Wonderful, amazing, and brilliant that's what imagination is. I totally agree that imagination is more important than knowledge. You can used imagination at all time, when you're reading a book, playing or watching your favorite sport, and when your thinking of a place you would like to visit for vacation. You can do a lot of things by only using your imagination. How can you use imagination when you are reading a book. It depends on what kind of book you love and enjoy to read. I'll give you an example, I like to read adventure books. When I'm reading this type of books I love to imagine how happy would I be if I was that type of person doing that type of adventure. Imagination is an awesome tool to use when you are reading a book. If you love reading this type of books use your imagination, use it to enjoy what you are reading. Do you have a favorite sport, or a favorite player. Imagine you were a soccer player, a basketball player, or any type of player. Imagine how wonderful and amazing would that be. If I was a famous soccer player I would be Lionel Messy. When I'm watching soccer I start to imagine that I'm Messy and that I'm the one who is scoring all those goals. You can imagine a lot of things, you can imagine you being a scientist, artist, and a actor. Thinking of a place to visit for vacation. If you have a lot of stress take a break and sit down in your couch and imagine your dream vacation. Let's say you want your dream vacation in Hawaii. Imagine you are surfing on those big waves, sky diving, and learning how Hawaiian people dance. Also you can learned about the culture and generation about Hawaii. Imagination is a great thing to have in life. Imagine your adventures when you're reading a book, imagine your favorite player being you, and imagine your dream vacation in any place around the whole world. It doesn't matter how old or young you are, keep using your imagination, if imagination keeps you happy than used it. The only thing you need to worry about is your happiness and the happiness of those who you love the most. Keep imagine all the great things you love to imagine.
I believe that schools should not adopt to a four day work week each consisting of ten hours. ten hours of school in one day is too much for a student. not only is this too much time for a student, but it would interfere with sports and clubs that they do. on top of that some students also have jobs that they have during the day. For some students sports and clubs mean so much to them. they might want that sport as a career. if student were to do the four day work week it would effect them physically and mentally. students might not even make it on time to that four oclock practice or that very important meeting because of the ten hours. being late, not getting much playing time in the sport you wanna exceed in, and worried about school work that you have to make up,and that could lead up to stress. ten hours in school is a lot of time and that could be too much for a student, it can lead to stressing over too much work and being tired. ten hours can take out a lot of a students day and could interfere with there schedule. student also need free time, with the ten hours they wouldnt have much time because of school work, sports, and jobs. in addition ten hours of school work is just a lot of time, not all student would have that kind of energy to work for ten hours. students have jobs after school and need money. therefore with these ten hours students wouldnt have much time to work because of school work and other activities. jobs are important to students because maybe parents dont give them everything they need for school. some students struggle with just there overall day schedule. ten hours would make it worse, and wouldnt be good for their heath. in conclusion students care about sports and clubs, also sees that as a future career. including that ten hours takes too much time out of your day and that you dont have much free time for yourself, family, and friends. students care about jobs because they need money to help them out with school and other things. ten hours in school just wouldnt be right in a whole day when you can only do so much.
To help or make the world a better place you only need one thing, your imagination. Imagine this, a world without people imagining things. if people don't use their imagination then half of the stuff we have now would be not here. I agree that imagination is important than knowledge, because you can imagine how your future going to be, and imagine how you can change the world. Imagination is important because without it, how did people make the things we have now, because they use there imagination. If you imagine it hard enough it might come true. Scientist are making medicine to cure the sick, why do they do that? Because they imagined that if there was no medicine then half of they human population would die, so they make medicine. If there were no police then our world would be full of criminals and destruction so they imagined to make a police station and people became cops. You can also help out the world. If you just imagine how you are going to do that and imagine how your future is going to be if you do that. I know some of us imagine to grow up and marry a famous person, sadly imagination don't work like that, but there are many beautiful girls and boys (or puppies, if your going to be single all your life) out there. And I know you prefer someone like Emma Watson or someone else, but like I said imagination don't work like that. You can also imagine the impossible and it could happen ( but not the marriage part), if you make it happen. So I believe that imagination is more important than knowledge and I hope now, you do to. Go Go Power Rangers
Playing an instrument is a very educational and enjoyable activity to do. If you know how to play an instrument you can get many advantages from it, that could be really fun for you to do, you can also help people by teaching them how to play an instrument, and last but not leats you can play an instrument in your free time. If you know how to play an instrument you can get many advantages from it. Playing an instrument can lead you to a great career that can really help you in life. Playing an instrument can make you learn other instruments faster. And my last reason why playing an instrument give you a lot of advantages, is that you an upload videos on Social Media of you playing an instrument which will make you meet famous or nice people that can guide you to a better life. My second reason is that you can help people by teaching them how to play an instrument, it can be really enjoyable for both of you. There is a lot of people out there that believe in themselves and have a lot of positivity in themselves too, they would really like to learn an instrument and it could be really fun teaching them because they really want to learna new thing. You can also meet new and nice people, that can make you learn a new instrument, and you can also go to specific places where you can show and teach people with disabilities how to play an instrument which will make them really happy. Playing an instrument in your free time is a cool thing to do. Playing an instrument in your free time can relax your body and it can make you forget your daily problems. In the other hand playing an instrument can make you avoid technology like cellphones, computer and tablets which is something really good and my third reason is that it can make you learn and improve your talent or career. In conclusion playing instruments is a really fun activity. If you are bored now you can just play an instrument, you can also play an instrument in your free time, you can get advantages and you can teach which is also a really fun thing to do. And that's why playing an instrument is really fun.
I want to have a beneficial and efficient work. There is two way to do it one is doing it alone and the other one is do it in group. I think the best way to have a beneficial and efficient work is doing it in group. So, I have some facts that can convince you to think the same as me. This can benefit eveyone on the group because all can share ideas ,we can work in the difirents parts at the same time, they have more time on the breaks ,and they have more time to review the work and checks if there is a problem. I notice doing in group is more efficient and can help improve the working on the on projects or works. First, I think that share ideas with the group will benefit you and all the group. So, they all can have ideas to continue and do not minds in blanc. This will be helpful for the groups because we are more efficient than do it separate. Also, I think this benefit every one on the group to do not get struggle because we are out of ideas. I know that working in group is a benefit because every one in the group is having more breaks than they will have doing separate . Also , this help every one in the group because we are less probable to stress because we all have more times on the breaks to be relax. although, they can work in differents are of the work at the same time. So, every one working in different parts benefit they because they are working faster and efficient. I think we can get more time to help each other on the work and this is great because we learned and help the group to have a good work. Every one doing this in group is a benefit and helpful way. So, doing this in group is helpful because every one can check differents part of the work and look if they find a mistake. Also, I think this is help because maybe a person did not see a mistake another one can see and can help fix it. I think all the group will benefit and we will notice the difference by working alone and working in group. Last, this benefi every one on the part they work because help about finding mstake and review if they something wrong. I think doing a team work is good because every one can improve their skills or habilities . Also, this is helpful to every one to find mistake at tell where are the mistakes are and help us fix it to have a good work. at my point of view , every get experience working with people and sharing time with person to make a good work. So, this help by having more breaks than working alone, be less stress trying to finish the work , be more relax ,and be more concentrate in the work . In conclusion, this are facts and examples why working is group is more helpuf , efficient and benefit.
Dear principal what are community service: is when people come together to help make the community better. helping the community is very important. i think our school students should be required to perform community service, instead of waiting for the school cleaners to take away the trash and clean up the class room at the end of the day. i think students should do it them selves. you can help taking part of community service for example: cleaning up litter, sweeping the lunch room after use, picking up used trash. community service is not meant for school alone there are different palaces community service could take place for example : you house, your neighbourhood, anywhere around you that is need to be clean. i know students have something better to do like, their homework, play video games, i think there is time for everything. and students should always take part in anything that would make their community better and cleaner.
In some societies student are expected to identify a career by the time they enter high school. ALlthoug, some peoplesay it's bad idea because the student doesn't care any more about his school. Overall,some peoplesay it's good idea to student work in this time because you can save money from know until you be a man. First,some peolple say it's bad idea. For example,the student when he see the money he will not care any more about school and his grade will go down and maybe he will repeted the year again. Student is bad to work beacause if he have friend they doesn't work and the guy who work see his friend not working and he just work they will have a big problem. However, is bad idea to student work know becausehe will not care any more about his high school. Second,some people think is good idea to student in high school to work know. For example,when the student work from know and he save money he will come a man to go to colloge he will have a good money to go to the college,For example,student or other gay work's from they younger they can save a good money and when get like a man to get married they can look up the money and get it fast they can buy a house very fast and he doesn't get worried about the money. In adition,is good idea because the student can grow up and he will have a good money. In conclusion, In some societies,student are expected to identify a career by the time they enter high school. I think is good idea for me but is not a bad idea is good idea beacuse I can save money know and when I beacame a big man and my friend there reach and they want to travel to Generic_City I will say yes I can ,but is bad idea because if myfriend ask me and I don't have money I am can say no. In societies, some people say to be a younger guy is good to work. Altough some people say is not a ggod idea to work because your can be tired. Overall,some people say it's nice idea to work because you can help your family. First,some people say is bad idea beacause you will get tired. For example, if you work after school like from 4pm to 12am you will get tired and you leave far away you will have to sleep from 1am to 7am. Then you will have to wake up around 7am and go to school so your not can get to much of sleeping. For example,the work made you tired from 2 week if you was never work at any thing before and if you think you a big guy and you work like at rasturant and you a bad manager maybe he will talk to you in bad away maybe you willfight him. Inadition,is bad to work because you will get tired and youmaybe you will get an a fight with some one and you go to jail. Second, some people say it's good idea to work because you can help your family. For example,I think the work is good because you help your family when you working like you get paid and you give your dad like 500 hundrend and he can pay some of the thing. Altough,like when you work and get like one thousand dollar from the work you give your dad a good money and he can pay and when you see your dad happy and your gud is happy from you will life all life in a good way. Aresult,I think is good idea because I do samething I work after school from 4pm to 1am so that mean I work for 9 houers and I work every Monday,Wensday,Friday,Starday and Suday,so I make every 2 weeks one thousand dollar I gave all ma money to my dad. When I see my dad is happy from me I feel so happy because I know that my gud happy from me,my dad open for me account in wells fargo and untill know I am saving money and I have 1 thousand dollar. In conclusion, In societies, some people say to be a younger guy is good to work. I think is good beacause if you help your dad and your dad is happy from you you can life all your life happy and you became a good dad and youn will have a goodchildren like you I my country there a sentence it's say"how you trade your mom and dad your children beacome trade how you trade your mom and dad". I know that everyone in these world need to become a dad and mom.
Some schools offer distance learning from there house students can learn from there homes by online classes and by doing video conferencing. i think students cannot get education for 2 to 3 hours by sitting home or by talking on video call. if you want to get education you need learning enviornment to learn something. you cannot learn anything by sitting in home some students get tired and sometimes you get lazy by sitting home and doing nothing. if you want to learn someting you have to be present in class physically and mentaly in order to learn something. they should use these options when there is bad weather or ice roads outside so that studdents do not miss there education due to the bad weather students can keep up with there classes and with there grades. i don't agree on talking online claases for whole year while sitting home sometimes you do not know how to solve problems while sitting homw some students do not have a wifi facility at there homes how they are suppose to take classes on online if they do not have laptop or wifi at there house. all the students should come to the school if they want to get education in order to get there diploma. students who do not have any source of coming to school but they do have laptops it can help them to get there diploma while sitting home. students who got injuries and cannot come to school for 1 month because there doctor gave him or her bed rest for 1 month this option can help him so that he or she do not miss there whole month so that they can keep up with there grades so that he or she do not fall back and they can get there diploma. some students who work 5 to 6 days in a week and cannot get up early in the morning this program can help them to get there diploma by staying and taking there test online and video conferencing with there teacher. i do not think all schools should start this program we all have to use techonolgy but you cannot learn whole year while sitting home and doing video call you have to be in learning environment to learn someting because when you get to the collage things are tottaly different no one gonna help you if you do not want to learn all the students have to do everthing by there self.
Imagine if you go to school for more than eight hours? When I was in my country we were going to school at twelve and we were dismiss at five afternoon. I disagree that school should be more than eight hours because teachers can not manage their time, all staff will get tired, and some student have to take care of their family. Teachers can not manage their time. For example, my math teacher Generic_Name he has another job he won't be able to manage his time between teaching the student and the other job. On the other hand, most teachers have kids and they send kids to baby care and they pay money. For example, my science teacher Generic_Name she was not able to stay after school because she has kids. Imagine you have make up work that needs to be done but your teacher is busy? All staff will get tired. Imagine teachers, students, and people who in the cafeteria how they get tired if we make this decision? For example, I feel bad about the people who clean the cafeteria each day. All teachers will have hard time to explain to the student. For instance, I have my cousin he lives in Turkey. Their classes is about two hours and half. My cousin told me I have hard time to understand the teacher on the end of the class because he get tired. Some Student have to take care about their family. For example, When I came from Iraq my mother had heart problem so I have to take care of her each day. My mother she was not able to cook and stand I was responsible to do that. However, when I was in my country I was responsible about my nephews as well. Some say extending school hours is hopeful for student. They are wrong because some student don't like school so they will drop out. Some say student will have finish the school early. They are wrong student will be rushing and not able to get the lesson from first time. Positives. Negatives. In conclusion, I hope that Generic_Name disagree this decision because student like to have fun more than studying. Also I hope all states of America will disagree on this decision. Sincerely Generic_Name
This assay is going to be about a thing that some businesses are doing which is to make a four day work week adding two hours to the regular work days. This essay will have my opinion if we should implement this idea in my school or not. I will talk about some advantages and disadvantages about the implement of this idea to my school. I will suggest some action that a shool should take before the implementing of this idea of this idea. Imagine that you recieve a letter from your school saying that they are planning implement and idea which is to make students come to school four days instead of five adding two hours to the normal day of school. I disagree with this idea because it will affect my school which is a high school, instead of helping it. The first thing that will be affected will be the after school program and activities. If my school add two hours to our schedule each day will consist in ten hours, so students will be more tired and less student will be interest in involving in after school programs so the school might cancel them. I would said that it will affect a high school especially because there are a lot of juniors and siniors that work after school and it can cause to most of them to quit their jobs. Implementing this idea to our school have some advantages and disadvantages as well. One advantage of adding two hours to our schedule are that we will have more time to do our work in school because classes should be longer. Another advantage is that this idea help to conserve energy and resources of the school. A disadvantage is that after school programs might be closed because not so many people will be interested in that. The other disadvantage is that some students might have to change their jobs hour which is not easy and some of them would have to opt for quiting their jobs. Before adding this idea to my school or any school they should ake some actions before. First the school staff should make a meeting to discuss the idea. Then they should make another meeting but this time including the parents of the students. In which they explain to them in what the idea consist. Next they should send a letter home in which the idea is well explained but this time parents have to sign the letter and say wether they agree to the implement of the idea or desagree. Finally after doing all this now the school can decide wether the idea is being implemented or no. In conclusion I disagree with implementing this idea to my school because it will affect the school instead of helping it. I would say that this idea have a lot of desadvantages too. For example the school might cancel after school activities, some students might lose their jobs, and we will get home more tired. I think that the schedule thath my school have right now is just great because students play sports, participate in after school programs, and some others can work too. I think that my school should not implement this idea because we are fine with the schedule that we have and adding two hours will just affect us instead of being beneficial.
Enjoyable Activities Schools provide a variety of educational activity such as, Art. Art can be enjoyable because, there is always something to do, endless creativity, and it can also help you socialize. In Art you can build and create anything your mind thinks also it helps you express your creativity so you can figure out how to find yourself. Express your feelings by making drawings, paintings, and even sculpting will help you express your feelings in Art. If you have trouble making friends at school don't worry, in Art you can meet people that share the same likes as you. Art helps you socialize, you can ask people for help on a specific topic and they can teach you what you never knew about. In Art you can meets people with different likes, even though they have a different way that they think of Art, Everything is still related. In Art you can make drawings, paintings, sculpting and many more, Art is created every time you use your creativity and mind. You can express your creativity by creating Art, you can let all your emotions fill in just one drawing, painting, or others. In Art, creativity is most important and it is needed to create masterpieces, You can also express your skills of a specific topic or you can learn more and many other ways of Art. When you think about Art you probably think of drawing or painting, right? Thats not all to Art, there is an endless amount of ideas you can do in Art. The ideas range from how creative you are, in Art you can make anything, some examples are: sculpting, ceramics, and paper mach'e models, Etc... You can learn how to make other kinds of art that you have never heard of. You can always learn new things in Art. In conclusion, Art is an enjoyable activity because, it lets you express your inner self, the creativity that is hiding this whole time. Art includes letting your creativity flow, never ending ideas to do, and helps you socialize. I recommend this to students of any school, to see if they have an interest in Art or if they find it enjoyable. Reflecting this on myself, I personally enjoy Art a lot, I have made multiple friends this way and tried out the different types of Art, This is why I recommend this to any student to see if they have the same experience or same interest as I do.
Imagination Over Mind Imagination it's what sparks our creativity. Without imagination, knowledge means nothing because we wouldn't be able to come up with anything. How we create intricate characters and stories and how incredible buildings stand tall. This is due to imagination and how we come up with such things. Take a second and think of your favorite character from any source of media. They were created because someone imagined them and brought them to life. Imagination is all around us from our stories and music to our basic everyday items. That pen on your desk was imagined up to be able to write and pass along information. For ages people imagined stories and people listened. People and imagined plays,movies,books,TV and video games all with different stories and design. These things may seem insignificant, but people adore these stories and have been inspired. They have been mesmerized by these worlds and characters. Imagination is what leads people to create these stories. These stories have taught us messages and life lessons also. They inspire us to be best version of our self and to follow our dreams, as we see the characters do. We grow close to characters and relate with them, making these stories more special to us. Imagination gave us inspiring role models and heroes, they also gave us a childhood. How we wait to see our favorite cartoon and smile with excitement waiting for the next adventure to unfold. Imagination gave life to unforgettable characters, how Walt Disney created Micky Mouse and countless other. These characters and stories aren't just for children but adults as well. Stories of all genres exist to bring new experiences and worlds to the audience. Imagination gave us stories to inspire,scare,to make us laugh or even cry for the character. Imagination gave life to countless of stories something knowledge could never do alone. From the Eiffel Tower to an small little house, people imagined buildings and ways to construct them. It's true you need to understand and know how to build but imagination is more important. Imagination is what let us think of such designs. Even in ancient times people put imagination and knowledge to build a house. Whether it's building a mud house or straw hut people imagined putting all of it together and put it in action. How people designed cars for transportation and made it function properly. Engineers are creative and imaginative to come up with such intricate designs and models. Even everyday objects were imagined and made to help you in everyday life. Whether it's a juicer to a wrench, people imagined these things to serve a purpose. How biomechanics creates prosthetic arms and legs to help the disabled to move again. Theses things all started as thought to help society and now are a vital part in today society. Imagination is what led man kind to create items to help us in everyday life. Music is an form of art where people express their emotions through song. Instruments were imagined for the sole purpose to create art. Then playing the instrument led to more creative thinking, then songs were imagined and instruments added to that. Songs are written with heart and they express the artists' emotions. They are imagined and written down, sometimes using metaphors to express their emotions. People say that they can say things through music that they couldn't say with words. Being able to imagine such meaningful songs that leave a such an impact on the listener is incredible. Music speaks to people in a way words can't and the artist that make them are imaginative people. Imagination led these artist to produce such songs and music. Painting is an other form of imaginative art. These artist express themselves by using strokes of paint to produce vibrant works of art. Even though a painting is silent people speak through them to show such meaningful works of art. Artists imagine what they want to paint and execute and you can see such a passion in their works of art. Imagination inspires artist to create outstanding pieces of art. Imagination also expresses itself in the way we dress and life style. For the most part we choose the way we dress,where we work and what we do. When not in uniform or work clothes we choose how we dress. We imagine ourselves a certain way and choose to expresses ourselves that way. Our hair and how we choose to style it also reflects our personality. Whether it's colored,straight,curly or even no hair at all. We also imagine what we want in our lives and choose to study for that career. Our hobbies and interest also show what kind of person you are. How you spend your free time is how you reflect yourself. Our appearance and hobbies are a self reflection of our imagination and who you are. Imagination makes you who you are, and that's what makes everyone a different person. Imagination might not seem important but it's what allows people to create stories, construct buildings, create items,produce music,to make art and makes you. We need imagination even more than we need knowledge. Without imagination there wouldn't be a way to put our knowledge to use. Imagination is the fuel of the world, it's what keeps everything going. It may seem insignificant at first but imagination is so such more. Without imagination no advancements would be made. We need imagination to do almost everything life. Imagination is what makes us human. Imagination over mind.
