Have you ever felt like you needed the guidance of another person? Many people have felt that way. It's never bad to ask for help or guidance from another person to get through things. Although having your life runned by someone else, seeking guidance isn't such a bad thing, because for some people making a big decisions on their own could be hard and stressful, and you could also be guided into a good and healthier life style where you are making better decisions and ideas. A reason people should seek guidance is because for some people making a big decision on their own could be hard and stressful. But having someone there with them while making the decision would be more than helpful and could possible reduce the stress they have. For example my cousin would get very stressed out when she had to make big decisions on her own. But when she had someone there with her or she asked for help she wasn't as stressed as she was when she had to decided on her own. Making decisions on your own is hard and intimating, so why not seek the guidance of someone else to help get though that tough decision making? Another reason seeking guidance is a good idea, is because you'd be guided into a better and healthier life style where you are making better decisions and ideas. As an example one of my closest friends was going through a dark time in her life and was making poor decisions. But she found someone she looked up to and asked for their guidance. So they guided her to a better life style, where she now makes better decisions than she did before. All because she had someone to guide and help her. Guidance really does play a big role in a better life style and better choice making on people. However one might say, "well your life is being runned by another person." But it really isn't being runned by another person, because you also have the choice to listen to them or not. Or that your mentor or whoever is guiding will tell you what to do or how to live your life. In some cases they do tell you how to live your life, but they tell you how to live a better and healthier life, but can't force you to change in any way. Having your life runned by someone else isn't ideal but seeking guidance isn't the worse idea because you'd be guided in good ways such as a better life style and could be guided through big hard decision making. In conclusion I believe peoples lives wouldn't be horrible with the guidance of someone because they aren't only guided you to better your life but they are also helping you with hard decision making and getting through things.
Should schools control students involvement in extracurricular activities, or should the decision regrading extracurricular involvement to left to students and their families? Students should decide on what extracurricular activities they will be interested in and discuss with their families because parents or guardians can support their decisions, they can be able to find their talents, and be able to get awesome scholarships or grades. First students should decide on what activities they will be interested in because parents or guardians can support their children. Students will be absolutely be proud of their families by supporting them to do what they like, for example like sports. Teenagers are interested in activities because they like their own sports or the whole family likes sports. Students likes to get an approval from their families because they feel euphoria when their family accepts them. Teenagers also love when parents or guardians support them because they can have persuasive thoughts about the extracurricular activities. Second students should decide on what activities they will be interested in because they can be able to find their talents. Coaches from different activities can see how good the students are and can see their special talents in them. Students are not perfectionist like god but instead they work really hard to show that teens can do it. Teenagers can also feel that they are talented because maybe it can be in their family tree lines. Students can figure out their talents by practicing everyday and be able to play like how professional do it. Also Teenagers will realize how to never give up on their activities. Finding their talents is an entertaining expression because people around the world can be amazed at how teenagers can be so good at extracurricular activities. Third students should decide on what activities they will be interested in because they can get awesome scholarships or grades. Students can get scholarships by showing how much their activities mean to them. Teenagers get much better scores on their grades because they can be able to focus and stay healthy. It can be helpful for their college, their future, and their family status. Their coaches will be really proud of them by getting scholarships from different countries. Getting amazing grades and scholarships is the legendary epic passionate feeling that students will never forget in their lives. Another point of view is many students do not like the school to control their activities. However, many people believe that school should have total control regarding extracurricular involvement of students after school because that think that school staff knows better and that they can guide students to get involve into more productive activities. Which would eventually result into a more bright and smart teens who would feel more comfortable to face the real world. In conclusion deciding on the extracurricular activities they will be interested in will benefit their scholarships or grades, their families will support their children, and the students will find their true talents. So teenagers can become the 10 out of 10 in their best of the extracurricular activities. Also students can now decide and control their own extracurricular activities being able to become a legendary, passionate, euphoric, having awesome persuasive thoughts, and epic person.
Research shows that 75% of individuals agree on Emerson's statement. Well I disagree because you can become better, try is over and over again, and don't bring yourself down. First and foremost, why I disagree is because you can become better. For example, you mastered a project but you want it better then what you did before look at your project closely. Write on a piece of paper on what you have then plan out your other idea. Don't make it identical make it different. Show people that you can do it but twice as better. So you can be proud of yourself and people can be proud of you too. Furthermore, why I disagree is because you should try it over and over again. For example, you mastered you project but you challenged yourself to do it twice as better. We all understand to do something better then what you already have can be a little complicated That's why you should try it over and over again so you can accomplish it. That can help a lot to be honest you can see where you made a mistakes and not commit it again. Last but not least, why I disagree is because you should never bring yourself down. For example, people are getting so frustrated that they will say I can't no more I won't be able to do it. That's bringing yourself down you should remain calm. Don't fell pressured at the end of the day you will do it and you will feel really proud of all of the hard work you did. Dont't ever say never you have to trust yourself if you don't then who will trust you. This are my three reasons on why I disagree on Emerson's statement because you can become better, try it over and over again, and don't bring yourself down.
I agree with Author Ralph Waldo Emerson, about being yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you somenthing else is the greatest accompplisment, because people always say that they love you and care about you for who you are, but the truth is that. When you're yourself with them and show them who you really are, they want to change you. Some peaple are always going to talk and pay more atenttion to the mistakes that you made instead of what you have to offer , being yourself in this world is the most importan thing in life, because you got to show them that you like who you are and you don't care what they say, love yourself inside and outside never stop doing what you love just because people told not to do it, do what makes you happy not what makes other people happy. don't be afraid to show the world what you got to offer, you only live once, feeling good about yourself is more important then satisfied other people.
People always need advice for problems they have, But sometimes they don't just go to one person some go see more then one person which sometimes a good thing however the person takes it. There are people who go to a specific person who understands them, They go to that person because they feel comfortable with telling them about the problem they need advice on. People usually just go to one person because either they're really close to them or they give good advice for the problems they have. But there are people who take advice from multiple people, They take advice from different people because the more advice the different outcomes you would get on your situation. Some people will give bad or good advice if you think about it, Its good to hear from other people because they will tell you somethings you didn't think about before. If you take advice from just one person its only one outcome, But if you take advice from different people the more outcomes the better because different people give you good advice it will boost your confidence even if it backfires with confidence the different people gave you it wont't affect you that much so it better to take different people for advice. So if you wanna take someones advice its better to take it from multiple people to get a perspective on how things would go, the more advice you get the more you see into your problem or problems you have.
I disagree with extending the school days, because is too much for the students and teachers, also not fair for teachers to work more them they do, and finally not that good because all the other schools are going to get earlier. Having not much sleep can effect students grades and classwork, This can effect teachers also just like the students. Students wouldn't feel that well with adding one and half hours to school, because they need to study and rest well. Adding all that time to school would effect after school activities, because students would not feel like they had much sleep or they did not study for something that is due for school the next day. Students would not feel well rested because they had to wake up at a early time and then coming back to school, after they come back from school students are looking forward for a nap but they can't because they have chores to do. Another thing is that students would not have time to do their chores that their parents told them to do, because they have homework or have to go to their soccer, swim or gymnastic practice. Adding one and half hours to school would affect the students a lot with activities and school work and also their sleep. One more thing this would effect teachers work because they have to leave school later then before. Also teachers wold not have much time with their family afterwards. Another thing is that teacher are going to have to work even more in their things for the classwork. It would also make it difficult for them because they are going to have to spend more time in school instead with their kids or family. And this is why I strongly disagree with adding one and half hours to school days.
Well one skill i have is to read out loud,this is because it helps me understand what I am reading about,also when i read about it it gets suck in my head and i can explain it more better when i read out loud,and it also helps me when i need to write a essay on what i was reading. For me reading out loud helps me a lot because i understand it more. It also feels good to read it out loud because i know how I am reading. I can see if I am reading good or if I am stopping in every word. Then i can see if i need to say the word out loud if i dont understand what it means. For me reading out loud helps me to because i can explain what happens in the story. Also i have a better way of explaining it better when i read out loud because i get more details in my head. Then when i am done reading i don't forget about what i read about. Also when i read in my head and not talking out loud i dont remember lot's of things that i read. Other people can understand better when they read out loud as well. For me when i have to write a essay it help me better to read out loud because i can write lot's of things when i read out loud. I can explain more about the story when i read out loud. Then when i am ready to write a essay i dont have to be scare on what i write because i was reading out loud and it was suck in my head of what the hole book was about. I also like reading out loud when i am writing a essay because it helps me better to see if i am writing about what the book is telling me what to do. The Conclude:To read out loud. I read out loud so i can understand what the book is about,better to write a essay when i am reading out loud,and when i am reading out loud it stays in my head of what i read about.
Do you think being hounst at all times is a good thing? I agree with people who are hounst at all times because they don't lie and lieing can cause a lot of problems. No matter how old you are being hounst is a very good thing for kids, adualts and teenagers. I think you should be hounst at all times because if you'er not hounst people wont trust you, and people can come to you for advice, it also helps people with trust issues to know that there are people out there that you can trust for being hounst. If you are not hounst people wont trust you. Most people want to be trusted. People want to be trusted in a relationship, friendship and a parentship and most importantly you would want to be trusted in your family. Being hounst whould make people trust in you in many ways. However, you can be trusted be not lieing or makeing fake roumers. For example a girl in our school whould make up roumers and lie about an eight th grader. Therefore, after doing all that no one wanted to be her friend because they could'nt trust her. If you are hounst at all time people can come to you for advice. If your hounst your friends, sisters, classmates will come to you for advice because they would know you would have great ones. Mostimportantly they would trust you because you'er hounst and they will tell you everything and ask for advice and you will tell them what sounds good and hounst .Therefore, if you hounst you can be trusted by good advice that might actully help that person. Being hounst also helps people with trust issues to know that there are people out there that you can trust for being hounst. Having trust issues can com from being dishounst and if you'er dishounst with someone it really makes that person think that they can't trust anyone at all. Thats because they have been broke by that other person who keeps lieing. That shows me that being hounst is an amazing thing that everyone chould have. In summary being hounst is good for everyone .It could be hard for some people but you always have to remember you have to be hounst so, people could trust you, people could come to you for advice, it helps people with trust issues know that there are people out there that you can trust for being hounst.
All schools from United State have a longer summer vacations and that make the students happy but there are some educators feel that summer break is too long and that students don't retain information as easily when they return to school. Summer vacations should don't be change because students want to go to others countries, spend time with their friends and family, and they don't want to be worry about school. When the students are in summer vacations they planning to go and visit others countries. They want to go to visit their family that live in other country or they only want to go and meet new places. If the educators change the summer vacations to only 3-4 weeks the students will not have much time to visit the places that they want to go. Nevertheless, not all the students want to go to others contries and stay a long time, there some prefer stay in home but they spend the summer time doing what they like to do. The students like to spend time doing things that they like to do in summer vacations; for example, they want to spend sometime with their family and friends and make memories together. Also they want to work to make money, play video games, play some sports, or go to a summer camp. Meanwhile, others students don't want to go outside because it's so hot or they don't like be under the sun but they also don't want to go to school. Students like summer vacations because they can make a lots of things that they can't do when they are in school. For example, if they want to go to a party or to a friend's house and can back to their houses until the morning or if they want to look TV all the day they can do it. In addition, they are happy to have a long summer vacation because they are not worry about homewoork or projects, they don't have to get up early to go to school, or study for a test. A long summer break can affect the memory of the students and they can forget somethings that they learn in school; however, some students like to review their notes and it's not so long the summer break. Furthmore, the students don't forget everything that they had learn and take a break of something so difficult and important like school is good. In conclusion, a long summer break is something good that help the students to relax and come back the next school year with a big smile and ready to learn new things. The students like more a long than a short summer break because they can do more things that they like. The students like summer more than winter because in winter is cold and there not many things to do. Instead, in summer is hot and there are so much things to do. Therefore, the summer vacations should stay the same and don't be change.
Agree with author Ralph Woldo Emerson wrote bucause to be yourself is the you make special for another people in the world you thinking different for another people you have different feeling you make something else and the world you meet another people ,is you the same another people you know is the same of you this is make the world to be boring, all the people to be the same you not who you are because all the people is the same all the people make the samething. If you not to be yourself copy or the same people, you never find feeling or reasons and your life you make something you not like , for example you are not the same another person you have different goal, feeling, something you like and you personality,and not to be interesting becasue all the people is the same, and however you have two face you due something you never meet your real face. conclucion:Always to be yourself in the world use your face real you are special for all the world is you to be yourself you make a different the world,you due wherever you want complete your goal your dream because you change tha world if you to be yourself.
Do you think students taking an elective class is a good idea? Will I think it's a great for kids to art as an elective class because some kids love to draw, others can learn how to draw and even use it in real life situation. So this are the reasons why I think taking art as an elective is a good idea. Some students will love taking art as an elective because they love to draw. Students will love taking art during school. For example, my friend never had time to work on her art projects after school; therefore, she had a talk with her counselor so she can get put in a art class. Once she got into the art class she had more time to work on her art projects in school. She was also doing something she good at while getting a grade for it. Students can learn how to draw if they had a art class. Some students want to learn how to draw, but never had a chance to. Therefore, if the school give students a art class they can really learn a lot. Art is not only about drawing; however, some students don't know that. One day, my mom took a art class because she want to learn how to draw. But the art class didn't just teacher her how to draw. She got to learn about the history of art wish is pretty amazing. Some people think taking art as an elective is not a good idea because students not going to need art once they are done with school. I disagree because some students might wan to be come a artist later on in life. I know a lot of artist who making a lot of money just by drawing. Students who might want to take art can be come famous one day. So taking art class as an elective is a great idea for students. These are the reason why I think students should have art as an elective class some students love to drawn, some students want to learn, others can even using in life. Art is a great thing so why not enjoy it.
People should go see guidendes from experts and theorties about lives, and importances matters because some lions are very dangrous and not easy to teach them. Its very dangrous to teach them because some lions might not know what to do, they can just ran you over,and bite you. Its not easy to teach them because theres a lot of struggles, anger, they might want to play around with you, you could have a bad day, have a whole different mood the next minute and you might feel like you want to give up. For an example, working alone trying to teach lions can be very difficult to teach them because your trying the best you can and get it in there minds. It just takes time for them to remember the things they suppost to do like us humans, process everything, and dangerously can get attacked or killed. Seeing a guidedes from experts and theories about lives, and importances matters can save your live if you can just follow their rules they tell you. You have to follow the rules to be save around lion. Before you follow the rules to teach and be around lions, you need pratice. A lot of practice, step by step until the guidendes from experts and theorties says your ready. Having alot of pratice can help you do better and learn something new. You can get a partner to help you out during practices if you like. You have to hear the guidendes from experts and theorties information about lions of whats safety and what's not saftey, what to do and what not to do before you actually start teaching lions and being around them. Seeing a guidendes from experts and theorties could probably be there with you watching you do the tthings you should be doing like he or she told you, and to see if your ready or not.
Duke Ellington said that, " A problem is a chance for you to do your best". I do agree on what Duke Ellington said. My reasons for this quote are because of You can show what you can do, You can learn what you need to know, and You can help other people show what they can do. First, In any problem l can beat it there is nothing in my way to stop me from getting to goal. For example l had to pass a test in order to pass the class. l took my time l read the question over and over again. When l felt that my eye's whore going to fall out l kept going. I told that test who was the boss. I showed it what l knew. In addition l was on the football team l had to know the play's. In order to start in the next game l had to show everyone and the couches l knew the plays. Later in the day it was time for me to face my problem. After 23 catches l showed my team mates and couch l knew the plays. In other words try your best at everything. Secondly, l dont know everything in the world. For example I had a good friend named Generic_Name had a girlfriend named Generic_Name they both had a great and good times together. One day Generic_Name wanted to go ice skating. One thing she didn't know Generic_Name hatted skating. When Generic_Name was little he loved skating, but one day he fell trying to do a 360 spin and he broke his leg ever sense that moment in Generic_Name life has not been the same. Generic_Name said the pain felt like 100 gun shot to the leg. The doctor told Generic_Name to take 3 pills a day to make him fell better. The doctor also said 20% of people break there leg a year you will be fine. Year passed by to the present Generic_Name was talking to Generic_Name it's time to go ice skating Generic_Name didn't want Generic_Name knowing what happened. Generic_Name told him self let's go. As soon as he got on the ice he fell Generic_Name started to laugh the she said you got some learning to do. Generic_Name said l guess your right. Lastly, l could and will always help someone beat their problem and try there best. For example l needed help on this paper for science l didn't know a single thing. My Brother Generic_Name knew a lot about science me and Generic_Name didn't really help each other a lot , but for some reason he helped me finish the paper. l asked him why did he help me he said you looked like you needed help. l wanted to see you do good in life and face your problems and beat them, But sometimes you need some help from other people. In addition Generic_Name wanted me to get a good grade on that paper he told me that your never alone. In other words there is nothing wrong with getting help on anything. In other words, A problem is a chance for you to do your best wise words from Duke Ellington. I agree 1,000% on what he said everything you do should be at your 100%. You can show what you know, You can learn what you need to know to get better, and You can help others show what they can do to face their problems and beat them. The last thing l will tell you is stop taking the easy way and take the hard way to see if you can do it.
The key to success is your attitude. Studies show that your attitude is your key to success in life because it represents you. The key to success is a positive attitude because one can accomplish more, one can get the respect they need and its your first impression to someone. First, staying positive will let you accomplish more things in life. For Example, It can help you accomplish getting a job, finishing school work and getting into colleges. Next, with positive energy it will help you get through the day much smoother. Also, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Next, staying positive lets people know that you respect others. This allows you to get a good images in any environment. When getting good images people would be interested in giving you job opportunities. Also, when showing good attitude and respect could lead to success in life. Also, when getting a job you need to always stay positive to show your first impression to your boss. First impressions show how someone thinks of you and determines if you get the job or not. If you dont show positive attitude, then you probably wont get the job and it shows bad first impression. In conclusion, the key to life is your attitude and the only person who can control it is you. Studies show that your attitude determines your success in life. So, now you know why staying positive is a key to success in life by accomplishing more, respecting others and first impressions.
