a careful explanation of how to derive predictions from sum rules, we discuss a large number of examples both numerically, using all three global fits available for the neutrino oscillation data, and analytically wherever possible. In some cases, our results disagree with some of those in the literature for reasons that we explain. Finally we discuss the experimental prospects for many current and near-future experiments, with a particular focus on the uncertainties induced by the unknown nuclear physics involved. We find that, in many cases, the power of the neutrino mass sum rules is so strong as to allow certain classes of models to be tested by the next generation of neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. Our study can serve as both a guideline and a theoretical motivation for future experimental studies.Comment: v2: typos corrected, slight modifications, one sum rule added, one more figur
The Power of Neutrino Mass Sum Rules for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiments
the power of neutrino mass sum rules for neutrinoless double beta decay experiments
relate generic flavour restrictions neutrinoless beta lightest mass. comprehensive phenomenology experiments. careful explanation derive numerically fits oscillation analytically wherever possible. disagree reasons explain. prospects unknown involved. neutrinoless beta experiments. serve guideline motivation typos corrected slight modifications figur
We perform a comprehensive study of family symmetry models based on $A_4$ combined with the generalised CP symmetry $H_{\rm{CP}}$. We investigate the lepton mixing parameters which can be obtained from the original symmetry $A_4\rtimes H_{\rm{CP}}$ breaking to different remnant symmetries in the neutrino and charged lepton sectors. We find that only one case is phenomenologically viable, namely $G^{\nu}_{\rm{CP}}\cong Z^{S}_2\times H^{\nu}_{\rm{CP}}$ in the neutrino sector and $G^{l}_{\rm{CP}}\cong Z^{T}_3\rtimes H^{l}_{\rm{CP}}$ in the charged lepton sector, leading to the prediction of no CP violation, namely $\delta_{CP}$ and the Majorana phases $\alpha_{21}$ and $\alpha_{31}$ are all equal to either zero or $\pi$. We then propose an effective supersymmetric model based on the symmetry $A_4\rtimes H_{\rm{CP}}$ in which trimaximal lepton mixing is predicted together with either zero CP violation or $\delta_{CP}\simeq\pm \pi/2$ with non-trivial Majorana phases. An ultraviolet completion of the effective model yields a neutrino mass matrix which depends on only three real parameters. As a result of this, all three CP phases and the absolute neutrino mass scale are determined, the atmospheric mixing angle is maximal, and the Dirac CP can either be preserved with $\delta_{CP}=0,\pi$ or maximally broken with $\delta_{CP}=\pm \pi /2$ and sharp predictions for the Majorana phases and neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figure
Generalised CP and $A_4$ Family Symmetry
generalised cp and $a_4$ family symmetry
comprehensive generalised lepton rtimes breaking remnant symmetries lepton sectors. phenomenologically viable cong cong rtimes lepton violation delta majorana alpha alpha propose supersymmetric rtimes trimaximal lepton violation delta simeq trivial majorana phases. ultraviolet completion parameters. maximal dirac preserved delta maximally broken delta sharp majorana neutrinoless beta pages
LHC searches for missing transverse energy in association with a jet allow to place strong bounds on the interactions between dark matter and quarks. In this article, we present an extension of the POWHEG BOX capable of calculating the underlying cross sections at the next-to-leading order level. This approach enables us to consistently include the effects of parton showering and to apply realistic experimental cuts. We find significant differences from a fixed-order analysis that neglects parton showering effects. In particular, next-to-leading order corrections do not lead to a significant enhancement of the mono-jet cross section once a veto on additional jets is imposed. Nevertheless, these corrections reduce the theoretical uncertainties of the signal prediction and therefore improve the reliability of the derived bounds. We present our results in terms of simple rescaling factors, which can be directly applied to existing experimental analyses and discuss the impact of changing experimental cuts.Comment: Added KITP affiliations, fixed 2 very minor typos, matches version published in JHE
QCD effects in mono-jet searches for dark matter
qcd effects in mono-jet searches for dark matter
searches missing bounds quarks. powheg capable calculating level. enables consistently parton showering realistic cuts. neglects parton showering effects. enhancement mono veto jets imposed. nevertheless reliability bounds. rescaling changing kitp affiliations minor typos matches
We extend the maximal unitarity method to amplitude contributions whose cuts define multidimensional algebraic varieties. The technique is valid to all orders and is explicitly demonstrated at three loops in gauge theories with any number of fermions and scalars in the adjoint representation. Deca-cuts realized by replacement of real slice integration contours by higher-dimensional tori encircling the global poles are used to factorize the planar triple box onto a product of trees. We apply computational algebraic geometry and multivariate complex analysis to derive unique projectors for all master integral coefficients and obtain compact analytic formulae in terms of tree-level data.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure
Multivariate Residues and Maximal Unitarity
multivariate residues and maximal unitarity
extend maximal unitarity cuts multidimensional algebraic varieties. valid orders explicitly loops fermions scalars adjoint representation. deca cuts realized replacement slice contours tori encircling poles factorize planar triple trees. algebraic multivariate derive projectors master analytic formulae pages
Recent results from the LHC experiments, both for the Higgs mass measurement and the direct search for supersymmetric (SUSY) particles, might indicate that the SUSY breaking scale is much higher than the electroweak scale. Although it is difficult to investigate such a scenario at collider experiments, the measurement of the hadronic electric dipole moments is one of promising ways to detect the effects of the SUSY particles. These effects are expressed in terms of the CP-violating effective operators defined at the SUSY breaking scale, which involve quarks, gluons, photons, and gluinos. In this paper, we discuss the QCD corrections to the effective operators in the high-scale SUSY scenario. To appropriately evaluate the radiative corrections in the presence of large mass hierarchy among the SUSY particles, we exploit an effective theoretical approach based on the renormalization-group equations. As a result, it is found that the low-energy quark electric and chromoelectric dipole moments may differ from those evaluated in previous works by O(100) % and O(10) %, respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos correcte
QCD Corrections to Quark (Chromo)Electric Dipole Moments in High-scale Supersymmetry
qcd corrections to quark (chromo)electric dipole moments in high-scale supersymmetry
supersymmetric susy susy breaking electroweak scale. collider hadronic dipole moments promising ways detect susy particles. violating susy breaking involve quarks gluons photons gluinos. susy scenario. appropriately radiative hierarchy susy exploit renormalization equations. chromoelectric dipole moments pages typos correcte
This note is aimed at presenting a new algebraic approach to momentum-space correlators in conformal field theory. As an illustration we present a new Lie-algebraic method to compute frequency-space two-point functions for charged scalar operators of CFT$_{1}$ dual to AdS$_{2}$ black hole with constant background electric field. Our method is based on the real-time prescription of AdS/CFT correspondence, Euclideanization of AdS$_{2}$ black hole and projective unitary representations of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb{R}) \oplus \mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb{R})$. We derive novel recurrence relations for Euclidean CFT$_{1}$ two-point functions, which are exactly solvable and completely determine the frequency- and charge-dependences of two-point functions. Wick-rotating back to Lorentzian signature, we obtain retarded and advanced CFT$_{1}$ two-point functions that are consistent with the known results.Comment: 15 pages, 3 tikz figures; typos corrected, footnotes and references adde
Recurrence Relations for Finite-Temperature Correlators via AdS$_{2}$/CFT$_{1}$
recurrence relations for finite-temperature correlators via ads$_{2}$/cft$_{1}$
aimed presenting algebraic correlators conformal theory. illustration algebraic field. prescription correspondence euclideanization projective unitary representations mathfrak mathbb oplus mathfrak mathbb derive recurrence euclidean solvable dependences functions. wick rotating lorentzian signature retarded advanced pages tikz typos corrected footnotes adde
Radiatively-driven natural supersymmetry (RNS) potentially reconciles the Z and Higgs boson masses close to 100 GeV with gluinos and squarks lying beyond the TeV scale. Requiring no large cancellations at the electroweak scale in constructing M_Z=91.2 GeV while maintaining a light Higgs scalar with m_h 125 GeV implies a sparticle mass spectrum including light higgsinos with mass 100-300 GeV, electroweak gauginos in the 300-1200 GeV range, gluinos at 1-4 TeV and top/bottom squarks in the 1-4 TeV range (probably beyond LHC reach), while first/second generation matter scalars can exist in the 5-30 TeV range (far beyond LHC reach). We investigate several characteristic signals for RNS at LHC14. Gluino pair production yields a reach up to m_{\tg} 1.7 TeV for 300 fb^{-1}. Wino pair production -- pp\to\tw_2\tz_4 and \tw_2\tw_2 -- leads to a unique same-sign diboson (SSdB) signature accompanied by modest jet activity from daughter higgsino decays; this signature provides the best reach up to m_{\tg} 2.1 TeV within this framework. Wino pair production also leads to final states with (WZ\to 3\ell)+\eslt as well as 4\ell+\eslt which give confirmatory signals up to m_{\tg} 1.4 TeV. Directly produced light higgsinos yield a clean, soft trilepton signature (due to very low visible energy release) which can be visible, but only for a not-too-small a \tz_2-\tz_1 mass gap. The clean SSdB signal -- as well as the distinctive mass shape of the dilepton mass distribution from \tz_{2,3}\to\tz_1\ell\ell decays if this is accessible -- will mark the presence of light higgsinos which are necessary for natural SUSY. While an e^+e^- collider operating with \sqrt{s} 600 GeV should unequivocally reveal the predicted light higgsinos, the RNS model with m_{1/2}> 1 TeV may elude all LHC14 search strategies even while maintaining a high degree of electroweak naturalness.Comment: 30 pages with 26 .eps figures; updated version corrects an error that caused the cross sections for production of unlike pairs of electroweak-inos in Figs. 4 and 5 to be too large by a factor of 2. This error did not propagate into the rest of the pape