50% of people say that when you have a problem that its a opportunity to do your best but others dont believe that. "A problem is a chance for you to do your best." I agree because you can prove to your self that you can solve your problems with out any help. Having problems is giving you a chance to do best. For example, when you have homework and you need help but you want to show your parents that you can do it with out there help just do your best and never give up on your self. Also, you can be doing a quiz and your stuck just do the best and move on. Sometimes you my feel stuck or confused but always do the best you can. When the teacher is asking you a question and you are confused you can always just try your best. Another example could be like when your taking a test and it has multiple choice just try your best and mover to the next question. Some people think that problems is a chance to do your best but some people do think that but there are problems that you can have but you just have to do your best and never give up. You can sometimes have problems but always remeber "A problem is a chance for you to do your best".
I totally agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson , being yourself around people of these days is complicated in the way that anything you do or you say is going to be judge by everyone , you will be the critique of your classmates,friends,family. Is basically most of the youth community feeling the pressure of being accepted by the society and they forget to be them and they start becoming someone else, just because the other person might have a lot of friends or they want to have the same popularity as them. 70 percent of the youth community either have depression or they get bully in high school. For the people who sees these type of actions and don't say anything because they are unprotected and are scared to be bully, first know that you can get help and you can be that person giving the courage to the other person feeling same as you. There are multiple reasons why you should want to be yourself and not just a copy. First put in your mind that you are unique , by the time you grow up the reality will come to show you that you don't need to impress anyone but yourself and all your actions is for you, your mistakes will affect you the most .When you are copying someone you should analyze what you win from it and is it really worth it ?.Now , ask yourself if the friends you have are really your friends,just because they walk with you and they talk to you doesn't mean they are your friends , and worse if they tell you to change who you really are. A real friend is that person that would love you and care about your own good, a friend is the one that appreciates you will all your defects. Someone changing you is someone you surely don't want in you life. Believe it or not is better to be alone than with bad friends,inclusive your own family can talk bad about you ,they might critique everything you dress,eat,but that isn't reason to change yourself and be what they are expecting you to be. When you are going to be a grown up, how can you tell someone to be always themselves when you don't even got to known the value of it. Being yourself is worth it, is loving who you are you won't be able to love someone else if you don't love yourself before. Having your own thoughts and always giving your honest opinions are good than just agree with something that you don't , being real is being you. Be real with your friends and if they don't like your opinions or they would make fun of you then feel happier that they finally showed their truth colors. If you cousins or any member of your family make fun of you because you unknown any argument they are talking about or they make fun of they way you dress then they aren't family. Popularity is nothing compared to be yourself, somehow in any time you will feel so stressed ,sad ,and down and that'll be because you can't fake no more. Get you own experience, have your own goals in life, create your future. Instead of worrying about being accepted just worry about what you are planing for the future. Be a right person at least, don't copy someone ignorant , be a good well , always appreciate the appraisal of what you parents thought you and don't you ever feel shameless for it. In the future the success will be good recompense . Lastly be grateful to be unique in the world,be one in a million , always try to improve yourself and instead of going down go up , and if you think that copying someone that you think is up is being a winner you are completely wrong cause you are being a loser, know that there is a lot of mean people that could be around you and you might even call them friends when they aren't .When people is jealousy behalf themselves they can do anything to ruin you when you think they are helping. You want to be a winner then stand up and proudly be yourself.
Well people are use technology when they are sick or when they are busy doing their work at the office. But same people are using technology to do quick look at their email, look if some one is texting them form far distance like friends and family, checking if they got the job they sign up for, and the news what happened in the world. What people should do is to use technology for enmercy only because you can save some one life when they get in to a accedient. People should stop using technology for sign up for job's they should do it on person so they can see how good are you in the job, if are you on time, and if you are do it the right work. Some peolpe love technology because it makes thing easier for them things to do. Most of the people are into technology. But the government has more new technology than us because they have the alert if the missle are coming to us or if the space is have a problem with the selite. And they can find out if some one is hacking the sytem of the president information or they can hack the information of the government. Then people are going to make a app for secuitry information. But mostly the technology is gonig to far with the app and the website's that now you don't know if you can trust them.
People said that having a positive attitude is the key to success in life. The answer is yes, Having a positive attitude can helps you during your hole life, because with attitude you would always see the good side of bad things that happened in life, and also can make you a better person, even attitude can helps you during your job. Having a positive attitude can helps you during your life, it can helps you for the reason that you would never going to look the wrong side, of any bad situation that you are going through. You are always want to look the good side of the situation, and think that what happen was for one reason, For example you did not pass a test in your Government class, you had to think that next time you take it you are going to passed. To continued having a positive attitude can make you a better person, because their are many persons out side that are going through bad problems like financial or family problems, You with a good attitude can help all does people, and that is something that you are going feel proud of doing good things. In short Having a good attitude can help you with your job or if you do not have one it can help you to get one. because now many Companies want people with good attitude for the reason that they want you to talk or help customers with what they are looking for, and they think that is important that you help anybody that needs it. In conclusion a positive attitude is the key to success in life, because it can help you in any bad decisions you take or problem that you are going through or even you can help a friend. With a positive attitude your life is going to be better and so much fun and can make you success in life.
Dear principal I do think that students should be require to perform community service. The reason why I think that is because every one should be helping out the community . where we live is like a community that we need to take care of and not keep massing with it. If we mass up this world where will live, people just throw stuff on the floor, not picking after themselves. We should not be forced but we should do the right thing and be happy about it. People do a lot of things to help out the community, and we all should join in and help out like ever body ells. I would love to help out the community because i want to make the world a better place live and we all should give out a hand. So students should be required to perform the community service.
Influence can be divided in words, actions, and motivation. Words can give a individual influence. Actions can give a example of what to do, when to do it, and/or how to do it. Motivation has a impact in people's life that can demonstrate influence to others. Some people say that giving a example is the only way to demonstrate influence. By analyzing each paragraph the reader will have a summery about how a example is not the only way to influence people. Word can give a excellent influence. Many people tend to hear what other influences say. For example a YouTuber called Alpha M teaches young men, or older men to be more succefull. If Alpha M does not have his charismatic character to talk, then many of his public would not listen to what he says. Words can dictate influence if the person knows what is he or she saying. Not only words is a key, but is a fundamental key. Action is a important key to demonstrate influence in peoples life. Actions tell in a non verbal way how to do certain things in life. For example, Messi, a really famous soccer player, has played soccer since he was 9 years old. His talent has influence many people to be better in sports, and to be better in life. If Leonel Messi did not had the talent to play soccer, then his influence would be less or non. Actions can tell what to do, when to do it, and/or, how to do it. By analyzing actions the reader can tell that actions is a important key, but motivation can give influence to. Motivation can do many things for influence. It demonstrates character, responsibility, and success and thats what people most want to follow, more in this days. Generic_Name, a police officer, has demonstrated a lot of responsibility in many times. He has been rewarded many times because of his excellent work, and his motivation. His motivation has influenced many people to obey the laws, and to be better in society. If Generic_Name's motivation was not good, then many people would not obey the laws. Motivation can make millions of people to be influenced by one person. Motivation is a key, but some people say something else. Some people say that giving a example to society is the only way to influence people. Words, actions, and motivation can give a person influence to follow them or motivate them to do something. By giving a example the person is only influencing people in one way. In particular, a teacher from Generic_school tells students to not use their cellphones during class period, even though he gives the example of not using his cellphone, many students still use their device. If the teacher had giving the students the words, actions, and motivation, then the students would be influenced by the teacher's order. Giving a example is part of influencing others. After reading each paragraph, the reader can have a conclusion that a example is not the only way to influence others in society. A individual's influence can be based by words . What to do, when to do it, and/or how to do it can give example of actions, which gives influence. A individuals motivation can demonstrate influence to others and have a impact in people's life. Some people say that to demonstrate influence, the only thing to do is by giving a example. Words, actions, and motivation are three key factors that can give a person many influence around the world. Not only giving a example, but having this three qualities is important to have influence.
Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "Determine never to be idle... it is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." The people accomplish more if they are always doing something, or the inactivity also serve a purpose. Some people may say that inactivity also serve a purpose because they don't want any accomplish from anyone; However, this people that don't want any accomplish from anyone get more accomplishments when they do their work. We accomplish more if we are always doing something because people accomplish more when they are working for it and people get more satisfaction in what they are doing. First, we accomplish more if we are always doing something because people accomplish more when they are working for it. The people wants to get more when they are doing something important. After this people get better because they are always doing it. Also they are doing good things and they get more things done. Then the people that always is doing something they always wants more accomplishments. Additionally people accomplish more when they are working for it also the people get more satisfaction in what they are doing. Furthermore, we accomplish more if we are doing something because people get satisfaction in what they are doing. Getting satisfaction from something that they do make them happy and they will make them keep doing it. Also they satisfaction of the accomplishment is very important because they will always want keep getting more accomplishments. Then the more work that we do that more we accomplish from the other people. In conclusion, we accomplish more if we are doing something because people accomplish more when they are working for it and people get more satisfaction in what they are doing. In my opinion people accomplish more in what they are doing because they are doing good things and they want to get more accomplishments of their actions. Finally, people accomplish more if they are always doing something and they accomplish more if what they are doing is more important and hard.
Positive attitude is the key to success in life. I gree with the statement of having "positive attitude is the key to succes in life". Becuase people with a good positive attitudes enjoying life better. examples of enjoying better life with a positive attitudes are: people being more pation, respect on all, and hey live life with having less headache on their brains. People who does not have a positive attitude in life, they are not succes to enjoy life in pace. one clearly example of people who does not have a positive attitudes are: they are always conflict with them self, they being disrespect to the people around, and they also are in more trouble and able to get headache constately. Another reason, why I agree keep positive attitude? is because a good positive attitude is also healful to our self and we do not hurt or offend other people. Positive attitude such as a special key to make life better, more healful and to treat other people nice.
Success is not just for perfect persons, sometimes we need to fail for to learn how to be better and learn from our mistakes to succeed and reach our goals that we have in this life. Every single person in this world make mistakes that means to me that no one in this world is perfect, but we need to learn that is part of learn in life, is something about to be better every day and the enthusiasm is part of learn about our mistakes. It is important to fall down and don't loose our hope because that hope and the enthusiasm make us better persons and that is our impulse to succeed and make our dreams real. We need to think like a winners no matter what is going wrong in our life, take our weakness and make it strengths. My mother once told me because you loose one battle that doesn't mean that you loose the war, that show the importance to don't give me up at any bad circumstance or bad decision that i took before in my life because no one in this life born with all knowledge or born perfect to don't make something wrong. She also show that i have to do my best, to give my hundred percent at whatever that i want do because that is what make us better persons, she show me that don't give me up, be dedicated and passionate in all that i want to reach. Failure plays a important role in succeed because that is how the apprenticeship start at, what if all scientist they were gave up in their experiments just because they did something wrong in their experiments we probably would didn't have medicines or the cure to a lot of illness or all technology that we have in the actuality or the first people that worked for the NASA with their first rockets that they made it, they get on fire and burned up but they still tried out again until they reach they dream to be the first persons to go to the moon, all they learned from they mistakes, that was the key of their achievements, that is what made us humans learn from our errors. Is important for us to fail but is more important to don't give us up, to follow our dreams and believe in our self in our own capacity that we are able to be better in whaterver adversity and solve all problems that life impose in our way that is the key to achieve all dreams that we have, not all in this life is perfect but with effort and enthusiasm we can choose the right way to go and found solutions to our problems no matter the adversity just trust your self and do be afraid to be wrong because failure what inspire us to be better and succeed and learn from our mistakes.
What is knowledge with little to no imagination? If you had a mind filled of knowledge but with barely any imagination then that would be the same as eating an Oreo with a dusting of cream in the middle. Just constant knowledge is boring, but adding imagination is like adding sprinkles on to a boring vanilla cake. Quantum physicist, Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Einstein is indeed correct because there are many ways imagination is more important than knowledge. One reason why imagination is greater than knowledge is that of the ability to imagine the unthinkable. For example, how do you think Albert Einstein learned and explored the unknown of quantum physics? He used his mind to imagine the unthinkable. How you think Elon Musk came up with the idea to start a colony on Mars? He imagined in it all in his head. How do you think Steve Jobs invented the iPhone? He used imagination to gain that knowledge. Imagination is what fuels the mind to create knowledge. It's all in the head, that's where it all starts from. Another reason why imagination is important is because of the benefits of using your imagination often. For example, using your imagination often will have you obtain a more creative and detailed mindset overall. You can also do many cool things using your imagination such as lucid dreaming, invent new ideas, or even train your mind to see the world in a different way. You should always use your imagination often to strengthen it. You should also try lucid dreaming to come up with brand new or more innovative idea while using your already known knowledge. Finally, the last reason why imagination is more important than knowledge is that it can change you mentally and physically. How imagination can change you mentally as a person is by making you a better person or be a more fun person overall. How imagination can change you physically as a person is by motivating you to be a better by work outing and or going on jogs pretty often. As a result, using your imagination can change you in many ways as described above, unlike knowledge. In conclusion, I agree with Einstein and his idea about how imagination is more important than knowledge. Using your imagination is benefiting, motivating, changing all in different ways. No matter who you are, you will be changed by the different ways imagination can affect you and on your already known knowledge. Imagination is alot more important than you think it is.
Do we accomplish more if we are always doing something? Yes we accomplish more if were always doing something but only if what we're doing benefits us. Why? Because if we're always doing something then we would succeed more in life, we would always be active and doing something productive. But it also depends on what kind of activities your doing and if what your doing is going to benefit you later on in the future. Because if what your doing isn't benefiting your future then there's no point of doing something that doesn't help you out for later on in life. For example sports, if your always doing sports then that would be great way to benefit your future and also a good way to stay active. The reason I say this is because by playing sports you could have many different opportunities. Like getting scholarships into different universities, especially if you're great at playing the sport. And also it's another way to help you stay fit because your always doing some type of exercise in any kind of sport. So that brings me to my next example. Another example is exercising, if you like exercising, going to the gym and just being active in general then that's another great thing to do that'll help you accomplish and benefit your future. Why I say this is because by being active it's going to help you to always stay fit and healthy. And how that benefits you in the future is because whenever you get older you won't have that many health problems or issues with your body so you'll always stay fit. What'll also help out a lot is by always eating healthy so that's something else you could do to help you accomplish and benefit your future. Also working is something you could always do that'll help you accomplish more in life. Why I say this is because if your always working then that means you'll always have money. And having money would help you out in a lot of things. For example, it could help you out in school, for a car, food, clothes, and etc. Or you could also save up money for whenever you might need it for an emergency. It'll also benefit you by always having something to do so that way you won't just be home doing anything. So in conclusion, doing something is always going to help us accomplish more in life. I don't believe inactivity serves a purpose because you won't accomplish anything if your not doing something that benefits you. You always have to be active and doing something productive if not you won't be successful in life. That is why I say that you have to do something that benefits you so you could succeed in the future. So yes, we accomplish more if we are always doing something.
Hello dear reader. In the follows paragraphs I would like to tell you what I think about this issue because i believe that everyone got opinions or some ideas about this new "proposal" as well. First, I would like to discuss if this "proposal' makes sence to me or not and wich are the advantages and disadvantages. First thing I may say is the advatage and the disadvantage that we probably can see or find in the proposal. One adventage that comes along with this proposal is one schools day less. If the school follows the whole proposal; we can say or expect that friday or anyday will be off; wich means no school for us. In addition, we will have three days free. So, we can spent more time donig what we most love or enjoy. In the other hand, we have the disadvantages. I personally found one hugh disadvantage, the time. I personally think that the time that we will spent in the school is alot. Just think about it , how do you going to fell staying about 10 hours in the same place , spacially when that plece is not home. You might be get uncomfortable, or little irritable. Secondly, I totally agree with the proposal because we gonna get more help on schools subject wich is good for us. Also we will avaible to do more school activities such as sports, fell trips, math stuff or any other amazing things. Besides, we will learnd more things such as lenguague stuff. like I said in my las sentence more time in the school could works for many of us. Lastly, One more day free. We gonna spent more time in school, but at the same time we also can get one more day free. Folllowing the proposal we also can get other day free like Saturday or Sunday wich is good for us because that day could be any day of the week. So, this means that we are avaible to do more thinghs that we most enjoy or love, for example, play videogames , go to the park , take wallks and other amazing things. Conclusion, the new proposal has a good advantages over the disadvantages. I completly agree with this and I am sure the proposal is benefial and will work for us. Also, we will save energy and resources , at the same time we gonna get benefits from it.
i think it is good because if we know what we wanna do in the future is easy for us goalds. some time a us family they help from us future, and in the school the teacher they ask us golds some time we cant not respond because we dont know what is ous future. i see some students in the class room they so smart. some people they come to the other country they whant to complint or stude, some country is good they gave support from us golds, a big example is UNITED STATE. they have a lot opportunited its good for education. for example. if we what to do a teacher, i know what i do in the future maybe my mom was teacher i can try to do a teacher , I can ask adivice, my mom that it is good support. but if we don't know what we wanth to do in the future. we have time for focus , and we have to thinks what we wanna do from us golds, something forghet thinks easy and we dont practice. i thinks thast is good idea what we wanna know from us future.