The students be required to take music ,drama ,or an art class. is important all the student to this to class because is a element important for all students., also is part the education and many people, I like for the music and art. other like drama . The people dont not like, but is necessary to take this class because is big formation very important and can't be graduated learning somethings . The class the music to help a relax , and class the drama is a part of fundamental , the class of art is more creatividad leaning some different thing ,. The art is very good class because used to creatividad and used to things and of head practice the things. music the arrangement of sounds made by music instruments or voice, the class the drama is example when exposed a history I make the paper for author is draticamatica and when leaning a book after has why explicalor about the history of book. all the class is very important because learning many things . drama and art of the same class because used many creatividad both class and thing more the normal but to help for to connocimient about this class .,
Let me ask you this question What's better then waking up and, knowing that you are getting your education at home? with that in mind Some schools offer distance learning as an option for students to attend classes from home. I think students will highly benefit from atending classes from home. Because not everyone learns the sameway. some students struggle to stay in school all day and, most of them can't listen to teachers talking for 90 minutes straight. I feel like less students will drop out of high school. Some students are anti social and, don't like being in a place where everyone likes to judge you or, talk about you. Students don't have to stressed out about work that is not finished in class so, homework will be a thing in the passed. People like me will have more time to play sports and, be with family. Most people carrey a ten pound backpack but, with online classses all your work will be saved in a computere. The will hightly benefit people who are not the best with keeping papers in order. The future are our computers and, builting a strong skill with computers is a great treat to have. Online classes is the future and the future is here. Students are benefiting from online classes but, some students comeback into public schools because they learn better face to face with a teacher, and not steering at a screen all day. Alot of colleges accept students who got their diploma online but, studies showed that a lot of students who got their education online had a hardtime adopting into the colleges. I still feel like online classes is the better chioce we been following the same school systeam for more then 100 years It's time for change!
Some parents think that is normal for students to choose a career a young age, but other people think that is most better for students to choose a career when they feel get ready for to take this responsibility. Why is importan taht students to choose a career to young age? Although some say it is good idea for students to commit to a career to young age because the students can to learn more, actualiy it is a bad idea for students to commit to a career to young age because the students don't have time for explore new things and they don't have time for fun in the high school. Some person belive that is is a good idea for students to commit a career to young age. One reason is because the students can to learn more in a specifit environment. For example, the students who choice a career by time they enter high school. They have a idea about the class they want to take. For this reason, when they finish high school they are more prepared. A 35% the students choose a career to youn age because they think it is help for your future. However, it is bad idea for students to commit a career to young age because they don't have the opportunity to explore new things. For example, in the high school the students have the opportunity to choose 2 or 3 elective class. this clas to help the student to find or explore a new hobby,and some time this class to help to discover what do yuo like or what do you want in the future. In my opinion, I think that this class are good for the students who not have a idea what they want to study in the future. For example, I want to learn to play guitar and I take the music class, but I discover I am so bad in this type of class. My second year I take a math class and I discover taht I love math and I think that I want to continue to learn about this class. The other reason is it is bad idea for students to commit a career to young age because the student don't have time for fun. One reason is that students is only focus his study and they don't pay atention her and his friends. they are worry because they have -B in your class or they don't make the homework. In my pinion, It is good that they are worry for your grade, but they need time to fun because tha teacher and old people think taht is good that students take a breack (rest landing) some times. In my experince, I heva alot of memory with my friends for this reason I recommend all students pay atention your frinds and create a lot of memory like me. But no forget the school and the most importan your family. In conclution, it is bad idea for students to commit a career to young age because they need to consider what they want to study in the future. In my experience, is most better to take time to fun with frinds, your family and take time think about what do you do in your future.
I agree that the possitive attitude is the key to sucess in life. The reason why a lot of people agree with me in this subject, is because lot of people that have a negative attitude or minset, their thoughs or ideas would always be negative. All those people would never be sucess in life, because no matter what they would like to do in life or the ideas they have in their head that they wanna do in life. All thoose people would always have that negative spot in their head, that would not let them success in life, all those people would have to work two times harder to make it to the end, to make their dreams come true and sucess in life. Out of 100% of pople that have a negative attitude or minset, only 10% would sucess in life, the other 90% would not be able to sucess in life. The people that have a positive attitude in life, all those people would success in life, because everything would be easy for them, because no matter how hard the situation gets, they always gone think that they can do it. They always have the minset of we would get throught this and we gone do it and can do it. nothing would stop them from making their dreams come true. They would not let anything get into their heads, that is why for all those people is easy to make it unitl the end, to make their dreams come true and be successful in life, because all those people know what they wanna do in their life and because they want the best for them and to give their family the best in the future. The people with their mind set positiveand 100% sure of what they wanna do with thei life, their reasons can be because they want a better life for them, wanna help other people and been an example for other people, like guys or girls that are about to gradute high school that they would start seeing what the real wolrd world is, they wanna give their families a better future. They wanna be a good example for their kids, they wanna show their kids that no matter how hard life gets, they do not need to give up or have a bad attitude in life, because that would not help them to be successful in life, that they need to stay positive no matter what and always keep their attitude and minset postitive, that if they stay positive, they would success in life and would make all their dreams come true. Geting to a conclusion, lot of people would agree that all the people that have a negative mindset would not make it and be success in life and that it would really hard for them, because they would have that minset that they not gone make it and they would always have a negative thought in their head, that would not let them make their dreams come true. In the other side people knows that they people that have a posstive mind set they would make all their dreams come true, that those people would be a great example for other people to make their dreams come true, those people have their minset that they wanna be better for their life and the future, because they wanna be a good example for their kids and their family. They want other people to see that nothing is impossible in this life that everyone can make it and make all their dreams come true. All they need to have is. A positive attitude to be success in life
School's should not exend a school day by two hours and have a three day weekend. Just to conserve energy and and resources. Students would have to work a lot harder. Student would also have more resonsibility. Student already hate school and are already really tired when they get home from an seven hour school day. So whyadd another two hours to there day. This would cause a kid alot more stress because of the extra amount of work they would have to do, keeping there grade up and staying fouces on there school work. Plus they would still have to come home and do there homework or any work they didnt finish in class. Also some student might have a lot more of resonibility to do and adding another two hours would just stress them out with the amount of work. Like what if the kid was doing some after school activites, the kid would be to tired to do any clubs or sports. Students would also be unmotivated to get job because they would have the time or enegry to work. Some would say that it would a good idea to extend the school days by two hours because of the extra day off they'll get, and because of all the energy and resourcs they'll be saving, but wearing out the kids by giving them extra work to do. Stressing them out moreis not worth it. So in conclusion I dont think school's should extend there days and give us another day off. It would be to stressful and to tiring. Student need time to go home after school and rest, and have a few days to rest.
An Old Proverb Says Honesty Is The Best Policy I agree about being honest at all times. Because thats how I was taught and even though I get in trouble, when Im honest it's better than lying. Because lying can get you in to worst trouble. If your always honest people can always trust you and who doesn't want to be trusted? My grandma always told me that when you do something bad or lie karma is going to bite you hard. But, sometimes your going to have to lie for an important reason like hurting someones feelings, I think its a horrible feeling to hurt someones feelings am I right? However when your honest people will always respect you, like you, and honer you. For an example this has happened to me if your at school and your at lunch and everyone is supposed to be quiet and you and your friend start talking, a teacher calls both of you over and she said,"were you guys talking" my friend said no and I said yes I was talking , and the teacher said, "thank you for being honest you can go back and finish your lunch" but, my friend got in trouble. See thats why its always good to be honest people will respect you more.
we should perform community service because we are helping our society to become much cleaner. for examples i can give are, help janitors to clean litter from school, help the teachers by tutoring kids, go to the library to help clean and organize it so i could look perfect when kids come to the library, and to go to the hospitals to help patients, and so we can help clean the hospital. That's why i think we all should perform community service.
Which is better Working with a group or working alone, Somepeople may say working in a group is more Beneficial than working all alone. By Sharing answers, Help each other if stuck in proplem, and get to finish on Time . First, Working with a group is more Benefit than working all alone, Because sharing answers helps me learn New thins to learn about new answers to thing about because I,m not that good in English speaking, For example i got Generic_Name, My English 11 Teacher Gives the hole class a paper to Read and answer, By the time i finish reading i ask my tracher if i could let Generic_Name to be my partner so we could help each other and get it done on time by helping each other and share our answer to see a diffrent thoughts of each one of us, Secondley, Working with a group is more Benefit than working all alone, Because Its fun to work with a person or more, For example in History Class, when the teacher got to let us do class work for tomorrow exam or test, she let us do a group of 4 and do a challege in a computer so we could learn and do fun in the same time. Third, Working with a group is more Benefit than working all alone. Because Students could finish their work on time, Foe Example Last week me and Generic_Name we got a project is Due in two day in History class, We worked together and reachers a diffrent thing and write a diffrents thought and even diffrent answers and we compond all of our answers and finish on time with diffrents thoughts. Conclution, Some people may say Working with a group is more Benefit than working all alone, But Sometime i like to work a lone because i could think of my answers and question and even could get my own grade but sometimes when i work in a group when i try to work and care about my work but the rest of my grop does not care so if no body has worked then the hole group will get a zero even the person who worked.
Do you think people aways succeed without any challenge in their life?. Author Ralph Waldo Emerson is right. Some people sometimes decide to isolate because they cannot handle the pressure of this world being a human is not easy becasue sometimes you just feel that the comments that the people make about you are real, but everybody should be strong and be themselves,because we as humans we can do anything that we want to achieve our goals and never pay attention to those comments because we can show them who we really are. Firts, desire a lot of people when they see someone that is doing great on their life, sometimes people don't like it, others ones start thinking on doing it becuase they know the this man/woman are there because they work hard, in this world nothing is easy to have unless you work so hard to get it but never try to be soemeone else and is not necessary to do things that you don't like because you are trying to be like one else not do the mistake the most important thing is that you are going to show to those people that did not believe in you that nothing is impossible even when this world if full of envy. Second, confidence now people around the world what they see in a person is their appearance,clothes, shoes, etc, now people are like trying to be something that they are not to try to fit in this fake world, but you know there is where you realize that is wrong to be honest things don't matter what really matter is who you are you and what can you offer to this world that is trying to kick you out, but you start getting confidence and that is a big challenge to try be youse around people that don't see life the way you see it. Third, success as the world give you hard times you start to be strong, sometimes you have to go through things ` that you start to think about giving up, but you quickly think that you are wrong that you are going to make it even if is impossible like the author says "To be you yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplsiments." Some people have lose their confidence becuase they are trying to be something that they're not, people think that being fake is the best way to fit, i don't think like them i think that you should you be who you really are. In a world where you have to fight to be yourself and don't get lost in the fantasy that the world offers you that is the greastest accomplisment. A lot of people might argue that is not true, but they are all wrong because people always can be themselve if they wants even is the world if full of lies is their responsability to make real their dreams. In the future i will try to tell the people that nothing is imposible, to not be afraid of who they are that each person if different in that is what make us special. In this life you just have to be youlself enjoy every moment because after you get old you will regret everything that you didn't because you just were to be busy trying to be someone you are not. To conclude, life sometimes gives you the opportunity to discover who you really are and know what is what you wants.
I think its a good idea to ask people for other people opinion because people might have better thought on something, they can have different options for you, and it also can help you later in life. I think we should ask people for there opinion because they might have a better thought. For example if you wanted to go shopping for cloths and you dont know which one to pick. People will give options of what they think and they can tell you which one they prefer more. There are variety options you can pick from. You can choose your own and ask people if they like it or not. If you dont know which one to pick between two options. You can ask friends, family, or anyone you feel comfuterble with you can get an idea which one you want more. Its always a good thing to ask for people opinion. Asking for people opinion is good they can have different options for you. You can ask on different flavor of ice cream you can get as many options as you want . People can give you differnt opionions on what they think which ice cream taste better than other ones. different options is always a good thing to use. Its bad sometimes haveing only one option the more options the better. The more options you get you wont have problems with picking things of what you want. It is easier to to pick and and you can have what you want. All these opinions can help us out later in life. In the future you might need help on which flavor ice cream is good. You can ask someone and they can give you an opinion which one is good. Its good to have opinion some of them you might not like. Everyone dont have the same opinion which is okay everyone can have different opinion on different types of things. over time you might need an opinion on something and you can thing what people have said before or you can ask someone to help you out. Different opinions and thoughts can help you more in life and you wont have problems with picking things. its good to have different opinions on different things that people give you. All these opinions people give you can help you later in the future and different kinda of opinions. I think it is better choice to ask someone on thier opinions and get an idea of what other people think about different things.
I think the principle should go with option of letting us use are phones during lunch and the other school brake times instead of the option of not having phones at school at all. Many of the students have there own cell phone and some students might need it for different occasion's to communicate with are family, parents, or guardian. An example would be me i needed my phone to contact my parents during are lock down that happened not to long ago, i sent them a message from my phone to tell them "mom we are on lock down so i cant leave the school i don't know what time we will be out ill call or message you when its ok for us to leave" that really helped me to communicate with my parents and if the principle went with the option of not having phones at school there probably wouldn't have been any way to have told my parents we were on lock down. I think going with the option of using phones during lunch is a good idea, it might even stop students from using there phones during class when there not suppose to, knowing as soon as there done with class and they leave they have time to communicate with friends or family. It can help students grades and can stop students from not paying attention to the lesson or teacher while they use there phones. Students would enjoy using there phones and knowing they don't have to hide it or get in trouble for using there phones during a break.
The program is good in many ways such as: helping each other with home work, getting to know each other, and also it is lots of fun. Home work can be hard on every student no matter the age. It is a lot better to have someone help you rather than being stuck and angry about the fact you don't get the topic. The older students can help the younger ones with their home work. Most likely they would have already learned the topic. Maybe they could even explain it in a better way for that student. They can all get to know each other. I love meeting older students. I get to ask about what they are learning in school. I could ask about their homework or how their school is like. You could ask them how growing up has changed them. You will be friends and get to know a lot about each other. you may even have a life long friendship in your hands. My last reason is having fun. I am in a program like this myself at my school. I get to in a classroom with high high school students. They are so much FUN! We play together, learn together, and help each other out. I love it so much and every school across the country should offer an after school program like this. A program after school where older and younger students hang out is a very good idea. Students can help each other with homework and get to know each other all while having fun. I believe this is a very good program for the good of all students no matter the age or grade. If you are looking for a way to learn and have fun ask someone in charge to offer a program like this at your school.
I don't think students would be benefit to attend classes from home. Reasons 1-difficult. 2-Get distracted. 3-confused. First i don't think students would be benefit to attend classes from home. It can be hard if they don't undertand something. Is not the same the class in the computer to have a tecacher explaining you. If you have a question it's difficult to ask to the computer unlike to ask to a teacher. Second i don't think students would be benefit to attend classes from home they can get distracted for anything. If they get lazy they can say they going to take the class later. if they want to watch a movie they going to forge thinks about the class. They can get distracted for anything like the phone,music,and the TV.Attend class from home would not benefit students if they want to hang out with their frinds they can leave the class in any moment unlike if they have a teacher giving the the class in the school they can respect the class,put more antention,and understand better the class. Third i don't think students would be benefit to attend class from home they can get confused with the class. if the take the class online they can read the direction but sometimes even reading the directions students get confused. is better to attends the classes in the school so a teacher can help students with anything students will need. teachers have the experience to explain students what they need to do about the class. attend classes online students basically are alone so is more confused to understand the class. in school if students get confused they can ask to someone else to understand. at home they dont have anybody so they have to think alot to understand. attend classes from home can affect students grades for less knowledge about the class unlike in the schools they have many opportunities to learn better. In conclusion students would not be benefit to attend classes from home they can get distracted for anything. It can be more difficult to them to undertand the classes. they can get confused with things about the class for not have a teacher with them personality to be helping them to undertand the class.
Character traits are what define a person. there are what make one person different the another. Although some people believe we choose our own character, nevertheless, our character are influences beyond our control because technology influences our traits and famous people can influences our traits and our parents influences our traits by they expectations. To begin, video game can influenced our traits. For example, my own experience say 3 year ago I start play video game, when I star play with my friends. We always say that when we grow up we like to do what they are doing because their life look good. Also, we start doing the same things as the game like dancing, and thinking same as the game, and acting like them. Our others friends who do not play the game they tell us, that we are change our traits because we are acting like them too. One day we released that game was influenced our character. Clearly, because we star thinking in the future our life same as the game, and that we can do our future as we see in the game easily. Furthermore, famous people influenced our traits. To continue with my experiences in things that I was influence, for example, when I was 12 year old. one day I was on YouTube, and I star see some videos about bloggers beauty, where they have a lot of makeup I do not use any makeup at the age, but when I see that they do their makeup, and look so beautiful I start doing my makeup, and think because I was wearing makeup I look good, one they my mom ask me, why I am wear makeup, if I told her that I do not like makeup, I just say because they do their makeup. Then, now that I am 19 year old, I released that I was doing things that I do not like because they are doing. clearly, this prove me that I was influences for a famous beauty. Finally, our parents influences our traits by they expectations. I will say something our parents want we do what they want. For example, we want to go out we are friends, and we ask our parents if we can go they say not, because they thing that our friend is a bad person. Also, they want to change our thought saying that bad thing about our friends, and finally they change are though about our friends. This show that, our parents can change our expectations about our friends. Clearly, parents always want we do what they want, and we always want they want because we do not them mad with us. To concluded, our character are influenced beyond our control because video game can influences are traits and famous people can influences our traits, and our parents influences our traits by they expectations. technology influenced our character in form that we that life be like them and people can influence our change in the form the we do thing only, because we see they are doing then older people want to change our though to what they thing. To conclude, our character traits can be influences in different ways that we never expect that can happen.
Thomas Jefferson wrote about to determine never be idle that means, we need to do soemthing to be woderful how much we done if we are going to do something to look what they need to be we need to purpose to do the things never give up we need to continue doing this; We need to serve the country, we need to organized people they or we nerve going to be a idle . I am aggre not be a idle because we need support, we need to help which others like some poeple do that we support and purpose to help. It wonderful how much we done if we never give up and to be prepared we nerve don't know what is going to happen? in seconds, minutes, hours, you feel wonderful went you are doing soemthing to me a able to help people how do you know to look wonderful thwe things we are doing never stop continue ding the great and wonderful this your doing to succeed is doing something really diffucult and you can do this you can never give up you can continue doing this hards difficult you are a person can do things really hard you need to purpose to do this never give up. I am desaggre in other part because some people don't want to continue and this doing this you are not able to stop for a little problem and not continue sometimes we need to choose the responsabllities we have. For example you have a problems or difficult things you need to tried to continue to be a responsable person don't give up you porpose continue doing the great things organized your ideas and plans you have to finish the difficult things Thomas Jefferson wants to continue do we need to accomplish more if we are always doing something never stop and not doing something people said i dont know how can do this you need to some part of you to do this you need to support other persons to start doing things ,like you needed went you start doing something . You nerve be abel to dertermine the idle we haveed support we are wonderful doing this we cae up we nerve give up we have opcions opportunities to do something to be that person. Thomas Jefferson said we are wonderfull we are doing always great things we can accomplish are ideas to whetever things we want to do we organized thigs we do difficult things we can finished great things and continue doing hards things and wonderfull things how you tivicontinue doing the problems we are great organized countries activities and nerve let your opportunities go,you need to determine never to be idle . I think Thomas Jefferson said this things because some people is not doing anythings for they self just waiting what is going to happens and what can do went something happen we need to start doding somethiing we don't know what is going to happens in a second, minutes and hours we need to be able to do something to wake up for do some things we are not doing we need to think for the us for everyone not just me we can help to determine to be not a idle soemthing we can do. I think we not doing nothing because is not my problem is their problen we don't thing we can help what we can do for help for soemthing needs we are a wonderfull people why we can not help or we want to be a accomplish people not doing anything to help how needed us help we can organized a campain of people and do new things we can not be a inactivity person we have great things to do we also can serve a organization of people tehy need help. I am able not be a person not do anything for people we can change the world which the thins we are doing we organized things we finished everything they put to we are can do this and never gives up we can choose do something or nothing we haved opcions we haved everything what you want to do. I am determine i am never give up i am goint to do something we can do this.