Radiatively-driven natural supersymmetry at the LHC
radiatively-driven natural supersymmetry at the lhc
radiatively supersymmetry potentially reconciles boson gluinos squarks lying scale. requiring cancellations electroweak constructing maintaining sparticle higgsinos electroweak gauginos gluinos squarks probably scalars gluino wino diboson ssdb signature accompanied modest daughter higgsino decays signature framework. wino eslt eslt confirmatory tev. higgsinos clean trilepton signature visible visible gap. clean ssdb distinctive dilepton decays accessible mark higgsinos susy. collider operating sqrt unequivocally reveal higgsinos elude maintaining electroweak pages .eps updated corrects unlike electroweak inos figs. propagate pape
We study oscillations of the high energy atmospheric neutrinos in the Earth into sterile neutrinos with the eV-scale mass. The MSW resonance and parametric enhancement of the $\bar{\nu}_\mu\to\bar{\nu}_s$ oscillations lead to distortion of the zenith angle distribution of the muon-track events which can be observed by IceCube. Due to matter effect, the IceCube signal depends not only on the mixing element $U_{\mu 4}$ relevant for LSND and MiniBooNE but also on $U_{\tau 4}$ and the CP-violating phase $\delta_{24}$. We show that the case with $U_{\tau 4} = \delta_{24} = 0$ leads to the weakest IceCube signal and therefore should be used to bound $U_{\mu 4}$. We compute the zenith angle distributions of the $\nu_\mu-$events for different energy intervals in the range (0.1 - 10) TeV and find that inclusion of the energy information (binning in energy) improves the sensitivity to $\nu_s$ drastically. We estimate that with already collected (during 3 - 4 years) IceCube statistics the bound $|U_{\mu 4}|^2 < 0.01$ ($99\%$ C.L.) can be established and the mixing required by LSND and MiniBooNE can be excluded at $(4 - 6) \sigma$ confidence level.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures; v3: several clarifications added, figures added, references added, matches the version published in JHE
Restricting the LSND and MiniBooNE sterile neutrinos with the IceCube atmospheric neutrino data
restricting the lsnd and miniboone sterile neutrinos with the icecube atmospheric neutrino data
oscillations neutrinos earth sterile neutrinos mass. parametric enhancement oscillations distortion zenith muon track icecube. icecube lsnd miniboone violating delta delta weakest icecube zenith intervals inclusion binning improves drastically. icecube c.l. lsnd miniboone excluded sigma confidence pages clarifications matches
We present a lattice QCD study of the phase shift of $I{=}2$ $\pi\pi$ scattering on the basis of two different approaches: the standard finite volume approach by Luscher and the recently introduced HAL QCD potential method. Quenched QCD simulations are performed on lattices with extents $N_s{=}16,24,32,48$ and $N_t{=}128$ as well as lattice spacing $a{\sim}0.115\,\mathrm{fm}$ and a pion mass of $m_\pi{\sim}940\,\mathrm{MeV}$. The phase shift and the scattering length are calculated in these two methods. In the potential method, the error is dominated by the systematic uncertainty associated with the violation of rotational symmetry due to finite lattice spacing. In Luscher's approach, such systematic uncertainty is difficult to be evaluated and thus is not included in this work. A systematic uncertainty attributed to the quenched approximation, however, is not evaluated in both methods. In case of the potential method, the phase shift can be calculated for arbitrary energies below the inelastic threshold. The energy dependence of the phase shift is also obtained from Luscher's method using different volumes and/or nonrest-frame extension of it. The results are found to agree well with the potential method.Comment: Version 2, consistent with published versio
Phase shifts in I=2 {\pi}{\pi}-scattering from two lattice approaches
phase shifts in i=2 {\pi}{\pi}-scattering from two lattice approaches
luscher method. quenched lattices extents spacing mathrm pion mathrm methods. dominated violation rotational spacing. luscher work. attributed quenched methods. inelastic threshold. luscher volumes nonrest agree versio
We take a closer look at the gaugino masses in the context of pure gravity mediation models/minimal split SUSY models. We see that the gaugino mass spectrum has a richer structure in the presence of vector-like matter fields even when they couple to the supersymmetry breaking sector only through Planck suppressed operators. For example, the gluino mass can be much lighter than in anomaly mediation, enhancing the detectability of the gluino at the LHC experiments. The rich gaugino spectrum also allows new possibilities for dark matter scenarios such as the bino-wino co-annihilation, bino-gluino co-annihilation, or even wino-gluino co-annihilation scenarios, which affects future collider experiments as well as dark matter search experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, v2 references and explanations adde
A Closer Look at Gaugino Masses in Pure Gravity Mediation Model/Minimal Split SUSY Model
a closer look at gaugino masses in pure gravity mediation model/minimal split susy model
closer look gaugino mediation split susy models. gaugino richer couple supersymmetry breaking planck suppressed operators. gluino lighter anomaly mediation enhancing detectability gluino experiments. gaugino possibilities scenarios bino wino annihilation bino gluino annihilation wino gluino annihilation scenarios affects collider pages explanations adde
The functional renormalization group equation for projectable Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity is used to derive the non-perturbative beta functions for the Newton's constant, cosmological constant and anisotropy parameter. The resulting coupled differential equations are studied in detail and exemplary RG trajectories are constructed numerically. The beta functions possess a non-Gaussian fixed point and a one-parameter family of Gaussian fixed points. One of the Gaussian fixed points corresponds to the Einstein-Hilbert action with vanishing cosmological constant and constitutes a saddle point with one IR-attractive direction. For RG trajectories dragged into this fixed point at low energies diffeomorphism invariance is restored. The emergence of general relativity from Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity can thus be understood as a crossover-phenomenon where the IR behavior of the theory is controlled by this Gaussian fixed point. In particular RG trajectories with a tiny positive cosmological constant also come with an anisotropy parameter which is compatible with experimental constraints, providing a mechanism for the approximate restoration of diffeomorphism invariance in the IR. The non-Gaussian fixed point is UV-attractive in all three coupling constants. Most likely, this fixed point is the imprint of Asymptotic Safety at the level of Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figure
Renormalization group flow of Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity at low energies
renormalization group flow of ho\v{r}ava-lifshitz gravity at low energies
renormalization projectable lifshitz derive perturbative beta newton cosmological anisotropy parameter. exemplary trajectories numerically. beta possess points. einstein hilbert vanishing cosmological constitutes saddle attractive direction. trajectories dragged diffeomorphism invariance restored. emergence relativity lifshitz understood crossover phenomenon point. trajectories tiny cosmological come anisotropy compatible approximate restoration diffeomorphism invariance attractive constants. imprint asymptotic lifshitz pages
We explore supersymmetric theories in which the Higgs mass is boosted by the non-decoupling D-terms of an extended $U(1)_X$ gauge symmetry, defined here to be a general linear combination of hypercharge, baryon number, and lepton number. Crucially, the gauge coupling, $g_X$, is bounded from below to accommodate the Higgs mass, while the quarks and leptons are required by gauge invariance to carry non-zero charge under $U(1)_X$. This induces an irreducible rate, $\sigma$BR, for $pp \rightarrow X \rightarrow \ell\ell$ relevant to existing and future resonance searches, and gives rise to higher dimension operators that are stringently constrained by precision electroweak measurements. Combined, these bounds define a maximally allowed region in the space of observables, ($\sigma$BR, $m_X$), outside of which is excluded by naturalness and experimental limits. If natural supersymmetry utilizes non-decoupling D-terms, then the associated $X$ boson can only be observed within this window, providing a model independent `litmus test' for this broad class of scenarios at the LHC. Comparing limits, we find that current LHC results only exclude regions in parameter space which were already disfavored by precision electroweak data.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure
Higgs Mass from D-Terms: a Litmus Test
higgs mass from d-terms: a litmus test
explore supersymmetric boosted decoupling hypercharge baryon lepton number. crucially accommodate quarks leptons invariance carry induces irreducible sigma rightarrow rightarrow searches stringently constrained precision electroweak measurements. bounds maximally observables sigma excluded naturalness limits. supersymmetry utilizes decoupling boson window litmus broad scenarios lhc. exclude disfavored precision electroweak pages
It was found that the canonical energy of multi-brane solutions in CSFT constructed by the KBc algebra has a symmetry under the exchange of K=0 and K=\infty (inversion symmetry). On the other hand, the gauge invariant observable (GIO), which is regarded as the energy defined by the gravitational coupling of open string, cannot count the energy from K=\infty and therefore is not equal to the canonical energy. To resolve this discrepancy, we examine the recent argument of Baba and Ishibashi which directly relates the two energies. We find that the gravitational coupling which is equivalent to the canonical energy consists of the GIO and another new term, and the whole has the inversion symmetry.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures. v3: Sec.3.3 improved, version to appear in JHE
Inversion Symmetry of Gravitational Coupling in Cubic String Field Theory
inversion symmetry of gravitational coupling in cubic string field theory
canonical brane csft infty inversion observable regarded gravitational count infty canonical energy. resolve discrepancy examine argument baba ishibashi relates energies. gravitational canonical inversion pages figures. sec.