1. Scientist Albert Einstein is wrong because imagination is not important because it won't help you with studying or anything like that, knowledge is more important than imagination because imagination is showing you some mental dumb images in ur brain so it not good for you, being knowledge is more helpful. 2. Scientist Albert Einstein is trying to compareing about which is more important imagination or knowledge but he said to himself that Imagination is more important than knowledge so i disagree because it not right imagination is not gonna help these kids being smart. 3. Scientist Albert Einstein is trying to help these kids to be smart,but i don't think i agree that imagination is right because i just think that imagination can show you some images about like your just making a car right now, so im just gonna said maybe imagination is more important than knowledge maybe i said.. 4. Imagination probably is more important because it might sometimes show you images about something that your being smart something like that but i can't figure it out, being knowledge is more important but i guess not. 5. For now i think Imagination is help for all the peoples i bet every scientist use they imagination to create something new, from now own i will use my imagination to think something smart that can help everyone.
Community, state, national parks provide a wide variety of interesting activities. I will write about an enjoyable way to spend time outdoors. I will use specific details and examples, to explaing why someone might find that activity enjoyable. For my opinion i think i will like to have a community, state, national park that has two fields. One basketball field with soccer goals at the botton of the basketball hoot. Then last but not least a tennis court. That would be cool. Then i will want the parks/play ground, to be split in two. One small play ground for little childrens under 9 years old. And then the other one will be for kids above 10 years old. Now i will describe what will i want to look like or have on the babies' play ground from a 2/3 year old kid to 9. kids and parents will like to have tiny slides of a hight of 3 or 4 feet tall and have sings that are special for babeis'. Then little benches were they can sit with there parents. After that i will like does little horses made of plastic or metal, that you can move back and forth. Then now i will tell you and describe you how can kids will love kids to have on the other park or play ground from kids from 10 and above. So maybe kids will love to have two fields' because maybe they like to play soccer or basketball and tennis so one of them will be a basketball field with small soccer goals at the botton of the basketball hoot because a lot of kids like soccer and basketball. Then the other field will be a tennis field. What kids will love too is have to courts on one field too. Then for the slide i want four of the to have a hight about 6 or 7 feet tall and two with curls and the other two, just normal. Then the other biggest ones will be of a high of 10 feet tall and i will promise you that kids will love it! So they don't get bord and say; this is boring. This is for little kids, i don't like it!. So this is what i think that chlidrens will like to play on. That is all i wanted to say.
Dear: Mr Generic_Name Hi! Mister Generic_Name i'm writing this for you about never to be idle the peolpe who don'nm like to do nothing people that they are lazy , this it's important that the peolple that are lazy they should learn abot that like What they can do for don't be lazy ? What are the disadvantage and others benefit that could help them. This position take care to all the people that don't like to do nothing with specifics ways some pelople have differents things that could be like lazy like , Many students are lazy to do their homework people that are lazy to work and they have to do it because it's necesssary for our life , Also the peolpe who have that study in university they like more go to a party people like that only want go to places that are funny or sleep the whole day in many countries people still with that the people who have a dream in their lifes and not strive to do it now who have opportunities that are young can strive for they want for their lifes in their futures , about the information that we can find it in Google about this topic also is a procedure that they can take to have energy I think also could be anemia and they could eat well . Anothers examples that can help to people that should know them: Can be idle their whole life if they don't take care what they have or how they be : In centro America many cases are similar or could be like this , Also the children growing only playing with what they like example : soccer , video games , car , playing with their computers , etc. How I think it's necessary that the others peolpe help to them to bring ideas what they need to do for don't be idle can take a long time to improve and have new personality and think different.... Some offices can help them to improve there are many ways to leave of that , In specific the women who are idle in cases thar have children and husband have to leave of that case because many women have to do it all of their work at home if they have their own work already it's other case. Sincerely : Generic_Name
Success consists in how people manage their own enthusiasm and how responsible they are about their acts. every person makes mistakes every day and they are responsible for it, but that is how people learn every day from every mistakes they have committed from the beginning until now. Mistakes help you learn and get better and better until you understand the concept about what you are doing. Some people think that by making mistakes you will fail something, but notes that at the end you will get results from it. A lot of people fail everyday and that doesn't mean that you're not perfect because no one is perfect in these world, but the main idea is to look for the best way to manage or do something and also to keep forward. Failure is just the key to keep looking forward in these world. We have the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from it, that is how people progress to became someone in the future. failure is a lesson that these world give us to keep learning and at the end to find a solution and continue our lives. however, there are a lot of people that think that failure is like an stop sign that don't let us keep looking forward, but failure is just a process in which people advance to find results that will help them to survive in these life. Some people stop where they are just because they fail on something, they think that they can not keep going forward just for a little mistake they have committed and they also give up. The word failure doesn't mean that you should stop on what you are trying to do. Failure is a strong word that teach us get up, find the best results and keep living our lives. Failure is a progress in which every person create their own future. By failing people analyzed that they keep learning and at the same time they are creating a better future in which they will have better lives. The word failure give us the enthusiasm to maintain the resistance to keep fighting for what we really want to reached, that help us that at the end we would get better things in order to keep living.
When in need of advice on what to do, seeking multiple opinions can help people make a better choice. People who are indecisive, tend to seek for advice, and with input from multiple people, they can go with the majority of what people say. Out of the many opinions someone could receive, one may influence them more than the others and help them make a decision they are positive on. People sometimes may be unsure of something, so they seek for multiple opinions and those opinions could give that person that assurance they need to establish a finalized decision. Multiple opinions increases a greater chance to help a person make a better choice. People who are indecisive could overthink and they may make a choice that they are unsure about. Asking multiple people for opinions could give them a better understanding on what choice to make. If you need advice on a deciding what to do, like choosing what pair of shoes you want to wear, you could always make an easy decision and go with the majority of what people favor most. Indecisiveness can lead a person to making an unsure decision causing them to later regret what they did, so you can save yourself from the trouble of that, and seek for multiple opinions to help you carefully decide. When asking multiple people for advice, you can receive all sorts of different answers. Out of all the answers you get, there may be some that are of no help whatsoever, but there also could be one that could influence you heavily and be great of help. It possibly could open up a new window of thoughts that you'd never would have. That one opinion could give you a better understanding and help you make a decision that you are really sure of. You're now stuck on making a tough decision, and you have a decision in the back of your mind already made up, but you're not sure if you should make the call. You ask someone for advice on what to do, but it just isn't enough to convince you to do it. Seeking multiple opinions could give you the assurance you need. There could one or more opinions that could help you make that final decision about something you are wavering on. There are many reasons why seeking multiple opinions can help you to make a better choice. It will help those out who are indecisive and give them an easy decision to make. Out of all the advice you receive, there may be one that'll help make things clear and help make it easier for you to decide. Those multiple opinions could give you assurance you need if you are ever unsure about a choice you have to make, and gives a better chance of you making the better choice.
On life's important matters is it best handling by yourself or seek help? They're two types of people, one follows his or her own ideas , and the other seek guidance. I strongly agree getting help form a expert or authority is much better than following your own instincts. Reasons are teacher and therapist; Both help out a lot in peoples life. For example my friend Generic_Name and me. Therapist help me when I was going through hard times. My family had split up, a good friend pass away, and I got bully in school, so many confusing and terrible events happening which teared me apart. Trying to work so hard fixing everything by myself, but non of my ideas work. Until I talk to a therapist about my problems. The therapist guide me to a better understanding of my life, and what to do next. Together we solve my problem with the bully in school, and help me got over my family split and my friend death. Secondly, my friend Generic_Name is a senior in high school. She was never good in math, nor did she pass the math SOL. Generic_Name had chances to retake the math sol to graduate. The next one she taking will be the last SOL . Generic_Name study on her own and worked very hard. She like to be self-reliance But at this point it was not working, so Generic_Name ask her math teacher to help out before the SOL. The teacher saw Generic_Name had a lots of mistake, so the teacher guide her to fix it. Also teach her on the math problem she didn't know. Seeking guidance form the math teacher help Generic_Name pass the SOL. In conclusion getting help form experts or authorities help, in ways being self reliance can't. Seeking guidance help a better understanding of the situation, less mistake, controlling stress, and learn something you did not know.
" How village people get education " A village have a school and they are diside learning the people, they offer for distance learning. They do meeting for that and everybody agree for that. After few week start the class. Some students visit every where and they try to teach to viliage peoples and attend to them. They think village peoples learning everything . What they are need? I think"yes" students would benefit from being able to atted classes from home. My first reason is some village have or had no one go to school. They just doing hard work. One day some peoples visit this village and they deside. They will be teach to them. Then, they are start the classes . Some people think it's crazy. When everybody learning they know it's good for everybody. They takeing online or video class for how they are makeing graden? how they are growing up? how they can't do hard work? First issue is how they thing about that? My second reason is I think the peoples they don't doing any study they will be face the any problems. This why they need to study. some people thing study is bad thing of life. How we solve this problem? The people teach to them many things for examples: 1. Girls under 18 they don't get the married. 2. how control the birth? 3. They are need a nice future. 4. Boys and Girls need the education. My third reason is I resoonse for the reasons because whole world peoples need the good educaton or genertion of future. Because who didn't get study they no how can talk to peoples. I agree for that because peoples need the educatoin. The village people now go to school and they send to child in school. They students help to them everything what they need to every daily life. My conculation is one second, one minute, one day, one months,and one year peoples need the study or education. Because people don't get study the will be get poor. I'm agree with this school they deside good idea for the village peoples. The learning is don't finish because will leaning every day some thing new. Study can't be finished when you will be die. Also, they need to do how the students teach to them and how they are learning.
Some people believe in praising a students work to build self-esteem, even if the work is not the best effort. They believe that the students must be self confident in order to learn. Others believe that praise given to deficient work undermines learning by lowering standards. They believe the source of true self-esteem is achievement. True self-esteem is from achievement, it encourages students reach their goals, being a good role model , and being determined for their success. Students self-esteem comes from achievement, once one goal is achieved students will have confidence, which will cause students to achieve more goals. Students achieving their dreams will encourage others to try their hardest to succeed more. Students will become better leaders by encouraging others to accomplish their dreams as well. This will give students a mindset to not give up easily. When students see others achieve their goals it gives them hope to be able to do the same, which leads to students trying their best to turn in their assignments on time and give their full effort on topics they're given. However, students having success allows them to be good role models for older and younger generations. Students prove others whats like to achieve their goals and have the emotional support they need to continue their dreams. Students set a good example on how others can accomplish their own goals. Students having confidence and helping others achieve their dreams helps build their self-esteem, which helps students learn better about others and ways to accomplish more goals. Being a good leader will help in many different ways to succeed by, helping others with emotional support and guiding them to their dreams. Students will be very confident when their goals have been accomplished and helping others to succeed as well. In conclusion, Self-esteem comes from achievement. Students build their self-esteem by encouraging students to try their best on assignments, having emotional support, and accomplishing their dreams. True self-esteem comes from achievement, it motivates and encourages students to reach their goals. Self-esteem leads students to become a good role model.
"SNORE, SNORE" every time that I do something I do not I feel so lazy. I think if we accomplish more if we are always doing something. I believe that your mind do not get lazy and you feel productive. For example, if you go to school, have a job, and help other people. If you do many things every time later on you always will want to do something. I also know that you can do something without doing nothing and one them is been at of problems. Like Thomas Jefferson wrote," never to be idle" that means that do not be the type of people that do not like to do nothing. First, I believe if you go to school you will accomplish more because your mind is going to be busy. In my opinion, I feel that I do a lot more than just not do nothing because: I wake up on time ,I go to school every day, I do my homewoks after school, and I feel productive by going to school. Also when I do not understand something I ask the teacher for help and if my classmate need my help I do my best by giving them information about the class. If I keep my mind busy I feel good because I experience talking with my classmate. Second, having a job help you by giving you experience for the future. For example, when I started working In my first job I learned a lot things like how to use a computer, I though that I was never going to learn it but I did it and now it help me for my education. Next, now I know that the way of accomplish something you need to have interest to do it. If you do not have interest or if you want to do nothing you never are going to accomplish anything because the best way of do it is by doing something. In my second job I did not know how to use a cellphone but I put all my interest to learned and help my customers by taking their orders. Now in my third job I know many things like : answer the phone, take orders, and especially how give a good customer service. Third, I think helping other people is way of accomplish something. If you help people like homeless you are going to have the opportunity to talk to them and understand why they do not have a place to live or a family to support them. I think this is the best way because some people prefer to leave their home because they do not like the rulers of their parents. This is not the best solution that people should take because everyone need a support of someone. And the best way of accomplish something no matter what it is is by obey and listen the old people who always have the right because they have more experience than us. For example, one day I was homeless because my parents left me with my two brothers and I did not have food to give to them every time that they asked for food my eyes were tearful because they were little and also they did not understand the situation. Now when I see people asking for food it remain me that one day I was like them. I chose to write about we accomplish more if we are always doing something. I believe that you accomplish a lot of things by always doing something and I said by going to school, find a job, and helping other people. I believe t I also know that you can accomplish other things by doing something different but I chose help my self and others. Also I understand that you can accomplish something by doing nothing but one of then is by been at of problems. By doing all of this I considerate my self accomplishing many things.
Is a good or bad idea to choose a carrer being young? To begin, in my opinion choose a career being a young student is a good idea because it is a great opportunity for them. Imagine people can choose their profession since their youthness. For example, if they think that they want to be a doctor and at that moment they do not like that profession, they can opt for other career on time. Also, taking that decision many people assure their future, for example if they know what to do when they come to the adult stage, they going to be successful because they going to learn many things since young, and that helps to get better their knowledge. Therefore, doing careers help to people to keep their mind busy in their careers and studying hard and using their time to do good things, like do not using drug or wasting their time being a vandal. As well, if all the people do it, the world will be a place full of privilege, with porfessional people around, having trust and support on each other. To conclude, doing career is one of many opportunities that we have in this country, so we have to use it, because it help us to be good person and get better our skills to be a professional. Furthermore, we have to learn how to focus in really important things. Also, it teach us how to become a successful human and fight for our goals since young. As well, it is good to learn how to be a independant person because if you study hard, your future will be full of success, so you do not need other people to do anything you want.
The debate was using cell phones in the classroom for educational purposes. Some people think using cell phones in the classroom is not good because as soon they grab phones, they will start texting their friends. Some people feel that using cell phones for educational purposes is a good idea because they will do their work. I believe using cell phones in the classroom will distract students, they won't pay attention, and they will stop working. First reason why using cell phones will distract students because they will listen to music. They will start using Snap chat, Instagram, and Facebook. When my teacher tell us to take out your phones, the first thing I do is to text my friend. I don't like using cell phone because I'll get lazy to do work. Without using phone I have responsibility of doing homework and classwork. One day we were doing a group project, so one of my partner was using phone and he was listening to the music. The teacher told us to share it with the class and give some more details while explaining. Three of us did what the teacher told us to, but the guy who used phone, he had no idea what to do then he got F for that assignment. Second reason why students should not be using cell phones because they won't pay attention to what the teacher is saying. It will create a big problem because teacher will get tired of explaining and none of the students will listen to her. Even I will stop paying attention because I will start watching my favorite TV show. Only few students will pay attention because they must have their parent's pressure, without that I can guarantee that no one will do what the teacher is telling them. Without paying attention to the teacher while she is giving instruction for the class will make students fail the class. Third reason why school should not allow students to use cell phones because they won't do their work. If I know that I can use my phone then I won't do anything because I get too lazy to do it. Without doing homework or classwork students will get F and it will harm them after graduating high school. When I was a junior, I was using my phone in the chemistry class while doing a lab. By mistake I dropped chemical on my phone then I lost my phone because it stopped working and when I went home I told the whole story to my parents, they got mad at me. They said, "how can you be so irresponsible and why you used your phone while doing a lab thats why you have bad grades in the class and so on." As you have read, using cell phones in the classroom is not a good idea because many students will stop working. They won't do anything because students are addicted to their phones. Using cell phone is not beneficial because we lose the ability of working and focusing. Using phone won't make anyone smart, if they focus on doing work or listen to teacher that will make them smart and responsible people. Education is the key of success and taking that key will make you work hard.
Once in a while we all have been heard a phrase; "TRY, TRY, UNTIL YOU SUCCED". We all have been gone through failing, at some part of our lives. But we never give up and we do our best. And at the end we get more of it. Yes we accomplish more if we are always doing something. There are few people who don't agree to this statement. They say doing something more will not let you do other work. But rather than seating ideal, we should always try new things around. Trying new things can give new experience. Also, you can get better at things. And, moreover it also makes you strong. Rather than seating ideal, doing nothing; we should always keep on trying new things. We humans always have dreams of doing things like: Sports, Cooking, Adventure activities, getting into music, dance, and many more. Doing something and trying out new things will always give you new experience. I wanted to learn guitar from my childhood but, it was not possible when i was in school. During my last summer break i joined guitar classes. It was next level experience to me. I learned so many new things which i never knew about guitar. There, i also met new people and made new friends. Meeting new people and knowing interesting facts about their lives is also a new experience. On the other hand their are some people who says trying new things don't give you experience, and it also wastes your time. But if we want to at least full fill our dreams then we have to keep on working hard. There are few people who argue; doing same things everyday won't give you anything and you will also not able to focus on other things. But that's not true. Doing same thing again and again can make you better and you can be best in the future. let's just talk about me when i joined my guitar classes. On the very first day i didn't knew nothing about guitar. Their were lots of things like: cords, tunes, vocal. This all were like a big giant algebra equation which were kept in front of me, in which i didn't even knew how to solve for x. I knew a little bit of knowledge how to play with guitar string, but i never knew much things in details. On the very first day when i went to my guitar class i was not really good. But after continuing playing for a month i actually started improving at that. And today i'm really good at playing guitar. There are many individual who says that trying new things is a fail. And later it demotivates you and make you feel depressed and upset. Many of us our not really good at things. We fail at many things at first. In this situation many of us give up and don't try to take a second chance. But do we actually know that failure is the biggest key to success and it also teaches you many lesson. I'm not really great student who can Handel math. I failed in algebra1 in my 9th. Every test, every quiz, i used to get D or either F. But failing at same things again and again until i started getting good grades thought me so many new things. And it also made me more stronger. Failing makes you more stronger so that in future also you can fight with it. In conclusion seating ideal will never make you succeed. Trying new things is a opportunity to learn new things and explore things around you.
I think it is a good idea because if you finished with the career that you took, you have more time to take another career, you can start a project at a very young age and if these project did not work you have more time to try it again. First, if you studied a career that you like before and now you dont like it, you have another options or opportunities to take another career for example, I have a friend she is 22 years old, she will to graduate the next year at the age of 23, she is very young and she is thinking to take another career that make her more professional. Then, if you want to start a project you have a lot of ideas because the mind of the young people is incredible and if you fail it you can try and try again for instance If you want yo start a project like, you want people to work for you you can start something easy like clean houses and the money that you earn from that then you pay to them or you can put a store of clothes and you can to make your own company of clothes or you can have a restaurant and earn s extra money for these works. They can study and work at the same time and earn money to pay his or her college, they can start a family while they are taking another career and if they learn a lot of things they have their own life. Finally, I think it is a good but good idea because they become more professionals and they have more chances o have a great life, If you see more of the students are young and they work hard to have a amazing life, it is a good idea because you can help people to give them motivation and they can see you like a inspiration to go ahead.