Music, drama, art class are considered as an elective class. Since such class will never be use in a daily basis in life. It's not required for you in order to graduate so to speak there is many more choices rather than music, drama, and art class to replace with it. It shouldn't be a required class for the student to take since everyone has a different mindset of what they want to be. Something we use in our life that we learn from school is basic math to do our taxes and bills, but when will you ever use music, drama, or art in life, It's more like a hobby rather than a need in order to maintain a stable life. People don't care if you know how to write a song, act melodramatic, and how to draw Mona Lisa, applying for a job with such thing in your portfolio won't get you employed in most places. If you major in such things, only those of who are talented and skilled will only be able to have a successful life in such class. Electives are there for a reason, to have a starting point of what you want to be in the future, if it was turned to a required class, the world would have a second renaissance. You don't need it in order to graduate. College wouldn't look into those as much as the prerequisite to your diploma or the major subject. Knowing how to paint or sculpt clay wouldn't be at the SAT that college look into if your'e eligible of going to their school or if they want you. As people grow up and go to college, their goals will change eventually. For example, you grow up and you want to be a doctor and half way through your college year you want to be a Scientist instead. You've covered some similar classes or lessons already since they are both major in science, but such classes like music, drama, or art class doesn't have any similarity when you changed your goal. They are a specific to themselves, they don't have a wide broad of category that shares with other subjects at all. Learning and able to make music, be dramatic, and draw art might be a useful thing. Write songs for famous artist, act on plays and movies and even be recognize for your work in arts and make a lot of money from it. Only if you are successful, whether you are born with a talent or obsessed in such things and have one goal from the start. Only those of few will able to make a living out of it. It's not reliable career to as much as to be a requirement in school to be. Only to be fixated in such subjects gives you less option of what you want to be, it's not as needed in reality so that is why classes such as music, drama, and art be an elective. Students should not be required to take those classes since they will not have as much choice in what they want to be in their life.
Should such classes be electives for the students ? Students may have electives classes and decide what to do and what they like for be more good in the school and have some attention on it. Firstly they will like to go the school because they will feel like a little break of a hour on the class that they like for be chilling. They will not get frustrated or bored on the day of school and they will get off of stress for all of the day they will have s time just for do what they like to do .They will forget all of they work that have to be done because with other classes have homework, class work and the students will be feeling tired. And may be they will not want to come the school anymore. Secondly students will be doing something that they enjoy because they will be happy to do something that entertained their minds and maybe they will be creative with a lot of things they will want to do in the class. It could be exited for them to have a class that they would like to have. Is good for their brains because the brain is going to work with more interested for be doing something that get all of their attention and they will be relaxing because they don't have to worry if they don't know how to do something because they like it and it will be that more easy to make. Finally it could be an opportunity for them because students can fine their profession, what they want to be in the future. They may decided if they really like to be for example a an Artist or something else. They may be fine that they are more good they think they are. And maybe they do a big and good work and someone like it for example a professor and they will recommend to universities and thats how they can open new doors for the future of this new generation that it could be the best if will let them have electives classes . Students can have electives classes because they can have a time for do what they really like it and is a right that students should have to be more interesting on school.
The constantly tying to do make something else is the greatest accomplishment. I thinks for this that is the very better idea, I am agree because when you do somethings. When you doing somethings may be this can helping for another person that is great for all the time. This support we can something better because you know make some great this can effect for some people,and can i'm disagree,for example when yo doing some helped to hospital may be can bring some support with you pay 20 dollar for month. This helped to hospital is something you know about a greatest accomplishment because you do this idea about yourself. That is contantly trying of yoursel. This is always and without interruption or can be again and again without end, and me position this issue is real education, so you do somethinmg in then you have you doing a discussion. When you has something to doing, then we have to do a discussion about what is the greatest accomplisment this that happened because we have to do something individuality, and make a support, for example we have to make some better we know about this how the education is the great discusssion because everybody have to making a reasons and bring the support, and this position I am agree beccause when you spoke about of the education for all the children the is some sure. The greatest accomplishmnet can be something bad you can reporting a situation. for this things you do some this is for yourserf because you make some can have a discussion, and you making the be better accomplishment or laern more about for this experienced. For instance what is right of accomplishment is the we tying to make something such as a blessing somebody the is the greatest accomplishment because you making very good for some people this is agree,and the is action you doing and support because you make is good reasons. Also for some specific example about is the a greatest accomplishment is when all the people in a country are developed the is of better accomplishment because the people of for this country to make a dicussion, trying,talent for that country can be developed. Also something accomplishment we trying to be better because sometime is so difficulty to do here is we have to used the talents for support the idea for develop. Sometime of the talented is having to be more considerable because we have to do a particular effort, and support this position on this issue. I feel the position when tying to make about something right you are make some greatest accmplishment agree because we trying helped and then make a reasons specific next doing a discussion and desiccion. I make every day to be more better for any class. and tying to helped ssome people this is a constantly that make, when trying to make something is so difficult because I has to make a discussion but for a dicussion all have to talent this is statement about individuality to making. However i has to used the talent. Also in the life and future all the people have to make bigger greatest accomplishment this is that people can be more great life. The greatest accomplishment somethings factor that have in the life. Also may be can sometnhing has to resolver with a discussion. Also this thing have to be the greatest because we trying to some to do and support.
I agree because is important to have a positive attitude, and it is better to be positive thant negative, because if someone want to talk to you, an want some advise and him give your a negative answer, the other person will be negative, but is the person give him a positive answer then the other person will be be happy, and will try to do his best to stay positive, but some people don't like to be positive, and always are beind a negative person on everything, they are person that if you tell them something, they will answer angry, and dont like to make friendship, for example if your are new in a school, and you dont have friends then, you will try to make friends in a positive way, and it will work because you are dont beind a negative person to others, second example is that the person is someone negative and the other person also, they will be fights and discussion on each other, that's why people have to be positive and sure one everthing
It has been said that first impressions are almost impossible to change. I agree, The first impressions is the main idea of a relationship. Went you meet a new person you got to show your best impression be respectful, helpful, and have some good attitude. The first impression is something the you can't change later on the future,because is something the you make or the other person make. On your first impression you need to give your on personality you done want to act different, because then later you going to want to change and you going to make the other person think different about you his going to think you not the person the her knows. The first thing you show on the first impression is respect. The way you act around the person, things the you do when you with the person, The language the you used around the person. Also you need to be helpful for the person, show the person the you care about it. Help one each another, and work together. Be happy around the person, your first impression is the one the is going to show your personality. Also have the person talk about her life. Let her know you wants to know a little more about her, tell her if she need something let you know you always going to be there for her. Make her feel like she won one person not the she have something the is going to rude is life. All those small things the you make wrongs on the first impression can cost you everything the you ha've been done. Just try to do your best because the first impression is the one the make everything happens. The attitude is very important in the case , you have to give your best at the first impression. If you do everything good on your first impression, you going to be fine. Just be happy, respectful, and have a good attitude. All this things can make your first impression wonderful for you and the person you meeting. But also you need to show your original personality because you don't want to show your opposite. Everything you do on your first impression is the one the you need to keep with the person, because you don't want the person to leave just because you show something different went she meet you. want to be the same because the first impression is the one the make the relation work. For those people who think the first impressions don't matter that's a lie because everything you show on the first impression is the one the support your relationship. If you did everything good one the first impression and now you not doing the same as you stared your relationship is going to be pretty bad. But if you did everything good and you still doing the same everything is going to be fine. Just do your on personality and you don't have to worried about change your first impression. The way should agree with the first impression is the you can't change what you make at the first impression. Even if you trying to change you always going to remember you ready have goon through the first impression so you always going to have on your relationship. All the respect, help, and attitude on your first impression is worked you just need to bring all your personality together and your first impression is going to be the fantasy.
It has been said that first impressions are almost impossible to change it, should people can change their first impression or people can not repair their first impression. However many people think that first impression are impossible to change, people can change their first impression, if they knows more about each other and if a person is passing by a struggling in their life. People can change their first impression if they know more about each other, for example if a person that meet another at the mall they will have no time to talk about what they like to do in their free time because they has to make their purchases and my friend Generic_Name has a story with a girl that he likes, he said that was difficult to talk with her because that first time he talk to here was in the lunch line and she was hungry so she dont even pay attention to him, one day both of them have detention they star talking and meet more about each other, people can change their first impression if they give the according time to each person. A person can fix his first impression if that person was no notified about what struggles was happened the other person that day, for example when the Algebra teacher meet Generic_Name, he said that Generic_Name was quiet because Generic_Name do not like talk to much, one day Generic_Name said that he just come from El Salvador and do not speak too much English and a person that has lost a family-member if someone tried to meet him on those days anyone will be said that he's must depress or sad because non of them know the truth. People can not judge other just in one day. For decades people has been said that first impression are impossible to fixed. A person can change that first impression if they share about their hobbies, characteristics, and tastes and if that person was no in a good mood that day they meet. People around the world judge other just because they talk for one minute or people never ask what was happened in life of the other person. In conclusion a person can change first impression.
Have you ever had some tell you that you have to play a sport or get involved with clubs or an activity? Would you agree or disagree to participate in any activity in school? I disagree because student might not like any of the options, have no time ,and want to just want to be with family. My first reason, is that student might not not like any of the sport,clubs or activities that they are offering at school. Many student do not want to get vary involved with school to much. They just what to go to school to learn,get good grades and pass. Some students do not think they are good at sports or clubs. student just do not want to worried about the games the days they have to stay. There are other students that might like other actives out of school. Like riding bikes,or they might be more in valved with church. They might be in a youth group at church and can not be involved with other things cause it nigh get stressful to deal with two things. This is why some students would not want to get involved. There for,some student do not have the time to join a team or do any clubs or activity. If a student has to join a sport or club after school. Some students would not be able to go or get picked up. The parents of the student might have to work long hours and every day of the weeks. There for, the students would not be able to get pickup after school. Which means that if the student would want to play a sport he would not be able to cause they have to work to proved for there families, which would make them not be able to show up for the games or clubs. some student might have to go home and take care of there little sisters or brother at home. They might even have to cook and clean up cause there parents are working or there are problem at home. there are so many things student have to do at home depending on there life style at home. There are also families that get home and have to help there mom out in the kitchen and clean up and get read for to go to church. There would be no time to join an active cause there would be no time to get piked up cause you might live far away from the school. This is why I disagree with making student join school activates. My final reason is that student might just spend time with their families. Many student might get home and there is no one wanting for them at the door. both of their parents are working. They might not even see them at all or maybe only a couple of hours. But it is those horse that they get to see their family and get all together and have dinner talk to gather about how their day went and what they did. But in the other hand there are kid that only see their parents once cause they come from work very late and go to work very early and you have to go to sleep cause there is school the next day. It would be very dad to not even see your parents or talk to them or even give them a huge or say i love you. And your dont get to do though stuff cause you are at school doing sports or in a club. This is why i disagree that student should have to participant in an activity. There are so many stuff that student might have to do out of school that makes them not be able to join a club,sport or any other activity that they offer in the school.
Dear Principal, I think it fair that kids who have a B average should choose a sport but kids how have F. Should not be able to choose a sport because then they worried more about there sport. Then about school or school work then they don't have time to do there homework. Then they might even fail the grade there in. But people who have a B should be able to choose a sport because there doing well in school. And not failing in school there tried hard so they should be able to choose a sport that they like. But if they start doing bad in school or not doing there homework and start to get an F they should talk to the student. And tell him/her if they have a sport and still have B average or in the next test they take and get an F. there going to have take away there sport till she /he has better grades.
Although; I believe it is a good idea for student, who have issue in life, and student need to graduate to support their family. I believe that it is going to be hard for student. Because they have to get required classes, then go to summer school, and get a good grad. and work very hard after school. When those student who want to graduate from high school in three years. they must work hard for their school. and they have to pass a lot of test and SOL. To graduate from high school. then they can go to college. example;people who are's emigrant,and want to do the three years of high school;they have to work hard. When student want to do the offer programs three year of high school. i believe they have to work hard. To pass their classes. Also getting good grad for their classes, i believe that they must study hard, and be properer for any test that is coming on. They must pass their classes by receiving good grad. Also to receive a good GPA for their record, Students must attend every day because if they do not do that, it will effect their grad. Then they get behind. from a lot of things. example, student have to work hard in their classes to receive a better grad. Student who is taking summer school, and work really hard to graduate from high school. I believe they will have a better future for their life, and their family. Because student will have the capability in the future to find a good job that they wanted. Also those student will have the capability to go to good college to study will. I believe having a good back round from high school any college will accept those student; Also a good GPA, and those student who want to do three years of high school. Must attend every day to do not get behind from their classes, Because not being at school will effect their grad. Also student must work hard for their graduation. example, student must go to summer school, and pass those classes that they need;also i believe summer school will very easy. They offer programs of three years, I believe student must pass their SOL in three years of high school to graduate. student must focus on their school and classes for receiving a better grad. Also i believe there are some student who have to work full time. Also come to school full time, and they are in the three years of high school program. i believe it will be hard for those student who go to school and work after school. there will short time for those student, to study for their lesson from classes. Specially for those student who is emigrant and do not know any thing about they new school. But still they have to work so hard to complete three years of high school. to graduation. example;student will the opportunity early graduation; if they work hard. I believe that three years of high school going to be hard for student. But it is a good opportunity for those smart student to graduate early from high school. then they can start their college earlier. because it gave them capability to make up their life Earle. Also those student will learn a lot of lesson during high school, and after high school. Then college that is the best part that student can learn the most things.
I agree with Winston Churchhill because without failure how can we be succesfull in life. Frist, reason why because If you fail at something you can reflect on it. Second, failure can make you become better then you were yesterday if you work hard. Third, Is never let failure consume you. Instead use failure to lead you to success. You can always reflect on somthing you fail at, and become better. If, you don't study yourself at something you failed at, then you can't become successfull. For example, say you were playing a football game, and you missed your tackle in the game. After the game you watch the film, and see what mistakes you did wrong. After you seen what was wrong in film. You studied the film, and trian harder in practice for next game, so that won't happen again. Another reason you can do after you reflect on yourslef is practicing at something you love to do. For example, riding a bike for the frist time without trianing wheels. If you fail at riding a bike, then you have to practice, so you can become better at it. In order to practice you have to reflect on it frist. After you reflect what you did wrong, then you will become better when you practice. Failure can teach you to become better then you were yesterday if you work hard. For example, you went to practice for a 100 meter, but you did not wram up at all. You decided to run the 100 meter for the frist time anyway. After you finsh the 100 meter you didn't feel good about the time you had. The next day you decide to warm up, and work harder to get better results. After your trianing you wanted to run a 100 meter. When you ran a 100 meter you felt better with your time, and decided to work harder everyday to become better then you were yesterday. This is how failure is making you better because it is teaching you that if you fail at something, you can always pick it back up, and become better, then what you were doing that day when you failed at something. If you want to become better, then you were yesterday. Then don't worry about the past because thinking about it all the time will bring you back to failure. For example, say you are mad that you lost your 100 meter race in fourth place. When you lost, you keep thinking about it all the time, and can't move forward for the next race. When the next race starts the day after you lost. You lost the race again in fourth place because you keep thinking about the race you lost in the past, then thinking about how can you can become better then you were yesterday. The point is in order to become better you have to think how can you improve better for the future, then thinking about how you failed in the past. Never let failure consume you. Instead use failure to lead you to success. For example, say you have a math test on Monday, but you decide on Sunday to not study for it because you think the test is very easy. On Monday you give up on a math test, and decide to fail it. The reason why because you did not study, and it was too hard for you. You decide to retake it on tuesday, and learn from your mistakes. On Tuesday after you failed the math test. You took the test again to get a better score because you studied very hard to succesed in the test. This is why you always use failure to lead you to success. If you let failure consume you, then you won't reach to the top to become successful. For example, you can't swim at all, and your drowing. For some reason you dont won't to reach the top because you are depressed, and want to give up. In conclusion, I still believe It is impossible to be succesfull without failure. Without failure we cannot reach the top to be successful. Without failure we cannot reflect on things to become better. Without failure we cannot become better then yesterday. In order to become successful we have to use failure to lead us to success. Its okay to fail because after you learn from it. Everything is going to be okay when you overcome it, and be better.
I absolutely agree that technology had impact our society in so many positive ways that effects on people live's, and there's people who doesn't have so much time to go out and get what they need so they use technology to help themselves. you can buy a car or buy groceries without speaking to another person and you can do all that by only using your cellphone or computer, that's why i think technology has brought us a new tool. Have you ever heard people saying "i want to go to the movies but i have go to the store." I bet there is people out there. they like to go out, but they have so much to do that they can't and is not a problem because we have technology that can help us with stuff that we need without going to the store or deal with people humors. also, you can save time to use it in another activities like you can go and have fun with the family or friends. however there's people that they're against technology, and everyone has they opinion about it. Unfortunately we still have technology that we can use it. There's people who like to use technology because it's a new way to see the world. they can get so much done using technology like they can create new things like: new cars, new smart-phones, new styles of clothing, and so much more like it's unique way to see what can technology do for us without taking us so much time. But they are people who still think that doing stuff in the old way is the same, i mean everyone has the own description of things. personally i think without technology will take us so much to make new stuff so unfortenely technology we get done some amazing things. In today's society technology has been doing so much like helping students by doing their homework's, and i think Technology is great, it just depends how do you use it and what do you want to do with it. yes some people would say that technology has done so much damage in kids brains but however kids are leaning faster and they're using their imagination to do whatever they want.
Although some say students would not benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they might not take it serious, actually students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home because it is more relaxing and even if students go somewhere or get a emergancy they can still attends the classes online. Eventhough students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home there is some students would not benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they might not take it serious. Some students this way might not pay attention. Also they can use thier phone or do other stuff while the teacher is teaching and their grades could go down fast. Students would benefit from being able to attend clases from home because it is more relaxing. This way students don't have any stress over getting class on time or missing any classes. Also students it is more relaxing because it is just yourself and the computer. So this way you don't have to worry about other kids or anything that would distract you. In a regular classroom at school there is some kids that distract the entire class and you just feel so hopeless because you are trying to learn but you are too distracted by the other kids. This way you can focus more and learn better. Students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home because even if the students go somewhere or they got a emergancy you can still attend the classes online. This will benefit the students because it will minimize the days that you can't attend school. Also if you had a emergancy and have to go somethere far away you can still attend school by online. Also if you broke a bone on your leg or something and you can't walk you might miss a lot of classwork and lessons that are important to you. For this online classes are easy for you. In conclusion eventhough some say students would not benefit from being able to attend classes from home because they might not take it serious, actually students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home because it is more relaxing and even if students go somewhere or get a emergancy they can still attends the classes online.