We derive a general relation between the ground state entanglement Hamiltonian and the physical stress tensor within the path integral formalism. For spherical entangling surfaces in a CFT, we reproduce the \emph{local} ground state entanglement Hamiltonian derived by Casini, Huerta and Myers. The resulting reduced density matrix can be characterized by a spatially varying "entanglement temperature." Using the entanglement Hamiltonian, we calculate the first order change in the entanglement entropy due to changes in conserved charges of the ground state, and find a local first law-like relation for the entanglement entropy. Our approach provides a field theory derivation and generalization of recent results obtained by holographic techniques. However, we note a discrepancy between our field theoretically derived results for the entanglement entropy of excited states with a non-uniform energy density and current holographic results in the literature. Finally, we give a CFT derivation of a set of constraint equations obeyed by the entanglement entropy of excited states in any dimension. Previously, these equations were derived in the context of holography.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Typo fixed in eq. (III.12) and constraint equation (VI.18) added generalizing previous result to higher dimensions.Some references adde
Entanglement Temperature and Entanglement Entropy of Excited States
entanglement temperature and entanglement entropy of excited states
derive entanglement formalism. spherical entangling reproduce emph entanglement casini huerta myers. spatially entanglement temperature. entanglement entanglement conserved charges entanglement entropy. derivation generalization holographic techniques. discrepancy theoretically entanglement excited holographic literature. derivation obeyed entanglement excited dimension. pages figures. typo iii. generalizing dimensions.some adde
We present a new family of asymptotically AdS four-dimensional black hole solutions with scalar hair of a gravitating system consisting of a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity with a self-interacting potential. For a certain profile of the scalar field we solve the Einstein equations and we determine the scalar potential. Thermodynamically we show that there is a critical temperature below which there is a phase transition of a black hole with hyperbolic horizon to the new hairy black hole configuration.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JHE
Four-Dimensional Asymptotically AdS Black Holes with Scalar Hair
four-dimensional asymptotically ads black holes with scalar hair
asymptotically hair gravitating consisting minimally interacting potential. solve einstein potential. thermodynamically hyperbolic horizon hairy publication
We explore supersymmetric quantum quenches of the mass and coupling constants in the $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric vector model using Hartee-Fock approximation. We find that in the case of the free fermionic field, quench of the mass generates singularity localized at the instant of sudden change and we point out the essential role of the parity of spacetime. Focusing on a supersymmetric generalization of the $\phi^6$ model and using stationary phase approximation, we demonstrate that supersymmetry is broken in the asymptotic state that emerges at late times after the quench. Finally, we confirm SUSY breaking in the time-dependent setting by integrating numerically the exact equations of motion from the instant of the quench into asymptotic regime. We argue that the breaking of supersymmetry cannot be attributed to the thermal physics since to leading order in the Hartee-Fock approximation the final state is not thermal.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure
(Non) supersymmetric quantum quenches
(non) supersymmetric quantum quenches
explore supersymmetric quenches mathcal supersymmetric hartee fock approximation. fermionic quench generates singularity localized instant sudden parity spacetime. focusing supersymmetric generalization stationary supersymmetry broken asymptotic emerges quench. confirm susy breaking integrating numerically instant quench asymptotic regime. argue breaking supersymmetry attributed hartee fock pages
We study quantum cosmological models for certain classes of bang/crunch singularities, using the duality between expanding bubbles in AdS with a FRW interior cosmology and perturbed CFTs on de Sitter space-time. It is pointed out that horizon complementarity in the AdS bulk geometries is realized as a conformal transformation in the dual deformed CFT. The quantum version of this map is described in full detail in a toy model involving conformal quantum mechanics. In this system the complementarity map acts as an exact duality between eternal and apocalyptic Hamiltonian evolutions. We calculate the commutation relation between the Hamiltonians corresponding to the different frames. It vanishes only on scale invariant states.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figure
Conformal Complementarity Maps
conformal complementarity maps
cosmological bang crunch singularities duality expanding bubbles interior cosmology perturbed cfts sitter time. pointed horizon complementarity geometries realized conformal deformed cft. involving conformal mechanics. complementarity acts duality eternal apocalyptic evolutions. commutation hamiltonians frames. vanishes pages
We determine the most general form of the covariant drag force exerted on a quark moving through a fluid dynamical flow. Up to first order in derivative expansion, our general formula requires the specification of seven coefficient functions. We use the perturbative method introduced in arXiv:1202.2737 and find all these coefficients in the hydrodynamic regime of a $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM plasma. Having this general formula, we can obtain the rate of the energy and momentum loss of a quark, namely the drag force, in a general flow. This result makes it possible to perturbatively study the motion of heavy quarks moving through the Bjorken flow up to first order in derivative expansion.Comment: 28 pages, v2: typos corrected, v3: Note added + Some corrections in the expression of F^
The Energy Loss of a Heavy Quark Moving Through a General Fluid Dynamical Flow
the energy loss of a heavy quark moving through a general fluid dynamical flow
covariant drag exerted moving flow. specification seven functions. perturbative hydrodynamic mathcal plasma. drag flow. perturbatively quarks moving bjorken pages typos corrected
We reconsider black hole solutions of D = 3 higher-spin gravity in the $hs[\lambda]\oplus hs[\lambda]$ Chern-Simons formulation. A suitable generalisation of the BTZ black hole has a spin-3 chemical potential $\alpha$, and non-zero values of all the conserved charges associated with the asymptotic $\mathcal W_\infty[\lambda]$ symmetry. We extend the available perturbative expansion of the partition function to order $\mathcal O(\alpha^{18})$ for generic values of the $\lambda$ parameter. The result matches the CFT prediction at $\lambda=0$ and at $\lambda=1$ where we provide the exact all-order expansion of the partition function. The perturbative series is then analysed in the interesting non-trivial limit $\lambda\to\infty$ and we derive the exact analytical expressions of the partition function and the spin-4 charge in closed form as functions of $\alpha$. Also, the first subleading correction at large $\lambda$ is shown to be simply related to the leading contribution.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. v2: more comments and reference
On the partition functions of higher spin black holes
on the partition functions of higher spin black holes
reconsider lambda oplus lambda chern simons formulation. generalisation alpha conserved charges asymptotic mathcal infty lambda symmetry. extend perturbative partition mathcal alpha generic lambda parameter. matches lambda lambda partition function. perturbative analysed trivial lambda infty derive expressions partition alpha subleading lambda pages figures. comments
Heavy Majorana neutrinos enter in many scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model: in the original seesaw mechanism they provide a natural explanation for the small masses of the Standard Model neutrinos and in the simplest leptogenesis framework they are at the origin of the baryonic matter of the universe. In this paper, we develop an effective field theory for non-relativistic Majorana particles, which is analogous to the heavy-quark effective theory. Then, we apply it to the case of a heavy Majorana neutrino decaying in a hot and dense plasma of Standard Model particles, whose temperature is much smaller than the mass of the Majorana neutrino but still much larger than the electroweak scale. The neutrino width gets zero-temperature contributions that can be computed from in-vacuum matrix elements, and thermal corrections. Only the latter will be addressed. Symmetry and power counting arguments made manifest by the effective field theory restrict the form of the thermal corrections and simplify their calculation. The final result agrees with recent determinations obtained with different methods. The effective field theory presented here is suitable to be used for a variety of different models involving non-relativistic Majorana fermions.Comment: Published version. 25 pages, 7 figures, references adde
An effective field theory for non-relativistic Majorana neutrinos
an effective field theory for non-relativistic majorana neutrinos
majorana neutrinos enter scenarios seesaw explanation neutrinos simplest leptogenesis baryonic universe. relativistic majorana analogous theory. majorana decaying dense majorana electroweak scale. gets corrections. addressed. counting arguments manifest restrict simplify calculation. agrees determinations methods. involving relativistic majorana version. pages adde
Generic c=1 four-point conformal blocks on the Riemann sphere can be seen as the coefficients of Fourier expansion of the tau function of Painlev\'e VI equation with respect to one of its integration constants. Based on this relation, we show that c=1 fusion matrix essentially coincides with the connection coefficient relating tau function asymptotics at different critical points. Explicit formulas for both quantities are obtained by solving certain functional relations which follow from the tau function expansions. The final result does not involve integration and is given by a ratio of two products of Barnes G-functions with arguments expressed in terms of conformal dimensions/monodromy data. It turns out to be closely related to the volume of hyperbolic tetrahedron.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure
Painlev\'e VI connection problem and monodromy of c=1 conformal blocks
painlev\'e vi connection problem and monodromy of c=1 conformal blocks
generic conformal blocks riemann sphere fourier painlev constants. fusion essentially coincides connection relating asymptotics points. formulas quantities solving expansions. involve barnes arguments conformal monodromy data. turns closely hyperbolic pages
We generalize our analysis in [arXiv:1301.1977], and show that a 5d and 6d AGT correspondence for SU(N) -- which essentially relates the relevant 5d and 6d Nekrasov instanton partition functions to the integrable representations of a q-deformed and elliptic affine W_N-algebra -- can be derived, purely physically, from the principle that the spacetime BPS spectra of string-dual M-theory compactifications ought to be equivalent. Via an appropriate defect, we also derive a "fully-ramified" version of the 5d and 6d AGT correspondence where integrable representations of a quantum and elliptic affine SU(N)-algebra at the critical level appear on the 2d side, and argue that the relevant "fully-ramified" 5d and 6d Nekrasov instanton partition functions are simultaneous eigenfunctions of commuting operators which define relativistic and elliptized integrable systems. As an offshoot, we also obtain various mathematically novel and interesting relations involving the double loop algebra of SU(N), elliptic Macdonald operators, equivariant elliptic genus of instanton moduli space, and more.Comment: 53 pages (inclusive of essential review material from arXiv:1301.1977). Minor change in (3.22
An M-Theoretic Derivation of a 5d and 6d AGT Correspondence, and Relativistic and Elliptized Integrable Systems
an m-theoretic derivation of a 5d and 6d agt correspondence, and relativistic and elliptized integrable systems
generalize correspondence essentially relates nekrasov instanton partition integrable representations deformed elliptic affine purely physically spacetime compactifications ought equivalent. defect derive ramified correspondence integrable representations elliptic affine argue ramified nekrasov instanton partition simultaneous eigenfunctions commuting relativistic elliptized integrable systems. offshoot mathematically involving elliptic macdonald equivariant elliptic genus instanton moduli pages inclusive minor
Type IIB toroidal orientifolds are among the earliest examples of flux vacua. By applying T-duality, we construct the first examples of massive IIA flux vacua with Minkowski space-times, along with new examples of type IIA flux vacua. The backgrounds are surprisingly simple with no four-form flux at all. They serve as illustrations of the ingredients needed to build type IIA and massive IIA solutions with scale separation. To check that these backgrounds are actually solutions, we formulate the complete set of type II supergravity equations of motion in a very useful form that treats the R-R fields democratically.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX; references updated; additional minor comments added; published versio
New Examples of Flux Vacua
new examples of flux vacua
toroidal orientifolds earliest vacua. duality massive vacua minkowski vacua. backgrounds surprisingly all. serve illustrations ingredients build massive separation. check backgrounds formulate supergravity treats pages latex updated minor comments versio
We construct a holographic dual to the three-dimensional ABJM Chern-Simons matter theory with unquenched massive flavors. The flavor degrees of freedom are introduced by means of D6-branes extended along the gauge theory directions and delocalized in the internal space. To find the solution we have to solve the supergravity equations of motion with the source terms introduced by the D6-branes. The background we get is a running solution representing the renormalization group flow between two fixed points, at the IR and the UV, in both of which the geometry is of the form AdS_4 x M_6, where M_6 is a six-dimensional compact manifold. Along the flow, N=1 supersymmetry is preserved and the flavor group is Abelian. The flow is generated by changing the quark mass m_q. When m_q is very large we recover the original unflavored ABJM solution, while for m_q very small our solution becomes asymptotically equivalent to the one found recently for massless smeared flavors. We study the effects of the dynamical quarks as their mass is varied on different observables, such as the holographic entanglement entropy, the quark-antiquark potential, the two-point functions of high dimension bulk operators, and the mass spectrum of mesons.Comment: 44 pages plus appendices, 11 figures;v2: minor corrections, references adde
Unquenched massive flavors and flows in Chern-Simons matter theories
unquenched massive flavors and flows in chern-simons matter theories
holographic abjm chern simons unquenched massive flavors. flavor freedom branes directions delocalized space. solve supergravity branes. running representing renormalization manifold. supersymmetry preserved flavor abelian. changing recover unflavored abjm asymptotically massless smeared flavors. quarks varied observables holographic entanglement antiquark pages appendices minor adde
Motivated by recent progress in the study of supersymmetric gauge theories we propose a very compact formulation of spectral duality between XXZ spin chains. The action of the quantum duality is given by the Fourier transform in the spectral parameter. We investigate the duality in various limits and, in particular, prove it for q-->1, i.e. when it reduces to the XXX/Gaudin duality. We also show that the universal difference operators are given by the normal ordering of the classical spectral curves.Comment: 9 pages, minor corrections, reference adde
Spectral dualities in XXZ spin chains and five dimensional gauge theories
spectral dualities in xxz spin chains and five dimensional gauge theories
motivated progress supersymmetric propose formulation duality chains. duality fourier transform parameter. duality i.e. reduces gaudin duality. universal ordering pages minor adde
We study 5d N=2 maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with a gauge group G on S^2 x M_3, where M_3 is a 3-manifold. By explicit localization computation we show that the path-integral of the 5d N=2 theory reduces to that of the 3d G_C Chern-Simons theory on M_3, where G_C is the complexification of G. This gives a direct derivation of the appearance of the Chern-Simons theory from the compactification of the 6d (2,0) theory, confirms the predictions from the 3d/3d correspondence for G=SU(N), and suggests the generalization of the correspondence to more general gauge groups.Comment: 28 pages, minor corrections and references added, comments on the gauge-fixing added. The version published in JHE
3d Chern-Simons Theory from M5-branes
3d chern-simons theory from m5-branes
maximally supersymmetric mills manifold. localization reduces chern simons complexification derivation appearance chern simons compactification confirms correspondence generalization correspondence pages minor comments fixing added.