I would like to visit two countries one of them is Spain and the other one is located in central america and is my countrie is Honduras but i have more like Generic_City, Generic_City, and Japan,and UK just to see their national things that they have. But my top two countries that i would visit is Spain and Hondura. You maybe be saying to yourself why is he want to visit the two countries. Well i picked spain because Spain have a lot of good things like they national food. The national food of spain people say that is delicious and like they want to try more. But theres one place that their food taste super good and is Generic_City. Generic_City is a famous place in spain because of their food and their soccer team oh yeah they have a soccer teamif you dont know about soccer them let me tell you about it. Barca is a famous soccer team in sapin and in the whole world like if you know someone that likes soccer ask about barca. Well Generic_City has a Famous stadioum call Camp Nou and like they have the best soccer player in the whole world messi and like i would like to watch a soccer game in that stadioum like a classico or a liga game but yeah like i would like to watch a game in there. Talking about baracelona theres a soocer team call real masedrid and thats FCB Generic_City enemy when they play we call it the classico cause two of the best team ever play together is a big thing for some fans that likes soccer and like i would like to try their food just to know how it taste and same for Generic_City im not a big fan of real madrid but i would like to watch a soccer game in their stadioum the stadioum name is el bernabeu is a another famous stadioum. But a another place i would like to visit is the stadioum of el atlectico why because i want to see the stadioum of atletico de madrid i think the name of the atleticos stadioum is el coliseo i think thats the name and there a another state in spain that i want to go and is Generic_City why because i would like to see my favorites youtuber hosue cause like im a big fan of him and like i been following him in youtube sences 4 years and like thats a dream for me too. A another place that i would like to visit is were i was born my countrie Honduras. Hounduras is located in central america near guatemala belinze and salvador. Did you know that hounduras has a lot of frontiers with anothers countries. And like i would like to visit because i never went to watch a soocer game in honduras stadioum and i remeber that i used to pass near in the car with my dad and my mom. We used to watch the soccer games in the tv me with my dad and my brother i used to remeber that i were going to go for the first time a soccer game in the stadioum but them it started to rain a lot so my dad told us that we are ot going to the stadioum no more because is going to be dangeours so we were sad i was more sad and like i think i started to cry but like that was like 6 years ago. And like i have my most of my family in Honduras and i remeber that i used to have two pets the first one was a dog and the second one it was a perrot and i used to have a another dog but the dog his name was ranger die cause he aet something thats we could find but yeah. This is the last place that i want to visit and is Generic_City thats the last place that i want to visit and you will be saying to yourself why this. And i would say let me tell you i will vist this palce because it has the world largest tower in the world like theres rich people in there driving bugatis and ferrarris and more cars that you dont see anywere. I like this place because like you see like lions as a pet or a cheeta or anything like this people are crasy. I lie to you theres a another place that i would like to visit and is japan why because likes theres hunted places like the famous forest located in japan and ect like i would like to try new type of food like there national food and there national place and like im more aventure guy. I like dangeours things i dont know why but im like that i could visit australia why cause i like any type of animal like snakes lions spiders and more and like i used to watch a tv show call steve irwings he die bye a rai fish but i used to watch it and like animals started to like them i sued to be scared of bees spiders frogs and that type of animals i wish i could have the type of job but thats all the places that i want to visit you got to know me.
I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson when he wrote, "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow". You need to show to everyone what are your ambition to improve your life, and if you don't show to the World what you can affort, do not put any complain to someone else for your fault. You always want to know what are your own limits. First, I think what he is trying to said with " Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow" is always have big dreams bigger than you and have big ambition too. That you always work hard and know your position and show to everyone how you get there, because is not easy go to the top and keep the place, and most of the people give up, and not showing us their goals complete. Second, do not put any complain to someone else for your fault, ehat you did, you did thinking what its the best way for you, and don't take it like a loss, take it like you get more experience in life, and its not always happines have sadness too, but always you are getting more knowledge to know how to do that next time, and show to the world how you get there. Third, people always have challenging on their life that cause that people always want to know what are their limits, so they always push themselves to know what are their limits until they can't anymore. Then, they try to overpass their limits working harderst than anyone, sacrificing themselves, and living their pride to stay at the top or to go at the top. In my opinion, everyone have the right to improve their life that only they need its to be more confidence then its to do not to give up and push themselves in other words being perseverance to overpass their limits thinking always in big, and leave a legacy for the next generation.
I agree that positive attitude is the key of success in life. Because the importance of having a good attitude is to never doubt yourself that you can't do it when all you have to put is work. Working hard is most of the common things you can do to pass High School and College. Then you start searching up for things that you're interested to do after you finish college like a job which you have to have a positive attitude to pass the interview and treat customers good. Positive attitude will change your life forever. One, Having a positive attitude will get you anywhere. You want to have a good image that its positive. You have to be hopeful and confident about the future. In many places is hard to find a good successful job, which all you have to do is have good attitude in front of the manager and if you get it keep your head up always don't let that ruin you. For example, their is a lot opportunities for a good successful job, but you have to keep working hard until you get what you wanted. Two, Feeling good about yourself is sometimes what you need to have success. If its necessary to take away people to have good feeling about you is good so you can focus more on want to do in life. You are the only person that can control yourself or behavior. Take little five minutes to think and prove to yourself that you can do it without any help. For example, If you don't like Monday mornings all you have to do is reflect a positive thought on your mind that will make you happy the rest of the day. Three, Show your best work by doing right thing in life to success. If you have you head up always and sometimes you need to think is good for yourself which make you a better person my reflecting a good image. Be honest to yourself and never take life for granted. Is important that you have a good positive attitude by doing this stuff which will led you to a good successful career. For example, You have a big interview that is gonna require a lot hard work cause this can define your future and you want to be successful in life overall if you pass and have all the techniques you need you're good then, but if not then you will keep trying until you get it right. I agree that positive attitude is the key of success in life. In this life you can be whatever you want,but all you have to do is work hard. Have a positive mind set and positive attitude this will led you to have a good things in life. Have faith on yourself to get back what you want. The success don't come along in just one day you have to keep working hard to reach the top and have what you always wanted. Success will pay you off at the end when you have reach the top and all from it was to have a positive attitude and be the greatest person ever. This will show you that anything is possible to do in this world. What's impossible become possible.
I agree that you shouldn't aim high, because when you aim high you never have a staring point to your own process, if you aim high it could ruin your work ethic and how you see yourself, and lastly you can make muiltiple mistakes and correct it and make it perfect work, compared to aiming and doing horrible work and falling back down to the bottom. When you aim low you have way more time to gain information, practice on your work, and have a good idea on what you want to do. For example the creator of Microsoft Bill Gates he didn't just wake up one morning and said" im going to create a software system named windows" he woke up and began to study computers, and everything about how a software works. So aiming low gives you the advantage of failing and not giving up on what you want to become. Most people are always told to "aim high" the ones that are told to aim high will never be able to handle failure because they never aimed low first and then worked their way to the top, that is how setting your aim to high can make you fall short in life. Aiming high, and having a high expectation can really hurt your work ethic, Why you ask? because once you aim high and never practice on your work thats how you fail, the way you work will not be the same compared to a person who aimed low and is making his or her way to the top. For example Delonte West was a NBA basketball player he was really good, until he began to use drugs once he did that he was kicked out of the NBA and is now currently poor. You see the reason why the NBA kicked him out of the league was because they have very high expectations for him and wouldn't expect him to do drugs at all but, if he was using drugs before he even entered the league and stopped using them completely and went to the NBA he would still be playing to this day that is a good example of aiming high and falling short and aiming low and achieving your mark. The only way to start in any journey or process that you do is to start from the bottom meaning aim low and you'll achieve your mark. Aiming high can not benefit how you were able to make it to where you are now. That is true Michaelangelo was right about aiming high and falling short. So you must start low first figure out your plan, then begin to improvise and get ideas on what you want to do, and begin your process, that is exactly how you achieve your mark In conclusion, i highly agree on what Michaelangelo said "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark" that statement was true, Aiming and srting low first is how ideas come in and you are able to see what you are working and you show people what you can do until you reach your highest peak, instead of aiming high and failing and not knowing what to do now cause you failed. So start low first and go on from there.
I agree that people make their own decisions to learn about life, and be more independent. Sometimes it is difficult to follow advices, but that can make us a better person every day. As an illustration, every people comit defeats, yet that can teach us to be more stronger people,and never give up. People will grow only if they start being independents, trying new things, and learn to be better by they own self. By being more independently, people will learn how to take their own decisions. People can start taking their own decisions when they do not live with their parents anymore. As an illustration, they can find a good work, pay their own things, and having the capacity to make their owns decisions. Besides, people have to have more responsability; in order to take a decision because that can affect ourselves. However, that can makes us more stronger, and be more prepared in life. Trying new experiences can also, teach us to be more independently, and learn about others people experiences in taking a decision. In fact, we can ask for advices to our parents or in someone that we trust because they will tell us what is good or what is bad for us. Additionally, sometimes there is people that the only thing that they do is judge us for the decision that we take, but that does mean that we are a bad person. We can propose to ourselves everything, and we should never get down. Learn to be better by our own self ca help us in many ways. that can be a benefit into our life because in the ways we can be more responsables with ourselves. For example, we can take many decisions , but sometime we do not know if they are going to be good in the way how we planed them. Besides, we always can try to be a better person, and think more about every decision that we choose. Take good decision in our life we make us to have a better future. First, people can take any decision that they want, but it is better to take them with responsability. trying new thing can take us of our comfort zone, and that is good because we can think more about the good decisions. Lastly, we can learn how to be our best self without help. For these reasons and many more people should be more independently and try to take our own decisions.
Working by your self vs. working with a group. Why it is important to work by your self? What are the beneficial? Think about it; Work by your self is better than work with a group for many reasons. Work on your own is more beneficial than work with a group learn more, more attention and good grades. Generic_Name was a student that likes to go to school, he woke up every morning like a normal student does, but the thing is that Generic_Name do not likes is work on his own he prefer work in a group and not by its self because he likes to distract others by talking, playing,be in his phone instead on what he needs to focus on. The time keeps going and going. One day a wise person said " The time keeps going and going and wait for no body.'' There was another guy called Generic_Name. Generic_Name against work as a group because he knows that is a distraction and he don not likes to have bad grades. Generic_Name made a scientific experiment his experiment is based on the idea of work in a group or work alone. He talk with his teacher and explain his idea, the teacher agree with Generic_Name's idea. The teacher gives a worksheet to the student that were in the class and the teacher said you may work on your own or in a group. The result was like Generic_Name thoughts were like, the students who work by them selves demonstrate good work, perfect scores and they did not took long time to finish the work and they were able to help others students. But the other group of students who choose work as group they show something different than the other students that work by them selves, they did not finish the work, others not even start the work between those groups was Generic_Name. One day Generic_Name met Generic_Name at his house to play a video game. Generic_Name went to Generic_Name house and they start playing the game, while they are playing Generic_Name start ask a lot of question between those question he ask. Why you always work by your self? and not work in a group? he laugh and answer the questions. I prefer work by my self because I easily distract with my friends, or I start talking with them and I do not finish any of my work. Generic_Name said something especial to Generic_Name. Understand this Generic_Name, work by your self is not the bad you learn, you prepare more your self, more instead of coping someones work. Think abut when a test, quiz, or an Sol comes up. Nobody will there to help you out and you do not know what to do. Please do not take mad at me I just want to help you, Generic_Name said don not worry, I appreciate the word that you said to me. Generic_Name think over night the words that Generic_Name told him while they were playing, at the next day Generic_Name try to do what Generic_Name does and he found a big surprise that he can do a better job by its self, and time was passing and Generic_Name notice that his grades went up, have more time in home his teacher was surprise on the huge change that Generic_Name had. In conclusion work on your own is not a bad decision. Work on your own help to grow in knowledge, successful in life and not depen on others, try the vest to help other and must important to help you.
The school plans to change to a new, healthier school lunch mean, which would eliminate some of the students' favorite cafeteria foods. School should change to a new, healthier school lunch mean for students to eat healthier food and be healthy. The school plans to change to a new, healthier school lunch mean, which would eliminate some of the students' favorite cafeteria foods. Most students eat unhealthy food almost all of the time, and some students think it's fine and it doesn't really affects their health. Some students eat unhealthy foods while playing video game, and while they are playing video game, they grab snacks that are laying on their table or the dresser such as: chips, candies, and energy drinks energy drinks, which contains chemical and are unhealthy for them. Some students don't want to get up and go eat with their family or eat healthy food, because they do not want to miss the the game that they are playing with their friends or playing online. School should change currant lunch menu to a new lunch menu,healthier school lunch mean for students to eat healthy food and be healthier. Students when go to lunch they just grab anything that they like and they don't think if it's healthy or not for them. Some students eat unhealthy foods during lunch because they don't think about it, or they see somebody else eating something and it makes them to try it, and wanna look cool in of their friends so they eat things that are unhealthy are them. Some students may not like the plane to change the school cafeteria lunch menu to healthier foods, because most students are now so use to eat same school lunch every day; but eventually, students will get used to new healthier school lunch menu and they will feel alot better than thye use to, be healthy, and won't eat unhealthy food at school or at school. Lots of students don't really like eating healthy food,or drink healthy drinks like water, and juice, because it may not taste as good as unhealthy food. Unhealthy food and drinks contains chemicals that are not good for anyone's health, therefor the school cafeteria should change to a new, healthier school lunch menu. The school plans to change to a new, healthier school lunch mean, which would eliminate some of the students' favorite cafeteria foods. School should change to a new, healthier school lunch mean for students to eat healthier food and be healthy. The school should change a new, healthier school lunch mean, which would eliminate some of the students' favorite cafeteria foods, and drinks for students and the teachers to eat healthy food, al least at school if not eating healthy foods at home.
There are a lot of benefits of having a good attiude. The benefits of having a good attidue are in many ways. For example you can help someone, Be kind, and be respectful to the people around you. You should also carry that good attitude everywhere you go, even during diffcult times. Having a good attiude not just tells you or others to be good, but it also makes you a have a good, long, and a healthy life period. A lot of amazing people like Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela have credit their successes because of having a good attiude during good and difficult times in their life. For all three of these amazing freedom fighters we had seen these years, came from diffciult times in their life often struggled during their early life. But they still had good thoughts, good plans, and good ideas all the time. They always thinked positive and kept moving forward in their life. But there are also some ways that people can't get good thoughts and it can affect them a lot and upsets their mood. When having a good attiude has also proven to be good even in Science. Science says that when you have a good attiude, you feel more active and more energetic and you can achive a lot of stuff with a good attidue. You keep carrying it out and it helps you gain trust and motivation that you are up and ready for any task, that is out there for you to do. It can aslo can make you responsible in life and a trustworthy person that people think of you. But have you aslo wondered that a good attiude also means a balanced and healthy diet? You should also make better choices when you are in a good mood. If you don't make proper chocies in life it can affect your mood and your behaviour. The best thing to do is be to have the best good attiude is that you could take all the bad stuff in your head that you have exprienced and put a lot of trust in yourself. Having a good attiude is the best and correct choice to always and forever be happy in life. It also brings a lot of joy. Even if you can't get good thoughts, you can always ask for help and guidance from people that can help you with diffcult times and give you the best advice, to make you positive and make sure you feel happy, safe and confident to make you achive a lot of things in the future with a good attiude.
I like to work with a group because working with people helps you benefit from a lot of ways. One way is helping each others when working in a group. when i work with my friends we help each other with things that might be hard for us to do. I sometimes don't know how to answer a question so i ask the people i am working with to help me with it. The people you work with might not know something that i might know so that's a good thing when you work in groups. I like to help my friends or my group members with any thing because thats what group work is about. 2. When working in a group we communicate a lot and talk about everything we have to do. i like to talk when i work in a group it even helps me learn more things that i did not know about. Sometimes i don't know how to say something in English so i ask my partner to help me say it or pronounce it. When i don't know something it's hard for me to talk about it or try to help when i don't understand what they are talking about. its good for me to work in group because it helps me learn more English. 3. working in groups helps you and your partners to do less work. When i work in a group we split the work fairly if someone does not like the part he/she have to do we will give them a different one. For me i like to do the most easy one but i do not get that all the time sometimes i have to do a hard part and sometimes i have to do a easy part. I do struggle with things sometimes because i do not speak good English but i ask my partners to help me with what ever i do not understand. 4. One way to get to know people better is working with them and talk to them. When i work with people it shows me who the person is and what they like to do. For me i like to know people better and make them comfortable around me even if they are shy. Some people don't like working in groups because they like to work by them self which is not a bad thing. Talking to people is one of my favorite things to do especially if i know the person more. 5. It would be great for me to work in a group because it benefits me with a lot of things in a lot of ways. one thing is to get help from others and help others. The second thing is communication when u talk to people it helps me learn new things and they might be learning new things too, and i do not do as much work as if i was working by myself. its really good for me to work in groups because of all these things.
First each person decide what they want sometimes people have to make hard decision about any situation in their life. Also students have to decide what career should they take. Each person has the right to make their own decision about anything they propuse. Second for example if a guy is in a relationship and he has to decide if he is going to stay forever with hes girlfriend. He has to decide but probably there will be opinions or probably he will need their parents help but the decision is hes. Also hes girlfriend have to make that decision too if she wants to marry him. However if both of them decide to marry each other that and agreement. They have define their decision. Third for example some students started to choose their career early so they can have time to decide what career they want to choose. Some student are cumplicated for choose their career or what they want to be. Sometimes its hard for some students to choose a career sometimes students need help from their teachers. However the students can accept the teachers helped or opinions but the decison is the students. Fourth for example every person has the right to decide what they want in their life. However young person sometimes they take wrong decision in their life. Sometimes Young people does not know what they want in that situation the parents has to help them to make the right decision in life. Although everybody has the right to decide what they want in life but some do not know therefore they required helped. Also it is important for them to learn and be more mature to take the right decison. Clonclusion therefore every studunts or young person, should be more mature to make the right decision. All people in the world has the right to decide about their own life. There will be opinions of other people but the person has to make that decisoin. However it is very important to learn how to choose the right decision in their life.
Churchill statement is right because failing in life is part of succeeding. Those obsticals you go through in life are part of who you become and how you handle those obsticals. It gives some type of motivation to keep moving forward and get to whatever goal it is. My example is when i got pregnant my junior year and when I found out i just wanted to drop out because I was still a kid myself and I kept thinking how people would look at me or what would they say, but I already had an idea. My parents didnt even support me so what motivation did I have? I had myself and my son. I took that as my motivation, yes it was difficult especially after I delivered and going back to school because I was very behind. Of course a lot of friends stopped talking to me but that just proves who's there for you and who's not. I was starting a new chapter in my life and I'm not saying having my son was a mistake but it was just at the wrong time; cant change the past though, you just have to keep moving forward. Here I am now my senior year, eight more months until I graduate and I'm proud of myself because I am a mother now and I'm still going to school, I didnt let that stop me from getting my education and I'm planning to go to college too because all I want is the best for my son and myself; its not me I have to think about now, I have another responsibility to look after for. There are many examples of failing in life and later on succeeding but this is one I went through, I had to grow up fast but it made me the person I am today. Just because of one mistake you make in life doesnt mean your life is over, its probably just the beginning, we are human! We all make mistakes but you just have to keep moving forward because life goes on with or without you.