Do yo have a good impression? I am agree, the first impressions are almost impossible to change, because I feel that the first impression is important for everyone. There are many people that do not show how really are, and try that everyone love them, but at the end they show how really are and everybody move away. The first impression said everything about us. I believe that, If you show them everything about you, the people will love you how you are and they will trust on you. Always we need to be honest with you and with the people. My ideology is be honest with yourself and do not show something that you do not are, If you want that everyone show you how really are. I always show how I am friendly, lovely, funny, charismatic with everyone, and also try to help when someone need me with my knowledge and capacity. One of my experience is in my work, every single day new employees go to work in the store and I always help them to know how the store need to look like, and also with the customers I always smile, because I show my first impression with them, and I feel great when the customers saw me with a smile and they said: Hi, how are you today, it is good to see you and have a good one. I have few months working in the store, and I feel comfortable with everyone, because the customers do not know you enough, but they trust on you and they tell you something about his life, and with the rest of the employees we pass fun, We are like a family and we help us ourselves. In the school is a little bit the different, because in the school I am shy, I do not talk with anyone just with my best friends, but I always show my emotions, enclose with the new people in the school, but sometimes they pretend be good at the first time, but with the pass of the time they have different attitude. That happen to me around 2 years ago with different person, the first person I knew her in 9 grade, when the both was new in the school, We became friends and everything we did together, but She change with the pass of the years, in summer another friend and his sister told us what she talk about me and my sister, but I always be honest with her and friendly and she showed me something different than the first time. Then, with another girl was a little bit the same, because she had jealous for my sister and I to had good grades and be active in the school the last year, but she always had bad grades, and We tried to help her but she never wanted, then with my sister and I move away from her because she was friendly with us but she was a bad friend with us. I feel that we need to show always how We are not matter what everyone thing about us. Sometimes is good a new change in our lives, but never changing you essence. Something that I always do is think about my weakness and how can change it to a positive way Finally, I think that We can be success in the life, the first impression will open many opportunities in the world, I know that the good person are these that show a good attitude when you know it the first time, and something in your heart told you that you knew a good person. Everyone will have present that they can trust in you and they will feel great to know a person like you. The first impression is always a good one. Many people do not know me and they think that I am conceited just how I look like and they do no take the time to talk with me or just smile me. My point of view is each person need to empathize with everyone know more people try to make new friend but always show like we are.
How is possible to people think that success consist of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. I agree with ministre Winston; it always would be a new oportunitie to change the mistake people learn from failure. It gives everyone a chance to corret it. I also believe that failure is an important part in life to people must have success. One notable reason is that people learn from failure. For example, sometimes people get involved in some sadness problems that consist in failure. People have the oportunitie to corret it; they would be able to reach their dreams or goals not matter how harder is life people always have to strive with enthusiasm. Moreover, in my personal opinon, 3 years ago I was playing for a soccer team I get involved in a situation where I got really stressful with myself because I training hard for playing the final game with my team. Unfortunately, I can't play the final game because the game before I commited a foul and I get a red card. my team loss the game, it was too lake for me do anything about it. I realized that not matter what I did in the past; it always be a new oportunitie for improve and teach myself that failure it's has an important role in life to be success. Futhermore, another important reason is that it gives people a better chance to corret it. This reminds me to a friend, who was in a situation where he was really disappoint because he fail his driving test. The next day, he cames to my house and talk to me about it. I remember that I told him to keep in his mind that it's important to be prepare for any situation that you know you have a lot of chances to pass if you triying and triying you will get on it. A lack of success depending in achieving goals and dreams. I think that failure is also a way to teach people that even if you fail you just always have to try no matter how many times you try it as long as you trying without lossing the enthusiasm you will reach your dreams, or goals. Some people would argue that success is not consist in failure; however, everyone in our society knows that failure is an important part in life to be success. People learn from failure and it gives people a better chance to corret it. There is not limits to reach ours dreams as long as you keep going to complete it. Provides everyone a learning that not martter how harder is life, there would be millions of chances to be success with anything you want to do. In conclusion, success consist in failure without lossing enthusiasm. The statement of ministre Winston gives people a reflection about a topic of how failure is important for success.
I am against this issue because, it's just not a good idea for student's to graduate high school early, and enter the work force and college one year early. My reasons for this would be that, those who do graduate early will miss out on school activities. They will have to do so much preparation. Some don't see that after high school life get's tough, and who knows if they'll be able to handle it. Early graduate's will graduate a year early, but, they don't realize that they will miss out on school activities. Some activities that excite student's would be, the school dances such as prom, and homecoming. Dance's are meant to enjoy a night with friend's, and get all dressed up for the night. Also the day before a dance, there is always a football game, which is exciting because everyone goes to support the team and if they win they celebrate the day after, which would be at the dance. Pep- rallies are when all four grade levels come together and verse each other on which class has the loudest cheer, and who has the most point's when it comes to the games they end up playing. Spirit week is also when all classes verse to win point's. To earn the point's they must dress up as the theme of that day or buy what is being sold that day. The theme's they would usually do would be twin day Monday, polka dot Tuesday, and for the sells it would be spirit chain's that get hung up. Senior activities are when all the graduate's do their last activities with those classmate's they've been knowing since elementary school. They have a senior picnic which is when only the seniors go and have lunch together. Also some go on a class trip and they take their class picture. Even though early graduate's will miss out on school activities there's more important things than that. They might think that they are ready, but in reality they don't think about the preparation they need to face. Depending on what diploma they are headed for either the standard or advance, each diploma has its requirements for graduation. Standard diploma's really don't ask for much. There might be a chance that you won't be in need of doubling up on classes. Unlike the advance diploma it ask's for so much. An advance diploma may require you to double up due to the fact that it requires many classes. Also students won't be able to take any of those exciting elective courses that are by most the best classes a student could take. Of course the classes aren't the only thing that must be completed, there are many test's that take place. Math, science, history, and the most difficult would be the English test. They must pass each test for graduation. This would mean that, students won't have time to distract themselves' by other thing's, and, will have to stay on task to maintain their grades up. Some might say otherwise that if they're going through this road it's because they are aware and are ready. Although graduating early excites them, it is better if they wait another year and graduate when they have to. My reason to this would be because the work force and college will be completely different than high school. High school might be the easiest part of starting to understand life. Most student's that graduate early are juniors, and are sixteen and seventeen years of age. This is pretty difficult at that age, they would have a hard time finding a decent job that will help them pay their tuition; unless they have another way of paying like a scholarship or some other way. Perhaps some might do both work and school at the same time, but, it could end up being too hard on them because they are too young and aren't as prepared as they thought. If some were to be at the age of eighteen they would have to face adult responsibilities; such as taxes, rent, insurance, and much more. However some might think otherwise. People who favor this issue support early graduation. Their reasoning would be that it's an early start in life, and some students do it certain reason. It could be a family matter or other reasons. But, I disagree, in no way is graduating high school early good. Those student's that graduate early will miss out on so many good thing's that come with high school. They will be stressed due to so much they had to do just to get out a year early; if that didn't stress them out then having to go college and going to work to pay for their education will.
- Today in the actuality is easier to take classes or courses, online or video conference, because the system of education is always trying to improve them self as everything in the world. The internet is our big source that we need everywhere and in different circumstances and the technology is a big advance that has a lot of benefits for us, like make our life easier. My point of view about the student attending classes from home. First, most of the students in High School are teenagers, if they are in their homes taking classes it make the possibility that they do not socialite with the people and they can not find a firm personality. Second, the students could have problems in their vision in cause of the long time looking a monitor, laptop, tablet, Etc. Third, some of the students are beneficiary of their free lunches in school, so, if they are in home it will be more expensive for the parent to pay extra food. To conclude, those were some of my points of views or disagrees about attend to school from home. This is a list about the agrees and it could be a benefit in my opinion: Do not have to spend gas going to school. Do not spend in different clothes everyday. The government, do not have to pay a lot of teachers, so maybe taxes can get lower. We can use a different schedule to see classes, and the other time to work. The students do not have to socialize with the teacher, so, no disagrees and problems between the student and the teacher. This ideas was basically what i think about attend classes from home, maybe it could be better or maybe no, the mostly reason i think is fine to attend school from home is, if you have a disability or sickness that don't let you go to school. Made by: Generic_Name.
"Unless you try to do something beyong what you have already mastered,you will never grow" I think this is wrong becuase if you commit a mistake and you want to fix you cant due no matter what happen you always have a second change to grow. Firts,Im explain my topic whith details a person who is due something for class always need help for others student's for example: All the students have differents opinions,but only one is the leader of the work they must be discuss the problem and star working. The people on the group don't have the same idea that the others have the work is amost finish but is not good enough,they present the work but is not good,the leader say I dont acept this work becuase is incomplete the students talk more the topic and they star working again in the problem. The people in the group never say I dont want to due this work,becuase all the people have to prove her self,they say maybe the work is not good but we can't make this again,you never have to felt that you cant not due becuase you cant grow no matter what happen you cant due again and star again. Second,In situations you feelt that the things that you due or make are wrong ,but in not becuase the all the people in this world have a second or three changes to improve,and if you make a mistakes first is not matter that you have to made the same mistake again,you must be improve your self,world,class,and the people that you have you never have to feel grow becuase that word is not exist for a person who every day is triyng to make a good work. My other example is a person who is guilty to due a crimen and this person want to have a education to grow like a human that we are they must be giving the oportunity to study no matter what he due or make because all the people have the same staight. I know that many people are gona to be upset with me becuase they must think, a person who make a crimen don't need a second change but for my opinion the have a second change becuase they are in jail for the crimen and the want to grow to be a better person. All the people in the world have a second change becuase if you make something that you are not prove you must be make that again you never have to say I don't want to due this or I don't have a might to make this,that is wrong you cant due everything in this world is possible, and I know that this people are annoyance for what I think but is only my opinion becuase nobody want to be in jail and never learn somehing for your future, the people who is upset with me why they don't think if you are in the same situation you have to think in you and also the other people to make this world a little better. In my conclusion, the people have always a second change to grow,the human that we are we have to think in us but also in the others person like example: this text is for a world to make this a better place to live, becuase all the people in this country is fortunate becuase have so many oportunities to grown and be prepare for te future in other hand I come from a country that don't have opportunities but my goal is to be a better person today, tomorrow and for my future.
Have you ever asked for advice? I ask for advice when I don't understand something or when I need help. When I need advice I ask multiple people so I can get everyones opinion. When I get multiple peoples advice I choose one that will be best for me. What I'm trying to say is that asking for more advice can be useful. One reason why I think asking for multiple advice is good, and helpful because people could be going through rough times. People ask for advice sometimes because maybe they have family problems, and they need help so they go ask people for advice. When you need advice you don't have to ask one of your family members, you can ask a teacher you trust, your counselor, or your friends. Out of all the advice you get you can choose one advice that you think could help you the most or you can use all the advice people gave you and try them to see if the advice would help. There can be many different reasons why poeple ask for several of advice. Second reason of why I think asking for multiple advice is good. Another reason why people ask for advice is because they could be making a club, and they might not know what to do. Club members can put up posters, and ask people to write their advice or opinions on what they should do to make the club better, and more interesting. All the advice they will get is going to help them make the club better and they could get more members added to their club. When you ask for advice from people their advice can make things better. My third reason is, sometimes you are so nervous for a test so you go ask for advice from people. When you want advice for a test you can go to your teacher and ask them for advice, or you can also ask other kids that have took the test before and they can give you some good advice since they took the test already. Advice can really help you if you are nervous. When you are nervous and people are giving you some advice their advice can help you calm down. Sometimes you can also give yourself some adviceb by saying to yourself "you got this" or "you are going to do good on this test". I say that asking multiple people for advice is important. It's important because all the advice people give you can help you through out the day. Always ask people that you think can give great advice and always ask people for advice when you need some.
An old proverb says honesty is the best policy. However, it might hurt a person's feeling. Well I disargree with that because, what if someone came up to you and said, my mom bought me this dress and said it looks good at me and asked you if it looks good on her. Well what if you said no it looks ugly for you then, the girl will be hurt and would think that her mom lied to her and will start crying. Anther reason is, what if your friend got in troublem and said he didn't do it but, you knew he did it and the teacher ask you if he did it and you said yes. Well their're somethings that could happen to you First, nobody will trust you Second, the kid that you snitched on won't be your friend and won't talk to you forever Lastly, everyone will call you a snitch because you snitch on you freind. However if someone said to you or wrote it to you that they were going to shoot the school. That's when you could tell the principle or the office because, shooting a school is something seriouse that could scare people and if you didn't tell the office or the principle and it happen well it will be something that you will need to live with for the rest of your life because you didn't tell the principle or the office that there was going to be a school shooting.
1. R- Teacher A- student T - about helping F- Explain Do- how to help What-help the people that they need help and care about people. and teach yourself how to help people. teach yourself how to be nice to people. don't care what people say how about you. Is good to help because that is how you making people o be happy. helping makes people feel good. and If you didn't help people that they don't have house. if you can help them give them some food. 2. Older students they can help younger students how to do homework and how to teach they hoe to read and how to be nice to other kids. and teach how to help people. helping is the thing that people needs to do in the life. 3. help someone with one feeling If you feel like to help
I believe technology can not be allow in many places. Because,technology make people lose their mind and it can be addicted to many peoples. Also technology can cause biggest damage for example it can destroy families or can be used to bullied others. First technology can not be good in some places, for example homes many peoples has many issues at home. Because, kids are obsessive with the new technology. Also technology is addicted to many peoples and it can cause biggest damages on their lives; for example if you use a phone for to long it can burn your eyes no in that moment but it will make you lose your vision. Also, technology can make peoples lose their mind. Next schools, should not be allow to use technology because students can cheat easily using the technology. they can not learn how to write by hand because technology will do everything for them. Also students can use the technology to bully other and to share inappropriate thing for example photos. However, technology distract students to their classes. Finally, technology was reported once of the highest causes of accidents in the roads. Because people were using their phone during they were driving. Also people use technology to make frauds; for example to get in the banks accounts and get money from others peoples accounts. However, people can use to get someone personal information or to hack someone accounts. In conclusion, people is getting addicted to technology because new items with more technology more faster. also technology can ruin the peoples life because if you use to much it can make you lose your vision. and technology can make families separate. a lot of people lose their mind cause technology can be a really horrible
I disagree that schools board plan should not have one and a half hours to schools each day. Some students hate some of their teachers because they treat them bad. Some kids would like to go outside to play with their friends or would like to play video game with online friends. Most of schools give student to much homework an schoolwork. Schools give us to much homework and homework. Some teachers give student to much work in one class and things that we can put all of that stuff in are brain in one and a half hours. If you miss one day of school you will be hind in all your class because teacher give us to much work. Student would get bad grade if teacher give us to much work to get us behind. Some kids love to go outside and play sport with their friend and just to have fun. Some teens and kids all most play video game everyday to play with friends and online friends and they do not like schoolwork. Kids love to go outside,teen love to play video game all day,and no one love to do schoolwork and classwork. student hate some teacher. When teacher are mad they make the student do more classwork and homework. Some time teacher will said stuff behind you. This is why student and teacher fight because the teacher make s up lie that the student did this but they did not do it so now the student get very mad at the teacher. This is why school board plan should not have one and a half hours to schools each day. Teacher makes up lie then the student are mad. Kids love to go outside and teen will dead for video game and not do homework. Teacher will make us do more work because they have one and a half hours.
One topic that is frequently debated today is, if the amount of work days should change to less then five days to four with the idea of conserve energy and resources. Many people think the school should reduce the day of school. Some people believe that is a good idea to conserve this value and important resources. I think this idea will not make a good change because many student will be affected with this idea they work after school, we will have less time to do wherever we want, and it is difficult to everybody to stay focus ten hours in the school. To being, just imagine all the students how work after school, everyone have a limit in our body's and mind's to do different activities every single day. If for the students how they don't work after school it is really difficult to stay on time with they homework, think about the student's that only get home and just change their cloths, maybe eat something at home or just wait for a break in the work. A lot of students have to pay their own food, clothes, and even a lot of them pay rent. If the school finish at six, they will have less time to make money to live, that is one of the big situations that a lot of teenagers live every day. Now think about the increment of the time in the school and all the effects that will have. Therefore, our second reason is we will have less time to do wherever we want or wherever we need to do. If the school finish at six only in one hour or more, the night come out. If you want to play soccer on the grass you can't because is to dark, a lot of stores close early, if you want to buy something you couldn't because probably the stores are closed at that time. when we got home our parents probably are not even there, many of them have to work on night. we only will have four hour's to do at less something that we want to do or we need to do starting from six to teen with the idea of that is the time to go to sleep. However, it is difficult to stay focus ten hours in the school. More time in the school, more time of homework or even more classes to take. We will have even less time to do any activity after school, because we will not have enough time to finish our work. With all the material that we have to finish we being to stress out and not doing good in the school. In conclusion, the amount of day at school is not necessary to change to less them five days and steel the same time, everyone get tired and sometime everyone only need a rest to continue day by day. We can fiend better ways to conserves this values resources, reduce the time of work and school will not make a big change. what about all the companies that only want to make money and they don't even care about the resources in our planet just keep doing money and destruction. sleep well if one of the most important needs of our body. If we have less time in the afternoon to do ,what we need to do we will not go to sleep early. We can't follow the same routine every single day, after school we can: play soccer, go to shopping, go to the movies. A lot of different activities that we can do, like one famous quote say " It is more time,then life " . We could do better with more time on our hands.
I speak for Thomas Jefferson he need do simtheing by no idle. he ask for people how time need for finish what does need something tool or materials. Thomas Jefferson he need do all people something no people fight or take money or steel for neither people. people finish school and fend job he take more money for people no finish school is that people take low money. Thomas Jefferson he serve for united stated in military and present for years 1714-1769 he fight in American. Thomas Jefferson serve in American help in fight to much he take people and help for something for people lief. Thomas Jefferson serve American for conkers how think how strong for world take area he does American strong. Thomas Jefferson he need no anything no idle in less no move or not Deon something Thomas Jefferson he no what he do how strength. Thomas Jefferson purpose help united stated speech for people. how to strong in help to chattier. Thomas Jefferson he accomplish for present in how he get present he go in speech people what do what good for people thank what good people and what not good. people like Thomas Jefferson in you stay in tole what do how Chang for good people. Sam people no like what he do or speech is chary kill Thomas Jefferson lat time. in conkers is work Thomas Jefferson he think in he go to conkers. I think Thomas Jefferson serve in American help in fight to much he take people and help for something for people lief. Thomas Jefferson serve American for conkers how think how strong for world take area he does American strong for America. Thomas Jefferson he read book in he yang how think what do he does speech people listen to ham people like Thomas Jefferson he no made he no what do for lief. Thomas Jefferson he have friend help him for what do how think what do to for fight. he read for whagongon what he do he take good something in does. Sam people no like what he do or speech is chary kill Thomas Jefferson lat time. in conkers is work Thomas Jefferson he think in he go to conkers.