We study a holographic model with vector condensate by coupling the anti-de Sitter gravity to an Abelian gauge field and a charged vector field in $(3+1)$ dimensional spacetime. In this model there exists a non-minimal coupling of the vector filed to the gauge field. We find that there is a critical temperature below which the charged vector condenses via a second order phase transition. The DC conductivity becomes infinite and the AC conductivity develops a gap in the condensed phase. We study the effect of a background magnetic field on the system. It is found that the background magnetic field can induce the condensate of the vector field even in the case without chemical potential/charge density. In the case with non-vanishing charge density, the transition temperature raises with the applied magnetic field, and the condensate of the charged vector operator forms a vortex lattice structure in the spatial directions perpendicular to the magnetic field.Comment: v3: minor changes, references added, to appear in JHE
A Holographic Study on Vector Condensate Induced by a Magnetic Field
a holographic study on vector condensate induced by a magnetic field
holographic condensate sitter abelian spacetime. filed field. condenses transition. conductivity infinite conductivity develops condensed phase. system. induce condensate density. vanishing raises condensate vortex directions perpendicular minor
We consider gauge coupling unification in E6 F-Theory Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) where E6 is broken to the Standard Model (SM) gauge group using fluxes. In such models there are two types of exotics that can affect gauge coupling unification, namely matter exotics from the matter curves in the 27 dimensional representation of E6 and the bulk exotics from the adjoint 78 dimensional representation of E6. We explore the conditions required for either the complete or partial removal of bulk exotics from the low energy spectrum. In the latter case we shall show that (miraculously) gauge coupling unification may be possible even if there are bulk exotics at the TeV scale. Indeed in some cases it is necessary for bulk exotics to survive to the TeV scale in order to cancel the effects coming from other TeV scale matter exotics which would by themselves spoil gauge coupling unification. The combination of matter and bulk exotics in these cases can lead to precise gauge coupling unification which would not be possible with either type of exotics considered by themselves. The combination of matter and bulk exotics at the TeV scale represents a unique and striking signature of E6 F-theory GUTs that can be tested at the LHC.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure
Gauge Coupling Unification in E6 F-Theory GUTs with Matter and Bulk Exotics from Flux Breaking
gauge coupling unification in e6 f-theory guts with matter and bulk exotics from flux breaking
unification grand unified guts broken fluxes. exotics unification exotics exotics adjoint explore removal exotics spectrum. miraculously unification exotics scale. exotics survive cancel coming exotics spoil unification. exotics precise unification exotics themselves. exotics striking signature guts pages
We study three types of the old-minimal higher-derivative supergravity theories extending the $f(R)$ gravity, towards their use for the inflationary model building in supergravity, by using both superfields and their field components. In the curved superspace all those theories are described in terms of a single chiral scalar curvature superfeld $\mathcal{R}$. Each of those theories can be dualized into a matter-coupled supergravity without higher derivatives. The first type is parametrized by a single non-holomorphic potential $N(\mathcal{R},\bar{\mathcal{R}})$, and gives rise to the dual matter-coupled supergravities with two dynamical chiral matter superfields having a no-scale K\"ahler potential. We find that a generic potential $N(\mathcal{R},\bar{\mathcal{R}})$ generates both the $(R+R^2)$ gravity and the non-minimal coupling of the propagating complex scalar field to the $R$, needed for the Starobinsky and Higgs inflation, respectively. We find the general conditions for the Starobinsky inflation and compute the inflaton mass. The second type is given by the chiral supergravity actions whose superfield Lagrangian $F(\mathcal{R},\Sigma({\bar{\mathcal R}}))$ also depends upon the chiral projection $\Sigma$ of the anti-chiral superfield ${\bar{\mathcal R}}$. We find that the actions of the second type always give rise to ghosts. We also revisit the $F(\mathcal{R})$ supergravity actions of the third type (without the $\Sigma$-dependence) with the reduced number of the extra physical degrees of freedom, comprising a single chiral matter superfeld with a no-scale K\"ahler potential. We confirm that the pure $F(\mathcal{R})$ supergravity is insufficient for realization of the Starobinsky inflation, though by the reason different from those proposed in the recent literature.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, no pictures; Sections 3 and 4 expanded, references added, typos correcte
Old-minimal supergravity models of inflation
old-minimal supergravity models of inflation
supergravity extending inflationary supergravity superfields components. curved superspace chiral curvature superfeld mathcal dualized supergravity derivatives. parametrized holomorphic mathcal mathcal supergravities chiral superfields ahler potential. generic mathcal mathcal generates propagating starobinsky inflation respectively. starobinsky inflation inflaton mass. chiral supergravity superfield lagrangian mathcal sigma mathcal chiral projection sigma chiral superfield mathcal ghosts. revisit mathcal supergravity sigma extra freedom comprising chiral superfeld ahler potential. confirm mathcal supergravity insufficient realization starobinsky inflation latex pages pictures expanded typos correcte
Using D3/D(-1) brane set-up in type IIB string theory we introduce gauge-stringy instantons in N=2 U(N) supersymmetry theories with one matter multiplet in symmetric representation. In addition to the gauge and stringy moduli there exist extra zero modes that we refer to as "gauge-stringy" moduli. We show that the measure of the moduli space in this model becomes dimensionless for arbitary N when the gauge instanton charge k_g is equal to the stringy instanton charge k_s. This property of gauge-stringy instantons leads to having equal contributions from all instanton charges k_s=k_g=k in the effective action. We derive the gauge-stringy instanton partition function and calculate the corrections to the prepotential due to k=1,2 gauge-stringy instanton charges. As a by-product the partition function for gauge k-instanton is obtained which coincides with the result from the standard ADHM construction.Comment: 4 references added, A paragraph added in Conclusions, To appear in JHE
Gauge-Stringy Instantons in N=2 U(N) Gauge Theories
gauge-stringy instantons in n=2 u(n) gauge theories
brane stringy instantons supersymmetry multiplet representation. stringy moduli extra stringy moduli. moduli dimensionless arbitary instanton stringy instanton stringy instantons instanton charges action. derive stringy instanton partition prepotential stringy instanton charges. partition instanton coincides adhm paragraph
First order phase transitions are characterized by the nucleation and evolution of bubbles. The dynamics of cosmological vacuum bubbles, where the order parameter is independent of other degrees of freedom, are well known; more realistic phase transitions in which the order parameter interacts with the other constituents of the Universe is in its infancy. Here we present high-resolution lattice simulations that explore the dynamics of bubble evolution in which the order parameter is coupled to a relativistic fluid. We use a generic, toy potential, that can mimic physics from the GUT scale to the electroweak scale.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 Figure
Vacuum Bubbles in the Presence of a Relativistic Fluid
vacuum bubbles in the presence of a relativistic fluid
nucleation bubbles. cosmological bubbles freedom realistic interacts constituents universe infancy. explore bubble relativistic fluid. generic mimic electroweak pages
We present the calculation of next-to-leading-order electroweak corrections to W-boson pair production at the LHC, taking off-shell effects of the W bosons and their leptonic decays into account in the framework of the so-called double-pole approximation. In detail, the lowest-order cross section and the photonic bremsstrahlung are based on full matrix elements with four-fermion final states, but the virtual one-loop corrections are approximated by the leading contributions of a systematic expansion about the resonance poles of the two W bosons. This expansion classifies the virtual corrections into factorizable and non-factorizable corrections, the calculation of which is described in detail. Corrections induced by photons in the initial state, i.e. photon-photon and quark-photon collision channels, are included and based on complete matrix elements as well. Our numerical results, which are presented for realistic acceptance cuts applied to the W-boson decay products, qualitatively confirm recent results obtained for on-shell W bosons and reveal electroweak corrections of the size of tens of percent in the TeV range of transverse momenta and invariant masses. In general, photon-photon and quark-photon induced contributions amount to 5-10% of the full differential result. Compared to previous predictions based on stable W bosons electroweak corrections, however, can change by several percent because of realistic cuts on the W-boson decay products and corrections to the decays.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figure
Next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to pp -> W+W- -> 4 leptons at the LHC in double-pole approximation
next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to pp -> w+w- -> 4 leptons at the lhc in double-pole approximation
electroweak boson bosons leptonic decays pole approximation. photonic bremsstrahlung fermion virtual approximated poles bosons. classifies virtual factorizable factorizable detail. photons i.e. collision well. realistic acceptance cuts boson qualitatively confirm bosons reveal electroweak tens percent momenta masses. result. bosons electroweak percent realistic cuts boson pages
We compute the planar part of the two-loop five gluon amplitude with all helicities positive. To perform the calculation we develop a D-dimensional generalized unitarity procedure allowing us to reconstruct the amplitude by cutting into products of six-dimensional trees. We find a compact form for the integrand which only requires topologies with six or more propagators. We perform cross checks of the universal infra-red structure using numerical integration techniques.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures. version 2 - fix typos and match with journal versio
A Two-Loop Five-Gluon Helicity Amplitude in QCD
a two-loop five-gluon helicity amplitude in qcd
planar gluon helicities positive. unitarity allowing reconstruct cutting trees. integrand topologies propagators. checks universal infra pages figures. typos match versio
We study the partition function of the three-dimensional N=6 U(N)_k x U(N+M)_{-k} superconformal Chern-Simons matter theory known as the ABJ theory. We prove that the ABJ partition function on S^3 is exactly the same as a formula recently proposed by Awata, Hirano and Shigemori. While this formula was previously obtained by an analytic continuation from the L(2,1) lens space matrix model, we directly derive this by using a generalization of the Cauchy determinant identity. We also give an interpretation for the formula from brane picture.Comment: 12 pages, no figure; v2: minor corrections, references added; v3: typos correcte
Direct derivation of "mirror" ABJ partition function
direct derivation of "mirror" abj partition function
partition superconformal chern simons theory. partition awata hirano shigemori. analytic continuation lens derive generalization cauchy determinant identity. brane pages minor typos correcte
We indicate how to introduce chemical potentials for higher spin charges in higher spin anti-de Sitter gravity in a manner that manifestly preserves the original asymptotic W-symmetry. This is done by switching on a non-vanishing component of the connection along the temporal (thermal) circles. We first recall the procedure in the pure gravity case (no higher spin) where the only "chemical potentials" are the temperature and the chemical potential associated with the angular momentum. We then generalize to the higher spin case. We find that there is no tension with the W(N) or W(infinity) asymptotic algebra, which is obviously unchanged by the introduction of the chemical potentials. Our argument is non-perturbative.Comment: Minor misprints correcte