I believe students should design summer projects instead of teachers, what do you think? i believe so and here is why. Most students think more alike other students because most of them have the same knowledge than others but. That doesn't mean that the whole school will have students that could think like teachers. By all means this proves that there is a lower chance those students with high developed knowledge will be the ones doing the summer projects for others to complete. The students that do create some of the summer projects will make sure not to make them to hard or to easy that way the students doing them can surly keep learning during break without stressing about it. The students that make the summer project will also make them easier for there fellow classmates. Some of the students that are doing the summer project could be stressing about it but that also means they won't make it to difficult because they would want to get over with it already and focus on something else to get there minds distracting. So that we they cannot be thinking so much about school. As well as the students doing them won't stress as much about them because they'll know it's not to difficult and can do it any time during the summer, such being the last week or the last day so they can have all summer to them selves. Not having to think about school. When students aren't thinking about school that doesn't mean they're not learning it, just means they're trying to get there head off of something that highly stresses them about a lot of work or having to deal with for a long time and that's the only time they can get a break from it and not stress about school. The reason being of students doing them than instead of teachers they also won't have to do a lot of writing or work for starters. Students will be sure to not make them as long because they know what it feels like to get assigned a long and stressful assignment especially over the summer break that is the only time you actually get a break from school. Students also doing the assignments will help out teachers to also get a break and focus on other important related stuff they have as well. The students creating the summer projects can also be more open minded after doing them and grow they're knowledge as well as learning better and thinking of ideas more often for school. Teachers can review the students work and see how fine they do. The students who do well creating can continue to do so if they feel goo about themselves doing it for the other students that weren't so bright at it can give out ideas and help out the students doing them. I believe other schools and principals will be impressed by having a school with students creating they're summer projects and that is wonderful. I believe that having students create the summer projects is an outstanding idea for the community and school they will think of them differently and have a better picture of themselves. This argument has been good because it will open the eyes of many students and have them be brave enough to put themselves up for the challenge. If you believe students should create these summer projects instead of teachers write your own prompts to see what you guys have in mind. I think my argument is well stated and many teachers will surly think about letting it happen. Don't you believe so as well? Yes indeed you do.
Hello I am writing to you today to know if i could possibly get a opportunity to come visit the real estate agent office to get a feel and learn more about what steps , what skills I would possibly need in order to purse this career later on when i get out of high school . I mean wouldnt you have loved it if you had a chance to visit a office and learn a couple things get some tips from people that have been doing this job jobs for years. I think that everybody should get a chance to goo into the field of what you like before you even think about going in. I think that I should have this opportunity to go visit to see what it is like learn a little from works that are doing this on a daily bases before I were get out of high school. For the reasons being I maybe not even really like it once I get out of high school after i do whatever it is to get to become a real estate agent what about if i dont love it anymore as much a I thought I possibly did back when i was in high school . I would obviously just be miserable doing something i dont even love also just wasting my time in getting all of this in place in order to get to where i wanna be and then not love it . Also If it isnt what i was expecting when i get a job in a agency it will be very dissapointinting to be working somewhere you feel like you have no choice and are unhappy with it. Thats one of the reasons I think it would get good thing for me to get a visit so i wouldnt have to go through all of that once I am getting ready to purse my employment. Getting to visit would show me what the process is into becoming a agent, how to successes in the business not to crash and burn and to be able to become as successful as I can be in this journey . This work really interests me also because you make big bucks also seeing beautiful houses . I could maybe open even my own business of real estate agents also than Id be even making more money perhaps you could even show me how u became successful and got to be a manager of real estate agents. that would be very helpful you could show me how things work, steps you had to take to get in the passion that you are in. But in order for that to happen you know of course you would have to be open in letting me come in and learn from everybody gain knowledge from you hard working people how you are successful and all of that good stuff the ups and down everything . That is why I think I should get the opportunity to visit and learn about real estate agents I could gain a lot of information from this visit it will help me in the future about my career how successful Ican become and all of that thank you for hearing me out I hope that you let me have this chance to learn and become a successful young girl in my future awaiting for me .
Today, I will be talking about if weather or not students should be commiting to a career at a young age. Do you think it is a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age? Therefore some students still would'nt commit to a career. Although some say, It is not a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age. Actually, It is a good idea for students to commit to career at a young age. But some people think, It is not a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age. A reason they have for that is that, The students that dont commit to a career early wont have to start paying bills. But I persnally Think It is a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age. Because, If students commit to a career at a young age they will learn to be independent then students that dont start a career at a young age. This is what people said about not commiting to a career at a young age. Therefore, What i think is the oppsite of what they think. I think it is a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age. Because, If they commit to a career, They will start to make money earlier thn students that dont commit to a career. But, Another reson why people think it is not a good idea for students not to start a career at a young age is, Because the students will start paying less attention in school and in class. This is why i think students should start a career at a young age. What some other people said about, it is not a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age. Is because students would be tired in school. Students would be stressing over school and work at the same time. But, What some other people said about, It is a good idea for students to commit to career at a young age. Students would have money of there own to buy the stuff they need. They would start leaving independently at a very young. These are some of the reasons people gave for both sides. Although some say, It is not a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age. Actually, It is a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age. Students would be able to start living independenly. It is a good idea for students ro commit to a career at a young age. This is why i think students should be commit to a career at a young age.
The job I want to pursue is to play in a professional soccer team. The reason why I want to play in a professional soccer team is because I love and its fun to play the sport. This is something im good at in my life. This is a sport that most people want to play at. This is a letter to send to any manager in a professional soccer team. One of the reasons why I want to join a professional soccer team is because I love the sport. This sport can release your stress. If you have so much stress on you this sport can let you refresh your mind and will take all of your stress away. You can also take your anger at somene if you are mad at the person or just you mad at something. You can slide tackle or shoot the ball as hard as you can at someone or the goal. Another reason why I want to be in a professional soccer team is because it's fun to play. You can play with your friends in the sport or you make new friends. This sport is really enjoyable to play. Whenever their is a nice day outside you can play the sport with your family or friends. This is the job I want to have when im older. These are the reasons why I want to play in a professional soccer team. In my opnion, this sport is one of the best sports in the world. Hopefully this will happen one day and I will be really happy.
Imagine that the school plans to add more time at school. I disagree of the schools adding more time because it would be irritating,boring,stressed. and kids do not want that to happen. The children wants to have a normal school day. And they have to prove that they can do it,they believe in their self. First,It is boring because they want to have fun. And the reason why it is a lot of fun because they want to have a good time. And thet can think about what they want,What do they want to do when the schools are thjnking about staying more longer at school. For example, Generic_Name went outside to play after school. Secondly,it is stressing because they would be crazy about it. And the reason why it is stressing because the blood of the brian would get bad. It would be horrible that they have blood pressure,haert attacks,and they want to kill there self. They can't do that,but they can protect there self. For example,Generic_Name was taking a test but she got nervous,Frustrated,lonly and upset. Thirdly,it is irritating because kids will get tired and dizzy at school. the reason why it's because their body do not have enough energy. For example,My best friend Generic_Name studied for a test,but she got tired. In my opinion it is not ok that a lot of people get injured. And it is going to be difficult but it is worth a try,I want a lot of people to be happy,not injured,not feeling down and feel better about whats going on,or what is doing. In closing,I disagree that the school plans to add more time at school. And it is a bad idea,It would get irritating,boring and stressed. In my opinion it is better for kids so they can not worried about it. And it would be easier step by step and keep going,Dont stop doing it. I really think that it would be better if the school would not have bullies,bad teachers back in the day because a lot of teachers back in the they hit children because sometimes kids do not behave and teachers think that the kids deserved it and i think that The kids do not always get the right answer but In my opinion all teachers are different because some teachers are nice,hardworking,sweet,mean,not inappropiate aswell. And The teachers that i had or have from kindergarden to first grade,second grade,third grade,fourth grade,fifith grade,sixth grade,Seventh grade and 8th grade they're nice,helpful,caring too and thay dont hit us. They protect us,And i want for other kids have the same exciperence that i have. And i want other kids or other people or everybody to be happy and protected too.
We should allow the students to bring there cell phones while they are at school, but as the school rules say "the cell phones should be off or on silent during class. The students may take out there phones when they are at lunch or when they have free time. If the students do not follow these rules they will get consequences for having there cell phones on during class or using them during class. And if the students are using there cell phones during class it may distract other students while they are learning. These students are responsible for there cell phones going on in class or even using them during class. If a teacher is seeing any of there students using a phone the teacher will either take the phone away or he or she will tell the student to put it away because it is distracting the other students from learning. And it will mot just distract the other students, but it distracts the student that has the phone. If the student is not paying attention it could bring down there grade and they will not be learning anything what there teacher is showing them. if they get to distracted with the cell phone they can be in danger at school. they will not be able to do any school sports when they have really bad grades. If they were to leave there cell phones alone and start to learn maybe they could start playing sports. they will also bring up there grade as well. These students should start learning and stop using there phones during class. The students may use there phones when they are at lunch or when they have free time. they could also use there phones when they are at home,
Changing the lunches to healthier lunches will effect more then just the cafeterias. It will change how people eat, and changing the food habits which is not good. Some adults and parents might love the change, but as teens it might have to be a nightmare. People having favorite lunches and enjoying what they buy to eat should be the goal. Not having to be inforced to eat healthy food on a daily. The school board should speak, and see all the possible outcomes of this change before making a desicion. Think of how many kids won't eat anymore, because of this change. Losing some of their favorite foods would change everything. Not only a loss for the kids, but a loss for the school as well. Losing more money as more kids stop buying lunch. This could not only effect the stomach's of the people not eating, but could also effect their learning and how they do in school. Nutrition is a big thing in school, because you need it in your system to function. Habits are also being changed. Being enforced to bring food from the outside. Some people would probably even leave school. That should be one of the schools biggest fears. They are legally in charge of you at schoool, and if you decide to leave, and something happens to you; that can not be good for the school. There are so many things that could fall into this. People coming in and out of the school with food for others. Random people could indentify as a student due to holding a backpack and having food in their hands, so a student opens a door for them. Some parents are obviously going to disagree. They want their kid or kids to eat, and do well in school. The amount of complaining will be very untolerable and annoying. There should just be a balance between healthy and unhealthy. For example one line could be serving healthy food, and the other could be serving what they used to be serving. They should be making it work instead of making them unhappy. I really think everything should be looked over again. Making big time decisions like this could really effect the school. I think many people should have a say in this including high representative students, and very exclusive clubs. Some being National Honor Society, Key Club, and maybe even the the county board itself. Thank you so much for hearing me out, and hopefully you take my ideas into perspective. Sincerely, Generic_Name
The job that I would want to visit is the zoo. Fist, because I wanna see what they do Second, because I want to learn new things. Additionally, because I want to learn how you treat the animals and how does it feel. My question that I choose was How is it like to work at the zoo is it hard or easy?. I choose this question question because working at the zoo it can be hard because you do a lot of things. I think it is hard because yo have to be going one place to another. My first reason is that I wanna see what they do. I choose this because I want to learn how they treat the animals. I also want to learn about what happens when a animals get sick. I would want to visit the zoo because I wanna see different types of animals and I also wanna see how is it like to be working at the zoo. I also want to see what kind of medicine they give the animals. This is the reason why I choose that I wanna see what the workers in the zoo do. My second reason is that I choose to visit the zoo because I want to learn new things. I choose this reason because I want to see the experience how it is like to work at the zoo when I grow up. I want to work at the zoo to learn new things for and example like what do you do when an animal get hurts or also what happens when a animal doesnt survive. I want to learn about new things that I havent experience before when I grow up. I chose this reason because learning new things is much better for you. My last reason is the I want to learn how you treat the animals. I choose this reason because I want to to the animals when grow up and I wanna treat the well. I would want to visit the zoo and explore to see how it is like and also seeing how do you feel working at the zoo. I choose this reason because I wanna help animals and being nice to them. This is the reason why I choose this reason. In conclusion the job that I would want to visit is the zoo. I wanna see what they do, I want to learn new things, and because I want to learn how yo treat animals. These are the reasons I choose these reasons.
Generic_Name was sitting in the cafeteria listening to music refusing to touch her plate of food, why was she like that? Well, she was worried that everyone had their specific career picked out before going to high school and she was the only one that didn't. Students are not expected to identify a career by the time they enter high school because students will feel pressured at a young age and students will change their career options as they take different courses. First, students are not expected to identify a career by the time they enter high school because they will feel pressured at a young age. For example, my friend Generic_Name wanted to become an astronomer but her parents wanted her to be an engineer, she felt pressured and didn't know what courses to take. During class time Generic_Name's teacher gave everyone in the class a paper to write the possible classes they wanted to take their first year of high school, but unfortunately Generic_Name didn't know what classes to take. While Generic_Name was still thinking her teacher approached to her and told her that both science and math courses connected to the careers she was debating to become, she also told her that after taking those classes she was gonna be able to pick the class she favored the most and go for that one. Some people believe that committing to a career at a young age will help students develop and make them smarter but they are incorrect because committing at a young age will cause students to have a lot of stress and give them less opportunities to join other classes. Second, students are not expected to identify a career by the time they enter high school because students will change their career options as they take different courses. For example, Generic_Name was looking forward to become a professional soccer player but he knew he had a 20% chance of becoming one. One day during class time Generic_Name started to think about a serious career that he can actually accomplish and put extra time and work. He decided to become a history teacher; He enjoyed learning history so much that he thought about becoming the one to teach others history as well. Generic_Name was so pleased with his choice that he payed close attention on everything Generic_Name said and never hesitated to raise his hand and ask for more questions. Generic_Name took all the history classes he needed to take, he also joined debate class and a public speaking class therefore he would become better at public speaking and not be afraid to talk in front of others. A month later Generic_Name thought about how good he'll be if he became an attorney. Generic_Name definitely knew how to speak in front of others after taking the public speaking class and he also knew how to defend a case so he changed his career option and decided to stick with attorney. Another example is that Generic_Name wanted to be a dog sitter but she was also interesting in the study of the human body and how it worked, so she decided to join a a psychology class and learn more about it. In conclusion, students are not expected to identify a career by the time they enter high school because they will get a chance to pick the career they want as they take different courses in high school and it will also cause many students to feel pressured at such a young age. Students should know that they have all the time they need to learn and be curious about any class they put their interest into, as they grow up their brain will develop therefore they will become more smarter and they will have the chance to pick the career to want to be in.
Interviews... seems like that's the new way of teaching someone a job that one really wants to pursue and make a living out of. Not in our school, that's why we have the chance to get selected in internships or either shadowing opportunities for us to actually have the chance to work hands-on in the field of work that we want to pursue in life and do what we each student have an interest in. One reason i would like to be selected is because i would put one hundred percent of my attention and actually participate in all task we would have in the internships. A reason i would like a shadowing opportunities is because i would like to see how a manager would deal with situations if a problem would ever happen when i would work. Shadowing would also be great for students would like to know how to make the job a little bit easier and faster to not waste time and sit around until a manager shows up and fixes the problem so they could start working again, that's why a shadow opportunities would be great to actually see how a manager would deal with a situation, so then would later that we as interns would deal with the problems instead of calling a manager and waiting for him to solve it. Shadowing is something i have never done before, i've always had interviews and get told that what i would be doing in a job that i applied for but have never really done it before getting hired to see if i would really would like the job i applied too, that's why our school gave us the chance to have the chance to be selected to be able to see if we would actually committed to the job we like and be ready to work. In conclusion, i would like to say that i would be real eager to have the opportunitie to have an internship or either the chance shadow a manager and see him work the magic in the job that would interest me after college and thank you for giving the time to read my letter to you and hope to see if i was selected to have the chance, thank you.
for this issue, I think attending classes from home by way of online or video conferencing would not benefit. Students would not benefit to attend classes from home because not just for studying in books but we go to school for another reason also, for examples we go to school for getting friends and that mean we have social. And another is we can do activities that we get from some classes. First, friends form school is the reason that students cloud go to school because they will get a good relationship and that mean they have a socialite. If students attend classes from home they might get just a thing that teacher teach them but they will not get a teamwork when they have any work group form teacher. They will not know how to be a teamwork or working with another people. When they graduate for high and get into college or apply a job and they never used to have a social it will not work for them because they do not know about teamwork or how to live whit a group of people. Second ,it is about activities for student. When they study,some subject they have to go outside from school for studying ;sure as scenes classes would go to a sea for studying about a sea,so if they go and see a real sea, students might get information more than they get from a book and can feel it. Students should do activities and study in books together it might help students understand. I think,student should go to school because I believe that we can do better when we do thing that not just read books or study at home but we should go to school fore getting better.
Some school districts allowing there students to graduate in 3 years instead of the traditional 4 year is something I strongly consider, and surely something I think we all also have to consider. Being able to graduate in 3 years not only gives you an extra year, but also gives you the proper amount of time to plan your future. The amount of time that you would be spending in school would be a year less. Given a year, it is up to you, how you use it and what your going to do with it. Getting a job would help save you a lot of money for college. Having a year off doesnt exactly mean that you have to go to school, but instead getting a job will be very beneficial. Whether its to support your family, save money for school, or even for pocket money, knowing that you have not only time, but also extra money, will help you realize that there isnt much to stress about. Jobs also dont have to be something that is outside of school. Having a job that is academic wise or just something temporary to have the experience, will help open you up to more opportunities. Whether you are looking forward to go to college or to become more appealing to bigger organizations/ companies in your work force, having a job that is academic base will help. For example, going to coach my brothers soccer game during the weekends compared to going to a community center to fix computers during the weekends, wouldnt really open me up to more work opportunities rather than fixing computers at a community center will. Going to college isnt for everyone, but for many is the way to go. Maybe your going for your Masters or even a PHD, when you have a year you are saving the amount of extra time that you would be spending in school. Lets say for my PHD I would have to stay in school for 8 years, knowing that I have saved my self a year even though it doesnt seem like much compared to 8 years is not only saving time and money, but also saving a year to your age. Most student that go for the traditional 4 years typically are being rushed and become stressed out by the end. Colleges will also see that you have graduated showing them your were willing to work hard to get that extra year. Being able to graduate in 3 years doesnt only ask for patients but also for your dedication. Although you are graduating a year early, it doesnt neccisarly mean that the work load given in that year doesnt have to concern you. You would have to be able to manage your time and work hard to makeup for that year, yes, even if it means you have to give your summer break. Staying organized and knowing what your aim is, will give you more confidence making you become dedicated. Although some may argue that this is definitely something stressful and given 3 years is not enough for the workload in high-school, just know there is still hope. There are some student that dont have enough time to even finish in 4 years. So being thankful, you should know that it is alright if you cant finish in 3 years. Having this program gives opportunities to student but also saves time. School districts should label the students that have enough credits to graduate and for those that don't, and for those that dont, they should offer support (programs/ clubs) for them to possibly graduate in 3 years. If its not possible for students to graduate in 3 years then the 4th year should just be a less stressful year.