I agree with honesty because it can end so many problems. So they don't have to build up and cause a lot of damage. Another reason why i agree is that you don't have to lie even more to cover what you already lied about. And it its hard to catch up with Ur lying it can also get confusing and you can get caught lying to there face. The last thing is if you get caught lying it can cause more problems with the person and can lead to more issues. It can also help the other person to trust you. If the person trust you you dont have to lie to them so it wont hurt there feeling. Also you can lose someone trust or lose the realashinship you have with them. It can also hurt a lot of other people that u care about. lying can cause you to look bad in front of people. And id it hurts there feeling you can solve them because you told the truth. Also it can help you to stop lying and get better at telling the truth so everyone can trust you. and thats the reason why i think honesty id the best policy
In the journey of life, you will have to do the majority of things by yourself; your family, friends, or team will not always be there for you. Work as a team sounds much easier, but some people take advantage of that; the whole team got a good grade in the project, not mattering if one of them did not work, put effort, or participate, he or she will receive the same grade as her or his team did. Generic_Name, a 17 years old high school student, who always decided to work alone in all of his classes. Everyone in his classroom works in teams, groups, or partners, but he was different; many of his classmates thought of him as a picky, delicate, and rude boy. Generic_Name found inner peace by being in his own, made him felt comfortable, secure, and proud of doing his projects by himself, because when the time to step up in front of the class and explain his topic comes, he would be sure of what he was saying. Sometimes you need to be alone, so you can find your inner friend or skills that you didn't know you had. Some benefits of working alone are that is your own opinion, no one else have to say a word, and even if you are wrong is your own fault that you have to learn and go through it. Lonely means a lot of things, and people take that word in a mean side; sometimes you just do not want to work in groups, because you know that you are capable to do great things on your own, without the needed of selfish, noisy, or stubborn opinions. You can measure yourself, and by working alone you are doing it; you are creating an idea in your mind that is just you and that is how It is going to be in the future, so you are preparing yourself for the future by being working alone.
A first impression is almost impossible to change? I agree with this statement because what i think a first impression is that it's your first time presenting yourself to people for the first time. Those people who you are present yourself too, are getting to know you for the first time. It is very important for example, applying for a job can show the interviewer you can get hired based on first impressions and also it can be for making friends too. In English 10 I did a interview and when it was time for me to go and get interviewed i had to shake the persons hand and said good morning. During the interview the person was asking me question and I answered the questions politely and after the interview i got a grade for it. The first impression are very important in an interview because they are the things you are going to get hired for in a job interview. My experience with the interview went really well and now i know that if i ever apply for a job i got to be good enough to get hired.
A famous British writer once said "your character will be what you yourself choose it." His name was John Lubbock. What he wanted to state is that we choose what we want to be from here on out and, that know one chooses for us. Another question that was asked was, "is our character formed by influences beyond our control." No we control all of our actions so what John wanted to say is that our character and character traits are based on the choices we make and still making. We are always in control and know what we are doing on a daily bases. We always know what well happen based on the actions we take, it's common sense. It's like when you argue to a teacher we know it's bad and we know what comes after that and that is going to the principals office. Nothing is never out of our control is weather we want to stop it or just let it happen. Most of the time our actions are based on bad things like smoking for an example we know it's bad but it's in influences or the people that make us do it. So that's why we need to stop listening to that bad side and listen to our good side. The character we are right now as a person is based on the life choices we made. If it wasn't for the good or even the bad choices we made in life we wouldn't be the person we today. Everything is bases on what we do and what we don't do. For example is we study hard enough and work hard as well we can get to the college or job of our dreams. But to do that we have to make good life choices and good decisions. Like i said before the person we are today is based on ALL the choices we made starting from when we were little to how we are right now. We are far from perfect but we try to make the best decisions or perfect is you say. As we humans we know we are not perfect and shall never be perfect but that doesn't mean we dont try to make perfect decisions. For starters we know our rights from our wrongs. So we know our good decisions from our bad decisions and you would think that it's easy to choose the right one but in reality it's not. The more bad it is the more we want to do it. It's just human nature one well say BUT we most of the time we don't choose that side want to know why. It's because we are always in power and it's never out of our control. Some yes but most others NO. In conclusion we know that nothings never out of our power. We know that person we are today is based on the life choices we made. That we know our rights from our wrongs, our positive and negative. And what John Lubbock wants to tell us. That our character and character traits is based on the type of person we are that is what we wanted to tell us. And its never to late to under stand that either.
What does it feel to achieve a high score on an English test after you study all week for? Pretty good right? You feel like all that sacrifice and long hours of study were worth it. All the confidence you build up was because of your own work. True self-esteem comes from achievement. Students and famous artist show us that without hard work, there is no true love for ones self. First, school is the environment where students learn. In this building students especially show that in order to feel good and confident you work for it. For example; when playing a sport such as soccer, the athlete need to believe in itself to be an outstanding player and for his teammates to trust him when making a play. If the player does not believe in himself, his teammates will not chose him to guide them as the captain or simply as giving passes with the ball. Continuing, a famous artists in the music industry named Lady Gaga show that when you believe in your passion and you give all of you in an scenery, the feeling of comfort and satisfaction is more than words. Gaga could not be where she is right now if people would have been sorry for her and just give her a contract without talent. In order to success you have to yourself and that's what she did, she develop her talent and now she is the most successful female artist in the music industry with ten gramys and many other recognition. Contrary, some teachers agree that in order to build self-esteem students need to be commemorated for effort even if the work is not excellent but, why should students get recognition for not making their best effort? This would be unfair for all of the students that work hard for that test score. Feeling sorry for a student is not going to make them successful in life. To conclude, all the hard work you put in a sport or your passion is going to help you succeed in life. Students are capable of so much and if a teacher praises an alumnus for work that its not worth a good grade, students will feel like they have not done something right and instead of building their self-esteem you would be creating an under qualify teacher or president. Is that what you want for their future?
School provide Teaching to those Students that can not assist to School, How? , well so many students have many problems to arrive to School. One of them is that They do not count with Transportation and they live far away, or some students that have special cases. So Today some School give you the option to teach you from School. You must have a computer or device that allow you communicate with schools, if not, you won't be able, The only way that you can learn from home it's internet, but at the same time there are people that can buy those resources. Study from home have pros and at the same time cons, pros are those can help you to learn the same themes that students learn at school, also you get you degree and can Apply to colleges, but, there is the case that they won't have a healthy and normal life at college. Learn from Home is that you can finish it in the time that you want it, you can spent your time as much you want and finish it , but, what are you going to do after finish it?. People that learn from home do not know what is converse with people around them, That is a big problem that can affect their life in future, They won't know where they at, or how talk with another person. That can be so stress, often they will feel exclude from their milieu. Learned from home could help you to skipped school and you won't have to wake up early but, is not going to be the same that a regular student got in a normal school, why?, because a normal student can talk and ask his doubts in issue of time. They have many resources that School can give you. If you are learning from home, you won't be able to ask and resolve your doubts, you will have to search by yourself and figure it out. We can not forget that people that have special cases, well, that people have at the same time special programs that school offers, some Schools are able to receive them and work with them at school, and other Schools can give you an option to work from your home, Those programs were designed only for people that born sick or have problems since born. If you don't want to go to School, you must have a reasonable excuse, because you have to apply for it, you can not decided that you're not going to School because you don't wan't it, and you want to learn from home. Specially from public school that request a letter and proofs that you can not assist to school, and then They will analyze your case. Today you have the resource to learn from home, you should think about it, don not make mistakes that can affect your life in future. At least you have a special case. There are many solutions that can help you and you can triumph.
why school/eduction is very important Eduction is important because without a eduction you can't get a job. A job can get you money. money can get you a lot of things like clothes, house and food. And with school you can learn how to talk. You need to know how to talk well because you are going to be talking a lot. You are going to have to talk to your boss, family and others. And the most of all you need to know how to live. You need to know how to pay your bills. And know how to work and work right. You will need to know how to manage your time. With all that you with need to know something, do your work now so you can have your fun latter. When I say that you realy need to know what it means. Because when your in class and you do your work and fallow u know whats going on. And you turn your work in fast you will have free time. Just like in life, if I go to school and did good and get out I would find a good job and I would make good money then have my fun. `-
Dear, Principal l think that we should be allowed to bring our phone to school just in cause of emergence. And during class time we should turn them off, when we come out of school we should be able to use them. We never no if threes an emergence some day and we don't have phones and how are we to call our parents .If we didn't have phones how are we saps to contact our parents . that why we should bring phones to school not because we want to text because our safety. That's why some parents get phones for there kid because they know that some day we are going to use it for a very important reason .For we could contact them when some thing is going wrong. For they could be a to know were we are just in cause .and that's why l think we have phones. And that's my reason why we bring phones to school.
Do you think a problem could change your life? Some people do think that a problem makes you go in the right way. But some people it's all made up to make you try. Therefore I disagree with Duke Ellington because a problem could cause depression,lack of sleep, feeling bad. The meaning of problems is a chance for you to do you best is that problems help you do better. Have you ever been through depression? Problems are bad because kids or even teens cannot control them . Next you need to stay away from conflict because conflict is problem and problem can be bad. After that depression is when you cannot yourself and you do wearied things like forget to eat or go to school. Another thing is depression happens when you are hurt and want to quit life. Also if you in depression talk to a trusted adult and he or she will help you. Problems can also leave you to have some or no sleep. First that happens because your thinking about the problem and how can I get raid of it. Also you can raid of it doing something that you love to do like listen to something watch TV or even read a book. After that if it's a bad problem you will need to talk with a trusted adult. Another thing is that whatever it happens gust be calm and try to sleep and forget about it. In addition to that dont use your phone when your in that type of a problem and dont use phone before bed because you will be dreaming about it all night. At last have faith in yourself and dont give up in life because you can get raid of the problem and live a happy life, but dont forget to do something you like when your in a problem. Don't feel bad when your in a problem because you can do it. First thing dont let other make fun of you being in a problem and gust try your best and you got it. Also feeling bad and looking at others could cause a bigger problem gust do your own thing. After that feeling bad abut something is not good gust be positive and worry about your self and dont let any boss you or making fun of you. Next problems could be bad but you need to talk to someone that your going through that and why are going through that. Then you can not feel bad and you will know what to d when you have a problem and hoe to slove it too. At last avoid any danger problem as much as you can. In, concliontion I have come up with that what Duke Ellington is agreeable because some are long term problem and some short term, but there bad for your health and mental health and for you safety. Also you need to stay away from and type of dangers because dangers is like problem so stay away. After that tell a trusted adult when your going through something bad like conflict, dangers, and more. At last don't be affected to something to perfect your self.
THE SUMMER PROJECT While student take a break from school there are teacher want student to continue to lean even their break from school. Some school require student to do summer projects to assure they continue learning even during break. Should these project be teacher or student designed? The Summer Project should be student designed during break. Why should this summer project should be student designed not teacher designed? If student have a choice of who came up an idea to write about they would most likely choose them self. This summer project due til student go back to school telling that student have lot of time to come up with an idea to write about. Student can come with an idea quickly because they can what they do and write about that they also can write what they do during the break. Since this is student designed student can start this project anytime they want If the student start their summer project student can be creative with their work by putting effort into it. student can choose if they want to do it colorful and creative or plain student have a choice if they want their work all bright and pretty or simple and plain. If the student choose colorful and creative there work might include with picture, color, detail, and what they might do during break showing that whoever made this work put a lot of thought and effort into it. If the student want to be simple with their work they might include white background, all word telling what they do during break, and a lot of mess of pencil mark. whatever they choose to be creative or not they will end up using their head to come up with these idea and student can make their project exciting or boring it up to them. If student do this summer project and let the student to do their designed it will show that student put a lot of work into their project. The most difficult part of this project is come up with good idea to do. Coming up idea can be hard and stressful it show that student put a lot of thought into their work. While student work on their design something they think what would be great to put into their design like color if so what kind would be best, picture if so what kind,and patter. After they finish student need to check if they like it or not and they have to check if they any mistake. When you look at the work it show student put a lot of thought in their project. In Conclusion Some school require student to do summer projects to assure they continue learning even during break, should these project be teacher or student designed. During break the Summer Project should be student designed. student can start this project anytime they like, they can make their design exciting or boring, and show that student put a lot of effort into their work. If student have a choice of teacher give idea to write about or student come up with one what would you choose?
I'm agree because the attitude is important in your life. The attitude is very important because is your behavior with the another pople, when you talking with one person he go see your attitude, if you have nice attitude he go thinking he is a nice person because he have respect and his attitude is nice and humble, and he go want to talk more with you because your attitude is good, if another day you see that person he go want talk with you again. For example you go to talk with you father love for first time, the first thing he go see about you is your attitude, respect, and he go said he is a good man for my doughther because his attitude is good he have respeect he is a nice person he will be proudo of you for your good attitude and kindness. He will have confidence in you and respect, the attitude is important if you want respect you need learning respect to the another people and nice attitude. When one day you have children you have to teach them to do some good people to each them good things to do people and to have a good attitude with the people is the most important thing with a good attitude your children can be good people they wiil learn how beutiful life is when they learn how to have a good attitude and respect people and you will be proud of yourself because you did a good job of giving your children a good education. the attitud it is the key of life. Attitude is the main basis of life you have to learn to have a good attitude if you have an attitude the people around you consider a good person of values because you know how to express yourself with people and you know how to speak and have a humble attitude. Many of today's people don't have a good attitude, their attitudes are not good, they don't have respect, so people don't know how to express themselves by talking to people about any subject so be kind person who knows how to respect people regardless of age and above all your attitude always has to be humble and respecful what the people they knows how your are a good person and they go to have respect for you all the time. Respect and Attitude is the key in this life Remember these are the most important things you have to know how to use them and especially learn them that way all the children in the world have to go to school to learn and know these important things in this life the education is the most important thing for your life the attitude always has to be the most important always be a humble person above all and respectful.
Did you know that business that partnerships the schools helps the students to know what they want to do in life. When students go to business trip with the school They are discovering where they want to work in the future. This allow students explore where they want to work. If they wanted to work at a place that they dream of working then they are going to explore the things where they wanted to work at. I would like to explore more real estate because I want to flip flop houses so I want to learn more about this and I want the manager of the business pick us so we can learn how those a work. One reason, That you should pick us is how do you know if the house is good to flip and know if you going to make more money. People think that you should look in area that are growing and get house that are bad and flip the house so you can sell it for more and get more money then you payed the house and the things that made the house better. Second reason, the manager should pick our class so we can learn How does the business work like how many house do you need to buy so that the work proceed and process. I heard that people buy three house each 6 mouth so they can work on it because some houses take one month and other houses take 4 month. Then you got to wait for the houses to sell that can take weeks or even months to sell the house to get the money. third reason, That the manager should pick us that we want to know that if the wait of getting the money is worth it by waiting to the house to can be ready and wait so the house can get sold. People I heard that money that you wait six mouth is worth it because the money that the person get back is like more twenty thousand more on the house that you can buy a better house in a better place or keep some money. The money that you get can make a lot. That why the manager of the real state business should pick us to visit and learn about the work because students want to learn more about this job and have question more so in the future that students will know about more then the job and maybe in there life working in this area so they can make money to. In conclusion schools should have more partnership companies that students can visit and learn about the work and that can help the students pick there job . and that can help students know what they want to do in life and proceed there dream of working and knowing what to do.
Yes there should be one way to improve student achievement to start an after school homework club in my school, because there's allot of student that really need help on there homework, teacher should stay with student that need help with that class homework so they can understand more what there learning in there classroom so they don't get confused on that time of a test, they can get a good score because they have study with there homework and they have get allot of help from there teachers. But some student don't like doing homework when that teacher ask them if they should stay with them student don't even stay after school and that teacher gets really mad because some times they takes time that day to stay with a students and they don't even show up. Teacher take time of there social life to help student for there homework to do good on there report card because some teacher care about homework that student needs to complete it on time or that teacher give them more time and they still don't even do it that's why some teacher don't give no extra time any more, that teacher tell them if they want a A's or F's on there report card because they don't finish there homework, there should be a only homework club after school so other teacher should not stay and do work for that next day, but someone student throw there homework on that trashcan because they don't care about how hard teacher work to give them a good education to stay after school. Some student understand that homework and finish really early, that student should help other on there homework and do a after school club and help each other on what they do need help on,but went teacher let student help each other they only like playing or talk and not even help with that homework, but if they don't know each other they do finish and help, but some student don't like went someone else is helping them because they don't explains how a teacher will explains to them because some student only give them that answer and that how they don't like other student helping them because some teacher ask how they got that answer and they don't event know how to explain to a teacher that how that teacher know that they copy someone else. Student achievement will grow allot bigger if they start after school club teacher and student volunteer to help other that are really begin of homework and other works will help them if there was a only homework club because some student don't even do it because they dont understand or they forget to do it but if they do it after school there not going to have to much difficulty on there homework any more, some subjects don't have homework but went they don't do that homework they talk to that teacher that they had allot of homework and they forgot to that homework but they don't even try do work on it. some teacher try to help them to do it but they still don't even try to do it, they rather get a bad grade and not do that homework. Some student want to finish their homework early went they have time they like to do it during class time because they don't like staying after school in class they ask that teacher for help or other student in that class because they finish there work on time and don't have any thing to do so they start finishing that homework so they don't need stay or finish it at home they can rest and don't worry about homework or they can stay after school and finish with that that student that finish on time and if they don't like working with other student they can stay with a teacher, some teacher like other student helping other because some teacher think that helping each other will understand more and they will ask question to each other to learn what there were doing in class. Allot of student will improve there grades and there will do there homework early if teacher call there parent to stay after school to do homework allot will finish early and they will not feel that they got do allot of homework at home some student go home and play and they forget that they have homework to do, there mom ask them if they have homework and they answer with a no but went a teacher call them to stay after school that there kids have not do any homework in that class, that they have a F's in that class because they don't finish that homework on time and they don't care about if they need to finish that homework, after school teacher should award student for staying after and finish there work on time so they can feel happy that there grades are going up. After school club in other school will help allot of student to do got on any test because homework helps allot to study and do good on any class but if you don't try to do your homework your going to have difficulty went it's time to take a test because you haven't even doing not of your homework or not even staying after school club, other school don't like doing homework clubs because they think that everyone understand that homework because know one ask for any help and never brings homework to class teacher thinks that they don't like do it, or they tell that teacher they forgot it home and that teacher believed on them and they get a good grade but don't even do it,some student volunteer to meet with those who either have difficulty and other student don't even stay other student takes time always to help other and other don't even thanks those student.