Chemical potentials in three-dimensional higher spin anti-de Sitter gravity
chemical potentials in three-dimensional higher spin anti-de sitter gravity
potentials charges sitter manner manifestly preserves asymptotic symmetry. switching vanishing connection circles. potentials momentum. generalize case. tension infinity asymptotic obviously unchanged potentials. argument minor misprints correcte
We present the three-loop remainder function, which describes the scattering of six gluons in the maximally-helicity-violating configuration in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, as a function of the three dual conformal cross ratios. The result can be expressed in terms of multiple Goncharov polylogarithms. We also employ a more restricted class of "hexagon functions" which have the correct branch cuts and certain other restrictions on their symbols. We classify all the hexagon functions through transcendental weight five, using the coproduct for their Hopf algebra iteratively, which amounts to a set of first-order differential equations. The three-loop remainder function is a particular weight-six hexagon function, whose symbol was determined previously. The differential equations can be integrated numerically for generic values of the cross ratios, or analytically in certain kinematics limits, including the near-collinear and multi-Regge limits. These limits allow us to impose constraints from the operator product expansion and multi-Regge factorization directly at the function level, and thereby to fix uniquely a set of Riemann-zeta-valued constants that could not be fixed at the level of the symbol. The near-collinear limits agree precisely with recent predictions by Basso, Sever and Vieira based on integrability. The multi-Regge limits agree with the factorization formula of Fadin and Lipatov, and determine three constants entering the impact factor at this order. We plot the three-loop remainder function for various slices of the Euclidean region of positive cross ratios, and compare it to the two-loop one. For large ranges of the cross ratios, the ratio of the three-loop to the two-loop remainder function is relatively constant, and close to -7.Comment: 103 pages, 12 figures, 9 ancillary files. v2: typos corrected, references adde
Hexagon functions and the three-loop remainder function
hexagon functions and the three-loop remainder function
remainder describes gluons maximally helicity violating planar super mills conformal ratios. goncharov polylogarithms. employ restricted hexagon branch cuts restrictions symbols. classify hexagon transcendental coproduct hopf iteratively amounts equations. remainder hexagon symbol previously. numerically generic analytically kinematics collinear regge limits. impose regge factorization thereby uniquely riemann zeta valued symbol. collinear agree precisely basso sever vieira integrability. regge agree factorization fadin lipatov entering order. remainder slices euclidean one. ranges remainder pages ancillary files. typos corrected adde
We consider Renyi entropies of conformal field theories in flat space, with the entangling surface being a sphere. The AdS/CFT correspondence relates this Renyi entropy to that of a black hole with hyperbolic horizon; as the Renyi parameter $n$ increases the temperature of the black hole decreases. If the CFT possesses a sufficiently low dimension scalar operator the black hole will be unstable to the development of hair. Thus, as $n$ is varied, the Renyi entropies will exhibit a phase transition at a critical value of $n$. The location of the phase transition, along with the spectrum of the reduced density matrix $\rho$, depends on the dimension of the lowest dimension non-trivial scalar operator in the theory.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, v3 - References added. Neumann boundary conditions added in section
Holographic Phases of Renyi Entropies
holographic phases of renyi entropies
renyi entropies conformal entangling sphere. correspondence relates renyi hyperbolic horizon renyi decreases. possesses sufficiently unstable hair. varied renyi entropies exhibit trivial pages added. neumann
We consider universal aspects of a holographic Schwinger effect in general backgrounds with an external homogeneous electric field. The argument is based on the potential analysis developed in our previous work. Under some conditions, there always exists a critical electric field, above which the potential barrier vanishes and the system becomes unstable catastrophically. The critical value agrees with the one obtained from the Dirac-Born-Infeld action. For general confining backgrounds, we show that the Schwinger effect does not occur when the electric field is weaker than the confining string tension.Comment: 17 pages, v2:accepted versio
Universal aspects of holographic Schwinger effect in general backgrounds
universal aspects of holographic schwinger effect in general backgrounds
universal holographic schwinger backgrounds homogeneous field. argument work. barrier vanishes unstable catastrophically. agrees dirac born infeld action. confining backgrounds schwinger weaker confining pages versio
In this work we investigate medium modifications to the interference pattern between initial and final state radiation. We compute single gluon production off a highly energetic parton that undergoes a hard scattering and subsequently crosses a dense QCD medium of finite size. We extend our previous studies obtained at first order in opacity by providing general results for multiple soft scatterings and their specific formulation within the harmonic oscillator approximation. We show that there is a gradual onset of decoherence between the initial and final state radiation due to multiple scatterings, that opens the phase space for large angle emissions. By examining the multiplicity of produced gluons, we observe a potentially large double logarithmic enhancement for dense media and small opening angles. This result points to a possible modification of the evolution equations due to a QCD medium of finite size. We briefly comment on the phenomenological consequences of this setup in high-energy nuclear collisions.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Fix typos and updated references. Discussion in the introduction updated. Accepted for publication in JHE
Coherence phenomena between initial and final state radiation in a dense QCD medium
coherence phenomena between initial and final state radiation in a dense qcd medium
modifications interference radiation. gluon energetic parton undergoes subsequently crosses dense size. extend opacity scatterings formulation harmonic oscillator approximation. gradual onset decoherence scatterings opens emissions. examining multiplicity gluons potentially logarithmic enhancement dense opening angles. modification size. briefly comment phenomenological consequences setup pages figures. typos updated references. updated. publication
We perform a detailed analysis of the predictions of resummed perturbation theory for the pressure and the second-, fourth-, and sixth-order diagonal quark number susceptibilities in a hot and dense quark-gluon plasma. First, we present an exact one-loop calculation of the equation of state within hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory (HTLpt) and compare it to a previous one-loop HTLpt calculation that employed an expansion in the ratios of thermal masses and the temperature. We find that this expansion converges reasonably fast. We then perform a resummation of the existing four-loop weak coupling expression for the pressure, motivated by dimensional reduction. Finally, we compare the exact one-loop HTLpt and resummed dimensional reduction results with state-of-the-art lattice calculations and a recent mass-expanded three-loop HTLpt calculation.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures. v3: Matching published versio
Equation of State of hot and dense QCD: Resummed perturbation theory confronts lattice data
equation of state of hot and dense qcd: resummed perturbation theory confronts lattice data
resummed perturbation fourth sixth diagonal susceptibilities dense gluon plasma. perturbation htlpt htlpt temperature. converges reasonably fast. resummation motivated reduction. htlpt resummed expanded htlpt pages figures. matching versio
The purpose of this note is to extend the results obtained in [arXiv:1303.6970] in two ways. First, the six-dimensional F-theory compactifications with U(1) x U(1) gauge symmetry on elliptic Calabi-Yau threefolds, constructed as a hypersurface in $dP_2$ fibered over the base $B=\mathbb{P}^2$ [arXiv:1303.6970], are generalized to Calabi-Yau threefolds elliptically fibered over an arbitrary two-dimensional base B. While the representations of the matter hypermultiplets remain unchanged, their multiplicities are calculated for an arbitrary B. Second, for a specific non-generic subset of such Calabi-Yau threefolds we engineer SU(5) x U(1) x U(1) gauge symmetry. We summarize the hypermultiplet matter representations, which remain the same as for the choice of the base $B=\mathbb{P}^2$ [arXiv:1306.3987], and determine their multiplicities for an arbitrary B. We also verify that the obtained spectra cancel anomalies both for U(1) x U(1) and SU(5) x U(1) x U(1).Comment: 13pp, Addendum to arXiv:1303.697
F-Theory Compactifications with Multiple U(1)-Factors: Addendum
f-theory compactifications with multiple u(1)-factors: addendum
extend ways. compactifications elliptic calabi threefolds hypersurface fibered mathbb calabi threefolds elliptically fibered representations hypermultiplets unchanged multiplicities generic calabi threefolds engineer symmetry. summarize hypermultiplet representations mathbb multiplicities verify cancel anomalies .comment addendum
We construct a new class of entanglement measures by extending the usual definition of Renyi entropy to include a chemical potential. These charged Renyi entropies measure the degree of entanglement in different charge sectors of the theory and are given by Euclidean path integrals with the insertion of a Wilson line encircling the entangling surface. We compute these entropies for a spherical entangling surface in CFT's with holographic duals, where they are related to entropies of charged black holes with hyperbolic horizons. We also compute charged Renyi entropies in free field theories.Comment: 58 pages, v2 - figures fixed and references adde
Holographic Charged Renyi Entropies
holographic charged renyi entropies
entanglement extending usual renyi potential. renyi entropies entanglement sectors euclidean integrals insertion wilson encircling entangling surface. entropies spherical entangling holographic duals entropies holes hyperbolic horizons. renyi entropies pages adde
A new class of N=2 locally supersymmetric higher-derivative invariants is constructed based on logarithms of conformal primary chiral superfields. They characteristically involve a coupling to R_{\mu\nu}^2 - 1/3*R^2, which equals the non-conformal part of the Gauss-Bonnet term. Upon combining one such invariant with the known supersymmetric version of the square of the Weyl tensor, one obtains the supersymmetric extension of the Gauss-Bonnet term. The construction is carried out in the context of both conformal superspace and the superconformal multiplet calculus. The new class of supersymmetric invariants resolves two open questions. The first concerns the proper identification of the 4D supersymmetric invariants that arise from dimensional reduction of the 5D mixed gauge-gravitational Chern-Simons term. The second is why the pure Gauss-Bonnet term without supersymmetric completion has reproduced the correct result in calculations of the BPS black hole entropy in certain models.Comment: 45 pages; v2: version to appear in JHE
New higher-derivative invariants in N=2 supergravity and the Gauss-Bonnet term
new higher-derivative invariants in n=2 supergravity and the gauss-bonnet term
locally supersymmetric invariants logarithms conformal chiral superfields. characteristically involve equals conformal gauss bonnet term. combining supersymmetric weyl obtains supersymmetric gauss bonnet term. conformal superspace superconformal multiplet calculus. supersymmetric invariants resolves questions. concerns proper supersymmetric invariants arise gravitational chern simons term. gauss bonnet supersymmetric completion reproduced pages