I agree with Churchill's statement about the role of failure ,because failure is a next step for success .The reasons why i agree with Churchill's statement is because ,without failure we may not know how to be thankful for it if we pass in the first place,failure shows us what did everyting went wrong and how to make it right for the next challenge we face ,faliure tell us or show us why are we doing it .For example ,most of the people fail in like every second, but there is no shame in failure because the more we fail the more we know .My father once told me that "no matter how many times you fail it dosen't mean it's the end of the world". Failure is a reason why our life is hard or unsuccessful ,but failure also shows us why are we doing this ?why do we want this or how hard do we have to try to be successful .Our brains get's bigger from failure and when i mean bigger i mean more details or more information. So i agree with Churchill's statement ,failure does do the important rule of the pursuit of success.
Have you ever woke up one morning and thought "man I want to do my classwork on my bed" No? me either but I sure do think it is a good idea and let me tell you why. Students have been given the chance to work from home; instead of working in a classroom. Today I will explain why I believe students should be able to stay home instead of working from school. First reason would be you will be able to work at your own pace. For example whenever you have a test/quiz during school there is a time limit and you don't really focus while working on your test/quiz you focus more on the timing but, if you were working from home you would be able to work your pace with no worries about a bell ringing when your still on question 1. But if you were to work from home you would be able to cheat on the test or not even focus on it you could be watching TV while doing the test and that isn't the best choice but, there are ways to avoid that. Second Reason I would say is avoiding illnesses that could affect the whole school. Students do have signs almost everywhere telling them keep the school a clean place, wash your hands before stepping out the bathroom, and to keep your hands to yourself. But, sadly some students don't do that ; Now that the corona virus came out everyone is starting to be more clean but not really everyone but if you were home you wouldn't really have to worry about catching anything to make you sick unless one of your family members is really sick otherwise your good because in school theres like 1,000 or more people imagine how many germs are in the air. Not saying school is the cleanest place but our janitors do clean up after us everyday for it not to be clean but I just wouldn't believe it because there are still students that don't cover their nose/mouths when they sneeze or cough and you wouldn't have a problem if you were home. Last but not least my third reason would be less anxiety about school. As a junior I noticed many people have anxiety when it comes to school you worry about your looks, If you are smart enough, the way you say certain things I could go on with what students go through now a days people enjoy judging others even with not knowing them so it is hard to not have anxiety in school especially high school but at home you wouldn't really have to be worried or stressed about that you can be your own motivator your own hype man because no one is perfect. Now i'm not 100% sure about staying home and doing class from there would work out because not all students have the same mindset some like being in school because the teacher pushes them to do their work we all need a little push in life also some students can get away with so much from home if they were do a assignment or test you can just easily search up the answers. Some of my friends have done that when their teachers post things on Google classroom they don't usually do it themselves but, at the same time there is much benefits from working at home then in school not only do you get to sleep more but you also get to basically do your thing but your own way. Students working at home can make a student independent instead of being dependent on their teachers. As a student it is honestly up to you to go to class and to focus on what you are being taught it shouldn't be your teachers job to make you go to class everyday yes we all need a push in life but not every person is going to help you out you have to be independent most times. Students should work from home because in the real world not everything is going to be handed to you.
Students Summer Break Ideas Most of students like to enjoy their summer vacation,but some educators feel like summer vacation is too long. Students and Adults decided to come up with different set of ideas to make summer break not long.. Some of the students are fine with having 2 or 3 months of summer break,and some people argue that there should be a year-round schools. A year- round school is were there would be 3- 4 week break in summer, a longer winter break,and a week off in spring and fall. These were the overall ideas that both students an Adults choose. My personal opinion is that i would go with the year- round school because it would only take a year that students would go to school and have a shorter summer and a longer winter break. The reason why i choose this was because i prefer having a longer winter break. why? you may ask , having a longer winter break wil make students not lose a lot of school because in most part of the United States snows a lot. About 75% of parents have called in school saying that their children is sick and will not be able to go. These type of excuses can cause students lower their education and making up the work of days they haved missed. Instead of the founder of school saying their would be an "2 hour delay" or "schools are close" . Students can just stay home while having their winter break and not worrying about if they are going to school or not. Having a shorter summer break can help bring students come back to school with a positive energy and a fresh start. Since summer break won't be long studens won't forget what they haved learned. Students are likely to fail if they would have have a really long break this is the reason why students forget what teachers haved taught them. Teenagers are likely to be more tired during the winter instead of summer this is why students are mostly tardy or absent. Even though i prefer having a shorter summer break, i still rely of the students that choose to have a longer break because it is fun to be able to go out when the weather is warm but at the same time i feel like is better having a longer break in the winter because is safer staying home when it gets really cold and when it snows. Schools that are in the middle recontructing have to allow students take their classes out in the trailers. Even though public schools don't close when it snows a little they still have to reconsider. Some schools are constucting and students have to walk to one trailer to another to get to their class this why i like the idea of having a week off during fall and also when it's spring break ,It gets a bit cold and in some areas it already starts to snow. Having fall and spring break can bring students get their week off and take some time off before they have their SOL. It can also help refersh their brain and can start studying to be able to pass their upcoming tests. My final conclusion is that the year-round schools sound like a good idea. It can really help students manage a lot with their education and also responsibilities. It can also help teachers not being stressed because they can also take their days off. School won't be that stressing if it were to take this idea. All of these were my own personal opinions.
Think about a talent or a skill that you have. What did you do to develop that talent or skill? How do you use it? A talent or skill that I have developed is being able to write in cursive. I develop and use this talent in many ways. In order to develop this talent and use this talent, firstly, I had to practice every single day, observe many other people write in cursive, and lastly I use it to sign many different items. One way I developed this skill is practicing. I used to spend everyday writing the whole entire alphabet in cursive to perfect how I wrote. I would meet up with my teacher after school everyday for about a month so that she could help me work on my writing. Another thing that I did was rewrite every document or letter that I saw or received to accomplish writing as good as the original writer. Another way I developed this skill is by observing other people. I would watch many "How To" YouTube videos to observe how other people wrote. I would observe how they wrote and I would write very similar to them. Whenever I saw anybody writing in cursive I would study their hand movements and match mine up to theirs to achieve writing perfectly. Any letters that I had received from family members I would examine to figure out how they wrote in such a perfect manner. One way I have used this skill is by signing my name on many different items. Anytime that I go to the doctor's office I get asked to sign my name and knowing cursive comes in handy. Whenever I decide to write letters to my family I sign my name on the outside of the envelope so they know that it's from me. Also, anything I have painted or drawn has my name signed on it. Think back at a skill or talent that you have. How did you develop it? How do you use it? Mine is being able to write in cursive. What's yours?
Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." I believe that it is Imagination is more important than knowledge, because with Imagination you can Form pictures in your mind, you can create interesting ideas and fantasize about something that is exciting. Firstly, you can form pictures in your mind. Creating pictures in your mind is useful, because you can draw pictures that is in your mind, like sketching a house that you want. You can form pictures in your mind by visualizing a situation that is interesting, like playing a game in virtual world. You can create interesting ideas that you can use to draw picture, like using a digital art to create a picture by thinking an interesting ideas. Forming pictures is really important. Secondly, you can create interesting ideas. You can create something that will give a lot of attention like creating a fantasy book about Wizards vs witches. You can be creative by creating interesting ideas, like having a unique plans about something that is cool. You can create quotes, like Albert Einstein did, because he had a interesting Idea about Imagination. Creating interesting ideas is unique. Lastly, you can fantasize about something that is exciting. Fantasizing can be exciting sometimes, because you can imagine an situation that is not real, like having a awesome superpower. You can be good at something that your not good at by fantasizing it that you can do it, like playing basketball and I also do this a lot because Im not good at studying. You can create awesome ideas, like building a wooden car with painting on it. Fantasizing something is important as well. I conclude that forming picture in your mind, creating interesting ideas and fantasizing about something that is exciting is more important knowledge. In conclusion, these three reasons is why Imagination is more important than knowledge. It is my opinion that Imagination is more important than knowledge.
I do not agree with studying the business i want to do in high school. i will not be fully mature . i will not not have good experience . even if thats the job i want to do when i grow up i still wouldn't want to go to school just for that specific reason to start a business right after that . i understand that some people would love to do that . but i really do not think it's the right idea. many people would of take that opportunity but i wouldn't because sometime not what you want in life is good for you. i personally do not think it will be the right idea . i want to go to high school to learn about new things. learn about new carrer . i do not want to want to go to high school just to learn about a specific carrer job . i will not have much experience . i will get bored but doing the same thing over and over . some people do love doing that but i think its going to be a waste of my time. what if by the time i graduate high school and get tired of it and i want to change it . i dont think itsw will be fun or good for me . but i will have to start every all over just because of that . you are going to miss all the opportunity you had in high school . you going to have to go pay for collgue to restart again . its going to be very stressfull for people . I really want everybody to think very well before trying to start a business or try to go to school just to learn a specific job carrer . people should go to school and learn diffrent things and then choose after what they like over the time. they parent should allow them to do that because i do not thimg it's good at . many things could happen nobody will know about. they should also have more experience borfre trying to have businnes in high school . they aslo should have the compassion of it . if that's what they really want they schould let them do it . but i still think its worng . there are young they do not know what they are doing . whhat is his/her business do not work what are they going to ? they should be in high school to lear new thing not to do same thing over and over .
some students should be required to take a music class because some students use cellphones during class or a project class, then is better to take a music class, students gonna be interested about music class. for example, some students should such classes be elective because some students don't like music class students be not interested about music class. students wanna do another classes like classes to get graduate from high school. to finish schools and get some job, when you get done with high school that's why some students not be interested to take music classes. finish high school early is more better because students can go to college or get some job to get money. for example go to college is good because you can start learning new things about you like. students can start a race of some jobs like mechanics, and doctor, there is more races to get and learn new things. when students get a job about you learned in college is good, when students done with high school and college, you can work in a job like mechanic fixing cars all that things and you get some money.
Why is it important to learn the experience from others? It's important because you know what you're going to do or you know what you're going to see. For example when my cousin went to another country she told me about her experience, and that puts a thought to my head of she did and what she saw. Therefore when i went to the country she went i experienced what she did and what she saw. When your friends or family members share their experience with you, you start to imagine what they've expericenced and that sometimes leads to preparing because they've told you what they've experienced from them they can prepare you. For example your family has a thing where all the boys in the family try out for basket ball, and you ask your older cousin how was their experience went and what they did good and bad. So you know what the coach wants to see and what he doesn't want to see that means you can show off to the coach and that can help you make the team and make your family proud and keeping the legecy going and when you can share your experienced with your brother when it's his time to shine. Learning from others experience leads to good things like making a team,preparing,proving people wrong,improving, and some lead to bad things like you're new student and a bunch of girls see you're hanging out with a girlwho has had bad experience with them come up to you and tell you about their experience with the girl, and that makes you think she's so nice and that makes you not want to be her friend from ther experiece with her , or your best friend and you have the same science teacher but different blocks and your best friend tells you that the science teacher is very nice and when it gets time to go to your science class the teacher isn't as plesent as your best friend shared with you.
I am agree. Why? The attitude it's the best option for have a good and happy opportunities of the rest of the life. One, because if you have a positive attitude you can make many things and do too, for example: when you go to your job the worker need to be have a good attitude, because you need to represent your job whit good things and ideas. Also, if you do your job always whit empathy your boos give you a good salary for your attitude and you can get up your position. Second, when you have a positive attitude in your life you have a better life like, emotional, spiritual and peaceful for you. Then, if you put a positive attitude in your house never will be have a bad things around your family. Third, if you think many ideas with a good attitude this ideas will be do reality. So, in conclution I can say that all the people need to have a positive attitude in his life, because you can have many opportunities for a better life.
To beagin with people like to go out for vication or spend time for fun so theire is a best way to spend your time just go to the list bellow for example, Enjoyable way to spend time outdoors is by going to commanity parks, state parkes, and national parks etc. in fact the earth is best for humantiy to spend time on useing nature if we keep is safe! spending our time in theos things make us know the world well. the more we spend our time on it the better access will know!! Next c ommanity parks: is all people together in the commanity or in the enviroment spend time together. In addition in the commanity parks their are many fun thnigs to do like, play games sach as soccer, eat food togehter, taik to your frinds or fameliy while enjoying the frsh air. Another thing people like in the commanity park is that it's less quiter than state park and national park also because their are less people. Now commanity park are going to be the best. The fact that it has less people and being quiter than any of those parks!! Thired state park: in the state park it's more qiuter than national park, less people comnceting and give each other ideas to do a project envolving any subject. Sports like runing, work out, soccer, basketball etc. Also state park are the best to planned idias to solve any proplem for the commanity. Interest is devoloping in state park for adults cause it is more advnes for them to do their beness. Spending more time in state park will make wounder to change the way it is!! Also national park is people in the world where they have fun and chiile in theire specific it's more likely normal vication which more people likes to speed their times on. For students to speend summer vication it's a good spoit for them I recomended it will be nice with fameliy together. Spending your time on national park will make know things you didn't know before. In addition most people spend their time on national park cause it's more accesbel to do anythink specific to gether information In conclusion all this are same but they have diffirent fun things to do also they have the amount of people in the park spending time with diffirent people. I will recomed this for all people to do it, beacuse it's more enjoybel. So speend your time by going to thoes place, but "authorized" first choees which one best for you!!
The work in group will always have an excellent results. I feel working in group have several benefits than working alone. When we hear that we are going to work alone it sounds good but not for all. It should be great for those people who don't have the capacity to work with others. Even you do not believe it, working in group is feature that no all humans have it. Why I think like that? because working with other people we help us to learn different types of job, we can able to work in others areas with others folks, we can meet amazing people. To begin with, working in group can help us to learn different types of job. I have my own experience with this. When I started my first job I didn't learn enough. I worked in a hotel and people there liked to work alone. Sometimes I didn't know how to do something and I immediately asked but those workers didn't like to teach others, and they said you should learn by yourself. Obviosly I didn't agree with them and I started to find different job where I could learn more. Working alone was the most diffucult job I've ever had. I could't learn from others because they didn't give me the opportunity to do it. Now I got experience from others how to work in restaurant, markets or shopping centers. I think you will learn hundred percentage better if you are learning from others. However, some people claim that work alone is more beneficial to concentrate, but I insist that work with someone else with leave you more knowledge than work alone. To continue, if we worked before in commuties or in group we are able to work in different areas of work and also work with different folks, it will be easier for us. When we are looking for a job in our interview the boss or managers will always ask if we have problem to work with others. They ask this questions because they want to be sure that we will work in different places and we will interact with the other employees. If we anwser NO, I'm really sure that we won't get job soon. If we are willing to learn and work together as a team we'll have success in every job that we get. If we change of jobs is because we are looking for something better, and we will achieve working in different areas learning diffrente jobs, acquiring experience from others, showing that we are able to work with others, all these can be beneficial for us when we are looking for job. In addition, we can meet amazing people working in group. When we work with others we are making friends. My mom found her best friend Generic_Name in her job. They have eleven years with this beutiful friendship. Everyone needs a friend that can help, teach and learn with you. Think about it, there are more benefits working with someone else than working alone. Even though some people say that working in group is more complicated because you will find people who don't want to teach how to work or it can be distracting for you. I feel sure that there are more people good than bad and also if you know your work, you know what to do in your job there aren't people or thing distracting for job. We should be responsable with our job this is an important thing that you shouldn't forget. In schools, in works or in the street we'll find amazing people who will help to improve our skill as workers or as humans being. To sum up, working in group will help us to find better jobs, to learn new thing, to interact with different people. Here in The United States we will find many jobs, we are able to learn many thing and also to interact with different people from different countries. Do not reject the opportunities to grow and accomplish your dreams. If some day you have the chance to teach others, do it with patience as a proffesional worker and keep in your mind that two heads think better than one.
Saving energy and resources Some businesses have adopted a four-day work week, with each day consisting of ten hours. Should your school follow this model by extending the school day two hours. Yes the school should follow the model by extending the school day two hours. It will save money for the schools. Students can have more time with teachers. Students can have a time to work at a job. Teachers get to have more time grading. It will save money for schools. The reason I said that is because the transportations cost money and in four-days the school can save transportation money rather then five-days a week. The school can also save money on electricity on a four-days school week. Schools can save the money to help students to pay for their colleges. Schools can save the food to give it to homeless people. Student have more time with teachers. Students can have more then 90 munites in class since is two hours extended. They get to have more time with teachers. They gonna learn more in class with more time added. They can really be organize, since they have four-day school and more time with teachers. That can help them learn about life even more. Student can have a time to work at a job. I said that because most of the time when we have five days school. we can't work because we scared to fail our grade. if there is four days school and more time with teachers we can keep a good grade. And we can work two day and leave one day for study and family, since their's gonna be three days off. Teachers get to have more time with grading. Their's alots of grading that teachers do so with three days off it can really help them with grading. Teachers can have enough to time to teach the class. They can have time to see every each student about their grade and see if they need help with any class works. It is great because teachers can have time with students and that's very important. It is the best to follow the four-day school and extend two hours of the school day. It helps school with saving money. Student can have more time with teachers. Student have time to work at a job .Teachers have more time with gradings. It has so much benefits if we follow the four-day school and extended two hours of the school day. we should start writing to congress to change school into four-day work week.
It is wonderful to accomplish something that you really want by working hard you can get it, and when you have already accomplish that goal or dream you fell so great that you did it. "Like my mom always said to me that in this life you have to work hard to get what you want." First of all, My mom work cleaning houses she work hard to give my sister and I the things that we want, and she always have a goal to work by her self and have her own cleaning jod. Not working with a company that they make her work hard and pay her little money, when my mom came to his country [U.S.A] she start working for a women that women put her to do alot of house and pay her little money and when my mom told her that she was giving her alot of work she was angry at my mom. My mom then she start workin give another women that do the same thing they do twelve houses everyday my mom was so tired and not only that there was another women taht was working there that she hate my mom all the time they have problems. My mom don't want that anymore and now my mom have her own job she one or two hause everyday and in a week she make five or eight hundrent dollars she have work hard to get want she wants. secondly, My parents want to buy a house to have our own house and that renting a aparment that is so small that a house and have our own space. My sister and I we were sharing the same room and we always have problems because she always have leave trush in the room she didn't pit it up I always have to do it and I was tired of that. Living in a aparment you don't have a space to plant flowers or playing around with your cousins. My parent they always were going to the bank to take up a loan but they couldn't beause they didn't have a good interentest and they continue to go to the banks and woking hard to have good interentest in the bank and fine they get it. My parent buy a hause and we have like six or seven mounth that we are living in that house. Also, I have a friend that she study hard to have good grades and a counselor from the school call her that want to talk to her that she can calify to a university for having good grades. She went have to go for a mounth to stay in that university to know how is live of the university and compete with other students, then that same counselor take her to Generic_City for a fiel trip to go and see some people that will sing in a famouse place. She have work hard to get that things that she have get. Accomplishing same thing that you really want a great thing beause you can have a better future and have a great life. Sometimes is hard and challenge you said I cannot to these anymore but you can do it but you have to work little hard to get there. Sometimes it is very challengeful for some people but they break that barrier that stop them to continue but they do it why other people can we are the same.