Someone who shares wisdom is like talking to an angle. One person who shares wisdom to me is my friend because, we love each other, we care about each other, and just giving out wisdom, is just nice. My friend gives me wisdom cause they love me and wish for the best for me. My friend always tells me that I should always go forward and don't look back, to the bad thing and keep on going. If i'm going through some bad stuff with someone or something you just got to stay positive and just not give up on your self. Friends give out wisdom because it is nice and helpful for people, my friend like to give out advice and say good things and give out wisdom, because they are nice, and are caring friends and just keep there heads forward not back. My friends give out wisdom because they care about me and for other people to and not for just one person but for multiple people. My friends are just nice and just some good friends to me and to other people out there in that world, because with wisdom you can give advise to people. I have learned from other people because i have seen people go through it and thats a happy thing because you give out advise to someone you look forward to, like your parents, aunt, uncle, and the people you trust like a close friend to. Anyone that you trust id good because then you can stay positive. I just think that giving out wisdom is such a kind think to do to people and to friends and family. Wisdom can mean a lot of thing to people, like kindness and being happy and just putting a smile in your face. Wisdom is just a good way to stay positive and be yourself Wisdom can make you a happy person.
Its a good idea to have year-round school because you will not be out of school long that will make you forget what was just learned and will always have help from teachers all the time. Being out of school for a long time can make students forget what was just learned and it's true because many kids have reported that they forgot what they have learned in that year of school. Shorter breaks is the way to go because you will be able to retain the information that the teacher taught last week. This is another advantage that you will have because students will be fresh and will have more time to learn and study for upcoming test and would probably even make them a better student. Having a long break is desireable by all of the students but it can also be a negative thing, Thats why having year-round school can improve many things for an example it can improve your grades, better focus and understanding, and better opportunities in life. It will even make the school at one of the best schools to go because the percentage of passing scores, quality of learning, and the best teachers. This will not just improve and make students better at school but can also give them opportunities and chances in life. Education is the most valuable thing in the world without it this world would of not had influential leaders and inventors. This can open new doors in life and it can make anyones dream career come true not mattering their race or class. Having year- round school is the answers to many solutions. In my opinion we should make a difference and have year-round schools. We have to make our youth in America into one of the most successful and brightest because they are the future of this nation.
John Lubbock is a British naturalist and politician that wrote a quote saying "Your character will be what you yourself choose to make". When saying this you have some opinions about it because your past can also make up your character and who you might become later on in the future. Why should we let your character take control of us, we have most of the control by the actions we take in our life. For example your parents were very abusive, and somehow your going to be that way to no its going to make you stronger and built your character up more then it was before. We have a choice to make up our character like some people will say "oh shes mean'', or "why wont she share'' and its not her character maybe its her personality. You yourself built up your character and no one has to like it it but only you because at the end of the day all you have is yourself nobody else which is better then having someone judge you. No one can judge a book by its cover until they get to know who you really are and where you came from,your character can built you up and leave a legacy behind and you wont even know it because people will be proud of how you built your character up and ask "how is she so strong ?", "how did she grow up to be independent?". Once you tell them how strong you are and how your doing and the steps you took theyll be proud of you, because only you have control of how you can find your character traits. No one can really know for sure what makes up their chachater just by saying "oh yea I've done it before" Lets say someone in your family died because of their sickness and you spend all those days being depressed and in denial that they are gone but guess what ? You are going to built yourself up and make them proud of whop they raised and who stood by their side and everyday your going to try and make every second count just to make them see how great your handling everything even if sometimes you might get sad here and there but,your still pushing through which is making your character stronger then your seeing it yourself. There are so many times in everyone life were they doubt themselves and want to give up because they think they arent capable of doing something but when youve realized from what you've accomplish the world doesnt seem so scary anymore, your brain will trick and say to you that you cant do it thats impossible and all these negative saying but, why should you focus on that so much thats not getting you through life its just bringing you down and you know that your character isnt meant for that its to push you and get you through all these brick walls that life throws at you only you can knock them down. So dont stop yourself from making a choice you know is right go with your gut and let your heart show you the ways dont let nothing in life stop you from what people think is impossible make it possible stand yourself out, make your character stand out because you are different no matter what. Your life isnt a pick and choose its what you think is best and fits for you so the saying goes "Your character will be what you yourself choose to make", its your life have fun with it and make everything you do in life built up your character.
"some people may say that growth does not depend on doing something beyond what they have, for it is not unnecessary.'' However, that is a fallacy idea because we all know that is not true. Wise people believe that doing something beyond what they have will make them grow as a person, both physical and mentally. Unless people try to do something beyond what they have already mastered, they will never grow, because growth comes from doing something that someone has never done before, it comes from trying out new things, boost up our confidence and makes us progress. Doing something beyond what we have already mastered, will make us try out new things that will help us move on further. trying new things is the only way we can know what we are capable of. for example, i remember trying out something new which was beyond the things i knew, i felt different and new. the feeling that i felt was growth. Trying is what makes us know who we are and what we are capable of. If people do not do something beyond, how do you expect them to grow, when growth is defined as making progress in what someone does in his life time. growth is producing new things that has never been done before making someone realize how good it is to do some that is convince and improve in our skills. Not doing something beyond is as good as not growing. doing something beyond will boost up someones confidence in doing things. the ability to try new things beyond what we have already mastered is what we call self-esteem that alluded from confidence. How would someone have confidence when they do not try new things. Thinking beyond the box , makes some people become dogmatic with affirmative thoughts, because they would always want to do something with diligent. how do can someone expect a person with fallacy ideas become dogmatic? For example, how can someone define a person who does the same thing over and over without changing? It becomes irritating and unpleasant. growth comes from the things that we do beyond what we have already mastered. Some people might say, " it is not necessary to do somethings beyond what you already have because, having excess of something is not good."however, that is not right, we all know that having something in excess will always push us to doing more things. for example, Trevor Noah once said,'' nothing is enough not until you die from it," meaning nothing will never be too much. The more we try doing something beyond the more we intend to learn. we all learn from doing something that is beyond our imagination. Unless we try to do something beyond what we have, we will never grow, because growth comes from doing something someone has never done, it boost our confidence, and makes us become dogmatic with positive thoughts. doing things beyond, will always produce good results at the end, such as, advancement, making progression in our daily life. I firmly believe that doing something beyond what you have, will boost someone's confidence because each day i try out new things and all i get i enthusiasm of doing more.
Firstly, Adopting is good for teenagers and may help keep them out of trouble and even breaking the law and others things , adopting may help a lot to teenagers to have a home and education a life better and thats what they need is parent the they support them with everything the they could do for them to help, parents are the best thing the we have in our lives also, teenagers on the street think about why I could have a better life or home it and is so sad for them the they could it have for them seen other teenager having all the good things with their parents, kids on street dont realize the they can get on trouble because they didnt have any education even they dont think because of how they live on the street breaking the laws there are many reasons why teenagers take the thing as their life and at their young age didnt have have a education and never use all on their learning skills, curfew helps also to keep teenagers out of trouble and breaking the street policy, adopting street teenager will decrease the many cases cause because of their madness and thats what it keeps them in trouble and thats what a teenagers need support from somebody the is going to help, teenegers living on the street wont realize the the could do something to attent to school and look for help. The street teenager the has been adopted will accomplish their dream and also sprees their thoughts when her starts living in his parent adoption. For example teenagers the has been adopted will study hard to see their self out the place the they never thought the they could accomplish and even do well in their cases.
The one place I would like to visit in the world would be Puerto Rico. I would like to visit Puerto Rico because of the of the beautiful weather. I would like to visit Puerto Rico because of the beautiful beach's and rivers. One other reason would be because of my family. First, the weather most of the time is hot even in the winter is hot. In the summer sometimes is ,so hot that it can reach the temperature of 100 degrees. Most of the people living in Puerto Rico are use to the hot temperature. Next, you would see people in the beach's or at the river some people have pool but some people can't buy pools because some don't have money and some people do have money so when the weather is hot you will see most of the people at the beach's or rivers. I personally like going to the river's because the water is colder and is really refreshing when it's really hot. Next, another reason why I pick Puerto Rico was because of there delicious foods there a lot of tropical dishes there is something call the three meat sandwich witch is made of really tender pork meat,chicken,beef then they put potato sticks and then they add the mayo and ketchup. In the holidays like Christmas puertorican people cook a hole pig and then when the pig is done cooking they cut the pig and shred it into pieces and then they eat it with rice mix with beans. Finally, most of my family is from Puerto Rico so most of my family know's the best places to go and the type of food that we would like. Most of are family makes a party when we come from the U.S because we only go and visit in the summer because of school we can't visit when ever we want to. When ever I visit Puerto Rico I have to see my two little brothers and my friend that I have not seen sense last summer most of the time I go to my consents house because we always play baseball or basketball ,but when it's to hot we stay home watching T.V or playing PlayStation we play with my friend that lives in Virginia. When is time to go back to the U.S are family get's sad and starst crying but we tell them that we will be back.
Studies have shown that there is a 25% higher passing rate from students that attend to online classes. If it wasn't for the advance tecnology the world has today there wouldn't be things like online schools. Now and days everyone has tecnology ether in their pockets due to there cell phones or at home with their laptop's , computer's , gaming system's and their smart tv's. Now with this new technology the school systems' have taken advantage by making online classes, Therefore students are able to attend classes form the comfort of there own home. Some schools are given the students the option to choose between online classes or going to normal school classes. Some would say that online classes would not benefit students i'd say they are wrong. These are some reasons i think that online classes are better and benefit's way more than normal school classes, because there are no distractions in online classes. In online classes students dont have to deal with things like waking up early, people , and much more. I had a cousin that took online classes and what i saw she was able to start when she was free she'd finish in two hours or less, Then the program would let her know when she'd finish the leason of the day. She was a teen mom and when she found out how easy taken online classes were she got support from the family as she finished with the help of online classes and her family she got her life together. The people that say that online classes aren't beneficail might not have gone through what 80% of people have gone through. Here' an example in regular school classes there are distractions everywhere like friends, other class mates, teachers, aslo the fear of getting bullied. When someone has friends in class they much rather talk to them then to pay attenion in class. When in class you might no peolpe and it may get into your head which would give you another distracion. Now with a student that is in online classes won't have to worry about those issuses. Even the simple things could affect your ability to be able to learn like what you eat. If you dont eat anything during the day you get hungry and that becomes a distracion. In most schools they serve horrible food with that students feel sick after eating. now a benefit with having classes online people can make food at home. After an heathly and amazing lunch they are ready to learn and too pay attention. Not only is things like food vary inportant but time is another one. Due to bad habbits people go to sleep late and then they have two hours of sleep and going to school. Once class starts they fall asleep and dont learn anything. Since schools start early makes it wrose for the ones who go to sleep late at night. The lack of sleep affects the student mentally and physically, With a student that is in the online class can start when ever there free. Last but not least what most of the students fear the most is bullying. In normal schools studies have shown that 80% of students have been bullied. That would mean if there were a table of ten students 8 out of those 10 students where bullied. Many people fear of getting bullied since what it was done to many students through out the years. What it dose is it makes school not feel safe for them and then they want to stop going. Now with online classes students shall not fear in getting bullied since they would take there classes in there house. In conclusion i believe that online classes are the best and have the most benefits due to all the examples i've given. From lunch, time, distrctions and bullies those are the reasons students have a hard time to focuse in regular school classes. A huge thanks to the new tecnology for being able to help us learn without the struggle and fear. What i saw my cousin go though i can say online is the best piont blank. I've given all tmy examples and details also personal storys on the benefits of online school that is all i have to offer fairwell.
Thesis : I believe that my school should not fallow this model because a lot of people get tired of school. Teachers get more tired than students because they work all year to make our classes and teachers need a break from school more than us, the students. It is okay to go to the school the five days of the week. It doesn't matter how hard school is, if you go the five days of the week you get less tired because classes are more shortest and you don't have to be is school the whole day. Also you have more time outside of school to go to work or go with your friends to have fun and forget of school for a bit. First, if schools do extend classes is gonna be more stressful and tired because you are going to be in school for a longest time and a lot of people don't even like school. Some people really hate school because is really hard for everyone and there are some classes that you don't even have an idea of what you are doing. Teachers know when someone is tired and they let them sleep for a while because maybe they know how is it feel being tired. Schools need to have the same schedule and don't change anything. Second, schools are not like work in a job because in a job, you have more responsibilities and they also have rights that you need to comply. Being in a job is the double stressful and tired than being in your school learning a lot of new things. Some people say that work is better than go to school, but I say that they all are wrong because sometimes in school you do nothing, you just are listening to what the teacher says and in a job if you have a little break, you use it to eat or make another job that you need to do later. They should not extend the school day but the should do it with jobs. Third, if schools extend classes you won't have time to sleep well. That's the most important thing for students, sleep well to come to the school with a good attitude. A lot of people talk about other's attitude because they are always angry, bored, or lazy but they have no idea if they sleep well or not. Some people make fun of them because they fall to sleep in classroom and that's not right, the right thing is ask that person how is he feel, or if he is okay. The less you sleep, the most tired you get and sometimes you don't even can concentrate in classroom. Most of the students that don't sleep well and they have a job after school, they have a hard time in school because most of the times being in school is stressful as a job. Conclusion : Is not necessary to extend school day two more hours because it's gonna be the same any ways. Two more hours in four days don't change anything because is like you are adding Friday in that four days. The same eight hours in Friday, you are going to add to the four days of classes. They don't need to change anything because teachers won't have enough time to get ready our classes for the next day and they won't have time to even cook food at home or clean their house. Sometimes students above 18 years old live single and they need to work every single day because they need a lot of money to pay their bills like: house, car, phone, internet, food, and clothes. Some of them are about to have a baby and having a baby is a huge responsibility for him because he need to work over time to win more money or have two job. He is gonna be really really stressful and tired, and he won't have time to come to the school the whole day.
This is about if i suport students atending class online at home? i think that yes if they put their mind to it. And i think if they want to pass all their grades if they are doing school at home and they really want to do it then yes If they do the all their sentens well and all their paragh well. Aslo i think that if they are home schooled that they might do the work when they want to do it some of them will not care about it and some might just forgetand outher will say they will do it latter. Sometime the mom/dad dose not help the student but most of the time the student want to do home school and want to pass then yes it depends on the student. when any student dose school at home they will often not do the work they aslo dont learn all the things the the school teaches they learn what the mom/dad knows. I will say i suport it but i also dont suport becuas like i said most kids dont do the work but also some do the work. most kids when they are home schooled the mom/dad send them to school becuas they dont know what elas to teach them some just do it just to get school over with and when the mom/dad send them to school they some times llike but they aslo end up droping out of school. Most student do benift from atending class at home but if they put their mind to it and do the work some time they learn like that becuas theirs no one that bothers them they do the work at their own speed on what they know. most student come to school when they are home school they dont know most of the things that they learning that is becuas they didn't learn much when they where atending the class at home online becuas they were offten on their phone most of the time not caring about the work, or becuas they sleep late. Some student do know more when they are home schooled some times more then what they a student that gose to public school. but most students that are home school they some times want to go to public school they want to go beacus they want to learn more thing make frend they rather go to public school to learn more beacuas they benn doing home school for most of the school year. some time its beacuas of their mom/dad scared that some thing might happen to their kid they dont trust their kid going to public school beacuas they might do some bad thiing. im sure that students benefitfrom home school some take colleg class at home some start their corears but taking online class at home or some just do the things/follow the step their perent. sometime when they are home schooled they have to go to school beacuas they have family problems or beacuas they just dont like being home scholled no more beacuas they want to do more things they wan tot learn more beacuas they feel like they are not learing the thing that they are learnig at home. The things they learn some times aint right if they are learnig it frome their mom/dad if they are not doing the class online. But i think if they are doing the online class doing what they have to do to know what they want to be in life get thru all the the online class.
As we know the modernization through the years is bringing us new advances in technology. One of the most important and positive effects of use of technology is make life more easy for everyone. I mean, the use of social media is given us a lot of way to communications no matter where we are; the facilities of communication and information on time are essential to accomplish many task. The complexity to communicate and create different way to interact had making a great way to a efficient communication. First of all, the use of technology is currently having big impacts in our lives. It is changing through the years the way how the humanity is living. There out are a lot of brilliant brain creating new advances in technology everyday. The expansion of the new advances day by day is given us a renovation of our life style. The interactions between everyone through communication using different devices such a computer, phone, iPad, etc.. The principles of those project of advances created and expended by people expert in technology; the've been implement the necessity of technology in every single places. It can also influenced our mental and physical health; depression and anxiety are common nowadays so there are website to providing helps online. The variety how we can combine knowledge in technology are infinities. That is one of the main reasons. Secondly, we are breaking all the limitations that we had before. If you are trying to communicate and if you were in large distance was limited because we did not have those resources such a Mobile devices. So now, we are currently, sending messages or texts, even we can do video calls on live simultaneous. This factor was not possible without the technology. Everyone is connected around the world. Those limitations are breaking because all the different social media: Facebook: One of the most famous and popular website to post, share videos, photos, websites, links. Twitter: This app is used mostly to post personal thought or opinions. Instagram: To post and now with new implement of sources for marketing. Gmail: It is one of the most popular account to mail. It is like Email but it is more modern. Email: is mostly used to messages. Blogs: is used to shared a personal version. It can be about life style, hobbies. Anything you want. YouTube: This is a platform with the purpose of given us videos some of them can promoting companies. In addiction, one of the important advantage is the facilities to do everything we want, when we want, where we want. The use of technology in school, colleges even work implement the easy way to accomplish everything. Now days, school bring to their students computers with the the purpose of advances in every single student to do their homework/assignments in home with all the necessary facilities. They want to give students information through books that you can easily get online. In the pass, it was impossible because you had to go to the library and get the permission to read a few books. So, now with the technology we can also use the technology with the purpose to sell or buy things online. Amazon is a good example of success marketing in the world. People buy things on Amazon because they do not have enough time to go to the store and buy their stuff. The platform of amazon is giving us enough details about those items that we want to buy. The majority of shop stores or companies have websites. This is creating a red of new jobs. Some people can work even in home using any device because technology is making that possible. Sometimes, the use of technology can be optional but something is a necessity. We have to adapt to the new modernization. That is because technology. Although even, there are some statements about some negative effects of technology such a limitation of communication, I can prove with real facts how the technology facility the interactions of contact to other people for example: group chat, messages, Facetime, live videos. Students can be connected with their classmate or vice verse even with their teachers. They just have to be connected. Social media is creating a direct and indirect connection to others, I mean the students can have conversations about projects or assignments through their phones or any device. The use of technology can be fun. We can use technology in video games and some of them have communication though microphone and we can really interact with our partner. We also can extend the communication and interact not just once or two as many as we want. Technology is given is entertainment. Sometimes we just want to be in our conform zone and that is okay. So it's up to us if we want to work, play with somebody else or by ourselves. It's true that we can decide if we want to work, have fun by ourselves but the technology bring us the opportunity to interact with others. Finally, the use of technology is part of our lives already. We can deny the use of it in our daily activities. A simple example: If we are going to get a job, mostly of the applications are online. Every job is associate with technology. The use of them created good benefit in everyone. The effects of technology depends with the purpose we are using it. If our purpose is to using the technology to good benefit, the used of them will be successful either the purpose is about good or bad things. "Every action, have a reaction" Isaac Newton. The results of our good action will always have a positive effect. I can concluded, all those positive effects are making our work more easier. The use of technology in our society is impulsing us to be betters every day. All the results of hard works by every of us. The innovation of those advances are creating new mechanisms in our routine, new life style and all that is because we are smart enough to created technology, everything started from us. The majority of people is using technology with good purposes. The world is doing better because technology.