We revisit 2D $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ super Yang-Mills lattice formulation (Sugino model) to investigate its fermion action with two (Majorana) fermion flavors and exact chiral-$U(1)_{R}$ symmetry. We show that the reconcilement of chiral symmetry and absence of further species-doubling originates in the 4D clifford algebra structure of the action, where 2D two flavors are spuriously treated as a single 4D four-spinor with four 4D gamma matrices introduced into kinetic and Wilson terms. This fermion construction based on the higher-dimensional clifford algebra is extended to four dimensions in two manners: (1) pseudo-8D sixteen-spinor treatment of 4D four flavors with eight 8D gamma matrices, (2) pseudo-6D eight-spinor treatment of 4D two flavors with five out of six 6D gamma matrices. We obtain 4D four-species and two-species lattice fermions with unbroken subgroup of chiral symmetry and other essential properties. We discuss their relations to staggered and Wilson twisted-mass fermions. We also discuss their potential feedback to 4D super Yang-Mills lattice formulations.Comment: 24 pages; references added, typos correcte
Fermion Actions extracted from Lattice Super Yang-Mills Theories
fermion actions extracted from lattice super yang-mills theories
revisit mathcal super mills formulation sugino fermion majorana fermion flavors chiral symmetry. reconcilement chiral doubling originates clifford flavors spuriously spinor gamma wilson terms. fermion clifford manners pseudo sixteen spinor flavors eight gamma pseudo eight spinor flavors gamma matrices. fermions unbroken subgroup chiral properties. staggered wilson twisted fermions. super mills pages typos correcte
In this work, we find exact gravastar solutions in the context of noncommutative geometry, and explore their physical properties and characteristics. The energy density of these geometries is a smeared and particle-like gravitational source, where the mass is diffused throughout a region of linear dimension $\sqrt{(\alpha)}$ due to the intrinsic uncertainty encoded in the coordinate commutator. These solutions are then matched to an exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. We further explore the dynamical stability of the transition layer of these gravastars, for the specific case of $\beta=M^2/\alpha<1.9$, where M is the black hole mass, to linearized spherically symmetric radial perturbations about static equilibrium solutions. It is found that large stability regions exist and, in particular, located sufficiently close to where the event horizon is expected to form.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Linearized stability analysis of gravastars in noncommutative geometry
linearized stability analysis of gravastars in noncommutative geometry
gravastar noncommutative explore characteristics. geometries smeared gravitational diffused sqrt alpha intrinsic encoded coordinate commutator. matched exterior schwarzschild spacetime. explore gravastars beta alpha linearized spherically perturbations solutions. sufficiently horizon pages
We demonstrate here that the mini-split version of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) including R-parity violating couplings naturally provides all the necessary ingredients for a novel baryogenesis mechanism. The baryogenesis is triggered by the late decay of a TeV scale bino after its thermal freezeout. A \mu-term larger than the sfermion masses is necessary for obtaining sufficient baryon asymmetry. Two example models of direct baryogenesis and leptogenesis are proposed, with viable parameter spaces presented. The cosmological conditions for the models--in particular, the requirements of a long lifetime of bino and sufficient baryon asymmetry--point towards the mini-split scale of $\sim$ 100-1000 TeV for the sfermion masses. This provides an independent motivation for mini-split SUSY, along with the constraints from flavor physics and Higgs mass measurement. We also discuss the potential multi-pronged search for the signatures of such models, including those at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the low energy experiments at the intensity frontier.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure
Natural Baryogenesis from Unnatural Supersymmetry
natural baryogenesis from unnatural supersymmetry
mini split supersymmetric mssm parity violating couplings naturally ingredients baryogenesis mechanism. baryogenesis triggered bino freezeout. sfermion obtaining baryon asymmetry. baryogenesis leptogenesis viable presented. cosmological lifetime bino baryon asymmetry mini split sfermion masses. motivation mini split susy flavor measurement. pronged signatures hadron collider pages
Vasiliev's type A higher spin theories in AdS4 have been conjectured to be dual to the U(N) or O(N) singlet sectors in 3-d conformal field theories with N-component scalar fields. We compare the O(N^0) correction to the 3-sphere free energy F in the CFTs with corresponding calculations in the higher spin theories. This requires evaluating a regularized sum over one loop vacuum energies of an infinite set of massless higher spin gauge fields in Euclidean AdS4. For the Vasiliev theory including fields of all integer spin and a scalar with Delta=1 boundary condition, we show that the regularized sum vanishes. This is in perfect agreement with the vanishing of subleading corrections to F in the U(N) singlet sector of the theory of N free complex scalar fields. For the minimal Vasiliev theory including fields of only even spin, the regularized sum remarkably equals the value of F for one free real scalar field. This result may agree with the O(N) singlet sector of the theory of N real scalar fields, provided the coupling constant in the Vasiliev theory is identified as G_N ~ 1/(N-1). Similarly, consideration of the USp(N) singlet sector for N complex scalar fields, which we conjecture to be dual to the husp(2;0|4) Vasiliev theory, requires G_N ~ 1/(N+1). We also test the higher spin AdS3/CFT2 conjectures by calculating the regularized sum over one loop vacuum energies of higher spin fields in AdS3. We match the result with the O(N^0) term in the central charge of the W_N minimal models; this requires a certain truncation of the CFT operator spectrum so that the bulk theory contains two real scalar fields with the same boundary conditions.Comment: 20 pages. v3: minor corrections, version published in JHE
One Loop Tests of Higher Spin AdS/CFT
one loop tests of higher spin ads/cft
vasiliev conjectured singlet sectors conformal fields. sphere cfts theories. evaluating regularized infinite massless euclidean vasiliev integer delta regularized vanishes. perfect vanishing subleading singlet fields. vasiliev regularized remarkably equals field. agree singlet vasiliev consideration singlet conjecture husp vasiliev conjectures calculating regularized match truncation pages. minor
An algorithm to systematically construct all Calabi-Yau elliptic fibrations realized as hypersurfaces in a toric ambient space for a given base and gauge group is described. This general method is applied to the particular question of constructing SU(5) GUTs with multiple U(1) gauge factors. The basic data consists of a top over each toric divisor in the base together with compactification data giving the embedding into a reflexive polytope. The allowed choices of compactification data are integral points in an auxiliary polytope. In order to ensure the existence of a low-energy gauge theory, the elliptic fibration must be flat, which is reformulated into conditions on the top and its embedding. In particular, flatness of SU(5) fourfolds imposes additional linear constraints on the auxiliary polytope of compactifications, and is therefore non-generic. Abelian gauge symmetries arising in toric F-theory compactifications are studied systematically. Associated to each top, the toric Mordell-Weil group determining the minimal number of U(1) factors is computed. Furthermore, all SU(5)-tops and their splitting types are determined and used to infer the pattern of U(1) matter charges.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables; v2: references added, improved U(1) sca
Geometric Engineering in Toric F-Theory and GUTs with U(1) Gauge Factors
geometric engineering in toric f-theory and guts with u(1) gauge factors
systematically calabi elliptic fibrations realized hypersurfaces toric ambient described. constructing guts factors. toric divisor compactification giving embedding reflexive polytope. choices compactification auxiliary polytope. ensure elliptic fibration reformulated embedding. flatness fourfolds imposes auxiliary polytope compactifications generic. abelian symmetries arising toric compactifications systematically. toric mordell weil determining computed. tops splitting infer pages tables
We consider quantum quench by a time dependent double trace coupling in a strongly coupled large N field theory which has a gravity dual via the AdS/CFT correspondence. The bulk theory contains a self coupled neutral scalar field coupled to gravity with negative cosmological constant. We study the scalar dynamics in the probe approximation in two backgrounds: AdS soliton and AdS black brane. In either case we find that in equilibrium there is a critical phase transition at a {\em negative} value of the double trace coupling $\kappa$ below which the scalar condenses. For a slowly varying homogeneous time dependent coupling crossing the critical point, we show that the dynamics in the critical region is dominated by a single mode of the bulk field. This mode satisfies a Landau-Ginsburg equation with a time dependent mass, and leads to Kibble Zurek type scaling behavior. For the AdS soliton the system is non-dissipative and has $z=1$, while for the black brane one has dissipative $z=2$ dynamics. We also discuss the features of a holographic model which would describe the non-equilibrium dynamics around quantum critical points with arbitrary dynamical critical exponent $z$ and correlation length exponent $\nu$. These analytical results are supported by direct numerical solutions.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure
Quantum Quench and Double Trace Couplings
quantum quench and double trace couplings
quench trace correspondence. neutral cosmological constant. backgrounds soliton brane. trace kappa condenses. slowly homogeneous crossing dominated field. satisfies landau ginsburg kibble zurek behavior. soliton dissipative brane dissipative dynamics. holographic exponent exponent pages
We propose a new model of flavour chiral symmetry breaking in a (2+1)-dimensional defect gauge theory of strongly coupled fermions by introducing probe D5/anti-D5-flavour branes on the conifold. After working out the flavour brane embeddings at zero temperature, we thoroughly investigate the spectra of small fluctuations on the world volume of the flavour branes (meson spectrum) and conclude that they are free of tachyons. Thus the proposed probe brane embedding is stable. Moreover, we introduce finite temperature and an external magnetic field and study the thermodynamics of the resulting configurations. Namely, we compute the free energies, entropies, heat capacities and magnetisations. The results are used to establish a detailed phase diagram of the model. We find that the effect of magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking is realised in our model and show that the meson-melting phase transition coincides with the chiral symmetry breaking phase transition. Furthermore, we show that the model is in a diamagnetic phase.Comment: 1+28 pages, 23 figures, PDFTeX, v2: comments and refs. added, version accepted for publication by JHE
A Novel (2+1)-Dimensional Model of Chiral Symmetry Breaking
a novel (2+1)-dimensional model of chiral symmetry breaking
propose flavour chiral breaking defect fermions introducing flavour branes conifold. flavour brane embeddings thoroughly flavour branes meson tachyons. brane embedding stable. thermodynamics configurations. entropies capacities magnetisations. establish model. catalysis chiral breaking realised meson melting coincides chiral breaking transition. diamagnetic pages pdftex comments refs. publication
The dynamics of the magnetic field in a superconducting phase is described by an effective massive bosonic field theory. If the superconductor is confined in a domain M with boundary \partial M, the boundary conditions of the electromagnetic fields are predetermined by physics. They are time-reversal and also parity invariant for adapted geometry. They lead to edge excitations while in comparison, the bulk energies have a large gap. A similar phenomenon occurs for topological insulators where appropriate boundary conditions for the Dirac Hamiltonian also lead to similar edge states and an 'incompressible bulk'. They give spin-momentum locking as well. In addition time-reversal and parity invariance emerge for adapted geometry. Similar edge states appear in QCD bag models with chiral boundary conditions.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure
Edge States: Topological Insulators, Superconductors and QCD Chiral Bags