Do you always have to be honest at all time? Well do you agree with me because I do think you should be honest. Well sometimes it is not good to be truthful because some people are crazy humans in this world. You should always be honest to your family. They appreciate you more than anything. I think being honest will always be great think for this generation. The benefit of being honest at all times because your friends will know your trustworthy,parents love that more than anything,and you're not a lair. My first reason is your friends have more trust in you. They will have a better friendship most likely. Friends will buy things for you like shoes,shirts,and shorts. Some times friends don't like that much honest because they might feel sad and stress out like when my sister came back from Generic_City from college. My sister friend was honest but my sister felt sad because it was heartbreaking to her. But any away my sister is find now living her best live. Your friends will dislike your honesty and like your honesty. They might tell you secrets that they never told there parents. Another reason is parents love you more if your honest in my opinion. They care for more than anything. They gave you a life. Even if your friend said something very bad you should tell them anyways because they will probably help your friend that is need of help. They love you more than anything. Being honest to your mom and dad are the most. In the past I will always lie and you can picture the next thing. Sometimes parents hate when there child tells everything to there cousin,and which my mom hates children . My last reason is your not gonna be a liar if you become honest at all time. In my religion if you are liar or not honest at anytime you are a liar. God will forgive you if you ask forgiveness. You will have better life and future. I sometimes like being honest because adults like hearing the truths and I wanna be that kind of kid. I like being that good kid and quite kid that loves being friends from a long time ago. I hate when people lie than walk and they try to be honest. Sometimes people I think should not lie and e honest. In conclusion, the benefit of being honest at all time because is great for you. I think being great will make your family great as well as people around you. I think friends will love you more than anything. You are a great human being as like your parents. I think having a wonerful time being great person. As being honest everybody esle will be honest. Some honesty is bad for other friends are cool with it. God will forgive you as well as your parents. The honest person will always win. The End:(
Somepeople ask different people for their opinion. Because if you ask different people,people can have different opinion and they can have multiple answer. First,people have different opinion. When people ask different poeple,people have multiple answer. For examole when i want to buy a pair of shoes i ask my mom, my dad, and sometimes i ask people that i do not know, but different people help me to see witch pair of shoes i should pick and there i can see what pair of shoes are the best. somepople do not like to know what other said when i think is better when everybody said their opinion To continue,listen other opinion of different people make to choice better. Listen different opinion help us to know what other people think about it. For example my friend always ask me how she looks, so she want to know my opinion, and she dont only ask me. She ask different people to know their opinion. In the world are 58% of people who want to know other people opinion and their is 52% of people who do not care about what other people think about them. People want to know what other people think. Because that is how people can help to choice the best one. My opinion is that knowing what other people think help us to know more the other person think. Finally, let people expres their opinion. If people know opinion of different persons,help us to pick better. For example sometimes i want to buy a pencil but i like two pencil, but i only have money for one. Their is when i need somebody to tell me witch one i should pick. I always tell somebody to tell their opinion. Because their is how people can expres theirself, and tell them that is cute or not. Instagram,instagram is a social media that a use for a lot of time,instagram sometimes help me. Because sometimes when i dont know witch one to pick, i post in my storie, i put ."What shoes i should to pick.", and their is when my frieds vote for what shoes i should pick, and i can make the best desition. I love to know what other people opinion because that help me to know what other people think about me. In conclusion,my opinion is that every person in the world need to listen other person. Because if people have multiple opinion, people can have the better choose. Whoever sometimes it is okay to make desition for yourself because sometimes is something personal and people dont know the correct answer and maybe they can be wrong.
In my opinion, I do believe that it should be an elective classes for students to take art, drama, and music classes because it has nothing to do with our education. It won't help us in the future because all you need to learn is how to get a good job, pay for bill and electricity, food, gas, and water. It has nothing to do with our and it should be optional for students to take any art classes whenever they like the class and the second reason is that students might not like the classes because they will be not be interested and will be bored because art is really not their thing. Students like to listen to music, party, go on social media, sports, video games, talking to friends, and being cool. But they don't want to sit in class with a bunch of nerds that paint, make clay and draw. Students should not be required to take a class they don't like. It should be optional just like band class. Some students might fail the class because they either don't like being there and just skip the class or they're not that good at making clay or drawing. For drama it should be optional too since all you do is make an act and speech and it has nothing to do in students futures. Music class is what students will find most interesting but it has nothing to do with students futures either. These classes are something that are easy, Something that you are good at, and something that interests you. So in my opinion it should be elective classes and not classes that should be required to graduate.
I think cell phones gives negative effects on people lives. I think its a negative effect on people lives because a lot of people are scared to talk to people face to face, People like to look at social media all day. I see alot of people like at resturants using there phones while eating and no one talking to each other. I see a lot of kids using phones while eating like playing games or watching movies on there technology. A lot of parents get mad at there children because they use there phone all day and they cant have at least 30 minutes to talk. I see a lot pf people posting pictures on social media. I know people posting pictures on social media all day. Theres a lot of people that take pictures and videos what they do in there lives. I think technology made use worst because we can't live without looking at social meia at least once a day. I think people should go out and have fun with friends or family or finding a job so you will be too busy to think about your phone or technology. If your busy or doing something you wont tgink about your phone or technologies. A lot of people like to stay home and use technology all day at home and i think thats not good. Its nice going out with friends or family having a good time without using technology. The time goes faster when your are busy or doing something but if you use your phone it eems the time goes slower. I thik sometimes technology could be good use. I think it would be good because you can read books and search up anything you need .Technology is good when we use it in school because its easier to do our work. If you need to build or anything or need anything you can search it up on your technology and it will show you how to do it. I only use my phone for Maps, Music, and to search up things i need to know. I dont like using my phone to be on social media all day i work so i use my phone for work not to be on social media all day. If you need to do homework and find the answer you can search it up on your technology. I think technology is good when you need something important to do on it.
Many people are kind and do parts in helping others , what they don't know is , the act of kindness either received from or given to someone has a big impact no matter how small or big . Reasons an act of kindness can really benefit someone are , the person might have a better day just because of your kindness , the person might learn from your act of kindness and lastly , a good act of kindness can come back to you from the person who you helped . The first reason of how kindness can impact a person is , the person whom you helped might have had a bad day or , you never know what someone is going through , they could have a hard life and are hiding it . The person who received the act of kindness might have bad a bad day or life , your kindness could have made that person feel so much better and worthy. Some people don't often receive kindness , you might have put a big smile on their face or , made their day much better . You can be seen as a person with good characters and manners , people can always depend on you if you are a kind person and do a lot to help make someone feel better with words or actions everyday , most people would appreciate you if you did almost anything to help them or make them smile because again , you never know what someone is going through . For example , I partnered up with a girl in our math class , she was crying for some reason and nobody wanted to be her partner , when I told her if she can be my partner , she said yes and sounded really happy when I said . I , of course told her what was wrong , she told me she was going through a lot at home and nobody wanted to be her friend in school , I was devastated to hear that . I told her she can be my friend and for the rest of the day she smiled and laughed . The second reason any act of kindness , big or small , can impact a person is , the person receiving the kindness can learn from you and make themselves a better character too , you can influence a person with how you act , if you act kind and generous and , make good choices , someone is gonna learn from your words and actions . Same with if your a person who is just rude and makes bad decisions , someone else , will learn from your actions . Many people tend to learn from people in their environment , especially young people , so if a young person sees you offering a kind act of helping to either them or someone else , they can learn from your actions and see you as a big role model , people should always make good decisions for many reasons one being that young people can benefit from your choices and will always look up to you for being the person to guide them through life , many people make bad decisions around children but if you do an act of kindness , to them or someone else , young kids will automatically learn from you . For example , one day me and my little sister were in the park , playing with our friends , we saw an old lady all of a sudden drop her apples , I immediately went to the side walk and helped the lady , I picked up the apples and put them in a safe and clean bag . The old lady thanked me and told me , "you're well mannered , thank you for your help , I appreciate it , may god bless you" , I smiled and said "your very welcome" . The next day as I was going to the bus stop , to pick my little sister up from school , my little sister ran to me and said "I sat next to this new girl in our school who was being bullied . I even shared my lunch with her because, she did not have much food at home to bring to school " . I was delighted to hear her story , I told her why she did that , she responded "when I saw you helping the old lady yesterday , I realized how nice you were and how happy the lady was , I decided to do something similar " . The third reason of how an act of kindness can benefit someone in many ways is , the good act of kindness can come back to you . For example , one day , a girl in our class came late to school , we were in our social studies class , she came and sat down and asked people if she could copy the notes , all of my classmates shouted "NO" . I went up to her and gave her my notes . She was happy and said thank you , when she finished copying my notes , I went to my seat . About a week later , we were having a contest in our school , whoever won would receive a prize . I sadly did not have any knowledge of the topic for the contest . The next day , I partnered up with the girl who copied my notes , I told her about how I wanted to win the contest . She looked happy and told me she knew all about the topic , she said she could help me and I replied with , "I would appreciate it so much " . I went to her house after school and taught me all about the animal , we needed to have certain knowledge of the animal to do the contest in our school . The next day , I did the project and the next day ,I winned .I thanked the girl . In conclusion , any act of kindness can benefit a person , you might make them smile , make them learn , or , the act will come back to you.
I beleive that if somebody wants to have succes there will always be some failure. The most important thing is that the person dosent lose there confidence or entusiasm. Ive also been through that to where I want to succead at something that I want to achieve and theres failure down the road. Once I failed I told myself to be positve about it and not just give up or get stressed about it and know that I needed to work harder at it. There are people who want to have succes but forget that its not that easy. People have to remember that it takes time and to have patience,and stay positive. Its not easy because that person has to work hard and show effort but even after showing and doing all those things there still can be failure. When somebody fails its better to think about what can be down next time and to try harder after the first try. Anybody could lose confidence or the energy after they keep failing but he or she forgets to see what can be down better next time. After that to check what has gone wrong and not lose confidence because eveybody has the potential to do anythung. Failure will always be there but it plays an important role for that person to remember that nobodys perfect and that theres always mistakes. The important part is to keep trying and to fix that mistake and to keep that energy up and confidence that it can be done its mot impossible. I've also been through this to where i have a big dream and i chase after it and I think its easy but then i realized it was starting to get harder. After i tried so hard to keep working and trying i lost confidence after i kept failing again,and again. Its better to stay positive because people might say that i cant do it or many things that can cause me to lose confidence. But i choose to stay posive because i realized nobody is perfect even artist,singers,and many other things that people wanted to be because they also had mistakes and had to try harder next time. I realized after failing there were improvements better then the last time i tried and it kept happining becuase i tried harder each time but eventually i got there. Its best to know that in order to have success theres failure but it has to movitate to try harder next time and then eventually when someone works hard enough they have success.
Students and Families should be left to decide if they want to get involved in extracurricular activities. Students should know what they want to do like get involved in more or less extracurricular activities. Teachers say students get stressed over more extracurricular activities. That is not true students do not get stressed over extracurricular activities. Students should have their own choice if they wish to take ore extracurricular work. Students and Families should be allowed to pick if they want ht o continue extracurricular activities or not, and if it is too much for the student to handle in one day. because the overload of activities they do. I believe the school should not get involved at all and let the students have responsibilities to handle their situation. For example a student will be able to decide whether or not they wish to take an extracurricular activities event. Students have reasons on why they should be able to settle it with their families. One of those reasons is that the parents can pick whats a safe and valuable extracurricular activity for their child. Another reason would be is that a Student would prefer a parent to be their instead of a teacher.
Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Determine never to be idle...It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." For example to run without connected to the power is not useful work. I agree with Thomas Jefferson that from doing nothing we can not gain anything. Because if we are always doing something ,we can learn from what we are doing, and we can reach the goal that we have . If we are always doing something we will get a good result and we can learn many things. For example when I was in high school I was just doing my school works and I did not have any job or something else to do after school in my free time, so I thought maybe I can join the school soccer team because soccer was one of my favorite sport and I was always watching soccer games and I was thinking maybe I will be also a good soccer player in future too. And then I tryout for school soccer team and I did not have any experience about playing soccer and I was thinking negative, because I though maybe I will not be able to join the team because of my talent and I did not know anything about soccer, and there were many kids for tryout with good talent and skills that they had. When it was the time for tryout I went for it and the coaches were testing, but when I got the result I did not make it, I was so sad that day and I was never going to give up because of the dream that I had. After that, two months later I join a soccer club for training and I was trying my best to learn soccer an many other skills. And after a year when it was about to start the next season of tryouts, I made it to the team and I was so happy and proud to be in the team to accomplish many things for my self and my school. It is always a wonderful thing if we are doing something or working toward the goal that we have. For example when I graduated from high school my goal was to go to college and I wanted to be an IT Engineer. And that was not an easy thing for me,because of the expense of the college and the subject that I was thinking to study. And I did not have the budget for it,so I was wondering if I could work and make the make money that I needed for college. And the cost for the subject that I was thinking about to study in college, it was going to cost me around twenty thousands dollar for the whole semester. And my parents were also supporting me a little bit,but I needed to make the rest of the amount by working. Finally I got a job near by our house and I did not have a driving license, so I was walking to my job. And the first days of working it was a little bit challenging for me, I did not know anything about the job and it was also a new experience for me .And I had to work and accept the difficulties and challenges that were upcoming for me to reach my goal. After two months later I was thinking to get also another job beside the job that I was already working on, so I could make more money to accomplish my goal early. And also I found another job and I was working in both of them and I had a shift of four hour in each. And I learn many things from doing my job and after a year and half I had the amount of the money that I needed for college and finally I reach my goal. From doing nothing we can not accomplish anything. And it is always a good time to start and it is never late to do the things that we want. And we should never waste our time doing nothing.
Be active or not active in life, those are two options that we have. There is many reason why people are active in life, but there are many other reasons why people stay inactive on their lifetime. Thomas Jefferson said, "Determine never to be idle... It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." Staying active and with determination people have more chances to be successful in life. First of all, in reality things can't be done by them self. For instance, the first TV, car, plane, cell phone, etc... wouldnt be done with out a lot of hard work. Another example could be, the creators of all the things that we have now, they didnt stop or give up on their goals they were active and positive in the process to success. In addition, in order to accomplish great goals people must stay active and work hard for them. For example, the best basketball player of all time wouldn't have accomplish all the records with out dedication in the process. Another example, if Martin Luther King didn't do things or stayed back with out doing anything for the people, we probably wouldnt have the life that we all have right now. Perhaps most important, people have more chances to success in life if they stay active and working on good things, more than if they stay inactive. For example, a hard worker business man probably have way more success in life than a regular person that instead of working hard and do things prefer to stay back and be inactive. Some people argue that, inactivity serves a purpose. They say that, the fact that people are doing something doesn't mean that what they doing is right. This might be true; however, inactivity wont take people anywhere but to fail in life, and for success in life people must to do things constantly and dont give up. Without dedication and work people wont accomplish nothing, no matter the talent or the skills that they might have if they dont do nothing with it. People must stay active and fight for what they wish and want, without that life wont take you anywhere.
It is true that there are many ways to influence others. Its not your behavior that defines your actions. Its how you show people by your actions, having goals and to have motivation to be able to influence others. Sometimes you dont even have to be positive to be able to influence others. For example, in the movie "The Princess and The Frog" , she wanted to open a restaurant because it was her dad's dream. So she kept working to get enough money to pay for a building she wanted. She didnt get it in the beginning, but at the end of the movie she did. What i'm trying to say is that she had one goal and it was to open a restaurant. she also had motivation to keep working to earn enough money to do so. For my first reason why you can influence others in different ways is by your actions. The best way someone can influence others is by your actions. For example lets say you help out by donating food to your local food bank. That wont make much difference but if you do it daily, word will eventually get out on how you kept donating food for people in need. Especially if it gets on the news about the good deed you did, then more people would donate more to help out their community. For my second reason why you can influence people in different ways is by having goals. Many people whit goals accomplish more that people without one. For example lets say that your trying to save money to buy a new game that coast eighty dollars. But you dont have any money left. So you do chores like cleaning, washing your parents car, or cutting the grass. You still dont have enough. So you start going to your neighbors house and asking if they need anything done. Eventually you earn just the right amount to buy the new game. Basically, if you want something set goals and accomplish them to earn what you want. For my last reason why you can influence people in different ways is by being motivated. You cant influence others if your down. You have to try being inspiring and energetic. Because if others see you being motivated they would most likely do the same. Being motivated is important because it shows purpose of completing a goal. It also shows how hard you are willing to work to accomplish something. some people may say that,a persons behavior is the best way to influence others because it sets the right mood on someone to be motivated. But on the other hand behavior doesnt show how a person can be influence to do something. Therefor the best way to influence people is by showing them your actions, goals, and being motivated.
We as high school students should make our own decisions for classes. But for younger age kids, we should pick there classes as teachers and they will just need to do the work. Kids that are young will not have the option for drama until they are in high school or middle school. Students should have the right to pick a class because its what they want to learn about. It should not be required, the school shouldt make you take a class that you may not like. We as Students can make these type of decisions or we can choose something new, Students can pick new classes and learn something new. School's should make these Kids take these certain type of classes because it helps you and its mandatory. for example, if you take art class then you will need to take drama class too. Both of these classes will help each other and you will have background knowledge. The school is basically trying to help you by doing this method. At the end of the day whatever method your school does, your going to have to listen to them and comply by the rules. its really not hard, unless you are not trying to graduate. Also if you are not feeling a class or you just dont like it then you can talk to your councilor or a trusted adult in your school.
I am sure my heart is raising that I saw a lot of people behavior is going bazaar! Then it is said that your own behavior is the best way to influence other people because it creates trust, shows that your helping others, and creates a positive big impact on others. Your own behavior creates trust is to show that other can respect you and care about you. Friends behavior creates trust because they will sometimes help others. For example, if i have a huge injury and I can't walk, then probably they'll know that I'm not joking around and I'll trust them to help me. Another person behavior that creates trust is teachers, their behavior is mostly positive and always influence others. They'll always care about helping their student and makes the student trust the teacher what they need help on. Even though students think that teacher dont trust them, but others think teachers have faith on others to try hard to help and let them work hard for the future. Also, families creates trust so they will always have influence on me. It like i made their personality more positive than before. Your own behavior creates trust because of helping others, having positive personality, and increase better relationship on others. Showing that you help others is another way to influence other people from your own behavior. Sometimes my families help others and they will never forget about us. Like all of our family went to Generic_City and went on a mission to help others, like we build houses or feed a lot of poor people with food that we made. Another person that help others is friends, they always help me if i'm in a stress zone. They always comfort me feel better when I'm upset or mad. Also, teachers help other because they want the students to past the school. Although some of them might fail, yet teachers try their best to let them past. They want them to try hard so teachers need to make them work hard and help them learn. Like my teachers will try their best to help me past my quizzes or test. Helping others is the best way to influence people like friends, teachers, and families that they will support you and others what they need. The reason why your own behavior creates a big positive impact of others. So more and more people will show respect and will mostly love you. This will create a big positive impact on friends because I show love for them and they will probably love me back. All of us should always show love and care so that they wont hate you. For families, they always have a positive impact because of others positive attitude. Showing a good attitude can be like walking the bridge to their heart. This can help their feeling be better and better. Another person that have a big impact on others is firefighters. They always care about others and their lives so they always protect them when they're in trouble. There was one story that these firefighters that they need equipment because their tools is rusty and broken, but one person called them for help so they came the house was on fire and the wife is still trapped. So they got her out and she is save. So the husband so so proud, and send them 2,000 dollars a month so the firefighter can bye the equipment. This it to show how much the husband care about them. So this can create a big positive impact because of showing love, fixing feelings, and having risk to protect. Other might say that your own behavior can affect others. It has said that you own be behavior can influence other by showing that you help others create a positive big impact, and creates trust. We should see if others behavior can influence others and change the world.