If you do something new you can grow up Some people are agree and some people disagree with unless you try to do something beyon what you have already mastered. you will never grow, however if you try to do somenthing new you can grow up because you can do great things in your life. If you try to do something new, you can grow up because. You can have more opportunities, you can be a professional person, and you can get a good job. First, if you try to do something new , you can have more opportunities. For example, if you are a student and you put all of your effort to graduate from school and also from college then you can prepare to be a good doctor, teacher,police or lawyer. For example, If you want to get a good job you need to prepare, and study to get more opportunities. If you try to do something new you can grow up. In addition, if you try to do something new, you can be a professional person. For example Generic_Name is a student she want to be a lawyer but, she don't want to go the school because she think that make new things is boring but, if she don't do somenting new she never grow up because she need to prepare and study to be a professional person. For example, if she go to school and then she graduate from college she can prepare to be a lawyer. If you try to do something new you can be professional. Finally, if you try to do somenthing new, you can get a good job. For example, Generic_Name work in RESTAURANT_NAME but, he is a student he all most graduate from college, he want to be a police but, he think that he cant not pass the last test to graduate and he don't wanna do it. For example, if he don't try to do the test he cant graduate but, if he try to do the best he can pass the test he can be a police officer. If you try to do something new you can get a good job. In conclution, some people are agree some people disagree with, unless you try to do something beyon what you have already mastered, yo will never grow. If you try somenthing new you can grow up.
It has been said that first impressions are almost impossible to change. I personally disagree with this statement because, many times i have been told that i have a bad first impression the first time people see me, many people say i look mean and with a bad attitude. However, i do not have an attitude when people are friendly or speak me. New research says that it is far easier to loose a good reputation, then to gain one. Which is true, but you would never know how is the other person until you speak to them. You cannot judge a person by the way they look, speak or drees. For example, couple of years back on my first day of school, in the United States, people would judge me because, they thought i knew English, and when they would speak to me, i would put my head down and not say anything, months later i learned english and knew how to have a conversation with them; Not long a long, i had a person come to me and say; I did not thnk you spoke english, because i remember back in 6th grade, you would not talk. He changed the way he thought of me when i started having a conversatiomn with him. Perphas, You can always change you first impression. First impressions are clearly not the best ones, but we can always make a choice on wheather change them or not. I have experienced many first impressions. However, i have always told myself that my reputation does not depends on how others see or think of me, depends on how i see myself. Only ourselves have the choice to change our first impression.
Many people like Philosopher's are stating Information which comes from there head and believe Its right; For people to look at and assume It Is right and agree because of what position that person has such as a Philosopher,Physician, and a Humanitarian. This Philosopher,Albert Schweitzer illustrates that an "Example Is not the main thing In influencing others;It Is the only thing." Although setting an example by your own behavior Is a good way to Influence other's; Their's still better and different way's to Influence people. Not all people have bad behaviors because of somebody close to them; A son could be a good and humble and the people around him could only have negativity. There are different ways such as sitting down with someone and giving advice about good behavior and what their currently doing wrong In the present. Schools even teach about It and have group of students learn about whats good and bad. In health class they are teaching about having a healthy life to be prepared in life and for whats coming In the future. Although there are example's out there like famous people that motivate others to go the same path they went,Also a good example but those are not the only way's; There are teachings or parents giving advice to have a better behavior,psychologists who people can tell whats going on in their life and they get a response of what they can do. Somebody,Anybody can demonstrate they were a good example to somebody but at the end not everybody turns out to be like them. A son can be good and humble while the people close to him or that he admires have a lot of negativity. Anybody could sit down with somebody and talk about about what there doing wrong and they could be doing the same thing;That dose not make them a good example but at least they give advice,ideas, and reveals to that person a new pathway they can take to do better. Teachers who teach about It can fill them with information they didnt know about having a healthy life; That teacher could be doing everything wrong and be negative which makes her a bad example to everybody but the students get the good advice to be better. There are people who leave good examples for others to follow but is It also the only thing. Because there are other ways to influence other people such as giving advice and teaching, while that person who gives It Is a bad example but the person who receives It follows the good advice not there bad example.
Once there was a girl named Generic_Name. She was a great student, always doing her homework, and studies hard. Generic_Name was a negative person, she never aims high on any of her exams because she always have a feeling that she will never pass. At the end of the month Generic_Name get her results back and she passes all her exams. Likewise, the great artist Michelangelo once said, "The greater danger for most of us lies no in setting out aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." Some people prefer to aim low and achieve more, while other people prefer to achieve high and achieve more. The greater danger for most of us lies in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark because people should be positive, have goals, and believe in themselves. The greater danger for most of us lies in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark because people should be positive. In my life I hate staring new things, whenever I start something new I always think negative and I will not achieve it. At the end, I always achieve what I had started. When I started to think positive on what I am doing, I always end up happy for what I aimed for and achieved. People should be more positive on what they're aiming for. When people start to think positive they will feel very sure and confident of what they're aiming for. For this reason, people should not aim too low. Also, the greater danger for most of us lies in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark because people should have a goal on what they're aiming for. A psychology study have been done on people to test if goals work. The scientist that did the study explained why everyone should have goals, and how having a goal could lead to one do a lot of things. The scientist also explain that a goal is the purpose toward which effort is directed. Having goals to aim for something too high should lead one to achieve a lot of things. For this reason, people should have goals and aim high not low. Additionally, the greater danger for most of us lies in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark because people should believe in themselves. In the TV show The Good Doctor, the main character Doctor Generic_Name had a surgery and there was only 20% chance that the patient will die. Generic_Name was a great doctor, but he didn't believe that he could do it. Until the patient was about to die, so Generic_Name had to do the surgery for the patient to live. The surgery went very well, and the patient went home healthy. The main character in this TV show didn't believe that he could do the surgery, and when he had to do the surgery it went well. Likewise, people should aim high and believe in themselves more to achieve what they aimed for. For this reason, people should believe in themselves more. If people aim too low and achieve their mark, then it's dangerous than aiming too high and falling short. As the great artist Michelangelo once said, "The greater danger for most of us lies no in setting out aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." The greater danger for most of us lies in setting our aim too low and achieving out mark because people should be more positive on what they are doing, have steps to achieve their goals, and believe more in themselves. Thus, setting our aim too low and achieving our mark is dangerous.
Make sure you have your seat belts. That is the people from the air plain making sure everyone is save because wee are going strait to Argentina. safety is the most important thing because if wee dont have safety wee not getting to Argentina. Argentina is the place I want to visit because it has one of the best player in the world. I will love to visit Argentina because they have good soccer players and l want to see them, have something from them like a signature or a picture with them. When I get their I going to see the near by place to eat because I want to tasted the flavor of the Argentina food because they have good food but I cant name them they have a wear name. However after that I want to go and visit the soccer field take some pictures were the famous player play. and finally l will pay for an hotel to sleep because Im going to be tiredly for all the amazing thing that i did all day long. I dont know but I will like to know if is true that Argentina has good money.?
I should be picked for this internship because I am a hard working person , I am a risk taker and im open minded .I am hard working when I am assigned to a task and in general I dont give up easy and I work until I believe I have done it to the best of my ability . For example one day i was assigned a project with a group of other students , my group was full of slackers and i had to do it all on my own. I put in all my time and effort and dedication into it , my project ended up getting the highest grade than most of the other groups. ive been told i am a risk taker ,I do things others would consider to be rational or crazy. On a different project I worked on I chose to do the most challenging one , no one would take it because there was a lot of writing needed to be put in and a lot of researching and information needed to be discovered . I am not afraid of challenges I like them I like expanding my knowledge and going above and beyond ,showing others my potential . I am open minded when it comes to others and my ability to work well with others and communicate with them will blow your mind i am not afraid to talk in a crowd or present and i take joy in working with others and helping them out . I am very open minded when it comes to people and my education . although there might be some ideas we dont always agree on ,i accept it and respect there work ethic and give them my a hundred percent attention and try my best to understand them , and their point of view and where they are coming from . One time , there was this new kid at my school he was coming from Brazil . Know one would speak to him or make any interaction with him. so i took the liberty in talking to him and making him feel welcome into our school and letting him know he was not alone that he has a friend,that was me , after talking with him for awhile i then tried to understand and put myself in his shoes he was a scared boy coming to a new country for the first time with his mom and not being able to know the language and how different the lifestyles are from here and Brazil was very difficult for him and is family so i wanted to help . i made him feel better by taking some time and teaching him English now he speaks English fluently and he thanks me for all of done for him . this was one of the reasons why i love working with others and helping others out .although some people might say that i am a little too straight forward ,others will say that they appreciate my honesty , therefore i should be chosen to have this opportunity in taking this internship because i would be a great candidate for it and it would really mean a lot to me my goal in life is to be successful and get my family out of the projects and into a better lifestyle and this internship would be a step in the right direction . i promise you , you wont regret it .
Dear TEACHER_NAME I think that we don't need community service hours because, some students do well in school and they don't get to go to all the 8th grade fun activities that they have by the end of the school year. Like a lot of students do very well in school but they cant go to the fun activities or graduate from 8th grade because they don't have community service hours. If students have bad grades and they have a green sheet that you are failing 8th grade and they have to get 5 and up grades and they are showing progress then i think that its fair to let the students graduate from middle school even do they didn't do service hours. That's why i say that its fair too let the students graduate from middle school even do they didn't do service hours. i know that theirs a lot of students that haven't done the service hours and they are really worried that their parents may get mad at them for not graduating 8th grade. So that's why i' m saying that that's why we don't really need service hours.
Albert Einstein once said imagination is more important than knowledge. I have three reasons why I support his statement. My fist reason is if man haven't imagined light would Thomas Edison create the light bulb? Second, is because imagination gives hope. Hope for one day to cure cancer, hope to stop world hunger, hope to have world peace. Phones,laptops, microwaves,how do you think we got their? Its because people imagined things other people thought wasn't possible. Because they didn't have the knowledge about it. Lets take the light bulb for example. People in those days used candles,and believe me as a kid whose been in the country side, it's not the same. Thomas Edison imagined if he can create light, and he did it. Now his work led to lots of good every day things. Like tv, microwave, electronic toothbrush, laptops and so on. I had a friend,and her dad was sick. He had cancer and they couldn't afford the medicine. Her mom was a house wife,so she didn't have a job. If it was me in that scenario I would have gave up and accepted my dads fate. Unlike me my friend started working at McDonald. Getting paid 15 dollars an hour. She worked 4 hours on the week days and 6 hours on weekends. She made enough money to pay for her dads medicine and buy food for the house. Even tho she had to work, her grades where better than mine,and every time she felt down she starts imagining what she would do with her dad after after he gets better,and that gave her hope. Hope to work even harder. 2 month later it was time for her dads surgery,but she didn't have enough money for the surgery. Thats when the entire neighborhood decided to help her. After that her dad got his surgery and got better. Now she is in high school, working hard for for a scholarship. In conclusion,imagination is what makes us move forward. I don't know about you but I can't imagine life with out creativity, hope, and joy. Because thats what would happen if we didn't imagine the future
There are so many reason the student are need to be discarded with the prompt, "Some school offer distance learning as an option for student to attend classes from home by way online or video conference. They are need to be disagree, because the school offer different kind the program to the student will be success on life. The school can provide us too, some career to start doing and learning what they want to be in the future. The bond more important in this life is the school, because can show us find our real self. The school can provide to be success on life, and can prepare to get better education. The school provide us to be success on life on different way. The school is really good fundamental step, to teach us what the student want to be on the future and prepare for it. For example two year ago I meet a friend on Cuba who never went to school, he always been saying I dont want my expend my time on the school, when i can work and make really good money. For this moment is really good, because he dont has bill to pay, but after that he grow up. When he has to pay his own bill, and the money is not enough. So his Mon always been saying to him please Generic_Name go to the school, so one day he took the world to his Mon and for this he start to going to school again to the normal person. Generic_Name try to be success on the life and help his Mon what she need doing the right thing. So he never give up and he study hard to graduated. So he complete his goal and now he study doctor on the university, and making good money. This is a really good example to never give up and always need to follow our step no matter what. The school can prepare the student to get more education . Basically the student past more time on the school than the house, its considered to us to the second house. The teacher teach to us what is the basic thing to respect each other and the main thing prepare us to the career that the student want to get in the future. The education the school bring to us are really important to find our self and to build our goal. Therefore the school is one of the main thing that was invented, because for this way the student can study the career that they want it. The school and the education the school bring always was been considerate the more important step on our life to create our way in the life Some people may say to have home school is better because the teacher can explain to us most better. But they are wrong because the student can learn more doing the right on the school, can have more time with the teacher to do the homework etc. The school is really good please to find yourself making friend, playing sport. The student learn how to grow up with the person doing the right things. The always come to the school is a really good step to build the student future. Basically I talked about " Some school offer distance learning as an option for student to attend classes from home by way online or video conference. The student who come to school the teacher can prepare most better to the future. The school is a really good bonds to us to choose what we want to do. The education that school bring to are really good, because help us to success and grow up like a normal person. The school is always be really nice that the student never forget, because is there what the student decide to do in the future.
Certian school districts allow a program in high school in which students could graduate a year early. But do you think that it is a good idea to graduate in three years insted of four years? Well yes it's a good idea ,there is nothing wrong with gradutating in three years .Maybe he or she just wants to get over high school and start working .Or others just want to start a year early of college . Some students want to graduate early because they want to start working and making money. They just want to start making moeny and start buying the things they need .There is nothing bad with going into the work force a year early ,students may not like school and just decide to gradute in three years so they can go stright into work field,Everyother student has a diffrent mind set . High schoolers also would want to gradute early to start off with their college classes,colleges classes are hard and some students just want to finish and complet certian classes they want .Colleges give out alot of work and its hard ,and its not a bad idea to gradute a year early just to start off with your college classes .You get done with like three classes and college wont be as challenging and hard. Students just think ahead and take the option of only taking three years of high school ,and it pays off towrds the end. Other students take the three years because they dont like school and just want to get finished and complet with high schoool .Other students do it because some have to take care of their families or other students had a child and have to work for that child .Everyone has a diffrent mindset and they all think diffrently from one another. Taking three year of high school is helpful and good ,But taking 4 years is better because you get a better education and you can get scholorships from colleges .You can also finish you colleges classes in high school and you get more help ,taking four years in high school is helpful too . I've given you the best ideas on why its good to take three years of high school. It can help out to finish colleges classes sooner .It helps getting into the work foce earlier . Provides money and you can help your family out .We all have diffrent mind sets and think diffrently, but choose whats best for you ,think about your future and think what is the best for you , and i wish you the best of luck in life .
Choosing me to visit your business, will help me be a better cooker. Since, it will allow me to prepare for my future. Also, it will help me learn more about cooking. Finally, your business will inspire me to accomplish my goal. Despite this valid reasons. Some people argue that it's not important for me to visit your business, because it's a waste of time. However, if I don't prepare my self for the future, I would not know what I am going to go through. Ultimately, going to your business is a great opportunity for me to get prepared, to improve my learning, and to feel inspired. First, in order to become a cooker, it is important to be prepared for all the circumstances that the work contains. Also, it gives knowledge about what we are confronting. Case in point, having the opportunity to visit you business, will allow me to prepare for when it is my turn to be in the the kitchen. Furthermore, in the future I will have a better understanding of what cookers have to go through. Clearly, being prepared would help me in the future, and will improve my way of learning. Additionally, it will also help me learn more about how to become a professional cooker and will improve my abilities in the kitchen, by learning other peoples way of cooking. For example, exploring your business, will allow me to observe and learn, the skills that some employees apply to their work. As a result, learning new techniques will improve my way of cooking. Obviously, learning develops my abilities and inspires me towards my goal. Lastly, visiting your business can implement my decision of becoming a great cooker. It is important to have inspiration on what we want to accomplish. In particular, observing the passion that each cooker applies to their work, will inspire me to continue with my goal of becoming a professional cooker. Therefore, it's important to be inspired by people who are good at their work. Plainly, inspiration, is a key motivation for the future. Some people say that it's not important for me to visit your business, because it's a waste of time. This idea is inaccurate. For instance, if I don't visit your company I would not have the opportunity to prepare my self for the future. Also, I will not have any idea of what I'm going to go through. Moreover, choosing me to go and visit your business, will allow me to be prepared. Undoubtedly, going to your business will help me in different ways. To conclude, visiting your business will be helpful for my future. It will give me the opportunity to prepare my self. I will be able to learn and improve my abilities of cooking. Moreover, it will motivate me to reach my goals. Although, some people say that it's not important to be prepared for the future; since, it takes away time. Furthermore, it is important for me to be prepared. Therefore, attending your business will help me improve, learn, and inspire me to reach my goal.
Dear Mr. Principal, My name is STUDENT_NAME. I think you should make the community service an elective for the 8 grade students you can give them a high school credit and for the 7th grade you can just give them a good grade. Other thing that you can do is to tell the people that want to help to came in the afternoon then tell them to tell their friends to came that you will give them an extra grade. You can make an enouncement with their parents telling the parents about the community service I know that the parents will tell them to do it because hey can make every thing they want in the week end. You can send a letter but not giving it to the students send an email or something like that but never give ti to the student because they will trough it in the trash. You can make a field trip to an elementary school or to a hospital and you can help the people first then tell them too. For the students that wants to be a teacher they will be happy if you take them to an elementary school and for the students that want to be a doctor they will be happy helping in the hospital. There are too much different way to tell the to help the community. Other thing that you can do is to call a person that helps the community to give them an speech or something like that. Sincerely: STUDENT_NAME
Accomplish more or Inactivity Do you think that we accomplish more if we are always doing something, or dose inactivity also sever a purpose. I feel like that we do a lot if we are always doing something and not inactivity. while some may argue if inactivity have a purpose in this I think not, I believe that we can do a lot and accomplish more if we are always doing something because you might want different options from different people, two or more people work better then just one, and you don't have to worry about doing all the work on your self and be worrying about finishing it on time. Firstly, do you think having different options or opinion would help you accomplish more things? In my own opinion I think having a different opinion and opinion is better why, because someone else way might be better or faster to finish on whatever you are working on secondly, always having a second person while wanting to accomplishing something is better. why because one person might think differently then the other. Like if you worked with someone that was form a different country or state and they did the opposite of what you where doing but it was much faster you would like to learn how they do on whatever they did to finish faster. work could be faster and earlier accomplished by doing it and working it out. Lastly, accomplishing on whatever you may be working on may help you and the person that you will be working with. I think with accomplishing work you could discover something new or something you didn't know about, and might be good that you would like to share it with you priers and other important people around your area. In contrast, some people believe that that not being inactivity would help you better you self and accomplish more but I think not. Why because, I believe we accomplish more if we are doing something and working on it because it might get you somewhere in life or better you future and help you in the long run. By sitting down and doing some of the work might not get you as far as the person that accomplish it and will be so much better then the person the accomplished some of the work. This is why I believe doing something and learn more will you more and accomplish more in the long run.