edge states: topological insulators, superconductors and qcd chiral bags
superconducting massive bosonic theory. superconductor confined electromagnetic predetermined physics. reversal parity adapted geometry. excitations gap. phenomenon topological insulators dirac incompressible locking well. reversal parity invariance emerge adapted geometry. chiral pages
We associate a Jacobi form over a rank s lattice to N=2, D=4 heterotic string compactifications which have s Wilson lines at a generic point in the vector multiplet moduli space. Jacobi forms of index m=1 and m=2 have appeared earlier in the context of threshold corrections to heterotic string couplings. We emphasize that higher index Jacobi forms as well as Jacobi forms of several variables over more generic even lattices also appear and construct models in which they arise. In particular, we construct an orbifold model which can be connected to models that give index m=3, 4 or 5 Jacobi forms through the Higgsing process. Constraints from being a Jacobi form are then employed to get threshold corrections using only partial information on the spectrum. We apply this procedure for index m=3, 4 or 5 Jacobi form examples and also for Jacobi forms over A_2 and A_3 root lattices. Examples with a single Wilson line are examined in detail and we display the relation of Siegel forms over a paramodular group \Gamma_m to these models, where \Gamma_m is associated with the T-duality group of the models we study. Finally, results on the heterotic string side are used to clarify the linear mapping of vector multiplet moduli to Type IIA duals without using the one-loop cubic part of the prepotential on the Type II side, and also to give predictions for the geometry of the dual Calabi-Yau manifolds.Comment: 55 page
Jacobi Forms of Higher Index and Paramodular Groups in N=2, D=4 Compactifications of String Theory
jacobi forms of higher index and paramodular groups in n=2, d=4 compactifications of string theory
associate jacobi heterotic compactifications wilson generic multiplet moduli space. jacobi appeared heterotic couplings. emphasize jacobi jacobi generic lattices arise. orbifold jacobi higgsing process. jacobi spectrum. jacobi jacobi lattices. wilson display siegel paramodular gamma gamma duality study. heterotic clarify multiplet moduli duals cubic prepotential calabi
We explore modifications to the loop-induced Higgs couplings h\gamma\gamma\ and h\gamma Z from light charginos in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. When the lightest chargino mass is above the naive LEP bound of order 100 GeV the effects are modest, with deviations in the decay branching ratios typically less than 15% from the Standard Model predictions. However, if the charginos are lighter than 100 GeV, more dramatic alterations to these couplings are possible as a consequence of the rise of the one loop form factor. For example, the diphoton signal strength can be enhanced by as much as 70% compared to the Standard Model value. We scrutinize in detail the existing LEP, Tevatron, and LHC searches and present a scenario in which a very light chargino with a mass as light as half the Higgs mass is hidden at LEP and is allowed by all direct collider constraints and electroweak precision tests. The scenario has a sneutrino LSP with a macroscopic decay length of order 10-100 cm. We outline potential search strategies to test this scenario at the LHC.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure
Very Light Charginos and Higgs Decays
very light charginos and higgs decays
explore modifications couplings gamma gamma gamma charginos supersymmetric model. lightest chargino naive modest deviations branching predictions. charginos lighter dramatic alterations couplings factor. diphoton value. scrutinize tevatron searches chargino hidden collider electroweak precision tests. sneutrino macroscopic outline pages
The LHC and other experiments show so far no sign of new physics and long-held beliefs about naturalness should be critically reexamined. We discuss therefore in this paper a model with a combined breaking of conformal and electroweak symmetry by a strongly coupled hidden sector. Even though the conformal symmetry is anomalous, this may still provide an explanation of the smallness of electroweak scale compared to the Planck scale. Specifically we start from a classically conformal model, in which a strongly coupled hidden sector undergoes spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. A coupling via a real scalar field transmits the breaking scale to the Standard Model Higgs and triggers electroweak symmetry breaking. The model contains dark matter candidates in the form of dark pions, whose stability is being guaranteed by the flavor symmetry of hidden quark sector. We study its relic abundance and direct detection prospects with the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio method and discuss the phase transition in the dark sector as well as in the electroweak sector.Comment: 27 Pages, 13 Figures, DM-DM-S coupling is rescaled with wave function renormalization of DM. Changes in thermal average cross-section and to Figure.8. Phenomenology and conclusion remain the same. Matches published versio
Electroweak and Conformal Symmetry Breaking by a Strongly Coupled Hidden Sector
electroweak and conformal symmetry breaking by a strongly coupled hidden sector
held beliefs naturalness critically reexamined. breaking conformal electroweak hidden sector. conformal anomalous explanation smallness electroweak planck scale. classically conformal hidden undergoes spontaneous chiral breaking. transmits breaking triggers electroweak breaking. candidates pions guaranteed flavor hidden sector. relic abundance prospects nambu jona lasinio electroweak pages rescaled renormalization figure. phenomenology same. matches versio
We compute the next-to-maximally-helicity-violating one-loop n-gluon amplitudes in N=1 super-Yang-Mills theory. These amplitudes contain three negative-helicity gluons and an arbitrary number of positive-helicity gluons, and constitute the first infinite series of amplitudes beyond the simplest, MHV, amplitudes. We assemble ingredients from the N=4 NMHV tree super-amplitude into previously unwritten double cuts and use the spinor integration technique to calculate all bubble coefficients. We also derive the missing box coefficients from quadruple cuts. Together with the known formula for three-mass triangles, this completes the set of NMHV one-loop master integral coefficients in N=1 SYM. To facilitate further use of our results, we provide their Mathematica implementation.Comment: 49 pages, 12 figures, 2 Mathematica files attached: N1chiralAll.nb, Ammppmppp.nb; v2 minor corrections, journal versio
All one-loop NMHV gluon amplitudes in N=1 SYM
all one-loop nmhv gluon amplitudes in n=1 sym
maximally helicity violating gluon amplitudes super mills theory. amplitudes helicity gluons helicity gluons constitute infinite amplitudes simplest amplitudes. assemble ingredients nmhv super unwritten cuts spinor bubble coefficients. derive missing quadruple cuts. triangles completes nmhv master sym. facilitate mathematica pages mathematica files attached chiralall.nb ammppmppp.nb minor versio
We present the currently most precise W boson mass (M_W) prediction in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and discuss how it is affected by recent results from the LHC. The evaluation includes the full one-loop result and all known higher order corrections of SM and SUSY type. We show the MSSM prediction in the M_W-m_t plane, taking into account constraints from Higgs and SUSY searches. We point out that even if stops and sbottoms are heavy, relatively large SUSY contributions to M_W are possible if either charginos, neutralinos or sleptons are light. In particular we analyze the effect on the M_W prediction of the Higgs signal at about 125.6 GeV, which within the MSSM can in principle be interpreted as the light or the heavy CP-even Higgs boson. For both interpretations the predicted MSSM region for M_W is in good agreement with the experimental measurement. We furthermore discuss the impact of possible future LHC results in the stop sector on the M_W prediction, considering both the cases of improved limits and of the detection of a scalar top quark.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure
Implications of LHC search results on the W boson mass prediction in the MSSM
implications of lhc search results on the w boson mass prediction in the mssm
precise boson supersymmetric mssm lhc. susy type. mssm susy searches. stops sbottoms susy charginos neutralinos sleptons light. analyze mssm interpreted boson. interpretations mssm measurement. stop pages
We study a multi-matrix model whose low temperature phase is a fuzzy sphere that undergoes an evaporation transition as the temperature is increased. We investigate finite size scaling of the system as the limiting temperature of stability of the fuzzy sphere phase is approached. We find on theoretical grounds that the system should obey scaling with specific heat exponent \alpha=1/2, shift exponent \bar \lambda=4/3 and that the peak in the specific heat grows with exponent \bar \omega=2/3. Using hybrid Monte Carlo simulations we find good collapse of specific heat data consistent with a scaling ansatz which give our best estimates for the scaling exponents as \alpha=0.50 \pm 0.01,\bar \lambda=1.41 \pm 0.08 and \bar \omega=0.66 \pm 0.08 .Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure
Critical Behaviour of the Fuzzy Sphere
critical behaviour of the fuzzy sphere
fuzzy sphere undergoes evaporation increased. limiting fuzzy sphere approached. grounds obey exponent alpha exponent lambda grows exponent omega hybrid monte carlo collapse ansatz exponents alpha lambda omega .comment pages
We propose a model of the Kondo effect based on the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence, also known as holography. The Kondo effect is the screening of a magnetic impurity coupled anti-ferromagnetically to a bath of conduction electrons at low temperatures. In a (1+1)-dimensional CFT description, the Kondo effect is a renormalization group flow triggered by a marginally relevant (0+1)-dimensional operator between two fixed points with the same Kac-Moody current algebra. In the large-N limit, with spin SU(N) and charge U(1) symmetries, the Kondo effect appears as a (0+1)-dimensional second-order mean-field transition in which the U(1) charge symmetry is spontaneously broken. Our holographic model, which combines the CFT and large-N descriptions, is a Chern-Simons gauge field in (2+1)-dimensional AdS space, AdS3, dual to the Kac-Moody current, coupled to a holographic superconductor along an AdS2 subspace. Our model exhibits several characteristic features of the Kondo effect, including a dynamically generated scale, a resistivity with power-law behavior in temperature at low temperatures, and a spectral flow producing a phase shift. Our holographic Kondo model may be useful for studying many open problems involving impurities, including for example the Kondo lattice problem.Comment: 42 pages, 10 eps files in 6 figure
A Holographic Model of the Kondo Effect
a holographic model of the kondo effect
propose kondo sitter conformal correspondence holography. kondo screening impurity ferromagnetically bath conduction temperatures. kondo renormalization triggered marginally moody algebra. symmetries kondo spontaneously broken. holographic combines descriptions chern simons moody holographic superconductor subspace. exhibits kondo dynamically resistivity producing shift. holographic kondo studying involving impurities kondo pages files
We study the hydrodynamics of relativistic fluids with several conserved global charges (i.e., several species of particles) by performing a Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction of a neutral fluid on a N-torus. Via fluid/gravity correspondence, this allows us to describe the long-wavelength dynamics of black branes with several Kaluza-Klein charges. We obtain the equation of state and transport coefficients of the charged fluid directly from those of the higher-dimensional neutral fluid. We specialize these results for the fluids dual to Kaluza-Klein black branes.Comment: v2, Important additions: (1) discussion of the first law for the reduced fluid, (2) transport coefficients in terms of the temperature and the chemical potentials. Some comments and references added. 24 page
Kaluza-Klein reduction of relativistic fluids and their gravity duals
kaluza-klein reduction of relativistic fluids and their gravity duals
hydrodynamics relativistic fluids conserved charges i.e. performing kaluza klein neutral torus. correspondence branes kaluza klein charges. neutral fluid. specialize fluids kaluza klein additions potentials. comments added.