Everywhere around the world is filled with negative energy. Most of it is caused by teenagers because they do not know between what is right and what is wrong. teens around the world resolved to violence, affecting others around them. Most of it is caused by bullying. Years ago the government allowed students to attend online courses and a good amount of students left high school and stayed to take online courses. Students should attend online courses because bullying would decrease nand it would be easier to find your way through the website instead of walking from class to class. Bullying would have a major decrease because students would be at home instead of school. Everyday students get harassed by other students and then up to the point where it drives them to commit suicide. Students would be at their house where it's safe and less distracting. Also, some students are too shy to be around other people so they get bullied for it. Every parent doesn't want to see their kid get bullied. There so much negativity being spread around and it not only affects the victims life it also affects their families. It would be easier to find your way through online courses instead of walking class to class. It could be difficult for some students to find their way around the school because of how big it might be. With only the press of a few buttons, students would easily find their way towards their next assignment. Others may think that taking online courses are a waste of time. Parents question the school district " if we have teachers then why do we need online courses?". Some students would feel a bit depressed knowing that all their friends are at school and they are the only ones at home looking at a monitor. It is more likely that kids won't be able to learn that way because they'll be distracted by other things. Students would prefer to be with their friends and listen to a teacher in person and have less work.
Do you think that students are allow to visit workplace. If companies allow students the would be expert at there job if the visit the workplace the would know where the think are and if you are the employer you would be firmer with the new worker at the job. I would like to work at a companies because there you can work with more than one worker and have your owed offiest and you can be doing work with you worker and get help if you need help from your workers and If you allow me to visit it can be change in your companies. Allow students to visit can help your partnerships with schools and students minet work at your companies or organizations companies can get a lot of help from students if the allow them to visit some companies need a good idea if you lant students visit the can give some good ideas for your companies and you organizations. Why I chose working for a companies is because I like to talk with other workers and have fun while I am in work and I like working with others so this the best job and the best chose for my companies to chose me. student like to be with there friends at work so this is the best job for the student that like to be with the friends at work and have fun if you have a group of friends this minet be the best job for all of you. Local workplace is for you if you don't have group of friends I chose this job for this reies. Companies should allow students to visit the companies or the job you with to work for all the jobs sould allow students to visit it. but some of the job are dgerast. I need to pass
Can your attitude be the key to success in life? I believe that a positive attitude can be a success in life. Keeping a positive attitude is good because you'll accomplish more things in life and you can build your trust with others. In addition, they way your attitude is can determine your personality. The importance of attitude is and will always matter to people. For example, when you keep a positive mind set on accomplishing something, you'll achieve it. Therefor, having a positive attitude can help you in ways that you can't image. For example, it can help you build your trust with friends and family. To conclude, there are things in life you can't change such as first impression, but having a positive attitude toward people can have an impact on them. In conclusion, being able to accomplish more and building your trust are the keys success in life. Positive attitude is also the key to success in life, some people will disagree with this statement. People should always have a positive attitude no matter the situation. Being positive shows people that you care about others no matter the cost. I believe that a positive attitude can be a success in life.
hello I hope you have a good day. I will tell you how i am and why you should select me to visit and learn about the work that i am interest because i am very intelligent and i learn fast. A opportunity is a favorable combination of circumstances. Although some say that the manager should not select me because i don't like to do extra work. Actually, Manager should select me because i have positive attitude and i will working hard. First, Some say that you should not select me because i don't like to do extra work. some people exploit yourself when you try to do extra work if you did the first time, so the next time they give you more work to do. However all the people are not the same. For example, my sister work in clean the house she have different type of person, so a women from Generic_City told her to cleaned the toys. My sister just told her OK, but is not her job in the next time she went to clean the women put her to cleaned the garage and she didn't pay. Second, Some say that you should select me because i have a positive attitude. the people that always have positive attitude they will have success in the life. If you fall you have to get up. In the life you have to learn a lot thing like lose and win not all that time we can win because if you focus to win. One day you lose you will have negative attitude and you cannot doing well you job that why i learned how to have a positive attitude in everything. However this can help you manager for that you have the best company in the world. For example, My friend is going to college and he is study about business. He always told me that the teacher teach to have positive attitude for that they cannot fall in depression if they lose money or something. Third, I always work hard because i like to do my job perfect. I try to do the best i can because i don't like to leave my job in average. For example, when i went to High Schools i maintained my level in up. I can work in the night if you prefer i really want to visit you. A lot people said that they work hard, but I can demonstrate how i work and how i am punctual in the work. You will see the different in you company. I am interesting the work that your company is doing. I am very interesting to know how your company install the machine of the air condition. Also, I want to learned how you discover new machine with new strategy "don't worry i will learn fast". In conclusion, I think that you should select me because i learn fast and i am very interesting in your company. the most important is that i already tell you how i am and thanks for give a opportunity to write you. I hope you understand me.
One topic that is frecuently dabated is if the schools should control students involvement in extracurricular activities. Some people think that the school should take control of the students extra activities and extra time. They feel that students need more educational activities to enrich their knowledgement at school. I believe that students should decided what they want to do with their extra time after school because some students have to work to help their families, some students have to get home earlier to take care of their sibbilings while their parents are at work and students like to do some other activities like sports, art or homework. First, students have to work to help their parents and sibilings, it could be difficult to work and study at the same time, you get tired and all you think is get home and sleep, students who work do not have time to study for a quiz, test or do homework. However. Study hall could help them finish their homework, students who work don't get involved in extracurricular activities bacause they don't have time to make it through. But also they work for saving money for college, this is an a good idea because you are investing for your future. That is why students who work have to give up with some other acctivities that they want to do. Second, some students have to get home early to take care of their sibbilings while their parents are at work, most of them can't afford a babysitter, this students might have the time to involve in a club, probably when one of their parents have a day off. They can do homework or other assigments for school or home while they are taking care of their sibbilings like made food for them, clean the house, laundry etc. That can get difficult for them because they have different responsabilities at the same time that they have to take care of school. Third, other students like to do different activities like sports, they like to exercide everyday after school, there are many sports that hey can practice such as bascketball, baseball, tennis, gymnastics, etc. other students like to do art, envirroment and learn another language they can sign up for any club that they are interested on. This students are deffinetly involve in extracurricular activities from school, but they decided what they want to do with this extra time and the school do not have to tell them what should they do. As have you read this are my reasons why I believe schools should not take control of the students activities after school. When we get to know each others personal dreams and problems this world is going to change because we are going to understand how people work hard to get succes and happiness.
Do you think starting a career at a young age is good? Many students think that starting a career at a young age is good, but its is not a good thing for them or in general. Students often choose to start it at an early age because they could be really excited about it. I think that them focusing on their studies until they get older is even more better, and it would be a great thing to do. And instead of the young students hanging out with their friends at somewhere thats unrelated to their career or studies, they should maybe go to a tutoring center or help each other. Students should also have time to think about and choose a career that they think they would focus on really well. If students start a career at a young age, it can have quite many consequences. Usually doing so would make them more likely to have failure in their career, lack of some education, and they won't get much respect from people. One of the reasons why I think that students shouldn't commit to a career at a young age is because they will more likely to have failure in their career. If they have failure in their career, there will be many problems. One of the problems that could happen is that they could get sued if if they end up doing something wrong. Another thing that could happen is that they could get many complaints about things. And if people complain about them and if they make bad reviews about them, it will make their image look bad. And for that they might not be making a lot of money out of their profit, because people know what failures they are. Another reason why I think that students shouldn't commit to a career at a young age is because they will lack some education. If they lack some education, they won't be able to know a lot about their career. Its just like a chicken is running to get to the other side of the road with his head cut off. One thing they will also have trouble in is interviews. They will not be going to get success if they don't know much. And if they don't know anything about their career, that person could get fired. One of the things that they would also be doing is making a lot of mistakes. The students should stay much longer in school to get proper knowledge of that career so that they will earn success. Another reason that students shouldn't commit to a career at a young age is because they won't get respect as much as a well educated person that knows all their studies and who knows a lot about their career, if they do so. People would probably ask them that why didn't they take their studies further. Also, and what they could've done before to fix this situation is that they could've gotten help from others such as their friends, teachers, by staying after school for extra help, or asking their parents to hire a tutor. Additionally, or what they could do instead of getting extra help, is that they could just focus in their career class and not slack off. They should also do a career that they're interested in. Because a lot of the times when they see that one of their friends chose this one career, then they will do the same one. That's why young students should always think and choose very wisely when it comes to picking career. Young students should focus more on their studies and shouldn't commit to a career at a young age. They should all focus, and they should keep studying until they get much older, rather than choosing a career at a young age. It is also a very important to not have failures and mistakes in your career, so that your career turns out to be good. I think that young students should always study, and never lack any sort of education. Also, and that they should get the most of education to gain much more of peoples respect. By doing all of these things as a young student, they will achieve great success. By them not doing these things, they won't get much of their career success.
The school board is planning to add one and a half hour to school each day. I think they should add one and a half hour to school each day because than class would be more longer, we would have to do more homework, and some students have things to do after school everyday. I disagree that the school board should add one and a half hour to school each day because class would be more longer. If schools board add one and a half hour to school each day every class would be more longer. For example my civics class is two hours if they add one and a half hour than my civics class would be two and a half hour. If class was longer teachers would have to work more. They would have to work more because than they have to make more projects and grade more papers that each student turns in. Students would have to work harder then what they usually do because they would get more work because the class is longer. Secondly I disagree because if school board adds one and a half hour to school each day then we would get more homework. students would have to do more homework since class is longer that would get more projects and some students don't get to finish their work in class so they have to do it for homework. They would get in trouble if they don't finish their homework. some students don't get to finish their homework because they have to do more work for another class. Lastly, I disagree that the school board should add one and a half hour to school each day because when students get out of class they have to do things or go somewhere. Students have to take care of their siblings. Some students when they get out school have to take care of their brothers and sisters because their parents have to go somewhere or they have to do some work. Some kids practice sports in the afternoon for example soccer, basketball , etc. When I get out of school I have to go to soccer practice at 4:30 pm ,so before going to practice I have to do my homework and sometimes I don't get to finish then until I come back from practice. Sometimes I do get in trouble with my teachers because I didn't finish my homework. Some students have to go visit their family because maybe that are going to a party that they are making or they are sick and you have to go see how they are. Sometimes my mom waits for me until I get out of school to go visit our family. Some of then have to clean their room, wash the dishes, and take the trash out. I still think that they shouldn't add one and a half hour to school each day because each would longer, get more homework, and do after school activities. Do you agree or disagree with my reasons?
Student's that don't want to be in high school for four years, plan on finishing earlier than others. These student's have already gotten their credits and just need a few more to finish. Students want to get a early head start than their other classmates, they have enough credits to finish their junior and senior year in one go. It's a great idea for student's to get a head start on college and the workforce one year early. Students that get an earlier head start plan on starting their careers while in college. The jump from high school to college is way different but it's a better step for students. A friend of mine had finished high school earlier and got to start college earlier and now their life is going to start because they went on the right path to start their career. College's offer programs to student's to help them get their degree like Master's or Bachelors degree faster so they can achieve the career they were trying to achieve. Many colleges offer this program as one of my family members is going for their Master's and they are going to get it a year earlier than majority of their classmates. Some students have already been into the workforce already and now they would like to finish high school and become a full time employee instead of a part time employee. Student's that are still in school that already work cannot make more than 40 hours due to the fact that they are still under the age of 18. Full time employee's make more than 40 hours but some of those employee's still go to school due to the fact that they are balancing school and their work life. Students's that are in school are either a full time student and part time employee or a full time student and full time employee. Some student's in school majority of the time they work put their schedule as everyday at a certain time or they work weekends. Students finishing high school early is benefit for the students that would like to finish early because they want that head start in life. They want to start college so they can get started on their future career and get that dream job. Students want to become a full time employee instead of a part time employee so they have more hours and get better pay to go to college to be a full time student and full time employee. For these reason I agree with this statement that it's a good idea to finish high school early to get into college earlier or into the workforce.
If we are making good choses life can be more fun and easy. for Example if we are making everything correctly life can be more interesting. one way to make life more easy and more fun is to make everything correctly and think first after we want to do something. Sometime we spend time doing think that can not benifict our future. for Example if I am skiping clases from school the problem will be the my teacher will call my parent and I will get in trable. another reason can be skiping clases will effect my life and my future that can effect my goal. another type of effect can be like if I want to fiend a good job the company where I am working will pay me less. or I can not have the same benefit like other people that graduate from school. people make thing without think. sometime we make bad choses. for Example in my home country when I was going to school I was making one big bad chose. I was skiping clase with my friend to go play soccer but the problem was that I dont think first. The result was I dont pass the clase my grade where bad and they call my parent and I get in drable. people should think first after they want one to make a chose. people spend time in think that in the future can effect them. for Example in my opion sometime we make bad chose. another Example my brother when he was in TCW. he was in 9 grade he make a big error he spend more time with his friend and he tallk me the hi dont care about the SOL but when he was in 12 grade he need to pass the SOL to graduate. he tallk me please dont make the same error the I make. I belive peoople should think first after making a dicision because if we dont think correctly that can effect or goal or us future. people should think corefully to be success on there life. we can change the world thinking first after we make a decision.
dear principal it think that it is not fair the way that you are not letting all of us students not participate in all the sports here in SCHOOL_NAME only if you have b average you may play .please if you let us play the sports without a b average not all of us are perfect at what we are. plus if you don't let other kids play sports without a b average it will be total chaos if you don't let us students will not try there best to put in effort in to there grade .there fore if you do decide to let other children with different grade average they may pick up there grade if you allow them to play there sports. there personality may change and start acting right and then all of the kids would have a b average and you'll be so proud of your school and how much effort the put into there school work and the way they act who knows they might even mature . in conclusion that is why i think that you may want to rethink about the rule on sports that you want to pass I hope you don't want to pass this new policy because your doing something that the children of SCHOOL_NAME would not appreciate because sports are a big part of SCHOOL_NAME and for you just to make a decision like that is hurtful to the kids who play sports here in SCHOOL_NAME
First, I would like to visit the place Spain because I want to go and see a real Madrid. Real Madrid Is a team that it's really famous in soccer, and many people watch them play. Also,I want to go with my friends to the beach and have some fun by eating a lot of food that we never try before and playing with the water in the beach with all my friends. Third, my friends and I will like to go, and visit one of the famous soccer players in the history of soccer, and take a picture with them and there team. After, will want to take a soccer player to come and eat with us and have some fun whit the soccer player. Finally, we would like to bring some family members to the trip, and come have fun with us play a lot and take them to a park that's great for family trip on Spain, and that we can all eat some ice cream at the same time and eat some great food and then go home.
Yes,I agree with the statement a positive attitude can always lead anyone to success.Positive attitude is the key to success don't lose hope even if you have lost everything. If you have a positive attitude and you work hard today or tomorrow you will become successful. If you have a positive attitude in a hard situation,you will feel like the situation is not hard and you will get over that situation. Positive attitude even helps you to maintain good heath and this will help you to get success. But if you have a negative attitude in a situation you might not get success in life. A positive attitude can will not only change your life but it can also help people close to you in achieving their goal because it will encourage them to become successful. 6 We can even take example of some successful people in the world like Steve Jobs who was forced to leave his own company but he always had a positive attitude,it doesn't matter what the situation was and 3 years later he bought his company back,not only that he had a heart disease and he was supposed to die but his will power and positiveness saved him. We can also take example of famous soccer player Christiano Ronaldo who was discriminated because of his color faced all of his hardships with a smile on his face he stayed positive in his whole life and now he is one of the greatest soccer player in the history. He just thought positve things in his life and overcame most of his hardships. In the modern world, if we even lose a small game we lose hope of winning again,but we have to change this thats not life works, everyone have hardships in their life but a smile on your face can make those hardships easy. Just think how to overcome that situation,instead of losing hope and stay positive. In the end,I would just say that everyone face hardships from a 1 year old kid to a old man but a staying positive can change the whole situation because you will be able to overcome anything. So always stay calm,take deep breadth and stay keep a positive attitude instead of getting negative.
Everysingal student has worked hard in school. Showing they can push hared without being praised, even if it takes a year or two. Praising a student every time they get a good grade or accomplish a small paper isn't fine. I believe working hard builds true self-esteem comes from achivment because it shows in the students hard work, they aren't going to be stuck up or self centered, and they won't expect anything if they stopped getting praised. Although achieving your work and getting praised once in a while does feel good. When a student works hard it shows in their work and in their face. Many students have shown their best effort with out getting praised. The student should have to put their own interest if the student really wants to accomplish their work. If the student is getting praised all the time what are they really learning about hard work? They would think everysingal good thing I do comes with a prize. There are many students that are stuck up when they receive a good grade, those students have probably done good work but there could be a student that has worked the same but didn't get a good grade. There are some students that get their feeling hurt when they don't get a good grade and their class mate rub their grade in their face. Those self center students are closed minded, instead of helping the student out they hurt their feelings. Some student like to keep their grades to themselves. If a student gets praised all the time they will expect something in the end. The student wouldn't do it for themselves they would do it for the prize. They will not learn about real hard work, they would think every good thing comes with a prize. And thats not the case. Feeling good at the end and knowing the student has worked hard with no prasing is great. They feel better about themselvs because they know now they can achieve something without the prasing. In conclustion I believe true self-esteem comes form hard work, feeling good about your own grades and not expeting anything from anyone when you have worked really hard. The student will show their effort in their own work, and will look for their own achivments in school so they can feel good about themselvs. Thoes are the student that should be prasied.
After reading the prompt I might think we have to make some change to the school like, what was said in the prompt we have to change the school days to a four day school week and make them to be two hours long. it can give people the hours that they need for other things and can give them time for project and stuff of that matter. The reasons why, I think we should do this because we can get more hours in the day to do things like for example: sports,homework,helping others, getting more rest in the day because maybe some people might not get more sleep during the night,some people might have job, students might have to go with their parents on a trip to somewhere or some place or also a school trip that they might go on. I well think that this is a good position to be for the change of the hours but to ever good thing there must be a bad like, a bump in the straight road ahead of you. I think for myself I do agree but there are some people that might not agree with my train of thoughts. The people who many not agree will probably say that there are not many hours in school to do things like learning new things. My train of thought thinks that we must go this way of the four day school week plan. There are so many beliefs of going this way that means we can save more resources and teachers can plan things up ahead for his/her students. I must say that there are some disadvantages of students having a four day week of school like students forgetting the things that they were teach in class and students can also not be ready for class. Some in conclusion: there are bad and good thing of having a four day week of school plan but there are some disadvantages of having it like what I said people might disagree with you but don't let them change your own train of thoughts. people also might not agree with your own believes but don't let them change who you are but the disadvantages are hard but the students can probably somethings pull it off.