Doing More Work I think Thomas Jefferson quote he wrote "Determine never to be idle it is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing" is right. I think that we accomplish more if we getting the work done faster working hard, and getting more people to always to work on it. Getting the work done faster can help. if we are working all day faster and faster we might get tired but people could get more stuff done. If we are building a house and we work on it everyday but some people are just working slow as they can it can take them a year and two but if they were going to work and working faster and faster they could get more done and even get more house to work on. Some people might say that even if I'm working hard I still fail or just done accomplish of what I'm trying to get but if that happens to me I would work harder and faster so I don't fail and and I would accomplish what I'm trying to get. If you are working hard and always working you are going to get what your trying to accomplish. Working hard mean actually doesn't mean you have to wake up in the morning a go work all you have to do is when you go to work work hard and work all your effort. Some people say that I don't have to work hard to get what I want well in my point is if its a long time goal why not make it short term goal and work hard and hard. If its a short term goal finish it in a day if you believe yourself. Sometimes working alone can get boring and upsetting. I like to work with people that are happy and believe in there self, and they can get somewhere in there life. People like to work there friends that can distract them from what they are doing and they won't be able to focus on what they are doing. Even getting people to work can make everything easy and get the work done and get what you want to accomplish faster. Conclusion I think that getting the work done faster and working hard can mange what you do and can get more work and you can get what u want get what u accomplish by working hard and faster. If your always working and your giving you best effort your gonna get to what u want and more.
How can we judge a person without know that person? In the world there is many people different races,different social levels but everyone on this society is the same. The people can be really nice if you take the time to know them. When a person take enough time to know you and try to make a god relationship with you it would change what he or she thinks about you it can change his perspective about you, Some societies judge you because dont Know what kind of people you are and that is because those society dont take the time to look your personality they look at your society conditions and that is bad because it doesnt describe you. In addition if a person is at the lowest point of the society we dont have to judge how munch money they have we got to analyze his personality. An example of this is like when somebody get into a store and that person is not wearing clean and good stuffs we dont have to say that person is a drug addicted maybe that person came from his work to buy something for wife that is something that we got to think. The society can not classify anybody or generalize . All the people has different kinds of mind some people say that the poor people is not educated that they are animals just because they heard something bad about them. That is wrong because all the people is not the same as god people is on this world, bad people is too maybe because somebody did a bad action all that kind of his people is bad too everyone is responsible by his own actions. An example of this is like when a Mexican make a mistake doesnt mean that all the Mexicans are bad, that action says that he was bad but not everyone was bad. Another big example is Generic_School in this school there is many Hispanic people as i, just because a person did something bad doesnt mean that all the Hispanic people does that too. If we help we can change a bad perspective about a person. All the people always got his own problems, some people is going throw bad moment, because we are humans we are not machines that make everything perfect. an example is like when somebody had a bad day and you see that person by the first time in your life then that person do something wrong we can not say that person is a dumb just because he made a mistake we can not say that about somebody else, we can help that person talk with that person and provide our to the person who need it that will help to change our perspective and success as a person. All the people has to have a second chance. The society that we are is a society comprehensive where you as person can make everything possible, you give a second impression about yourself even if you did a person that gave a bad first impressions. An example of this is when a person go out from the jail(everybody says that the people that come from the jail gonna be bad but i don think so,maybe that person went to the jail because he made a big mistake thats bad yes)and that person try to fix his life and try to make himself a god person for the society i as person would give a second chance to that person to show me that he changed a wanna success on his life, that would be really nice. Conclusion: Everyone can change his first impressions of a person giving a opportunity to show that he is a god person even if he did a mistake he would be god for the society.
Success comes from failure and failure occurs when something doesn't happen. As I think and based on my experience I am agree with the statement of Ralph Waldo Emerson, because when someone don't do anything they will never get to the success and can't achieve any skills, so its important to mastered and have skills in your life. everyone should have skills in more than one because life is hard and without trying more it will become more harder. As Emerson says: "you will never grow" it means that no succeed is possible without skills in different things. If someone doesn't know anything without their profession in daily life, what do you think will it be easy for him to live like that? Off course not, because life need everything and we will face hardships too and for being successful in our life we have to know everything and try everything beside that we have mastered. For example: someone has skills in engineering but they don't get any job and he want to start his personal business in which he doesn't have any skills, we know that it will be difficult for him to start because he doesn't know anything about business, so if he try and make a way for his business then he will get skills. Our skills in more then one profession make us famous and shows our personality to other people and makes us more responsible in our life. Getting mastered in more then one will make you famous and successful. Life does not remain in one situation and life is going to change in every second. Also humans are not same as well because everyone is getting older day by day so who knows what will happen next without Allah. For example: Everyone of us need to do different tasks and get our skills but beside that our life also need skills for our future generation and it is very important for every human being to have skills in their life because they have to show the right and wrong ways to their children. If you are a skillful person then everyone will want to meet you because everyone need to know from the person who is mastered and you will become famous and fame is the way to success and without trying noting success is way too much hard. Knowledge doesn't ends because it's like a sea and sea doesn't stop. All of human beings needs to learn and they must learn. knowledge is not just a book and a school that we do in daily life. For example: We can't achieve more skills from our books but we can be mastered if we try different from the book and try something new. If we just try and learn from our books then it will be too much harder to achieve everything's skills from reading book beside reading we have to work and search for it and again trying is best option for success and growth. We know that knowledge is more important then everything else but also without skill even knowledge is nothing. If we don't have skills then we don't know how to use our knowledge and our skills comes from doing different tasks and without trying something different success is hard and growth of mind is impossible. I am agree with Emerson and what does he says is based on his experience and if we think of those things then we can find the right answer. As I mentioned life is hard and our life need more skills to go further and getting mastered in more then one profession will make us famous and successful in our further life and being famous and successful needs more hard work to try different from what we already know. Work hard, be active and don't fear because time doesn't wait and our growth of mind and success comes from try different and hard in our life.
I would say, i would agree with what albert eistein said. It is good that imagination is more important than knowledge because there are so many ways of using it in real life. For starters, it can help you achieve something or somewhere in his or hers life. Because, they or you can use your imagination to invent something that can benifit the world or daily sociaty problems. It also might have you even more suited for more major important jobs nowadays. For example, a doctor, a sergin, a engenire, and much more. In addition, it is also veritile on doing it in many other ways. It can't just specificly just of types of sicence studies. It can also be for political or finnetial studies, it can be about mathimatical studies, or about creative writing and jornalism. Politican wise, it can help you to become a lawyer or a judge. Mathmatic wise can get you still to become a sientist or math professor. And lastly, creative writing will help you as a jornalist, a author, a creative writer, or a activist. Furthermore, without your imagination, your future no might be as good as you planned. Because with out a good job, you technicaly can afford a good shelter, food, or water. Plus at this rate, you might not accomplish anything with a humble life. So that why you need to work hard with your knowledge and imagination in order to have the life that your planning. Because if you don't do so that you might as well call your future doomed. And finally to sum it all up, your immagination is a important key in your life that can even benifit your life or someone else life. Will you ever consider using your imagination when it comes to knowledge in your life in the future? We hope so, because there are veritile reasons and ways that your knowlage and imaginations great.
The use of technology has had a negative effect on people's lives, because they tempt to take the use of technology as a fundumental part of their life. They get so attached that they miss beautiful moments, people or opportunities, life is full of extraordinary places and people to share life with but why make all that dissapear just to be on a phone or any other technological device. Technology can be consider a threat for families. Why would it be consider a threat? Well, let's say you and your family are going to Generic_City, you go to the best hotel an as soon as you get there your wife, your children or even you go on their phones immediately without wanting to do or go anywhere. There could also be another example with that, a family reserves a table on the best expensive restaurant in Generic_City and as soon as the family sits down they all go on their phones, even the parents gave that example instead of them wanting to have a nice family dinner. Families lose the connection due to cell phones because just like that family had a date with their phones and not with their own family the connection starts to decrease and after all that it'll be hard to have that open conncetion with your family. That's consider a threat because you're letting the use of technology define how your family will be or do things in there lives. It could also be a positive effect because and not all families struggle with the addiction to technology, people such as; doctors, judges, lawyers, businessman, etc... They have a job and the best way to keep in contact with people that need of them, they have to always be using their cell phones or computers to be in touch with them no matter where or what they are doing. But that shouldn't be any excuse not to have a family time, family comes over everything, you can't miss moments with your family or else you'll regret it in the future you'll just remember being on the phone that entire time. Don't let technology control you or your family. Love could also vanish do to the lack of commitment with your phone. Relationships now a days are very different from back then, they don't get to be more romantic well they could but maybe through texting. The love they had for each other could easily be broken do to social media, either the guy or the girl could possibly find someone else and cheating happenes, I know that does not the whole reason why but it does affect you in a way. Let's talk about Khloe Kardashian, she being a famous women had to receive the bad news of her baby dad cheating on her moments before she gave birth. In some cases couples don't get to enjoy their date because one of them is in there phone. I've seen that breaking up through text is the biggest excuse for a men or woman, if social media didn't work like it does now there woulndn't be a lot of cheatings. Social media could also be used for good, if you are in a long distance relationship you have the opportunity to talk to your significant other across the world and also because you get to know someone you might marry in the future. But is still bad, social media causes a lot of things to happen such as suicide or having eating disorders or even bulling. Technology has a negative effect on most kids in elementary, middle or high school. Back then you woulnd't see little kids having the latest phone, because the new generation that is coming is more open minded about how "society" works. There might be things I don't even know and yet you ask a seven year old kid and they know it already, Society has changed a lot from when I was a little girl to how kids are now. KIds are mostly connected on their phone most of them just want to stay home and play Fortnite, not only kids play that all grown ups which makes them looks so childish in my opinion, while before they would really want to go outside to play any sports they could. Little kids having phones at there early age makes them have bad grades in school because there main focus is texting, videos, or video games which don't take them anywhere. The percentage of students having good grades has decreease in a way that surprises you. how many times you see little babies asking for their paretns phone and what do parents do, they give them there phone because they can't control their children what will make them obey is technology. In some way it could be good because they get the chance to have more opportunities in school wise, like having computers in our home helps get your grade up if you use it wisely, some parents don't have the money to buy their kid a computer while schools does provide some don't take a good opportunity. Just look at how children are attached to there phones. Focusing in school will give you so much opportunities that will take you on a greater point in your life and I feel like that is what we need to make all of them understand. In conclusion, Is good to have technology but don't use it to hurt people which will take them to commit suicide or having eating disorders. Cherish every moment you get to have with your loved ones don't let technology control who you are or who you can be. People don't have the same human contact anymore because they are more worried that they'll get a text that they need to respond as soon as possible. Live every moment to the fullest you never kknow what could happen in ten minutes or the next day.
I believe that working with a group is better than working independently. I say that because work gets done faster with more people than just one person. Also More ideas would be brought up because other people in your group have different experiences. Another reason is People can get different parts in the work so it doesnt all depend on one person to do everything. My first reason why working with a group is better than working independently, because work gets done faster and is easier with more then one person. For example lets say i have a group project with 3 other people, I would split it into 4 different parts so one person doesnt have to do the whole project by him/herself. Another example is if you get stuck on some part while your working, your group can help you do it instead of asking other people that are not even doing the same thing as you. Also its easier because lets say Ur sick and you cant get your work finished, your group mates can most likely finish it for you so you wont get stressed out. My second reason why working with a group is better than working independently is you get different ideas and experiences from different people. For example if you had a essay about living in England, theres a good chance one of your group mates knows something about it or has experienced it by living in England. Another example is everybody thinks differently, so another person might have a idea that you never thought of or it could be the other way around. Also when you have more then one brain working on the same work then ideas keep coming up from each other like its a chain of some sort and you wont get stuck on anything. My final reason about why working with a group is better than working alone is your future. If you only work independently that means you arent really cooperative with other people or have much experience talking to others, which could effect what sort of job you get in the future. For example if you get a job as a PC support you have to talk to other people and ask whats going on with Ur device, which means cooperating with some random people and you need skills for that. Also if your a construction worker you need to work together to build a structure of some sort, so you would need communication skills for that therefore you really cant improve that if you work independently all the time. Some people might say working independently is better than working with a group while others might disagree because work gets done faster with more people, everybody has a different experience and knowledge about stuff and its better for Ur future because you have to cooperate with other people and you need skills to do that.
I have a friend who is special to me and I can trust her whenever I have a problem or situation. This friend I have is really nice, a hard worker, and always helps me with school things a lot. Sometimes when I struggle she is always there and knows when i'm trying to hide my problems away from them. I met this friend in fifth grade my friendship with my friend is really special. Now, I know what their personality is like, and when it comes stressful, wonderful, sad, special, and other moments in their life I can always find a way to make them feel better. I can always count on them because they know how to always work things out, they can also be very fun and silly at the same time which is great. We can always study together, play games, and do a lot of fun activities. We always joke around about a topic and create silly ideas to make it funny and entertaining to make more jokes. We were really happy to be with each other even though we had to know each other more. I only met them in fifth grade but we became really close in seventh grade. When we entered in seventh grade they didn't have any of their friends in any of their classes, I was, but in only one. This only class they had me with them was the class we had every day to see each other in. They didn't know anyone besides me because we had already met but they didn't know anyone. They were really shy back then but I helped them to make more and new friends besides the ones they already had and me because I was in only one of their classes but not in the others. Then they made new friends in other classes which they are still friends with other people, they introduced me to their new friends and they were really nice and I was really happy for them being friends with new people. We both know that their a really hard worker, they could also be trusted and a special friend. Now, when it comes to us being older we might fade away from each other as time goes by, no one knows when one of us will change or leave but, if we get separated and change I will know it's them only by looking into their heart no matter how much they change I will find them again because once a best friend always a best friend.
I agree having a positive attitude is the key to success in life. To have a positive attitude is hard because imagine waking up everyone morning with a positive attitude is hard. Because in this world that we are living you will not go a week without somebody having to mess your day up. Having a positive attitude, can sometimes be hard for some people it depends on how that day begins in how it ends. Life has a lot of choices and a lot of path you have the make you own choice im make your path with a negative attitude you can never accomplish anything. If you don't know how to treat people; you don't know how to act than you won't get anything possitive out of that. At rhis point of time your attitude is everything you attitude well who you really are base on how you act, how you carried yourself, that will tell who you truly is.
Our world if full of a lot different people from around the world. And we all have different goals and diffrent ways to see our life. Thoma Jefferson wrote "Determinenever to be idle..it is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." as I read this quotes I strongly believe that we acomplished more if we are always doing something. if everyone would think the same way we all can reach beyond more. Students now days they don't have a lot of goals or motivation in life .And if we determine ourself to keep going; we will succeed in life. Attending collegue or always being involve in daily activity such a yoga clases, painting or being involve in afterschool programs. It will determine us not to be worthless. First of all,as we finish HIgh school we all should attend college . And keep our education going beacuse the more knowledge we get the smater we are. I personaly feel that i acomplished more when I focused on reaching my goals. As a prepare myself to graduate this year from High School. Im looking forward to go to colllege to study Early childhood. Attending college is going to be one of my biggest dream. And looking foward to become a professor. The key to sucess is to work hard. Sencondly, being involve in daily activities give people joy and feel motivate. Some people loves helping in after programs or during school. As we get involve in this activies; we acomplish a lot by helping people that they need and also it helps us humas to be better for our community. My sister helps an afterschool program that helps the little kids to do their homework and some crafting project . She shares with me that working on this gives her gratitude and is helping her on the career that she is studying. Persuing this goals brings us pleasure because we are helping others. At the end, the sociey we live in today, we all think and act differently but, if we all implement the quote the Thomas jefferson wrote; we will be living a a complety different planet. It is admirable how much it will be done if we are always doing something. We don't see how much this changes impact our daily life until we impliment them. I feel that attending to college while working is a great choice because it can help persue peoples dream and accomplish more in life.
There is a debate today day about whether the students should study from home or school. Many people agree that the appropriate way to study is going personal to the school. My idea is that they are well understanding when the students go to the school because they have mutiple attention. Here are some reasons why many students master a course in school rather than online courses. First they can ask questions at any time, second improvement on learning new topics, and last friends support in group work. First, many teenagers who take online courses still have questions or guesses on their answers. Here some reasons why many on the students does not master some courses. The classes related with Math, Chemistry, and History are the complicated for most learners. Those who are assisted by a teacher are the ones with the chance of clarify any problem related with numerical or logic problem; also the teenagers can make corrections in their work by asking for solutions. While the students with online courses are involved with more guesses, but the course program does not provide clear answer or does not provide an answer. Second, the improvements in schools classes vary depending the faculty member you are with. Online games made by the teachers related with the actual topic makes the topic easy by practicing in the game, also entertain them at the same time keeping their minds relaxed and widely open to process more information within the game. Other teachers prefer individual activities with certain amount of exercises provided in previous classes. Those improvements help to find new ways to solve a problem, hints, and interpretation of the problems. The online courses does not provide incentives for students allowing them to decrease the interest in the process. Finally, friends. They provide self confidence by asking an unclear problem and having different points of view at the same time. The opinions provided for the people you know encourage them to keep it up; there's some times the teacher explanations does not clarify at all and your group provides detailed explanations of a process. The efficiency in the group is enforced by dividing the labor and finishing soon; them the work can be shared with the people at the table, explaining how the process was made, and at the same time they can make corrections in what the other person have done. Different than the online practice made by the person self can take weight longer to get an specific difficulty. Those are the reasons why many people prefer the schools rather than house. The help in questions by the teachers, improvement in learning in different ways, and the support of people you know and you feel confident with. Those reasons allow students to be better at something they aren't with the help of someone that knows more about the course. This people that provide assistance is a boost to keep track in school related.
Do you agree or disagree with extending the school day. I disagree with extending the school day. The 3 reasons why i disagree with extending the school day is that the students will get home late,the school will need to spend more money on students,and the students will get more tired. First of all,the students will get home late. The students won't have have time to do after school sports nor activities. The kids will not have time to do homework nor study. The students won't have time to do fun things on their own time. Additionally,the school will need to spend more money on students. The state will need to raise taxes for the schools. The school will need to spend more money on bills for utility. The schools will need to spend more money on supplies and food for kids. Finally,the students will be more exhausted. The students will be exhausted because they will need to do work for extra hours. Students who do after school sports or activities will not get enough sleep because they will be getting home late. The students will get home past there bed time and they have to eat dinner. In conclusion,the three reasons why is disagree with extending the school day is that students will get home late,the school will need to spend more money on students,and students will be more tired.