We compute the contributions to the N3LO inclusive Higgs boson cross-section from the square of one-loop amplitudes with a Higgs boson and three QCD partons as external states. Our result is a Taylor expansion in the dimensional regulator epsilon, where the coefficients of the expansion are analytic functions of the ratio of the Higgs boson mass and the partonic center of mass energy and they are valid for arbitrary values of this ratio. We also perform a threshold expansion around the limit of soft-parton radiation in the final state. The expressions for the coefficients of the threshold expansion are valid for arbitrary values of the dimension. As a by-product of the threshold expansion calculation, we have developed a soft expansion method at the integrand level by identifying the relevant soft and collinear regions for the loop-momentum.Comment: 46 page
Real-Virtual contributions to the inclusive Higgs cross-section at N3LO
real-virtual contributions to the inclusive higgs cross-section at n3lo
inclusive boson amplitudes boson partons states. taylor regulator epsilon analytic boson partonic valid ratio. parton state. expressions valid dimension. integrand identifying collinear
We extract from data the parameters of the Higgs potential, the top Yukawa coupling and the electroweak gauge couplings with full 2-loop NNLO precision, and we extrapolate the SM parameters up to large energies with full 3-loop NNLO RGE precision. Then we study the phase diagram of the Standard Model in terms of high-energy parameters, finding that the measured Higgs mass roughly corresponds to the minimum values of the Higgs quartic and top Yukawa and the maximum value of the gauge couplings allowed by vacuum metastability. We discuss various theoretical interpretations of the near-criticality of the Higgs mass.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figures. v3: updated with latest Higgs and top mass, corrected NNLO result for g2 and g
Investigating the near-criticality of the Higgs boson
investigating the near-criticality of the higgs boson
extract yukawa electroweak couplings nnlo precision extrapolate nnlo precision. roughly quartic yukawa couplings metastability. interpretations criticality pages figures. updated latest corrected nnlo
A search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξ+cc in the decay mode Ξ+cc→Λ+cK−π+ is performed with a data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.65 fb−1, of pp collisions recorded at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. No significant signal is found in the mass range 3300-3800 MeV/c 2. Upper limits at the 95% confidence level on the ratio of the Ξ+cc production cross-section times branching fraction to that of the Λ+c , R, are given as a function of the Ξ+cc mass and lifetime. The largest upper limits range from R < 1.5 × 10−2 for a lifetime of 100 fs to R < 3.9 × 10−4 for a lifetime of 400 fs
Search for the doubly charmed baryon Xi_cc^+
search for the doubly charmed baryon xi_cc^+
doubly charmed baryon cc→λ ck−π luminosity collisions tev. confidence branching lifetime. lifetime lifetime
We analyze the theory of massive fermions in the fundamental representation coupled to a U(N) Chern-Simons gauge theory at level K. It is done in the large N, large K limits where \lambda=N/K is kept fixed. Following arXiv:1110.4386 we obtain the solution of a Schwinger-Dyson equation for the two point function, the exact expression for the fermion propagator and the partition function at finite temperature. We prove that in the large K limit there exists an infinite set of classically conserved high spin currents also when a mass is introduced, breaking the conformal invariance. In analogy to the seminal work of 't Hooft on two dimensional QCD, we write down a Bethe-Salpeter equation for the wave function of a "quark anti-quark" bound state. We show that unlike the two dimensional QCD case, the three dimensional Chern-Simons theory does not admit a confining spectrum.Comment: 17 pages,2 figures, comments and acknowledgements adde
Breaking conformal invariance- Large N Chern-Simons theory coupled to massive fundamental fermions
breaking conformal invariance- large n chern-simons theory coupled to massive fundamental fermions
analyze massive fermions chern simons lambda kept fixed. schwinger dyson fermion propagator partition temperature. infinite classically conserved currents breaking conformal invariance. analogy seminal hooft bethe salpeter state. unlike chern simons admit confining pages comments acknowledgements adde
We study the BPS spectrum of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theory of Argyres-Douglas type, obtained via twisted compactification of six-dimensional $A_{N-1}$ $(2,0)$ theory on a sphere with an irregular puncture, by using spectral networks. We give strong evidence of the equivalence of $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theories from six-dimensional theories of different ranks by systematically comparing the chamber structure and wall-crossing phenomena.Comment: 56 pages, 150+ color figures; v2: several minor change
BPS spectrum of Argyres-Douglas theory via spectral network
bps spectrum of argyres-douglas theory via spectral network
mathcal superconformal argyres douglas twisted compactification sphere irregular puncture networks. equivalence mathcal superconformal ranks systematically chamber crossing pages minor
The well-accepted Nelson-Seiberg theorem relates R-symmetries to supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking vacua, and provides a guideline for SUSY model building which is the most promising physics beyond the Standard Model. In the case of Wess-Zumino models with perturbative superpotentials, we revise the theorem to a combined necessary and sufficient condition for SUSY breaking which can be easily checked before solving the vacuum. The revised theorem provides a powerful tool to construct either SUSY breaking or SUSY vacua, and offers many practicable applications in low energy SUSY model building and string phenomenology.Comment: 5 pages; v2: abstract and introduction revised; v3: condition of perturbative superpotentials added, JHEP published versio
The Nelson-Seiberg theorem revised
the nelson-seiberg theorem revised
nelson seiberg relates symmetries supersymmetry susy breaking vacua guideline susy promising model. wess zumino perturbative superpotentials revise susy breaking checked solving vacuum. revised powerful susy breaking susy vacua offers practicable susy pages revised perturbative superpotentials jhep versio
In the three-dimensional sl(N) Chern-Simons higher-spin theory, we prove that the conical surplus and the black hole solution are related by the S-transformation of the modulus of the boundary torus. Then applying the modular group on a given conical surplus solution, we generate a 'SL(2,Z)' family of smooth constant solutions. We then show how these solutions are mapped into one another by coordinate transformations that act non-trivially on the homology of the boundary torus. After deriving a thermodynamics that applies to all the solutions in the 'SL(2,Z)' family, we compute their entropies and free energies, and determine how the latter transform under the modular transformations. Summing over all the modular images of the conical surplus, we write down a (tree-level) modular invariant partition function.Comment: 51 pages; v2: minor corrections and additions; v3: final version, to appear in JHE
Modular Properties of 3D Higher Spin Theory
modular properties of 3d higher spin theory
chern simons conical surplus modulus torus. modular conical surplus solutions. mapped coordinate transformations trivially homology torus. deriving thermodynamics applies entropies transform modular transformations. summing modular conical surplus modular partition pages minor additions
Running couplings can be understood as arising from the spontaneous breaking of an exact scale invariance in appropriate effective theories with no dilatation anomaly. Any ordinary quantum field theory, even if it has massive fields, can be embedded into a theory with spontaneously broken exact scale invariance in such a way that the ordinary running is recovered in the appropriate limit, as long as the potential has a flat direction. These scale-invariant theories, however, do not necessarily solve the cosmological constant or naturalness problems, which become manifest in the need to fine-tune dimensionless parameters.Comment: 24 pages. v2, v3: Added references, improved discussions. v4: Published versio
Running couplings with a vanishing scale anomaly
running couplings with a vanishing scale anomaly
running couplings understood arising spontaneous breaking invariance dilatation anomaly. ordinary massive embedded spontaneously broken invariance ordinary running recovered direction. necessarily solve cosmological naturalness manifest fine tune dimensionless pages. discussions. versio